THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF HORACE W. CARPENTIER Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation -.^ DICTIONARY or TBI HOK-KEEN DIALECT OF TUB CHINESE LANGUAGE. ACCORDING TO THE READING AND COLLOQUIAL IDIOMS: CO/fTAimmi ABOUT 19,000 CnAUJCTBBS, laiS SODHOl Alio TOMB* O* WBICB «•• ACCURATBLY MABKBD.t— *«0 VABIOUf BXAMFLBS Or TaBlft OiB, TAKEN GENERALLY FROM APPROVED CHINESE AUTHORS. ACCOMPANIED BY A SHORT HISTORICAL AND STATISTICAL ACCOUNT OF HOK-KEEN; A XBBATIU OH IBB OBTBOCBAFUy OT THE UOB-KBBB DIALECT t TUC MBCBtUaV fMOEXCI, SC. BERK ELEY GENER/^L LIBRARY UN.vftsnY Of CALIFORNIA BY W H MEDHURST, B A T A V I A. MACAO, CHINA: PRINTED AT THE HONORABLE EAST INDIA COMPANY'S PRESS, ay a. j. stbtb aho aKOTHen. 1832. ffSo M.. % ^ ./ a^ TO THE COURT OF DIRECTORS ar TH« HONORABLE EAST INDIA COMPANY, A*0 TO TBI SELECT COMMITTEE FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THEIR AFFAIRS IN CHINA, UNDER WHOSE PATRONAGE, AND BY WHOSE LIBERALITY, THE FOLLOWING WORK IS PRINTED. IT IS NOW MOST RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, BY THEIR MUCH OBLIGED, AND OBEDIENT HUMBLE SERVANT, BATAVIA, THE AUTHOR JOLV S9th. 1831. J.VJA'i'LU ADVERTISEMENT In the absence of the author of this Dictionary, a note explanatory of the delay in its publication seems necessary. The printing of it was commenced at the press of the Hon. E. I. Company in 1831, and continued with some inter- ruptions until their charter expired in April, 1834, when the work stopped at the 320th page. It remained untouched until December, 1835, when Mr. Medhurst, being in China, circulated a subscription paper to procure funds to complete the printing, and obtained upwards of one hundred names. Messrs. Olyphant & Co. of Canton advanced the necessary funds on the guaranty of this subscription, and the printing was immediately resumed, the Company having loaned the use of their font of Chinese types for the purpose. It is probable that the student will discover some errors in the work^ but at present, a full table of errata cannot be made out. The following, however, have been noticed, Page 16, for Page 48, for^ Page 87, for fg Page 95, for ^ Page 127, for ^ Page 144, for ■j^ Page 221, for fjj^ Page 241, for j|^ Page 252, for ^ Page 266, for ^ Page 274, for jg Page 276, for ^ Beiou, read If. Chaou, read t- Ch^y, read ^• CA'Ao/, read 'i^. Ch'h6ng,read ^■ Choi, read W' Heem, read ^■ IIo5, read ^• Hfing, read a- Hvran, read 5l- Hwftn, read ^• Hwut, read m. Page 328, for ^t Page 332, for Page 351, for Page 354, for Page 357, for Page 388, for ^ Page 436, for ^ Page 541, for Page 542, for Page 577, for "^ Page 6ll, for Jfi Page 675, for ^ Keeo, also read ^ read Keet, ^. K'hak, read W K'hadu, read K'he, read K'hwuy,/ead ^ Le, cranspose Xg P'hwat, read ^ PJn, read ^ Sedng, read ^ Soe, read 1^ Tht^a, read vf>H{ ^ ^2^^ Some errors in marking the tones, and in distinguishing the reading sounds from the colloquial, may also be found ; but when the circumstances attending the printing of the work are considered, it is hoped these imperfections will not be severely criticised, S, Wells Wih,iams. Macao, Jtttie 1, 1837, PREFACE. AFTER the numerous and elaborate works on Chinese Philology already before the Public, the presentation of a new one would seem almost to need an apology, were it not that the object of the present Dictionary is not so much to elucidate the Chinese language generally, as that of one of its dialects, in particu- lar. Previous efforts have been confined to the Mandarin or Court dialect, with the exception of a Canton Vocabulary published in 1828, and (so far as the Author's in- formation extends) nothing has yet been done to elucidate the Hok-keen or Emoey tongue. The Mandarin tongue is partially understood throughout the whole Empire, by the better informed part of the inhabitants, and, in some central districts, it is said to be the current language of the people, but, in the southern provinces, the vulgar dialects differ more or less from the Court language, and in Hok-keen, where the dif- ference is most marked, the cultivation of the Mandarin tongue is less general. The author, having never visited China, has had little opportunity of conversing with the higher ranks of the Chinese, but from a constant intercourse with the middling and lower classes who emigrate to the Eastern Islands, his uniform experience for the last fourteen years has been, that not one man in five hundred knows any thing of the Man- darin tongue, or can carry on a conversation of more than ten words in it. In Hok- keen, a doctor, a fortune-teller, a stage-player, or a police officer may sometimes be VI met with, who hflivmg travelled into other provinces, or been employed about Govern- ment offices, will perhaps be able to converse a little in the Court dialect ; but, in most cases, the people are totally unacquainted with it, and never think of studying it till, having succeeded at the literary examinations, and got a prospect of preferment or employment, they go to a regular school for the study of the Mandarin, and acquire it almost as they would a new language. Indeed, instances have been known of literary graduates of considerable standing giving up the prospect of Government situa- tions, rather than take the trouble of studying the Oourt dialect. Not only does the Mandarin tongue differ from the vulgar idioms, but these provincial dialects differ considerably from each other, so that an inhabitant of Hok- keen will not be able to understand a native of Canton, — and the author has frequently had occasion to interpret for two Chinese from adjoining provinces, who could not understand each other. Even in the same province, the difference of dialect is some- times so great, that people divided by a mountain, a river, or twenty miles of country^ are by no means intelligible to each other. In the ten counties of Hok-keen, there are certainly as many different dialects, and if the same obtains throughout every onB of the eighteen provinces of China, the different dialects in that Empire will be neatly two hundred. - ! :f:oft->i(' . ... . '.^: person, whd^ Qontemplates learning the Chinese language, without much pros- pect pjf verbal : intercourse with the people, or who will be generally conversant with the. higl^r , clashes and Government officers, throughout all the Provinces, would certainly do well to study the Mandarin dialect; — but he whose intercourse will probably be confined to one district, and who will have to do with the great mass of the people residing in it, would do better to study the vulgar dialect of that particular place. The author, on commencing the study of Chinese, attended solely to the Man- darin, but, finding that it was not understood by the mass of emigrants in the Malayan archipelago, he turned his attention, in the year 1818, to the Hok-keen dialect. In 1820, a small Vocabulary was drawn up, and a few sheets of it printed at Malacca ; in 1823, this work was enlarged, and sent to Singapore, to be printed under the patronage of the Singapore Institution, the Committee of which offered to publish it at their own expence. The affairs of that Institution, however, not having prospered, the Manuscript lay untouched for several years, was since sent to Malacca and Penang, and, in the year 1829, came back untouched into the author's hands. Considerable advancement having in the mean time been made in the knowledge of the language, and the Select Gotnnaittee for managing the affairs of the Honorable East India Company, in China, having gen:eroti8ly offered to bring the work through the press, the author undertook to re- compose it entirely, to enlarge it by the addition of several thousand characters, and to illustrate the meaning of each principal word by a quotation from some respectable C^hipe?^ ,?itflAos„, ,.,.„„ ■ ' ^he presenivvork is founded on a native Dictionary of the Hok-keen dialect, published in the year 1818, called the "f" 3l "^ Sip gnoe yim, or "fifteen sounds," which contains both the Reading and Colloquial idiom, with the sounds and tones very accurately defined. The inhabitants of Hok-keen have a method of expressing themselves in common conversation, very different from the style in which their books are written ; and this variation appears, not only in the substitution of more easy and familiar words for the abstruse and difficult terms used in books, but also in the inflection and altera- tion of even common words, giving them sometimes a nasal or contracted termination, and sometimes completely changing their sound and tone. This has given rise to the distinction between the Reading and Colloquial forms of speech, which, in the native Dictionaries, are distinguished, by having the former printed in red, and the latter in black ink; while the same is attempted to be marked in the following work, by putting the Colloquial in italics, and printing the Reading idiom in roman letters. The Chinese have a method of spelling their words, by dividing them into initials and finals, and taking the initial of one word and the final of another, they form a third by the conjunction. In the native Dictionary above alluded to, fifteen initials (hence the name) and fifty finals are employed, to express all the possible variations in sound, of which the Hok-keen dialect is capable. These initials and finals are hereafter described, and attempted to be expressed in European letters ; the system of orthography which has been adopted to elucidate these sounds may not possibly be the best, and no doubt they would be differently expressed by others ; but whatever may be the faults or deficiencies of his system, the author flatters himself that it is uniform, ^d that any given word will be found to bear the same orthography throughout the work. Walker's and Sheridan's pronouncing Dictionaries have been consulted, but it was found impossible to adopt their systems in every instance, as the Hok-keen dialect contains sounds, which neither of those orthoepists had ever occasion to illustrate. The nasals, in particular, can be accurately expressed by no possible system of European orthography, and if twenty people had to define them, they would no doubt write them in as many different ways; the author has therefore adopted that mode of spelling which appeared via to him the best, following, in most instances, the orthography of Dr. Morrison, in his Dictionary of the Mandarin tongue, where the sounds at all resembled each other ;^ and having once adopted it, he has found it necessary to adhere to the same through- out the work, in order to prevent mistakes and confusion. In addition to the sounds formed by the junction of the fifteen initials and fifty finals, the inhabitants of Hok-keen have a method of multiplying their few monosyllables^ by the application of various tones, which, while the word retains the same form of spelling, produce an alteration of the intonation, by a variation of the accent. Respect- ing these tones of the Chinese language, some difference of opinion has obtained, and while some have considered them of the first importance, others have paid them little or no attention. The author inclines decidedly to the former opinion ; having found, from uniform experience, that without strict attention to the tones, it is impossible for a person to make himself understood in Hok-keen. Chinese children, as soon as they begin to speak, learn the tones, as speedily as they do the sounds themselves, and the poorest people invariably observe the minutest regard to the tones; so that the author has never heard a real native of Hok-keen make the slightest mistake in the tones, even in the hurried conversation of common life. Indeed a Chinese is more likely to make a mistake in the orthography than in the accent of a word, and when charged with pronouncing tiiem instead of leem, will defend himself, by saying that, at any rate the words are in the same tone, and therefore there cannot be much difference between them. A horse in Hok-keen is 6ay, in the upper tone, with an acute accent, but the Chinese, in speaking of a horse, would as soon think of changing the orthogra- phy into bang, as of altering the accent into bdi/, which is in the lower even tone, with a circumflex over it. In the native Dictionary which is made the basis of the present work, the to'ies are most particnlarly defined, and the arrangement of each section is more according to the tone than the orthography ; for instance, the first section contains all the words of the even tone, under a certain final, as connected with the different initials, and not a single upper tone is brought forward, till all the even tones of that final are given ; the second section then contains all the words under the upper tone of the same final, and so on; so that h-wun in the even tone Avill be found under one section, and kwi'iti, in the upper tone under another. This arrangement, in which the accent is regarded more than the spelling, is peculiar to the Chinese, and shews what great stress they lay on a difference of tone, even more so than on a difference of orthography. In the following paii of tli© ''Compiler,' land'tO; adduce' ungrammatical or un-idiomatical sentences in elucidationv ' would be to l^ad the mind astray, and to retard instead of promote the progress of the student. Shoujd the author be spared to compose tlic Second Part pf this Dictionary^ viz. the English and Chinese, it is his intention to adduce, under each important , word,, a phrase, fropi. author, and to give (''6 sense of it in Chinese^ by wliich means the , stjide'nt will be enabled to judge of the familiar way of writing und speaking Chinese^, aujdi|9Jf,the method of rendering English composition into it. , j).,i ,ri,ij -■ i,];d j . dh For the short historical and statistical account of Hok-keeii, the aiuthor is indebted to Chinese histories and geographical works, to Malte Bruh's Universal Geography, aud to an account of the Dutch embassy to Hok-keen in the seventeenth century. These productions are most of them old, yet, as China remains long stationary, the present state of the province differs perhaps little from what it was formerly. In estimating the population of Hok-keen, a different opinion is hazarded from what Dr. Morrison has given, in his View of China for Philological Purposes : it is however proposed with diffidence, and not without being substantiated by two independant authorities. Hok-keen contains ten counties, of which only one, viz. j!^ ^'l'| Cheang chew, riear the port of Emiiey, is the identical spot where the dialect illustrated in this Dictionary is spoken in its purity; in the adjoining county to the east, viz. -^ >)\\ Chwan chew, the dialect differs very little; and in the neighbouring county on the opposite side, viz. '/^ ^Tl Teaou chew, in the province of Canton, the dialect differs a little more, but still the inhabitants of each district are mutually intelligible to each other. Of the dialects of the northern counties, of vT i^fl T'beng chew, and ij^ -|- Yeen peng, as well as of the north-eastern counties of pl 'fl^ Hin hwa, and fi'^ti 'J\\ Hok.c^ew^ the author is; unable to speak vyith any degree «f decision. ..,;il,fm„i-,} „f .,d«f..: ■ For any typo2,raphical errors, which may creep in. during the ^xciition of the work, the. jiuthor: hopes for the i indulgence ;'«)f the public, as, the work' being printed at the distance of nearly two thousand, miles from, his place of abod^, it is impossible for him to correct the sheets as they are put to press, or to mark out any errors which might have iiladvertehtly dropped from his pen in the composition; To the Rev. Dn Morrison and his son, who have kindly undertaken the revision ' of the proofs, the- author' would express his unfeigned obligations, and his earnest hopes that they mafy succeed; in Uie difficult task of reading and comparing the very minute distinctions, of ac^ceM as' Well' as sound. XI which the author has found it necessary to employ in the work, and that they may send it forth to the public^ as correct as his best wishes could desire. To the Directors of the Honorable East India Company, and to the Gentlemen of the Select 'Committee for the management of their affairs in China, the author acknow- ledges himself as under great and manifold obligations, for their kind notice and patro- nage of the work, and for their munificent liberality, in printing it, free uf expence, at their own press in China. May the present feeble undertaking be rendered eminently serviceable in the promotion of Chinese literature, and may students of the language, whether for civil or religious purposes, derive essential benefit therefrom ! and to that God who has granted iiealth for the undertaking, and ability to bring it to a conclusion, shall be all the glory. W. H. M. Batavia, July 29th. 1831. ll!!' XIU SHORT HISTORICAL AND STATISTICAL ACCOUNT PROVINCE OF HOK-KEEN. (COMPILED FROM EUROPEAN AND CHINESE AUTHORS:.). The PROVINCE of is ^ Hok-keen, Mmppy establishment,' lies in the S. E. quarter of tlu Empire of China. The latitude of its Capital, )|ig {ffj Hok-chew, 'happy region,' is 86° S' N. and its Longitude 1° SO' E. from Peking. The account given of it by Maltc Brun is as followsi " Fou-kien (or Hok-ke^n) is one of the smallest, yet richest, provinces of the Empire. Its situation " is favourable for fishing, navigation, and trade. The air is very warrn, but pure and healthy. The fields "are watered with an infinity of rivers, which come from the mountains, and which the labourers manage with "great dexterity, fur watering their, rice-ground». Black tea is the principal product. It also contains musk, " precious stones, iron, tin, and quicksilver mines; silk, hemp, and cotton are manufactured « steel is prepared, both ■'in the form of bars, and ready-made articles of hardware; and among the delicious and abundant fruits which it "produces, the oranges are remarkable for the flavour of muscat grapes which they possess. Fou-chew-fuu (Ilok- "chew-ho6), the capital of the province, is, above all, celebrated for its aituation, for the great trade which it pos- " scsset, for the multitude of its men of learning, fur the beauty of its rivers, which bear the great barks of China* 'ito its very walls, and, finally, for an admirable bridge, thrown over the gulf, consisting of a hundred arches, and "entirely built of a beautiful white utone. Ycn-peng-fou (Ye£n-peng-ho6), situated on the declivity of a mountain, " at the foot of which flows the river Min-bu, is not large, but it is considered as one of the handsomest towns in "the Empire. Tchang-chew-fou (Chcang-chew-ho6) is near the port of Emouy (Ay-modi^S), a great emporium of "trade, frequented by the Spaniards from Manilla." The Hok-keen province was formerly called the Bin Bg country: the following notices respecting it^ early history arc taken from ^^ |^ ^ /^ 40 Kong kiro c te, or "History of China." As early as the first year of ^ {(^ ^ Chtn-s6-h6ng, B. C. SIS, we find mention . mad(i of the Bflu country. The Empire being then divided into 36 districts, or BK Kwfln, to which were added four other- from the J®. Wat country, namely, Rfl rfl B&n-teung, or Hok-kiien ; ^ jffe Lftm-hae, or Canton ; J^4yt. Kwij-Jlm, Cochip China; and ^^ S3^ng-kwQn (perhaps Siam.) Xiv In the 30th year "f ]^ ^ ^ Han-bootey, B. C. 105, the people of ^ •^ Tong-wat slew T ^* Ong-fi-seen, and tendered their submission to the Government. In the precedini* year, ^P '^P ae Ong-6- seen had rebelled, and the Emperor sent his General [^ «S Y4ng-pok to subdue the country ; after which he transplanted the people to the region between the -Vj^ Kang and •Jtg HwaS rivers. The Emperor having con- sidered that the country of Bfl Bftn was full of dangerous defiles, and the people ever disposed to revolt, which' would be likely to occasion endless trouble to future agej, resolved on completely removing the inhabitants to another region, leaving their own country desolate. In the period of the ^ Tong dynasty, in the 12th year of ^ ^ Swan-chong, A. D. 849, the Emperor appointed -P' JC£ (^ E-Yeen-I6ng to be the ruler of [ffi" mA Kijen-chew. When Yefin-I6ng came in to return thanks for the appointment, his Majesty asked, how far Keen-chew was from the Capital? Eight thousand l£, was the reply. Upon which the Emperor said, " As soon as you come thither, whether yoijr government be good or bad, I shall be fully acquainted with it: do not say to yourself, it is far off, for ten, thousand U are as near to me as the steps of my throne. Do you know this?" In the 5th year of ^ ^ E-chong, A- P- .8^3, it is ^i^ th*t m»ny of »be »unuchs of the palace were natives of Hok-keen, and bad great influence at court. In the 4th year of ^ ^ He-chong-, A. D. 868, Hok-chew |g j|>j was taken by the rebel Hdng-chaou ^ M^ f fFj''S-cha6u ). In the 7th year of the same reign, A. D. 871, arose th« rebel ^ ^ Ong-si: he was a native of S MA Sew-chew, in the province of j^J^ ^ Kang-I&m, and by trade a butcher. Having collected a company of about 500 men, he seized upon the government of his native district; and about a month afterwards got possession of -tt* jN>j Kong-chew, when his adherents swelled to the number of 10,000. There was a magistrate of ffl Ifft Koe-s6 district, in the neighbourhood of -^ 'HJ Kong-chew, by the name "f 3£ J'Sl 0"g-'''36u, who, together with his younger brethren, 'M: hn Sim-te, and ^ iK Sim-kwuy, was alike distinguished for courage and spirit. S ^ Ong-se made this Hp ]M Ong-teaou his Lieutenant-General, and placed much confidence in him. In the Ulh year o{ ^ ^ He-chong, A. D. 875, ^ ^ Ong-se took possession of y";!* ij^^ Theng- chew and j^ Jllll Cheang-chew, both in the province of j|g ^ Hok-keen. About this time ^ 7^ ^ Chin- Chong.k wan, who had been appointed by the Emperor to be Governor of ^ j^^ Kong-chew, demanded the taxes due from that district ; and ^ ^ 6ng-se refusing to pay them, ^ ^ Chong-kwin was enraged, and marched an army to attack him. 6ng-s5, in his fright, collected the troops of both the ^ Sew and ^ Kong districts, about 5000 men, and crossing the river, seized upon the three districts of pQ Kang, j|fc Hong, and^ K'heen, and the same month took possession of the two districts of ^ T'heng and y^ ChiJang, but could not keep them long. In the autumn of the same year, ^ ^Ongse came to 'W ijU Cheang-chew, and because the road was dangerous and provisious scarce, gave orders throughout the army, that no one should be permitted to bring their old and faebie relatives along witb Ibem, on pain of death. But ^^ ^1 Ong-te&ou and his A brethren ventured ' to carry with them their aged mother. Ong-se reproved them, saying, " All armies have laws, and there are no armies without them; you have now disobeyed ray laws, and if T do not punish you, it will be the same as if we had no laws." Ong-te&ou and his brethren replied, "All men have mothers, and there are no men without them; how is it that your Excellency would have us to throw away our mother." Ongrse was enraged, and ordered them to behead the old woman ; but Ong-teftou and his brethren interfered, saying, "We must serve our mother, as much as our general; if yon kill the mother, what will be the use of the son* ? we beg therefore to die first. " The troops then interposed, and the matter was passed over. A certain furtuoe-teller told Ong-se, that there was in the army an individual, who would one day become a king; whereupon Ong-se put to death all tb<>se soldiers who appeared to have the least spark of bravery, or any disposition to assume command. This rendered the troops uneasy, and when they came as far an Lflm- an "^ itr (L6m-u'"a); in the district of ^ JjJ Chwan-chew, Ong-tiiaou directed the commander of the advanced guard to conceal some stout fellows among the bamboo bushes, in order to seize Ong-se, and binding him, expose him to public scorn. Upon this Ong-teAou was made general, and led his troops to the siege of ^ )|i|i| Chw4n-chew. In the 5th year of J0 .^ Cheaou-cbong, A. D. 883. ^ ]i|| Ong-tcSou took possession of ^ j>|>| Hok chew. About this time 1^ ^ Tin-gdra, the Governor of j|g ^^ Hok-keen, was sick, and summoned i Wi 0"R'*'*""' "^'-" '"^" "^ M ^j'l Chwan-chew, in order to deliver over to him the command of the district, but died before his arrival. His Lieutenant, ^ R^ Hwan-hwOy, immediately appointed himself to succeed, and sent out troops to oppose Ong-tedou, but upon Ong-teftou'« attacking Sg Mi Hok-chew, tlwan- hwQy gave up the city and fled: Ong-teadu then lucceeded to the Government. In the winter of the same year, bng-teadu was regularly invested, by the Emperor, with the dignity of Governor of |§ "^ Hok-k£en province » from which period is dated the elevation of his family to independent tway in that part of China. In the 9th year of J^ ^ Chi-aou-chong, A. D. 888, &ng-telou died. Before his death he had elevated his brother ^p :^ Tj] Ong-Sim-te to the rank of Lieutenant-Governor, and on one occasion, for some ^rror Mhich he had committed, had struck him with his staSf; Sim-te did not however take offence at this; and Ong-teftou, in his last illness, set aside his own son, and ordered Sim-te to superintend the affairs of the province. This ^x W) Sim-te is still worshipped by the Hok-ki;6n people, as being the founder of their state. In the 3rd yea* of 9|j* ^ jjij L^ang-T'had-choi, A. D. 900, jj^ ^ Aft 6ng-Sim-tc was appointed, by the Emperor, to be King of ^ Bdn. He was a man of econoroicai' and sparing habits, wore hempen shoes, and dwelt ill a mean abode, without ever thinking of enlarging or beautifying the place of hii residtnce. He was gentle in punishments, and sparing in exactions, so that all ranks became rich and happy, and bis whole teciitpr| was tranquil. XVI In the 2nd year of ^ ^ S Tong-Chong-chong, A. D. 915, ^ ^ ^0 6ng-Sim-te, the ruler of Ban, died, and was succeeded by his son 5^^ Yc6n-han In the following year, 5E ^ ^ Ong-Yc6n-pin, the adopted son of ^ ^ j'-p Ong-Sira-te, slew ^ ^ Yeen-h5n, and set up his younger brother, M^ YeSa-kin, in his stead. In the 2nd year of j^ 0jj ^ Tflng-Bfing-chong, A. D. 918, the Emperor appointed 3l 3^ |^ Ong- Ye&n- kin to be king of ^ Ban. In the 7th year of the same reign, A. D. 923, ^ J^ ^\ Ong-Yefin-kin assumed the titU of Emperor of ^ Ban, and altered his name to J^ Lin. In the 1st year "f ^ ^ '^ T6ng-Hwuy-tey, A. D. 935, ^ ^j^ Le-hong, of the ^ Ban country, murdered his sovereign ^ ^ Ong-Lln, and set up in his stead || j[£ Hok-6ng, 'the King of happiness, ' caHed ^ OJt Key-p6ng, and altered his name to ^v^ Ch'hiidng. In the 3d year of ^ ^ jffl ChinKo-choe, A. D. 931, ^ ^ 6ng-he, of the 1^ Ban country, murdered his nephew and sovereign jjfl Ch'htiang, and set up himself in his room; acknowledging fealty to -^ Chin. In the 5th year of the same sovereign, A. D. 933, ^ |^ Ong-he, of the ^ Ban country, took the title of Emperor. In the 1st year of W ^ £ Chin-Ch6y-6ng, A. D. 937, 3E $^ I^ Ong-Yi-an-cheng, of the district of ^ ^Ij^ Hoo-say, styled himself Emperor, and called his country ^ Yin. This ^ ^ J^ Ong- Yeen-cheng was the younger brother of ^ H^ Ong-he; and he had j^ ;r^ j|^ Hwan-Sin-yew, to be his President of the board of appointments, and i& B ^ Yang-Soo-keung, to be his President of the military board, and to be associated with him in the government of the state. The country was small and the people poor, while the troops had no rest: hence .H ^^ Soo-kijung sought to ingratiate himself with his Prince, by collecting as much revenue as possible, and therefore increased the taxes on fields and arable lands, even to fish, salt, vegetables, and fruit; nothing was left without having a double tax levied on it; insomuch that the people of the country called him "skin-flint." In the 2nd year of the same Emperor, A. D. 938, ;jfe ^ j^ Choo-ban-chin, a military officer of the Eg! Ban country, murdered his prince ^B He, and set himself up in his stead. In the same year, -H^ ^ i^ Choo-bun-chin yielded subjection to the ^- Chin dynasty, and was dignified with the title of bH ^|^ Ban-ong, the king of Ban. Upon which the state of ^fi" Yin marched to the attack of ;^^ ^ Jffi Choo-bfln-chin, and the Chinese government sent troops to attack ^ Yin. The people of B§ Ban, however, put -^ ^ jtt Choo-bfln- chin to death, and sent his head to ^ JAA Keen chew. In the following year, A. D. 939, the state of ^ Yin altered ite designation to ^ Ban, after which the Emperor's troops contended with those of ^1 Ban, and the latter were routed ; whereupon the Emperor's troops entered ^g iWJ Keen-chew, and 5£ iFfr Yefin-chdng came out and surrendered. Thus the country of Ban fell into the hands of the Chinese. xvn REMARKS ON THE POPULATION OF HOK-KEEN. In the statement given to Sir G. Staunton, in 1795. by Cbew-ta-jin, a mandarin of high rank, Uifc jiopula- Uon of Iluk-ki-dn is rated at 15,000,000, and that of the whole Empire at 333,000,000. This estimate has been by many thought to be exaggerated, but in the appendix to the Report of the Anglochincse College, for 1889, it is stated (on the authority of the -^ ^(^ ^ rtlf. Tae-Ch'heng hwOy le£n, or "Collection of statutes of the Tar- Ch'heng dynasty," in 261 volume* >, that the Emperor fi^ jjt^ Kecn-lijflng, in his 57lh year, 1792. found the amunnt of the whole population to be 307,4S7,^OO. In Morrison's "View of China for Philological purposes,'" — which follows the /J^'/pi — ^ Jffl^ sHT*^-Ch'heiij;- yit t'hong che, or "Complete statistical account of the Kmpire of the Tae-Ch'heng dynasty, " — the population ic upwards of irO,C0O,000 Ihronghout Ihe whole Empire, and 4,710,399 in Hok-kc^n. Now if we reckon as muny women, infants, and superannuated people, as able-bodied men, we shall hare an aggregate of «iOO,()()().000 as the- prolmble population of China. "* With Ibis agrefci ttie account published by Father .Vlcrslein, in I74jt, as «jmilid by Malte Bruu, which rates Ihe whole population al I98.2lti,485, and that of Huk-ki^en at 8,063,6: 1. The romparative statements are as folio**: — } Barnes of the Provinces. 1^ Tit-ley. \U ^ San-tong lU l§ San sey ^pT ^ Ild-I4m yi ^ Kaiig-soe ^^|An.hw.y yX IS Kang-sey m M "'"'■^'''" '^ JH Cbeet-Ung ill -^ Hoe-iam jWI* |/t| Seem-sey n !^ Kam-seuk lil Jll Soo-ch'liwan \'k ^ Kong-tong Ij^ g Kong-sey :-^ f^ Yin-lftm "a" Ifl Kwuy-chew According to Sir G. Staunton. 38.000,00* 24,000,000 27,000,000 85,0)0,000 38,000,000 19,000,000 15,000,000 21,000,000 14,000,000 13,000,000 18,000,000, 12,000,000 27,000,000 21,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 9,000,000 333,000,000 ( XVIIl j4ccording to Dr. Jtforrfson. (■390,7 14 1 \ 95,929 I 3,504,038 e5,447;633v 1,860,816 2,662,969 88^967,235 1 ,.438,083 ' • 5^982,160 1,684,528 18,975,099 91,604,309 9,098,010 257,704 340,080 7,789,T82 1,491,271 8,569,518 3,083,459 8,941,391 143,184,734 According to- tt tvork in the possession of the yfuthor. 22', 742 9,374,817 li, 769,872 5,162,351 7,114,346 12,618,987 l?,435,36t 5,055,251 4,710,399 8,662,808 4,568,860 4,336,333 3,851,043 2,133,828 1,368,496 3,969,848 1,975,619 1,003,05S 1,718,848 103,050,060 males. I00,00l),00!> females. 203,050,(:eu. According to .4 Iter stein. 668,852 15,288,940 ';5,180,734 9,768,189 16,332,507 £2,761,030 23,161,409 11,006,604 8,063,671 15,429,690 8,080,603 8,889,820 7,887,443 7,412,014 2,782,976 e,'! 82,9- 5 3,947,414 8,073,892 3,420,722 198,818,483 From a comparisoa of the above accoants, mis may perhaps coaclude,. that Ibe first is ralhcr txjggera'.td,. and the second disproportionate in the numbers assigned to the various provinces; but the third (allowing the numbers to be 4<'ubled on account of the females) and. the fourth agree so nearly together, in circumstantials and generals, that it cannot be venturing too much, to consider them as aflFording a true statement, of the popula- tion of China; particularly as it regards the provinces of Hok-Ueen and Canton (lbs most known to Europeans ). For each of these, — judging from the immense number of emigrants, who, from the two provinces alone, amount, it is said, to half a million, — also considering the dense population of the city of Canton, — and taking into ac- count the universal testimony of the Hok-kcen people Ihemselves, that the inhabitants of their native province exceed the ants in number, —the sura of six or eight millions would seem to approach nearer the truth, than the million and a half of Dr. Morrison's account, or the fifteen and twenty millions of Sir G. Staunton's. The following extract from the 4^ 'iM w fife Tae-Ch'h'-ng bwuy teen is found in the appendix to the College Report aliove alluded to, which abundantly confirms the supposed populousness of these two provinces. In the 5lh year of ^ "jj Yung-cheng, 1727, it was declared that the population of Hok-keen was so dense, that th<^ abundance of commerce must be brought ia to aid effecU of agriculture; and therefore the people of that provinw \\x were allowed to trade to the nations of the south, in Ihe China s*a : and the same privilege was extended fa Canton, -'which is a narrow territory, with a numerous population. '" In order to ascertain the value of each ]irovinre in China, and of llok-kf;ea in particular, the followin); comparative view of the land in cuHivation, and the revenue derived therefrom in the 18th year of S£ ^ Ki^en- leQng (A. D. 1753), is submitted: A'ame* of Ihe Provinces. .-/rea in 5^. Af.Y«. Quantiti/ of Quan. of land landyinEng- in cultivalion, Ush acrei. in Eng. acres. Revalue in Taelt. Meaaurea of grain, each I33''*a»w>: ^ ^ Seng-keng — _ 304,864 38,110 76,806 ii:l$ Tit-ley 58,949 37,727,360 13,143,837 2,411,888 101,289 |1| V^ San-tong 63,104 4I,66G,560 19,421,081 3,346,257 507.680 ^ San-sey .55,968 35,37 1,5«0 6,591,724 2,970.2(10 It) '',216 ^ "^ Ho-iam 65,I0> 41,666,560 14,456,407 3,303,080 V.'I».S63 fX^Kang-soe | $#An-hwuy J 93,961 59,493,040 fl3,797,689 \ 6,762,418 3,371,334 l,688,0(t0 2,lo5,021 813,848 yl ^ Kang-sey 74,176 46,192,640 9,585,412 1,879,810 &99,632 IS ^g Hok-keen .13,480 34.227,200 9,565,417 1,177,899 168,453 M P^ Cheet-king 39,150 25,056,000 9,195,754 8,812,449 1,130,481 144,770 92,652,800 11,338,269 6,245,759 I,108,lo3. 1.163,063 986,534 877,641 [^ ^,-11 Soera-scy | ^h ^ Kara-scuk J I34,00» 98,565,(80 ■ 5,047,420 \ 3,556,626 1,530,907 257,723 168,433 503,476 ^ jjj S.,6-chhwan I6A,S0<> 106,758,000 9,182,933 659,075 14,389 )^ ^ Kong tong 79,456 50,851,840 6,576,658 1,257,886 348,095 1^ ptj K6iig-sey 78,850 50,080,000 1,748,012 382,597 130.375 hing renovatioD. Chwan-chcw J^ M ^ i|,e fou itaiu region. Cbiidng-chew 1^ Mi ^ tlio region of the river Chcang. XX Yefin-pdng ^h ^^ lengthened pacification. Keen-lfing ^ ^^ cstaMished tranquillity. Seadu-bo6 «K -Sr awakened military ardour. T'heng-chew.J-j- J,jJ the region of the river T'heng. Hok-l6ng |g ^ ^ happy tranquillity. Tafi-wan ^ j|b5 ^ terraced harbour, — Formosa. The two smaller counties are, E'ng-ch'hun ^ ^^ elernal spring. Leflng-gam ^ ^^ dragon precipice. The seat of government is in ]][§ (W4 Hok-chew. The whole province is bounded on the north by ^ -Jx Cheet-kang and yX! ^ Kang-sey ; and on the west by j'X ^ Kang-sey and ^ m Kong-tong ( Canton ) •, while to the south and. east it is bounded by the ocean. The rivers and mountains of this province are picturesque and beautiful, and the inhabitants are generally distin- guished for their literary talents. The county of |||} jj.j.j Hok-chew conUins ten districU, as follow- Bin-heen ^ 1^^ B&n-kwan, the Mn district. ^ Ho6-kwan ^^. '^ ^ Ra6u-kw"a, noble officer. Hok-chheng |g Ij*., Hok-cKhe^a, happy clearness. Koe-te6n ^^ j^ ^ Aoe-ch'hdn, ancient field; TiJang-lok .M. iM Teo-loh, constant delight. E'ng-hok =,|^ Ij^ ^ , eternal happiness: B4n-ch'heng ^ -jih, B&.n-cKhe"a, the clear flow of Ban. LeSn-kang -^ffi. ^JIj > tbe connected river. L6-gwan ^ -jIlS , the netted fountain. Pin-iam Bi "m^ , the screen of the soutli. The scirt of Government is in \^ \n<< Ban-kwan, and Y^ 1g Ka6ii-kw"a. This connt^ is bordered on the west by the ocean, on the east it joins 2^ 35. Yoen-peng, to the north il is bounded by ^ {m Keen-lgiig, and to tlie south by Jl'B. 'fK Hin-hwa. The inhabitants are economical, but litigious and superstitious^ every family is a school, and every man a scholar. The superior class are fond of literature, and the common people are obedient to the laws. — The most celebrated mountains are the -jl \n\ Kew-seen, "nine fairies," and the -/^ fflli Tae-peng, "great .ostrich-," there is also a "remarkable r^wky iiionastcrv," and "a marsh-mallow cave," the scenery about which is said to be enchanting. The river ^? Go, "leviathan," surrounds the district flowing towards the east, and there is a celebrated pool talkd the y|^ El Ytjiik-hong, "phoenix bath." Of palaces may be enumerated the .^ ;^ Teang-ch'hun, " constant spring, " and yl^ ^ Suy-ch'heng, "water chrystal;" while of temples may lie particularized the i^\ j^ Seflng-liong, "fir tree breeze," and the ^ ^ Be-sew, "eye-brow longevity. " — This county has been the residence ol several famous men, among whom jf^ §^ Ch'hue-seang may lie mentioned, as having tauj;ht the common people pro- priety; and ^ ^ ^ Chin-lek-sew, as having griatlv jrouolcd the general wtUarc. In 'he Jg T6ng dynastj mi lived S iA Chew-p'hok, who would not submit to ^ M. H«5nf-cha6u -, and in Ihe ^ Son^ dynasjty floiirtshed four learned men, wlio were called the four teachers of B4a« besides various others celebrated for their talents ind worth, who all belonged to this district. — The city of 5g jfjij Hok-chew lies about fifteen leagues westerly from the sea, on the southern shore of the river ^ B4d, which falls with a wide raoulh into the sea, and admits vessels of considerable burden up to the city walls. The convenience of this river makes the town very populous, and the trade ttiereof brisk ; »be city is adorned with many beautiful buildings, and has a (arge suburb annexed, called ^ ^ l^m-Ufi, with many idol Temples. Across the bay, near ^ ^ Lara-ta€, Hes a stone bridge, 130 rods long, and one and a Aalf broad, built of white free stone, resting «n 100 very high arches; provided with rails and benches at the top, and adorned at equal distances with stone lions, neatly carved. The river at this place is about half a league in breadth, separated into small arms by several islands, which are all united by bridges, the principal one of which is that described above. Near this bridge, at the south end, stands a large temple. Another bridge, not tfnKke this, being about 100 rods long, may be seen at the city |g ^ Hok-ch'heng; and many more about the principal -cities. About three leagues from || <|l||J Hok-cbcw, stands a temple, reckoned to be the largest in the province. The oouQty of SL ^ Hin-hwa, contains two districts, viz : — Phoc-tcfin tfj ^ Phoi-ch'kin, the field at the water's edge; xai Seen-y«w {^ ^ ^ , the fairy ramble. The seat of government is in Bp QQ P'hoc-tefin. This h a small but fruitful county, bordered -on the south-east by the sea; on the south it skirts M ;Mk| ■Thwin-chew, on the west ^^ E'ng-ch'hun, and to .the north it is bounded by ^ <||4 Hok-chew. — Here, every house has a scholar, and clever men spring up like trees in a forect ; in this respect it is quite a literary district, and considered the orown of all Hok-ktien. — The land and water carriage in this county are both good, ^ the roads being a rod in breadth, and paved with square free-ftone-; and the number of rivulets with which it abounds, affording a great facility for inland navigation^ while heavier goods may be easily transported by the sea, which partly surrounds this region. It contains two celebrated hilU, called QV ^ Hoj-kong, and YpT ^S H6- 16ng, both -of which are the fabled residence of fairies, and the subject of much observation by the Chinese moun- tain-gazers. At the foot of the 0r ^ Ho' grieved at the constant bursting of a flood-^gate ( by which Ihe lands were depriwed -of irrigation, and the waters designed for that purpose were lost in the sea ), threw herself into the stream, out of vexation, and w^ drowned. Some time after this, a literary gTadu.atc, of the name of T + D& Ong-sip-p'heog. pa«siiig by this place, observed the Upubled sUte of ^he wfUers, and asked the reason of it: the boatmen told him the foregoing tale, adding that the waters were troubled, because the soul of the deceased was f XXII not yet appeased, and it was likely never would be, as she died a virgin^ and bad left no posterity, to sacrifice to her manes. The graduate then made a vow, that if he should succeed in the approaching literary examina- tion, he would return and marry the soul of this 1^ ^fc || CheSn-bok-ian, in order to procure her posterity. He succeeded accordingly, and soon returned to fulfil his vow, which he did, hy causing a tablet to be made, with the name of the deceased engraven on it, and to this tablet he was regularly married; but as it bore hira no children, he married a second wife, and gave the son of this second marriage to -Jr ^ Bok-ISn, to be her heir and successor. This lad, when grown up, regulariy sacrificed to' Tt ^| Bok-lin, as his mother; and thus (the Chinese say ), her soul was appeased, and the waters became stUl. It is added, that subsequently, in the reign of j£ ^ Cheng-tek, of the H0 BSng dynasty (A. D. 1510), the Emperor effectually repaired this flood-gate, at the suggestion of an old woman called M jR Tdn-p6, by which means a great quantity of land was brought under cultivation, much to the comfort of the people, and the benefit of the revenue. — There has been a conflux of famous officers, in this county, celebrated as well for their talents as fidelity, risking their situations rather than flinch from duty, and scorning to flatter, while they persevered in equity, — This is the birth-place of -/fBI ^M Ma-cho£, the sailor's goddess, who was dignified with the title of ^ '^P T'heen-hwuy, "Queen of Heaven," by the present dynasty,, and who is said to be able to foretell the happiness or misery of mankind. Almost every ship bears an image of this goddess in its stern, and Chinese seamen scarcely ever venture to sea without her. In this county lived a man, of the family name of /ftj H6, who. sought out the philosopher's stone, and when bis alcbymic preparations had succeeded, is said to have mounted on a carp fish and sailed away. — The productions, of Ibis county are grass<:loth, silks, and cottons, Le^che fruit, snail-shells, &c. The county of S AM Chwan-chew, contains five districts, as follow: — Chin-kang ^ yj^^ , the district of the Chin river. L4m-an ^ ^^ L&m-w^a, southern ease. Tdng-aa jpj ^ ^ Tdng^w^a, similar case. HwQy-aa S ^ ., Ehsuy-w^a, kind ease. An-k'hey iQ yS ., . , the peaceful stream . The seat of government is in ^^ vX Chin-kang. This county is bounded on the south and east by the sea, on the, west by y^ ^jij Chijang-chew, and on the north by ^ :^ E'ng-ch'hun. The city of ^ jJX Chin-kang, its capital, lies near the sea, in a delightful plain, and, by a large bay, admits, the greatest ships to ride close under its walls ; and that on both sides of the city, for it is built on a promontory, encompassed with water, except on the north and south-east sides. On the opposite shore are many populous trading towns, chiefly in a place towards the north-west, called J^ jfe Lok-yang. Here is the famous bridge called the V^ |^ 'tS Lok-y4ng-ke6, which has been deservedly considered one of the wonders of China; it is built of a black kind of stone, supported by about 250 strong columns or buttresses, 125 on eaich side. These columns are sharpened towards the upper part, in order the better to break the impetuous egress and regress of the current; they are capped with five stones, of an equal breadth, each twenty feel long, and two broad, which successively touch one another, at each buttress, and thus form a path-way to walk upon, at least 2500 feet iii length •, oa each side^ rails of the same kind of stone are put for safety. xxut adorned wilh lions aiid other images. It is certainly wonderful where so many large stones of equal size could have been procured, and how they could have been conveyed to,, and constructed across, such a wide and impetuous stream of wafer. Before the bridge was built, the people used to cross this part of the river in boats; but many . vessels being every year destroyed by the violence of the tide, squalls, and other accidents, a man of the name of ^ |^ Ch'hae-seang resolved, for the safety of passengers, ta build a bridge. The tradition respecting it, as related by the Chinese, is as follows : — Formerly, in crossing this sheet of water, many boats were upset, and a number of lives were lost: popular credulity soon invented a cause for these numerous disasters, which were imagined to originate in two fairies or elfs,.one of whom was a tortoise, and the other a. snake; these wicked elfs hadformerly inspired a certain butcher, and prompted him to. destroy nueh animal life, and practise other enormities;, till the butcher, determined on reformation, and desirous of obtaining a new heart, ripped biniself open, and threw his eld stomach and bowels into this stream; where they remained, in thi: shape of a tortoise and snake,. doing great mischief, while the butcher himself became a god. He is still worshipped by the people of Hok-kiicn, under the title of "^ W 1^ 'ffr Hefin-l'hijen-seang-tey, "the high Emperor of the darkened Heavens," and is represented standing with one foot on a tortoise, and the other on a snake, the two elfs which formerly excited him to do so much mischief. hi order to carry- on their wicked designs, the Chinese fable, that the tortoise elf used to transform himscK into a boat, and" the snake elf into a boatman, and thus appearing at the side of the stream, offered tu assist passengers in crossing it. When arrived at the middle of the river, a storm generally arose, the boat sunk, and the two elfs, ansuining their own shapes, devooired the victims at their leisure. On one occasion, it is related, that when lht> boat full of passengers was arrived, at the middle of the stream, a storm arose, — the prelude to a disaster; but snddealy a nois* was. heard from heaven, saying, Ch'ha^ tae jln chac rh'hw&n, put k'ho tcfm^ "^ A ^ lip • >^ ^ 1%' <^*'*"'^ '"* ''•'V '* «*^"' ''"* *'*^"«" «*"»— "The Magnate Chhac being abourd, let not the vessel sink ;** — whereupon the storm abated, and all escaped safe to laud. On going ashore, the passengers enquired one of another, who among them was railed by the family name of Ch.'had ; but when none appeared, a woman of the company said, that though she did not belong to' that clan herself, she bad been lately, married to a man of the name of Ch'had, and was now pregnant by him : upon which they- all con- cluded, that the infant in her womb must be the person for whom the celestial voiee was sent. The woman ac- cordingly made a vow, that if. her child of which she was then pregnant should prove to be a boy, and should, afterwards become a magnate, she would insist on his making a bridge over this river. The child proved to be a boy, and was called ^. ^ Chhae-siiang j be prospered in learning, and rose to the dignity of Twan-bfing- teen TaC-h'ak-soo ^ Dj| 6^ ^ ^ Jt, "Great Doctor of the decidedly clear Hall." Arrived at this pitch of greatness, he was reminded of his mother's vow; and judging that if he remained at court, the thing would never be done, he fell upon a plan of getting himself appointed to the government of his- native district, which on ordinary occasions was not allowed. He flourished in the reign of 'VZ. ^ Jin-chong,. of the ^1^ Song dynasty (A. D. 1050),. and observing the Emperor one day about to go abroad, he previously rubbed some honey on the stump of a tree,, in order to tempt the ants to swarm there, contriving it so that the ants should form lines to imitate certain Chinese characters. The Emperor observing the ants thus swarming in a peculiar manner, went XXIV up, and read the characters thus curiously formed, which (ounded as follows: — j^ ^ » gfr ^ tSP ♦E 'b Ch'hae-twan, Ch'hae-twan, pun hod chok kwan, " Ch'ha^-twan ! Ch'had-twan! be thou an officer in thy native district." — This sentence was no sooner out of the Emperor's mouth, than Ch'hae-seang pretended to take it for a positive order, and fell down at his Majestj''s feet, thanking him for hi« appointment. The Emperor not liking to retract his words, because ^ -y- ^ rS" "=" T'heen cho6 put he gftn, the son of Heaven never speaks in vain, confirmed the decree, and he was accordingly appointed to the office. Upon .his arrival at S iHJ Chw&n- chew, his native district, he spared neither expence nor labour, to execute the task assigned him; buthe made very little progress, at first, and the three years of his officiate were likely toxlose before tbe^orkcouU be completed. The j>rincipal difficulty was to carry the bridge across the deepest part of the «treani ; and no hopexouM be entertained of success, tmless the tide retired .remarkably low, and the bed of the river was left snusually dry. In order to 'Obtain this, 'he thought it 'best to zj^\y to the dragon king of the deep, and, withthis intention, he drew up a letter ■to theCIhinese Jfeptune, but was at a loss how to send it: — in this perplexity, he crisd out -e. On awaking in the morning, .however, he found himself «till in the same place, and the letter in hi« bosom chano'cd for another in a yellow cnvel9pe, which .he immediately took to .his .master. .On opening this letter, only one character was found written in it, viz. ffiS Ch'hoe, "vinegar." JFor some time he was at a loss to know what to make of this communication; but .on analyzing the character, , he found itxoniposed of.four others, which .ran thus, "IP ••-* U M Jeep-yit jit yew, "the 21st day, in the evening, " — at which time he imagined the water would be nearly dry. Accordingly he prepared materials and workmen against the appointed period, when the water was indeed unusually law.; and having laid the foundation of the central buttresses, before the water rose again, ,he was enabled to proceed with the work without interruption. Pour million taels of silver are said to have .'been expended on .this stupendous work. The people .of >thi8 county are peaceful .and economical, while for literature and :poesy they have been always celebrated. — To the south of the capital of ^ (MJ Chw4n-chew, is a mountain called W ^ P6-kae, "precious covering, " iWhich .has on its top a turret of nine .galleries, serving as a land-mark for seamen.i there are also various other hills and mountains, the ^windings and forms of which are very romantic. .Off the coast lie (the ^ ^ .P'heng-hofi, or Piscadores; and from the interior flow the -1^ 1^ Lok-yflng and ^ VC Chin-kang rivers, with -some other smaller rivuleU. In this county -^ "^ ^ Choo-bfln.kong, the celebrated com- mentator on the .Four JBooks, established his school of learning, and hosts of literati flocked to hear his doc- trines. Here, also, ^^ g^ y^w-choe purified the minds of his pupils, and |^^ || Tek-sdw emptied the prisons, by the clear justice of his punishments. There were others, also, celebrated for their acquaintance with ancient laws, and for their firm »pd public spirited conduct, all of whom were brought up in this neighbourhood. xxV The count; of YM W Cheang-chew is divided into seven districts, as follow: — Leflng-k'hey b^ y^. ^ the dragon stream. Cheang-p'h6eJS; ^, Chi-o'^-p'hoe, the banks of the Fiver Chemng. Ldra-cheng ^ ^fej? the southern stillaesj. Teftag-fhaj ^ ^ , Teo^^-lvi, lenglhened greatness. P^Dg-hd JE 'try peaceful harmony. Cheaou-an f?? ^ decided ease. Ha£-(€ng jtf^ 4?jC the limpid ocean. The seat of government is at |S ^ Leflng-k'hey. This county is bordered on the east by ^ 4i|4 Chwftn-chew, on the south by the sea, on the west by part of the province of Canton, and on the north by pj^ ^ E'ng-ch'hun and »/T m\ T'heng-chew. The inhabi- tants attend to their callings, and study plainness, employing their strength in agriculture and fishings their man- ners, however, are rough, and the people obstinate and fierce, being violent and difficult to manage. Of the noUblehillsinthiscounty,may be particularized, -the /j; ^1; Tae-bo6, "great warrior," and the ^ jj^ Le4og- san, "bridge hill," near the district of >^ "/[H Cheang-p'hoe. — The side of the ]^| ^ Lcflng-gAm, or "dragon precipice," is beautifully variegated in its appearance; while the rocky islet of ^^ ^ Tan-h4y, "red mist," alternately wears a different colour every morning and eveuing. On the east side of the capital of Chcang-chcw. is a mountain, on which stands a stone of five rods high, which (according to the Chinese) shivers and shakes like a tree blown by the wind, before rain or tempestuous weather; nearer the city lies another mounUin, called. 'h jlil Kew-leQng, "the nine dragons," which join* the former, and is remarkable for a crystal fountain. On the summit of the pft ^ Lftm-hong, "southern peak," is always seen the happy omen of crimson clouds; and from the heights of the T? '3* T*heen-kwan, "celestial magistrate," is constantly beard the sound of the pipe and flute. The cavern of the ^ H^ Leang-bftn, "dragon gate," is warm in winter and cold in summer; while the enchanting grotto of the ^ J^ T'hcn-che, " the pillar of heaven," is enough to tempt people to forsake the world and lead a hermit's life. — The river V^ Chiiang, from which this county is named, tiikei its rise near the city of 1b^ ^ Lcang-gara, runs eastward towards the city of ^ EE Chcang-pfing, and then lakes a southerly direction past .& ^ Tt4ng-t"hae, into the sea, into which it empties itself by two mouths. More to the south glides Ihe IS ^ Sck-seng, "stone-bank stream," which flows from west to east, and loses itself in Ihe sea, to the northward of the garrison of ^ (Ij Tflng-san. On the south side of the capiUl of H^ XIA Cheang-chew, is a large bridge of hewn stone, with thirty-six high arches, and so broad, that on Cich side are tradesmen's shops and mechanic's stalls. — Of the remarkable people which this county has produced, may be enumerated Llf 4b K'hong-siJcn, a conjurer, who sold medicines, and was afterwards honoured as a god; also. /^ M {f^ Clicw-k'hong-but, of the 0- T6ng dynasty, in whose time the people of this region first began to understand learning; and ^5 fi|j jS"* G4n-soo-lo<, •f the ^ S6ng dynasty, who was so esteemed, that the people of ^ Wi Chw&n-chew made an image of him, and worshipped if. Besides, there were IIB JfA Tin-sQn, who read every book, and examined every substance;. jr^ J^ Choo-he, the great philosopher and coramcnUtor ; and ^Sl M Go6-hac, appearance, and mind, studies, and style of composition were all of an ancient cast. Besides these famous men, fable speaks of some supernatural in- dividuals, such as-^ ^ CiLejn-ong, who melted a stone wall, and brought up. a white toad to follow him, and XXVI ^'] -fl) W I^^'^-he-gak, who flew away in the shape of a cockchafer, and was delivered from the body. — The chief productions of this county are silver, iron, and shark's-fips. The county of ^ 2jl Yefin-p^ng is divided into the six following districts: — Lam-pcng "^ 5p j Lam-pai"^, southern pacification. Chijang-lok ^^ ^ • future bliss. Say-heen VU/ mZ, Swa-kwan, the sandy district. Yew-k'hey ^ v^ . blame-worthy stream. Sun-ch'heang Jj)& S obedient fulness. E'ng-an yl^ d^ eternal ease. "The -seat of governiuent is "^ 2E Lim-pfeBg. .i;..n.r •,,, This county lies in the centre of the Province of Hok-keen ; and is boqnded, on the east by Sjg 4lj Hok-chew, on the south by ^^ ^ E'ng-ch'hun; on the west by >^ ni\ T'heng-chew, and on the north by i^K ^ Seaou- boo 9nd ^g ^ Keen-lcng. The capital city Hcs on Uie western shore of the river ^ B4n, from whence the huildings rise gently up the hill, presenting a delightful prospect to those who gass by, and, though none of the largest, it is reckoned the handsomest town in Hok-keen. The walls tower above the aeighbourin" heio-hts, which ■on the outside, pre reckoned inacce«sible, leaking the city very strong, «Dd the key to the whole territory. The city is a league long, hut not abo^ve a mile and ^ half broad, full of large and handsome edifices. Every house is furnished with water, conveyed from the ijiountains in cane pi|>es, the like of which is not to be seien elsewhere, throughout all China. Provisions arc to be had fliere in great abundance, a,nd at a cheap rate, the streets an.d houses being thronged with inhabitants. On the east side of the city, two great rivers, the j^ B4n, and the pS Sey, uniting their waters, form a great lake, through which vessels come thither, from all parts of the adjacent country. Eacli of these rivers is famished with a handsome bridge. \n the city there are three beautiful tem- ples. Most of the coarse Chinese paper is made here-, and the people boast, that Ibey speak a purer mandarin dialect than is spoken in any other part of Hok-keen. The town of -Iw Say lies on the north shore of the river ( though it formerly stood on the southern -shore), the old city having been pulled down by Imperial command, because that in it a young man had murdered his father. To the north-east of the capital city lies a high mountain, from whose lop the sun may 'be seen rising over all the other hills; and to the south of the same is an ascent, called iro ^C VVat-6ng, on which the ancient kings of Wat used to have many palaces, to serve as retiring places from She heat of summer. More soWtherly are the mountains -H fm Kew-seen, "nine fairies," and -|--- @ Ch'hit-seng, "seven stars." Here is also an over -hanging precipice, one hundred fathoms in height; and the M |I(^ Koe-hong, " orphan peak," which thrusts itself high up into the clouds. — The river 1?^ Bdn, above-mentioned, rises in the borders, between jjjS ^g Hok-keen and ji|T y 7" Cheet-kang, near the city ^§ S Leflng-chwftn, in B^ mi Ch'he-chew, from whence it passes southerly,— then westward, by the cities of Vffl mJC P'hoe-sfing and '^ ^^ Keenlfing, — after that east, by the city of ^ ^ Y<;en-p€ng (where it receives the ^ ^ Sey-k'hey); and from thence, still rx)ntinuing eastward, it enters the county of llfS vH»| Hok-chew, and at last disembogues itself into the sea, in about the twenty-sixlh degree of north latitude. After passing the city jm W P'hoe-s6ng, the river flows with great rapidity, through vallies, and among rocks and cliflfs; but further on it glides along more slowly: the XXVll General force of the cnrrent, liowever, ni«y be caiculaled liy *his, th»t vessds go flroin Jf& j^ P'hoe-s6ng to the mttro- polis, IpI <|^>j Hok-chew, with the itream, ia three days, while they are fifteen in towing up against it. In some places, it is dangerou}, on account of the swift current, the multiplicity of r«cks, and the narrowness of the channel, which is frequently no wider than V> permit a small Chinese vessel to pass lbroiigb< iience it often happens, that boats arc broken to pieces. The ^S 'lii Sey-k'hey rises in the north, in the territory of yT iWJ T'heng^chew, and first takes a southerly course, — then an easterly, when it enters the county of ?^ 35. Yefin-pgng, and onites with the river R3 Bin-, in the Sey are many waterfalls and dangerous shoals, ia passing by which, the boatmen, to prevent ac- cidents, tie trusses of straw before the bows of the vessels; by this means, they bear oi the violence, of the blows, should they happen to strike, fhe river yr "/^ Yew-k'hey, which rises in this county, takes its course eastward, by the city of ■jr y^ Yewrk'hey, an4 turning to the north, falls into the river ^ Bin. — The people of this county encourage One another in the study of the classics and odes, while the poorer sort attend to ploughing and weaving. Among the go- vernment o£Bcers who have been employed in this district, may be mentioned it 1^ Choo-seflng, the father of the cele- brated philosopher, of whom ^ j|^ I.e-tong, Was the instructor? |^ j^ Tln-hwln was distinguished for his steady upright conduct: and 2E ^ ;:^ Tiiing-jeak-kok for his exertions in opposing banditti. The productions of this county are silver, iron, marble, white grass-cloth, musk, and rock salt. The county of ^ ^ Kein-lfng, contains seven districts, m fellow : — K«;in-an T^ ^ ^ established ease. Aou-l£ng |^q¥ j^ tea-cup tranquility. Kcin-ying Mt IS, established vigour. ChOng-an ^g ^^ exalted case. P'ho^s£ng li^ ^ the river-side ciUdel. Chcng-hfl J^>f>D> regulated harmony. ScQng-khey i^ y^^ the fir tree stream. The seat of government is in the two dislricU K«;*n-an and Aou-l*ng. This county is l.ordered, on the north and norlh-ca«. by part of the province of ^ ^ ChceNkang, on the east by |)g ^0. Hok-Mng, on the sontb ^J |^ ;)f| Hok-chew and ^ ^ Yeert-pfing. on Ihe west by ^ =^ Seiou-bo6, and xm the north-west and north by part of the prevince ef JX [^ Kang-Ky. The capital city. Iviag on the eastern shore of the river g^j Bin, is not imich inferior, either in beauty or mie, to the metropolis of Hok-kccn. In the last war with the Tartars, it suffered much damage e for, having revolted from the -^ y^ Tad-ch'heng dynasty, it was taken, after a long siege, and laid in ashes, most of the inhabitants being put to the sword. On this occasion the fire consumed a bridge over the swift river Ew B4n, the pillars whereof were built of free stone, to a great height, and finished on the top with wood % it was also adorned with houses and shops on each side* being now rebuilt, the town has regained something of its former lustre. Beyond the bridge, on the opposite shore, stands a stalely pagoda j and near the city is another handsome bridge, also furnished with shops and houses, on both sides. The city of ^ ^ Keia-I6ag is a place of great trade, for all those commodities which come either up or down the river must pass through it. The city itself is larger than ^^ ^ Y<;£n-p£ng, but not so closely built, having several corn-fields within the walls. The streets are all paved with pebbles, and are very full of inhabitants, who get their living hy the manufacture of coarse paper. Farther up the river Rfl Bin, is the city *^ Wt l"huc-s€ng, beyond which the river is no longer navigable* here the merchandise i^ taKen jxvm out of the vessels, and carried by porters over high mountains and deep vallies, a distance of four days journey, into the province of Cheet-kang. The whole way, as far as the art or labour of man can make it, is levelled, and paved with square stones, being provided at intervals with houses and villages, for the enterUinment of travel- lers. The goods to be transported over the mountains are first weighed, and delivered to a head man, who, for a certain gratuity, sends them, by porters, to other places, where the merchant receives them without any trouble: if any thing happens to be lost, the head man is bound to make it good. It is said, that there are always about 10,000 porters ready at the spot, waiting to receive goods, and carry them over the mountains. A toll-house is erected at the head of the road, for the levying of a small duty, which is employed in keeping the road in repair. This county is celebrated for its mountains, among which are the famous jTr* ^^ Bo6-e hills, near the city of ^ -^ Ch6ng-an, which produce a superior sort of tea, called Bohea; this hill is divided into nine peaks, and has a rivulet running between them called the ^- vS HCng-k'hey, "pearly stream," which is highly spoken of, for the beautiful winding of its waters. Here are to be seen a number of temples and monasteries, on the bill-tops, the residence of priests and hermits; the scenery about this region is, also, so picturesque, that many noblemen and ofiBcers of government, retiring from the world, select this as the residence in which Ihey desire to end their days. Near the city of 'jM j^ P'hoe-seng, is a hill called V& iS Gd-l«;4ng, which is reckoned one of the ten great mountains of China. The river ^ Ban, which runs through this county has lieen already spoken of in the description of ^ ij2 Yiien-peng county ; in addition to this, is the ^ J^ Tong-k'hey, which rises in the mountains between the provinces of ■tHr 7J[ Cheet-kang and )JJS i^ Hok-keen, and running south- ward, falls into the ra B4n, below the city of i^ ^ KeSn-16ng : also, the brook "jt Iffll Kew-kijak, which begins in the "jr" Wf, Bo6-€ mountains, runs from thence south-westward, and, after passing by the city of 1^ |t& Keen-y4ng, falls at last into the river ^ B4n, near the city of sfe m' Keen-16ng. The Chinese speak also of cataracts, a hundred fathoms deep, the spray of which dashes about like falling pearls ; and of old grottoes, with their stone doors, which are to be met with in this romantic district. Here the people are said to be incessantly addicted to study, every family being possessed of a library, and every village acquainted with righteousness, while the chanting of odes and reciting of books may be beard, throughout all the district : here flourished another Orpheus, who played upon an iron flute, and produced sounds that penetrated the clouds, and split the soild rocks; and here dwelt a self-denying philosopher, who, as long as his clothes would hold together by a hundred patches, despised all the silks and satins of the whole province. This county has had several distinguished officers, some celebrated for the suppression of banditti, others for the preservation of human life; others, again, discoursed learnedly on the fate of empires, and testified against the vices of the age. Among the distinguished natives may be mentioned ^ jlQ ^ Ch'hae-gwan-tCng, who taught, his disciples independence of character, and contempt of the world; this man applied to Jj^ ^ /^^ Choo-bfln-kong, the celebrated philosopher, to be received as his pupil ; but the latter declined that honour, saying, Gofi tong e 16 yew soo che, put long chae ley choo che lijet S '^ )cX ^']^^ 1^ .^ '^ ^^ ^'^'j^] y ''^ ought to «erve him with the respect due to an old friend, but cannot think of classing him among my disciples. " His son, ^ ^j^ Ch'hae-sira, subsequently became the disciple of the great commentator; and assisted him in writing a commentary on the ri B ^^*"2 '"" Besides these, the county of ^ ^ Kiien-lgng has produced a famous man called iH ^ XXIX HoS-aa-kok, who wrote a coir.roentary on the. ^ ^ Ch'hun-ch'hew, and who wa« dignified with the title of the evergreen fir tree of literature: which shews, «ay the Chinese, that celebrated regions neyer fail to prndure extraordinary men. Besides these literary characters, the Chinese fable of a superhuman genius, called " the true man of the hazy atmosphere," who, — with a bald head and bare feet, — living on air and devouring mists, — used to point with a smile to the deepest recess of the ^ ^ B06-6 hills, covered with while clouds, and say, there is my residence. The natural productions of this county are, the silver of ^j|| |^ P'hoe-sgng, the iron of j^ 1^ Hang-an, the tea of ^ 11 B06-6, and the books of ^ [^ Keen-yaog, which have been always sought after by merchants. The county of 'SK -^T Seaou-boo contains the- following districts: — Seiou-bo6 2R YA > ^'"^^^'^^'^ military ardour. Kong-tek ^ ^^ bright favour. T'hae-I6ng ^ ^^ great tranquility. Keen-lfing ^ ^ ^ established tranquillity. The seat of government is in Z[U Tj;r Seaou-boo. This county is bounded on the east by J^ ^ Keen-I6ng, on the south by Ji ^ Yeeh-ping and JT iU T'heng-chew, and on the west and north by the province of VJ^ ^H Kang-sey. The capital city of this region was anciently a mean place, and was first fortified and cnfranchissd in the w Tdng dynasty. Thi»- county possessing a firm and profitable soil, and being on the borders of the province, it is fortified with severalgarrison*;. The people of this region are sturdy agricullurisb, and elegant scholars, ea.sily. moved, and with difficulty pacified; 4he climate here is healthy, and the air pure and cold. The most celebrated mountain in this county U the -f' ^ Ch'hil- la«, "seven terraces:" and of rivers may be specified the |.j[|; ^ Cheauu-k*hey, which begins in the. mounUin ot J^ ^ Oe-kwun, "black prince," and glides from thence southward, then eastward by the city of ^R ^ Seaou- boo; thence bending to the south, in the county "f JS ^ Ye*n-p«ng, it fails into. the TO V^ Sey-k'hey. near ^ ft^ ChiJang-lok, from whence both streams run easterly, and pour their waters into the ^ B4n. The mosr remarkable city is J^ j^ Oe-pan, "the black mound," and the most distinguished village i» that of ^ ^f Pik-ch'he, "the while mouse." Of public officers, ^ 0y jE^ Soe-wOy-chdng was remarkable for his purity and decision, and -^ ^^ — . Yln-rhi o-yit for his improvement of the public morals; ^ j^ Le-kong and jjife ^ Ai^ Se-g«-scng were dislinguishcd, in the ^ 86ng dynasty, fur their lervices to the sttte 1 and ^ ill Hflng-teung with ^ [j^ jp^ L6-h6rig.choe were equally celebrated, for their deep erudition, as a proof of which, the great philosopher :^ ^ ^ Choo-bQn-kong acknowledged the one for bis teacher and the other for hi*-- fciend. The natural productions of this county are said to be, silver, iron, copper, and tea. The county of ^T ijitil T'hen^-chew contains the following districts : — * Te4ng-l"hcng ^ ^ ^ the lengthened district watered by the T'beng. L£ug-hwa ^f ^y peaceful renovation. Seang-h4ng _il ij^ j '*'" "PP"^"" Hftng district. Bo6p£ag ^{^ -ijZ- ^ Boi-paCS, pacified miliUry ardour. Chheng-igw ^^ j^^ Ck:hai"S.ui„^ the pure flow. IJQES r Le«D-s6ng ^ j^ ^ the connected citadel . Kwuj-hwa ^^ijj, * returning to complete reaovation- E'ng-teng 7|lJ_ ^ eternal settlement. The seat of governmept is in -^ 'fT Teing-t'heng. This county is bordered on the east by |jE ^ Teen-p6nK, oh the south-east by M S Lefing-g4m, ea the south by part of the province of Canton, on the west by that of VE. Uk Kang-sey, and on the north by «|) ]pr Seiou-bo6, The manners and demeanour of tlie people of this district resemble, in some respects, those of the middle regions of China; they are bold and, courageous, fond of fighting, but at the game time honest and upright. The picturesque scenery about the r/^ Tag G6-leflng ("sleeping dragon") hill is well worthy of being sketched ; while the h£ P^ Lei3ng-bfln, " dragon gate, " a hill to the westward of the city of ^ Ay Leng-hw4, appears as if it were piled up into the clouds; the green freshness of tlie ^ ijj Kim-san, "golden hill," would please the admirer of landscapes, but the precious metals therein contained would tempt more strongly the cupidity of the multitude; the gold mines discovered in this hill were first Worked in the dynasty TJ^Song; it lies south of the capital of VT M T'heng-chew, near the city of J^ ^^ Seang-hang, on the eastern shore of the river JT T'heng ; upon it there are three little lakes;, which, the Chinese say, turn the iron that is thrown therein into copper. The river >/T T'heng commences in the territory of fT (Ns T'heng-chew, and proceeding southward by the city of J^ 7"wi Siiang-hing, enters the county ofVfeH M Teiouchew, in the province of Canton, where continuing its southerly course, it discharges itself into the sea. The Chinese remark on it as singular, that, while all the other streams of this province flow easterly, this alone should have a direct southerly course. Of the drslinguished natives of this county, some have been celebrated for their abstinence and uprightness, others for their learning and poesy? so that the county has not been left destitute of talent . This region has abundance of all things requisite for the sustenance of mankind, notwithstanding it is so mountainous; and possesses at the same time gold, silver, copper, tin, and iron mines- it produces likewise wax, grass-cloth, and various mfedicraal herbs. The county of jjL?. ^S Hok-l5ng contains the following districts; Hfty-p'hoe rB" jm the misty water's edge. Hok-teng Ig {i^ , tl^e happy caldron. Hok-an jjjg ^ the happy rest. L6ng tek ;^ f^ tranquil virtue. Sew-lcng s;; ^S long-lived tranquillity. The seat of governiii^nt is in^^J jra H4y-p"hoe. This county is bordered on the east and south-east by the sea, on the south and south-west by 3^ >)|| Hok-chew, on the west by |^ ^ KeJ^n-lSng, knd on the north ^y the province ©f ^jJfr yX Cheet-kang. This county is very mountainous, and the ways across the hills 4re Sfarcely lf)aposite to the main land of the province of Hok-keen, and is governed by officers sent from China. This island was originally in the possession of several savage tribes, resembling the Malays in complexion, but speaking a different language; the first Europeans -who visited this' country were the Spaniards and Portuguese'; next to Ihem, the Dutch took it, and finding it advantageously situated for their Japanese and Chinese trade, formed a considerable settlement upon it~, and in I63S built there a strong fort, called the castle of Zealandia, surrounded with a double -wall, and provided with redoubts and ramparts: this fort was taken in 1661 by Coxing Ute famous Chinese pirate, whose adherents afterwards submitting to the Tartar dynasty, the city and territory surrounding it have since remained in the possession of the Chinese. "Formosa," says Malte Brun, •' has a Chinese Go vernment, with a garrison of 10,000 men ; but its authority is limited to the west side. The city of Tae-wan, is populous and wealthy ; the streets, in straight lines, and oqwred with awnings for seven or «ight months in the year, to protect (hem from the heat of the son, lined wiAistqeehouses and elegant shops, nherfe silks, porcelain, varnished and other wares are arranged with admirable art,- so as to give the appearance «f 'so many charming galleries, would be delightful to walk in, if less crowded with passengers and better paved. ' This city is dcfcndjcd by a good fortress, which was built by the Dutch. The harbour is spacious and deep, ,but the entrances of it are extremely narrow, and only eight or twelve feet deep. Between the port of Ta£-wan and the coast of China, the little archipelago ' ot the' islaiids of j^ im P'heng-ho£, or Piscadores (Fishermen's islands), afford.s good anchorage, and a station which, with a suitable navy, might command the (Channel of *' Formosa. " The Dutch, however, complain that they could obtain no fresh water there. The Chinese say, that the inhabitants of For- mosa were a set of savage fishnrmen, Inrt now having vsobraitted 10 the Gtlestial fimpire, th«y have (left off their barbarous customs, and bid fair to lieconie a civilized people. The smaller toudty *>f y^i, ^ E'ng-ch'hiin contains, besides the capital, the two foUowio^ 'dlktricU r"" Tek-hwi '0*}, ^ j virtuous rcnovatiotf. TaP-lcfin -)^ \\] , T»i-ek'hin, great rice "field. Theother tmmll county of'^ ^ Leilng-^ftm contains also two districts, vtz Chfejng-p6ng 'jia ai ^ Hte plain ofthe river Cheung. -^'^ «>*•' Mngrykag S^ ^^ -tranquillized ocean. ' • i ' xxxu , ■■yl-.^'Tjipsf ,two inferior counties, being lately separated from the larger counties of J^ nii Chw&n-cbew and T& «y| Cheang-chew, exhibit nothing worthy of remark, beyond what has been already specified in speaking of the above-named counties themselves. ' ON THE ORTHOGRAPHY HOK-KEEN DIALECT. X HE inhabitants of Hok-keen, having no alphabet, distinguish the sounds of their dialect into initials^ jnd finals, the knowledge of which is the key to the whole dialect. I. Of the initials. The initials, called by them Joo-t'hog i^ ^S Je-t'hadu, "head characters," are fifteen in number, as follow : — 1. Lew ^Ip 6. P'ho ^ 11. Eng ^ 8. Peen 5^ 7, T'h^a !(|^ 18. BQn p^ 3. K6w i^ 8. Cheng "^ IS. Ge |S 4. Kh6 ^ 9. jip ^ 14. Ch'hut |j[J 5. T5y jj^ 10. S6 Bf 15. He ^ K Lew m^ gives the initial sound of /, in its combination with all those sounds which are not nasal.^ but when it is joined to a nasal final, the power of the / is in a great measure merged in the nasal, in which case it acquires a sound something similar to n. 2. Peen y^ gives invariably the initial sound of p. 3. K6w ^j^ affords the initial sound of k. 4. K'he ^ affords the initial sound of k'h, which is the k aspirated, to be pronounced with a strong emission of the breath, between the enunciation of the k, and the utterance of the succeeding vowel. 5. Tey ;J^ gives the initial sound of t. 6. P'ho ^^ gives the initial sound of p'A, which is the j> strongly aspirated ; an apostrophe is inserted between the p and the h, to shew that the p is not softened by the A, as in our word Philip, but that, while retaining its- natural sound,. the h is -to be strongly aspirated before the utterance of the succeeding vowel.^ XXXIll 7. T'h"a /ftjl gives the initial sound of I'h, which is the / strongly aspirated, as explained above. In this initial, the I is not soflened by the succeeding Ar, as in our word IMtig, but something like that word as atleraptrd to lie pronounced by a Gcrraan or Hollander, just beginning to learn English. 8. Cheng "^ conveys the initial sound of ch as in cheap. 9. Jip 7^ gives the sound of J very much softened, as the j in French, or like the sound of s, in the English words pleasure, precmon, crosier, &c. 10. Se Hvt has the coniinou sound of s. 11. Eng Tjx is a negative initial, denoting that the finals arranged under it retain the sounds of the latter part of the final, without any addition; except in those finals which contain two divided vowels, beginning with e, expressed or understood, to which the letter g is generally affixed as an initial. Thus under this initial will be found words beginning with a, e, i, o, u, w, and y. 12. Bfin HM gives the initial b; except when connected with a nasal final, in which case it drops the sound of h, and takes that of m, as has been already observed under the first initial. IS. G6 ^ conveys the initial sound of g hard ; except in nasal words, when it acquires the sound of gn, pronounced with a nasal twang. 14. Ch'hut jj| gives the initial eh'h, which is the ch strongly aspirated, to b« pronounced with a whir- zing noise between the ch and the vowel. 15. He ^ gives the initial h, but more strongly aspirated than is usual in English words. In its conjunc- tion with the 1st, 4th, 7fh, lOlh, Utb, 87lh, and 43d finals, being followed by ir, or o. it approaches nearly to .»• t'fjl to VMll • the sound of /, Thus, the fifteen initials, when expressed by our orthography, arc as follow: /, and 71, A-'A, or k aspirated, t'h, or t aspirated, », g-, and gn, P' '> «■*• «i t^ i, o, y, w, and y, eh'h, or ch aspirated, • A-, p'h, or p aspirated, j, h, and m, h. These comprise, in all, twenty-four distinct initial sounds; which, arranged according to the £ngli<>h alphabet, stand thus; — a, ft, ch, ck'h, e, g, gn, h, i, j, k, k'h, I, m, n, o, p, p'h, t, I, t'h, u, m, and y. In this arrangement it will be seen, thai the soft c, d, f, q, r, v, and x, are wanting. However, if wc consider that the soft e may be expressed by », the hard c by k, and the q by km, the Hok-kci^n dialect will be found to want only the rf, /, r, v, x, and :, of our alphabet, which letters are never found in any Hok-ke£n word, neither can the natives of that province easily pronounce any Word beginning with them. II. Of the FIKAL9. I The finals used in the Hok-keen dialect, and called Joo-boc 3L -^ , Ji-boi, "mother characters," are fifty in number, as follow.— -' • ly v« I) •vm;')(iini| .i-a"X XXXIV I. Kwun|^ 11. Koe ^ 21. Kang^ 31. Kai-S ^ 41. K-oe ^^ 2. Keen ^ 12. Keaoui^ 22. Keem^ 32. Kwttf'S^^ 42. r™ ^ 3. Kim 4^ 13. Key 5^ 23. Kaou^ 33. Keo fj^ 43. Kwang ^ 4. Kwuy ^ 14. Keung|^ 24. Kea ^ 34. Kee»S ^ 44. ir«.ae«^p^ 5. ^''^ s 13. ^° ^ 23. Koey l*^ 35. Keo"S ^. 45. il/».3/ ^ 6. Kan ^ 16. Kae tM 26. ^"« i^ 36. Ke"a 11 46. ^S""" li 7. Kong (^ 17. Kin jji 27. Koojg 37. Kw"a *g* 47. Chom j^ 8. Kwae ^ 18. Keang ^ 28, A« ^ 38. Ke"^ ^ 48. Gnaou ^^ 9. Ke"g IS 19. Kam -^ 29. K-^ ^- 39. Kay lljj 49. K^o ;}.t; ,., ,0 Kwanil 20. Kwa JJ:^ 30. Kew JJ| : 40. ^-"^ fl 50. Gnew .it " 1. KwuB ^" is pronounced something like Koo-im, enuhciated as one syllable. 2. Keen R^ is a divided sound, as denoted by the dicercsis on the first vowel; thus it must be pro- DOunced Ke-en, or Ke-yen, and is by some thought to sound almost like Ke-lin. 3. Kim -^ is sounded like the kim in kimbo; and is by some pronounced as if written Kc-im, enun- ciated rapidly, as one syllable. 4. Kwuy i0 is like qui, in the English word quiet, or sometimes pronounced a little longer, as if written Koowy, though still but one syllable. 5. Kay "^ ; the a in this word is like the sound of a in care, or like the ea in bear, wear, &c. 6. Kan ^ is to be pronounced with the Italian sound of the a, as in far, father, &c. 7. Kono- /^ is pronounced like cong, in the word congress. 8. Kwae jjg is sounded as Koo-wae, pronounced in the time of one syllable, with the Italian a, as in far. 9. Keng iSl rhymes with leng in lengthen, and is sometimes a little drawled out, so as to appear to sound like ke-eng, though still but one syllable. 10. Kwan S is pronounced as Koo-wan, or like coo, to cry as a dove, and the word wan, "pale," thus, eoo-wan, pronounced as one syllable. 11. Koe Jjt rhymes with our English words toe, and hoe, but differs from them in being pronounced with a full mouth, as if written ko-oo. 12. Keaou -M^ is a diphthong, as containing three separate vowels, viz. e as in me, a as ia/ar, and u as in bully all of which, though uttered like ke-yaou, form but one syllable. 13. Key ^S is a peculiar sound, sometimes a little drawled out as Ke-ay, but generally pronounced short as the French e, or as the ey in dey, or bey, when these words are applied to the governors of Algiers and Tunis. It is to be distinguished from the 5th final Kayy which is a flat sound like the a in care, and from the 39th final Kay, which sounds like the a in fate. 14. Keung ^^ is a sound that rhymes with young, but is by some persons written keong, and made to riiyme with song. 15. Ko St is precisely like the sound of co, in co-equal. 16. Kae ^; in this final the a is sounded as in/ar, and the f as in me,.— thus making together the sound of £«-e> pronounced as one syllable. XXXV 17. Kin rfj sounds like the English word kin; though occasionally drawled out, so as nearly to resemble ke-j^in. 18. Keang ^ ; in this sound the vowels are divided, as if written ke-yang, or as if the word key were connected with the first syllable of the word anger, thus key-ang. 19. Kam -tf^ is pronounced like the word kam, "crooked," or like cam, in "camlet." 20. Kwa TjT is pronounced as if written koo-a, short, with the final a as in papa. 21. Kang TH is sounded with the a as in far. 22. Keem ^R contains a double vowel, and is pronounced as if written ke-yem, or according to some ke-yim; an idea may be formed of this sound by taking the word key, and 'em, the contraction of them, and pronouncing them rapidly together, thus key-'em. 23. Kaou ^; the a in this word is sounded as ia far, and the ou as in pound; some idea may be formed of it, if the word cow had an a introduced, and were to be pronounced ca-ow, but rapid, as a monosyllable. 24. KiJa rnn ■' in this final the vowels are divided, and must be distinctly pronounced, as if written ke-ya : the a being sounded as in far. 83. Kiicy *w ; in this final the vowels arc also distinctly expressed, as if written ko-mry and have together the sound of co-a in co-agent, pronounced with a peculiar turn of the mouth. 26. K'a ^^ ; this is a nasal sound, with the « as in /«r; pronounced with the fuH sound of the k, but the n is only slightly heard: like the ea in carpel, enunciated as if coming chiefly from the nose. It has been described as an attempt to pronounce a syllable through the nose, while the nose is ibut. 27. Koo mt is pronounced exactly like the word cot, to cry as a dove. 28. Ka ^& is a sound similar to ea, ia earl. 29. Ke & is sounded like kee, in keep. 30. Kew 11 is a sound like that which is attached to the letter q, in English : and is pronounced Kke eu in euriout, or as if written ke-yew, though but one syllable. 31. Kai"^ "m^i this sound is similar to the 5th final, kay, turned into a nasal: hence the ng are written above, to intimate that they are not to retain their full sound, but to be pronounced through the nose ; the a to be sounded as in care, and the i as in marine. 32. Ktcui'^ 7^ ; this sound is similar to the 4tli final, kwuy, only termiaating in a strong nasal, and is seemingly lost in the nose. It may also be written kool'S' the small letters "S not possessing their full sound, but intimating the presence of a nasal ; and the t to be pronounced as in marine. 33. Keo H^ ; in this sound the vuweis are distinctly divided, as if written ke-yo, and pronounced as in the syllabic geo, in geometry. 34. Kee"S ^g \s |i](c the 29th final, ke, only turned into a nasal. 35. Kgo"^ ^^ resembles the 33d final, ke; converted into a nasal, as if written ke-y'eo'f- 36. Ke^a j^ Is similar to the 24th final, kea, with a nasal sound introduced. NB. This must not be sounded with the full power of the n, as ke-na, but like k'ea, or ke-y"a pronounced through the nose. 37. Kw^a *^ is the same with the 20th final, kwu, only pronounced with a strong nasal termination : as if written koo-w''a. XXXVl 38. K^S p^ _ this sound is by some written fco"S', and by others Icu^S, but the difference is immaterial, as the word is sounded as if attempted to be pronounced without any vowel, thus fc"^. The vowel is inserted princi- pally for the purpose of bearing the accent. 39. Kay ■fljp is a sound so much resembling the 5th final, that when this Dictionary was commenced the same letters were employed for expressing both; but closer examination has discovered a difl'erence; the sound of the 5th final resembling the flat a in care, and that of the 39th, the a in fale, to rhyme with gay, may, &c. 40. Kae"S Ril is like the 16th final, kae, but terminating in a nasal. 41. K"oe -A is the same with the llth final, koe, converted into a nasal. 42. t/'" Um is a sound attempted to be formed without opening the lips; something like the con- tracted 'm in take 'm. It is in fact merely the sound of m, without any vowel either before or after it, or like the reply of an indifferent person, when too lazy to open his mouth. 43. Kwang ^ is a sound borrowed from the Mandarin dialect, and may be sounded koo-wang, pronounced as a monosyllable. 44. .Kwae°S E9 resembles the 8th final, kwae, converted into a nasal as if written koo-wae"S. 45. Miiey ^ is something similar to .the 25lh final, kiiey, only beginning with a nasal. 46. K'^caou tf^ is the same with the 12th final, keaou, turned into a nasal. 47. Chom '^ ; in this sound the o is full, as in chop, and rhyming with som in sombre, but pronounced as though the mouth was quite full. 48. Gnaou "2/^ resembles the 23d final, kdou, only commencing with a nasal. 49. K"o iX is like the 15th final, ko with a nasal introduced. 50. Gncw i+- is a sound resembling the 30th final, kew, beginning with a nasal. \ All these finals, with the exception of five, begin with a A-, which being dropped, the remainder of the word is what properly constitutes the final. Of the other five, those beginning with ch, m, and g, drop those letters, and leave the rest of the word for the final; while a*" having no initial consonant, is a final as it stands. The finals without the initial letters are as follow: — ■24. ea, or e-ya 25. (iey, or o-wey 1. wun, or oo-uK 11. oe, or o-oo SI. ang 2. ien, or e-yen 12. eaou, or e-yaoH 22. eem, or e-yem 3. im, or e-im 13. ey, or e-ay 23. aou 4. niuy, or oo-wy 14. cung, or eong 5. ay 15. o (i. an 16. ac 7. ong 17. in, or e-yin 8. wae, or oo-wae 18. eang, or e-yang 9. eng, or e-eng 19. am '40, wan, or oo-vcan. 20. wa, or off-o. -31. «"«■ 32, wuing, or ooi"S 03, iio, or e-yo ■34. ee^S 41. "oe 42. a'" 43. Wang, or oo-wang '44. wae^^, or oo-wae^S 26. "a 27. 00 28. a 29. e 30. eu\ or e-yeu' 35. eo"S', or e-yeo"S. 45. ^dey 36. e"ff, or e-y"a 46. "eaou, or "e-yaou 37. w"a, or oo-w"a 47. om •38. e"S, or u"S 48. "aou 39. ay 49 "0 40. ae"S". 50. ""ei», or "e-yete. jdcxvii Of these fifty finals, thirty-three' are plain, -snd scventeea tasal soun^ Tbe plain sounds consist bf— Three simple •voweh, • ' . . .tei. mU Eight dipfathongB, Three double vowels, divided by a dioerhesis. One triple vowel, divided by a dioerhesis, - - Five syllables consisting of a vowel and a consonant, ' Three syllables containing a rowel and two consonants. Two syllables containing a double vowel and a consonant. Two syllables with a double vowel and a double consonant. Six syllables, beginning with a w. "Y 28. «, as in/ar. >— < 89. > 0, as in me. t. I^> *>t as in go. f 11. oe, as in hoe. I 16. ae, something like i. I 3. ay, as a flat, in care. I 39. ay, as a slender, in gay. IS. ry, as in they. ST. 00, as in coo. 30. etc, as in yew. S3, aou. r 24. ea. < 33. eo. L as. oey. 19. eaott. r 19. am. I 6. an. S 3. im. I (: { 17. in. 47. om. ang. eng. ong. 38. eem. 2. Hen. 18. iang. hmg. SO. wa. woe. van. wang. 8. 10. 43. 1. L 4. v-'tiy. The nasals arc farmed from the plain sounds, by attempting to pronounce them through the nose, or by giving them a nasal twang in the termibatioo ; and arc expressed by an it, m, or ng, being prefixed, inserted, or affixed, above the line. Of the nasals there are three kinds; first, those in which single vowels or diphthongs take, a nasal sound, which are denoted by a small n preceding the nasal vowel. Sdiy, Those formed by a half-expressed ng terminating the word, and communicating its nasal sound to the whole. 3dly, Those formed by the letter m, in which the sound of the m ii so prevalent, as to communicate its force to the whole word. xxxviil Of the .first sort of nasals, there are eight, as follow: — 2fi. ' 36. «"fl, 37. w"», 41. fo^ formed from 38. a — — 24. ea 20. wa 11. oe 46. "eaou, formed from 13. eaoti 43. 49. "o, 50. "ew. 23. aou 15. 30. ew. In these instances all the letters after the " are nasal, though the " does not so fully alter the sound, as to deserve notic.e in an alphabetical arrangement. Hence in the following Dictionary, the nasal sound "a follows immediately after the plain a, and is not reserved to "be inserted under the letter n ; except where one of the initials /, b, or g is joined to any of the above nasal finals, in which case the power of these letters is merged into -that of n, m, and £71, which are then written large, and arranged under their proper places in the alphabet. Of the second sort of nasals, there are seven as follow: — SI. fli"^, formed from 5. ay 32. wui"S, 4. wuj/ 34. ee"S, 89. e 44. wae^S, 35, eo"S', formed from 33. eo 38. e"*", 7. ong 40. a^S, 16. ae 8. wae.' '■ '• " •In these cases the ^ is so clearly discernible in the pronunciation of the word, that although it has not -seemed necessary to write the "^ large, yet attention has been paid to these letters in the alphabetical arrangement Of the third sort of nasals, there are two, as follow: — 42. u*" 45. moeg. The number of these finals is increased by the contracted tones formed from them. These appear to the "Chinese to make only a differenf e in- the intonation, but in -European writing they req^uire a variation in the orthography. These contracted tones do not always terminate in the same letter, but vary according to the orthography of the several finals; thus finals ending in a vowel, whether nasal or plain, form the contracted tone by adding a rapid h to the end of the word, with a short mark on the preceding vowel, as ka, kah; the presence of this h however does not intimate that the latter p4rt of the wor^ is aspirated, -but only that it is •contracted, and suddenly stopped, before the full sound of the word is completed. Finals terminating in n, form t in the contracted sound; tliose in m form p; and those in ng form k; according to the following table. 1. Kwun forms hwut 11. Koe forms none 21. Kang forms kak 31. Kai"S forms kai''Sh 2. Keen keet 12. Keaou, JceaoUh 82. Keem keep 32. Kwui^S none S. Kim kip 13. Key none 23. Kaou kaoUh 33. KBo keSh 4. Kwuy none 14. Kiiing 'keuk 24. Kia keik 34. Kee^S kel"Sh 3. Kay kSyh 15. Ko kSh 25. Kdey ,koiyh 33. Keo"S none 6. Kan kat 16. Kae none 26. K'^a k"4h 36. Ke"a none "!. Kong kok 17. Kan kat 2T. Ko» koSh 37. Kw"a none 8. Kwae kwaSk 18. Keang keak 28. Ka kSh 38. Ke"S none ■9. Keng kek 19. Kara ' kap '29. Ke keSh 39. Kau Jciyh 10. Kwan lcis>at 20. Kwa kw&h 30. Kew none 40. Kae^ :.: X none X3UUX 41 i Woe forms none 44. Ktcat^ forms kwai^l I 47. Chom forms chBmh 42,. jjm !■ . none 45. Jloey none 48. Gneaou none 43. Kwang kuiak 46. Kleaou ■ : ,\ *"eaoflA 49. K"o k"8k fifty finals, witl SO. Gnete sounds, i none, f arranged alphabetically would be The 1 the thirty-four contracted as fpll( a aV^h aoih c "iaou ei'^h eSh tm "oe am tp"* wan "a ak ap ea eaoHh eep eo"? in Seg'" 9mk tcae wang *«' ii->i{i;L'i!'<||^;a(pi iii> nAta $e£h III seem seen see"S seep Met sek 'seng 8e"g SCO seOh seo"6i scuk seung sew •ey si in sin sip sit so soe soey soiyb soh sok iom song soo .t'cah tW. i L.f!; , . .Tk . .'..irl.^lj^Tn itl ill _ .twi\'-i ^1- A tfih Ui"g ' t«k-' ' \ .1 iify»!< •:. ,ll tan tang ■l|. 1 taou ^p ' m '" ..!.-.. tay Uyh li I .111 !■; .'J -1 1. te 'tte t5"a tefth teang teaou te«h teem teen tee°g teep teet tek tcng teog ,t'hai||f. t'hak '■• ^'aW' ' L'Jtan, t'bang fhaou flMp V t'bat tniay ' tfliftjbi! fbcOa t'belb t'hbang t'hcaou fheeh I'heeai t'hcen t'heeng t'heep t'heet t'hek f heng ^^^, . t'beo t'heuk t'beung t'bew t'bey fhioL t'hoey ffaok t'hong fboo t'booi"g tfhun fhut I'huy t'bwa t'hw"a t'hw&h t'hwan fbwat '. Un ^a wo.'fj lit to tofly.fl!!)?; ,i' tab tok tODg-'M.'"' too toSh tooing tun tut tw» -n tw"a twilb twan twat Wa w>>k' ▼ae ,,• wae"g waCh wa«"gh wib WaA' wat wiiey wo?jh woo wu^"g wun wat \ way ( Yang I'pioa yea yc"a yeSh yeak yeem yScn jeep yeet yeo ycuh yeoog yeuk yew yim yia yip I Jit junff 6"> ON THE CONJUNCTION OP INITIALS AND FINALS. .(U'-R ill. .nnitf:;-)^ The initials and finals are joined by the first letter of an initial being substituted in the place of th« first letter of the final. The Hok-ke£a people are accustomed to join them, by first naming the final, then enumerating each initial in order, they drop the first letter of the final, and substitute the first letter of the initial in its stead. Thus :— 1 ?Wi I. Kwun connects itself with its initials in the following manner: ... i.c . ° .. rlrioil'ij A" r l,iw p,een k,dm k'h,e ' t,9y p'h,6 t'*,"a ch,eng j,ip Sjfi itng b,1in gfi ch'h,ut h,6 K,u)un < ': '■.. ■■ , , . {_ lun pun kwuT^ k'hwun tun p'hun i'kun chun jun sun ' teiim bun noDe ch'hun hwun. According to this svbtiitic, the KProf'ithe final is omitted in; its connecj(i«jV , with several of the initials, but if the final be soundefl' )lcoo-«»«n, that^ omission will not be discernible, thdii:' "i ""'< ■ ''■■ ' > ■ ' n,,.y.;'.| i;"iri| n,tw p,eeifi:i, k,iw *'M 1,13/ .P'Ko t'Ht^a chs/eng jip 'jivf.i ,eng, Sfc. Koo,-wuni ^.,,|- ,, ;jf'., . p,, \,loo-rWun poprjiiun koo-ieun Ic'hoo-wun too-wuh p'hoo-wun ihoo-wun ch'oo-wuH joo-wun ','tod'Wun oo-wun, Sfc. These sounds however must noti'be: too much lengthened out, but pronounced Kiipidl; as monosyllables. The 4th, 8th, 10th, 20th, 39d, 37th,' 43d, and 44th finals, air hcginning witH w, may have that w preceded by, or changed into oo, and thus be joined with their initials in the same way as, above. ^,,i;,i',, 8. Keen conneotis i*self with itt initials as follows : — " ' ■■ '! unnd'ij r l,iw p,een k,iw k'h,i t,fy^ p'ho t'h,"a ch,etts j,ip >,i ,eng b,un g,i ch'h,ut h,i K,eeni ' [^ISen p'een ■ kjsen k'heen '\t8^ p'heen t'heen cheen Jeen seen y'een been g'een ch'heen heen Here a 3^ is. inserted uii9^ the llui initial, and *ill be foun^ prefixed to the same initial, in itt conjunc- tion with all those fiqa;!^ which have e followed by a vowel op diphthong. This is done on account of the lengthening of the e, the' consonant y being equivalent to ee, and being formed by 'placing the organs in the position of e, and squeezing the tongue against the roof of tbp. mouth. Thq 2d, 12th» I4)(h, 18th, 39d, S4th, 30th, 33d, 35th, S6lh, ^Sth, and JOth 'finals are inclnded under this rule. The 3d and itth finals, though begin- ning with r, yet, as they b^kve a sliglif Sfliund of e connected with them,, are inclu4ed under the same rule. Under all the other finals, the conjunction with 'tbO'' llth initial is formed merely by leaving out the first letter of the final. <• ■■■ ;■ ''i''- • •' ' '■ 3. Kim connects, itself with,.)ts initials as follows: — , I I ■^^ k'hii\'.>\t,e>f p'Ko ,fh,"a ch,tfig j,ip s,£ ,e7tg biiM , g,i cKhiut h,e f l,ii> P,een '■ ffJi l_ lim none «m I tim k'him '" tim none I' Aim chim Jim sim. yim none giin ch'him him ;.,: -I- i;': , . ,; ■'- ^ '•■ • • i For the y under the lltt), initial, aQ«;XX|le under the; '2d final, -yt^ ?ty od'ij 4. Kwuy is joineft with its initials in the following manni?:— "^ —'■.<{ ; . ,, ,, ■•1,1 1 ' ■ '''^' I '■ . ■ ! ' ■ r l,ew p,een k;4v>. k'h,i ,Uiy p'h,6 fh,"a ch,eng j,ip s,i ,eng M» ff.e eh'h.ut h,i Kwuy \ \_luy pwiiy kmuy k'hwky tuy p'hwuy- fhuy chuy ' jtauy siiy isiuy bwuy gwuy chhwuy hwuy For the omission of the to in connection with some initials, see remarks under the 1st final. 5. Kay is thus jbided with its imitials : — r l,iw p,een k,iw k'h,i t,ey p'ho Vh,^a ch,eng jjp sj ,eng b,An g,e ch'h,ut h,i \lay gay .^9^ f'^J' '".V f^^^ fhay . chay nqn© ■, fay ay bay gay ch'hay hay The 6th, 7th, 9th, llth, 13th, 15th, I6th, 19th, 21st, 23d, 25th, 26th, 27th, 2Sth, 29th, Slst, 3Uh, 35th 39tb, 40th, 41st, ■42d', 45lh, 47th, 48th, 49th', and 50th finals are all join6d in the «ame raanher; Without any variation. The Sth, ic/th, 20ih, ssd; snh, 4Sd, and 44tb, may also be refeited' to ilbiS eS&mple, which is the usual method of joining imfials with finals, ' . ' '■ ■urn 6. Kan is thus joined with its initials : ■ •!■ ■.. - ■" • •> •» ' ■•' ■■ 'i ,■■;•■ -1 ■• ■•>\ r l,6ui p,een k,tw k'h,i t,ey p'hfd rh,** ek,e»g J^ t,i ,eng M» g>^ cVhtUt h,i .^^n J .■'•■'■. ",■'.■<. ^ A'.t v\\ «■;■.■■'. n :. s, ,^ [, lun pan kan k'han tan p'han fhan eh»n none fm an ban ^oh cKhan han 7. Kong forms its junction with its initials in a similar manner, thus: l,iw p,een k,tw k'k.i t,ey p'htd fkt"« elt,«H j,ip *A t«H M" 6%^ ek'k,ul^ h,i Kong i '''• ' '■ ' ■ '' " ; ■■ . ■■ ' ■ ■■■ •/■y\ - .■■iA'^v ■;',">■■. \ -■ ■_■• ■ .A --"I.-,' f long pong kong k'hong long p'hong t'hong ehong none tong ong bong gong ch'kong hong 8. Kwae joins with its initials thus; ., . , , - "* ' ' ' - ''■ '\ ',*•».' .' ."-X I*"', ; l,iv) p,een fc^io k'h.i ley p'ha ffc"''">iiMf b,iin gjt ch'h.iil h,i he poe koe k'hoe toe p'hoe fhoe c»#e noUe'"*^""**'"'' '"Wii"'- irs^'^'ivAitf hor ' IS. Kiiaou is thus Joined with its isitialsi -"Me tiK n«te under the Sd final. t'.^ "^ r l,iw p,een k,iw eh,i l,ljf p%i r*,*« eh,eng J,ip »4 ,«ng Mm S,i ch)t,vt hi V. ttaou piaou keaou k'hiaou Uaou p'hiaou fhiaou ehiaou jiaou tiaou gaou beaou geaou eh'heaou heaou is. Key is thug united with JU iniHuIs: ^ A v*-* "J' »Vi iv.O.i «>.X "^ r,iw ?,««'*,<»>••■*•*> l,^ p-ho Ck** ck,eng j;{p- t,t -^^eng '^'i,4n ""g^k ei?i'J h,i Key ' r.iean < r/, K,oe \ \.lo { ley pey key k'hey ley p'hey they chey limi''iei^'^'''^^!i^''gt^"'k'h^ hey U. Keung unites thus with it* initials -..-^c the aote under the 3d fiMli '*'''^ '*'*t^ "'^''4 '"''^ I L leu l' l,tw p,itn JcM k%i t,iy ph^ rt,"* h,i l,ly p'hd «'A,"« ch,eng i,(^ .,f^ .^,^Hg b,4n g,i chh,ui h,i po . ko k'Ko to p'ho eho cko nose to p bo go chliff ho 16. Kae connects itself with its initials thus: iw p,ien k,iw kh,i l,(y p'h,6 t'h,"/i ck,«tig jjp t,t /mg ijAn g,i cKhiuf ■ k,i lae pae kae . k'ht tae f'hac flue chae none toe mi' V.V.y^ \\\\\\'\'^ 18. Keang joins thus with its initials: — see the note above. .-.lii ,i , i; •! •.■: .r;.' I. Ill 'I'.ilini »)} ifliw iioil-xmi, /li p.miol tji; l,iti) p,een k,iw Ar'A.d 1,1]/ .p''h,6 th^^a ch,eng j,ip *,( ,eng b,1ln g,i cK'h,ul h,& A'^dn^:^ ' ■ ■-•- »v-.\. ;•->''.''■' "''•''■'. • ''\ ■ ' ! leang peang kiang k'hSang Viang p'heang Vheang chiang jeang seang yang none geang cVheang heang 19. Kam joins with its initials in the usual way, fhusi — Cam < { iw p,Sen k,iw k'h,h t,ly p'A.d th^a ch,eng j,ip s,i ,ihg J.ffn g,t ch%ttr h,i Kam ^ . ■ . 1 •, ■ 1 hm none ■' kaM' k'ham tain-\.n»Ab^'t'hiajii cham-- none tarn am ■■ham '■• gam tVham ham •••"^ 20. Kwa unites With its initials thnSi"^ '>■•>"' '"■' " ■^""'' > " '■ •• -lA •«»mi\ muii _, f l,iw p,^en k,iw k'h,i t,ey p-h,6 t'h»a cA,e«ff- 'i/iJJ/"' i;i '•'',ifni''"'VM''''V>"' ^J^^.t^^' M --w* 91V- Rang joins with its initials as follows :^:^'^ -"■■'^'» -"^-^'^ -■'^'^^ ?>-"' -^ ■'A''^''' ■''.""■^ V '\ J r/,*u» p.een ft'^iu A'M t,ey p'h,d f'h,'"a ch,eng slili^'%i^' ''■iing'^Mn'%'i "'''ik^h^ut' h,6 K lang pang kang k'hang tang 'vp'hang Chang chang' none sang ang bang gang ch'hang hans 22. KiJem is thus connected with ite.initiaJs^iM- see note under the 8d final.' A »uiv.\ ni-.v.>\ nn'a\ I f,i*u) p,een k,iw k'h,i t,gy p'h,d Ch,"a chieitg'f}p'-'s\i'-,ing'''Hh^'^ h,e f l,i eem< Keem { /Bern none kHem k'beem teem', nom, a t'hSeM \vh£em\'jeem seem y'iem none giem ch'hiem heem 23. Kaou is joined thus with its initials;—^,., l,iw p,f«B k,ia k'h,6 :t,ey p%9 .ffh,"0 eh,eng , jip .J,t/,\.^eng bM g,6 eh'h,ut h,i l^lai Kaou <_ laou paou kaou Whaou taou p'haou , t'haour^ fhaou none iaou aou baou gaou cKhaou haou S4. Kea unites with its initials thus; see the qote under the 8d finali. . . >,iw p,een k,tw k'h,& t,Sy p'h,6 l'h,"a eh,eng J,ip f,i ,fng b,An g,i eh'hut h'e Kea \ _lea none kea Whea tea none none- . chSa jea ti^ii y'ea bea gea ch'hea hea "ea < \lea 25. Kbey unites thus with its initials. ^ ,.■,, ^■^\'\ ,j.„\\ m ..a>-\ x,_,,\ C l,iw p,een k,iw Whi t,ey ]fih^\\ ,th,''a eh,eng j,ip »,i ,eng b,iln g,i ch'h,ul h.t KSey I \_loey pSey kSey k'hiiey tSey p'hSty'tVioej^.'yickSejf. Joey aoey Sey biiey goey ch'hoey hoey N. B. Bey is semetimes written wSeyt becauie this final koey has something of the sound of a is in it, and may be pronounced ko-uiey. ;^:j.,Ji(ii '1. iU.u iudJ 'iu'-.v-u • 86. K^ajoins thus with its initials;^ -">•*•' '^"•*'' '"'''« "' r l,ivi peen V&w k'h,b t,ey p'h,d t'h,'*a ch,en^ jjp i,S ,eng *,«Jn gi ch'h.ut hi. \ na none fc"o Wh^a t^a p-h^a t'h^a ch"a none s"a "a ma none none none. This being the first of the nasals, it becomes necessary to notice the variation of some of the initials', when connected with nasal finals} such as the Ist, the I2th, and sometimes the 13th, initials, which lose in a great xlv measure their original sounds, and merge into those of the nasals ; thus / becomes n or P*, b becomes m, and g is converted into gn. Indeed, so much is the sound of the initial letter lost in the nasal, that to a learner's ear the words under the above initials appear to have the sound of n, m, and gn full ; and thus it has been thought advisable to write them in the following dictionary: but a little closer attention to the sound of the 1st initial when connected with a nasal final, will convince the student that the / is not altogether lost, but enters in some measure into the sound of the word, as though na were written ?*<», but pronounced through the nose, with a little more stress laid on the n than on the /. The sound of 6, in the 12th initial is more completely merged into that of m, yet pronounced with a whining noise, like a child crying ma. The sound of g, when con- nected with a nasal final, is more evidently preserved than the other two, and is pronounced as though written gn full, with a strong nasal sound. 27. Koo is joined thus with its initials: \ l,iv) p,een lc,dio 1c'h,i. t,ey p'h,6 Vh"a ch,eng j,ip s,6 ,eng b,vn g,e ch^h,ut h,6 (_ loo poo koo k'hoo too p'hoo Vhoo choo joo soo 00 boo goo clChoo liuo The sound of 00 under the 11th initial is sometimes written woo, because this final has something of the sound of w in it, as though drawled out into koo-woo; and this latter form has usually been followed in the succeeding pages. 28. Ka Joins thus with its initials : \ l,iw p,een k,6w k'h,& t,iy p'hfi Vh^a ch^mg j,ip $,6 ^ng b,dn g,e eh'h,ul h,S ^ la pa ka k'Aa ta p''ha t'ha cha none sa a ba ga ch'ka ha 29. Ke unites with its initials in the usual way : \ l,6w p,een k,6w k'h,h t,iy p'h,6 fhy^a ch,ctig j,iu s,6 ,eng b,un g,e ch'h,ut h,6 ^ le pe ke k'he te p'he t'he che je se e be ge cVke he 30. Kew connects itself thus with its initials : — see the rule under the 2d final. \ l,iw p,een k,6w k'h,i t,iy p'h,6 fhl*a ch,eng j,ip s,i ,eng h,un g,i ch'h,ut h,c Kew < ^ lew pew kew k'hew tew p'hew t'hew chew jew sew yeto bew gew ch'hew hew 31. Kai"S joins with its initials thug: V "S S ^'*"' P)^'" *>^"' k^h,l t,ey p'h,6 t'h^a ch,epg j.ip s,6 ,eng b,vn g,e ch'h,ut h,c ( nai^'S pat"S kat^S k'hai"S tat"S p'hai"S t'hat"i chat"g none sai^S at^S max"S gnmj ch'haP'S hat"g This being a nasal final, the 1st and I2th initials in connection with it are changed from / and 6, to n and m ; and the 13th initial ^ is written ^n, with the omission of the final hi/, the t being changed \n\o y ; though it must be remembered that this sound is to be pronounced through the nose, rclnining the full power of both the g and n, at the beginnin<,' of the word, 32. Kwui"S connects itself thus with its initials ; ^„W,tm PfCen k,iw k'h.i t,ey p'h,6 t'h^a ch/ng s,e. ,eng b,un g,e eh'h,ut h,6 ( nooi"S pooi^S kwvi"S k'hwvi^S tooi^S p'hoot"i Vhoot^S chtn^S urui^'S wui^S mooing none ck'hui"S hui"g This final being nasal, tiie Ist and 12th initials undergo an alteratitn as raenlionrd under the 26th final; but m xlvi there are also changes in the vowels, which make a difference in appearance while there is none in reality, the vowels being changed only to acommodate the vowel sound to the diflferent consonants of tlie initials, but if the final be written koo-i^S, the whole will correspond. See under the 1st final. 33. Kiio unites thus with its initials: — see the note under the 2d final. Keo l,tto Pf'een k,&w k^hfi tft'y p'h,6 t^h,^a ch,eng j,ip s,& ,cng bfin g,t cVhyUt h,S ^ leo p'eo keo k'heo i'eo p'heo t'h'eo ch'eo ji-o s'eo yeo beo g'eo ch'h'eo Keo 34. Kee"n joins thus with its initials: — see under the 26th and 31st finals. \ l,tiB Pj'eeii k,iw k^h,h t,ey p''h,6 fh/^a ch,eng j,ip s,e ,eng b,un g,6 ch''h,ut h,6 ( nee"= pee^^S kee'^S k'hee'^S tee"S p^hee»g fhee^'g cheek's jee^g see^i ee^9 mee'^i none cVhee'^g hee^g 35. Keo"S unites thus with its initials : — see remarks under ihe 2d, 26th and 31st finals. \ Lite p,'een k,iw iVj,fi t,ey p'h,6 Vh^a ch,eng j,ip s,i ,eng b,un g,i cVh^ut h,t (_n'eo"g none k'eo^9 k'heo^g t'eo^S none none ch'eo^g none s'eo"g y'eo^^g none none ch'h'eo'^g hio^ff 36. Ke"a joins thus with its initials: — see remarks under the 2d, 26ih, and 31st finals. \ l,ho p,een k,&w k'h,i, t,ey p'h,6 Vh^^a ch.eng j.ip s,i ,eng hfin g,t cVh,ut h,& Ke"a i (_ na pe'^a , e^a K'he.^a te"a p^he^a t'h'e"a cM^a none se^a y'e^a m'ea g'^'ea cVhe^a h&*a Here the little "' denoting the nasal, is omitted under the 1st and 12th initials as unnecessary, it being contained in the n and m at the beginning of the words; under the 13th initial it is retained. 37. Kw"a connects thus with its initials : — see under the 26th and 31st finals. \ l,iw p,'een k,iw k^h,h t,ey p''h,6 Vh^a ch,eng j,ip s,i ,eng b,un g,i cVli.,ut h,6 ^ nw^a pu>"a kw^a k'hw''''a tw^a p''hw^a t'/imf^a chw^a none sio^a ki"« mw"a none ch^hw^a hw"a 38. Ke"S joins thus with its initials: — see remarks under the 26th and 31st finals. y,'een k,ito k^h,h t,Mj p'h,6 Vh^a ch.eng j,ip s,& ,eng bfin g,i cVh,ut h,i ^*"^ * "" pe^'g ke''g k'he^g tc"g none t'he^g chc^g none se^g e^g none none ch'he^g ht^g ( l,iw p \ne"9 p 39. Kay unites thus with its initials • !,6ui p,een k,6w k''h,l t,ey p'h,6 Vh^a ch,eng j,ip s,6 ,eng bfin g,& ch'h,ut h,6 Kay ^ lay none kay k'hay tay none tliay chay none iay ay bay gay ch'hay hay 40. Kae"S joins with its initials thus: — see under the 26th and 31st finals. {l,iw k,lw k'hyh p^hjb ch,eng s,S bfin g,6 h,i nae kae^g k'hae^g fhae'^g chae"g sae^g mae gnae hae^g Under this final the I, b, and g, are changed by the nasal as noticed under the 26th and 31st finals, but the small "^* are omitted, as being included in the nasal at the beginning of the word, though care must still be taken to pronounce the whole as coming from the nose. ■ l,iw kjito g,t 41. K"oe is found connected with only three initials thus : — K oe I noe k^oe gno€ xlvii 42. U™ is found in connection with only two initials thus : .This final u"' is found in connection with only these two initials, the first of which resembles the sound of um ■and the latter hum, both attempted to be pronounced without opening the mouth. {k,6to ,eng h,( kwang wang hwang ( ^j^"" *i^ ^eng bfin 44. Kae"6 is found connected with only four initials: — Ktoae^S } {kwae^S su>a^9 wae^S buae"9 45. Moey is found connected with only one initial; as 6,l2n, — moey. ( l,ito k,iw g,i 46. K"eaou is connected with only three initials, thus: — K^eaou } ' neaou k*eaou gneaou I k^hfi t^y ch,eng s,6 47. Chom is found connected with four initials, thus: — Chom J ( h'hom torn chom som ( /,^io 6,t2n g,i h,6 48. Gnaou is connected with only four initials, thus: — Gnaou I { naou maou gnaou h'*aou ( l,6w k,6w b,in g,6 h,6 49. K"o is found in connection with five initials, thus : — Kno} i no k^o mo g^o h"o 50. Gndw is found connected with only two initials, thus : — Gn&w I \ new gnew For a complete view of the initials and finals, with the method of joining them, see the following table. A TABLE OF THE INITIALS AND FINALS OF THE HOK- FINALS. top L-ew j^ P-een jjt K-ew ^K'h-e MT-ey gf P'h-6 ft^T'li-na 1 ^ KjWun ^3E. K,een 3:^K,im 6^K,an 7 '/^ K,ong 8^K,wae 9 Wjl K,eng 10||K,wan ll^K,oe 12Jl^K,eaou 13^K,ey 14^ K,eung 15 1p3 K,o 16 ^ K,ae 17r|lK,in 18^ K,eang 19 P K,am 20JRK,wa 21 ]fE K.ang 22^ K,eem ■ . 23^K,aou 24 'll K,ea 25TBK,6ey 26lnX,"a 27)tl^K,oo 28 W K,a 29/|fK,e 30 j/ K,ew 33 ^1 K;eo 34^/C,«e"^ lun fjl leen #lim Mluy Ijiay itTl /«» vj Iwae -J L /ens' lo6 leaou 111 l^y f)l IMng ^lin ^ leang ^lam JD leem tt laou plea [A) iSey ^ na ■/■tC lo6 & lew nooi ^ pun ^peen U pirn (ii5 pwuy jfx pan t^ pong JTV p\va6 JEt peng HSCpwan HMpoe T;^ peaou p^pey 'l^t peung dUpae M P'" -fie. peing O pam ^|5 pang O peem ^ paou ^poey Op"a ^^po6 Gpa l^pe ff^pew ,ng \h \le6 nee Pg pool tj nnni o ^ kwun §5 keen ^kim ^i kwuy ^kay ~r kan '*» kong W|2 kwae keng J, kwan fp koe $|oj keaou ft key ^ keung ^ko ^ kae rtlkin ^^ keang P| kam jRkwa JQL kang ;^ keem ^ kaou ^1} kiJa t|k6ey TWkoo Mke y kew ^ Aeo k'hwun fXtun ^ k'heen Ij^ teen ii^ k'hira ^ tim k'hwuy ' 5^ tuy k'hay ' "^ k'han ^ k'hong ifl k'hwae M k'heng ^ k'hwan H k'hoe T-^ k'heaou lM k'hey k'hijung l'^ k'ho in k'hae ^k'hin flx k'liiiang J^S k'ham py k'hwa k'lieem ^X k'haou ■rJ" Ai'Aea H k'hoey n. K'hoo Hip iVm %k k'he :^tay jttan l^tong I O twae ["T teng ; JflfJ toe l^^lfl teaou iEtey *y tijung 77 to ;titae !?'" jV^teang tl'am I 'fif tod /p tiiem tftd , /L taou ^ tea f\ fohj Stoo j^iHte XC k'hew i ■^ tew i^k^hai^S :^tai"g $]} k'hwuf'S II foofS ^ ;t'Aed ^ fed ^ p'hun H p'heen O p'him '^Up'hi!/ tK P'han ?f p'hong O p'hwae W^ P.heng IT p'liwan I3 p lioe '^ p'heaou ^J-U p'liey W p'heung § P'ho iE p'hae I p'hin ..,,,p'heang O p'liam I'M- ,1 P?; p^hang O p'heem f/S p'haou 5f» p'hoey "" //A^d p'hoo ppVm dT- p'he ^^ p'hew 'r^ 1 ; "g ll^p'hce " 7^ t'hun 7^ t'heen ^ t'him jfi t'huy ^ t'hay P t'han iM t'hong O t'hwae alfe t'heng yjflt t'iuvan fit'hoe ^t t'heaou 'W ''hey \^i t'heung iftt'ho p t nae Mt 'hin 'liejtng 'ham f'hwd. ''hang 'heem fi t'haou o fhea if- 'hoey t'h"a 1^ Vhoo 1 t'hd t'he t'liew 1$ Vhai^S #^ 'hooi^'S ^^ Vheo ^ i'Ace"^ xlix KEEN DIALECT, WITH THE METHOD OF JOINING THEM. # Ch-eng AJ-ip il|S-e mE-ng HB- un up vjr-t; tt| Ch-hut H-e ^ chun W cheen i^chim ^chuy ^chay IS Chan ^ chong }|p chwae g cheng ^ chwan ^1' clioe ^ cheaou #chey !*• chijimg f^cho ^chin ^ chi-ang )U;^ chara JpX chwd ^ cAa«^ |5 cheem ifeU: ^ly cAaou *|n' jSZ chea 9P choey '/fC choo ScAa ;2lche 7(1 cliew ?| cA««"i' (^ ^'^eo ii cAee"»" ^je6n ^jwiiy Ojay Ojan Ojong O jwae 0j6ng |\jwiD Ojoe /|\jeS,ou Ojey ^jei'ing Ojo Ojae Ajln i^jcing ;Ojam Ojang ^j^ Oja icem laou Mjea Jiijfiey Of'a Oja ?Lj6 it^jew jeo '^ sun ^ siien V j(j> sim Spsuy i^%ay l-i^ san song O swae ^seng swan soe seaou sev (Sjscung ' so I sac sin stiang , sam :swR ; sang [seem I saou sea I^^se "^ soey iS 800 jee "g lisa f^ sew jirut "ff i^sco n 1 7iia wun S yeen yira ^wuy ffiay IC an ong ;E wae -5^eng ^ wan ZCyaou IPyung go 0yin Xyang am op i*a ^ yeem ^aou •ti^yiii nta TSC oey fjoo DSa i^yew ^yto ng 'ee n bun lyt, be6n jpbin, i J^ bwuy I ,^ 6ay ^bjln : i^ <""'g O bwae Bjjb^ng ; i^ bwfin lilboe ] Ifl beAou j3S bc'y \J beuDg :||bad Rbln \J bcang O bam bv6. m bftng O biiem ^P baou -|i bei ^£ 60 ^y «^ mA •Mbod J^bCw /2^ mooi " \^be6 met ng O gwun ^gefin uLgwuy ^gay P g4n f n gfing p)a gwaC jiSlgfing iTCgwAn IWgoS ^ gc^u l^igCy ! ^\ gedng Ill3^g6 iJlgafi lilgtn ; i?T g«'»"e "Me*™ \ f^ ging ll^gefim j M ^''^'* ;/^|»g6ey jOe"* \^ god i§ge I ^ ch'hun I ch'hiien j^ ch'hira 1^ ch'huy 7^ ch'hay '^ ch'han ^ ch'lioiig (J ch'hwae 7^ ch'heng jll ch'hwan : M ch'hoe ! ^ ch'heaou ^ ch'hey 1 Tu ch'hcung i^ch'ho ^^ ch'hae p^ chhin ' 1^ ch'hcang ^ ch'ham ^^ ch'hwa /^. cVhang ^ ch'heera ^ ch'haou $ cAV/i « O ch'h"a Jli^ ch'hofl X ch'ha P ch-he ^ ch'hew H cA'Aa."^ )I| cA'Au,"^ # cA'A«"^ '■^hwun ^ hiien fE^bim ^ hwuy ijhay ^ ban ^ hong *a hwa lyL bene ft^ hwan Pf^hoe J^ heaou Bihey ^l] heung Ppjho ^ h'ae ^ hi.i ^P beang Sham ^J hwa 'l^hang '^ heem Hthta ^hney Oh^ 7^ boo ^ha ^he 'VK hew I^ hal"S j^ htcui' =" P^hea b|:a«"^ A TABLE OF THE INITIALS AND FINALS OF THE HOK FINALS. P L-6w i^ P-een >jt K-ew ^ K'h-e M T-ey lil Fh-6 (lJlT'h-na 35^K,eo''S 1 O peo"g #;teo"^ ^ il'AeA" ^*e»"= O p'hco"S O t'heo"g 36'^K,e% ^nc"d :^l>e"a ^ Ae'^a fe /.'Ae'*d tr tif'a p- fhe"a I||. <'/,c»a 37 "^ K,w\ ')i m."a Jw pw"« 'gku,\ % k'hw"a IP- tw»a i^ p^hw^a i:<'A«,«« 3sMk/^ SlJne"^ W Pe"^ IPI /te»^ Mk'he"^ S '^"' O fhc"S 1B ''A«"^ 39fniA>y IfeMj/ Opay 1(1 iay tftP k'hay ^tay O p'liay §H <'Aay 4ofB\K,ae"S /^na6 O pae"S R5U«««^ ^ k'hae"S O ««e"^ 9' v'kat^S O t'hae"S 41 ^t K,"oe itXnpe Op"oe ikk\e O k'li"oe Ot"oe O p'h"oe O t'h"oe 42 ^t/"* Onu'^ Vj pu Oku"' O k'lu."' Otu"* O P'hu"^ O fhu"" 43 7^ K,ioang (_) Iwang (_y pwang tIQ Icwang O k'hwang O twang C_) p'hwang O t'hwang 44 p^ K,wae"S O nwae"^ C-) pwae ^ P^ kwae ^ O k'hwae"^ O twae"g O p'hwae ^ O t'hwae"S 45 jJI M,oe,j O noey O p"oey ^"o-^y O k'hnoey V/ t oey KJ p'h"6ey O t'h"oey 460^K,"eaou ^^ neaou O p eaou P^ k"eaou k'h"eaou O t"eaou O p'h"eaou O t'h"eaoii ^~ 3C C,hom Qiom O pom \_) koin IJll k'hom ^t6m O p'liom O t'liom 43 jX. G,na6u ^ naSu O p"aou O k"aou O k'h"aou O t"aou O p'h aou O t'h"aou 49}Xk,% illno Op"o \JU k\ O k'h"o Ot"o O p'h"o O t'h"o 50 ■'r' G,ne«! fj\| n6\v Op"ew O k"ew O k'h"ew Ot"ew O p'h ew O t'h"ew ON THE TONES. The paucity of words, or of orthographical variations in the Chinese language, has rendered a system of tones necessary. Tlie language spoken at court, (commonly called the mandarin dialect,) contains four hundred and eleven dilTerent monosyllables, each of which is increased by the application of four tones;* the Hok-kefen comprises more than double that number, which are severally varied by almost double the number of tones. The four tones of the court dialect are the 35. P6ng, J^ Sijang, -^ K'h^, and ^ Jip, or the 'even,' 'high,' * The following verse, taken from the Chinese Imperial Dictionary, will serve to explain the powers of these tones: ^ M ^ M ^ 1^ Mi ^^"S ^^"S P^ng to> ^ok te gang; Jt ^ i^ Pf- fS ^ll 5^ ^^^^" ^^"S ^° ^°'^' ''^"S '^^' keing; •^ ^. ^ BJ5 ^ JS M ^'''^ ^^"S hwun b6ng, ae win to ; A ^ ^M Ij^ ^ ^^ ^ ■''P ^^"S *^^" cheuk, kip sew chfing. u KEEN DIALECT, WITH THE METHOD OF JOINING THEM. \ •'tCh-engAJ-ip g| S-e ^ E-ng n B-fln lG-6 ti^ Ch-hut H-6 oc tn £^ cheo ° JE chi"a ^, c/,w"a ^ c/.e"» 3^ chay ^ chae^^ Och"c Ochu" \J chwang (3 cliwae ° O ch"6ey Cj ch eaou ^^ chom O ch"aoii Och"o Ojeo"g O jena O jw"a Oje"g Ojay^_^ |Oj"oe Ojwang O jwae ^ O j"o<"y O.n J eaou \^ join O J aou Oj"o O .i"ew oe m ^pse a 1^ say |^sae"e Osu" O swang O s"6ey O s"eaou O s"aou Os"o ; .. ng ,yeo ^ ^Bay o ae ng O"' oc Pj^ wang r^9 y eaou O Oorr 0"« meo ng o ^^ n ^•^ mto a Ome"8 ^6ay ^ raae CJ raoe Obu™ O bwang vj bwae " \J meaou O mom /f* maflu [2| TOO CJ mew ng O gneo Ogw"a O gne ° X gnae iL gno6 Og"'" U gwang (J gwae ° O gnoey P^ gneiou O goni 5^ gnaou •^gnfiw J cA'Aeo"^ jg ch'he"a qig crt hw a jL ch'hay O ch'hae"e O ch'hnoe O ch-hu™ (_) ch'liwang Och'hwae"? O ch'hniiey O ch'li"eaou O ch'hom O ch'h"aou O ch'h"o O ch'h"ew Aeo"" '^hay O hOoe ' ^ hwang \J liwae ^ O h 6ey W h^eaou O horn §^h"a8u |pIh"o Oh"ew 'departing,' and 'entering' tones; these in Hok-l«eJ!n are multiplied by dividing them into high and low, or into a first and second series, such as: — First series : Seang pfing, _|^ ^ cheo^i pafff, the upper (or first) even tone; Seangseang, _[;;_ J^ the upper (or first) high tone; called more generally the Siiang seng, K ^ seang s'e^a, the high tone ; Seang k'hd, J^. ^ chco"S k'hi, the upper (or first) departing tone ; Seang jip, J^ ^ cheo"ff jip, the upper (or first) entering tone. " The even tone travels on a level road, neither elevated nor depressed ; "The high tone exclaims aloud, being- fierce, violent, and strong; "The departing tone is distinct and clear, gruffly traveling to a distance; "The entering tone is short and contracted, being hastily gathered up." iii Second series : Hay p6ng, "TJ Z^ ay pat^S, the lower (or second) even tone ; Hay seang "K J^ ay sedng, the lower (or second) high tone ; This being alwaj's like the first high tone, goes by the same name of seang seng, V' ^? seang se'^a, the high tone. Hay k'hfe, TT ^ ay A'Ag, the lower (or second) departing tone ; Hay jip, ~F> yl ai/jip, the lower (or second) entering tone. These are the names given them by the Chinese ; it is for us to describe and designate them according to our method of accentuation. 1. The Seang pSng, _£_ ^ cheo^S pai"ff, "upper (or first) even tone," is, as the name denotes, a smooth even tone, gently flowing from the lips, without any effort, and is most commonly pronounced with a musical note. It has neither rise nor deflection, and is therefore left without any accent, being the natural unconstrained expres- sion of the voice ; thus kwun. 2. The Seang seang, J^ J^, "upper high tone," or simply Siiang seng, J^ ^ s'eiing s'e"a, "the high tone," is, as the name imports, a high, shrill tone of the voice, pronounced with strength aud rapidity, and is therefore denoted by the acute accent ; thus kwun. 3. The Seang k'hfe, j[^ -^ ch'eo^S k'M, "upper (or first) departing tone," is a low gruff tone of the voice, which seems to come immediately from the throat, and to be lengthened out while proceeding slowly from it. The Chinese call it a departing tone, because they say it goes away like the flowing of water, never to return. It is marked with the grave accent; thus kwiln. 4. The Seang jip, J|^ y^ ch'eo^S jip, "upper (or first) entering tone," is a short contracted sound as if terminated abruptly, and has at the same time a rapid utterance, something like the Seang seng, p ^£ s'idng s'e"a: it is therefore distinguished by a short mark ", followed by a final h, in all those words ending in a vowel, zakojkbh; but in words ending with a consonant, the entering tone is marked by changing the long consonant into a corresponding abrupt one ; thus words ending in n, take the letter t, as kwun, kiout ; those in ng, take the letter k, as keng, kek ; and those ending, in m, take the letter p, as katn, kap. The Chinese consider tliis to be nothing more than a variation in tone, and as making no alteration in the orthography of a word ; which is indeed true with respect to all those words ending in a vowel or diphthong, where the entering tones^ are merely abrupt terminations of the vowel sound of the other tones ; as if a person about to pronounce ko long, should be suddenly taken with a hiccup, and stop short before the o was well out of his mouth, thus forming a rapid kb or kbh instead of ko : so also with respect to those words ending in the consonants n, ng, and m ; by considering the organic formation of those letters, we shall find, that " the entering sound" is nothing more than an abrupt termination of them. Thus, the final n is formed by pressing the tip of the tongue against the gums of the upper teeth, while a person breathes through the nose, with his mouth open ; now the final t is produced by a similar process, with the exception of the nasal breathing. So also, the final vg is formed by pressing the middle of the tongue to the roof of the mouth near the throat, while the voice passes principally through the nose; and this, it may be observed, is precisely the case with the final *, without the nasal emission. Further, the final m is produced by closing the lips till the breath is collected, and then letting the voice issue by the liii nose: the like process is necessary in order to enunciate the final p, except that the sound terminates abruptly on closing the lips. 5. The Hay p^ng, ~T\ Zc. dij pai"^, "lower (or second) even tone," is an inflected sound, beginning low and ending high, being dwelt upon a moment during the enunciation, and then turned to another tone before coming to a close. It may be exemplified by the drawling tone given to some words when spoken ironically, or to the word "indeed/" when used as an exclamation. It should have been marked by a rising V circumflex, thus kwun ; but that being rarely met with in printing oflices, it has, for the sake of convenience, been designated by the falling circumflex ; thus kwfin. 6. The Hay seang, ~Tn _|2, "lower (or second) high tone," is precisely the same as the Sijang seang, -t _Il, ""PP^"" ('"■ first) high tone ;" and is therefore also generally designated the Suang scng, J^. ^ *£«"§' se^a, "high tone;" which see. 7- The Hay k'hfe> |\ -^ ay h'hi, " lower (or second) departing tone," is a low, protracted, monoto- nous sound, something like the "upper (or first) departing tone," but not so gruff and guttural; it is therefore marked by a horizontal line, as a long sound ; thus kwun. 8. The Hay jip, ~T\ 1i ay jip, " lower (or second) entering tone," is a combination of two tones, having an abrupt sound, like the " upper entering tone," with the addition of an inflected intonation of the vowel, similar to that just described under the "lower (or second) even tone." For this tone, as far as it regards the abrupt termination of the words, the same letters and marks are employed as notified under the " upper entering tone," but the inflected intonation is marked by a perpendicular stroke ', either in the middle of the short mark over the vowel, or when followed by an abrupt consonant over the vowel alone ; thus kah, kal, kap, kwiit. The power of these intonations may be seen at one view, together with the manner of their proceeding from the mouth, and the use of the signs employed, by the following eight figures. ¥ The first even tone >» is not marked. ± ± The upper tone marked ^' with an acute accent ± The first departing tone marked with a grave accent. ± A The first entering tone marked _ jvith a breve •J \ accent. i The second even tone marked with » circumflex accent. > The upper tone marked"^ with an acute accent T The second \ departing ^) tone desig- nated by a long mark. A The second enteringtone marked with a breve and a perpendicu- lar. P liv None of these accents have anything to do with stress or emphasis, always retaining their peculiar force, whether at the beginning or end of a sentence — when interrogating or affirming — in angry or in sootliing words — when speaking aloud, or when whispering : they remain ever the same. The poorer class of people and young children, who are unacquainted with letters, and know not the names of the accents, or the rules by which the language is governed, are yet most exact in their accentuation of Chinese words ; and generally speaking, the more ignorant they are of letters, and the methods of defining speech, the more particular they are in distinguishing the accents. In order to converse intelligibly with the common people in the Hok-keen dialect, it is indispensably necessary to attend to the accentuation, particularly as a slight varia- tion of decent not only makes a difference in the grammatical inflection of words, but also quite alters their sense, and makes them mean very different things. This may be seen from the following short sentences, which are put together merely to show the necessity of distinguishing the accent, in words which have precisely the same orthography. Sek y6w 16 jtn, -S^ /B •^ y^ chd woo laou l&ng, Beng pok chfing hoe, ^ .W l]3? [^ in'e^d puh, cheng kaou; Yeiik mae t'heet koo, /* & *p^ ^a ah bay Cheek kaou, He^m chefin bo8 kofe, ^^ ^ ^ ^ hUm che6'^ bS kabu; H66y k'han pe ko6, Ih] ^ ^ ^"pj tooV^i k'han oe ka6u, Ge cheak pek hofi, 3^^ ^ |y jj^ to6 teohpayh kaSu ; Ko6 hwuy ho6 ho6, ^p| \ij^ |& W^ ka6u pwuy kaSu ha6u: Put te, 'Xs -^-p u"' chae, Se ko6 wily hofi, -^ ^^ -^ Wi. ^^ ''''^" ^'^"" ^"*^"' Hek ho6 wily ko6, ^ ^fe "^ ^^ " *^ ^"^" *^"" ^'°^"- " Formerly there was an old man, " Whose lot was poor, but his disposition liberal ; " And he desired to purchase an iron hook, " But found that his money was not sufficient ; " Returning, he led after him a black dog, " And accidentally met a white monkey ; " The dog barked, and the monkey screamed : " So that it could not be known, " Whether the dog was afraid of the monkey, " Or the monkey afraid of the dog." In these few lines there are five words written with the same letters — kaou — which, according to the eommon system of orthography, would all be pronounced in the same way ; but in tone as well as in sense, they severally differ from one another ; thus, there are : Iv 1 Kaou, in the first even tone, meaning ' a hook ;' Kaou, in the high tone, translated ' a dog ;' Kadu, in the first departing tone, denoting 'sufficient ;' Kadu, in the second even tone, signifying 'a monkey ;' Kaou, in the second departing tone, meaning ' liberal.' These, without a particular attention to the variation of the tones, could not be distinguished, and with- out being distinguished, such a sentence, and very many like it, would not be understood. Another sentence is adduced to show iiow all the eight tones may sometimes occur in connection, each requiring to be very accurately discriminated in order to have the speaker intelligible. Y6w tek clie kay, 7^ |^ ^ ^ tcoo Uk &y kay, " A family possessing virtue, Chin j6 bo8 kky, jH. m ITE Ito chin yea bo kdy, " True, and without deceit, Soo te tae kav, jjlj^ /jA" ^ jS chty tit twd kdy, " This is of great price, K'hwafe e sim kek, kh -M j^\ Bw k'hwal te sim kayh; "And grateful to the heart; Hwan choey ta^ kJiy, jf p Ip ^ JJjp hwan chdey ged kdy, " But criminals wearing the wooden collar^ Yit be yat)u kiy, — . pi ^ ^S chit be bbeyh kdy, " Who are altogether deceitful, Sob bin che hay, nH & "X ~K *^ *''• ^1/ ^^9i "Are the lowest dregs of the people, T'heenjJukae g6k, 3^ ^ ^ j3^ t'het^B l&ng kae kiyh, "Alike opposed by Providence and men." Here the closing words of each line are expressed by the same letters, (with the addition of a final h in the 4tb, and 8th lines, to denote the abrupt termination of the sound,) but by the various inflections they produce seven different tones : as Kay, the first even tone, denoting ' a family ;' Kdy, the upper tone, translated ' deceitful ;* Kcly, the first departing tone, meaning ' a price ;' K&yh, the first entering tone, which means 'the breast;' KcLy, the second even tone, denoting a 'cangue, or wooden collar;' Kay, the second departing tone, signifying 'low;' K&yb, the second entering tone, which means ' to oppose.' Now without a due attention to the tones, a person in uttering the above sentence, would be likely to call 'a family,' a 'wooden collar;' — to confound 'price' willi Mow,' and 'deceitful;' — or to use the substantive 'breast' io place of the verb 'to oppose;' which would render mutual conversation difficult, and the best ideas frequently unintelligible. ivi A TABLE, Exhibiting the fifty Joo boe, ^ ^ j^ hoe, as divided into eight Tones. The reading of these characters with a Chinese teacher would enable the student soon to distinguish between them. 2fS. ■^ ^ TV- 1 M^^' iwun iwun ^ kwiln •^kwut ^kw4n J^kwun ^^kwQn ij^kwiit ^keen ^^ keen ^ke6n |tkeet (S ke6n ^fe keen <(A keen ^.keet 3 4 ^ kirn ^J^ kwuy 1^ kim %^ kwuy Hi kim ^i kw4y ^^•^'p o - Q kim ^ kwfly 0j^ kim ^^ kwuy tls^ kim kip i^ /j-<| kwuy o - ^kayh ^P|k^y 6 7 •-F kan ^ kong ^H k4n IS kong kat kok O kan J£ kfing ^kiin ^kong (^ kan Xr kong Qkat ,)^k6k 8 5)^ kwae ^^ kwa6 ip^ kwafe o - Q kwae ;^?; kwa6 (~\ kwae o - 9 j^keng :^; k6ng ^k^ng ^-i?.kek .^ kSng ■cf k6ng ;f^ keng is. kek 10 ■ti^kwan J*g kwan "g" kw^D XHt kwat ;^kwan J^liwin ikwan kwat ^ ? 3S 11 y^koe "j^ koe g|ko6 o- i-koe M koe o- 12 13 ^keaou If key nang ff^ kdm QkSang gk^m ^Pkeak ^gkap ?,^ keang :p| idm ng|^ kim .^g keak r^ kap 20 jU^kwa Qkwii ^xkwal P^ kwah Qkwa (~\ kw4 ^■^ kwa (~\ kwah 21 ;^ ^X kang i ^kAng # Pl^kang :^ ^kak •0 -^king 22 keem ke^m •i-at (i'nil kefem ^keep ^^keem ^kiiem 23 ■<^ kaou jt^ kaou 'fiJt kabuh ^^ kaou (g kaou (~\ kaouh 24 ^kea Qkei '■^ked Q keah /jjjpkea ^ ke4 ,11 ^ea ^ keah 26 JUL 27 25 fHey ;^it"a ^ko6 .^^k6hy ^k"d /^ ko6 |[5 kdeyh O — g^ *ooA ^^^kdiy :^k\ ^ko6 '^T- kdeij r'\ k a ^ koo f^ h'deyh Q — r\ kooli 28 29 ^ka gke ^■^*^ tf,k6 ^M IjFk^ fflMA ^keeh Qka t)]k6 ^^ A:a p ke gjid ^ke 30 y kew M kew ||kfew o- ^kSw /fV kew ;kew o Ivii A TABLE, &c.— Continued. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ^ '^kaing i^kumi^g^keo j^Aee«^ ^ keo»i ^^^"0 'g*^w"a ^/te"^ ^ ^"i/ ^^ *««"*^ ^ ^^"^"^ ^ /t«,«{"^0 k«o Oke6"S Q _ :JLie«d Jkw"4 Oke°S Q " fe ^"^"^ 1^ ^iai"^ ^ jti^z/f ^n^. /lei £*c&"^ O - ^^^"'^ ^^"'"'^ ffi*^"^ O -- O - :^ O - O - B^^-^O - 0-0- O- 6- ^^"i'AO - ^ iu'^'^^""" ^^"'"^"^o - o - o - ^*^"" iE"*^"^ o - o - li^"^"^ ^ 0^°^"^ O - ^^^^ O - #^-^"^ #*"^ 5f ^■"''''' O - O - O - ^O-Q-Q-O- O - Q- O - Q- Q- O - 41 42 43 44 45 40 47 48 49 50 ^ J(^k"oe jt^«"« ;J^/tjcan^P^kwae"g^ni6ey ^ k"eaou^ chom ^ gnaou jpl k"o ^ gnew #0- 0-0-0-0- O- ^<^h5a. O - O - O - ?0- 0-0-0-0- 0-0- O- O- ^^'^^^ X O - O - ^^""^^ O-Q- 0-0- O- 0-0 - The fifty f.nals multiplied by the firteen initials would produce 750 sounds; these diversified by the seven tones, amount to 5250. About half of these have no characters attached to them, and there are only 2300 distinct enunciations actually in use among the Hok-ke^n people. The characters to which these are applied in the following Dictionary amount to 12,000; on the average about five characters to each enunciation. The distribution, however, is very irregular ; some enunciations having only one character, and others including many ; one simple enunciation (k6,) having fifty-six characters applied to it. In Morrison's alphabetical Dictionary, two hundred and forty-seven characters appear under the same letters. ON THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE COLLOQUIAL AND READING DIALECTS. In the Hok-ke^n dialect there are two distinct forms of speech, called the Reading and Colloquial (or vulgar). These difier from one another, not only in the more compact or difliise construction of the sen- tences, but even in the sounds of many of the words. The Chinese language admitting of a very contracted as well as of a more dilated style, and the books being generally composed in the former, they require P Iviii frequently to be commented on, and paraphrased in order to be readily understood. This has given rise to the distinction between the reading and vulgar forms of speech. This distinction prevails to some extent in the mandarin tongue ; in which, after reading over a passage, it is generally thought necessary to dilate upon it, for the sake of elucidation and explanation. But in the Hok-kefen dialect this proceeds to an unusual extent ; the explanation of any literary composition being not only much extended and varied, but the words themselves frequently differing in their termination and sometimes in their whole construction. So great is the distinction between these two forms of speech, that a person well acquainted with the reading dialect, would not be able to understand a conversation in the vulgar tongue ; nor could a person fully proficient in the latter be able to make out the meaning of any passage recited from a book not previously familiar to him. In the following pages the colloquial is distinguished from the reading dialect by being put in italics, and the spoken sound of particular characters is denoted by the word Vulg. being prefixed. The examples here- after adduced will be sufficient to show how the sentences are extended and varied, but the alterations in particular words will need a more distinct notice. The variations between the reading and colloquial may be generally referred to two heads ; namely, regular and irregular. I. The regular variations consist in changes in the termination, and may be arranged according to the order of the finals : though it must be remembered that but a few of the characters in the reading dialect are changed according to this system, and those only which are of every day occurrence. CharaTGters falling under the 1st final kwun form kwui"S in the colloquial ; as kwun, kieuPS; tun, tooiPS; sun, swui^i; wun, tcui^i; bun, mooV^S; ch'hun, cVhui^S; hwun, hwupi. Words under the 2d final keen form kee'^i in the colloquial; as leen, nee"^; peen, pee^S ; keen, kee^S ; teen, tee^S ; t'heen, <'Aee"^; p'heen, p'Acc"^; cheen, cAee"^ ; seen, see";?; been, »n«e"^; ch'heen, cVhee^S ; hijen, hee^S. Words in the entering tone keet form keeh in the colloquial; as leet, leeh; peet, pee/»; ttiet, teeh; s6ei,seeh; beet, &e£A; &c. Words under the 3d and 4th finals kim and kwuy are irregular in their formation of the colloquial. Words under the 5th final kay are also irregular, except in the first and second entering tones, which are generally vulgarisms, formed from the entering tone of the 9th final; which see. Words under the 6th final kan form kw^a in the colloquial; as Ian, nic'^a; kan, kuP'o; k'han, k'hw"a; tan, tu>>^a; t'han, t''hvP'a; chan, chw"a; san, stc^a; an, !o"a; ban, mto^a; han, Aw"a. Words under the 7th final kong form kang nnd Aeng' in the colloquial ; as: / long r pang ( kang ( k'hang r tang f Vhang '°"^'Ue«^ ''""n.e"^ '""^/te"^ '''""^ ^'Ae"^ ""''Ia' '''Ht,.^^ r chang f sang ( ang C cVhang C hang chong,|^^^^^^ -°H,.«^ °°^i«^ bong, --6a.,; ch'hong, | ^^,^^„^ hong, J ^^„^ Words in the entering tone kok form AoA in the colloquial; as lok, loh; pok, poh; kok, koh; tok, tdhi chok, choh ; ok, oh ; bok, boh ; hok, hoh. Words occurring under the 8th final kwae are seldom formed into the colloquial with any degree of regularity. lix Words under the 9th final keng form k(v?^S and ie"a in the colloquial ; as : .eog>-"%e„g>-^^^eng>f' k'heng^'^^f teng,$-f P'beog>;;«f engi «^^ fhengi''*-"""^ Cheng, ^'^f" ^-g.S^f ch-hong^^'^^f beng, - - me^; heng^^f ( t'/je"a C '^^'^ " (. *^ " (■ '^^'^^ " C *e a Words under this final, in the entering tone kek, form kai/h in the colloquial; as lek, lat/h; pek, payh; kek, kayh; k'hek, Jl'AayA; Vhek, t'hat/h; chek, cAayA; ek, ayh; bek, 6ayA; ch'hek, cVhiyh; hek, AayA. Words under the lOlh final kwan form kw^a and kwuC'S in the colloquial ; as : pwan, - pu,\,- kwan,(*"'\, k'hwan, ( *'*"'"'' ^ twan, - toof^; p'hwan, - p'Aumi^; chwan, ( '*•""!,„ ( hout^ I k'hwui ® I cAwwi * Sometimes words under this final, in the entering tone kwat, form kiiiyh in the colloquial ; as, kwat, koitfh ; k'hwat, k'h'deyh; swat, soiyh; ch'hwat, cVhdeyh; gwat, gdeyh. Words under the 11th final koe form kaou in the colloquial; as loe, laou; koe, kaou; toe, taou; t'hoe, Vhaou; choe, chaov; soe, 5aou; oe, aou. Words under the 12th final keaou form k'eo in the colloquial; as leaou, Ko; peaou, p'eo ; keaou, k'eo; teaou, o,< so, -laaou o, bey; ch'ho, cA'AtiOK ; mo, 6ioa; l^hoa \kwa (^p'hoa (^swa gno, gwa; ho, Aiiey. Words under the I6th final kae sometimes form key, and sometimes ktoa, in the colloquial; as lae, Iwa; kae, Aey and kwa; tae,ltra; t'hae, t'hwa; ch'hae, ck'htca; raae, bey; hae, Aey. Words under the 17th final kin seldom change into the colloquial with any degree of regularity. Words under the I8th final keang form kea^ in the colloquial; as leang, nfo^S; keang, keo^S ; tijang, t'eo'^i; cheang, cliioH; seang, leo"^; yang, y'66^; ch'heang, ch'heo"S; beang, Aeo"^. Words occurring under the 19th final kam form A^o in the colloquial ; as, lam, no; kam, k^a ; tam, t'*a; sam, s^a. Ix Words under the 20th final kwa are generally in the colloquial, formed from ko and kan ; which see. Words under the 21st final kang are principally colloquial, and are derived from kong; which see. Words under the 22d final keera sometimes form the colloquial into kee^S ; as leem, need's; keem, kee'^S ; k'heem, k'hee^S ; teem, tee^i ; t'heem, Vhee^S ; but the words under this final are principally in the reading dialect, Words under the 23d final kaou are partly colloquial, derived from ko, and koe ; which see : but there are still many reading words under this final which form ha, in the colloquial ; as laou, ^a; paou, pa; kaou, ka; k'haou, Vha; p'haou, 'p''ha; chaou, elia; aou, a; haou, ha. Words under the 24th final kea are principaly in the reading form, seldom changing into the colloquial with any regularity ; there are also under this final a few colloquial words, formed from ke ; which see. The entering sound keak is chiefly colloquial, and formed from kek ; which see. Words under the 25th final koey are principally in the reading form; but there are some colloquials formed from ko ; which see : and words in the entering tone k'deyh are generally formed from kwat ; which see. Words under the 26th final k"a are partly in the reading form, and partly in the colloquial, formed from kam ; which see. Words under the 27th final koo are principally reading words, changing irregularly into the colloquial ; and some colloquial words formed at random from the reading. . ,. .-■Words under the 28th final ka are partly in the reading form, which sometimes form into the colloquial by changing pa into pay; p'ha into pliay : but more frequently words under this final are colloquialisms, formed from kaou; which see. Words under the 29tli final ke are principally in the reading form, but sometimes form kea in the colloquial; as ke, kea; k'he, k'h'ca; ge, gea; in the entering tone kceh, there are some colloquial words formed from keet ; which see. Words under the 30th final kew are principally in the reading form, without any particular changes into the colloquial. Words under the 31st final kai'^S are all colloquial, formed from keng; which see. Words under the 3?d final kwui^§ are also all colloquial, formed principally from kwun and kwan; which see. Words under the 33d final k'eo are colloquial, formed generally from keaou ; which see. Words under the 34th final ket^S are all colloquial, formed principally from keen ; but sometimes also from keem ; which see. Words under the 35th final kecPS are colloquial, and derived from keang ; which see. Words under the S6th final k'e^a are generally colloquial, derived from keng; which see. Words under the S7th final kw^a are principally colloquial, derived from kan and kwan ; which seCi Words under the 38th final ke^S are colloquial, derived mostly from kong; which see. Words under the 39th final kay are sometimes colloquial, formed from kae, and kwuy. Words occurring under the 40th to the 50th finals are few and irregular. Ixi Thus, taking the summary of the above, the regular formations from the reading dialect into the collo- quial are generally as follows: kwun keen keet kan kong forms kumi"i kee^S keeh kw"a (kang kok keng kek kwan forms koh \ke''a kayh \ kiB a ( kwui ° koe forms kwat {( keaou (C keung •( ko (1 kaou k'deyh k'eo keng \ktea I kaou kae keang kam keem kaou keuk forms c< ( kwa (kay keo^ ket"^ ka ktk There are some variations from the reading into the colloquial made by changing the initial ; which may be arranged according to the order of the initials; thus, Under the Under the Under the Under the Under the first third seventh eighth ninth initial, initial, initial, initial, initial, noe becomes lot ; and neaou becomes cheaou. kira " gim. ch'kuy. jea. U; jun, /«n; j6, he. Under the tenth initial. t'huy chea sae Under the thirteenth initial, Under the fourteenth initial. Under the fifteenth initial. t'hae; sun, chun; s'lm, chim; suy, chuy ; seult, ci'euk ; sim,€hlu>; k'he. ay; hoi, oi ; him, dm. pun; hwuy, pwuy ; hoft, pob, kay ; hoe, koe; hok, kdh. Vheiik. ge « ch'he " hay « hwun " hay " heuk « II. The irregular variations include a change of both initial and final ; and sometimes give a word in the colloquial quite different from the reading; as: Sin, \\\\ ch'kun. Ch6, f^ cku>d. So6, ^ sdn. Choe, J3/| chan. Uk,' f] lal. Bofi, ^ bong. 6i(ing,\2i diking, Hw4n, ^ king. Cho, ^ chey. Biit, i^ mtmk. Gnfiw, ip go6. Among those reading words which are totally altered ip the colloquial, may be adduced the following : Jim, ^^ Ihn. Hoo, ^ pay- Sek, 1^ t'hut. Sit, 1^ hat. Te6n, ^ ch'hdn. B6k, ^ cAVid. .J6, IL ''"^• Hdng> ^ k'hing. He, f^ k'hoi. Toe, g^ kedou. Che, ;j^ t'heaou. Seuk, l^ lun. E', (j|^ hoi. To, ^ chey. Lfing, ^1 iy- Lan, ^ oh. Hak, ^ 6h. Sea, ^ Mh. Te, ^n chae. Sat, ^^ fhal. Jc6m, ^ 6aA. Jtn, /^ Mn^. Hwae, J^ t'Aeep. T5, $|j kabu. Ho6, j^ ^-aJu. Tan, ^ *'Af«. Ta6, ^gU. Wd, ^ Aifa, G^ jjr^^ hia. Sit, /^ cheih, N4, fe /(fSA. Ixii KwaTi, ^ Icoey. Kan, ^^ ta. Cho&, :p Ae"/f. Ok, J^ cA'Aod. Yabu, ^ bMyh. T"d, ^ p'AiiA. Ok, 35 p^haH. KiJak, pp /fc'Aa. Sim, ^ c/i'Aoey. Jijiik, ^] 5aA. Put, ^^ i'"- Hay, ^ Z:io"d. Kim, /^ <"a. Yea, /^^ maj"^' B6ey, -|(j^ ;j<2"'- E', ^ hoi. Ltfti, y|:J;nd. Seic, ^ cAeo/i. Ko, l?r kwQ.n. Sip, 'J'^ /dm. Yew, ^ woo. Se,. -f e^S- Tw4n, tg <%. Se, ^^ cVhayh Besides all these, there are a number of words in the colloquial, some of which are not to be met with in the following pages, and some do not appear to have any corresponding sounds in the reading dialect, being probably introduced from some foreign language, or which were indigenous to the province of Hok-kefen before its union with the empire of China. I. PARTICLES. Ch'hin ch'ha6, - Chin chae, Any how. Very. T'heara chaa &, K'heem chae 4, > Perhaps. Chin che"a, - Truly. Leem pee"g, - Immediately. Ka la koo ^, By and bye. Too too, - - Just now. An chw"4, How ? An ney. - Thus. Ch6 ne^ng, - In what way? An ney sai"g. - In that way. Chw"i kong, - How is it? S"4 mee"gh. - What? Hei)"g p^ng, - On that side. S"^ soo, - - What's the matter? Ch6y pSng, - On this side. K'hah chay, - More. Hit lay, - - Hwut lay, I That. Kwuy leepj Twa lim. ^ A little. Very much. Chit ley, - - I This. Kap, - With, and. Chay lay, Tek k'hak, - Certainly. Che taou. Here. Aou sin, - - Afterwards. Ha taou, - There. Na, - - If- Hwut taou. In that place. Che a. - Then. Chun i, - Just like. Long, - - Altogether. Ch'hin cbe6"g. Like as. Long chong, - The whole. Chit pw"a, The same. Te, - - - At. Koh yfe6"g, - Different. Te lit, - -" At present. Lam s&m. Disorderly. Tae seng, - Previously. Kin kin, Speedily. Kah kwafe, - So strange/ K'hah"gh, TammaT"gh, - i More speedily. Ch6 po6, Chb hoey. - All at once. Together. A i> V Tdy aoo, •»( ■ 1 1 Hiyei, . i .'" Che"a tlo, Che"a ch'beng, Bd tae wd,, Hwat ling tae w&, Le le i, Tdk pa6, Sa6 sae, - Bong, - Bong ke"A ke"a, Bong kofey, Bong kong, Cha hwui"5, - MaT"gh ohal, Mln i chaCf - Kadu heftfa twa, Kih 16 rS, A', - - - Aou b&n, U"" I'hang, - T'hang, - Soo ne8"g, - T'hek kak, - fleet, Hoe, Hwat lin tooi"g, Tfe, - - - Twa, Twa te, K'hea, - Gadu che^n, - Ga6u kwun, T'hit t'hO, Ch'hit I'hd, - Aftenaards. Alas! By the troop. Andf also. By the thousand. No resource. To be a match for one. A Uttk. Several times. What need* So so. Just walking about. Getting on so so. Talking in jest. Yesterday. This morning. To-morrow. So great? How widely different.' Also. II. To oppress, to ity'we. Do not. Ought. To. consult. I To throw away. To give. To turn around. To wear on the head. To rest in. To dwell at. To reside. To play. To sport. > To ramble. Jwa chey, .;q) s;-^ Lwa chey, *■ 'v Tim k'hfe, > K4k'W, ' ,4^'V Toh tooi"g, - T6ng bin, Ay t6yt ,r.,.,.,r- Leoh leoh'i) - Che6"g loh, - Seo k'hwi, Cheo k'boSyh, Ke"a ne, - Chong se, > Boeyh cha6 if; 05 ch'hun, Se6"&, - Tok tok, Chi k'h6, K'he t*hada, - Swih bo^y, VERBS. Le&h chd, Kw&h tew, Seep sey, ChO hwi se, • Se6"g loh k^j Toh, - .- Se4ou 16y, T'ho, - Tin tang, Pe6"g ka6u lAng, Kb tit, Sew k'b^, T'hedng 16k, - Too teoli, E w4, - P'hfth hwa, - t Hold many i ^ Where are you going 7 Back again. fn{i Above. Below. bO ,xJ A little. Up and down. In a small degree. Very few. Lesl. After dR. HofB can ? Over and abort. Very, extreme. Only. Early in ike morning. In the beginrting. At Ihe end. To consider. To cut down com. To flatter. To have a lucky hit. To repent. To burn asfre. To be ashamed. To take. To move. To juggle. To remember. To be angry. To be joyful. To meet with. To rely on. To.put out (Jire). Ixiv .•»i\M\ I La6u bak cha6, TeSm loh chuy, Wut chut, T'hun lun, U™ kefeng, - Wi Iwa, - . Ey, Can ; and Ka laouh, Te6"g te, Pak t'hayh, Ch'li^w wui"g, L4 s&tn, »^^^,:, .f Cha bo6, •» » •" ', - Ne6"g pay, .^> . - Neang 16y, . y>^.,:^, r Hkng, a sort; i Wun koo, r ■ T Tang e"g, Kip kfey, Teiou tit, Ham ban, r r Sfeyd, - - Ch'hin ch'haiiJg, - Laou i, - '.i'i ^^ V Kate, - T r Ch'hai"g hwun, Kw^n sh, - r Nooingche"4, - - Ch'haing majng, Ka che&li, - Ka ch'huing, - Cha6 teaou, . »',' • Haou sai"g,'' v'\" . HwS.n 16, P'hun tw"a, - To weep. To drown. ''■■''- To be grieved. ''^ To be patient. J'-^J To lose. To rely on. ''^ Bey, cannoW':'^ l'- Tofalldomi '''••' To take care. JII, NOVNS & Naked, ,^a^^6yL A sleeve. , jnddO Dirty. ;, ^I.^Jofl A male. ,,(|'rfp 60 A female. '"''I?, A father., J^,!" A mother. -M h"l Chit hang, one sfirt. Humpbacked. ■• ', The middle. Diligent. Exact, true. Dull, stupid. A concubine. Handsome. A rogue. One's self. Unaccustomed. Accustomed. Weak. Blind. The back. The buttocks. Talent. A son. Troubled. Itcayr i!SH.l Kohyh,.- Sfeyje, - U'"tee"gb, r ^..>- Tiioh bw3,, 1 »V vV - Pwah keiou, - Te8, . - - Choh ch'hin, Gadu k'heem, - O 16, - ADJECTIVES. A^m koe chcly, t Kaou seaou. Gin &, - Tha& k<>:^^, , , r S^ kak. .^.^^^„^..„,i; - Sfetwa, (r,^^„^-^^_ - 36 s^y, - r - Sin ne8"g, t Sin ke"S, safe, t Nw"at'hoe, - Keaou t'haSu, - Chae sit 16, So chae, or gay, T'ha8usai"g, - r Sbng heung, - Tang, - ^. . Bit p8, - ''-"h ^^' - Pan ge.'-'a '^"l' - Boey yeah, - r Le k'heet, Ch'hek, corn ; Kaou 6, a chair; Chejlou chwui"g, - T'haSu chang b66y, Ay, - - - - A', . . r To he pleasBd. To be careful. To refuse. To be troubled. To game. To jump. To plough. To be stingy. To praise. A few, odd. A cockchafer. A cheat. ,, A servant boy, a slave. ' The leprosy. Four-square. Great men. The lower ranks of men. A bride. A bridegroom. Mud. Proud. A virgin. A place. An animal. Poor. A reason, A bat. Cheap. A butterfly. Deep, cunning. Ong, aflame. Che chuy, who ? Complete. A cue of hair. Sign of the possessive, A diminuiipe. DICTIONARY m OP THE HOK-KEEN DIALECT OF THE CHINESE LANGUAGE. CHINESE AND ENGLISH. ^. A T?C!fe ■^ ""w- Oe a 1^- Sa^ a black crow. ^ & A hwuy put to L ^1 ^ ^; ^J ^i >| * ■'J oe a p'tiey big kadu sw^a, a crow could not flj to tiat hill. When L6 k6iig ^ 1^ went to subjugate the Tan e JS -^ nation, he came to a hill, and on asking the name of it, was informed, that it was called "tlie bill which crows could Dot fly over:" for as soon as the crows came to the place, their feathers dropped off, so as to. prevent tbeir flyiag. ■ A hwftn J ^^1 a fhadu, a slave girl. ^^^^ A p'he^n ^H pf Opium. A p'heen kong Cm *<"> ^ j^r '^ ^, " P"*'** i^'">g »<■> ^^•"■^ the Opium farm. — «•* Durolii Ejeang fhun t'han wOy a w ■^■^^^ /'Aii'"i chd ay kdou. Ejiiiing swallowed charcoal to make himself dumb (or to change his voice). A prefix to a TO»n,'» iwnve: A' soo R3 09, a ti, a fofirthsoo^.^ heag Kpf ^, a hi"; Brother ! ^ appellation generally given to the inhabiUnts of Te4ou-ch?w ^ iUJ, lU cknc. _ - One second in order, inferior io rank : i . L J seng 5E ^J ■ secondary sage ; Beng » * ' ^ choo ^^, the Philosopher Mencius, was so called. .mT £- j -■ ' K'hdng Beng rh* 4^ ^ ;^ ^^ second Saly to Confucius and Mcncios. Yin k jj^ jte a familiar epithet used- hctwecn penous related by marriage: X^-»** Sd s6 yin a 3g ^ j|| ^^ distant . - - , . . .. :. bi/liih A ^ To rely on, to d'^pefc'i'iipJjK."' """'' ' AE « AE '/ n k '/T minced meat for pastry. ^ To lament, lamentable: Lok j6 put yim, Ae ^ ="= j^ p"t ^^='"s ^ ifii ^ J$ '^ rfii -^^r^^- ^P \% t'f>eung lok yea bey ylm Iwan, pe- ae yea bey s'eang hae; "Pleasing without wan- tonness, sad without wounding." Said of the kM B|f Kwan ch'he ode. Ae fhong ch'ham t'hat ]^ ^ ^ "fQ, ae I'he^ti ek'hdm Chat, sadly pained and grieved. He noe ae ke ad od yeuk, wal ch'hit cheng ^ ^, ^ 'l^ ^ ^ -WC El -fc 'In' ■'"y- ^"S'^'"' S"""^' fear, love, hatred, and desire, are called the seven passions. Dust; small particles of dust. Turned sour: soo e j6 ae /^ ^ Tfn bS, rice injured by heat and damp, till it turns sour. See the Lftn ge =ffi |E Collected, gathered together: ae. ae hew Ae *^&L y^^ y^'^' ch'hun kwuy sip je Uw =g when the clouds are collected together, and again drifted about; — in the season of spring — we can return to the twelve-storied gallery. See T6ng se gip, the odes of the T6ng Dynasty. M A collection of clouds. ,^.^~. Ac lae ^@ ^S^ a dark appearance of "^ the clouds, f^ 1J| ^3C ^ Vulg: ay: short: jIn ae ae \ ^ J^ l&ng ay ay, a short man. Ae t^^^-^ Vule: $eSht to love, to pity; afifeclion, e 'iS^ jS attachment. Sira hoe ae e ^5 ^ ^ %> ^''^" "*= '"^^ any at heart. H4y put wuy c JH ^ |1 ^, Distance i» not considered : Teung Sim chfing che \^ jy^ ^ "^^ Being laid up in our affections, H6 jit bong che ^ ]^»'^, '^'"=" "" ''^ forget them .' See the |^ ^ Se keng. Goe ho ae yit gnSw ^ 'fPT^ — '^' ^"'^ **"'" Vhe''A ch'il cheih gnS, Do you think I am sparing of a single ox ? See ^ ^ Beng choo. Narrow minded, Pek-6 ae, Lew-hay-hwOy put keung; ae e put keung, kwun JHL choo put yfiw jeM6 ^ Ri iHP T Pek-6 was narrow minded. Lew-hay-hwOy was disres- pectful ; but both narrow-mindedness and disrespect, are what the good man would not adopt. Heem ae Vm Rj^^ a narrow pass, a dangerous defile. i^ fE Distressed. AH 3 AK A disturbed, distressed appearance. To han?, to throttle: chooaejfisoo S strangle oneVself and die. Geuk teung tb i^ 7/^, k^a k'hot lai kd si, he was strangled in the prison. Ae ."^^^ To belch. T"4 ae ^J f^^^ p-hah oSh, to i throw out wind Paou sit k'he l.w&n J* a^ |& '^ ^ j^ '^ %, chiih pi k'hi mte"* ji p'hih oik, having eaten to the full, the wind rises and is ejected. \ .^^^ Toguard, to control. Ch'heera kh Ah^ptti? to lake care of the ilipi of bamboo u«cd >| f by the Mandarins: ch'hecin »h Ue yel '^ ^ A l|if . ""^ "^'^^ ^^° '*''" "'" "'^ ""*" slipt of l)arohoo. A h song M jg^ ah s4ng, to guard, to escort. A'h wiin \\a Ag to agree in «ound, to rhyme with, to rhyme. p A duiki a lame duck: Sat key wt kh I ^Vkf kill fowU and duck ^'JQ M jt^ ^' 'he celebrated Thaio »word came oul of iis shealh sponlancously. A. AkTi w^^^ To water, to irrigate, to fructify : Ak I'etn ^Jm^^ "dk. EB' ^^ ch'hin, to water the rice fields. \§^ ^ Kw&u ak V^ )4r to pour oat. Ak Thoe ^F J^^ prcHy ley, ftrtile land. A surname. Ak '«> be planning; ichemes in the tent. The cackling of a fowl : the aonnd of loud laughing. To drip: Teem ak dripping through ^S) tke rain H6ng yin teem "k ^ ,^ ^ ^, '"'"ff 1*9 *» *"» "0 Ink k'ki, the Imperial favour distilling on the pcoplf. Ak chak IS aB, the teeth near to each other I closely set; impelled. Ak kim ^p ^ to lay oagold; to gild. A spindle, a distaff. AM AN A straw shed; Am beaou a temple, a monastery. , am bio. Am cham filthy. ' a sim, unclean, impure, ^SL^-^ Flesh boiled and preserved. ts*— I To understand-. Be am ^ ^j boey h'iaou Am rill , ^y^ \~r-% I tit, I do not understand. Am kan t'heen wuy ^ ^ ^ ^^ to have designs upon the Imperial dignity. To remember, to recollect: all, every. Am ■»• |-i Am leen ch'him py l' ^f thing deeply experienced. Am IJS^I Dark, closed doors. in every Am A'm mjf't^ An appearance of g^eat grief, also grief W^ at -parting. ^^i^^ A'm jeSn seaou hwfln chiia, wfly peet j6 e e, ^ ^ '^ «i t '^^ 7iii fftj a ^> «'''*'^'" ^^ y'eo"S, Icadit kicAn seaou k'U, chong se seo peit te"a lefi, greatlj grievpd, till my, wul ,is eoosiimed, 1 can only take rty leave, and no more. See the Kang yeem peet chip ^jX. y§ ^ij ^^ The appearance of disturbed water, bub- bling up: also the water in which the cocoons of the silk worms have been boiled. All, every one? to understand. iva Q ^l«« Dark, dismal, no light: Jit beA wfly |aj ^m, when the sun does not shine, it is dark. Pwan bSng pwin km che sod iii, pB ^^ Wl i. ^' ^""^ *^"^ ^^"^ ""• ^* "'"' ^*"^ '^'**' and half dark sentences. t^^JJ* t* Am k'hang §S jy^ a drain, a spout. Suy ftm ^^ '^^ C/«jy ^m, an aqueduct. Am keng vg ^g em Aii>un . r-S Read ong: an idol, a god : ong sin ^, ang .fn, a god : ong kong ^ ^, ang kong, a divinity: g£ng gng ^ Ift; ffS "4 aii|r. to carry an idol in prflcessioo j pae ong ^ iflE pa^ ang, to worship the gods. Loe J In p'hok «ng ^ ^ ^ )^, ^"^ ^J' '-in*- p'Aafc ong-, the people of the Lo6 country dried their gods in the sun ; this was in a time of drought, when the people thought to force their gods to give them rain, by putting their images under a cho twin. Ang >, burning sun. Sec the ^A^ Read on? : A i Read ong: A surname : also, overflowing, vast as the ocean. Chiiflng go£ seug 6 ong yftng ^ E ^ ^^ -j^^ cheAng ^wi chit si ling i ang yiO"^, to .spend one's whole life on tl}e vast Ocean. ^■v Read ong: a husband, an old tuani. l^ •Ongseng i^ J^^ ang- te^ vacant Ang ~L«tt«^ spare between the outer and inner city "^^ gates. Read dng. ^ ^* - Read dog: the leg ob upper part of a ^»S *""^'''I°S ' ''^''' ^"^ ^^ tt' *"'** *"'^' \y\r^ the leg of a 8 •^«g Hia ing. slodkiog. the top part of a boot. AOU a6u Aug Ang f^y P'hei^S ang & ^^ the inside of the j^v. nose, a disease in the nose. '% ! I |;_ Read h6ng : a surname. % Read hdng: Red; of a red colour: a Ang j\ " f surname : h6ng sam i.^ ^t^, Ang s"a. fj% a red coat. Yit te6m hdng hwa kwun ch'hae khe, jew 14e chim peen swat yin e — ^^ |X ^jg ^^ ^ ^. X k'hi, kSh Ide chim t'hadu pee^ fcdng yin e, "one speck of a red flower (a drop of blood), you have already taken away, and now you come to the side of my pillow to whisper and hum." A couplet on the mosquito, made by jifht Tlj^ Stie-moey. Read ong : A basket : t'ho6 ong nT Lc "13 ^5 fhoi ang, a basket of earth. Ang * CSS t^ Read 06: A surname. Also aou y&ng AoU IjOT T [|^ [^, a double surname. Aou Inll l# Aou k'heng c'heak stiet heang ^ jlS ^■•^W ^& ^* :^ aou f^ •fh , adu, ti cheBh u'" pai"S yei, aou means a stony uneven place. Read oe : stinking, rotten, not fresh. But oe k'he ^ ^ ^, mei^h aiu k'hi, any thing turned, as meat. # t Aou naou '|M'['g]> sour, surly, stubborn. Read bog: the throat: y«en hoe ■., n& adtt, the gullet. AP AT Jou Adu Pa yecn ho6 ch-fae ^ Pg P^ 0, pd!> nA adu iy way, to guard the important passes of a country. Read lok : to assent to. Put k'heng he lok ^ |m |ij: ^^ fi" k'hin K-hwai he ttiu, not easily assenting to any thing. Read hoe ; after, afterwards, behind. Chefin hoe nfr ^^, chhtg adu, before and behind, first and lait. Tiiy hue ^^ ^^ tiy aSu, behind ; boe la« ^ Tfe^ aoK la^, afterwards. t Ap *y#' ^^r^ Beautiful, fair, handsome. Ap Mn^^^ Shortness of breath. ^^ Read yip: to swallow down; to gobble. A p pal G« ap sfly ^ Pg ;JC> « -fP 'Wy. the ^i^A fishes swallow down water. To be moistened) ap yip b£ng loe f^ VB 'It ^ *° *** moistened by falling dew. See the ||| ^ Kok hong. To repress, to press down, to descend. Tong cbeet, k'beiing y£w hok ap the g€ i chiih k'e^a ne woa tiyh ling iy kan tin, if the beam should break, it is to be feared tome one may be crushed by the accident. Why not? ap, h6 put yea 'S joT /^ At, ap, si t"a too u"' ap means why not? . Choo wit, ap kok gftn j* «he ^^ |^ ^ ::^ ■=• ^ ^, Hoo choo kong, «"« too s" «fiy ling king It Ay Hm chi, Confucius said, why do you not each one tell us of your views? Sec the \j^ g|| Seang iDn. > y^^ A casket; Pw4n ip jgft ^, p«"a a*, » ^ tray for carrying presents on. Ap ^ A cage for wild beasts; hoe soo ch'hut * ^p r:^ 52 tH i^ Hf ^ *"* *''^ •«'^" go& ch'hut ah, the tijier and wild cow broke out of their cages. Seethe "N fmj hay iDn. Ap # Familiar, nearly related. Keen choo soey che4, suy ap pit peen |J 7f^ ■'St ^• ^ jlB ijZ.» ^y k'hw'i kei'^twi te^S hi iy Zing, luy te ch'hin ktn, yei teih piin tek, im seeing a person in mourning, although a familiar friend, he would change colour (i. c. put on a sad countenance): Said of Confucius. P* To eat, to unite; also verbose. Yew Ap •^'^3% '•''" I** *P -^ P^ ^ B^^ '«« *«* '"^ _****L rheih, let us all eat together. Se ip, kw4 b6ng ^ ^. J|, ;^, « ip, ,i kwi iy me i, Se ap, is the name of one of the diagrams. A. At 1^ A black kind of bird; also, at at )^ ^, t 1 difficult to get out. To restrain; at ch6 i& jt> to repress, to forbid. BoA k'heuk hdng, boA at ch'kdng wan k'hwut chUy ehih, yew 6*" I'hang at cht ling teih bt, do not tura aside the aqueduct*, and do not repress the selling of rice. See \\i\^: payh: to pull up. Song jIn yew bin ki bcftou che put tiiing j« al cbe (fjp i|^ ^ /^, Song iy ling woa hain 16 e iy po cVAf 4 iy fi*" liing two, ji pO^hek'M lat, a roan of the Song country was grieved that his corn would not grow fast enough, so be pulled it up (to make it longer). c AY » Pit at M. ^, phei"S at, the bridge of the nose. Ke chit s6w, ch'heuk at ;|p; ^E "^ ^ W§, cfco poO t'hdou kak Vhe "d, p'hei^ t'hadu gneaou gneaou, they all got head-aches, and drew up the skin of their foreheads (by frowning'*. ^''^ ^ If' ^^"S '•^o^- M Ay iL The unevonness of mountains. Ay tay ffi ^5 kSaou iy yeo^S, the appearance of pride. Ay WC J^ Ch'him ay W^ yj^j deepness of water. / D l-J Ay k'hay H^ "^V^ a contraction of the limbs. A'y k'ho6 ^5 M d^ tadu, dumb, unable to speak. Ch'hfing b6ng ay k'hoe g^ 0§! ^ P J cKhal"^ mai^S dt^kaou, blind and dumb; said of those who can neither write nor reidl— "Are you dumb, that you cannot speak?" je se ay k'hoe, put leng gSn hoe ^ -^ jj^ P •■.\i \n "jd fffe S -^ '* fc'Aom se dw Adou, te^ /ledou kong Mute: iy jefin jfi ch'heiou 1^5 ^'C Tffl ,pj d^ kadu tan ch'hed, he was mute, and did nothing but laugh. Read wfiy: short, dwarfish: T'hoe-h6ng- sun wiiy choo, put bwan sod ch'hek rhoi-hing-sun te ay & k'e"d, bS mw^d si cKheSh kvcdn, Tho6-h6ng-sun was a dwarf; not above four spans high. See the ^ fiffl -ffi Hong- sin twin. A!/, AYH ,^,^^1^ Read hay : below, under ; hay t^y ~pC ^, I V ay ley, underneath. T'heen hay kok kaj ' ^ "K [gl ^ fhee''S ay koK kay, the Empire, with the different states and families. See ■^ ^ Beng choo. T'heen kang h'ly hia J^^ ~1j< !^ I' hee"S k&ng ay Uy dy payh sai"S^ .Heaven has sent down into being the lower classes 0f people. A Ji/h rt— -^ Readek: calamity; chne ayh jj^ R)g^ l-J /|>f affliction, straits. Ek keflng jfi put I / U bin, (Jig 1^ j^ :;j^ p. »»« ci"^ tl/h kap sdng hHung, yed b6 hwin 16, being in affliction and poverty, he still was not grieved.. Said of Lew-hay hwDy ;^p "JC ^, in ^ :^ Kng choo. .^•jC^ Read ek : a yoke : pok ek 6 kiy gnfiw ^> $/R ^ ^ ^^' '^ '^ "'"' "^^ ." ^ *''* l' ^^ g-o^,. to bind on the yoke, in order to yoke in the oxen. AyU Jl Read ek: straits, difSculties. Kwun choo che ek, & Tin Cb'hae che kan kwun choo woo ayh wun, te Tin kok Ch'hai kak dy teung kan, the good main''( meaning. Confu'cius) was in straits between the countries of Tin and Ch'ha^. , See "K ^ hay beng. ■ • - — Al/h Jyh a# Read ae : t^a ae J^T -^ to belch. ii^-j.'i A^iiAa i> bsiUuvj ^ Read heep: narrow, confined. Teing tw^n kong hee'p ^ -^0 l|g -jf^ t6"S Uy k'hwlth dyh, long and short, broad and narrow. , , , \ Loe heep ISn hfing ^ ^ |||ff 'oe iiyh)lfhke"i, the road is narrow and di£Scult to^ travel.. BA A BAE Koe loe heep ae @ jl^ |^ |^j *»« ^A/p p'fteSA, tint kw"a fiyA, obstinate aud narrow-minded. A-yh tf^^ A noise in the throat, made hv belching. 1^ B Read pa: a scar, a mark of a wound. "'eiik ba ^ HU., hih ba, a rising of the 6csh, an inflammation. Read bt'Sou: a prostitute; ch'heang bd •Ah ngj^ a had woman. B4n jin hoe kfi wfly beaou i^ A P^ ^ %i ^' ''^" ling keb k£ se bd, the Hok-keen people call a prostitute B4. Bft hong S^ jif^ the leprosy. B4 hong put k-ho e ji|^ ^ ^x TJ ^, W hong h6 Chang utiy, the loproiy ii incurable. Read mftou: pan mflou 'g^ ^X^ pan bd. cantharides: also, pitted with the small pox. Ba Ba Bead beaou ; as, beaou le ^ |g, bi U. a fox. Bciou 16 y6w hcct |^ |M >^ ^, bi U vod k'hang, the foxes have holes. Giiuk been bSaou £g ^ ^j^, giiik bin bi, a pearly faced fox, a while fox. ^P | . Ba ba /^ /^, a country-born Chinese. ^^S^^ Ba ba put sit T6ng san kwuy ke » bat Ti"S sw"a k-wuj/ ki, half-ca,ste Chinese are not acquainted with the customs of China. f]^ Hwun hwun bS hi j^ ^ ^ ^, sometimes confused and sometimes clear. ^ Bae Bae Bag Ba6 Read ok: bad, corrupt, wicked. Ok kwuv S5- ^ bat kauj/, a bad i \y ^ devil, ok jo» ^, -j', baiji, a foul word : ok biit Ji& {J|j, bai mri"h; a worthless thing; ok jin ^B. A' ''"^ '^"^' * '»'«:ked man. ^ ^ Dull, not bright. Cheak h"6 put hao flTjF f^ K ^ ^' '*^ "•""' *"•"' "■" /^[^ bai, a little tire will not burn brij;hll>. Sec ^J -j^ jll^ I^'el It tKon. Vulg. tai: To bury, to inter, to hide under ground ; also, the name of a sacrifice. Gnoe hofi bafi kim C kim Ifing 5 ij] S !^ ^ ^ ^, ?"* '* **^ '"^ *"" '*" '* *"" ''"^' ''" ^**' llofi's (or foreign states) buried gold at Kim-ICng. Chdng ba6 boo hoe ^ j^ X ^' '''^"^ '"' pay boe, to bury one's parents. So5 tey kfi wit. ^ ba6 jj\^ J^ jji{^ Q /^ M- c»'»ae ley tin kong, i bir, to sacrifice to the terrestrial gods is called, e baC. Rain following wind. Cheung hong ch'hc"a bafi, hwOy jedn k'heng la« eUt jit wo5 hong kwi hoi, yin hwOy kadu k'king lot, after a whole day's wind and rain, he was so kind as to be willing to come. Ba^ Read bfi: the eye-brows; bokbfi Q |^, b'ak bat, the eye-brows. Kwan-i y*w g5ch-hambelig^-4jg\{il. BAK 10 BAN Kwan-e woo go ch'Mng iy bat, Kwan-6 (the Mars of China) had eye-brows like sleeping silkworms. Ba? Read he: the lintel; bun bfi p^ mooi"^ bai, the lintel of a door. Bah * Bak say k'he eng le ^ ^ :^ fg, '«°«ff »«5' ^31 k'he Sng mw"a li Ay mooi"S bai, may happy influences replenish the lintel of your door. Read jeiik: flesh: te jei'ik ^ [^, le bih, pork; yftng jeiik ^ |^, tfgo"^ bSh, mutton; gn6w jeuk -R" 1^^ go6 bih, beef. Jeuk suy to, put sod sin soo k'he [5j Sff ^ • >^ 1$ i^ '^ W*' **'' '"* '^''^^' *" '"'* " **"^ pool"^ ay k'he, although he had much flesh, yet he would not let it exceed the quantity of rice at a meal. Said of Confucius, iu the J^ r,ra seang lun. ReadjiJem: to defile, to soil. Jeem woo ^ ^iPf hkk la s4m, to defile with dirt. Put jeem seiik k'he yj> ^ f^ ^, "'" '''"'"^ bak mh he se'uk dy k'hi, don't defile yourself with a common vulgar spirit. T6ng-Le-koe bong lew chiiep jijem p'haou j^ ^ ^ ^P >t ^ ^^' "^""S tedou iy Le-koe bang kei"^ liw cheep bak t'eSh e ay p'haou, Le- koe of the T6ng dynasty dreamt that thp juice of a willow tree spotted his gown, ( and be afterwards attained to the highest literary hon- ours). See the |g ^^7^ ffif kong soo luy hoo. Bak i Read bok: the eye; yulg: bak ehea-, the eye. Bg, b6k, pit, k'hoe, fS H ©^ P bai, bak, p'hei^S, ch'hily, the eye- brows, eyes, nose, and moUtfa; Bak Be bok p'han h6y ^ g ^^ ^, ch'hin ch'hai "S dy bak chew, oe payh pun k'hi hwun bing, beau- tiful eyes, with the white and black clearly divided. See the V |(B seang lun. Read bok : wood ; se bok 5^ "X^^ ch'hew bak, timber. Bok ch'hijang Jjt Tfr bak cKh'ed^S, a carpenter. Yiien bok kew g^ ^ TJ'C ^ S,, P"** cheat's ch'hew bak ch'huy hi, to climb a tree in order to seek for fish ; ( representing the unsuitableness of the means to the end). See "37 -^ Beng choo. * Read bwat; as bwat le hwa ^ ^ "^^ bak nee"S hwa, the jessamine flower. Bak Read bek : ink ; bek been ^If; >pH bak Bak J JL>5 hee''S, an ink stone. Biin bek che piiey "aT ^i 'y ^S.' ^''"' ^"^'dy poey, learned men. Tong p'hek toe se hoo, sey win hfin bek lim FH ^ U # /^- ffi ffl ^ ^ #, '""ff '^■'' f^''' woo toi ch'hiyh ay hoo, tae ay hwui^S woo han bak dy lim, within the eastern wall is the palace of books and maps, aud towards the western garden is the forest of learned men. Bam Ban A way of calling infants. I h^ Read bwan : to drag, to pull; k'han lI'wW bwan ^ J& k'han bin, to pull along. » ^^ Bwan hwuy t'hijen e Jffi |p| ^r ^^ ban tooths I'hee^ dy i, to pull back {to reverse) the decrees of heaven. Ban m Read cheet: to pluck, to pick; cheet hwa ijfr Ty ban hwa, to picli flowers. Wuy tijang chea cheet - ch? ^L -^ /^ \fX ^^y "'"^ '^ '"'* '^"^ *^" ch'hiib. *#, to B&HJM H' • '^AN pluck a. branch at the command of a superior. See ^ -^p- Beng choo. Ban Ban M> Distant, a far journeT. % Ip^ The plaster of a wall. Hwiiy wa ek bin xsny §^ ^ ^ -^> '' *^'' p'*"'^ ^^ '*'*"* ^^^^ Aea, iri mi djf ch'lu:6''S pedh, broken liles and scratched walls; (a reproachful ex- pression intimating, a bad execution of work). Ban js The wide and vast appearance of water; an inundation. JQ py A cake i bin t'hde ^m ^ i,iU I'hdou, Ban "Hat^^ a loaf of bread. Fok »e chw4n sit •^-^ ban fh6e ^^^^^^ fl|, pak le chn-in cheih Mn t'h&nu, in the nortil country, they eat nothing liut bread. IdLH Ran Vulg. mw"d an eel ; hae bin ha( mu'^d. a sea eel, a congar eel. Ban Ij^^/a ^ foreigner, a barbarian ; b&n bck ^ ff* YV^ ^g, uncivilized people. Gin teung »Bii> '^ sin, hfng tok ki'-ng, »uy bin bck che P-g.heng.f ^^^f^^'J^.ll^lflJ Arnif, 11/^1 kttou bin bek djf panp kek, yea cy ke''d, when a men's words are sincere, and his conduct respectful, even into barbarous countries, be may safely travel. The province of Hok-kei-n. Hok-keen wat Bin seng j[|S ^ Q ^ '^, Htk-kein hii> Bin M«"«", Hok- keen is called the Bin ftroTtnee^' Ying-bun-kong cheng lim bin sip pat'tong (.^ ^ ^ IJE ^ li -fW ifp|, m^-IXin.kin^ k'hi eheng hwat Urn bin tai^S 4^ ^i^ap piyh long, Yed^S-buorkong coai(u«red vthe eighteen c«ve* of Ban the southern Bin. See the ^ d^ Song sod, History of the Song dynasty. A myriad, teff thousand ; also, a sur- name. Bin siiey yii ^ ]^ '^■ the lord of ten th'"i bin nei"^ bi keiing chin, ten thousand years of life without limitation ; used as a wish of congratula- tion on the Emperor's birth-day. Ban Jr Not yet: also used as an expletive. Luxuriant, wild, spreading as weeds. Ban ^S9 ^'^^ "^'^^ '*" "•* M¥MM- _^^^. I>in yein in eKhiou Sh If kaiu rhkeng k'he, weeds widely spread are with difficulty cleared away. ,See . the ^^ {^ ch6 twin. Bat. |b^ ^ '"'."'"' ""' "" tl ^, ^ '"' '^ cu rtam. Ban Ban To slight, to de«pise. Inelegant, ravelled: also, the siring of a guitar K'heng yin Ian h«y, k^w the hanging clouds broken and dispersed, seem intertwined and ravelled together. Ban \. , «^ Slowly, leisuMy; ban ban ^ 'S* very slow. Ch'hc"a ban g, ^, st^p a little. Ban r;\jfy An expletive, a particle: also, and. |l^> V :,-b / To despise, lo slight, to neglect; boo Ban *l ***# ban /m irB to contemn. Tong yung maou, soo wan po ban ^Al ^? lO. BANG m BAOU Jit 1^ ^^ t^j *'" '""^ Idn &y yUng mauu leSh, chea ei/ hwui"^ k'hi pb ban, by regulating pro- perly the motion of our countenance, we shall be able to avoid insult and neglect. Ban Ban ^ ^ To be inundated by water. The same as bfin 'Wra to slight. Also I I6ng ke, ke je put Ifing seen, ban yea, -jfl , kliw^il g&ou Idng ji b!;t/ kt yung, ke yung j& bey hoe e tae seng, chiy se lae ban yea, if on seeing clever people, we cannot employ them; and in employing them if we do not prefer them, this is really slighting them. See the "4^ ^ Ta£ hak. Ban A sting, the sting of a bee , or other insect. Ban hk yew tok 1|S S 7& ^Q^y ban b'oiy woo tok, in the tail of a stinging insect there is poison. Bang Bang Banc Bang 1, % Read bun, a musquito, a small gnat. UTy^ Bun tiJang ^ |j)^^ bang td; mus- I^^J^^k. quito curtains. Pe bun geet so6 1^ (^ ^ ^, hoe bang ka si, to be bitten to death by musquitoes. Read bong: a head-kerchief; bong kin i^ [jj, biing kin, a kerchief formerly worn by officers, to keep their hair tied closely together. Exuberant, great, abundant. A dog with long shaggy hair. Bo6 so6 bang hwuy ^ j|^ ^ P^, u"* Vhang hoe kaou pwBy, don't set the dogs a-barking. Ban^ r J\^ T" '"Ik incoherently. Bani: Bang -t^ A surname; Bang-t'hong ^'j a celebrated man in the — ■ Sam kok. Read bong: to hope, to expect; kc bong ^i 3^ *^ bang, to hope for. Bong to j^ be che keen ^ j^ j]yj ^;^ "^ ^^ bang to chun a yea boey ey k'hwni, he looked towards virtue as one that had not yet come within sight of it. Said of 0^ ^ BQn 6ng, in the "jfC ^ hay beng. Bang ^ Read bong: to dream; a dream, a vision of the night. Kew c, goe put hew bong kiien Chcw-kong bo kSh bang kei^S Chew-kong, it is now a long time since I have dreamed about Chew-kong. Said by K'h6ng-cho6 ^ ^-^ Confucius, in the -t pF sean? lun. Bang Read bong: a net; a fishing net. Koe chea bong koe, yfing sod ch-hunchebok "j^ ^ ^ ^^ J^ ^ -;|^ ;^ [^ /toi» tdng ty bang, yung se ch'liiin dy hak, " The ancients in their nets used meshes of four inches square : " in order to allow the smaller fishes to escape, that they might grow larger. Seethe commentary of the Baou ^P One of the horary characters, used by the Chinese in reckoning years, months, days, and hours. Sip gwat che kaou, sok jit sin baou -r* H ehUtfhy cKheif yii »e $in baou, upon the change BAY W I BAYH Baou Ba6u of the tenth niooo, the first day will be denoted by the characten sin ba6u. One of the 28 constellations; the Pleiades. 9P I JSaduh ■k Bat A water plant, a certain vegetable. Soo lok p'hwjkn sAy, gftn ch'ba£ V, ba6u g. t Jt ;^M" it W- on J 'eo"^ ^'^^ p'hw^d. k'eun^ iy chUi/, kong boij/h bdn e iy baou ch'hai, thinking of going to the pond before the prince's school, and talking ahout picking the baou vegetable there. See the -Ji^ fft Tae gn&y odes. Read boe : to bargain ; to bargain for any thing in the lump. Boe ko choo 1=1 ^S. -f- baSuh kv6y chi, to bargain for the whole of a man's fruit. Bat ^V5^> Read sit: to know, to be acquainted with. Seang sit jjA ^, $go bat, to be mutually acquainted with. Sit joo ^nt S! bat je, to know letters. Seang koi bo6 seang sit ;);g || & "^ f|, SCO k'hw^d bS leo bat, to look at one another, without knowing each other. See the m- f^ Tdng se. Read bit: secret, close, concealed, near, not distant. Jip lira, wfly k'heQng p"t »•' A W P ^T^^' •'■* ek'liB riA, tcHy k'e^a tie fi" bat, when a man enters the forest [to secrete himself] he is only afraid lest it should not be close and secret enough; — (Said of those learned men who retire from the world in disgust). Read ma: a horse: a surname. K'hd ra& 1^ Jl^, k'hH bdy, to ride on a horse. %*i*# Hwuy k&m hoe yefc, m& put chin T»' #^ ^ ii^ :^ 1 ^' '*'" •«^'' l^d tAy adu, le bdy bey ke^i, it is not that I dare to be behind-hand, but because my horse cannot get forward. See the [~ 'Sffi Seang lun. Said by Confucius, when he was last in flight. —^^^ Read ma: a water dam, built of stones: Bay nt\i^ " ^""^ °^ *^^ taxes. Sek m& ^ ^, *'>V ch'eSh bdy, a stone dam or mound. Ma rhoo t^^ -fi, bdy d, a farm of the taxes: ke&ou ma choo (^ ^E ■fi kio bdy d, to let out the farms { ch6w m4 cho6 vr|^ Wk t^j chiw bdy d, the arrack firm; a p'been ma cbo6 Ati^ tf- AE 4^ a p'hein bdy i, the opium farm. Mi 16 sek M ^ /ff , "-^ '" '*^«*' the cornelian stone. Bay Read ma£: to buy, to purchase. £ hwa I I kecm teep che, raa6sekJeaou ytn la^ ^ji' md hwa I'etn boiy yiik kadu, bdy cheih tri'^ kw^H kSk $i lat, removing a flower, the butterfly comes along with it, and buying a stone, even the surrounding clouds accompany it. See the Read mae : to sell, to dispose of. Chd .^_- mad mae |^ ^ ^^ chd bdy 'bay, Ij A to buy and sell. Mac to ma6 tok ^ J\ ^ {j^g, bay to bdy got d, to sell a knife, in order to buy a heifer. Bayh *■ Read hck : wheat; a surname. Tie bek -^ .— ^ -^ ^K^. twa bdyh, barley » hwan bek '^^% ^f ■^j *ira«i biyh, Indian com. Beng hay rhe gwat, bek ch'hew che f£ @ /21 ^ ife fS'C ^' *'** ''*''^'' **^ ^^ ^"*** biyh tmng kadu, in the first months of summer, the wheat harvest comes in. See t&e iS IP L«y k«. BE 14 BE Read b£; : to secrete one'i-self. Rice; a surname. Be kwuj ;^ ^j the rice is dear. B^ ch'heuk hwuy put to ,ea TJt H ^1^ ^ ^ ih.^ ** '^'''*^* ' chey, it is not because the rice and paddy are insuflScient. See the J^ "^ Seang beng. Be teen pae sek -^ |jg^ ^ ^ ^ bi teen pai cheSh, the fool B6 used to worship stones. This was a man of the Song Dynasty, who possessed great talents, and rose very high in office, but he had this failing, that whenever he saw a stone, he could not help worshipping it 1 hence he was called a fool. Query, Do not many of his countrymen merit the same appellation > Jl^* To soothe, to pacify. Be Ifing boo B^ TP*^ ^ ^ li^' '"' '^"^ *"" ^* *""' *" ^''" ^J .^^ and pacify warlike concerns. See the ±^^ se6"S se. Vik 8^ Any thing got into the eye. To stop, to put a slop to. Kwuy-k'hong- Be 1^ Fl. choo be t5 ^ Jg rjl 5^ ^, Kn,U„- k'hong-choo be bd Id cKhat, Kwuy-k'hong- choo exterminated the robbers. ■^^ Unwearied, not feelin^r tired. Sit che Be X J^^M . '■*'''''" ch'hira, tat che be be ^^ ^1 \SL Ui%-'MZ ® 4^ "'"' ''"''• aeo"S ledh cKkim cKhim, kadu bat e chew sed"S bey yed, on giving up the study of any thing, we think it difficult, but if we persevere till we understand it, we shall feel no disposition to be tired. See the ll^Leykd. To stop, to pat a stop to. Vuig: Joi^;; a tail, an end; t'hofi h€ ^ t'haSu bo6y, head and tail. Wliy sew wuy be -^ ^ .^ ^^ te"a i'haSu ke"a boiy, to be afraid of both beginning and ending; to be irresolute. S6w be put leng seang koe "^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^, i'he6u bSey bey ey seo koi, not to be able to look after both head and tail, i. e. mind two things at once. The bleating of sheep. A surname, common in the country. Ch'hoe Vulg: siy : Beautiful, fine, elegant, good, handsome: Cho6 wuy se4ou chin be e king, SUn dy gak chin chae sHy, Confucius said, that the music of Siin was very fine. Sey hong hh jin ^ TR" 3^ ^^ »ae he^ Ay gdou Idng, the clever man of the west. Sey-se ch5ng ma6u b6 I5y ^ ^ ^ |^ || ^^ Sae-te iy ehe"S maou siiy kwd cKhin ch'hai''S, S»e- se's appearance was beautiful and engaging. , Beautiful, wanton, overturned ; not, a [vgV negative particle. Teng woey che yim, b6 ban che yim yea ^ ^| ^ p . -^ -^ .{jjj '^"ff «»«J' ^V »«""• *' ** *^'' dy yim, the expression of amorous ditties have generally a wanton sound. Be scy tc che ^ 0| |^ jh^ *^ '*^ I'hang twih, that which cannot be stopped. \,f^m, A kind of vegetable; also, a flower. Bg ^^h Ch'ha6 be jg sit ^ ;|^ ifn #, "" « "y^^X^ aj6 che'sh, they picked the Bd vegeUble, and ate of it; — said of Pek-fi and Seuk-chfiy, who wandered into the mounlains, and liTed on wild Bi ■,ip- A BE vegetablef, rather than eat the rice of the M Chew dynasty. Ch'heang bt hwa ^ ^ i^, cV*ed"ff bi haa, a rose. Vulg: bai: the eye-browsj bok 1)6 g 1^ bak ba£, the eye brows. Also written U. Chin s6w g6 li^ !^ "§" $|| /g, cMn fhaSugS bai, a head like the Chin insect, and eye-brows like the silkworm. Bfln be (1^ II?, mooVS bai, the lintel of a door. Ch'hun sek fing b« ^ A M.^> <^*'*«"» <'*<«"*' 4^»e* ^f»ffmiii"a mooi"S bai, may the beauties of spring replenish the lintel of your door; -a good wish pasted up on people's doors. Gd be |l|^|lj^, the name t>fahill. Very, more, extensive. Hoo-cho6 che to, giJan;; che ht ko, chwaa che b* keen kwin, ckmui"S e ni ting, with respect to the doctrine of Confucius, the more it is looked up to, the higher it appears, and the more it is bored into, the harder it seems. See the f^ ^| Si-ang lun. •^ -^y^ Full, overflowing, abundant. HO suy ^ mm " '* ^^ ^^ ^ '^' ""^ '■*'' " If Jl^^ mw'i, the waters of the river were full and overflowing. See the ^] ffl Kok hong. The brink, of water, the water's edge. B^ >i Chae sfiy che « ^^ TK ^^ j^, '* '*"* it/ bi, on the water's edge. See the same. A mound or altar of earth. The name of a place. Ch'heen toe BC-oe jI tiP rip ij|. '■« '"°'"'*^ *•" "•*'"' to Be-oe. Bg Small, diminutive, worthless, trifling. Tae jin put teuk s^y bfi che soo y^ Bi bd te teuk tiy bi 6y sod, great men are not par- ticular about small, trifling things. Ch'hit ch'hek U k'he, e sew boo hoe -^ K ^ in ip H ^ -^^ <^*'*'' <■*'**«* '^3f *iy Ay Mn «■», My teSk »edou Ity i pay boe, "my seven-span- long, diminutive body, has only involved my parents in disgrace," — an expression of humility. Toe be hwa ^ Wb ^, the name of a flower. A large kind of stag; also, a doe. Koi VpUj, h6ng gin be lok ^g'^HlH^, /■JilCr' *'*«>"* iKi cheSh 6i/ gin, kap Ina cheih dy lek, looking at the large wild geese, and the larger slags. See the t* -^ Seang bing. To divide, to part. t.. Vulg : moiy ■■ Rice-water, congee, rice gruel : a surname. Be rhiiuk ^ ^^ dm miiiy, congee. Lcftng-hwOy-flng * I'hoi tey che koc b6 Un ke bin je cheen che ^ ^ i 11 ± ^ ;^ i(^. S m^^W] 1 Z, /-'•'•<-*-^^-^'vr * '^^ ley iy yetn koi, bi Un t iy pdyh lai'S, ji kde e k'ki lie Chat, Liiftng-hwOy-flng merely on account of extension of territory, harassed his people (literally, boiled them down into gruel), and drove them to war. Bg Be ho* 1^ 1^, a kind of monkey. - j^ I™ To drag, to influence. Gno jiw h"© |^»^ chi-ak, goe e cho6 be «•>« ^ ^ ^ Ay ekiak wUy, gmi hot U H e, I have an eligible BE 16 BEAOU Be office, which 1 will give to you, to draw it into your influence. See the M, «^ Ye4h keng Plants growing in the water. ^^% 1'be noise made in calling ducks; b£ bS, ^fM^ something similar to the "dill, diliy," ^r of English housewives. Vulg: boei/ : not yef ; not; also, one of the horary characters. Be lafi Tfc- ^^ boej/ lat, not yet come. Hw4n b« sSng j^ 4^ jjj^, yea boey che"d, not yet completed. Be I6ng soo jln, yean I6ng soo kwuy ^j^ g^ S cAa* e^^ k'lk sae kwAt/, not being able to do your duty to men, how can you serve spiritual beings? See the ~V> =© H5y lun. * JL^ Taste. Gnde be ^ ^j the five tastes; Be •^Jl^ choo be 1^ IlJ^^ a taste. Sam gwat J put te jeik bS ^ ^ Tf; ^ 1^ P^, «"« goish jit u"* cfcae bih dy choo be, for three months he did not know the taste of flesh; — Said of Confucius, when he was trying to learn the music of Sun; so ardent was he in his desire to get acquainted with it. See the J;^ |^ Seang lun. To sleep, to retire to rest. Gno be yed kiw e, waking and sleeping he sought her. See the [^ j^ Kok hong. Seuk hin yea ^^^ J^'^^'^, chd >t VM, dm ehiw WhwUn. Early to bed and early to rise. See the |Jp |,g Se keng. %jw |. A riddle; a dark saying. Chd be kip Be £:;Tr ji» ch-hae ^\^i^ ki^, -*« *^- f""**^^, koe Idng cKhai, to make riddles, and set people to unravel them. Bed T° •IL A slanting look ; read be&, a (uirname. Beaou ^ Beaou Beaou w ^ The flowing appearance of water. The diminutive appearance of things, when viewed at a distance. Beaou The ezpansivenesD of water. Dark, indistinct, distant, enlarged. Koe heang beaou bo6 chey -fe5[ ^a ^ & ^^ koo dy hi:o"S It bedm hwuV^ bi ehiy, to be removed from one's native village, to an unlimited dis'.ance. See the ra"- H Tdng se. Distant, indistinct; also, to look lightly on. Be&ou hoe put te sey che||f.;f^^;^;;^,w^ hwvfS, u™ chae kabu td ISh wuy, distant, to an unknown extent. Beaou *• J'.J The south-east corner of a hou^e. Beaou Beaou Clear, evident, manifest. Dark, unfathomable. Beaou ^'ST J % -» Deep and distant. Wiiy jefin j* Beaou -"^^^^ theng, beaou je6n j« ch'him ^ and slill, deep and profound. See ^^ IZL Chung-choo. BEAOU i'f BEEH Beaou ' *■ - K'heng be&on ih, khin beaou, to slight and despise. Beaou Blind of one eye, dini-si^htcd. P'ho leng le, beaou Ifing s^ HiV j|S ^ ^} m II' *"'^-^ *'*" '■" "'"'^^ cKhai''S mai^S gy k"hw"d, the lame can walk, and the dim-sighted can sec. See the & ^ YeSh kenj. B> Beaou # The furthest end of any thing, bok beaou ~kc "fn) the extremity of a tree. Lefin bc4ou sody boe ^ i^' 1^ ^ "^'"^ biiiy hiiiy am, the end of the year, and the cioie of the season. Beaou ^ Beaou ^1*3 nm Hfl beaou tJ^ ih, eh'heuk mat"e^ the blade of corn. The appearance of flying dragons. Beaou Beaou Akt A little child; I Jr and frightened. also, to be alarmed. Beaou Vulg: bei: to copy any thing by writ- ing over the original, BeAou joo im Cy', be6je, to copy or decypher characters; to trace writing. , Vulg: neaou: a cat, a common cat. Be4ou ch'h6 t6ngje |g ^ |pj f [, neaou kap neaou ch'fii idng clieah leng, "a cat and a rat sucking the tame mother." This was a singular circumstance, which occurred in the Ilao^ 'dynasty, and was considered as a bad omen. : ~' '' BeSou « H6 beiou ^Kj m, pi cKhe a, the young shoots of corn; a surname. Kok che jc seng, wat be&ou t^ j^ jl^ ^. Q ^"j ch'hek iy too too a tai^S kong beiou, when the grain is beginning to grow it is called be&ou. dng te hoo be4ou hoe ^ ^ ^ ^ ^-j ong li chae pb cKhi a u'", does your Majesty know any thing about the young shooting corn? See ^ ^ Beng choo. Hay lap wat be4ou ;^ } ^ P) W. A«J' fhee"S p'bah lih kong be&ou, the summer hunt is called bciou. Beaou Beaou Beaou J. Wonderful, deep, mysterious, excel- lent; also, young. Sin hwa put ch'hfk wuy che beaou X^ ^ ^ S'j pH ^j^' "'" '^y Pi^in hmii^ii l%iTni; rh'hek. kong keo beaou. Divine transforui^itiuas, un- searchable in their nature, are called beiuu. Bfi beaou j^ ty, wonderful, minute. Beaou Sim ^^ ^j very good; excellent: Le«n beaou ^ ^ „ei'*e i,di$ k'hth thefC, young in years. Fine, minute, excelleqfi — jL Vulg; bed: a temple, a place of idolatrous worship. Chong beaou ^ J^. chof chong tty bed, an ancestorial temple. K'hong-choo jip tae beaou, bo6y soo bQn U -f A A |i^- # $ F^l' ^''""S-choi jip tvi Ho, tak hang mooi"^, Confucius entered the great temple, and enquired about every thing he saw. See the -j[^ tfi LQn ge. — Also written IB" beaou. ^Spl^ Read beet, basket work, wiclcer-work. j^* Beet Iftm ^ g, irtA ni, •wicker y "^i basket. •! - ^"> Beet sek ^ ^, beih cVhiiilt, a rOsh lut. BEEN 18 BE^N 7" Been % To avoid, to do without, to escape, to conclude. Been chit W* Hr^, to be put out of office. Y4ng-s6 cheflng Ch'hae-keng yfiw, be be6n pek p'hek yew teem \% 1% %%%%.• =^% 1^ ^ /fe' '^Y, ye6"^-si t'han CKhwd.-keng j/tw, bet/ Vein pHyh p'hek woo teim, Ye6"S-se following Ch'hw^-keng in his peregrinations, could not avoid the evil of the white gem being spotted, i. e. he could not avoid contamination. See the y? rib S6ng-so6, History of the Song dynasty. Been ^ J^ A low wall to protect people from archery ; also, invisible. The name of a stream. Been pe ISw suy, teaou chong 6 ha6 yjE ^^ ^ laSu chdif, k'hi tedou chong 6 hae, the flowing waters of the Be6n stream go to pay their respects to the sea. See the /|>. ^ Seaou gn&y. Been Been Been Been To urge, to spur on, to animate, to exert. Choo pit been che -^ ty^ A/j -^, li tek fc'Aflfc teSh been ley e. Sir! you must exert yourself in it. ^ M^ To bring forth children, to bear young. 'niHr^ Hwun be6a ^ ^ to be delivered -A^l-4 of a child. The name of a fish, a kind of John Dory. A crown, an Emperor's cap. Ban kok e kwan pae been 16w S [^ ^^ ^^ pai bein Uw, the robes and coronets of all nations must pay reverence to the Emperor's crown. See the J^ ^ T6ng .e. Been To be drowned, to be overwhelmed. But peen nae soo bin been 6 chew sob u'" peen bing ytw soo ku)"a kap pHt/h sai"S tim bein i chiw, why do you not enquire into the officers' and people's being drowned in wine- See the jf^ ^ Seo"g se. Been Been ;>^ Distant; also, been seang ffi ^sB bein seo"^, to think. Been ke Ex ^j a sacrifice offered on every birth-day of a deceased relative: read bin. Bee een m Bok beSn -jt }^, the silky cotton tree: the name of a tree which has flowers like cotton, and of which they make cloth. Bok bean, Kang-iam to yew che ;;^ ^j^ )X |*i ■^ ;fA -y, ch'hd mie^S, te Kang-lam chet/ mod, of the silky cotton, there is an abundance in Kang-lam. BeSn hwa i^ ;|^, mei"S hwa, the cotton tree? cotton. « >^ Cotton; wool; also, soft and yielding » Been Z^jT^ also, unbroken, uninterrupted; also, il^l I.J close and continuous, as weeds and creeping plants. Be6n ySng ^ ^, me^S ye6"S, a wool goat, a sheep. Be6n befin kat liiy |^ |:S M & intertwined and uninterrupted, like the tendrils of creeping plants. _,-m Vulg: bin: to sleep, to rest, to lie Been Hut» down. T'heen chok kim p'he, tey t||<\^ chok chijen, gwat le seung g6 p'hwan iS M # 5^ ^' '"'^""^ '*° fcimpAoe^. tey ehd cheeks tedou, goiyk lie iy sHng g& p'hw^a BEEN 19 BEET gwd k'kwiln, "the heaven forms my canopy, and the earth ray carpet, while the nymphs of the moon sleep by my side." A couplet made by the founder of the RH B6ng dynasty, when, in the utmost poverty, he commenced his career. Been I H befin hong ^ i^ ^ ^, Idn liwa Connected, uninterrupted. Lin kwuy /I kwAy hwa seo twd. p'hang, "the l&n flower and cassia blossom? are successively fra- grant;" — (used with respect to those whose sons and grandsons advance successively to literary honors ). Befin tuy ^ ^ lUn tii}/, a pair of antithe- tical sentences, generally written on boards, and stuck up on each side of a room. The covering of a bouse. Qfc The eaves of a roof. Be£n bin |k ^^ the noise of a bird: also, cotton threads. Vulg: bin: The face, the front, the countenance. Jin sim Jt been y^ j/^ -hn ffij ling Ay rim eh'hin ched^ Idng iy bin, people's minds arc like their faces; i. e. varying. Yung yea, k'h6 so6 Iftm been ^ "tJl Pf '(^ ^ ®' rung- yea, t'hang lat e bin" i Urn, Yung may be employed in facing the south t (i. e. in ruling the people; — because all rulers been I4ro m M, bin "i Idm, face the south, and all subjects been pak j^ ^, bin "i pak, face the north). To turn the back on. Been kwuy Been Am] P"«y ^^ MM"^^' '" ""'^ I M*| kwu}/ ki, to act contrary to establish- ed customs. Been Vulg: mee^S; flour made of wheat: been paou iSpQ 'p] bin paou, bread. Been paou kan ^B pi -^, bin paou kw''a, biscuit. E' beSn wfty he sen? |^ ^ ^ ^^ ^, ''*" mee'^ cho Chaou »ai"S, "to use wheaten flour instead of animals in sacrifice." This was done by ^ ^* Boo-tey, of the ^ Leing dynasty, out of compassion. See "T^ ■£ 'Sfc Hay beng choo. To drink wine to excess. Yu\g:beih! wicker-work, basket-work, beet l&m ^£ "^ beih nd, a wicker basket Not, nothing, diminutive; to slight. Beet jllLS Black blood. •*''J^ To exterminate, to overthrow, to an- nihilate, to extinguish, finish. Biiet. kok chik gn6e sip j^ Jg j^ ^ -f'^ biet kok goe chap, he overcame fifty states. See the Jq "^ Seang beng. Ke liiim fing teng, beet hew bfing Ha |W ^, j^ jj^ /^ Pjj, kKdj/ leim is hoty kirn chhai"^ biel bi yiw kdh kwm"^, just like a few spots of fire-fly lamps, at one time extinguished, and then bright again: — Said of composition which is in some parts dark and in others clear. Beet kcw chok |j^ -^ jjf^j beet kdou dj/ ch'ok to exterminate all a man's nine relations. Beet To exterminate. BEK 20 BEK Heet TV Bek *jffr Viilg: Ao?3^A; stockings; ch'hwan beet JyJt^ 5p ^^' cVhing boiyh, to wear stockiiiss. Pff Te6n liek ^^ [}g cA'Aiin hvi"a, the elevated paths between the rice fields. Seang-ylng k'hae ch'heen bek ^ jJt Rn Iw TO' Siang-yingk'hwuy cKhAn liw"d, Seang- j4ng (of the ^^ Chin dynasty) recommended the enlarging of the paths between the rice fields. See the Ip^ Q |^ Chijen kok chhek. HiJet bek .([H ^, hiiei/h mai"h, the pulse, the arteries Also written j^^ bek. Heet bek kwan t'hong j|q, ^j^ ^ jg, Aoe/A ma'i"h kw&n t'hong, the blood of the arteries runs through the whole frame. Bek ^J Bek ke 7f '^' * double surname. Bek Bek Bek > Bek Bek p'hek ^k |)jg, secret, close. Bek Bek Shallow water. A veil, a covering for the eyes. Bek bok yQng choo (j^ | J^ |^|, ti bin iy kin j/ung oe ay, the veil that covers the eyes should be black. See the 'H| jjift •' , ;,: ,, :..,.,: ,ii. ^ "'-^ Gfi ley. A cloth used for covering over food. To cover over any thing i ose of the radicals. . 'li'^^iki Bek Bek M w lUid -iiil " .ttii'jil'A , The covering of a carriage; bek has the same meaning. Bek %^ij;3i To plaister: bek kwan keung sit jS. ^^SL |p S Mj *"'^'' ^* **'"'» '"'P l'c'"'g sit, lo plaister the school and home. The name of an insect. Bek Sim bek iip] ^^ ,tm cKhiiey, to seek for any thing. Seep chew k'hong, j* bek lo5 )^f f^'^M^^ «* Chun koiy ch^y ji ch'hdey he, he crossed the water in a boat, and sought out for the road. Said of ^ 5^ *t^ Chin Bo6-tey, in his wanderings. Bek A white tiger. Bek The barbarians of (he north. Suy ban bek Che pang, heng ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ y^' 1T y^ '"^ ■'*^" *^" *^* ^^ P""^ kok, yea ke^d, even among the most barbarous nations, (if we possess sincerity), we may safely '^rirel.' See the TT =i^ Hay lun. Small rain; ek che e bek bok ^ ~^ ^^^^1^ added to which there was a drizzling rain. See the n\ ^ Seaou gnay. Bek Bek The same a> the preceding. An excellent horse; to surpass. BENCf it BJENG Bek ^- Small threads of silk. Vulg: bak: ink ; bek teiou ^t IHrj 6aA" j|»Jv^ 'f^ou. a slick of ink, commonly called I " 1 ^ Indian ink; bek suy ^ ^^, 6aA c/iiijr, liquid ink. Bfln bek che p6«y ^ S ^ li^ **^'' ^^'^ ^■S' Mr^, the literati. Heung bo6 pwan te€m bek ^ ^ ^ |B^^ ^, heng Wham bS pw"i teim iy bak chlii/, "on his. breast there is not half a dot of inkj" — (enti- mating an entire want of liaroing). Silent, to meditate, to refraia from speaking. Bek bek put g4n H^^ V. ^ "g"^ teim teim b6 hdng wS, silent, without speaking. Bek j6 ch^ fhe ^ iff] ^ ^, tiim llim Ji ka ti bat e, to meditate silently and gain a knowledge of a thing. See the _J;^ 1^ Seang iQn. Bek «J^ Vulg: bkyh: wheat: tae bek ^ 0., 0^>^ two. Myh, barley. Hwan bek ^ ^^ ^^% hwan b&i/h, Indian corn. Kira hoo bofi bek, pd chi;6ng j6 yew che ■^ bk]/h^ 3/ei chi ji k'haou ch'hdou, now with respect to the wheat,, when it is sown and harrowed, &c. See the ~T> 3r Hay beng. A veil for the head. A cloth for wrapping up any thing. Bold, fierce, ferocious, courageous, strong, daring. Y6ng b6ng ^ ^, strong and ferocious. O cheng gefim fi b6ng boe ^ J|^ J^ ;;J^ ^ ^ thing k'hdh g'eim 6 bing hoi, tyrannical government is severer than a fierce tiger. Beng Ben Beng Ben A small kind of boat. B£ng ting W^ ST very drunk. Fine tea, plucked late from the tree ;- bing g4m ^ ^, fine tea. Good, fine.. A vessel for containing aaj thing.. Beng VI y^ Seng sat, k'h* bing, e hok, put pe, putkamichiy ij^^. |^JE. ;fe bing, yin ehid'^, bi cheiou pi, fi" fc"d i chiy, when the sacrificial animals, the vessels, and the apparel, were not ready prepared, he did not dare to sacrifice. See the [• "5" Seang beng. Beni m Clear, bright; to illustrate, to ilia- mine^ to display, to distinguish; b£ng P'^ B^ Qj *o understand clearly. BSng bin;; chae seang, hek hek chae hay QH R3 '(E _h. ||; ^ ^ 1^ ' *<^ff *-"«''"^ '^ tite tin, oe im te &y tiy, clear and bright above, dark and dreary below. See the ^JT Jffe Tae gnay. Bing gw^a siiflng kan che&ou fl^ ^ \^ f^ Hp^ bing gSijfh leUng kan ehti, the clear moon shining among the firs. B6ng m To survey, to behold: a surname. B^NG 33 BENG Bgn Ben Beng Ben; Dark and dreary. Also written b6ng, dim, obscure. Blind, the pupil of the eye destroyed. Bok lifing S g , bak chew ch'hai"^ maV'S, the eyes blinded. K'hae bfing jfn bok B^ W A ^' k'hwuy cVhai^S mai"^ ling 6,y bak chew, to open the eyes of the blind. ^11^ An oath, a conspiracy. Ch'hap heet H^ e keet b6ng ^^M.^X^^, J^™^ ch'hap hoiyh 6 kat Hng, to smear ■with blood, in order to bind with an oath. Hwin-kong yew gn6e b6ng che kim ffl ^ ;fe" ^ ffi[ ^ ^j iSrudn-ftong- woo goe king Ay kim, Hwin-kong had five things which he interdicted on oath. To sprout out, to shoot forth. BSng gay ^ ^, paoUh et^S, to bud. Ch'hun se seng, jS bSng che ^ flg f^ . iljl p& -^^ ch'hun Cheeks k'hi Vhdou sal"^ ji paoUh k'hi lai, in the spring they begin to grow, and bud forth. Bgng ^ Vulg: me"d: a name, a designation, fame: bfing seng j^ ^ me"d se^a, reputation. B6ng e beng che ^ |^ j^ "^i >">« e chit Uy me'^i, i keb e, to give a person a name, in order to call him by. See the |j^ |^ Ley ke. ^^ fc^ To remember, to record the merits BenffAw it-* °^ * person deceased. Teng leng ii^'H ^ $^' '^"" *^"^' ^ sculptured tripod. Beng seng ^ Tj^, a flag recording the merits of deceased persons. Dark, dismal: bfing hwun ^ ^^ mai"S hviuiPS, the evening. Boo cheang Ue ke, wfiy tin beng bgng Benf ch'hea, tok woo tin ae bing bing, nothing \n& ' seen of the great chariot, but a cloud of dust, dark and impenetrable. See the /J> 5^ Seaou gnay. Hong 6 hoey bdng )![ p|| [fj^ ^, hong kap hoe, oe oe am am, with the storm of wind and rain, it was dark and dismal. B8nff > Bgn Bgn Small rain; also, the sea. Bit k bSng bok ^ pl^ }^ JTJt^ b'atdy Ue bing ■^ bok, the close raih drizzled down. Pok bfing yew gg ^[^ j^ /^ ^^, pak hoi: woo hi, in the northern sea there are fishes. A name; dark. I To open the eyes without seeing any light: dimness of sight; closing the eyes in death. Ke sd bSng bfing jt f^ ^ ^, e k'hw"d ch'hai^S mat"^, he looked dimly. Kara sim bfing bok "H* )1\ [[§1 H , kam tim h^hSyh bak chew, he contentedly closed his eyes in death. B«ng keep ch'ho ^ ^ i^. bing Beng w^W keep ch'hdou, a kind of sensitive "5^^^ plant, which was said to put forth a leaf on the first day of the moon, and to continue producing one leaf a day till the full; at which time the leaves began to fall, till by the end of the moon they were all gone. Spoken of in the Beng %_ Kong kam. The name of an insect, that lends its chrysalis to another, to be brought "^ up as its own. B6ng-16ng yew choo |^ ^^ ^ ^' bing-Ung woo ke"d, "the beng-lgng insect has its chrysalis," which is stolen by another. BENG 23 BENG Bgng Jfe^ A fljing iasect, that stings people. > _ f - A kind of dart or sharp weapon. Bene ■Cy J.lTi Han-Kong-boo chok hwuy bSng ^JjKJIy^ kong ch'hek bS chek j^ ;^ ^ # ^ ^ 7^ ^ 1 ^' ^«H-iir»»ff-*od rAo* Airu^ ft^ni" fcang' ch'hek bi Ay ch'hal, the Emperor Kong-bo& of the Han dynasty made a kind of flying dart, to oppose the red eye-browed robbers. Beng (7 The cry of a bird, or any cry or noise; the crowing of a cock, or V^^y ringing of a bell, or any other kind of sound; vulg: tin, to ring, or I'hi, to crow, or hmoii, to cry or call. Key bfing koe hwuy bun fi teung kok ^a P& t'he^a i Vhong teung kok, the crowing of cocks, and barking of dogs, were heard throughout all the middle country (i. e. China). See "^ ^*- Beng cho6. Sam lefin put bfing, bfing chek keng jIn _^ ^ ^ "i. BiPJi 1 A' •"- -'^"^ "'> ''"' tAn chew hoe Idng ke"a, it did not sound once in three years, but when it did sound, it alarmed people. A beam, a rafter. Clear, fine rice. The pith of a tree^, alio, the name of a tree. A command, a decree, the decree of heaven ; fate j to order, to command. Chiiang biing chea ch'but hoe i^ '^ ^ ^ S^ t'hui"S beng Ung At/ ling ch'hut mooi"^, the bearer of the message went out at ' the door. See the T> ga Hay lun. T'heen beng yew chai, k6 wOy Chew-Bfln-6ng t'hee"^ iy beng woo te tit, e chd cWhin cheo^^ Chew-Blin-6ng hog, "The decree of heaven being filed, let him do as Ban-6ng of the Chew dynasty." Said by Chd-ch'h6 '^ ^, when he wanted his son to assume the title of Emperor. See the ^ t^ Sam kok. Se wQn put rhfiy, beng to6 to cVhwan ^5: ^ 7|^ ^. A ^ ^ j^' 'i «^Sn S" chit/ chwui"S, me^a toi chej/ ch'hwan ch'hok, the revolution of times and seasons is not equal, and the way of fate is full of errors. Said by ^^ ^ jfe Ong-put-hae. _ _ The beginning of any thing; applied Ben"" ''^31^ *** ''"' beginning of the four quarters ^^^U« of the year: also, a surname. Soo sfi kae y6w bing gwkt ^ jj^ "^ /^ £ )3,iiti ehb po6 «oS bing gofyh, the four seasons, have each their commencing months. Beng bo6 sam ch'heen kkou cho6 ^^ ffl- ^£ ^M:-f-' Beng-choi iy nei"S Uj, t"a kwUy pw"a ch'hod biilyh ki e iy ke''i, the mother of Mencius thrice removed her dwelling, in order to instruct her son. Beng y vy.^ Any thing wished, or desired: a sur- m A surname : B(:i!g-bo6-cho6, pang yew Beng ^ t5, chek te ^ p^ ^ ^ ^ it vJJ4^ fjll TQ lieng-boochod, panj kok mod to iy it cheet, chek ti, Beng-})o6'Cho6, when a country possessed the right way, displayed wisdom. See the J^ ^ Cheo"g iQn. Beng To open one's eyes; also, dark. BEY 24 BIN _Vy^ Sorrowful. Put e 6 hiiey, ek bo6 beng cJ W ftue g'K'4, cAd Aoi^ beng yea bi hwdn 16, if you do not admit me to a share of the confederacy, I shall not be grieved. See the /^ Cho twin. Read bedou : to transcribe, to copy ; beftou joo jHi 5^, beSje, to trace writ- ing. Be4oa sea put chin Tffi ^S. ^^ W be6 ted u"* chin, to copy incorrectly. Read beaou : a temple : Tae-pek-kong beaou ;^ f ^ ^ ]|§ Twa-pdyh-kong bed, an idol temple ; the temple of the " old great uncle." Chong beaou che soo ^ jaS v' S! chong b'eo ty too, the business of the ancestorial temple. Bed Bew m Bew Bew Bdy Intertwined, twisted, plaited together. Tfiw bfiw yew hoe 1^, Uw biw i'hang moi"^, "to twist straw about the windows and doors," — said of the birds who thus form their nests. See the 1^ \M Kok hong. Erroneous, confused : h6 e ch'hok bew Che ch'hoo fpj- H 1^ H M ilt an chw^d ch'ho bew kabu an niy sai"^, how is it become wrong and confused to so great a degree? Said by ^ ^ ^ E-teng-kok. Wrong, false, erroneous, wandering. Ch'ha che hd 16, Lew 6 ch'heen 16 ch'hay goe dy hi U, ey bew kabu che"d cKheng lb, a difference of only a hair's breath will afterwards lead to an error of a thousand furlongs. Readmad: to buy, to purchase. Seaou cha6 t'hdng mae mae, 6 chit chgy 1^ chai &y kui"a t'his"a ling biy bey, t ehitpat^S che^i, the under governor attended to people's buying and selling, in order to promote equity. See the M II Chew Uj. To be deceived, to err, to wander ; bey loe ^ ^^ to go the wrong way, Bfiy toe be wan 5^ ^ tJ^; J^, biy loe boey woo hed hwuf^, we have not yet wandered far out of the way. Said by [&| ^ES ffl T5-yeen-b6ng. Bey Bey Bin Bin Bin Bin ^ The sleeve of a coat, a cuff. Sect k6w le4ng, twan yew bey ^ 3| -& M /^ '^> '"^ ^"^'^^ ^y '"" '«'"' '^"*'. ch'hbng tiy che"d eh'hiw dy cKhiw wul^S, his pri- vate dress was long, with the right hand sleeve short. Said of Confucius, in tbe J^gj^ Cheo^S lun. Read mae: to sell, to dispose of. "^r^ ^^'^ *° ^^^ *"'' ^ 7/ H ^' **•" l^ ,t to, k'hi biy go5 d, to sell a knife, in order to buy a heifer. To urge, to strive, to exert one's-self. Bin been cheflng soo 9B W -f iMp ^*j to exert one's self in a person's service. Clever, diligent, intelligent. Gno suy put bin, ch'heng se4ng se che 4^ Sft 1^ IJC. PR 1* M :^' ^" '"y ^'^y bin, ch'he^d bong ch'hi k'hw^d, although 1 am not clever, yet I request the trial to be made. See *« Jt ^ SeSng bSng. Bin jg h"6 hak ^ ^ jtf ^^ *'« '^^ «* ''*«* ch'hdyh, intelligent and fond of learning. To force one's-self to any thing, against the will and power. A surname: Bin-cho6 si ch'hek "?" 'f^ l&'L ^'"■''^^ *'*«« ^ «■" Pe<^, Bin-cho6 was standing by the side (of Confucius). See the "K =^ Hay iQn, bIn 2ir BIT Bin Bin Bin m To be silently grieved, to be displeased and sorrowful. Ek kefing jfi put bin I9fi H M ^ IPi' ^•^'^ *""'' ^^"^•'■^ bey bin, in affliction and poverty, and yet not grieved. See the J^ ^ Seang beng. To be sorrowful, to lament, to pity. G6e tae je choo bin e 5B, IP ^ JZ. ^\^^% J^ jfe gwd Chty It no ling hicin 16 I am distressed for both of you. See the ^ Cb6 twan. J^ To b« annihilated, to be thrown into confusion. Bin t tae bin Iwan ^P ^» •^ 9B- SI piyh doi"*' &!/ e Mn lua bin Iwan, the moral relations of the people were thrown into the greatest confusion. See the ra ^^ Seo"g se. A disapproving name, or codemnatory epithet, given to some kings after their death. Such as ^ ^ 3E Chew-Bin- 6ng, the confused king of Chew, and ^yg;/^ Song-Bin-kong, the stupid duke of the Song country. To rub, to scrape, to brush) a brush. The people ; the common people t te bin jfj E? to rule the people. Bin bo6 leng bfing ycen ^ |j fj^ J^ •S pltt/h iai"S bd chit lij/ me''d Chang kid, " the people had no name by which they could designate him:" Said of Siin, who was above all prai?e. Bin ch«ng tae k'h6 kijdn e j^ f fl ^^ ^ U, ^, fiyh lai"^ Ay ting chlng Itca t'hang k'hwnH, the dispositions of the people could be extensively seen. See the "ip ^ Ko£ bfln. Bin m The common people, the horde. Bio che ch'he ch'he f|^ ^^ ^ ^, P^** saj"? gong gong, the common horde are stupid as grub9. See the ^ ^L Kok bong. Bin Bin Bin Bin Bin m. The name of a hill. Bin san to Kang |IlS |J-I ^ ji, le Bin sw^a eVMci Kang chiy, from the Bin hill he led the waters of the Kang:" — Said of ^ E", who ift y)K tfi suy, regulated the waters. Bin -^ Bit A fine kind of stone. Bin geuk put pccn ^^^^ , cfteJA kap giik bi hnun pein, not distinguishing between stones and gems. The same as the foregoing. Sickness, a diseases to gn6 koe bin k'bic^d pai"^, many came to visit me in my sickness. Sec the ^ ^ Tae gnAy. To constrain onc's-self. V> IM^ A thread, a string : the string on which small coins are strung. Also written K6 tcaou wOy hfl, wOy »e e W" ^ ^ ^ 'fPf. W M- \F ^i, ' '^° " """^ ."/mrf"A. tok sf kap sv;"d, "what did he use in angling? nothing but silk and thread." See the ^ ^ Kok hong. ®Rcad been: the face, the countenance; a surface s to face, to front. Je bod biii'n cbl-iiiij;, t'hoey yew hoc g4n ^ 1® lit. M ^ t^ 1", '^ *"■ '•*"''^ *'" '""• kadu I'hfy ch'hid woo aSu wa, you must not merely comply before one's face, and then on retiring bring up some after words. See the Kfl ^E Seong sc. '^ To rest, to be silent : a snrname: Chin, bit JU;, a man famo^sjo the Sam- kok. ' ]-'^^^\ if V BO 26 BOE Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bo B6 1t A kind of grass. _ — — -j^ Honey : bit hong 5^ ^^ bit p'hang, a 04^ honeybee. KS kara j6 bit ^ "^ -^[J J"*\ ^^ ki tce"!^ ch'hin chSS^S m, as sweet as honey. %- y^ Silent whispers ; quiet, peaceful. Loey S^)L1^ gbSy chek bit ^ ^f^ ^ 1^^ laegwa ^JXl^ cftefc bit, within and without, peaceful and quiet. See the "ffla ^s Han se. Vulg: bat: secret, close, concealed, re- |S% tired. Ch6ng k'he bit bit ^-^^ ^ k'U'^S k'he bat bat, secretly hidden. Bit yin put e, choo gno sey kaou Sfe ^ ^X\ ppj. 1^ ^ ^ ^, *«' *""2" «*" '^h hoe, choo gwdn sae kaou, close clouds without racin, coming from our western border. See the ^ i© Y'ekh keng. Dusty and muddy ; also, deep and hid- den. Fragrant wood ; a uame for cassia ; cinnamon. Kaou-chew yew bit htiang se % *)'H ^^^ \%> Kaou-chew woo bit heo"^ ch'hew, in the district of Kaou- chew, there exists the fragrant bit tree, — chek kim che tira heang yea pH /^ ^ s'lT ^. iff ^ chek »S tong kim dy tint heo"^, which is the cinnamon of the present day. To urge, to exert one's-self. The thumb; tae bo ch6 -^ po bo, the great thumb. The great toe. uw. twd B6 B6 bo mother. J a common appellation for ^,^1^ Vulg: neo"S" /ej^: mother i hoo bo -A^ IB- Bo T^T* P"^ *"• ^^^^^^ ^^^ mother. Wfly I'heen ^ tSy bin but ho5 bo f"^ 7C j^b, ^ ij^ y^ -^j wiii/ t'hee"S tey chi ban me&"h A.y pay bo. Heaven and earth are the parents of all things. See the ^ la Siio"? se. jttlu Read bo6 : not, not at all. Bod put keng Bo j1ir^ ^ y^ i^. ^^ u™ 'teng-. unfailing res- k>CV\ Pect. T'heen hay bod put se che hoo bo ^ "K ^ ^ -^ -^ ^ -Q:^ t'he^S ay bd «"» teSh dy pay io, " under the whole Heavens there are no faulty parents;" — meaning that children should never suppose their parents to be in the wrong. A cap, a hat: Pok-taii-hoe e bo se t'hdy Ban.t.y Wk^l^UM^U "^yT ijE- Pok-tae-hoe Vho chit liy bo se hoe the great Empress Pok took a silken Blin-thy, cap, and gave it tu (her son) the Emperor BQn. A mill. Suy bo -kI fiffi chUy bo, a water mill. Jfi g6 swftn bo hn ^ jfij^ J^^ ch'hin cheo"S h'ea pwan swdn te bo cheih, "like an ant going round a mill stone." The Chinese say, that an ant always travels round a mill-stone in an opposite direction to that in which the stone is turned ; from which the an- cients obtained their ideas of the motion of the heavenly bodies. See the ^ aT ^gTheenbdn che. Bee ©A An acre : tefin boe mi OT, ch'hdn boi, an acre of ground. Gnoe boe che t'hek, se che e song ^ M 2 ^ /^ W ^5 ^"^ *"* ^^ t'hSyh, ching e t s^, let every plot of five acres be planted with the mulberry tree. See the J^ ^ C)xo"S beng. BOE 27 BOlS Boe Boe It The s»me as the preceding. The male of domestic animals; the name of a floWer. Bo6-tan, hwa che hoo kwiiy che4 yea {H^ JO- ^iff ^ ^ ^ ^ ^, bot-lan le hwa &.y WMh pod kwu}/ &y, the Moutan is the richest and noblest of flowers. Boe Boe Boe Boe An old woman: t'heen bo6 «an ^ ij^ Jj, Vhee'^S boi >m"a, the name of a bill. tf^% Yulgined"^ Uy: a mother: bo£ cho& •ttj* •& -?'.' boi k'e^d, mother and child. >^ K'hefin go6 hoo jea, kTiwun go6 boe yH4 ^ ^ ^ {^. ;J^ ^ r^ ^, Vhe^S tS gtvin ay ne6"^ pay, ley te gu'dn dy ne6^ Uy, heaven is our father, and the earth is our mother. See the ^ ^ Scy bfing. h -, An instrnctress; an uncle's wife: gak HtuL ^°^ ^ M' ''""^ *^'"' * ra^tber-in. .'^ ▼ law. Seuk hoe pek che cVhej wfty dy boi te a'", iu common conversation we call an uncle's wife, aunt. * Any one, such an one, a certain person. Cho6 kd che wat, boe chae soo, bo6 ^k ^ Wt' " Confucius informed him saying, this is such an one^ and that is such an one«" Mid of his introducing his friends to a blind man who waited on him. See the "K iSj Hay iQn. Boe Bo£ The same as the preceding ; also, one of the radicals. Rang bo6 |ll ^, the name of a tree, the wood of which yields excellent potash. To Scheme, to contrive, to plan ; key bofi =4* ^^, a plan, a sheme. WQy jin boe, jfi put tiiung hoe ^ J\^ M ^ .S^ f"' ''^ '^"^ *"" "*"'^' •'^ """ leung hoe, in consulting people's interests, are we unfaithful? See the J^ j^ffi Sijang lun. Bo6 chong chek cheflng ^ ^ g|J ^, boi ho chew thin e, if the plan is good, then follow it. See the -^ ^ Ta5 gn4y. BoS # Even, equal ta, alike. K'M & jin, }& bofi 6 t'heen ^ ^^ \ ^ ^ j^ ^, k'hih tud 6 Idng, j6 kap fhee^S pal"S iwi, greater than men, and equal to heaven. Bog 4 Bod nfi ■^J^}^ name of Buddha: also, to take, to win; the noise of a bull. Seang kan cboo sira, hay bog pek s.Jng ±,^^4\j.f :^'^ j^, ling bin kan kiw cho6 kong dy rim kw'*a, ay tty boi eh" hi pSyk lai'^, above he sought to win the heart of the chief, and below to captivate the affections of the people. See the -"^ Cheen kok ch'hek. ^ M Bog a# BoS Bok bog g ^^ bak ang a, the pupil of the eye. Chfln hoii Jin chea, bek Ie4ng 6 bofi cho6 /^ -^ A ^ ^ ^ !^ i^ -?' '"• '"* <* "**' ** k'hdh ho i bak ang d, (to know) what is retained in a man's mind, there is no better sign than the pupil of the eye. See the ~T\ ■^ Hay beng. l^Ajfck Kwuy bo6 ^ jj^, a pattern, a rule, ^>lipy a manner, a plan. Sew chwSn bo£ 6 15^ cho6ch'heang^^;|.^^;|£|?^, tew chwuVS h6 dy kwuy boi i bak ch'heo"^, "to receive a complete plan from the head carpenter 5"— an eapressioa of ^ ^ Ch6-«oo.. BOE 28 BOE Bo8 Bo6-boe ^a -ffl- was a very ugly woman, the wife of "|g' ^ H6ng-tey ; hence it has become a bye-word for any ugly female. Bofi Vulg: mSh: the thin skin under the outer skin: the epidermis. Te jeuk, tS kg kin boS, ch'he h"6 chi;& yj^ 1^- ^ ^ Hi- E ^, ^'^'^^"^ "'^f^ '^«' • ■ i 6.y kon mih, tMj/h ho dj/, in preparing meat, take away the tendons and inner skin, and select the best of it. See the M 3^ ^^ gn^y- % % f - Vulg: bong: to feel, to touch with the Boe J t^f. ^^°^- "^™ ^^^ ^^^ '°^ B§ ^ ^ ^^7^. ^^ am bong bo loe, it is so dark that we cannot feel our way. Bo« BoS r To feel: the same as the preceding. To scheme, to plan : the same as bog. Gwan Seen-seng h6ng ch'hoo wanbog)5^^^5i,l|j^^|-^, gtnan 5171-301"^ cK'hdng k'hSh twa chiy Uy hwul'^S boi, I beseech you, Sir, to -enlarge this distant plan. See the ^ Hka se. B06 Boe Bog Boe Tlie back; the flesh of the back. Tam bog ^ ^, quiet and still: the name of a place. Pok hong yew Sa- bog Che t^y ^U ^ ^fp'^Z y^^ paTc he^ woo Swa-boi dy tey, in the northern region is the desert of Sha-m5h. An insect that eats the roots of grain. A large kind of wheat: g gno lag bog En ^ ^^ ^" *^"^ *^""* '''^ ^'' '^" biiyh, he presented me with some large wheat. See the /j-* ^ Seiou gnay. Boe J% One of the horary characters; alto, lucky, fortunate. Kit jit wfly boe day is called boe. To praise, to admire; also, to urge. oe ^^^J^ to exert, t boe nag t^k Hp* ij^ 7^ f V^^ ^> S^^ '« '* iy t«^< I applaud Be your virtue. Boe ^'•flC^ Niggardly, parsimonious Boe To call, to summons. :>oa Boe Boe Boe A tent, a curtain: wOy boe che teung 1^ ^ ^ tJ3, wHy boe &y tang t^, within the tent, — in the tented field. To think of, to long after, to 'desire: a surname: wan boe Sfpi^^ to fret after. Jin seaou chek boe hoo bog A /V Slj^^oC •fJT) Idng siy chew boe leem pay boi, when people are young they long after their parents. See ^^^"^ Beng-choo se. Yit kok che sgy boe, t'heen hay boe che — — -^ pjif ^ ^ ~jT ^ ^, chit kok dy siy boe. Cheeks ay boe e, he that is desired by a "whok country, will be desired by the whole Empire. Boe-viinff ^- 5^^ a double surname. Hwfln boe J^ 4 ^ hwdn bung, a grave, a tomb. Koe put sew boe "g* "J^ f^ ^3 , koi dy Idng bS sew ching bong, the ancients did not ornament their tombs. S^ t*'^ Si E ^^y ^^■ Ek boe hwuy koe yea ^ ^ ^\- 1^ ^, """^ bong u™ se koi chd dy Ity, to remove a tomb is not according to the practice of the ancients. BOEY 199 Bofev The evening, dark^ dusk r. teaou boe SH ^*j moruing and evening, jit boe ch'hwa hwuu koe ^ j]§ igj ^, jit im p'hUh mal^ hwui"S koi,. at the decline of § wat che, jit ek put cheuk i ^ A ^ f;^ Z ,0 ^ ^ J£ :^' *«* '^"S I'oe 9u wanted to please every body, the day would net be long enough. See 7^ -jp Beng choo. Bii^y y6w leang pfing ^ ^ g /))], t'ak pai woo h6 ping, constantly meeting with a good friend. See the /j^ ^ Seiou gniy. Biiey jit ^ g /a* jV<^ every day, biity jln W-^, tak Idng, every man. \PT "^^ pollute, to defile; j6 yeen Ifing Boey JJftp biiey gno ^^ W M Ht M ^ thae, how can you defile me (by your juresence)? See the f~ jEt Seang beng.. The name of a placet also, of»*iver. BSey Read b£: the tail, the end,^ the ter- mination ; tho6 b6 gH jp. Vhdou boiy, Ihe head and tail. So hey, b6 h6y, ISw 16 che cho* iS '^ S- ^- ]% it ^ ^. *^* *'^*' *"«* *^*' '^>^ « 4j/ Ae"a, diminished and reduced to extremities, like a vagabond and abandoned person. See the ^ IS Kok hong. Boey # Boey Read beaour the- end or extremity. 1^ of any thing. Soey bwat wat beaou ^^'i^^, "^^"^ *"^* *»"«■ *»^^. the end of the year is called boijf.. Bik sey che, way che beaou /j^ j^ /^ |S ;^ ^^ ch'hew bak iy liy ke king keb boiy, the smalj' branches, of a. tree are called bofy. w B-. A oey Yulgtil'".. A prune, aplam: a surname. Jeak chok h6 keng, j6 wfly yeSm ; na boiyh chd teaou h6 iy kai"^. It thang chi e &y iee"S H'" a, " if we want to make a mixed broth, you can be the salted prunes in it." — Said to a clever man, whose services- were valuable to the state. See the J^ ^ Seo"S „. The desh of the bact- @p The best of the winer BiiAy, ch^w ^ bo6 ye4 ^ j^ ^ ^^ my se •«*p chiw Ay k'hih katu yed, the bofiy. Bo^y |ni& ^"^ y«^ MiM^% I'o^M se ka«u yed, the bofiy the strongest (literally the mother) of the wine. ^J^^fc Moss V the name of a. plaat. Sfly e Bii^y ^ ^J ^ ch5 bofiy t'hae |I^ fg; ^ ^ ^, •^p tily i chey le boty Vhi, leisurely sit- ting down upon the moss. Bijgy m To translate; also, a decoy or trap for birds and beasts. Neiou b6£y & ^a, chedou boiy, a decoy for birds, where a liiving bird is used, to decoy others - into the net.. BO kr 30 BOK Bciey Boey oey B5«y chcak ^jl/j, ''«2'" f^"?- ^ go- between, to make up marriages. Put t'hae hoo boe che beng, biiSy cheak .he g4n ;^ f^ 3C -t ;2- #• € 1!^J ^ f^ «"* leng I'hue pay hoi Ay beng leng, hA'" ling &y wa, "without waiting for the command of parents, or the mediation of the match-maker." Said oi young people who venture upon premature mar- riages, without consulting their friends. See the A collection of soot, biidy t'han /^ bo$i/ t'hw"a, coals. Boey Boey .^ I % The sacrifice offered by an Emperor, |lt M^ when seeking for a son. E' t'hae 16 ||!^^^ so5 g Ko-boey ]cX:k^ M J" "^ jj^ yung fhat: 16 cliliae i Ko-bSiy, "to sacri- fice with the principal animals to Ko-bbfiy," in order to obtain children; because Ko-b(i6y is said to have been the first who brought forth children. See the |^ "p£ Ley ke. »,»^^ The green and black appearance which *'*^^^ any' thing wears that has been long in the rain; mouldiness. A stem : the -+' /lA sip che, ten branches, of the horary characters, are called |l^ te^ou : and the "f ^ Zl ^ sip je k«n, twelve stems of the same, are called ^ biifiy. E e te4ou bu6y If^ ^^ f|^ ^, iwa te tedou boiy, twining about both branches and stem. See the ;^ ^ Tae gnay. Also, a numeral, employed in reckoning : ke bciey (^ jJj^ kwuy boiy, how many stalfc«7 Boey pok kong sin ;j^ ]\ Jjj |5^ ^° '■<^'^''"" "P '"'='■"'■ torious servants. Also, a piece of wood held in the«K)uth, to keep people from talking; a gag: ma k'he kirn, jin hSra bofiy J^ ^ 'fe' A ^ ¥^' *"* ""''^ ^"""' Ung him b'6(y, " the horses were deprived of .their metal ornaments, and the men held the wooden gag in their moulba," in order to keep ■them from talking, that they might 'march in silence, and surprise the enemy. See the _^ ^ Sam kok. Vernal showers: bii^y e seen woo e Boey hok ^♦•^^ ay hoe gdou bak Id lim s"a k'hoi, the vernal shower* are very ^pt to soil the clothes. A double ring ; a great lock or chain. Th« same as ^ hbey, a decoy for birds. Read be : Not yet, not arrived at, unattained. Hak se hoe, tiiy wat, be yea ^ |Jf f-. f=) a Jfe ilL' woo Thak se a bS, y\n e king, yea boey, "has .he studied the odes7 He answered, not yet." >v«M>» Read yaou: to want, to desire: Boeyh * TkT- ^^'^ yaou, put bong p6ng seng che . T>C* s^n ^ ^-. y^^ ]^, ^!ki^ ~= koo bdlyh, it'" p'hith bey ke, chil se l&ng dy wa, 1 have long desired it, and have not .forgotten the j)rotestations of my whole life. * X Boeyh Bdi Read beet: a stocking, clothing for the legs. Cheak hafi, cheak beet /^ ¥ik ^ l^ 3 <^f ''*""«■ ^y> ch'heiiJig b6iyh, to wear shoes and stockings. Read bok: not, do not. Bok wQy, kira jit put hak, hwan yew laS jit, ^ =S kong, kin a jit u"" I'hah, yed moo lai jit. don't say you will not learn to day. thinking that .another day may come. Vulg: bak: Wood: s5 bok ^| -j^, ch'hew fcafc, a tree. Vulg: cVhd, fire- wood. Bok ch'heang ^ ^j bak ch'heo"^, a carpenter. tK BOK 31 BOK Bok cheflng s!n chck clieng, hoe cheiing Itan chek bak Chan tSh chew che"d, liu-iin than l"h chew sciji^ when wood (is cut) according to the line, it becomes straight, and when a prince (acts) accord- ing to advice, he becomes wise. See the tS '^^ ^ ^ To wash the head, to bathe, to wet, Bok ^fJt^ l" drench. K'bong-choo bok yeuk j* /^V te4on IL ?- y^Kil^ fffi ^> ^'"»'^- hoo-choo ehing ek chew te&ou kei"^ 6ng, Confucius used to bathe hefore going to court. See the Cheet hong bok e Mt ^ Y^C p|^, cKhSeg leth hong, ek teSH hoe, to be exposed to the wind, and drenched in tiie rain. Bok Elr* Bekb'ok f^ a gentle shower, a ^^^^ drizzling rain. — ^ Vulg: bak chew: the eye « bok leuk, Bok 1^1 3 ^|:, a table of contcnU. Bok put ^^ se hwuy Uy che 8ek W^j^^ 4¥ 1^ -> ^ bak cliew fi" Ihang /.'A«r"i hwuy liy &jl tek, let not the eyes look upon improper beauty. Sip liok si-y sc -4' ^ p|r jhQ ^ chap iy bak chew tig k'hw"ii, that which ten eyes have seen, ( i. e. exposed to public view). f A kind of grass, sometimes used for food. Ma Se bok scuk, chek hwdy If,^ j^fe iy ch'haou, chew pwHy, when horses feed npon the bok siiuk grass, they become fat. • '-^ ^^J^ Harmonious, amicable, friendly : hA bok LI^C ip j]^, peaceful. K6w cbok ke bok ^■^^ ^ "Jfe fe^^ the nine relations liv- ing in amity. Harmonious, obedient, elegant, deep Bok "TRXfl^ ^"^ distant. A surname. Kit-ho6 chok seQng, bok j6 ch'heng hong i Bok his verses, they were harmonious as the pure and gentle breeze. See the -ir 'iv^ Tae gnay. T'heen choo bok bok ^ If- Jw- T^ ffSng lev bok bok, the Emperor put on a deep and thought- ful appearance. See the J- |j^ Seang Ifin. ^it^ A bad epithet given after death. A k^* surname. nJk ^^ Bok Cheaou bok jS |p-, * succession of generations, — the father's line being ranged under the cheaou, the son's under the bok, and so on. Se e cheaou bok Uy. \p\ j|3 i% arranged ac- cording to the cheaou and hok. A shepherd, a pastor; bok chca ^ ^ may be applied both to those who keep sheep, and to those who take the oversight of men; a ruler of a province. A surname. Kim yew sew jln che pnPw yftng, j6 wDy che bok che chea ^^-^iKZ'^^.M ^Z^'Z,^,'"' «•»« '«« '^"e 'i/i"'^ J"-""*". ji kap e ^"g e ig ling, now suppose a man had received another's sheep and oxen, and had undertaken to feed them, &c. See the J" 'B^ Seang b(?ng. fc >-, Vul;;: bOh: not, do not: bok gno te Bok J^^ yei hoe ij^-^j^^ f ;. M ling ~^^^^ <•*«' ff"'^» nobody knoWsme; bok put chnn ch'hin ^^ 1^ P^^ ^jg, M fl*" chun kfng pay boi, thus there will be none who do not honour their parents. A surname. Bok tr o'F. Chek tok ^ ^1, silent, quiet, still. Teaou 6 chek bok che hi-ang ^ "r\ ^ ^ ^ ^ led hi l»a II eking chfng iy hio"^ U, to angle in a quiet and retired village. See the Afr ^ Hftn bfln. Bok Sick; pain, sickness. b(/ng 33 BONG Bok-ye^ ^^^^^ ^^^ name of a sword. Sa-l).'.k che I5y ^ ^l^- ^ ^, ^^e deserl of Sha-mO. Also, — wide, dis- tant: bong che bok bok jeen yga ~y ^ ■/*'l ^ lb bang khw"i e, chun a hwui"S hwufS, looking after him he appeared far off. iligent ; seldom used. A diflferent name for pulse, or beans. Bong Bong Read boe, to feel : sew boe ^p ^S cKhiw hong, to feel with the hand. The appearance of deep grass ; chae ye4„ wat ch'ho bong che sin "Jk S? ^. i^ ^ ;^ ^j '«''« tSyea, kong cKhaou bong &,y jin sin, dwelling in the wilder- ness, one is called an officer of the long wild gras^. See ^ ^ Beiig-choo. Careless, rough, slovenly. Kwun wily cheng yecn but 16 bong ^ ® jifr "S ^ ^ tS kwun cho ching sod, m'" fhang 16 bong, in the management of the affairs of government, be not rough and slo- venly. See ^ ^ Chong-choo. ^ Pe bong ^ ^, not t*, flatter. B6ng «; B6n To deceive -, ignorant, stupid. Se bong bin yea ;^ fgj ^ ^, >« p'hein p&gh sai"^, this is to deceive the people. Hak j6 put soo chek bon- ^ [fjj ^ ,g, ^ Rjj t'hak J6 b& seo"^ king bing, to learn without thinking engenders stupidity. See the y IsJ Seang lun. Vulg: bang! a net for catching fish or birds. Chok keet sin, j6 wily i,6ng koe, e teen 6 g6 fp ^^ ^ m % m ^- Ki fffl n &' '*- *"' «**' /^ ch'hdng bang, i phdh ISh kwd. I'e&h hi, they tied knots in cords, and made nets, to hunt and fish with. See the R M^ Yekh keng. Bong Bong Bong The old form of gM bong, a net. Bon, Bong Bon Having lost one's aim : disappointed. An outer ring put to the wheel of the Emperor's carriage when em- ployed in hunting. Bong leang ^ ffiS^ spirits inhabiting marshes and damp places, said to be like little children of three years old, of a dark red colour. A large kind of serpent. The appearance of wide extensive water : also, not clear. Not clear ; a dark day, without much light from the sun. A kind of smoothing iron : ko6 bong shape Bong gp-Hr' t'^*^™ ^ 1^ W' ^ '■*"*'"^ P""' ,*J^^>? or pond in shape like a Chinese smoothing iron. BONG 31 B 6ng T6ng bong |1|S m^^ a hilly appearance. Cunning, artful. To l>e deceived, to be wrought upon, to be tempted. To flee away -, to lose, to be lost, to die, to be out of exi^teitce. Bflng jtnbod 6 wCy p6, jin ch'hin e wDy pd ch'hut b6ng &y lAni;, AJ i s"d niie"h wui/ p6, jin ai pat/ boi i teOy pd, a fugitive like myself does not consider anything of value, except the love of one's parents, which is of real Taloe. Ch'heQn^ yeuk t'hoe an, liflng bod jit c ^u fj^v en ji&n, ling piiey b6 I'i^a teSh jit, when a man complies with bis carnal desires, and pilfers self- indulgent ease, the day of his ruin is uncertain (i. e. it is near). ^^^^ To forget, to slight, to miss, to lose. B6n ke -^^ l^^ bis, ki lit, to forget. /vj^ ^ kay nae tck, wat tok put bdng lek kong tok fi"* A""** bey ki tit, I applaud your virtue, and promise not to forget it. See the ^ ^ 5«5"ff .c. The appearance of grass i abundant. B&ng ^^ B5ng- The wide expansive appearance of water. Pok b-ing san Ji\^t^ fir, P"'- ^"r tuj^a, the name of a hiJI, in the •/H" m H0-I4m province. Bdnc The name of a hill. d\>i^ B8tv? ^ To cover over any thing. Bdn S m .h^ Vulg: mttt"S: sharp, sharp-pointed. HeOng kek yaou b6ng jjp UJ^ \i^ ^^ hcAng bing Ay kByh, ySou k-wui"» ktei mat ^, the martial spears, were gltaming and sharp. B8ng it B&iig- Hurried, hasty, in a bustle. Boe hwun, sin kd peet, boo na£ t'hae fh-hong b6ng hoc ^ ^ j^ -^ ^'J. ^.Vj A ,§v ft f, '""i"" *•'"•"'' *«•"" yeen, mafh chai kd tea piet, bi nmt Chat chhong bing hoi, to marry in the evening, aftd depart the next morning, is it not too hurried and hasty? See ;|;J; ^ 1^ Toe-ho6 »e. To receive, to be acted on; to be thankful for; youth, the time of youth. To bOng 4^ ^ to be thankful fur. A surname. B6ng e ying chdng, sing kong yea ^ l/jf ^S JE 11 ^ ibi "''"' '**" J"*"«" cA^'a, $tngjin dy kong 16, when from youth a person is brouglit up in the right way, he will display the merits of a sage. See the & 1M nih keng. B8n B8n The name of a hill. B&ng ^^j*-"^ Cheem bdng gg ^, to look towards. To cover over : a cloth for coTeriog. BONG 34- BONG Bong Bon J B8ng B8ng B8n£ Bont Small drizzling rain; also the name of a river. The appearance of the sky before sun-rise. • irV^ The appearance of the sky after the moon is gone down. Blind } having lost the pupil of the eye. ||1^ A small kind of insect, that flies in B6ng long ■ of war. I, a war-boat, a vessel W-^ A net for catching stags s also, the ^^^S ' ^J[ '> motion of the eyes. '^"^ A net for covering over any thing: BSn B8ng l"^^ also, a pig. The vapours of heaven descending, when not answered hy the corres- ponding mists of the earth, '^r^ Bong seaou J^^ ^|f^ u kind of medi- cine, something like saltpetre. A great cloth, a large napkin. Vulg: bang: to look towards, to look Bong; ***'^^ up 'O' to ^°P® ^°^' *° expect. Ke B6n{^ Bon Bong bongjeSn k'he che, jiiak cliijang boey yeen jeSii k'lid e, chun a cheang bale e Id s&m, looking towards Ihem, he got out of their way, as though he would have been defiled by them. See "^^ ^ Beng-choo. Se bin je seang, bong to j6 be che keen jjjg^ K 'i(P fl. M 1 ^ ^ ^ f.' ''•■'"""'* "^^^ sails' cKhin cheo"^ woo s'eang hae, bang Id chun a y'ei boey ey kee"^, he viewed the people as though they had been injured by him, and looked towards virtue as if he had not yel itorae in sight of it. Said of ^ T Bun-oag. m Bong; bong ^ ^> ki bang, to hope, to anticipate. The full of the moon. Disorderly, corrupt: vulg. Idm sdin, out of all order. Kim che beng je yea ^^o^S /^ Z ^ \% ^ ^' t^a dy king ked Chak Mh&yh Idng, Idm sum, those who are now called learned men, are corrupt and disorderly. See the fjn '=^ Ley ke. Ch'hoo ek bong jIn yea e e H|^ /jj^ !^^ J\^ UJ p-' /c. clii-y yea se Idm nam dy lAng le"d Eng bo6 Sbim, a parrot, a cockatoo. Eng boo llnggftn, put Ifihwfiy neaou, bo6 iy kong tea, teing am li t pu-iiy chedou, a par- rot is able to talk, but still it is nothing more than a bird. See Ihe ||^ |g Uy k6. The name of a hilL Boo ? The same as 'jHf l)o6, to slight, to in- sult, to despise. Boo s^ng jin chc gan 1^ 1^ A ^ ^ *"" '^"SJ^" ^J/ "•"» to despise the words of the sages. „ /s fcf > The ancient form of Iffi, bo5, not; bo6 Boo '^■/i^ .^ , ., •"" y I. kew ^9^ '"i choly, faultless. BOO 3& BOO Boo ■t Also used for ffi boo, not; bo6 j6 wQyyew C Jlfj 1^ ^*. ^" J^ '*'" wao, to pretend the existence of things tfaat do not exist. \\i\g. b6: no, not, not in cximtence, do Boft j jll',^ not. Boo yew put j6 \i.e 3SSL'^/^ ^ ^V^ Ajl P ^ S" Chang woo ping yew oF tSh teSh ka tl, don't have a friend who is not eqnal to yourself. See the J: ^ Seang iQu. Kwun choo bo6 sey cheng ^ip -]- ^ P/\ ^ > kwim choo bo sty chai"S, a good man has nothing that he strives aliout. See the J;. |^ ^"^''"S '""" %^»^ Overgrown with weeds, and grass. A.e Boo ^S^^ '^ "^'^^ '*'* •"»" ^"^^ K K ^ ^ •^'wwsT ^SM T^ ae si cKhdou ay bo6 woiy, lamenting to see the grass and weeds so over- grown. Not, do not, an interdiction. A surname. Boo A\h Bo6putkeng|J-:^^'5;,Wfi"'A-^«?, r^jf be not in any case disrespectful. See the jffl gP Ley ke. B Do 3& A conjurer, a necromancer, one who performs incantations. A surname. Jin jfi boo hgng, put k'ho c chok bo6 e K iTn t tl- T- Pi ^X f1^ M t, Mng- no 60 A^ng- sim, a" I'hang did sae ko„g kwH e seng, if a man does not possess a persevering mind, he can neither he a necromancer, nor a physician. See the "|^ |^ Hay lun. _ _ To deceive, to cheat. Kwun cho3 che Bo& ^JR *"• ^"'^" ^'^° ^"'^ y*^^ 1B -^~Z. an cAjB"a 8^ p'/i^en tit, the way of a good man, how can it he deceitful! See the J^ ||^ ^^^"S lun. BoS 'A4-H~ -^ sof' °^ "•^'' neap-sighted. B08 A deceitful expression; not; alto used for =& bofi, to consult. To attend to any thing, to employ Boo Tf5fi^ *" ""e's powers in any thing. Soo boo Kwun choo boo p6n jS -Ju ^a a!Q fr«ti/n cfcod chwan yung k'hwily lat i kin plin, the good man attends sedulously to the principal thing. See the clouds Boo Boo Boo Boo i ^|_^ A fog, a mist: yin boo ^^ al "* '" and mist; bong boo j^ '£8 a mist. Lok hSy e koe boo chfiy hwuy J*. R ^ in S ^ ^' '^" '^'^ ^^ '"**• ''"P *"" fcie^a dy boo chb po3 tit pwuy, scattered hazes and solitary mists flying about together. See the "Op ^ AJr^Ong-p'ut bfln. » k^ To look with the eyes downward*, 1^^ dim-sighted, nearsighted. Hoo boo se chtJa, e hay wfly ch'hek ;^ -^ |^ ^ I^ji il ^ ^. *'" *^ ^^ '^"^ '''"'' ''"'"^ cho cKh'etih, near-sighted people take yellow for red. To gallop about in confusion; to go swiftly. Tit p'heng wat 16, Iwan te wat ho5 d ^ Q |{b, IL ^ g ■ , lit ke''& kong ti, /dm sum plidoii kong boo. to ride straight is called te, to gallop about in disorder is called boo. \ domestic duck; a wild duck is called boo, and a common duck ^^r boo. Boo K'hek gok put sfing siiang iQy boo M ^,1 ^ ht fp] 11 Wj' ^•■*^^- ""' -<" "•" che"d sSang luy Sh, trying to engrave a wild goose, if ypu do not succeed, you will only produce a tame duck; — said of those who try to imitate great men, and fail. ■Jj^^ the name of a star: le ►'^ Boo-chew ^ i|j,|^ the name of a place. BUN 37 b6n Bun M To cut, to cut off; choo bun |& ^ ka te kwSh aiu, to cut one's own throat. Teang-j6, Tin-fi, le&ngjtn seang e, ho wQy biin S@ ^ij S5 ^^ reo"S-je hap Tdn-i, no Idag teo i, ho king kwdh nd aou ij/ kaou, Teo^^-j^ and T4n-6 both formed an intimacy, which they called " cut-throat friendship; "— which. means that they would remain faithful to each other till death. See the ^ |g Soo ke. Bun Bun fee The sides of the mouth, the dimples> Vulg. bang: a muaquito, a small gnat Bun b£ng chwan hoc, chek yea put bang ka. Idng &y bih, mai^S kan bey k'hwiin, when the musquitoes bite our flcHh, we cannot sleep by night. See •H; -f' Chong-choo. Bun Dark. Bun /If tit Separated to a distano*, divided. Ah" * Ch'he4ng bun ^ ^, the name of a flower. United; b6n hap ^ /^^ joined toge- ther. % % To wipe, to rub, to handle. Koe choo JfyC f'"'- j« ''""'"> m ^ "^ 1 ^ ^"^ ^ jJAS *'* ''^^ ^"i fliou^ji ck-hit bak eh'kat, an orphan child moans and wipes his eyes. Ke kwan k«w, be siiing bun sck k'hc yOng ke hok Bun kwan ko6, boey woo bong cVhong k'hi jfUng ck'kea I hok, dwelling long in o£Bce, without handling or adorning the furniture, carriages, or apparel. Bun Bun BQn The sides of the face: also, bad, im- proper. BAn To hold : te bin ^ #^^ to grasp, to lay^hold of. Bok bun tim sect ^[ ^3 ^ ^' "^ "^'^ "^ m^' i» cheth, there is no one to hold my tongue. Sec the A M '^*"' sn&y. ^^^ Literary, literature: also, ornamental, N/ ornament, surface. A surname. Bfin ^^^ 16 ^g, polished, civilized: bfln cheang ^ ^^ bAn eheo^'S, library composition. Hoo-cho6 800 kaou, bQn, hfing, teung, sin, dt ^ Eg ^. :^ ^ >'S tf . ""'"''"'^ -"» ^ *»"ff 4y ki hwuH, bUn cheo'V, ,iy ki"A, chin teung, kap tin HI, Confucius had four subjects of instruction, regarding literature, conduct, fidelity, and sincerity. See the _[2_ ^ Sijing iQn. H«ng yiw e lek, chek t hak ''•i'' ^ ^ # ^ tt'l VX ^ ^' **"' <^>^!l iiD Sed woo ch'hun dy k'hwHjf lal, chek yung e i hak Mn, having done these, if a man has any remaining strength, let him employ it in learning. See the J^ 1^ Seang iQn. An autumnal sky, a clear sky. SiJn ho khip e bfln theen !^ ^ /^ iN -^ ^^ Siin haoM Chi li biin fher"^- Siln cried and lamented under the clear heavens. See ^ ^- Bing chofr. Bfln '^l- BQn The variegated appearance of the clouds. The stripes in checked and embroidered cloth. BUN 38 BUN Bun To hold, to lift, to move. Hin 6ng seang heung, na6 bfln cheuk Ym ^ ti m Tj ff'j ^' '^*" ""^ ^""^ teSfc heng Wham, chew k'hi k'ha ji chaou, when the king of the Han dynasty was wounded in his breast, he took to his heels and fled. See the ^ tZ S"° ^^■ Biin P^ BOn Bdn hoe ffl S mooi"^ hoe, a door: ch'hut bfln |f{ p^, ch'hut mooi^S, to go out of doors, to go abroad ; bfln k'hoe P^ rt moof^ k'haqu, before the door: k'hae bfin R3 rn, k'hwui/ moo^^' to open the door., Ge loe yea, ley bfln ve4 ^ g^ ^. |j| f^ ^, ge chd loe, ley cho mooi"^, righteousness is the road, and propriety the door (by which we must enter). See 3: ^?- Beng-choo. T'heen chod kew bfln ^ -3^ ^ P^^ hong Uy kttou Ay moofS^ the Emperor has nine gates to his palace. Bun jin put k^ng Choo-loe f^ A /^ t^ "J" ^^ hak seng u" king teung Cho6-loe, the rest of the disciples did not respect Choo-loe. Vulg. ehe^a: to hear; t'ham bun V^ ^, fhim Vhi"a, to listen. Ch'heep bfln SS ^, Vhaou t'he"a, to hear by stealth, a liumble expression, used at the beginning of essays, meaning, "1 have heard," &c. Bfln chea bok put iiia k'hi yeen ^ ^ ^ "X^ ^ ^ S, t'he"a dy Idng b6 ft"" hin Whi yeen, those who heard, universally arose to action. See ^'"^ T ^ "^y ''^"^• A surname^ and ^ K Bfln-jin, a double surname. Biin B. Bikn A kind .of grain. An opening in a ravine, where the water runs out, and the two banks project, like a gate way; hod e chae Bdn Biln bfln ^ ^ '^'^'' 'he wild ducks stood in the mouth of the ravine. See the ^ ^ 1"^* 6"*?- M. I Bun t'hog fl[@ 5^, eheih ftutSu, to hang down the head. The sign of the plural number; ji bun /|A» -ftlH lin, ye, you people; gno bun 4fe -JWH /an, we, us. This character is common in novels. Bun Bun Read bin : a cake ; hftn rhofi peng •fiS pg ^j^ Mn t'haSu pe"d, a flat cake made of meal, a biscuit: bin fS bUn t'haott, bread. Vulg: mool"^ : to enquire, to ask ; seng bfln ^ Bfl^ sle"a bun, a report, a sound. Bun Bun n Kwuy-loe bun soo kwuy sin, -, Choo wat, be 14ng .so5jin, yeenlengso5 kwuy, ^ J^ fj] ^ ^ Kwuy-loe moof^ hok sae kwuy sin dy sod ; Hoo-cho* kong, boiy iy hok sae Idng, boiyh an ch*v"d iy hok sal kwHy, Kwuy-loe asked about worshipping ghosts and spirits : Confucius said, we cannot yet serve men properly, how then can we wor- ship ghosts. See the J^. |iffl Siiang lun. Ban jln R^ jr^^mooi^jin, " He asked about be- nevolence :"— ! un 15 |jg ^p, mooV'S te, " He asked about knowledge." A fat and plump appearance. Report, fame anything that is heard. Lfing bOn k6ng fi, se 6 sin •^ ^ ^g k'hwih dy 16, se 6 bin sin, an honorable fame, and extensive praise bestowed upon a person. .See the "J^ ^ Hay b£ng. BUT d» BUT fCl9 Sorrow, trouble: yew bQo i^ B9 , Bun I^^J hwdn 16, to grieve. Hwan bOn ffi B3 , ' '^ grief: wut bun ^ PM^ vexation. Tan si bo6 bQn, jg; -jy^ M^ ^^ chaiu seim si kan, jt M tcjrf ckul, to retire from the busy world without regret. See the Mj t^ yeth keng. .^^L^ To be in confusion, disordered. Kong Bun -^^S" ke bOn Iw-an ^ |G ^ §[, the af- fairs of government in confusion. The name of a stream : chek god pit chae Bun iy\/* ^"^ '^^"5 ^ M'J p- 'i^" ^ 5^ -t at that time I >ball be dwelling upon the river BQn. See the J^ 1^ Siiing iQn. m Bijt But The name of a small fish : the tail of a fish. Bui but a. any thing small. . Do not, an expression of prohibition. /jfj\ but to« lA j« bong kong ^ ^ ^ ^wi jt M ktng 16, do not put yourself vainly to trouble, without getting the merit of it See the f,^ ^ Siri'Vr „. But khe yiji ^ & ijl > """ ''""^ P'*'"?". ^ T'hoe hap ch'h6 jOng, i li but sin Aap <'MjrA jrting', ^ /^ Acj ftut Atn iiri, to contract clandestine intimacies, and to take e\erylhing easy, till we bury ourselves in ruin. Sec the BP gP Bo6 ke. But J# "Z ut but ^m Uj^^ a lofty appearance; But But But But But To beat, to strike, to whip with a stick or bamboo. E' m4 peen but IX| with a whip, w ^ % To end, to finish, to die* not, ^not to he. Kwun chuo put e be but lev PC d^ ling bS e ho A'*w"d, but b6 ley soi, the good man does not do away with propriety, for the sake of elegance. See the fig gP L6y ke. Kwun choo chit but se, j5 bfing put ch'heng yecn Choi iy ling chit pafS, yin way but b& te si, j£ me" a u" ch'heng hoe y'een, the honorable man is pained at being nothing in the world, and because his name is not celebrated. Vulg: mei"*: a thing, an existence, a person, another person. Ban but yeik y«en H 4^ "S i^. "" ""*"* """^ ycuk, all things nourished and growing. See the r[l JJ Tiiung yOng. But gn6 chc ''•n !^ fj^ ;^ ^, "•'#"* gwi iy timmg kan, between one's lelf and othera.^^' Butkekj«h«etech*!|^^j|f}j^^p^, mri"h chi kek, jitn adu te kaiu t'hadu, when an • acquaintance with things is carried to the ut- most, then is knowledge at its height. ^yC5 But jiik ^ ^, myrrk. VX A kind of vegetable. ^^ -^h l^o die, to d('C(' Seuk-rheem wat, But JO^^ Chhoe 6ng k* put biit hoe i^ ^ cheem king, Ch'hoi Sng k( fi"* ti hoi, Senk-cherm a said, why will not the King of Ch'hoi expire i Siii' the ^ ^ Ch6 twin BWAN 40 BWAN Ka bwd ^ i& a kind of wood: the spreading branches of a tree. Read n>fl : to grind ; mo to ^ Tj^ bwd to, to grind a knife. J6 tok j€ m6 ^p J^ ^p 1^^ ch-hin cheo"S tok ch'hin cheats bwi, like chiselling and grinding. See the J^ |^ Seing lOn. M6 16y 6 se 1^ :^ j/;[ ^^^ bwd Uy i yung. to grind anything for use. See the ^£ j|& Cho twiln. A Bwah Jl . ^ Read bwat: to paste, to besmear, to ^kJ^ anoint. E' hwun bwat been ]^ ^ 4^ i4^ |S, Vh6 hwAn bwik bin, to smear the face with white paint. Bwah Bwah -% Read bwat: the small end, the extreme point of any thing. Read tat ; as, kwun tat ^5 "gg^ kwun bwSh, the beta vulgaris; and hoe tat cb'ha^ lg_ ^g 35, kaou bwah cKhai, a kind of turnip. Hong chin cheaou tat leet IS aS ^p i^ SI, I I Aong- chin long chSo bwah kdou leih, the wind agitated the plantains and turnip tops, till their leaves were split. Bvvan Ti J^ Vulg. mw"d: to fill, to replenish, to complete; full. A surname. Ch'ho bwan tS t6ng, siiy bw&n gafi ^. 1^ yk ■}!& ffij cKhaou mw^d ti long, chUy mw'"d gai, the grass overspread the pond, and the water filled it up to the briuk. Ch^ tek 6 bwan i ;j^ ^, yj^^ sim chi tit teSh i sod mw"d, obtaining one's wish, and fulfil- ling one's intention. Bwan Troubled: hwun bwan *r5 "^, vexed. So6 jin hwin bwan, sit put hay Bwan Bwan hwdn bwdn, cheih bey ISh, to make people so vexed, that they cannot stomach it. See the ^|£So6 ke. ^_ >• Evening, dusk ; late. Vulg. mai"^ r||JLs ftmw"^, evening ; mooj"^, late. Kwun y^ h6 keen che bwan ^ ifpf J^ 2l gflij li seo kei"^ kabu he&h mooi^S^ how came you to see me so late? See the ^f£ Soo ^^■ Seang kiJen hwun bwan i^ ^ |^ Bjfej **" kei'"S hwun mooi"^, it is a pity we have seen each other so late. I A» To pull, to drag: yin bwan ^j ^, J'ft^ to lead. Bwan hiifiy t'heen e J^ dj/ i, to reverse the decree of heaven. Bwan m Bwan Bwan ? Bwan Bwan m tS To pull a carriage. Hwun bwan ny flffi ^ to be in labour, to be delivered. To restrain, to hold back. To forget, to let slip out of the mind. B wan Bwan tf^jt., Bwin ch'heang ^ jfe, pwH ch-hed"S, \rnifi ^" climb over a wall. Bw4n ch'hut wllf>§ k'he ^ ^ -^^ pw"d ch'hut k'he, to run over, as liquor. Rice water boiled to a consistency, l^l^l and concealed. d» m Bw4n e a large face. CHA 41 CHA Bw&n Bwat Not clear-sighted, to conceal from view, to deceive. Tae jfn put bw4n, go« sit y6w choSy ^ A ^ B||. ■^ ^ fE, '""" '^"^ ''^^ »nie"4, gwd rit 00 choey, your honour cannot be deceived, I am really in fault. Ch6-ch'bd seiou, joo i-bw4n ^ ^ /[> ^ Kpj" ^, ChS-eh'M liy, je d-mw^i, when Ch«- ch'ho was young his designation was ' the little cheat. ' % * Vulg. bwih: to spread, over, to rub, ^k3p» to smear; to anoint. San bwat b£ i^ y>" ll4 tt ^ m, -"- ^'' "' hwHn, the hills were overspread with small clouds. To feed a horse with com. Vulg. mih: the pellicle, thin skis. The end, the extreme, a minor point; not, do not. But y^w p6n bwat 4fcl ^" aZ "* mei"h woo pUn bwih, things have beginning and end, (i. e. weightier and minor points). w _%^^ The name of a water : yefin bwat ^ Bwat WtIP j^, sp>"le- Seang se 6 bwat -^ ^ W^ Kl ^^ seo bak i nw"o, befouled with spittle. Bwat ^ Bwat h6 ^ j^^ to rejoice. JtXjl^ Vulg. ftoi^A.apair of stockings: bwat Bwat ^S j6 teng t&ng ^ iffi ^ ^, cKhfng 'J ./5AQ boij/hjt cheb"S ti"^, wearing stock- ings, he ascended the ball. jj» , «| .m^ The same as the foregoing : l£ng p'ho Bwat ^jw b« P°e> '* bwksengtln '^^^ T^ i^. P ^ ^ E *"^ '*^^ '^^ •^^ a^ poi, U Wijffc »«"* | a school. Chae Chae kae bok yeuk chek k'ho e soo seang tdy ] ^ ?^ M^ i^. ail H W )tiB ± ^' ^""V ch'hai ch&ng ek, chiw Chang hok saS teang tty, having fasted and bathed, fhen one may worship the highest Emperor (i. e. the Supreme). See j^ ^ Beng.choo. Se chae chek cbeng ^ 7^ ^ |^^ to iih chek eheng, a place of learning, quiet a^d retired. The ancient form of the above charac- Chae ^\if^ *^'' ' ^"* '''** ^J ^^- ^^^ name of a hill. Chae Chae Goods, wealth, treasure. 7" Read te : to know, to be acquainted with. Te che, wuy te che, *— put te, wuy put te, se te yea ^ :^ ^ ^J chi chae, «*" chae I'eHh chb u"* chae, chiy chew $e chae yed, when you know anything, account that you know it, and when you do not know anything, account that you do not know it; this is knowledge. See the _[[_ §m Siiang lun. . % To rule, to regulate, to arrange : ji Chan ^BT— surname. Choo chae ^ ^^ a ruler. ■^T* T'ha^ chae chijang ke^n pang che leuk te6n, e cho 6ng pfing pang kok, yj^^ t'hai chat cheang kvcan pang dy lak tein, i hoo chb 6ng po^ ti pang kok, the prime minister controls the six boards, in order to assist the sovereign in pacifying the country. See the B JM Chew ley. Chae seang ^ jfjA^ a prime minister. Choo-loe way Kwuy-se chae ^ !^ |^ ^ ^ ^, Choo- loe chi KwAy-iB iy chat, Cho6-loe was a steward over the household of Kwily-se. Seethe _K ^fi^ Seang iQn. Cha6 che ban but $ ^) ]|| ^ , chat kwin bin meS^h, to govern all things. CHAfi 43 CHAfe So6 pfing tek chae t'hcea hay, ek j6 ch'hoo jeuk i^^i^^^l^, t^ jffi llfc 1^, "i'-' -./I S^a e^ tit chae ti fhee"^ ij/y V^^ cKhin ched"S ■; l,thej/.l4}i J«aA, let, 1719 succeed in, fnanaging' the Em- ',,(1 eke, jiust as.I do tjiis, flie^, ofiflesb j — thi? was a wifh expressed by ^0 -^ Tin-ping, nHen he was offering a sacrifice, and cutting up the flesh for the same. See the ^ ^ f^ Ttn-phis twin. Chae Chae >y Chae P'hene chae •'^ ^p, to boil, to cook. " A child J the peopk of ^^ ^ Kang- Chai' \ J '^"' province, formerly caljed their IV^^ children char. T» ('hae A year; the beginning i an aflair : then ; also, an expletive. J£ lip yew pat chad, HoDg-hwun aat'e^oi i*k J^l pii/h nei"S, Uong-hwun nat ti I6h, after twenty eight|yeais H6ng-hwua i. e. ( Geftou Jlfc ) departed . this ^l^fe;„ , ,.^ ^^_,, T'hopg s6 Cheng, choo K»t chae }^^ |]E^ ^M, ^*W Whi ch'hay clfenf; kwl, choS Kat ik'IfiJ'hAou, when T'hong began his military opera- tions, he commenced from .the , Kat diitrict. See :j^ Beng- cho6. 1 1111 lii tT Again, to repeat ; chad sam TH — * . ehai ("a, again and again. Yit che wfly Sim, k'h^ k'ho chad hoe — ~y ^ ^. ^ pT # f-. "^' *«*' "«"^ '**^' k'kdm iy Chang k9h koi, once is t,oo ofleo, how can it be repetted. .>'ilyiin« Chae soo k'ho e ||- ffif "pT -^l , *e* cMl Afly, cW» Vhang, once more repeated, and it will be sufBcient. See the _^ =^ Seang iQn. *^* A debt: h< Chae ^"S* to be in d '^ \ choo sun. A debt : hoo chad "S •fW *<'^ cAdj^, debt. Mae tefin t'hck, yifuk e ch'he4ng chae ^y OT S2 ^ ■?" ^' I5I M 1%j *^-'' ''*''"'" '^'''*"*' *'* *'^'''' lun, i ch'hedng ch&g, to dispose of fields and houses, and to sell children and grandchildren, in order to pay one's debts. See the B|| vM ^^ Che£n Wka se. ChaC Sim seftng chiw chad, hdng ch'he yew ^a iP iS. "ft lE W' ''"" "^"ff ^* '■**'" '^''^^l '■*''" cAa2 icfi^y woS, common tavern scores for liquor, may be met with io every place. ^ Talent \ chae Ung ^ ^^ e*a« *" measure. Cha6 h6ng ^ ^ , a ^Ir^'^^ tailor, one who cuts out, and stitches together. Hoe e chag sfing t'heen tey che *" ip' J^ ^ file ^ ^ y^ ^> '^ ''""'^ '^^"^ ''^^"^ i'See"? tey dy to, your majesty can clip and contrive (act according to) th((S way of Heaven and Earth. See the ^ |^ nkh keng. Chai , Read chfiy : the navel •, ch6y tae ^ ^, »^ chai twi. the navel strinsr. Jeak put Chae chaS twi, the navel string. cho toe, hoe cheang se chfiy ^ ^^ SL tj] ^^ f^ I^ 1^, «« «" <'*" '^''^ '"^ ^' """ lai cheang chekh lot chai, if you do not speedily lay a plan to circumvent him, he will eventually prevail so far as to eat your very navel. To load, to burden, to bear as a bur- den, to sustain, to hold. T'heen hok tey chae %^]^ 1^, fhee"^ fhak tey chae, the heaven overspreads, and the earth under-props ( all things ). Suy k'ho chae chew, ek k'ho hok chew ^M^ pT ^ j6x. -j^ pT ^ A- ^ chUy t'hang chae chUn, yea Vhang p'hak chUn, water can float vessels, and the same element can also overwhelm them. The words "f j^ "^ Yftng-choo. Chae>f-1» Vulg. te: at, in, to consist in, to re- main at, to be in existence, to be pre- sent. Chae ^J te tit, to be present ; put chae "^ /fc *^ te tit, to be absent. Tae hak che to, chae b6ng bSng tek, chae sin bin, chae ch6 S ch^ seen ^ ^ ^ ^ '^ ^ hak Ay td li, tl btng btng iy tele, tB cl/hong tin pSyh tai^, te hlty"h twa te chi hd, the doctrine of the great school, consists in illustrating res- plendent virtue, in renovating the people, and in stopping at the point of extreme virtue. See the ^ ^ Tae hak. , name of an animal. Chae Rg* Hae chae ^^^ Hae chae iM ^ ^ an animal, found in the north-east, with one horn, which attacks only vicious persons. To beat, to strike. A portcullis ; s«ng bOn chSh jhj^ H^ P^ ^ ie"i mool^S chkh, the portcullis of a city gate. Suy chSh y^ ^ ^ chiiy chiih, a water-gate, a flood-gate. ChSh Chah The same as the preceding. Cheet twan W m\ , chSh ioot^S, to cut off, to cut short. Kim Tfing cheet te&ng po6 tw&n, chiiang gno£ sip le kok, chih 16"^ poi tiy, cheang boiyh goi chap li, now if you cut off the longer parts of the T£ng country, and take them to supply the shorter, you will find it to be about 50 square Le in extent. Chai "S- % \ Read cheng : To wrangle, to strive, to contend. Kwun cho6 bo6 sey Chen? ^ ^UllT # . *"""• cho6 &y ling bS sty chai^, a good man never wrangles. See the J^ IS Seang lOn. CHAM 45 CHAM CA«/«§" ^ $ Cha Read cheng: a well; a surname. Cheng yew jSn yeea ^ /^ A t£ chai''S vi woo ling, there is- a person in the well. Cheng t^y koe I'heen ^\&Wi^,'^^'""^ titf Icoi Chei'S^Xo be looking at the heavefls, fronn the bottom of a well (by which means the heavens woufd look very smalt'); — intimating that a person who does so has narrow views. ns Chain's Read ch6ng : clear weather, fiae weather: 6 chfing ?J3 ^^ ^ hoe chafS, Ib^ rain is cic&red up. Read chcng: quiet, still ; am cheng Rh W-" ""*■ ''*'""^» clandestine. Chak M^lf* Ak chak ^ ^^ narrow, confined. IS. Chak 2p. Cham Cham Cham A weight tied to a net,, to sink- it down in the water. Am Cham ^ )||^j '« »^. <**'»!. filthy, anything not clean. The same as the preceding; also, to hoil ; sore lip*. To peck at any tbingj asabirddoes. Cham K/^,,1. ™^i »'»<>> ♦« ^o™'* ^I3 Cham ^ Pointed, sharp. m: Vulg. chom: a bodkin, a hair-pin. Hwa- Cham 9^^Ck *^''*™ -t£ W"' "^ flowered bodkin. Y"**! Kim cham -^ ^fe, a golden bod- kin. Kijey cham ^2, ^^, a hair-pin, Luy toe cham eng .^ 'f^ ^ ^, kvri^ na ley le cham kwd eng, "for several generations, wear- ing hair pins and tassels;'' — an allusion to fami- lies which, for successive ages, have been in office. ^ ^^ 1 o cui o Cham mjT $\ M> -X7 I cut off. To cut off, to bebead;- cham siiey the edges of a garment, and left uabemmed, as iiv uistoraary when mourning for a father. Ch4m hwat sod kok llff -f jr; Pt) P] , c***™ *»'" lu wug ij) kok, to ciii off the nations all around. See the /K 5 1£ Seaou gnay. Cham ch'h6 tfi kin ^ ^ ^^^, <^*'''" '^''■'"«"' tiih It kin, when cutting off weeds, you should extract the roots; — Intimating that the evil roust. be completely eradicated. Cb6m s*w ban kip ^ "^ 'Iff ^^ cham Ch&ou ehi^A ban kip, he cut off heads, to the amount. of several myriads. Cham ..|l. !., A •u^namO'^ The ,iMme'a{.A,.^iliii-. Cham ^ Anything steeped or soaked ' ia mter. f',^*^ To break; to slander; to speak evil of any one. Gn6 ycff k^ng i, ch&m PJ5^ gftnk6hin^^l^^^||-|- y Mi. gad Ay site. It teSh s^j/ je, lai p'hwa i.y via tit hin k'hi, my friend you must be careful, for slanderous accusations are about to arise. See the /J> ^ Seaou gniy. CHAN 46 CHAN Cham y S, Cham Cham Cham Cham To stand alone, to stand long. K'heng cham \n My, k^hai''S chSm, a ditch or moat round a city wall. A chisel, to chizel and cut stones. To cut off, to file away. Bushy, overgrown with thorns and briers. Kw^p^ A cord, a string: a general term ■^ for silk. Chan >Vra^ a net for catching fish. w A'V Read cheng : a surname : Cheng-choO Chanf^^r >*"& Cheng-sek pit yew chfew jetlk Chan-choo yei"^ ch'he Chan-tek pit teXh woo cWu>_, kai 61th, Chan-cho6, in supporting Chan-sek, would always have wine and flesh for him. See ^ ^ Beng-choo. Chan ^pWM A cup : chew chan y ^ JS, chiw chw"d, "1^^^*^ a wine cup. Also written -^ chan. Chan Pii^i- !■ "•y"^"'- ^"'S- ''"• \7jtC^ To collect, and assemble together. Chan « Chan Chan To run away, to be driven away. To help, to assist : chek k'ho e chan t'heen tey che hwa yeuk H|J "pT LI chart I'hee"^ ley &y hwk yeuk, then they (the sages) could assist the regenerating and fostering efforts of heaven and earth. Chan Jt Chan I A sacrificial implement used in the / F^l ancestorial temple. /-ii V '^?5e^^ Vulg. 16: to praise, to applaud, to Chan — ^t* r% ps| commend. J.>1- To connect, to continue, to succeed. ^^%^ Bo6-dng chan T'hae-6ng, Ong-kwuy, 5^ BQn-6ng che si ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T ^ ^ ^P Z' ^» Boo-Sng kiy awd Thai- 6ng, Ong-kwity, BAn-ong &y sw"A, Bo6-6ng con- nected the thread of succession from T'hae-6ng, Ong-kwuy, and Bun-6ng. See the ptl ^ Teung The name of a place: four 16 make a chka. A story, an upper chamber: yeuk kijfing ch'hijen le bok, keng seang yitchinlo6;g^g^-MS.|E J ^S' Jr^j "^ boiyh keAng chin che^i ch'heiig li dy bak, t'eSh kSh ched"^ chit chart dy l&ou, if you want to see to the utmost of a thousand le, you should still ascend another story of the gallery. Chan Chan Chan ?t Superfluous; to add; also, oppressive, _ ^.,.^ cruel, injurious. Chek ge chea, wuy ^ che chau^^^ll;^^^ chek hue ge, se king kid chin, to injure what is right, is called Ch4n, injurious. CHANG ♦t CHANG Chan ChSn jim to ruin. ^^ cruel: ch4n pae ^ To injure another from covetous motives. Chan m Read cheSn: Before. Che£n hoe ajj chdn aou, before and behind. Kwun che^n sin bSng, hoo cheSn choo bfing, put ek che '^ jea ^ "mf B ^, cMn, jin tin teSh kit) me^d, ned'W pajf ehin, haou taC^S teSh ked me"d, bS £ ek ig to U, in a prince's presence, a minister should use his own name (instead of the personal pronoun I); and in a father's pr&sence, a son should use his own name -, this is an invariable doctrine. See the W. E ^'y "*• I* Read choe: to help, to asistt, Pang Chan Vnt '^^°^ ^ ^' P""^ *■*""' *° ""^'P and aid. Hijfiy jea, hwuy choe gno chci jek, t gofi gin bo6 s6y put wit |pj yj Jj. ^ 1^ ^ ^^ gwd Ay Idng, nd le te gwd ty wa, e bi $iy i" hw^a hi, Hb£y does not assist me in anything, but with respect to my words, he is invariably pleased with them. See the "K f^ Hay lun. Chan 3^ Chang Chan pang store-house JS^ a warehouse, a Read chong: the name of a tree, — p'h£ k'h6 chok chong siiey J^ pT IF ■''^ ^s> P'^'^9 thang chd chang tdey, — the hairy bark of which can be made up into rain mantles. It is also used for making brushes, trunks, and other things. Chang To pull, to drag, to lead. Chang % Read chong : to run on a sand-bank, to run aground. Chiin chong cheak chdn chang leBh, the ship is aground, j^ . % Read chong: a mane: ma chong Chang RjrV E) ^w *"•" '■*""«■' » house's mane. ^2f*J^ Chin chew chin yit m4, chong jfi g6w hang hay sQy ^ >jj.| 5^ — B|^ |^^ ^p •tt 'Ja^ J> ^g. Chin &y chew ehin chit cheilh bay, chang ch'hin cheo^S go6 am kwtin May, the Chin country sent in a horse, as a present, whose mane was like the banging dewlap of a bull's neck. % ^ Read chong: a fish of the southern Chans rfl"? t-— ^Si which has a stone in its head, iUv.oC^ and is called, sek siw g6 ^ g ^ ckiSh fhaiu hi, stone-headed fish. .\lio called, ch'hek chong g* ^ |^ ^^ , ch'hedh chang hi, red fish. tS^ Read chong : a tail ; t'hoC chong Chang Jj^ ^ ^ , '''"'^" '^'"'^' » ••'' °^ ''"''■• ■^J>^ T'hofi chong hi p'heaou g^ ^ JS M ^ fhadu chang boty p-hU, ticket for^ a tax on Chinamen's tails, levied in Batavia. % % _ Read chong: a lofty tree, with large chang TT "Trt leaves and no branches; a kind of I vJ^ palm, bushy at the head, like a cocoa nut tree. Read chong: a queue or tail, made of twisted hair. Chting Chang Chang Read chong : altogether. generally, entirely. Read chong: a kind of confectionary, made of millet, folded up with \\ sharp corners, and uaetl. on the feast of the 5th day of the 5th moon: it is also called kak s£ pq ^^, cornered millet. CHAOU 48 CHAOU Chang Kk^-^ Read chong: hefin choog ^^, Chang 2^j;^« he6'"S cMng, a part of a loom by ^'n| ' which the threads are separated, to admit of the shuttle passing to and fro. Read ch6ng: a bush; a numeral of trees and flowers; se chdng- ^t ^ cKhew chdng, a bush of a tree. K'heng loe sey ch6ng keuk |I ^^ ^ ^ ^, k^kin di/ loe chiiy hafh te chit chdng keuk hwa, the light dew rested upon the bush of the chrysanthemun flower. To stab, to pierce; also, to hack. Wood half burnt; ch'haS chaou ^ iM cK'hd chaou, a fire brand but half consumed, and put by for lighting again. Read cho : the grains, or refuse, after brewing: chew cho 'ffi ^, chew chaou &' chaou, the refuse of rice after fermentation. Gwa,n-hijen put yeem cho k'hong ^S ^^ ^K JD^ !?§ ^fi^j Gi£i/i«-Ae^n id heim ehiw chaou be k'heng, Gw4n-heen did not refuse to cut grains and chafif. See the ^ =g Soo kd. JL,p^ Chaou 16, a sieve made of bamboo, Chaou ITT ^°^ straining liquor. When birds ^W^^t. dwell in caverns their retreats are "n^ chaou, and when ia trees they are called called ch^ou, nests. Chaou i <<< Long, anything that looks long. Yflng ch4ou 6 j6 ch'he "yeen ^ # ^ Ifn li" ^ VcV <^"^ WS Ay eh'hod ji Vhea, to erect a long building and dwell therein. chaou it Read cho6: To run, to run away, to run quickly. K'he kap e peng jSchoe^^ ^£C.^^, t'hek kak chehn kSh, fhwa Iwa peng to, ji chaou, they threw away their armour, reversed their weapons, and fled. See the J^ ^ Seang beng. ^^^ Read cho : a flea ; kaou cho \^ ^, Chadu "^l**^ *« chaou, a flea. Kaou cho cho soo KK lay sat ^0'^%^^^%% -ffl* ka chaou chd sod luif sat bo, the flea makes a disturbance, and involves the louse in trouble. For the flea bites sharp, and immediately jumps away; while the lazier louse, lingering about the place, is caught and killed. Said of sharp, cunning fellows, who do all the mischief, and leave the duller ones lo bear the brunt of it. ^ Chaou a, a daughter ; this is an ex- ChaoU Ji H pression of inferiority, intimating the J\ n « light esteem in which the Chinese hold their daughters ; when asked if they have got a son, they say, chaau 4 te"o /e"a, only a daughter I Chadu Read cho : a furnace, a fire place, a cook-house. Cho keak -m- JkI), j^lni chaiu k'ha, a cooking place. E' ke me 6 d, ISng me * ch" ]/J[ ^ ^ ^ k'ho sSep se 6 chaou, instead of flattering the god of the south-west corner of the house, ( who, though he is commonly honoured, is yet held in but little esteem), is it not better to flatter the god of the kitchen, (who, though not entitled to a constant sacrifice, yet on certain occasions is served with the highest honours). Said to Confucius, by one who wanted him, instead of seeking the fovour of the acknowledged princes of his day, to get into the good graces of their ministers, who, at times, might be cabled to do him more service. See the J^ |^ Seang lun. CHAOU m CHAP, Chadu Cha8u ChaOu Read cho*: to report to the Emperor; also, to play music. Cho^ k^ gak ^ ^ 1^, thfiiv-e iygak, to play ^ 'tbe music (of the ancient kings). T6ng-gwuy-tin hcen sip soo soe, choe t6ng T'hae.cho„g^|^|^j||5-tS»5j|c.^ ? T^ -^j Tong-^uy-lin hetn chap hang »'eo''S &y 10^ pin, chadu fi^d T'hai-chong, T6ng-gwDy- tln presented a document, recommending the con- sideration of ten things, which he reported to . ■ ;ljni 'li. .'1", ■■ Tha^-chone. , A nest, a bird's nest : a surname. Neaou cha6u 1^ ffi. cheadu sew, a bird's nest. Seang chea wfly chadu, hay chea' way k'hwut ± :^ ^, i|. 1^ ^ £S 7^ ; k'hSh kwdn dy way chd chaou, k'Uth kay dy tciiy chd k^hwul, in the higher parts or the land they form nests, and in the lower, caverns. See the J- ^ Ched"e Mag. ' ' < The name of a lake which produces gold. To exterminate, to kill: y6w chijcy chaflu sam chok ^ fp ^ ^ j^t woo ckoly chatu ("a ekok, being criminal, the family mutt be exterminated to the third generation. An yDng chaOu h'n ^ ^ ^ ^' ^a $oS lesh cha6u chwal piyh laV^, what is the Use of ,1 .• ,1. ■ . , --llllii );l'', extermmatmg the people! I /Jill ChaOu ^>i Chaou A deep succession of chambers in a dwelling. Chaou sim t^ ?«, chaiu ch'huiy, to seek after, to search. Chaou hwSn 44} A^ to pay what is deficient, ' to liquidate all demands: when an account is squared, the Chinese write in the|r account books i^ Chauu, settled. ' " - Chaou A long oar, used for guiding and impelling a boat. K'hey ch'him se&ng kii^n chaou, se wan han bfln Cheung ^^ g« '^ ^ ;ffi;^ ^ ^ ^W*'ft' *""*^.y '■*''J' cA'Wm seing se&ng k'hw"a ki^S chaou, e^S hwui"S hdn lit Che" a cheng, when the rirer is deep we frequently observe the oarv when the temple is distant we seldom hear the bell. Also written XS chaou. f -n- 'Mu'if; "ra'yiiy and tloil|iy' 'gifoand; also, amicable. lb tilqii-M) odt . The Doiae of a multitude. I. nv.j'p iU,i a II < , ,/ A gallery, a. railtag. Read t'han: to lake, in hold. Complete; chew chap yit siiey JS rn ■— ^^ chew chap chit hoty, on? whole year. ' The same as the foregoing; bwia chap )>H ^' "'k"* chap, fully complete. Jtwk ■ Chap choo ^|j ^^ a document : chap ChapyC?|| ke leiik :^ij |Q ^, .record. LQn V^ >P b^ jin Teangse, yin I'biiung chap choo ; .IfeM A3^KJia M^^, lankipO^hin . , eVhai"S dy Ung Teo"S tg, tew yin t'heiine, ^9 '■*"P «• a' document respecting Mrs. TSo"^, a fair, lady, w.h(i. enjoyed extraordinary favour. '^1* CHAP> 50^ CHAY Chap > ^^ t'^'jj-.'v To soak through, to imbibe; *l8o, full, complete. Kaou hwa chap heep ^^ 'fl' J^ jA^ instruction diffused throughout the mind. ■"• ;■ 'j Chap sin che kan, Ch^hoe k*tiek sani toe ^ ^ i^ P^. ^ ^ ^ ^> c'lap je jrt ty kan, Ch'hoi k'hilh i/e"A i'a dj/ toe yip, in the course of twelve days, the Ch'hoe country conquered three capital cities. See the ^ -j^ Cho twan. A small slip of bamboo, on which the ancients used to write notes and memorandums. Also, an early death. Se chap § f^\j, the modern term for a letter. Bin put yaou chap ^^'^^> P'^^^ '"^"^ b6 chd ai, the people did not come to an early death. See the J^ ^ Cho twan. Chap^l^ Chap When a flsh opens its mouth to swal- low anything, it is called chap: any- thing entering the mouth. Chap ch'huy Pijl Pj^ t« smack the Ups. ffi Chap # The five colours mixed together. Chap To mix, to blend together % ch'ham chap to mix together. Hoo hefin h6ng chea, t'heen tSy che chap yea wiWS »e ehee"S tSy Ay sSo chap, the mixture of black and yellow, intimates the blending of heaven and earth together. See the ^ |^ nkh keng. A chattering noise: ch'hOy chap chap kang 1^ ^ fi li , «**^ ^*«P chap king, the month constantly chattering. Ch6 chd chap chap che seng, sSang bfinsookfing che 185y P| Pf ft fl Z f • ^^ f^ B *!• -V flq , chip chap jedng jeang dy )ie'*a, seo j'W"« a si king dy lai, a chattering and busy ■ chap sound is beard, uninterruptedly, within the four borders of the land. « ^ Read sip > ten men are called one cAap ; /^"■j* ten of anything. Sip h"6 /fj- '^, ' f chap hoiy, a mixed assortment of .g»odst pedlar's ware. Chap t Chat X chat Read sip: ten; sip chea, soe checheung soi bak dy swdh boiy, ten is the ter- mination of numbers: a decimal is a perfect number. See the Jq pffi '=j^ SeSsng lUn choo. GoS sip yew gnoe j$ ch6 6 h'ak -^ ~H ^ 3£ rfS ife "f" ^} ^""* '^'"'^ ^"^ ^"^^^ •'^ *"" ''** twa. te fkak, at fifteen years.of age, my mind was bent on learning. See the Jtl |^ Sijang lun. Read cheet; a knot in bamboo; a verse in a chapter: a section. CAi<7» chat ifl. 'nn economical Cheet yung, jg a^ jin |^" ^ ffil ^ A> ''''"'' chat hwHy yung ji seSh Idng, economic»l in ex- penditure, and affectionate towards ofherp, See the J: f^ Seang lun. P To urge any one extremely,. ^f^ 1 Bok chek g l^l]^ fti/c cftot, the cuttle chat ^aHfl fisbi a certain fish found in the east- HVv »>| ern seaSv without bouQS or scales, having eight arms, and a ball of black matter in the inside, of which iQ)( is made. ^^-^ A wooden railing : yeak chay «^ ^ Chay ^^^S^ ye'^^ chay, the grounds or sediment JStm of medicine. Also, to examine; the name of a place : a surname. Chay To stretch out, to spread. CHAY 51 CHAY Chay Drift wood, floating down a river, upon which they fable >that genii ride, in order to float into the milky way, or heavenly river, and thus get among the stars. Seen chay hwan gn8w toe ^ij] ij5 >jP it ^, t'een chay chay, hwdn teXh go6-tadu, a genius sailing on a float, came across the go6-taiu stw.i Chay p] I'l -.Hf \i Cbe.y>, Chay Chay Vulg. Idn: I, myself. ■ln" I' fi .lll-jiwij Jon - i:i' The name of a r\vf^^^^^^^^^ ^ , The name of afratt, like a pear, but rather sour. To cut down ; also, a float of drift woodi San bok put chay m "^C T^ i^, **"" '■*'*^ *'' '^*'**' "''' *° cut down the wood on the mountains. See the ^^^ Kong yftng twan. G6 j!n s«ng chay to I'hcen ^^ ^i K^^)0. J') ^ i^ J '*" *^ ^^ '^"^ ''*^. '^*''^ ''"*" ''**»'* >i^, a fisherman riding on a float arrived at the celestiak river, (i. e. thp milky way). Read chac: to fast; chay, ek'hiem. Read chae: sediment; but chae m^"h chay, the sediment of anything. S£^g j£ cheep chac seiing cheang ^ IRj M" 5? ^R '1^. """' J* """p """' "" ekap, when it (the wine) was made, the grounds and the liquor were mised together. Sec the ^H Chew 16,. •—»,. Read' chea : to indace, to persuade ; to kinder, to screen; to talk much. Sam- 16 T&ng-kong chea swat Hia Ang — ' Chay Chay Chdy^ Chay :^ S ^ ii i^ i^ i . ^""-'^ Tang.tcong chay toiyh Bin ing, the S''a-I6 officer named Tang-kong prevented and persuaded the king of Han. See *he ^ ^ jK^^ Ko-tey ke. The appearance of walking. A preparation of salted, fish and sour rice, which, when cured, is put by. for food. Read cheaj a sister; used in addressing females generally. This: ch&y ><« Jo5 ^ ^ i^ ^ chiy Ity Jl, this character. Ghay ko jin aE 10 A i ''**^ '^y "'*' *•"* "***" Chay Chay ^ % False, deceitful; to deceive, to tell lie«. — >^£ Pot gek chiy ^ ^f^, fi" e'k V I chiy, do not contend with deceit. Ono bod j6 chiy, j« bo6 gnd g« ^ fe ^ |fe M M fic J^' ^^ *' '* '*•"* '"*'*'"■ '* ''" f^* nicl, I will not deceive you, and do not you betray me. See tlit V^ ^ Chd twin. A ves-scl for holding wine; a wine-cup. . Kcng-kcung le soo k'hat hwat, chiy mi hwiin chiiep ylm che J^ ^ ^ a $00 eh'hiiy k'hmlUi k'heim k'hijiyh, t'hochiic chiy yeS"^ bdy pi'in iy cherp, lot Urn e, Keng-keung, an inferior officer, being thiraty. and in want, took a wine cup and gathered uf the juices- of horse dung, to drink it. 5yi A.presa for making wine ; also wittea, 1^ chiy. Chay If Read cha^, a debt: ho»chad ^ hod chiy, to be in debt. P£ng-iwan wOy Bchg-seftng-kwnn sew cha£ i CHAY 5^. CHA'YH Pdng-lwdn wuy BSng-sedng'kwun sew chit/ te Seih kok, P4iig-lw4a went to collect debts for Beng- se4ng-kwun, in the SeSh country. lA^ To burst: ch'heiing ch6y k'hd ^ >^ Chay fjPl^ ^^ cVhing cUy k'hi, the gun is ^ I burst. Chay P ffl^ To talk rouci;:""* J4t Chay t Suddenly, qnexpectedly. Kim j in chay I kiien j6 chod cheang jip 6 cheng, kae yew t'hut t'hek ch'hek yin-che sim ^ 'It i§ Wi 11 ^ >il\ '"" ^f ^"^ "''"^ •'■^^" A-'Am)"^ sijy kS"d cMang bSit/h jip tS chai^S, cho po6 wSo Chut Vhek ch'hek yin ty nm, now if. people were suddenly to see a little child about to fall into a well, they would all experience a feeling of anxiety and coromiseratioo. See ■3u" -^ Beng-choo -n't i , 4.1* a\ K |-> 4,irf^ tf\ lii a'at-^ Chay Chay krl^i A plfe of stones, put iip against a wooden fence. A camp, an encanipmpnt < hay chay T> *? to encamp. Yin hong san > JiW t6ng chay ^ ^ jl, J^ ^, hwAn hong sw^a ling Ay chay, the clpuds covered the camp on the roountaio top.' ^^jjr A sacrifice offered »t iba mi 'of the % % V ulg. t'hiy, a kind of fish, Called also Chay Wr\T **? ^"^ /^^ ^1^' "^'^^ **• * ''*''"'' I^tI I^ mother. This fish is fpund jn the eastern sea, in shape like a lump of clotted blood, sometimes square, and sometime* ha$ no head nor eyest and i« guided and assisted by prawns; hence the proverb, —sfiy boe bok h4y jf|^ -B- g jl© ^ chUy boi i hdy cho b'ak chew, the water-mother makes use of lobsters- as its eyes. Al^o jrritten, ^ chly.^ Chay The name of-, §(■ river. ■•■UL ttmut Read cho: to sit down; ch'h6ng cho I» cKhe''^d chay, pray lit down. pB >l Ikii Chay ^jjp ymmM^^ Sek put cheng put cho IfiP "^ J|q 7^ ^ , cWhmh S™ che^H. a™ chay, if the mat was not straight, be would not sit down;. — said of Confucius. Jb. ^ - ^ Read chck; oblique: chck yim JfK Chayh f/^^ vi > ehUyhyim, an oblique sound i •^ any sound that is not even! The Chinese divide the tones into p6as ZJS ;>i ,i> I.' |., ,. . .-!.. ■ ' ■ .' " T^' .1 ipafS, even; and chck Hj^ cA > •■".•!■,• Read ch'hi;ak:'aspa^rarw, a small bird. . : ' I- r.'.-\f, .■,. Wuy chong k'he ch'heak chea, 4j/ ^ yin way eh'hew ch&ng kw"d chdyh a ay mei"h, chew si &re /r£i>ft,; that,^whiih„drives the sparrow into the woods is tb? hawk, §ee the f^ ^ ^ Seang bS^g. ^n«;i-2.iui'l' ol CHAYH h8 CHE He ch'keak hoe chgng ^ ^ P^ 0^" , *<* ^J' chiyh i ked t'hee^ chains, the lock; sparrow calls for fair weather. ^» ;;.. ; --- C » ^1- Read rhek: to spin: hong chek ^ Chayh 5^ q j^ , p'Aawff cW^fc, to spin thread. •li^S E' ch'heuk che kay jfi cb6, y6w chek, ke kan Kwuy-se che no* yea ^ ^ ^ ■HJ * giro iy kay chd choo Mng, ytiv boiyh p'hang eMyh, lie"a nt- kan hwan Kwuy-se &y sew k'hi, being the bead of my now ennobled family, if you still persist in spinning thread, it is to be feared you will stir up the anger of Kwiiy-se (our chief). See the Kok ge a man to his mother. i^ ; — said by JL.Jlm Read chifet: a division of time, a CL a^ chdyh, times and season*. Yit Icta y*w sod s« pat cheet — :^- ^ (JQ H^ A ff)> ehil net"^ woo $i it pityh thiyh, each, year has four seasons and eight divisions of tiic:. To. take in the fingers. Not very dry : the appearance of flowing water. The name of a river; «lso, the sound of running water. Rice turned sour; the water which (ifips from fermenting rice. Read cbiiet: to cut off*; chSet twin '^ ehiyh ton's, to cut asunder. ^^ Read chwat : to exterminate ; chwat cheung ^p jj^, chdyh chkng, to cut off one's posterity. Of, belonging to, with respect to ; to go to, to proceed ; also, he, she, it. Hoo cho6 che k€w che yea, kS choo e hoe jin che kfiw che c ^ ^- "^ W "7^ At ktw e, kbih kSh yeo^ pat ling dy ktw e, our roaster's seeking (information) is perhaps different firom (he way in which others seek it. See the E chefliig liiang jIn che »*y <*« j^ ^ ^ ^ ~y f'ff ^ , Chaou M«, i tky k'hw"i ta po ling tiy kaiu iy wiy,. they secretly followed to see where Iheir husbands, went. See ^ ^ Beng-choo. B^k jfi che che S|)|[ ffO H ;^, tcim tiimjt b,t e. silently meditating till one comprehends any* thing. Ch'heang ch'hijang hoc h* o*« j^ '^ ^ 'jpf ^ gSng gong hoe butyh ta Wh k'hi, where are jou going so stupidly. Che r Che All, every one; a surname; also, to gO! che ho€ §n i^j a prince of the Empire^ Che jia p^ A ^ eheUngling, all people; che kong ^k /^, sirs, gentlemen. Put V& }i hiJey chiji, pat pek che hoA "T^ njj jm '^ #. A "g" K§ \^> »« tiyiak. jtsio holy chii, piyh ptyh the hot, without previous contract there met together, eight hundred princes of the Empire. Also read, choo. Che lAn ^ fi&j a certain flower, very, fragrant. Kiicn yit si-en jfr ji|> che l&Qchesil, Vim J£ put bO A surname. Che le ^ TS to regu- ^>^^^ late. Che p'hae ^ ^^^ a distinct family, a tribe. ^ A Yeen che HM B^ rouge, used by 5!!^ Chinese ladies for reddening the lips. ^T Che ko Jjpj n^, ointment, salve ; che ' Sew j6 jSw t, boo jg geng che ^ i(P ^ ^ ^ ^P ^ Bp> ''*"**"' ''''''"'" '^''^""^ nooi"S nooi"S dy cKhaou, bdh ch'hin ched"^ keen ting dy yiw, her hands were like soft yielding grass, and her flesh like congealed ointment. See the ^ H^ Kok hong. )i Che The name of a bird. Standing water ; tanks for holding water^ in order ^o provide against a drought. To plough. Hong che ^^y ^ufS kee"S, the name of a yellow wood, used as a dye: the yellow preparation of pulse, called toe kan ^ -^^ taou kw"a, ranch used among the Chinese, is died with this wood. •il -iiU yihd To stop, tu halt, to rest, to dwell; Che ± Che only, alone. W4nj6ch6 che, j€ che ld6u e, e chim haV^h, if any one pulled him to detain him, he would stop. Said of L6w-hay-hwuy. H6ng neaou ch6 6 k'hew ge ^ ^ it ir^ ^ uSj M>ui"» chedou hufh te $w"a kak, the yellow bird reBted on the corner of the hill. Pang ke ch'heen 16, wQy bin sey che iH ^fe ^ M ^ K. Pit Jt , P''"S kok che"d ch'heng li, tvuy payh sai"S sty twd, a district of a thousand le in extent, for the people to dwell in. * % Ke ch6 ^ jtlt, a foundation. T'hae '^ 1 1 p6ng, ke ch6 ch'heen leen eng, hwun '■"*^^ yit, ke se ban ko6 chfln Tj^ ->P-^ ^; thai pars, ke chi ch'heng nei"S ing,-rhtiiun yit, ck'hea ch'hiyh ban hot ehdn, in the midst of tran- quillity, the foundations of the state. Jast for a thousand years; when contending- interests are united, the chariots and books of a dynasty are preserved for a myriad of ages. Che Jjk A small island. Ch6 'T'%'* Pek ch6 |^ It . the name of a fra- grant medicinal herb. CHE 55 Che 1/^ A sweet taste: sit che put kam ^ p ^Sm 7f\ -ti" , cheUh tee"S a'" chae e di/ ho, !■ J to eat anything sweet, and not to know its excellence; said of those who are so affected by the death of their parenls, that they do not know the taste of what they eat. The intention, will; a decree, an order; ch6 e M ^ 'will and pleasure; seng che ^ a, an imperial decree; ch'heng che ^^ g^ to request an order. Che * t> A finger; siw che ^ Jp ch'Mw chie, V— f a finger of the hand, a ring. Chu si r^ TH 7J\ *< »d, to point out anything; che tedra Jvt ^ t" beckon. K'hwut che k'ho swan j^j ^^ pf ^ , k-hwul chi Chang swui^^, bending Ihe fingers you can enumerate them. Bod bang che ch6 ^- fi ^ \y\, l-i »i''& djf ehde, the nameless finger; thai is, the ring finger. Che Che it Ilappincst, delight ; also, to stop. A toe; cheuk ch6 f^ |fj)-, k'ka chai'^, the toes of the feet. Ltn che chi, chin chin kong cho6 j^ ^ ^||- :j^ te /^ IT. Un iy chtti''S chit/ ehai/ kong chad, the toes of the griffin have produced very many children; — alluding to ^ 3l Bfln dug, who had ninety-nine clildrcn. See the ^ jM Kuk hong. .Ixiifir '.li ]> ^ft Seaou gnay. I%>E« A nankeen colour: ch£ hwa poc ^^^ ^vL fli "^okeen cloth. H6ng che ^f^ put e wfly sect hok pL |^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ US' ^'^ *"* *^** *^ '"'^^'^ *^** ""' *" ^* !"«, red and nankeen colours be would not use for common wear. Said of Cohfuciux, in the p H Si-ang iDn. V The spokes of a wheel ; used for a vb I W carriage generally. Chin Ang cho6, '^^X^ ^ Kng. •'*"g •■»•* to Pflng ^ i -J- ^ |(^ ^P, iS' ^ , fW" 6ng Ay k^'d, Eng. Ith eh'hia ti lot pcif^, Eng, the Mn of the king of Chin, descended from his carriage by the side of the road. See the tj^ =^ So6 k<. Che Che ^ A measure of eight inches; chi ch'hek ^ R^ /^, in a small degree. Vulg. c*ir4. paper; kirn cb6 ^ ^. kkm chwd, gilt paper. Cb'hae-lan yOng l^rV le p'hfi, kip pe poe, g* bong, wQy chi Ch'hwi-Mn yUng eh'hiw p'hofy, kap p'hwd poi, ht bang, ehd ekmd, Ch'hw4-IAn, made. «se of the bark of trees, and old ra»s, with fishing nets; to ^ manufacture paper. See the ^ek iP Hin k6. CHE <66 CHE record of the Han dynasty,, about the time of the Christian era. Also written & Ch£v Che Ch^ Che ^ ■» To slop, to stay, to detain. A sister; tae che y^ -flttj tfi cki, a sister's husband; cUe moiiey mj^ -|jt j sisters. Che Che Che Jh f m A mat: ch'bong che che tey, I4n e ^\ ▼ ^^ cKM^S ch'heSh iy let/, oh kap lAng kong, what is done in the land ot beds axtA mats (behind the curtain), is difficult to taiii about. See the j^ M Cho Iwan. The name of a tree, of the bark of which paper is made. To follow behind, lo come up from behind. One of the radicals. To boils to seethe > ch6 hwaa ^ ^S chi poofS, to cook rice. Che toe n&n tos kin i;^'t^^f^, ehi taou h'e"d laou kin, in boiling pulse, to burn ithe pulse roots: alluding to brethren of the same family, who injure one another. Said by w iiti Ch6-slt. P'heng keng ch6 sod. ^^ |;g ^I ^ ^ *** '^^"*^ the classics and boil histories; — meaning, to get perfectly acquainted with them. Che > \ JL3 A small island, the same as M; che. *i~/P\ *- ^ ch'ha6 hwan, & chaou 6 ehe ^ bin hwdn, te chaou tg chi, 1 go to pick herbs, about the ponds and islands. See the ^ JS Kok hong. Che A kind of stag. Ch^ Che H^o ch'heem ch<3 #> /44- Hff a needle finger, a good sempstress; the same' as 1^ eh6 Che Che Che Che Che ■m^m. To promise^ to assent to. The will, intention,, aim, design, pur- pose, object; an historical account. Sim chi (tt'a Che 6 to ^^ '^ jl te to, the mind bent on virtue. Ap. kok gin je che ^ i^ -^ H ^^ »»a sod «"» sujf ling king li &.y nm chi, why do you not each tell us of your purpose. See the p Seang lun.. Ch^ ik Tbe same as tiie preceding. •| "fc To injurev to. hart) put cb£ put kfiw, «r?> hS yung put chong ;^ JJ^jT ;^ ^^ \^\^ fj j^i ^ li , *** *"* ^^"S' **'' ** fc'Ad k&w Idng, woft which tbcT will not go. Cue J^*^ To open; also, to -strike- A pledge, a hostage ; Chew Teng kaou Che f^Jri '•'^ Ji ^ X % 'he Ctew and Teng countries exchanged hostages. See tl*« ^ ^ <^l>6 twin. Che Che A stumbling-block; to stumble. To make, to make up a garment. Hwat che j'^ ^, regulations. So^^w be kim, ynt so6 jln hak cbd yeen |^ ig kim twin, kfhim i'" teSk »ti ling iih ckA, although you have ever so fine a piece of em- iiH^oidery, is it not necesnary to set people U» learn to make it up. See Ibe ^ jM Cho twin. ChS Che To fioM in the hand: used for i-hc r% A flag, a standard. H&n-hin pwat Teaoa chi, se Hin ch'hek cM ^^ ^ Che Ted Ay ki, ehdk Hdn iy ch'heah k6, H&n-sin plucked up the standard of Teo, and planted the rt>d sUndard of H4n. See the ^ p^ S06 ke* Che IfnX^ '^^^ same as the preceding. A present offered on the first intro- duction to a superior ; — the most con- siderable presents offered by m.>. and one's mind by propriety. See the f^ !^ Seing se. Hwat ch* kim leng •A' -Sfl ^ -W*^ orders and restrictions. Wet, damp: to make anything moist. A potatoe, a yam ; hwan ch£ ;& ^S: • a foreign or sweet potatoe, — a term of reproach, as much as to say, "yoo foreign clod-hopper.' fCoii/ chl ^ t^, cakes and confec- tionary. ' ^ ■ 1 , /«-tl m fi\ CHE CHBAf fe* , ch'6o*S chi, a Cheang chu6 toad. To dwell; ke che ^ -p't'^S ;»6 it ^ ii. ffn B^ m m. * # # ^ "• •§? A J Hwul-choi kwil LA-cho6 Ay hak hu^al^ aim kw^a b6 siy che, ji ey ing p'ein, ixu&h biSiy tek chSey i sing jin, the (^octrtnes of Buddha aud Lo-chod do not settle the mind, and b.j enabling their votaries to effect changes, they at length give offence to the sages. Said by ■pk- -?-vOhao-cho6. c;he Che -Che ch'heuk ,.1-..,; 1-,fr|1l.'| Ok che I^ J^ c/i'Aod t'headu, a pillar of a Teung Igw t^ che tp ™ ffi, tt, leung la6u hay fhebh cho fheaau, \a the middle , of the stream, he placed a stone as a pillar^ : Che & The wick of a lamp, Je^_n.,teng put cbok che, yew y&w na tek bfeng Jw leim tengbS cho teem sim, woo y$w boiyh, anchvi"d iy kwui''S, when lighting a lamp, if you do not put a wick to it, although you have oil, how can it shine brightly. Che Che To' stop, to stay one*8 steps.. ^t» The standiBg of a horsey che pit EJ %•¥* iS ^^y place where the Ertiperor rJ^ stops iu travelliog. li'l : I. ; U, T/inft oT One of the horary characters. To lick Anything with (hte tonglie. P'he hoo seaou, chck vi'fin yung che te ; lae, chek se hoo e kwun ^R ^ /J^^ ^|J dy ling, sty, chew chwm"^ yvng ehe ch'he"^ ; twa, chew tiiai pay kap Icwun, thoiits vhid are vulgar fellows in a smaller degree, 'will sbck sores and lick ulcers (for gain); and those who are such in a greater degree, will murder their parents and sovereigns. Said by ^?- ■y^ -+• Choo-hoo-choo. KJF^^ To collect; che chip |^ ^, to gather Che 1^^^^ together; che leem che sin M^ ^ ^^(^^ ^2. ^S.' ''*^ '*^'" ^y •'''* *^''» * rapa- cious minister; a scrape-all. Chafi che chek bin san, chafi san chek bin che '■ k'hSbh cho hiiiy, piyh sai^S chew sw"iiy — chefS sw"d,. pdyh sai''S chew k'heSh cho hiiiy, when a prince scrapes money together, his people will disperse; but when he disperses his money, the people will collect around him. See the 4* ^ Tae hak. Vulg. jea: to cover over, to conceal, Chea ' •|(Q , nea ched, little sister; chea ciiiia {iQ^ flQ , sis- ters; a title of respect, applied to young ladies. The people of ^ Seiik called a mother |ffl chea. Chea ^^ Vulg. cAeS/i: to lend, to borrow. Kay /» chci lip yOng ^i^^^> kdy I Pf chioh Itti yang, to borrow for use. Y6wm& ch6a chea jin sei\g che /^ ,^ ^ f^ A 3^ "^ wo3 bdy dy Idng eheSh Idng k'tiid, those who had horses used to lend them to people to ride. Ch'h6 le put chi!4 ^ ^1^ ^ , ck'haou dy a" tat cheVh, straw shoes need oot be borrowed. Chea Chea Song chea ^/fe, the mulberry-tree; also written ^& th<;a. Kara chei "ft* M{, sugar-cane; kam chea cheep k'ho g6 t'hdng ^ Jj^ ^4- TTT ^ M ^ kam ched dy cheep ei/ g6 lit fht"^, the juice of the sugar-cane may be manufactured into sugar. Chea Chea Cheii koe tridge. rW cMyh koe, a par- Chea The bank of a stream, the edge of water. On the west of K? T* Lfiw- k£w, there is an island, called P'heng. ho6 to £f^ -yijB 1^^ where the water gradually descends, and is called lok che4 ^X W", 'des- cending to the water's edge:' when vessels enter by mistake, they never return. See the -^ i^ ^ Go£ hak p'heen. ~ ^*^ To roast, to heal by the firei chea ^ y^^\> jeiik fS(^ ^, chid hah, roasted flesh. ^ ^^ Koey chea € y&ng' cho, siiuk be? Bt'ng-cho6 wat, koey cbei chae |j6^ ^ |^ ^ kap yefS chi, ley chit dy k'hdh hof Blng-choo kong, kdiy ch'ei chae. Of roasted flesh and sheep's dates which is the nicest? Beng-cboo said, roasted flesh ! Chea \ f - To offer up, to depend «»n, to help, n I to assist, to borrow, to lend ; elegant, P| polished. Hong lew w6n chea ^ '-j^ ^ ^^ elegant and accomplished manners. Chea ^1a^ Read slJa ; a silrnamr. - na CHE A 60 CHEAH Che^a Che»a '^ L^ Read cheng : the first. Cheag gwat ,^XJ^« IE )^ > ''^"'' S<>^y''> the ^rst^nonth. % %j Read cheng: a fairy, an elf: yaou TJ^Ytl" =*•«"» ^;f^;,*ao«c*e"a> evil genii. >| I -J He-hin-bfln ge hek pek seft cheng, ^ che wfly hoo hoo f^ '^ ^ jSi ^ ^ 4fe M-,^ ^ ^ ^ if, '^'''oi-hdn-Mn loo fiSh oe pii/h chwi chi"a, kap e chd ang p6, K'hoe- han-bfln met an elf, which was really a black and white snalie; and they became man and wife together. These elfs are supposed by the Chinese to be beasts, which transform themselves into human shape, for the purposes of mischief. Che-na *^M^ Tasteless; ch'hoo but " ch'e^d che^a, this thin Tasteless.; ch'hoo but che"a che"a che^ liy mei"h ing has'no taste in it. ^^^^ Read cheng: right, square, correct, Che^a % i* proper; sod cheng pCj j£, se cAe^d <^J^^^ four square, in proper Order. Pfing cheng Z^ ]£^ pafS chg^i, just. Yew tae jln chea cheng ke, j6 but cheng chea , woo twS ling &y ling tae seng ciiii''i ka te, ji pat ling chew che"i, wherever there is a great man, be first correpts himself, and then others will be corrected bj hinb See j> ^^ Hay-beng. Clie"a 4 Read sing: to perfect, to complete, to adjust, to finish. Sfing but rB ^^ che''i mei''h, lo perfect anything, to complete a thing. Sfing jiB f^J^, chU^&l&ng, to become a man : to be fit for something. Bo6 soo chae jSn, sgng soo chae fheen |tt ^ -^ A. ^ -^ ^ ^, "^ "^^"" '"' "'"'^ '^"S, che"A sod chae fhee^S, to plan affairs rests with men, but to complete them rests with heaven. Che«a Che»d t »«t»^ Read cheng: feelings, passions; jtti" £Q ch£ng y^ i|^^ idng che^u, kindness. jf^i^ ^^d cheng-. a character in a play. rT|i> He cheng jg^ ^^ W c^i, a part ^ in a play. H6ng cheng ^E ^ ang che"a, a red-faced character. 6e'' cheng oe che"a, a black-faced character. •j^«» Readchit: K'haou chit ^ 5&.^ A'Aa Chedh 7^ chMh, the back, the back-bone. L^ k'he Cheng chit ^ ^ j£ ^^ ^^ U u™ tei^h che"i cheah, never eat the middle of the back of a fox. Cheah Chdh Read chek : single, only one, one ; a numeral > yit chek gn6w — — <^ LL. chit cheUh gSo, a cow. Yit chek ch'hwSn •^ jl^, chit cheSh chUn, one ship. I Read chek : a trace ; cheuk chek J^ ^ ^, *^*'' «*«**. afoot-step. Leiik keng seen flng che tin chek yiji seen 6tig Ay koo eheih, the six classics contain the ancient traces of the former kings. See ^t ^^ Chong-choo. 1)11/ Ol r 4^ Read sit-, to eat; sit hwan S cheah poofS^ to eat rice. Chin-Bun- kong k'hit sit c gnoe lok che yea, ea jin e clie k'hwae '^ ^ ^ '^ '^ ^ fcong k'hit cheith te goe ISh Ay yei, yid Ay ling hoi e chit ley t'koi, Bfin the duke of Chin, begged for something to eat in the five-ttag desert, when the wild people gave him a lump of earth. See the /^ ^ Cbo-twia. ^feiiEAK' %1 CHEANG ' Sit put ge ^ ^ =E^ cheik bi' king wa, he never spoke while eating. — Said of Confucins, Cheak "• *''« si l^ LQn-ge. Cheak «1/ To burn, to roast. Bo6y cheak jdt^^^ W™ Uug, a match-maker, a go-between, in order to make up marriages. Put t'hae bbfiy cheak che gftn /p» ^ M 5^ j^ g", u"" ling I'hae hd'" lAng dif tea, without waiting for the mediation of the nialchTmaker. ^ __ A, handful, a ladle-full. Yit cheak Gheak ^^ ^"y "^"^ "> ^ '^ ^ JZ ^ . ^ «At< cAfiiXr cHi/ iy chiy, a handful of- water. Cheak (^he'dk Piiey cheak ;faC *3^ a wooden, cup or bowl, for holding wine. Cheak yak ^ ^^, Oj« name of a. flower, used in medicine. €heak Cheat chew gt| '^ ^ Uh chiw, to [•J pour out wine. Chim cheak MS^^ to consider, to weigh . a matter. Cheak. chek sfly wen g^ ^ij 3| -J^ ^ eheak cMw ISBhche chuy d lai leng, in pouring oat wine, for whom should we pour out first? Cheak ^Jf To cut asunder with a knife, to hew down. g^ Chew chi-ak )g ^ , a wine-cup, Cheak g^ kwan cheak § ^\ kw"a cMak, ^ To bite, to gnaw, to eat 5 choe cheak rV^ the taste of anything. choo be Pl !§ -]|| 5^ , to try Cheak .V light, a. fire, a lighted torch. To cut, to hack. The string of a bow;- to fabten the string on a buw. Vulg. mh: to clothe,. to put on; also added to verbs, to signify their Ukingefiect; also,— ought, should, right, yes. Cheak e sok •»« ^ ^ ^ /^^ ch'hing s"a kih twi, to put on clothes, and bind on a girdle. K'hin cheak ^ ^ ^ k'kw'^i tiSh, to get a sight of. Cheak k'P^ ^, hurried, off ftie's guard. ChSa^ S06 lo* chafl ^ ^ j^ ^ > «»* «* M ehai, you slave, you ought to die! _fc. •^^_ Cheang ch'hae^ -^ ^ variegated Cheang cy colours; bfln chijaog ^ js[ f Wn cheo'f<, literary composition; chiiang koo W ^ , chapters and sections. A. surname. Hw4n hoe k6 y«w bOn chijang ^^^^ ^ ^ > *^»ff kwui^ hoe, e Ag woo bHa cheang, how splendid were his literary accomplishments! Said of.^ Geftou, in the J; |,|^ Oeo"? lin. Kwun cho6 che chi « to yiia, put s*ng cheang ^ 3^ , *"«"» Choi iy rim chi twS ti to, fi*" chi^A cheo^ uf" twdh, the good man, in bending, his attention towards sound doctrine, does not stop till he has finished the chapter. See the "1> ^ Hay beng. Chean»' 1 • Cj Cheang Koe chcang flg Bgi, toa Aray A«i"a, a husband's parents. Ch'heep fin be hwun bSng, ho 4 pae koe cheang Ai/ sin yea biiey hwun bing, hoiyh an chw'"A ey pai two, kay kn^a, hefore my persoD is exhi- bited, how can I pay my respects to my husband's parents? — Said by a young bride (when veiled), «n entering her husband'.s dwelling. Cheang b6ng ^a y^, fear, alarm trepidation. Cheang ^g> .i>lii«i. To display, (e illustrate-; cheang bSng s^ Bh ' *" shew clearly. Cheang k'hwat yew seing e^ ra? yo" *^ cheang bing e iy woo k'eng aedng, to illustrate his possession of constancy. See the Seo^ te. The name of a river; Cheang-chew 1^ Cheanff ^JtH^ j^. yi\ > Ae name of a district in the province of SS "j^ Hok- keen, where the dialect is ^oken which this Pictlonary is intended to illustrate. rl) til JM^t' 1 ;•( ,-w>..' iiv ' n .'. , v .^jtA Shall, will, about to be 4 to take, Chean"' ^m>*V* ^^ undertake. Cheang jip bAn, ^K -9 ch'hek k6 m& wat, hwuy kam hoe yea, mk put chin yei ^ ;Av f1. ^ ^ .l| io^^A jip moof^ p'htth e &y bay, king, u™ se gwa k^i Uiy aou, si bay fi"* cWn ke^i., when about to enter the gate (after a defeat), Confucius whipped hi« horse saying, it is not that I dare to be behind-hand, it is because my horse will not go. See the p* §a Seang lOn. T'heen cheang 6 hoo-choo wfly bok tok Tr boiyh leak Ian &y hoo-chod chd bok tok, heaven is about to take our master and make him an alarm ( to the worM ). See the same. C heang Cheang Cheang Vulg. cheo^S: tljifk water, congee, syrup i beSn cheang 3^^^, ^ mie"S cheo"^, leaven, yeast ; ye& chijang iM ^ ^ yed cheo"^, cocoa-nut milk. B6 chiJang ^^ ^^ , *^ cheo"^^ ricp water. ^ 1 * ^ A precious stone, a ki^d of half X^fcf^ gem. Long cheang SB Jb^ a son. £ cheang- j^ i^ t^e camphor tree. % Cheang ^ t=^ A «na(I kind of stag, without horns. Cheang ffl « . .TI'^ rTT _*T'-» a pomfret fish. A small kind of locust, of agreea Cheang ^{■i^J colour? cheang cheHS-igfe cheo"S chi, a toad. , --v Vulg. keo"S: a small kind of deer, r ^^f] very handsome; an antelope. Chew rheang '^g =& . deceitfal; Cheang Cheang ST insane, mad. P^ Pi ■j^ ^\^_ Vulg. cfceo^ff: the palm of the hand; Cheang ^ *^ to hold in the hand; cheang ^^•■"* kwan ^ f^, to manage, to rule-, cheang le ^ J^^ to regulate: s6w che&ng ^ ^ ^ cft'Aiio cAed"fi', the palm of the hand. K6 jfi se choo soo hoe, che k6 cheang ^t cheo"^ k''hw''d chey liy^ ki e iy cVhiw cheo"?, • it would be as easy as looking at this (said Confucius), pointing tp his hand, P-sf% A surname. jS jt- Beag-choo's Cheang /I ■ I mother's family name was Cheang CHEANG 63 CHEAOU Cheang Ig. cheo"^: • curname. Cheang k'hwin 3e MI:> *" exhort, to induce, to persuade. P6 cheing ^ , pi cheo'f, to praise, to Cheang Vulg. eheo'^, aa o»r« lio cheang Kt^ kd chei^e, to pull an oar, or rather to push over the oar, according to the Chinese manner. Keea choo tong song cheang, ch'huy song bik ch'hew lafi )|i T- S 1 ^. fi i^ ^ ^ ^ > cAlJn d tat nS iy tihid"^, ch'huy ting fi™ lai ktcin 16 bS Int, if the boat is provided with a pair of oars, when pushing it along you need not fce anxious about it's o^t coming. ^\ ' Cheang CheaBg chin -^ 5^- , to advance, to get forward in the world. Toe cbelng ^ ^ , uiu cked^'g, Cheang ^'n'W ketchup made of pulse. SeeOg cbeAng 1^ -^ , .ea"^ chtd't, all kinds of pickles and sauces. Put Uk k6 cheing put sit ^ ^ -^t ^ if he did not get the proper sauce to anything, he would not eat it. — Said of Confucius, in *»>e J: Ife SSSng lOn. |i^^ Cheing so« *»"» Emperor of the H&o dynatty built a terrace, upon which he installed Cheang Cheang Chean£ Chefing 3 Chiang H&n-siti into the office of frAt General. See the ^ pg Soe ki. ' |U|^k A lofty and precipitous mountain. To limit, to separate, to divide by a partition. P£ng cheaog )^ Pp^ P^" cheing, a screen, a partition. Chin S^-bdng teuk tSng cheang, e teuk jeOng CUn Si-h£ng k'hi ting ch^itng. i *»"< Jiang ktean iy ling, the first Emperor aif the Chin dynasty, built a defence, to keep out the western barbariais. ^^^»' A kind of epidemic disease, called yj^ abo g H cheang ley. n One of the radical*. Cheaou ^kA Read ho«: to carry on the bark, Ip^M to carry pick-a-back. Kiiing hoo Jr\ k« cho6 chea J^a ^ g ^ ^- ^" Th , Cho kin chiing e dy ke^a, to carr* a child in a cloth over the back. Anything burnt black in the fire. A surname. Keng rhi-aou ^ ^ ^ keng cheo, a plantain, a banana. Pa cheaou 49>r% l«w p'hi-en leu'k g /|fe ^ ^ ^, pa cheo laSu chit p'hei^ I'ek, the planUin leaf spreads a broad patch of green. Chew Bck 6ng hok che t cheaou ^ i^ T S ^ Jijil ^ . "*"" ^"^ "'^ ''*"* ' * >^e cheo heSh, Bok, the king of Cbew, covered it with a planUin leaf. -'It /^ CHEAOU m CHEAOU Cheaou Cl^i^aou HoS cheaou 'xB "M^ hoi cheo, pep- per. Hong hoe 6 cheaou to6 pek, ch'he k& wun yea J^ jj^ VJ h^xr \'S(i^ ;'^l ^ , hdng hoe Vhi hoi cheo bwiih p'edh, ch'hi e &.y seo, the empress rubbed the walls with pepper, in order toavail herself of the warmths — (from the idea that pepper warms the outside as well us the inside of the body.) ,ii.iij:.| Sam cheaou ^ BlE, three divisions of the body : viz. from the head 1^1^^ to the heart, from the heart to the navel, and from the navel to the feet. According to. others, the cheaou nil is the oesophagus, the upper part being reckoned from the heart to the stomach, the second from the stomuch to the navel, and the third from the navel to the bladder. Cheaou Cheaou Cheaou n Vulg. cheo: to call with the hand; to. beckon, 'Vo assembly. Cheaou hefin lap soo i(^ J^ j^ J^> cheo I gadu Idngy kwd sevo Chak ch'hayh ling, to assemble clever people, and to receive learned men, — (in order to form a party, and strengthen one's inteFests.X i *vi To exaro'ine clearly ;- intelligence;; cheaou ge&ou Tffi -|ffi a dwarf. Bright, xlear, to display, to illus- trate. Cheaou bok ^ ^ , the 98 'r f"* order, of generation, the father's contemporaries being called ChSaou, and the son's Bok. The second word is otherwise written %%■ bok. Bfln-6ng chae seang, oe cheaou 6 t'heen AT i ^ ±. ;^ ^ J'Jk.' ^''■^"s '« '^«ff tan, Iwa chid te t'hee^S, Bfin-6ng is highly exalted, — how brilliant even to the skies. See the ^ H Tae gn&y. Cheaou Cheaou Cheaou Distant; also, te urge. Cheaou ge&ou ifm J|S, lofty, hilly j also, the peak of a hill. Clear, evident; cheSm suy hok e, ek k'hong che cheaou Jffi ffitt /4r ^. ^ |L ;^ jl^> '^*'" '<"' "^^y suyjiin bat^yea chin chae cheaou bing, although they dive 4own (into the water) ever so deep, yet they are ver.y visible. Said of fishes in a clear pond. See the "iv Ip Tae gniy. Cheaou To steal a glance with, the ejes, to look askance. A pond: a round pool is. called ^m Cheaou ^i/^ 16. one not, straight, ^ cheaou. Ong Tip 6 cheaou seang "^ jjT TA. ^,3 j- 6ng k'hia Up te cheaou pee^S, the king was standing by the side of the pond. See the J^ ^ SBang beng. ^ ^^ Read ch£: an elder sister; eWiiou' ChSdou^Mn '*"" ^^, ''" «'•'" *'*'*''* ■^^ y^ husband. Biin. gnd, choQ koe, suy kip pek che RS ^^ »Sy kip kabu two, chk, he a^He.d after, my aunts, and. then enquired about my, elder sister. Woey hong.. See the ^ Chedi eaou Read neaou: a bird ;^ ne&ou che cheang soo, k$ bfing yea ae, jin che cheang sod, k£ gin yea. seen $,zn^^m^%At. AlU Jal pj -nl i^:^ cheaou kiou- boiyh si, t Ay hdou ae ch'him, — lAng kdiou- l/Slyh se, e dy king wd, hi, when a bird is about to die it\ v,oice is lamentable, and when mea are about CHEAOU 65 CHEAOUH Cheaou Clicaou to die their words are good. See the ^ ^E LQn-ee. PP ^ Vulg. ched ■■ to display, to illustrate, rl^Jt to reflect, to illumine; according yyy^ to. BSng gwat seQng kan cheaou, ch'heng chwan sek s'eang ISw 0^ ^ )\^ f^ cKhtng kan chei, ch'heng dy chw"& ti cheSh ting Idou, the clear moon shining among the firs, and the limpid stream flowing over the stones. Tae jln k*y bfing 6 cheiou ;/«; A 1^ 9^ chid kwrn'S, the great man ( that is the »age ) connects the brilliancy of the sun and moon, in order to illumine the world. To walk quickly, and in a hurried manner. _ To inform; a decree, an order Cheaou ^xV from the Emperor. Kwun teung 1(1 ]pF ban cheing kwun che bcng, put ban fheen cho6 cheiou ^ ^j? B9 'l^ ■¥ I'he^a cheing kwun Ag bing, M t'he"* hing My 4y ehSiou, in the army we attend to the orders of the general, and not to the decrees «f the Emperor. See the "A" '^ K6e bOn. ^ %.P^ Chekoa b«o i^^ ^ , » w"""*" Cheiou ^EnSm •="'*•"■• f^heftou hoo ch'hiiiou soo i\v^ /|i ^ ^ ±, '*«"* '^*'''^ ^y Ung ch'hed I'hak ch'hdyh it) ling, the wood- man smiles at the scholar. Cboo-ma£-sln cheftou cb'hae wfly hwat -^ 1 g^^^iS", Ckoo.n,ai..,n che>h ck'hd t'hin chelih, " Choo-mae-stn used to cut ' and collect wood, for a livelihood ;" — but after- wards he attained to high rank. Chelou Hff^ To steal a glance. Cheaou %ic4ou chuy|^2j^j grieved, wearied out, tired of; lean, e- maciated. Bin che che4ou chuy o geak cheng, be yew gim 6 ch'hoo sfi chija yoi ife ^ ^ "iii ' '^^* '"'"^ ^* *'"'" '" '^ '"' geak dy ching sod, boey woo k'hik ch'him i chiy iiy st, the people have never been more wearied out with oppressive government, than at this |0| Seiinff bJng. present time. See the Cheaou ^Ml '""*°" ''•°yti1*' «"•-"''' •" iff;"!? the heart, vexed. ^ ^^_ A chamber on the top of a city Chelou '^^E ''*"• ^°^ '"'"'^ cheiou log Ql'kW V seang, kirn b«ng sek sit Icung Uh ti chUou ladu chio'^, kirn haou ti chiSh ch'hoo lai, the drum sounds upon the chamber of the citadel, and the metal rings in Iho midst of the itone-built dwelling. Cheaou Cheaou u "pR m The name of a small bird. To cut graw. To gnaw, to bite, to chew. Cho chijaou '||^ pft ^ f*o cAM, to Cheaou VV UlL perform a sacrifice, and to have a '9 religious procession. X I Cheaoiih iHf The chirping of bird*. CHEEM 66 CHEEM ■k Che^h Cheeh — ^ Read leep: to fold: leep ch6 cheih chwd, to fold paper. Cheeh Read cheep: to receive: geng cheep J^ ^^ , ge"d cheih, to meet, to welcome. T'hae jin cheep k'hek f ^ A ^ ^ k'hwdn Vhae Idng, cheih ling k'hSt/h, to treat people and receive visitors. Ch'hoe kOng cheep « ^ fj: ^ 0. ch'hoe ^y gong Idng cheih cKhea, a madman of the Ch'ho6 country met the carriage (of Confucius). ^ The chirping of insects; the squeak- ing of mice. Lwan cheet ^ j|^ , nooi^S cheih, a bull on the neck, or head. » I Read seat; the tongue: seet keng Cheeh Ij Cneen ' g ■^ itt yung cheih chSh cKh&n, to ' plough with the tongue, i. e. to follow the occupation of a school-master. Soo put k'ip seet ^ ^ ^ "jS* , «* chedh bay feuk bij/ kaiu cVhity cheih, Uiar horses cannot overtake the tongue. See the T> 5^ Hay iQn. Cheeh Cheem Read cheet: to hreak ; cheet chijet off Wi' "' ''*''^*> *" break in two. To divine, to find out by divination, to prognosticate. Put chijem j6 e e /f -» pi^ ifn E. ^' ""* pok kwd te^a le"a, you have not divined, that is all. See the Ti |j^ Hay Ifln. Cheem tt To look on. Cheem m To stand in waiting ; to stand awry. Chee m Cheem To look up at, to contemplate. ^— Cheem che chae che6n, hwut je6n O chaShoapt^t^t-iS.^ ^^X' ''■''""''^ "''"'' ^ '^ t'hadu ching, hwut Je£n te adu, (the doctrine of Confucius) ap- pears, when looking at it, to be before us, and then suddenly seems behind us again ; (meaning that it embraces a variety of objects). To speak much, verbose. A surname. Gc gan cheem cheem, hd kl to yea PP kong lea cheem cheem, s"a sou kaiu he&h chaif^ your talk is quite verbose — why so much of it.» Cheem *i of a hill. Pointed, sharp, of a conical shape ; coming to a point. San cheem I'l ^> sw"a cheem, the sharp peak Cheem ^^ f put needle ; sew cheem ^^ 44-^ to. work with a needle. B(i6 chijem put yin seen M |j- ^j-^ ^j ^|^ bS cheem bey yin til sw"d, without a needle we cannot draw the thread ; — (meaning, that without an introduction, we cannot get into the ac- quaintance of people. Cheem Cheem Cheem la To cover, a thatched covering for a cottage ; a straw bed used when mourning. The name of a large fish, with hand* tinder, the belly. The blowing of the wind ; to blow. Long tong ySw hong che^ra, seng he kcM gwat bSng .)^ f/]^j^ CHEEM 67 CHEEN cKhoeg, cWhafS ched toe si k'hw^A kei^S goij/h kwui"^' the waves are agitated, because the wind blows, and the stars appear few, because the moon shine* brighU Cheem £ Cheem To poness alone, to excel eompcti- tors, to top the whole, to be the first. BiJSy che^m pek hwa klioey t^ "S* -?£ ^^ "^^ " cAg^nj che"d piyh hwa ty fhaSu, the plum blossom stands out as the head of a hundred flowers, GO t'hoe t(>k chi-em f]^ 3^ ^ ^, S" ''*""« tok cheim, to ride on the head of the sea monster, alone distinguished; that is, teilng cbAng gw4n fp .)[/^- y^^ tSUng cheing gwin, to atUin the highest literary rank. ?9 j2, Vulg. tijfira? to bide under water, to conceal. YdngXh^cheemchOng Wj M -fm 'M'J'' '''"'"•"iM k'hi tetm k'hi"^, the influences of the sun are hid- den J i. e. tlie sun is set See the & tS rsah keng. G& chiJcw chae ch» '6J, j^ ?&; j3[, M litm twi tS cMi/ ch'hadu, Uie fishes dive down among the weeds. See the ^^t ^^ Se keng. Chegm 'jSpS To steep anything in hot water, in order to get off the hair; to '"ij wann anything; to bull water. Gnoe jit, chek chiiCni lliong ch'h£ng yiiuk 3E. S'J ^ /I/ tf /i>> ^'^J'' """' ''•'" ie"d »eo cftiiy, ch'hi"u ching ck, after five days, ( the new married wife ) must warm some water, and invite (her husband's parents) t« bathe. A slu)rt time, nut long ■- chSem s& W flii", P*"^ tempore. Sfi hwun k6w chceni, soo yfiw lAn c 04 ^r ^ ^^ ^ '!'£) II ^, si hwun ko6 kwi chiem, 803 tcoS Sh kmi k'hteai, times and seasons are Cheem Cheem divided iat» long and short, — affairs are some diflficuit, and some easy. Gradual, gradually, by degrees, step by step. Chin gS jin to t6 gwSn tony, cheem jip kay keng -A' -ifffl K n i^(i M 1. iDT A ^ §> ''"• ''''•'' &>/ t'hd h6 ty Idng, katiu t& gmdn tang, chiim Jip kadu ho kin^, a fisherman of the Chin dy- nasty, arriving at the "Peach fountain" cavern, gradually entered the fairy land. To sell, l( ?^- 1 SI Ife,"^^ '*'*"' ching kv>"i chdyh 4, tt chien y'id, what drives little birds into the woods, is the hawk. Cheen Chee,, :g Cheen @l Soft hair or wool, worked up into _pr ^^ tHAou, a carpet, a blanket ; cheen bo. Cheen ^tf- cU.lh: cheen tel.Hi|* |i^, cAf than heang ^'o^^^ifi, ''''^"^ heo"S MM, a kind of sandal- wood. ^ M A flag with a crooked sUff, used in summoning the common people. Se jIn e chiien f. A i^ ^fl^ cheting l&ng WSh Veiiou e i cheen, people in general miwt be summoned bj a flag, with a crooked staff. See 'g' 131 Beng-choo, _ Y^r- To boil, to cook, to fry: cheen tay^^ Hll ^J chw^aUy, to boil tea; cheen tr)f^\ gg Htf ft cheen hi, to fry fish. Lfiey yung cheang cheen ho che soo ]Js\ ^p ^ W ^ ^ •$"' '°^* ^""^ ''^ '^""'' cAeang^ ;twdn cAii)"fl tap Jedoa AS il^^ soo, the Loey- yung officer superiateoded the business of boiling and preparing the food. Cheen pgaou ^ ^^ji public docu- ment; bamboo slips, which were an- ciently used for books. 1 J^^ Cheen %^^ Fragrant, scented wood. 1^ Cheen Cheen Chepn ,« XS To see clearly ; also, small and ^* shallow. The smell of mutton < also, mutton fat, A thread to sew with s putchwatj^ cheen ;^ |g i(P ||, »" '""^ W^^>^ cKhin ched"S sw"u, unbroken, like » continued thread. To cut with a scisiors : kaou cheen Cheen |9 1 i 5C. ^^ *" ''***''> "■ P*"" of sc>»s<"s- '\M^ Y6w ae le peng cheen che beaou % ^ M #1^ ^ #'^ ""*" "^ '"'■^''^ ''^ /rap penff <;a^ dy cfttJ^n &.y ho, it has all the excellent qualities of Ae files, and Peng scis- sors. — Ae and Peng were the most celebrated jnakers of scissors and 'files, and this expres- sion is used to intimate the sharp, cutting nature of good literary compositions. Cheeu Cheen Chein Cheen Bhallow, not deep, applied to car- riages. Prepared, anything prepared, a plan or view: to a umber, to adjust. r-^j^ E hoe sam choo chea che cheen •^ f- H T- * ;^ % '" '''"' """" ii"a Idng dy chiiti, how different from the views of those three gentlemen! See the ~|^ 3m Jliy Ian. A .scaffold, a temporary erection : iheen to ;^ i^^ temporary roads. Teang-leang swat Han 6ng seaou chwatchgent5 ^ mk]%^''^^^ sK' Teo^S-Udng k'hwui^S Hin ong s'eo 100}"^ chin to, Teo"S-Ieang advised the king of Han to burn and destroy the temporary roads. To tread upon, to walk over : cheen gSn S^ "=" tith wd, to tread one's words, ( i. e. to fulfil one's engage- ments ). Cheen kfi wuy, hgng k* 16y, choe k€ gak 6y wuy, kt"d e dy Ity, chdou e dy gak, " to walk in their ways, to practise their ceremonies, and to play their music." — This when done by posterity towards their ancestors, is the height of filial piety. See the ffa ^ Teung CHEEN 69 CHEEN Che^n I'heen choo wuy yeen ^ ^ ^P- Ajf. ^^§ tiih k6ng Uy dy wa^, to 'self the rank of an Eniperor. •» >^ '^* *^"^ '^^ ^^ "'"^' *° **''^ "'*°° one's- Cheen Cheen Cbeea Cheen CMieen Cliecn Cheen Cheen A glass drank at parting ^ a part- ing feast. Hjippy, Iticky ; to exhaust. I ^^^ To cot ofiF: 6 koe cheSto beet ch'hoo, jfr te4ou .'it ^il^i^\^^ rffi ^ ^ > gt»ji cheih cU k'hi pooW, I will ju»t cut oflf and exterminate this country, and then go to breakfast. m Bruth made of flesh. ^ ^l) Shallow : shallow words. ^ ^f^ Worms found in hooks and clotbes-t. yJ^J they are yellow «t first, but when •^^T * old become covered with a white powder like silver; hence they are called pck To fight, to go to war ; also, to fear and tremble. Cho6 che s6y sin, chae, chiidn, chit -4p- "7 m 'M ^^^^ ffoo-choidyiiykfUBin. chSah ch'hai, chUn Chat, ehil pai"S, the things about which Confucius was partitularly careful, were feasting, war, and sickness. Chedn chi;*n keng keng jSj^ toj^ ^ j^, trem- bling and shaking. To splash with water ; the rapid flow- ing of water. Ch'h6ng tek t keng hiiet chedn tae 6ng ^S iJS K] S jk ^ ;^d , «*'W"^ « * king hoiyh Cheett Cheen Cheen Cheen Cheen Che^n Che6n chtB^d tva 6ng, " I beg leave to take the blood of my neck and splash it over your majesty." A desperate expression of bM jpa 1(0 Lin- seang-j«. «^ % Again, as before : sfiy cheen chi pJa^ :^^^, '^^y chHou koo kSk )f I J. ^iou, water flowing against the same jlace. See the J^ ^ Udh-keng. ^^5y» Vulg: chei'^, an arrow: sea. cheen ^MlT M ff > '^*^* cltri^y »" shoot «n |>| -^ arrow. Seet-jln-kwily yit cheen .0.,, Kwun-san "^ j^ ^ _. |^ ^ ^ ^J Seih-jln-kwity chit ke chei'^S an tfa Kwun- nt'"/!. SeSh-jtn-kwdy with one arrow pacified the region of Kwun-sw"a. See the db =P So6 k«. Again, over again ; also, grass-, a straw mat. Chin chiien ke ^ jS. ^ ^ C*lii kok kik ke hwui^- there was again a famine io the Chin country. A shaking of the head i a trem- bling of the limbs. To present, to send in, to introduce to notice, to bring forward, to oi- fcr up as a sacrifice. Kwi;n soo scng, pit seuk jfi chein che ^ Hfi ck'hai'V dy mrf"*, pU tiSh ehi Kk jt che^n e, when the prince bestows any thing raw, we inust cook it, before we offer it up. See the -t ft Siting ion. The name of a herb, or f rus. Vulg. ehtng: Befai:e«, in. tine or placet rbod '^heta nS EhT I'hdou. ching, ia front. Beea che£n ^ P511 m / .. CHEE 70 *" *Hft", bin ch&n, before one's face; chefin jit mj n cUng jH, a former day. Sey od 6 chefin, bo6 e seen hoe, sey oe 6 hoe, bo6 e cheOng chefin ff^ ^, ]^^ ||^. fe i^iiA ^ ■ g^j^ „,^„ jg CAaSa ching, u"' Chang chd e te aou, siff By viim tl aou lai, u'" Chang Chd.n e te Chadu thing, that which we have formerly disapprov- ed, we must not subsequently prefer, — and that which we should in future dislike, we must not do previously. See the -fr ^ Tae hak. .■•'i■.i^ \ii /jfla-i: ■'t "^ Cheen Cheen Cheen Chee'^S Vulg. chei^ : money, cash : Chwan cheen Bffi *^ Chan chei^S,Xo get money : tong cheen ^^ ^S tdng che&'"S^ copper cash, pice. Also, a surname. Te teung ho yeep, teep ch'heng chedn y{b Ip '^pT ife ^ pq wg ChAn k'hwut a teung h6 letn d hSBh, tgep ch'hafS cheS'"^, the leaves of the water lily in the midst of the, pool, look like So much green' money. The name bf a .star: che6n chijuk hi IIS ^^> ^ '"*'* ^°'^ longevity, ad- • ^ .-J^-J dressed to, females . (..,,. .,,,,-i -,..:■. ■■ .,■ .,.,;|,,n Base, mean, lowly ; liiy cheen "Tx l ^ vulgar. I. rPtn-ei sh/l^ 5^ ^ hoiy chee"S, a fire arrow. Kong yim soo chi^en yf" Vs lW ^^ kong yim chun a chei"^, time ' flies like W] ? an arrow. Chee''- itvMD Read che^n : money, cash : bo6 chedn 4lH: /S^ b6 chei"^, no money. Till VSi > ' ' Yea l6ng wuy che£a, che choo yed"S tdng chd chei^S, chi choo Chew Vidou k'hi, the regulation for melting copper in order ■ ,U> piake money, began with the. Chew dynasty. '''^■■■'i_^'''^o draV "anything outj '^s 'ifit^: ^ Chee'^^JpS '•'■^^"^ ^'o ^ ^1 , to 'ead, to >j^ "^ draw. CHEET 71 CHEET ^ Cheep D^^' Vulg. cheik: to receive, to connect. Ke kaou yea e to, k£ cheep yea ^^ ifej i^ tia " ^^ **" *"^ cheabu to li, , « dy sea cAeep cheiou lit/ >oi, intimacies accord- ing to virtue, and associations consistent with propriety. See the "Tv ]2? Hay beng. Chiiep i6w yim "*»? ^^ "^ '0J >^ , «» c**«l?: ch'hiw lint' cMy, to descend by holding each other's hands, ill order to drink water. ' ' Cheep y Cheep Cheep Cheet xsAl ti ^ ^ Gravy, juice, liquid : Theen s£ e jP f cheiou si I8h rh'eep, heaven at pro- per seasons sends down its juice, (that is rain). Ktiung tcung p^ k'hwiin, siiy cheep put t'hong '^^^Wi^ W A> M . "'""^ '"""^ pe k'hwiin Icip kabu rhliy rh'eep bit/ t'hoitg, Ihey were so straightened in the palace,- that the .least drop oT liauid could not find a thorough- fare. .. . ...... ..,i , ...,./,■( aV— The eye lashes : b£ cheep che kan A^^ lashes. Going out aslant ; also, sharp, pro- fitable, convenient. .! .'.■•« A- # Cheet Cheet Vulg. ctifiht to break, to break off: aou cheet Jj^ ifr ^ to twist off. WQv ti-ang chc& chi-ct che ^ ^ ^ ■J'f W "'"^ '* '""^ •' '■*''*"' ''<■<•" P'"'^'' off the branch ofa iree for a superior. Sec ♦he _t ^ Si-ang beng. To cut, 1p carve : cheet h6ng x^ to join a scant. Star-light, the ligtit '«Tithe sUrs.' i") luxe 'jw Cheet Cheet Cheet Cheet Cheet Cheet blubber. ^To turn Ippsy-turvy; to leap, to jump, to , hop. . A comb, to comb: kw°akwunso6 pe choo se kin cheet ^^ ^ w kwun wno sak gwa li &y cha boe f^n d .vf kin rheel, my prince has sent me thine handmaid, to wait upon your towel and comb. Said by ^& ^ H^ii^'eng, to her husband, when she went to be married. Sec the j^ j^ Cho twin. Chun chijet jSt ^ ^ rhiin chal, to ' te '^iireful and ecotiomical. Bright, clear. fo 7i«rf ii!T A river in the sou of China. derived. from which the name of the pri>-» ' An insignia or teal of office, given J -^ by the sovereign, to ensure the coo- . Ill lA V I fidencc of the people in the of- ficer appointed. ^^15^^ A section, a verse i teuk cheet y-j" pill ^ lek fkal, a knoy or joint in ^* f^ a bamboo t no6 cheet vH- gn, a ch;qU9 cut through the middli'. to establiMi confidence between two parties. Tck che, h«ng hoe TiJung-kok, jeak hap ho.". ^^ tit mh Hm cM, ki'd li Tttms-Kok, VA'Wb ehio^S hap hod chiet, obtainint; one's aim, we may travel through the whole of China (and iSnd all agreeing with us), like thf correspond- ence of the two sides of a clieque. CHEET 72 CHEK Cheet Cheet i heet Cheet Cheet tf Cheet Cbiin cheet yp 'gn cAtin cAa(, economical, keeping within bounds. _,» i-i'ii' ■ To overcome, to obtain a victory, to send news of a victory ; also diligent, quick, accompHshed. Ch6y ho6 Ia6 he^n cheet ^ -^ ^^\M> the prince of the Chfiy country came and offered up the news of his victory. See the Tt" {S. Cho twan. Yit gwat sam cheet — H ^ J^ > cftit goii/h jil g"a kwAy lit ye^A, to obtain three victories in one month. See the A-y 5ffi Seauu a;nay. Cheng hoo cheet cheet ^ ^ :^ i# ^ to carry on the war with vigour. Cheet cfiod -^ f^ cheet a, a fe- male office, first introduced in the time of the Han dynasty : also ' cheet. written The hair of the eye-Iaihes. •ti4> Rapid, quick. A fan ; in the east ijb is called cheet, and in the west se^n S sed''^- Bo6-6ng se chok cheet ^T ^ "ka ^ fl» ^""'^"S '^'^^ I'hadu chd aei'V, Bod- fing was the first who made fans. Cheet twan ^ ^ ^ •« toot"S, to break off. Cheet ch6 ^ {]• to stop. Cheet \6^ ^Ml^ at Uw , tedou, to break off willow branches. , Cheet Cheet r^ A kind of crab. lUitlu ,v..„^, I ,,„ I'.. n,ll „ , . .Al I. A lofty hill, a high mountain. Cheet Cheet Chek Chek Chek Chek Chek Verbose, talkative; many words. To obtain in succession, to make progress from one to another. Le6n chSet sam gwSn ^ ^ H TC. seo swi leang ("a gwdriy to obtain in succes- sion the three highest literary prizes. • ^ ,^1^ To reprove, to- blatne; to seek, to ■^"^S^^ expect; to sustain an office, or E^^ burden. Beng ke t'heen t'ho, yew lek kwuy chek f|^ '!& ^H^'lf ^ ^, openly ( in the upper world ) afraid of Hea- ven's judgments,, and secretly ( in the lower world) apprehensive of the devil's torments. Chek hwat yew choey ^ ^ 7& |^, chek hwut v>od choey, to punish the guilty. Y6w g4n chek chea, put tek k6 gftn chek k'he kong tea chek Jin 6.y l&ng, H^ til Vhe^a e iy wa chew k'hd, those who are entrusted with, the office of admonishurs, when their advice is not attended to, should quit their situations. » Merit ; meritorious work. . ^^_ Vulg. cheSk-: to borrow ; also, if, ■^^T^ supposing. Chek wat be te» ek ke I ^ p'haSu choo {§ Pj. tI^ ^P. ^ gSj iw -f-, ch'hin cheol'S king yed biiey chae, yed woo, p'hd siy ke"d, if you say that you know nothing about the family, bow is it that you are nursing their children > See the =^ j^ Se keng. ^ The blade of grass. m Small. chekj ts CHEK Chek Chek Chek Cliek Chek Chek Chek >. -i^ To spin : hdng chek ^ ^ ^ p'hdng 2^C| chai/h, to spin thread; also, merit. •fj^^ Kong-hoo-bfln-pek che boe chek ^ ^ X. fl^ /i ^' ^' ^'>*'S-f'oo-Mn.p&sh ay neS''^ Uy p'hdng chiyh, Kong-boo-buop&yb's mother was spinning thread. To accumulate, to collect, to heap up together, to hoard up. Chek seeou e ko tae ^ /j> 171 ipj ^, chek s^y i che^A kvs&n twa, to accumulate little things till they become lofty and large. Chek tek luy kong ^ |4' ;^ Si!/ , *o accu- mulate virtucj and pile up merit. To advance ; the appearance of sharpness. >^i A sleeping mat ; hwi j& wao, tae hoor^echeke^ jfj^^-^^ ^ ^ (jl ^ Aira Ul, far* rif, /c"d, se tae hoo it/ ch'heSh, so flowered and elegant ! this is surely the mat of a great officer. Sec the II $t ^'^ ''- * « l.rt The ooise of crying- aloud. The kerchief wilh which the hair is tied, to keep it in itn place. ^^.^^ hsLTge (tones in the middle of a yflv^"* pond i also, a name for the desert \^\ of Swabok Jt|; ^ ^ Sba-m8h. Kim kwun toe .say chek, luy gwat twin jin yeen ("a It kSij/ »ay chek, kwiy giUj/h jit 1001"^ Idvg hwun, now you have undertaken to cross the desert, for months together you will find HO smoke of human habitations. Chek Chek Chek Chek Chek Chek Deep and confused ;, song jin yew 6 kedn t'heen hay . che che chek ' , sing jin woo ey k'hw''i /.ei"^ l'hee"S hay ehi ch'him, a sage can look into the most deep and confused things in the world. See the M rekh keng. A trace, a foot-step ; ko^'cbek. "X antiquities. Chek ^ Cheuk chek R jA^ A-'Aa cheSh, foot- ^ steps; T'hae-6ng Icaou ke ong chek. 'MBi^^^'^.T'hai.Sng ehi t'hiou ch'hdag ke 6ag iy ckeih, Thae-dng first laid the foundation of the traces of roy- alty (in bis family.) A foot-step, a track ; ke tin ma chek s6y put keng che tey S ^ BE bAy cheik tit/ bt keng Ay tiy, lands where the dust of carriages and the foot-steps of horses have never been known. To tread, to jump; also, the sole of the foot. PTo come to, to arrive at ; then ; chek kirn ^|J ^ now; chek i6 in [J.i ^ leem pee"S, immediately; chek »e pP ^^ that is. — Also written 6n chek. Seen jin kiou bin, ch hit leCn ek k'h6 t chek WtX%>''° '^"^ *** ^•''* "'"^> '^*'A'' "^^"^ yea Chang kabu tio t'hai, when a. clever man teaches the people, in seven years they can be fit for war. See the "T^ ||^ Hay iQn. The noise of many voices, the hum- ming of insects. CHEK 74 CHEK Chek iP To dislike, to be paiaed with; the snuff of a caadle. Tim chek ch'him dwat t'heen hgng j^ §|J ^ =# ^ yfy J gwd ch'h&yh sai p'huii dt/ wd Vhein ■chwat Ay siy ke"d, I dislike slanderous words and Tuinous actions^— said b; the the Emperor SQn. Chek m Vulg. chat : the name of a fish : seen chek gin se Vhody mi. filjl .aChin ched"S gjn swid pkyh In/ bSh, the raw ^esh flf the cluit iish is white like silver thread. €hek Chek Chek Chek The same as the preceding-; vnlg. dhi't ■ht. A kind of grain, like millet, but smaller; lioe chek ]^ 5^ ^ the name of .an officer who ^presided ^ver the grain. 3 the gods «f''the land and Se4 chek jjrf| grain. - ^^^ Oblique: iMk grim FfT 'g Ch&ifh ;a i/im, an oblique sound ; the Chinese .have four tones, viz. peng, seang, k'he, jip ^ _t ^ X» P«*"^' ''**""^' ft'A^.i*. the even, ascending, departing, and contracted or entering tones; these are again multiplied, by dividing each of them into upper and lower, thus making seven or eight. But the general division of them is into p?ng ZE pai"^, and chek JK, ch&yK, even and oblique, according to which their versesare regulated. Hence they «ay, €h6 se pit te pfing chek yira ^j^ ^ )i]^ ^^ ^^ , cU se pit teSh chae pai"S chSyh yim, in making verses it is necessary to be acquainted with the even and oblique sounds. I ^> The sun declining toward the west. ^T J't chek jS ch'he g ^j^YJj. A^. jit C'ita6u"i $ae chew c)us"& ch'he, Chek Chek Chek Chek when the sun declined to the west, the mar- ket was held. See the H ^ Chew ley. Chek Chek Chek ^^T^ To urge, to incite, to bring into straits. Cfiek Narrow, contracted : lee chek | loe ayh, the road is narrow . ■% Single, alone : yit chek — "^ chit cheHh, one, one of anything H6ng Un eng 4:hek ^^ ^ ^ hing tw"a ye"d eheHh, a single form and a lonely shadow. Said of an only son, without brethren. A dead ghost. White rice. A small step 4 to walk with a short st^; to sit with the legs crossed •one over the other. ^ A rule, a law, an example; then. Pill After that. G4n j6 se wfly t'hijen JtJ h-aychekf-flTjf:^5!^-|t B|J kdng ji tey fey cho t'hee^S hay hwat chek, if he speaks ( as a sage ) a man becomes for ages an example to the Empire. See the tb ^ Teung yftng. Wan che chek yew bong, kin che chek put Attiat"*" iy Ung chew woo bang Uit, kin dy Idng yedb6 yBim Ian, ( wheii we act properly) ttiose who are at a distance witi look towards us, and those viSio are near wDl not dislike us. 7^ Head seuk;: aa uncle, a father'* brother. Chew-kong nae Sfing-6ng che seuk ho« yea S] /#^ Jh kK' CHEK n CHENG Chek Chek Chek Chek Chek Chek Chek Chek 3E /2l ^ ^ iE ^ C*«B-A:(mff K S6ng-6ns &y cheh pay, Chew-kong was tbe uncle of S£ng-dng, ^ agA Read cbeak: a candle: lap cheuk ^f>^Sl kong hwuy, bod bS pat cheiou m chek kwm"S kieut/, bd chit lit/ siy tiy «"* chei bing, by the brightness of a candle, there is nothing so minute but what it may be illumined. Still, quiet, tranquil, retired, inactive, ■ l *y motionless. Chek je£n put tong ^^^^ ^^"^ %h '**'« '^^ ** ''■"^*'^ still and anmoved. ^ M far from flie oDrse «f men. The appearance of4ofty hills^ k'hae been bong ch'hftm chek RM $7" ^ •ui"a Arwdn kw&n, on opening the school, we see the lofty hiiii afar off. Oe chek oc dutl, the name of a fish, called also, bek chek iiiV'^Nl IJjjh f,'„ic ch'hat, the cuttle fish. LSng chek ^^ ^^ all in confusion. J^^ "JL"- '^ book, a register, a record ; tiien fT*^ chek JfflL ^ ^ «n historical record. 'Iml A surname. Choo hoe oi ke bae k6 yea, jfi kae k'be k£ j;£ ^g. fjiofl ho£ win e Ay hae ka IS, ji chi poS t'kel; kak e it/ cfc'Wyft, the princes of the Empire were displeased that the history reflected ea themselves, and therefore did away with the records. See the ~T» ■^ Hay beng Vulg. ^Khal, a thief, a robber, an injurious person; to injure.' Cbek je hong k'hc m Cheng cVhat ch'hin cheo"S p-hang k'hi, thieves sprunj: np as thick as bees. Chek jln chea wuy che chek ^ "t. ^ fS he who injures benevolence is called an in- jurious person. Then, how; Ihe sign of the past tense-, a surname: cheng sun ■^ Chens Cheng Pf "U^^ a great-grandson. Cheng se c wuy hiou hoe 'W' -^ 0/ ^ 'y ^r" , cheng an ney ehiw king k'eb woo hiou, how can this alone be considered filial piety ? S«e the J: 1^ Seing lun. \^ GoC i cho6 wDy e che bQn, cheng "yIw i K*W Che bun ^J^:^!^^^^^^ J^ 3ijt ^ ^ , gTtfl le'ih cM) li woo kSh yco"^ Ay mooVS^ ckeng se Ytw kap Ktw dy moai"^, I thought you would propose some rare ques- tion, how is it that you have only askrd about Yfiw and K^w. Cheng fcein kt jln, be sit k* bfng '®" H ^ A. 7^ 1^ ^ ^ ,*"' ^-A-'ae^^Mn^. hdly bat e Sy me'd, I have see* the man but 4o Bot know his name. f^ ^ A priest of Budhs, a monk, a re- VHf close. Se win cheng la£ seaoo, pl keiougwily k'hek kohe^ci^'l^ ^ ^>\ ^ t ^ ii Ifti . ^"' *«""-"^ >^'' aeo'V lai ched, ked gwiiy lAng k'hayh hin kiey, when the temple is afar off, few priests come to \l\ and when the bridge is dangerous, tra- vellers seldom go over it. To increase, to add to : kay cheng yjP j&, to increase more and more. Hoc k'hoi nbij cheng B FJ SS J^ ^ moot"f iy Uott chhiy lak ««<"«" k'hSh ehiy, the inhabitants of each dwelling increase year by year. GHENG 7^ CHENG Cheng § Chen' Chen To hate, to abhor; cheng oe ^ ^, to abominate. G6 jlii e k'hoe kip, luy Cheng 6 jin. ^§ \ \^ \} #V M t^ >5f^ A , *''"'P '^^* ^^"S * ch'hiii/ &y wa, lak pad hoe ling cheng hwun, attack- ing people in conversation,,, yp frequently be- come haled by them. See the J^. |^ ^**"S '""• !!!■.■■ % A-^^ The general name of silk and cloth, T^xEr Ch'he-yang hwan cheng chea yea 1/dvg woo Idng bdy hay cheng, at Ch*lu--va!ig people trade in cloth. To tie a string on a bow. < lieng .. ^B^ff^ A fishing net, a cast net. _ A tarset, or bull's eye, used as a Chenff 1 1^ mark for shooting at. Kwun cho6 "^**^ sit choo cheng gok, hwan k6w choo kfisin ^:|.^^ jE ^J)C ^ H ^ jQ* *iiiu» choo dy Idng ait e iy cheng gok, chew hwan tSh tooi"S kiio te e fdn sin, the good man, when he misses the centre of the target, turns and reflects upon himself. See the ^ f^ Teung yflng. Cheng gwat j£ H ^ che"a gaiyh, the first month of the year. Cheng 4j£ Hasty walking ; afraid. Cheng To travel towards, to punish, to set to rights, to take. Cheng chea seang hwat hay yea, tek kok put seang cheng yea ^ ^ J^ -(j^ "f^ {]j |5t ^ PT* is tlE "ife cJieng se , li too hwat si liy, tek kok b6 seo cheng ySa, "correction" is when a superior state corrects an inferior; equal states contending together, are not said to cor- rect one another. Seethe fa fff Teung yflng. : ^wau ke j6 put cheng §| |i^ fffj ;^ ^J , i fS kwan ai ke cKhat Ung jin, ji t6 VhSyh mei"h, at the passes of a country, examine (travellers), but do not take duties from them. See ^ -^ Beng-choo. Cheng The same as the above. Cheng A kind of gong, or copper instru- ment of music. Se t'hofi ch'hay jit k-hwa long cheng j^i^ ^^ j^ Q \^ i® SlE cKhew t'haou te k'he ch'hay ch'hul jit ch'hiu chea^S Idng 16, the rising gun looks like a brass gong hung up on the top of the trees. Cheng Cheng To view alone, to contemplate. Correct, modest, chaste, firm ; cheng le Ig -h' chin cheet dy cha boe ke^d, a virgiu, a modest young Cheng Cheng Cheng Kwun choo cheng j£ pot leang •© 3. ^ fin ^ ts^ > '"""'' '''""' '^''™^ '''■ j^ *" *^* *^"' the good man is generally upright, without attending to the smaller points of sincerity. > t To ask, to make enquiry, to spy : j|^3 y6w Cheng ijj|: fg , a spy. % %^ The name of a tree : le cheng -th ^^Pl ■^ , *" evergreen ; planks used in l^ "S building mud walls, which are bound together, and the earth is then beaten in between them. ,^ fc. Cheng seing jja jjHp^ lucky omens, TK PI fortunate emblems. Kok kay cheang /fj^*^ hin, pit yew cheng se^ng CHENG 77 CHENG Cheng Ami k'hi^ pit woo eheng sedng, when a country is about to rise into celebrity, there will certainly be favourable omens. See the a> ^' Teung yflng. - I** To wrangle, to strive, to contend; siJang cheog tH ^^ tio chaf^, to quarrel. Soo cheng liSng fi leiuu, seang cheng le t ch'he ch'hdi/h ling chai''S vie''& te"a U ledou, chd teng li ling chai'f^ li tt ch'hi, the scholar strives for fame at court, and the merchant struggles after gain in ibe market. See the ^ =P Su6 k6. ^ Cheng C'heng Cheng Cheng steep, lofty, difficult of ascent A kind of guitar, with twelve or thirteen (trings. The pupil of the eye; hong cheng chei to sew -^ ^'^ ^ ^ ^, bak eheng li kak Ag lAng 11"^ hSiy tern, those who have square pupils in their eyes will live long. Said by ^.^ ^A Kwan-lok. J ,-ty Cheng tfing $*^ 1^^ the dragon-Oy, U' yrx an insect with four wing* and six r^J f«"l- Cheng tCiigtcera s(ky, hwun .eep s,m h.,„g ^^ ^ ,¥^, yj^ )^^| ^ f ^^ ch'iAu ai"f! tiim li ekAg, Mtg ygih cKhiiey kwa p'hatig, the dragon-fly dips in the water, and the painted butterfly seeks the flowers. Cheng « The appearance of falnew. Cheng |Y> E^ 'h*' can keep down Ike calamity rJ*'^ of Cheng 1^ Chens fire To beat, to thump, to pouu^. Cheng kira koe, ch'hiiey bfing nae iK /4^ M PJC ".I ^ , p'*"'' ^■•■'" '"•p '"''• ch'hiiey biag &y nae, to beat the gongs and drums, and blow the sounding pipe. fPf Clear brightness: siiy cheng Tf^ ^a, ^l^f ehUy chet^S, a crystal. %_ > _ A flag, with feathers stuck in at the Chen"* ffn* ^"P °^ "'^ ^^^- Cheaou tie hoo " M^ * ^heng \^:k^ W J^.'**' tae hoo t cheng, a great officer must be sum-' moned by a cheng flag. See ^U[ -3^ Beng-choo. % _ %-, Correct, good, pure, small, rainuir, Chenff TK^rt* *"'>''«. fine. Ge cheng, jiii scuk, -^ |>J jfi bflo yit hO soo 6 ^ ^. 'fn %. ^\% - €• f-A 1 > ^' ^*-^- >'- -*■ jt U chit hi ijf lae Whea Ay i, correct in righteousness and accustomed to bencvoleocc. without a single atom of sinister intention. Cheng Chen C/iemr Read cheung: to pound in a mortar. C'hi-ung be ^S yk^ theng bt, to pound rice. Cheung kew %| iC^,' cheng kou, a mortar. A cup: chew cheng j^ cup or glass. a wine J Read chijung: » beJI : cjieung b^ng' Oak >iu, gak >in, cheung ko6 yin hoe chac ij ^. % ^._ li IJ: ^ f- ^'' Un^ king chok gak, chok gak, k'ham te cheng ko* an nty king chte, people talk of HMtMc, and of music; as if bells and drums cuoalituted muiic See the ~|V ^ Hiy iBn. Cheng # Vulg. ffcaf"^: # well: a surname. Ch£ng teing yew l£ Jt; J- %T ^^, chai "^ ting woo U i, there was a pliiio tree over the well. CHENG 78 CHEx\G P'h8 jeak kwut cheng, kwut cheng k6w jim, j6 put kip chw4n, yew wOy k'b6 cheng yea' kwut chains kaou jim, na b6 kip chvi^i., ytw wHjf Vhek kak ckai"^, like as in digging a well, if having dug nine rods deep> without coming to the spring, you cease your labour, you must give up the well. See the ~|-« "jJT Hay beng. Jl^ >U. To adjust, to regulate, to adorn, Chetlff ^jiig^^" '" P"' ""y thing to righls. Sew _ 1 -» cheng ji^ ^, to repair and beau- tify : ch6y cheng ^ ^ , to adjust. Kwa le€ii put lap le, le hay put cheng kwan cWhAn bd payh Ay, li ay bS ching kin, in a field of melons, do not pull up your shoes; and when going under a plum tree, do not adjust your headdress: — (lest you should be suspected of stealing the melons or plums). (^heng Cheng Cheng Cheng Cheng A convulsive motioa of the skin and muscles. The appearance of the rising sun. Read chedng: to swell: keak che^ng ffiSi BS k'ha ching, a swelling of the legs; teang cheiing U^ nS ted"S ch6ng, swollen. Read cheung: a seed; cheung choo tp -4- rhirrg cht, a single seed . Sip che6ng choo -|- ^f ^ chap ching a, a term of abuse. ^0^^ Correct, straight, right: cheng keng \ 1^ j£ ^^ honest, upright. Cheng tit ^^*^^^ jF Ifl '^^'"' '''> straight-forward, blunts p«ng ch^ng ^ J£ ^ pai"? cAe"d, j ust. Choo sut e cb^ng, seuk kam put ch^ng ^ ^it) 1?I iF. iL 1^ ^ IE , '^ ^*'*»'^ "^"s i ehe"A to, che chmuy k"i a'" che"&, if you lead people on by correct principles, who will dare to be incorrect. See the 1> gSj Hiy lun. _ » To regulate, to rectify, to govern : Cheng iT^f *^''^"S *°» 5^ ^ > government, WyT^k^ politics. Cheng chea, cheng yek, s6y i cheng jtn che put cheng yea ]^ ^ jg^ chew si che"i, siy e che"& Idng dy u"" che"A, to regulate means to put to rights, — that by which we set right people's wrongs. Said by ^v; ^ Cboo-choo. ^^^.^k Read cheung: to plant, to sow. Cheng y^S C''^""S ''"^ •''^''"" fl tf^ %, > I _' I '^ ching hoi ch'eo, to plant pepper; cheung tek |.^ /^ y ching tek, to plant virtue. Cheng Chen£ ^l-^A Read chSen: a mat: kaou cheen 5i,-> iS ka ching, a thick mat or mattress, made of straw bound fast together, and used foe sleeping on A» The feefiBgs, the passions; ch*fait chfing n 't '1^ ''"^ seven passions; jin cheng j^ '[§, kindness; chSng If reason, reasonable. Chen" He, noe, ac, lok, be hwat, wuy seng, — hwat, chek wuy che ch6ng g ^ :^ ^ ^ ^. f^ i% #. W\ t% Z f#, *«-"« «. -" *'«. ae ch'hdm, Vh'e&ng lok, yed boey htvat, kong kei $ai''S,—hwat leaou, chew king kedt ching, joy, anger, grief, and pleasure, before they are displayed, are called nature; when displayed, they arc denominated pa| ^ long, jiii chea chi-ng ^[1 -J^ ^^ ■y* 7(^ w^ teou /e 4y Mng- Wn ling, woo Jin &y Ung ching ching, men of knowledge are active, but men of benevolence still. See the _Jr =m Seaug iQn. Chck chEng Che ch'hi ^ |^ J^ [^ , *e»S* cA£>rg Ay wBy, a. still, quiet place. ^ •^ An earthen pot to boil rice in: e Cheng Wff ho6ch5ngch'hwin|r][^^^, ^■•*\^ nd | cheng put k'ho so^y jj^ jg. ^ Pf ^ ^ iei* ijy cAiJj^ ch'heng khe, i™ I'Aa;,^ y*o"^jf na'a, the waters of the Leuk are clear, and must not be defiled by spittle. Cheni tl Cheng ^^ C/te«ff To adorn ; clear,. To reprover koe chea, kwun y«w cheng sin, boo y6w cheng cbo6. ft^ -J" , *<' che''^ giep, a farm: chong kay ^t ^, c**"*" kay, a farmer. Alaov a lurname. CHE^^ 80 CHEO Che»S Che^S Che^S ^ ^ Read chongi an ornament, a head- }\Ji* dress; to adorn. Chong sek jj^ jfc* d^ ^ sey chef's, a toilette. Put I'hae chong chfeng, choo jefin y^ou t'heaou I'hae che"S ching, choo fein ya6u t'heaou, with- out waiting for the aid of the toilette, she is naturally handsome. Read chong: bribes received by in- ferior officers-, stolen goods. Tuy chong^ll,'"^^''-''^.*" -'''=»' for stolen goods. Read chong: goods? chong h^o ^ 'f^ cft«"ff hoiy, liaggage, stores. O'ng lag che jin, sok chong chew 4y Ung pak chc^S chew ke"d loc, passengers travelling to and fro, pack up their luggage, and set out in the way. Che^S ^ Read chong: a farrai te6n chong Y^ r^, ch'Mn che^^, a farming estate. Ha6 chong f^ J^,Ay chef's, a shoe warehouse. Gwan hoe se seng chae ti;6n chong ^ ^ & ii ^ ffl )i ^ ff»5" «5a s^ 'ai"S twa It ch-hdn che"S, I desire in the next birth to be horn in some farm-house :— Said by a sove- reign, when about to be killed. Che M ^ K6 chong J^ ^, ko che"^. an in- dictment, an accusation. T'heen hay l)6o to, jin bin b6o k'ho ko fhee'^S ay bo to Ay si. King payh sai"S bo ta ^h Chang Ub che"=, when the Empire is without the right way, the people have no where to go and prefer theij indictments. Cheo Cheo Cheu Cheo Ch^u ts Cheo Read chong: a warehouse ; ho6 chong Igy '^•'>»°S he fl^ g^ ^ jf , hoi che^ |£^^U k'hang k'hang, the treasury and store-house empty. JJ^p-m, Read chong : the viscera, the bowels : hgh Jlny6wgn6ech5ng y^ ;:^2.H, ')r^^ l&ng woo goe che"S, people have five viscera. Read cheaou : to call, to beckon by the hand, to assemble. Be kam chek cheaou, seen se hong bQn yjC^ TOT cheo, tag seng sed p'hay fhdm t'he''a, I do not dare directly to call you, but first write a letter to make enquiry. Read cheaou : a plantain : cheaou choo kay ^ '(^ |ij ^ cheo a kay, A ^V^ ^^^ plantain street. ^ Read se&ou: few, not many, scarce. 1^1 » Koe jjn b66y cheung, kok ch'hut ^^r siiaou h6 e chey g" K <^ i^^ ching, kok ch'hut cheo cheo i chiy, the ancients, from every kind of grain, used to take a lit- tle of each, to sacrifice it (to the manes of those who, first invented food), 9 -, Read cheaou < to reflect, to illumine. ^jL jit chiJaou ban hong ^ BS |^ '^y VYV^ jh Cha6u eh'eb che"d bin h^, the sun illumines myriads of places. Read cheaou < a sacrifice, a religious procession. Chd cheaou k£ hok # > V> # ii Wi Wi > "*" '^^ "*'" '"" k'hi, to perform a sacrifice in order to seek haj)piness. ^ Read cheaou : to eat, to gnaw. 4^fr% Chedh ^ Chedh f % A foundation. Wfly ke sit, pit-seen Chedh +^ lip ke che«h ^ g ^,ji, ^ ^i^^^ AT. ^ ^ , '■*" '"'" 'A'*""' P'' 'eOh tae seng k'hea ke cheilh, in mailing a great house, we must first lay a good foundation. chedh Liy cheSh ^ |^ , the handle of a ^5*" plough. Chedh ^ Cheo''e Read >ek: a stone ; a measure of ten peeks ; a surname. Kim boo san, yit kwdn sek cbe to '^ ^ Ml eheSh iy chit/, now a hill is nothing more than a heap of stones. See the fn Iflf Tcung yQng. Read cheang: a chapter, a section; a surname. BQu cheang "^ ^ bUn chio"^, literary composition. Song, Ong-an-sek, tcng chok bAa cheang, e pat pe wOy liit; the B6ng na6 6 bOn cheang se fhi-en h5y 8o5 tR 3E ^' ^ ^ ^ X ¥ p^ ^ T i ' ^'^"^ '"""' ^Van- cheSh te"a did l/fln chieo"^, t piyh koi chb lit ; chi kadu Bin^ ledou, ch'he"i i iHn cheo''S ch'hd CHEONG 81 Read chea: to borrow : na le chija tekch'h6obit^|]^|^-^^lt{, ^^ la ihh ey cheSh tit chey % meS"li, where can we borrow such a thing as this ? Ail. Sck h"© ij^ jf^ cheoh huey, to warm ^^'^^^ AO* one's-selfat the fire. Hfln lafi bo6 / W e, long sek h^o ^;^^-i^ tML -^ yi>* 'T* >llt ^y^m when the cold weather comes, if you have no clothes, you must warm yourself at the fire. 'TCTfr^ Read sek I to cut down. Sek se ^Tff ^y\ ^, CheSh ch'hew, to fell trees. Cheops Cheo'^S Cheops Cheops Cheops CHEONG k'hw^i t'hee^S Sy dy rAa!fc ch'hayh ling, dng- an-sek of the Song dynasty settled the form of literary compositions, and confined them to eight sections} till in the Bfing dynasty, literary compositions were used for trying and examining scholars, throughout the Empire. See the ^ ^ So6 lekk. Read cheang: the camphor tree. Read cheang: the name of a river, in the province of ^ '^k Hok- keen, which gave rise to the name of Cheang-chew i# tyA ^ Cheo^-chew, the department where the dialect of this dictionary is spoken. There is, also, Chcang-p'boe-h(;en ^ /^ J^, Cheo"S.p'kot-kwaH, the district of Chco"s-p'hoe. Read cheang : the name of a fish. Read cheang: starch, for stiffening clothes; 4m cheang >Q ^^ dm cheo"^, starch. r*4r tIt'S cheing: a surname. Che6»S , ^^>_ Read cheang: the palm. Sew cheang ^^P?"" ^ ^ , ch-hiw chU"^, the palm "■J"* of the hand. Ct gno sey yeuk vci, him cheang ek gno .Jy yeuk yi.4 ,a^ ^ 1^ ^|i J- g # flc m ^J^ ■©> *^ ^^ "1/ '^ J'"' *''" eheii'^S ged gtca liy ai yid, fish is a thing that I like,— a bear's palm is also what I like. See ^ Zt. Beng-cboo. Read cheing: an oar, Kd cheang Cheops 7T7J* j^ II, *■" '■*""^< t" P"'i- "■■ push over, the oar. '1 ednii sntnhHauj CHEUK 82 CHEUK Ched^ Ckedng P6 cheang M Jji^, po cheo"^, a mound, a fence. Tae s!n kok clie p6 cheang yea [/C S S ^ yh twS jin sin kok ty pi ched"^, a great minister is the defence of a country. Read cheang ; sauce or gravy. Toe cheang g^ ^S , taou ch'ed"^, a kind of ketchup made of pulse. Seen hoo cheang yung pek yew sip je yung Hi/ Idng yung ch'ed"S che"d p&yh kw& chap je Ang, the cook used one hundred and twelve jars of sauces. See the J^ |f Chew ley. CAed^S" Cheo ° Cheftng ch6 toad. ^^ ch^SngcU, a Read seang : to ascend ; up, at the top, upon, ahove, on. Seang tong kae, chek seen cho cheuk, seang sey kae chek seen yew cheuk Jl ^ |5^ cheo"S tang kay, chew tae seng to cVhew dy Wha, cheo^S sae kay chew tae seng che"it eh'hiw dy k'ha, when ascending the eastern stairs first set down the left foot; and when ascending the western stairs, first set down the right fool, Seethe|||£L6yke. •^^ Read yang: to itch. Chw4n sin chin M^^!t Mn sin ched"^ ledou ledou, the body itches all over. ^M^ SuiBcient, enough; the feet. Te fC cheuk ^0 ^^ to l>e content. ^^^^ Cheuk sit cheuk peng, bin sin che kaou peng, kwi piyh sai"S sin Idn, "asuflBci- ency of food, a sufficiency of weapons, and the confidence of the people;"— three things Cheuk Cheuk Cheuk Cheuk Cheuk Cheuk which a good governor will seek to obtain. See the T> =|^ Hay lun. Heng ley je sew cheuk, ch'hey choo soo e hok he"a le cKhin cheu"S k'ha cKhiw, boe ke"d ch'hin cheu''S s'^a k'hoi, elder and younger brethren are like one's legs and arms, but wives and children are only like one's apparel. To confide to, to entrust with; also, to assemble, to connect. Han 6ng che cheang, tok Han-sin k'ho cheuk 4^ ^ Hin ung dy chedng, tok Edn-sin Chang cheuk Vhok Iwd sod, of all the generals of the king of Han, Hin-sin alone could he entrusted with the great affairs of state. See the ^ |£ Soo ke. Nae cheuk k6 U 16, jS ko che J^ ^ ^ ^n "^ ffil "u y^ ""^ '^^'^ ^"^^ ^ ^^ '""" Idiig, ji kap e kong, he then assembled his elders, and informed them, &c. See the J^ ^[ Seang beng. An instrument used for stopping music. The name of an officer, presiding over the ancestorial temple. To entrust to the care of, Han Cheaou-leet ley cheuk koe e Choo-kat-boo-hofi J^ ^ f\\ ^ le'el tiy Vhok koe ke"d hoe Choo-kal-boo-hci, the Emperor Cheaou-leet of the Han dy- nasty entrusted his orphan child to Choo-kat- boo-hoS, A candle. Lap cheuk ^^ '^ ^ dh y^ft chek, a wax candle. Cheuk cheaou ^^ b6okeang^BS^ 15, cAaft ch'eo U k'eang, a caadle illumines all around. CHEUNG 83 CHEUNG Cheuk Cheuk Cheuk Cheuk Cheuk Cheung MiJSy chijuk Cff V^ , om mot]/, congee, rice water. Ch'hwat cheuk, been ch'hira hek, chek wuy cKhoiyh am moiy, bin cKhim oe, chek vsuy j& k'haou, " drinking watery gruel, and with a face as black as ink, he approached the throne and wept." This was the conduct of a filial SOD, on the death of his royal iather. See the J^, ^ Seang beng. y yi f l ^ '^^'^ noise made in calling fowls: cheuk key 5j5 |& ^ koe key, to chuck like fowls. Boils and blains, on the hands and feet. To bless, to feliciUte, to wish well to, to pray for blessings on. A surname. Cheuk sew jK? ^^ to wish one long life. Cheuk sea ^^, *° thank. The belt, tied on the outside of a garment I a girdle. Read seuk -. an uncle, a father's younger brother. To collect » a. cup, a certain mea- sure; a surname. Chew chiiung Y@ ^^ '^''^'^ cAeng- i, a wine cup^ Ban cbcuDg 6 gno h6 kay yeen ^ ^ Jj^ ^ 1^ j/ifl ^ y *"" '^''^""S ^y ck'hek te gvd wou s"a mce"h kay, what would ten thousand measures of grain add to me ? See jS -jp Bcng-cho6. Vulg. Cheng: a bell. Y&ou cheung Cheung 16 1^ ^ ' * double sur. name. Cheung Cheun Sin cheung, boe koe, feng jia beng seng Cheng, mat "S hiiiui"^ dj/ koe, ling ling ling sing, the morning bell, and the evening drum, are to make people alert and watchful. Cheung kew ^j Q cheng koo, a pestle and mortar. Vulg. Cheng: to pound, to beat? Cheung be ^ ;^ ^ cheng bt, to beat out rice. Stupid, foolish : Ac-koog wat, kw"4 Cheung ^/^^ jin cheung ge :^ -J^ Q, ^ *Vli> A ^ J^, , Ae-kong Long, g-ud wou Cheung gai, Ae-kong said, 1 am stupid and foolish. Cheung: Cheun Cheun A kind ef insect The end, the issue, the termination ; final. A surname. But yew pun •J* <^ bwat, soo y6w chiiung sc qhl /BT /^ ^. ^ ^ q?V >(& ' ""*"* woS pUn bwat, too Kod k'h6 I'hauu ticih bii^y, things have their origin and termination ; affairs have a beginning and an end. To scrape anything. Cheung Cheun Vulg. c**nff; the seed of anything; offspring. Chi:6ng chijung ^ ^^, short hair, Gnoc kok chea, chiiung chc be chiia yija chew Mi ching &y siy, the five kinds of grain are«the best of aH seeds. The heel of the foott to tread with the heel; to cut off*. Cheung bQu jC ko BQn-kong ^ f^ [^ CHEUNG 84 ■^ ^ ^ ' Ar'Aa tkh moof*S jS kap Blln-kong king, treading on the threshold, they informed Ban-kong-, &c. See ^ ^ Beng-choo. Cheung Cheung Cheung Tekng cheung E^ ^^ ^ iW^S cUng, to be swollen, Keak cheung ffl^ |5 > '^'''" '^''*"^' a swelling of the legs. All, the whole, many : cheihigjtn ^ A chetng l&ng, all people. Kw^a kod put k'ho e tek cheung IIl;T^'^l^i:fo chUko^l-eytUy tek chet/, the few certainly cannot contend ■with the many. Hwan ae cheung j6 ch'hin jin ^ ^ ^ rfn ^ f-^ > '""^" °^ f 'leing' l&ngt 3^ ch'hin kin woo Jin &y Idng, generally kind to all, but intimate with the virtuous. See the Jq Seang lun. Also written ^ chiiung. Cheung Cheung Ledng cheung TCE not meet with. to seek and Cheung To plant, to sow, cheung ch'hae vegetables. Sfn-I6ng kaou bin cheung gnoe kok |p ^ ^^ ^ @ -S, ^ ;, Sin-lSng k& bin ching gnoe kok, Sin-16ng taught the people to plant the five kinds of grain. ^%% To follow, to comply with; from, ^^^ out of. A surname. Also written in. iJi cheung. Yin cheung leQng, hong cheQng hoe ^ ^ SB ISf >J'Jh jn* > f''"^^" ''''^" iedng, hong fkdn hoe, clouds follow the dragon, and wind the tiger. See the^ 0_ ruh keng. -TV Cheung * Chew Chew Chew Chew Chew CHEW ^ J. «^ To follow behind, to accompany ; ^iy» ChiJung gno chea, k6 Y6w e ^ •^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , "^^ S-*^"^ ^^ /(}»§■, e fc"a ae Yivo e, he that accomp'anies me, will it not be Y6w? See the J;^ |^ Seang lun. P ^ A boat, a vessel : chewkesey che - jTi - ^ ^ pjt M> '^*'^" ^^ '^'''''^'' / >J s^^ A-aiu d^ tt'Cy, wherever boats or carriages have travelled. See the tp !^ Teung yflng. P'hitma yaOu tS ch'heen le tey, k'heng chew h ko ban teflng san ^ ^ ^ g^ ^ ^ Jay p'haou chaou ch'heng le &y ley, k'hin k'kin Ay chUn i kiidy ban leUng dy 8w"a, with one horse we have gallopped over a thousand miles of country, and with a light boat we have sailed past ten thousand ranges of hills. > • To cover over, to conceal, to hide : /UL sQy chew 6 be || 'fl ^ || , ,|/ -^f che chuy pey gwd dy ho, who will conceal my excellencies. See the ^ ^ Kok hong. Garrulous, many words; to speak much. The axle or cross-bar, in front of a carriage ; sometimes put for a carriage, fing-k'hoseuk heep chew, 6 choe f^^ ^^^ U^, ^'"S-k'ho-seuk gnSyh ch'hea, e ke"d, Eng-k'ho-si-uk took the carriage under his arm, and walked away with it. See the ^ \^. Cho twan. ^ A flock of little birds, chirping to Ji Wine, fermented liquor. Sit chiw to drink wme. at tek chok chew ^ ^ i^ iP , ir« '** ^y htean ehi chiw, the north-western foreign- ers first invented wine. E' od che ch6w, j« h"6 sc£n gin ^ ^ Q S ffii iT ^ S" ' •^ "'^" '^^ '^''*"'' •'* ** ho iyui, E' disliked the best wine, but Uved virtuous words. Yew chew soo sijen «eng chwan 7^ ^ i^ .A. jtt ^1 tcoS ehiw pooV^ hoi pay hc"a che'ih, if when we have wine and food, we give it to our parents and ■elders to eat, — (how can this alone be considered filial piety ! ) See the J^, 1^ Seanj lOn. _ ^-^ - Siou chew ;}^ i^j ^ besom, a ^— k,^fc broom. Seaou-k'hong ch'hcy chok T^ kechcw/j7]^;^;j>f^^t, Sriou-k-hong k'hi ch'hey cho sadu chiw, Seaou- k'hong first invented besoms. See the "^^ "fr Swat ban. The name of a beast, found in the west,— about the size of an ass, in shape like • monkey, and expert in climbing trees. ^ _ Re«d sew: to keep, to guard, to ^St Uke care of. Sew keng t^ |f , A chiw fcaj"^, »o keep watch. Sew \Mt iMi^^ chiw mrf"*, to Uke care •« any thing. CHEY 86 CHEY Chew Chew Chew Chew Sew, seuk wily tae? «ew sin wuy tae ^ k'hah twaf chiw Ian pirn sin fc'Aflft twS, of all cares, which is the most important ? — The care of one's own personal conduct is the most important. See the "Ji j^ Hay beng. y^ To swear } an oath. Chew se ^ ^^ I* Vl '^^^ chwa, to take an oath. Bin y U ho6, chek k'hwat k'hoe choe chew chiw k-hwat ch'hUi/ chiw chw&, when the people have any disputes, they open their months "* '*^ Sed"S si. scolding; rail- with an oath. See the. Tpj Ch'han chew "^ « Chew Chey Chew ing words. Read choo: a kind of insect that eats wood. Then; to go to, to approach to; complete. Chew yew to, jS. ch^ng -^, _ yHen |IC ;^ it • fln IE ^ ^ ch7w wah woo to &!/ ling, ji che"a ka te, to approach the virtuous, and adjust one'sself by them. Jit cheang gwkt chew j^ ^ Hc , *° ""^''^ daily advances, and monthly improvements. To load, to burden ; to contemplate. A great bird, found in the south, with a yellow head, red eyes, and of a variegated colour. Qu. the ¥ Even; a sort, a class. Go6 chey ^j< 3£ ^ ^ gwdn Ay Ung, we, us Chin Teng tfing chey ^ §P |^ CMn kok kap TSng kok ting chei,, the Chin and Teng countries were equal and alike. Chey Chey Beng ho6 suy yln ok, ek kok y6w p'hit they 6.y hoi suy kdng si p'ha"i, ySd kok woo p'hit chey, fierce tigers, although they may be call- ed savage, yet have each their equals and companions. To ascend, to go up. Chey pe kong q%, t6ng^^^f:,c«»»^ed,r kong long, to ascend up to the public hall. See the ^ M Kok hong. I _ *— To involve, to be pushed in, or let T^TlSfc. fall. Se4ou jIn 16 jg b6o choo, "Jy^l te chey fi koe hok e /|^ /\^ ^ Idng la-ou J6 b6 kS^d, chae ey chey suk te kaou hok i, the little one { i. e. I) being old, and having no children, know that I shall be shoved into some ditch or another,-( when I die ). See the ^ ■p^J|jL To cut to pieces, to cut up into *■ — ^"- mince meat. Chey »^^jj^^ The noise of many voices. ^ To6 chey B£ |^^ loi chat, the navel. i^: l-S To present, to send. Cheyse^ to send a letter. Ma-wan-wuy G^.Qy-g6 chey se || jg ^ j% fi§ J^ ^ Mi-waa Vhig Gu.ul/-g6 chey p'hay, Ma-wan carried a letter for GwQy-g6. Read chue. A surnanie. Choe c Loe hang Ifl :^ ^ ^^ , ^1^^ '"'P ^<^ ieo p'hih, the Chey country went to war with the Lo« country. See the J^ j^ Seang beng. The name of a stream ; also, full and abundant. Chey chey to soo ^ '^ ^ i , **'•" **"^ ^* '''''* t'hak cVhiyh ling, abundant inQeed was the multitude of scholars. Seethe >l|\i^Se&ou gn*y- % __ Elder sister: chey chcyflg^fl^, Wj M a respectful mode of addrcising ^^'^^ females. Seaou ch£y j/]r\ h^^ fed chfd, little roiast my young mistress. This, these. Chey jln put se jtn, nae * -^i^ se sey dng b6c, la£ hwi sin i"^ -Q: ^ -ft ^ , c»*y liH ling u" ti ling, nat tl lae 6ng ay n^i^ Uy, lot hvci tin, this per- Chey Chey Ch^y Chey Ch^y Chey son is not a human being, but jfr the mother of the western king, metamorphosed into this form. Jt9^ To sacrifice, a sacrifice. Chey but ^■^^ Cheyjdchae, chey sin j6 sin chac. Choo wit, go6 put i chdy, jfi put chey ^ ai, chiy ttn bhtg ch'kin cheo"S rin bing le tit. Hoo-ch»i king, gwi h6 chi poS tMy, cA'A/n cAeo"*" M chiy, sacrifice ( to your ancestors ) as though they were present, and sacrifice to the gods as though the gods were present. Con- fuciiw said, if I am not personally engaged in the sacrifice, it is to me as if there was no sacrifice. See the _t. |^ Seiog lOn. The name of a kind of grain. A meeting together; an opportunity, _ a season. Tflng G6 che chey ]W fj^ J^ ^ ^ , in the time of T6ng and Gi. fc To be pained, to be troubled. Bo6 ^^ cho5chgyyeen^ g ^ i^. /^A'\ b6 ka li hvin 16, d« not distress yourself about it. The cessation of rain $ fair weather. To supply, to assist, to regulate, ^bijuPW to settle, to cross the water. Kew I /^l ch'hfi che Ic, bSn bin i ch«y Q cke''i ban ling i chit/, by the profits of the pestle and mortar, the wants of myriads of people are supplied. See the ^ ^ i'W* keng. CHEY 8jS CHHA Chey WhH*^ Useless words, garrulity. The name of a stream of water. A kiRd of grass, of whicfa clotk is made. K* The name of an insect. The navel. Se chey h5 kip ChSy Chgy Chey Chey a fAJ% bSiyh an aiw"d ey kip kiou, if want- ing Xo cat one's own navel, how could it be got at ! — ( used to express an impossibility. ) l^-l^ Ipf J5t J '"**'** ''" '* ^^ '"^ '^'"'^' To regulate, to set rigtit, to put in order. A surname. Pit cheang ^ew ley e chfiy telou, oheng hwat chfiy kwan, pSng te e chfiy bin iVL^Jlu t^ Wl -^ ^ ^^ A'"-Aat teSh sew lit/ toe e chiy te&ou ting, che"a hwat tot e chit/ chd kw^a, pafS te e chiy piyh saV^, we must certainly cultivate propriety in order to regulate the court, adjust the laws in order to regulate the officers, and equalize the government in order to regulate the people. Said by Im ^- Sfin cho6. |u7llVTo taste, to eat \ \ J^ Read to : many, not few, much. ^^ji Sim to ^ ^, ">" '^f'^S' very many. ^^^ "J^o bOn keen chea, hak che p'hok dy ling, twui^S chi p'hok hak, those who have Ck?1/ ? Ch'ha Ch'ha A" heard and leen much may be considered as extensively learned. ^% fc Read cho : to sit down. Ch'heng cho ^tm Ih ^> ^'^'''^"'^ <^*«*> pray sit down. ^^■*^^ Sek put cheng put cho 1^ ^C Jp ^ ^ ^ ch'heSh bi ti che"i, bo boiyh chey, if the mat was not put square, he would not sit down upon it; — said of Confucius, in the _t nffl Seang lun. Cb5, gno bfing g6 choo ^ f| f|^ ff ^f-, chey, gwA bing bing kap le kong, sit down, Sir, and I will clearly explain it to you. See ^& ^+- Beng-choo. An auxiliary word, seldom used. ^^ The hands entwined together. Jip ^^^ kwun, yaou sii&ng chiiet, hong jin, y^ sew chJnch^haX^^ 'tilt. ^^ A ^P" ^S ^^ j'P chew kwun, y'eo sedng cheet, — too teoh t&ng, cVhew chin ch'ha, when entering a district, the loins are constantly bent; and when meeting with people, the hands are always joiaed'^^(ui making compliments). u- Ch'lia >' in-. -I) I;-, Ion To gness, to soppose. Ch'hae ch'hod \Y^ ' jIh iH '" <^onjecture wrong. Go4 r^ choo ck yew ch'hae yiien -^ ■+• jjh /^ |m ^ ^ g^fd '"'"" ""*" *^"^ **"'' '^•y"*"* ^''M e bd ban, wheu^ the hllJs are infested by wild animals, the l£y-hok herbs are not gathered. -.J* Ch'hew ch'hae ^ |j^ , «" hold in estimation. K'han jfn bod ch'hew 0^ Ch'hae Ch Idng b6 ch'hew eVkai, to look down upon a Leiou ch'hae ^ ^, a fellow stu- dent, a brother officer. To pluck, to gather; also^ variegated the 'hae ^•¥^ colours. Gno^ ch'hai j^ tJ^ 1 v^^^^ five colours. Ch'had ch'ha* hoA-f, pok gftn ch'hai cbe ^ ch'ha6u, tai kay lat bdn e, let us go and ga- t{ier the hod-d plant ; I say let us go and gather it. See the ^ j^ Kok hong. Ch'hae # Variegated colours ; bright and shining. Hwa ch'hae namented. V' ^^^i^ A large tortoise; a rule. Vulg. c**»a. Ch'hae ^^aL * surname. Chong-bfln-tcQng kc ^ ch'ha^l^^j^^.^^CW- hAn-ISung eh'hing $6 chai hoi Iwfi koo k'kii, Chong-bfln-teang made a house for a large tortoise to dwell in. See the J^ 3^ Seing iQn. The name of an insect, whose veoom Ch'hae ir _lv V lie»in its tail; a scorpion. Ch'had b6 j^^ V> last. Ch'hae kwa ^ jit ^ cucu- mis Japonicus. ' Buy soe soo, ch'ha^ keng, kwa, chey pit chae up W , suy ch'hoe /iy chJe&h, ch'hai Che"S^ hap Jcwa, kaou chiy tek Whak teSh chae kai, although we have nothing bi^t coarse provisions, — and ■r.egetable soup, with melons, yet when we come to sacrifice we must do it with reverence. See the I gjm Seang iQn. A sickness. Ij-iliniinx:.' ^ , V uig. cAi'W; fire-wood. Sewteetsin f h'hae J)^ ^ ^ ^ , '««- k'he''S . sin ch'hd, collect and st«re up the ch'hag jnrT •-»r«iO l^re^wood. A surname. :;n^ Ch'haS 1^ A burnt sacrifice, offered up to heaven, b^ the Emperor. Oh'hag ■% ># Just now, just'tlien, then, thereupon; ■jCfeJp* near, immediately -. also' written ^ 5% ch4i»«. ", ■>i Ch'hag Gftn-choo ch'haS yew put seen, peen te che; ch'hae te che, peen keng, put bfing chok sS Jl^ |g^ /f* bB 11^ ' ^^"''^'"'' '"" '"" " "^ *"• peen chae e ; tc« too a chae e, peen kdy, bi kSh (hd, Gin-choo no sooner had a fault, than he immediately knew it; and as soon as he knew it, he instantly amended i^ and did not prac- • ill ,' /» '■ ' tise it again. A wolf. So lek put wan, se ch'haS >ong yea -^ i^^ Tf^ ^. J| ^^ ^^ "ife ) **'"" *° ''^ ''* ""* **■" e, se ch'hai ling, a man, who, when a sister-in- law is drowning, will not help her, must be a wolf. See the "K -^ Hay beng, To6 pe ch'hag hoe, ch'haS hoe put sit 4^ hoi, ch'hai hoi u'" Cheih, if you threw them to the wolves and tigers, the wolves and tigers would not eat them. See the A\ Jft Seaou gnay. Ch'haS It Read soo : to) sacrifiee. Soo ong jTrff Ttt cVhae ang, to sacrifice to Ch'hae A Ch'hah p: .hi!')' Ch'hah Jb. m an idol. The eyes fixed, and not revolving or .wandering about. K'l- Jr.- ■H-ti'i t Chattering, garrulity,„uA'j Read ch'hap : to stick into, to pierce. Ch'hap twa iS ^ , cWh&h hwa. to stick flowers in the hair. Ch'kai^S blue. Read cb'heng : azure, • ff\ ^ Ch'hengb«ng-|^ ^ cA'ia«"f r\J maf*e, blind. Ch'hepg san put 16, swat^ek t'hofi; lisilk suy Jbofi yew, iMDg jeiou been "l^ lU "T^ CH'HAl''? 91 C^HAM Ch'hai^S Ch'hai^S Ch'haiH ffi , ch'hai"S iw^t 66 laou, Uh tayh chew woo pdj/h t'haiu; lek cMy bo hH:&n li, hong ch'hoey chiw woo j'eiou bin, the acure rooua- taias grow not old, and yet wkei) the snow falls they have hoary heads; the green waters are not troubled, and Jet when the wind blows Ihey have a wrinkled face. Read ch'heng: the flowers of _ ^ leeks; full and luxuriant. Hwan j^ ch'heng || || ^ hwan cWhti^S, indigo, the indigo pianU ^y, ,:■ ^y, ■ ■': ] Read seng: a star. H°6 kim leng fK jk M J ***^ '""' <^*'*'""*^' a fire-fly. Jit, gwat, seng sin, hey yeen H H S^ ^ ^ M ' •'"' ^''^^''' <'*'*«'"^ "'"' '*' '«*•"'' the sun, moon, and stars are hung up therein (tiiz. in the heavens). P'hi j< pok (In ke kfi siy, j< chl-ung seng ke6ng che ^ i]\ ^t W< )t^ ^ sin k'hei e At/ to chai, ji chUkng cKhai^S kiting e, like the northern star, which ^ests in its place, and all Ihe stars move round it. See the J^ Im Seang Ifin. Read seng-. raw, uncooked. Kwun sod seng, pit seuk jS cbeen che kwun soi hoi ch'hai"S iy mei"b, pit ieSh cki $eJc j6 chein c, when a prinde bestows on us raw food, we should cook and then offer it See the |~ ^Sj Seang iQn. T l)lil!l; • Reads^ng: to awake, to arouse, to be awake. Pe yt kae chiky, jC gno tok sing ^ tit ^^ chii}/, tok gwd chit l&ng ch'hai"^, this age is altogether intoxicated, and I alone «in awake, V > Read ch'hing: cold, chilly. Ch'hin Ch'hai^S ^^ ch-h4ng^*^,cW.«cVAiH»ff, beautiful. I(JiJli-ri') Chhai^S Ch'hak X Ch'hak > _^A The sound of metal, the ringing ^l~T^» of metal, the -beating of a i * -^ Read cb'hat: to examine. Ch'hat 4 J*^ inspect the watch. Ch Readch'huk: a chisel^ to cut with a chisel. Ch'bok san t'hong tae ha«, Icen sck poc 14m t'hijcn ^S 1J4 "1 A ffi- ft ^ ti [^ ^' '"'''"' tw^a t'hong twa hai, nfi"^ cheSh poi lam Vhrt'^, chiselling through a hill, to afford a passage for the seat and melting stones, to repair the southern heavens; ^ — (all this, as the ChinMe pretend, having been done, what then is diflicull.*) ^x "^o nn>V M Mend ; to be eq^al K> '; to I'bain visZ. "'" "P""' '*• '•*''■ Kong ch'ham .r,-«,in, .luiiJ^, : '. !>"«■ ^3 ; ,rB.I lb iM,:^! ?*«*>"» "'ffff^Jfy^ •»«"' Which equal* ' .that of heaven >nd earth; — an expression foolishly applied by the Chinese to their sages. -^ >v A carriage borse, two horses appended Ch'ham Et^ to a carriage. SisAog I'hwal ch'ham ^^ ^..Ceng che t i^ II a it. *7 chap chap t'hiou bin ^ ^"^ *> be frequently took a horse from his carriage, and gave it to him; — said of Confuciai, wheh he met an old 'i -^^ ,^^^ ^^^^ ,^j ^^jp ^jj^ough. Ch'ham. A fine appearance, a man's name. Ch'ham tt ^^' .'cfttrr V ^ The name of a tree. I,.:. Ch'ham A sharp instrument, a plough-share. I Teing ch'liam, teing ch'ham, pek bok peng, gno seng t'hok choo e .. ^yhch'h&pai"S,gwdsai^S i'hok It t, chd me"a, the long plough-share! the long plough-share I with the white wooden handle ; as long as we Uye, we depend on this, for the support of life. yJi jC^ /^ J * cK'hdm, leem kok ay pt> geak, with a sorrow- ful mind, miserable and wretched, pondering over the oppressions of the country. See the 4"^ ^ Seadu gniy. Ch'ham >^1 8 "'Si .5 r\ui^ Ch'ham ^ To meet with ; past and done. -mf.-. i.-lT ,<^ »^ Sand mixed in food. Ch'ham Ch'ham Ch'ham hwijy f^ )[|S to repent, to regret exceedingly. J^K Ch'ham ge ^ ^^ , a prophecy, a Ch'ham ^5lEl7 divination. Ho6 ch'him j?^ ^ , a charm. To be ashamed. Ch'hfim k'hwiiy W^ f/E *fuo" f^Vi to be ashamed i\n^^ °^- Gofi Sim ch'ham 6 Beng-choo ^ S M i^ j^ -T" . «"""* *""■" "'"''^ ''"'" lijf e Beng-choo, I feel very much ashamed before Beng-choo. Ch'ham Ch'ham oSI (V The same as the :edtng. Ch"h4m g4m ^ ^ , a lofty and precipitous bill. Ch'hamnO-S?^ satisfied. Suy sit pat kcw, bo6 Ch'ham, To be greedy ; to eat without being [-■>r^j— satisfied. Suy sit pat kcw, bo6 ^J^ ch'ham b6ng ii # A :^L li ^ ^ suy cheSh pSyh kaou hwiin, yea b6 t'ham cheSh Ay ine"i se"a, although he eats eight or nine tenths, yet he has not the name of a glutton; — said of the sun, when the moon is eclipsed. J^L A cunning rabbit. Yeak ch'hSm ^>^^^ ch'h4m t'hoc, ge k'hiien hek che yeak ch'hAm ch'hdm Ay t'hoi, too teSh kaou, hoe e Kih, the cunning rabbit, frisking about, when he meets with a dog, is taken. See the f\\ &^ Seaou gnay. % M » To revile, to slander, to backbite. Ch'hSm *"-^^^ ^°° y^^ ''^"S '^^^y ch'h4m gan k6 gwit Ay yiw teSh s^y je, sai p'hwi Ay wa tit k'hi, m; friend you had better take care. CH'HAN 93 CH'HANG Cb'lian slanderous accusations are about to arise. See the /J> ^^ Seaou gnay. ^_ ^ Weak, cowardly: god 6ng ch'han Ch'han y^& ""S >*^^ ^ ^Wf^^>^^" ^^jri^ ^y ^"g nooi"^ 6ng, our king is a weak prince; — said of the king of the ik Tio country. Ch'han A f^^ To rail at, to scoM. The noise of water gently rippling along; the ap^iearance of weeping. Sfing gwat long ch'han wan ^ H ^ Mi ^ ' *^"^ ff"*** kwui"S I' hit fho I' he" a ch^y &y khw"a k'htn^a lain, availing ourselvei of the moon-shine, let us go and amuse ourselves with the slowly rippling water. Jk To eat, to swallow. WDy choo che Ch'han ^'''Q ^°^' "*" Sno P"' '^ng chhan h«y ^^/^ vu!f It &y yetn koi, tat gwd bey chgih, on your account, I am so-affected, that 1 can- not eat. Jt^ A meal. Yit ch'han hwan _^ ^ ^ <-n nan ^^>^^, chit lool'^ pooi''S, » meal of rice. ^ Bwan ch'han ^^ ^^ tnat"e hwui^ tooi"^, the evening meal ; the Lord's supper. Ch'han A. red colour; also, damp,- moist. Ch'han chew w a duster. Ch'han «"k ^ ;j^ , chhing tsk, to dust the tabk. Ch'han f^Jf^ handsome, elegant. Ch'han >^<1^ Rice, food, victuals ; elegaot ^ clear Ch'han WjjS. "'"'sl't. dear. Ch'han Ian As Ch'han 3i The brilliancy of a gear. Ch'han 5^rC '^^^ seam of a. garment ; to unloosr. TJC't Jl' . ^ °'^" '^*'*''''' •■ * *'"' worm. Gnoe Ch'han yl-fcL '>"* che fhek, se che c song, p'hit. ,^R J^ hoach'hftn che, chek 16 chea cheuk ^^g-oe hoc dy Chkyh, chinf; e i ««^, phil hod ch'he ch'hdm e, chew laou dy cheuk kaou- ch'hing ttcan i, a tenement of five acres, if pUnted with the mulberry tree, and silk worms fed on it by a single woman, will enable the- old people of a family to wear silk. See the ^ f ^ ^^"^ '«*•>: » field. Keng teCn ^ \ Irl ffl , <•*«* ch'hdn, to cultivate the ground. "Egnci kong tiifn, sfiT kip *»e te gwd dy kang eh'hdn, tuy kip gwa dy tae k'hea ch'hdn. rato li^st upon our public field, and then let it come upon our private fields. See the /]■» ^ Seaou gnay. ««A>^ Read ch^hong: an onion. Koey Ch'hang ^^^ •^'•^•'un yang ch-hong f^ ^ ^ i V^'^ ^ , cliidh bSk ch'huH fhee''S ydncr ch'hang, eating flesh in the spring season, we should use onions w»th it. See the ^E Ley ke. |- / . J*e»d ch'hOng: clear, intelligent. C*'Aa«g JM Ch-hong bdng ^ p;j , ch-hcng ^i\m^ "'"*, clever, intelligent. Ch'iiian. Ch'hdng^^^ The hair dishevelled. CHHAOU 94 CH'HAP Ch'hang ^ Not straight, ali in confusion. ^\^^ Ch'haou Read ch'hdng: fend of eating. Ch'ham ch'hong ^; m ch'hdng, to be greedy. y^Jil"^ To take^ to copy, to transcribe; also written jAf ■ch'haou. Ch'hang^'RAXL Ch'ham ch'hfins Wi IfP cKMm Ch'haou " To catch fish, with £shing stakes. > >>/ Filaments, thin threads. Hoo jin Ch'haou fi% IHB— ^h'hSn ch'haou, e wOy e hok hoo jin 2/ung ch'hdm dy sw"&, i cho s"a }/in cfted"S', women use the filaments spun by the silk worm, in order to make clothes. ■•^jKj To speak for, or on behalf of any Ch'haou ^f^^ Ch'haou » Ch'haouJfXip Ch'haou swat m) g^ ^ to borrow expressions, to commit plagiarism. Bo6 ch'haou fiwat. bo6 luy long siiSi/h, fi*" Chavg Mi/ tdng, do not commit pla- giarism, do not use tautology. .See the jM Read ch'ho: to hold in the hand; .^ , to exercise. Ch'ho leen jko iSS , \>^T^^ ch'haou leen, to drill soldiers. Be Ifing ch'ho to, j^ so6 kat, se6n :put pae e, bSey ey ch'haou to, j6 sai kitah mee"h, cheo u*" pae, if though unable to handle a knife, a person be set to cut an; thiog, it is seldom that he will not spoil the work. Ch'haou Ch'haou Vulg. ch'hd: to fry, to cook any thing without water. To joke with pleasing words ; to tViS^ whisper; to disturb. Ch'haou ImL^ ^ """y ^^'^^' * "^rooked mouth. Ch'haou Read ch'ho : grass. Sit ch'hi -^ "j^^ chedh ch'haou, to eat grass. Song tey che Cheang-chew sc so<5, pek ch^ho kae hwa 5^ ^ ^ ^_^ ^.|j ^ ^_ ^ ^ ^^^^, ^"S^J/ ley kaou Cheang-chew fh'he thak ch'hUyh dy Idng, che"d pByh cVhaov cho pad k'hwuy huia, when the emperor of the Song dynasty came to Cheang-chew, to examine the scholars, hundreds of plants all J)ut forth their flowers. Ch'haou "n^ '''''''''" ^ ^^ ^.>»'«i»er for rice, made of wicker work. Ch'haou Read hew: stinking, rotten, ill- flavoured. Hew ok put sit ]^ ^/f' '^ , ch'hdou p'htt"i bo boSyh cheah, the stinking and bad he would oot eat; — said of Confucius. Ch'haou Ch'hap Ch'hap Ch'hap To -square accounts, to pay up all differences. To stick in, to pierce. Ch'he ch'hap *l] t|& to stick in, to thrust. Ch'hap teep a dwarf J a little person, The noise of slicing any thing. CHHAT 95 CHHAY Ch'hap pa£ cards. to sbuffle A needle, a pick-axe^ a crow-bar. Ch'hap heet S^ jjjj ch'hap hitfyh, to draw blood, in order to confirm an oath. KwOj-k'teir che hiiej, choo hofi sok seng chae je, j8 put ch'hap heet /^ fflX jnL , A'tt'iJ^-Ar'fceiti Ay hoei/, choo hot pak fhadu sai"S^ chae Hng se, ji b6 ch'hap hoij/h, at the assembly of Kwuy-khew, the princes of the empire tied up the victim, and brought the sworn contract, without drawing their blood in confirmation. See the ~T> ^ Hiiy bens. Ch'hap Ch'hap ^ To receive, to obtain, to lead, to csmmence. Many words, garrulity, chattering. Ch'hap ch'hap kan^ P^ P§ |^ , ch'htp ch'hap king, to chalU-r. Ch'hat ^ Ch'hat . % _ To examine, to search, to inquire 5^i^' into. Kong tae, chiiey seaou, put ^ij^ Mng bfng ch'hat ^%%^^ ^ ^ FIj) ^ , *<>»«: « a, eUis khah >iy, ioey W0O b6ng Kng ch'hat, my merit has been great, and my fault trivial, only I have not had the advantage of a ^|> Soo paint, to varnish. Read cti'hip : the name of a stream; m kind of varnish, paint. ch'hip j^ j^ tae ch'hat, to 2p. Ch'hav ChTiay (;% Read chck^athief, Cho rhek ^ cho ch'hat, to turn thief. Hae rhck yfe Bw hae ch'hat-, a pirate. Hoe chek 1^ BW > kaoH ch'hat, full of thieves. Yew jfi put sun tey, lijang jft bo4 sut yeen, (6 j* put soo, se wfly chek ^ j^ /f» ^ •^ jS. |y5( , sedou le6n ji b6 sun tey, Itra han ji M Atrdt tut, laou ji bey ti, se kong keo ch'kal, in youth not to act the part of a grandson or younger brother ; in riper years, not to have an^ .settled employment-, and in •old' age not to be (fit for) death; he who is -Mcb is no better than .a, tiiiefr ■Wrong, errpneou!!.' uneven; to send on a message. Ch'hay che h* 16, bew c ch'hcen Ic ^ >'' li. Mm kiou chit ch'heng li, varying ( at first ) but the down of a feather, it may differ (at length ) a thousand \t. ■Ch'hay soo ^g At^ ch'hay tat, to send on an errand. ^(^ The hand* folded together, and ^^^. intertwinecl ; also, to take. CHHAY 96 CH'HAYH settled in mind. The outer branches of a tree. Ch'hay A^ Ch'haycheyiji^j^, unfixed, un- Ch'hay jt^ Ch'hay /j^^ Ch'hay ^^ Uneven. To take under the arm. Ch'hay Ch'hay it Young, proud, at ease. To be angry, to speak in anger ; also written p*t Ch'hay. %^. % To boast, to deceive. Cheet jin, Ch'hav ""^Tf^ bo^y g^y te&ou so6, pit leet poe lEl^J k'he, 6 choo k'hwa ch'hay 1^ Tj^ pfe ^ Cheel-kang &y ling, tak pie gay cheih leiou ting iy »oo chSi, pit paS leet poe ke"d kap k'hH hiy Ay peng, i ka te k'hwa cKhiy, the people of Cheet-kang, -whenever they go to meet a messenger from the court, insist on drawing out their horse and foot soldiers, in order to boast and make a shew. A privy \ mixed, impure. Lok ch'hay ^ Mij '** ch'hay, to go to stool. A sickness; also, recovery from sickness. A brokennesj of voice i the voice broken and lost. Ch'hay Ch'hay Ch'hay ■k Brittle, easily broken ; infirm. #^ To examine minutely. Ch'hSy k'ho ^\^^^ ^ Vk ! *" search and enquire. _y '-^ Chay kwan kg jtri, chck sfin j6 yea; sey ch'hUy k6 sim, chek kaou j6 yea ^- K'J 1x i(p Hi' '"' •'^^" *'*'^"" * ^^ ling, chek cKMn chio^^ «i2n sit ; s'eing sey ch'h&y e Ay sim, chek ch'hin ch'eo"S kaou kwet, on just seeing the man, he appeared honest and sincere; but on narrowly examining his heart, he appeared cunning and deceitful. The noise of a multitude. \% Read ch5. Ch5 h"d ^^^ cVhay ^ hdiy, to forestall goods, to buy up a quantity, in order to raise the price. Ch'hayh on Read ch'hek: a book, a record. Se ch'hek s6y ch'hae, kae seno- hegn che bfing gftn yiia ^J -jJB- s6y chai, chb po6 se sing jin giou ling iy bing wS, the things contained in the books and records, are altogether famous sayings of philosophers and clever men. Ch'hayh A Ch'haj/h Read ch'hek: sorrowful., Song ley che yaou- ae t'hong ch'ham ch'hek te"S hit iy ley soi, chi tedh ae Vhe^a ch'ham ch'hiyh, in funeral obsequies, it is only re- quisite to feel anguish and sorrow of heart. Read ch'hwat: a handful. Kim hoo tey, yit ch'hwat t'ho6 che to -A. CHHE 97 CHHE Ch'he Ch'he Cli'he Chhe Ch'lie > fAey liy lei/, chit cKMi/h i'hoi ay chey, now the whole earth is merely a handful of ground. See ih; m 1^ Teung yOng. To lift up the eyes, to look full at any thing; to look angry. Ch'he- ySng Bjfe |(S the name of a dis- trict. T hiJen ch'he ^ [lf| ^ 'he name of a star. Sometimes confounded with lift Oi'he. ^^^^ The name of a water bird, reputed fcl'CIi for its fidelity to its mate. Kwan ■^ll"** kwan ch'he k'bew, chae hd che chew il lii lif}. ^ vn ± iffl , *-" *- hadu iy eKhe k'hew, twi li hi dy chew, the cooing turtle doves, dwelling in an island of the river. See the |^ j^^ Se kcng. CJ To introduce ; to walk slowly, without r"l advancing; also, an expletive. Yung chhe j^ ^, a sore, an ulcer. Chut yew V^"S c^'he chea, K'he wOy win che ^ /f^ ^ /XL ^^, ^ Ml^k. ^ ' '"'"*^ '^*"' ""''' '"'"^ ch'he"^ &y Idnf;, IChi lai kap e rhwiii"^, when any of his soldiers had a sore or an ulcer, K'he would suck it for them;— said of Gofi-k'he jtt^ jW ^ who had such a love for his soldiers, that he would do any thing for them. ^ A kind of monkey ; to wait in order y\ l^l to find an advantage against any, ^JDU I.i-ang o K'hek ch'he kck Su-hOng ^ fa ^ ^ ^ i(^ ^ > ^^^^"^ ^'P """"^ ling haou luiyh p'hih St-h6ng, LiJAng and K'hek wailed for an opportunity of alUcking Se-h6ng. See the ^ f £ Soo ke. The name of a river. Ch'he-teong ■jfl. ^ "^" """"^ °^ * place. tli'he Chek ch'he $01 iB. , a centipede , also called, goS kong jj^ ^, gU I > kang. €hck chhe sit scS, seft sit Ch'he Ch'he Ch'he Ch'he Ch'he w3, wa sit chek ch'he, hoe seang sit yea g|[J •Jfl -^ -Ijl g'eA kang chedh chwd, chad chi'ah kap a, kap a cheih ged kang, the centipede kills the snake, the snake eats the toad, and the toad poisons the centipede ; thus they de- vour one another. A kind of hemp, without seeds: also, the name of a grass. A clay mound covered with stones: difficult of ascent. The neck. 111 % f- Marshy ground, overgrown with y-a grass. K'he si-l liiflng jA hong che ch'he ^^fMml^Z % h'Hi"i ch«d liing ji hiy li chiy lek, he drove away the snakcf and dragons, and sent them into the marshes. See ^ -^ Beng-chod. A fly The Mmc with the 'Allowing. Ch'he ijJ^-?» Pool"'', unwise, simple; also, sick ^p The female of hirds. Tong kwat ch'he Ch'he iH^ ^'^^"^ W\>)k^^, '"'' ''"' W*^ti^ Incat ch'he heung, to try ones strength with any one ; — literally, to see which is the man and 'which the woman. Sfly te oe che ch'he bcOng |^ ^,{1 ,E^ "^ JH |tt chi chay chae oe a dy kang boi, who knows the male and female of the vrow? Sec the A\ Jf^ Scaou gnay. CHHE dd CHHE Ch'he Ch'he Ch'he Chhe Ch'he Ch'he Ch^he Ch'he Ch'he Ch'he Ch'he heaou R| ^ , a bird of A. chicken ; an animal that can eat as soon as it is born. To walk fast, to go quickly. Keen le pit ch'he, keen hae pit pe ^ woo IS pit leSh kin ke"ii, k'hw"d woo hae pit tSSh s'eim pee"^, seeing an advantage, you should hasten towards it, and seeing a danger, jou should avoid it. To laugh. fc U% Ugly. Geen ch'he teMi^ handsome, ^'Y]iff% and ugly- Je kani che cheaou but, j^i*^ gefiii ch'he chae pe '^P~^ ^ ty ched mei''h, ck^kin ch'hai"^ Wheep se ti hi laou, like as when a mirror reflects things, the handsome and the ugly are there ( faithfully represented ). An order, a series. Ch'ham ch'he put chdy ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ mixed, Kok yew teng ch'he ^ ^ ^ ^ , kok woo ting ch'he, each one according to order. A vessel for holding wine. Ch'ham ch'he j^ jp appearance of hills. To collect. the uneven An insect; also, stupid, foolish. Ch'he- yfiw "^ -Jr'^ the name of a country. Bin che ch'he ch'he ffi j^ [^ ^, pSj/h"S &y gai ga^> tbe stupid mob. Ch'he Ch'he * Ch'he Ch'h. Ch'he Ch'he Ch'he Walking slowly, without being able to get forward. Sickly; not thriving. To take, to lay hold on, to require, to receive. Vulg. Chdyh. Loe-teung- lefin wuy jin pa6 I4n, kae hwun, jdbo6chhe^|t}l3|j|,A#||^ ^^. jfri fffi ■^J'^ ' Loe-teung-lein k&h ling pai k'hwiiy kail Idn, t'hdou ch'hul hwdn Iwan ay soo,ji bo biiiyh I'hByh ch'hfe"^, Loe-teDng-le6n used to dissolve difficulties, and disentangle confused matters, for people, without taking any money. See the 4^ =^ Soo ke. Extravagant ; great, large. Hong p'hek scii ch'he, bo8 put wuy e 'jjk /K kwa ch'hea ch'he, b6 siy u'" k"d, dissolute and extravagant, and sticking at nothing. See the Ch'he te 4t 1^ VA. ' uneven. A pestle. Kew ch'he £3 ifc koo ch'hi, a pestle and mortar. Chim ch'he ^i'^ j^ ^ teem chhi, a slick with wliich washer-m-a beat clothes. To dwell, to rest in, to take up m-,^ an abode. Tek put ch'he jin, j een kdn lOh so chae, bd twd te jin dy H'iy, bbiyh an chw"d ey til cho tt, if in selecting a residence, a man does not fix upon a virtuous neighbour- hood, how can he be considered wise? See th« Put e kc t6 tek che, put ch'hfi yea ^ K[ ^ ?I # >2. ^ ^ "tii , *" ^A-^^o" ^ ^y CHHE 99 CH'HE Cirhe Ch'he to tit tedh, bS hSfyh ch'he tu.a te e, anything not obtained according to the right way, ( the good man ) does not re^t in. Vulg. khe : the teeth. K'hoe ch'h6 ri 1^ ch'kuy k'hi, the teeth of the mouth} also, ago. TQn b6ng ch'h6 hin^l^^^, "2» »". ^''•*'^y "^'^ kwn, when the lips arc gone, the teeth will get cold, — (meaning, that without good neigh- bours, men are likely to fail). T'heen hay y6wtatchun sam, chiiak yit, ch'he yit. tekyitXT'^'^tH- t-. . j^ _* t'hee"^ ay ob tat chun »"a hang, cheak wuy chit hang, chhity k'hi chit hang, tek heng chit hang, there are three things much honoured and preferred under Heaven ; one of which is office,— another, age,— and another, virtue. Sec ^ f- BEng-choo. |i^ A mouse. L6 ch'he ^ ^ , neaou |.^j| ch'hi, a rat. Ch'h6 pOSy ^ ^ ^ ^|<^ you rats ! Ge kwuy heen t6 siy, ch'h6 tii tcng kay y6w jj^ |ft fft "^ 7^ ^ ^ j^ M y[l| ^ hea k'hu,"i hec"^ k'hu,ul a dy chUyy ticaou ch'hi t'haou ieng kiy Ay yho, the ant peeps at the water in the hollow of the ink-stone, and the rat steals the oil in the stand of the lamp. Cbhc Ch'he Sick and sad \ also, a sick mouso. To marry. Ch'hi ch'hey ch'hvlt hot, to marry a wife. Ch'he ch'hey jfi h6, hwuy biifiy put tek an chui'd, b6 hA"* ling biy chd til, how must we act in marrying a wife ? without a mediator it will not do. See the 13(1 \M Kok hong. Ch'he Ch'he Ch'he Ch'he £ f \ Congealed ; not flowing ; a hindrance I \" "^ in the way, preventing progress. ■ "V . To stop, to cease from. ^ ^ ^ Many. Yit ch he — . -^^ altogether, in general. Also read Ch'heet. The stones by the side of steps. Also written i^ Ch'he. Lijuk ch'ho bwaukac ch'he ^f:yj^l?|^. Uk eh'hdnu mwH gim kaf iy Ch'hi, t|>e green grass covers the stones of the steps. Ch'he Ch'he ^ The thorns of a tree. Ch'he ^ ^ To pierce, to stab, — either with a- T3*|| weapon or by words; to ridicule. XJ'-J Ko seang ch'he c ch'h^ ke, hoo se Vhew e ,eQng 1.6 ^ ;fn m:;( fl 1. il^ f% )l^ yX il H > "''"'"^ """"^ "'''' ^^ "' i ch'hi ke ling, — Him te k'hew ay hoi, i o 16 ling, recite "the mouse" ode, in order to ridicule men; and repeat "the dove" ditty, in order to praise people. ■""»■' '- * A thorn, a prickle » as sharp as a 1 1 needle. Ch'he Ch'he The name of a fish. To go towards i the mind trnding towards any thing. 'E ch'he ^ fejy intention. Pleasant. Gftn y6w ch'hi •>« "§" 5^ j^ ^ . king vca wad ch'hi bi, pleasant discourse. Ch'hi hcang put tflng, sey wfly c'k 5 j^ [pj ting, tiy chi yei kSh yto'^, when the tendency ch'Hh: 100 CH'HEA Ch'he Chhe C'h'he Ch'he Ch'he Cirhg of people's minds arc dissimilar, their conduct will also differ. The flaming up of fire. H"6 che ch'he, put k'ho p'hok beet jJ^ ^ ch'he, bo t'hang p'h&h hwa, a fire, when blazing up, cannot easily be quenched. "7 V?_ Wine and food. 4^ »|^ iji A place. Ho ch'he Ygj' T^ s"a IPfft mei^h u-ui/, what plaice ? where ? Also /x^^ written ^ ch'he. K'heuk keng t'hong yew ch'he, se^n p6ng seung ch^ham s« ^ ff M ^ JK M m 1 1 j|i J wan k'heuk di/ he t'hong kaou yew am &y uuy^ hofy seo"S ping til ieem ch'ham -Aj/ si, a crooked path leads to dark places, and when in a monk's chamber we should recite prayers. A wing, a pinion. Tijang lijang ch'he yea 5g^J^^^ teo-Sr,-oay sit, spreading both its wings. Read se: to try, to prove. Sc k'han ■^ ^ ' '■'' *^ k'hw"-it, to make a trial. Gno suy put bin, ch'heng siiang se che ^ 1% T^ ^. Ih t ^ ;^ . ^^' "'^ *" ^^"^ teiou, ch'he"d ch'hi k'hw"a e, although I am •not clever, yet I beg you to try me. Slow, gentle; to walk slowly; a surname. Ch'heng hong ch'h^ Ia6 I 'J "^ -Jra ^ ^ ^ . ^'''^'"^ ^^ '""^ k'hw^a k'hw^a A lai, the pure wind gently approaching. I'h'lie i-S- Dull, stupid. Ch'he arhe Ml I ^ A market. Kay ch'he ^ ^j" ^ in III the streets and markets. I^oe chew ^ f ch'hS h«6, put sit )jt ]g "j^J A>s ■^ bilj/ Ay chew, kag chlie &y bah, fi"' cheih, vintner's wine and market flesh, Confu- cius would not eat; ( lest it should be unclean or injurious). See the gffi =-K Lun ge. Read .soo: to feed, to give food, to brir^g up., ,Soo ch'h4n t'hew se ^A Wi lA 1^ . ''''^^ ch'h&m I'hew sw"A to feed silk worms and spin the silk. Soo te B^ I'D J f^f''^^ '^> t" keep pig?. Ch'hea * CU'hea Ch'hea Read ke : a carriage. Ma ke S m l/uy cVhea, a carriage drawn by horses. A surname. Hong-tey chok ke, yin ti-ung te win, Siiaou- ho kay gnfiw, che H6y-leung sfi kay ma "gg* fS? ^ i^ H^ fiP J^ . fVm"S-tey cho ch'hea, yin tang te hwuVS dy mei"h, Seaou-ho kay goo, cli^ kaou Hey-t'eSng Ay si kay bay, \Vui"g-lcy ( B. C. 2622) first invented carriages, to carry heavy things, and convey them to a distance; Seaou-ho ( B. C. 2538) added buffaloes; and in the time of Hey-tiiung { B, C. 2142) they used -horses. See the -^ ^ Koe soo. Ch'hea kg |^ |^ ^ a kind of stone, nearly resembling a gem. Extravagant, wasteful; stretched out, immense. Ch'hea chek put sun, k'heem chek koe ^S B|J ^^ ]^ ■^ pill , ch'hea ch'he chew u"" skn, seo"^ k^heem cheic koe loe, from being loo e.xtrava- gant,' a man becomes careless; and from being too parsimonious, he becomes vulgar ; — said by Confucius, who added, nevertheless vulgarity is better than carelessness. CH'HE^A. 101 CH'HEAH Ch'hea Ch'hea Ch'hea Ch'hea Ch'hS a To tear open. To open the inotith wide. The *nuff of a candle, the ashes ot incenses also written j'g Ch'hea. To be purged ; a dysentery ; the same as i© si;a. * Ch'he"a JrH*^ A stone. ^^ /?e«A ch'hS"a ^ ^ , a splinter of wood or baml>ou{ to run a- gainsl. _ ■;;'H. ^^^ Also, moreover ;jDSt, merely. Kod Cll'he"a tj chhc"4 ^ Ji , dtsordely. carb- ■«^"*^ less. Koe ch'he''a vX j^ , mere- ly, just then, for a time. Ch'be*^ t'hctn che . seog but yiia, sod che yitpin jL^;S^ftlb.^;^- ■^ ^ ch'he'^tt t'hfe"S .&y tai^S mei'.'li, sue hoi e chit Ag kin pin, rabreover heaven in its producing all things, gave them but one ori- gin. Siee ^^ ^p Ben^-choo, %_J^-t Bead ch'heng: to invite, to beg, ClChji^'O, ^'^^ to request, to greet. BoC Ify put pj ch'h6ng g ^ :^ If , bins rcy b6 ch'he"4 Idng chiih, at cemeteries, do not invite people to eat. Kim seng 6 e kay v, ytw soo be te sey che, kamch'hcng/^w^^Q^g^ 7fJ-J -^ ^P fj\ Z.. %. ^t . '"« ^^ '^''''^'^ ^ *"■'» *dy, yiw soo Ay kvi^a b'uiy chae sty k'hi iy U'fijr, *"<< ch'h'e^ai now the carriage is got ready, but the officer in attendance does not know where he is to go; I beg therefore to enquire. ®^^ ^ -^ Beng-choo. Ch'h'c a Read k'hin: to stand awry; to walk lame. Read ch''heng: to hire, to em^tloy. Ch'he^d te bi chei^S cfc'A«''i, just as if wc had no money to hire them with ;— said of work-people, when Ihcy are Ia2iy, end neglect tiieir duly. Jt. A. Ch'hiah 4 S^ng hilt ;^ ^ ^ cA'Ae'^ mrtl"*, to ftdjnst anything that is awry. Read ch'hek: red, a reddish brown colour; also, sincere. Ch'hek sim Po kok ^ lijv i^ IH , fAAea* ■tim pd kak, to serve one's country with a sincere heart. Ch'hecih n Ch'hedh Read ch'hc: to prick, to pierce through. Cli'hc sew, fhiiem gnoe l>*-> $1] ^ j^ £ X . tVKih tite, t'he^S goe liiou tK^i, " in working the ciiihroidery». five. :tbrea4ts were added." The •nciisnt IMies add«d one thread to their embroidery, each day after the winter solstice> so that when five were added, it was of course five days after mid-wia(er; hence the poeU^ used this expression, as an elegant way of designating time. "See the l^ Tdng se. YitB ch'heSh y^ ^ ^ oil cake,— something used in the raanufac 1 .1 ) (Ure of oil. S B CH'HEANG m CH'HEA NG A A felicitous bird. He ch'licak ^ =ftl| a bird of joy; also called, Ch'heak Ch'heak PI WmH^ Ijan ch'heak ^£ ^, the dry bird, from its abhorrence of damp, Vulg. chayh a: a sparrow} said to be the most lascivious of birds. Suy way ch'hSak bo6 kak, ho 6 ch'h«an gn6 ok ^ || ^ M ^, -f^ )^ ^ 4t ^ che chuy a king chdyh hi kale, an chw"d et/ ch'hui^'S gwd iy cKhou, who says that the sparrow has no horns, — see how it has bored through my house. See the ^ j^ Kok hoBg. j% To respect ; a sturablin^-stone i Ch'heak A^Q* also, the variegated colour of stones. Slowly, leisurely, easily. K'hwan ch'heak W ^S gentle and easy. Chek g6e ehin fhiiey, k'he put ch'heak ch'hgak jefin ^l] p" ^ M ia ^ W-^^' "^^ ^""* '''''" *°^ ' *^^' * ** "" ch'hiak ch-Keak join, thus my entering on, or retiring from office, how is it not free and unrestrained. S(}e Jhe T> 3[ Hay beng. ^- " Ch'heak Ch'heak skinj a wrinkling of the skin. Ch'heak ^ To walk and stop, by fits and starts* to walk quickly. a Ch'hean Ch'heang Ch'heang Full, flourishing; also, good words, r'h'heanfi" * ^-> A. surname. E' pae ch'heang g4n V -/ ^ ff' ^ ~^, E'pai ho ay wd, E' bowed when he heard good words. See the Ch'hean li Ch'heang ge ^^^ ^_ , CTTI Uy the ponifret fish |g ft cKkio"S a The sound of raetil and gems. >^^^ A stick, sharpened at both ends, and used in repelling thieves. Ch'heang yew jg '(^ ;, * female musician, a dancing girl. Ch'heang r Ai.> extrava- Ch'heang Ch'heang kfing ;«g ^ -_ gant and mad; rude and boister- }CmM ous. Ho Keet Tew che ch'heang k'luey ^^UZ%^W<' ""''"'''' Kiel Tew &y ch'heang k'hiiiy, how wil* and wicked were Keet and Tew ! >!■> A prostitute. Ch'heang ba,'^^, ^U^^ a whore. Ch'heang choo jj^ -^^ th'heang k'e"d, a whoreson. Ch'heang "^ '''''^"^ ''' ^ *' «^^=^ plant. Ch'heang k'hap ^ of heaven. y| Ch'h'eang Ch'heang a water the door Ch'heang The sound of a bell ; a spear, a lance. Ch'he ch'heang W ^^ ^ k'heih ch'h'eo^^, to grasp a spear. Teang ch'heang twan keem, chi-en chin t'heen hay beng cheang i^ |^^1^.^ ^ ^ T ^ ^ ' '^"^ ""^'''""^ ''" '''''"' ehein twith I'hee^S ay Hy bing chedng, with a long spear and a short sword, we may contend to the utmost with all the fiercest generals in the empire. Peng se. Ch'heang kong'^ ^£ ^ to wander crazily about, without knowing whither. Koe chea bo6 seang, ch'heang ch'heang hoe, kshache^^g^.t^a-f^ See the Ft*. '. -ft' CH'HEANG 103 CH'HEANG Ch'heang Ch'heanj e, cheis! eh'heang cVhiang hoi, boiyh ItLh Hh k'hi, a blind man, withoat a leader, wander- ing wildly about, where will he go? See ♦^•^ 11 E ^^y ^^- Ch'beang kwuy "f^ BS ^ an evil spirit; the- (oul of a person devoured by a tiger, which does not dare to quit the tiger, till it has led him to devour another person. The noise of tinkling ornaments, "^ I hanging about a person. . ^ To stop suddenly. Yin chcang been r^^J^ the, eh'heang jijcn chd ^ 5|^ biiit/h hein e, eh'heang jeln My"h, the clouds were about' to appear, wbca sudifcniy they staid. eh'heang^ }1 m. Liberal, gcntfc. « I ' High, lofty; also, to- open out, to Ch'heangTrtfl\^ discover. Hftn-sln h£»g 6ng, ko \ 4r^ cbhi^ing tSy ^ ^ ff % % H7 Jrtl , •'W"-*'" *c" '« kwdn ch'hidttg iy ley, Il&a-sin commenced building' his re- sidence, on high aad lofty ground. eh'heang eh'heang Ch'hea eh'heang icked>. evil. A long day ; also, clear,— Milearfy perceived. h66"S : a ^cd without To snatch,^ to take by force, to plunder. Ch'heing j»n ift'/^ , th'hei"^ Idng, to plunder people. /(lijl f !« V' Pek' tew ch'heing twit ^ "ft- t)^ ffe j pSyh jll ch'h'ii^S /'ia^*,. plunder, in the open day. .l....>n-1 '..ill • ; -jM''. :: >f3>_ Bird's feathers ; feathers plucked Ch'heans: lHl5w from birds, to make garments, ^— l"''*^ and ornament flags. 6ng-keiing cheak hok eh'heang ^ ^ y^ |[l|^ ^ Ong-keung ch'h^ng hSh mi &y s"ai Ong-keung wore a garment made of stork's feathers. ■^ ^ , To harmoniac, to agree with. Ch'heang'^SL Ch-bi-ing h& jg ^,p , harmoni- Hf-# ous. ^ To sing {-also, to lead, to introduce. P^L Ch-hcing khi-uk f^ ^^.A*fo"ff mJ li^hek, to sing songs. Y,il chheang jS sam t'han — • pS (^ ^ p3|^ ehil dy ch'hei"Sjt ,"a ineity I'hdou k'hKuy, when once he san^, ((he bystanders) thrice applauded. See- the- jja =P Ley ke. Kwan si-Sng ch'heihg choo Hdng-tc-y -jc^ P^ S J^ ^ > Am yin che6"S k'hi Chaou choo frul"S-tty, cap* and clothes were first i»trodaccd by Wiii^S-tdy ( B. C. 2682 ). eh'heang eh'heang m Ch'hean Ch'hean Clear, bright. A field ' where grain is gathered ; a barn floor. To pay, to make good. Ch'heing. to forfeit one's Chun-put-g6 wfly 16ng, hck goe tfi tong sea l6og kim k'hd ; t6ng s«i^ I6ng e Put- gg, Put-ge mac kira cl'Ufftng xhe ^ ^ fk" ]]^ J when Chiln-put-g6 was in office, CHHEANG 104 CH'HEAOU some person ( inteading to steal from him ) took away the gold of his fellow-lodger by mistake ; the fellow-lodger suspected Fut-g6, wherefore Put-gg bought some gold, and made it good to him. Ch'heang An arena, or public field. Cheen rofi )& cheen Che6''S, ch'heang a field of battle. K'ho ch'heang /^ iM ''''''' ''**^"^' * plaee of public exami- nation. Toe ch'he4ng Cl^ ^^ keaou l'he6"^, a place for gambling. Ch'heang Ch'heang' Ch'heang To cut, to injure. Ch'heang chek tDc RSS *" ^a.<:^ and injure. Ein ch'heing J^ j^ ^ the name of an office held by females. The bowels, the entrails. Tae ch'heing ^ f&^ twa U"^, the great gut. Ch'heang jeuk twan- le"^ a boit/h Ch'heang loof'^f "the entrails.about to snap asunder; " meaning that a person is greatly affected with grief or anger, or that his heart is ready to burst. A wall. PwAn ch'heAng ^ j}^, pw^d ch'hei"^, to climb over a wall. ^^J^, Hwiin t'hoe che ch'hijing pnt k'ho woo yea £1/ Mhei"S bo Vhang budh pdyh-, a wall made of dung and mud cannot well be white washed. Ch'heang ^ Ch'heang m The same as the preceding. ch'hiiang be hwa ^^;^^ ch'heo^S bi hwf, a rose. .'I,Y \' Ch'heang Ch'heang Chfln ch'hedng „,„ ..,_, of a ship or boat. the mast EA m< Chilean _fc. Ch'heaou A mechanic. Bok ch'heang yjc b'ak cKhio"^, a carpenter. Ch'hiiiing jin ch'hok jfi siiaou che, chek 6ng noe, 6 Wuy put sin k6 jim e ^ ^ ^ -[^ ^ ^ Jcang ch'heang &y Idng ch'hak j6 ch'hdng k'hah sii/ e, chew dng sew k'he, yin wfiy bey sin e &y Jim, if the work- people were to chisel (the timber), and make it too small, your majesty would be angry, thinking it insufficient to bear its weight. See the J^. 'S ^"^""S heng. ,^j^ Ch'heang keak h«ng ^ ^ ^f^ IqI ch'heang k'ha ke^A, to hop, to limp. Hwa ch'heaou -j^ ^^ hwa ch'heo, a spade. Ch'heaou Ch'heaou JleaAsoe: to search, to look for, .to seek after. Hwat satn ,hoo k'hfi SCO, tae soe san lim ^y hoo k'hi sod, twS ch'heaou sk)" kviSh ch'htw chid'^S iwi eh'hed, he clapped his hands and laughed aloud. — Also written Ch'heaou ^ Ch'hiJiou. Ch'heaou Ch'heaou Ch'heaou Handsome, good-looking. benevolent, not well-disposed, levolent. To pipe with the mouth, to whistle ; also written ^ Ch'heaou. Ch'heaou .Aly'l^ A scabbard. To ch'hekou JJ ^, \\t Cl to SCO, the shealh of a sword. » ' >| Ch6-ch'ho kae ch'hciou boo Po* W hoe Pai, Chfl-ch'ho Uiosenrd the scabbard and gave it to Poe. See the ^^ ^ Sam-kok. Ch'heaou H To cut. Ch'heaou Ch'heaou 'iAyl^ The changing of the countenance. To walk further apart. Ch'heaou Ch'hin ch'heiou ^ |^, *» bar- gain, to come near to one ano- i l*^ ther*] prices. Ch'heaou keng ko i^ W"^^ ch'hedou k'h&h kwin, to get up the price; to raise the value of any thing. To walk backwards and for- wards. Ch'heaSuh ch'heaSuh tii, to dandle up and down. Slips of bamboo, with which they beat time, whilst singing songs. To approach, to come near. : to bow down the head. A kind of craw-fish. All, the whole i the universal voice i all speaking. JuM-m S''P' "f bamboo, used in prog- Ch'hceni ^fEP^ nosticating. T'hew ch'heera Wb gt , 'o draw lots, to prognos- Ch'heem Ch'heem /\*His Ch'hijem se ^ ^ , a letter, u writing. Ch'heem bfing ^& ;g^ ch'heem tn'i^&, to sign one's name. A lap, the front lap of a garment/ also, even, regular. Cheung tcaou ch'hac 14m, puf ing yil ch'heem chae k'heSklim, b6 Tnu"*! chit ch'heem, all the 2 c CH'HE E^M 106 CHHEEN morning liusy in gathering the indigo plant, without getting a single lap-full. E chefia hoe ch'heem jfi jea ;^ |j^ ^ |g ^ .Jl^ J s"a cMng adu pai"S ching, his nt was of an even length before .and garme behind. Ch'heem To exterminate. Ch'hijem k'hwat [J k6 k'hoey i^ M '^ 'i: ' ch'heem beet e 6.y Iwa I'haSu ling, he exterminated their great chief. Ch'heem r" slips of bamboo. ... ^._ The curtain of a carriage: also, to Ch'heem |||r=? f^m exterminate. Ch'heem Square pieces of wood, used to en- grave letters on ; printing blocks. Kan ch'heem ^ ^^ * '''°''' of wood, on which there is writing. Ch'heem ^^iJlCr To try to get near. Ch'heem '^^^ ""' ''"'''"'" S ^ ' ' '"''"''''"' a bodkin. >|^_* False, deceitful, erroneous -, also, I ^jff/^ to usurp, to intrude. T'heen Ch'heem ^^^^ beng hwut ch'hi-em ^ f^ TO f^, Cheeks beng b6 ch'hi, the decree of heaven is never wrong. Jt^T^ The name of a fruit, like an orange, abounding in Canton. Ch'heem Ch'heem To stab, to thrust through. Ch'heen ^ Vulg. cfe'Aeng-: a thousand. Ch'heen liien -^ SE^ , chit ch'heng nie"S, a thousand years. Keung ch'heep 6ng hSy, soe pek; sit k'hek ko hey, sara ch'heen 'gT ^ ^ "^ $^ W ^^^'^ ^-^' ''^""S '"« 6>/ sei/ 6 (ng mw"d, kwiiy nu ptlyh, — cheih Hy ling k'hSyh keng, koiy »"a ch'heng, a palace full of con- cubines, to the amount of several hundreds; and passing strangers entertained, to the number of three thousand. Ch'heen # The head over a thousand men. ■^ |l Luxuriance; luxuriant herbage. Ch'heen: SV— ^^° ^^"^ ^^'^''^^^ ch'hiien 5^ ^P ^ tit ^ ^, '■"'"'"^ ^1> ^'''*^«' k'hw"d. ch'heen ch'heen, the distant trees look thick with leaves. Ch'heen bek ^ ^g ^ ch'h&n hw^a. a path between the paddy-fields; a road. Ch'heen Ch'heen To stick in. P'heen ch'heen MS round and round. \, to walk Ch'heen To remove. Ch'heen se ^R y^, to remove one's habitation. Sun seng 6 Choo-p4ng, ch'heen £ Hoo- Siln sai^S two. te Owo-pdng, $wd. wuy kadu Hoo-hay, Sun was born in Choo-ping, and he removed to Hoo-hay. See the "T? jg^ Hay beng. Cheaou ch'heen 13 ;^ ^ the name of a tree. CH'HEEN 107 CH'HEEN Cirheen Ch'heen To gambol, to frisk. Ch'heen Ch'hew ch'heen W^ ^ ^ p'hSh \eng, eh'hew, a swing; to swing. Ch'hew ch'heen yeen lok, yea Itm tira te e^S ioh, kabu maVS ch'liim ch'hnn, swinging the cradle at the side of the hall, till late at night. The blazing up of a fire. Ch'heen Che e sin jT^ ^ I,^ f , ... e tSh leSh yang ck'hi, in order te make it blaze, you must put on firewood. See the ^ M Cho twan. Ch'heen To disperse, to scatter; the same as ;^ ch'heen. Ch'heen Ch'heen ^ '\-^ Shallow, not deep. Suy ch'heen W^X^ ch'heen >JC '}§ ^^ > ''''^S *•'*'" ^ ^^A k'hin, shallow water. Chew kfi ch'heen 6, ehg che, y«w che ^ &y viiiy, eng e, tiw e, approaching the shallow parts of the stream, you may wade through, or swim across them. See the ^ ^ Kok hong. A broken carriage; the lining of a carriage. Ch'heen f^S I To open, to display, to enlarge. Ch'heen Ch'heen A. slow buSalo. A vessel made of bamboo, for holding fruits and flowers. Chheen Ch'heen m A vessel, similar to the above, made of wood. Ch'heen Ch'heen Ch'heen Ch'heen Ch'heen Ch'heen >jQ To exhaust, to complete. Kijuiig > y)^ li-6n bdk chhein ^ i^ ^ //tjl, X ~ I ~ chuui"^ nie"S Hy twih, for whole years it would not be completed. jk^^ Handsome; a pretty, smiling, ap- ^J«i3_^ pearancc; to hire and employ I rj people; a son-in-law. K'hSou ch'heiou chheen h6y jTJ ^ j^ ^^ k'hd ch'hH ch'hgin hfy, a pleasing smile, with handsome dimples. See the |6f IS "Wijey bong. Cheera koesoo leng wat ch'heen & Sh fOl' ■n 13 1w ''*'^''" *' *■"*• ^"P '"* yttne '^"ff» kong kid ch'he"il, to hire people for a short time, and to order and employ them, is called ch'heen. A tall person. The luxuriant appearance of grass- "^1 and herbs ; also, new and bright. The name of a plant, used as a< red dye. To cut, to slice. Slow, obstructed. ch'heen ^ Read jeang: to yield, to give- preference to, to disclaim one's- right to. Ling i Uy jeang, wOy kok hoe hO y^w,. ch'eiou lit) toi tio ch'hiin, lliou li kok wti CHHEEP 108 CH'HEK Ch'heen -i:. ^ Ch'hee ns: Ch'hee ° »"a mfd"A SA, he that knows how to yield ac- cording to propriety, what difficulty would he find in managing the country. See the J: fi Se5"g lan. "^■^ Good words, flattery, artful dis- P^ course. Readsiien: new, — fresh, as meat, not stale or stinking. Seen ge H\\ I fe^ # c/rAcc"^' hi, fresh fish. Wuj kwun yOng seen 'P ^* Jfj g,^ ^ tok jin kwun t/ung clihee"S Ay mei"h, the prince especially must have fresh food. See the ^ -j^ Cho twin. Read ctfliijen : to stick in. Ch'hee ^^ >y^ Read ch"heen ; a light blue colour, ^Ji^^ approaching to a grey. Song %\^\k ley yung soe poe choo ch"heen m III rfl i: ^ Iw yt . ''"' '" ''"' jfung ch'hoe pod oe ch'hei"S, in funeral rites use coarse cloth, of a dark grey colour. See the -^ |^ G6 ley. ng Ch'hee Ch-heB^^ Jfc. Read ch'he : to pierce, to perforate, to draw thread through a peedle. Read sek: a carpenter's pencil. Bok sek -^ ^^ , b'ak cUhee"S> an instrument used by carpenters, for marking the length of any thing. Ch'hef^h Ch'lieep * Ch'hee"^h ch;heg"Sh ti, [l?Ji to sob and weep Vulg. s^.y t; a concubine. Yit ch'hey yit ch'heep ^ — • ^, ckil iy boi chit Ay sty t, one wife and one concubine. Ch'heep Mae ch'heep, put te kd seng, chek pok che i, u'" chae e dy «aJ"S', chek pok e, in buying a concubine, if you do not know her fa- mily name, then cast lots for it. To steal, to pilfer. Ch'heep hOn f^ ^ > '"'"""' I'lie"", lo hear by stealth. Y4ng-h"6 ch'heep p6 geuk tae kcung Bft ^ li^ ^' ^^^ '^ , -»'j fill, to drive away ; distant ; to roof a house, ^^ Grieved, pained, sorrowful ; an ex- frlrjr. cess of leeling. Ke song ae ch'hek eh'hdm t'honi ch'hek, being in mourning, a per- son should be sorrowful and aflTccted. Ch'hek Ch'hek Ch'hek Ch'liek Ch'hek To pierce, to perforate. A hook. T'hok ch'hek ^ Iffl- , Chak ck'hUyh, to read books. A plank or board for writing, used before the invention of paper. Chwftn soo p6 (.in che ch'hek A. {jjfi ^ /W /cl W ' '■*'^^" P"'S "><> /"* l^'Mh ye^i iy ch'hiyh, the record of an undiminished army, and complete victory. >^ Vg^ The appearance of little children \^^ walking. It Red : also, empty, waste, naked. ^rt^ Chhek been -^ jfj ^ ch-heih bin, ^J w a red face. Ch'hek Ify ch'hcen 1^' ^ i|lj =f- || , ch'heih tfy che"& ch'heng li, waste ground to the di<;- tance of a thousand le. Ch'hek ki-ak ^ ffl* ch'heih k'ha, bare-foot. hatchet ; also, near, nearly related ; sorowful. A surname, in keAnp;, rhek hoo boe put choo, hod kwuy, chek ch'hin ch'hek wiiy Ke ''^ j^' ^i , »ong heung, chek pay hoi u'" IHh Idn ehi> ke"i, pod k-Kiiy, chek ch'hin ch'hek ke"a Ian, ,Jt? A I ItU relj /*V\i Pin CHHEK 110 CHHENG Ch'hek when poor, our very parents will not acknow- ledge us for their children ; and when rich, our nearest relatives will be afraid of us. >.^A A plan, a scheme ; a book, a re- ""B, -^ cord i a whip, to whip. Bo6 key ^^5^ ch'hek k'h6se|K If g"SJ'J||, bS khy ch'hek Chang se, having no plan to adopt i unable to suggest a scheme. Bun Boo che cheng, poe chae hong ch'hek Boo-ing &y chbng soo, poi te hong ch'hek, the government of Bun-ong and Boo-6ng is con- tained in the historical records. See the F|i j^ Teung yeflng. Ch'hek ke ma f^ ^ W} ,'>'"' ^ ^H **^' ^^ whipped his horse. See the J^ pj^ Siiang lun. Ch'hek Ch'hek Ch'hek Ch'hek Ch'hek Ch'hek 7C Ch'hek The same as the preceding. A small step ; to walk slowly. To break, to burst. Koe h6ng kap ch'hek -fej p^ ^ ^^ kabu bing g&y k'hak p'hwi, when ve- getation commences, the seeds burst. An agricultural instrameat. The noise made by birds. Bad rice. Not advancing ; to make no pro- sress. Ch'hek 2p Ch'heng To rub, to sifti also, to fall as a leaf. Pure, clear, clean. Gwat ch'heng fheett«y )^ y^ # /S . ^"«^* ch'heng kada Uy, the moon is clear, through and through. Hong h6 sam ch'heen Icgn, yit t6ng ch'heng ^ M H -f % - ii y-^, ^"^"^ '^» $'a ch'heng nefS^ chit dy ting ch'heng, the Yellow river becomes still and clear once in three thousand years. Chheng-/^'^"^'";'^''^! ^^ ° I v^ to walk as if one to walk lame, were drunk. Ch'hen To call, to name, to praise, Ch'heng hoe ijE (.l-Ti to praise. Ke put ch'heng ke lek, ch'heng kfi ti'k ho biy u'" sai ch'heng hoe e ay lat, ch'heng koe e dy tek, a good horse must be praised, not according to ils strength, but according to its good qualities. See the "H am Hay lun. Ch'heng Vulg. ch'hai"^ i azure; light blue. 'C^ ^ Ch'heng sek -^ ^ ch'haing tek, f ^ an azure colour. Ch'heng t'hae ^ ch'hai"^ t'hi, green moss. Also writ- ten ■m' Ch'heng. Ch'heng A privy, a necessary. Xt A kind of willow, growing by the side of rivers, of a reddish colour. The name of a fish, of a light green colour. Vulg. t'han : a kind of cockle. I^K* B4n jin e tefin chiiiinij che, wuy ch'heng teSngiy^^^ 51 II CH'HENG 111? CH'HENG -^ 1^ j^ [5 ^ Ba» «fli"ff ty ling II ch'han ch'he e, king ked I'han t'e"d, the people of Hok-keen province feed them in fields, which they call cockle piu. See the T^ ^ ?3 Che"a je t'hong. Ch'heng Ch'heng A reddish colour. To give, to present. The name of a creeping plant. Ch'heng " ^^ » ""^" '^''"'"'"S ^ % , *"""» I I ch'hai^S, indigo. ^" ^ %. To invite, to ask, to beg, to greet. Ch'heng --m* c'>''^"e J'" •'' "^^^w =*• /^ ^ P nJ i@ ' <^*'''«"« i^«S c*e«* cHw, to invite people to drink wine. Ch'hdng cho =§ ^ ^ ch'he^& cUy, pray sit down. Gfi hong jIn ch'hdng hiidn ^ j;;| ^ =^ ^, C< Aons jln f*'Ae"| I Gnd sim jd ch'heng, pu put l£og Ch'heng wuy jln ley ^6ng ^ ^^^ ^j ^^ J, ^|* "Wf /^ iS^ ^P ' S^""* ^.y *"" '^'•"'"" cheo"^ \ ch'hin, bey yin wuy l&ng cKhong kay kwiii, my mind is like a pair of scales, which are not to be elevated or depressed for any man. Clothes worn underneath, an inner dress V to assist. Ch'heng "6 i|3 to accord with propriety. A sacrifice ; also, monev. Ch'heng Vulg. ch'hin: to weigh, to find out Ch'hen*^ /PfrL '''^ weight of any thing. S6j e ch'heng but, j£ te k6 k'heng teQng che4 yea ^ VJ, ^ ^/] , i\]] ^ l[ ^ ^ 4^ iii , *** * '^* **" mrt"*. ji chae e iy k'hin ling yed, that by which we weigh things, in order to ascertain whether they are light or heavy. Cb'h Jng pk :|^ ^^eh'hingp'hel^, to blow the nose. Ch'heng ch'hing ^Q ^ to run away, to run inces8autly. Ch'heng ch'bdng j« ch-hoo ^^ |j?| ^p ^^ €k'hhig ch'htng an niy, merely thus i always so, invariably the same. Ch'heng Ch'heng Ch'heng flg Unsaleable, that cannot be dispos- ed oC. Ch'heng leing >ja J^^ ekew ch'hin, Ch'heng J tfi '""'• Hwin wOy jln cboo chc I ^ Ifiy, tong wun j6 hay ch'heng htciu chd Idng kc"d iy Ity, tcSh tang t'hee"S hoi pay boi sio, jt hay /'A«e"S' hoi e ch'hin, the duty of all children is^ in the winter (to keep their parents) warm, and in the snmmer, cool. CH'HENG 112 CH'HEO Ch'heng pjk^ Vulg. chhe"il ■■ X!3^ ploy as a labourer. Ch'heng jin to hire, to eiti- ^ ^ P'oy as a lahou 1^ chokongf^^X^I^^'''*^"^ Mng cho kang kwtii/, to hire people to work. Read ch'heuiig : a cannon, a great Ch'heng^^ <«K* S""- ^'hae ch'heng fa jin ffe -] J ^\. > *''*"'"^ ch'hing phSh l&ng, t« fire a gun and shoot people. ■^t ^ ^ Read yung: the name of a tree, Ch'hSw'i'^^f^ which first shoots up as a creeper, w^Jpg and afterwards becomes a very large tree 4 the Indian fig tree, or banyan tree, — very common in tbe provinces of Hok- keen and Kong-tong, but is never found norlh of the river iW Cheet, in the province of Cheet-kang. I _ SeOng pek \^ }^'^ , cKMvg pUj/h, Ch'hengTt/^^ a cedar or fir tree. J6 seung I • pek che yew sim, kwan soo sfi, jS put kae k-ho ek yccp ^\i i'> '^ 'Z-'^ ch'hin cheats ch'hing piiyh it/ woo sim, Chabu si t£ j& bo kdy ke w"d heoh, with a mind like the evergreen fir, which passes through the four seasons, without altering its branch- es or changing its leaves. See the jj^ p^ Ley kd. >;;• Ch'hfing boo "[^ p^, an expression of respect. IM I To pierce, to stick in; any thing 'hSng»lJ Chheng' Ch'heng with which to pierce a bole. A vessel for holding salt An implement used in breeding si Ik- worms. Ch'hSng * 1 % ^ Read ih'hwan : to put on, to wear. » I ■ Ch hwiii sara -jji ^^ ^ ch'heng s^a, ^^^ to put on clothes. Ch'hwan beet Sp IjM cKheng biiiyh, to wear stockings. M^ Read ch'hong: to collect, to store i^ic#^- up CA'Ae**'^'^3^ "** ' ^ P'^<^'= f""" gathering, a gra- y\^ nary. Nae chek nae ch'hong I'j "a" Jn -^ woo ig chek, woo ay cKhe"^, some was collected, and some was stored ly. Ch'hong liin ho6 k'hoe )c.V ^ j^ 0^ ck'he^ tint hod k'hoi, a granary and treasury. Ch'hong <:hut ^g' A? not hurried. Read ch'hong: the hold of a ship. * > Kead chhong: the hold of a si Ch'he"SM^ K'hae ch'hong f^ ^^ A' /■l/0t ch'heng, to open the hold. Ch'h tvujf hwin ch'hong ^ ch'hUn cVhe^S^ a ship's hold. Ch'he'^S Chlie^S $ •JTJ^^ Pan ch'hong ^ ^ , pan cKhe'"S, an ulcer, a sore. ,->4v Ch'hong choe j^ ^^ cft'W"^ chaou, to run away. Ch'he^S %_ Read ch'hflng : a bed stead. Been J4r ch'hong 01^ ^ ^ btn cKhi^, f ■>! ^^ a sleeping place. Sun chae ch'hong k'hira ^« ;^ KP ^^ ^ Siin Iwa le ch'h£''S tw"& k'him, Siin was sitting on the bed-stead, playing the guitar. See the T" j^ H^y ''^"g- >^'^ Scaou k'hoe Djlj p ^ ch'heo cKhity. Ch'heo M rM a sharp moulh, clever at speak- ing. ch'heo Ch'heo kei/. a game cock. CHHEOH US CHHEO Ch'he eo Yfn-seaou ^ '^ JVAn-ch'heo, the name oT a district, in the pro- vince of Hok-keenj|S^^^ in the department of jfe U\ Cheang-chew, and near the border* of yg jffl Ch'eo^S.p'hoi. Also, up in the clouds. M Jtutf^ Read eh'hcaou : to laugh. ({"o CA neo ^Jm^ ch'hSaou flJp ^ Ad ch'heu, laugh- -X^- able. Yit k'hey ch'he, j6 leng jin cb'heaou — Ik li^ ifn '^ A 5^ ^ '*" ^^ *'*"""* ^*'*'** k'hi, ji ki ling ch'hio, when onee ;ou show your teeth, you give occa«ioD to others to Ch'heS Ch'hedh laugh. yy^ shell fish, Read je4o u . Kang j efto u ^X. ^ > ka ch'h'ei, a imall insect t a small Rcadch'hck: a fo»t measure. Yit ch'hek — ■ F^ chil ch'h'eSk, one foot. Ch'hiin y6w sfey tw&n, ch'hek y6w scy teftng woo (1^^. A'AiA Uj/, cMt ck'keSh woo sii/ k'hih WS, an'inch is too short, and a foot i< loo long. Ch'htuh 'liie eating of a duck or goose. A reddish kind of insect : a hairy caterpillar. Read lek : a mat, for sitliAg or sleeping on ; used also for a ta- ble, because the ancients ate their meals off mats spread iipottllie jround. 'I*, ,,'• -jp I.I Giio sim hwuy »ek, put k'lio kwan jc:i jH? 2 L *B,"a «"> ,e ch'heSh, bey Chang hoe ling Aicui"ff, our hearts are not like mats, they cannot be rolled up at pleasure. bek kwin t'heen hiy ^ J^ ^ ~V\ , ch'h'edh kvui^S thee"^ ay, he got possession of the empire, like the rolling up of a mat ; i. e. rapidly. % f ^ Read ch'heang: a water plant, a Ch'hSo ° f*"y kind of sedge. Ch'hiiang po6 I "W H ^m ^ ch'hee"^ poi, the hang- ing sword plant. -fc. Ch'/ieong" ^B Ch-heo'^ m6 sin iU. of madness. a furious kind Ch'heang k6ng ^R ^, ch'hio"B king, rude, boisterous. Ch'heO ° jfl y*^ Read ch'heang : a pomfret fish. Read ch'hiiang : a spear. I'ut yung Ch'h eo 7^ Ch'h'eo tii&ng ch'liiiang rhu I'hiien choo, chO sc hwat lut t£ Tliae pen^ x^ n\ r< ^^ fit % -T. K m -ik ^it^-jhZ^, u'" yung li"^ ch'hco"S hod fhan hung Uy, chi te htcat lut li kaiu I'hai jiC'ng, Ihpre is no need of using a long spuar to assist the emperor •, but it is only ne- cessary to publish go!te silig. Chheang k'lTcu'W'])p, jtti ; (■h-hv6"S khek, to sin^' songs. CHHEO^^ 114 CH'HEUK B<)8 twan j6 chheing M jf^ jfjj P^ , *" s"a sod Ji ch'hed"^ kheb,' to sing without any reason. Ch'hei^^ Ch'h eo Ch'hijang be liwa ^ ^^ /(^ cKheo^S bt hwa, a rose. Read ch'hSang : a wall. Ch'heang p'bek H^ ^ ^ che6"S pedh, a wall of a house. Chun & teaou ch-hgang ,1,^ ^ ]|| ^^ , ku'&n kuidn it/ ch'hod, teaou k'hek t,t/ cKheo"^, a high house, and sculptured walls. See the .-v^^f Read ying : to winnow. Y4ng CA'Aeo"^ ISI^r ch'heuk ^"^ ^ch'he6"S cKkek, /•^•\n^ to winnow corn. Pd che y^ng che, k'hong pe chae cheSn ch'lieu"^ e, k^he"S pi le t'hadu cHng, sifting it and winnowing it, the husks and chaff will all fly before you. Ch'h'eo ^ E Read ch'heang: a mechanic. Boo ch'heang ek jc6n ^j^ j^ JJJn W\ , sae kong bak chlwo"S yea si anniyy "conjurers and carpenters are also thus;" — the former profiting by people's living, and the latter living by people's dying, in having to make coffins for them. Ch-heo'^S Read yiing: to hire, to let one's services, to engage in service. Tong-koe soo k'he, Hay-hok peen seng, wOy yea kay yflng ^^ sffl '^. koi Cty soo k'hi, Hay-hok u)"i sai"S> k'he chb p'hith t'h'elh kay i,y ch'h'eo^^, when the troubles of Tong-koe commenced, Hay-hok changed his surname, and hired himself into the family of a blacksmith. Read siiang: an elephant. K'he Ch'heo'^& 13^ ^'^^ P^ **'° seang, j6 wan che, t'hiJen hay tae wat 1[| j^* ^7 hoi pt tae cKed^^, ji hoe e hwtui"S, t'hee"^ ay chew Iwa hw^'a hi, driving away tigers and leopards, lions and elephants, and removing them to a distance, the whole empire was greatly delighted. See thej[2 j^ Siiangbeng. "^ ^0^ Read k'hip: to draw up. K'hip Ch'hed'"-Sy/lrf ady "ijhj^, ch'hed"S chuy, to %^^^^ draw water. Keng twan chea, put k'ho e k'hip ch'him ^^ ^ # >r^ "T J^ iR M, •o'^''^-'" Chang eKheo^ ch'him ch^y, when the rope is short, we cannot draw water from a deep place. Said by TJJ 31 Chong-choo. Hin-ch'heuk ^^ ■Jffi a man's name, who lived under the Hay dynasty. Near, close, short. Pek ch'heuk 3^ lJ3 to tti^e, to hasten. A Ch'heuk Ch'heuk Ch'heuk The teeth too near together. Ak ch'heuk ^ gB ^ urgent ; also, an instrument for marking a hole in a door. Ch^heuk Ch'heuk Ch'heuk Ch'heuk Grass growing in luxuriance ; a busby appearance. Grieved, sorrowful. Ch'heuk poey IS Wj. JeiihpiJeyy not straightened', not stretched out. A small step. The two characters Ch'hek ^ ■ and Ch'heuk ^ , both signifiying a small step. \ CH'HKUK 115 CH'HEUK when put together form the character /f^ Hfing, to walk. Ch'heuk »- fc » Stretching up, high, elevated, ris- ^^jJ.V^ '"g straight up. Ch'heng san MR Clrheuk Cirheuk teflng teep, put te ch'heuk tey y6w ke to ^ |I^ ^ ^ /f. ^nq g ^ ;^ S® -^ ch'heng tw''a ling teep, u™ chae ch'heuk tiy woo Ima chey, the green hills piled one upon another, I do not know bow mtrch elevated from the earth. To tread ou, to trample under foot. Ch'heuk jcjfic che, k'hit jin putseak yea [|i^j p^ j|f] ^1 liitg, IStn k'hit ehedh u™ k'hw^i ch'heng k'hd s*5"ff, if you trample on a things and then give it to any one, even a beggar will not ci>nin sit )ca R \iL > *°' **' '•'' **"*^ *'' J'P tt^oo It, chitv hi peih bS Chang Uadu chedh, if ynu do not allow a net with close meshes tu enter the pools, the fish and tortoises | for consumption will be inexhaustible. . See the Jk ^ Seang beng. The fat part of a wolPs breast. To urge, to constrain, to distreM, to hasten ; near. Ch'heuk ^3 ^''"^' ^'•'■''^'"''PSrPl^ »'"'"«• Ch'heuk of Budha. Careful, a careful appearance. 7 CH'HEUNG 116 CH'HEUNG Ch'ljeirft ^ jt To ^eak quickly. To seek for by flattery, to seek for by adulation. Gak-ch'heuk ^ fjS ^ the name Ch heuk | | |^| of a man, who lived in the time of Confucius. The teeth meeting each other, wry teeth. Vulg. ch'heSh: a fuot measure; also read Ch'hek, which see. Ch'heulv Ch'heuk -n .TV Ch'lieilk Ch'heung' To rub, to nib out; to liriish, to (lust. To extend, to fill up, to carry out to the utmo«t, to stop up: a surname. Also written O Ch'heung. Ch'hiiung kwun che pa6u "^^ y^ f^ , ih'h'eung mw^d jin kwun Ay paou, to fill the prince's cook-house. Seetheffi^gP Ley ke. Yew jfi ch'heung Jc ^ ^p ^ If j «**<> cIChiw wui"^^ i'hal he k'hang, to take one's ■sleeve aod stoj) one's ears. See Uie ^M ^f Kok hong. K'hok je ch'heung cho ^ ffif ^ j^ . kotig k'hw&h ji ch'.iung mw"d e, to extend and carry it out to the utmost. Sfc the Ch'heung Ch'heuri" The heart moved, the mind affected. \ A gem worn as an ear-ring. Ch 'heung T J+ Ch'heun Chtjeimg To move, to agitate4 to fly up; also, deep and empty. Sat k'hc ch'heung fheen $^ ^ jrfl ^fr , thai I&ngAi/ k'hi ch'heung kaou fhee"?, the murderous spirit mounted up to the very heavens. ^ Young, small ; the noise made in Ch'heunff ^fCP perforating ice. Soo fi ch'heung f J'" ^ "^ '4' -Aj *"" S^"'" seauu Vein Idng, to nie a young man. .Small, young: also, a surname. .m, Even, equal, just. Ho^'heenput ch'heung, kang ch'lio6 k'heuk II) f^^, twS fhee"S u'» pai''S, kdng chiy Ity M'" ho, "tbe great heavens are unjust, in sending down these calamities :" — an impati' cut complaint of tbe dealiqgs of providence. The same as Vm Ch'heung; an unsettled state of mind. Unconstrained, easy, unforced. Put been jS teiing, put soo j6 tek, ch'heung yftng teiing t«, sSng jtn y-ea,^^ ^ ffil ^[». ^ .§. (fS kidng j6 teiing, u™ sat seo"^ ji tit teSh, eh'h'eimg i/Ang te tang e"S dy to li. chty chew se sing jin yea, without effort to hit upon the centre, without tiiuch thought to obtain any thing, and spontaneously to follow thp due medium, is what a sage alone can attain to. See the 03 ^- Teung yilng. Ch'heung y^ Ch^heung To withstand, , to oppose, to come' across, to rush abruptly. Ch'KtJiing hfing biin le ^ |^ CH'HEUNG 117 ctt'tiiiW^ Ch'heung Ch'heung ^ ffi J ch'heung hw*i ban li, spread across to the extent of ten thousand le. Ch'heung tut ^^, to rush abruptly. Ch'heung- The name of a plant. To be sad and sorrowful. ^- Slowly, leisurely; to allow^: .to give loose to, to gjve way to; »|A'^ although, e»eo, if. Ch'heung pae ley, yeuk pae toe |^ ^ SSb ^tr Bo |s loose conduct injures pro- priety, lustful desires tend to the breach of the law):. Kam yew je sim hoe ! ch'heung yew, k<:uDg kfi liiey, bok keOog kfi gbey W ^ 31 ^y chae k"d wou na djf thm kw^a ' ch'heung woS, ing kap lae bin &g ting, bu ko^ gwa. btn dy Idng, how dard we' Encourage a double heart! and even if we did, it should be with those at home, and never with those. abroad. Ch'lieung Vulg. ch'hing: a raanoD, a great gun. 'To come withbnt being invited. .'h'heuns: A3eG Awry, not strtlirht,. incorrect.. Ch'heuns Vulg. th'hing : to put on, to wear. Ch'heung sam ffi ^^ cVheng s"a, to put on clothes. Yiw e put ch'heQag, y£w selng put cheak, cb'hoo che wfly Ian jIn /M ^^ ^ ^£, /& 8 F Ch'hew u'" ch'heng, woo yin chi6^S jj'* cheak yung, chig te komg leAou lip dy Idng, one who has clothes and does not wear thein^ who has- apparel and does not make use of it, — this is- what is called a shameful follow. ■••fr The autumn, harvest, ripe. .\ sur- name. Ch'hun, hay, ch'hew, long ch'hete, long, spring, summer, autumn, winter. Ch'hew ha che bwkt T^X^/^^, r*'*** M Ay boiy, " the end of an autumn's down -," i. e. a very insignificaot thing. Ch'hew Ch'hew. Ch'hewv Ch'Jiew Ch'hew Ch'hew Ch'hew u ^ ^ The name of a tree, whose leaf M at' falls in the early part of au- T\ yf V tnmn.. \^ rl> M ^Jv ^ *" ""'"* "^ * river. 1 Sh eh-hew ch'heen ^ .|^ , a swing, 3= 1 TV * cradle. The name of a bird. The name of a mud fish. THe name of a &>h, several thout- - aVid t(i in length which is said' lo dwell in caverns at'the bottom of the Jea rwheii Hunters these caverns, the tide rises, art^ iHteh it comes oat, the tide falls again: — this is the way in which tne Chinese account fdr the ti4e«, Ijd ■ turnl round. wiUi the' hand -, ' t6 twiu any thing and make it small. ' ' CH'HEW 118 CH'HEW Ch'hew Ch'hew Ch'hew Ch'hew Ch'hew ^. Read se: a beard, K'hoe sc P ^, cKhiiy ch'hew, the beard about the mouth. Co ch'h4n bfi, be jijem se ^U ^ ^, ^ :^ , ^*'*'" ^''^""^ wan p'ha''i ch'haou, like the being disgust- ■ed with a bad smell. See the ■ic @. Tae hak. To build up a wall, to raise a parapet. Cheng ch'hew boo kew k'h&h kwAn, b6 u^ ho, if the well were built higher, it would he no harm, Ch'hew ch'hae -^ -j^, to receive any ^one in a polite manner. Put yaou « che ch'hew ch'ha^ ^ ^ i>l ^ tt (tR^ *^ *"^'^'' ""P ' '^^^'"' cKhde. .to jefusc oroper a.ttention to any one. Read sSw : to answer politely, to return a compliment. P6 seang jin chea, lin wuy s^w tuy mf lAng, Bh kap e ch'hiw tiiy, with those great people, it i« difficul* to converse and pay compliments. ^■^ % Read se : a tree. Se bok j^ ^^ T»l#r| ch'hew bak, timber. Wtiy pok f^^P ch'hun t'hijen se, Kang tong jit l.oe yla J| ;^ ^ ^ fif. ^X ^ ;^ 4& Ve JVuy pak le cho cKhun t'hee"^ dy ch'hew, te Kang tang gwd cho jit am Sy hwiln, ^^a th6 north of the rivet Wfiy yon areas M ^^^ Itii, l<:-.. r.-.-ii. CH'HEY 119 CH'HEY Ck'/iew Ch'hey a tree in the spring season, whilst I on the east of the Kang stream am as the clouds around the setting sua. Said by one poet, A>( another. , ,.■ J-^L Yang bS«y 1^ ^ , rVAj^ a kind of plum. cKUvi A" Vulg. boi: a wife. Hoo ch'hey -^r- ^^ "IS P'^i husband and wife. Soo j6 kwuy ch'hey, tae pcEg be p'hwin ± iD 1^ i. jt ^^ ^ ^^> "^^ '"''"""' lAng chhwA tooi'^ lat boi, t'hAn i^ bdgjf y'e6"S, the scholar taking home his wife, does it before the ice is melted. See the Ch'he ch'hey j6 h6, pit ko hoo boe ^ ^ ilD fpj il^-^ "i^ X ^ ^ '■*'*"'* *°* ''" "" chm^u, pit leih kap pay boi king, in marry- ing a wife how must wc act? we ought certainly first to inform our parents. See the /]> ^ Sead« gn&y. Grass growing luxuriantly t exu* berant herbage. Sorrowful, grieved. The first ; former, early. K'he ch'hey yKTJ fe 1^ , *^ beginning. Thae ^fpFW ch'hey che sfi, bin kae tOn but ij/ ti chek, pij/h 101"^ chd po6 tin but, at the time of the beginning, the people were ge- nerally all Munt aud plain. See the Cp =P Soo k£. Ch'hey beng wat, te put bion 4c|[] ^ Q ^ ^ ^ , *'** fha6u iy bing Kng king, Chat put hiou iy lAng, th« very first decree was — ♦' put the unfilial to d«atb," The wind and rain rising up into a squall. #•-'•111711 • ')■ U.I To thump with the fist. • li The difierent coloured threads in silk or cloth. GaS ch'hey Hj^ Q^ , to 'uol^ an- grily. Perspiration ; also, clear water. Kft song yew ch'hey ^ ^ -^ )^, e ty t'haSu kiSh woo ku!"a, on his forehead stood the perspiration. See the H ^ sang beng. ^^*V| Ch'hey To marry a person, to give a person in marriage to aay one. K'hong- «ho6 e kfi beng che choo ch'hey IChong-ihoo t'ho e iy he"a iy ke"i hoe e chd toi, Confucius took his brother's daughter, and fave her to liiiti In marriage. See the Be ch'hey ^j^ jS ^ rice flour. To scrub clean. Teng ch'hey jlK ^ij te"d ch'Miy,,\he Krapings ot the pot. vi" ,. ., Read ch'ily : brittle, easily broken. Unable to walk i to drag the feel , . .'-U »'-'m:i.'- > in walkior. , ^ri-^iM* 120 CH'HIN # Ch'him Ch'him "%^^ Deep. Ch'him bo'6 liy^M]^. y/^Amm a bottomless depth. Ji'p san wiiy fy^V k'heung put ch'him, j'ip lim wfly kheung put bit X P-i 'B f& y^W-A J^ \f ft.T^^, fi" -"t ""^^ '';•"'' """ ch'him, j'ip ni wAy ke"a a"* bat, entering the hills it is only to be feared we cannot go deep enough-, and retreating into the woods we are only apprehensive lest we be not sufficiently concealed ; — said by those who forsake the world and adopt a hermit's life. K6 jin ch'him w4n ^ J^ A t^ jS ^ ' k'hah ye"& ling ch'him hwui^^, surpassing others to a great depth and distance. ^^P A supernatural influence, produc- fvt^ ing- both good and bad effects. Ch'him Ch'him Ch'him Ch'him Confused, in disorder. To advance gradaally. ^^ To enter by degrees, to invade, il|— JJfc to pare off; calamitous. Gnoe 1.^^^ kok put teng, wuy che tae ch'him k'hi lai, king ked two. ch'him, when the five kinds of grain do not come up, this is called a great calamity. Tek jin ch'him che ^jK ^ /j^ ji^ ^ iek iy hwan ch'him hw'at e, the northern barbarians invaded him. i.%_y To sleep, to rest. Ch'him sit j^ )l^3^ ^ k'hwitn keng, a sleeping cham-, /\y^^ her. , rr"frff7 Cha6-S tew ch'him ^ -^ Ch'him Ch'hi im time, ffor which Confucius severely reprov- ed him. ) See the J^^ |^ Seang lun. Ch'him P"t se 1^ ;;7^ R ^ k'hvcHn b6 ch'hin ched''S sin se, (Confucius) in his sleep, did not lie stretched out like a corpse. See the Small of ttatHre ; not inclined to grow tall. To engrave wooden blocks for ti\h ^r printing. Ch'him To game, to play at games of t Ch'him itfrf^ A kind of cinnamon tree. Ch'him Ch'him keak h6ng jj^ fll ff , ch'him k'ha ke^'il, to walk on tip toe. Ch'him fit taou s6 k'hu'iin, Chae-6 slept in the day Ch'him Ch'hin The name of a river? to fathom the depth of winter with any thing ; to lade. Ge chw&n suy che kin, to sek put kara ch'him ge Ay chw"d chtty suy che kin, ch'hat &y sSh u"* k"d khi t'hdm, the fountain of righteousness may be ever so near, yet we must not presume to draw frQm,,i^ vi^h a thief's rope. "cli.hjm, a large house, with deep sets of chambers and courti!. Near; to draw miar j near relatives; to hold near and dfear. Ch'hin ae ^1^. '" '"^^ 'itimately. Ch'hin **'" f^ ^ ^ to approach. Lijang ch'hin j3^ H 3 parents. ■ eh'hik clioo ^ ^ , ch'hin ka ^&, one's 9el/«''«i"" - •• '■';.'- CH'HIN 131 CH'HIP HIn diae loe peen bo6 cbe ch'hek, boo ke cli'hin san y£w wan ch'liln ^ /fr S& j^ HES^.f Htl^ lij tit song lieung two loe pC^SpH Clothe* worn near the body. for ch'hin m parents. Ch'hin Read ch'heng: coid; ch'hew ch'hin, cool and pleasant R<-ad ch'hdng : to weigh, to ascertain the weight of any thing; see ch'hAng. A roaltitude of people. Persons collected together. \ A sound made by tlie mouUi and tougne. p,, ,. . 1^ |7 '^'>c same as the above; also, many ffP mouths. ^1 ,1 . ^ V^ The descent of rain, i|>, chcang choo hwOnyei^^^^.lDltJl^^^ S o CH'HIP 122 CH-HO Ml J peng to ch'hin ehSo"^ haky^ bS hoe e Mj/^li, ch'eang ka te aeo, military ^reapons are' like fire, if we do nat put a stop to them, they will burn our awn fingers. tree out of which ooies a certain Ch'hip ^V ^ liquid, of which they make varnish; the varniih tree. Ch'hip > Ch'hip Vulg. clChal: vamisli, paint; also the name of a river. Vulg. Ar'Aa I'haSu woo: the knee. I-^^ Le4ng ma te t'hofi, k'hoe che ch'hip ^ r^KW,\^mU Ml J^, ho bay kay Vha&u, ch'hUy kagu k'ha I'hdu woo, a good horse keeps his head low, till his mouth reaches his knees. LSang s6w kd k& ch'hip ^ ^ j§ ^ ^ , no dy cKhiw, kiiiy e dy k'ha t'hdou woo, both his hands reached over his knees (as he stood upright) said of Lfiw pe &A fra^ in the ^. Sara kok. Ch'hip ^tn/ United, harmonious. Ch'hip ^^ A kind of insect, fo-uni adhering to oyster-shells j also found on the bottom of nncoppered vessels at sea: shingles. Ch'hip ^ Ch'hip Ch'hip ^^j^~ Harmonious ; an appellation indica- JTf-JSt^ live of talent and wisdom. ^'*2f '^^^ name of a plant; grass grow- ing thick together. ^rJT^ Gngw ch'hip ^ ^ , ff^" ch'hip, the tl^^n name of a vegetable medicine ; very common in the Chinese apothecary's shops. Jt. Ch'hit \ Seven. Sip ch'hit -j^ -{^ , f*ap .^^T' eh^hll, seventeen. Ch'hit sip J^ -^ ych'hii chap, seventy. Ch'hit sip jS cheflng sim sey yeuk, put j6 ke chap hii^y ji t'hin sim kw"a siy ai b6 k'oey hwal toe, at seventy I followed whateuer my heart desirid, without overstepping the right rule. Said by Confucius, in the r ^ro Scang lun. Ch'hit ^ ^ Ch'ho Ch-ho Ch'hQ Ch'ho Ch'ho The same as the preceding. ^^ Y P The colour of a gem ; purely white. "T^-. . 1 Ch'ho hgy ch'ho hSy kfi che teen how white ! and how pure t does it display it- self ! See the g ^ Kok hong. Ch'ho gfi ||3| i^y hills covered with stones. ^^ ^^. 1*** grind and rub. J6 ch'heet je ch'ho yfi3E ^p "tlj -k] T^> ch'hin cheo''S ch'heet \^CCm ch'^hin chgd"S ch'ho, like splitting and filing (hones.) See the _ |^ gffi SiJang lun. Ch'ho t6 !^ Rv to miss an oppor- tunity, to miss one's aim. To hold, to grasp ; resolution, firm adherence to. Chefin ban teang t'hong k'hek, te6n keen yew been ch'ho Ifi^^^^lBf.^t ^ M ^ cheSn hd.n teo"S t'hong dy Idng k'hiyh tSin klin, woo gaSu ch'ho glm mee"h, in the former part of the Han dynasty-Teo"? I'liong had a guest called Teen-keeng who was cele- brated for his firm grasp. Ch'ho peng ^k ^^ ch'haou ftngy to drill soldiers. CH'HO 123 CH'HO Ch'ho Ch'ho Ch'ho Ch'ho Ch'ho ^^ A raw smell ; the smell of raw meat. ^)^ Tong kay sat gnew, woo hew seng B& , lan% pee^ Ay eh'hoo I'hai gad Id sdm ch'haou kixi ch'hai'S eh'hoy the next door neighbours on the eastern side were in the habit of kil- ling oxen, which occasioned dirt afid stink, connected with a raw smell. G& ch'ho 01 U of raw fish. hi fVfto, the smell Vulg. ch'hauu, grass. Fid ko ch'ho ^^W, ^thi- W ch'haou, straw. Ch'heng ch'ho t6 tflng, ch'he ch'he wft ^ ^ ^jll jf It g ^, ch'hai"S ch-haou ti U ting, lak usuy woo kap i, when green grass grows about the pools, in every part there will be frogs. Pe sira ch'ho ch'hong chc ^^^. j|lj "Z., pe sim eh'hadu ko cVhong e, P»-slra made a rough sketch of it. Ch'ho se ]^ ^ ^ chho Ja sea, to write the running hand. Chho ko ^ j[^ , a rough sketch, a hastily written thing. Ch'ho ch'ho- ^ ^ , short and hasty. n The same as the preceding. Grtevedv sorrowful. Lfl sim ch'ho h6y 'U* '1^ ^ ' '**** '"^ ^^ *"" ch'ho hiy, a troubled mind^ how sorrowful '. See the ^ |5^ Kok. bong. Ch'ho Ch'ho i The female of quadrupeds. l^' Cheet ch'ho ¥6 ^, '<> >»«'d »<> one's •vi purpose: to adhere to self-prescrib- ^ the notes or- rules for ed rule*. K'faeuk ch'ho | ■ singing a song. To push, to hurl. Soo e yit hd ch'ho Ch'ho .^ F^i^ « ji", jeak tat che & ch'he te4ou /^ 'jif^ fP ^^ , Ho"^ ni wei chit hS ch'ho kap l&ng, ch'hin cheo''S til p'htth /» kag ch'he iHou ting, he thought that when be was in the lea^t pushed by people, it was the same as though he had been struck i« the market or the palace. See the J^ "^ Seang beiig. Small. Ch'hiiet jeuk wfly ch'ho -t/J f^ ^ ^ ^ fA'Aeei bih chb ch^hd, to chop up meat till it becomes small. T6 cut off. grassy- to mow down grass. . N^ S.nall, minute, ChOng eh'hit bofl kwuy,. jfi ch'hd 6 telou II ivt' i? t^M it i^ ^ . ^*'»«"'» "« *« t0oi"S lai^ ji ch'hd kaoii t'e&ou, we beseech you do not return home, but go lathe court. See Ch'ho Ch'ho Ch'ho Chho ""^ Jl ri& Selng beng. Ch'ho Ch'ho Ch'hd Ch'ho ^•J To break, off, to maim; to cut la pieces, to dissert. ♦ kV In action*- to regard our words, and fK|g>^ in words to regard our actions^ is |« ^ i^ called ch'hd. Rice mixed with th* hu>k. Ch'hd be Tit ^ , u"'^'''*'' •■'«• The noise made by birds; to chirp, to whistle. Neaou ch'hd ch'heen llm CH'HOE 124 CH'HOE kdo» kabu cKheng Km gaS, the birds Tvhistled beyond the thousand groves. M*v2 '^° ti*'^^ ^° opportunity^ to lose Ch'ho 'wTmI^ time; also to pass over. Jit ^wat f^/C*^ ch'ho t6, sbey put gno ^ R H liiJei/ bo hoe gwd, days and months are passed by, and years of long life are not afforded me. Ch'hoe IS Ch'hoe Coarse, large, gross, not fine. Cheng ch'hoe XjS -^[ fine and coarse. IMoe sim kam chiia, kfi seng ch'hoe sew k'hd 6.y sim kw"a kiin long e ./Ly s&"a ch'hoe kwi ley, when a person is moved by an angry feeling, the sound of his music is coarse and shrill. Vulgar, coarse, Pe kfi se'aou tae, e k6 ch'hoe leing, j6 scang hwat Jhe^^,)^^.|i±t^ M' ff5 'K" ^ ^ ^ ^^ *" ^^ '*^^ '"'"' ''"'' ^ iy ch'hoe leAng, ji sS6"S hwal c, compare the small and great, the coarse and refined together in order to reward or punish them. Ch'hoe Ch'hoe hwijn ™^ ■ and dung. p, ch'hoe pUn, dirt A bushy tree ; a clump of trees : Ch'hoe "^S^sV name of a district. Cheng ch'hoe Ch'hoe Ch'hoe Ch'lvoe ,^^ C^ ^^ ^^ , properly arranged. Sin ch'hoe ^^, miserable, wretched. The name .of a river. The stones at the bottom of pillars-, a pedestal. To reject, to set aside. Ke tit, ch'hoe choo ong chek bin hok ^ ^ JS tit &y lAng, k'hl t'hek kak 6ng k'hwul &y ling chek pdyh sai"^ kok, when we elevate the up- right to places of trust, and set aside all crooked fellows, the people will then submit to us. See the J^. fffl Seang [un. Ch'hoe i ' 1 1, Vinegar. Swan j6 ch'hec ^ h] g^^ ' — ■ suiui"^ ch'hin ched^^ Wi'/ioe, as sour 9 Ch'hoe Ch'hoe Ch^hoe Ch^hoe as vmegar. "LSng yim sam seng ch'hoe, put keen l of the year. 4dt To take, to manage, to arrange. Ch'hoe mi m To place, to lay: vulg. ch'hoo, a I J > ■■ house. P'haou h"6, ch*had che chek / ^ sin Che h-ay ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^fe "V ~T\ p'ho hoiy, hay e te chek ch'hd Ay hay liy, this would be to collect fire, and place it under a slack of fire-wood. GW'ROEYH Jg5 CHiHONG 2p y ^ Read ch'huy: blow, to blow a wind ■Ch'h(Myy*M. instrument. Ch'huy se;^ou yin hon^ ^ \k Pa ^ '^1 '^. <:^'f'i'fg''e('ouch'hwtt, hong, to play on the pipe, and draw the fabul- ous bird hon^ out of it retrent. Ch'Iwr. y fk Ch'huei/ Read chhuy : to hj steair. Ch'huy ko ;^ ^ , eh'hoey loiy, to boil dumplings. Ek choo jfi sit che, cheet haS jfi th'huy "^^e S. -3^ |?rt cheah e chfih ktvul ji ch'hiiey e, the people ex- changed their children and ate them (not bear- in» to devour their own offspring) •, and broke up the bones for firewood to cook them with ( speaking of a famine. ) Yea lOng j)^ ^^ hmun eh'hliej, a tobaccopFpe. marrow.' T'hofi 16 Chao^ kak ^'liOfj/, the *&:# m}^ H^h Ch'hvcy Read ch'huy fji 1^ brains. Thong jip kwut ch'h6y ^ A 'n* M ^ ''''^"" ^'^ ''""' '■'''*'"^^- '^ pain that penetrates the bones and marrow. Te ch'ho^y f^ ^ ^ pig'« marrow. A Club or stick to ,bcat people with. Read tin: to seek, lo. search. Jit Ck'hoSy ^J^ *'™ ''*" ''"'^ *'-"""S '^'"-""S ''''° tak jil cKhoey kw4ed, i kaou d, sfo fheng p'h&h, every day looking for clubs and pikes, to fight and contend with. See the ^q Cho twin. Ch'hoeyh Read ch'hwat : to ^uaff, to drink largely, to small. >P.oc k^ cho JS ch'hwat U U ^^f(. j^ ^ Ch'hok W<^^ y^"^ ''^^ ^''^'^ ffiMU^ji ch'hiiij,h e dy pah chttc, to cat the graip^,, and drink the sweet wort of the liquor. fi > ^1 To rub, to grind j to fill ; also, to 'd '"' '" ^"''^- T'hna san che se'k, Hf k'ho e wfly ch'hok fffe |i| ;;^ lai ehd Ug d, the stones of another hill, may be used for grinding stones. Ch'hwin ch'hok ^ ||i- ^ an error. Ch'hok a mistake. Shap. ChMn ch'hok ^ ^^ che^'S Vhaiti, the head of an arrows. to urge, to inoreros horn, QOt yet shaped P- \»]%.fik\h^! a child. Ch'hwan clihok ^Sh -not .successful. Vulg. rA'Aff"^: a granary. Ch'hong Ch'hong'^j9'^ cli'iit ^ 2^ uumjuyx;i'.l-o<'y J Jfc Jt^ ETpansive, wide; the name of a Ch'hong: "^ii^Jr river. Ch'hong hae^3 ■Jfe the -r%r\- sitJ a.g 3 B CH'HONG 126 CHHONG Ch'hong 16ng che suy ch'heng hfiy, k'ho e chok gn6 eng ^f^ ?^ ^it ;K vt ^ "^ tn r^ ^ ^ ch'hong long ay chAy ch'heng, Chang lat siy gwd ay kin twA, the clear waters of the Ch'hong-16ng, will serve to rinse the tassels of my cap. ^hP^ Green the colour of grass; a sur- Ch'hong,,^^^^ name. Ch'liong t'heen ^^ ^ , yrT> the azure heavens. Ch'hong seng ^^ /Jt the people. Ch'hong M>m Vulg. ch'hang: an onions; also written^ ch'hong. Kiiey ch'hun fO^ yung ch'hong ^ # ^ ^. . biih Ic rh'hun t'hee^S yung ch'hang, meat in the spring season must be cooked with onions. Ch'hong- Ch'hon The sound tinkling gems. a the name Ch'hong an ulcer. Seng ■hong ^ ^ , w»"ff ch'he^'S' to have an ulcer. To injure; also written IJJ ch'hong, an injury done with a knife. To hear clearly. Ch'hong hSng J^ W^> '^^'^'"S '"^"^' intelligents, i\ ^ clever. Soo k'hong che ch'hong, put e leu'k lit, put leng Cheng gnoe yim ^ §^^ -^ ^|, >fC iy gain Che^a, M t lak Ay lit, chew bey c*g"a goe yim, even soo-k'hong with all his clever hearing, if he had not the six ruler of music, could not correct the fine sounds. See the "jT ^ H5y beug. ^ ^ Hasty, in a hurry. Boo koe ch'hong Ch'hong 1^ ch'hong M ^ ^f , ^, > ho ."« J V^r^'^ soo ktttiu heah ch'hong ch'hong, without any cause, to be in a hurry also written 7/1 ch'hong. Ch'hong.^C;^^ The same as the preceding. Read t'hang : a window ; also writ- f\^^ ch'heang wat yew, chae ok wat ch'hong ;^ i| p 1 ;^ )1|3 H,^ , tS ch'h'eS"^ hong yiw, le ch'hoo hong t'hang, a hole in the wall is called Yew, and an oppening in a house, is called t'hang. A pole for carrying burdens, sharpe- ^\^^ of a tree. Ch'hong Ch'hong * ta-' ned at both euds; also the name - . 1^1 A horse of a white colour; others Ch'hong |Ii»^ r 1 |UV|l%W\ say, of a grey colour. Ch'hong Ch'hong A hilly, appearance. Ch'hey ch'hong IjM 'Hg' , sarrowful, sad, affected. Siiey hwut hwut hfiy wfly boc, fi kim sfi hey ch'hey ch'hong ]^ ^^ ^, ^ M^ M- ^ Ml H^ '1$ '1^ } ""^"^ ^"^^ *"'"' *"*"' '^^ iei"S peeng mooi"^, gwd kdm e dy si hiy, ch'hey ch'hong, the years go away so suddenly till the evening ot life; 1 feel affected with the lapse of time, till I am sad and sorrowful. _. . . _<^VW Bong ch'hong Ch'hong^^^^ " ^ ^ rude, un- cultivated, like a wilderness. Ch'hon To creat, to commence, to lay a foundation; also to adjust. Ch'hong cho t'heen tey MA j^ CHHOO 127 ^ Ml , eh'hbn^ chb Chee"^ tej/, " to create the heavens and the earth." A Christian Cn'hoo phrase. Kwun choo ch'hong geep, sQy t'hong wfly k'ho Us yea ^ =^ fl) ||^ ^ ^^ j^ Ch'hoo "pT- jM W J kwun chad dy lAng ch'hong soo geep, ch'he^d iHy hay iy thong t'hang seo stoa, the good man commences an undertaking, and the clue of his seheme can be connected to succeeding ages- See the |- "^ Seing beng. T6ng ch'hong ■•*< ^ij to correct and adjust. CHHOO Ch'hong # To commence, to form ; also written fin ch'h(ng the same as the b Ch'hong- Ch'hOng- Ch'hong Ch'hoo above. To store up goods. Vulg. ch'hi"!^: a bed ylacc. Befin ch'hfl.ii; 0^ ^^j;j^ ^ bU ch'ht^, a couch. Vulg. ch'hdng: greedy^ gluttonous. This, the opposite of that; also to stop. L6 choo k'h^ p« ch'he ch'hoo k'hi kwul liy, thityh chiy Ify, L6-cho6 rejected that and selected this. jfC Ch'hoo Ch'hoo ■iPl^ Short; Confusedly; also written h^ ch'hoo. To measure, to mete out. A sur- name.. Clear water ; the name of a. river. t'\^ Ch'hoo kean^ jjt ^ ^ rhe«''S keo''S' £^1 i young ginger^ greon ginger. Ch'hoo fiKl The colour of a gem; purely white. Sniail diminutive. Ch'hoo To hold in the hand ; the palm ui the hand ; a branch. Vulg. t'hoOh: to prop up, to poke with a stick ; to bl4]me,. to ridi- cule, to revile^ % In order, second,. ne*t in order. Ch'hoo ^'^^t" Chhoo se '9^W» , according to ^^r ^^ order. Yit chhod — » yfr ^ c/u°( pai', the first. Ch'hoo jit i^ UJ ^ tlie next day. Seng j6 te che chea seing yea, hak J6 te .che chiia cb'ho» i^ ^ ^ -{li ^ '"'"^ j^ '^*'"' ' ^j' ''*"«'' *^ tiang ting yea Sh ji chae i dy Idng, te tiy ji yea, to be born with the knowledge of nay thing, is the highest order of talent % to acquire the knowledge of it by study is tiie next in order. See the "K ^ Hiiy iQu. Ch'hoo Ch'hoo iK ^ A men's name ; advantageous \ also- written ^cirhoo. Advantageous ; to help and assist, te substitute, to attain to. Jin bo6 heug tcy, bo£ put cb'boo yeen te,. s"d too u'" chanc, those people have no brethren, why do you not assist them I See- the ^ jUJ^ Kok hong. CH'HUI NG 128 CH'HUN .^■^ Read ch'hoo : a house, to place ; Ch'hob »,■ • a place where we may put a per- / ^1| son to dwell in. Ch'hoe fhck ^ *^ ch'hob Chah, a dwelling. Ch'hoO Ch'hoo A flowin a gera ; a stone in the midst of a gem. A sickness a fault, to find fault with. E ch'hc ^ kew, put je hSy jJP gwa Ihdyh gwd kiw, bu hoe 16 h'eSm u"' hi, whether I take it or ask, it I am not found with by you. See the ^X il^ Cho twin. Ch'ho8 jj^ The name of a grass, rised as a dye ; also edible. * Ch'hooh ^ ^ Ch'hui Read ch'huy: the hissing of hot 1^ iron, when -put into the water; also to harden steel, and temper the blade of a sharp instrument. Ch'heng suy ch'huy kg hong ^ i^j^ ^ /^ ch'haig cMiy rh'hoSh e i.y hong, to tem- per the point, by putting it into pure water. Read chhwan : a stream ; also the anus. San ch'hwan [i] j|| , sw"a ch'hui"^' mountains and river. Kew ch'hwan ^ J|| ,k'ha cKhui"S, the anus. Read ch'hun : a village. Heang ch-hun l^^i^^^heo-S ch-hui-S, a contry village. Chiia b^n chfiwRay h6 ch'he yew,\bok ,1i6ng yaou ch6 Mng hWa Whun 'l^l^ ^'g ^, ch^iih vwofS chili) A''«y <«' iSilv ' »»"". ''"^ 'tone hwui^S lei'- )ierig'hwa'eK*hfS,' 1 begged to ask wherenhe 'vi'ittubrv ^W^s. when the OTo- M> 1- Ch'hui jRil sheperd'g boy pointed to the distant village of the almond blossom." Ch'hui .ng ^ ch'ea ch'hui"!^ ^ ^^ j *''^ ^^^^' tree of a carreage. Ch'hui .ng Read ch'hwan: to string through to run on a string. Kwaii ch'hwan keng twiin "a* ^p t^ ^^ lneni"S ch'hiu"^ keng twin, to run through the classics and records ; i. e. to agree with them. Ch'hui ch'hui v«g" Road ch'hun : to pierce, to «ting. Read cb'hwiin : a string of any thing ; to run any thing on*, a string. LOh Ifly hoe, jS choo che ch'hwan ^ ^ al Jip jrfi --V ^ seo swU hoi eh'hin ched"S choo &y ch'hui''S, connected, together just like a string of beads. Ch'hui"^ ^^S Read ch'hwan : to perforate, to pass through. Ge ch'hwan kew kheukchoo^^;/^©^^ hea eh'hut"S kaiii ay inun dy choo, an ant passes through the hole Of a bead which . has nine liends in it. Ch'hu .ng Read ch'hwan : an armlet, a bracelet. Hwa ch'hwang JjJ»" ^jl hwa ch'hui"^' an ornamented bracelet ; some say, a hair pin. } m Ch'hui .ng Read ch'hun : to string any thing on a piece of bamboo. ^fc^ The spring season, the spring Ch'hun "/^^ Ch'hun wfly jCt»3b.ey_sew bo&j • 1^ cheem pek hwalk'hoey ^ ^ CH'HUN 129 CHHUN ka noot"^ nei"S iy I'haou, A"* cheem ehe''d piyh hwa &y twA, the spring is the head of a irhole year, and the plum blossom is the chief of a hundred flowers. Ch'hun # Chhun Vulg. ch'kui"S: a village. Ch'hun teung biln yew ch'hoo jin, him lag bun sin jj^ ^I^ f^ ^ itH ehiy Ity Idng, chi p6o lai moofS uAou sit, when they heard in the village that this man arrived, they all came to hear the news. The ancient form of TKa ch'hun ; also written ch'hun. Ch'hun ch'hun and 4^ Read sin : to stretch out, to extend ; to straighten anything that is bent. To think, to conjecture, to measure, to estimate. T'ha jIn y6w siro, 6 ch'hOn t'ok che ^ ^"^ i^^ -T* Vijr ^r /^ pat ling woo tim, gwd- ch'hun tolc e, another man has aa idea,, and- i, past a judgement upon it. Ch'hun Ch'hun Ch'hun Rich, affluent; thick, kind i written ^ ch'hun. also To turn back, to back; also used for the following. Wrong, erroneous. Ch'hub ch'liok /iil;4Sj an error, a mistake. K6 ge gnoc ke, kfi to ch'hi'ili pak Bl goe 6iy ch'hea, e iy to ch'hAn ch'hok pak chap, his books amounted to five waggoa-Ioads, but his doctrines were erroneous and confused. Ch'hun n A kind of tea, which is gathered late in the season. The moving of the eyes; to blink. Ch'hun U'^P Ch'hun sit B^ ,g. . the twinkl i\£.\' of an eye. Bok rh'hun j« teen H '^'^W^yb'ak chew nSyh ch'hin cheo''S teih ni, the eyes move like lighting. Seen hak put ch'hun, j£ hoe k'ho gftn sei & :ft ^ T^ ^. ifij ^ pTt It ^^'-^ teng ih bak chew U™ tin tang, jt aou Chang lai king chSh chei"^, first learn to keep the eyes from blinking, and te then you can talk of atchery. Ch:hun P' ^ Vulg. ch'kwdn : to pant, to breathe hard; to speak in a whisper. ■ ^^ The motion of insects; also stupid, Ch'hun ^^^^C. d""- Ch'hun pun g^^ stupid. Jj^2^ Ch'hun j£ ban keng |^ ^ ^ *|J , ff""ff '* «*AJ' WJ' tiAn keng, you stupid savage. Ch;hun W^^ To blow Clv'hun Ch'hiin Ch'hun Vulg. eA'Aul"*": to string any thing, on a piece of bamboo. An inch. Yit ch'bOn k'he — « -q* ^^ chit ch'him k'hi, an inch of breath. Ch'hdn sim cb'biien ko6 gisep -^ <|j -4^ Tj ^ ^ chit ch'himg Ay nm kw'*a >eu"^ kaoU chit cVheng koi Ay giep, an inch-square heart speculates- for a patrimony, of a.tbousand ages. To respect, to honour. To push, to beckon, to touch the elbow. 8 I CH'HUY 130 CH'HUY Ch'hut & To go out. Ch'hut goey j^ ^J» ^ ch'hut gwa, to go abroad. Tey choo jip chek haou, ch'hut chek jip leSh Kuo hauu, ch'hut I'eoh gdnu cho s'e&h te, young people at home should be filial to their parents, and abroad respectful to superiors. See the J*; ± Seans luu. ^"■""'"^^ A stanza in a song -, a scene in a play. Yit ch'hut — ^ ^ one scene. * Ch'huy Ch-huy Ch'huy A surname. To urge, to constrain. Ch'huy chhiJuk {^'ffi,t" "''S''' *° '^''S- ten. To push forward, to extend and carry out. Ch'huy kang .|^ |g, ch'huy king, to enlarge upon, and extend in speech; to expatiate. Ch'huy hefin jeang Icng; se k-uan nae ho l&ng j6 neo"^ ey Ay, choo kw"a chew ho, when clever people are pushed forward, and men of ability yielded to, then all the different of- ficers will be harmonious. See the "jp^ ^ Seang sc. Ch'huy Ch'huy Xt Vulg. ch'hdey: to boil, to «team, to cook. .yC^ Vulg. cKhiiey: to blow, to play on l*it a pipe; also written ^ ch'huy. A veo-etable^ also called, ck hoe ch'ho ^ iH" S , "profit mother P Ch'huy 0.04 To be afraid of, and concerned about. Go6 put ch'huy yeen -^ should not be afraid of him. See the jh "^ Seang beng, Ch'huy -^y^q-p Deep water. m Ch'huy cKh'e.ty: marrow. H4n jip ^ kwut ch'huy ^;^^^, hw"d jip kwut cKhoey, cold penetrating ' to the bones and marrow. Ch'huy "T*--^^ The brightness of a gem. ^%» To measure; to rub, to wipe. Put Ch'huy A 'T^ ch'huy kfi piin, j6 chfiy kfi bwat, hong ch'hiin che bok, k'ho soo ko lok e Ay pAn, ji ch'hing chiy e Ay boey, chew chit ch'hiin Ay cKhd, I' hang sae k'h/lh kwAn £ glm loAu, if you do not measure from the root and put the ends together then a piece of wood an inch-square, may be raised higher than a lofty tower. Ch'huy |pfx% "^^ »° ''^'^'"''^■■ds and forwards. The name of a bird about the siise of a sparrow, whose feathers are of a. deep green colour. Ch'huy yit a bird like a swallow. Ch'huy /^Si OTVC To taste. Tut ch'huy ^ j)^^ to Secondary, assisting. Ch'huy ch'hea Y?'. "m , a spare carriage. Ch'huv -r scold, to vociferate. CHHWA 131 CHHWA Ch'huy Chhuy # ^ Vulg. eh'hoSh: to thrust hot iron into water, in order to harden it. Ch'huy Broken, broken to pieces. Ch'hOy ch'huy J^ Mt all broken to shiverg. Lfing ch'huy ^$^j Idn san, mis- cellaneous, few, odd. S!n t'ho6 6 p'hek ke ch'huy 6 che g ^M ^S iH. i4^ J^ itt ' ^'"^ ^^ I'hdou kap hwut Ity p'hek, ehb po& biilyk p'hih cKhiit/ le I'heSou, both jny own head and this gem, will I break to pieces against the pillar. Vulg. ch'huy: brittle, easily broken. The fine hair of animals ; fine furs used for a carpet. Readk'bue: the mouth; an orifice. K'ho6 ch'h6 P 1^ , ch'hiiy k'hi, the teeth. Neaou k'hoe ^ p , chedou ch'h&t/, a bird's beak, a tattler, a chatterer. K'hoe the 6 be yiji, boU che 6 sek ye4, jfi chc fiseng ySa, seng ji-i D ^^^ B^-tll. J41 ch'hiii/ &>/ te be, bak chew dy le tek, he k'hang dy te se^a, chij/ se sing j/ed, the moulh in judging of tastei, the eye of coloors, and the ear of sounds, are each according to na- ture. See the ^ ^- Bcng cho6. Ch'huy Chhuy # Cli'hwa High and imminent. The countenance soft and obliging. To beat. Jit hoc ch'hwa hwun koi- mai"^ htvui"^ Ay koi, when the day declines, we beat the evening drum. Ch'hwa Ch'hwa koey ^ '^Z a piece of hempen cord, tied to the head- dress of women, to indicate that they are in mourning. Ch'hwa Not tight 5 a rope not twisted tight. Ch'hwa yC< Read ch'hae a surname. Ch'hwa ' jSL c**"*"^* p'^" -ra m ^ '° ''*'' ■'"' winnow, as corn. a snake. Tok soft Ch'fnca ||#'t> ^ ^ lok ch'hvd, a poitonous snake; also pronouced ehtcd. GnCw (• pit I'heng, seft c gan t'hdng it- 1^ G± ffi. "^ VX BS II ' ^"^ '■*" "'"''"' ''"""^ l'he"a, ch'hwd I'ho bak chew l'he"a, oxen hear with their noses, and snakes hear with their cye>i. .^^m To abduct, to lead awav. Tin sum Ch'hwa ■^ Ti. ''^'"^ S""^" '**"»' *'^*"" '■''■''"'' ■^ tdn *''a kap vuf^ goi ned^ teo cVhtca chaSu, Mr. Tftn-s"* and Miss Wul"S-goc abs- conded togelher. ch'hwa Read ch'he : to marry, to take in marriage. Ch'he ch'hcy hwuy wQy van" yea, j6 yew sfi hoC wuy yaiij; j[- '^'^ t. itn ^ j^ -f t, ch'hKi boi C" ti J/in wOj^ ai e eh'he Ian, jt vo5 li »ea ai e ch^hi tin, when a man marries a wife, it is not merely because he wants her to support him, and yet sometimes he is glad of her assistance, Sm the p 3J 'i ll 11 i>:X Hay bcng. i\ CH'HVVAN 133 CH'HWAN Ch'hwd •3^ Read to : to lead. To Ice ^ ^, ch'hwa loe, to lead the way. To ^ gno seen lo5 e ^ ^ ;^ ^ ^ , ch'hwa gwd Ay seng loe, first lead the way for me. 7,7 " Cn nw a * n , Ch'hw a n ^ ch'hw a To bolt. Ch'hwan bfln ^ ^1^ , y^S" ch'hw^a moui'^S, to bolt the door. Koe sQii ^p] |II| ^ W cft'fcu>"d, the name of a wood, used for mak- ing handles. A bolt. MoofS ch'hw'ii f^ f^, the bolt of a door. % Ch'hw"A to, ^ ^ , to get out Ch'hw a jf^ of *'^e way, to go by another route. n ch'hw a Ch'hwah Chhwah ch'hwah Twy^ rery small kind of fish. The eyes moved a*ay. Bok ch'hwah B ^Bjbak chew ch'hwah, squinting eyes. To take any thing by force, to snatch by violence. Read ch'hat : a grater ; to grate any thing. Ch'hae t'ho6 ch'hat ch^hai Chaou ch'hwSh, i/T»» a graler, for scraping turnip radishes. Ch'hwah Ch'hwan To be purged, to be griped. Vulg. ch'hm^S . a stream, a river. San ch'hwan ^ j||, hills and rivers. way hay pit yin ch'hwan tek ^ "p i^ III !^ cfi<> kay pit Vhin ch'hwan tek, for a low situntion, we must avail ourselves of the rivers and marshes. See the TT ]£ Hay beng. Ch'hwan Ch'hwan Ch'hwan The same as the preceding ; also one of the radicals. <« iV-^^ Read ch'hui"^ : to perforate, to string through. To select, to choose. Ch'hwan S^^T To explain, to confer with, to reason with. Bfln tey sok i ch'hwan ^ ^i:|||^, bAn tiy chap chap kap Idng ch'hwan lun, the Emperor Bun frequently held people in argument. v,^ A scale ; to weigh, to judge of, Ch'hwan /T^'t^ ^^ P"* '" "■''^er. Ch'hwan leang J^ kJT m k'heng teung ^ -^ M ^ ^ ch'hwan neo"^ k'hin tang, to weigh and dis- criminate the light from the heavy. jt->n Fishing stakes made of bamboo. Ch'hwan >^^^ '^^^ ^ ''""^ °^"' **lL ^^ ''^"^ ch'hwan 1^ ;§; ,"^, "p . /^ ^^ tit i bey k6 Idn Ay tea, tit hi bey ki hwul Ky ch'hwan, obtaining our wish, we forget our engagements, and when we have caught the fish we forget the fishing stokes. See the ^ ^ Chong ch6o. ^ _ ■Whole, recovered from sickness; rM.,u CTySw to heal. Se e chea ch'he ch'ham Ch hwan J|>jS- J Jl t'hong chea, e ch'hwan peng yea se i cheH ch'hd ch'ham t'he"cl, chea, o ch'hwa ha pai"^, thus we use caustics, probes, pain, and suflfering, in order to remedy diseases. CHHWAN IS3! CH'HWAN Ch'hwan lew ok put ch'hwan na >^ To change, to alter, ''to reform t^ K "PK ^ ^ />ou ay p'ha"t bu kdy, )t reformed from old vices. See the J^ Seang se. /^ ^ ^^ The fluidity of water-, fluid and Ch'hwan ■>/ ' 'p ^ moveable lilte water. Seog yfw jfTTfJ chWn .u, yea ;|^ ^ ^ ;JC 4k , Idng Sy aai"^ ch'hin cheo"S eh'hwan chiy, human nature i& like the fluid and flexible water. To pant, to breathe hard. Ch'hwan k'he 4^ M , ch'hwdn k'hmi.V, to draw breath. Ch'hwaiisit ^ S ^ to breathei also writhen p^ ch'hwan. Ch'hwan ^^T Ch'hwan Ch'hwan Ch'hwan Valg. ck'tiui"^: to »tring>anything on a file or string. To usurp, to t&ke what docs not lawfully belong to ene. 56 ke geiou the kcung,. pek geftou che cho6, s5 ch'hwan yea jfjj ^ ^ J^ "g*^ k'heS te gUou &y kiung ch'kid. km** geiou u.V haou tai"^ »e- ch'hwan ged, but if he had dwelt in Gfloii's palace, and driven out GeSou's sou, that would have been usurpa- tion. See the ~f\ ^ Hay beng. Chhwan wfiy ^ tfe > '" us"'? *•>« throne To collect together; to arrange in order: to compile a book. K'hong cho6 san se se, teng ley vp9^ to go- through. Ch'hwan Ch'hwan To separate ; back to back, foot to foot : to go in opposite directions. Hwun 1*w ch'hwSn tfi ^ j^ I& 0^ hvum latii igo poif ehitm, to flow in diH'ercnt directions, and> gallop* away from one another. To run away, to abscond'. Ch'h6 cb'hw&n ra^ hF > to scamper oft like mice. Chin pek i ley tuiing yung; tdng ch'hwi^n keng bin -^ jf, |fe ^ ^41 II. 1^ ^ ffj ^M y ^^" '"* ''"'' ' "^ '*'' '^ leOng i/ung, chi poi chaou le krng ban, Chia-pek, and his, younger brother Ti-Qng-yuDg, absconded to- gether to the territory of the Barbarians. Ch'hwan -qifll '^ Wil' '""^'^ ™*' ."^Kfll a bracelet; an arm-ring. Chh wan Ch'hwan Ch'hwan Pd ch'hwin To pat Wood on the fire, to cook f«od, to dress victuals. E' ho6 ^ry^' cheng ch'hwan LJ ^S ^ ^^ t'hd li"d. kap iiey lai che mei''h, to cook anything in a pot or a pan. The ore of met^U. A stone ring, a gem bracelet : an armlet made of a .single gem. CHHWAT 134 CHIM Ch'hwan ^ Vulg. cMin : a ship, a toat. Cheen ch'hwSa Tp' cheen chAn, A Cli'livvat Ch'hwat "325? a ship of war. H6ng tey sin Keung koe, H°6-tek, chok ch'hwan ^^gihl^t^l^ US' wui"S ley iLy jin sin, K'eung-koi kap H"u-lek Oho chUn, the yellow Emperor's servants called Keung-koe and H^o-tek first built vessels. (A. C. 2622). ,^^ Vxiig. ch'hSiyh: to quaff, to drink ^^ largely. Also written p^ ch'hwat. Scaou go lae ch'hwat, je t'hong ak swat /|N#;^:ii(^'lJ^g. i^y che'ih twa Urn ch'hin c)ieu"S t'he^S ak teSh sayh, to eat little and Jrink much, is like throwing hot water on snow: Jl would soon melt A man away, Tofi.poi ch'hwat ch'heng cKheng sed"^ cheith Urn iy sod, to think ■of nothing hut eating and drinking., to taste. It •C^h'hwat CjjjTf^ The 4kin broken, or split. » |ir| To .collect, to .take up with the Ch'hwat ^iTP? fingers; to mak'C a collection. J^T/C Sam che ch'hwat che yiia ^ jg M "^ ^ , x"" ^1/ eft'Aeu. chde"S nSy^h e, to take up anything with three finger*. Sod se ch'hwat g^" (^ § f^ "g , a com- pilation of sentences extracted from the four Books. Ch'hwat Ch'hw 4€l A superfluity; anything over ; the ends of threads in sowing. Black cloth, used in making caps, and head -kerchiefs. Ch'hwat Chim Chim Chim Small, insignificant. Chim Chim fc%.^» To pour out, to increase. Chim chew jI; *!* ^^:,''''«n chiw, to pour out '^ I wine. Chim chijak ^ ^ > t« deliberate on, to consider. Je hoe 6ng chim chcak fj ^ 3£ ffl @^, jein auu ong fhang chim cheak, afterwards your majesty can consider of it. An instrument made -of wood and iron, used in killing people. Sin che heung put cheuk e tono- chim Ay heng 16 kabu t le"S chim chit, my breast i« not equal to bear the iron club. .See the ESfe ^m ^ff Chiien kok ch'hek. A kind of chalk used in drawings, found in ravines and hills and te be met with after a thunder storm. A stone resembling a geni4 an inferior kind of gem. i-^'Vulg. cheem-: a needle, sewing. Cheem-ho e tok kaa se wfly lOii, bong chim wuy koe ft ^jlj yj^ ^^sf tok king dy se -cho sw''d., t'ho mai"^ cheem chd kaou, Cheera-h6 took a single filamint of the -silk worni's coocoon for thread 4ind a sharp needle for a hook. Chtm 4t ■Vulg. chetm : a needle. T6ng tek jin keet stien «him sut S" ^ij^ '{~ jin-k'eet ga6u cho sew cheem iy kwat sut, Tek- jin-keet, of the Tong dynasty, was well versed in the art of sewing. CHIN 135 CHIN Chim P!l^* Chi"' cicuy 0j P^ , to kis».^ Chim tt Chim Chim A pillow, Chim t'hog ^ ^ , c«m ehaiu, a pillow for sleeping on. Siif put an chim ^ ^ $ ;^. ^■■'"""'' 6ej^ an chim, unable to sleep easy on oaf* pillow. The back ef the neck, the b<»nc at the back of the neck. Read sim, an aunt, an uncle's wife. To steep anfl soak, as rn the water, ^/»— -^ to sink, to enter; grailiially. Chim lyV JQnchechomj^jf^;^^, slan- der, soaking and spreading, like water. ^ % The name of a river; als«> gradual, ^, ^J * by degrees. Chlro bfing chim i^^ chhiiang ^^'^^' eraduallj becoming brights and clear. Read t'h&ro a «urnamc t al«o written lim 'j^ cham, a surname. Read sim : a crab. H6ng sira ^ Chin ing chtm, a red crab. 1^ True, sincere. Chin sin m \jpf^ the true god. Chin sit bo6 gnuy eh'httt, true and real wthout dissimulation. Chia h"© "m. ^ , f*«n *»*yi ^^ «■<»' article-, something verj good. Chin Chin Chin Chin Chin Chin Chin -. >-i| To itretch open the eyes. Iliing HffiT 6ng chin bik I'hay che ;^ j^ g^ bak chew i'h^i/ e, the king of Hang stretched open iiis eyes, and menaced him. Even to, until ; to arrive at, to come to. Kwgn hiiung sew tc kek, pek lok h4m la£ chin jK^ |2<1 1^ ^ ^ S P ^ ^ ^ . ^*'' '"• '» """^ Jew fha^ si, che"d pdj/h dy lok chi po6 laf kadn the multitude of evil things being killed out of the way, a hundred emoluments will arrive together and come. Exuberant herbage. T'h6 chc yaoB yaou, kS yeep chin chin UK ~7 iy ay ay, e Ay heSh boe iing, the Peach-tree is but a small jilant, but its leaves are exuberant, I .,„^« A tree yielding « fruit, a little sraal- JtiiS^ ler than a chesunt. Le che put ko 1^ chin lek jCf :^^^|S, cha boi 4y eUp kein, put ko chin kwi Uh d, women offer as the iolroditctory present, noth- ing but large and small chesunts. The name of a river, Choo sin i- kc' -s^ng 6 chey jin c, chin wiiy "^^ -^ -^^ , <"*»<' *dM te c chey (y ch'hea hie IHng kiiiy te chin kap wuy iy chiy, Cboo-sin took the carriiigc he rode in to help people across the chin and wing rivers. Jt To boil, to distil, to make warm < some say, to 4lry in the s«n. ^^hm The name of a sacrifice, offered ^^^ in the autumn. Yeak so? chin ^YY^ '•«^*"8' * ''°»g *«en Ong ^ jj£ ^ ^. J^ '4^ 3fe i > '''*'"* *** '^'"" •'^""^ ^ CHIN 130 CHIN Chin Chin fhiy, lat hehi seen Sug, the spring, summer, autumn and winter sacrifices, are offered to t^e manes of the aqcib^t lyings. , - A A pearl, a precious things. Chin choo ^^V ^S|c,«P'^"'l. Chin kg ^^j-, "^^ precious and rare. J6 yew sek seang che chin 1^ ?a JS Jq 2 3^ ^ «'/»«* ch'haj/h »» <3* 't exposed, through the thin cloth ). See the J; ^ Seang lun. i^ > BejBt, turned, twisted as a cord • a ropes. S5 yew hck chiu kfl heno- che si ch'hin ched"S at chin u" he^a ay cKhiw pi, that is like twisting round one's elder brother's arm. See the "j; ^ Hay Ijiing. ^^J t To look at, to examine. Chin ch'heet g^V ke bek p^^j^, chin ch'heel \Z^ * ^Jf mSy^h, to examine the pulse. CfilN 137 GHIN Chin Chin Chi in Chin Chin Chin Chin Chin • J^^ Black hair, all in confusion; also 1]^| written ^.clMa, . ,,;;./; J^^EI To tie, to bind. ^ <5v^^ ''■"■■■•'■ . - ', '■''■■ * To save, to deliveri ■CMir kew T§ ^^^JV Jwf to help and saviej t* wQy chin » ke S sty h^o che teung yea VI fi bijit/h chin A'etti ha ti t chUjf hiiit/ iy leung, they look upon it as delivering them from the midst of fire and water. See the J^ j^ Seang beng. All ; the whole ; altogether. Chew I6y chin chaS lo6 ^ ^ ff f H :^ ^S* '^k. ''^^^ teHou &>/ Iky toe, chu pod luia le loi kok, the ceremonies «if the Chew dynasty, are all existing in the Lue. country. ^^^«^ To give a present to any one .on ^J(py^ commencing a journey i also iTiri- jl ^ thers^^chin. Ht^ng chea pit £ chin ^ "^ '^VX"^ > Ag''4 he Ay ling pit letSh woo mciCh singe, people setting out on a journey are accustomed to receive presents. Sec the M -— • To save, to help. Chin chey S|^ ^, rl Iry to a«sist by charity, to supply wants. ■^ '^^ Han bfin t6y hwat ch'hong lim e, chinwn^^^.^tii.i:;.ii^t$, hin bin Uy k'hwtiy hteal ch'he"^ Um, i chin kiw pSyh $ai''S, BAn, the Emperor of the Han dy- nasty opened out his granaries, to supply the wants of the people. i- Sore lips; the same as 9^ chin; also written Jj^ chin. To act, to commence, to receive. Chin ho hae je put sijet J^ '^pj ^^ (ffj ^ J^ , chin lim ho hat ji bo Chin Chin Chin Chin hoi e laou, ( the Earth ) contains the rivers and seas without letting them leak through. See the rfj ^ Teung yttng.. _ To enter, lo advance, to go forward. Cht;€n chin nji ^^-j to advance, Kwun choo sam yip jfi chin ^" ^i- ~ ^ ifn ^ J ***" ''^ ^^ '^"^ *"" *"•'' '^*"*'" $fip ji aou chin, the good man makes three bows and then advances ; ( speaking of the ceremonies usual in archery.) See the \- 3: Seang iQn. ChO seen seng * to, ch'he j5 chin ^ ^ f^ ^ al! j^ ifij jI^ , '"^ ''^* "*" '"'"^ '« '"'■ teOk miy"h A-e'i jt cWn, meeting our elders in the way, we .should walk quickly and advance t(>ward« lliem. , ^1^^^ The same as the above> the name of ^S3^» a sUtc. Chin kok t'heen hay bok Q kiting yeen ^ (g ^ "fJ ^ 5^ jB^ cAj« At)*, fhe^ iy b6 k'hih kHng bknp, with respect tn the Chin country it may he .said that there is not a more powerful state in the Empire. Ii ttvr mlf hae .•M h-iTl*.^ __ A hoy. Chin cho6 ban tOng 4^ -+• ^ M * *^ *8"« f Ae"a ban iSr^, about a myriad of The same as ^5 Chin ; also written ^P chin. #. Chin Chin Chin IS. beautiful gem. f « ■ y To thrust , in, tu cr>m in; to wedge; ^^£* a w.dgc. Chin hwat M ^ ^ U, El .stick the sign-board, or insignia of office into one's girdle. % ■^r^ C'''" *■" jtQ ^f^ ^*' ^ftip silk round JJf^^ * girdle, to be ini tiffice. , Chin sin }^\ P| sijen seng lin gSn che ^ ^jjj ^ ^ Mk g 2_, chin tin iy sin sai"f^ Sh kape king. a ■renlleman in office is hard tu be cunvMsed with. .^ -"it CHIN 138 CHIP -^ __ To reprove, to bear witness to. Cho Chin ^ lp» kan chin f^ ^ siE» t" "^e" witness. f ? J ' * So5 wuy, e chin cheng-kok-liwun, cheng-kok-kwun put t'heng x; ^' '"'' *^ 'V*Jfi» jeSng ying jd choo chin che ^ ^ is ^ tfn ^ M i^ ' ^ ''•^ ^"-^ ''*""" *^"^ j"^ Aaoi* sai"S" cAa kan chin, the father stole a sheep and the son testified against him rj; »i . ' ■ _ To be moved, to be moved with fear ; * ylry to agitate. LOy chin pek le, jit j/i>^ cheaou ban hong ^ "S S '^ Q BS ^ -^ lilif tdn kaou chit pdyh l&. Jit chea kaoii chit ban *«"§', the thunder rolls to a hun- ., dred 1^, and the sua illumines to a myriad climes. Chin Chin Chin Chin Chin The name of a country ; also a sur- name, and the name of a dynasty. Chin se h6ng ^ hn S^ > the first Emperor of the Chin dynasty, who burnt the books and imprisoned learned men; who also constructed the great wall of China (B. C. 304). A small insect, a kind of snail, a periwinkle. Chiu sSw go b6 fe ^ ^ /a > ''*'" ^^ ''*"*'" *■•*■* ''*'*^"g' &y bak bai, with a head like a periwinkle, and eyebrows like silk-worms. A Chinese beauty. The name of a river. A string, a line, a cord; also straight, a straight line. Seang koe keet chin Chin koi hat siSh Ji IB kok, in early antiquity, they tied knots in a string, as memorandums in manag ing affairs. ■^^^•%_ To exhaust, to carry to the utmost; ■ rl^ « very, extremely ; Also written ^ Wt^^ chin. Chin t'ho6 ^ "" Chin Chin A- Chip Chip Chip jm. > chin t'hdSu, to the utmost ; choo chin H ^g ^ to commit suicide. Se put chin gan, gin put chin e ^S- "/^ ^s . . .^ , ^^ I nii i g ^ ^^W>' ^'^^ *^'*' ''"" ^""^ ^^ '''"' Ka bey chin gwd dy d, I cannot by writing exhaust all I have to say, nor by words express all my meaning. See the H. M^ lElk keng. Presents given to any one, on com- mencing a journey. A kind of grass, used for a yellow dye; also to advance. % To hold, to keep, to seize, to im- tll prison. Chip yew s[j "^ ^ one's / ^^ father's friend. Soo choo ch'he te&ou, j6 ch'hey ch'heep chip ch'he t'ea6u, ji boi siy 6 hoe ling leith, to be put to death in the market or public court, and to have one's wives and concubines seized. Sec the II IE ^'y ke- Chip sew ^k ^, gtm ch'hew, to grasp one's hand. Chipb«y^5§, to retam one s error. Chip "^ Chip soo chea holding office. ^ ^ > peron» Ropes for tying a horse's feet. The sound of crying^. CHIT 139 CHIT Grass growing laxnrtantiy } a kind of coarse grass. To settle, to collect, to intermingle, to assemble, to meet together. Che chip ^s '^. to collect together. Chin hoev ^. ^t k'h'eSh cho hoiu, to assemble. T6ng y£w choo so6 keng chek, bfin chip soo k'ho^lt^^^lS^^^^lS, ton^ ledou woo choo too keng chek, chea at/ bUn chip, si Ay k'hoi, the T6ng dynasty had Philo- sophical and historical works, classics and records, with such kind of literary collections, enough to fill four stone houses. Three people assembled together. The issuing! out of a fountaiii: a mimU opening for water. Chit To arise, to ascend. Chit ma pS^h cheing buy, to mount a horse. Yim chit I]^ 1^ , secret influence, operating in. one's favour: protection. Tbia, meagre. Chit YnA^^ Tlic name of a fish. Chit Chit Itng II /g| ,;»<./«, «M5 name of a bird. #V6iy chit |^ :^ , /m cheih, the back ; the br»w of a hill. Lfi k'hd ck^ng «•♦'' ^ ■jh' IE ^> *<"* *■'** <^**"^ chit, never eat the middle of the back of a fox. Chit Thin ground. Chit Chit Chit Chit Firm stubborn; also foolish. A crooked bend in a hill v alto foolish. The seund of reapingr com. Chit Fctteis«a the legsj stocks. Some read this character lit. Chit k'hok soo che4, hwuy ch^ng beng yea 1$ )^ ^ # ^ JE '^it -tfe ' ''*" *'*»* »* 'S Idng, «-» te.ehe'^i bong, to die in fetters and manacles, is not a praper death. See the ~T% ^^Hnay beng. Stopped' up, closed up^ obstructed. Chit' Chit ChU Chit Chit A.sboct reap hook, for reaping corn.. To arrive at, to go to. Office, employment. Chit hwQn g^ y^ , a charge, or duty. Kwan chit pC ^i '™'*" '*''' *" °®'* under government. Ye* g4A chekchei, put \«k ktfcbit chek. Vhe king tea Ag chek chii, bey lit chin e Ay chit hwHn chew k^hi, sustaining the office of adviser, if w< cannot fulfil the duties of our office, we should depart Se« the J|^ 5Ef Siiing beng. T6 gather op, to take, to collect. pV*? Chit t'hut P|| P{|| , to speak disorderly and irregularly. CHiT 140 CHO Chit Chit To weave. Chit poe ,^ ffi /<> ^^ave cloth. T'heen s«n k'haou chit jlA t'hee'"S sun l^hd chit hwAn lag ay Mm, the heavenly youths skilfully weave the variegated colours in the clouds. Chit ^^S To talk without -ending. P£ _^ ^ ^ Plain, plainness, substance, form-, to fylT demonstrate. Kwun choo Chit j6 e ^^^ e, h6 e ban '"^J ^ ^ M M B jfo /jjr rn -^ ^, tioan choo chU pok le"a te^a, biiiyh mh bAn chb ^d meg"*, the good man is plain and nothing more, what has he to do with ornament ! See the '|^ |^ Hay la*--^ Pain, sickness; sick, to be sick of, to dislike ! hasty, speedy. Choo che sey _ sin, chae, chiien, chit, ■^ ^ 0f i^'M^ ■^j /t'ftoBff choo dy sky kin sin cheah ch'hai, SCO chedu, chit pai'^S, the things which €onfusius was particularly careful abaut were fasting, war, and sickness. Chit hgng seen Rang chea, wuy che put tey, ke"d tae sens si twa Ay Idng, king ked u"* gauu cho SCO te, to walk quickly before a superior, is ia fail in our duty as a younirer brother- See the Sick ; poisonous. , Chit toe j^ ji^, envy, jealousy. Hoe hwuy leng f hae hay, j6 boo chit toe che siro, koe cheiiBg ch'hcep lok che 1^' :5tl f j^ # T fln t Ji ^ ^ 'j^^4^ iM -V hoe hwuy ey kwun t'hae se sey, :7l Chit C^it ■Tls: inferiors well, without harbotrring jealousy in their minds then all the concubines' will be pleased with them. ^^ \ ,-il2uiiir Oi'it fin "ji bo Chit toe &y Sim kw^a, koi cheiing shy e kii&y e, when the empress and princesses, can treat their Chit ley dicioal plant 4 I ■^i the name of a me- Read yit, one. YK jin — y^j chit dy Idng,, one person. H<>cy yea, bfln yit j6 te sip, sbo yea biln yit jg te je ■j?rt tn ^ , hSiy yea t'he^a chit hang, cheiv chae chap hang, sod yea t'he^a chit hang, chew chae ne hdng, Hoey on hearing one thing knows ten; Sow on hearing one thing, knows only two. See *he Jt; 1^ Seang iQn. ^ Cho # Cho Cho Quiet, at rest, peaceful. Kwan choo AV* put jip ch'hS, wuy k« clito l(J6ra ^ ^ho lUm, the good man does not enter markets, because he wishes to be quiet and pure. # The end, the conclusion. \ Cho To meet with, to fall in with. E seaou yea y6w, 6 kwun seang cho Chdn woo hwAn maf^ Fhit ehu, kap Au-un M seo loo teHh, taking advantage, of a cloudy sky, to wander out in the evening in order to obtain a meeting with you. Chew cho ^ |^, chew chaou, grains obtained from distilling liquor. Gwin ^ v-y been put veijn cho k'hong che sit El^f^lf lift ^^'/""'" *''"*' he&n chiw chaou be k'he"S dy cheah, Gwan-heen (one of Confucius' disciples) did not refuse grains and chaff for his food. CHO 141' C«ft- |ffl.?^''i.6'"cho ^ ^j;^ anything not yet puri- l»_-,^ The left. Cho sew J^ ^ ^ « chiv>, Cho y^l* the left hand. Cho y3w ^ ^ , ^^'^ atlendanU. Cho yew kae wat hc6n, be kho yea ^;^ ^ ^ 7^ ^itL.'*" ^*io ij/ Wng-, chi poi king e gdou, yea boey Chang, when your attendants all say that a mail is clever, still you must not think of employing him. Cho Cho The same as the ahove » ftlio to bend. Ch() Vulg. cha : early. Cho k'hv J^ ^ , chd k'ht, early in the morning;. Cft'hcng cb6 yil poey t^y ^ -^ — ^ ^' fjk'fleng chd chit aoti lay, early in the morning a cup of tta. Ch6 chok yJS bi S^ ^ "^ ^ , f^hi k>he chd 100, mi/^ lean k^ainiy early to work and late to rest. The same a& the above eoriy. Cho in bod sit, pit siin t'hiSen to ^ i^ 66 tit, pit tHa eheeng dy Id, early and late being exempt from faulty we may be obedient to the celestial way. ^ M^ To wash, to cleanse, to purify. Chd C^ chet.^^j8:g.>:i^^ •jW* -Jt- ^ z' J^ » to up- Clio ^ Xm ''"'''• T'hetuig chae c oh* 5ng peug |CU pangkok^^J^^I&J^-..^ ^3 J I'heling chat i boo chi uitg, ping l( pang kok, the general superintendent is to assM'lfifr king in regulating the country. Cho Cho m. To have % peaceful, quiet.. ChO ChO VuIg,. ehttiu k'Ma : a cook-iiMMe, a kit- chen ; also written ^^ cho. E' kf me a |^ ^ |jR j^N ll^ ^ ^ ^ ■^, A:«/, edj, s»tp rill thhoo kak, ling k'ho $'erp liy li rhaiu k'ha, compared with flattering the God of the corner (Jf iht house, is it not better to flatter tlte Go* of the kitchen See the J2_ |te SiSang iQn. To arrange in orders an, ord^t^ a class,- the name of country »• a snmamc. HwuD chfl peng chin ^- ^^f lift i^ Akmmi che"d piiiyt *hu pod cAJn, divided into clai>sc.s they advance tbgelher. Ch6 ch'hd kaa heftng ^ ^J^ }/^> Chirch'hd was a corrupt villain. \^ yJ^S^ The nameof a ciiy. m 1 « 3 M CHO 142 CHOE ChS Ch^ ChO ChG ChO ChO A manger. Ma ch6 ^ jjM ^ bui/ chu, a horse's manger. The name of an insect. Cheng seang yew le, c\\& sit sit chija ko pwan e 1^ -^, chai"^ ling oS le, A, ch6 cheiih e tiy sil, ITh'dh Uay chit pw^d, over the well there hung a pear, mare than the halfuf which had been eaten by insects. See the f* "^T Seang beng. A' hiat. To malie a neise, to ta& iocohereRtly.. A kind of basket. Sick, diseased. t I« ; nail V *J» ^ ^^^ WiW^> ""ything not yet re | -^ ^ fined, or purified. Ch ChO Cho A sickness. Vulg. ehSy: to sit. Ch'heng cho ^ ^q^ . eh'hc'^d chei/, pray sit down. Choo loe, cheng sek, jeem yew, kong sey hwa, s5 ch5 ^=^ 3^ t ^. # ^. ^ M 36 'fi: ^p Choo-loe, Cheng-sek, Jiiem-yew and Kong «ey-hwa sat by the side ( of Confucius. ) See the "H ^H Hay lun. Cho e t'hae t'han ^ £J f^ _B , ehey ^ ling futou chd Whi, to sit and wait for the morning. ^^^ A seat, a settle, a throne. Cho seilng Cho I^ pin k'bek bwan ^ ± ^ ^ ^. f'"^'^ cfco ting ling k^liilyh mw"d, the seats were full of visitors. ^_ii^ A black colour. Cho ley ^ |]fe , ^Tv. low people ; also written ^. cho. Cho f pek pilt hwun J^ ^ ^ ^ „c pSj/h bu hwun peet, not to distinguish between black and white. Swan cho P_a^ |^ ^ ta make a distur- bance to talk at random. Cho The imountain streams winding round and finding a passage out. w ^\^ To make, to form, to create. Cho hwa -fc. Choe m Choe siu chea, t'heen tey che kong yung, j6 cb5 hwi che chek yea jP|f^ :^ ^ jjjl, ^ St fhee"^ ley Ay kong yung, cho hmi, dy cltedh. Ghosts and spirits are the meritorious efforts of Heaven and Earth, and the traces of creation. See -^t -T* Choo choo. The name of a city, the native town Confucius. Seuk wuy choejin che choo te ley hoe M. sS ¥M '«' V -^ A- -im a» "^^ '"^ ^f^^" Idng dy ke"4 bat fey hoe, who ever said that the son of the man of Chae understood pro- priety .' See the _Jh f^ Siiang iQn The name of a country ; vulg. ckey : a surname. Choe jIn e ch'hoe j!n dy Idng kap chlwi ay Idng seo Choi, the people of Chae contended with those of Ch'hoe. ^ 1 Choc 5^ To consult with any one, Choo choe to take counsel of any. CHOE 14a CHOE Choe U Choe soey ^j]^ ^^ taxes, rent. Tey choc -Jjll ^7 ground rent, H^ou bfln ke suo I'heen hay biii te£a Choe Choe choe -Jjll ^7 ground rent, H^ou e SCO I' choechepHan^5^|^Jlg^-y:^I5 ^-H- /Zl ~F 3 *""" *'^'' ''■'' *^ *"" l'liee"S ay piyh tai"^ ch'liAn choe chil pti:"d, in the time ofUaou- bflii, half of the taxes on rice fields were re- mitted to the people. A mixture of green and red. Choe gS |5|lt [i^ , a corner, a point Tlie 1st month of the year is also called choe gwat Ifc H the cor- ner month. Choe "tl^ Gr»ss growing luxuriantly. Choochoe ^g T|fl ^ not getting for- ward, unable to advance, Chi-uk ycuk chin jfi choo choe J^ ;§t Jg iffi ^ iE * *'Aa iiifl/h chin ji biy kc'/l, the \ feet desiring to proceed, but unable to advance. Choe Choe Choe Choe Choe Choc ei ^S, He » benevolent kind of animal. To go, to advance: to depart ; also written p choe. To hoe, to weed ; also a hoe, a wecder. Ilwuy ke cheung chea, choe j6 k'\i6 che ^ ^ @ ^'. IH. jljj ^ j;^, chwd, to d tf curse, to swear. H06 choe ho6 chew pJj- ^J] ffl fiB 5l. . '''"' ''*'" '■'■*'" """"' swearing irregularly and cursing disorderly. Cho^ •^ p^ Happines. E'ng sek choi jTn ^ ^ |I|''l^ T«t IS) ing koo soo hok hoe ke"d /ll I Sim, (may Heaven) ever bestow happines on your posterity. See the /J\ ^[| Seaou gniy. To swear » to take an oath pegard- Q|rl ing anything gone by. K'hwat k'hoe JjL choe ch&w ^\i ^^l, ^ 'iM eh-huy eh^ie chwa, his mouth vociferated oaths. 5^»* A sort of music played in the first month of the year. Cho6 go6 ^ p^ The teeth uneven and irregular ; also used metaphori- cally for not agreeing together. To scold, to rail at. b^ CHOEY 145 CHOH Choe Choc The flesh of a sacrifice ; alto writteb - ^ ■ * choe. "^ fr' '•^■flW The galloping of ahorse; to go swiftly, S"^? to gallop. ChoE k'h6 ^ ^ to rise up quickl;. Chpe Clioey ^^ ^ Vulg. chart : to help, to aid, to assist. Uy# Siiang choe ffl OTj seo rAun, to jfw help one another. Hiifiy yea, hwny cho^ 506 che& yea [pj ^ # ^ tfe ^ Hi ^ '*»<'« ^S'i. 5''" *> f*"" ff"^'^ liy I4ng, H'6€y does not afford me any help. Very, extremely { the chief. Cho^y oe •^ US chin chSe icdn, to take very much. E rhi-ang chut che tiiung kong'way chody M }jf ^^ «^ ^5^ ^^ ^, l£ cheing Icaun peng chut dj/ Hung, kong 16 tin If^f' "Bong generals and soldier*, merit is ■M ■•■ ■ ■ . . , , ..I i . the principal thing. Chck tek tong seen, wfly seen'choey lok ^S lai seng, cho ho chin chue Cheung lok, tbeaccu-' mutation of virtue is of first importance: and ' the doing of good afibrdti-the greatest pleasure. jt^ To bite, to eat, to gnaw. Sinjiicy Choey li^ koe chody che jf I^ j^ P^ ^^ h6 sin Chang a kue cheith c, the flics and grubs had gnawed and eaten it. grubs i^ Chiiay sey g ^ Chiiey -^2^^^ /'<*"« «a^. a bridcgn Hoo chiJSy chin ehiUjf dy idegrooro who attaches himself to his father in law's family, a fleshy e.\crescence, a wart. Choey Choey y^ Mftou choey =S feS , a whisp of coarse grass, stuck up as a sign for people to meet, and drink together. A fleshy excrescence, a swelling; the same as ^? chiiey. Choey Ch66y United, joined, connected ; to con- ^^ nect To break, to break in pieces. Chofy kong wQy jSw ^ ^|J j^ ^ , p'hih ch'hily gnaj/ iy cho nooi^S^ tO' break up hard things and make them soft. A collection of frost and snow ; drifted snow. Bod chiiey boo koe faultless and sin- Chiiey Cho^ij Chdh Chdh A crime, a fault dn> T^ Jjik ~r ' less. A crime, a sin. Yew chiiijy 7h SB , woo choiy, sinful. Hek chiiey 6 t'heen boA sey td yea y& |£ ^ ^. is 1^ II -tti. . *'* '■*'*•«' ^ ''"'"^ *'' '*•" Chang 16, when a man sins against heaven, there is none that can intercede for him. See the Jt K^ St-ing iQn. Chiiey jin put nofi S& /^ "T^ i& ^ woo chaei/ ijfidngbi liy ke''i lun, let not criminals involve their families ia trouble. ^ Read sijy, to sleep. Bwat to kok yew Ujl||^ gn^c be ch'h6, sit che so6 jin put "5b khapsuy^^^^S* Koo chit l(y giie bi ch'haou, cheih r aai ling ho ki choly, in the Bwat-to country there is a plant of fine tastes which when eaten will keep people from sleeping. Read chok : to make, to commence. Chok ch'hiiang ^-fe ^^ chSh chheS'V. to build a wall. Siy chok ^ 4p, t^n chSh, a spy. if PRead tek ; to throw. Tek sek jjfi ^ chSh chSh, to throw stones. i K CHOK 146 CHOM Ch5h Chok A. % Read sek : to shoot with an arrow. ■"^^^ let fly an arrow. Ek put sek seuk -^ ^ ^ ^j chSh che&^S bi chhh teSh hai^h, &g chedou, in archery he did not shoot a settled bird. See Jq gSi , Si-aiig iQn. X X To make, to commence operations, ^r^Z to do. Chok soo ^ ^ to make f 1^ trouble. Chok chea che wQy seng, sut chija che wfly beng ty Idng long keb sing, t'htln &y King king kea bing, he that first invents a thing may be called a philosopher, and he who imitates it may be called, A. Chok Chok Chok Chok Chok Chok an intelligent man. See the |g |P L6y kd, 8t a^ When a guest pours out wine to a 'C host, it is called chok gfe and when Chok jit 0^ , c/rd hwuflS^ yester- day. To be ashamed. a host answers the libation it is called sSw Sdw chok another. , mutually to pledge one The name of a tree ; also to cut down wood. X'TVTjk ^" wash, to rinse, to cleanse. Ch'heng y/X-#"» soo chok eng, chok soo chok cheuk ch'heng ay siy Mn tviH 16 dy sty k'ha, the clear water may serve to wash the tassel of one's cap and the muddy to wash one's feet. ^ MTm Vulg. 16: and tak, muddy dirty. Keng . 6wuychokJ5]);jB^|i,A-™/ chay bak wiiy chtiy 16, the waters of the Heng, render the waters of the Wuy muddy. See the ^ M Kok hong. Chok Chok Chok Chok Chom Chom _t:. To elevate, to promote, to raise to office. Chok che hoe pin k'hek cbe teung, i& lip che fi kwfln sin che ^^ E /dl Jt J ** ''*** * '^ '^"S k'htiyh dy ttong, jt lip e te kwun sin dy ting, to elevate one in the midst of the guests, and to establish one over the host of ministers. The barb of an arrow ; a relative. K6w chok -j^ "^ , the nine series of relatives. A scorbutic disease. Tj V" An eagle. Boo tCng iSng che laS g6, '^^^ b6ng ke ydng che gak chok j^ ^ t, bod tS t6ng ting dy lai gS, hadu te ke ydng dy gak chok, the Phoenix sporting on the hall of Tflng (referring to Gcaou 3'^ ) ^ and the eagle screaming at the hill of ke ySng (referring to Bfln ong A^ ^2. ) } ''°*'' betoken the appearance of a sage. .^ Chom kwoy ^ Chom kad fX' , a good rule. , good counsel. T6ng-b6ng-t6, chok soo but che Chora 6 kwuy kae j^^ B|J jg jj: Wi^Z Wi ^J 'JM 1^ ' '*"^ '"^"^ '" '''"^ *^ ''"^ ^^ chom, i chd kwuy kai, T6ng-b6ng-to made a list of the four prohibitions, in order to form a rule and a caution. A^/f A bodkin, a hair-pin. Kim chom ^ _^v3i ^^ > a golden hair-pin. Luy tae |C| Chom eng f , f^ ^ || ^ k^Ay ni tiy cjidh chom kwi eng, foe several generations they have: worn luir-pii>s and tassel» ( i. e. they have, 'been in ojSice,, and worn its insignia). Chom How. Chom mijh jang ^^ ^ ^^, an chm"d yea"S, in what manner. ^^^^ Chom tek ch'hew p'ho yit chw&n 'g CHONG' 147' CHONG t^ to5 i^ ■"* ^ , •" '''^"^ ^9 **'' '^^* ch'hew p'ho ehit &}/ t«i>i''f, how shall we get the autumn waves to turn ? > |.A Vuig. lai pfhwa, to defame, to sland- Chom ^Tf^S^ er, to blast a man's reputation. Pe I' IHfl chdm jin chea, sOy tek & hoc, /(^ ^A^ hffc # M Wo *<"«* '^y "^ "*"•'' ^* tting, chS chiiff a til 6 soo ned"S, those slanderous fellows, who can join in counsel with them. Ch3mh Chong See the /J> ?|| ^ S^aoo gniy. ^i To bite,, to chew; the noise made by eating. An ancestor, a forefather $ to ho- nour; to respect as a roaster; a sarname. Choog chdng ^^ mf ^ a doable surname. Choc iliong ijjjl ^=j forcfatXecs. Chong heaou, yf^ Vm an ance»torial temple. Chong biiang chc i£y, <£y 6 soe hoe k& seen chong biio dji I6y sty 6 ch'hai cHy sSen Idng, the ceremonies of the anccstorial temple, arc in order to sacrifice to forefathers. See the 4* fH^ Teung yuug. Yin put sit k£ ch'biu, ck k'ho chong yi-& m yf 'k ^K ii V]' ^' ^ (fi. , '•*- '^"^ i"" ill e Ay I'hang th'hiH wd iy Idng, yeii t'hang leih e chd cho6y va following teachers,, if we do aol miss a person that can be nearly approach- ed, we may also take him for a. master. S*=e _tl Ijfij Seang iQn. Chong Chon£ A dLvinc person W «Uiii]ttH||:. 'I 'id hl..j: I To be pleased and delighted; also to consider, to reflect. Ch'hek ch'hek jeak bo6 chong M 1^ ^ itt 7^ y «*'*«* eh'tam, cKhin cketf^S bd- koiy i, sad and sorrowful, as it were displeased.— Chong * Chon< Volg. ch^ : a farm. Choog sea /£ Ifft "*«"*■ tSi, a farm house. Boe wQy tcidn chong k'hek, teaou chok t'heen cho& sin ^ |?, ffl /^ gT. |g ffj^^^, maJ'^ hwui^S Chi ch'hdn che"S dy Idng k'htyh, min a chae chit h6ng Uy Ay jin Hn, in the evening he was a stranger at a country farm,, and the next morniag became a minister of the Emperor. . 'i % A square gem ; a precion» stone, of > -• an octagon shape, Iik« the earth. P'bek chong •^ J^ , a gera nine inches square, used ia inviting the Eknperor. Chang Chong Chong A high bunch of hair. T1io< chong C^lX^ Ma chong ^ ^^ bay cUang, a horseV kl t Vulg. che^K : to ornament, to adorn. ri"yj* Hwa sek chong hi ^ "Pt Mr ^ ^ ' f-^* Ki tek che*^ kaiiu iHy, to paint and adorn, till it is very fine. A lady's toilette, apparatus for dress- ing. Teng lo£ k'hae ckong kcng, i kok cheak seen e ^ 1^ GM |tt ^). it ^M ^ ElT- ^, '^** """ *^"''^ '^"'^ ke''A, u'A kiih ch'hing urn »"«, at one time she ascends the chambcT to open her toilette and looking-glass, and at another slic leans ' the gallery dressed in new app«icL %. %% An adorning, a setting off; to orna- Chnn^Tril |., men t, to dress. Put chesfeyil hwdn wj^^ Vulg. Chang: to run aground. Chong Jjt^^l Ch'hwan chong cheak say ^ Jfl^ /^^.^^^ ^ Vy7, chUn Chang teSh twa, the ship ran aground on the sand. Chong Chong Choog Wa chong ^ ^ the name of a hill. To dress the head; when females come of age, and adorn their head dress, a congratulatory wish, is ex- Chong pressed bj hd chong To collect and bind together ; the whole-, altogether, generally ; also Chong se i^, ^ ^ after all, but if only. Chong 1«ae ^^ W' , '«"§• chong, the whole. Chong b«ng ^ ^^ chong meH, a general term, an universal appellation, Chong tok ijH "& ^ a general supefintendant ; a Governor General of a Province. Chong peng se kw4n *^ ^^ &■ 1a& ^ to have a general hold of the reins of power. poor and dis- Chon /fil K'hong chong lis;' 1 s, <• I *— » tressed ; also not at leisure. Also I'Vi^ written |g ^ chong.,- J -^ i ' ChJ)NG 149 CHcfNG Chon Chons: A sheaf of com. ■^Chong kak. w S A horse's raane. i\v^ Chbng m Strong, hale fleurishing, robust. hJ* Chong keen yji ^ chi^'g ke"S, yl»' • robust. Kip kS chong yci, beet k'he hong kong, kae che chae toe l6 ^T Hi e 6.y chi"^ J/eii, htiit/h k'hi too too a kong gnay teSh king kai to sio p'hSh, but vben people are grown strong, and their blood and spirits are firu), they should be guarded against quarrelling and fighting. M4-hok-p*bo 16 long ek chong J^ ilr -W ^g* fflT ^m. tI-^ ""* *"* ''*''' *"*" '''^" '^"^ ""■ Ween chong, nia-bok-p'bo, when old became much stronger then formerly. ^^ fc^ To bury, to inter, to pot under Chong >i^|/^ ground » also written ^ chong. ^_J.i^^ Seng SCO che e l£y, so6 cbong Che e Idy ^ ^ ;2 i^ Ji. ^ ^ :t }0l JSm ) '"'"^ *"'' *"* ^ chUou lij/ soi, ai tai e ch'eiou lij/ loi^ when our parents are alive we raust serve them according to propriety, and when dead, we miut bury Ihcttt in proper man- ner. See the f* =H Seang lOn. 'hung chong nbending. l^slraight, stiff, ChonCT j ^^'*^- Transverse threads, in weaving. ChoP! Vulg. ching : a kind of eoBfectionary tied up in leaves, with sharp corners, and used on the 5th day of the 5lh moon. Also written JS. chong. '^': Choriff^^* Distressed, reduced to diflSculties. Chonj Chong; The appearance of standing. \t'\^ ^ male pig ; a boar; a pig 6th months )>^ old Choni ^ To exalt, to honour, to respect. Chun chfing ^ ^g to honour, and obey. Cb6ng ko bok tae £ heo kwuy Iwa £ pod ktciiy, there arc none more elevated than the rich and great. Sec tb« Mt IM Yiiih ken^. K'hira ch6ng t'hcen to ?rz % M ' *'""^ khig t'hin I'hee"^ dy to, respectfully to follow the dictates of heaven. See the "f^ ^ Seo"S sc. ChOng cloth, and of cloth ; which was called B^ "^ chflng poe. Ta.xe3 levied by barbarous states ; among whom the wealthy were re- quired to pay annually a piece of cloth, and the poorer sort about twenty feet 8 o JL-J^ Vulg. k'ht"^ : to hide, to conceal, ChOng ^rg\> '" ''*"*' "P* ^^^ chflng hot' pa, ^0^^ s6y yin kaou leflng [1^ g |,t f^ 7jC ['2; ^yt H, '""'' *"''^'^ *»* P^^ '^*«^ 'e^" kaou liAng, in the hilli, are .secreted lygcrs and leopards, and in the waters lie concealed serpents and dragons. YQng che chek h£og, sei. che chek ch6ng ffl pdng kak e chew klii"^, if they employ us, then we commence operations, but if they re- ject us, then we lay oursclvc» by. See the ± 1^ Seang iQn. CHDNG 150 CHOO- ChOn ChOn To collect in a bunch; to grow in a bush ; a bush. YitchSng se — • S ^M '^^'^ cMng cKheis) a bush tree. Bfi 6 sip ch6ng l&n ^*^ ^ >E ^ ^, »'^.!' '«'« ji'un /«m ka noofS cMng Ay Idn hwa, the small rain moistens the bushy \kn flower. Plants growing bushy and luxuriantly. ChOng- ^ tj'ang chfing m ^& j the lofty and grand appearance of hills. .^'3 To be annihilated, to die; not to Ch « "i^ R be. The name of a ri Aaver. 'i^ To produce, to be born, to increase. ^.^jl* An agricultural implement; a hoe, yCpAA Suy y6w choo kc, put j6 t'hiie »e suy woo choo ke, u" lal leSh ling t'hiie e Ay nf, although we have agricultural implements, there is nothing like obtaining the right season. See *^^ _L ^ ^^'^°^ ''^"^" , J Choo J* '^ fn^ ' " dwarf, one of '-— -II „i.»..-« Choo jfi choo jfi, pae ^ small stature. ■jjA ^j choo je choo ji pae giid twa lite, this diminutive dwarf defeated us at Te. Sec the "& ^ Cho twan. *^rj5^ Abundance of grass and vegetables; j^7 \ 'his, here, now. Diligently, earnestly. Key bfiug jt k'he, choo choo wfly seoa chl-a, sun chet6eyca|gt||j^^.|^:f^ choo choo cho hti dy ling, se sun iy hpk seng, a Choo Choo Choo Choo Choo Choo Choo Choo he who rises at cock-crowing, and diligently practices virtue, is a disciple of Siin. See the T ^ H5y bSng. »^ Form, appearance, talent, ability. I^J^r T'heen choo e hak lek peng chin, ^^1^^ suy jiifin seng tek che seo ^r ^S Cheeks choo kap hak lek cho poo kawi, cheio siiy jein chi^d tek Ay lAng, when heaven-bestowed talents, and powers devoted to learning, are both united together, then may one succeed in com- pleting a virtuous character. '^rfy A new rice field, that has only been ipr^ cultivated for one year. Choo choc ^ ^, ""' a'''" '" advance, unable to make any pro- gress. The six kinds of grain are called ^^ >* ihes. %^C^^ choo, when placed in vessels they ^|>^ arc called ^ ^Sng. Choo ho6 keng chof, e kSiing choo si;ng sik rhSh ch'hdn. i ki&ng kip choo ting, the princes of the Empire assist in ploughing, in order to provide the grain used in sacrifice. >^|^ Choo bo6 ^ '^t ^ to consult loge- Choo chi-a ^ ^^ an ex- t^lamation. thcr. ' \S\ Black. Choo e III] :^ , "'■ «"«. black clothes. Waggons for carrying baggage. Chou 'eung |j||j ^ ^ I'aggag* fJlggons. |Vt> Money, wealth. H"6 choo "^ "f^ , *^| treasure. Choo k'h^isr li"o hnuy Jr^ ke, e if chwfin l\iiip^<»'^^ ^' CHOO 153 CHOO Choo tti huiiiy yung chie"^, too leSh e &,y si chwdn hoiy choo, choo-k'hong was fond of spending money, yet when it came to the time, he got wealthy again. See the ^ pg , So6 ke. _ 1% -| The lower hem of a garment, tlie ^»XIW^ border of a dress. Leep choo seng J!^| t6ng ^%^^, "«<^"'' »"« ''«-'/ pee"S, payh clwu^S te"S, -he gathered up the border of his garment, wlien ascending the hall." Lest he should trip and fall. See the J^ ^ Seang liin. Choo e chija ^ /$[ ^ * '^'"^ ''^ ^^ '""^' " person in mourning. Choo •CCC A dead tree, still standing erect, a dry post. Choo The name of a river, whose waters are as black as varnish. ■A small kind of iron pan. Nae teng k'ip choo ^ ^fr ^ ^ ' '""^ '^"^ leap siy te''d, great pans and small ones. See the Chew seung. Choo Choo Choo Choo Hair on the upper lip-, mustachios. Corn collected together Te choo Ld gei, a spider. Hard skin on the hands and feet. t^if^ Gira choo VK 'i^ , a long incessant rain ; also the name of a river. Choo m Choo Choo Choo Choo Choo Mftou choo ^ "yW a kind of coarse grass or rush ; to thatch a house with coarse grass ; also to collect. a weight of about eight ounces- A weight of about 14 ounces. Choo choo ^ ji small weights. ^»\f-% Choo chea •*r>^^ a sigh. pip , an exclamation. Choo je sun, t'heen che lek soe chae je keung =S ^ ^S liy siin, t'hee"^ dy lek soi chae li ay sih, O thou Sun ! Heaven's calculations centre in your person. See the "T* Ih Hiiy lun. f Cho& Dead grain. Choo r every one ; a surname. Choo hoe "sK Ite a prince of the Empire. ■» *_ An expletive, an au.tiliary word all Ke jfi sd choo soo hoe, che k6 cheang H cheat's Jc'hw''cl choo chh/ liy, ke e &y ch'hew cheu"^, it would be as easy as looking at this ( said Confucius, ) pointing to his band. See the ~p gra Seang lun. Choo hoS 16ng cheen jin 6 t'heen choo gS j^ ^to S A T 7c ^ . ''""' ^^ ^y ''^ che&n lang hoe hong t^y, the princes of the Em- pire may introduce a person to the Emperor. See the ~K ^^ Hay beng. Also 1* ]M a dou- ble surname. ■t Vulg. ke"a : a son, a child; a title of respect, a philosopher. Se bin choo lae ^ ^ :j- ^^ piiyh sai"« ch'hin cheo"^ ke"d lai, the people came forward just like children. See the J^. ]^ Seang beng. Cho6 son suy gfi, keng se put k'ho put t'hok CHOO 153 CHOO Choo Clioo Choo Choo Choo Choo Choo sun, suy ga6, keng ch'h&i/h a"* Vhang ho Vhak, though cliildren and grand children are dull, the; must not neglect reading the classics, Choo put ge kwae, lek, Iwan, sin .^ ^ "^IS. 4^ 'tj W, ilim hoo choo b6 kong, koo kwae, k'hwiit/ lat, hwiln IwSn, sin bing, Confucius never spoke of strange things, violent deedj, disorderly matters, and spiritual subjects. See "«= 1^ fp Lfln g6. To bear, to sustain, to overcome. Choo scy ^ ^ ^ carefully. Vulg. a: anything diminutive as, Gu6w choo it 'fZ. goo a, a young cow, a calf. To stop: also read che. The ancient from of the choo ^X', cha- racter. To throw up earth on the root of the corn ; also written ^ choo. The name of a tree, said tu be the kins of the trees. Choo I'ban 14 imi , sandal wood. Ki-aou. choo ;^ 5|^ ^ an appellation signifying father and son. A mark, to know when we are to ^ slop", a dol, a spot. Teng ti-ung h°6 cho6 »^ t|l ^ "> • '""ff '""g «"«■ hiity film, a spark of fire in the laqip. ^ A master, a lord ; also to rest in, to ^^^J consider as most important. Chfln .^^^m choo && ^^ a ship-caplain. Lo6 choo j^'t ^ " superintendant of a religious feast. Pia choo ^ ^ , * g"esl, and host. Afi bin jfi h"6 soo, k'ho wDy bCng choo e pByh 8al"S je hit"a hi t'hak cKhltyh Idiig, t'hang kong se bing choo i, he who loves the people Choo Cho(^ Choo Choo and is found of literary men, may be called an intelligent prince. Choo teung sin Jt ^^is^j leHh teung sin chb yabu kin, consider fidelity and sincerity as of the highest importance. See the I-' g^ Siiang iQn. Sin choo pa6 |ffl ^^ Wl ^ the anccstorial ta- blet, near which it is supposed the spirit/ of the deceased settles. Choo > }± Water flowing to one pari, to set- tle, to fix. Choo e y£ F3 , tettled intention. Choo k"h4n \J ^a a fixed look. Cheng sin kwan choo, put t& gocy boo ch'hoo nae thok se chc hwat ^ f|^ ^ ^ /f^ sin kurin ehod, h6 ti chain te gwa bin Ay sod boo, chig tin chew si Chak ch'kigh ig htoal, to keep the spirits settled and the mind intent, not galloping after outward engagements ; lliis \s the rule to be observed in study. To slick to stab, to thrust in ; also written 'lUu choo. Bok kam rhoo jim kong che hok teung ^i TOf ^ ^ ^ S^ 4* > '*'" ^''' <'*""' '« '"'"f^ li it/ pak lot, I du not dare to thrust a weap- on into your belly. 1^ Disordely unrestriiined loose, wanton ! ^ 3^ ii^ ^, ' '^*'' '^"fi' ^^ "^""^ pay, yaou kin twS te choo, for one who is a father, the most important thing is kindness. See the ■^ M Ta5 b'ak. Choo Cho& Choo Choo nrr Choo LoS choo neaou chcaou, a kind of cormorant. Choo sek 1& ^ ^ h'eep cheSh, a load- stone, a magnet. Chod sek yin chiiera t'heih the loadstone draws the steel. A hard sort of earthenware. Rice cakes; a kind of confectionary, also written JA cho6. ■% ^^ Thatching, a thatched cottage. Geaou ^T^J^^ wfly I'heen choo s€, m&ou cho6 4/>^ rhoekae^g^ip-Bf^^ dfc -^^ jjl^ , gedou cho hung ley &y si, woo hH'" a ch'hott Choi dy kay, when GeSou was Emperor, they had thatched cottages, and earthen steps. m The noise made in calling fowls. Self, one's-self; from. Choo kc |^ F* ki te, one's-self, a near relation. T'hae kap choo wan choo gnae, 6 tong ch'he jin ch'heen S^%^ '^'^.'^ u'An ka te gnae, twa te t&ng ch'hi Jin pw"a kedu ge, T'hae-kap vexed himself and reformed himself CHUI ,TNG 155 awN. at Tong, where he dwelt in bcBCVolcnce, and reraoved to righteousness. See the jSl ^S Seong se. HwAn soo choo gno jd cbok, ek choo gno JS JkT hwdn too che^iig gwd ji chi yea cheling gwd ji sew jip, every thing rest* with one's self to commence aod with one'S-self to complete. A. small mouth. Chuing Read chwau : a brick, a tile. Oe ch3 chok chwan J^ ^ f^ ^ j oe chS l^hi ChAou chb chiii"^, Oe- cho was (be first who made bricks.. 1*^1^ Read chwan : to perforate anything rv^A^ with an awls to penetrate into. _ Chwin che h6 keen |^ "^ ^^B ^ ehui"^ e na kSen koi, the more we penetrate into the doctrine the more impe- netrable it appears. An awl, a gimlet, Liiuk chwan /\ lak chul"^, a bore. C/lMl"g A kind of raud fish; with red eyes. To creep into the mad. Read chwin; the whole. Chf y chw4n ^ ^ cheaiu chui"S, complete, entire. CU'hod hwuy ban chwftn.che bofi ^ ^ji |^ this is not a perfectly secure plan. Read chwan : to suck. Chwan j6 ^1 chuS^S leng, to suck milk. A place where the hair turns or curls on the head} loBg tiair. * Chun Chun Chun Chun Ceremonies observed when drinking wine in a village. Lofty honourable,-noble. Chun keng. Vjfl to honour, to respect. T'heen chun ley pe, k'biifin k'hwun kwdn ley kay, k'heen li'hwun te"a teOh, the heaven is lofty and the earth low, and thus the two great principles of nature are fixed. So6 bin y6w hoo che chun, yew hot che ch'hin, iefin hoe k'ho c wQy bin hoo boe ^ R ^ ^ ^ ^ -0: , «ai pnyh sail's woo 1160"^ pay ay chun, it'oo neu"^ ley dy cWhin, j'ein auu t'hang cho pHt/h sal's dy pay boi, in employing the people, if one maintain tbe dignity of a father and the aOcction of a mother, then may he be considered the parent of the people. A wooden vessel » a battle made of wood. An earthen vessel, in tlic shape of a bottle. IIA c wuy kwun, tcnng le ,itchun^jr;.g-^r|ij£- \, an chw'd iy iciiy ktcun, hay leung It chit dy chun, bow shall I comfort you, Sir I But by setting down a bottle in the midst of the villa^. chuB :*s To follow, to obey, to learn. Chun Chun seen dng che hwat j6 ko chca, be che y6w yea j§, ^ ^ Z j^- hwal, ji woo kii^y sit dy, biieg woo chiy Uy soi yid, to follow the rules of the ancient kings and still to be in an error, is impossible. See The lofty appearance of hills, CHUN 156 CHUN Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Ag Chun ke ^ |]^' , to s'lt cross legged ; ^■^1 to sit in a reclining, posture. To "^■^ sit in an unceremonious manner. *2f Sincerity of mind. Chun tek 'J'^ ^ — I * sincere virtue. Anything beginning to grow ; thick ; difficult. Earnest and sincere. J^lj** Chun sek ^ ^ , laid up in a cof- Vf^i fin ; dark like a long night. To instruct repeatedly. Chun chun Ipl-^F* -^ ^ /ering- /jo/.- kong, ji heng leng e, how repeatedly was it inculcated and enjoined. To instruct any one personally-; to repeat a caution. To collect words together; an ac- |Z|^| cumulation of expressions ; also read chun. ftl l^gf The name of a fish ; also read chiin. ^_* Cold and shivering, to tremble with hf^r cold. HSn to geet ch'he chit ^ JjJ k'ht chun, to be cold till the teeth chatter. -v^fc^ To allow, to grant. M'un chun yf* J-tt: , to permit. ^ choe ^^ -jH }U| ;^ ^ A-yng- /e_y c/iiJn /ft u ■J Ht Jw J to permit. T'heen cho6 chiin cliaoii, the Emperor granted the request. To diminish, to cut ofl'. ChuB Chi'in Chun Chun Chun Chun To hold to, Chun chat ^^'^ , »" hold to economical rules. Kwun choo keung keng chun chat, t'hiiy jrangj hgng ley ^ =f- M '^k W IF. 1^ ?M PJi 0J1 fM *"""" <^'""' keung kdng, chiin chat, I'hty neo"^ Ung, 6 bing Hi/ soi, the good man is raspectful, economical and yielding in ■order to illustrate the rules of propriety. Even; a rule, a pattern; to adjust. Chunsoh l|1p ^^ a carpenter's line. Ke keef bok lek yeen, key chekwuj ke chun sin, e wily hong win p6ng tit Eij- ]i^ -k m 3S. i^ u^ ueet chin bak chew ay kliwiiy lal seo swii kwuy ki chAn sdh, i cho si kak, c^"S", pal"S kwa tit, having carried to the utensil the powers of vision the ancients added the ■compass and Tule, and carpenter's line in order to make things square, and round, level and •straight. See ^ 131 Beng choo. Respectful ; to respect, numerous, collect together. Keung keng jc '^»"'"^J>|5:i!nlf ,t°honorand respect. The name of a bird of prey. A very swift bird, the name of a bird that is rapid in its flight. Teung ne chae tin, yew chun chip e tin ho^ che'teng ^ ^^Wl^M'^T chiin cheaou chip te tin hoi hy te"d, when Con- • fucius was in the tin country, there was a flock of swift birds collected on the Hall of the prince of Tin, .V kind of petticoat ; also to honour. CHUN 151 CHUN Chun Cliiin Cliuii Chun Chun Chun Chun ^ * A man of superior wisdom and talent; i| >>^ one eminent for wisdom. Chiin 1^^^^ ki-'et f^ ^ a man of extraordin- ary talent ; a hero. Chun kijet chae wuy, cheli t'hcen hay che soo kac wat, jC gwln lip & k6 tiiaou ^ ^ ^ -F iMl ilB cAun keel Ay Idng thai wuy, chek fhee"^ ay &y Ch'ak ch'Imyh fdng chd poi htc"a hi ji gw&n lip te i. &y ledou, when a man of su- perior talent is on the throne, then all the learned men in the Empire will be pleased, and will desire to stand in his court. Soperiorhto overcome ; slrange ; won- derful ; the same as the above. Tek Chun wilt k'hek, ;j;H: >p Q ^ , m mil ye"d, kong ked l^hek, to obUin. a victory is called overcoming.. The same as ^ chun. >^ Lofty, high > also stern, urgent. Chiih Jl^^ kek i I'hecn i^^=f-^, *«^^'' ^C chi A-aoi Chee"^, high as the hcavcnj. hi bo5 wfly geam chun '^^^ ^^l\^, chd k}»"a boo chd geim chitn, an oflSccr should study ta be stern and urgent. >fc Lofty,, long, imiKjnding, dangerous. |J|^ San gftm ko chun llj j^ ^ ^, JVl j„,»a ya„. ictcdm chitri, the hills and caverns, are lofty and dangerous. #. J^ t Wise, prudent. unning rabbit % also an animal that eats tygers and leopards. Chun Chiin Chun Chiin m To be finished, to be concluded. Soo (i wan ohiln ^. ^ -jr- ^fe so5 i ivdn leaou^ the business is brought to a conclusion. Chun ^ J"^ Deep ; to deepen ; to dig a welldecper. •^/A^ Soo chiin cheng, ch'hut, cheQng jfi \0^ y..mche|^J^^jiiJ-;^]fn T«^ "^ J tai e k'hicul chai"S, kaou ch'hul, cheUng uou Je yiem e, they ordered him (Sim) to di*; a. well deeper, and when he had made his es- cape sideways, tfrey proceeded to cover him with earth) (thinking that he was still in the well). See the ~n '^ Hay bong. V ^^ To hesitate, to be midecided j. ^■^^l^ also read chDn. Chiin sfln wuy siiuk 0^2^ it M f4: IS • '"'"' '""' **"" '-^ ki"d k'hi, tcity fhey, to hesitate, going backwards and forwards, fearing and reticing. Chun > To dig anything deeper: to deepen ai ditch, in order to let the water flow. Chiiu k'hecn kiiey ku ch'hwan ^& ^ i^ 105 III ^ **""^ '■*'*'"' '^*'*^'' *■'"'"' ch'hdng Iwd chtiy ch'hut''^, to deepen the ditches ia the fields and enlarge the streams. An officer whose business it was to encourage bfisbandry. T'66a chiin che he [33 ^ £ ^ , *'*»«<»& chd ch'hdn dy chiin A-K'''a /iie"a hi, the officer for encouraging, agriculture vas greatly pleased. I# • >j^ The remains after eating; the surplus Vy^ of food, what is left. .Sou k'hi-uni; S^\^ hek chiin f, koc put i ch'cia ^ */{L ^ ^ #. tk T- Ja '&> '*"* ^^ "-^"* k'hedng kS"a hek ehed. ti cheiih ttn dy, ehea u"' k^d lai habu, when food ( is presented ), fearing lest it much be the leavings (of the prince) it should therefore not be offered to the gods.— 8 * chAn 158 CHUT Chiin Chun Chun Chun Chun A large fiae horse. Bok 6ng sfing pat chun ma yfiw piien t'heen hay ^S bok Sng Ic-hed pUyh chiln hay, thil Vb6 pUn mw"a t'hee"S uy, Bok-ong mounted on the eighth excellent horse travelled throughout the whole Empire. ^^ -_^ Vulg. chui"S: to wind through the ffl^ mud. G6 chiin jip ne j^ f^ ^ ^oi-^jp v|g ^ hi chufS jip nxsi"a Choi, the fish o-lided into the mud. Bt m To look and stare at. A ditch of water.; a dyke. Sdy chiin 'J^iJll chuy chAn, an aqueduct. »^!^ To cut, to engrave. Also written , chun. Chun Chun Chun ^ _ To preserve, to remain in existence, X*^_ to retain. Ko chun •^ 'j^ ^ *" f^ enquire after one's health and pre- servation. Siin fhtJen chiia chfin, gek t'heen chi;& bong uy Ung chAn, gek fhee^S Ay ling b&ng, he who complies with the dicta,tes of heaven will be pre- served, bathe who disobeges hAiven will perish. The hands held, restricted, embar- rassed. Read ch'hwAn : a ship, a boat, a vessel. '^^— Teong kok che ch'hwAn t'biJet jin, V* h8 Ian fhi-et ch'hwan che jin Pp /£"«■ «u"fl chwa chAn t'hcili l&ng, ho Ian t'heih Chan chwd ling, in China they have paper ships ctnd iron men, but in Europe they have iron » ships and paper men ; meaning that the ships of the one country are weak and the men robust, while in the other country it is just the reverse. Chfin * Chut Chut Chut Chut To bore through, to perforate. jfc _ A soldier, a private soldier; done, y^)% finished, at the end : suddenly. Goe I k'he wfly chijang, e peng chut tong .Vhi-usit^fefiHt-.^ic^P)^ ■^ goi Idii chu cheilng, kap peng chut lung k'hwUn chedh, Gofi-k'he was a general who slept and ate with his soldiers. ■Ch'hong chut -^ ^ , busy, having no leisure. A body of a hundred men. The ancient form of 2S chut, also written 3c chut. O^ Chut Chut To hold, to seize by the hair of the head. Anything in a cave; about to rush out of a cave. A lofty and dangerous hill. Chut peng ^ ha ^ to precipitate. Pek chut ^ ^ , a kind of medi- To langh at, to ridicule; to inform,' to announce. GoS ong hwin cbo5 bwat chey chut sim se ^ ^ j^ 1^ /-^ ^ ^ 1^ •^ , ffoe S"g *■'•«» '•'"'5 htLBt chiykok ch'heb sin se, when the king of the Ga« country returned from fighting against the Chey CHUY 159 CHUY country, he laughed at Sin-se (because be bad dissuaded him from going). Chut Chut |^"rj:^«' yj^ a glutinous kind » % The capital of a pillar; to insert in H|^2fJ* " hollow space. Chiit gwut i^" J^J] , II a blunt piece of timber without branches, to insert in any hollow space. Chut Chuy ^ To rub to grind. Chut k'hd l|f( ^ , to rub out. An awl, anything pointed. Chuy to chc bwat, cheang chin ch'he che cheem to ij/ boiif, theang chin Chitili e, even to the point of a knife or an awl ( I. e. the minutest thing) all will be taken from thcni. Sun bo6 lip chuy che tey, e yew t'been hay Ic'hea cheem Hy Ifj/ t woo t'he^^ hay, SOu had not so much ground an to «el up « bodkin on, and yet he obtained the Empire. Chtiy m Chuy Chuv An iron bar, a crow bar ; aho to beat. Choo hac sew soo sip kin fliifet chuy, chuy sat chin p'hc ^ ^ hae kUii^S te eh'hiw uiui"S »e rhap kin ting &i/ t'heih chvy, boiyh ehui/ t'hat chin fhi, chou-hae kept in his sleeve an iron bar of forty pounds weight, in order to beat to death chin-p'h«, Sec the ^ 1^ So6-ke. Great, large, ^ The fleshy part of a bird's tail ; also fat; and a bare bone. Chuy % .,^Mm ^ small kind of chesnut; also read Chuy a5tK* ^^"^- ^*" y^" chuy, sip yew leng lat 0, sip tey wou leng, in the hilly parts are chesaut and in the damp grounds are rushes. Chuy pL^ H~ Kaou chuy -^ Jjtt ka chuy, a dove. Ur^^ a fowl's beak « to suck, to peck « also to know. Vulg. cVhiy: the month, a heak. % Read suy : water; a surname. Chw4n *ylv *"y A^ '^ > '"^"'"^ cWy, a fountain ^ ^^ of water. WOy yew gwAn t'ho4 hwat luy laft 'Jftz&iK' IPJ ^J^ Jk ^ , tBiiy woi gwAn I'hauu wih chuy Itti^ only from the fuuDtain head, doe* the liv- ing water come. « To be drunk. Chiw chuy ^p^^ dronk with wine. Ytem ycAu yl^ii vim, put chuy bofl kwuy JH^ |§t ^ Ik ^ S55 fe {^f , ycem cheuk m<,r> y„i^. hit ch'eih l.noA chiiy, M hiityh Uxiff', getting enough to drink of an ev^ping, men will lipt return before they are intoxicated. r»\*ll H cut Up, tO CUt off. Co collect together. o be sorrowful, to be dislressod. Clin sek chi-fiou cbfly ^ f^ f |fe tZ , '^o countenance cast down with Chuy Ch'iy Chuy Chiiy CHWA 160 GHW^A Chuy Lew heang kew t'han koe pok hoo che cheaou laoA heitng kaau ay t^ho k'hwuy Ic'hw'^il ch'hia hoo Hy cheaau chuy, Laou-hiiang sighed nine times, on observing the distress of tlio cliarioteer. Distressed, pained. Chi-aou chuy c gcik Cheng jt.J^-^J$lX' cheAou chuy t: ]w geak &y rheng, dis- tressed bj- an oppressive governBieut, ^y^ Collected to2;\^^ chuy and |^^ chuy, very small. ChQy f^, a small country. ChQyje -^ t, who are you Sir? answered, I am Teung-yow. Se suy che ko e ^ ||^ ^^ 5^ jl^ , che chuy 4y k'diy sit, whose fault is it ? Read che : paper. Sin che j= ^^, sin chwd, letter paper } also written @ ch6. Ho5 han, ch'hae lun ch'hd poe to ch'haon chok che ^ ^i f ft ji ^ ^ W i¥ feff- hoe hin teaou ley. ch'hwd. lAn ch'ho poi p-hah ch'haou chb chwd, in the letter Han dy- nasty ( A. D, 250 ) ch'hwa.lun tore cloth and beat it small, in order to make paper. He Water falling from a high place; a cataract. # Read sda r a snake. A path between the paddy fields. Seng chwii tju" jfif eAe"d chwa, all in a row. Read se : to swear. Chew se ^P ^ chew chwd, to take an oath.. Lim le ^X soo yeak ek wit se -^ -^ M ^\ jiV pj yT . la po cha boi sae k'h'ea sea yeak, yea king chwa, men and women making private engagements together, may also be called swear jng. y> Read cheen : to boil. CiiiJeu ISy A?CV\ K'hipsily cheen t4y jefin Ifiy cheaou - Ik i^ W. ^- '1 # ^5 ^' ""'"' ''''■" ehw^a Idy, SCO Uy ch'hd chSi kwm"S ch'hdyh, draw some water in order to boil the lea, and set fire to the lOg, in order ts throw light on the book.. tRead chftn s a cup, a drinking vessel ; also written chka^^chw^d. Yit Chan ch'heng tay — ^.]^^^, chit chw"d ch'heng tdy, a cup of good tea. !j^ 1% V A-, Head chin : to praise. Chok chan P J^^ oration, in one's praise. ^ _f Read chwln : a fountain. Siy chwan Chv/'d ^ ^;^,cWycft,c''d, a fountain of 'y|\|. water, Jin chfte cVheng chw^n sek siiang, t5 t'hong t'hijen kin gwitk'hwut \ -^ y^ ^ ^ _£.^ cheoh ling, e dy to ey t'hong kaou tliea"S a-,„ gofyh k'hwut, the man is humbly seated on a stone by the side of the pure fountain, but bi& system of dqctrine is lofty enough to penetrate Chw^d CHWAH lai} CriAV^N, to the root of Heaven, and to the cavern of the moon. >^ Embers. H"6 Ifiw chan >^ '^ ^, Chw^d -"^rtl^ **'*J' ^"" chiii"d, 4bet« are stUI 5f r^ in embers the fire. Hno kaou chan 4S M .^ ^ Jiui-y ta c/i»"iU a sraajl fire or chimney. ^ • %■% Read ch4n : an overplus, a remmant fhlO^^d O"^^ "'^ food. ChSn poey 6 leng chi-a. . /^ 1^ ^' 1^ 5^11. »*«''''' r>"^y bofi ling b&h,. an odd cup of drink, and some cold roasted meat. 3^^y Read cheen : to sprinkle. E' kcng Chw'^d ^g^ heet cheen jtn J5[ g^ jfil j^ A, ||X%'^^ '** bricks and tiles. ^ % ^ To display, to commence, to set "3 * forth. This character is used in 1 1 f-3 niodern letter writing, where at the close of an epistle, it is said, kin ch'hoo chwan bfln ^ lH^ ^ Hf] '^'''* '* '■espcctfully set forth for the information of such a one, &c. The whistling of birds; the scream- ing of a parrot ; to turn ; a sound. Vulg.. tooi"S : to turn round, to return. Wun chwan yff jjM to transports. Kcw cbe be tck, te£a S a CHWAN 162 CHWAT chwin hwan ch'hek ^ "j^ ^Ic /fS Jw iH|| kiw e bSeif til, pw^tt tooi"^, chwdn tooi"^, yew htedn to tooi^S, seeking lier, with- x>ut success, he turns and turns, and turns again. See the ^ S Kok hong. Han-an-kok, chwan ch'heuk e wfly che pe icun chwdn vVhek e cho leo^S ti, Han-an-kok transported -grain, -in order to make prepara- tions. Clnvan Chwan >7^^ Vulg. chnVS : to hore through, to ^Cl perforate ; an awl, a bore. ^^ Vulg. chuf^: the whole complete, /^^^^ fully prepared, to secure against _7P -^ all accidents. WSn chSn ^ ^ ^ tvdn chm"S, to complete ; a surname. Seng 6ng ke soo. Log ciThut ban chwan ^ £ ^ ^, ^ ^ ^ ;^^ rf«r dnr kej/ang too, e dff boe ch'hut ban chui''S, a philosophic king in commencing an undertaking, will pro- duce plans proof against all accidents. Also written ^ chw4n, €hwan kwun hok but ^ W M y^ chwni"S kwun pak lak se, the whole army was over- thrown and annihilated. Ohvvau Chwan Chwan Ak chwan z^^the name of an ancient genius, in the time ef ^£ gedou. A sacrificial animal, perfect and without blemisli. Vulg. >"a yid, E-yin ploughed in the wtlderneu. of yiw-sin. ■fc Clothes; that which is worn «n the body. ~jt>^ E hok -^ flS, '"" ^''"'^* ^P^""^'- ^ ■^ #^^^ se4ng chae soo ^^ ^t ^£ -^l > y'" cheu"S tt seo^S, the clothes are in the box. ■ : .! 'ft',' . ^ To rest and rely on; to follow, to comply. r K^" -fc , fhdn i jin, to comply with the dictates of benevolence. ^ An expression of sorrow, and pain, -SQn chSng chek he £ seng ac, wily e chek iV*^ e choo hwac chin |l|Q, *ff ||J ^| ^ 4 ^. ii S DJ ^ 'U ft 1^, »"" '^"^ ''y ching chek Au"fl At sai"^ at, gek Idng Hy i chek e choo k'hi"^ chin, complying with men's feelings, they are pleased and bear good-will towards one; but crossing their views, they are pained, and conceive displeasure. $ To return. E n In, upon, at; from; to dwell in; an expletive. Also read t : a snmarae. Chd i to, kc 6 tek, c 6 jin, yew 4 gay' lim chi li lit chip lim te tek, t'*in,< jin, Chil t'ho t'hS eh'hiw giy, have the will bent on learning, keep a firm grasp of virtue, follow the dictates of bene- volence, and amuse yourself with th(> fine arts. Sec ••"^ _h p|^ S«°ff ""'• Sam lein bo6 kac £ boo cbe ti^ k'ho wDy liaou e »"o nei"^ bu kdy i nei"^ pSy 6y tit, t'hang- king woo haoii i, for three years not to liwerve from ene's father's way, may be called, filtaf piety. Set- the E E ^ The, same ji»_ Ihe abyyc. ^ "' l^h ))2i ' """*' : ^'•■''"* c n« j« put 1 ^ /e /ii«'"ri I hoi Ji bu IS. coming out of the ilimc and yet not ^[nuddy. 9aid of the water- lily, which grows ip marshy ground, and yet look^ so clean. E 164 E Thfe natne of a river. To groan. E E Ak e ffl laugh. ^ a forced laugh; a strong E. E The name of a •ivood. The streaks on rippling water; also syno- niinous with ^^ hey. The waving ippeardnce, of- a fl>^; also the appearance of leeting clouds. An exclamotion of admiratib'n -Ar regret. E hc^^, alas! alas! E A healer ; to heal. E seng ^ ^ , a doctor; also written ^ e. Jin je boo h6ng, put k'h6 6 chok boo e J\^ jfg Sim, ft™ Vhang hoe e cho sae kong sin sai^S, if a man has not a settled mind, he cannot become a conjuror or a doctor. E "n^ST" A kind of water fowl. An expletive; a particle; also to be, to do. An exclamation of one wounded or grieved. A particle; in, at, upon; more fltequently read 6; a surname. E' y:A E By, with; to use, to do; in order to. Te ho j6 ho, put e ley chiiet che., ek put k'ho heng yiii ^^p |-p jf^ ;(p."^ W 11 ® ;t . ^jli^ ^ pT # iH ' ''•- -"" ""' ji cKheng ch'heiig h6, M Vho Iki/ lot chdn chat c, yea bey ke"a, to study harmony and nothing elso, without regulating it by propriety ; this will not do. See . th'' ± 1^ Se-ang iQn. Kwun so6 sin e ley, sin soo kwun e tcung ^ (^ E 1^)1 il. g ^ ^ i^ t> . J'n l^r^un sa^^in sin e lei/, fin sin hok sae jin Icwun e teung, a pVince should employ his minister according to propfiefy, and a minister should serve his prince with fidelity. See the j^ g|w Seang lOn. S^ k« scy e ll ^ ^ J^ , ''''•»'"« ^ '^^ V"' observe what he does. B6y e Wj" ]il(, therefore. E' chd W ^, until^ eten to. E' hoe Igl ^^ , » aoi, afterwards. '^ ^^T/T^ E ' j6n ^ ^H the seeds of the e plant, W J^ in shape like peirls. The appearance of walking alone ; the body bent. The name of a wood ; also a surname. Kee ^\ a gem. the name of a stone, like The name of the first sovereign of the "g" , hay dynasty ; A surname. E' sew E' sQn jiiang, yew t'heen hay =^ vfei' Tc T* ^ S6IU siiH, Ay ned"S woo Vhee"^ ay, E received what was yielded to him by sim and obtained the Empire. The same as -^ e. i 165 / E E # To rely on, to incline to one side, to lean againt. E' wa, to confide upon. Chae t, chek keen ke 6 fi hfing yea •|E M ll'l 1 S f^ hk Ht -til- '""^ '^ '''''-' ehelc k'hw"d e wd' te hw''d ch'hd, when he was in the carriage, he might be seen leaning on the cross bar. See the "Ti Im Hay iQn. Bo6 p'heen, boo 6, Ong to ch^ng tit M ^ ^ f^ i li! IE ii^ J *" P'''^^"^ *^ "''' ^ ^^ '" che"i til, without partiality and without inclination, ^he royal way is correct and straight. See the Scans se. r 5 Kaou e g \^, a chair. E'l'hadn, ^ a stool. E' teaSu ^^ ^|^, a bench. To drag along on oue side. Chin sit kfi lok, I6w kwiiy teiik j6 e che ^ ' chin a"' kei"S e dif lok, la6u h-wi^ lcie"d ji k'han e, • • the Chrn country lost their deer, when Lew-kwiiy •C ij^* q^er took and dragged them along. To give, to l)eslow i the same as |f|. e. E' ^ E E E Boo 6ng tae lac sou hae sty sck c chiia, wfly sj-iin jin se hod pg ^ 'J\^ boo ing Iwa te lai $i hai, lij/ sod hae chid, tote lok ho dy ling ti Vl>dh poo, Bo6-0ng bestowed great gifts on all within tlie four seas, but amungsl the largesses he conferred, those to good ^ople only were the richest. See t'^c H ^ Chew se. To walk awry ; to walk in succession. ^Lpit» Hod e ^ "0* the name of a plaotx the I " y plantago ; now called ke cbeSn ch'ho f^^ "^S ■mj |& , ch'hea ching ch'haou, the grass before the carriage. loo 6 ^ '{^Q J a kind of screen, placed before a door or window, to prevent persons looking into an appartment. w E' ll Vulg. hoe : rain. Lok e ^ ^^ m hoe, to rain. T'heen yfiw jefin chok yin, p'hae jeSn bay e, chek beada put ji:€n bin Che e J^ .Jll| ^M f^ #• ifU B T M- I'J Sf '1^- m^ 1^- '^ ^ > ''^^"^ *^'" ^'^^ "''" '"'■'^"' p'liad jein ISh hoe, chek lew put jein hin k'hi f, when the Heavens become overspread with clouds, and send down plentiful showers, then the corn sud- denly springs up. See the _£^ ^C Seang beng. The excess of weeping. E' lo6 ^a ^ "*'' straightened, crooked. E' chiia soo che tofi ffi j^ f |^ ^ ^ , a'" lit 6g lang, tat e laoA gay, crooked people were set to sweep the ground. .^M^ To stop, to finish, to end ; extreme. JS e E ' 1^^ ffil G» J '**"" '^"°' **"*' """* nothing else. ^^^ Bofl c, chek 6ng hofi M £^. ^ij 3l J|^ lind stcih chek Sng Ajf lo hoi, if you will not desist from your enquiries, then I shall refer you to the royal way. See the J* ^^ Sermg bijng. T'hiiiing nfi put wfly e sin chiia f »j» /g /fN J^ E, -yt ^ leung ni bd iiilyh chd k\hah lim &y soo, Confucius did not do anything that was to the extreme. See the ' |n J^ Hay beng. Je ch'hoo jfi e c ^fl |J;l^ fj^ j^ ^s^, an nty Wa i^S. thus and thus only. %\^ Vulg. hoe: ta give, to bestow, to pro- Yjlpl^ mise ; also with, together with. K'ho ^ "X 6' 6, Vli6 6 bod e, 6 seang bwQy pj* t'hang hoe Idng, woo si a seii"S ft"' Chang hoi Idng hoi idng, teang yin hu-uy, sometimes we think we may give a thing, and sometimes we think we may not, when to give would be excessive genero»ily. See the (> 3? Han beng. Also written J5f i. Wuy gno e je yew s5 boo jjg ^ ^ ^ -^ TE Jb lok t'ok gud kap It woo an niy iai"S hoo, you only and I arc thus. Sec the J^ pj^ gijapg iQn. E 8 S E 166 \ E A covering a canopy, to spread over. E' ,^31^ E' tew ^ ^ J the universe. E' liiey ^ fe ffqjintheworld. E'bOn^^j a double surname. Careful ; to rely on. ^^ Feathers. E' e'k ^^ ^, wings. E' ni6 E' >y|^l put hong bwaii chea put Ifing ko hwuy sit m& bo hong 7nw"d ched, chew beg kw&n piiey, Tfhen wings and feathers are not rich and full, it is impossible to fly high. Hesitating, doubtful. The name of a country. Hoo e -Sr a kind of screen. E' hew P^p^lJ> the groaning of a sick person ; internal sorrow. An intention. 'E soo t^ M, thought. Che e ;^ ^} design. Choo e tfc J& #^^|^ purpose. Seen sfing J^^ ^ ^ M iMl ^ , '"^ «e"S" ch'hong sing sit e dif i, first purify the intention. See the -^ ^ Tae hak. A kind of swallow. Bok te kfiejS ^ ^0 ^ II i| , "" '^"^ ' '« ^J^' '">* knowing that it was such a kind of An exclamation intimating dissatisfaction and discontent; a cry of pain. E ^{■^ ^ A certain plant. 'E j!n ■w 1~ the seeds \-£9 of the water lily. 'E pe } few, scarce. A dark and windy appearance of the weather. j% ^ To kill, to die, to put to death. Teng E /flT-—^ pek ge jeQng, chefin hoe kek che, chin e J^ teng pek giJeUng hwan, ching aou phUh e, chin si, the prince of the Teng country attacked the Jijflng foreigners, and beat them before and behind, till they were all dead. See the ^ -jS Chd twan. E Rice heated and in a state of fermentation. Soo e jS ae, put sit '^ ^ [fll |^ A^ '^ ^ POO'"^ jt^'nh l&^> j^ ICheep, b6 boii/h che&h, when the rice was heated by fermentation and sour he would not eat it. See the _£2. gm Seang lun. •^ _ Constant and fine, permanent, good, ami- ^5Vx^ able, and virtuous, Gno kfiw e tek p-ix^ 51s ^ ^ ^' ^""^ "^ *" ^^ '*'*■' ^ love amiable virtue. h— * The offspring of a pig: a young pig. IS. E^JO """ , indolent; \a]g,i/ei, tired, fatigued, wearied. E E Clotted blood ; blood coagulated into one mass. A small swelling; aboil, a pustule. Tan e chea t'hong, yim yeak chea k'hoe i dy i'he"i. che&h ySh dy k'hoe, to fillip a boil is painful, and to drink medicine is bitter. 1^ 167 i •E A quiver and case for holding a bow and arrows. Peng put kae e Si ~^ Ha ^^ , peng a'" Chang thaou e dif i, ^ soldier must never take off his quiver and bow case. E ^^ A final particle, used at the close of a #'^^ sentence 5 an expletive. KS soo cbe wuy e this is the meaning of it. Teaou bun to, sek soo k'ho ^ ^ ^ J^ ^ ^ HT A mSjf^h chae fhe^a to, mdi^S hwuC^ si yea Chang, in the morning having heard the right doctrine, in the evening we may by content to die. See the ' h 1^ Seang iDn. P^ ,f^ To be satisfied, to be full, to be content; E ^Og^ content. Boo flng k'hek yin chok e ko k'hek yi^A yin tedou, chd i 6y ko, when Bo6-6ng conquered the Yin dynasty, he compo«ed the song of content. See the j^j |^ Chew g6. To eat to the full, to feast. Sore eyes: a cataract in the eye; the name of a medicine good for the eyes. Ho5 seng jfi i yit bok ^ ^ JIJl ^ _~ Q , hing hoe soi"S, ji pm^S cta'l bak, when the queen was born, she was blind of one eye. ■^ To clothe, to pnt on clethes. L6 chc& •E yj^ ^P^ksitjeuk^^^^,/^^, ^X^^^ laou l&ng ch'hing poi pek chekhbih, the old people would then be able to wear silks, and eat flesh. To rain, to rain upon. *E gno kong tefin, |>| sny kip gn6 soo ^ ^ 4!^ ffl ^ /j^ J9 5t[^^ iih hoe gwd dy kong ch'hdn, suy kip kaou gwd dy sae k'hea dy, let it rain first upon our public field, and then let it come npon our private field. See the /V\ f^ Seaou gnay. E Profitable; advantage. A E E E E f In, at, upon ; to go towards. Also written "35" J fi. E 6 ch'ha6 pin, Iftm kan che pin, I e ch'ha£ cho, 6 pe hfing 16 •^ 'fr ffl^ •* '"^ *■ *^ *"" '''"' '^ ^"^ ^^ ^' '"^ *'*^ cKhai chdy ch'haou, te hwUh Uy hing 16, come and let us gather the Pin vegetable, on the borders of the southern shore; come and let us gather the water plants, in the running strearaes. See ^ |I? Kok hong. ^^ I, myself. T'hecn seng tek e £, hwftn tot-y -T* k*j««h6^^^^^ >! %fQ^m> ''1'^'"^ '""^ ^hiy Uy tek hoi gwd, hwin tiiiy e hval gwa t^a aei"h tae kS, Heaven has bestowed this degree of virtue upon me, and what can Uw4n-toey do to me. See V Seang I On. Even, equal. ^ •^•m Plain, and even. Tae to sIm 6 -^ nf ^ ^ :> tita to It, chin chai pdVS kap k'hwde, the great doctrine is very plaid and even. T8ng t , a kind of insect. ^ ^1^^^ ^°*^ ^ ■% 1^ J * mother's sister. Sey « ■^ VTw ^Jil'* ^'f^'* sister? also a con- ^Z^^^^ cubine. * >l wfe *^^ ^ A^ in* *^'' "*"* of a hill, towards ^^.^^C *''* riiing sun. To call aloud; also to laugh. i 168 A E E To sit cross legged, to sqiiat on the ground. Gwao jeang 6 soS 0^j^^\^, gwdn jeang p'hS.h k'wim k'ha teng hadu, Gwan jeang sat cross legged waiting (for Confucius). See the ~j\ ^ Hay lua. I inyself; loose; also a surname. WOy & put sin yew j6 k^aou jit =|^ -^ /f\ sh woo ch'hin cheo"S bing jil, if you say that I am not true, I appeal to the bright sun. See the [^ J^^ Kok hong. When a field to is cultivated for one year, it is called "^ choo; and when it is culti- vated for two years, it is called ^ A E Superabundance, superfluity, excess, that which is over and above. Y6w sey put cheuk, put kara put been, yew 6 put kam chin ;^- p^f ^ /^ ^ ^ '^ ^. ^ ^ ^ If^ ^ ' """" '^• an- U kaou, u^ k"u u'" bSin ley^ woo th'hun W" k^d chin, having a deficiency in any- thing, we dare not neglect exeirtions ; having a super- abundance we dare not exhaust it all. See the Bun yew €, pit w'at yfrw, |^ ^^ |^ t§^ M, moot"S tooS eh'liun, pit kdttg -wbS, when he asked, if there was anything over, he would always ^f, there was. See the ^ -^ Beng chgo. A carriage, the bottom of a chariot, hand- some. E jin J^ A a wheelwright. "^^ "^^ K'hara & j:^ S.^ a complimentary title for a determiner of the sites of buildings and graves, caUed a ;^ Jg ;^^ ;^ ^ tEy le seen seng. Choo san e kc seng e, fhey jin 6 chin wuy, ^ j^ e siy chey ay cKhea, chiy l&ng kdiy i chin wiiy &y cMy, Cho6-san used the chariot in which he rode for helping people a cross the Chin an4 Wuy waters. See the ~^ ^ Hay beng. E A E A E *^Mi^ To praise, to applaud, to give one a good name. Go6 che d jin yei s M W\- %^ ^> ^-" ^y ""p '^«^- yea, che ehvy mai"^ che chuy o id, cKhin cheo"^ woo sty 16, e woo sty ch'he, in my intercourse with people, I do not know whom I should blame and whom I should praise, but if I praise any, it is because they have been tried. Said by confucius in the "p* ^ ^^'S •"°- An ornament for a fiag^ in the Muipe of ' a bird. -. A precious gem. Loe ying h^o ch'hijep . tae keung, hwan e che giiuk, e p'hun, yj hS lot kok &y y'ed"S hijey Vhaou twS, keung, kap hwan 6 Ay g'euk b chaou, Y<;6°S-hoey of the Loe county stole the great bow, with the Hwftn S gem, and then made his escape. See the "jt ^[ Ch6 twan. A sedan chair is called kiien e j^ ^Mj keng I'hadu ch'hea, a shoulder waggon^ J*^|-* A stoiie resembling a gen*. yfeJLk A pipe, a flute. Ch6y 6ng h^^d 6, ^ ^^ICi^ 3E 1^ nr ^^^-^ ""^ "^ *' *'** '''"s "f sj the Chey country was fond of the flute. •ij£* Great. Kwun choo yew «, ^ -^ fjj^ I S J the good man is truly great. ^ _ I— A bathing vessel, a tub. Yeiik se jip 6, Tj-T* yeilk iveng ch'hut 6, j^ []Js ^ ^^^ chang sw&h cKhut i, when a person bathes he enters the tub, and when he has done he comes out of it. £ 169 E A E »' E E E jCheet 6 ^ ^, a female office, establish- ed under the Han dynasty. ^ ^ To leave, to hand down, to send, to present, '^^\ to send word. Seuk heang soo 6 Choo- pP sin sc.^ fp] \%t^^%^' seuk heil„g sai Mng Ic^heA Choo-san p'hay, Seuk-he4ng. ordered them to send a letter to Choo-sin. .^ ^jy^ I, myself: a character common in episto- V— ^ lary correspondence. Joyful, delighted. San teung h6 sey ^|»^^ y^w, leng seing to pek biifiy, che k'ho I ^7 cho5 e wat, put k'ham tg cheng kwun, P-1 1 ^ ?Jt ^ . -^^ -t # 6 ^#- P- "^ g 'ife iS:- ^ ^ tt ^ ^^ """" '""" ""' »"a fnei"h, ne^d cheo"S cUy pa^h d™' chi Chang ka U hw"a hi, fi"* k'ham ChlSyh lie shng kwun, what is there on the hill ? upon the mountain there are many white plum blossoms s but I can only eiyoy them alone, and am not worthy to present them to your honour. Sugar. To remove, to transplant, to change a place or thing. E hong ek selik bok se5negkk^|5i[f,j^||#^ J^ pi»"a hong »"* »e«/.-, hi k'hiih hi t gak, in order to remove customs and change habits, there is nothing so good as music. See the jg |g U-y U. „^ » To present, to give i to hand down. B PJ ^ k'hwat choo sun, f § )^ ^ ^ , '^"^ y\YJ e iy ke"d tun. Bestowed on his posterity. A bathing vessel, with a handle, u»cd in pouring out water. A. kind of spirituous liquor ; made of rice 5 also water gruel, made of rice or millet; congee-, thin rice water. £ Wuy c, ^ ^ , respectful and diligent. The same as the foregoing. An ulcer, a wound •, wounded. Beng kwun /)^ le ch-hat 6 seang ^'$.^^MM' /y' ^^ beng leng kwun leung 6y kw"a U ch'hat mod t teang iy Idng, he ordered an officer of thir army to inspect the wounded. See the j ^. IS Cho twin. Yei-m 6^0, ♦''^ '«"' "f » ^""f- Fheng ho'k ch'hc him yei-m 6, j6 put ketongse^(j^it^ig.i^ ^ ^E ^ pi ^ p'heng key hoi he"i mool"e cVhw"a, li, biy ki long ft, " when I boiled my last hen, and burned the bar of my door for fire wood (to give you a treat) do you forget the time." Said by the wife of "g" ^ H , pek-le-hfiy, when her hus- band was risen high in office, and had forgotten his former poverty. The vessels constantly employed in the anceslorial temple constant. E Ifln ^ f , the constant relations of life. E The north-east corner of a house. f \ bridgf. E seang 16 jln sew leang-lcan< *^ ^^ Ung /iiiii Idng hoi teo"^'H6ns ch'liiyh, when upon the bridge an old man gave a book to Teong-l«:a"5. See the ^ |£ Soo ke. A E ■f The ancient trora of the i -^character. 2 T i 170 E The same as fr^ 6, a female officer. A E A E #^fe* Boo g ^i^j ^ P'*" f""" sacrificing to """X5"* Heaven, and praying for rain. f^^-p Wuyfi^'f'p'* diligent and earnest; the I !_. same as |ll'^ 6. The chin, the side of the mouth. Kwan gno to 6, choo kSw k'hoe sit ^ifjl ^j^ ^^ ffc'/iiVir /)ee"^, choo kite chliui/ che'iih, look at the sides of my mouth (so fallen in) which for them- selves beg for something to eat. See the ^ |i'^ Yeah keng. To present, to give ; the same as Ipnpy' Placid and agreeable. ^ A.n exclamation implying doubt, used as a note of interrogation. Ke soo che wuy ^ ilC- ^ /^ tl ^> "'^ "" "^^ "^"^ ^• is not this the meaning of it? Also an intimation of doubt and uncer- tainty as the above. Kwun choo jin, "^ "^ 6, kwun choo jin yea ^ -^ \ 'M.^ ^' Z?. A ih chit/ se kwun cho6 &y Idng i, cheta »i kwan chod &y Ung yea, is he a good man ? In deed he is a good man ! See the j^ '=& Seang lun. Wounded, cut, cut oflF; also smooth and easy 5 a foreigner. Soo 6 M ^ ^ all foreigners, barbarians from every quart- er, it tek che y6w kwun, put j6 choo hay che E "Y^ -jh i tek Ay woo Jin kwim, li"' ch'hin ched"S choo hay dy bo, even the foreign barbarians have their princes -, how unlike to China, which is with- out them! See the Jl jJi^ Seang luii. Strange uncommon, unusual, dilTcrent. Goe e choo wuy e che bun, cheng yew ^ >^- e kfiw che bun ^ ]^^ Tjl f ^ ^ ;^ j^. -^ {^ fi^. >Jc i:S ti^l , s-""* '«^* '^*» '^ "">» s"a mee"h kSh yeo^S dy moofS, cheng se yiw kap kiw dy mooi"S, 1 thought that you would ask about some strano-e thing how come you to ask merely about m yew an d k6w. See the J^ rijiu Seang lun. E E E E E E E To draw towards one ; also clear. Light, to look lightly upon, to disrespect. Vulg. k'hwai: easy, not difficult. Seaou jin hak to, chek 6 soo yea ;J> J\^ Wi W % ^ 1^ ^ > "^•^ ^-^ '^"«" *"* "P to Id, chek k'hwai sai yang, when the common peo- ple are acquainted with virtue, they are easily go- verned. See the ~p f^ Hay lun. # E 5 tf^.'o To arrive at, to reach to, toi influence. Ch'ham 5 ^X^, mixed; also used for ■f'^ e, easy and pleased ; and some- times put for Wl 6. The name of a river. -^ To be pleased, to be at ease, and con- •^S»5J tented ; also early, t. pe ^ j^^ to prepare, to provide. YSw 6 M undecided, hesitating. T'hae kap bo6 sg 6 taS -k. ^ ^ ^ M fhai kah b6 chit si ing kwd tw"a, T'hae-kSh was never for a moment unemployed and idle. E 171 E^^ E E if. Yit yfiw yite, wSy choo ho6 toe —''^-^ /^ PW fl'A- j^ , '^''i' &y ''*«■' cha chit &!, hw"a he, cho choo hoi &y hwat, toe, [ Ihe Emperors ] by this one jaunt, and by this one excursion became a pat- tern for the princes of the Kraperor. See the Kwun choo soo hwin, j6 E hdng the ^ ^ ^ ^> ITD A%]yj "^j *""•«" '■*"<' '^""^ vou hicdn 16, chew chd chd teo"S ti e, when the good man sus- pects that trouble is coming, he earl, provides against it. See the ^ j^ Ek keng. >^%^Many people. Song chea e e hgy ^ ^ |U^ ■^" itft itit '^ J^" '^^ Ay W"? ch-ey 1 chej/ ling, those who picked the mulberry leaves were numerous. See the ^ gl Kok hong. E \ ^ _ The ancient form of ^ e, - -^y*!- Trouble, labour, Bok te gn6 e ^ 4n ^AC ^], **5 ling chae gxi ay liSh, bwd, nobody knows my trouble. Sec the ^ S 7/ ^^ Mi' **^ '^^ ^'" s^^ "y '*^*' *«'^' ;J\ 'f^ Seiou gn4y. E "1^ [-* The same a* TO& e, pleased, satisfied. ^h ig, Vulg. oil a. yam, a bulbous tooted vcget- E ^^A^^ able; Ihe arum aquaticum. Soo chut ^ sit' e seuk i ^ "^ ^ ^ _, 'oo chut cheiih oe ktci lauu, the coromou soldiers ate yams and pulse. See the P^ ||^ Sod k^. >t*^ A flag staff, a standard; used for "k^ e. E lp'.at easeiexiaaded, spread out. I^i:^ Praise, fame, a good name; also pleased ; ~If fc-?^ the same as ^ e. Leng bun Icng e ^5 '^y^ ^ 'P' ^ , ho dy mend se"a, ho dy o 16, a good report, and a good name. E t 1"^ Slowly, to lead, to drag. K'he kap e peng jfi choe ^ \]] ^-&;'\^^,thek kak chiin kdh, t'hwa Iwa peng toji chaou, they throw away their armour, drew their weapons after them, and took refuge in flight. See the J^' Seang beng. ^ To study,, to labour over. E gijep ;^^ to study in a college. Sijaou gnay e sam /|>^|^H^ Kiou gndy Vhak »"a kKity, to read the Sea6u-gn4y (the book of odes) three times through. E E *t The joining of a seam.. J^ The hinder part of a garment; posterity, future generations. Tek sfly hoe e 1^ ^ '(K ^ ' "* *ei»ff »dy lib kaiu adu M dy ke"d $uii, virtue handed down to succeeding generations. Cho6 sun y!n 5 ^ |^ '^ ^, ke"d lun hot ,i, sons and grandsons to the latest posterity. V iRm^ ^''* ao\x made in order to get children to sleep. ^y-^ Read je^n: a swallow. Nfi Iflm yeen >^V^ Im ^ Pal' "^ "" *""" ^^"'^'^ <*> lit kong tea te ch'hod ne6''S dy kan, the chattering swallows are talking between the beams of the house. . ^ Read y£Sa : a pill, a bolus. Yl-ak yedn ^ ji, ySh etf"*', a medicinal pill. EEH 172 EK EfS Ee''S s n Ee"S Read w4n: roun^. Sip gnoe yea, gwat twSn wftn -f- 5; ^. jg Pil. chap goe mafS goSyh ee"S te6"S, in the night of the fifteenth, the moon is round and full. Read wftn : round, globular. Kwuy ke hong w^n che che yea hH j^ ^ ^ ^ M "tfc > A.-Ji>«y ke ch'hong si kak ei"^ e6"S dy chi ho, the compass and rule, have brought rounds and squares to perfection. See the "T» -d? Hay beng. Different, strange, uncommon, unusual, also read e. Kwae ee"s yung lek, " M ■,^" poey Iwan che soo, kae hoo choo sey ^X- jf'^ =E ^ kwai ee"^ ying bing, Whwiiy lat, poii/ Iwdn 4y sod, cho poS hoo choi sty u™ kong, strange, uncommon, ferocious and violent things, together with rebellions and xonfucions, Confucius ivould never speak of. Ec^'S ^ ■k Eeh Readse: a monastery, a temple. Kwiin se ^S -^ > kw^d ee"^, a monastery. Se koe yln hong t'hap, tSng he gwat t-hoe le«m ^ ^ # M ^ • 1 it ;^ M ^m, ee"S laou hwlin hong Fhah, ting k'' hang gokyh t'hadu moot"S U, though the temple is old, the xlouds cap the towers; and though the hall is empty, the noon shines through the door blinds. — Readyeen: a hall. Se yeen g^ \^> se ee^S, a hall of learning, a college. Han lim yeen "^a %h R^ ^ hdn Urn ee^S, the Imperial College at Pekin. Koe kw"a yeen 5m igL ILtj koe kw''d ee^S^ an asylum for widows and orphans. ^"m Read ek : tripe. Te ek ^^ ||^ , te eSh, pig's tripes. A lac ; a hundred thousand. Siiang 'che J y-^ *"" choo, kS ley put ek ^ ^ ^ \i \y ^\ -+- JEL ^ '^ Ts s'eang &.y k'e^d sun * e &y soe put chi chit ek, the descendants of Seang, are not to be reckoned by lacs. >'|«^ To increase, to add, to profit ; a surname. Ek y^2S^ ^^ ^^ ^ij ^ ' '' ^'^^' Sai" profit- y"^ Yin yin 6 hay ley, sey siin ek k'ho te yea teadu fhdn i hay l£dou &y Iky, sey siin siy ek t'hang chae, the Yin dynasty imitated the cereraoniea of the Hay dynasty, and that which they added or dimi- nished -can be known. See the V- =1^ Seang lun. Ek -^^Jl The ancient form of ^^ ek. Ek •^^i^-Jk A stoppage in the throat, Ek P3^ The noise of laughing. Ek To hold, to gra^, to seize upon. Ek To rest on, to exceed ; also, or, either. K6w che 6, ek 6 che 6 ^ ^ ^ ^ j^ "^ S^ , e I'loo kiw e, yea woo Idng hoe e, Does he seek for it, or does any one afford it him.' See the _|^ ^m Seang lun. K'hwut ek J^ Jfij ^ to oppress. # Ek ;e: Trouble, difficulty 4 to be in straits. Kwun choo che ek ^ tin ch'hae che kan kwun choo &y chae liyh, ti tin kok cWhai kok dy teung kan, the good man ( Confucius) was brought into straights between the countries of Tin and Ch'hae. See the "|^ j^ Hiy beng. EK 173 £k Ek I - To be in straights. Ek keflng je put bin I / 1 ^ ,A lieung, Ji b6 hwan 16, in distress and poverty, without being grieved. Ek To remember, to think of. K6 ek ■=? fe, to remember. O'ng soo-e he, yew ke ek iV^ ^ f 1^ ^, 1 IE li, >'o^y on, iy too chid ched, yho ey ki lit, past events are few and scattered, and yet they are as it weiCi re- membered. Ek breast ; an expression intimating uprightness and sincerity. Ek Ek Ek Ek Ek yvv^ A. cord, a rope. M. The same as I^^ ek, calamity 5 also a small door. A Strong pig. 1^.1— » A yoke. Pok ek e kay gnfiw chija 'I /C^ go6 d^, C* piece of wood) on which they tie on the yoke, to yoke in the ozeI^. 'See the commentary on the _J2_ gffi Si-ang lun. t^ i:"r, 'Ki-i tu: ■ .•II.. 1 .- , 1: ,,. .: , >,,i Tnl^.^yeat also, and; an ausiliarj ex- Ek pictive. Lok ek chae kS teung h 7/l> ^ ^ ^ :^ , ''**«^"ff '«* y'^^ '« e Ay tang e"?, pleasure is also in the midst there- of. See the J- |^ Seang iQn. Put ek wat hoe ^ /j^ '|^ ^, i'^ yea ha"a hi hoi, is it not also pleasing ? A low state of the pulse ; also a disease ; to have a good appetite, and yet to # continue thin, is called sit ek 'ih, Great, accumulated. ek ek leAng saa §*^ ^ ^ li| J '"'■ '"■ '''"ff *""""' bow great is the Leftng hill ? To play at chess. Ek ch'hew t'hong kok che seen ek chei yea ^ ^ |S ^ kok Ay gaSu vHy kt Ay ling, Ek-ch'hew was the best chess-player in the whole country. Phok ek * to play at chets. hind the curtains. Ai WJ'^J A small curtain. Wiiy ek A^^ be- ^^Jijp The same the following. ^^J^ Sweat, peripiration. Hw&n hoe k£ jeak 6k J//^ *''''''^'^^^^^^^^' ^ l'^^. '•■^"ff *ong' Mu, ch'hin chio"^ chuy Ay laiu kv'S, bursting out, just like water was the perspiration. ^^ ^^^ The arm-pits. Ch'heen ying the p"h€, n/H put j« yit hot Che ek :f ^ ;^ ^ Ek jf«5"g iy p'hSfy a'" Ittt teiih chit Ay hoi It Ay ek, a thousand sheep-skins are not so good as one dress' made of the fur under the arm-pits of foxes. % > . To hold to grasp to seice j » small build- |l)k jtjt^M '"8 ''7 ^^^ *'*'' "^ ""^ principal house ^ |>V is called ^^ek t«ug, and » wall on the tide of a coi^rt, is called i^ J^ ek hwAn. The noise of Jiny thing splitting. The splitting of any thing with a knife. >i,v;liio 1 1 To split with a k^ife, to cut out^ .^qrk- 8 n m it4 ^K To describe; til draw, trf delineate, to gj^ ■ ■ , plant ; also to define a limit. Pa6u-be- ]^t- sSseckpatkwa^i^^^^^ A S\ pa6u Iw-s6-k'lte I'haiu wa pal Icwa, Pa6u-se-se ( or Hok-he ) was the first, who described the eight diagrams. Yit ek — '^^ chit with, one stroke. Lfiw-bfln-cheiig wuy t3ng ch'hck ck ^ll ^ |^ ^ ^ 9^ S-> ^<'<>"-i>^n-chens kap t&ng ch'hek ek, Laou- bQa-cheug described plans for the Tong dynasty. '^ ^xv% To translate, to explain aay thing out £j{ ^* '>y ' "^ *"^^ language into another. T'hw4a yi "I"' c hay che gftn wat ek jBa ^ H^ ^ "=* R ^ t'hool"S hwan kap ling Ay wS. kong kib ek, to turn foreign expressions into Chinese is. call- ed ek, to translate. twn^ To rejoice in, to be delighted. Ke keen ^f^ kwuft cho6, se ke wat ek BJ^ ^ ^ c/iod, «^ fce fcu)"fl A^, when we see a good man, we may perhaps be delighted. See the /l> i^R|> seaou gnay. ^_f^ ^ To be displeased, and disgusted with. Ek ^fevVp Cha.^ p6 bod oi, chae ch'ho& bo6 ek tiou b6 Idng wd.n, te hi laou bS Idng yiim, in that place there will be none bating us, and in this place, none disgusted with us. See the ^ ^ Chew seung. > ftry To spread out, to trace. S!m ek ss. ^^^ Ek 35k"l,"f • to search. Soo ek ,B9 iS to think of. •J^ I Wat j6 put ek, chefing j6 put kae, gofi bwit j6 che h6 ,e4 6 e ^"^J^. ^."^'^ tin Ay to, Ji bS soo ek e, bin ching t'hin Ian, j& k'ha chiUk aou b6 bSiyh, kiy, gwd bS hwat e tae VI&, to appear delighted with one's doctrine, and yet not to investigate it \ to comply outwardly with one's requisitions and yet secretly not to reform t — I do not know what to d« with such fellows. See the it Ife s«*"s '^"* ipl ^k keng & ^ ^ yeih keng, the book Ek Jf 1-1 of diagrams, so called from the sixty- ^^J four changes of the diagrams. A surname. To chano-e, to alter, to exchange. Koe che wuy ch'he chija, e k6 sey yew ek kg sey beo j^" ^ cJW dy chd cKhi, t'ho e iy siy woo, w^d e dy sit) bo, ■ ' the ancients established markets, in order to take that which they had, and exchange it for what they had not. See ^ -^ Beiig choo. A disease of the pulse ; an epidemic. A kind of insect. A pestilence. Wun ek i^ ^, wun yeSh, Ek ^--Q^ an epidemic. BJn bo6 yaou ek PS fe / ^y^^ ^F ^ , path sai"S b6 yaou si teun ySSh, among the people there were neither early deaths nor epidemic disorders. Ek Ek ^ Jft To serve, a servant. Chliae ek gg !^ ^ ^X^^O ch'hay yekh, a messenger. G4y ek ^ 'i^^ f-^^h. gdy yidh, a police runner. Ek soo J^ 1|P to employ. K6 pin k'hek soo ek kae t'lieen hay ehiin keet ^^ >ai yeith dy Idng, chd poS te fhee^S My dy chan keet, his guests and servants all consisted of the most clever men in the Empire. See the jilfi /^ /^ T4b t twan. yl^ The same as the above ^ also to guard ^ the borders oi a country. y^^^ A wing; to fly. E' e'k ^ ^^ wings, Ek V^^ ' feathers. Cb'hap ek ek hwuy put ch'hut J^ * ^ M ^ ^ 'f* ii{ . ^'''*^* *^ *'" pSey bey ch'hut, if you were to slick on wings, yon would not be able to fly out. hi 175 ENa Ch'he chin, 4k j« yea ^ ^ ^ ^0 {^ , «« «" A-e^d jip ch'hin cheo'^S pSey, he entered hastily, as^ it were flying. See the _£]. fw Seang IQd. >L 'h To shoot with a bow and arrows. £k Ek J||tr ''°* * San IJ ^ £M jp , cm cMj, /^^ '^ chedou kap gin, to shoot the water fowl and the wild geese. JM^ To shoot. Ek put Mk seuk "^ /fj j|^ Ek ^\ ^ J f A5/I chei'^S b6 botgh eMh l>Sy"h iy \4 chedou, in shooting he would never let fly at a resting bird. See the J^; ^ Seang iQn. Ek "^V"* Tomorrow. Ek jit ^ Q^ the follow- ing day, also written j^ , ek.' K |j,, ~— M. A post in the ground, for iasteoing a cow to. Ek X»^/W Another name for a pig. Alio.writhen To change, to alter; the same as 'Sm ek. Black. To lead hastily along. The name of a bone, without a socket. A post house. Ek to [6 , j-«M lot. Ek .^^-A.* a post road, ik ra4 ^ BE > yeah biy a post horse; to go backwards and forwards without cessation, is called 1^ |^^ lok ek. • The brightness of fire. •,>;il '.ilT Ek ^\ i-^, The name of a. hird;.i [mi The name of a hill, near which Cbnfucios was born. ^V^"^ Read yeuk: to bathe. Se^n yeiik ^ ^ I-V^ '*^ ''*' *° *'***'* *"'* "**'' one's-selfj K'h ong w ?^ choo bok yeuk jfi teftou ^1 3L r Oflwr disorder' on 'ttte neck. A general term for jar. Eng hoe ^ Ag, a jar -with' a large belly and a small mouth. . . ' *', The tassel of a cap. HeSn Jtfir^n-chiBO cJioe eng, t'heen cho6 che kwan jea ■^ ^ oe kin ing choe eng^ sS.hong til/ ^Sf *«''*. ^ tiack cap with vermillion strings and tassels, is the cap of an Emperor, Eng Eng Eng >HR Ornairients for ttie qeck? a string of beads round the neck. ng^ A parrot, Eng boo Ilnj gan'^l^ ^*. ^t H^ "g ! J eng boo fy kofig' uj^^ a parrot 35C*^*-V can talk. I%^k|> A large beautiful bird; also called h^ng r^^^ ley S gl^ Ch'hek gS yea'k p'h6ng kan, eng so ch'hwan' le> t6 J^ j^ ling &y M tea te p'hed 6y kan, ch'hin cheo''S so &y eng cKhwui"S kabu lew dy tiy, the fishes of a foot long leap in the midst of the water plants, and the beautiful birds like shuttles dart to the deepest shade of the willow trees. The same as the above. Birds of courage, such as the hawk and falcon, a ravenous bird. To die, to demise; used to denote _^ the demise of princes and pobje's. ^\^ Kwun eng pek kwan chong ke, e t'heng e t'heung chaS sam le6n ^ ^ ^ p ^ E. El ^ J^ ^ ¥ ^ ^ ' •^'" *^"'' *"^ "^^"^ pityh kw"a teSh chong hi hed ay sod, i Che"'' & t'hedng chat a"a ne6"S, when a prince dies, all the officers should bring every affair, and listen to the orders of the prime minister, for three years; (while the young prince is mourning for his father). The noise of many carriages. Clear, bright. Eng kae |fe ^ ^ ought, shonld. En" tons , . .^ _ ._-_ „J ^ , suitable, right The breast; also to come again, to beat; also written M eng. Tek yit seen, chek k'hw4n k'hwan hok eng, /e M sit che e ^f — ^. gij :f; ^ flg f§ fifl ^ "^ ^ -^j ''' ''"'' **^' ^^ *"' ''''** k'hw&n k'hwdn hok eng, j6 b6 u"" kei"^ e, when he obtained any thing good, he would iirmly clasp it to his breast, and not loss it. Skid of te lp| Gan ho6y. ENG 177 ]Sng Read yung: an ulcer, a sore. Hbey y«ng suy t'hang, sin yang tok ra" t lis )#«.#, <''''■' ^"^ itiy t'he"a Wlidh ye"i yii)''S tok, to pierce the ulcer though painful, is better than feeding the poison. ^ Eng hafi ^ ^ a little child,^n in- fant; also to increase, to encounter. E ng Always, constant, lengthened, lasting. E'ng wan ^ j^ , eternal. E'ng gin p'hiidy b£ng ^ ^ 1^ ^^ tng king p'hoiif beng, always speaking of complying with ',* The Name of a wood, of which flutes can be made. The snarp-pbinted beards of grain ; any thing sharp-pointed ; an awl. The same as the prei I :ahit k«'iH .aim fc«-.i! j2| C^ of a i^ood. *-^i •^«IA E'ng. The name The name of a river ; also the axAe of a district. En S The name ,oC,;%.fa^l.. ■ '•Pill .'.'!- 1 -.rll -il !>n»i:- r> }^^ Vnlg. j^S"*! : a shadow. J6eag»flyhflng 1*^ hing, like the shadow following the substance. \«f '^tU'l Gwat 4 hwa eng seing l&n kan H j^ ^b ©J -t 'il /^T ^ fft^J^* ^ Atca yt"« cMi"? lun kan, the raooa throws the shadow of the flowers upon the balustrade. ' The same as the above, je cboo sfing " V-i^ * chew, hwan hwin k€ eng ^^ "?* f^ ehUn, p'hoS p'hoS e &y yf'a, the two children sat in the boat, while their shadows floated on the water. To answer, to reply : to correspond to : *Eng tj^ a surname. Fng Up jB Ifiw j^;K: to answer like the flowing of water. Soo e luy seang chijflng, seng 6 yim seang eng liy »eo Chan, /(■"a i yim aeo yin, afiairs should be classed according to their sorU^ aad sounds sbouJd correspond to tiieir tones. Vulg. yin: to reply to a question by words. •,' < Tile sound of hallooing. Ready ling: ajar.'hae i^ ^ ^pg ck'hai^ a kind , of .vegetable, the seeds of which were fitir^RnU'ltt from Read yiing: to in»nure -the ground. Yung Ic6n |^ [J ^ ing ck'hin, to ma- nare-^be rice fields? To ptit earth to Cochin-China in Jars ■'::ti,i the roots of plants. 'iiiutiiiioiii A Eng Glorious, resplendent-, flowery; luxuri- ant. Eng kong ^-ft^ing AitKi "f, bright and glorious ; a surname. Te k* Cng.aiwk* jiiuk ^ fi ^. ^ ^ ^, chae tffv ing frifin"''^, liih chiw e 49 jinfit if you would know what is glory, guard again a tomb. . Eiig., bek >^ -M,} "-i"*" a buBial place. E ff^^m A stooe like a gem. Sew, 6pg ]p^ ^, ^ a gem worn behind tbe ear., Eng ENG Vulg. yt^A-: to win, to concfuei;, to gel tbe advantage ; also superabundant. Se- gng be Wun 1^ ^ ^ ^ , sooyf'a. bbtychae, tbe victory or defe^ is Dotyet determined. m A fire fly. Hoo cb'lio hwa wuy eng ElT^ A 'L^j fc JkS .^ TLi M'l ^ niu"dcft'Ad«*tt'i cho hiiey kim ch'tia"'S, decayed veget- ables arc converted into flre-fli^s. IJyf/Z. To build,.' to -erect) to pile up., Eng Eng Eng A Eng ' Cy cbay ^^ ^^ yi"6. chSy, a camp. To roll anything up ; to suspend.. To name of a water. >,*A En"" >#■ V J * Tbe eddying of water, Water flowing back, the turning of a En"" */l^^ stream. Also written J^ fing, and di^lA Lfing fing j||^ ^ J tbe deep recesses of ang. Eng 4^m h'"y places; also written j|j^ fing. ■— ^ ^p XI 111 J yta\^\^a f mav tt i ivicu Hlla ^"g* U^ Cheng eng ® »^ , tJft- stupendous height of mountains. A E Eng The loftiness of a hill. The great sea, tbe ocean. Eng chew y] jM the name of a place. A surname. >V>' Fuir, teplete. Eng Swan ^ ^ , ^"ff mw"d, completely full. Cheng tey e chi-en, sat jin 6ng yU ^^^i^ ^V K^ W chai"S Uy icbein Chie Idng mw"d yea, when cojitending for territory in battle, the slain filHhe country. Se»the "K |^ Hay beng. Sayk-heeoghS ^^^H, hSdyk'himu,»A iHOoi"^ bai, may lucky influences replete the lintel of your door. ^ ^^ "VTulg.. a{"S: a beam, a rafter. Ok Sng |Jli^ house. ' '-'- Teen & leang Sng ch« kan ^ J^ ^ 'j^ J^ J^ ,. le chey le no dy ch'hoo ai"S £y kan, to offer a sacrifice between the two beams of the house. .' Dung,, ordure Read h4ii; leisure.. Bod hin ^ JU bo ing, no leisure. Yit jit ch'heng h4n, yitj;i«=en--.B^^f|^-0>(jl|, chit jit ch'heng ing chit jit seen, qne da.y's clear leisure,, is one day's heaven. ^J^ ^ To chaunt,. to sing. Eng se Sn( pvF ' '^'^l\ ch'heong se, to recite an ode. Eng je WiT" kwny^ ^'^^ch'hdPS,ejito0i"S' they chaunted odes as they returned. The same as the above. Eng t'bka n^ p£ to sigh and lament. Eng EngTi To dive under water. Chew kS ch'him e, hong cbe chew che, chew che, chew M ch'he6n e, eng che y6w che -y ^ "^ > chew kttou e &)/ cK^him, yUng I ■ kmat J 1T9 GAE yung cMn, chew kaou e. &y k'hin, eng e, yiw-e,. coming to the deep parts' { of" tke l)i.V^,>- we raft it and boat it; and coming to tbeShaJlow parts, \re may dive and swim. tJirough them. See the [^ jM^ Kok hong. Eng l^i^ST* T'hengeng JT \^, water still and clear. 'm p t f^'^ M. "^^^ "*"* "'^ * sacrifice, by which they ^ 1^ deprecate wind and supplicate rain. To grind aoi) rub sharp instruments, in order to make them bright { Also to adorn. En< £"§• % Read yang : the centre. Tjeung yang ■rf^ l|j ^^<«ng-e'^, the middle. The ^^r ^^ five cardinal points correspond to the five eleipents, thus. Te,Hng yang t'hod, tong hong bok, sey hong Itim, 14m hong h^o pole hong suy •Ik "^ ijl^'''"^ ""^ '''^^' '""S **"^ cKb&,.»ae he^S kim. Urn he^ hiitj/ pak he"^ «Wy, the centre corresponds to earth, the east to wbod*, the west to metal, the south to. fire, and.tiie north to water. ,«g: E Read yang : the tendier shoots of- corn. Read E'og ;- ' shadow, shade. Jtn tag e ■^>J ^'A^^ Uu '^S i'^ che6 ch'hci, OV^^ the shadows of men are scarce, (i. e.) the population is thin. Se eng ch'hani ch'hay. ttj'. ju;^ ^^. ^S j . <^*'*2"' i^ ch'ham eh'hai/, the shadows of the trees were mixed together E^ Read ae: to put off. Ac yfcn ko jit X>'^ 55^ )^ H ' '^^ •^^^'' *»^* J*» '° Pn*^ off and procrastinate day by day. Read ae : short, Ae. tek 4^ fta iy iif, . a short men, a dwarf. Read hafi: shoes. Ch'hwan hafi ^ M> ch'hing ij/, to wear shoes. To speak, stoutfy. Jyka Read l£cig: to-be' able; may, .or can. C| ^ _ L6ng hfing gn6e chea 6 I'hcen hay, wiiy /^ ^, ey fri"4 chty gvi hang th l'hee"S iy, sB jin i, he that can practice these five things through- out the Empire may be esteemed virtaou», Ilwuy wit l«ng che, gwan hak yeen ^fe R n'§ f^ \) u™ ching Jidng gwd ly, gtcan h'olyh 6h yeen, I do not say that I - ain> capable but I wish to learn. %- ^ Read hwiiy: to be able. Hw4n k'haa luo g£ se, se yaoa tek hwuy h(:aou < 1^ ban ge put k'h» hwut leak k^ /{. ^ ^\ ^ ^' '"'"" *'*"'"'* '"'> «•<* ^V ch'hayh sae teSh ey hidou Ir&n ge, a'" I'hang hwut leak kS^y, who8ev«r would look over the hook iQn gc, must be able to understanding the words and meaning, and not pass over it sligl^tly. G The hair dishevelled and in confusion. Gae Gad hfty , a P'g- GAE 180 GAM Gag Gae fiimp !e, ignoraut. The water's edge, a brinli, a shore,' a border. Jeak seep tae s6y, k6 bo8 chinga6^y^-^^,^|E# 5^ ^ ch'hin ched"S kSiy two. cUy, e Ay btcMn gi»^ like crossing the great waters where ^eje is nei- ther ford nor shore. The side or border of anything. Gaa Ga6 Gae CaS Gae San ga6 |1| ^ ' w""" S^t, the side of a hill- , .'^i.n i.Ejii ^ To oppose, to put off. Ye8n gae JS te| to procrastinate. , ^^>iii !>-}it3jiiii nti-i isiU !i>! Silliness ; Weft ■dfiflhf's senses. Stupid foolish, Bill^ji also Fritlen^ gae. 1 1 : nlwii IiK-iIi The figfttiiig df A«^. Pok kok yeW koe, gaS gaS, tan hoe yeuk giiet gn6h4y;}{/}(5^^^Jj|Di.0. ^ P^ Jt 1^ ^ pak kok thou kadu gaSgae chd k'hi maf^ hwv^^ btiiyh fti gwA iy te, on the northern part of the subuj'bs there are dogs light- ing, and quarrelling ^ every day wanting to bite my pigs. Said by *B^ ^ Kwan choo. Gag P Gag The appearance of dogs wanting to bite. Ga8 sh^hey |ip|^, t» lift',*6 ejres,' and Idok angrily at one afl^tSer. Gae Gae J. •^ .^ To stop, to oppose, to hinder, to prevent, AUciC *•" *'""''• ^°° p"* '^"s ^^^ 5E ^ /y^ ^^, '^ *^.y ?"« '«'**' death cannot be prevented. ^t The same as the above. Lit gae ^ eMi^ 1 1 a hindrance, an abstraction. A hill, a mountain. Gnbe gak JJ. -^ j —Sma.^^ liie five mountains, a surname. Gak <-^ boo gak toe ^ ^ ^ 15*' '^""^ ling teo^S li™, a father and mother-in-law. A mountain. Chaebwa gak j6 put teung ^ Ip m ifjj ^^, Choi hwa gak svo"ajibey tang, (the earth) bears up the large mountain without feeling the weight. Gak Gak X^ Gak Gak chok ' , an eagle. Gak Gak # Music. <}ak yim ^^, the sounds of music. Chok gak VE^ ^ V^^J musics a surname, Choo wat, gflS choo wi«y hwin loe jegn hoc gkkchenglf 0^^fj]X#.;^t jM Tp , hot choe hong, gwd choo woiy kok. looi^S laS loe, jein aiu gak che"iL, Confucius said, from the time that I returned from the Woey country to the Loe country, the music was well regulated.— Jin jS put jJn, j6 gak h6 y^ lip ;;^ -fn, |(p ^ jpf l&ng ni bo jin tek, balyh hxiat e 4y gab s"a m^^h tae mi. If men are destitute of benevolence what will become of their music ! See the J^ ^ Seang l&B. The centre piece in a certain game of chess. Unwise-, uneasy. Gam/^^^ GAN 181 GAN p|Q Lofty, high, dangerous; a recess in a Gam 111)5/7 nioun'ain, a cavern. K'him gSm ^j /*^/\. 1^ , precipitous, impending. Ch'hara g4m ^j(^, lofty. San gftm teep ch'hiiy, yin seaou goey HJ jn^ ^l yS: '^' ^? nn , stB^a gim leep cVhiijf te hwAn sedou it/ gwa, the lofty mountain* piled up in green elevations beyond the highest tier of clouds. U^_ The same as the preceding: also written >^ ^ g4ra, ^ gam. and ^ g^ra- Gam Gam To talk in one's sleep; to mutter and groan in dreams. am. ~JrJ^^ Stiipid, foolish. Ong I6ng se^ou g Gam j^JEl tin p6ng Who e choc che J ^ ^ se6 Whwi gSm, Idn pafS Chang la6 chin e, Ang- ISng is a little stnpid and Tin-pal"? can help him. (Said by the founder of a dynasty reipecting his prime ministers). Gan m V^ulg. ♦«* chew: the eye. Gwin chek 16ng w fly ch-heng pek gi" ^ ^ ^ ch'hai"S pdi/h iit/ bak chew, wiii"g-chek could make his eyes look both green and white. Gan k'hong sod hae p|^ ^ gQ ^fe ^ bak chew k'hw"i k'hang ti hai, to have eyes that look empty the four seas; i. c. that is, to be to proud, as to see nothing valuable in all the world except Gan Gan one's- self. exhaust. I myself: also great. Read geen: a muller. Gan sek Hf /jj ^ ging chiiih, a grinding stone, a stone for grinding or polishing; also to Gan Yfing gin BH , the countenance ; can sek M "P^ , the ^J^^ appearance: a surname. Cheng g4n sek, soo kin sin e jP ^ ^ iftfr j2i fp ^ J che^h Idn Ay gin lek, chey se keo kin tin tit it/ ling. Let us adjust our own outward appearance, and that will induce sincere people to approach us. GSn r= Gan Gin A word, to speak, to say. Qka'gi = "^ J words and expressions, GSn chca 1^ Sim che seng yea "g* ^ <(!"» ^^ ^ ■Qj^ J king w& ti nm kw^a iy ie"a, word* are the expression of the feelings of the heart. Gin put k'ho put sin yea g- :^ Pj" :;ip; ^ .^ , kong kS, a'" t'hang bo i^t/ je, in conversation we must not neglect caution. An elegant scholar. Pc kfi che choo, pang che gan hey •^ ^ ^ ^ ^ "7 H- /^ ^ hwut liy e it/ ke"d, pang iy hi I'hak ek'kiyh ling,' that son of his. is thr most elegant scholar in the country. See the ^ Kok hong. .\ false thing, a counterfeit. Gan 'Soe gan proverli, &c. Gan Gan Gan .\ wild dog foun^ id the northern regions, liku a fo*, but' itinafler. A high bank. A 'Wild goose: also written M Gan. H6ng gin d hwuy, ae btSng g6 g6 GA^U 182 GAY cheah gdn lit pwuy, ae ch'hdm hy s'e"a go go, the ' " large wild geese are flying, and make a melanclioly noise altogether. See the /J> ^ Seaou gnay. ^ *^ Vulg. w"a: a brink or side of a river. Gan yjp Seen teng 6 gan -^ ^ J- ]^ ' '«« ^' I seng p&yh cheo"S t£i"a, he first arrived at the shore. To condole with the prince of a neigh- bouring country under bereavements. Wuy giag ^ iftfl , the appellation of the azure Emperor, who is said to preside over the spring. See the ra j^ Chew ley. Gang Gaou Ga6u High, lofty; also bright. • G&ng hfing CD ^ 17 ^ S^^'S ie"«, to walk proudly. Cheaou gaou loftiness of a mountain. , a high hill, the Read hefin: clever, skilful, intelligent. een jin ^ A > ga&u ling, a clever man. Hijfin choe ^^ ^B, ga6u chaoH, li3L„ to run swiftly. Soo m& hwuy tin k'him, k'him yim lie^ng leang, w'at, ch'hoo kan pit yew he6n jin ch'heep t'heng ^^ ^ M A i§ i^ ' ""' ""* ''"'"•'' ''""'^ k'Mm, k'him 6y se"a KecMg leang, chew Icong, chiy lit/ woy pit woo giou Idng t'haou Vh'e^a, when Soo- m4-hwuy was playing on his guitar, the guitar sounded loud and clear; upon which he said, there roust be hereabouts some clever person, who is listening to the music. J. Gap TV 7^ Gat Gat Gay Abstruse and minute; the ancient form of BS been, manifest. ^L^ A high bank ; the appearance of a high hill. Superfluaous bones. A tooth, a grinder. Sfiy wuy ch'he boo f^ay, h6 e ch'hwin gno yOng ^ =^ chvy d hong nidou ch'hi 66 ch'hUy k'hi an chw"& e ey cWhwtA"^ gv>d dy peiih, who says that mice have no teeth, how is it then that they have bored ? ^ IM Kok hong. through my wall. See the Giy rheang ^ J^ , a general's standard. Chok gay # 3^ ^ *" ^*^'*' '" ""^'"S bargains. A bud, a young shoot. B6ng gSy "^^ ^ , yaofift ei"S, to shoot out buds. >— -^ Gay bfln ^j f^, gdy moof^, a court Gay yPyl* of justice, a mandarine's court. Gay '^ J ek :|^ ii^ , giy yedh, a police officer. Bad teeth; the tooth ache. Ch'hea gay V^ 15 , an exclamation of doubt and wonder; to meet. Gfing gSy ^ ^ , ge"d cheih, to meet, o 20 forth to meet. To meet. Pek lijang gay che '^ ^ M '^' '^''^"^ f^^^ '''""^ ''*'''^'' ^"''^ gay e, a hundred chariots went out to meet him. See the ^ ]^ Seaou 14m. GE 183i GE Gay To ridicule and laugh at any one. Ge £ 'Tl* Luxuriant, abundant. Ge Q& ^° *'"''^' ^* ^^ th-heaou P^ P^ ^ , ^y^^ ge ge choked, to laugh, to titter. G6 jln' m A ^ the name of an office, something similar to our roaster of . the horse. Great, magnanimous. The same as the above ; also a wounded appearance. JLT[* To converse; discourse, talk. Sc'uk ge "^ rt V» 1^ PP ^ " proverb." Sit put ge, chhim HM P"tgan ^:^fS ^ ;?[;■§•, cAeiA id gi Mn, Wkwiin b6 king uS, he would neither couverse at meals nor talk in his sleep. Said of Confucius, in the _j" aia .Seang iQn. ^^ g^ S^ ^ > flocking together, getting together into a herd. To deliberate, to judge; also to compare, alike. 06 che, j8 hoe S*" ^ ^ jfjl w "=", tim gi e, juin a5u kong, deli- berate and then speak. See the & llM Ye'sh keng. Kw&n teOrtg seang chfiy, ch'hi g6 6 kwun J^ /m ^^'{'^^lil^^y *^"'' '*""«■ '^^"^ "^Hv *<-*, ch'hea ch'ht gi pi e &y jln Invun, when Kw&n tcung was prime minister of the Chfiy country, be equalled the prince in extravagance. • ■ ■ \ To compare, to assort; also to usurp. G6 jln pit 6 ke Ifin ^ A 'iZf ^^ ^ \W > ^ ^^ l^ngt pit teHlt chedou e iy lAn, in assorting men, you most arrange them according to their relations. Ge 1 3^1 ^^"^ Se ^ [WJ , 3 prison, a place of "-I confinement. An instrument uf music. A boat at anchor, or tied to the bank. Oe kang teiig teang, ge chew, t'hae hang e oe kang dy ting tU"S^ pat chUn ting Vkai hang e, the head of the station at the black river had prepared a boat at anchor, to wait for Hang-C-. She the jH Vulg. heS: an ant. Pek gC- ^ j^ ^ piyh hea, a white ant. Bag aei hcang cha6 seang che hok, kdw g£ tedng chong gwln chejwan f^itW^'r^ ^ZBM^ H^ nK 7C 4^ ^& ' *"' ''^"^ ^^ kedng chai tiing dy hok, kiw hea iy Hung cheUng gu-dn dy king, he who buries a snake will enjoy the happiness of a prime minister, and be who saves an ant, will be selected- to fill the highest literary rank. To fasten a boat to the shore, to bring a boat to shore. To stop, to hinder, to restrain, to oppose. sa, iengg6che|(|^|&g;^;c« '^^'^ chay iy gi chi e, who could stop them? Tea^ bun kon^ soo ko k'hek ge tek £ bd Kcan^ bUn kong tat ko k'hek gi chi tek hwan te h6 seang, Tai^S-bOn-bong sent Ko-k'hek to stop the progress of the barbarians upon the banks of the river. jSee the ^ ^ Cho twin. G^ 184 Gfe The Imperial gardens, from whic^i the people are restricted ; also a railing made of split bamboos, for inclosing and feeding fish. That which is right, and correct; usages, observances, ceremonies. Yew wuy k'ho wuy, y6w g6 k'ho seang >^ ^ Pj* "^ ;fe /^ "ijr ^ ^ U.00 t£>«y hong t'hang hoe ling ke"a, ^•00 gi Iky Chang cho yid^S, he has dignity sufficient to inspire terror, and manners ti^^i ^ay be set up for a pattern. J ''■ an animal celebrated Vulg. gong : stupid, foolish ; also used for Ge ft^^ the first personal pronoun, in polite 9 ^^1^ writing. Koe che g6 yea fit, kirn the gS ye4 chay J^JC ^ lung iedod tit, tong kirn &y gie Img piyh cVhat, formerly stupid people were honest, but now they GS J*#> are deceitful. See the "]pl |jg Hay lOn. ■ / G Kcung hwan kek gt G6 ^lii mwwi^' "'""^ *'""" '^' ''"! '^ lok, to exhaust pleasure, and carry delight ■ i ! to the utmost. Suitable, proper, ought, should-, also n^ '«-B written '^gS. Ch-he sd'o hkp gS, wuy ■* '^ che g« ^ ^ ^ ja. pB /C. ^' ,0-0 hap g^, kong ked gi, to settle af&irs according to that which is snitable is called righteousness. -Yin sa che g6 g^ B# ^^j IbI ' ^-^'*« ^'^"^"'^ i^ngkae, to do that which is to the time. »^ Vulg. hi, a fish a surname. Ge gno sey Gg m yeukyea^.l^glT^^^ill,'^^- the^:f ,Bengcho6. Sek chea yew kwAy seng g£ t teng choo san ^ :g- '•Aflng' Cheek's Ay huy, che kaoii hae kak, throughout the whole Empire, even to the corners of the sea. See the '^ W Sio'^ se. B_-^ The shoulders. Tdng g€ yOng kitk'he, I J teSh ying ho Ay ke ft'Ae, for the should- ers we should use something handsome. (Speaking of dress). See the j^ ^ G6 ley. G6 6 ll|M |lj^ ^ the name of a place where the sun rises. Vulg. ge gnati to doubt, to hesitate, to suspect, to be in suspense. G« soo bun M >§» 85 > """" ^^ ^'^^ '^''^'^ '^""^ moofS' having doubts, think of making enquiry. To ban k'hwat ga, ^ ^ ^ H / ^*«^ ''**"" k'hwat hean gi gnai^ in hearing much, decide those things which are doubtful. See the J^ |^ Seang lun. Kew g€, •/f ^ **>* name of a bill in the .J^ 1^, ho* kong, province. To be pleased, to rest, satisfied; 4o think of, to examine; a surname. Pa che4 che bin, hwan g* jfe yea, ^ ^ "Z, el^^ |(P ^ , pa chid iy piyh sax"S ch'hin Cheops hui"a hi, the subjecU of a despot are as itj GE m GE Ge ■were pleased and satisfied, (for a time). See the T ^ "^y ^^"^• Tdng gfi TS ^ the appellations of^ggeftouand ^^ siin, two ancient Chinese Emperors, who flourish- ed about the time of noah. G6 pfty JW' J;P the name of a fruit. Read p6. To lodge, to dwell ; ti» entrust to. Ge s6y ^ 6fr^ a lodging place. Bod g6 jin egnosil^'^Aj^liC^.*'" Chang hoe lAng haynh ie giod d^ ch'hod, don't let any one lodge in my house. Ley ho6 «it kok, ge ke 6 woey ^ '9| -^ ^. ^ K Jji^ ■^ Uy hoi tit kok, chew htij/"h k'hea li tcoB]/, when the Prince of Lfiy. lost bis kingdom, be dwelt for a time in the woey country. See the ^ Js! Kok hong. ^ To laugh. Gegec'h'hciou.JI^I^^, ge ge ch'heiu, to titter. ^ The same as m ge to lodge, to dwell. -k ,^a«» To speak to, to converte, to discourse Ge ?* Jy r» '^'^^^ *"y <"">. Chod g£ loi I'had soo Aoo f?iO(S king kap lot Ckai too gak kong, Confuciuj discoursed with the great music Master of the Lo£ country about music, saying &c. See V fm , Seang lun. To harness horses, and put tbem to a car- Qg lyt Cy rlage. Lim hoi, jeak b6w »ck che ge king kin, eVhin cheo"^ mod yung nw"a iSh tai iak cheUh biy, be as careful and fearful, as if you were drivin;; sis horses harnessed with a rotten rope. See ihc T|jj '^^ Siiang se. ^^L^^ Righteousness, equity ; the same as ^S G~" '^^ is^k -.t. *^^ e ^ M ge? also written Ig ge. Jtn jio chea, **"^ ■* Cheng k£ ge, put bo« k« le ^ J\^ ^. jE # It. ^ 1^ ^ M'-'^'* '"* ^^ '^"s"' '^'''*""^ €he''d e dy ge, bo biiiyh boi e iy le, a truly benevol- ent, man will exactly conform to righteousness, without speculating for gain. _\ «y To deliberate with, to take counsel with, Ge .JI ^'\T, •" discourse with. Gi; lun ^ =^ sod jpl^^jfi neff!, to consult with. Soo che fi to, jfi t'h^ ok e ok git chei, lie cheuk e ^r jnp iS. a| JjJ I'hak ch'hiyh Idng $im chi te to, jt leaou liy p'ha"i yin che6''S p'ha^t chikh Ay tdng, chew u"* cheiik kap e gS /fin, whea a scholar pretends to have his mind bent on the right way and yet is ashamed of bad clothing and 'jad food ; he is not fit to be deliberated with. See the J" |^ Seing lun. Righteousness, equity. Jin, ge, ley, te, *'" 'f- ^ iS ^ M , »»«>evolcnce righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and truth ; ( the fine cardinal virtues. ) Ong bA pit wat le, ek yew jin ge jd e e, ^P /of tai teih kong le, yed aoi jin ge le"a le a, why must your ffi^esty talk about gain; let us treat of benevolence and wghtcousness alone. Sep ^ ^- Beng choo. p- -y>*y Kong gc eH|J ^ ^ bold and ^ring, coura- ^tt/^ gcous. Ge # To wait upon, to enter, tu lead, to rule, to rc-gulute, to eocoarage? also t» drive a carriage, any thing belonging to the Emperor. Yim ge choo yew ^ {J^ |^ ^W'm ijr »< teik ge i( ping yiw, in drinking we should wait upou our friends. T'hong S^ < Ii«J ^ fjl ^ (^ , filing hcdn i lae, to regulate and manage every thing in the aniverse. Hwftn te ge ^ j^ ^, hwdn li (it tai eh'het.Uwin- te was driving the carriage. S X GEAH 186 GEANG 08 J^ to6 i'o Aifert with, Ge cheftk 5^^, mh, to fall in with. Ge choo toe ^ ^ii i^ to6 tSBh te loi, he met him in the road. A punishment, consisting in cutting ofif the nose. Boo hek ge J'" |5l| ^ ^ A J b6 k'U kwdh l&ng Ay p'hei"^, do not punish men by cutting off their noses. See the Seo"S se. G ea Gea Ged Pi m „,0^ To open the mouth wide. J6 k'hoe jW- k'hae gea gei ^p P §.^ l^ P^ . -^^ clChin cheo"^ rh^hiiy ■Tc^Jtwun gei ged, like the mouth opened wide.- '■• " """^ '"'•'■ Go6 kong ()l^ ^i^j gedkang, a centi- pede. The Chinese say that it comes out in the spring, and disappears in the winter; at every joint it has feet, with a douWe Leard, and a pointed tailv-r7raD4, ;t is by nature afraid of spiders. : I'l.^!, ■ ^. The name at an insect. La ged ^ ^ , a spider. La gei »« ^ ^ f^ ^ a spiders web. Read tfte: to carry between two. Ta6 bill i^g mn ^ ged mei"^h, to carry any I * thing. Read g^ng: to meet, to meet with. greet. Song ong gfing la^, kay seen j6 keng put Ifing, ,6y 6 j6w wan jin yi>a 3^ ^i ^ ^. ^ ^ ong ge"d lai, o Id ho ji keng I'm hey dy Idng, siy ijtw hwiii"S dy Idng, to accompany those who are departing, and to meet those who are arriving, to encourage the good, and pity the incapable, is the way to conciliate people at a distance. GSd Geah To open, to part asunder. Geili k'hwuy to spread open. Geah 7< Geah To open out the legs. K'ha geik k'hwuy iS > to spread out the legs. That by which we frighten people. X To oppress, to tyrannise; oppression. Geak 1*^ GiJak chdng ^ ^ J an oppressive government. Po geak ^ ^ , to oppress violently. Put kaoft jS sat, wQy che geik >f\ ^ j^ ^ tU y 1^ u™ kit U-Ckai kong kei geak, to put people to death for crime, without first instructing them is .called oppression. See the f: H Hiy lun. !>! ..«i T Geak 2 * Geang Geang Geang A fever; a disease in which there is a hot and cold stage. A small kind of bell, with a long neck. ^v To hold up the head; a surname. yf I 1 I Geang sew {jTJ ^ ^ t"a Whi fhaou. It 1^ to hold up the head. GiJang k'hin ffn ^ 3 geoiS' Ic'httt^d, to look up. Geang bong Gcanj cheuk e soo hoo bo6, hoo cheuk e heuk ch'hey choo f I^ ^ l^ $ X #• if K M :^^ If. l"a k'he ChaSu k'hw^a ey kaou i hok sae pay boi Whw^d. IShlat, ey kaou 6 ch'he boi ke^d, in looking upwards to have sufficient to serve one's parents with, and in looking downwards to have enough wherewith to feed one's wife and children. See the J^^ ^ Seang beng. ^ K'hong geSng |t|^ ^ , the lofty appearance of hills and mountains. GEEM To rely upon, to help, to supply. To call. 18T( Geaou The name of an ancient Emperor. Gc&ou e put tek sun wfiy k£ yew gedou yin wOy hiy tit teSh tint elm ka te dy hwdn Id, Gcdou because he could not obtain Such a man as SAn, made this the subject of his grief. Cheaou geiou -^ f|| j a nation of ., dwarfs, said to be only three feel ^U* high. ' Geaou llj^ ^''^''"" ^'*°" A-i ^' ^' '""' ^'Jt ^ appearance of hills. GeSou Gefiou appearanc Fire wood, to collect fire wood, a wood cutter. San 6 choc gcSou ^M- ^ ^^ mooVS kap kwih ch'htdu cheSb eh'hi iy Ung, to enquire of the grass and wood cutters. See the A\ ^ Se&ou gnSy, Geaou 3SE) 7U '] To scrape. Geem i itfl^ '^" '"'''' **'c head high ; also to respect. ':■■ sf Ge^m jeak soo 1^ """ *" />iA. ful and thoughtful Gefim jeik soo "(^ 7[J ^g, , respcc- Sek tae ch'he"& ge6m 1^ -^ Q_ kwi kwdn, great and tall. tek two Geem To examine, to verify, to fulfil, to accomplish; also written B^^ Ge8m. Haou gcera ^ ^^ , the fulfilment, or accomplishment of a thiug. GEEN K'ho bun cho geem bfiog pek pj^ B3 ^ ^ 1^ ' *'*<' mooi^S tAy geim bing pSyh, to examine and scrutinize, and ascertain a thing clearly. Gefim oa Rigid, severe, strict; to give strict orders; a surname. Chong geSm ^ ^, severe. Wuy gijgm EC ^, dignified and stern. GeSm kin j^ ^, rigidly careful. Ge«ra, g« put kam ch'h6ng ^ ^ ^ ^ f|. geim dy st. gwd d"" k^d ch'hfd modfS, while you were thus rigidly strict (iu your mourning > I did not dare to make enquiry. See '^ ^^^ Beng choo. Wine of great strength ; very strong liquor. Gegm San geSm ^ ]^^ m"a gim, the Geem ISTEI recess of a hill, or cavern. Song choo he seen seng chae tong cho& gefim^choa ^^^§:^±^]^^ ^ ait §^ '^"^ '''^*" '*'"' *" *•" •"'^ '* taitg i geim choi ch'hiyh, in the Sdng dynasty the teacher Choo-he wrote a commentary on the four Books; in the rcccss.of a cavern. 1 1 1 r- I, A burnisher, or polisher. Geen pod sek AFji* W ^ ^ > ^*"^ '"'* '^*^*'*' " ''"""^ ^ I stone, for glazing cloth. Lcuk t'hae ch'bam say hoe geen seang ^^ ^^ ^' ^ ■*? '^ -t , <^***«^'^ '^^ ^9 '"'^ ch-ham tay te ging chiSh ting, the green moss grows thick upon the polishing stone (owing to disuse). Geen Geen Geen The teeth bare, and sticking out of the mouth. ^ P ^l" To litigate, to strive i to contend at law. \ GEEP 188 GEET Geen Geen 2P Gegn GeSn To grind, to break. Thin, meagre, shewing nothing but the bones. Also written iSh gedn. A- p'he^n gean g£ )l* ^ , meagre through being adicted to opium. M To flatter, to admire, to applaud ; also wise, and contented. Ge6n ch'hcw iff ^' <''•''"" ch'hai'V kwi k'heep se, beautiful and ugly. GeSn W^t The name of a hiU. The name of aTiver. -GeSn m To examine, to exhaust ^ also to grind. ^. ^ ^ nr.mlt with wine; to be overcome r£||ilJ put k'ho kaou e to, put k'hd je -tek j^Sg[^,:5f;-5r^J^l.^ Ad 4 «5, ftS t'hang je k tele, when a man is im- mersed in wine, and dissolute in his conduct, ^ it is impossible to teach him the Jight way, or to make him understand virtue. Geep Ke geep ^^ 35 a foundation. Soo geep ^S. ^^ a business, an imploy- ment. San geep ^ ^, a patrimony Tefin geep ffl ^, ch'hdn geep, a farm. Kay geep ^? ^E ^an estate, family propertjr. Soo long kong seang, bin che soe geep -j^ J^ 3^ ^ E -y pg ^, j'ftflfc cVAai^A cftSA ch'hdn .chb kang, seng 45, pdj/h sai^S iy si geep, learn- ing, agriculture, manual labeur, and trade, are the four common employments of the people. Kwun choo ch'hdng geep, sfly f hong wfly k'ho kvun cho6 cKhbng geep, sAy Chong eg Chang seo swd, the good man lays the foundation of an interest, the clue of which may be handed dow« to posterity. See the Jq ^t Seang beng^ Ge^ Geep To lead. Geep Geet A. Geet The name of a place. The jeining €f a seam, in the repair- ing of a garment. To bite, to gnaw. Bo5 geet Jtwut •ffl" ^ "^ > """ '"'■""S" *« *«'"'» ** not gnaw the bones, (in eating). See the|||^L*ykd. \y>^ The son -of a concubine, the fresh g3r huds of a tree, trouble and calamity; ■■JF * also luxuriant and fulL Tok koe sin geet cho5, k€ «h'ho sim yea gwfly ke le hwan ye4 ch'him ^^'^^^^ Hlf jin sin, aiy i iy ke"d, e iy cVho sim kw"a gwAy heiin, eAy li hwAn li ch'him (im, only forlorn Ministers and illegitimate children, maintain their ;purpose with peril, and concern themselves about trouble deeply. See the "f» ^ Hay beng. Hwuy bo6 b^ng geet che seng yea ^^ ^ p^ ^ -^ ^ ^ , u"" se ii5 paSuk ei"S dy sai''S-, there is no want of the production of buds and blossoms. T'heen chok geet, y*w k'ho wQy, choo chok geet, put k^ho hw'at ^ f^ ^ ^ "Sf ^l. ^ 'ft ^ ^ "Pf 'J^ J Cheeks chd too yea Chang wAy, ka ti ch6 soo, b6 t'hang K'iih, when Heaven sends down & calamity, it may still be borne GEK 18^ GENG Geet Geet up against, but when we bring the calamity on ourselves, there is no escape. The rules of archery ; a law, a rule. The posts of a door. Geet e loej kw"ajin che che ^ J^ j^ ^ ^^ 4fl •>' mooC^ lac i,y too, gu-d, k* ti, ledou le, all the business within doors, I my- self will attend to. K'heuk geet ; ^ pij/h Whak, a Geet M,, *l^ ^ substance used iu fermenting liquor. Geet Seang geet 36 ^ ch'heo^S geel, a scorpion, also ady thing strange and uncommon among birds and beasts, is called ^ geet, The buds sprouting out of a tree, after it is cut dow^n. B£ng geet fhooting up. Geetgwut uneaST, haxardout. Geet A water bird; also the cackling of geese. Oe yOng sc geet giiet chea ilig way chae $,^^^^^ & -^ ^ cAo i"a mrt"* yUng chej/ liy geel geet 6y mefh chae, of what use it this cackling thing ? See the J^ ^L S'*"5 '•*'•&• To proclaim; great; to move ; uneasy. The rugged uneven appearance of bills; also high, lofty. The forehead ; the part below the hair, and above the eyebrows, Is calleiT gek. '-^ ■ • Gek The same as the above. S£ng ?5^fcl *''''"S •*"* ^oag hi, sob hong ch'he°a Pj=J pwang^k 15^41 jfJJ^^jg >^ J9. ^ ^ , **"< '""ff '"*' ^o *'*'''^'' ^S/ b'ak bai, ti kak k-wi kaiu pvi"i heih, in the city there is one with fine broad eyebrows; square, and also half way np the forehead. G4k Gek W A seam. ■^•^J^ ^ bird with fine feathers; also called ^& chin choo key ^ ^ H ^ a pearl lT^*i*,-neither to accompany, nor to go out to meet one. To frccxe, to cougeal. 806 ko6 g6ng che"i te"S, the limbs all frozen to ice. Vulg. gniy: hard stiff, unbending. 8c kwijy soe geng, hong t'hong sin k-wily chat tin gniy, eh'he"d I'hong tin, good Writing should be meagre aWd stiff; and then it Will display tbc spirit ' of the charactir^ ' •GEUK m GEY G5n & 1\ go out to meet. Cli'hin geiig chck tek ch'hey, put ch'hin geiig chek.put tek ch'liey, pit ch'hin geng hoe ^ ig 2^ 3L, ch'hin ge"a, chew ey tit teSJt boi^ u'" cKhin ge"a chew hey tit ieoh boi, pit teHh ch'hin ge^a hoe, if oalj when we go ourselves to meet her, we can get a wife, and if war cannot obtain one without going in person to receive her»th£n aught we not to go in person » GeS TV Geuk 9G Read jea6u •• a cockle. ^^^^ A gem; a precious stone. P6 gwik ,^i^ $^ "JO a precious gem. Yew be ■■ ■ '• geiik e soo 7^ ^ 3E. J^ ^, ^"^ ho Ay gSik tS chty Uy way. There is a beauti- ful! gem here. Suy hwa6 choo jS ch*hwan me, sek win geuk chek san hwuy i^ jg 3^ Rfl )j| li ^ ^ rp Sll ill fM , «'"^3' fc'A£"8' thoe Ji ch'hwan kKi^S, cheSk tiy geuk chek sw"a hwuy, when the water contains pearls^ the stream will be bright and when the stone* coaceal gems, the moun- tain will be resplendent. Geuk Hard metal ^ precious. place of confinement, Geuk ^ »^» A prison, a place ol connnement, ' 1, -^ S jP those confined therein $ cases of litiga- ^ IV V tion. Hay geiik ~pC j^, lijh k^a k'hoit, to put in prison. Ok lok tey geuk ^, ^ iljl ^, P'ha''e ISh tiy geuk, the wicked go down iato helJ. I P'heen gan k'ho e cheet geuk chea, k6 ySw yea e chit kob wa fhang lai p'hw"d twin giuk seUng iy ling e 1% yiw te^a, t'e"a, with one word to be able to decide cases of litigation ; it is only Y6w that can do this. See the "K gft Hay liin. Geiing :fp Laborious^ wearied : hill. the name of a Geiing '^Ip^ A kind of jointed bamboo, of which walking-sticks- are made. Geiing Great and manifest i magnajiimous, virtuous. Giiflng geiing gang gang, jfi kwuy j6 cheang ^|^| j| ^, ^0 ^ ilD J^ i '"'" '""" kwui"^ kwuf^^ cKhin ched"S hwvf/ kap cheang, bright and. brilliant like pearls aad gems. See the /j> ^^ Sijaoii gnay. The name of a kilL T* wrangle, te strive, to coatend Gey sijung ^ W^^ to quarrel. Heng tiy gey 6 ch'he^ng, giiiy gi k€ boo J^ 1^ i >5^ ^ ^K 1 =fe fS ^/'^""'^ "•'" kay te lae bin, gwa bin hoe l&ng boi han, when brethren quarrel at home^ the people abroad will dispise them. See ^\ ^^ Seaou gnay. Gey Gey G^y To l&ok angrily at any onev to behold Tith displeasure. Soo bin gey gey sai"S Sim hoiy tSh k'hw"a, to make the people lox)k at one with rage. See the Jl_^ Seang beng. ^ To look askance, to look slantingly Hfc^ at anything. Gey j« se che |jl^ (j^ vLi mz,''^ look askance at it. To go to, to proceed towards^ to visit a place, to proceed far in learnings 18 called ^ p^j ch'ho gey. Gev G?y Gey Gey Tae dng gey teing aa ^ ^[t || ^ .^ ^ tae ong k'hi kaou leing any Tae-6ng paid, a visit to Teang-an. Gey ? Gey ^ ^ Not to look straight . at anything. The same as. BG gey... Twan g«y ^ ^^ exact, grate, decor- uu».. Md g6y ^ ^^ old and 7 oung^;. a surname. Hwan kfi m6 g^J I^ iBl "j^ j© ^ f<^»au tgh looi"^ e a.y laou ling sei/m llin, t» send hack their aid men and youths. See the t* ^ ij&aog beng. Chun g?y ;f^ 1^ , a •''"«• «>f Worn.. '■ A rainbow. Jeak tae hah che bong ylngfiwyei^y^.^;^!!^ f^ |b , cA'Ai« cAeu"K Itea u>''a &y bang hwiin k'hengy like as when a great dearth expects, the cloads and rainbow. _^ - As fawn, a juung stag. See e g6y k£w f^& ;^ /!^ ^ ^ > *^'' ^** •'^ '«** ^yC* cA'A^nff 'o«^ *e"<» Gim 4^ ' ^J}/C^ An art,, an employment, ^w gey ^£ X^S^ ^E, fA'A gey, a handicraft.' Leu'* ~ ^ \ gey }?^ ?S ) the six arts. Cbae gC'y ;;J-g.- talent. KSw yea gey, 6. che.dng. chehg hoe hO ytw w^_ & S. "i*^ ^ D^ f 1^ '^ ^ "'' "^ '"'^' ^"^ ^^^' le chidng ching sod, uoa t^a mei''h 8h, K6w is skilled ia the arts, what difficulty will he then have in' following up ihc business- of government. See- ^'^^ ± H Seang lOn. i^H \ >-, To plant,, to sow. Hoe. chek kaou bin kiy sek, si g£y gnoc ^^^ J^ ^ ^ kH p3yh sai ^ kiy sek, ti chtng gnoi kok, Hoe-chek, taught the pe»(^e agric4jlture and tii« p^Qtin<; <>4v the five kinds-, of grain. ■•yat'ffk ^Q ancient prince, who -wa*. famed for 2\ lr-% his skill in archery. A surname. Giiy ^ I seen si: a 22, ^ m 1 gly gaiu chih chei"^, Gey was skilled in archery. To hold down the head, and walk, quickly. ^ T6 sing, t» hum. Gim se Py |* * to B^^ recite ode.. E* .i j« gim ^ ;^| jfjj, P |l^)-ivd eh'hiw jt gim, to lean against a tree,. and hum a song. Tiie same as the preceding. ^^^ SUTI ill that is high and conical;, a. surname. The fee» or sediment of any thing; also written G^ gim. All standing together ;; also wrilhen l(\. gtra; the same as W^ cheung, all. gJn 193 GIT tae bo6 gin, k6 seaou bo6 liiey ^L bo kae, e iy siy 16 lae, it is so great as to have no limits around it, and so small, as to contain nothing within it (speaking of Doctrine). ^ ^ The noise of much wrangling. Beng Gin yl ^ '^'hSSn gin gin f^ j%^^^ > *«"«' %J CJ A-adtt ch'heng cKhtngjHng, fierce dogs, making a great noise. _^ y% Harmonious and pleasing? placid :yid Qj„ rj > - I agreeable. Bin choo se ch'hek, gin gin I^J J^ea^^f-f^flgl^ 4ft bin choo khea le pee"S i, h6 Mat iy yeo^S^ Bin-cho6 stood by the side of Confucius, as it were pleasing and agreeable. See the 'T> =& Hay lun. Gin Gin Gin Gin 9f If To laugh out loud. The noise of wrangling and contention. Ptl? V/ I Gin Ifin j^ ^ , the eddying of water. A servant with four mouths, to speak falsely, to deceive. Sun boo gwAn, boc Saa gin. tSy g5 ^ X tl. ^W.^ 1^, s^n ay ned"S pay gvs&nrgek, neo^ Iky u" laou sit, sea tl keaou go, sutf s tather was stubborn his mother false, and his brother proud. See the -ra ^ S'eo"S se. Gin 4 Gip Gip To enquire; to be respectful and cau- tious; alsd, moreover. « Gip gip j« 'ja , a multitude of people. * Git %%..'. High, hazardous, uneasy; a small hill <^L is called TJ^ gip, and a great one is y^!^^ called |lj|_ hwin. K'hong choe wat, € soo se yija, t'heen hay tae chae, gip sip ho£ ^ :f Q. ;!rt ff ^ {H. X ~T^ >^D ^ ^ 5^ "^ ' ^''''"^ "^"^ ''""^' *' '^''^^ Uy si, t'hee''S ay gway heim, «"• an dy y'eo"^, Confucius said, at this time the Empire is in danger, and as it were unsettled. See the ~|> ^ Hay beng. % >_ Bold and vigorous. Git git yfing hoo, f^^ gno seang yew che 'f^ "j^ ^ y^, 5^ ||i7 /& )^. chbng bing dy ying C GIT 198 GNAOU Git Gtt Git Git Git Git Git hoo, gwa sUSng woo e. Of boW and vigorous yeomen, 1 still have a few. See the w\ ^^ Seo"^ sc. ^ Difficulty of utterance. R'hoc git put I l*p~" lang to swat, j6 seen t^ se P P^ /f\ O ^1^ m .t. 1 # 1 1 > ^"'"'^i' git, bey s^a kong wa, ji gdou did ch'hiyh, the mouth stammering and not able to gpeiik, but clever at making books. Sec the ^ p^ So6 ki. A^* Water dried up; J § ^ fiver. also the name of a A hill standing by itself. Git Id K/* ^- ^ tcoubled, and wearied. ^ 1» To arrive at, even, until, to. E' git 6 JL^^t kim, even to the present time. Cha6 soe c kong, git bo4 sSng kong ^ ^ "^ kaau bd chi'A kong, his Ulents ace too diversified and his idew too widely diffused, so that no meri- torious underUkiag is completed. Seethe ^^ 4^ K'hong yflng twan. « ^ The lower part of » thread. Also a man's Tw ^T i"""<^- K'hong choo' hoo, teuk li-Ang *ru git ^L iF X ^ ^ j^t , *'**''^ choo Ay pSj), mb^d kid teuk lidng git, Confucius'* father was called Sijuk-leJng-git. ^ >_ To stop, to exhawt, to finish, to con- '^m^ dude. K'hong choo se se, choo tOng PC-i g« * hay. git 6 chew ijL T" It #• U keng, cheAng ling gi i ISh, git kaou chew, Confucius arranged tbi; biatocical classics, from the time of Tdng-g€ ( i. c. Gea6u and Siln ) down- wards, and concluded with the Chew dynasty. Ro6 git tek -^ pt ^ , *« "*«' '«^r do not slop the buying of rice Gnae To gnaw, to gnaw a bone, read gnaou. ^ Ek choo j6 gnaou k^ kwut BL.3p [fj] ^ A "^ . w''itke"dje gnai c dy. kwut, they exchanged children and gnawed their bones .- Speaking of a famine. tx: Gnae ^|> fm Vulg. he^a: a kind of grass used in ^^ cauterizing ; the moxa, os mugworl ;. .^^ ^^ a period of 50 days is called A^" gnae. Reaou gnae /]/* ~yF a yoiing person } also rest, at case ; a surname. Kim che yeuk oiig chea, y4w ch'Irit Ic6n rhc peiig, k4w sam lefin che gnae ■^ 7 'fiK "t t^a dy boeyh chu Sng dy Idng, ch'hin ched"^ ch'hit iui"S dy pat"S kiw s"a nei"^ dy gnae e, those in the present d«y who want to become rulers ace like tbosc afflicted with a seven years sick- ness, seeking for cauterizing grass that has been three year'* dried ( Intimating that without previous preparation they will never succeed, in their object. See the T^ ^ Hay bcng. Gnae X. To cut grass. Chin gnae ^ j/, a man of. talent. Tffng gnae Wij!^^, to regulate, to Gnae >>\J^ . . . "^ i« Vr^ put in order. Gnae >^%| To cut grais is called j(|! gnae; to ^^Tl reap corn is called %& hoe. Vulg. gnai: to gnaw, to bite. To interchange, to- lay acrou, to- blend,.to compare ; one of the dia- grams. Leuk gnafiu pat kwi y^ •^ f^ B> lak gnadu- fiyh kwi, the six interchanges and eight diagrams. /- GNAOU 194 GNAYH Gnadu ■^t Savoury food, spiced eatables ; also — / -^ writteu ^gnaSu. Chadchew gnadu r^ 6 lecn kan, haou k'hin cheaj6 lo che chad chiw mci"h p'huty te ch'hdn kan, ting haou k'hln dy King Ji to e, to carry out wine and savoury food into the fields, in order to wait for the diligent, and reward tliem. GnaoU lb XrT GnaSu h4m )lj^ Ig^ the name of a hill. Gnaou Gnaou Gnaou The roots of vegetables ; also written [■^t ^gna6u. The roar of a tiger, wbea about to bite any one^ the barking of a dog; the name of a country, and of a place. ^£^Jf\u The same as ^ gnadu ; also a piece yPi 5v "^ '"^^^ ^'''* ^^ bones in it. To disturb water, to stir up the bot- tom, and make the water muddy. Gna6u che put chok jj© V* 3?> 7'^ keaou gna6u, yew bey Id, although you should stir it up, it would not be muddj. Spoken in re- ference to persons. Gnaou 1^- Gnaou Gnaou ^M A sound. Gnaou t'ho ia& ij^^ a kind of peach. To desire, to delight in, to like, to prefer ; a friend ', also read lok. Te chea gnaou suy, jin chiia gnaou ai chAy, jin dy ling at sw"a, men of know- ledge prefer water, but men of benevolence prefer dry land. Intimating that the disposition of the one is more sedate than the other. See ^'>"= _h 1^ ^^^"» "*"■ Gnaou ;fc? Lefin gnaou jg ^ffl the fibres of the water lily. Gnaou se l&n chok seen chii sw"^, the fibres of the water lily plant, can hardly be manufactured into thread. 2p Gnav ^^"^ Words not widely proclaimed. Gnay m G'lay Elegant, splendid, uncommon. Cheng gnay iJ^ /^> elegant and proper. Bfln gnay ^J^ ^|^, literary and, ac- complished. JS gnay jj^ ^^, an accomplished scholar. Gnay gan ;jg "Sj elegant discourse. Readkeng: hard, stiff. PutjSwput keug, na6 keen j6 gnay ^ ^ ;^ gnay, nai k'hw"& gaSu dy Vhak ch'hayh lUng, neither too yielding nor too stiff, shews the ac- complished scholar. Jb. Gnayh I Gnai/h ^ Read keep : to take up any thing with pincers, tongs, or chopsticks Keep choo ^ -+-, gnUyh a, a pair of pincers. Read keep: to hold under the arxn, to hold right and left, to uphold. Chew kong keep hod sSng ong 13 ■^ ^ f-^ '^^ 5E ' ''*'"" '■""^ ^"^^'' '"'" *^"^ 6ng, Chew-kong upheld and assisted Seng-ong. V %^ Read hecp : to hold under the arm, Gn&vh JkAle^ ** squeeze. HiJep I'hae san e t'heaou ^^r ^. pok hae, wuy put ICng, se chin put leng^ea ^^ -^ g^ ^ ^ ;(t, .}f II ;f; f g ^ tt ^ H^ "tj^j g^^.y'' I'hat i>w"a jS i'heaou kiiig pak hae, kong bey By, se chin che"i bey ey, as to grasping the great mountain under the arm, and jumping across the northern sea with it, to say that you can not do it, is truly a can noU ( and not a will not. ) See j£ ^i* Beng choo. GNOE 195 GNOE lOI Gneaou I^T^ The noise of a multitude. TV Gneaou h Gneaoiih To move, to be agitated. T'hiien t5ng I5j- gnijaoiih ^ ^Jj j^ jlj^, i'hee"S tang tei/ gneaofth, when the heaven is moved, the earth is agitated. To creep, as a worm. Gnew ^ Vulg. go6 : the cow kind. Hfing gnfiw •gH' -tpj Jcui"^ god, a common cow. S6y gnt'W Tf^ ^fc cAiJ^ g-orf, a buf- faloe. Gu^w toe ^ jL g-o,) /aua, the name of a star. Hwat peng chc kay, put heuk gn£w y'"s i^yj^'Z'.^^^^ 4- % '"'' ^"'^ Aif kay, M cKhi goo yed"^, a break-ice family ( i. e. the family of a great officer ) sliould not keep oxen and sheep — A surname. -, . iki-^ Gn6w ch'hip Zt IkS the name of Gnew rt-t '' "* ' - I a medicinal plant. Gno Vulg, gu--d: I myself. Gno put to ^B >f\ in J S'"' ""* chac, 1 do not know. Je ae k£ yilng, goo ae ke ley '^^ '•'^ ^ ^ "lie '£ ^ la ' '^ '^** ' ^^ *"'^' ^'^ leSh e Ajf I6y, you pity tJic sheep, but I pity the ceremony. See the I" "^^ Strang lun. Gno Gno Gnoe A spear, a lance. The loftiness of a hill ; height. i Vulg. gol: five. Gno6 sip jg^ -f" ^ gci chap, fifty, a surname, also written 5C gnoe. ; Gnoe Go& sip yew gnoe, j6 chd ^ hak ^^ -J- ^ ^ /e t'AaA:, when I was fifteen years of age my mind was bent on learning. See the r =jm Seang lun. A file of five men. Hdng gnoe ^ A^, rank and file; a surname. Sam gnoe ^ s6ng kwfln zr^^f!:^^^, *"" e<>e che"d kwtlu, three or five forming a company. See the ^ 'fdl Cho twan. Gnoe ^ n Gnoe Gnoe One of the horary characters. Jit gnoe n CJ^ jit laSu, mid-day. Inimical, hostile. E' put gnoe che soo Gnoe ^^4^ seang 6ng ^ ^f^ f j^ ^1 f^ >t9 TfE fhi u"", gnoi iy tea teo «r teHng-ehoi keet-lek tSo tiiy chah ch'h&n, Tc4n;;-choe and Ki;et-iok ploughed the ground together. See the "p |j^ Hay iQn. United together, opposite, double; also suddenly, unexpectedly. Soe song wat gnoi-, chek '»'»' 1*^ ^ ^^ |E| f^ ^- Q ■^ ^ toi iy te"^ king gnoe, chit cheSh king k'h'ea, in numbers, double are called Gnoe, and Single k'hea. Gnoe je#n "ffi ^^ , suddenly. Gnoe Gnoe A GO 196 G& A knot in wood; a bone without any meat. Kq go ^ j()g , the appearance of a waiting maid. Ch'he go m il^l , the lofty appearance of a hill. G6 be san jl|^ )^ jJLj, the name of a hill. A moment, a sliorl space of time, a little while. Neaou sew gd sAa sfln, g6 t6 to kap siw tSep d koo sim stin, yew iSep i koo chaSu lai chaou k'he, birds and beasts are for a moment still, and another moment full of gambols. _V » To change one's speech, to talk falsely GO —^1/ "f foolishly. Bin che gd gSn ^ -^ D |W gfl' -^ , pSyh sai"S" dr/ pkyh cKh'at wa, the foolish stories of the people. See the /J\ ^ Seaou gnay. The same as the above : also to speak, and Go (tfl^ chatter; also written |^ go. Seing me ^Xi bo6 S6 ■^ ^ i& V^ , taS k'hd k'hwun hSh kong wd, let us go to sleep and not prattle. ^ ^ The silk worm, the moth into which the G& |XlTl> *'"' *°'^™ *'"'°" ^'^^ * flying insect. ■^v\ Ch'ham gS ^ ^ ^ **>« silk worm generally .^g.* A large sea tortoise. Yew sin go, poey Go "i y^^^ boo h6ng Ia6 che san, chae hae teung ^ lb moo sl» ff5, fc**a cfceaft g-e An animal found in the waters, the skin of which is used for making the heads l^ri of drums. ^ ^ To wander, to ramble, to stroll about for l/> pleasure. M4 wan g& yfiw j6 tey kan Vhit Chd It ji tii/ dy kan. Ma-wan strolled backwards and forwards between the two Emperors. A surname. The noise of a multitude, the sound of many voices, lamenting. H6ng gan e hwuy, ae beng gd g6 -^ jP ^ ^^ ^ P^ 1^ 1^ ^ twa che&h gd. tit pwup, ae dy hadu gd gS, the wild geese are flying about, and their melan- choly scream saunds like the voice of a multitude. Ch'hong gd ^ ^, not fieaful G6 yew ^[ ^ to ramble for pleasure. Go he ^ ip- to stroll about in sport. irt V* The sound of sighing, and lamentation; G8 ^1^^ the bustle of a market. Go go ^ self-satisfaction and complacency. pPf GS "^^P^^ A large tortoise ; the same as aj CO m GOE . m The nune of a fish, A fine bone, a horse not y«t brol^en in.. To deceive. Gd gin 2^ "^ deceiU Tty^l^ ful words. k A gooie. Th"* Ji't kS hoe sat se gd pa< jit e dg nii'^S Uy t'/uti chiy Uy gS, hoe e che'dhe, the next day. his mother killed this goose, and gave it him to eat.. See the J^ ^ Scang bcng.. J|»/^ To. boil,, to cook without oil ; to brew, Go ^D\^ '" ""s'''- Gd chew f^ ^ Jo distil J^-^^s To be bungc]', to starve. Go so6 tjO f»*||/ ^E *^^ **' '" '"' starved to dci »*» \4 Pck 6 seuk ch£y ga£ i6w vfta?che so6 death. ; ch£; go £ i6w ;ftag,che hi./ siuk-chtu e<^ ti *^«> y^ng" '^ ^''^"1 Pkk-£ and Scuk-chCy, starved themserves ta death at- the foot of the Saw-y4ng hill. See the f* tm Ha.y iDn. Go Go g|' To be groud,. to- treat contemptuously. To sfeepi Go pSng BK J^ ^ a bed- 1^ chamber; Also written R/^go. Yin ''e j6 g* 1^ JL ]fii &V ' f'" ""* J^ k'hwitn, he leaned over the tabk and slept. See the _[^ ^& Siiang beng. A pan for making cakc9> To treat proudly. Go bin „^ .^ ^ to treat with scorn. Go put k'h6 leang flW ^* "pT ^ keaou Sy am kv^a i"" 3 ^ Gog I'hang hoe e 16"^, do not aHow prouT^spositions to grow. See the fi^ =P Ley ke. '^TJ I myself. Go6 jit sam seng go6 sin ~^y ^ B H W p- # , ^"^ '«* j" •^ i"a hang sing chhat gwd, dy tin, I examine myself every day as to three things. See the J2 fia Scang; lun. Gog I GoS W—f ^1% The name of a river. ■■yr 0°^ '*"? |p 1^, •'»e najne of.p trciv > J ■» which at mid-auturan lets fall one leal I" by which people know that the autumn, season is arrived. Goe fflJ* — K'he go6 ^ |5 ihe name of a fish.. A surname y the name of a- countrt. Go£ kong ij(& ^ ^ed'Arang'r.a centipede I VC The name of a fiih ) the same as go6 ) also used for the following, A kind of flying squirrel, like, a small Q fox I also oaJIcd ^ ^ £ y£w. The name of a giant. To understand: Leaou goe j i^ - to coraprehmd. Sing goe Mi tli ' •^ to awaken j to be in a mistake is called ^ b«y, to find out one's error, is called ^S. goe. GOEY 198 GOK Goe l^-^J^ Bfing goe [1^ 0^ , clear ; perception ^ H .y^' t **»e understanding. Goe tuy gS- ^^ , »~ opposite, face to face. _y m To awake. Goe be kSw che S^ ^ |y>^ ^ "^ ch'hai"S k'hwiin kttg e, wak- 1 1^ ing and -sleeping he seeks for her. See the ^ M Kok bon^. Goe T« deceive, to cheat. To be in a mistake -, to ttroir into (Jog w» "^I^ 'Confijsion. Kwun h6 gin che goe jea r£^V ^ jpj" "g" ;^ ^ ■l^i:' *'»"" o« chit>''C^W Reside, except. Leak hap che goey ^^ I 5eng jIn chQn jfi put Ifin ^ ^ ^ ^l'- 1& A- "^ Hn -^ pi^ ' '"* *"'' '^ ^' sing jin chAn Ji bS gl tun, whatsoever is beyond the six cardinal points (or on the outside of the viaible creation ) the philosopher meditates on, but does n«t discourse about. /- Goeygin put j'ip « k'hwAn ^|> ^ /fl X ]«^ [^ , gf/iS bin Ay wa^ it'" t'hatig, jip i ping keng, out of door talk should not be brought io doors. Goey Goeyh n Goey seng cousins, and ne- phews, by the sister's side, a sister's son or daughter. Read gwat -. a month, the moon. Yit gwat —^ H , chit goiyh, one month. Jit gwat seng sin CI ^ W^ , jit goiyh, leap ch'hai^S, sun, moon, and stars. E' jQn gwat, teng sod sS, seng soey Ijl ^ J^ ^ R9 Bf ^ ^ ' ^ '"" f '«J'* '«"^ »* »« ■che^d ne6"S^ |,y the aid «{ the intercalary month he fixed the four seasons, and completed the year. Gok Gok 1^ Gok Gok -5" See the ^ jfit Ge4ou te6n. Numerous, many. To he always beating a drum) also the sound of a drum, v Ua Ch'hok gok |g 1^, fearful, alarmed, apprehensive. Gok jeSn j^ ^^ sud- denly alarmed. »JhAy The bud of a flower; also written ^ ^^^p*-! gok. Ch'hun hwa hwat gok, hay keet ^^ k^sit^^^f jr,^i^J, tKhun Chee"^ hwa kwat gok hay t'hee"^ keet koey chi, in the spring season flowers open their buds, and in the summer form their fruit. I > The naine of a bird, used as a bull's- Pnlr '^r^P* *^* '" * target. Sit cbao ch^ng gok* Wiii\) hwan k«w choo kg sin ;^ f^ j£ ^ /Z ^^ &^ -^ S* J "' ''''**' '^'■^"S' S'"*' '^^^ *"'*''' fc^te <« ta li Ay hin sin, missing the mark in the centre of the target, we should turn inwards, and blame our own persons. Seethe Fft^ TSnng yflng. % >TQ Keen gok ^R |^ honest word$, upright Gok ^— I * discourse. Ch'heen jtn che lok lok, put " ^ j6 yit soo che gok gok ■4-' J)i "Z/ gg 1^. ;^ i(p - ± 2: WM> ^'^^ ^"•'^ '"^ GONG 199 GOO Gok Gok Gok dj/ ifin W, a"" pi chit dji t'hak cVhUi/h Ung &i/ tit wa, the mere assent of a thousand men, is qot so good as the plain declaration of one scholar. % " - The side of a hill, a precipice ; aUo •** *^ written A^ gok and .S gok. H2f Chira gok ^ ^ , stones piled »p ^|r » dangerous way. Xiis ch '3 The name of a countr^, S]ioken of in ancient history. A surname. *» "*»'''-' Gok Gok Gok Gok stern, rigid, severe. Chew se gok gok je ehtye &y cKhiyh goh gok dy yeo^S, the writings of the Chew dynasty have an appearance 6f sevei'ity. The peak of a hill; the ridge of a hill. The point or edge of a sword. Gok g£ ^ '@ gok hi, am alligator, " Bias <»•> ' " a crocodile. H&n ji chok rh^y gok g£ bCn kong cho chiy gok hi dy bUn, HAn-bun-kong composed an essay announcing his sacrifice to the alligators: (in consequence of which sacrifice, the Chinese fable, that the alligator* all left the coast of China). See the ^' ^ K6e bfln. A horse with a high head. 1 myselfi high, to mount a high place, in order to look to a distance. Gflng segndycw Cjl ^ fic ^, gwasae t'eSh gwd dy ping yiw, 1 have need of my frrends. See the ^ BT Kok hong. G8ng <^p Gongf G8n£ Seang cheuk g6ng _t^ K ptt , P^t/h ekeo"S k'h«r bang fc'*tc"d, to lift up the feet and lodk to a distance. The rising of the sun; to raise, to elevate : bright, clear. G6ng gflng kwun Che tek ^ ^ ^ £ fg , Ung bing kwutt dy tek, bright and clear is the prince's virtue. A startled' hotse, a farious steed ; also ' a horse with a white belly. A kind of water plant, growing by the side of pools. GrOnj Gong K'hoog gong tied. The name of a hill. .'i^jiilt'-j uneasy, unset- h--' Gong j^U^ The B»m6of aifcinl. ^^^^^ Tin ' .i:l .n«a ,J»w qirf'J JSRL ^^^^ Vul{.|r*"' »'up'*' '"<•''•''> *'*''T Gong Gong jyjpl jin V^ fi , gSm Ifn^, a stupid fellow. ^VJ^ Sim i, k'hip km che gam yJ-a ^ ^ il>l^ ^ ^ ill' '^*''' '^^^"^ chly k'hip dm iy gong, how cx<-e««ive is K'hip-4na's stopldity ; also written J^ eong. '' f>ill ?)" ;t Goo ■■_5 * *euk goo, a proverb, an adage. Th*' " r* people of 3ot S', 'ek pit^are said to be about three incfteS hfi^, haying Vm^, and becauie of their skill in talking .and joking ther are called the SL=en go6 kok ^ |^ ^ , *he eldqiient nation. This does not differ mu(h', either in'tou'ii'd of sense, frdm (A6' fabled accorunt of Lilliput. ,-»iu:ho(i'' GWA 200 GWAN ^r- ■% Read gnfiw: 4n oi, or coW.' -Gnfiw ySng Goo _t'Tk "^ ^' S"^ l/^'^*'^' covps and sheep •, I A surname. Yew fc'hijcn gnfiw jS ko Stong Kay chija /& ^ •4^ flrj M ^ i^ T* ^^ ■" '"''° "^"^ *'*"" ^'^ koh^i,l6ng hay, there was a person leading an ox and passing by at the foot of the hall. See the _j^ •^ SeSng beng. God >^ Gvod M Read ge: • to rtieef, to njepC -with, to befal. Hae hoe sijang ge im? ig ^R M.) bo teo^S tfi, s'eo loo t'd'oh, to meet one another unexpectedly. iUi J ■V Read gno: I, myself. Gtt6 yeuk jtn, soo jin Che e ^ ^j^' {-. |J| f- g 2ffi. , fftfif ad bSiyh jin too jin kaoU i, when I desire benevolence, benevolence c^mes. Gwa GwaP' NS gwa -^ cottage. a bouse, a mud An exclamation of wonder or surprise; a calling out loud. Boo tey hay ke k'hip wat, gwa, taij che ho chong che ch'hTm hTs g^ fj^ -7^ ^ )it p Ig y^ ^ i j^ ^ "?* ■* *"* '^■'' '^'' <^^'*8a k'haou king, gwa, Iwd chi an chw a ta6 kaoil hiSh ch'him, B06- tey descended from his carriage and .weeping said alas, my sister, how is it they have buried you so deep ! See the ^ ^^ Soo ki. Gwa ^1 Read gijey: without, on the outside? "V beside, and beyond. Tek chea pun jea, cha6 cbija bwat yiia, giiey pun Ibey Uwat, cheng bin se twat If© ^ ^ "tj^. ^ tek heng chi Icin pdn, chei^S ckai boii/ biiiy, na biiSi/h gwd e dy pAn, ji laS e dy bwat, chek s'eo cliai"S dy p&yh sai"S lai ch'heo"^, virtue is the principal thing and money is of less importance, now if we exclude ■ the principal thing, and engross the less important, the wrangling people will begin to plunder us. Vjlr*. also read k'hwuy, deceitful. Gwae '^^tl Unskilful, not clever; dull, stupid. To delight in, to play, to sport, to Gwan Jr^Tt study, to meditate on. Gwan swa ^ ^, Chit t'hS, to play to sport, ; tp gambol, to ramble. .Gwan long kofe chSaiig che seang ^Bq ^ 09 ^g:^ I- , t'hil t'h6 hi Idng te lied koi ch'hew ,,ehe6"S dy ting, to play with aqd dandle upon one's knees and hands, Soo wny le kd soo, l& wuy wat ke gwan -1- Idng wUy chae ki dy Idng s&, cha boi way ae ki dy Idng gwan, a scholar will die for a dear friend, and a woman will sport with one she loves. Gwan sira soo but^ Jtj\ 3{! Mf1,gwda >im seo"S svo mei h, with a studious mind to meditate on. affairs and things. yV1% ^^ '^'^ study> to bend the mind to any ^A^TS^ thing ; to dislike ; to ramble, to Gwan desire, t5J ^ to study, to exercise one's- Gwan Gwan sip ? self in. Gw&a y6w ^^ ^m- to stroll about for pleasure. V^.^» Vulg. t£iji«''S"; a surname. Gwan che'k \ / VhA were reckoned among the seven wise men of the bamboo grove. Gwan BX To see, to behold. A ^ GWAN 90i GWAN Gwan Gwan Gwan Gwan GwSn Good, fine tovety, valuable ; when written with a H by the side it T^'SJ di refers to things,, and when with a .^^ Great; the origin, the principal, the ^^^^ chief; a surname. Gn&n soey tt^ ^ ^^ Pnj a generalissimo. Tae chae k'heen gwftn, ban but cho se -fr ^y |L %' M ^ ^ ^^> *" ''""'' '''"'"^' '''^ t'hadu, ban mee"h Ic'hi ChaCu, how great are the supreme Heavens, from which all. things origi- nate. See the B^ i^ Yeih keng. Gwin lew b£ng chae, ko£ keng leftng chae 7t 1 0)1 ^.MEM^:^.^^ '•*-''« na bing, Ifha ch'hiw »fln liAng, when the prin- cipal head (-ihe Emperor) is inlelligent, Ihe members (his ministers ) wilt be honest. See the Chong gw4n ^ jj^ ^chedng gvdn, the highest literary rank. ■ | ^ To rub off the cdgjfs, till a Ihirtg ■^ tek ge che keng, wOy gwftn ;|j, hwal tek gi dy keng, cho gv:in, when the mind is not regulated by the la>«s of virtue and righteousness, a man becomes. stupid. See the ^ ^ Cho twin. A large Gwftn gd kaou leQng Ik ^ ^k hI' '"''"''*■''' '"'s' ^'^- es and dugons. See the III TeQng yQng. Gwan J^ G wan Gwa An origin, a fountain, ahead. Peng gwftn ^5E. IS J a wide waste. Gwftn chwftn Kwun hwun, put sea tew yea i.?^ ^ ?^ ri ^ '^ ft ^ ' «'''^" """"" hwun huiun, bd hSi/"h jil mai"S, the fountain bubbles without ceasing day or might. See Ihij Keang pek yiiak kcw hwat teung gwftn ^b. ya ^ /L ffe 4^ J^ ' '''^•''"S P^l^' yea'' ''"»'' *".y hwat teung givdn, Ki-ang-pck-yeak, . nine timt"; attacked the centre of China. The same as the above ; a fountain . of water. Cb^ng- kfi pun, ch'hcni; ^ k. gwftn Jfli^jC./i^^;!,^., chS''i e &y kin piin, ch'heng e ijt^ girin t'hauii, correct the root, and purify the fountaHi. , ^Keang gwln 3E ^ the name of a woman,, the mother of the sovereigns the chew ra dynasty. The name of- a city. A black horse with a white belly; a. white horse wounded. A kind of insoc4. l\ JIj^ Careful and kind ; respectful. Gwan ^\ IVp^ TalenLs employed io a bad'Caii«<>. T6 desire, to wish, to--long for, , to Gwan |P ^[ desire anxiously. Kam gwam U' willing, Gwan bflrt choo che clio ^ P^ ~^ ^ ^ ' ai biii/h t'he"a hoo choi iy chi, I desire to hear what is your great aim. See the 3K ^^ Lun ge. 3 » 8tw¥ Gwan X Gwat H6 suy ytrt yim, chSng s6y gwan h6y ^pf ;]^ ^ ii 'If ^ ® "^^ *^""^r*'^^ '""^ '""'' ching aty gwan, when the waters of the river are full, it is just what we desire. !| A kind of vegetable. -^r^ Vnlg. g'dkyh: a moon, a month. Tit 1^1 «oey sip je gwat, gwat sam sip jit ^.<*rt nef^S chap je goij/k, chit goiyh «"fl chap jit, one year contains twelve months and every month thirty days. kedng neP'S, always troubled throughout the year. Keet gwut ^i ffiS ^ the name of a beast, found in the west, which eate incense, and has no hair. Gwat Gwat Gwat The name of a ^lace. To cut off; a punishment consisting in cutting off the legs. «' ""y ''''^«n ^^y ^^M^^. vvcl ^^^MjiK, *«^^'' '"'^ '"'«• '»'* <«* l'hee"S k'kSh twa, how lofty and noble ( is Ge4oii ) '.—Heaven alone is greater ! See the Jh fj§ Se5ng lun. M^ High, dangerous, hazardous, uneasy ; GwAv a^t difficult; a surname. Gwfly kip 1^ y ^^^ ^ in difficolties, in straits. Gwfly jefin hoe an fn,^^.^^, ^^^ J^*" """ 'J^ an, after having been in danger we may enjoy tranquillity. Kii^a gwaj s5w beng ^ )g; ^ fj^, Vh^,"^ kei'^ gv^y heim teSh sBib »ai"S me"a, seeing a danger, we ought to venture our lives. Gwuy \^ Gwuy False, hypocritical. Chok gwQy sim '« 'f^ j^ ^6 ^ , ^''^ P^* '*'*"'• Sim k-w''a teSh bwi, to practice deceit, troubles the mind. Seaou choo bo6 gwuy ''I"* -^ ^ {1§ , »*J' **"" I b6 pSyh ch'hat, infants are no hypocrites. Chiiang gwOy a& $fi a book of or- mj\i ders; a surname, the name of a state. k/(^ Gofi seiik, gwfiy ^ ^ 3^ ^ consti- tuted the three kingdoms of the _^ ^ Sam kok, on whirh that celebrated novel is formed. Gwuy O gwOy. pp[ ^ , assafoetida. H To open the mouth wide, and blow out the breath. Read hay. The warm breath blown otit of the mouth. To laugh out loud. K'hoe ba h4 Q To laugh, the sound of laughing, A split, a crack, a crevice. H4 k'hck a crevice, a cranny . \^ Tofca Ha P]^ Kh< Hi m To kalibo at any one, to bawl out aloud, 'hoe ha H Pjfe , dihiy ha, lo bawl with the mouth. H4 Je j« 6 che, hfing to che jIn hwut sSw ^ ^ ji hoe ling, ki''i he ij/ ling u"' sew, whenever you bawl and scold people in giving them any thing, even a passing strangers on the road side, would not Uke it. See the 'I* ^ Hiy beng. To cover any thing % to cover what is underneath, with anything from above : hence the form of the character. Read hadu : mourning for parents. Tae hadu ^5 yf''. Itci hi, to wear mourn- ing. Ke song wat, y£w baou hok ^ # PI ^ # BR, *'**^ "^ **' *"^^ ed. Choo tae hoo keen che, kae sek je6n ja hae 1^ ;^^^^ ;^/^ Q ^ ifn ^ > ''*'"' '"^ *'"' ^''"""^ e, cho po6 pein sek j6 ke"a hai, ail the great oflScers, on seeing him, universally changed countenance, and were afraid. See the '^ ^ Cho twin. f ^ Minced meat preserved with some liquor. ICf Hey hae gt ^-^ ^ ^n y^„^^ o.f piddle. K'hong choo k'hok choo loe 6 teung tfing, chin soo chija j6 bun koe, wat, hae che e, suy bSng bok hae ^l .J- % ^- ^ ^^^ t^ }^ U 0jin ! ^^^""S <^hod tit k'habu choo loe le teung ting, chew chin soo chei ji mooi"S j/ein koe, king leHh e chd bdh ched^S, su^ ka l&ng lb heel bah ched"S, when Confucius was weeping for Cboa-loet iu the middle hall, he ordered the messenger to be brought in and enquired the circumstances of his death ; who said. They made mince meat of him ; upon which he ordered them to throw away the minc« meat, (prepared for his dinner) not being able to eat of it. Hae \ Hae The sea. Hae wfly pek kok che flng ''IK k'hai"^ Ay ing, the sea is king over the hundred vallies. Hae put y^ng p'ho, e teung kok y6w seng jin hoe b6 k'hi p'ho ne"S, Idn seo^S teung kok k^d woo sing jin, the sea did not raise her waves, hence we thought that perhaps China had produced a sage. Said by a foreign nation, who came from far to seek a sage in China. Readae: an cxclamatioa of surprise and regret. Ae yeft ^ ^, hai yU, an expression of astonishment, very com- mon among the Chinese. A' hoo 5& ^ J finding that ^ ^ , hSng e would not listen to his advice threw the pearly vessel (which had been sent as a present) oin the ground, and drawing his sword, dashed it in pieces, saying. Ae, se choo put cheuk e boS PE ^^ _jC. ^ ^ ^ P^ , *B^, chty liy gin a, ltd kaoii t'hang kap i soo neo"^, psliaw ! this boy is not fit to be consulted with. • Ha^ ^k To draw the breath short and quick; also, the breath. Hag w^,X» A child. Hae j^ ^ ^ , 'h *«"«, a y(^^ youth, a little child. Ha6 tSy che long, ^^^^ boo put te ae k6 ch'hin ^ k^ '^ f , M Pf-; ^n ^ ^ |g , hai liy iy sey ke"d bS u^chae seSh e dy pay boi, every infant and child in 'he arms, knows how to love its parents. See the ~|> j^ nay beng. United^ harmonious, paired. K'him sek Hag ^52;:* ha6 1,6 ^ ^ 1^ |p , k'him ,ek tm hai ho, harps «nd guitars ^ould be harmonious. HAE S05 HAK Hag |-| %^ Kwul haS •§* fl^j a bone, a knuckle, Tr^fi^ a joint. Cheet hae c ch'hwan ;jy'[* 'R^ to break up the bones in order to make a fire. Vnlg. 4y: a shoe, a straw shoe. Yit song hafi — • W S^^ chit sang Ay, a pair of shoes. The same as the above, leather shoes. Vulg. key: a small kind of fish, used in pickles. One of the horary characters. Danger; the same as the following. To injure, to hurt; danger, loss, injury. Sl'ang hae {ji- '-|^j to wound. Le hae Tf.l] ^j dangerous, Hwuy tud bod ek, j6 jew bae'chc ^fe ?^ llHi ji ^eio »^)t Afle f, not only is it of no use, but still n)ore, it is injurious. See ^tf -4-- Beng choo. To disperse, to scatter. A surname. Read ka6, to loose, to solve. To meet suddenly. Hae hue pat k6 jfi hiipy Mi^k'^ SJl nfi '^ , ^"^ *"« b6 Ui t/eakji tSo huey, to meet acciden- tally and without previous agreement. Hae Hae Lazy, idle, indolent. Ilac lac 7» /t's slothful, negligent. Peuk yi-a hwuy hae not idle day nor night. ^■mg^ Hae chae ^ ^ ^ a wild animal, said *■ lo have but one horn. Ch'hoe bQii Ong h"0h:khae-kwan^7j^3rj|J.U{J Hae Ha ac It ^r£ , ch'ho& SjJn Sag ai t& hae p'hSSy Ay kin, " Ch'hoe-bfin-6ng loved to wear a cap made of the skin of this animal." — Called by some an execu- tioner's cap. % Manacles. Ke hae jM h^ ^ artful con- trivances, tricks. K'h^ hae >^ "hjlf , ' implements; weapons, Te bm k'he has che s.e /.;,1 f^ ?.J ^ZWi' t'eoh chae payh tai^ ke k'h^ AyjteS chey, you should know the number of weapons in the hands of the- people, A kind of vegetable; a sort of leek. Hae Hae< ■•^j^^ The face flushed with anger, and the ff lul voice raised, i^ 1*""S 'laE ^ ^^ pang hey, a crab # MO haC ^ ^A^ m6 hey, a hairy crab Pong hae hwfln sin kac kap tJw |W^ M W ^ \^\ ^1' vh P^"^ *^* chmOV tin fhong te kih tew, the crab, over the whole of his body is defended by armour. IT Tn ^Ey* ^^^ ^"°** °^ shortness of breath, or ^/^^ hard breathing; a sigh. Ha"( A cry of pain, a sigh. Hah I7|d> "*'' ''*'' '"^ '"^"" ^^S.^' *^ ^ ^KJw ch'heu, to laugh heartily. TV Hak Vulg. hA: to tic up anything, to bind anything together, H5h tae ^ ;9S hUh IwiL, to bind on one's girdle. The grunting of a pig. HAM 206 HAM Hak m Vulg. Sh: to learn, to receive instruction. Hiik tSns J® '^ a school. Hak & koe hwiln, nae y6w hek ^ jjl^ "g* ^11 Jfj /fe" ^^ oft koi tha &}/ k(t hwith, nae woo sij/ Ik tedh, by studying the instructions of the ancient'3 we may get something. See the rg ^^ Seo^S te. Hak chek sam tae keQng che ^* 0|J ^^ "fr it ^^, two. Bh chek a"a ley king chit yeo"S, with respect to the name of the great school, then all the three dynasties were the same. Hak Hak ^ Ham hak — ' '^ } chit cheSh, a measure ten pecks. Se hak M ^ , sai hak, a necessary, a privy. Lok hak ^t J^ , WA ftafe, to go to stool. A cockle. Ham Ham ^y^ Ham tan "pK sR j l^e na«ne of a place. Stupid, foolish. Ham Ham ^ A great valley; a wide ravine. it Merry with wine, tipsy. Ham t'lieang Si ^ > '''^•"■f"' "''*' wine. Ham ko S sit m 1^ ^ ^ , cAetfft cA" '«"«■ '"A"^ sui"a k'hwai him tang gak kay Ay kwun Bh, to move the great mountain would be easy, but to move the army of the Gak family is dificult. See the iistory of the yt? song dynasty. The noise of a multitude eating and drinking. To eat much, to stuff. Ham Ham Ham The clamaur ef «ne angry; to be angry. The gravy of meat. Ham hae e cheen ^ im i>l M' *"* '^''^"P *^* cfteo"? i lai habiL, to take the gravy of meat and minced meat with its liquor, in order to sacrifice. See the yt ^fe Tae gndy. Ham Ham Ham Ham C\ Ham Ham To eat. Ham sit to eat and devour ^ ham chedh. Ham lam l:dn nd, an olive. To eat without appetite. To call in anger. fligh and hazardous. A dropsical swelling of the lower ex- tremities. KiJak ham Bffi HS k^ha ham, a swelling of the legs. HAM 207 HAM Ham I'l'Ll Covetous, greedy of gain. Mm *'• *> To contain, to include, to inclose, to Ham yC»^^ '"''<' '" the mouth. Paou hSm chae I y '"^y'S'^^^ poou him chae lae, included within any thing. Hftm noe ■^ jfe ^ him liw k'ki, to harbour re- sentment. Him eng choe hwa ^ jt ^ ^ ^ cAeaA «iff eh'hing hwa, to eat flowers and wear blossoms ; applied figuratively to learning and literary pursuits. ^ ^■% All, every one, the whole ; a surname. mm )gj> S^ chek ham he g ^ EE, y -^i « ^M Icong 16 cho poi ae kwui"^, their merits were altogether illustrious. See "f^ "A Seang se. ^ %^ United, harmonious. H4m ho ban bin Ham ^Igb I^ IP ^K' '"^"' *^ '^**"'^ *«« J^V^ 4y pd^A sai"^, united harmony pre- vailing among myriads of people. See the tin Seo''S le. ^ Vulg. keim : saltish, briny. Ham suy To include, to contain ; also armour •>J^* and an armourer. HJtn yOng i^i ^2, to include, to contain within itself. H4m jln wfly k'heung siiang J'" ^ ^^ ||j| f^ 'f^ k, chd chein kih iy ling wilif ke"a seang tiah ling, an armourer's only fear is lest people should be wounded; (which induces him to make hiC armour strong and therefore he is better than an arrow maker whose only anxiety is to make his arrows sharp, that they may wound people ). See the ^ ^ Seang beng. Also writ- ten j^ ham. ^ ^ a To moisten, to soak, as water when Ham ^/^>^^ plentifully collected together. Hak ■ ^4^ chea tong yew yfiw h4ra eng, put k'ho Ham Ham lip teng j6 chin ^^"^^^^MU^ Pf f^ ^ fj]j jII ^ t'hak ig ling leBh yew yew him ing u"' Chang lap ling ji chin, the learner should follow out his subject and get his mind imbued with it, without jumping over the forms and advancing irregularly. Also writtin iS him. Ham: Ham Ham Arm«ur : the same as hftm. To hold anything in the mouth and chew it. An insect that devours melons, or feeds ofl the mulberry. >J^,« To hold in the mouth. H"6 k'hoe h4m Ham /^Hpl* ^-j- |ij , *» *'*"'" "'"■ '^ S<""* |'*'\^ appetite. Kwan hJim 'g' ^ , ku'"t him, a degree in office. M4 k'ha kirn, jln hftm ho6y J^ ^ :^ /\^ ^ ^ J Hy k'ki kirn, ling him biiiy, the horses were deprived of their metal ornaments and the men were ordered to hold the wooden gag in their mouths ( in order to proceed without noise ). See the ~ ^ Sam kok. Ham Ol>Jl| '"■" ^"^ Pfi '^^ '" '""' '""heremlv ; (jJ^ also to be enraged. Ham |ii A bo.\, a casket; some say, a cup. Ham P1k^1nTh he mouth not opened. Ham J/^^V^''^ """" "'""'' '" '^^' *"•' ""' y«' budded. i Displea.sed, to be angry. H5m hwOn Ham *1 JP»Y IfJ 'tS , *" ''^ displeased, to be angry. iVii\ <-"''oo lo« wat, gwiin ke ma, c k'heng HAN kfiw, e pfing yew keung, pe chc je boo ham kdng, pe p'hwil, j6 bo ham hwim, Choo-loe said, I wish to have carriage, horses clothes and light fur-dresses, and enjoy them in common with my friends, when if they are broken and torn I shall not be displeased. See (* -.Si Stiang lun. 208 Mam Vulg. lap, loh k'lii ; to fall in, to sink down, to involve, to entrap. Ham cheng p3 [up lulm k'hai"^, a trap, a pit fall. Ham & choey R^ b^ Hp^ to involve in crime 0: The mince meat of a pie, or tart. Ham H H^^w**^^ Ham seen I H^ I on board of ship an implement used Bffdn ban S5 ¥§ ^ a large face. Stern^ dignified, severe. To look at, to spy, to see. T6 choo wat, ong soo jin han hoo choo j^h choo kdng, ong sad Idng lu6 k'hw"il hoo choo, T6- choo said, the king has sent some one to look at you. Sir ! See the "K j^j. Hay bengi The same as the above, SSng ban ^1? I' f'uE ' ^ man's name, J— Jk Few, seldom, scarce, rare ; also a rabbit Han ^ ^ •"=*• Choo ban gdn le =^- ^jg J^ ^j] ^ I hoo choo hdn til king le, Confucius seldom spoke of gain. Han Han HAN Brave, courageous, bold, violent. Chin suuk kiiing han, lok e chijen toe ^S hong seuk k'htih kHng han, kiii't/ e seo plmh, the manners of the Chin country arc violent and bold, and they take pleasure in fighting. Vulg. huPa bin: to snore in sleep. The milky way. Han teSou yii!' PiB ^ the Hau dynasty. Han jin yffi A , a man of Han, a Chinese, in distinc- tion from a Tartar, who is called bwan jin ^'jS /V a man of Man-chow Tartary. H^o han !/?• vg^ j ho hiin, a good son of Han, a brave fellow. KiJng ban ^Hl "I'ji.s gniijl hitn, a sturdy fellow. A surnantei Dry, dried at the fire or in the sun. H4n ke kan e []^ '}t ]^^ J^, han, e kaok ta, expose it till it is dry. Vulg.. e^g^ leisure, ease, freedom from employment. Seiiou jin bin ke, wiiy putsi=en/)>/^lJ'j;;^0;:^;^€, s'idou jin ing k'hed, hu b'oSi/h cha ho, the worthless man, when dwelling at his ease, will not practice that which is. good. See the -J^ X% Tae hak. Kok kay hln hiiy ^1 ^^ mi IJ^ , a country at leisure. Han m ^5f Still, quiet, retired; also to study, to learn, to practice. Hoe hwuy yew yew ban cheng cbSng ^ jjjj, /^ |^ H iai} Aoe hwuif woo i/iew h&n cheng cheng, the Empress Hwuy, ( the wife Bun-ong ) was retired and still, chaste and tranquil. K'hwut gwan ban 6 soft 15ng J^ JfTj j^ T- gS -^ , k^hwut gwdn hdn sip & kong tea, K'hwutgwin was practiced in rhetoric. HAN 209 HAN Han H3n HSn Hin A white sort of bird, in shape like a wild fowl, with a long tail. To hinder, to obstruct; a boundary, a limit. Tae tek put jS bin, seaou tek ch'hut jip k'ho yea ^s; 1^ ;f^ 3|j hv>"a, til/ tek cVhnl jip ty chb tit, with respect to the great points of virtue, we must not overstep the bou'bdaries, but in minor points we may go in and out at pleasure. See the "|\ ^ Hiy lun. Vulg. kw"d: cold, chilly, frigid. Hin jeet ^ ^ , kw^ijteih, cold and hot, ^>«- a fever and ague. Seang hftn ^^ ^ a cold, «« lake cold. H4n kay J^ ^ ^ a cold family, — a polite expression, when speaking of one's own family. jPt gwit wun hfing yil hftn yit »e y ^ jj. \}[. . ^ S- jit gsii/h wun UfA chit &y hw''i chit ny juib, the sun and moon pursue their revolving motion, and thus produce a season of heat, and a season of cold. See the Sj ^ ^5) Ek hey sod. Han yea k'hek 1«6, tiy tdng ch5w ^ ^^ ^ ^. ^ "ST ^ ' *t»"4 mafS lAng khSyh lai teSh l&y tdng chiw, on a cold night when a guest arrives, lea must be substituted for wine. ^ Jb The low wall round the top of a wall : ' — ■ also, the name of a country, and a I 2 *r* gurnamc. Hftn-bOn-kong a famous literary character. Hin ^ - _ i ^ Vulg. t*"'^ hin, to unstring the bow, and take off the gauntlet. kr|M» The bones of the legs, Ihe shin bone •v^l ■• Tw4n pod tan o, sek che ban Jfe iffn rj I ^l<,%^%tiypoit^'>ai'a. chi kabu k'ha ktcul, a short cloth and a single dress, reaching only to the shin bone. Han Han A black colour of the face. The northern sea, the great desert of Tarlary. Teng llm ban hae ^ B& ^ Vfe ' '''** ched''e pak hai, to as- cend to the northern sea. 3 O HANG 210 >_ % The feathers of a bird ; to guard, to pro- Ha.n l94l^l tect, in which sense it is employed only "l^'O in books. Han lim yeen Ka %h jfe; , ban lim ee"?, the imperial college, or literary institute, in Peking. Hin yim "^n -&" , a fowl. Han Han m Water flowing swirtly ; also dry. 2p. Hail" •■^y»_ Han suy jlM |^ ^ *» sleep. Read hong: to dry anything at the fire. Hong 16 M jjlw , hang 16, a furnace, a fire-place, a portable stove. G6ng hong fi sim ^^ S^u^fj^^ gwA hang le Iwii/, I warmed myself at the fire^ See the /N ^ Seaou gnay. Hang Hang ^ Hang Read hOng : the skate. H6ng g6 "ffi hang hi, the skate fish. Read hong: the name of a hill, now belonging to Cochinchina. To swell J a swelling. Hanc Hang |_^ Hang-chew ^ ij»|| , the name of the yKfl capital district, of the province of |x ^ Cheet-kang. To submit, to surrender, to come over to the opposite party. Teang- ek-tek k'him Gijem-gfin, t'hey che wat, je k'heng hang hoe ? GeSmgan wat, gno chew yew twan t'ho6 cheang kwun, bo6 hing cheang kwun ^ ^ H ^ j^ ^. N: :^ leUh Geim-gin, Chit/ e kdng, U Whing hdng yei bS ? Geim-gin kdng, gwdn &y chew woa toof^ Hang Hang nans HANG t'hiou cheing kwun, b6 h&ng dy cheing kwun, Teo^H-ek-tek seized Geera-gan, and roared at him, saying, will you surrender ? when Geem- gSn replied, in our country we have " lose-head" generals, but no " surrender " generals. ' An instrument of punishment. 1f Yung hang tM j^, to appear openly, not to lie in ambush. H ang Han J Hang Hang Hang * _ A row, a rank. Hftng leet ^ Blj, jf'^^* arranged in a row. H^ng gno 4^ I >J ^ rank and file. Hang soo x-r ^t^ a warehouse, a store. Sip sam hing -f^ nZ ;f-y ^ chap s^a hdng, the thirteen factories or foreign hongs, at Canton. A*\\ A fence in the water, made of stones "^y T *\ or bamboos, in order to catch fish. -i The back part of the neck ; also, T, Cl o""^^*'' ^^^ ^ surname. Ch'ho6 pa ^ ong H-ang-e^l^^jg^^ Hang-e was the despotic king of the Ch'hoe country, — very famous in Chinese story. ^ % ^ A lane, a narrow street in a city, 'V -jt an alley. Yit tan soo, yit p'heiou ^^ yim, chae loe hang — ^h -^ — . d k'hak dy lim, Iwd te loi hdng, with only a basket of rice, and a calabash full of drink, to dwell in a narrow lane. See the _£_ gM Seang lun. The noise of fighting, and wrangling; to contend. Choe e Loe hang ^IJ £^ ;^ j^B Chey kok kap Loi kok SCO p'huh, the Chey country contended with the Loe country. See the _J^ ^ Seang beng. ^.^it Valiant and bold. Choo-loe hang I -^ Choo-loe kong kedng dy yed"S, Ghod- HAOU ^^n HAOU Hani Mang Haou Haou Haou Haou Haou Haou Haou loe appeared valiant and bold. See the p pW Hay lun. A road in a villa^. An earthen vessel, with a, long neck, in which records or money may be inserted ; it being easy to put things in, but diflScuIt to get them out. Haou laou -J^I xfe j g'''^^'> '"rge. A sore throat ; the breath unsettled, and a palpitation of the heart. . % Lofly. Yew kok hat e haou leSou ^X^^ Ital i haou lUou, the dark vallies became suddenly elevated to a lofty height. An enra£;ed tiger. Ham jfl haou hoe „ - il 4P )^i /!'. "'' "'^''''''- ''""" /ril chco"^ aeiB k'hd &y hoi, to roar out aloud, like an enraged tiger. See the y^ ^ Tae gnfty. The noise of a frightened pig. Haou '^ P^- ^' ^'""*'^ enraged. . fc To boajt one's-self strong and firm. -^y^^^ 3v paou haou 6 tiiung kok T^ yj]^ y W^ <;k qp. lb ra, you alone are boast- iug of your strength in the middle country. See the ^ ^ TaC- gnay. —I To boast, to brag. Kfi chc haou haou pl-J^ j56n w'at, koe che jin, koc chc jin ~i£~y A , e dj^ aim cU ka It choo h'hwa, k6ng, kot cha Ay Idng, koi did iy l&ng, Uieir disposi- tions are only bent on boasting, saying, we are as good as the ancients, as good as the aucients. See the TC j^ Hay beng. Haou Xl fL Haou Haou Read hoe .- to roar, to bellow, to make a loud noise. Soo choo pek sew che ong, wQy seaou t'heiing hoe, chek wQy Cheung ch'hciou I'fll ■^ W 1^ ^ 3E- M 'h ffe i^. ^'1 ^ ^ ^ > '"r'^" """' pSyh siw dj/ dng, yin veiy t^y Chdng a haou, chek hoe cheing lAng cKhib, when the lion, wliich is the king of beasts roars on account of a small insect, he becomes the laughing stock of all. An animal found in the north, which is in shape like a; dog, and devours people. Haou Filial piety ,• to be filial. Yew haou -& ;^ ""o habu, to posses.s filial piety. Seen soo hoo bo6 wat haou ^ ^ ^ \^ ^ ^3 gadu hok tae pSy bo& kong hadu, to serve one's parents well is called filial piety. Tcy choo j'ip chek ha6u, ch'hut chek tcy, ^^ f A R'J k^. [tl M '\^> "' " """ """^ jip ttSH woo haou, ch'hut leHh gaiu chd tii ti, young people at home should be filial, and abroad fraternal. See the ^ |^ Scang iQn. Alluring, engaging, pretty. Haou To imitate; a pattern, au example. A/i\r """" ''"''' ^ ii; /"* '^""°'' " '"''^' j-^V^ Kwun cho6 se chek se haou ^ ^ M. f|l| Jl ^ the good man is a rule and a pattern. See the /J^' ^ Seiou gnay. Abo writ- ten ii\i haou. Haou 1* A ^^ Pleased, delighrted, pleasant, happy. E p^^ C sim tok bo6 haou ho6 f^ -j* /^V 1-^^. te ^ i|^ JL le gwi dy tint kw"", k'ham iok tok bi k'hw"a uSh hoi, is it my mind alone, that is destitute of delight? See J^ ^ Seing b5ng. HAP 212 HAT Read hoe : to wait for, to wait upon, to wait, to stay. Buq haou ^^ |^ , to make enquiries after a person's welfare. Soo ho5 g kong k'heng che Ivfln f^J ^ 1^ '2^ ftP ■y P^ soo Afloa ^By \^^V^,^^^ "*"' of a military ^y^\». office, in ancient times. Sect wuy si-ang se hak haou e kaou che ^ ^ hak haou t ka e, they then appointed the minor schools and larger colleges, for the instruction (of the people ). See ^ ^ Beng choo. Haou geem ^ ^ , the fulfilment 'Haou •or accomplishment of anything. Kong )haou ;dl ^h the meritorious results % of endeavors. <( Seen kS soo che sey l^an, jfi hbe k€ haou che se, tek^^f::^)5)r||.frnftS* r fill 'i^ ^"■^ **"^ '''" ^ ^^ *"" ^^ *^^ "*' •'^ iw^ aou k'hw"i e dy haou ge.em ay sky til lioh, first attend to tha .difficult part of a business, and afterwards look ior the results that are to be .obtained from it. Haou Haou To instruct, to teach. To imitate ^ meritori-ous result; accom- plishment. Tuy SCO kS kong haou kong haou, to meditate on the jiieritorious results of one's endeavour*. .>» A curious shell fish, found in the sea. Haou i^ST'^ Haou Ilea, a scoop made of the shell i I . *. f^ of the same. ■k » i \ Hap «^® ''^""^^^ the n«ise of a multi- Hap ^ To unite, to join, to meet together, ^^^^. to agree. Seang hap sH '^ ^ seo hap^ I—* joined together. Hap kae .^ ^^ suitable, agreable to what is right. Hap sim keet lek ^ ,y^ J^ "ij ^ to iunite all hearts and exhaust all energies. Ch'hey choo b6 Jiap -f- ^^ ^,p "D ^"^ ^^"^ M hap, wife and ■> Jg^ KH, m\f > 4jf koo, ji chit mai chae bing j'ein kwhn Chong e, ■when a man exert* his strength for a long time, he one day or another comprehends the subject, and thoroughly understands it. See ihe "^^ Tae hak. A prisoner suddenly making liis escape. Bit hat -j^ j^ J firm, sUong, robust ; not fearful. |.a| % Cunning, artful, clever. Seuk ch'he |i^>" i gat, Chi eh&n i chtng .fu, who is stupid, and irho is clever? Hay X>^ *'■**<''' fS f^ , * frightened, terrified **• appearance. Ong wat, gofl pot jim kO jX hktsok^Q^:^.^,^!^ J ing kdng, gv:a l/By lin e 6y ke'tt hi"i, the king said, I cannot bear to «ee the fear and trepida- tion ( of the animal ). See 'he-Jj^ Seing bwig. ii'i ■6ij i te hay ^.^ ^^^ '■^^ |l|g 0^ ^ > u" fi v>oi9 i » ha;,, not daring to breathe hard, snee«e, or ciouglj.' See the i^ ^ plj Ley Ibey chck. 3 E Hay Hay l<<^ HAy boe A flaw or red spot in a gem. Kin jS Ick hiy ^ ^ g ]g, *< e'iuk k'hi'V My, the most precious gem has its flaws. See the "J^ ^ Cho twan. !^g, a toad. W&b&y boe *°^ @ ^ ^ ^ ' *'"'"' ****"^ '"'** $eo p'hSh, the toads and tadpole* fought together. .^ ,^ To ascend; distant, afar off. Teng h4y Jjly "* b^ § iS » **'^ ^^^^^ "*^ *" Emperor. J"5^^ Sim hoe ac e, h4y put wuy e j|j» ^ ^S ^ iM ^ ti ^ ' "■"■ *"'"• *""" •*** '• chete humi'^, U king, when the heart lores a person, distance is never thought of. See the /j> ^ Seaou gliAy. HSy /^P^ The same a» the above. A male pig, a boar. A shrimp, a prawn; the cWfcr species. jSp» Fog.iwst. H6ng hay ^r p . -i"? "^J'- Hay 55 a redness in the sky. L"'' ha.v <■ •*<•« P>^ 1„.0 chSy hwuy ^ f||!^ UH S ^5$ AA Wy ka^ Koe bo5 eho po"■ Vnlg. iy: b(?1ow, down; unJcrr unjler- neath ; to go doWfi, to des^d: Aho written. "^ Hay. VT ■I ■ j'l .J . • *~ ' . ' *■ Sey oe i scing, boo c so'6 Say, st-y vi c hay, -''■h\i«"^^s3i^ se3,ig ^ 5|^±.#a't t: _•!_ HAYH m^ BE Hay »i twi, tSh li-e hoi ti siy Ujf, win i Un Ay si s^;^ bSh hok lae si twa, that which wc drslike in our superior^ we must not manifest to our' inf»ri *""«■ "•/ fiii key tit pwuy kwdn kay ay s'e^a yim, the male of the wild fowl is flying about and its cry is sometimes loud and sometimes low. See the ^j ^ WSey hong. The summer season; also great. A sur- name; and W" iJiQ , hay ho6, a double surname. Hwa hay aS ^f ^ "the flowery summer," and cboo hay ^^k ^S , "cons- tant summer," are bolh« names for China. the names of the /PJ^ Hay, sgang chew Jg. three early dynasties. II5y seang leik ha 16 g ^ ^^ ^^ *^ > Uy t'hee^S k'hi se6"S leiik ISiik hd lein hwa &y eh&m d, in the summer we may admire the ponds ef the green water lily. A great house. Tae hay, hwuy yit bok twa ch'hoo ii se chit ke ch'hi tiy ey ch'hoTig, a large house is not to be made with a single stick of timber. Hay Hay Hayh Hayh Leisure, opportunity. H&n hay ing ixg, at leisure, at ease. To connect. Kwan hay r3 ^ ^ eon- sequences. 'A. The noise of langhing, the sound of anger. Read heet; to stop, to rest. Heet siiy wK W^ ' ^^^^ Vhwim, to stop, to take rest ; sometimes pronounced hiy*'h. Urn ch'ham boS elan, kan k'hwiij put -beet it ® ^ ^. ilal it ^ ifc , ''^''^•^ "^ '^•'■^™ lew iiy chin, sw"n key svaon liy ii'" hiyh, the grove is ashamed of not haviag grown to per- fection, and the torrent blushes that it cannot stop. Referring to persons who are ever learning, but never arrive at knowledge. ^ ^1 Happiness, good luck, prosperity. Sin he He || |.^y_ T^j" ig ' tfie new year. He soo k© seng /|»pr JSl J -^ ^' *» «»» ** <"'^''^< «" give notice of the accomplishment of anything good. " E he w ^ J unsettled, uncertain. ""i^ He He Delighted, pleased. 'E he pa p.^ , an exclamation of surprise. He k« Sim j'f put s^t ^ ^ /fi 3^ ^ , chei bo long p'dey, there are few that are not lost. Soo he hiiSn, heSn he seng, seng he fheen -^ ^§: Ig 1b. M ^ ^ > '*''* cVh&yh ling bang HE 215 HE He- He ej/gaou, giou Idng bang ey chd singjin, irngjiH hang ejf cWhin cheo"S ftiee"^, the scholar loqk* forwardP to become a philosopher, the philosopher looks for- ward to become a sage, and the sage look* forward to be like Heaven. , I i He He P He ill, appearance of fear; to sob. ^ ' V Dry, dried in the sun. Scarce, rare, few. * The places between the joints of the limbsi A surname. '"t^ » "''^•■' ^ ^ ^ T5i;T '■>'' Ch'huy he ^ p^^ to brcattfe; to' draw the breath fast, is caHed [14? ch'huy ; and to- do- it slowly, is called PJ^ he. 1.-. I,... ^ Hills standing opposite one another, in a dangerous position arc called he£m he. n> He Ka he (jp[ ||j^ , a road orer the bills ; lofty. A great hill ; an old city j. a- market. Hod he j^ ^ J to go to mirkel. Ho To laugh logalher. He he |^ ^ , the sound of sobbing When overcome with grief. Empty, vain, hollow, useless. Put sin jin hc6n, chck kok k'hong he ^ -f^ kwi ga6u iy ling, chek kok k'bang k'hang, when benevolent and clever men are not confided in the country will soon become empty and deserted See the "K ^ Hay beag. He 1^ An exelamatiun of ^surfrisOA^^rct; also written Pp he. He'cE'hi^'hoe' choc ge -T' |l|^ ^ ^ J« he chhea, toe se choe gi,. alas! alas! it is the benevolent animal ( that is- shot ). See the ^ i^ Se^oo l&ra. He ^T""!* To be sorrowful^ to- be grieved. He Hft If 9f The rising, sun. e? To open the eyes wide, and Itook. a* far as possible ; to stare. He T^*l* Great j. also to boast. p 4 Hok he y^ ^^, ^^'^ name of an ancient Emperor, who is said to have flourii^hed about tb« lime of Noah. , ' Me "cog ^'{^j " s^Cf'fif'"' animal. Bod^RSunghesengyea^l^^ uu''S' wc have nothing wherewith to supply the mals^ for «»crifice. See Mic J^ •g^ Si-ang bSng. The light of the son. He i PlTt Bright, large, extensive, eJevated. He He He BSj The sun coming outi and affording genial warmth. A. covetous person, desiring to tat. A groaning from sorrow and pain. Also ^^^ ** S »cremeot. HE £16 fik ^»^ An exclamation of regret. €ho6 wat, He UV^ he, to6 60e che jin, h6 cheuk swin yea :^ 4h , Aoo choo kong, he, tot soe &y Idng M chiak swiit"S yea, Confucius ( speaking of the princes of his time ) said, alas ! men of such contracted views, how can they be sufficient to be reckoned on. See the ~FC ||^ Hay lOn. » To be delighted, to be pleased. Hwan hcWt M- fi^"a hi, to be glad. K6 SA ^ ' ^Q ^t^ ^^ him himjtJen, yew he sek ^ /{?C JlA W^M^'^> ff>d poa him jiin wao *»"« he ay bin sek, they were all delighted, and pleasure beamed from their c«iintenances. See ^ ^ BSng thoo. Go6 ban che he, jS put b5 ^ ^1 ^ ^ ffij T|^ fl^ , fftt»a kabu Che^ e hvii^a he, jt bey k-hwnn, when I heard of it, I was so delighted, that I could not sleep. He He He isS- The name of an insect. To promise, to engage, to bestow, to assent to, to allowjof ; also, Vulg. k'hoi .- |J I a surname. Le wun noc ID. kong. Wing e le he lew kwuy g , k'hi le-kong, lam sum Chuyh ffideu d :^jo, hoe la&A ktcky, old mother Le, was very angry, with her husband Le-kong, for carelessly promising their daugliter to Laou-kwuy inmariage -,, and Laou-kwi^j afterwards became an Emperor. Chek ong h6 che hoi ^|] ^^"^^ , '*«* 6ng It k'ham biityh yin e, would your mgjesty then allow and assent to it? Great. He He He He m H^ ^>^lrl Great words; to enlarge. Cl^k^ Harmonious, gentle; to afford a genial yv>r\ He warmth. He he g^ ^ ^ to walk alone, to be without intimates. Vulg, hwiiy : the lungs. He hoo che g4n HI 1^ /^ p"^ pa* '"« &H «•«. anything ve»y secret ; very intimate discourse. Still, quiet, tranquil. Angry ; to be displeased with. Choo hoS tek ong sey he, j* been kc kong ^ choo hot tiy tek dug iy sey sew k'hi, ji hein e iykong 16, the princes opposed those with whom the king Wan, was displeased, and then reported their deeds. See the ^ ^ Cho twan. _ To laugh. Hengteyputte, hekech'heaou _ ' ^ te fi" chae, hi hi, e iy ehViHd, his bre- thren being ignorant of it, how heartily, he laughed ! See the He The Wme of a tree. oil Wijey hong. -^— ^ To be foolish; some say, to tast, and • ^ To play, to sport, to gambol. He long f^Xi he 1^ )^ /„ ,et plays. Hwan he boo ek /i )|!^ -g ^ , all-play is un- profitable. Kwuy bun che loSy, he j£ put t'han ^ f ^ <^ eheim jc bo fho k'hrcuy, within the female apartmenU, we can' sport without sighing. Seethe || p£ Ley ke. HEA 217 HE^A H^ — .^_ To spy, to look at. Pok k'hoe he peen f^y\_^ A'Au)"i tan pe^^, the northern robbers are overlooking our borders. and g^ hi. Roaring drunk, furiously drunk, to be enraged when in liquor. Hd 6ng TO] ^ ^ mad drunk « also written ffig hd and g^ hd. make a present of food. Soo gfi e yung he ^ 'l iS^ ^ || , .»<> •ang- yung hi, Ihe master of the ceremonies presented the food, cooked and prepared. See the ^ |® Chew l«y. He m To exert strength ; also firM and »trong. To breathe, to blow on anything, to make it warm. Read gC, fish. Po5 gC Afi ft ^ KSh W, •^^ ^bf '" •^*''^'* ^'h. Yi-en hwfly J^y iheen, iki\ g^J-keyecnf ^J^^^^ej^ "X iHrt » '■*^''<"' P«"'i' *"*" Chee^Jhi U6 If geen, the birds fly up to Heaven, aad the fishes sport in the deep. Read je, the ear. J* khung '^. "^ ^ he k'kang, the hole of the ear. Je bfln '^^l put j6 bik keia If P^ ;f; ^p g ^ ^ A« k'hang t'hi^a a'" tat leSk bale chew k'hw"i, hearing with the ear, is not to good as seeing with the eye. 2}i. Hea Boots, high leathern show ; also written IH; hea. P'h6 tea ^ |^ ^ fhSej, hea, leathern boots. Hea JtK|J A. spoon, or ladle. HaoQ hea ^ the shell of a fish XRead wa, a tile. Wa chwan kea ehui'V, %\\e$ and bricks. Hay k'hwun god pe chok wa ^ S 3Et SJ f^ % , '■"•" '*'"'" k'hwun go£ se chi hea, K'hwun-goc, of the Hay dynasty, invented tiles^.' '(B. C. 210O.) '^d U»H ^ g "^ Rett wOy w4 s't ^ ^ ;^ ^ , A-e« chd m cfChod, Kiiet was the first who built tiled houses. (B. C. 1756). % ^f Read gi, an ant a pismire. Ch'be to Hea U?^r teng yew, p6 kwuy been s6y J^ jK -^^ ^ ife ii ^ ^li ;IC ,-- <■*'** fAaou £ ;^ -?• ^ ^ , ''" » ^J' *«"" ^J' *^""' 402 « chi boi, he took hit elder brother's daughter and married her to him. See the J^. lim Seang iBn. ■^^y^^ ^ fragrance that n»ay be perceived Hii^a ^3k** ***' °^* ' distant smell. S6 chek '■'''Pl*^ hwuy heang, hdng tek wfly heang «e AS"fl, ft^itff tek tek tok he"a, eoru and grain are not fragrant, respleodent virtue aloo« is fragrant. See Uie ^ ^ Sco"? sc. He^a ^ly^^f^ Read heang, a disease of the nose. Read heang, to open out, to go to Ht^a \y^ I * distance from, to give a wide hirth. Hcing k'hac jpt l3 ^ W"a k-hwuif, to desert, to reject. T'heen hay bc&ng dug, se hoe ch6o tek che sun s » HEANG 218 HEANG t'hee^ ay &9 *«"A ing, k'hv)"a hoe choo seang iy teic k'nih sAn ting yU VhlDi p'tiwi pai^S, the people's deserting from or reverting to a standard, may be observed to be according to the purity or faultiness of the ruling inonaVch; j , JA Read hfing, to feaf, to be ajarmed, to be in trepidatiou. Keng h6ng ^ ll^ fc^Ka *«"/!, to be affrighted, to tremble. .(Uii'I -^ -'^ H6ng k'heung bo6 6 ff. f>§ fE £ , ''^"'' ''^"^ bo sitiih, to be incessantly ^afr?id . * %M^ Read gnae: a' kind of grass or moss He^a "^ used in cauterizing; tinder. H^d vegetable production, used for tinder. ,: .U ,P« chha6 gnaS hey^J; $^ i^ , " '^"^ 1^ be"a, he is gone to gather tinder. See the =|p ^ 1^ Se ong hong.ii ;„l ^ *_j»-i» Read gek, the forehead. Leflng gek ^Vljri the dragon forehead lord; a title He&h li' Heak .■?i„ ,. !. ?rfe to joke, and plaj tricte with any one. S^en he heak %_ ^j._ He heak .Tiailj l>^ ^tyi& h^y' P'^' "^y Seak h6y ^ .; .ao'./^ >F ^ ^ 'l^ . ^'*''" «^''''" '*^^'^ ^^ ""^' fi" r/iang- ftoe e cho chin cftj;"^, thos? who are fond of sport, must not let it cppe to serious reality. See the '^ ^ W'oly hong. ih a falling star. ■A, He^k : fri.i .'I ■i'>ri!:l-;ii Xulg. p'htaig: fragi p'hang, kirn long tin btng, a well arranged government is So fragrant that it even influ- See the "" mm seo ences the gods in its favour. Seal's se. Seaou heang te^m cheuk '^ ^ 1^ j^ ^ heo"S teim chek, to burn incense and light candles ( in worship ), Sea hiiang ^ ^ ^ed heo»S, ""^k. Teng beng ~T ^ teng heo"S, cloves. I > Heang 16 ^|J ^ heo"S li, a village, HeanjJ^Wll »«"»«*'■? P'^'=''- HHangtongbik j8 ^7\^|^ ch'he.^Pt^^P^,'.-". li b6 ch'hin cheats woo huiy, in the villages nothing is so much respected as age. See the ± i Seang bSng. , ; Heang j in yira chew, teing chea ch'hut, soo ch'hute^Alk-iP.tttl*J^tH ^ , heo^S U &y Idng tit lint cMw, kaou keSh kwae ty ling eVhut, Idn ch'hSd ey cVhtit, whea drinking wine among villagers, upon seeing the old people walking with sticks, go out, then we ^-iikksi may also depart. See the ±^^ Seang lOn. ^IsM^ ;raBl, scented, aro- matic -, vulg. hi»''S: incense. Che te heng heaffg, k'airi ^''^In bfing, IJeang Heang Heatig Pine fat cattle ; the fat of fed beasts -, fat; suet. Vuig. he" a: a disease of the nose ; ' foul breath. Haou heang ^^, materials used ; in a sacrifice ; to offer a sacrifice. Heang To sound, to resound, to echo. Ch'heung heang ^ ^ , eVheng tdn, the cannon's roar. Lfly being ® ^ J '^y '^''' *''* thunder rolls. i.;A(«' Hg/,ng che boo seng, jfi 6ng che te heng .hod »e"a, ch'hin chedng ye^d dy ti bing hing, ' ' the echo depends on the sound, as the shadow displays the substance. HEANG 219 HEAOU Heang Hean^ Heang To drink wine. Yit leaou heang che — ' ?fl ^P /Z. ■* '^'"' ^ ntHt/"!' chae p ^ x;hellfi e, to drink it out in one moi'ning. See the j\% 5^ Seadu gnfty. To enjoy, to receive, to sacrifice ; to Heang hok ^|§, *" enjoy happiness. Soo che chno chey, pek s!n heang che ^p v' "^ ^'^ ^^f i.> *"* * rhod chiy >od p&yh tin chew heang e , if you set him to^ireslde, at a sacrifice, all the gods will enjoy it. See ^ ^ Beng choo. ul twill ; hni', ^. ^ Vulg. W''^' towafSs, opposite; a^ |rtl foretime. Heiog la« jp]^* I >Jf hitherto; a surname. Soy he&ng soo chin ^ (p] ^ ^ ^ he^ tae, hok sai chin, to go towards the west and serve the Chin country. See '^e |^ ^j ^ Chcto ' kok ch'hek. i Heang H^ng m The same as the preceding. Heang Formerly, aforeHme-, loroc time ago, just now. The same as Ip] hcing. Ileing ye&, god hieia t hoo cho6 j«b«n..^p^.s£^^^-.jfn5.^ kn pi long ti gwi ke^S h»o choi, ji moofS ti iy too, some time ago, I waited upon Con-: fucius, and enquired rosprcling knowledge.' See the "|T ^|^ Hay iQn. Past time, not long ago, the pefidd; of youth » also, clear. ■,^|« '< To offer, to offier up in sacrifice ; to present up to a suj^rior. To present, to offer u^. Taxes. Heang kwan Wfl '3*^ heing Air"*' a tazgathcrer. Kd hi;4og i kiits My A, to be subject to duties^ ^'''' ' Yew tdng chod e se jeuk heang /h §■ -5- J^ ^ 1^ ll»I . *""" *** **"" *'*" »*^* " **•« Mh lai shng, there was a young lad, who brought millet and flesh to present it. See the Jl^ Seang beng. Heang Heaou Pained and grieved. Heaou heng ^ j^ lucky, acciden- tal ; by mere chance. Kwun choo ke e e soo beng, seaou jin h£ng hSem, e heaou h5ng, ^ ^ J^ j^ ^ ^ k''hia ti i pafS i^ m:uy i ling hadu me"a, tt&6u jin ki'i te heim hei iy to chai t tit tiSh heaou king, the good roan rests contented with plain and easy things, waiting for his fate; but the worthless character Tentures into dangerous placet, in order to seek bis luck. See the fh ^ Teung yflng. To iavite, to incite, to call, to request; to detain. K£ piiey heiiou Wnp P'^' i^ 4^ ^ RJ^ ^ ■ ki^h k'ht chiw piiey ck'he"d bing giifi/h. trt elevate the wine cup aod toast the clear iiioun. Soo soe jin heaou che t loe ^ »4- A -fefr 21 }f^ ^ '"^ '"'^^ ^'^ hSaou chih e te lor, he sent some people to stop him on the road ^ ••" J: S Seang bfn^ J ;^ y^ HJiaou je^n pig^^ void and im- Meaou P'Tf * tiwri'^e, the wide expaaie, of bonnd- y^ less space. Heaou Jill; Heaou '.■<» ,ij-ii- # To pillage, to borrow other's ideas and make them out own, to prac- tice plagiarism. Oi hi.; ^^^ naroe of a sUr. Ch'he heaou ^^ ^^ a bird of prey, a kite or hawk. Ch'he heaou ch'he '*'^*^ heaou, k6 ch'h6 gno choo, bo6 h^iiygno sit £111 fEl'^liE IX ^^. fe ^ -Oc ^> '''''"' **""" '^*'** heaou, kijein wdo fhui/h gwd dy ke"d am thang I'hedh gwd Ay ch'hod, oh thou ravenous bird ! thou ravenous bird! since you have taken my young one, do not destroy my dwelling. See the ^ ]^ Pin hong. Heaou Heaou /OH Proud, arrogant. as. Heaou Heaou An unlucky bird, with four wings and a dog's tail ; also to cut ofiF 1p^3f" the head, and expose it in order to terrify others. The same as ^ heaou. Heaou s£w ^ ^ ^ to expose any one's head on a pole. The same as the above. Also writ- ten heaou. », A good horse ; also military and ^.^dl courageous. Heaou '"'* ^ J^ j MMlyM hSaou biy, a good horse. Heaou Heaou The same as heaou. To declare aloud, to vociferate j also contented, (elf satisfied, well pleased. Jin te che ek heaou heaou, jin put te ek heaou heaou ^ ^iO Z ^^ % ^. A ^ An yfp iM. iM. if people know us, we must be satisfied, and if men do not know us, we must still be content. See the ~|^, ^ Hay beng. Heaou Heaou Heaou Heaou Heaou Heaou no fl^ jfljij waving in the wind ; pliant and lissom. A young wolf. A fabulous evil bird; an unfilial bird ; also to expose any one's head on a pole; courageous. Heaou sew se cheung _^ ^ /)> ^ ^ *«"<"* t'haiu kak, hoe chiting Idng k^hw^d, to expose the head on a pole, in the sight of every body. % ^ To understand; to perceive clearly, 1.1+5 to comprehend, to know; bright, •^ VI. clear. Gno put heaou tek ^ ]^ R^ "j^ gwd bey hedou til, I cannot understand it. He4ou gwat cheaou ko log [|^ j^ ^^ ^^' bing giiiyh cheb kw&n iy ladu, the clear mouu illumines the high gallery. Beng heaou 0H [j^ ^ to understand clearly; also tomorrow morning, ■•^^-*' Indecent, abandoned, wborish. -TV Hegh Heem Heem HeSh hegh ch'hea6u p^ pjg ^ Heik heih cKKeb, to laugh heartily. A kind of spade. A- That which the mind approves of and delights in, to desire. HE bi^M 221 HEEN Heem Heem Heem Heem Heem Heem Heem Ht'im Sweet, both in. taste and sn'.etl. The giain hurt by too much manure. ^^^ A sliovel. H"6 heem i^ ^, haiy heem, a fire-shovel. (^ J» Hazardous, dangerous, impenetrable. i-JT?-* Heem hae [^ ^^ dangerous. Ong J^^^ kong seet heem, e sew ki kok heim hae ty muy, k chew e iy kok, the kings and rulers established dangerous passes, in order the better, to defend their country. See the J, ^ rm keng. A long nosed dog. He6m wun ^ ^fr ^ another name for the northern Tartars. To ruo awa]^ to drive anything away. Hegm [9 Read ham : to bawl. Hat bam Vm, '"''^^ heim, to bawl out aloud. Ham gn«w^i|i^ hiim go6, to drive cattle. To have doubts of| to dislike, to disapprove, to be disgusted with. Liy chea, sey i teng ch'hin soe, kwat heg.gSyei|«^^;rJ[^)fe|g^.^ j^ ±rfp W , '^S/ '"^ '^ '^y ^ '^"^ '^A ch'hin sey, kviat toot"S hiim gt, proper ceremonies are the means by which we fix the distinctions between near and distant relatives, and decide on what Heen Heen win Heen Heen Heen yfv isi doubtful and disgusting. See the K'hi-uk ley. Heem TtTI Beautiful, fine. A carriage used by a great oSBccr ; a carriage box, a curtain of a carriage. To lift up the low roof of a house, in order to admit light. Se heen ^S wf , ^ school, a place of learning, a double surname. To lift up with the hands; to raise up. To elevate gently-, to raise up lightly. ^fc'^^ Ne&ou been gfi yeak pi '^ §& 1^ 1 'y ^ , chUou heen k'hi, hi tit led, the birds gently rise, and the fishes leap. ^^ A kind of vegetable, that grows in the water.. To display, to manifest, to shew clearly. Hijin t^ ffi ^ ^ to illus- trate. Heen choe eng chong || f fl ^' ^ . to set forth one's ancestors, and glorify one's forefathers; P'be he£ii chae bfln 6ng bo£, p'he sin chao boo 6ngleeta5il^pti^.£;^^ ^ ^£ ^{^ } '«£■» I'hang hein btng chae bUn 6ng iy kwuy hot, tica iy tgo tvidchae bod tng dy ehtag reel, how greatly illustrious were the plans of Bfln-Ong, and how eminently were they carried on by the zeal of Bo6-6ng ! Sec the fo| IS Sed"S ,e. To lament incessantly; also to pro- claim. To look at anything distinctly ; to see clearly : to stare. Hesn. Heem Heen 3 B HEEN 223 HEEN Heen Heen Heen A small kind of cockle. LSw chin h^O tarn he6n ;|l] ^ ^ |^ H ^ ladu chin ai ch'eih hein, L6w-cbin ■was fond of cockles, A spy. ^ The name of a hill, in ^ ^^ , seang LUtl y^"?- There was in the ^ chin xLu dynasty, a man of the name of ■^ jjfi' y^ng hoe, who on ascending this hill, and witnessing the picturesque scenery around him, shed tears, saying. Choo yew e tew, pi-en yew ch'hoo hijen san ^ ;^ ^ '^ fE W |l 1/ JiB Ml choo woo t'hee"S ley, peen woo chit/ Uy hein aw"a, as long as the universe has stood, this hill has been here; he therefore set up a tablet, which has been called, the Tuy luy paS i\b Ttfi i'shed tear tablet." Heen Heen Heen fl' The coarser parts of grain after it has been pounded into meal. fSyt Fat- a'so a" involunUry motion of JPl the muscles. To reprove, to contend with. l-j'ii ■;;Uu To offer up, to preserft, fi isend in; also wise and clever men. Hiien sew kaoueh-hok|)^|)Jl^^^*«^» chiw m tap seo Icaou p'hoey, to present wine and answer Ihe compliment, in mutual exchange one with another. See the /]> ^ Scaou gnay. Heen chey #)( ^S to offer up a sacrifice. Bun been put cheuk koe yea % UK 4"* Ml i-k J|/ ch'hSyh kwd gaSu Idng bu kaon tiy yein hoi, it is becpjuse.^he.bopks and elever men of that period were not sufficient. See the JQ Siiang lun. Heen Heen Heen Heen Heen The peak of a hill. Sek chek chae hiJen, hew kang chae gwan Wm HlJ k'hi cheJc fe sw^a cheem, kohVahiai, chek te pai"S gw&n, { in our rambles) when we ascend, we get upon the peak of the hill, and when we descend again, we come into the plains. See the -^^ ^ Tae gnay. »^ ^ An iron pan, smoothly finished at the l^j It bottom, without the broken knob or /n3^H protuberance, usually found at the bottom of all cast metal pans. Ke been |;^ ^j a valuable pan, formerly sent as a present from one state to another. See the ^-^ Cho twan. A last for stretching; $ho^ iipon ; also written i^ heen. Variegated colours, the ornamental, colouring of pictures, Soe 5 wQy been hay ^y.^|'&J>^,p2f^* ley i cho hUn ch'hai, the white ground is in- tended for laying the coilouiiing on. See the Jl 111) s^^"s '»"• A rule, a patlern, a magistrate. Hiien tafi ^ ^ an open chair, 'inwhith j yV^ high oflScers are accustomed to ride. Bun.boQ s6 heen^ p^ -^ 'y^ , Mn ong boo ong se chbhwattoey Bfln-ongand Bod-Sng,t- terns (for after ages). Seethe j^^ 'Tae gnay. Heen :ife Heen Heen To deliberate on doiibtfiil judicial cases. ' '■-'.' Anger, wrath, in0t'.t)(^d on one object ; the ejes wandering. The string of a piusical iBslrumcnt; ^ a stringed instrument7>f malic. Choo *V^— che boo seng, bfin liVfin ko^ che sen j^ flay iQu. Heen Heen ^■y * The ear of an iron pan, the handle \.^^^ l>y which to lift it up. > J^.,^ To boast of one's self, to vaunt one's own yr/^'l^ praises. Choo hijen |^ ^f, to brag. I -J Hc6n Ic put cheog, hiiSn soo put sin it^J^fJ-fc/filf, a bragging HeSn Heen H een Heen He en Uitittn. woman is never modest, and a boasting scholar is not to be believed. %PlPj>. To hang, to suspend. Hc;«n k'hw4 y VVJ> hcCn |g ^f jg] 1^ , ch-kin chad's t'hadu Id leaou Ay Ung, ( it would be a deliverance) like loosing one hanged up by the heels with his head downwards. See the V" 3: Scaqg beng. yEm'^^ '^" connect, to draw, to lead, to sus- iT^TT^ pend. The same as the above. f'R-r% Vulg. gttdu: virtnoos and clever, in- ; ^^S' telligent, skilful. Hc«njln^^.; Ji i giott fdng, a (ihilosophcr. Sing hc6u ^p H ' "*£«■* "id "'se men. Hefin chae huiy yc4 >f ^ [hJ "tfe , f^""" '^^<"' chit) l(y hSfy, how <;l(Sver is this Hofly. Sec the JhJi kiart '^rfly tf?«n cha* 'fSr j^ '("ff ^ y}" , jtk kw'a lok 'tok gaOii ling Ay thai teaou, the talents of clever men alone are equal to sustain the %ritfKt ot Mee. See iiie^f^^Sid"S ,r. Difficult. T" display, to manifest, to appear, to be prenenl. Ueeu kipi rfj ^ |(, p present linae. , JJJjca„eb*B.jB ;A at present. '' rti ij i : *^J-^ Hiien ch'huc M^^,-''^"S ch'hae. ;i kind vf vegetable, the *"hi«ranlhu> alt-raceus. HEE NG 29A HEEP Heen £ ■ .- f To appear in the presence of, to watt upon, to have an audience. Cheflng chEa hi-Bn che ^ :^ ^ ;^^ tHj/ Ay tdng hoe e ket"^, the followers (of Confucius) 'admitted him into the sage's presepce. See '"''tte±f^Sea„glOn^^ _^ "Heen k« je choo yeea ^ ^ H ^ ^. ^'''*""' e no &JI ke''d hoe e kei"S, he then brought out his two sons, and introduced thera to him. I See the 'F» = eA^ Heela Heen Heen Hay lun. .V^ f-^ff Vulg. hee"S : an ink stone, used by the Chinese for rubbing the ink upon. Koe hiien bS t'hap che bek to "j^' s^^ i^ fc'AK'Ht d k'heSh bak chej/, an old ink stone with only a small hollow place \n it, collects uOiuch ink. Vulg. kwan: a district, a country, a department. Chin se hong peng t'hijen hay, hwiiy hong keen, se che kwun heEn ^ ^ ^ # % T- if ^t ^ Mx 4l\ SR ^?^ , '^'''" *'^ *""«• P^''S t'hee"^ *"i'> hwAy bo hong kein &y wui/, k'hi Chaou ch'hdng, kwAn kwan, the first Emperor of the Chin dynasty united the Empire under one head, and did away with the independant possessions; from which time departments and districts began to be formed. See the ^ |^ So6 ke. The sun shining out clear ; fair wea- ther. "E swat p'heaou p'heaou, keen heen wat seaou ppj § J^ (^ M. ng p j ,\^ , ISko sHyh p'heaou p'heaou, keb^S ju cKhut chew kong seaou, when the snow has fal- len and drifted along, on the appearance of the sun it melts. t Hee^S P T? The sound of groaning ; or crying. Hee^g Hee^S •^T^y-^ An exclamation of disapprobation, Heeng -^ rTL ff^J^* and abhorrence. Keung hefin S S^ ^ keung hei"^, a bow-string. Khim heen M ^, k'him hee"S, the string of a harp or guitar. Siin cbok gnoe hefin, e ko 14m hong 4^ 'ft k'him, t ch'heing kwa tdm hong. Sun made a five-slringcd harp, in order the sing of the sou- thern wind. See the t& '=P Ley ke. HcSn chong confectionary. iig 1^1^. I^i"^ Chang, a kind of HppTie: r*^Sl ^ whizzing through the nose. Hee«g Read been: an ink-stone. Che, pit, bek, heen, bttn p6ng sod p6 i^ ^^ bak, hee"S bUn pdng si p6, paper, pencils, ink, and ink stone, are the four precious things of the literary chamber. A. Heap Heap Heep Low, mean ; beautiful ; also written '^heep. ire advancing near, and blazing pwards . ^^y^ Read cho6: a magnet. Chofl sek i2bA>> ?^ ^ > lieep chehh, a loadstone. K^^ Cho6 sek yin t'heet, 6 kim put leen t'heih, long kim b6 s£o swi, the loadstone draws the iron, but now they are not near together '. Said by il'.O sil W/ MJ^ > ^htn stparatcil from his brethren. HEfep 235 HEET Heep Heep Heep Heep Heap ^ t Jk— Jira heep &^ -Wj to form a parly, and Xt^§^ collect partizans by favours shewn. 9^ V. Hd heep ^ ^ ^ undaunted, and disinterested. ' Jf HwaS heep ijJ^ ik to-hold:to in one's inind,.to adhere to. Heep tfi .^ f^, to bold under the arm,, to squeeze, to grasp. Kd hgep 900 ho6 ^ ^ ^ HIj , kairu gwjj^fc sd &!f chie^, having grasped' the four arrow«. See the -^ ^ Tae gnay. Put heep tijang, put hi-ep kwuy ^ Jj^ ^^ ^ kwiiy, not to adhere to one's superiority, nor to stick pertinaciously to. one's owa nobility. See ■^ Jj- Beng choo4 *. Vulg. ii/h: narrow,, contracted, not wide. Bo6 choo kong e hiiep jin ^ ttto, e cKhing&t/h ling, do not extend. yourself, in order to straighten others. See the ||,j ^^ Sed"S ,f. Sin ke^n k6 s6y tfi chea beep, j6 sey yijuk chca ^^S, g'f'i k'hu!"d e »iy g'tm li iy iljfh,ji $iy ai biiij/h &y chhea, I perceive that, that which be adheres to is contracted, and that which he desires extravagant. /^▼fc^ Strong, violent. The some as T? Ick. M Hccp li^ '^ JhP harmonious, united. Tdng yin beep kcung [P) || ^ *^^ ling cM kvi^a hifp hd keung king, to be bafmonious and respectful with one's brother officers. Heep tJi^: same as the above; also written beep and SS^ beep. Heep Heep Ffeanful, alanned ; tcv t«rrify one l>ji violence. The ribs,. Cho yew leang beep yfe "jfr ^^ > to ch'hiw cheH ch'hew na &g heep kwut, the two rows of ribs, on the right and left. Teflng je ko cb6, bfln kfi pe6n heep, yeu'k kwan k^chongli^i^fJlJ^^f^,^ 1^ ^ ^ , leUng Ji koig cM kok, Ung fhi'>a ewto teo stei heep, chew biityh k'hw''ie dy j/eo"^, when Teflng-je passed through- the Chd counlry Ihey heard that bis ribs were connected and wished, to look, at his appearance. Also writ- ten ^ beep. Heep Heet Heet Heet I jk United, harmonious \ also to soak in-- >y/^Ate. to imbibe, to diffuse. Hiiep pe kg • O "n ^ ii: ^ (5i^, •«" hap e dy kiyk peih Ming, to be harmonious, with one's neigh- bours. Hdng yin kbep heep ^ .f,^ ^, hong Uy ty yin keep heep le sim, to have a sense of the Imperial kindnesi imbued in^ the mind. M Vulg. »o*>»: blood. Heetk'hg h6 ^ A ^ Sf jfll ijit >(^ i^ , '"A"^ '^"S mw^d yid, hijiyh la6u che"d kdng, the slaughtered people ullcd the waste, and the blood flowed like a river. Hiiettok try. the name of a coun- A dog with a short nose.. 3 B HEK MkK Ueet Heet To draw, to pull, to drag; also any- thing broken asunder. f Vulg. hiiyh, and hhy^h : to slop, to ^ rest, to cease. Heet teem ^ J^, Hek k'he, chlw thing e iy peng, the king gave vent to his anger, and immediately drew out his army. See the /^^ 5^ Seaou gnay. A surname. Heet Heet Heet ± Hek Hek hliy"h teim, an inn, a resting plax:e, Yit sit seang chfin, 5^^i^i?^:|,^f, ffi^ ^ sing kong tna sei"^, I'ellh site it/ ling ktvUh he i, in the third year of Sfng-kong, they took, the prisoners and cut off their ears. Hek Hek To decapitate prisoners taken in war. The threshold of the door. Lip put teung bfln, hfing put Ic hek "Jf ^ mooi"S tang e^S, ke"i 1/6 iih teSh moafS teng, in standing he would not stop in the middle of the door way; and in walking, he would not tread on the threshold. Said of Confucius, in the h* Hek hijn Wr a/ a proclamation, a paper annoupcing anything tOi^the peo- I pie. Han ko choc e c hek tin t'ht-cn hdn ko choi I'ho cheaOti mo iy hek Mn, tin teaiiu ^m Seiing lOn. Hek Hek Hek Hek t'hee^S ay iy peng, Han.ko-cho6 made use of a proclamation with a feather in it (to denote speed) in order to summon all the soldiers in the Empire. The name of a tree. % % To take a general survey, to inspect, to ^KA examine. Chong hek b6ng sit j^ ]^ 1-^ ^ ^ , A-'Ad khim e iy m«''d ,e"a, kap e ay cheak sit, to examine whether a thing is merely nominal, or real. To examine the rights of a judicial case. 'An hek ^ ^ ^ to enquire into the merits of a case. Hek chong ^ ^ , an indictment, • brief. To examine an affair, in order to know the rights of it. H6 6 hek choo ■fel" <•, how shall we enquire into the business. Hek si't Wi ^ > *" '"^''''ga'c the truth. *y^^ A. club, ar polei an implement used in husbandry. Hek /o« ' Hek "Main favour. Hek chiiey 6 t'heen, >|.^p- l.6o ^cy to yea ^ ^^ j^ =^M. ^jj" i|I0 ^ , h'rk chiey f fhee"S 1,6 Uy iy ki li lit, when one offends against IJeavcn, there is no plead- ing for hira. See the J; |i^ Seing Ian. A scolding epithet for a female^ slave ; is ]& hek. A conjurer, a wizard ; a witch is called AIA boA, and a wizard $§ hek. .; .( iKspitled by the .J- • M ^flJ ' Stony ground ; good so' ' niultitnde of stones in it. Hek ]^)^^To:Xite, to ^^|Mir^'^«»"» man's name. HENG 228 H^JNG Hek 2p. Heng Heng Heng Heng The noise of teariog cloth. A city ditch; a moat rf>und the walls of a city. ^6 the name of a bushy Pervious, thoroughly pervading ; a lucky meeting; success. Vulg. he"a: an elder brother; a su- perior, an elder in years. Soo hae che liiey, kae heng tey yija PH jm- ^ 1^ -^ ^ 1^ ^ , s^ fta<5 tfy lae, chd po6 se he"a te, all within the four seas are our brethren. Ch'hut chek soo kong k'heng, jip chek soo hoo hengH}aiJf:4^J|t.AI'J*^£^ Mhut chek h'ok sue kong k'heng, jip chek hok sae pay he^a, abroad we must be obedient to officers and nobles, and at home to fathers and elder brethren. See the Jr =&■ Seang lun.. ^W»k^ Vulg. hSi^a: fragrant, aromatic send- ing forth a fragrance to a distance. Soowdy loe sit, wfly goS tek heng p''hitd. ch'hoQ, iok tok gwd &y lek p^hang, this is indeed a vulgar dwelling, but my viitue is fragrant enough. Read heungt the bceast. Heung _ ^- teung chSng, chek bo6 choo le&ou I^M yeen, heung teung pijt cheng chek bog choo mo yeen '^ l|j IE ^ij §^ ^ heng tang e"S che''d chek bak ang a kwm"^ ; heng tang e"*' u"" cAe"4 chek bak ang d dm, when a maa's breast is honest and upright, the pupil ^ Heng of his eye will be clear; but if be is not honest at heart, the pupil of his eye will be dim. See the "jjT ^ Hay beng. To be enraged, to be displeased. Kan & kS kwnn j€ put t'hdng, chek noe heng heng jeSn been 6 kfi been Pj i^ it ^ t"d e At/ Jin kwun, ji s" «'A«"« chek tew k^hi hing hing ty yeo^S hein te e Ay bin sek, when these people reprove their princes and are not listened to, then wrath is strougly depicted in their countenances. See the J" "S^ Seang beng. # Heng Heng Heng Heng Heng Straight. The sound of danger: to speak with an angry tone. m Pleased, delighted, elevated with joy. Tok y6w ch'heng ch'hew jit, l^ng ^ ^ soo ko heng chin ^ ^^ -^ ^ B • Bt "^ ^ ^ ^ ' t'okwuo ch'heng ch'hew iy jit, gy sai ko hm chin, there is nothing better than a pure autumn's day, in. which we can carry to the utmost our elevated enjoyments. A swelling and pain; an inflammation. Form,, substance, appearance. H^ng ■^^ t'hfiy 1^ ^^, form and substance. Ch'hoo w&y s6ng 6 teung hfing 6 goey iH^li WL^ ^■^fS^,chiysek6ng k'ib chin chi}"d te tang e"^, chew hing hein te gwa btPy this is what is called, really existing within, and exhibiting its form without. See the 4^ SS, Tae bak. H]^NG 229 ^|1NG , Heng To punish, to inflict puuishmeot; an example, a pattern, a ru^e. Hfing hwat fffl §jj ^ punishment. H6ng leuk "JJl] ^, capital punishment. Kwun choo e chiiet geuk te heng ^ -^ J^ ifr i^^ $^ 5f'l ' *"""' ''*'"' ^ p'huPh titan geuk' an a cKhing Mng hwat, the good man after deciding bn criminal cises, in6icts punishment. See the ^ ^ Yekh keng. Heng ke 6 bo6 hfing ^l] J^ j5|^ M ^p) , hing hwat ling, yH lit ki bang b6 king hwal, by pu- nishing, we still hope to render punishment unnecessary. See the ^ ^ Seo"^ te. H6ng poe TO] ^jj ^ the board of punishments. Hen- >^^ A rule, a pattern; also, to complete. Hfing san ^ ^| > »he name of a district. To punish crime; also a pattern; and, to complete; the same as Ifil h6ng. A_^^ Vulg. ke'A: to walk, to go, to travel ; Henff y^* 1^ to practice, to dv- H6ng loc jTV I J ^ ' **"" '''^' '•''*"*^*'- S6j hdng filr jf? «i^ fce"4, actions, conduct. Choo loe hfing fi kofi '^^'^ \^^ > choo loe ke"i l^hi kap i king, Choo-loc went to inform him of it. See the "|\ ^^ Hay Ifln. Yung che chek hfing J]] ;^ ^ij ff , botgh yung c chek te"d, if any will employ us, then we go to them. See the t" gs Siiang iQn. Hfing y r The same as Jg hfing. Heng A mould for casting metal, all moulds madeofcurlh, arc called fB] hfiog, those of wood are jcailed 2i| boi-, and those of metal are called hfing m_ ^ , an example. hwan. Teen ■* A. grinding stone. To jim jeak sin "/| ^ M\^ io lae cVhin cheo^ sin bwii le eheSh, the knife is as sharp as if it had been '"'- he*ly set on the grind-stone. Hfing A pot for soup or broth. scales, steel- ■• 'In J^^^k Kwan hfing Heng ^ijH'T yards, a balance; also, even. A 1^'% J surname. Kw&Q hfing k'hen^.ti;u4g kwan hing cVhin k'hin tang, the balances shew the lightness and heaviness of things. Hfing J|y Genls worn on the back. Hfing VPftiy A fragratjl' kind of graas. ' 1_%^ Constant, perpetual. Hfing sira ij>i^ Hfing j^y j|j» ^ a constant mind. Put ht-ng kfi • tek, hck sin kfi sew |^ (g 1 1 4^ ^ ^ ^ M ' ~ ""■ *^^ 'f "»•«• "t ''i' "'"• hfng, hek ihVi ttk 't' i^ ' iHaou liy^^^tim roan is dot consUnt in bi^ Virtue, he may And it suc- ceeded l|y di,«gricc. H^ng *»g Hfinf Hfini m supposed to be caught up ipto the moon. Vulgi Aio''/if acro&s, athwart. Ch'heun^ hfing i^ 1^^ Chin hw''i, things laid across at right angles.. The cross beam of a house.- vioiiM ; S I HENd' 230 HENG' mm iletig Hens. I AJfc Cooked meat. ^yn? Read heung : male, the male of birds. Heroic, brave. The appellation of a military officer.. Read hwan : to pay, to refund, to give back. Hw^n chae :« ^J htngehey, to pay debts. Kim se put hw4n, hoe se pit hwan -^ ii: Pfi p', ^^ tti; i>t 5g > to'w si fi"" Mng, aou si feUk king, if. jou don't pay your debts in this life, you' must pay them in the next. The appearance of walking. Hgng- t.aa^ The Moon increasing, and appruach- Ft ing the full, i.« called h6ng. JSji't "* che seng, j6 gwat che hSng -^P Q }^ ^ ^P ^ ^ '\B,ehianchSi''SjitAyk'hi, ch^hin ched"S gbiyh &y twa, like the rising sun, and the waxing moon. See the /{^ |tt Seaou gnkj. HSng Heng Heng The name of a country ; also a sur- oame< To hope, to expect, gracious, favoura- ble> fortunate, happy. A surname. T'heen hay heng slm» kok k.ay heng Sim ^ -|^ ^ :^. g ^ ^ Ig. , fhee^S i.y y'id hd kok kay yea h6, the whole Empire TTOuld then be happy, and the country fortunate. Put heng tgung che yit heng yga ^X^ ■^p at "V ;^ ^ , a™ Ad tang eng dy cMt dy ho, one lucky circumstance in the midsi of misfor- tune. J %- Heaou heng -jW /^ lucky, accidental ^t <'^- by mere chance. Seaou jin h6ng " I heem 6 heaou heng /J> A 'fT P^ seaou jin ke''d heim hae dy wtty 6 Heng # Heng Heng Heng Heng Heng Heng heaou heng, the ■worthless character ventures into danger, with the hope of accidental advantage. See the pfa ^ Tijung yOng. To accompany, to go in company with any one. Ko6 chea choo ho6 ch'he boo jin, chek tdng seng je jin hEng che ^ f- 1^ ^ ^^ ^ ;^. |,J ^ 1&^ yK"^^, *<"^ '^*'' ^y '^^00 hoe ch'hwa koojin, chek tdng sa\"S no Idng sea p'hw^a e, when the princes among the ancients, went to bring home their newly married ladies, two persons of the same family name accompanied them. To meet with an early death, is called 3^ ^? , put heng, unlucky. <«JL» An almoud-tree. Heng jtn ^ T^^ yrj^^ ■ almonds. Yit che hdng heng ch'hut I-* ch'heing lag — ^ |r ^ fl^ J^ ^ chil ke dng heng rh'htU ch'heu''S lai, a branch of red almond blossoms topping over the wall. ^ -mtm P'hin heng pp A't , actions, conduct, Jr ' I behaviour. G^n teung sin, heng tok V >f keng, suy bSn bek che pang, h€ng e;^-^fT jfe king ima teung sin, siy ke"i lok king, suy jSin l&n bek dy so chae yed ey keni, when a man's conversation is failhful and sincere and his actions truly respectful, he may safely travel even to barbarous countries. See the T\ gJB Hay liin. *^3^^ Heng ch'ae ^5 S a kind of vegeta- j^' I ble, commonly used in cooking. To speak angrily. Heng lit ^ i§* to speak bluntly. \^f^ Read hcjen : a culinary vegetable. Heen ch'hae W ^ heng ch'hai, the amaranthus oieraceus, Z. HEO NG 23} HBUK ^ He^g He^S Read hong : a place, a di^ric't. Yeak hong ^& "Tj j/fffc he"Sy a medica- ment, Hoo boe chae, put wan ySw, yfiw pit yew hong toe te at u'" t'hang hwul''S vhil Cho no ChU Cko pit woo he"S> while our parents are still living, we should not wander far, and if we wander, we must always, have a settled place. See the Read hong : a village, a hamlet. Read hong : uncultivated, waste, un- fruitful, barren, sterile, when grain is unproductive, or fruit trees do not bear, it is called hong '& kt"?. Ke hong ^ ^^ ko fte"S', dearth and famine. The sound of displeasure t out upon it ! fie. Kwaa h6ng jlS ^^,kwan W'S'.apass, a barrier. The whistling of the wiai ; the sound, of wrath i a cry by which birds and beasts ftre called. Read yiJep : a leaf, the leaves of trees. L6 yeep ^ Ij^, laou heSh, the siri leaf used by the asiatics, in chew-- ing with Iheir iietel nut. Che Voi yee'p boe Jsj^ ^ ^ ^ , ke keen koit heSh boi tiotig, tkc branches were firm and tho leaves luxuriant. Read hcang : fragrant ; incense. HwOn -^ hiSang ^' ^ , tea hio^, to burn incense. Yit che heang t'ho£ k£w t'heen >^ ^ ^ ^ Heovtg ■fl^ ^ > chit ke heo'^ Chaou kaiu,'^ nee^' one stick of incense will diffuse its fragrance ' I through the nine Heavens. ..a,^ Read) heang : a country district. Heaog ' _g^ , Aeo''S" «, a village. Five JIP le families constitute a 1ST lin, neigh- bourhood ; five neighbourhoods constitute a EB 16, hamlet; four hamlets constitute a '^^ chok, clan; five alaos constitute a %k t6ng, village; five viliai^es constitute a JWchew, a large village; and five larger villages constitute a hcang ^ heo"S> a. district; Thus 12,500 families com. prise one country district See the Han che. v-^-| Je ch' |m itu, I 'ho6 fj^ jlj^j an Aid"? sai'^' is i The husk of corn, chaff*. A. Heuk Vulg. ch'he: to feed, to nourish, to ^_ bring up. Hiiuk seng ^ A^^ t'haou |2^ lai"?, a brute, a domestic animal. Y4ng hoo bo6, heuk ch'hey. cho6 ^ ^ -FH- ■^ ^ ■?*' 3'arents, and. feed one's wife and children. Heuk To coilrcf, to hoard up. Chck hinik _ 1^ ^^, to accumulate. Heuk click \3E| jelou to ^111^^, k-heih leih chJn chlj/, to accumulate in great abundance. Heuk To nourish, to feed ; the same as hijuk. Put gno leng heuk, hnan e ® ."6 way s6w J.^^ttfM.K W -i^ l^Mi> ''^^ '" <"*'*« ff""*. *«"*" * g""i cfto kite iiw, you can not support me, but, on the contrary you hold me for an enemy. See the J[^P ^ Poey hong. HEUNGi 2$%^ HEUNG Heuk Heuk Heuk Heuk Heuk Heuk Heuk A' '>gMF,' a hoUo«i rtee]Aatille for water. ^ The appearance of the rising sun, / ^^^ k'ht loo too i fciom"S',. at th^ rising of the sun, it.thei) begins to shine. • I1■>^|!(1U T'l^jl-Jll O/ll ; fioiltllliod }^k ■■■ -:::! i:. -'' ■ 1 ,! ■ > .,1 ]^-«rY To urge on td eStekion, to encourage. : i :. v,^;!-! ;,?, !,, ., Fragrant breath, .an aromatic fla vour. Literary, elegant. Chew, ka.* 6 jS tae heuk heuk hoe bfln chae, IS cfteto k'hw"d. 6 no t'edou fey, chin chae sAy e &y Mn cKhat, the Chew dynasty observed the two former dynasties, and thus rendered elegant the literature of those times. See the P. p|tf /.'i Seang lun. A surname. V i Xiterary, ornameiited. Hetik heuK ^ ^ luxuriant and full. • "■■■ y -ini-. Heung Heuk Heuk ^.1 :^ Heung Ens heuk the name of a fruit. Warm, internally hot. Unlucky, unfortunate. Heung teaou pft ^l» an unlucky, omen. Kit :heung h6 hok, ± ]^ |^ ||, ho bai, U hieanhokk'hh, good add. bad^Jqfiki misery and happiness. .^ i i-MM Vi ' ' Heung ok l^li -^ J *««»? p'ha^i, vicious in the extreme. Heung sin Ht' S» a murderer : also called. Heung sew ^ -^ a murderous hand. Te heung p6 ch'hiien kpe |^^^ -^ "^^ fi /Chi heung p'Ka^i i po vh'heng koi, to exter- minate the vicious in order to testify our gra- .i'lil/il jilt. ■.■;:: .,;.,•, 1- , I ... ■/■ titude to all antiquity . ,T)l>(lii« til li \i:::: .-, ,, -r ; . Mill ■<•<« Heung- He eung (Hp4ing,np6 ^ "yNL, ""e name of a Tartar race, on the north-west of China. jfy^k Vulg. heng: the breast. Heung hwac n m 1^ ^ 1^ heung. the bosom ; also written 'fteung 16 jg sip pat sdw '^ ^ J^. -f* /\ ^^ "' neng k'ham k'hh'"^ j& chap piyh situ, " in his breast "" ""is included the whole twenty-eightconstellations." '.'■" 'Intimating an extensive acquaintance with astro- nomy. The same as the preceding. To be alarmed. Tek bong e yfew lut aou tit bang d sod yea ke^d, ke'^i, since dismissal from office, my thoughts in my f37 4^ Heung dreams have been jtroubled. Saiiil Jiy Han je.. ff^^ r. •." ' . , To accuse; the voice of a multitude. T'heen hay heung hijung, be te seuk t'hce'"S ay heung kiung, boey ^hae che chUy a k'Mh teSh, the Empire is all in confusion, so that we do not know which is right. t^ Heung 1^ The bursting forth of water; the violence of a stream. 1?^ Heunffl f^xi The noise of a multitude. HEW 233 HEW Heung Heun 2P Hew To go, to make haste. The male of birds; also brave, heroic. Eng heflng j^ ^ ^ a hero. T'heen hay chc heung kok, jea T^ ~T> ^ ii^ M 111 > ''***"^ "* **"* *^"^ '^•'' *"''' **"* most valiant sUte in the Empire. Heung le & hwuy ^ ^ "J" ^ , tanff^J' «'A^ key tit pwutf, the cock of the wild fowl was flying about. ^' Hew Elegant, beautiful -, also, to stop, to cease. Hew chhcy ^ ^ ^ heel boi, to divorce a wife. Hew g4n yk. ^ j u"" lai kong, don't mention it! Sit ban se bod keang che hew ^F ^ JO^ ^}t Bg ^ /|f ^ «•/ tan, ti bS Chang >«'&h Ay ho, it is trulj an excellence not to be limited by myriads of ages. Pek kong hew ]^ X f^ , " cessation of all labour. E' t'heen ley tflng hew ^^^\^ ^^ > *"'' i'hee"^ ley chi jido itcHh, to last ax long as Heaven and Earth. Secret protection, an invisible influence n one's favour. Hew Hew p Hoo hew ^yf\, ''"^ "■•"« "^ " '"■^•'' also written 4^ ^ hoo hew, the negative particle ^ put, is also read hew, in poetry as. Be te cbiJQng kira k'hc, tong liew j6 ch'ho6 hew Cheung tong kirn k'hi, IBSh kSh an niy sai"^ yei bd, we cannot tell whether, from our present departure, we shall ever be again thus, or not. To bother, to dun. Yit ch4y j!n hoo [V chc, cheuiig ch'ho6 jIn hew che — ' * Hew ehil Ay cMy kok Ay lAng ki e, ji cheung ch'hot kok Ay Idng hew e, " if only one man of Chfiy were to be teaching him ( the language of that country, ) and all the men of Ch'ho£, were to be bothering him (with another tongue,") then though you should beat the lad every day to make him speak the language of Ch€y, he would not be able tu do it. See ^[ -^ Beng choo. P€ hew ^ |7r a ferocious wild beast, like a leopard. Hew Hew ifiw ' m the name of a bird. ^wy-^ emuluraent; happiness; harmony. Hew ^ Vulg. mc"a: rotten, decayed. H6w hok i;7j -Ji^ , nv^a ch'hd, rotten wood. Cha6 t tiw ch'him, cho6 wat, biw hok pnt k'bo teaou yi;4, ^ -j* ^ ^ "f k'htciin, hoo choo king, nKi"a ch'hd bd Chang teaou Whek, Chae-e was sleeping at mid-day, when Con- fucius said, rotten wood! that cannot be engraved on. See the Hew JSfy fS. LOn ek. Anything rotten, and falling into decay .- on the south of the Ch'hoe countr> there is a ^> K^^ ycSmjIn, nation, wliose parents and relations when dead are lefl, t6w kfi jeuk ^ ^ ^ , nir"* e Ay bih, till their flesh rols, «hcn it is thrown away, and tlu- bones arc buried. Fallen down. Ilin h6w jBl ^\> , lo raise that which is fallen down. To sniell anything with the nose. / HEY 234 HEY H^wP To inhale an effluvia. Sam hew j6 chok "^' ^- [flJ f f- *"° kwiiy hiw e ay be, chew Ic'he, he ( Confucius) thrice inhal- ed the effluvia, and then rose up to go away. ll .:m i' . - A. ■ ' ' ' See the. J =Kn Seang lun. Also vulg. eh'habu, stinkiiis- Hew Hew Hey Hey Roasted rice or wheat. Hew ijl j^ ^ dry provisions for a journey. Again. Hew hwat /^ -/Tj" , k'ah wdh, to live again; Ihc resurrection. Ch'heng hew die, kiiaiig je hoe k'ho 'jj -iti^ ^ rj^ |[]j fl^ Hj" , ch'he"d Mill e, /fei)"S; pa^^/i naj"», j'^en a»K I'hang, he begged that he would fry it again; when, after some urging he consented. See the l^ "£ Seaflg beng. at' Tlife'' rolling of the eyes; the eyes moving. Vinegar. Hey ch'hoe ^, vinegar, ffll JUj pickle. Seuk wuy ht seng ko tit, (IZJjJUy^ bek k'hit hey yijen, k'hit choo ke liu j^-he|itj||^At^i:.^i:H. tl ^ % f^ iln 1^ ;t ^ ^*^ ^""^ " "'"' '^ seng ko teaou lit, woo ling k'hit cKhae, e Whe k'hit kap e dy ch'hoo pee"S idng, jc hoe c, who will say that B8-seng-ko is an honest man?— When one came begging for vinegar, he begged some of his neighbour, and gave it to him (in his own name). See the Q |^ Seiing lun. •^ •* Deep eyes, wicked eyes; also, the eyes JJ^y p i M I * deeply sunk in the head. E' bok hey HjZ, jin ]/) \-\ [I [t /\^ ^ rA(i bak chew hiy l&ftg, to look savagely at any one. Hey jeon Igng se ^: ^k ^^ ffl,*"* cVhim yea ey k'hw^h, to be able to see notwithstanding the eyes being deeply sunk the in head. Hey c To hold or contain any thing. One of the radicals. 2P HCy Hfiy •_^- The name of a barbarous country, on ^ jr\ the north-east of China. Se hd l:^W h6y hoe -tj^ fpj ^ ^f:^ ^ cUy ,e t^a me&"h h£y kdou, what dog of a barbarian is this? ^^^ To expect, to wait for, to be in expec- 'jf^^ tation of. Hfiy gno hoe, hoe laS ke 1^ sue, % -J^J^)^^ }): #, '-"^ haou gwdn dy Jin kwun, jin Icwun lat chew kSh chae u'kh, let us wait for our prince ; when our prince comes, there will be a revival. See tlie ^ ^^ ^ Se kensj. HCy »:►> A small by-path, a cross-way. San HSy Hfiy W^ keng Che hfiy \UUZU^ '""" ^TJr^, king dy sty loe cross-wajs about hill roads. See ^ -]"- Beng: choo. . Vulg kw"a, to carry in the hand, to "T>J^£ hold in the hand ; also to separate. *^r^| Hgy sew tong kwuy J^ ^ |ii] ^, k'han ck'hiw eho poi tooi"^, to hold one another's hands and return. See the ^ |^ Kok hong. ChiJaoH bfiy & I6y \^ ]^ \/\ || , rheo U sw"d dy Idng e Uy soi, to collect those who are dis- persed, by propriety. See the ^ ^ Cho twan. The same as the above. Hev '^iii |^ W^- kw'"a nd, to carry a hand-hasket; Also written jfflj hSy. iA piece of land, fifty acres in extent. H6y teen |l|j: C[j ^ a large tract of m land. Heep keen I'heem ch'heaou, peng 6 hay hey ^ jji ff^ f< '^''^] 'M 1 ^ ■ ""*" "'''^ ''■'■"■?'■*'«'«• seep sey j6 ch'heo, chiy Uy k'hdh ch'hdm & hiy Chee^^S dy ch'hdn, to see people shrug up the slioulders, and to come with a flattering smile, is more insupportable to me, than the open fields in a hot summer's day. See Ibe, J;^ ^ Seang beng. > HEY 235 HIM Hey Hey Why ? where fore ? Also, a slave, a servant. A surname. Chiiu hey put wuy cheng soo u"» chu ching sou, why do not you (speaking to Confucius) undertake to manage the affairs of government. See the |- =^ Siiaug lun. Le ho seaou hfiy noe pijey koc kiiii long, ge sey tek se. U>6 King teung ^^ ^^' /J^ ^ -^ ^^ tig &j/ si chd gim a, k'ha cheUh aou ggi chit dg koO dy kirn lung, loi t'e'uh siy tit Ay se, chew heel te long teung, Le-ho, in his youlh was a servant, when he carried ou his back an old embroidered bag, and whatever niel with, that he could get at, be used lo Uirow them into his bag. A'^V An expletive, used at the end of sentences f\ '1 poetry. Lflni hong che liwun hCy, s^ k'h6 6 ka£ gofi bin che wiln hfiy f^ 11 Z 1 'i' p] ft M S- K ±. tl ^ ' l&m hong Ay p'hang, I'hang lad kiw gtcan pSyh jal"? £y liu'dn 16, the soiilhrrn wind which is so aromatic, will serve to dissipate the anxiety of my people. Sec '^ ij^ Silo ko, Uie ode of Sun. Hey 1^' line, a thread ; a genealogical line. To connect together. ^fej*. To connect together, to hand down in HeV TjtS^ conlinuancc. II<;y liiem iD,* -^ to ^jS think of incessantly. Sd hey W l^ sucessive generations; a line of genealogy. ^ To connect, to continue! to bind « also Hey /I .2^ '" ""^ ' '" '"''""S '"• '^"'"' ''^y ^3 IjI^ /^ consequences, results, that which belongs to an aflair. Pwal hEy \^^^a. sacrifice offered with ihc view of averting calamities. i hey ifc W: ^ a kind of hairy crab ; HBi, jLj-t. Bold, firm, undaunted v also written ^ Hey ~>C '^ ''^y> ^"'' pronounced ge. Cheng choo y^.y^t wat, soo put k'ho e put bfing hay IT -r- u. :^ 'f- ''J* u 4> '}u nk, '^^^ choo king, I'hak ch'hdyh lung a'" t'hang bo hong hey, Cheng-cho6 said, a scholar should not l>e otherwise than niaiCDanimous and bold. Hi. ^ To rejoice, tt) be glad. Him he ft^ -g- , pleased, delighted. Ki him him je6n,ewh£sekJ;fl|f;;^;^^^ .&. \^l , tai kay liim him j'ein woo kv^a hi ay bin tek, they would all appear delighted, and joy would beam from their countenances. See ~^ ^X. Beng choo. m Rejoiced, delighted; the name of a Him ^IYa d'sl'''tl! also written 'jfr him. Keang • J'V. gwfln ki-en k? Jiti chek, simhimje6n wit, yi-nk cbiien che -^. jj^ 1,^ JJ J^ j(^^ 'IJ^ '\}f 9.^, \!l' ^'X 'ik Z. , **'"'ff ^"'^•^ *■*«''''» kei"^ Itti Idng dy chiSh, chew mot Atc"a Aim Jein )no''a hi, ai biilyh IHh », Kcang-gwAn on seeing the footsteps of a large sized man, was picaacd and delighted to her very heart, and desired to set her foot on it (.which doing, she conceived, and bare )p ^ hoe chek.) rt |CL Very carl; "'"' P/T i. about ly in the morning, when the sua to rise. % % The enjoyment which (he gods derive Him "iLi>>* ff""> «acritices; also lo desire. Him OA swan -g^ ^^: , to delight in, to enjoy. %^^ Ti) be pleased, to he delighted ; the Him S W^ same as ™ Him, Ch«:ung lin him H^ I Jefln, lok j6 l.flng t'heen hay i^ ^ hi, t'henng lok ji bey ki l'hec"S hay dy soo, to be HIN 336 HIP Him Him Him all one's life delighted, and in one's joy to forget j ^ the whole world. See the "p ^ Hiy beng. . jjj^j To roast, the violence of fire ; heat. Htm Him Hin To be earnestly desirous of; seeing a loJ^ thing, new and splendid, and longing "' after it; ardour of mind. A man's name. Lew him ^ij ^i a man oi tlie ^ han dynasty. *^-*> A bear. Jin hlra J\^ "^^ ^ Mng him, CI \^ , a baboon 4 a surname. GS gno s6y ^ ^ V ^ yijuk yea, h!m cheang ek gno sey yeuk ijl higma sii/ ai, him cheo"^ yea gwd siy ai, fish is what I am fond of; and bear's palm is also what I am fond of. See ^ ^ Beng choo. ^ To shut the -mouth, to be mute, unwil- M^Kd^ ling to speak. Hira k'hoe put kam -j^ hew gan ^ p ;f; g^;(^ ^, hkp tKhiiy a'" k^d koh king, to shut the mouth, and not dare to speak again. ^/^^ To do, perform ; to begin, to com- pP|^_ mence operations ; to suceed, to pros- ^ ^ per. Hin ong S| fli , to prosper. Hin soo ^ ^ , to raise troops. Hin k'he P| |E , *" commence, to arise. T'hong boo e jln, hin yea put yeen, keet tew e po bong yeahwut yi-en V^ ^ pJt ^ R "til ||j 1. Ifl UVX^-^ % ^^ M ', ''"-g *"» ltS"& Jin, chew e Ay hin pin yeen, keel tew ke"d ^b chew e iy b6 yU hwut yeen, T'hong and Boo practised benevolence, thus Uieir prosperity was rapVd ; KiJet and T£w practised oppression, thus their ruin was also sudden. M A burn or scald on the skin ; a swelling. Hin Hin Hin Hin * JCjgM To besmear, to rub with blood ; a \^^£Z cause of quarrel ; a crime. Sat ch'he :::^P^ yewjehlnkoe^^^^iffj^U^, fhai ch'he yiw jS bw&h kSe, he killed Ch'he-y€w, and snteared the drum with his Mood. iv**^^ To be pleased. Bin wat .M. 'tjl^ pleas- yinl ed, delighted with. Seng bin j6 jew ^ ""^ hin chin chek hwan BS ^ rjjj ^a WJ^ ^ B]] ~\^ sing hin wat chew k'hi Chit Che Wn chin chew tmi"^, we should take advantage ■of a merry humour, to go on pleasure rambles, and when our merry humour is exhausted, we can return home. Head heSn: a dizziness of the head; to be giddy. T'hoe hiidn ^ g^, Chaiu kak hin, a swimming in the head. Hefin ch'hwan Pi )|^ , •>'" '^hQn, sea-sickness. Kara hefin chit, put yijuk ch'hut hong ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ lH %,' '^""' hindypai^S u^ k"d ch'hut hong, having got a dizziness of the head. 1 do not dare to g^) out in the wind. . Read hwun : to be enraged at, to bate. n*fcA Hwun oe 'I»^ ^ > ''»« o^. *" a'''""'- I V^ Hwun seang keen che bwan e <[>^ ;jig, B -y nfe ^ , hin seo kee^^ habu hedh mooi"S, it is a pity that we got acquainted with each other so late Ong ch'him e wuy hwu« '^^^X^ '\^, dng ch'him t way hin, the king was greatly dis- pleased about it. ^t Hip * United, harmonious; obedient, compli- >^^^^ ant. Heng tey ke hip, h6 lok ch'he"a he"a le kdbu seo hap, chew hd lok cKhe"d tarn, when brethren are united, harmony and delight mingled with pleasure, prevail. HO 237 H& "'"I "^^^ To collect, to Uke op. JL To draw in the breath, to inhale, to Hip V^^r^ suck in. Hip ch'heng yin che Ifiw hay hw^n &K la&u hdy, to suck in tb.e flowing pearls of the fare clouds. Hip W^^ The appearance of water flawiag rapid- „. ^S^^^.To talk fast. Hip hip chiioo ch'hoo Jh ^P Hip pit Sv ^ hip p'hee''S , to contract Hip ''v''^r* the skin of the nose, to snuff up the *^^^ V nose ;- also to- draw in the breath, to shrivel ap. Hit To take up, to perform. Pit bit Wb , a inan'» name. Q/V Hit n,|^ To ^ook at, to observe. Ho Ho The breast booe. To look, alarmed, to look on with fear. To stab » the cry of pain. ^SrP! Ho sit ^ >^ , nam chikh, to be glut- .>&^^ tonous, to eat to cxce»s \ also, covetous. The sound of blowing out the breathy a whizzing, whistling sound. S %. To pluck up weeds; to eradicate the ' rank grass of the fields. To talk loud and angrily. Be h£ng gSn put siin sun, h6ng choe ch'haiu nae ho Che ni^ -p- :;fc •§ III, ^ |1 1^ 75 f^ ^ ^ *^ ''^"^ ''""^ •** "'" '^-^ ^^' hd sBn, tBul"S choi ch'he"d seaou liy twa »«"« hwSh e, Be-hSog spoke without humility and submission, hence Wui^^-choe was vexed with shame, and sculded him. See the /ff Vjh ^ Hoe han se. Ho Tall grassi long, rank grass. Sit je4 . che ho "^ fff "V* tS ^ chedh yid gwa ll^^ dy li"^ ch'haou, (the deer) eat the long grass in the wilderness. Sec the f|\ ^^ Seaou gnay. Ho Ho To blow out the breath. Ho ho |JpT ppT^ the soond of laughing. Read h"6: good, fine, excellent. H^o jin fcp y^, ho Idng, a good man. Chca siicn kwun che beng, kiietjij kok che lin Ken kwun 6^ bing, ling keel hap na kok &y hd, lelying on the injunctions of our former prince^, we would connect the good understanding of both countries. See the ^^C ^i ^^6 twin. The oame of a countj^, on the north of China.. Why } what } how t wherefore i A surname. HO kod 'ftT i([ ifa too, for what reason ? When confucius cora- flaincd that no one knew him, one of his disciples asked, saying, hd wtty kd bok to cho6 ye4, €hei U, why is it that they do not know you ? See the "p f^ Hay lOn. I Dm ' h6 238 HO H& ^|U H6 leen :^ ^ , the water lily. Sip yrar j.6w ho hwa ijM ^ ^ S , "J'" '^y % J ivdy woo h6 lein hwa, in damp places we find the water lily. m Vf HO A river. Hong ho ^ ^pT wul"^ ho, the yellow river. Jit gwat kong t'heen tek, san hd chong tey ''^ Q H yQ d,y /?/:, siti^a A"_% to felicitate. A surname. Sod hong ^^\ lafi he, ^ ^ ^ , «^ ''^"^ '"^ ho hi, the people from all quarters came to offer their congratulations. HO 239 HNq Ho Ho ^^k^ To carry a, burden, to bear, (o sustain .^\^\ a weight. Yew bo kwuy j6 ko k'hong I >| s5 rhe bOn rhea /^ ^ ^ jfn ]^ ?L y\ ^ r J ^ •" """ '^"^ '"" ''*'*^''«' ^^"S «> j£ kiiey k'hong si &y moof"e, there was a man car- rying a wicker basket, who passed by the door of See the '^i |j^ Hay lOn. The distant expanse of water. Ho Ho HO Ho Ho Ho A white luminous appearance-, also great; also written A^ ho. A mark, a signal, a denomination, to call, to designate. Ho Icng §^ ^ an order, a signal. Joo ho f^ B/li je ho, a mark. Ong ch(:& sew beng c t'hl-en, pit tek be ho e wuy ^ ^j oiff ^1/ lung sew bing i t'hce"^, pit kdn iSh hu dy ho i chb ho, when the royal one* receive the decree from Heaven (to found a dynasty ), they should select an elegant designation, in order to become their distinctive mark. See the ^fc ^jj|^ ^ U Ch'hun ch'hew twan. White, a bright white appearance. 1=)= To respond to any one ; to sing a second part in music. Ch'heing i> ho j6 Pi T # 1^>^' cVAfo"?, It ho, I will sing, and you respond. The vernal Heavens, the appearance of the sky in spring; also, expansive Ho t'hccn ^& ^^ the wide expansive Heavens. Calamity, affliction, misery. Ho hwan IlK) ,^ , trouble, sorrow. Ho hwan kabu Ian hin sin, calamity coming upon one's own person. ^1 Ho The noise made when a boat advances ; the boatman's song. '^ . yg^ Expansive, wide, as the ocean; great. Ho 'J'jfX X magnanimous. Gno seen yang goe ho jefin che khc 3t ^ ^k S ilfe "{^ ^ ^^ , S^i S""" l/io"S ch'he gwd ay ho jein &y k'hi, I am skilful in nourishing up my great and expansive spirit. See ^ 3!. Beng chod. ¥1- .„-, E^ To deceive and cheat one another. I'l. "~~*^^~^ scold. Ho r Ho c: Ho Pj Ho >Tc To contend, to wrangle. Ham ho 5j^ ^ ^ the louad of anger : wrathful clamour. To answer slowly. To bear a burthen ; the same as 3^ ho. H6 -^5nlJ "*'''"0'>'ou»! «he same as In lir. Y^ ^ """■''> a designation; the contracted Ho -/^ form of ^b ho. HcCnsescanggwQv, IV, V/ V^^'' "" "■"' ^- 1 ^ n. yX^ w fig x3e >•'''"?" *'''' "■ '^ '^^ mooi"^. i ho ling ban siii"S, to hang up a proclamation at the city gate, in order to give a signal to all ihi- people. See the ^ |® Chew Uy To talk hastily, and scoldingU. H^O 240 HOE H"o H"6 -^ H"6 To pull up weeds. Long grass; also, ch'heng h"o Pek h^o, 1^ '^ , and heang h"o ^ ^ , all names of medicinal herbs. « Vulg. U : good, excellent, well. Peng h"6 ^ ^, pai"^ W, recovery from sickness; returning health. E-ng e way h»6 jSa ^ Jcl tl !ff tii ^ ^"^ Uoo k cM sea ho, to promote constant friendsh.p and good will. See the ^ j^ Wo5y hang. Vulg. fco^y: fire. K6*hn6|^jK,ft^«' hoijf, to help to put out fire. Jeak H"6»J^ h"6chesejefiu^>A:;^^^' ch-hin cheo"S hoiy &u *'''^ '''"J"" '»''. •'•'e fire begin- ning to burn. A number of people together ; a com- pany. HOq ke ^ |£ , tiSey kby a partner, an associate, a messmate. Cho h"6 ^ ^ ^ cU hiiiy, to be together, to be in company. H"6 n- Vulg. ai: to love, to delight in, to approve of, to consider good. Jin chea ISng h"d jIn, ek ISng put twat Jlu sey'h-d i-^i^j^Kt-^'^^ A 6»r All ^ jin ty Idng ey ai Idng, yU hy bS eh'heo^S pat Idng dy >iy ai, benevolent men can love their fellow men, and can also refrain from seizing that which others love. Chcflng go6 s6y ^"""^^f^^^ eUn gwa $iy ae, to follow that which I myself approve. See the J^. Im Seang lun. H»»'^ p.%M Vulg. hSiy: goods, merchandize, wealth, property. Wd h'^o cha^ j^ ^ ^ , ai hoiy kap chei^S, to be fond of pro- perty and wealth. Le put wuy keen chin kwuy jin wat, kl h"6 k'h» ® le put wHy k'hia^i ked"S chin kwity jin, chew kong, chiy »e ho hiiiy Chang biy. Le-put-wuy, seeing the noble prince of the Chin country ( in bonds) said, This is a good article; 1 can buy it : ( meaning that what money he might expend in assisting the prince would be amply repaid; he accordingly expended his whole fortune in the prince's behalf, and afterwards saw him rise to supreme power. ) Hence thi s has become a proverb. ROo To decrease, to diminish; empty, vain, unproductive. Sd lefen che hong h^o ll ^ ;2, ^ H ' ^"'"^"^ "^^"^ ^n ho yea bak net^^ tang, we should observe whether the season of the year has been fruitful or unproduc- tive, ( when we levy the taxes ). See the _^ ^|J 6ng chd, royal regulations. The finest of the grain; also fine rice. Pd h°d called yi peppermint; pok hd. To call; to breathe out. Ch'heng hoc ^ P^ to name, to applaud. To breathe out the breath is called p^ hoe, and to draw it in ^ k'hip. An exclamation. Oe hoe hat kwuy ^|^ P^ ^ f^ ■> »•*' ' '^''y "<'* return. Yit hoe pek Ink — ' Of- ^ ^ ^ **" "^ *^° c^e"(J p&yh Idng yin e, at one call, a hundred voices answered. Hoe Hoe Is The stripes of a tiger; also one of the radicals. An exclamation of admiration. Oe hoe chiJCn 6ng put b6ng jjj^ ^ ]||) ^ >f> jMi J "* Aae cUng dy 6ng b& bey HOE 241 HOE Jce til, behold! the example of the former- kings is not forgotten. See the -^ M Tae bak. tfSM VV Hoe 'nf-^St TJie name of a riye^, Hoe f$'1J ^o call; the same as Mi hoe. TT Ifli-fc* To be enrageild beasts. Hoe Pe" sooch'hntfiap|^5g{ij^^|ip, ^M ^A hoi kap av^a goi clihut i ap, the tigers and wild oxen broke out of Ihcir cages. IIo* sin A|& ^ra, all). Hoe (in ho* If not; no, not. Beng-chod wat, ho6, ^ put je6n, h"d soo chi;& wfly chc yea 'St ■y' 4^ , Bing-choi king, b&, u™ »e, ai cho toS &y l&ng ch'hong e, Beng-choo said, no, it's not so : people who like to create trouble, have invented the story. Hoe Hoe Hoe 1 il— A bill -without «Dy vegetali|||n -on it, a V^^^% bare mountain. w ^ J The water's edge^ the brink of a river, >y— /t ■o.T lake. Sul scy suy hoe ^ ^ m Hoe ,„T- k'hi in tar, I'hitn chUy gai, he traveilod tenards the west, along the waters edge. ^|*_ An earlhern pot or pan, for holding ^Lf wine, pickles, &c, ' - . Vulg. haoai to bawl out aloud, to ^Jrl ^"^'' *" "^ aloud. Ho6 beng hoe yungyeak^-IK^tgLliii'*''* Hoe IteS *«"« Awda, ^idfif yeak t'hed, the tiger roared aloud, «ad. jumped about; :..; .. Vn^ The nam© pf .(^^^^ in the Seang dy- I'l iv >.;■ lilt . ,..!l Hoe Hoe HoS %■ # " Ho^ to6 M. ^; A»^ toiiB, a bucket for y J*l ■ lading out water, or baling a boat. HoS suy y^ ^ J ' W cWy, to bale Jjf out water. HoO HoS HoC Beautiful, excellent^' a title of rank, VJigm abont equal to eait. Choo ho£ ^k '~^f^ •f^. J the nobles of the Empire. Vulg. kauu, a surname. Kong ho« pek cho6 Ifim /2^ ^ f]& •?■ |^ ' *** degrees of titular rank. The Mme as (he preceding.. }, m. t'^of music. HoS An instriraieiit Vulg. kaOu: a monkey, «n ape". Jin gan. Ch'hoS jIn b'ok hoS j£ kwan jd, kojbfin At^KW^M $e tiy t'haiu An ka$u, kv^ ^, Arm, ko jitn chin J^l Yujg. ni a6u: thctliroat. Ch'hut lap flng IpMjb^ bSng, flng Che ho6 sect ^ j^jj^ ^ '^. 1/ ^ 3E <21 1*!^ ^ » '^^ *"' ^^ ""^ ''•'' *''"*' ling, >e ^S u.y nd aiu ch'hiij/ cheih, they who go abroad bearing the royal c^omniuds, ar$ tbc 'throat and touguc ofthe king. .^I_,,, , ., ; ,^j 3 It M0& S4& '.>:i;o. I — ::A wind vessel, a pot. To6 Jiofi jj^ gg , Ho6 • J Ij a kind of game of chance. Ch'heng m * ' ' ^ chew pek ho6 •jm" ]@ W ^^ *" '- ' ■ cfciio c7ie"4 piyft /io'4 a httndTed pots.of pure wine. Ho« Bladders or air-bags, used to assist in floating on the water. To take up anything out of the- water. Vulg-. o& : i surname^ Hoe H oe Yuig. oi: a lake, a; large sheet of water^ Gnoe ho6 J, '^ , the five lakes. Yew hfing kang ho6 ^ ff ^X ^ ,. i/iw ke"A kattg hoi^ wandering about the rivers and lakes. San ho« J|| jM j- coral. San ho&ch6ng ^™S Wl J|B ^ ^> »«» '•"^ ka.nool"S chdng stti"^, the coral grows in bushes. The name of a beast of the ape species. HOE A wooden bow. ; Ul')tli Chong-chew bang ehd Chpng-chew. dreamed that, he was a Hod k'hoe f^ p ^ to depend on other's for one's food. Also, vulg. ko6, to paste; paste for sticking anylhiflg up. T'hdy hoS S^ Wk, a cormorant, a water fowl, G6 put wuy bong, j6 wuy I'hfiy M fl*" lie"a bang, j& kS"a t'Mj/ ho6, flshes are not so much afraid of nets, as of cormorants. Hog HoS IS ^ ^, afox. Hog ge g, ^, to doubt, to suspect. Ho6 16 jew beet $Bl ffi >^ >r\!> *"* « voo k'hang, the foxes have holes. Hk Hog Hog Hoc ^^i "■' i provisions; that which cannot ea»i- ff-^ ly be swallowed. Hoe Dried rice, prepared for a journey. Nae ko ho6 le^ng ^ ^ f|| ^f , bundle up the dried provisions. The headi of an arrow.; A.prince, a:princess or queen. Hdng hoe J^ J^ J an empress. Hdng t'heen hoe t'hoe ^ ^ & J^j imperial heaven and royal earth. T'han ch'hong b^ng, chok gwih hoe-"^^B^ /ft -jT^ Irt J '"'^ eh'hang me"A, chew iy chb gwin hoe, when a man is greatly intelligent, he may become a supreme ruler.. A character used, at the end of a sen- tence, as a mark of interrogation. Hak jS' $€ sip che, put ek wat hoe i^ M B# ^i t'T^ ^ M % '"^'-J' ^''"^ si wan sip e, S."' y'id hw"a hi hoe, to learn and constantly to. exercise one's self in it, — is it not delightful ? See the _h |^ ^^^"^ '°°- _ Mutual, coiuieoted V differing. Hoe seang, Hoe S hwan h€%\^^:^, fe kay ,eo m^ ' ^ hw^a hi, all mutually delighted. Cold, frozen, congealed. Song swat Hoe ^ Af ''aou hay, ch'hwan tfi p'hok hoE || Hoe Jp* m^TJw^^m^' ng /WDifi ^3 HOE) Uyh haeu lifh, cVhvi'^ U p'ftSk hoe-, whsn the frost and snow come iowa together, the rivers- and ponds become frozen. ' "9""^ • Hoe pt The name of a tree. A door, an inner door. Bdn hoi & moof^ hoe, doors and entrances. SO; Ung ch'hBt put ytm hoe 1^ Qu Hi ^ ^ ^ '^*^ '■*'** ^•f <^'''*'''' *'' "" mooi"S, who can go out, except liy. the door ? See the ±=jSt Seang liin. Hoe ^ Hae hoe iW jB, to meet unexpectedly. Va.,^ To guard, to protect. K^whoe^lj^, JJog *5**'^E *° guard from danger. P6 hoe ^ Xty^. i^ to protect. Hoe woe; chiJing-kwun pi il lit- ft ^ * general_of the guards. T'heen sta hoe wiiey ^ fill ^ '^ , t'liee"^ 'in pi pe, may the gods defend and protect you . The tail ; behind. Ho5 chiiflng M ^^ to folloW' after^ A. surname. Moe Hoe Hoe An instrument. for catching.jQ$h; a book caie. Tae hoe -fs^ yffi the name of the music adopted by the Emperor '& T'hong. A measure, a rule.- Oh'hek hoe F^ J^ a worm that draws ils«lf up, and stretches itself out again. Vulg. aou: behind, after, late, the last, to be behind. A surname. Hoc la* ^^ ^ , """ '"*• afterwards. Tuy hoe ^ ^>^^^ '""* behind. So6 seen te kak hoe te Hoe Hoe HoE ^ 3fe ^ !^ It ^>"' "^ ""^ '*"' ^* '^'^' kak tuy aou chae dy Itng, set those who have come early to the knowledge' of' a thing, to- awaken those who come later to the knowledge of it. Choo-loe cheiing j« ho5 "f* ^ |(^ jj^ ^, Choo-loe Vhin ji lai Wha cheah aou, Choo-loe followed, and came after. Hoe seng chea ^;& ^ ■^ tityaouiai''S dy Idng, y.oung people. ^^ '^-'^*- To cat down the com, to reap the grain. An iron; a caldi'on ; an iron spoon used to stir up a caldron. MaCu-chl-aou put wuy teng hoe, j5 kail Hft ^E /K ^ ^ |ft ifi) i^ J 3Mo«-cA«oo« u"" ke^a ««"« hoi, ji t"^, Ma^u-cheaou did not dread being boiled in the caldron, but faithfully reproved his prince. The same as VhL hoe, to wait. )^ Vulg. kaou t thick, iiot thin, kind, liberal. Hoe IST ^"^ ''«*" P'h* %.^^' *"»" "" X ~J * P'li<>(l/t having a thick ikin to the face, i. c. being unable to blush. P'hok hoe p'hoey tey "j^ M fiji Ml}, k'huHh kaoit p'hSiy tiy, expansive and thick, like the earth. See the rfl ^ TiMing yflng-. Hoe yio IS \fi . kaou yiit, thick, substantial kind- ness. Hoe Hoe Covitout, greedy of gaioi T*ng- boe'^ rSc, Ung kaou, to wait. SS hoc Q^ /|^, $i haSti, time. BOn ho<} 1^ m^, bun hadu, to wait upon, to enquire after. ^^ % P6 hoe nj/ fjrfc ^ protection, favoiK 5 Hoe TIT f^ *" pfotcct. Sew t'heen che ho& ^* HOEY 244 — -A HOEY obtain the fevour of Heaven. See the l\% 5ffi Seaou gnay. ^a^^ Read e : rain. Lok e ^% F|^^ /i>7i hoe, HoS h^l >■ to rain. Yin h^ng e se, p'hin but ^, hwHn ke''d hoe ISh, pliln mee^h Uvi l:e"d, when the clouds travel the rain is dispersed, and all sorts of things are put io. motion. Seethe Sj 2^ Ek keng. 2!p. V u\g. hSey hoo-: ashes; also, vuig. ffteSA A^ ^^ whitewash, to besmear with line. Hoey Che hoey hwuy chok pek hofi tijep M| ^ ^ Tr H IJjfl iff ' chwd Ay hoeg hotf tit pwuy cho pSyh dy hSky yetlh, the ashes of the burnt paper are flying about, like -so many white butterflies. Hoey to^y )||,|Ji|, tired, fagged, knocked up. T'hek pe ch'huy gwiiy, gno ma hoey tii^y P^ ^|^ "^ |^ J|; Ml Jl^ Pn , P^y'^ cheo"^ e kvsAn Hy wiy, g'uia Ay bay toe yea, by mounting up those high places, my horse is fagged out. See the |gl ^ Chew lam. Htiey Hoey l-J^^I Hwae hoey i^^ ^ , to be dilapidated, K to be broken down. Read h^o: fire. K'h6h"6j^ ik, k'hi hoey, to kindle q fire. Sam keng ten^ h"6, gnoe keng Jsey '^ ^ed iSh, goe kai"S t'he"a key VM, at the third watch my study lamp was still burning, and at the fifth watch I heard the cock-crow. Read h"6 : assembled together, as- sociated. HDo key ^ p+j hiiiy ke, an associate, a partner, a male. To repent, to be sorry for, to regret. G4n kw"4 yew, heng kw"a hiiey, lok chae kg teun? e "^ w! -fr' Hoey Hoey ft ku yiu), siy ke^d eheo hwan hiiiy, lok te e iy tang e''S, when with respect to our words, we have few faults, and with reaped to our actions, few regrets; then emolument will be found to centre in this. See the _|^ |^ Seang lun. >^ Dark, not clear, dim, dull. Hong e D 131. jS hoey, key beng.puti ^ p^ jf^ •>! W' H lS 'f* B ^ ''""^ '"'^ '''''*'" ,cheo''S am, key t'hi bo svsah, when the wind and irain prevail and it is as it were dark, then the cocks crow without ceasing. See the ^ jsT Teng hong. \^ f ^ To teach, to instruct. . Hiiey j in put gw- ^'^^'^ ^ A ^ #. ^-^ «"^ *" " "^ seo"S yea, to teach people, without feeling tired. See the J^ |^ Seang lun. Yew, hoey je te che hoe ^ ^ T^ ^H ^ ^' y^w, gwd ka ti chae iy to le. Yew, I will teach you what is knowledge. See the same. ,^^ To wash the face. Ch'heng hiiey PB te J '■'''''e''. [^ (f ^ ■fT- IhI pjf ^ ^]* , ''*«*"^ '^'"^ '« % ^y s^^' yea yim y&ng goe hing, hwat tin tooi"^ IS e iy tang e"ff, the Heavens encircle the earth around, while the male and female principle, with the five elements, revolve in their centre. Ho6y kay [p| ^ ^ tooi"^ J/hi ch'hod, to return home. Also writtea [pj ho€y. To return ; the same a.s the above. Long worms Ln the stomach ; the tape V*I worm. The name of a river; to go against the stream ; clear water. S»i hbfiy cheOng che ^| J'jOl ^' ^^ , **J'* ludu t'kin Cf to follow up mgainst the stream. See the ^ |g Se keng. •QjCT Hofiy hC-ang ^ ^ ^ hoij^ Uso'V, a 1 1^ I fragrant herb. $ HA seang jCp %\ ^ hSty tgo''^, a priest j'w|# of the ie«t of Buddha. Siiem 6ng soo seang, scciu Ic soo bd seang 6ng ch'he ch'heo"^, »eem cha but- ch'he kiiAy •eu"*', the king of Siam feeds elephants, and the women of Siam feed the priesU. J> To meet, to assemble, to unite ; an ^ C\|t^ assembly, a society. Bo6-6ng tae r\ hiicy choo ho6 6 Bcng-chki ^P ^^ ;^ '^ ft fl^ T ^ ^ ' Bo'i-'Jnff twa hviy choo hoi IS Beng-cbin, Bo6-0ng convened a great assembly of the princes of the Empire at Beng- chio. See the EP "=? Soo kd. Hoey Hbey Hbey s x Hbey Hbey Hbey Hbey Hbey Jti. A. Theen tey hbey J^^'^, Chee^S tey hoey, heaven and earth society, a kind of secret ma- sonic club. V l. ' y The ancient form of the preceding y *# character. The ornamental colouring of a pic- ture, also written j,'m hbey. Hbey soo hoe soe few ^S. ^^ '^ , ''"^ iy sod liiy adu pUyh tey, the business of colouring comes after the white ground of a picture. See »•"= ± fro s'^2"s "^"- Confusion of mind, mental pertui- bation. Sou put tung le, chek bbey bb5y.i^:f;'i-glHiji|tj| jfe , too Hi a*" Idng to It, chek tint ku!"a Iwan, whea affairs are not consistent with reason, the mind becomes confused. ispcrscd, scattered, in confusion ; ungry. Hbiiy Iwiii t^ SI , con- fused and in disorder. Bt Dcai, bard of bearing. Blind, unable to seev th« eyes dim: •ore eyes. Watet turning round and uniting. To bargain fairly for a thing. Hoej/h Read hijet: bfood. L6ng heel ffi |ft^, I6ng hSiyh, blood and matter. Heet che^n tck t'hwat j&l .^ ij^ |j^ , hiiyh chein til I'hdou, after a bloody fight be got away. M \ HOK &i6 HOK Hdh HSh * (p) Read, hok : thoroughly dried, burnt up. * Hok ^ > Read hok ; a stork. Hok bfing 6 kew -^S &k ''°' '^"^ '*^" ^ '^''^" ^^ '^^ ^ ^-^ P"**^ ^. ^ PH "5^ ^ ^ ''*''' *'"'" '^ ^'*'" ko, se"a fhS^a kabu Vhe^^, the stork screams over the nine marshes, and his voice is heard up to Heaven. See the /N 5ffi Sciiou gnay. -^M ■ «■» Happiness. Cog hok ^^ j|^ , ing koo III t** ^1/ hok k'he, everlasting happiness. Ho /|» \JlM hok boo put choo ke k6w che chea f^ fi iS>r> i e ^.ZM^ hoh^anhok k'lw bo u"' ie ka te kite e, misery and happiness are invariably the results of men's own seeking. See 100. ■5E -?• Beng choo Still, quiet, retired. A ditch, a channel for water, a drain for irrigation. Pe keung sit, je chin lek ho5koehok|^^^]fiJ^ I •Jjfi.J sit/ e iy keung ch'hoo, ji chin k'hwiiy tat te kaou hok, he had but small palaces and houses, while he exhausted his strength upon ditches and drains (for the purpose of irrigating the rice fields ). See the |^ =^ Lun ge. Hok The ancient form of ness. hok, happi- yli%y> Vulg.pafc; a broad piece of cloth. Hok Hok m Hok kin |t)^ rjl ^ ^ scarf made 6f silk. The axle of a carriage. . Hok M Peen hok gfe ||g ^ 6,7 p6, a bat. Hong - , hwun to se, peen hok hwuy ^ JS< kaoii ee^S, bit p6 tit pwuy, in the evening time, arriving at the temple, we may see the bats flying about. .■.i| JU. The entrails. Hok to5 ^ B;!^ , P"'' Hok X\ fe? ''"^' *^^ belly. Kew kew boo hoo, kong l\^ hoShoksim ^ ^^ ^ ^ li VM j/^ ^ yling beng i.y boo hoo, se kong hoi dy pak Sim, bold and courageous warriors are the heart andj entrails of princes. See the IpJ 'Sj Chew 14n). X >^ Vulg. kSh: to repeat; again. Hwan Hok >j C| bok j^^^, over and over again. 1^^ Teng ISng hwan hok i^ff-^^, kSh chae teng Ung, to enjoin again and again. -*^^ To repeat, double. Hok *» ^ ^ , a place where two ways meet. Hok f Hok Hok Hok Hok To turn upside down, to overturn to repeat; to examine. Hok to ^t T^\ , pak to, to turn upside down. Hok pae ^s^ uhf , to defeat an enemy. A surname. ■■.11 li Jua Hok>g ^1^ ^ An implement for catching fish, made .y V I " of bamboo. * - A disordered state of the body. Hok MI >^^ Iwan t'hoe sea ^* SI pT. yp. , to / ECm vomit and purge in a disorderly manner. %m A valley, a ravine, a pit, a gulf. Tae y^s)C bok che wfly but yrv i I uti!- cj. new I fic gwat, suy ^e hok f I— I cA'A(r«^ iy giifyh, cUy k'M Chad, la, ill the middle tiontb of jkutuma the waters btgio lo be dry. Hok TV f^- 4 t ^ To secrete, Hok >J §^ prostrat.- f-f ^ yew hol- tv coDceal ; lo lie down, lo - ■•" Kay gin bong V {}r hi it /If n It l/\ l/i I • tt^flW fhang bai ho/,' good words miMt i it be concealed. bat ho/;, tln-re vnvi an dintiu-rick- on t><>tJi lide« of the iT3i> Hdk ^^J^ that |X ^- havii 'ing ^^,,«niber, .fiblcsays that the guju of lii- .- t tfter fing been a thi. [I,c .round, i« converted into ambn Hok conlainiDg oKitlie' A hill overturned :' Die r :4* ■Wairr eddying, aixtf 60 ^"K i Hok T4f jrfluro, M,:iiepe»t, to go backward* and forwards op thfi same road ; to answer, to speak. GSn kwqy soo hok ^ ^ jg^ ^ , king />ofj,l> kiiiuy, $id''S ioai'*^ k/i^, to talk of returning, and to think of going pad. See ikxi A\ ^t SiiSou gnay. Yew hok t 6ng chiii wat, goc Ick cheuk i ki pek lET ^ , "" ""^ '^"S '"'P ""f *^'»'«ff. ?»<» dy {^t «v '.vii [would yon believe bimj." Sec^ ^Beug-dioo. Hok Hok 3k. Hok Hok Vulg. MA. a (tork,aci««ew Hok scl^u J W* #«*"*, , fit, niade of stork's feathers. Abo wcitton /^ hoK Bfng h..k , hao yim, M^0« 1^ <^ |A ^ ;6^ 1^- ^ ~r ^ ;^, *«''•' '•j' *»* '» eVfcftr ym, e ig ki'i kap e ho, the stork is screaming in the shade, and his younj one is aiuwerin; i^m. Jp^* The ancient form of ^ b^.k. .n 1^1^ the name of ^ ^ . Hok -be. ' £\f^ A turrtan). E h»k '^^ JJg ^ clothes, apparel Poi-y (\( •'^■'^ 11 !<.»*• •^••■.- »"nS hik ■'< m p5..p«l kim 6 cWy ;fc flg ;f jij^ '«*'*#.» fi"" c«Sy #*. fi" A% •• T ,;. II Jt tmiu;. suiuble clothes prepared, we do not dare to sacriJice. See ^ J^ B5ng choo. V*w .oii tey cho6 hok kfi Ifl ^ A ^t TT m io*it*a*tiltt choo mXhdllt^tf,, when there is anything to do, cbil^en and nephews HONG 248 HONG should 8ahj«et tliomsdvcs to J'le troiihlfl.' Spc the The wind {.spirit; inflnence j iostruction. ■^t* .:•! !'■■ o; ,T..-' ; "I' _ -■ The wind {.spirit ; inflnenc Hong I W| "'- "s "^'uK iSk, ^ ?"* y^'^^Vi heat, or persoiu vicic . ctlstom. Beasts at persona viciously inclined, are said to be jSf boiig. Hong l^w^ ^ ■fl^ , renovating instruction. Yew hin chi't, put k'bo c hong 'i^^-^^ I likire- 'ii cold', ''I caflbot' go cm' wind. Honj Hong Hong' The name of a country. The face full and good looking ; also, uxuriant. The Dame of a sage. The ancient form of |^ hong. Hong Hong se M '^ ^ poofV ciehew, the sycamore tree. Fable ssiys, that when the gum of the sycamore tree has becB ^ in the ground a thousand years, it becomes ?M hofi pek, amber. 7/U Hong Head ache, a pain in the bead ; ihh' .medical books «ay, Ihat when this pain is on the left side, it toriginates in phlegm and heat; and when on the right, it must be referred to inflammation and tii^ slate of 0. the blood. HongJjH^ The noise of water rushing atvng. Hong j Hong jT Ian, a iiicdi- A vessel for containing anything •, one or the radicals. A part, a place j a rule, a law. V uig. jioo5"B"» a surname. Soo hong jj[| y^, s^Ae^.aUpatL. '"'SJ^'^, liy he^^S, a jJacc. Hong hwat ^; method. YiJak hong ^^j 4^0 cinal receipt. , „. * > y6w p«ng choo wifl hong laf ^ J^^ ^ ^ ~)S ^>'«'<'5p^ yew <''<'*' A"*"'"^ *'■**' '"'• having a friend coming from "i distance (is it not de- lightful?) Seethe J^ f^ Seaug lun. Kaoi cho6 c g£ houg |^ ^ )^ ^ ^, '-' kwSn iiy tv>"a Chabu che^d ban le"S, a lofty peak, ten thousand fathoms high. Also written hong. jt^ Vulg. p'Aaig-' abee. Bit hong ^ )/£^ a honey bee. H6ng hong "^^ ^, wui"S p'hang, a wasp. Hoe t'hoc hong 1^ gf ^ hoi I'kaSu p'hang, a hornet. Hong bin yew tok ^^ H ^ ^, "''"'"^ *^'' ttoo tok, the sting of a bee is poisonous. See the ^ 1^ Ch6-tw5n. '^y^^ The same as the above. Chck j6w Hong^^ hongk'he ^il^^ji^' ^"•"'"^ J5^ ch'hin ched"S p'hang k'hi, thieves spring up as thick as bees. |L Y^ The point of a weapon, a sharp point. Hong ^^ T" hong J] ^^, Ihe point of a sword. the point and edge of a weapon. ^ -^ Hong-W^^^ The name of a river. \' t(0 ui Hong Hong ^^w^ The name of a city, where ^ X lE l^J^lA Chew-bun-fliig removed to. A sur- J^P name. jj 'W Honi J|.|4. Full, replete, great, arrived at maturity. V^^f A surname. E' m6 put hong bwan ^Y^ - chea, put Ifing ko hwuy ^'^ ^ ^ B It-. ^ H^ i^J ^ ' *'■' "' " ""^ nuij"d, cAew iey pwuy kaiu ktcdn, when the fea- thers and wings are not replete and full, it is impossible to fly high. Hongseng W Jg^, exuberant and full. Hong liifin W ^ lii tee's tang, a fruitful year. The name of an ancient man. written l8J bong. Also Hon' A signal fire lighted on the borders, to give notice of the approach of an enemy. Hong yeen k^ Jffl yeen tun, signal smoke. Honi Vulg. hang: to warm at the fire, to toast, to roast. Hong Id ni hang 16, a furnace, a stove. ^^.f-^ The name of a vegptable, the leaves of which are sweet, but the root bitter. Ch'hafe hong ch'hae hwuy, bo6 6 hay t'hey -^ If ^Ip. Il^ T ^. "" """^ "" """•" «'" /"AflDg- e iy hay I'hiy, in gathering the Hong and Hwuy vegetables, you must not Uke the bot- M'iiey hong. torn part. See the ^ Hon Hong A 'et upon. Hong " /(yV e 15 j6 hSng, to win ^Jr ^J^ ^|j ^J 4=f ^ jl^, t'hin i le ji ke"d, chey wd,n, to follow after gain in «11 °"'' actions is a source of great bickering. See the J^ |^ Seang iQn. .^'A^^^"— ^ f-ionp' nwui Hong ^ -, The quic 4 >^\ * g""^*' >4r Honsf ^ Af Hong- .iS^ Honji To enquire, to ask, to visit. Hong bun =T» Bjj hong mooVS, to make enquiries. To recite odes and music ; to hint at ; to ridicule. J6ng sSuk chok se, e jing chek cho ae i king ch'hi e, Jgng-seuk made poetry to ridicule him. To laugh out loud j also, a high mouth. J. Vi, Hong gin p)^ = , piyh ch'hat ua, Hono- ^t^V lies, deceitful words. Swat hong |^ P/|Li =S^ kang pilyh ch'hat, to tell a lie. Yulg. p'hang : to hold up in both hands, in order to present a thing. Honi Hong # Hong hwut ^ ^ffi, undecided; to see a thing indistinctly. Hong Hong Hong H&ng Hong hwut ^: ^ , the same as the above ; not to acertain exactly. 1^ The day beginning to be bright. ong hwut i| ting. too undecided, hesita- The threads of a net. Hong chek fcfe '^E^ p'hang chUyh, to spin thread. ^ Hong- Hong fi To present, to give. Jlong sod to confer. Cold, ice. Hong- Hong _ H&ng ift Hong ttl*T* Hong '^. A form, a substance, appearance. A valuable stone, like a gem. Bright, luminous; broad, expansive. Kong hong ^ ^ ^ resplendent. A curtain, a screen. The name of a place, in the Jgl Loe country. A screen, or curtain •, also, a reading couch. \ HONG 251 HOiNG The same as |^ hong, to recite; also» to ridicule. Two boats sailing abreast. Two boats tied together. Stng hong hay kang kwan || jl^; "f p: M' '^'^ ""^ chUn, m Udng kwan, to sail in a double boat down to the pass on the river's side. ^5 % ^ V u'g- P^"? •■ '** '^* S"' '** ^' loose ; Hon"' "J^X/ to give way to ; to allow ; to set ,^^^y^ aside. Hong soo ^ N?: , to be dis- orderly. Hong sea ^ ^ , to do away with. Hong hoe teung Ifiw "^^V -|p- •?' J|£ , P'^"S '« teung la6u, to let go down the middle of. the stream. H6ng long hftng hafi j^ j^ ^^ ^ ^ping ing fan liy hin soo, to give one's bodily powers- up to sloth and self-indulgence. Hong Hong ^ To compare. To make a visit of en- q^uiry is calledo ^ /9 , la£ hong, MoreoTer. Hfl hong iS" iVt^'^'" "luch rather; Seng jln ek yew- k6, h6 hong hwin se4ng che piiiy hoe ^^ J\^ jtn y'ed koo koiy til, hi, hiing Itwdn $Hng it/ Idng, even sages bav& tbeic- eccors,. horn much more common people. Hong H5ngl^ To look at; also a. man's natoe. A charm, an incantation , a prayer. Siw loey Kwan cheng jit. leera hdng hA Ay lae, hwan i ho(y tei"^ Uk jit lai teem keng during the time of mourning the foreign priests- came every day to recite their iacantatiofis. To make presents for the service o9 Hong ^*£i ^^^ ^**''» even to one's carriage and horses. Hong HSn- H8ng Hffn HQng Hdng 11^^ To present anything for the service of the dead. To give, to- present. L6 stn k'hong ek l)o6 hong fi^ -^ ^^'>j^ ^K/\u ^,^^, '''"' *"* *^"" "^ ''' ^^' bd sing me^h, a woman bunging a basket, but without any present. A Elegant, great; a prince. H6ng tey 1 'W ^ ^5 an Emperor Sam h6ng ^^J^^ '^^ S. three fabulous- Emperors, said to have existed before the time of Noah. Chin-se-h6ng bwfln se k'heng J* ^ J^p ^^ ^ -ffi- ^TL Ifrt . CMn-si-h6ng lio cKMyh, khai'V t'hak ch'hUyh ling, the first Emperor of the Chin dynasty burned the books and shut up the learned men in a pit (B. C. 200). AUo, ^ ^ H6ng- bo6, a double surname. A great belly, a large stomach. n6ng hdng Vh lS ^ agitated, in con- fusion. A fabulous bird. Hoag-hdng b€ng e,«p,kcKkong]|_^P,^^^ -(^ 1^ p3j , hung-h&ng til haiu, twa te htc&h liy kicdn iw"a, the (fabulous birds) Hong-b&ng are singing, on yonder loft; ridge. See the /!■» Ttt Seiou gn&y. H8vig uncer- bera- ^X^ Hong hflng ^ ^, hesitating, u I ^i tain. Bflng bflng T^ ^ , deli '"^ ting, Bofi-boe sek choo, j 6 keng k'hwa, Sey-choo hong hang j6 bod k.4r 1^ -ff- 1$ ^ jfjl ^ ^. ® •^ tfe fl iffi ^ ^ , ^•'t'^'" '*^"^ '"" i^ teo"^ ka ti ttcd, Sey-choi hdng hdng.ji ch'hin cheo'S b6 kay, the ugly Bo€-bo£ when ornamented would boast of her greatness; bat the handsome Sey- HONG 253 HONG choo appeared in confusion as though belonging to no great family. A mother, according to the dialect of the southern ^ Ch'hoe, state. The cry of a littlb child. The name of a river. The sound of gems. A locust, an insect that devours the grain. T'heung hong wfly chae chae hae, insects and locusts are very injurious. Hfin£ Honsf •x ^-^ HSng- A pool in which water collects. Gin hons ^ gLi » tl>e milky way. To be deceived, to be alarmed, H6ng k'heuno- i0- ^^ , to be afraid. Keng hSno- ^ 4^ J te"a ke"*!, to tremble with fear. Seaou-kong ch'heung p6, pek seng hong jiiaou S S ^f ^ 1" ^4 'li S ' «'""'-'™«^ """ sdm pt) ge'ak, paifh siii^S ke''a he^S. Jedou IwSn, Seaou-kong was outrageously oppressive, till the people were alarmed and thrown into con- fusion. K'hwun hong ffi ^^ bright and luminous; clear. Tong bun che ying b^ng seng h6ng hong ^ f^ ^ f^ fi^ M 1^ j^ ^ '""» """"'"^ ^^ ^^"^ '^"'' b6ng cKhai^S kwui"S icwui^S ^ through the willow- tree at the eastern gate, the bright stars shine very clear. Hong- ^ Hong HSnj The Jiame xjf p. bamboo very hard, and with short joints. H ong H5ng Hong H6n£ ^^g-^ Leisure; haste. Put h6ng hay sit ^ "\,^3 S0 nPrt ^^ J bS ing I'hang cheih, no leisure even to eat. The name of a place. Hew h6ng ho6 W i^i i^ ' **"" "^""^ "^ ^ ^''^^' A boat, a vessel. Hwuy hong ^ j|g, a flying boat, i. e. swift. ^ % - Vulg. wuf^! yellow, a yellow colour. A surname. H6ng keang Jff -^ ^ Kid"S keo^S, turmeric. Hong se4ng gwin kit ^ ^ 7C "w ^ '""'"^ yin, ched"^ twd ho, a yellow robe is in the highest degree lucky. See the ^ j^ Ek-keng. AmJ^ A pipe; a lute; the tongue of a flute. ,j;^g^ Ch'huy seng koe hong \i/^ ^ ^ M^ f ^^ ch'hSey fhin p'hun hong, to blow the flute, and play upon the pipe. 1?^^% The moat under a city wall ; a city Ur^r A great bell. The sound of bells and drums. Chiiung koe hong hong @ ^JcH Si , Cheng koe hdng hong, the bells and drums gave a rumbling sound. A boat, a vessel. P'he lim ho j6 boo hong^^Miln^^i^^*'"" cheo"^ lui kabu kdng, j£ bo chUn, it is like coming to a river, and not finding a boat. To fly down ; to dart down from a ^^v^ A large king of wild goose. Hong H ong V) H(iNd' 2^S^' H&ng Hong Hong Hong A place of learning. H6ng Cheung ^ B^^ Kui"S ching, the jaundice, A hindrance; to injure; to impede. Sfly t'hae choo yung, soe pe ch'him hwuy, I'han wat, gno tae kak sin 3j^ y^ ^^ ^ vjj ' '^^ ' *"^ "^"^ *^" ^^"5 lak pat hoe Idng sai p'hwi hvcAy ping, eheie t'ho k'hwiLg kdng, gwd, twa kak hln sin woo hSng gai, the heir apparent to the state of Sfly, named Yung, was frequently slandered and reviled ; when he, sighing,^ exclaimed, I am fully aware that I am personally impeded. Bo6 hflng 'lllf: yjj } bo gae leSh, no impediment, no hindrance. '& , hdng d hi; the skate Hong P;^ To ohstruct, to oppose, to forbid, to provide against. Tey hOng ||S Rfc to ohstruct. nOng pe jjy^" |^ /«<,'•«■ ti, fo provide against. Kwun choo 900 hw4n, j-J5hongclu.^:^^g,£.]^|^[I^^^^ kwun chio ICON'S katt Idn jt taS seng fio"^ ti, the good roan anticipates, evil, and provides against il. See the ^ (.W ^^ ^^„^ H6ng kirn p^ ^^ i„ 'g- f^«S' to sew, to stitch ; a scam. To meet with, to befal, to come in contact with. Soo hoe kong k'heng, hongg«„gdchilUf„-^^^ , ting hadu kong k'heng, boij^h g"ed eheih e dy i chi, \o wait for the princes and nobles, in order to meet their wishes and pleasure. See the ^ g ^ Chedn kok ch'hek. H3nff H8ng / vft h. The name of a river. -v^ ^ Greati large, immense. To. enlarge. C r A surname. Jin 16ng hdng to A ^|^ >/ ^ ^A ^ ' 1^ fjf kdng ttctt e djf 15, people have it in their power to enlarge their way. See the H3 ng Hon HOn H3n ^ Lun g6. Luxuriant herbage. Hdng hong ke bek. /»L Tt ^ ^ J *»« >ing e dy bdyh, how luxuriantly that wheat grows ! See the ^ j^ WoJy bong. Tall grass, long grass, not kept in order. A surname. X Hdng song ^ =K > dishevelled' hair. Great, immense. Ch6ng lOn hflng ge, ^A^ ^ t^ ^ q| . *»^» '«« *y ei '*«. X* • '"'^'y '"** magnanimous discourse and reasonings. llftng Hong A thread, a string; the belt in which a cross bow is worn. The gate at the head of a lane. Ko HOng kfi ban hflng ^ ^ |H J }^, ch'hong ktcdn e dy heo^S le moofS^ to raise higher the gate of the village. *" A kind of water plant ;^ grass and rushes growing in the water. $^ Hfing" •^/TTl. '^^^ **™'' ** the above. \ V^ Great. Hflng s6y ji^ 4{, twa ch&y, HSng ^/JJ^ gfe*' ""t*'. a flood; Vulg. dng: a surname. HONG 2S4 HOO Seang seang h6ng siiy hong kit ^ ^ >Jt y^ n -#|Jj seang seang dy Iwa chiy loo too cKhong hae, when the overwhelming floods bagan first to cut ofF and destroy, (alluding to the great flood about the time of JVoah.) See the ^ ^ Geiou teen. H8ng [ Hong- A kind of flag. Vulg. dng: red. Hong bijen ^H ^, dng bin, a red face. A surface. Hong che put e wuy sijet hok i^i ■^ >fi lyl ^ ^ HHj ^"^ cA<5e"ff bS Vekh e cho Dae k'hea dy yin ched"S^ he would not use red and vermilion colours for his private dress. Said of .Confucius, in the =m ^5. i,un ge. ^ . Vulg, k''heng: a rainbow. Kwily ch'hun Hong' u/ t keen, beng tong hong ch6ng ^^ pat been ^^'^j^^^^ gl ^ ^y ^, ch'hun boiy Wheng k'hi t'hadu hein tang t'haou k'heng k'ht"S u™ h'e^n, in the latter month of spring the rainbow appears, and in the iirst month of winter it retires and is not seen. H6ng J^ A half gem ; a kind of gem. T'hae kong leaou & wuy, tek geuk h6ng kong ted hi te way chUy, chew tit teSh geuk hong, T'hae-kong was angling in the waters of the Wuy, and fished up a gem. See the ^ |P So6 ke. Hong- ZKTh The lassels of a cap or crown, ■^ _f- To receive from a superior ; to offer Hon"' "/y^ "Pi *o present, to nourish, Lin "l seang jg hSng p'hek jip chin ^ ^ fU ^^A.^, '''" '^""^ J^ ."^"S P'*ek Jip chin kok, Lin-spang-jij itarried -the gem .as, .a pres- ent into the Chiij jiflufllry. , See the ^ hP Sou ke. Hok 15 bong yang, be cheuk wuy Jiaou yea teSh bwd hong ydng pay boi, bS kaou swui"^ chb woo kaou, to labour for, and support our parents, is not enough to constitute filial piety. See the commentary of the \~ §a Seiing lun. Hong soo ;^ ^^ to serve. Hong kaou JjK ^S^' to receive instruction. Hong been -^ tfetj to offer up, to present. Hong A fabulous bird, said to appear when sages spring up. A surname. Sun sS h5ng hdng la« gfi ^ ^^ ^ J^ ^ 1™ sic dy si hong hong dy chedou lai ke^d Tiy gi, in the time of Sfln the lucky birds ap- peared to pay their ^compliment!) to him. Quicksilver, mercury ^ The same at hdns. Hon _fc. Hoc A -sound or tfirumming in the ears. The sound of singing ; singing in a chorus. H5ng pheen ^ ,g^ to de- Hong lok '1^ jljSj emol-ument, salary^ also read >h6ng. Kong sun hong, hong loksImto/^J|^^/,>^||:^, ^C J kong sun hong dy hong lok chin chae chey, Kong-sun-h6ng's emoluments were very great. ^ Teiing tioo ^* j^ a yeoman, a full- grown man ; a husband. Tae-hoo|^V ^ a great oBBcer. Hoo ch'iiey ' ^ ^, ang chea, husband and wife. Pok heo 1^ db, a se>rvant. Tam hoo iS 4^^ a carrier. Ma hoo ^ 4^, Hi/ ^oo^ an ostler, Hoo choo A. IJ- the designation of apbilososopher, gene- rally applied to' 'Confucius; a particle used at the beginning of d sentence. HOO 255 HOO Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo th'hoo che wuy tae teang boo jlfc !^ Ih ^ i TCj '^*^'*' '^ ^""^ **^ '""" ^^'"S 1*00, this is ■what is called a truly great man. See '^ ^?' Beng choo. Teang hoo seng, j6 gwin wuy che yew sit dh ji tti kap e moo cWkod, when a man is grown up, it is desirable that lie should have a family. See ^ ^ B5ng clioo. E t'hwat hok, hoo ch''hey hwan Tiok J^ B^h te • _ ^fe I — " I— 1 "^"^ ^^ '^^ 7^^ 'X B ^ '■*'*^'' ''*«"« « '5.!' »o/f, «n^ poi hwdn bale, when the -carriage is deprived of its axlelree, husband and wife begin to turn their eyes from each other, ( i. e. when poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window. ) See the gs Ek keng. Boo hoo j^li J^^ a stone like a gemi also wrillen M^ hoo. Kay hoo j^jp 5^, -to .sit * lah, je pttgh sai'S ke"a Idn ty wixj/ hong, k'hih eh'hdm e hoo wal, -without being angry, the people yfiW respect our dignity more than they will dread axes and hatchets. A raft made of split bam1>oos; also, a drum-slick. To put hfing sPng hoo ta bey ke"A, lat pHyh cheo^S hoo, p'ho6 kiiij/ hae, our doctrines do not spread, lei us then mount a faft, and float over the sea. See the |- S(:ang lun. Kway hoo j6 fhoe, koe ^ |^. jfrj J;: ^ , cVhaou hoo, ji Choi koi, a straw drum slick and an earthenware drum. See the S& tP l,6y ke. Hoo Hoo Hoo The husk of grain.; coarse chaff. The husli of wlieal. To believe. <56 hfing Bfln Ong ban pang chok hoo '^ W\ w* IC ^ itjt ^ ^ ^ gi liy herig htc'at Chan bUn ing ban pang At/ Idng chew sin lin, when in polite ceremonies and penal laws we imitate BQn-ong, aH nations wril believe us. Hoo +-3* Oo hoo ^ J^ a beautiful gem. '"* *■ To spread, to diffuse, to spread out. Hoo 1 A. jr^ to arrange. Hoo j)oe Mr iW ^ to fX^ diffuse. K^ng hoo gnoc kaou ^T 1^ . ■^f, ^ , **"? Aflo poi gnoi ICn ig kaoi, respect- fully to diffuse the five rules of instruction. "«>> ^\ a Sick, diseased. Gno pok hoo e 3fe The central part of a flower, the calyx; also written i^ hoo. Hoo Hoo '^ ^ /fH ^ , g^<> '9 Bf- i Pai'^, ^y servant is sick. See the jfe M Chew v«>s««k The caljx, or foot of a l«wcr. Tho Hoo i?i-r .. _ .. -^ ,^„. same as ^ The 8k»in. P'h« hoo ^ ^ skin awl plc>>h ; also, elegant, and great. Hoo j6 g^ng che ^- ^P ^ ^1 , hoo p'hoiy ch'hin cheb"S ixen Hug Ay yhs, with a skiti as smooth as congealed ointment. See the ^ Wi Wiiiy hong. Ht)o >^>» Uoo l)6ng ;^ j^ ^ a net. Yew rhoe, wan wan, tc \& t hoo /^ ffli S^ ^ /^ «^ ~J~ ^ ' ""'" ^'"'^ "'"" """• t'hi key I& teiSng, there was a rabbit thereabouts, HOO 256 HOO and lo ! a wild fowl was caught in the net. See the II ,ff Se keng. The same as the above; a net that turns on a wheel for catching birds and small beasts. Hoo Hoo f^ Ho6 A prisoner of war? one taken in battle. Hoo hek c£ ^(' , to take prisoner. Chfiy jIn lafi kwuy woey hoo ^ A ^ ifif tw 'f? > "^^^ '"'^ ^•^ '""•'' '"^ '"^"^ '" '""'"^ wiiei/ kok it/ hoo, the people of the Ch6y country came to return the prisoners of the Wiiey country. A teacher; the name of an office. T'heen choo yew t'hae soo, t'hae hoo, t'ha^ p6, wfiy sara kong J^ I^ y^ -J^ &ii'. :A: fl- A 1^. S H ^^ *"«? % ^'So Chai soo, fhai hoo, I'hai p6, chd a"'a kong, the Emperor has a great teacher, a great instructor, and a great preserver, who are called the three nobles. Soo hoo EJU TO an instructor; a title of respect for a Buddhist priests Hoo jin 16 /f^l; Yn ^ , a kind of fruit. An elegant appellation for a man ; also, great; beginning ; all. Confucius was called ^1 ^k'hong hoo. To assist; the same as tfiffl ho«. To look down at, to bend downwards to behold those beneath us. Geang ch^uk 6 soo hoo bo^, hod, cheuk e heuk ch'hey choo >f(^ V,l )^j^ ^ ^ ^^/^ ^ y) ^ ^ Jp , <"« WM k'hw^h, ey kaoti h'ok sae fay boi, p'hak toh lai kei^S ey kaou yed"^ eh'he boi ke"d, on looking upwards we shall have sufficient where-with lo serve our parents, and on looking down, we shall have enough where- with to feed one's wife and children. See '3; 3^ Bens choo. inz. J " * Ju Like, resembling, accordant with. Ley Ho& '^ ^1 ga'k boo fbeen t5y che chgng ill ^ I Jr^ M ^ tli ^ tn ' '^^ ^"'' '^1 '^''''"'" ched"S I'hee"' ley dy ching, suitable ceremony and music are accordant to the feelings of Heaven and earth, (i. e. of nature). _ ^ -I. Hoo k'hoe IS* J^, a treasury. Chew Hoo Ia "I" boo ;j>j>j iKk a district, a colony. Ong / J nJ hoo 4- Fjy- a palace. Kwau hoo "g P^ , kw^a hod, a magistrate or mandarin. Be yew hoo k'hoe cha£ hwuy k6 cha^ chija yea hoo k'hoe ay che&"S, a'" se e dy chee"" , there is no such thing as the money in a man's treasury, not heing his own nvoney. See -^ ^L Beng choo. To look down- wards; the same as |fl5 Hoo '^^Q^ hoo. Also used for ^ been, to encourage, to exert. Hoo Hoo Ho6 Hoo hwut |i|| PCj * '^''P "f dignity; hatchets and other weapons embroid- ered on a ruler's cap, to, inspire terror into his subjects.. > --^ A caldron without feet. E' ho6 cheng y^^^ ch'hwan ^X^^'^' ''*" '*'"" " V|/^.^ bok k'haou a chi^ to use pans and earthen pots in cooking. Cheet hod 3g pff a fortunate plant, spoken of in the time of ^fe geiou. Dried meat. Koe ch6w ch'he hoo put chitt), kay ch'he dy b3.h kw^a, u'" cheSh, wine bought in the shops, and dried meat brought in from the market, Confucius would not eat: (because be feared they might be unclean). See '^' tm wi ^°" s«- HDO 257 HOO >j>A^ Ho6 k'hwuy ^ ja] a sacrificial ira- Hoo l-i:^ plement; a vessel for huldiog the fruils WTTf-, offered in sacrifice; used in the H chew dynasty. ^ % To cherish, to soothe, to encourage, to I^QQ J ^^ljl i stroke; also read Bo». Hoo h^y seng ^ ^ I k \ gi)6, hoe h£y keuk gno, ho6 gno, heuk s"o X ^ ^j-: 4iJ. # ^ ^ lie. ^ t ^ J|& , neS"^ pay tai"^ gwd, nei^^ Uy keuk.gwd, hod gtci, chhe gwi, my father begat me^ n>y mother sustained roe, cherished roe, and nourished me. See the fK 5^ Seaou gnay. Ho6 jo5 Ian bin iM '^ Ba & to cherish and soothe all the people. „-^C> A hatchet. Ho6 j\p »"> ^ A ;H^' Ho6 '^^^2^ P"" ''A^"" J'P c^'Aeio nd, the hatchet ^r I enters the woods. K'hong Choo chok ch'hun ch'hew, yit joo che peea gefim^ 6 hoo wi. ^L ^ ff # I'C. " 4^ ^^ ^ ^ >1^ fr f$ J *'AHn«- «Ao(i cAd ch'hHti ch'hew, chitji in pein t'hrk ling, k'iih geim t hod wal, when Confucius composed the Ch'hun-ch'bew (a history of his own life and tiroes) every character implying blame, was felt more severely than a hatchet. See ">e ^ =1 So6 ke. Hoo \r A title of respect. Hod je •i- i Scholar. me"* t'hak eh'hiyh ling, a rotten Ho6 The same as plement. Vulg. Hod r hoo, a sacrificial iro- lJ!/' Ho6 Hoo # M To heal, to strike; also the same as hod, to stroke, to soothe. Ho6 ChSng hoo H^ U|f ^ the viscera, the intestines. Choo hofi choo ley, ji-ak <:hoo hoi iy chii Ky, cKhin eheo''S pak sim, the children and nephews of the princes should be like our lungs and viscera. See the ^ =P Soo ke. Vulg. ni«i''a; rotten, decayed. Hoo ch'ho hwk way «ng u^ f: |ij- if- I >| '" give in charge. Mac hoo W A-^ to betray. Jeak k'hd hod chek k£ ptrt^M, j« he«a cha« put yk. 7^ ' cKhin cheo''S iy hoi I'kok, chek ka U u" tiSk bwi, jt gain iy chat leaou bey fi"* kei'^, if we caa entrust any one with the charge, then wr " ourselves shall not be trouliled, and clever talents •will not be lost. Said by Confucius. f^ ^|> To cxa^tt to require, to diffuse. Kdng Ho6 L||L1 boo ^'^, taxes, revenue. Peng hod ^V^ V ^ \\^' miniary levies. Se hod |^ Bpr J a diffuse, loose poem': a ditty. Pin bod jlf ^, to receive. Seng chei, jin sey pin hod h t'hiien yea (kt ^* hod 6 t'hee^S, nature is that which men have received from Heaven. Hoo Ayt The same as Tn" hod, to givt over. — HOO 258 HOO k'hi, pit te throw anyU. & go and To lie down, to throw down, to throw Ho6 ^ r^ ^'"^" ^^^'■' ^''" written ^ hoo. YiJuk . chSang hod che, pit ko ke che J^J^ 1^ II"* ^ »it ft J^ l!^ » "^ *''^^'' ***' '"^'''' '^'' k'hi, pit tellh km ki k'hUh kwdn, if you want to throw anything down flat, you raust lift it up high. To go to, to visit. Hod he ^ j^, HoO '"t 1"^ *" SO to market. Hod tek seaug tod ^ ft I^B 11' *"" '^'' ''" ^^^^' '° go and fight with the enemy. To inform; to inform of the decease l^^ of any one. HwSn choo ho6 tdng, beng eng, chek hod 6 l^o j^ ^^ i^ [t^ 0/^ ^ gi] 5U lyi J^, hwin choo hoi lAng bins kabu si, chek leSh A^W kap e kong, all the princes of the Empire that were of the same confederacy, on the demise of any one, informed ona another of it. See the ^ ^ Cho, twan. ■-r^ Yulg. ehing: to cover, to overspread. Ho6 ^^a '^'^'^"'^ "^^ '^^ *"'"' *^* '^*"' '^^ "''^^ t'he/'S d]l siy k-hing, ley iy siy chai, whatever the HeaveR overspreads, or the earth sustains. See the FJI ^ TSung yanff. To assist, to second, ta help, to abet. Hod je ^ij ^, an assistant. Hwfln hed P^ p|^ , *'«'^« *»•' *" order, to enjoin, to insist upon, to give, any one- charge. To hold, to sustain, to hold up, to assist. A surname. Hodk'he^^^^ to lift up. Gwuy jSput te, tefin j6 put hod, chek chijang yeen yOng pe seang d j^] j|jj i;^ |^- Ijl^ tfj] ji b6 U gtm, tUn to ji b6 ho6 k'hi, chek cheang an chw"a yang e chd se^Hg, if a man does not sustaia his prince, when in danger, not in his Ho8 Ho8 overthrow uphold him, of what use will be he as his minister. See the ^ |^ LQn g£. A particle, implying wonder or enquiry. Choo chae ch'hwan seang wat, se _ chea jS soo hod ^ ^_E )|| Jl Q 5te. ^- Jjn _i|T ^^ hoo choo le ch&y ting kong,. e koiy k-U kaou an niy saf'S ho6, when Confucius was upon ( the banks of) a stream, he exclaimed, how incessantly, does, it flow '. Lun ge. S« the 1^ |E HoS Hod yQng ^ ^ , the name of a plant, the marsh mallow. Ho8 HoS HoS ►*f- A cheque. Hod hap |^t ^, the two, parlsof a cheqjue put together. Hod s5 f^- ^ , a chiirm. Hwa hod ^ jXt to write chiirms. A surname. ' ' 'jtek che hdng h*)S teung kok, ji;ak hap hod cheet '# t^ tf f - t P^^ tt i ' «' '*^'' gwdn dy Sim chi, chew iy fte"4 I hong leung kok. ch'hin cheats hap hou cheet, '.Ulaining my wish. I should he able to travel through the whole of China, (and find conespondeul feeliflgs,) like uniting the two parts of a cheque. See^,^ Beng chod- Hod sedn ^ ^^ a centaia water insect which never separates from its ofl- spring; so that if you take the one, you are sure to get the other ;; hence foolish people rub some of the bloxid of insect oa various, pieces of money, oae of which being kept in the till, and others put into cirt- uktion, the one is sure to bring all the others back to it. Yulg. pod: to float on the surface of the water. Hod had j6 ydw •j'^I j^ ifil ^k. P"" '^ ^"^ •'^ '**' '*''^ *" float and sport on the bosom of the deep. > A wild duck, a water fowl. Hod e ^^^ chad keng Mi WXi.W ,"'' *"^ n L chiy cheaiu twa te keng ch^y^ ducks ^' HOO «m HOO and wUd fowl upoa the Keng waters. See the ■fi^ ^ Tae gniy. Hod Ho8 Hod i^tjiy Ho6 j6w ^ ijl , aa insect, a kind of grasshopper. Ho6 6 ^ g , a. kind of medirinal plant. Hb6 Hod Hod Hod Hod Hod Hoo A drum-atick i a stick for beating any- thing. Cho chipp^, yew chip hod j6 ko6, ma yit put IPng che A- td ch'hiw gtm pi, che'"A cKhtiv gim ho6, ji p'hih kot, bijf chew chadu bey hSph, holding the bridle in the left hand, and the drum-stick in the right, if we heat the drum, the hor. ^"^ *"*' '"'''"' *""* mother. ^^^^^^ Hoo boe wflj k£ chit che yew A/ ^ 1(^ ^ ^ ;^ ^ > paj' boi tok Ae"a haou sai"S woo pai"^ &y hvin Id, parent's only anxiety is lest their children should be sick. See the Ira In ^'='"6 'On- ^ ^^ Vulg. p»S: to sit on eggs,, as a bird." /Y'K^ Heung key ho5 choo ^ ^ (|t ^, 1/ V. key kak pod k'e^i, a. cock is said to have once sat on fowl') egg*. Soo hoo Pfp ■ffi, a teacher, the name of an office. Tulg. pots a sorname. Hoo hiiey yu. @ a constrained com- Tbe same as mu hod, a woman. Li hoo ^P* ICH ' ^ common appellalioa for mother. t To carry on the back or shoulders; to bear, to Mistain \ to turn the back upon., Vulg. yang: to carry pick-a-back. Pan pik. ohea put hoo U6 A to loe « ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ «? ^ 'T' 5^ ^' "" '""' "*** iy ling, b6 ged ke"^ mrf"* li li loi, men half grey would not then have to carry, burthens in the roads. See ^^ B£ng cho&. Utio choo i^ ^> *" '""• ^* ''■'^'' *'° °"*'* roasten Assisting aiding. Hoo "•* ^ ,V^ , the name of an office, given to one who marries a princess. To rely on, to lean upon ; elegant ; to add, to increase. San huo £ tey fl) jSf;^ ^ ^, «»"« ted ti tey, the hills rest upon the ground. 1 1 HOO 260 HWA Hoo jOng p^ ^ , an inferioi stale ^ef^nding on a superior one. v..-- is li'ii; (v-im!i "i. K6w jei wfly che che leein je hoo ek che »«^ '^ m t, ^ 1 #. itn IHt ^ :^ . ^■^"' j/ed Chey e k'lieiih s'eey, j6 fhSem e k'Mh chey, K6w gathered the taxes for him, ^nd thus in- creased his wealth. See the t^ tS. Lu ,un ge. Hoo f j»i To asociate in sacrifking i. e. to place the memorial tablet of one's imme- diate parent with these of remote "ancestors, and to sacrifice to them alike ; also, to bury together, to put in the same grave. A wide grassy plain; full, luxuriant. Soo hoo ^ B , sue hoo, a master workman, one who is clever at his Hoo 4 business. Hoo ■mo Vulg. cha hoe: a woman, a female, a married woman. Sit hoo -Jig, ^ , sim poo, a. daughter-in-law; a son's wife. E' sun wuy cheng che4, ch'heep hoo che to ye^ •'■"' ledng cho Cheng keng «e sdy & tha boe ay to le, to consider obedience as the point of perfection, is V =the' highest dttty of concubines and women. See ■'^'^ 'Bt ^ Beng choo. ,<<, To assist people on funeral occasions; to contribute jnoney towards burying the dead. K'hong'choo g5 k5w kwan jin che song, se4ng fhwat ch'ham e hoo che IL ^ j§ HH A^ ^ # E H Ji^ W ^ ' ^''""^ "'"'' '"" ''"* *'' kwdn sei dy ling woo se"S h&, bat Chaou biy i hod e, Confucius meeting with an old host of his, in mourning, toxjk one of the horses out of his car- riage, and sold it to assist him in burying his dead. A small fresh water' fish. iiiiiig -j':! .■■"i(il id-)! r.Wu'i Toe hoo ^ iS, tfloa Ml a jelly-like preparation from pulse, very much eaten by the Chinese. Read bo6y , a match-maker ; a go-be- ( I tween to make up matrimonial con- nections. Boey jin Wi J\^> M™ l&ng, a mediator in marriages. Kim sek che h6 sek h6y, gnio tok boi5 ch'hoo leang bo6y ^ ^ Z {^l ^ ''^ • f^" ^ ^ 19j ^ ^ ' '»* ""^'"^ ftioai"*" se hi mafS gwa tok bo chiy Uy ho hit'" ling, this evening is a lucky evening, but alas! I have ni^ A fl ower ; also read hw4, which see. Jfc. Hwa A she goat with horns. The bone« on the sides of the legs, are called ^ ^ hwa cheuk. Hwa^l^K The naked body. Cho hwa 5^ 11^ , to create. Cho boo wfly yew, hwa yew wuy bo6, wuy cbe ^hohwai^te^-^.ftt^ 4lff -H ;^ to! fll, , '^'^''^ '^'''^"^ ""'" ^""^ ""'° ^* che"d bi kong ked cho hwH, to make something otit »f nothing and to connect something into iiothing, is called to -create and annihilate; also written ^ hwa. V.'"' V-'^ ''"' ■ . w HWA m HW^A Peeo bwa ^ /fl^ to change, to convert, to reform. Kaou hna ^(f 'fK, to iostroct, to teach; instruc- tion, philosophy. ^- _1, Ji^ -A- flower, the blossoms of trees and HwS J^^^ plants. A surname. Hwi yew ch'heng '■■:■ ' „, I ii^ beang, gwat y6w yim i^ ^ "Ifl ^• H /H 11^ hwi. wuo cKheng p'hang f;oiyhwoo yim, flowers have a pure fragrance, and the moon shews a pleasing shade. J^[a^ Hwi eng ^ j|^^ flowers and blossoms The same as the above. Hwa Swan hw4 fg teung hw4 to make a noise, to make an uproar ; the noise of many people talking together. The same a»^ hw4, a flower, flowery. Hw4 hay ffi ^ the flowery summer, another name for China ; also called, lb ^^ the middle flower. A surname. ^^H w& l£w m& horse. A kind of spade. i>"i' a very fine TO /2l Vulg. wi: to paint, to describe, to draw, to draw a tine, a stroke; also written Pj hwa. Iliipy hwa che «o6 hoe soi kong ^ }^ i^- jHJj, hoey wa iy too tky uqu toi pdyk iy kang, the business of painting comes after tbe trouble of forming the ground. % ^ Vulp. wS: discourse, language, talk. Hwa ^lT ^^"^ '"*" H^ ^i^'***"^ "'"■ '" 'a"*' P (3 to discourse. Tflng hwa 0- jj^ , tfS wS, the Chinese langunge. Boc rhuk yit kwan sc, hijcy i j< kay hwa ^^ fhak chil pin ch'h.dyh, kaou hiiiy e iy ^, ch'hin eheo^S kong ho wa, in the evening when we peruse I a book, as soon as we understand its meaning, it is like holding an elegant conversation. /^« hadu, to call and bawl out alond. %J|J" A cage or trap for confining wild beasts. Hwa ^|H!t\ K'he j6 lap choo koe hwa, ham cheng >|j5^ che.eungllflnlJ^IJf^Mi.ll |St y Ub *w"a ji lap te kot wa, ham chaV^ iy long ^S, to drive on and entrap in some net or cage, or in the middle of some pit-fall. See the ffj f^{ Teung yflng. ^r* t k- ^ Read hwan : to be pleased. Hwan he Hw^a ^ g, *ic''a hi, to be delighted. Cb'hwat seuk yim suy, chin k£ hwan ckiy, chtn e iy hw^a hi, even when quaffing pre- parations of pulse and drinking water, be ei- perieoccs the utmost delight. See the j}9 ^P L6y Ke. ^ % an ^*"' ■''*" ' ^ ""'* '"y"*'"? between jFfu)**fl Jl^l ""* hands, in order to wash it clean. by the hand. Road tan: the clear day, late in the morning. B«ng tin ^ H^ btn A^'a jil, tomorrow. Btn hw^i, by and bye. Read htng: across, athwart, lying crossways, tranavcrse. Cheung hfing ^L ^ ' ' *^" *"'"^' ■'•>w»''t, trans- verse. Kt hCng gek yAw se ye&, kwun cbo6 pit choo hwin yei it ^^ 5^^ f) )}: t. J^ =^ ,^ ^ !^ ill ' " ^•i' *""' **** **' «" "''* ^^^^^ kwun rhu6 pit ka te hwin ygi, when these cross and perverse things still continue the same, the good roan will turn in and rtflecl upon himself. See "^ 3^ Beng-cho6. HWA AE Hw^i Read k$ng: a stalk or stem. E kSag ^ ^ , oe »«)"iJ, the stalk of the arum, a plant with a large leaf and f>»fA ■ edible root, growing in marshy places. % *,^» Read hgng i a cross-beam. Ok hgng llw^d ^^y*r ^ ij>(T , cA'Aod Ato"i''S k'hw^i. hu,"d Cheops — ^-» 4ttk 'lit* V^ -^ M teaou i!y '"a, turning round he saw that there were no clothes hanging upon the cross-beam to dry. Read gan; a bank, an embankment. Hw^a •a. Kang gan yH )^ , king hv^a., the ^ ' \ bank of a river. T«!6n gan ffl ^, ch^hAn hw^S, a raised bank between the paddy fields, used both for retaining the water, and as a path way. ^ ^ Read kn: to stop, to hoM' back, to Hw^S I' /i« '^y the hand on, to lean. 'An ke ^ ,5s ^ |)J , hw^a chah, to stop, to prevent incursions. M6-sOy kn kSem lek kae j6 seang ^T j^ |'^ ^'I ^ 1^ ]fn _t, ^'^•»"i' *«•"" f'^^"' l-^^H glm kayjt cheo''S, Md-suy, leaning on his sword, crossed the steps and ascended ( the hail ). .J::. ^^ Hwae W^^^rn Slanting, devious; incorrect^ The doise of water dashing ahuiit. The name of a tree, the hark of which is used for making t<>w-r A ll ± . *"""» «*»'' '^""^ tek, siy &y l&ng sea^S I'hoi, the good man thinks on virtue, the worthless man thinks of the earth. See the =^ Lun ge. The name of a river. Ilwai'kang .^^ W T J one of the principal rivers ol China. The name of a tree, having a large black leaf, and bearing an edible fruit. G»4n-liSng-paou se hwa€, t'heng sijDng k6 hay paou chiHg hwai ch'hew, t'he''a t'eung, IS ijf Ar'Aa,, Gw&n-h^ng-paou planted a At*a£ tree,, and hearjd. law-suits, under its shade. Yulg. k'heep: to be destroyed, to be- ■iXSt. corrupted, to spoil; degenerated, corrupt. Pae hwae ||^ J^ ^ p'h&h k'heep, to_ destroy. Hwae heng i^ ^ r , corrupt conduct. K'hong-choo ko wat, t'had san kS- Uifiy hoe, leang bik k6 hwaS hoe ^l ^ ^^ B. # |1| ^- P ^. ^- ;fc :tt if f-, lCf,6.g-cho6. ch'hed"S kwa king, I'hie tm''a e Sy pang hoe, tiei"' ch'hd e ey k'liSep hoe, Confucius chanting a ditty said, the great hill will lall, the prin- cipal beam will break: — (alluding to bis own expected decease ). Read hat: to bawl. Hat tai seng out loud. Hwae * mvAN iJ 263^ HAYAJf K'heiing hat choo ho«, e kftw kat ley f^ ^ ^ ^ iii -^ W'j M!i ' (fAgiinff hwih choo hoi, iiua ,!o 6 *^ ktBdh ley, they terrified and scolded the princes of the Empire, ia order tu get them to i".i) I* swrrender part of their territory. See the |dfe ^ ^ Cbeea kok ch!hek. Read k'hwuy : a step, a stride. Kwun cliod k'hwuy poe, jg put lidng € hadu ^ }^ , kwua choo chit haih poi, ji fl™ bey ki tit woo haoit, the good man at every single step, never forgets the dulieit. of filial piety. fiw&h Hwan Read k'hwa: to stride, to straddle. K'hwa ko k he j^ ^ -^ j *«•«* fciiii/ k'hi, to stride across, to step over. Ch'hoo hwuy sey k'hwa hae lijey, chd choo ho« Che ,ut yea 1^^ # f^^^M^U^ "^ ^ t/& ■^.' '''*» '^9 ""^ '* *** *"'^* *"* lae, chi choo hot iy hwat tul, this is not what may be called a proper plan for straddling over all within the four seas, and managing the princes of the Empire. V.nlg. **"<».• ttt delight in, to be pleased. Hwan htk ij^ -g. , »»"■ hi, to lie glad. Him be hwan ad. gak che kwan yea fj^ ^ ^ '^ 1^ /' 'g* ^ , Wm »« *»>"« ai, $e chok gale ay kwan y'id, delight, pleasure, joy, and love, are the principles of music. See the jj^ ^ IE I-ey gik Vi. Also written, +^ hwan. Hap hwan ^ ^V ^ united joy, the name of a plant. The name of a horse « a gentle, well- tamed horse; also, to delight in. The people under the governrornt of a de — ^^ hwan yeuk kew Swan J^ ijl^ ^ ;f^ 'O . mh k'ht hwan M, ai bStyh ktm Swan, raised a Bag (as a signal ), desiring to save his master. The sam*as;SRp hwan;a turn, atime; also, to. collect. Vulg. p'hun: the water in which rice is washed, and which is used for feeding pigs. — Vulg. p'kw''a, asar- Hwan Hwan Hwan p„m A flag, a standard. Hwan k 6 a signal flag. Lip ch'heiig hwan if ra iM' '** **' "'* '" azure standard. Great waves, billows. To fly, to arrive at, to reach ; also, to return. Chijilng ne&ou p'hiien '"»" J^ % Wi i^' ''"^'^"S '***'" III pwuy, all the birds were flying about. HWAN S64 HWAN Hwan A cem'ttiry, i baria! place. Chut che long kok, hwan kan che chey chija swiih hoiy kabu tang kok, hwan kan dy chit/ ty Idng, he finally proceeded to the eastern suburbs, to where the people were sacrifising among the tombs. T"^?S2L ^^^^ ^ ^ ^' * beaatiful gem. Hwan |!^!H* Confucius said. Be chae hwan & *^ff| H ^ J# fH , «2i' chae *»«» i Ay geuk, how beautiful is the hwan i gem. Hwan k'hey J^ V^, the name of a Hwan Hwan stream, where -4^ /^ T'ha^-kong used to angle. Anything burnt in the fire; the fire burning anything. Sacrificial flesh. Hwan jeuk put che, put fhwat I)e6n jg hfing |1^ ^^ ^ u" kaou chew, u'" I'hiy bo jS ke^d, when the sacrificial flesh was not duly provided, Con- fucius departed without even taking off his cap of cflice. See the "Ts ^^ Hay beng. White rice. ^P^ I'" make a clamour and noise ; the Hwan r* '^Sl same as :^ hwan. Se seuk che koe, j-*^ y£w boo j€, hwan hwan je£n, put te kC. wuy hwuy yea ^ \^ ^ '^^ ^ ^ f§^ P^ If ^. ^ ^P ^-L- ii # ^ ' *^ *'"* ^^ kaou, ch'hin cheo^S chh'ai"S mafS dy I'hdk ch'hSyh ling, ch'hUy chap chap king, ji u"' chae e cho u'" leSh, the current of this world's man- ners, is like a blind scholar, who babbles away and does not know that he is in the wrong. Lv-|i^ To kindle a fire ; also, the name of Hwan *n* an onice. To return; again ; to rebel, rebellious. Hwan an iNf Hwan hok Jf^ ^j again and again. /^^- Hwan Iwan ^ ^1 ^ to rebel, and create confusion. tit mian<( Tin-sin 8o6 jin ong keen Teang-j6, soo chea gnoehwan[f f§^X<'it^:^.i^ /^ 5. IX' ^'^""*'" *"* '^"S ^"S ''««"^ reo"?- ji, sae dy ling goe dy tooi"^. Tin-sin, sent some persons to get an interview with Teang-jc, when the messengers had to go and come five times. yfCT Dii H„4„ j)j^ ^ sobedient, refractory ; the same as the foregoing. Hwan Hwan Hwan An uneven field. P'ho-hwan ^ W ^ the name of a place. To eat, to eat rice. Hwan soe soo yim suy f^ Ift ^ |^ yf^, cheih ch'hoe pooVS Urn chiiy, to fat coarse rice, and drink water. See the ffi |p Lun ge. ^ _ Vulg. toot"S : to return, to come back. Ixf O'ng chea put hwan p^ ^' ^ ^, J'^^ k'hi dy Idng b6 tooi^, those who Hwan went did not return. ^^ » a^ Bright, shining. Hwin hoe kfi y^w Hwan ffj& buncheangj^:^ |t;^^^, /\/^^ hwui^S hoe e dy woo bUn cheo^, bow brilliant was their literature. See the ^ Lun ge. Hwan JAl^ >> Great, beautiful, illustrious, hwan vijen gp "^ .Q. 3 beautiful and illustrious ! Be chae % , how To call. Hoe hwan P^ ||^^ to call »^ To call. Hoe hwan \if |^^ to call Hwan PRff a'""*!- Ke hwan put lafi )L P^ ^Xv. ^ ^ ^ *" *''" '"*» ^^ called him. but he would not come. HWAN dw HWAN To float, to flow, to overflaw. Hdng suy hdng I6w, hwan lam € t'heen haj twa chay hw"a laSu, hwin lam IS t'he^S at/, the great flood flowed out of its course, and over- wbelined Ihe Empire. \ ^-ttf To overflow, to inundate ; to float Hwttn / I ▼ about; tbe same as the preceding. )!j ':• f V-iA Hwan lam S teung kok ^(J ygt j^^ yp Irj^ , h»iln Urn le Hang kok, inundating the middle country. See ■3: -^ Beng-choo. Hwin hoe jcak put hey cbe chewSP ^ -t- 7^ '^"^ ^ , P'*"^ P'^oi <^*'*'« Cheops b6 pa:; iy rhAn, floaliog about like a boat that is not fastened. H»»„ ^ Hwan To float, to flow, to overflow ; the same as the preceding ; also written Hwan ^h"|r» * golden ring. Sew hw4n ^ ^> ^rJ^^^ (h'hiw cki, a finger-ring. Je hwfto . Round ; a circle; to encircle, lo Hw£n I'^T' Hw4n jcaou ;i.'" environ, enclose. E jIn wfly ke, hwan chea teung kwujr, hong chea ^ l|l ^ , ch'kea Jy litig chA ch'hea, rf»ff iy leAng kwuy, ti kak ig teung ki, the wheelwrights in making carls, form the circlet by a compass, and the squares by a rule. Hwfin A Wall round a market. 3 s The territory assigned to an Emperor, Hwan - r^ as his peculiar domain. Hw&d (■■ y^r^ ^^f*^" oniveWB.^ .^\^ . ;inM ■jvit. HW^N 266 HWAN ft > Vulg. tooi"^: to retire, to return. wan ^- ra T" Vulg.ft^ng-: to pay, to repay, besides. ' ■■■■ 3i^^ Hwan chad ^^\^, ^^«S c/i^^"^. to pay de1)ts. _ J ' Je hwftn j6 jip, gno sim e yea ^ j^ fffl A ^•"o-'' ^ »l> ^ tH , '* '""'"^ •'■* •'*' ^" ^^ """ ^''^"' Lac *'*i»"a vckh, if you return and come home, my mind will be easy. See the /]> 1^ Sijaou gnay. Hwan Hivan ■tier no3 ,11 A cemetery, a burial place-, also read hwan, which see. Hwan e 1^ ^ , a beautiful gem. LSang geu'k se ch'hijet ch'ho, S hwin ch6w k6 hfing ^ ^ ^1 ^:;j ^ fVAo, £ Attiin chevD e dy Mng yeo^S, every fine gem needs to be cut and rubbed, but the 6 hmin may retain its shape. , -•k _<» Hot, warmv to roast, to hum. Hek Hwan 7>^ i''^^" '"''' '^'^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^' /\ j-^-1 B)oo j;g, ffi^'-ff »H|J^ Atr4n te^"^ «e nic"o «'*««, a dragod coiled up in the mad. Hwin Hwan Hwin To grow; to water, to irrigates lux- uriant vegetation. The name of a stream. Sacrificial flesh; flesh left over after a sacrifice. T'he.;n cho6 y6w soo hwan yecn, 6 kwuy Ifingseng choo iffi hSng Uy weo soo hop hKin'tSlh, .chiw t'hd e tins iiig tai"^ ^9 c*^" '"'^' ^^^'^ ^^'^ Emperor Hwan Hwan l!^. - V. , Hwaii r.illfiw basa sacrifice and sacrificial flesh, he takes and presents it to the princes of the same family name. See the ^%j{^ Ch'hun ch'hew twin. The foot of an animal. Him hwftn Bb jjp^ J a bear's paw. \ ^ X Vulg. leoh bwi: to trouble. Soo hwftn n*trl llT- jl(^ J '»»y- I-^ey sin hw4n ta* J\^ chePas6ug|^/f|.j:||^^e ffi^ lae p'hay leSh bwi lied kauu Pa s'e^d, the inclosed letter, 1 will trouble you to take to the city of Pa(BaUvia). .J^ f>» A screen, a fence, a railing. Tai *^1^ .. hong iSiigseng, e hwan pin Chew sit, twa hong tdng aai^S, i did hwAn pin le Chew dy tit, he greatly apportioned those of the same family name, inordjur to reader them a fence to the house of Chew. See the f^ ^^ Soo ke. v^ f-» A fence, a railing ; the same as the Hwan '*/>T^^ former ; also, the whole, general, \| |jt^ common. Tae hwiu 4( ^k upon the whole. Hwan W.^ \^^ Water; water bubbling opj The hair generally ^ the haic- tied up in a knot. To rub in the hand, to wash clothes by the band, Numerous. Numerous, many. ChiiLing chea sit hwan|i^^^^^, tUy iyldng titchiy, the followers were numerous. A sort of vegetable; a fragrant and edible plant. Hwan HWAN HWAN Hwan Hwan Anything round. :^ Hwin I ^ Sek hwftn ch'ho i^^ 1^ ^ , «*^»* ||1Im Atr4n cA'Anuu, a kind of sub-inariue I / ^ vegetable, which grows upon rocks, said, to be like the fir-tree. Hwan C A suroaine. Hw4n-t« ^ W , *' nanio of a disciple of Confucius. J|>>LL H'w4n sek ^ ^, Atrdn cAeSA, alum ? ^^ Hw&n ..ii r « also called, pt-k hwfto Q ^;.> P^J** Airdn, white alum. ^ ^^^ A wall. Hw4n ch"heang^g J^, Air^n *tQ <^*'*«''"^' a *all. Tau-kan-bJk i& ..^^ hwai. jfi pi Che p^ ^ ;;(^ {^ Jtg jfi j^ ^ , Tan-kan-bok kiiiy ch'hc6''S ji ,eim pfe''S e, Tao-kao-bok climbed over the wall, to get out of his- way. Sec j^ ^ Beog-choo. Hwin TK2D^ '^''* liquor of rice, Hwkn r A largp sieve or basket, for collecting dirt. >^^/fe* The name of a river » witer overflow- Hwan >^^v jf jff\ '"g and r^iDoing over. I; Hw4n t«y jjj| ^, the name a bird, which pecks the tails of snakes. Hwan Hwan Hwan Hwan Ko hwAn ^^ ^n, a kind of cake or confectionary. ySy A round gem, without any corner, or projecting part. To. string; to perforate. Hwan Hwan 7^ Sharp^; gainful, advantageous. Unskilled, dull, not clever; also written ^S hw&n. hw4n. (ttrd ' '(Ji Jfti"''! Hwan -^?3^^ Alum ; the same as w. A BSll^fW A her<» hesiUting, and aaable \o Hwan IJ^l^ iMtf"^^^ proceed. ^ To display ; martiaL P*ran hw&n Hwan "TTt^ ^ ;^, hesitating, unable to advance. \ ^ Chey-lw4u-k4»g ^ 10,^ , »'"0 name of an ' aDcicot despot. A surname. Yfji\^ Read hwfiu! to order. Hwftn hod Hwan •^TF^' lUV fUjr , kwAn hoi, to enjoin. Hwan Hwan A surname. X Pj Hwan sifl jB |^,a8ervant, aminister. tApers kwan A person in office, a minister. Hwan Hwan t*? •'**" '^ '^' *■ «»""«•• "'^^^ palace. A tuniame. Hwiin hak soo soo, hw!^ l£y put chhia ^ ^ ^ ^li|) ^1^ H "V^ 4B cfci *ir"a >hinent, (the counlr; .Is-th'en in a sad condition.) S ov(t« . Hwan hwat -^n i^ , to trah^reis the lawi. Hwan choey ^g^ ^^ to commit sin. Kan hwan "T* ^P, to offend, to provoke. jL,kmm A law, a rule, a pattern, Boe hwan Hwan anO 1^ It , a """'e, a plan. Hwan wuy ■if*^^ t'heen tey, j^ put K3 ^y J^ ^ % ]fn ^'» i^ J *" '"ni'a'e the revolutions of heaven and earth without transgressing the rule. Hwan K 'Va\g. p^hdng: asail ; to«ail. Soo hwan f^ lllH-j *"* P"*^"?. to set sail. T'hey san hwan hae ;j|^ li| til V^ ^ Vhuy sw^a p'hdng hai, to climb the hills with ladders and cross the seas with sails. Hwan Bo8 hwan ^Si *$j the name of a tree. /^«^ Vulg, pnoi^S : rice. Sit hwin ^ |J^ Hwan ^\\^ che'sh pooi"S, to eat r^'ce. Hwin se bod 6 te Iji^ ^ ^ W ^"' '^*^^* .^■^i.-.' pooVS kap sty i, n^ I'hnng i/ang It, in eating rice and millet, do not use chopsticks. xinwl Hfing te ^ ^ was the first who boiled rice out of paddy ( B. C. 2622. ) Hwan y V^ Hwi All, every one, the whole. Tin hwan n } whosoever, whensoever, in soo H S&, whatsoever. Tae hwan -J^ R jO" the whole. Hwan seang H *^ common, u«ua1, ordinary. Seng hwan put yit j^ fl ~X^ — , sing jin hvsan teing Ag ling, fi" chit i/?.d"S, sages and common people are bg no means the same. %., To be concerned, to be grieved, to be Hwan ^BOt anxious; evil; difficult Pulhwiojin ^\y> cheputkefe7f:£7;;^ :f. t^ bn , a"" sai hwan 16 livg tj"- chae liin, tio not be concerned that people do not know you. Soe hwan Ian, hgng hoe hwan Ian ^' F|I^ Sft 'It ^ 'S> 1^ ' '"" '^^* *"'"" '""' '^** **"'' Aoe Auian /uji, when we come into troulile, we '' should act consistently with one in trouble. ^"'^-■'"•See the l|l H Tcung yOrg. a&fih ■-J . ,1 ; >>■% To feed with corn ; to eat corn. Yfiw Hwan .^f"^^ choc che wat giio k'hoe ^M ch'hauu cK'hek ey hw"a hi gwd &g ch'hUy, just as vegetable and grain please one's palate. See j^ ^- Beng-cho6. Hwan H wan Hwan Hwan In nSwH The front of a carriage. Deceitful tricks, airy visions. He hwin J^ ^^7 ^*'" ''■'^*""'- Yaou hwin ■M^ ip , artful contrivances; also read, hwan. J^— ^ Tae name of a plant. -^f^ A region of the west, said to be the native country of Buddha. Hwan * i 1 hwi ^ 1^^ the original language of Buddha. ' ? Hwan keung ^^ B>* royal palace. Money, cash. Yit hwang — — ^t chit hwang, one fanam. Bo5 hwang M j|^ , *^ hwdn^^ no money. A law ; a rule, a pattern ; to imitate; to punish according to law. Hwat toe -i^ J^, a law, a rule. Hong hwat "fc" y^, means, a plan, contrivance. H€ng hwat JpJ J^-, to punish. - Hwat ge che f.4n, I6ng bofl ohijfing ho5 J^ |H _J, -i- Mi juf / j^ 3L ^ ej, ckd hwat toe ij/ wa kham ey «"" t'hin hoe, words worthy of imiU- tion, how can we do otherwise than obey them? See Jhe |^ |^ Lun g6. - , HWAT 269^ mVAT Hwat Hwat Hwat Hwat Hwat iM I The ancient form of ^P[^ hwat : a law. Also written, '^ hwat. T'hae ci'ae e pat hwat te pang kok "^ -^ X) A /^ vn ^5 ® ' ''*"^ '■'"'* ''*" '^** Mng Ay hwal toe- te pang kok, the great minister of state regukled the country according la eight rules. See the M |^ Chew ley. -y «^ To display, to manifest v to spring J^yQ>^ forth, to rise up v to send abroad. 5p^ ""at k:he ^ l{^, to sp'"'g "P- Mwat heen ?& l^, to display, to manifest. Hwat yHiik haa hitl^ chiin kek e t'hcen ^g | j M #J lll^'li f* ^' *"'" "* *^'" ^''*''"" wcj"*, seng- ii« kwin cht kaou CAce"^,. in pro- ducing and. Iiringing up the various kinds (of grain ), — C the merit of the sages ) is cxal led, up to the heavens. See the r[l J^ Teung yflng. iy» The hair of ihe head. T"h6y hwat hair. Hwat twin j« sim t«ftflg "^ ^ itij '6 ^. •"" *^*-^* "■"■ "'"^' ^""' ''*'' is short hut jour heart is long (meaning that though, the man was nearly bald through age,, yet his view* meite Uing and deep-)^ r** To be wanting,^ to be dsstitute of; •^^ to b« without. Hwat k'hong kO "^^^^ sin ^ 5^ tt J^ , to. impoverish his person. ^ ^ Tto- cut ^ ta strike, to chastise i to. ^"■n^ invade ^ also, to boast.. Hwat k'ho I ''^ jfi hfl, hwuy ho6 put k'bek /(J|> ioT |(D f^T. 01 ^ '^ ^ ' '''*^* cVM<.ficAtt."fl, b6 poo I'tidoit bei/ */«"&■, in cutting wood fur bandies, how shall we manage I without an axe we cannot succeed. Cheng chl'i, seang hwat hiy yS4 /j£ ^* J^ 43?, ~K -Jit cAen/f Attifl/, »e Jd /tea A«ro/ «d tiy, the meaning of cAm^ is that of superiors chastising theic inferiors. See "^ .^ Beng- cho6.. Gwan boo hwat seen WM\^ M ' gwan b6 lein gud Ay Ao, 1 wi>b not to brag of my See the ^fc '^ Lun g6. Hwat Hwat To meet,, to assemble. Hwat hwat Hwat Hwat Hwat Hwat Hwat Hwat goodness. \^ \ ^.^ Vulg. iTflA,- alive, not dead. Chac \\ J_ hwat ^ |J[ ^ *"* T«A.^ to revive, ' 1"^ to live again. WQy yew gw4a fhofr h.wat suy lafi^ ji[] in jj^ H^ ?£■ /JC ';Jv > <•* """ ff"^" ''*«''" ^J' «^*- cAiijr M-^ only from a fountain bead do living. waters rome. 1^ '^ A. raft^ madb of wood or bamboos, "I jr for crossing Ihe water. CI Q Hwiil wal Bji [j^ , "Joors on each side rV J2. 1 of an officer's dwelling, the former^ » I '^^ on the left, and the latter on the right •, hence taken figuratively for office, or for the merit which entitles to office. 'Bo6 hw^t wat kong Id M. f^ 1^^ :^] ^^^ , bd chd Ine^a Ajf kong U, ha.Ting no merit that entitles to office. % ' * F To punish. Chek hwat ^ W^ to — ^ I I reprove, to chastise. Sc&ng hwat tPl J chc6, dug Che tae kwAn jei^ IjJ toS, te 6ng dy /tro. kwAii si, rewarding and punish- ing people,, is a royal prerogative. To nsscrable; strong v the same as^^ |— y< hwat. -> Afloat made- of timber, in dittinctioD from ^ hwat, a bamboo float. Also, to cross the water ma. a raft. A. vessel under weigh ; a boat sailing. \ HWUI NG ■2F HwuFS Read bong : wild, waste, overgrown with weeds; unfruitful, barren. . XlLl Teen tfiw hong bofl 03 U^ ^ ^^ ch'hdn hwu0S p^hiih hwui"S, the fields and plantations were all overgrown with weeds. Ke boag Ijl^ ^ Are hwui^S, ajamine. ^0^^ Read hwun: the eve"nine. . B6ng 'Hwui^S B^ hwun M. ^ , mai"? hwifS, in Pf the evening. ■Hwun_ liec k'hoe jinchebflnhoS^^^P ^^ ^ ft /S . mai"S hwui^S si p'hah ling dy mo<>i''S hoe, iate iu the evening to go and knock at peo- ple's doors. Mwui^S ;Ha!wt"§" JL^^U^ Read hong : a sna snake. Ochonj E O til a black snake, very venemous. ?s^ Ke h(H^ IjL ^■^^ yaou hwui"S, a famine, hunger. !Htouf^^ :.Read wan : a garden. Cfi'hae w4n g] ch'hae 'iiwui"?, a veget- able garden. .Kwuy k'he lae h6f , teSn 'wftn cheang bo3 fS tooi"^,.ch-hdn hwiu"S biiii/h Ao^, come and let lis return home, -for our fields and gardens are getting wild and overgrown, " M _ Read h6ng : sulphur. L6w hflno- 1^ ^ , "^''"^ AuiMPff, brimstone. iHvt!ul"S Hmui^S Read hwun : a railing, a frame. Pa6u hwun ^g g^ pod hwul''S, a frame for .calabashes to grow upon. Read hwun: to encircle, to encom- pass.; to embrace; to put the arms round anything, in order to lift it up. Hwun pun |^ j"^ ^ hwiR^S pun, around frame of bamboos, made for holding grain. Hw •See the J^ "'^ un ^ 270 HWUN ■^ _%_ Read wan: far, distant, not near. HwuV^S ^ C> Hoo boe chae, put wan ygw ^ •*Q^ # -^^ -T^ M j3l . P^» '"^ 'e til, u*" Vhang hwui''S fhit t'hd, when our parents are alive, we must not wander far. jjj, Seang lun. Vulg. pun : to divide, to share, to distribute, to distinguish ; a small particle. Hwun peet ^ ^|J^ to distinguish. Hwun lijel yj' ^a^ pun ISeh, to tear asunder. Hwun k'hae ^» Rg, pun k'kwuy, to open, to set apart. "Yit hwun — yj" , ^hit hwun, a part, a por- tion i a very small particle, Hwun jin e cha6 wuy. che hwuy ^^ A Vfl -tei hwUg, t« distribute money among people is called (a trifling) kindness. See the _[^ ■£■ Seang beng. 'Bfln-ong sam hwun t'liiien hay yew ke je X 3n H :^ ^ T t =fe :^ , '^^''-^''o ^a hwun t'hee"^ iy woo e Ay no hwun, B fin- ing out of three .parts of the empire had -two parts. .^, j«^_ Vulg. hwui^S : the evening, dark. Hwun V^^^ llon^ hwun se hwun ^ ^ [j-i '(mX /^^ 'too too mafS hwuCS ay s^, Just aliout the time of dusk. ^^gil|_ The common form of the prece- Hwun ^^V<^ ding; also used for the next, JiS; -^P hwun, marriage, because marriages were celebrated in the evenins. Hwun Wi wun yin J^ ^ffl, marriage, a wed- ding. Also written flS hwun. Yeen je sin hwun, je beng je tey _B. ^^ ^ jlSI iin yd J^P ^ . '"^'^ "'^"' '^ « ^M sin hwun, cKhin cheb"^ he''a kap ie, to feast at your newly celebrated wedding, like elder and younger brethren. I HWUN 271 HWUN Tile mind not clear, net fully con- vinced, not clearly understood. Not to understand, to be dull ; con- fused. Gofr hwon put Ifing chin 6 se hv)un, biy chin t chiy liy to, i am dull, and can make no progress in this itndy. 'See ^^ -^ Beng-choo. ip* A door-keeper^ a c«mnt«n porter Hwun rif^tj I "' ^^ deor. Hwun jin ^ J\ > tl J ^ -porter. Smoke issuing forth, to smoke any- HlVUn \S0 fting. K'liiJung sit hwun ch'he ^ ^^^^v ^? EI!!' |m ^ an k'kang hu-un neaou cKht, to smuke mice out of their holes. See the Hwun InfZl ^ fragrant kind -of grass. Hwun Hwun Hwun % — ^^ Fire burning -with violence. Hwun IT U|j^ leet ycien seang i||| ^^l) ijjfsj J^ , hSig / ^\%\ ^ hwun cheats ^ when Uic fire burns violently the smoke asccadi. The remnant of light, after the fun has gone down^ twilight. The e^es -dim and dark. To be inebriated. Hwun jeuk R« ' the name of a foreign nation on the west of China. '^VV\ T'had-Ong soo Hwun yeiik ~h^ ^C 3T ilM '® Thawing hok lac Ilwun yeukAu Hkbh. T'hae-dng served the western foreigners. See ^ -^ Beng-cho6. Hwun rj W^ Hwuti -f iri A sheep ; sheep's flesb, or fat; mutton. An instrument of music, made of earthenware. Pek se ch'huy hwun, feuug sS chhuy t6 j^ ^ ^ ^ IT y\ P/V )^ > ""^ elder persons played on the hwun, and the younger on the t6. See the /!'» ^Seaou gnaj. y^ Hwun "rg The same as the preceding. VVir* -. Merit, meritorious desert Hwun lo HvVTin ^jfT ^^' ""*■'• Also written. Hi Tm^t/ hwun. Kfi khek y6w hwun "HL "^ /4 ! Si/> ' ^^ *"*" y*"'* "'''" *'"»g' '^» h's succeed- ing had some merit in iL See the |p| SS Seanj se. Hwun Hwun Strang-, pungent, and fragrant veget- ables, such as leeks, onions, &c. Put j« hwun '^^^, he did not eat fragrant vegetables. Bright. Hwun kong j[^ ^ brilliant, effulgent. Hwun ^— ^ A fragrant seen*. Hwun ^^CS^ Fragrant plants. Hwun j"^^ A felicitous influence^ teme say, an infclicrtous influence. Confused, disordered; to ravel, to Y6w le 8c, j< hwun che yea a y0 jfii 1^ ;t ^ . '^*''"» chides bSii/h ch'hing te, ji hicun htcan e, like one who wants to manage thread, and lets it ravel into confusion. Sec the /p ^ ChO twin. Hwun ^^^^ rumple. HWUN 273 HWUN i"% ' - The appearance of falling snow. 'Eswat II. run ^S^ hminihwun^ ;;|:]-^ '^ ^^ «A »%A ^■J hu'un hwun, the snow fell in ftakes. See the fW ^± Sijaou gnaj. Hwun Hwun Confused, mixed tngfrther. T''heen hay hwun hwun ^ j> ^ '<;j , t'hee^S ay hwun kteun,^ the empire Tras all in confusion. The name of a fragrant wood. Hwun ^HC - Hwun Hwun Hwun To be sick; to die while an iafanl hefore receiving a name. Also written, 55 hwun. 'XV. Hwun wun |i^ |^^, a fragrant breeze, I il an aromatic smell. A thread or skein of silk. K6 tiiaou ^ wfly hfl, wily sc e hwun ^ ^ |;|[ «"« meS''h, tok lolc se e dj/ hwun, in angling what did he use i nothing but a skein of silk. See tb.€ Q j^ Sg^ou lam. A sickness » sick» ill. To gno koe hwun ^ ^ m ^ > chei/ gwd k-hw"d pai"^, I have been witness, to many See the -^ H^ Tae gnay. ^^ Hwun evils. Read yeen r tobacco — useful for keep- ng out cold » smoke. Sit yijen ^ /Iffl^ chlkhhwuH^ to eat (i.e. smoke) tobacco. H6ng j een J^X jlj^ , -^ng- Aiean, com- mon tobacco. Oe yeen J^ jl^^ * o^ hwun, black tobacco^ i. e. opium. Hvvun Hwun ^l^ A light grey colour. Dark w Ch'heen cboo yew hwun [^ ^ ^ ^ ' **^'' "*"'' 9^^ ^'"» *<• display all that is abstruse and dark. Hwun Vy'V^' * J, Hwun "Tp Tne name of a river. . ^"N Rice fliiiir^ any kind of powder. "^"S^ ^''''^" ^'^ ^jf ,H^|)t<> adorn. Hoe />/ hwun ^fl ^), and B6 hwun ;^ ^, a kind of cosraelic, iwade of a preparation of bismuth and lead , used also for white lead. H Willi p'hek ji/j^ ^ ^ hinUn peuh, to plaster or whitewash a wall. 1 ^^ Overhearing,, arbitrary, self-willed » riwuil ^ F^ 'he same as the following. Tong- I •'^^- tok cboo liwiiii yunz "rK ^ H tM ffl ' ^""s''"* *■* '^ hwin i/ung,. Tang-t5h xas, an arbitrary overbearing nian.^ ^,^tj Hwdn ley iH E^ ^ oppressive^ over~ lluun ^ fO* bearing. }l"6 > uiig toe b.wu.n, e I y^ gwuy hoO ) oe ^ ^ |^D j^ ^ /G.' JJC "jH ■» "^ i"^''S' '"^ hwun, k gwijijj Ketm pa)f ioel; lo be fond af displaying one's bravery, and contending for one's own way, till we en- danger our parents. See thje !■» ^^ Hay beng. Hwiln Hwun Dust or dirt; an atom, dust. The same as the precediBgj also^ to collect. Hwun chip keng soo ^V^ ^ ^ &^\ > k'heoh cho hiiii/ IB ke"a se"d, to assemble at the capital. ■^ To be enraged, to be angry with. Hwun ^X*" ""^" ""^ A^ ?iS ' ""»'"■' '^'""^ i V'' k » Je bo6 hwi'in chit & gwan iS' ^ ^ Jjfe ^ ^H } li u'" t'hang sew k'hi gam lAngy you should not be angry and vexed with the dull and stupid.^ /y»y Hwun ton 'l^ f^ >^ impervious, unitt- Hwun /J V|« telligible, deficient in apprehension. Hw6„ ^ ' Variegated, ornamented. Hvvun H H H HWUN 2f73 ij- r_j4 Black, of a dark coloar. mud Jt^ll^ '■■"■. "■'•• ■■'l-i?> •'"■p, -'^'''''i ■"•1 Ajf» To o¥ertarni't» tfvertbrdtf. ' Ch'hoo Hwun j-g** che wuy yit gin hwiin s5o jj^ || Iv^H — "g" j^ !^ -^j c»*y »e Aronff f a wound. ••V- *\ Hw6n Foolish, MUT. , ^V-rfi( (iUY/l Hwiin HVviin A sheep or goat with a largb head. -, To have a large head. Ge chae chae cho, yew hwun kg s€,ff. ■© /H^ >f£ ,eKhaiu,woo iwae dy I'hadu, there is a fish among the rushes having a large head. See the /J\ 5tt Seaou gnay. in ^^ • To burn, to. set on fire, to consume by Hwdn ^ITl^ii ■*'^®* Hwfiijheaog ^ :^, seo,heo"S, to bufa incense. it ot. (! Hwun y^f HwQn t'huri ^^ wB > a kind of cake, or confectionery. A spirit. L6ng hwQn 'j^ ^ , the soul. HwQn 'T^ttf Jin y6w sara hwfln cli'hit p'hek Vl ay hw4n cWhit &y p'hek, people have three s^oujp' j ! aiia seven' spirits: HwQn seng -e thiien, p'hek ; Wng ,6 tey 1%^ ^ %. i% ^ f^ ^ . ■ ■ i ■ kuiiin cheo"^ k^ou t'hei/'S, p'hek -ISh kadu iiyi'* v „../.tbe soul^heay^^ an4 th^pic^^^esceuds ! ..ii'idi Wiithe: earths V '' '•' '"*^ "'"^■^ ^'-'"^'A "''* " Hwiin A whole piece of timber that is not ■ );i^ .iicii!J of li'i:, broken. . . , , , Read ylri'ri'cloiid;' thl^'ctoudsi'- 'T'heen FftOMW > ^lr* y!n ^ ;^ J «'Aee"^^tiitn, the clouds.^ .noibuT^^i.^ of heaven. tt^J^ ru'iilPiit ge j6 hoo ch'he"a kwuy, 6 gno' j6 hftO] i fi™ g-g ji poi kwUkwiiy, te. gwd cKliin. cheo^S 111 p'hoo p'hoi Ay hwHn, wealth an4 honours! gotten mw ■.iby unrighteousness, are to me like the floating clouds. Said by CQnfuci»iS,!2|m=S Lun-ge. ^ A muddy sfrearii ; mixed, jumbled W •7'' together, in confusion;" also, flowing. I |<|^ Hwun chap ^^^^^ mixed togetheH' ' Y6w but hwOn s^tig, siieh I'been tey seng t] ti ill j^JtK\k!t' ^o-^ '-«"* kwfLn che*')l.« 0,^, ^M U ^ ^ 4,^> «-»d-. ,c*«>4» [,j^.,,/kfi)iin. A»«n ^fliJa, 60 JUf^"A j7^| otoI"^,. Ih^ foun- tain bubbles up, without rrTningrigM. or day. ^ In "I See j^ 3- Beng choo. .mil ^^ Finished ; lo; finish. l/\, *"''♦ to disgnuge. Hwun ' ^ P r mS''A Atcun, a name, a station^ Chit hwun Ijjjl^^ a duty, an office". Pun bwQn JK ^J*, obligation, duty. HwOn leang ^r'm a small weight, or measure. Chin ka p '^"^ •'■''• ^* "" '^"^ ' hwan jein Cke «>*if undislingni>lied uaw.l } -m Confused,. i» disoriter» muddy. Se Hwun Vl^j ^'"^'^ '""^" J* '•"' ^'^"" lift ?@ iS m |_Xj t?n "X^ ^ , tikan hwun lican, jt '. bt hwun peel, the world Is confused .without distinction. I ^ GiricTC^, sori-frwful, troubled. Cho6 Hwun \^S\ put '»'"■'" P'" i ''F j® ^) '"*°'' iV^\ lAng bt hwan li ling k'kigh, the host did not trotible himself about his guest. See I ''e 7^ jH eho twan. A. \\ Not, no, do not. Hwuy ley che ley Hwut tll'^ liwuy gii che gc, lac jln hw«it wOy y.,u>uS^*.(^^ W?^ •" *'**' »«f8'^9Pef ceremonies, and ^.j.j.jT unjpsl performances, thpimagn^nimous man will •flo, .•"'»PW^-..,o-,,rti .».,„, / .-. , ii') .I-'il ,i r. JiJT/ll To kfta lathe left. Hong hwut m ^^, ' thill,' thii' tiling. % %\»' To 'brtfsh; ■ Id iitist,. to wijie away Hwut J*! J fi dirt; also, to abolish. Chin ke l(3ang l7r ;"-'«>-» cut iiJL ;^ ^ ^ , y^ cMm ji^ ISShAim/ai o. leSh ch'liile, |)ringing, in 4 tabl*> oc, »,. st>tQ^ (.to opr .superiors) we should first wipe them. See the ^ ||^ K'hiiuL n a.4f. A napkin used for tying n| iKt hair. To oppose,. to resist r stullborn, rebel- lious. Gno« kay che ^n hwut c Ay used also for tfie following. A string ; a knee-cap, a. part -of the dress .which comes over the knee. ^^ A knee-cap. Te be hoe hwut been hwut bein, t« make the knee- cap and crown as fine as possiMe. See the |3| Lun ge- Hoo "hwut HI 1^ ^ a cap, ad-orned with hatchets, and various figures. Hwut been W^ S^ ^ an embroide- ■j 3uw«i H«rait . To deprecate calamities, and invoke Wessings ; a sacrifice for the same. Hwut te woo wiiey ^^ |^ ^^ ^^ hwut ti la tdm, to abolish all defilements. Hwut Hong hwut ^ W' undecided, in- distinct? not clearly perceived. Hwut Hwut Hong hwut (l-^ ;M, to miss one's aim, to be disconcerted. M ^ Suddenly, for a short time-, to ex- -yO^ haust, to exterminate. Se chwat, iVl;^> s8 hwul ^ |g ^ ^^ , it is ex. terminated and done. , Hwut jeen M ^ , suddenly. Hwut lelik ^ ^ to despise, to disesteem. . a^ngBat piece f f Hwut ^ f M ^ of stone, or gem, held by king's ^,^^ and officers when they go to court. Hwut ^ v^g To otter, and express sne's self. Hwut A devifs head. Hwut \^^J ^ liHiitic. of Buddha. Hwut n High, lofty, f ^ ^>^ HiJM.H Hwut ""Jt jT a kind «f pTg'; aJso Wrkten, ^ hwut. Hwut Hwut Hwut A light breeze, same say • a' pierce wind; also written ^f hwul. Broken. Hwut ^»%i'r* fierce wind arising. The wind arising ; to arise. Hwut The name of Buddha, . the sage ofi the west. HAn Bfing-tey k'hi:en jSn . J , ■■'I" ^"^ T'heen-teuk, kgw che, tek Hwut keng je sip soo chcang ^ f^ '^ ^ A. f^ # Bsmsf 277 HWUY Bdn Bing-tty sai ling chok too k'hi Th'een-teuk Icok ktw e, tit teSh haul keng jS chap si cheang, Han-B6ng-tey sent some people as messengers to the country of India, to look for this sage, and obtained 24 sections of the books of Budha. The common form of the preceding^. Hwut wut r a liitly appearance. Hwut Read hek : the stone, or seed of a fruit. Sit cho t'hO le, hwut le ^ Hwut "A A hw;.t^^;|^|:4<^^^^;j.^ che&h cho Cho le, a" Chang lim »dm htel e &y hwut, in eating dates, peaches, and plums, do not throw about the seeds. A thread, the- end of a. thread ; also^ to bind. Hwut TitOf* ■'^ '"'^'^ ***'? •"■ ^'^'• Hwut B^^ """' '* ^^^^^' """ "*"■" "^^ fiZf 1 foreign state. Hwiit i^ """' ''"' ^ ^^' "" "*"'^ "^ ^7ly a cloud of dust. dust,. H>vny ^ Hwuy m ■< > Vulg. pttug: to fly. P'bEen p'heen ^yftV* chca chiiy, chac hwuy chad cho (>( pwuy iy ka chiiy, voS li i pmuy woo si a hSy"h, the fluttering doves, ,irc sometimes flying and sometimes resting. See the /\\ ^fff: Seadu gnay. The leaf of a door. 3 T To snow, the appearance of falling Hwuy T^'^ *°°'' "^ *"** ^^ '""■y p|^ ^ :S '^'l* 3S "^^^ * ^* ^""'y. the snow falls in flakes. ^ %% Pie hwuy ,JJq ■j|^ u;;ly, ill-favoured. Hwuy >Y^ ^"^ """^ •'^ *"*"y M #1ltt^>^ h>oks ugly. Hwuy ^Zl C^ Pt'agCir.t; luxuriant. womaA who Las had many children Hwuy Hwuy Hwuy A deep red, a crimson colour. Horses gallopping on without stop~ ping. To oppose ; not ;. not right,, wrong ;. an error $ to reproach, to blame. wuy kfi kwiiy j6 chiy. cbe, t'heim kw4y ji chij/ e, si I'heim me, to sacrifice to the ghost of a. persoa with whom we were not re- lated is flattery. Bod t'h6 k6 chok hwuy ^ |pC» j^ i'^ ^ > . fl*" Chang seaou Uy fin kSi^ tit li kaiu chd a"* le9h, do not be ashamed of acknowledging your errors, lest you be coofirmcd in that which is wrong. Hwuy scngjia che& bo6 hwat, hwuy hauu chca boach'hin^}sBg/;^-fe^^^^^:^^ 35S: ^ffl J hwuy mai"S ting fin iy ling pit hi hwat toe, hwuy mat"^ icoii haau dy ling pit bd pay hot, he who reviles the sages, must be without law ; and he -who ijdicules filial piety, must be without parents. Sec the ^ ^^ Hadu keng. Hwuy To fly abroad -, a large wild fowl with, various colours. HWUY 378 HWUY Kong hwuy ^ ^, bright apd bril- liant. Bright, luminous, like the brightness of the sun. The brightness of fire, as bright as fire. A WjL Ele%'%^ A destructive insect, that injures "^^^ >f*k« hwily che, bok k&ii set aside, to abolish, to render Iwan chev. km ki yea, y6w k< ke chi', liok kam hwiiy yea H ^ ^ nx H^ vL ' *""" '^**^ '^•''' *'"* ^"^ *"•''* *«'. /'<» ling k"ii ke yung, woo iy ki ying, bS Idng k"d hwiiy bS, with respect to sacrifices, whatever has been abolished no roan dares to re-establish, and whatever is established, no man dares to abolish. See the i^ # K'heuk liy. HWUY 280 HWUY ' "'*''% ".^ To conceal, to avoids the name of a lIwUV '"* y^ parent or prince, which should he ^ trfc concealed or avoided, in common conversation, Hwily hfing: p'lt hwuy seng |^ ;^ /f^ |^ -^^ ei) hwky tit me"ll, bS,y hwdt/ tit sal"^, we may conceal the name (of our parents), but not their surname. See "^T ■^— Beiig choo. xim'ftt '^^^ noise of flyinoj, the clapping of Ilwuy \df^|y4y4 wings. Hong hSng 6 hwuy, hwuy ■ ^>N "wiykeelHtf^ll.^^ • C ^ ' ''""ff hung tit ptoiii/, hwtiy hwtiy e iiy sit, the felicitous birds are flying, and clapping their ■ wings. See the -^ 5tt Ta5 gniy. JkJt^ Extreme, very i the same as ^k hwQy. "Wfiy n^^ E peng hwuy ^ ^ ^ ^ ^. extreme. gwd &)) paVS Sim, my sickness is Hwuy IE Hwuy Hwuv }J Hwuy Vulg. pwilt/: fat, corpulent. Paou I y6w hwfly jeuk, kdw y6w hwfly m& to6 pdng 1000 pwllif bdh, bay tedou woo pwAy bay, in the larder there is fat meat, and fat horses in the stal)le. See ]£ -j- Beng choo. The calf of the leg. Hap-hwQy -^ river. the name of a Read choo : earthenware. Cho6 k'he ^ ^ . ''"''^•S' *^'**' crockery-ware. Favour, kindness, to be obedient j to Hwuv •^Ci bestow. A surname. Also written »\2U^ fihwQy. Wfly hwQy che hwaS Hh S^ "/^ i^ wily yin hwuy &g sim hwat, only to have thoughts of kindness. An bin chek hwuy ^ ^ |('l ^ j "" ^3''' $ai^^ chek cho6 hwUy, to tranquillize the people is a kindness. The name of a tree. Hwuy koe m^ mfj an insect that exists only for a short time. HwQy ' Vulg. pittiy : to bark like a dog. Hwuy »*/v ^^y ''^"S '"'^ hwuy seang bfln, jg ^ ^ tit h„6 sod keng .^ \i^ l^ ^ ft ^. ifn 3i,T' [SI ^*. '-■'-•y <'A^*'"i«p'tfly jee t''he''a, ji tat hoe s6 Icing, the crowing of cocks and barking of dogs may be distinctly heard, throughout the four quarters of the king- dom. See d& ^- Beng-choo. ^^fc^ The generic term for plants and vegcta- Hwuy li'|> ties. San jivr kay hwDy j|| ^ ' ^fe "ll ' *"""" *""" '"' cf^lwou, in the hills there are fine plants. Sec the /JN IJtt SiJaou gnay. Also written i^t hwQy. To stop; a fowl's beak ; a white horse Hwuy 1*^^* *'"' '' black nose. Jin che ke, sig- woo ii &y leng, ch'm"i hong chi jln, Bun-6ng had four nipples, hence be it called the most benevolent. Boe yeuk choo 6 j6-^ "^ "J* W ifb """^"j' cKhe haou tai^S i leng, a mother feeds her offspring with milk. 3 w ''rk The name of a river. Also, vulg. loo or li, you. Kwat Ji- Han, pafi Hwafi Sod, j6 chodcheKang^^j^^.^jH^gg^ M yi *^ ^ ' *""' *°''*"^ ^^ ^^"' '"'* ^""'' ■^''"• ji eh'hwa jip Kang, he cut off the J6 and Ilka rivers, and led on the IIwa£ and Sod, till he brought them to fall into the Kang. See ^? ^ Beng-chod. Jin l£ng ch'hiiung bod sew j£ j£ che sit, bod sey ong j6 put wfly gS Y^^ K^%%^M JE 283 JE nS ey ch'heung mw"d bo sew jt ji Ay cheak »it, chek bo ta ISh k'hi ji «'" cho ge, when people fulfil the honest part of not receiving what is given them with a "you! you I " — then wherever they go they will practise nothing but uprightness; — hence the Chinese do not like to be addressed with a plain "yon, " when anything is given to them. See "i& -i' Beng-choo. The same as the preceding. You; also, a parlicio You; also an euphonic particle; near. Soo e e je chgOlng soo, hong so6 hwat chttey ch'he"a gwd kap U chei dy Idng, hong t'hee"S dy beng cherig hwat woo chdey, thus I and all of you, have received the decree, to punish the guilty. Said by ^ i^ Sgng-t'hong. Put te 16 che chijang chd yin j6 ^ ^.fl ^ ^ ij^ ^ ^. •^j u'" chae laou ay hiiiyh kabu, with- out knowing thai old age is approaching. See the 3^ Hjfi. Lun ge. J. _k_5» GiJuk je ^ ^ , the great seal of the Je piF>| Empire, the royal signet; it was first •TT_^ formed by ^ -h^ ^ Chin-se-h6ng, and constituted a part of the regalia of China. ,^^,„_^ Vulg, he: the ear, the organ of hearing; JX IXl also, a euphonic particle. Je che t seng te »S"a, the ear, with respect to sounds, ( performs its natural office ). See ^ ■^ BSng-choo. Je tek jln yeen j6 ho5 y;^ 'i% AM^'f ' li woo til leoh gaou Idng d bd, did you meet with any clever men there .' See the =ijm |S lqu ge. Near, easy. P'he je h6ng wan pitchooje ^ lin It E ')i S 3l ' ^'''^ j^ ''^""^ hwui"^, fit tin km, like as when we want to travel far, we must begin with what is near. See the fh 0" Tiiung yflng. '^ - I ■ A temple erected to the honour of one's Je "x^lkUf parents. K6 ch^e kwun, chek sew g I m •'-» J^ ft ^ f: Ri] ^r- M^M' boiyh hing kwun, I'e&h tae seng chiw te kong ji, when about to go out with the army, it is necessary first to visit the parental shrine. To present wine; also, full, replenished. Gems worn dangling at the ears. The name of a measure, containing up- wards of six pecks. A surname. E' che je ^ ^ 1^ ^ hoe e chit iyjt, give her six pecks. See the ^^ ^5 LQn g^. J^ je ^ ^[ff J full reins, — leaving the bridle loose and full. Leuk i6 ^^ Eff , the name of a horse belonging to j^ 3§> jj* . ChewBok-6ng. Good wine. _% ^ ^ To cut; to devour; to quaff. Ch'hae je [^ >| .^ -^ "S^ -m , dried vegetables. Je m6 yim 5^ V heet ^ SE. "IV jjij^, cheah hdm mo, lim hdm h'uiyh, (the early ancients) ate flesh with the hair on, and drank together with it the blood ; ( this is spoken of as a sign of their uncivilized state ). To heal ; to get well, to recover from sickness. Han ong chit je /M j£, j^ ^^ Hd,n ingpiiy"^ ho, the king of Han recovered from his sickness. ■ »> , A crack in an earthern vessel. Sun to ho Je IftSt P'"' ^'^^ P"' ^'^"^ J^ ^ 1^^ ^ '^ iJ3; ]^ T^ '^ } S"" '^0 f"^'^J/ '^ *'' f'* JE 283 j£ J^ ii/ wtty, ke k'hi bo Mint woS k*heih, when Sun burnt pottery at the banks of the river, there was no complaint of cracks in the vessels. See the QP^ ^P So6 ke. ^ Idle, lazy, indolent. Sew cheuk to 'e ^ iNK. ^ AtL fa ® ' ''■''"' ''''''"*'" ''''"^" '""""• y/^f%V ji^g ^j^ ^qjI i^gs lazy and indolent. J^. To exceed, to surpass ; also, to recover J^ 'pl^^^ f'°^ sickness. Je c HoCy yea seuk jfi cU chill) k'h&h ga6u, which is the cleverest you or Ho^y } See the f^ |B Lfln gd. Kim peng sijaou j6, ch'he ch'ho 6 teaou ^ Js^ ;j-\ ^ ^ j^ ^ ^ ^ (Pa pai"ff tf tfA /WA a fWfc *d, woo Wn kin ke"d ji'p leiou, now his sickness is a little better, and he has hastened to the court. See ^ ^ Beng-choo. % To die of cold and hunger, to be starv- Jf^ JW^ ed to death) also, disappointed. J6 sod mM/^/\^ geuk teung || ^ ^ jf»^ Jfaoii kw"d si te k^a k'hoo laS, io be starved to death in prison. Jg ^ Alike, like, if, as ; if it is thus: j£ ch'hoo *3^f^ ^P ll:{i, <"« n'^J' >ai"^, thus : j6 jiJak j(p ^C" ^ , cV/i/n cHo"S, if, in that case. Te che chea put jfi h^d che chei, h"d chc chiia put j6 lok che chca ^j] ^"^ ^- :^, ^p $^;>:^. jtT 2 ^ ^ *P ^ ^ #' '*"' ' '^ '^"' "' ch'hin ched"^ 3/il 'e8A e iy l&ng, yil te9h e ay ling bey ch'hin chea"^ t'hekng lok e dy Idng, those who know ( virtue ) are not to be compared with those who love it, and those who love it are not so good as those who are delighted with if. See the J6 put k'h6 kftw, chiiang gofi s6y h"A 5(p 'f' ^ ^. t/£ ^ ^ . "" *** ''*"■ ''** '''"*" ^"'^ tty ai, if these (riches and honours) cannot be sought after indiscriminately,, then, lot me follow that which, I love. See the =^ i3^ Liin g6. » Even, plain, level. Yiiuk an wan hong, Ahxi *°"^ ''^''° '"" j^ ^'^ ^'"' ^ ^ M ^ hwufS pang, tsah tai seng san ji e dy kin, if- you wistv to tranquillize distant coantries, you most first render those near obedient and tranquiK. Jg Numerous, abundant. To answer, to reply to; the sound of assent; a boat made of a hollow tree. A surname. L4mwuyleje ^J \^ ^ '(^ , la po yin Idng wiy. cha bot yin l£n;^ji, males should answer with a ' tcliy,' and females w.lh a' j^.' See tile, |j^ =P Ley ke. "f *"■ Verbose, talkatwe. w JS i - A. learned man, a scholar. J6 kadu i^S TA^*" ^ , the sect of the learned. J6 wfly III k kwun clu)6 jC, bofl wQy seaou jin j6 kuiun ehod dy I'hak ch'hiiyh Idng, u'" I'haag chd sedou jin dy I'hak ch'hdyh lung, do you become a good sort of a learned man, and not a worthless sort of a learned man. See th* |^ =2' ^^^ ?*• To moisten;, to be wet with dew or rain, Jjfi te i^ '-^ ^ to go about anything ilowly, like the slow dripping of water. A short jacket. Put pck |6 k'hwa "^ S| " im fr'^ ^ u"" fl>ans ch'hung Iwdn, liy ,"a kap kwiin, do not make short Jackets and petticoats of silk. ■ _j, ..^>_ A child, an infant. 3t cho6 k'hd kaou "^^ 4rfrt '^^^^' '** *'^"'' ^'" '^ *'' '"• wllfi^ (I sec) my lad! that you ace teachable. Said by an old man to ?M M TSe^ Hang, when he had complied with bis request to pick up his shoe from under a bridge, and afterwards was willing; to assist him in putting it on. •^.^^^^ Le6nje ^ yiTn , Irirklinjj down, as tears. Je Wvjn T'hdy lew li-£n jC JJj ^^ ^ .;jfj| , laSu \| " '▼ bak chat leinjt, the tears flowed trickling down. jfe 284 A Je ^B,_aM A connective paTticl&; and, but, also ; you. FjjYl "'^'^' j^ '^ *'p •^•'^ ^ .ii {!# W Z ' I I f J ChakjiSdngs siviun sip e, to learn, and -constantly to exercise one's-self in it. See the Jq Seang lun. Choo-loe IT- ^fe asked Confucius about firmness; when Confucius replied, do you mean the firmness of the north country, or the firmness of the south country,— ekjekeange ifCp jfj] ?| ^ ^ a se le dy kedng, or your own iirraness. See the m fj" Teung yung. Jg Jg ?i The hem of a garment. Strong wine. M To boil thoroughly. Swan-keng je Fefin, chae hoojEhim hwan putsiiuk p| ^^ Swan-hong no ne£"S', chai hoo che Mm cheo^S bey seh in the second year of Swan-kong, the royal cook boiled a bear's palm, and did not boil it thoroughly. — See the "^ |^ Cho twin. .% Se j6 ^Q fl^ J a moment. TS yea chea, Je XjB putk^6sejel6yHif {{i:^-,:;f;Ti]" ^ X^ ^^ jli II ^ , /5 'e dy ^0-0, vF Chang chit hale nMy^Ti U Whwui/, the right way must not be quitted for a moment. See the Tp ^" Teung yflng. Choo j€ ^E n3 , the name of a plant, which if plucked on the 9th day of the 9th moon, and stuck in tlie hair, will banish all noxious influences. See the W. j^ =U Hong t'hoe ke. JS J6 The part under the belly. Hwuy jg HP nW J fat, corpulent. To flatter. T'heem jfi g |^ , seep sey, to cringe to any one. Chek ch'ham t'heem been j6 che jln ch^ e B|J |& me, bin ching seep siy Idn dy Idng kabu, then slander- ing, flattering, and sycophantic persons would come ( around the prince ). See ^ Jj- Beog cbod. x»^^ Vulg. siy ke"d: a child, a boy, an infant. Je ^tr "'^ ^'"' I"' ^^^ J^ *"" ^"^ 52, ^ 'ifi* X ^^ ^ $^^t\%' ''^"^ *"" ^'' '""'' *'^"'' «an dy hok, posterity will certainly obtain the measure of happiness that belongs to posterity. — » it Kin jg ^jm^ Jh, a beautiful gem, a precious jg tS/*' ^'"'>'^- "^y I'utjefim je p ;f^:jife ^, •'^^ H\\ *^y 'eim fcd jei/B j^ g'eu/l;, a slight flaw does not spoil the gem. ^^i,^ Sick, a sickness. Hoo boe seng gno, ho6 ^n*J ■ ^JM> Vdy boi sai^S gwd, s"d soo hoe gwa an niy cKhdm, my parents have brought me forth, but why have they indicted on me such pain. % ^ The name of a tree; whose blossoms fall Je jl^jSpp like pieces of money. Tarn jd chek been 1 n\\ put y-euk kak pj^ ^ |ij fj^ ;f, ;^^ *^« J ch'edh j& chek k'hwiin a'" a^ cKhai"S^ on eating of the ji trees a person sleeps without desiring to awake. "^ J\. To step over, to transgress, to overstep, Je J5^(^ *° g° "^"^ J^ ^ I'O'' 5^ ^ J^, '""^-y t»P- i!ii ' * '^ ■'^"'^ '^*«*.y' he crossed the river Lok. Jg jit gwat j8 ma6 Q ^ ^ j^ j jV' ffi^i/A W Wey, the dajrs and months are passing away. m The same as the preceding. Jg fl'Ckif To change, to alter. A boat made out of a hollow tree. Clothes ornamented with feathers. Jg t • . , , , '... . . : ■- ■ '1 B^^^ To lead, to .draw;, also, to- spread abroad M|| a fame or report, Old rotten clothes, used as oakum, for caulking boats, and stopping leaks. Tlie name of a river. Ch'he je ^5. ™J^ damp and low. A learned man, & scholart-th« same as '^^|^ j'^'> a. child. K'hae j§, to desire in- ol>tain arijithing, to peep at, to spy w|th a wish to-obtaiu. iBo6 k'h«6 j« 6 k«w heng |lE gji |gJ W ^ ^ , *''* fiiaou li'hw"i bang leH'^, i kha heaou heng, do not peep and long, in order to ob- tain some lucky chance. Pa je 2 HjA^ the name of a song. The ■ jSji't jftjfj to clap the bandVaiid Ibugh. Jg U To bore a hole through a plank for a. ^^v j^ door way \ to perforate anything, i(\ I^Vw order to get through by stealth. iA ch'hiiang ^ ^ , „ooj»ff kiiiy ch'hSif, U> creep ' through a hole in the wall. He who is outwardly and inwardly foul is said to^ be — yew ch'hwin j« tke *« Jea e ^ ^ ^ >^ IS 1ft M' "*'*'" c*eo''ff /'AaflK nooi"^ kSt» Aixh'h'at, like a thief who bores lii» way through a fence and creeps in. See the pp =5 Luu g6. MA inaltrass formed of horse htir. K'hcak ■ ^ >^ Roots entwined together; to pull up ^n^% togelhcii with the roots. A surname. 3%^ Pwat WaOu lefin j6 ^ ^ ^ ^ , ;)fl^h Ar'Ai Ad'" d (d'ffft Aim /.-/n, in pulling up the long grass, you should pull up the roots with it. 3 X low niog « , ' '*'• at c:\htyA ^., v.. : >>itl The name ot a tree. -JriwJ j>" ~I^i:i! (It -'.•tiiljfi'niofc nwij hrtu .V^^ t«nA-> t^lk 9 i*'-A «5M ,^^^ Vttig,. lla^ two.; 35 si'ft! ~.-4-'jijf chJxp, "C ^^^^^ twenty. Stp je -j- ^j cAap je, twelve. Je chija yit cbe tiiy ^ ^ -i-i' ^^^ ji se chit iy loiy^ two is the opposite of one. : ^egofi y6w put cljeujf 11. ^ '^ 7(^ ^' *'^ ^^ gwi yid fl'" Aupu, two-tenth» are nut soflicient for me, ( haw much less oue-tenth } ) See the TT ^ I .Hi* liixi. ., ' ! ci{ i.lrii ,T^,,. ;ni:.' >.i I -IIJ •.■,.. 1 ..' .' \ ,.u ■■■' \ !• ... Je .^|n_ assist ; to be involved in. Soo-ma-ch'h(*en ' \ry ^ Wi ^ "'*""='« i-«-'«'«g ^ 1^ 'for sobmiltiiig to the barbarians and tlitrcby dis- grattng his familji. addia^, — j6 |>ok ySw j? che ch^4« .it p ^ X f^ 2 i 1 . i^^-'* i*- . f^ ji e. 16k i^tt KiiQO, I, also, in consequence, am inrutved in thfc silk-worm's house, ( i. «.' tiie priwta. ) Ip^ The large form of _^ je, two ; also, to *B yr» \ '>!ive a double mind; to suspeCt. Jim J^\ \ hiifin Ijiit je ^ ^ ^ ^ ifn. ^ng .' gain l&ng it"* CA^ng' j£ 43 jS chew S06 tEy ^|l§ H ]fn "^l ^j^, ch^hin Cheops hi choey,Ji chew kdouse dy ley, like one who has committed no fault, and yet proceeds to the place of slaughter. See the _|^ "jg| Seang beng. Jek seng e jin, chek goS k"he kam y^ ^ M K~' Bll "^" W fflf > ''''''"' ch'ed"S seng kwa jin, chek gwd k'H k"d, but if you speak of being a sage, or benevolent, then how dare I presume to that; —said by Confucius. ^Mm m. y/rJt* '^^"'' J**'' f^ ^ J *'"' ^"^" surface jak '■^^ -of bamboo. Je'' "' "^^ Jek lip ^^,teki4sl', a bamboo hat. Jcak Lwanjcak ^^ |^, nool"? cfce'V.weak, fee?I)le. J«akld in con- ' fusion. To sfeal, to pilfer. Gofi tong yew tit kcung c4iea, k* hoo je&ng yftng, j6 choo chin cho S. <£* /6" v^ iy long woo chit iy te&ou tit &y ling, e iy ne6"S pay t'haou ling iy yii"^, ji hadu tai''S chu kan a/iV-j Je^fl ■ffAi^.e,^ \b our village there was a straight for> ward sort of a mail, whose father having stolen a sheep, ( the son ) appeared agatfu^, him as a witoess. See the §^ ^ LQn-g^. Much dew, a heavy deW; to be ranch J "A J "A ean i.-i JeSng wet witji . the dew. Rich, fun, aliusdant, plentiful, llong Ie6n jeang jiiang ^ ^ 1^^^^ ^ hu nei"S tang jeing jeing, a fruitful -season, what abundance docs it yield ! X sacrifice offered for the purpose of averting calamity. To -distil spirituous liquors; good strong Irqnor or wine. Beng-st-dug- kwun nae to jiiingchcw, mae hwiiy Bing-iedng-k-wun nai chiy jeing chtw, try pwdy iy^ got, Beng-seAng-kwuB distilled great quantities of liquor and bought fat oxen, ( in order to treat liis numerous guests.) Tong j«ft-ng HI M . fhe - v ncS"*', to give way to>arh other. Chcnn-.; sin Jeing loe, put sit pek po5 i^ ^ ^ {^, !^ ^^^ ' '■*^'' •* ""<■ "«»"* '»*• *'i' «'" '••""* rhil pHyh p-'l, -it M yowt life long yao grve wjy to people ill walking, you will not lose a hun- dred paces in the end. Jeaou ;i; Claws talons, nails. K(5-hoo-<^ ongclie ' jeaou K-y if 5c -T i ;^ :/^ yj-* ^ Kt-hoo-6 it ing iy jfiou gay, K6-hoo-« was the king'* talonS and teetK. "Sife''' "le /|> /^ Scaou gnay. kmi \ "^ 2S§ at. Jeaou )ri::,ViV r. ^«»i.o-^.•> ,-",..-'...- To surround, to twin&fottBd. l!ipp^n( Jeaou Jeaou Jeaou _,_ jijaou ||J^> *" e"*'*'"^ *""• ''i- ^y Q ti*ng|c. qhjeilngseng. 800 been swan jeaou po,k:kek ^ 1. B SJ MM^^ fe' ch^iing ch'hai'^S si bin sw&n jeaou paU kek; all the stars on every side x^ojye rofind the north star. V.V :-^ U Ta scratch, to, QJaw^ ta tear with the #. naiU- !»i Jfi^ii'xl i>iis ^.1' !•■ 1 ! > Wrinkled, furrowed. BSen jiJaou ffi ^ J **" j"^""' ^ wrinkled face. Hong ch'huy leuk sfty.siy jeaou been cfctiy, cAjiy chew woo Jeaou Ay bin, when the wind blows over the green waters, they get a wrinkled face. Jeaou Jeaou sey crape. Jeaou > Vulg. je6 : a short pddle^ for row- l"^!"' ing a boat Keaou jelkou ^S ^^ winnings hand- f/Kf^ some, agreeable. To sprinkle, to rinse ; also, thin. J,:;:r:^i&)f chit. Jin lae pe&^S t^y f Adn^, the inside -Mfi.J ^my !S*b«l*J»0^» «.tWfldintQ short worms. Jeaou g6 is -fS , 9, smalj, Kind of ^ !. *%!l,t -jjoqfio l"un«.i ifitttiijTJ? Full, abundant, rich, ^ferfeRif A surname. Ta5 heang, put .bun pok, put jeaou hod ;i^^.!^P r* ■^^m^, twa cKheH Idvg k'hSt^, a^mooi"^ " feast, do not enquire about ora«ies, nO* dis^ linguish the rich and full'. See th«i- ^ if To furrow» to wrinkjfif. Wuk s4.Jl, Jeaou OT^ bQd' yew, hong jeaou beSri 4^^^ j^ kZn W. fto^'j^^"" ¥«. the. ^reen wafers are ;;;;;;;n.t uoubied,,but;it iyh«.«Sf:.^^!^^^^^ their facei, 11 ,,,(( ^\^,^ .,■„,/(-; .frr.-tovf ilKfi'' To riimpl'^ up dniicthlti^, ' of' to wtin- l.> id'ifMHxj'jbii' kle it -, crape. 'hiiJ?.i!i oT Vulg. jeo •• flriie. xll bninA .6or!> I Jeeh J'eem 1 1_ A union of two characters, — je chap ■ll" ^-4-jjV«ft, signifying twenty. Vulg. 7wi''S-- t°' '»?«• J"*^^™ '^•'^ lour. Vulg. b'ak, to soil, to dirty^. Jg^iT woo ^ ^ , bak to sdm. t« be soiled KEw ji-6m woo seuk. him e wfly sin ^ ^ iifhottS>&uk, fa cho po6 si sin, before he was. JEEN 289 JEEP Jeem Jeem befouled with filthy habits, bnt now he is altoge- ther renovated. See the ^ ^ Seo"? se. <^55r The same as the preceding. # Weak, feeble i also, a surname ;— Con- fucius bad two disciples of this clan. Jeem-cho6 t'hoSy teftou^ ^ 5^ .^H , Jeim-choo fUy leiou, Ji;6m-cho6 retired from the audience. Also written ^ jeem. Jeem ^^ A beard. Jeem Jeem J e'en J e'en JeSn im i'cim ^ SE, weak, lither, pliant ; exuberant herbage. The people of •J^ "^ Hwafi-lftra call their mothers jeem, mother ! > A small sour date tree » also, to defile; to dye various colours. to trample on, Jew jecn to tread under foot. ^.% To burn, to inflame; also, adisjunc- ^TW^^ t'vc particle, — but, if, if it is thus, ^^ \ \ thus : right, yes, it is so. K6 jiifin ffi ^ii ^ indeed ! Suy jcfin ^^ ^ , although. Jeak h"© che »6 je*n, chwftn che sc tat ^ ^ ^ ii^ a ^ :^ i^ 1' '*''"■'• ^*^^:' hoty iy khi t'hiou ISh, chw"d ay k'hi t'hadu tat, like fire when it begins to burn, or water when it begins to flow. See ^ -^ Beng-choo. Jijgn chek Kwan-teOng te I6y ho5 ^k ^ij ^ Ydl ^p |ffl ^ , no si, chek Kain-tHUng bat Iky hoe, but then does Kwan-teung understand pro- priety ? 3t Y Ke jijfin,— k'h6 kg jeSn ho5 Jlt ^ "^ Jt ^ .3^ J e se an niy, e k'ham se an nty, is he thus? how can he be thu.sf See the Im B§ Lun ge. Jeen pp To burn, to inflame. iifi>il)iw - Dog's flesh ; commonly, but impro- perly used for wi jefin. To tread under feet. Vulg. It, and I06 : you; also read je, , which see. Jee°5 wQy je6"S, gnd wfly gn6, suy tin t'hek k6 t«ng, i gnd ch'bek, je£"o y«:«n ICng boh^ 3. -4^ ^^ ^ 1^ > '"" '■'"' '■'""' '^ <•*'*«■'"*■ A sharp weapon. Hong jim ^ ^ . a sharp-pointed weapon. Peng jim ke cheep & ^ IJ tj^ ■ P^fr '« '-■oou tea keou cheep, when the sw<(nis and weapons crossed each other (in battU)'. 'See tlie' f*' ^ Seing beng. " "^ . ,; Full, roplelc. Ote jtm »« yl'aV '^-N j|jg ft ^j o" f**"* 'mw''d'i( tli tii, how full it it oftjiiinping &«hisl^ Sec Tae gnay. T' ' I '1'. '• '._ i -l;. I l\ til' II III To borr(v«-« to hire, to eniplov nnv one ' ' .' \'~ ■'"" -_;iini'if ' r'i .- for inoiiey. Sin wfly jjn yfliig jTra yiing ch'he''i. I am a prr^on hired by otners. J'^uid '•> ^ D^ »'"5n-chhe. " ^ % Anything hindering the pro^-st. 6f a Jim tJ-lJl chairiot; a stop ob' the wheels,' which ''T^>0 when taken away allows the 'tlh'ariut to proceed. p A threads anything that may be put Jim tokUM through a needle, in order to sew with. flySf E iiJ4ng teng li-et jim choin chhen^' yln ched"S ling lelh, th»yh iw^i eheem * l\oat, the apparel ibeing ragged and tarn, pray let us take a needle and, thread, : and nieiid it. Sea the |j||£ Ley kd. , , ■ : ;.l ,' ^ To iq^ak slowly g.nd cautiously, to be Jim — jTl guarded in conversation, Jin cbSa k6 L p./5f gan yga Jim f^ ^ ^ •= i^ f^ ' Jin ds/ Idngg e 4y kong w&yH J^JP* '» yir^uoits man speaks with cautioR wd i;epeiivp.| iS,ep„the,i=gj, g^ LQ,n .ii-iili iiiI ■ >i(l 7 li;(fl' tf^A— . what? 4Mfc » l apn Jtn Jin . >^^^ t» j»o lAttg^ a male Jierson. -L^ iin -J^ A J cha bo^l&ffg, a fciuale person. Jip wfty ban but cbe Ifing J\ /^ || ^^J ^ ^ , Wng. »«. *Sn me?"/* di> '^nff, roaii is tlje soul of all things^ ( or tjie most intelligent of creatures. ) Jin che s6y 6 5 S k'bim sdw che4, fcf he ^ "^ e kSh yeSPS ( k^him tita dj), se bo jwa chey, that by which man is distinguished from the hrute& is very trifling. See ^ Z^ Beng-chao. Benevolence, ylrltte \ affection ; to love ; the seed of fruits.. JUv chija sim che tek, ae che 16 ^ik "111:^^1^1 ^ :^ ^ ^ 3g .[j^ jjin se rim km^a l^y tek hen^, ad Idng dy to Uy benevolence is the virtu6. of the , mii»d, and the principle of lave. Said by ^ -J. TSng-choo. .,,,1010 ..t Heng jln ^ j^ ^ alm^mds. TU jta || /^ , the kernel ot tke peach. % -t To acertain, to recognize, to ackaow- ledge, \o confess. Put jln X^ X^iSmi^ a"* jlB, to deny (iSt> Lira soo put jv« obtn, k'he chTn teung che to. hoe sou nd li'" Jin chin, k'ham se chin liiung dy to hoe, when anything happens, not to ascertain the truth, how is this tfae vay to fal^l the duty of fidelity ? :; :!jin tek gno mtth ^ ^^ ^^ ^> J"*'' ^'' ff"'" * liigy, do you recognize me? ! lin cbij^y. ^ M,j t<> fi»nfe»»,ffiip> faulls. ,^ill (ii»i(bir!-..,-) .^ i)!ii')~i;bi» rivl sill JJP i.vt \i To tun, to folbw after. I T 't '" ■""'"A ■'' ■>■'•'' '''■'■■^ ■■" '.■iiKi. _jjill /l iM^B^TIiix t: „li •) -Jill',, 111 (I :tiiint 111' i-f;*'*'n!>,„-^i ^i'-irb'^rtijW'fei»''tiir«'r^^^iv^:^''s>yjip JijM/ .^l^... j^^^ .jjjj.^i^j.g_ yjp c^gk i,a^„_ ch'hut chck t5y -^ pi] ^^ ||J "' ,^ > •''^ '^*^* t&Sh vioa. Aa4u, ck'ftoi cW.* /gSft g-aflft cAa (teu te, on entering he filjal, jut^ ott^ going' out fraternal. See the _J^ ^m Sean^ lun. Jip. y^ To. receive, to take in,. I>1! X Jit g Jit Jit u.-v: natott 3(lJ M 'lyO The sun •, a day. Jit tniog jQ ^ jit t'haou, the sun. Jit gnoe R -4^ jfl taoii, lioon day. Jit kan Q fM '\ d,j(. ,i cbizcl. Jiiejr. «!titiok |^' ^^ , a handle and'chizel,- which when apart are both, useless;, thus, used figuratively forJ^^ a useless person. , ^ y^ At small kind of insect,, fomidaliout r iP'Y/fc I putrid and sour things. I^ey swan^ ^ -^ ch'hod i>»ui''S ji jiiSff eha chip, when the vinegar is sour- the liUlc flies collect, aboat it. JSiy p^ A crooked' piece of wood, us«d as the handle of a plough. Hoo joey soo j6 cho5 Sotig che Teng ^ ^ f ^ Song kok cHe k^u Ting, bearing his plodfrh and ploughshare, he went from the Sdtog cMihlry to the Tfing country. See '5Er ^X' Bcng.-ehol^; The appearance of growing grass, surname.. Jfley Jl^ J^ Sharp-pointed \ a sharp-pointcd'weapon. ^pY? Joey k'h6 |j> :^ , courage. Yitjin ^JU, be6n chip joCy-;^^ lit ^, chit ling li bein glm joejf, a man wearing a crown ^1 fitd iiolding s- sharp instriiment. , See the Tp Joey Joo 'liio •)/Bil «'inid') •' ' Deep and stilltncjf mm, Vulg. leng : milk; alto, to>8it on eggs as a bird : read j6, which see. Joo Jun Jun Joo V.ulg.j'g^koharaoter,.! letter. - BQn joo^ jC,^ ^ f^ , ftiJn Ji, letters, literary' wri- ^ ling*. Boo joo ite ^ , to'sootht'; aU^, to promise in nmrrjage. . l^ ' Gh'hong.-k'heet sd lip bfln'^oo. che bflng •^ iS ^ ilT- X ^ i^ ff^ ' a"*ojig-t'W*J k-hi l'ha,;u, ftp I/Ch-JB Ay yeo"S, Ch'hong-k'hcct was llic first who , %.%tidi |t^, /ttn^ft «f?.,, character*, ( U. C. Ho5 Riit ItoR jfl^ kV»l c»«>4' :$t >f* tl^ ^ m? -7* , P^ bin ig ^f"^'-* father not able to- soothe his ;child; Bee. the 'f^ ^ Sid"* le. Sip. lefin put joo -r* ^& .]i7\ 5? cknf hSig yea biey yiit Idng kiy, she is ten years of age, and not yet promised ia qiairiage. Soc the ^* iM Yeik keng. ,. -) j A. cow (the feorale of. the. oju Jan '«•'• jp^ ^, to moisten, to enrich ; to improve. Choo jun ^ 'jli^ > to mollify, to fatten, to cherish, to moisten. Jeak hoo jOn tek che, chek, chaE kwun € choo i ch'hin rAeS"* Jan tek e, chek It jln kwun kop li, but a-s to the enriching and improving: of these points, it rests entirely with the prince, and with. ]rourtclf. See^; ^P» Beng-cho6t.;I ^ Pck-jun 1^ jljp^ J '•>« name of a place. KA 296 KAi Jun Jun |''Vulg./«n; intercalary. jQn gwat B3 H , /«« goSt/h, an intercalary month. The Chinese have only about 360 days in the comnion year, consisting of twelve moons, hence they need an intercalary month, to make up the deficiency. ^jVeak, !^ft, pl'^lde, tender ; also, young and handsome. The swne as the preceding. Wun jun ^ soft and agreeable, gentle ; and harmonious.. .. ; .oyninsm ai uciiig)ia Read jeak : how. Jeak kan y£ ~f^ ; jusd chej/, how much. Jiiak kew S Ar^, JKa koi, how long. Read jeet". hot, fervid. Hdn jeet peng ^ ^ ^ ' **""^ j"'^^ P"'"^' fever and ^■^ V^ ague, Sam ch'hun che ch'hey, yim yang kaou ch6y, hSn k'he ke tfi, wun put rhe jeet Wl7f\ ^ ^ , *"" cirhun &y k'tii Chuott, ylm i&Hg kaou cMff, f:w''£ frhi kaiu ti, ■wun bo kaiu Jwkh, in the begiiioin^ of the three months of spring, when the male and female principles unite, then the cold air has just been excluded, arid the gentle warmth is not jet escessiveiy hot. Jwan m Yulg. nooi'f; weak, soft, pliable. Ch'hey choo jwan ji-ak ^ Ii?.^»H3 bue ke^u nooi^S che"a, my wife, and children are weak and feeble. _k ,_^ Weak, soft, — the original form of the Jwan ffltlO P'"e"ding. An ke jwan Ifln ik. ||, an easy carriage upofi soft wheels. Weak. Jwan le "ffS ■xt* , to send a pre-, sent to a daughter, three days after her marriage. '. ' j|rn Weak, soft, effeminate; young and %• handsome. Volg. hw^d: to rub atiythtlig between the hands; to wash by the hand. ■ • 'i! I ufii! '.'Ilmiiil j; , * . Soft silver ■■ ::l i. i udl.iK'jI. ,,. if Il>i4n!' /. __^ f ■_::■: i:.» {Mrnbnl,,,, fXfV^J->n\ KiJarigjwuY ^^' **"= root of gmger, when old and dry, — as distinguished from the ch"ho6 keang ^ ^, chei''S keo"', which is the young tender ginger plant. K -fc. t^^ Read kaou-. glue. Gnew kaou i|^ ^ , IF^^ ^*'" *°' S'u« raide of cow's hide. G6 '^■^ •'»''" j@, H^ yUku, fish glue. Se kaou lit HPj '■''"*'"' **' vegetaWp. ^.^ .j __. . % Read kaou •. to come in cOntacti together Afl -^V>^ ""^ across one another. Kaou cheen -^p _^^^^ pjj ka cheen, a pair of scissors. Kaou to ^ TJ , ka lo, shears. ■ Kaon twan ^? ka too!i"S, to cut off with a pair of scissors. ''"" '**'j^ ^rieai 'lift": kit pbey ± ^, ka piiey, Ka ■^"^ cotton, the cotton of which cloth is made. Read k'haoui'the back. K'haou chit chit kwat J^ -^ J ka cheih kuul. KA 297 K^A the back bone. K'baou chit hoc jW^ ^ -<^ ^ l:a cheiih aou, behind one's back. Read kang : — Kang jcaou yX ^ j «« cKhei, a small shell-fish. ead kaou : cunning, artful. Kaou cho A^ ^^ ''" '^^"^"■1 1 flea. Read kam : — kam t6ng se "t|* ^ ^j lea tang ch'hew, the narae of a tree. Read kaou : the name of a grass. Kaou cheen ^ 1^'; ka thing, a kind of mattrass, made of straw bound together, both soft, and warm to sleep on. Kaou pek ^ ^ , l:a pSi/h, the bandage which is tied round the Chinese women's feet, in order to prevent their growing large. J^Plf Rea*>V chuy 'j,| j||. ka chHt,, a dove. Ka Kead kaou : — mi kaou J^ ^^, Mi) ka, iiii>^\k. squaliis or dog-fish. iiil KaXiT^ a fish with a large head 5 a species of Read kaou : — Kaou-lfw-pa p^ |1^ |J£, Ka-IA-pa, the Chinese name for the town of Batavia^ island of Java, Read k'hap: — k'liap suy e> ka chiietf, Xir^ 'o slumber, to dose, to go to sleep. Read kaou : to tie a string fast round |k\ anything, to strangle. Kaou so6 iif AU ka si, to kill by strangling. Read kaou : kew kaou JJC ^^ kiw kd, a severe pain in the stomach; a cholic. Read kadu : to instruct ; instruction, teaching. Kaou hwun ^T ^11, kk hwitn, to teach. Sin hfln kaou choo, kaou i gc hong ^ |t|^ wV leik kd i gc £j> htng hwat, I have heard that in teaching children, we should leach them by the rules of righteousness. See the /^ ^ Cho twin. Ka Read kaou: Tcdng-kaou ^ ^ • ^ I ■ _ n"^-kil, the name of a place, in the ^tl^ province of tg 5^ Hok-kifdn, in the '-■-■5 JJI ^^ county of J(^ ^1'J Cheang-chew, and in the district of ^ Jg I^m-cheng. Also written Teftng-kaou ^ ^ Tf^-kd. Kd K"a Read gnaou: to bite, to fasten 011 anything with the teeth. Gnaou jin &/ l\ > '•« '''"'•' to bite people. Yf * % Read kam: tu ronfiue, to shut up in P«y ^ prison. Kam l« ^ ^ , k''a k'hoo. _j|* "^ a prison. Kam stw ^ ^ , k''a »tw, to imprison. Chew-kong so6 Kwin scuk kam Yin H /^ /^ t^ /J3 ^ ^, Chew-kong tai fCwdn-seuk k"a iUn, Chew-kong ordered Knan-seuk to imprison Yin. K^a Sec -^r ^X- Beng choo. ead kam: Kam lam fojE; l^- ''■"« an olive. KAE 298 Read kain : tp dare, to presume, to venture. Kara clio kam wuy §^ jp Jf>C ^ J ''^"" '■''" ''^"'' "''^3'' *° '''""^ *° do anything. Kam ban hoo choo che put tong sira ^T Bfl 4^ Jon^r sJ»i, I would presume to enquire respecting your stability of mind. See ^ 3- Beng-choo. Read had u: leaven. Haou boe A"a bo6, leaven. 1^. Kae Kae Kae Kae 1^ Read k4m : to run before and stop a J52^ person who is attempting to escape. ^a%^ Vulg. cho poS: all, every one, every ; and *j*^^ '«"§■ cAdffg-, the whole. Jrn kae wat 6 te PM A "^ T" ^n ' ''^"^ "''' p"^ ''^"^ gwd chae, every body says, I know, I know. See the ^ ^ Teung yung. <«?'^*r'' Kae g^y 6 bfing jSn Ifln Jea ^ ^ J^ [^ ^ is with a view of illustrating the relations of life. ^ The whole ; together with, in company ; .^^KCi violence, force, united strength. Kae I Cj li^B soo choo, teaou sek cheQng sod ch'hayh Idng, chd khi mai"S hwui"S cheAng soo, they are altogether scholars and philosophers, who morning and evening attend to the business. See the try 5ff Seaou gnay. Ke kae ■^ A^ ^ singular, uncommon, unusual. ^^^. Harmony of sounds, the harmonious f*ri^~ singing of birds. Hong e ch'hey plj ch'hey, key h6ng kae kae m^ Ml 'S ^M' ^1 ^ll ''^ ''^ ^ '"'"^ ''"P ^"^ '^'^''"^ ch'hei/, key t'h6 kae kae, the wind and rain getting up uncomfortably, while the cocks crow harmoniously. See the Se keng. Kae t tJL Gim KAE Gim kae ^ ^ ^ gim kaj/, steps, by chhac Kae Kae Kae Kae Kat ich to ascend, stone steps. Gc&ou se maou choo t'hoc kae, put seang bfln Geadu dy st hH'" d cKhoo, fhoi dy gim kay, s"" Ik fiung b ^"'"^ ^j' 'I r^ <'>>i'J/ kae kae, the waters of the Hwa6 flow gently by. _ ^ * . ^^ To prepare, to get ready ; fully prepared, ^ 7^ united, got together. Ban but keem 1^/^ kae i^ ^!^ 1^ ^> ban meiH cho po6 chtin pi, every thing fully prepared. This character is commonly used in conversation, to designate, that which is suitable or proper; as eiig kae ||E 1^^ ought, should, it shoiild be so; kae je^n =^ ^ , that which is proper and right. |.f> A step, a stair, a ladder, that by which '»^" we ascend. Hoo cho6 che put k'ho kip yea, y«w t'heen che put k'ho kae ja seng yea^ I^;^ ;j-^ ^^^11^ ;^ /fs Pf [f^ ifn f|- ^, l>oo choo dy bey kip kadu, ch'hSn cheo"^ t'hee^S dy bey ch'hong Phuy ji cheai"^, our master's exalted qualities are unattnin- nable, just as heaven cannot he ascended by a common ladder. Said of Confucius, in the Wm ^5 Lun ge. -. ^ Vulg. kay: to change, to alter, to reform. '^^^^ Ka6 peen E^ ^^ kay peb^S^ to alter. IJ/V K6 chek but tan kae ^ ^|J 6^ )j-ffi qT ttoo kiiiy sit chek u'" Chang why kan Idn kay, having a fault, do not dread difficulties in seeking to amend it. See the \\ gim Seang lun. Vulg. i'Aaoa and l''hooi''S : to loosen, to disperse, to scatter ; to release ; to ex- plain, to unfold; to divide. Kae k'hae fiS Ra , I'haou k'hwuy, to loosen. Kae san ^^ Pt m KAE 299 / \ KAE '^^ kai sv:"tt, to disperse. Ka6 swat ^ ,^, kay abiyh, to explain. Kae e ^ 'J^ , l'hooi"S "a, to take off one's clothes, .il ii'^ii <>•< 'i li K'heuog t'heen hay ka* jca t^ ^C "F 15? "t^ , Ue^a ne t'het"S ay ay l&ng kai »w"d, it is to be feared that the people of (be empire will disperse. ! Pa6u-teng kae gnfiw /H ~J* M ''t" ' Paiu-leng gaiu t'hai k'hwuy god, Padu-teng was very clever in dividing and cutting up an ox. Kae Kae CI liicn kai 'iMM> bold and strong. ^' Kae Kae Great, immense; to help; armour; small, insignificant; a numeral. Cheet kae gf) Xp to hold to oac's seatiment» and opinions. -. ; Kae je hok if ^ %% , '" ^ '^ ^H *"* *'**• '"*'' great is your happiness. Wiiy ch'ho6 eh'hoit rhew, * kae b* s^w J|^ jJl i Chan li dy hai tiw, the reason of presenting this spring cup of wine, is to assist your mutual Ion- gevity. Seethe |^ ^ Se keng. Kafi tew chek y6w put k'ho hwan che sek ^ chek woo »ky biy htvan leiih Hy bin nek, a man wearing armour and a helmet, presents an appearance not to be trifled with. See the ^ ^ Klieuk 16y. Yit ka£ put 6 e Jin — ^ >f\ >Jl -T A . chh dy SCO k'hicddy mei"h e o" hoe Idng, he would not give a person a single thing ( more than what was proper;) speaking of ■yl ^p" E yin. To beg to request ; to take ; to give. Kae kliit cbC-a IE -^ ;^ , k'hit cheih dy ling, a beggar. ^ # Good, virtuous, great, large. Ka£ jtn wOy hwan ^ A fil ^ ' '"^ '^"^ ch6 li pa, good people are our fence. See the ^ ^^ Tae gn&y. Kae 5^ Kae A larije gem. SeKje ka^ kwuy, 6 ^h"" J6 p° if, m ^ ^. w ip ■^I ^S , sou hoe li lied- Icwuy geiik, e cho le &y pi piiey, I present you with a large gem in order to constitute your treasure. See the "Tl^ ^ Tae gn4y. , A border, a limit, a boundary. Kaou ^M^ kae vR _^ , a border of a country. ^ 1^ Se kae "^ J^jL , the world. Hek bin pot i hong keang che kae J^ ^ !^C Hi i^ 11 Z W ' ^" ""*'' '"'"^ "'^ ''*" '"" mei"h hong keang dy kaou kai, in settling the people we cannot do it according to any autho- rized limits or bordecs. Kae /Hl^ •'«^'" ""^ jli III:, '" ^"^ "'"''■''"■ JL. |U Kad^ lat !^ j'ii( , kai Iteilh, nusUrd. Kae ^y^iw. Ka^ ch'hac ^ :^ , k-wd ch'hai, the / I mustard plant. Chho kae ^ ^ , ch'haau ka^, a stick or a straw, a trifle. Seem kae ^ ^ uuythiog small and insiguificant. Kai tae ^ A^ * » trifling cause, a thing of no moment. ^ - Small scabs or s^ :.'^£k keng. Kwun pho« yew «am kae ^ -+• ^H ^^2. Ifx, ' kwun chad woo s"a hang sod king kai^ the good man has three things wiiich he guards against, (i, e- beauty, quarrelling, and avarice.) .:. '''^"% %.- To announce, to command, to enjoin; J{ag ^■S«0 an injunction, a commandment. Hwat ,i^|/|,^d kae poe leng, je tek t'h(iey, se choo . \ T .iiwal kd kai poe beng ting, ji tity tek (Ly l&ng t'hiy, se choo kong &y wuy hong^ to issue orders, '■"'iaind give directions, whereupoa the'enetny iastant- ' ' fy retires, shews the dignity »f the chief. To tend under arrest ; to conduct to the presence of a superior. Kae si;a I I m't ^^ 3 the residence of au officer. T'heen hiiy che soo, peng ch'lie san lim, leng kam «oo sew sin, kae song seang bun ^ "TC ^ _h M ' f Aee^S" &y fhak ch'hgyh Idng peng k'hei te sw"a Km, beng leng k"a soo kap siw Ay "fin sin, khy shng kaou se Iwa long Ch'e"a, tlie clever scholars of the empire are gone aside to dwell in hills and forests, and tliis is to order the res- tricting officers and great keepers to send tliem under arrest, into the presence of the sovereign ; (an order issued in the ^ Song dynasty.) •' ^%-*^ Vulg. k'hum, and k''heng: to cover, to l^ae ' —"/->* co^er over ; — vulg. k'hwa : a cover. A _\^>"-> surname. A conjunctive particle, — :^ Kae for, because-, an «tpletive; also written ;^ kae. Ke ko bo6 kae iMl ^ te ^ e dy kwdn, b6 k'hwA, it is so high, that it is without a covering. Kae ban -^ ^3 "for we have heard; — &c." an expression generally used at the beginning of literary composition. The same as the preceding. Also written ;^S kae. Ka^ To arrive at, to come noto ? also written ^^ kae. WQy tek l^ng rh«en, hoe wan hwut kae /(fj: ^ ||j ^^ ^ jS ^ ,^ ' "^^ ''^ '^"^ ''"'" '^"ff l^ttee^, ba chit ay l&ng te hwia^S dy wUy «"' kaott, when our virtue is so great as to move the heavens, there is not a distant individual but what will be in- .duced to come to us. Kae -^ To beg. K'hit kae bo6 sey tek ■^ ^ M:pJ^^^, k'hit iy l&ng bi sey til t£oh, beggars get littie or nothing. Also written ■OT kae. Torn clothes, ragged apparel ; also, to lies. Ch'ho chcem t^ kae keSh cheem cKhbng p'hwa «"«, to take a needle and mend old clothes. % ^^t-% '^""^ clothes, rag! Kae ^UJHk wash dirty clothe mt 14^ iji v^ m A strong oxi a stOut strong animal. ^ KL^ T« warn, to caution. i2 /^ the residence of an Kae sea officer of Goverament Toe kae .^ WC taiu kae, a piece of wood for striking off the top of a measure, in measuring corn; a strike; to strike. KAI NG 301 VNa KAI Kae^S A ct>rriiption of kan, in the hay bfln pH , *o^ mooi"S, dialect, Yit kan ok ^ IS^ ^'"'' Icae'^ ch'hoi. a house. ir> The face wrinkled or furrowed wilh pge. Kae^g yV % Armour, a coal of mail. K'hoey k&h Kah C\'\tf ^m ^P' * pan'oply of armour. Kwan jjt I kahsiiangm&^^lfpJ^^^eVA^ng- Mh cheats },iy^ Jie put on his armour, and mounted bis horse. ^^ iM ^ Read keep : the place between the ribs. Kah Ulil Keen keep ^ 1^ frenf Wh, between ^■^P I the shoulders. T'eung madu kwan kijep rfj -?« "^ M, teung ch'keo^S Chaou kih, he was hit by a spear, which pier«ed hira through between the ihoulders. Kah Kah Kah A waistcoat, a jacket without slee\'W. Read ka6u : to lelJ, to order to do anything. Kaou k6 cho ^ ^ ^, Mh e chi, he ordered hira to do it. Read kap? one of tli« horary charac- ters. Kap choo ^ ^ ^ *** eW. the primary characters of the cycle of sixty years. K'ho kap M- ^ , k'ho k&h, the order of the li- terary examinations. 2(C ^^^^^ Read keng : a watch of the night. S6w keng iil ^ ^ cAii» frat"*", to keep watch. Sam keng "^ ^B , s"a fcfli"ff, the third watch. Keng lelou Hi ^j A-oi"S' /e4<)u, a watch house. Sam keng chok hwan, gnoi keng k'hje hSng H m ^ R E ^ ^ tt. ^""'-"^^^^ pooi''e, goS kafS k'hi ke"A, at the third watch they were to cook their rice, and at the fifth Watch to commence their inarch. 4 B Kai^S Kai^S Read keng : one of the horary cba« racters. Read keng; to plough. Keng tefia Kaing 'ifcj^- Wt S > '^"""^ '*'*^"' *" P'""'** the fields. Gno kiiet Ick keng teen, kedng wfly choo chit P jfe gwi keii chin k'hwili/ lal h Read keng: broth, soup. Ch'ha^ keng Kai^S J^S% ^ 5Sj '^^'^"^ kai"S, vegeUble soup. - 5 l t! * T'heaott keflg ^^ |S , fheaou kai^S, a soup spoon. Soe «oo ch'hae keng ^tt ^r ^S ^^ cKhoe poofS eKhai kaf^, coarse food and vegetable Kai"S broth. See the |^ IE LOn gc, PP Read keng : a thread. Mo keng ms , bo *ut"ff, the red tassel or fringe on the top of a cap. He^n keng ^, ^ a kind of cloth composed «f a mixture of silk and flax, the warp being wove with silken and the woof with flaxen threads. Chit keng j^ jgj, chit kafV, to weave silk. KaV^g Kaing I.c«n kai°S ^ |jJH], Vein kai^S, a flail for threshing out corn. Read king : to be choked by a bone sticking in the throat. ^ . Read keng: a way, a path, i hill- V ^ntC >^ \»3 path. San keng che h£y kan, ka^ |.JL« jefin yQng che, jfi ifing loe iXl ^^ kai"S dy siy loe a kan, nd tu.'a jiin yOng e, jt chiw che"d loi, the small bye-paths among the Kaing Kak mountain ways, if greatly used, will be convert- ed into roads. See 2l "x* Beng-cho6. Read keng : tlie spare between the beams of a house. Keng 6ng JM i^^ kai"S ai"^, the joices and rafters. 302 KAM The horn of a beast, a horn, a corner of anything, an angle. Soo kak Dy TO si kak, four-square. I TSung hay lok kak ka6, tijung long bS kak ka6 hay lok &y kak Chooi"S, Hung long hi A.y kak t'hooi"S, in the middle of summer the bucks shed their horns, and in the middle of winter the does shed their's. Kak ^ The rafters of a house. Eng kak ift , ai"S kak, beams and rafters. Kak Kak Kak ^>^^ To understand, to perceive, to know, to ji TjTj fc be aware of, to feel, to apprehend. ^Rli Kak goe iW" T-S. ^ to comprehend. T'heen che seng soo bin ySa,so6s£enkakkakhoekak Chee"^ &y sai^S chey l£y pSyh sails', sa6 tae seng kak kak goe tuy aou kak dy Idng, when heaven produced this people, it was ordered that those who were earlier awakened should awaken those who were later in coming to a sense of things. See •^ -^ BEng-choo. A double gem, two gems united in one. E' kak M^ Jj^, to besot anything, be- fore and behind, in hunting. P'hejS poe lok. Chin jin kak che, choo jeflng "^ , chek se ch'Idn clieo^S igah lok, I'm Chin dy Idng kak e, yea, Idn jeHng dy Idng & e, just like when we were catching the deer, you people of Chin beset them before, and we foreigners beset them behind ; ( intimating that the men of Chin had once been assisted by the foreig-ners, and why should they now atUck them.) See the '^ ^ Kak Kak Cho twUn. A piece of timber laid across water, for a bridge. Straw shoes. Bok kak T^C 1^ b'akkeak. '\^ l\m' wooden shoes, clogs. Le soe sek kak il 1^ W- M' '^ "'^''^^ fhoot^Skeak to leave coarse food and get rid of clogs } ( i. e. to better one's circumstances and get into office.) Kak Kak Key kak 3 cock. ^^lu^, Readkeet: to tear asunder, to rip open, AfX^I to tear people asunder by horses. Choo ^,^3^^ soo hfing kae kijet e ch'he =s[ ^ fljj H Wr Jr^ ni ^^'^ *^ "^ ^^"^ '"""' ''''" P"'^ '^°* k^h le hay ch'he, all the capital convicts were torn asunder in the market place. Kam -a- Vulg. lee"S: sweet, of a sweet taste, pleasing. A surname. Kam gwiin U* 1B5 , to be well pleased, to be content with. Kam sim "||" i^ ^ to be willing. Kam ch'ho i^ ^, liquorice. Kam chea "CT M^^ sugar- Kam Kam ^i Kam Kam iit An orange. Swan kam kam, a lemon. Rice water. M' ,i"S Kam chek peng J^ J^ 3^ ^ kam chek pdi"S, a disease in children originating in eating too many sweet things. To receive, to review, to examine. Vulg. fc"a, to imprison, to guard. T'heea choo soo k€ tae hoo wQy sam kam. KAM 303 KAN Kam Kam kam fi hong pck che kok ^ ^ j^ JE H^ -^ e Ay taehoocho s^a dy kam, k"a te hong pek Ay kok, the Emperor ordered his great officers to constitute three inspectors, in order to inspect the stales of the different princes. See the ^^ 4|1 Ong che. p^E^ 1'" i>"I(i firmly and retain obstinately; f^L some say, to shut the mouth. %^ To move, to influence^ to work upon. I^y^ Kara yin ^^^ jil to be moved by and i\^ to |^^\ to be grateful for favours. Kam eng ^Xi IHfe , *o be influenced by and to respond to. Kam kek ^ jSfr ^ to move, to arouse. Kam tong i^ ^ ^ to move and work upon. Kam hwa J^ AV to convert. T'hcen toy kam, je ban but hwa scng ^ ^ Jil (M ^ ^^ 'fil ^. ^ ''*""^ '^* ''""'" '""^' ^^ ban mei"h hwi »ai^^, heaven and earth is moved, and then the myriads of things are metamorphosed and produced. .^^P Vulg. fc"a; to dare, to presume. K6 Kam*Cpvr' kajn ^ ^, daring, bold. K'he kam ^^^y^^ Jg] §5^^ how dare I ? how can I pre- sume? a complimentary expression. Kim put chfln beng ^ ^ j^ op ' *"<* ^^ 'Mn It iy beng ling, how dare I refuse to obey your commands? Sfly kam put jeang r|^ ^ ^ ^ , che chay k"d fl"* neS"^, who dares refuse to yield? See the ^j ^??. Ek keng. Kam Kam Kam Kam ISm jj^ j^ ^ k'a n4, an olive. The tw 5^ ^ » tlic precious mirror for enlightening the mind;. — (the title of a cele- brated moral work. ) Kong kira 5 '« j^ j^ -^ ID ^ an historical mirror, easily known, (the title of one of the histories of China. ) Kam Read him : the name of a. plant ; a flower about to bud. >J^^ Read him: to hold in the mouth. But ■^^••** soo ham biifiy ^-^Z^^W,' *^'a ^"^ "^""W h'ed dy peng kim le, don't make the troops hold the woodciv gag in their mouths. K-.4g m. Koc kim ^hm the name of a. fish. Kan m ^^^^ To seek for, to aim at; to ofiend. A .^aJaa^ surname. Jiiak kan ^S^ ^^ jwi chiy, I how much? Cho6-teang hak kan lok -^^^'f'f^, Choo-teang I'hak cKhliyh kan ktw hong lok, Cho6- teang in bis studies aimed at emolument. See the _t fife Siiang lOn. KAN 30* KAN ■Kan K6 kam kan tae 16y, e choo ch'he lej ^ ^ Uy, k ka te ch'hi ley, he dares to offend against the great rules of propriety, and thus bring him- self into trouble. See the '^ ^ Cho twan. Put seang kan <^ *B "f" , >' 'S no matter. Kau ko -^ 'jr 5 blunt and sharp weapons. E' je ho kan ^ ^ jnT ^ , what is it to you ? Dry, arid. Tiinng kok yew «h'huy, han k6 kan e »|l ^ /^ H E|| fi. S]^ ^ , lekaCS Hang ■i'"S weo ch'huy ch'haou, kaou p'hak e chew ta, in the middle of ihe valley g-rows the Ch'huy vegetable, but when it is exposed to the sun, it becomes drj. See the It. 3E M. ^^' ^°S '"'"S- Ju-y^ Vnlg. frie"a: apole. Teuk kan ^^ ^, Kan .^IKIaK •'** kvB^a, a. bamboo pole, Tek tek I teuk kan, i tekou 6 k© ^^ ^ TT tea hi twa te kt chAy, be took a long bamboo pole, to go and angle in the river K^. See the ^j lit ^'"^y '"'"S- ^ Kan Kan ^pL6ngkan^j:f^ the name of a gem. Kan ^ . To offend against modesty and propriety. •^¥■1 • Kan ylm TOp yjK lascivious, wanton. ^X^ I Kan sin ^ ^ , an abandoned minis- ter. Of the usurper "^ |^ Cho-ch'ho, it was said that he would be,— te se che 16ng sin, Iwan se ^ekanheOng>y^f ;^gk^|L^;^^ ^ _, te si: Hy gudu dyjin sin, Iman se ty kan heUng, in peaceful times an able minister, and in troublous times a fraudulent scoundrel. l^p Lan kan i^^ 4*^ a railing, a gallery. ^i^T* Kg kan j(||j j|.:^ , a£ kw^a, a flag-staff. " I Gwat 6 hwa eng seang 14n kan H # ^ ^. ± if ;|;f ,goiyhehwaye''d cheo^^ lan kan, the moon threw the shadow of the flow- ers up into the gallery. Kan Between, amongst, whilst. Teung kan rfj ^ , the middle, the midst. Se [01 Kan Kan kan -jW; fn) , in the world. Kwun choo l)o6 chiiung sit che kan wfly j!n ^ ^ M- ^ # :^ f0^ ^ f- ' ^"'r" "■'"" *^ chedh chit l»ol"S pooi"S Ay kan w4y kkyh Jin, the good man does not oppose virtue for the small space of time requisite for a single meal. See the ±§^ Seang lun. Sck kan ^ ifrF , chedh l&nkan, a stone railing. ^ r Kan Kan Kan Vulg. kw''a: the liver. Sim kan i\\ Bf^ sim kw^a, the heart, the mind. Jin che se ke, j6 keen kS he kan je6n S'Aiu"^ Ida, ch'hm chJeo"S k'hw"^ e &y h& kw^a ch'u yed"S^ men will be able to observe ©ne as inti- mately as though they scrutinized into the liver and lungs. See the -j^ i^ Tae hak, %y^ A species of the |g ^ Ian hwa, epi- ]mcI dendrum. Soo « le hong peng kan po kap cha boi too too n gim kan hwa, a lady and gentleman just holding the kan flower. See the § JE '^^"S hong. 'Ct ^''" '^" W< ^' trouble, difficulty. fR Kan k'boe ^ ^ , distressing, sad. >|r^ K'hae k6 f bin e, ge jin che kan Iftn e e dy Cho k'hwuy too teoh l&ng dy kan lan, discon- certed he sighed, upon meeting with people in troable. Sec the |^^ _£ ^ Se,— 6ng hong. Wanton, lascivious, clandestine, false. Kan yira ^E y^ , fornication. Kan hoo ^I ^ ^ an adulterer. Kan jin hoo le, jin pit kan k6 ho5 le ^ h Ae"fl, Idng pit kan e dy boi ke^a, he who defiles KAN 305 Kan Kan Kan Kan Kan Kan people's wives and daughters, will have his wife and daughters defiled by people. To distinguish, to select, to choose. Kan ttk ^ 4S > l^iti Kh, to choose ; Important; contracted. Kan yaou |ffl -^ , the most important part of a subject. Kan leak iHi [JJ^ a sum- mary, a contraction, to contract, and ablireviate, to do things in a short abrupt manner. Kan swan fjVj %f. 3 to select, to choose. Kan pan V^ T.Jv , slips of bamboo, on which the ancients used to write before the invention of paper; hence books and records are called v^ kan ; and ^ ^ > ch'hok kan, intimates an error in the record. Kho yiia kan pT "{w, ^ , he can be admired, for his short abrupt method, — but — kekan,j£ heng kan, bofl na6 taS kan ho5 ^ |^. jfg ff f^, ^^ T^l 'A. Wi "^^ *" be constantly abrupt and to do everything in a short abrupt manner, would not this bean excess of abruptness ? Sec the Sean^ lun. A surname. The plaiU or folds in a petticoat. The stalk of corn, Vulg. Ano''a: to chase, to pursue, to drive away. Also written ^^ kan. K'han k'han kan seaog^ ^ ^^ Y , Vhw^h k'hw'''i ktrf,a cheo'^i he seemed just about to overtake him. See the _^ ^u Sam kok. Ch'hin kan ^ ^ ^ ^^ •»*" "^ »'"' funned by the silk worm, the coc«od. Kan y. A mountain torrent Kan Kan Kan Kan ^ KANG The inferior degree of light afforded when the sun is just rising. L^ng kin ^ ^ ^ ability, strength : also, the stalk of corn, the stem of a flower, or the stump of a tree. gTc^ The boards and mallet, used in build- ^Skll'^ ing mud walls. Vulg. {"i : to reprove, to speak blunt- ly and honestly ; to ridicule. Hoe chefing kan chck seng ^ ^- |^ ^|j j^ } jin kwitn I'h&n Idng t"a chew ii/ sk"u, when a prince listens to reproof he will become a« wise as a sage. See 'he ^ g& 'pjj> Sc wat beng. Soo hoo boe kc kan ^l X "^^ |]| 1^, *"'= lae pay bo6 tclih eheo t^i, in serving our parents we should seldom reprove them. See the Lun gc. Kan f«1 Kan Kan£ pp Kan kck f^ (Jra , to separate, to divide people one from the other. Sod hwan kin key ^ J^ f^ |]-, ,at hwin kAn k^y, to make use of trickery for setting people at variance. See the ^ ^ Sam kok. P5ng kan jjjj] [|^j ^ pal^S fAaA hd, an allcviatioir of sickness ; an interval. , a small kind of shell A river, a large stream. Y&ng choo kang 'e •!+• yX , *""' *>f the prin- cipal rivers of China. A surname. Kang .\ small bridge, for foot passengers. Sbcy sip yit gwat tofi king sfing Sf ch&p yil goiyh siy iy keu chew che"d, in the ele- venth month of the jcar, the foot bridges should be finished. See ^ ^ Beng choo. 4 c KANG 306 KAOU Kan^ Kang Kang Kang Kang To take stones, and put thera in a stream, in order to enable people to cross it ; stone steps across a stream. Fields compared together. Read kong: work. Kong hoo "J^ ^, kang hoo, work, labour. Cho kong -jW JQ^ cho kang, to work, to labour. Pek kong ke soo, 6 seng kfi soo "^ J^ ^ 0VJif^^^' pa^h Jeans k'hea te mm i che"d e &y soi, the hundred kinds of labourers dwell in the shop in order to complete their labours. See the |^ |§ Lun ge. ^ Read kong: the male of animals. ^^^ Kong boe ^^ "^j *«"? *»*' """'^ t"^ and female. GnSw kong i^ ^ , goo kang, a bull. Read kong: Go6 kdng I^ ^, ged kang, a centipede. Kang rj Kani Kang Kang Kan£ Vulg. Wng-.- to speak, to say. Kang hwa 1^ |g , kong wa, to converse. Kang lua |^ ^^^ to reason. Kang kew ^'^, research, to reason. Hkk j6 put kang s5 go« yew je^ ^ jfjj /fi 5* JS. 3t. 'M 4-!f ) t'hak j6 b& kdng k£w se gwd &]/ hwdn li, to learn without research is a grief to me. Said by Confucius, in the J^ ^ Lun ge. >^_^ K6 kang J^ '^ , kohy king, to go n^^^ over the water. Kang peen ^ jgf ^ kdng kce"S, the river's side. Kang The male of the ox. Gnew kang it. ij{ , god kdng, a bull. Kang bang ^ '^ , blunt, simple, plain 5 incapable of flattery. A deep crimson colour. To descend, to go down, to pat down, to degrade. Kiing hwan J^ j^ , to descend among common people, to come down into the world. E' kang ^ j^ , m hoe, to descend as rain. Kang yit kip ^ _. ;?jjS to degrade a step in rank. Han-je kan geng hwiit kwut, seang noe kang wfly Teaou-chcw ch'hd soo ^f ^ ^ ^ j^ t^d sd twa ge"d cheih hwut kwut, hoe sd Iwd sew k'hd, kdng cho Ted -chew ch'ht sod, Han-je remon- strated against the Emperor's going to meet the bone of Buddha, upon which the Emperor was enraged, and degraded him to be the governor of Teo-chew, ( a very remote district in the province of jjjg ^ Hok ke^n.) —Also written kang. ^ Kang Kang Kang Kaou Water flowing out of its course. Kang suy h6ng 16w J^ ^ ^^ ^, kdng chdy hw"d ladu, the over- whelming waters flowing across the country. Read tdng: Sek t6ug;^|^ ^ chedh >1Ctn kung, a kind of frog or toad found (^ in deep vallies between high hills. ^ Read keung: together, alike, in com- nrL mon. Siiang keung ^ it, seo kdng, ^"^ associated together, and assisting one another. Keung yung Jb ^ , king yung, to use in common. ^ To associate with, to blend, to mix. Aj> Kaou chip ^ ^ , mixed together. ^/^. Kaou p'hoey ^ ^> to accompany, to associate with. '■'.'■ ' ■ KAOU 307 E' pSng y6w kaou, g&a jS jew sin ^ ^ J^ ■^ "g* rfn 'M 1= , A^ap pingi/iw haou p'hoitf, hing via teSh woo am tit, when associating with friends, we should be sincf re in our conversation. See the J[^ |j^ Seang lun. Kaou Kaou M Kaou Kaou Kaou Kaou The suburbs of a city. Kaou gocy ^ ^K , kaou gwii, beyond the sub- urbs. SJn ban kaou kwan che liiey y6w yew hong ch'hit ■4- ffl ^ gwd Che"a kefS kaou kwan iy lae woo ch'il Ay yew hwui"S k'hrcah ch'hit chap 16, I have heard that within the compass of the suburbs, there is a park 70 le in extent. See ^ -^ Beng choo. ^ The chirping of birds. Kaou kaon |J>k\ hong neaou P^ ^ ^ J^ ' ''''""' ^.^^^ kaou Ay wuVS cheaou, the chirping yellow birds. Kaon-lfiw-pa ^ |1^ H^ Ka-lA-pa, the Chinese name for Batavia. ^ ^^ A large kind of fish, a crocodile. |p>> Kaou leQng ij^* |i£ ^ leviathans and ■•-^•^^^ dragons. i^? M& kaou B& m<> bdy ka, a species .. - ^^ of squalus, or dog-fl|?j&fe' f^ cAd ch'hea Idn ay lAng teSh yOng ka k'hlih kaou, wheelwrights should use their glue very thick. Vulg. ka: the name of a bird. Kaou Icng ka leng, a mag- M y^U\}i pic. Kaou chby ^1^ ^^ ka chuy, a dove. Kaou ch'heng yS -w, /''a cA'ftaj"^, the name of a bird, like a duck, with long legs, and a crested head. Kaou P- KAOU The cackling of fowls. Key bSng ^ kaou kaou f| P.l ^f ^ , key m ^% kaou kaou, the fowl's cackle with the sound of kaou kaou. See the MR ^ Ten^hon". Kaou Kaou Kaou Kaou teadu vermacelli. cakes made of The name of a plant; a kind of grass . Read koe: » ditch, a dyke, a channel for conveying the wafer for irrigation. Pc ktiung sit, jC chin lek hoe koe hok e Ay keung ch'hod,j6 chin k'hwiiy lat tS kaou hok, he suffered his dwelling to remain low and mean, while he exhausted bii strength upon the dykes and channels for irrigation. Said of ^ E', in "■" i& ^ ^°° «*• Kaou KaOu Read koe: a hook. T'h"(t; koe ^3t'hffh kaou, an iron hook. Teiou koe ^ ^S) fii kaou, a lish book. Vulg. ka: artful, deceitful, cunning, mad, outrageous. Put keen cho6 ch'heung, na£ keen kaou tAng ^^ choo ch'heung, nai k'h^"c kei"S ka Ay thy ke"d, I did not see Mr. Choo-cb'hiiung but I saw a parcel of wild children. 1^ Ka6u. 1S Beautiful, fairv bandiome t also writ- ten jnF kaou. Kaou Vulg. ki: to tie round, to strangle ; also, urgent, pressing. Tit j€ bod 16y chek ka6u H (|f) fTni f | gij i^ teadu tit j6 bS Uy toi, chek kaiu, to be blunt without politeness, is drawing the cord too tight. See the =j m LQn-g6. KAOU 308 Kshu ^ ^ Vulg, kd : a cholic. Kew kauu pcng ent pain in the stomach. Kaou Kam Kaou Kaou Kaou Read k'hoe : the mouth. Ay k'ho^ ^k7 toi ■> ^^ kauu, dumb, unable to '^^ speak. ^^ Read kew : nine. Kew sip y{^ -r, ~M M kauu chap, n\ne\^. Sip kew -p ■^f_^ ^** chap kaou, nineteen. Kwun choo yew kew soo ^ ^ ^ jf_^ ^,3 kwun choo it'Oo kaou Ai/ seo"S, the good n\an has nine subjccls of reflection. Sec the =|j[j p^ LOn-ge. ^ A— Read koe : a dog. Koe giiet T^i^ ^ly, j\Ci\ ^'"0" ''"«' the dog bites. Chey siink y V to6 key cho6 koe ^ f^ ^ # 7\i 3rJ } ^^y ^'ok "3/ hong sink hoe key seo p'hah, hoe kaou seojcuk chaou, the customs of the Chey country consisted in fighting cocks and racing Jogs, See the ffi^ '^ - ci^ ChiJcn kok ch'hck. Read koe: dirt and filth grimed in- to the skin. Y6w koe -J^ ^ , %Jt i/in) kauu, the scrufl" of thu head, the grease and grime collected about the face. Put seen koe, j6 ch^hat, Iftn te "^^ -J^j^ jj^ |^ ^ fM ^S' *" *^^ '''"""' -i^ '^'''''"' ''"'''«'"« scans. iih chae, in examining ( the lines of the coun- tenance ), without washing away the filth, it will be difficult to ascerlain daman's fortune.) Said by those who practise palmistry. Vulg. kd : to intruct, to teach. Kaou instruction, kwan — z® ^ ,111 2p( tj , chil dy oh woo no it/ kit k-w"a, each college has two doctors, (a principal and an assistant.) I % V ulg. kit : to intruct, to t( ^AT *'''"" lie ill , ''•« *»"^"' ^>yV Yit hak, yew je kaou k' Kaou $ ^ l^ To compare. Pe kauu |;J^ ^x j ^ compare together. Kaou ^ %_ To compare, to liken ; the same as Tj^^A the preceding. Hwiin j6 put kaou J-^^fc. ^^ iJjj /K i^, e hwan Ian, chiw ho kap c kiy kaou, when any offend us, we should not lower ourselves to a comparison with thcni. See the =m z^ Lun ge. Kaou Kao o» KaoH Kaou Kao^ Kaou Poey kaou 'Mx J^ , a couple of P^-^ gems, flat on one side and round on the other, used in divination. A hoarding-place; to hoard, or store 5^JC up- TeSng kaou ^^^ti^ ka, ICU the name of a place, in Sfjrj ^g Hok keen. •^ %_ To compare, to bring into a com- Lf^** parison ; to quibble about. Kwun ■^^^\>. hoo che beng put kaou ^ ^ "^ 1^ ^ ^'^j J'f *«»«» ne6"S pay dy beng leng bu key kaou, the commands of princes and pa- rents most not be quibbled about. See the ^^ IS Ch5 twan. Read to : te arrive at, to reach, to come to one. Chek cheun? but che o^* 'C^yt-^ Read koe : enough, suflScient ; also "^X^l written ^ koe. ^f^ Poey kadu^^^^ a couple of pie- ^LS% cesofthe roots of bamboo, round _^^r^^^ on one side, and flat, an the other, used in divining ; these are thrown up by per- sons consulting the oracle, and if they fall with the flat sides uppermost they denote good luck, but if with the round sides above they denote SO vKAP im KAT Kaou ilMuck ( they were formerly made 0|jf some precious stone. Read ho6 : a surname. Read hoS: a monkey, an ape. Read boe: thick, solid, substantial; liberal, kind; to pay attention to. K6 s6y hoe chea pok, jfe k6 sey pok chea hoe, be cbe yew yea jil fijj- jp ^ e Ay aiy leSk kaou ch'hong puh e, j6 e &y si) t'iSk p9h ck'hdng kaou e, biey woo chiy Ify thing le, to pay more solid regard to that in which we may be indifiTerent, and to be indifferent in that to which we ought to pay mere solid regard, would never do. See the /i^ ^ Tae bak. »^%^ To mix things together in eating. ^JSK Kaofihjwan peng'^^ '^,AaoflA tX ^ 'On pi^i, a kind of mince pie, or mixed meat pie. KaoQh Kap Kap Kap Kap ^ A measuie for liquids.. Ytw kaoiih fJ>/Q^ A sort of cockle. Kap choo^ ^, ^^V^ kap d, a kind of tuad, or frog. X^^^^To collect together ; also, asurnane. IP A vessel moving ; a ship nnder sail. Kappanchu.ij|^:j5^|gi^^ asquate '^ w^ rigged vessel ; derived feora the Malay word kapal, a ship. > > A pigeon. T6ug-b6ng-h8nghoe kap A^' Et wfly hwuy nofi 1^' !J^ ^ 11^ ^ Xfi^ '$^^^%> Ting-^ing'hdng Ug kei 4, D Kap Kap Kap Kap kap se hwuy not, the Emperor BSng of the Toag dynasty called pigeons flying slaves. ^ A very small measure; also, and, yCiW^ together with ; read hap. Leang I" y yeak wuy kap, sip kap wuy seng cho chit kap, chip kap chd chit chin, two finger-fulls make a kap, and ten kap make a chin, (which is the tenth part of a peck.) ■J^^^^To take anything up between the fin- ^i 7 f gers V to move. A cape, a promontory ; the side of a ^l|rt*ff hill. Paft hwafi 6 san kap che pong H"d k'hi ti svi''i kap iy ping, to walk backwards and forwards ob the side of the hill. -^ Vulg. kihi one of the horary charac- Ul^ ters. Hoo kap ^ |^ ,the budding I of plants and herbs, when beginning Kap tew ^ @ , ^'^ '*"• wmour. Q , Un kih, scales and shells. K'bo kap jS ro, klio kOh, the order of literary ex- aminations. P6 kap ^ ^, pa kih, the arrange- ment of the people into tens, and hundreds, Kap teang ffl -&, kdh lis6"S, the bead of a hundred, a consUblc. CU k^} |g ^>chat''S kik, the nails of the fingers. Beng tae soo ma kadu bin e kap tew ^ "^ pj E ^ H. Jl^ ffl ^ > beng tai too mi kit pHyh ui''^ i ch'hi:ng kdh tiw, he ordered the master of the horse to instruct the people ia the uae of armour. See- the ^ ||lj Ong cbe. Hin yew kap, yit, peiig, kho, e ch'ht soo ;^ ^ yit, pi^a, ling fc'Jio, i cKht nak ch'Myh Idng., the H4n dynasty used the horary characters kah, yil, and pi^d, to arrange and select clever scholars. Vulg. kudh : a kind of grass, of which cloth is made ; a sort of flax. A surname. to grow. Lin kap KAY 309 KAY ,i,i- Kat i^m icat <*e t'him hey, «e e teung kok "^ "^ i^ M "^ )?(& j5^ 4* 'S' ''^'" ^"^^^ ''•" ''"^ ^''"''"^ se ie k'hai"S d tang e% the southern flax plant is spi-ead ahiroad,' till it Ifas filled, -Ihe middle of the walTey. See 'the j^ ^ Chew ftm. Vulg. kw^hi to cut, to injure. Kat twiin ^ll !^ i^Tt'afc iooVS, to cut asunder. Kat put Cheng put sit ^|!|j ^ }£ ^ AifttTi t« se che^a e" cftekft, if the meat was not cut square, lie (Confucius) would n»t eat of it. See the |^ |^ Lun ge. ■Kat ley ch'heiig ho 'jlflj )^ |^ ^p^ frit'uft Ity cfi'he^d luiyh ho, ttiey cut ©ff sqroCiioC their territory, to beg for peace. '• ' :'* ''' Read k'del: to ti«. T"a keet ^ ||,, p'Imh Icat, to tie a knot. Seang koi; >|3 keot sin je t5 J: -jfcr j^ II rfo y^, seang- fcofe ^^ /ang- kal s3h jA te koh sod., the early ancients tied knots in cords, and thus carried on the affairs of g« vernment. See the & i© Ek keng. T'hoe kat: J^ fflg^ nnb-urat bricks. Ctood, excetie'Bti'adinirablei to praise, to admire; the meeting arid uniting of the male and female principle. .Kay gin seen heng it. ■=" gg. iFr fcay iy wa, hi &y siy k'e^i, good words and virtuous deeds. s^ Fine, goo'd, excellent. Yew k"'hek hwut l» f ^ k'hoe bun, ge g5n ck h^S kay Tjg ^, lang J'hityh hwut jein Whdott mooi"^, kong wd yed lan chw^M ho, to have a friend suddenly , knock at our door, and then to enter into conversation, hdw pleasant 'is it 1 '■ -^ ^ >% A house, a' dwelling,' a family, a house- KaV' 1^3^ hold. A surname. Kay kwan ' hold. kay ttQtt, a private family. Ch'hin kay ffl^ ^^ « family related by marriage. - Kay w^ Yit fc«y ji i, ylt kok taa jin — ^ f:i — ' ^ Wt n^ » chit kay jin, chit kok hin k^hi bulyh jin, wlien one family is virtuous, the wliole country will b^in to be virtuous. Kay -.a Excellent, good, admicablc. Kay lok t'hang kiiiy i Ay kKtm^ choo, an admirable and jileasing good man. See the -^ «_-.^ Excelle /H KS;y kwun Tae gnay. A reed, a rush. """117' Kay To add, to increase; more; to give, to na™e of KAY Unafcle to proceed. iSlO §1 ''^~' t i! : .''li ha-fil 'A surname. Ml 1 ii^iA The ^^pie of a wood, MS«l,for m^iog tables »nd bedslenda— "'^ ^- ■'■'[.' ■ , . , The name of a small shrul). Bok-keang S0& tek be k&y 5|| §| ^^ || ®, ^ Boic-kiangtai kng khnj (kU Ot/ *«ig phe -fr ■+■ ^ «AY •»»"'i«'*d, JteOV U) ineng le»g e, wrhen a young woman is married , out, the malhex n?,i^t g^ve directions. i}{ag ,^ikOd< .•'■■> t'.i Kay To sow ^raih. ^ Kay sek ^ f jo) , agriculture, husbandry. HwSn-te ch'hfing h'ak kay, Choo wat, go6 put jd J^ ^ > Uw&n-te ch'he^i bblyh hh chi cA'Wn, Boo choo kong, gu-d bit/ ck'hin ch'eo*S laau «y long hot, HwSn-te wanted to learn agriculture) when Con- fucius replied, 1 am in that not »o good as an old farmer. See the |i^ |^ LOn gc. >KJ^ K6 kay -j:^ ^ ^ to request leave of 11/5? absence; to be absent on furlough. I The price of ♦nythipg, that at which a thing is valued. K'hpiig-choo wftjr clkt-ng ia,m gWat, yeuk ko tfln chiia put'sek' kay ^L ^ a ^ H M . 1 ^ P *-^^"4 cbfng loO s"a ^iifjfh, chew big i/eS"S bih te Mh ijf Mng, bi M^g ki}/, Confucius managed the affairs of government for three months when the people wereiJiP improve^ that the sellers of mutton and pork did not garnish tieir prices, (or ask more than th^y intended to take'), fioe Ihe^ |^ Kay ge. Kay che«n j^ ^ , '*^ thei"^,,tke price. ■fS,:M kay ^'fg, to rise in price. Put je kiy ^^ ZL ^, "no two prices!" written up by some shopkeepers who resolv abatement in their prices. nake no Kay n ^ The same as the foregoing. Ch'he kay rii ©J the market Dfice, A stand, a frame, a scaffolding, a shelf. Ok ki y folding. g 39, ch'hoo ku}/, a sc»f- E kay ^'.^E, a clothei- ^li / \M fS S. f^ 'W.' kwun 6.y ch'hea botyh kay bay, the prince's carriage is about to be harnessed in. The cangue, or wooden collar, worn by criminals in China. T'hae k&y TO «IP' ged kuy, to wear the wooden collar. KSy Kay A pain in the limbs. To take. ^^/I^-Read hay: low, not high. Wfly hay KSy I V^ pit yin ch'hwan tek |^ "]^ ij^ jQ I jll 1^ ^ cho kay pit tetih Vhcm ch'huf^ lek, in seeking to place anything low, we must avail ourselves of the rivers and marshes. See -T* Beng choo. Ks^ •k ^ Kay gin silver. , low silver, adulterated Kayh Kayh Kdyh Kayh Kwut k»yh "^ "ll > the joints of bones. H^o kwut kayh j^^^, hi kwut kiiyh, well shaped, well, proportioned limbs. The layers or strata of earth, under the earth's surface. To parry off a blow. KSyh k'hae ^ RH, kHyh k'hwuy, to parry off. Read kek : a pattern. Joo kek ^ j^^ je kiyk, a copy for writing, a blank copy book for children. Read kek: the region of the breast, heung kek ^ J^ ^ heng kUyh, the breast, the part about the bosom. Teuk kek ^ |a , tek kdyh, a bam- boo screen, a partition, a wainscot. Read kek: to part asunder. Kek twan kiyh tooVS, to separate. Read keep ; as B^ng keep ^ ^ ^ bhig kSyh, a felicitous plant spoken of in the time ofGeiou. Toe kijep , taou kiyh, a preparation of pulse. »^\ Read keet : a reap-hook, a grass'-knife ; ^t^ipfJ also, to cut off with a knife. Keet J'^jTSl teaou seep che keng ^^^/^ B^j kayh mdy"h chae si kiiiy chUy dy k'ha, he cut off the legs of those who were crossing the water early in the morning; (done by a tyrant to see how their marrow looked on a cold frosty morning.) See the M f Cheen kok ch'hek. Ke The flap of a coat, the lappet of a garment. Read gek : rebellious, disobedient, unruly. Poey gek "^ j^ J P^^V kityh, to turn the back on, and opposT^ Gek fheen J^ ^ , kdyh fhe^S, to oppose the will of heaven. Wuy gek jjl ^^ u'Hy kiyh, to oppose rebelliously. To dwell, to stay, to reraaia, to reside, to rest, to sit down. A surname. Kwun choo sit bo6 k6w paou, ke bo6 kSw an choo che'ah bS kiw pa, k'hea b& kiw an, the good man in his eating does not seek satiety, nor in his dwelling ease. See the J-; =^ Seang iQn. Ke, go6 ge j6 ^ -^ ff '^, chay. gwa kap 16 kong, sit down, and I will tell you. ^ KE 312 KE A border, a boundary ; also, a foundation. Kaou ke ch'heen 'e ^ J^ ^ |g. , kaou ke ehe^a ch'heng li, a border extend- ing to a thousand )e, (or about 400 miles.) Ygw In k'heuk sit seen lip ke che jjg g ;^ JA J|| Ml' '■*'*''' cfteo"«' korig k'hi eh'hoo, leSh tae seng k'hea ke chi, just as in building a house, it is necessary first to lay the foundation. Vulg-. yaou: hungry. Ke hong |^ ^^ fte Awttt"^, a famine; also written '^ ke. KecheaC-wfly,lt^:f a,;^^ yaou &y l&ng yAng e chd cheih, a hun|:ry man is not particular about what he eats. See XT -^ Beng-choo. ^_/»lil^ Stones in the middle of a stream ; a stum- / Vyi the name of a place, near Cochin China, where a great battle was fought. V /tX To ridicule, to point at in one's discourse, Ke T^Tp ♦*» hiame, to censure. Ke ch'hi ^ ]fclj "'-•'\ •" point at with piercing sarcasms. Yin J'" J« ke g y^ jfjj ^ , to sUb one through the sides of another. >A/. The territory assigned as the pecnliar Kp ^ra^ domain of an Emperor. Pang ke ch'heen WXa '* ^^y '''" "^y '''* ^ ^ T M i^ B^ fjX Jj1> P'"'S *■« che"i ch'heng It, tcHy pSyh iai''S tijf ey hSy"h, an Imperial domain extending to a thousand U, is what the people can (cttle on. See the Felicitous influences) also, near, Ke pecn ^ f^, crafty stratagems, Ke bit : ^ , ke bat, secret springs. Ke k'hi ' an instrument, a machine. Wfly ke peen che k'ha6u che4 %,i^^ "^Pj ^>cho lie pein &y k'hd ehU, those who are cnn- ning at devising crafty ftraUgems. See ^ ^ Beng-choo. 4 B Little, minute, small ; near ; dangerous ; to aim at. Jin che sey e e e k'him sew chea.kel,eA;t^|^^#^ sew bujwa chey, that in which man differs from the brutes is very insignificant. See 3: ^ Beng'-cboo. |A A pearl, a gem. Joey ke geuk hfing J^ J|K JT mj instruments made of gems and precious stones, ( by which Sua studied astronomy). Choo ke J^ ^B .. an imperfect pearL . % A foundation, a commencement, a patrimo- Ke _rl 1 ny, an esUte. Ke tey ^ ;^ a founda- .^^£^^ tion. Ke gecp ^- ^j an inheritance. T'bae-6ng teaou ke flng chek ^ -II ^ ^ 'X ^^ T'hai 6ng k he Chaiu chhbng ley ke ong iy cheih, T'hae-dng first laid the foundation of the trices ol^ royalty in his family. 1 %i A whole year ; a re-cemmenceraent of time Ke *j| A* after a fiven period. Cha^-gi>6 bQo sanv >^TP|^ lefio rhe song, ke £ k4w 6 fifc ^ R^ »"a neCS Ay ,A^ put jfi fh.E sc 5|| ;^ §5- ^ :^ ^ /^^^if ^tuy wod chSh eh'hdn £y ke k'hi. fi™ tat teSh ting hadu it, althongh we have agricultural imple- ments ready, yet it is better to wait the proper time for husbandry. Sec ^ -?• Beng-cho6. Ke iL To divine, in order to aKertain doubt* ful things. KE 313 Ke All, altogether. Hoc boe ke chun ^ -^ 4H. "^j pay bui chb pod te til, his parents were both alive. See "^ ^ Beng-choo. Strange, uncommon. Vulg. fc'Aea : single, one alone, an odd one. Ke h^o k'hd ke ■^ ^ Oj" ^ :> *« f>*^if t'hang k-hea, this is an extraordinary piece of merchandize, and should be secured. Ke ySl Ke k'hoey che hCng ^^-^^^, I '~l strange and surpassing conduct. An elegant appellation for a lady ; also, a lady. A surname. To lade out as with a ladle; to bale; a ladle; to take. Ke * To be hungry; the same as ^ ke. bin put ke put h^n ^ & >[> X-\ ^^ J oe t'haou pltyh sa't"^ hey yaou bey kyo^d, the common people (the black-headed folks) are neithr hungry nor cold. See ^^ -¥" Beng-cho«. Vulg. cKhea: a carriage, a waggon, a vehicle of any kind. A surname. Hdng- tey kwan chwan hong, berig Kcung-koe chokkeH^lPiPl^.^itl^fpf., Wui^S-tiy k'hw^n l»i tuiy Vehi l»oi^S, chek beng leng Keungkoi chb cKhea, Wui^s-ley seeing the reeds rolling along, ordered Kiiung-koe to make carriag-es; ( he also conceived the idea of boats, from observ- ing the fallen leaves floating down the stream; this was about B. C. 300a) A horse's halter, a head-stall. The ancient form of the charactef to dwell. jj ke. Ke KE A gem or precious stone, carried on the back. Ke The skirts of a coat, the hinder part of a garment T6ng pok ho6 bflu, t5 choo gin a ting hadu te mooFS, s^,, ice\ k'han s''a aou pee"^, ( on our return we find) the servants waiting at the door, and the children ready to pull the skirts of our coats. The name of a species of wood. To sell, to vend ; also, to hdard up. The name of a river. Read che : a branch, a twig. Wuy tean-r cha cheet^e ^^ -^ ^ ^JX ^] wuy si twa at ch'hew ke, to pluck a twig for a superior. Ke Vul^. ka te : self, one's self, one's own person. Kwun choo k6w choo ke jB-' -^ jl? =J^ Q , kwun choo kiw t'ak hang e ka te, the good man seeks for everything from himself. See e, »*>« tU Ip ^"" ^"^ K& fe To overturn, to destroy ; destructive, ruin- ous, wicked. Hong beng ke chok "TT 'ii|T ^ "^^ ^ ^ y^' ^'"'^ *^"^ "^ '^"^' ^'^^"P ^^ Ke chok lay, he is a transgressor of commands, and be- longs to a ruinous set. See the ^g m_ GeaOu teen. A line, a part of a net. A surname. Kong ''^ ^ |£, J ""^ "P^" ^""^ '""'" P^ts of a net ; to arrange, to set in order, to govern. Kon^ ke sod hong ^ |.£ ^ ;;^ :, to arrange and regulate the people in all quarters. To record, to note down ; a record, a history; a period of twelve years is called Zp ke. ^ KE 314 KB Ke The name of a plant; also, the name of a country. «^T?S^ A vessel lor containing rice ; a sort of Ke a Ke *L a banket ; anything round. The name of a tree. Ke lew ^ jj^p , a sort of willow. A A table, a bench, a stand to rest or lean upon. Yin ke j6 g5 |@ fL JfJl ^h phak te tShji k'hmUn, he leaned upon the table, and slept. Ke yu A fawn 5 others say, a large doe. A louse. He'uk soi ke « hefin tew^ bok te oe &y fhada k'hoey, to feed a white louse upon a black helmet. A few ; how. K6 •>* ^ '(of 'J'"' <'**J'' how much. Ke to ^ ^ ijtaa ehei/, how many. Bod k6 M^ ^, b6jttia chesf, not many. Ho6 Seng jeak bong, wQy hwan k6 h6 -j^ g^ TfJ ^ S f^ ^ fpj" > P'*»^ P'*"^ ''^ ""'"^ "*"« '^** *tB''fl, A* woo ju-a chiy, this floating life is like a dream ; the pleasures we enjoy, what are they ? To bear, to carry, to raise, to lift up, to elevate; to praise; all. Go£ lek cheuk e ke pek kin, j6 put chijuk e k6 yit e — . 7fA , gwa iif I'al Ij/ cheuk kadu ged M chit piiyh kin, ji bey cheuk kadu ged ki chit dy cheaou m6, my strength is sufficient to lift up a hundred tin, (each SO pounds weight,) and yet is not sufficient to lift a feather. (To say this, would shew a want of will and not a want of power.) Sec ^ ^ Bcng-choo. A rule, a law, a constant law. Kwuy ke Ke ■^HI ^^ jtE^ *^""'*"°' "'^®- Ch'hit si'p, jf cheiing sira s6y yeuk, put j6 ke ■X-' i-. M fS '^' Wi '4i' ^ SI ^' ^*'*'' ''"'''•'■' Chdn Sim kvi^a »iy ak, u" kbhy hwat toe, at seventy, I followed that which my heart desired, without over- stepping the rule. Said by Coafucius, in the f"^ Seang lun. ■^ ^ -- To remember, to recollect, to record, to Ke Sr "o'« ^*'*"- Kdtek |£^;j^^ W «/, to |3 Vb^ bring to remembrance. Ke soe ^P 'mr, ki leaou, to note down in a memorandum-book. Cho y£w k6 g&n che 106, yew y^w ke soo che kwan to eh'hiw woo ke wa dy too, che''i ch'hito woo ki too iy kic"a, on the left were the historians ready to re- cord the words spoken, and on the right were the officers for commemorating the events that occurred. Ke # Proud, haughty, imperious. Kwiiy wfly t'hcen choo, jd put keaou ke "S" ja ^ ^ ffi) ^ li {^ , ^■^'^j' '*" w-ff liy, jt ft" keaou ki, in nobility he was raised to the rank of Emperor, and yet was nut proudi' A saw, to cut with a saw. Teung hfng yOngto ke^J^pJ^ 7] ^ ' '^"g.'A 6y hing hwat yong to kwi ki, for the middling order of punishments, they made use of the knife and the saw. Chun ke ^. jK J to s't cross-legged. Tie ke -+L. ifl.C *"»'' with the legs under one. Tok ch'be j6 ke ;j^ ^ jfi] {^ , I'ok k'heS ji p'hih kiiiy chein chay, to dwell alone, and sit down cross-legged. ' ''"A To be afraid. A surname. Cheng-cho^ banchekaji;en'»:f.f^2?l^^ Chcng-choo Che" a e, chew ke"a 6y yei"^, Cheng-choo on hearing this was alarmed. KE 315 KE Self possession, lo come to oiie's-self. Also, a surname. Chong-chew bong wuy hoe tee'p, g6 jfi kak, chek ke ke jijen ChewTea ^}^ ^ §M ^M"^ t'. M ^ ^ ^ E3 -H/ J Chong-chew bang cho boil/ ye&h feep, a koo cKhai^S, chek choo Uk At/ yeo"S k'hw"d, se Chew, Chong-chew dreamt that he was a but- terfly, but a moment after, awaking and coming to himself, he found that he was Chong-chew. Hasty, sudden, rapid, hurried, precipitate. Suy chae ch'hong chut, be seing chit ^^ gank^sek^^^f'^^f ^ ^ 5^ -& ^ »a^ jein two. te ch'hong chut yed hoey KOO hin dy kong wa, ki ay bin sek, although he was frequently in hurried circumstances, yet he never spoke precipitately, or manifested hurry in his countenance. Said of ^ij ^ L6w.k'hwan. K^ te ^ rab , a bamboo mat, a vessel made of bamboo. *M!y!i, To hold, to grasp, to rest on, to com- m m,^^ ply with } according to. Ke 6 tek ^^V. ji^ iMi 3 *° S'*SP firmly at virtue. See 'be ^ % Lun g6. Earnest money ; money given as a pledge. 1^1 To expect, to hope, to desire. Ke bong ^ :t^ ^ kb bang, to hope for. Also written ^E ke. B6-cho6 k'he Yin, y6w ke seuk che yit pedn, kwun Che yit go-e yea 1^ ^ ^ 1$ Jt ^ f§ ;^ ^^ ^ 3- -y — 'jo' tfii , *^-<^*'"* '^ *'*^ ^i"^ teaSu, yed tit ki bang hong seuk dy chit kdy pei"S, Jin kwun dy chit sing goe, when BS-choo departed from the court of Yin, he was still anxiously ex- pecting the manners of the people to take one turn for the better, and the prince to be once awaken- ed. See the ^P gP Sod ke. A surname. K ^^ -41*. '' he name of a good horse. Ke put ch'heng Ke ^ ^ ^^ 'e''. ch'heng kS tek yea |^. ^^ e dy I'al, nai o lit e dy lek, a good horse is not to be admired for its strength, but for its temper. See the |^ |S. Lun g6. Vulg. kill: to confide in, to intrust to ^ __ any one's care ; to dwell, to reside. "J K'ho e ke pek 16 che beng ^ |^ ^ ■g ffl -^ 4j) , Vhang lae kH e chit pSyh li dy beng ling, he can be entrusted with a message to the distance of a hundred le. Kok bo6 ke ge ffi |ffi ^ ^ > ^'^ *^"'"" *^ '^^"S hoe e keit hdy^h, ( the prince of a fallen ) country cannot be intrusted to reside among us. Close, secret, hidden. A halter, a leathern Ihong for tying a horse. Ke tek, s6y e ge m& yea ^ biy, a leathern thong is that with which we tie up a horse. A stranger sojourning in a place. Kd 16 hfe , lo sojourn. To eat a little, a small meal ; exhausted, ished, done ; since, already. S6ng soo swat, suy soo put kin, ke ong put che"d dy sod b6 kong, sUy dy soo bd l"d, kaou koiy 6ng chew b6 leSh e woo koiy sit, when « thing is done it is of no use to speak of it, nor when it is persisted in to reprove it, nor to blame what is already gone by. See the J^ |p Si-ang lun. K6 wit che chd yeen |Jif Q 7^, :^ 'j^ ^ ''^J^i" kong Sim chi woo chi kek, since you say, the intention is the principal thing, &c. See ^ Jp Beng-choo. r :» Straw shoes. Kew k6w kat ke, k'ho 6 16 ^•^5* tei^S nee"S kwSh dy cKhaou dy, Chang lot tdh »c"^, they set us to twist up a pair of straw sho^ out pf t^e hemp planl*^ that we might be enabled to walk'oa th^ rfhow. Sec the =| f| J51\, S« gwQy hon^ :# ao-i trilxK 9,.fiieir's it's. KS soo che ,vuj fi ^ ^ ^^fl "V" ffi r k"a se an viy Uong, this is perhaps JJ|P ipeaning of »U , See |l,hq,|^ ^f L*.* -g^v, K6 jekk sE, seuk Ifing gf che J^ ^ ^ "^ ^ ^ "^ , e kaiu an nil/, ele rhuy ii; kHi/h e, when the affair i9 come to.this pa^s, who ca,n stop it ?. ff^gh lafS uoo^yifi «wflj>, ill .t^ie,«iierishiiig of the people, he displayed kindness. Ta fi^ fl »in)e, afixe^.perioiiit^bUBiiljT to hope. . Jiwuyraijqj k'heon^^|^ ^ ^ X# J ^;[f |{J], sing loot"? lai ipo piiii) woi hoiy hty in sending home Iho, youi^gM Vts'vr ,0.0. V/; hus- band's dwelling), the. apptiinled' time w^s lexcepded. See the..^^. j^^.ik keng. . K6 e 6 t5 Itj) =^ •^ -1^^ ^ktba>fggiti.Aiiti,XhQj are anxiously wailing for the lime of my govern- meat. See the ^ ^.fiil Se 6-boe. ^-.^^ , ., Kfe Itp .The BUlkilof pulicjlbeanf slajki. . ?^ ,i,.li nw ,•',., : I. . '7,- •-';-■ ";yl Happy, lucky, feliriloloiv' S^w k'h&.wQy' ■^^ S ^1 ^ )B^ ' """ **''*. ^•'' '""" Mng^ (d MrM, tius. appekraiK« of » yp^. ■etalile old man is lucky. 4 V vt The name of alriveK - . , '- \S' ^^^^^ 4V ',A tta: ""tl- a small kind *rf,«afc, «o6 k« ^ §,, leec^. A horse of *^T«Tife«i;»led (i o3H[ ■J A K«lin I'l' M.»'V''.Vib"'5^'''!V.'^""'"'*"" iQi! ''^^ ff|>fl-t ed,ll^ »iiOSl: np^le^jif ;^^\e briite creation,; ^^^ K6 lin'.hB ,« chov sew,gl- jj^ ;V ;jf^ v^ Sir', W /*<• 'J"* '* chadit sinr, the K?-Iln among four-footcd'aniuials. See J^ -Jp Beng-xJw,P- , A.gera,a,p«ciota«>ii*^«t. A •>ill au£ .-iDibalhluud laiitn oa t, AgrPfin,a?ur«<:oi««ir. Als«writ^n j^ kf. .i:tb on ni'W *•■"" X' > «y A small'goAJe/ Bwu *in ckfe h"d, sea Kg Sg^ K6 gan ;]> g: i: tK ,oi ii m. t^^ > a«, cMA M fda, Ihkt «kicb jour buialile (crvaut is fond of, .ii to shoot the rjii Ti- .• : .•.:■. -.If. ',11 I / • J^arge and small wild {|fpse. , . See the ^^ -P Sod ki, A flag, a standard, 'An ornait^enl af a flag, coiigisting of two rampant dragons, cross- ing each other. K&che^lj^a slan- • >1 iKii Ka 'dard. kd Cheaou soo 6 kft |^ it j^ J!E ' '^**»/*"* c*'*Ay* /il»f ^ Xrj, a scholar niuiit be summoned .by a standard. •&.e;^^BS»fe.cho6. '^^f^ '.H V ^a Pok kfi ■j^l ;jj|^ the game of chess. Soang ••A^k£. «.d^kf. — ■:''^F; Geftou chAi wfly kl.TanTcboo seen . Oe&on invcjitcd the game orcli«kS( U. C-^£>30.) and > Tan-cboo (bis worthless son) admired it/-' *ife Bok ki 7/ nfo , a suraame. M ,,BlJn"k8 n'fc teV ch-heng j« M p^^ || ^ ^ ^ an nip, uk bow the water comes to be' so '^ clear. An cKlra (Mon thie loot i talent,' Aill. K£ , k'haou //Jt jC^ clever. ■)yj Kg |Ka lo5 ]^ S^ ' " double road j -aitythipg double ; wheat come to perfection. Kfi san )I^ |1_| , ki »u)"^''^V. 'M ^ ffl" '^''" Boo-tey first established 'the practice. •" urder to accommodate those of his ^^iiwldiers wbu had no wives. '""''-' The appearance of a« insect creeping, to Kg creep. Also, the name of an insect with a small body, and long legs, bt-nce call- •ed feing k« /% ^ , '«"^ f''^" *^' '""g-shanks. A superabundant toe on the foot ; the same as •ra^ ke. Speaking of another person or thing ; he, she, it. Hoo ke i^ |S , the name of the water lily wlien in flower. Ch'hut siky ho6 k6 Mj ;^< ^ M , «'•''"'' '^'^y ^ '^' **• iV.'the water lily peeping above the waters .1 ii\ ^Cj Water, a piece of water, a pond, » ditch ; K^ V^^ great. Kc I6ng|^ ^ , » comaioa ap- pellation for be, she, it.; ,,<.,l ^ -, : -i.. Kg K( '^gmjjPi Ch'hiia ki 1^_ {£ , a preciou»pto%«,,lik^ a r^-jL ' crystal, of which the biittoo on iaferiur '^l ^ mandarins' caps is made. An odd field, anything odd or superabund- ant. The Chinese used to divJde their fields into nine squares, , called ^^ III chen^ tefip, well fields, but those which wir/^tou sm^ll or narrow for such » division were called 1^ []3 kS te6n, odd fields. K6 Ifing [f^ ^j W l&n, anything odd, oyer and* miscellaneous. ^2^j .■"KliA «'in V^^ '/! A gem, a precious stone. Also, great. A caldron with three feet, as distinguish'j^t ^S boo, an iron pan without ed from feet. KS k'hwat |jj ^. reap. hook. a crooked knife, m nam filo ■jl.lcitff % I k^'J m Kir' K^ m ftrfl ; Ii'>mii;lii r>il ol .icul oT . f^ b >tf a^ oi — •■ -^A T". ffy. t" Vg for ttappinpsj. jKd to "^ ' "^ »* O 1/ Kc jfl rn to ^u^iplicate- E'k& kam e i*J[ jfiff '^ ' /I ,-, Qk|,> i A'^ Ww kgm kof, in order In pray for sw*et rain, S«e tfce /K ^ffi Sejiiu guaj, ;i,i Ke Viw yew ^g ^Jf ^C ^ |,!^ , *^ *■''«' «"»» ^"• Ihoee who ^recent «up|ilif»tion!< are sure of receiV" ing an answer. Vaunttii^ljr uid of many idul shrines, in order ta induce Ike people tu ofTer sacrifices _.^ |-yT~ AVarder; a royal territory, 1000 li in ex. ^y I leal, is called i/r kC Ke >/ri* The name of ; I>ii3li f '^Hj /■ Ke Ipp^V I'he name of a plant « aUo, th* name of a district. K6 Ke Ke • ^ A flag, or standard, with a pair of Yam- m M pant dragons crossed upon it. The same a. jJlE k«. Long, fall. Ke j« teang h*y IfJ jT^ ^ ^^ ^ Id kxi WS, Ull and long. Tey k* ^ M ^ Ihe terrestrial god», in contradistiarlicin from the t'hiien sin yF jplb , Cheeks „•„, the colcslial god». T6 je « si-ang hiiy sin kfi || ^ ^ Jl 7: |^ ^j^, ke 16 tl ling bU hay iij/ iy ttn ki, pray to the ccleslini and terrestrial godt above and below. See the =j| f^ LDn ^t. Also, rest. Pe gn6 kS Jta ^ ^^ |5 {fe , *"* f""* ptng an, give me rent. See the /\\ 9ff Seaou gniy. Also, great. Put win hok bfio ke hiiey ^ ^ i^ 4K ^tt 4& , Jd hteutng k'U, chlw bd ttcS iy JJS"*" ISh kiy, do not go far and you will nut have oc- <-asion for any great regret. See the ^ ^ Ek V- K i^ilill 'Hi ■--;iii-.: M-iw-'h i>;!'' .iin'':} sriJ dicinal plant. , SicK, Sf d, paii^d, grieved,- cir SntAxhe . wio, pe gsp .k« hfly :^ -J- :^ ^\ i^ ^' 0. '^' *'^'' '* *'** *^** fcwi"'''^. Aoe ppa AipiJn la, your having gone thus far awuv, . has occasioned inc much pain, See the f\-\ 6^ Seaou gnay. i * • 1 11 11 MIT' •^Wi^ Great, numerous, louse and liogerin*.'^' A K6 llTl \ surname. Toug ke bin ^ |jR *" /|| |t rani: thee^e lira *it-''4, the winter » ,> very coli." Ch-ha£ hwin ke ke ^ ^jjlp ^, *«" *»&''t}i l^))' 15- chew piviljf, Chl)6-ha'y^ wtieti his miml was ngitaloil (With study), liec;it{ie''il) .fc'ildu.n'*' - Tlie,_;^cienf,f«rm\Ofi4ha|flhar^(-ter^ k$.- , this; also, the game or chess. oi) •l-.ui.t ot iiA[ ; 1 "i^'iilx.;! r .•l.,,.,ir.£.i ...» .,»^^'>'■l dniiY 4)1 \ >^ 4/.. ■ ,«.£.! ...iJ .)V^ ,')'■! dnii Y 4H ^ i img Ke 16 ^ -^ } old people, ciders. Nae Ke ^ To fear, to be alarmed t the satap a.<^ '^ ke. „ P«l JBW put U :^ ^vfl j^, nei, ther sad nor alarmed. 09 "^^ be afraid, to be ipjirfefienrive i the same ' "■ as the foregoing. Yfing chea put ke VA K( K6 "/^ chiJuk kfi k6 16 j6 ko rhe ^J ^ ^ -^^j Ipl ^ ffin it^ ^ J ""^ "'^"''^ '^"^ ^ i^'lauu tang, j& l-np e kong, and then enjoined on his old '■ people, and informed them, ^ying &c. 'See ^ -J-. . liorig-choo. ' ' " •ir Prepared, ready ; to discriminate ; a tool. PI K'he ke S^ j^ , an implement, a vessejj^j Z^ \ utensils. AM. - ^^^^ All, together. To k'ho chae jo c clic ke ! Kc ^ H ^ yfl 'P ,**««: ''■ To feat, to dread ? 16 be envious, an^l,mn~ licioue. liof soo wuy ke tfj ^ ^' cA«i»7^ leap e cho podi' Virtue mav l>e borne E. s^a sou Jcauu heSh ke^Oj whv so ! -nr- — ■•■ 'r'-iwf ' •*' ■■'- and kept in coinpaoy. j' .V A|^-\:i?'3^^'' i''''f?'',i?f'^ J'"':'''^l,!'f"f ^%^i A hoi^tecous wind.stse^; Ke k'h4 cljo^y ( ,Vh6' wAv ®R ;^ M •pT "^- " twahong .Typhoon ;gel8,nBr;M Wi»'fK[wf«f;wA?\'\¥vH:..,. -«\A m-mj> iCiA rjiavh^st/i " chae v>od .I'txiir „.tM, cheic «*" K&>/ Arc ^ 'tj'"^) when pe<(ple .,kuo« See Ibe. £h6. twan. iir-r,'. .In;.',! iii-ji^ ynciol (ioi>v> KE 321 Kt- K Ke To kneel down, to .prostrate one's self. Chin ongke wat, seen seng pui hcng '^\m^ kadukwn^jtnhoe, ^ =£ ^^C. Q :^ ^ ^ # lie # A f-' fA"' ^"s '"•« the king of Chin then prostrated himself, and said, Oh, Sir ! will you not do me the favor of inslructing n.e ?■ See the ^ ^ >|Ic Cheen kok ch'liek. i3 To respect, to honor, to esteem, to re- li\Vi% verencc. Ke ?, \% To arrive at, to reach to, to attain. Ke ^«ai«» Great, large ; wiiy ke sit, j^ "P, ^ I' ^ keeh twa cWImb, to construct a large *■ ^ house. See ^ ^ Beng choo. Ke k'ho6 s^y lin, "g. P 0] {(l^, tied ch'hUy sty /(in, a large mouth and small scale*. To oppose, to withstand, to stop; ke g6 4E. (i^'E to withstand. K'ho chiii 6 che, ke put k'ho chc4 ke che "pT ^ 01 Z jl' r-PSik^Z, ''/'«».- Ay 1^-9 chew kap e kaou, e Ay u"* Vhang Ay Idng chew ke chi e, with those who can be associated, unite; but those who cannot be associated with, reject. See the H t£ Lun g6. Ke m Kim ke ^ jj|i a metal spur for fighting cocks. KwOy-se kftfe k& key, Hoe-se wuy che kim ke, ?^ j^ ^ ^ U^j ^^M'Z^ ^Kw^y-sich^hdngkuhkcy, Hoe-se kap e ch'/idng chit &>j kim ke, Kwily se dres- sed his cock in armor, and Hoe-se furnished his cock with metal spurs. See ihe ^ ^ Cho twan. 4 G Ke Ke *§ KEA A flambeau made of a bundle of reeds bound together and ignited. How? in what way? Jcak t£ yit ka^ -tit fCii. so6 hong, ke put he4ng eng, ^ ^^ nd sai chit Ay gin a k^hi. si. he"S, k'he «»» hedng yin, if you seiid a messenger into all parts, how would not your message be re-echoed and answered. The same as ^ k'hc. »r __» Steel, hard metal ; win j6 ke t'heet, Ke 4g_P ^ ^P i-6 IM ""^^ «*'*'■" '^^^""^ «t"o t'hceh, hardened in malice, like steel and iroa. Also, great. _J=. Kea Vin Sek kc one of the names of Buddha. K ea Kea # Kea Kea t'heet ^ mh, to sit cross-leg- ged ; to be confined in that position ; to be fettered with the legs bent np under one. »%J Kea sa, ^ ^, a surplice, a priest's robe. ~ Riad k^, to intrust, to lodge in any J^ one's hands ; kh t'hok, ^ jff^ ked 'f^-^ Vkok, to confide anything to a per- son's care. Cl.'h6ng U, bo6 a€y l'h^ng,|| ^ ^ ^ }j;|_ ch'h'e'^d ked, bS s6y Che^a, he wished to lodge it with some one, but no one would listen to him. See the ^ tj^ So6 U. Ki sJn, ^ j^ kU p'hay, to send a letter by any cue. ■•J}-' KE A 3-22 KE^A A'ed Urn '^Jll ^) the name of a hea- then de'rty. Lca iJl^ Read kd, the name of a place. to^lJ^Read ho, to bear, to carry anything on the shoulders. Read ke, steep, difficult of ascent, a dangerous hill-path. SeangT^ng ye6n j6 k'hbng t6ng, hay b8ng le a metropolis. Read keng; askim keng bok, ^ T^^ ■4^ kimkt^a cVH, the name of a tree. been kfeng, '^ |^ bin ke'^d, a looking-glass ; bok k^ng, H i^^ak k'c^^d, spectacles. Le to put twan kfeng teung jln, *lj TJ >fx ^ 1^ 4* A '"* '" ^^y tooi^O ke"d tang e"^ Ay l&ng, if a sword is ever so sharp, it will not cut asunder the reflection of a man in a mirror. A^.^ Read hdng, to walk, to go, to travel ; I ^ to go on foot; hSngloe Pr R&. At"!! Zoe, to travel on the road. S6y hgng, fjr ^-T s&y ke^a, that which is done ; an action, a deed. Sam jin hSng, pit y6w gno soo yeen, ^ J\^ ^ 'i' ^ ^ U] l^"'^^""^ "■''^■^"''' pit woo gwdn &y sin sai^9> when three people are walking together, there will certainly be one among them, who can be our teacher ; see the 1_I_| Read hfing, the name of a place ; the •^ J same as j^ h6ng. >$^ Sae toe h^ng, ^ ^ ^ t'hae ta6u /^ I Ae"d, the edges of a sieve. Ke"a Read choo, a child, a boy, a son; choo sun, ^ 1^ /<:«"« -'«". sons and grandsons. Kt e'"d ^t Read keen, a thing, an article; but keen, fj \^ meeH ke"d, a thing, a piece of goods; yit keen, • ^ KEAK 323 KEANG KP^d Kc«d X Kedh Ke&h Keak Keak cUt ke^a, one thing ; ke keen, ^ ^ ktciiy ke"d, how many things ? Read keen, robust, strong, vigorous ; sin keen, ^ M «'» l^*''** ^*'* in body; gn€w keen, -^ ^9°^ ke"d, a stoiit ox. K'hong keen sir, t'hey, ^ ^ ^ ^ an ke"d sin Vhty, to compose and invigorate one's body. Read keen, a threshold; to shut a door. Keak The flesh over the raoulh. I To increass ; exceeding, very ; to Read kek, clogs; bok kek ^ KS hdk k'eah, wooden shoes. jwh^ Read k6, to lift up anything, to take ••|j|^» up ; s6w k6, ^^ch'hiw ke&h, ^" I * to take in the hand ; ke k'he,||^ gC k'e&h k'ht, to raise anything up. -^ %^^ Vulg. A'Afl, the foot ; keak t'hdng, U+n jlip ^ ^'AafAe"!!, asore foot. ^ f Keak Iwin sin bo6 peng, t'hoft han bok p6ey bfing, )jj.p )^ .g' ^ ^ fl^ 7^ Pf jp Q/1 ^'^^ ^'^° *'* *"• '^ pai"9y fhaHu ktc"d bak chiw poey kieui"S, when the feet are kept wnrm, the body will be free from disease ; and when the head is kept €001,416 eyes will be doubly bright. Kedk scak firm, strong, robust. Keakseak chae, ch'hooong ye&,9& ^ii ^ ll^il ^ \^ **''"i' ^'^"^ **<"■» ^^^y % '"<'" Idng, what a stout man this old fellow is! said of ^ U ^^^ ^■^^"■ Keak H^ll »p<»"t, »» ""'fle. f^^^ >| Gwuy-t6y h6ng 16ng chin hh keAk, H * li ^ R ^ M^"''y'^^ ping heo"9 tit/ chin cAe^d hi keak, Gwuy-t^y's stitching the incense bag, was truly a trifling and foolish thing. Keang A surname. Keang Keang The name of a tribe of foreigners to the west, who are chiefly shep- herds ; also a eiiphonlc particle. ^y^itten ^ keang. To throw down, to overturn, to turn upside down. Ch'huy jfi keang che, ^ ]fg ^ ch^huy hoe 1 16, push him down. Keang £S Keang ka&, i^H |^ ^ jfflL, border, a limit. a boundary, a Jip kfi keang, t'hoe tey pit, tefin yei te, chek y6wk'h*ng,7i, ^ i ± ffi 1 E ?F )^ R'J ^ ^ jip « h A^anP *«<^' k'hw'a Vhoi tey k^hteuy pit, Mh&n yiid te eh'hbng, chek uoo kh'hlng ho, (the emperor) on entering the boundaries (of his nobles), and seeing the ground opened out, and the fields and wastes cultivated, will ofltr them congra- tulations; see ihe ^ ^ Beng choo. KEANG 321 KEAOU ^kr Vulg. keo'"S, ginger. Put t'lieet Keang JBg. keang sit, ^ ^^ 1^ -^ "'" Ic k'hi. keo^S ch'cah, he would never be without ginger at his meals ; said of Confucius. Keang ^^ Ma keang, ^ ^ bay k'eo'"S, a horse's bridle. Also written ^ kisang. T'hok se kwuy M, mk keang hi-ang, ?^ ^ My keo^S tAn, returning home after study, the horse's bridle rings with a tinkling sound. Keang *I KiJang An oar; the handle of a hoe; a l*£^ durable kind of wood. Keang I8ng, ^^ ^, insects found in excrementitious matter. Keang ^i A cloth for binding a child, in or- ' der to carry it on the back. Vulgar, cAca/i^, to carry pick-a- back> Kei'ino- Keang A string of money or cash ; chfing ke4ng ch'heen ban, H^ ^^ W, ^ k'h&^'g che&'^g kwul^g kadu che^d cVheng ban, to lay up strings of money by the thousands- and myriads. Bij^n keang, ^ ?j^ ktS^H payh nmP-'J, to force, to constrain. Written fig[ ke^ng. Ke^ng wdy seen j^ ^ 6, ^j^ -;^ ^ j^ \_ :9< *''^" k'idng chb M l'^"d t'e^a, you should exert yourself to do good ; see "^ -?• Beng choo. ~4 Keantr Keang Robnst, strong, firm ; a surname. Soft sip wat kcAng je soo, j/LJ "J"" ?^ rfn ft ^^ ^^'^p ^'0^!/ k6ng k'edng chew teo'h chb kw^a, at forty a person is said to be robust, and should then enter on office. See the ^ |# K'heuk ley. Keang b6ng, i]^ j^, violent, boisterous. Keang hwut yew kongk'hek,^ %'^^^% k'li&ng pd &y l&ng, b6 kap e chb peng yiw, t'eoh t kong gnay ye"(l e, with violent persons make no friendship, but overcome them witl* Crnmess. Keang Kiiang if> Firm, violent, harsh. Not soft, unyielding, stifl'. Chew-ch'hcang bok keang jtn yeit ^ ij 7k 5^ A ii c''"'' ch'hjiang ch'hd gnay dy Idng, Ciiew-ch'heang was a man as stiff as wood. eans •^' Kea Kea ng 5p. Keaou Unbending asseverations, -w^"* firm declarations. As stiff as a dead body. A form, an^ppearance; yaou keaon, f5l y^ ji^, iibeantifxA woman. Jeak tek yaou keaou, tong e kirn ok t'he che, na ey tit t'eok yaou keaou, t'eoh t'hS kim ch'hod k^h&"g c, if I obtain a beautiful woman, I will make a golden Iwuse to put her in. KEAOU 325 KEAOU Keaou False, hypocritical ; greedy of gain, and seeking it in improper ways. Keaou y^ng, p^ j^, the name of Keaou \4^C^ an animal ; san ch'hut keaou Keaou y&ng, ^LJ tij Pi (1^ "^'^ ch'hut keaou y&ng, the hills" produce the keaou animal. J^M^ A musical instrument, a large pipe. This character is now used for a sedan-chair. Keaou 'J|>^^^To boast, ^o pity, to commiserate. ., n j^ iV_' ^^^^°" g"' Mf 'ffX keaou t'haSu, *!*/|aJ proud, arrogant, haughty. Hod j£ bod keaou, ptn ]& bo6 t'be6m, hd j6? podjS b6 keaou fhadu, sbngji b6 seep giy, an chie''d? to be rich without pride, and to be poor without flattery, what do you think of that ? See the_t. Ip Seang lun. p %__ Clean, bright, white, clear. Kea6u H>^>^ Keaou keaou pik k'he, ^ ^ ■^ ^^ y ^ kea6u keaSu payh bay, milk-white steeds. Gwat ch'hut keaou hiy, H ^ tk ^go^^'^^'hutkeabukwui'^S, the moon shines bright and clear. See the Ifj^^Sekeng. k-j|» False ; pretending to couDterfeit or- Kea6u2E^ , Af^ ders from superiors ; valiant. Ch8-bw4n hwat keaou cheabu, tin sip pat tin chooboe.'h6T6ng-,ok,f ^ ^ j^ |0 4 H ChS-mw^i hwat kay cheadu beng, tin teabu chap payh tin choo hoi, k'he t'h6 Tdng-tbh, Chd-mw^Jl issued a counterfeit imperial order, and summoned eighteen princes of districts to attack T4ng-t6h ; see the ^ ^ Sam kok. Keang chae keaou, tw, p|^ ^ how firm and unbending ! See the HI ^a Teung yftng. Proud and stubborn; also, violent Kea6u sty IPf^ keaou, /J> :j. {j^ ke^a keadu, that boy is very proud. K6 mi keaou keaou, ^ ,^ [[^ lH « "y bay kea6u keadu, his horse is very bold. Keaou jeaou, j^ i^, to confuse, to throw into disorder. T6 k«a6u gnb sim, ^ ^ |j^ jtSk keaou Iwdn gwd &y sim, it disturbed my mind. See the f\y ^ Seaou gtidy. Kea6u ^/j^t^^* '^^^ noise of stirring about water. Kea6u Kea6u Kea6u To round ; to tie a thread around an arrow, when shooting at a bird. 'Clear, bright as the sun. Kea6u HH\ > Bright and clear like a gem. Y6wj6 keaou jit, /^ ^ |^ j^ toooch'hin eh'co^ keaSu p&yh Ay jit, as bright and clear as the noonday sun ; see the ^^ H flng hong. KEAOU 320 KEAOU Keaou je jea, t^h h\\ ^, (Uie music) must be clear and distinct ; see the J^ pfj S*^^no lun. Keaou Keaou Keaou Clear, bright ; to call out aluud. To walk, to travel, if'^Read toe : to gamble, to game; to6 pok, [|^ h\J yinah kcauii, to play games of chance. Se sii)- sect cli'hoo to6 ch'heAng sc)', long 16k iioo kwun boe chok teaou? /J; PF W.n.^ m Keaou Kea6u Df Keaou Keaou Keaou some tall trees; see the S f^n Chew liirn, A surname. |||^j^ A high hill, with a conical tup. I — ^_ Vulg. li'co: a bridge ; ki) keaSu, \ft/ l^ pjy j^ kdiij hc6, to go over a bridge. 'f fPj Cliea()u Qng ch'hcy chok h8 keaSu, gg rjT ^ |-|r l^ ||: Ckeabu tmsr k'lik ch'kei/ chd M keS, Ciiea6u 6ng first made bridges over the large rivers. Keaou /i(^^ The name of a wild fowl. Uy keadu t'hed"^ s6t/, Idng 16k gieii &y ang mafS chh chd? who could have established these gambling-houses to entrap my husband, so as to turn the night into da}'? Read pe^ou : to stick up with paste ; peaou pofey, /^ ^(^ keaCu poly, to paste paper. Vulg. kcb : to call, to bawl, to cry out. Also written uU keaou. Hek put te keatlu hoe, w? /?\ ir.rl p^l. |L't iDoo &y u™ chae kib hoe, there are some who do not know how to call ; see t)ie /J"» ^ft 2ea6u gn^y. igh ; a lodging-house for strangers. High, lofty; lam yew keaSu bok, '■^1 l'^ -^f >fv ^^"^ ^°^ hwan Ay ch'ltd, on the south there are j Keaou The long feathers in a bird's tail; keaOu sew,^ "^, to lift up tiie >> r*A lioad ; to look forward with ex- pectation ; dangerous, hazardous. E sit keaSu kea6u, ■^' ^ f^ *| g'""- ^'J sew gwuy h'eim, iiw nest is in jeopardy ; see the It If Se keng, Keaou Keaou m riie name ofa plant. Keaou Vulgar, Leo: a sedan-chair, a chair borne on mens' shoulders. San hgng chek keaou, |J[_j ^J^* M') ^ ''"'"" '"^ *' "'^ *^''*'^ *^"^ '^**y *^^' when traveling in mountainous regions, it is ne- cessary to use chairs. Gho keaou, ^ ^'S chey ked, to ride in a se- dan-chair. k* To raise anything by a lever ; (o •vrcnch. KEEM 327 KEEM * Keaoiili To lift up the foot in walking. Keem 7^ Keaoii ^ Kt^h » V To halloo, to cry out loud, to an- ll P'T'- y swiT roughly ; vicious, corrupt. yf^ Bo6 keaoiih ing, HJ: ll|^ 1^- j loh keaouh yin, do not answer roughly. fffl^i' Road ki'uk and tiiuk : to build, to ' J^fLi erect ; keuk ch'hcAng, ^ |^ ! V4^ ^«^A ch''he6"S, to build a wall ; Keem keuk ok, ^'r J|g A-ee/< ch'hoo, to build a house. | The name of a bird, that always flies \\i in pairs, found in the south. Kcili ^ Kveh gim, jfil,] Ij^ the stonrs round the steps of a front door. JCci'/l \*'rn The cry of the wild fowl. Keem To unite, to join, to associate toge- ther, to blend, to include. Chew-kong soo keem sam flng, ^ se so6 sc6, ^i ^ .§> t ^^num^^ Ckackong sco^S keem cUy s^a Sng, i se Mng cUy se hang ^oo, Chew-kong thought of uniting the (juidities of these three sove- reigns, to practice these f«ur good things. See the ^ -^ Beng choo. The name of a reed, a kind of rush; k»'«;ni hiy ch'hong ch'liong, 4S M ^^ ^ ''''■'" '"*^ "^''''"""^ ih^liai"8, how green are tlie reeds and rushes ! See the /;& ||3[ Chin hong. Cloth wove with a double thread; Keem y C^Tf - twilled silk. Wun wuy ongse chok tan keem e, ^ ^ % %. # '^ ^ ^ *- -^ ang ttoh chb tic^'a sw"d s"a, a wile should weave for her husband a garment of a single thread. ^ To seal up ; to paste anything over an orifice. K'hong choo kwan Chew beauu yiw kiin jin, sam keem kfi k'ho^, !3pf ^^ K'li'iig cho6 k'hw"'^ Chew bid icodki-ndylaufj, i"a hay keem e &y ch'huy, Confucius saw in the Chew temple, a gilt statue with its mouth thrice sealed; see the ^ =^ Kay j>To lessen, to ilir.ii'lish, to detract ^pU '■'■""•J kay ke-::n, ^^p j^f , mc:... /^^^\ or less. L^y clioo 6 keem, ¥^ ZE "jp ^ ^'^y ^y y*" ^^^ '« ^'^-'w «*"> the most essential thing in ceremony is to have as little of it as posyible. To arrange, to sort cut; to take ac- count of; ke^iii tocni, i^ ??o to take a list of; sfln kocm, ^ |jm to go round and inspect; nn oSicc. Keem le6m jit s^ywfty,!^ 9^^ ^ |j)f ^^ keim teivt tali yit Uy cAd, to examine one's daily conduct. Soe kodni, "|^ jj^, to examine, t^ search ; ke6in cb'lwt, ^ f^, ■<' inspect. Keem kadu, ]j^ :j^, l!«e a^mt of an officer. =1? Ke6 m Keem Keem W\ KEEN 328 KEEiV Keem Kee eera Keem ^ Keen Keem Keen The ornaments used, pn a horse's head. A sword; pwat kefera, ^ ^''° 1 1 draw a sword. Also written ^ kefem. H"d tg ma sfe kefem, jj^ * 'fid ag k'hea hay cVhi. keem, I love to ride on horseback, and make proof of my sword; See the ^^ ^- Beng choo. w-ijmw ■ 'Read ham : saltish, briny, of a saltish ^f^^ taste Suy wat jun hay, jOn hay chok ham, ^ P f fl T # M "'"''^ *^"^ "*^ loh Ic'hl, kabu teeh loh k'hb chew che^& keem, water is said to flow downwards, and when it descends (to the sea), it becomes saltish. To stick in, to insert. "^ Firm, stabl*, hard; keen koe, q^ *^^ ffl^ fixed, steady. K'ho soo chfc t'heng e t'hat Chin Ch'hoe che keen kap le peng ^ p[ (^ fjl] ^ )^, ^ ^ >S i^ M f^ ^'1 :l^ ^ ''^""^ '°^ cVhbng VhHy 'e p'hah Chin CVhot &y hem kah lae to i, (if your government is good,) you can set (your people) to make clubs, and beat down the firm armor and sharp weapons of the Chin and Ch'ho6 countries; see the ^ -^ Beng choo. tf^ Niggardly, stingy, parsimonious; H?\ keen lin, ^ "^^ close, niggard- ■■*^ )y. To chin se 16ng, be he keen, ^J ^ l# S ^ 1^ i^ "^ '**" " '^^' . Keen Keen Keen Keen Keen Keen Keen bdey chun keen lin, turn out the whole budget of your poetical effusions ; you must not be stingy. A case for a bow. Rice water, congee, gruel. Vulg. keng: the shoulder ; keen t'ho^, |b WM keng fhaou, the top of the shoulder ; also, to bear on the shoulders, to sustain. So6 che ch'heang ye^ kip keen, kwuy keen sitkaycheh"6,^;^)^4^m ^ ^ ^ ^ jif sod gwd ay ch'he6"g kip kabu keng fhaou, k^hie^d Ay l&ng ting kel^S chliob lae &y h6, my wall is only up to the shoulders, so that inquisitive people can see all the good that is on the premises ; (meaning, that his attainments were not of that high order that could not be overlooked.) \ »^ A stout ox ; some say, a wild ani- ^'jt^C mal like a leopard, with a man's >|/^W' face and one eye. ffi A three year old pig. To pull up ; difficult ; lame, halt. Bo8 ke6n hwa chwat e, .Q- |^ ^ ^ ;S 6oA payh hwa h&m kin, do not pull up the flowers together with the bulbous roots. Keen lo6, ] t, a kind of mule. KEEN 329 KEEN K een ^ Keen To speak with difficulty, to stutter. Keen Keen Keen Keen Kii^n Tiie same as the above : also, blunt discourse, straight forward words. Kong lap ke6n, 6 k'hae sob ch'hong, ^ 1^ g ^:i 1^ pn 1 ''"s k'hwah lap site tit gnay &y wa, £ k'hwuy s& bin Ay chliang me"d, extensively receive straight forward discourse, in order to open out the in- telligence of all quarters. Difficult ; to elevate. Vulg. k&ng : a wooden spout to carry off the water. jLmJ^ Vulg. king : a bamboo spout ; suy ^1 ke6n, ^^ ^ rAfJy king, a wa^ _^ V^ ter-spout. \^»^ To look aslant at anything; a kind of net. Ke^n chob, TO ^t kin a, a boy, a varlet, a slave. Keen Keen Keen Ye6n ke6n, 1^ €S^ proud, haugh- ty, insulting. Also written St and ^^, kc6n. To hold up the clothes ; to tuck up the skirts of a garment. Kefe fij ^ £ Chew-kong kap Thai-kong seang ping hoo S&ng Sng, Chew-kong and T'hafe-kong held up and sus- tained S6ng &ng on both sides ; see the ]/^ lS Cho twan. Keep >fl The sides of the face, the cheeks ; been ki'ep, j^J ^ bin keep, the jaws of the face. Keep A sinew, a tendon; an ox sinew, used as a thong, for tying on the barb of an arrow. >-rjT?Keepjeuk, j^ l|I5,the name ofa y^y^ place, where ^ ^, Boo 6ng laid the foundation of his kingdom, which he prognos- ticated would last for 30 ages, and "00 years. A sur- .3'J-. B6ngk(Jep,@ ^ the name of afe- Keep ■'>|>'^ licitous plant in the time of GeaSu. ■^^^' J6 k(jep,j|;^ ^, the leaf or blos- som of a certain tree resembling copper cash : — the rulers of the HAn dynasty finding that the current coin of the former dynasty Chin was heavy and difficult to use, ordered the people to strike a new kind of coin like the blossom of the above tree. The handle of a sword; also a sword. Keep /^JU KEEP 331 KEET Keep kl/n^t^eep teep,^^,a kind of butterfly. A.y^ A box, a casket; keep ban, [g j^ P | x/ °" entering the school, they drum upon the box (containing their books, &c). Keep To have one's wishes fulfilled ; to ■^ obtain one's desires. T'heen bay jin bin be y^wkeepch^, ^ "T> A K tI^ ^ jk ife ''***"^ ^y "^y ^''"^ ^«^* sat"'? 6oej/ woo keep mic'^a e &y sim chi, the peo- ple and subjects of the empire have not fully got their desires ; see the'^ ^ ^ |>^, H^n bfln t^y ke. Keep W^aters confined among the hilb. Chopsticks, used by the Chinese for Keep Ty^J^ taking up their food. Keng che y^wch'hai; chc4 yiing keep, kC bo6 ch'hae cheS, put yiing keep, ^ Jc * y^ Vhe^S &y woo ch'hai &y cheio yung te, e &y b6 cli'hai. &y 16 yung te, when the broth has any ve- getables in it, we may use chopsticks (to take it up) ; but when there are no vegetables, we must not use chopsticks; see the m\ S^ K'lieuk I6y. Ke eep # To take by force, to snatch away* to seize forcibly. Also written S/J and ^Ij keep. Kijep ch'hiiing ^ 1;^ keep ch'hc6^S> to rob, to plunder. Chfiy Hwan-kong keep 6 Lo6-chong, ^ J.^ ^ ^h "ffi ^ ^ CA^y Hw&n-kong ch-heCng keep i Lot- cTiong, Hwin-kong of the Chdy country plundered Lo6-chong. Keep Keep Keep To plunder, to take by force ; the same as the foregoing. ^ Jb Clothes without cotton wadding ; thin Mt^-^ clothes ; keep e, ^ ;;^ kap e, a loose, flowing dress. JK A. Keet Vulg. hoth : armor for the back ; the flesh between the shoulders. Vulgar, kal : to tie a knot, a knot ; k^** keet lefin, *^ MR, to connect, to »"^ join together. Sim jfi kiiet hfiy, ^ iSi fi^ ^ *"" *"'"" '^*'*"* <^*<^»"^ *o'> »•'<» mind is, as it were, tied and bound. Keet .^ ^ To hold anything in the lap ; keet e, >■/ J^ Xp ^, to hold up the skirts of I IP? the I garment in order to contain anything in the lap. Keet fe VuIg. kit 6: & lemon, a lime; also written IS kiiet. B;\n teungfing keet yew, f^ t ^ f'p ^ bin sai'^ Ay tangly Ing hwa kit i kap nooi^S d, in tl4^ruvinces of Hok-ke^n and Canton, the lem- on and the pumelo flourish. Keet \ ^y> <^'^*" 5 keet ch'heng, ^ ^ yJ^^^L ch'heng kite seo''S> clean and pure. -^^ Jtn kiiet k6 cchJn, 6 k6 keetyei, keet ch'heng ka te i chin, Idn t'coh yin e &y keet ch'heng, when people purify themselves and enter (on oflice), we should allow that they are pure; see thcp] 3 Lun g6. Also written }t3 keet. KEl^T 332 KEK Keet To exert one's strength, martial ; also, hasty, vehement. K^ jln hwuy ch'he"d kiJet, ^ ^ B^ -EL ^ * ^y ^^"^ hwui/ kwuPS ktcA keet b&ng, that man is both illustrious and courageous. ^ Keet To raise anything on high ; to hold up; keet t'heep, 2g mk, to open the budget, to commence an affair. Keet kan w6y k6, ^ :^ ^ ;j^ Mah k'ld tek k6ng chb k&, tbey raised up a bamboo pole for a standard. Ch'him chek ley, ch'heen chek keet, j|E H|l IM i^ BjJ J^ ch'him chew ley kbiy k'hl, k'hin cheto pat/h k'ht sna, in the deep parts (of a river), dash through, but in crossing the shallow parts, hold up (your garments) ; see the ^ ^ W6hy hong. H&n-sin, these three were all heroic fellows. Also Keet Keet Keet A ram ; an encampment of Tartars. y^CEl A hook, a reaping-hook a crooked rCj^ knife. ^ Keet I <£-f^ To bale out the water ; a vessel for ^ lading out water. The same as "^t keet, a kind of stone : rough as a 5tone. Also, used for ^t keet, a hero. Also, a henroost, a place where fowls roost. Keet A hero; clnin ke^t, ^ ^ a su- perior and clever man. Teang- leang, Seaou-h8, Hcln-sln, sam che4 kae jln keet I'io^S'lidknp , Seaou-h6, Han-sin, chhj s^a ling chd pod se jin^ k'eet yea, T'eo^S-Ve^ng, Seaou-hd, and written TrC keet. 4l>t Keet Keet sek, j|^ ^, the name of a hill in the eastern seas. ^jg^f^y To split, to draw out, to pull, to open, Keet A^5!Z '° ^^^"^ asunder. Choo sob hfing \^^fZ kae keet ch'he, 1^ ^ 5fl]^,|^ ^ fh choo si &y hSng hwdt chd poo ieoh keet I'eet te kay ch'he, all capital offenders must be pu- nished by being pulled to pieces in the market. ^ . -. To exhaust, to exert to the utmost ; Keet YrJ^% ^'^^^ *^^'"' ^ ^' *° ^*^'*"*' "** ^^ r^ terly. Soo hoo bo6 16ng keet k6 lek, # X "It H^ ^i S ;^ ''"^ '"' p^y ^"^ ey keet chin e dy Vhcuy Idt, in serving one's pa- rents, to be able to exert one's strength to the ut- most; see the ^ |j^ Sijang lun. A Kek W Kek To extend to the extreme point ; to know thoroughly ; to influence, to regulate ; kek sek, 7^% ^, a rule, a pattern. Th te chae kek biit, ^ ^p ;^ \^ ^ tt te sit twa te kek chin metFh, the highest point of knowledge is to scrutinize all things thoroughly. Hasty, rapid, vehement; kengsebut kek, s6 bin choo lad,^ ^^ ^ ^f. K^- 7)^k^heeha6u ch'hbng k6ng boh kin, payh sal"S ch'hin cheo"9 k'e"'d lai, at the commencement of the work, (he told them) not to hasten, but the people came like children; see the -^ ^ Tae gn4y. Kek ^ To arrive at. Also read kay : to bor- -^1^^ row, false; fing kek Yew-beaou, beam, the king came to Yew-beaou ; see the & ^^ £k keng. KEK 333 KEK Kek Kek The name of some foreign nation on r the west of China. Keng kek, 3t|] 3^ thorns and bri- ers. Also, hasty, rapid. P'he keng chim kek, .|^^j l|/j- iti| p'he koty keng cVhaSu chdm tonl^S kek ck'hb, to remove the weeds and cut down the briers ; see the /^ fflp Cho twan. Kek ivi^ Hasty, rapid, mined. Also, fixed, deter- Kek To collect stones together in order to stop the course of water ; to influ- ence. Kek j6 hfing che, k'ho soo chaesan, ^ jfll f f ^^ Pf ft ^ ^^ kekje hoe e t6 ki^A t'hang sai e koiy su^a, if you stop up (the stream) with stones, and lead it along, you may make it pais over a hill ; see the ^j] ■^- Beng choo. K4m kek bSng sin, j^ JM ^» ;^ kdm kek kadu hey ki. e Ay hin tin, to be so moved as to forget one's self. Kek Heung kek, |^ Jj^ heng kayh, the midriff, the diaphragm ; that which divides the upper from the lower part of the inside of the body. i Kek ' ^y The cry of a wild fowl, the crowing r- To Stop up, to obstruct, to separate; Kek N|M| ''«•' P'^'*-' 1^ M ^"^* ^""''' * I I fV neighbor, one who is separated from us merely by a wall. H6ng kek loey g6ty p^ j3^ P^lj ^\hongkayh lai gwd, to cut off all intercourse between those without and those within. 4K Kek The middle part of a feather, a quill ; a wing. Hong hwiln kek J6hwuy,^ ^ Ijfl ]fQ ^ hong tcb"8 e dy sitjiptouy, the hong bird stretch- ed its wings, and flew away. I — y A bamboo screen put before a door. Kek % ■ J The yoke of a large carriage: seang Kek XSl \€ lefin kek, ^ ^^ '^ ^ I iTV chb seng U Ay Ung k'hayh seo swd ayh, the caravan of traders crowded each other so much in the roads, that the yokes of their carriages touched one another. ^ _^^ To kill, to put to death; Siln kek Kek ^^ Kwiin e 6-san, f^^ ^ f ^. f - ^ ^ {ij 5iJn t'ha& Kteiin ti i- sjc^a, Siln put Kwun to death at E-san. Kek The name of a hill. Kek Kek Kek ^ n X man under the water ; to be drowned. A spear, a lance, a military wea- pon ; t6 kek, ^ ^ij^-, to grasp one's spear. To beat, to strike; e sek kek jln, W ^ ^ A ''** '*^^* *** s& lAng, to stone people to death. Chob kek k'h^ng 6 \V6cy, ^ f§. ^ =^ f^j hoo chod p'hah h'hing te Woey, Confucius played on the k'h^ng (a musical instrument) at Woey; see k "'e s, p^ Lun gi. Kek ^^ To arrive at, to go to the extreme. Kek Kek Kek KEK The appearance of a dog staring at any one. -To plough, to till the ground. 334 KENG • U kek, ^ ^ |E )3lf T^ ffi ft i^. ^'"'"" cJioS bo siy u'" i/ung e Ay kek, the good man invaria- bly adapts things to their best use ; see the -f^ ^ Tae hak. Vulg. keeh : the cry of a wild fowl. Keh Kek To change, to drive away, to de. Kek yf* prive of office; also, leather, skin. T'heen tey kek, je sob s^ s6ng; jS si si ckt'^d ho, when the heavens and the earth (i. e. the dynasty) are changed, then the four sea- sons become good ; see the ^ J^ Ek keog. Kek chit wAy bin, $ I^ [^ ^ ^"' ^«'"« cho payh sai^9 , to be deprived of office, and to be degraded to the level of the common people. Kg yang che kek, ^ -^ ^^ |^ ^o 2/eo«S' &y p'hd6y, a kid-skin. Read keuk : as kijuk hwa, ^ ^ keJc hwa, a chrysanthemum flower. Ch'ha6 keuktongie hay,yewjeen kefen lam san, ^ ^ ^ g| T ^ ^ H -^ ^ij baa kek hwate tang U pa hay, hwuV^S jUn k'hw^'a mm pee'^S &y sw^a, while plucking the chrysanthemum flowers in the eastern garden, I looked thoughtfully towards the southern hills. ■^ ^ -|- The topmost beam in a house ; any- K.ek Ihol^ ^^'°S ^'^'^'' '^''"'^'"^' *^^ e^ftremity. '^ixi T'hafe kek, -jsi fw^.tlie great ex- tremity, which the Chinese suppose existed before the production of heaven and earth ; this was itself preceded by a boS kek, M g b6 fteA,no extremity, -a boundless infinity. Kwun chob bo8 s6y put yung Weary. Bokkek, ^ ^ ^«* *^"*' wooden Kek 1/^-4^ shoes, clogs. Soo-mi-^ soo kwun soo sam ch'heen jia, chiiak jwin cha6 p6ng tey bok kek chij^n h6ng, pj ]^ gts Hit ff . So"-"^"'-^ ^"^ * ^y *"*"" ^"^ *"" ch'heng zi^^ ch'hi'ng nooi"g cVh& pat«g tey Ay bdk kedk tai seng ke^&, Soo-m^-g ordered three thousand of his troops to put on wooden clogs made of soft wood with flat soles, and then to march on in front; (after which he followed with the whole army.) Read keiik : an arsenal, an armory ; Kilt: f^f "^hijuk keiik, ^ ^ chek kek,to / 'V Ijend the body, in a flattering fawn- ing manner. Kg kfeiik, ^ ^ ^^ *«*' «he game of chess, the chess-board. _fc. 2p. Keng n The uttermost border radicals. one of the >^— ^ KengKin,^^ ||, a thread, a string, Keng Z^ j^ a series ; se^ng keng, ^ |g, the *"—^ common series of human relations. Keng hwiiy, |f ||, the woof and the warp in weaving cloth ; keng fing, ^ ^, to build, to con- struct ; keng se, ^ ^, books and classics ; 6 keng, ^ 1^, and Cheng keng, ^ |f , past, gone by, already done; chfeng keng, jE |^, honest, up- right. A surname. KENG 335 KENG Wfly 16ng keng lAn t'heen hay che tae keng, ijtt fg n (I ^ T ;t A 111 '"* "^* ^y ^^"^ lUn Cheek's <5y ^>f • capital city, a metropolis. Jip ''^"gj A H", Jv Ae''o, to enter the capital. Keng Keng Keng Keng A granary. '^4^ Vulg. iai"^ : one of the ten horary characters. Ch'hong keng, ^ fflg^ the name of Keng • Keng lln, ^ ^^ to pity, to commi- serate. Chek ae keng jfi, blithe, kenge,je h6 hw"a ht, you must then pity them, and not rejoice ; see the Iffi gS Liin ge. Keaou keng, SjS ^^ to be proud and vaunting, to brag. To connect, to continue in succession. Keng Nae keng cha^ ko, 7*^ ^ ^ ^ not seo swd. eVhU^S kwa, he continued to sing. -p^^ The place beyond the suburbs or Keng Jtg-pf borders ; keng keng bo6 mk, chae >'«'>l keng che y^, ^^ ^ ^ '^ Wi ^ ^, P^^it!/ ptffiy &y boe bay, twa ti keng dy yea, fine and fat mares, in the fields beyond the suburbs ; see the p^ ^ Se keng; also written m keng. Keng G&|[7| A mare; others say, a fine fat horse. Keng Rice ; edible rice, in distinction from the glutinous rice. Tfi p'h^ng keng to che tey. |lfl f^ ^ |g "y j^ p'hadu chabu ti keng to &y tey, to gallop about amongst the corn. .^_.« To change, to alter, to repeat ; keng ^^^■^8 ■Sw '°^' M 2!^ ^af"^ ^oou, an hour ^^^^^ glass. Kwun chooche kdy«j4,j6 jit gwat che sit yeen ; kip k6 keng yei, jin kae ge4ng 2Jt ^ M ^' A ^^ i^' ^ *"«» '^'^ ^y ^°^y ait ch'hin cheo'*SjU goiyh dy sit; kadu e keng w"d lAng chd po6 gedng k'hu^d e, the errors of good men are like the eclipses of the sun and moon ; when they alter, all men look up to them ; see the t^ |5 Liin g€. S6w keng, <^ "P chiw kai"S> to keep watch. KENG 336 KENG Keng tjI'Tf* To plough : keng te^n, ^ g ^^"'^ ^VJ I ch'hdn, to cultivate the ground. Tijang-ch'he Keet-lek gno6 j6 keng, ^ ^£ ^ ^ P? ffn Ijt' Tednf-cWhe Keet-lek seo tiiy choh ch'hdn, Teang-ch'he and Keet-lek ploughed side by side ; see the =^ ^^ Liin g6. Keng jL,*, ^ The name of a tree ; a surname ; Tatj j Keng chew,^] ij^^, the name of / • ^# a district. . ^ The upper part of the arm : keng Keng ytyi t'ho6, ^ I^ teg- t'ha6u, the w ' shoulders. Hwuy che e keng, ^ '^ ^^ J^ ^^ ^^^V « ^ cVhtw, he beckoned to them with his arm ; see the /j-* g^Seaou gn4y. K'heuk keng jg chim che, "^ J^ ^ ^jl "Z. k'heuk wan keng ch'hiwji ch'hdng chim t'haou, he bent his arm under him for a pillow. Soup; ch'hafe keng, ^ ^ ch'hat kai^S, vegetable soup ; t'heaou keng, '^^ H t'heaou kaH^i a spoon, a soup-spoon. -W- >^ Vulg. ke^a : to frighten, to alarm, to Keng ^_» _j; fear, to be afraid. Chin keng pek Keng JVvs >Tr» '^' R M B" M '^*''" *^"'' kadu chitpayh It, (the thunder) agitates and alarms to the distance of a thousand 16. Keng soo, ^S y^i ke^a si, to be frightened to death. i- h^ Not at one's ease, uneasy : extreme- ^^'^S Vl 1? 'y 8""'°"* ^""^ careful. / v' VtA Chefen che^n keng keng, fflc roc ow ff£ trembling and anxious. Keng ft Read keung: as keung chong, ^I keng chong, a document drawn up respecting a man's own life and conduct to be presented to a magistrate : a written defense. Keng .^ Great, extensive, bright ; kong keng, ^ -^-^ a landscape, view of a country ; a surname. Bo8 peen kong k6ng, yit s6 sin, ^ j^ "^ -^ — B^ ^ *o pee'"^§ a dy kong ktng, chit si a sin, a boundless prospect, which all of a sudden appears new. Keng geing, ^ |fp to look up to with expectation. Te awake out of sleep, to have the at- ^ tention excited ; also, far, distant The brightness of a gem. K6ngkafe, '^ ^ to warn, to tion, to admonish. Keng kafe bo8 gfi, j^ ^ ^ Keng Keng Keng ^ king kai Idng t'eo"S ti U t'hang ch'hek dy soo, to admonish people to beware of unforeseen cir- cumstances. o ■ JBl '^ to go round in order to caution • ' with authority. T'heen choo sAn h6ng choo hoe che kok yung keng hoasim,^ ^51 ft itl^ ;^ 1 ;}] ^ ^ iCit ^^"g t^y «**» ^e^d choo hoi dy kok, yung king kai choo hoi dy sim, the emperor per- ambulates the countries of the princes, in order to impress caution on their minds. ^^^g ^'^l/^'Respectta], sedate. KENG 337 KENG Keng J^ To exhaust, to finish, to conclude ; k^w k6ng, ^ ^, to examine thoroughly. Chek tae lie, leak to k6 k, yew put k'heng k6ng hak, % k% ^ ^S^% % X J- , -^ -^ Al Chek twd hw"a hi, leSh a chae e Ay i, yew «'" k'heng king chin. Chdk, Chek (i. e. JH Ti^ Hang-e) was greatly pleased when he understood a little of his weaning, but after all he would not complete his studies; seethe ^ ■^'P Soo k^. %j^K6ng ka^, J^ ^> a border, the li- Ivcng ^.>V-J mils of a territory. >^^ Jlp k6ng j6 bun kim, A ^t JfO ^^ ^ jip king kai chew moot"^ twd kim, on en- tering the borders, ask respecting the prohibitions (or laws of the country) ; seethe ^ |^ K'hcuk 16y. Hap keng pdng an, /^^ ^ J|2. ^', peace be within thy borders ! .^ * Keng ka*, ^ ^, noble, high- K^ng .fl^/C minded; also, sorrowful, distress- ed ; a surname. Seaou lefin hoo chbng k'hfe keng kae, lip ch'hiiimg kwan, ij; 4f ^ jfJ: ^ ^ ^ il Hf ^- siy hun nd had chit 6y chdng k'ht kwd king kai, chek kadu lip ey eh'heung kwan, in his youth he had a 6rm spirit coupled with a noble mind, and when he stood he wore his cap awry (as though he would terrify one by his looks) ; said ofj^ ^ •jfe Ch'hfi-king-gi-^p. K6ng keng put be, j6 y6w yin yew, UK J^ :^ ^ ^P >^ P>1 1 '^^'^ king bey k'hwitn, ch'hin cheo"9 woo yin k'hc"S &,j hwdn 16, he was distressed and unable lo sleep, as though he had some internal gri^f; see the 1^ ^ Woey hong.*1^ A single garment; * kim keng e, Keng yK ^ 1$ 1^ ;^ 'A'^i'"^ "; siw dy s"a, tidh woo tw"a n€"o te lae bin, when wearing a dress of embroidered- silk we should have a single garment underneath ; see the Wii j^ Teng hong. Keng s\m Keng *1^ Fire burning brightly. Very bright, clear; to examine clearly. Keng ^Ipi Distant, far ; also written jS k^ng, and Jjji] k^ng. K6ng cheak p6 hfing 16, JH ^ tS ^7 jj^ hwui"S k'hi ye6"g hwul Ity heng U, to go far and lade water out of yonder running stream. K6ng .\ single garment; k^ng e, |^ ;^, a thin robe. Anything stopping in the throat; to Keng V" W* be choked with grief. x^^^» y i>ng chek keng, kfeng \k put clie, chek ch.n, ^ ^l] Hai P^ ifil ^ Jfc ^'1 l^ yung t'hat chew al kai"S' kai"S nd biy swith, chtw . payh k'hi hi ke''d, if you cram yonrself you will be choked ; but if the choking doe« not stop, you had better get up and walk. Kens Ken« K6ng iU\ Vulgar, kal"S .- to be choked with a fish-bone. To be chuked wiih a bone in the throat. The brightness of fire. 4L KENG 338 KENG Keng I'J To cut ofl" the head with a knife ; to decapitate, to behead. Leng cheiing che^ Gwiiy-kfeng kfing ^^'^ ^ ^ ^ H ^j^ ^1 ± '''"s ''"s ("y ^y ling leak Gwiiy-khng Vha& t'haoH, he ordered his followers to take Gwfy-kfeng and decapitate him ; see the ^ |£ Soo kfe. I it ^^^^ keung: to put the hands toge- ^^"tt^g PPUT '''^'■' kiJung s^w, J|it ^ ktng ▼ -^^ ch'Mw, to fold the hands together before the breast, as is customary with the Chinese, when they bow to a friend. SAy keung j6 t'heeii hay tS, ^ -^ jf[j ^ ]^ ^ pdng Uh lai king ch'h6w j& t'hee"9 ay pai"ff, he merely let fall his folded hands, and the empire was regulated ; said of ^ ^ Boo 6ng. Road keung : as to6 keung, JL jdt ta6u king, the capital of a pillar, in the form of a measure of corn. Read ke6n : as suy keen, ^ )S ckr|J^ Read kin : a plait, or fold ; kwfin Khlg A^Kpn '^^"'^ffB5*«'w»*^^«g-, the plaits I I >J or folds of a petticoat. ^ /yjj- ^ ^""'" '■°="'j « pathway; straight ; >! *»> also written fig k^ng. I-*-*- H6ng put y^w kfeng, ^^ ;f; ^ ^ ke"-& «*" dn k&ng he, to travel without going along the proper road ; to go out of the right way. Keng- Keng ^ m Keng Keng Keng A road, a thoroughfare; to approach near ; to go along the road. ^\^ A kind of wood like deal, but har- der ; beech wood. Keng JL Extreme, at length, finally. Keng To repeat, again ; more, increasing ; keng to, ^ ^ k'hah chei/, much more. K^ng ch'he^ng teet h6, M Py ^ ^Jl *o/^ ch'h'ed"9 yew koh kap e ho, to sing again, and again to reply to it. ■fc * * To respect, to esteem, to reverence, Keng y^^ to honor. V-^ Ke ch'iit! ki'ung, chip soo keng, J^' M ^ ^ ^ % ''''"''' '^ '"'" ^y """^ tedh keung chip Idn ay soo teoh king, dwelling ii» our place we should maintain a feeling of reverence, and engaging in any affair we should manifest res- pect ; see the ] [| =f Lung^. Volg. Ae"d .• a mirror, a glass ; been kfeng, ffi ^ bin kePu, a looking-glass. Beng seng dng ^ng, k'hae cliong kfeng yea, DH M ^ ^ §r1 ^:A It 4 6^"^ '^*'*««"^ yea kwui"S, teoh k'hwuy cAe'*^ ke'*d, when the bright stars are still twinkling, females ought to open their toilets and mirrors. Keng Keng Keng Bright, clear. *%% Read kei^ng : to afford, to offer; XjJ* keilng chae, ^ ^ king chae, fasting. Keng w^^\ to offer sacrifices with respect and Read keilng: as ch'ha^ keilng, ^^ ch'hae king, fruits and vege- tables offered in sacrifice. KENG 339 KENG K^ng Standing alone, without any support ; tolt h^ng kfing k^ng, ^ fj "^ ^ tok ki^i bS e ted, to walk alone without support. ^ Keng Keng ^ ^ Good; also sorrowful. Sorrowful, distressed : seuk 3'ea keng keng, J^ ^ ^ 1$ jit mai^S hwdn 16, night and day distressed. Keng # Sorrowful ; also alone, solitary, friendless. Keng Teng kfing, <|^ a candlestick. a lamp-stand, A red gem, a precious stone of a Keng T^3 red color. Toe gnoe i: bok 16, pd che 6 kfing taSu gwd k hbk li, pd e 6 king kite, they handed over to me the fruit of a tree, and I rewarded them with gems and precious stones ; see the ^J f^ Woey hong. ..^f,y To boat out, to manufacture ; se Keng "^^V cheftng chuy choo kfing, ^ \^ ~~Tl^ M ^ ^ ch'hayh che4nfpit bbty ch'kdng, books are manufactured by the point (of the pencil). |T1 ^ - Bek keng, ^ ^ to mark any one's •Keng ^^— l-J flesh by means of puncturing it so 9'*\^ that the figures cannot be oblite- rated ; a punishment formerly in use in China, in order to mark and degrade criminals. Keng n_!s Good*) merchandise. Keng Read kedng: poor, poverty ; kwung choo eky^w keAnghoe? S" IJ. /fr. /& S| ^ hcun cho6 yea woo king hoe? may a good roan also be poor? see Yew Sim kfing k^ng, ^ <|1> j^ Keng W, hwdn 16 Ay sim kuPa king king, a sorrowful mind, very much distressed; sec the ^J-% ^ Seaou gniy. BoO geak k6ng tok, M j§ j^ ^ *** pd geak king loh Ay ling, do not oppress the so- litary and friendless ; see the #* ^ Se keng. Firm, strong, hard ; Teng-kong, BR ^^ drew up the "fish-net" line of battle, which was (Icung kwiin hoe keng, ijl j|j( ^ ^] tang e'*g kiodn se, adu bin king ke^a), powerful in the centre, and firm in the rear. J— •-»— The neck; t'hoC keng pit leung, Keng ^Q 5| ^ |S6 4* ''*"^" *"* **" -^** houn a, pit teoh ttk ki teung, the head and the neck must be kept in a perpendicular line ; (not bent forwards ;) see the j|* ^P L6y i^. The bone of the leg; keak keng, Pl ^ k'ka keng, ibo shin bone. K teang k'ho6 k«3 keng, V] ti* PfJ ^ D'j': t'hb ktoah d l^kadv t Ay k'ka krcut, he then took his si.-ifT and bit bim oTer the shin ; lee the; Keng B Keng Keng is Luri Ci DP '^ Warm. w "jrt The name of a river ; keng chc, j|^ V ^ '^ ^ keng chwd, a kind'of drawing paper. KE NG 340 KEO Keng A well-rope, a rope with which to draw water. Keng twin che4, put k'ho 6 k'hip •^h'him.lti ^ t T> "sr i^. 'IK ii '^'^"^"^ soA <(5y W Vhang i cVheo^S ckiiy ch'him, when the well-rope is short, we cannot tai^f it to draw wa- ter out of a doep place. ^ The name of a wood; straight, cor- ^^T^S '^Kfty rect; also, to stop up, the sur- l>^^fc. face. Go6 s6y hak chei, tit t'hoe J^eng je, ^ ff^ -^ ^ ]^ ±. ^ 1^ gt^a % dh &y, ch'heng ch'heng t'hoi keng, that which 1 have studied, amounts only to the surface (or the super- ficial part of a doctrine). Kit keng, Ig 1^^ the name of a medicinal drug. Keng Keng Jt. 2^ To stop up, to be hindered, to be stiff. Forcible, violent, striving, to wran- gle ; cheng keng, ^ ^^^ to dis- pute. VS" Ke Ke^'S XtTyiRead kong : a jar, a large earthen vj>|Ml| jar; rilso written Ij^ kong. Ke""^ {lead kong : the name of a place, the brow of a hill. Choo-kat-leang ke go leAng kong, ^ ^ ^ ^ Bh H f^ Choorkat-ledng k'h'ea te go ledttg kc'^St Choorkat-leang dwelt on the brow of the sleeping dragon hill. Read kong, to carry on a pole between 'o ^Jp' I two or more people. Kong but,iE (j^ ke"S mee'^kjto carry anything. Ke"^ Read t'hae : to lift or caiiry anything { t'hae keaou, ^ ^§ ke"S ]ced, to carry a sedan-chair. KfS m^'s Read k&ng : a burden ; long kOng, II M '«"» ^^^^> ^ hurden, a load. Readkfing; to harden or temper steel- Read k6ng : steel ; chfeng ki)ng, j^ Kk'"S' ^ITfil ^ cheH kl'^S, pure steel. Lceu k6ng cli'hek to, yung che ch'heet geuk j6 ch'heet n6 yiien, ^ |^ # TJ FR ^ ■^ 3£ iin -^ ^/Ig :^ lein ki"S chVieah to, y'ung e ch'heet geiik, ch'hin cheo^S ch'heet fhoi, a bare knife of molten steel may be made use of to split gems, just like splitting mud. 2p Keo Ked * • ff t »The egg-plant, called brinjal. 'k Read keadu : to call, to cry out ; hek |j.i|« put te keadu ho, BJ|^ ^^ ^ |1-|. 3U ""''' ^y ""* '^^''* ^^'^ ^''' *here are some who do not understand the call and signal ; see the ^k i^ Seaou gnay. Keo K'eo Keo Keo ■Tl X~ The egg-plant, called brinjal ; called y#l /keo, by the people on the sea-coast. Read kea6u : a bridge ; gnoe keak keaSu, 5. 1^ ?|^ goi k'ha kc8, I "J the five bridges. the most important among vegetables arg the mustard and ginger plants ; see the ^ ^ ^ Ch'hijen joo biln. JJ-^-.t Poe keang, ^f] ^\\\ poe keo"^' the ^ name of a wood ; also written poe ki^ang, |,^ 1^ poe kcJ^9 . Ch'hek keang, "^ ^g cVheah keo^^S, another name for a cricket; some say the appearance of a Mir dead silkworm. Kco^S — » Read keang : a bridle ; mi keang, Kvn'"g ^ jTn ^H hay kco^S, a horse's bridle. Read chiiang : a kind of deer with- out horns; the Chinese speak of a gin chijang, ^ ^ gtn kco^S, a silver antelope, of a white color, which only ap- pears when kings inflict punishments in reason. Kco ^ns ^ Read kiiing : strong, violent, superi- or ; e ch'hoo kadu p^ di'hoo chek ktang 6 p6 yei. \J lIL ff$ t& kabu,chcy ley chew k'hah ke6^ i hwut liy, taking this to compare with that, this then is superior to that ; see the j£ '^ Ch^ng gndy. Kc6''S Read kiiang : to speak perversely, to answer harshly. Gek keang, ^ M k&yh kco^S> to dispute obstinately. 4M Keo o Read keang: awry, slanting, on one side; keang toe, hg Hj keo"^ taou, to hold the head on one side, to keep the neck awry. Keuk ^ A handful, as much as , the hands can hold ; the hand bent. Cheung te^ou ch'hafi lijuk,, put 6ng yit keuk, 1^ ^ :T; g: Ti ^ — ^ ^*'' ""y"* chah ban Uk ch'hadu, b8 mw^d chit ch'Mw ak, to be gathering greens all the morning long, without fill- ing a single handful ; see the jys J[^ Seaou gnSy. Keuk Vulg. kek : a chrysanthemum, an au- tumnal flower. H6ng keuk y6w !>/ kay sek, "^ ^ ^^ # ^ !«<£"§■ kek htoa teoo ho &y sek, the yellow chrysan- themum has a very pretty appearance. % ^ _ To take in the handt to hsld a hand- Keuk ^RSl^l f"l- ^^"S *>** heang bwin e, ^'^>| keuk suy gwit chae s6w, ^ "^ W iJS ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ '^'^ '""'P'^'^ mw"d •"a, keuk chit ch'hiw ched^S Ay eh(iy,g6Syh chew twd te ch'htw, when we play with flowers the scent will fill our clothes, and if we take up a hand- ful of water, (the reflection of) the moon will be in our hand. Keuk Keuk Keuk ^ To kick ; tap keuk, ^jf^, a foot- ball : now called p'h^ kCw, J^ fjjc p^hdiy kew, a lealliern football. A field of scallions and leeks. Pek keuk, ih j^ a pestle made of cedar wood. KEUK Keuk To nourish, to feed, to bring up ; also to bend, to stoop ; glorious. Bo6 h^y keuk gno, ^ /^ ^ ^ n'e6"S Uy cVhe gted, my mother nourished me ; see Ae /]■> f{| Seaou gn4y. A surname. Jip kong bftn, kijuk kijungje yei, y\^ ^ |3^ ||| |^ jfP ifl JW ^ong ay mooi^S cliiw keuk sin dy yeo'^Sj (Confucius,) on entering the prince's gate, would exhibit an appearance of bending his body ; see the 342 KEUNG see the /]^ ^ Seaou gniy. Keuk cheiik, M i^, deformed, dwarfish. Kg keilk, ^ S, the game of chess. Keuk i^ Lun ge. To examine criminals; to inquire in- to, to exhaust, the utmost. Sin keuk mn p5, ^ ^j fj^ ^^ to inquire to the utmost into criminal accusations, and to deliberate on the proper retribution. Keuk A straight pole to a carriage ; also, a short piece of iron fastened to the carriage to prevent its going back- wards, used in ascending sleep places. San hfing sfing kiiuk, [1| ^^ ^ ;j'^ s!o"a Jce"d sSng keuk, traveling over hills, we must make use of the keuk. Keuk Keuk Keuk The hands crossed or clasped toge- ther ; the same as W keuk. A vessel for bringing up food. To divide, a separate portion, a divi- rTM sion of labor ; the hair twisted. Kok soo U keiik, ^ Wl ^ ^ kok Ung kwdn e &y htewi, let each one attend to his particu- lar charge ; see the ^ jj^ K'hijuk Uy. Ehwatk'heukkeiik, -^ ^ ^ ]^ gwd dy m6 h'keuk keuk, my hair is all twisted together; Bent, crooked; wuy t'heen kafe ko, fp» put k^m put keuk, || ^ ^- Keuk rti ^ ^ ^ {(H *'^«5' i-e^ ehet^g kah kwdn, m« k^d u'" kHk, we may say of heaven that it is high, and therefore we dare not re- fuse to stoop under it; see the r\>^^ Seaou gndy. Keiik Keiik cheuk, dwarfish. -12, small and Keung ^ To respect, to have a reverence for, to esteem, to venerate. K6 hfing k6 yei keung, k6 soo seang yeikfeng,^ tf B ili f: i^ * ± "til pM ^ ^'^^^ '* ^^ '^ ^y ^"^ y^" keung, e hok sae sh tioa y'ed ktng, he was respectful in his private conversation, and reverential in serving his supe- riors ; see the p^ |S Ljn g^. Keung ^ f ^ Thp same as the preceding. Keung yjljJ^-Careful, thoughtful ; also, respectful. Keung Keung A surname. To offer up, to provide, to prepare ; to nourish, to present with. l^^\ Gno kijet lek keng te^n, keung wfiycho6chitje6fe, 1^ j^fj^i^^ ^ -J* tt i!ii G :^ ^"'« '^'"'' ^'^""'y '"^ KEUNG 343 KEUNG Keung choh cVMn, keung chb haou sai^S dy chit hwun t'e"d tt'^d, I exert my strength in cultivating the fields in order to provide what is necessary to fulfill the du- ties of a son, and nothing else ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. K4m put keung kip,^ ^ it jJ\ k"d vP* keung kip, how dare we not afford and present it ! A bow; a surname; keung s6 soo teang, f^ ^ ^ ^ keung chei:"S teoh led'^i' the bow and arrow drawn out and ready ; see the ■^r jSft Tae gn^y. ^ Keung 15 The body, one's own person; the body bent, as a bow; also written |g kiiung. Ko6 chiji gkn che put ch'hut, t'h6 keung che put '''y'^'t^t Z^- til III: 1^ ^ ^ ^ iil ^"^ '^^"' ^y ^^"s ^^f^g «"« «*" ch'hut, sS seaou ley htn sin Ay ke^A biy kabu, the ancients were unwilling to speak out, because they were ashamed when not in person (1. e. in reality,) equal to their professions. Keung A palace; keung sit, ^ ^, » house, a dwelling, a surname. Pe keung sit, j6 chin lek hoc koe pe siy ch'hod fhayh, ji chin k'hwi)y Idt If. kaou hok, he left his residence small and mean, while he exhausted his strength on the channels and water- Lun g6. courses ; see the =S =j Keung Keung A kind of insect; sew kiiung, ^ XS, '''*^ name of an insect which is said to guard the house. Gwat keung, J^ ^, gdeyh keng, the menses. Keung To hold anything in both hands ; keiing pii che l6ng choo, ^ |g cho6, a tdng choo tree that may be spanned with both hands ; see ^[ ^ Beng choo. I ^^ A large wooden ladle; to6 keung, Keiing J yI i!^ ;|:^ \^ taou king, the capital of 1^ ^ a pillar ; also small rafters stick- ing out in the front of a pillar in order to support the extended roof. « • A large gem ; suy y6w kefing p 'hek Keiing lir bo6 ek yii.'i,g| ^ ^ ^ |lE ^ ^ suy woo twa Ay p'hck yea b6 le yeah, although one may have a large gem, it is of no use; said by ^ ■?• L6 choo. f f , To verge towards, to move towards, Keung I I to be opposite to. -^ Si P'h6 jfi pok sin, ke U s6y, jd chci»ng seng kiiiing che, ^ ^P :^|^ ^0 ^ gfr ffiJ ^ ^ :J{. ;^cA7..«c/aA- ch'hai'^St k'hea ti e Ay s6 chae,ji cheung ch'hai^S "d e, just like the north star, which rests in its po- sition, and all the rest of the stars verge towards it; see the _Q W^ Seang lun. -J.Xf 1 Fiftn? stable; to strengthen, to es- Keiing "^t" tablish. ■^ I" Ekeungdngsit, )»((^ J^ i keung koe 6ng kong Ay ch^hod, in order to esta- blish the royal house; see the 2x 1$- ^^" ''^^n- Keiing Keiing -H- One of the 214 radicals. To appoint ; also to afibrd, to bring in, to offer. KEUNG 344 KEW Keung Poor, destitute, exhausted, to ex- haust; pin keung, ^ ^5 sdng heung, poor and exhausted ; keilng chin, ^ ^^ to carry to the utmost. Sob ha6 k'hwiln kiJAng, t'heen 16k 6ng cheung, ^ ^ ® ^ 5^ # 7T t^ '' ''"^ '"^" kliiDiln king, Vhee^S &y hong Ibk tng cheung, when all within the four seas are poor and distressed, the emoluments of the ruling power will surely come to an end ; see the |^ =S Liln g6. Keftng gwan keng wuy, 1"^ -j||^ ^ ^ kedng e ay gic&n VhaSuyking e &ywuy k'heuk, to Exhaust the springs, and search to the utmost the windings of an afTuir. Keung Keung in China. ' * ^'^ Ch'hwan kijftng, III MR the name of a medicine. K'heung keiing, jJjS- ^, a hilly appearance. The name of a country, to which 32 Gey was appointed ruler, who af- terwards usurped the chief sway Keung - To scold, to rail; kiiiing seiing, A'^y^ -f^ \\Qi to ridicule a: person as dwarfish and contemptible. Keung Fine nee. Keung ft to allow one's friends the common use of anything, and not to be grieved when our things are spoiled ; see the fj^ g^ Lun g6. Kew Kew Anything twisted and tied together, ^ Kew kaou, JiE k^ kew kd, a grip- ^ £jp» ing i^ain in the intestines ; the col- Kew Kew kaou, ^^ ^, to strangle, to hang; Teaou h8ng hoe choo kew Ted hdng hoe ka ti ketc st, the empress of Teo strangled herself. Kew AVuIg. ko6: long, a longtime; kew fe, gofi put hew bong kijfen Chew kong,^^fT>tl^ @ 1^ /5V ko6 e, gwd h6 bo kbh hang kei^S Chew kung, it is now a long time since 1 dreamed of Chew kong; see the |j^ =^ Lun ge. Kew it Together with, all alike, to share equally with any one. E pdng ^ ^% yew keung, pe che j6 bo8 ham, yi-w keung yitng, pe p'hwa ji hO ham hicun, Vulg. ku^u : nine ; k6wsip, ^ -y* ka6u chap, ninety; sip k6w, -p ■h chap kaou, nineteen. K6w teflng, jl |&, the nine times doubled apartments, alluding to the emperor's palace, and sometimes to the emperor himself. K6w teCing ch'hun sek chvly seen t'hS, Ji,^^^'^^^ ^^ *«'^" '^""^ &y ch'hun sek ch'hin chco"'S woo chily seen &y Vho, the vernal countenance of his majesty looks as if he were intoxicated with angels' peaches. Kew ^ To destroy, to demolish, to injure. KEW 345 KEW Kew - »> A black stone, resembling a gem; •T* yV k^ng k€w, ^& Jj^, precious stones. An aromatic vegetable ; k6w cli'ha^, Kew ^^I^Ew eHz 5^ ^'"' cA'/jQ^, scallions ; a kind of leeks. Tfin ch'hun chek yung Uw, JP ^ ^ij []^ ^ ^ Seaou gn4y. l__lL^ A stable; mi k^w, ^ |^ hdy Kew I |P-4t* teaSu, a stable for horses. ^^/mA K^w hwi\n, choo t'hfty teafiii wdt, seang jin hoe, put bun mA, j^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1^ A T ^ fl5 1 ^-^^ '^''''" ''"^ hoo cho6 I'hiy teadu kSng woo seang l&ng hoe, bS mooVS bay, when the stable was burnt, Confucius, on returning from court said, 'is any man hurt?' not inquiring after the horses ; see the 3m g5 Lun g6. Kew € To ask, to seek for, to pray; kCw sin, W Effl to pray to God. Kwun choo k^w choo ke, seaou jin kaw choo jin, ^ ^ ^ f^ B /h A ?R -% J^ kwun cho6 kiw choo ka If, sea6u jin kew choo pat l&ng,ihe man of worth seeks every- thing from himself, but the worthless character seeks everything from others ; see ^ -^ Tfing choo. Kew # The ornament of a cap. KEW 346 KEW Kew ^ ^^ Long, lengthened out ; also, bent ; T^b yew kfiw kekak! ^ ^^ :^ ^ '^ ^ |& woo ti'^S e &y kak! how very long was his horn ! see the H ^^ Chew sijung. Kew The name of a country. An enemy, an antagonist, an oppo- Kew '^11 nent ; also a surname. E choo tSng kfiw, &\. ^ |^J ■IjL ^"'P '* '^^^ ^^^*S ^^"'j he and you are mutual foes ; see the ^ '^^ Chin hong. Kew iC ^ A partner, a fellow, a mate ; yaou t'heaou seuk le kwun choo h"6 k^w, ^ ^ tX JC ^ ^ !("?* 3^ ^"'^" '''*<^°'^" '^y '"^ "^^^ ^"^ ^"/' ^"'"" '^^'^ ?i6 chd SCO kew, a modest and retired woman is an excellent partner for a man of worth ; see the J^ ■p& Chew \km. ^^^V% A beautiful gem ; a globe ; t'heen Kew "TJ^^Iv ^^^' ^ jd^, a celestial globe ; ■>! tey kt5w, iA J^, a terrestrial globe. Also, the sound of a gem. Kew Kew rapid ; some say, slow. _Ua ball; h^kew, 1^ ^, a play ball ; p'h6 k6w, J^ ^ p'hoei/ kite, a football. Kew A fur dress, a dress of skins with the hair on. A surname. S6ng hwAy mk, fe k'iieng kiw, k'hin kew, to ride on fat horses, and to wear light fur dresses ; see the =|| =^ Lun g6 Kew Kew To employ wealth in order to per- vert the laws; to use bribes. Bent, crooked; soo kong ke kfiw! ^ ^ It ^i sac kak Ay cMie pdey, e dy wan k^h'euk ! a wine-cup made of a rhinoceros' horn, how crooked it is! seethe /|\ ^ Seaou gniy. Kew Kfew tL Three cornered, triangular, a trian- gular spear. Hasty, rapid; to seek. A horned dragon ; some say, a dra- KeW M^^l* S°" without horns ; also written Yeen yew kew leiing, boo him 6 yfiw? ^ /h J'p X^%.^VXWl ''*"* '''"^ '""^ ^^"' ''^''"^ ge,6. chit Mm t Vhit Vho? when was there ever seen a horned dragon carrying a bear in his rambles ? see the ^ |"qj Ch'hoe so6. Kew 7T> 'k A stoppage of the nose through cold, a catarrh. Kwuy ch'hew h6ng hay leng bin to k6w t'h^, 3i ^JC # M ^ K: ^ liL Pi cVhewboey Ae"(i ch'hin clico^S hay tliee^'S Ung payh sai"S chey sat p'hee^SI, kwd p^hah ch'hiw, in the end of autumn to act as we do in summer will occasion frequent colds and sneezings. ^ ^ A kind of chisel; kfe p'hb gno hoo, K^W ^^ji? y^''' k'hwatgno k6w, |J[ ^ jeinp'kwd gwd &y po6 t'hamt, yew A'Ae k'heeh gica Ay ch'hctk a^iaving broken my hatchet, they have also notched my chisel ; see the =i i^ Se keng. KEW 347 KEY Kew ^ »^ Vulg. Aoo; old, original, former; ^ I '; kew leSn, ^ :^ hod tu6"S, last year. Kofe kew put wAy, j5^ ^ /f\ J^] ^o^ *"" ^!/ jln sin, «"• i'Aang^ tedi/ k'he, do not neglect old servants. K6 sin k'hong kay, kfi kew jfi h6 ? jil ft 5L ^)1 3t tf ^ 1^ * ^y *'■" ^''« '"*' « <1^ A-oo an chw^d? if (our wives) when new were so very good, how much better must they be now they are old? see the |s j^^ Se keng. aVulg. 4oo.- a mortar; cheung kew^ ^ y cheng koo, a pestle and mortar. Twan bok wily ch'h6, kwut tey wfly kew, kew ch'h6 che le, ban btn 6 chby, ^ y^ ^ jj^ J/l j^ tooths ch''h& cho cheng, hcut tiy chd koo, cheng koo Ay le ytah, che"d ban bin e chiy kite, cut ofT a piece of wood for a pestle, and dig a hole in the ground for a mortar ; for the profit of the pestle and mortar tends to supply myriads of jieopie ; see the ^ iM Ek keng. ^ • A fault, a crime; to find fault with. Kew yCj^ K6ongpulkew,|^]^^^;j;^ I M ktj'eSn 6ng kbiy, bS U&h I cho keio, when a thing is past, do not find fault with it ; see the J^ ^ Scang lun. Kew m Kwan kew, Ifa i^ Aic^a c/j'Aci, a coffin. Kew Bo kew, "H: JS b^ A'"©* a mother's brother : ch'hey kew, ^ S , a wife's brother. Gno si)ng kew se, wat clife Wiiy, 5v 5g M ^ El M ph F^ '^'"'" """-^ ^""^ ''y '"'° d, kbng boeyh kabu Wuy &y lam, I accompanied my maternal uncle, saying, that I would go as far as the south of the river Wuy ; see the ^ jgj Chin hong. 2p Key f ^ K*. To examine ; key k'ho, f^. pK- to W^ * investigate at the public exaraina- ^f tions ; also written ^g- key, to detain, to keep. A surname. Key k'h6 ch'hut sin, ^ ^ {ij ^, to come forward in the world by means of the literary exa- minations. * A surname ; Key-k'hong ^,jfe fS^ Key "ifv » ^*'" ""^ °^ '''® seven wise men of the bamboo grove. A domestic fowl ; key bo6, ^ -W Key 4^ ^ a hen. Also written ^ key. Le wAt key bCng, soo wit mo^y »^"' it m lE ± H* ii '*« boi kdng key lie t'hf, ta po kung dm boiy kwui"ff) the wife said, * the cocks are crowing' (it is time to rise) ; but the husband replied, < it is not yet light ;' see the SB M Teng hong. Key ^j^ key Iwd, a water A street, away; key loe,^ ^, Key »^-T*| a street, a road. Kap tby been teangkey,^ 1 liU ^ % ch'hob Vhiyh bin "d li^S key, a range of buildings facing the long street. k To divine, in order to discover Key |~l things which are doubtful. In f^Wi^ the western countries they divine by goat's blood, which they call J^ ^L *°° ^^^^ k > - A hair-pin, the knot in which the Key JTT*- hair is tied. y f Sip y6w gno6 ledn j6 key, -p ^ 5. ^ ifn f 1p "''^p s"'' ^°^yJ^ ^^y> c^' KEY 348 K'HA males) at fifteen years of age tie up tlieir hair and use a hair-pin. Key m l-lARead kae: a step; gim kae, {7 R® g'lm Icey, a flight of steps. But kae ch'he, ek j6 yiji, ^h P^ ^ W ^X^ ^ *"' '^^*" ^^"^ ^^y* '^''^"' may^h he, 6, cVhin cliio"-S pwuy Ay yeo^Si when he had descended all the steps (from the throne), he walked quickly, as though he were flying; (said of Confucius, when he had an audience with the prince;) see the =^ |g Lun ge. Key EA' Read kae: to change, to alter, to reform. K6 j6 put ka6, se wuy 1^ ^ woo kdly sitje u"* kty, se k6ng k'ed woo k'dhy sit, having a fault and not reforming, this is what may be called having a fault indeed ; see the g^ Lun g6. Khj *_•— «Read ka6: to dissolve, to disperse, f-r»ff to loosen, to untie. Ka6 swat, /iTt B? ift *^^ sbeyJi, to explain ; ka6 k'hae, fiS MM kiy Phwuy, to unravel, to un- fold ; ka6 keet, ^ ^ t'hadu hat, to untie a knot. WAy sun 6 hoo boe, k'ho 6 ka6 yew,']-^ ^ jj^ ^ -gj- pT J^ fi| ^ tok lok sun le pay hoi. fhang i kiy kwdn 16, but to render his parents obedient to virtue, this alone could dissipate his sorrow ; see "S| -J^ Beng choo. Key It A plan, a scheme ; to plan, to calcu- late ; to reckon ; a surname. Sip lij^n ch'hut chew goey hoo hak se hoiy teok ch'hut keh^S gwa bin Ay sin sai^S 6h sea je kap swui^S sedou, at ten years of age, boys should go abroad to a teacher out of doors, and learn svrlling and arithmetic. Hang-leAng te^ou choo cheing Uy soo, ^ |^ fcTo rejoice, to be glad ; also writ- -—". ten ^ k'ha^. K'ha6 16k yim I y -"• ■' ' ' chew, "^ ^ 1^ ^ *'Aa^ ^"^ Urn chew, to rejoice and drink wine. K'hae <2. Song k'hae, »|5 +g^ swept and cleansed. Aj^^ K'hae kap, ^5 ffl, arraor, a coat vt/^S ofmail. Ch'he-yfiwsechokk'ha^ -^-^ % it ib i¥ M ch-he- y&w k'hi t'haSu chd k'hae kah, Ch'he-ydw was the first that invented armor (in order to figiit with); ^ ^, Ildng tiV (B. C. 2012). iJM CI K'ha6 je, ^ |ll , to hope for ; to Klme ^ F| desire. ^y^ Hay bofl k'ha6 Jfi, ~p ^[ff- '^ 4^ hay tty Ay payh sai^ bS Vhcmg bang, the lower classes have nothing to look forward to ; see the ;£ -j^' Cho iwan. Kha6 ^ fL Good, excellent ; a triumph after victory ; harmonious, sootliing. Cho6 k'ha/^ ]& kwuy, ^ 7rn f'lif chabu h'hai. je tooV'9 la&, they sang a triumph on their return. K'ha<; hong clioo lAni, tiL )i^ 1^ j^ Ai5 dy hong chob Urn, the gen- ial breezes blow from the south ; see the piS *^ Se keng. K'ha6 feb m A form, a pattern ; a mould, a plan; the correct form of writing. T'heen hay boe k'ha6, ^ ~^ bee yeo^S, a pattern for the whole empire; k'ha6 se, ;[*^ ^, »he correct form of writing, without contractions or alterations. ^ Vhee^S ay 40 K'hae K'HAE The sound of sighing. 350 K'HAf^ goe hang, cJiek kabu hoi Vhee^S ay I, prince, if you do these five things, you will influence the whole empire. K'hae To pour, to inundate, to bring under water. Sey-bAn-p^ yin Chijang suy k'hafe Geep, ^ P^ 1^ ^| I SeyMn-pd. yin Cheang chiiy k'hai. Geep s'eH, Sey-bAn-pel led the waters of the Cheang and inundated Geep; see the ^ =^ Soo kh. V jT^ A striker for leveling the top of a ^y»^ measure ; tae k'hafe, J^ P^, ^^^^ generally. Tcung ch'hun che gwat, chfeng kwan k'hafe, jl]l # 2! i^ iE ^ M feing ch'hun &y gdeyh feoh che'^d ch'hin kap k'hal, in the middle month of spring, rectify the steelyards and strikers ; see the jjjL f\ ^ Ley gwat leng. Also written ^ k'hafe. mK'hong k'hafe, ^ !^, a noble mind under disappointment, to be ready at promising. K'hong k'hafe t^m Sim e, cheAng y6ng chew ge l^n, JJ-^ ^ t^ i6 ^ 1^ ^ f[ ^t H ^'^'"^ *''"' t&m sim k'hwae, ch'edng yUng chew ge oh, to be ready at promising, and to speak out all one's mind is easy, but to go cheerfully where duty calls is dif- ficult. K'hae K'hae Very firm ; anything solid and sub- stantial. ^j_ .^The wind rising in the throat; to :X>/V cough. K'hae To cough ; k'hafe sok ^ "^^ k'hdm sabu, to have a cough. Heng b(in k'bafe sok che seng, ^ fir] 1!^ 'life /^ ^ ''^"^ t'he^a k'hdm sabu Ay se"a, I luckily heard the sound of cough- ing. K'lxae K'hae"« ^ ns To rub or wipe anything. The sound of joy. K'hae K'ha6 ok, ^ jl plaster a house. bwdt ch'kob, to K'hae H^ To arrive at, to reach to. A surname. K'hae To fetch a long sigh, to breathe hard ; to arrive at. Kwun h@ng ch'hoo gnoe chea, chek k'hafe hoe t'heen h5y h, J^ ^^ ^ "^ j^h^ Kead k'hap : a wicker-basket with Khali %^\^\ ^ ^™'''^ mouth, used by fishermen ^^^^- to put the fish in when they are caught ; teuk k'hap choo, f ^ H '^ "^ *'*"* "' a wicker fish-basket. J^^^ A single thin garment; chfey k'hab, KMh ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^j^^^ Ho& k'hah, ^ ^^ anything stick- ing in the throat. Read k'heng : a valley, a ravine. K'HAK 351 K'HAM --,, v-nff u in vG^ ^''® "°'*^ "'^ vomiting, or the I ■!« Y^^^ sound of coughing. /^7 -ngf\t^^^^^^<^^'^^y- the noise of cough- '^^^ ingj o"" sobbing. K'hak >R; Certain, sure ; tek k'hak, ^ ^, true, real ; truly. K'hak hoe k6 put k'ho pwaf, ^i ^ ^ ^ Pj ^ A'Aa* si<, Aada bey pwdt, so sure that it cannot be altered. -. ,, , A AtT- The name of an ancient emperor; K hak A'^ZC *« I \Jt also written ^ k'hak. y^ig? A man's name ; L6-k'hak, ^ ^, r H^ a famous general in the ^^ ^Q, Sam kok. ,r,. . . JfT /tiThe shell of anythine. Also written K hak *«♦<> _^ Jliy^ ^ k'hak, the outer skin. _^|f^ Sincere, careful; yew i K'hak *ri^ «^^^^' % ^ ± ^ Sincere, careful ; yew k'hak soo teoo s6ng iVii* k'hak dy <'AdA cA'AayA Mng-, here is a sincere scholar. K'hak . > To respect, to esteem ; chip soo y6w n^^C k'hak, ^fc ^ ^ ^ chip sod I |-« woo king k'hak, to attend to bu- siness seriously. Read k'heuk : leaven ; pek k'hiiuk Khak i A ^P%* k'hak, a prepara- tion of grain, used in fermenting liquor ; also written iijl k'heuk. TT'U'K. kzE^/LThe appearance of a tent; also, to vomit ; also written ^ k'hak. K'ham Worthy; k'ham tek, ^ ^^^ wor- thy to obtain; put k'ham, ^ i^^ unworthy, insupportable. Sin yew ha kong, k'ho e k'ham che ? p^ ^ jpf t'hang k'ham kahu htout Uy soo? what merit have you, to render you worthy of such an office ? K'ham J^-g^'^'»'-e^-'W5 m, g-- when he conversed with any of the infe- rior oflScers, he was friendly and upright ; see the K'hang ?L Read k'hong: a bole; p'hek k'hong, ^ -jfL P^^^ k'hang, a hole in the wall. Khaiig ^g^-m^m Read k'hong : a socket ; bok k'hong; CI W» Q BE hak k'hang, the socket of the eye. Kh67ig _ ^1 Read k'hong : a hole ; been k'hong, V ■» countenance. Bo6 been k'hong^ ^ ffi "IL ^^ '**" ^'^""Si ashamed to look at any one. K'hang •r ,• / -^ J1 -, Pleased, harmonious and agreeable ; sincere. K'ha mn _Lfc. Readk'h6ng: to be willing. K'han * Vulg. k'huj'^d: to look, to see, to behold. Ch'heen le soo san bong teung ke5n, yadu se pk kwun kwuy la«k'h4n,f. M iE VJLj f. + £ ^ 'M Wi U W "^ ^ '*'**"^ '^ ''""^ sw^a, bang tang e"^ k'hw"d, tek k'hak t'eoh pd kwun tool"S la& k^hw"d, when a thousand miles from our native hills, we think and dream of them, and feel obliged to give up our government and return to visit them. K'hang J \-t Read k'hong : empty, exhausted, ■ ^ - void ; k'hong hwdt kfi sin, ^ ^ J^ fi/ k'hang hwdt e Ay Mn sin, empty and exhausted is his person ; see ■^ :J. Beng choo. Khd ang To take up anything with the nails. Read k'hdng : wide, waste; k'hdng 1^ ilji ^'Aun^ tey, a wil- deruess ; k'hdng poe, Bm| tin k'hdng poe, a wide field. K'hang # ^ K'hdng ch'h6ng, ^ ^ k'hdng ch'h6"S> a wide place for a bed, having neither posts nor curtains. % _ % To knock, to strike; also, to shave, laOU J^^^y 'o plane. Seng k'haou gwat hay seo^S k'haou goeyh Ay moof^, the priest knocks at the door by moonlight. K'haou to, |[}[ 7?> " P'""* ' ^'^^"'^ P*"6' ^ ^, to plane boards. To draw out, to draw lots ; a lot, a share. Leem k'haou ch'h6 hwun, \h Mi M ^ *'*^^* *''''^" t'hayh hwun, to divide by lot. K'haou VI "T^^ ^" unevenness of ground; ^ j\ . hnrrpn onil a poor, barren soil. 4 P K'HAOU 354 K'HAP Stony ground ; poor, barren soil • /r/v- Read k'ho& : as k'hofe k'hong, ^ K'haovi Jfi^^ niggardly, parsimonious. Chek Kliaou ^j^ -fr- ffi k'habu k'hong, an instrument >^\^ tey yew hwAy k'liaou, EJl] ;^i]l 7& HP T^fe chek tey woo ptoui/ woo sdn, some parts of the soil are fertile and some sterile ; see ■^ :j- Beng choo. A. K'haouh used in weavin 'g- 1^' '^ The hack ; k'haou cliit, ^ ^ ka K'haOU f4-§ cheah, the back, the spine. T'hofe k'h6 k'haou, % ^ M. fhoh tebh kill ka cheah, the back-bone of a rabbit should be taken out ; see the j^ [Aj ^ij L6y loey chek. mince meat. ^ Vulg. k'hd: clever, artful, expert; K'haOU^^ •^ intriguing, specious. K'haou gin 16ng sek, se6n fe jin, 'Pj ^ -fj S ^rf- "^ "f^ /ttf iada e dy wa, Aj^ ^ ^ k'haou k'hip Ay ae, the lameniations of weeping and howling. Read k'hofe : to cut off; k'hofe t6, fP 1^ k'hadu U, to deduct. Khadu Read k' h : a loophole; lew k'ho^,, ^P Uw k'hadu, a button-hole. K'haouh pok peng, W^ 'yW Wt k'haouh poh pe"d, a mince-pie, a sort of confectionary made of Stony ground ; y6\v k'haouh, <^\ ^ijf^^ an oil measure. K'hbng k'haouh, J^ '^\, stony, uneven ground ; rough travel- ing. 1^ An inner door ; the door of an. inner apartment. Go kwuy k'hap loey put ch'hut, ^A f^ ^ 1^ Xp yn k'hwHn ti kwuy k'hap lae u"* ch'hut, sleeping within the inner apartments, and not coming out ; see the ^ |1^ Soo kfe. K'haouh -IV -A K'haouh K'hap K hap >^|^ The name of a river. Peaceful, harmonious. K hap JA^ To stumble ; g&n chefin teng, chek put k'hap, "I" Rif ^ IlJ ^ R^ kbng wd tae seng ^^^I*;(^ -fc K ;^ li P^ an ckw'^d ey o 16 ch'hit eh'heoh &y hin sin ckae ? how can j'ou admire a mere body seven spans long ? (The mind is the standard of the man.) K'he p? The name ofa spinous tree ; an out- er garment ; also, deep. Khe To drive, to urge on by force. Wuy chfing k'he ch'heak chiji cheen yei, ;^ ^ 1^ f ^ H -IE "'"i/ ch'hiw chdng kw"d chayh a. si lae heoh chedou, that which drives the sparrows into the bush, is the hawk ; see j^ ^ B§ng choo. jTJ'-* To ride on horseback, to beat a K'he K|nr» horse ; to drive away. Cha^ tfi »^lll!: chafe k'he, ^ ^ ^ !5|„,5 Ay te chadu woo Ay tit k'he, some were galloping, and some were ambling ; see the ||w M Woey hong. Khe K'he 1^ The same as fig k'he, the body. The name of an ox. j7 Ji^ xS>J l^ To take up anything with chop- Vil" A Ml yV sticks, or pincers. Uneven. nri% K'heaou k'he, ^ ^, to lift up y^Jr>^ T'hd 16 put gan, hay choo sCng ^"^^41 ^ ;f^ t" T g fiJt i?i ''^-^ Ik. bS k6ng ted, ay tty ha te chi"d he, the peach and plum trees do not speak (to call people to them), and yet underneath a track is soon formed (by those who come for the fruit). 4Q K'he To sport and gambol, when merry with wine. K'he To lift up with the hand ; k'he e, f|2 lis ^, *" '''^' "P °"e's clothes. K'heech'heg6,;^;i^^[;^ payh Vhi s^u d, je chadu k'hl hak, hold up your clothes, and get into a corner (on seeing a superior); see the ^ ^ K'heuk ley. Khe pf K6 k'he, |I|^ |l|g, uneven ground, l**** a steep rough ascent; a hill-path. Khe To arise, to elevate, to raise up, to get up; k'h^lafi,^ ^, to rise up ; hin k'h6 ^ ^, to elevate; k'h6 chok, ^ ^^^ to commence ; k'hd ch'hey, ^ V), '''^ commencement, in the beginning ; k'he *'"' ^ %, '° s^' °"' on a journey. K'he 6 chei, Seang ye6, JS, ^ ^ ^ J^ iy hwat k'hS gwd Ay lAng, si Seang, he who will be able to display my doctrines, is Seang ; said by Confucius in the §ft |5 Lun e6. Cho k'h6 e cheflng leilng jfn che sey che, ^ ^ JS 1j^ M A ;^ 0f ;^ cA to go out. K'hfe che jit, siiy sew ke te6n 16, -^ ^ H ^ j|^ ^ H M. ^'^'^ ^yPh ^eem pee"!f sew e &y cVhAn le, on the very day of (a minister's) de- parture, immediately withdraw his emoluments from the land; see 3: -?• Beng choo. B6-cho6k'hfeche,^ :y. ^ -^Be-cho6 k'hh e, B6-cho6 departed from him ; see the ^m =^ Lun g6. K'he K'he pHH pp The ancient form of the above. Hastily, frequently, often, repeated- ly. H"() chedng soo j6 k'hfe sit si, k'ho wuy t6 hoe ? to: ^^ ^ 1 S ;^ B# Pf ni ^P -? «e Cheung sodje tdk pat sit s6, t'hang kdng icoo ti hwilij hoe? to be fond of engaging in public aflairs, and repeatedly to miss the proper time; can such a man be considered wise ? see the fim fS Lur „„ ^un ge. K'he M Vulg. naj"o ; to stand on the tiptoe '^ "^ /^l^" of expectation. Also written -^ ■ '' » k'hfe. The same as the above ; k'hfe 6 bong che, tJL't^^ ""'"^ ^^''^■ lae gwd tit bang e, standing on tiptoe, I look forward with expectation ; see the $j ji, Woey hong. ^ifc ># To unite, to join together; sorrowful, K'he ■ i. ■ miserable. K'hfe hap, ^ A, K'he united ; k'hfe se, ^ ^^ a bond, an agreement. Spirit, breath, influence; ch'hwin k'h^, P(|^] jET cWhwan k'hwxly, to draw tlie breath, to breathe, to pant; also written, ?£ k'h^. Gno siien yaiig go6 lio jefin che k'h^, ^fe z($. 7& •^ wi. ^ uif ^?«a gaSu yed^S ch'he gwd ho m. S. -1 jeen ay k'hi., I am skillful in maintaining my buoy- ant spirits ; see the ^^ ^ Beng choo. Pin k'h^ soo put sit che4, p- ^ fj[ i^ ,1^, # pin chah e dy k'hwuy ch'hin che6"S bey chUiwdn, he held in his breath, as though he could not breathe ; said of Confucius, when he waited on his sovereign ; *^^ ^^^ ilw r^p L"" g^- '^ — ^ Yin k'hfe, ^ ^ the influence of the clouds. One of the radicals. K'he To reject, to cast away ; to desert, to K'he "^ f "^ turn the back upon. K'h^jd w% che,^ MM"^ fhek kakji wuy i'/t^e, he rejected it and departed from thence ; see the _I2 Iffi Seang lun. J6 chwin k'hfe ^> '^ f| ^ ^ '^ *«'«« «« 'oi"^ K'HE 359 K'HEA Vhck kak gwd, you have changed and discarded me ; see the ^J> Jfyi Seaou gnay. K'he K'he , L/ To lift up the clothes, in crossing the water. ^44* K'h6 sit, S^ j^_, to stop, to de- \7\rT. sist ; also written S^. k'hfe. Khe |— I To stop, to stay ; put seang k'h6 yeen, ^ f,',] jg ^ «"» seang haj/"h tied, he did not judge it right to stop ; see the fys ^(| Seaoti gniy. Khe An implemeni,an instrument, a tool, a vessel, an utensil. Kwun choo put k'hfe,^ ^ ^ ;53; kwun choS Ay lAng bey eh'hin cheo'^S ke h'ht, a good man is no tool (that can be applied merely to one use, and not to another) ; see the iw '^S Lun Seng sat k'li^ b^ng e hok put pe, put kdm 6 chiy, Vhaou sai^S k^hl beng yin che6^ bo cheAou jti, chew u"* k^d lal chty, the sacrificial animals, im- plements, vessels, and suitable appbrel, not being fully prepared, we do not presume to sacrifice; see ^ ^ Beng choo. K'he K'he The ancient form of k'hfe. Vulg. k'hed : to ride astride ; k'hfi mi. ^ ^ k^hed bay, to ride ©n horseback. Pek m4 k'hwi kim an, k'h6 ch'hut ban jln k'hin, e 1 ^ ^ ^ it W ^T A t p^y* bay k'hwd kim w^a, k'h'ei ch'hut ban Idng Phw'*d, a white horse, furniii.cJ with a golden saddle ; to ride out on such, amongst myriads of spectators. Khe K'he 2P Kh'ea m 6 ko, |j|i J P'hfing k'h^, ^ ^^ a kind of crab, or crawfish, not eatable. Go6 k'hg, ilJJt tt a leech. H8ng k'he, ^X ;j^, a kind of China fig or date ; the Diospyrus kaki. Also written j^ k'he. ® dried figs, for exportation. Read k€ : odd, an odd number. Yang k6 jfi yim gno6, |^ ^ yim soi gnoi, the male numbers are odd, and the female are even. y^^ Read tan: only, single, the opposite ICh'da a» of double. Siii'^y boe e seilng tan, Killed ji yin cheS'^ k'hca, the year is approaching to a close, and I have only a single garment. Read k'h6 : to ride on horseback ; chefin y6w ke k'hd, ]B|^ ^ ^ Rw ching teSh teoo bay ch'hea hap liny A'Aed, in front let there be carriages and people on horseback ; see the ffl^ ^ K'heuk 16y. Klied Khea 6? K^hta Umsin,^ ^ |^, the name of a god of the £udhists. Read 8e : to place erect, to raise up, to establish, to set upright. Se che, ^ jA k'hed Vheaou, to erect * pillar ; se k£, ^ "hh k'hed ki, to hoist a flag. K'hw4 peen se kfi, '^^ @ ^ ;^ *'*«<"i i"^"^ k'hea ki, to hang up a board and hoist a flag ; (done for those who have attained literary honors.) K'HEAK 360 K'HEAOU Read k'hfeng : to congratulate ; X'Ae^a ^f, k'hhnghb, jg ^ PAe»a Ad, to j^^^ felicitate. Hadu sun y6w k'hfeng, -^ ^ ;fe" 1^ woo Aad« dy sun woo k'h'e^d, ho, a. filial grandchild will con- gratulate (his ancestors); see the ^ ,jLg Tae gn4y. K'h'e'dh (-_,^Read k'hek: fluted, an interstice; k'h&ng k'hek, ^ p^ k'hdng •>| • k'h'eak, waste ground. Ong-bong Iwan, s6 k'hae k'hek tey, ^E Z^ ^L jt^ RH |J^ ^ Ong-b6ng chok Iwan, chew k'hS t'hadu k'hwuy k-h'eah ley, when Ong-bong stirred up rebellion, the people began to clear waste ground for cultivation. K'heak *P To refuse, to reject, not to receive^ Lo ! behold ! also written {fiU k'heak. K'heak che ! k'heak che ! in ^ ^P i^ ""• <'Aee"5'/«e/tt'"<'Aee"^Ae/ refuse it ! refuse it ! see "^ •^ Beng choo. A surname. K'heak ti To be afraid, to be alarmed at, to be apprehensive. Kefen seaou tek k'heak, kefen tae tek chek put k'heak, £ /j> fe f^ f, >^ gf glj ^ l^ k'hw"cL kei^S siy Ay tek chew ke"a^ k^hw^d, keh^S twa iy tek chew u*" ke"a, on seeing a tmall enemy he used to be alarmed, but on seeing a great enemy, he was never afraid ; said of ^ ^ Kong-boo. K'heak in K'heak K'heak K'heak Uneven ground ; some say, barren ground, sterile soil. Dry skin, the skin dried up. TV »7L JZi/^'% To strike the head. ^.^tata To kick the heels about; to keep fCipf? walking backwards and for- •^.-^S- wards. When Confucius was employed in the business of his prince, he (cheuk k'heak j6 yed, ^ |f§ ^ -j;^ k'ha tin tang ay yed^9>) kept his feet always in motion ; see the -|Sj ^ Lun g^. K'heak K'heang M. n A hard lump of earth. JUK'heang tea6u, ^ p^ hollow ^, vain ostentation ; also a note in music. Vulg. k'h'eo^S: a dialect. ,Read k'heen : the noise o[ metal or gems tinkling together. Ko6sek he, k'heen j^.pi 3S^ [ p^hah kot sek swah, y'ed woo k'heang ay s'e^a, when the playing on the drum or guitar has ceased, there is still a tinkling noise; see the The appearance of disorder and S^U J. confusion; disordered. K'heang ff i ^ * The incessant crying of children. A kind of carriage or vehicle for traveling through the mud. Ne h^ng s6ng k'heaou, ^ ^ ^S ;liS /te"d te nw^d t'hoi, chew chey k'heaou, in traveling across the mud he used a sledge ; said of ^ E, when he regulated and drained off the waters. K'heaou K'HEAOU 361 KHEEM K'heaou K'heaou 7?> To strike, to beat. I To raise the fpot in walking ; to - ■ -. ' stand on one leg ; also written *^ jl^ k'iieaou. K'ho k'heaou cheuk t'hae ye4, "Pj" [^ ^ ff ^ fhang k'heaou k'he k'ha teng hadu, we can stand on one leg and wait for it ; (intimating that it will not be long;) see the 1^ jM jfP Ko cho6 k6. K'heaou K'heaou To stand on tiptoe, to raise the leg; k'heaou k'he, ^j| ^^ to lift up the leg in walking. __ To raise anything up by means |^^& of a lever, to wrench. K'heaou S High ; k'heaou sin, j^ 6* to lol^r "^"'^^ "'' °"®'* ^^^y'' finely dressed, elegant. K'heaou A hole, a hollow place, a cavity, a cave, an opening. Ch'hit k'heiou Ifiw heet, Jh :|5: /JE jfa. c/j'Ai7 k'hang laou hdeyh, blood flow- ed from the seven orifices; (i.e. the ears, eyes, nostrils, and mouth.) Go6 bdn s^ng jln sim y6w ch'hit k'heHou, ^ PM ^ A ili'k >^ -{rl ^ g'"*^ "">o t'he"a stng jtn Ay sim ktv^a woo ck'hit Ay k'hang, I have heard that there are seven apertures in the heart of a sage. (Said by a tyrant, who under pretense of looking for them put a wise man to death.) >^ > To follow out, to perambulate ; K heaOU ^ScJ '» go around the borders ; a "-^/^ *> small road, or pathway. K'heaou beaou, ^ j^^ abstruse and profound. K'heaou sAn keng soo, ^ % ^ $^ k'hedou 4 R siin ke^a se'^A, to perambulate the capital ; k'heaou '"' Wi :^' ^ pathway. L6-cho6 se^ng yew e kwan k6 k'heaou, ^ ={- ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ Wi. ^'^-cAo.J sMng woo ^ k'hw**a e Ay k'heaou, L6-cho6 was constantly occupied in investigating abstruse subjects. K'heaou ^It'^''''';' '"'''""' *A E '"6'' ^ and low ; uneven. • K'heaoith k'heaouh, unintelligible jargon K'heaouh •^fjrfv X K'headuh^^L.Read k66y : the name of a place. > _|_ Read k'hwat : cracked, split, ha- \\ffr^ ^'"g * flawj not perfect, in- K'heeh complete. Khelh Read k6: thin, meagre; h^ng yftng Sim k6, J^ ^ :|t e Ay yco^ chin chae sdn, his appearance was very meagre. JIumble, diffident; k'heem sdn, I, humble, lowly, meek. K'heem k'heem kwun choo, I* ^ ^ -f" »^yje >_ Dissatisfied, indignant. Also read K heem # I •Xu k'lieet : contented, happy. i'V'IV H^ng yenr put k'heem 6 sim, chekl6ey ^/if ^ ^^ 1^ ^k »^' I'J ^ ^ A-e"d nd woo u™ k'hio'^a wah te. sim kufla, chek Idty i, when there is anything in our conduct that our minds are dissatisfied about, then the spirit of magnanimity is extinguished ; see ^f -?• Beng choo. K'heem The pouch on the side of the mouth, where monkeys store their food ; to hold or contain anything; the crop or craw of a bird. The same as the above. K'heem =i u Quiet and still ; contented, satis- fied, pleased. Ch'hoo che wuy choo k'he6m, |J^ ^^ li 1^ ^ cA^ se Mng ked ka te k'hetm cheuk, this is what is called being self-satisfied ; see the ^ ^ Tae hak. K'heem Kheem The posts on the side of a window. ^; To owe, to come short, to be ndebted; k'heem che^n, A^ k'heem che6"S> to owe mo- A:" BS k'h'e&m k'hdeyli, to ney ; k'heem k'hwat, y^ be deficient. Kim che^ s6ng choo heng, s6y hwa6 bo6 yit k'heem, ^ t ut i ^ 0f ti #^ - X <"« Ay s6 chin cheP-d, ka te heAou heng, sty seo^S 6y sod bd chit hang k'h'eim, at this time I am truly fortunate ; for I have everything that I desire. K'heem -e>/- K'heem -iSr K'heem K'hi2^msit, ^ ^^ a medicinal herb. To wait upon ; k'hefem jin, #fe J\, an attendant, a follower. K'heem choo, /(^ ^^ a musi- cian, a performer. To hold fast, to hold under one's K'heem ^"tl* arm; k'hiiem k'ho6, ^^ P to shut the mouth, to be silent. T'heen hay che soo k'heem k'ho6 put kam hew gan Vhee^S ay &y i'hak ch'hayh Mng chd po6 hap ch'hUy u"' k^d kbh k6ng, all the scholars in the empire are obliged to shut their mouths, and they dare not speak any more. Jp->^ The name of a bamboo ; also, K'heem . ■■ I I * k'heem k'hoe, ^ P , to close l~f the mouth. To take hold of anything with pincers ; to bind anything round with iron. ^^^K'heem sfiy, |^ |j|, a large ^l^^y kind of ploughshare. K'heem K'heem K'heem K'heem K'heem t The same as ^^ k'hefim. Vulg. khe&'^i d: a pair of pincers. A dark yellow color. f,> Black; k'heem sew, ®| ^^ ,he 21^ black-headed people. A desig- kki\ § nation of the Chinese. KHEEN 363 KHEEN K h'eem to shut the mouth. Kheem % to K'heen I. ^ Saving, thrifty, parsimonious ; Ynn^ t'hafe k'heero, ^ ^W^^ over- l/i/^ stingy, niggardly. K'heein goc: cheAng chijilng, f^ ^ ^ ^i. K'lieen k'heem soo gwd t'Mn clititng Idng, in that which is saving, I follow the generality ; see the Im ^^ Lun ge. Hoc choo wun liiang keung k'heem jeang, ^ .3- }m ^ ^^ ^ ^ ''"o '^^"^ "'"" J^">> ^^^^S '«'> keung king, k'hifm chat, seo ne6^, our master (Confucius) is affable, kind, respectful, parsimonious, and yielding; see the p^ |S Lun gf: To lift up ; k'heen e, ^ "j^^ lift up the clothes. K'heen se^ng seep Chin, ^ -^ ^ -^ ieb'^S k'heyin chtd"9, Udou holy Chin chiiy, he lifted up his garments, to wade through the Chin ^ Kheen A fault, an error, a crime ; chiJey k'heen, 3^ ■«? a sin. 4^^^ Kwun choo y6w sam k'hi5en, k'heen sit, the good man is apt to fdl into three mistakes. K'heen K'heen ?T Even, level, flat ; a surname ; also written ^^ k'heei). The common way of writing 4\1a> lit, k'hecD, a fauU. K'heen ^ To take up; k'heen kd,^ j^, to seize a standard. Kwfty-po^ 16 kwun k'heen k6 che4 sok ^, ^ ;^ ^ $|2 ^ II :f |j^ ^ Kwity-pot tHy ktcun ch'he6^S ki ktcuy na pat, Kwiiy-pofe, when following the army, succeeded in seizing the enemy's standard several times. ^k. horse'd belly-band; a girth; also, to injure, to fail. tTi*T^ Lira san che sew, put k'heen put peng, ^^'Z.M^JB^ni ^"^ *"'"" &y ti"^ hoiy sew, bey k'heep bey pang, the southern mountains are longlived, neither decaying nor fail- ing ; see the ^J-% ^ Seiou gnAy. ^ f^ m Vulg. k'han : to lead, to pull, to drag ; K'heen "ff-,^ •» «''<='' 'o- I Kheen ke gnfew, ^B ^ lU k'han cKh'ea kap go6, to lead along wagons and oxen. Hak chiift k'heen ^ s^y bfln, ^ ^ ^ j^^ 0j* M Vhak Ay Idng k'ke k'heen ti e siy woo t'he^n &y sod, learners are led by what they have heard (with- out giving heed to others' opinions) ; see the rfj %t s°° •**■ A tow-rope is called pek teang k'heen, W ^r ^ payh ti^S k'han, a hundred fathoms' puller. ^ yf Vulg. k'hcang: the sound of metal, a K'heen^lTWA chiming. '^ ■ '- Cheung seng k'hiien, ^ ^ ^ clieng &y se^a k'heang, the sound of a bell is tinkling ; see tlie || ^ |g L^y gak ki. K'heen Xil< K'heen ' IV ' The old form of IVj k'heen, a fault. ^ Vulg. AaiJu.- a dog; k'heen choo, -^ ^ a puppy : a polite expression used by the Chinese, when speak- ing of their own children. K'HEEN 364 K'HEEP Che 6 k'heen m&, kae 16ng y6w ying, ^ ^^ ^ K ^ a^ /^ ^ cM kabu kaSu bay, chd poo iy woo lang cWlie, with respect to dogs and horses, they can all be fed and nourished ; (and if we do nothing more than this for our parents, where lies the diffe- rence?) see the _£_ i^ Seang lun. K'heen ur A ditch or furrow in a field, six of which constitute an acre. Gno ch'h6 k'heen bo6 che teung, ^ ^ ^^^ W\ jC. ^r ^""^ ^'"^ '^ k'heSn boe Ay tang e"5,I dwell amongst the furrows and acres ; see ,j^' — 1-. Beng choo. ^^ To present, to send, to send away ; K'heen ^ a ch'hay k'he6ni ^ ^, to send *^Jt^^ on an errand. K6 sek se k'heen d ch'hek, |^ 4^ -^ -M -f" y^ kaou dm chew kh k''he6n sdng ty mee"'h te ch'hayh, when it is evening, set down the number of presents in a book; see the j^ f^ G6 I6y. Keang-se e Choo-hwan bo6 chily j6 k-he6n che m^ ^^ 4E m st^ m jii z Keang-se hap Cho6-hwan sod 7ie6"S ch'hdng e chiw chuy,j6 ch'hay k'heen e, Keang-se and Choo-hwan planned to make him drunk, and then to send him away ; see the ^ "(^ Cho twan. K'heen K'heen^ ?^ A stubborn ox, that will not be led. ^^ffi,K'he6uk'hw4n, ^ ^ attached, WJi^ ^ indissolubly attached to any one. K'heen € To compare, to bring a comparison, to speak a parable ; like as. K'heen t'heen che nioey, -jS Tr A^ ^ «^'/«« «Aed"^ t'hee"ff Ay seo mdey, just like heaven's younger sister ; see the -j^ :Sfi| Tae gn4y. K'heen K'heen ^ K'heen lefin, -jfe ^, to march in a row, close together. To pull, to pluck ; also read k'heen. To inquire into ; k'hefen chek, =^ ' to scold, to blame. Leang-sfe-cho6, |)^ |H; :|3l, the first prince of the Le^ng dynasty was very friendly with Sdng-h6ng-k6ng, ^ ^ ^, and used (sfi se soojln k'heen bun, Q^p R^ {^ A M f^ se s6 sae l&ng k'h'ei.n mooi^S}^ constantly to send people to inquire after him. K'heen To knock the head ; to hit against, to come in contact with. K'heen tu ^_ Heaven ; the male principle of na- ' ^ ture ; k'hefen k'hwun, A^ ^, heaven and earth. The visible heavens are called t'heen, ^^ and the superintend- ing principle k'heen, M£. Respectful, reverential, religious ; k'heSn s6ng, ^ ||^^ pious and sincere. K'heen sin, J^ 5j^ K'heen to fear God. Khef'S' Klie^S jfc. A- K'lieep t* Read k'he^m : to take up anything with princers or tweezers. Read k'hefim: a pair of pincers, nippers, or pliers. To be very much afraid, to be full of fears ; cowardly. K'HEET 365 K'HEET K'heep To fear, to dread difRcuUr. Read hwae : to destroy, to deface ; >i^ rupt. But hwae k'hfe, J^ |^ Kheep I Kf destroyed, ruined; vicious, cor- ^^ mee^h k'heep k'ht, anything spoiled. Hwae heng, J^ >|y k'/teep sty ke"d, corrupt con- duct. % % To do anything with the mouth and K'heet T^JT hands ; 6 s6w k'heet k'he, -^ ^ '^ }^ i(^j^gwd Ay ch'Idio meet k'he, my hands are at work ; see the |^ j|^ Se keng. Khee* H Motion, the appearance of motion. To regulate ; to inquire ; to blame ; K 'heet ^•J* also, the next day. PJ3 K'heet te p6 ban, $^ "^ ^ n« mooi"S chek po ban, to inquire into and reprove oppressions and insults ; see the j^ HJ '^ L6y gwat leng. K'heet teaou seang kei^n, 3^ ^ ^ ^ bin a ehae s'eo kei^S, to-morrow we can see each other ; see the J^ ^ Cho twan. Kheet *|J To flay, to skin the face ; to tattoo the skin. „\^'~r% Sorrowful, mournful ; k'heet k'hwat, K'heet 1. \ ^^ yM, scpara'd 'o 3 distance. K'heet K'heet k'heet goe t'hin, 2 hw(Ln 16 kaDu ch'hai^S t'h6 k'hwiiy, mourn- ful and distressed, on awaking we sigh ; see the n\ Se4ou gniy. A bird which gives the signal for sowing the seed. K'heet »A straight neck, like a swallow's |.| neck. Ch'hong-k'heet, ^ ^, ' >>^ the man who first iuvenied let- ters (B. C. 2622). ^ 1_i«To hold anything in the lap; pok K'heet /tj[^H g^" ^'^^^^ ^*'^' iW P* ^'^ ^ I «X\ eh'he'*dk6ngp'hdyetes"a, they were saying, • hold it in your lap ;' see the ^J ra Chew 14m. ^■'■'- 1^ To bind with a thread. K'heet K'heet To pick, to pluck, to strip off. To take in the hand, to carry in the hand ; to take hold of, to support. Pan p6k put t'hfey k'heet, ^ ]^ % ifl J^ t'ha6u md pan p&yh Ay lAng, u" hoi e kio"d mei"h, people with gray hairs were not allowed to carry things ; see the ^ ^lj Ong ch*. _|.__^ Not grieved, free from grief. K'heet ^^^ Hoo Kong-bdng-ko 6 haftu choi i^^^ che sim, wuy put jeik s^ k'heet, 3^ aS *"'' i^ong-b&ng-ko i habu ke^d Ay sim, chd nd bd an niy, chiie bey swdh hwAn 16, now Kong- bdng-ko maintained the feelings of a filial child, and if he did not so, he was grieved ; see |^ -+• Beng choo. ^v^ One, only, alone, single ; over and K'heet ^^Jf above. A surname. >l Chew 6 ley bin, ht y6w k'heet ^^y' >^ ^ ^ 1^ 1 f ? E CA-- ^''^« ay o6 t'haSu payh sai'^ bdiy woo tv^a chit lAng wuy te, of the remnant of the black-haired people of Chew, there is not a single one left ; see the -Jc ^ Tae gniy. 4 S K'HEK 366 ^_ To attack and expose people's secret K'heet "T* i | ■ vices ; to find out secrets. \^ \ Oh k'heet 6 wAy tit chei, '^^ |f yj j^ iuL ^^ S""^ "'^'* ^"''"' ^^y k'heet Ay lung, yin wuy e leak e se teAou tit ay, ' I detest those ex- posers of mens' secret faults, because tliey do it un- der the pretense of lionesty;' said by Confucius in ^^^ PP" fffl '^"" g^- K'heet K'heet K'hek Martial, military, bold, courageous. Sh soo yew k'heet, ^ lb ^ 2jg ch'eiing e ay t'hdk cKhayh l&ng woo bob &y yeb^9 ^ all his learned men had a martial appearance ; see the jttj Jffl^ Woey hong. K'HEK Vulg. Kliayh : a guest, a stranger, a K'hek ^ visitor. K'ho soo e pin k'hek gftn yed, PI \^ f^ ff ^ w" ^ ''''""S' sae c kap ling k'hayh k6ng wA, he can be employed to sjjeak with guests and visitors; see the ^^ ^^ Lun ge. K'hek to cut. to -r-1- ^ ■B.l* Hard, a hard stone, nn uneven road. f To be able ; to be superior to ; to J • overcome, to repress. ,^ 1^ K'hek ke, "^ ^, to overcome one's-self. K'hek b^ng tek, ^ 0J| ^^, iy k'hek b6ng lek, to f- be able clearly to understand virtue; seethe^' gjf : K'hong k'hd. Gno che^n pit k'hek, Jp |5t iUj» oT gjca nd sea • Vhaipit ye^A, 'when I fight, I am sure to win ;' said I by Confucius. K'hek K'hek K'hek -^1 J ^^^''yj tired. To constrain one's-self; to exert one's-self; to boast one's-self To conquer ; to kill ; k'hek ke, &I Jjfl to appoint a time. Also written m"^ k'hek. Teaou k'hek, ^pjjj^ j;^ij engrave. K'hek joo, ^|1 SI k'hek je, to cut letters. Se k'hek, ^ ^,j\^ times, constantly; yit k'hek, — • ^|J chit k'hek, a moment. ^ V ~^ The coarse kind of hempen or grass- K'hek 2rt/^^ cloth ; coarse linen ; sackcloth. ^'fl Chin t'he k'hek, pit pe^ou j6 ch'hut che,^ ^^^ II ^>Sll^M^Z ch'heng tw^d ne'^d kwakpol, teoh pedouje ch'hut «, wearing a single garment of coarse or fine linen, it is necessary (to have something next the skin) ; and let this be on the outside; see the gffi pS Lun ge. ^.^ j^ The name of a country ; k^y to & K'hek "^-T^ GB, e hwat K'hek, ^ ^ jjf^ 6 hwat K'hek, they availed themselves of the road through tiie country of G6, in order to attack that of K'hek ; see ^ ^X- Beng choo. ||— 3 J—^ Still, quiet; tranquil ; k'hek kfi bo3 »==r1 jln, PJB ji: ^^ A k'hek cheng |^>~V^ bo lAng, still and solitary, without any one near; seethe ^ ^^ Ek keng. To eat ; k'hek hwan, |^ |^ cheah • pooi^S) to eat rice. B66y seiik h6 t6ng Choo 16 k'hek, \^% ^^'M ^'^^^^'"^^^'^yintAny Choo 16 cheah, when the plumbs are ripe, I have pro- mised to eat them in company with old Mr. Choo. K'hek Bfl fl "^'^ '^"2•'• K'hek Khek D^ K'HENG 367 K'HENG Khek ^/^ A hard stone. Khek A chink, a cranny, a hole ; k'hong K'/tek ^ k'hek, -j'L P!]» '^ crevice; hay 4^"% k'hek, jjJ^ jj^- leisure, freedom from labor. Chw^n heet k'hek seang kwuy, ^ ^ ['^^ ^^ ^ chwui"S Whang Vhek seo A'/iic"d, to bore a hole and peep at one another ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. LQng k'hek king bo6, )^ ^^ || f^ choh ch'hAn 6ng la& kdng bo6, when there is leisure from agriculture, then is the time for talking about mi- litary affairs. Read k'iicuk : a song ; ch'htiang k'hcuk, llg |11| chlicbng h'hek, to sing songs. ing home, serve your parents and elder brethren ; seethe|jj| |E Lun g6. K'heng On one side, inclined, lateral, par- tial ; injured, falling. T'heen k'heng sey pok, tey k'hwat tong lam, ^ 1*11 ^ 4^ ^4 1?^ ^ "jfe Cheeks k'heng te sae pak, tey k'hwat te tang Mm, the heavens are partially inclined on the northwest, and the earth is hollow towards the south- east ; (hence the Chinese say, that their emperors always come from the northwest, as coming down from heaven ; and the rivers of China generally flow to the southeast, that being the lowest part of the world ;) see the ^ ^ |)|| T'heen bAn hwiln. K'heng to, |t^ ^J, overturned ; k'heng hok, ^ X-jr prostrate. » » A noble, a high oflicer; a subject. K'heng UmII CJi'hut chek soo kong k'heng, jip y^r chek soo hoo heng, |J} ^!J ^ ^ ^{i|i A H'l $■ ^ /-il, '■''*"' ''''^"' '"^* sae kong k'heng, jip chito hok sai pay he"a, on going abroad serve the chiefs and nobles, and com- Vulg. k'hin: light, not heavy; kw&n jc6n hoe te k'heng teung, Kt ^ i: ^ $S M'^*'/''"' jein aoti ey chae k'hin iang, weigh a thing and then you may know whether it is light or heavy ; see ^ -^ Beng choo. K'heng iK Vulg. A-'Aai"^; adeil,nravine, a hol- low place ; to let into a hole or pit. E chjky k'heng Clitn hang chut sam sip ban, t^ ^f: J^V l^ If 2^ = + ^, e chdy ham Chin Ay king peng s'*a chap ban, (H&ng-6) deceitfully decoyed into a pit, (and de- stroyed) 300,000 of the surrendered troops of Chin ; see the dp gP Soo k^. K'heng ^ic A stony cavern ; a rocky dell. J^b» Readk'hong: a basket; ch'ha^ch'bue K'heng \ -g; kwin-J^ put fing k'heng k'hong, ban ban kwAn-ji &y ch'ha'e, bo mw^d chit k'heng, picking and gathering the kwAn-j6 vegetable, and after all not getting enough to fill one basket; sec the 1^ iti Chew lAra. "^f O ^Read k'hcung : the hole of an K'heng ^t^i"^ ^^^ •"■ chisel, in which the handle _Y*^n is fixed. A piece of land, containing one hun- dred acres. G6 k'heng, (j^ fc^|, a moment. Bun chefin so^ k'heng teen, j'^] fjlj ^ kj| [B w""*"^ chiny kwiiy payh boi &y ch'h&n, before the door are seve- ral hundred acres of land. K'heng k"liek, kM ^l), a small space of time, im- mediately. K'heng K'HENG 368 K'HEOH K'heng K'h6ng AUa G8 k'h6ng, |^ \^, a moment of 1^5^ time. Any part of the body, where the bones and sinews unite. 1 1_ To be willing, to assent to ; k'h6ng I 'J willing or not ? HwuyjeSnk'hfinglae, g fj^i "^ ^ to«yjeen kadu k'hhig la&, to be so kind, as to be willing to come ; see the ^j |^ Wbey hong. |^^K'h6ng ma, ^^ $i, a kind of flax Jnjfr or hemp ; also written ^ k'h6ng. K'heng K'heng To congratulate ; k'heng ho, ^ ^ to felicitate ; also, happiness. Chong-pek e ho k'hfeng che ley, ch'hin h shng che kok, ^ i^ VJ, ^ ^ ^ jj^W, ^ "^ ^ '^ chong-pek ay kvP'a leak ho k'hing Ay Ity so&, chb ch'hin pat sai'''^S Ay kok, the chong-pek officer, with ceremonies of congratula- tion, contracted matrimonial alliances with countries of a different surname; seethe^ j]^Chewl6y. K'heng pp 4^ Ji- ^ Wi ^^^"^ P^" ^y Vhang si chiw dug Ay sedou ley, when the wine-cup is empty, it is a dis- grace to the wine-jar ; see the /j-, ^^ Sedou gndy. K'heng K'heng % jr A musical instrument formed out of K'heng fS^^ a gem or precious stone. yir^ Cho6kekk'hfeng6W6ey,^^ ^ ^ ^j hoo cho6 p'hah k'hhng te Wdey, Con- fucius played on the k'hfeng at Woey ; see the J^ |S LQn g6. The ancient form of the above. Empty, void ; an empty vessel, ex- hausted. Pin che k'heng 6, wfly my che t'h6, ^-^ ^ ^ K'heng^ ^^ K'heng K'h6ng gin, jp ^^ to melt silver. The name of a tree ; also written tJB k'heng. Read hSng : a rainbow. Kwity ch'hun h8ng se kefen beng tong, h8ng put ke^n, ^ ^ j^ ^ VhaSu he&n, kabu tang t'haou k^heng chew it kee'^9, in the latter month of spring the rainbow begins to appear, and in the first month of winter it ceases to be seen ; see t^e j^ j^ /^ L6y gwat leng. ^ Khe^'S Khe'^S Read k'bong: a surname. Read k'hong : chaff; be k'heng, ^ hi Vhe^S, the husk of rice. >| *.« Read chong: to secrete, to conceal, K'hk^^o a)p\ T to hide, to stow away, to store, to 5?Xl hoard; chSngbut,^^,A'A^«i? mee'^h, to conceal anything. 3fL K'h'eo :k » > k Read k'heslou : as ch5 k'he^ou, j^ J^h^/r ^jS; cho k'hed, to make a bargain, 9^//^ to go between in making a bar- gain, as a broker. Read sip : to take up, to pick up, to K'heoh'Jf^/^y gather up. i^ Loe put sip wAy, j ^Tp K'HEUXG 369 K'HEUNG loe ho k'ft'eoh ka laouh Ay mee"h, they did not pick up anything that was dropped in the roads (speak- ing of a highly improved state of society). 2p chew. K t , Read k'heang: a dialect ; Tea.ou- ^"^ chew k'heang, |^ j>\\ ^, Ted- chew k'hed'^g, the dialect of Tiia- W Klieo ^ ^ Read k'heem : sparing; k'heem sit, /TPB^ 1^ '^ A'AeS"^? che&h, to be sparing at meals. K'heuk A Bent, crooked, not straight ; wuy k'hiiuk, ^ tjh^ bent and curv- ed. Ko k'heuk, ^ 1^ kwa kVick, songs and ballads ; sim k'heuk, jij, ^^ ideas. K'heuk h sftn jtn, ^ "^, ^^ ^^ k'heuk Idn k Ay i, la6 t'hdnpal l&ng, to accommodate one's own ideas, in order to comply with others. Lwan gn6 sim k'heuk, gL "^ i^ |1^ p'hah lican gwd 6y sim k'heuk, to disturb one's thoughts and wishes. K'heukd V'ulg. k'hak : leaven, a preparation of rice to cause a fermentation in liquor ; a surname. Chim k'heuk chek ch6, ^^ ^ ^ j^' ii«^|^Sfckkeng K'heung I >^K'heung keting,A'^ ^, the ap- Wj^^ pearance of the sky ; a hilly K'heung t? appearance. Sorrowful, grieved. K'HEW 370 KHEW K'heung ^^ To fear, to be alarmed, to be apprehensive; k'heung p'h°^, 3Jl 16 to be afraid. Choo- loe y6w b^V chuy, ^ ,|p ka chuy, a dove. Wiiy cli'hiJak yew chaou, wily k'hew ke che, :^# H ^ |i |§ ^ ^ ;^ loiiy chayh a w5o sew, wUy ka chuy k'htd e, the magpie builds its nest, and * the pigeon comes and dwells in it ; see the .Q ^ Se^ou lim. K'hew K'hew without horns. ^ The name of a tree; the branches of a tree bending downwards.' A young dragon ; k'hew, g3 is a young dragon with horns, and k6w, M^^ is a young dragon. To take or raise up with the hand. An ugly face. K'hew K'hew K'hew K'hew ^^^^^ Read k6w : an instrument of music K'hilO T^^K made of a precious stone. T'heen kfiw, ^ ^, Vhee^^S k'Jiew, a celestial globe. Lfew K6w, Jjj^ J^, Lac K'Mw, the L6w K6w, or Lew Chew islands. T'heen kSw h6 to6 chae toug se, ^ J;^ *yp| Lame, to walk lame. The appearance of walking. KHEY 371 KHIM ^ ^ ^ Jf- t'hee^9 k'Mw hS toi tiea te tang pee^S &y ch'/ioo, the celestial globe and the map of the river were kept in the eastern range of the building; see the ^ |g Se keng. K'hew _fc. 2pL The legs bent, not straightened out ; shriveled up, shrunk. A rivulet, a stream, a mountain Jor- K'hey Wa^ rent; also written |l^^^ ;^, and l^.k'hey. Ko6 kok put e san k'hey che hii6n), Hfj pQ yl^ W (i| ^- ^ B^ ^^^" '"'^ ^y ^°''> *"' '"'^ '« sic'^a klicy Ay Mem, a firm state does not consist in the precipitous nature of its mountains and tor- rents ; see ^ IZ. Deng choo. ^^ > To open out, to unfold, to inform, K'hey r^^^ym- '"expla'njtocotnmunicateinstruc- y^ tion. Put hwiin, put k'h^y, "X^ •j^' /fj ^ «« Ij6 hwat htciin, e h6 bdeyh k'hiy kd, if any would not arouse themselves to exertion, he would not explain anything fur their informa- tion ; see the =^ ^ Lun g6. K'h^y a s6w, k'h^y d chl-uk, ^ ^ ^ |^ T* aH ^'^^!/ ^Vjio«»/ gwd dy ch'htw, k'hey k^hicuy gicd dy k'ha, ' stretch out my arms, and stretch out '"y .Jsgs ;' (^aid hy a person when he was going to die ;) see the |^ ^ Liin ge. K'hey ^77 To unite, to join together, to agree ; a bond, a check, a covenant. Cha6hoo chadngkwan k'hey, e te Cheng, ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ J^;^ ^ ^rka, hoo dy kw^a chedng kw'^a k'hiy, i, te k'he'^S, the proper officer holds the public bonds. In order to take care of them; see the E] jM Chew M3'. ■^ of a melon. A'AJy kwa chi, to crack the seeds 2^ K'him Respectful, majestic, to command respect. K'him ch'hay, ™j yp^ '^^ "^ an imperial envoy, au embassa- dor. K'iiim beng, 5^ f^, an imperial order. K'him beng bftn soo, |^ {^ ^ ,§, , («eAou was) respectful, intelligent, elegant, and thoughtful ; JI]|L Se ge^ou teen. see the "^ K'him A large coverlid, a quilt. % jk The collar of a garment ; ch'heng K'him J^^y ch'heng choo k'him, ^ ^ ^ • I j^ ch'haPS cKhai^S d nc"rf,. a light blue collar; seethe^ |^ Teng hong. K'him A^ A single coverlid ; also, a girdle ; to bind up one's garment. Kh6y To open, or take off, the collar of a garment. K'him |£fy4-kTo believe; the barb of a spear. K'liey fi^^ K'heng k'h6y, -^ ^^ those ^W parts of the body where the bones and sinews meet, a joint. The part of a garment which laps over, in order to fasten it. ij^ T6ng k'him heng tey, Jp] ^.. P tfi tdng k'him he^a te, brethren by mar- riage (as the husbands of the sister* of one's wife). K'him i4 A cave, a pit, a dell. K'HIM 372 K'HIN K'him K'him K?him A thickness or induration of the skin. Clear, light, intelligent. Cold, chilly, refrigerant, an intense cold ; k'him sj very bad cough. K'him tt^ ^''''" ''""' "^ P, to stop the mouth, to observe silence. cold; k'him sa&u, ^ p| K'him To place the hand on, to rest. K'him ^ ^] A harp ; k'him sek, ^ ^, a harp &guitar. Ch'heycho6h"6 hap,j6 ko6 sek k'him, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 3^ hot k'e"d li6 h6 seo hap, ch^hin chco"'S iw''^d sek k^him, wives and children living in concord and harmony, like the playing on the harp and guitar ; see the >J> 5^ Se^ou gndy. K'him >^ "^"g*^'^^™' H ^^^ "''^''""'^ K'him Lim k'him, j^h i^^ the name of a fruit tree, like the wild plum. To take, to seize, to apprehend, to K'him Jt^S* to take prisoner; hwat k'him, i^ Iw ^*''' k'him, to take alive. Choo-kat-leang k'him Beng-hek, ch'hit k'him ch'hit Choo-kat-Kdng I'eali Beng-hek, ch'hit ay leak ch'hit aypdng, Choo-kat-liJang in taking Beng-hek, caugh* him seven times, and seven times let hiiu go ; seo the ~ Iot San kck. yj^ A bird, one of the feathered tribe, K'him '^^^ a fowl; k'him sfew,-^ |J^, birds I ^*# and beasts, the brute creation. Cheung jit j6 put hek yit k'him, ^ Q jf j] ^ ^ — . ^ cMt jit ko6, j& b6 leak chit chea/i checiou, they were all the day without catching one bird; see ^ ^ Beng choo. * >»/* K'hin f^fi^ Small, few ; to sneeze, to cough. \ - Read k'heng : light, not heavy, un- Kkin Hf >»» important. K'heng tijung tSng, "I • ■• chek kay seang jeak, S^ ^^ ^ F[|J j^ j[W -y^ k'hin tang seo f&ng, chek hay chei^S seo ch'hin cheo^S, when things are equally light and heavy, the prices would be the same ; see '^ -^ Beng choo. Khin K'hin IC/tm An earthworm, a worm of the genus Lumbricus. Vulg.c7t'/«e"fl : to walk with difficulty, to v»alk carefully, to walk lame. Read ch'he6n : shallow, not deep. e k% ch'he6n ch'him hoe pok che put yit ch(j4, yew y6w \€y e yitche,ifjj ^ it i^. M-MZT^- ^ X IT fi y^> ■" ^•^■' ' ^^ *'''^" '''''"■"' kaou poh, dy i™ pai"S chly yea. woo Ihj t ch'hbng ch&y, and as for the difference of things which are shallow and deep, thick and thin, we have the prin- ciples of propriety to equalize them. «J|^«j Diligent; k'hin kong, ^ 31, ^''''" K'hin ^^fi kang, diligent in business. ^/ Ong-kwiiy kg k'hin 8ng kay ^ ^ iMl ^J ?E ^ong-kioHyeey k'hin kang ong Ay ch'kod, Ong-kwiiy was diligent in the palace ? K'HIP 373 K'HO K"hin k\JU\ Sorrowful, anxious ; yln k'hln, Mt Wl, earnest and exact in the fulfill- ± ment of duties, studious to please. Yin k'hin sbng k'hek, ^ ^^ g ^^ yin h'hin sing l&ng k'liayh, assiduous and obliging in atten- tions to guests. ^/^ K'hin ch'ha^, ^ ^^ celery. Soo K'hin I- p " I6k P'hwan suy, gSn ch'ha6 kfi / I k'hin,ra |^.J^;j;^^ ^ jj^ seo"9 tele kat P'hw^d chuy, kCng boeyh ban e dy k'hin cVhai, thinking about taking our plea- sure upon the P'hwan waters and talking of picking the celery there; see the i^ f,]? Loe seung. ,^^ To inspire, to draw in the breath ; K'hip UkP hoe k'hip, p^ p^, to respire and vV^^fc inspire. Also, to drink. K'hip tam loe che ho6 liJang, ^^^'^"^"-^ VP Um tam loe &y p'hoo I6ng, to drink the light and cool drops of the pleasant dew. Vulg. cA'/ieo"^.- to draw water; k'hip k'hip, 5^ in incessant; a sur- name. Tw^n keng put k'ho k'hip ch'him, ^ ^ >K ^ Vii Wi '^^ ^y *"* *^ ''*'"'5' cA'Aed"^ ch'him My, a short weli-rope will not serve to draw up water from a great depth. Khip \ K..,p ^ Vulg. k'hil : as pek k'hip, ^ t^ payh k'hit, a medicinal plant. Jt-Jtn ^ sachel, or box, for containing K hip "JtiL school books. ^,^^^^ Hoo k'hip cheAng soo y6w, ^ ^^ IJE ^JIJ '^L y^^ k'hiiyh t'hdn sin sai^S yew, to shoulder one's sachel and follow one's teacher. •^ _ f _ To cry, to bewail, to lament, to shed K'hip yi \f tears. K'hip t'h^yleCn le6n,W]f; '^"'^ Wj fM^ '^ P'f'"h pob t'haSu pailS, p'hiihpoi ChaSu pai^S , « Q,y hwat chek bey hwui"S, in cutting an ax-handle, in cutting an ax-handle, the pattern is not far from us (for that is the pattern in our hand, while we are cutting). .^^•mmmtA stone resembling a gem ; sdng 6 JPJ ch6 geiik k'ho,^ i>l f- 32 Jp] sdng i dug g'eiik &y k'ho, to make a present of a vermilion colored gem. K'ho If Beng-k'ho. The axles of carriages joined toge- ther ; a man's name ; ^_ ^, Beng-choo's name was -^ S^, K'HO 374 K'ho -^ cl A particular sort of bamboo. K'ho Kho TpT K'HO K'him k'ho, ^ i^, to be crossed, to meet with constant difTiculties. An order, a class, a measure, a rule; , 166yk'ho, j^ ^ la'e k'Jto, a physician; g6ey k'ho, ^j- ^ g'eA k'ho, a surgeon. Sek put choo p'he, wuy lek put t6ng k'ho, ^\- 7f ±k%:^'^^^ ^^''Ohchel-Sb6cho6ti t'habu p'hdey, yin wuy Vliwiiy Idt u™' t&ng ting, archery does not consist in shooting through the leather because men's strength is not of an equal po- wer ; see the }^ |^ Seang lun. Eng k'ho j6 hoH chin, ^ f f (ffj It ji <^"5 mw^d k'hojein aou chin, (the waters) fill up their measure, and then flow onwards ; see ^ -^ Beng choo. K'ho hay, ^ fll^, a kind of toad ; k'ho toe, ^|;|. ^ k'ho ta6u, the common toad. \^2^ Empty, void, a hole. A hole in the earth is called ^^ k'ho, and a nest in a tree is called e^^ chaou. K'ho K'ho K'ho It Handsome, beautiful. K'ho pi nl A large boat, or ship. K'ho T To desire, to breathe freely. K'ho _» |-* Can, may, to be able ; excellent, ^*'~^, commendable. PJ K'ho h hot) jin, ae ch'hoo keng l&ng, ae chiy sdng heung kw^d tok, rich people can do it, but alas ! for the wretched and solitary ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. /r/% K'ho 16, ^ ^, crooked wood K'ho ""^1 — or bamboo of which utensils are made. K'h6 ^ ^ K'ho Vulg. Chang: can, may ; to be able ; put k'hi, yJC "Pf ""^ Vhang, it may not be. Gno chek e 6 se, bo6 k'ho, boe put k'ho, ^ ||J ^ ^ Ji #. "^ ^ ^ pf5u.acAe«,Ao/. yeo^S I chiy Uy,h6 t'hang, bo iP Chang, I am dif- ferent from these people, not having any particular thing that I may, or may not do, (but acting in all respects according to circumstances ;) said by Con- fucius in the ^ ^^ Lun g6. To examine ; key k'ho, |.j^- y^-, a literary examination ; sew k'ho, ^ ^,age; k'ho ptS '^ ^. deceased parents; k'ho ka6u, ^ |^, to examine. Soo kwun sew k'ho, {^ ^ ^ ^ s«^ *«' kwun U, cheah tff^g holy she, may you, Sir, enjoy a good old age; see the j\\ f^ Seiou gniy. Pek sfeng j6 s6ng k'ho p6, 1^ l^ ^p i^^ ^- ^^li yayh saP9 ch'hin cheo"S s6 pay hot, the people felt as though they had lost their parents; see ■^ ^ Beng choo. K'h6 K'h6 A certain wood, resembling that of the varnish tree. To beat, to strike. K'HO 375 •V f^ ^ Water become dry ; anything wet Y^P* dried up; k'h6 gfi, "^ ^^ WU hi, to dry up the water in a pond, in order to catch the fish. K'h6 K'ho -^ To examine, to inspect. Khn K'hci k'hwin, |!|J; 1^^ to exhort; k'hd tfing, |S^ g^ rules, regula- tions, to arrange ; to exact duties, to levy taxes. K'hwjln k'h6 lOng song, ^ pJ ^ ^ A-'Awtti"^ A7.d l&ng choh cVk&n chat se"5", 10 exhort the people to attend to agriculture and the cultivation of the mulberry tree; kong k'ht), J^. |$ kang k'hbly, an exercise, a task. Seng k'hi put k'hd, ^JC # ;fi 1^ kadu chiPd. hdiy bS lap e siihy, when a person beicomes a com- plete article (i. e. a learned man), he is not to be taxed. Sciiy k'hd, j^ ^ sohj Whoiy, taxes, duties. A small head ; vulg. k'hdiy : a bead or pearl. The numeral of small globular things. Kho Kho Kho Kho K-ho A stallion. To rely on ; e k'hu, ^ ^^ to con- fide in, to trust to. To beat, to strike. .Dry, and burnt up. Vulg. i7i«f — s chit Whoe, a dollar. K'hoe D Vulg. cA7ii)y; the mouth; hap k'hoe, ^ lUi '"'i* (^'f"^yj to shut the mouth; bilnk"ho6,pf^ [2 moof'S k'hadu, the entrance of the door ; a6 k'hoe, I^ f] ai. k'hadu, a narrow pass, a defile. K'hoe che d be ye4, p "Z. W" W '^ ''''''"'•' Ay te be, the mouth with respect to tastes. J t t j^ Misery, difficulty, calamity ; liitter, K'h Oe - / * acrid ; kan k'hoe, |^ 4^^ wrcicli- 1—7 ed. K'ho6 H ban soo, ^ fA j^ W, k^hah kan k'ho6 kiiiy che^d ban si, more miserable than ten thousand deaths. K'hoe ch'hoe, ^ ^, painful, wretched ; sin k'hoe, K'hoe tip ^-> bitter, distressing. \ certain kind of bamboo. K'hoe jj^LO k'ho6, ^. fg^ troubled, dis- ~| ^ tressed. K'HOE 376 Kho'e \ \ _ Read he: a surname; H^-y6\v put ^ " I * sew Geaou siien, g^^ m ]/^ 3fe 712 >^ K'hot-ytw^ «'" se.w Ge&ou seen, K'lio6-y6w would not receive Ge&ou's empire, (but went and washed his ears after hearing the proposition, as though he liad heard something very bad.) Khoe ap Khoe To inquire, to ask ; k'hofe s6w, pn b" kliok fhaSu, to knock tlie head against the ground, in obeisance; k'hofe bun, pp p^ k'habu mooi"^> to rap at the door, Gno k'hofe kfi le4ng twan jg kijet yeen, Jt pH ^ Pl^ ilfij ffO i^ ^ ^""^ """"^"^ « ^!/ «° t'haouje keel chin y'ecn, I inquired on two points, and exhausted the subject ; see the s^ |S Lun g6. K'ho(i kek, ;|p |p^ to beat, to strike ; k'ho& tfi, |p [J^ A'Aada ho6 k'hoh mw"d, and your majesty's granaries are full, and your treasuries replenished, (while your people are starving;) see "^ -^ Beng choo. K'hoe K'hoe K'hoe K'ho^ Breeches, pantaloons ; sam k'ho^, f, a jacket and |>|m ^^ 1^ s"a k'hotf \/ f trowsers. The breech, the space between the legs; the clothing for the thighs. I To gild; lew k'hc-, |2: ^p lite k''hadu, a button-hole. iThe clothing for the thighs; the w. k'ho^. K'hoe K'hoe K'ham k'ho6, ^ Jj^^ an invete- rate, incurable, disease. K'hoe hoe. M anything stop- ping in the throat. K'HOEY K'hoe *5| Overgrown grass, and reeds. 377 fV helmet; k'kijey kap, ^ armor. Teilng kg t'hofi k'hiey, p|3 It ^3 ^_ L A sort of n rattan. K'hijey K„«,J^ Road k'lio : the transplanting of grain. A curtesy, a woman's salutation. Klmhj :S Read k'h6: to tax ; to instruct, to ex- hort; kong k'hO, iJj p* kang k'hoiiif, labor, a task. A piece of literary composition is also called klidly. 4 V KHOK The bone of the leg. To stumble, to fall down. Kim hoo ch'he chei k'hocy cheS, se k'h^ yed, j^ hwdn tong k6 sim, "SL i\^ t"a cMy ley kin chaSu 6y l&ng picah t6 &y Idng, Se k'hi, te^a te'''d,ji iy hwdn tin tang e &,y sim, now when people walk quick or stumble, it merely concerns the animal powers, and yet it agitates the K'hoey t mind ; see 'X; 3^ Beng choo. K'ftoey Read k'hwiin: a cramp in the arms or legs. Klibi'yh v^ w Read k'hwat : short, deficient, va- '^ I jf cant, scarce, rare, few. **V *• Chfiy chwiln bo6 k'hwat, ^ ^ 4Si: y^ che&ou chui"S bS k'hdeyh, perfectly complete without a single defect. J. Kli^yh -k K'hok I g I To cook anything at the fire; Tvmjf ""hwat hHo, 'K^ t){^ k'hoeyh / ^y V Ao^y, to strike fire. A stable or shed for cattle and hor- ses ; to take care of cattle. Khok \ J\_ Manacles, handcuffs; chit k'hok, JnjL^ fS -l^^, ^"ers and manacles. Chit k'hok soo che&, hwuy chfeng beng ye5, )^ ^ % j^ ^\: ^ ^, :^ k"a k'hoo lai si, u™ »e che^d. beng, to die in fetters and manacles, is an ignominious fate; see ^ •^ Beng choo. Khok n? To inform, to make known, to com- mand. Tcung k'hok, j6 seen to che, ^^ K'HOK 378 K'HONG ^ffiJ — .... ^~ -j^^ "^ chin t'eung kap e k6ng, j& chedou h6 yln cVhwa e, faithfully instruct (your friends), and lead them on to virtue ; see the 5^ |5 Lun g6. ■ If^ ^y To oppress, to injure; kijAng bin K'liok lytlut hwan hwat, k'hok le kek twan, sbng h'eiing payh sai^S hwdn hwat, se pd g'edk &y kw^a le kek tooi^9 , when the poor people transgress the laws, it is because oppressive officers beat and goad them to it. b|^ Vulg. k'habu : to weep, to bewail, to lament. Ch'him 6 soo, k'hok 6 soo, ^ Jy^ Sfr 5^ if^ mt k'htoilntechii/l&ywui/,k''hadu te chky liy wuy, here will we sleep, and here will we weep. To open, wide, large, empty; Chew- j6 s6ng toe k'hae k'hok, ^ Ji» ft i^ ^ ^ ^^'""-j' ^y '^"^ t'hky k'hwuy k'hok, Chew-j^'s disposition was gene- rous and expansive. K'hok Leaou k'hok, a high precipice. ^ a deep ravine, To widen out, to extend, to amplify ; K'hok I I * large, expansive. ♦"^ K'hok j6 ch'heung che, i^ «?rj "^ /^ tedh k'hok j6 ch'heung mw^d e, we must expand and consolidate(thosegood dispositions); see 3f -^ Beng choo. K'hok K'hok To tear with the nails, to seize with the talons. A large hoe, an implement of hus- bandry. K'hok K'hok The sound of stones rattling. A kind of rattle, on which they beat the rounds at night. Seng h^n kek keng k'hok, |^ pq ^ m ^ seH moof>Sp'hah kai^S k'hok, at the city gate they sound the watchman's rattle. K'hok A surname. The noise of stones. K'hom sabu p^ ||# k'hatn saou, the sound of coughing ; to cough. To oppose, to contend with ; wuy bo6 U k'hong, ^ f^ 1^ /L wuy boi bey tek, terrific plans, which cannot be opposed. , % -> Vulg. k'hang : empty, vacant ; ex- ^ - hausted ; k'hong sim, ^ llj> k'hang sm, an empty ,vacant mind H66y yei, ke sfe hoe, 16 k'hong, [HJ ill ^ ^, ^ M ^ Ho^y yed, e se ch'ka put to i"" hap tdk pat k'hang, Hofiy is very near (attaining to perfec- tion), but he is frequently empty (i. e. poor); see *''«l^|pLung6. pULA Inadequate, incapable ; k'hong t8ng, K'hong 4^> f^ ^ , ignorant, rude. i-J-^ K'hong k'hong je put sin, |^ ^ ^yr> ^ A'/ion^ k'hong j6 bey ey sin, incapable K'hong not trustworthy; seethe =j^ p^ Lun g6. A|»»^^ Simple, plain, undesigning ; k'hong ^ ^ ' ""*" k'hong, 'I* ^^, ignorant, rustic K' K'HONG 379 Ixm^K'hong tSng, |lj^ |l)l|, the name of Wjr a hill. K'hong 'f^^ Earthen ware ; hwan k'hong. ES jjooi^S k'hong, a rice vessel. a musical ^^^ K'hong hod, ^ ^ K hong 9^ ■>>^ instrument; the name of a tune ""^^■* which was said to have a very wanton and pernicious influence on those who heard it. f ^ Harmonious, peaceful, tranquil. K'hong Irl ^* Vulg. k'he^S : a surname. Z'*^^ K'hong 16ng t'hiien hay, ^ ^ if^ "T* k'hong leng t'hee"S dy, to tranquilize the empire. ^n-J-»Vulg. k'he^S: chaff; the husk of K'hongT^I^J* corn. Pin chei sit cho k'hong, ^^^ t ^- # ^n ^'"S Iieung Ling chciih p'hoh kwd klt^Si poor people are obliged to eat bran and chaff. Khong K'hong 13ng, |I0 |lj^^ the name of ifC a hill in the west. K'hong K'hong K'hong 18ng, ^ 'g, a high house, ^ a dwelling ; a house shut up. Correct, exact, regular ; to correct, to adjust, to assist, to help; a surname. Kwin-teung seing Hw4n-kong, pd choo hod, yit k'hong t'heen hay, § jtf ffi fe ^^ ^ t^ ■jS — ■ ^ ^ "T» Ktcdn-t'tung s'edng choe Hw&n-kong, pd cho6 hoi, j& chit &y k'hong t'hte^S hay, Kwin-teung was prime minister to Ilw^n- kong, and ruled the tributary princes despotically, bringing the whole empire under one regulation ; see the 1^ |E Lun g6. K'hong K'HONG Vulg. k'hang : a socket ; bok k'hong, Q Pg bdk k'hang, the socket of the eye. G6 bok ko k'hong, P^ @ J^ Bi cheH T^ak ay bdk chew, kwAn kwin &y bdk k'hang, sharp cornered eyes, and high eye-sockets. Bi K'hong K'hong J^ A basket for containing rice, a bas- ket generally. The lid of a coffin ; a threshold. K'hong 1L Thorough, pervious, porous; a hole; extreme ; a surname. K'hong heet, ^ "/^ k'hang heeh a hole or cave. K'hong-choo, ^[^ "?"' Confucius. Ek k'hong che cheaou, ^' ?(, ^ jP^ y*^'* *'"* cheaou beng, it is also extremely clear and bright ; see the /J^ Q|| Seiou gn4y. I 1% , A hole, a cavity ; a surname ; Sitn K'h6ng cheftng 16k k'hong p6rig ch'hut, dn chil Uy dm k'hang tepee^S a ch'hut, Siln got out through the side of a secret passage (which he had made in the well) ; see the db ?P Soo k6. •5r>J K'hong chong, f^ busy. K'h6ng j^ e hurried) K'hong lL-^I;^ K'hong k'hafe, ^ )M^ dissatisfied, ly I i displeased, sorrowful. Hang-e pe ko k'hong k'hafe, ^ ^ ^.Wk^l tfe mng-t ch'hU^9 pe ae Ay kwa, kek k6 k'hdng k'hai, Halng-6 sung a melancholy ditty, to show his dissatisfaction. K'hong K'hong k'hafe, truly sincere ^ stiff, haughty, K'HONG 380 K'HONG K'hong K'hong K'hong 16ng, i in a mountain, a ravine, ra^ a hollow K'hong leAng, ^^m Kliong To pass over, 1o transgress ; high ; to oppose; k'hdngjang, ^ |^, a drought. K'hbng le&ng yew hoby, JU ^ ^ 'I'fi]^ k'hong koiy Ay leung woo htvdii hoitj, an erring dragon is penitent ; see the ^ f^Ekkeng. - To strengthen, to support ; gan put 16ng k'h&ng sin,yi>enieng k'hong chong? g" /f\ j^^ "jt j|' i^ t^ )l ^ ^""^ '"^ ^^y ^'^'^"^ ^*^^"^ -P"" sin, hoeyh an chw^d ey k'hbng ke&ng chong chok ? words are not sufficient to give stability to myself, how then could I thereby establish my family ? M ^ To pair, to match ; to oppose, to K'liong'j Jt contend ; upright, honest. '^ ^ So5 sin so8 chek k'hbng, ^ ^ S4 fl|l 'iji chb sod k'hah ye'*d kSng wd, chek iedou tit, when our deeds surpass our professions we may be considered honest and upright. ■ ^ To lift up, to raise with the hand, to K'hong^l^ l~? elevate, to shake. wX W Chew-kong k'hbng sfe choo, hwat 6 Pek-k'him, MI ^ Ifi it ^ yi f i^ ^ Chew-hong k'hbng ke s& cho6 k'w"d hwat te Pek-k'Mm, Chew-kong roused the young prince, (his pupil,) by pointing to the example of (his own son) Pek- k'him ; (for Chew-kong having the heir-apparent for his pupil did not dare to punish him for his faults, but used to beat his own son, by which means the ])rince was led to reflection.) K'hong ^% K'hbng 18ng, Jgrt ^, the sound of stones rattling. K'liong \1 ^ To swallow, to swallow down the throat. o »-i f I pulent, lusty. To fly, as a bird ; to fly ujiwards is called ^^^ k'heet, and to fly downwards r[§ k'hbng. A wilderness ; a waste place ; a pit ; k'hbng yi-i, ^ ^^^ a desert. Sfew che cho6 k'hbng yea,K3j? "V TJ^ ij^ ^siw Ay cha6nte k'hotig yea, the beasts flee into the desert ; see ^ -^ Beng choo. K'hung K'hong K'hong rj Empty, void, to make void, to vacate, clear, wide, distant. Loey bo8 wan 16, giiiiy bo8 k'hbng ''°°' i^^i M ^^ ± ^f ^ i!i ;^ ^- *'« ho wan hwHn dy cha hot, giod bin ho k'hang k^hang dy ang, within there are no spiteful wives, and without no solitary husbands ; see ^ -^ Beng choo. K'hongjI)' K'hong k'hbng, The name of a hill Fine silken threads, the raw silk; cotton for wadding. Sam kwun che soo kae j6 heep i]2 1t ± '^ iw * li 5"« kwun dy soo chb pod ch'hin cheo^S woo gntiyh mei^S, the troops of the three divisions are all (as hot for fighting) as if they were stufled with cotton; see the ^ j^ Cho twan. Khong ^- -. -Choo-k'hbng, ^ irj ^ the name of ^^1 one of the disciples of Confucius. K'HOO m K'HWA K'hong' K'hong K'hong ^^ A man's name ; the name of a district. To bridle in a horse. To lead, to inform ; to exceed. K'hdng 6 tae pang, '^^ -J^ *[5 k'hbng kb te twa pang, to in- form a great nation of anything ; see the ^a WL Woey hong. K'hong ^ To empty, to render destitute, to impoverish. K'hdng hwat kfi sin, ^ 2 ^ Sf k'hbng hwdt e &y hin sin,to impoverish and ren- der destitute his person. K'hong == 'To deceive; k'hdng p'hefen, a to cheat, to deceive. Chin soo Kae-y4ng k'hdng Ch'hoe, t§ IE ^ CAin kok sai Kat-yAng k'he k'hbng p'hein Ch'hot, the government of Chin sent Ka6-yang to deceive the people of the Ch'ho6 country ; see the d^ |P Soo kfe. K-'hong..^ ¥? Uneven, high and low, not even. K'/loo Klioo Read k'hew: a surname ; also written ^, k'hoo. Read k'hew: a parcel; yit k'hew tefin — fei <^*'' ^'^0 ch'hin, a piece of ground. Chew ch6, yit le wfly yit ch6ng, wfly tefin k6w k'hew, tijung yit k'hew kong tcdn, goey pat k'hew soo teen, jg 1^,] _ ^ 1^ _ Jf ^ ffl iL^ ^ - iS: »2 Se keng. J- ^ K'HWA 382 K'HWAE K'hwa K'hwa K'hwa The same as the above ; to talk ex- travagantly. Vulg. hwah : to stride ove», t» step across ; a stride. To cut open, to rip open ; also writ- ten, j|||, k'hwa. Tfew-8ng k'hwa yin hoo che hok, woo yin &y cha hot &y pak, T6w-6ng ripped open the bellies of pregnant women. K'hwa K'hwa K'hwa K'hwa K'hwa K'hwa A step, a stride. Also read k'hw^. An implement used in carrying bur- '*^ dens. _fc. K'hw''a Empty grain, husks without any fruit in them. To bind anything about ; to inter- twine grass ropes about a fence-, in order to strengthen it. The name of a certain tree. Read k'hwan : easy, forgiving j leisurely, indulgent, gentle. K'hwan hSng, ' k'e^d, to walk leisurely and slowly. ;?-[• k^hw"a K'hw\ K'hwH gae, ^ J^^ to hinder, to obstruct. K'hwa m To hang, to suspend ; k'hw^ bok j^ kfeng, ^ § ^ A'AjcA bdk ke"&, to wear spectacles ; also written ^^ k'hwEl. Gwat a hwa eng k'hw^ ko hwHn, H ^ /?K ^ j^ j^ ^ S<^^!/k ^ ^""ffl ye^a k'hwd te kwAn ch'h'e6'"'Sj the moon removed the shadow of the flower, and suspended it on the high wall. K'hwa horse. To step over,to stride across ; k'hwi T.-^K yei tak, ^f ^ ^ k'hwd yed "^ y gwd Ay bay, to bestride a wild ^A \ »|^ Read k'hd: to run aground; k'hd K'hwa V-T=4« say san, }^ ^^ jl) k'hwd swa sw'^a, to run upon a sand-bank. Readk'h^n : tosee jk'hiln kefen,^' ^k'hw^a kel^S, to behold. Ch'ho sek ya6u k'hin, kin k'heak bo8, ^ ^ 3^ ^ ,£ iP ^ cVhaOu sek hwmP'S ey k'hw'^a kabu kin k'heak ho, the color of the newly springing grass may be seen from a dis- tance, but when near it disappears. k * i. Read k'hwan : loose, easy ; sok K'hw^a "B but k'hwan, % ^^ % V^'' .^VU mee^h k'hu^d k'hv^d, to tie anything gently. ^ ^ K'hwae A strong man ; athletic, muscular strength. K'hwae 1^ Quick, hasty, speedy ; pleasant, grateful, agreeable ; easy. K'hwafe lag, /j^ ^, come quickly; k'hwa^ ch5, i|^ ^^ easily done. Song k'hwafe, ^ 'j^, healthy, hearty ; k'hwafe 16k, ijsjx ^ cheerful. Ong wat go6 h8 k'hwafe g se? ^ ^ 1^ '1^ "F iE. ^'*S ^^nS S*"^ k'ham si k'hte"a w&h ti ckty KHWAH 383 K'HWAN Uy? the king said, 'how can I be pleased and grati- fied with such things as these ?' see ^ -J- Beng choo. K'hwafe jtn k'hwa^ 8^' "l^ A 1^ to *'*""'^ l&ng Whwah wd, a hearty man is sure to say some- thing hearty and agreeable. K"hwae K'hwafe mi, ^ ^^ k'hwal hay, a swifl horse. K"hwaei K'hwae To swallow anything, the throat ; the same as ^ k'hwafe. 0^ a A lump of anything; yitk'hwafe tey, — \% ^ '^*'' '^y *'^^^ » clod of earth; tae k'hwal, 4^ jy^^the great lump, hearen and earth, creative power. Chin kong choo Teung-j6 ke, k'iiit sit 6 Gnoe-lok ] ye4 jin, 6 che k'hwal, ^ /^V "J" M 5 UL Chin dyiong cho6 Teung-ji kaduyaou, k'hit che&k kap Goe-M Ay yea Ung, 6 hoe e chit tey t'ho6, the prince of the Chin country, named Teung-j6, when hungry, begged food of some savages in the Five-stag desert ; upon which they gave him a clod of earth ; (he was disposed to be angry at it, but bis conselors advised him to receive the clod thank- fully, for it was a prognostic of his getting the coun- try, which he afterwards did really obtain.) Tae k'hwafe k4y gno 6 b| Ha6 k'hwat yfiw gfi yeak, ,\te ii ^ l^» Pi Aa^ k'hwah kei^S chai hi ying yedk, the sea is wide, therefore let the fishes jumj) about in it. A. Vulg. VkxiPa: gentle, easy, soft, lei- surely, liberal, kind. K'hwan chek tek che Ang ,W UlJ i^ J|^ k'hti^a ch'hdng thek lit cheiing Idng, be gentle, and you will win the hearts of all ; see the Lun g^. PP ^ Truly; to knock, to beat; k'hw.ln t'hae, M* /S^ to intreat, to en- tertain. K'hwan kwan chTieng K'hwan —•^E t'hae, Mj ^^, to intreat, to en he knocked at the gate of the pass and begged an interview ; see the rf* hP Soo \h. K'hwan The same as the above ; congenial, pure, unmixed. K'hwan ^k^ '^'•'"'" '""S ^"""^ 1 ^ ^' ^IwV the name of a medicinal plant. K'hwdn :^fy k Emptied, hollow. K'hwan ' ^4^ K'he^D k'hwin, \ fS^Vy^ of intention, to noise of a number of pestles orking in the same mortar. - i# ^, kindness treat one kindly. K'hwkn Vulg. k'hwui''S: to advise, lo exhort, to counsel. K'hwitn s6 bfln,^ Ifc ^, religious tracts. Ke seen j6 ka6u put Ifing, chek k'hwin, ^ ^ bey dy, chek payh sai^S seo Vhtoui^S, if you pro- mote the good, and instruct the incapable, then the people will begin to exhort one another ; see the Lun g6. K'HWAT 384 K'HWAT K'liwan troubled. K'hwan An agreement, a check, the two parts of which are held by the different parties; to labor, to be The hand bent, the arms folded ; diligent, earnest, anxious. K'hwan t'hog, ^ ^ k'hw&n t'haou, the fist. Tek yit seen, chek k'hwkn k'Jiwan hok eng, je biit sit che ^, M: — ■ ^ tit teoh chit dy h6, chek k'hwdn k'hw&n hok te sim kw^a t'hdon, j6 boh sit e, having attained to one virtue, then fold it in your arms and clasp it to your breast, without allowing it to escape ; see the dt Teung yestic fowl, but larger. |— I Ya6u k'hwun, J^ Jg^ the name l>l/ of a precious stone. g_l Bright, clear ; to illumine. !r? K'hwun yaou kw"i jln die / Vt bong, ^^%^Z ^ kumiss yaou kuPdjln Ay bang, to illumine and brighten my hopes; see the "^ ^ Cho twan. ►. To cut off the hair. S Poor, exhausted, pressed by pa- ^^ , verty, urged by want. y^5 Yew k'hwun yim e, % ^ yew woo k'hwiin keUng Idn cMy Uy yim dm Ay hoe, we are still pressed by this threatening rain. To collect, to gather ; k'hwfin K'hwun ^-/^ ched, ^^ ^^ to pick or take up. K'hwun K'hwun K'hwun K'hwun To exhaust. ^^A^^ Earnest, sincere, pressing; k'hwun ^3l?C I'^^j^H J^ to beg earnestly ; J^JjJ% also written ^R k'hwun. To bite, to bite anything deeply. '^ m To exert one's-self in setting any- thing to rights; to clear the ground. K'HWUN 387 K'hwun A passage in the ladies' apartment, an entry in a dwelling. K'hwun m Khwun The name of a tune in music. Khwunljl f~f The appearance of hills. K'hwun rjtl^ K'hwun Khwun Short and collected together. K'hwiln m KHWUT Wun k'hwAn, ^ ^^ to coil up, as a snake. Pressed by want, poor, wretched, miserable, fatigued. Hwan-ch'he Ch'hafe-tek, je choo I put k'hwi»n ek, oe Ifing je se ? J^ ^^ ^ ^ ch'he Ch'htea-tek no l&ng, na ho k'hwun yeah,bdeyh an chc^d ey an ney sai^S? if those two great scholars Hwan-ch'he and Ch'hwjl-tfek had not been reduced to great straits and distresses, how would they have consented to be thus (employed by ^ Chin) ? see the C^ =^ Soo k6. K'hwiinXkiiT ^ The light of the sun. Read sily : to sleep; sfty pflng, ^ JS VhwinpAng, a bedchamber. Y^ng g6 soo le^ng k^w, Hai)u- kong sity je hwut t'hfeng, ^ f^ ^ g ^ :#; -2^ P ]fn % M ^""^ *'^"^ '"" *"^" sed"S ko6, Hadu-kong k^hicitnji: «*" t'hc^a, while Yang was talking over affairs for a long time, Hadu- kong went to sleep, and did not hear him ; see the 1^ IE Soo kh. K'hwAn sek, ^ ^ k'himn sbh u, to coil up a rope ; an ornament- ed girdle. Poey to k'hwun ta^, Dil 7? M 'l^' '° S'l'd on « swoi'd, and biiwl around a girdle. «\5fc A hole, a pit ; suy k'hwut, ^ ^a "■ IlWUt f| I T chuy k'hwut, a pond, a pool. r •■ f Ko^ ched seen 6ng, be yew keung sit, tong chek ke ^ng k'hwut, f^f :^ ;^ 3E 7^ seen 6ng, hoey itoo keung ch'hod, kadu tang fhee^O chek k'hca ing k'hwut a, the first kings of remote antiquity had neither palaces nor houses, but in the winter they dwelt in holes and caverns; see the jpl PE Ley kfe. I Deep water, a deep pit. Bo6yflng k'hwutj^ chwAnch'hut, k'hwut ji cha toe ch'hut, deceitful expressions come into vogue. K'hwuy K'hwuy K'hwuy K'hwuy luy,^ 'ft^i up together. |j stones heaped A step ; k'hwuy po6, ^£ ^ hw&h pol, a pace ; to step quickly. The same as the above ; one lifting up of the foot, a step, a pace. K'HWUY 38& KIM K'hwuy K'hwuy The appearance of a cap ; to wear a cap. The shadow of the sun, a gnomon; , a sun-dial. ^^1^ jit k'hwuy, P ^A>A>* Ho6 k'hwuy, ^ ^^ a square Iv. hwuy ty ^ vessel made of bamboo, for con- J ' ■■■ taining the offerings of the first ' fruits, in sacrifices. K'hwuy K'hwuy K'hwijy luy, j^^ ^ ka liy, pup- pets, a puppet-show. To be ashamed ; ch'h&m k'hwdy, $It |6 tt&ou Uy, to be filled KxCt with shame. Put k'liwily 6 ok 'oe, 7\\ ^ 1]k W- '^ ^^ ^"^''" '^^ ^ '*'*"'* laou, not to be ashamed of a leaky house ; (poverty's no sin ;) see the j^ ^^ Tae gn4y. ^ > The same as the above ; to be K'hwuy iJ^ff ashamed ; to be modest. /^5^W Bofl k'hwdy 6 k'ho6, put jedk bo8 k'hwCy e Sim U ^"^k ^ 1^ ^ ^fi 4^ Vk *^ *^ "'*"" ^^y '* '^*'*"y' ""* '^* '^^* ''^ sedou /6^ f« Sim, not to be ashamed in the mouth, is not so good as not to be ashamed in the heart ; (i, e. it is better to feel than to express modesty.) J— _ Readkwily : a seag on ; sod kwily, K'hwuy "^^^ PU ^ s^ k'kwuy, the 4 seasons. y§ The last of anything is called k'hieHy; as kwily gwit, ^ f] k'hwity giiSyh, the last month of a season ; kwiiy sfe, ^ jg; k'hwHy siy the last age. rn Read k'h^ : the breath, wind, force ; Khumy •^gf ch'hw4n k'hfe, PJI^ ^ cA'Atcan »J»W k'hwHy, to breathe, to pant; k'hfc 16k, ^ ^ fc'Aictly /a<,the strength, stout. 4 Y J!n che k'h^ lek, pin che 6 t'heen, K "^ j^ ^ ^ /Z j^^ 5'^ '""^ ^y /:'Ai«t)y Wt j)f» 5ew i flue^S, mens' strength is derived from heaven. K'hwuy % m K'hwuy The heart moved ; agitation o^. mind. Sick through fear and perturbation. Kim ^ Metal, gold ; hfing kim, 'f^ ^, yellow gold. A surname. Kim teiing 6 e cheA, ^ ^ //^ VIA ^ kim k'/iah tang e chedou mS, metal is heavier than feathers ; see X" ^- Beng choo. K.m,b6k,suy,h"6, fho^, ^ y\;, ;^ 'X ^ kim, hdk, ckiiy, Koty, t'hoi, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, (are the five elements according to the Chinese.) Jt Vwlg. f»a.' now, at present; heen Kim >^1|V. kim, l^ ^. aJ this lime. Tong kim c'.ic ~k, "^^ gn5 kC sfly tong kim dy st, pdng t^hek leak gted,yed teoo che ehuy? if they reject roe at the present crisis, whom else will they obtain ? see ^ -^ Beng choo. Kim yeA put jefin, >^ ^ /^^ ^/c <"a «Aeie hu an nty, at present it is not so. Kim Kim Kim That which may be restrained by force ; a restraint. Gain, profit, advantage. Embroidery, variegated silk ; kim s^w, ^ i^ ornamented silk. E kim sijang k6ng, ^ f|^ ^ KIN 390 KIN *|ra ch'heng kirn sho Ay s^a, teoh lae bin yung chit fw"'a ne"d, when you wear an embroidered dress, you should have a single garment underneath ; see the |^ ^ Se keng. "^ I, I To forbid, to restrain, to interdict ; Kim ^ - ^Y *" interdiction, a restraint. ^^J> Kim tey, ^ j^^ the forbidden ground ; i. e. the precincts of the palace. Sin s6 chh 6 keng, bun kok che tae kim, ^ hh M M it FpI 1 ± A ^^'h6 t'haSu habu Mng kae, chew mooi"^S kok Ay twdkim, when I first came to the borders, I inquired into the great prohibitory laws of the country ; see '^ -^ Beng choo. Kim Mi The name of a kind of music, played by the northern foreigners ; accor- ding to the ceremonies of the Chew /p| dynasty, the officer who presided over the northern part of the empire was called kim. » * To shut the mouth ; iiJm k'ho^ put Kim tM^ ;:..ggan,p^ XI ■:^^^ ^^J"> kim chUtity bey kdng ica, to shut the mouth witliout being able to speak. Kim Klra Klin -'''—-> 77 To exert one's strength. Kin Earnest, resolved, determined. An aunt by marriage, a mother's bro- ther's wife. A napkin, a kerchief; t'ho6 kin, 2^ tjj i'haoti kin, a head kerchief, a turban ; s6w kin, !^ m ch'htw kin, a hamlkerchief. One of the radicals. J6 16 keung teem kin, 1^3 -//' Jt v^ tfj ta po cha boe s'eo kdng win tdm ch'hiio kin, a young man and woman bedewing their handkerchief to- gether (with their tears). Kin ;t A catty, a Chinese pound, about 1 J/6. English; also, a hatchet. Sip leiik le^ng w(iy yit kin, -t- ^ I^ )^ — ' fV chap ldknc6^S chb chit kin, sixteen ounces make one catty. Hoo kin 6 s6 jip san 11m, ^ jf" ]^U Hf A jJL| /^ po6 t'hadu to a chcdou se jip sw^a Itm, the hatchet and ax should be employed in the forest at the proper time; see J^ -^ Beng choo. Kin Kin .^ >_ Even, plain, upon a level, alike; all "T* ^f together ; kin se jtn yei, J^ ^p A til -P"''"^ p"^"^ ** ''^"^' ^''^ are all alike men; see ■£ ^ Beng choo. — 1»^— "^ The epidermis or skin of bamboo. Kin m A root; kin pun, ;|j^ ^^ the root, the fundamental thing; the prin- ciple. Kat luy y6w pfe k^ pun ^-''I, H ^^ Itt S * W"'"'''^ yea teohpkyeio e Ay kin piin, even hemp and flax must have some care bestowed on their roots; (how much more men !) see the ^ -j^ Cho twan. Kin m The heel, the back part of the foot; kin sfiy, f^ |j^^ to follow. Kin The common character for Ft' kin, a catty. Yit 16k ch'heen kin teung, — v(g. ■"F* fll] ^M. '^'"' ^^* cVheng kin tang, at once a thousand catties' weight. KIN 391 Kin The hands or feet chapped with the cold. A tendon, a sinew, a nerve; keen Kin Hl^l kin, ^ |f]^, to brace the nerves; heet kin, jjfl, ^ hoeyh kin, a vein, or artery. J!n sin yew sam sip leiik cheet kin kwut, A ^ ?t H t A^lti B^ # ling Ay sin u,oo \ s^a chap lak chat kin kwut, the human body con- j tains thirty-six joints of sinews and bones. ^3 % \\ ^ To be careful ; kin sin, =^ /m sly Kin — pressing, hasty; kin >^ yaH^ -^, very urgent. Tf% 36 cho6 j6 kin, j|r xE ;^ ^ na cha6u na kin, the more he ran, the faster he went. Kia ,^^^ A gourd cut in halves for wine cups, used on marriage occasions. Also written g, kin. Kin Kin Kin Fast, urgent, pressing ; also, to stop. One of the radicals. Sarsnet, a kind of thin silk. Almost, nearly, just enough ; kin k'ho, f^ "pj" too too h6, just sui- table, just adequate. Kin yew chAn che4, ^"^"^ ^ too too woo cAdn tr, it is just preserved. K in Km Kl in To besmear, to plaster. The name of a tree. Famine, a dearth of vegetables. Kay che e soo 1^, yin che e ke kin, )jp ;^ n 1 1< m z vX fm Kt ^"y "^ '"' i""o P^"") y* * ^ yaou kin) add to this an invading army, and join to it the cala- mities of dearth and famine; see the =^ g^ Lun g6. Kin To have an audience with an empe- ror ; to have an audience in spring is called, ^^ te&ou, and in au- umn, it is called 0J^ kin. KIP 392 Kin Firm, stable; niggardly, sparing ; also, a surname. Near, not distant; to approach, to Kin ^ jTP draw near. Kim hoo Ch'h\v4n-j6 koe'jfi kin & p^.^ ^ffiM R @ ffn 5g:^A t '"«'''^y Uy Ch^hwdtv-ji. keen hoe ji kin wd te Ft yip, now the country of Ch'hwan-j6 is well defended and near to our city of P6 ; see the f^ |^ Lun g6. Sin kin 6 ge, g^ k'ho hok ye4, ^ ^^ j^ ^ "^ RI IM "^ 5i« ^-^« & ge It, kdng wa t'hang hok, when our promises approximate to justice, our engagements may be fulfilled ; see the Jq ^fjf^ Seang lun. Read keen : a gizzard ; key keen. Kin D^ Ifl fi)i ^^i' *»"' '^* g'^^^*"^ °^ * fowl. Kip Kip Kip Hasty, urgent, vehement, pressing, > quick ; straitened. Ji^JmAw Kwun choo chew kip, put kfey h°^ ^ ^ ^ /E ^ ^i ^ *'^"" ^'""^ ''""' chiu gwdy kip, hd b'oeyh kiy swd pod Ay ling, the good man supplies the wants of the necessitous, but does not add to the stores of the rich ; see the sj^ |S Lun ge. %^^m The same as the above ; also a y\ I^W man's name; K'hong-kip, IJf Ak^ f>^^^ the grandson of Confucius. An order, a rank ; a step, or degree of rank ; a numeral of heads. Kay kip, [J^ ^^^ steps, stairs ; teng kip, ^ f]^, a step ; seng kip, ^ |^, to raise a step in office ; kjlng kip, [J^ ^Jh^ to degrade a step, S6w kip, g jkK^ a head ; chira sew ban kip, ^ ^ M ^Ji cAaw t'haSu che'^i ban kip, to cut off a myriad of heads. Kip KIT y. ^ To give, to afford ; keiing kip, ^ 3rt'^^ ^, ^° afford, to furnish, to give. ' '"^ Ch'hew seng leem, j6 choe put •''P' 5^j( f ^ rffi ^ T- k^ '^'^'^ ^"^"^ '"" leemje choe^ bo kip, in harvest tim'^ eisct moderate* ly, and assist those who cannot furnish anything ; see ^^ -f- Beng choo. K'ho6 kip, p 4;^^ conversation, discourse, the talent for conversing. A. Kip To ai At To arrive at, to reach ; and, together with, oo choo che put k'ho kip yei, y6w t'heen che put k'ho kae je seng yei, -^ •^ 44- ij^ hoo choo Ay bey kip kadu, ch^tin ched"9 t'het^y Ay bey cWhbng gim kay j6 eheo"S^ our master (Confucius,) cannot be equaled, the same as heaven cannot be scaled with a ladder ; see the Kip k6 s6ng kong yit ye4, ^^r^ ^ ^ i^ — !ni kip kadu e ch'e"& kong 16 chit yeb^S, (mens' natural talents vary,) but when they arrive at per- fection, they are the same ; see the ftf ^* Teung yAng. Kip Kip A. Kit Pek kip, g W payK kip, a medi- cinal herb. Also read k'faip. The ancient form of T{ ^ kip, to ar- rive at. Lucky, fortunate, happy ; kit heung, '^ l)M lucky and unlucky, good and evil ; kit jit, "S Q h6jit, a lucky day. A surname. Je gwat ch'hay kit, ^ H i^ ^ je gbiyh cVhay se kit, the beginning of the second month contains lucky days. KO 393 KO Kit 7^ A surname. Kit A lime, a small lemon, a sour oraoge ; Kit IK^*-" also written |g, kit. Kim kit, ^ 1"^, the golden or- ange, a small variety of the mandarin orange ; kit keng, i^ iS) lime stalks, a medicine. ,Kit kijang, ft^ ^, insects found in excrementitious matter. Kit ^^Xb' Correct, exact ; firm, robust. Kit "^^1 To hold fast, to grasp. TV A small lemon ; Ban teung fing kit sai'*S 6ng kit kap nooi^9 d, in the region of Ba,n (Canton and Hok-kefen), the lemong and shaddocks flourish. Kit Kit Ko Thick, glutinous, as rice-water, or congee. Vulg. ktoAn : high, lofty ; above, ^^F upon ; distant. A surname. 1 ^J P'hfe j6 teng ko, pit choo pe, ^ j^D ^ ^ '^ 1^ ^ ''^'*"' '*'"''^ ^*^* cheats kwdn, pit choo kay, just as in ascending a high place, we must commence from a low one; see the t|l ^ Teung yftng. Ch3ng ko, bok tae hoe ho5 kwdy, ^"^^^^"h^ ^ ^ ^ '^*"'* '^^^^9 ^"P ^'"^f*) ^^ k'htih twa i pod hwxly, among the honored and elevated, there are none more so than the rich and great ; see the ^ i^ Ek keng. 4 Z Ko Ko ^■^ Teuk ko, ■f^ ^ tek ko, a bamboo |^p»^ pole, for pushing forward a boat. Fat, ointment, grease ; ko tek, ^t "* y^ smooth favors, genial bles- sings ; ko yfiw, i^ i^ grease, oily substances. Hwun ko 6 kCy k'hwiiy, ^ "^ l'^ ^ ^ SCO yliD t sicd jit y'i^d, to burn oil in order to con- nect the light of the sun (i. e. to study incessantly). « ^ A spear, a barbed spear ; a hook, a Ko ^^' pointed weapon. A surname. \i Tong kan ko 6 pang I6ey, ^ ~P d^ J^ ^ P^ '"* '""^ ^'"* *" '^ i""'» ^"^ lai, to set iu motion the clubs and spears in a nation ; |£ Lun g6. see the gfi An elder brother ; ^ko, 55 If "" •Ko "|__i* ko, my elder brother. * Ko ko h6 8o6 luy cheCm chefim ? sat sin sf ng jin chae ch'hoo kan, ^ -^ |pj ^ 5"a sod la6u hak sat tdm lAm ? t'hai hin sin cAe"it jin tek cAe"d te ehty kan, Oh, my brother! why are you so dissolved in tears ? now is the time for sacri- 6cing our lives in the cause of virtue. Ko for parrot. Vulg. kwa: a Jong, a ditty ; ch'heilng ko, pg ^ ch'hcd'V kwa, to sing songs. Choo e jin ko jfi seen, pit soo hw4n che, j6 hoe ho /4^ jfrj -y hoo cho6 kap lAng ch'htd"S kwa j& h6, pit sat htc&n h6k e, jUn adu ho e, Confucius used to sing songs with people, and if they were well sung, he would order them to be repeated, and after- KO 394 KO % Ko wards he would harmonize with them ; see the pj^ |E Lun ge. ^^ A young sheep, a lamb ; yang ko, j^Q " ^P i^ ife ye6»S Ao, fur clothing, A y")^'\ woolen hose. Ko yang Che p'h^, ife ^ ;^ |^ *o 2/e«"^ dy fholy, the skin of a young sheep, (with the wool on); see the ^ ^ Sejlou lam. Ko choo, 7^ ^ hdey a, a kind of ccnfectionary. Leuk toe ko, |^ ^ j^^ lek tabu kd y, green grain pies. A marsh; ko tek, ^L ^^ a marshy place ; also, a bank. ' Hok b6ng 6 k6w ko, || |1^ ^ •h M hdh tit ha6u te ka6u ko, the stork is scream- ing in the nine marshes ; see the /J> Jfp Se^ou gn^y. Kit ko, i"^ ;j0, a machine for draw- 3si in: water, a well-buc'vct. Kit k> chea yin che chfk hoo, siji che chek ge&ng, f# # ^ 5f I ^ M Dff ^ j^ HiJ ICP i* ' « '«^!< kabu k'han e, e chew fhak Ibh k'he, kabu Met e, e chew t^a k'ht lai, if the well-bucket is drawn along, it will turn with the top downwards (and fill) ; but if it is thrown for- wards it will remain with the top upwards, (without sinking in the water.) Ko Ko Ko Ko -^ Ko Ko |Ko seang, ^ ^, to flyback- wards and forwards. Cheang ko cheang se&ng, ek ho8 kdhj lai jiwuy hdhj k'hi, lae choh ah hod gS, they are flyin-^ biickwards and forwards, let us go and shoot the wild ducks and geese ; see the ^jj j|[ Teng hong. To advance, to enter, to bring in. To pass by ; E pat le^n 6 gwuy, sam ko kS bAn je put jip, |^ A HT 1j> ^1' H m s n ffn yr ^ E payh ne6"9 te gwa, s"a ay kdiy e 6y moot"Sji 16 jip, E was eight years from home, and during that time thrice passed his own door without entering, (so intent was he on the public business;) see ]£ -C- Beng choo. A. sheath or case for a bow. Chafe ch'hip kan ko, chafe ko keung s6, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S 4P chai, k'hb"S kan ko, chah sew keung chee"i, let us lay down our arms, and put our bows and arrows into the case ; see the ^ ^ Chew seung. Ko K6 A large drum ; ko koe, , beat a drum. ^,«° The fruit of a tree ; determined, re- solute ; ko kwat,^ }j^^ decided, fixed ; ko kam, SS. ^^ ko k^a, brave, bold ; ko je6n, ^ ^, truly, really. Yfiw yei k6,a cheAng chfeng hoe h8 y6w! ^ ^ ^1k \)^'^X^ fSJ- |r, y^^ yea s-e k6 kwat, te cheung ching sod toob s a mei"h oh! Y6w is decided and resolute ; and if set to manage the affairs of government, what difficulty would he find ! see the |^ || Lun g6. Ko yew se chfing ^oht ^ "^ ^ f^ ^ k6 jUn woo chiy Uy ching U hoe? is that really the case? K6 Narrow and contracted. KO 395 KO K6 K6 ^jAj» K6 choo, ^ ^ kdSy cht, fruit ; keet ko, fcb "^ keet k'dey che, to bring forth fruit, to produce good results; ch'heng ko, ^ ^ cA'Aai"^ koey, the green fruit, an olive. Vulg. kdiy : confectionary, pastry ; ko choo, iffi -^ k'd6y a, a tart. K6 K6 K< Vulg. kdiy : a cake, a pie. Vulg. pak Vhayh: naked, without clothes, stripped to the skin. Suy t'han t'bek ko t^ng € gno ch'hek, je yeen 16iig body gno chac ? ^ ^ j^ iuy pceh cKhiw umi"^ pak Ch&yh, ti gtod Ay sin pe^, It bdiyh m c/m" diy Itdkla sim gied chat ? although with your sleeve* np or strippe they packed up their dry provisions; see the ^ 5^ Tae gniy. K6 K6 K6 K6 K6 T'hoe ko h6ng kin, ^ ^ ^ t|l t'haSu pcu>u u)ut^ kin, their heads were bound up with yellow turbans ; see the ^ ^ Sam kok. The appearance of the sun peeping out from under the clouds. Ke 6 ke 6, ko ko ch'hut jit! ^ i ^ li f: i: Itl B '^* "" y'^ Idh hoe, leem pee"S yew ch'hut jit ! it has rained and rained again, and now, the bright sun appears ! see the |^ ^ Woey hong. f - The stalk of grain, the straw ; h6 ko ^K2L ch'ho, >f^ ^ J^ tho k6 ch'hadu, •4 *^4 straw; ch'haou ko, ^ ^^ a rough copy of a piece of writing. E hong kok choe, yew ch'hut ko 86*y, ^ ^ Ibk iy Vie, :/dtf l>ibk dt'hmt tew Jef if «d£y. bavir.>. ■ .' I'i" ; A tip i!"'* ^ orlion of revenue iij crain, wo n>"** •U'> «v»" n •■* ^f '(.•:■.« akt wrhten {i^;)^ Dry, rotten; koek6,;|:^ ^, dry, rotten wood. Ch'hit pat gwit che kan han, chok beioa ko i, J< pij/h fdtyh &y kau woo km^a, ekek tewta i, if iher'e is a drought within the period of the seventh or eighth months, then the corn is dried up; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Also written Km, ko. f^ A vessel for warminganything; also, IpJ tbe name of a place. Purely white ; ko ko hoe, put k'ho ^"g6,|gg 6ra ^ ^ "^ p*^ chinp&yh hoi, bey seang ch'hin cheo^g e, be they ever so pure and white, they can never emulate him (Confucius); see ]^ •^ Beng choo. k6 K6 K6 K6 K6 i jC* White, a light color. 396 KOE , to pass over the nine rivers ; see the ^ Se 6 kbng. f- The lips hanging down. W P 2{£ K6 K6 Ko. K6 ""P^jj"* Dried fish ; anything spread out and ^S dried. To inform, to announce, to instruct, _ to command, to go to law. U-/ K& sfe, ^ ;n^, a proclamation; seang kb, ijig % sio U, to go to law together. L^ra pui chwan ch'jie, pu ko hoo boe, ^ /^ ^ jg ijL> -^ X ■^'«j«'^^y«'«'" '^*'*''" cA'AuJfl 6ol, jp»< K6 Koe To fly. To anoint anything with oil or oint- ment ; to grease anything. To sell, to vend, to dispose of. Ktw seen k^y j6 koe choo, ^ j6 bey, to seek for a good price and sell a thing; see the =S Lun g6. Koe Si ,Koe ch6w, f^ ^, to sell wine.; some say, to buy. ^^^ Dry wood ; koe kb, jj.^ j§, rotten K.OC i^K^tr wood ; putrid. Kot Win, chei e wfty lek, Jj;^ ^^ d^ ^'^ ij taktod nw"& Ay ch'hd k'hteae ynug Idt, anything dry and rotten does not require much strength (to push it down); seethe ^ |£ Sob Yi-. Koe |4^ JL Hwuy koe, ^^ ^, a kind of in- Jtjpl sect. Koe 'SrXr ^^^ ^ont% of the loins, ribs, or knees. J ^ An aunt, a father's sister; koi. Koe tjjt cA'Ae«4,|t^ _a, leisurely, gent- X^l— * ly, for the time being. Koe sgi se, ^^ ^ ^ *«« ^'^'^e""' P'''^ *'*"'"^ cUy Uy, let us just set this aside (to speak of some- thing else.) Koe ig Chea koe, j^ ^% a partridge. KOE 397 KOE Koe Koe Koe IM AJ^The name of a fish. m Anything with comers, or angles; angular; the same as m koe. j|»^ A kind of mushroom; heang koe, ^ZrTT ^ ^ heo^S hoe, a fragrant mushroom ; ch'ho koe, ^L S^ cK'lw.bu koe, an edible mushroom. ^^ ^ Alone, destitute ; an orphan ; used Koe ^11 1 V '•"■ '''^ ''■■*' personal pronoun, by y/ * princes, when speaking politely. Y^w j6 bo6 hoo wat koe, ^ jfjj |lE X ^ sedou leenj6 bd n'c&*S pay h6ng hoe, one left with- out parents when young, is called an orphan ; see ^ ^Bengchoo. Koe Koe Koe A fisli-nct ; also written yt'^ koe. A wine vessel, a ctip for drinking. A crime, a fault ; bod koe, without crime, innocent. HCng yit put ge, sat yit put koe, kae put wfly yed, ^ — ;j[; |||5 — ;^ ^ W ^ j^ ^li ^-"'i '^'^ ^'""S ^""g'' ''A«^ chit Idng bo choey, I6ng u"* A"a chb, to practice one unrighteous action, or to put to death one innocent person, was what he would not do; see ^ ^ Beng choo. ^ f ^ To stand security for a female crimi- Koe f /Hfi nal whose offense is slight. ' ~|* Koe che.1 hoo jin chijey k'heng put jip geiik, po jim 6 t'hae ch5ey, ~^ "^ ^ }^ Ay chaboi. Idng choey k'hah k'hin b6jipk"a k'hoo, 5 A cheus pdjim 6 ting t'hae sim choey, among the an- cients, when females were guilty of any light crimes, they were not put in prison, but were bailed out to wait for their sentence. Koe y* ■ Anything crooked ; also written ^p] ,J koe. A surname. Koe Koe Vulg. iaou.- a hook; g6 koe, W ^ l^^l hi kaou, a fishhook. Gwat hwfln k'heuk soo koe, H ^jl gdeyh hwun k'heuk cVhin cheo^ kaou, the new moon is bent like a hook. > ■! V Vulg. kaou : a ditch ; ch'him koe, ^^ ch'him kaou, a deep ditch. L6 jiiak chw&n hoe koe hok, /^ '^%W ^M'^ /ad« dy nool^S che"d hicat I'm tooi'^S U kaou hok, the old and weak would die weltering in the ditches; see ^; ^ Beng choo. Koe Koe Koe The consummation of a marriage, the union of the sexes. To build a house, to construct a building ; to join together. Also read koi. To seek, to obtain anything by mo- ney ; to purchase, to bribe. Chcang spy koe 6 Chin, }j^ VS chtang sac p6ng A'AJ! koe bay te Chin, to go to the west and bribe the Chin country ; see Koe Koe To have an interriew with ; to see a person accidentally. Also read koh. To meet with, to occur, to happen ; ge koe, ^ ^, to fall in with. KOE 398 KOE ^ '% Ancient, distant, of old, koe sfi, 7^ K.Oe JitT% . BIF' ^"tiquity. A surname. W K06 Che t6 ya, -^i^%_}^ hot, chd &y to U, the custom of the ancients. P'hok ko6 t'hong kim, "Iffl ^ j§, /^ pliok ko6 chd cliae tbng kim, to be extensively acquainted with ancient writings, and to be thoroughly versed in modern ones. K06 Koe Koe Market duties, or prices ; to debate about a price ; to buy. > The male of a species ; gn^w koe, ^- Ai go3 kang, a bull. , Yang koe, ^ ^h yeo^S kang, a K06 ^ K06 Hwiln koe, =||| pi^ to instruct, to teach ; the instructions of ancient books. 3h Je-gnciy na6 hwvin koe che se yed, ^p 1M H^ Tj I)1| li& Z # tii '^'^^ ^*^°"^ J^-9^^y nat se hwHn koi &y cVhayh, such as the Je-gn^y, which is a very instructive book. A fishing net ; bong koe, |^ )g a net. Ch'heuk ko6 put jip woo t6, ^ ^ ^ y\.W i^ *'^' *"' ^y *^"^ "'" f hang jip te cMiy k'hwut a, a close meshed net ought not to be thrown into the pools ; see ;^ -J. Beng choo. Koe Koe A crooked bamboo basket or snare, for catching fish. ^Af^ Truly, if, but ; koe ch'hena, "^ ^ ^If f remiss, careless, disorderly. >§ Koe ch^ 6 jin h, bo6 ok yea, ^ife/^f^^if^-tH ohin cheH na sim ch& tejin tek, chew ho p'hd^'e, if a man's mind is truly bent on virtue, he will practice no wickedness ; seetheS'j^ ^S Lun ge. Koe m Koe K06 Vulg. ka6u: a dog; koe hwuy, ^Uj iHr kabu pwiiy, the dog barks. Koe te sit jtn sit, j6 put te keem, ^^pi ^ A ^ rfa T- ^;n ^ ^^-^"'^ chMh Idng cheah, ji v?n chae k'eLm te&m, your dogs and pigs eat men's food, and you do not know how to take account of it ; see '^ -^p* Beng choo. The name of a wood ; koe k6 choo, \H 4Ei ~^f ^^^ *"'^* °^ ^^^ medlar used as a medicine. ^JT^ The barking of a dog. m T7- , Hy^^ Salt ; a salt-cellar or pan ; also, not K06 firm, insecure. The name of one of the diagrams ; worms in the stomach. Koe db-L^ drum ; luy koe, |g ^ t^r** the drum ; also written to roll \ koe. Kek koe k6 tong tong, I^ ^ "SL 3^ ^^ ])hah ko'e. c ay se^a tong tong, beat- ing the drum with the sound of tong tong; see the JKT jM Woey hong. One of the radicals. ~^ «^ Blind, unable to see ; koe b6ng, Koe ^^S- V W' '°'^"^ ^''"'^' ^^^'^ I ■# been ched. 6 ko6 che4, kefen che s6ey seAou pit chok, ^ ^ ^ J^ ^ ^ ^ '2. ^ '!}^ >^ i^ '^"'-^"'"'^ ^"^^"^ '^ *«^« bo Ay Idng kap ch'hai"^ mai'^S dy Idng, k'htv"^ ke^"9 e soey k^hah si.y lun, yea t'ioh h'he lat, when we see any persons wearing a crown, or blind, KOE although they are younger than ourselves, we should rise up ; see the |^ ^ Lun ge. 399 KOE dispose of the excess of my bravery ; see the ]5£ Cho twan. Koe A very old man, with a face as ^ ^ though it were grimed with filth. ^nf*J H6ng ko6 tae p6&y, ^ i^ "^ #• wuX^S mo koe. bin ka chcah wun hue &y laou /dn^, a yellow haired, grime faced,and humpbacked, old man ; see the -^ ^^ Tae gn4y. Koe n I |- The thigh; kod keng, |^ H^, a '— limb ; s6w koe, ^ ||^ cA'Alw ko6, an arm ; p'hfe ko6, S^ ^^ ka cVhui^' the posteriors. Gwan sew beng chae, ko6 keng li-ing chae, ^ bhig, k'ha chlicw chho le&ng, when the head (of a state) is intelligent, the members will be good ; see the ti ^^ Se keng. Ko6 Koe Ko6 Koe p^.i^ A ram, a goat ; the same as ^^, ko6. The most secret and retired part of a dwelling. Tiiung koe die gftn, put k'ho t6 ycix, 4* ^ ^ "i" ^ pf ^ -lil ^"^ '""^ *"^ ''^ '"'' "'" t'hang k6ng, wiiat is said in the secret chambers, must not be published ; see the ^ J^ Teng hong. Dirt, fiitb ; tin ko6, ^ ^, dust, dirt. Hong h6ng hoe, Itn ko6 Che teung, '^ '^ ^'' B. ^ ■^ rb Mng hSng hoe ti, tin hot &y tang e"ff, hurried and bustled, in the midst of dust and dirt ; see ^. .4^ Chong clioo. . ■ i To sell, to keep goods for sale. ^f^ Yeukyiing died? ko6 H 6 yung, a& bdeyh ij&ng bhig Ay Idiig? gud M bey gwa 6y yung bing, who wants courage and bravery ? I will |— j-^ Firm, stable; keen ko6, §^ ^. Koe "i*^ firm, unmoved ; koh loe, Q |^, ' niggardly, mean ; ko6 6, ffil a, on purpose, with a fixed intention, determined. Kwun choo put tcungchek put wuy,hak chek putko?, ^ ^ :^ m H'J ^ ^ 'f ^'1 ^ @ kteun cho6 bo teung hoe chew b6 wuy giim, t'hdk bey keen koi, if the good man is not grave, he will lose his dignity, and that which he learns will be unstable ; see the ^ || Seang lun. ^ ^ Kofe chae, Ko-so6 die wily se yiJd ! |^ 'qj^ ^ m -V 6, ^^ {h, *<'^ ^^ '*"*> Ko-soe Ay chd se ! how mean is the poetry of Ko-so6 ! see ^ Beng choo. Koe Ko^ Koe A chronic disease, an inveterate malady of long standing. To hire any one for money. Ko^ ch'hfing, ^ ^ koi. cWhe^i, to hire a laborer. - - To look at, to contemplate, to turn Koe Ij^cl around and look at any one ; a ''Brl surname. Cheiou kot\ D8 j^, to regard with favor and compassion. Ko^ wan, ^ ^ kol htcui^S, to look after a garden. Ke teung put I6ey ko^, ^ t|» /f^ [^ ^^ ch'hea tang t^S bSh lai bin kol, when you are in a carriage, do not turn around to look at it; see the ?^ f.o Lfin ge. Ko6 tfing, /{^ ^ kol tdng, busi- ness, engagement. J6 chok sim moh ko6 tDng ? j^ f^ ^ ^^ Ko^ le ^ KOE 400 KOE 4il "g /^ tit chd s"'a mee^h koe tdng ? what are vou doina;? Koe Koe Koe Koe The crowing of the cock of the wild fowl. Vulg. kadu : enough, sufficient. To lead, to drag, to pull; to scheme. A second marriage, love or aflec- tion for. Roe To procure with money ; to buy, to bribe. Ko(! 6 ch'heen kim, ^S Vl ^ /^ b6t/ e clCheng kim, to purchase for a thousand pieces of gold ; see the ^ IE S"" kfe- y^* Koe Koe To meet with, to fall in with. To meet together; junction of the two elements of nature. tr ^ '^SrCiTo be a^amed, to rail at, to abuse ; Koe ^nr fy/ l J to disgrace. SiJang e j6 seang kofe peng, ^ j^ f^ f|j 1^ ^ sedn^ woo t'hdk chliayh lAng seo mai"g pair's, constantly do we see learned men railing at and finding fault with earch other. j|3y WTo draw a bow to its full stretch ; ^^^yf vulg. kadu : enough. Gay che kaSu jin se^, pit chfe 6 koh, ^^ "/^ %k A ^\ 'jh 1^ 1)^ Ix ^«^ ^y ^'^ ^^"S '^'^^ cltci"^, pit took sim die two, te t'eoh keung mvPd^ Koe Koe when Gay taught people archery, he would have them pay great attention to drawing the bow out to the full ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. ( p Old ; a business, a reason, a cause ; Koe Koe for, because, therefore ; ye6n kofe, m^ wCy * cause, a reason; tae kofe, -J^ ^^ a great affair, a great mourning ; sin koh, ^ ft'fr, to die ; ko6 y6w, W ^, an old friend ; se kofe, -^ g^^ because of this, for this reason. Wun kofe je te sin, J^ ]|^ jllj ^^ ^ wun sip chd &y, j& chae sin Ay, to study old lessons, and acquire new ones; see the p gm Seang lun. Y6w kofe j^ k'h&, ^n -Wr jjn ^ woo s^^a soo j6 k''hh, having some cause of dislike, and departing on that account, &c.; see ^[ -y- Beng choo. Koe cheang tae y6w wAy che kwun, jMr ^ ^ ^ ^'^ /^ ^ ^"^ '^^^^^s '""^ '""'' '^'''^ ^y i'" kwun, therefore, when we meet with a prince with whom we can undertake great things, &c. ; see ^^ -?- Beng choo. To melt copper or iron, in order to stop a crack or crevice in a pan ; to forbid, to restrict. To stick, to paste up ; a kind of paste made from rice ; ko6 yeak, |^ |fe ko6 y'eoh, sticking plaster, for wounds and ulcers. ^1 lf| Koe A kind of paste made of wheaten flour. To rely upon, to depend on any one; Koe *T?% ^'^° ''""e" 'US , '^°^- Bo8 hoo h8 koe, bo6 bo6 h8 se ? ^ 'R M f^ ^ "^ 1^ '1$ A'a^« b6 pay woo s^a mce^h koe, kadu bo bot woo s^amee'^hse? hav- ing no father, what shall we rely on, and when we KOEY 401 KOEY # Koey Koey t A * have no mother, on what shall we depend? see the /|n ^ Seiou gnAy. V % To explain the meaning of expres- Koe J»'f^ sions in ancient and modern I* l» books. Yang-hijung ]^^ t^, when young was fond of learning, and in studying did not so much regard sections and sentences, but (hwilh koe t'hong jfi 6, Ijll ttM"^ £') ^^ "^"^ ""^ particular in ex- plaining the meaning of the words. Koey heang bok, ^-^ ^ /fC f^oey heo^S ch'h&, the name of a fra- grant wood. Gigantic, great, extraordinary, excel, lent; monstrous. Koey jefin tok lip t'heen tey che kan, je'put wiiy, \%m^1^ ±X )^Zf^ fjjl ;^ -^ koey twa &y yeo"^ ti>k k'hea ti ehee^9 tiy &y teung kan,ji u"* A:c»a lAng, great of stature, he stood peerless between heaven and earth, without being afraid of any ; see ^ ^ Sfln choo. Read ko : pastry, confectionary ; ko choo, J^ ^ kd6y i, tarts, pies, &c. Read ko : cakes, made of flour. To raise anything from the ground by putting stones under it, in or- der to prevent its being injured by To swallow, to drink. The name of a tree, whose wood is used for making boxes and coffins ; a kind of pine. Koey ''^^^ Luxuriant, abundant, foliage. Koey Gsly kofey, ^ f^, * P®""***" *"'"' goes around the market, inducing people to combine in raising the price of commodities in special cases. ^^ Ko^y kh, -^ =•{-, to reckon, to Koey '^Jl^ count up ; an account, a reckon- p| ing. A surname. K'hong- choo seang wfly wuy le h, wat, ko^y kh t6ng jd TSi P ^ K'h6ng-cho6 bal chd s&y Aw"a, chew kSng, S70ui'^ sedou feoh chito h6, when Confucius was in an inferior office, he used to say, " see that the accounts be correct, and that is enough ;" see ^ ^ Beng choo. Koe kb^y '^ T^ kaott Vhwut a, a ditch, a puddle, a gutter. Cli'hit pat gwat che kan, i chip, koe ko^y kae fing, -fe A ,^ ^^ Ph^ f ^ ^ :# ja- ^ ^ cKhit payh gdeyh Ay kan, hui chip chd hoey, cheio kaou a k'htcut a chd poS tee"S tee^, in the seventh or eighth months, when the rains collect, the ditches and pools all become full ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Koey Koey Koey Koey Koey Kaou ko^y, f fraudulent. ►^ artful, crafty, The husk of grain ; chaff. To cut asunder. Minced meat ; as beef, mutton, or fish, sliced together, and chopped small. 5 B KOEY 402 KOH Koby put yefem sfey, ^ ^ jf^ ,^1^ ^oey b6 win e set/, minced meat can never be chopped too small ; see the Wt Ip Lun ge. Koey Koey Koey I pBI f^'sh chopped up very small. The name of a country. Sorrowful ; a vicious mind. Read kwan : a cap; key kwan, 7X1 Kbcy . L !■ TT^ hey kdly, a cock's comb ; key kwan hwa, f-| ;^ ^ key kdhj hwa, the cockscomb flower, Celosia coccinea. •^ ^'JU Read k5 : to pass over, to transgress ; Kbey ^Y§f ^6 k'hfe, ^ ^ kdhy k'M,io -^^O pass by; kb t'hoe, 3^ g^ kbiy Vhaou, to exceed, to go beyond ; k6 sit, ^ ^ kbhy sit, a fault ; k6 hwan, ^ ^^ *o^y hcdn, a transgression. K'hong-choo kb che, i||j ^ 3^ ^ K'h6ng-cho6 koly c, Confucius passed by that way ; see the J^ IS Lun g6. 1^^ L6 kofey, -^ ^ c/ifl 60^ io^y, a Koey woman's headdress ; kirn kofey, -^ si, a golden headdress, worn only on particular occasions. ■^ \t- T^o6yiieen,'^M kbiykengt'haSu, Koey SZjC to put the arms around any one's ^^ neck. To remove a burden from one shoulder to another. K66y keak, ^ ^ H^^r k'ha, J^oey 'TlTT* lame, halt; koey keak cho, H^ cross-legged. ^g koey k'ha chey, to sit Kbeyh i'J xo%/« ^jy Kbeyh Read kwat : to scrape anything with a knife. A surname. Read kok : the sub- urbs of a city. Read k'hwat: a plant with a bulbous root ; k'hwat hwun, ^ S^ koeyh hwun, the root of the same reduced to powder. TVw ^^ Kbeyh /Q CE^ Thick, muddy ; thick liquor. Read kok : a water pavilion, a gal- lery over the water. T6ng fing ko kok lim kang ch6, ^ ^ p fX '^ T&ng 6ng &y kwdn koh lim kaou kang ke&^-S' TSng 8ng's lofty gallery over- shadowed the river's brink. Koh Koh Koh Read kok: different; kokyang, ^X I f fej hbh yib^S, in a different mode. Read kok : the armpits ; kok k'hong hay, ^ ^ "f» koh Vhmg ay, under the armpits. Read kok: the clothes under the armpits. Read hok': again, oyer again, to re- Kbh jt la. peat; hok chafe, ^ ^ koh chae, over again ; hok hwat, /^ V£ hoh w&h, to live again, to rise again to life. H^k € kd Ong, Lc^ng wdt, ch'heng hok che, woo King kd 6ng Le&ng, Ledng kong, cVhe^d koh e, some one told king Leing, when he said, "I pray you let us try again ;" see ^ •^ Beng choo. KOK Kok Koh A country, a state; a surname; pang kok, ^ |D, « kingdom ; kok kay, ^ ^, the state; kok kwun, ^ Tg-', a prince, a sovereign; kok 5o6, ^ -0: the queen mother; kok tejfi hoe t'heen hay pfing, ^ j^ \f\i Jfii ^ T ^ kok kadu a jUn adu fhee^'S &y pafff, when every state is well regulated, the whole empire will be tranquil ; see the j^ ^ Tae hak. -| Kin kok, ijj IP, a cap worn by females at funerals. Choo-kat- leang, |^ ^ ^. had several times challenged Soo-m^-fi, '^ ^ |§, »"' '° fight, and when Soo-m^-fi would not come out, he (wily e kin kok, ^ f ^ fjl l)l@ "'"S ^ '^*'' ^V cha boi. kin,) sent a woman's cap to him. • ^ The suburbs of a city; kofc goey, Kok ^K f P 9Y ^"^ ^""'' '*"" ^"*''°"' °^ ^^\ acily. Vulg. *oeyi ; a surname. Sam 16 che sfing, ch'hit 16 che kok, H M ^ 1^ ^ ^ ;^ ^ s^a K /iy se^t, ch'hit U Ay kok, a city three miles in extent, and suburbs of seven miles ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. 403 KOK kadu b8 mS, cVhin cheo^S kadu yeS^ 6y p'ho&y, a dressed tiger or leopard's skin is just like a dressed sheep or dog's skin, (for without the hair, it is hard to tell the diflference;) see the pg |g Kok I'll The name of a hill. The outer envelop of a coffin : also Kok >F^I\ written j^, kok. Cli'heng choo che ke, 6 wfly che kok, t± ZJ. ch'hea, i chd e Ay kok, he requested the carriage of Confucius, (to buy it,) in order to make an outer coffin (for his son) ; see the =1^ ^ Lun ge. Lun ge Kok Kok A skin free from the hair ; dressed leather. Ho6 p^ che kok, yfiw k'hcen y&ng che kok, ]fj|| ^ Kok IprSrC The name of a market. ^ -^ A valley ; san kok, ^ ^ sio^a y\^ i'Aai"^, a vale,aravine; one of the \^ radicals; a surname. Ch'heng san hfingkok k'hoe,leuk suy jcAou wSin teung,^ SK"a t'hdn hw^A ti kok &y kViaCit, lek chdy jedou tei^S ti kumi'^ Ay teung, an azure hill lying across the mouth of the valley, and green waters winding around the midst of the garden. ^ ^ach, every one ; kok yang, ^ ^ Kok >OC» *6A ye6''S', different. ApkokgAn 9^ je ch6? ^'^ '^ M ^ s^a sod h6 tak Ay kSng U Ay siin cht ? why doeg not each of you state your own views ? see the |j 1^ Lun g6. Kok m- Vulg. *dA.- the armpits; kok k'hong hfiy, ^ ^ "|\ *dA i'Aang' ay, under the armpits. Kok .^-^(PThe clothes under the armpits; a seam. Kok Vul. k6h: a gallery, a water pavilion. Kok hay gfi j6 hh, lofi chefin yiJ6n choo sey, ^ "f* #. chein, la6u cUng ei'^ d chb sac, under the pavilion the little fishes play, while before the gallery the swallows make their nests. KONG 404 KONG Kok i= Kok 2^/XiThe name of a tree, from whose bark "^ll^yC paper is made. m4^ M Grain ; gno6 kok, ^ ^^ tlie five *^"^ -^ kinds of grain ; emolument, good ; '^''^^ also written ^S^ kok. Se gey gno6 kok, ;to ^S 2_ ^' cAa^ chhrig goe kok, to plant and cultivate the five kinds of grain ; see [^ Hp Beng choo. Emolument, revenue, salary ; as, sam lefin hdk, put ch^ekok,^. ^ ^ 7^ ^ ^ ^s«a ne6"S t'hdk, hd s'eo'^S kabu kok 16k, to study for three years, without thinking of emolument ; see the 1^ |§ Lun g6. Kok Ke kok, t^l the axle of a car- riage ; a carriage. To introduce any one into notice, is called ch'huy kok, j|f: ^^ to push along his carriage. Kok Kok Kok A. Kok » g''*» Crape, a sort of cloth. The name of a kind of pulse. To stop the mouth. The crowing of the wild fowl ; crowing of cocks. the wfc. ^P ^ Public, general ; a surname ; and Kong ^j\*^ kongyang,^:^, and also kong * * yei, /^ ^^^ a double surname; kong to, ^ J^^ just, equitable ; kong sira, ^ j^^ a public spirit ; kong soo, /jPf ^ kong se, a public company ; used also for the place or superintendent of that company ; kong wuy, /^ TQ^ a rank of no- bility. Kong sun, ^^ /^ a double surname. Tae to che hfing t'heen hay wAy kong, -^ ^g ^ 'f T ^ T" ^ '^ jS /JQ •3- ^S, the five ranks of nobility. Kong fk The name of a gem. Kong ij/\.^°^ ''°"^' ^^ ^ ^^^ ^■""^' ^ ^L^i\ centipede. Kong I Vulg. Aan^; anofiBcer; work, a work- man ; kong hoo, JQ -^ kang hoo, labor ; kong jtn, ^ h chd kang Ay lAng, a laborer. Kong yeiik seen kfi soo, pit seen le kS k'hfe, Jl ^ ^ it ^ ,jL^ :^ fij ^^chbkangAy lAng boeyh ch'hbng ho e Ay soo, teoh tae seng ch'hbng lae e ay ke k'ht, when a workman wishes to execute his work in a proper manner, he must first sharpen his tools. Kong ^ To attack, to oppose, to engage; to give the whole attention to any- thing. Seiou choo b6ng koe j6 kong che, k'ho yei, /j\ ^ PlIJ^ ifii 5^ il pTI '^y *^"« p'^^^^ koi j6 kong kek e, ey chd tit, Oh, my children ! if you like to beat the drum, and oppose him, you may do it; see the 5™! f^ Liin g6. Kong hoe e twan, soo hae yijci 6, ^ ^ ^ ^S^ jSt^ ^ ■tji P, chwan ch'hbng chty kbh ylS"-S Ay to It, ch'ey se hae lAng, to give the whole attention to foreign opinions, is extremely dangerous ; see the |- §^ Seang lun. KONG 405 ^ Merit; kong 13, ^J ^, merito- Kong T, 7f rious desert ; mourning. *VV Bin chek yew kong, ^ f^] ^ ^ kip key chek woo kong IS, diligence will insure merit; see the |^ ^^ Lun g6. Tae kong, ^ XJj, a great period of naourning, ex- tending to nine months. Se&ou kong, /j\ l)!| a small period extending to five months. ft KONG Great, large, enlarged. Kong Kong VFT '"'"S ''°""' ^ ^ ^ ^' appearance; see the ^^ ^ Tae gn^y. A martial appearance ; boo hoc w^y ^ military men with a very martial Kong *i: Vulg. ke'^S : to carry between two or more persons. Lek k'ho kong t6ng, ^ pj ^ M. Idt rhang ke^S te"d, strength sufficient to carry the caldron ; (signifying that such a one may become emperor.) ^PSngkong, f^ ^, the region of lyl the groin, the bladder. A wine cup, made from the horn of a rhinoceros. Kong t6w kaou ch'hok, ^ ^ :^ ^ the cups and glasses interchanged back- Kong Kong The noise of striking against the stones. A napkin for tying up clothes in ; kong twan, l|g ^, a kind of satin. Honest, blunt, harsh, upright ; sod Kong >1 )| sin so6 chek kong,y0^^l) |jj^ chd too k'hah ye"d k6ng tea chew tedou tit, when greater attention is paid to the subject than to the phraseology, the style becomes harsh. Kong ^ ► A border, a division ; a raised path ill between the rice fields. K^O^g "TV" bfing, ^ Pjfj kiDui"S Ung, reful- '^ ^^ gent ; gwat kong, ^ j^ gd^^ kujui'^S , moonlight. Kong pe e sob pedou, ^^f^^^ '"""'"^ kip kadu si he^, light spreading to all the four quarters; see the ^M Wi Ge4ou te6n. 5 C A martial appearance. The ridge of a hill ; also written ^ kong. Se^p pe ko kong, y^ ^ ^ P9 koty hwut Uy kw&n &y su^a ne^d, to cross over yonder high ridge; see the ^ |g Chew lAm. Kong i^-^ The ancient form of the preceding. Kong Kong ^ Vulg. ke''g, and ki'^9: steel. Vulg. kr"9: a large jar ; him kong, ^ ^ dj»Ae"J',awaterjar;also written ^^ and ^, kong. KONG 406 KONG Kong 1^1]' Hard, firm, stiff; kong ch'hae, ^' too too d, just now. Kong ke^ng put k'hwut, ^J J^ "jT K firm and unbending. Go6 be kefen kong che4, ^ tI^ ^ ^J ^ gwd Key woo Jc'hw''^d kong gnay &y l&ng, " I have not yet seen a firm and resolute person ;" said by Confucius in the ^ ^ Lun g6. Kong To tie around with a rope ; to draw /PI'^V elude, to superintend, to general ize ; general, connected together. Choo teElcu j6 put kong, ^ ^^ ffj] ^ ^H k^hdng cho6 teh he ji, bo6 tedh bang, Confucius used to angle for fish, but would not draw in a net ; see Sam kong gno6 sfe^ng, ^ ^ S ^, ^^^ *'"'^^ superintending (of prince, father, and husband), and the five constant, relations (i. e. benevolence, justice, decorum, knowledge, and truth) of life. Kong k^m, ^ the general mirror, a general view of history. T'heenkong,^ ^^ the name of a star in Ursa major. The same as j^, kong, the ridge of a bill. The ancient form of |0|J. kong, firm. Kong Kong Kong Kong Vulg. k'h.wah: great, wide, exten- sive, expansive, broad, ample ; a surname. Tfe kong tae, j6 chin Cheng b#, 1^ ^ ^ i?g ^ ^ ^ '^ ^«* k'hwah twd, j& chin t'haSu cheng yew, to extend to the greatest and most expansive, and to exhaust the most minute and subtle things ; seethe }^ ^ Teung yiing. Kong-tong J^ ^ Kwei"S.tang, Canton. Kong H^n che kong h put k'ho eng soo, ^ ^^ Ws ^ ^ ■pj' ^ ^E9 Hdn chiiy dy k'hwdh b6 t'hang be. kdiy, the literature of the Han dynasty is so extensive, that it cannot even be conned over in one's thoughts ; see the ISJ "^ Chew l&m. Metallic ore ; k6 hay chek kim kong tan siiak, ^ "j^ ^ij ^ |^ -PT- iffi e dy dy t'ty chek kim k6ng dng ch'eoh, underneath (those hills) there is nothing but metallic ore and bare stones. Kong The same as the above. Kong To offer up, to present as tribute ; tribute, taxes, dues ; a surname. Chin kbng, j^ a > to pay tri- bute, as a sign of homage. Je kdng paou mafiu put jip, ||f ^ "Ei ^ ^"^ ^ It kbng keen paou madu u'"'jip, your tributary offering of a bundle of rushes has not been sent in ; see the ^ ^ Cho twan. T'heen choo soo le te k6 kok, jfi lap k6 kftng s6ey yeen,^ -f §. -^ J-^ ^ M M B jyh g* ^ S hSng thy sat chit Hy kio^a ledou le e dy kok, je lap e kbng sd&y, the emperor sent an officer to govern his country, and to receive the tribute and taxes from him ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Kong w To deceive, to cheat, to impose upon ; also written |g, kbng. Kbng che 6 16 che sey y6w, =^ 2l VJ M "^ ffX '^ p'Ae^n ettolt dy siy mod, to impose upon a person by that which appears reasonable. Kong m A hardened knife, a tempered blade; to harden steel. KOO 407 KOO Kong ^v. Kong Kong 0' Ig. B'^ and ke^S: steel. To go backwards and forwards ; to go to a distance. Ambitious, highrainded, wild, mad ; to appear mad. TiJen k6ng, ^ ^ mad, silly, out of one's wits. Go6 tong che seiou choo kSng k4n, ^ ^ ^ /|> ^ Jl^ ^ g'cd Ay long ay shy ke^d k'hah se6"S k6ng kdn, " the young people of my clan are too ambitious and sincere ;" said by Confucius of his disciples. Ch'ho6 k6ng cheep 6,^ ^ ^ ]^ CA'Aoe Ay teen kSng Ay lAng cheeh eVheu, a madman of the Ch'ho6 country met the carriage (of Confucius) ; see the |jgj |g Lun g6. A hot disease, a fever. Kong ^^ Kong Kong Koo Koo Koo //r K6ng kfing, ^ ^, fearful, and |^«L* agitated. « M To do anything on the spur of the moment ; to be deceived. The name of a boat or vessel. Read kwuy : a tortoise ; kwuy choo, ^^ koo d, a beetle, a mari- gold. One of the radicals. The same as the above. Ki 00 Ko6 Koo Read kew : long ; a long time, a long while ago. Put jin che4, put k'ho e k6w ch'h6 yeak, "^ Y^. ^^^'^ ^^U^ ^'"JinAyMng,b6 t'hang ko6 twd te kan k'koi, people destitute of vir- tue cannot long endure afflictions ; see the |m g^ Lun ge. Read kew ; a kind of leek ; kew ch'ha^, ^ 3^ ko6 ch^hat, seal- lions. A sentence ; yit koo; — ^ chit koo, a single sentence. Cheang kod, j^ ^ cheo'*g kod, sec- ^ tions and sentences. Kod Koo Koo ^ ^ Read k^w : to cauterize, to burn the flesh for medicinal purposes. Kofi 1;^, |||Jj ^^ a child's cap; chec"g koo Id, ^ P] ^, a woolen cap. Ki 00 To present up; to do away with. iRcad k6w: a ball ; m6 kew, ^ rl^ Sj mS ko6, a hairy ball. *■ „,|/^ Read kew: old, not new ; kew le£n, Koo > / I"' ia ^ ^"" ''"^'^' '"*' y"*""- ^3 Kewkokki>bdl,||^|^ j^ I koo ch'hek kadu 16, the old corn is all consumed; ' see the H^ |E Lun ge. ^•^ Read kew : an uncle ; bo kew, Koo \E^ ^ ^ ^6 kod, a mother's bro- ^^ Iher. Ch'heykew,^ ^c/i'Ary koo, a wife's brother. KWA 408 Koo pj^ Read kok: the singing of birds. Jfc. Kooh 2fC The gurgling noise made in drinking. Kwa Kwd ^ K melon; SB kwa, ^ ]jl, a water Kwa riT melon; kirn kwa, ^ j[Ii, » / ''^^ pumpkin; long kwa, ^ j[^, tang kwa, a calabash; ch'he kwa, ^Tj |^\ , » «="" cumber; k'ho6kwa,:g: jJJ^, a bitter cucumber; ch'hafe kwa, ^ )]l, a species of Momordica. Ch'hitgwatsitkwa,.!;^ ^ ^ jJ^chVdt gcieyh che&h kwa, in the seventh month we may eat me- lons ; see the ||p 0. Sekeng. Kwa Kwa Read k'ho : a surname. Read ko: a song, a ballad ; ch'he^ng ko, 3^ Ifjv cVheb^S kwa, to sing songs. Ko je k6 K'hong-choo, cho6, he chanted a ditty as he passed by Confucius; seethef^ |f Lun g6. Kwa ^11 P7^ KW'^A To deceive, to impose upon. tl ,!5^Read kwafe : to find fault with any one ; to take offense. Read ko : to pass by ; ko keak, ^ kwa k''ha, to stop in passing by. Ko yit sijuk, 3^ — ^ ^Q" kwa chit mai"S> to lodge for a night in a place, when passing by. Kwa il %. _|- Read kah : to cover ; the cover of a Kwa -, J V vessel, a lid ; t6ng kafe, f^ ^ \ ' ' ^n te"a kw&, the cover of an iron pan or caldron. ,^ ** Read kafe: an outer coat, a great Kwd yk^^ <=°^* 5 m^ kafe, ^ ^ bay kwd, \JSSL, a horse cloak, to wear when rid- ing on horseback. Kwd Kwa \ h Read kafe : mustard ; kafe ch'hafe, ^^^^ ^ ^ kwd ch'hal, the mustard * plant, Sinapis Chinensis. The name of a tree. * A-ai^a g To divine ; a divination ; pok kw^, [\ h ^>, to find out by divination ; pat kwa, J\ ^|>, the eight dia- grams. H6k-he se chok pat kwi, ^^^^ P^"^^ mk-he k'U Vhadu ch'hbng pat kwa, H6k-he first invented the eight diagrams. Read kwan : an officer of govern- ment, a civil officer, a mandarin ; chb kwan, f^ *g* chb kw^a, to be in office ; kwan hoo, ^ jf ^"-"^ f^oS, an offi- cer, a magistrate ; kwanloe, -g Jf^ to«a foe, a highway. H06 chok ko kwan, choo ch'h&ng gwan^^it ch'hey yit ch'heep b6 ch'heii he6n, X 1^ ^ 'S < tH^ tE — # -^ S ^ -^ 5C P"^' «''^ "*« kt^a, haou sai^S tUng ch'hHng gwdn, chit Ay hoi chit &y shy i cVhin cVhai»8 kiod gatu, to have one's father holding a high office, and one's son at- taining to the highest literary honors; with one wife and one concubine, both handsome and clever; (this, according to Chinese ideas, is the summit of human bliss.) KW'^A 409 KW^A Kto^'a ^ ^ Read kwan : a coffin; kwan chad, Trfp \^ j^ hc^a ch'hi, a wooden I Kw^d coffin. TeuDg ko6 kwan ch'hit ch'hiln, kok ch'hfeng che, ^ i' f'^ -t: "h Read kwan: a cap; kim kwan, ^^ *^ "' "ii**! ^ ^"" ^"^""J ^ 'ady's head- ^■^" dress : hong kwan, EI ^ Aon^ At«''a, a headdress ornamented with embroidered birds. Kw'>^a — H ^— ^ Read kwan: to shut; kwan bAn, ■^gj \^il[ p^ kio^a mo0i"g, to shut the i7t\i Honr. B6n suy siiet jfi sijang kwan, f^ ^ ^jl" IflJ ''|i* 1 |4^ tnoni"S suy sceljd sedtig kio^a, although a door is put there, yet it is alwtiys shut. Kw^d Few, solitary, alone ; kw^i hoo, ^t 9ffif ^''*"'' ^"^t * widowed woman. Kw"4 jtn ^L K^ the solitary one, or the man of few virtues; (a polite expression, used by princes in designating themselves.) Kw^a Metallic ore ; the substance of nil metals. Kiv^d Kw^a Read kong : ore ; the same as the above. Read kin : to spread anything out with the hands ; kin been, Sp ^a kiD^d mefSf to knead dough. Tek kw'^d, ^ IJS, the appear-' ance of walking. V .^ Read kin ; to pursue, to chase, to Kw^'^d "Jl r follow. Tuy kin, 3;^ -^ tu;, X*^^ ku!"d, to follow in pursuit. Kin seang ^ _t. *«'''« eheo^S, to overtake. Kw''d Kw^d Read kwitn: a temple; kw^n se, -fp kv^d, efS, a monastery. ^ J| /^ Read kwin : to poor out; kw^n >BS. chew, ^ Jffi iic"d cA^w, to pour m out wine; kwAn ley, f^ ^ jhc''d let/, to pour out a libation on the ground. ^Reudkwdn: an agricultural imple- Kw^d 4c2fc ment ; kw^n ch'hiiy, ^^ [^ ku>"d cVhUy, a kind of pickaxe. Re id kw^n : the name of a water bird, a kind of heron; kw^n bCng »\\) 6 leel, H D.I f ^ ^"d '•/ haSn te :w"a d. ilie water bird is screaming on the hillock : sw the pf j^^ keng. Kw^d R"ud hikn: cold; seang hin, ^$i seang kw"d, to take cold. H4n yea k'hck lafi tiy ti^ng ch6w, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ bT i@ *«"'d««f"^/d«^ k'hayh lai idy tdng did chtw, when a visitor comes on a cold night, tea will serve instead of wine. Read han : sweat, perspiration ; 16w spire. I6«d VT^ 5 D KWAE 410 KWAH Han mi ch'hut sin, ^- ^ 1^, ^ he"a hay ch'hut sin, to enter on life like a sweating horse ; (i. e. to attain everything by personal labor.) Xw»a Read kwan: to carry anything in the hand. Read h^y : to carry in the hand, as Kw^d Jt^lP^ a basket. H6y song kam toe chew, 6 t'hfeng kui"d chit tiiy kam chit ta6u chew, 6 t'h'e^a eng 6,y s'e^a, to take in the hand a pair of oranges and a measure of wine, in order to go and listen to the sing- ing of the birds. Xw«a pk ^« Read kn-au : to tie anything. Kwae Perverse, wicked, strange ; also, gen- tle, tame, cunning. Kay to keAng, pit kwae, ^ J^ IV^ ^ ^'^2/ '"^ ^y fo 16 kedng chin, pit kwae Ihy, a family without sufficient means of subsistence ia ready for revolt ; see the ^ 4i^ Ek keng. Kwae Kwae Kwae Kwae A kind of fish, the oil of which is poisonous. Kwae p'hefen, ;|=^ ffi' ••> deceive; kwae choo, ^^ .jp la6u a, a cheat, a rogue. Kwa6 choo, te oj kwat a, a walk- ing-stick, an old man's staff. The name of one of the eight dia- grams; to determine. Kwae 1 The name of a herb or rush used to make cords ; a surname. Strange, extraordinary; kfi kwa^, Kwae 'l^^^- 'pi' '^ko8 kwah, unaccountable; cheng kwa^, ^ ^ kah kwae, how strange ! Also written iH£, kwa^. Choo put g6 kwafe lek Iwan stn, -^ ^ f^ '^ "il SI jjillt hoo cho6 b6 kSng heat Idt Iwan, kap sin ay sod, Confucius never conversed about strange, or violent, or turbulent, or spiritual, things ; see tb» . h. fittJ Seang lun.. Kwae Kwah Kwah To e.\ert one's strength in cultivat- ing the ground. To boll; kwae"g b^n, M f^ kwat^a mooi"S, to bolt the door. Kwah kwah, (Q [j^ troublesome discourse ; a clamorous noise. To beat, to strike : kwah chiJy i^ P^, kwah chViHypdy, to give a slap on the mouth. Kwah j6, Jjl^ ^ kwah he k'hdng, to box the ear. Kwah , ^ , 'I Read kat : to cut, to cut off, to slice ; .-¥• II » kat leJ chijung wAy kang h6, ya 'Jr ;^ ^ ^ j^ yX jpj k'hw''a k'hw^a la6u b6 t'hat, kadu swah bdey che"d kang hS, a perpe- tual dripping without stopping, will in time become a large river. V^ To take away, to remove; kwan t6, tH [tF? *° '"''^ ""' of the way ; kwan i6y, ^ ^^ to levy con- tributions. Hoo bo6 soo Siin w5ln Ifm, kwan kae, A> ^ ^^ ^ yt S ^Fi )III^P^!/'>..6sniSunch'hdngh6 ch'hc^S Km, yea cheio kwan koly taSu fhuy, his fa- ther and mother sent Sitn to finish the repairs of the granary, and when he was upon it, lley took the ladder away ; see "^ - Jp- Beng clioo. Kwan tl Kwan Handsome, beautiful, lovely. Toe kwan, jfej^ nfo the name of a Kwan PI P^ kind of cuckoo; uUo of a flower ; UU>| called also chuo kwuy, ^ OT. Toe kwan che I'hofi choo kwuy t'hCy, yj;J^ [j^_ jj^ HH "T* ^S P*^ '"^ kwan Ay ke Vhadti cho6 kwny t'hd, on the topmost branch of the toe kwun, the choo kwuy sits and sings. ^ ^^ Sorrowful, sad ; teung sim kwan Kwan ^r^l •***'='" 'I'
  • ffj jj^ ''"' ^"<» I l>j lang e"S hw&n 16, the middle of the heart filled with distress ; see the |ij^ J^ Tin hong. Kwan Kwan A weariness in the bones. A sickness; also written ^^, kwan. Kwan m KWAN 412 The name of a fish, the eyes of KWAN which always seem to be spaik- i»i ^^ ling. To be old, and without a wife; an old bachelor, a widower. Kwankwn4koet6k,ft5jJ ^ |]lv ^,widowe^rs, widows, orphans, and childless people ; see j^ -j^ Beng choo. ^^yU|Pure, clean; clear, bright; to do Kwan Jt^^i^d ^^^'^y ^'^^> '° 3'°''^- Kwan t6, '^ to remit. Hwfiy-kong kwan U tae tek, ^^ ^ ^ '^ Kwan Kwan-yln-tijing, || '^ -^, the great hero of the Sam kok, ^ 1^, now worshiped by the Chinese, as the representative of fidelity. ^ % _ A gem; a precious stone. When Kwan T CJ ;^.,Silnsucceeded^, Geiou in "^ f-^ the government, (the jf§ ^ ■W, sey 8ng bo6,) the mother of the western king came and presented him with (pek kwin, Q J^ payh kwan,) a white gem. ^X^Vulg. kw"d: to bind, to tie, to run my -J^ i^ Hwuy-kong kwan Ung e Aij twa Uk, Hwuy- kong clearly displayed his great virtue; see the yfc -^ Cho twan. Vulg. ktt>"a: a cap, a bonnet, a hat. Kwan -S+ San kok e kwan pafe be6n Ifiw, ' ban kok At/ s^a kin ttbh pat bUn lew, the caps and clothes of all nations must pay obeisance to the emperor's crown. V »»_ A basin or vessel made of crooked Kwan yRy\r" wood ; a round wooden basin. 9 li^ Choo 16ng sun ke lew che sfeng, jfe e p6ey kwan hoe ? ^ |j^ )||!l jf^ \^ ^ '14 ffn ^^^^ i§ ^ ^ '^ ^'^ ^"" "■' ^' '''" Aysai'^ cli'hbng ■pdey kwan hoe? can you subdue the nature of the w illow wood, and make bowls and basins of it? see ^ -J^ Beng chuo. Kwan on a string. Kwan Vulg. kw'^a: to shut, to close; kwan ■dh., \L'A Kjfjf a narrow pass, a de- file ; kwan hey, VM ^& conse- quences, results ; a surname. Kwan ke je put cheng, |^,| f^ i|j] ^\ ^]E ho^^a ah ke cVhut, j& bo tli6 l&ng soey, institute exami- nations at the passes (respecting all travelers), but do not exact duties from them ; see ^ -^ Beng choo. - .w A hotel, a resting place, a lodging Kt*-» house, an inn; a school. Yea kw4n 18ng hwa hwat, ^- 1^ >^ /^ fl y^^ s^^ ^y ^"'^" ^^" "-'"" ^°"^ ^"'"' '"' hoat, near the inn on the moor the flowers spring up abundantly. K4y kwdn gwan llw, jfi sew geep 6 b6n, j^ ^ M un ^\'^%1f^\^ ^''^"'' ^"'"'^ s"""" b'deyh laou U, je sew geep te moofS, having rented a school-house, we wish to detain you, and re- ceive instruction at your gate; see ^ -V- Beng choo. K'hae kwin, ii |'e klmuy oh, to open school. J&?The same as the preceding. Hak kw&n, ^ ^P, a school. Kwan Kwan yi'^t Sick, wearied ; finished, concloded. jr-Jki-i A pipe, a flute, an instrument of Kwan JrJSy^ music ; a tube of any kind ; a p3 surname. Kw&n yiiak che yim, ^ ^ -^ ^ kwan yidk Ay $e"a yim, the sound of the pipe and lute ; see ^ -p- Beng choo. Kw4n 16, ^ to rule, to regulate ; kw^n hay, It? nF> subject to ; a surname ; Kw^n-teung, «g| Mi, a prime minister of the ^ C'h6y country. Kwan KWAN 413 V I fc , To run away, to escape; choo chok I xE geet put k'ho kwin, H 'ft ^T* pT IP ^^ '* '^^"^ 3^^^ chew bS t'hang cha6u, when a man brings calamity on himself, there is no escaping; see the ^ H^ ffl Se t'ha^ kap. JL ^J^An implement of husbandry. The Kwdn \Jin^» name for a plough, or plough- ^^r* share in the region to the south of «l>e jlX, kang. Kwan An iron spike in a wheel. Vulg. kumi^d: to roll up, as a scroll ; Kwan ■ Vy^ to take in, to fold up. I^J Kw4n che, chek t'ho^y chong fi »>*'» ^ t, PJJ ^ 1^ ^'^ ^' ^'^"^"^ ' '*** ^'A^y Whl^S te bat bat, when you roll it up, then it retires and shuts itself up in secrecy ; see W -*• T6ng choo. ^ 1%-^ To roll up ; kwin le6m heaou b&ag Kw4n i9g^ gwd.,^ He 1 m n *-^^ >l IL mooi"? /^ cA'Ae^a fcrng^ go^yA, to roll up the door screen, and invite the clear moon (to shine into the house). ^^jrJi^ Kw4n hefin, ^ ^, the strings of Kwan Z^TT- t ^n instrument of music; also, a TO mat. Kwan m To wash the hands. Kwan -TO- Vulg. kumiss : a string of anything ; chcfin kw4n, |^ ^ chei^ kwui'^S, a string of cash ; choo kwin, ^ j?|^ a string of beads. To string any- thing, to run anything on a string; kw2ln t'hong, ^m, to pass through the whole. 4 £ Kwan KWAN Chefin pek ban kw^n, ^ "^ W, W cA«^"S' pai/h ban kwui^S, a hundred myriad strings of cash. Ge kw?tn je chin, i^. ^P] jffl 5§ A^ ktcuV^ kolyji chin, the fish bores through the water and gets forward. yn^ To be accustomed to; kwin sip, m ^ hiedn st, used to any- thing. Kwan Kwan J"^X/"To bore through ; to put bracelets ' ^3 °^ the arms. To be accustomed to, to be familiar with. The hair twisted up into two knots, Kwan 14 rf one on each side of the head, like a pair of horns, commonly done with the hair of young children. Chong kak kwin hfiy, ^'^ ^^ ^, ''•'e a pair of horns is the hair twisted up; seethe ^ j^ Chfiy hong. Kwan Kwan Kwan Kwan The name o( a' gem, or a precious stone. 1^ A vessel used for drawing water ; kw^n. k'hoe, ^ P kto^H ch'AHy, a kind of pickaxe. Vulg. kiB''d: a convent; To kwiln, ^ ^, '^^ kw^d, a monastery be- longing to the sect of ^^ To. Vulg. Atc^d .• the name of a water bird ; a species of heron. 1! \A^ To pour out ; kwin ch6w, ^ '^ Kw^n yS Z> kw^d chiu), to pour out a liba- ' ' ' * tion to the gods ; also, to irrigate, to spread water over the land. KWAN 414 KWAN Choo kh kw^n j6 ong cheS,, goC put yi-'ik kw^n y ^M. choo e kw'^d ley je kd^y k'hh, gwd i/'" a& k'hw"d e, from the time of pouring out the libation, I had no desire to look at (their sacrifice); see the E suy kw;\n ka6 tefin wan, p^ ;^^ /^ /^ [iQ H <'A6 chijy kwdn kae ch'hiii Iiwui"'^, to irrigate the gardens and fields with water. Kwan Kwan Kwan Kwan Kw^n Tay kwin, '^ T^^ a teapot. Vulg. kwut"S: the ring which is put through the nose of an ox or buf- faloe. To regard with favor, to behold ; to be near, intimate. H6ng t'heen kwin bSng, ^ ^ ^ ^ hSng t'hee^9 k'hw^d beng, may the imperial heavens look down on this decree ; see the ^ ^. E bofe. Ch'hin kw^n, i^ sIk, near relatives; to be in- timately allied to. The leaf of a book ; also written S, kwan, the same as -^^kwao, a volume. To be strenuous on one point ; to have moderate talents, and yet to be exceedingly particular in at- tending to one's duty. Pit yiji k6ng kwJln hoe, tjLf "til ^ f| ^l^ ?"' teoh kSng kap kwdn hoe, (in the absence af honest people,) we must put up with ambitious persons, and those who have only a mediocrity of talent; see the ■ V^_ K'hfey kwiln, ^ ^, an account, /\T^^^ a reckoning. . To look askance, to look at with Kwan ^F-1 ^" ""^"^^ ^^^' ^"'^" ^"^" ** "r>| ch'ham, 0fj @| ^ ^ sed bdk k'hw^'d je chd poo ch'h&m leng, they will look askance, and universally complain ; see ^^ -+' Beng choo. Kwan Kwan Kwan To look around upon ; to look to- wards with longing anxiety. Sckw^n,^ ^,a section of abook; a volume. K'haekw^n peen y6w ^•'.llli ^ fi! ^ ^-k'hwuy kicAnp'een rvoo le yeah, in opening the volume there is profit ; see the Pp ^P Soo kh. yl> Vulg. kwui"9: a cord; the string of Kwan ~A! |>J noose of a string, and when the birds come down to eat them, the string is pulled, and they are caught. Kwan The same as ^n kwEkn ; also, light ; the swift running of a dog. Kwan if The same as Vfe, kwin, to pour out a libation. KwEln chijang d keng,:^ j|^ ^ "oT lai k'hi kwdn chkw le ki"a s'e^d, let us go and pour out libations at the capital ; see the ^ ^ Tae gn^y. Kwan To wash the hands in a wash basin. Also read kwdn. To put a cap on the head ; a cere- Kwan ^rZL-l^ mony performed in China, when ^ \^ij a young man eomes of age at l6. Teang hoo che kw^n ye4 hoo beng che, ^ •^ ;^ ^ -Hi 5?: ^ Read heen : a district, a small \y 2^ county or township ; a city of the '4*'-|^ third order. Vulg. ycd: weary, tired, fatigued. Ilwdy jtn put kwan, |§ y^ ^ ^ kd Idng bey ycd, I teach people without being tired ; see the|p ^ Lun g6. Fagged out, heartily tired. To labor; to be wearied through labor, fatigue. "^y" Ktoang hrang, ^ ^, only. ^^T^ Hasty, fleet ; a man's name. To reckon, to sum up an account ; Kwat -■^"l ^ also, to arrive at. Hat kd yew kwat? ^ ^ % '^ « '«*| M Lflng kwat so6 ha6, ^ ^ f^ >Mpoi tey d lae,pa6u kwat s& hai, to inclose all within the four seas in a bag. Kwat Kwat B5 To look angrily ; the eyes dark. To run, to go quickly. KWAT Kwat Kwat 5^ The appearance of motion, as if hooked and pulled different ways. The same as ^^ kwat, to decide ; kwattwan, ^ ^, to deter- mine, t£> sentence. The appearance of water flowing ; Kwat y£tim *° decide, to fix, to cut short. \§y^^ Kwat choo tong hong, chek tong 16w, ^^M^ ^^^^ ^"^ ^^"^ '""^ Ae"S', chew tang la8u, if you lead water eastward, it will flow to the east ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Kwat h, ^h. W,, fixed determinati( 416 KWAT the great E asked concerning the method of insur- ing constant life ; see the : &i Gwuy se. :ion. Kwat Kwat Kwat Kwat Kwat Kwat Kwat Gems worn upon a dress of cere- mony. A cross line in a bow ; to pull a bow- string, to let go the string. An ivory thimble, used to protect the thumb when pulling a bow. ^ > The name of a singing bird of the Kwat -5r'E tropics ; also written t^, kwat. ^ iU^ Kim yea lAm ban kwat sect che J'"> -^ ill ^ 1 ^ "^ ^ A '"«"«'" ''''' ley l&m bAn chedou cheeh d.y Idng, now here comes a fellow from among the southern barbarians, with his bird's tongue, (and you believe him) ; see ]^ JE Beng choo. %^ /^^ Parting words, a farewell ; to distin- Kwat ^wJl^ guish, to divide, to exterminate; tr.r ^ conjuring arts. Seng soo 6ng kwat, ^ ^ ^'C ^ s««"^ s^ ^»g kicatp'eet, life and death make an eternal separation. Tae E biin teang seng che kwat, 'j^ 0j ^ ^ ^ •4' §t twa E t'he^a tt^ ko6 leah Ay htoat toe, A good horse. , To rub, to scrape. •The color of an eclipse. •To go fast, to walk quickly. Kwat Kwat b6ng hwa, ^^ 0^ ^, the name of a flower. Kae hay kwat b6ng ga.n sek seen, P^ T >^ 3/1 M S fF ^''" ^"^ "^ ^^ *""" b6ng gin sek yea che6^S, the appearance of the kwat bdng flower under the steps, is still fresh and gay- ^ >^ The name of a bird ; called also pek Kwat FI K^ 18 neiou, "ji^ ^ j^/pit 13 chedou. ^^U^}J Teung hay che gwat kwat se I'eng f>]' S Z ;^ 11 itb P.! '^""^ *«^ Ay g'deyh kwat chedou k'h6 t'haou haSu, in the middle month of summer, the kwat bird begins to sing ; see the ^ ^ '^ L6y gwat leng. 1^ ■— » Artful, deceitful ; kwuy kwat, |^ Kwat I^ y^ r ^ false, intriguing. •■^ i'nf Chin-bAn-kong kwat jfi put ch^ng Chey-hwan-kong ch^ng j6 put kwat, -^ ^ ^ Chin-bUn-kong kwky kwatjt bey cheng keng, Chhj- hwdn-kong ching kengjS bey kwdy kwat, ChJn-bun- kong was artful and not honest, Ch6y-hwan-kong was honest and not artful ; see the |^ |S Lun ge. KWUI NG 417 KWUN *^yl* A post stuck in the ground ; a door- post. Also written iSt, kwat. Kwui"^ A hook turned up at the end, a barb- ed weapon ; one of the radicals. Read kwun : a small pair of draw- ers ; a kind of petticoat. Read kong: light, clear, bright, shining, resplendent. Cheak h°6 che kong put 16ng win cheaou, '):^ *|C ^ 7^ >f> R^ at ^ chit cheak hbky Ay kwui"S hey hwui'^S cheb bing, the light of a small fire will not reflect far ; see the ?S Chin ge. .^ Read kw4n: to roll anything up; kwAn ch'hok, ^ j^ AtTttW cA'AaA a, a round chisel, a gouge. Read kwAn : a tube, or pipe ; b6 Ktvue"^ >§» kwiu, ^^ bl kwul^S, a hollow bamboo, used for mea- Ku:ui''g K,cufg suring rice. Kwm » Read kw^n : a book, a volume, a roll ; s6w kwAn, ^ y^ cKhito ktcui^S, a manuscript, an auto- graph, written by one's own hand. K'ho kwlln, 7^ j^ Vh6 kwui^i, an exercise writ- ten out by the candidates at public examinations. Read kwin : a small bag, contain- ing incense ashes from the altar of an idol, which is hung round the neck of a child, in order to insure iu good luck. Kwan kwin, i"? ^ ku^d kwui"S, to wear such a bag around the neck. 5 F , Kwul''^ « Read kwan : to perforate, to con- nect; kw^nje,'M' Bi kwui'*S he a, to bore the ears, in order to insert ear-rings; kwlln pit, W^ _S. kwul'^B- p'AeS"^, to bore a hole through the nose of a pig or buffaloe. aV^ Read kw;\n : to insert a string Kwul^^ — ^ ^^ through the nose of a buffaloe. ^#^V* Kw^n pit, ^ ^ ktcui"S p'heiPS, to bore a hole through the nose. B - Read kw^n : a string of anything, Kwui"^^ ^^9 *° '^"" anything on a string. ^1 Chefin kwdn, ||; ^ chei^ kwui"S, a string of cash. ^ — B— » '^ prince, a sovereign, an honorable Kwiin 'JL^ person ; kwun choo, ^ ^, a ^W^ good man; kwun 8ng, ^ ^, a king. Tae chae Geliou che wAy kwun yei -^ ^ ^ ^ 0' 3- ^ttcd chae GeAoudychdjin kwun! how great was GeAou as a prince ! ^ . . Viil;^. ktcu{"S: a pair of drawers, a Kwun >2^m '''"'' °^ petticoat. I — ^ KwAn sat che ch'he kwun teung, Wdn-chek 6 wiiy kit tellou ye&, ^^ ^ ^ m &y sat boi ttca ti hcui"g tang e"S, Wui'^O-chik It&k chd se h6 tedou, when a brood of lice took up their residenci in his breeches, Wui"e-chck used to think it was a good omen. 1 t Numerous, many ; an army or legion Kwun I | -| of 12,500 men ; an emperor had 6 " I ■ legions, and a powerful state three. Choo hfing sam kwun, chek sAy 6 ? 3- ^ ^ M pij "M J^ '""' '^^"'^ ^^ "" *^'*'* *"" *""'"' chek yin chi chuy a? if you, sir, had to lead on the three legions of the army, to whom would you in- =S Lun gfe. trust them ? see the |g KWUN 418 ClieElngkwun, j|^ ^,ageneralj ch'heung kwun ■fij- ^, to be transported. Kwi'm The appearance of a wide sheet of water ; bubbling, foaming up. Kwun suy, y^ ■j/k kwun chuy, boiling water. Kwi'm Kwun ^ The robes of an emperor, ornament- ed with five embroidered dragons. To turn around, to revolve; Hfing- tfey kwan kwun h8ng jd chok ke, ^ Wu'i^S.thy Ich'to^d kwiti^S hong ch'haduji chd ch'hda, Wui"S-tfey saw the reeds rolling along, and thought of making wheeled carriages. (B. C. 2622.) ^ % _ To speak indistinctly ; to sport and Kwun ^ipk^ jest with people. He6n kwun, VC^V^ ^ ■=^ ga6u kwun, to play tricks. The rushing of carriages. 4-^ Kwun ffl'ci ' T/ ' £/ t\ A cord or string. Also read k'hwAn : Kwun X+iTr ii^J'fc an ornamented girdle. Kwun 9 To plough and cultivate the ground. Kwun P:3 To vomit, to belch forth words. MA great fish ; a man's name, the fa- ther of j^j E, who being unsuc- ' cessful in regulating the waters, after the great flood, was put to death by ^^ Siln. T^y watoe Kwun chae! *f^ '^ 'J^ ^^\ ^j^ til/ k6ng Mij'ed cUy ley Kicim ! the emperor said, "alas! that Kwun !" see the ^ ^ Geaou te6n. Kwun ^ KWUN Bending and fawning ; an emperor's robes. Also written Y^, kwun. ^— k A staff, a stick ; bok kwiln, ^ IS *■ * cKha kwiln, a wooden club ; kong t*i Kwun kwiln, -T?^ i|S^ a bare stick, a .pettifogging lawyer, a roguish fellow, a swindler. To soothe people by one's conver- sation. Kwun Cpf ItI a jet black color. y » A flock, a herd, a troop, a multitude ; Kwun TfTT||L also written ^^ kwfln. Kwftn P yang, fflp ^ chit ttn yeS^S' a flock of sheep. Go6 Id kwiln sek ke, ^ ^^ % ^ 9«>d U kwHn itn ka te k'h'ed, I have left the multitude, and dwell alone; see the IJjg S^ L6y kh. ,- „ ^> *? * Kwun ke, ^ S to dwell in com- Kwun ^ TT ^ '«' "' — pany. The same as the above. y\F:» A petticoat ; le kwftn, -^ ig cha hot kwun, a woman's petticoat. The same as the above ; also writ- ten ills') kwun. Kwun Kwun A district, an inhabited place, a place Kwun ^y^ |\ where many people assemble to- gether. The state of ^s Chin, engrossed possession of the whole empire, and divided the land into 36 ^|5, kwiin, which division was still maintained under the 5||, H^n dynasty. KWUT 419 KWUY Kwun MnrI The appearance of vomiting. Kw\it > -- < A bone ; cheat kwut, ijt ♦a* clieeh • I— ^' kwut, to break a bone. ChSgg ^ "* sin chei t'heen che hwun, kwut hadcheiteychehwun,^ 1$ ^ ^ ^-^ '^ W.^ ft :^ S' cA^g' stn Ay si t'hse^ &y hwun, kwut t'hadu &y se ley Ay hwun,. the animal spirits are the gift of heaven, the bones and Joints are from the earth. Kwut Kwut X Kwut % VJt Ko6 kwut, j^ j^M ka6u kwut, the iK*^p| name of a wood, used in making f '-4 tlie shafts of arrows. The stalk of gram. ^ w— I Confused, disordered ; smooth, slip- f rj pery path. Kam kwiit, -^ j^^, sweet and greasy. A surname. Kwiit k'iiey, ?-§' |§^, fawning and flattering. Kwut tf The mind confused. Kwiit Confused, to disorder; kaou kwilt, ii^ J^, cu""'"g> artfulj corrupt. Ban e kwiit hay, ^f^^^ bAn I kwiit Iwdn choo hay, the barbarians disturb Kwut n ut be the rest of China; see the S^ ^ Siln teen. TCJiI^ Kwiit sek, {'^ y^, the name of a MJ medicine. Kwut A kind of dove. Kwiit »a Confused, disordered ; also, anni- hilated. Kwiit Kwiit k'he, |||^ j^^ to rouse up one's intellect ; to rise alone, as a man of eminent talents. B6ng t'ha6 cho6 kwiit k'h6 6 Kim-16ng, seak pgng kwftn k'ho^ BQ :fe la ^ M ;{f^ ^ li ^11 2E. g ^ Bing t'hai choi, kwiit k'h^ te Kim-ling, seakpai^S cAe"d ttn dy di'hat, the first emperor of the B^ng dynasty rose up into notice at Kim-16ng, where he scraped smooth all the robbers ; (i. e. exterminated the rebels.) . ^^ Obstinate and hardened in vice ; kwiit Kwut '4 Kh keang, {^ ^^^ perverse. ■ *^ Teaou-teng, -^ ^ Teo-t^d would not listen to terms of adjustment, when 1^, Ko^ysaid, (ch'hoo 16 kwilt keAngyfiw sek, j}|^ ;^ ^ 5jfe i^ -It chey Uy laou kwiit keAng ch'hin ch'eo^S chd,) " this perverse old fellow is as unbend- ing as ever." I v-^ To dig, to delve ; kwiif cheng, j^ Kwilt JtfS^ ^ kwilt chains, to dig a well. >|/i*| Y6w wOy chiii p'h«S jiJak kwiit ch6ng, 5g ^ % § ^ ^ # -o« cAd Ay ling p'hhj^ kwut chal^S, those who will engage in any great undertaking, are like those who dig a well ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Kwilt Highminded, ambitious. A rule, a compass; kwuy ke, 49 y^ the compass and rule ; a rule ^X ^ lo walk by, according to rule, sui- table, proper, orderly, a usage, a custom. Kwuy k6 hong win che ch^ yed, ^i^^")] ^ KWUY 420 KWUY compass and rule bring squares and circles to the utmost perfection ; see ^[ -+• Beng choo. i 1l|a To peep at, to look at by stealth. Kwuy ^XllE| Kwuy kefen sit kay che h"6, K /y^ ^^ % "Z. ^ ''*«"" VAw"d Mhoh lae &y M holy, people can peep at all the good things in one's dwelling ; see the g|^ ^ Lun g6. ^j ipl To look out at a door ; to have an Kwuy |3lEll eye to, to spy, to observe. |/J/Ct| Chin put kim kwuy peng h6 loey, ^ -T* ik 1^ 1^ M P"? CA«w u'« A:«a <'Atf peng t'haou k'hto"'d, Idn M lae, the Chin government will not dare with their troops to have an eye to the district within the river. ^J'Wca Choo kwuy, -5- w, the name of a Kwuy bird. Kwuy Nearly alike ; almost. Kwuy >^ Great, gigantic, large of stature. /4 hW Kwuy wuy tek lip, f^ ^ ^ r ^^ ^ twa hdn Ay l&ng ka te k'h'ed, men of great stature can stand alone ; see the ^ W Soo kfe. The name of a bead, or a pearl. Kwuy A precious stone of an oblong form, Kwuy ^f^ ^^^^ ^y *^'^'' officers, when they wait upon their sovereign ; geiik kwuy, ^ ^, the badge of office. Chip kwuy keuk kijung j^ ye^, ^^ ^ ||) J|^ •hn Ajj gim geiik kwuy dy se e ch'hin cheo^S keuk sin dy yeo'^S, when (Confucius) held before him the badge of office, he appeared as it were to bend his body ; see the =^ |E Lun g6. Kwuy Kwuy Kwuy The same as the above. ;^ The door of an inner apartment; the pearly door ; generally taken to intimate the female apartments of a dwelling. The name of a constellation. S6ng t'ha6 cho6 gno6 le^n, gno6 seng die kwuy, ^^^"^^ ^ 5. § 1^ ^ ^'^^3 ^'^""^ ''^"^ ^"^ nei"S^, goe I'eep ch'hai^S clib lidiy te kwuy, in the 5th year of the first emperor of the S5ng dynasty, five stars collected together in the region of the kwuy constel- lation ; see the U^ ^R Soo kfe. Kwuy Kwuy Kwuy *J5 The name of a district. A sruname. Choo kwuy, jC. *ffi^ the name of a bird. Kwuy e, nl? ^J^^ a cant term in use among the priests of Buddha. Kwuy Vulg. ^oo; a tortoise; also written , kwuy. Hefen hoe se kwuy, ^ -^ ^ ^ kei^S te se koo, destinies may he discovered by the reeds and the tortoise-shell. Kwuy The name of a river. To return, to revert, to go back ; Kwuy ^^^f^ kwuy sun, |^ j|^^ to return to obedience. Choo chae Tin wat, kwuye! kwuy ^ ■' ^ /pE |5| ^ |^ If ]^ e^otf two. te Tin king, tooi'^SM! teoi^S la& ! when Confucius was in the Tin country he KWUY 421 KWUY said, " let us return ! let us return !" see the ^ =^ Lun ge. Kwuy Kwuy A ghost, a spirit, a demon, an imp; mfl kwuy, T^ BH ^ the devil. Hwiiy k6 kwuy j6 chfey che, t'he6m yei, ^^ ^tt ^ ffn ^ ;^ fg ^ «"• se /an dy Ajc6y je. cliiy che, si step sty y'id, to sacrifice to a departed spirit, with whom we have no business, is flattery ; see the "i'S =^ Lun ge. Kwuy sin, |^ 'jPSi^ demons and spirits; k'hin kwuy, ^ J^ k'hw^d kwdy, to see a ghost, consi- dered an unlucky omen. Traitorous, villainous, roguish. K'ho^ chek kan kwuy, t^ m^ ^ Ai '^^^ ch'hdt kan kwuy, thieves are roguish and traitorous fellows ; see the ^ jftL Sitn te6n. x Kwiiy Yjp^" Kwiiy Kwuy rf-^ Kwuy 1^ epeated ; also, wicked, corrupt. Also read kwuy. Few, young, inferior, the last; a surname ; sod kwity, OQ ^ si kieuy, the four seasons. The mind moved and affected. The name of a particular sort of bamboo. Kwuy The Laurus cassia; a surname ; kwiiy hwa, i^ M^, the Olea fragrans. Gwat teung tan kwily tfey yit che, H ^ n ^4 ^ — k Soi!/h tang e^O i;, tun kwuy Ity chit ke, the red cassia is the finest flow- er in the moon ; see the 'Jj* =4 Ko6 se. 5 G Kwuy Kwiiy y^bC^'The last of the ten horary characters. ^ Dear, not cheap. Noble, honorable, dear, valuable; Kwuy I I but kwily, tM^ ^ meSH kwity, ..i^^^ dear things. Kwity yew t'heen hay, j6 put cheuk 6 kae yew, f: ^ ^ T rfii ^> ^ J^ ^ ^ ^"^y ""-^ Ohee^9 hay,ji b6 kadit t kdy hwdn 16, in point of rank, he was in possession of the empire, and yet he found all that insufficient to dissipate his sorrow ; see !£ -+• Beng choo. % >— The name of a vegetable ; the sun- Kwuy yyi^ flower; the genus Helianthus. ^^ Wily yew kwAy hwa being jit k'heng, It ^ ^ ^tl [Pj El 1^ "i-^- '"* f^'^^.V hwa "d jit k'heng, the sunflower is the only flower that turns towards the sun. Kwuy A rule, a measure. Seang bo6 to kwf.yyca,J: ^T: i| |^ -jfe si. twd h6 to It hwat tve, those in the higher circles have neither reason nor principle ; ste "^ ^ Beng choo. A horse walking stately along. A road with nine branches ; also written 1j^, kwOy, a man's name. Tiie cheek bones. Kwiiy KWUY 422 A man's name, one of the servants of Sdn. A surname. A-|^ A basket of earth ; a basket for car- Kwuy ^p— I rying earth. W^^2 1'° present food to any one; food, xV.\Vliy |-i"^| victuals. L6 jeak kwuy soo, ^^ t\^>\ as 'fa '^ laou dy sedou lein KWUY dy sdng cheah, the old and weak men were engaged in bringing food (to the laborers) ; see 3" It. Beng choo. Kwuy I Q A casket, a chest for containing anything ; to want, to be destitute. Sek sit kim kwuy> /fi" ^^ ■^ g ch'eoh cVhod kim ap a, the stone house and golden casket. The name of a book. Kwuy A chest, a trunk ; tok kwuy, i^ IQ toh kwiiy, a counter, a table with drawers. Lap chek 6 kim kwuy che teung,|^ M "f ^ M Z ^1' lap cWhdyh te kim kwuy dy tang e"S, to keep the records in a golden casket. Kwuy Kwuy A basket of earth ;-the same as -M" kwuy. To look on both sides. To kneel down, to make obeisance. Kwuy If-f^ Sew lip put kwuy, ^ jfe [^ |P& woo mee^h sew hoe Ian, ieoh k'hed u^ t'kang kwuy, when anything is given, stand up to receive it, and do not kneel ; see the Ml. |S K'heuk ley. La ¥■ La La La Read leep : to draw, to pull ; le^p keung, rfc ^ '" ktung, to draw a bow. Seang-kong soo P'hfing- seng leep sat Lo6-hwa,n-kong, 3^ /^ ^ ^ ^ ti ^ @ ^ ^ Seang-kong sae P'Mng- seng la t'hae Loe-kie&n-kong, Seang-kong sent P'hfing-seng to put Lo6-hwan-kong to death ; see the feb fiP Soo k^. f~ KaSu Id, ibpj 1^, a child's cap. ■^^^ Lisi", ^ ^^ cotton wadding for clothes. Read le&ng: the throat; lc(iDgho6, PM P^ '<2 ,J> Read le^ou : the fat of the inwards ; #1=1^ te leSou yfiw, ^ ^ ^ j^ plum. Kb tin 16 la6, t^ J^ ?^ .AX^ ^ koi^/ cU feUng It lat, of fruits, the most precious are the plum and the la6. Lae Lae La6 sa6, l|^ ij^, ragged clothes. Lae M To come, to induce to come; ong lae, 1^ ^, to come and go. Y6w pSng choo win hong la6, put eklokho'e? ^ BB S M ^ * ^ ^^' ^ 3L wob peng choo hwuiPS pang la&, i"* yed tek hat hoi? to have a friend who comes from a distance, is it not delightful? see the || |S Lun g6. % To come ; the same as the above ; Lae /^Al^ also written ^J^, lag. r^4^ T'hijen mi lag chijAng sey kek, A:e/l, when the celestial horse (the dragon,) comes, it is always from the utmost west ; (this is an expres- sion used by the pretended judges of the sites of dweUings and graves, who consider that the dragon, the emblem of fortune, lies always towards the west.) Lae Lae Lae Lae The name of a hill. . L6 lae, p^ H^, the sounds used in humming a tune ; also read la6. Lae Lae Lae Tegn lae, g ^, the ground out- side of a cultivated field. A horse seven feet high ; lag pin sam ch'heen, |^ ^^ ^ i^ ^'^'y bo& s^a ch'heng, three thousand LAE The name of a kind of grass, or weed; thistles. Pit ch'ho la6,}im t'ho6 tey,ch'ho6 Che, ^^M^±it~-k±. ^'''"'"^Z pit chViaSu lae, jim choh t'hoi thj, thy je e, to clear away the grass and weeds, and to cultivate the earth, is the next in the degree of merit ; see j^ -^ Beng choo. A shed, a dwelling; teing la^, -^ J^ the name of a terrace. The name of a city; S6 la6, {)S ^iP, a city in the fjj, Teng country. A pear ; la6 sfeng 16ng le, to sit sun Jin. ^ -i^fe '4 ^'J ^ ^ is A la& &y saV^S ling kicd lae chey cheah e hae Idng, the nature of the pear is cold and acid ; to eat much of this fruit is injurious. The same as the above. Lae To induce to come ; win jin put Lae ^{^^ ''°'*' '^^^'^ ^®^^ ^^" '^^ ^ '^^ '^^' 1*1 zk "7 hwui^S ay Idng u"* hok Ian, chek sew bun tek i hoe e lai, when people from a distance will not submit to us, we should by literature and virtue induce them to come. Lae large mares; see the ^7 j|[ Woey hong. Lae To encourage any to come ; 16 che f5J5 lae che, ^ ;^ |5l$ ;J: Z^ . Ay tedh bw& keb e lui, praise their exertions, and encourage them to come ; see ^ ^ Beng clioo. The pupil of the eye not even ; wry XlA looks; p'han lae, Bft" Mf. to squint, to ogle. lAh 425 LAM Lae 3^^ ^ To present, to confer, to bestow, to give to ah inferior. Chew yew tae lae, seen jln se hoo, twalae,h6 l&ng clie^d, pod, when the king of the Chew dynasty gave his large gifts, the good people were enriched ; see the gfi =^ Lun ge. Lae 1^ Read loey : within, inner, on the inside. Hap goey loey che to yei, ^ ^K pq ^ ^ ^ hap gtca lae Ay to U, thus joining the inward and outward principles; see the pfl ^ Teung yung. Lae M Read le : sharp, gainful ; to lA, 7/ ^ij to lai, a sharp knife ; le che^n, ^Ij ^ lae chei^, the interest of money. Le to put twan king teung jtn, ^| 7J ^ ^ ^ ^ /^ lae to bey chant tooV*S Ae^u teung &y long, the sharpest knife will never cut asunder the (reflection of a) man in the mirror. ■k Lah L&h k'hak, ^ Jj^^ a small kind of mortar ; to jump, to leap. Ltih Read lap : wax, the wax of bees; lap cheuk, i^ j^ Ihh chek, a wax candle. Bit hong ch'ha6 hwa chok h8ng Idp, ^ 4^ i3c ^ 1^ Jt^" i^ **' p'Aan^ k'heoh hwa chd wuf^ lah, the honey bee seeks the flowers, in order to make yellow wax. L&h Read lip: the appearance of fire ; lipjeiik,^^ [^ / A | southern sea. Yung yei, k'hb ' ' ▼ soo latm been, ^ -^ TSJ" f|C ]^ ffi F«n^ yea, Vliang sat chey l&tn bin, Yung can be set to face the south ; (i. e. can be put in of- fice, as all magistrates sit in their courts with their faces towards the south ;) see the ^w l^ LCm g6. Lam • ^^^ To take up in the hand. Lam Lam To take hold of. To take hold of, and keep fast. Lam Lam Lam Ne lam, pj2 P^, the chirping noise made by swallows. The name of a wood; 14m heang bok, ^Hf ^ ;;^ t^n^ Aeo''£' cA'Ad, a fragrant kind of wood. Lara lam, =|^ |^^ the appearance of much talking, loquacity. Lam Lam Lam Jl^^Weak, wiliiout strength; inferior, J^lh bad, cowardly. |A L^m It-en, ^ g Idin cKMn, -^"z^^ moist ground, a marshy, sloppy place. A male person ; lam jin, ^ y^ tu po Idng, a man ; 14m 16, ^ -jr tapo hap cha hoe, men and women; also written f^, lam. ' CheEing seang pun bo8 cheung, lam j6 tong choo ke4ng,,t^;^^^i^ £ '!• ^ H^ chUng kwun chat sedng pun tey ho cUng, ta po ke^d icbh ka te choo k'e&ng hkng, generals and prime ministers have originally no hereditary suc- cession, (their offices are not hereditary,) but every young man must depend on his own exertions. JQlQL .p^ Blue ; a plant, Polygonum Chinense ; oe lam, ^ fi, lani sin, ^ "^ purple ; kay im^ the name of an idol ; the name of a plant, used for dyeing an azure color. VvT r LItm luy, ^ ^, torn and ragged Lam /V*^^^ clothes; tattered garments. Pit I j Kfc loe lam liiy 6 k'hey keang, ^ # ^ II n 1 II p'"' '-" ^'''''^«''^'» ^^y s"a e k'hhj k'hwuy keang kae, with only a bam- boo carriage, and tattered garments, he opened out the borders of his territory ; see the ^ ^ Cho twan. Lam Lam f^ L4m skm,' rupt, vicious. disorderly, cor- ■^/i Lara kafe, ]j§ J^, l&m kwd, any- JUL thing incorrect, cut of order. LAM 427 LAN Lam f-f A^ Vulg. n& : a basket ; a surname. Lam L^ra Lam A hilly appearance ; a mountain breeze. ' The name of a country ; also writ- ten /^, lam. To drink off; to covet. ^ «i^ The name ofa fruit, like an almond, Lara ytvl It ''"' *°"'' ' so""^ say, that it is like I I ^ a plum ; the leaves are like those of the mulberry. IE ~^^ ^rC'^ Inundated, overflowing; hwin lam Lam y&^ e teung kok, \Jl yS />^ rjl f J I ' ■ ^ htcdn lam te tcung kok, over- flowing the middle country ; see^ IJ- Bengchoo. Lam A railing ; lam kejEJ[^ /nn ch^kca, —gff a prison cart, or cage, for the con- veyance of prisoners from one place to another. Cheet lam seng tit sin, ^/j" /^ jj^ E E cheih Mn kan seng pedou te&ou tit Ay jin sin, the broken railing will remain as a signal for faithful ministers ; (this was said by a prince who sentenced one of his ministers to death, for faithfully reprov- ing him, and afterwards, when his minister broke the railing rather than be taken away, ordered him to be reprieved, and the broken railing to be left as an encouragement to others;) seethe gp ■=? Soo k^. Lam The bulwarks ofa ship of war, in- tended as a defense against stones and arrows. Lam Lam Lam Lam Lam Lan Lan i^ The sound of carriages, the rum- bling of carriage wheels. The bubbling up ofa fountain. A tow-rope for pulling a boat along. 3Sr Btt covetous of A corn, or induration of the skin on the hands or feet. L^n to, Hfi ']^ p^hitn tu^d, lazy, idle; also written j^, Ifin. A face covered with shame, and red Lan IllvlrY with blushes. Kwan kfi sek l&n 14nje6n,^ S G ^ Ig. ^ k'/uo"d e Ay sek Ang Ang Ay ycb^S, look how his countenance is suffused with blushes ; see ^ -+• Beng choo. Lan Mn 5 Lan To respect, to reverence, to fear. * Read choo : we, us; choo t6ng jln, ^^ Chinese. tp| To screen, to interpose between; bfln 14n, f^ ^ mooi^i lAn, a screen before a door. LAN 428 LANG lAn Chin k'hfe Le^ng ch'heen % 16,y6w ht san 6 Ian che, Chin kok k'h& L'edng kok ch'eP'Q, ch'heng gwa le, woo kang h6 su^a n'e'^d i jea Idn e, Chin is distant from the Leang country upwards of a thousand fur- longs, and rivers and mountains divide them from one another ; see the EhI; I^ w Chefen kok ch'hek. *fAt i-ij /|V L§,n hwa, ^ jft" the name of a flower ; the general name for the class Gynandria. Morrison. When there is only one flower on each stalk, and the fragance is abundant, it is called ^M, 13,n ; but when there are many flowers on one stalk, and the fragrance is diminished, the flower is called ^, hwQy. *^^L^n chap, i^ ^ nw^'t chah, to Lan Jpj^l '''"*^*'"' '° ^^°P ' '^^^^ '^"' M M >| |'<|>J jea wtt7"4, to obstruct ; lan che. Lan Lan Waves, a flowing expanse of water. P'heen lan, mixed colors. Vulg. oh: difficult; kan lin, |^ Lan |jJ>ff* m, troubled, distressed. Chek ia,n 6 kwun, wuy che keung, ^ ^ M ^ II ;^ ^ '"^ ^^ "^ '"^ ^"PJ^'^ kwun, k6ng k'ed keung, to reprove one's prince in difficult matters is a token of respect ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. LAn kan, JM J?p, a railing, a balus- Lan ^l^^l trade, a balcony ; gn6w Ikn, it ^i god Idn, a fold for cattle. Lan Few, scarce. Read 16ng: superabundant, super- Ldn '^^ fluous; l^ng ch'hily, ^ J^Mn !■# sdn, odd, miscellaneous ; over and above. /9^L Read lin : scales ; g6 lln, ^^ ^ Lan Pa^»|l- *^ '<*"» ^^^ scales of a fish. '**' ' Hwan Itn cheS, seng e sfe g6, H ^ ^ ^ >!i^ )3^ ^, /iif an woo Idn dy mee^h sai^S twa te ch'eUng h6, all scales are produced on what are generally considered fish (fishes have scales). Lan Vulg. 7iw^d: rotten, boiled to rags, decayed, and decomposed ; ch'han lan, M^ im^ bright, clear, reful- gent. Beng seng y6w lan, H^ ^ '^ ')^ *«" Zan^r, the noise of calling to one another. The sound of a drum beating the retreat. LANG 429 LAOU K'hong long, ^[^ ^^ k'hai^S long, a Latlff H.^^ level place in a valley, fitted for cultivation; also written -SCjlong. ^ it'vt* ^^^^ '^"o • * basket ; seang long, Lans" Z&.A ^ ^ ^^""^ ^ a basket or 1^ £i trunk; nedou long, & ^§ chedou Idng, a bird's cage ; leng long, 1^ ^ teng Idng, a lantern. Lang Lang /\^ Headlong: clear; bfing long, PH BH ft^njT Idng, distinct and clear. Read jln : a man ; h"b jln, jjfi- K h6 l&ng, a good man. Jinj6putjln,j6 16yh8?yV ^ ^ fz ^P ij^ f") ^<^"^ "^ v^jin tek, e hwat Uy s^a mee"h tae wA? if people have no benevolence, what can they do towards fulfilling propriety ? see the Lang Lang To beat, to strike. To rub, to grind, to polish. Lang n Read Idng: deaf; j6 Idng, "W. ^ ch'haou he l&ng, deaf, unable to hear. J6 put t'hfeng gno6 seng che hfl, wat IQng, B^ ^ ^ £. ^ Z ^P '^ he k'hong bSne^a goe se"a Ay h6, k6ng ked Idng, when the ear cannot distinguish the harmony of the five sounds, it is call- ed deafness, Ar-J^ Read Idng: a cage; ne^ou Idng, J^ Ldng I *^^ ^? afi chedou lAng, a bird's cage ; ^ Ci teng Idng, j^ ^| teng Idng, a lantern. Jit gwdt Idng teung neiou, ^ H ^ j^ 5 I jit goeyh Idng teung Ay chedou, the sun and moon (in the heavens) are like a bird in the cage. Q |Hj ^^"^ ^^^^' 1* ^ '^"^ *^''^*' "'^'" Lang H £^ ter and blood. /J/R. Hoe pat jit o6 Idng, ^ A PH m °°" i'^y^ J'^ cAew a6u l&ng, after eight days (the patient) will vomit matter. Lang Lang PP hand tricks. Lang To amuse children by soothing words. Pefen hod 16ng, |^ |^ ^^ pee^ kaSu Idng, to play apish tricks ; to juggle, to perform sleight of Read long: to sport with, to trifle ; ''^ l°"g> ^ ^ f'^ idng, to play. E-goejeakj»^puth"dl6ng, ^S Lang Jb. 1^ ffij ^ i(f 1^ ^"^"^ nooi"^cAc»a jd «»« a£ gaSu chcin, E-gofi was weak (in his childhood), and was not fond of play ; see the "^ ^ Cho twan. An instrument for catching fish ; a hand-net. Laou Laou La6u Laou haou, Yj? 'E!, great of sta- ture, gigantic. .f^ Laou yc^p, ^g |e la6u hcdh, the siri leaf or leaf of the betel pepper, chewed with the areca nut. A sound, a noise. Laou ^ Put hoo laou, put bok fd, ^ To bend, to flinch, to draw back. elia6u hdk, not to allow one's flesh to flinch, or eyes to blink ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Laou Laou LAOU Readkwae: a rogue ; kwa6 choo, 4P 31 la6u a, a cheat. Ta6u laou, ^ ^, soldiers plun- dering people's goods. Laou ^ /* Read 16k : to fall ; 16k yeep, .^ t ^^' labu heoh, the fall of the leaf. ^ '"^ Goe t6ng 16k yeep, t'heen hay ch'hew,;j;H i^^^^^y^^^goe t6ng Mu heoh fhee^S dy ch'hew, when the go6 t6ng casts its leaves, all the world knows that it is autumn. ^ I .^ Read lo6 : a gallery, an upper Laou TP^rI Toam, a chamber. Hedou gwat \ZX chejlou kang lo6, ^ J^ ^M W M hcdou goeyh cheh kang la'ou, the clear moon shines upon the gallery by the river's brink. ^ f^ Read 16w: to flow, to run down La6u yifv^ ^'^^ ^**^''' ^^"^ ^"^' *^''® ^^^ *""' 1/lw yiji, put^ng k'hoput hSng, )(j|£ chiiy Ay chb mePh, bd mw^d k'ho chew bd ke^A, flowing water is of such a nature that if it does not fust fill up its measure, it does not, flow on ; see •^ ^ Beng choo. Readl^w: to detain; sijang l^w, •in ^ ^^^ '"^"» ^° entertain one. Yew yeilk wuy 8ng "idw h6ng '^I'ea, 7^ '4k j^ =E^ if ^ """ "^ "^ t'hey 6ng Za^ae A:e"d, there was o^ who wished on behalf of the king, to detain him from his jour- ney ; see ^ ^" Beng choo. Read 16 w : a surname ; Lfiw-pang, 430 LAOU j-yj|- A small gong, or a bell without a Laou nj ^C tongue which is held by the cap- liry^ tain of a troop, in order to arouse the attention of his soldiers. rjAj) Read 16 w : as Kaou-16 w-pa, |^ P^ ■^'^'^^ MCQ [Ij;^ Ka-;«da-pa, Batavia. ^ l"I*Xl^"^^' "°' tranquil; laou jeet, ^ La5 U 1 ^1 _ I ^ ?ad« Jtca/t, bustling, all alive. IrfiJ * l££l m to disturb Laou Laou tong, one ; also written ^, laou. Laou taou, ^ ^o, an "g'y deform- ed child. LaSu ' X^TJ 'Laou Ml ^ La6u-pang, the founder of the >^, H^n dynasty. Laou Laou Laou ch'hong,^^ a running sore. A leaky house. Mu ch'he^S, Laou Read loe : to leak ; loe sect, jj^ laouseet, to leak out, as a secret; ch'hw^n loe, ^ ^ chUn labu, a leaky ship; ok loe, ]§ % ch'hob labu, a leaky house; loe choo, '^ H" '««« «, a funnel, a tun- dish ; log ch'hut, >^ >^, ^«5« c;.7,«<, to leak out ; kengioe, ^ i| ^"i"^ '«5«, an hourglass, formed of water instead of sand ; a clepsydra. Loe chin geiik ho6 kan, ^ ^ ^ SS f £, labu chin gUk ho6 >>The end of winter; lap gwat, nS lAf H the twelfth month, when sac- pPy rifices are ofTered to all the gods Liip together ; also written ng, lip. t Vulg. WA.-tohunt; t"ilap,^7" p'hiilt Idh, to hunt. Lip chei kaou ch'hok 6 to loe, ^ ^ ^B ^ jI ^,P'A«'«»A Ayldnff seo kaou cVhok te to he, the hnnters meet and cross one another in the roads. 5>>/ To step over, to jump across ; lip ^^V/ another class ; to jump over the re- gular series, aiming to be wise all at once. Put k'ho lip t6ng je chin, ;^ pj- J^ ^ j|fj J^ «*" t'hang lap koiy ttng kayji jip, do not seek to get forward by stepping over the classes ; see ^ pt '^ Choo btfn kong. M L^p Lap Lap Lip L4p ^Lap chap, 1^ ^^ to be mixed and jumbled together. Lap chap, -(« ?, disorderly, wick- A party-colored rope for towing a boat. Vulg. lAh: the appearance of fire; to roast at the fire ; lip jeiik, ^B^ bk lHh bah, to roast flesh. Vulg. lah : wax ; lap cheuk, H>|^ 'I ink chek, a wax candle. Lat 5J Lit Lkt ■^w-i— V The name of a river; yeik Ch^y I J^l Lai j6 chodclioo ha6, ^ ^ f^n Vf i!n ii it i^ ^'A,.«y te&ou Chiy kap Lai &y chiiy,ji Mhwajip hat, he open- ed out the Ch^y and Lat rivers, and led them into the sea ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Vulg. Iwiih : acrid, pungent, hot to the taste. The same as the above. lAt 432 LE L^t f'J Wicked, perverse, warped by pre- judice and error. Bo8 kwae lat che sim, ffi ^|S ^l] "^ (i!^ boh woo kwae lat &y sim kt6"a, do not harbor a perverse and wicked mind. Lat Lat Lat Lit Pwat lat, ; the hand stretch- ed out, the arm made bare. The name of a fish ; also written , lat. To press anything heavily with the ij^ hand. L6 lat, ^ M^J, an exclamation, in- timating thankfulness, and obliga- tion : — " I put you to a great deal of trouble." hat tl Read lek : strength, energy ; k'h6 lek, ^ 77 K'liwiiy lat, animal strength; y€w lek, ^ "ij woo lat, to be strong. Hwuy ke^ng y6w lek chei, pw 16ng hfing yei, ^^ ?^ ^ ;^ ^ T- tl ^f -til - "" ^-^^-s Mng, woo lat &y l&ng, hey ke^d cMy Uy sod, ex- cept a man be powerful and strong, he cannot do this. Ld« Read lek : a chestnut-tree ; lek choo, ® ^ lat cM, chestnuts. L8 lat, a kind of sore. •^ilKF A sound. Lay rt>^L6 1el4y l&y, p|^ |lj| P^ f ""^i I ■' ambiguous and unintelligible. * Layh Ldyh Uiyh * Le L6 J^ Read lek : loud thunder ; p'hek lek, jS ^C p'hek l&yh, a violent clap of thunder. _^T*^ Read yim : the violent crying of a Ifl child, till its voice is gone. Read lek: the name of a fish. To split open ; to strike. To open a door. ^j^ Read Up: a hat; teuk lip, Ij* ^ \/ tek layh, a bamboo hat. A light breeze ; le hong, a gentle wind ; h le d, a little. u Heang 16, 1^ M. ^^""'^ ^^> » vil- lage ; lin 16, ^ |^, a neighbor- hood ; also, a Chinese mile or fur- long, a little less than the third of an English mile. Le jln wfty Ij^i M f^ ^ It ^^""^ ^^ '"* "'"'' fin k'hah h6, in a. village benevolence is amiable ; see the J^ ll^ Seang lun. T6y che cheaug k'hfe yei ch'heen yew 6 16, ^ ± :1^ * ^k 1^ ^ # M % ^y ''" k'hi, yea, woo chit cVheng gwd 16, the countries are distant from one another more than a thousand 16 ; see ^ -^ Beng choo. P'h6 16, ^ ^, vulgar, low ; any how. Chitje put 16, ^ fjg '^ ■jH plain without being vulgar, LE 433 LE Le Le -% ^^ The inside, within ; sam 16, jj^ ^ s^a It, the lining ofa garment. Chek cHeiJng but che peiou le cheng ch'hoe boO put tb, glj ^ ^ ^ ^ ^:i ^ ^2. |ll ^ 5'J '^''^^ '^''^'^"^ "'*^"^ ^^ ^""^ '"^ cheng ch'hoe bo u'"^ kadu, then the external and inter- nal parts, the coarse and subtle matter of all things, will be altogether known ; see the ^ ^ Tae hak. L6 gt, |_| ^^ IS hi, a kind of carp, the chief of fresh water fish. iil^-*^ H6 16 teng ledng bAn, % |^ ^ tl P^ ''^ ^""^ ^'" ^y '^ ^^ P'"-'^ c/ito"5' /claws' Ay moofS, the river carp has ascended the dragon's gate; (alluding to the successes of literary students.) Brother's wives call one another, y^ ■M, yew le. Le Many, a multitude ; an army ; a Le FtY^ stranger, a guesi. Yin-siJang che 16, kfi hoi^y jfi Hm, Cheung l&ng, e &y chd hoiy ch'hin chco^S cVhito nd, the multitude of the Yin-seang dynasty, when assera- bled together, resembles a forest ; see the :g ^ Se keng. Ong^sun-kdy tfi kwun ^^,^%^^^jjk Ong-sun-kdy t& kwdn kwun li, Ong-sun-kiiy mana- ged the army ; see the pjjj ^^ Lun g6. Bo6 b6ng pin 16, M. *^^ ^ j^ «"• t'hanfj bhj ki tit Idng k'hayh,don'i forget strangers and guests; see ^ ^ Beng choo. ^ ^_ The name of a sacrifice, offered to Le Tniy* *^^ '"''* ''"*' rivers. /|l r^ Kwdy-se 16 « T'hai-san, ^ ^ stB"a, Kwiiy-se offered the 16 sacrifice at T'hae- sw"a; see the f^ |^ Lun g6. Le Le Jp^ X^ The backbone ; 16 lek hong kong, |>/»J &y lot too too d kong gnay, the strength of the backbone was just then firm ; see the /\\ ^ Se4ou gniy. ^ f Various, many, several ; 16 ch'hod, I'M-* j^ /^ /aApa6, several times, of- Le cheng 6 jin, ^ ^ f^ K tak pa6 hoi l&ng sew kill, often hated by people ; see the 1& ^• Lun ge. Le Le Le J6 16, 1dm le. L6 Liim le, |^ ^^, ragged torn clothes, tattered garments. crooked, intertwined; ; ragged. A small kind of plum ; h£ng le, ^ ^^% 7^ traveling baggage ; a surname . Kwa tc6n put lap le, 16 hay put tankwan')Ji BQ :^ 1^1^ ® ^ T >F 5¥ S kwa ch'hdn bdh payh k'hi dy, le k'ha bdh fie"a kin, in a melon field don't pull up the heels of your shoes, and under a plum tree don't fillip the dust oli your cap ; (lest you should be suspected of stealing the melons or plums.) % A female, a young woman, an un- ^^§4^ married woman. <^^^ LOng yew 6 ch'lieuk, 16 yew 6 po^, 1 ^ t -1 :ic ^ ^^ ^ ^''^* ^''•'"''' "•"" cVhun ay ch'htk, cha bot woo sin &y pot, thus hus- bandmen would have a superabundance of corn, and females would have plenty of cloth ; see ^ -^ Beng choo. u ?^ Read je : you, thou. A LE 434 A LE Le Le Lc Le Le That which the foot treads upon, a shoe; to tread; also, liappiness. Lok che kwui;i choo, hok le sew •^i'^- ^ P. ^ ^ is 1 ^ 2 ''^'"'»^ lok kwun cJio6, hok 16 tei^8 ne&^S e, how happy is the good man ! prosperity and good fortune cleave to him; seethe /j\ 5^ Se^ou gn^y. To regulate, to adjust, to manage ; reason, principle, meaning; to le, J^ reasonable; t'heen le, ^? J|P the celestial principle, Providence ; leaou le, -Mr Jj^ to manage. Seet le vim y&ng, Igfl J0 H^ [Mf bo Icdou 16 yim y&ng, to regulate the yin and yang (dual prin- ciples) ; see the ^ ^ Se keng. T'heen 16 che^ou je6n, ^ ^ ]^ ^Ji, Vhee^S le clitb kabu t'eoh, the celestial principle reflects all jhings plainly. f VjUtt E le, ^ ]g, to walk aside, to follow secretly ; connected. :dl^ To flay ; \h p'hfi, ^ j^lbp'hbei/, '"^ ^ to flay off the skin. , % m Clear, bright, elegant ; also, a wild Y- fZ beast. J^jitgwat che 16 b^ng, c/teo''S jit goei/h &y le heng, like the brightness of the sun and moon. Le ^1' To leave, to separate ; to be separat- ed to a small distance is called ^^ \t, and to a great one 6||, peet. H06 choo \h sin, ^ -^ ^ M P"i' ke^d le sw^a, parents and children separated one from another ; see ^ -^ Beng choo. Le Ltm 16, -^^ "J^^ a perpetual drop- ping, a constant rain, thoroughly wet. Tae e lim 16, ^ |^ ||rj, ■JS two, hoe I'uii le, a heavy shower drenching down- ^1 Le Le Le r< ppiness, and prosperity ; happy omens. The name of a plant, a sort of grass like foxtail. y^t A woman's petticoat, or apron ; also. |Aj a girdle. » ^ The sama as the above; ch'hin keet Le S^m k6 1^, 1, ^ it ^^ ch'hin -^4 I V ^"^ « ^y '^1 s''*^ ^'"-'d 'ler own girdle; see the |i jj*^ Se keng. I A .e Cheep 16, J^ ^?, a white hat. Le Le Le Le ^^^f^ L6 pa, ^ -^j a fence, a bamboo railing. Ch'liae keuk tong 16 hay, ^ ■^ ^ "K 6«n ktk hwa te tang U &y k'ha, to pluck a chrysanthemum flower from under the eastern fence. y*^ Ch'hafiu 16, ^ ^^ a bamboo *7 t ^ strainer, used in taking rice out i ~ - A kind of dragon ; kaou leftug Le I » sorts of dragons, and red serpents. If Le ,Thin, weak wine; poe cho yim le, il f^ f)C ^ ''''^^ ^*«''« lim Ic, to chew the grains and quaff the thin wine. Che le, "J^ 1^, an affair in which there is much trouble. Le Le Le Bwat 16, ^ *jT^ the name of a flo- wer, the Jasminum grandiflorum. ill ^^P "^> ^ [fefll, * ^°^^ °^ oyster. Ko le,^ ^,the country of Corea. Le — — >^ H8ng \&, ^ ^> a yellow kind of Le RH»E ^"'^- ^*'" ^"'' <=hw4n hdng 16, ^^^ /Hi ^ fl '^: S& **'*'"' "' Ay cVhA. tit ha6u h6ng U, in the trees of the wood the yellow finches are screaming. A surname. A horse of a beautiful jet black. J6 1€, ^ ^, the name of a plant, used for dyeing red, a kind of reed. A shed ; ch'ho 16, ^ |g cVhaiu U, a straw shed ; se^ 16, ^ ]^, a cottage. Lllm YAng Choo-kat 16, ) ^ /dm Y&ng woo Choo-kat &y U, on the southern Ying is the hut of Choo-kat-leang. '•fc An ass ; yei 16, K* ^ a wild ass. Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Spittle, saliva; leilng 16, h§ ^k ledng nw'^d, dragon's spittle. To regulate, to manage; hS 16, <^ '^, a down and an atom, the smallest particle of anything. K'hong-choo 16 teng choo se, ^ ^- jg ^ ^ ^ K'h6ng-cho6 leaou U te^d tioh choo cVhayh, Confucius regulated and fixed all the books; see the P^ ^ Sob Vh. A widow, a woman, who has lost her husband. L6 ye A, h8 hae? f^ ^ m ^ *w"a hot, woo s^a mei'^h hae ? widows, what harm can they do ? see the ^ fM, Cho twan. A kind of straw ; coarse grass ; gSln gnae k6 16, g* >^lj ^ ^ kong ktc&h t &y ko cVhadu, talking about cutting the coarse grass ; see the |g| ^ Chew \km. K'he le, |^ j^, » '»"■"? ^'^'^^ '■> * crooked spine. Hwun 16, ^ 0, a very minute division ; small weights. A wheelbarrow, anything for car- rying earth in ; a hod, a basket. Kafe kwuy hw5n Ifly 16 j6 ye6m <=he,g ^ ^ M tl M ^ ^ *«^ '^* tooi'^S M, yung lay kap U k'hi. yetm k'hdm e, for he returned back again, and took a basket and a wheelbarrow to get earth with, in order to bury (his parents) ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. LE 436 LE Le I che hofi 16 sit che, ^ 30 jfco^y e, Ao^ ?^ c/ieaA c, another day passing by, he found that the foxes had been eating (the corpse) ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Le Le Le The same as the preceding. L6 g6, ^ 1^, coarse, vulgar ex- pressions. The gate of a village ; a hamlet con- sisting of 25 families. Tek choey 6 heang tong chew IS, # P ^ #P 1 ffl k ''^ '^''y ^"p ''^""^ tong chew IS ay l&ng, to offend against the people of one's district or circuit, village or hamlet ; see the yyyij^ To be sorrowful, to be grieved ; hfing Le XSt ch'hoo pek 16, jf lit "^ 'P I pi to6 t'eoh cMy Uy che"d payh hang Ay ho&n 16, meeting with these hundred troubles ; see Read 16y : a kind of black wood ; ^^ 16 bin, ^ ^, the black-headed '*'^% people, the Chinese. M» Ju. Read le6m : a blind, a screen ; b4n le6m, P^ ^ 7noot"8 U, a door blind. Le Le Le Vulg. lae: gain, advantage, interest ; sharp, cutting ; a surname. Seiou jln je 6 16, f\s J\^ ^ -fc^ ^ij siy Ay l&ng bat cUy ley le, little minded people think of nothing but gain; seethe J^ |^ Sijang iCin. Chaeie,^ ^l], profit, gain; le che6n, ^l] |^ lae cht^S, interest of money. Le Le Le CllLengle, 1^ ^J /en^ Zae, cunning, artful, clever. ^I^P li Seiou le, /J\ ^\ s'eo le, Ja diar- y^»l| rhea, or looseness of the bowels. To flow rapidly ; the same as the above. ' ■ Le Le Le Le Le A law, a rule, a regulation ; to coni- f|| pare, to adjust; hit le, ^^ ^J, laws and regulations. 1 A tree growing crosswise. Qr * j To sink in, as in the mud. SA follower, a friend, a companion, a fellow. Linpdtleh6ng,^:^^fg ^ Itn bd seo pw"& keH, the fabulous animal lin does not go about in herds. Lutle, ^^ g,laws and regula- tions ; the spine ; also, long ; a surname. Les5ng,g ^, Manila. Le Le A long standing sickness. The lintel of a door. II ., To come to, to come before, to des- Le j t T ^^^^ toward; also written ^, le. ^Zlm Chong 6 le che, ^.V^^^i^ gUm chong i M kabu e, to come before the people with severity and rigor ; see the |^ ^ Lun ge. LE 437 LEAK Le To be separated from, to a small dis- tance, or for a short time. E kwun le cheS, ^ ^ ^ ^ kap le s'eo le, when separated from you, &c. 1i ^ph Indifferent, indisposed for exertion. To rail at ; le ma, ^ M /e mai'*9> Le Le ^^S^ *° scold. Jpm Se^ou jin win je le }6, /K J^ .^1 TO* •^* WF sedou jin wan hwun le. le mai^S le, worthless people dislike you and rail at you; see Se keng. .hef: To consider ; soo le, .Eh Jvi.^ to Le Le Le Le Le ponder over, to be anxious about. f4\Sj> An j6 hoe Ifing le, ^ (fyj y^ ^ anjl adu ey soo le, when people are at rest, then they may consider ; see the J^ ^ Tae hak. To strain any liquid ; le choo, g^. tt- le a, a strainer. I^a Vulg. ley: a file; to file anything. An euphonic particle,used at the end of colloquial sentences. The name of a tree, of the bark of which paper is made. Kwan le, '^ ^ kte"a le, an officer of government. T'hecn choo soo le tfi kfi kok, %^i^t, ]p ^ P ^'^"^ '^y '"^ ^*''' ''y kw"a le ti. e Ay kok, the emperor employed an officer to manage the affairs of his province ; see ^ 3p> Beng choo. 6 K Lea Lea Jb. A. Leak TV Leilh LWi L'cdk iPP Soup made of bones. Loose skin. -iSw To cut off, to break short ; to stick. Read leak: to take by force. , Read n4 : to take hold of; nd jin, 3^_ K leih Mng, to apprehend people. The same as the above ; to seize, to take. L'c(ih m Read poe : to catch ; le boo tuy po« chekW,||; :g -t ^ ^ ■^ kw"a le. b6 tuy le&h Idn di/ lean k'hot, we are not harassed with officers coming to take us up. A » A little, trifling ; hwut leak, ^, |^, Leak ffl^ »° ""^"^ ''e»"'>' ' ''^" ''-'•'''' f^ l"l^ '^ to cut short, to abbreviate ; ya<^u leak, ^ p]§., the most important part. Teang-liJAng sew sam leak ehe swat, ^^ ^ ^ — mjf -y 5?^ Tio''e-le&ng she s"a Ay boe huk &y soeyh, Teo"g-le&ng received the explanation at three important plans. Also written ^, leak. % » _ To plunder, to lake as a prey ; leak Leik T?0 C- kaou jeA, }^, -^ % f f ^•^^ leak mee"h le kaou yid, to plun- der on the borders and in the wilderness ; see the ^ Chein kok ch'hek. LEANG The name of a god. 438 LEANG Leak Vulg. no: two in number; also vulg. Leang | /I il ne<5"^.- a tael in weight; sip leiik leing ^fl «*^ e <5y s""' to measure one's strength, before engaging in any- thing. S6ng-t'ha6-cho6,y^ ^ ig^, the first em- peror of the S5ng dynasty, with Te6-p'ho6, ijV dfe Leang Leang (seang leang teng T'ha^-gwan, ^ ^ % "i^ j^ soo n'ed"ff te^d teoh That-gto&n,) consulted about settling the region of T'hafe-gw3,n. _ % - Ch'heng lealng, ^^ ^, cool and j\Jr agreeable. A slight degree of cold ^>J ^ is called /$ ^ le^ng, coolness. ■^ fc^ Thin, slender; K'hek to leang tek, "vo It # v^ li ^'^^""^ -^^ ■>^JN l&ng chey woo poh &y tek heng, the people of the K'hek country are generally pos- sessed of a very moderate share of virtue ; see the ^ j^ Cho twan. !••-*—» Vulg. n'eo^S Uy: a mother; put bAn Leang 'T jyPP^ y'ek leang k'hok choo seng, ^ ^^^^ ^1 1 ^ 51 T ^ *^ t'he"a yM n'eo"S tit k^hadu ke"d Ay se"a, we do not hear the sound of a mother's voice weeping for her children. A - . % A kin(j of grain, Barbadoes millet; Leang r-Vl? the Hokus sorghum. Vulg. n'ed"S: ^^y\ a surname. Sin ch'huy b6n hSng leing, ^ ^ ^ H ^ «■« «A'*««y ''/'«"« bdeyhwuf'S le&ng, for a new boiling of the pot, we have heard that the yellow grain is requisite. LEANG 439 LEAOU Leang R O -'^ <^'"y' * '''"^ °^°^*- beam of a house. Leang Wi A bridge ; cho^ chew wfly leSlng, jt M- "^ ^ ^^'^'^"^ ''^'^« cAd I'e&ng, to construct a bridge Leang ^jy>» of boats; also, abeam. ^^ . ^J^ To believe, to act sincerely ; a Leang jB^Tlk distant light ; clear ; a man's name. ^ ^^ Kwun choo put leang, oe hoe urn leang sin hdeyh t'hd s^a mePh lai chip? when the good man is without sincerity, how can he feel attachment? see ^ -Ij- Beng choo. BSng leang, 00 ^^ clear and distinct. ^To believe in a partial degree; to suppose a thing probable ; leang pit, ff^ til^^ it is likely, one should suppose ; also, to examine, to assist. Leang put gno te, ^ >^ ifl^ ^ ieang b6 lAng chae gwd, surely no one knows rae ; see the /J\ ^ SeS-ou gniy. The numeral of carriages; yit leang ke, — j^ j^ chit teo"S ch'hea, one carriage ; pek leang cheang . -^ payh teo^S ch'hea txly e, a hundred chariots accompanied him. |, ■ | M Ke leang, ^ ^, a carriage wheel. Leang ffllj^ Yitkeledngleang.yitleangleing T^'TI mi, -^ :$: ^ 1^ — $^ ^ ^ chit teo^ ch'hea no ay lUn, chit &y Un nd cheah bay, each carriage has two wheels, and each wheel two hones. Leang che,-g- ^ ffi Leang Leang Far, distant. A measure ; toe leang, a measure, a capacity. Cheing kwun t&m t^ tae, chae seang toe leang h8ng, ^ ^ ^ ^ JX, ^ ^ JSE ■§• ^ chedng kumn Ay ("d th twd, chae seang dy toe leang hoe, a general's courage and skill should be great, and a prime minister's capa- city should be comprehensive. LeaOU j|4-il/ Straight, upright. Finished, done; determined; fully Leaou \ comprehended. Seiou jfi leiou leiou, tae be pit k6, /J\ jffl J -^ 4c 4k >^ ^ ^^yj^ ^^" ^^'"*> *"" ** pit ey ki, although a person in youth is very intel- ligent, it is not certain that he will be anything won- derful in riper years. ^ %_ Totake, to take away ; to take hold Leaou J^S^ °^ ^'''' '^® ^*°^' " ^°°^ appear- >|^^[\ ance. W&n ne&ou bok seang >eiou, %^%%^W *""" *"? ^^'^""^ ^ seo fhaou Vhayh, apes and birds do not steal from each other. ^^ Clearness of the eyes ; clear vision , Le40U H^EJ^ heungteungchfeng, chekboecho W >J^ leiou ygen, fl^ f|i jE ^'J i^r V Wf B heng fang e"^ che^d, hdk ang a ehh kwui"ff, when the feelings of a man's breast are correct, the pupil of his eye will be clear ; see ^ -4- Beng choo. Leaou To entwine, and twist about, to wrap around, to bind. LEAOU 440 Leaou M Long and slender, like the twigs of a willow. '^h T ' >7l77k ■'^ ^'^"^y acrid kind of vegetable; ■^^^^ Polygonum barbatum. Leaou Leaou Leaou A polite designation for a female ; iVl also, to sport. »^ Leiou lek, )fe 'jS^ feelings of com- /lJ^ passion, to be grieved about any- '^V^ thing. A friend, an associate, a colleague in office. A surname. |I^J% Leaou yew, ^ ^, friends and associates. Leaou ?* Leaou To cry out, to scream ; leaou leang, J I ^ jl^ Jt^^ a distant noise. A small window ; ch'ho leaou, ^ a straw shed. Leaou Le^ou To manage ; to stir up, to provoke, to challenge. Tan t6 teang mafiu leAou che^n, ^\% ^7^ ^^ tto^o. gim t&"S madu le&ou chain, only holding a long spear, and pro- voking to battle. T6ng leaou, 1^ /^^ signal fires, lighted candles. 'v^ Tfing leaou y6w kong, j^ ^ ;^ ^h ting le&ou woo kwui'^S, the signal fires are bright ; see the /j'x Hffi Sedou gniy. Far, distant, remote ; k6 lea.ou led.ou hfiy! :M: ^ •)& /^ e dw ■' yX Xiir )S 'he fat around pig's kidnies. ^ ■^ ^ <| To measure, to calculate, to number ; Leaou TCJI* l*"^"" '^» 14 S, '° nianage. "^ I Chafi leaou, j^ |^, materials for constructing anything. Leaou bin e T'haf^-gwjln, j(^^ ^^^ A M feaoM siri/i"-? payA sai"!? iwa «e Thai-gw&n, to number the people in T'hafe-gw4n. Tong seang leaou le, '^ ^B ^4 SI '«** "" /edo« K, we should manage it together. Leaou The brightness of 6re. *4 Leaou |^5*» ^ surname. Leaou To be sick ; to stop a disease; leaou ke, j^ f j|, to stop one's hunger. A fire burning, a flame ; to let the Leaou >Jh«- fire burn. Xj\ Leaou che hong ying, put k'ho p'hok beet, j^, ^ ;;^ tl ^ ^J;^ ^ leaou hot 6y too too a toh, chetc h6 t'hang p'hah htoa, when the flame is just spreading, it cannot be ex- tinguished. 5 L To lift up the handi ; a person |pl weary. Leeh p'hbiy, ^ rt?^ the skin com- ing off. Read le^t : to tear, to rip; leet k'hae, ?K, iw '*'^^' ^'^""'V' '° '^^'' open. Vulg. nee"^; to lake anything up between the fingers. Song yeep k'ho leem, ^k of pT 1^ se''9 hcoh fhang nee^S, the leaves of the mulberry tree can be plucked with the fingers. L.eem ^h Lcem keak hfing, Bj^ |^ ^ ^"'" k'ha ke''6, to walk slowly along. * ^ To receive, to collect, to gather. Leem ^PA* Leem cha6 yew, ^ ^^ ^ ^'^^^ k'heoh leim che6"S kwd sdng &y mee^h, to collect together money and presents ; see the Leem Leem Leem Leem Chew 16y. >nn/^k*FuII up to the brim. Pek leem, j^ ^, a medicinal plant of a creeping habit. ^ J^ The cheeks, the countenance ; t"4 fiap leem, jf\ jj^ kic&h ch'huy p'h :^ ^ t 3'J miiM,^ Ho-w&n Vh6 cheeks h'cy chai^S chuy, i"' sho cliel^ ched, chek lein chiiy hw&n e, Hd-win took some money to buy well water, and when they would not receive his money, he conveyed the water back to them. _^_ —fu A carriage, a cart pushed along by Leen — I ? people; leen kiy, ^ ^|^, the ■' I '■• emperor's chariot ; le6n hay, ^ TT^ under the wheels ; i. e. near the imperial resi- dence; pwan Ie6n, ik^ ^^ to transport goods. % k I To rub or roll up anything in the Leen J(^i\ •'""''«; "^''^ '^^"» |ft ^ '^*"'" >lilr\r\ leen, a roll of twisted paper, used as a match. hem Le^u Leen L eeii Leen r>Read je6n : to roll anything under the feet. To turn round, to revolve, as a wheel on its centre. A round stone roller used in grinding anything, or in breaking husks. Round; lefen bdt, ^ ^ Kin mei^h, to roll a thing up round. To roll anything up in the hand, till it becomes round. To bowl along as a ball; to be run over by « carriage. Ledn L'eeti A Vulg. ne&^ff: a year; bfing le^n, ^^jrt T- B^ S^ fnafg ne6'*i, next year. I Sam lijfin bo6 ka6 6 hoo che to, k'ho wuyha&u ^ H ^ ^ E^ ^ X Z j1 ^ f R ^ -1^ *"" ned^g bo kdy I ne6^9 pay &y to 16, Vhang kong woo hadu t, for three years not to change from one's father's way may be called filial piety ; see the _J2 ^ Seang lun. Read befin : an opposite; tity bedn, |a" ^g tdty leen, a pair of an- Leen tithetical sentences. The ancient form of the preceding. Connected, united, carried on in a continuous succession. Vulgarly, nei^^: a surname. Sijang lefin, IB ^ SCO lein, connected, joined together. Leen Lefin choo hofi chei ch'ho5 che, j^ g^ '0| ^ 'K. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^"^ ^y '^y -^^ '' **'"*^ '^'"* can connect the princes of the different states toge- ther, are next in the order of merit ; see jjq^ -^ Beng choo. Lefin hwa, ^ ^, '^e water lily ; and h6 leCn, ^ ^, the lotus. Lc6m k'hey seen seng sfeng h"d 5fe ^ Vi jtf ^Lc^«A'A*y sin saC^S sing Vhiy ae Icin hca, the teacher who dwelt on the brook Lefim was naturally fond of the water lily. ^ ^_ The name of a fish ; ha6 lefin, 2** LeSn HI>h) £^. ^ salt water fish about the Leen ■% le^n, jiH-* Jj size of a perch, much used in making offerings to the gods. The rippling on the water, occa- Leen y/^Q sioned by the action of the wind. H6 suy ch'heng ch'he"4 lefin, LEEN 444 LEEP M >i^ Jo -S. ^I'angcMy ch'hengkwdlUn, the waters of die river are clear and rippling ; see »he ^ J^ Gwuy hong. Also, the flowing of tears ; k'hip Vhhy leSn leSn, i^ i^ iil M ^''^" *"* ^^^ '«^« ^e^". he shed tears most profusely; see the ||j ^ W6eyhong. To boil any thing thoroughly; to L.een ^kUK/ become experienced ; to exercise. Ch'holeen,^ j|;^^ to exercise or train soldiers. KUn leen, J to essay J to prove. A young fowl, a chicken. To choose, to select ; also read k5.n. A species of cherry, which grows to the height of ten feet and upwards, with a very exuberant foliage. To smelt metals ; to refine and pu- rify by repeated trials; leen geiik, ^ ^^ the Catholic term for t'heet leen, -fife ^ t^heeh leen d, an Leen Leen Leen Leen purgatory; iron chain. Kim pek leen, je6n hoe cheng, jln ek j6 ch'hoo, kirn chit payh kwHy leen, jeen adu ey cheng, Idng yea an nty saf^S, metals after having been refined a hundred times become pure; so it is also with men. y %- To try and refine in the fire; to melt Leen fJD^^ metals, and separate the dross. ' >| Le-w^-se leen gno6 sek sek, e po6 ch'hong t'heen, ^t ^^ ^ ^ S © ^ yi ;|ra ^ ^ Li-wA-se leen goe sek dy ch'eoh, e po6 ch'hong t^hee^Sj L6-wa.-se smelted the five co- lored stones in order to repair the azure heavens. Leen jln sim, W A i^^ to try men's hearts. Leap To bend down the ear, in order to lis^ ir - | j > ten to a whisper ; a whisper in the ' I T' ear. Also, a surname. Na6 haou j6 16 choo, teem lijep je ge, /^ ^j( ^ >C "j" Pp J^ -^ pp ""^ ''^'^w *^y <^^« ^"^ ke^d, teem leep he. k'hang Ay wa, following the exam- ple of little girls, whispering in each other's ears. 1—1" The mind affected ; to scold private- Leap l-W'b*^ ty, to rail at in secret. Liiep jg, Pi Leap - *^ 1 To miss one's aim Leap H, verbose, talkative. also, to be afraid. To join together, to connect, to unite, Kwan SCO bo8 leep, ^ ^. ff[l[ F-* -r /111 ^S kvs'^a sod bo keem leep, the duties of the various offices were not united ; see the Jh. Ki^ Seang lun. y^. [ ■ ■ To ascend, to tread on, to walk ; to Leap »L-rt^Q» ^'^'P over, to jump out of order. *^ ^ The mane on a horse's neck ; the T "• *5 fc^^ •Leap ^^^t whiskers about the mouths of ^p^ some fish ; kong leep, E||J §, a pig. /I p\l ^^^P "^^"^' 1^^ ^. ** ^'^°"^' '■°" I ttf , bust appearance ; hale. To be afraid, to fear, to be alarmed. Leap Leap Yit hoo teung kae leep hok, — * M ^ ^ M i/^/*'' ^00 teung &y long chb poo ke^a, all the people in the whole district were afraid of him ; see the Jl^ WA Ifi Hang 6 k6. LEET 445 LEET Leep •j|rf To fold, to double up, to break, to ruin, to overthrow. ^ ^^% To dye black ; leep j6 put choo, -j^ Leep '^S M ^^ Iw "^^''^i^ *^y "«' '° If "^^^ dye without its becoming black ; see the |m g5 Lun g6. Also written -i^^ leep. Leep Leep t& TV To take up with the fingers, to col- lect, to grasp iu the hand. To break, to ruin, to overthrow. Vulg. la: to draw, to pull. H wan-ch'he leep heip chiiet ch'h6 ^Gway,^ w^Wi ^ ^fk m Hwdn-ch'he cheeh keep kwut, at cK'hiiy k'ke te Gwuy, Hwan-ch'he had his ribs broken, and his teeth knocked out at Gwuy. Seang leep, ^H JJL s'eo la, to pull one another about, in play. Lijep keung, W[ 1^ la keung, to draw a bow. ^% ^ % A grain, a bead ; yit leep b^, — Leep ^j^f ^i 1^\ «*^ i^ip 6^. " 1'"''^' '>!" * of rice. Lbk sofey leep be I6ng ley, to ch'he chejd put wfly g-k,^a fi^ja m^MZ jfij ^ ^ f§ h6 nct'^S tang leep b6 chin chiy, k'hah cMy t'hayh e, j& bey chd pd gedk, in a good season, when rice is abundant, to take a little more from the people would not be considered oppression ; see ^L -}" Beng choo. Ke leep, S|5 JJ kwdy fcip, a few. To steal anything and stow it away secretly. A rank, a row, an order ; to arrange in order ; to draw up in a row ; several ; a surname. 5 M Pa6 leet, ^fe '^\] to arrange in order. K'hae leet, HM ^||, /t'Airuj/ Zeef, to spread out, to separate and arrange. Put koe put sfing leet, % ^ ^ }^ H ""* p^hah koe u*" che^d leet, without beating the drum, it is impossible to form the rank and file ; see the ;fe ^ Cho twan. Leet wuy seang kong ' ^J ji /j^ ^^ gentle- men, all ! Leet A cold air; the extreme of cold. . _ ^ Clear water ; clear, transparent. Leet /t^A?ll Chwan heangje chC-w leet, ^ i^ J ^ flfi tS i^J ''"^'^ p''"'»sj^ chiw ch'heng, when the spring is fragrant, the wine will be clear. Le6t _ - .^ The fierce violence of fire ; fierce, ,^7 1 1 raging, ardent, zealous, chaste. ^U^f Le*teb6nghn6,^lj:f i(^ i^ k'hah leet £ bing hbiy, fiercer than lurid flames. Leet 16 put hew kiy, f\\ iJC ^^ ^ W "^'^ cheet Ay cha bot b6 koh kdy, truly chaste females do not marry a second time. ■mf» % VuIg. hih : to tear, to rip ; leet k'hae, Leet CS^ ^ ^ ''^'' '''^"'"^f "^•«*'" "P*"- .^^p^, Le^t kd e, j6 twan kfi tafe, ^ &y tu)&, he tore his clothes, and burst asunder his girdle. To break, to oppose ; to twist, to turn. Tong sey le^t to, ban chew hwfly, !^ © ^ ^ p| ^ Isl "^^ "" '"^" '""^' ban chdn tool"S, twisting the rudder to the east and west, a myriad of vessels would turn. Leet LEK 446 LEK Lek The chestnut-tree ; lek choo, ^ -+* lat d, a chestnut; to fear, to tremble ; chiifen lek, ^^ ^, to tremble with fear. Also written ^, lek. Chew jln e lek, ^ A i>l ^ ^^'*"' ^^ '*^"^ chae lat a, the people of the Chew dynasty planted the chestnut tree (at the place of sacrificing to the gods of the land) ; see the _£_ =^ Seang lun. Lek The presiding shrine in a temple. Lek m To cut off, to scrape, ^ij, lek. Also written Lek « To be afraid; to feel alarm and apprehension. E ke j!n seang, lek lek jfi put bwin j it, ^ ^ A ± '1^ 'M ilD ^ ill ^ ^''^e" '^ '"^"^ ^V ^^»g Mil, lek lek ke'^a ch'hin ch'eo^g bey mtt^d jit, when E presided over the people he was perpetually ap- prehensive, as though he could not enjoy a whole day's comfort. /^^ Pit lek, ^ m, a kind of pipe Lek |dU:| like a rude clarinet made of bam- ^-*^-~.^ x^^- boo, with the mouthpiece made of reed ; used by the Tartars. Lek :gT^H ungry, famishing. T I- H^i.'^'^*'' ' ^^^ P^''' °^ ''^^ ^^^^ where the muscles are bent. Lek I To stitch up a rent in a garment. '^ Y_ Vulg. lat : strength ; k'hfe l^k, ^ Lek #1 ^ Jc^hwiiy lat, bodily strength. -^ ^ E lek hok jjn che^, hwuy sim e Vhwiiy lat hbk l&ng, u"* se sim kw^a hok yea, when we employ main force to subjugate people, their minds will not be subdued ; ('a man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.') Jeak 18ng hok tefin lek sek, nae ek yew ch'hew, ^ 1 BR 1J H J^#^|lc ch'hin ch'eo"S long hoo chb ch'hdn, yung lat te hay sek, nat yea woo ch'hew, just as the husbandman labors in the field, and employs his strength in agriculture, he will be sure after some time to get a harvest ; see the ^ ^^ Se keng. The overplus of anything ; the re- Lek ^~t § sidue, what is left over, an odd number. Lek The connected appearance of hills. To place a number of straws between Lek ^%'tw '''6 fingers, in order to reckon and prognosticate. Kwuy ke 6 lek e seang jun, ^! ^ ^ jfy ^ M. f^ kwuy k'kea 6y te ch'htw chaiPS kan, t chedng lun gdeyh, to put the odd straw between the fingers,* in order to denote the intercalary month ; see the M; % |5)Ekh6yso6. Lek Lek I* The noise of water; also written The bit in a horse's mouth ; to re- strain, to oppress ; to engrave. Lek sek, ^ ^, to oppress, to extort money by oppression. L6k mi, ^ ^, to rein in a horse. Lek LEK 447 A bird like a duck, but smaller ; LEK teal ; some say, that it is another name for a dove. Lek Lek gfi, ^^ "ft to Ae, the name of a fish, (a shad ?) which in the 4th month appears on the face of the water, and the fishermen on hearing the noise, go and catch them. They are in appearance like the S^ "3 s6 g6, with smaller heads. Lek Lek Lek Lek Lek man s name. To cut ; also written SJ, 16k ^^pE^^The dripping of water; to pour out ^j r^ by drops. I i» * The post to which a horse is tied. yK|4^ L6 k^ hok m , chfe chae ch'heen U, /Jt. ^m^m^^^^ laou hay ibk te lik sim cht tied fe ch'heng li hww^S, " I am like an old steed submitting to be tied to a stake, but my designs stretch to the dis- tance of a thousand 16;" (said by pm J^^ Ilwan- wun, when he had designs of aiming at supreme power.) Lek Lek Lek Lo6 lek, ^ 1^ loe lot, a kind of ulcer. A kind of iron pan ; lek ch'heang, ^t Ku > * '''"'' °^ spear. The rut of a wheel. To pass over, to pass by, to carry, to carry to the utmost; an order, a series. Put lek wuy ]i seang 6 gan,;;^; ^it"^ ^^ ^ ^ «'" *o^y wuyj6 s'eo kap l&ng k6ng tod, do not cross over from your place (at court), to go and speak with people ; *^* m\. '^ Beng choo. Lek le6n che kew, J^ ^ ^ ^ '«* "'^"^ "V ko6, after a long succession of years. ^1 1 y The arrangement of the times and Lek H>^V seasons throughout the year. / (If T'heen che lek soh chae j6 keung ^7^ Mtk^WWi t'hee^gAs/leksedou tied te le Ay hin sin, the numerical arrangements of fate centre in your person ; see the =jga W^ Lun g€. Lek Lek Lek The name of a fish. 'sl^" P'hek Ick,^ ^, a peal of thunder, Vi a loud thunder clap. To drown; t!m lek, W ^ teem > I Idh ckuy, to be immersed in water. So lek put wan, sech'ha61dngyei, S yf^ S ^ tn^ -^ ^^"^ '^ '^^^ loh chuy j& u"* kiiv, se ch'ha6 I6ng, if a man's sister- in-law should be sinking in the water, and he did not go to help her, he would be a wolf ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Lek Lek L6k A surname. Name of a place. To lay the hand on ; to provoke, to challenge ; lek cfae^n, ^ W^^ to challenge out to fight. To secrete, to conceal, to hide. L6k win jfi y6w kd jln, Cho- k'hew-bengt'h6 che, ^ ^ ||jj LENG 448 LENG ji kap e Ay Idng ch6 h6 p&ng, Ch6-k'he,w-b&ng se&ou Uy e, Ch6-k'liew-b6ng was ashamed to harbor ma- lice, and at the same time manifest friendship to a person ; see the |^ |S Lun g6. Lek Lfek Clear, bright. The name of a kind of oak ; Quercus serrata. ^..^ f Read leiik : high and even ; song litk W^m^ leiik, ^ pg song' ZeA, the game I m ' ^ ofdominoes. Read leiik ; a kind of sea cockle, round, thick, and of a variegated color. Read leiik : green ; a green color ; lijiik e h8ng se&ng, ^ -^ ^ ^ Uk s"a tBui"S kwHn, a green coat and yellow trowsers. Lek Lek Leng Leng Read j6 : milk ; gnfiw j6, ^ ^ go3 leng, cow's milk; gn^w j6 y6w, ^ fL ii ^"^ '*"^ ^^"'' butter ; ja choo ^ ^ leng a, the nipples. B■ Vulg. n'e'^d : the neck ; san 16ng, [ll «g sw^a ne^d, the ridge of a hill, a range of mountains. T6 16ng pek ytn kan, ^ >^ Q ^ ^ / %-rTt^ T'heng leng, ^y ^, a small stream of water. Leng Leng it To kick at anything. To order, to command ; to cause, to influence. Peen pfe put cheuk soo Ifing 6 chefin g^,^^7(^%,\^^=f^M peen pi. b6 k'ha sat ling te bin cMng, favorites and minions cannot be employed and ordered about in your presence ; see ^ -^ Beng choo. LENG 449 LENG -j_<, A large mound of earth is called Leng HU>? '^"S- Also, to scorn, to despise. |„^^ Chae seang wuy put Ifing hay, ^ -L lii ^ ^ T '' '^^"^ "^^ "*" '^"^ jeiik te hay &y Idng, when those in superior stations do not despise those beneath them ; see the (p S Teung ydng. H6ng Ifing, ^ ^, the imperial tombs. San Ifingj ijj I^ royal cemeteries. Leng An ice-house ; 16ng sit, ]^ a place for keeping ice, which is used in various sacrifices, and needs therefore to be always at hand. A surname. Leng Leng Leng Leng To pity, to commiserate. A kind of plant; Ifing kak, ^ ^, a vegetable, called water caltrops ; the Trapa bicornis. Po Ifing, ?^ 1^^ a kind of vegeta- ble; spinach. Z^ZIL Vulg. Itn : a thin kind of silk, sars- ^\jS^ net. Divine awe, majesty; veneration. Husbandmen, in reckoning the dis- tance and quantity of land, say, k6 how far ? Lfing le, ^ 1^, the name of a fish, said to have feet, and to eat boats. Square wood ; anything pointed and angular. ^ Slanting, sloping. 5 N Leng }M The name of a river. Leng Alone ; to play and sport ; Ifing jln, -^ ^ a buffoon ; Igng kwan, fn' ^, ^''® leader of a band of music. Lfing le, jf ^J Ung lai, artful, cunning, clever, ingenious. ^ Leng Ly^The mind exhausted, at one's wits' end. Leng Leng Lfingge, 1^ g^ a prison, a place of confinement. TiJung ch'hun beng y6w soo seng l^ng ge, |r|l § ^ ^ ^ ^' H '«««« ch'hun Ay s6 kah ylio soo ku^a sing cVhat l^a k'hoo, in the middle month of spring officers were ordered to examine the prisons ; see the |^ j^ ^ Ley gwat leng. ^ > Hokieng, 1^ )^, the name of a ^/S^ medicine ; the root of the Smilax |>l China, called China root. Leng ti To hold in the hand. Leng ^I Lfing Jong. J^ ftl, iJ'e sound of "t^^i:^^ 6^™* 5 " *'°"^ curiously cut; ap- ' plied to persons in a good sense, when speaking of their talents or dispositions. % at An insect that infests the mulberry Leng 1^^ tree ; ch'heng Ifing, j^ ife^, a lo- *^y cust. Bfing ISng y^w choo, ko 16 hoo che, ^ Sff ^ ■f" ^ M M ><1 *^"^ '^"^ ""^ ke"d,tcdn neo"S gU e, the bfing Ifing insect gets a young one, and the dragon fly carries it away, (to adopt it for its own); see the /\> ^ Se&ou gn&y. LENG 450 LENG Leng Lens Leng Leng Lent J4 To hear, to listen. The name of a river. L6ng Igng, JA. ^^ the noise of water. Lang eng, yj^ ^, the deep appear- Tl ance of hills; far among the hills. j^^^^A small bell ; small bells attached to ^pf^W horses and banners. ,^^ L6ng yang, ^ i|^, a wild goat. ■ |* Superfluous rain, anything remaining' ^^'^p^ !>£w °^'^'^' Lfingseng,^ ^Mn son, \9 a remnant. L^ng ch'hiiy, ^ ^ Zdra san, odd. A cypher or 0. Lens Leng ^jF The name of a river.-, 11 A small cabin in a boat,. Leng Leng Leus .4. * A year, age. Bong tey sek j6 k6w ^^ f • bang seang thy sod hoe l& ka6u nee'"'S, I dreamed that the highest emperor bestowed upon you nine years more of life; seethe |g lP Ley ke. * > Chitiang, ^ II, the xarae of a ^S I"-* bird, a lark ; pek l^ng neiou, Q I l)\\\J ^^^j§^ pay /i ZeM^f cieaou, a paddy bird. Also written ^^, ISng, bird's feathers.. The same as |^,iang; the rising sun. . » - Weak and distressed; h8 yung chip leng ? " why should you thus miserably cling Leng A 1 Ung to your troubles?" said by ^^ ^, Ha,n-j6 k'hoe k'he lang? jo]' J^ ^ ^ Teng Ifing, PJ HK., to insist upon, Leng P|m , to enjoin, to bid again and again. ■j" Teng Ifing chafe sam, l^w sin 6 ch'hoo, PJ p^^ H ift # # lit '«"^ leng chah s"a, ?ad« ching stn te chty ley louy, to enjoin repeatedly, that the attentioti may be kept to this subject. ^ ^ Peaceful, tranquil; rest, tranquilli- Leng ^^ ty; l^ng k'h6, ^ pJ", better^ >f "" rather. Leng cheng tfe win, tarn pokbSngsim,:^ ilf IJC jt ij^ ^ % ib^ «« Zen^ cAewg- cheng ey th kabu hwml^S , che^d cheP'd poh poh ey beng Idn &y sini, "in peace and tranquillity, we can extend our thoughts to distant objects; and a complete indifference Jo the world will illumine and brighten the mind;'' said by |^ -^ ^ fe Choo-kat Boo-hog. Leng Leng Leng ^ t | VA ^ Peaceful, tranquil ; same as the pre- ceding. L^ng geSm, j^ J^, the name of a book belonging to the sect of Buddha. A spirit, a soul ; spiritual ; excel- ^pg lent; 16ng hwftn, g T^ stn j^^^j hwHn, the soul. WAy jin ban butcheieng,ll§ A E 5^9 ZS'"^^*^"^ chb ban mee^h dy Ung, man alone is the soul of all things; seethe ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^'^^^ ^^■ Keng se l^ng tag, ^g j(;^ ® ^ *'^'^ ''*«^" '^^^ M &y tai, they began to make the excellent terrace ; see the J^ ^ Siiang beng. < Leng Leng Leng LENG 451 The bars of a window frame. The same as ^, l^ng : a spirit. ^ij^ sharp, cunning, i^ the light of Ir* L6ng le, *??? clever. Leng g^^^"^'^"^'l * * AlA, the sun. A ^ Vulg. iy: to be able, may, can; Leng ^y "^^"^^ •^"S' :i' p^ '^"^ '*'^"' r^ W power, ability. t\. surname. Ha ke to Ifing y(-4? fpj ^ ^ "^ ill «" cAw^a e A;adM Aea cA^y cy ? how is it that he possess- es such a multiplicity of talent ? said of Confucius in the ^ ^ Lfln g6, Wfiy s6ng cheii Ifing che, P^ ^ /g* Hfc ^ tok s&ngjln dy lAng ey e, only a sage can accom- plish this ; see the l|l ^ Ttiung yftng. Lerig Leng LEO artful words and a smooth countenance are sek dom found connected with virtue ; see the _L ^ Seang lun. Leng chun, ^ ^, 'your honorable father;' a term of respect, when speaking of another's parent. Hwat leng, ^ '^^ the rules of an order. Heen leng, M 4j» kwdn leng, the magistrate of a district. Leng Leng _ The same as ^,lCng: the soul; also, ^^^i a little warm. A dragon ; the chief of the scaly tribe; also read leflng. Hefen n t* Icftng chae tij^n, t'hiien hay bfln Ung re ch'hdn, t'hee'S «y bdn i^njr, when a dragon appears in the field, the whole empire will become literary and illustrious ; see the ^ j^ Ek keng. » Good, fine, honorable ; a command, ^f^ an order. Leng hofi, ^ ^, J* a double surname. K'haou g^n lengsek,se6nfe jln, J^ -^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1^ k'hd &y wa, h6 &y bin sek, chU kViiieyh woo jin, Leng ^^11 To cut off. . ^ Talkative, verbose, eloquent, skilled Aj* in discourse ; also written ^, 1^5% leng. Yung yei, jln j6 put leng, H -tH <- ifS ^ ^ ^""^ y^*^' •'■'" "^'•'^ beu ga6u hCng icd, Yung is benevolent but not eloquent ; see the |^ |S Lun g6. Leng Leng Leng Leng Ifing, ^ ^, weary, tired. Kaou ling neioii, ^|| |^ J^ )ca leng chedou, a magpie. A*^if teng Itog,^ ^, the appearance "^—l • of walking. Mud, muddy; ch'liam jit 6 leng. Leng V- '^^ H ^ ^^ if *«> ''V " nw^a t'hoi, the horses were co- vered with the mud; see the ;^ jS Cho twan. Leng Leo 8t To dwell apart, to cut asunder; be- sides, another. The eyes just getting a glimpse of anything. LEUK 452 LEUK Le6 TV L'eth Read 16 : a kind of cockle or oyster. Read leak : a little; leoh leoh d, in a small degree. Leak tek, pj^^ ^i leoh leoh a tit t'eoh, to obtain anything in some measure. Leuk t* Leiik n6, W >j/jS, ashamed, to blush for shame. Seang wat, wut t8 soo kwun j6 > leukna,|^ 11^ E ^ 1 -fffi fg Sedng king wut chut s'eb^S kwun li ; y'ed chew sedou Uy, Seang said, "I have been anxiously thinking about your majesty ;'' saying which, he blushed for shame ; see ^ ^p Beng choo. Leuk Leuk I "TJJ Read keng : bent, to stoop ; keng Sj£ 16k k'hfe, ^1 ^ -^ leuk m ■ ■ * A'Ae, to stoop down. •^.^M To fold in the hem of a garment. l-95» "^^ ^°^^ anything. 1? TV Leuk Anything high and flat ; dry ground ; a surname ; leilk to, |^ Jg^ a journey by land ; leuk seiik, ^ ^, connected, in succession. Chok ke e h6ng leuk, ^^ $. 0( fj I^ '^^^ ch'hiia 6 k'e^& sw^a he, they made carriages for traveling by land. Leuk Leiik Vulg. lek: a kind of sea cockle, round, thick, and party-colored. To disgrace; w To kill, to put to death ; to disgrace ; V.W to unite strength. -^-'^ T'heen jln keiing leiik, ^ ^ ih ^ t'hee^S l&ng chb po8 la& t'hai, the gods and men both conspiring to destroy. Pang bo8 to, be6n 6 h^ng leiik, ^K ^E H^ ^ W ^Ij ^ pang bd to U, bein t h&ng leiik, when a country has not the right way, to be able to avoid being put to death ; see the |^ ^ Lun ge. Leiik kip seen jin, ^^ 1^ ^ J^ l&ng jeitk tae seng &y l&ng, to disgrace one's predecessors. Leuk Leuk Leuk Leuk ings. Leuk ^ Leiik tok, ^ a harrow. lak tdk, a rake, A sort of corn that is later sown, but sooner ripe. Green ; leiik teuk, ^ ^^ Uk tek, green bamboo ; leiik toe, ^^ ^^ lek taou, a kind of green pulse. To copy a writing, to record ; a re- cord, a writing ; to collect. Sfeng leiik, ^5 ^^ To6 leiik, plan. sacred writ- to scheme, to Leuk Leiik leiik, ^k ^R, to walk care- fully ; a surname. Hwiin je^n j6 , leiik jeln jg ong, ^ ^ rfn ^ 3^ ^ ffi] '^ 'i«'«« ^w"" J^ ^a^j A^" sin j6 6ng, they came in confusion, but returned with caution ; see the ^ '^ .jp. Hwafi lara choo. LEUNG 453 LEUNG Leiik Leuk Good wine; Ifing leiik, ^ |^, a kind of wine. Vulg. lek : green ; leiik e h6ng 16, ^ ^ ^ $ '***"" "'"^"^ li, a green garment with a yellow lining. Vulg. Idk : six ; sip leiik, -|- ^ Leuk ^"^^^ chap Idk, sixteen. "^ Leiik sip teang ^ heang, -^ -j- ■|4* -hJ^ {|R Idk chap holy ke&h kwa& a te heo^S It, those who are sixty years of age may carry a staff in the village ; see ^ ^ Choo cho6. To show favor to, to distinguish by favors ; to love. H6 t'heen che lefing ! -jpT Tr •^ flfe *^ /*Aee"^ &y leung al ! what distinguish- ing favor from heaven ! see the =i ^ Se keng. Leung t| Leung A mound of earth. To kick with the foot. Full, abundant ; high, as a mountain, great, eminent. A surname. To liiftng chek cheflng jfi leAng, to woo chek cheflng jfi woo, jl[ |^ H'J -vt [fj] 1^ M *^ H'i 1^ ffn i^ '° '^ '^"^"^ *"'^' '^*'* <'Adn e IcHng sing, to It la s6m, chek t'hdn e la sdm, when the principles are exalted, those who practice them will be exalted ; and when the principles are corrupt, those who follow them will be corrupt also; see the |f. ^ ^ L6y t'hin keung. 5 O Leung Wearied, tired, fatigued. Leilng peng biit k'heen, ^ 3^ Ay ^ yed Ay pal^9 dy bd cVhay sae, the weary and the aged must not be sent on an errand. Leiing K'heung leflng, ^ ^, the high expansive appearance of the hea- vens ; the vauhed firmament. The sound of a drum. A dragon, the chief of the lizard tribe ; a surname ; le|^ ^^ familiar with, free, disrespectful. Lew e kan k6w,f£ ^ ^ ^ /^tt> sip hap kan keu> &y l&ng, familiar with vicious and worthless people. Lew t^7^ ^" instrument for catching fish, il l made of bamboo. i' I * t The god supposed to preside over Lew |5>^ ^^^ '^^"''■^ °^ * dwelling. K(i M y sod teung 16w, ^ |^ lj| g « ch'hae tang e'^ Ay lew, he sacrificed to the divi- nity of the middle of the house ; seethe?!^ H -^ L6y gwat leng. Lew A place where the water descends low ; a cataract, or whirlpool. Sam ch'heen chew h^ng, ge hong yit sit, jip 16w chek suy jeak j^ biit lek, ^ ^ 4tt- ■j^S s^a ch'heng chun k'e^& to6 teoh hong chit &y sit, jip Itw chek cMiy ey nool^S, jt t'e&m lek, three thousand boats sailing along, and meeting with a foul wind enter the whirlpool, where the water is slack, and being ingulphed therein, are lost. The water flowing down ; water rushing downwards, as in a whirl- pool. ,Yu\g. laou: to flow, as water; 16 w h^ng, ^ ^y^ laou Ae" sulphur, brimstone. Also written Fine gold ; pendent ornaments. Bijen lew, ^ 1^, an emperor's Lew ff tlP crown ; the crown of the emperor of China used to be square on the top with (chefin hoe sip je Ifiw, gu i^ T" "•*. jjjjfr cheng aou chap je laSu,) twelve strings of pearls hanging down both before and behind ; this form of the imperial diadem has been in use (ac- cording to the Chinese) from the time of H6ng tfey, ^ ^ Wui'^ tiy, (B. C. 2622,) but the present Tartar dynasty seems to have adopted another form. Lfiw le, Jjjt ^' * '""^ of pearl, or transparent gem; a vitreous substance. Also written J^^ 16w. E gno Ifiw 16 t'hap, ch'hut tfi chcfin ch'hong hay, pw^a gwd &y Uw 16 i'hap, ch'hut lai hay ti cheng t'hang ay, remove my pearly bedstead, and place it under the front window ; see a "jfr Sap Ko6 se, an ancient ode. Lew Lew L§w Clear water ; Chin 6 Wuy, lew ke ch-heng ^ ! -^ ^ )^ ill ^ i|& jfe Chin chuy kap WUy chtty, Ittc e dy cWheng ! the waters of the Chin and Wuy, how clear are their streams ! see the JHu WL Teng bong. Sck Idw, ^ im s&yh Uw, a pome- granate ; introduced into China by TeAng-k'hcen, 3^ ^^ when he went on an embassy to the west. Lew Lew Lew Lew Lew Lew Lew Lew Lew Lew Lew Lew PMi The same as the preceding. Hanging pearls, or gems, suspended as ornaments from the top of a crown. Pek lew, 5^ 5^, not to be able to get forward. Vulg. Ia6u: to detain, to entertain. A wen on the neck ; seng lew, ^ M saC^S Uw, to have a wen. '1*^2 LCw le, ^ ^^ the name of a bird 1-||0^ of a cruel disposition. . A red horse, with a black tail. II To kill ; vulg. laSu: a surname. I A red horse, with a black mane. 11 Sorrowful, distressed. Doubly damp. The name of a fish. LEY 456 LEY L6y ^ |V Ceremony, politeness, propriety ; SRS bAnl6y, ^ ^, polite. L6y f|fJ3» che yung, h8 wily kwily, seen 8ng che to, soo wfty b6, se^ou tae yfiw che, j^ ^ f\^ "k. ^ ^ ^^y^yy^'^'^^ cAd *:«)%, seng ong &y to cUy Uy k'hah sity, shy twd t'hdn e, in the use of ceremonies, harmony is important; ac- cording to the doctrine of the former kings this was considered excellent ; great and small affairs were all made to conform to this ; see the J^ SiJang lun. Also written ^^ \6y. 1SS$ The ancient form of ^, 16y : some say, ceremonial implements. Ley ^ ^yu. The name of a plant or tree 9f which ', glass, any vitreous substance ; the gems of western countries. Ley ^=2 Ley ft The name of a river. Ley Sweet wine ; ch'he"^ e cheak ley, ^ ch'he^d M t'hUi tee^9 dy cUw, let us pour out the sweet wine ; see the /J> ^ Seiou gniy. v* Sweet wine Ley Uy Ley Ley To oppose ; to bend. To twist, to entwine. Ley y^^_ walking sticks may be made; a "fj^ surname ; T'hafe-yit je^n 16y cheiou t'h6k, :;^ 2, .ii S B a ^"''■^'' &y cVhai''S Ae"e -^ ^% Tae gn^y. J-— K'hong ley, ^ ^, a mate, a fel- low; a couple, a pair ; a competi- tor. Also written ^, ley. Ley Ley ^^ A creeper, a parasite; commonly " ^ called kfe seng, ^ ^ kedsai"9, a plant that lives on another. LEY 457 LIM Ley I The wind moving anything; any- thing scattered by the wind. Ley Ley -^ Ley che, ^ j^ the ley che, the TJTJ '^T'''' °^ ^^^ Dimocarpus litchi. ^^y •?« The name of a fish. Ley Stern, severe; shrill, loud; tyranni- cal, wicked ; to grind. Cho6 wun je ley, ^ ^ jfj^ y^ hoo cho6 umnjunji ley geem, Confucius was benign but stern ; see the 5^ |^ Lun g6. Ley seng, J^ ^ Hi/ se'^a, a shrill voice. Md ley, ^ j^^ to rub, to grind. A surname. To lean against, to rely on; atten- dants, dependants. Ley se, ^ ^^ a certain form of writing the Chinese characters. Ley Ley # Angry ; hwun ley, ^^ ^^ enraged. Ley Ley Ley Calamities occasioned by evil spi- rits. A grinding stone ; a whetstone ; also to grind. A sickness, a pestilence, a violent disease or sore. Ley chit put king, ^ ^ "^ ley paV*9 bS kdng Idh, let not pestilences and dis- eases come down upon us; see the "^ ■fift Cho twan. Strange, perverse, rebellious, tumul- tuous, wicked ; a crime. Kwaelcy,^ ^^ froward; hwun '^y'^. ^. wrathful. Ke kiui kan tae teen,6 choo ch'h6 ley, Jt §{[ ^ 4^ |ft. l/J Q JjV M e *"« Aa» hwdn twa tein, i. ka te cK'hc chbey, he dares to disobey the great command, and thus bring guilt upon himself; see the ^ ||^ Cho twan. ^/C^ Cho 16, *^ m chaou ley, a strain- ■^V ^ 't ' ^'"' ^°' straining the grains from I ^J the liquor ; a perforated ladle fur taking rice out of the water ; a skimmer. Ley Ley Unclean rice, coarse rice. B(;6n ley, |^ ||^, to exeit one's strength, to urge, to encourage. Ley chfe ti)ng jfi kwan pong jit, )S t ilD 11^ ^i^^nleydysimchi tedh ch'hin chio^S k'hto"d. pi^S Ay jit, the spirit of energy should continue the same as it was in the day when we first saw the schedule (of literary grad- uates.) 5 P Lim Lim ,Cold,stifl"; frigid; wuy hong lim lim, g!t M^5^, a dignified and" austere manner. To be alarmed; terrified, affright- ed; to respect, to fear; hazardous. Pek sfeng lim lim, "^ ^ j^ f^ p&yh sai"S kc'*a ht'^A, the people were fearfid and alarmed. J > ^ Ch'hong lim, ■^ J^^ a granary, a Lim MlJy storehouse for grain. '^^^ J6 kwun che ch'hong lira sit, hoo k'ho^ ch'heung, '^^±^B^){^W- -^ ji Iwun. 16 Ay ch'he"S lim tee^9 , lu6 k'hoi mtc^df and all the while your majesty's granaries are LIM 458 LIN full, and your treasuries overflowing; see ^ -+• Beng clioo. ■ I I * Also written ^^lim. Lim "^/W?y Distressed in the extreme. L,1U1 Lim Lim Ltm A disease consisting in a stoppage of urine. B, J_ To come to, to visit, to arrive at ; nn '*"" '''°' ^^^ ^ ^''" '^' '° '"' about to die. Che^ou lim hay t''»o6, Bfl f^ ~p i '^''^^ ''*" «i' *'" % ''^"^^ to pay a gracious visit to this lower world. yC ISf -"^ cross beam on the top of a house. Lim 4fe Fire beginning to burn. To lean forward the head, and doze. Urn #" Se ltm, ^ jJx ch'hew n&, a forest, a grove ; san )im, ^ /tx, hills and woods; a surname. Lira ch'him put ke^n jit, i^ j^j^ ^p ^ H n& ch'him bey k'htc^d kei^S jit, when the forest is deep, we cannot see the sun. Liiii liim A fair gem. Name of a state. To rinse anything with water ; wa- ter descending from the hills. Lim 16 e, ^^ »]^ ppj lim U hoe, a drenching rain. Lim Timely rain, seasonable showers, eak sofey tae han, yung je chok ~»~- Tiff -ffc ^t SE nee^o twig tted to" a, yittig le chb lim hoe, if the season is very dry, we will make use of you as an opportune shower ; see the ^^ &^ Se keng. ? To look ; some say, a dizziness of Lin the head. ^^ Lin I6ng ko6, H ^ ^j^, a small ■"^^^^^ drum, or rattle, used by pedlars Vir » to give notice of their arrival, in order to sell their wares. Lin Lin Lin 4^ To feel ashamed. Also read lin : a neighborhood. You, ye ; you people ! \'|^ The threshold of a door, according Lin Lin to the dialect of the country. Ch'ho6 ^ The color of a gem ; the veins in To compare with ; to be near to; a near neighbor; near to, adjoining. T'heen ga6 jeak pe lin, ^ ^J^ ^ l^b ^ rAce"S' pee^g Ay l&ng ch'hin ched"g pi lin, the inhabitants of heaven's utmost borders should be treated like our near neighbors; see the \h ^ IfToehoose. Lin i^ Clear water ; spring water. LIN 459 LIN Lin Lin m Lin h"6, j^ */(_ lin hoiy, devil's >^jt fire ; supernatural fire. fJ^•A piebald horse. Lin Ke lin, ^ ^, a fabulous beast, said to be the most princely of animals. Ke linche 6 choe sfew, I'm Ay two. te cha6u she liiy yea, though tlie noblest among four footed beasts, the kt lin is still of the same class ; see ^ •^ Beng choo. ^_ ^1» The sound of carriages ; y6w ke Itn Lin Silt ""'"t ^ H ^^wodch'hea jT I dy se"o ftn fin, the carriages roll. ed along to the sound of lin lin ; see the ^ ^ Chin hong. I A >in Liu i^> Vulg. l&n : the scales of a fish. H ^ tj - To pity, to commiserate ; k'ho lin ! J-^y Pf '^, ^hat a pity! Tflng \^^ peng seang lin, |?i] #3 ^ 1^ t&ng paV*S seo lin bin, those who are alike indis- posed can feel for each other ; see the ^» ^^ Ch'hun cii'liew. Sim sfing Itn pek hwat, »\jj» irai tl^ 1^ ^ *"" ^""o f*"* cAe"" 'fn seoA p&yh Chadu tnS Ay lAng, the mind truly commiserates gray-haired people ; see a "jg" ||g'^ ko6 gan, old proverb. Lin Lin m # Deep recesses in the hills; succes- sive ridges of hills, deep and distant. Stones appearing at the bottom of a clear stream. YAng che suy pek sekUnltn,^ ± -^ ^ ^^ t 5^ Ydng &y chuy p&yh cheoh lin lin, in the waters of the Yang, the white stones appear ; see ••^e ^ JM^ T6ng hong. Lin Lin Lin impid stream ; the same as the above. S> Lin ke, ^ &^ a neighborhood. , Ltn h"6, ^ jl^ lin hbey, devil's fire. The female of the |tt |^, kfi Itn, Lin /l?J^ a fabulous animal ; 6ng chei chfe ^^ jin, chek lin ch'hut, ^ ^ ^ /— QlJ ]^ iJj Sng Ay ling ch& jin, chek lin ey ch'hut, when kings are eminently benevolent, this animal appears. Read l€ng: a kind of silk, or sars- Lin %k^? ne< ; '^"g 'wan, ^^ ^U lin Itedn, a kind of satin. Lin Mean, niggardly, sparing, stingy ; to be sorry for, to be ashamed. Hbi'y lin, *|^ :^^ to regret;, l!ii sek, ^ 'ji^, to be sparing of. Soo keaou ch'Wii^k lin, kfi 6 put chisuk kwan yei 6, Stti woo keaou Vho.Su kwd. lin sek, e Ay sin bo kabu fhang hoi gwdn k'hte^d, if such a person becomes proud and stingy, all the other traits of his character are not worth looking at ; see the ^ |^ lqh g^. ^ Keen lin. Lin ^, stingy, sparing. *r>C. Seang sim lin chafi, ^ ^ |^ ' l^ W W chd seng le Ay lAng chin che^d gaCu seoh chei^S^ trading people are very sparing of their money ; see the ^ |S Kay g6. Lip 460 LO Lm M- Lin Supernatural fire, Will-o'-the-wisp, ignis fatuus ; wherever a battle has been fought, and human carcases mixed with those of horses and cattle, this fire is said to burst out. Fire-flies are also called ^S^ Iin. w|» A thin stone ; m8 jd put lln, ^^ A0^ ]!0 ^ ^ '^"'^i^ ^*^ p"^' ^"'' all the grinding, the stone does not n become thin. To walk with difficulty ; to select ; Iin swin, jajp ^b^ to choose. ^iKj Lin gini, j|^ X^^ the head bending jP^pId forwards. .^^.Ct A surname. LIn-seang-j6, ^ ra ■^n> a famous man in the TO, Teo country. Lin Lin Lin •^^ %_ Vulg. k'hea : to stand, to establish. Lip ^P Sam sip jg lip, 3 "^ tfO ^^ s"a chap holy ji Up, " at thirty years of age, I was established ;" said by Confucius, in the J^ Ij^ Sijang lun. * ^ To hinder, to stop, to catch in a Lip -vV" trap. - f -^ K6 jlp M lip, yew cheAng j^ cheaouche? ^ A '^ ^ X '^ M \U 2 kabujip e ay te te&ou, sai sa&jeukji pak e? since (the pig) has entered the sty, what is the use of pro- ceeding to tie it up ? see ^ -J- Beng choo. * >^ A defense against the rain ; teuk lip, Lip » - ^^ ^ tek layJi, a wide bamboo ^ tfm hat, used as an umbrella. Lip Read leep : a grain, a kernel of rice. Leep sit kae bin ko, j^^ /^ ^ ff^ ■© chit lip ch'eah chd poo se ■k Lit payh sai"ff Ay yiic, every grain of food is procured by the sweat of the people ; see the BP cP Soo kh. To stop, to hinder. H6ng hik soo che, ch6 hek lit che, k'e^A hek woo l&ng sat e, hay'^h hek woo l&ng chah e, if I enter on office, there will perhaps be some one to urge me to it; and when I refrain, there will per- haps be some one to hinder me ; see "^ ^^ Beng choo. Stopped up, closed up, not pervious, not thoroughly clear. Oh ko kin, j6 lit chei, ^ M^ y^ wdn hwut Uy k6 k''^d, je bey t'hong dy l&ng, " I detest bold and forward people, particularly when they do not thoroughly understand the subject ;" said by Confucius, in the Liin g6. . PP Lo Good looking, to look well ; lo le, ^0 j^ cunning, artful. L6 •. # Old ; 16 j!n, -^ J\^ laou long, an ~^\^ ' old man. ^^ Ch'hit sip wat 1°; -^^ "j" ■^ ch'hit chap h'6i.y kbtig laou, a person seventy years of age is called old. L6go6 16,6kipjinchel6,;^ ^ ^ ^ ]X l&ng &y laou l&ng, let us respect our own aged peo- ple, in order to benefit the aged people of others. L6 L6 K'ho 16, ^ ^ ka 16, a basket made of crooked bamboos. A vessel made of bent wood. l6 461 A LO L6 L6 L6 A surname. Sorrowful, distressed, grieved; hwan M4 16 sek, ^ ^ ^ 6ay Zrf cheoh, a cornelian stone. L6 L6 L6 L6 *>* Chcang 16, j^ })g cAeo"^ /<;,'Chi- nese camphor ; t'hofi 16, jSB B^ t'haou 16, the brains. K6 16, ^ ^^^ an insect like a dra- gon fly, that feeds on mulberry leaves. Disturbed, troubled. Jkk,^ Fruits of the earth, ground fruits; *|f |t\ fruits growing on trees are called yHyHV ^^ Ijo and earth fruits or those on bushes are called ImK., 16. L6 Lo A gutter in a road ; 16 suy, Jj^ ^^^ a puddle. ^|> Ha ha6 che 6 hfing 16, luy y64, chiiy k'hwut a, luy yid, the rivers and seas, though expansive compared witli running ditches, are still of the same kind; see ^ IX. Beng cho6. Jr^* > 2 Long and gre»t. ■|- Long, tall ; a long shanks ; ch'hoo L6 is* j«" ""• 1^ ilk A ^ "S ^^'^y I6y Idng chin chae Id, this man is 5Q .K.t^ To labor; to be diligent; kong 18, L6 ^"^Jip* ©1/ "^ labor, merit; 16 sim, ^w M ^Li^^ to exert the mind ; 16 lek, ^ "fv to exert one's strength. Vulg. 16 lot: a com- mon expression of gratitude, intimating, "I put you to a great deal of trouble." Sin 16, ^ ^, wages. Vulg. bioi : to labor, to drudge, to toil. A surname. Bo6 se 16, ^ j!^ ^ bS teen ka te ay kong 16, boast not of your own merits ; see the Ijgjj ~& Lun L8 6 6ng soo, ^ JA ^ !^ hicA te 6ng &y sod, laboring in the service of the king ; see the /j> 5^ Seiou gniy. L6 L5 Hwun 16, wA f», merit. The same as the above. Vulg. M : to stir anything about in the water ; to feel after anything, and seek to take it out of the water. L6 > jUJ^ The name of a river ; also, great V^ ■ ■ waves, and violent rain. 9y/^ E yew ch'hit 16 che chae, ^ ^ 'hW^'A^ woo ch'hit 16 Ay chae haP, E met with the seven calamities of overwhelming rains. very tall. L6 L6 L6 L6 L(< so, Gm iTOy, anything coarse. A voice, a sound; sonorous. A sort of silk ; a surname ; lin Id say crape, and sarsnet. Beet 16, ^ M beih lw&, a vessel y ^tfe made of basket work. A LO L6 T6ng 16, ^ ^, a kind of creep- ing plant, a sort of bindweed ; 18 > t ' ^ pok, ^ >gj^Raphanus salivus, turnip; ho6 16 pok, 'ilij] ^ ^, Daucus carota, the common carrot. 4«2 LO back over the sea, and people saw that he was mounted on a green mule. L6 1.6 L6 L6 L6 >ffi? ■The name of a river. f/li Chea 18, tuous. J^^firm, but not vir- Le 16, |I^ p® a humming sound, to assist in making out a tune. k _— ^A gong, a martial instrument of rau- ^J'P- a brazen gong. The mind grieved, and sorrowful; also, a net. H6ng ch'hoo pek 18, llTTtt ^ jjj/ ^ l^to6 teok chit, cAe^d payh tedh bwd, meeting with these hundred troubles. L6 L6 L6 L6 m To love, to be enamored with. L8 tok,"!^^^ a man's name; lewd. W-e^, The sediment of liquor. A kind of wine. Also read 16y : a kind of sea-shell ; also written ^, 18. L8 se, ^ ch'han ley, a field snail. L6 tl A kind of ape ; bo8 ka6u 18 seng bok, cheo^y ch'hd, don't teach an ape to climb the trees ; (i. e. don't teach your grandmo- ther to suck eggs.) L6 L6 Great; ka 18, "^ j^, large and coarse. An inclosure for cattle; also, firm ; kam 18, fifc ^, a prison. LSputk'hb p'h6,^ /f^ pT ^ keen 16 kabu hey fined, he is too firm to be broken in upon. * L6 ^ A mule, the progeny of a she ass Jl^iHi and a stallion, f^ v-r% The same as the above ; selou kwun JA iJl 2^' k'h^ hae, jln ke^n se ch'heng 18, ^ ^ sen kwun k'hed te hat, Idng k'hw"d se cVhai^S Id, the young prince was riding on horse- L6 L6 Lo Lo Lo Lo 7 Read chok : muddy, not clear. L8 ch'hea, ^ p£, the name of a god. r r b % \ drenching rain. y{'/^v'hwan 18, ^ i^^ a companion, a mate, a fellow. m ^ ^■^ To fake about in the water in order to find anything. If To repent, to regret. LOE Lo Lo L5 Lo L5 Lo j^i^ To reward labors, to applaud exer- ^^E^ tions. Teng pek soo jin 16 Qng, piyh sue. Idng keb ong 16 lit, the ruler of the Teng country sent some one to extol the labors of the king; see the ^ ^ Cho twan. ^J ^' Wanton, lascivious. 463 Loe Loe Lo6 Loe Loe A drumming in the ear. . An auxiliary particle, at the end of a sentence, sometimes used as a note of interrogation. kA measure of 5 pecks. Lo ^iS/tt^ To perambulate ; migratory troops. The name of a country, the native |-?| state of Confucius. A surname. * ^^Q An oar, a long oar used both to steer 'qt and row with ; a scull. iF^& Toelo6,^ J|S,akindofsmailpox. Lo6 lcik,0 ^, to take prisoner in war ; to capture ; to take alive is called ^, loe, and to obtain dead is called ?^j hik. Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Lo6 Loe I LOE To take, to seize ; the same as the above. n Jj^rfTo converse. PP ^ An oar ; the same as jj^. ^ lo6. A saltish soil in the west ; lo6 bong, ^S/^ [^ ^ b6ng chong, coarse, vul- gar, unmannerly. I Loe long, ^ ^, to shake, to move, to agitate. An oar ; the same as If^^ \o€. * The mind deceived. Pbfiy lo6, ^ ^, a small mound, a hillock. Lo6 lek, ^ ^. '° "^"^ '*** suength ; a strenuous exertion. Loe lek chOng bfing tek, }^ "fj ^ chin lit chun chSng Ung Ay tek, to exert the strength in honoring illustrious virtue. Vulg. Ia6u: a gallsry, an upper chamber, a loft. Ko kw4n lofi tafi seng sfey sfey, ^ ^ ^ ^ I cA'Aed"^ kwa p'hun k6t>g te laCu tal eAeo'^, se'^a siy sly, ^hen chanting and piping up in the gallery, or on the terrace, the sound ap- pears very faint LOE 464 LOE A hunchback, a crooked-backed per- Loe Am^ I ^W,To pull, to hawl, to drag. J6 long Lo^ Hr^tf" kay ch'he^ng, j6 lofi kfi ch'h6 ^J^JC ch'hoo, chek tek ch'hey ? g^ ^ ^ ^ ffii ^ ^ jt ?- anf * jp»c«d io^y tang kay dy chWe6^9, j6 k'han e Ay chae sit It, chek ey tit tedh hoi ? if you could climb over your neighbor's wall, and lead off an unmar- ried female, in order to get a wife, (I suppose you would do it?) see ^ ^ Beng choo. Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe One of the 28 constellations. A surname. A kind of thread or silk. Loe ge, ^ Sl^ a sort of ant ; teen log, ^ ^, a bat. rf=?ffiThe skull, the bone of the head. *The name of a sword. An inveterate ulcer ; k'he lo6, ^ i$^ a crooked back. Hoelo6,^^|| ^, covetous, fond of money. A little pig. Kwa lo6, J^ ^-, the name ef a medicinal plant. The betel leaf. Loe "" a _~w« w medicmal plant. J j^^PaouloS, ^ H, asortofcala- Loe ]^||\ bash, but round. )jSl)*^ Hoe loe, ^^ 0, a calabash; the name of a river. Loe The name of a river ; called also " the bitter waters." Heang lofi, ^ ^ heo"S lol, an Loe *lCl^9 incense pot, a censer ; h^o lo^ , /SSL. Af >jM hdiy M, a furnace ; lo^ choo, M ^ one who presides at a sacrifice. Kim loa heang chin, loe seng chan, ^ W im af. ** Tiit ^tm M Ay heu'"9 chin, laou Ay se'^a boeyh ledou, the incense in the golden censer is burnt out, and the dripping of the clepsydra is al- most done; (intimating that it is towards morning.) Also written j^^ lofi. rgfcAn earthen vessel for containing wine. Loe A fire bedstead ; s6w lol, ^f Loe ^HhS^ ^ ^'"^ °^ ''^"'^ warming pan, car- ried about in the sleeve of a gar- ment to keep a person warm. 1^ Flaxen threads ; ch'hey p'hek log, Loe ^Ig ^ ^1 ®, the wife prepares »>/S theflax;see J;; .^Bengchoo. Lo6 wuy, % ^, >o"g g""*^*' °' rushes,a reed growing in the water, ,„_ . Zizania palustris. Hoo chfeng ya chek, pofe log ye^, =fe 3^ ijl ^ ^m^ hoc ching SCO, -ey cVUn cheo^9 pot lot, (^e results of) good government will be as rapid as the growth of rushes; see the l^l ^ Teung yfiug. Loe LOE 465 LOE Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe The name of a fish belonging to the salmon class. T'ho6 \oi, skull. t'haSu hi, the Lo6 cho6, j|& ^ lol se chedou, a l\\\tl cormorant ; Carbo cormoranus. A surname ; a vessel for containing rice. The flesh on the front of the belly. H8ng lo^, ^% Bjg^ the name of an office in the ^, H^n dynasty. Loe Loe Loe L6k loC, mffi WjM a well-sweep or other machine for drawing water. Loe S Loe Loe ^ A slave, a man servant ; Io6 cha6, "Xf ^I irt -iTi a slave, a varlet; an af- ■^^ ^^ fected title of humility. A road ; kay loe, /^ f^, a street ; _ hfing loe, ;f|- % ke^A loe, to I"* travel along the road ; loe p6ng, ffi&. i^ loe pee'^S , by the roadside. A surname. Hoo ge loe ye^, ley bAn ye4, ^ ^ P» {v, Sffi pa +jl hoo ge si loe ycd, Uy se moofS yea, now righteousness is the road, and propriety is the door (by which we are to enter ;) see ^ ^ Beng choo. ipy^Loe cho8, ^ ^ loe se, a kind of * g& ^^^ > *° discover, to appear. lE^ Pek loe b6 he, Q ^ ^ ^ pSyh loe yea bbey ta, the hoary dew was not yet dry ; see the ^ ^ Chtn hong. Loe hefen, ^ J^^ to appear, to show itself, to be discovered. ^ Loe >S To present anything ; to bribe ; yew '"^.^ ^^, bribes. Chin Boo kong chin 6 kfi p6 k'hi"i loe Chew Lfi 6ng, ^ ^ ^ ^ £jI ^ W ^ ^ }l^ M ^ CAJb Bo6 kong chd poo Vk6 e Ay p6 k'hi sai yew loe kap Chew Li ong, Boo, the ruler of the Cliin country took all his precious things and used them as bribes to L^, the king of Chew ; see the f^ K Se se. jL.yp A carriage; sfing Yin che loe, ff^ Loe ®X. ^ ZU P^y* 'A^°"^ *'«" 'J M tedou &y ch'hea, to ride in the car- riages of the Yin dynasty ; (i. e. to imitate their mannei-5) see the |^ |^ LQn gfe. Vulg. laou : to leak, to drip through ; a leak ; ch'ham loe, -^ Jj^ cWham laou, to leak out; loe keng, 'I& IPi laou kai^S, a kind of hourglass, com- posed of Hri|iping water, instead of falling sand; he sect, vE 54l loou s'eet, to let out a secreU Loe 5 R « • LOEY 466 LOK Loe A kind of sore; kan loe chit, ^ h -J^ ^"^ '""^ paV^, a dis- ease, like dry ulcers on the skin. JLoe Narrow; p'h6 loe, gp|iE( , niggard- ly, mean; loe heep, j^ ^^ narrow, contracted. Chae loe hang, ;^ |5^ ^ '^^ '« loe hang, dwell- ing in a narrow lane. Soo wAy loe sit, wfiy go6 tek heng, Ijj ;^ [fg 'M. ^ 'u' ^^' S '^^^y *^ '"* "^* ^^ cVhob, tok title gwd &y tek heng p' hang, "this is a narrow house, but my virtue is fragrant ;" said by ^|\ 0. ^& ^ L6v/-€ Sek-bftn. 5^ l.oe Keung loe ^ '^ a crossbow. K'ho k6 keung loe, ^ jt ^ klt6 ch'hat e &y k'enng loe, ex- amine the bows and crossbows; seethe ^ i^ Chew ley. J^oe '^yi^Sl ^ ^^'' ground in the west. Loe Loev Loe k'he, ^ ^^ a dwarf. Hungry, to starve with hunger. would not eat of it ; said of Confucius in the ^ t5 Lun g6. Woey loey, '^ ^, weak. Loey Thin ; a meagre sheep ; poor, lean, BsErr emaciated, old. Fallen down, prostrate. Loev Vulg. Zae.- inner, within, inside, in. Hap loey goey che to yeS, ^ 1^*^ ^1* ;^ oi -tH ^^p '«^ gwa &y to It, uniting the internal and external principles; see the ffa M' Teung ydng. To cut open ; to cut the bones out of meat. J| /« neaa loK : to descend, tc >^^ Seang 16k, _t ^ '■^ to go up and down ; a person about to go on a jour- ey were to intrust his family to the care of a friend, and on his return were to find ' that he had (tdng lo^y ke ch'hey choo, ■^ |^ [g; . L6h ^ ■?" S^ *^ * ^y ^"^ ke^a,) starved his wife and children to death, what would he think of him ? see ■^ -^ Beng choo. J^ /-» Read 16k : to descend, to fall down ; L^h ^^^^ Seang 16k, V ^ cheo'^S Uh, bd hay loh, is an expression intimating contempt. Lok la^, W ^ ^^^'' ^"^' '° '^""'^ down. Song che 16k ^, ^ -^ ^ ^ se"ff hedh Ay Idh , the fall of the mulberry leaf; see the ^ Woey hong. ^ Lok ^ -^ Stinking fish ; ge I66y jd jeiik pae, ' W-^ put sit, # ^ ffji 1^ Uj :^; i AU>^ ^ he cVhabu ji bah pae «'« ^ LqJj Loev m'^ p"' -^'^ ^, is rfij l^ Ife :?> che&h, if the fish was tainted, and the meat turned, he >Ji ^ A^ Read 16k: a thread, a fibre; keng '°'^' f? ^ **"^ 'o'^j threads and fibres ; the veins and arteries. The name of an animal ; a surname. To be cut with a knife ; a sabre wound. LOK 467 LOK Lok A bleeding at the nose. -rr LmIc Lok Read t'hok : e s4n t'hok, pjg ^ ^^ hoe sw"a lok, a case for an umbrella. • /Xf The name of a river ; Lok-y&ng, J^T^ /&• Wi, "" '""=■'6"' city- Pa6u 16k, ^ j^, an instrument of punishment, made in the form of a brazen pillar, to which criminals were bound ; after which it was gradually heated, till the unfortunate beings were roasted to death. Tew ch^ pa6u 16k che h6ng. jj^f ^j ^^ j^ i v' 1|-U Tew 6ng ch'hdng pa6u lok &y king hwdt \ Tew dng invented the paou 16k instrument of tor- ture ; see the ^ =^ Soo k^. ^ Lok J§- Eng 16k, f the neck. J», ornaments for Joined, connected together. Vulg. Idh : a thread, or fibre. Long Lok ZiyL "^h P san lok yei, ^ |i| j^ ^f- Idng !vf*a Idh yea, the Long hills and deserts are conterminous. B6k 16k, |]^( iX m&y^k Idh, the veins and arteries. Lok Lok Lok A white horse with a black mane. Also, a surname. The unctious part of milk, cream. ^M-m VuIg. I6h: to fall down, to descend, \x^S? a place where people collect to- ¥f3 getlK gether to dwell in, is called hjt ^ ch'hun 16k, a Tillage. When a house is finished, and people meet to sacriAce in it, it is called J^ ^, s6ng 16k. B6 16k kjky, ;^ ^ jg, the rice has fallen in price. Hw^n sin lok "n^. j^ ^ ^ ^ f^odn st» ISh bay, he. turned round and tumbled off his horse. L6k L6k Lok The name of a bird ; also, the name of a horse. Lok t6, ^ ^^ a camel. Hong 16k, ^^ EjS^ emolument, sa- lary. Good things, advantages. Choo-teang hak kan 16k, -?• 2^ -j-* S« ChoS-tieang t'hdk ch'hayh kan Arte h6ng lok, Choo-teang studied for the sake of the emoluments of office; see tlie k' i^ Seang lun. A surname. Sew t'heen pek lok, ^ ^ "g" |^ sew t'he^ che^d payh dy h6, we have received a hundred benefits from heaven ; see the /k 5ft Se4ou gn4y. ^^^ /y A place where there are many stones. Lok /Q^lP Lol^ >ol' cbei \kn hap, ^ {^ '^ ^B* Pl^ 'P ^^'^ chedh oh seo hap, men's minds are obdurate, and with difficulty made to agree. L6k L6k L6k Rice roasting at the fire. -lok-kwan, m. w ^ a -^ A stag, a deer; 16k kak, ^ ^. stag's horns, and lok kin, |^ mj stag's tendons ; both used as aph- rodisiacal medicines. Ko^ h6ng gan bd 16k, LOK 468 LONG k'hti^d twd ck'eah gS hap 16k hot, the king was ob- serving the large wild geese, and the full grown stags; see the _^ ^^ Seang beng. ^^J^ To drip through, to leak ; to exhaust. Xidk ^jH^ ^^^ cheep swi tey, yM Jt" VrU4 m j^, the dripping gravy be- sprinkled the ground ; see the mc ^ w Che^n kok ch'hek. Lok a windlass over L6k I t The foot of a hill ; cheem pe han ^S '"'• W \t ^^ M, '-k at ^P& the arid foot of yonder bill; see ^ ^ Tae gniy. Lok Lok L6k L6k' ' Ke 16k, 4^ ^(''^s name of a place. A basket made of wicker work. To scrape, to rub. Tok 16k, ^. ^^ to excel, to sur- pass, to exceed. ^^ ^ Eng 16k, ]^ 1^, to answer ; h6 16k, L6k ^->C f^ f^> *° assent. Cho6-k'h6ng I-' " wat 16k, go6 cheang bun yed, ^ 1 IS g )1$ Pp.3 € Cho6.k^hbng h6ng h6, gwalai k'ht tnoin^S, Cho6-k'h6ng said, "very well; I will ask (Confucius);" see the =^ Gak che sit, 16k soo je chei, hwut k'hfe se yeS, gdk 6.y cheak sit, se ydng lok cMy no hang ii"* hoeek'At, real music consists in enjoying these two things, which are indispensable ; see '^ -?• Beng choo. gS Lun g6. I^k m To be pleased, to be delighted with; yung 16k, m 16k, 3 S^jjoy; rejoiced. ^ happiness. L6k Long The name of a tree. ■^^^ Lin long ko6, ^ fe "kV^ a small L-^^ drum or rattle with a handle, used by pedlars. Long Long Long m Bright, clear; ko long, j^ ^^ high and clear. The bright appearance of the rising sun. Also written -*- long. The appearance of fire. Long Yesterday, before, previously, for- merly. Long j^ gS.n hfe hoe? ^ j[[j "=" ^ ^ cha hwui"9 siy kbvg, k'ham gaSu chetn hoe? what was said yesterday, was it in joke ? see the |£Ching6. ArJ^ Neiou long, J^, || chedou Idng, a Long ,viL^ bird-cage. ^ Ci E t'heen hay wfiy che long, chek nedou ch'lieak bo8 s6y t^, VJ,^~\^ "j^q "^ W. fi}] Mj % M f!!^ ^M, '^"^* ''''""^ ''^^ ^^ '*" chit Ay Idng, chek chedou d chayh d h6 ta loh Vhang chadu, "if we were to make a bird-cage of the em- pire, then even the birds and sparrows would not be able to escape;" said by ^. ^ Chong choo. LONG 469 Long A high place in a field ; twat keng jfi che long seang, ^ ^ iR ^ t|| _|2. «""«* '*"* J^ ^'^^ *"'*" Idng ting, they stopped ploughing, and got upon the mound. (Lang, ^,on the 249th page should be this.) %g - W A tomb, a little mound over a tomb. Long ~ Q^^ Sek boe put teng long, ^ J^ /"*"'-) >fi '^ "ffl ^^^ ^°^y ''"^'^'' bong, u"* t'^ang payh ched"S I6ng teng, when pass- ing by a grave, do not get upon the tumulus ; see the K'heuk 16y. T8ng long, '||p] j||, anything in- complete. Long Long Long The name of an office established by the ^^ Chin dynasty, but al- tered by the j{^, Suy dynasty to se Idng, j^ ^[^se n^"^, gentlemen in waiting. A surname. A young person, the epithet of ayoung man. Pok wat jln to k, bo8 j6 ch'hoo 16ng chiid, ^ ^ A ^ ^ M itn ut l^P ^ ?°* ^""^ ""^ k'hw'^d Idng chiy, bo cVhin chco^S chhj ley ISng ched, I your servant has seen many individuals, but never one like this young gentleman ; said of the founder of the J^, T6ng dynasty. Chfln 16ng, |!|^ |l)^, the name of a hill, where the sun goes down in the winter solstice. Long grass, like the blade of corn, very injurious to the grain ; tare, darnel. Pin Idng, j^ ^ pin n&'*S, the are- ca nut, the betel nut. To tarn pin 16ng 16k Kong-tong, Kioui^S-tung, to be carrying betel nuts back to Can- ton ; (to carry coals to Newcastle.) 5 S lilt m Long Long long be a a' LONG High, lofty. Ch'hae 16ng, ^ ^, a woli. So lek put wan, se ch'ha^ ifing ye4. ^^7C.^^%t :^ he"a s6 tUm lek kadu u'" kiic, se ch'hai , when a sister-in-law is drowning, a man must wolf not to help her ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Long Long Long kind of cricket, or grasshopper. L6nR kan, ^ JJ, a precious stone, like a pearl. L6ngyea, J^P Jjj?, the name of a place. .\n apartment on the side of the principal dwelling ; a chamber, a porch. L6ng tdng, ^ jS|[. a k'nd of ''"^'*- A high door ; empty, vain. High ; empty. >^j Ch'hong 16ng, ^ ^, the tender fe^ shoots of bamboos eaten as salad. ^ Strong. LONG 470 LONG Long 7^ Ch'hong-18ng, y& ^^^ tJre name of a river. Ch'hong-l3ng che siiy ch'heng I,6y, k'ho 6 chok gno eng, j^ ^^ ^ ;^ '1^ ^ "^ yX'M ^ ^ Ch'hong-lonff Ay chiiy k'hah ch'heng, t'hang lai s'ey gwd &.y kin twd., the clear waters of the Ch'hong-16ng will serve to rinse the tas- sel of my cap; see ^ ^ Beng choo. ^44% L8ng sod, ^ ;^^ husbandry; 16ng Long y 2 hoc, M ^^ a husbandman. /Y^^~ a surname. Stjang 18ng hoo soo kew jin, J^ ^ 4^ /»■ -h yV sedng ting &y long hod ey cVhe tit ka6u l&ng, the first class of husbandmen can support nine per- sons by their labors ; see ^ -?■ Beng choo. Long I, myself. Long Thick, rich, applied to liquids. Lfing loe 18ng 18ng, ^ ^ Long Long Long Long Vy/f^^^ )» l&n loe kit kit, the superabun- dant dews were rich and thick ; see the ^J-^ ]^ Seiou gniy. ^ ^1|^ Luxuriant herbage, overgrown grass >R pS and jungle. 4/PC H8p6l8nge?faJ^|| || an cUw^d kobu h'eah long ? how comes it to be thus thick and overgrown ? see the ^ J^ Se^ou l&ra. H pi# Matter, pus; 18ng heet, ^^ jfU. l&ng / J^O^ hoeyh, blood and matter. m To pierce ; y ung to 18ng jin, ^ JJ is /I yiing to l&ng t'edh lang, to stab people with a knife. Thick wine. J^J^ Neiou 18ng, ^ ^e chedou ling, a Long "^^p^ bird-cage. |~J CA Tijuk 18ng, TT ^e fei Mng', a quiver for containing arrows. Seang IQng, ^S ^ seo"5^ M?!^, a wooden trunk. Long Lons; Long Leng I6ng, ij} ^^ the noise of tink- ling gems. Vulg. ch'haou he l&ng, deaf; j6 16ng, Bl ffl Ae lang, hard of hearing. A bag, a sack. Also written ^^, 18ng. E t'hok 6 18ng, =f- ^ ■^ ^g twd te Vhok hap long, (the provision was contained) in cases and bags ; see the ^ ^ Tae gniy. ■ ■ ^ Vulg. ?dn^; to sport, to play, to Long ^* |"^i_ manage ; to work up ; to dandle. ^ f Han ko choe te ge soo tae hoo yin, long che, ^^ ^ P J^ ||^ ^[i -^ ^ ^n ■^ 2 ^^^ ^^ "^^"^ s^"^ s^ ^"^ '"^ '""' ^y yln Idng e, the first emperor of the H^n dynasty used to hold in his hand the seal of an imperial ad- viser or other great officer, and play with it. E-goe jeak put h"6 long, ^ ^ |^ P^ $]p ^E-go6 nooi^S che^d &y si u"* ah t'hit Vh6, Kw4n E-go6, when young and feeble, was not fond of sport; see the ]^ IsB Cho twan. Long Long Stupid, dull, foolish. L5ng "'Tf*_ The humming of birds. A /:ave in a hill. LUN 471 LUN- Lons: Slow, gentle. The corner of a hill. Long ^ P Vulg. ne^S: a wave ; p'ho long, ^Cf 'li^ JH p^ho ne"^, the waves of ' r^ the sea. Beng long, ^ ^^, / inappropriate discourse, not to the purpose. Long cheng chew h6ng wijn, Vra ^ta 4H- ^ ^g ne"S cheng cAtIn Ice^d. leiin, when the waves are still the vessel rides securely. Long L5ng Vulg. li: to dry iq the sun. It| Long hong, R^ J^^, the name of a hill; an angel's garden. % > A kind of fire works ; hftng long. Long ^JtH fif, ^ P^''9 ^"97 'o 'e' ofT a Loo >k i sky-rocket. You ; read j6 : and commonly pro- nounced 16, in daily conversation ; but h6, in the districts bordering on the seacoast. To limp, to walk lame. Look \I»; ^jC*T'hoe seuk, ^ |g t'haSulun, to Jt\t t] hang down the head. Liun Lun Lun To think; to walk disorderly. Lun Lun .^ y^Sw A sheaf of corn ; some say, to plough. ♦ A stone mill, for grinding wheat into /|^S flour; sek lun, ^ ^ cheoh lun, a millstone. Lun 'm Read jim : to bear with, to bear pa- tiently ; jim nac, ^ [1)^ t'/iiin Vl^' liin, to be patient, to forbear. Seiou putjimcheklwantae bofi, /J> ^ ^ |||J M. ^ hH ^'^'^ '^'A""' *«y ^"^ «*^* ^"'^" '"'" *''^' a little impatience will confound great undertakings ; see the H ^ Lun g6. When |E| ^^ Ko-chongofthe B-, T6ng dynasty visited H£ /^ s^, Tcang-kong-gay, he asked him, how his family managed to live together for nine generations, when Wt Gay wrote out a (pek jim toe, 1^ ^, ^ payh Mn toi,) ' hundred for- bear chart,' (or a sheet of paper with the word pa- tience repeated 100 times,) and presented it to him. Lun Lun S The axletree of a carriage. Tough, difficult to break asunder. Llin "*y| vTrt To drag anything through the water. m ^ *^ V The wheel of a carriage. Also, great. Lun ffl>^^ Ke Wn, ^ ^ ch'hea Mn, a car- "T^inj riage wheel; liln hbfiy,^ ^, the doctrine of the transmigration of souls. Ch'hatke choolAn s6, ^ ^ g fjjf j^^ '^'f'"'''^ ch'hea choo lun k'hi t'haSu, in examining a carriage, we should begin with the wheels. LUN 472 Lun -^ To think, to arrange ; k'hwun lAn, M ^ the appearance of the heavens ; anything round and cir- cular. Lun I A An order, a series, a sort ; constant ; A^p gnoe \An, ^ ^, the five con- Jin lAn, stant relations of life the human relations. Lam 16 ke sit, jin che tae Kin yek, ^ -^ ^ ^ K "1/ -it {^ ^ ^<^ po «^« ^"^ k'h'ed cVhoo, se lAng &y twa Mn yea, for men and women to form themselves into families, is one of the great human relations. G6 jln pit 6 ke mn, M A >^' ^ ^ i^ pe Idng pit chedou e &y Mn, in judging of people, you must compare them with their kind. Lun Lun Bun l{in, ^ ^^ to hesitate in speaking, to swallow one's words. To choose, to select, che cha^. Lun he6n jln king toll gaou Idng dy cha& tedou, to select the talents of clever men. Lun Liin The skin. Lun To arrange ; se lAn,^ |^, threads, to arrange according to the threads, WAy 16ng keng lAn t'heen hay che tok tbk ey keng lun Vhee"S dy dy twd keng, to be able to arrange the great concerns of the empire ; see the \p ^ TiJungyAng. w > To d Pm mn bfln, ^ IW f^ ^ kap li s'edng sly Mn bUn cheo"9, to discourse with you minutely on literary subjects. To discourse, to deliberate on, to nk over; concerning. E sfey Lun LUT To sink down into perdition ; liin but, i^ i^^ to be annihilated. Tim mn, ^ >^^ to fall into ut- ter ruin. Kin Yin U lAn song! -^ ||^ ^ J|| ^S t^a Yin tedou e Un se^! " how the Yin dynasty is sunk into ruin !" said by •^^ -^ BS-choo. w Lun ^ To turn the tongue, and call out. Also written pH. lAn. Lun written Liin ^ to reason. Libn \ \ h *^'hwun 1^") ^ ^' ^^^ name of >^w^ a hill. Also read lun: as san lun, \W% ill "^j *^® '^'''s^ °^ ^ '""• ■^'*° A discourse ; peen lun, f^ argue; ge lun, ^ =i Liin kong h6ng sedng, |j| S}) 'ff 'M! '"" ^""^ ^° ^^^^ sed^S, to administer rewards according to merit ; see the W^ 5^ Soo k6. Jun gwat, ^ ^ lun gdeyh, an in- tercalary month, occurring once every four or five years, in order to make up the difference between the solar and the lunar years. E jun gwat teng so6 s% s6ng sofey, J^ ^ ^ jE, Bi' ^ ^ i'Atf lan gdeyh te»d teoh s& si cheH nei^i, he made use of the intercalary month to fix the four seasons and complete the year ; see Ge&ou teen. ' A»Read lw4n : soft ; Iwin peng, Readlok; to draw out; lokje, ^1 lut leng, to express milk out of the dugs. A man's name. LUT 473 Lut X Lilt Not to retain, to be deprived of; lut kwan, ffi ^ lut ho^a, to be de- prived of one's office. The principal and head of anything. A law, a rule ; hwat liit, ^^ i?S, Llit ^f_4J[" laws and regulations. Tae Ch'heng liit \h, j^ Jh ^ J the laws of the present dynasty of China. Put e leiik liit, put 16ng chfeng gno6 yim, yT^ yl ^ ■^ ^ Bfc JE S ^ ^^ <'Arf chey Uy Idk teiou Ay lilt, chew bey cAe"4 cMy Uy gnot yim, if we do not make use of the six rules of music, we shall not be able to regulate the five sounds ; see ]^ ^i- Beng choo. Lut Lut Llit Lut Llit Llit Llit kTo rub the stains out of anything. To hold in the hand. To strain off the dregs of anything. Ch'hily l'''' "'' ^ mm the tendrils of a certain creeping plant. Luy K'hwfiy luy, kd Uy, pup- Also written pets, a dumb show. if, i«»y- In the time of j^ ^ i, Chew-bok 6ng, a clever fellow of the name of ^ ^^ Ye6n-soo made wooden images which could dance and sing, and this was the origin of the puppets. Luy ^m yr| Luy 16k, i|p ^, large stones. Luy sek scang kek, ISj^g ^ >|@ i liiy cheoh icop'hiih, they beat each other with large stones. % y|-| An ode in praise of accumulated vir- Luy ■^tnltl '"*■ ^" *'*&y '" which the meri- i*WUI torious deeds of the deceased are summed up, in order to express our lamentations over him. LUY 474 LUY Luy Li'iy ■^^CT A bamboo vessel, for containing 1^^ gi-ain. Lazy, indolent ; also, sickly. Also written ■<§ luy. Luy To increase, to add to ; luy ch'hob, S /^ tali pa6, several times. "^ KwHn k'lieng teung chei, put sit s6 luy, ch'hln k'hin tang &y mee^h, ched hey u"* keh^S chit se luy, by ascertaining the heaviness or lightness of things, you will not miss an additional grain of millet. Luy lek, Luy Luy Luy *l2? '"S "1 a contraction of ' 7\^ dons. a disease consist- the ten- Luy — Liiy The opening of a flower; a bud ex- panding. Second in order. Luy ban, ^ -^ an elegy; an elegiac composition in praise of any one that is deceased. Liiy wat, to j6 t seang hay sin k6, §i pi S^ M "F -t T" i$ f^luywo5k6ng,kU6kap U &y s'edng hay Ay sin ke, the elegy says, " pray to the celestial and terrestrial gods above and below;" *^^ '^'^ fj ^ jp" ch'hin ch'eo^S Ihy key nooi^S Ay gwdy, in as dangerous a condition as eggs piled upon one another. y* '1 A very small weight; sip s6 wfty luy, y^^ d chb chit Ay liiy, ten grains of millet make one luy. Luy .^M» Thunder ; a surname ; liiy kong, ^ *~J^ ^, the god of thunder ; lAy teen, I ■ I ^ ^, thunder and lightning; lAy hedng, ^ ^ luy tan, the thunder rolls. Sin Ifiy hong leet, pit ptjfen, ^ ^ B[ ^l] t^ ^ kin Ay luy kwa hong leet, pit petn sek, when the thunder roared, and the wind blew furiously, (Con- fucius) would change color; see the fw g§ Lun g6. Hwut lAy, '^j ^^ a pimple; a small blister caused by the heat. 'y^ r~w~^ To triturate anything in a mortar. Luy Liiy Liiy Liiy A black rope ; bonds. Suy cliae Liiy 2^ ^^^ 16y seet che teung, hwuy k6 choev ^^ ^ ^ ^ »«y '« % se£< Ay tang e"i, ii"^ se e Ay ch'dey sit, although he was in bonds and im- prisonment, it was not his fault ; see the _£_ Seang lun. LUY 475 LWA Luy ^^^^ To bind, to tie together. Luy A basket for carrying earth. Ka6 kwuy hvfkn, lAy 16 jg ye6m che, kah tooi^ k'hi, t'ho Uy U je yUm bai e, for he returned and got baskets and hods to carry the earth in, and covered the body over ; see £ J31 Beng choo. Luy ^^ A pitcher for wine. Liiy Tears; llwluy,/^ ]^ la6u hdk chat, to shed tears. Luy j6 6 hay, i^ ifP ^ T' *"* ^"^ '*'*'" ched"g hoe loh, bis tears flowed like rain. When ^ ^ ^^ Hong-hadu-jfi was about to be put to death, (lira hfing gin luy, ^ |[l] gg 1^ Urn king htcat hdk chew laSu sa6,) on approaching the place of punishment, his eyes were full of tears. Ll'iy Lily Liiy Luy Luy Tears ; the same as the preceding. The screaming of a stork. Jmttf To beat a drum rapidly ; luy koe, ftf To roll over a stone; to roll a stone down from a height. i pg^Poor and distressed; to injure. Luy Luy A sort, a kind, a class, a genus ; joo luy, ^ ^ j4 liiy, a dictionary. To involve in ; lefin luy cheing jtn, ^ ^. ^ A ^e^n%cAe«ng' Idng, to involve the whole in trouble. Seang s6 j6 long, bo6 luy hoe jin, iB 04 M Wi M ^ ^ A i^oh seang s6 j6 tin tang, b6 luy tedh aou la6 dy Idng, we should calcu- late the time before we commence operations, and not involve future generations in trouble; see the yfe 1^ Cho iwan. fclj-g* A sort, a class ; t6ng luy, ^ fe Luy j^Wpl a sort; cheung luy. ^ ^ a ^\^^ genus, a kind. Ch'hut 6 kfi luy pwathoekechuy. }^jj^^^^^^ 2^ ch^hut 6 e dy luy ptcdh hoi e dy ting, to excel one's kind, and to surpass all one's compeers ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Liiy Luy Ltv& To pour out a libation of wine upon the ground. To pierce, to bore through, to per- forate. Lte6 twd, ^^, not to hit the cen- tre ; clay not properly worked up. Lwa Read nae : water flowing over the stones ; a shallow in a river, where ^>i the water is broken by stones. A rapid in a river. Seknaeh6y,ch'he6nch'heen,/fi|' ^|f ^ j^ ^ chedh lied hiy, k'hin k'hin, where there are stones in a stream, the water is shallow ; see the ^ =^ Ch'hoe sod. LWAN 476 LWAN Lwd Lw&h Ltv&h Lw&h JLwhh Read lo : a bamboo vessel for con- 2^^E taining rice, a basket, a hamper. t Read nae : to depend on ; 6 nae, A surname. I Read lat : to stroke down with the hand ; to rub down. •Read Iwat: to twist off, to pluck by handfuls. Read Iwat: to mark out a bounda- ry, and to divide a district ; lw&h hat, ^ ^, to strike a bushel. Read lat : to press heavily on any- r ij>^ thing with the hand. I^^To turn up the earth, in ploughing the ground. Read IwAt : and lat : acrid, pungent. __^ Vulg. seo : hot, warm, comfortable, /^ lw4n,^-(-^^ ^^M ch'kit chap holy bo cVhlng pek bey seo, at seventy, except a person be clothed in silks, he cannot keep himself warm ; see the || £ M ^^^ ^°^ '^^^' Lwan Lwan Lwan Vy^ The warm genial influences of the sun. The same as the above. A present made to a daughter, three days after her marriage. Warm, genial ; sit teaou ho6 the iw^". M ^ '^ z ^ cVhlng teaou cVhi hoe le ay seo hiw, to wear the warm furs of the ermine and fox. Lwan Lwan m ^p Warm, through the influence of the sun ; the same as the above. Vulg. nooi^S: an egg; key Iw^n, key nooi^S, a fowl's egg. Lw^n Lwan ^^^^Round, deprived of the corners; 1^ it^ Vulg. nooi^S: weak, lissom, pliable, B^^ Iwin jeak,|Jj ^ «oo«"^cAc"a. >. J./. A bell, the sound of a tinkling bell ; Lwan $^^ lwan k^y, g ^, the imperial ' ^J^ equipage, so called from certain bells hanging from the ornaments of it, peculiar to the emperor. A hill small and conical at the top ; ^J-^ ijj ^ the peak of a hill. Lwan nt5>K ^'^^ summit of a hill ; san IwAn, Lwan The name of a wood of a yellow hue. Also, a surname. LwS-n hong, ^ M^^ the female of Lwan j$ ?l^ij ? the fabulous hong bird, represent- ^^^^ ed as part eagle, part pheasant, and of a blue color. The harmonious singing of the same. Lwan To leak, to run out. >->./. To confine, to bind criminals with a Lwan ^3^ black rope; to attach as by liga- tures. LWAN 477 LWAT hgisy^ Warm afTection, ardent attachment. Lwan jftO^ Heng ley seang lw4n, ^ ^ '^^ j^ t^^ he'*a te seo seoh, breth- ren tenderly attached to each other. Lwan Wdn Iwkn, JM gant in form. k handsome, ele- Lwan Lwan «»>P»ii To scrape anything. 77 Lwan J RPJJ ^ The time of evening. To regulate disturbances ; to make disturbances ; to throw into con- fusion, confused, disturbed ; chok lwan, 'ffe fil to rebel ; to cause disorder. Boo 6ng wat, 6 yew lwan sin sip j!n, ^ 3i ^ ^ SL E ~h \^o6 6ng k6ng,gu)d woo ey te lwan Ay jtn stn chap Mng, Boo 6ng said, "I have ten ministers able to quell disturbances ;" see the H 1^ Lun g6. Lwan pang put ke, SI ^ ^ S" hedn pang bd boeyh k'hva, he would not dwell in a disturbed dis- trict ; see the =fi "S Lun ge. Lwan «L The contracted forfti of the preced- ing character. Lwan Lwan iL Lwan ch'ho, grass and weeds. overgrown m Weak, not strong. Lwan ^^ •^"^" '"'"' # S. '° "^ "'^•'""y attached to. ^%?^ Weak, no strength ; vulgar, small ; Iwat pok, ^ ^9, weak, insuffi- cient, just adequate. Vulg. Iwih: to pluck, to pick, to take ; to feel with the fingers. Ch'ha6 ch'ha6 ho6 e, pok g^n Iwat t Ay ch'hai, pok k6ng Ite&h e, " let us pluck the ho6 6 plant ;" I say, " let us pluck it ;" see the ^ ^ Chew lim. Lw4t Lwit Lw&t j^f Vulg. Iwik : a low wall, a division, a partition between fields. An ugly face. Vulg. bcik : acrid, pungent. 5 U M Ma Ma Ma Vulg. hay : a horse ; k'hg mi, ^ J^ k'hed. hay, to ride ott horse- ^•'" back. A surname. Heuk mi seng, put ch'hat 6 key tAn, :g j^ ^ /(s ^ff^ '^^ ch'he bay kwd bay ch'hea, «"• t'hang cVhat k'hw^^d l&ng Ay key kap te, when a person keeps carriages and horses he should not examine people's fowls and pigs ; see the ^ ^ Tae hak. yf|£K Mi 16 sek, J|| ^ ^ 6«y i^ «*^oA, • iJlJf a cornelian stone. A grandmother; 16 mi, ^ ^ ^i\\t laou md, old granny. Ma Ma Ma Ma Mi hong, ^ji of leprosy. b& hong, a kind ____ Been ma, m Eff bin md, marked lilt ill with the small pox. jiorvj A surname. To disgrace, to degrade. Ma i>^\ Vulg. mai"^: to rail at, to scold, to vituperate. Ma put chwat k'ho6, M ^ ^ rj maVS bS tooi"S te ch'hUy, his mouth did not cease from railing; see the BP ■=? So6 kfe. Read pek: the name of a goddess of Md /\ W*l the four quarters ; also called iif ffiB. MO chot. ^^ Mae H Vulg. hhj : to buy, to purchase. Seiou cha6 t'hing mae ma6, 6 chit chey, <|\ ^* 1^ ^ ^ i>l ^ ^! ^^i/ ^w"" ''*<^"« ^^i' ^^!/' ^ '=**' P"'"^ ch'e"d, an inferior officer attends to the selling and buying, in order to promote equity; see the ^ Chew I6y. I The place where an army halts, and M^lf where they offer a sacrifice. Mae Mae Mae Mae fS7 To peep at, to spy. Vulg. hey : to sell, to dispose of, to vend. The name of a medicine ; the name of a foreign nation to the east. To travel to a distance ; old, decre- pid ; to pass by ; to exceed. Jit gwat je mae, ^ jI MAI NG 479 MAOU jit goeyh Iceng Icdly, days and months arc passing by ; see the ^ ^ Chin se. Mail's \ Ma^S Mat"^^ Mai To take up with the hand. ^-_- Read b6ng : fierce, bold, daring ; "in beng cheet, ij^ ^ mai"S ^^^^ cKeet, rapid. % Read yea : the night ; kim yea, Jtj^ ^ ?^ *"« mai"^, to-night. K^ Pe tfew chok yea, "^^ ^ ^ "/^ hoe jit chb muV*9, to turn the day into night ; see the /Jn ^^ SeAou gn4y. Readbfing: dark; bfing hwun, |i: ^ maV^ houi^S, the evening, dusk. Read bfing: the next; bdng lefin, 1^ ^ mail's nti"S, the next year. Read bdng: blind; ch'heng bflng, ^ ^ cA'Aoi^moJ'^, totally ^^ m f E choo tflng mafiu, J^ 31 ^ hF* kap 16 tAng maSu, to use the same spear with you ; see the ^ ^ Chtn hong. Jk 1^ Ma6u ch'h6, ^ ^ ft" dch'kadu, Maou J^^ ^ a coarse kind of grass, used in -'^V thatching; ErianthusJaponicus. Ma6u ok, ^ J^ d™ d ch'hod, a thatched cot- tage. A surname. Pek maflu tun sok, |^ ^ ,^ ^ P"y* ^'^ " *<* M che^A jtak, white grass bound up into bundles. Mauu Maou Maou Pw4n maOu, ^ ^ pAn bA, a poisonous insect, cantharides. An insect which eats the inside of grain. Ma8u chek,^ ^, the insect injurious to the roots. A helmet. Maou An appearance. Yftng maou, ^ ^^ the face, the counte- /^^ nance ; also written 5^> maou. Tong ygi^^.^t[t^se6 se^a me"d ey y&ng yit te teung kok, thus a man's fame would spread throughout the whole middle country ^China) ; see the t|l ^ Teung yAng. ^ j|» Ch'haS rae"a,^ j^ch'hAmeM, M'e^d TSver^ touchwood ; some say, the gum I l|^ of a tree which easilj' ignites. ^X Jt Read beng : an order, the decree iWe^a y^l^S- of heaven, fate; h"6 beng, j^ \ ^ ^'^ »/ie"a, good fortune; swUn beng, ^ ■^ swui^S me"a, to calculate des- tinies. Choo h4n ga,n le, e beng, 6 jln, ^ ^ ■g" ^ij i& -^ iit| 4-* *"" "^'""^ ^'"^ '*' ^^"^ '^' fcap me^d, kupjin, Confucius seldom spoke of gain, or fate, or benevolence ; see the "=|jg g^ Lun g6. 3^ -gp^O mee"& t6 Hwdt, fof 5^ |?fe ^yjge^g CmIU -fiffi^ Amida Buddha, commonly ▼ |^l>| used by the Chinese as an oath. Sa mee"?' ^ ^S^ a priest of Buddha. Me-e^g Mee'^^ PI|^|x|An incantation. A riddle ; chok mee"S' j^ ^^, to make a riddle. To please, to flatter ; t'he6m mee"g, fQ ^^ seep sty, to adulate ; also, to love. Peen p'hek chek raee"g, ^ ^^ P] JB «""* peen p'hek dy soo, chho ah mee"S l&ng, being de- praved, we shall begin to flatter people. Mee"g choo yit jin, ^ ^ — A «<=»* '=*^y '=*'' Ay Ung, they all love the one man ; (i. e. the empe- ror ;) see the ■/,; ^ Tae gniy. ^ Read been : flour, wheaten flour ; Mee^^ ^^m\ ^'*° yr'Men ^, mee"g- ^•^ Beenpaou,^'Q,mec"S'paatt, a cake, a bun. Met^^h pT^ The bleating of sheep. Me^^h Me^Sh X Mef'Sh ^ M A foreign surname; commonly used for 'yes,' 'right!' Read moh : as sIm moh ? "^ s^amee"gh? what? >5fc4 J6 ch5 Sim moh ? '^ f^ t^ U cho s^a mee"Sh? what are you doing? Read bilt : a thing ; ban biit, ^ 6fl« mee^Sh, all things. Ban biit p^ng yeiik, j6 put MO 481 MO Mo seang hae, ^^^feWiTH/^t-B^ ban mee^Sh s'eo ydng y'euk,j& ho s'eo hae, all things would then be nourished, without injuring one another; seethe rfj ffi"TeungyAng. ^^^i^ The name of a plant, like a kind of ■^^ 1 wheat, the grains of which are *"J eatable. M6 Mo M6 Mo Mo To hold anything in the hand. Repeated, redoubled. M6 1JC4P? A poisonous plant. ■ ^ * Small, minute, diminutive. Hair ; the hair of the head, and eyebrows ; h6ng m6, jj'^ ^ &ng m6, red haired, generally applied to the English people. A surname. Tek y6w j6 ra6, mfl yfiw y6w Kin,;^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Tg" |j|^ lek king k'hin sly ch'hin ched^9 md, m6 ycd woo lun luy, though my virtue is as light as a hair, yet even a hair may be classified. i| > ^ Overgrown with weeds. M6 ch'ha^, J^O ^-ip_ ^ ^herbage, vegetable food. Uu M6 keng, ^ ^ ch'hai Vkeng, vegetable broth. > Hair; the hair on the side of the M6 head, tied and twisted up into lit- tle tails, as is commonly done with children. Md sod, M i, a clever scholar. 5 V M6 Mo M6 Mo Md Md Mo Mo A cow's tail, held by those who bran- dish it about to give signs and or- ders. ,M3t8,^ 1^^ drunk. To rub, to rub up, to stir up; to per- suade one another to that which is good, is called ^g md. To grind, to sharpen on a stone. M6 ley 6 se, j^ ^ ]^ >^ bioA Itcd M sat, to grind anything. for use ; see the ^ ■f^ Cho twan. M6 kwfiy, ^ 5^, the devil, a spirit which misleads people. An old man, 80 or 90 years of age. Also, wandering and forgetful. Mo ke kwan 6 k'hln, ^ ;^ '^ jh Wi p^^* *'"^" *"*"/' ^°^y ^y ^"°" ^^"^' ^"^""^ tufld te k'htii Ay sod, old pp< pie of 80 and 90 years of age are lotli to exert themselves; see the j^ ^ Seang te Ol'l, suprannuated; the eyes dim. Hiiung tijiing put cliJ^ng, chek bofi choo mo yeen, fl^ TJ^ ^ jE M ff^ -T 3^ i^ *'"^ "^ '"^ "" '*""''' chek hH: ang a bo kwui^S, when a man is not upright in his own breast, then the pupil of hU eye will be dim; see ^ -^ Beng choo. |~> To cover over, to overturn; to ^1 transgress ; kiy mo, ^ ^ , to I -J pretend to make a bargain. Also written Q, mo : to rush I eadlong. Mo yiien tut h"6. fl ^ % *K "^^ *'""" '"' hUy, to ru.h through the smoke, and to dash through the fire. ^ MOOl NG 482 MW'^A Mo M To envy ; jln che y€w k&, mo chit 6 Vl ^ ^ ^*^"^ ^^ "'"^ ^^' "*^ chit 6 wd,n e, when men are possessed of talents, you immediately envy and dislike them; see the J^ ^ Tae hak. Mooi''^ M6 Mo Moey band. Moey Moey Moey Moh Poor, indigent; covetous. Vegetable food thoroughly cooked and offered up. A sister ; se4ou moJiy, f^ ^ sU mohy, a younger sister ; mofey hoo, ith ^X. ^ younger sister's hus- The name of a river ; rather dark. Cllt Am mofey, flg" fl^, dark, and dusk. Tj^K Read be : rice water ; im bfi, ^ Anything very small; sim moh? ^ s^amee^h? what? Moh M6h m TkI""|To take away. Pellicle, thin skin. afe' Read bw4n : late, the evening, sun- set ; sit bw4n hwan, ^ fl^ |R che&h mooi"S pooi"g, to eat the evening meal. Hoe h6fey pit bw4n, ^^ t|^ ijt B^^ «"« ^°^!f P** mooi'^g, a future repentance will be too late. ^/- Ko6 bun ch'ho, ^ ^ ^ ^"^ Hoof's n^^ mooi^S cVhabu, a very poison- '^ ous plant, which when eaten, cau- ses the entrails to burst asunder. MooV'S n Read biin : a door, an entrance, a gate ; k'hae bAn, ^ p^ k'humy mool^S, to open the door. BAn hoe, P^ f* moot^S hoe, doors and gateways. Lip put tijung bAn, Ja /f^ 4* H *'*^" *^ '' mout"9 tang e"^, he would not stand in the middle of the doorway ; said of Confucius, in the jgn |S. Read biin : to ask, to inquire'; put t'h6 hay bun, i;^; ^ T f»^ i^ Mh chd seAou Ity hay tky mooi^S l&ng, he was not ashamed to consult his in- feriors. Goecheangbunche,^ ^ fp^ ^gwdcheang M mooV^g e, I will ask him ; see the ||^ f^ Lun g6. Mw''a ers. ^^ * - Anything extremely Mooi^'S R^ ^ooi^g, ^ g^ ' '^•^ 'deed. small; mooCS very little in- Mw^^a Mw^a ^ ea ^ garo'ent without sleeves or fasten- "j^p^ ings, like the sarongs, and round \^^^- frocks, worn by the eastern island- in a verandah, or under the eaves of a house. ^ ^ O A garment without buttons or fasten- P^ ings. NA 483 A NA Mw^a To wear a garment without buttons or loops. ^ V > 1 . Read bwin: full, replete; ch'heung /r*nj filled up full. Bw4n te^ou hod kwOy ched., chin se t'hok se j!n, wa>''a tedoupod kwiiy Ay chin se t'hdk ch'hayMAng, all the rich and great people who fill the court are every one of them scholars ; (said to young people, to encourage them to perseverance in study.) > ^ Hemp ; hSng mi, ^ j£|^ u)ut*S I lK ijj mio^d, yellow hemp ; hod mw°i, xH ttf Sesamum orientale. A surname. Mw'^d B^' Read bwin : to deceive, to cheat, to smother anything. T'heen put k'ho bwin, ^ J^ 'pj* B£ t'he^i bey mufl& tit, heaven cannot be deceived. JTtA^y ''"^ mio''d, a conger eel. Read b&n : an eel ; ha6 b&n, | N :^ Vulg. KSlt : to take, to seize, to ap- prchend, to catch. Also written ^^ ai. K'he ni clioey j!n, i^ ^ ^ y^ '^'^^ ^^^ cAoe^ Mn^, to apprehend criminals. N& UP N4 k&, ^fj ^ Aicu/ «y, that, those. A surname. How ? ni l£ng s6ng j*"? ^R ^ ^ A ««'*«''''« iy che'*d ling? how cao such a one ever become a man? Nd Kim lim, lidn tiS, an olive. Nd Nd Read l&m : a surname. #' Read lim : a wood, a grove ; se Itm, jj^ j^ ek'hev) ltd, a forest of trees. Kwuy mi € hwa san che ying, h6ng gnfiw 6 fhfl 11m che yei, f^ ^ j^ hoe bay l6 toofS le hwa sti/*a 6y lim, pang god Iwd ti t'hS ni iy yi&, let us send back our horses to the south of the fluwery hill, and allow our oxen (o graze on the moor of the peach forest. (Speaking of re- turning to a period of tranquillity.) NAE 484 NAE m m Nd ^yt.Read mm: a basket; a surname; r^ ch'hafe \km, ^ ^ cVhaen&, a basket for carrying vegetables. Read leiing : as leiing ho6, ll|| p^ n& a$u, the throat. Read gam: as LeAnggim,^ ^ L'e^ng nd, the name of a district in the province of j|g ^ Hok- Nae Nae Nae A child begotten by an old man. A surname. Nae h6? ^ fpj" woo s«a m <.ee>^Sk ke^n. Nd Nd m An auxiliary word. ^E Read teen : vulg. seek nd : lightning. Nae 75 lae tod? how then? what resource is there? BoS nae h8, ^ ^ -ffij 66 § \eak. naP« 485 NE^A Nae Nae Nae Nae Nae I Vulg. Iwd: water flowing over the I sand and stones ; a shallow or }^\ rapid in a river. .Nae b6, j|^ TTC^ coarse rice; the refuse of pounded rice; also wriu ten iM. nae. A kind of shell-fish ; bo6 nae, Sx. a kind of medicine. :fll A large iron pan, or caldron. not skillful in bu- Nae tafe, siness ; dull. Read I^ng: as koe Ifing, -^ ^ ^y koe nai"S^ an aunt. Peng I6ng, silly woman. -JJt^ M6 I6ng hwa, ^ ^ ^L '"^ '"""^ Nat o y|-ym hica, the name of a flower. -^>|'^ Cheng ICng, |^ '^ cAai"^ nai»^' the name of a medicinal plant. Read k'h6 : and t'he : to stand on tiptoe, and look to a distance. T'he kijak, /^ ^ nai"9 k'hn, to stand on tiptoe. ^ iVai".^ Naf'ff A'^ ]^m''S f Nail's poi, ^ ;(j], to hang out clothes to dry. , % Read Ifing : weak, exhausted ; the ^ noise made by foreigners in call- ing to one another. ^^^Taf'S nnVi, |J B|J,, to look sia- ringly at any one. 5 W Naou $ To twist, to flinch. Put hoo naou, put b6kt6,:^;j#^^, i^ td cha6u, his muscles did not flinch, nor his eyes blink ; sec 3f -?• Beng clioo. ^ >»> 1*0 disturb, to stir up to anger ; naou Naou 'P^^n '""g> M] Wl, '" ^'s'"""^ ""y 0"^'" • 1^1 mind. Naou jeet, J^ afc fa/iu jteSh, all in a bustle. 'I^ I I -^ To throw into confusion. Heung Naou J' ^4-4'^ nofi che cheitng e naou Iwan, fel Hoi Ay chexing l&ng,y j^ Seaougn^y. L^ng beng, ^Q w ne^d beng, to receive orders. P6 Ifeng, -ffi. «S p6 n'e^d, to stand security for. I ^ >■ Read I6ng: a mountain top; san W' 16ng, |JL] ^ sw"a lie^d, the top of a hill. Ytn hgng Chtn leng, kay h8 chae ? swat yilng \km kwan, mk put chedn, ^ /fl ^ -^ ^ f pf /fE W-^'UM^'^^ *""^'* ''*'^'' ^""""^ '^ CAf « &y n'c^d, ch'hod twd te ta loh wiiy ? sayh t'hat l&tn kwan, hay hey ke^& an t'haSu ching, the clouds are seen stretched across the brow of the Ch!n mountain, and where now is our dwelling? the snow has filled up the southern pass, so that the horse can- not get forward ; said by iS ^^ HAn-je, when he was traveling to the southward. Ne% .ly^L^ng gng, |I|^ il|f ne"d yeH, far *^ T| and deep amongst the hills. Jfc. Neaou Read be^lou : a cat ; beaou kong put chae, 16 ch'h6 chok kwad, ^& ^ ^ ^ ^ M # 'fe neaou kang hd te tit, neaou ch'hi chb koo kwah, when the cat is away, the mice begin to play. # ^ ^,>-^ \v\g. chedou: a bird ; nedou bSng Neaou P=> eng eng, ^ |1]| |^ pg chedou • ••^ ha6u eng eng, the birds sing har- moniously ; see the fy\ 4|^ Seiou gniy. _ \ k^ A parasite, a creeper. Neaou fc— -^ Ne^ou 6 16 18, sfe 6 seAng pek, >^ * ^ it 1 ^ T ^^^ ia nedou kap li IS, se twd te cWMng payh, the pa- rasites and creepers entwine around the cedars; see the f\\ ^ Sedou gn4y. Neaou Neaou Need's NEE Yaou neiou, ^ |^^ tumblers tur- ing their bodies into the form of a ring; to perform feats of tumbling Bijen ne^ou, ffg pjfc 6i« nedou, the face furrowed and wrinkled ; old, decrepid. Read leem : to take up anything with the fingers. Nee"S it and agility. X^C^ You, thou ; nee"g tek, -^ ^ /e &y, I >| ^ your's. Also written 'j^, ne6"S. Nef^S To inform any one by word of mouth ; to instruct orally ; to call. It^fr^ Read je6m : to dye ; je6m poe, yAz nee^S pot, to dye cloth. Harmonious ; nefi"S koe, R y^, a nun, a priestess. Teung ne6"S, |»|l J^, the name of Confucius. Nee"g ^ Nee"S l^m, pE P^, talking inces- santly, to chatter without end. Ne6"S l&m yefen choo ge leang kan, P^ P^ 5|^ :j. f^ ^ Ph^ ne^ng l&m ay el^S d, k6ng wd te ne8"S at"S kan, the chattering swallows are twittering between the beams ; see the . .^^ Leuk ne6"?, ^J- fe , to feel asham- Nee ° 'I 1^ *^ 5 '° '*'"*'' "'''*' confusion. V ^^ Siiang wat, wnt t8 soo kwun j6, leuk neeng, ^^M^M^^W'U% S'edng kSng, wut chut s'eo^S kteun 16, yea chew se&ou Uy dy yeo"^, Se^ngsaid, "I have been anxiously iStee' NG 487 NEO NG thinking of your highness;'' (saying whicli) he look- ed ashamed and confused ; see ^J -f' Beng choo. ^ ^-^ Vulg. nw^A t'ho6 : mud, earth mixed Nee^S VTp „i,h water. '^ ^^ Hd wAy hoe nee"S teung? jH JP^ ^ 2^ rfl s"a soo >^ Bok nee"K, "^ij ^i]^ the name of a Nee S ■ !■ 1 1 flower, white in color, and very ■^^ -J fragrant. Read leep : to wink ; leep bok, ^ ■ - -I Q nce^Sh bdk, to wink the eyes. ■T^ Bok leep k6w, g '^ ^ bak nee^Sh ko6, in the twinkling of an eye. ^ - """'^ liiing: an ounce; yit leing iVe*gf'^"^feohwoone6"g chedh, when troops commence their march, they should have suitable provisions ; see ^T 3^ Beng choo. Also written |^^ n'e6^9. Chiien le^ng, ^ 4g che&^9 ne6"g, taxes, soldiers' pay. ^ ._y Read leang : a beam, the principal N'e'6 o Jnfr ^ beam of a house. A surname. VfV. Seang le^ng, J^ '^ ched''S neS^g, to get up the principal beam of a house. I * Read leang: to deliberate; seang Neo"a III liJUng, jffi -^ soo neo^g, to de- ■ I U liberate, to consult. Sdng t'ha^ choe, ^ -ic jjijj the first emperor of the S6ng dynasty, went one cold night to the house of Teaou- p'ho6,iJ^ ^ Teop'hoS, to (seng lejlng teng t'bafe gw^n, ^ & ^ ^^ l^x *"" '"^""^ '^"" '^^* Thai, gwan,) consult with him about tranquilizing T'ha^ gw&n, (the capital of Sanse.) Read le^ng : cool ; leilng sSn, )ff m&'s ^Jf^ ■0: n'e8"g su!"d, a state umbrella, carried before officers of govern- iVeo^^ Neo"^ =: Nc Read leang : as tae leang, -^ -M" twa n'eo'^, a large steelyards, for weighing heavy goods. Readjeang: to yield; seang jeaog, *9 ^ seo n'ed^g, to yield to one another. Keng chu4 jeang pwan, lifing chei jeang loe, jHf ^ til ^- If ^ 1^ ^ c/i6A ch'hdn Ay l&ng ne6*'9 pwan, ke'^A lor. &y l&ng ned^g loe, the plough- men yielded the furrow, and the travelers gave way to each other on the road; said to have taken place in the time of Kj 'yT ^P Chew-bdn 8ng. Read ISng : a young gentleman ; se 16ng, ^ ^p se ni^g, a gentle- man in wailing, a vice president of a trbunal, introduced in time of .^ ?& Bun-tiy, of the K^ SAy dynasty. Readldng: an antichamber; Ie4ng gR' M^g 18ng, ^ j^ no dy nf'g, the two apartments on each side of a ball or court. I > Read I6ng : as pin 16ng, ^ ^ yin Ne^^ XBjC n^fg^ the areca nut ; Pin 18ng se, 'I M ^ 0: ^'" "^"^ '""' ♦*'^ island of Pinang, or Prince of Wales' island. S V» Che I8ng, ^ 1^- ch6 n6''9, a kind I^^IJ of yam, used as a red dye. iVe'"^ roent. JL.J^ Read l€ng: the inside of bamboos; beet leng, ^ ^ beeh n6^9, the soft inner part of bamboo, used in making basket work. ^% ^J>_^ Read 16ng : the flesh immediately Ne"'^ ^g*p/ under the skin ; jeuk 18ng, |^ n 1^ (^ bah nS^g, the fat of meat, between the lean and the hide. NO 489 NO ■« > Read long: the waves of the sea; N-^g y p p'ho long, ^ -}^ p'Ao ner^y, % W^' waves and billows. Ha6 suy k'h6 tae p'ho 16ng, j^ ;^; ,|£ ;^ ^ J^ hat chuy IChi Ixbol p'ho ne"^, the ocean rises into great •0 New N6 waves. —^ % The wrist, the region of the pulse ; H^l sew d6w, ^ ^^ cVhiw new, the wrist. No O no, ^ |jjp, handsome, beautiful ; also, easy, loose. M What? many; read n4: that; how? K'hfe kap chek n8 ? ^ ^ yi) BR Chek kak chein kah chek ehd nS ? if we throw away our armor, what then ? we the^ \^ Cho twan. Sew hok put "6, "^ ip§ ^ ?iP *«» *"* ''^ 7«'« «Aey, we have not received much happiness; tee the ;J^ ^ Sedou gn4y. The same as the above ; this charac- N6 ^Sl\ '^"^ '^ ^^""y '^°""'""' '" ^IJ* books |/VM of Buddha. No No No No The name of a hill. A kind of monkey, with long sofi hair. Yjiity N8 n8, 1^ HM, »J Ch'h6-ho6 seen ge, put 16ng ge noe t'hae, .;* X%%%^''^ % It? CVhb-ho6 giiou sat ch'h'ea, bey hedou sat lam bay, Ch'h6-lu>6 was a good charioteer, but he could not drive bad horses. ■^ » ,^^ Anger, wrath, to be angry, to be in a Noe yCJ^^. passion; hwun noe, ^'S' i(K seie 'Vii^ h'hi, rage, to be in a rage. Bfln 6ng yit noe, j6 an t'heen hay che bin, "^ T sew AV.e, ;e an I'hee^S dy &y payh saVS, BAn 8ng, once displaying anger, tranquilized the people of the empire; see j^ ^ Beng choo. Koe noe, is ■f^, a kind of wood, Noe In^w^ ^^^ l^^rk of which is used for dye- ing a red color. To weed the ground, to clear away Noe ^Kfw^^ grass and weeds. Ch'him keng e noe, ^ ||f ^^ ch^him chbh ch''li6in, kicd tt ch'hadu, to plough deep, and to clear away the weeds ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Noo^S nsr Nooi^g koty k'B, to squeeze one's-self through a hole. Read Iwin : weak, feeble, flexible, iable; weary. Swan lw4n. sooPS nooi^S, weariness, lassitude. Keak s6w lw4n, wf ^ ffi\ k^ha ch'htw nool"S^ helplessness of the limbs. Lw4n keak peng, ^ pD ^ nooi''g k'Aa pai"ff, loss of the use of the limbs. Nooi''^ Nooi^S chaSu, ^ ^^ to creep through, and get away. NoofS NtvH Read ytw : the shaddock, the pumelo fruit ; Citrus decumana. Also writ- ten f^, y6w. Read lw4n : an egg; key Iwin, ^& djij key nooi''g, a fowl's egg. Also written ^^ noai^S. To knead, or squeeze anything with the hand. Nw"5, biit, ^ ^niB'"d mei"gh, to knead anything. 2P Nw^d NuTd Read Il,n : to stop, to hinder ; \kn chah, :|| [^ nic«d chah, to obstruct. Read Ian: rotten, over ripe; boiled to rags, overdone ; torn, ragged. B^tho6watlan,{j|^g ')i mee'^Sh cVhabu Mng mc^d, when anything stinks, it is called rotten. Read mo^y : as key mof^y, ^a 1)* key vw'^d, a pullet, a young hen that has not yet laid eggs. w Nw^'d >. Read ye6n: spittle; sAy yedn, | iK p'hdty ni^d, to spit. o o o C) o o x^ To secrete, to conceal ; to dwell in a cave; a cavern. An lok o, ^ ^ 5SC the cavern of peace and joy. O ch6ng, ^ J^ t'haou k'hfS, to secrete stolen goods. O kay, j^ ^ a receptacle for stolen goods. Yefen o, jSE SSf «he edible birdsnests, much prii- ed by the Chinese. Vulg. todey: a pot or pan, for cooking victuals. The same as the above, when made of earth ; an earthen pot. An earthen pot. ^Ipf snail, ( |p, ^ o got, a kind of or worm ; a slug. Tong o, "^ j^ tang o, and o ch'lia^,jf^ ^fc woey cA'Aa^, salad. % .-fc'^" speak loud and angrily, to scold. O ^Vm llwuy ^^"^ t^ o I'o^ j^" *^^ ^'* ^ :^ "tii ""* *"" '* " ^"^ ^"^ ''y '"^ *''' ^^ dare not scold and rail at the rights or wrongs of the ancients. o o o o o o m A great mound of earth; part of a name. To go to stool. Sick ; a fright into which children fall. O o ch'heAou, PpJ (ipj % <> o ch'heo, to laugh out loud. i-P^m Any small kind of plant ; a trouble- some and annoying sort of govern- ment; to oppress, and annoy; also, to examine. Hoo 16 k'lio6 Chin o hwat ^^^ ^, '^ /^ ^ ^ pf 5i ^ ^ P^y* sai"S Ay hob lb teoo chae kan k'hoi Chin &y o hwat hoo i, (he aged fathers of the people have been wearied and distressed by the op- pressive government of Chin for this long time ; see ^^^M f^ Ji$, K6 cho6 k6. Soo kwan cheing o ch'hat, kan jtn, ^ {^ ^ ^ ^ S A *"" ^"f* ^y Ai^'ai fhedng a ch'hat kan ha& Ay Idng, the oflicer who kept the pass attend- ed to the examination of improper people. > .j^_ A foreign nation, from beyond the ^ Y^i^ eastern sea ; the Japanese. I^^X Some read this character wuy. o 492 OE O O J k^ A kind of grass ; the daffodil. ~ !-••»_' Yew yew 16k bdng, sit ye^ che o, yew yew 16k ha6u, cheah yea Ay ch'haSu, the stags cry with the sound of yew yew, and eat the grass of the wilderness ; see the /|> ^ Seiou gn4y. The eddying of water. o o 6 6 6 o Soft and pliable; also, the full and luxuriant appearance of bamboos. To venture one's life in battle; to fight till death. A fur dress ; twan o/^^a satin dress ; sin IfeUng 6, ^ ^^ ^|| sin nJ£6"9 6, a bridal dress. O n6,M Ml, beautiful, handsome; slowly, leisurely. pf| O lio, ^ ^R a soft and effeminate appearance. To attend on any one, as a female servant. The services rendered by ladies. Also written ^^ o. kTo pick or pluck anything. Deep, mysterious, unfathomable. The southwest corner of the house, to which the Chinese offer sacri- fice. Ch'him 6, j^ H, deep 6 6 o V O 6 A o E ke raee"g 6 5, Ifing mee"g 6 ch6? ^ ^ ch'hod kak, Ung k'hS seep siy fe chadu k'ha? rather than worship the southwest corner of the house, is it not beiler to flatter the god of the kitchen ? see the |£^l The brink of water, thfe water's edge ; land near the water's side. Oe To regret, to be vexed, to be enrag- ed; b liwun, <|m '[S to repent. To cry out for pain. The sound of love or hatred. >j^Jl O na6, taX Jh^ the boatman's song. ^ * ■ Read hfl: an oj'ster; h8 seang lefim |iyA=A wfty san, pek sip kok choo seng, •*W^ m tfl 1^ ^ m H + ^X, H /t 6 seo le&m chd sw"a,payk &y chap Ay, kok kate sai^S, if oysters stick together like a hill, be they hundreds, or be they tens, each one grows by itself. 'The sound of replying ; the noise made in answering any one. and abstruse. Black; oe a, ^ ^|, a crow; kirn supposed to inhabit the sun. A surname. Cbisem oe wan che, e sAy che °^>^ ^ ^ jL y^ ^ j^ j^ A'Aw^d oe ti ta loh hayH, OE 493 OB che cliuy 6.y cVhob, look where the crow settles, and on whose house he sits ; see the ^J'> i^ Seiou gnay. The perching of a crow on any one's house is con- sidered by the Chinese as an unlucky omen. >► Oe hoe, p^ ifl'^ an exclamation of ^^ 1/ 1"^ surprise. Alas! to lament, to • •\»| sigh. Oe hoe ! cheng wuy T'ha6 san put j6 Llra-h5nghoe? P^^ ff^ # |i ^ U] ^ iP y^^ jK "5^ "* *** ' ^°^y'^ '^*"* ^y kSng That san Ay sin it"' tat Ltm-hdng hoe? alas! who could have said that the spirit of the T'ha6 mountain was not so discriminating as Ltm-hdng ? see the Jq W^ Seang lun. Oe Oe Oe k.The same as the preceding. OeyAng, j^ j^, the name of a water plant, of whose stalks the shafts of arrows may be made. A surname. Oe lttfi^~. '^^^ name of a water bird. %^^ — The chanting with a number of Oe «i*l^r^ voices. niim H \m ■ Oe ko che4, put oe ko GeJlou che choo, je oe ko Sun, ^ 1^ ^ ^ bI rI^ ^ /!l ^ ffO li ^^ # '*'*'^'^ *""* "^ '^"^' ''^ ch'heb'^S kwa Ge&ou Ay hadu sai'^,ji ch'hed'^ kiea SUn, those who cliantt-d ditties, did not chant to the honor of Gcaou's son, but to the honor of Siin; see ^ -r Beng choo. To steep in the water, to soak in the Oe water; to macerate. Tong bftn che t6, k'ho 6 oe mw"£l, 5 Y chity k'hwut a, t'hang M chim mw^&, the pond without the eastern gate will serve to soak the hemp in ; see the fffi S Tin hong. ^pj^ How! what .? an exclamation of snr- Oe ,^XJCm prise. iVi^ Oe! sehSg&nye4?^ J^ -jqj ■^ -rij, "« ' <^^^y *« *"" mei^h tea ? how I what words are these ? see ^ ■^ Beng choo. J^^ Oe lam, |j| ^ oe «d, a cradle for rocking children to sleep- Also read oe. A small encampment ; a mud fort. _ Also written j^^ oe. i\\^ Tongtok, Jj^Tang-^oA, made an encampment at SR B6, which he called ban so^y o^,'l& "^ R^,'''* '*" thousand years' encampment. Oe 06 Oe Ok Oe ^; Oe 'The name of a district ; read oe; a ' surname. The name of a hill. The name of a river. The name of a gem. An old woman, a mother; 16 oi, X^IHS GeCm-yefin-lefin, H ji^ ^. belonged to a family of five brothers, who all attain- ed to high ofRces, and enjoyed salaries ol two thousand measures of corn each ; hence their mother was called (ban sek oe, |^ ^ 4^ t"" «*«<** "^ J the old lady of a myriad measures of grain. Oe Oe Oe Oe OE To be soaked long in the water. 494 GEY 01 Q Vulg. a6u : to vomit ; oe t'hofe, P^ IPP [l£^ a(5« fhot, to vomit and spew. - , » Tlie same as the above ; to belch, to IdDA *P"' also written B^, o6. ^"^^ Vulg. aou: a surname. N. B. For words spelled oey and oo, see also under woey and woo. -fc. Oey M A small fort, a redoubt. The same as P.|, an'l i^, o^- A point of land, a bend in a river, where the stream takes a turn ; a point is called |^ bey, and a bay is called vm b. Oey Oey ,^^ To love ; in Corea, the expression /^^JS* oey jtn, ^ ^, means to love people. P.^^To be afraid, > yri Vulgar ; pe oey, ^ ^, low and ^ _ .. To hate, to dislike, to seem evil in Oe JhK., one's eyes. | yt^S^'^^^^^' P^ °^y' -^ 3^' '°^'' ^nd ^\^^ WAy jin chfei leng h^b jin, Ifing I Qgy ^<|^ mean ; oey p'h6, j"^ ^jj, niggard- oejtn, Pt^^-gUf A^^^^i ^^^ ly. /oA: <6A j«n J ed the Arum aquaticum, in the Batavian Transactions. Oey Oey [ Sick, diseased ; dried up and decay- ed ; withered away. A disease arising from damp. OEY 495 5h Oey >^0e.., ^§^ the name of a fo- -^», ^ reign country ; to return from a 1.^^% distance. The islands of Japan, said to contain upwards of 100 states. Oey jln, 1^ J\^ a Japanese. Oey Oey Oey » A pot, or pan; an earthen pan. To cut up, to cut open. "Tdng oey, ^ |^, a brass pot, or kettle. Oey Bad, filthy, dirty, overgrown with weeds. Bo8 ofey put te, ^ ^ ^T* Vp' overgrown and unculti- vated ; 00 o^y, ^■f' I^, dirty, unclean. Overgrown with weeds ; disordered, confused, unclean. .*"* I? Waters deep, wide, expansive, and fj^jntl overflowing. To cut, to injure. FJprV* '^he noise of carriage wheels. The sound of flying ; the fluttering and clapping of wings. H5ng hfing e hwuy, 66y 6fey ^^^,%M.^f^ ^ ^ ^ ^ hong hSng &y chedou lit pvniy, biy oty e Ay sit, when the phoenix is flying, the flut- tering of its wings sounds like bly oiy; see the ^^|Taegniy. CT"Rice spoiled by being overheated. A place of concealment. A kind of chestnut; hok o^y,yK ^^, the fruit of a certain tree, which is edible; oty ch'hat, ^ ^» a sort of vegetable, salad ? Oey * yA^ Hoe oey, i| ^j^ to guard, to pro- yf t^'^ tect; to fence, to ward ofi' danger. I 1^ Jfi choo tey che oey hoo heng, fa ^I^Z^ ^^cKhinchcbr^ichoS ley &y hoi oey pay he'*a, just as sons and younger brethren protect their parents and elders. A surname. % To take ; to pluck, to scoop out ; Otyh Jf?5 »6w66yhbat,^i|5g$^«A'A^«' ^■ * '- bl^yh mti^Sh, to take hold of any- thing with the hand. X The noise made in vomiting, the sound of anything going out. Read kofey: the husk of grain; k'hong ko^y,)^ H" A'Ae"^ o^y'S, Wf bran. 1 Read ^k : to cut open ; ^k biit, ^J 1 1 ^6iyhme&^Sh,ioicooi>o\x\.wy- Otyh Oh thing, to split anything open. J » Read Iftn: diflicult, hard, not easy. 'jrr Kwun choo e soo, jfi lUn wAt yei, lb kiBun cho6 h'hwah chd sod,j& oh kiD^a hi, the good man is easily engaged in business, but with difficulty pleased ; see the |^ ^ LuD g^. ONG 496 ONG Oh m Ok yt^ Read hak : to learn ; a school ; jip hak, A @; lok oh, to go to school. Hak j6 s6 sip che, ^ (jn [JS ^ ^2. o^i^ sednjf s^ wun sip e, to learn and constantly to study anything ; see the J^ 5^ Seang lun. Vulg. p'ha^t : wicked, evil, bad, vi- cious, depraved, ugly. Koe c\ih >ViO> e jln h, bo8 ok ye4, ^ ;t jjf^ ■JZI ^ Si ^ "{ti cAin cAe^d na ey siw cAfi two, te jln, chew bd p'ha"6, when a man's mind is truly set on virtue, he will be able to avoid vice ; see the pS |^ Lun g6. Ok Ok Ok Faulty, vicious, not good. To plaster a wall; also written gg,ok. Vulg. ch'hoo : a house, a dwelling, a residence. Hob jun ok, ^^ 'JPi ^.P"^ ''^^^ ch'hdng h6 ch'hod when a man is rich, he beautifies his dwelling ; see the ^ ^ Tae hak. #,- Ong >5|7>| old gentleman ; ongseuk,^ ;j^ '^'V >l k" cAe^, a familiar epithet for uncle ; applied also to strangers by courtesy. A sur- name. In the ™^ Bfing dynasty, there was an old man who attained to the highest literary honors, whose name was |^ J|^ ^^ Ong-chfeng-ch'hun, 'old man Just spring;' which circumstance tickled the emperor's fancy, who exclaimed, " that though he was an old man, he was just in his spring or the prime of life." Ong Ong Ong X Crook-shanked ; dicals. also, one of the ra- ^^^^j^Ong wut, ^ Ong ^jj -^^ luxuriant foliage exuberant vegetation. 'Win ong, ^ ^ wan neo"8, a kind of wasp, a gadfly. Vulg. ang : an idol ; an image . cheen che je ong, ^ ii^ ^p Jg hat/ cheen e, ch'hin ch'eo^^ ang, as base as an idol ; see /^ ^ SAn choo. Ong JS Vulg. ang : an idol ; soo ong, jjjpj T^ ch'hae ang, to sacrifice to an idol. Ong Ong Humpbacked ; the back bent through age and disease. The deep and expansive appearance of water ; the ocean. Vulg. ang : a surname. Cheung gofi seng 6 ong yang, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ cheung swah gwd &y sai"S m'e^d te ang y&ng, to spend one's whole life on the expansive ocean. To go, to depart ; ong lafi, ^ ^, Ong ^ to go and come; to have inter- course with. K6 ong, ^ /A kohy 6ng, to depart this life, to die. Kong-san Hwut-je^ou e Pfe pwan, teaou, chooyeiik Kong-san Hwut-jedou t PI yip pwdn hwdn, kabu teiou hoo cho6, hoo cho6 hdeyh k'hl, Kong-san Hwut-je^ou rebelled with the city of P^, when on summoning Confucius, the sage was about to go to him ; see the =j^ ^ Lun ge. ONG 407 00 Kfe ong pul kew, tjfc |^ /f^ ^ f^aou holy Ay sod, «"• Vhang I'e&h e chd u"* tedh, do not blame one for things already gone ; see the j^ |w Seang lun. 6ng ^ To bend, to stoop ; to pervert ; bent, crooked, perverse, wicked. Ong ch'hek je tit Sim, ;f£ X ifO ^ ^ '^"g k''hwut chit &y ch'he6h, ji clChbng tit ehit Ay seim, to bend a cubit, in order to rectify a fathom ; see ■£ -+- Beng choo. Wan ong, ^ j^^ to oppress, to treat unfairly. Ong /^fc^^A hilly appearance. On g t _JL Dust ; k<) 6 ong bong che yei, sH dusty wilderness. at Ay ycd, to pass through the Oner >^^-^' a dark recess in a house. ng (<^^^Ong b6ng, JJ^ ^ the sun obscur- ed and not shining clear ; an un- 6ng XSfc»»«. lucky day. the rising of dust. Ong Ong 4^ The appearance of dust rising ; the >JJ ^J rushing sound of the wind. I'^^ Ong b6ng, |^ g^, defect of vision ; m the eves not clear. Ong "J^" Vulg. Ang : a kind of jar. 'ng Ong Ong te i Vulg. Ang: ajar, a pitcher, a watei- pot. To walk quickly. A king, a sovereign prince, a royal personage. A surname. Tte chae 6ng gcin ! yit chae ting Sim ! /i ^ IE g^ -* pjc i, IL> '«"* '^« f ed, vague; crooked, to pervert. • _j- Bent, crooked ; s^ teung jeak chek f^4- 00, ^ Cjl g^ ^,J ^ chcl-9 >J ^ tang e^g nooi"g cheto tcan, when an arrow is thin in the middle, it will bend. % ..Mft To plaster, to whitewash a wall ; also Oo TkT^ wriiten J^, oo. I 'y Hwitn t'hog che ch'heing, par k'hoooyH.'.,^ ii ;t Ji T* "^ ^5 -Ife piin t'ho6 Ay cWheC^ b6 Vhang htc&h p&yh, a wall made of dung and mud cannot be well whitewashed; see the _t. f{g Siiang lun. 5 Z OO ' 498 o5h Oo Oo KiJak t'hoe 00, ]|t^ ^ ^^ Vhadu 00, the knee. k'ha Oo A hollow place, where the water col- lects. A pond, a pool. Ch'heuk koe put jip oo td, ^ ^ Tf, A. W i^ ''''' ia« dy bang, U jip te chuy k'litDut a, a close meshed net should not be suf- fered to be spread in the pools ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Dirty, muddy, filthy ; standing water ; 00 6hy, 'J^ ^\ dirty, filthy. Jit jeem oo seiik, g |,^ ^jlj /^ tdkjit hdk fcoli la s&m &y howj s'iuk, to be daily defiled with filthy customs ; also written '^^ oo. Oo m To stoop, or crouch dowa, 06 Go 06 Oo Read o6 : a surname. To defile, to soil, to make dirty. JXCL A drinking vessel ; a cup. Read y6w : to have, to possess, to be, to exist; existence; more. Bun yew 6, pit wat y6w, |^ i^ Iji 'jL» E3 M mooV'S o5 ch'hun, pit ktSng oo, when asked if there was anything over, be would always say there was ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. A Ooh Xi?S* T"i ooh, f^ \^p'hah odh,to belch. Pa £' A surnamo ; Pa-chew. ^ |iU , the name of a district ; pa seS., p |li'^ pa chioi, the name of a large snake, perhaps the boa constrirta, whicli caD devour an uK'phani, and does not discharge its bones fur three years., l^ Pj^ PC, »»"' Chinese name for Batiivia ; Pa s6ng, PC ^ ^^ ^'^"^t ^''"^ '^^'y °^ ^^'** via. Pa gdy, Pjli W, children quarreling; to box and fight. Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa The scar or seam of a wound. A military weapon ; a warlike instru- ment. A sow, the female of a pig. •^^Z Le pa, ^ ^, a railing, a thorny I » fence made of bamboo. E Pa cheaou, ^ ^, J»a cAeo, a plan- tain ; Musa coccinea. Pa Pa Roasted meat; pa jcilk, ^^ ^ pa ba'i, broileJ flesh. the name of a Vk Pa Idng, ^ To hold, to grrsp firm, to hold in the hand; piping, jfj ^ P"' / /^'' 'o *«'"=''' '° B""'"'^* Numeral of things grasped by the hand, as knives, &c. %y%^ Read paou: full, satisfied, to eat to P* ^ Kwun choo sit bo6 kfiw paou, ^ I?- ^ iBE # ^ *'"«" '^^^ '*^** '" *^"' p^P/^ Kw&n-teung seang HwAn kong, pa choo hofi, 'f- {j|l ^ ^ ^ ^ III 1^ KwdnteuHg seang IlwAn kong, pi choo hoi, Kwdn- tijung was prime minister to Hw&n-kong, and assist- ed him to become chief over the priniOi of the empire; see the |§ |^ Lun g6. Fa The same as the preceding. PA 500 PAE Pa Pk I ■^^ A bank, a dyke, a mound to keep in T^ff C| water. In the province of Can- '^TT/^ ton, there is a bank called tlie sey ho6 pel, ^ vflfl 1^^ bank of the western lake. To hold, to take hold of. The teachers of archery are parti- cular in instructing their pupils to •^ pdy cK'Mw, hold the bow firm in p^ sew, the hand Pa ^1 The name of a river: Pa m A leopard ; ho6 p4, H|| ^^ tigers and leopards. K'he ho6 pA soo seang, j6 win sae ch^hed"S, jl hoe e hwui^S, to drive away the tigers and leopards, rhinoceroses and elephants, to a distance ; see ^ ^- Beng choo. Pa Pa KiJung pa, ^ ;j^^ a thumb-ring, used in archery. An instrument for reaping corn; some say an implement for level- ing and harrowing the ground ; a harrow ; a handle. P^ P^ng. )^ \^ pi pa^S, a handle. Pa Pa Pa To pi, 7J |p^ the handle of a knife. ^r^ P£l pa, ^ ^ ne6^S pay, a fami- ly, liar epithet for father. m A bank, a mound, a dyke. Pa Pa Pa pa pa m te' Pa Vulg. p&y: to scratch; pi yang, IE ^P^y cheo"S, to scratch any place that itches ; pA hfing, -fj* p&y A:e"d., to crawl, to creep. Pa put, ^ ;i{/(, a wooden shovel or rake, for shifting about grain while exposed to the sun lo dry. Vulg. p8.y : a guitar ; pg pa, |g g pi pAy, a harp, or guitar. jL.JLk Vulg. p&y : a bamboo rake, a har- •"pLCI row ; a rake with five teeth, for >| Wad raking together straw and dung. mH' pa 16, ^^ ^^ the name of a fish. W 1 n To give over, to finish, to do away gCk with ; pa Mon, ^ ~f ^ enough ril^ of it. Yeiik pa put l#ng, ''/0^ ^Z yf^ ng a& boeyh swah bey Py, we may wish to de- sist, but ! Pa chit. sist, but shall not be able; see the 0^ p^ Liin ge. to retire from office ; to put out of office. Pa6 yyjj Pa6 k'hae, ^ |^ pai K'hwuy, to •i-*tL spread out, to open out, to arrange. ^}L Pa6 seng pan k'him, ^ i{4 3^ pai tViaou sai"o pan leet chedou, they spread out the animals, and arranged the birds, (for sacrifice.) ^ ^...^ To bow down, to worship, to make Pae !J^^r obeisance, to pay respect to. / I Pa6 sin, ^ 1^^ to worship the gods. Pa^ hoe, SI jl|| pat adu, to wait upon. Pa6 hay, 16y j-eA, ^ "J^ |f til kabu pah I6k gtm kay hay se Uy soh, when making a bow (to the prince), if we descend (to the bottom of the steps,) it is according to propriety ; see the Ig ^^ Lun g*." PAE 501 PAI NG Pae Pae in Arriving at a place, to part asunder. To push, to push open ; to spread out, to arrange. HwAn-ko^y pa6 fhattit jip, ^ D^ ^^ ^ IH. y\ Hwdn-kott/ pa& k'hiouy moot^S tit jip, Hwin-kofey pushed open the palace gate, and en- tered straight ways ; see the J^ |^ Soo k^. An pai po6 '^> ^ ^ /}|j ^, *° spread out, and put in order. Pae #' Pa6 hoSy, ^ i|d], to hesitate, to walk backwards and forwards in doubt. Ch'heng seang sfly hong hwat, tijung tit ch^.ng pa6 hody, ^w ^ (^ j^t ^ ^\f ii! IE # 10 '^'''A"'^ ^'J ^e*^ *«"« t'hiln hong tit hwat, teung tit &y che"d titpa& hHiy, the clear musical notes are conveyed whichever way the wind blows, but the honest upright man he- sitates which way he shall go; see the "A" f4 Ko^ se. Pae Pae -ae Pae Pad yew, ^ ^^ mixed sport, dis- sipation. The same as the above. A raft, a float ; also, a club, a stick. A large bamboo raft ; the same as the above. A board, a tablet, a plank, a sign ; pa6 pCng, ^ j;j|, a tablet ;sek pafi, /Ff f^. cheoh pae, a stone tablet; hwflnboe pae, H| ^ ^hwunbongpae, a tombstone. 6 A Pae To ruin, to destroy, to decay ; to de- feat; to overthrow. B6ng kok pae kay^ t ^ |jj^ ^ » '°«* country and a ruined family. Pae tinj6cho6, 0fr fl^ Ffn ^^paetin j& chaou, to lose the battle and run away. Anciently written , pae. P " ^KJi Wearied to the extreme; fagged, ja- i/y^ ded ; distressed. Pae Pae A fine kind of white rice. P-tifr at » Vulg. p'hiy: a sort of grain, like rice, but smaller ; a kind of grass like foxtail ; pae kwan, ^S^. T^, an inferior kind of office. Pai'S #' Peng k'hae, |)j^ |^ pai^ AViiri/y, to pull open. .41so, to fillip with the finger. Read p^ng : a scaffolding, a stage, a terrace, a tent. Hi p6ng, jgjj Wi ha pair's, a stage for theatri- cal performances, a theatre. Kwa peng, JdJ^ i^ kwa pai"S, a frame for melons to grow on. ^_^_^ Read p^ng: even, smooth, level, Pai^S m ^f ^ equal ; a surname ; p6ng ching, equal; pengtit,ZIl T|§' pai'*S til, equitable and bo- nest. Kok te, jfi hoe t'heen hay p6ng, j^ ^ '^ ^ J^ f\ ^ tok te, jUn adu t'hee"'J aij iy pai'^S, when the different states are well regulafeil, the whole empire will be tranquil. at o Read tad : a stage ; h^ tad, ^ hi pal"S} a theatrical stage. PAK 502 PAN p„^lS Tl ° * Read peng : sick, unwell ; sickness, disease. Choo chit peng, IJ. ^ i^ hoo cho6 woo pai'^S, Confucius was sick ; see the |^ |^ Lun g6. . »^ fc To fall down, to cut, to carve ; to Pak "^BIi *""'!' °^ ^^^ ^'""' *° ^^^"' ^^^ ^f^ •f p'he, ;^lj ^ pa/t ?j'Ao^y, to skin ; pak t'hek, ^l] j^ V^k t'hayh, naked. Hek pak hek p'heng, ^ ^l] gg ^^ Jcoo <5y /j< paA, woo ay tit p'heng, some were carving, and some were boiling ; see the ;]\ ^ Se^ou gnay. , ,^ Party-colored, mixed colored, varie- '"^^ gated, piebald ; pak sek mi, E>> Pak fcv W>^^^V Q j^pa^ s«^ bay, a piebald horse ; pak chap, ]B^ |^, variegated. To distinguish, to argue; peen pak to 16, ^| |^ J^ JW , to debate and argue on the reason of things. Pak ;.^L The same as the preceding ; to argue, i^^yL to distinguish. ^ _ Read pok : the north ; Pok keng, Pak nbj/ yt ^ ^"^ *^""' ^'''''"^' '^^ I 1^ northern capital of China. Choo sey, cho5 tong, choo lam, choo pok, bo6 soo puthok,^ S^^g^^^l^^ a t; jja choo sue, choo tang, choo Urn, choo ^^k, bS chit Ay seo'^S u'« hbk, from the west, and east, from the south and north, there was not even one who meditated resistance; said of ^ ^E Bfin 6ng. Q^^— ' Read hok : the belly ; hok toe, jg Pak P S Bt ?«^' "'^' ''"^ ''^^'y ' ^°^ ^"" tA^^ )J© i\jN pak sim, the bowels, as dear as one's own bowels ; p'hb hok, *)] fhwA pak, to rip open the belly, to dissect Hok y6w se se, k'hfe choo hwa, ^ ^ ^ ii pak lai toob se kwd ch'hayh, k'ht chetr :t It* ka te hwa gndy, when the belly is full of odes and classics, a man's spirit will become spontaneously elegant. ^ »— Read hok : a broad piece of cloth ; a Pak Ul^% roll or bundle of silk. I Pl| K6 hok? Ul 1^ kwtiy pakl how many rolls of silk? Read pok : to bind, to tie; ping pok, IfP ^pdngpdk,toX\eup. P6kj6satche?j(^fl^;^ teoh pak ji Vhae e? " shall we tie him up, and kill him?" said by some domestics, when about to kill a pig; but # |^, Ch8-ch'h6 hearing it, thought they were intending to kill him; whereupon he first commenced the work of slaughter, and murdered them all ; see the ^ 1^ Sam kok. Pak Pak 2p. i 11 Pak si-d, Ip Ipl^, to insure any- |- y . ■' thing; an insurance. >>^^ Pdkkic'^a, m ^, a farmer of the public revenue. I^Pan leet, ^ ^''1 . *° arrange, to put Pan T^/ T '" °'"'''^'" ' '° P^""'' *° divide ; to *V^ confer rank ; a surname. Kwan yew pan befin che wuy,^ ^ ^J^/C ■f^ kw"a mod pan lUn 6,y wuy, ofTices are arranged according to different stations. ^ Variegated, party-colored ; s^ng pan. J^ marked. Pan Pan Pan c/ie"d pan, pock- Pan Ian, Pan so&, a mixed color. to give, to be- stow ; to distribute, to disperse. J^\ Pan toe leang j^ t'heen hay;tae hok, ^:i g ft [fn ^ T ^ BR ^^"" ^"-"^ toe, kap ned»9 ch'Mn,je fhee'^S dy tied hdk, bestow PAN 503 on the people proper rules and measures, anJ the whole empire will become submissive. Pan Pan Pan gS, ^gf [^^ suitable, conve- nient, cheap. Pdn Pan ' A pain at the heart, accompanied ith vomiting. Read pin: a pot; ch6w pin, y^ ^ cAt'ic jjdn, a wine pot; hwa ptn, it Mj^ htca p&n, a flower pot. Also written 5^f p&n. Van Kap pan, ^ |^, a box, a trunk. Pan PANG Read peen: to manage; peen soo. aJ| ^1 pan sod, to manage an affair; ma6 pan, ^ ^ bat/ pan, a comprador, one who buys things for another ; t"4 pan, ;j=J ittj to prepare, to provide. 'an Pan Pang A board for keeping reckoning on; a tablet used as a register, in taking a census of the inhabitants. Bok pdn, -Jk^ f^ ch'hd pan, a plank, a board for writing or engraving upon. Sek hoo pin chei, ^ ^ )J^ ^ ?'*<»* «*'*^« kabutoo tebh geA pan &y l&ng, (Confucius) leaned on the front of his carriage when he met any one car- rying the population register, (out of respect;) see A board or plank ; the same as the Pan TKI^ above ; also, to turn aside ; to be- come cross-grained and morose. Great, extreme; je t'hoe woo pin Pan HfN/ cheang, ^ ± ^ ^ ^ li &y Vhoi. try Ivsa kwui^S, your territory is greatly illumined. A — — Kap pin, j|^ ^, a square rigged ^"S Pan Tllfx vessel, seemingly derived from the / "'^ Malay word hapal, a ship. Sam pin, Ua ^ a boat, a pinnace ; also derived j Pang from the Malay word sampan, a small boat. Read peen : the divisions in a melon or orange. Chong pan, ^ ift che'^S pan, to adorn, to ornament one's person. T"i pan, J-T J^ to dress fine, a manner of dress, a fashion. f^ fp A country, a state ; pang kok, ijj MA, a kingdom. A surname. Pang y6w to, pin ch'he^i cheen yeen, t'he yei, ^^f^^^B.^^^ Jtt pang woo to dy s6, sdng heung lewd hay cheen, si uAott tey yea, when a country possesses the right way, (i. e. is tranquil,) to continue poor and mean is disgraceful ; see the %m f^ Lun g6. A plank, a board ; k'haou pang, ^ W^^ to plane boards. Pang choe, SS" rol pang chdn, to help, to assist. Pang To bind shoes, to finish the edges of shoes. ,To guard, to defend ; seang pang, Pang ^^tP ^ ^ ^'"' P""^' •" *^''*' °"^ St ^4 another ; pang choe, ^ |^ pang chdn, to assist, to help. Fang To bind shoes. The same as pang. PANG 504 PAOU Pang m Read peng: to fall down, as a rock or hill ; to precipitate ; used also in speaking of the death of an empe- ror. San peng tey le^t, ^ 1^ J|6L ^ ^'""'^ P<"^S *-^y leeh, the hills fall, and the earth opens. Sara bong, ^ Jrfc sum pang, a deal board. Ping p6k, bind, to tie, pang pdk, to Pang Pang p6k, ^ ^^ to seize and tie up. The ornaments of a dress sword. Luxuriant herbage. Read hdng : to let go, to let out, to let pass away; h&ng h8ng, "Mt JLT pang Ang, to pass blood, diar- rhea. H6ng gngw 6 t'h6 11m che yei, "^ ^ M- ^^ ^^ "^ ^P^nggo8tiVh6nd.6ysvP'a yea, to let the oxen go in the common of the peach grove ; see the TpJ ^? Seang se. Read p8ng : a chamber ; a surname ; p6ng keen, ^ ^^ p&ng keng, an apartment. ReadpSng: a surname. Read hSng : to hem, to sew ; h8ng e, ^ ^ p&ig s'^a, to hem a garment. Read hong: to receive; a staff; to beat with a staff. A cockle, a muscle; pang kap choc t'hae, 6 gwat k'hwuy chwan, J^ pang kap k'h&^S choo &y pak toe, kap gaeyh k'hictq/ chuffs, the cockles and muscles, with their pearly wombs, correspond to the moon in her wax and wane. Paou "fe To include, to inclose; paou h&m, l1 ^a *° include; paou ko, ■pj S, to bundle up; paou hok, 'W i{|( a bundle. A surname. Seen seng che leang paou hoe t'heen tey, 4ip /ip y^ ft ^ •^ ^ ^ *"* ^^^"^ ^y ''^^"5' P""" hoe t'hee"S tey, your capacity, Sir! is large enough to include both heaven and earth ; see the ^T jlp V^ oi^ Hwin teung yeem bAn. Paou Paou The name of a bamboo, which sends forth its shoots in the winter. Paou An embrace ; paou t'hae, ^ B^ the womb ; t8ng paou heng tey, (?J BS >i ^ <<2n^p«o« he"a te, a brother by the same parents. To bundle up; paou but, /l ^ paou mee^Sh, to bundle up any- thing. Jn»^ Vulg. pa : to be satisfied, to be full ; Paou n3>lJ *° enjoy satiety ; sit paou, ^ ^S^ cJii-ah pa, to eat to the full ; paou hak, |J3 ^, extensively learned, erudite. Paou sit cheung jit, bo6 s6y yving sim, lain fe chae, cheM pa cheung jit, bd sSy yung sim, oh & chae, when a man eats to the full all day long, without ^ /?*-» ^ PAOU 505 ever exerting his mind, how difficult it is to do any- thing with him ; see the |fi PAT ^ Lun ge. Paou Paou Paou Paou Paou Paou Fish preserved in brine; dried, of- fensive fish. A surname. SPaou le6m, ^F JW- padu tee'^, to ^ suck sweetmeats ; a sort of sweet- meat or pie. I Bok padu, § Qg) bak chew padu, the eyes flashing with rage. The name of a grass, of which mats . and shoes are made; to fold up in a mat. Vulg. pod: to bake, to broil in the ^^.^ fire. Also written Jm^ padu. Paou Padu haou, P^ R^, the roar of a tiger ; to roar. A long flowing garment, a gown ; a dress of ceremony. L6-ko6 bong lew cheep je6m pa(Ju,hoe tiiiing chong y^ jr M-Jcoi bang l&w cheep nel"9 teoh p'hadu, jein adu t'eUng cVhciing gtrdn, L6-ko^ dreamed that the juice of a willow tree spotted his gown, and af" terwards be rose to the highest literary honors. Paou To kick; pa6u cho^, J^ ^paSu cha6u, to gallop away ; to run. % *^ Vulg. po6 : a calabash. Gofi k'h6 Paou ^&5| pa8ukwayeichae?3V. ^ J§^ ^ *-^ m •& t^lg ^""'' *'**"" '' ^"^ liop kwa ? how can I be like a calabash or a melon ? (that is confined to one place, and unable to help itself;) said by Confucius, in the ^ |* Lun g6, 6 B Paou m To scrape ; pa6u pang, Wlj *H ^ to plane boards. Paou Pat Pat A slaughter-house ; pa6u to6, /w ^ a kitchen. Pa6u y6w hwfiy jeiik,|g ^ ^ }^pa6uiBod ptcHy Ay bah, in the killing house there is plenty of fat meat ; see 5^ •^ Beng choo. Pa6u hong, ^ ^, to hold the wind in sailing. To strike with the hand. A plane, for smoothing boards; paou to, ^ 7/ , ^ carpenter's plane. A rising of the skin, a pimple; to rise as a blister. A surname. Vulg. phyh : eight ; pat sip, /\ -j^ ^r ^^ p&yh chap, eighty. E yit hok pat, hd 6 e, 6 Choe tck Cli'ho^ ''-j:i - fl& a fj>:i^. ^ %^ ifk ^ ■ge Vhd chit 6y lut hok piiyh tiy, trod sfa mte"Sh kbh yib"S hop Choe kok tbiy tek Ch'hve kok chae, for one to seek the reduction of eight, is not much unlike the Choe country (which is small) opposing the Ch'ho^ (a much larger country); see ^ ^ Beng choo. To split asunder, to divide; alo 1 1 used as the large form of the pre- ceding character. PAY 506 PAYH Pay Pay Readpeet: another; peetjin, ^jy^ pat Idng, another person ; peet soo, '^IJ 1b! pat soo, another affair. Pay Pay hwan, P* €W pay pooi^S , to eat rice with two chopsticks, in the Chinese way. Read pa : to hold, to take hold of, to keep; pa s6w, »R ^' pay c/j^ic, to guard; pft bftn, jC. f^ pay mool^S, to keep the door ; ch'hafe pi, ^ i{^ ch' hah pay, a bundle of vegetables. Tek-ch'heng p4 s6w sara^kwan, ik ^ Iw iil ^ ^ Tek-ch'heng pay cVhtw s^a kwan, Tek- ch'heng kept and guarded the three passes. Read pa : as p6 pk, ^ ^ ;j^ piy, a kind of guitar with three strings. P% Hie' Read pk: to scratch, to rub, to crawl; pft yang, j|l^ ^ p&y ched"S, to scratch a place that itches ; pit h6ng, |P^ ^"J* pdy ke"d, to crawl. P% P«y JfnJ^ Read pa : a bamboo rake, with five ^pQ} teeth, for raking sticks and straws >J ^^ together. Read p^ : a military weapon, like a prong, or fork. Pa> Read p& : as pk put, ^ )^ pay put, a wooden shovel or hoe, used in spreading out grain to dry. P^ P^> /kL *£i'^P%> the loquat, a sort of med- lar, the Mespilus Japonicus. Pay Read p^ : a father ; ne6^9 pay, father. Pay 'ay Pdyh T'heet pay, |# ig fheeh pay, an iron rake, a harrow, for leveling the clods in a ploughed field. ^"^ Read hoo : a father ; hoo h6y seng ■ Xgno, ^ ^ i^ fj^ neo^S pay iai"o^wa, my father begat me. Pdyh Pdyh Read pek : an nnde ; pek hoo, 1Q y^ u" payh, my uncle. P'hwat k'hae k'lwe, ^/V pH P' payh k'hwuy cVh^y, to stretch open the mouth. SeAng pek, i^ ig Mheng payh, a fir or cedar tree. Sofey heln, je6n hoe te siidng pek Che hoe teaou yg4, "^^^/i^ ^.P |^ ^ ^ 1-^ 1^ Ifi. "*^"^ '""^ kui"d,jeen adu ehae ch^hing payh dy tHy adu teaou loh, when the season is cold, then we know that the fir tree is late in cast- ing its leaves ; see the ^K ^ Lun g6. w Pdyh Read pek : to stretch open anythin g with the hand. Pdyh Read pek: a hundred; pek ban, "5* ffi payh ban, a million. Sip sip wAy yit pek, -f- "j^ ^ — "S chap chap chd chit payh, ten times ten make a hundred. 5 Pdyh A Read pat : eight ; sip pat, -|- J\ chap payh, eighteen. A Read pek : white. Yin jtn seang pek, Q 1^ A f^l ^ ^'» ''"^ -y /dn^ sedw^ P%^> the people of the Yin dynasty preferred a white color. Bfing pek, B^ ^ ling payh, clear, evident. PE £07 PB V6yh Read pek : silk, cloth ; keak pek, ^ 1^, k'ha p&yh, the bandage for binding up womens' feel in China. Pflyh Fdtfh ^^ Read pok : a door blind ; a bamboo instrument for catching fish. Read pwat : to pull up, to briug up ; to introduce. Pwat k'h6, ^ ^ piyh k'ht, to pull up. Sorrowful, pitying. Cho8 pe, '& ^ merciful, compassionate. Pe ^;F _ _ |\*J|^ Pe ae, % ^, to lament, to com- miserate. L6 Sim pe che, ^ »il\ ^ jt ^^'^ ^"^ Ay sim kto^a pt cht, the hearts of females are com- passionate. > Low, mean, vulgar ; cbeang soo pe Pe j© je Chun, ^^n-^n ■^~} Chiang iok kay Ay lAng k'h&k yeH chun Ay lAng, to place the mean before the honorable ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Also written P'hfe j6 teng ko, pit cho6 pe, ^ ^ ^ ^ t^ Q S. «/»'Aiii ch'e6"9 p&yh ckeo^S kw&n,pit choo kdy^ like«s in ascending a high place, we roust begin from a low one ; see the (^ ^ Teung yftng. ^ A low damp place ; seAng pek put Pe jffl. '^"^ P«' >fft 1=6 ^ i ^ '^^l ck'hlng payh b8 sai'^ te kay t&m Ay way, the fir tree does not grow in low marshy ground. «>fw Vulg. pai : a stone tablet, erected to Pe irt ri* record any meritorious event, "^^ Toe-hefen hwat heung nod, Up pe k6kong,f f. ^ ^^±^^^ Toe-hein hwdt heung not Ay htoan, k'ked chit chedh pa6 ki e Ay kong 16, when Toe-hein subdued the Pe Pe Pe Fe Huns, they set up a stone tablet to record his me^ riti. To make up for, to aid, to assist, to help ; to benefit, to give to ; to supply a deficiency ; to permit. A surname. A pool, an aquedtict, a water gate- W&y keung sit, tad sea, pe tft, € chan hae d je ban sfeng, ^ ^ chd keung ch'hod, tai sea, chuy k'humt i, i chin haf U ban payh sai^S, to be building palaces and houses, terraces and arenas, ponds and aqueducts, to the ruin and mjury of alt your people ; see the S S: Chew se. Afield. That, the opposite of this ; he, she, it. Chae i>6 bo6 oh, chae ch'hoo bo6 ^^^ ^ ^)k #. ^ '^ Jifc hcd te hi tadu bS wdn, tiea te chS taou b$ pae, with those there will be no hatred, and with these no ruin ; see the ^ ^ Chew seung. Pe ik Awry ; corrupt ; meorrect. Pe ^ I To compare; pe p^ng, \^ ^, 1™^^ to compare with anotJier. H^ P6 keen jfi cho, ^ ^ fl^ ^, pi keng t'kaSu je chey, to sit shoulder by shoulder (i. e. together). ^ » To separate, to take leave, to pwt P6 A t| asunder. * ^^ Y6w ife pfe le, ;^ :1c 1H: ii woo cha bot pi, U, having a female from whom w« are separated ; see ihe ^E ^ ^"8 '»<»"8* PE 508 PE P6 Te Pe ' Empty unfruitful ears of corn. AT^^^ gan» ^1 iff, a pnson The same as the above ; p6 k'hong, ^ )^ P'f^"^ Jc'he»i, empty grain and chafT. Pe m ^ To die, anything dead ; a'deceased ^l/n* mother is called idj p6, and a >^^lU father ;^, k'ho, Pek sfeng jfi song k'ho p6, "g" ^ ^P ^ ^ j(}t /'S^A soi"^ cVhin ch'ed^d s^S ■pay hot, the people felt as though they had lost both father and mother ; see ]^ ^ Bengchoo. ^ A spoon, a kind of wooden ladle; P6 I p6 s6w, Yj ^^ the name of a ^"■^ sword. Seen choo hong sit, sit p6 too a cheah, p'hah lea labuh s6 kap te a, when the first prince (of the latter H^n dynasty) was eating, he let fall his spoon and chopsticks, (on hearing himself extolled ;) see the _^ 1^ Sam kok. V •% ^ The shade of a house ; to screen, to ^SM^ shelter ; the same as 1)^ ph. ^ ^^ Kat luy y6w 16ng p6 pun kin, ylm e Ay pun kin, even the hemp and creeping plants can screen their own roots ; (how much more ought men !) see the ^^ if^ Cho twan. Pe Pe n % To screen, to shelter ; p6 pfe, ^& /^^ to protect. r*^ To shade, to cover over; the shade ^l i of plants and foliage. Pe L«w To open out the heads of hemp; Y>h jeiou, ^ ^, shriveled, shrunk. Pe The appearance of a flowing foun- '^ tain ; the flowing of water. P^ che y^ng y^ng, k'ho e 16k kc, la6u yeS^S ye6^*g, cheto Vhang kiity e kabu bey he tit yaou, when we see the water flowing thus abundantly, we may be so delighted as to forget our hunger ; see the |{^ ||^ Tin hong. Pe ^ P6 bit, ^1 ^, secret, hidden, mys- terious; the same as the following. Pe Pe Pe \l To secrete, to hide ; secret, hidden. ^ Gno6 keng pfe se, ^ |W ^ S-, five volumes of books contain- ing secrets. Ipl^ To labor ; to be cautious of, to be |\X|> careful. %>_ Fragrant ; pfe hwun ha&u ke, J^ 25p ^ ^ ^ fhang p'hang wuo hadu ^^^ dy/t^, how fragrant are the records of filial piety ; see the ^^ ^ Tae gn&y. IV--. To shut up, to conceal without dis- Pe n>>vl playing. S6 je put chong, gno I 4 soo put Pfe, H PI ^ PC ^ S» % Wi ^'^"'"'^ '^ ^y "^ *'^' ^"^ *^""'^ ""* k'hi"S, looking at your want of goodness, I do not think of concealing it; seethe^ |^ Woey hong. Pe tJi2 To treat disrespectfully, to act un- mannerly, to despise. Pin kfe chily ch6, wiiy g6 ph ph, ^ ^ ^ jh J^ ^ \0 ^l^ngk'hayhkabuchiiy, wuy g&pi. ban, when the guests become tipsy, man- ners are disregarded ; see the /J> j^# Seiou gn4y. PE 509 A PE Pe ^ Savory food ; y^w ph k6 heang, U\/y 'W ^ ft -^ ""*" '^''^"'* * ^^ Tx^ pliang, having food that is savory ; see the M ^ Chew seung. Pe Pe Pe ^A horse well fed, and fat. The name of a city in the country. , Lo6 ch'hiw Pe The arm ; s6w p^, ^p pi, an arm. Tae hong che teung, y6w jtn hwdn p^, bfing wat, ''heenge,^ =^ Z ^l* ^ A ^ ^ j^ CI ^ ^ twd hong &y tang e^9, woo lAng hwdn cVhtwpi, me^A k6ng Vhet^S g&, in the midst of the great wilderness, there is a set of people with their arm^ turned round who are called the Vhee^if gi ; see the lL| ■jm. e^ San hae keng. ^■f^ To give, to bestow ; also written S- .^I^Z^ pfe. P6 te chiid choo, h8 6 pfe che? e cKhin ch'hai'*3 dy Ae"o, bdeyh fh6 s^a mee"gh hoe e? that handsome person, what shall we give him? see the ^j j^ Woey hong. ^CC^ The appearance of a boat moving; [i^\ 4* to move ; the same as ^, p6. A coldness of the extremities; a numbness of the legs, when the cir- culation of the blood h stopped. Wuy p6, ^ p^, a laipe palsy. t Adorned, ornamented; to come quickly; a surname. Pfe jijfin lad soo, # ^^k * m kin kin ' ^4, t>i« •'1^ ili» chew lae, he came quickly ; see tl»e ^\ ^ Seiou gnfiy- 6Q Pe Pe ^ Pe Pe To shut the door ; to stop up, to close. Seet-16w pfe bfin j6 put lap, ^^ W i F^ rfO T- ?q^^*'- Kic iio"a mooi"9j6 «*" sew, Seet-l^w shut the door, and would not receive the message ; see ^ -^ Beng choo. To favor ; one who is favored ; a minion, a favorite. P^ jin y^w Chong-ch'hong ched choe kwun, # A ^ S i" ^ iS. ^ P^ seoh Ay ling woo Chong-ch'hong ched cliot cht jtn kwun, a minion, one Chong»ch'hong, stopped the prince from coming; *ee ^ -^ Beng choo. Mf^ Pe To re-bestow ; to give away a se- cond time; to increase. tx-^'K ^ bridle, the reins of a horse. Chip I I' pi ch'hin chid"^ yln soh, he held the bridle like the tassols of a seal ; sec the ^ :^ Chin se. P^ Pfe Pfe Pe P& Distressed, miserable. P6 pAy,ij]^ i^,theloquat fruit; the medlar ; INIespilus Japonicus. , pe pay, fg fS, a guitar, with 3 strings, used by the Tartars. Adjoining as fields; manifest; thick, substantial, solid ; to help, to as- sist. To add to, to increase : to be attached. abundant. PE 510 PE Pe n ?B che2lng, |fl2 ^, an adjutant ^ 1 » general. Pe m Pe ^ A dnim beaten on horseback ; a ca- valry drum ; to drum. Le sofey chip pi, ^ |j||1 ^jt ^ li sdhy glm pi &y koi, the commander of a troop holds the equestrian drum. v^ >^ pe wuy, ^ ^ cVheuk a, the sto- U ^1 niach ; beng ch'hun che gwat, chfey Pe Hk. ten^f ch'hun &y gdeyh, My seen ch'hong cheah Ay Idng t pi, in the first month of spring, sacrifice to the inventors of food, the stomach of an animal ; see the |^ ^ '^ L6y gwat leng. —fj tr% ^ small parapet, on the top of a for- |J|^feV tification; p6 biin teng pg, R^ 1 'T* p^ ^ [J^ ki6>^a mooi^S payh cheo'^S 5e"il ch'h'eo^'^, he closed the gates, and as- cended the parapet on the city wall ; see the ^ j^ Cho twan. A ravenous beast ; j6 him jS pg, -/fp i .- H^ T^U l]l ch'hin cheb^S Mm •'^ /cap p6, (the warriors of) jh *P, Boo 6ng were like bears and ravenous beasts ; see the M T'hafe se. SI "& ^ The steps of the imperial throne; pe Pe Ij li hay, [5^ "|>^ your majesty! used I ■ ■ ^ in addressing the emperor. Kira ha6 loey nae pe hay sin l^ng yit t'hong, ^ lae e wd pe hay Ay sin leng chit Vh6ng, now all within the four seas rely on the spiritual energies of your majesty, and are brought under one head ; see the ^ ^ Chin U. Pe Pe tt To proceed towards, even to ; to be attached to a party, equal.' Pe kip sam le6n, \^ jit ^ 4E pe kip s^a ne^^ii', even to the period of. three years ; see the || |S Lun g6. Kwun choo chew j6 put pe, '^ -^ ^ [fj] ^ PYt kwun cho6 chew p'ehi,je bd pep'een te chit tbng, the good man is public spirited, and not attached to the interests of a party ; see the =jm =S. Lun ge. i ^ ^ To weave, to weave across ; soti se Pe Xij-K pS Che, ^ ^l ^ :> payh 'J "^^ siB^'d, chit koly la& chit koiy k'hl, to cross it in weaving with white threads ; see the ^ Ydng hong. Pe Pe Pe Pe ' To stretch open the legs in walking. L6 pe, -|fs/ -Ml cha boe- hah, a fe- male slave ; no6 pe; TJJ/ flg gin a, male and female slaves, Y6w pe, 7^ 1^, the name of a country, spoken of in 3^ -4- Beng choo. A piece of land, containing a hundred Chinese acres. . ^_ To send, to employ ; to let ; to follow. Pe '^ZpL ^^ ^ ''^''^"^ ^^"''' 1^ ^ ^ I /(jk hoe gwd t'han siy ah, to let me follow my desires; see the j; sg E boe. Pe Pe Dry provisions ; h^w pe, ^ 7^, dried rice, for a journey. To prepare; pe pan, |^ ^^^ to get ready ; chun pe, J^ Hy teo"^ te, to be provided against. Also written jl^, pe. PE 511 pe^'a Pe Pe "+" Bo8kewpe6yitjin, M i^ jf i^ — A hoh kite chedou pe te chit l&ng, do not expect every- thing complete in one man ; see the pm ^S Lun gi. ^%^» To tear (clothes); to wear out; torn ^^ lllll^ clothes; spoiled tilings. ' W'^ P^chej6 boSham, ||{[ ;;^ jfj^ ^ffl* ^^pe p'hwd.ji bo ham hicun, when one's things are spoiled^ n«t to^be vexed ; see the fw =^ Lun g6. >►!:* JL. Glolh ; pe pek, 1^ ^ , cloth and ^ ''Y^^. 'silk, usually sent in presents. ' !▼ T'hong soo jin, e pe p'hfeng che, ii i^ A I-^ ^ ^ :^ ^^""^ ""^ ^^"^ ''^^ pe pek p'hlng e, T'hong sent messengers to engage his services with presents of cloth ; see ^^ .^ Beng choo. Distressed, reduced to extremity ; brought into straits. T'hae kC pe je kek che, |^ ^ "7 ttng t'hae e Ay pe k'hwHn, j6 p'fiah e, wait till they are reduced to extremity, and lh?n attack them ; see the U^ "EP Soo k6. »^Jk To die, to depart this life. Pe "l!/y>^ Go6 tek ch^ngjfi peyeen,soo6 6, ^ET ^Mf IE ifn ^ 1 ilJT P ^ gwd tit t'eoh che^d toj6 s6, My chew stcah t, "if I can obtain the right way and then die, that will be enough ;'' said by '©' 3^ Cheng choo. i»*c^ Ruined, bad, corrupt, vicious. ^ j( To avoid ; pe ho, j{!J |^^ to avoid ^ )q^)P evil. Also written M?^ pe. ■^ ^^ Ch'he"i je, e kfi cheftng pe jtn che soo yeS., k'h6 jcak cheilng pe s^ che soo chae? jaffnJ.^^^iiA2:Jrtii:H:^ ffi jlsi^ ffi Z i B^t '^'^'^'^ '^' ''"p ' ^y ''*'^'' pe Mng dy Vhdk ch'hayh ling, k'hl two ch'hin clieo^S fhdn pe si Ay Vhdk ch'hayh Idng chae ? and ^ifij Pe Pe for you, rather than follow a scholar who avoids a few people, would it not be better to follow a scholar who is retired from the world ? (said by a retired philosopher to ^ ^, Choo loe, who followed Confucius in his wanderings from one state to ano- ther ;) see the ffe |S Lun e6. Pe ^ Pe ley, j^ ^^ a kind of fragrant grass ; celery, parsley. Pe f< To cover; petan,^ ^ p'haey tic^a, a coverlid, a bedquilt. To reach to, to bear, to endure ; the sign of the passive voice. T>- Jb.^ An ornament for the head; a covcr- feJy" iDg fm i^^n^ I JMiiiilili f 1 1 Pe V Wal - TT 1 o b- I'h Pe SS :zC n^ m^' ^ > lae Inn noe te teung kok, kip kadu ktoity i<"^, at home his anger overspreads tlie middle country (China) ; and extends oven to the devil's regions (foreign parts) ; see llie |S fij Seang seung. P»' liDo, ^ ^, using great energy q I— I and strength ; angry. Sors legs; a weakness of the legs. T>..n V*V* Read peng : a soldier ; a weapon of -1 ^* war. Read peng : one of the horary cha- racters. Pl^d n PeH PEAOU Read peng : a cake ; sit peng, j: cheah p'e^d, to eat cakes. 512 Read pfeng : to join, to inclose, to P'e a ^ "* * unite; seang pfeng, W^ ^ s'eo p'e^cL, to push one another's shoul- ders. The same as ^+-J peng. Kijem pfeng pat hong, 18ng kwat so6 ha6, ^ iff A ^ ft ^fe "^ A-eempe^d payh lien's, long kwat si. ha&, to unite together the eight deserts, and to inclose all within the four seas. Readch'haou: to copy; ch'haoujoo, J^ 1^ pe"(i_;e, to transcribe. Read p'hek: a wall ; ok p'hek, ]^ ^ ch'hod peak, a partition wall ; i 'ik p'hek, pS gj hay h peak, a n^'do . tv ig»,iv>V. • ""■ niien^ jd^ ^, Chln-s6 hSng, the first empo, ror of tlieCh*r- dynasty burnt the books, the ances- tor of ^L ^ ^> K'hong-an-kok, (chSng k6 kay se e ok p'hek. li it ^ g jl^ 1. M Tc^hi^S e &y kay lae dy ch'hayh te ch'hod peak,) secreted the books of his family in a wall of the house ; see the -^J ^ j^ Seang se se. Peak Peang ^Jr^?The sound of hitting anything in ^pwi archery. Pin peing, JEc J3I to stamp with the '^^ foot in walking P^anff -^^t^^ '^° stamp with the foot. Peaou Che peaou, B^ |pj very fat,corpu- ,tB lent. Peaou PEAOU The peak of a hill; ch'ha6 yeak ill Vi-T L^ng san peaou, te >*J\ ilif cKhak, yoh ti U yoh te Leng SM)"a &y peaou, to pluck medical plants from the highest peak of the Leng hill. ■% 33* The end of a tree, the utmost ex- PeaOU yl\^^^ treraity of a plant; a flag ; a sig- I »'J^ nal ; to elevate, to display on the outside; to write down, to record. Tae pun seiou peaou, -t /s^^ /U jj^ twa pun shy peaou, a great root having a small extremity. B^ng peaou 6 U ke, ^ ;|® |A ^ |E mt^& peaou te M dy ki, to have one's name recorded in strange annals. .^^^1 The outside ; clear, clearly display- PeaOU *Tv^* ^^'1 ^ man's conduct excelling <^|f^^ that of his fellows is called ^& ^B, peiou pe4ou ; also when an inferior addresses a superior it is called peiou ; also peiou ch'hin, ^ ^ a relative by consanguinity ; seng peiou, ^^ ^te a flag, a signal. Peiou le cheng ch'hoe, ^ ^ |^ j^Q. ^'"^ ^"^ cheng ch'hoe, the external and internal, with the fine and coarse parts of things, Peiou cheang, ^y ja, a memorial presented to a superior. Peiou heng tey, ^ ^ ^ peaou h(i"a ip, a cousin by marriage. Peaou Peaou Peaou Yew peaou, j^ j^^ a woman of pleasure, a prostitute. Peiou poey, chief used by females. k j^ a neck ker- Starved with hunger; to6 yew go peiou, "{^ /^ ^ SS loe woo Idng go s8, in the roads are people starved to death ; see |^ ■^ Beng choo. PEEN 513 PEEN Peaou 3^^ The same as the preceding. ^ «^p To fall, as fruit or leaves from the Peaou ^^^y trees. Also written ^^ peiou. ^^V Peiou y6w bofiy, k6 sit ch'hit hfiy, W^ M \% ^^ ^ ^ ^"^"^ ^'' ""*" M™ a e Ay kwky che ch'hit leep, the plums are fall- en, and of the fruit only six are remaining; see the ^ [^ Se^ou \km Peaou Peaou Peaou Peaou "^ m: Pech ^ The peak of a hill. PeAou sjln, 1^ VIr dispersed, scat- tered, to distribute. A female neckerchief, a gorget; some say the cufTof a sleeve. To distribute pieces of cloth among the soldiers. Read p'heet : to divide, to strike, to pull up; p'heet s6w sew, J3& ^ peek ch'hiw tcui'*S, to pull up Peek one's sleeve. >1^A«> Read pit: a kind of tortoise ; aland 'O^X tortoise. Lok k€ y6«v h& lok g6 koby i e &y tood b6 lok he peek, he was delighted with the stags and deer, the fishes and tortoises ; see ^^ ^ Beng choo. P ih *T C^ ^''^ noise of falling down ; the ^-H*! noise of stamping on the ground. . *- Peen peen, ^ /j^ to distinguish, to argue, to reason. Peen peen ganw*»■>* border; pAng peon, n& ^tp5ng ^ ii£ • ptt?*9, on one side ; te^m peen, p^ ^ siim pee^e, to get on one side, to avoid: Ke chae peen yip, S ^ ^ |^ e twa te pe^S a Ay yip, he dwells in a city on the borders ; see the H i "5^1 Ley gcik ch-ho. Choo soey put k'ho pijen, ^ ^ "yC n]* ^ twa Ad Ay lAng u"" Vhang k'hcd le e Ay pet"S, do not stand by the side of people in mourning ; see the ii ^ ^ L6y t&n keung. A surname. Peen •* A bamboo vessel for holding sacrifi- cial ofltrings. Peen toe che sod, chek y6w soo chftn, i^ H ;t ^ i'J ^ ^ # ^"^ '"' Ay $00, chek woo soo Ay he^a te tit, for the business V PEEN 514 PEEN of providing sacrificial vessels, there are the proper officers ready ; see the |^ p^ Lun g6. Peen The body not upright. Peen M The leaves of doors opposite one another ; vulg. pei^S : flat, as a dollar, not round as a ball ; oblong, oval. Sam-ha,n seng j^, yeiik k6 l'ho6 pe6n, ap die 6 sek, Sam-hdn sai"i k'e"d, ai. e &y t'haoupei^^, chew Vhb ch'eoh ap, the people of Sam-han, when they get children, wi^h to make their heads flat, and therefore press them between stones ; see the ^ ^ W. Tong 6 twa.0, ^the record of the eastern foreigners.' Peen Vulg. pe6"S: flat, not round, thin as a wafer, or a shilling. Pe6n A small garment; small, narrow; also, urgent. Chfiy kok suy pe6n seiou, ^ iK Cliey kok suy sep'ein siy, although the Ch6y country is small and narrow, &c. ; see -3r ^ Beng choo. Peen Peen hok, te $§ bit p6, a bat ; some say, an animal as white as silver. H6ng hwun t5 se, pe6n hok hwuy, ^ ^ ^ij '^ ^ its ^^ mai^ff hwui"o kabu ei^S bit p3 tit ptouy, arriving at the temple about eventide, we see the bats flying about; see the ^^^ f^ Han je se. Peen To jump upon a horse ; also read p'hefen : to deceive. Peen Peen A kind otpulse, that grows on bam- boo railings. Peen toe, *a ^ ^ the name of a sort of pulse, used medicinally. To blame, to censure, to detract from, to deteriorate. Ch'hun Ch'hew wfty e yit joo ^ Ch'hun ChUtew tbk tok k chitje chd o 16 kap peen tek, the Spring and Autumn Record (Confucius' history of his own times,) conveys either praise or blame to people, in only one single word. To puncture the flesh for medical Peen nY^r purposes, by a needle passing through a stone. ^ Peen ^^J Chew pefen, ^ ||g^ to pervade ^ KTQ every place ; all over ; universal. *^ "* KwAn !6y pek s^ng, pe&n wiiy je ''^4f- 1 H 1^4 # ;i p '^chendttn Ay oe t'haou payh sai^S^ chd poo se 16 dy tek, the multitude of black-haired people everywhere par- take of your virtue ; see the M> 3ffi SeAou gndy. Also written i^ pefen. Peen To let down a cofBn into the tomb. Peen aJM^/ Vulg. pel^^S; to change, to alter, to ^S^ convert ; pe^n hw^, ^ X^ to j^?^^ transform ; ka6 pe^n, M^ ^ kdy pee^y , to alter. Kwun choo yew sam pe^n, ■^ 5p- 7h ^ |^ kwun chad woo s^a dy petn, the good man has three changes ; see the =0 ^ Lun g6. Pt^n sek, Mh "& pel^Ssek, to change countenance. PEEN 515 PEEN Peen To indurate, to grow hard ; peSn td, IHt ES an induration of the skin of the hand, occasioned by hard labor. K'hong choo wat, y6w jin 6 sew cheuk peSn t&, 6 y4ng U ch'hin, |L T"" ^ A ^ji f" ^ fl^ E i^> ^ ^ ft ^''"^"S 'J^o6 k6ng, woo ling te cWhito k'ha p'e6n t&, i ch'hi e <3y pdi/ boe, Confucius said, "here is a man the skin of whose hands and feet is hardened by providing for bis parents." ^ % k Connected, joined; Chin kong choo, Peen r^|Tl|* Teung-j6, y6w pefin kfi heep, ^ Chin &y kong choo, Tiung-je, woo seo siod e dy heep ktout, the prince of the Chin country, Teung- je, had his ribs connected and Joined together. Also written ^&^ pefin. VPniCl garment. T)"" H> _ To argue, and regulate. Also read I p6ng: even. Peen is an incovenient convenience ; but that which is call- ed benevolence and righteousness is a very conve- nient sort of convenience ;'' said by ^S ■^- Si\n choo. Also written i^ peen. Peen t Peen \ Peen tt The name of a place ; also, a sur- name. The name of a river. Also written f peen. Pleased, delighted. Peen To divide, to distinguish, to tear asunder as with claws. This character is to be distinguish- ed from ^ ch'ha6, to pluck. Peen To divide, to separate. Peen ^■fi* Obedient, advantageous, ready, suita- ^ t** ble; hong peen, yj ||&^ conve- •'^^^' nient, charity, alms; peen gfi, /^ *jpp pan gi, cheap, advantageous ; sfly peen, |j^ /IS anyhow, no matter how, as it suits convenience ; tae peen, ^ ^, to go stool ; seSou peen, ;|> -^^ to void urine. Je s6y wuy peen chei, put peen che peen yei ; sey wuy jln ge chei, tae piien che peen yed, j^ B|r ^ # "^ fl ^ 15! ill '^ '^^ *^"^ '"""^ peenchedyse u'^peen Ay peen; sty k6ng jin ge ched, si ttodpeen Ay peen, "that which you call convenient, Peen »^1 * To exert one's strength. ^^JrC Hang-lcAng seftng wuy choo peen, P\ ]^ 'l^irr fe ± # "-"^ leAng seAng tcuy e ay chu6 kong ti lat, Hang-leang constantly exerted his strength for his lord ; see the ^ I^Sooki. To distinguish ; peen lun, ^ pp, to discuss, to argue ; to discrimi- nate clearly, to divide. B^ng peen che, lok hfing che, D^ fpf ^ ^ 4t "^ Ung hing peen lun «, tok sit k'hi ke"A e, clearly discuss it, and sedulously practice it ; see the f\l ^ Teung yttng. Peen ilg. pan: the same as the above; to .iistinguish, to judge of. PEE^'^H 516 PEK Peen Peen Peen an orange. Peen The flesh between the thighs. Mixed threads in weaving. Viilg. pee^S: to pUiit, to twist, to twine. Vulg. pan: a section in a melon or orange; kam peeng, \^ ^^ kam pan, a section or division in To twist hemp ; to hem a garment. by-stander, Peek's Read peen : the side ; pee"^ a, on f ^-,.m one side; p6ng peen chejln, i^ ^X2^ 3^ "Z A ''""'^ ^ ^^ ^'^"^' * Read peen : flat, thin, oval, oblong, not round. Read pefen: to change, to alter j ka6 pefen, Kf •^- kdy pel^S, to alter, to convert. Chfiy yit pefen chfe 6 Lo6, Loe yit pe^n chfe 6 to, CMy kok Ml Ay peiPS cht kadu Lot, Lot kok chit &y peiPS chi, kadu to, if the Ch^y country should take a turn for the better, it would equal the Loe country, and if the Loe country should take a turn, it would attain to virtue ; see the J-" =im Seang lun. w Read ptien : to twist, to plait ; peen t'ho6 chong be, III ^ Iv M pee^S Vhaou chang bdty, to plait a tail of hair. Read ya6u : to want ; put ya6u, ^ ii^pee^Sh, not to want, to refuse. In some districts this is vulgarly pronounced u"* tee^Sh. pp PI ' j-» % To distinguish, to divide, to separate? Pe'et "71 11 *° ss' apart. A surname. X/ J Hwun pijet, ^ ^|J, to distin- guish, to make a difference. P'hfe choo ch'hb bok, k'he 6 piJet ^, ^ ^ ^ "Jk. W. l'^ n^] -^ ^*'^"* «*e^"^ ch'hdou hdk, klie t hwun peet, like grass and trees, which may be divided, in order to be distinguished ; see the Lun g6. ^^i^^»Vulg. peek: a tortoise, a terrapin. I % Gwan g6 kaou leilng, g6 peet ^E* sengyeen,|| f; !^- ^#^ ^m 9E "^ gwAn g6 kaou le^ng, he kap peek toe sai"ff, the large tortoises, leviathans and dragons, with the fishes and turtles would grow and flourish ; see the t\t j^ Teung yflng. AL>/^ To pass before the eyes ; just seen, Peet .^^^ suddenly observed. I 1 Gno6 kefen piJet hwan, jS ^ a ^. ^""^ -'^^" k^kw^d peet jeen ketPS, to look suddenly and see casually. Also written ""^ Peet ^ Peet Peet ± f, peet- Peet sijak, TOOT iSs elegant apparel, fine clothes. Vulg. pat : different, another ; to divide from, to separate from, to part, to take leave ; peet jin, ■Slj A pat ling, another man. ^ » A superior, an elder. Vulg. «" Pek /^ tl piiyh : an uncle. ' ^^ Pek se, -^^ j^^ is used for an elder brother; and tiiung se, ||J7 ^, for a younger. Tae pek kong, "^ ^h ^ '"'^ P^!/^ ^"^Si Z"^^^^ uncle! the designation of an idol commonly worship- ed by the Chinese ; he is represented as a lusty old man, and is supposed to preside over the district where he is worshiped. PEK 517 PEK Pek ffi A centurion ; a hundred men. VuXg. payk: a hundred; pek ch'heen, Pek. lI ^ ^ P^yh ch'heng, a hundred I i thousand. Sech'heepso^pekjtn,;(J|p ^ ^ H A '^'^ haou dy siy i kwiiy -^yh l&ng, attending concubines amounting to several hundreds ; see J^ -J- Beng choo. »The fir tree ; scAng pek, j^^ |g cVMng payh, a fir tree. A surname. , _ — To urge, to distress, to straiten. Pek n ^?| Kwun choo put ch'hefem seang, V^ put pek hay, ^ IJ. ^^ (^ h '^ Iffl "1^ itcwn clio6 hd ch'hetm si tica, bd pek st siy, the good man does not usurp from his superiors, nor distress his inferiors. Pek n' Pek Pek Pek Pek Pek Pek ■^ }P^ To straiten ; to drive; kip pek, ^ "II i f ^^ to hasten, to urge. i| l"^ To be extremely sincere. I ^^ To roast anything at the fire ; pek •1^ ^'V'^M in, a grilled fowl. — To roast and dry at the fire ; pek I^5L J^"'^''> fe [^ P<* ^^» roasted |3^ meat. A kind of yellow wood, the bark of which is used in dyeing. Vulg. pliyh : to pull open, to part asunder with the hand. K^-lfing pek t'lia^ hwa, ^ ^ 6 E ^ -^ J^ K&-I6ng payh k'hwuy t'hah htoa Ay su^a, a genius of the name of K^-lfing, ('great soul') parted asunder the great flowery mountain. %^ To urge, to straiten, to trouble; pek P.ek .JlI P^"^' M M> *° "''S* «'xlremely. y^^^ Goey pek kong soo, ^|» Jg /^ "^ gwa bin pek kong &y sod, abroad to be hurried with public affairs. Pek soo k'ho 6 ke*n *. 56 ^ Pj )^ ^ ^ kadupek ch'heel, soo t'hang hoe e kei^i, when urged extremely, we may grant an interview ; see jg^ -J- Beng choo. Pek Vulg. peih : a wall ; ok pek, j^ ^: rh'hod ptah, the wall of a house ; a fortificatiuiK Tfey sin te jip H4n-s!n Teang-je pek, twit che ^ M '^y «'"» *'*< »* '^rP HAn-sim Tto*9.jt Ay pe&A, ch''hetS''9 e Ay kttun si, the emperor early in the morning galloped within the encampment of H&n-sin and Teo"S.j^, and deprived them of the command of the army ; »ce the jfij J^ jj^j^ Ko cho6 ke. 7^ Pek 6 Vulg. piyh : white, pure, clean ; a surname; kb p4k, ^ ^, to in- form, to announce. Pik maeu sfln sok, ^ ^ ^ ^ P^^V^ A*^"" <»'» che" A pdk, long white grass tied up in bundles; see the ;n 1^ SeAou lam. Bfing pek, [^ ^ bing p&yh, to understand, clear, intelligible. ^^ Silk, cloth; chafi p^k,^ ,^,rich- ^ ri^ ^^> wealth. i^ Tae pik che kwan, Tt Sj ;^ HT /ird ^oi Ay kin, a cap made of a broad piece of cloth. Pe pdk, 1^ f^, presents of clotb. M PENG A great vessel used at sea. 5id ^^ I Ice, congealed water ; also written Peng /^I'C ^, P''"^' =*"•* anciently ^, V peng. >/K >^ )^ peng. Ch'hok peng ch'heung ch'hijung, ch'hdk se"i? Ay s'e'^a chltcung ch'heung, the chisel- ing of the ice in winter sounds like ch'heung ch'heung. Peng Peng Peng The same as the above; also one of the radicals. To order, to send; hasty; to follow. A weapon of war, a person who uses such a weapon, a soldier. ^ '\ K'hfe kap e peng jfi choe, ^ ^ ^ ii: rfij T^ t'hek kak cheln hah, fhwa Iwa peng tojl chadu, to throw away one's armor, reverse one's weapons, and flee ; see ^ -+- Beng choo. Anciently written ^^ peng. ^y f Vulg. pnng: to fall down, to be pre- ^^^S u El cip'tated, as a part of a hill from /S5/>f its summit ; also used to denote the demise of an emperor. San I'heuiig ch'hiiy peng, lij ^ ^ ^ sw^a tVieimg ch'hUy pang, the hills and peaks were pre- cipitated and fell ; see the /U A& Seiou gniy. The name of a kind of cloth. A curtain of a tent. Peng le, j^ :|P, a species of palm tree. Peng Peng Peng Peng Peng Peng PEJVG Peng peng, j^ ^^ unavoidable } see the /|> 5^ Sedou gn&y. 'An ofTering to former ancestors, at the side of the temple gate. , Clearly illustrated, well displayed; bright, luminous. Vulg. p'e^d : one of the ten horary characters. To look at, to observe; bok p^ng payh, the eyes clear. Together with, at the same time 5 p6ng k'he, ^ j^^ to arise toge- ther. Peng lijl To screen, to shelter ; also, to do ,^r away with, to lay aside. I Tae pang wiiy peng, -^ f^ ^ S. tied pang kok chd ptng, great nations screen and shelter us; seethe ;;/s; ^ Tae gn^y. Gno na6 peng p'hek 6 kwuy, fflr "pj ^ ^f ^ V^ gwd nat p&ng p'hek kap kwuy, I laid aside all gems and jewels. Peng To screen, a screen put in a doorway. To do away with, to set aside, to Peng ^ ^i^ keep out of the way, to remove. tjung k'heem chei, p6ng gno6 peng ye4, ^ f^ ^ # jtt # tli *^""*" ^^"^ kap sai"S k'heem, fy ping k'hl goe hang Ay peng /o, "respect and economy will do away with the five kinds of weapons ;" said by ^ ^ SAn choo. PENG 519 PENG I»6 eng The common form of He, p^Dg. ^ '^m To flee away, to disperse ; to drive Peng J^^r °"">- P6ng choo sod 6, put 6 tdng teung "^o". ^ f.# © 3^ T^ |5| PJ ^h yi p^'^ kabu sob 6, u"* hoe e kap Idn teuttg kok s'eo tdng, drive (the vicious) away among the foreigners, and let them not be associated with us in the middle country (China) ; see the -4- ^ Tae hak. P^ng Peng Peng M The lofty appearance of a hill. Vulg. pe^d : a cake. el* Vulg.p ijp Sok-sek, ^ ^, made a p€ng rV I hoo, -gt Bit", cake ode. To grasp in the hand, to hold; bok p6ng, ^ ^, the stem of a tree. Peng |V ^^ The sheath of a swor ^yBy part i* called ^, I ^^1 lower part of 'a sli The sheath of a sword ; the upper p6ng, and the sheath is called ', P^"g- Peng ^' Together with, united, all together, equal to. Koh ke suy choo h€ sim ch'hek yfiwbep^np,!^ £ ^ft g f^ >^^ ^ ^ yE^ +p kot tan ku te-suy choo hi, sim cheah yea hdiy hap, "in glancing at ourselves, we may find matter for applause, but our heart's core will not be in unison with it; said hy ^i ^$ j|^ Se^ I6ng-wun. Peng ^ The same as the above ; to engross, to anite the whole. Peng A surname. Peng ^ Vulg. pai^9: a handle; to p^ng, 7? ^^> '0 P«^"^> ll'e handle of a knife; kwjln pfeng, ij^ ;jf§, the handle of power, authority. Choo chip kwSUi p^ng, |^ ^ '^^ >{^ ^o '^ g">* kw&n ping, to seize the helm of afiairt with one's Peng own hand. To let down a coffin into the grave. Peng Peng t# To make inquiry. Ljl-J pfing, j^ H^ h6 ping, a good 'j/^ friend. E penpyevvkaou,j6 put»)nh<>e? J& BH ^ ^? [fJ3 /f\ ■jg' ^ h'lp ping ytw kaou p'hoiyji u" tin n/ hoi? in associating with my friends, am I in- sincere? see the jjffi 0^ Lun g€. Peng To assist, to help ; to assist those of like mind. A surniime. Peng A surname. In the H^n dynasty •re were a number of thieves, ho bore this surname. Vulg. ptit'S' : a stage, a platform, a scaffolding; pfing chan, ;[^ ^^ a military road, across mountain- ous parts. A chess-board ; p'hok ek s£y chd, put ^ .^^ A chess-boara ; p noKeK sey cne,pui Peng T| |y| «i k& yit p6ng che sean|, ^ ^ pto&h kedou sly chb, put ko twd te chit Ay hi pio'^d Ay ting bin, the mind of a gamester is set on do- thing else but the chess-board. PENG 520 .. \\i]g.pat^ : even, plain, level, just, Peng ■ *1/ ^ peaceful, to be at peace ; to re" I gulate, to pacify; pfing chfeng, 2p J£ paf^ cheH, just and equal ; kin peng, ^ Z^kinpafS, even, level; t'hijen hay t'iiafe pgng, %fisi^ t'hee^g ayVhahpaV'S, the whole world at peace. A surname. Sftngjin kipCh'ho6jtnpeng,^ A X ^ A T^Sbng ay l&ng kap Ch'hoB Ay Ung pat"9,t\xe people of S6iig were at peace with the men Ch'hoe ; see the ^ ^ Ch'hun ch'hew. Peng Peng Peng cheet, or sheep, suet the fat of oxen According to ; as ; to cross a river on foot. Vulg. pdn^r ; a surname. ri kk/ Po hoe peng he, H fl; il| :/pf le&h hot p&ng hd, to seize a tiger, and dart through a river with him ; see the =^ |^ Lun gL ^ f - Vulg. pai"i: sick, very sick ; dis- Pc^S ^t^^r% ^*** ' '° *^^' ^"^''' *° ^^ weary of; /V^ to be sick of, to be distressed with ; y6w peng i^ ^ woopai^S, to be sick. Peng put tek k6 cheilng yei, ^ 'f* fg' ^ ^ |b litD&n lb bey tit tedh cheiing long, to be distress- ed at not being able to get the hearts of the mul- titude ; see the |® |j| |^ Lfey gak Vh. ^ %^To compare with, to be associated Penff ~y1 ^w ^'''* ' together, at the same time ; Ir^"'^"* also, moreover; peng lek, ^ -h united strength ; peng kay j6 hfing, j^ ^^ iffi ^T ^^"^ ch'heajS ke"d, to ride out together. Peng Peng Peng Peng The same as the preceding; also, moreover. All, altogether ; arranged in a row. m PEO Out of the way, on one »ide, remov- ed to a distance. A solitary place, a lonely spot ; a privy. P^«^ Read pong : a wooden board ; pong sb, )^ jf, p^"^ se, a proclama- tion; ch'hut pong, ViJ ^ch'hut p6^S^ to issue a proclamation. ^ , Read pong : to approach near, to Pe^o A t ^ * > stand by, to rely on . 1^/7 sang 6ngche seng, jin chijiy^g che, ha5u chei keang che, sob sfeng pong che, ^ i ^ .*. fi f # ;^ # ^ '^^ z m II /i*i ^ S&ns 6ng Ay sai"S,jtn Ay lAng ch'he e, habii Ay lAng keAng Ung e, se Ay sing jin pi^'9 e, when SSng 6ng was born, benevolent peo- ple brought him up, filial people strengthened him, and four sat;es stood by him. Also vulg. pe'^g: the side, on one side ; a surname. ^ -^ .,HH» Read p'heaou : a prize, a goal; Peo TK®^ ch'he^ng p'heaou,^ ;^§ci'Aed"i' I ^^\ peo, to struggle for the prize, as is done in boatracing, &c. LeAng chew twat kim p'heaou ^ ^ ^ ^ jte leung chUn ch'he6"S Mm Ay peo, the dragon boat seizes the embroidered prize. P'eo Readpeaou: fat; che peaou, ^TTZ che peo, a fat appearance />»»> Mi peaou, ^, horse in good condition, fat. p. bay peo, a pu Read peSou : a memorial; pe4ou cheang, ^ ^ pe6 cheang, a public document; chin peiou, jg # chin pe6, to present a memorial to government. PHA 521 PHAE ^ Peung Pe w Peung ch'hilm, -B^S |^, to be glut- tonous; to be greedy of food. . The stripes on a tiger ; a young ti- '**- ^ j^ cAtipew Mng^ 6ay, a troop of i men and horses. Pew Pew Pey Pey m •^ The appearance of flowing water. * M The hair long, and hanging down. >^ Also, one of the radicals. Teuk pey, ^ ^ tek pey, a bam- boo comb; a ferula; a flat piece of wood for slapping the hands. A knife like the barb of an arrow; pey ch'hok, ^ ^ pey ch'hdk, a broad chisel. Pey ^ f^ To screen, to hide, to cover over ; to 'TTrXjrp overspread. Y*)y^ Se sam pek, yit gAn e p»?y che, watsoo bo& sea, pf.rlW — W^^HX/C, p] [B ^: 5R se woo s"a payh, chit koo wa e ply e, kbng seo^S bd Mm sdm, the odes are three hundred, and one sentence is sufficient to comprise them all, namely, "thought not licentious;" see the Jl p^Scanglun. 3^ Pha fc t - A flower ; the bud of a flower ; a i^lPJ flower in bloom. P*t Pekhwat'hoip'ha,'g' ;|g pj: 1^ chi^ipayh hwa t'hoi. p'ha, all the flowers will put forth their buds. Pha PC A bragging, blustering appearance. Pha P'h4 P'ha LJ Byy Pha b6k, I® g p'ha bdJc, weak, ^ 4-^ '\ sore eyes. UyY Short, dwarfish. I P^ To fear, to be afraid, to be terrified n'M -at; put p'hi, ;^ IQ i''« sae I •▼ ke"a, don't be afraid; k'heiing p'hik, ^ )liA^ to be alarmed. %_ p A veil, a covering for the head ; t'ho6 P'ha n)p| p'ha. ^ i|i6 ''*''^'" p'^'^y* ^ *'*'''• I l*f E kfm tedn ko6, 6 h6ng p'hi sew, ^'Aa, <'A6 dn^ p'I'uy t'haou, take embroidered work to wind round the legs, and cover the head with n red veil; sec the fiS W li Han je se. P'lia fc P'ha -• p-/t«d P'A"d Jb. Phae Superfluous silk; three pieces of silk are called ijl^^ p'h^. A ri.sing of the skin ; the skin broken. Read p€: hollow, empty grain. Anything hollow, and vain; good for nothing. m The noise of a mountain falling. Phac To divide, to open out. 6 F P'HA^E 522 P'HAK P'hae Water flowing in different channels. The same as the following. Various channels of water; che p'ha^ P'hae \Fl\> '^ yj^, a tribe, posterity. Pek ch'hwan p'hafe peet, kwuy I>a6j^h6^y,-g- j)I ,J|f^^^|J Ifi'M E ^ clie^d payh ch'hwufS p'/tae peet, kicuy kadu hai, chew chb hoi.y, the hundred streams are divided into channels, but when they revert to the sea, they all meet together ; seethe;^ EB pjj Cho soo hoo. p,, V #jp-f y^ The appearance of rain; the flowing P'hae yrfe of water. P'hae The name of a river; weeds growing in the water; suddenly; teen p'hafe, lIlM ;Jjfr , ruined, in distress, overwhelmed with calamity. P'ha^ je6n hay 6, ^ |f^ ~p p^ p'hatjUn loh hoe, suddenly the rain descends ; see j£ •^ Beng choo. Also written -(jt^ p'hafe. Luxuriant foliage ; superabundant vegetation. Tong b;^^ Xg hin k'ht p'hak t6, chae sit yetn k'eang,to elevate those who are overturned, and to raise up those who are fallen. Read hok : prostrate ; sin hok, S^ ^§ sin p'hak, to lie prostrate, with the face to the ground. Read p'liok : to dry i n the sun ; p'hok P'hak H=^^ jit ak 6, 1^ ^ ^^% P'A«* jit ak hoi, to be burnt by the sun, and drenched in the rain. P'hak 31 P'HANG 523 P'HAOU 2P P'han V ^^^ To lead, to draw, to pull ; to handle ; \pf^ p'han wan, i^ J^^ to deliver, to assist. P'hang Ch'heng yln tek loe, $6w p'han kwuy, ^r ^ ^h^ ^ '^ "K t^ c/t7«ai"5' hwHn tit t'eoh e ay he, ch'Mw cheio p'Aan kwHy, when we make our way to the azure clouds, (i. e. attain to literary honors,) our hands may handle the cassia ; see a ST k|f koe se, ancient ode. 1^1_ To climb up, from a low place to a P'han .j\^ higher one; p'han se, ^ i^ -^ p'han cVhetB, to climb a tree. P'han leAng hoo hong, ^ tS^ ({[^ jpl , to lead the dragon, and help the phoenix ; (i. e. to assist a man in aiming to be emperor.) A large proportion of white in the P'han t1l\> eye; p'h^n cheng, 0^ P=|, to show the white of the eyes. t >y Read hong : - a bee ; bit hong, H*^t ^S hit p'hang, a honey bee. ' Cliekjehongk'h6, ^ j^l j^ j^ ch'hdt ch'hin ched'*^ p'hang k'ht, the thieves got up as thick as bees. P'hang Plianir P'han Read hong : to spin ; hong chek, ft^ ^r P^^o,ng chayh, to spin thread. Read pwAn : fat, corpulent, lusty ; hwAy pwAn, ]3P V&pwuyp'hdjig . , . fat. ^^ ^^>^V^ Read ''flng '■ a «»'! j ch'hwAn bfing, Plldng ^^^^ jU ^ ek^n p'hing, a ship's sail. p,. . L-fX R^^<^ hong: to bring, or carry in "^"oJl^^ both hands. To stand in the doorway and look. To look at any one ; the black and P'han Hnf» "'•"'^ '^^ ^^^ ^y^* distinctly marked. Be bok p'han hCy, f| @ {)$)• '^ '^'*''"" ch'hai''S Ay bdk chew oe pdyh p'hitn h6 h6, beautiful eyes, with the black and white clearly divided ; see the P'hdng P'hdng Read h6ng : a surname. Read h8ng : a seam ; hwi^n hdng, A^m^ a wound. 3^ i^ htcHn p'hang, the scar of ' P'hdn^2^ smelling, as flowers. I— I Hwun te^p slm heang, ^ ^ ^ S» pSyh iy bbiy ye&h cVhciey p'hang, the white butterfly seeks for fragrance. L6 hSng, ^ 1^ l( p'hdng, the opening of a seam., P'hang koe, J& ^jr ^ a small drum, made of a long bamboo, with a bladder stretched over it, and beat about the streets by ballad singers. % %^ To throw away, to cast away ; to P'haoil 'JtlVn throw, or spread around. T^«l P'haou se je siiy, ^fe § fj |i tek k'hak ch'hayh ji k'hwHn, he threw aside the book and went to sleep. * To pour boiling water on anything ; P'haou Vp/ P'!"*"" '^y' iS ^' '" '"*''* *" ' ^^ infusion of tea, to pour boiling water on tea ; a bubble. P'HAOUH 524 PHE P'haou Seen p'haou, the name of a wild and edible fruit. P'haou 'S^To fly. A machine for throwing out stones, when attacking fortified towns. The same as the above ; a catapult. Phaou P'haou A cannon, a great gun ; formerly P'haou Iplptj stones were'thrown out by a ma- chine ; now they make use of gun- powder. Hbng p'ha6u,"fe^ ij^ pang p'haou, to let off crackers. P'haou P'haou > P'haou Vulg. p'hd : a sore or boil on the face. A swelling ; t'heen p'habu, ^ i^ t'hee^S p'hi, a kind of sore. Vulg. p^ho: to embrace, to hug; hwa6 p'haou, ijffl JW hwae p'hd, an embrace. Kwun choo p'haou to chae keuhg, 'E^ ISL ifej ig" iff Bh kwun cho6 p'hd to te htn sin, the good man clasps virtue to his bosom, and embraces it. * Pliaouh 7W Read p'hok : large, great. P'haouh WfvJ ^ '''^'"S °^ ^^^ **"" ' ^ ^^'^*^''- ^rfj% Hail, frozen rain ; 16k p'haouh, y^ P'haouh ^^^ ^ Uh p'haouh, to hail. t^» Sei.jj jin chae seang boS p'haouh, suy yew, put w P'h*' ^~^^i^'^ «*'*«« t chey chey, with an abundance of chariots; see the ® 2§ Lo6 seung. Phe A black kind of millet ; a species of wheat. P'he ^^■-^ The noise of wrangling. _^ The name of a place ; P'hfing-wat 'he 3i|J '''"" ^ H^y-p'*»^' $^ M fJ^ I M~f^ P'hai^S.teat seo Vhai ti Hay-p'he, P'haJ"S-wat fought a battle at Hay- p'he ; see the d^ g^ Soo k6. P'he P'he Phe The name of an insect. m .-^a^'^J^ A young fox, a cub; some call a fox P'he k'hwa seang m4, };^ ^ _tl E^ fhe k'hwd. ch'eo'^9 bay, he dressed himself, and mounted his horse. A horse, with yellow and white hairs mixed. P'he To open ; p'he k'hae, :j^ ^ p'he k'hwuy, to open out. Also, to put on clothes or armor. Sew put tfing p'he 6 pek kay che p'heen, •^ >K W'^M'^ 'MZM ch'hiu,b3 ting p'he k'hwuy tf. payh kay ch'hayh, " the hands should not cease turning over the pages of the hundred philosophers ;" said by t^ m Hiin j6. 6 G A petticoat, a woman's under garment. Hair. P'he P'he To strike with the hand ; to push, to P'he ^Tat turn round ; to inform. Sdng-ban ge k6w,p'he j6 sat che, ieoh kite s6w, p'he j6 t'hai e, Sdng-ban met his enemy, when he struck and killed him ; see the Tfc Cho twan. P'he P'he P'h6 ^ H P'he song, ]^ ^ p'hee"S ««"£'. arsenic. A hill incomplete; unburnt pottery; the same as ^jR p'he. Great ; a man's name. Also written ^, P'W- To stop up; also, bad, not good. P'he yg Be te chong p'h6, ^ ^^p ^ • ' ^ boey chae h6 bai, not know- ing whether it is good or bad ; see the -^ 5ft Tae gn4y. ^ ^^m An induration of the spleen ; when P'he ip3^ "°' painful is called ^^ p'h6, but / W^ when painful it is called ^ D&, keet hcung. d17 ^"'^*'"' P'*"^ '°^' IP P^ '""'' *"'* P'h6 "l^kl J 6*"" ; P«=8" P'h6, ^ §R aside, |E| I out of the way ; toe p'h6, ||J ^, a capital city, and its suburbs. P'HE 526 P'HE^A P'he hoo k'ho e soo kwun ye4 6 chae? 0^ 7^ "pf H ^ ^ -li j^ t|^'^^ *"" ''^''"^ ^''^ * ^"^ sae jin kwun e chae ? how can a vulgar fellow be -employed with us in the service of the prince ? see B^ Lun ge. P'he P'h6 P'h6 P'h6 P'he P'he The same as the preceding. To regulate, to prepare. A pain in the head 5 the bursting of an ulcer ; sores on the head. 'A vessel cracked, but not yet broken to pieces. P'hfe g^y, ^ 1)^, to look askance. IP'hfeggy, 1^ p^, to look on one side, to squint. P'he To speak of anything by way of com- parison ; p'hfejg, ^ iffi, for y^ example, for instance, like as. P'hfe jg wAy san, be s^ng yit kwuy, ch6 go6 ch6 yei, p'hhji chd sre^a, hoey che^d, chit pun he d t'ho6 na swah, segwd steak y'ed, as when making an artificial hill, if we leave it incomplete, only wanting a single basket of earth, our relinquishing the undertaking will be our own fault; see the |^ g^ Lun g6. ■ Vulg. p'hd&y : a foul wind ; hbng P'he rO/ p'hfe, -^X Mi P^"S V'Voiy, to / »^l-i break wind. P'h^ ko6, ^ ^ Kha ch'hui^S, the posteriors. Also written ^ p'h6. P'he Vulg. p'hdSy : the skin, the surface of anything. A surname. Hoe been p'h6, M |5 ^ *""" bin p'h'dey, a thick-skinned face ; said of a person who cannot blush ; an impudent, shameless one. Sit k# p'hg, put sit kd kwut, ^ ^ ^ ^ |bS« '^ >^ bate dy p'hd6y, u^ bat e Ay kwut, to know the skin, without knowing the bones of a thing; (to have a superficial knowledge of anything.) .^JU« Wearied with labor ; exhausted ; P'he 2f ^^ P'''^ ''■"'^"' ^ ^, wearied, P'h6noe,bo8 6ho6te,g ^ |E i^, $1 )^ y'ed, y'ed, bo t'hang hod chdn te sod, wearied and unable to assist in the government. %_ % Heem p'h6, um =^ unfair reason- P'he S> L^ ing; artful debates. 1%/V P'he S06, te U s6y pfey, =^ ^ hn Ml Pfi* ^ ^e^m p^hS dy wd, chae e siy ply, with respect to unfair reasoning, we should know in how far it obscures a subject; see ^^Beng choo. ^» K*^ The same as |mf p'h6,Jweary. 5*^ Him p'he, -^^ ||, the name of a \yll^ Small pillars or supporters under the kI^ eaves of a house. P'he tan, ^^ |p. p'h'dey tio^a, a coverlid, a palampore for pro- tecting one from cold, at night. Read p'heng : the name of a car- riage ; a sort of bamboo cart ; or a bamboo mat hung up behind a P'he P'he P'he I P'he Plie^a I u P'HEAH 527 P'HEAOU carriage to keep out the dust; poey p'heng, ^ ^ poey p'he^a, the spine. Plie% ^ Read p'heng : the ribs joined one to another. K'h^w chit p'heng, j^ # '^ k'ha cheah p'he^a, the spine of the back. - Read p'hiifen : a slice, a piece ; biit chit p'he^d, a slice of anything. Sanpfing, ^J ^ sw«apV.e''d, the ridge, or range of a hill. ^^^> Keng p'heng, @ 5|/ gnay p'he^d, PltHdh as stitr as a stone. To strike with a stone. p'heen p'k'eah, strange, out P'hedh Read p'hek : lateral, aside, out of the way ; win p'hek, ^^ {gf htcui''9 p'heah, far out of the way, remov- ed to a distance P'heen p'hek, | of the way. Read p'hek : a sickness common to children ; a disposition, a propen- sity ; h"6 p'hek, ^ ^ h6 p'heah, a good disposition; ok p'hek, ^ J^ p'h(/*6 P'heah, a bad temper. Jin kae y6w yit p'hek, gno p'hek chae cheang kfe, lAng chd pod woo chit Ay p'hiah, gied Ay p'heah te cheo"S hod, every one has his peculiar bent of mind, but my hobby is to be devoted to chapters and sections. P'hWl P'hek chwan, ^ lf[^p'he&h chui^9 tiles and rubbish. P'heang To cut down. P'heang P'heaou P'heaou ' P'h6ng p'heang, |^ gf , a swell- I^TT ing of the stomach. The appearance of frisking and prancing ; also, to weed the tkk^ ground. To be in motion ; also, many, nu- merous. ifeU H6ng jin p'heaou, '^ J\ |f| keP& Ay lAng p'heaou p'heaou, ihe people walk- ed ploddingly along; see the ^ ^ Ch6y hong. P'heaou P'heaou P'heaou P'heaou Incessant rain and snow. The iron on the outside of a horse's kt* bit. To weed the ground, to clear away the grass from the fields. \ A dog running very swiftly; ^^ p'««eaou hong, ^ ^, a fierce • yA/V wind. ^ _— , To strike, to point, to make signals, P'heaou J^^3r to wave backwards and forwards. ^'Jj^ Teftng bok che pe, bofl put p'heaou yei,^ ^^ £ ^ ^ ^ ^ ife. te"9 ch'hA Ay ka laouh, h6 it"*p'hah iedh, when a large tree falls, nothing near can escape being struck by it; seetheyfe ^ Cho twan. Ch6-choo p'heaou kijfem, jfi k'h^ che, ^ ^^ ^ ^Tfn^/^ Ch8-choo p'heaou kelm j£ k'hi e, Ch6-cho6 waved his sword, and departed ; see the /^^ ^ Kong yAng twan. P'HEAOU 528 P'HEAOU - To float ; also, to move, to flow P'lxeaOU V^i? down; to be agitated. '>}'> Heet 16w p'heaou ch'h6, jfil ^l ^M jIA^ hoeyh la$u kabu ey p'hoS cheng ch'M, the blood flowed sufiicient to float a wooden pestle. P'heaou AW The appearance of fire flying about. ' ^ - Light, buoyant, elegant ; to rise up P'heaou ^^^ ''g'^''y ^'^^ s^"''y '■> ^^ ^ ^"^ ^^' ^JVJ^ ginning to fly. J- The sound of wind, a whirlwind, P'heaou ^-^/$/ ^ violent gust of wind. ^y \ Hong p'heaou p'heaou, kfi ch'huye,^ H P Jt PX :^hongp^heaou p'heaou e ay ch'hdey s'^a, a sudden gust of wind blew aside his clothes. ^ jjg he same as the preceding; an easy P'heaou |$1^ flowing gait. P'heaou jefin jfi /'*^V^ k'h^^i^tfll^, hewent ofl" in an easy graceful manner. Pheaou A fierce wind blowing down from above ; to roll up. P'heaou WW P'heaou m The name of a star in Ursa Major. To fly high. P'heaou P'heaou P'heaou H*^H P'heaou beiou, [^ |^, to see in- distinctly. P'heaou ^ P'heaou P'heaou The first star in the handle of the Dipper or Charles's-wain. The end, the extremity of anything . A bird's feathers changing color. To take anything by force, to plunder. [asty, sudden. . _r- To make light of one's own person ; P'heaOUy^ Viy light, trifling, volatile, active. |^>|>t P'heaou k'hfe, chek cheaou che 6h6chae, j^ 1 |lj t^ t. n'^^'A p'heiou t'hek kak pun sin, chek cheo t ho hwan chat hae, to make light of, and to disregard one's-self, is the way to bring down calamity and trouble. P'heaou"A'®^''''^°"^'^"' ^^ ^^' **""""* y^- Jl^ of an office, in the H4n dynasty. ■■ mm To shake, to move, to agitate ; also P'heaou ^Sf vulg. p'Aed .• a ticket, a passport. ^fj\ T"a p'heaou, ^ ^ p'hah p'h'eo, to take out a passport. T'hoe chong b6 p'heslou, ^ ^ J^ ^ fhadu chang bo&y p'hed, a tax on the cues of the Chinese, levied in Batavia. P'heaou m To make light of one's-self. .- fJcB To put anything in the wind or sun, H'JJ^ to dry. :^ K'he p'heaou, H ^, the name of P'heaou an office. P'heaou _| ^g A carriage driving furiously ; ,r^ p'hellou ya8u, P^ ^, uneasy. PHEEN 529 PHEEN P'heaou ^, m To oppose, and plunder ; to seize. P'heaou ^^9 poh, -J^ ^ p'hed pot, to bleach ' ^y\ clothes. Vulg p'h'ed : to bleach ; p'hejlou to bleacli Keng p'heaou sofe sip jit, ^ J^ ^ "f' king p'hed kurhy chap jit, bleached for several tens of days. P'heaou To perforate, to stab ; to flay ; also to take by violence. Pheaou"AW A place where prostitutes dwell, a brothel ; p'heaou ch'heang, ^ ^ > To strike gently ; a little ; to lead, to P'heet yis" P"" "P 5 "'^" written ||j^^ p'heet. pull up ; also written P'hi^et sew sfew, |p ^ Fleet jpeeA ch'kew wui'^S, to strip up the sleeves. To pass before the eyes ; to get a sight of. 'fe^ ^ M ^h j^ f? X ''^'' ''*^ '*"iS' '^" «'«'«' ./^ k^hw"d t'hce^^S, '"to wander beyond the dusty world, and get a sight of the heavens;" said by 2fe mi Eg Teang hefin soo. P'heet Phek music. P'hek P'hek P'heet p'ho, ^ ^^ lame, halt. To jump on a horse ; to deceive; also read p'hefen. To fly ; the appearance of flying. Hoe p'hek, i^t jQ, amber. To prop up ; to strike ; p'hek pin, iii j^ to strike the board, in order to keep time, while playing Boe p'hek, ^ ||)^, secret, a secret appearance, clandestine. A fine azure stone ; a deep azure co- lor. Y6w tin goey, j6 p'heet t'heen, A spirit; the Chinese suppose that P'hek PIHt ^'"^'' individual has (sam hwfin ch'hit p'hek, H I.^ -t ^\% s^a &y hwun, cWhit dy p'hek,) three souls and seven spirits; of which they say, (hw P^ hwun chew ch'eo'^o teng bin, p'hek chew Idh hay tiy,) the soul ascends, and the spirit goes downwards. P'HEK 531 P'HENG P'hek W A prince, a ruler, a law ; to do away with, to set aside ; aside. Seang wdy p'hek kong, t'heen choo bok bok, i§ II )^ ^ ^ T fi # seang hod woo p^hek kong, hong thy bok bok, the princes of the empire assisted at the sacrifice, while the emperor stood musing ; see the Jq ^M Seang liin. P'heen p'hek, l)w Bt^ inclined to one side, partial. Phek P'hek A round and valuable gem ; kwuy p'hek, ^ ^ a precious stone. P'hek Ok p'hek, ^ ^ ch'hob peak, the wall of a house ; kek p'hek, RJ^ ^ kayh p'hcah, a next door neighbor, separated only by a party wall. T'heAng sengbfingsod p'hek, ^ ^ P^ ffl ^ t'hdng Ay se^a til b6ng habu te ii. &y pcah, the noise of the insects was heard on every wall ; see a •^ 1^ ko6 se. To beat one's breast ; to open out, to spread open, to break. P'hek ydng k'hok k'hip, jg^ ^ ^ pL p'hah heng k'hdm, yung ted, k'hadu, kwd t'hi, to beat the breast, to stamp with the foot, to cry and weep, (at the death of a parent;) see the ^^ l/M Hadu keng. # P'hek loe, j^ pg, vulgar, mean; P'hek /4K3» sea p'hek, ^ ^^ corrupt, per- verse ; yew p'hek, ^ ^^ secret, dark ; hdng p'hek, j^ ^, dissolute. Hdng p'hek se4 ch'he, bo6 put wily 6, "^ if^^ ^^ fl ^ ^ S E '^'^'^ p'*«* '^^ «*'*^' *^ '^y u"* chb, a dissolute, vulgar, corrupt and extrava- gant man would go to any lengths ; see ^^ -+• Beng choo. P'hek Aj-ih' Hasty, sudden, speedy. P'hek P'hek To cut open, to split, to tear asunder. I To weave ; p6 sin chit kfe, ch'hey "/_ -m e pdn sin p'hah cKha6u dy, e &y hot chit cVhoe nnc''*& poi, i «;"(! ch'hek, he himself made straw shoes, and his wife wove hempen cloth, to barter for corn ; see ^ -^ Beng choo. — 1^ P'hek lek, j^ ^ p'hek l&yh, the P'hek D.JV* '■*"l'"g o*^ thunder. Jd p'hek lek the seng, ^p ^ M: "^ M- '^*'*"' '^^^""^ P'*^ ^"^* ^y *^''''' ''''® a clap of thunder. P'hek Vulg. p'hcah: a sort of disease, a peculiar propensity, temper, dis- position. Ch'hut p'hek, [ij ^ cVhut p'heah, to have the measles. Ok p'hek, ^^ ^ p'ha"6 p'heah, a bad temper. Also written Bgi^ p'hek. pti 1 ^ Py ^ To bleach anything, till it becomes fJPi white. P'hek P'heng Lume of both legs. To boil, to cook, to dress food. Also written ^ p'heng. i i^i\ Ha6u jln p'heng che, ;^ A J^ "^ halitt jin p'heng e, the man who took cate of the pools, boiled (the fish) ; see ^ -^ Bcu i iJRil'i P'heng/4JH I *% charge of. P'HENG 532 To order, to command, to give in P'HEO 1 P'heng ^^SL ^^ °^^^^> to ^^^ 5 to make up for. ^V" *« appearance ; an elegant carriage. I I y To intrust to, to give in charge of; also, to draw out. P'heng P'heng P'heng m. The sound of stones. A swelling of the abdomen. P'heng 04 To strike with a stone ; to beat on a stone. P'heng 3*00 '^''^ "**'*^ °^ striking water. P'heng^ fl^ A hypocrite, a pretender. P'heng l^P) I The name of a village, or district. ^ To inquire, to ask; to betroth; P'heng H S! P'hfeng ley, ^ ||, a betrothing I V present ; p'heng bun, M j}^, to pay a visit of inquiry. ^^ y|^ To drive, to gallop along, to run P'heng i^.^^> away. *V ^ K'he p'heng tefin lap, hoe ke ca neen seng, gno tek ch^ hwut wAy ye^, 5E seo j'euk p'habu chaou kwd p'hah lah, adu ch'hca cAe^d ch'heng teo^9,gwdnd tit chh i, xP*' chdyed, to drive and gallop about, and go a hunting, fol- lowed by a thousand chariots ; if I were to get my will I would not prefer such things; see ]£ ^ Beng choo. zp. ^,, , jfJ- <^ Away; full, complete; also vulg. V^ ^^ p'hai"S: a surname. I y A kind of lobster or crawfish, P'heng ^t found on the seashore, in the Jrtfc mud. To discourse on, to give an opinion upon. P'he p'h6ng b^ \ a board ; te^m p'heiou, J^ ^ P'HEY 533 P'HO ir-tl Plied P'hed ieim p'/jed, a sign-board set up in front of a shop. T'ho6 chong b6 p'heaou, ^ #.^ j^ M t'hadu chang b'o'iy p'h'ed, a ticket held by those who have paid the poll-tax in Batavia ; persons found nrithout such a ticket are taken up and imprisoned. K'heng p'heaou, |W p|j k'hinp'hed, to make light of one's-self; to turn one's hand lightly to anything. Also written ■{S^ p'he^u. ■ .ijM Read p'he^lou : to bleach; p'heiou V^^ poi, vM ;^ p'hed poh, to bleach *^>J> cloth. Phew I I 1"^ To speak in one's sleep- Also P'hey y^^ read bong. To strike with the hand ; also, to in- form, to announce, to give an opin- ion on anything ; p'hey p'b6ng, J^ '1^ to criticise literary productions ; to compare, to discuss, to decide. A^ P'hey P'hey p-hey slap in the face, Phet, To cut up flesh. P'hey bew, ' ^. to be in an er- ror, to be wrong. Phey 0% The face; cA'Ady /.'A^y, p^ ^^ the cheeks ; Icwah cK'huy p'h6i/, ^ "^ Sli' '° 6'^* ""y °"^ * PliLy gty, H^ P^.'^ to look slant- se ; to look askance. To open out and divide the fibres of a certain flax plant. 6 I Pliey >h Plicy coracana. To card hemp or flax ; a bundle of flax. Read pae ; a kind of grain, like rice, but yielding a smaller seed ; some say tares, empty grain ; Eleusine P'hin hwun, ^ £^^ confused, crowded. An order, a sort, a class, a series-; p'iiin heng, F3 jFr^ conduct, ac- tions. Kwan y6w k^w p'hin, ^J Tij' yX pp ^ kw^a woo ka6u p'hin, there are nine ranks or degrees in office. PP P'hin P To see gradually. * P'liit E A fellow ; a mate, an equal, a part- ner; also, a numeral for horses. Wdy k wun clioo l^ng h"() k6 p'hit, 1^ ^ -Jf- fib if % ^^Ltoktokhcun chu6 Ay lAng iy seoh e Ay p'At/ p'kiiiy, the good man alone can truly love his associates ; see the T^ ^Q Uy kk. Soo p'hit wh" ^^ A ^ ha6 u*" y&ng p^io ne"^, i teung kok woo si,ngjin a ho, the sea lias not lately risen Into waves, hence we conceive that China has produced a sage; see the R^ gP Soo kh. Pho Pho P'ho A bank, a ridge ; san p'ho, iji 4w- sw'^a pUw, the declivity or side of a hill. P'ho \ty, Jh? jM^ glass, any vitreous substance. P'hiJen p'ho, ^ ^^, partial, la- teral, inclined to one side, awry. Pho _-* Hoary hairs ; p'ho p'ho leing soo, M^3 g"° ^''^"g y^^ "^he, IJH 6^ ^ vi6 d,y h6 Vhdk cVhayh Idng, gwd s'edng woo e, of hoary-headed and virtuous scholars, I have still a few ; see the P3 M Se chin se. '^ ^^^an Do not, cannot, may not ; when Q P'ho 1 V7 /ftj) Le-po^ was not befriended ^^■^ by ^|| 1^"^ Lew-pe, and was about to be put to death, he exclaimed, (tae j6 j6 ! 1 cli66y p'ho sin, •+■ ]S1 ^? ;M [^ ^g '«'<^ *« h'hang &y k'e"d/ ch'dly i"* sin,) "you great eared churl ! you are by no means to be believed." P'h6 Pho 1 1 | ni|»P'ho nae, j^i}' jfj^', unbearable, that which cannot be borne. Lame; p'ho keak, ^ ^ koey k'ha, lame of the feet. P'ho leng 16, UiW. E kdey k'ha ey ke"d, the lame can walk ; see the B B. m Ek keng. P'ho A little, to be able in a small degree; p'ho p'ho sit jo6, ]^ ^ f^ \ ^^ p'A(5/>'Atf ftaije, to be in some measure acquainted with letters. P'ho Vulg. p'hwd : broken, to break, to tear open ; t"4 p'hd ^ l^^p'hah p^kwd., to burst open; p'hd sam, 'raC ^> p'hwd. s^a, torn clothes. Hw^ kay wfly kok chci ch'hoo choo, p'hb kok b8ng kay chea ek ch'hoo choo, ^ ^ '^ ^ ^ itl: i^ ^ a t: ^ # ^> li :?• hwd kay che'^d kok dy, se chiy liy ke^d, p'hwd kay bong kok dy yea se chey Uy ke"d, "he who would be likely to convert his family into a nation, is thi( child ; and he who would be likely to ruin his coun- try and annihilate his family, is also such a child as this;" said of the founder of the ^, T8ng dynasty, by his father, who early perceived the rising geniu* of his son. Pho tt' Read p'haou : to embrace, to clasp to one's bosom. Hwa6 j!n p'haou ge, f^ fl i^ k'hh^S jlnp'ho ge, to embosom benevolence and embrace righteouness. ^ nX^ P'hoe sat fS 1, an idol, an im- P'hoe ^ age of p'hoe. the B udbists. Also read P'hoe P'hoe To spread out; p'hoe teang, | & p'hoe teo^8, to spread out ; p'hoe tin, M jt^^ to arrange. >Meal, bran; bek p'hoe, ^ ^S bayh p'hoe, the coarse meal of wheat. A large kind of pulse; coarse flour. P'lioe P'hoe >, P'HOE The husk of wheat, bran. 535 P'HOEY Fhoe The banks of a stream, the edge of the water. A surname. Sut p6 Hwa6 p'ho6, £^ ^ ■J^ J^ t'hdn e Hioai chiiy &y pee"9, to follow the banks of the Hwa6 ; see the -^ ^ Tae gn4y. A gardener ; one who cultivates flowers and vegetables. Ch'h^ng hak wfly p'hoe, choo wat, go6 put je 16 p'ho6, ff ^ j^, jH ^ :?!. yT ^p -^ m ch'he^d ok choh hwuf^, hoo cho6 h6ng, gwd u" tat teoh chit Ay laou chb hwuf*9 Ay l&ng, one asked to learn gardening, when Con- fucius replied, "I am not so good (for that) as an old gardener ;" see the fj^ |^ Lun g6. ^ _ ^ - Great, large, extensive, wide. P'hoe ^l^S% P'hoe t'hcen che hay, bok hwuy ^^^T fingi'ho*,!! 7^ ;^ T ^ 1^ 3i i P'^^ t'hee"S Ay hay, bd iiT* si 6ng Ay f'hoi tey, under the wide heavens, there is no place which is not the royal territory ; see the /J> ^ Seiou gniy. A j[|. A register; chok p'hoe, jl^ f*, P'hoe — '^J^ a family register; a genealogical *^ "^ table ; also, a biography, a list. yA. All, altogether, the whole; p'ho6 P'hoe JSy^ t'heen hay, ^ ^ f^ V'^^ X^ t'hee*'9 ay, under the whole hea- vens ; p'hod se, ^ f^^ to distribute widely. % ^ To cut open, to cut through the mid- P'hoe J^l P'hoe ^ die; p'ho hok, p] f^p'hwdpak, to rip open the belly. ^^A shop; p'hofe tefem, ^ )^, * 3^n# stall for exposing goods to sell. P'hoe P'hoe P'hoe # P'h&e tfing, ^ ^, a watch-house,^ a guard house. A bill for collecting taxes. ^f%y^ insect. the name of an A register, a record ; teang p'hoe, 2& 1^ s«(io« p'hof, an account book ; also, to receive ; and a flat piece of wood held in the hand. Keen keen seang p'hoe, f|^ -j^ Jl ^ *•'"« Ae^d cheo^9 p'hoe, everything is entered into the account. P'hoe y^X ? A small mat. P'ho Chei p'hoe, jte ^, a sugar mill, a place for making sugar. K'hae p'hofi, ^W^k'hwuyp'hof, to open a sugar-mill. P'hoey P'ho^y P'h66y is Unburnt bricks, or tiles. Also writ- ten ^T», p'hoey, and ^, p'bdey. Do not, it cannot be. A string of 500 beads. P'hoey Py^^ The noise of wrangling. P'h6h 536 P'hoey It P'hoey To couple with, to associate with, to unite; p'hit p'hoey, "gt |E, a fellow, a mate ; bdt p'hofey, ^ W mee^Sh fhdiy, savory relishes, used with rice ; seang p'hiifey, j^ ^2., ^° '=°"P^® together. Also written fcj^, p'ho^y. A chip of wood, a shaving; bok II' p'hofey, -^ yt ^'''^-i p'^'^^y^ P'hoey P P'hoey chips of wood. Read s6y : to spit ; sfty yefin, j^ ]|J f'Kdhy nw^a, to void spittle. SAy been choo kan, U^ jg |^ ^ p'Ao^y hin febh hoe e ka te ia, when any one spits in our face, we should let it dry of itself; (lest by wiping it off, we should provoke our antagonist to anger.) ^ Pliiiey J. P'lMyh Read p'h6 : the skin ; y^ng p'hS, ^ ^ y^^^^ P'^^^H) * sheep's skin. Read p'he : a covering ; p'he tan, p'hdei/ tw^a, a coverlid, a blanket, a sheet. #L Read bwit : foam ; suy bwit, j^ N* chiiy p'hoeyh, the foam of water. P'hbtyh 'XlS'^'*''^ p'hbeyh, a clod of earth. P'hoh is express 4t9 Read p'hok ; the refuse of anything ; che^ p'hok, ^ 5J;j» eked p'hok, the husk of sugar-cane, after the juice is expressed. Read p'hok : grains ; cho p'hok, P'hoh *7ltd ^ 10 *''""" ^'^'^''' ^^^ S'''*'"* of liquor, the refuse left after a brewing. P'HOK Ko6jtn che cho p'hok, "^ A ^^ If ft *"^ ckd &y l&ng &y chaou fhoh, the dregs and grains of the ancients ; (said of those who make composi- tions by borrowing from old books.) Read pok : a vessel moored to the >y|^| water's edge; to moor a vessel, to come to an anchor ; an anchorage. To strike with the hand; vulg. pViah : to beat, to strike. 1"^^* Chin ho6 bong e Ch'hoi6 cboo p'hok,' f- ir, ^ ^ ^ ^ tf CAi« hoi hang hap Ch'hoi eho6 seo p'hah, the prince of the Chin country dreamed that he was fighting with the ruler of the Ch'ho6 country; see the ^ "j^ Cho twan. tjLi% A game of chance; to play; ex. ff^_ tensive, very, exceedingly. "^J Put y6w p'hok ek che& hoe? "^ /B "ttz ^^^ ^ "^ ""* y^'^ ""*" '"^ ^'^"^ "''^^ k6ched hoe? is it not better to play at drafts or chess then to sit still and do nothing ? see the pUJj p; Lun g6. P'hok hak, ^ ^, extensively learned. P'hok P'hok P'hok Keen p'hok, J^ f^, the flesh on the shoulders, the shoulders. ^ An implement of husbandry, a kind of hoe; a musical instrument, a sort of bell. To pat, to beat with the hand, to cufl, to brush off dust. H"6 leaou e gwan, put k'ho p'hok beet, Jji ^/f ^ Ji ^ "51 il n ''"^^ toh te gio&n, bo V hang p" hak htea, when the fire .s blazing in the plain, it cannot be extinguished. - White, unvarnished close grained P'hok Tv^^ wood, the substance as distinguish- from the ornaments ; honest, true. PHOK 537 PHOK P'hok Ih Vulg. p'AoA.- the substance of any- thing; simple, plain,, sincere. T'hafe seang k'h^ hwa, seang so6 p'hok hfiy, s6y kwily chae jtn hwuy kirn geiik h^y, A ffi -^ ^ >^ Vhai seang k'kt Vhek hwa ley, seang at soi p'hok hey, s6y kwiiy tied te Idng, bo twa te kirn geuk hey, the great supreme rejects ornament, and prefers what is simple and substan- tial ; thus what we ought to esteem in men is not gold or gems. P hok ©# The shoulders. Phok A lump of earth; Ch'hoe Ldng 6ng ch'hut bSng, chim che e p'hok, ^ M :H til t *t 2 lg[ ^ Ch'hoe Ling 6ng chVmt b6ng Ay sc, liSh chit tiy t'hoe chd chim Chaou, LCng, the king of the Ch'hoe country, when banished from his country, took a lump of earth for his pillow ; see the ^ ^S Ch'hofe g6. .^_, J|*^ An unpolished gem; a diamond in P'liok T ^^^ the rough. ^>/'^ Kim yew p'hok geiik 6 ch'hoo, -^ ^ ]^ _^ ^ l^fc t"" tooo p'hok gciik te cht tadit, now there is an unpolished gem here ; see 2L "/" '^^"K '^'"''*- The name of a river. P'hok P'hok To strike gently ; one of the radicals I P'hok seaou, 7]|" /pS^ saltpetre. k ^ A club, a staff; to beat with a stick. P'hok 3^|> P'liok chokkadu h6ng, j^\> ^ ^ ^ TflJ p'hah chd kd Ay htng Airof, the stick forms the instrument of punishment in schools. Phok Full of treasure; abundance of wealth. Phok P'hok Be p'hok, pj^ j^, coarse rice. Unwrought iron ; iron ore. 6K Phok 16, ^*8* »Jj^, mixed, confused ; ■3^ sacrificial tlesh. Vulg. p'hok : to dry in the sun ; to bask in the sun ; to expose to view ; to promulgc, to publish ; p'hok jit, ^ , to dry in the sun. Yit jit p'hok che, sip jit HAn che, -^ ^ ^"Z. ~h ^' /^ **'' •'*' ^'^^^ '' '^'"'^ •^'' ^"^^ *' to warm it in the sun for one day, and to let it freeze for ten days ; see ^ ^ Bing choo. P'hok che 6 btn, jC bin sew che, ^V x^ >!S^ K iJrt S. .^ ^ p'hok e kadupityh sai"S, ji pt'yh sai"S siio e, he exhibited him before the people and the people accepted of him ; ««« ^ ^ '^«"B c'l""- Phok P'hok P'liok The same as the preceding. A blazing up of fire ; an ardent flame. A fountain or cataract, which sends out its waters far, and with noise. P'HOO 538 The collar of a coat ; soe e clioo P'HUN I'^'^S &7ig ne"d, a white gi ■ payk s"a I garment with a red collar ; see the ^ j^ T8ng hong. I P/w6 Phong P'heng p'hong, ff- J^, the noise of stones falling, (as in a well.) Jll Phong '•*T*f '^'"^ ^^^^ ris'ng up in blisters. Phong The belly swelled up. P honff /V* W ''^''^ appearance of looking at any- P'hong # ^ To bold up anything !n both hands; to take both hands full. The noise of fire. P'hong P'hong P'hong Phong ' ^p^ to form a covering for boats or car- *^"^^^ riages; also, a bamboo carriage. 1^ To swell, to puff up ; hollow, swell- ed out. \u\g.p^hd,ng: fat, corpulent, swelled; some say, stinking. 1 PllOO it,^ of the abdomen. The sound of blowing. P^ -f- fi Plwo % dawn of dav. 5 P'hoo Thol p'hoS, -\ ^, a kind of insect found on the ground: a sort of crab. The eyes dim ; p'hoo p'hoo kong, ^ ^ it P'**"^ P'*'"^ kwui"S, a dim light, scarcely visible ; the -r Read ho8 : to float ; ho& chae suy V2k ''^''"^' i?- ^ ?]^ -t P'*"^ '' ' >f chuy te'ng, to float on the surface /■ of the water. E sfe ho8 ttm, |0i "jib ^^ ^ '^n/' s& chd po3 p'hod d te&m, to sink or swim with the world. P'hoo r~%^ivA'^^^ noise of birds flying awav. Wn JK Pliooh ^^JVCunning, artful; to deceive, to rail. r.-7 -Ji lr>^r%^^^^ cli'h'.iy ; to blow anything in, P noon xJ'm ^XV^ 'IS at the nose. P'hooi^° • Read hwan : an adze,a round axe for felling trees. P hooi » V>lv^ The ebbing of the tide; low water. ^jK Phun II 06 p'hun, r,^ ^, brave, tiger-like soldiers. Hoe p'hun sam ch'heen jln, n^ ■^ ZH ^t^ A ho6 p'hun s"a ch'keng long, three thousand tiger-like soldiers ; see "S^ -y Beng choo. P'hun , To snort, to spurt out ; p'hun hong, *" gl [I^ H to whistle. P'HUN 539 P'hun -«J^ To rnn away ; p'hun cho6, 5S ^ I ^■^1^ ■^T|W p'hun cha6u, to flee away after a " ""I^ J^^^ ^ » defeat. __ • ' P'hun ^)*V^ '^^^ ^^'"^ *' '^® above. P'hun -?^ P'hun P'hun P'hun I •^^To fly P'hun Tr3^To fly away To blow out the breath ; to spurt anything out of the mouth. Be p'hun, -^ ^, the water in which rice has been boiled. The arched covering or hood of a carriage; fine, grand. upwards. P'hun P^2t^ To spurt water out of the mouth ; also written \\n-, p'hun. ^.1 » n y\. To blow out the breath : also written P hun H^rV" «r\ Phun Rt^w. '^° *?"■"' "'" water, from the mouth. # To flee away, to run away. P'hiin ^^S> tP'hitn t'hfe, ^ P^ p'hak k'ha ch'htv}, to blow the nose; to sneeze. -— > P'hdn suy, DJ^ ^ p'Mn chity, to spurt out water. PHUT Water flowing rapidly ; a fountain bubbling up. P'hun P'hun ^w A wash hand-basin : a dish, a pot ; a general name for jars, pots, &c. ; hwa p'hfln, 7^ ^^ a flower pot. Hok p'hftn choo, ^^ ^S .3^, the name of a medicinal herb. P'hun '^y^^To vomit ; to blow out the breath. bubbling up; „ 'kyfiS^ Water overflowing, and ' hiui v^// yiTO rain collected togethe ^>^-^*The sound of laying anything down ;afeU|pitp'hut, f^' 1^1, fragrant. P'hut Fhut P'hut P'hut Phut P'hiit P'hut ogether. The sun just risen, and not yet shin- ing out with its full splendor. The moon in the first quarter, not yet coma to the full. Jc i)'hut, ^ ^, a fat woman, a milk nurse. ice cleansed. Rice flour. P'HWAH 646 P'HWAN •^J^ P'hilt chey, ^ ^^ the name of a " hut *--^^p^ vegetable, the water chestnut ; the Scirpus tuberosus. P'hwa P'hwa P'hwd ic Pa 16ng, ^ ^k p'hioa long, the name a fish. Read p'ht) : to break, to break in pieces ; biit p'h5, ^^ ^ mee^Sh pVitoa, anything broken to pieces. rhwd. lb, ^^G j^^ the name of a fish. rhw^'a ^ } .Read p'hwan : a surname. P'hw''d n Read p'hw^n : to judge ; p'hw^n twan, ^1 ^ p7i!o"d twdn, to decide on a case ; sim p'hw^n, ^] simp'hwH, to examine and judge, judg- ment. Pliw^'d P'hw^d together Kg P.^ng> ^ ji?^kep'hw"d,aL chess-board. Read p'hwan : to accompany ; p'hwan heng, ^- ^f p'ko^d ke^A, to go in company, to go ''M ' ' to throw out water with a scoop. J,- 2^ m \ Read pwat: to lade; pwat t'hong, i^ iffl p'hw&h t'hdng, a bucket, for lading water out of a well. P'hwan \ Vulg. p'hu/^a : a surname. To throw away anything ; to reject ; also written ijt, p'hwan. P'hwan An even plain ; also written y^, p'hwin. The appearance of running away ; to flee. w P'hwah Read p'hwat : a knife for cutting ^nT g'"ass5 p'hwat ch'ho, ^ ^ ^5C p^hwah cVhaou, to cutdown grass. P'hwan keng, .J^ ^, the name P'hwailT/ftL of ^ school of learning; to dis- solve. So6 16k p'hwEln siiy, W ^ J^ ;;J^ seo^ kdly t te p'hwcin k'eung &y chuy, let us think about de- lighting in the waters of the academy ; see the "Wi ^5 Loe seung. Tae peng be p'hwan, j^ <7j(. ^ ]^ kip kabii se^S boey yi6^^, before the ice is dissolved ; see the It ^S Se keng. ^k. The melting of ice; to dissolve; e 6 P'hwan /J"p peng p'hwan, ^ f^ % ^ ' ^\ Vhah Khwal & se"S yeC^S, easier than the mehing of ice. Clothes of no color. P'hwamhwin,-!^ ^^ loose, easy, leisurely. PIN 541 PIN P'hw^n ^] \u\g. p'hD^d: to judge, to decide, to distinguish, to divide. T'heen tey p'liwdn hap, 3^ j;-ri] T^ ^ i'Aee"^ tey p'hio^d hap, heaven and earth divide and unite. P'hw£ln twan, ^'ij IM p'hie"d ticdn, to judge and decide. P'hwan a Phwat To accompany ; seang p'liwan, xB ^ seo p'hu!"df to go in company. Vulg.poyA ; to open the mouth wide. P'hwat P¥^ f/^To speak disorderly. P'hwat ^^^C*^** "*"^ down the grass with one'» 7^ feet. P'hwat T Vulg. p'hwah : to throw out water with a scoop ; to dash about the water. P'hwit '4li?n!^^ "'S' P'^'"^^'' " ^iii(6 for cutting f^^yf grass. wind. A guest, a visitor, a stranger ; pin ^^ pin k^h&yh, a . Read p'h6 : a foul wind ; hdng p'hi, P'hwuy l|_l/ ^ j]^ pdng p''hu)uy, to break Pin : ^>» k'hek, ,^^ guest ; pin choo, ^ ^^ guest and host. Ch'hek ye4, sok ta^ lip £ te&ou, k'ho soo e pin k'hek g&n yei, ^ 4 ^ ^ jt ^^ ^fl pf ft^ ^ ^ "i" ih. ^^/''A'* y^«. A«A tira k'h'cd le te&ou ting, Vhang sa6 kap pin k'hai/h king ted, Ch'hek, having belted on his girdle and 6L standing in the court, may be permitted to converse with strangers and guests ; see the ajfe ^ Lun ge. Pin Pin Pin The water's edge ; ha6 pin, Hm the seashore. I -/!> A small kind of otter. \ *^^^ A good kind of iron, of which sharp knives may be made. Pin Pin 16ng, ^^pin n6"g, the be- tel nut, the areca nut ; a tree without branches, with the fruit coming out of the heart. Pin M The name of a district, on the north- west of China. Pin Pin The name of a country ; sek chea T'hafe6ngkePin,^:§;j{^3P jg- ^ ehd Thai 6ng Vhii ti Pin, formerly T'ha^ 6ng dwelt at Pin ; see ^ .3^ Beng choo. Ornament and plainness equally dis- moderate, natural. Alsa I k ■ Ornament 7^^ played, written iM. pin. BAn chit pin pin, je^n hoe kwun choo, '^ W Xk ♦^ ^ t^ ^ T *'^" '^*^ P'" P'"' J'^" """ chd hicun cho6, when ornament and plainness are equally displayed, it shows a man of worth; see the ^ ^ Lun g6. Pin Pin The ancient form of the preceding character. To divide, to diitingulth. PIN 54e PIN ^ ^ ^W^ To announce, to inform, to receive Pin ISf orders, to send up a petition. ^#'J"% Sin hay b8ng yew pin leng, H T* 1^ 'i!^ ^ '^ *^^ '^^ ^y **" *^ ^^y p^'^ beng, the inferior officers would not have any one from whom they could receive orders ; see the ^ ^ -^ Se watbeng. Pin Pin Pin The same as the preceding. M -Km Teuk pfn, JJ ^ tek pin, a wain- scot or partition made of split bamboos twisted together ; a bam- boo screen. faT^ The knee-pan ; the punishment of cutting off the legs. To lead, to assist, to help, to accom- pany. To blame, to reject ; pin ch'hek, is I5r^ to cast out, to condemn. Pin Pin ^"in leem, J^ ^m, to prepare a Pin ^>CI corpse for burial ; during the ^ Hay dynasty this was done on the eastern steps of the house ; during the B^^ Yin dy- nasty, betwen the two beams ; and during the ^, Chew dynasty, on the western steps. The hair on the temples; pin peen. Pin J^~\2-^ %" J2^ P^"' pee"^' the sides of the head. Pin A comb, for cleaning and smoothing the hair; sat |.in, "^ "^^ a fine toothed comb. Pin Pin A'V^ Vulg. sdng h'eung: poor, indigent, ^''^ having no money. PJn 6 cheen se jin che s€y oh yea, n mm ^A zffi m ^^'"s h'eung kwd hay cheen se Idng Ay sey tcdn yea, a poor and mean condition is what people very much dislike ; see the ||jj g^ Lun ge. Several ; hasty, urgent ; pin soh, continually. Pin Pin Pin ch'he^ou, iffi to smile. To draw up the eyebrows into wrinkles ; to contract the brow ; haftu pin, ^ ^, to imitate badly, to counterfeit. Pin ^>kH ^''^ water's edge ; a bank, a shore. "^^ZL A kind of large water plant; pin hwa,n, ^ ^^ a water plant. Pin Pin ,^ .^ Vulg. pdn; a pot, a jar, a vessel; hwa pin, ^ pl^, a flower pot; ch6w pin, -M Mi <^''^"' i"^"> » wine vessel. Also written J^^ pin. Gin pin i6 ch6w j6 bo8 hwun, ^ ^ "^ '^§ yi/ ^M: ■^ gin p&n tty cMio It bS hwun, of the silver pot filled with wine you shall have no share ; (said to a dwarfish person, in contempt;) when he replied, (kirn pong t6y b^ng gno ke teung, '^ Jffi M ^ ^ ^ ^ ''*"' P^"^ *^y '"^"'^ '^""' A'Aea te tang e^i,) " I shall stand in the centre of the names in the golden list of graduates ;" (mean- ing that he should attain to the highest literary honors.) PIT 543 PIT Pin Piu % swat, Pin Pin Pin To lean upon a table ; ptn 6, ^ ^k to lean on anything. To rest or rely on ; pin geik k6, /^ ^ rf to lean on the pear- ly table; according to; pin j6 according to what you say, &c. ^ ^p Bftn pin, ^ ^, a ticket, a pass ; r ~r^ pin kfe, i^ 1)1^. a proof, evidence. ■^1 ' Also written ^ pin, a surname. Wfty pin, 1^ Pl, a screen, a fence. T'heen choo goey pin, choo hofi 16ey pin, ^ Jf ^|, ^ % ^ j^ S. Mng tly seet gwd bin Ay pin, choo hoe sect lae bin d,y pin, the emperor placed his screen without the door, but the princes within. * The female of birds and beasts. /^H/ Pin key bo6 sin, i|t |||E ^ y ■" key bo6 bS chtto may^h chae, the hen does not give notice of the morning; see the ^ Se t'hafe se. The knee-pan, the cap of the knee. A female office. '^I^PIn p'hong, i^ ^, the noise made 'J\j by stamping on the ground. To stop passengers on the road, when ihe sovereign is about to pass by ; pitjeputk6ng, ^ rffi /^ W pit ch&h l&ng,jt b& king kal e, to stop th^c passen- gers without alarming them; see the ^ |g_ Chew 16y. Pit ^ 411 r The same as the preceding. To finish, to conclude ; the end ; a Pit j 'U^* surname; pit k6ng, ^ ^, after all. Vulg. kuiuy kt: finished, done, completed. Jit chfe je pit, ^ ifn ^ '""^ '^^y^ '"'^"' hang kwxly stoah, when the winter solstice arrives, all work is at an end ; see the ^ ^ Cho twan. Pit lt"W£ The sound of fire burning. Pit Pit Pit b{in, ^ P"^, a bamboo gate. A sound going out. . A leathern cap for the knees, a pad Pit ^rSc '"' **"* ''"**'' "'^"^ *''^" ''"**'' •l"^* ing at sacrifices. ,^ . Most, certain, absolute ; be pit, ^ Pit iV/ ^ '5^. '* " ""' ^^' "'**'" ' ^^ ^^^^ y ^ ^ fST 1^, why must you do so ? pit jeen, >]i. 'f, it must be so ; pit teng, j^L^ ^, de- termined on, fixed. Ch'h5 ch'ho5 pit 6 se, teen p'ha^ pit 6 se, ^ }^ iiL *^ Ji IS ?ili ^^ ^> ^ '''" ''p "* A'Adt tm ti chty Uy, long pb'ey ttk k'hak leoh U chly Uy, when in seasons of hurry, we must still adhere (to benevolence); and when overwhelmed with trouble, we roust nevertheless abide by the same; see the l^l^iLu.igfe. PIT 544 i*b Pit The ornaments of a sword; also writ- ten Jf , pit- A pencil, a hair pencil, with which Pit * ",-|J * the Chinese write ; to write with a pencil ; ke pit, j^ ^ keah pit, to take up the pencil. Se& tb pit t'ho6 kan, ^ ^l] ^ ^ $t *^'^ ^''^" pit t^hadu ta, to write till the end of the pencil is dry. Choo-soo, ^ JP, was afraid lest the doctrines of the ftl ^ Teung yflng should bo forgotten through the lapse of time, (kofe pit che e se, ^ ^ ^ ^'^ ®" '^^'^"' *^^ * '* ch'hayh,) he therefore wrote them in a book, and delivered them to '£ A vessel cracked but not broken. A kind of pipe, played upon by the Tartars. a little rising of the nor eminent scholars ; (this is a bad thing for a coun- try ;) see ^ ^ Beng choo. Pit Pit Pit Pit Read ch'hin: skin. .An assistant, a helper; hoo pit, EjfjS^ to assist, to help. Boug tfey lae t pit, W. 7^ ^ •^ ^ 5S5 '""^ seang tly hoe gwd h6 dy ieatig pit, I dreamed that the supreme bestowed on me a good assistant; see the ^ ^ ^ Se wdt beng. Pit m Dignified, and properly behaved. The name of a country. A kind of short petticoat. j^ Vulg. p'hee^'S: the nose ; pit k'hong, ^» -^ |L p'kee"i k'hang, the nos- Pit High, lofty, eminent ; the same as the above. Jip chek bod hwat kay, pit soo, A 8'J ^ ft ^ ft i ^'p '' ^"' *'"' '^'^ ^^ Vliang chd hwat &y kay, pit kw&n &y Vhak ch'hayh ling, when at home we have no exemplary families, trils. To open ; k'hae pit, Ka ^ k'humy pit, to open out, to commence. Pit ch'ho laa, ^^ i^ ^ to clear away the grass and weeds; see ^ -J- Beng choo. Pit Pit The same as the above. Pit Jfci Fo To beat one's breast ; pit yung k'hok k'hip, p^ ^ % ^ p'hah k'hdm ted k'ha, Vhabu ktod t'hi, to beat on one's breast, to stamp with the foot, to cry and weep ; see the ^ ^ Hadu keng. Stubborn, perverse. _ To praise, to applaud ; K'hong-choo '\b^F\ che chok Ch'hun Ch'hew, yit joo '^^'^ che po 6ng 6 hwa kwun, ifl^ ^ # » ^ - ^ ;^ * ^ *^ p ^ fi.'h6vg-cho6 6y chb Ch'hun Chlietc, chitje iy o 16, k'hah ing i hca cVhat &y kwLn bein, when Con- fucius composed the Spring and Autumn Record, each word of approbation therein contained wa* more glorious than a flowery crown. PO 545 PO Po Po The same as the preceding. ,3^Po I'heung, [[^ ^ ihenameof. hill. Po P6 Po ^[| 7|^ A boat, short and deep. Po 16ng ch'ha.^, ^ || ^, the name of a vegetable; s;,iiiai : » 1^ To protect, to favor, to preserye | /i^t- pope, % ^, to protect; po r J leng, {^ ^^ p6 ne^d, to secure ; po chwin, 45^ /^, to keep safely j also, to nourish, to keep, to guard. T'heen po teng j6, ek k'hong che koe, ^ jj^ '^ H ^ ?L Z @ ''A«"S'pri te"dliyed Sim keen kol, if heaven keeps you safely, you will be very se- cure ; see the /]\ ^ Se4ou gndy. - t A cloth in which children arc car- ried; swaddling-clothes. S^ng 8ng seilou, chae ke4ng po che teung, )^ ^ ^}; ^ %i ^^ Z ^V Sing dig y'e& sly tied tr kedng p6 &y tang «"^» when Sfing 8ng was young, and yet in his swaddling clothes, &c. ^ ^ ^^ To answer, to recompense, to reward, '^t t-% to return a compliment; to repay ; f 1^^ to inform, to announce. Seen y6w seen pd, ok yew ok p<), jiJak be yfcw pd, s6 jit b.- to, ly l a -J^ ^ij Ad woo k6 Ay pb, p'ka'*i tood p'kt^i Ay pd, nd hbey woo pd, sijil yea bbey kadu, virtue has a good rdward, and vice a bad reward, but if yet' no reward, it is because the time has not yet come. T'hong p6, j|^ ?{^, Jo announce one's name. JU Lm To winnow corn, in order to clear it from the chafT. Pf» kd, ^ ^ pwd kl^ a aicve. b J* To sow, to spread the aeed, to scat- ^P2& ter ; to reject. >) P* Ke »6 pd pek kok, 1S- j(^ |^ ■g |K « dy WU t'hadu yea payh hang Ay kok, vhen tliey begin to sow the various kinds of grain ; 5te the ^ ^ Pin hong. P6 P6 POE 546 POE P6 Po The epilhet of an old woman; lo p6, ■44" j(S? an old woman. To Weat willi the hand ; violent, op- pressive, perverse ; a surname. P6ho6pangha,^)^;8|^/pf p'hah hoe sew kUy kang ho, to be able to beat a ti- ger with the hand, and to dash through a river with- out a boat; see the |j^ |^ Lvin gi. K8ng hong cli'he»4 p6, j^fl. M Jl- S' * ^^""^ and strong wind; po geik, ^ jj, oppression, ty- ranny. P6 Poe ght conduct of officers. > The time 01 half a day; noonday; seangpoe, _t Hj|| cheo^e poc, the forenoon ; hay poe, "J^ Q^ ay poe, the afternoon. Poe Poe » A plain ; ch'ho poe, ^ ™ ch'haou poe, a grassy plain. Poe keang, ^ ^, lli" "ame of a tree. A bamboo vessel. To mend, to repair, lo make ap a de- ficiency ; to fill up. Ch'hun s6ng keng, jf poe put cl.euk,^ W It ffii ^ ^ >£ cA7»mf'A«''i' seng ch'hat ehoh ch''h6.n,ji pot bd kabu, in the sea- son of spring, the prince sliould in.spect the plough- ing, and make up deficitnces to the cultivators ; sec ^ y- Beng choo. Poe ^ Poe Poe Poe To mend clothes. The same as the preceding. Also written J^ poe. Cloth ; to spread, to scatter ; to dis- perse. Pofe pek, ;^ ^ cloth and silk ; poo san, ;ffi FIT poi, sio'^A, to scatter. A surname. Pofe pek ttiang twan tfing, chek k^y seang jeak i* tl ,f. # -M I?^ I'J 1 ffi '^Po^VikUng tty i'eo l&ng, chek hay chee"S sea ch'hin ch'ed"S? when cloths and silks are equally long, would you have the prices equal? see ^L 'if' Beng choo. Poe Poe -Hi Universally diflfused ; extensive, ge- neral. To disperse, to scatter ; to beat. To be afraid, to be alarmed ; to P*^^ M>Tt% make afraid, to alarm. K6 bo8 cheuk yew e t'hok kwiiy sin chay po6 g6 bin, it AJA |^ ;^ '^ ij"^ M. If' pf- W f^'^ ^ ' ^^ '"" ^""^ "' "'"^ led t'hok kwuy sin p'Ae^n payh sai^o hoh e ke'*a, those coujuring fellows, relying on ghosts and spi- rits, deceive and alarm the people. Poe Poe Poe A surname. To reprove; also, a man's name. To lie prostrate on the ground ; po6 pok, "fflj 'gj, to creep on tho ground. Po6 p6k,cheaogjipch6ng, -^ '^ tI^ A ft po^ pok cheany bdeyh jip chai^9, creeping along POE 547 POE Poe Poe Foe Poe Poe Poe the ground and about to fall into a well ; (speaking of an iafant;) see ^J -j-* Beng clioo. -| f-^ Ch'heang po6, ^ ^^ tiie name of \\ I 1 a water plant, a sort of mat rush ; • • ■» the Acorus calamus. A surname. ^^ Pod-tefin been, f^ \^ l{)| Poi- ch'h&n hodn, the name of a district in Hok-kc6n. To drink wine and play music. ^A- An afternoon meal; po6 ch'hwat, ra| [V(5 to eat and drink. ' To run away, to escape ; to bear, to sustain. PoC ta, ^ ^^ a grape, the grape Foe To collect, to assemble; to lessen, to decrease. Poetoekkw"4,^^^^^ ke&m e 6.y cheij t^het''ff e &y chi6, to lessen that which is excessive, and to add to that which is de- fective. Poe ?<^ The front of a garment ; a form, ap- pearance. Poe The name of a man. Poe ^ To take anything up in the hollow of the hand, as water. Ko6 chei poe yim, -j^ ^ j^ ^ koi &y long poA chity te ch'htte ch'he"d Urn, iho ancients used to take up water in the hollow of the hand, and drink. Poe To apprehend, to seize; po6 hae, ifi ^) *° persecute. Le bo6 tuy po6 che k'hod, ^ kL a" ^^^ kw"a bo tuy leak dy kan k'hoe, we shall not be troubled with inferior officers _ seizing and apprehending us ; see the g^ JJ ^ Han yiJSn twan. feii Poe *jf"/-, Teuk pa8u, /jr/c ^ tek poi, a clus- tor of bamboos. Poe ^ |l^ a step, a pace, to walk, to walk on ~^|^ foot. A surname. _^^^ Hek pek poe jo hoe ch6, hek gnoe sippoejehoech6,nj^ W ^' t^O tt -it HJJ S ~[" i^ fii t^ Ab*^oddycha6uchUpayh poejeen adit h&y^Sh, tcoo &y chaSit got chap poe j'eln adu h&y^ih, some would run a hundred paces, and then stop, and some only Gf^y paces, and then stop ; sec '^ .3- Beng clioo. Poe |Ji|Jxl Puc c, ^ ^A^ the name of an insect. Poe Foe Poe > To seize, to apprehend; poe hae, "llli W> '° persecute. K'lieen Ic hwun ch3 teiik pee, jg S^ ^ t'/ ^ ii^saL siykii^ahu>unliykw"d te&h, he sent officers in different parties to pursue and take him ; see the i|^ ^ ^ KwAn hoo twan. ^ To chew in the mouth, to masticate ; |lU>| a chew. Chew-kong yit hnan sam t'hoiS poe, ^ ^2^ — ti H Di iffl Ch^^-I'ong chit tdoV'O pooVS s"a ay t'hoi poe, Chew-kong at one meal, thiice spit out what he was chewing, (in order to get up and speak with clever people, who called upon him ;) see the tj^ p^ Soo k(i. k 1^ The same as the preceding ; to eat, .^PltH to devour. Gno put i, choo hak koe che to. m i sent o e him ; ■I POEY 54B POEY je 6 poe ch'hwat yei, ^ !^ M» ~?" ^ M* y^ M ffn J!^ li P^ g""* ^^ «^""^ '^^"'^ "'"" <'A«A io^ /ang' % to 16, je seo^S te clieah Urn &ij soo, I never should have thought, that you who had stu- died the doctrines of the ancients, would have been taken up with eating and drinking ; see ^ -jp- Beng choo. Poe J^: Poe ^ > Jgfc ^° double ; hek seang p66y se, ^ Foey 4-^^ i(^ ^p ^ woo &y seopoty woo ' T"^ &y goe ttng pdei/, some will be doubled, and some fivefold; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Pbey Poey Poe Poe A bamboo vessel, a flat piece of bamboo. ■pi Poey Poey Po5 hoe, ^ ^)l^io exert one's strength. Pbey Altogether, the whole; an order, a ge- neral class, a series, a radical ; poe hwun, i|] ^, a sort; leiik poe, -^ ^-R the six courts, or boards of control; joo poe, ^ ^K Je yoe, the radical of a character. Poe t'hoe, ip. g|, an anchorage, a harbor, a town on the seacoast, a mart ; a place of merchandize. A wine cup; chew poey, )^ 7p^ Poey Th'Tk a ^'"^ Slass; also written ^T>, ^^^ I poey. P6ey chew seak peng kwan, ;^ ^g ^Ij -^ |^ poey cUw Ay kan e seak k'hh peng kw&n, over a cup of wine, he deprived his generals of their mili- tary authority ; said of the first emperor of the ^ S6ng dynasty. yt nP"-" l^wan, ^ \%, a drinking Poey ^K^^t^ vessel, made of bent wood. If-' Choo, 16ng sun ke lew che sfeng, jg e wiiy poey kwan hoe, ^ j^j^ |ll|. >fCi W /e«) Gems and precious stones ; poey Poey fljBI ge"k,||t^, gems worn by those ^Z I \ in office. . _ -, \ large girdle ; to wear a girdle, or Poey A nn '° ^^^' anything as a girdle. |/ rV K'hJ! song, bo6 »6y put p6ey, ^ :^ 4lE 0r >fi M *'*^ ""^ *^' '*'"' *^ *^y ""* piiey, when we ore out of mourning, there is no kind of ornament that we may not wear attached to our girdle ; see the |^ ?| Lun g<>. PSey Mixed rice. ^ Two fold, double; vulgar, mean; key tfing pbfey, ^J) ^ \^ " Poey much again. 36 ko6 sam p66y. ^D M ^ ft '*'*'" '*'""* t'hdn s'*a tiigpoeyMe making a gain of three hun- dred per cent ; see the -^ ^ Tae gniy. Be careful in your expressions, soo win p'he poey e, M it IP i^ ^ '*^^ '*'*'"" '^ '^'^''^ *'" p'A^ foe ey l&ng, thus you will be enabled to keep vulgar people at a distance ; see the g^ |^ Lun g^.. Poey Stubborn, rebellious, disobedient { poey gek, ^. Jg, rebellious. HCng so6 put poey, ^^ i^ ^ J* ckb sob b6 poey gek, to do things without diso- bedience ; see the ^ |^ Chew g6. w POEY 5dO POK Pciey * To roast; p6ey jii^ik, i^ |^ poiy I^T bah, roasted meat Poey ^ To spe;ik disorderly; so6 tat jd put poey, gg ij| ]fn ^ I^ loo wuy bo l&m »dm k6ng, in every place to avoid improper discourse. - -» To stand uneven, not to face a thing Poey ■^^st P''°P'^''y- I Pj To6 hot hob poey lip, \^ ^ m^ ■f^ jA '«'^« ':*«^"^ '^ *'"^' ""* ''*««^ K^ ong, poey soo p6 che hwitn, lit tt # ^9fl 1^; ;^ fill kabukolyk'hi,chew poey bSng sin sai"9 dy kd hwiin, when he departed, he turned his back on the instructions of his teachers; said of ^^ ^^ T'hafe-kap, in the ^ j^W Se keng. Poey Poey Poey Pciey Poev n n The name of a country. The small extremity of a free. The sun not clear. jtm\» 'l^he appearance of flying about. V^ Tae poey, j|^ ^^ a vuUiable kind of tortoise-shell. Poey L6ngp6ey, ^^ ^^, two species of wolf, one with short fore, and th« '>^^ other with short hinder feet; the one well adapted for ascending a hill, and the other for descending, but when they walk in the plain country, the one is obliged to put his paws on th« rump of the other ; hence the expressions, Idng p6ey seang e, j^ ^ j^]^ ■(^, the long and pdey depend on one another ; long poey, ;jhi IH is now commonly used to denote a state of ruin and misery* Trees giving out branches and leave*. The branches of trees growing straight up. Read pok : thin, slender ; sparing, niggardly. J6 le pok peng, ■^ J^ ^ ^ c/j'Am chcd"S fall poh se^S, \\ke treading on thin ice ; see the /]-% ^ Seiou gn4y. (To divine ; that by which people di- ^ vine; to give; a surname. Pok se, p g/, instruments of divination ; pok kwsl, j> ^^ to divine. Kwuy wfty pok, keep w6y se, ^ j^ |^ ^ ^m1 ^ ^'"' ^"P ''''^ P"^' ^^^P *'''^'^" '^^^ **> *''* pok mode of divination is made by the tortoise-shell, and the se divination by certain pieces of grass. Poey P8h Jb. A. Pok ft Vulg. jtak : the north ; pok seng, ;||/ ^ pak ch^hai"9, the north star. Choo sey, choo tong, choo l^m, choo pok, bo6 soo puthok,^ ^ }^ ^f^mn zM ffl 'T nn choa sue, choo tang, chad Idm, choo pak, bo chit Ay s'ed"S it'" hbk, from the west, and cast, from the south, and north, every thought will be subjected ; see the -f^ ^p Tae gnay. Chefen pae cho6 ek wat pok, |n|^ Wf '^F^ /ft» H dl* cheln pae chaOu y'ed k6ng k'cd pok, to be defeat- POK d5l PONG ed in an engagement, and to flee away is called ^j^, pok, 'to north it.' % * ^ Pit pok, ^g ij^l, the noise of fire Pok 'Zy'Rl^ burning bamboos; pit pok keiou, '^ ' I ^ j)^' Pij- P«' P"^ *«'^"' ^^^ bursting bamboos make a noise like ' pit pok.' «J| ^ Vulg. poh: thin, slender, meagre. Pok P6k A jungle fowl, a wild pheasant, the cry of which sounds like pok. A servant, a slave, a dependant ; also used for the first personal pronoun; choo pok, ^ ^ roaster and servant ; nofi pok, ^ '^, a slave. Choo ch'heng wfly pok ]^ |^ ^ ^ ^a '« eh'heng hoe chb pok, people when speaking of them- selves say pok, ' your servant.' P6k Pcik P|J a double surname. A veil, a covering for the head, a head-kerchief; also written ^, pok. mQ pdk VhaSu, to tie a kerchief round the head. !__-. Po6 pok, -^J '^, to creep along Pok / 1^ \ tlie ground, to crawl. EX^I Ad ^ Pod pok ong cheang sit che, ot 'gj tt )1^ ^ ^ p^y '^y '' '''""* '^"^ *'*^ chi&h e, he crept along the ground, and went to eat it ; see -^ ^ Beng choo. P6k /^> A bamboo frame, for feeding silk- I^JjjSm. worms ; a door-blind. Pok m mean, niggardly ; a door-blinds Go6 t'hae j6 put pok, h6 koe hw4n ye4? ^ f^ % ^^ M fl ^ ^ Jm^gtod kwdn t'hae 16 biypoh, s'*a sod 16 hwdn yea? I have never treated you ill, why do you then rebel .' A surname. Pok Vulg. pdk : to bind, to tie. Choo pok lag h&ng, t\ M^ 1^ ka tepdk la& h&ng, he bound himself and came to tender iiis submission. Pok Pok Pok ^ The same as '^^ pok, to crawl. The name of a place, where Tg^ T'hong held his capital. 5lW^ To urge, to drive. P6k 7^ To stop, to come to an anchor ; to moor a vessel to the shore. Vulg. p'hdK : an anchorage. Tarn pok, ^ ^j^, thin, vacant, insipid, ^^ P6k ^i lI ^"'S" P^^^ ' * ''"*'- .J*» ^ '^^ A board, a plank of wood, a placard; P6n£r ylvfl ^ proclamation. |y/| Peaou pong, )^ j^^ to speak of, to make remarks on. Ch'hut pong cheaou sod, [I} i^ :|g tt c^^kut pt"S cheo t'hah ch'hayh l&ng, he issued a proclama- tion to collect recruits. Also written ja^^ pong. Pong Luxuriant herbage. PONG £S3 POO Pong Pong ST^ The ornaments of a dress sword. CES- Also written S§ pong. To revile, to reproacli ; hwuy p6ng, to slander. Kfe 16 che sin, kdm jeiik ko wuy, esokkwanpfing? ^f^^it^M^M ft El ^ ll* ^ "^^ ^^"^ ^'^'^y^ ^yj'" *^"' W^djeitk kw&n &y wuy,6mai^Sh ch'eo chd kw^-a l&ng &y haydy pdtig? a stranger and a foreigner, how dare I disgrace an elevated office, and thus speedily draw down upon me the animadversions of my brother officers? see the ^ m Cho twan. Pong The side, on one side ; j6 p6ng bo6 jln, ^p ^ ^ X '=^''^'" cheats p6ng pee^9 b8 l&ng, just as if there was no one near. P8ng peen, 0& ^ p8ngpee"Sj on one side. Pong The same as the above ; a surname. Pong Pong A surname. m K tL» P6ng h6ng, ^ /nj^ unsettled, un- y/oC? determined; to pace backwards l>^>r and forwards. P6ng h6ng put jlm k'hh, ^$ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ke"A la& ke"A kVih,hey lun k'h&,he paced backward* and forwards, without venturing to go ; see the ^ I^ Se se. Pong jr§ P6ng hay, ^ ^^ a crab, an ani- mal that goes on one side. P8ng hay wun sin kae kap tew, ')^ :^ W ^ ^ p6ng h&y chit hin sin chd po6 se hah te:o, the crab is all over armed with a coat of mail ; see a "^ =4; ko6 Pong ^vi^PSng kong, ^ ||j|^ the groin, the region of the bladder. Pong Vulg. p&ng : a room ; p8ng keen J© J^ p&ng keng, a chamber ; p8ng ok, m J^ p&ng ch'hod, a house, a dwelling. A surname. ^ ,_.» A surname ; also read pUng. Pong V l |— Bong kefen P8ng-ho5, ch'he j6 ^^ gang che, ^ ^ <^ Jf II ffn ^ ^ *""^ **^"^ P^«^-/wd, Am kt^&ji g'e^& ckeeh e, when they saw P8ng-ho6 at a dis- tance they hastened to meet him ; see 3^ ^ Beng choo. Pong Pong I I se. P8ng t8, ^ ■Jfr great rain. Near, by the side, adjoining ; vulg. l i^ % p?^: to rely on, lo live near. x7 Pong hwa sfly 16w, k5 che^n ch'hun.ff ;Jg m >|i|I i§ BO #Pe"^'i«'«^% V'h&hpo6 t'hadupai"S an chw"d? bo po6 t'ha6u bey cko tit, in cutting an ax-handle, how must we manage? if we do not use an ax, we shall never succeed ; see the If |1 Se keng. ■Sfe 1 B ■ Read hod : rich, affluent, wealthy. Pod ,t t Ho6 6 kwily se jin che sey yeiik f^fX W( ^ yod kap kwiiy sk l&ng &y sty at, ri- ches and honors are what men desire; see the H ^ L"" e^- PUN 553 PUN Pod Read pa6u : a calabash ; go6 k'h6 pa6u kwa yei chae? ^ ^ )^ nX -|u, B^ ^'^ffl k^ham se pod a kwa d chael do you think I am a calabash or a me- lon ? see the ^gg ^ Lun g6. Poo Poo Poo A^ Poo Iwin, ^ V ^^ hatch eggs. Read pa6u : to roast anything in the fire. pod nooV'S, to * ~-~f Read hoo: a woman, a wife ; sit hoo, rh -ji^^ j^ simpod, a daughter-in-law. Read chut : anything in a cavern or hole. Read hong : a surname. Read hong : the name of tree ; hong se, iffl[ jj^ puoi^S ch'hcw, the ma- ple, the sycamore ; the Acer genus. Read hong: as hong sfi e, ^ |^. kG pooi^S s6 hoe, a slight shower. Read hwan : rice; sit hwan, ^ W che&h pooV'S, to eat rice. Pun ,2K.A black spot. Pun Read hwun : to divide ; hwun k'hae, jt^^S- ^ §3 pun k'hicuy, to separate. /^ Hwun tefin chi! 16k, ^ $lj pun cVUn ch& hdng I6k, to divide the fields, and regulate the emoluments ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. 6 N Pun % A root; an essential, fundamental yi^^ thing; kin pun, j^ /?^, 'he ori- I gin ; gwan pun, ^ ;^, original- ly ; pun chefin, "jk ^ pun chei'^S, a capital in trade; pun bwat, /l^ ^^ the head and tail, the first and last in importance; seang pun, _J2 /^ chides pun, to send up a document to the emperor; se pun, ^ yit a volume of a book. Kwun choo boo pun, pun lip j6 to seng, ^ ^ # ;^ ;i|5; i: iff) ii ^ ^«« «*"" ^*'''"' boo kin pdn, kin pdn nd k'h'ed to It chew sm^' the good man attends to the principal thing; for when the principal thing is established virtue springs up ; see the V- '^ Scang lun. Pun Pun Pun A vessel in which seed is kept. A basket or hod for holding earth ; pun ke, -^ 1^, a hod for dirt. Read peen: flat ; pe6n tarn, ]^ ;jg pitn ("a, a flat piece of wood, with which burdens are carried across the shoulders. Read hwiln : dung, excrement ; 16k Pitn hwiln, *£ ^ Idh pUn, to ma- >^ - nure the ground. K'bo 6 hwiln tefin tdw, Pj j-l ^ P3 ilft ''*""» la6 pUn ch'han ttw, this can be employed in manu- ring the fields ; see the f\ ^ Gwat leng. To hold anything in the mouth, and Pun >V /N?* spurt it out, as water; pfln h"6, |bh ik to blow the fire. X Pun +* A dull, stupid mind. PUT 554 PUT The inside of bamboo ; ch'hoe puflj Pun * >|C * |fl ^, to go to stool ; ch'hun pun, ^ ^ij stupid, dull, foolish; teuk pun, 'fj* 4^ tek pun, a bamboo frame, for stowing away grain. Pun ^ Weak, coarse ; the same as the pre- ceding. , Pun Put * »^ A frame made of split bamboo, and ■ |*» rolled up, in order to contain ^M^ grain ; also written n^ pun. ■^1^^ Vulg. u"* .• not, no, do not, not yet ; ^^^ put k'ho, /|C Pf «^ fhang, do * not, should or ought not. Kwun choo put teung, chek put wuy, hak chek put Kj kwun cho6 &y l&ng bd te teung, chew bey wuy hong, t'hdk yea hey keen koh, if the good man is not sedate, he will not be dignified, and his learning will not be solid ; see the J^ r,jra Seang lun. Put Put To scrape together ; to scratch. Put Psly put, ^I^E i|A' ^ '^""^ without teeth, a board rake, for raking up corn into a heap, or spreading it 3: Put out to dry. ^ To terminate; finally; to change countenance; suddenly. Ong piit je^n pefen hoe sek, T ^ kh. ^ ^ ]Q ovg pill j'einpeh^S sek, \he king changing countenance looked angrily; see ^ ^ Beng choo. \^\ Piit hae, ^ y^, the northern sea. VSJTI Pok y6w put hae che le , J;j^ "^ ^ i) ^ ^ ^llpaApee'-^-ca put hai Ay le, on the north we have the advantage of the northern sea. p»:it Put # Violent, strong. Put Put To arise, or to rise up suddenly, as a spring gushing out. An unlucky star; a comet. The name of a district, which is said to have risen out of the sea, hence it is called piit-hae kwun, 5^5 jf^ SK rise-out-of-sea district. The name of a bird ; a kind of klUf speckled pigeon. Put An angry look; Cheng-sey piit je^n Put Wt^ P"'^^''#ffi|ie^i^1^ Cheng-sey put jein «"* //w"a hi , Cheng-sey looked angry, and displeased ; see ^ ^3-. Beng choo. Put Put Put Put Put »*The sound of wind ; a violent wind. lj2j*A pot boiling over. •i^»*Pit put, ^ji 1^, fragrant. 'Dust; the rising of dust. To pluck up. PW^A 555 PWAH Pwd Pwd Vwd Read pd : to sift; pd ke, ptod, ke, a seive. Pw^^d Pw''d PM;«a Read p'haou : to throw ; p'haou bong, itt ^ pwd, bang, to cast a net. Read pwin : to throw away ; pwa,n beng, ;fafe -^ pw& mi^a, to ven- ture one's life ; pwjln chefin, i:h pwd. che&'^S, to expend money. Read pwan : to remove ; to shift any- thing; pwani6,;^ ^pwnaswd, to remove to another place. Read pwan : a kind ; yit pwan, ^— i& chit pw^a, the same, alike. Read pw4n : the bank of a morass ; the name of a place. Road pwin : the half; pwHn seng pw^n sob, ^ ^ f|2 ytP"^^ gai^S pw"a s&, half alive and half dead; yit pwdn, — • ^cAi to climb over a wall ; pwin san kd l^ng, {^ li| 31 ^ P«'"'l *»"'* *«^y "^""'j to climb over hills and surmount precipices. Pwae Pwdh ^vV To pluck up. Read pwat: a vessel containing food ; e pwat, ^ CT e pwah, a trunk. Vw&h Read pwat : to turn anything round ; pwat kong, ^ "^ pwah hang, '/> to lend a hand ; pwat che^n, TuSt ^pwiih checks, to spend money. Pwdh y^F* ^^ P'""'* ^ ^"^ ?"""*' * '""'' 31 PtV&h of dish. ^ Read teet : to fall, to stumble ; teet }tjtm to, ^ ^] pw&h td, to fall down. I^X ^ Te6t to seiou se seng, hod k'h6 tae hak sod, {^ j^] /^ ^ ^ ^ ^E. A iS. -{-• pwM id $ly hak seng, hod k'hi twd hak sod, when he fell down, he looked like a little schoolboy, but when he was helped up he appeared as a great doctor; said ofJ^V f^f ^ Lira Teuk-k'hey, who was very small in stature, but great in mind. ^»v^ Jeiou pwat, ^ §fii lA pwih, a Pw&h ^jltf^ P*"" o'^ cymbals. ^^Z^^ Yit pwat, — ■ ^ ch\i pwih, a piece of money, a quarter of a dollar, or a quarter of a real. PWAN Pwan Vulg. pw"a .• to remove, to convey, to transport ; pwan wun chaS but, jhUi ^ &J 'j^pw'^awunchei"8 mee"Sh, to transport goods or money. Yitpwanyang, — ^ \^cMt pw^'a yed^S, of the same kind. Vulg. piB^a: to remove; to exer- Pwan iW^ *^'^^ ' P"'^" ^*^^° ^°^ ^*^' ^ sod, to perform military tactics, to drill. Vulg. pvP^d: the name of a place; a a bank to a marsh. pp Pwan fflf Pwdn Pwan Pwan Pwan The brow of a hill. TQng pwin, boat. 656 PWAN h8 pwan h hoo, when men are generally acquainted with literature, and governed by propriety, they may be restrained from rebellion ; see the Lun g6. Te6n pwan, )5 ^ ch'h&n pw^^d, the furrow of a field, a landmark. Keng chei jeang pwan, h6ng che^ jeang Ice, gf # H P^ ^ * f 1 5^ choh cVMn iy l&ng n66'^9 pw'^a, ke^d he &y Idng neo^S he, "the ploughmen yielded the furrow, and travelers yielded the road;" said of an improved state of society in the time of ^ ^ 3E ^hew B j^ _ ^^ szw k'hwah VMy p', a gross mind and a fat habit of body ; see the ^ ^ Tae hak. Pwan An old woman ; some say, a young wife. PWAT 557 PWAT Pwan Pwan -^.h Pwan Ch'heak pw&n, ^M J± the name of a plant. To fly; the appearance of flying. Pvrkn lok, j|^ ^, pleasure, volup- tuousness. Pwkn 16k tae go, se choo kfiw ho lok p^hun tu^d go ban, se ka te kite ho hwdn, vo- luptuousness and contemptuous negligence is the way to bring misery on one's-self ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Pwan - Pwan Keak pw4n, instep. k^hapic^diihc Vulg. pu/'A : a great stone ; s^k pw&n, /Q ^ chcdh pio"d, a flat stone. Teen jfi pw^n s^k, ^ |(P ^ ^ /e"d tedh ch'hin cheo^S pu^*d chedh, as firm as a flat stone. Tm tai Pwan and small plates ; also, at rest. Pwan Vulg.^w^d ; a plate, a vessel for con taiuing a A ^I^ ^twdsit/pw''d,gTeAt uing anything; tae sedou pw4n, 1 ^ % V^ Vulg. pto^d : to climb over; pwftn MJK ch'heangt'hoehe6t,|{^5|U^ l^n^ */i pu^d ch'he6"S t'habu k'hang, to climb over walls and to creep through holes ; pw^n san, ^ Jffl^ to walk lame, to go round. Pwat Vulg. pwah : to spread out, to turn around ; to direct, to arrange. Pwat k'hae, ^ ^ pwah k'huniy, to open out, to spread abroad. 6 O Pwat yv Pwat Pwat Pwat J. Pwit One of the radicals ; intended to rep- resent two legs striding. Vulg. pwah : a vessel for containing food; e pwat, -^ ^, e pwah, the dress and begging dish of a Budhist priest. This character should be pronounc- ed at, and is read pwat, by mis- take. " M Pwat jeak, 6& ^, a foreign expres- sion, introduced with the Budhistic religion, and meaning wisdom. ^M To run away ; the appearance of a dog running away. Fwkt m Pwkt Pw^t Vulg. pdyh: to select, to pick, to pull up ; to pluck up. Pwat nia6u j£, e k& luy cheng kit, t^S W ^ ^ 11 ^ P^i'A A-i" - ch'hadu, chcdou t dy luy Vhayh t woo kit, in pluck- ing up the long coarse grass, it is lucky to pick it accordirg to its sort ; see the ^y ^ Ek keng. Pw4t kij^m, ^ ^ij pHyh kiim, to draw out a sword. \ Pwdt seep, jj^ J^^ to cross hills and rivers; to be wearied with rough traveling. ^ JeAou pwdt, ^ SJ^ Id pw&h, a pair of cymbals ; a piece of money. Pwat Pwit > To sacrifice to the gods of the road, on undertaking a journey. ' The dress of the western foreigners. PWUY 558 % t^ A straw shed, a thatched cottage. -JCT* SeElou-pek s6y pwat, ^ jj^ fff Pwat ^^^ Sedou-pek twa te ch^haSu ch'kob, SeElou-pek dwelt in a thatched cottage ; see the ^ ^ Seiou lUm. » ^ Han pwat, ^ ^, the demon of Pwat V3^n^ drought : also written ^^ pwit. /\^^ Han pwat w6y geak, ^ ^ ^ jfe «tca u>"d cAd geait haf, the demon of drought is very destructive ; see the -^^ 7^ Tae gn4y. y^ -M. To tread upon, to step over ; 16ng Pwit JR& pwit k6 b6, ^^ g| ft M IrJo^^ cft'Afl^ /dng' toA iebh e Ay boiy, the wolf trod on his tail ; see the ^ )^ Pin hong. Pwuy Pwuy Pwuy ^Pchoopwuy, ^ ^.merciful; ap- ^^y^ plied to the instructions of Budha. \ To rely on. *To bubble up, to boil up ; at the H6ng-lae, ^ ^, hill, there is said to be pwdy suy, ^ 7JV, a hot spring, a boiling fountain. J6 pwtiy j6 keng, |(P J^ ^ ^ f*'*'" e^ed"^ PWUY pwiiy kwkn, ch'hin ched^9 kat^S t'he^S, like boiling ^ water, or broth ; see the ^ J|p Tae gniy; Pwuy Pwily choo, ffi ^ pwuy &, small pustules produced by the heat. Read hwfty : fat, corpulent, lusty. Pa6u yew hwAy jeiik, kfew yew hwAy ">^, /i ;t iC ^ li /fe" Bp ffi pa6u tod woo pwiiy hah, bay te&ou woo pwdy bay, in the larder there is fat meat, and in the stable fat horses ; see ^[ ^ Beng choo. ^ Read hwuy: to bark; ko6 bwuy, ^^ lyC ^"'^'^ P^Vt the <^8 barks. Key b^ng ko6 hwuy seang bun, j6 tat hoe so6 pEj ^ key Vhi kaSu pwuy seo t'he"a,je tat hoi si ktng, the crowing of cocks and the barking of do£rs could be heard from one place to another, and spread throughout the four quarters of the coun- try ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Sek hwfly, yCT Jffi chtdh pwuy, a kind of stinking insect, which appears about the time when tb« • cat's eyes' begin to ripen. Pwuy s Sa Sa Sa Vp p. A little, a few ; vulg. kxeiiy leep: a _^^2^^ small quantity. ^ The same as the above; also writ- ten s' B6k sa, ;7[C M, * «^ooden fence, a palisade. Lefin fing lip m, 3^ ^ jl£ jM teo swa ye^d k'h'ed bSk sa, a connected encamp- ment, with upright palisades. ^ ^ Read sam : a jacket, a coat ; han y^^ Heip han sam 6 tong je^t, ^ 5¥> ^ J^ W' i!j gnayA *w"a ,»a ^ '^"^ >aA, he took his shirt under his arm, to enable him to bear the heat. Sam k'ho^, ^ ^ s^a /t'Aod, jacket and trowsers. 6"a ^h Sae Read sam : three ; sip sam, -t* — . chdip ("a, thirteen. Read sim : what ; sim soo ? J^ *^d sod? what's the matter? The cheeks ; keep sae, sides of the face. the Sae Sae Sae Sae Sae tin V£. The bones about the gills of a fish. -1 The flesh under the throat; gnftw BP9 h4m sae, i^ §| gg, go6 Am /^li^i^ sey, the dewlap of an ox. -^ Bushy whiskers, a long beard. A>^> ^V^Vulg. t'hae: a sieve; b6 sac, ;jj^ E rn ^ b6 Vhae, a sieve for rice. A lion ; yit tily s6k soo, — ^ of stone lions; generally placed in the front of houses or temples. Sae Sae Sae A bamboo sieve for separating the cosurse from the fine. f-*^ Sae gnew, J^ i^, a rhinoceros ; "" the skin of which may be used as medicine. s Readsey: the west; seyt'heen, ^ T? iot Cht^, the western hea- vens. Scyhongb6jln,^ ^ H \sae h^S Ay h6 lAng, the excellent person from the west ; see the Jj^ ^W6eyhong. SAE 560 SAI NG Sae Sae La6 sa6, ragged clothes. Read soo : to send, to employ, to cause, to order ; soo yung, an envoy, an 'y^^^- ambassador. Tae sob yea, 3^ j^ ^ tied sai. yU, a commis- sioner. 8ae house. Read soo: an offering; gno6 soo p JJiG goe sae, the altars to the gods of the five parts of a dwelling _ > -I Read soo: to serve; hok soo, BB _7 ' I y » ^ ^°* *"*' to '™der service to ~>^ any one. E hok soo Yin, JP^ Jf^ ^ 1^ I hok saB Yin, and still he served the Yin dynasty; see the !& fS PIKJ pp Lun g6. T8ng S06, Jjfj jig <(Jn^ sac, the wives of one's elder or younger brethren ; a sister-in-law. Sae Sae ■k S^ah ^Read soo: alike; seilk soo, ^fe K\ sek sae, well acquainted, familiar. ' To boil or simmer anything; sah ch'hai, j^ ^^ to boil vegetables. ,To speak much ; garrulous. * Sa/'S Read seng : to be born, to produce ; alive; living; to live; seng choo, /P -^ sai^S k'e"d, to bring fortli, a child ; seen seng, y^ ^ sin sai"g, an elder born, a teacher. Kwun sob seng, pit heuk che, 1^ ^ ^ 1^ "^ '^jin kwun sot) hoe sai^i wall &y mee^gh,pit teoh SAM 561 SAM tVhe. e, when a prince presents anything alive, we should biing it up ; see the pH g^ Lun g^. Sai''^ »■ Read seng : a brute animal; heuk seng, ^ off Vhaou sai"S, a do- mestic animal ; sometimes used as a term of reproach. Bo6 6keunghesengye4,fe J^ fft i^ ^^ -{^ b3 i'hang keung kip Vhaou sai^S, we have nothing wherewith to procure sacrificial animals ; see 'S ZZ. Beng choo. jj>^ Reads6ng: sparing, frugal ; to i ^ "1^"% niine; a province; s6ng k'h to exa- he^m, saP'S k'heim, to spare, to be economical ; s6ng sdng, -^ jjjfr sai^ff se''d, a capital city of a province. T'heen hay sip pat seng, ^ p -p /\ ^ t'hee"S ay chap payh sai^S, in the whole empire there are 18 provinces. S6ng chfjfin, -^ ^^ sai^9 che6"E, to save money. Sars » % Read s6ng : a surname; pek kay ^^ sfeng, ■§" ^ ^ payh kay sa^ the hundred family names, or clans, into which the people are divided. Pek st-ng, ^ ^ payh saVS^ the people. S^ng bfing, ^4 ^ saPi me"d, the name and sur- name. Sat^S i Sak Sam * ^1 Read s^ng: nature, disposition; sim p-t sfeng, \\^ i^^ sim saiH, natural I disposition; h"6 k^ s^ng, to- =P «^ h6 ki. saFS^ a good memory. To push ; ae sak, ^ M ay sak, to push and drive ; some say, to re- spect ; to ascend, to move ; to take. Vulg. s^a: three; sam sip, ^ -|- 4"a chap, thirty. Sam lefin y6w sfing, — 4S ^ 6P ^ Sam Sam ^ s^a ne6"9 pit woo che'^d kang, " in three years I should be enabled to complete the work ;" said by Confucius, in the p|n} ^S Lun ge. The large form of the preceding cha- I racter; also written ;^ sam. A kind of fir-tree; san pin,i^ ^i a small boat. The coloring of hair; also, a foreign surname. One of the radicals. To look on, to take ; 14m s&ra, ^ ^^^ disorderly, in confusion. Sam ^ Sam Sam Broken rice ; mixed. ■^ ^^B^ Three times, thrice repeated ; sim Sam •■^ ^^^y ^ ^, 'o '■epeat ihrice. Kwiiy-biin choo sAm soo j^ hoe i>eng, ^ ^ ^ = ,^» ifij ^ ff ^''"y-*"« choo 5"(2 &y seo"S,jein aou ke'^d, Kwuy-bfln choo reflected thrice before he did anything ; see the =&' ^ Liin g6. Sam Sam Sam Sam G6 skm, fi6 S hi 5dm, stakes ^yjf^ driven into the water in order to catch fish. The same as the above. The appearance of long hair. Things connected together, and ■»^^ hanging down. SAN 562 SAN Sam Sam Sam Ar>^ A large reaping-hook ; a scythe. yAfjpT'hara szlm, j^ -fe, foolish, stupid. Lam s^ra, g|. 5?, long hair hang- jB^t ingdown; s^m ni6, ^^ ^g dis- '^^^^*' beveled hair, the hair all in r.on- heveled hair, the hair all in con- fusion. Sam San Mixed, not in order, confused ; lltm sim, j^ ]B , confused, bad, light, mean; trifling discourse. Vulg. sw^^a: a hill ; a surname; t8ng san, ^ j]_| W^S su^a, China. K'hong-choo teng long san, j6 seaou Loe, teng t'hafe san, j6 seiou t'heen hay, ^[, ^fr "K K'h6ng-cho6 payh cheo'^9 tang sw^a, je k'huj"d sty Lot, payh cheo"S t'hae sw^a,j& K'huf^a sty Vhte^ ay, Confucius ascended the eastern hill, and the Loe country looked small ; but when he as- cended the great mountain, the whole empire looked diminutive; see ^[ ^ Beng choo. San ,_j« San hoe, }^ jj^, coral that grows ■"iTTT *' ^^*^ bottom of the ocean, and ^ by the side of the rocks, of a red color. San PwAn san. to walk lame. To exclude, to throw out; to fix, to San -4iiTI I determine. K'hong-choo san se se, ^ ^ WjL 54 ^ K'/i(5ng--cAo<5 san (e"as« se, Confucius corrected and arranged the odes and classics ; see the ^ f ^ Soo k6. San Good, elegant ; to revile, to ridicule. Chin cho6 jim soo t^, san ch'heiou san tae, ^ g ji fA ^ f Bj] ^ ^ ^}? Chin ka tejim ka te woo tl hwuy, san cVheb s'^a tey, the Chin dynasty took to them- selves the sole credit of being wise, and ridiculed ths three former dynasties. Vulg. s'*a: a jacket, a small coat. ^ f \ To shed tears, to weep; san jefin y^^ k'hip hay, -Jt ^ /i T »°" JT^""^ je&n ladu hdk chut, shedding tears, he wept abundantly ; see the ^ =P Soo k6. ■Vr San J M To cut grass ; to eradicate. San San San The name of a place. That which is produced; seng sdn, San 't Ti ^ ^ ^ productions; t'hofi sin, Jq ^ ^^^ productions of the soil ; sin geep, ^ ;^, a patrimony, an estate. Bo8 hfing sin, j6 y6w hSng sira chei, wiiy soo wfly ieng,|E.ti U^ -^ 'II iij. # tii ^ tju 6^ '<^"^ s'i&ng &y san geep, j& woo hlng se&ng &y sim kw"a, tok tbk Vhak ch'hayh l&ng cVhePi ey, to be without a means of constant sup' port, and yet to retain an equable mind, only a true scholar can attain to this; see ^ ^ Beng choo. San San Skewers, or a spit, used in roasting meat. Vulg. sw^d.: an umbrella; e sin, ^ ^ hoe ju>"d, a rain umbrella. SAN 56a San iron tool for smoothing wood. Sa an Dispersed and scattered abroad. Chag che chek bin sin, cha6 sin chek bin Che, Rj" |^ ^l] |^ ^ fti" 1^ ^ll 1^ ^che&'^k^heohchbhUy chekpayh sai'*9 sw"d, che&^S sw"d chekpayk scu^S chb hoiy, when a prince is given to hoarding up money, his people will disperse, but when he disper- ses his money, the people will gather around him ; see the ^ f^ Tae hik. Read so6 : thin, meagre, lean not fat, emaciated. San Vulg. sio''d; to disperse, to scatter, Sktl "w-^^AJ '° spread abroad. Sijang sit k6 to, bin sin kew ^, Ay to, payh sal^S si sw^d ko6 i, superiors have err- ed from the right way, and the people have been scattered for a long time ; see the ^m -^ Lun g^. San San San Mixed meat. Flakes of snow. A paiu in the heart. To rail at, to revile, to reproach. San ^lll O^ ke hay lew, jfi sin seang P*^ chei,:gg7: ^jfe rfn %^ ^ ^ win k'hediehay Uw dy IdngJ&mm^S e Ay sS twd, he detested those who, dwelling in a mean station, reviled their superiors ; see the =^ tS Lun g6. San Jill SAOU The appearance of ease and freedom, like fishes sporting in the water. San Sang Sang * ^^ Vulg. swH: a thread ; chim sin,^!" A^^ ^ '^*^*'* *"''*'^' * "eedle and |Vjv thread. Bo6 chim put yin sin, ^ If ^ 5 1 ^ *'' '*'' ke cheem bey yin til sw''d, there is never a needlet- but what will draw iu thread. Read song: loose, not tight; pok tie it looser. Read song : double ; yit song, ' ^ <;At to accompany a funeral. Cha^ pa^ je sdng che, ^ ^ flfl 3^ ^ «A«^ paiji sdng e, he again made an obeisance, and ac- companied him ; see the |s ^ Lun ge. Sdng Saou Saou Read sdng : a surname. To cut off, to cut grass ; to rob, to plunder. The branches of a tree ; the handle of a rudder. SAP 564 SAT Saou The case for a bow ; to let fly an arrow from a bow. It j^ QPSH '^^ ridicule ; to make game of; also Saou A whip, a whip case ; to saou, 7] ^ the sheath of a sword. Saou Saou Saou written p^^ saou. A small spider. To beat, to strike j to move, to affect. To6 soe, i^ one's-self. ta6u sa6u, to rouse ^^ i» SAn sabu, 5{{{ pa to keep up a pa- SaoU ^ r " 1 trole, in order to guard against I ^ thieves. Sa6u kak, H^ jB a great trumpet, a bugle horn. Saou Read sd : to sweep ; s5 chew, .r«.- J^ sadu ch6w, broom ; s6 ch'hfe, i^ ^ sabu gay, to sweep the ground. S6 tey se Ifiw 6ng, %i^^^^^ sadu fey ch'hew laou ye"d, if you sweep the ground ever so clean, the tree still leaves its shadow there. Read sofe : hoarse, with a cold; to Saou Pdl|* cough ; ha6 sofe, ^ pjj k'hdm sadu, to take cold, to be taken * with a hoarseness. C jtnl^ ^'"^ *" arrive at, insufficient ; to ll Cll* speak hastily, without caution. T'hap sap, 4^ ■^ incautious. US. •JTyf^r Lap sap, i|B 3^ mixed, jumbled A fierce wind, the whistling of the wind. To lift up lightly ; straw shoes, chil- dren's shoes. I— I* ^The appearance of rain; an open- Sap _ * 1 ing ; the voice ofa multitude. ]^ E sap sap, ^ ^ « /oA hoi sap sap, a drizzling rain. X ^llJ^ A contraction of sam sip, ^^ -p I I I »"a chap, thirty. Sap Sat *^ w Vulg. t'hai : to kill, to put to death, •^>|>^^ Sat sam Beaou 6 sam Gwuy, ^ ^ ^ ~P ^ j^ <7ia^ s'^a &y Bedou, ti s"a Gw&y, he slew the three Be&ou, at the three Gwt^y, Sat Sat Sat f|i A long spear. ,Sat pwat, lU; ^^^ to disperse, to scatter. Sat P'hoe sat, ^E jr^ an idol ; a god of the Budhist sect. Read sek : a louse ; t'he£lou sek, 5?C ^ f'heaou sat, a flea ; bok sek, ^ ^ bdk sat, a bug; t'ho^ sek, ^K sl fho6 sat, a mud fish. SAY 565 SE Ong-beng bdn sek jfi tarn sfi boo, ^ i{^ ^ ^ jiFrt ©S ni ^ Ong-bing bun $atj6 t&m lun s6 boo, Ong-beng held a louse in his fingers while he discour- sed about the operations of the times; see the f- |g Chin U. Sat ^^To inju S\i\ ure ; to exterminate ; vulg. swah: to finish, to make an end of. ■^^ . « Vulg. swa : sand ; a surname ; say Say ^A^ sek k'h6 hwuy, ^ j^ ^ ^ ^ '^■-^ swa chedh k'ht ptouy, the sand and stones began to fly. Also written M;, say. Say Say Say Say _t. Say # Say Say Say Jeiou say, |^ ^^ crape. T/^^ Keasay,^ ^^ a priest's robe; a surplice. Say g^) ^ 'fe *""« *^j '''* ^'*''® shark ; the genus Caracharias. Say 16, ^ ^^ a brazen gong, which may be used as a wash hand-basin. A slight degree of wisdom ; siy 1^1^ seilou, ^ j]p^, not benevolent. n kVulg. sud: to sprinkle; sky suy, m iird cA0| siy. S^y sadu, \^ ^, to sprinkle and sweep'. To stab, to pierce. 6 Q Say f^ A sort, a class ; Chin Teng tdng s&y, ^ ^ (^ ^ Chin kok hap Tafl9 kok t&ng chit Ay ttng, the Chin and Tai"8 countries are of the same class, g, we, us. Sick, diseased; ch'hin say sek yiing Go6 say, ^ Say e^^ Sckyh Sdyh Sdyh SSyh ^ ^/"^ ^® pay boi pai"^, tioh bin sek yUng maSu it^ hu^a hi, when parents are sick, the countenances (of children) should not look cheerfuL jf^J^r A small drizzling rain ; sayh s&yh, ^ » the sound of rain. To wash the hands ; also, the sound of a gentle rain. Read swai : snow ; song swat, !^ S. je"^ sayh, frost and snow ; 16k. swat, ^ ^ ISh sayh, to snow. Read leep: as leep bfing, ^ || sayh y'hang, to stop up a seam. To give, to bestow; to use, to ap- Se IZlIf P*""*' '° *'**^' " ^'"' ^ '^'• to dispense favors. A surname. E gno6 ch'ha6 cheang se 6 gno6 sek, J^ jg^ :^ ^ *fc T ^ ^^go^^y «*'*°^ cheang se ti goi Ay sek, to take the five ornamenW, and add them upon the five colors. AM. Mutual; all, altogether; to assist. Se '^Sr ^ 'wnaroe. I^J Bin hwuy hoe, bfing k'hek se k'hong € seng, ^ ^^ B H ^ W M ^ /t payh sai'V no. hSjin kwiin, chiv bey sec an 6 sai"^ ujoh, when the people have no ruler, they can- not live together in mutual peace ; see the ^ yj^ SE 566 SE Se Se Se Se XS-Se soe, /fE 'g^^ far apart. ^_ The appearance of dew; 16ng loe se ^^r «e, f^ ^ if '/i 'dng t'A«it kak gaSu l&iig, sty kt &y sod chew bey sit ch'hek, when forming our plans, if we do not ne- glect clever men, then whatever we undertake will be sure not to fail. Provisions; also the rice used in sac- rificing to the gods. Se Se Se A corpse ; sin se, ^ ^, a dead body ; the same as the preceding. Se ]l^^ a kind of dove. » JL» Se ch'ho, ^ & se ch'haSu, a kind ■^jji" of grass or reed used in divination. I \ Hefen hoe se kwuy, ^ -JP" ^ ^ hehn ttod te se cVha6u kwd koo k'hak, it will appear from the divining straws and the tortoise- shell ; see the X^ ^ Teung yung. The name of one of the diagrams ; to require, to demand ; put se, ^ ^ a™ sat, unnecessary. Se Se Se A vessel for taking up water, written ^£^ se. Also A kind of wood, of which plough handles can be made. A corpse ; to be stretched out like a corpse; to stand, to set up, to es- tablish ; to set up as a master. Ch'hiro put se, ^ % ^ k'hwun ho ch'hin cheo"9 5e, when (Confucius) slept, he did not stretch himself out like a corpse; see the |j^ =^ Lfin ge. Koe jin cbfey soo, pit lip se, e seang choe k'hb, t h ^^ IE 'JL^ ± f n ^ p ^ ko6 chd &y l&ng chiy sua, tek k'hak tedh k'hed Up sin se, i chd ch'hin ch'eo"S choi /c'h6, " when the an- cients sacrificed, they would always set up a figure, „i resemble their ancestors and forefathers;" said by -^ 12- Choo choo. Se Se fe m To moisten, to wet, to stain. »The hair of the face; to wait for ; that which, we desire, what is requisite and necessary ; se yung, ^ ^ , useful. A surname. GfeAng se gnoe y6w, C|I ^ |fe ^ ^"""^ '"'^ haou gwd dy peng ytw, I will wait for my friends ; see the |^ |g Se keng. Se Se jl Spittle; improperly used for the preceding character. ; > Vulg. ch'hew : a beard, whiskers, or ^ the fringes of garments. K'ho6 sc, P ^ cVhily ch'hew, the beard around the mouth, especially on the chin. ^ Se Se .The same as the above. T'hofe se, ?3 5£^ the name of aquatic medicinal plant. SE 567 SE Se Se Silk, raw silk, as it is spun by the yiWlv silkworm ; silken threads. Z^ A^ Loe se, ^ Mi'^ white crane j pek ^V^ leng se, S ^1 g, a paddy- >T>T Se tf bird, a kind of stork. An ode, a verse, poetry; ch6 se, ttfy ^k to make verses ; se ong |# ^,'»P°et;sekeng,^^, the classic ode. Se sam pek, yit gkn 6 p6y che, wat soo bo6 seA, if H If - -f >:i /i :^ S, 4ff SK se woo s^apayh p^hee^ff, chit kod wa kadu ijeapiy e, k6ng seo^S bd Idtn sdtn, the odes amount to three hundred, and one sentence is sufficient to express the whole, viz : "do not indulge in licentious thoughts ;" see the Jh 3m Seang lun. Se 6ng be hwun, ^ ^ 7^ ^ ^oo yeH hbey hunm, victory or defeat still undecided. Se The name of a river. S6 it Se Se Loose, easy, slow, gentle. The same as the above ; also, to spread out, to disperse ; a surname. Se wan, i^ ^^ slow, remiss. negligent. Se Vulg. cK'hayh : a book, a record ; a letter ; to write, to record. T'h6k se, ^ ^ Chak cKhayh, to read a book. So6 segnoe keiig, ^ ^ 2l ]^, '*'® '*>"' books, and five classics. K^ se, ^ ^ feed p'luiy, to send a letter. f-j^ To receive, to take and give ; vulg. ;n>> >oo: to lose, not to gain. Rvi Chin se ch'hcuk C Chin, ^ ^ M ^ ^ CAi/i kok lap ch'hek hoe Chin kok, the people of Chin gave corn as a tribute to the Chin country ; see the /fc ^ Cho twan. Se Se S6 The beginning, to begin, to cora- mence ; s6 cheung, flpf *^ k'hi ^™ VhaSu stoah bdiy, the beginning and ending. Yew s6y6w chut chei, kfi wfly sfeng jin hoe, ^ jtfe^^ t |t1t 1 A "f-'^oSk'hS t'haSii, wo6 swah bd&y ay l&ng, e se sing jin Ay ling hoe, he who endures from the beginning to the end, is no doubt a sage ; see the ^m |p Lfin gfe. The beginning; the same as the preceding. The female plant of hemp which yields seeds. t Hot, heat, hot weather ; s6 t'heen, ^ ^j«j2A t'hee'*S, the summer. Tilng s6 chin k'hek t'he pit pe^ou j6 ch'hutche,!^ f- # |t^ 1 >h M M ^ /L ''>'»^>^* rAte*^ ch'hing tw"a ne"d kwak poe, teoh pedou j6 hoe e ch^hul, in the summer sea- ton, when wearing a single garment of grass cloth, it is necessary to wear something underneath, and to let it appear on the outside ; see the ?S =S Lun g6. S6 Se S6 The appellation of wise and clever person. A surname. Small, diminutive. SE 568 SE Se «.' Se Vulg. swd: to remove, to go to another place. Soo jtn jit s6 seen, wkn choey j6 put choo tft ySi, ^ X H # it P Tffj ^^ |& 4n -Hi, ^fl^ 'fA^ Small. Se Se S6 Vulg. %at : dung, ordure : h&ng s6, "ntr ^^ pang sa6, to go to stool. ^ ^ To be afraid, frightened ; terror; ti- l-f~y midity, bashfnlness. A^^ Ke je bo6 Uy chek s6, ^ ^ ^ If. I'J ^*«"ay«WKy,<:AeA: 5^, to be alar- med so as to forget propriety, may be called terror ; see the |^ |g Lun g6. Vulg. sey d: the common species of Barbados milkt. Se S6 ^ S6 ^-^ The generic name for swine. M4 gn6w ySflg, key k'hefen s^, na6 leiik heuk, jin s6y soo, ^ h&y go6 ye6^S, key ka6u te, nak lak hang &y t'haSu saPS, Idng sty ch'he, the horse, cow, and sheep ; the cock, dog, and pig are the six kinds of domestic animals which men bring up ; see the ^^ Si ® Sara joo keng. An arrow ; as straight as an arrow ; also, to swear. Se jin k'h6 put jJn 6 ham jln chae ? dy ling, k'hdm it"^ k'hah woo jin kb&y chh cheln kah &y Idng chae? is not the maker of arrows more want- ing in benevolence than the manufacturer of armor ? (because the former is only anxious to make his ar- rows sharp, that they may wound people, while the latter seeks to make the armor as strong as possi- ble, to keep them from being wounded;) see ^ ^p» Beng choo. To unstring a bow, to let a bow go back ; vulg. leng : loose, not tight ; hdng s6, W ^lll pang k'hah ling, to loosen anything. Kwun choo che to, yit teang yit s6, ^ •5p "^ j@ ■— ~ ^^ — 6ffl kwun cho6 Ay to U, chit Ay t'eo^S chit Ay ping, the way of a good man is to keep his bow sometimes strung and sometimes loose. Read soo : to die, to depart this life ; anything dead, extinct. Sob ch&ng che € ley, "SC ^ p' yJi iM. ^^ '"^ ^ eheaou liy sol, when parents are dead, inter them according to propriety ; see the ^ M Se ^_ To borrow, to lend, to sell on credit, f~l also, to be angry. SE 569 SE S^ # An age, a generation, the world ; s6 jin, ^ h^ s& kan &y Idng, the men of the world ; sfe s6 lae tae, •{^ ^ f^ fV si si tiy ii^y, for ages and genera- tions ; kak sh, .^ [Uh, to arouse the age. Choo-teang bun sip &h k'ho te yed, -p 7K ^ -j- -{tt; IJJ* ^fj {^ Clw6-teo^9 mooV'S chap se t'hang chae yea, Choo-teang asked if the affairs o' ten generations could be previously known ; see the Se %- % Powe J^ H" Power, influence, authority ; kwan ^ ^, authority. ^6 sijen j6 bong ih, J^ ^ •fij )^^ ^ rt2 bdeyh h6 l&ng, tedh bey kt Inn &y st, when a ruler wants to get good men in his ser- vice, he must forget his own power, (and stoop to them ;) see ^ ^ Beng choo. Se Se To take anything In the hand ; a handful. ^ Se To disperse, to scatter, to confer fa- vors on people. Jfi y6w p'hok sfe 6 bto, jfi Ifing chfiy cheilng h8 j6 ? k'ho wuy jfn hoe ? {iH ^ ^~ jai ch'hin chcd^9 woo p'hok s& hoe payh sal"9, j& iy cheiD chey cheUng Idng, cMy se an thuPd? t'hang kbng woo jin tek a b6? when a prince con- fers extensive benefits on the people, and is able to assist men in general, what sort of a man must he be? Can he be considered benevolent ? see the j]^ ^E Lun g€. ^ *\ To murder a superior ; to kill a pa- «^ j |*y\ rent or a prince. >i \ Sin s6 ke kwun chcl yew che ; choo si kfi hoo chiJA yew che, ^ J^ ^ ^ ^ 6R « Ayjiii heun Ay woo e; haou sat"^ t^hai e dy ned'^S pay dy woo e, for a minister to murder his prince, there are instances of this; and for a son to commit parricide, such things have occurred ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. fc_ .^^ To excuse, to deal gently with ; to Se ^^> '"^ do to another as we would wish 9^^J^ another to do to us. Hoo choo che to, tijung s^ j^ e i, jF^ ^ ^ j(jg i<|' A hill standing alone; a promontory, a peak ; to stand alone. To rely on, to depend upon, to place confidence in. 606 hoo hd koe ? bod bo6 hd se ? M ^ f Pf j^ ff 15: ^ ^hSnU^pay woo s^d mee^d h fhang koe? bd ne6"S ley woo s^d mee"ShVhangse? having no father what shall we rely on ? And being motherless, on whom shall we depend? see the /\\ W^ Sedou gndy. Se Se Se Se of To stand upright, under a house ; to prepare, to get ready. The place of sacrifice, in making an offering to the five emperors of heaven and earth. To plant ; to transplant ; to plant in another place. Se The wall on the eastern and western sides of a house ; to arrange in order ; a preface to a book ; the name of a school. Chejlou ch'hob se, tj^ ;^ I^, according to order. Sepinehefin,^ ^ ]^ ^ se leel ling k'hayh cheiou e &y ga6u, arrange the guests according to their talents ; see the ^ ^ Tae gniy. Seilng se, ^E ]S, a place of instruction. ■<^a» To teach, to instruct, to inform, to ^j¥^* show ; kadu se, ^7 fr^ kd se, >V to communicate instruction. K6 j6 se choo soo hoe, Jt ^0 7]^ ^ ^f ^ e Ay ch'hin cheo^S ki si chty Uy, it would be as easy as showing this, (pointing to bis hand ;) see the =S Lun ge. Se M Se Se Se To look at, to behold, to observe ; to imitate, to compare. Bok put se hwuy 16y che sek, Q ^ IH, ^1^ If ^ ■§. *"^' '^*«"' ^"'' ^'^"^^ u™ hap l£y Ay sek, let not the eyes look upon im- proper beauty. T'heen se choo gno bin se, ^ jjj^ jg ^ |^ |g fAee"? k'hw>*d. Vhm Idn payh sc^'^ k'hw^d, heaven looks on a thing, as we people view it ; (vox populi vox Dei ;) see the ^ <§S ^ ^^og. To spread out, to discourse on, to use ; to arrange in order. PekkwAys6se,-g^B||]^ che'^A payh hwat toe sedng s6 chedou ch'hod se, the hundred plans were constantly arranged in or- der ; see the ^ JJlL Siin Ie6a. . ^L_ m A shed in a field ; a garden; an ex- Ij-f "T* 'ra lodging place ; a village. » i ^ Sea-an, |M ^ with his neph- ew Hefin, ^^ played at chess, and (to6 peet se, ^ J^'J ^P"^A ^00 ye^d pAt Ay hteuVS,) gara- 'bled for an extra garden ; see the •§■ ft: Chin se. A line, a thread of communication, a' rule, a connecting thread. '•\^ l~^ Boo 6ng chdn T'ha6 6ng che se, ^ i if ;k dE Z # ^'"^^ '^o ^^ That 6ng Ay sw'*d, D06 fing connected the line of communication from T'hafe 6ng; see the ^ ^ L06 seung. To pass by, to flow by, to pass away ; to go, to depart ; when Confucius was standing on the river's brink, he said of the waters, (se ched jfi soo hoo yei, an niy,) "how the waters flow by, and pass away ;" see the |^ |^ Lun g6. SE 572 SEA Se Se Se Se ^% »^ Ardent, glowing; the'traces of con- ^ Ai^ '^"*^* ' ^ name given to persons of M'jlUk eminence after their decease, indi- cative of their previous conduct ; a posthumous title. An oath, a swearing ; to swear ; chfe w se, P52^ ^ chho chwa, to take an oath, in order to insure belief. To stand, to stand erect, to set up on end ; also written ^g^ se. Se lip, ^ ^ k'/iea lip, to stand upright; se k^, § W k'hed k&, to erect a standard. Se choo, ^ ^, a boy, an insignificant person. Vulg. sod: an island, a hill in the midst of the sea. Also written Pin-16ng se, |^ )^ |l^ Pin-n6'"9 soo, the island of Pinang or Prince of Wales. Se s6ng, d|| tij^ soo se"4, a fortified island ; ap- plied to the island of Onrust, in front of Batavia roads, which was once fortified. Se Se Se The name of a fish. Fine, elegant, agreeable. ^ A family name; sfeng se, ^ ^ I I ■■ sai"^ se, the surname of any one. |r ^^ Lo6 y6w Beng-sun se, Seuk-sun se, Kwily-sun s6,^/g '^^^^M ^ ^ ^ R ^"^ ^"^ ""*" ^^"S'^""^ *^» Seuk-sun se, Kwily-sun si, in the Loe country there were the fa- milies and clans of Beng-sun, Seuk-sun, and Kwily- sun. JUJU. Pok se, h ^, to divine, to use gg "TTX divination; the former character : * 1 alludes to the use of the tortoise- shell, and the latter to that of a certain kind of grass, employed in divination. Jk^^To gnaw, to eat, to chew. ^^ fvXBC Hwiin put 16ng hwAt se j6 jeiik, -^ 'M ^ fi^ ^ii Pi 1 1^1 hwun hey tcah ka l& Ay bah, I am vexed that I cannot devour your flesh alive; see the ^ ^ Sam kok. "» » To relish, to like, to be fond of, to Se Vf /'^ t^^'^- I I Stnse ylmsit,so6 kwun sew k'ho, dy Urn cheah, hoe kwun II ch'eah teVB holy. sew, may the gods enjoy your oflerings of food and drink, and cause you to attain to great longevity ; see tiie /K Sr| Seaou gndy. Se J Trj^*^ A book ; an ofRcial lodge. \\i\g.cVhew: a tree ; se lim, ;feJ ■kiC ch'hew n&, a forest. Tae se p'h& y€w ch'haS, seiou y^ng ch'hfe bo8 beet, ;^ ^ ^ % ^ /]> ^ ill ffi£ 0^ twa ch&ng ch'hew p'hw& woo cWhA, sly cheah y'eS^ Vhae bo hdeyh, a great tree when cut up will produce plenty of firewood, but a small kid when killed, will scarcely afford any blood. Se H^ J I ^ -^'Morning, daybreak. B^^The same as ^, se, the name of a god ; also, a surname. Se Se Sea Distant, far removed ; to sell on cred- it, to give on trust. Sfing k'hwat suy kin, hong yin seang sea, |^ |1 ^ jfi: gl # f4 1^ s'eH kak suy jUn kin, hong hoe seang hwui"S, al- SEA 573 SEA though the corner of the city may be near, the winds and clouds are distant. Sea 4- Not to associate with. To reject, to give up, to cease. Sea , _"/^ Confucius, speaking of a flowing stream, said, (put se4 tfew yea, ^ '^ m -^ *^ AaWA jit maf9,) "it does not cease day or night;'' see the |jjnj |5 Lun ge. » > To reject, to give up, to cast off. ^^ JW^^ ^^ ^"° '^^" ^^ ^^ seAng wfiy se4, yit t'eoh h6 &y bdn ge, boey cheng pdng Vhek kak, he who is fond of good writings will never cast them away. . B To overturn, to exclude, to exhaust, Sea |n^ to drive aw^y ; to write, to copy. -^iiyf K^y gAn ch'hut yfiw, e se4 gno ch'hea k6ng boeyh ch'hut k'hi t'hit I'ho, i se6 k'hh gwd &y hioin 16, put to tiie carriage and talk about going out to ramble, in order to drive away my sor- row ; see the ^i |^ Se keng. Sei joo, Jj^ izl sedji, to write ot.copy anything. Sea Se& Sea Sea Sea Sek A shed, a cottage, a dwelling; to halt for a night Sei kw4n be leng, ^ ^ ^ ^ hai^h &y wuy boey }b % ^ ^ kwun cho6 bS s&y chai^S, nd tek k'hak h'deyh, t'ddh ckae choh cheh'"^ hoe, the good man wrangles about nothing, but if he must strive, let it be in archery ; see the Jh Im Seang lun. % > ^ Ta6 sea, ^ WJ-^ a terrace and Sea ^HCT ^ parterre. I'^>f Wii}' keung sit ta6 sea, e clialn haeej^bansfeng,;;^ ^ ^ S ^If iii ^ ■^ ~P K ^ ^S^ ''^'^ keung cVhob tae s'ed,6 chdn hae te It ch'e"d ban payh sai^S^ making houses and palaces, terraces and parterres, to the injury of your myriads of people; seethe^ ^£ Se keng. To decline, to refuse, to take leave of, to thank, to express an obliga- tion on the reception of a present; f to thank, to be grateful ; to sea. sea # k4m sea, la! much obliged to you. Vulg. chea: a sur- name. Sea Sea heang, J| /b,"J" musk deer. sea h'eo"S, the SSa M The same as jftL sea, a village. Se% '^t Iti ^^ad seng : a voice, a sound ; b6ng ••■ I* report ; seng yim, ^ ^ se^a ym, a tone of voice. Se 6 seng bfing y^ng yit hoe teung kok, ^ J^ S ^ i^ ^ ^ 4^ H *«" ^ «^"« '"«"'^ yhng yit te teung kok, thus your fame would over- spread the middle country (China) ; see the rft ^ Teung yAng. Se"a Read sfeng: holy, sacred, powerful and efficacious ; applied in com- mon conversation to temples and shrines, which are said to be sacred and efficacious in affording answers to the prayers of those who pay homage to them. Sfeng jln, ^ y^ s'e"d Idng, a holy man, a sage. oe a s6ng ye4. ^ Read s^ng ; a city ; s6ng kok, ^ %n se^a kok, a city and suburbs. Ch'hok soo t6 yeA, k'heuk soo ftr '1 ill ^ ^Jt ftSc ik ch'hok chiy Uy chuy kaou k'heeh ch6y Uy se"d ch'heS^'S, dig this ditch deeper, and build this wall higher ; (to provide a defense against your enemies;) see '^ -^ Beng choo. srd Se"a SF^a Sf'a Sedh Read s6ng: to complete; sfingchew, BJc ffJr ^^^^ chew, to attain one's object. * Read seng : a large basket or ham- per, for containing grain, Read seng: a vessel for containing salt. mRead seng: a bamboo vessel, for holding anything. /Jlffi Read seak : to scrape anything with a knife ; to shave off. SEANG 575 SEANG Sedh SMh SMh ;R Readseak: tin; seak kwan, f^^ seah kwan, a tin pot. Seak Read sek : a mat, a table, a feast ; yefin sek, ^ J^ yUn seM, a feast, an entertainment. Tlie name of a fish. A I Kwat seak, ^l] ^'Ij kwah seah, to ' scrape with a knife; seak tey, 'fill j^^ to cut off territory. Also, weak. When the princes of the empire neglected waiting on the sovereign, for the first offense, they were de- graded in rank, and (cha6 put tc&ou, seak t'ho6 tey y«^'S- ^ ^ ^I i il!l ^kohu'»tedou ke&"S chew kwah seak Choi tiy yea,) when they neglected it a second time, they were deprived of a part of their territory. To consider clean, to account pure. Put gno seak «, ;^ |^ ^' ]^ b5 le&h gwd ehd ch'heng k'he seo''S, not considering me pure and clean ; see the llp^f Sekeng. %m > . To melt metals ; used also metapbori- Seak ^ES^ *=^"y- SK^^ Stak kirn pek yit, ^ ^ "g" ^ y'e6"9 kirn chit payh yit tang, they melted gold to the amount of 100 yil's in weight ; see the EP IP Soo kh. Seak Seak Seang m To burn brightly ; a bright light. Mutual, together with ; seang cheng, jte -^ sio chains, to strive toge- ther. Seang k'hip 6 teung t6ng, ^ ^SL "^ ^ % s'eo k'habu te teung teng, they wept together in the midst of the house ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Seang M A chamber on the side of a dwelling; an antechamber. T'hae gwat sey seang hay, g^ng hong hoe pwin k'hae, ^^f ^ ^ ^ f? iffi jg(^ ^ ib p^ tSng Vhaigdeyh ti sue seo^S ay, ge^& cheek hong woo moofS pw"d k'hwuy, wait for the moon under the western antechamber ; welcome the wind with the door half open. Seang Seang The name of a river. ^^w^ Vulg. $ec^ : a box, a trunk, a cof- ^^r"l fer; a granary. Seang Cloth of a light yellow color. To wound, to injure ; to wound the Seang ^JpU feelings, to grieve. Ae j6 put seang, ^ (ffl >f^ '^ acj6 bey seang, grieved without being wounded ; see '•"^ Ua PP ^"" ^^' ^^*"^ ''°^' 1^ W' '" '"•'"''*• ^ _^ A superabundance of water ; inun- Seang y - ' ■ dating, overflowing. ' ^^^ HOng suy seang seang, ilt ^ iSr y^ ''^^ chuy seang seang, the inundation was overwhelming ; see the ^^ sl^ Ge&ou te^n. Seang Seang To die at an early age ; to die before the age of puberty. A wine cup, a vessel for drinking wine out of. SEANG 576 SEANG Seang ift A merchant ; seang le^ng, jfe -™| soo ne6'^S, to consult. Soo, 18ng, kongj seang, -j;^ ^^ ~r! i§i t'hak ch'hayh, choh ch'hdn, chd kang, seng U, the scholar, the husbandman, the mechanic, and merchant ; (the four classes of people among the Chinese.) Seang Seang Seang Seang Seang The ancient form of the above. To assist, to help. A horse going swiftly. A hook, a military weapon. I 1 ^ Vulg. seo^S : to think, to reflect. Se&ng /^^ Bong sedng he6n soo, ^ /^ i^ ■* §^ -J^ bang seo^S gaSu 6.y t'hdk ch'hai/h long, to think and dream of clever scholars. Seang Hasty, quick. Vulg. s'e6"S : to reward, to admire, Seang ^"^y^ to express admiration. J^^ Kkm sedng, ^ ^, to look at, and admire ; gwin seing, ^jf^ ^, to stay the mind on in wonder and admiration ; se^ng sob, ^ ^^^ to confer, as a reward. SiiAng seen hwat ok, ^- ^ |^ ^ fe6«g h6 hw&tp'haH, to reward the good, and punish the bad. ^ Vulg. ched"S: to ascend, to go up ; Seang [ »» exalt. ""^^^^ Lefin poe i seing, ^ ^ |^ I- seo swd poe i cheo^S, to ascend with successive rteps;seethe|ft ^ j^ L6y k'hijuk 16y. Gg sedng, ft ^, h& se^ , dried fisb. Seang * To look at, to survey ; to assist, to help ; an assistant. K'hiln se^ng,^ j^ kw^a seang to look at a person's countenance, and to judge by the lines and marks in it of his future destiny. Cha6 seeing, ^ jj^, a prime minister. Seing chae j6 sit, ;jQ ^ || ^ k'hvPa te U &y cVhoh, to take a survey of your house. A surname. ^* ^ To enter school; a school, a semina- Seang ^g ry- /' J Kin seS^ng se che ka6u, ||| ffi ^ "V ^y kin sin sMng se Ay kd, be careful of the instructions in the schools ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Kit seang, "^ SM^ a lucky omen, a Seang favorable prognostic. Kok kay cheang bin pit yew Cheng se^ng, H f f|- ® i^L^ ^ jH # kok kay cheang bdeyh hin k'he, pit t'eoh woo h6 &y s'e&ng, when a country is about to flourish there will certainly be some good omens ; see the fp J^ Teung y^ng. ^V>&ekng sfey, =^ ||g, minute, the Seang ■^r. ^J '* particular minutiae of anything. " F E put kh ke se^ng, £, ^Ifi |£ •^ z^i keng bey kl e Ay se&ng sey, we have al- ready forgotten the particulars. ^ 'ro &y round about, to fly back- Seang .^P^^l "i^'^rds and forwards. ^ ▼ ▼ Sek soo ke h, se^ng j6 hoe chip, sek, e chew k'hi, kabu ptcuy M ptouy k'htjein aou SEANG 577 SEAOU koh chip, birds, on seeing the faces of men, get up ; but when they have flown about a little, they after- wards collect again ; see the ^|ji ^S Lun g6. ^ To taste, to try tiie taste of anything. Seang ^J^* Seen hoop'hlnseang sit, 8ngnae ^t cht poo^S Ay Idng chedou pliin Hiy ch'he che&h, Sng chito clie&h, the cook must first taste of every tort of food, after which the king eats ; see the f^ ^ Chew ley. t^-m^ To try, to taste ; the same as the I *1 preceding. v,*^ Constant, perpetual, constantly, al- Seang * X^^ ^ ways; a surname; seAng k6w, ' ' "^ ^ se&ng ko6, everlasting. T6ngchengy6wseang, ^ ^ ^ 'ffl tang ching woo se&ng, to be constant and regular in one's busi- ness and recreations. Gno6 sij^ng, j^ 'ST 9"' ^^^"g} ^^^ ^^^ constant virtues; (which are, according to the Chinese, bene- volence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and truth.) Sgang /S*^ garment; e sii^ng, ;^ ^ yin ^^K^ chc6"0, clothes, apparel. Seang J:. Up,upon, above, that which is above; high ; vulg. ched"ff: to ascend. Chae seang wiiy put Ifing hay, tE J: 1i ^ 1'^' T '^ '''"° ''" ''^ ^^"^ ^^ k'he ling tr. hay ley &y Idng, let not those in supe- rior stations despise those who are beneath them ; ■ee the tjl f^' Ti-ung yftng. Seang kwan, J^ tJ , a double surname. H^hng ' The same as the above. Seang An appearance, a form ; alike. Vulg. ch'hed^S: an elephant. K'hfe seang, ^^ ^ manner, constitution; hfing seangi ^l-^ ^ form, substance. K'h6 hoe pA sae seang j@ w^n che, Eg i5£' ^j j|>|i ^ [fil X^ '^ *"'"" ^"^ P^ *°* ch'hcb^SJi hoi e hwuV'S, to drive away the tigers, leopards, rhino- ceroses, and elephants, in order to remove them to a distance ; see j^, J- Beng choo 5j..- Jj^^^ Alike; ch6n Seang g seang, ]£ ^ ust like, like as. ch'Mii The same as the above. To emulate, to esteem highly ; te add Siiang T t to, to come over; still, yet, even, if; hO seang, ^p |iJ/i<»fyseo'V, a priest of the sect of Budha. Seang se, jp] ^- ted^S se, a president of one oi' the principal boards. Kwun choo ge, h v/dy seang, ^' "J* ^ M J& ^ kwun cho6 te&h ge chd t'hang seang, the good man considers righteousness worthy of his imitation ; sec the ?^ '^ I-iin g6. Ch'ho seang che hong pit y«-6n, ^ l/.J J^ ^ when grass is acted upon by the wind, il bends dow n ; SiC the =j^ f^ Lun g6. A surname. ^ To exhaust, to finish, to diminish; Seaoil y Q to melt away ; seaou sit, >J^ j^ , W i J news, intelligence. Peng tdng seaou sek, >/|C /j!^ ^' ^ ««« ketn tang ey seaou yU^'H , ice and frost can dissolve and melt away. Seaou % Seaou jiifin, |j?J ^f , the sound of the harp. 6 T SEAOU 578 SEAOU Seaou Seaou A kind of silk or satin. Seaou Seaou The night, evening, obscure ; gvkn seaou, Tj^ W^ the evening of the 15th day of the 1st moon, commonly called the feast of lanterns. Swan seaou, ^ 3«^ a headache ; seaou k'hat, ^ -J^^ a kind of sickness. A pain in the head, and languor in the limbs. Hay seaou, ~T* Ig" an involun- tary emission of semen. ,Y!n seaou, ^ ^ the upper region of the clouds; the name of a place. A cramp in the legs ; keak kin seaou, ^ W) 5^ ^'*" *'" """"' '^® cramp. Seaou ya8u, ^^ ^, easy, at leisure, satisfied, contented. H8 sijang hoe seaou ya8u, 'W Jq "f" i^ 7^ '^ *'^"^ '^^"^ '^"^ seaou yadu, taking an excursion of pleasure on the river ; see the ffiR ^ Teng hong. * ^^Song seaou, ^ ^, an insect Seaou Vr £| founA on the mulberry tree. •^ pj Hae p'heaou seaou, jf^ I^^ ^ , the bone of the cuttle fish, which is used as medicine. «. * To fuse metals, to melt any metal. Seaou Wf^lpi Chin sew t'heen hay peng, seaou S^ri 6 wAy Cheung kfe, ^ ^ 5»^ ay Ay peng to yeo"^ M cheng kl, the Chtn dy- nasty collected all the military weapons throughout the empire and melted them down into implements of music and husbandry. Seaou Seaou Seaou Seaou Seaou To dry anything at the fire i' dry. Yefem seaou, j^ E§^ saUpetre; seaou.y'eoh, seaou yeak, )ra gunpowder. San seaou, jj_] fflB a ghost with one. leg, which is said to haunt the dis- trict of ')T i)iJ>J ^ T'heng-chew. Seaou seang, J^ ml, the name of a river; a storm of wind and rain. M^ fu A musical instrument ; a pipe ; Seaou "^—U ch'huy seaou, j^ ^ cVhoey seaou, to play on the pipe. Seaou Seaou The small end of a bow. A kind of reed. A surname. Seaou ^|.^^The sound of fluttering wings. 1 — 1^ Vulg. s'eo: to burn ; h^o seaou, ^ Seaou •lytir 4^ Ao^y seo, the fire burns. ' J\a Teang hay bo8 seaou hoey, ^ in the middle month of summer do not burn lime ; see the l§^ ^ '^ L6y gwat leng. #Read cheaou : the fire burning any- thing black ; also, to roast. $t\\ Sam cheaou h"6, H 1^ ^ s^a seaou hdey, three flames of fire. ^ ^ Vulg. shy : small, minute, dirainu- Seaou X l\ *''^^ ' ^^^ *""*' * ''"'^' V Sedoujtn, i\\ ^, a worthless man, a little minded fellow. SEAOU 579 SEAOU Seiou tae y%w che, /K -^ m "7^ sJy soo /wd soo-i'Adn e, both small and great affairs are arrang- ed according to this (viz. harmony) ; see the _j2. pM Seang lun. , ^ Little, not much; few, scarce, not Seaou ^^1^ ""^"y- —i^^ But yew e seiou wfly kwily che&, c]ib kwily ched, there are some things the more valu- able for being scarce ; see the Tlis gP L6y kfe. Seaou W A small kind of bamboo, a sort of Seaou To sport with wantonly. ^ '^ Youthful, small, few in years ; seiou Seaou -^J^ 'een, /y ^, a young person. ^>^ Se4ou che s6, heet k'hfe be teng, kafechechaesek,/J; ^ (}^ ifil ^ ^f^ ^ ^ ^ -fe ^ sey dy it, AoeyA AVie 6oey Seaou -fS Seiou bok, ^ ^ the names gi- ven in the ancestorial temple, to the successive generations of those ofiered to ; the line of fathers being called seioii, and that of the sons, bok. Also read seaou : to walk in company. Seaou Seaou Seaou T^The male semen. n To exhort to energy, to urge ; also, the name of a country ; a surname. To urge ; to exert one's-self. SEEK Seaou To connect, to carry on in succession. Seaou hok seen 8ng che tae gijep, I? It ^ 3E ^ :^ t- 580 Siiem SEEM Seek Seek seaou hok seng 3ng &y twa geep, to carry on and restore the great establishment marie by former kings; see the ^ ^ Q^ Se pw^n keng. Seek Seek Seek -^^ A sound, a noise; seek seek sut sut, _j^ -|P— 'I cheen ; to shake the head, as )i2| M in the palsy ; to tremble. J^ljr^ So5 che ban cheen, ^ ^ m si ke Jfew«d seeA.the four limbs shaking with cold. SeetleSm, ^j^ >]^ sceAnd, lightning. Seem ^Seet chiln, jj^ jt^ seek cTiw^a,^. wanton, a lewd woman, a slut. The name of a sacrifice. A clever hand, a skillful hand. ^•^ Siiem siiem le s6w, k'ho 6 h6ng ,/ seangi^ ^ jt ^ -^ 0, ft ^ i"*"" '^''^ ^^ *^^" ^"^ ^^ ch'hiw, t'hang lai pdngjin cMS^S, a clever seamstress can be employ- ed in stitching the clothes ; see the ^ )|[, G6ey hong. AMji Small, minute; finely-wove silk; ^ffi/ siiem U, j^ ^, minute. A AI^ Mountain leeks, of a small kind ; Seem rfflV* „ . . small minute. A fever ; Chdy ho6 kafe suy seem, Seem ^^H ^ i^t ^ 3i ^ ^A^y hoe sai^S My, siiy kw^& jtcah, the prince of the Chey country had a scrofulous disor- der, which afterwards turned into a fever; see the ■^ iMi Cho twan. Sit sut, ^ ^ seek sut, a cricket. Seek tB>f^ S'" *"' '^^'"'^ t6ng,s6^y yit k6 boe, seek sut twd ti te^9 nei»S kaou ne&^S mal^g, when the crickets are upon the hearth, the year is about to close. SSem Seeh Read siiet : the name of a country ; a surname. Read sit : to eat as a worm doth, to consume, to injure, to break in upon. Sit piin, 01 j^ seeh pun, to lose money, to break in upon one's capital, to suffer loss. Sit jit, ^ seihjit, an eclipse of the sun. iU A sharp instrument ; sharp, » Skillful in debate, wrangling ; eut- Seem 'PSo' ''"S '" °°^'* conversation. Bo8 n6 6 seem jtn, ^ "1;^ ^' ^ h ^ don't be intimate with wranglers. I 0% To seem, ^ ^, to avoid, to gft out of the way. Siifem piien,^^ ':^ se&m pet»S , to start on one side. - The name of a state ; seem sey, jvj^ ■^ one of the provinces of China. Sharp, sharp pointed; to scrape j also, luminous. Seem SEEN 581 To loose, to dissolve ; to scrape. The roof of a house ; the head of a beam ; one of the radicals. Read slm : water about to flow out. Seen Seen Se^m e, ^ ^, a kind of toad, which is said to have eight red spots on its belly. Siifim keung, ^ *§*, one of the palaces of the moon. Yit sc6m tcang, -^ ^ ^ chU seim 16^9, a fathom long. ^ *^ To give charitably ; to supply wants, Seem H 1^ '° '*'"'' ' '^"*'^' *"*'''^"^"'' >»y IP Ch'hoo wAy k^w soo, j6 k'heung put seem, jl^ '|0 gc ?E M ^& ^ It" chiy Uy tok tbk kite so6,j6 kc'a ne b6 kabu, this merely to prevent death, would perhaps not be suf- ficient ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. ^^ The light of the sun rising up ; seem Seem ^J^ IS, ii P, S'an.. r*^*^^ Seem 8iig soo seang, Seem 16 soo h6 seang, g 3E 1^1 t< M iC f ^ ^^ f^ Sefm &y 6ng clChe ch'hed''S, Seim &y cha hot cVhi Ko&y sed"S, the king of Siam feeds elephants, but the women of Siam feed priests. Seen A\\j s^"'"^? ''^" **^^"' It i^^ ^" l*^ angel ; ch5 seen, ^ ^^, to be- come a fairy. Also, a surname. Sfeng jln put soo seen, ^ A ^ ("f ^ ^^"^ jtn bo oh chd seen, " philosophers do not aim to be- come fairies;" said by :f|^ j^fe Yang-heflng. 6 V SEEN The same as {|1|, seen, a fairy ; also to frisk and gambol about, when tipsy ; also written ^, seen. Before, first, previously ; to precede ; Seen ^A ^ to go before. Seen seng, ;^ ^, sill sai"9, a teacher, an elder born. Tan sLn teng 6 gan, ^'^fe ^ f ^ ''^"^ tae sevg chto»S tf. huPa, it is said that he (Btin 6ng) first ascended the bank ; (i. e. made the greatest pro- gress in virtue;) see the ^^ ^fe Tae gnSy. Jin che4 seen Ian, j6 hoe hek, \1. ^ jt W- ifn It (^ j''" ^^ ^^"^ '"^ *"'' ^'""^ '* *"" ""' jeen udu it dy tit icoh, the b. nevolent man thinks first of the difficulties, and then of the advantages ; t kA Vulg. cKheJ'9: fresh, of a good co- Seen m3p lor, new; good, excellent. ^\U I Sek pit yung seen, ^ tp }\] M. ta &y bah pit tedhying ch'hce''g Ay, dried meat should be used in sacrifice when it is fresh. Seen Seen Seen -fe^ The same as the above; seen g^, M'^ j^ ^^ ch'het^S hi, fresh fish. - The smell of mutton ; also written ^^> seen. * ^ Read sew : rust, the rust of iron ; 3^ jG seng sfcw, ^ 1^ sni'^S seen, to a^-]^ become rusty ; t'heet sew, J^' I'heeh seen, the rust of iron. Vulg. s6y: to wash, to cleanse, to s«„ j^ rinse. Sing jln d ch'hoo seen sim, ^ A El l^t ^ (\J» singjin fh6 chiy Uy siy SEEN Seen MOT Jcw'"a> the sages make use of this wherewith to I cleanse their minds; seethe^ ^ ^ Eklidysu6. 1,1*- Vulg. choking : a duster, to dust any- Se6n -^T ''""S; ''ey "^6 se6n, 1^ ^ ^ .^^^^ key m.6 ch'/dng, a duster made of fowl's feathers. Barefoot; sedn cheuk, Kt ffi. ch'lieah k'ha, naked feet. Jeak sii^.n, hwut s6 tey, k'hwat cheuk yungseang,^ jjl^t ^|j fi ^ill ic /^ ffl ife no. cli'Iieah k'ha bo k'hie^'d tf tey, e Ay k'ha ei) t'coh seang,i( we walk barefoot without look- ing at the ground, our feet may be wounded ; see ""^ ft 1^ ^ Se wat beng. 582 SEEN sake of those who are dead, to wipe off this reproach ; Se^n Seen Seen Seen Seen Seen The hair or feathers of birds and beasts growing again. A scrofulous complaint ; the same as Mr, icen. Bright, and highly polished metal ; a small chisel. — , Hastiness of mind, accompanied I^YV^ with fear. Win sij^n, Jjjl Tffl^ the appearance of moving ; elegant motion. L k| % _ A form, a manner; se6n hofiy, /\ lUy ^|pj, to walk backwards and for- I wards, without being able to ad- vance. Seen Good, virtuous, excellent, mild, gen- tle, moral; virtue, goodness. Much. T'lieen 16 hok >een ho )lm, ^ % *l # 1^ Ji ''*""° ''y '° '^ *""« '•"* *'** ti h6 &y,ji ho hwdn li yim lican 6y, the way of Pro- vidence is to send down happiness on the good, and misery on the wanton ; see the ^ -j^ |^ Sc t'hoDg lid. Seen Seen 48-'" elegant form, a fine manner. VA Ptk seen t'hofi, ^ t^ i., a kind ^T^ of white clay. Also written seen. Seen % Prepared food ; cliin seen, f|j to present food 10 a superior. \^ Kfi leng lae kwan,kwan seen s^ng cha6. %^i^ t ^11 % f t^ ' ^«'' '"' kuf^a, kwan k'ht seen bah yrw safS t'htii mee^Sh, he ordered the great officers lo retrench the quantity of prepared food, and to spare the slaughtering of animals; see the ^ g J^ ^^ lUu swan t6y k6. « y > To make up for, lo repair; to mend; Seen ftl^E ''^^" '^"^ 8'=' ^ © H P"^ *"" 4^ 1p} k'hoo, to repair the prisons ; see the j^ ^ /^ L6y gwit leng. SEE^*^ 584 SEEP The name of a fish, or eel, like a Seen Hl^£ snake, without scales, and always D^^IH covered with slime. Also written . seen. Seen i^ A flat level place before an altar, where people sacrifice. _ Yift '^'^^ ^'""^ ^^ '^"^ above ; when a Seen HflFS place is built up of earth, it is call- /|'" I ed ^'l, hong, but when the soil is cleared away to form a level, it is called j^, seen. To change, to transfer from one to another. Seen Pt^ Seen hoo, ^ ^, the name of a _^ I ^ city in the .^>^ Loe country. Seen The burning of fire. Seen Seen - ^_ To have one's own way ; to act ac- •W \y*l cording to one's own inclinations ; -/»J^-i to obtain sole rule and authority. The same as |^, seen. The same as the preceding; seen kok che wuy 8ng, U ^ ^ 5@ ^ chad chwan te kok kbng k'eb Sng, to have one's own way in a country is call- ed being a king. Seen Dry; fire burning strongly; to re- spect. Read choo : as ch'ho choo, ^ ^ ck'haSu see'"9, a straw matrass. Read sefen : a fan ; b6n se^n, f^ ^ mooi"9 sel^S, the leaf of a door. Je^tt'hijenyungsefen,?^ ^ ^ ^jwahi'hee^ yung sel^S, in warm weather people use fans. A pickle ; k4m 14m se^"?, r|^ kdn nd set^S, a preparation of pickled olives. Seep Seep Seep Seep Seep Toe see"g, g. ^ tadu see"S, a preparation of pickled pulse. To pickle anything, to put it in .^■^^ Rough, not smooth; also, a rough, ^|jf-|L, sour, kind of taste. Hard, firm. ■Sew seep, ^ ffi^ ashamed ; diffi- cult, hard to turn. Seep e, a pR seep s6 hoe, a slight shower ; seep s^kan,^ Pfp f^, the time of a shower of rain. To join together, to unite several offices in one. Also read leep : to receive, to assist. Ttf speak much ; seep se, ^ R§, to flatter any one. ^ ;& Seep To wade across the water. K'heen se^ng sijep Chin, 3^ '^ k'heen jin che^^S le&ou holy Chin My, to pull up one's clothes to wade across the Chin waters; see the ^ ^Tenghong. Seep se, ^ ^, to draw out the reeds or stalks of grass, used in divination. SEET 586 SEET Seep To be bewitched ; kwuy kwa^ seep zened and bewitched by ghosts Seet and hobgoblins. To be extravagant ; to remove. To let out ; hwat seet, ^^ ^^ to Seat 'V4H* display; seet sejk, if; ]g, to act as a purge. Kwily ch'hun che gwat, y^ng k'hfe hwat seet, ^ goeyh, y&ng ay k'hi. chew hwat seel, in the latter month of spring, the procreative principle of nature begins to be displayed ; see the |^ ^ '^ ^Y gwat leng. A horse's bridle, anything by which a horse or a cow is tied ; a long SSet Seet Sect midst of bonds and imprisonments, it was not his fault ; see the |j^ |S Lun ge. Seet Sect A man's name ; also a surname. Loe seet, • laott seet, to leak out, to let out a secret. Chin ha ha6, jfi put seet, ^ -^ !^ fflJ ^ i^ cAf« sfw h6 hat Ay chuy,ji bey hoe e seet laou, (the earth) holds the rivers and seas, without allowing them to leak out ; see the tp ^ Teung vAng. — >^ To purge; seet sei che chit, J|b| Seet ^1^? -^ ;^ ^ laou sU Ay paVy > /^"^^k a dysentery ; a looseness of the bowels. rope. The same as ^, seet, a dysentery ; seet sei, ^ ]^, to purge. Seet Seet Al>sil» Harmonious; to harmonize; aUo written w^ seet. The sound of anything breaking. Seet t'hong. SSet Sect ■^Ti A surname. Also, the same as the ^ gggt following. The name of a man, who was an officer in the court of S, GeAou, and the ancestor of ^ -j^^ Seang A small voice, a whisper, a groan, a hum. Also written ^\ seet. To bind ; bonds. Suy chae Ifly seet che teung, hwuy kechoeyyiii-.,!!/^ ||^ ;^ da ^N ^ 1^ til *"y '""^ '* ^^ '"' ^y tang e^S, u™ se e Ay chiiey, although he was in the To be familiar with, to despise, to defile. Tae sin put seet, ;^ ^ ^ J^, ttBdjin sin ii'" I'hang sett ban, do not despise great ministers. Seet Seet ^M^ The felt worn in shoes. To burn, to set fire to, to consume ; also written ja^^ seet. Seet _ J T Private, a private dress, common ap- a^yC(j parel ; familiar, free ; seet tok, ^^P^^. ^ ^^, '" despise, to revile, to blaspheme. H6ng cboo put 6 wfiy seet hok, ^ ^ ^ )» to set up. tZ^^^ Seet wiiy seang se hak haSu 6 kabuche,f$' ^)$^ fr-^ j^l ^^ ;J: see< c/j() s'cdng seoh habu t ^de, and then appointed schools and seminaries of instruction to teach the people ; see "^ ^ Beng choo. Seet — ? yli A kind of fragrant grass. Seet Seet ^ The tongue ; k'ho6 seet, tt "^ ^ jf _* ch'hui/ cheeh, the tongue of the |i ^ mouth. Bok bun tim seet, gan put k'ho sh fe, ^ ^^ ^ ^ "i* ^ pT jlfi ^60/dw^ tai"ggwd Ay cheeh, nd se kdng tea u*" Vhang Idm s&m cVhut, nobody holds our tongue, and yet our words should not disorderly escape us ; see the J^ 51ft Tae gn^y. To tan leather, to curry leather ; seet le, Wr^ ^, the name of a country. Seet ■k Sek u m The same as the above. Formerly, before, previously ; sek jit, ^ R ^ on a former day. Sek chisa, yfiwye^ bAn choo hoo hoo, P # ^ -fe 4^ ^X- chd se, gwa tcoo t''h'e"a kap hoo cho6, formerly 1 heard it from our master ; see the ^m p5 Lun g6. Sek t %% To pity, to feel for, to commiserate ; "^y k'ho sek, pj 4>^^ alas ! alas ! I— I Sek hoe ! hoo choo che ge kwun choo yed, -If f^ '^^ t.m-^f^ k'hd sek hoe ! hoo cho6 li Ay kdng se ch'hin cheo"!^ kwun cho6, alas ! what you say is like the speech of a good man, (but you err in altogether rejecting ele- gance;) see the |j^ ^^ LQn g^. Sek Sek Sek •^^ Dried flesh. H I tJ »-^T* Vulg. ch'ibh: dry, anything dried; "^ Sek the same as the above. To cut off, to amputate. The countenance, color, beauty, lust ; ch'ha6 sek, j^ -^^ varie- gated colors; h"d sek, ^ -g, to be addicted to venery. Chfeng gan sek, soo kin sin fe, iJ^ ^ '^ s)j jff- -fg ^ cAe"d Idn Ay gAn sek, chiy ley cheio kin sin e, adjust the countenance properly, and then you will induce faithful men to draw near ; see the 1^ i^Lflng6. Sek Sek /^^"iT Tek sek, ^ 'j'^, vicious, wicked. Boe sek. Sek |_ To seek, to search for, to require, l" ^ t^^ take ; lek sek,'||j[| ^, to e.\tort ^\s money. Vulg. soh : a cord, a rope. A surname. Sek sit k'he ek, ^ ^ g ^ ch'hbey ch'hod SEK 587 SEK Sek Sek Sek kw"d wun yeah, to search the house and drive out noxious influences ; see the ^ Ijjg Chew 16y. *2>»To boil rice with plenty of water. jCJ/y^ Sek hoo, ^ -^ a field laborer, Vfl a husbandman ; hard, to covet. Z AA^ I'he same as the above ; also, a surname. m Sek K^y sek,7 |, husbandry, tillage, ^_ farming ; a barn floor. Anciently |p[f written ^^ sek. Put kHy put sek, ho6 ch'he h6 sam pek ek hfiy, :?^ ^ T^ f 1 1^ m ^ H w 1; ^ (/"' kay u"" seA:, hdeyh an chw^d iy k'hcbh tew s^a payh ek, without tillage and husbandry, how could we obtain three hundred million bundles of corn ; see the ^ ^ Goey hong. §ek . ^ 1 '^ II To pierce, to stab. Sek ,^l2t.^»* Lamentation, grief. Sek t y^^ To be enraged, to hate ; to be vexed. Sek To split wood, to divide ; a surname ; also written tH:, sek. Sek sin j6 che h8? hwuy hoo put k'hek,;^ 1 ^P Z 1^ i ^ T> ^ p'hwd ch'hd an chio^d? b6 po6 Chadu biy ye"d, in splitting firewood how shall we manage? without an ax we shall never succeed ; see the ^ J^ Chfiy hong. A white color. To distinguish clearly. Sek b6, •Jte -4^^ to wash rice before boiling, to rinse rice. K'hong-choo che k'h6 Chfiy, cheep sek jfi h^ng, 1^ ^ t. ^ ^ ^ Wi ffii "fr ^'^'^"g-'^^od Ay f^hh CMy kok, cheep sek Mji ke^A, when Confucius left the Ch6y coun- try, he (was in such a hurry, that his disciples) took up the rice with the water in which it was washed, and went away (without waiting to boil it) ; see •^ Z^ Beng choo. Sek Sek sek, ji^ ^^ the chirping of birds. A kind of guitar ; k'htm sek, ^ Sek i^-v ^' * ''^'^P """^ guitar. „y^» Koe sek he, k'heen je, gt ?^ ^U ^£ ^ p'hah ko6 ttc^a sek kabu he, se^a yea tit k'heen ji, when the drum and guitar have ceased to be played upon, there still remains a humming sound ; see the |^ ^ Lun g6. Sek Sek The remains of a slight shower ; also written sek. Ay^^ Sew sek, "^ ^^ the ornaments of ""^ the head. Chong sek, .^E ^t che^S <''d,to ornament, and adorn. Sew sek, "(^ vffj to adorn, to deco- Sek fltl n\ rate. Hfing jtn Choo-^ sew sek che, tt A ^ ^ 1^ 1^ :^ *^"^ ^^^ '^^ *"'""' SEK 588 SEK Cho6-i sew sek e Ay hUn, the traveling officer Choo- 6 polisiied and improved (the style of the docu- ments) ; see the |^ "^ Lun g6. *. ^ Vulg. seah: tin; sek kwan, ^ i^ Sek. <^f-frf seah kwdn, a tin pot ; also, to be- JJf^"^ stow, T'heen na6 sek 6ng tfe yung, ^ J^ |^ 3E ^ S Vhee^i nai sod hoe 8ng ti. hwd, yiing, heaven has bestowed upon the king wisdom and courage ; see the ]^ ^ Seang se. Sek Sek Sek Sek Sek Fine cloth • The sun not shining. Sek sek, 13 ii> the ch rping of birds. Sek hwut. t 4? suddenly ; the appearance of a dog running swiftly. ►The same as the above. Sek The sting of a bee ; the pain produc- ed by a sting. Choo k6w sin sek, H y^ ^55 ^P lea te klw sin k'hoi kwd p'hang ting, to draw on one's self stings and reproaches ; see the jp| ^S Chew seiing. ■ J ~ Vulg. Vhat: to stop up, to dam, to Sek w j C » obstruct ; to fill. ■ Tl ^ ^ Kim nia6u sek choo che sim h, ^ ^ ^ -|- ^ 'ti» ^ '"« ^""' « ch'ha6u woo t'hal teoh U Ay sim kw'^a, now grass and weeds have stopped up the entrance to your mind ; see -^ .31 Beng choo. s&t Ch'heung sek jln ge, '4f ^ ^ ^ ch'heung mw"djin gK, filled and replenished with benevolence and righteousness. Sek Sek Sek ^^y A shoe, a slipper ; a double soled shoe. , A woman's name. I To wash rice. Sek To loose, to let go, to release, to dis- solve, to explain. Sek K6-cho6 sfiw, f$ % -^ ro pdng Ke-choo &y sew, he released K6-cho6 from his confinement ; see the 1^1 ^^ Chew se. HwJln jiien peng sek, ^ ^^ ^\ ^hwdnjeSn se^9 y'e6^^, melting away the ice dissolved ; said by fS -f" T6ng choo. ^ _ To go to, to proceed towards, to Sek ^ l¥% ™^®' "'■''' ' self-satisfied. JJw- Cho6 sek Woey, -^ }§ ^ hoc cho6 k'hb kabu fVbey kok, Confucius went to the Woey country ; see the |^ |^ Lun g6. Sek gno gwan h^y ! j^ ^ ^ ^ sek mw!"" gwd Ay gwan ! how fully satisfied are my desires ! see the QU SI, Teng hong. Sek ^K Vulg. ch'hee"^: a wooden instru- ment, by which to divine ; a mould. Sek . ■i i iy Vulg. sat: a louse ; bok sek, yjc ^^ Kap tew seng k6 sek, Rp ^ ^ ^ m( ^^^ ^^"' sai'^S ki sat, his helmet and armor (from long wear) bred vermin. SEK 589 SENG Sek Sek S6k The common form of the preceding. Sek ftlj^ Full, complete; a red color. P'hwat sek, |<^ ^^ a coarse rough garment, to keep out the rain. ,^1^,,^ Vulg. chedh: a stone ; sek t'hofi, /R" yr"^ ^^ chedh fhaSit, a large stone ; ^^ also, a measure of about 10 pecks, or 133 pounds weight. Kim hoo siin, 3^!! kwin s6k che to, ^ 4^ \[\ — • 7^^ '^^ /"a Mff l&y sw^a chit ku>ui"S chedh &y cliey, now a hill consists of but a lump of (tones ; see the Xvi ^S Teung yung. A surname. K6 sik? ^ ^ kwky chedh? how many bushels? ^f%' p ^ A barren woman ; s6k t'hae, «K ^\ LjT yip, * barren womb. Great, large ; bok te k6 bt- &ou che 6^ l&.ng chae t ka te Ay lew Ay S€tt''S Ilea, no one perceives how tail his own corn grows; (i. e. no one is aware of his own mercies;) •ee the ^ ^ Tae bdk. y ^ The evening, dusk, the close of the Sek '^x ^"^' '^*'"°'' **'' **" ''ws"* ^ kwuiVS s'eo siedpdy hoi Ay hw"a hi, morning and evening keep up your parents' joy, (by wailing on them incessantly ;) see the j|^ [^ UlJ Ley loey 8ek S6k chek. Sek '^ The tide of the sea; the morning tide is called j^_ te^ou, and the evening one iA- sek. 6 X Sek M Vulg. ch'heoh : a mat ; a table, a feast ; a surname. Sek put ch^ng put cho, Jx "/^ jE '^'* ^ c/i'AeoA u" si. c/ie"d b6 bdeyh chiy, if the mat was not spread square and even, (Con- fucius) would nut sit down upon it. Hod s^k, ^ j^^ to come to table; sekyefin, ifij 5£, a frnst. Sek S6k Great, large. Sek The hollow part of a grave. Vulg. cL6h : to shoot with ao arrow, to practice archery. Ek put sek seuk, -^ ^ Ij ^ chdhchee"S bd boeyh choh leoh hat"Sh chiduu, in archery, (Confucius) would not shoot at a resting bird ; s, e the f^ ^^ Lun (,6. _*- % Read sei'k: ripe, thoroughly boiled ; Sik ^^S'fi A a<-'C' »'""'ed to, acquainted with- ^ y V% Kwun sod seng, pit ^elik j£ clie^n sdiig ch'hai'^S Aj m. PSn, pit leoh rl,i sikji hadu «,. when a prince presents u» with anythir g raw, t»* should boil it thoroughly before we ofTer it in sacri- fice ; tee the p^ ^^ LQ.i gL 4^ Vulg. sni''9; to be born, to bear, to Seng A I r bring forth ; alive, living. ■ ' ^ Jin >ip gwdt jfi seng, ^ -4"* EI Tfn f.y lAng h dii rhap gofyhjit chew $0!!"^, men are born afifr a gestation of ten (lunar) months ; seen seng, ^\__ ^ sin safS, elder born, a teacher. # Seng m The smell of dog's fat ; anything un- cooked and raw. SENG 590 SENG Seng ^ Seng- Seng Seng Seng He seng, !^ a/g a sacrificial ani- mal ; hciik seng, Q^ 3^^ t'hiuk sai^S, a domestic animal, a brute. Bo8ekeungliesengye4,|l^ El ^ 1M fi ifi M t'hang k'cung kip he seng, we have nothing wherewith to furnish animals for sacrifice ; see 5& -+- Beng choo. A pipe, an instrument of music ; ves- sels used in sacrifice. • A rising and overflowing of the wa- ters ; water deep and wide. A kind of flying rat, a bat. Sister's children are called goey seng, ^j> 5^^^ cousins; a son-in- law is also called JS, seng. Tey kw4n seng d je sit, ^ ^^ ^ ;jA J^ ^ tty sew ke"d sa& te e &y seang ptng cWhoo, the emperor lodged his son-in-law (Siln) in his two side apartments ; see the "K ^^ Hay beng. Seng Vulg. cWhai^S: a star, a planet, stars in general. Yit gwat seng sin hey yeen, Q j^ :^ M M ^ ^'^' Soeyh cVkafS stn My teaou yeen, the sun, moon, and stars are suspended (in the firmament); see the IJ3 ^ Teung yAng. Seng Seng Intelligent, clever, wise. Seng seng, j^ ^^^ an orang outang, a beast which is said to be able to speak ; a baboon ; an ape. Seng seng 16ng gan, put 16 6 k'liim sfew,|^ ^^ n^ ^ ^""W-hk^ -13^ **"5' *««5' ^y ^^'^S «««. yea s^ bey U e k'him she, even if the orang outang could talk, it would still be nothing better than a brute ; see tl'e ^ It K'heuk ley. Seng B Vulg. cVhai^S : to awake, to recov- er from the effects of liquor. Jin chfty gno seng, \^ ^ ^ l&ng chb po6 cMy, gtcd tok tok ch'haCS, all men are drunk, and I alone am sober. Seng Vulg. ch'hai'^S: raw, undressed, un- cooked, unripe, inexperienced. Seng hwun, |g ^ ch'haPS hwiin, unacquainted with, not familiar. Seng Sen<: Seng Seng ii»>: Raw fish. The name of a river. The ancient form of S ^ seng, a star. To ascend ; like the rising of the sun ; to exalt, to elevate. ^A ^ To ascend, to advance. Vulg. chin : Seng ^Tl^ ^ measure, the tenth part of a peck. X I Hoo choo che put k'ho kip yeii, j6w t'heen che put k'ho kae j6 seng y'ek, ^ -^ jSt ^ l|j Aoo choo &y bo Chang kip yia, ch'hin cheats t'hee^S dy bo t'hang ch'hbng gtm kay je che6"S yea, our master (Confucius) is not to be equaled, just as heaven is not to be scaled by lad- ders ; see the ^ |§ Lun ge. Seng k^ng, 4[- I^, to ascend and descend. SENG 591 SENG fc _! % The rising of the sun ; to arise, to as- Seng '^^^ cend ; tranquil, peaceful. y} Ja jit che seng, ^p Q "j^ ^ cKhin cheo"9jit VhaSu &y k'M, like the rising of the sun. -t-»ti^"lg- se^a: a voice, a noise ; seng Seng y^^ y'""' ^- ^ *'^"" ^""' ** ^""""^ ' -J^* b6ng seng, ^ ^ me^a se"fl, fame, report. Also written /u seng. T3ng seng scang ^ng, p] ^ ;|^ '^tUgsi^a seo yln, those who are of a similar speech can an- swer one another. Seng Seng Seng Luxuriant herbage, abundant foliage. Seng ke, yj/|^ jf^^ a flag, a standard ; seng peiou, n^ ^&^ to denote anything by signals. Sfing ch'hat, ^ ^^ to examine, to inspect; seng k'heem, ^& ^ sai^S k'heem, to spare, to be par- simonious ; s6ng sfing, ^ ^ sai^^ se^*d, the capi- tal city of a province. Go6 jit sam sdng go6 sin, ^ |3 H ^ ^ jlp gwd tetkjit i"a hanr; sing ch'hat gtod Ay hin sin, I daily examine myself in three particulars; see the _h lil Seang lun. Straight ; also, long. Thin, meagre. Vulg. eh'haV'S : to awake from li- quor, to awake from sleep. Seng e ko teiik Choo-hwan, jlip jf. AV kadu ch'hai'*g chew t'h6 kaou a k'hh j'euk Cho6-hwdn, when he awoke he took a hooked spear and pursued after Choo-hwan ; see the /£ Cho twan. Seng Seng i^ Seng A disease of the eyes ; also, a fault, to transgress ; also, a strange and supernatural sickness. Vulg. sal*^: a surname, a family name; pek s^ng, B^ i^ payh sai"§, the hundred clans, i. e. the Chinese people. S6ng s6yj6ng yei, bSng s6y tok yei, ^ fi/l" jpj •Ife ^ 0r II -^ '"'"^ *^y ''^0 "^"^ yid,me"d sty tw^a tok yed, there may be an uniformity of fa- mily names, and a singularity of individual epithets ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Vulg. sai'*9: nature, natural parts and dispositions ; sfeng t'h6y, ^l ^ a disposition; kfe s6ng, p^ 1^_ kd sai'^ff, the memory; sing beng, ^ -^ sai''9 me"d, the life. T'heen beng che wuy sfeng, ^ ^ i^ 1^ |!fe t'hee^S beng ling hoe Idn, se kSng ked sai'^, that which heaven decrees to bestow on us is called na- ture ; see the rjl ^ Teung yflng. 'ft Seng Seng Riches, wealth ; affluent, opulent. Holy, sacred ; s&ng jin, ^ y^, a sage, a holy man, a philosopher. Lfing sing, Ung ie^d. sacred, and sure in its answers, like an oracle ; ap- plied to the shrines of particular deities. Sfeng jln che e t'heen to yeii, sing ye4,^ ^ ^ j^ ^ II! ilL ^ 1^ '^"sj^'' ^y *"' ''^""^ ^y to It, se sal^S yed, the acquaintance of a sage with the way of heaven is entirely natural ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. SENG 592 SE NG ^ k ^ Vulg. r.heP'd,: complete, finished ; to Seng Ita> perfect, to accomplish ; good, A-'^^Si even ; a surname. Hwaii kong chut geep cliew wuy che sfing, ^ J^ ^ ^ sit 1^ ^ Jjjc ^""^"^ ^""^ *"'"'' ^'^^'' clifw, k6rig k'eh che" A, whenever work is fiiiislied, and ^ a business accomplished, it is said to be completed. % ft.^ Sincere, pure, without any mixture Seng ^nv °^ falsehood, upright. P//\ K. h clh ^eng j6 sin, ^^ ^ M liO fl^ cWePa cli sing clt'hin ch'eo"S stn, therefore the highest point of sincerity is as it were divine; see the I J7 ^ Teung ydng. Seng ^ Vub. s'e^A: a city, a citadel; hoo sfiu', tt^f- i^ hii6 >'e"&, the capi- tal city of a district; Pa s6ng, pW M P« s't"&, the city of BiiiHvia. CIriiok soo t6 yei, teuk soo s6ng ye^i, ^ Bff ^|p *& ^ Jtff ij^ -^^ c'l'- ak cle I ley chiiy klncut a, kieh cMy ley se^d,, dig this moat deeper, and build this city wall higher ; see ^ 3- Keng choo. S^ng ^ Sacrificial fruits in iheir vessels, rea- dy for offering, n 00 s6 SI put Veet, put kirn 6 ci'^y. ^ ^ T^ vt A^ %i VX ^^ ^A«o s&ng «"• ch'heng k'/te, u™ A;"a /«^ c/i^y, the sacrificial fruits and vessels n 't I eing clean, vve do not dare to sacrifice ; see |^ .3- Beng choo. A^ " ^« ^^"". ,lit ^ A«^"5' sey, the '^i^ |T\X '^°'"'' "Sfd '" weaving, to keep the ^'^^^ threads separate. To mount, to ascend a carriage ; to ride in a carriage, or on horseback, to take advantage of; sfing sfi, ^ fl^- to embrace an opportunity. Sdng ledk leftng 6 ge t'lieen, ^ /^ ^ j^ ^ Seng Seng t|^ ftVted lak cheah I'eUng, t ge t'hee^i, to mount six dragons, in order to ride to heaven; (an expression intimating the elevation to imperial dignity.) ' ^~S ^^ term of reproach, used by the peo- ple of one district against another. % ^ Great, full, abundant, flourishing; a Seng R3i? surname ; boe seng, ^ ^, lux- UXE1»* uriunt. . Jit sin che wuy seng tek, ^ ^^ || ^l ^ tak jit sin se kdng ked seng tek, to be daily renew- ed is called abundant virtue. Seng soey, ^ ^^^ to flourish and decay. \ Clear, bright ; to burn. Seng The numeral of a chariot ; yit seng Seng ;;tJ|^ ke, — ^ ^- '^*'' '^""^ cA'Aea, one chariot; ch'heen seng che kok, ^ ^ ;^ ^ <:/"' ch'heng teo"!f cA'Aea dy kok, a country capable of producing a thousand chariots. Seng Seng TC The ancient form of the preceding character; also written ^S, seng. Superabundant, overflowing. Read song : to lose by death ; song PIP. habu, ^ ^ se'^S hd, a funeral, mourning at a funeral, mourning at the death of relatives. Sam le^n die song, t'heen hay che t'hong song yeA, ^±^%rtm'M^ s"a nce"g dy se"9 hd, t'hee^S dy t'hong tat dy se^'S hd, the three years' mourning (for parents) is a mourn- ing universally adopted throughout the whole em- pire; see the 1^ ^ Lun g6. SEO 593 SEO NG Se => Read song : the mulberry tree. Gnoe bo6 che t'bek, se che 6 song, ^ goe bo6 Ay VMyh, chlng e t s^S, a tenement of five acres should be planted with the mulberry tree ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Read song : hoar-frost ; song swat, "J* ° li'tS ;tB ^^ **"^ sayh, frost and snow; t'hdng song, ^ H Vhe»i se»S , sugar-candy ; p'he song, 1^^ @ p'he?P9 st"g^ ar- senic. Sco U Read ch'he^ng: to play pranks; [^[^ ch'he^ng chefin, ^ ^^ 5^'»S' cheeks ^ to squander money. Read ch'hfing: a bed; long ch'hdng, ^ j[^|; lang si'^, a kind of frame used in steaming dumplings. Read seaou : to burn ; h''6 leaou, hdiy SCO, the fire burns. ^ Seo ^ Read Iwiin : warm, lukewarm, com- fortably warm ; well clothed. Gnoe sip hwuy p^k put Iw4n, jj^ -p 1^ ^ /f» j^ goe chap hoiyn&bdeh'h&ng ttodn bey sco, at fifty years of age, without wearing silk, people cannot keep themselves warm ; see 3[ -?• Beng choo. Seo ^' Seo Read je^t : warm, lukewarm, as ap- ^^^y^ plied to food. t^j^ Read Iw4n : warm, as applied to the wealber. Sco M Read seang : mutual ; seang hae, jjH ^ SCO hae, to injure one another ; seang a^, ^ ^ 'jeo sedh, to love one another. 6 Y ^ % Read se4ou : small, minute, little ; Seo ^Xw seAou tey, ;|-\ ^ serf /e, a young- ^ er brother ; gwat se^ou, H /|> goeyh se6, a short month. Seo iRead bedou : a tree. the tender branch of ^ii» ^l Read seAou : a scabbard; to seAou, l^J £1 77 Mr '" ^co, the sheath of a sword. 'Read sek : to pity, to commiserate, to love. Read sek : the dirt on the soles of the feet ; h^w keak sek, !sL m^ |riPcA'Aat>M A Via »eoA, stinking feet. Se6h H^w se^ng, ^L stinking, fetid. ch^hadu sedA, S'eo^'S Read seang : mutual ; seang soo, i|] ra seo^ *e, to think of one another; also, the name of a plant. Read si-ang: the corner of a house. T'hae gwat sey seang hay, ^if ^ ® I)|l T ttngVhai goeyh te sae s'eo^S ay, waiting for the moon under the western corner of tlie house. > _ A- Read seang : a box, a trunk ; long J-pl «eang, ^ $a l<'">g sco'^g, a box xj f— i or trunk for keeping clothes in. ^% __ Read siiang : to wound; cheak Seo^''^ ■ ^J^- seang, ^ -^ lUh sto^S, to be \'^^ wounded. Bfln 6ng se bin jfi seang, ^ ^Wi^^% BCn 6ng k'hv>"d, payh sai"g ch'hin chco"g tWi seo^g, Btln 6ng looked upon his people as though they had been wounded (by his bad government) ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. S'eo"^ SEO NG 594 SEUK tSeo ^ nsr Stff'^ .Read seang : to inlay with gold or silver, or any other metal. 1^>^>^ Seang kira, |^ ^ seo^S kirn, to nlay or garnish with gold. wl> ^^^'^ se5,ng : to reward, to reraune- t^St^ rate, to bestow, to admire ; seang ^P hwa, ^ /^ se6^S hwa, to ad- mire fine flowers. Y6w kong kae seing, /^ ^ ^ 'X "'"^ ^""^ teoh s'e6"9, those who have any merit should be re- warded. Seuk SeS^'S- 7|»M Read seing: to think, to consider. >> >^ G6 seing -^^ ^ A^ sed«S', dried i7T> se6"9, dried smoked ducks, a de- licacy among the Chinese. Read se^ng : to look at a person's physiognomy, in order to tell his fortune; sezlng beng, j^ -^ s'ed^S mi^d, to practice palmistry. Seo'^S M ^ Se6''S Seb^'S pd2- Read seang : common ; pfing seang, p | -| 2E •&* ping se6'^9, usual. ^^ Read sejlng: pus, matter; 16 w se^ng, V*g* j^ y^ ?ad« sed"5', running mat- » iTi ter ; 18ng sea,ng, ^ ^^^ Mn^ sed"S', thick matter. ^ I Read seang : to emulate ; h8 sijang, ►•^eo"*^" -j^ 10 fp] ^oiy ^e°"^> =» priest °f I ">J the sect of Budha ; seang tae, i^ ■J^ seo'^9 twa, too large. I _-| Read seing : to think, to reflect ; Seo''^ ^P puthe&ouseing,;f;^]g,6ey I^S^'^ hedou sW^S, unable to think or reflet. Vulg. cliek : an uncle, a father's younger brother ; u" chek, ' uncle,' is a common mode of address, on meeting a stranger. Also written ^g seuk. Seuk % ^ To begin ; also, good ; to move, to do ; excellent ; liberal, thick. Pulse, anj' kind of beans or peas. Seuk _1^^ Sijuk ch'heuk j6 suy h"6, j6 bin yeen y6w put jtn che4 hoe ? ^J sayh seuk ch'hin ch'eo"ff chiiy hdiy, je payU saPS t'hae t'hS tcoo u'^jln tek hoe ? when pulse and corn are as plentiful as fire and water, how can the people help being virtuous ? see ^ ■^ Beng choo. -^ % Good, amiable, harmonious; seuk le, Seuk "lyTrSL '^ ^' ^ ^''■*"°"s woman. 1 N^ Seuk jln kwun choo, i^J ^ ^ ^X' a good and virtuous man. Seuk Seuk Seuk Seuk Seuk Seuk kCautious, respectful ; uneasy ; seuk ^^^> 1^ ^, hesitating. The ancient form of M sisuk, early; also written jj^, seuk. Setikseuk, /^ /|^ a motion of the head. To suck, to inhale. Hasty, speedy, quiek, rapid. Seuk hwut, ^ ^„ suddenly ; the appearance of a dog running swift- ly- SEUK 595 SEUK Seuk The same as the preceding. To stay, to rest, to lodge, to remain ; Seuk >f|^5 '° '■^'^'" ! *° '"^^' ■' ''^^^ ^^^ '■ '^ 1 1— I constellation ; tod seuk, j^ /^ taou haf^Sh, to seek a lodging. Y6w k'hek seuk seuk, >^ ^ /^ ^ «'oo A'AayA /a^ ha^^Sh, strangers come to lodge ; see the j^ ^ Chew seung. Seuk Seuk ^ B6k sijuk, ^ ^, the name of yT^fSf a plant or root which cattle eat. To urge, to stir up, to press on. p » Straight, upright ; to cultivate, to re- Seuk T^jtR *""® 5 *'""'' ' '° '""'^' /|NM Cho6 hw4n j6 seuk, (^ ^ jfjj ^ Aa d tit, turning in upon one's-self, and finding one's conduct upright ; see ^ .^ Beng choo. Seuk Sauk Seuk Seuk To respect, respectful ; to advance ; dread, fear, awe ; especial. I The flying of a bird. ' The name of a fabulous bird. A good hofte. _ ^— Read ch'heuk : and ch'hek : corn, Seuk |§? g^ain; be ch'heuk, ^ ^ bi y<|>W seuk, paddy, growing rice. B6 ch'heuk liwiiy put to ye&, ^jt ^ 7r ^ ^ iH U seuk u™ ching i™ chet/, the paddy is not otherwise than abundant; see |^ -J- Beng choo. -| Cho seuk, ^ j^, early, early in Seuk lyyl ^^^ morning. /^ V Seuk hin yea be, J^ ^ ^ ^ chd k'hi lai, mai"9 kan k'hwHn, to rise early in the morning and to go to bed late at night. Seuk fk Who, what, which. ^-— - - Se k'ho jim y'ei, seilk put k'ho n/^ jimye4?£ Pf ^. ^ ^ ^ g]" ^^, -^ cUy Uy na ey litn til, se s"d mee^h hey lun tit? if this can be endured, what can- not then be borne ? see the J^ |a Seang lun. »* Vulg. sik: ripe, mature, well done, 'Jj>i thoroughly boiled; acquainted. Seiik _ , _ _^ P'heng sijilk cheen heang, ^^ $fe ^ ^ i'Ao sik habu &y mee"Sh, boil the sa- rin 7H- .'rr ' crificial meat thoroughly ; see the ^ ^ Ch^y ge. Sofey chek tae seiik, "j^ gl) -^ ^f^ net^S tang chew twa sek, the year was very fruitful. An antechamber or kind of lodge on the side of the door. Ke chwan 6 sey seiik, ^ gp 3p ^ ^ch'hbngmei'^hche&htesae seilk, pre- pare the food in the western antechamber ; see the 1i It Ce 16y. Hong sfiiik, ^ ^, manners, cus- toms; vulgar, common; seiik g€, Seuk Seuk ^ Hong . fS a common saying, proverb, the provincial dialect. K'ho wuy te che4 to, Un 6 seiik jin g&n, "pj" |^ te Ay Ung to U, 6h kap seiik &y ling kbng wa, we can speak with men of understanding on various doc- trines, but it is difficult to converse with common fel- lows. Seuk Seiik SEUNG 596 Seiik seuk, j^ -j^^ the head moving Seung SEUNG Sey-seuk, ^ -^^ the name of a district in the west of China, now the province of ^ J I] So6- ch'hwan. Seuk In To belong to ; of the same sort or kind ; seilk kok, ® 1^ a tribu- tary kingdom ; seiik hay jtn stn, p y^ fJ, a dependant oflScer, Seuk l^a ^^ e contracted form of the preced- ng- Seiik I^Vulg. swd: connected, joined; to w^i^t^^ link together; to hand down in suc- " .^^ cession ; continuously. Leiik seiik, ^ jfe^ in succession, in a row, one after the other. Soo seiik p6 cho6, \^ g| ^ |g^ ch'hin cheo^S seo swd pay hot, as it were maintaining the line of succession from our parents. 0* ^ To ransom, to repurchase anything; |II^ seuk choey, ^ p^^ to atone for -^"^JS^ sins, to redeem from sin. Kim chok seiik h6ng, ^ ^^ |^ ^|j kirn ey chb seilk h6ng htcdt, money can be used to redeem from punishment ; see the ^ rfft. S^n te6n. Seilk il ili Read seaou : dry ; seaou che, Jif^ "^^ seiik ke, a dry twig. Seung High, lofty ; seung ko why gak, "■^ tok sto^^a gak, for height and lof- tiness, we look to the mountains ; see the 4r Tae gn^y. ^ K'heftng seung, /^ ^^^ small of (^^ stature, and despicable. Idle, ac- cording to the dialect of some districts. SSung Aj^i^ *^"''''' ''''^'^ ' '^""^ ^°"^' ^^ ^' rlA4^ a violent gust of wind. The point of a hill ; a conical moun- tain top. To be afraid, alarmed. To respect; siiung tong, ™ ^, to move carefully. Seung ^ * Seung 4 ^ ^'"°g'='''^'y'- color. Seung ^V J a deep green A fir tree; seAng pek,i^ jjfQ cVhing payh, a cedar-tree. A surname. Hay hoe se 6 seAng, JB fcj FF* lg[ iA Hdi/ te&ou tey t chlng seung, the Hay dy- nasty was distinguished by the planting of the fir tree; see the H f^Lung^. Sfe'ung VivAvThe name of a river. Q v; A iilt ^ Kam seAng, "U' ^^ the name of a f^ medicine. Seung Seung n A mountain high and large, is called !^, seftng. m SeAng g8, ^ fOT^ name of a fe- male, supposed to be in the moon. 1^ Seiing-g6 Gey ch'heep, ch'heep ^ SEW 597 SEW Gey put soo yeak, p'hun gwat, kip che wuy sefim ^ 2^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 5e(i/i^-^o se. Gfy &y shj c, t'hauu Gei/ &y bey st ycoh, p'hun kaougbeyh, kabu jeiik Icoh, ptt"S did seim sc, when Seung-g8 was Gey's concubine, she stole Gey's medicine of immortality, and ran away to the moon; upon being overtaken she turned into a toad. Seung #» Idle, according to the dialect of a certain district. Seung % To contend, to wrangle, to litigate, "^^p to engage in lawsuits. H T'hfeng siJung gofi ydw jtn y! }^ ^[< f|^ '''* ^!f ^"S hod chin chae sew ching, the six palaces were very much adorned. Sew sin, /(^ ^ to cultivate personal virtues. g K^ Dried flesh; sok sew, }^ |i^, a Sew ^l /yC - piece of dried flesh, anciently pre- I pj sented by a scholar to his teacher, on commencing his studies ; hence employed to sig- nify a teacher's salary ; but now, since the teachers are paid in money, a salary is called^ ^ sok kirn. Choo lifing sok sew 6 seang, gofi be se^ng bo8 ho^y |fe -E chad ke"d sok sew Ay Uy 6 seang, gwd bbiy scing bo kd, " from those who brought the first common present, and upwards, I have refused instruction to none ;" said by Confucius in the '^^ "-* Lun ge. Sew ^ To receive, to collect; sew sip, ]J^ iA to gather together ; also, to take account of; sew le6ni, JjJjT ^^ to gather in the harvest ; sew dic.fin, jj^ ^| stw che6'^f to collect money ; sew tan, !|^ |p. sew evidence ; to turn the head toward' any place. Tong sfew, kay teAou hok, t'ho sin, ^ "^ j)^ ^ ^^ 1^ ^ tang pee"g hi"g fhaSu, kay te&ou ting Ayyin clie6^ ,yew t'hwa ched"S chit It&ou twi, (when Confucius was visited by his prince in his illness,) he turned his face to the east, had a court robe thrown over himself, and a girdle drawn across To sell anything, to dispose of an article. To incarcerate any one, a prisoner. SSw I X I Chae p'hw4n he^n s6w, 1^ ^ ^ ^ Ay long, before the royal college, they pre- sented the prisoners; see the ^ ^ Lo6 seung. _ To swim, to float on the surface of Sew Vl/AI ^^^ water. ' '^^ Suy 16 s6w, ^^ ^ ^0 ti ckiiy It siw, to swim in the water. it ; see the ^ p* Lun g6. Sew SI To pledge aguestin wine; he^nsfiw, ^^ rale ffl§ to offer up the cup to ano- 'Pg ther. Also written Qj|||^ sdw, and §+, sfiw Sew m To answer any one ; also, the same as pP J sew, to curse. Sew Sew •^E^E The breathing of an ox ; also, the r I - name of an ox. ,Xli. Enmity; kfiw sfiw, ^ |^, an enemy. Kwun hoo che s6w, put keung ta^ t'heen, ^ ^Z U J^ ^M^l J''' '"^ kap ned^S pay Ay kiio s&w se b6 kang tly t'hee''9, Sew To swim ; the same as the preced- ing. The chief butler ; mellow wine. Sew 'f^Pl Teung tong che gwdt, nae beng ^ '^ teung fang Ay goiyh, teoh beng ling tied stw, in the middle of the winter months, the chief butler gets his orders ; see the ^ H ^ L6y gw4' leng. Sew To reject ; bad, ugly, disgusting. S6w hoo ld.n be6n kein kongkoe, ^^ k'h'eep sf. Ay eha hoi oh b'e6n ketJ'S twa kay ktc'^a tu>a kay boi, the ugly woman will find it difficult to avoid seeing her husband's parents. (Chinese brides, being sent home screened and veiled, can for a time conceal their ugliness, but eventually they must be seen.) Sew The name of a man in former timet ; a kind of fish. SEW 600 To urge, to press ; to collect toge- ther ; stron", robust. SeW Pek 16k se sew, "S" H ^ J^ ! cAe"d payh Ay hong 16k se k'h'ebk chb hoty, the 2p hundred emoluments collected together ; see the rS , gev ^H Seang seung. '^ ^ - ) Long life; te&ng sew, -& ^ iv^S Sew T ^-i_ /»oey sew, longevity. A surname. "Pvl" Soo kwun sew k'ho, i^ ^ ^ ■^ satjin kxmn chiah U"S hoiy sew, may your honor enjoy long life; see the /]> ^. Seaou gn4y. Sew The string and tassels with which a seal is tied. Yin sew, fn ;^, a seal or em- Sew 'J- blem of office. ^ ^„a» To give, to impart; .sew se, J^ :^ ''(^'■^S* sem ch'hayli, to give a lesson. '^^^^. La,mlesewsewputch'hinl6yye£i ^ :i tS :^ ^ lit '& '"^^ ''" '"^ sew sew b6 chVtin se Ity yea, for males and females when they give and take, not to come into imme- diate contact is a rule of propriety ; see "^^ -^p Beng choo. Sew ^ To receive, to take ; to allow, to ad- 4— i* mit to. Sew Kim y6w sew jtn che gn^w yang, j6 wAy che bok che chea, ^ TS ^* A \^ -fp l&ng &y goo yeo^S, ji kap e f'S e &y Idng, now if any one were to receive a person's cows and sheep, and undertake to look after them, &c. ; see "^ -^ Beng choo. S6w sew, ^^ icgj ch'hiw uiui"S, the sleeve of a garment. S6w 16 p6, j^ ^ g", ch'Jdjc wui'*9 lae &.y p$, a sleeve gem ; the title of a small book. SEY jljCD San sew, |i] |1|^, the peak of a hill. Vulg. sae : the west ; tong sey, _^ tffi tang sac, east and west, some- times taken to mean different things. Sey hong be jin, '^ ^ f| /^ sae he^g ch'hin ch'liafS dy lAng, the elegant person of the west ; (referring to ^ ^ Bun 8ng.) Sey Sey Sey h6ng, 'jf^ |f, troubled, griev- ed, afraid. To remain, to lodge, to rest. Key sey 6 s6, || ^i ^ ^1 key hat"'Jh t'e se, the fowls roost in the fowl-house. Vulg. sae : a rhinoceros. Sey =XC K.'he ho6 ph sey siiang j6 w^n che, gji ^ f^ P f< ffij ■y kiB^d hoepd sae ch'hed^SjS hoe e htBui"9 ^ to expel the tigers and leopards, rhinoceroses and elephants, and make them retire to a distance ; see ^ -f Beng choo. Sey Bey Ej? Bok sey, -jt j^, another name for cassia buds. To rest, to stop, to abide, to roost. Ne^ou sey se seang, J^ ^ i^J p chedou hai^Sh te ch'hiw ting, the birds nestle in the trees. Sey Sey To dwell in secret, to live in solir tude. Luxuriant herbage. Wiiy yeep sey sey ! Jp ^ ^ ^ wHiy heoh sey sey ! how exu- berant is the foliage ! see the j^J ^ Chew lam. SEY 601 Sey #' To snort, to neigh, as a horse. Taesengjfisey, -f; ^ (fjj iff twd s'e^aje haSu, and then neighed with aloud noise; seethe fflS ^ H^n se. Sey Sey Sey Sey Sey Soe hwat, l^ ^ set/ t'hadu m6, to comb the hair. B6 16 k'haou soe chong, ^ '^ P) \jt ^ cA'Ain ch-hai^ Ay cha bot, k'hd sey Vhaou chang, pretty women are skilled in combing and adorning themselves. . Hefin s6ng, j^ ^ htl"S sey, the toothed reed used in weaving, to keep the threads separate. Read soe : distant, distantly related, not a near relative. Clieang sob pe jfi chun, soe jfi ch'hek ; k'ho put sin chae ? '1^ '§£ -^ Sh!) ^ ^ Illl^ IS Pf ^ IS ^cheangndsaikay iy lAng k'/idli ye^A chun Ay lAug, jt sey Ay k'hah ye" A ch'/iin Ay; t'fiang u"* siy je chae? if men put mean people above the honorable, and confide in strangers more than in near relatives ; should we not be careful in such cases ? see ^ Zf- Beng choo. Read soet distant, far apart, not close or near together. That which, which; vulg. s6 chae: a place. Choo s^ygn&y g&n se se chip ley, kae gniy gkn yei, :f- fifj ^ -^ IJj: M ^ jjjfi -g* ^ g \^ ftoo cho6 sky gndy kdng, se, kap Mliayh, hap chip Ity sol, chd pod gndy kSng, that wiiich Confucius talked elegantly about, consist- ed in odes, compositions, and attention to propriety ; upon all these he talked elegantly ; see the Ks p^ Lnn g6. 7 A Siy Sey Sey SIM S6y ke he ch'h^ '' 0f ^ Ipf ]^ ^^i' *'**" ** *"" mee^Sh s6 chae ? where do you reside ? Read se6n : to wash ; 8e6n sini, J^ jjj> siy sim, to purify the mind. s^y i^y, ijfc f * ^^y '^y. baptism. Read se : the common kind of cul- tivated millet ; the generic term for panic grasses. L6 s^y, -^ ^ Ae"a sai, a son-in- I 4 H wun 16y, %hy ong hoo kay ch'hin B^"g.itif Iff. if '^ii t ^U'^'""^ hiBun yin &y Ity, ke"d sah teoh h'hi cha hot Ay eVhobjl ch'hin gnc"A, according to the ceremonien of marriage, the bridegroom should go to the house of the bride and meet her in person ; see the =^ ^ Se se. Sey 1^ Sdy h^n, man A little; also, this; and an expletive. Minute, small ; scing s6y, minute, particular ; choo shy, ^ £j5 slyje, careful, attentive ; thy a diminutive person, a dwarf; a young vulg. y^ir; fine, smooih. Put keng s^.y hfing, cheung Ifly lae tek, /f> fy j^0 tt :^ A t^^ ""* P'ka^t sim, a bad heart. GelLou Sitn cfje bJii, kae 6 GeJlou Siln che sim w6y ^ l\^ GeAou Siln Ay pdyh sai"S chd po6 e G^Aou SUn Ay sim kw^a chb sim hufla, GeAou and Sign's SIM 602 SIM people all embodied the feelings of their rulers, and | IE made them their own feelings. V ,^ -) The name of a plant, of the pith Sim i'^V'^ of which lamp-wicks are made; ^i^^ hence called teng sim ch'ho, IkT -i*- jVn .s!. teng Sim ch'haou, the candle-wick plant. Si,., j^ Sun A surname. An appearance of alarm, to be terri- fied. Sim sim hijen he^n, ^!r\ 4,\l_^ /Q -^B , terrifying and alarming. Sim Sim Sim To judge of, to examine, to inquire into ; sim p'hw^n, ^ 'M sim /j'/jw^d, to judge ; sim soo, ^ ^fe ^j a judge. Sim bun che, tok h6ng che, ^- ft!] ^ ^ ^ ^ sim mooi"'J e, tok ke"d e, examine and inquire into a thing, and zealously practice it; see the til Teung y^^^ Vulg. slJi/; the fruit of the mulberry tree. A three cornered furnace. • A pan or pot for cooking; also writ- ^>.V> ten»^ Sim. Vulg. cMm : a surname. Llm sim, 1^ j^^ to hold the head forward when walking. # SIN 603 # Very, extremely, excessive, deep; Sim F^-i Sim to, ^ ^ siin chey, very much. P6 ch5m jln chei, ek 6 t'ha^ sim, ^ ^ A ^ ^ P ^ "^ e sa^ p'Awd /dng dy l&ng, yea woo t'ha& sim, those who slander people, have ever gone too far ; see the ^ A&_ Tae gniy. A The body ; sin t'h6y, J^ {i"!!?, a sub- Sin J^r s'a"<^^''> ''"''ys P"" ^'°'/f^ :^> "^^ one's-self; cii'hutsin, Jij ^, to enter life, to begin business. Hod jun ok, tek jun sin, "^ P M tf J^ If* pobjua tek ch'hob, tek jun tek sin, riches improve the appearance of one's buildings, but virtue bene- fits one's person ; see the y^ ?Mi Tae hdk. _fc. 2F Sin Sin Sin Sin It The name of a god ; a surname. A horary character ; to stretch out, double. A surname. Sintofi, ^ pf-, a double surname. To hum ; sin se, Dfjl |i, to hum an ode. A large girdle ; Choo-teang se choo -"' T- % W ^- fe* c^"-^- t'cang s'td ti tied, Choo-ieang re- corded it on his girdle ; see the =^ |A Liin gi. Sin # To stretch out, to spread abroad, to unravel, to set to rights ; sin tit, IA\ r^ ch'ltun lit, to stretch out straight. Sin jtn wan ong, ^ A ^ ^3: cA'*"" cVhut ling Ay wan 6ng, to remedy people's grievances. Sin tt The appearance of walking. Sin it Sin Sin SIN Straight; k'hwut jfi put sin, JB^ j|(] ~X^ /g k'hwulj& hey tit, crooked and not straight; see ^ ^ Beng choo. /\^ The appearance of a troop of horses J Jli going swiftly. >1_ Read seen : before; seen seng, ^ •^A" ^ sin sai'^S, one elder born, a Sin Sin teacher, an instructor. A placid, harmonious appearance. Bitter, of a bitter taste ; sin k'ho6, ^ if: wretche ^ A :A: ;K fi _* ' I J^ VM Iceyjip twa chiiy chd twa kap, when the wild fowl enters the great waters it becomes a large cockle ; see the ig H •^ Ley gwdt leiig. This name is also applied to a certain fabulous sea monster, like a snake or dragon. Sin To conquer, to overcome ; vulg. k'hah ye"d : to exceed. Pek chefen pek sin, "5* ^ "H" j^ chilpayh Ay ch'etn chit pay h Ay ye'^a, in a hun- dred battles, to gain a hundred victories 5 see the ^ IE s°° ''^■ Sit sin seen ye4 ; bgng sin t'h6 yed, ^ ^ ^ % ^ ^ |[i|j ^cheaksitndye^A,chewh6; ch'heng cVheng me"A y'e^A, chew seAou Uy, when the reality exceeds it is good ; but when men surpass only in name, it is shameful. %^ -| To inquire, to ask ; to inform, to Sin ""^"Tl announce. wf^ y% TeAou p6 koh 16, sin che cheem Uy koo laou, main"? e cheem bang, call those old an- cient people, and ask them about the divinations and dreams ; see the /Jn ^ Seiou gnSy. Sin '^ To sprinkle ; sin sd, yjf «n «i«4 sadu, to sprinkle and sweep. Sin :? Sin Sin Sin Quick, swift; rapid, fierce. Sin Ifly hong leet pit pefen, ^t m M. B 'P l^kinAyUy hong kabu leet hoo cho6 pit petn sek, when the thunder rolled rapidly, and the wind blew fiercely, Confucius would change countenance; see the =|^ |p Lun g6. The covering for the brain, the skullf sin bftn, ^ f^ sin mooi"S, the top of the head. The same as the above. The ancient form of the following, SIN 605 SIN Sin -ft 2p- Sin To believe, to confide; sincere, true, unsuspicious; sincerity. E pfing yew iiaou, j6 put sin hoe ? kaou p'hoii/, ji «"* sin sit hoe ? in my intercourse with my friends, am I insincere ? see the =jj^ |^ Lun g6. Se sin, :^ ^ p'kay sin, a letter. I ■ A horary character; jit sin, Q PL i a day, a time. Sin chd k'ld., mi Sin Early ; cho sin, S. early in the morning. Sin chtiung, boe koe, leng jtn b^ng s6ng, ^^fi-ti^ A tl W chd k'hB yeS cheng, mat"9 hwui"S p'hah ko6, ling Idng hhig ch'ha{"S, the bell in the morning, and the gong in the evening, are to make people rouse up and awaken ; see a p g* ko6 se. A deep retired apartment in a dwell- ing ; an emperor's residence. Sin keung, ^ "g"^ a palace. Sin Bi Sin hong, || a kind of hawk. Sin Heen sin, ^ district. To assist, to help, to second any one ; a second in office ; sin scang, ^ y a prime minister. \ kwan sin, the second ruler of a Sin ^ To enter upon, to go into ; to pre- sent, to offer up ; to receive. Put hfing kfi tek, hek sin che sew, Ay tek, hek jip kadu sedou Uy,\( you are not con- stant in your virtue, you may be brought into dis- grace; see the ^ ^ Ek keng. 7 B Sin Sin w Jin sin, K B^ a servant, a minis- ter, a statesman. Kwun SCO sin 6 Idy, sin soo kwiuj jtn kwun saijin sin 6 ley soe,jin sin hok saejin kwun 6 t'eitng, when a ruler employs his ministers accord- ing to propriety, the statesmen will serve their prince with fidelity ; see the p^ p§ Lun g6. A god, a spirit ; sin bdng, |i^ f^, the gods ; chin sin, ^ ^, ll>e true God; sin hwiin, |j^ t^, the human spirit and soul. Ch'heng b6ng chae keung, chfe k'hfc jfi sin, J|| ^J\ ^ i"! A^ E i(0 iH' ''^'*"'» ^^"^ '' *'" "'"' chi k'hi iy ch'hin cheo^^ sin, when purity and in- telligence rest on our persons, our minds and spirits will be like ihe gods ; see the |* |^ Ley kh. »■ J «^ To be careful, to be cautious ; kfn ®^" MI0- sin, H'j^Jc^je, attentive, care- |_>»^ ful. A surname. Choo che siy sin, chae, chefen, chit, -^ ^^ yj\ IS 5^ Rtt- dfc hoo cho6 hj scy kin sin, chtah ch'hai, sto t'had, woo pai^S, tiie things which Con- fucius was careful about were fasting, war, and sickness; see the pM ^ Lun g6. Sin Sin Sin Sin The ancient form of the precedinfr character. The residue, the surplus, that whici' is left over; y^w sin, i^ t^l^ woo ch'hun, over and above. ^The increase of anything, a super- fluity. E^C-The kidnies. Goey sin, ^j^ ^^ 1"^ the testicles. SIP 606 SIT Sin Sip Sip Sip ^ %■- Embers, the remains of a fire; ashes. k y'^Pi^ Kim die 16y se, kae twat sip 6 y^_*mf^ w6ey sin che 6, "^ ^^ |^ ^ keng, chb poo se k'keoh leoh te hdty chin d.y sin, the books of ceremonies and odes now in use are all picked out of the remnant of the embers and ashes; see the ;^ g^ Choo choO. i S Not to attain to. >^ pj Vulg. Mm : moist, damp ; sip k'hfe, f^^ M i,, a damp air. Low, marshy ground ; gwan sip, ^S ICj M high and low ground. Jii^ San y6w chin, sip y6w ISng, m >H ^K P^ ^ '^ sio'^a &y touy woo chin ch'hew, sip &y wuy woo hbk ling ch'hadu, in hilly places the chestnut is found, and water plants in marshy ground j see the ^f 1^ Woey hong. Sip Sip Sip S Low, marshy ground. ^"^ Lip sip, g ^, a heavy rain. Sip m + Vulg. chap : ten ; choo sip ch6 pek, 1^ -J- ^5 "5" choo chap chi, kabu payh, from ten to a hundred. Hii^y yiJ^, bdn yit 6 te sip, [p| .^^ ^ -_- J^ 4:r| -r* Hb&i/ yea, t''h'e"-a chit hang, chew chae chap hang, HoSy on hearing of one thing knew ten things ; see t'le =j^ =^ Lun ge. Ten men, a company often people; sip h"5, ^Y '^ cA°i' ^oiy, ped- ler's wares, a mixed assortment of It goods. Sip Vulg. k^heoh : to collect, to gather, /•"V to pick up. •"• Poe sip wAy, sin che gwan yei, 1 ^p 1 ^ ;t M 4 1*"^ *'A^»* *« laouh Ay mee^Sh, si gwd Ay sty gwan, to collect and repair what is neglected and forgotten is all my de- m To study, to exercise one's-self in, to ^^P tr V '^°" "^^"^ ^ '^*^ ' ^^^ *'P' ^^ ^3 to learn and get perfect in ; ap sip, /(ip ^^ to be intimate with, to be familiar; ch'hwan ^'P> m ^, thoroughly versed in ; a surname. Hak j6 s6 sip che, put ek wat hoe ? ^ rfn pi ^ 2l "^ yl" Ta! J ''^"^^'' ./"^ se&ng se wun sip e, u"* yea hw''^a ht hoe? to learn and constantly practice one's-self in it, is it not delightful ? see the J^ gj^ Seang liin. The noise made by people when they try to shake off the cold; a shiver- Sip Sit pg. * ing sound. > A rule, a plan, a law, a model ; sometimes read sek. Ko6 hwilnse sit, ^ 1)11 -g^ koi chd Ay kd hwiin ey chb Idn Ay hwat toe, the in- structions of the ancients are our rule and pattern ; see the ^^ ^ Tae gniy. ft % \ Vulg. ch'hit: to wipe, to rub ; clean ; ^^^ ^''i\ sometimes read sek. ^ ^ Pok been cho sit kwuy, AU ^n ^ TtC 3E ^"^ **" ''^^y ch'hit g'eitk, he sat with his face towards the north, and rubbed the gem clean. ^_ To breathe ; ch'hwin sit, p^ M Sit r ".I chliwdn k'hwHy, the breath ; ch6 i^iCi^ sit, jh /^ ^ *" ^*°P ' ^'^^° ^''' pS g^ t'h6 k'hcily, to sigh ; seaou sit, yja jg„ news; choo sit, ^ 6 posterity; le sit, ^l] M-> interest, gain; an sit, -^ .P^ rest. SIT 607 SIT Sit Yit sit seang chfin, ch'hoo ch6 put yAng sedou hae, - .i. ^^ ^tt^T^ ^ 9 m chit &y cK'hwdn k'hwiiy seang chin te.y chey ley sim cht u"* ydng tit se6 k^kwa hae. tae, as long as a breath remains, tliis inclination (for study) should not be allowed for a moment to decline; see the ^^ ^t Choo cho5, A fleshy excrescence growing in the iiV^ nose ; a nasal pob'aus. Sit Sit Sit boo, ^B ^^simpodjdi daughter- >\V\ in-law. ^Vli> Seaou sit, -m ^ , an instrument for cleansing the ear when it itches. To lose ; sit goe, -^ iS^ to make a mistake; k6 sit, jS 4fc k'diy Sit J3^ ■^ \k. s»<, a fault, an error ; sit 16k, ^ ^ sit loh, to lose, to miss. Eyeak sit che che4, se6n ^, u7 Sy 4Hc /^ ^a 8i£ fc^ i kdn y'eak sit e &y Idng clieS i, when a man is precise, he seldom errs; see the f^ =S Lun g6. Sit r V'ulg. bat : to know, to understand, to have an acquaintance ; ke^n sit, S |S|^ knowledge, acquain- tance with things; seang sit chei, jtB ^^ ^- seo bat Ay Idng, an acquaintance. Put sit put te, sdn ti'^y che chck, >f> ^^ ^ kO J^ ^ ^ >W ""* *"' ""* **"*' ''^'^" '^'y ^!^ hwat chek, we neither know nor understand, but follow the rules of the emperor ; see the ~^ ^P Ko^ ko. Sit ^ Altogether, entirely ; also read sek. Sit %-pA Vulg. seeh : sit sut, I HC^T^ a cricket. •^^ Sit sut chae t8ng, | seeh sutf seih sut ttcd te tiH, the cricket in the hall; see the ^ J^TSnghong. Sit hip X Sit A house, a dwelling, a residence, a chamber, an apartment. Y^w yed. sfing tQng h, be jip 6 sit Y6io yea woo ch'eo'^i t&''S bbey jip kadu ch'hod, Y€w (as it respects his acquirements in learning,) has ascended the hall, but not yet entered into the house; see the |^ |£ Lun g6. j^. Vulg. ch'cah : to eat ; sit hwan, ^t '^Y^^^ /§S chcah pooi^S, to eat rice. f'^^ Kwun choo sit bo6 k6w paou, S" Hp ^ iitt ^ 'f^ ktoun cho6 cheah b6 kite pa, the good man in eating does not look for satiety ; ^p Lun g6. see the =( Sit %^ Vulg. seih: to be injured, to be bro- ken in upon, to be eaten. Jit sit, Q ^ seeh jit, an eclipse of the sun. Gwat sit, n e^se^A^o^jrA, an eclipse of the moon. Sit pun, '^ji ^S^ seeh pun, to break in on one's capital ; to lose money. . fc True, real ; 16 sit, -^ w laou sit, Sit §-L/ ~ sincere, true ; cheAk sit, ^r ^ _5^ really, truly ; ko sit, ^ ^ lco6y che, fruit ; sit bwdn, W '^ sit mw^d, full, replete. T'hut hwa boo sit, ^ ^ ^ ^ «'*«<: kak he hwa d-y, chwan boo cheak sit Ay, reject the flowery and vain, while you attend to what is real and solid. Sit The same as the above. so 608 Sit 3 H Clear, limpid water, the bottom of w y |— which may be seen. Sit ^ To stand upright, to place erect ; to plant, to cause to grow. Sitkateangjayln,;^^ ^ ?fn ^ k''h'ea e Ay hwai d,jt Vhw^d cK'habu, (the old man) then stuck his staff in the ground and be- gan to weed the field ; see the ^k t-B, Lun g6. Seng sit, ^ ij§^^ to plant and grow. Sit M To grow, to increase. H"6 cha^ sityeen, ;^ ^ ^ ^; hoey chet^S sai^S k'hah kay, property and wealth increasing ; see the m ^ Teung yAng. Sit §it So — ^ J; To wear a double suit of clothes; ^^^3ji because, on account of; to succeed ,VVs^ to ; to invade ; sit wuy, ffi ^, to succeed to the throne. Chfiy SCO sit Ch'ho6, ^ %^ ^ Ch&y dy peng sit Ch'/io6 koJc, the troops of the Ch6y country invaded that of the Ch'ho6. k «-— I Read ek : the wings of a bird ; neiou Tp|^ teing U ek, g g| ^ ^ ' "^^ ^ chedou t'eo"9 e Ay sit, the bird stretches its wings. Sew so, ^ J^ cK'h&w so, to rub with the hand ; to rub the hands together. So s6w te to8, 1^ "^ ^41 SP so i'haSu kale te. too s'eo^S, he scratched his head, and walked up and down in suspense; see the ;Jtf m Woey hong. So Proud, haughty. So So So So So So So So So So SO Sorrowful ; 16 so, ^ ^^ a poem, made by 1^ J^^ K'hwut-gwan. Troublesome; sojin, ^w /V , to trouble people. So jedou, ^& jM to annoy people, by playing pranks. ►Agitated, moved, troubled. »^ P^y so, Jl^ J^^ to scratch. ^ L^ ^^^ ^''^ ^° y^°^' ^ ^ Ji^ ikayh Ma p&y ch'eo^S, to scratch one's itching legs through a boot; (i. e. making inef- fectual efforts to remove an evil.) The whistling of the wind. An appellation for a female. 'JjJtjL The smell of pig's fat ; the same as B^ so. -• TS ^ So so, 4^ '^^ tile sound of washing i The sound used at the end of cer- tain carols. So so, «E -^ to frisk and gambol about, as when in liquor. J^^ So S06, 1^ ^ to blast a man's .^^^ instigate a person to comply with reputation ; te3,ou so, |k^ ^^ to one's wishes. so So So So So So So So So So So S6 4^ k^ j> A weaver's shuttle. The name of a fish. TP^'^A kind of confectionary. ^V^?To walk, to frisk about incessantly. icy j^-^ Po so, ^ ^, to dance, to gambol. «»^A» The name of a plant; a water grass, V#^ a species of Cyperus. Jj^kpTo rub anything ; m6 so, ^ \)^, '^m jT '0 '"'' ^'''' •''* hand. pipOThe smell of pig or dog's fat. ►M'^ To run about ; to frisk about as a child. JL. JL» So e, ^ ^ soey e, u rain mantle, _ |--| -I made of bamboo leaves or rushes ; 609 S6 So SO •jV^A lock, a fastening for a door; also written jb so. ■r«< . •4i>^3 A fastening for a door. S6 S6 A sister-in-law ; heng so, ^^ flg? he^a s6, an elder brother's wife. So lek put wan se ch'hafe 16ng ye^, tehm Mh ehdy, i™ Uw si cVhai ISng yea, when a sister-in-law is drowning, not to go and save her a man must be a wolf; see ^ -J" Beng choo. A sort of bamboo. 56 dr'^^ SdbanbiitcheA,b6khanhoeh"6, «d ta ban mee"Sh Ay, bd k'k&h kin i hiiiy, of the things which dry all substances, there is not one so fierce as fire; see the ^ |j^ ^ Ek wat kw^. 86 Si) kip, }^ j^, hasty, headstrong. 86 J a rough coat to keep out the rain. The filings of gems ; very small, mi- nute. inferior relations. So so yin 4, jg j| ^ jgg, S(3 />^S6 ycak, |' 15" a lock; so s6, a key. Vulg. sadu: to sweep; sd chew, ^ /fK* sadu chite, a broom. SwA sd tfing loey, -jjg ^^ ^ n\\ hew cMiy sabu gay It ting a lai, to sprinkle and sweep in the hall ; see the ^ ij^ Tae gniy. So S6 ,The same as the above. U S% The gravy of bones. 7 C SOE 610 SOE S5 Soe Soe ?oe Soe V*^^ So6 so, l^i 1^, to instigate any one -O^^ to comply with one's views. To revive as from the dead, to rise again; YeJl-soe,WK ^^^ Jesus. i)kV-J Hfiy gno hoe, hoe lag kfi soe, ^ 1^ ^ /d ^ S ^ '^"" *"°" ^'"^" ^y jin kwun, jln kwun nd lai gwan chew koh wah, let us wait for our prince, for when our prince comes, we shall revive ; sec the [pj ^ Seang se. To revive ; to resuscitate ; lo recov- er, as from a fit, or as insects do; the same as the preceding. The name of a plant ; soe bok, ^i^ yi^ sapan wood. A surname. Soe bok, 7^^ y^^ sapan wood, a kind of wood, used in dyeing red. ^h Soe A sort of curd, made from a cow or goat's milk; soey^vv, ^ J(l)^ a kind of butter or cheese ; called in the north j^ ^EB^ S, m4 soo ko. Soe Few, thinly scattered; open, coarse. Tam gwat soe song jeSou kefen cl>ea„g,-j3{< jEj^^ll^ ^ tan gdeyh soe ch'haiPS jedou te&'^S twa te keln ci.eang &y keungy\he solitary moon and a few thinly scattered stars turned and entwined around the pa- lace ; see the ^J; ^ |^ Toe hoo se. Soe Soe Vulg. sey : a comb ; kak soe, 7[J^ kak sey, a horn comb. ^f^ Soe ch'hafe, ^w ^^^ culinary vege- tables of any sort; common food. Soe Vulg. 5ey.- distantly related; open, far apart, wide asunder. Teng ch'hin soe, % ^ 0^ te"d t'eoh ch'hin hap sey, to fix the distinctions be- tween near and distant relations. jr]Z3jKwat soe, |g- ^ distantly relat- ^J^ > - To seek for, to inquire after ; to re- Soe y . I T gulate troops; a medicinal plant. ^Ifii Tae soe sam jit, i^^^'^ tied cKh'dey kabu s^a jit, a great search for three days ; see tlie U^ iP Soo kfe. Soe Soe Soe Soe Jui.^ A kettle shaped bamboo vessel with- out handles, in which rice is wash- ed ; a small measure. To make water; to steep in water. Vulg. ch'hcaou : to search, to seek for, to search out; to shake. Hwat Sam-hoo k6 soo, tae soe seang 11m, fl H $i |?tJr^ It ±# hwat Sam-hod &y ki sod, tied ch'heaou teng bin Ay cK'hew nd, he ordered out the cavalry of Sam-hoo, to search all throughout the upper forest; see *^^ K ^ E "^" ''°° '^^' ^^^ Soe Soe Soe The general name for a ship or ves- sel. Also read so6. The sound of the wind. The same as i^ soe, to search. SOE 611 SOE Soe Soe To conceal one's-self, to hide one's character. Jin yeen soe chae ? A. ^ ^^ ^ ^^^9 h'deyh, an chw'^d ey soe lik? how can men conceal them- selves ? see the fm |^ Lun g6. t A title for an elderly person ; vene- rable sir. Ong wat, so6 put win ch'heen le jfi lag, i0i;f;^f-Milo^ ong k6ng sot, «"• k'huPdt chd hwui^S chit cVheng It j6 lae, the king said, " Venerable sir ! you have not considered it too far to come a thousand miles (to visit me) ;" see ^[ -f- Beng choo. Soe Soe Soe Blind, having eyes without pupils. Vulg. saH : thin, lean, meagre, ema- ciated. San sat soe, ll| j^ ^ sw^a kabu t'hac, k'ho'^A kei''S sin, when a hill is cleared it looks barren. A venerable old man ; also written A^ soo. Soe Soe Soe The name of a large mnrsh. To wash, to rinse ; so6 k'ho^, P 5waA;'Aa0u,to rinse the mouth. To drag, to draw; to6 so6, ^ ^ taSu sa6u, to rouse up, to brush up. Soe Soe hofiy, ^ 4|gj^ to go up against the stream; so6 yCw, r[JH| ijjs to go with ihc stream ; also written ^, soe ; and J^^ so6. Soe White, the ground of a picture, plain, unornaraented; pfengsofe, V^ yS' .^^'\ formerly, hitherto ; kim so6 , ^ ^^ at present, now. So6 e g6y k6w, ^ >^ ^ ^ P^y^ *"« ^<>^ ke^d &y Mw, a white garment and a fawn colored ,'^ur-dress ; see the |i||g ^^ Lun g6. So6 ho6 kwily, hfing hoe hod kwily, ^ g ^ jfr -^ ^ ^ ^c^» <^^«« po^ ^«^y> thew 4e"4 ti pod ktcHi/, if at present in wealthy circumstances let us act according to wealthy circumstances ; see the t|l j^ Teung y n ^ § Sl^ cilia sbeyh se Ay lAng, u"* t'hang fh6 t Ay ji kae e Ay tod, therefore those who explain the odes should not by adhering to the letter injure the sense; see ■5 ~^ Beng chob. Read sok : to suck, to draw in the breath, to draw as by a poultice. Se4oujesokj6,/j>^^^ ily k6"d soh Ung, children draw in the milk. ^ Soh su Read sek : a rope, a cord ; sin sek, j^ '^ sin ioh, twine. Read ch'hwfln : a bracelet ; s^w ch'hwin, ^ ^ll ch'hiie sdh, arm- lets for the wrist. Also written ^ sok, a ring. Sok M A bundle ; to bind, to tie. A sur- name. Seng choe yit sok, ^ ;^ — ||i ch'hai'*S ch'haon chit pak, a bundle of green grass ; »ee the nrs ;to| Seiou gniy. ^ ^fc^ Hasty, quick, hurried, speedily, swift, Sok ^Q' rapid, to call, to invite. •'^1^' Ong sok ch'hut leng, ^ ^ ^ ^ 6ng U K'hah kin ch'hut leng, may it please youv majesty immediately to issue your orders; see jj& -X- Beng choo. Y6w put sok che k'hek sam jln lafi, /fe" ^ 34 [^ ^ ^ J\,^voobd ked Ay k'hayh s^a Ung lai^ there were three strangers who came uninvited. Sok Sok Sok Sok Sok Chae sok, ^ ^^ to respect anj venerate. • /- The general term for culinary vege-» k^V tables. P'hok sok, {^ ^^ small twigs. The name of an insect. pS^Vulg. s6h: to suck, to draw. Sok Hdt sok, aA ^, a frightened ap- pearance ; terrified. Gol put Jim k6 hat sok, jeak bnd choeyjediewsootey,^ ^ <8» ^ ^ ^ ^ fe H itn 1^ ^ ^ 5«« 6'y lun e Ay ke^a Ae"d Ay yeo^S, ch'hin ched"S 16 choeyji. chite kudu it &y ley," I cannot bear its frightened and ter- rified appearance, as if for no fault it was led away 7 D SOM 614 SONG Sok Sok Sok Sok to the place of slaughter ;" said by a king when he saw an animal going away to be sacrificed ; see Jg 7^ Beng choo. Metal ; kim sok, ^ ^h him soh, a gold ring; s6w sok, ^ ^ ch'Mw soh, a bracelet. The contents of a pot or pan ; the meat in the caldron. T6ng cheet cheuk, hok kong sok, 1^ ^jt /£ S '^ l^/c^aAaducAceAA'/jacAe?/; pak t6 kong &y mee^Sh ch'eah, the foot of the cal- dron being broke, the ruler's food was upset; see the Ig Ek keng. 'ix^Pl A kind of lance or spear, 18 feet -^^'^^ long ; also written Jft' sok. The first day of the moon ; gwat sok, Ej i^H gdeyh sok, the new moon. Sok hong, ijfl ^, the northern region. m Sok Sok Anything sliced very small. Frequently, many times, repeatedly, hurried; read sofe : several. Soo kwun sok, soo jeuk fe, ^ ^ M" tiff @ -^ ''"^ saejin kwun na chap chap t"d, chky Uy chhc ch'hi Mngjeiik, in serving a ru- ler, (if we repeatedly reprove him,) we shall get into disgrace ; see the pj gfi Lun g6. Som Som _The thick foliage of trees, a thick 7^ g ove. To conceal ; deep, bidden. ^ Som ^» Jin sova,J^ ;^, ginseng, the Pan- ^JJ^T^ ax quinquefolium, a plant in much __^5* esteem among the Chinese; y&ng som, -1^ j^ ye.6^9 som, foreign ginseng; ha6 som, '/fe- ^j tripang, biche de mer. >^1 ^ ^ulg- se^9 : frost, frozen dew ; p'he Song ^Q song, 1^ ^M p'hei^O se^S, arse- Loe keet wAy song, |^ i^ ^^ ^ loii chuy keet chd se^S, frozen dew becomes hoarfrost ; see the ^^. ^ Ch'heen joo bAn. Sonff Song 7# jrl— A widow. 5<, disheveled hair. H6ng song, ! VVv Vulg. sang: loose, not tight. Double ; a surname. Vulg. sang : a Song \^ P^ pair, a couple ; song seng, i|E ^g _^^^^^ sang saiP'O , twins ; yit song beet, — '^ 1^ chit sang bdeyh, a pair of stockings. Kok soo bo8 song, ^ "^ ^^ ^t ^"^ ^"^ ^^ *°"5' txly, among all the scholars in the country, he has no equal ; see the '^ -tej js Seaou h8 twan. Song I The name of a boat or vessel. Song Song — » Vulg. se^ff: the mulberry tree, Mo- ^%^^ rus multicaulis. A surname. .^^^ Ch'han gwat tejlou song, ^ J^ (l^ ^ chVie ch'hSng Ay gdeyh, woo hwat ch'eH te&oti se"9 ch'hein, in the month for breeding silk- worms, the mulberry tree puts forth its branches. Song habu, '^ j^ se"g Ad, mourn ing clothes; s5ng song, ^ sdng se"9, to attend a funeral SONG 615 SOO Ke che song tdt hoe tae hoo, sara lii^n che song fat hoe fheen choo, M "^ ^ ^M ^ j^ =k n ^ ^ ^ i^ ^ 9^ ^chewne6'^Sdy se^S hd tdt kabu tae hoo, s"a nee"S &y se"ff hd tdt habu hSng thy, the period of one year's mourning for parents extends to the great officers, but the time of three years reaches to the eraperor ; see the pb HJ Tcungyflng. ^^ To throw, to pitch ; song ch'ha6, Song ^^^2 ^% ^, 'o pitch firewood into the grate, to feed tiie fire in a furnace. Song Song rhe stone under a pillar. Song S6ng S6ng Song The forehead ; kim hoo suy, p'hok yeak che, k'ho soo kd song ^^9^ n m "m ±. pT |i|' j^ |[(J V*ahoochuy,iiVt&hji hoeeicdy t'hnng sa6 e koiy I'haSu h'cah, now with respect to water, if we beat and splash it, we can make it go over our foreheads ; see ^ -^ Beng choo. yrt-^^\ -^ piece of wood like a drum. ^^% A case for holding chopsticks. Clear, pleasant; hearty, cheerful; grand, fine ; song k'hwa^, W Wj, good health and spirits, well. To lose one's office ; vulg. se"^ ; to lose, to bury, to be ruined, to be lost; forgotten, destroyed. Je sam choo h8 hwan d sbng hoe ! _^ ^^ IX. "(pT ^^ ^ j^ -^ no s^a Ay Ae"a, sa6 sa& hwdn Id i, sit ttmy hoe ! my two or three children, what need have you to be troubled about losing office ! see the % If Lung6. Sdng bfing, ^ "^^ to be lost, and undone ; sbng sit, 1^ -J^^ to lose anything. Song The name of a country ; also, of a m^ dynasty ; and vulg. sdng : a sur- ^n| ^^ name. Song teaou, ^ ^^ the famous dynasty of Sbng, which commenced A. D. 950. Song i^ To accompany out of respect ; to present, to give; s5ngh€ng, ^ ^^ to accompany any one a part of his journey ; sbng se, ^ Q^ sdng ck'hayh, to present a book. Chafe paije sdng che, H ^ jfj] ^ ;t koh pahji sdng e, he made a second obeisance, and ac- companied him out; seethe 1^ =^ Lun g€. The same as the preceding. a corresponding To think, to consider, to reflect; soo > }^t 1^, to consider ; soo leem, ^^ iVa-j ♦" reflect; soo se&ng, « i^ to think. Kwity-bfin-choo sam soo jfi hoe hdng, ^^ -^ IS. H <^v itil tl ^ Ktouy-bUn-choS s"a hay seo^Sfjiinadu kc''d, Kwdy-bAn-choo used to con- sider thrice before he did anything ; see the =|ft fE Lun g^. o JS^V-inf ^ three month's mourning, worn for I l ^j\ distant relatives. Soo r2 Poey soo, ^ ^ ^ fuU beard. ivsa^ soo 616 SOO Soo ^^ To urge one another to do anything. Pdng y6w ch'heet ch'heet soo -°' 1 ^ -^ -^ 1S m pSng ytw ch'heet ch''h'eet s'eo k'hwuV^, friends should be earnest and serious in stirring one another up (to virtue) ; see the ^ ^ Liin eh. Soo ■ A cool wind. Soo Soo Soo Soo Soo A kind of wooden screen, to put in the doorway. Vulg. sue : the cheeks, the sides of the face. ' The same as the preceding. This, these ; then, forthwith. K6 soo cl e wuy ^» ^ ^ <1 this is the meaning of it ; see the |^ pg Lun g€. Chafe soo k'ho fe> ^ ^ "pf ^ *»* «"» "^y. cAeio t'hang, once more thus, and it will do; see the =j^ 'SB. Lun g6. A boy, a servant, a menial ; a wood or grass cutter. Yew soo ying chut, /H ffir ^^ 2& woo hwah cVhabu ch'he bay &y peng chut, there are some grass cutting and housekeeping menials. Soo Soo « M^ soo hong, e^ ha4u Aon^,the horse snorts to the wind Soo Soo The same as the above. To neigh; mi soo, J^ ^ bay ha6u, the horse neighs. To belch. bay The water exhausted, and dry ; to exhaust, to diminish, as from the melting of ice. To superintend anything; y6w soo, TJa pi a presiding officer. An ch'hat soo, ^ ^ "^ a« cA7»a<5e,a civil judge ; pofe ch^ng soo, ^ "jj^ ^, a treasurer ; kong soo, /^ "^ kong se, a company, the place where the company meets. Peen toe che soo, chek y6w soo chAn, ^L ^ 7. ^ M'l ^ ^\ ^peen tabu dy soo, chek yia soo chUn, with respect to the vessels and materials for sacrifice, there are the proper officers to attend to these things ; see the |& 2^ Lun g6. A surname. Soo mk, "^ ^^ a double surname ; also, soo to6, ^ ^, and jSj ^^ soo k'hong. Soo Soo Soo '^^ Soo hoe, 'j^ to| soo haou, to wait, ^" I to tarry. / J^X» A square bamboo trunk for contain- ^ m\ ing clothes or other things. *'^J Wfiy e sea,ng chae soo, ^ ^ ^ "^ '^ w!ly yin cheats te seo^S, the clothes are in the case; see the ^ |^ -^ Se wat beng. A teacher, an instructor; a multitude, a host, an army. A surname. Kh bun che hak, put k'ho 6 wty jin soo, IE Pp^ ;2 # T> "^ i^ ^ a aa kt mooi^i &y Vhdk cWhayh,b6 Vhang chd ling dy sin sai^, the man whose learning consists partly of recollections and partly of inquiries, cannot become any one's instructor ; see the ^ |^ Ley kfe. Hin soo, |& Iflj, to begin a march, to commence a campaign. Ley soo, ^ Jll IS too, a kind of Soo ytUU ^^* *'"^ ' * *"*'' ' * ^^"^ univalve molluscous animal. |i|5 soo 617 SOO Soo ,Soo choo, J|jfi ^f- sae o, a young lion, a lion. Soe-lek 6ng lafi hefen soo choo, 5)^ f/ 3E ^ ii P ^- ^"-'^^ ^«^ ^«^ h'e&n sae d, the king of Soe-lek came bringing the present of a lion. ^^ ^ VuIg.iacA'Aeffl.- private, not public; Soo Jt%f'^ ^"^ *'■"' W^ ili») private views, ^ sinister ends ; soo yeiik, J^ •^^j selfish propensities or lusts. E gno kong teSn, suy kip gno soo, ^ ^ ^ ^ 7j ^ J^U ^"* ^^ '^ ^"'^" ^y ^""^ ch'h&n, jeen adu kip kabu gwdn di/ sae k'h'ea &y, rain first on our public fields, and afterwards let it come to our private fields; see the -y^ 5tt Tae gndy. Soo Soo Fine wine strained from the dregs; to divide. * . >^ Read se : to lose, to lose a battle, or ■^^- a wager. Seengbehwun,$f(^^^ % soo y'e^d. h'dey woo hwun peel, the gaining or losing of t|}e contest is not yet decided. ^ % A record, a history ; soo kwan, ^ Soo jl ■ ^ so6 ku^a, a historian, a recor- >^^^ der; soo kfe, ^ '12, ^ '''*'°'''*=^ record. Vulg. tai : a surname. Se6p lap se soo, \^%,% }^ *« :§ ^ ^ |!t /("I y^ ^ PI ^ kwun cho6 Ay si k6ng k'eb cheung, seaoujin Ay s6 kSng keb si, when a good man dies, it is called finishing his course ; but when a bad man dies, it is called death. Soo Vulg. si: four; also written •^, sof>, twice two. Sod sip j6 put hek, pg -f' ffij Pf> ^, s^ chi'p hbiyji hSg6 kek, "at forty I was without doubts;" said by Confucius in the §^ ^ Lun g^. ^ Soo Four horses, a team of four horses. Sod put kip siiet, ^7{>2^^ si chc&k bay biyjeuk kabu ch'h^y cheih, four horses cannot overtake the tongue ; see '•!« In |p Lun g6. So*y^^ Kwun sod sit, pit chfeng sek seer. soo 618 SOO Soo jin ktoun na sob hoe ch'e&h &y tnet^Sh, pit t'eoh ch'hong ch'e"d. clt'h'eoh, tae seng cVhl k'hw^h e, when a prince conferred a gift of food, he would put his mat square and first taste of it ; said of Confucius in the ^ §3l Lun c6. Ch'he sob, m" ^^ a market ; hbng so6, W ^^ disorderly, to give way to one's evil passions. Pek kong ke sob, "5" "J^ S- ^ c7te"« payh ay hang k'h'ea te telm, all the handicraft trades can be found in the shops; see the §||j Ip lqj, gg_ Soo E so5, ^ B ^ thought, intention, idea; the will. Bong ch'heng ch'ho tg tSng, se sod putjegn,^t^llHl]l^i#,ra ^^^ hang ch'hai'^S cVhaiu te chuy t&, se Ay sod clieto put j'een k'M, "when dreaming of green grass by the side of theponds, poetical thoughts immediately arise;" said by ?y^" ^ j^ Sea-16ng-wun. Soo Soo A square basket, made of wicker work ; a trunk. Vulg. s6 : to refuse, to take leave of any one; an expression, a sentence. Gwan-soo wAy che cha6, 6 che ch'heuk kew pek, soS, ^ ^. ^ ±, ^ ^ i2. ^ ')L "S" S? Gwdti-soo kap e chd kay chai, hoe. e ch'hek kadu payh, s&, Gw^n-soo was steward of the household of Confucius who offered him nine hundred measures of corn, but he refused to accept of them ; see the =m ^^ Lun ge. BAn so6, ^ §^, a style ; gin so6, "=" ^ an ex- pression. a style ; gin so6, = Soo P^ A word, a phrase, an expression, a style. So6 <^ -^4% Vulg. ch'hae: to sacrifice to, to wor- jJl P I ship ; ch^y so8, ^ jjjp], to sacri- Kwun clioo cheang 6ng keung sit, seen lip so8 t6ng, kwun cJioo cheang k''h6 keung ch'hob, t'eoh tae seng k'h'ea ch'hae sin Ay te'^, when a good man is about to build a house or palace, he first sets up a temple for sacrificing (to the gods). Soo So6 The handle of a sickle. To inherit, to succeed to an inheri- tance; posterity; hereafter. Choo so8 hoo geep, ^ K^ ^ hadu sai^S so6 n'e6^S pay Ay kay g'eep, the son inherits the father's patrimony. ft Different, diverse, various. SoS MH So8 soS e ge,5| f^J ^ ^ X'^>| koh y'eo"S' wa, yew koh y'eo'^S Ay I, different expressions and bearing various signifi- cations. Soo Soo b I A stick, a staff, a military weapon. ■- A surname. One of the radicals. Soo Choo so8, ^ ^, very small weights ; ten grains of millet make one S^ luy; ten W^ luy •^ so8 ; and ten 4^, so8, make one A business, an affair, trouble; to soo, ^ '^S. troublesome. Soo bo8 soo j6 sit put k'ho y'ek, M '^ ^ ^ ilL ''''"* '^'^'^"y* lAng kabu bo soo, j& ch'eah lAng Ay hbng 16k se u*" t'hang, when a learned men is without employment, to enjoy a salary is improper ; see ^ -f' Beiig choo. ± M soo 619 SOO w J6 soo, ^ J^^ a learned man ; Soo ^^1^^ '"^ '^'"''» i ^f^ ^ soldier, a "■^^ private. Confucius said, "if riches may be sougiit after, (suy chip peen che soo, go6 ^kw^jj^^ HwSn soe soo yim suy, fi^ M? PX ^ ^ yY.chi&hch'hoepoox^S Urn cMiy, to eat coarse rice and drink water ; tee thef^ ||Lung6. Soo ^g The same as jW^ soo, alike. Chfey soo, » ijp^ chty ch'hae, to sacrifice to, to worship. Soo jjrP /I » li^ Chfey soo cho6 seen, ^ j£ ,|^ 4r ch&y ch'hae choi chong, to sacrifice to one's an- cestors ; also written jM sod. SUN 620 SUN Soo A ploughshare ; the colter at the end of a plough. Hoo joey soo, j6 choo S5ng che Tang,g ^ip [In i tB M Bs'^^j''^ sod,j6 ch'edng Sdng kok che kabu Teng, they shoul- dered their colters and ploughshares, and from the Sbng country come to that of the T6ng ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. . -| j-^ A wild ox ; ho6 soo ch'hut 6 ap, j^ Soo Uif 5a \^ fj'^ ^ f">^ ^''p ye« y^ t^ go6 ch'hut i ap, the tigers and wild oxen got out of their cages. ^^An inheritance; k fey soo, |,^ ^, to inherit. So5 fip| Sun >>h A grandson ; choo sun, 3-- J» ke^d sun, posterity. Vulg. swui^S: a surname. Ha6u sun y6w k'hfeng, ^ ^ -^ ^ "'"^ ^"^" Ay sun d woo hok k'hl, a filial grandson will possess happiness ; see the -f^ ^ Seiou gn^y. Sun ^^ ^ fragrant herb. Sun Sun Sun .A kind of ape, or monkey. The name of a tree. •■Dressed food. Sun * An evening meal, a supper ; teaou Sun y^W^ y""S sek sun, |3 8 :^ ^ ^C chdk'htcheahyungmaP9hwuiPS cheah sun, in the morning we eat our breakfast, and in the evening our supper. To injure, to diminish, to detract from ; sun hae, !§ ^j*** corrupt. Le k6 sun jln, ||J £ ^ A Ze yeah ka He, sun hae pat l&ng, to benefit one's-sel f and injure others. Sun Sun Sun Sun A pointed piece of wood, used as the fastening of a door. -y^ Teuk sun, \^ ^ tek siin, the AA- young shoots of bamboo. The same as the above. ^p?Sj Sun g6, ^ ^, a cross bar from which a bell or drum is suspended. Sun Sun Sun Sun The name of an ancient emperor. Yew kwan chae hay wat Gfi-siin, woo tw^a sin Ay l&ng chae hay way, meH ked G&- siin, there is an individual in an inferior stiuation called Ge-siln ; see the ^ |t Ge^ou tefen. \ k^ The stalk of a flower, or plant. A j*^» A pretty ephemeral flower which "^^ I fades the day it blossoms. 5i^Svin sit, ^ ^^ hdknaVSh, the twinkling of an eye. The trunk of a tree ; the name of a tree. Siin The name of one of the diagrams ; to enter in, to be obedient. Also, a young man with gray hairs is called M #, sdn hwat. Also written ^, sitn. SUN 621 Sun To follow ; to follow to tbe other world, by dying at the same time ; distant; hasty, speedy. S4 hSng tae sin sip j^ jtn, kae ke Itiet 6 siXn, ^ si hSng &y twa sin chdpje l&ng, chh po8 t'h6 ch'h'ea leeh i tdly e, the first emperor's great ministers, to the number of twelve persons, were all torn in pieces by chariots in order to follow him into the other world. Sun Sun To spurt out water. The same as the above. ^_— « To yield respectfully ; k'heem siln. Sun 2-^K If Hl,''"'"""^''""'''"*''- r-' 'jj Gno6 p'hin put sftn, 5, pp ^ ^ goe li'in &y to le ti'" iHn cheung, the five classes of virtues are not complied with ; see the ^ ^ ^ Se siln te6n. Sun To be humble, to be submissive ; the ^|\ same as the above. B % The movement of the eyes. vfi Cheung jit se, jfi bok put siln, chwufSjit til k'hw^dJS hak chew u^ tin tang, to be looking all day without moving the eyes. *^ To inspect, to go about and survey ; 7^^i^ spection paid by an emperor; chOn « *° •'«' rejected. Gnofe chafe yit siln sfew, ^ ^ — 5^ ^ goe nei"9 chit Ay sun. sJw, every five years there should be a visit of inspection ; see the ^ ^ Siln te6D. 7F Sun ^ SUN A period often days; sam sftn, ^n^ 'ftj three decades, a month, Ke sara pek y^w leuk sAn, yew le'ikjit,^H W ^ :?N ^ ^5^ B chit nee"S woo s"a payh kap lak chap jit, yew lah jit, a whole year consists of three hundred and sixty days, and six days besides ; see the p Geaou teen. Sun ^/&1 Swift, rapid ; also written ^, sAn. To soothe, to pacify; to be obedient Sun y{^i t° "^o^P'y *""''• Tin-sin soo Chew-ch'he sAn Gwuy ,ey,lf ^ f^ ^ itf f^ 1^ M. ^-- sin sai CheiD-ch'hi k'ht ho6 s§ surname. tTrJ^ Thick, liberal, real, sincere, faithful. 'JtsS A yellow cow with black lips. <^ i}3 Thick, strong wine; liberal, kind. \Cf H Yeem sun, ^ |||, yeen Mhun, a -qi?^ qua''- % J^ Full, replete. Sun m 111 to Sfm obey; sun hwan, 1^ J^, revolve; siin leiing, ^fH ^, docile. K'heng tae hoo 6 sun hwat wfty cheet, |J^p -j^ ^ £J M ]^ -^j |p klieng kay tai hoo t sUn hwat toe chd cheet, nobles and great officers should , gfm make a point of obeying the laws. SOn drhiiang j6 cho6, f^- j^ jfj] ^ t'hdn \ blemish To follow, to comply with; to ap- proach gradually. E biit bo8 hae, kofe but s^n yeen, b6 seo hae, koe mee"ffh sun sun yeen, " when we do not injure animals, they will be submissive to us;" said by J| £ ^ Chong-choo. ^ Koe stin, ^-pj |i(j kd c¥hw"d, a kind of wood, used for making the handles of hoes. m I k^ Pure, unadulterated, unmixed. JJH S(in ek put 6,^l))^yf G' 1* \^ pure without intermixture, spot or SUT 6dd SUY Sun I To be obedient, to comply with. Ha&u choo sun sun, ^k -^ Ira mn, filial children and obedient grandchildren. Sun soo, )|[B ^[ to comply with circumstances, to serve faithfully. _ J ^ To lead, to receive orders, to obey; Sut ^Si '"' ""^ ^ '*^' ^ Pi|i 1^ 5^ f ch'/tied peng i lal, he led on the troops and came ; see the ;^ 1® Cho twan. Tae sut, y^ ^ generally speaking, an average. Sut yV?-iTovalL ..j-cx ■k Sut Sut, To obey, to render obedient. Sit sut, ^ ^, 5e#A sut, a cricket. Sut Sut Sut The sound of wmd. - -. Vulg. ch&y : to cut off, to amputate. ^ To pity, to compassionate ; sut lin, H*m1 fia f^, in order to pity those distressed with famine ; see the J^\ ^ Chew I6y. Chin sut, j^ jinjl. to relieve distress- es. Also written Hjfc, sut. Sut JBttJ I Kfew chae sut Un, %^ f^ tS^ ^K kiw chae Ian, sut kayh piah kok, to save those Ln misfortune, and to relieve neighbors ; see the "^ jM Cho twan. Sut Sut One of the horary characters, •ijiijfw tiJu'tff I l ion '\ To whistle with the mouth ; k'ho6 bfing sut sut, p 51 5^ pj^ ch'hily ha6u sut sut, the mouth makes a whistling sound. Sut "TCJZ ^° come last out of a hole. .?> Sut gib J. Slit To guide, to lead on ; a leader. Choo sut 6 ch^ng, seiik kim put ch^ng, ^ f.p ]^ jE m S^ yt^ j£ cf'oo U ch'hwd 6 c/ie"il che chuy h^d u"* c/je"d, it you lead them on in a correct way, who dares to be incorrect ; see the fm ^-5 Lun g4. To connect, to cultivate; to state, to Slit declare ; to record. Seen silt jln che soo, ^ jjjt h^ ^ ^ ga6u su>d l&ng dy sod, to be skillful in con- necting and handing down people's affairs ; see the tfl ^ Teung yflng. An art, a contrivance f-Jte siit, ip^ |j}[|, skill ; Sim Slit, j|j> 'j^, the workings of the mind ; hwat siit, ih HlJ, ^" "■■•' * P'"" ' **'^ *'^'' ^B ^IJ. '"Pe"''- tious errors, corrupt opinions. Kaiiu ek to siit ^, ^ /f^ ^ ^|]| ^ *<^ ^"1"? yea cAey hang hwat siit, there are various methods of instruction ; see |^ ^ Beng choo. W Sut Suy I The same as j|]^, siit, to state. iid ilt>> aU i/. Although ; suy jefin, though it may be so. Suy wat be hak, goc pit wuy che SU¥ 624 SUY si/y jein kSng yea hoe.y fhak, gto&pit k6ng e hat t'hdkkoly, although any should say such a one is not learned, I would certainly affirm that he had karjied;, see the J- =^, Seang lun. her said, (b6 j6 yeem, ^ jfjj §!^ *% ^«"^ cVUn ch'haiPS,) "how beautiful and enchanting!" Soiy Suy Lateral^ inclined, partial. Hoe suy, i^ ^,^ fragrant kind of vegetable. W^n suy ^ 7^ the genus Carum, coriander. Suy yf* 4v ol .flj',!-- Suy Peaceful, at rest ; to retire. Suy b6, ® y^ a gentle shower of small rain. The name of a vessel or utensil. Suy Vulg. k'hioiin: to sleep. Also vulg. kd cMy : to slumber. Seang-kwun lun soo, Chtn 6ng boeysilyjeputt'h^ng,^ ^ 1^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ffi lllj yf\ 1^> Seang-kwun ge lun soo Chin Sng tdk jmk k'hwunj& h6 Vk'e^a, when Seang-kwun was discoursing on business, Chtn 6ng frequently went to sleep, and did not hear ; see the S^ eP Soo k^. Suy "j^ Unmixed, pure; sfln sdy, A(K j^ pure and unadulterated. Suy W Suy S6y Chong suy, ;|S ^ chang suy, a coarse kind of rain mantle. Suy e, ^^ /p^, garments to de- fend from the rain. Vulg. chuy : water ; sit suy, ^ ^ cheah chiiy, to drink water. A surname. Suy chae ! suy chae ! j^^ ^ 7K ^ «*% «''««•' My chae! O water ! O water ! * Suy The eyes looking harmonious and agreeable. Siy je^n kefen 6 been, ^ v^ S jWw ^f^ ch'heng h6 keen ie Inn, harmony and delight beamed from his countenance ; see ^T -J- Beng choo. j ' ^ w To ridicule, to blame, to inform; ;^AA verbose ; to reprimand. P~| G06 6ng hwa.n choo hwat Ch^y, sily Sin-se, ^^M^I^^W^'^ Goi 6ng tooi"^ choo hwdt CMy koky cVheb Sin-st when the king of the Go^ country returned from at- tacking the Ch6y, he ridiculed Sin-se* Sdy 1 Pin suy, ^ S the hair on the sides of the head. Read b6 : handsome, fine, elegant, 5^„ .rr|"S. beautiful ; when ^ X '^» ^"'^^ \^^~ hoo-siiuk saw ^L ^ A. ^'hong- kay-hoo's wife, he stared at her, and accompanying Suy say Suy To harden steel, by means of water. Calamities produced by evil spirit*. Deep and distant. SUY 625 SUY Suy \ commander-in-chief; gw&n sily, TC h¥» ^ generalissimo. •% To guard the borders of a country. Sliy JCy Put e gno sfty Sin, /f ^ ^ f^ ph bo kap gwd chtw Sin kok, they will not guard the borders of the Sin country for me ; see the ^^ J^ Ong hong. ^__ ^ k Vulg. chi chuy : who, what, which ? Suy g;g Choo w' • ^ s«"^ s^ To complete, to occasion, to extend Suy >!!^j^ '"' •" advance ; then ; suy chek, y^ jl^P, forthwith. Sfing soo put swat, suy soo put kin, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T; ^ chi^A Ay sod bd k6ng, suy Ay sod b6 <"d, when a thing is done it is useless to speak about it, and when it is completed, it is unne- cessary to reprove it ; see the ^^ |^ Lun g^. Bun gno choo koe, suy kip pek ch6, j}^ ^J^ j^- ll^ -^ ]k i^ j^ "toti'S gwdn choo koe, suy kip kadu u" payh tted chi, let us ask all our aunts, and then let us go to our uncles and elder sisters ; see the ^r JS Woey hong. Also written ^^ suy. Suy Suy ^^S The strings and tassels with which a gem is tied. \ gem worn by pertons in office ; a gom attached to girdles. SWA 626 SWA Suy A pathway in a vault, or a subterra- nean passage in a grave ; a way. K'hwat tey kip chwan, suy j6 seang kefen, ^ \k A $. B M ^^ ^ k'hwuy ley. kip kabu cho^& chiiy, suy t'hdn bong he, j6 seo kel^S, dig deep into the ground till you come to the fountains, and then by a subterranean passage meet each other ; this expedient was recommended to a prince, who had vowed never to see his mother again, till he met her under the yellow fountains (i. e. in the grave); see the^^ ^ Cho twan. Suy Suy ^v The embers of fire ; also, a kind of wood which is used for producing fire, by friction. The name of a wod, like the moun- tain pear. Sip yew se suy, [^ ;^ ;^J ^ leun sip Ay wity woo chh suy ch'hA, ir; marshy places they plant the wild pear ; see the ^ J^ Chin hong. Suy Suv 8uv Suv Sfiy Swa Swa A kind of rheumatic complaint. An ear of corn, the fruitful appear- ance of corn. i*-^^The mind deeply exercised with thought An ear of corn. A gem used as an insignia of office ; also, a lucky omen. Swa k'hae, ^ ^, to open out, to spread out. sure. Swa ^ To sport ; hh sw4, J^ ^, to play ; l^lj gw^n swa, ^ ^ mt t'hd, to play, to sport, to take one's plea- "Pf"^ To sprinkle the ground with water. T6ng sw4 s5, >^ ^^ \^ iy I t&"S tit htto chuy sabu tey, he i» fit for sprinkling and sweeping the ground ; see the 1^ ||Lung6. Seaou sw4, 'Mj iW^ solitary. Swa ® To wash out, to obliterate, the same as the preceding. v Gwan p6 soo che4 yit swk che, M J^h ^ # — iB ;t ^"'«" '''''y '^ ^y. Mng chit Ay swa e, I wish to wipe out this stain for the sake of the dead ; see J^ ^ Beng choo. ^^KI ^° discourse violently, to show vio- "rt-^Qp^ lence in discourse. Read se : to remove ; pwan se peet ch'hfe, ;D^ H ^1) ^pw^aswd pat wuy,Xo remove to another part. Read so6 : to wash, to rinse ; soe Swa Sw& Swa \mJL» k'hoe, ^ P swa k'hadu, to rinse or gargle the mouth. Read seiik: unbroken, incessant, |1 ^*" y continued without intermission. *5^ Seang seuk, m ^ seo swa, con- nected, joined together. Swa Swa Swd ^4 Read say : sand ; a surname ; say VfJ^ se^n,^' ^sw& sw^'d, a sand Z^^ bank. Read say : a fish ; say g6, ^ ^^ swi Mr the shark fish. swae^'^'h 627 SWAN lb Read san: a hill J idngsan, ^ jl| tt^S sw^a, China. A surname. way san k6w jim, kong k'hwuy yitk.ay,^ ill :t 1^ :5^ ^ - 1 chd sw^a kaoujim kw&n, hang hoo k'hwuy chit Idng d fho&, in making a hillock 72 feet high, to leave the work unfinished from the lack of only a bas- ket of earth; (referring to those who wake some progress in learning, but leave their education unac- complished by only a very little ;) see the "^ ^ Seang se. Read sin : to bear, to bring forth ; when a woman is pregnant and has not fuUfilled her months, she is said to be (sin loey, ^ p'tj su)"d lai,) in her pregnancy. ^ui^d A^«n-*9 Swah Swah Swah > % Swah swah h^ng, ij^ ^ ff ««»* jf ^P swah ke^d, the appearance of wal- ^^^ To spoil ; ch'hit sw&h pat pae, ^ ■^ jl^ 3^ /\ ^ch'hit swah payh pae, ^ f ^^ seven spoilings and eight ruinings ; (alluding to persons who spoil everything which they put their hands to.) i^ ^ Read sat : to injure, to strike with ^jjA^ noxious influences ; to finish ; the ^\W same as sat,?^, to kill. Read sat : to kill ; seang lat, ;j^ ^ sio swah, to kill and iqjure one another. Swan To proclaim, to spread abroad, to publish ; to summoQ. A surname. Jit swan sam tek, ^ ^ ^^ tdkjit swan Ung s^a hang Ay tek heng, every day proclaiming the three virtues. The warm and genial iofluencet of the sun. To dry in the »un ; the brightness of fire ; dry. 5^5* The name of a plant. T^t|"To di;aw, tp pull, to lead. SWAN' 628 SWAN Swan , fc , The warm and genial influence of tlie sun. Hin kok sfing swan, ^ /§► ^ R'a kui^d k'hai^S che^d. seo, the cool vallies become warm.! '^'''•"« ' 00 w A gem six inches square ; y6w soo Swan T^^? hong swan geiik, :^ ^ :^ j^ tt'juiv. ^\Ss^ 3E y^"" ^'"' ^y *"""" *^"^ ^^^^ iwan g'eiik, the proper officer presents the gem of ' ' office. 1^ . t Swan hwa, gg p»^ to make a noise Swan »-^|— m and disturbance. " ■• Choo ho6 swan hwa, ^ l|£ =]g ^^ the princes made a clamorous noise. Swan " |-ri The same as the above. > Vulg. swui^S: sour ; swan kam, ^ |/<> itf- swui^S kam, a lemon. Beng ch'hun che gwat,k6 be swan, e &y he. teoh swui^S, in the first month of spring, the taste of what we eat should be sour ; see the JB® H -^ L6y gwAt leng. Swan 35. Swan * 1. Vulg. swiii^S : a weariness and las- 4^ >4^ situde of the limbs. Sin t'h6y Swan t'h6ng, J^ ^ 5^ 3^ sin t'My swui^S t'Ae"'^, the whole body list- less and weary. Swan Iwdn, ^s SJJ swui"^ nooi^S) weak and listless. Swan Swan The name of a plant, and of a vege- table. ^AAch'h6 swan, -j^ ^, ch'huy k'M IAAV ^ swui^S, the teeth set on edge. «•■■■-— V' Swan :— J^- r-^ Deceitful, treacherous ; also, to for- get. He ch& ch4y swan che ch'hek, ch'hat &!/ khy ch'hek, he vainly adopted a few deceit- ful plans; see the j^ ^^^ J^ ^M. Hin sit hop twin. Swan Swan m—n' ^ '^°'' ) ^^^ swan, -*^ swan, a wooden bolt. ch'hd ^ vDD '^° select, to choose ; sw4n tek, S^ Swan ^ I I- j^ kdn toh, to pick and choose. •*~*» - Siln y6w t'heen hay, sw4n * cheilng, ke Ko.ya6u, ff: ^^ ^ ^ ^ /{f^ ^ J|fe ^i 1^ Siin tcoo t'hee"S ay, swan king ti cheUng l&ng, ki yung Ko-yaou, when Sdn obtained the empire, he made a selection from amongst the whole, and elevated to office Ko-ya6u ; see the ^^ |S Luu ge. Swdn Swan Swan Swan J jQCli To hold water in the mouth, aod A piece of wood used in weaving. An instrument of torture ; thumb screws. To urge, to press. Swan JUjt* Vulg. swu^'^S : to reckon, to count ; sw2ln pw^n, ^ ^ swui"9 pte^d, an abacus, a reckoning board. Also written ^, sw^n. SWAN 629 SWUI NG H8ng tfey s6, Ley-s6w chok sw4n so^, ^ ^ p3f ^ "^ f^ 1$ 4k ""'^"^ '^y ^y ^^' ^!/-^^"' '^^^ swui^S sedou, in the time of the yellow emperor (B. C. 2622,) Ley-s6w invented accounts. Swan Swan II Swiln t'ho6, ^ aM sfdn fhadu, ' '171' •»»* garlic. To look at, and make a calculation of anything. ■k Swat ^ M jein hw^a hi him swan, having no delight or pleasure. Vulg. sayh : snow ; frozen rain ; ^ swat pek, i^ ^ swat payh, ^ white as snow. Kim gno lad soo, 6 swat hwuy hwuy, a^ Jt' ^^ j@> ^ S- Sr ^^ t^agwA lal soo, hoe sayh hwuy hwuy, now that I come, the rain and snow is drifting about ; see the /]■* ^ Sedou gndy. %^ Chew swUn, H j^, to turn round. Swan '/f'^U to revolve; to circulate. Pwitn swan, ^ ^, to turn round and round. Swan > Swan Swan Swan Water turning around io an eddy. Also written j^, sw^n. A precious gem, used for astronomi- cal purposes. Swan Swan ^ The same as the above. To turn round, to revolve. To turn round, to revolve. Also read ch'hwan : a diamond ; kim Q ^ '^■^ '^^^ ancient form of the preceding character. Swat i To scrape, to pare oflf, to cut. w 4-^ Vulg. k6ng: to speak, to discourse ; Swat ^ O vulg. soeyh : to explain ; explana- pXl tion. Cha6-gn6 Cho6-k'h6ng seen wfly swat so6, ^ ft :f g M 1^ f£ ^ Chat.gn6 Cho6.k^hdng gaSu chb sdeyh sod, Cha6-gn6 and Cho6-k'h6ng were skillful in conversation and discourse ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Swat tek yew le, ^ |H; /^ Jj, '' '* reasonably said. ^_^ 1 Vulg. lod : to brush, to rub ; to sweep, Swat /nil I to cleanse. "n V Swat fh6 ka^ hfing, ^,lj |[6 jlj: ifr lod k^hi seaou Uy kdy sty ki^ti, to rub out the disgrace, and reform one's actions, fc Also read ch'hwan: a diamona; Kim i [^ gin swan,'; ^ ^ |^, gold> ^ "'* . silver, and diamonds. ^ Swat Swan s6k, |^ ypf swan chcdh, a diamond stone. Withered, shriveled; to gather up the skin. To desire, to rejoice in ; to covet, to Swan •^^» •°"S after. ^^ Bo6 jeen him swan, g ^, /j^ I 7H Swui^'S ?l ) Read sun ; a surname. TA 630 tA Swni^g ^^_^^ ^ Read swan : sour, acid ; ham te6m ^§ swan, 1^ ^ ^ kUm tee"9 ' >^^ swui"^, salt, sweet, and sour ; the name of a confectionary wliich unites all these tastes. fc Read swan •• weary, listless ; weak- iSwu^S' Xf^"^ ness, lassitude. Keak s6w swan, SK -^ J^ k'ha cVhiw swuPit a weariness of the limbs. Swui"^ 4c Suy gngw, 7]^ &:swui'^9 goo, a buffalo, a water cow. 1 l ~ y Read sun : to injure ; sun sit, ra aWUl ° ^ tl Ji. iicui"^si7, to injure and lose; *^ ^ sun hwae, J-'§ jM swui"S k'h'eep, injured, destroyed. ""^ A*A^ Read sw^n : reckon, to count ; swin Swui^S pr^ hwdng, ^ ^ swui^S hwdng, ^ \ to count money. Sw^n k&y, W. =4- iwul^S khy, to scheme, to plan. Sivw^'' ^{^f^Read sw^n : to tie; sw^n kin,. ^ swui^S kin, to tie very tight. Ta Ta Readkan: dry, arid, not moist ; biit kan, 4|n ^ mee"Sh ta, anything very dry. Stones in a stream, to serve for steps ; the name of a place. fiii Cho6-kat-ta-se, ^ g ^ ^, the Chinese method of pronouncing the word ' se- cretary.' To catch ; a basket for catching fish ; to cover, to overspread ; to spring on like a tiger. m Tk along. Td Td To jump and frisk about ; seiou j6 PI ta lag, /J> 1^ {E|5j ^ 55y Ae"a td. laS, the child came frisking Read te2lng: a curtain; bun te^ng, tains. Read cheaou : to be burned in the fire ; cheen tb cheaou, W^ Jlj /TTT ^ cheen habu tL to broil to * a cinder. nN T"A 631 TAE ^^ M Read kirn : now, at present ; kim J U y^^^fc. che jin, put p6 tek koe die jln, ~y A <"a dy Wn^ be)/ pi tit koi chd Ay Mng, the people of the present day are not to be compar- ed with those of former times. % A^_ Read tarn : to bear, to carry ; tam 7^0 *r^C. but,^ ^ tna mei^Sh, to cat- >|/ 1^ ry a weight by means of a stick across the shoulders ; something in the way in which milk is carried in London, only the yoke is straight and flat, and not made to fit the shulders. \J3L^ Read tam : pe6n tam, ^ )&. pdn T^a ~hX^ t^a, the flat stick or pole with I'' vl which burdens are carried across the shoulders. T^a Read teung : the middle ; teung yang, f|? -tj^J- t^a «"5', the centre. T^a HjfyT'hengbok, Pf g /"a 6ail cAw, D^^^ to lift up the eyes. ^ - Vulg- p'hah : to beat, to strike ; yF I sijangt"4, j^ ^J seo p'hah, to » ^ fight with one another ; t"4 t'hfeng, ff |[i t'hdm Vhe^a, to listen ; t"4 pan, Jq- JUfe^ to prepare, to provide. T»a Read t^m: a burden; that which can be carried by one man; a hundred weight ; a pecul. Read swat : to speak to, to reprove, to discourse. H"6 swat, ^ 1^ h6 t% you speak well, you are very polite. To sport about the fire. n- Tae Tae Tae Read teng : to throw; teng 16k, JP ^ t^d loh, to throw down, to open and spread out. Tae gag, ' to miss one s aim through haste ; stupid. Corn just ripe; a kind of large grain. The name of a fish. Ta6 Tae Tae Vulg. p'ha!*6: wicked; ta6 jln, ^ A p'ha^i lang, a bad man. Put te h"6 ta6, '^ ^ ^ '^^ «"• chat h6 p'ha^i, not knowing how to distinguish between good and bad. Vulg. itcd: a girdle; keet tafe, ^ ^ hat Itcd, to bind on a girdle ; kae tafe, ^ ^ t'haSu tu>i, to unbind a girdle ; tafe lafi, i^ ^ tied la6, to bring. Soktafelipfiteaou,^ ^ XL f^ ^''^''^"^ k^hed te teiou lae, to bind on a girdle, and stand in the court ; see the ^ p^ Lun g6. ■^ Vulg. tey : to put on anything, to wear anything on the head ; ta6 bo, ^ |{)M tiy bo, to wear a bat or cap. A surname. Put keung ta^ t'heen che kfiw, ^ 4^ ^ ^ "^ ^ f>S kdng tly t'hee"S Ay kito sire, a deadly enmity which will not allow the parties to live under the same heavens. Tae T'hafe tafe, ||k ^^ ignorant of af- fairs, unacquainted with business. :Tae Tae TAE The roots of plants. 632 A terrace, a high platform, hustings; an altar ; exalted. Kengs616ngtae,|;g^g;§ k'hi fhaSu chd M dy tat, they began to make the fine terrace ; see the -^ f^ Tag gn^y. Heng tag, ^ f^, o"" X P ' ^"^""^^^^ '"■°''*®'' ' '*° expression commonly used in letter writing. J^^ Tag lip, ^ ^, a bamboo hat, in Tae iJ=^.^ the form of an umbrella, to keep out the rain. Tae Tae Tae Tae P6ey tag, '(p U, a servant, a mi- nister, a menial. Vulg. pai^S: a terrace, a stage ; hh ta6, ^ iU AS ;)a«% a stage ; kfengta6,|| )^te»(i pal»^, a frame for a looking-glass. A sea animal with a black shell, and said to contain pearls. An insect W^ |Jk resembling the locust. Tae Read bag: to bury; baS bilt, Ig, Mn tat mee"9h, to bury anything ; bag sin se,j^^ ^ ta& sin se, to bury a dead body. f Vulg. tu>d : great, large ; k'hwat tae, rpg^g — Jr * BS ^ k'hwah twa, ample. ^ X.^ Tae chae i Geaou che wAy kwun ye^. ;t 1^ # :^ ^ -^ ill '"' '='^«"' '''^'''" dy c?id jin kwun, how great was Geaou as a prince ! see the |^ |^ Lun g6. Tae seuk, j^^,^ double surname. Tae ^ The name of a country. ^ TAE To change, to come instead of, to substitute ; sfe tae, ^ '[^ sh tiy, a generation ; teaou tae, ^ ^-^ fedou > To borrow, to give ; yew ch'heng Tae A^ tae j^ ek che, ^ ^ 't (ffl 3rs ^ "Y yew cVheng cMoh jc t'hee^S e, also borrowing and adding to it ; see 3p Beng choo, Tae rAh iCl-V-Akindof tortoise shell. Tae Black eyebrows; ch'heng tae, ^ ^ the name of a plant. Tae ^^_^ . Dang >^P K Dangerous, in danger, hazardous; near, about to be. _'h6ng-cho6 wat, 6 soo sS ye4, t'heen hay tae chae, ^L ^ ^^ I'T Bt 4 7C T ^O P^ K7i(5ng-cAorf Ung, te cUy l&y si, «'Aee«S' ay gwHy hUm, Confucius said, « at that time the country was in danger;" see ^ -f- Beng chob. TAH 633 rp^jNG Gin se che choo, kfi tae se ke hoe ? ^ W J^ ;5^ ^ ^ jpfe ^ :^ G^a $« 4y Ae^i, e ch'eang ch'ha put to hoe? is not the son of the house of G&n almost about to attain to perfection? see the ^ M p3 ^^ ^^y '•**• Tae ^ * To attain, to reach ; till, until. ^ 1^ "Tae peng be p'hwdn, ^ ^Jl( *L.S^ ^ J^ jj Ko6 che& gAn che put ch'hut, t'he kt'ung che put tae yc'i, "jtp ^j" Ay l&ng kbng wa bey ch'hut, kcPa hin sin hry kip kabu httut liy soo, the ancients were backward in making any protestations, being ashamed lest they should not be equal to tlie performance of them ; see "'^ P^ f^ Lun g6. Tae Tdh Tab The same as J'j^ tae, tortoise-shell. Read tap : to feel ; to join to anything T&hchftn,^ jlJf, '° embark on board of a ship. 71 Tah A^ To strike with tho hand; tah tok, ^ j^. to strike the table. Read tap: to tr^ad on anything; keak tap, ^ ^ k'ha tiik, to tread with the (net. Read teng : to push ; teng k'hae, __ 1^ tai"g k'huuy, to force _ ''^-t open. [ji^T6ngb6k,|f Q tai"9 bdk chew, to stretch open the eyes ; to stare. Read teng : a heel ; keak hoe teng, IP? ^§ 1?T ''''"* ""^ ""^' '^'^ heel. Read t"4 : to beat, to strike. look staringly. to (tare, to J %_ Tai'^S si, i^ ^, to pretend to do Tm^*^^ \u^ anything. j/Ti Taing bo6 lek, ijt^^ti '"'"^ b6 Idt, to pretend to have no strength. ^ Taf^ m k'he, Jf ^ ■^, to Tail's i barrel. Tai"^ * throw down ; to knock down, as the hoops of a barrel, to repair a ^ T'hong teng, fl g t'hdng tal^S, ^ the wedge or chisel used by the coopers for knocking down the hoops of a barrel. Tal"^ -lis Read teng : a surname. TAM 634 TAM Tai"^' Read teng : to hold, to grasp; sex' teng biit, ^ IP^ ^ c/i'Acw' tat^y mee^Sh, to hold anything in the hand. Tak ■^ee^ Read ch'heuk : to gore, to push with the horns. Gn6w seang ch'heuk, l\p. ffl go6 s'eo tak, oxen goring one another. Tak |3p Cheuk cheuk> SJfi WJM tak tak, the noise made in calling fowls; cheuk key, J,|.l ^ft tak key, to chuck fowls TV TV Tak Read chok : muddy ; suy chok, 7k ■J^ ckiiy tak, muddy water. Ch'heng soo chok eng, chok soo chok cheuk, Jf tji P ^ 1^ iJi -if ^ cWheng &y chew sty eng twd, tak &y chew sty Wha, the clear waters will serve for washing my tassel, and the muddy for washing my feet ; see •^ ^ Beng choo. .^^^ Read tok: poison, poisonous ; ch'hoo Tiik YTi^ ''"' y^"" '°''' iifc tf^ ^ # >y cA^y Z^y mee^Sh woo tak, this thing is poisonous. 7(1^ TdA: Read teiik : every ; teiik keen, j^ /W ^ ^ M Hjl f|}^ ^ ;^ sivi a& e ey sty, tH ae e f.y twd, we should desire to keep our hearts small, but our galls large ; (i. e. our minds humble, but our courage great.) TAM 635 TAM Tam T4m pol,))^ ^^ the name of a flower. j^ To eat, 10 devour; to feed; also Tam R^J^ written pQ ^ tim ; and |^^ t4ra. ,^^ ^^ Kit hoo ch'he cho e tim kit, "g ^ WL ^ ^ Viji ^ Kit &y boe Vhayh cho hoe kit chcah, Kit's wife took dates and gave him to eat ; see the ^ '^ IsB Ong kit twan. Tam Tam Tam Tam Tam Tam Tam Tam # A surname ; the sound of anything falling into a well. "^ rT Marsh mallows before they are ope- ^ ned, are called Is.hilmrdm. ^ A pit, the bottom of a pit; k'bim tilm, ;^ ^, a pit or hole. To stop. The strings of pearls hanging round an official cap. ^ The hair hanging down. Tdm jefin, ^ 0i^ an exact and regular appearance. A kind of jar ; cheangch'hijen t^m, y^ zlj^ ^ ^ cMu) cVheng ang, a |j3 thousand jars of wine. Vulg. <"d .• that which is carried, a Tam zJt'f-^'^ burden, as much as a man can |3 carry ; a hundred weight, a pecul, equal to 133^ lbs. avoirdupois. Tam Tam # The sound of anything falling into a well. O-A To discourse, to converse, to prate ; a surname ; heang tllm, ffiO ^, country talk, brogue ; also writ- ten '|@ t^ni : a surname. Ong lafi bo6 pek teng, tim ch'he»_ Tam p6k,^jS )Q, still, quiet, re- ■j»ylfW> tired, unemployed ; tam ta^, ^ )fjl ^f ^, a double surname. Tam pok bSng chfe,ieng chengtfe w^n, )^ y^ ^ ^ ^ ilf i^ aS iam pok ey Mng Un &y cU, Ung cheng ey th kahu hwui^S soo, "stillness and quietness enlighten the views, tranquillity and rest enable a man to contemplate distant things ;" said by ^ M ^ ^ Choo-kat bob ho^. ^ M^gM A long period of mourning; tam hok, ^M- BS. ^" extra mourning dress for a period of three months be- yond the usual time. Tam .Still, quiet. Tan #' sim g. Tan Tan A red color; tan sim, ^ j\j», a red heart, a sincere mind. Kwan-yJn-tedng ch'hek been tan ^ ® "j^ 'U"> Kwan-ytn-fedriff cVheah bin dng sim, Kwan-yin-te4ng had a red face and a crimson heart ; (i. e. a sincere mind. ) Tan sey, -Pi- Sy cinnabar. y*^ Alone, only; vulg. tw^a: single, ^ptf unaided ; a note ; a surname ; sew I tan, ^ M sew tvP'a, a receipt ; t'ho che^n tan, |-^ ^ ^ Vh6 ehe&^i tw^a, a bill, an account for goods delivered. Hfing tan eng chek, J^ -^ ^ ^^ *^"S' <«'"« y'e^d chit cheah, a solitary body, and a single shadow ; tan 6, |i ^ a double surname. Jt. JL» A small round bamboo vessel, for *^^^— containing food. Yit tan soo, yit p'heiou yim, — ' — ,,. Ejj chit Mng a pooi^Sj chit p'hoo a chuy, one basket of food, and one calabash full of drink ; see the ||^ ^ Lun g6. m Tan Tan ■-— .^ H°6 tan, ij^ ^[^ hdiy tan, a kind 4 1PB ^^ eruption, to which children are ::» liable ; the chicken pox. Clothes without lining, a single gar- ment. Tan // Fpf Exhausted, to the utmost, very much. Tan ^p Kam tan, 1^ ^^ the name of place. Tan m To cut, to hack. TAN 637 TAN Tan Early, the morning ; bfing l^n, ^ to-morrow morning. Ch6 6 t'iiae tan, ^ j/j[ {^ 9. chhj 6 Ung Vhae chd k'hi, to sit still and wait for the morning ; see 3£ ^ Beng choo. ^an Tan ^ A small shed, a cottage. Real, sincere, true. Read tin: a surname. Tan \\&^ '^^^% Tln-gwan kong, k'hae Ban Cheang, s6 sit Itm Cheang ho6, ^m%'^f^ (^ ii:?. IS: ^ ^0 if f»^ Tong tedou Tdn-gw&n kbng, k^humy Mn saC*S Cheang chevy,si, ley sit lint Cheang hoi, Tan-gw^n kong of the T8ng dynasty wa« the first who settled the district of Chiinng chew, in the province of BAn (i. e. Hok-ket^n), and for successive generations his posterity inherited the title of lira Cheang hot}, (i. e. the earl who first came to Cheang.) ■if . r*r% '^° '^^'"j '° dread difficulties. 1^^^ iiyS ^h woo kohj sit, chek bdh wiiy kan Ian kny, when you have any faults, do not dread difficulties in seeking to amend them ; see the Jl %^ Seang lun. Tan ?H5 Vulg. /w"a .- to fillip anything, to strike a round ball, to shoot with round shot from a crossbow. Filial young persons among the ancients could not bear to see their parenu' corpses devoured by wild beasts, (kofe chok tan 6 s<-w che, ^ ^ ^^ |/J[ W the sleeves turned up. I "* Suy tan t'hek ke tCng 6 gno ch'hck, j6 yeen 16ng bciey gno chae? ^g ^fi ^^ ^ ^i ch'h6uj wm"'J fhui"S pak Vhayk It hoeyh an chw"u ey bdk la s&m gwd chae ? although a bare-armed naked-bodied fellow should stand ot my side, yet how could he defile me ? see "d^ -+• Beng choo, ■^fcir^To dye anything with i ndigo ; ch'heng Tan 'm iV ... ^ *^ R/t tan. n m ^, a purple color. Tan Vulg. nooi"S: an egg ; key tan, »B X-P ^S *'y nooi'*9, a fowl's egg. Tiin kay, ^ 5bJ, an egg bouse, the small boats in which the Chinese live. Tan Tan Tan 1^ /U Vulg. tio^a : a piece, a slice ; a sur- name. I \Of The same as TiQ , tan, bare-armed. Dissolute, loose, disorderly, to talk : ) random ; to believe; to bring up also, great. TANG 638 TANG -fc. ■^ % ^ Read long : the east ; tong sey lam Tartg- t& pok, H ^ 1^ ^L '""S' sa« ^^Q^^ Zdm poA:, east, west, south, north. Tong hong bfing ^, '^ 'jj Vi^ ^ ^""S ''^""^ bing kwuf9, the east is clear and bright ; see the ^ M <^hey hong. Vfc^ Read tong : the name of a vegetable ; Tang i^^ tong hong ch'hafe, j^ j^ ^ J] "i^'»n <«"^. 'he J^^Q sound of tinkling gems. Tang Wrt^ — »* — ■ Tflw^^ J (Dig I ang f ^*> Tang chiiak, B^gT pg' tang t'eoh, to (pl strike the foot against anything, to kick. litlfcjfcTing som, ^ ^, a kind of Jff. ginseng. 'Read tong : a surname. jm Read to6 : a bar, a dam ; toe bftn, KjP |I,^ f^ fang mooi^'S, a water I X^^ gate. Read t5ng : ice ; keen t6ng, ^ /^ keen tdng, to freeze. Beng tong tey s6 tdng, ^ ^ j;^ M> /^ 6cng- a'jh tdng, white copper. w-|_X«Read tSng: a bone; keak t6ng *S*S kwut, pp H # *'A« *^"S kiBut, the shin bone. Read tong: to move; motion; tin Tdng Tdng Tans. Tdng Tdng tang, to set in motion. Te chii^ tong, jin cheS cheng, ^[j yi^ Wf] 'fn ^ W "'"" '^ ^^ '"^"^ "" '""^ "'""' jin dy Idng cUng tliemj, men of knowledge are al- ways in motion, but men of benevolence remain at rest ; see the fm r,5 Lun g€ pn Read teung: heavy, not light,weighty But sim teung, ^ ^ '^ vKe"Sh Sim tang, the article is TAOU 639 TAP Tans' tntJ Yilng tang, ^& a^sL kind of jar. m ^. mm^ Read long : a cave ; ko6 tong, "j^ Tdn'r ^y|rt| lip] ^"^ 'an^'j an ancient cave; 1 I '^ s^k tong, y^ ^ cheoh tang, a rocky cavern. Taou ^kf ''^3''" ""^"j % ^, * helmet. /Li Taou rptw J To rub, to take in the hand. Taou 4 Read to6 : a measure of a peck, a gomtang. One of llie radicals. Toe soe che jin, h6 chiiuk swin >.e4? 4 ff ;t A ffT ^ ^ ^ '°'^« sot &y Idng, an chu^d kabu sicui"9 ? fellows whose understandings are equal only to a peck or a pint, what is the use of thinking of ilicm ? see the SSj fSEL Lun ge. Taou Tadu t4' ^ Taou Taou Read to6 : to stir up, to rouse up ; to6 soe, ,^5J- i|Jr taCu sa6u, to rouse one's self up. Read gno6 : noon ; jit gnoe, ^^ jit tabu, noontide ; scang gno6, J* ill ting taou, forenoon ; hay gno^, TT -^ ay tadu, afternoon. 1^^^ Read tofe : to fight; seang lofe, y^ 1^ »eo tabu, to wrangle together, to quarrel one with another. % Yf Read to6 : to throw, to cast, to cast 'Jt^JmT one's self on anoihrr's protection. >|^y^ P'hun tofi, ^f ^ p'him taSu, to flee away, to escape : tofi kwun, j^ ^ ta6u kwun, to enter the array ; tofi hiiet, \'^ fit; tadu hat"Sh, to seek a lodging; tofi so6, :j'^ ||pj taSu Ung dy icd, to make a complaint to any one. M Read to6 : dice, used in gambling ; Taou 'ciidi:* pwat toe, ;^ ^ pwah taSu a, to plaj' with dice. Read toe : pulse, beans ; oe toe, S. ^^ oe taou, black beans : leiik toe, jfjfe ^ ^^^ ^/- Hd ne"a ^^ tap. Hoo chno put tap, ^ ^ ^ ^ Aoo c/iotf 6d yJit, Confucius did not answer; see the ^ =^ Lun g6. Tap sel, ^ IIJ, to repay with gratitude ; p5 tap, ys, to remunerate. J^^ Tap X /awg^ fctfn^ wa, yew Wha cheah adu wdn e, to converse familiarly with people, and yet to ab- hor them behind their backs. TAT 640 TAY Tap Tip T^p T&p yQi^^To run suddenly against any one. yT^VS'P tap, ^ \^, not to undertake the business of government what difficulty would he any business. 19 •pW^ To repeat, to reiterate ; to debase, to I ' ^'1 degrade. I ra ^ 1^^ ^ ^''^'^ '^^' ''^'' ''^' *° M^l^l tread on the ground with one's feet ; to stamp on the ground. find ! see the ^^ tS Lun g6. Tit ^r^f The name of a plant. T&t A Read te : to be worth ; te chefin, llM S^! ''^' chei"!^, worth money. Ch'hoo but te k6 to che^n ? ^ 4^ {S 1^ -^ i§ '^''^^ '^^ mee"Sh tdtjwd chetf che&^S? how much is this thing worth? Tap Tap Tap Tkp -k Tat Tat J. Tat 1^* To tread, to kick; tap keuk, ^ p^ iah k'ha Mw, to kick a football. . To speak fast ; to talk incessantly. >yAI> To walk and stand. "^^/X^To speak disorderly. p32b Tat k6, |(B ^, the name of an in- famous woman, the concubine of ^-^ ^ ^, Tew 8ng. ff^-^^P ^^*' ^i'V ^^ ^^^ """"^ ""^^ '^°' H« J2 jgign country to the west. Tat Tay Tay # Tdy Tay The name of a fish. a A kind of confectionary; bek tay, — ^b ^ '^''^^ '"y' ^ preparation of burnt wheat and treacle. .To exalt one's self; (o look big. ^^w>^ Readtw^n: short; tw^n beng, T\y^ ^ ^^^ drink tea. Tin ^ Han yea k'hek lad tJiy tong chew, 1^ ^ ^ ^ ^ it ffi kv,n&ma^Smg k'hatjh M, t6.y te^9 cU chiw, when a stranger ar- rives on a cold night, tea may be served for wine. TAYH 641 TE ^■^ A kind of confectionary ; mw^a tsly, ^y W? W^ ^ hemp seeds and treacle -^ ^^- mixed up together ; toe t&y, Q e ^ '«y* %* dy seang, I am afraid lest there should some evil arise from being too heavily pressed upon ; see the ^□C \M- ^''^ twan. ^>^Ji|5»" Read chek : a bamboo frame work, Tdi/h ». iJ-| ^ put upon a bedstead to sustain the ..i^^ matress; ch'hfing chek, rf^ ^ ch'h6"9 tctyh, the bottom of a bedstead. T*" / XJ'^9k^ Readtok: to peck at anything, like a fowl. J. ^ Read sek : low water ; siiy sek, ^K ^^ chdy t&yh, the ebb of the tide. The morning tide is called te^ou. Thyh \/\J ^^ «*% '^yA> t''e ebb of the tide te6, and the evening one sek, \^ t&yh. T&yh M The same as the above. Tayh J|^>ATayhbeng,||; ^, a small boat or vessel ; also written 4s4', layli. 7 L T&yh * Te Te Te Read twat: to take anything, to snatch, to take away. The name of a country. . Handsome, beautiful. The roots of trees, which appear above the ground. ^ .f To reprove, to blame ; to kill, to P'^^ E e e ha te ? j^ -J. 1^ f5f §ib " niil) respect to E, what is the use of reproving him r" said by Confucius of ^ "f*^ Cha6-6, one of his disciples whom he found sleeping in the day- time ; see the jr fim Seang lun. Siln te so6 heung, ^ ^ E| l^ '^'^'» ''*'^ **^ Ay heung p'ha"6, Siin put to death the four mis- creants ; see the J^ 'H'P Soo kfe. %^ Vulg. chae : to know, to be acfjuaint- Te ^PCJ ^^ ^"'^ 5 P"' '*' /j^ ^ ""* **"*' ^ I don't know.. Soo seen te kak hoe te, /(^ ^^ ^;p ^ |^ ^^n sa^ /fle senj chae dy Idng kak goi tuy adu chac J'-\ T6 paa e twan, %^^\'^^ t& pa& koh y'eo^S dy to li, to contend against and expose strange doctrines. Te Te T6 Te III r I Even, unto, only. The same as i§f^ te. 'Ch'hafi t6, 'ffl| j)^, uneven, unequal. Thenameof an insect; one of the ra- insects with feet are called jb t'heiing, and without feet, .^Jij^ dicals; _, " JJ^ An embroidered garment; one of l|||| the radicals. TE 643 itE Te fK To extend to ; to cause, to occasion ; the uttermost, superlative. T6 le chae kek biit, ^b /^ 1^ iX. Mj th Idn &y te sit chae kek t'hong tdk hang Ay mee^Sh, the utmost extent of knowledge consists in fully comprehending things ; see the ^ i§^ Tae hak. Te Secret, close ; closely woven cloth. T6 ^ Te Wisdom ; ih hwuy, SS S^j wis- dom and intelligence. Jin ge 16y tfe sin, /i ^ jjpl ^ 'M^i Ijenevolence, righteousness, propriety, wis- dom, and truth ; the five cardinal virtues, according to the Chinese. » Wise, knowing; tfechei 16k, jtnchei ^ .«», jp t lg {:^ t ^ ■^ WOO le hwuy Ay ling Vh'eimy V)k, woojin Ay lAng t6^S holy sew, wise men are joyful, but beni Lun ge. but benevolent men longlived ; see the pffl S^ T^ To deposit money es a pledge. To place, to establish, to set up, to Te ^ J ^ set aside. Ong th choo kfi cho yew, T^ ■^ |!S iMl ^ 7^ Sng hay te e Ay ch6 yew, the king places them on his left and right. H wily tfe, ^ ^ J to set aside ; an t6, ^ w, to place securely ; kii^n t5,^g'^,to establish, to build. . fc To set aside ; suy tfe Keang-se 6 Te jg^ Sfing-^ng, '^%^^jf^ nil -i^ ttXi ^^ ^''■5' '^ hwily Keang-se te Sing-ing, he therefore set aside Keang-se and remov- ed her to Seng-6Dg ; see the J^ ^ Cho twan. Te Te T6 «|M A , wiae , cup, made of a rhinoceros' boni. J ', . : 00(1 Chun chei k6 tfe, ^.^^ ^^ chun Ay lAng k'eah k^hi chiw poey, the honorable people raise the cup of wine ; see the k9 hP L6y kfe. To set forth, to display, to make clear. Hdng chek \h, ^ gl] ^ /l^ng^ yeo^i chew tt h'ein, the substance of a thing is dis- played ; see the ^ ^ Teung yfing. Th bfing, ^ pHj to illustrate clearly; th chok, ^ tG to manifest. A pool, a pond ; suy t6, ^ ^^^ a sheet of water. A surname. Choo-s&n soo haou j!n hiiuk che haoujtn ch^hi ete chtiy II, Choo-san ordered an in- ferior officer to keep the live iish in the pool ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. 'M To gallop; tfi m4, ha6u lj%ni &d^, to gallop on horseback. *^ *^ " H"d te mi s^ kijfem, j5^ D^ H ^fl wj ai cha6u hay ch'hh keim, I love to gallop an horseback, and brandish ray sword ; see 3f ^X- Deng choo. Te TS Te The appearance of om rejecting and discarding people; to oppose, to withstand. A wheel, to revolve ; a bustling mar- )T\l tial appearance. A musical instrument. Pek se ch'huy hwun, teung se ^J\l ch'huy te, \i^^^^\^ R* pV ^ two. he"a cA'Aoey huiun, seo te ch'hdey ti, the elder brethren blew an instrument made of .A. TE 644 TE '2015'fearthen ware, and the younger brethren one of bam- boo ; see the /]> 5ffi Seiou gniy. A tiger with horns. > L^Dg te, ^ {^, to kill gradually by cutting into small pieces. A step; stairs; tan tfi, ^ ^, the [~ vermilion steps, used with regard to the steps of the imperial throne. Slow, leisurely, long; late; t'hafe t^, . too late. K'hong-choo che k'hfe Lo6, wat, te te got hfing yiJA, 5L -?■ Z ^ ^ 3I 9ito .:^ -1^ ^ -tji, K'h6ng-c}io6 Ay klii. Loi kok, i^ai-.Tcbng, Khw^a k'hw^adgwd ke^&, when Confucius -n; c.ieft theLoe country, he said,"letus go as slowly as possible;" see ^ ^ Beng choo. p^ j^ V To assist, to second ; the heir appa- Te "l — yCT rent to a princedom is called <^ 1^*0 ^ t6 kwun. Also, to store up, to stow away, T6 chek gnoe kok, ^ 3£ 1^ *'*^°* '^°^ g^no6 AoA;, to collect the various kinds of grain, A surname. ^^ 'M!l!'j o! Te To walk, to travel LTr. iJj to walk backwards T^toS.^p^, and forwards, in a hesitating way. Sosewt6to8,|§ -^ IfJ g^ 50 t'haou kak te tod, he scratched his. head, and pa- ced up and down ; see the ^j j^ Woey hong. Te The name of a district, nc w'jit.' Te Te Tfe Te ^— ^ Steps, stairs ; to exclude, to abolish ; ly^r^ to deduct, to except. i ^^ Geiik t6 tan tfing, ^ ||;^ ;^ g'eiik &y gtm kay dug dy t'e"d, pearly steps and a vermilion hall ; see the TO ^R |^ Sey toe hoo. Te ok boo pun, |^ ^x M ;A; '« k'Up'ha^e boo kin pkn, to exclude that which is evil, and to attend to the most essential thing; see the ifc ^ ^^ Se t'hafe se. ^"^ Kfe te, ?i h a bamboo mat ; an ugly appearance. To stop, to stay. A small island, or rising ground in the middle of a sheet of water. Te Te Te Te Te A fleshy excrescence ; an induration of the skin. nj|-V" Ant's eggs; small ants. >/*\J Regulated, well arranged, peaceful. 4/^ % The same as the above. #Vulg. glm: to hold, to grasjj; to attend to ; t6 kijung, J^ ^, *» hold the bow. Te s6w tae gfefim, ff ^ :/C J^;. *° ^°^^ ^**' with too great severity. Te Tew te, ^ p|, to hesitate, to walk backwards and forwards. TE 645 TE Te • i!r)n!i>) Lfing te, ^ jpj^ to kill'by cuttirtf into small pieces.- To regulate, to govern, to bring iBRo order. Kay chfiy j^ hoe te Itok, -^ ^ ifri ^ yp S ^"•'' '^^^yj^'^"^ """ 'y '^ ^"*' ^''^" a man's family is well managed, then he may regu- late a country ; see the 4^ f^ Tae liak . ., . , , Te -fit The same as the preceding. To jneet with, to comie in contact Te A\^ with, to hold. ,,,.j Vulg. tat : to be worth ; te c^edn, >|jfr 4^ f^ che&^S^ to be worth money. To wait for ; to hoard ; to prepare. To prepare, to prdvide for. N 1' To hoard up, to store up; also wr^.! icn|^,te.'H,^JL-i '^' Toch'hong,^^- j^ ffvcA'Ae"^, an ulcer. • • ".' P'h6 hoo, sedou chek wun yung chd t8 ; tae chek s6 boo il kwun,§p ^ ^\ f^lj PA # SS: ?f A I'i ^ X 1^ f p'hti^S hoo &y ling siy chek soh yung,che. ch'he^S ; twd chek t'ha& pay t'hai kumn, low vulgar fellows who are suoh only in a small degree will suck ulcers and lick sores (for gain) ; and those who are such in a greater degree, will kill their parents or princes (for profit) J see the ^ ft Choo choc). 7M Te Te Te A rising ground ; also, tostort^up. To understand or comprehend things. Te A wild fowl ; te key, ^|| ^ t'W key, a jungle fowl. San leing ch'he te, ^j ^ lJt| 4j^ su>''a ne6"9 Vhi key bot, a mountiun bridge, and a jungle ben ; see the 1^ ^ Lun g6. - Sfing te, M ^, the fortifications of a city. To clear away grass and weeds ; the falling off of the hair. Kwily hay seaou te hfing siiy, ^ te 4|| 'fr ^ /twiJy hay iioh seo cVhaCu', kt^& chiiy, in the latter month of summer burn the weeds and clear away the grass, in order to op^fi passages for the water. , ^ i Small, young, lately born ; also writ- ten p, te ; and ^, te. % Te choo k'he^n e, m^ -3^ ^S ^ ily kc^d k^han $"«, the children come pulling one's clothes ; see the p^ ^ ^ To cheem biij^ Te Te Te To congeal ; to freeze ; to proceed slowly. A long standing dysentery. . >-, Chopsticks ; the two small pieces o( wood or bamboo, with which the Chinese take up their food. Ch'h6ng chea te jfi t!n, ^ f^ ^ '^ fil eh'hi^d cheoh tijl ttn b&ng, "just lend me your chopsticks, and I will point it out to you ;" said by TE"A n: 646 TE^A Te a general to his prince, when discoursing on the drawing up of an army : see the ^ gP Soo k6. Q-M The same as the preceding. Te # T'e'a A pig ; key tun ko6 te, ^ ^ ijp| ^Jjrjt^ ^ ^^^ '* ^^^'f ^^P *« ^» fowls, Vy^^^ pigSj dogs, and little pigs ; (articles of food among the Chinese;) see'^ ^Bengchoo. >^/^ Father; vulg. «» tea: a familiar ^4j epithet for a father, something like I —^^ our 'papa.' L6 tea, ^ ^^ a respectful term for the govern- or of a district. Tea # Tea TA Tea P. A term used in incantation ; also written gjjf tei. A foreign word used in charms. The same as the preceding. Te^a y^^y^V. aga To run against, to run foul of; Iwan a, SI ^, to run disorderly agamst any one. Te^h Te^'a Te"d n Ka te"a, ^^ ^, a certain wood, used for a dye. -j^ti/ Read t6ng : a pan for cooking or boiling anytiiing, a caldron. Lok ygw teng, ^ ^ll^ ^ ^oh y&w t'eP'd, to make people descend into a caldron of boiling oil; an experiment sometimes employed to try the courage of daring fellows. Tongtdng, 's* M |-* tranquil, composed. /^** T'heen hay pSng teng, ^ "R ^ ^ Vhee"S ay pat^S te^a, the empire is quiet and settled. Teng cheak, ^ ^ § f§ *^ «' ^^w"' ''^^A *^> ^° "°' restrain the buying of rice (by neighboring states) ; «ee ^ ^ Beng choo. Teang ^T^ *° ''°^'5 ^'^^^ ^*'^"S' 1^ V r^- k'hwuy t'eo^, to open, to spread ■ oiit ; choo teang, ^ §^ to superintend. A sur- name ; a numeral of things flat and extended. S(iy teang pit k'hfe seiou kok, [^ 5^ »JIj ^ z)"* ^ S&y kok choo teo^S, pit k'hi sey kok, the Sfly country is vain and boasting, and will certainly des- pise inferior countries ; see the "j^ ^ Cho twan. He tBang seng s^, j^ 5^ ^ # '^^ '^""^ ^^■"a st, vainly to exhibit one's fame and influence ; to make a vain show. Teang ^ A military weapon, warlike instru- ments in general. Tekng Teang Superior to another, in rank, influ- ence, or age. TiJdng yfew pe chun, -^ ^ ^ @ laou, seiou Utn, pe hay, chun kwity, old and young, base and honorable ; see ^ -J- Beng choo. Seng tij^ng, ^ -^ sai^S twa, to grow up to ma- turity. Vulg. ted"^ .• a tent, a curtain ; vulg_ sedou : an account, a reckoning. Wayte^ng,^ ff^tMyteb^, the curtain of a tent. Swin tcElng, 'W. ^ sut&^. sedoUf to cast up ac- counts. ;n.-..,!.,r .v.-IIW.- Full, swollen; teing bw4n peng, Teang ^EE, M^M '^^"^ ««^« P«"^. /^)r%- a swollen, bloated state of body. , Vulg. ieh^ .'to rise as the tide ; sfiy teang, ;^ ^ chuy tih^, the rising of the waters an inundation. The case for a bow.- ■:• ' '' • Teaou teslng, "j^ i|^, dis#^oWtt* cd, vexed; .■<\n\tt Vulg. ti^ : long, not short; te^ng k6w, ^ f^ t&'^ ko6, a long .■^nlayrt I i.j^iiTWPi • ^WWrju] *.i(l < T6k je6a hoe te teAng twin, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ne6'^S tokjjein aou ey chat « &y 'e"^ <^y> "lea- sure, and then you may know the long and short of a thing; see ^ ^ Beng choo^ ^ jioneiT' Teang r^ The name of a certain fruit. Tekng Vulg. teb"i : to swell ; hok teing, W. R^ P"* '"^ teb^i, a swelling of the belly. ^ Vulg. te''!f : a measure of ten feet ; ""^ 16 teang, ^ jj^, an old man ; Teang teang hoo, ^ ^, a husband; tae teang hoo, /^ ^ ^, " gf^^t man. % f A staff, a walking stick. Teang jLcJ^ ^ '"^^"S ^'^°^ ^^ ^^°S' 1^ ^ tV^ PP .^ |]5i n6 kwal 6 h'hadu e &y k'ha kwut, he smote him across the shins with hii stafl"; see the pj| ^ Lun gi. TEAOU 648 TEAOU Te&ng To measure the' length of anything ; tp exceed, to surpass. Pit y6w ch'him e, te^ng yit sin y^w pwan, ijU^^U^-^^^'^ ^ pit woo k'liw^n Ays^a, Whah t&"9 chit sin woo pw^ii, he would have a sleeping dress half as long again as „j,,-^is body; said of.Confucius in the ^ SE. Lun g6. '^Hj.yeang sun, -^ ^, a double surname. ,-<_bod lo j;.^:-! _ Tjj j:gjy ypg^ . ^Yeang, |^ ^^ to confide in; ■ . Kin stn 6 put cheuk teang h, ^ ■r!oi)Ei"@,i"3^ jP;' ^jh ^ lAn ayjtn sin, h keng bo kaou e wd, my near attendants are not to be depend- ed upon ; see the: ^ ^ ^ L6 stm twan. Tes^Qu The morning, the early part of the j. dj(y ; teaou sik, efl Aj^ did k'h6 mai^a hisui"^S, morning and eve- ning. ;^ajiuOng!^hwan teaou boe hefen, ^ ^p ^ ^ W '■ Ong-hwan c/ldA^Ki mal^9 hwui^S seo kei.^S, Ong- hwan came into his presence morning and evening, ■^4 (but Bengrjchop would not speak to him ;) see "^^ -/;ari:gL Beng chot)J»^'» ^J^ »»» "'^'Jlt'^' lo tlo\h b(i;! snol 'Jiiifi Teaou ll/J To cut, (6 engrave ; also to drop the leaves, as a tree in autumn. Teaou k'hek cheilngh^ng, j6 put wdyk'habu, If fj ^f^MZ-"^^ teaou k'hek cheUng yeo^-y, j6 hd swui^S chd k'hd, • lo "^° eqgrayp and carve all sorts of shapes is not to be .^.considered a proof of ;sk,^l ;" said by Tp: 3^ ; :,f.: Chong-choo. ;^ ^ncil "11 ;-■•;: - Sofey he partly iojujjed ;, teaou 16k, &. to drop the leaves. I A. ferocious bird, of whose feathers the wings of arrows may be made. To wprk gems, to cut and polish pre- cious stones. ..y^ ^^ To cut, to carve, to engrave. Teaou kI^C H^wbok put k'hb teaou y^l., |^ bo t'hanff teaou k'hek, porous wood cannot be en- . graved upon. . *3i,f4 .onnii" , ^ A species of sqiiifri^I*' or martin > Teaou ^^ teaou ch'h6, |g ^, the martin. ^ V^ The skin of this animal is said to be such « defense against the dew, that a person wearing a dress njade , of them may safely sleep in the open air, and the dew will not fall within a yard of him. , . . . - ■'11)918 : wrunuos iiMi!!! The animal itself is said to be of a nature so kind- ly, that on seeing persons without clothes in the winter, it will creep into their bosoms to warm them ; in this way it is sometimes caught, and such a bad return for kindness is considered so abominable, that ungrateful people are sometimes called " martin catchers." Also written ^. teaou. Teaou Teaou Teaou Utensils for holding rice used in the ■-•■"■« army. Teaou leaou, ^^ of bird. a small kind *^ An unfilial bird, which eats its mo- ther. TEAOU 649 TEAOU Teaou Teaou Teaou Teaou Teaou Tedou t'heaou, ■^ f^^^ light and The ears of corn hanginc: down. i -^fQ To stand alone Tekou Teaou i>v^* , ? Tedou se, Wit ^M.^ an ornamental TeaOU kerchief for the head. ' ^ deep, ab- Te^ou beaou, W -m 4»r-ry» struse ; also, the name of a bird. Madness ; also, a sickness incident to ciiiidren. To condole with persons on the de- A small twig, a branch ; a line, a string; teftoQ b6k,j'^ ^ teAou bdk, a list ; tcAou kten, ^ /it U&mt k'e^a, an item. Hwat ke teAou bofiy, {{? ^ fl^ /^ hieat t Ay he kw^a, cut down the branches and stem ; see the ^ ^ Chew lara. L^mL cease of a relative: teiou song, i rn « . ,. . r.^ •T^ ! Teaou 'ffMl^^Thenameofafish. S mC to mourn for the dead ; to be grieved, to lament. Te seng ch(i4 teJlou, te sob ched siiaog, fr-p ^ y^ T" .' ^ ^n ^S ^ -fe chae hwut Uy uiSh &y Utng teoh teaou mai, chae sk ay l&ng teoh siang sim, if we are acquainted with the survivors, we should con- dole with them ; and if with the dead, we should be grieved for them ; see the |ft jj^ K'h(*uk ley. Also written m^ te^ou. ^ _ . ^ A leathern bridle. Teaou Z^# The name of a flower. Teaou Teaou n Teaou TeAou ti">ng, iW Igr uncommon, unusual. To hang up, to suspend ; teAou soo, by hanging -,JceA (edou, to strangle. Yulg. t'eb : to angle; te^ou g^i^^l ffl t'eb hi, to angle for fish. Choi) teiou jO put kong, ^ f^q [{ti "^ ^ hoo cho6 t'ci) Mj6 bS bdeyh t'h6 bamj leali, Confucius used to angle for Gshj bnt would not employ a net for capturing them ; see the =/n g^ Lun g€. ^ 7 N k^K ^'^ Teaou ^ J A high hill ; a lofty appearance. Teaou Teaou Tea lOU Tc&ou ch6w, i& J^^ a J)room. - Distant and unattainable : teAdu teaou, j3 -^^ lofty. ■ > The hair of children hanging down. Te^ou hwat ley ch«;, ^ ^ IS jg te&ou sdy t'haSu tnu <'iy si, «i:» wQo bein ley sim ckh, from the time th^t the hair hangs down (in youth), to have the mind roused to action. TEAOU 650 TEAOU Teaou V ^j^TliP shedding of the teedi. Teaou L3,m choo pat gwdt seng ch'lie, pat sohy teaou ch'h6, ^ I^ /\ H d^ ^^ A ^ i3 i '« p" '"^^ ^"^'' goeyh sai^9 ch'hUy Vht, payh Kohy labu ch'My k'he, a boy at eight months gets his teeth, and at eight years loses them. Vulg. ieS : the tide ; ha6 te&ou, ^ 3^ ha6 t'eo, the tide of tlie sea, which the Chinese ascribe to the breatliing and panting of the earth. f- .^ A court, a hall of audience, a court Teaou J^rl of justice. " I / ▼ Teaou 6 hay tae hoc gUn, k'h^n k'h&n je yed,^ #1 T A ^ P ^ IE •ftp J^ te te&ou ting lae, leap hay toe hoo k6ng wa, chew kong tif &y y'do^Sj Confucius, when at court, in speaking with the inferior officers, observed a stiff and straight forward manner ; see the ^^ ^"^ Lun ge. Te^ou 6ng, ^fl 3l, '° ^*^^ ^" audience with tlie king. Teaou Te&ou Teaou Teaou A kind of insect, which begins to make a noise in the 5th month. To unite, to amalgamate, to accord, rt/t*| to harmonize. The name of a tree. The appearance of walking alone. 4«p^ To call, to summon, to send for by Teaou ^^ authority. \^M Kwun beng teaou, put soo kay kwun beng ling ked Idn, u*" sa6 itng haou bay Teaou cVh'eaji Ae"d, when a prince's order comes to call us, we must not wait for our carriage to be harness- ed, but go immediately ; see tlie ^m =^ Lun ge. A prognostic, an omen, a presage ; also, a hundred thousand. T'hafe pok cheilng sam teaou che hwat,;;j(^ h ^ H ^|£ ±. ]^t'halpok&y kw^a tedh chedng hwdn s'^a ho teaou soo ay heat toe, the great augurer should attend to the laws of the three methods of prognostication ; see the ra fS Chew 16y. * 'i'eaou Teaou Teaou Teaou Teaou A cooking vessel ; a small pan with a handle. Vulg, ted: a surname. rAl> ^ fl^g ornamented with tortoise* and serpents. A surname. A surname ; the same as the above. Teaou H^ hK^ '">'«« "^^''^^ *'"'^^ y*^'* °''*' •* i_ A commencement, to commence, to Teaou ^rS- begin. •■ I ■■ T'hafe 8ng teaou ke 6ng chek, J. qp i| g 3^ 3l^ That 6ng k'h6 fhadu cVhhng 6ng &y cheah, T'hafe 6ng first laid the foun- dation of the traces of royalty in his family. Teaou 3^ The same as the above; also a kind of spear. TEEM 6&1 TEEM Tech Teeh Read tek : to drop, to drip ; a drop. E tek kae hay, ^ jg ^ T lioi teeh gtm kay ay, the rain falls in drops on the steps. Yit tek sfiy, — ^ 7]^ chit teeh chiiy, a drop of water; tek 16k, ^r^ t^ teih loh, to drop down. Read teep: a plate; pwAn teep, ^ 1^ pta"d. teih, plates and dishes. Teern X, f^ To moisten, to tinge, to receive a tinge; teem teem, \f^ ^, ''g''' and thin, trifling. Teem yin, ^rt W to receive favors. Han ch'hut teem p6^y, )^ ^ j^ ^ he^ath'hut hah t'eoh k'ha ch'eah, the perspiration issued out till it moistened his back. Teem JT l» Teem taou, /h ^^ light and tri- I |3 fling Teem W" r^ To be wet in the rain; 6 teem hok, ^ ^ B^ *"' "* "^** y^'* cheO^S, the rain wet his clothes. leem A dot, a spot, a speck, to point any- thing; y6wte6m,^ Wh^Bodt'eim, iilll* doited, speckled. Keem te6m jit sey wfly, ^ |l|fe I'jl'f j^ *""» telm tik jit sly chb, to make a memorandum of every day's proceedings. Te6m se, 5^ ^$ t'eim ch'hayh, to dot a book, to punctuate it. '*' % A shop, a place for depositing and Teem | 1^ disposing of goods. /^^ K'hae tefem, §^ k'htouy teim, to open a shop. Also written ■ig^ teira. Chivf i'ehm, ^ Ifl^ a tavern, where »pirits and provisions are sold. \ |— I To spy, to peep; kong soo jtn te^m Teem XH che,^ ^ AM ^^"^ /\aA sat l&ng tehm fc'Wd e, the chief sent some emissaries to spy and observe him ; see the j^ 'jM Cho twan. ^ A flaw in a gem. Teem | - FT Pek kwuy che te^m, seang k'ho ^U m6ye4, |^ ^ ;^ J^ 1^ pT R 3^ payh kwuy Ay teim, seang t'hang btoi, the flaw in a white gem may yet be rubbed down, (but flaws in discourse cannot be remedied;) see the ^ H T'hafe gniy. ^ % _ A screen, an earthen stand between Teem T^L*^ i'*'" pillars. *■* Pang kwun wuy ledng kwun die h°6 y6w hw4n tefem, f^ 1$ Mi M W^ ±. ftf Tb" ^ tt pang ktcun wuy no Ayjin kwun seo h6 woo hwdn leim, the prince of a country, on occasion of the friendly meeting of two princes, inverts the wine cup on the earthen stand; see the h s& Seang lun. Teem Teem fi^ m To sink, to drown ; 6 tefem, jOT ^, a chair cushion. A house overturned. Peaceful, at rest, quiet. Teem §r^ E teem ySng chis, }^ ^$ ^ f ^^ ^[ 6 an t'eSm ydng sim chi, " to feed one's mind by quiet retirement;'' said by ^^ ^f- Chong cboo. Teem m' Vulg. te^ : sweet, of a sweet taste ; also written §£ te6m. Swan te^m choo be, pek cheung ch'heenbfiog,!^ jffr ^^ f^ "S* ^ =f ^ twuPV tet^S &y choo 6«, woo chit payh cheiing chit TEEN 652 TEEN ch'keng me"/!, sour and sweet tastes are of a hundred sorts and of a thousand names ; see the HE !{fe- {^ Teang h6ng hob. ^ . Read tlra : to sink in the water. Teem ^Tl Hw^n hwin y9,ng chew, chafe t!m C^y chafe ho6, Jji ji^^^ 3jS* ^ -M hwdn hwdn Ay y&ng chdn, woo si d t'e&mwoo s6 a p'hoo, the boat adrift upon the wide waters sometimes sinks and sometimes floats again ; see the /l\ ^Bg Se4ou gn^y. ^ ^^ Teem I I ^"!t A bamboo mat. Teem Teem #P The threshold of a door. O^?^ To eat, to devour. Teen The top, a head ; also to overturn, to to be turn- upset ; teen to, ed topsjf'turvy. Gwfty j6 put te, teen j6 put hoft, /§] jfjl ^ ^ |p§ ffn /*[> J^ 5'''"^y lietrnje M t& gim, teen tdji bd ho8 k'hi; in circumstances of danger, not to up- hold any one, nor when overturned to raise them up^ see the g^ ^^ Lin gfe. Teen, to, ^^1 '^], turned upside . down.. - The summit of a hill. ,Teen k8ng,' ^M ^^ rtad, out'of one's senses, foolish. ■ To he wiiy teen, to noe wA'y k8ng, he cAe^d teen, s'eo^S chey sew k'hh ch'e^d kong, too much joy throws men into ecstasies, and excessive anger drives them mad. ^" % -' < To turn round, to revolve ; to open Teen 111^ out, to spread abroad. / p<^ Te6n ch win hwdn ch'hek, ^ |g j^ '^ij tc&n chwdn hwdn pce^M, he turned round and round from side to side ; see the SI |^ Chew l&m. Y6w soo te6n pe 6 kd, ;^ ^ j^ )|^ g|^ -^ yew soo ay kw^a t'ein k'hwuy pi pek e ko, the pro- per officer must display the offering of silk, in order to announce it ; see the ^^ ijjS G^ Ifey. Teen To turn round ; the same as the preceding. .,^^-j^-; ii;j. !!oI;> iid ii/i Teen A lord, a'master ; to preside over Teen HTl anything ; a record, a book. Ch'hut keng jip te^n, jlj |g A jHl, out of one' book into another ; (i. e. to speak according to the classics.) Joo te^n, nf- ;flft je teen, a dictionary. Vulg. ch'hdn : a field, a.paddy field, arable land ; . a surname ; also, l^ hunt. Gno keet lek keng tefin, kiiung why choo chit j6 P ^ gwd keet chin k'hwuy Idt choh ch'han keung dtb haou sai'*ff dy chit hwun t'e^d te"d, I will exhaust my strength in ploughing the ground, and thus fulfill the duties of a child, without looking for anything further ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. m Teen Teen To cultivate the ground. n n nsqo Gold and flowery ornaments, for a lady's headdress. iTEE^f 663 TEEP Teen ,?fiW 9jl0 ^ f *f- A place for sellihg gdods, a shop, a stall in a market. Te6n bo8 hoo 16 che po^, ^ ^ d^ Fg ~y ;fc teim hd hoo U dy poi, shops should not pay the tax of a piece of cloth for every 16; see ^^ ^ Beng chp6.,'ji JjP.' I The same as the preceding. Also vrritteii ^i t'^tu Teen .*LI ^L To tread upon, to pass over. Teen % . - -J i Teen ' ""' ^ _j_^Toenti een 36! 1^ ti-en ^AM 4iySE stitci To entwine, to wind roond, to bind; h shoes. Teen Teen Teen Teen /•-* % A district of a hundred 16, ^ , PTI called^ ^^^teenhok. ^^^* Vulg. seek nd : lightning ; Wy teen, yl-l ^ ^, thunder and Ijghtriingl A kind of plant that floats pn tKe top of the water. wt To sacrifice; te" P^l Ap ^ cAi!y ttt«.singjin,lo sac- rifice to the former sages. Tiien chew, ^ yp, to pour out aljhati jon. Tee"S V2' It Read tiifim : swpe^pf a sweet taste. Even, level^ plain. Tg iif^ oKqila r.I -jj^ " , ■* ^^ A hall ; kdting teen, ^i.-,' j^, a pa- Teen |.ii-/» ' lice ; teen fcay,^,^ a crown- l^\/^ prirce. ■ ' • ' irSdng teen, "^ B&, a palace with front and back suites of apartmestg. _ To plough, to cultivate the ground. Teen |^| Teen itw, [fj |lg, a cultivated ^ ^ l^Read tefin : to tinit, to entwine. ry ififi^ to stitch a garment, to make rai- mept. Tel'S Teep Full, to the brimr VCTI Suddenly ; to turn round ; also writ- ten tm, teep. field. een to 'laA Za/t £ ; To hunt ; ti;en lap, ^ >[[[[, .tbgo Teen '^tl-f a hunting. -..T,d. ' ; .^,"?^"^P'-)^^te i^l i p'AaA Za/i B KSh hi, to go :i Imuiine and fuhing ; see the S« ^ =3 Ek lu) Gold and flowery orD^cnts, for a lady 'a headdress.'., u ~ 7 O 1 ^ Small, very small, ver/Jittle : 'l*^ Teep '^Y^ tae, ^ ^ ^^^^ small, not very large ; teep k6\v, >J> /A /Mp o iotf, a short space of time, not very long. y^ cQ Repeated, piled up, lieapod one on Teep A^^M another; to bfralarmeil. ; i" _ r - Tijilng tt-fing teep tet'p, ^ ^^ A ^ repeated again and agaia. a' Luy yeep pek teep, ^ ^,"0^ J^ '"V *«** j>dyA (eep, a heap of leaves piled up by hundreds. Teep Teep TEET The same as the preceding. 654 TEET A board for writing ; the leaf of a book, a book, a document ; an of- ficial order from an officer of government is called teep ; a genealogical register ; boards belonging to a bed. i Teep Teep Teep Teep Teep Hofi teep, butterfly. Ao^y yeah, a Kl,n lijep, fpj eS, a spy. ^■I Jl* The connected appearance of waves; y^l.^ to abolish. A small parapet on a city wall ; to fortify with a parapet. 'tTSkTo tread, to stamp ; to walk. Teep P_j^ Verbose, to speak much. 103 Cloth made of fine hair. A thumb ring used in archery. Teep Teep Teep Ih|3 Peaceful, quiet. Teet JCj— a man's name. r tJf Clear, intelligent, wise ; te che wat, Teet rl/T b6ngteet,j:p ;^ 0^ ^ I * chae e kong bing teet, to know a thing is called intelligence. 4-4- ' Teet -^^ -J" Same as the preceding. \ J. Teet ^ Teet teet, ^ ^^ slowly. Teet Orderly, according to order, well ar- ranged; an office. Also, to col- lect, an assemblage ; a period of ten years in called ^, te6t. ^ ^ Vulg. pwah: to stumble, to fall Teet l^t» *^°^" 5 *^^' *°' ft P'l ^"""^ '^' I^X ^ to tumble down. Te^t je put chin, J;^ l]J3 ;;f^ ^'^P^'ahje bS kite, to stumble without having any one to help. Teet ktJak, {^ ^ ptcah A'Afi^4Q^|tumble with the feet. 53-4 \ TOa te^t, ^J ^, to slip, to fall. ) - To change, to substitute, to repeat, to Teet ^^I^ change alternately. • So5 kok tiJet bin, pU( ^ ^ fft si kok s'eo fhey hin k'M, four states rising up in suc- cession. l)i,, TeetyAng, 1^ ^^ the alternate use of. pi:* : t»l-^i i\yii.»5 Teet Teet Teet I* iTo stitch, to sow, to join a seam. Vulg. Vhei^S : the same as the pre- ceding. To assault, to attack, to invade ; to rush forward as war chariots do in all directions against an enemy. TEET 655 TEK MA Teet A small melon ; kwa teet, J^ M, a large and small melon ; meta- H'liA y\j\ f\u:' w"v. phorically, children and grand- children' descending from the same parent. >^^S.^ The wrapper of a book, a book co- "1^^ ver ; a period of ten years is call- VV^ ed a ■ Teet ■,t:l-;:',' Teet Teet Teet m A bony excrescence ; an unevenness of the bones. To run very fast. The name of a insect; called also ^ ^, tijet boe. Teet Teet Orderly, according to order ; an or- derly sacrifice. An ant hill, a rising ground. T'hafe san che 6 k'hew teet, sv}*a &y twa te. Whew tiit, the great mountain among hillocks and ant hills, (is a thing of one and the same kind ;) see the ^ J- Beng choo. _%■» A person eighty years of age. Also Teet Z/Z^ ^f'"^" W.' '*'^'" jE» Se chci kfi tij^t, ^ ^ ^ ^ kdiy k'hi se payh chap h6i,y Ay ling, the departed are only old men of fourscore; see the ^ J^ Chin hong. p _ A piece of coarse white cloth worn Tefet Jt%^^ °" ^^^ ^^^^ ^""^ around the waist ^ ■ ! » by persons in mourning ; the tra- ces of a carriage wheel. Te6t Ji High as a hill, the appearance of a high hill. Teet Teet To exclude, to take out of the way, to remove; also even. T Sam kay chei 6 yung teet, ^ ^ ^ 1^ ^ lil *"'' ''"y «y ^-^"^ ^ y"«^ "^y «« teit chty Ay mee^h, the three families sang the yung ode when they removed the sacrifices; see the J^ Seanglun. f _ 4 Vegetation just springing ap ; one of the radicals. t Teet The traces of a carriage wheel ; the track of a carriage. BAn goey to te4ng cheA ke teet, twa ling iy ch'hea teel, before the door are many tracks of the carriages of great men ; see the ^ ^ ^ Tin pfing twan. ^ A >- , VirtiiB. kindness, favor; happiness; Tek /f 'S? o'' whatever is attained in one's |i^^ own person. E tek pd tek, J[^ ^ ^ |,^, *° recompense good with good. WAy chfeng 6 tek, J^ ^jf ^ ^ c*^ c^^ng »«» ^ tek king, to conduct the affairs of government accor- ding to the principles of virtue; see the |S |E Lun gL Tek heng, |g ff^ virtue ; yiw tek, "^ ^g, woo tek, virtuous. Tek Tek The same as the preceding; also To obtain ; tek cheak, ^ ^ tit teoh, to get, or acquire, to procure. Cha6 bod ko6 tek, ^ "j^ >^ fflj che6''9 b8 lim sdm tit teoh, do not desire to get money in an improper way ; see the K'heukl6y. m:i4-u/,>.: # TEK 656 TEK Tek >j The appearance "or^alS", t^-.lT The root, the origin ; that part on which the' others rest, as the bot- tom, the stem, the sole, &c. Tek To 'jfio J <: Teki-' ^/l To dread difficuhies ; tek sek, ^ Vlflg. iiSh : a drop, to drop, to fall drop by drop. Heang loe tek lek, ^ ^ yj|j ,j3-ji^ heimg Ay loe chuy teeh leeh, the fragrant dews ii v-ndesc^nd in drops. ^i* N^ i^ ^^ A principal wife is called mSi ^^ ;tek sit, and the son of a lawful wife is called ™ ^, tek choo. o arrive at, extreme; near, inti- mate i Kind, liberal. R'ano fii bqrii; Tek > boog 0211 Tefc -T)33« ino Vt'l (flw Tek The point of an arrq^^.^; , , ,, • Kviijftc sdi )3fibno3 ol ,'5«5A ',' J^iihcH; a rodtryfvi''s6'pek tek, ?^ ^ 1^ 3^ """^ "^ Sedou gn4y. Tfi^ blame, to reprove, to find fault ... ;!oT with. Kok choo tek gno, PJ ^ f j| i»^ , 3B? hikliwuh'tSkimai^S Idn, the ruler -of the country bin kwuy, — m \^ 1^ j(j n \{!:i ji^ J^ #Hai^« pJMtj^ Iff eAi< dy ban sa& woo kwa M, no &y ban ling kwa li'hah che6, s^'^a &y ban yea king ey chb tit, si &y ban J)' ho tin a tooi^S, on the first gathering iCthe melons are good, on the second they will be found fewer ; on the third gathering theyi will still be tolerable, and on the fourth, people will return bringing the vines with them. usLi-Uit i4-)'r Tek The same as gi f\ tek, to blame. .cnu'j'foT f4- ^ Tek^''' 71^^ .'.giither; to twitch Yrt tek S06 kwa h"6, chafe tek 16ng kwa he, sam tek seang yln k'h9,SQ5 tek p'haou To pluck :j Vulg. teaA .• to pick, to > k Bright; shining; real, true; tek Tek ft%J k'hak,^^j|, really, truly ;vulg. obir. Liiiiis" >/ !, ifly;,- 'ofj belonging to ; the sign of the genitive ct/s«»"' -, ;< , : Sedou jtn che to tek je^n j6 jit bSng, /K J\^ "^ ■ ii 6^ ^ ffil 19 . t ^««oi ..... ,,g^ • Tek tek y6w paiouTchin, |^|^"|lj % ^ f| tek tek woo pedou cAin, i^ is certainly true,.»nd there are witnesses of it. , , , ... Tek pit, 0^j^, written with one's own hafld. ■^'^tijTlie.root, or "origin of anything ; . ijie •■ fruit of the watei-lilv. asu\ \^ To lead, to take anything in the hand, .^riuri ni(i J r^ .Hid fhid -^ , TEK 657 rkK Tek Tek w iIjiA ndi mono il.i-'J ill) bVnlv A rabbit net. '-■t't To arrive at, to ■wweS I "' ft* ,T Tele ; teuk Itm, JJ , Read teuk : tamboo Ijk vv'urd on liic ^A .% The . name of a race of foreigners Tek A'l\ on the north of Gliinaf a suiname. >p^ ^ L4m been j6 cheng, pok lek wikn, ^ Ifil M' ^Z ^'K &"' tfinjichfng, pak pee^S ay hioan icdn, when he went to adjust 7 P affairs in the south, the northern -foreigners were dis- pleased (hecaose he did ^r Anything originally Iobr and made Tek. ^^ y g 6 J B ci- 5, ,-.,c^fc** shorter. Tek Vulg. ti^Hh : trt buy corn, or grain ; iL lek h6, 1^ ^ fC&h U, to buy I - . - . -v A k To wash any vessel ; sc6 Tek ?/|RS' 'tft, •" wash, to rinse; i f |,V^^ if) which sacrificiul an To wash any vessel ; sc6n t^k, ^ also a cage luimals are kept and fed. To exclude; stKi. _^"- ■! To oppose, to withstand, an enemy, Tek lxl\F ^" "PP""*^"*- j*^|/V Jin chi34 bo6 tik, >fj: ^ |nt ^ jin Ay l&ng bS lHy til:, a benevolent man has no enemies ; see '^ IZ. Beng choo. Tek Tek T6k siii j^j^ l^X ''" *'"''^* "''=''''- )^J/V dren. %. Only, espf clat', partieular ; tek beng, m h\. 'mj, an es^ctn|<)rdeii-"' ' ' 't'ek swdn, 'W. ^^ especially . selected. 'Tek. To advance, to enter ; to open out the way. TENG 658 TENG A post, a pole stuck in the ground. One of the horary characters ; to sus- tain ; also a person arrived at 20 years of age is said to be fiv "J s6ng teng, come of age. Peng teng, £l ~T', a soldier. A surname. > To walk alone ; Idng teng, ^ ^T Teng jt~ I the appearance of walking alone ; I >| san 1 /j-J-^ teng. Teng —IT* Teng Ifing, PJ P^, to enjom, to urge again, and again. Ke hwin hok teng 16 ng, se jtn che h, chfe ch'him ch'hSet b, ^ fX ^ PT P^ teng ling kd l&ng &y h sod chh cVhim ch'heet, his re- peated injunctions and his frequent exhortations show that his intention in teaching mankind was earnest and sincere ; see -^ ^ Choc choo. Teng Teng Teng xxz> Teng leng, ^ .^, a small net. A kind of sore or blister. A nail ; t'heet teng, ^ ^ t\ teng, an iron nail. h'eeh Teng w A lamp ; teng h"6, ij^ jj^ teng nT\ hoBy, a lamp ; teng sim, jj^ ;^^^ / -^ the wick of a lamp ; teng long, ^fj ^ teng Idng, a lantern. Sam keng teng h"6, gno6 keng key, 3 P >^T X 3i ^ 1^ *"" *"*"^ ''^"^ ''''^^' ^"^ *"*"^ ^*^' (sitting up at study) till the lamp burns to the third watch, (and rising again in the morning,) Teng while the cock crows the fifth watch ; (speaking of those who study hard.) Teng W^^O T*!^ S"""^ 3^ tlis preceding. ^^\^ To ascend ; to grow up, to ripen ; >^|X^ teng ko, ^ ^, to ascend up - on high ; teng wuy, ^ ^^ to ascend the throne. Gnoe kok put teng, 5 TfeS ^ ^ ^""^ *"* *^ teng kw&n, the five kinds of grain do not grow ; *^^ JmL j" ^^"S choo. ^^ Teng ^ jC a bamboo hat, with a handle. ^ /" T6ng The top, the crown ; t'hofi teng, ^S ■jS t^haSu kak ting, the crown of the head ; san t6ng, lb jS iw"a ting, the top of a hill. Jl Teng Teng Teng T6ng Teng T6ng T i] The name of a hill. The divisions of the rice field*. B6ng teng, ffiK ^^ very drunk. A small insect. Vulg. ie^d: a pan for cooking, a fry- ing pan ; also new. The same as the precediog. TENG 659 TENG J i ' J^ A step, a grade, a degree ; a class, a Teng ^~ 'I "* sort, the sign of the plural number; •>J gno t6ng, ^j^ ^ Ian, we. King yit t6ng, ^ ■—•■ ^ king chit ting, to de- grade a person one step. Teng t'liiie, ^ ^ teng hadu, to wait, to tarry. Teng ^ Teng choo, ^c -Rl ting a, scales for weighing silver. Tdn 'i^'^Tfeng ge, fj ^, to deliberate on, P Teng iST Teng to consult ; to criticise, o nail anything with nails. Teng A stirrup ; mi tip tfeng, ,^ ^ ^S T^f^ bay t&h 3^ A small plank, or slab of stone ; a stone bridge. 5f', Teng Teng Teng Teng ^'^The same as the preceding; a small ' ^? mound of earth. A pavilion, a shed by the roadside ; upright, straight. P'hfeng tfing, ^ M beautiful, ele- gant. Sin-lfing, ra A^, the name of one of the disciples of Confucius. To stop the flowing of water, a dam, Teng Vj f-j fc a mound. w -J Kwat tfing suy, th che ha6, ^iVr i? ?K 1^ ^ ^ *""" '"'""^ '^"^ '^^^y' '^ ' kadu hat, he cut oS the water dam, and led the water into the sea ; see the ^^ Sr ^ Le soo twan. Teng <»• J^' Teaou tSng, ^ =i^^ to manage, to regulate. Teng TeHou tfing, ^ "^^ the court, the palace, the hall of audience; some- times used for the government, the ruling power. K6 chse chong beaou teiou tfing, pefin pefin gin wflykin,^;^g0^ g^^t luE ^ ' '""* '* chong bed te&ou ting, pein p'ein k6ng tod tcAy siyje, when he was in the ancestorial temple, or at court, he would speak sedately and wilh caution ; said of Confucius in the §& Si Lua The hall jusi within the front door; a hall. ^gk Liiy tfing, ^ ^^ a clap of thunder. ^^-A» Rattan ; tfing teAou, ^ j& tin <£, ^^^ a rattan cane ; also a bamboo ves- ^^ .el. The name of a country ; a surname ; also to open the mouth, and utter anything. A rope, a string, a cord ; to bind. A creeping plant; the rattan. T6ng 3 t\ m tEms '. Holl 9(1) qivio o !' "I ,/ r|!|g^,[] MC^ H6ng hff santt' ch'tie*-!!^ V6^'^ yit .uii/M f JS^I. ' igng pVh^ng, ^ -/pf'H ^ jte _^ ;^ ^ll Hon^ /«d s^ach'heng nca'^S chit o» f'^&^i6iig''ck'heng, the Yelloii' i^ver settles niid be- comes clear once in sOOCJ years. % j.^> A kind of orange, oili ,1111' • t-yV* _ -> Tenff JVw^^ Clifeng se t6ng hdng kit leiik sfe-.n :*;;5Ja. IE ^ ^ t fe $s m cAe^d se <^n^ a wui"S, kit d Uh ay 4, ^t was j"st at -f.^HbeHmewljen oranges became yellowy and citrons Even^ plain, level ; for an InfeWor to atldrfss a superior is called 16 ng; also, to discover, to CQiiie to light. „,-> rVtilg- ^e",. ch', filled the laws ^f),regulatiopsj^ see the ^ P|^Kocho6kfe. TeiHg': n5??.fib r • >»ijV To warn, to be awaVe of; tfeng T&hg- ' ^^Xi. ch'hdng, #!( Jl]^ to, form, to •^■^ make; tgngchfeng,)^ j£, to re- -ol) e. •. i i B^_A- Vulgj ^^ clmd in"S, a limulle <^f gilt paper u^ sacrifice <;^n**ning 50,00 ii)'lj ^Mi '-*'*"' '■^'•l'^^"* ^''' '*° -^ TE^^ 661 TEO Sek-k4m-tong, /pf B¥ '^ Cheoh-kdm-te^i , the name of a very strong man, supposed to be able to prevail against noxious influences ; hence his name is frequently written on a board, and placed at the corners of streets to keep away evil genii. Read te^ng: the rising of the tide; Te^g ^iJ-i, . suy teang, 7)^ ^ cMy te"g, the tide is risen. ^tM Read tdng : to bear, to sustain, to ' * pawn, to put in pledge. t;^ i I f K'hae t5ng tefera, kliwuy te'^S teem, to open a pawn shop. •fc Read t3ng : a surname ; the name of Tc"g ]^^K a dynasty ; Tfingteaou, ^ ^ ,' 1^ Ti''S tedou, the T6ng dynasty; applied also to the whole empire generally, as Tong san, ^J Tc"g sw«a, China ;JTdngjln, ^ J\^ T&^9 Idng, a Chinese. r/.»g rpfUg Read tOng: a pond; gfi tflng, ^^ ^^ ^ M ti^, a fish pond. Read tCcLng : long, not short ; tc^ng k6w, ^ 3V ^^^ ^""j a long time. Kim TCng chwat te^ng poe twdn, ^ M ^ <"a Ting kok cheat k'hi. ti^9 Ay poi. tty &y, now with respect to the TCng country, if the longer parts are cut oflf to make up for the shorter, (it will onlj' be 50 le in extent ;) see ^ ^ Beng choo. rp^ng , v^>^ Read tOng : a temple, a hall; t'hcng ^sH '^"^' s '^ ''*^'*'' '^'*^' * '^''"" ■ ' * YCw yiiA seng t(5ng t>, be jip d sit Y£w y'cd, woopayh ched"9 t6"il, hliiy jip c chVtod t&y, Y6w has ascended the hall, but has not yet en- tered the dwelling ; (intimating that he had made a 7Q certain progress in learning, but had not penetrated into the recesses of wisdom :) see the =H ^^ Lun ge. ^ Y-. Read ch'heing : the entrails, the Ti o LJ, 7^ «t bowels; kat jtn sim ch'he^ng, '^^4 fij A 'Li> ^ *"'"* ^'^"5' ^y sim t&^9' to wound a person's feelings'very severely like cutting the bowels asunder. ^_ Read tiiang: a measure of ten feet; "■^f yit teang te^ng, -_ ^ .^ chit r^^ te»g ti»g, ten feet long. * JL» Read tong: to run against, to strike, m VO ^° P"^^ against. ^ Seen bun cheA j6 tong cheung, # PpI ^ itn it ^ ^°^« '^'^"^ ^y ^^"9 ch'hin cheS'*g ti^S chcng, a skillful inquirer is like one who strikes a bell ; (i. e. he is sure to get an an- swer ;) see the ^ |^ Hak k^. ^, IPt Read tong : to wash, to bathe in warm water ; se£n tong, y^i y& s(y te**g, to take a warm bath. Read teAou : to fish, to angle ; teAoo Vf 6^> ^ ® '''^ ^^> '" catch fish. Te'^g Tf'g -rnr Te'^S Ted Tto T'ha^ kong te^ou 6 Hwan key, % ^ ^ 1^^ ^ ^'Aa^ kong ted M te Hwan key, T'hae kong angled in the Hwan rivulet ; see the ^ ^P S06 k6. Read te4ng: long; this character forms a part of the names of se- veral places, as TiiAng-t'ha^, ^ TeS-Vhici, a district in ^ j}»j»j^ Chi-ang chew ; andTeftng-lok,^ ^ TeO-m, bl districting ijj^^ Ilok chew, both in the province of ^ ^ Hok-kii^n. % »..^ Read tc.lou : the tide ; ha6 ted.ou, T'eo >i vFI ' ^ y^ *<'^ 'eo, the tide of the '»/^ sea. TeAou chew, ^ ^<| Tetf choc, a district in the province of Canton. TEO NG 662 TEUK Tt eo Ted \. Read teaou : a surname. To ridicule people. Read t'ho : to draw out ; t'ho biit ch'hutlae,^ !|j| i^^ ^tedh mee"Sh ch'hut la&, to pull any- Tedh thing out. Read cheak : to engage in anything ; as chijalc kg, ^ jj^ tidh M, to play at chess. Also an affix to certain verbs, as ge cheak, ^ ^ to6 teohjto meet with ; k'h^n cheak, ^ ^ k'hw^d t'eoh, to see. Read cheak : right, yes, it is so. Read teang : to spread out, to stretch ; tijang yang, ^jl ^ '^""^ yeo"S, to make a show ; a surname. Read teing : a superior ; kay tijing, ^ M- kay t'e6^S, the master of a family ; 16 tijing, ^ ^ '^ iU^i, the head of a village. ^ ^ Readte£lng: an account; hftngte^ng, Teo"^ Uj]^ Ik M P^"^ '^^"^' *° ^^' ^° ^*'' I ▼V^ count run on, to give credit. Read teUng : to swell, to rise as wa- ter, to inundate. T'eo^S^ ^ f^- Read tejlng : a dropsical swelling. T^f^ ;5J Ted''^ Read teUng : to swell, to puff up ; HS. toe te^ng, ^ p to^ ^ T'heen tijuk kok, ^ ^ Ml the Teuk Teuk Teuk name given by the Chinese to the native country of Budha. A surname. /\r^ A musical instrument of the ^, ^-JTi Chin dynasty. JL^^ To beat, to thump, to pound ; to .J^^O build, to erect; also read keuk. ^^J^- K6w gwat teuk Ch'heang-po6, jrJ^^MM kabugdeyhh'htCVhUng-poi, in the ninth month, they built Ch'heang-po6. swelling of the abdomen. Teuk Teuk $ii To cut and hack ; a kind of hoe. The nave of wheel; kw4n teiik, 7^; ^, a roll of writing, a vo- lume of a book, a scroll. Teiik Teiik ^ TEUNG An instrument used in weaving. To advance, to enter ; also read tek. Wun teiik k'hwat tek,' ^ ^ ^F ;S^ chin che^d teiik chin e &y tek heng, truly it advanced iiis virtue ; see the S {^ ^ Ko yadu boe. Te'uk ^rfl S's*ers-in-law are called ^ 3^g, y\ |x| teiik 16. To drive, to drive out, to expel; teiik yit, ^ — • tak Ay, every one. Kw^n-teung sam soo sam ke^n teiik, 'S' ^dl ^^ fjl ^ ^ j^ Kwdn-t'eing s^a Ay chb kttf*a, s"a &y hoe l&ng ku^d, Kw4n-teung was thrice in office, and thrice turned out. Y^Aj A kind of vegetable, called also ^ Teiik >^>9kt l^ ^, yang tfiy ch'ha^, sheep's foot vegetable. The name of a certain sort of bamboo TEW Teiik /tA- The middle. Vulg. tang e^.- the centre ; teung kan, ttt PM be- tween. Lip put teung bfln, 1^ i^ it* P^ k'hea bd ti mooVS tang e"9, (Confucius) would not stand in the middle of the doorway ; see the ^ff MS Lun g6. Put p'hijen che wuy teung, ^ |^ Jl^ p^ lf» b6 p^hee^S k6ng ked tang ^9 ^ not to be inclined to one side is called hitting the centre. %- Faithful ; fidelity ; chin k6 che wuy Teung "^2 "J^-g' ^ a ;t II .^ ^*« Idn ha te k6ng keb teung, to exert one's self to the utmost is called fidelity. Choo teung sin, ^ j^^ j= lay the greatest stress on fidelity and sincerity ; see the i| Teung ^ g Lun g6. To hit the centre, to hit the mark ; tevlng k^y, pb =4*^ to be taken in a stratagem. Hoo jln put gan, gin pit ydw teitng, ^ ^ 7^ g* p" ))L' /^ 4* *"" '^^^y '*y ^"^"^ "'" ^'^"^' nd kdngpit woo tciing, now this man does not speak but if he did, he would certainly speak to the pur- pose ; see the |^ |S Lun ge. ^^ _-^ff_ I^cpeated, reiterated ; vulg. ting : Teung p|^~ double; teAng teep, ^ ^^ to repeat again and again. The eldest son of a concubine is call- Teung '^(1}^ ed |dJj teung; also, a surname. Pek teung, j|^ jijl^ elder and younger brethren ; teung sun, jijj ^^ a double Teung Vulg. being composed of two characters, —a ■j^ yit k'hb, once gone, never to return. Day, daytime ; Cha6-6 t6w ch'hfm, ^ ^ M. ^ CAa^-^jt< kan Vhwin, Cha6-6 slept by day, (for which Confucius severely reproved blm ;) see the |p Lun g6. Tew TEW 664 TEW SJOiU ii'. A n\. H^"'- A bird's beak. hi To warn. TSw, Tew kA large thread ; tSw twan, ^ ^, silks and satins. >yg^Tgw b^w, i^ *^, intertwined, and ^i| it I interwoven ; to wrap about, to bind ^' ^ round and round. ^^P^ Close, near, not distant. Tew ;jjgl Bin ke t^w bit, 1^ ^ ^ :^> ▼^ "^ ■£ay'h sai"^ k'h'ea ttw hat, the peo- ple dwell closely together. Tew I* Tew A covering, a single coverlid. 1^1 TSw teang, M i^^ sorrowful, sad, |7| disappointed. Tew In Cultivated ground, arable land. HS E k6 te^n t6w, ^ ^ Eg y^^^ choh e 6.y ch'h&n tiw, to cultivate the fields ; see ^tf -+- Beng choo. Tew Tew 4« A sort, a fellow, a companion ; tfiw le, ^p 42 a mate. Pf^ T6w te, j^ ^^ to be in doubt, to hesitate, to be undecided, to walk backwards and forwards in sus- pense. J>-^ JL. To reckon, to calculate ; small bam- Tew ' ' 1. ■ - * boo arrows to be thrown at a pot, P"*! a game very common in China ; tSwch'hek,^ lil^aplan. Ko cho6 wun tSw wAy ak che teang, ^ jffil tM. ^P IjTC ijljl ;2l FP fco choi taun tiw te urdy ak dy tang e"g, the first emperor of the H^n dynasty used to turn over his plans beneath the curtains of the tent ; see the ^ |E f£ ^o cho6 kh. Tew m Posterity, heirs, descendants ; also written ^ tew. Sfe tew chora eng, -jy^ ^ ^ M s^ tetf te cliom kat twH, for ages and generations to wear bodkins and tassels; (i. e. for a family to hold offices for successive generations.) ^,1-^ A helmet ; kap tew, ffl ^ , ^^ Tew t" ' y tew, armor. t~3 This and the preceding are often confounded in Chinese books. Tew Tew ■^t^ Ripe grain; kat tew, k|iI Jm^ to I— I reap the corn. , •> E tew, i^ W the universe. ^■■ | -1 Tuy kwafe biit ch'but 6 tew, ^ M4 'jg |3 l^ti ^ "if ^-«'"« A'""?' mee^Sh ch'hut i tew, to drive all strange things out of the universe ; see the J^ 1^ ^ Seang Um hoo. Tew W Double distilled wine. Beng hay che gwat, t'bijen choo JL ^h Wt beng hay Aygoeyh U6ng thy Urn feting j'edng Ay chew, in the first month of summer the em- peror should drink double distilled wine ; see the jffl B ^ L6y gwat leng. A rope for a horse, a trace ; the name of an ancient tyrannical emperor, who flourished B. C. 1100. >- *- The seal character, or the name of Tew »'I ?M|f the person who invented the seal Tew It' ^1 f^ character. TEY 665 TEY Tew Tew Jr. Tey Tey A pain in the small gut ; tiie colic. An oracle ; the result of a divina- tion ; the words used in an incan- Low, to stoop down ; also written A ram, a buck, a he-goat. Tey ch'heuk, M^ j^^, to push with the horns, to gore. To guard against ; tey h3ng, j© Jijk Tey I l ^L^ to take care of; a bank, or dyke, to prevent water overflowing. Sew le tey h6ng, i^ ^|] ^ p^y, to repair the banks and dyki-s. k f I A bank or a dam constructed across Tey " I *. ■, a stream ; to stop up, to dam. >^t- Tey gan, ^ ^, the bank of a stream. To put anything in a bag or vessel ; Tey -Jjjjr t6y biit, "^ ^ l6y mee»gh, to 1^"^ stow anything away. ^ _ Readier the bottom of anything; / '^^ the bottom. Bo6 t6 wat t'hok, y6w tfe wit I6ng, ffil 1^ Q ^ /^ [^ 13 ^ 6^ tky k6ng Vhok, woo tty kdng Ung, a sack without a bottom is called t'hok, but one with a bottom is called Ifiog, a bag; see 4j^ J- Choo choo. Had t6, ^J; 1^ iy tly, the sole of a shoe. ^ ^^ Read l6 : to withstand, to resist, to Tet/ ^1 fcv oppose ; to arrive at. ^•^>< T6t6ngputche,;jg;g-;j;^ tiy tbng hey ttod, not able to resist. 7R » ^M» Read twin : short, not long ; teang Teij nhl^ '*^^n> ^ jS '^"^ '^y> '°"g ^"<* ^ m ^ short. Seet kfiw teang, twin yew bey, ^g ^ ■^ ^jj y^ ^ sac Whea &y Mio ti^S, t&y che"d cVhtw /^nGfcTlie dripping of water ; a drop. Tey Tey Tey Tey Tey tTo arrange the hair in order. Clever, possessed of talents. Small roots and fibres. ^ _ ^ A rainbow ; tfey t5ng chae tong, ^ '^^'V^ tang, the rainbow is in the east. Read tafe : a surname. An order, a series; to record; t6y bfing, ^ ^ Uy tne"d, to record one's name ; t6y bok, ^ ^ tiy bdk, a theme, a thesis ; tfiy yegn, ^ ^, to make a subscription; tdyse,^ |^^ to compose an ode. ^^_^ A foot, a hoof; keak t6y, ^ ^^ Tey Ih^ffl^ ^'^^ '^^' '''^ '^^°' °'^ '*" animal. *^ Ml Yang tey, ^ {Jf »e^"° Stt Seiou gnSy. TEY 007 T'HAE Tey I* The great imperial sacrifice. Heii ban tey che swat, choo wat, putteya,^fp^)jf|;^|^ -f- ^ ^P -t^ voo chit Q.y Idng mooVi tSy Ay soeyh, hoo choo kdng, u"* chae, a certain person asked the meaning of the great imperial sacrifice ; when Confucius replied, "I don't know;" (adding that if a person knew the hidden meaning of it, he could manage the empire as easily as looking at his hand;) see the |^ |g Lun g6. Tey Tey Tey Tfey Tey A single stump of a tree without branches. The name of a flower and wood. To dam up water, and make it flow back again. ?v4 i^ The growth of hair ; an increase of ^^ hair. p ^-^ Read tae : an age, a generation ; s^ ^^\ tae, "TOf JT si tey, a generation ; I \^ teAou tae, ^ /|^ ieiou tey, a dy- nasty; hoe tae, ;?* '(-r aou tey, future generations, posterity. Lek tae, ^ 'VP Uk tey, successive generations. Tey Read tae : a sack ; po6 tae, "^n ^ jioi tey, a bag. Read t'h6 : a kind of flax, the fibres of which may be spun into cloth. Tong bOn che td, k'ho 6 o6 t'he, ^ FT ;2: 1 ^ gii % ^ '-^ rnooir^^ h tS, Vhang la& chim tey, the pond without the eastern gate will serve to soak our flax in ; see the Ttn hong. Tim Jfc. Read faae : to open out, to spread abroad, to bluster, to brag; wide, expansive. Pang-hekongcho6,simhael'h6y t'ha6,/.i^ ]^ ^ ■f" i|J> ^ "na ^ Pdn^'-Ae kong chad, sim k'hwuy k'hioah sin fhty ^ Sc4ou gn'iy. T'h"a jit, f{^ pat jit, another day ; t'h"a ong, tIk ^X ^'''"^ P**' "'"y» '0 g° '<• another place. T'h Hr. tfe T'hae ^^ T'hae Chong t'h"a, ^ +^ cht'^S t'h"a, to ornament, to adorn. Sam t'hae, ^^ ^^ the name of a star ; t'hae t6ng, -^ j^}^ a title of respect. In letter writing, this character is used as a title of respect; as 16 t'hae, -^ p^ venerable sir ! heiig t'hae, J? g respected elder brother ! J^^i^ Green fuci floating on the surface of ^^^ tlie water ; also the green lichens f^» growing on walls; ch'heng t'hae, pn ^ ch'haCS t'h&, green moss. T'hae ^ A womb, a conception in the womb, womb. Put sat t'hae, ^ Boe t'hae, -^ ^^^ a raother'g T'hae Up H^j not kill pregnant (animals) S ^Noe I'hae, ^ |j^, a bad horse, a )|m l # sorry steed. T'HAE 668 T'HAI^^ T'hae T'hae The name of a fish. Y6w-t'hae, /^ pjj^ the name of a country. A surname. T'hae %;=*? Vulg ^1 ^. _-. ^ as <^ T Vulg. ke^S : to carry between two, a sedan is carried, 'hae keaou, Jg wh ^i^^ ^eo, to carry a sedan chair. T'hae k'h6, fe t|E, to raise up anything. ^^ Read sae : to sift ; b6 sae, ^ |^, ^J III hi fhae, a rice sieve. T'h ' XJ"^^ '^'^^^ '^^' ^i ^^■" '" *^^'' '"'^^^^*"*' Thm ^R ly, to talk incoherently. # T'hae ;fc' Great, large, immense ; t'ha6 kek, •^ te 'h*^ g''^^' extremity, a certain imaginary point, at the ex- tremity of all things, which is however exceeded by a bo6 kek, dlE i^, boundless something, of which they have no distinct idea. T'ha^ choo, ^ ^ the eldest son of the emperor, the heir apparent. T'hafe cho, -^ ^ fhal chd, too early ; t'hafe t6, -Jfc* iM too late. T'hafe to, ^ ^ , too much, excessive. T'ha6 y&ng, 4r ^^ the sun ; t'ha^ vim, -^ [f^^ the moon. %^ To have intercourse with; broad, T'hae "^Jl* great, extensive ; extravagant, ex- '^<^>f\ treme; kok t'hafe bin an, ^ ^ E- ^ the country flourishing and the people tranquil. Seang hay kaou t'hafe, Jl "T» ^ ^ s^ '""^ *^ .ijy s'eo kaou cheep, superiors and inferiors associat- ing together ; see the ^ |^ Ek keng. to wash and T'hae irir--"' ''^'^'' M Vi, t/\K^ rinse. A^l^ A form, manner, appearance; an T'hae |QS idea ; ch6ng t'hafe, "[^ ]^, feel- A\^:^% ings ; keaou t'ha^, -ib^ f]^ beau- ty. Also written /^^ t'ha6. E put jim way ch'hoo t'hafe yfe4,-^ ^ ^■. j^ ill' '^ l|l gwd hey lun chd kadu hwut Uy y'eo"^, '•' I could not bear to act in such a way ;" said by M M> K^'l'«'"t-g«'an. Ch'he t'ha6, ^ 1^^^ a foolish manner. T'hae Read sat : to kill, to slaughter, to cut in pieces. Sat key wuy se, j6 soo che, $& H ^3 ^ ffij # ^ ''^«^ *'^ '^'''^'""^ ^''^y _y^ /ioe e ch'eah, he killed a fowl, and made dumplings for him to eat ; see the Sm -^ Lun e6. Sat jin, ^^ y^ <'Aa^ /ang, to kill people. ^i To meet with, to intreat ; to enter- tain; k'hwS.n t'hae, i(^ /<3p to treat ; teng t'hae, -^ |^, to wait, h T'hae t6ng, l^ *^, great, and ex- — — »r_J tensive ; the fresh appearance of ^^ spring. ^,^, lAf* Read t'hap: a tower, a pagoda ; the Budliists. "^J' I One thing laid upon another ; to pile one thing on another. Read t'heng : to push ; t'heng haVS chUn, with a pole, 1 .vl> Read t'heng: to pus Thai'^^y^ ch'hwAn,!^ jliJ*', >| ~>J| to push a boat along in shallow water. T'HAM 669 T'HAM T'ha^S\ Tliai no". Thaf'^ <>«£• pr>T^*Read t'h^ng : a prop to keep any- thing from falling. Read tfing]: a surname. _Read t'heng : to stare, to look full I Vf at any one. Thuf'S <> Read t'heng : to ascend high, to fly, to leap. Ytn t'hfing tfe 6, ^ ^ ^ ^ 1ite on seeing anything bad, we should be like those who dip their hands into hot water ; (and who are anxious to get them out as soon as possible ;) see the ^jm ^ Lun g6. ^ • T'h4m t'hek, ^ ;jg^ empty ; alarm- T'ham -"^J^* ed, frightened; the mind discern- • Va^ posed. T'hdm T'ham T'hdm A kind of plant, like a reed, but smaller. Vulg. t'hdn : hairy cloth ; a hairy mat ; a carpet. A preparation of rice. T'ham T'ha am , Kff% To dive into, to fathom ; ch'h^ ''^ t'h^m, T^lJ j^^ to penetrate; t'h^m choo, ^ ^, a spy. The appearance of a horse going out of a gate ; kwuy t'h^m, ^ ^, I'My to peep at, Co spy. J6 bi^n suy tae k'h6y, kan s^w put k^m t'him, t'hak ch'hayh Ay moofS suy tied k'hieuy, kan siw u"* k^d t'ham k'hu^d, although the portico of the learned be opened wide, wicked heads do not dare peep therein. T'ht am T'ham T'hdm s6ng, ^ 'fe, a foolish ap- pearance. To reach to, even to, unto ; also dis- tant and deep. T'ham kip kwuy hong, W Th fib H^ kip hadu kurdy ht^S, even to the regions of ghosts and genii ; see the ^ ^ Tae gnay. THAN 670 THAN Deep waters ; waters in general ; a sheet of water. Ch'heen t'liftm yit gwat yin, ^ i^ _^ H l^n cVheng clmy chit gdeyh r.y yin; one moon impresses its image on a thousand sheets of water. T'ham The appearance of the clouds over- spreading the heavens. TT/ ham J^t^F* ^''6w t'h&m, yg J^' a liquor jar. T'ham *^P[ ^ ^^'^'^ oHar- * -, Phlegm, slime; put l^ng hwA heet, T'ham ^^ na6 hw^ t'ham, [^ f ^ f (^ ife y^ Jp- c/ijn che"d se an tity sai"S hoe? is it really thus? see the /k 5ffi Seiiou gndy. T'hiln ch'hong bSng, chok gWEln hoe, ^ JD| H^ i^ yC Jo '""^ ch'hang me^d ey chb ttcdjin kwun, he who is most intelligent, may become the greatest prince ; see the ^&. 1 Plain, even, level ; broad, extensive. T'han T*.|lj Kwun choo t'h^n tong tong, ^ """^ "^ i0 ^ ^ hwun cho6 k'hwah tioa hwiit'^S hwui^S &y yeo"S, the good man is liberal, noble, and exalted in his views ; see the H 1^ Lan g^. ^ Se t'hae se. f^Y> '^""' replete, abundant. T'han ff^ Ong 16 t'han t'han, 3£ jj^ ^ ■ I p|p ong dy peng chey chey, the royal troops were numerous ; see the ;^ ^ Tae gndy. T'han T'han T'han * Vulg. t'hw'^a : a rapid in a river, a part of a stream over which the water ruslies violently. To open, to spread out with the hand ; t'han k'hae, ]|| ^ t'hw^a k'hwuy to open out. Read sfeng: a kind of cockle; the **Tir Chinese feed them in beds of salt water, constructed near the sea for T'han T'han > T'han T'han T'h&n To brush, to sweep away dust; t'lidn tin, m, ^, to brush away dust. H6ng t'hdn, J| ^ «cai"i' fhdn, the jaundice. Cloth of a yellowish green color. _^jJL Read t'hdm: a hairy carpet: m6 •^^, t'h^m ^^tn6 t'han, a rug. 4-'A >T'ha,n cho, ^ ^ t'han ch&, very /H %| early, as soon as possible. To sigh ; vulg. <'A(? VhoHy : to fetch a long breath. Gan-yijen hwuy jefin t'h^n wat, iffl p9 ^i M: G&r^-yeen fh6 k'hwHy T'HANG 671' T'HAOU ; ,^ t'kdn k6ng, Galn-yeen fetched a long breath, and sighing, said, &c. ; see the |m |^ Lun ge. T'han To sigh; the same as the preceding. T'h^n T'hdn T'han T'han » I k Vulg. t'hwH: coals; h"6 t'hiln, */<^ g j^^ WC ''''% fhw^d, charcoal. ^^^^. J6 e te&ou e teaou kwan, cho 6 to6 cKhin cheats cVhcng te&ou s'^a ti tedou kin, chey te t'ho& Vhto^d, (he felt, when sitting by the side of vicious persons,) as though with a court dress and wearing a court cap, he should sit down in mud and charcoal ; see "^ .3^ Beng choo. Read t'hin : to follow, imitate; t'hln yang, ^ jjra Vhdn yi'J^S, to fol- low an example. ■4-rS| T'han hijang bok, ^ ^ ^ ''Adn ''jjg^ Uo^S c/i7«d, sandal wood. A level space, or arena, prepared for offering a sacrifice on. Vulg. Chw^d : to fillip with the fin- j:# T'han m. gers; to shoot with pellets. LCng kong chijflng tafi seang t'han j!n,je kwan kfi pe w^n yiji, ^ ^ ^ § ti tai ting Vhto^d lit»gj6 k'hto^d e seim pet^S wAn yed, L6ng kong used to shoot at people from his ter- race, and amuse himself with seeing how they tried to avoid the pellets ; see the ^^ ^M Cho twan. * Thang Read ch'hong : a window; also writ- ten ^ and 'is ch'hong. *V^ BCng gwdt siifing sey ch'hong, t'hang, the clear moon shone into the crape window. Thhng %^ Readt'lii»^a Thang \ any one. Read tflng: to feelYor; t'hS'ng t8ng, CKe^d t'hdng, to have a great affection and' concern for JK. T'hdng "p 1^ Read t'he&ng: a worip, 'gn 'insect. hed Vhdng, a kind of pantile. '-»lRead t6ng: as t6ng yfiw, ;||^ ^ "I t'hdng yivj, paint oil, varnish. Read long : as t'hew long, ^ t'hew fhdng, to be moved about, as puppets in a show. Read t'hoe : to steal, to thieve ; t'hoe ch'h6, jl^ JfC t'haout'hayh, to take anything by fraud. ^ Thadu V Read ka6 : to open, to loosen, to dig" Thadu tjaif. solve, to untie. Kad keet, f^ j^ t'haou kat, to untie a knot. 4d ^ Read t'hofe: thorough, throughont, through ; to understand thorough- ly, to have a thorough acquaint- ance with. nok'16 t'hong t'hoe, |M 5^ ^i>a* ^«« ''^o'*S t'haou, a mind thoroughly intelligent. T8ng hwa sit t'hoi^, ^ %f '^ ^M ^^"^ "^ *"' t'habu, he thoroughly understands the Chinese lan- guage. T'HAP 672 THAT '^1 Thaou V^Q T'hap Read t'ho6: the head; t'hod bok, ^ Q <'Aa5a 6dA, the principal, a chief. K6 t'hoa bong beng gwat, j|t M ^ Rl^ >^ Jte^A k'ht t'haou bang k'hw"a Ung g'deyh, to lift up the head, and look at the clear moon. T'hod b6 §3 M Vhadu hdty, head and tail. ^^> A bedstead ; go t'hap,^»;^'a sleep- ing place ; t'hap chefin, ^ ^jj Vhap cMng, the bedside. T'hap yin ko soo hay, yung wuy kofe jln k'hae, t'hap yin kwdn Ay Vhdk ch'hayh Ung hay, yung wuy hod Ay p6ng yiw k'hwuy, the bedstead is plac- ed ready for the eminent scholar, and the jar of wine is opened for an old friend ; see a "p" p3p ko6 se, old song. w . ^ A low spot of ground ; a low place^ T'hap "I -%'r% below the surface of the ground. ^y^y* To fall down, or to cause to be T'hap T'hap A man of inferior talents. ^ V^ To walk securely ; the appearance J^'^ of walking. ^ \\ Vulg. Vhah : a tower, a pagoda, a T'hap j2s^ Budhist temple ; t'hap yeen, ^ !>} 1^ t'hah ee^S, a monastery belon- -t ■gi'^g *o *he Budhists. . T'hap T'hap Jt H 'The same as the preceding. A hollow place in the ground, an indent, a niche ; this character is also read aou. T'hat To beat, to strike ; also written S^ t'hat. Jeak t'hat che 6 ch'he teftou, ^ ^ ^ '^ rjf :^ cVMn cheats fhah e ti ch'he te&ou, he looked upon it in the light of a blow given in the market place or in a public court ; see •^ -f- Beng choo. T'hat A small goat, or kid ; also written ^ t'hat. A forbidden door, the door of the in- T'hat 1^^;^^ ner apartments of a house, which is always barred against strangers. Hwan-kofey pa^ t'hat jg jlp, ^ B^ ^fe ^ ffij y^ Hwan-koey pae k'hwuy t'hat moo'PSjijip, Hwan-k66y burst open the forbidden door and en- tered ; see the ^ jM =? Ko cho6 kh. T'hat T'hat T'hat T'hat P^ ^^ To kick ; cheuk t'hat, ^ |^ k'ha X PiT* t'hat, to kick with the feet. /■^•^frTo run away, to abscond ; to rebel. lax , To wash or rinse anything ; to dash fy\^ the water over it. la T'heaou t'hat, f0 l|g|, alarmed, grieved, sorrowful, affected. T'hat Vulg. t'hwah: an otter, an animal which lives on fish. Wuy yeen k'he g6 chei t'hat yei, „.., _i^ ^.^ ^ )^yin ch'him yeen kw^d he Ay se t'hwah yea, that which drives the fish into deep waters is the otter; see;g|_ ^ Beng choo. The beaver is also called t'hat according to some authors. T'hat That T'HAYH 673 Read sek : to stop up a hole, to dam ; sek k'ho6, |^ p Vhat ch'hiiy, to stop one's mouth. X Read t'hek: to kick, to strike with the foot. T'hat 'vy/»_ Water issuing forth. /■ JA. THE Read t'hek : a house, a dwelling ; hoii Tliaijh .-"T-i ch'ho6 t'hek, ^ ^ cA'A li^ Vhayh, a dwelling house, a re dence. * ^fc Read t'hfiy : to take anything in the T'MyhJr^p hand; t'hfiy but, ^ \^ t'hayh >JA^^. mte^Sh, to carry anything in the hand. T'hay ^^^ -^ beautiful appearance. T'hay 1^ Read cli'huy : to push, to push out, to push ofT. Ch'huy t'hok soo ko*, ^|| ^ $■ Ih. '''"^ t'hok sod koii, to put off by any kind of excuse. ^_ * Readt'hae: the womb; hwaC t'hae, T'hat/ PI ^I? 1^ H^ hwac t'hat/, to conceive /▼ »^ in the womb. ^ I ^ Read chay : the blubber, a kind of Thai/ IP5** '''''' """'^ "'^^ '"^ ^°^' ^ ^ ^» c/i(;y bo(, the water toother; it is said to be without eyes, and to be led about by lob* sters or prawns. T'hdi/ iJiP^f* The same as the preceding. 4^ Thdy * T'hdyh tlidyh The name of a fish ; also used for the preceding. m Road t'hek : naked ; pak t'hek, j^lj 'j^ pak t'haijh, stark naked. Read t'hijep : as t'herp say, ||^ ^& t'haijh say, a kind of plaice or skate. 7 T The finest kind of grass cloth or linen. \ surname. The The The T'he T'he To beat, to bastinado. IP» ^ A pivot, or hinge of a door ; abo ^^ read k'he. n The name of a tree. yi^t To expand, to extend. K'hoe t'he, ;;|^ |^, a sort of bird- lime. The i' Read choo: a small weight, equal to a hundred grains of millet ; the name of an ancienC coin ; a very small piece of silver. t. V T'he i'^ "^''^ ^°^' ^ ^' * *'*"^'" ^^""' TjI'^j in which something is thrown. THE 674 The 1 y Long, a long time ; to stand long. ' -^ Cheem bong put kip, t'ii6 lip e k'hip, ^^^.BLif± Vf] v^ cheem bang bo kip, ku6 Vh'ca e kliaou, he looked towards it witliout being able to reach it, and stood so long that he began to weep ; see the ||^ M Se keng. T'he T'he T'he The T'h6 T'h6 T'he T'he T'h6 T'h6 The # An improper form of the preceding character. To distinguish, in accumulating T things ; also, the front hall of a house. kid or lamb, five months old. Grass of which ropes can be made- A kind of flax plant, of the fibres of which clolh can be made, called t'he pofe, t^:- ;ft|, grass cloth. ^_ Vj'g. tty : to store up, to accumu- — late, to place anything in a vessel or bag, in order to preserve it. uk %■■■ To stand long. ^^ The T'he T'HE To be ashamed; shame, disgrace ; '"^^^ sew t'h6, ^ V[h sedou Uy, filled with shame. Kwun choo t'h6 k6 gan j6 kb k6 hgng, ^ I^ ^ S^ ^ iffi 1^ ^ tf '^"'"" '^'""^ ^'■' ''^"' **'*"" % e &,j wa ill kohj e &y siy ke"d, the good man ii ashamed lest his words should exceed his actions ; (i.e. lest his profession should surpass his practice;) see the |^ i,^ Lfm g6. T'h6 sim, Wtl ;lj«, an inward feeling of shame. To stamp with the foot; to doubt. Hindered, impeded, wishing to advance, but prevented by embar- I —The wings of a bird ; put t'hfe, /|> /^^•^ ■ fg-^ not only, it is thus. rassments. T'he The To take hold of, to take out of the way. A shuttle used in weaving cloth. T'he To plunder; to loosen; to take off I ft 1 * person's clothes. Enraged, roused up to anger. Sim yew sey hwun t'hfe, chek put tek U chfeng, ,{V, ;fj flff ^ (1^ 0il TTn ^ ^ Hi *"" '"""" """' *^^ ''"'^'* Vh&, chiw b-^y til tCok c &y chc'^a, when (he mind is agitated by passion, it cannot obtain equanimity ; see the ^^ /|l Ti^e hak. ^_J- Ilvviin \'hh, pg ^ pliah Vha ^gf^^ chlttw, to sneeze, to blow th» y I ,/^^ nose. V/rJ^Uiiharmonious sounds, discordance. Readfhfey: to shave; t'hfey fhofi, ^)l p^ ehi. fhaou, to shave th« head after the Tartar fashion. To weed the ground, to root up grass and weeds; to eradicate; t'hd i'l>oe. % f I «'''^ '''*"""' "" ^°''' T'h6 keng kwtiy choo hong, |^ ^ 4^ P ^ T'HE^A 675 Vh& clihadu choh thj, ktoily hwa ha iep'hmg, weed the grass and dig llie ground, and then the cassia flowers will yield a spontaneous fragrance. Read t'liae: moss; ch'heng t'hae, ^ ^ ch'hai^'9 I'/ii, green moss T'hS "2^ §^» or lichens. 1^ Read I'liey : to crow; to cry; key T'M Ui56fc t'I'Cy, |6 jfi^' key Chi, the cock Tld ^ crows. Read le : a wild fowl ; le key, j^|^ ^ t'h& key, a junijle fowl. Hiiung te 6 hwuy, i|| Mi ^- ^ kang Ay Chi key tityutuy, a male jungle fowl is flying about. .^ fc Read t'iifeng : to hear, to listen, to r7*e»a^^ attend to. l |\ burden by means of a pole across "^y^^m the shoulder; t'heaou tarn, Ms ifl t"a t^d, to carry a burthen ; t'heaou hoo, '^;j|< 4^ <"a dy ling, a carrier; t'heaou ch'he, ^^ ^j^ to. select, to choose. T'heaou .•Mil T'heaou T'heaou 5 S A bow turned the wrong way ; a bow unstrung. To pass over, to Ipap over, to jump across. T'heaou j!n yitt6ng, ^ ^ __ ^ Vheaou kohj ling chit ting, to leap from cue rank or degree of people to another. T'heaou eaou T'heaou .13 A man's name ; a surname. Difficult; readteaou: a rice vessel used in the army ; a suruame. The appearance of melancholy ; distress of miud. JhiML.^ Virtuous, good ; yaou t'heiou, ^ leaOU ■^|> 3^ good, excellent ; deep and ^ ^^ slill, tranquil. * Yaou t'heaou siiuk 16, kwun chob h"6 ktw, ^ ^ "h^ ^ ^ f^ ^ i'""" ^'""^ ^^ % «*« bo8, kwun cho6 }i6 chb p'liit kew, a clever and vir- tuous female is a good helpmate to a worthy man. * •w* To stir up, to excite ; t'heaou long, T'hea0u3^K i^ ^ t'heaou Idng, to p]ay the ^y^ fool with; t'lieiou hfe, ;|^j< ^, to excite to sport; t'heaou cliein, 4^k |[lt, to stir up to battle, to excite to a contest. T'heaou T'heaou To call and induce one another to to do anything ; to allure. The same as the preceding. To shake, to move ; to move back- wards and forwards. T heaOU "^*19A hilly appearance. ^* »i» *% To jump, to leap, to bound across T'heaou i^^ anything. T6 p'ho t'heaou mo^y, ^ SiE ^M '^ '^f'"^" If P'/"> ting i'hedou y'dak k'diy chut/ m'dey,to gallop over the waves, and leap a- cross the surf. ,^«| Vulg. tVt'cd ; to sell corn or grain ; T'heaou T^ T'heaou T'heaou t'heaou b6, III tJ^ Vhcd hi, to sell rice. To hold down the head; a large assemblage of great officers at an ^ imperial audience is called Vhed.ou. The eyes irregular ; to look awry^; to look to a distance. K'ho e wan t'heaou bong, "pT 'i ^ Vhang i hwui"S tlte&ou hang, to be able to look to a distance; see the |^ ^ /^ L6y gwat leng. THEEM T'heaou T'heaou The name ot a fch.' A freckle or spot on the face ; a pimple. * Not to be separated from ; insepa- rable. ^ ■^ ■^^ Read choo : a pillar, a post; sek Tli0OuTLpCi cho6, 7pf jj^ cheoh t'heaou, a ^|«"'^ stone pillar ; eng choo, ^^ ;j^ aPS Vhedou, the posts and rafters of a house. *, I^Read t'heet: iron, called by the 7^'heeh ^"OU Chinese, the black metal ; t'heet iP^^\ k'hh. ^ ^ t'heeh k'hi, instru- ments of iron. Theei tpt- ^ _ ^ Vulg. t'hee^S: to increase, lo add, ,T'hecra\^W^ *° replenish. r>l^ T'heem teng chin chafi, JTJj "J* l^ B4- T'hijem chae hay wfty, ^ ^ "K {fl[ f'Ac^m (ttJfl /« *ay dy w^, shame and dis- grace exist in low stations. *"' *^^^» To flatter; t'hefera me, ^ |p T'heem ST |^^ fe«p se, to fawn, to flatter. Pt^ Hwuy k6 kwfiy jfi chfey che, t'heem yea, 4^ :^ % "^ '^ "k. ^ ^ : i-^i tf»» se ;a« Ay htoUyji k'hl My e, s'e. seep si yv&, to i 5«acrifice to the shrine of a deceased person with ■ Whom we had no family relation is flattery; seethe H I§ Lun g6. 7 U T'heem T'heem T'heem T'HEEIf To taste with the tpngue ; to lick ; sweet, excellent of its kind ; to try one with discourse. Fields from which a revenue is de- rived. Wood used in the cook house ; fire- wood. Bok t'hiJ^m chd k'hong, -4; 3^ ^ 7] cWhd. Vhelm ii chahu k'ltang, firewood put nto the hole of the fireplace. T'heem The same as the preceding ; a cer- tain kind of wood. To lick anything with the tongue. The ancient form of the preceding ; also the outward part of the bam- boo. To throw anything into the water. .iiOiJ tr,! To sink down, to fall in ; tey t'heem, y^ itk B® '^.y ^"'"' ^^^ ground i r"» giving way from underneath. Vulg. fhec^S: heaven ; reason ; pro- T'heen ^ J^ vidence; the presiding principle >^ ^" of nature; t'heen tey, J^ ^ Vhee^S try, heaven and earth, frequently used by the Chinese to designate the Supreme Being. Hck ch6ey 6 t'heen bofi s6y to ye 4, ^ |P ^ X t^ 0r H 4 *'^ ^Aoey ^ ''A«"^' " '^V t'hang ki t6 yea, he who ofl'ends against heaven has no one to intercede for him ; see the||^ ^ Lun g6. T'hiJen hay, ^ ~f^ , under the heaven, the world. T'hijen ch'heng, ^ ^r, » serene sky. T'HEEN 678 T'HEEP "ft^^r* T'heen '— f^~ The name of a plant. T'heen , T'heen T'heen Thick, liberal, bountiful. The same as the preceding; large, many, much, abundant, plentiful, \ good ; also, to arrive at. The name of a gem. T'heen 1^^ Full, replete; same as the preceding. To stop up, to fill up, to increase ; T'heen JJHP Shame covering the face ; to blush. T'heen T^lH "l^") ^^^ sound of a drum. T'hii^n je6n ko6 che, j;^ ^ -y t'heen dy se^a, p'hah koi e, with a rolling sound, he beat the drum ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. ^ »W To transcribe ; t'heen sed, )]§ ^, T'heen H^SSC *" "^"Py ^ w'""g- /J ^ T'hefin leiik kwan, ^ |^ *g* t'he&n leiik hd^a, a transcribing ©fficer, a copyist. T'heen The same as the above ; also, the countenance. J. To exhaust, to carry to the utmost; T'heen /^^S" *° destroy, to exterminate. /^[^^ So& put t'he6n k'hwat wan, ek put win k'hwat bun, l^ 7\^ f^ W^ 'iM ^t^ -jr Ijfj ^ Bg soh i™ chin e dy sim h6iy tdh yed hiytmj m c Ay h6 me»d se^a, because he did not carry his anger to the uttermost, he preserved his fame from decline; said of ^ ;£ B Cunning, artful. T'heet t'hwat, ^ ^^ cunning. T'heet Z 'Sfr To take away, to remove, to exclude. ' Put t'heet keang sit, ^^ ij^ g < /^ i'" I'htah keo^9 chc&h, (Con- fucius) never eat a meal without ginger ; see the pg |S. Lun g6. T'heet # To go through ; thorough, pervious, permeable; clear; even, equal; to take away. T'heet » the bottom ^ t_ w Clear water ; transparent ; suy t'heet VSfr «6ch'heng,7]ct^|^)^ ' PI t'habu tty ch'heng, water clear to •IP oT* Thek m To respect, to venerate, to fear ; to be alarmed. Kim jla chaj( ke&n j6 choo cheang jip 6 ch6ng, kae y6w t'hut t'hek ch'hek yin Che Sim, 4. At 1.31^)1$ A;i^^ hwut jecn k'hto''d. kel^S sty ke^d cheang jip le chaCS^, chb pod woo ke^a he'^A ch'hek yin &y sim, now if people were suddenly to see a child about to fall into a well, they would all have a feeling of alarm and commiseration ; see ^ ^X- Beng choo. To dissect bones; to remove the flesh from the bones by scraping ; to pick from ; to reject entirely ? To stir up, to excite. S6 t'hijet ch'hit chap, ^ !^ -{^ tH]) chti''*S Vhabu ^.| ; , western regions. cK'hii t&ng 6,y pang, he could send an arrow through ■ seven planks ; see the ^ Wl Cho twan. T'heet ^J^t^ To covet ; to be greedy ; gluttonous. 4V \ uig. fhal: to tick with the foot. Distant, afar ofl"; k'li6 kirn 16 t'hek? 1: SJc ^ ^ *'*^ ^""^ '' humi''S? how can 1 dare to leave you at a distance? see the ^ jll Cho twan. The same as the preceding; t'hek k T'hek Syjin^ seyChoi,]^^^ ±hwui''9 t $ae fhoi, how distant are the <^ ^^ T'hek kfiw, ^^ ^ lto"a s^a, a sin- T'hek 7l> JML gle fur garment; tan t'hek, ^^ I >^^ /j^, bare to the shoiildefs^ naked arms. ■oi\ V'^ T'HEK iT'HEK H^ Kit lllUUIJ ^tm ''To' exclude, fo drive away, to put out of office. To open, to burst ,q[Kp-, s^ seeds when vegetating. Ljf*7v To butcher ; to slaughter ; to cut up Thek ' <§ /> ' ^—^ Vicious, bad, corrupt, wicked. T'hek I'^S* K4ra bun ch8ng tek sew t'hek, ■■^tttooV'S churl Mng tek heng, sew Whh pVid^i t'hek, I beg to inquire how rjen are to honor virtue, and get free from vice ; see the p^ ^ Lun ge. I .('^^"■*'^^''' ^ iS. iliill?!'?/'"!^^ pnjfligate, seditious, T^hek '"'l'*^ ^'''*'" t'hek, vi^ ,";g, the mind. A W_^ uneasy, palpitation of the heart. ^» iii'l'i 'i-ino n^Hrnliw Vi 'j'i:ii<| u •.'..ri'i'- r-; hovofrrfT T'hek "> n.yiJHi-. H Iri 'j'i:ii<| y. ^ Viilg. i'My.- to vociferate, (o bawf \tlJl^ out, to drive away. ^» Chun k'hek che che^n put t'hei?- ko6, ^':^-^^\7^v\:^ Chun k^ha^h ''■ &y bin cherig boh hwah kabu, io the presence of.^' respectable guests, do not bawl at the dogs to drive ; them away ; see the jj^ ^ |ffi h€y k'heuk 16y. T^hek T'hek To promote, to raise higher in office; degradation rt 1 To promote, to raise higl Mi^ t'hut t'hek, ^1-. 1^, I .^^ and promotion. To stick, to adhere. T'hfek T"/ h "^r:^ Read hijuk : as heuk seng, ^ f\i V^^ Vhek sai"i} you brute ! you beast ! >'•■ i » . Vulg. f'/iayA ; a house, a dwelling, a tenement. Gno6 bo6 che t'hek, se che e song, Vhayh chah e t se"^, a tenement of five acres should be planted with the mulberry tree; see ^J^ -?- Bengchoo. -t: T'hfek ||l"lJ|*The name of a hill. 1 T'hek ^?3liThe same as the above. Thek jj^ Deep, concealed ; exact, correct. *■->, T'HENG 681 T'HENG XX-4 A hilly appearance; also written The level ground on the banks of a stream. .T'heng X'T' Vulg. Vhe^a: a hall, a front room; *T'heng ffl^ t'heng tSng, J|| ^t'he^aW9, WVJk* a principal hall. K'hek t'heng, ^ j®^ a hall for receiving visitors. , Vulg. ^'Afa : to hear, to listen to ; T'heng ^Uf/ t'heng so6, |[^. ^ <'Ae"a soo, to m f '• i^liV^ hear a cause ; t'heng cheftng, 1^^ f)^' *° y^''^ obedience to. T'heng ^SL A slanting pillar, a prop. .||USfcVulg. t'hai"S : a prop, to keep any. T'heng i|^ The name of a country. 1^ T'heng -^--^ To serve ; a road, a way. ^ ^tJ A road, to travel on the road ; a hill Theng^^ ^^^^ T'heng A leathern girdle. T'heng # thing from falling. T'heng Vulg. Vhai"S : to push with a long pole; t'heng ch'hwftn, ;|^ jjf^ t'haC'S Mn, to push a boat for- ward with a pole. B*^ To look straight at any one ; t'heng ©* b6k, Ht g t'hai"ff bak chew, to ■ ■ • stare. T'henf -HE*^^ ^'"•^ °^ P*"' ""^ ''"P''" ''®"'°' -^ To boast and exalt one's self; to be T'hen"" ^ Tp pleased with, to delight in. J^i^t^ Kwuy sin sit put t'heng 6 He kwun, % l^ t T- 5i J^ 1^ ^ '"''^ sin sit bo boeyh Aw"a he kap Hi kwun, the gods are really displeased with the prince of the H6 country ; see the ^ "j^ Cho twan. 7 V T'heng T'h6ng A long extended appearance; to strike against the ground; in- stead of. A club, a cudgel, a bludgeon. Sat jJn 6 t'h6ng 6 jim ; yew e e jfe m S 3L I'hai lAng i Vhtng at to a; woo koh yeo^S b6 ? to kill people with a cudgel or with a sword ; is there any difference ? see ^ ^ Beng choo. T'heng i Good, virtuous, complete, perfect. T'h^n'T A4-|^ A narrow head ; straight. % ^ Straight ; to grow straight ; to pass T'hen" J JT^ over, to exceed ; to brandish, or »^ ^** poise a weapon. Ley t'heng scng, ^ )^ /-{: % «*« « '«' ««»"^' the ley che fruit tree shoots straight up. • A small long boat ; a boat generally ; T'heng 4jB* k'hwae t'h6ng, .{^ Jj^, a fast rXf^" boat, such as are common about Canton ; hwa t'b6ng, "^ j^, a flower boat, an or- namental boat used by pleasure parties. T'h6ng lt T'HENG Bold and courageous. 682 "^ _-j»„A^ Vulg. <'Ae"a, to hear, to listen ; also T'lieng jl J"^ written ^, t'h^ng. ^ ^Vlj^ T'hfeng U gin yed, kwan U bofi choo, jJn yeen soe chae? 1| ;)t g" "Hi H ^ B^ ^ A ^ lH tio '''^'^"« * '^2' "'^' k'hw"d e Ay bak ang a, Idng boei/h an chw^d iy telrn li'h^^S ? listen to a man's words, and look at the pupil of his eye, how can he then disguise him- self? see ^ ^ Beng choo. T'hfeng beng, "^^ ^^ to receive and obey orders. T heng^ P-T^ Immoveable, unwavering. \SSSL rp-i V ~y#^-» Vulg. Vhal^S : to prop anything, or ^\ 5a^ ^mh anything along with a pole. T-heng W^ '^'^''"^ ^"^"''^^ iil, asmall stream T'HEUK To transcribe, to copy. T'Mng rwy>, no- -^ H Read t'hong : hot water ; broth ; any T he fi \. " * . warm liquid ; a surname. ^t T'he^S y rT ^Read t'hdng : to scald with hot water. A hand net or instrument for catch- of water. T'u ^ V?^^^""*" streams of water, contributing yP^? one to another, and overflowing. T* *,J«^To stop in the middle of a journey. T'heng-^JSk Teng-6 t'hong ke 16 la6, f[5 ^ IT # 1^ ^ ^ '^"*"^-^ *""*"^^ ch'hea h6ng t'eoh bwi, M Ay Idng, Tai"g-6 stopped his chariot, and applauded those who came to him ; see the 7^ ]E^ fE Kong boo kh. X.'iieng T'heng T'he"^ Read t'hQng : sugar ; chiijl t'hdng, IfH ^P '^'''^'^ fhe^g, sugar made of the sugar-cane ; pek t'h6ng, ft ^% p%A t'he"g, white sugar ; oe t'h8ng, ^ j^ oe Vhi'ng, black sugar. TheS 1 Read tong; to glaze pottery; long kong, ;gL j^ fj^gng k^ui"9, to glaze anything bright. W.||' Leng t'hong, f& A^, a long extend- ed appearance. To jump, to prance, to leap, to fly. S6w t'he"g, ^ i||^ ch'hiw t'hf'S, the lower part of the arm. Keak t'he"g, PJ? f|^'/'« <'Ae"i', the lower part of the leg. Read t'heaou: to stir up; t'heaou ^ h"6, ^1 j/^ t'heo hdey, to stir up the fire. T'heo TKed Read t'heaou : to sell corn ; t'hedoU b6, jp ^ fhU bt, to sell rice. T'heuk ^ To rail at, to scold; kofe hoo choo t'heukche,|Jjr^:5'- J^ ±. cAea hoo cho6 mai"S e, therefore Confucius scolded him ; see ^ |^ Choo cho6. T'heuk ma, ff M),^° ^'^^ '^*"'' ^'''' '" ^° abrupt and scolding manner. T'HEUNG 683 THEY T'heuk 9 Read heuk ; as heuk seng, ^ ^ t'heuk sai"S, you brute! you beast ! ,_^ T'heung Good, goodness; sincere; cor- rect ; within, internally. WAy h6ng seang t^y khng t'heung 6 hay bin, ^ M -t ^ Pf^ ^ f ~f^ E^ tok tbk h6ng seang thy kdng Vheung te hay Uy Ay payh sai"S, only the imperial supreme Ruler causes his goodness to descend on the inferior peo- ple ; see the S %2 ^® kcng- T'heung cheng, ^ J^^ internal rectitude of mind. Hwat beng che put teung, ^ '^ "^ "^ ^ hwat beng ling dy «"" ching keng, issuing out orders which are not just and correct; see the ^ Cho twan. T'heung ^ Great ; the top of a hill; a grave, a cemetery. Pek kwan t'bfeng « t'hisfing chad, 1* ^ Jtsll^ ^ ¥ p^y'' *«-"« ''*'^"« ^ fheing chat, the hundred officers should listen to the chief minister of state; see the ^ '^ Lun g6. San t'heung ch'hiiy pcng, jL| ^ ^ )j^ st^a Vha6u hcimpang, the lop of the hill is in danger of falling ; see the /)•» ^ Sedou gnSy. The firstborn son is called ^ ^, t'hefingchoo. . A grave ; a cemetery ; a flat grave T'heuno" "Ijp is called ^, boe; a tumulus ^^^ is called J^^ t*heung; and a high one p(, hwAn. T'heung T'heung jfe iato favor. The name of a hill. Grace, favor; t'heiing a^, ^ ^ to love, and favor any one. ■iB. ^ to get Tek t'heiing, ;^^ T'heung 2P Cheerful, pleajetJj ham t'heitac^ ^y^ ^^ delighted, intoxicated with pleasure; t'heiing 16k, WL S^ joy aqd pleasure. Ma\\'*Y Be t'heiing, 3p ^^ excellent, pleasing, agreeable- T'heiing suy, fe ^, according to one's wishes. T'heiing ^J»^ Vulg. Vh&ng : a general t?rm for "r~7i' worms, or insects. Z^^^i^ Insects with feet are called t'heAng, and without feet ^ ^ chae. T'heung Vulg. ChUng: the same as the preceding ; one of the radicals. T'heung T"' !♦ Dry and hot ; drought * ! T'hew T'hew T'hew T'hew To lead, to pull or draw out; to pump. To move ; not to be-at rest, to be in motion. T'hew Convalescent, to recoverof a disease. A thread, a line ; to draw the end of a thread. One of the horary characters. ^"'^ ^5$ Vulg. Chuy: a ladder; Idfi t'hey, ^ /^ la6u fhuy, a pair of stairs. Poe yin t'hey, ^ H ^ P"^ hteun fhuy, to tread the cloudy ladder; (i. e. to as- cend to the highest literary honors.) THEY 684 T'HIM -*Kimt'hey, ^ ^^ a golden hair pin. The, 1^ * Read t'hae : the womb ; bo6 t'hae, R< jffi J^ to put off with an excuse ; T'hey H^^ -H: )]p hoi fheij, a mother's /V '"^ womb. Read^t'huy: to put off; t'huy t'hok, sijang t'huy, *Q Jflg s'eo t'hey, to put a thing off from one to another. T'h6y |-> »|_ A body ; a substance ; sin t'hey, E^ iSS 11, the body. „ |>|.rri» Sim kong t'h^y p'hw^n, ((^ ^ Jul sim kw^'O k'hwah sin Chiy pwdy, when the heart is liberally enlarged, the body will grow fat ; see the j^ W. Tae hak. T'hey Put t'hfey, ^ ^, not only, not merely. rj,,! > ^wtF^ ^°'^' '"^*^^^ °^i ■" *^® place of; to \^-\ dissolve, to exclude. Tears; 16 w t'hfey, ^ ^^ laSii hdk sai, to shed tears. To shave ; t'h^y t'hod, |^lj ^ t'hh fhadu, to shave the head. " "^^ M a headdress T'hey ^H.a„.b.y,t _, -. Read t'hofey : to retire, to draw back ; T'hey "* K^ t'hbfey hoe, J^ f^ i'A^y oofi, to " M • retire, to withdraw ; to. decline, to refuse. iid'ljV Je bo8 been cheftng, t'hofey y6w hoe g^n, '^ fe M ^ ?E ^ ^t ■= ^^«'"''/'«»^6^«^''^'«i t'han,je t'hhy aou woo adu M dy wd, do not you com. ply before one's face, and on retiring invent some after stories ; see the j^ ^ Seang se. the name of a <^M^ gem. ■»-^ C| Happiness, peace, tranquillity ; T'hey IjlTir seang hay t'h^y hok, J^ -jC 'x ^W- j|& Sa ng forwards ; t'him t'hoe, ^ I / Wi t'him t'hadu kak, to bend the head forwards. T'him ^1^1 A pain in the stomach, the colic. T'hit wjhr T'HO To guard against,- to caution. -V^*^ T'hit Kin thit, |ig /^^ careful, cautious, wary. Haou Pek-ko put tek, y6w wAy kin t'hit Che so6,^i^,^ ^#^^ H^ w/j "^ -J^ t'htn Pek-ko hey teoh, y&ta chb shf je &y t'hdk ch'hayh lAng, if you canot imitate Pek-ko, still you may become steady scholars ; see the E ^ im Mi wan twan. T'hit ^ip^To stretch out, to open. T'him > T'hin T'hin T'hm -k The same as the preceding. j/^To tread upon; to drive out; to '-^^^ drive away. > Vulg. t'hdn: to follow ; t'hio ye6"g, pattern. n ^ Even, equal; t'hin tae, ^ ■^, equally great. ^_ An especial order from the emperor T'hit ^77 is called^ '^, t'hi»beng. 1/ ' T'hit hong tae cheing kwun, ^ ^ 'h. >!§■ S » «8p6<^'*'^J' appointed to be a com- mander in chief. 7 W T'hit To get in order ; to repair ; sew t'hit, ^> ^$j, to adorn, to put in order. T'ho T'hit ^ e. K'hey t'hit, 1^ ^, a water bird. •V ^^ To treat disrespectfully ; waters T'ho '''y'v^^ flowing abundantly without return- f •^ ing- T'ho t'ho chei, t'heen hay kae se ye4, ^ ^ ^ X T '^^ >^ -l^ ''*" ''*" '"""' ''^""^ 'a^y <«'- low. Read t'hok: to push anything opea with the hand; to burst open; to break ; to receive. T'hok 16k, ifi ^ t'hoh Idh, unsocial, disagreeable. LtJXm. N^ ''•'°''> v£ ii ''^"'^ <'WA,a kind JUI^ of mud fish, short and thick, hence ^*".-^> applied to a dwarf. Tlioh T'Mh T'HOK 6as) T'HOK ^^ % ^ To confide to one's care, to intrust T'hok 5*1^ ^'^^> *° S'^^ '" charge of; lio5 •^ ^^ t'hok, ^ 1^^ to commit to any one's charge. Tah t'hok, ^ "^^ to request courteously. % ^ The same as the preceding; to intrust T'hok JML vvith. >l L^ K'ho 6 t'hok lijiilc ch'hek che koe, ■ "Sf' ^ ft >^ K ;^ m t'^'^ng M Vhok lah clChebh Ay koe ke^d, (a person) to whom we can "' 'confide the care of a young orphan; see tlie |^ |E Lun g6. T'hok The same as the preceding; to con- fide in; also, to destroy. T'hok ^ |_ii -1 The same as the preceding, \ti iiti'i H A'null iiiiii-, T'hok The same as the preceding ; to fix a reliance on any one. f'hok T'hok The roots of trees or plants, appear- ing above ground, and hanging down. T'hok lo6, i^ ]^^ the name of a tree. T'hok A hollow piece of wood, which is beaten by watchmen to give an alarm ; a watchman's rattle. Gno6 keng woey soo, chew 16 kek t'hok, ^ ^^ chew tBUy le se& tit p'hah t'Aofcy'thU guards of the fifth watch go round about the pavilion beating the alarm: see the '■Im ^^ H^n se. T'hok >*vfe: t 'i The young shoots of bamboo ; also, the. outer bark of bamboo. T'hok T'hok The leaves and bark of plants and trees falling to the ground. Vulg. fhoh: to push open, to burst out; to receive anything in the baud. Lok t'hok, ^ 0^^ m t'hok, the T'hok r*l IswF mind dejected and depressed with poverty and want. Also read p'hek : a spirit. Kay pin 16k t'hok, ^ ^ ^ ^ ch'hod li song chew loh t'hok^ Then one's family is poor we become depressed in mind. « r4j A bag open at both ends. >=aS^ E t'hok 6 18ng, ^ ^ ^ H T'hok tiod teVhok twd ti Ung, some of the provision was put in open bags and some in clos- ed ones ; see the "^ ?b| Tae gnay. T'hok m A hollow piece of wood, struck upon at nights, as an alarm. P'haou kwan kek t'hok, ife M^ 4Jy ch6w kwan moofS, p'hah ch'hA t'hok, to guard a pass, and beat the alarm ; see ^[_ ^ Beng choo. T'hok see T'hok Vulg. t'kdk : to read, to peruse ; ^^& t'hok ke se, U Jt ^ t'hdk t I^^P^ &y chViayh, to read their books ; :J ^ Beng choo. To die in the womb, through hurt or l!-"-^ injury; an abortion. M6 t'hae che^ put t'hok, ^ ]|^ ^ ^ M ""^ ''^'^ ^y '"**"^* ^ ''*^*' '" *^^ wombs of hairy animals, the fetus dtfes not die. T'hok ^@ Dirt, filth. T'HONG 689 T'HONG T'hong To pass through, to go through ; to make a thoroughfare; to com- municate between one another ; pervious, clear, intelligible. Choo put t'hong kong ek soo, 6 ylien po6 put cheuk, U u™ sai t'hong kang w^d soo, t ylln t pot b8 kabu, why do you not have a mutual communication of talent, and a;i interchange of employments, in order to make up for what is deficient in one place by what is superfluous in another? see^ If Bengchoo. A surname. T'h6ns Long t'hong, ||| ^, straight, long, great. T'hong T'hong kwftn, ijg %, a foreign article of apparel. / ^9 Lone and large ; tall and robust. T'h6ng>1.S» _ ' ^ ^ Yyf^ The same as the above. T'hong Af^ ^'"P'*^' '^""• m-i ' /r^^ strange, uncommon ; if, should, per- Thong y^'CP I rrv haps ; a conditional particle. disappointed, to miss one's aim. T'hong TllHl'^''^ «*"« ^^ '''^ preceding. T'hong n^D5 T'hong I gjf^Eyes deprived of the pupil ; stow- blind. T'hong7/"*ft| The noise of water. ^ Vule fA«"^: hot water, broth, any T'hong VPr warm liquid, soup ; a surname. '^^^SQ Tong jit chek yim t'hong, ^ ^ H,] O; ]§ tang t'hee»9 &y jit chek Urn <'Ae"^, on a winter's day we should drink warm liquids; see;^ :y.B6ngcho6. > ».»» The sound of bells and drums. T'hong ^"^ Kek koe kfi t'hong, ^ ^ ^ ^ p'hah kot Vhong e &y se^a, the sound of a drum beating is like t'hong. To stop suddenly; if, perhaps; t'hong yi.en,if^ ^, suddenly. \^4 Yin cheang hefen che t'hong jefin )t'A.r«d e ChCngjeln haC'Sh, the clouds appear, and suddenly vanish away 5 see ^ ^ Chong choo. 72^ T'hong T'hong n \^^ The sun darkened. ^ ^^ Vulg. t'hdng : a bucket, a tub ; suy T'h6ngT|;OT t'hong, tK ti ''^y ''''"'^: * I rri «'»'" ''^"*' ' *^''^* '''''*"^' ^ jj3 chtw t'hdng, a wine barrel. . w^A thread, a line, a connecting skein; T'hong &^ '° manage, to arrange ; fhong 16, >?Jy Ij ij* ^, to have the general su- perintendence of; t'hong St, ^ j^, a clue to the whole; yit t'hong,— jgc. "'* ^"^*^' 'l"''""'^- Kwun choo ch'hing g«p, sfly t'hdng wOy k'ho ;^ twMn cho6 cVhbng ke gcep, sAij chit &y Ch6ng, chd kabu iy ico swd, the good man lays the foun- dation of a family, and hands down a clue to his posterity, which can be successively perpetuated; «e^ giBengchoo. rNG T'hong m T'HOOr The same as the preceding. 690 T'HUN ^^ ^ IPf To move a boat along on dry ground T'hong /I^^ Go t'hSng chew, ^ '^ -^ Go Jl n C^ ey 5to"a ting sat chun, Go could push a boat along on dry ground ; see the gJK ^-^ » Yalg-fhePd: grieved, wounded, pain- ed ; pain, painful ; to be in pain, to love tenderly. Ah t'hbng ch'hek t'hat, ^ ^ J5^ 'j'S ah t'M^d ch'hek Vhat, to love tenderly and be moved with af- fection. ? T'hong T'hun ,^iw,^ Toswall To swallow, to gulp down ; t'hun jim, ^^ t'hun liin, to bear patient- Y6w peng t'hun t'heen hay che sim, 7& -^ ^ 7^ ~\* j^ i(^ foo peng t'hun fhee^S ay &y sim kw"a, having an intention of swallowing up and engrossing the whole empire; see the ^ ^ Chefen kok ch'hek. T'hun * T'hun Vulg. VM^S ; sugar ; t'hSng song, ^, VkS^i se"5', sugar candy. Thod ^3-^ Read te: chopsticks. T'hoo'^S Tlioof'S To cast the hair; t'hooi"S md, yj*^ .^ to have the hair fall off. Read t'hiln: to cast off; t'hiln T'h00l''S'7(^'^ sam, ^ ^^VhooV^g s^a, to throw off one's clothes. Read t'hw&n : to hand down ; t'hwan to, ^ j^ Vhooi'^S to li, to hand down doctrines. Hoo choo seang t'hwan, ^ -?• 4;H ^m pay k'fP^d sea t'hooi^9, to hand dtfwn from father to son. TliSSi^'S t> P Thot VhooV^S, ^ Jj|, a lump jr* of earth. rt li^ Kead t'hun : a bar ; b| ^^ called ^^ t'hun, to sink to the bottom is called ^ lek. T'hun T'hyn Stupid and foolish. % Black ; also a dark yellow. T'HUN 691 T'HUY ta^^^ Fat, corpulent, lusty ; also written T'hun He |^,t'hu„. /y/h^ GoS seng chvrkn bwAy t'hun, ^ ^ ^^ HE 11 g«'a. 6y fhaou sai"i ptcuy t'hun, my sacrificial animals are fat and perfect; see the yfc i^ Cho twan. T'hun A diseased and over greedy appetite. T'hun %ltL to Vuig. Vhool^9 : to cast off, to put off; fall off as blossoms, "hiin gam, ^ j^ t'hooi^g s^'a, to throw off one's clothes; t'hiln m6, 5^ ^ t'hooi^S mo, to cast feathers. T'hun T'hun A strong, savory taste. « T'hiin kwfln, ^ not to con- i» s?> cern ; some say, to be lost. T'hun '^^^"»»'^'"; t'hdnkofeae, ^ :^ j^^ dirt, filth. T'Amm Thun ^i p Read tfln: a pig. itself in (ham bok sek 6 t'heSn had, B^ ^jv /ET W. \& '^ ^^"^ ch'hd cheoh e t'Mn hat,) collect- ing wood and stones to fill up the sea. » %^ Water confined, without any outlet ; T'hun jjrl stagnant water ; also, to mix mud ^^ with straw and build forts ; a bank to restrain water, made of reeds and mud. •^ I •»> To be afraid; t'hut t'hek, »j;|^ '[^ T'hut H*y|^ afraid, alarmed, concerned. r I Kae y6w t'hut t'hek ch'hek yin Che Sim, -g^ /^ W ^ ia'l If :t *^ ^''^ P"^ woo keng h'e^a s'eo t7ie"d dy sim kw'^a, all men che- rish a feeling of concern and compassion for their fel- lows ; see ^ Hp- Beng choo. T'hut Tk/VN The ferrule of a walking stick. T'l jP^ Bald ; t'hut t'ho6, :^ ^ch'habu Jl^ fhaSu, a bald head. T'hut Dirty, defiled, filthy, unclean. A wild hog. Than ^ j ng T'hun 'I'ipf raise by adding more ' *^i^ Yeem tfey, ^ V^, t Read t'hefin: to fill up with earth, to ! earth, the emperor Yefim's daughter being drowned in the sea, is said to have been metamorphosed into a bird which busied T'hut A bald head ; t'hut ch'hew, ^ ^, the name of a bird. Weak in the legs, unable to get for- ward. To degrade from rank ; t'hut chit, to put out of office. T'hut t'hek, |^ j^, to degrade T'huy To push forward, to carry out, to ex- tend to the utmost. T'huy hij^n jiiang Ifing, |^ ^ ^g ch'huy ga8u l&ng, ncoH ey Ay, to put for- ^ T'HUY 692 T'HW^A Thuy ward clever people, and to give place to men of abi- lity ; see the j^ ^ Chew se. Also read ch'huy. T'huy )|^R To scald the hair off anything. Read t'hey : a ladder, a pair of steps; log t'hey, |P( i^ laoti Vhuy, a pair of stairs ; a flight of steps. Keung teng ch'heng ytn t'hey, it ^ ^ g |^ kdng teng cheat's ch''hai"S hwUn &y Vhuy, to ascend the ladder of the azure clouds together; (alluding to the united efforts of scholars to advance in learning.) ^ Q ^ The thigh; tae t'huy, ^ |j| tioa T'huy pl'^^ fhiiy, the large part of the thigh ; />^^"*^ h^o t'huy, >/l( P Miy Vhiiy, a ham. Pa6u t'huy, "^ ^-^ fliabu Vhiiy, to walk about, as if hurried by business. Also written ffi^ t'huy. T'huy Weak, feeble. To beat, to strike, an instrument T'huy ^fJI^JpJ withwhichto beat, a hammer ; bok t'hAy, tJ^ I^ cVhd. t'My, a wooden mallet. Jit boe t'hfty hwun ko6, § || ^ eJ jit dm p*hah rnai"S hwuiPS dy koe, when the day de- clines, they beat the evening drum. To melt, to smelt, to forge ; t'hijet T'huy ^:;E ''^^y, li H t'heeh fkUy, a sledge hammer, an iron hammer. ^ y ^.^g* A weight ; ch'hfeng t'hfty, |3i ^ T'huy ygP4T^ cA'Ain «'A%, the weight attached ■^^ to a pair of steelyards. A swelling of the legs ; a disease of the extremities. T'huy ^^ T'huy ^ Blunt, not pointed; b»it t'hfly, M» ^/^l^^ ^^ mee^Sh ChUy, anything not ^ sharp pointed. kefen. Read sAy : heavy ; sfly teung, ^ "^fhuy tang, heavy and weighty. A swelling of the lower extremities; a chronic disease. Read t'hafe : is Teing-t'ha^, ^ ^ Ted-t'Awd, the name of a district in the province of Ss ^£ Hok- .Read t'hafe : to wash ; t8 t'hafe, ^ •jpn^ t6 t'hwd, to wash and rinse. Lukewarm water; to cleanse by re- peated washings. Read chae : an, insect; hae chae, ^fM. ■^ hae Vhwd, the name of an _ animal. ^r" J|l»> Read t'han: the rushing of water; Thw''^a y,^P sijy t'han, ^ j^ cMy Vht^a, t^S/^ a narrow part of a river, through which the water rushes rapidly; a rapid. The same as t'han, ^ Chw'^a. • y% V To open out, to spread out with the T^hlV^CL JrSnii hands, to spread abroad. yxV ^ Ong-jeflng bwdn ch'h6ng t'han se, £ S -M ^ ^ # Ong-jeung mtd^d bin ch^hi"S t'hvj'^a cVhayh, Ong-je/>AW for a tii^ Jd 6 teilou e teAou kwan ' 'i- j. l .mm, j|j[j J^ HiB ^ ^ Xt ^ >5^.?^^ ^ ch'hin cheong kap (edou ting &y s^a, tcaou ttng &y bo cMy te Vhoa f'hc^'d, it would be just like a person dressed in court opparel and an official cap, sitting down in the midst of mud and charcoal ; (speaking of a good man's aversion to associate with bad people ;) see ]^ -+• Beng choo, rwT 1 ?j ^ ^y "^^ An overflowing of water : an inun- ^JyC dation. Read t'hat: an otter; the beaver is also called t'hat. !5^ T'hat chfey gfi, jefin hoe gfi jtn jip.ekiang,^^,-©, ^^f^^ AA ^M. ^ t'hwah ch'e&h kS.jein adu le&h hi &y Idng jip chUy tek kap IMng, when the otter begins to devour the fish, then the fishermen should enter the marshes and stakes ; see the ^ ]|,lj Ong ch6. Thwah \ fk To dash water over a place; to wash. T'hwan >^ \X-^ To flow rapidly ; water flowing very r fro "P"^'^' ^^ A pathway in the woods, formed T'hwan Bl^ap by wild beasts ; a place trodden J^**^ by wild beasts ; also written fj^^ t'hwdn. T'hwan' T'hwan THWAT A wild hog. To smelt metal, to forge iron ; lo grind ; t'hwjln nae ko ma6u, ^ Jh '^ -^ ch'hbng^ hwut Ay kaou d cKhco'^S a, to manufacture spears and lances. ^ Tnertame as the above ; t'hwin let'n /^ ^, to fuse metals. Ek t'hwin, B^ ^^ the name of one class of the diagrams, formed by Confucius. ' To thump, to beat. T-hwa„l|5g^^ T'hwan T'hwan #1- T'hwan ^U^ T'hwan sek,^^ ^, a grindstone. Vulg. t'hooi"ff : to band down, ti perpetuate ; to promulge. Sim t'hwjln sip leiik joo, j|j, j^l -|- -J- ^ sim Vhooi^S woo chap lak ji, then' was a mental tradition consisting of sixteen charac- ters. T'hwAn lo.'l^ 3^, to promulge doctrines ; t'hwai. ' sin, 'ffi ^. to proclaim news. A rafter ; chafi tae so6 t'hwan, ^ A {W 451 '*'"^ '*"'"' '"'" '^^ *" chco"8 aV*S d, talents as big a: T'hwan * The heel of the foot, to stamp with Irfn} T'hwdn cheuk j6 noe, g ^ | La„ ^ t'hwat been, ^ [J ^ ^, d'ffic"" ' the heel. "^ Light, easy ; to get rid of, to get ou of; to escape, to avoid, to put ofl t'hwat bcen,;^ ^, to avoid, t. get free from. jfij :ft^ to stamp with the heel in anger. 7 Y escape. TIM 694 TIN Cunning, artful 5 iight, trifling. » y -^ t/unning, artful 5 light, trifling. r'hwatXA|? Lew-pe6ou 6 Ong-ch'ban t'h6y •>' ^ jeak t'liong t'hwat, put sim tiiung ■& S "Ci Ldou-pedou leak Ong-cVhan chb sin t'hiy moofg che^^d chd po6 k'hin u"* sim t'eung e, La6u-pe4ou considered that Ong-ch'han was weak in body and altogether light and trifling, wherefore he not did much esteem him. ^^ ^ T'hwat b(56n,|^ ^ Vhhj bo, to T'hwatTKQ take off one's cap. 'TX*«4 Also, to put aside, to exclude; to rub off dust. Hwan jeiik put chfe put t'hwat be6n j6 hing, B|| fij ^ M -^ ^ ^ ]fij It "^''^y *"* *^ '^"^" «"' sa6 t'My ho chew A;e"d, when the sacrificial meat was not sent (to Confucius), he departed with- out taking off his cap of office ; see ]^ ■^ Beng choo. T'hwat — |I5 The same as the preceding. T'hwat Tim To strip off the skin ; the skin bro- ken, the skin rubbed off. fu:^ Anything strange and monstrous ; a JX^^i ghost, an apparition. Tim ^ To pierce, to stab, to kill ; to con- quer, to overcome. ^SeypektimLey,^^!^!^!^ sey pek k'hah ye d LSy kok, the western lord con- quered the L6y country ; see the |^ ^ Seang se. Tim # Vulg. torn : to throw a stone into a well. Also read tAm : the sound of things falling into a well. Tim Tim m 'To beat severely ^^ ^ To dig a hole in the grouotl anything into the grooiMl ; abc, dark red color. ||\/l i A melon of an av "^ ^ . To sink, to be drowned; tim Ifln, T»n yn K )^, destruction. Ky W Seftng jin l^k 6 sip seiik, hak chiid tlm 6 sey bftn, ^ A S ^^^ ^ (^ *P ^ ^ i/^ 0? h' P'°P'^ '" general are addicted to custom, but scholars are taken up with what they hear. fj^ The colic ; a severe pain in the sto- ti^ mach. Tim The first personal pronoun, I ; now Tim tm^ used solely by the emperor, as monarchs in the west are accus* tomed to say 'we ;' also, a sign ; .and the place of a seam. To stew or boil by steam ; tim ah, Tim Tj^lg.^ ^ fj|, a stewed duck. Also ^4 written ^^ tim. V Hit "^^ testify, to bear '^vittiess to ; tin Tin * W teiou, ^gj ^ ^ to call, to sum- mon. Hay \iy go6 16ng gAn che, K6 put cheuk tin ye^i, Hay tedou &y Uy see gwd ey k6ng e, nd se K6 kok bS kabu fhang tin chin e, the ceremonies of the Hay dynasty I might speak of, but (their descendants) in the K6 country are not sufficient to prove them ; *•>« _L fro S^ang lun. see TIN 695 TO Tin >^^ I ^ anything A pearl ; tin p6, ]^ precious. J6 yew sek seang tin, j^ y« Jff J- t^ fhak cVhayh lAng se loh ting &y tin, a learned man is like a treasure on the table. Tin fT Teng tbng, J| J^' tin tang, the tinkling of gems. Tin 35 2p. 1^ To brandish, to flourish ; to keep, to iQ guard ; l^ Gwatliaytot,;:j j> ;. ^ goeyh aij pli&U s^a, to be beating tlie cloi;.,j by moonlight; (the Chinese method of wiisiiiii;: them.) To T6 T6 To The same as the preceding. • ^t '^ To overspread, to overshadow. «> ^^^ W''h a canopy; also, a single cur- "^ tain, or canopy; an awning. A mountain in the sea ; an island ; ha6 t6, ^ 1^^ an island of the y y, A tree hanging downward ; hwa to, ^JL^ II^ ^, °- ^°"'" 5 yi' 'o hwa, ^^^^ — ^ ^, one stalk of flower. T6 1^ to T6 T6 T6 T6 To avoid, to get out of the way rjT pe. 1^ ^^ to shrink from. I'-^V Se6m to, ^ 1^^ to jump aside, to run out of the way. To cut and hack. Hard earth is called to ; also the ap- pearance of fruits banging down- wards. To arrive at, to come to ; to attain ; vulg. habu: to reach to, unto. Chek cheting biit che peSou 16 Cheng ch'hocboQ put t&,^|J % ^1^ -/^ ^ |S |§ |a fe :^ ^^chekcKilngmee''9h&ygrea lae cltcng ch'hoe bo urn kabu, then the external and ii]ternal, subtle and gross nature of things would be universally attained to ; see the 4^ ^ Tae hak. To convert, to change ; to metamor- phose ; also, pottery ware, earthen ware ; to delight in. A surname. A TO 697 TSchob baabut,|J|^ (M W) ^ '"^ ''''*^"^. ban mee^Sh, to metamorphose and manufacture all sorts of things. Ban sit che kok, yit jin t6, k'ho hoe ? ^ ^ aC ^ . A P^ pT "^ "^''^""^ *^" ^*"^ '^*'^''* d^^ JtoA, cAi< Mng SCO hwuy k'h!i, Vhang kadu Iwe? in a country containing ten thousand hoyses, would one man alone be sufficient to burn pottery ? see ■^ ^ Beng choo. " To To T9 To Tv To manufacture pottery ware. To wash with water, to rinse ; to to scour ; to stir about. T8 swa tek kirn, 'i^ -y^' ^ "^ sty swa iy tit feoh kirn, by washing sand we ob- tain gold. To A TO • -» ■ Water flowing in a diflferent channel ; ^*i? p8ng tS, ^ $!^, a hard shower r ^^ of rain. ^^Chay t8, 1% ^, to slip tlie foot, A * and to miss one's aim ; to be dis- appointed, unfortunate, unlucky. P'ho t8, ^j^ P'fe, uneven ; p'ho6 xt, ■ff" K'fe the name of a hill. O m6 t& hwut, |J^ 511 Pti '^'' the name of Amida Budha ; used in the form of an oath or profane exclamation by the Chinese. > A countenance flushed with wine. ' ' Be jin kfe cliily, choo g^n t8 sa, To To ife chc To T6 To To tie, to strangle. Po6t8, H ^, grapes; po6 td kan, '^^ ^ po& tS ku,"A, raisins. Yin kong che tft, ^ ^ ^ Ife, a man's name ; see ;^ "jp; Beng He, that, another; who? wuy t8, V /'h handsome, beautiful. Also a surname. it ti-** To draw, lo dr draw over ; suy t6, jj^ a sounding lead. %^L()k t8, ^ ,1^, a camel ; also writ- •^ ten EQ ^, 16k 18, a dromedary. ^\ll Sijen-seen kok to 16k t8, ^ ^ IBt Seen-s'een kok ch'ey Ibk t6, in the Seen-seen country there are many camels. 71 ^ m ck'hin ch'hci "S &y l&ng kadu chity, ing bin h h a t5, the handsome man being tipsy, his red countenance is a little flushed with liquor ; see the jg ^ Ch'ho6 so8. To Tu A^Swatfi,^ g^,th. ^S 1^ a small kind of s! , the name of a fish; ihark. To To •w* To avoid, to escape ; t8 pC, -j^ ^^K j^^ to gel out of the way. ^^^ K. wily-chap jcang td- k'hfe, ^ +> |g y^ ^ Kteky-chap ieo ntb'^S j& t8 k'hif Kwtly-chap yielded (the crown), and escaped out of ,he way; see thej^ ^ Go£ g6. T8 jin,^ X a runaway, a fugitive. The same as the preceding; also written ^, ida,,^ f^ A small drum, or rattle, with a handle to it ; used by pedlers. PfttSBoojipfiH^in,^ ^ p^ ^r jA a| ye5 koi meJ'd keb Bo6 jip H Man, Boo, who sounded the small hand drum, entered in- to the district of Hin ; see the ^ ^ Lun g^- TO 698 To m Hard wood; bad wood; tS gwdt, 1^ ^jC, ''^® name of a book con- taining a record of the Ch'hoe country. T6 To To Great waves, billows, raging waves. Burdens carried on the backs of horses, mules or camels are called ilA, hoo t6. To T5 Doctrine, the true doctrine, the truth ; also a way, the right way, virtue; to speak, to say ; to 16, 5J J|^, reason; to tek, ^ jiffi^ virtue ; to loe, ^ J^, a road, away; swat to, §6' ^^ to speak; To kabu, jj^ ^j the sect of To; Tosco, J^ -I- sae kong a, a priest of the sect of To ; to chew, *Mf Wi a winding road. To t'hong t'hwin choo tfing gg, j^ |^ f^ |^ ^ ^ fo 16 ty Vhdng «e Vhwui'^g choo Gedou Siin, the thread of the right doctrine has been handed down from Ge&ou and Siln. '^i^tL To lead ; yin to, l^j | 5^yfn ch'htoa, to guide, to direct ; to comfort. To che 6 tek, ch6y che e 16y, M chit/ yit e 6 ley, lead them on by virtue, and reduce them to a certain uniformity by propriety; see the To tread, to walk in, to stand on. Be kefen tojln, jg soo che4 yed, * £ I^S f^ rro ^ # ^ h'dey woo k'hvPd tah teoh jin,ji si dy l&ng, I have never yet heard of any walking in conformity with virtue, and meeting with their death in this way ; sec the fC>, |E Lun ge. To TOE One of the five kinds of grain ; rice. To 1 tA The remains of a candle. Vulg. twa : a rudder, a helm ; to kong, Mt ^, ^^^ '"^" w''" steers ; also written j^, to. L4n to, ^ '|-§;>fi« € kSngjS 16 sedng tw^a, e si h'dey yea e, "(among my disciples) he who displayi no listlessness when spoken to, is Ga.n-ho6y alone ;'' said by Confucius in the 1^ =-5 Lun g6. T5 To To i¥ To be wounded, to be grieved, to lament. Teung sim se to, th /^ M^ lj(H sim kuPa tang e^S se id s'eang, grieved to the centre of the heart; see the pj;|^ gT Piiey hong. To > A-^ A thief, a robber : to chek, ^ K'^^' to ch'hdt, banditti. Kwily-k'hong-choo hwan to, ^p J^ -^ ^^ j^ Kwxly-k^hong-cho6 woo hwan lin to ch'hdt, Kwily-k'hong-choo was assaulted by ban- ditti ; see the -fc. Toe Toe m ^pLung6. Toe yip, j^ g^ a capital city; all, general, universal; s6ng toe, 4^ ^K se^d toe, the metropolis of a country ; toe tok, ^K 5^^ a general superintendant. A surname. A terrace without a city gate ; an outer fortification ; outworks ; a battlement or terrace on a wall, from which observations are made. TOE egg TOE ^ % Vulg. taSu : a measure, containing Toe '^ li^^ about a peck. f To6 soe che jin, h8 cheuk swikn dy ling an chw^d kabu t'hang stcui"^? people of capacities equal only to a peck or a pint, how can they be sufficient to be taken into the account? see **■« li Ip ^"" e6. To stir up, to lift up; to6 so6 cheng To6 Jt^h' s'n> ^ iS: ^ # '"'^" ""^^ cheng stn, to rouse up one's spirits. A small rafter jutting out al the top Toe ^Ri^» of a pillar, to support the eaves of the house.'! j^ Toe To6 To6 K'ho to6, ^ ^, a young frog, or toad. A vessel used on ceremonial occa- sions, like the modern tray or waiter. To see, observe, look, or behold. Toe The same as the above. Se V.oh kwun choo kafe sin hoe kg s6yputtoe,J|- ^ ^^^ i|^ :^ ^ fi]|^ ^ 0^- yin wiy an ney, Jcaun cho6 shjji tf e sty hey k'ho"d, on this account the good man is particularly careful about those things which he cannot behold ; see the tj? ^ Teung yfing. I » X A wall, the part of a wall which is To6 T^r^ beaten hard together between two ^ 1—1 boards. A surname. To stand on high, to be elevated ; high ; lofty. To6 To6 To6 To game ; toe pok, Dt •||| pw^ kedou, to play at games of chance. P'heaou to6 yim, ^| ^ |g, whoring, gaming, and drinking. ■^ _ The same as wk^ to6, to game ;, tofe Toe p]^ '''''^ **^'"S "=''^"&' 14 ^ i9 >V^V M kedou k'he seo chai"S, with a spirit of gambling they contended together. 10 "l' Tofe tiiing, §1 ^^ a pain in the stomach, occasioned by worm*. To wrangle, to quarrel, to fight; Toe r§Plrl cheng to6, ^ ^ chai"S tol, to contend, to Wrangle. Kim yfew tfing sit che jln tofe che4, kfew che suy p'hi hwat eng kwan jC ong k^w che, k'ho ye4, ^ ^ ^ itf] ^ ic ;^ "pT •& '"" "" '^"-" '*'' *'"^ th'hob 6y l&ng seo chai"S tot, Idn k'hl kiio e, suy p'he sam t'haSu m6, tep&yh Ay kin k'ht kitBe,y'ed Vhang, now if there were people in the same house, quarreling and fighting, and we wished to part them ; althougii we went with disheveled hair, or a white napkin on the head to do so, it would be allowable; Toe j£ Jl Two warriors standing opposite one To^ la Toe another ; one of the radicals. tofe ; albo written The same a» _ , ^,to.. "" Envious, jealous ; 'dhtr toft, j^ ^^ jealousy. Also written ^, toft. Hoe hwuy put toft ki^, jfi choo sun cheitngto,^ til ;f ^ ,i:> ifn ^ ^ ^ ^ hoe. hwuy u^ chil toi. wdn ki, j6 ke"d sun ef cheUng chiy, (Bdn dng's) queen was not jealous or ^ofe 700 TOE evil-eyed, (allowing her husband to have as many cpncublries a^ he ple^sed^) and in consequence his -j'A S9|i& apd grandsons, were yew nunierous ; (lor Bun 6ng had 99 childrea.y , , • . , " . .^..ffiil) btin (^fiicfing ,5011011 ' •f -^ The name of an insect which eats Toe ^ 9'J-f-if^ books; a Dooki^Bi^'J'called also I ■ -iElEfc ]^ "is P^k gSjAvliite fish. foe J nfMy Ct* To be injured, to be ruined. 9(1; /tii ni.:; "I ;'^Sj^ «?"^J3' 3oT Toe ~A^Jr% "^^^ name of a wood, ; lilyii ol ^li^inj^dt 5>ilgri';cw o. ..i,:«!i'^"Hv-. !'■; fp. v.! ..t-. . ' . |lli!|^,^A Vei"y dfpp black color; a black ifikV Li muddy colore •'p (fesV Oll'J ,3lb •« i/! p/lo '^( (IliWij 509 1C(. VMMi% To scheme, to plan, to cirjcumvent ; Tsfi? u .'. , l^i '^>' ^°^' ^"i^ iil . ^ '^''^'■'' a "lap ; ^uj ,-, n, A^MI ^m Sim to^ bog, 1^ ,t;^ ^ || Toe •« i * to besmear, to ^plaster. {joT nn>i,6 \.' ■, '^^^To to6, J^ ^, the name of a hill (Tn5 VMl! .ti. Toe Toe ■i.| li ) i . ( ? Chae tog, ^ ^, a butcher. A surname. ,^,j „,-, j A ai ,qii liJB oT «f Distressed and diseased ; sick irom fatigue. Toe •cf/t ; . , pi-v^ pica/j ^^B.Z^ I'l t m ±^ choi toe 6.y sod, chek bat t'h'e"a e, "the ceremonies of arranging sacrificial implements, I have heard something about, (but not about drawing up a line of battle;") said by Confucius in the |^ |S Lunge. «I^J[«Vulg. taou: pulse, legumes, beans. Toe |_^ or pease ; leiik toe, jfefe ^ Uk 'Jt^^ taou, green gram ; t'ho6 toe, J^. ^ t^ltoi taou, earth nuts (Arachis), also called Ma- nila gram; toehoo, ^ ^ tadu hoo, a kind of jelly, made of pulse; toe kan, ^ -^ taou itic"a, a preparation of pulse salted and pickled ; toe cheem, S. ^T ''*"" cheem, 'pulse needles,' a kind of ver- micelli. Toe Toe Toe Toe _ ^^ Toe chin, ^ ^^ the small-pox ; '^Ipt also called ^ ^, ch'hut choo, / tJ'^ a production of pearls. To'stop, to detain, to remain, to stay. The neck ; hang toe, .^ B5 hang VF- taou, the back part of the neck. Hwat toe, -^^ j^, a rule, a law ; too liiang, ^ •§" ^ a measure. Sim hwat toe, ^ \% ^, examine the regulations ; see the g£j --^ Lun g6. pn Toe To cross a river, to ford a stream. Kdkangtoesuy,)^jXtg;^C k'diy kdng toe chiiy, to cross rivers and ford streams. Toe Toe Toekim,|| ;^, to gild. To fill up, to stop up. 8 A Toe ± Toe Toe The bark of the roots of trees t'heet p6 song toe, ^ '^ -h Vhcah e &y se^S d ch''hiw kin p'hoiy, take away the bark from the roots of the mulberry tree ; see the ^ ^ Pin hong. nX The belly; hok toe, ^ ^ pak fA^^ toe, the belly, the abdomen. jk- 1, The name of a fragrant plant. Toe Toe Toe Tog it The name of a tree ; a surname. Vulg. taou: a sentence; h^o k^ toe, J- ^^ ii^ ^ M '"^ ^"^ '"""' " 6*""* rv5^ style. A den, a cavern ; a hamlet. A hole in tlie wall, a den, a cavern ; a surname. » » Read tdy : to be opposed to, an op- V I" posite, an antithesis; chi)ti»y,4fr" Jf^ cht) toty, to make antithetic, or corresponding sentences, a practice very common among the Chinese ; beCn tiV, ^ ^\ le£n toby, a pair of corresponding sentences written on scrolls of paper, and hung opposite on the walls in Chinese houses. ^X> ^^"** cheflng: to follow; seang Tbey Toey XJJ* ":''e'i"g. ?j^ \'^siotoiy,tofo\- I ^^" low any person, to imitate one. X To barter or dispose of anything; the name of one of the diagrams. Also written -^ tofiy. TOH 702 TOK Toey \m: m To fall, to be cast down, to decay. Soo cheilng beet h^y, bfing e t66y, ± f i M ^ ^ £ ft 500 cJtii/ beet My, me'^d se^a k toty 16k kdy, when a great number of warriors are slain, a great name is ruined ; see the j|^ ^ |i^ Soe boo twan. Toey Toey Obedient, compliant, submissive. '«'H6ey t6ey, ^|^ jjj^ a sick horse. J^£l '^° '*'" down, to be cast down. A boisterous wind. »To be cast down, to be destroyed; to fall, to precipitate ; to blow a gale. T'hafe san U to^y hoe, ^ jl| it f^ ^ Vhai siD^a e woo pang hoe, "the great mountain is about to be precipitated ;" said by Confucius, when he was about to die ; see the 1^ iP L6y kh. ^^ Toey ^|>fcl ^ ^'^^ of grass. Toh Toh An animal, like a bear, but smaller ; yMSsA name; see ^ JJl Beng choo. Toey jffitfib hwan Read tok : a surname ; to stand alone, high, lofty. Read tok : a table ; e tok, j^ ^ & toll, chairs and tables. ■jm- Read tek ; to select, to pick and choose. Tek seen j6 koe chip che, 3^. ^&. rfn ^\ ^it /i ^^^ ^"^ j^ ^^"^ * ^^^" ^"^^ *° ^^" lect that which is good, and to hold it fast; see the 4* jH ''''^""g y^"g- Toh Jfc. TV Tok i I ^i^^ To draw up, to lift up. Sincere, real, thick, substantial, firm, strong, important, pure, unmixed ; ^••■^ tok sit, fe ^' real, in sincerity. Kwun choo tok & ch'bin, chek bin hin t jin, ^ ^ M M t R'J R HIM- ^"-^ '^''" tok sit te ai ch'hin, chek payh sai"ff hin k'hi i jln tek, when a prince is sincere in loving his parents, the people will be elevated in benevolence ; see the S |p Lun ge. 1_» Vulg. toh: to stand alone, to be ele- Tok fl'f vated ; a surname. I Gan-k'hoe K'hong che tok, R§ -j^- ^L "^ -^ Gdn-hoiy k'hioH kan k'hoi K'hong cho6 Ay ktcdn, GAn-hofiy used to consider difficult the exalted doctrines of Confucius. Tok Great ; to enlarge. Vulg. T|-^ son; tok hae jln, ^ ^ \ -^ tok hae Idng, to poison any one. E toe tok 6 j6 ban s6ng, El ^ ^ T M ^ 1^ 6 to6 tok kap U ban sai**S dy Idng, to injure and embitter all your people ; see the jpj ^ Seang se. Tok Tok Tok Tok Tok Tok Tok To move. . Lc&ou tok, ^ ^ /d tak, a harrow, a rake. A great flag, a standard, which is sac- rificed to, on commencing a cam- X^"* paign. Only, alone; sole; koe tok, orphanlike and solitary. Tok loO, 'P 11^^ the crown of the head, the top of the skull. A kind of gong. Tek lok, ^ |to^ the appearance of walking. T^k tok, ^ ^, unable to pro- ceed. Tok A chest, a coffer. Wiln tok j6 chOng choo, gfi ffO M ^>'"!/tilokj6k'hh''g choo, would you put it in a coffer and conceal it, (when you had found a gem, or would you try and get a good price for it ?) see the =j^ ^ Lun g6. TOK 704 TONG T6k fTVf Black, dirty, filthy, muddy. 4ki\ Tok « ,A coffer, a chest; tok kwiiy, *§ ^ (Jlj ^y a chest of drawers. _^i^% Kwuy gijiik hwuy 6 tok teung, se s% Che kd e? H ^ g^ ;J^ If Pp ;§ P| . ^J21 )i!il ■% *"'' ^E ^"^ ^"^ ^^ *^2/ f'e^d i'Aed chih cheak go6 a tit tooi^Sj the cow boy riding on a heifer re^ turns home ; see the yji i^ f^ Toe bok se. w-^ To see, to look at, to visit. •H Spo tok ja je je ye4, f/, ll ^U \^ !tt\ *D -Hi. sae k'hcd k'hh Tok l@l,,, '1ft It i(p m k'hw^d l&ng, hoo choo woo ho sun dy y'eo^S, when he went to pay a private visit, Confucius wore an ap- -.un ge. ^peataoce of harmony ; see the |gg p^ LC Tok ii Teep tok, •Ml |fl, wanton, lasci- vious, debauched. Tok Tok f I fc Win tok, ^j ^^j displeased and StI9!I^ complaining; murmuring; tomur- ^^i^f^ mur, to complain of. To reckon, to measure, to calculate. T'ha jin yew sim, 6 ch'hiln tok <^''^' fifc A ^ 't^^ ^ 'H" K^ '^ pat l&ng woo sim, gwd ch'h^n t6k e, another man gets an idea, and I calculate and consider on it ; see the /]> j?^ Seiou gn^y. T# Tok A fishing net. Bok tok, ^ ^, a wooden bell, an Tok <^f - A * alarum, a rattle. T'heen cheang 6 hoo choo wAy bok tok, r<:Un^=^^:^M ''^-"^ cheang leah hoo cho6 chb bok tok, heaven is about to take Confucius, and make a wooden clapper of him; see the /]> ^ Seiou gniy. Tom -k # Read tim : the noise of throwing a stone into a well. mv , nil^Ua The vulgar noise made by the mouth lomh ViW^ Jj!f in eating. 2p Tong •-•d Vulg. tang : the east ; tong sey, tang sae, east and west; also used to denote here and there, one thing and another. Tong hong b^ng fe, ^ ^ f^ ^ tang he"S toe kwui"S, the eastern region is enlightened ; (i. e. the day is breaking;) see the J^ M Chgy hong. A surname ; and ^ ^ tong hong, a double sur- name. TONG 705 TONG Tong Tong i Long tong, |j| ^, weak, feeble. Stupid, foolish. Vulg. *''« *'"*" ^ season. Tong glra pek swat se, /^ |J^ j^ © If '""^ t'iwni/ ^m p&yh sayh Ay se, in the winter we may chant the white snow ode. Tong # A surname. Tong ♦^ That which is suitable; ought, should; to sustain, to bear; to meet with, to bcfal ; kae tong, 'S'.ousht, should; t6tong,:|g ^, to bear up against ; tong k'he, ^ ^, «o bear up, to sustain ; tong kirn, ^ /^, now, just at this time ; tong yd&n, j^ ^, suitable, proper, it should be so. Tong jin, put jeang ohesoo, g| 'p- /^ ^ Z. ijfi ^ j'» '^''1^ tongjim u" sa& ned"S e Ay sin sai'^S, he who takes up virtue for his burden, needs not yield even to his teacher ; see the |^ |^ Lun g6. Tong se sfi ye4, ^ ;^ 0^ ^Ji ""^ '^''^J' '^V '^' just at this time ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. ^jf^^k sort of garment; sfew tong, 'T^^n M, an embroidered robe. rp,JkT6 tong, % ^, a sort of boat or \\\ vessel. ^ O The sound of a drum. 8 e Tong Tong Tong ^ A gem worn in the ears ; tcng tong, Tong -P^^ Jl ^ ''" ''"'§'' *^ '°"°^ "'^ ^ M^ tinkling gems. J6 cheak b6ng gwat tong, !^ ^ fll) ^ 1^ he k'hang te hing golyh Ay tong, the ear furnished with a gem like the bright moon ; see a '^ ^ ko6 se, ancient ode. Tong T6ng T6ng Tong Tong Tong .^ir * Water. To govern, to regulate, to arrange. \ii\g.tdng: a surname. The noise of anything falling into the water. The mind confused and disturbed. Fat, lusty, corpulent. ^itlCj^Xong som, ^ ^ tang som, a V| kind of ginseng; a surname. liang long. a village, a Tong yvfH district of country ; ok tong, ^ T^'l V ^ bad associates, the bands of the wicked. K'hong-choo 6 heang tong, sftn sfln je yei, ^ ^ ;^ ^ 1 ife) 'N *P € K'Atfn^.cAo ^^ "fj ^"P ^ '^''^ ^y P^^S ^"^ ^^"3 sim leiik Idt, together with all your' warriors, I will unite my heart, and exert my strength in murder- ing : see the ^§ ^ T'hafe se. Tong /^ Tong The same as the preceding. An appearance of ignorance; unin- formed, unwise ; rude. TOng je put gwAn, j|p] ]^ /f^ )M a'" chae &y Ung,y'ed bey te&ou tit, when igno- rant people are destitute of honest bluntness, (it is difficult to know what to do with them;) see the W^ s§ Lun c6. PlIIJ PP ° m Tong rt I K'hong t6ng, ^ ^^ the name of a hill .^Go^ tSng, te tej^ the name of a '^^'^S TKIdI tree ; the Dry andra ; the Jatropha. Gog tSng 16k yeep, t'heen hay te ch'hew, j^-^^^yil^^^fK Soe t&ng loh hedh, Vhee^S hay chae woo ch'hew, when the got tSng tree lets fall a leaf, all the world knows that au- tumn is come. Tong Tong The name of a boat. — ^r^ The echo in a house ; the sound. of hollow ground. TONG 707 TONG >^ >^ The name of a bamboo; a bamboo Tong Igl tube ; a pipe; yeen t8ng, f^ '^ W ■# hwun ting, a chimney. Tons: if Inl^A. street, a thoroughfare, a lane. W f ^'^""® copper, tu- <^l >| tenague. Tflng luy, ^ j|^ t&ng lay, copper farthings, Choo jefin t8ng, ^ 1^ ^3 ckoojein iAng, a kind of medicine. Tong Tong The name of a fish. A small kind of tile. Vulg. tS*^: tlie name of a country; Tong |^B% a surname; TfingteAou,^ ^^ PI the Tflng dyn«B^/, Tfing jJn, ^ ^ Ti"S Mng, a Chinese; T6ng san, j|p jij Ti«g sw'*a, China. Tong Tong Tong liit, &j5 f^^ unhunibled, diso- |^» bedient, wayward, rash. . '^ '^"6> ^lli \j^, a pool of water, a pond ; a fisli-ppnd, an artificial re- servoir, common in the pleasure grounds of the Chioese. Pwiln bo6 1< tflng, yit kdm cMiy k'hwKt a, chit &y kc^d, k'hwutf, a pond of half an acre in Vic'teiU looks like an open looking-glass; see the jj^;^-'p |^Choo choo se. Tong 111'; i: .,; -i . A kind b^msect, like a cricket Tong Stones on the bank of a river; a wharf. .^•^ Vulg. te'^S : a temple, a pavilion ; Tong i^^ t'heng tflng, ^ ^^- Vhe^a tg^8, I ■— ^ a hail ;t'h«jen tflng, )f^^i'A«e»V ti^f the celestial palace, heaven. Yew \e4, sengt8nge,be jip6 sityeA, ffl Hi ^ f: ^^ Kik k.^ ^^"^ y^"' ^«^* cheats W^S, bdeyjip & Mhob, Yfiw has ascended the hall, but not yet entered into the dwelling (of vir- tue); see the di 1^ Lung6. Tong PP The ancient form of the preceding character. Tong Tong Tong i ry-t-^ The same as fl^^ tflng, ignorant. ^jy mKam tflng, "j^ ^ ka tang, the ^ji^^ name of a certain tree. Tflng Iflng, ^ ^p, the name of an insect, like a dragon fly. Chfiy Chong kong ch'hiit lip, yew tflnu lung k^ rl enk p'hok 1i1p,^ ^ '2^ [ij hdeyh cIChut p'liali lAh,teoo cMt dy tdng lung Chdng k'c&h k'ht k^ha p'hUh ch'hea Idn, when Chong kong of the Chdy country was about to^o out a hunting, there was a dragon fly which lifted apjts foot and struck the wheel of his chariot ; (this wal considered an omt'n for him to stop, but not regarding it, he went to the chase, and was killed.) • y ^f* Tflng choo, w -4--^ a youth, a Tong V*-t young person under 10 years of ■ I ^ age ; a surname ; sin tflng, nj^ -^ a divine youth ; tflng g4n, ^ i^^ a youthful coun- tenance. TONG 708 Suy soo gno6 ch'hek che tSng sek ch'he,b6k che hek bJ/ ffi[ suy jeen sa& goe. cVheoh kw&n 6,y sty k'e^d hod ch'he, h6 Mng l<^d hek p^h'e&n e, (when good government prevails,) although you should send a boy five spans long to the market, no one would cheat or deceive him ; see ^[ -?• Beng choo. ^ _V^ T8ng choo, ^ ^ bdk ang a, the T8ng lJ ^^ pupil of the eye. M,£» Siln teAng t8ng, ^ g gg Siin tBob no 6,y hdk ang 6, Siln had a double pupil in his eye. The name of a river; tfing kwan, Tong Tong Tong Tong Tong Tong T6ng iM §^ ^^^ name of a pass. rV v-r% A young cow without horns, a calf. Tong jJl' TONG T8ng bfing, |!j^ J^^ a hilly appear- ance. * - Painful; t8ng afe, ^ ^ to love Tong ^Jt tenderly; t8ng t'hbng, ^ ^ /"^ t'h'e^d t&ng, to pity, to compas. sionate. Tong Tong The same as j[3, t8ng, the echo of a room. The sound of a drum. A goat without horns. I s. B8ng t8ng, ^ ^, a vessel of war. Bi T8ng bSng, ' to shine, ^ the sun about The moon just appearing. 5^ Tong pjOC-Painful ; the same as ^^ tfing. Tong tW H A small tile ; the same as ^^^ t8ng, '^Ong ' y^ A pipe made of a bainboo cut short. Tong *Pr> Red ; tfing keung, j^ ^ ,a red bow. >l^ A cave, a hole, a dark recess ; deep ; Tong "^ylnl s^kt6ng, 7^ ^ cheoh tang, a. rocky cavern. Is A general name for minions and ser- vants. A curtain thrown over a carriage. Tong Tong ^1 Grieved ; chong tong, '|«, 'j^, appointed and grieved. dis- Vulg, tin tang : to move, to be mov- ed, to be agitated. Th che4 tong, ^P ^ Hi) «'<'o ti &y Ung k'hdh wad tin tang, men of knowlecjgo are active ; see the |^ |^ Lun g6, ■^ TONG 709 TOO Tong To be immoderately grieved, to be deeply agitated with grief; ae tong, •^ "^^ deeply grieved, the feel- ings distressed. Choo k'hok cbe tong, ^ ^ ^^ ^ '""' ''^"^ k'haiu e kaou tong, Confucius wept for him till he was excessively agitated ; see the =j^ =S Lun g6- Tong Tong san, jlj^ ^, the name of a hill; also written ^^ tong. Tong Tong Tong a hill. Tong Tong Tong Water moved and agitated. To bathe in warm water. Tong toe, ^ ^ a smoothing iron. A variegated stone, a stone with veins and various colors. B6ng tong, ^ '^, the name of Te6l t6ng, J^ JJ^, to stumble, to halt, to be unable to proceed. Hot water; to sprinkle with hot water. %-»y Wide and expansive, distant ; h5ng _*. "^^ tong, ^ ^-, dissolute, loose. t » ' Vulg. tS^S: to strike against, to run ^ against anything. ■^» Seen bun ched, jS tong cheung, ^ ^5 ^ ifti im li ^^ """"^"^ ^y '^""^ MMn, ched"g te^i tedh cheung, he who is able to propose a question well is like one who strikes a bell ; (i. e. be is sure to get an answer ;) see the *^ IE. ^^y s*'' ^^- Too Too :m Te too, Id g'ei, a spider. m Te too, 1^ ^ M geA, the same as the above. To6 Read t€ : to resist, to withstand ; te i^ tong. ^ i^ to6 U^S, to stand Tong tong hoe ! bin bo6 Ifing bfing yeen,^^^ f- ^ Iffi bIS ^ If ^-^"^ hwut^g hoe ! payh sai"g bd t'hang ked e me^d, how wide and expansive (were the virtues of GeAou !) the people were not able to designate them suitably; see the t^ |S Lun g6. To6 against; t6 cheak, ^ ?§; *o6 ask, to meet with, to fall in with. Loe seang seang ie, J^ ± ^^ ffi ^"^ "« "" to6 tedh, to meet with a person on the road. Too t'huy, )i^^M,^ ''•"^ °^ P^°P» or pole. Tong Tong ^ A cavern ; also, the same as the preceding ; loose, dissolute. Ch'huy tong, ^ ^, to extend, to carry out ; great, extensive. 8 C ^ «-» Read chob: a heap; chefin choS, Tod \^ II '^ '^'^"^ '''^' * ''""P "^ r_ ' X money; a cant phrase, used to denote the stakes in gaming. ? %_ Pa6u to8, /§ Jg, a cook-house, a Too P*.!* slaughter-house. Also written ^, /^ to6 Kwun choo vfha paQu to6, ^ ^ ^ M M kwun cho6 ch'kbng hwu^S pa8u tod, the good man removes slaughter-houses and kitchens to a distance; see ^ ^ Beng chob. Too loo Took TUN 710 Te to6, & ^^ to be in doubt, and unable to proceed. The same as the above. 'T^_M»Read ch6 ; to push, to prop up; a . I "1 prop; to thrust in. ToofS ^ Read liw^n : to return ; ch'hut goey hw4n lag, {ij ;^f* ^ ^ Mhut gwa tooi"S lae, to go abroad and return. Read chwdn : to turn round ; hwat liien chwcin, ^ ijiS ^ hioat lin tooi'^o, to turn rigiit round. Chw4n sin seang md, {IniA eU _l .^ hioat lin tooi"S sin ched^S bay, to turn around and mount a horse. Tooi^'S- Too^S 3i Read tiln : a meal ; yit tun hwan, — -^\ ^ cUt tooi"S Poole's, *^ "^ a meal of rice ; yit tiln suy, — ^ jj)Tj 7k cMl tooPS chuy, one turn of the tide. Read twS,n : a piece, an end ; chfiet Tooi"S. chok le^ng twan, ^ f^ f^ ^)f cMyh chb no touf^^ , to be cut in- 1^ to two pieces. "^ 1^4^ ,^> Read twan : to discontinue, to cut Too'i^^ \uij\\' short, to cease, to break in on a ■/ ' regular succession ; twan jin, ^r )\ todies l&ng, the population have all dwindled away. Tun Thick, substantial, large, big; kind ; to impel, to animate, to rouse, to urge ; to give importance to ; to press upon ; affluent. Tun hoe, W M affluent, substantial. Tun mi TUN A heap of earth, in the middle of a plain ; a barrow. Ye& s6ng wdy chek, y^w y6w Sea kong tun, >)^ ^ 1 g^ ^ ^ M ^ ^ Yea s'e'^d iy wixy cheah, yea woo Chid hong hy hwHn tun, among the antiquities of the city of \e.k, there still exists the tomb of Chea kong; see the ^ ^ ||^ L6 pek so. Tun Tun Tun Lun Tun f fi t To murmur at, to complain of, to be grieved with. A hilly appearance. A great fire, a raging fire. % K'ho6 tun, P p_^ discourse, ver- bal professions. An unhealthy state of body or mind. '^I^Tv-^ Minute, particular; tun se^ng, =S yf- Tif * ^p, minute, express. Tun Tun Tun chijen, j^ >gl^ unable to pro- ceed, difficult to decide. The appearance of plants just shoot- ing forth, sprouts ; also an ignorant state and appearance. Sfengjingetun, Ig /^ J^ ^ shng jin k'ht t'haSu gong tun, even sages are at first stupid and unlearned. Tun Tun . ^ a Tun sek, ^ ^ , ^ carriage or -^ %^ truck for conveying a coffin down ^V^ into a tomb; a hearse ; a tomb. Blunt, as a knife ; not sharp. TUN 711 TUN Tun A club or cudgel ; all kinds of blunt weapons. Sod peng' se chedng gno6 tun, ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 JW ^anpeng to &y Ung yea Icwdn goe hang Ay tun, the person who takes care of the military weapons, should also have charge of the five kinds of blunt instruments ; see the ^ jid Chew Uy. This character is also used to denote a rupee. Tun Tun The same as the preceding ; also, a railing, a gallery ; lengthwise a rai- ling Is called i^^ Ian, and cross- Tun Tim Hwun tun, 'j^ 'U^^ the name of one of the four wicked persons in ancient times; thick, dense, mud- A receptacle for grain, made of mat- ted reeds ; a grain vessel. .}Sj^^ -^ stone broad and flat enough to sit —3 ^ upon. dy, impervious. ^1t Tun "fil To bow the head ; tiln s^w pa^, 'liM iM" ^, *° '"'"' '''^ head, and ^S^'^ make obeisance; also, to devour, to destroy ; to lay up, to store away. Tun Tun Tun To lead, to draw ; to rub, to grind. I r^ Gn6w tiin, it /^=1 plant. the name of a m The lips; k'hoe tdn, P ^ ch'hUy tUn, the lips of the mouth. T(ln b6ng ch'h6 hAn, ^ (]^ "j^ 1^ ch'hUy tun b8 cVhiiy VM he^d, when the lips are gone, the teeth will be cold ; (intimating the ne- cessity of preserving good neighbors, for the sake of one's own comfort.) Also written J^^ tAn. '^i ^^' The banks of a stream ; chae h6 che Tun '^^^ '^n» ^ H ^ il '"-'^ '^ ''^"9 W ^1 ke6'^S^ on the banks of the river ; see the ^P J^ Ong hong. v|-^a^ A small pig, a young swine. Tun B ^C B6ey tek yit liin, e wfly tin seen, ^ tak pai tit tedh cMh sty cheah te, chew le&h chd tin h6 &y hah, whenever he got a small pig, he con- sidered it a precious piece of meat ; see the -W- ^ J^ ^ Chin sea k'hwun twan. Tun M ^ The same as the preceding. To guard a place with soldiers ; to Tun % L»# be quartered in a place, and culti- vate the land, as is customary with Chinese soldiery. Keang-pek-yeak tfin te6n H^w teung, ^ ^1^ ^^ »B, EH ^ 4*. Keang-pek- yeak stationed his troops and cultivated the fields in the centie of the H^n region. Tim Tftn Tun Tun 1^ The name of a fish. Tiin t6n, (li^ p,^^ incessant, indis- tinct language. A war chariot. The thigh ; also, the bottom of any- thing. TUT 712 Tun To run away, to escape, to avoid ; to abolish ; to avoid. E ch'hae j6 tun, ^ ^^ jfj] ^ nwa eh'k&ji cha6u,they dragged branches of trees after them and retreated ; (this is a common expedi- ent in Chinese warfare, to make the enemy believe from the dust made, that their numbers are greater than they really are. y,^^ Fat, corpulent, lusty- Tun u|n ^°^ ^"^ '^''"'^ ^''''^^ *""' ^ sai^S kap chiy ty goo woo ptcuy tun, my animals and sacrificial oxen are fat and in good condition; see the ^ -t^ Cho twan Tut Tut i 'ds W TUT To vociferate, to bawl at any one; to make a frightful noise, so as to alarm people. A disconsolate mind ; grieved. Tut Tun Tiin Tun To depart. To collect ; to station troops in any place for its defense. Tut Kwut tut,'^^ fu{, a l°g °^ ^°°^» a stump of a tree. KwuttutjS,f|^|£,akittdof confectionary. Tut Hwun tun, ]]^ -]i^, the chaotic mass which existed before the organiza- tion of matter. Hwun'tun ch'hay k'hae, J^ ^ %J §^ '^«'"'' '"« Vhk t'haou k'hwuy, at the first opening out of chaos. Tun Tun Tun Tut Blunt, not sharp ; dull, stupid, not clever. ;Hwtin tun, ^ ft. impervious, unintelligible. ^ Short. To see any one suddenly; to offend ^^ against any one ; to deceive. ]7xL Be k6 kefen hey , tiit j6 pwa,n h«y, k'hw'^d. keh^S, liitjUnk'hul^d. ttoi Un, not having seen a youth for a short time, on meeting him sud- denly we find him grown up to be a man ; see the m J^ Chgy hong. Ch'heung tut, rush against, in word or action. T6ng tiit, ^ ^, to offend by rude %to Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut ^ manners. T8ng tut, behavior a rude insolent. Vif^?The appearance of water flowing. Jl^ Tiit gwiit, ,1,^ Jj)L, Wlls, mountains. ;|t Pektiit, 1^ 76 Aename of a me- dicine. TUY 713 Tut Tiit Tut Tut Tiit * Tuy Tiit be, ^ tI^, a glutinous kind of rice. A projecting appearance; a rising up, or jutting out. Til ,-y A military weapon. *The same as the following. 'ft JJWt To converse together. To follow, to pursue after any one ; tuy kin, 5I, ^, tin/ ^w""' *° follow in pursuit ; tuy che put kip, iE ^ >f^ 2^ '"^ * 6ey kip, to follow without overtaking. The people of pK Teng sent a person to attack the i^^Wiiey country, and (Wiiey soo Je-kong-che- soo tuy Che, % ii ^ ^ Z W ^^ 'Z IVdey kok sat M-kong-che-soo k'he tuy e,) the peo- ple of the Woey country sent Je-kong-che-soo to pursue after him ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Tuy Tuy Tuy Tuy Tuy i i TUY I A projection of the bone. A general name for birds with short feathers. Kaou tuy, ^ |p ia chut/, a dove. Tuy Tuy Tuy ^\ Earth collected together ; a heap, Stones collected together; a heap of stones. The color of a horse. To pull with all one's might. ^ ^ To reply, to answer, to correspond ^4* to ; tily tap, f^ ^, to reply ; Tuy tt' A heap of earth ; hwiln tuy,^ pilntuij, a dunghill; ch'ho tuy, W. j^ ch'haou tuy, a heap of grass. Tuy kirn chek geuk, ]^ ^ ^ ^ "'•''' kirn k'heoh gek, to heap up gold, and collect gems. tily tek, ^ ^, an enemy, an opponent ; chd tiiy, -fj^ |j-, to make antithetical sentences, corresponding to one another ; yit tuy, . p chU lHy, a pair ; tily been, ^ ^, face to face, opposite. Kwun choo bun, keng twan, chek k'h6 jfi tily, ^ Ir fpl S i^ i MMM '^"""^ ''"" 'y Idfig woo mom"S Idn, na u)"a te&ou twan, tedh k'M j& yin, when respectable people ask us questions, on varying the subject, we ought to rise in giving our reply ; see the ^ |f K'heuk I6y. Tuy Tfiy ^ A pestle ; cheng tily, ^ ^, a pestle to pound with in a mortar. ^^ > To beat, to strike. ;RK Chok gdk ko6 hwan tdy^ ^ ^ ^J"^"^ ai M W- '*"* ^^'' ^^ '" ''"^ yea tit t&y, whilst playing the music, the drum is still beaten. 8 D Tuy m TUY Je tiiy, If ^, earrings 714 Tuy To fall down, to descend, to sink '^/ down. Bun boo clie to, be tuy 6 tey, pt ^ ± M ^ M fj^ ik f'^'' '■"'« ^'j '» ^^> boey woo tuy te iSy, the sciences of civil and milita- ry pursuits are not yet fallen to the ground ; see the Hi lp Lfln g6. fpy^ A group, a troop, a company. yTtk/^ Ch'ho6 soo hwun wfty j6 tu \y^ A group, a troop, a company. peiig hwun chb no tuy, the troops of the Ch'ho6 country were divided into two bands ; see the /^ ^il Cho twan. i-^^^A road, an underground passage; a dangerous pass amongst moun- tains. Also read suy : which see. k k To let down by cords. Tiiy ^^R ^'^^ *"y J^ "'"'''"*' ^ ^1 M Tuy rij mal^S lean tuy je ch'hut, he was let down with cords by night, and got out ; see the yfc ^ Cho twan. Tuy Tuy To be displeased, to murmur, to ^ \y j% complain. _ s . > To complain, to murmur. ^2^^ Hwan btn bfing put tuy, ^ & ^Vii^ (^ >jv; ^htadnpayhsai^SbS 11^ wan e, of all the people there were none who did not complain ; see the ^ ^^ Se keng. Tily Suddenly, unexpectedly. Twd TW^A _T J ^>-, Lu'ii twd, ^ ^ not to hit the due medium, to act strangely. Tivd 111! Read tafe : a girdle, a band. i . K Ch'hek yiJA, sok tafe lip 6 teiiou, Ch'hek yea, t'hang hah twd, k'h'ed te teaou ting, Ch'hek can put on his girdle, and stand in the court j see the ^i^ =5 LOn ge. Read t8 : to drag, to draw, to pull. "" « Read tae : great, large; sfc tae, ^ TlCU "' M\ y^ s& twd, superiors. -^ ^ K'ho 6 boQ tae k& fe, "pj j^ M yC 3^ -^ fhang 6 bd twd kdhy sit, he can he without any great faults ; see the gM j^ Lun g^. Twa m Tw"a Read to: a rudder, a helm. ^Y« Read tan: only, alone, a single one ; hoe ^ ^'it a receipt; koe tan <2c"a, solitary. H^ng tan eng chek, ]f^ ^ ^^ ^ '«'"« «*«' ^!/ Mn sin ye'^d chit ch'eah, a single figure, and a so- litary shadow. r,A ^ Read tan : a sickness incident to children. rrf n "i JpJ Read tan : a bamboo vessel, for con- taining rice. Repeated talking. TWAH 715 TWAN Tw'^a Read t^n: as hh tan, ^ S hi ttc"d., a female character in a play. ^ %_ Read t'han: a terrace; ch^y t'han, offering sacrifices on. Tw'^d TvP'd 11 Read t'han : as t'hAn heang, ^ -^ ii2# ^^n^i Mo^S, a fragrant kind of wood. _»— Read t'ha,n : to play on the harp or 1^ guitar ; t'h^n k'hlra, ^^, ^ | Cheng bin se twdt, ^ |^ j^ chains &y payh sai^S seo ch^h'e6'''S, the conten- tious among the people will begin to plunder one another ; see the ^ ^ Tae hdk. u M ^m Read bo6: an uncle's wife; teang rA" boe, ^ M teo"S it"*, a moth- er-in-law ; ch'hin bo6, 511 ■»& P ch'hai'^S ii"*, the mother of a son's wife. u m Read b66y : a prune, a plum ; ch'heng bigy, ^ ^ ch'hai^S fJ"*, a green phim. m U _fc. T^ Read put : not, will not, a token of ^ refusal. Gno put, ^ ^ gwd ii**, I will not, cannot, or may not. jjn S. Read el : as ^ seuk,^ ^ u" chck, uncle ! a term of salutation among equals for one who is older. w W4 ^ Vulg. Aea ; a tile ; wi ojt, ^ J^ Aed cA'Aod, a tiled house. Song song wi ch'heak hfing se in, M ^ ?E ^ 'ff ■§■ ^ '^'^ ^"'^ *^" '^"^ &y chayh a ke'*d te ch'hayh toh ting, a pair of spar- rows from the tiles walked over the wri}ing table ; see the ^i ]^ =i: Toe hoo se. 8 e W6. # Read € : to rely on, to confide ill) to lean against, to place trust in ; inclined to one side. Chae 6 chek ke^n k6 e 6 h^ng yei, ^ ^ |||J ^^^^^^iviate ch'hea, chck k'huPik t led (f ch'hca king, when in the carriage, we can see them leaning on the cross-bar of it ; see the p^ 1^ Lun ge. WA 718 W^A Wa Wa To take, to take away by violence. ►^S*Kead 6 : as poe 6, M^ ^ poe icu, "t a kind of insect. m Wa <•, Wa Wa i' /i^ To lead water into the rice fields, in J yhi^ order to irrigate them. Tj^^^^To draw, to pull, to drag. A handsome woman. Wa 1 - Wanton sounds ; to vomit, to spit out. pt Ch'hut jg wa Che, iU fffj p| "^ he went out and vomited it up ; see j^ ^ Beng choo. I fc_ A frog ; the croaking of frogs. Wa 1^"J Te lOng wa chofe koe, ^ ^ -J^ ^ ^ ^ <« <^ v* t Deep, abstruse ; a ditch. >^ VCl*^ Clear water; the water collected in y" I ^ the footsteps of an ox. t "It - The hole made by the hoof of an "'^ animal ; a dirty puddle ; soiled. Mk dirty. Wa Wa The sound of children crying ; sob- bing. Le-wa se, -^ •^^ ^^ the name of an ancient empress, who is said to have melted down stones, in order to repair the southern heavens. Wa Wa Wa A white horse, with a black nose. The name of a river ; a deep ditch. Se wa, i^ ;fo^ cVliete wa, the main branches of a tree. Wa M ^ Read hwa: to paint, to draw, to de- IYjJ I lineate ; hwa kong, ®j J^ wa r""^^ kang, a painter, or his work. Also written ^^, hwa. Ong-m6-keet hwa teung y6w se, ^ |^ ^ |Sj fb pfei ni Ong-m6-keet te wd tang e^S woo cho se, Ong-m8-keet in the midst of his drawings would in- sert a piece of poetry. j^^^ Read hwa: words, discourse, con- Wd '^\'^ versation, speech ; to tell ; king hwa, ^ =^ kdng tea, to talk, to PP W^'a "^ Read an : peaceful; an wun, ^ ' w^a w{in, safe, secure. ■T^S?^ bdi/ w^a, a horse's saddle. l-» r^^Read an : a haven ; an 6, j^ y w^a d, a harbor, an anchorage. w WAE 719 WAN # W^d written Read win : a cup, a basin, a dish ; yit wdn hwan, — :^ -^ chit ic"a iwol^S, a cup of rice. Also n win. ^ ^ Read in : a table ; an oflScial bench, W^d o>C that which is placed on it; a law ^^•fV' case ; hn tok, 3^ ^ w"(l n d: ^^ payh sai''9 bd chiiy ho6y betf sai''S wdh, if the people possess not fire and water, they cannot live; see ^£ ^ Beng choo. ■ ^ Bent, crooked ; to injure, to ill use; Wan 1^3^ «o '<"■<=« ; ^^" *'"g' % ^' °P' ^ Ui pression, injustice ; wan k'hwut^ ^ ^ to treat wrongfully. 4i Wan *!l Wan seak, ^ij ^Ij, to cut and carve. WAN y ^ jy Crooked, bent, not straight. Wan {w2d» Yit wan Sey-choo ph, — - ^ * ^ © ^ ^ '^^^^ ^y ""*" '^*^' cho6 &y cKhiw pi, one turn of the beautiful Sey- choo's arm. . ^JUA A. winding stream ; a crooked shore. Wan WP^ Yit wan k'hey suy p'haou san lag, c7tz< won dy kViei/ cliuy p'ho sw^a lai, the brook in its serpentine course embraced the hill. J^TJ Wan yang, ^ ^ wan y'eo^S, the Wan Y * name of a bird; the species of y%\>^ duck called the ' mandarin duck,' peculiar to China; they are considered as emblems of conjugal fidelity; also the name of an insect. 720 Wdn Wan i^ Pleased, delighted ; to exhort, W^n jeSn, ^S ^^ as if, according Wdn 5<^p to. ^ %mm Win chae suy teung yang, /ra yfc ^k pb th. ch'hin cheats te chiiy tang e"^, just as if it were in the middle of the water. Vulg. w"a ; a cup, a basin ; pn'an win, ^ ^ pvPa uP'd, cups and saucers. Wdn Wan Wan Wan Wan •^C* Win yew, ^^ |^ a park? a place The same as the above, ■OC I I for deer ; a game walk, a garden OMii A small bowl ; also written ^, win. jnz. m The name of a gem. m WAN The wrist, the joint near the hand ; s6w win, ^^ elbow. ' ch'Mw wan, the Wdn Wan A piece of ground, 20 acres in ex- tent ; also written ^s win. ^ % _ Obedient) submissive; handsome, "^J/QiC^ beautiful; accommodating. Win j6 peen, j^ ]^ f ^ wan sUnji ey peen lun, obedient and yet disposed to argue matters; see the ^; xjj^ Ch'hun ch'hew. Ch'heng ying win hgy, .]^ |^ |^ J^ hdk ba& ch'hin ch'hai'^S, handsome about the eyebrows ; see the ^ ^ ChSy hong. Wdn , A'i^To wash away filth; win e hok, «J^ an *^J^^m^^ J'yi ^ f^ sSy s^d, to wash clothes. ^A t^ A smile ; to smile ; hoo choo win j6 Wdn i^i je ch'he^ou, ^1!^ ^ ^ H jtjj .,0^ W4 .^ hoo cho6 wan j'ein j& cVKi6, js smiled Lun g6. Wan Confucius smiled and laughed ; see the gffi |S ^1 3^ Vulg. hwuV^S : far, distant, far off; a long time ago. Tocheylnwin,^^;^^^ loe &y kSng k'eb hwul^S, the way may be called dis- tant and far. Sh win liien yeen, ^0: 3^ -^ J^ «^ Awai"^' nei^^9 hd Vhl, in ages far removed, and in years that are gone by. Wan Px. Vulg. wul^S: a surname, the name of a country. ■^ Inimical, displeased ; to murmur, to Wan ^Gu complain; w^n hwun, ^^, ^^, i vllk^ to hate, to dislike ; W£ln t'heen, ^ 9^> '" repine at heaven. WAN KSw jtn j6 tek jin, yew h3 w^n ? ^t 'f^ flj] ^1^ -fc: ^ juj" ^^ A<«w jin ji tit teoh jin, yea woo s^d mte"Sh wan ? having sought after virtue they obtained it ; where then was the reason of com- plaint ? see the =j^ =S Lun ge. ^ % Anything round and small; yijak Wan jJ wan, ^ j\^ yUh icd/i, a pill. y^4,, ^" official messen- ger. Vulg. i'Vioe: a dollar. . i» M^ Vulg. e(,"S: round, circular. Wan I rl I J^^vuy ke hong w&n che chi; ye4, kwuy ke se st kak kap eff'S &y chl kek, the compass and square have brought squares and circles to per- fection ; see j^ -Jj^ Leug choo. W&n Wan |1%|^^ An indonled part of a hill. JLid HokwSin, ilia ihi, broad and ex- tensive. tv an % t^ A small reed or rush; pat gwat wAn p ^ X gHeyh woo wAn wdy, in the 8ili month is the time for reeds and rushes. . a . To finish, to complete ; wdn chwia, Wan _- '- 7t 5^, complete, perfect. ^ W Seiou y6w wit, ko6 w&n h ! ^ M EJ ■^ ^ -^ ^^'^ *'*""^ '^"' ***^ *''"^' cAjb cAc''d ifdn cAwdn r / when he had a little, he would exclaim "truly I have a completion !" see the %m ^ '^"" ^'- r^fcr* jiip „an,e ^f a plant ; win suy, ^ the name wan 1=1 wan Wan ~ •■ . ^S coriander seed. Aii* Fire ; wAn lAn, j^ j^, l\J\ ^ of a flower. S"/ I") at; this, to lead, to change 8 F Wan WAT A handsome woman. 722 Wan _l- '/ -1 * gem with a large hole in it. Wan >T> Slowly, leisurely, gently ; wan t6, late, behindhand. Wan To help, to save; to receive, to take, to pull, to drag; wan kfew, I© '(jr^ to rescue, to save, to reform. So lek chek wan che e s6w hoe? j^ '/^| ^ij j^ ^ j/| ^ ^' ha^a so t'eim lek chck khw wan e 6 ch'htiB hoi? when a sister-in-law is drowning (in a well), will you help her out with your hand ? see Wan ^ -jl Ceng choo. "^jrV^A kind of cloak, thrown over the Wan back. The name of a stream. Wan Vulg. hxBuVS : to remove to a dis- tance ; to keep at a distance. Tong yflng maou, soo wan pb banfe,f, ^ Ife Sjt It # # j*^ Sa6u tin tang yung maou, My Uy chew ch'hbng liwui^i po ban &, if we keep up a respectable appearance, it will remove to a distance insuUand reproach; see the i^ l^ Lun g6. ± Wat Wat J^TI^Great and extended ; to feel with 7^k the hand in a hole or cavity. K A crooked part of a hill. Wat Wat $1 WAT The wheel of a carriage, the turning of a wheel ; to strive, or contend together. To take, to deliver, to save. Tir . Jr'^k^ '^^^ breathing in the throat not fre« [gy\^ and easy. Wat A. Wkt To turn round, to revolve; the handle of anything; the knob in the middle of a gong. Vulg. kong: to speak, to say, to assert. Choo wat, hak j6 st sip che, -Z' 13 ^ llij IliJ^ ^ :^ '""> <=f'o'^ ^^"S, fhdkjt sedng s& teun sip e, Confucius said, " learn, and constantly exercise yourself in it;'' see the J^ pM Seang lun. ^ »-^ To be pleased, to be delighted ; plea- Wit n*!? ^ant, delightful. iyU Put ek wat hoe ^ ^ iff^ '^ ^ u^ yea liw"a he hoc ? is it not delightful ? see the Jl Im Seang lun. ,,ri^ tS^-^-^The same as the preceding; also Wat — %j TJtj^Xl read swat : to speak. .f—% To look at, to observe ; to pass Wit Yf^\ °^^'' hwatwdt, ^ ^, accu- l>'^^ mulated merit, merit accumulated in a family from one generation to another. > ^ At, in ; to examine, to inspect ; wat Wit 1^1-, s6ng, ^ ^, a classical name \J for the province of Canton. Wat key ko6 sc^ng, ^ ^ "^ H «"«' k'hw'^i key k'h6 ko6 cM Ay slngjin, to examine and inspect the ancient sages. Wkt * WOEY A great hatchet. 723 WOEY Wkt ■% To display ; to pass over, to exceed, JLW more and more ; a surname. WAtk6wwAtko,|^^^ ^ na ho6 nd kwdn, the longer the higher. Wkt "^'vi'^ti* The shady place between two trees. Wkt A ^ Hoo wAt, ^ ^, a hatchet or ax. When Confucius wroie the history of his own limes, every word of praise wns said to be (fing fi hwa kwun, ^ J^ ^ ^ k'hah ing kioui"9 e hwa kwdn,) more glo- rious thiin a flowery crown; and every word of cen- sure was vceem 6 hoo wAt, ^ fj^ ^ ^ ***^* geim i pu6 t'haSu,) more severe than an ax or hatchet. Woey Woey A winding stream, a crooked bank- -(^ To love ; woey jln, ^ ^ Vhe^d ling, to love people. Woey p^'r°''° '^"'''? ^^y "'^' ^ Wi |^>^ cA'Ae 6ay, to feed a horse. Woey ]K^W6ey luy, ^ ^, a heap of stones^ ^M^<^ woey lae, ^ ^ nneven. Woey M-f- Grass ; the name of a plant. ^% TQ To cut, to chop meat ; woey k'hae, wl/l^' ^ ^ io(>'«y A'A»«y, to cut open. Woey Woey Woey Woey Woey Woey i ^T^Woey jln, ^ A, * Japanese; Cli^ Woey tfi, •^ ^^ Japan. "^ Sick, dried to death, withered. ^ A sickness arising from damp. An earthen vessel, a pot. Woey ylJ ^f * Vulgar, low, mean. The fire in a chaffing-dish. Woey Ik:; iriZjL Hwan pek jim, to woey hoey, ^^ p&t/h to, iSh teoh woey lae &y hoey, to come in con- tact with naked swords, and to tread on the ashes of the chaiTing-dish. Wd^y m ^^ ^V. tiiti To chop up meat. Tflng o, ^ |p^ tAng woey, a brazen pot. Woey Filthy, dirty, defiled, overgrown th weeds and jungle. o6 vihhy put te, ^ ^ ^ YP not to clear away the weeds and rubbish; see 7^ ^ SAn choo. Dirty, filthy, overgrown with jungle. Tofi wofey chek han, ^ ^ ^|J ^ loi kabu seo^S /d sdm chex» lic^a, when the road is much overgrown with jungle, people are afraid. WOEY 724 WOO . jj—^ Ong wo^y, yj J^, deep and expan Woey X|_\ I sive, immense and overwhelming. >Jt Tam yin ong wofey, '^ H, ^31 i^ M 6.y yin Ivwuy ong woly, your pleasing kind- ness is vast and overwhelining; see the tP gP Soo k^. Woey To cut, to wound. Woey Fj t,l* The sound of chariot wheels. 7* Woey |V«i^a^The sound of birds flying high. }pcfnA Hong h6ng 6 hwuy, wofey wo^y "H' ^« hong Mng tit piouy, woo uioly woey c 6.y sit, the phoenixes are flying about, and the sound of their wings is like "woty, wdiy ;" see the ~Jv Sfl Tae gniy. Woey Woey Woey ce heated and turned sour. A secret place, a hiding place. A kind of chestnut ; the name of a the ~Jf>^ place ; w66y cli'hafe, ]^ ^ ^^ salad vegetable. Woey To guard, to defend, to ward off a blow ; the name of a country. A surname. Woey seng, :^r /t to take care of one's health. Hoh woey, =S f^j^ to protect, to escort, to defend. J6 choo tey che woey hoo heng, j(P ^ 31 ~^ ^J X ^^ '^'''^"" cheats hadu sai"g s'eS te dy huh woey 2'ay h'c'^ a, just as sons and younger brethren defend their fathers and elder brethren. * Woeyh ^S X To take anything in the hand, to pluck anything out. Woeyh bok, ;^ |g wbeyh bale chew, to pluck out the eyes. Woeyh \J ^-\ To make a noise ; to belch. Woeyh Woci/h the bran or husk of grain. Woo \ Read ek: to scoop anything out; to -11 break. Woo win, tT* '^r^ woo hwtiVS, dis- tant, far off; woo k'lnviil,^ yjgjj wide, far apart. Je sut woo soe kw"i hadu, ^|^ (/j^j ^J ^ !^ ^ t'hdk chlhayh Idng Ay hwat sut hicm"!f fey, cheS woo hadu gehm, the precepts of the learned respect dis- tant things, of which the accomplishment is seldom seen; see the JllU 'M Chefen kok ch'hek. V ^ Muddy, dirty, stagnant, water ; foul, W^OO 'T/'" I '* impure, unclean, low, both physi- If >| caljy and morally ; woo wofey, VT* M filihy, defiled ; overgrown with weeds. Woo suy, vf* 'hi la s&m chuy, muddy, dirty water. Te^n chut woo lad, [B $ )T ^ ch'hdn kabu sicah hoiy woo la&, the fields were finally overgrown with weeds ; see the M^ /jtg Seiou gniy. Woo •^ V H, An implement used in plastering a wall, a trowel; to plaster. wiln t'ho6 che ch'he&ng put k'ho woo yea, H JL ;^ j^ :^ Pj' Jf -Hi ptJn Vhoh &y chVieo^S hey hoe le Iwah, a wall built of mud and dung cannot be plastered ; see the fw g^ Lun g6. ,NG Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Wo6 Woo Woo WUr^" 725 The same as the preceding. ^ To squat down, to sit down on the ground. 'Bent, crooked ; a rope. ^Keak t'hoS woo, ^ip g^ ^^f ^'Aa t'haou woo, the knee. A hole in which water collects; a puddle. 1 A surname. To dirty, to defile. _ 1.^ A vessel for drinking from ; a bowl ; yfrl^ also written ^, woO. Woo *' Read y^w ; to have, to possess, to exist, to be. Bun y6w 6, pit wat y6w, M ;?& ^ tjt ^ mool^S woo ch'hun, pit k6ng woo, (Cheng-ciioo's father) always asked, if there was anything left (of the food), when he would always reply that there was ; see ^ -^ Beng choo. Wui"g To throw, to cast, to throw away ; |--| wui"g k'ho6, II p wnm %>t £A7ti}y,to stop the mouth with the hand ; wui"B soo, |^ ^ wui^S si, to stifle, to smo- ther. Wut^S Wui no' it WUN To hold in the arms, to embrace. Wue'g be weighed. Read win : a surname. Read wun : a basket; wun choo, ^ ^ wufS a, a small basket, in which things are put in order to Wui''^ Wui^^S II - Read hdng: yellow; a surname; ■ g.4,^ hong gn^w, ^ it wuV9 go6, ,Sr^ a dun cow, a cow. H6ng e ho6 l'^"', H ^ |!Ii ^ mti^ s"a hoe 6.y h6io, a yellow garment should be worn with a fox skin fur ; see the Jm =K Lun ge. Read h6ng: hflng cheung, ^ jj, the jaundice; gnCw hdng, it -^ god wui"S, a kind of medicine. >«.• |,»^ Chok wul"P, -ft SfR^ to perform in- cantations, for the purpose of lay- ng evil spirits ; this is said to be effected by (tcang t'heen soo, HE ^ [ijjj ieo^g t'hee"S soo,) the lama of China. '^"■"^}p^ ; Wut^^ ^P.^ ^''•^ "'"^"^' W ^' ^^^ crooked handle of a plough. Wufg * Read wun : a halo round the sun or moon ; the eyes dim. ^ |M^ .Amicable, harmonious; a surname ; Wun ^/J^f^ "■"" }^^> im. 7^'^°^^ ^"'^ B^"''*^ 5 W^U^ wun Iwin, sS [ffi^ genial and warm ; wun hd, 'j^ ^ ^ mild and benign ; wun hong, yS JS^, a gentle breeze. Choo wun j6 ley, "J" V^ ffjj ^ *<'<' **<"' wunjm 8 G WUN 726 WUN j& g'eim ley, Confucius was benignant and yet stern ; '^^ *'^^ ilffl lip ^"" g^- Willi Wun Wun Wun Wun Wun Wun Wun Wun ^ >fc^ Wun yin, ^ ^^ tiie original in- Y/J| fluence of lieaven and earth, ger- ****,*4 miaating in secret. Mm Curling smoke. •JffB Wun ek, ^|^ i^ wun yeah, a pes- l\\ it. tilence, an epidemical disorder. ^/ 1^/ A kind of water vegetable. /km. Wun piit, 1^ 1^^ very fragrant. The name of a pig; a pig running off* lff| '"^ The name of a certain kind of fish. y^ P'hAnwun,: ■STJ^ the name of a plant. "S* luxuriant : also Tj |CS The warmth produced by the rising Ri {SSL * PI Yin wun,^ ^^ the original influ- W^un ^t^TTTk ence of heaven and earth, secretly "^ ' ' "• producing all things. T'heen tey yin wun, ban biit hw^ sfln, ^? +-A Mi^^^i VLW ''^'^^"^ ^'y y'"" '^"" ^y k''hi, ban mce"Sh hwd sun, by the germinating in- fluence of heaven and earth all things are produced and nourished ; see the Mj ^ ^gj Ek hey so8. » Truly, faithfully, really ; sincere, up- jfT^ right; also written V^^ wun. Wun Kong wat, ko j6 tin? wiin, ^ Q is" vie H^ ^ ^""^ ^^"5'' ^"P '^ ^'^"^ ^""* *'" si<, Chew- kong said, " I tell you that I am sincere ;" Se keng. see the ^^ Wun ^t He6m wun, |^ ^^ the name of one of the northern hordes of Tar- tars. Wun » To suck, to draw in, to inhale ; also J2^[^ written Pj^^ wun. •^ *^ Chut y6w peng chTie chei, GoS- k'h6 wuy wun che, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ P|j» "^ jpcn^ chut woo pai"3 cWhe^S hy Idngt Go6-k^he Vhey e wun so e, when any of his soldiers had a sore or an ulcer, the general Go6-k'h6 would lick it for them ; (so anxious was he to please them.) Wun m |— f To fall ; wun tiiy, [5^ ^, to fall down from a high place. Lek lek gw/»-* repressed feeling; wdn suy, J^ /M. y\c to steep in water. Wiin ^ Ym To store up, to stow away, to lay 1^ JtJL aside, to conceal. r'''" Wiln tok je ch8ng choo, fS S Hjij ^ 1^ hay te tok hwHyji k^hi.^ choo, (hav- ing found a valuable gem,) will a man store it away in a locker, (or will he seek to get a good price for it?) see the 1^ |5 Lun g6. Wun Wun Wun > ^. _ Water flowing back ; water turning / ^\ round. Wun :2 Great waves in a river. A rope, a cord, a string with which a net is tied. To travel, to convey, to move, to remove ; wun chwdn, ^ ^B, to circulate ; wun le&ng, ^i |]g wun ncS^ff, to transport grain. Jit gwat wun hfing, /) j^ tT-''' S<>^y^ Kun ke^i, the sun and moon moving in their orbits ; see the ^ ^ |pj fek hey so6. Wun Wun Wun Vulg. wui''S : the halo around the sun or moon ; two armies drawn up opposite one another. All sorts of feathers ; to entwine a- round ; a large girdle. The name of a place in the Jm Loe country. Wun To harmonize, to chime, to come in rhyme ; a rhyme, a symphony, a correspondence of tone; yim wun, a sound, an accent, a cadence; 16k wun, ?§• M '^^ "^''' *° '^°™° '" rhyme. 3!c WUT 728 WUY Sew pek th che k'hwat b^j>^ Also written ^, wut. ^J/'^ Wut to6, ^ ^ wut tadu, a smoothing iron. Wut I^TTThe same as the above. A surname. Wut Luxuriant, exuberant. A feeling, an emotion, not expressed Wut ^^V'* '" ^'"'''^ ' ^^ ^"'' ^P ^ """' fP'^^ chut, to be uneasy, to be vexed, to be worried. A surname. Wut t8) ^" fl^, high wrought, anxious feeling. to ^ wut Wut t6 soo kwun je6"S, ^ cA«< s'ed"9 jtn kwun li, I have been uneasy while thinking of your highness ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Wut The same as the above. YJLIbJt Aou wut,|:^ ^^^ to twist anything Wut jl ^^fJ ^ ^""^ '"■^^'^ '' °^- 4 P^ Wut ch'hae,^^^ to break off a piece of firewood. ^>t^ A kind of a fragrant plant; wut Wut ^^5* fhezlng, ^ (^^ fragrant herbs infused into wine. ■^ Wut Wut Wut A> K"/ The mind distressed ; an injury of 7JSL m. the womb. To put the head under water. 'y^l^ A spark of fire. Dignity, awe, majesty, pomp; wuy gi-em, ^ H, gravity, sternness ; wuy hong, j^ J^, a dignified, majestic manner; wuy pek, j^ ^, despotic, ty- rannical, harshly imperious. Wuy j^ put b6ng, ^ jfH 1^ @ "'"^ geimji b6 htng, be dignified without being ferocious ; see the ^'^ an Lun g6. Luxuriant herbage. AVuy t6, ^ ^, leisurely walking about, sauntering. The name of a river. Choo-sin € k6 sfing 6 chfey jin 6 Chin Wuy, ^ ^ i5i K ^ Jpl i^ y^ ^ <^ JJ| ChoS-sdn t'h6 e chPy &y ch'hea, chey l&ng holy Chin Wuy ay cMiy, Choo- sin employed the chariot in which he rode, to help people across the Chin and Wuy rivers ; see ]^ ^ Beng choo. The name of a fish. An affirmative, yes ; the way in which inferiors answer their supe- riors, when called by them. WUY 729 WUY Cheng-choo wat, wuy, '^ -?* Q lift Cheng-cho6 k6ng, wiiy, Cheng-choo said, 'yes !' see ihe ?^ =S Lun ge Wuy Soft leather ; that which has been dressed. A surnuine ; one of the radicals. Wuy pwan, "to S?^ a sort of leathern cap worn by soldiers. . *^ Great, extraordinary ; chiln wuy, /\ fi? ^ ^, ^ ''^'■''' *"• extraordinary " " I man. -4*|c:^ A precious gem, a valuable stone. ^?» A very red appearance ; bright and luminous; a raging fire. *jf| 'Loe '"^'^ a reed. wrong. Wuy Wuy Wuy Wuy Wuy Wfiy Wuy Wi'iy Wiiv Wuy -^ i^K The same as the above. 8 H Q -It, J^'g*") •' is so ; to approve of; to de- ~kC|y fend what is right, and oppose ]<; ^to solicit of another something troublesome. Wuy jfi k'hfe che, ^ jflj ^ ;^ «•"«/ ''AeA kakje k''h& e, to reject and throw anything away ; see ^f ^f- Beng choo. The origin of anything is called j^, gw4n, and the terminnlion of it is called S^, wuy. Wuy m The name of a snake ; a man's namt'. Wily wi'iy «fly 6, 16 choo che --?' # M 41S it ^ ^ Sl^ tok tok wiiy kap clacd, si cha boi dy kit ii&ttg, only snakes and serpents are prognostics of women; see the ^J> TO Sc4ou gndy. J— ^ I To wait ; huou wfty, 3^ Rl the Wuy I^L^l name of an office. /^4 V| Ban sin hoe wfiy, m mU p ^^^ door gods and gate officers ; (referring to the figures which the Chinese paint on their doors.) Wily te, J&l' T§^ a double surname. Wuy Wuy m Luxuriant, exuberant. /^^^^Tlie same as the following. WUY 730 WUY y-|> jl To console, to comfort, to condole ^^"y ^^V'fR^ ^^''^' '" soothe. Ji^^\ E wvly gnoe si„,, J^^ ^ ^ ,^^ & an uH)/ gwd Ay sim ho^a, to comfort my heart ; see the /k 5t| Scdou gndy. ^.^^ To fear, to dread, to venerate. Wuy _ C^'' K"'"" choo yew sam wdy, ^ s^a hang kWa d,y 500, the good man has ihree things which he venerates ; see the '=im =^ Lun e€. n A curtain, a tent. Che sin ch'heen \k goey, wun t6w 1^M Wiiy wuy ak teung, ^[ ^y p^ ^ 'I'i^ '^ 4" '^''^ y^''^ ^^^^ ^''^' cVhcvg Ik, gwd, chae wun Uw te. wHy ak 6.y tang e^S, to be able to accomplish victories to the distance of a thousand le, depends upon the plans formed within the curtained tent ; see the ^ jfjj |;^ Ko cho6 ke. % 1* To scheme, to plan, to think, to deli- Wliy »f/ H^ berate ; only, alone. I f^ Chafe bod chafe «-%, ^ ^ f;^ i|\^ two. te boS, ttcd te wCiy, sometimes employed in consulting, and sometimes in deliberating; see the Sfe win wCiy b6ng, ^^ ^ \\^ B^ /e'/iw"d hwui^S wuy bing, to be able to see far, is alone to be considered intelligence. »^ Only, alone ; k6 wfiy sfeng jin hoe, f '* SK sing jin hoi, he alone may be considered a sage ; see the S^ |^ Ek keng. p PP The same as the preceding; to bind, Wliy 2jlk \^ to tie, to connect, to circumvent, -^^H* to plan. This and the two preceding are all used as au.\iliary particles, denoting but, only, alone, only that, &c. Wuy Wuy Wuy The name of a river. Jt| ^tli » An incense bag; a single curtain; ({ip ^"^y te^ng, ||^ l]l|, a tent. The same as the preceding. Wuy Wuy A small door in a palace; a private door. Hoo jtn chfe, jip choo wfiy bftn, ^ A S A 1^ Hi ^^chabot Ung kabu, jip choo sty moufS, when ladies come, they should enter by the private door ; see the ¥g -^|| gP L6y chap kfe. To surround, to circumvent ; chew wfiy, ^ j^, all around, on all sides ; wtly choo, ^ l-j^^ to be- seige. Also written rj^ wiiy. f To resist, to oppose, to leave, to for- Wuy > f^ sake ; wAy gek, J^ J|^ icuy ■■J-L kmjh, to resist ; wAy 16y, 3^ |^, opposed to tlie rules of propriety. Choo wal, bo6 wfiy, ^ Q ^ 3^ hoo cho6 kSng, bo kayh, Confucius said, ' do not oppose ;' see "'« f^ p^- Lun g6. ^ I To lose, to cast away ; to leave by "* i— k will, to hand down ; w^ •a # ^ R^ ill '^^y '' "'" ^'^^"^ ''^^' "'" cheng keb hey ey, this is because men will not do it, not that they cannot j see ^ .^ Beng chob. A station, a post, an office, a dignity ; a place, a seat; 8ng wuy, ^ ^, a throne ; seang wfiy, J^ /f£r, to ascend the throne , yit wuy, — • 'ji chit wuy, a person ; lijet wuy, ^ij '^, gentlemen ! Kwun choo soo put ch'hut k6 wuy, jg^ Ij. ^ffl /f> dJ S 'fi '^"'"" '^^"^ ^'^""^ ""' '^*'*"' * '^^ tc«y, a good man contrives not to leave his station ; see the ^ ^ Ek keng. The stomach; p6 wuy, ]|^ ^, the receptacle for food;wuy jeak, S H3 a weak stomach. The name of a river ; Chew-le-seang teflou 6 Wuy suy, ^ ^ fp) i^ 1i^ ^ ^K C'Aetr-Ze-«eang' m M ti Wiiy chiiy, Chew-le-seang used to angle in the Wuy waters. %_^vy fc To speak to, to address. Wuy ^S Hek wuy K'hong-choo, wit, ^ ^f4 IB ^L ^ Q ""^ ^^"^ ''"P Wuy Wuy K^h6ng-cho6 kSng, a certain person addressed Con- fucius, saying, &c. ; see the |^ =S. Lun g6. ^ ^2% The name of an animal, like a pig, WuV »PSf but smaller, and armed with strong *^r^ bristles; a hedgehog, or porcu- pine. Hwin chei jfi wuy m6 je k'h6, ^ ^ ^P ^1 ^ ffii j^htodnAymngch'hinche5''S wiy moji k'M, the rebels rose like porcupine's quills. -r For, on account of; to be for, to aid, Wuy f^i to abet ;yinwf.y,|g^, because. /i^^ Hoo choo wiiy Woey kwun hoe? HU -? /^ ^ ^ rtL 7ioo clu)6 woo chdn woey kwun a b6? will Confucius assist the prince of the Woey country or not? see the |^ ^ Lun ge. Wuy Wuy Wuy = A broken vessel, a potsherd; to grind. A lump of earth, a piece of ground. To involve, to draw into trouble. Chip soo put wuy sijang,^ ^ V^^^ /!> ^ J[^ chip sod &yldng bey Kty teoh e 6y si twa, the inferior officers cannot . involve their superiors. Wuy The name of a country. Yang Yang y Yang Yang \\ f The centre ; teung yang, rfn ^ ^f ^^ tang e^S, the middle. J^ Deep and expansive. Vulg. e^S : the ear of corn; the young shoots of paddy, fit for transplanting, ^ly* Calamity, affliction, trouble, misfor- tune. •* Chok seen kalng che pek seang, chok put seen k^ng che pek yang, ^^ ^ [^ ^ e chitjjayli Ay hoks'e&ng, chb tJ"' h6 kdng e chit pat/h dy hd yang, upon those who do good, will descend a hundred felicities, but upon those who do evil will come down a hundred calamities. Yang f War Wan yang, ^ :^ wati y'eo^S, the ame of a bird, the mandarin ^^^^ duck (Anas galericulata), noted for always going in pairs; considered by the Chi- nese as emblems of fidelity and conjugal love; also, the name of an insect. Yang # Yang hang, ^ ^^ unsubdued, unsubmitting. A surname. Yang ^yg Vulg. ye6'^S; to nourish, to feed, to y|--|-^ bring up; a surname; ying yeuk, ^^ ^ ^, to breed ; seng y^ng, tp ^p to nourish; hUm ying, V^ ^fe to cherish. Y4ng ke tae t'h6y wfiy tae jin, ydng k6 seiou t'hey wiiy se^ou jln, ^ ft ^^ iff t, ^^ A # ^ ^h ft ^ 4^ /^yed^ich'hee&ytwa t'hey chb two. Idng, ye6"S ch'he e dy seo t'h6y chb sedou jin, he who cultivates the most important part is a great man, but he who nourishes the inferior part is a worthless man ; see ^^ -J- Beng choo. Y6ng Yang -^'3^S Ydng bong, 5^ 'rtp, the appearance W S^ of water flowing all abroad. 9^' inclination to vomit. Vulg. ye"d.- to reflect, to illumine. Yang M 1 1^ Jit ying Id kan, key leSn seng j6 hoe ch'heang, ^^ || fg^ ^ ^ ij^ fHi ^ P^iti.cAed ie U pa kan, key lien s'e"a j& seo cWheb'^S, when the sun peeps through the railing, the cocks one after another be- gin to crow together. Ykng 1* An unsatisfied feeling ; a discontent- ed mind. YANG 733 Yang Yang wy jj^Y^ngbong, -^ •^, wide, expand- J /V^ ed water. "V'l?" A bowl, a dish ; a jar. \ saddle girth. Ye6n y^ng, j^- >j^, unable to stoop and take up anything, rt Yang 16w, \^ ^\, the willow tree; '•* yangse, ;^ l^yetf'^cVAe-.r, the banian or Indian fig; y^ng t'h6, il ij^, the Averrhoa carambola. A surname. Sek gno ong h, yAng \6vf e e, =^ ^ |4 ^ f|| 4/«] /^ (;fc cA^ ir% To emblazon abroad, to spread far " and wide; yAngbfing, ^ ^, to spread one's praise; ch'hengy^ng, to praise, to applaud. Yanggan, ^ "p"^ great swelling words. Vulg, MheS^S: to winnow the grain. To open ; long ; bright. Vulg. i/e6"i: to melt, to fuse metals. 8 I YANG 1^ The male principle of nature ; yira ying, jf^ [^, the male and fe- male principles of nature; t'ha^ yang,^ If;, the sun; yangkan.jf f|, the vi- sible world. To praise, to please. The sun coming out ; clear. Yang I Hw; Vulg. ye<5"^ .- a goat; biien yAng, ife mc6''S ye8"S, a sheep, wat peng che kay, put heuk gnewyang,>fl^ >A Z ^ ^'' ^ ^ "^ tae hoo &y kay b8 ch'he god yU^S, the family of a great oflScer should not breed cows and sheep ; see the ^ /|^ Tae hdk. Yang Vulg. yeC^S: to melt, to fuse metils ; to dissolve ; rotten. To pretend, to feign, to dissemble. Yang 'A^^ Ch'hoe Leiik-l'hong y&ng k6ng p^s^^l^ii^^iH? ^ Ck'ho6 Leitk-t'hong kay gong pi sb, Leiik- t'hong of the Ch'hn6 country pretended to be mad, and withdrew from the busy world. .^ Full, replete, overwhelming, broad, Yang y-T\ extensive ; yang ha^, ^ ^ f I ye6''9 hai, the ocean; ySng ch'hwan, ^ jl^ yed^g ch&n, a foreign ship; sey J-ang, 0{ 'ff sae yWB, the western ocean ; for- merly applied to Europe, now limited to Portugal. Yang yang hoe, 6ng j6 chae ["^'^^^'^. ^ y^ng y^^e *"'« ^"^ '""'"'* *^ k'hang.' how re- plete is such music ! how it fills the ears ! see the tB Lun g6. YANG 734 YAOU Yang Yang Sick, pained; distressed. Vulg. ye6"S. sini moll yaii}r ? S! f^ tI;^ ^5 /-A 'I7/C a manner, a form; -t'? W. U ii s"a7nce"Sh yed"S ? in what way? K'h^n yang chedng yang, ;# ^f ^ ff k'hw^d t/eo"S t'Mn ye6"S, to look at a pattern, and to follow an example. Yang Yang £ Zji^ The appearance of standing and l^^a^ moving. i^u A rule, a manner. Y ang Yang ^'^rC The waters moved and agitated. Sorrow, trouble, calamity, sickness. Peet lag bo8 yang hoe ? S|] ^ tet ^, -^ 560 2)6^/ 6 M k'hdm bd pai^S hoe? since we parted, have you been free from sickness ? ifV*- Nourishment, feeding; to afford A ang ",^^^^ nourishment. ^S Ch6 6 k'heen mi kae l^ng y€\v yang; put kfeng h8 6 peet hoe? M ^^ >^ ,^ f «HJ # ;t; t fi^ J^J^ ^1) f ^^- e Aratfw trtj, clib po6ei/ woo y'eb^S cWhe ;nau"^ king, woo s'^a mce"9h hwun p'iet hoe? now even with res- pect to dogs and horses, they can all obtain nourish- ment ; but if we (merely nourish) and do not respect (our parents), where lies the difference? see the V fil Seang lun. Yang Vulg. cheats : to itch, to smart, pay put cheak yang, f^ /f ^ ^ pay «" tedh cheo^g &y wuy, to scratch wliere it does not itch. ^ Yaou ^ An amicable, easy appearance; ag- ■ y V^ reeable; anything pretty and ele- ^ gant, tliough young and tender. T'h8 che yaou yaou, ^^ ^^ ^ ^ t'hd Ay sty cJiAng M k'hw'"'^, the peach tree when young looks very pretty. ^ ^ A cunning and wanton person is call- Jaou "fl-^" ed yaou; strange, supernatural, ^-^ ^ ominous; yaou kwa^, kt- i\^^ strange and monstrous. Kok kay cheang b6ng, pit y6w yaou geet, j^ ^ jj^ XI 'Jh ^ ^ S. ^"^ ^^y cheang long pdey, pit woo yaou geet, when a nation or a family is about to be ruined, there will surely be some monstrous omens; seethe fp ^Teungydng. Yaou When any calamity arises out of the earth it is called j^|^^ yaou, and when it descends from heaven, it is called '^^ chae. Faou Vulg. y'eo: small, minute, diminu- tive ; also written /^ yaou. To persuade, to induce, to influence I'aOU *'#i. by mean motives, to seek ; to screen, to cover ; to rob, and plunder. Suy wdt put yaou kwun, go6 put sin yed, S^ g ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ft -tS. *"3'ied« h6ng, e u" yaou kiw e Ay jtn kwun, gwd a™ sin, although such a one should say, he had not meanly influenc- ed his prince, I would not believe him ; see the tk t^ Lun g6. Vaou ^ Read ke: to be hungry; to6 ke, /^^ll /|i fjLpa^ to6 yaou, a hungry Py^ belly; put Ifing \e, ;^ |fc |L bey yaou, no appetite. YAOU 735 Yaou Vulg. yio : the loins, the waist. yaou Pl^ To emit a seund, to hum as insects. Yaou f 'f '^^^ name of a plant. Yaou Yaou yCf/T\ Yaou seing, ^^ ^t^ a garment. ^ ^ Short, broken off short, short-lived ; an untimely death. Short-lived, an early death. Yaou A'r^ Yaott sew put je, sew sin e soo n ^ ;2 <^y kap U"S hdiy s&w bS ii^a tedh, sew Mn sin t ting haou e, an early death and a long life are both uncertain; our duty is therefore to cul- tivate personal virtues, and wait the result; see ^ ^Z« Beng choo. *9^ Yaou Faou ^ Deep, abstruse. Yaou ke&ou, y^ straightened out. bent, not Yaou Yaou ,X«!'^»' Expanded ; yaou suy, j^ ^^ yerf"^ |2~¥ cMy, to bale out water. Deep and still, profound, recondite, hidden, tranquil ; a commendatory appellation for females. Yaou t'heiou siiuk 16, ^ ^ JlX 3^ y<'^" t'hedou h6 6,y cha hot ling, retired and quiet, like a virtuous woman. Yaou i YAOU Small, insFgnificant, small waisted. 1, / r-ADi The cry of a wild fowl, the noise Yaou ^ggy ' ' f ~ ■- made by a jungle fowl. laou BK Yaou k'hedou, ^ fc^ a crooked face. Vulg. hoiyh: to want, to require; to desire, to wish ; necessary, ur- Yaou — ^^% gent, important. Seng 6ng y^w th6 tek yaou to, ^ ^ 7^ 3? t^> ^ A^^ **"^ ^"S "'"" '^^^ ch'htet 6y tek yabu kin &y to, the former kings had a most essential virtue, and a most important doctrine (i.e. filial piety, which they inculcated) ; see the ^ M^ Hadu keng. Yaou Faou Yaou Yaou % A secret place ; the southeast corner of a house. , The leaping and frisking of horses I^jt and cows. Also, the name of an L^W animal. ^ Vulg. ye6 . a surname. m. Faou A Yaou Ya8u I Slowly, leisurely. To serve, to do service, to employ on any service. -^ Children's ballads. Vulg. y'68: to shake, to wave, to move backwards and forwards. Ya6u idm, ^^ y'c6n&, a cradle. YAOU 736 YEA Hong 6 s6y p'heaou yaSu, )!. j^ ^jf H ^ hong hop. sty p'heaou ye6, moved and agitated by the wind and rain. Yaou off. Yaou FaSu Ya6u Yaou Yadu Yaou Yaou Yaou Yaou Far, distant ; ya8u k'haln, ^ ^ hwui^S h^hw^i, to see at a distance ; yaSu win, ^ ^> remote, far A precious gem. P'heaou ya8u, ^[ agitated by the wind anything To employ, to engage in any ser- vice; to serve. To be pleased ; things differing in ^5^ A jar ; also a vessel for holding * ^ I ^ meat. ^ Vulg. ye8 : a kiln ; w4 yaOu, ^ ^ h'ed y'ed, a tile kiln ; hoey ya6u, PJ^ ^ hoey y'eS, a lime kiln. P ^ '' _ A place for burning bricks or tiles. p^ The same as the preceding, a potte- ry ; also read t6. Cheaou ya6u, /^^ j^, dwarfs on the southwest, a nation of Y 6u llli±"'^^' '"'^'^ *' ''''*^°" ^^^"' ^' ^' >U a high mountain. Yaou Yaou The light of the sun; light, brilliant- Jit gwat gno6 seng, wfly ch'hit y«-> B S M ^ -b hS jil gdeyh goS Ay dChai^S chb ch'hit Ay yadu, the sun, and moon, and five planets constitute the seven lights. yVTk Bright and illuminated ; kong yaou, ■yf' j^ kwui"S yaou, luminous, splendid. Yaou Faou Yaou f The same as the preceding. The back. A ferocious bird of prey, like an os- \ii^ prey or fish hawk. Yea ^ A final particle, used at the end of a sentence. Suy pek sfe k'ho te yed, S^ "5 iffi "pr in }M. suy chit payh Ay st yea Vhang chae, the events of even a hundred ages may be known ; see the J^. Im Seang lun. Yea m' A wilderness, a desert, a wild uncul- tivated place ; clownish, vulgar ; yei goey, ^^ yj> yea gad, with- out in the desert ; yei jin, BJ h yea Ay lAng, a clownish person. Chit sin b^ ^ ^ ^yeddyyUng maou kd l&ng yim Iwdn, a vicious countenance in- duces men to be lascivious; see the ^ ^. ^Ej Ek hey so8. ** V T?pafl h: wearied, fatigued, sick of Yed /\ \—* anything, indisposed. Jtn h, J\ 9'^ • Aj Idng yea, the man is sick. Chb tb b, ^/^ Jl] jp chb kabu y'ed, to do a thing till one is tired. ea ^% A father, an elder, a title of respect ; 16 ye a,, -^^ jm a magistrate; ap- plied by courtesy to nobles, gen- tlemen, and their sons, whether old or young. _ A final particle, indicative of doubt Yea B-lA ^"'' '"l"'"y- *n I YeSl-soe, ^ j§|, the name of Jesus, mentioned in the imperial dictionary. Yea, choo, ^ ^ ycA chi, a cocoa nut; yea, y6w, j^ ^, cocoa nut oil ; also written j^, yed. \r ..A ea Yea Yea ea ' L6ng yiJ4, J^ ^, the name of a place. 'The name of a sword. The same as M> y^^- Yea Yea Vulg. mafS: night, the night; yea kan, /^ ^ mal^S kan, by night; T^^^ pw^o yea, ai X^ pio'^d mai'*S} by midnight. Put se4 tfew yea, /f, ^ ^ ^ bo haf^hjit mcd^S, not to stop by day or by night. To scatter, to strew abroad with the hand ; yea cheung, ^^ ^ yia chi, to sow seed, by scattering it abroad. Yea A A final particle, denoting decision. Kwun choo jin e? kwun choo jin y-' ^ ^ A ^ i^ 7- A^ JH ch6y Uy l&ng se kwun cho6 dbS? My Uy Idng sf. chin ch'e"d hcun cho6, is this a good man ? truly this is a good man ; see the =j^ g^ Lu„ g^^ ^^BHRead eng: a tassel; bo eng, ihB J\\~i^ bo ye^a, the tassel of a cap. ^ |—j ^ Read 6ng: a shadow; yew eng, 7^ Yt^d 'T'TtM ^ ""^ ye"a, anything that has -^IJ^ the shadow of truth; bo6 eng, 4|If -S'^ bo ye"d, there is not the least shadow of truth in it. Gwat 6 hwa 6ng scang lAn kan, H f^ ^ -^ the moon throws the shadow of the flowers on the railing of the gallery. Y'rd 9* Read y^ng; to illumine, to shine; yjlng cheslou, ||j|t Ug yc^d ched, to reflect, to illuminate. ^ iJb^jK Read Cng: a camp; 6ng chey, ^ Ye"'d ^"^tT* ^ yc" Y'cdh ,Read cheet : to conquer, to overcome in battle. Rciad y3,ng : agitated by the wind ; yanghong, || ^ ye" a hong, waving in the wind. Ybm Yeah ^\^ Read ek : gain, profit, advantage ; ^^^^ le ek, ^Ij ^ 15 yeah, advantage. JSSL Hak y6w chin ek, ^ 7^ j|| ^^ oh woo chin yeah, learning has its advantages. ¥i' leaf; ch'hayh yeah, j^ [j^^ the leaf of a book. Read yeep : the same as the above. One of the radicals. i— I Read ek : a diagram, a change; Ek Jhy^ ^^°S, J^j |S Ye&h keng, the y^^ book of diagrams, one of the five classics of the Chinese. Read ek : a flying insect. Read ek: to serve, a servant; ch'hay ek, ^ ^ ch'hay i/cM, a messenger; gay ek, ^|j M g&y yeSh, a police runner. yg^ Vnt ^^^d ^1^= a post; a governmental Ol^ZtT dispatch ; ek mi, Is ^ yeeUt W 1 h&y, a post horse; ek loe, fM ffiX. yeah loe, a post road. YMh Read tijep : a butterfly , hod teep, bdty ye&h, a butterfly. Keep teep ch'hw^n hwa k'hwS,n k'hwdn hwuy, ^m^^^^m ^'^y yeah ch'hwiti^S hwa eng £ng tit pwuy, the butter- fliies occupied in piercing the flowers are leisurely flying about. '^ / i '^° bind, to agree, to covenant, to Yeak 7^%\/ engage ; yijak sin, ^^ ^^ a co- '4 ^ venant, an agreement; k'heem yijak,'^ ^6, to spare, to economize; keflngyeak, ^ ^, distress, poverty. Put jin ch(3 ^ff^ ^ sooth part of a peck, estimated I ll-J as being equal to 1200 grains of millet. P^jK ^° yeak, TO ^S, a lock, a fasten- Ye^k rF^yV^ ing, a bolt. 1^ VtJ Ko cho6 ch'hut cheng, Seaou-h8 ke s6w kwdn yeak, ^ |g. [t] ^ S f^" ^ YEEM 739 iftS /|! |ft fco cho^ ck'hut k'fii Cheng p'hah, Seaou- ho k'hed ch'ew kwdn yedk, when the first emperor of the Han dynasty went out on his wars, his minis- ter Seaou-h3 remained at home, and guarded the fastnesses. iii aflidf Yeem Yeik A small pipe with three holes in it, a pipilo. Yekk >^a' To lead off, and drain water. y PPM ■ Yeilc Ch^y Lat, j6 chod che ha6, yUk Vhwuy CUy Lat &y cMy j& chad e kaou hat, he drained the Chfiy and Lat rivers, and led them off into the sea; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Yekk A sacrifice offered in spring. WS9 written jf|A], yeak. Also To look long at anything, to stare, to gaze. To collect as water, to settle ; a long time. Go6 choo yiJem k6w 6 pe yip, ^ ^ yS ^ J^ tt g ^""^ "^y '^"'^ '"'" yeem ko6 ti pi siy &y yip, my lord, you have been a long time in that mean city ; see the ;fe ^ Cho twan. Anything pickled, or salted. YEEM Satisfied, to have sofficient, to be * content. Cheiing shw bo8 yeem wuy che slw bey yeem cheuk, kbng ked hong, to hunt after wild beasts without being satisfied is called wild- ness ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Yeem Yeem fej key,f|| |^, a capon; to cas- l^-ij irate }^ yeem te, g| ^, to geld a P'g- Yeem /| - j U^ To cleanse, to purify. i « Peaceful, at rest. .^tl' Yeem To eat to the full, to be satisfied, to Yeem ll^kJ^ ^^^^ enough. Chek pit yeem chew jeiik, j6 hoe hwdn, |1) .jZ.' 1 ^ 1^ M'4,^ '^^ pit chUh pa chiw bahje&n adu tool"S, on such oc- casions he would always eat flesh and wine to the full before he returned ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Yeem Yeem The same as Jp^ yiiem. To screen, to hide, to conceal, to soothe with the hand, to take and put under shelter, to shut up. Also written ^, ye6m. Yeem kfi put sc6n, jC th kfi seen, ^ ^^^ ]|jj ^ i ^ ye^m jea e Ay 6™ h6,j& ti Umj e Ay h6, to conceal that whiqji is bad, and to dis- play the good ; see the ^ ^ Tae hak. Tok seuk, bftn put ye6m, ^ ^ fl ^ Ife tbk Whea, moofS yed bd kto"a, to dwell alone with- out being obliged to close the doors. Yeem Yeem Suddenly, unexpectedly. A fishing net. YEEM 740 Jk To cover, to screen; anything in Yeem -^^^- the shape of a bell. Ye6m jit wily p^y ytn, ^ Q ^ ^ yeem jed jit se phy hwun, that which covers the sun is the overspreading cloud ; see the ; Je gndy. Yeem Yeem '/^^^ Clouds rising up. YEEM Salt; sit hwan p'hofey yeSm, /^ # SB ^ cAeaA pooiPg fhohy yeim, to eat rice and salt. Ye^m wun soo, m )g 11^, a superintendent of salt. Yeem " JOIL Yeem a^i The same as the above ; also con- tracted to ife yeSm. jnL» "^ ■A black spot on the face or body. Yeem X^^ ^^'^ "^^^ °^ * foreign kind of wood, \ Yeem nry °f wluch rudders are made. The gate of a village ; a surname. Ye6m. /^Ty ^^^ projecting part of the cheek Yeem i ^ I bone. ii 1B9 e/Bwii; Ij.' •> B5ngye6m,^ ^ bang yiim, the nightmare ; also, an uncomforta- -^Mii hie sleep, disturbed repose. Yij^m g,^' ^^ the bar of a door. Yeem 1^ P'heng h6k ch'he, ch'h6ey yiiera ^cy bo&, he^d moot^S ch'htc'^d, she boiled her last pullet, and burned the bar of her door for firewood ; (said of the wife of a learned man, who was thus re- duced to the last extremity before her husband em^ barked in hfe, but was afterwards raised to a high station.) Ye- em X eem r^ I The same as the above ; a surname. Yeem m A sharp cut, bright, luminous, gem. Yeem J^- A fire blazing up^ to flame, to blaze ; ye^m jg^t, ^^ |^ yeim jwah, blazing hot, very warm. Wo yefim ch'heung t'heen, j/^ ^ ^i|l ^ Ud&y yUm toh kahu t'hee"g, the flame of the fire blazed up to heaven. Ye^m chijgn, ^ "^ nee^ff ckei''9' J^ the eaves of a house. Bok gan sin put.kefen, bok chae y^em^cheen t'ho6, ^ t ^^ ^^ M. B ^ W l^'i M *"* ^'^"g «^» *^ k'hw^a, bdk chew te ne&^g chee^g t'haSu, don't say that spirits cannot see, their eyes are on the eaves of the house. Aj^ V Handsome, enchanting, captivating ; Yeem ^>^ lascivious. J*«"*» Be jg yeem, || ffjj ^ suyj£ cA'hin ch'/iaifg, lovely and enchanting ; see the jt WB Cho twan, •^^JL "^''"^ ^'""^ ^^ '''* preceding ; erro- Yeem -^ ^Jr neously written ^^ yeem ; and 1'^, yeem. Sua Yeem Yeem Water full and overflowing. ^ ->! «' "6 yeem, ^ ^, a blazing fire. YEEN 741 YEEN Yeem ,^^ The brightness of fire; also written 5^?, yeem. To be satisfied, to have sufficient, to have enough ; to loathe. Ek wCiy che put yefem, hofey jtn put kwan, ^rp E :t ^ ic ^ A ^ H yea chb t hey j/M, kd l&ng bey kwan, "I strive to practice (virtue) without tiring, and instruct men without weariness ;" said by Confucius, in the i ^ Lun g6. Yeem XISTt* The name of a tree. To be full, to be satisfied ; surfeited, Yeem fl^lZ^^ disgusted; yefem h, ^ ^^^ fill- ed, satisfied. Ch'hoo k6 wfiy y6hm cheuk che to yed, |l;j^ tt Ay to 16, this is the way in which he obtains such an abundance and sufficiency ; see ^^ -+• Beng choo. Ye^m >J^K.Great, large. V h To sink, to be overwhelmed, to be Yeem ^/vf^ annihilated. f AiA Yei^m but suy teung, Ji^ ^ ^ tjl yebm b6 tr cMiy tang e"S', to sink and be over- whelmed in the water. Yeem Bright, clear. I "IF Vulg. humn : smoke ; tobacco ; sit Yeen ^T^p yeen, /^ ^ chUh hwun, to ' "• smoke tobacco ; yeen t6ng, jj^ j^ hwun cVhiiy, a tobacco-pipe. 8 L Yeen The same as the above ; h6ng yeen, ^X jM Ang hwun, common Chi- nese tobacco ; oe yeen, S. 'jr^ oe hwun, black tobacco (opium). V I^To sink in the water, to be lost and Yeen \9 "f g°"6 > '° stop up. ' I ^ • S^ wdn ledn yeen, Tg^ 5^ 5£ ^ si hwui^S ne&"8 ko6, after distant ages, and a lapse of years. ..,0^ Yeen ho6, Pg P^ nd aSu, the Yeen r'|7\| '^roat, the gullet. ' ' " IIAn t'heen hay che yeen ho^ ye4, It 7c T 1^ P0 pfl ill ^'^'* *"* *^ ''*""^ ay Ay nd aSu, the district of Han is the throat, (i. e. the most important part,) of the empire; see the fll^ ^ 1^ Che^n kok ch'hek. Yeen Yeen che, HIM Bg, rouge, a vermi- lion cosmetic used by Chinese la- dies, for reddening their lips. Also written Kf ^ yeen. Yeen Hwun yeen, jftV jflH^ a marriage, a wedding; also written mS yeen. Hoo jtn yin Jtn j6 s£ng, ko^ wdt yeen, ^A^AM^^X^M hoo jtn l&ng yin wuy ia po l&ng j& ch(P&, chiA kdng yien, ladies are made by the fortune of their hus- bands, hence marriage is called v(^ yeen. Yeen ^^^ The name of a country, /^•w-w A surname. ■"— n^ A final particle; also, how? whence? Yeen ' l- — ^ Jin yiJen soe chae '■ A W }^ W^*f OT l&ng boiyh an chw^d ey k'hl^S chae ! how can men hide themselves I see the YEEN 742 YEEN Yeen Yeen The name of a river. A smiling appearance; handsome, beautiful. YiJen je6n yit ch'he^ou ! flS "S^ A* • . "** "^^ ^k. ^^^^ •'^^" '^^'' ^y ch'hed, with a pleasing countenance she laughed. The name of a citv. The name of an insect. Yeen Yeen A place where water collects, a pit, Yeen Vrirl a gulf, a ravine. Je Itm ch'him yeen, ^p ^fe J^ ^ ch'/iiyi cheo^g lim Icabu cVhim 6,y yeen, like ap- proaching an abyss; see the ;J\ ^ Sedou gn^y. Yeen I— -*1 ^" ancient mode of writing the pre- ceding. The name of a bird, resembling a sparrow-hawk or falcon. hSWJ Yeen hwuy ley t'heen, ^ ^ ^ ^ ee^g a pwuy kadu t'hee^g, the falcon flies up towards heaven. Yeen Yeen The gate of a city. Yeen ~M -«To cast, to mould ; a surname ; yijen 71/ Pi^et.^JL ^l], to distinguish; yeen "/U ch'hat, ^ ^^ to examine, to search ; also read chin. \ e'en To fall down, to lie down, to be prostrate ; to recline, to lie at ease. Ch'ho seang che hong pit yeen. ■¥' -t 1^%, *^ %^ clClia6u kay woo hong te ting bin pit to, when grass is acted on by the wind it will lie down flat; see the "^j^ || Lun g6. Hek sit ye6n chae ch'hSng, J^ £ ^ ;^ V^^ woo &y haz^gh k'hwiln te. bin ch'M"g, some are lying down and resting on their beds ; see the /k ^ Sedou gndy. Yeen Yeen Ye6n Yeen 1^ To dam up water, to collect water into a pond. The name of a fish. The name of a bird, said to be the chief of the feathered tribe. An| -, Water overflowing, abundant; broad, ^Xv^P extensive, exuberant. een Ak yeen, >^^ 4/1"^ to irrigate. Water flowing to a great distance ; to extend, to lengthen. YiJen h^, -^ ^^ to perform plays ; pwan yij^n, ^ ^ pw"a y'etn, to go through any exercise. Y../ een Yeen Yeen Ye6n To laugh out aloud. The name of a district. A gem in which there is a brilliant color. Il^ To rest, to be tranquil ; to be at rIOr* ^^^^ ' '" ^* pleased, and delight- VVV^ ed ; yUn choo, ^ ^ el^g a, the the swallow or martin family: yefenoSJE ,__ edible birds-nests. YEEN 743 YEiEN Cho6cheyefenke,:j. ;^ g g" ^oo cho6 tng ing k'hea, when Confucius dwelt at his ease, &c. ; Yefen j6 sin hwun, ^§5 g if ^f *""« ''' '^ &y sin hwun yeen, rejoice in your newly contracted marriage; see the :f|j % Woey hong. Veen yvR it- Elegant, lovely, beautiful ; yefe.n V*v* w&n, ^ ;|^, yielding, complying. Yeen ^(^^(}b To swallow ; also written P@, yefen. Vppn ^4nM To eat and drink together. To agree to the price of anything; yefenleiik,^ |f , tl^^ "^"^ °^ a spirit or genius. To rest, to be at ease ; to delight in, to be pleased with ; also to enjoy ; sit yefen, ^ ^, ^ ^^^^ ' *^''^"' yefen, ^M :^,anenteruinment; sect yefen, ^ 1^^ to appoint a feast ; yim yefen, ^ ^, to par- take of a feast. Yeen Yeen Yeen .Things compared one with another. sun-h6ng k'hwuy tang kwAn, i yUn lap gaou l&ng, Kong-sun-hang opened the eastern lodge for the reception of clever people. jf A, - * bamboo mat, on which the an- Yeen aV^ cients used to sit and eat their ^^<^^ meals ; ch6w yefin, Jg ^, an entertainment; ye&n yein, -g^ ^, a feast. Vulg. nu/*a: spittle,,saliva, phlegm, Yeen >/.^lt scum ; s6ey yefin, ^g Pl^'Aft^jr nw"a, to spit. A wooden lever, attached to a stone of rice. To sigh, to utter an exclamation. Feen To follow a stream, to sail with the Yeen V/ ^ stream ; to comply with. f fJ Yefin e kang ba6, ^)2^ ]|f^ ^T ife I'Adn e kang haB, to follow the streams and cur- rents of rivers and seas. To advance, to go forward; long, distant ; to receive, to reach to ; ch'heen yefin, j^ ^, to procras- tinate, to delay, to protract. K'hbng-choo soo Choo-loe, chip keung s6 ch'hut yeen sei, % ^ \t =f l^ ^ ^ ^ tii 5^ ^>1' K'hdng-choi sai Chob-loe. gim keung cheh"9, ch'hut ft'Afi yUn sed, Confucius ordered Choo-loe to take his bow and arrows and sally forth to shoot (birds) ; see the g ^f ^ L6y sei ge. Kong-sun-h8ng k'hae tong kwdn , e yefia hefin, FeSn Feen 1/^Lead, called by the tin. V> On account of, because ; to follow, to comply ; yefin koh, j^ j^, » cause, a reason. Y6w yefin bok, j6 kfiw gfi ye&, ^ ^ ^ jfS ;# C& -til, ch'hin cUo^S yin hiout Uy ch'hd jt k&w hi, it would be like climbing a tree to catch fish ; see i^ ^ Beng choo. I >| Ok yefin, ^ 3^ clChob at"g, the Yeen /K\P rafters of a house. |>^^ Song 6 tae keung che yiifin, kwuy wfty Lofi bftn che yefin, ^ gl ;/c §" ^^ ^ YEEP 744 YEET W Ml M. f^ t,^ ^^"9 ^ok Vh6 two. keung Ay ai'*g, tooV*S lai chb Lo& mool'^g dtj ai"g, the Sdng people took the rafters of the great palace, and brought them back to make the rafters of the Lo6 port ! see the ^ ^M Cho twan. Yeen ^^ I To steep flesh in hot water ; meat lp3\ soaked in broth. A-v^ak A broad marsh, an extensive morass, ,/^V| overflowing; yfiwyeen,^! ^^ I ' >p at ease, luxuriant ; ban yeen, ^ Yeen jfir", endless, without termination. Yeen Yeen An inferior officer, under one's com- r^ mand. The bordering of a garment. Vppn '" I - Superabundant, superfluous, a su- 2^S^ perfluity. E yeen po6 put cheuk, ^\ ^ M[ ^ ^ i cVhun &y pot h6 Icabu, to make up for deficiencies in one thing by what is superfluous in another ; see jg[ ^ Beng choo, ,ijr Vulg. ee^S : a college, a receptacle | '~| i» for learned men ; cheng yeen, ^ V W (5^^ hd&y sed»S ee^g, a priest's monastery; se yeen, ^ j^ ck'hayh ee"g, a litera. ry college. Feep B yeen P: Feep Bright, clear, shining. Bright, glistening. YeeX) '^D^^ ^° '^^"^ presents of food to work- men in the fields. Feep Feep A. Ipf. A narrow confined dwelling. To cover, to screen, to shelter. •>^ 1^ Vulg. h'eoh: a leaf ; che yeep, ^ Feep ^ *^^ ^£ ke heoh, branches and leaves ; 16 yiiep, ^g ^s labu h'eSh, the betel leaf, chewed by Asiatics with their areca nut ; ek yeep, ^^ ^^ successive generations. A sur- anme. Che yeep be y6w hae, pun sit seen pwat, 7n5 ^p piin sit tae seng pwat, while the branches and leaves aie yet uninjured, the root and stump are destroyed ; see the iW ^^ Sedou gnS,y. Yeep Yeep Yeep Jfc. A. Yeet Light and coarse. A window. Vulg. yeah : the leaf of a book ; the same as ifop yeep. ||^-^E ong, ^ ^ yeet yeo"g, an insect j^ remarkable for its small loins. Yeet jr % V^ To declare, to inform, to inquire ; ^J."* yeet ke^n, sM S to have an in- ?* "^f terview with any one. J6 kew hwun koe che la6 ch'h6ng yeet, -gn y^ flfi: i# "^ ^ =# |B ch'hin cUb^g koo &y hwun YEO 746 YEO"'^ koe lat cVhi^a yeet kel^S, like as when an old re- lation by marriage comes to request an interview; see tlie ^ j^ Cho twan. Yeet Yeet Yeet S A poisonous reptile ; the gecko.(?) A stoppage in the throat ; a melan- choly sound ; a loss of the voice. YU Yeoh Yeoh Read ya6u: a surname. Ten beards of corn make a^, yeoh ; a very small measure. A kind of green frog. Yto J Vulg. odh: to bring up wind from (^25* the stomach; t^i yeet, ^ |^ p'Aa/i odh, to eruct. Sijfen hong, ^ % yeet hong, to fan, to agitate the wind with a fan. Read yaou : the loins, the waist. Read yaou : small ; yaou teem, J^ S^ yea tUm, the ace at dice. Read heaou : to invite, to induce, to urge. Seang heaou yfiw gw&n, j^ ^ B[; SCO yco fhit t'ho, to invite one another out to parties of pleasure. To beat, to strike. Read ya8u : to shake, to jumble to- gether, to swing backwards and forwards; ya8u Idra, ^ ^ ye3 n&, a cradle. Read ya8u : a kiln ; chwan choo yafiu, ?$ ^ ^ chwui^S a y'eS, a brick kiln ; hoey ya8u, J^ ^ hoey y'ed, a lime kiln. 8 M Read ek : to guess, to hit at, to form Yeoh /iTLy an idea of. i|>Si^ Ek chek 16 teung, ^; g|j ig m yeoh chek tak pal teUng, in forming an idea of anything, be always hit the mark ; see the =^ ^ Lun gi. Ytoh h fc Read yeak : to agree with, to cove- vCTTT nant ; twan yeak, ^ ^f\ tooVS *J^ >/ yibh, to determine an agreement. ^,V/-^l^eadyeak: medicine, physic. Yddh &^^ K'hong-choo kwuy yedk, ^ Hp ,>^^fc. &M «S K'hetg-cho6 sdng yedh, K'hong-chob presented some medicine (to Confu- cius) ; see the =^ |^ Lun g6. YWl Yto^'S Road yeak : the lock, or bar of a door. VcV'S * Wan yang, w ^ won yeV^, a bird (the Chinese dock,) noted for v- ^>^ being faithful to its mate ; also the name of an insect. ns ^ ,^_Read ong : as h ong, J^ ^ yiet ^\- yeo^S, the name of an insect, a species of ichneumon fly or wasp. pou : to lade ; yaou s\ M^ ^ ^ 'f *^"9 bin ye6ngpay hoe, hay tty ch'he hot ke"d, above (with respect to our superior relations,) to support our parents ; and bdow (with respect to the inferior,) to nourish one's wife and children. Yeiik Yeiik U The same as the preceding. ^ To sell, to dispose of. \^'^ '^° ''^the ; se6n yeiik, J^ J^ siy V y^^ >. ek, to wash and bathe. fh-* Yeiik hoe K^,^ -^ ^ Mng ek tied le Ki cMy, to bathe in the Kfi river; see the ~]^ ^ Hay lun. Yeiik Yeiik Yeiik 4^ f°^ The name of a bird. To desire, to wish, to prefer, to long lob 6 kwily se jln che sey yeiik y^^'t J^ 1 1 A ;t 0f it %poo hap kwiiy se Idng dy sty ai y'ed, riches and honors are what all men desire ; see the |^ |S Lun g6- A^ JL^ Lust, carnal desires ; soo yeuk, ^ Yeiik 'jj/^^ ^^ corrupt dispositions; yeiik ^ VL^ sedng, ^ >g, lewd and lasci- vious thoughts. Y4ng sim bok seen t kw"4 yeiik, W JU> ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^oly'i yang sim, h6 k'hah h6 6 cM6 soo yeiik, in order to strengthen the mind, there is nothing so good as restraining the carnal desires ; see ^ -4^ Beng choo. / YEW 747 YEW Yeuk p!^ To-morrow; yedkjit, ^ Q the v%* following day ; jityeiik, ^ ^, the light of the sun. Yeiik "_* A sound, a voice. Yeiik Bright, clear, the brightness of fire. I To sell, to dispose of; also to nou- Yeuk J—J^ rish and bring up. f-y^ Mae choo yeiik le, W 3^ 8? .-#" 6ej/ /joou sai"^ bey chaou d, to sell one's sods and dispose of one's daughters. Yeiik i ' The same as the preceding. 2fS. Yew Vulg. hudn Id : to be sorry ; yew bun, ^ n3^ sorrowful, sad. Jc6n hoe te, seng 6 yew hw4n, j6 so6 6 an 16k ycA, ^ ^ $P ^ i^ M E M % ^ "^ ^ -tit •'^^'* '^" '^*'^' ^^"s safS te hicdn 16, j6 s6 te an 16k yea, then we may know, that people may thrive in circumstances of trouble and sorrow, and die by giving way to ease and pleasure ; see ^f •^ Beng choo. Yew sim, ^ i^^^^ an anxious, grieved state of mind. Superfluous, superabundant, over 'rtv^^ and above, luxurious ease; afflu- Yew Ai '^>^ ent ; yew y6w,1^v/fe, to saunter about, ease and leisure. Soo jfi yew chek hak, ft ]fj) ']§ fl.'] ^ '^^^ ktc^a &y l&ng 6ng chek t'hdk ch^hayh, an officer when at leisure should attend to learning ; see the 1^ f=Lung6. Ch'heang yew, Ba jS, a prostitute. Yew To sow seed, to cast abroad seed ; yew j6 put twat, |g ffjj ^ ^ y'ed, cM ji b6 kaVSh, he continu- ed sowing and would not stop; see the 1 Lun ge. ?3a PP Yew Yew Yew it That which, which j a place. ^^-O* Distant, far; yew win, j^ i \y\y hwui'^, afar off. Tyjfy^The appearance of water flowing. yew Yew Deep, dark, umbrageous, hidden; abstruse, recondite ; yew ke, ^ ©> to dwell in retirement. Ch'hut cho6 yew kok, [tj |^ 1^^ ^ «^'*«< '« yeio dm &y k'hai"S, to come out of the dark ra- vine ; see the /|\ ^ So4ou gndy. Bfing y6w 16y gak, yew y6w kwiiy stn, BH /& ^ ^ ^ % ^ fl' *'^"^ ^"^'"^ """^ ^^y ^^''' yew dm teoo kmiy stn, in the light we have ceremo- nies and music (by which to regulate our conduct); and in the dark, we have demons and spirits (of whom we should be afraid.) Yew Yew The cry of a deer, the noise made by a stag. A female deer, a doe ; yew 16k chofc ch6k, ^ ^ ^ "^ bo& kap kang Ay 16k kwut kwui^S &y y'eo^S, the does and bucks looked sleek and fat ; see the j^ ^ Tae gniy. ^ >^ A friend ; pfing y6w, ^^ ^^ an Yew V>^ intimate friend. "^^^fc. E pfing y6w kaou j6 put sin hoe? YEW 748 YEW Y6w kaoupWdeyji a"» sin sit hoe ? in associating with my friends am I wanting in sincerity ? see the Jq Seang lun. The same as the preceding. Yew One of the horary characters. Y6w s6, ffi J)3j:, the hours from five to seven in the evening. Vulg. woo: to have, to possess, to Y^W xP*l be, to exist; a surname. Put h"5 hwan seang, j6 h"t) chok Iwanchij^, be che yew yeaj7> *2 ^j£ J^ j|p ^ # IL * ^ 2 % ^ '^'" «^ ^"'^ hwan s^ twa,jl ah chok Iwdn &y ldng,bbey woo chiy Uy sod, not to be disposed to offend one's superiors, and still to be fond of creating rebellion, there is no such thing in existence; see the J^ Im Seang lun. To shut the door ; the time of the setting sun. To help, to assist, to aid, to protect^ Seang t'hijen hoo y€w hay bin, ± X * <;fe T ^ '■'^^^"^ ting chin ch'ePd woo p6 pe hay bin ay pay h sai"'S, the high heavens will surely protect the common people ; see the ^ *M f^ Se t'hong k6. ^t IJ! ^ Something like grain, but not really ^^^ ''' 'jdi^ grain ; tares and not wheat. *i"*' -^ ^^ V ^^ y^^ k'heung k6 Iwan bea,ou y'^'E # fSi S IL ffi 1 "'^" p'^'y' k'e^a nc e ey Iwan poh ch'he d, he disliked tares lest they should injure the wheat ; see ^& ■^ Beng choo. ^*rL^ Y6w 16, place. the name of a iS, to .^•^t*! To lead, to allure ; yin yew, 2 1 ^ ' ^ tempt, to draw into vice. Hoo choo s| yQ y^"^ ^' H^ %., """decided. >l l"^ T'h6ng seung, goeyfiwjln yiid, 11 FA p- ft A ifi. ''*«"«» """^ ^""*' ^y ch'hin chides pat l&ng, in hearing cases of litigation, I am equal to others ; see the p^ ^ Lun g6. Fetid, stinking herbs ; yit hwun yit ygw, —• ^ ^ — ^ chit &y 'SiM p'hang ch'ha6u, chit ay ch'hadu cKha6u, the one is a fragrant plant, and the other a stinking herb ; see the ^ ^ Cho twan. Light; not heavy; tek y6w j6 m8, iiM !^ in ^ '*^ **"^ k'hin yew ch'hin ched^S fhaSu md, vir- tue is a small and light thing like a fine hair; see the /C 1^ Tae gn^y. 8 N Yew it »>^^Ydw bo6, 1^^ A^ a kind of shell Yew |jJ^^^%%X-% k'hw^d. ke&"g e &y sim chh w"* fhan Ian, yew ttoh king, u*" t'hang teAy Myh, seeing our parents' in- tention is not to comply with our advice, we must still respect, and not oppose them ; see the =jS> tS Lun g6. Yew A park, a pleasure garden; win yew, ^Q ffll) ^ garden of pleasure. Bdn 6ng che yew, hong ch'hit sip ^^''X^ZMt -bi- M.Bdn ong &y yew woo sh kak ch'hit chap le, Biin 6ng's park was 70 square 16 in extent ; see ^ ^ Beng choo. Yew m To spare, to treat liberally, to be in- dulgent, to forgive, Kwun choo 6 se^ kb yew choey ^ "T" W m 3S. ^ 9p ^"'"" '^'""^ ""'° ^^^ kdiy sit, yew k'hiv'^a l&ng dy ch'dey, the good man makes a point of forgiving faults, and being indul- gent towards crimes ; see the ^ ft]? iJ-> Ek ka6 kwd,. ^i^CTYew 16, 1^ ^, a kind of fruit, /^ ftl which if eaten expels jealousy. Also, again ; the same as ^^^ yew. Yew Yew ^ Wealth, money; to give, to present; Yew Pl/Vn yew loe, ^ 1^, a bribe. E gno yew ch'hijen, J^, ^ ||| j^ Vhb gwd &y che&^S cVheen swd kUibpdt tcHy^ to take my wealth, and remove it elsewhere ; see *^^f^ ^Woeyhong. A »_ To assist, to help, to urge and incite Yew '^/^El °"^ *° ^^' ' '° couple, to pair. in E gak yew sit, I^l ^ fij ^ i chok gak k'hwui'^S ch'eah, they played up the mu- sic, to incite the emperor to eat ; see the Chew 16v. Yew Yew YIM A kind of field mouse. 751 Vulg.nooi^S d: a pumelo, a shad- dock. BJln teung fing kit yew, ^ pj? BAn safS Ing htca kit kap iwofS a, in the province of Hok-ke^n lemons and pumelos flourish luxuriantly. Yew A black monkey. Yew " p*-^ ^ The sleeve of a coat ; also the ap- ^_^^3 pearance of much laughing. Yira 1^ J Jt The female principle of nature; yim "^ y^"g) ^ [^, the male and fe- male principle, which the Chinese suppose to have produced all things; t'ha^ yim, y^ n^^the moon ; yim kan, [^ pjjj^ the invisible world, the dark regions; kong yim, -^ ||^, time. A surname. T'hafe E sek ch'hitn yim, go6 p6(>y tong sek hwun r-^-k ^ ti5 1 r^ ^ Vhai E woo s'coh chit ch'hiin &y yim, gwdn &y Idng yea t'ioh seoh chit hwun Ay yim, the great E used to spare every inch of time, and we ought to spare every tenth of an inch. Yim ^^\^ The ancient form of the preceding ; also written Ve yim. A sound, a tone; seng yira, Yim ""^^1^ sc"ayim,asound,anoise, a voice; PI hanyim, ]^ -^^ a fowl. Pat yim k'liek iiafi, A ^ 3^ p^ P"!/^ ^V i"""» kek k& haS hS, the eight sounds excessively harmo- nious; see the ■^ ^ jj^ ^^ *^n 'i^^"* YlM Sip gno6 yim, + "^ ■Tg*^ the fifteen initial sounds ; the name of a Chinese dictionary of the Hok-ke^n dialect on which this work is founded. Yim Yim f •^yf-^ Peaceful and harmonious ; tranquil, still, retired. |i % yil The incessant crying of children ; to ]^1 lose one's voice from grief. Dumb, unable to speak. Yim ^]^t^ Glm jC put gan, put j6 yim long ^ che ch6 hwuy, 11^ jfO ^ "p a'" tat tedk Ay ka6u ch'haou he long Ay ki chb yed^> to mumble and not speak out is worse than a deaf and dumb person pointing and beckoning; sec the ^ft 1^ ^ -f^ Hwafi yim ho6 twan. Read tij^ng : to overflow, to be brim- ful, overflowing. i Yim Vulg. /im; to drink; yim ch6w, Yim ^^.^^' JS '"" '^*^"'» '° '^'■'"'^ "''""• Yit p'heSiou yim, — || ^ chit poS d Ay lint, a calabash full of drink ; see the , To screen ; pfe yim, j^ I'S^ pro- (■^^^ tection, shelter. Cho6 chong \>h yim, ||[ ^ Jfj^ ]fi5^ the overshadowing protection of one's ances- tors, (which the Chinese believe is advantageous to posterity.) Yim Yim To screen, to overshadow ; umbra- geous, that which can cover; a f ^^ shade, a shelter. Se sfing yim, j6 cheilng neiou sit, ^ ^ ^ ch'heio che^A yim j6 ch'eUng YIN 752 YIN chedou hafSh, the trees form a covert, and all the birds of the air rest underneath ; see /^ ^ Sfln Yim y^ Private leisure, luxurious self-indul- gence ; lascivious. ■^ -^* Lascivious, lewd, lustful ; kan yIm, T/— i* ^ y^, fornication ; ytm Iwjin, '/£ l^jL, wantonness, voluptuous- ness, disorderly conduct. Yim se, ^ ^ ob- scene books. Kwan ch'he 16k jfi put yim, || fj# ^ ffi X ^ Kwan ch'he fh'eung Ibk, ji bey yim Iwan, tiie Kwan ch'he ode is pleasant without being obscene ; '^« 'he ^ 1^ Lun g6. Yim >fe The appearance of walking. Also written 'n*^ yim. Yim A long continued rain. B6kyedkyim6,»;^y^^p| ch&ng eh ko6 tt^9 &y hoe, to be drenched in tiie long continued rain; seethe y^ ^ ^ Hwa6 lira choo. m Fim y-im Yin A book-worm, am yim, ^ =1J;^ angry words. To follow, to comply with; for, be- cause ; yin wuy, ^ ^, on ac- count of; yin y6 w, Q ^ ^ a rea- son, a cause. Yin yin 6 Hay 16y, ^^ jf^ § || Kn te&ou t'h^n I Hay teAou dy I6y, the Yin dynasty followed the ceremonies of the Hay dynasty ; see the J* =j^ 3eaog lun. Yin Yin Yin The same as the preceding. A marriage; hwun yin, ^|i ^^ a wedding. . ■^ The same as the preceding. Yin Yin ^Jofe^ A matress for sleeping or sitting on. Luy yin j6 cho, leet t^ngjg sit, Vheepjeiik Aji. chey, leet fe'^dji cheah, they sleep on a number of matresses piled one upon another ; and eat of food prepared in a whole row of cooking- pans; (speaking of rich people.) Grace, favor, kindness ; yin teen, SMCjS gracious regards ; yin a^, M* ^, love, affection ; yin hwuy, Yin tek kip ban bin, © jf 2^ ^ ^ yin tek kip kabu che"d ban dy payh sai"S, gracious favor extending to myriads of people. y^Z^ Yin wun, ^ ^^ the original ger- Yin 'iXiT minating principle of heaven and I-— -J \i earth, operating in secret. A horse with white hairs here and there intermingled. Yin Yin Yin Yin I To sacrifice with a pure intention. A short low wall at the gate of a city. Jf/X^ Numerous, many, all, plentiful, abun- I^C dant, luxuriant; a surname. . YIN 753 Yin itt^ Yin'k'hJn, ^ ^, to be very ear- Yin nX^^ nest and attentive; anxious and diligent. r Secret, abstruse, minute ; to secrete ; yin ke, j@ S"^ to retire from the ii\ji^ world, to dwell secretly. To feel acutely, to compassionate, painful, grieved, mourning. ' Bok hefen hoe yin, ^ ^ ^ ^^6 k'hah he&n b£ng hoe yin k'he^S^ there is nothing more evident than what is abstruse ; see the pp ^ Teung yQng. Ch'hek yin che sim, jln che twan yei, ffljl [^ ^ iUiil'^i^^ cA'A«i yin Ay sim kut^a sejln Ay twan yea, the feeling of pity and commiseration is the principle of benevolence ; see ^^ Zi. Beng choo. yin Yin Yin Fin ^2 7^ The same as the preceding. Also written u3 yin. Yin 'ft 51 The common method of writing yin. To secrete, to conceal ; the same as To rely on, to comply with. To lead, to guide, to induce, to in- fluence, to seduce, to introduce. Yin lo> R I ^ yin ch'hwa, to guide in, or clear, the way; seiou yin, /j\ SI a short or inferior preface to a book. Yin yew, ^j ^^ to allure, to tempt. Yin A cow rope, a rope for lying a cow. 8 O Yin n Ym Vulg. Mn: a worm; k'hew yin, ^ ^) t'Jio6 kin, an earthworm. Hoo yin seang sit ko jeing, hay yimh8ngchwan,5^ ill?! ± ^ ^ ^ "f ^ K ^ *"*' ''^"^ ^^^ '^"^ '^^ '^^^ ''^ *^y t^hoi, ay tiy Urn wuf^ dy chuP&, now the worm feasts above on the dry clods, and beneath it drinks the yellow fountains ; see ^[ ^X- Beng cbo6. Yin Yin Yin Yin Yin m A rope for fastening an ox or a horse to a carriage. .^__ To advance, to enter ; a surname ; ^3^t leng yin, -^ 33'^ the name of an office. Ij^y To tie a rope through the nose of ^ l+J an 01. 1^ Yin if- The sound of thunder. Read hi : to promise, to engage, to undertake. A seal, a stamp; an impression, to' print, to press ; a surname. Je ch'hijen s^k kae gin yin, ^ ^ /^ "g" ^ ^n no ch'heng chedh chd pod woo gin &y yin, those officers who enjoyed an income of 2000 peculs of grain all held silver seals of office; sec the j^ ^ij Han chfe. Yin se, p|J ^ yin ch'hSyh, to print books ; yin pin, ^p j^^ the wooden blocks used for printing. Yin Yin To rely on any one, to comply with. Read ^ng : to answer, to reply. YIN 754 YIP Yin To speak, lo say, to declare. Se yln, ha6u hoe, ^^^^ se kbng, tibh woo habu hoe, does not the classic say, "be filial;" see the |^ =^ Lun ^ Yin Yin Yin iin V Water flowing back again. A fragrant herb. is Raveled; in confusion, as threads; hwun yln, ^ ^^^, in confusion. To clear away the grass and weeds, ___j* in the cornfields; to weed ; to re- I ^' \ move whatever does harm. Yin nJr Vulg. Jiuy&n: a cloud; atmospheric fog, vapor; cloudy; a surname; san ch'hwan ch'hut yln. Ml \\\ IJH ^ sio"a ch'hui"S ch'hut hwAn, the hills and rivers produce clouds. Yin Yin Yin Yin Yin ^ Great waves raised up in a river. Wood in which the grain is very strongly marked. I One of the horary characters ; also to respect. -^t_3n Yln ye6n, ^^ry sion to. , to give occa- ^ Even, plain, equal, alike. Yin Rice fields. Yin %/^% Posterity, successive generations. Ipjl Eng sek chofe yin, f^ 1^ jj{^ ' t^ w |§L^n^ ko6 sod hoe woo hok k'hi, &y khnd sun, ever bestow upon us happy posterity ; see the -)^ ^^ Ta6 gn4y. Also written jM yin, and, ;|[, yln. Yin Yin Yin Yin n The ancient form of the preceding. ^To escort a daughter when going to 1^^^ be married. To give a present. ^! A fostus in the womb ; hwaS yin, t :^ woo sin yin, to conceive in the womb. Seng yin hwut sit, i|/^ ^ ^ ^ tUiaou sai"8 woo sin yin, bS ch'eah, when animals were pregnant, they did not eat of them. A. |--| A city; toe yip, ^jj g^ a capital Yip i '^ city. ^^^^ Siln sey ke yit le6n sSng che, j€ le^ns^ngyip,^ ff ^ -^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^P. -^ S Siin sty k'h'cd chit nce^S ch'e"d, che, no nee"S che^d, yip, wherever Sftn dwelt for a year, it became a neighborhood, and in two years a city. rip ^e A bold, robust appearance. V irT^J3 ^^'y'P'll^ PC) shortness of breath, I i palpitation. YIT 755 YIT Yip +6 Yip Yip Yip The mind uneasy, the mind disturb- ed; disquietude. Boo H wat sat Yin h6 s6y yip ? ^ '^ ^f)k ("T M *iS ^'"^ ^"» '"^"'' ^^«""''^«^ Yin, woo s'hi mei'^Sh an sim? Boo 6ng, whose name was Hwat, and who liiiled the prince of the Yin dynasty, how could he set his mind at ease? see the In! =3 Ch'ho^ so8. A bamboo instrument for catching fish. A satclicl, a bag for books, to wind and entwine. Also To soak, to wet. 1 y^ To scoop out, to bale out water, to Yip Jt^I 'ad^ water, to take hold of with Y * -^ the hand, to pour oat, to remove. % ^ Chok yip, jji :Jff cli'ht6"gjcd, to ^'P '!j~|rr make a bow or salutation. >rr Yip jiiang jij seng, J| ^ jfjj :fl- chok yip seo ned"S j6 chco^S, they bowed to each other, mutually gave way, and ascended ; see the _t2. ^jffl SiJang lun. Yip is Full, abundant, bright. Yit True, sincere, even; the beginning of numbers; one. Yitkft, — /fflcAifdy, one thing; yit jln, — ■ \ chit Idng, one man. Kip ke seng kong yit ye4, ^ ^ ^ :f/| — Jta kip kabu e che^a kang chit yeo'^S, but when they complete their work, it is one and the same thing; seethe rfj Jw'Tcung yflng. Yit — V * The y^ cb The ancient fornfof the precedingf character. ■ ■ Yit ^1=/ Yit The same as — *, yit, one; being a kind of capital letter or form of it ; also, uniform, unmixed. One of the horary characters ; oni! of the radicals. Yit Yit V A black kind of bird. A kind of swallowi^' \^ L6-sew t'bun yit cbob j6 seng >^\»;V-t Tae-geep.-^ f§ ^ 1^ qp fln l:\^- ^ S ^^"'"' ''*"" '^"^ ^' J^ ^"'"'^ Tae-g'eip, L6-sew devoured a young swallow and brought forth Tae-ge^p ; see the ^ ■=? Soo k6. Read ek : to think of, to remember ; tcAng k6w siJang ek, -^ ^ ^ Yit i\X^ \^ tc''g ko6 s^ seo^S, to think of each other for a long time. Ek cheak, ^ ^ yit tedh, to set the mind upon, to like, to be fond of. Yit i^k" '"•' "■'>nR"'"''y- \y^ So5 che die 6 an yit yek, ^g ^j^ ^ -^^ i^ ^ Jfjj^ shke Ay feingh,g,lhe (our limbs are disposed to ease and rest ; see J^ -!• Beng choo. Yit Yit Water overflowing; ytm yit, y^ ^^^ wanton, disorderly. To surpass, to exceed ; the same as /|^, yit, at ease. _-- YIT 756 YUNG YIt ffi k ^y A row of musicians; a choir of '^^^ singers. Pat yit boo 6 tSng, /\ j^ ^ payh yit &y chok gdk &y Idng ko bo6 te t£ng, eight bands of musicians performing in the hall ; see the }"_ gro Seang lun. Yit :* Yit To follow, to obey. A black horse with \AHe trappings. •yj^ "^3*1^? ■^ ^'"^^ ^^^^ knows when it is about 1^0^ to rain. ^ J*^ To secrete ; to flee, to run, to give up 'Y^it , ; ^ \/r restraint ; to follow ; retirement, ^"^*i^^-- luxurious ease, leisure; yit soo, ^^ j^^ a retired, unambitious scholar. Mi yit put leng ch6, ^ ^ '^^ ^ jh. ^^y cluibu bey kafSkf the horses ran away, and there was no stopping them; see the ^Qc ^ Cho twan. Yit ^ A'^ Full, overflowing ; running over ; V>^ yang jit, ^ «^, to inundate. fJOO^ Bwinjeputyit,-j^j|jj;^^ mw'^d j£ put bity pw'^A ch'hut, full without running over ; see the Jp| jK^ Haou keng. J> B^^A weight of 24 ounces. Yit •rJi j/'^ ^"y ''*° y'* P'* ^°° gi^^i jin teaou i(f^^, tok Che, ^ ^ |g ^. f^ ]^ A ^i 5E^ y^ *"^ *^" y^^ ^^* ^y g'eu^ijii sat g'eiik l&ng teaou tok e, altlwugh the gem may be of the value of a myriad of yit, yet he would employ a jeweler to work it up ; see ^ -+■ Beng choo. Yit # Then, following, only. Yung Harmonious, peaceable. _,. DIP* '^^^ singing of birds; also written A sore, a boil, an ulcer ; seng yung, /p jii sai"^ eng d, to have a Yung Yung Yung Yung Yung boil. Harmonious, peaceable ; geniaF, kind. The waters of a river overflowing ; or bursting out of the banks and then flowing in again. 'P'hekyung, ^ fe an imperial academy. A vessel made out of a gem. Dressed food ; the dishes for the morning meal are called ^p^ yung and those for the evening ^j sun. Harmonious ; p'hek yung, jpj m|, an imperial academy. ^ . . Wooden images of men, made to be Yung /^ CJl burned at funerals. I I l>| S6 chok yung chei, k6 bo8 hoe »>-' i(& fMi t S * ^ f' ^'^'^ ''*'^''« chb yung Ay l&ng, e bd aou tey hoe, he who first made those wooden images would doubtless be de- prived of posterity ; (because they were like living men, and might lead to the employment of real hu- man beings for the same purpose;) see ^^ ^p Beng choo. yiIng 757 lung To leap, and jump ; also a kind of round shoe worn by those who have had their feet chopped off; a wooden leg. Yungyeak yung peng,^ ^ J^ ^, they leaped and danced while using their swords ; see the JrK J^ Poey hong. Yung kwily kh cheen, Bffl "a" ^ H§ yd-ng kieiLy Ay clivfld, (so many persons had their feet chopped off,) that wooden legs became dear, and shoes cheap ; see the ^ -j^ Cho twan. ^ — i^ A fountain bubbling up; to spring Yung / FFI "P 3S a well, to issue forth as a » f 1^ fountain; also written ^S^ yung. Gwat yung tae kang 16w, ^ y^ ;^ ^ ]|L gohjh yung te Itoa kang ladu, the moon seemed to issue forth, and flow down with the waters of the great river; see the Aj; "^ |i Toe hoo se. Yung Yung Yung A case for arrows, a quiver. The middle way in front of a magis- trate's hall. Bold, courageous, daring. Yung che4 put ke, ^ :^' ^ 1^ yung dy Idng bS ke'^a, bold men have no fear ; see the ^ |E Lun g6. Yung Yung A certain road ; a sort of measure. To stop up, to dam up ; to manure, to fatten. H3 kwat put k'ho hew yilng, */pT i^ /^N '"j {l^ ^ fiang p'Atffd b6 Chang kok yUng, till- river has burst its bounds, and cannot be dammed up again ; see the ff* ^P Soo k^. 8 P Yiing YUNG To hold, to grasp In the hand ; to es- cort, to accompany. T'ha^ kong yilng hwuy, -^ ■^ ^ ^ Thai kong gim sabu chiw, T'ha6 kong held the broom, (when his son became emperor;) see the ^ p. g^^ Ko cho6 k6. Yung A jar, a pitcher ; jrilng ch'hafe, ^g _ . 2£ eiig dChal, a kind of pickled ,^C^ vegetable kept in jars. Yung Common, usual, not out of the way; unchangeable ; to use. Teung yiing, ^ j^, the uni- versal medium ; the name of a Chinese classic. Yung Yung Vulg. cK'h'ed^i : to hire people to work ; to engage. A city, a wail, a citadel. E hwat chfing yfing, W ft ^ ^ t p^hah ku:dn &y se"d, to attack high-walled cities; see the 4^ JTO Tae gnay. Yiing Yung Yung Lazy, idle. A large bell. Accustomed, used to ; uneasy. . ^ A countenance, a visage ; to allow Yung '^V^_ '° admit of, to bear with ; yftng |J maou, ^ ^^ the appearance, air, demeanor; hkva yAiig, yhf^ ^, to include, to inclose, ti> receive. A surname. T'he«n 16 s^y put yAng, % M ^ ^^ ^ t'hte^S U siy u"* yung, that which Providence did not permit. YUNG 758 YUNG .Jl- t^ Ho6 yftng, ^ ^ marsh mallows, Yung ?>JC* ''^^ Hibiscus mutabilis ; applied I— • also to some other kinds of Mal- vaceous plants. Yung Yung 75/ J^ Water flowing peacefully along. J^akThe name of a tree; yfing se, j^ i^ cMng ch'hew, the banian tree. ^5^Cheflng yflnp, Jf^ J§, to walk along adurocd with gems. Steam or vapor rising up and blend- ing ; liarmonious, peaceful. A surname. K6 16k yeiyAng yfing, i^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ Ay kbhy i y^^ng ydng, their joy was harmonious »nd agreeable ; see the ^^ '®, Cho twan. Yung Vulg. y'e6'*9 : to melt, to fuse ; the mould used in melting metals. Yiing hwjl, ^ 'fl^, to transform into another shape. Yling J^^^ '^^^ ancient form of^^ yfing. Yung m To use, to employ ; with, by ; y6w yung, /H HJ '"'00 yung, useful. Suy yetik biit yung, san ch'hwan k# seichoo, ^%fk^J^\Un\^^W suy ah b6 yung, sw^a ch'hui"S e woo pdng Vhek kak hoe, although we should be disposed not to use such an animal in sacrifice, would the spirits of the hills and rivers reject it; see the p^ ^^ lqj] g^_ Cheetyungjgafejin, 1^ ^ IR] Si A **''" chat sty yung,j6 seoh Idng, to be economical in the use of things, and kind to people ; see the 3m |^ Lun g6- E OF THE RADICALS; Showing their ordei '>m! m, uing, together tcith the sound given titem in reading. N. B. In the following Table, the forms wliich accompany several of the radicals are contractions or modiGcations which they take when entering into composition. Ckaracters formed by one stroke of the pencil. 1 Yit ' — one. 5 K'hwdn | to descend. 3 Choo ^ a point. 4 Pheet / bent oat. Jri Yit 7 one. 6 Kwit J hooked. Formed by two strokes. 7 Je ZZ. two. 8 Thofi -** (undefined.) 9 Jin A A a man. lOJto jl^aman. 11 Jlp ^ to enter. 12 Pat /\ eight. 13 Keng rj a wilderness. 14 BAk *—* to cover. 15 Peng / an icicle. 1 6 K6 /L * n'«he, a beach. 17 K'him ^ gaping. 18 To 7J jj a knife. 19 L6k ^ strength. 20 Paou ^ to fold. \^ a spoon. '" a receptacle. J •»'■"& i_j ' rpceptacle- 24 Sip 25 Pok 26 Cheet 27H4n 28 Bo6 29 Yew -j" ten. K to ilivliie. P ]i a .. al. r" a .1, I'.r. /» rrn, k.,d. ^ tli«- hand, again, more. Formed by thrte sirukes. 30 K'lio6 P the tiinuth. 31 W(iy []]] nn inolosure. 32 T'ho6 -J- the ground. 33 Sod •;;;f^ a •cholar. 34 Ch6 /(. to follow. 35 Soey ^to walk slow 36 Sek /^ the eveningi* 27 Tae . ^ large, great. 38 lA -jt a woman. 39 Choo ^ a son, a child 40 Bcdn *^ to collect. 41 Ch'hiin-^ a punto, the tenth of a cabit. 42 Se&ou /|^ little, small. ( 'fiw an irregular edge. 14 So f ^ corpse. 15 y* abud 46 San ^^fthli: "•- Ch'hwan«< ( (( 70 Hong jj square, then. a channel for water. 43 Kong Twork.a work- man. •19 K6 ^ one's self. 50 Kin m a napkin. .'I Kan -p a shield. 52 Yaou 2^ slender. 53 Se*m t*" to protect. 54 Yin J^a long journey 55 Keiing TT to join hands. 56 fck -^^to dart, a dart. ." ~ ' ■ ' ^ a bow. ^^•^ahog'sjst P4 ^ hair. (hea<' ! «» - xt • , 'f to pace. Formed by four strokes. 61 Sim ))^ >|> JJftheart. 62 Ko J/ n lance. 63 Hoe P' an inner door. 64 S6w ^ ^ the band. 65 Che ^ a branch. 66 P'hok ;^ ^ a slight 71 Boa ^ 5E"°'' ^°"'' ing. 72 Jit P the sun, day. 73 Wat g to say. 74 Gwit ^ the moon. 75 Bok 7r^ wood. 76K'be4m'^ to owe. 77 Ch6 jt to stop. 73 Tb6 ^ j^ evil, bad. 79 Sod ;^to kill by sulk- ing. 80 Bod -^ not lo not. ^'' to compare. 4 x: i-r. 67 Bi^ ir. 84 K';. liairs. . ''■rniiv name (lie 85 Sfiy tJ^ j^ ;|^wale' 86 H"6 j(^ h\Vi fire. 87 Je&ou ^ jT\nailsofl!'c 88 Hoo ^a father, [hand. 89 Gna6u'55 to imitate. 90 Chiiang^ (undefined.) 91 P'heJn ^ a splinter. i^ a Ccwr ]^a. ;.oi,..J,€aUy. i94 \'\\iikn-f^ ^ si..: RADICALS. 760 i^\\ily^-'^L':y» Formed by five strokes, 95 He6n ^ blackish. ( Ong ^ a king. ■ 97 Kwa /^ a melon. 98 W^ ^ tiles. 99 Kam "i^ sweet. 100 Seng )^ to produce. 101 Yung |fl to use. 10? Te6n g] a field, ■ilOSP'hit 7p ijS a measure of length. 104 Lek |i sickness, ^ 105 Pwat y% a (nound. ' 106 Pek ^ white, .' 107 P'ha * skin 109 Bok H the eye. tr* 110 Ma8u^ a spear, m 36 A^afl arrow. 112 S^k ;pf a stone, [ish 113 Se j^ ^, toadnjon. 114 J^w rfa to creep, ' ' ^ ^^ tJc jyain. llO HiJet ';^'« Hen, a cave. /ect. Formtfl by six strokes. i 1 8 Tgtik'^yJ- ./^ bamboo. tIv, paddy,, fipe, ' ' "''^ ^,f^^'"«>t*""e9d, 121 Ho6 0^ crockery. : 122 Bong^Rqjnjf/g^fit. 123 Y4ng ^ a sheep. 124 E ^ featjiers, wing. 125 L6 ^ old, aged. 126 J$ ^a'»hisl^w,P0(t 1 7 Joey ^ligrum,.fl/,a ].' ? .1<: Tp tlic ear. (plow. 129 Yit ^ a pencil. 130 Jijiik ^ ^ flesh. 131 Sin ^ if statesnuin. 132 Choo 1^ self, himself. 133 Ch^ ^ reaching to,at. 134 Kew tq a mortar. 135 Seet "g* the tongue. 136 Ch'hunW: to disturb, error. 187 Chew^ a bo8l. . ISS Wn H disobedient. 139 SBk ^ color. 140 Ch'h.c>i|)l|j ff herbs. 141 Hoe t^ a tiger. 142 T'be0.og^ an insect, 143Heet jfit blood 108 B6ng J]0 dishes. ^ i- pres? 150 Kok /S-an e'^i , a valley. 151 Toe ^ pqlse. 152 S6 IJCahog. .. 153 Chae ^ a reptile, 154P66y S pearls. 1^5 Ch'hek^ a cEkrnatiojQ color. ir)6Choe-^ rfrwal!': iaot. 1;V W8 IVe 160 Sin ^ bitter, (hour. 161 Sin ^ to tremble, an 162 Ch'heaW^ |^ to walk swiftly. 163 Yip 1^' P a city. 164 Y6w ffi new wine. lG5 Peen ^ to pluck. 166 L6 ffi Chinese mile. Formed by eight strokes. 167 Kim ■^ metal, gold. .l68Teangj[|- ^ long. 169 BAn p^a door, (earth 170 Hoo /j& [^ a mound of 171 Tae ^ at a certain point. 172 Tuy ^ short tailed birds. 173 E |^|cj rain. 174 Ch'heng iM azure. 175 Hwoy^h false, not. . Formed by nine strokes. i Ti" Been ffij the face, (ther i77 Kek ^ untanned lea- 178 Wuy ^ back to back. : 17D K6w g|r leeks. 180 Vim ^ a sound. 181 Yeep'Si the head. 182 Hqiig^the wind.. 183Hwuy^toay. 184 Si| ^ to cat. 185 Sew -^ t\te he^d.. IS6 Heang:^ smelly . ;fra- grance. Formed by ten strokes. r Mi .• ;^^» horie. Kivut JSf a bon* 189 Ko ^ high. 190 Pew ^ long hair, 191 Toe pij to fight. 192T'htiang(^ wiufi used in sacrifice. 193 Kek raa perfume pot. 194Kwuy ^ an evil spirit. Formed by eleven strokes. 195 Gf} ^ a fish. 196 Nedou Mj a bird. 197 L06 ^ insipid. 198 Lok j^ a stag. 199 Bek ^ wheat. 200 M4 f^ hemp. Formed by twelve strokes. 201 HSng ^ yellow, 202 S6 ^ millet. 203 Hek M black. 204 T6 2Kr to embroider. fornud by thinteen. strokes. 205 Bin || a toad. 206 Teog lyi. 1^ a tripod. 207 K06 ^ a drum. 208'Ch'he^ a mouse. Formed by fourteen ftrokfSf 209 Pit .^ the nose. 210 Chfiy ^ even. Formed by fifteen strokes. 211 Ch'he# the teeth. Formed by sixteen strol(ps. 212 Ledng^^ a dragon. 213 Kwuy 1^ a tortoise. Formed by seventeen stirqkef. ?14 Ye^k-^ a wind iBftry- menl of ausic. AN INDEX OF THE CHARACTERS WHICH OCCUR IN THIS DICTIONARY ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE RADICALS The figurts found in tie foUtwing pages denote the number of strokea in the character independent of the radical. Yit Chit T Teng Tj K'ho 'ti Ch'hii a 7^ B^k Ti Teang Te^g C Sqid h^]s"a C Seang i Sedng C Ilay C K91J TV K. [ Put T- fjm Hew ' Hoo ^ i: 15 Be6n , / ^ Kaii 3L T'hew flj 1 Ch!he"4 . Ch'he ■ ^ P'he # Sc , tr. ( K'hew ixC \ K'hoo S&n ■ Choo :» E ^ pin .(irt" Tan i^ Choo CT:g lo K'heen ^^Kan a{K Ta xa Lwan IL fe IL GiJep Kwit K'hwat Le&ou Kw^t A Tek Se J' Sod (Sae T^ Tea - Seang r: Hay ■^ Ch'heuk K mi •y E 1^ Yin 4 S Hoe ly. i Ch6ng 3 So6 ,2i Gno6 iM Swan ^ Kdng =^ Hdng {sty riM 5 K'hong VU I K'h6ng *^ Hae \^flf Ek /T ) P'heng =^(l i ' ^ Hdng ' ^ Chac LOk -( Ke i\ K'l Kek -*n T'hoe ^1 Bdng Bo6 •y [eang ie4ng Heing |g] Llm 1^ Leang ^ Tit Pok Seng Clieen T'h4n i Be >Biin A Chip ^fl J Chap iZ Jln /^ Lek tr Teng ifAl Ch&yh ^ Ho6 L, f Hod >4P^H6w i^ Kaw 1\ Pat IlL Cheung ^ Peng ^{SSIg ^ Cheftng ■^{nt vft So6 iP Sin 763 764 4 3 '^ Hwat -fll Hwuy -fg Beng ^ Kay Tg5 Seuk Jlj» Ek ff Nae ip Kit /j:. Kwat la Hwdt 'm- ' Soo Sa6 Soft 5aa i5fc Sin ( T'hok iE K'hin ^ Chit ^ Kae Kwiin Hdng Ijg K'hiJilng »A Kwuy 1JE Kwuy j^ Chwan , , C T'heaou m ^ Teaou V Ya8u ^ Kaou ^ Cirho5 Yit ^ Heng E -0 Ch'h6 fi Ong ^ 6 ffi Kong ^ V # S5 -fj^ Lea iM Gh ilk Hok f^ Y6w An oo i* Lilt fi J6 "is Luy [it T'hong IpI T6ng ^ ch'iia, '^ T'hek f^ SAn I Keung \t]&„g [^ Chew iiii Lo '^5 JeAng # JS f^ T'h6 1^ Boo H Sin # La li Tan -L l/X I. ACOM 'fll Peng ^ T'heng 1^ Chin # So f^ Cho fflj Ch'iiew MxiCh'him kIB Le 'df Keiik e Se 'K T'h6ng Lap Ch'hiJep .•.:;. I-- IM Sim 1f^ T'him i^ T'hwat ip Piit 1^ Lam N8 f^ Hwat r Peea Hj^ J Peen ™1 Pan „„ ■^ Haou T'hiiy G6 Hay Hey fa G6 ^ Ch'he tl Bong f^ Kfiw ItE K8ng '^ Seuk ^ K'hak IP Goe /*<^ Chftn ^ Yip ^ Gip IS Ho6 1^ Liiang ^ Cho6 m Yiing f^ HwiSn ^ Kfeng Heda K'heSn Cheet E ff)| Ch'hedou Se^ou Seaou Le ml ^ T'hek ) "fji. Y6w fi P5 '^ Sam 'W Long er Heng 'i^ P'h56y '^ Seiik /f§ K^k # H ^ H ii{L6 'S Ho6 -ft P'heng i^ P6 100 le •L6 i:> Sin Sin Sieen 765 Sew P'heng Soo Heep Keep i'^ Ytiik ^ Him iPe f^ TC It K /P6 '" (P6 4 1^ 11^ Kwun 8 Sew Hoo Ho Ke Ke Haou PoiV Pafi Chcen Hwun PeAou £ T'hek Seuk E Hwuy Hong Hong If ^ Yciim Gin Pe Ch'heang ' ch'iifeng ; i^ Tap IHL Yin i I Iff P^ng ^ K6w [ ' fS S.-uk /^ f H"aou ttK Chut SIT Ch'lnly Poey Pofiy Poey T'he6n A»f Siiuk W. Sek /^ Seuk flK Sek ^^ Ley /in ^ CAeoA Chei >fe 5 Ktang a Tok BAn Oun ■11 To TAm Tam Kwiit SAy Thiy |\ Kin \ ^ Leng 'f^ Cheen ■.f^iSrg jl- Ye.„ Kwan "^ Lwan /i» ^^ ( Che line % Chong lM)Ch'Ueung 0" ^^ § Ch'hfin fKay Ch'hing il Hw6n ,/ffl ( Oey , IK \ Wbey Il Se 1f-{iSn iCh'heJin Ch'hJ>ng I KAy C/.-Ae«d ;^1^ ^.!y. . Ch'hong . i' E ^ ) Ch'hong \\ij \ Ke '(£ Chbng ^^ K'he K6 I ]^ T'hek 'i^ LAn ^ Tok 1^ K6ng /Ciey ^|w6ey ■^ ! Hwa inay [Kck t^ Wuy ffiffn^g p^" Jeii {S T^y P'heen IvX. K'heem Gan Hong T'hong Ak Gok m Kae Ch'he4 i^ S6ng Boe ffi T^y ifejchofe Soe ^ Ch'hap ^4^ T'hong In Poey 8 R 7m # Heep ^ Kw^A i^ H6ng ■^ Yaou ^ Tim ■jg Yeera f Keen Ch'hfew Ch'heslou t||iKeen '^^'J Ch'hek xdi Cheng Tijt jf Pcen 13 ( S6 ^ Chay "($ T'hok #. f Ch'l,ay ^^ To M Hoo li Pek € Te '^, Chong {0 Been m ch'hip ^ Seet* M« S6n jTun VM ( Soo 1/S ^ Ch'hae ^ Twan |pq Gno6 \1 /A\ S T'lioe ^ fffl 1 T'Aao« Ji Hoe fipg Maou 10 ,. ( Kwi.y .j^JK'l.wuy ' Koey # Te Ch'lifew 15 Ch'him S,o6 \ it Hat j^ Seet # Sek ^ Kwuy Tim ,^^,Hoo '^^Po^ 1^, Gwan Iq. Jeung 1^ Lek W Lok i^ K'heiin '^ K^ng 1^ Ma ^Peng j P8ng Pe"g iPi^g i^ Chit iM Teen - (Ik T'hae ^ Tfing -(S Ho ^^ Keet i^ Cli'heJ;n fic KeAng m H6y jp, Wun iB Se^n M K'hcfera j^ K'hak ( Ch'heng ^ sS"= I Song vfe ( Ch'heuk IW I Jeoh H # SAn m p« f^ So 1^ Haou ^ Ypg ^ Lily 1jit i T'hbey ^ Pit -+P Ch'huy m T6 ^Yung IH^ Ch'hiiung '^ I Sects' Clio i$ Sut fE Chong W Seung / li Chea t G5 1^ Ley i^ Leak f^ Kae f T'hwan \^^.\ T'hooi"§ [Twan E ig Sily ^ T6ng Ch'hok j= Ya6u '^Jj Chiiem "^ ChSng m{ Teiou Ch'heing Stng M Ch'hfe '^ S4y JJ^ Cheang f K'henj ,/ft3< K'iien K'heng "" "eng g Yefen Chaou Chip T^y (Tek iCh4y ; Seet Lo6 Lo^ 767 Pe P'hejlou Lijen en m { P'/ied Kin HIS Ge ^ Liiiik # Bap I Peng V JK Ch'heenj Seen ^^ T'hani ^ Soey ft Ch'hip Cb'hAn Chun 'M SQy Peet (Chun ( Che6n yp^ SiJang "J^ Si'cn '^ Ke^ou t( Kwun \ K'hwun Pok it He rL8 \.L6 i^ Ch'he4ng itt Sei6n -jls'K Lekou ^ K'he tl Ch'han ^ Ek !Gi»uy 06 Ke 11 wan H Hwuy it K'h^y Ch'hun Ch'hwAn T'heet Tan Se6n Keaou Ya6u Ge^ou m Hip ^ Chew W, Boo ft Cheng ^ H^m 1* fHwdn IK IHwiln -^ K'he # Yang H4n Kwiit Jfi een ft 13 tl™ ng heng Ok Oh Ml Cheaou TRt Chedou >up l« ^ Ch'he m he^in t Kek in Soo Tfing Pok Koh Tap Keang Blfl Yeep Kim Sap Kily Hoey K'ho Ch'hc^ou PVk Fheah Sek Hong Chi^w Ah Ge Pok Chiln H Ung ■f a- /Ek FeoA T'hat T6ng P9 \ Ting §J P'he^ou |W Tew 3 I , 1^ Kfing ^ Seiik ^ Keen j^ K^Dg ^ IIw4n .. ( K'hcern K'kedng, W Yang i^ Ka6 it ?i: litlv Heaou il?| Te ft Ko^y ^ K'heen Pin Gam iS T'h6ag M^Yin m I Yin i^ Tae iH Tedou P'heng Chey SAy fit L&m ^ Kren ft t ^ Ge Chin Boo ( rim ^ L6n r«»^ Ling. A' i i« (^ Gh'heADg IJSK Leep ! -^ Peen 768 10 jL 12J\ X 16 ^'' Luy Cheet Le K'hong Pq Yedk Se P'heaou Ch^n Yew Nedou T'hdng Ch'hin Lek Long B6ng ^ - Ke6n i^ L.n Sam 1v^ Hwan f^ Hwiit 17 "P Hey 1^ Hong Luy Luy 18 19 Ley L8 Seen Ch^n 11 N3 7t Gwut '^ ).Wun -7^ «wan ^ ^ \ /Li Taou ^ Sin '%% Keng He"a Ch'heilng 20 T'hong ^^ <.Ch'heung %\ )4^ Teaou X^ Heung . ( Seen Ge6m Heaou Luy Long V C Kwang -y7L) /li Yeen Tong Tang ^ Tong X* Td 41^ 5^ T oey )£ K'hek r^ T6ey i'^ Be6n }.T'hofe ■^ ja 5u Soo •^ Keang 2^ Jip |Zi B6ng C Loey { Lap _L 5 Leiik ^ Hgy A Chw^n CK ^ ^ } CAui"^ •f f") Le4ng ^ Leang J@ it^ ^ eung Keung Kiiiing Kdng ^ Ch'hejlou L r^ 5 ^'"S a |/^-^ Ke Jffl. Teen ^ Suy ^ Keem .K6 769 n Keng '"* Bek y Peng % K6 U K'him R Mo -^l«„ >, (Tong m 13 K'him SHwan ■' [^ Heung 3 ^ P7.»d 3 *i , 4 v^ Peng M Lira fL\ a Tut ■{^ Je6m ' Kwan Kw^a .\>»|< Ch'lieung m Gdng 0i Ch'hfe , • X Kwat m Chun .'1^ Pin ^ ]^ Ch'hut >.^ Chafe ^ Bdng 5 4^ Hi)ng ifej Ch-hln •'H H6ng 9 ft , ^ Him 1^ Keng ^ T'heung '4 Yei Ch'hal"g ,itt K'hae ® Ham e H Mo ^SBSng ^/^ L6ng ^ Pin v9 Mo 9 W Hod >^ P'hwkn ^ Tew Wl Tim ^ K^ng ft Ko6 91J Leet ^ Ho6 9 \ ^- Chun ;M Be6n ^ Him r^ M L6 (Leang ^ Ch'b^ng V ^ Teaou i^ Lfing ^ Ke6m ^ Pin ^ Pit ^ Kpet I n 13 U >15 8 S 770 77 To _, f T'heaou W I Teaou p^ Jim 2 ^» Ch'hong r Hwun ^'^^ Hvvun ( Pun X-Tt 5 Ch'hiJet ^■P ^ Ch'hfe Xl] Gnae TO K'han n'J Cheung P'hwEln 'hw"d ^ij Peet (Pd N- J^lJ Ch'hijfen [ 7#'] Gwin <);|| Biin >-!J say ?PJ Hfing ^J Tin ^J Pin jfelj Kvvat Bl] Gwat 3j ^A ^J Ch'hap fl] Sm ^ Che6n !<' Wl I Woey al) Ho6 nil 10 at Kwah m Swat 12 Sok Ch'heiou Che^ou Lek Chap Ch'he^m Chun K'hwat Ek Geaou Gok Kong LCh'h6ng ^,j|Ch'hong m{ m 1 13 m) Lek Leah Sut ChUy I'] r Leng Sek Keak P'hek Kofey ™ Kefem 14 \3\ Chey Si) Ge ^l] L&yh ^'J Lek S?,^ L6ng ^'J Cham Be ^ Lwsln t71 '> j*{iS '*7 Pao" li P6 C H*ng 3 0) \Kang ^ B«56n ^ Poe 5§ HiJet . J'^ Cheak ^ Yeoh eg £ S Cbap PS Hp U Kay ^ K'kwae % ttcep IS ^ Yin ' ^^ Koe ,41, (Pok r Ch'hSang [^ Lwat jjl T'bit SI Kim rii Sft 1 ; ,# Lek ' jjpf Hwun 'lil ley JP SiJang y^ But ffe K'hong J 1 ^ Heip Si Heu^ A^ K'faam ;# Bo6 ^ ^1 SKai ^1 t^S Ah ^ Keep • *» < No6 5f \Lo6 ^# Keep *. 5 K'hwiii ' 3*llH i Jt'AwBtng' V^ Paou '^ Heung > ^ ^-gi Hwfiy § K'hwiiy ^ Seaoa • ^ Keuk 4^ Td N ^^ Hoey 1 Kwuy as i K'hwAn ^ > Kwin ^ Haou li Tdy fj H6k 7 ^ K'hek (1^ Keng t^ Piit III T'hit ^ Bok -^J^ Boo Mt ( P'heaou SSI \ P'heaou |i Chek i^ k«hin M 2 Ch'haou la ^ K'bwat ' ■HI Po6 '^ a ^ Ycep ii^ { Pod" H Pok K Tok S Kim \ Si Ke&oub pas i 772 23 n 24 -f* 25 j\ 26 D U 28 A ^I ;J5 p'hit m E .-^ Pe6n Piire Lek Ch'heen Ch'heng z X-ftf Sap pp K'he A-» ( Gnoe -r \ Tabu 3 ^ Hwuy CAap "p* Peen ^ J* I Cheem Che6m ?ft Chut ^ Seet Pe V2^ Chut Hiiep ,-A P'hok- P7ia5«A ^(V.. Yfiw ^. fl Cheet C|l G8ng ^P B^ou pp Yin ^ Gwliy in K'heak C Lwin 6 f Kwin i Kw^n lJP Sei Sut ypl-' K'heak )^ GwiSt in Chek \%^ Chek K'heng >] / y Gan I— ^Ek ^Ayk ^ Gan jg Te •J^ Ga^ M Chit A Bofe jAy, Jew 3 :^ K'hfe • L A- S K-'h6 e fr^ ( K'Aod :^ Sam RA -I ife / Ch'ham B^ng I # i Som |Lut '1$ Ch'ham { Sea Hoe Kaou a Ch'ho^ BE ( Ch'l /M ( CA'Aoi) J^ GwAn Si) Ch'hiy 10 K'hwat H4y G6 Ap , Yeet (Ye^m 12 fef^Lm :u coo Ley 773 l^X Yew W;* Ch'ha >S Cb'ha A A Kip ^1 ^ Y6w 1 A'-iJu i 7^ Ko( K KoiK ^ Yew { -J • k^ Leng '*^(CAeA ,^ Ch6 ^^ Ch'he 4^ Seiv I K Se Pi K4y ^ P«an Soe •4 Kediii "S Taaou \f=, Tftng M» »6, JUiP Chfing 3k Chiiig _- Phwat A^ "«>* \ ijgf ^V^ Yow ' la, P'ho I ^Pf He6p ^ Ho ]\^ Soo 3 P>L Wun .J ! _jp Hwuy ^29 P30 8 T 774 \ sop ^(s»5 H6 *)Cel^ Hong '. E Choo T'h&/\/ Chfe Kao Ka Kok (Chay ( Ld/i 1.=. S Hay TSS Him -= ^ Swan H^Heen Pfj|: Hevr C Yeen ' Yeet ^ Ch'lie& P^ Ap i^ Chae 9^ P'hiin # Tea C KVioe -^ ^ Win ^ Long \|^ ! Wuy ^ Bang ^¥ Ko 66 5^ Laou P|^ E 1^ Ae '*^^ P'bin J® Sim P^ Heung Gncaou ^ Teet fl^ Clie&ouh f B6 [ Mee'^h ^ rhoo D§ Poe l^ Han 'P^ K6ng ^ K'ho ^^ Seuk Pg Gan H+-. CA'AedA ^# Hftyh D^ Pofey (CA'Aeo ' ^/P^ Ha6 \% Ch'heuk K'^ ? T^"^ ^^1 K'h6y PQ Tim ^ Ch'hoo ( Ch'hwat \ Tvrai Ch'heing 'hed'*g till''''' P^ HeSh t^ K'hang 9B: Lay An Pf ]06yh 1$ La6 ^ Sek Bfe Sek P'hun H&m I Mac S Tok 7l^^I%yA P^ Tok ^ Seang Tek HJng im o Gek Ay lEk Se Lang V. B^ { Ch'hae ^ I Chun ( Bun 10 K'heamh ^ Ch'hxly Mn » *§■ T'hfey 1^ GAm ^ K'bek I ^ Chew I # FAat-^A' ^ Hwiit ( P^ { wYey I P'hftn i ^ Ch'h6n ' C/i'. 775 iLam LJUn ^i!^ Seen I PS Yeiik } pp Teet I f Kae Hod Adu Ho r Hat Hwah Chek P| Hwfiy iCh'htlh Ch'hap A Kek Keeh mi mm A rH4 '^ ( K'h Teep ■)Cheti Ichof Cheuk Chod '^ \ Tak P^ H6ng Ae<« .\^ S nran I J, f Song j||{Sdng Je4 nil < Yim "H ♦ Layk Ch/ir. If Yaou Ri Ak TTO ( ChTiun 1 I^ Hwuy H<; II ( K'hek \ K'hiy Chhip Ke&ou f K'hea Sedn Seeo Tan P'hiin xo K'hae"S ./Ch'hAy HJiw,. , ■ -I I JJ"i>.l ■g.Yung i!^ £k fS Mi Ch'ha xia Ap fi^ Tbefin ^ Ge^u it^ Hwi lS^ Oc .^ K'he6ni S« Kek ( Leen ;^Lfty (Chiy ; ( Ch^y ' j Sok lS6h P§ Hdm K'hom Keaou K'ha6 {Kaoa Haou lH Kw&h ^ Hwuy |$| T'be&ou Ooh Yeet P|| Sitn Chun Chomh H&m Tim Tun Cheaoa Chlio ^ Kok K6 Hip N',* P^ Gek Hok Ghea pn V Soft #'J i Soo /P£ Ch'he D^ f Lew 11$ Pit G6 u Chd Kay Hoe Gad l§| Chit P'heaou Ye«n Cbaou Hae K&y ^ Sip Chek PR P'hwat \1i Seing lift Choiy 'I H*^ f^ Ch'h«Aou >.s Cheuk Saou i5l Ich'Wly ^^ Heaoa Soo Sey Ha Leilou M He .P|^ T'han Kim Him W66y Ofey 3 G6k ^ Child ^4 He Ae Se lit Ho Pso ,.-t^ V 776 sop 31 P 32 J;^ Ke&ouh ^^ Ha Chw^h "u K'hwafe ^m P'hiln Gtn Ch'hwat \^^ Teet i P'h6 Lfing # T'ha6 J6 Hek 'Ha Pp Chri a*l Tut Wi Ted nil H^e^^ (CM I* \c\hy -^■^ (f C.i'hay Pf H^n" Chfeeh LAn \ pin Heiqg PV Seet K'hak Yin Eng Je&hg K'ho4 le Cheak 'Hwan Chw4n Leep Heaou P| Yung L6 L6ng Cheuk -H- n way a P) Holy Yin Leep E3 sew 5>L' k.een >l B K H^ H6gy -(^ Sin ; Y® *Yin Hwut ^® Bofiy "V® K'hwiip K'luygn L^ng 6 Yew Hwui ° P'hoe ^S -( I LaJ "B Liin K'hW^n G6 Ch'heq^ \yfty 10 Hwui"S T'liofe L'oe lTo6 3 Twin Hwin + < rho, ^ At i' T'h^ng ^ Kwafe 9 j^ Chae ^t S W*oo ] ^ E is K6 Tey J^ll Cliftn ■^ I Ch'hek ;^ But JM: Ch6 ^ Pwin 32^ K'hfm % Kin • Ji^ Joey Jfe T'hun 14- ( Hong ^ Hvvun 777 ^ K'ho 1 Cho AlA I Chdy N^*^ > Chey Ck'hay \^jl, P'ho ;fc^ P'hwAn ^ Tong ^ J^' K'hwun j ' T'hin it A'/i"a i^ P'hwAn ^ Tefera ^^ { P'hLy iJPj Keng *A ( Ong Hwiit ^ Aou K'hew ^ { SdV!y 6 Si HIng i^ A'ayA ^ K'hwdy ifi Gla fp \ Iia6u ^te Hwan ^ Te6i yf Piit il Pi if- Ilaii Si Sfly >^ Ae •bft ( Lwat *^ \ Lwih ^ TeH ^ Sea {j^ Hek X^ Poe ^. Pe -t^ K'heak Wan Y ' i Pe ^! ^ Tey i^ Ch'hai ^ To \^lfe Chip 4i^ Pofiy ^^ Ke if Sd is K'bwut f Tflng )^. Keen ^% Toy ^ Ok X^^ .ti P'ho^yh Toe Teep P6 Tey Kae K'hain Geiou ~~ Ycen P6 Cliek Ch'heing To<^ Chit K'hwai Soi Toe S Tflng I T6''g li^ T'he6ng T'hap im Thdh *^ •**" K^ K6Dg -^ K'h^m Yftng Teim ^. CAi»A M K'hai ^ Kin Sek 7'Aa< Sal ^ Cli6ng WST'.' T'heen 7i un &«. 1/ xo Eng T'hap K'ha6 S« r06 '^Ito^' bcdng ^ Hwun ^f M Tin ^ Cham H Sciik ^ Lo6 P T6 1 M f ^°^ ^ T'hap t Tiiy ^ K'haou il Ke .^"CJrtng. jji He ^$ Seeo i^^ Seen ^ P'hok tjl Tafiy Tun it 32 8 U 776 32jt S3± 35^ ^ ''^^: . J Hwan ' i Hwin (Bek IBAk 13 ifc ( Ch'heAng 'hed^g Kat K'hwiin Wuy !Hwae K^h'eep I Long ( Leijng ijfi 5 Long ^ Je4ng A C Peak ■ \ YUng I K'him K'heak T'hin 2W»4 Hwun m' ■j^ Hok /^ Ha Tedn <-gg Lfiy ^ K'h&ng Lofi T'liam -r 16 20 Pi -i Soo ?i Jtm ^ K'hik 4 -/.JP^ Chbng % K'hak /^ Seng ^ K'hfeng 9 S Yit >< Hoe g K'hwfin -p^ Sew f^ C1.6 % King 25C Soey ^ Lfing /M Hay S Kwfly ^ Sek^ A|, S G6ey /I 2 Gto« i ^ Seuk _;^ VCAey _i-C Yea Koh Kabu Goey C Bong sl-m]Bdng Bong Yin H"6 Hiiiy 779 ■; /■v ) IVcd T- J T'heen X. Hoo 7t Hod ^ Kwa6 :ae. / Yaou 7V ) Yaou 3^ Sit Vl / •i ■ K'heet K'hfey K'h6 Seet P'hun fL6 r. Je Nofi a ;(Hae j-^ Kan \ Thd H"6 "5 Yaou .yi- A E a-^-^ T'ha '^ K'hwa Jh, Keep V^ GnayA ^ T'hiiy ^ TAy Yeem 'hea lo ym Ye6in ^ GeU (Ke ^ Nae Hong -I- Kwuy Cho6 Chadu Hw^n Choog Hfiy ^ Teen ^ Go i^ K'hwat ^^ Ch'he ^^I^ineuk f ^ Leem >l Chuy L^{ TSi/h J 9^ Chedng 1^ Sek .xjl Pe >^ HwiJn 5^ Pe a 12 ;ii[^ Cheak %^ Nae ji, Hwuy ■<$ Bong j^ Yaou /,lt^ Kim T^ Beaou /iH: P6 .^ H6ng 4P{ Tofe Sdk :fe Tat ^y Na6 i^ (5 i^ Bwit Ch'hey Sfeng ^^ \ SaiH :^ Ch'hoo ]^|2 Gwfiy Jim ^ Keang ll* Te ^p Kit ^ Go /i^ Kaou ^ Ko6 Cli6 Chedou \ Ch'hiy -j^ Ch'hiJep i{pg Boe ifio* * ^'"» Vj^ E ^ Tit vis Kc ^ Heem 111 HfiDg ^ Ap 3% Jeera j^t Ge6n ^P Sue [Pq San !Che4 Si? Cha6u /^ Koo im Sod ^ Wuy ■') ;7^ Choo fe^ Jeang ^S Wuy ^ Wi ^ P'heng ?C So ^ 5«y ^ P'hut jt^ Kwan 4)^ Sin Tey Le&ng Nwe ii Gfl M Boo ^ HaOu 5^37 JC38 780 38^ 39 ^j- Oi'ktod *r i 1*{ p Ch'heang 6 Lo6 pe ji^ IPheing 6 KvcdA 1# H Pe Thoe Jun ill Che^- Bd Hoo /. IWUB ■i{ Yin Yeen Ho» Poo ^^ Lara M Ylm '^f Teng Bon Ilwun !te{^^ Sai i Hfing Wan Seet 3li M5 i(^ Sit M Yin Ch'he Pwin Aou Wd. Koe 10 [^ i« I «{k: K'hwily Kily Sd Gwftn Chit Leiou Ilegm Lb Heiou V Peiou So P'heAoTi P'he^ou 06 Ban Cheang Le Tek Yeen SeAng Jun Heaoa Bod ( L6 ^ Koe 12 Bob Han Leiou Jeaou m He Sedn Jj^ Keaou i$ Sek ^ P6 M Seen I* Ch'heang M Bo ^ Pin ( Nae Eng ^ Seiou Bft Eng ?SB Song SLeang Ned i« Aii! Sim Tok Lin 7 ^ K'hfeet f K'hong a ^ Yin 6»g Lw^R s ^ f Joo \-T \ Je -f' Choo ^f Chftn ^ IJoo i^ Pdt /!i CJ.00 ■^.] f Habu Beng ay |35k Koe ^1^' Haa f*' RP">, ban {^^. Wa6h % Seiik 5. Ch'han % Choa 781 ja Hak 13 Oh je Nafi Gijet Eng •^. ^ ^ Be6n ^ T'h6 /li ) J'edng lyC Kwuy 3 , e^ / T'hek ;^ ) T'hdyh :(^7C wan ^ Ydng -^ Ilfing ^ Ge ;^ Som > ^ Tong Chong wan 'a X«>", ^ Tew Teng ^ Wdn 1! G6 6 «t. i K'hek '&. Swan ^ Chek ^ Sit i^ Yew ' ^ Hwan 7 ^ T'hay R. L6ng J^ Kcung Cha6 ^ Hae Ye^n 'Y^ Seaou \S Kay M Sin ^ VAng e tSf 5 Seuk (W^Siw Cheet Cli'liae ^ Chek 5S Wan "p^" i Ked ^ Ytn y^ i Bat § Ay -I i: K'ho6 Wut ^i »A. (Hod © \Pod -V S L8ns f^^l^'S M Be nan -^^ Bwin E Ge ^ Sit W Beng T6 eta 10 ^ 6ng ^ P6 K'hong Tehm Bok Ch'hat < Ch' \ Ch\ Y^ i Vh'hak M Kw"4 Cb'bim yjji Goe %>■ Leaou SI. i ♦ I Chay ^ Sim . <^^ Sea K'hw4n C K'hwan [ K'Au>", { C^ i ^^ ( SeSou Et P'ho y^^l Hong f Ek Ml ^ I Ch&h K'hek K'hat -^ t Chet^g 3 1-5^^ Chiiem pQ Kwily J' Chear Che^r Ch'he i Cheang Ch'heang 9 Chwan Wily Wut Chun Sim =f ( Mo f^ \ But ?l^ Ch'hoey Mi i^^^ { CWhica ^ Cham Sa -N C Seang Sa -\^ W> \ Ch8 ^ Lan fj; Ch'ham Yfiw Ong it Y6w >^ Bang Jl Ong jl£ { Ang ^f Se f^ Yin Ch'hek M K afe Chew 12 T66y K'he^ou C Ch'hek B { Ch'heu ( Ch'heol K3 f K'haou /^ Chin Ih4 Lam \ Ik Jeo JS Ke ey Keiik hwHy m >Ka6 K'hwut Ok ^ Se x S6 Sat e ( Kek \Keah \m Seak VM Teen G M Hwut P P6ng 9 K Seuk \^ Toa p: L6 1 Se p. Ch'hoe tf Chkn [ Cheng /J L6 Seat Kh Kak 12 < S i Seuk j^/^ i Chfeuk •/^ Tee, _i_ ( Chun ( Tun y?" Heng 783 (Hong [Hang Kong ^ L$ Leaou ^ 5 L^ng 'FR ? iVe"a ^fl Che^t ^ Se ^ Se ^ Gak IS £t T'hek ^ Gek "iii K'hftng 17 m. G6k fi P6ng |lic He jllf Eng ^ ^ng ^ Ch8ng ^^ Gwfly iS- T'heiou Hong Lw^n Teen Gegra N& Gam He^n Long 20 (^ Ch'hwan III ( Ch'hwan 3 ^H Chew M Hong : J-Siin m\ a m i ChaSu 1^ ) Chaou S Lin _. ( Kong J- ( Kang >fe Cho ^ ( K'haou )fe S. Ke ZE Bo8 Ch'hay Ch'he Chwiih dii ft P'h ong ^2, Ke e E Che /G Pa 2 £ Go ile Che 6 -^ Hang *-^ Siln rtl Kin rfj Chap -^ Ch'he ^ Po6 ijl^ Teiou An 5 Hwan m^ I Hwan ijie P'h^ ^ Ch6 ^ He Hwut P'he g Ko8 -^ :M jP'ha T'heep ffj Le6m ^ f Pek • In jPay/* 6 # Ek I lllll Sfin if Peng , 785 T'hong t H8ng So^y Sily Sut 19 7 ^ So^y "t 65 boo ^ Kwfin 4^ Kwtin f Te^ng W* I Sedou m m \* til W(jy ^(Seing IP' 9 W way m Ak jaif )M Pang j 1^ T6ng I ^ Sa6 Le6m Bdng Hong T'lio Kong Wftn Bek T'liong Ban Boe Kok Chek la mk Ch'heen Pok Che Ilvran Pe I.ak Buk d Ch'hiiwn ^ W, Hwvtn Bdng Pang Tit '^ Kan rpeng Yaou 1« 1 At f * ao y*7(H wan /p/Lcen 6 rtrSCbong *P>iV.6"^ vm Yew ^if^tche'^ ) Seem /^ P'h6 ft Mie"a m VK'heen K« Tffpfeng ^ Heng (^If" Kin ^ Se AJ^ p^ i^ Pafe ^ Kafe ]0 Se /§ Pa6u JJj Teim Jfl Tc6n i' Beaou J/ ^ i Ko W }M. Tin |//fiP Hoo I j? T6ng I I ^ K'bam t^^ Seftng i |g An M Tflfng '8 W 788 56^ J^ Ch'hek M Se jwfe Hew ^'S! To6 Tok '^Xm cho L6ng i Peng Yeep >; Chong K'hofe . re"Keung •It I ^ Yit "tf* Jeeh ^ Je ^ ^ PwHn ^ Sam 3 ^ E 4^ Sit 5^ K'h6 "^ Ek C L6ng J \|M^ „ Siin Ye6m ^ £k /^^ Pe 787 "^ , ^ Keung ^1 Yin ^ Kwan 2 >^ Hwut ^A H6ng ^ S6 5^ Kwat ^ Tey 5 i^ T'ho 5JIil Hoe §3 T'heaou ^ Loe % Yfiw « 5^ Be Saou Jcak f Kedng Keftng I Keang [ Ke6"S m kJ: 1 i& / ^°^ 12 K' > /> '^i Tes"^ Teang Tee M Pit Seaou C T'h^n Tan Tw^d iKeing Ke^ng Keang Rede's M m Ke :^ Sam T'hw^n >^ H^Dg Hwuy lO % Te Luy E :^ Selm ^ Gan Heuk ^ Ch'hek \X Teng 4 ' 1^ T6ng .[^ Hong ^j,. ^ Ek 8 t P« " ^'^ V^ Hwut Teaou | ,^. /i % Ch'hd |§ Ch'heAou Kfeng KaV'g 9 ' 'W Gong ^^^^ Toe Pafi S6 Swd fChe&ng C' P'" 4-11 „ >« Chefing » iih Cheng J)^^p.,.;„„„ u/. C 6ng s .# T'hae y ^ H^n« -/ji P*^" 13 SAn ]^ Hw(in Hofiy L £ -I # Ldt 4fe f Hoe 7 % T'heng Lad Ge Gay Hdng ^ Ch'hJjDg f Hok Hok K6h Hew W P6"g ^ Ya6u la ^57 3* 58 ^ 59 788 6o: >^ 12 my :># Tin >^^ Tek 4S* « Tcet iHeaou K'heflou Leng iu\ Siin ^# Pit i^ Gnae 'JK? T'heaou 3 r tcii Ke , «j ( Jim {m> \ Lun 7^ T'hdm i^ T'hek ^. •w To % Hwuy tvS3£. T'hek If He Vhf Ch'hua t? K'hSupg /Vii> B 6ng ' 1C B8ng 4 ^ T'hUta ^ Bin .]© Teung ^;,tf Ch'heung 'fr Gno6 *|^ Hong •^. H6 ^, Ch'hong 'I'B T'hat 4S 'If 'Iffi t ft w K'hwafe £ Peen Ch6 Cli6 Stm Leent Ltiuk He^m Him K'hpng Hwut -16 m Chok Chora YAng Noe Na8u P'h^ Poh Koe Le ng e '1^ ^^ { III ft PQn •^, Tae •I^ E ^ T'heeh N^f Kip »^^ \ Mai"gh tm Tut i lit f S^ng ^f^. W^n te Ne6"g life Kwafe «-- >i^{S -V IIJ Hwut Ph i,^ ( K'heep 1a \ K'heak 'iivl* Ch'hong 'If: T" "hut Lun Mill Lun f Jfn ^ Jin y iUi» ) Jim lis r^ m X I SAn Se H^ng Ch'heung Heep Ch'hay T'heaou Hong K'heting H6ng Sey Haou S6 Yang Hwuy Bek K'heet Heung Kwafe K'hoey Chod Sut -^6 4 '1^ •ife' xt¥ T'he Yin Tong Tij^m K'hak KiJung Sit K'hap 7 Kwan K'hwun Ch'hedou Wat Sit Lin Tey Hdn H6fey Yip Pwuy Poey 789 \/ Seng >^ K4in 10 "ig jJ^W Ch'hek ^xi$| K'hwily vat fi P'be6n 'M Wun f'iS Ch'hfiy /4g.(H8ng & Ak \ P'be6n Hwun # La \*ji I Ch'lieAou m ( Ch'lieaou \ ^ K'heen it E v^ Pek 52^ I Bedn 'S Pit t^ K'h6 •If Yim ^ Gok ti M6 i^ ( K'hay T^- \ K'hily Keep '[M Wun ^ Yin f^ Wut Ij^ CJi'hong tS Heep la K'lia6 ^ Sin IK'h J^, r 'iia^ ~fS Owan Hwun Lek So H T'ho '^ Yin ^. Cho3 ^ K'heem i66l M 'TJ ^^{Ifr *5! 'if? .<':{i. Keung Wiln IX P'heaou Boe Le Ch'iidm Cfi'hAra cirham T'iiek Tong Ban Kw^ K'hak Ch'hd Hwuy Bdng K'im(^ Le Wi»y W{)y TwAn Bwan ,^1 8 ^ 790 62 J^ 'Kil A 'IS Keen Leep 1^ 5 K'h^ng ^ ( K'he''d K'hong SI?, K'U M Ch'hek ^ Yeiik Wi Pin Leiou Yew /: W^ Cheung 12 -K^ Pae m Cheng ^1^ Lin 1^> Ptn tt Hoey t^ Cheiou M Gin tf Tan ^ Tun Tuy ti ijtik Hwun L6 Ch'heung Ham K'hfe Bin Tong Ledou Boo Hefen Seep 13 M 'It i %^ P'hek Ek rt7 Seem Tarn Keng Kim Ham Loe Heaou Kek Kofey il Tong ^^ K'htn ^ Suy '1^ Ch'ho '^^ K'hwun Hae mi-""' M Boe '^ Llm )laj Sek ^ Chiln 14 Yeer IE T'h^ IS Tae Bong Tuy Mo Bw4n T'hh ^M N8 15 16 Y6w ij Lew M Lan ^■j^ HwaS M He^n Ch'halm 18 Ke Hwan TO Leep li^ E JC Ko ^ Wat J^ Boe ^j^ Sut 7^ Sdy S Jefing ^ Gno i^ 19 iLwin Lwan ^ L^n L8 20 T'hong Gong Gam Gong Jc fSeng CheH Se"d 3 -til ( Cno 4 ^ Cheen K"^^ Hek ;^ K'ham ^ Ch'heSng Hek , ftp ( Ch'hek K'hat K'hat Kek ^ Chefen i^ H^ M. Hoe ft! Tafe rK' 1 K' K'ham h^m Tim Ch'hip 1^ T6ng 10 Padu Che^n Cheet Chah Chayh Hoe Leiik 12 ,„-^*| 791 oe f' H ]^ Ek ";R Ley 3 ( P6ng Sgw Ch'htw 0r S4y So . r P'heen ja ^ Pe6n ha6 Cha6 ia J Cbs ft Kit W Lek P'hok Put Pwah >. Sefen Hoe gp Hwuy ]^ Yeem ® Swan Jt T'hok tB Mo J^ Tek ^jKong K'ho^ habu 7id ^ Han fe Ch'hay rK'h ^ Gwiit ^ Chiit M Kap ^ Lew ^ Pan R Ch'hap ^ Fhan f*^ E i^ HoS ^ Yeo JU^fP'hey '3nt (P'he % TCln ^ Chaou S!ii •ff B'hong To6 Toe jj, ( Ch'haou ^ Bun i^ Kwat 12 ) Fay ^ Tim If K'hay ^ Ek J^ T'h6 j.Mr ( Jeiou Wije^ou (^ K'hdng f Cheet ^ Biit s ^ Ch6 ^ Se Jfi Pod ^ CAaduA ^ Chih I ±i(Bwat Hwut 1^ L6w iii i Took Ch'hoo T'hin Ch'hek 'hek \^ Bo T'hok T'AoA f Pwat Pwat 'hwah Payh Td TeoA T'ho Tiod. A6u Adu ^ K'he yj^ P'hwan jiH Bob {^ vat Cheaou Cheo T6 |y^6 "l^hek jit Ch'h6y < Ch'he \ Choo L6ng Ah T'hew JliP KAy >C.' Kwat Sit ^ K'heet ^ Chin !», ( Kwae W\La6u ^t K'heem \' vtS Ke ^63 lift ^'7 K'hwan ^ Ch'hwan j§ Chan '^ Swin 792 64^ y \ ^ Pair's \^ Leah ^ Chit ^ Che ^ K'heet ^il KaOif ^ ( T'heaou -^ M{T'he4ou irhea -S » So #1 P««^ Yip |S T'hfing Bwin Ban M T'hut #1 ft Sak Pwin 44f ^ Heep tp K'hb ii"- K'hwfln ^ fr 'l^ Ch'hb ^ Piit Htm;' ^ Chin \ Kak (_ Leah ^ P'hoe VJ^ Ch'hun Tok C Hong 4.ect vfflB tBun "11 J I BAn ^ Cheng Q Ch'heuk Lv4t Pat Fayh Ha1V ) T'hilm Cheep ^" ) C/jceA 1^ T'hek JS K'hftng ^ f T'huy Ch'huy T'hay i They ^ Ch'ho^ ^ Keuk i^ Ye en S Leen ^ Chiien JjllJ Ch'hek ii T'hwin ^ Kwfly ffi L4m 7^ Hong ^P6w M Wui"S •f£L Swan .' m I Bed ^ Pang ^ Lilt f S6 -^i T'h^y I Thaijh Jaj Ch'hap ■P Ch'hah g Yip ^ YAng Hw^n Ye6ni Se At 793 8 y 794 64^ ''^m ^ •J^ Sap CTana ' tam N M H«y Pit P'h. P^ FeAou ■\^ )c Chok To Ch'h^ng ^^ L^m ^ X»d "■^^ Ch'hat K6 G6 ^^ Hwa Cheek :< ^ P'hok ^ Sew ^ K'ho 1^ Yew 4'^ Kong Ei Pay ^ Pit J Hong Hftng X ^^ n/J|^ Ch^ng Hwut Paou ^/ ll^ Kofe ^ T'him « li Pae Pe 7# Ch'heing ^ Cha nam Kim Sdn |S^n ^ Yea Ch'hw&h Tun ^ K'he ft B6 Po6 -^ fKadu IKah Bin -^ Gd 1 Ife T'hit Saou 10 Ldk K'haou Tek Hoo CSofe Sok. Sedou Ch'heuk I 795 K'he Aou iz K'heaou ^ Te"a |g San ■^ Ch6ng ^ L6y ^ Ch'heilng ^ Pe 1^ Pae Haou :0 % BAn M Pin ^ Hwuy Pan ! Pan Lan To6 Tabu ^^ Leaou T'hek T'heuk ^ Hak f4' Sea ^ K4y ^ \ytff Chim ^ Wat H^ Laoa * Kc Sek Cheak Chibh i Chim Sek N^ Soo ^ Sin ^ Tok iff Kin fg^ Tok IS Ch'hiiuk ^Tw^n Twin Tooi''S I Tooi^S Teuk CHong Se S6 ^ P8ng Jft Cheen ffi Poey T ^ Swa.n M Chok s j^ Teaou Lew E ^ Chh Hwan ^ Bo8 5£ Kfe /^ Choo >; ^66 /f69 ;^70 796 7'^^B 9 Jit /WC^--* ^^ t±i ^ Gh6 B ( Cho •¥*) CAa' By HiJep % SAn /lE Heuk 0f Han 0? He M Ong :^ BAn Bi^ P66y ( Ga^ng — \G6ng « ( Seng ^ ^ Ch'hai^g dijt ^ Y^ng fl^ P'hut '^ Ch'hun \ 1^ Mofey 1/0'^ Chok ■^ Hwun R^ He '■1© Ch'heang Pjj Cheaou 4 m ^ Chek ) ^ K'hwun Seng Bi Hong ^ Ho Et ( Hwun 41 WUll "'"'" :§! Yeiik Bp Goe 04" K'him ^ Hwut ^JEk i.TeaA ^ Kwat i.'m Sek #" Yang ^ Chim \^P Baou qjO C Ch'heing /1'5 I Ch'heang Se Teaou 0^ Sa W Sofey 5 Hong vjte p.,,p^ ) Lons ^ yu \ Long B)t Long pji. Swan ^ Chin # Chin ^ < An pki Seng •P Safe Long La % Cheet Cheet Hofey Sin K'hwiin a m ( Eng ' ;?» I K6ng ^ Sek * B^ Cheng ' HI3 Cheng r| Wun jy T'hoe j.^ K'hwuy 01 Ch6ng ^ Ch'hin Bja Wun B5I Lwdn n^ ( Lw4n fe Am 7 Bwcin Mooing een ^ Tfew ftfi He Poe K'hwuy 0^ K'he^ng ^ Cheng % Sek K'hwiin 9 H, Swan X Hay Hwuy Ch'hun n y »M Yang 10 BS Bang Bi Ong J,H ( T'hedng f^ :[ T'heilng Lek Bong Bl P'he^ou B^ Bun ^§ Cheem Boe W { P'hok n ■iv i W ng H^n 12 Seem T'hun E Chin K'hafe Yijep Lek T'ham Gap T3ng Heiou Ek Heing Seng Ke&ou Kfeng L^ng 11 Se BQng Hwun Yaou 797 \0 Wat J K'hdng x« He Long ^" Lwan \ .^ E 1 g ( Gwat rJ \ Gdeyh (Kcng JK^ng Hat V Safe M Se zo T'hong T Lfing Ch8 5 Bin { Ban » Cheng ^L' fliU P'hut 6 Sok C Yew /:±. 5 Be Yew ^^Uo-ey Wob 05 i^ ] Chan ,^ T'hfey -jr^ Chifhy Ch'him 9 Hoev |K6fey •By K'hea -yvi S^ Tim % { Ldng fBfing I I^ItIaou Kc Ke Bong la ^; TOng B6ng ^^ Leftng -+j y Bwat > 4^ [ Bwah '^ Pun ^;|;Ij Chap TB Tut X^ Choc t/l Put I , ( P'hok >l»r \ P'hoh ■^ To ^ K6 |5 H6w ^ re"a ^ Ch'hfe *f E ^^ Kan i-jOo 3 t5 ( Woo \^ Ch'hay ^ Sam P < CA'Aw"d ^ Gwiit ^ L6 If] M6h C Bc&ou Uf\ Boty [Sed ;^ Hang x^ Chinj #. P'hoiy ;|^ To6 fli K'he \^' V Pod ^ K6 ^ { T'hok 1ft Joey ^ Sek 8% 798 Che Ke 4t Ki O K6 !am 1^ Ch'hit .\^ tejche A-kt Koe rS^ Se ;ftR Ch6 i^j .K vva6 -<^^ K^y /#P Kay 1^ Ko6 I iH Ho6 tH K'he T6 tt Ap /• Teuk I Yew ^ Chok Eng \: ^Chay t< ^ I CAa (^Ch'ha 7^ Boe X^ Boe 1^ Hoo I I Too IpJ So8 - Kew •^^ Kdn ¥X PoSy {f-uj Tut Nae leen L4m ^ Ch A^ L6w ^ Kin ■jtli, Ch'hag T^ C¥h& ;^;fi Sa ^ Kg^ 6 -p Cha »i|ffi Sey 1^ C/i'A«i"^ +9 K'heng rLek ; \Lat t^ T'he^m K ^ Ha6u ti Pek ^^ Jedng He \W Te 1^ Yew i^ Hwat K'ho H Keet '\fi Kwuy ^;|$)^ T'h6 V^ WAy Si ;?fs: Nae , ?K Lae ( ^^)J Le C Je6m ^ j JVe^«^ L I J. 5 Che i ;^li Pang ^ To6 i^ K'hok 1!"^ > Kee^g 4^ Choo '^ Keng t)^ Swin .ig ( Ke6n TC- \ if ^ng- 1^ Hwan ^ Keep ^ Chuy 1^ Te^ou ^ Heaou /RS Le ft Teem Hek Saou ^ Hwun Vsu Goe 1^ Lae So Hae IS K'hwun ^J Hwan 799 % Chjvat I # Tey ^L tj^ Soe ■ tJfc Sey Yefin ~ Ke"a ^ Keuk \f^ Ting :^ Keuk ^ Seng r Che6n M < Ch'heen C C/id» ^P Chut S Sit 18 Chuy ^ wa # Ke }$ Pong ^ Cbeaou ;j^ Choo ^ Tfa 9 Yea, T'hok K'hok 4^^JcAa»g Chim H Chuy '/^ T'hun Ye6n T'hwAn Ch'hew ^ K'heng / W i Pooi"^ ,^ Ch'ho6 ^ Hoe ^ Liien ^ Ldng ^ se ;,^{ (Y&ng ' l CA'Aei \. ' ft^ T'hefem 1^^ Kek 'M K'ha6 ■^ Ch'hew Y^ Eng Uw Kak Hwfin P'h6 1^ Seng /ji T'hap ^ HoO { lO L6ng He^n Hwiln i^ He^n #1 Eng tR Cheng ^ Lek 1)15 Yeep ^ Ch'hip Geep ;|'«| Che Tun 1^ YAng Ch'Ung Kok ( Chin I Chuy i% Oe W: Hong Ife KAn /S Ch^y Iv^ S(in Sea Soey * (^ na K'bap ^ Kwut ^ K6 ^ Pwdn ^ SAn ^1 Kek ^ Ch'him S Tek II Sok ^^ Koe ..te^Tfly ^ Ch'heang i^ Chay K'he^ra 800 7^7^: / N Hwaa 11 Sey Ch'he6m ( K'hah \Kae K'hah \ Kok Y6w ;j}^ < Cheung '^ t Che6"g M. Hoe Ko Ch8 Pan H Kin ^ ChoDg [ L61: (^ Gnaou Ch'heen ^ Hwan ^ Ch'hat ^ Leang ^ Bit ' ^ Laou Ch'haou Sok T'he jm < Peaou K^ ( Peo K'hew imi Chea Chay M Cheang Cheats '\ K'he E ^ T'he Me"^ P'hok S6 CVhew H4m Chun Wat ^ K'heaou Hfc I Jeiou T^ \ Jed Lin ^1§ Lew ig ( KeAou "m \ Ked ^ K'hw4n ffi Yin Sin :# T'heng r,»j Je6n IS ^jg Keang l^ST'han \^ Bfeng |i { KSet fi Tfing K'hwat ^ Kwat tg L6y iM Hwuy i^ Ke (Heng i i Lira Ha Lo6 Ch'heng Keuk K'hlm Yeem My T5ng Suy Pek g Ch'hwa {Koey Ko^y ^ K6ng ^ Reem -f^ Ch'heUng ^ Cii'htBah 1* T8 Tag Pin t§ K6y Kwd. Lam •M Noe 5(c;(c K'heng Ye^m Cheen Chaou 'TIE Kwny ^ P'haou IS ^ Ch'heen ^ Be^n !§• Lo6 Cheet Ko Tok ( Lok \Lek \^ Cheak 16 L6k Ch'hin ^ Hwafe 'ffi^ Soe Le ( Llm ( LeAng \ Nae 17 IP L6ng Eng Swan CVhw'^a lea I He Ch'hara Lan 18 J^ Kwin %. LwJln 20 ^ K'hok '^j^ L4m 1^ Yeera 801 V^ K'hefem ^ ^JC Ch'ho5 M P'/iee ^Jf/C Him j'X K'hin :^ Ha6 i^ K'hafe '■''* Yeiik isrt S Ko Xwa \|5: T'heln Ik! Aoii /•^ S^ T'hoe ■^ K'hw^n ^ He ^ E "^^^ K'he ^ K'him 1^ Ha"6 K'he6m lO jh Ch6 ; Cheng /IE f Ta6 V^-* IS 12 ^jt K'hwin « E >» K'li^m fli Ch'liw^n fj( Ch'hap Le6in ©A S«k %X Him' K'heaou IS (< ( Cirinvat K \ Ch'/tiiei/h jUJ "wan /W^\ Ilw"a ''^ T'he6n Adu 'f ^ P'hey ^^' Tae 6 ^ Sftn ^ So8 ^ PeAou ^ Lo6y 8 ^M Leem ^ Leeui Pin W. Ch'heem i K© H ^ Si 5S Hw pey Ch4n iwuy ' Ix K'hak 10 Is K'heak , ( Hey X76 ^79 9 A 802 # Bo8 \.pl{ f Boe 857JC V. )6y Yeuk P6 Pe BB: pe ^ M6 /^ Se ^ J^ T6 ^ Poo >^ Bin P'he Se6n /x'^ H8 A' 'i 12 ^^ ( T'h4m ■^i* Cheep y^ P'hat iJt Hw^n in Hwiln t^ T'hwah W \ Tayh 5f saw . 5£ Git Vi|i| San >3?L Sin wi Woo 2 X 803 Oo 05 Wod 1 Lod jv^jji-^ ^ Hong i Kan [Ka ! ^t. ! }^ Joey T'hat ' T'ha6 yAwd ^^ Ak Pwily beem ■4. oe ^H'ha6 i.«lS^^ CAeo»^ is Pee" tt^ Peen ^ Bun tSK ChSyh ^ Kwat \n ^ Hwun }C* Ch'hlm jffe Tun is Hoe ^ B6k ^ Tip ^ Be^n i^ Bit ^ Ch'heung ^it Ch6 5 vjj 5 Bwat J^ ? FAo^yA Vi& Ko >J^ Teem /.^ Ycfin >n 5 HoDg ffl K6ng MU. ( Sect 15^ Yit j^ < Chw&n ^ i Chtii^A ^ Hwkn TK T6 J^ So6 ^ Lfing - ^iS P'haou ^ P'ho ^ K'bip --K' f Cho6 *^ ( Ch'he ^^ T6 ^'j(RI Hd a^ Pi ?|C P'hiin iti^ Chw&h \% H6ng jfl" Kara \Jife Hwat ^0 Soa j jfli Chew rr^l YeS"S i^ Nefing Neeng rhoe Jft \ Tod }^ Seng ^S Luy ^ Hefin y?^ Hijet >t* P'hwin ^?^ Bin ;^ ( T'haft • ith I Yang 57^ ) YJng ^ Eng *85 i& Ke Siy^ . f ^*y »- f Kwat Jd i^ Siin i^ Heung ^ Kong ~^|Se6a W Sek Se6i % K'ho X^ Cboo f^ Kang ^ y^ Lok s|)^ \ TdHg ^ Chin ^ Wfiy ^ Gefln M ]k Hok Mi^- Heep 3^ P'hai Oo ^1 Woo :E Seet [Stih Lew LaSu Cbeet ^ Ch'beuk J$ Pdt ^ W4n rS Yip M P'ho6 C)^ Wo rLflng 804 jT\P'ho6 i Le T Mt Ha6 .fly<- fliini Cliiifi > •ifd ' buy ( Tofi "j£. Leep Han ;{ J Keng Kong P6 Seaou >^$ Seep i;^ Swan 11^ Vung 5^ T'hun J^ Kwan J]^ G!m / # H6ng "i^' T'hfey ^r R Luy m"^' ^ T'hwa ^ Chaou Chong Hwdy M Se&ng if Siy /]^ Tatn Soo i^ Chiln 8 /pj Ho6 ji^ Tok ^|» Tek )^ Choo >iffi Sek Gna6u K'hwilt Am «|i Gae Hek y# Cheng L6ng •A. 5 CbSyh /*• ^ Seam ^-i^ Yim ^- Suy ill Hwa^ \ I liwixn IB. \ Chay ^^ Sin Mill ri lim ^ T'Jiat g| Twat life ik '^i?^ HAtn ■»ffi „... J3E Sbey ^ Ay '^ig Hok M Ak Ke & ] Wha Tiiep [Ij Ch'hek M Wuy \^ King y^ Ye6ra U^ ( T'hi-em ip, i ^'hat tc Beiou ^^^ ^''^- ^ Jd. '^-^^ «^^- II Hwan ^^ ^^^y it' Ch6 ''^{hwu" [TM Ke6ni ]^ PMiad i|l| Y'cen ■"it^ HwQn ;\iS Ch'heng y^i^{ Yam V Cli'he6n C K'Mn M B6 vt ( Chob m\ Ch'habu Jffn) T'h v,yi ( Ch'hwan 'hwan ( Been i Been m. Se TW > Se i^ Ch'hip ^ P'hftn Hoe Seang Tam U Sit f^ Kae 1^ neng 2^ Thw'"(t W Bin ii Tut ^(R'hd 1^ ) X'Atcd il Seng 805 jlH Yung JS. Leng ^ Ch'h ill Hwafe JM Yiien ew he"S . Seang Wan 10 y GwAn $1 ^Chun VJ W4 Koe Kaou Wi So i^ B6ng i^ Yit Iffl LCln i^ P'liod j^ K'hey Tmi Wun j^ Chlm ii Soe ^ Chin it Soo i§ Yftng ■t'^fp' Kwiit I jrt. ( Cha6 VS T'ho Lok .« 5 Loe m } Laou ^ HWUQ ]g BeAou f ijeaou (^ Jed yg^ K'hafe ^ TCng i^ L6 11 /i| P'AooW p^^ Yeen :>& „ i* ( Ch8 1^ Pew I (Tek Teeh X \^ y^ Loe j^f Ho6 ^ Hoe Yew Kwun if pang 'Jit 06 Sip Jeiik \ij| Ch'hong Bedt i^ Choo yj^ Tek ^ Eng 9 B Bw&n rf' P'heng (■So6 l^Swd . f Teing P'heaou P'heic P'htd jj^l P'heiou ' ^ ChaQu ^^l^\ Ch'hat Ch^y ^{Chc4 Chw^ ich6 |\i^ { 06 < Bok ^Bo6 IjI Lcfin ^ W4 ^ T'hong ^ Le ^ Sw^n / i>t \ Ban Chod fioog K'' Hip Sitn Hflng Jiin L6 J^ T'hAm Cheem Chofiy ). mich'hij huy Yeen iW Yang u* J Cheang Vk i cAeo"^ Eng \i la ( P'hwat ( P'hwah Ktiet it Chip f Hwan '"*^| P'hwan [p'A m \t iST N/« yjl^ Kwuy ^ Chee Wt 5m /It Teftou Ted Sim Hoey Che San Ch'han Tfing Ch'hani L!a Seep Seep T6ng Je&ou T'heet Chod 306 85^ Soo I ( YJn f \ wr.n ! JS tew Hong H! i^ cho 51" Tong V@ Tek m t 1m. Ley f^ K'hwut \ /# L6ng 3M Ciioo J f Chok m Loe Ch'hip |06y ) Wofey •^ Cli'lio6 fl! T'hfeng M Wiiy Pin hng IS fe Sip 1ft Bek fT I Leng 15^: Eng ;^ BQiig S Pe »■*; ( Chey i So6 . y Cheen VM Le Eng /4M T6k x|^ Sea 'fife KtS P'heaou f^ P'hok i« Lam Han Eng Lek Seaou IM Eng m Swin M { Lwd 17 ?M' H^ mn Se Lew /fl Plu IS Lo6 TO Be M Le6m Hwan i^ Yeak i^ Hwan )^ Jeang ?# T'hiing /t§ Hwan is Hong ^ Chflng /e^ Yung 'iM Ch6ng i§ Hwat say Swft {.Ley fS Lwan Yeem {ten m Ld 20 "j^ Keiou ^ Ho 22 fl* Wan ^^ < imy ^" Teng K Hoey' 3 i/C Leng N^ Chd i^fe Ch'hei ^^J Cheak ■^l Chae ft ^, Ch'hwa ^ K'hfe ')P Log ^ ,„^ , Ch'huy KtA ^ CA'Aoey Yedm f^ P'hdng ,M, < Ch'haot ffy I ch'hd /^ Leaou -y)^ K'hdng ^; Chea 5 jljp Cheaou ^ Ba6 'Ife S Ch'he4 807 A ^ ( T'lijln ^ ThwH /«. ( Poo ^ Peng # Ch^y ^ Che ?ll Leet ;# Yang ^ { l'" ><>> ( Maou '^ Oe f # L6k Chin il$|' Pok 'M, Keng ' ffi Keng i^ WAn >^ P'heng ^{L'nl # Hong ^ He ^ Hwun li wut iSeaou Sciik ,'t^ Yeen s J^ P66y )^ Hwftn ^ K'hwun f T'hun m T'h6ey (Sfln jLHs ( Sek AB \ CAedA ^^(Ch'hfly Seet \^ C Cheaou t ) Him Yeem Ycem (K5ng ^Teen "iHumn Yeiik 1^. Jefin Sim yg T'hw^n ''m« wuy wun ./ iM y Hwuy '/H 'j Swan i*s{r Lecn sjP H6ng Pek Ch6 j^ way ^B He Tfl Poey j,jg i Lwin ^ Lwdn J6w S Bofiy Hw^n ^ H6 n7» ( Che^ou 'ja ( Seaou f Seiik X ^ Yeem '^ Tfing >'i: Tun { Leaoo Leiiou Lin \Seo Hoty Yip Wut /^ Seen iJeet JwSh Seo Keng 1 He 1$ Ho }a|Tong Hwan Hwan f Yeen la Ch'hfe Sijen Ch'heen Yeep Je6n JEng jR Heuk ^ Si Ch'h^n Suy Hwuy 808 77* 89^ 90^ 4^ ^ Seet jm < Chijuk HM ( Chek j^ Seen ffi Hwun iTIt Sin Yaou ^^^ H Eng ^ Sect 1^ ( Lap T^Wl \ Lah Seak Hwiln Lo6 Seet /JC Jeiou \ Mp% * C Cheng Wan fWAy I way rHoo Ho6 6 >■ Cheak T'hiiAng i!i Hwan Ch'hw^n So Si Lak fl Cheak Yea 5t Gna6u )^ S6ng -• '•Ch'hfing J[^ Chong Wi ( Ch'heing m 1^ ^ CA7.eo^^" " '' Yeen Ch'hong Kif Chah 9 ij^ Teep Pfe 5 Ch'hong PiS^ I Thang M Y6w M Tok N 809 X^ Gay # T'heng ^ ^\ Go6 ^t Pin ^ Boe Ni^t Boe ^ L9 J^ Jim tt K4ng ^ Bok Biit Koe ^.^ Jit I ^'"^ 6 ^ Chvrkn ^-f Jo6 ^J Tek f K'heen ^J K'he6n [Hat ft K'hok Ley Pf Iv'he ¥!k Keen 'he6n ^•^ i P'bun san Keen Lok Ka^ T6ng Yadu Hwdn T6k tie S6w 1.2 ^!^ P6 <;/t K'he6n y^ Hwan ^T Gan ^H KwAn Heep ^jL Haou ^ Wun 4J- ( K6ug ^ L6w HC Tek Ms Ung ^'hs Neaou ^fe Gin lit Chin (Cy " I ^ Kek ^ K'heep <^ Ap U-'Ifl* Hofi 3^ Hwiiy $^ Yew ^ Ch'be 6 vJL. ( Kaou ^^ san yf Keen Sew ^m ;l6 'NO J^ Ko6 3Q Heet Hoe Yew Sun m{ m lO •fl KwQi ^ o ^1 ffl Cli'hae Ki/l Ho6 ^ Te ^S Seng s 12 Poey I ^ ''"'''" km Wan ^ «^^ Vf^ Gae IW^ Geiik ^(Ch'hean/*^'^''" I 4^ Cneang ^ ''"■" # Seang' J^ Leaou Keaou Heaou Kw^n ■J^ Tok ^ Ko^y ^92 if 93 3f^94 PC 810 t ^ HeSn V ^, Geiik -^?Ong JJ Tin 95^ ! ^ He6m ^ Hae ^^ Beaou 5 ^ Choo 311: SSS Jjf San Jfe L8ng a Le ^^ P'h66y lH^ Liin 96JB. , „.., " 7*C xas ( Seen 1 !i i Be ■4^ Sut Jf Kan Jjt Pit ^ S6w j^ K'hlra ^ Hwun 4 7^ { Chin J| Hoo -1^ P6 W. Pin t3 '* 5r E ' 6 ^ Ka6u vH L6w J^lPa- It Hek J& Kong 1% Keung 1^ Yea 8 ^1 E > 15 ^^ Sfew -^ Hefen I^ Hoo -% Bin ^ ^ Kafe Jf' Hong Ij^ Kwat i0E Kak J^ Lok i'^ Choo J^ Gtn 5^ Sdn J^ Ch4n ■^ Ke ■^ T'him ^ T'he6n \feS< Tok ^ Ho6 Tt=i ( H6ng m \ Poey ya. Swan 3^ T'hey J# Tae M Chim ^ He6m /j^ Gwin ^T Heng it Kg ^ Wuy 5 J^ Leng 3^ Kwuy Jt^ K'hwun J^ Hw^n ^ Tae ^ Ch'heung 3i Kg ]^ Yang . J^ Tefem >^ Pan #{S| ■ m. Hay <:tiJi P'ho % Poey 7 M, Wan M Wan ,vJ0 P'hek i^ G6 f Ye6m ^Ji L6 ^ K'ho i^p Go6 ^i Ye6n ^Tara ^ J^ Hoe ^ Cho6 5$ Ch'hw2ln J/T; Chong ^ Eng iiil Kay ?$| Keen J*B Kw4n S J^ t ! iK BJn V W \ K'h6w 1^ Teaou ;§ H8ng 1 1 811 ^ Suy Sek Yflng So So Ya8u 06 Ch)a A Eng lo n Bdy Lfinr Kwuy L8ng The^n Ch'hong Ch'ho Pit Kin Ch'lmy Le Swiin Leen j^ Cheang ^ Lin SI H6ng ^ P'hok H K«ng T^^ Hwan m \ HwAn Jii Chin ^ Lew L6y K^ng SAy xc (fk Kwa H Tim Teet Hog LfiDg ^/0l Hoe Eng \ Hwlkn KwHn Ch^n 1 P'iieaou I Peen \Pcn Loe ^ Jeang ^^ Ke ml?:;'"' ffi Yung "** P'hok Ch'hUn Loe Ke ^ Hw4n Suy M J6 P| Swan 1ft A 4 ^ P'hoey i^ oe « ^ Chod 11 Tdng W Am i£ Cb'he W Kong T'ham fi He6n ^96 /" 812 813 : 7E P'hit ! f' Lek m M T'hw4n Kiiang Tew Te^p Tiiep rso& Set/ 0f Teng ^ Kew f- 'he ^ T'h^ ' I ^ P'''^ -, ^ Ch'l ^ ce y^ K^- j^ Chit '^ Pwiiy ^ K'he ^ Seei J5^ T'him T'hlm Tim 3^ ( Pa Jl GAy ^ Ek 1 Chin ^ H66y Le T'hiln ^ im jfe J Haou ^ I Hay riffi ( TheH \ '^ T'hut ./^^^"'"^.'^ Hin ^^ Jch'hwan t^^l^ P'he E j j^ Seaou 5^ Sect ^ Se6n 7^ Heang P'haOu j g Hofiy 5^ Gae \: Hoo ) Swan P'lifi fP" Kara ^ O 1^ Ch'ho6 V j^ T'heHou Yang ffi'{c*h\wih ij : Sijet , ^ Te j^ T'hSn v^ t Stcui^g p^ Le Ch'hei I ^ ( Chfe ' & K ^ T'h66y 1 1^ Kflng ' & 1 ll Ted"? Kw&n i^ T'hiim j^ Llm >v.i^ Ch'lie j Jp K'hwi»y ^g ( K'hwan j ?15 ) K'/tbty ^ K'h.'im V5^ Pfe ^ P6 Tlwun Bin \^ \ Woey ill K Cbuy Ay i 0. Cheuk 9 gioa ^103 r 104 ^ Kwan ' [M\b& I jfSjjfi Cheiiog S«ng J6 © D \ 814 104 1*" losXt 106 i^ Hong ,ng Ye6 Heang iHean] He"a ^ T'him ^ Toe J^ Kwan ^ Leaou ^ Hwfln ^ K'hoa ^ K'ho6 M Yim Y,^ K'hwat 'j^ Kwan la Wun ^ Chin 3§ Chit 10 i^!S ;r: -V ^ Ch'hong Pwan Uw So6 T'hiiy GiJak T'heen Pe Tij^ng Che Chok Te pi T'hew 1 Lfiy ^ Cheung M Chhy ^ Te^ou I! >^|Loe ^ tng ^ Bok Loe Laou 12 ; S H6ng I Wui' ^ Chofcy Leaou J.|| ^„^^ Lefing lt{ Lew Tan Tw"a 13 P'hek I P'heah Luy Ley ^ Ch'he ^ Suy y^ Say ^ Ch'he /^i Yang / ^^ i CAeo"^ 16 ( Lek Lo6 jFH Hok ^ Nae ^ Se6n j^ Eng ii Ke #i""^ Yung ;^ Pwat Kwily P'hwat Teng Hwat / \tl IPayh •?r ( Pek ■^ Cho -% Cho 6^ Tek t& Ba .W Kae M H3ng fe Kwuy ^ Kg fe Kedou )6S Ho © Sek ^ Beiou K6 P'ho Ho Keiou P'heiou 10 815 [ fX \ F'ho&y Set Ch^ng Jnl B4ng P'ha P'haoah t^ P'h6 M Lam M P'haau [Yeah SJ Bwat Afjo«a 6 Lap Swat K'heak J Ch'hin (Pit T'hwat s I JKU f Ch'heak ; m^LeeA li K'him Ch'hwat M Koe Kin lo Od Wo8 Wo8 P'hfln Eng Ek Pwah Wdn jnL Ap ^ Yang ^ Ap K'hoey VjH ( Seng i\m{ Fang Jellou Jed,ou Ghoo Paouh Hoo To e Yefim Ka^ Ch^n CA«o«J ^ Kwan B^ Bod T'heaou Gia W Led y^ Cheilng ^ Chiia K Ch'hd 6H Kwiln IS He6n • H K6ng il Gae ( Cheng t ChaVig Cheng Lae I^ Siiy KwHn fSiiy < Chbey Ch'he JIIL108 gl09 616 109 g 110^ 111^ 112^ W K'hayh \M Tok M B6k M G6y hk H* ( Cheet ^M \ Cheep ^ Ch'ha6 9 il Ch'hwah ': To6 M Ch'hae -^ Joey n-SS Bop Ong m Sxla )W \ MwH n^lP'l m \ P'l P'heaou ha 'T'heng . Tai"g Beng Ch'hee^gh (Pe Pijet heet Cheaou H.^. \ Cheaoii ffifSvln I Ch'hun ^% Aou lo /i R§t Le^ou m Chin li K'hap 01 So6 Hi Hat Si Hey, 1 i: . Hin K'ham Hit It H6ey Keiou Cheem Ko6 13 il (Kfe if iVat"^ HM Hwun ^ BQng Keak S Ch'heuk Bi T'hong P K'ham ^:^ Ma8u M Keng H Sok % E CTe IChae i^ Ho6 M Sin ^ G6ng J ^ K6 f Twin 5S Chedh # P^ hok ?f Kan ^t { Gwut fix Kang ,# Say ^ Hoo ■j-j. f K'hftng *;LiK'heng VLrt ( Ch'hfe s^^ K'h^m ^7 Glm 5 ^ Ch'he ^ Chay ^ Pe6n ^ Pwat ^ P'heng JB P'habu A6u P'h5 'hwd .«JK 817 J^ Choo ^ K'ham 1^ K*he6t M HfiDg (Gc6n 1 ^ oj„j I TO Kcng I T^ i^ Ti»y $f Gae ^j( S6k .^ Cb'hdy ^ Chim i^ Ch'heak ; IS T'hw an ^\ Se J^ K'h6k ^ K'hong ^'^ Ciri.i-a ^ Gnu S Lew Geng Gndi/ ^^ Bang Ooo Lun 10 ]]$fe K'hak ^ ) K'heOouh iXA ( Cliwan Tja Wuy Wfin Tuy Ke Leung 'g >^ K'hap -\^1 -r ;5 Hwan Lcen ^ Hek f ChoQ i I //«"iy fSeet i ^ -^ ( I'eeA ! ■hjlf P'hong ^ GAm >i;;^]««>P 1^ ^ TaJc \ Kpduh I (K'haouh ; ^^ Q K'bwi'iy j VQ ""-"/ ^ Chek ^-^Liri ^ Kei' ;^ Song JMfl ?0^ Tok ■ ^ '^•»'«'' m Ge6„ 1^1 ^„ ^ Cl.'l.ara ^, Ch'W ^tn Fheog iS K'hok ii^ Ch'he°a l|!l K'h^m I .J, ^ CI. -him I ' m K'Iia|. ^ Seen ^j^ p.^^^^ 5i K'hwat 1^ K^^„ j^ T^ng ?ij^ Uami"^ ^ Tun j ^ K'haou I m Ta ^112 xs f K'll.-HMI ^ K'l.... ill fH Gh'hpi ^ HAk 16 1$ L6k miwcfey .<0. Ch'ho ^ Gok K'hey Md Bo Tok ■ ^ '^•»'«'' ^1 G.6„ {^\s„, K'hong '/^ ^•^'^'^ j^ Luy ^ K' ^ GlQ M \lW-S Kong B')!uy Ley HwAn ee 818 113;^ ■/^ Se jjiL L6y f|5 JeAng Xfifc Sea Jn Sweln -^ Pin T6 ^ Yeak f Soo 'hae JTF ) Ch'hofe ft Hoe 'k|)£ Cheuk -?# Sin 1^ So6 [ Cheuk i^ Yaou /ir Ke $i Che M Tut ■/i;^ Yew Teet >Hwut Hoo P P^ fS Cho6 ^ Ch'hae L6 1 IS «ey III Yin ~-\S Cheng Hok T'hfiy Bofiy "j T'heaou i Tey lo M r- BH 5 P'hejlou -5t^ I P'Aed W' K 'hap ^ Chfey It Ch'hira , Ch'hofe 'Chay V Kwd,n M Lok Lfi ii G6 He iH6 M Soo •-, jM ( Sefin ^jW ( Seen To Ley Je4ng -^: Yeak "H^ K'htm 1^ Jew E Lfi A^ H8 TTC \ W66y l^ T'hut pU^ Sfew /T^ Soo 3 ^^ Choo ^ Teiou X^ Peng i Lcfin ft ifiC Ch'hew I'j' Ch'heung ^ H"5 asi ( K'ho IT \ K'hoey ^ Be^ou s fif K'hwA 4il Choe ^ P'he ^ Bwat -J^ Ch'h^ng V 819 ■^ Cli, 1^ T. ^ Tae iWi \ Chut J P'hoe % ilc ffe L6Dg ^ Hoo 1£ J T'hwat K'hwun ^ Kan l.y^ ^ Keng ■ Tdng IL ^i-tv ( Fin ^ Tfiw ^ Hectn » Peen Tew C CbeiJDg 1-H TlieH Chek Te Choo J(|9 To Lun ^ Jim ^ Kay l^ K6 Pae t .;JS T« J Cheng I Cheiing Ch'heng Ch'hisDg CA'AJb Kwut CWy Chong Bok Si BAn m Te Leiik Soe k^/|igf Chck ^ ^ng Suy IS Suy ffi- ,K^/ f KiiJ'y [iTWyA m L6Dg Sek Cboo i "^ K'buung K'bong _ i ..j K'hang li^jK'hbng [K'h5ng ft 5T Cheng Mf ( Yaou :^ ■( Yaiiu ^ ( Chit 4^ J Lit ^ I Ch'hong ■Imin \ TViang ^2 Be&ou jJIS T'heaou ^3? K* p ( Kabu \ Ch'hfvan Cfa'faw^n CA'Au.'^ \ CA'Aui*^ Ch'heung Ch'hing CA'Aw"d ^ S Ton Chun «f» 'C ^ Tdt ^ Chek ^ Be4ou ^ Pe^ S^ Yaou ^ WA ( Chut \ Pooh Yaflu % < Ch'hong \ Thang (KsrUn \ K'hwiin Haou a Tbng Tim K'hwut K'jjo & H^k Sut 1 Hong O \Vk J6 YaOu Te3 *1 a20 nsft M '-V- X \ ^ Cha6u ^ P'hfe S Te^ou Kwuy Ch'hong 1.3 LeillDg -;t^ Ch'hwan; K'heaou Kijilng Toe ^gfe Lip s li^ Cham Jf T'h6 i& Peng ^ Teuk ^ E ^ Kan 4 aii ^ Keng I ^ S Cheang ^^ J CUb ( Ckadu Ch'heep ^f P'hut J[{ Chiln ^;" " j^ Soo i ^ J Tang ^^ i Tdng jM Seung \.§fc Se r i^ Twan t^ Hwae J <^ Pa K'hip Chaou Ch'hadu Sun Pun ^ ( Soo P| ) Soo l^ Ho6 3^ Pun ^ P6ey H Cli6 y^ Hwut ■ ^ t Ch'heaou y\^\ Ch'hed ^ Kin ' r 4e Oh'hwsn H:! { Kh6 Ka B{ Swan Se T'hoo ^ Lang CTek ^^ Toy ^ Ko6 X ^ K'hedm ^ Ch'heem si, Seng "§( Lap § T'he !.^ Sun :|^-tit Hwat j ^ Tijuk Jf^ < K'hong im I K'hcng ■^ ( T8ng ^^ Key Sen Set/ ■ i Seng ■i\S. 1^ Soe ^ ( Keep 7^ \ Gnayh >^ Ye^n @ Pun 5^ Ch luiih a ;^. Pin @ Pin fP Kay 6 X Tap Kwiiy I'lHi.. I ^/- ( Ch'lHin Ch ^ KeH ffi K6 \,/^i Che !''^ I Ch'l Clieen 'he6n ^ Pi' ^ L6 Ch'hek Kin >^ ^^{Lip Layh Ch'bAn ^.jSeen / Ch'h Jl Ch'ht\ Paou K'ho6 ^ Tekou (Pa \PAy % L6ng ^ K^ ^ Yip ^ K'hoe T6 Chfing Chcet /.*: 'h6ng Ch'heaouJi, Jft Geiing I ^ K^.,„ V^ T6ng ^ K«-6n Ke >tfr I Swan SwuM K'hong • ( Ch'hoey i(Suy 821 eetn ^ H»an S Hok $1^ Leiik T'hok Nae f Long ^^ Be ^ K'hoe 1^ Chong (P6 Hwiin ( Leep ^« P'AoA ( Pok M ^ i Phoe r i« f L4m fHfijLdng > p. Ch-hoe (-""« 0,1. »7 /tKi Le6m ;|Pj Ch'heem ^ The M Seuk S Ch-bek 5B Hwan ! li^ Yeak ! M Peen Sae Ch'hftng r mi Lied Poey r^ Ktiing Kat ^i Bik 12 ! Chwat CA^yA J6 Lok Loh 1,1^ i Kaou W.\Kd 823 "1 % Heet II T'ho ^ Hein X^ Kip M, Jeflng 1^ Lfiy ^ ( Kwikn ^ S6 1^ Teet ^ T'hong V i ■> Keing 12 SwufS m jChan f Ch'hwat Chit Seen { Le&ou ( Le&ou Chun J^ Jedou Ch'hwi IM H6ey Chin Hoey '5 Hey ^1 Tew jH Geep ' 1^ Keang m Tarn Kijigft K'hiJet ^J K'hbng a}, Kafe ^«lSaT 1^ P'hek IP Ch'hefen ^ Kara II Ek fig L6y '41 Ek jPe Pijen l« 11 K^y ^ P'hin ^ K'he6n sM Hwun Ch'hw2ln ,hIt ( Seiik 1^ L% Te^n N^ Hoe ft ^ Ya6u r K'hwat Wi Kong WT F&.n »« yl Lam Log (Eng -^1^ Ch'hag Seem Chiu Tok CheUk ^1 Hang I ( Kong ' \ Ke^'g ^ K'h^ng Suy Ha f Chun § Eng mt T n « ^ ^ E nil M Bong Teng Bong Tok H^n Tek Tek Hod L^ng Koe Chea B8ng Ko6 Kong Kong K'hwa B8ng Ke6n Hoo S^m Koe Ye6m Choey Hek Th all Hwat Chong [ -^ Se ^t Soo 10 ^^ i Maing M Ke © L6w JP'he (Pa Le Bo8 i Cheng ( Chan S T8ng i P'he ^ L8 ^ K^ 11 K^ 825 \ ^ \ Yang ^ Keang ^ T'hat ^ T'hat jte Pa 3, Ko j^ Koe ^ Keaag B yf Ung ^t T'h6 fb Ko6 S Tey V : Sew fChedk [ Ttdh ^ KwAn $^ Kwfln Ge Swin Ye en ( Keng Keet He Seen T6ng Hwin Hwfln JCheen Seen Lofiy 12 ^ Gey 4 -^f Ong a IS' ^ P'hun ^ Ek !? Ek ^^ Sip e )% SeAng ^ Hip ^ P'haou Seaou 8 Tek P'Aoo .?^ Ch'hiiy ^^ Hwuy 9 % Chod ill P'heen ^t Gwin ^ Hwuy V /i xo Kek i Han P'heaou 12 Ke^ou Ko P'heet Hwan Seuk fek P'hun s(^ ( Laou ^ K'ho ^ Mo ^ Chei # Kfi ^ Ko6 ^ Teet ^ Teet ifn je |lj Nae 3 ^ Sw4 it Nae ^ Chwan :i2s 124 J^125 IJQ126 9 G 826 128:^ H ^ Joey ^ Choo 'IVI \ Kai'^g % H"6 $5 Yin lE Pay $fi Soo |IP KafS 1^ Kek fi Lun Kwun K'hwfin i^ Gnoe 1^ Cheoh Noe Yew 10 li? M Yea ffl^ Turn H^ Tarn ;#C K6ng ^ Tarn \^ Le^ou AF L6ng 7 ^ Hong -^ t Se"d H P'hfeng 8 ^ Che M Tfly ^ Hek ! Bdn Bun lo ^1 ~^J Be^n Lain ■A i Ch'hong I Ch'hang m L6 ^ ( Se"a 1^- Seung Hoey Leep Chit 12 # Yit ■< f T'heng f :J T'hfeng I T'he'^a ) L8ng I Ldng m Hwa 8 Seuk Sod Teaou Teaou \ Jeiik Bah Lek ^ K'heng ft Hit '^ Se^ou fljll Hwiln ^ Toe rtp( Kan W Yeilk If Oo 4^ Koe te Che \ h 1^ Hwan 1<^ Keen W P'h&ng ^^ Chun H/b Yew Ufc. ( K'h6ng ;B IK'Aan ^ Jefin ^ Keng Gnadu ^ Hit ( P'ha6 <;Hfe [Hwily s A^ Wuy ^ Tew Teet 1^ TSng C T'hae (.T'Aay BSl K'hwut l¥ PSng ^ Chod Pwin P'Adng Chin ^ Chin J^ Choe p. Ch'he M, TS 827 |4 Seng Hb Che ,fll. ( TeUng J3t Am ^ lira im> Cheaou 16 Paou f Ch'hfty l Ch'hly ^ Ch'hiiy ng ( Seng 1 31 P'hok ^^ Seen m.W Se ^ Bek B^ Ldn i{?a1;"^ BS Lew ^ Ch'h66y 6 pk P'heng ^ m Yeen ^ P'hong l^y K'hwa tt Kong 5^ tChit te Ban M Luy ^ T'heen jgg Nae I& Keung m Yf„ ^JLeaou H \ Ko ^ Heep >JS Eng ^M T4m H Kofey iLtf i Kok Hf P'heang ^ Sek 11 Xe8A S^ 5e«JAl ' f^ Le€m .tej ( Heung m \ Htng flfil Heung (]|i Ch'h5 fl^ BoSy -S TAn B^ Ek ^ Am «H ( Ch'hijing • M Hoo ^ Bofi tt Tong B{E!L M J6 fft Sew t Sin m"'^ ^ Ch'hip vW p^ ^ Bofi N lit >)R T'hwai /!^ { Ho6 lO .|| T'huy fP Lit # P'hek M Ay >Jf H°o M Hoo ^ Pfing xa HI Kedk ^ Pefin ^ { Taou W Hwfly M Le6ra ^ L4m ISI Ch'heuk ^ Ham nfi I K'heang ^ L6 ^ FAon^ t{L\ M Chod ;|t Yin ^ Win E Sit IK Je B^ Chc6n v^L . • ^1 Hkm 9 B Ba M T'huy fl Cham gg Lap ^ VHeep ^1 IS K'hwut m Ga nS f Kek m \ Kayh OS^ ( Hwan HS^ Le6m [130 f\ 828 131 g 132 Q 133^ rn'r ift CChey |i Chey [ Cha& Yaou Chuy Tew ^Pfn ^Pln Hwun 'im i Ham 19 M HSng BS. T'hok Ydng He6n M filing li P'hok ^i Ldp II Yeen BS A m Eng i« N Loe Lo I K'heeh iChong Ck^S Cham ^ Sin B G5 Chong LeAng 1^ Cho5 y^^ Chfe .^ Geet ->(g( Tfe (Ch' 5fe ( Llm Ch'h^w I Ko Geet |£ Ta6 Chin \ Q CKew K'Aoo Keuk ^\Ye6^^ Cheung Cheng f^ 1 Yaou ^ Sek jg ( Kev/ f Hin [mng ^ K6 SB ^ ^^'^ WlKod 829 ■> ::f^ I Sect >CP \ Cheih ^i|^ Ch'hun j ^ Chew r^ Kin i ^ Sek ^135 ^m ^ Siln ^ To ^. Po M Leang 8 .y^ m Put ^136 * Trf ^ Hat #f T&h 'Ji B6ng ^M Kan !, B12 Yeem _ ■ KW Che ' t ^ Yecm ^137 .^ Se ;^ Boo ^ T&jh ! H Koo ^ « JLJ_ Bl38 . ^fg Kw4n - ^ { Pw4n vll H8ng ; W? Hong Pwan ' m Heng m .( Chong HK ( Chimg M P'heen ■ gl39 ;^^- PwiD Pwin xo ^ Choe P»»a j^ Soe .Pwat f^ Ung j^ Hwdt ^ T4yh ffi Ch6 xa 1^ Kdm Hi T8ng m Tong jlfl P*k il G6 • N ,')lfe Keen M K'ho jyv ( Ch'hwAn / f P \ Chdn j$ Hwdl «P Kap )S@ Tdng jljjl Lam JB B6ng f§ Lo6 i S Song .^fSk T'h6ng 9 H 830 ji^ Ch'ho 9^ +^ ^ Thfd ^< Ho8 rn Hw.'iy ^llf Si-en ^ Ch'hefen ^ Jim ^ ( Gnae ,^L K'hoe dt ( M8 ^\ Mo '^ Eng -If- ( Choo y^ Tap ^ To6 "^ Suy |ife| Tiln < r^ San ^ Choe V^ K'ho6 ^ Pwan It Heng dg:yPo6 m (Ho6 ^^ Hwan ^ GnSw ^ Gay ^ T'heen 1^ T'li6 1^ Cheera 6 j^ Beng ^ Ch'hiin ^ ( Ch'ho - ^-^ K'hefem i ^^ G8ng -^ ( Ma8u 5^ Jefing iK Keaou ^ J ( Nee"g 831 ^ But # So ^ Go6 ^ K6 ^ B6ey M Keng I Ch'fi'euk Ch'hd -^^ ( Wftn 1 wan 5 Ham iKdm Y6w j'f^ Kwat ( Keep ( Kayh !He5n Heng 2? „ . -^' Peaou |ic Ga M B6k If , BOMi If Bong i| Ch'hek Ch'h6 % Wut C Ch'heng gi CA'Aa;"^ ( Cheng 65 Tek ^ Tang M Choe ^ Letik Kiiuk Kck K'hwun 1^ Choo K6 Ch'heang m Hek iiwa Koc ^ Lfing ^ fa ) ch\ ^ Seftng ^ Ch'hafe T'hofi Po PoCy P'hoe Kfn s: ^P ( Hwuy @ Alo ^ f Pong ^ i PaV ^ Ciriie ( T'hdm \ Tam Siiuk ^ Ke ^ Chuy T6 Ch'hun :^ TccIng ^ ) Ch'hey bH B6ng M Lae fPjp'l Q T4m WAn P'hfing hedou Chae 9 ^ K'b6ey /in! Swan •1 o ^ Gok f Lok l^Ladu /Yeep "l Htoh P'hfln Hong H6ng t nang e ( Sim \Suy ^ Kat ffi Po6 M t Tang ^ Wuy ^(Oey ■w: \ Woey ^£ P'ha Cli6ng Kay Pod W: Chin Keem 140 ^jCh'hong ^ Chit ^i-lZ* ( CVhang ^ Jedk ^ Ch'hoDg # 832 140^ k^ if Suy Heen Mo Teiik »i ^B ■^3 # w 'V v Ir >H8ng > P'hdng Le^n Ch'heung S6 Chwan Ch'huy K'ho& Gey Chip Wily Sepk P'boe SoK Seet Beet Ban Chea Tdn T6y ^ ( Le5.ou ^ ( Leiik S-^LoS Sg ( Cli'hafe ^ CheAng 12 <§. Ch'hong »^ Ne4ou So6 Yim P^y M W»5y fj Ch'hip Hw5.n Gn.aou (64S Luy ^ Lijy ^ Keo M Kan H Kg ^^ Geiou kj ^ 5 Cheaou l^? Chio Wt Hwuy ^ Gok :§: ^ ch'hwat M \ Chuy ]^ Kwuy ^ Siln ^ Jo^y ^ K'hwat I K'deyh Tong Bod 1^ K'hwin Se S^aou §k Lee tH"o ^i (Pok \P6h BS ^ Kofey ^1 ti6y -©5 ( W66y gjV 4 Lwan ^L ^ Gwan is L^ng Chefen Chtng 14 S Sat # Sin (.11 Clie ■\~^ Hwun 3S Wuy M P'heaou 13 i^B Chofey ^ Loe ^ Hw4n ^ Wun ^ HiJuk •igr / Keang ^^ ( Keo"g x^yCh'heang TS ^/Sept Seek Pe T4m Hae Eng Chey Cl7e l5 Ch am Se 1 Swan Chek Che a lis Peeii M Chin ■ ChSng Chong Chip's K'hh"S Bedou IS Gnaou ? Ch'hip W L^y ^ Gey Bffl Luy W Twi U f Yijak Hw&n Kefing Che^n A6 Lin 11 Nae 9 T'hok ^^ Lfiy S Ke H^ng ;5Lo6 Soe 833 1? a Leiing V ^ Wiln M Pin Geet Seen Xf ^ Le6m ^ £ng 1^ Hwin L&n Ch6ng ti ^, BK CbAm « Ley Le Hw^n Be Ld LOy !^ Hoe ^ Ho6 Geak ^ Haou V-J^ K'hefin y feat ( Ch'h6 it ^ T'heflng ift ^ Hwuy }' \M. \ Sat Vj S H6k He B«k Hd Yeoh ^ E 1 I M Ham I j ip Tafi rig P'he ^ He6o Keep ^ K'hek t^ Joey ^^ Pang 'ft Ke f Hwuy (Hoey 1 tang ^^ ( Leitk f Keang ^ K'beuiig K'hwuy .Hek ^llKfn m i^\Klng T'lie6D Kong ^ Te^t $^ L«ng ;^(Tan <^ i Nooi>V I !# Ga S Seuk jg ^^ PtTJi^ ; 9^ Ho6 (Sin .||^ Te4ou ) Yin ^^' |g R'hwun i^ Hek Hwuy 1140 Sea H^W'in Ch'hwA Chtcd Chay [rhd!, P'ho6 He6a Cheet ^ Ch'hedh I Yc&h ft Cbeog Clio (^^ ^ Hoo |k!^ K»- ^ CVhc ilit To6 8 ^ K'bew Je ^ Kit \^{ ^ Te JE j Hwuy , L^^ a^HwOy pjS Hflng T.y P'hofi Poe K'ho ^142 9 I 834 Pe6n *" Hok Yew i Ma8u Hay Sek BCng Gell' Ho& It Kfey Ia, Sin )i* T'ho n\ He H6 jf K'heet M T6 ^ Jim 12 ( Ch'heuk K'hwat "^JH Hwiln %^ san Jt Git >|£ T'hok IE K6 It G8 'aJ Gay pA Seung H/f Him Kwat p^ Liit It r«>«c 837 ea ( Ne6"g V 1*149 9 K 838 i«g .sojg / p\ i ^r Nr gi Wuy A i> Yang p^ Gan \' "K Swan (Lok A Adu ,\ =1 Ch'hip IS Bo6 |§ Yeet 10 m { T'heln 'heng Cli'haou ^ Ke6n -0)lt Hong 3*1 Be « ]Vlee"g Bit Hiiak K'heem K'hedm Se King Sea Chea T'hedm Ya8u Boa ii Tek ^ Bew Che^n Sw3, Oe Kwun Ch'haou Chit Ch5 Kin ! Keang IZ ^ Ban P Hwi 1^ H6 ¥ H6 ^ He i§ Chin ^ Led.ou Hip Kwat La Ke Hwuy Chwan Vit; Boa P^ Ch&ra ^iM. JSit ^ Chea,ou ^m S Tarn p¥ I Chtm :k^ P'hoe ^ Eng ^^ ^■. 13 WJ P^ Tdng Keng Chap E Kwiin P'h6 Hae ik M Kwh H6 Ge ift K'hij^n Tap Hoe Chew "-,. M\ Tap A E E Ch'h^m A Ey Hwan ChEln Tong He^n IM Tok C T'hok =* ! T'hdk >P«1 Toe Taou RJi Tek p^ Loe ^ WufS Wi L6y 16 Yefen : sew ( Cham 1 \ Ch'ham Keen 1 f Jeang I CVhUn 20 ^ Kok K'hey >Hat 839 U S Toe ^K -H- i K'he -S.\K'l hae 7i See^g .a Kin £1 See"g ^ Bok Kla S Kok H! Hong 12 ^P Song SB Yeem 11 Yeem % S6 wut wut ^ H S H Pfe Tdn iR Tok is Pa ?2 Tok ^^Tftn /W^ ( Thuti f^ Hok I? Ek ^ Ga6 ^ ( Seang 6 Hwan Keen K'hwiJD Tok Ek Hd • Chdng fck E T'hfin # S Te HHy Wun Pin Lofi E 10 i'rAicd I il» P'hok --4^ Pi |\^ Cheng t Ch'hae Hoo CAedng' fe P'he j,|j- cha6 ' fiD/ Hak -> % Teaou ^ Hew Is Bek I ^ ( K5ng j. .P.( K'hdng « ^ Gwin Pin Madu Lfi « Ch6w T'hwin C Beaou ^ Neaou IS pe ^ iHoiy (IK Hwin ^ T'ham Wh ( Kwin •^ ^ Ku,ui"g Chek /St T'b6 IR P^ K Choo ^ Je Kwiiy H^m (■xMa6 •{Bay . ^ Pein aS Tae K SfeDg ^ Chod M Hong BL fT'heep ^ ( Baouk S Ho R I P'hun Loe Hdng ^ Jim Yew Choo » Te fKiy gJKiy (Ko6 |6 Sut (Chek I Ch'hctC ^152 If 153 ^154 840 154^ 156^ P Chin ^ Sea ^ ChUn fZ K'ha^ il Eng 1^ S5 ; Pin f ' rIr) Chew |jy. Le^ng ^" Lae So5 ,-^ Tfe i_>^ ( Se^ng g Po^y Ke Hefin Ga5« C Mae I. Bey i ii Sea Ho5 TaW P;^: Ch8ng Chit Chh Te - ;(To6 \ Kedqu I To6 i Ch'hap = Chin l| Hoe Kfing Ch'hun Yp^n Wun Pq iBjb Chae ^■p ( Nae -^M ( Lwa IS Ch'h^ng 11 H6ng ^ Pe^QU 10 Pf Ch'hbng $ Chey K P6 fi Hat C Seng il Pwat - 15!\ ( Picah ^ T6 SIJP { KaJ i ' ^ Bo {^ Che ; pi. ( LSem 5P \ CA'Aeet iSff: K'h^w ^ HwaA IsJ Til |P^ LooA "^.. PTio fIfE Ke [^ Kin ||M Chek la Kwuy ^ K'heung pi ( K'hwuy |i ) Hwdh l^ Loe 1 ^ Wa6 > iJl^ K'hap 1^^ T'heiou 7 ^^ Kciik I ^^ Ch'heuk ^{^ Seaou I m Twat Nj^ Cheen i 1 1^ Keuk ^% { That ^ Hod H6 i jHE S6 ^ PfeA ^ Chek Jlji CKheaouh ^ Chek '^. Te*p 1 ilg Tek "■= P-heea L.j^^^^" HPwAn 5^156 J6w [ P.c"d sift T53 10 f 5j| T'hiJy To . I Ch'ho ; \ Ch'h6 ,_ Cheet j ^ CA'AeaoHA "^ n+. S Leilng ^ Keen 1 P T'hut 1 I Ilwd ; 3^jK'h6^y I ^ K'ho^y ^ ^ T^ I Hit Seuk Kfi ^f. I Key ?< Ke : ) K'he Ji Tap Pw"& ^^ Chek Pit 100 1^1 VSoe Chat Hi . ■ EiE Cheung \ ^j^ Le4ou ^ Ch'hlm |X^ Ch'heuk ung T'hwin m Tong 51 Ch 'hey Seuk ^ Ch'heuk Ch'heuk ( K'hwat ( K'lioi'y • Wt K'heaou np i K'heaou li^j [ Keiou Gtah 9 h 159: \, Sd jgi T'hat P P'hek M Tok m Tang \:i^ Tew !^ Chey a^i Pin 1 14 ^\ U Yeak Lap Tek Chh Te^n 16 Cli'hok Ch'heen Leep K'heak # Sin 1^ Keung ^ Tarn M To |g Kijung ^i K'he II Nooi"g . * (Ke *r- 1 CA'Aea Wat lift. K'hwuy ^ Kwun 3 Gwat Hijen T'hun Hwan ^J Am |ife Tan Ayh !Jw4n Lw&n Lu« (^ Nool'^S 8 T6 # Clifn ft P'hat Ek Pwat ySt TeUk ^ K'ho ** ( Te6t Chew / Cha6 \ Chae @ Chfe p^ Lw^n Lun h TiJep Bwi-n Hoo ( K'heng \ K'Am Gey S( Teep Leang Choo Hwuy Bong Twat Leen Kwin Lftn >: • Po^y I I s Jvvin Ch'hip H 1 Clio6 I ^ Wae^Sh Yew Se Hok lO ( Te6n ( Le^n E Kok Hat wan Kwun Lok ^ Chw&n I Topi'^S la Teet Keaou Ked Lin K'h&m k Lam Eng P^ Lek Lofi 843 i ^ Sti hi Koe Pe Pit P'hek Choey t i^ Lat I ^Lat • fes Lwat I [ LwSh ^ Peen 1$ Peen Peen 5S06 } Si Peen S!a Jeilk Ltnz ^ Ch'heak ^ Ch'heen It Git ^ Sin jH Jew i^ Tun CGfing ^m\ ^^"^ Ijfi; Kin J3; Gay jf6 Gnoe j2, Te4ou M K6ng SH Chek ^(^ Kew jJi tA aSf Tey /3^ Slit I '5^ Toa 6 ii K^ng ^' T'hek Hwin itoj Kay Kea 5t Tae jli Pek ' ' 5& Ti-et ;dt i Bey \B6 ^ Peng ;il{ Chek ^tS Toe CAeaA 1® Na6 ia I Chiy /5 % Tiy I fT'ho^y f^ Se !=■ ^ Chey t ~ Chiy [ T'hong I 'Y&\ Tdy Sbng Sdng 3£ T'h^Dg Sok "li v\ t Sbng ^\Sdng jaL at ( Cho ;g; Kwat il IE. \ Ch'hft \^ Td ^ Chiln PSng y^ Hfing M ^ Hoe i^-C G^k Kiyh Pod j§ Yfiw 52 Seaou (T' \ T. \ Le6n T'ho6 >Aadu E {'"''' TaJt ^ P'hiin ^ Leilk JS Twat 3^ Kwin ^ Tae M Chew fKo Kd Koly Kwa At 844 162^ 163 jg 15 \ Heng S6w , To Tat ^ Wuy 10 voe MIkc ^ Ya3u L6w tJ5^ Siln ^ rip T^ 5^f Win -,.j^. So? , Slit -r M T'hap M Kip ^^^;yg^ 1^: -n tr: S»^ /■ ( Sek iT0k f Chea I Chay M Tun § Te >^ '■''■ ^ p^ Lin ^ Chun ^ Ch'heen Sw4n ..:■■) '■ ■ .lYft ' ^ ■ LeSou Ch,'he6m Heaoi} i^ Mae Ha6 iH: Cheen »im < Hwan Xft J6 Be&ou L6 L6 B Yip ..■Jv. ^floT Yung lliP San llfl B8ng 1(5 Geang ^ Pin ,' M HSng; „fN4 ^'^1 Nd ^ Pang JCP Gw^n ffiP Ch'hun ■^ H pP T ft Lam Sei fea ae hew iinft L.? £( # Pit P'he m P6ng' p|i Seaou ^fcP Poey SP T6 i|5 Kwuy « Te ^ItJ Heuk ^5 K'hap ^15 Chit 'IK Sdn ^ Kaou 4llP \ T'lie % K'hok Hek Keep \^J Kwun ||5 T'h6ng fP Ptit ^P K'heak 8 i^ Poe 3-1* \ Kdeyh '0 Tim ^R Laa 10 P Yew Toe 115 Be G6k ^ Wun §P Jeiik #1^ \ Chey fOe W j 06 {.Woo '' Heang ^i Heang i^|) Yeen fP Teng SP Wuy tR^Teng S Lin fii Tan ^ Geep Kofey 12 845 'i m Choc in Hong Ch^n ' \ Lek (^ Chew ^ Tam HN H^ fi^ Chok ^ Y6w |T Teng ■0 Sfiw |J§lCheak @2 P'ho^y I ^ j,,,„k A K ^, Toe Bofiy ^ Swan Luy Pofi Leiik ^^^ Yciem p P66y 1® SflD lyi Tam E' j'it H.„ ,\Bi* ci-oy Sp Koe ■^ See N(g^ Ch'ho* 'C ^ sew I& B6ng Bb Lok sew Tfing Geen 3( {Seng Seng Ch'hai'^ £ Hdm 10 ^ Ch*hew Wiln Ha6 L« Ld i^ Peen v|| L6 5^ Ch'hB6 ^ Sek )( Cheung xa SCheaou Chid 18 Hey SI L»ng Bi Ley 91 sew 81 Jeaing wun Sod Gefiro > Tedng Ting Teung . Tang Yta Le&ng Leang 1164 7^1«^ 10.. < M 846 167^ • Kim To ^ll Cbeaou AL S Cbeem ,'*T ) Chim X ,^ Hob tK Tip *3 ) 3'ed fSay { Ch'haou Lew Kong L6ng fPwat {Pw&h A iiSJ' Sim %V \ K'hadu f Cb'hw;\n [soA Ch'ha6 T'hey 1 Yea ^ T'ho6 Gw^t ^ Hod _ r^ 1 Tun -V^ Koe K'he6ra Bong Il^ng Ka Gtn ^SS'Sf Han ' 4^^ Kit ^ Geikk P ) Teen if K&h &t f Test m \ T'heei ^ Ke K'hefim Sdem ^ HeSn ^ Paou !§. Choe K'heem Yefin Wdt j Pwat ) PwoA Kaou Cheng T6ng Tdng Luy j i§ Chun p ^ Chit w. ( K'heung % /^ K'heng Se£n ^^ Geang t*. ( Ch'hwan *E ) Swan T'heet iChoo Sod The K'hwi 1^ 66ng ^E Teaou f H4m Joey K«w Scaou So Bo6y Ldng Keem Ak ( Sok \Sdh t ^ P»it ^ Keep 1^ Chiin Hong ■ ; Ch'hwan '■Ku>»d Ch'him T'he t i B6ng Leiiik Him Chuy ft4 ( P'bwat SK « P'AwoA jfc± (Ladu ^m \ Nadu Hfing IP Tok i' P'haduh x« ^ Cbod , H Hoe @ Pin Ch'hew ^ KiLm ^ B6Dg Si Seak If Yeak Yedk Ch'ham ( Seang iSedV Att 5 Kw^n 9 L6 Ch'hok Ch'hdk 9 ^' iTtS 169 fTeing . BB | B^" C Chwin 1 1 Teang i (-.,,,!« I CA«i«»" S^-M-; Cheing ;„ CU« d | ^i^g [ If '«"^ ' Se6in ^ Teem IS La i^ ^ { K'hmy 1 H6og (Jun H&n fH4n (.An ian CKa Bin Ch&h P6 . '1 Am Am Am 1^ P'bin XM Wfly ( Yeen I Yin K'hwat 'hwah cm K ^M K'hwat Kwuy ;1 i Kwan i A Vo 12 111 K'haou ) K'haro Ch'hg^n Pit T6ng Hwan I^ T'hat It) VYin ml f Gw4n [ Wui"S 4lBl cho6 ^ Hoo PS Loe PS Bek A I p^( Veen Tin 1^ T6 >|g: < Pofiy oe Rji ^ King 1'T ( Hang PI An (i Pe '^ Se6in ^^ Tey Seiig ^ T'hek To6 Tang X Poey Choe Vim Sfiy Tfn Tin Tda Pd M L, Sng Al^ { Yf :IS H am I ( Leiik l,^ Yang Jefing Yim j5|fKae »o J^ Gd ^ Lcfing K ( W6ey |i Tay ^ H6ng f Kae UH/Kek P^ Wfin |!| 06 ^ Ad K'hek K'heak ^ Chfcy Ri Yin 1^ ( ChiJdng la 81 Tofiy IW T'ham T'heem F^ ^1 m{^'' Tuy say Heem 6 Chey Sip Yin Hoey Chit i« 840 /■ ^ Tae m Ley |l Tuy Ah i Chek ^ I Chtah Y- ChiJ Ch'heak .' ^1 C/{«yA \(\ ,|P Gan ^ Kwuy /^■^ nijftng Gn4y Chip 'B ^ } T'hi 9S Kod ^ Chdn tl Ch'he Yung Cb'he Uk G^k Teaou Sny Suy 9 N / Ch'be C%dp Yung Key Lfi Le ,T - Laa Oh K >■ LAy pnudub ^ Bdng 4» f 1'een I' ^ j Swat ft 'SayA ^ BQn ^ Hwun f Yin ( Hwm I tfing Hok S«ep |l^ Hwuy ^ Teem H G6y I?? Lfing (Song »■■; Se 1 % Bok OB ^ Seaoo W ? CA'Aw Tfing Chin P'ha^ ^ B6£y 171 a H4y lit B«k ^H Boo m Swat S Ytm 9 Sip fl Sin [f^ Loe ^^ pa H P'hek ^ Ch^y S Bad 10 M S Ae M Tae "S L6ng il A6 850 A. 177 If: J78^ rsL ^ j Cheng' Cheng H T'h"a ^ Cheng T«3en Tan Iwuy •hd B6 ChaV^g , te: ( Seen 851 4g)K: K6w Seem 1^ Wiln m^""' Ye&h T6ng /M[p'bb l"^^ Hedng tS Se&oa «^|g K,^,„g ii Wun K*t Hang ^ Sun IS Kwfiy ^ Han M Se « Ueuk ;(S^ Seung K'hwiiy >. ^ ;'lR if ChTieuk jfi^ K'hbDg f^ W6n m E j^ Gw4n , )^ Chim M Pan L6ng (At \ Wah ^ G6k ^1 K'heet V ( BAn ^: heih Wut Tiin £i Ch'he T'be^u r (T'hofi ( Tha6u ^ Keep ^ Lwai ^ Gim ^ T'h6ng Am Keng K'hc) Chuy (Soo \ Sae Tfiy JGek . {He&k M Gin ^* Maou (Thut \ Toiy Bdy ^ Ge 1^ i»a(Ban " Ch'hiui I P'hang , ^ \ Bun gl Sob ^ Kfi fy». I Ch'hdng W \ Ch'h&ng j^ Kwfty P Hwun ^ P'hut ^ Peng [ P6ng P P. , E* ( K'he ^ \ K^hU ^ Geim #186 H Sew ,11 Kwuy ^ Pit 9 Wi Sod « ©f Hwuy .lisr M Heuk lO |£ LAW 1^ Teaou • IK Boo IS Wun Sb Sio C P'hein /^ < Cbwan 1 P'heet Pe«n H Ch'hi ^S Gwuy ^1^ Ha6 iU Jit ""^r. S^ Kwfly ^ mm 1 H wa ^ fe o ^ Ke fi^ L6V- ' ^ Je&ou IS ' tt lii/ tlong IS Tuy Ui'.V'''*^ • ^ Yung VV ( K'hwafe , /H ChCin ^ P Chayh ffjpj Keng ^ P'hftng IS GwAn^ 1^ ?? Ho > :tSt Cba H Sin iS Choe ft* Ofev ^ Noe ^ G»e <^ So n ^llEj K'he • lii Hong -*^ H64ng > ,f^ P'he llf Ie«n !^ Sefert Is Clieen \% K4y ll^ La« )! Lfl ^ Ch'h&m i> ffA ( T'hae ff.v. 4 Chong # Bek ^'M Ho6 Si K'hd % Gfl 9 O 86* <8 12 Ch'ham E'faeaou Ck'hong K'he Yit ^m ^^"^ ,^ Heaoit ^ Lin Keng Ek tEgs ( Ek Ke6n Hwaii U •^ ^ kwut IT Tai'^. ff Han f5 Woo ^C Pit. :', llS: Wat " ^y Sb6b Tofi ; ffe K'hay I ' ^" Koe % Hae ^.' *^<1 Tuy N6"S Thpe ■ [ K6ng \ Kai"8 n P'hok Ge^n |S K'he Lo6 12 Ting m Tok ChOng , i Cli'liuy 1) CKh6r.y T'h^y K'heSoH J^ Pe«r ;;?t K'hwun « i \. ^^ Hong H Md ^ Teaou •^ Choo Hwat a Pe Hwut J^ m CKfey •I KoSy ) K'hok \ L ..*! 8 iChong Chang Chdng 1 ^ Song i i ( Sang I Kwan M^Soo; ! 85^. Se i ffl Toe Client "4.^ ^^" Gtf 4^ Hang Siliy GMn Ctjtonl SKi m la 'keu JlUli }^ Pin G6y • Toe ( Ttfdu T'he^ng Wui' Wut 1^ KeL IflT ) Woev ^ SJ« ig sin. Yeik 1 '^^ iv liocy -K -Hwfln Pw^t 0)1 ( T'hok Seaou • Tofiy -Bong Lii&ng Gwuy L« P'heaou m . 5e5/» It Tfln K!?-' t« S£w \ Cbfk 7a ' ' Aicd K fife T6 Tae BP Cbecm S3 Thae At ^ ^"^y IW Paou iloo !Se4ng 5eoA ^ T'heHou tl Tflng ffi Wfiy Kaou Ka ^ K<,« ^100 1,92 ^193 ^194 195 C>6 Hag f Seen (_ Ch'hee''S 7 B66a |p Goa il^ So 1^ Goe li: L66y ^ Kwun II Keng • f K'hwun Ih Ch'heng ^ { P'hioa hn i Cli'heang K0 \ Ch'he Hi Choe fta ( Ch'ho * W I Seng M? Chek / Ch'hew ) Lew m Sae Hay SI ra^ ^ Lew S6 |5 Kwan i i Chit hek to m' TeSMu f Ban ( MwH Ch'hw^d Chwaa Kwae & f Cheang Cheo'^g iChun Chiln if Seen iM Seen Lin Je&ou M Cheen il o'M LfOil GO llf ( ]Lat »* f^l Hwuy Haou Fm Kam ffis Ley Chky XS^ Gok Lofi (L6k \Ldyh Seen \)f\ii tion" l"!jr;nj ^*A i Ch'i.cak ^ K'hwun K« Cheng i^ Geet Keng Ch'hew I I i; Ho6 j f| Ye6n I tt Hat ' ^ ..... Ko Aj; 1..... Chit Km\t I K«ein l|^ Chun E Cbod Se Yaou Key r.Bk Sin Kwuy ll^^ Cbea Yaou X £ x» ^ Cliok ^ ChelU>ii f^ Seuk ^^ KeAou Sn Leaou Chew yi^ Eng Loe t: ■ Key u Cb6 CbiieM. il" Kw in M K6 . ■ ■ J 867 Lo6 Tam Yefim '^ Yeem 9 P ^ ILok ^ Yew ^ Ke ^ P'beaou M Ch6 « ^ B6 §t G€ Ub m G«y M ^« K'hWDH t O (Lfi Ucy Bfek* ■ Biyh I'^ Hoo MefS ■ Bod ^197 J5|l98 P'hoe ^,99 %\ K'heuk K'hak Been Kod \t Ltn ft Chlioe 8^58 201 20^^ [^\ Mooi'^S ?P3, 2041 2051 $1 H wuy Wng T'iiun T'ho6 M «8 "g /S6 Hek 1^ K'^efim ■j, ( T'hun it I T'Ma f Tae SPI "Phut 1^ Tc6m Hat T'hiln Kwdn Hwun Pun SI Keng Tong Am m Tok .■CJhpk Hwut i^^ ^! E K' ?•« r Tp ou ^. r Chn '^ G6 (Peet m G6 trH Bay 860 < Leftng ^ KiJung ^g K'ham Beciou '-•iii * % Yeak "I- rb'hi.v i^i^H^V 1 M..' , ••" J ■■:■) \ -. j i i _ 1 1 - o RETURNTO: EAST ASIAN LIBRARY 208 Durant Hall • 510-642-2556 LOAN PERIOD 1 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS. Renewals may be requested by phone or, using GLADIS, type inv followed by your patron ID number. 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