Compete EXPOSURE OF THE FORGED FALSIFIED STATISTICS N "Coin's Financial School" UC-NRLF CHARLES H. 8KRGEL COMPANY, CHICAGO. SERGEL'S RAILWAY LIBRARY, VOL. 1. No. 8. June 1 ti-Monthly Entered at Chicago Postoffice as swond class m H) snbscrijitiot) $1.50 a year. GIFT F SOUND MONEY BY JOHN A./FRASER, JR AND CHARLES H. SERGEL. CHICAGO : CHARGES H. SERGEI, COMPANY. 1895- COPYRIGHT, 1895, BY CHARLES H. SERGE L COMPANY. To the Honest Men of an Honest Nation : We dedicate this exposure of the fallacies , fraudulent statistics and sophistries of the aggressive advocates of National repudiation and dishonor. The Authors. I "~ I ILi vD ^ 00 m , CLI ^3^ ^ CO "^^ "3Z Si 6 j