z / &J~t SOUTHERN BRANCH, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. READING REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY BY HENRY LEWIN CANNON, PH.D. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF HISTORY, LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY 4337 GINN AND COMPANY BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO LONDON ENTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL COPYRIGHT, 1910 BY HENRY LEWIN CANNON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 810.6 GINN AND COMPANY- PRO- PRIETORS BOSTON U.S.A. library X C.I6 TO THE MEMORY OF EDWARD GAYLORD BOURNE PREFACE *) hi ^ Teachers of history are fairly well agreed both upon the de- sirability of collateral reading for their students and upon the difficulty of providing adequate facilities for this kind of work. The present book is designed to minimize this difficulty, first, ^ by disclosing the surprisingly large amount and variety of mate- s' rial for English history to be found in almost any library ; second, r^ 32 a. Bibliography 32 b. Works of Reference 33 c. Treatises 34 d. Maps and Atlases 37 (1) Not Primarily Historical 37 (2) Historical 38 V. CHRONOLOGY 39 VI. PHILOLOGY 40 a. Celtic 40 b. English 41 c. French 43 d. Latin 43 VII. ARCHAEOLOGY, ETHNOLOGY, ARTS, ETC 44 a. Anthropology and Ethnology 44 b. Antiquities and Folk-lore 44 c. Arts, Especially Architecture 45 d. Costume 47 VIII. GENEALOGY AND BIOGRAPHY 47 IX. NUMISMATICS 48 X. HERALDRY, SEALS 49 XI. PALEOGRAPHY AND DIPLOMATICS ....... 49 CONTENTS xi PAGB II. HISTORICAL WORKS OF MORE THAN ONE PERIOD 52 A. SOURCES 52 I. GENERAL . . ' 52 II. INDIVIDUAL COUNTRIES, OTHER THAN THE BRITISH EMPIRE 54 III. BRITISH EMPIRE 54 B. MODERN ACCOUNTS 61 I. GENERAL 61 II. INDIVIDUAL COUNTRIES, OTHER THAN THE BRITISH EMPIRE 68 III. BRITISH EMPIRE 70 a. General, or not Specially Classified ... 70 b. Biographical Collections 77 c. Colonization and Empire 78 d. Constitutional, Political, Legal, etc. ... 78 e. Religious 81 f. Education and Culture 82 g. Social, Economic, Industrial 83 III. HISTORICAL WORKS RELATING TO ONE PERIOD 87 A. SOURCES ' 87 I. GENERAL 87 II. INDIVIDUAL COUNTRIES, OTHER THAN THE BRITISH EMPIRE 89 III. BRITISH EMPIRE 92 a. General, or not Specially Classified ... 92 b. Autobiographies, Diaries, Speeches, Works of Men of Letters, etc 102 c. Colonization and Empire no d. Constitutional, Political, Legal, etc. . . . 112 e. Religious I! 4 / Education and Culture 115 g. Social, Economic, Industrial 115 xii REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY PAGE B. MODERN ACCOUNTS 116 I. GENERAL 116 II. INDIVIDUAL COUNTRIES, OTHER THAN THE BRITISH EMPIRE 119 III. BRITISH EMPIRE 124 a. General, or not Specially Classified . . . 124 b. Biographical 136 (1) Collections 136 (2) Individual Biographies 137 c. Colonization and Empire 148 (1) General 148 (2) Special 150 (a) The Former Thirteen Colonies 150 (6) Canada and Newfoundland . 1 52 (e) The West Indies 153 (d) India 153 (e) Australasia 154 (/) South Africa 156 (g) Scattered Acquisitions . . . 156 d. Constitutional, Political, Legal, etc. . . . 156 e. Religious 158 f. Education and Culture 160 g. Social, Economic, Industrial 161 PART II TOPICS AND REFERENCES INTRODUCTORY SECTION 1. Physiography and Geography of the British Isles .... 165 I. ENGLAND BEFORE THE NORMAN CONQUEST, TO 1066 2. Prehistoric Times 168 3. The "Celts" . . . 170 4. The Romans in Britain 173 5. The Early Germans 176 6. Teutonic Invasions and Settlements, to 600 A.D 177 CONTENTS xiii PACE 7. English Tribal Rivalries, 600-840 181 8. Roman Christianity 183 Wessex and the Danes, to the Death of Edgar, 975 . . 186 10. The Danish Conquest, 975-1016 190 n. Danish Rule, 1016-1042 191 12. Edward the Confessor, 1042-1066 193 13. The Norman Invasion, 1066 195 14. State of Society, 449-1066 197 II. ENGLAND UNDER THE NORMANS AND ANGEVINS TO 1216 15. William the Conqueror, 1066-1087 204 16. William II, 1087-1100 207 17. Henry I, 1100-1135 2O 9 18. Stephen of Blois, 1135-1154 211 19. Henry II, 1154-1189 213 20. Richard I, 1189-1199 217 21. John, 1199-1216 220 22. State of Society, 1066-1216 -. 223 III. ENGLAND UNDER THE ANGEVINS FROM 1216 TO 1399 23. Henry III, 1216-1272 229 24. Edward I, 1272-1307 232 25. Edward II, 1307-1327 235 26. Edward III (A), 1327-1360 238 27. Edward III (2?), 1360-1377 . . - 241 28. Richard II (A), 1377-1381 244 29. Richard II (B), 1381-1399 246 30. State of Society, 1216-1399 249 IV. ENGLAND UNDER THE HOUSES OF LANCASTER AND YORK, 1399-1485 31. Henry IV, 1399-1413 256 32. Henry V, 1413-1422 258 33. Henry VI (A), 1422-1451 260 34. Henry VI (B), 1451-1461 263 35. Edward IV, 1461-1483 265 36. Edward V, 1483. Richard III, 1483-1485 268 37. State of Society, 1399-1485 270 xiv REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY PAGE V. ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 38. Henry VII, 1485-1509 276 39. Henry VIII (A), 1509-1527 279 40. Henry VIII (B), 1527-1534 . 283 41. Henry VIII (C), 1534-1547 286 42. Edward VI, 1547-1553 290 43. Mary Tudor, 1553-1558 293 44. Elizabeth (A), 1558-1570 296 45. Elizabeth (B), 1570-1587 300 46. Elizabeth (C), 1587-1603 305 47. State of Society, 1485-1603 309 VI. ENGLAND UNDER THE STUARTS TO 1689 48. James I, 1603-1625 318 49. Charles I (A), 1625-1634 322 50. Charles I (B), 1634-1641 326 51. Charles I (C), 1641-1644 329 52. Charles I (Z>), 1644-1649 333 53. The Commonwealth, 1649-1653 337 54. The Protectorate, 1653-1660 341 55. Charles II (A), 1660-1667 345 56. Charles II (B), 1667-1674 348 57. Charles II (C), 1674-1681 350 58. Charles II (D], 1681-1685 353 59. James II and the Interregnum, 1685-1689 355 60. State of Society, 1603-1689 359 VII. ENGLAND UNDER THE STUARTS AND HANOVE- RIANS FROM 1689 TO THE FRENCH REVOLU- TION, 1789 61. William III and Mary II, 1689-1694 366 62. William III (Ruling alone), 1694-1702 369 63. Anne, 1702-1714 . 372 64. George I, 1714-1727 375 65. George II (A), 1727-1754 378 66. George II (B), 1754-1760 382 67. George III (A), 1760-1770 385 68. George III (B), 1770-1782 388 69. George III (C), 1782-1789 393 70. State of Society, 1689-1789 395 CONTENTS XV PAGE VIII. ENGLAND SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, 1789, ETC. 71. George III (Z>), 1789-1795 402 72. George III (), 1795-1804 406 73. George III (/-"), 1804-1807 410 74. George III (G), 1807-1820 413 75. George IV, 1820-1830 419 76. William IV, 1830-1837 422 77. Victoria (A), 1837-1852 425 78. Victoria (B), 1852-1857 428 79. Victoria (C), 1857-1901. Edward VII, 1901, etc. . . . 431 80. State of Society, 1789, etc 436 IX. THE BRITISH EMPIRE 81. India 446 82. The West Indies 451 83. Canada and Newfoundland 453 84. Australasia 456 85. Africa 460 86. Scattered Acquisitions 464 87. The British Empire as a Whole 466 APPENDIX. List of Collections and Editions of Poetry . . . 469 INDEX 477 READING REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY PART I BOOK LIST The works are classified according to their main characteristics, and hence the list under each heading may not include every book which bears on that subject ; for example, books not primarily bibliographical are listed elsewhere than under the sections on bibliography. I. GENERAL WORKS A. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF BIBLIOGRAPHIES See Bernheim, Lehrbuch (no. 276), p. 196 in the ed. of 1894; pp. 243-244 in the ed. of 1903 ; Courtney, Register (no. j), Vol. I, pp. 62-64 ; Langlois, Manuel (no. 7), Vol. I, pp. 66-73. 1. Bulletin of bibliography, April, 1897, etc. Boston, Boston Book Co. See nos. 15, 114. 2. Catalogue of the bibliographies of special subjects in the Boston Public Library. (Bost. Pub. Lib. Bull., Apr., 1890; Vol. IX, no. i, whole no. 80, pp. 135-203.) [Includes previous lists, also Lane's list of Har- vard Bull. See no. 6.~\ 3. Courtney, William Prideaux. A register of national bibliography, with a selection of the chief bibliographical books and articles printed in other countries. 2 vols. London, Constable, 1905. [Topics ar- ranged alphabetically, e.g. History ; titles, chronologically. Full index.] 4. Josephson, Aksel G. S. Bibliographies of bibliographies chrono- logically arranged, with occasional notes and an index. 45 pp. Chi- cago, Bibliographical Society of Chicago, 1901. 5. Keogh, Andrew, comp. Some general bibliographical works of value to the student of English. 27 pp. (alternate pages blank). Yale University, 1901. 6. Lane, William Coolidge, comp. Index of reference lists and spe- cial bibliographies included in periodicals and other publications of recent date. (Harv. Lib. Bibl. Contrib., nos. 1-4, 1884-1890.) 3 4 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 7. Langlois, Ch.-V. Manuel de bibliographic historique. 2 vols. (Vol. I, 2d ed.) Paris, Hachette, 1901, 1904. 8. Man uelsde Bibliographic Historique. Paris, Picard. Seenos.fj,86. 9. Newman, Alice. Index to subject bibliographies in library bulle- tins to December 31, 1897. (N.Y. State Lib. Bull. ; Bibl. no. 14, pp. 369- 426.) Albany, Univ. State N.Y., 1898. 10. Petzholdt, Dr. Julius. Bibliotheca bibliographical kritisches Verzeichniss der das Gesammtgebiet der Bibliographic betreffenden Litteratur des In- und Auslandes in systematischer Ordnung bearbeitet. Leipzig, Engelmann, 1866. 11. Porter, G. \V. List of bibliographical works in the reading room of the British Museum, ad ed. rev. by G. K. Fortescue. xi + 103 pp. London, British Museum, 1889. 12. Selected subject bibliographies. (N.Y. State Lib. Bull., Library School, no. 5, Nov., 1899.) Albany, Univ. State N.Y., 1899. [History, pp. 249-253.] 13. Stein, Henri. Manuel de bibliographic generale (Bibliotheca bibliographica nova.) (Man. Bibl. Hist., Vol. II.) Paris, Picard, 1897. [Contains bibliography of indexes to periodicals of all languages in App. II, 637-768.] 14. [Whitney, James L.] A catalog of bibliographies. See no. 2. 15. Wilbur, Mary G. (of the Providence, R.I., Public Library), comp. Quarterly index to reference lists published by libraries. (See Bull. Bibl. no. /.) 16. Vallee, Leon. Bibliographic des bibliographies. 2 parts. Paris, Terquem, 1883. [Suppl., 2 parts, 1887.] GENERAL WORKS 5 B. GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WORKS See also under Encyclopaedias (I.C.I.b), Periodicals (I.C.I.d), and Methods and Guides (I.C. II. a and b). I. GENERAL (I.E. RELATING TO ALL COUNTRIES OR TO MORE THAN ONE) a. Not Primarily Historical (i) OTHER THAN CATALOGUES 17. Books on the Far East. (Connecticut Pub. Lib. documents, no. 3, 1904; whole no. 45, pp. 3-10.) [India, pp. 7-8.] 18. Bowker, R. R., and George lies. The reader's guide in economic, social, and political science ; being a classified bibliography American, English, French, and Genaan with descriptive notes, author, title, and subject index, courses of reading, college courses, etc. (Economic Tracts, no. XXVII, 169 pp.) New York, Putnam, for Society for Political Education, 1891. 19. Ebert, Adolf. Allgemeine Geschichte der Literatur des Mittel- alters im Abendlande bis zum Beginne des XL Jahrhunderts. 3 vols. (Vol. I, 2d ed. rev. and enl.) Leipzig, Vogel, 1889, 1880, 1887. 20. Hurst, John Fletcher. Literature of theology, a classified bibli- ography of theological and general religious literature. New York, Hunt and Eaton, 1896. 21. Lawrence, Isabel. Classified reading: books for the school, the library, and the home, with a full bibliography of education. Normal School, St. Cloud, Minn., Author, 1898. 22. Matson, Henry. References for literary workers, with introduc- tion to topics and questions for debate. 3d ed. Chicago, McClurg, 1897. 23. Monroe, Will S. Bibliography of education (International Edu- cation). New York, Appleton, 1897. [Methods of historical instruc- tion, pp. 61-63; Philosophy of history, pp. 116-117; School systems of Great Britain, pp. 169-170.] 24. Rand, Benjamin. A bibliography of economics. 88 pp. Cam- bridge, Mass., Wilson, 1895. 25. Sammlung von Kompendien fur das Studium und die Praxis. Miinster i.W., Schoningh. See no. 102. 6 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 26. Stammhammer, Josef. Bibliographie der Socialpolitik. Jena, Fischer, 1896. 27. Wjndeyer, Margaret, comp. China and the Far East, 1889-1899. (N.Y. State Lib. Bull. no. 59; Bibl. Bull.no. 25, pp. 563-679.) Albany, Univ. State N.Y. [Straits, pp. 602, 615; Wars with England, etc., pp. 607-613 ; Hong Kong, pp. 613, 628, 629.] (2) LIBRARY AND TRADE CATALOGUES, ETC. For information concerning libraries 28. [Clarke, W.] Repertorium bibliographicum ; or some account of the most celebrated British libraries. London, \V. Clarke, 1819. 29. Triibner, Dr. K. Minerva. Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt, 1891- 1892, etc. Strassburg, Triibner. For information concerning tqade catalogues 30. Growoll, A. A bookseller's library and how to use it. 72 pp. New York, Publishers' 1 Weekly, 1891. 31. American Library Association. Annotated lists, ed. by George lies. Boston, Houghton, or Library Bureau. See 1105.40, 41,81, 143,515. 32. Bibliotheque Nationale. Catalogue general des livres imprime's de la Bibliotheque Nationale. (Ministere de 1' instruction publique et des beaux-arts.) Auteurs, Vols. I-XIX (A-Broounov). Paris, Impri- merie Nationale, 1897, in progress. 33. Boston Athenaeum. Catalogue of the library of the Boston Athenaeum, 1807-1871. 5 parts. Boston, 1874-1882. 34. Boston Public Library bulletin, issued quarterly, 1890, etc. Boston. See nos. 2, 14, 97, 129, 176, 534. 35. British Museum. Catalogue of books in the library of the British Museum, printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and of books in English printed abroad, to the year 1640. 3 vols. London, Order of trustees, 1884. Catalogue of the printed books in the library of the British Museum. 393 parts in 72 vols. London, Clowes, 1881- 1900. [Suppl., A-Q, II vols. London, 1900-1904.] See also Fortesc ue, Subject Index, no. 43. GENERAL WORKS 7 36. Brunei, Jacques-Charles. Manuel du libraire et de 1'amateur de livres contenant i, un nouveau dictionnaire bibliographique ... 2, une table en forme de catalogue raisonne. 5th ed. rev. and enl. 6 vols. Paris, Didot, 1860-1865. [Suppl., 2 vols., 1878, 1880.] 37. Columbia University. Books on education in the libraries of Columbia University. (Columbia Lib. Bull. no. 2.) New York, 1901. [Special methods, History, pp. 275-280; History of education in Eng- land, pp. 34-46 ; in India, p. 48 ; in New South Wales, p. 50 ; in Canada, pp. 52-53; Higher education in Great Britain, pp. 156-164; in India, p. 165.] 38. Columbia University Library bulletins. See no. 37. 39. Connecticut Public Library documents. See no. 17. 40. Uewey, Melvil, ed., May Seymour and Mrs. H. L. Elmendorf, assoc. eds. A. L. A. catalog: 8000 volumes for a popular library, with notes. Prepared by the N. Y. State Library and the Library of Congress under the auspices of the A. L. A. Publishing Board. Washington, Govt. Printing Office, Oct., 1904. 41. Fletcher, William I. An index to general literature, biograph- ical, historical, and literary essays and sketches, reports and publica- tions. . . . (A. L. A. index.) 2d ed. enl., to January i, 1900. Boston, Houghton, 1901. 42. Fletcher, W. I., and R. R. Bowker. The annual literary index, 1892, etc. New York, Pttblishers' Weekly, 1893, etc - [Books and periodicals.] 43. Fortescue, G. K. Subject index of the modern works added to the library of the British Museum in the years 1881-1900. 3 vols. London, British Museum, 1902-1903. 44. Growoll, A. Three centuries of English booktrade bibliogra- phy . . . ; also a list of catalogs . . . 1595-1902 by Wilberforce Eames. New York, Dibden Club, 1903. 45. Harvard Library bibliographical bulletin. See no. 120. 46. Harvard University Library. Bibliographical contributions, ed. by Justin Winsor. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Library. See nos. 6, 6j, 343- 47. John C re rar Library. A list of books on industrial arts ; October, 1903. 247 pp. Chicago, 1904. 48. Library of Congress. [Catalogue cards and proof sheets, issued continuously. Proof sheets for the main division, " British history and description," may be subscribed for and the cards bought separately. Washington, Librarian of Congress, 1901, etc.] Division of bibliog- raphy. Washington, Govt. Printing Office. See nos. 69, ng. 8 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 49. Low, Sampson. The English catalogue of books published from January, 1835, to January, 1863, comprising the contents of the London and the British catalogues, and the principal works pub- lished in the U. S. of America and continent of Europe. [Subtitle varies.] 6 vols. to December, 1898. London, Low, 1864-1901. [Also a catalogue published each year for the previous year. App. contains " Learned societies, printing clubs, etc., . . . also collections, libraries, series, etc."] 50. Lowell City Library bulletin. Lowell, Mass., Butterfield. See no. toy. 51. New York State Library bulletins. Albany, Univ. State N.Y. See nos. 9, 12, 27, j>8, 72, 144, 236. 52. New York State Public Library; Astor, Lenox, and Tilden foundations. Bulletin, 1897, etc. New York. See no. jo. 53. Peabody Institute. Catalogue of the library of the Peabody In- stitute of the city of Baltimore. 5 parts. Baltimore [Friedenwald], 1883-1892. [2d catalogue . . . including the additions made since 1882. 7 parts, published to 1904 (A-T). Baltimore, Deutsch Lith., 1896, in progress.] 54. Philadelphia, Mercantile Library of, bulletin. Philadelphia, Rogers. See no. ijo. 55. Providence Public Library. Monthly bulletin, 1895, etc. Prov- idence, R.I., the Library. Monthly reference lists, 1881-1884. 4 vols. Providence, R.I., the Library. 56. Sonnenschein, William Swan. The best books : a reader's guide to the choice of the best available books in every department of science, art, and literature ; a contribution towards systematic bibliography. 2d ed. London, Sonnenschein, 1891. A reader's guide to contem- porary literature, being the first supplement to The best books. . . . London, Sonnenschein, 1895. 57. Watt, Robert. Bibliotheca Britannica : or a general index to British and foreign literature. In two parts, authors and subjects. 4 vols. (I, II, Authors ; III, IV, Subjects). Edinburgh, Constable, 1824. b. Primarily Historical 58. Abbot, Etheldred. Reading list on history of the latter half of the 1 5th century. (N.Y. State Lib. Bull, May, 1898; Bibl. no. 11, pp. 277-305.) Albany, Univ. State N.Y. [England, etc., pp. 285-290.] 59. Adams, Charles Kendall. A manual of historical literature, com- prising brief descriptions of the most important histories in English, GENERAL WORKS g French, and German, together with practical suggestions as to methods and courses of historical study. 3d ed. rev. and enl. New York, Harper, 1889. 60. Bibliography of the historical works of Dr. Creighton, Dr. Stubbs, Dr. S. R. Gardiner, and the late Lord Acton. Ed. for the Royal His- torical Society by W. A. Shaw. 9-63 pp. London, Offices of the society, 1903. 61. t Bratke, E. Wegweiser zur Quellen- und Litteraturkunde der Kirchengeschichte. Eine Anleitung zur planmassigen Auffindung der litterarischen und monumentalen Quellen der Kirchengeschichte und ihrer Bearbeitungen. Gotha, Perthes, 1890. 62. t Chevalier, Ulysse. Repertoire des sources historiques du moyen age. I, Bio-bibliographie ; Paris, Picard, 1877-1886. Supple- ment, 1888. [2d ed. enl., announced, 1903.] II, Topo-bibliographie, 6 parts ; Montbeliard, Hoffman, 1894-1903. 63. Chicago Public Library. Finding list, history and biography. 8th ed. 365 pp. Chicago, Public Library, Nov., 1901. 64. Cornell University Library. Catalogue of the historical library of Andrew Dickson White. I, The Protestant Reformation and its forerunners. 93 pp. Ithaca, N.Y., University Press, 1889. [Suppl., Portraits of the reformers, pp. 95-106.] 65. CROMWELL. The Carlyle collection: a catalogue of books on Oliver Cromwell and Frederick the Great, bequeathed by Thomas Car- lyle to Harvard College Library. Comp. by William Coolidge Lane. (Harv. Lib. Bibl. Contrib., no. 26, pp. 3-22.) Cambridge, Mass., Har- vard Library, 1888. 66. Elliott, Agnes M. Contemporary biography. References to books and magazine articles on prominent men and women of the time ; with an index. 167 pp. Pittsburg, Carnegie Library, 1903. 67. Fisher, John Alonzo. A select bibliography of ecclesiastical history. [See Hall, Methods of teaching history (no. 287), pp. 337-391.] 68. Gomme, George Laurence. The literature of local institutions. London, Stock, 1886. 69. Griffin, A. P. C., comp. List of books (with references to period- icals) relating to the theory of colonization, government of dependen- cies, protectorates, and related topics. (Lib. Cong., Div. BibL) 2d ed. enl. 156 pp. Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 1900. Select list of books on the cabinets of England and America. (Lib. Cong., Div. Bibl.) 5-8 pp. Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 1903. 70. Hasse, Miss A. R. List of books and some articles in period- icals in the New York Public Library relating to political rights, 10 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY constitutions, and constitutional law. (N.Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., Feb., 1904; no. 2, Part II, Foreign constitutions, pp. 51-88.) New York. 71. Jahresberichte der Geschichtswissenschaft im Auftrage der his- torischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin, 1878, etc. Berlin, Weidmannische Buchh., 1880, etc. [Frequent reports on English history.] 72. Leonard, Grace F. Reading list on the I7th century. (N.Y. State Lib. Bull, July, 1897; Bibl. no. 4, pp. 63-92.) Albany, Univ. State N.Y. [England, etc., pp. 75-84.] 73. Liebermann, F. Verzeichnis der von Reinhold Pauli verfassten Biicher, Aufsatze, und Kritiken. 3-23 pp. Halle a. S., Karras, 1895. 74. Oesterley, Hermann. Wegweiser durch die Literatur der Urkun- den Sammlungen. 2 parts. Berlin, Reimer, 1885, 1886. [Britannien, Part II, pp. 295-367.] 75. Potthast, August. Bibliotheca historica medii aevi : Wegweiser durch die Geschichtswerke des europaischen Mittelalters bis 1500. . . . 2d ed. rev. and enl. 2 vols. Berlin, Weber, 1896. 76. t Smedt, Carolus de. Introductio generalis ad historiam eccle- siasticam critice tractandum. Ghent, 1876. 77. Sybel. Crusades. See no. 788. 78. Wachsmuth, Curt. Einleitung in das Studium der alten Ge- schichte. Leipzig, Hirzel, 1895. 79. Wisconsin, University of, Department of History. Reference books for high school libraries, recommended. 22pp. [1906.] [Eng- lish history, pp. 11-16.] II. INDIVIDUAL COUNTRIES, OTHER THAN THE BRITISH EMPIRE a. American 80. Crandall, F. A. Checklist of public documents containing debates and proceedings of Congress from the first to the fifty-third congress, together with miscellaneous lists of documents and historical and bibliographical notes. 2d ed. rev. and enl. [New ed. announced.] Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 1895. 81. Larned, J. N., ed. (for the American Library Association). The literature of American history ; a bibliographical guide, in which the scope, character, and comparative worth of books in selected lists are set forth in brief notes by critics of authority. . . . Boston, Houghton, 1902. [Suppl. for 1900 and 1901, ed. by Philip P. Wells, 1902. Others GENERAL WORKS II to follow.] [Teutonic and English Origins, sects. 2642-2686 ; Canada, sects. 3428-3902, etc.] 82. Winsor, Justin. America. See no. 1885. The reader's hand- book of the American Revolution, 1761-1783. Boston, Houghton, 1899. b. French 83. Franklin, Alfred. Les sources de 1'histoire de France: notices bibliographiques et analytiques des inventaires et des recueils de docu- ments relatifs a 1'histoire de France. Paris, Firmin-Didot, 1877. 84. t Gavet, G. Sources de 1'histoire des institutions et du droit francais : Manuel de bibliographic historique. Paris, Larose, 1899. 85. Masson. Chroniclers. See no. 8ig. 86. t Molinier, A. Les sources de 1' histoire de France (Man. Bibl. Hist., Vols. Ill- V). Series 1, 1-5; II, i. Paris, Picard, 1901, in progress. 87. Monod, Gabriel. Bibliographic de 1'histoire de France: cata- logue methodique et chronologique des sources et des ouvrages rela- tifs a 1'histoire de France depuis les origines jusqu'en 1789. Paris, Hachette, 1888. c. German 88. Dahlmann, F. C., und G. Waitz. Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte. Quellen und Bearbeitungen systematisch und chronologisch verzeichnet. 6th ed., by Ernst Steindorff. Gottingen, Dieterichsche Buchh., 1894. 89. Lorenz, Ottokar. Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter seit der Mitte des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts. 3d ed. Berlin, Goldmann, 1886-1887. 90. Wattenbach, W. Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittel- alter, bis zur Mitte des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts. 2 vols. 6th ed. Berlin, Hertz, 1893-1894. III. BRITISH EMPIRE a. Not Primarily Historical 91. Allibone, S. Austin. A critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors living and deceased, from the earliest accounts to the latter half of the igth century. 2 vols. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1891. [Suppl., by John Foster Kirk, in 2 vols., 1892.] 92. Australasian bibliography. Catalogue of books in the Free Pub- lic Library, Sydney, relating to, or published in, Australasia. Reference 12 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Library, 1869-1888. Sydney, Potter, 1893. [3 parts: I, Authors; II, Colonies; III, Subject and title.] 93. Bale, John. Anecdota Oxoniensia. Index Britanniae scrip- torum, quos ex variis bibliothecis non parvo labore colligit loannes Baleus, cum aliis. John Bale's index of British and other writers, ed. by Reginald Lane Poole, with the help of Mary Bateson. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1902. 94. Brink, Bernhard ten. History of English literature, tr. by Horace M. Kennedy, Wm. Clarke Robinson, L. Dora Schmitz. 2 vols. in 3 parts. New York, Holt, 1889, 1893, 1896. 95. BUNYAN. Bibliography for the life of John Bunyan ; Appendix, pp. i-xxxv of Venables' Life of Bunyan (no. 1711). Comp. by John P. Anderson (British Museum). 96. DARWIN. Bibliography for the life of Charles Darwin ; Appen- dix, pp. i-xxxi of Bettany's Life of Darwin (no. 1735). Comp. by John P. Anderson (British Museum). 97. Egypt. Bibliography. (Bost. Pub. Lib. Bull., Oct., 1893; Vol. XII, no. 3, whole no. 94, pp. 1 69-2 1 1 .) [Modern history of Egypt, pp. 202-204.] 98. Gill, Thomas, comp. Bibliography of South Australia. n8pp. London, Colonial and Indian exhibition, 1886. 99. Hazlitt, W. Carew. Hand-book to the popular, poetical, and dramatic literature of Great Britain, from the invention of printing to the Restoration. London, J. R. Smith, 1867. Collections and notes, 1867-1876. London, Reeves and Turner, 1876. Second series of bio- graphical collections and notes on early English literature, 1474-1700. London, Quaritch, 1882. Third and final series, London, Quaritch, 1887. Supplement to 3d and final series. London, Quaritch, 1889. A general index to Hazlitt's hand-book and his biographical collections (1867-1889) by G. J. Gray. London, Quaritch, 1893. [Fourth series, 1 vol., 1903; see Courtney, Register (no. j), p. 170.] 100. Hyde, Douglas. A literary history of Ireland from earliest times to the present day (Library of Literary History). London, Unwin, 1899. 101. Ibrahim-Hilmy, Prince. The literature of Egypt and the Soudan from the earliest times to the year 1885 inclusive. A bibliography. . . . 2 vols. London, Triibner, 1886, 1888. 102. Korting, Dr. Gustav. Grundriss der Geschichte der englischen Litteratur von ihren Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart (Sammlung von Komp., Vol. I, ser. I). 2d ed. rev. and enl. MUnster, i.W., Schoningh, 1893. [Many bibl. notes.] 103. Library of Literary History. London, Unwin; New York, Scribner. See nos. 100, 105. GENERAL WORKS 13 104. Lowndes, William Thomas. The bibliographer's manual of English literature, containing an account of rare, curious, and useful books, published in or relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the invention of printing. Rev. and enl. ed., by Henry G. Bohn (Bohn's Library). London, Bell, 1890 (reprint of 1857-1864). [Part VI, Ap- pendix, contains lists of society publications and books printed at private presses.] 105. Millar, J. H. A literary history of Scotland (Library of Lit- erary History). New York, Scribner, 1903. 106. MILTON. Bibliography for the life of John Milton ; Appendix, pp. i-xxxix, of R. Garnett's Life of Milton (no. 1772). Comp. by John P. Anderson (British Museum). 107. Morgan, Henry J. Bibliotheca Canadensis : or a manual of Canadian literature. Ottawa, Desbarats, 1867. 108. Morley, Henry. English writers : an attempt towards a history of English literature, n vols., ad ed. London, Cassell, 1887-1895. 109. SHAKESPEARE. Catalogue of printed books in British Museum on William Shakespeare. London, Clowes, 1897. Catalogue of the works of William Shakespeare, original and translations, together with Shakespeariana embraced in the Barton collection of the Boston Public Library. Comp. by James Mascarene Hubbard. Boston, Order of trustees, 1880. Reference list on Shakespeare. (Lowell City Lib. Bull., Jan., Feb., 1898; Vol. I, no. n, pp. 3-28.) Lowell, Mass., Butter- field, 1898. 110. Wiilker, Dr. Richard. Grundriss zur Geschichte der Angel- sachsischen Litteratur. . . . Leipzig, Veit, 1885. [Bibl. Worterbiicher, pp. 99-101.] b. Primarily Historical 111. Archives. Report on Canadian archives, ed. by Douglas Brym- ner. [1884-1896] Ottawa, Maclean, 1885-1897. 112. Bird, S. R. Scargill-. A guide to the principal classes of docu- ments preserved in the Public Record Office. 2d ed. London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1896. 113. Catalogue of English, Scotch, and Irish record publications, reports of the historical manuscripts commission, and annual reports of the deputy keepers of the public records, England and Ireland. H. M. S. O. [Latest ed.] 114. CROMWELL. Bibliography of Oliver Cromwell. (Bull. Bibl., Vol. II, Apr., 1900, to Jan., 1901, nos. 3-6, pp. 37-39, 53-56, 7 1 , 7 2 > 9> 9 1 -) 14 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 115. Davenport, Frances Gardiner. A classified list of printed orig- inal materials for English manorial and agrarian history during the Middle Ages ; prepared under the direction of W. J. Ashley (Radcliffe College Monographs, no. 6.) Pp. v-xiii, 1-65. Boston, Ginn, 1894. 116. Descriptive catalogue of ancient deeds in the public record office. 4 vols. [various editors]. London, H. M. S. O., 1890-1902. 117. Gairdner. Chroniclers. See no. 86g. 118. Gardiner, Samuel R., and J. Bass Mullinger. Introduction to the study of English history. (Part I, Introduction, by Samuel Rawson Gardiner, pp. xxi-xxiv, 1-199; Part II, Authorities, by J. Bass Mullin- ger, pp. 201-468.) 3d ed. enl. London, Paul, 1894. 119. Griffin, A. P. C., cotnp. Select list of references on Anglo-Saxon interests. (Lib. Cong., Div. Bibl.) Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 1903. 120. Gross, Charles. A bibliography of British municipal history, including gilds and parliamentary representation (Harvard Historical Studies, Vol. V). New York, Longmans, 1897. A classified list of books relating to British municipal history. (Harv. Lib. Bibl. Bull., 1891; Vol. Ill, no. 43, pp. 3-18.) The sources and literature of English history from the earliest times to about 1485. London, Long- mans, 1900. 121. Hardy, Thomas Duffy. Syllabus (in English) of the documents relating to England and other kingdoms contained in the collection known as " Rymer's Foedera," 1066-1654. 3 vols. London, Long- mans, 1869-1885. 122. Johnston, W. Dawson. Titles of books in English history published in 1897 and 1898 [and 1899], selected and annotated. (Am. Hist. Ass'n, Rep., 1899, Vol. I, pp. 615-632 [; and 1900, Vol. I, pp. 627-639].) Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 1900, 1901. 123. [Jones, Hilda Vernon, comp.] Catalogue of parliamentary papers, 1801-1900, with a few of earlier date. 316 pp. London, King [1904]. 124. Liebermann, F. Ueber Ostenglische Geschichtsquellen des 12., 13., 14. Jahrhunderts, besonders den falschen Ingulf . . . aus dem . . . XVIII. Bd. des Neuen-Archivs . . . fiir altere deutsche Geschichts- kunde. 43 pp. Hannover, Hahn'sche Buchh, 1892. 125. Maitland, F. W. The materials for English legal history. {Political Science Qtiarterly, Sept., Dec., 1889 ; Vol. IV, nos. 3, 4, pp. 496-578, 628-647.) 126. Stubbs. Introductions. See no. 1. GENERAL WORKS 15 '127. Thomas, F. S. Hand-book to the public records. London, Eyre, 1853. 128. Tilton, Asa Currier. A descriptive list of the works on Eng- lish history in the library of the society. 32 pp. (State Historical Society, Wisconsin, Bull. Information, June, 1904, no. 21.) 129. Tracts of the period of English history covered by the reign of Charles I, the Civil War, and the Commonwealth, 1625-1660. (Bost. Pub. Lib. Bull., Oct., 1898; Vol. XIII, no. 3, whole no. 98, pp. 212-249.) 130. Edmands, John. Reading notes on Wycliffe. (Philadelphia Mercantile Library Bull., pp. 3-12.) Philadelphia, Rodgers, 1884. 131. Wrong, George M., ed. University of Toronto studies in his- tory. Review of historical publications relating to Canada, 1895 an( ^ 1896, etc. [Vol. II and others with H. H. Langton as co-ed.] Toronto, Briggs, 1897, etc. C. HISTORICAL AIDS See Barnard, Companion (no. /Jj) ; Bernheim, Lehrbuch (no. 276), pp. 202-235 i n the ed. of 1894 ; pp. 253-293 in the ed. of 1903; Giry, Manuel (no. Jj75) ; Gross, Sources (no. 120), pp. 23-54; Monod, Bibliographic (no. 7), nos. 1-346; Son- nenschein, Best books, and Reader's guide (no. jd) ; Stein, Manuel (no. 7j), pp. 433-466. For bibliographies of special sub- jects under Historical Aids, see under those subjects. I. GENERAL WORKS a. Covering More than One Subject, II-XI 132. Antiquarian Library. London, Sonnenschein. See no. 564. 133. Barnard, Francis Pierrepont, ed. Companion to English his- tory (Middle Ages). 97 pi. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1902. 134. Mas Latrie, Cte.de. Tresor de chronologic, d' histoire et de geographic, pour 1'etude et 1'emploi des documents du moyen age. Paris, Palme, 1889. 135. Sims, Richard. A manual for the genealogist, topographer, antiquary, and legal professor. . . . London, J. R. Smith, 1856. 136. Bibliotheque de 1' Enseignement des beaux-arts, ed. by Jules Comte. Paris, Maison Quantin. See nos. 363, 365, 376. 137. Cambridge Geographical Series, ed. by F. H. H. Guillemard. Cambridge, University Press. See no. 496. 16 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 138. Camden Library. London, Stock. See no. 967. 139. Chambers's Commercial Handbooks. London, Chambers. See no. 3j6. 140. Concise Knowledge Library. New York, Appleton. See no. 314. 141. International Education Series. New York, Appleton. See nos. 23, 289,347. 142. International Scientific Series. New York, Appleton. See nos. 50 /, 586. 143. Kroeger, Alice Bertha. Guide to the study and use of refer- ence books. A manual for librarians/teachers, and students. (A. L. A. annotated lists.) Boston, Houghton, 1902. 144. Selected reference books. (N.Y. State Lib. Bull., Library School, no. 4, Oct., 1899.) Albany, Univ. State N. Y. [See pp. 1 51-197, passim.] b. Encyclopaedias (i) GENERAL 145. Brockhaus' Konversations-Lexicon. I4th ed., rev. 16 vols. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1896. [Suppl., 17th vol., 1897. Has Bibl.] 146. Century Dictionary. Especially Vol. IX, Proper names. See no. 462. 147. Chambers's Encyclopaedia. Library of universal knowledge ; a reprint of the last (1880) Edinburgh and London ed. of Chambers's En- cyclopaedia, with copious additions by American authors. 15 vols. New York, American Book Exchange, 1881. 148 Encyclopaedia Americana; a universal reference library, . . . ed. by F. C. Beach. ... 16 vols. Illus. New York, Scientific American [1903-1904]. 149. Encyclopaedia Britannica, a dictionary of arts, sciences, and gen- eral literature. 9th ed. 24 vols. New York, Scribner, 1878-1889. [The new volumes (XXV-XXXIII of the complete work, also Vol. XXXIV, maps, Vol. XXXV, index) constituting, in combination with the existing volumes of the gth ed., the roth ed. . . . Edinburgh, Black, 1902-1903.] 150. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Guide to systematic readings in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, by James Baldwin. Chicago, Werner, 1895. 151. La Grande encyclopedic, inventaire raisonne des sciences, des lettres, et des arts par une societe de savants et de gens de lettres. 31 vols. Illus. Paris, Lamirault. GENERAL WORKS 17 152. Meyers Konversations- Lexicon, ein Nachschlagewerk des allge- meinen Wissens. 5th ed. rev. and enl. 21 vols. (Vols. XIX-XXI, Ann. Suppl.) Leipzig, Bibliog. Institut, 1897, 1898-1901. [6th ed. rev. and enl., 1903, etc.] 153. New international encyclopaedia. Daniel Coit Oilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby, eds. 17 vols. New York, Dodd, 1902-1903. 154. Universal cyclopaedia. Charles Kendall Adams, ed. 12 vols. New ed., illus. New York, Appleton, 1900. (2) SPECIAL 155. Adams, Oscar Fay. A brief handbook of English authors. 7th ed. rev. and enl. 181 pp. Boston, Houghton, 1893. 156. Allgemeine deutsche Biographic . . . , herausg. durch die his- torische Commission bei der konigl. Academie der Wissenschaften. Nachtrage. 49 vols. (Vol. XLIX, Nachtrage bis 1899; Kaiser Friedrich III-Hanstein.) [Has bibl. references.] Leipzig, Duncker, 1875- 1904, etc. 157. American annual cyclopaedia, and register of important events; embracing political, civil, military, and social affairs ; public documents, biography, statistics, commerce, finance, literature, science, agriculture, and mechanical industry. [Suppl. titles vary.] 26 vols. (for 1861-1902). New York, Appleton, 1864-1903. 158. Anderson, William. The Scottish nation: or the surnames, families, literature, honours, and biographical history of the people of Scotland. 3 vols. Edinburgh, Fullarton, 1863. 159. Appleton's cyclopaedia of American biography. James Grant Wilson and John Fiske, eds. 7 vols. New York, Appleton, 1900. 160. Bardeen, C. W. A dictionary of educational biography, giving more than 400 portraits and sketches. . . . Syracuse, N.Y., Bardeen, 1901. 161. Chambers's biographical dictionary; the great of all times and nations. David Patrick and Francis Hindes Groome, eds. Philadel- phia, Lippincott, 1902. 162. Cooper, Charles Henry, and Thompson Cooper. Athenae Cantabrigienses. 2 vols. (I, 1500-1585; II, 1586-1609.) Cambridge, Deighton, 1858, 1861. [Biographical.] 163. Dictionary of Christian biography, literature, sects, and doc- trines. . . . William Smith and Henry Wace, eds. 4 vols. London, Murray, 1877-1887. 18 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 164. Dictionary of national biography. Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee, eds. 63 vols. London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1890-1900. [Suppl., Vols. I-III, 1901 ; index and epitome, ed. by Sidney Lee, 1903.] 165. Foss, Edward. The lives of the judges of England. Abridged under the title, Biographia juridica, a biographical dictionary of the judges of England, 1066-1870. London, 1870. 166. Hoefer, Dr., directeur. Nouvelle biographic universelle depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours, avec les renseignements bibliographiques et 1 'indication des sources a consulter. ... 46 vols. Paris, Didot Freres, 1872-1877. 167. International year book ; a compendium of the world's progress during the year. . . . Frank Moore Colby, ed. ; Harry Thurston Peck, consulting ed. ; Edwin Lathrop Engle, associate ed. New York, Dodd, 1898, etc. 168. Michaud, L. G., ed. (Vols. XIII-XLV ed. by E. E. Desplaces.) Biographie universelle, ancienne et moderne, ou histoire, par ordre alphabetique, de la vie publiqife et privee de tous les hommes qui se sont fait remarquer par leurs ecrits, leurs actions, leurs talents, leurs vertus ou leurs crimes. Ed. par une societe de gens de lettres et de savants. 45 vols. New ed. rev. and enl. Paris, Desplaces [1854-1865]. 169. Moon, G. Washington. Men and women of the time: a dic- tionary of contemporaries. i3th ed. rev. London, Routledge, 1891. 170. Palgrave, R. H. Dictionary of political economy. 3 vols. London, Macmillan, 1894-1899. 171. Phillips, Lawrence B. The dictionary of biographical reference, containing over 100,000 names, together with a classed index of the biographical literature of Europe and America. New ed. rev. and enl., with supplement. Philadelphia, Gebbie, 1889. [List of works referred to, p. xiv.] 172. Statesman's year-book ; a statistical and historical annual of the states of the world. . . . Ed. by J. Scott Keltic, with the assistance of I. P. A. Renwick. London, Macmillan, 1864, etc. 173. Vapereau, G. Dictionnaire universel des contemporains conte- nant toutes les personnes notables de la France et des pays etran- gers. . . . 6th ed. rev. and enl. Paris, Hachette, 1893. [Contains Bibl.] 174. Wall, Edgar G. The British empire year book . . . ; an annual statistical volume. London, Stanford, 1903, etc. 175. Watt, George [and others]. A dictionary of the economic products of India. 6 vols. Calcutta, Supt. Govt. Printing, 1889-1893. GENERAL WORKS 19 c. Societies and Institutions See Gross, Sources (no. 120), pp. 71-77; also "Births and Deaths" in Bull. Bibl. (no. /). Indexes 176. Boston Public Library. Transactions and other serial publica- tions of societies and institutions currently taken. (Bost. Pub. Lib. Bull., Apr., 1893; Vol. XII, whole no. 92, pp. 37-85. Suppl. list, July, whole no. 93, pp. 128-136.) 177. Bowk'er, R. R. Publications of societies: a provisional list of the publications of American scientific, literary, and other societies from their organization. [Suppl. in preparation.] New York, Pub- lishers' Weekly, 1899. [For new societies, note their appearance in Bull. Bibl., no. /.] 178. British Museum. Catalogue (no. j^). [See in Vol. for A-Aca, under "Academies"; also the suppl. Societies are classified under place of publication.] 179. Griffin, Appleton Prentiss Clark. Bibliography of American historical societies (the United States and Dominion of Canada). (Am. Hist. Ass'n., Rep., 1895, PP- 677-1236.) Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 1896. 180. Year-book of the scientific and learned societies of Great Britain and Ireland ; comprising lists of the papers read . . . with the names of their authors ; comp. from official sources. London, Griffin, 1884, etc. [Includes sections upon geography, economic science, literature and history, archaeology, etc.] 181. ^Elfric Society. London, For the society. Set no. 1382. 182. American Economic Association. Publications. New York, Appleton. See no. 1052. 183. American Historical Association. Annual reports, 1889, etc. Washington, Govt. Printing Office. See nos. 122, 779, 267, 271, 427, 1042, 1488, 1598, 1714, 1830, 1837, 1888, 1987. 184. Architectural Publication Society. London, Richards. See no. 5/9. 185. British Association for the Advancement of Science. See no. 353. 186. Camden Society. First series, 105 vols. London, Nichols & Son, 1838, etc, A descriptive catalogue of ... by John Gough Nichols. 20 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 2d ed., Westminster, 1872. Second series, 1871-1901, 62 vols. Nichols & Sons. [Beginning with 1898, "Ed. for the Royal Histor- ical Society."] Third series, London, Longmans, 1900, etc. See nos. 488, 635, 636, 651, 658, 674, 693, 1069, 1125, 1140, 1141., u^ii 11651 1*67, 1169-1171, 11931 1195-1 11981 12181 12191 1223, 12261 12441 12451 1247, 12511 12571 12611 1270, 12831 1284, 12881 12981 13191 1380, 1389 ; and see under no. 209. 187. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Bureau of historical research. Washington, Carnegie Inst. See no. 1520. . 188. Early English Text Society. London, Trtibner. See nos. 4841 6851 1282. 189. English Historical Society. London, For the society. See no. 1150. 190. Folk-lore Society. Folk-lore, 1890, etc. Transactions of the Folk-lore Society, a quarterly review of myth, tradition, institution, and custom (incorporating the Archaeological Review and the Folk-lore Journal). London, Nutt. 191. Great Britain. Rerum Britannicarum medii aevi scriptores : or, chronicles and memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages (Rolls). Published . . . under the direction of the Master of the rolls. London, Longmans. See nos. 669, 670, 1182, i222i 13881 1394 ; also no. 913. [This includes the calendars, etc. ; e.g. nos. 1130-1138^ 192. Harvard Historical Studies. Published under the direction of the department of history and government. New York, Longmans. See no. 120. 193. Johns Hopkins University. Studies, history and political science. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University. See no. 284. 194. Lowell Institute Lectures. New York, Appleton. See no. 498. 195. Navy Records Society. Publications, 1894, etc. London, For the society. See nos. 650, 11561 1178, 11791 1181, 1186-11881 1190, 12061 12171 12731 12781 1291-12931 1307, 1585. 196. New England History Teachers' Association. See no. 307. 197. New Palaeographical Society. See no. 579. 198. New Shakspere Society. London, For the society. See nos. 11681 1210. 199. Old South work, Directors of. Old South leaflets, 1883, etc. Edwin D. Mead, ed. [163 nos. to date; c. 16 pp. each.] Boston, By the directors. 200. Oxford Historical Society. Oxford, Clarendon Press. See no. 1392. GENERAL WORKS 21 201. Palestine Pilgrim's Text Society. See nos. 1112, 1115. 202. Parker Society instituted, 1840, for the publication of the works of the fathers and early writers of the reformed English church. Publi- cations. 55 vols. Cambridge, University Press, 1845. [Vol. LV, a gen- eral index . . . comp. ... by Henry Gough.] 203. Pennsylvania, University of. Publications ; series in philology, literature, and archaeology. Boston, Ginn. See no. 2018. See also nos. 608, 664. 204. Radcliffe College Monographs. Boston, Ginn. See no. 115. 205. Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (formerly British Archaeological Association). Archaological Journal. London, Longman (later, the Institute). [First series, 50 vols., 1844- 1893; index for Vols. I-XXV, 1878; second series, 1894, etc.] 206. Royal Colonial Institute. Proceedings, 1868, etc. London, the Institute. See also no. 372. 207. Royal Economic Society. The Economic Journal, the journal of the Royal Economic Society, 1891, etc. London, Macmillan. 208. Royal Geographical Society of London, Journal of the. Lon- don, Murray. [Vols. I-L, 1831-1881; indexes to Vols. I-X, 1844; Vols. XI-XX, 1853; Vols. XXXI-XL, 1881.] Continued in the Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and monthly record of Geography. New monthly series, 1879, etc. London, Stanford. [Index to Vols. I-XIV, 1879-1892; London, Stanford, 1896.] 209. Royal Historical Society. Transactions. Old series, 10 vols. London, For the society, 1872-1882. New series, 1884, etc. See nos. 60, 393, 1405, 7565, 1569, /J7JS 7595, 1619, 1640, 1703, 1794, 1812, 1900, 1949, ^985, 2020, 2038, 2041. Camden series. London, Longmans. See nos. 1199, 1251, 1297, 1302, -1360 ; and see under no. 186. 210. Scottish Geographical Society. Scottish Geographical Magazine, ed. by Hugh A. Webster and Arthur Silva White, 1885, etc. Edin- burgh, Constable. 211. Scottish Text Society. Edinburgh, Blackwood. Seeno.mS. 212. Society for Political Education. New York, Putnam. Seeno.iS. 213. Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge. London. See nos. 819, 869, 1324, /5j6. 214. Society of Antiquaries of London. Archaeologia: or miscel- laneous tracts relating to antiquity, 1770,' etc. London, House of the society. [Index to Vols. I-XV, 1809; to Vols. I-L, 1889.] 215. Toronto, University of. Studies in history. Toronto, Briggs. See no. if. 22 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 216. Wisconsin, State Historical Society of. Bulletin of information. See no. 128. 217. Wycliffe Society. London. See no. ijgo. d. Periodicals See Kroeger, Guide (no. 143), pp. 53-54 ; Courtney, Register (no. j), Vol. II, pp. 389-391 ; and the article, Periodicals, in the en- cyclopaedias, as in the New international (tto. /Jj). For announce- ments of " Births and deaths ; a record of new titles, changed titles and deaths in. the periodical world," continued quarterly, see the Bull. Bibl. (no. /). (i) AMERICAN Indexes 218. Danforth, George Flavel, ed. Quarterly bibliography of books reviewed in leading periodicals. Bloomington, Ind., Index Pub. Co. [Vol. I, 1892; Vol. II, 1893, issues i and 2, Jan.-June, cumulative.] 219. Fletcher and Bowker. Literary index. See no. 42. 220. Monthly Cumulative Book Review Digest, March, 1905, etc. Minneapolis, Minn., Wilson. 221. Poole, William Frederick . . . and William I. Fletcher An index to periodical literature. 3d ed. Boston, Osgood, 1882. [Suppl. (Jan. i, 1882, to Jan. i, 1902), 4 vols. Boston, Houghton, 1888-1903. Abr. ed. for 1815-1899, by William I. Fletcher and Mary Poole. Boston, . Houghton, 1901.] 222. Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature, January, 1901, etc. Being a consolidation of the Reader's guide to periodical literature, and Cumulative index to a selected list of periodicals (formerly of Cleve- land, O.). Minneapolis, Minn., Wilson. [Monthly, cumulative.] 223. American Historical Review, 1895, e ^ c> New York, Macmillan. [General index to Vols. I-X, by David M. Matteson, 1906.] 224. Atlantic Monthly, 1857, etc. Boston, Houghton. 225. The Century, 1881, etc. New York, Century. [A continuation of Scribner's Monthly, q.v.] 226. The Critic and literary world, 1881, etc. An illustrated monthly review of literature, art, and life. New York, the Critic. 227. The Dial, 1880, etc. A semimonthly journal of literary crit- icism, discussion, and information. Chicago, the Dial. GENERAL WORKS 23 228. Educational Review, 1891, etc. Nicholas Murray Butler, ed. Rahway, N.J., Educational Review Pub. Co. [Index to Vols. I-XXV (Jan., 1891, to May, 1903) by Charles Alexander Nelson. See pp. 105- 106, under History, for discussions of method, etc.] 229. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 1850, etc. New York, Harper. [Index to Vols. I-LX (1850-1880), 1881.] 230. Harvard Law Review, 1887, etc. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Law Review. [Index to Vols. I-XVII, 1905.] 231. The Nation, 1865, etc. A weekly journal devoted to politics, literature, science, and art. New York, the Nation. 232. North American Review, 1815, etc. New York, North Amer- ican Review. 233. Overland Monthly, 1868, etc. San Francisco, Qil., Overland. 234. Political Science Quarterly, 1886, etc. Ed. by the faculty of political science of Columbia University. Boston, Ginn. [Index to Vols. I-XV, 1886-1900.] 235. Popular Science Monthly, 1872, etc. New York, Appleton. [Index to Vols. I-XL (1872-1892), comp. by Frederik A. Fernald, 1893.] 236. Scribner 1 s Magazine, 1887, etc. New York, Scribner. 237. Scribner's Monthly, 1870-1881. New York, Scribner. [Con- tinued as the Century, q.v.] 238. The Yale Review, 1892, etc. A quarterly journal of history and political science. Boston, Ginn. (2) ENGLISH For periodical publications, see the British Museum catalogue (110. j>j) under that title, arranged under place of publication. There is a special index to this. For British newspapers, see Bourne, Newspapers (tw. 1018) ; and see under Newspapers below (tto. 250). 239. The Academy, 1869, etc. A weekly review of literature, science, and art. London, Newnes. 240. The Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer. Edward Walford, ed. 12 vols. (Vols. VIII-XII entitled "Walford's antiquarian magazine and bibliographical review.") London, Reeves (Vols. I-III), Bogue (Vols. IV-VI), Redway (Vols. VII-XII). 1882-1887. Extinct. 241. The Antiquary, 1880, etc. A magazine devoted to the study of the past. [Vols. I-II, ed. by Edward Walford.] London, Stock. 24 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 242. The Asiatic Journal, and monthly register for British India and its dependencies . . . [later titles read, British and foreign India, China, and Australia.] London, Black, 1815, etc. (New series, London, Allen, 1830, etc. New series, 1840, etc.) 243. The Athen&um, 1828, etc. A journal of English and foreign literature, science, the fine arts, music, and the drama. London, Athe- naeum Press. 244. The Dublin Review, 1836, etc. Dublin, Gill. 245. English Historical Review, 1886, etc. London, Longmans. [Index to Vols. I-XX, 1886-1905, 59 pp. (1906.)] 246. Fortnightly Review. London, Chapman. 247. The Gentleman 's Magazine, or Trader's monthly intelligencer [title varies], 1^31, etc. Collected chiefly from the public papers, by Sylvanus Urban. London, Office of the Observer. [Index to Vols. I-LVI, 17311786, by Samuel Ayscaugh. 2 vols. London, Nichol, 1789.] [For an article on, see W. H. Brett in Bull. Bibl. ; Vol. II, no. i, Oct., 1899, pp. 5-9.] 248. The Independent Review, 1901, etc. Edward Jenks, ed. Lon- don, Unwin. 249. The Law Quarterly Review, 1885, etc. Frederick Pollock, ed. London, Stevens. [Indexes in Vols. X, XV, XX (1894, 1899, 1904).] 250. NEWSPAPERS. (See the American Monthly Review of Reviews, Vol. XXXII, p. 188; Nineteenth Century, Vol. XLIX, p. 817; also the article Newspaper in the New international encyclopaedia.) England: Daily Chronicle, London, 1876, etc. Daily Mail, London, 1896, etc. Times, London, 1788, etc. Westminster Gazette, London, 1893, etc. Wales : South Wales Daily, Cardiff, 1872, etc. Western Mail, 1869, etc. Scotland: Herald, Glasgow, 1782, etc. Scotsman, Edinburgh, 1817, etc. Ireland: Freeman 1 s Jmtrnal, Dublin, 1763, etc. Weekly Nation^ Dublin, 1847, etc. Evening Telegraph, Dublin, 1877, etc. Belfast A r orthern Whig, 1824, etc. India: Englishman, Calcutta, 1821, etc. Madras Mail. Times of India, Bombay. Canada : Globe, Toronto. Daily Mail, Toronto. Evening Neius, Toronto. Australasia: Argus, Melbourne. Age, Melbourne. Morning Herald, Sydney. Australasian Star, Sydney. Daily Telegraph, Sydney. Reg- ister (South Australia). Brisbane Courier (Queensland). Times, Wellington (New Zealand). South Africa: Cape Argus. Cape Times. GENERAL WORKS 25 251. The Nineteenth Century, 1877, etc. A monthly review (beginning Jan., 1901, The Nineteenth Century and After}, ed. by James Knowles. London, Spottiswoode ; New York and London, Scott. 252. A T otes and Queries, 1849, etc - A medium of intercommunication for literary men, general readers, etc. London, Athenaeum Press. 253. The Saturday Review, of politics, literature, science, and art, 1855, etc. London, the Saturday Review. 254. The Scottish Historical Review, being a new series of The Scottish Antiquary, established 1886. Quarterly, 1903, etc. Glasgow, MacLehose & Sons. 255. The Spectator, 1828, etc. London, the Spectator. (3) FRENCH Indexes 256. A. L. A. committee on foreign documents. Partial list of French government serials in American libraries. (N.Y. State Lib. Bull. no. 70, Jan., 1902; Bibl. no. 33, pp. 97-164.) Albany, Univ. State N.Y. 257. Jordell, D. Repertoire bibliographique des principales revues fran9aises pour 1897, etc. Paris, 1898, etc. 258. Le Moyen Age, revue d'histoire et de philologie. 1888, etc. Paris, Bouillon. 259. Revue des Questions Historiques, 1866, etc. Paris, Bureaux de la revue. 260. Revtie Historique, 1876, etc. Paris, Alcan. 261. Revue de Sytithese Historique, 1900, etc. Paris, Cerf. (4) GERMAN Index 262. Dietrich, Felix, ed. Bibliographic der deutschen Zeitschriften- litteratur. . . . Verzeichnis von ca. 8500 Aufsatzen, die wahrend des Jahres 1896 in ca. 275 zumeist wissenschaf tlichen Zeitschriften deutscher Zunge erschienen sind . . .[annual]. Leipzig, Fr. Andra's Nachfolger, 1897, etc. 263. Anglia, Zeitschrift fiir englische Philologie (begriindet von Rich. Paul Wulker) . . . 1878, etc. Beiblatt, 1890, etc. Halle a. S., Niemeyer. 26 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 264. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Geschichtswissenschaft, 1889-1898. Continued as Historische Vierteljahrschrift, 1898, etc. Leipzig, Teub- ner. [Contains bibl. of English history.] 265. Historisches Jahrbuch, herausg. von Gorres-Gesellschaft, 1880, etc. Miinchen. 266. Historische Zeitschrift, 1859, etc. Miinchen, Oldenbourg. [Index to Vols. I-LVI, 1888 ; to Vols. LVII-XCVI, announced.] II. HISTORICAL METHODS, GUIDES DICTION- ARIES, HANDBOOKS a. Methods, etc. Bibliography See Barnes, Studies (no. 275), pp. 139-144; Charming and Hart, Guide (no. jo/), pp. 30-33 ; Hall, Methods (no. 287), pp. v-ix ; Hinsdale, How to study history (no. 289), at the begin- ning of each chapter. 267. Wyer, James Ingersoll, comp. A bibliography of the study and teaching of history. (Am. Hist. Ass'n, Rep., 1899, Vol. I, pp. 561-612.) Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 1900. 268. t Acton, Lord John E. D. German schools of history. (Eng- lish Historical Review, 1886, Vol. I, pp. 7 ff.) London, Longmans. A lecture on the study of history, delivered at Cambridge, June n, 1895. 142 pp. London, Macmillan, 1896. 269. Adams, Herbert B. The study of history in American colleges and universities. Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 1887. 270. Altamira, Rafael. La ensenanza de la historia. 2d ed. rev. and enl. Madrid, Suarez, 1895. 271. American Historical Association. Report by the Committee of seven on the study of history in the schools. (Am. Hist. Ass'n, Rep., 1898, pp. 427-564.) Also New York, Macmillan, 1899. 272. American Teachers' Series. New York, Longmans. See no. 278. 273. Andrews, Charles M. Some recent aspects of institutional study. (Yale Review, Feb., 1893; Vol. I, no. 4, pp. 381-410.) 274. Andrews, E. B. Outline of the principles of history. See under Droysen (no. 280). 275. Barnes, Mary Sheldon. Studies in historical method. iv+i44pp. Boston, Heath, 1896. [" Descriptive and select bibliography of works on method," pp. 139-144.] GENERAL WORKS 27 276. Bernheim, Ernst. Lehrbuch der historischen Methode, mit Nachweis der wichtigsten Quellen und Hulfsmittel zum Studium der Geschichte. 2d ed. rev. and enl. Leipzig, Duncker, 1894. [3d ed. rev. and enl., "und der Geschichtsphilosophie," 1903.] 277. Bourne, Edward Gay lord. Essays in historical criticism . . . (Yale Bicentennial Publications). New York, Scribner, 1901. [Con- tains L. v. Ranke, pp. 227-242, and Ranke and the beginning of the seminary method in teaching history, pp. 265-274.] 278. Bourne, Henry E. The teaching of history and civics in the elementary and the secondary school (American Teachers'). New York, Longmans, 1902. [Select bibl. for all fields of history.] 279. Bryce, James. Edward Augustus Freeman. {English Histor- ical Review, 1892; Vol. VII, pp. 497-509.) London, Longmans. 280. Droysen, Joh. Gustav. Grundriss der Historik. 3d ed. rev. vi + 90 pp. Leipzig, Veit, 1882. Outline of the principles of history (Grundriss der Historik), with a biographical sketch of the author [by Dr. Hermann Kriiger]. Tr. by E. Benjamin Andrews. 25 + 122 pp. Boston, Ginn, 1897. " 281. Fling, Fred Morrow. Outline of historical method. 124 pp. Lincoln, Neb., Miller, 1899. 282. Flint, Robert. History of the philosophy of history. [Vol. I, Historical philosophy in France, and French Belgium and Switzerland. New York, Scribner, 1894. [Many bibl. references, passim.] 283. Foster, Frank Hugh. The seminary method of original study in the historical sciences illustrated from church history. 129 pp. New York, Scribner, 1888. 284. Fredericq, Paul. The study of history in England and Scotland, tr. from the French by Henrietta Leonard (Johns Hopkins University Studies; History, fifth series, Vol. X, 54 pp.). Baltimore, Johns Hop- kins University, 1887. 285. Freeman, Edward A. The methods of historical study . . . lectures. . . . London, Macmillan, 1886. 286. Guilland, Antoine. L'Allemagne nouvelle et ses historiens, Niebuhr, Ranke, Mommsen, Sybel, Treitschke. Paris, Alcan, 1899. [Bibl., pp. 323-343.] 287. Hall, G. Stanley, ed. Methods of teaching history, by A. D. White, W. F. Allen, C. K. Adams, John W. Burgess, J. R. See- ley, H. B. Adams, E. Emerton, G. S. Morris, R. T. Ely, A. B. Hart, W. C. Collar, J. T. Clarke, W. E. Foster, and others (Pedagogical Library, Vol. I). 2d ed. (entirely recast and rewritten). Boston, Heath, 28 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 288. Harrison, Frederic. The meaning of history, and other his- torical pieces. New York, Macmillan, 1896. 289. Hinsdale, B. A. How to study and teach history, with partic- ular reference to the history of the United States (International Edu- cation). Rev. and enl. New York, Appleton, 1898. [Bibl. index, PP- 359-3 6 5-] 290. Lamprecht, Karl. What is history ? Five lectures on the modern science of history, tr. from the German by E. A. Andrews. New York, Macmillan, 1905. 291. Langlois, Ch.-V., et Ch. Seignobos. Introduction aux fitudes historiques. 2d ed. Paris, Hachette, 1899. [ Ist e< ^- tr. by G. G. Berry as Introduction to the study of history, with preface by F. York Powell. New York, Holt, 1898.] 292. Mace, William H. Method in history for teachers and students. Boston, Ginn, 1898. 293. National Educational Association. Report by the Committee of ten on secondary school studies, with the reports of the conferences arranged by the committee. New York, American Book Co., 1894. [History, civil government, political economy, pp. 162201.] 294. Pedagogical Library, ed. by G. Stanley Hall. Boston, Heath. See no. 287. 295. Royal Historical Society. Transactions (no. 2og) ; numerous articles (e.g., in new series, Vol. V, 1891). 296. Smith, Goldwin. Lectures on the study of history, delivered in Oxford, 1859-1861. 2d ed. Oxford, Parker, 1865. 297. Stubbs. Seventeen lectures. See no. 787. b. Guides, etc. 298. Allen, Frederick J. A topical outline of English history, in- cluding references for literature, for the use of classes in high schools and academies. 71 pp. Boston, Heath, 1897. 299. Allen, William Francis. The reader's guide to English history. 33 pp. Boston, Ginn, 1882. [Suppl., pp. 34-49.] 300. Bourne, H. E. Teaching of history. See no. 2j8. 301. Channing, Edward, and Albert Bushnell Hart. Guide to the study of American history. Boston, Ginn, 1897. 302. Clark, F. H., and A. E. Kellogg. References for the study of English history and literature, selected and arranged for the use of secondary schools. 80 pp. San Francisco, Lowell High School, 1898. GENERAL WORKS 29 303. Cubberley, Ellwood P. Syllabus of lectures on the history of education, with selected bibliographies. New York, Macmillan, 1902. 304. Getchell, M. S. The study of mediaeval history by the library method for high schools. 73 pp. Boston, Ginn, 1898. [Books of reference, pp. v-viii.] 305. Mace, William H. A working manual of American history for teachers and students. Syracuse, N.Y., Bardeen, 1895. 306. Munro, Dana Carleton. A syllabus of medieval history, 395- 1300. 4th ed. Philadelphia, Department of history, University of Pennsylvania. [Longmans], 1905. 307. New England History Teachers' Association. Historical sources in schools, report ... by a select committee, Charles Downer Hazen, chairman . . . [and four others]. New York, Macmillan, 1902. A history syllabus for secondary schools outlining the four years' course in history recommended by the Committee of seven of the American Historical Association, by a special committee . . . Herbert Darling Foster, chairman . . . [and nine others]. Boston, Heath, 1904. 308. Richardson, Oliver H. Syllabus of continental European his- tory from the fall of Rome to 1870. New Haven, Conn., Author, 1904. 309. Stephens, H. Morse. Syllabus of [a course of eighty-seven] lectures on modern European history [16001890]. New York, Mac- millan, 1899. 310. Wilder, Mary E. The study of history by the laboratory method for high and grammar schools. England. 74 pp. Boston, Lee, 1897. c. Historical Dictionaries See also under Chronology (I.C. V.). 311. Blair, David. Cyclopaedia of Australasia: or dictionary of facts, events, dates, persons, and places connected with the discovery, exploration, and progress of British dominion in the south ... to the year 1881. Melbourne, Fergusson, 1881. 312. Gurney, E. H. Reference handbook for readers, students, and teachers of English history. Boston, Ginn, 1890. 313. Harbottle, Thomas Benfield. Dictionary of battles, from the earliest days to the present time. London, Sonnenschein, 1904. Dictionary of historical allusions. London, Sonnenschein, 1903. 314. Heilprin, Louis. The historical reference book . . . (Concise Knowledge Library). Rev. to 1899. 6th ed. (with suppl.). New York, Appleton, 1902. 30 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 315. Low, Sidney J., and F. S. Pulling. The dictionary of English history. Rev. ed. London, Cassell, 1904. 316. Wheatley, Henry B. London past and present: its history, associations, and traditions, based upon The handbook of London by the late Peter Cunningham. 3 vols. London, Murray, 1891. d. Historical Handbooks 317. Acland, Arthur H. Dyke, and Cyril Ransome. A handbook in outline of the political history of England to 1882, chronologically arranged. 2d ed. rev. London, Rivingtons, 1882. 318. Gomm, Francis Culling Carr-. Handbook of the administra- tions of Great Britain during the nineteenth century, 1801-1900. Rev. and enl. London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1901. 319. t Gooch, G. P. Annals of politics and culture, 1492-1899; with an introductory note by the late Lord Acton. Cambridge, Mass., University Press, 2d impression, 1906. 320. Irving, Joseph, and H. Hamilton Fyfe. Annals of our time : a diurnal of events, social and political, home and foreign. . . . 1837-1891. 3 vols. in 4 (III, ed. by Fyfe). London, Macmillan, 1890-1892. 321. Ploetz, Carl. Epitome of ancient, mediaeval, and modern his- tory, tr. with extensive additions by William H. Tillinghast. i2th ed. Boston, Houghton. 322. Tait, C. W. A. Analysis of English history, based on Green's Short history of the English people. London, Macmillan, 1879. III. ILLUSTRATIVE MATERIAL a. Literature (i) GENERAL LITERATURE Histories of literature, etc., appear under Bibliography (I.E.). Literature in general, and Travels, appear under Sources (I I. A. and III. A.). 323. Brewer, E. Cobham. The reader's handbook of famous names in fiction, allusions, references, proverbs, plots, stories, and poems. New ed. rev. and enl. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1900. 324. Nares, Robert. A glossary, or collection of words, phrases, names, and allusions to customs, proverbs, etc., which have been thought to require illustration in the works of English authors, par- ticularly Shakespeare and his contemporaries. Stralsund, Loeffler, 1825. [t New ed., Halliwell & Wright, 2 vols., 1859; reprint, 1888.] GENERAL WORKS 31 (2) HISTORICAL NOVELS, TALES, ETC. For fiction lists, see p. 172. Collections 325. Cox, Sir George \V., and Eustace Hinton Jones. Popular romances of the Middle Ages. 3d ed. London, Kegan Paul, 1883. 326. Gesta Romanorum : or entertaining moral stories ; invented by the monks. . . . Tr. with copious notes by Charles Swan ; rev. by Wynnard Hooper. London, Bell, 1877. 327. Morley, Henry, ed. Mediaeval tales, with an introduction. London, Routledge, 1890. 328. Scott, Sir Walter. Tales of a grandfather. Edinburgh, Adam & Black, 1869. (3) HISTORICAL POEMS For a list of collections and editions of historical poems, see the Appendix, pp. 469-473. Collections 329. Bates, Katharine Lee, and Katharine Coman, eds. English his- tory told by English poets : a reader for school use. New York, Macmillan, 1902. 330. Hall, John R. Clark, tr. Beowulf and the Fight at Finnsburg. London, Sonnenschein, 1901. 331. Thorpe, Benjamin, ed. The Anglo-Saxon poems of Beowulf. The Scop or Gleeman's Tale, and the Fight at Finnesburg, with a literal translation, notes, glossary, etc. 3d ed. London, Reeves, 1889. Codex Exoniensis : a collection of Anglo-Saxon poetry ; from a manuscript in the library of the dean and chapter of Exeter, with an English trans, lation, notes, and indexes. London, Society of antiquaries, 1842. 332. Vigfusson, Gudbrand, and F. York-Powell, eds. Corpvs poeti- cvm Boreale : the poetry of the old northern tongue from the earliest times to the thirteenth century, ed., classified and tr., with introduction, excursus, and notes. 2 vols. (I, Eddie poetry ; II, Court poetry). Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1883. b. Pictorial Matter The illustrations in the text-books are becoming more and more trustworthy. And see especially the illustrated editions of Green, 32 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY History (no. 5/j), and Traill and Mann, Social England (n also Henderson, Side Lights (no. 659). Photographs are to be obtained of Mansell, 405 Oxford St., London, and Soule Photo- graph Co., Boston. Excellent cheap prints are easily obtained. 333. Champlin, John Denison. Cyclopaedia of painters and paint- ings. Charles C. Perkins, critical ed. 4 vols. Illus. New York, Scribner, 1892. 334. Essenwein, A. Kulturhistorischer Bilderatlas. 2 vols. (II, Mittelalter). Leipzig, Seemann, 1883. 335. Historical portraits: engravings from rare prints, including the collections of Richardson, Rodd, Caulfield, and others, with historical and descriptive text. 3 vols. London, Chatto & Windus, 1876. 336. Lovett, Rev. Richard. London pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 130 illus. [London], Religious Tract Society, 1890. 337. Wheatley, Henry B. Historical portraits: some notes on the painted portraits of celebrated characters of England, Scotland, and Ireland. London, Bell, 1897. IV. HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, PHYSIOGRAPHY a. Bibliography See also bibliographies of special regions. The bibliographies of Canada, for example, are largely cartographies as well. 338. Anderson, John P. The book of British topography: a classi- fied catalogue of the topographical works in the library of the British Museum relating to Great Britain and Ireland. London, Satchell, 1881. 339. Bibliotheca geographica herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin. Ed. by Otto Baschin, with the cooperation of Dr. Ernst Wagner. Vol. I, for 1891 and 1892, Berlin, Kiihl, 1895, etc. 340. Bourne. Teaching of history. [Lists of maps and atlases, pp. 203, 255.] See no. 278. 341. Chicago Public Library. Finding lists, geography and travels. 8th ed. Chicago Public Library, Jan., 1904. 342. Courtney. Register. [Under England, Topography, Vol. I, pp. 172-173.] See no. 3. 343. Harvard University. Classified index to the maps in the Royal Geographical Society's publications, 1830-1883. (Harv. Lib. Bibl. Contrib., no. 17, p. 41.) Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Library, 1886. GENERAL WORKS 33 344. King, Charles F. Methods and aids in geography for the use of teachers and normal schools. Illus. Rev. ed. Boston, Lee, 1895. [Bibl., pp. 427-507, passim. Apparatus, pp. 77-87.] 345. Library of Congress. Check list of large-scale maps published by foreign governments (Great Britain excepted) in the Library of Con- gress. Comp. under the direction of Philip Lee Phillips. ... 58 pp. Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 1904. 346. Mill, Hugh Robert. Hints to teachers and students on the choice of geographical books for reference and reading, with classified lists, prepared at the request of the Geographical Association. Lon- don, Longmans, 1897. 347. Parker, Francis W. How to study geography (International Education). New York, Appleton, 1893. [Bibl., pp. 359-375.] 348. Reiley, Alan C. Bibliography of historical geography. (Larned, History for ready reference (no. 749), Vol. IV, pp. 3906-3909.) 349. Rye. Records. See no. 549. b. Works of Reference Guidebooks are an important means of reference. There are many publishers of these. 350. Australasian handbook, incorporating New Zealand, Fiji, and New Guinea. Shippers, importers, and professional directory and business guide, 1900. London, Gordon & Gotch. 351. [Deschamps, P. C. E.] Dictionnaire de geographic ancienne et moderne a 1' usage du libraire et de 1' amateur de livres ; par un bib- liophile. Paris, Didot, 1870. [For Latin place-names.] 352. Graesse, Dr. J. G. Th. Orbis latinus, oder Verzeichniss der lateinischen Benennungen der bekanntesten Stadte, etc., Meere, Seen, Berge und Fliisse. . . . Dresden, Schonfeld, 1861. [Has suppl.] 353. Handbook of Canada. (British Ass'n, 1897.) Toronto, Pub- lication Committee, 1897. 354. Hunter, W. W. The imperial gazetteer of India. 2d ed. 14 vols. (XIV, index). London, Triibner, 1885-1887. 355. Knox, Alexander. Glossary of geographical and topographical terms, and of words of frequent occurrence in the composition of such terms, and of place-names (Stanford Compendium). London, Stan- ford, 1904. 356. Lippincott's new gazetteer: a complete pronouncing gazetteer or geographical dictionary of the world . . . ; ed. by Angelo Heilprin and Louis Heilprin. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1906. 34 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY c. Treatises 357. Adams, Cyrus C. A text-book of commercial geography. New York, Appleton, 1904. 358. Avebury, Lord (Sir John Lubbock). The scenery of England and the causes to which it is due. New York, Macmillan, 1902. 359. Beazley, C. Raymond. The dawn of modern geography: a history of exploration and geographical science from the conversion of the Roman Empire to A.D. 900 . . . with reproductions of the principal maps of the time. London, Murray, 1897. 360. Bonney, T. G. The story of our planet. Illus. New York, Cassell [1893]. 361. Book of fair Devon. Illus. Exeter, United Devon Ass'n, 1889-1890. 362. Booth, Edwin Carton. Australia. 2 vols. Illus. London, Virtue. 363. Bouchette, Joseph. The British dominions in North America. 2 vols. London, Longmans, 1832. A topographical description of the province of Lower Canada, with remarks upon Upper Canada. London, Faden, 1815. 364. Chisholm, Geo. G. Handbook of commercial geography. New ed. London, Longmans, 1894. 365. Dawson, George M., and Alexander Sutherland. Elementary geography of the British colonies. Illus. London, Macmillan, 1895. 366. Dawson, Samuel Edward. North America (Stanford Com- pendium). [Vol. I, Canada and Newfoundland, with maps and illus.] London, Stanford, 1897. 367. Dutt, William A. Highways and byways in East Anglia. Illus. by Joseph Pennell. London, Macmillan, 1901. 368. Freeman, Edward A. English towns and districts: a series of addresses and sketches. Maps and illus. London, Macmillan, 1883. The historical geography of Europe. 2 vols. (I, Text; II, Maps). 2d ed. London, Longmans, 1882. 369. t Geikie, Sir Archibald. Geography of the British Isles. Lon- don, Macmillan. The scenery of Scotland viewed in connection with its physical geology. 3d ed. 4 maps ; illus. London, Macmillan, 1901. 370. George, Hereford B. A historical geography of the British empire. Map. London, Methuen [1904]. The relations of geog- raphy and history. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1901. 371. Green, John Richard, and Alice Stopford Green. A short geography of the British islands. Maps. London, Macmillan, 1880. GENERAL WORKS 35 372. Greswell, Rev. William Parr. Geography of the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland. 10 maps. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1891. [Published under the auspices of the Royal Colonial Institute.] 373. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ireland : its scenery, character. . . , 3 vols. New ed. London, Virtue [1893?]. 374. Hare, Augustus J. C. Walks in London. 2 vols. London, Daldy, 1878. 375. Hellwald, Friedrich v. Die Erde und ihre Volker. 4th ed. Stuttgart, Union deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft [c. 1900]. 376. Herbertson, A. J. Commercial geography of the British Isles (Chambers's Handbooks). 140 pp. London, Chambers, 1900. 377. Hertslet, Edward. The map of Europe by treaty, showing the various political and territorial changes . . . since ... 1814. 4 vols. Maps. London, Vols. I-III, Butterworths, 1875; Vo1 - IV > H - M - S. O., 1891. 378. Hill, Robert T. Cuba and Porto Rico, with the other islands of the West Indies. Rev. New York, Century, 1899. 379. Hogarth, D. G. The nearer East. Maps and diagrams. New York, Appleton, 1902. 380. Jacobs, Joseph. The story of geographical discovery: how the world became known (Library of Useful Stories). 24 maps, etc. New York, Appleton, 1899. 381. Johnston, Keith. A physical, historical, political, and descrip- tive geography (London Geographical). 5th ed. rev. by A. H. Keane. Maps and illus. London, Stanford, 1896. 382. Keane, A. H. Africa (Stanford Compendium, new issue). 2 vols. (I, N. Africa ; II, S. Africa). Maps and illus. London, Stan- ford, 1895. Central and South America. Vol. II, Central America and West Indies (Stanford Compendium, new issue), ed. by Sir Clem- ents Markham. Maps and illus. London, Stanford, 1901. t Southern and western Asia (Stanford Compendium). London, Stanford. 383. Keane, John. The evolution of geography: a sketch of the rise and progress of geographical knowledge from the earliest times to the first circumnavigation of the globe. London, Stanford, 1899. 384. La Blache, P. Vidal de. "Tableau de la geographic de la France. Vol. I, Part I, of Lavisse, Histoire de France (no. 818). Paris, Hachette, 1903. 385. Library of Useful Stories Series. New York, Appleton. See no. 380. 386. Literature Primers Series. J. R. Green, ed. New York, Amer- ican Book Co. See no. 400. 36 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 387. London Geographical Series. London, Stanford. See no. 381. 388. Longman's school geography. George G. Chisholm and C. H. Leete. 5th ed. rev. New York, Longmans, 1899. [Special eds. for Great Britain, India, South Africa, North America, and Australasia.] 389. Lucas, C. P. A historical geography of the British colonies. 5 vols. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1888-1901. 390. Lyde, Lionel W. A commercial geography of the British empire. 2d ed. London, Methuen, 1898. 391. Mackinder, H. J. Britain and the British seas. Maps and diagrams. London, Heinemann, 1902. 392. Macquoid, Katherine S. Through Normandy. Illus. by Thomas R. Macquoid. 2d ed. New York, Randolph [1891?]. 393. Maiden, Henry Elliott. History on the face of England, (Royal Historical Society, Transactions; new series, Vol. I, pp. 1-17.) London, Longmans, 1884. 394. Mill, Hugh Robert. The international geography, by seventy authors. 488 illus. New York, Appleton, 1900. 395. Picton. Memorials of Liverpool. See no. Sqg. 396. Ramsay, Sir Andrew C. The physical geology and geography of Great Britain : a manual of British geology. 6th ed., ed. by Horace B. Woodward. Map. London, Stanford, 1894. 397. Reclus, filisee. The earth: a descriptive history of the phe- nomena of the life of the globe, i-vol. edition, tr. by B. B. Woodward, ed. by H. Woodward. Illus. New York, Harper, 1872. Nouvelle geographic universelle, la terre et les hommes. 20 vols. (IV, North- western Europe). Illus. Paris, Hachette, 1874-1894. 398. Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel. 12 vols. London, Stanford. See nos. jj'J, j66, 382, 401. 899. Tarr, Ralph S., and Frank M. McMurray. A complete geog- raphy. Maps and illus. New York, Macmillan, 1902. Europe and other continents, with review of North America (Tarr and McMur- ray Geographies, third book). Maps and illus. New York, Macmil- lan, 1902. 400. Tozer, H. F. Classical geography (Literature Primers). New York, American Book Co. 401. t Wallace, Alfred Russell. Australia and New Zealand (Stan- ford Compendium). London, Stanford. 402. White, Arthur Silva. The development of Africa: a study in applied geography. 14 maps. 2d ed. rev. London, Philip, 1892. 403. Winsor. Cartier to Frontenac. See no. 1904. Mississippi Basin. See no. 1904, GENERAL WORKS 37 404. Woodward, Horace B. The geology of England and Wales. Maps and illus. 2d ed. London, Philip, 1887. 405. Yeats, John, and others. The natural history of the raw ma- terials of commerce (Technical Education). 3d ed. rev. and enl. London, Philip. d. Maps and Atlases For particular maps, see under Part II, i, Modern Accounts, note and references (p. 166). The treatises given above also frequently contain maps. (i) NOT PRIMARILY HISTORICAL 406. Bartholomew, J. G., ed. Constable's hand atlas of India : a new series of sixty maps and plans prepared from ordnance and other surveys. Westminster, Constable, 1893. Handy reference atlas of the world. 6th ed. London, Walker & Co., 1898. The survey atlas of England and Wales : a series of eighty-four plates of maps and plans, with descriptive text, illustrating the topography, physiography, geology, climate, and the political and commercial features of the country. Edin- burgh Geographical Institute, 1903. [Published under the patronage of the Royal Geographical Society.] 407. Black's general atlas of the world. Rev. ed. Edinburgh, Black, 1888. 408. CasselFs British atlas of 122 folio maps, consisting of the coun- ties of England and Wales, divisional map of Scotland and Ireland . . . separate maps of cities.... London, Cassell [1893?]. Emigrant's atlas, containing 14 folio maps of the British colonies. London, Cas- sell [1894?]. 409. Castle Line atlas of South Africa. ... 16 pi., 30 maps. Lon- don, Currie, 1895. 410. Century dictionary, Vol. X, Atlas. See no. 462. 411. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. XXXIV, Maps. See no. 149. 412. Gibbins, H. de B. Atlas of commercial geography. ... 48 maps and letterpress. Edinburgh, Johnston. 413. GREAT BRITAIN. Ordnance Survey Maps. [See description in H. R. Mill, Hints to teachers (no. 346), p. 45 ; or send 2d to Eyre & Spottiswoode, 32 Abingdon St., London, for blue-book " Ordnance Survey Maps, 1897 [C-8488]." For an historical and descriptive arti- cle on, see Josiah Pierce, Jr., " The Ordnance Survey of Great Britain," National Geographical Magazine, Vol. II, no. 4, pp. 243-260. Wash- ington, National Geographical Society.] 433 38 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 414. Handy world atlas and gazetteer. New York, Warne. 415. Johnston, Alexander Keith. The royal atlas of modern geog- raphy . . . ; additions and corrections by T. B. Johnston. 53 maps. New ed. Edinburgh, Johnston, 1890. 416. Philip's handy atlas of the counties of England, including maps of North and South Wales, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man. ... 43 maps. Rev. ed. London, Philip, 1888. 417. Rand, McNally & Co. Indexed atlas of the world.' Historical, descriptive, statistical. 275 illus. Chicago, Rand. [1902.] [Vol. II, Foreign countries . . . special index to each map.] 418. Stielers Hand-Atlas, 100 Karten . . . mit 162 Nebenkarten . . . 9th ed. rev. Gotha, Perthes, 1905. 419. The Times atlas. 196 maps and index. New ed. London, the Times, 1900. (2) HISTORICAL Outline maps are frequently useful. There are a number of publishers of these. 420. Droysen, Professor. Allgemeiner historischer Handatlas unter Leitung von Dr. Richard Andree. Leipzig, Velhagen & Klasing, 1886. 421. Freeman. Geography. Vol.11. See no. 368. 422. Gardiner, Samuel Rawson, ed. A school atlas of English his- tory. London, Longmans, 1899. 423. Ginn & Company. Classical atlas. 23 colored maps; index. Boston, Ginn. 424. Great Britain. Report of the boundary commissioners for Eng- land and Wales, 1868. (The Representation of the People Act, 1867 : 30 & 31 Viet., cap. 102.) Sessional papers, Lords, 1867-1868, Vol. XXXII.) London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1868. [Boundaries of bor- oughs ; maps.] 425. Kiepert, Dr. Henry. Atlas antiquus : twelve maps of the ancient world' for schools and colleges (Students'), nth ed. rev. Boston, Leach. 426. Labberton, Robert H. Historical atlas, 3800 B.C. to 1900 A.D. 72 pi., 1 6th ed. New York, Silver, 1901. [No reading matter.] New historical atlas and general history. New York, MacCoun, 1888. 427. MacCoun, Townsend. Historical geography ; charts: A, Europe (Ser. I, Ancient and classical; Ser. II, Mediaeval and modern); B, United States. Boston, Silver. [See Am. Hist. Ass'n, Rep. for 1898, pp. 560- 564.] GENERAL WORKS 39 428. Meyers historisch-geographischer Kalender. Illus. Leipzig, Bibliog. Institut. [1898 ed., Plans of cities, I7th century.] 429. Nordenskiold, A. E. Facsimile-atlas to the early history of cartography, with reproductions of the most important maps printed in the XVth and XVIth centuries. Tr. by Johan Adolf Ekelof and Clem- ents R. Markham. Stockholm, 1889. [Contains maps of Ptolemy, etc.] 430. Pearson, Charles H. Historical maps of England during the first thirteen centuries, with explanatory essays and indices. London, Bell, 1883. 431. Perthes, Justus. Geschichte-Atlas. Taschen-Atlas zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte von Dr. Alfred Schulz. 24 Karten in Kupfer- stich mit einem Abrisse der deutschen Geschichte und der Geschichte der wichtigsten anderen Staaten bis auf die neueste Zeit. 24 pi. Gotha, Perthes, 1898. 432. Poole, Reginald Lane, ed. Historical atlas of modern Europe from the decline of the Roman empire ; comprising also maps of part of Asia, Africa, and of the new world connected with European history. Oxford, Clarendon Press. 1902. 433. Putzgers, F. W. Historischer Schul-Atlas zur alten, mittleren und neuen Geschichte in 234 Haupt- und Nebenkarten. Rev. and ed. by Alfred Baldamus und Ernst Schwabe. Bielefeld, Velhagen & Kla- sing, 1902. 434. t Reich, Emil. A new student's atlas of English history. New York, Macmillan, c. 1904. 435. Spruner-Menke. Hand-Atlas fiir die Geschichte des Mittelal- ters und der neueren Zeit. 3d ed. of K. v. Spruners Hand-Atlas, rev. by Th. Menke. 90 colored Karten and 376 Nebenk. Gotha, Perthes, 1880. V. CHRONOLOGY See also the Handbooks (I.C. Il.d). 436. Bond, J. J. Handy-book of rules and tables for verifying dates with the Christian era; giving an account of the chief eras and systems used by various nations, etc., etc. 4th ed. London, Bell, 1889. 437. Date book of Scottish history. (Date books.) 20 pp. Lon- don, Nelson. 438. Date books of history. London, Nelson. See no. 43 j. 439. Dunbar, Sir Archibald H. Scottish kings : a revised chronology of Scottish history, 1005-1625, with notices of the principal events, tables of regnal years, pedigrees, calendars, etc. Edinburgh, Douglas, 1899. 40 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 440. Ewald. Reference book. See 110.542. 441. Grotefend, H. Taschenbuch der Zeitrechnung des deutschen Mittelalters, und der Neuzeit. ... 166 pp. Hannover, Hahn'sche Buchh., 1898. 442. Haydn's dictionary of dates and universal information relating to all ages and nations ... to ... 1885, by Benjamin Vincent. New York, Putnam, 1887. 443. Heilprin. Historical reference book. See no. 314. 444. Ideler, Dr. Ludwig. Handbuch der mathematischen und tech- nischen Chronologie. 2 vols. Berlin, Riicker, 1825, 1826. Handbuch der mathematischen und technischen Chronologie aus den Quellen bearbeitet. 2d ed. Breslau, Koebner, 1883. 445. Jennings, Rev. Arthur C. Chronological tables : a synchronistic arrangement of the events of ancient history. London, Macmillan, 1888. 446. Little, Charles E. Cyclopaedia of classified dates, with an ex- haustive index. . . . New York, Funk & Wagnalls, 1900. 447. Morison, M. Time-table of modern history, A.D. 400-1870. Westminster, Constable, 1901. 448. Nichol, John. Tables of European history, literature, science, and art, from A.D. 200 to 1888, ... 20 pi., 4th ed. rev. Glasgow, Maclehose, 1888. 449. Nicolas, Sir Harris. The chronology of history, containing tables, calculations and statements ... to the present time. New ed. London, Longmans [1852 ?]. 450. Petrie. Monumenta. See no. 1184. [Introductory remarks on the chronology of the mediaeval historians; pp. 103128.] 451. Putnam, G. P. (Continued to date by Lynds E. Jones.) Tabular views of universal history: a series of chronological tables presenting in parallel columns a record of the more noteworthy events ... to 1890. New York, Putnam, 1890. 452. Rosse, J. Willoughby. An index of dates ... to the present time . . . alphabetically arranged . . . (Bohn's Reference Library). 2 vols London, Bell, 1877. VI. PHILOLOGY Short glossaries are frequently found in works where they are specially useful ; as, e.g., in Stubbs, Charters (tio. 690). a. Celtic 453. Jamieson, John. An etymological dictionary of the Scottish language. ... 4 vols. New ed. rev., with supplement incorporated by GENERAL WORKS 41 John Longmuir. Paisley, Gardner, 1879-1882. [Suppl., with memoir and introd., by David Donaldson, 1887.] 454. Jamieson's dictionary of the Scottish language ; . . . abridged by John Johnston. New ed. rev. by John Longmuir. Edinburgh, Nimmo, 1867. 455. Kelly, John. The Manx dictionary. . . . Douglas, Manx So- ciety, 1866. 456. Mackay, Charles. A dictionary of Lowland Scotch. . . . Bos- ton, Ticknor, 1888. 457. Macleod, Norman, and Daniel Dewar. A dictionary of the Gaelic language. . . . Edinburgh, Grant, 1901. 458. O'Reilley, Edward. An Irish-English dictionary. . . . New ed. rev., with supplement by John O' Donovan. . . . Dublin, Duffy, 1877. 459. Spurrell, William. An English-Welsh pronouncing dictionary. . . . Caerfyrddin, Spurrell, 1872. 460. Williams, Robert. Lexicon Cornu-Britannicum, a dictionary of the ancient Celtic language of Cornwall. . . . The synonyms are also given in the cogntte dialects of Welsh, Armoric, Irish, Gaelic, and Manx. . . . Llandovery, Roderick ; London, Triibner, 1865. b. English See also under Celtic, French, and Latin (a, c, d). 461. Bosworth, Joseph. An Anglo-Saxon dictionary, based on the manuscript collections of the late Joseph Bosworth. Ed. and enl. by T. Northcote Toller. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1882-1898. 462. Century dictionary and cyclopaedia. A work of universal refer- ence in all departments of knowledge, with a new atlas of the world. 10 vols. (I-VIII, The Century dictionary and cyclopaedic lexicon . . ., William Dwight Whitney, ed. ; IX,The Century cyclopaedia of names . . . , Benjamin E. Smith, ed. , X? The Century atlas of the world, Benjamin E. Smith, sup't). New York, Century, 1901. 463. Coleridge, Herbert. A dictionary of the first or oldest words in the English language : ... an alphabetical inventory of every word found in the printed English literature of the I3th century, viii + 103 pp. London, Hotten, 1863. 464. Grein, C. W. M. Sprachschatz der angelsachsischen Dichter. 2 vols. Cassel, Wigand, 1861-1864. 465. Hall, John R. A concise Anglo-Saxon dictionary for the use of students. London, Sonnenschein, 1894. 42 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 466. Halliwell, James Orchard. A dictionary of archaic and pro- vincial words, obsolete phrases, proverbs, and ancient customs from the I4th century. 2 vols. 2d ed. London, J. R. Smith, 1850. 467. Harrison, James A., and W. M. Baskervill. A handy poetical Anglo-Saxon dictionary, based on Groschopp's Grein. . . . New York, Barnes, 1895. 468. Levius, Peter. Manipulus vocabulorum: a rhyming dictionary of the English language, by Peter Levius (1570), ed., with an alpha- betical index, by Henry B. Wheatley. London, E. E. T. Society, 1867. 469. Matzner, Eduard. Altenglische Sprachproben, nebst einem Worterbuche (Part II, Worterbuch, A-Mak). Berlin, Weidmannische Buchh., 1878, in progress. 470. Murray, James A. H., ed. The Oxford English dictionary: a new English dictionary on historical principles, founded mainly on the materials collected by the Philological Society. 5 vols. completed; Vols. VI, VII, VIII, in parts. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1888, in progress. 471. Nares. Glossary. See no. 324. 472. Skeat, Rev. Walter W. A concise etymological dictionary of the English language. New ed. rewritten and re%rranged. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1901. 473. Stratmann, Francis Henry. A Middle-English dictionary, con- taining words used by English writers from the twelfth to the fifteenth century. New ed. rev. and enl. by Henry Bradley. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1891. 474. Sweet, Henry. The student's dictionary of Anglo-Saxon. New York, Macmillan, 1897. 475. Wright, Joseph, ed. The English dialect dictionary, being the complete vocabulary of all dialect words still in use, or known to have been in use during the last two hundred years. London, Frowde, July, 1896, in progress. [Parts I-XXIV, A-Tommy.] 476. Wright, Thomas. Anglo-Saxon and Old-English vocabularies, reedited and collected by Richard Paul Wiilcker. 2 vols. (I, Vocab- ularies ; II, Indices). London, Triibner, 1883, 1884. A volume of vocabularies, illustrating the condition and manners of our forefathers . . . from the tenth century to the fifteenth. Privately printed, 1857. 477. Yule, Henry, and A. C. Burnell. Hobson-Jobson, a glossary of colloquial Anglo-Indian words and phrases. . . . New ed. by William Crooke. London, Murray, 1903. GENERAL WORKS 43 c. French 478. Burguy, G. F. Grammaire de la langue d'oi'l ou grammaire des dialectes franfais aux XII e et XIII e siecles suivie d'un glossaire. . . . 3 vols. Berlin, Schneider, 1853-1856. 479. Du Cange. Glossarium. See no. 486. 480. Godefroy, Frederic. Dictionnaire de 1'ancienne langue fran9aise et de tous ses dialectes du IX e au XV e siecle. ... 9 vols. with supple- ment. Paris, Vieweg, 1880. 481. La Curne de Saint-Pelaye. Dictionnaire historique de 1'ancien langage fran9ois, ou glossaire de la langue fran9oise, depuis son origine jusqu'au siecle de Louis XIV. . . . Niort, Favre. 482. Roquefort, J. B. B. Glossaire de la langue romane, . . . conte- nant 1'etymologie et la signification des mots usites dans les XI, XII, . . . et XVI e siecles. ... 3 vols. (Ill, Suppl.). Vols. I, II, Paris, Waree, 1808; Vol. Ill, Paris, Chasseriau et Hecart, 1820. 483. Skeat, Walter W. Principles of English etymology, zd series. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1891. [For Anglo-French, see pp. 1-136.] d. Latin 484. Catholicon Anglicum, an English-Latin wordbook dated 1483; ed., with introduction and notes, by Sidney J. H. Herrtage ; preface by Henry B. Wheatley. London, E. E. T. Society, 1881. 485. Diefenbach, Laurentius. Glossarium Latino-Germanicum mediae et infimae aetatis. . . . Supplementum lexici mediae et infimae Latini- tatis conditi ... a ... Du Cange, aucti . . . ab Henschelio. . . . Frank- fort a. M., Baer, 1857. Novum glossarium Latino-Germanicum mediae et infimae aetatis. . . . Frankfort a. M., Sauerlander, 1867. 486. Du Cange. Glossarium mediae et infimae Latinitatis conditum a Carolo du Fresne Domino Du Cange auctum a monachis ordinis S. Benedict! cum supplementis integris D. P. Carpenterii Adelungii, aliorum, suisque digessit G. A. L. Henschel. Sequuntur glossarium Gallicum, tabulae, indices auctorum et rerum, dissertationes. New ed. enl. by Leopold Favre. 10 vols. (IX, Glossaire fra^ais, pp. 5-400). Niort, Favre, 1883-1887. 487. Graesse. Orbis Latinus. See no. 352. 488. Promptorium parvulorum sive clericorum dictionarius Anglo- Latinus princeps, auctore fratre Galfrido Grammatico dicto, . . . circa A.D. MCCCCXL. Ed. by Albertus Way (Camden Society). [London], For the society, 1865. 44 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 489. Thesaurus linguae Latinae editus auctoritate et consilio aca- demiarum quinque Germanicarum, Berolinensis, Gottingensis, Lipsi- ensis, Monacensis, Vindobonensis. Vol. I. Leipzig, Teubner, 1900. [To be in 12 vols. and to be completed within 15 years. Prospectus.] VII. ARCHEOLOGY, ETHNOLOGY, ARTS, ETC. a. Anthropology and Ethnology 490. Clodd, Edward. The story of " primitive " man. Illus. New York, Appleton, 1895. 491. Contemporary Science Series. Havelock Ellis, ed. London, Scott. See no. joo. 492. Dawkins, W. Boyd. Early man in Britain, and his place in the tertiary period. London, Macmillan, 1880. 493. Deniker, J. The races of man: an outline of anthropology and ethnography. Illus. London, Scott, 1901. 494. Hellwald. Die Erde. See no. 375. 495. Hutchinson, H. N., J. W. Gregory, and R. Lydekker, assisted by eminent specialists. The living races of mankind. ... 2 vols. Illus. London, Hutchinson. 496. Keane, A. H. Ethnology, in 2 parts : I, Fundamental ethnical problems; II, The primary ethnical groups (Cambridge Geographical). 2d ed. rev. Cambridge, Mass., University Press, 1896. 497. Ratzel, Friedrich. The history of mankind. Tr. by A. J. Butler from the 2d German ed. 3 vols. Maps and illus. London, Macmillan, 1896-1898. 498. Ripley, William Z. The races of Europe : a sociological study (Lowell Institute Lectures), i vol. and Supplement (bibl.). New York, Appleton, 1899. 499. Roth, Henry Ling. The natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo, based chiefly on the MSS. of the late Hugh Brooke Low, Sarawak Government service. 2 vols. Illus. New York, Truslove, 1896. 500. Sergi, G. The Mediterranean race : a study of the origin of European peoples (Contemporary Science). Illus. London, Scott; New York, Scribner, 1901. 501. Tylor, Edward B. Anthropology: an introduction to the study of man and civilization (International Scientific). Illus. New York, Appleton, 1891. b. Antiquities and Folk-lore 502. Brand, John. Observations on the popular antiquities of Great Britain, chiefly illustrating the origin of our vulgar and provincial customs, GENERAL WORKS 45 ceremonies, and superstitions ; arranged, rev., and enl. by Sir Henry Ellis. 3 vols. London, Bell, 1890. 503. Dyer, T. F. Thiselton. British popular customs, present and past : illustrating the social and domestic manners of the people, arranged according to the calendar of the year. London, Bell, 1891. English folk-lore. New ed. London, Allen, 1884. 504. Evans, John. The ancient bronze implements, weapons, and ornaments of Great Britain. London, Longmans, iSSi. The ancient stone implements, weapons, and ornaments of Great Britain, ad ed. London, Longmans, 1897. 505. Gotzinger, Dr. E. Reallexicon der deutschen Altertumer. 2ded. Leipzig, Urban, 1885. 506. Hodgetts, J. Frederick. Older England, illustrated by the Anglo-Saxon antiquities in the British Museum in ... 6 lectures. Lon- don, Whiting & Co., 1884. 507. Jewitt, Llewellyn. Half-hours among some English antiquities. Illus., 300 engravings. London, Hardwicke, 1877. 508. Lubbock, Sir John. Pre-historic times, as illustrated by ancient remains, and the manners and customs of modern savages. 5th ed. London, Williams & Norgate, 1890. 509. Mason, Otis T. The origins of invention : a study of industry among primitive peoples. Illus. London, Scott, 1895. 510. Scott, Sir Gilbert. Lectures on the rise and development of mediaeval architecture. ... 2 vols. Illus. London, Murray, 1879. 511. Wilson, Sir Daniel. Memorials of Edinburgh in the olden time. 2d ed. Illus. Edinburgh, Black, 1891. 512. Windle, Bertram C. A. Life in early Britain. London, Nutt ; New York, Putnam, 1897. c. Arts, especially Architecture Bibliography 513. Catalogue of the Avery architectural library : a memorial library of architecture, archaeology, and decorative art. 1139 pp. New York, Columbia College Library, 1895. 514. Catalogue of the books relating to architecture, construction, and decoration in the public library of the city of Boston, November i, 1894. (Subject catalogue no. 10, 150 pp.) Boston, By the trustees, 1894. [Great Britain, pp. 44~55 > India, pp. 32-33; Egypt, pp. 31-32.] 515. Sturgis, Russell, and Henry Edward Krehbiel. Annotated bibli- ography of fine art : painting, sculpture, architecture, arts of decoration 46 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY and illustration [Sturgis] ; music [Krehbiel] (A. L. A., Annotated Lists). 89 pp. Boston, Library Bureau, 1897. 516. Baye, J. de. The industrial arts of the Anglo-Saxons. Tr. by T. B. Harbottle. 126 pp. Illus. London, Sonnenschein, 1893. 517. Bruce, Rev. J. Collingwood. The Roman wall: a description of the mural barrier of the north of England. 3d ed. London, Long- mans, 1867. 518. Clark, Geo. T. Mediaeval military architecture in England. 2 vols. Illus. London, Wyman & Sons, 1884. 519. Dictionary of architecture (Architectural Publication Society). 6 vols. Illus. London, Richards [1892 ?]. 520. Fergusson, James. A history of architecture in all countries from the earliest times to the present day. 2 vols. New York, Dodd. 521. Freeman. Wells. See no. gqq. 522. Gotch, J. Alfred, assisted by W. Talbot Brown. Architecture of the Renaissance in England . . . 1560-1635. 2 vols. 145 pi., 180 illus. London, Batsford, 1894. 523. Gwilt, Joseph. An encyclopaedia of architecture, historical, theoretical, and practical. Illus. New ed. rev. and enl. London, Longmans, 1891. 524. Moore, Charles Herbert. Development and character of Gothic architecture. Illus. London, Macmillan, 1890. 525. Our national cathedrals . . . their history and architecture . . . with special accounts of modern restorations. . . . Comp. and rev. with the aid of dignitaries of the Anglican church. 3 vols. Colored pi., plans. London, Ward, Lock & Co., 1887-1889. 526. Prior, Edward S. A history of Gothic art in England. Illus. by Gerald C. Horsley. Plans and diagrams. London, Bell, 1900. 527. Rensselaer, Mrs. Schuyler van. English cathedrals. . . . Illus. with 154 drawings by Joseph Pennell. Plans and diagrams. New York, Century, 1892. 528. Sturgis, Russell. A dictionary of architecture and building, biographical, historical, and descriptive. 3 vols. New York, Mac- millan, 1901-1902. 529. Turner, T. Hudson [and John Henry Parker]. Some account of domestic architecture in England. ... 4 vols. Illus. Oxford, Henry & Parker (Vols. I, II, 2d ed., 1877, 1882 ; Vols. Ill, IV, 1859). GENERAL WORKS 47 d. Costume 530. Fairholt, F. W. Costume in England: a history of dress to the end of the eighteenth century. 2 vols. (I, History ; II, Glossary). Illus. 3d ed. rev. and enl. by the Hon. H. A. Dillon. London, Bell, 1885. 531. Hill, Georgiana. A history of English dress from the Saxon period to the present day. 2 vols. Illus. London, Bentley, 1893. 532. Planche, James Robinson. A cyclopaedia of costume or dic- tionary of dress . . . and a general chronological history of the costumes of the principal countries of Europe. . . . [A.D. 1-1760.] 2 vols. Lon- don, Chatto & Windus, 1876, 1879. 533. Shaw, Henry. Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages. 2 vols. Illus. including 94 colored pi. London, Pickering, 1843. VIII. GENEALOGY AND BIOGRAPHY See also under Encyclopaedias (I.C. I.b). Biographies proper are under Divisions II and III. Bibliography 534. Bibliographical lists: Genealogy (Bost. Pub. Lib. Bull., Apr., July, Oct., 1879; Oct., 1891 ; nos. 49-51, 86). 535. Allstrom, C. M. Dictionary of royal lineage. ... 2 vols. Chicago, 1902, 1904. 536. Barber, Henry. British family names: their origin and mean- ing, with lists of Scandinavian, Frisian, Anglo-Saxon, and Norman names. 2d ed. enl. London, Stock, 1903. 537. Bardsley, Charles Wareing. A dictionary of English and Welsh surnames with special American instances. Rev. by his widow. Lon- don, Frowde, 1901. 538. Burke, Sir Bernard. A genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage. . . . Latest ed. London, Harrison & Sons. A genealogical and heraldic history of the landed gentry of Great Brit- ain and Ireland. 2 vols. 7th ed. London, Harrison & Sons, 1886. 539. Clarendon Press Series. Oxford, Clarendon Press. See no. 544. 540. Craik, George Lillie. The romance of the peerage : or, curios- ities of family history. 4 vols. London, Chapman, 1848. 541. Doyle, James E. The official baronage of England, showing the succession, dignities, and offices of every peer from 1066 to 1885. 3 vols. 1600 illus. London, Longmans, 1886. 48 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 542. Ewald, Alex. Charles. A reference book of English history, containing tables of chronology and genealogy. . . . London, Warne, 1866. 543. Foster, Joseph. The peerage, baronetage, and knightage of the British Empire for 1882, etc. 2 vols. Westminster, Nichols & Sons. 544. George, Hereford B. Genealogical tables illustrative of modern history (Clarendon Press). 3d ed. rev. and enl. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1886. 545. Lorenz, Ottokar. Genealogisches Handbuch der europaischen Staatengeschichte. 2d ed. rev. and enl. Berlin, Hertz, 1895. 546. Marshall, George W. The genealogist's guide to printed pedi- grees. . : . London, Bell, 1879. 547. Nicolas, Sir Harris. The historic peerage of England. . . . New ed. of Synopsis of the peerage of England. Rev. and corrected by William Courthope. London, Murray, 1857. [Includes a treatise on clerical dignities.] 548. O'Hart, John. Irish pedigrees; or, the origin and stem of the Irish nation. 3d ed. Dublin, Gill, 1881. 549. Rye, Walter. Records and record searching : a guide to the genealogist and topographer. Boston, Cupples & Hurd, 1888. 550. Selden, John. Titles of honor. 3d ed. corrected (with addi- tions and amendments by the author). London, Tyler, 1672. 551. Taylor, James. The great historic families of Scotland. 2 vols. London, Virtue, 1890. 552. Waters, Henry F. Genealogical gleanings in England. 2 vols. Boston, N. E. Hist. Gen. Society, 1901. IX. NUMISMATICS 553. t Avebury, Lord. A short history of coins and currency. Illus. London, Murray [1904?]. 554. Hawkins, Edward. The silver coins of England, arranged and described ; with remarks on British money previous to the Saxon dynas- ties. 3d ed., with alterations and additions by R. LI. Kenyon. London, Quaritch, 1887. 555. Kenyon, Robert Lloyd. The gold coins of England, arranged and described. . . . London, Quaritch, 1884. 556. Stevenson, Seth William. A dictionary of Roman coins, repub- lican and imperial . . . rev. in part by C. Roach Smith, and completed by Frederic W. Madden, c. 700 illus. London, Bell, 1889. [See article Britannia, et seq.] GENERAL WORKS 49 X. HERALDRY, SEALS 557. Boutell, Charles. English heraldry. 450 illus. 8th ed. Lon- don, Gibbings, 1904. 558. Burke. Genealogical dictionary. See 110.538. Genealogical history. See no. 538. 559. Clark, Hugh. An introduction to heraldry. i8th ed. rev. and corrected by J. R. Planche. c. 1000 illus. London, Bell, 1884. 560. Cussans, John E. The handbook of heraldry. . . . 350 pi. and woodcuts. London, Hotten, 1869. 561. Elvin, Charles Norton. A dictionary of heraldry, c. 2500 illus. London, Kent [1889?]. 562. Eve, G. W. Decorative heraldry: a practical handbook of its artistic treatment. Illus. London, Bell, 1897. 563. Genouillac, H. Gourdon de. L'art heraldique (Bibliotheque des Beaux-arts). Illus. Paris, Maison Quantin [1889?]. 564. Hulme, F. Edward. The flags of the world: their history, blazonry, and associations.... 152 pp., 26 colored pi. London, Warne [1897?]. [Pp. 1-85, chiefly Great Britain.] The history, principles, and practice of heraldry (Antiquarian Library). Illus. London, Sonnenschein, 1892. 565. La Marche, Lecoy de. Les sceaux (Bibliotheque des Beaux- arts). Illus. Paris, Maison Quantin [1889?]. 566. Papworth, J. W. An alphabetical dictionary of coats of arms belonging to families in Great Britain and Ireland, forming an extensive ordinary of British armorials. . . . Ed. from p. 696 by Alfred W. Morant. London, Richards, 1874. 567. Worthy, Charles. Practical heraldry, or an epitome of English armory. ... 124 illus. London, Redway, 1889. XI. PALAEOGRAPHY AND DIPLOMATICS Bibliography See Giry, Manuel (no. J/J"), Wattenbach, Schriftwesen (tto. , and Thompson, Handbook (110.586). 568. British Museum. A guide to the manuscripts, autographs, charters, illuminations, and bindings exhibited in the department of manuscripts and in the Grenville Library, ed. by Edward Scott. 20 pi. 9-139 pp. 1899. 50 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 569. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der classischen Altertums- wissenschaft . . ., herausg. L. Gurlitt u. W. Kroll. 1873, etc - Leipzig, Reisland. [See vol. for 1898, pp. 187-310, Dr. Wilhelm Weinberger; Bericht iiber Palaographie und Handschriftenkunde (1874-1896). Ibid, for 1900, pp. 168-233 (1897-1900).] 570. Astle, Thomas. The origin and progress of writing. . . . Illus- trated by engravings taken from marbles, manuscripts, and charters, ancient and modern. . . . London, Author, 1784 ; Chatto & Windus, 1876. 571. Breslau, Harry. Handbuch der Urkundenlehrefiir Deutschland und Italien. Vol. I, Leipzig, Veit, 1889. 572. Cappelli, Adriano. Lexicon abbreviaturarum quae in lapidibus, codicibus et chartis praesertim medii-aevi occurrunt. Milano, Hoepli, 1899. 573. Chassant, Alphonse. Dictionnaire des abreviations latines et franfaises . . . du moyen-age. 5th ed. Paris, Martin, 1884. 574. Egbert, James C. Introduction to the study of Latin inscrip- tions. New York, American Book Co. [1896]. 575. Giry, A. Manuel de diplomatique. . . . Paris, Hachette, 1894. 576. La Marche, A. Lecoy. Les manuscrits et la miniature (Bibli- otheque des Beaux-arts). New ed. Paris, Maison Quantin [1884]. 577. Magna Carta. [Note. Facsimiles of the Magna Carta can be obtained from the British Museum and elsewhere, e.g., M. W. Dunne, London and Washington. Cf. McKechnie (no, 97/), pp. 194 ff.] 578. Middleton, J. Henry. Illuminated manuscripts in classical and mediaeval times, their art and their technique. [Chap, vi, The Celtic school of manuscripts ; chap, vii, The Anglo-Saxon school ; chap, viii, The Anglo-Norman school.] Cambridge, University Press, 1892. 579. New Palaeographical Society. Facsimiles of ancient manu- scripts, etc. Photographed and printed by Horace Hart. Parts I-III. London, Oxford University Press, 1903, in progress. 580. O'Curry, Eugene. Lectures on the manuscript materials of ancient Irish history . . . 1855-1856. Reissue. Dublin, Kelly, 1873. 581. Paoli, Cesare. Programma scolastico di paleografia latina e di diplomatica. I, Paleografia latina. 3d ed. rev. and enl. Firenze, Sansoni, 1901. 582. Prou, Maurice. Manuel de paleographie latine et fran9aise du VI e au XVII e siecle. . . . 2d ed. Paris, Picard, 1892. [With facsimiles.] 583. Reusens, le Chanoine. Elements de paleographie. Louvain, Chez 1'auteur, 1889. [Bibl., pp. 468-479.] GENERAL WORKS 51 584. Silvestre, M. J. B. Universal palaeography, or facsimiles of writings of all nations and periods. . . . Text ... by Champollion-Figeac and Aime Champollion, fils. . . . Tr. by Sir Frederic Madden. 2 vols. London, Bohn, 1850. 585. Skeat, Rev. Walter W. Twelve facsimiles of Old English manuscripts, with transcriptions and an introduction. Oxford, Clar- endon Press, 1892. 586. Thompson, E. Maunde, ed. Catalogue of a selection from the Stowe manuscripts exhibited in the King's Library in the British Museum. Illus., with 15 autotype facsimiles. [London], By the trustees, 1883. Handbook of Greek and Latin palaeography (Inter- national Scientific). New York, Appleton, 1893. [Bibl., pp. 327-333.] 587. Wattenbach, W. Anleitung zur lateinischen Palaeographie. 4th ed. rev. 106 pp. Leipzig, Hirzel, 1886. [Bibl., pp. 1-42.] Das Schriftwesen im Mittelalter. 3d ed. rev. Leipzig, Hirzel, 1896. [Con- tains full bibl. footnotes.] 588. Wright, Andrew. Court-hand restored: or, the student's assistant in reading old deeds, charters, records, etc. . . . 8th ed. rev. London, Hotten, 1867. [Appendix contains The ancient names of places. . . .] II. HISTORICAL WORKS OF MORE THAN ONE PERIOD Individual biographies, including autobiographies and memoirs, are all under Division III. So also are all works on Colonization. A. SOURCES I. GENERAL 589. Annual Register, or a view of the history, politics, and literature for the year 1758, etc. 6th ed. London, Dodsley, 1777; new series, 1863, etc. ; new series, 1903, etc. London, Longmans, 1904. [General index, 1758-1819, London, Baldwin, 1826.] 590. Bohn's Libraries. London, Bell. See nos. 104, 452, 600, 602, 6f2, 613, 633, 661, 667, 695, 1082, 1162, nSj, Jigi, 1241, 1275, 1280, 1295, i47 2 > V> V7f> J 59 2 - 591. Brewer, David J., ed. ; Edward A. Allen and William Schuyler, associate eds. The world's best orations (official ed.) from the earliest period to the present time. 10 vols. St. Louis, Kaiser, 1899. 592. Butler, Rev. Alban, comp. The lives of the fathers, martyrs, and other saints. Comp. from original monuments and authentic doc- uments. 12 vols. Dublin, James Duffy, 1866. [Another ed.] Lives of saints. Illustrated by G. M. Brighty. 3 vols. Dublin, Gumming. 593. Cassell's National Library. Henry Morley, ed. New York, Cassell. See nos. 1072, 1078, 1163, 1220, 1235, 1250, 1352, 1354. 594. Chronicles of the crusades, being contemporary narratives of the crusade of Richard Coeur de Lion, by Richard of Devizes and Geoffrey de Vinsauf, and of the crusade of St. Louis, by Lord John de Joinville. . . . London, Bohn, 1848. 595. European History Studies Series. F. M. Fling, ed. Chicago, Ainsworth. See no. 604. 596. Fabyan, Robert. The new chronicles of England and France; in two parts, by Robert Fabyan, named by himself the Concordance of Histories: reprinted from Pynson's ed. of 1516. . . . Ed. by Henry Ellis. London, Rivington, 1811. 52 HISTORICAL WORKS 53 597. Fox, John. Fox's Book of Martyrs: the acts and monuments of the church. Ed. by Rev. John Gumming. 3 vols. London, Virtue, 1844. The acts and monuments of the church ; containing the history and sufferings of the martyrs by John Foxe. New ed. rev. ... by Rev. M. Hobart Seymour. New York, Carter & Bro., 1856. 598. Gould, Baring S., comp. Lives of the saints. 15 vols. Lon- don, Hodges, 1872-1877. 599. Heimskringla, or the sagas of the Norse kings. Tr. from the Icelandic of Snorre Sturlason by Samuel Laing. 2d ed. rev., with notes, by Rasmus B. Anderson. 4 vols. 2 maps. New York, Scrib- ner, 1889. 600. Henderson, Ernest F., tr. and ed. Select historical documents of the Middle Ages (Bohn's Antiquarian Library). London, Bell, 1892. 601. Hill, Mabel, comp. Liberty documents with contemporary exposition and critical comments drawn from various writers. New York, Longmans, 1901. 602. Hoveden, Roger of. The annals of Roger de Hoveden, com- prising the history of England and other countries of Europe, from A.D. 732 to A.D. 1201 (Bohn's Antiquarian Library). Tr. by Henry T. Riley. 2 vols. London, Bohn, 1853. 603. Indiana University, Department of history and political science of. Extracts from the sources. See no. 1113. 604. Jones, Guernsey, ed. Civilization during the Middle Ages: studies in European history, with an introduction to the source study method (European History Studies). Chicago, Ainsworth, 1900. 605. Monstrelet, Enguerrand de. The chronicles of, containing an account ... of the possession of Paris and Normandy by the English ; their expulsion thence . . . , 1400-1467, . . . continued by others to the year 1516. Tr. by Thomas Johnes. 2 vols. London, Bohn, 1849. 606. Morley's [Henry] Universal Library Series. London, Rout- ledge. See nos. 7707, 1323, 75-77, 1372, 1374, 607. Paris, Gaston, and A. Jeanroy, eds. Extraits des chroniquers fran9ais, Willehardouin, Joinville, Froissart, Commines. Paris, Ha- chette, 1902. 608. Pennsylvania, University of. Translations and reprints from the original sources of European history, ed. by the Department of history. 6 vols. Philadelphia, Department of history, University of Pennsyl- vania, 1897-1900. And see Lingelbach, Merchant adventurers, no. 664. 609. Pinkerton, John, ed. A general collection of the best and most interesting voyages and travels in all parts of the world. ... 17 vols. Illus. London, Longman, 1808-1814. 54 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 610. Purchas, Samuel. Hakluytus Posthumus, or, Purchas his pil- grimes, contayning a history of the world in sea voyages and land travells by Englishmen and others. Vols. I-XVI (to be in 20 vols.). Glasgow, McLehose & Sons, 1905, in progress. 611. Robinson, James Harvey, ed. Readings in European history: a collection of extracts from the sources chosen with the purpose of illustrating the progressive culture in Western Europe since the German invasions. 2 vols. Boston, Ginn [1904, 1906?]. 612. Vitalis, Ordericus. Tr. ... by Thomas Forester as, The eccle- siastical history of England and Normandy [Bohn's Antiquarian Library]. 4 vols. London, Bohn, 1853-1856. 613. Westminster, Matthew of [an imaginary author]. The flowers of history, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain, ... to ... 1307 (Bohn's Antiquarian Library). Tr. by C. D. Yonge. 2 vols. London, Bohn, 1853. 614. World Library Series. New York, Ward. See no. 1081. II. INDIVIDUAL COUNTRIES, OTHER THAN THE BRITISH EMPIRE For America, see under Division III. III. BRITISH EMPIRE The collected works of men of letters, etc., are included under III. A.III. Ix 615. Accounts of the lord high treasurer of Scotland. Compota thesauriorum regum Scotorum. Vol. I, 1473-1498, ed. by Thomas Dickson. Edinburgh, H.M.R. H., 1877. 616. Adams, Charles Kendall, ed. Representative British Orations, with introductions and explanatory notes. With a supplementary volume by John Alden. 4 vols. New York, Putnam, 1900. 617. Adams, George Burton, and H. Morse Stephens, eds. Select documents of English constitutional history. New York, Macmillan, 1901. 618. Anglo-Saxon chronicle. Tr. by Dr. J. A. Giles. London, Bell & Daldy, 1871. 619. Archaeologia : or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity. Pub. by the Society of Antiquaries of London. 3d ed. London, Society of Antiquaries, 1804, etc. [Index to Vols. I-L, 1889, various editors.] HISTORICAL WORKS 55 620. Athenaeum Press Series. G. L. Kittredge and C. T. Win- chester, gen. eds. Boston, Ginn. See nos. 1290, fjjf. 621. Blackstone, William, ed. The Great Charter and Charter of the Forest, with other authentic instruments ; to which is prefixed an introductory discourse containing the history of the charters. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1759. 622. British anthologies. Edward Arber, ed. 10 vols. London, Frowde, 1899-1901. 623. Bund, J. W. Willis-, ed. A selection of cases from the State trials. Cambridge, University Press, 1879. [Vol. I, Trials for treason (1327-1660).] 624. Calendar of Carew MSS., preserved in the archiepiscopal library at Lambeth, 1515-1624, J. S. Brewer and William Bullen, eds. 6 vols. London, Longmans, 1867-1871. 625. Calendar of documents preserved in France, illustrative of the history of Great Britain and Ireland (Vol. I, 918-1206), J. Horace Round, ed. London, H. M. S. O., 1899. 626. Calendar of documents relating to Ireland, 1171-1307, H. S. Sweetman and Gustavus Frederick Handcock, eds. 5 vols. London, Longmans, 1875-1886. 627. Calendar of entries in the papal registers relating to Great Britain and Ireland. Papal letters (4 vols., 1198-1404), W. H. Bliss, C. Johnson, and J. A. Twemlow, eds. London, H. M. S. O., 1893-1902. Petitions to the Pope (Vol. I, 1342-1419), W. H. Bliss, ed. 1896. 628. Calendar of state papers and manuscripts relating to English affairs, existing in the archives and collections of Venice and in other libraries of Northern Italy, 1202-1607, Rawdon Brown, .G. Cavendish Bentinck, and Horatio F. Brown, eds. 12 vols. London, Longmans, 1864-1900. 629. Calendar of treasury papers, 1552-1728, prepared by Joseph Redington. 6 vols. London, Longmans, 1868-1889. 630. Calendar of treasury books and papers, 1729-1795, William A. Shaw, ed. 5 vols. London, H. M. S. O., 1897-1903. 631. Camelot Series. London, Scott. See no. 637. 632. Carisbrooke Library Series. London, Routledge. See no. 1208. 633. Chalmers, George. An estimate of the comparative strength of Great Britain during the present and four preceding reigns, and of the losses of her trade from every war since the Revolution. New ed. . . . London, Stockdale, 1794. 634. tCheyney, E. P., ed. Readings in English history. Boston, Ginn. [In preparation.] 56 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 635. Chronicle of the grey friars of London (Camden Society), John Gough Nichols, ed. London, For the society, 1852. 636. Chronicle (An English) of the reigns of Richard II, Henry IV, Henry V, and Henry VI, written before the year 1471, John Silvester Davies, ed. (Camden Society). London, For the society, 1856. 637. Clarke, William, ed. Political orations, from Wentworth to Macaulay ; with an introduction (Camelot Series, no. 38). London, Scott. 638. Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other crimes and misdemeanors, from the earli- est period to the present time ; ed. by T. B. and T. J. Howell. 34 vols. (XXXIV, Index by David Jardine). London, Hansard, 1809- 1826. 639. Colby, Charles W., ed. Selections from the sources of English history, being a supplement to text-books of English history, B.C. 55 to A.D. 1832. New York, Longmans, 1899. 640. Collection of ordinances and regulations for the government of the royal household, made in divers reigns, from King Edward III to King William and Queen Mary ; also receipts in ancient cookery. London, Society of antiquaries, 1790. 641. Customs of London, otherwise called Arnold's Chronicle; containing, among divers other matters, the original of the celebrated poem of The Nut Brown Maid. Reprinted from the ist ed., with the additions included in the 2d. London, Rivington, 1811. 642. Ellis, Henry, ed. Original letters, illustrative of English history, including numerous royal letters, from autographs in the British Museum and one or two other places. 2d ed., 3 vols. London, Harding, 1825 (second series, 4 vols., London, Harding, 1827; third series, 4 vols., London, Bentley, 1846). Original letters of eminent literary men of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries ; with notes and illustrations. London, Clarendon Press, 1843. 643. English Chronicles. See Anglo-Sctxon Chronicle. 644. English garner. Ingatherings from our history and literature, ed. by Edward Arber. 7 vols. London, Arber, 1877-1883. [Vol. VIII, Constable, 1896.] Rev. ed. Thomas Seccombe, gen. ed. New York, Dutton ; Westminster, Constable. See nos. 694, 1149, 1160, 7/76, 1201, 1204, 1209, 1216, 1403. 645. English Historical Reprints, W. Dawson Johnston and Jean Browne Johnston, eds. Part I, The relations between Church and State, Mediaeval, 664-1547. 46 pp. Part II, Modern, 1547-1869. 62 pp. Ann Arbor, Mich., Sheehan, 1896, 1897. HISTORICAL WORKS 57 646. English History by Contemporary Writers, F. York-Powell, ed. London, Nutt ; New York, Putnam. See nos. sif6, mji ing, ///j, 1174, 1212, 1233. 647. English History Illustrated from Original Sources. George Townsend Warner, gen. ed. 5 vols. London, Black. See no. 1161. 648. English Readings for Students. New York, Holt. See no. 1241. 649. English Reprints, Edward Arber, ed. Birmingham, Arber; Westminster, Constable. See nos. 1196, 1287, fjS6, ijqf, SJ9J- 650. Fighting instructions, 1530-1816, Julian S. Corbett, ed. (Navy Records Society.) [London], For the society, 1905. 651. Gairdner, James, ed. Three fifteenth-century chronicles with historical memoranda by John Stowe, the antiquary ; and contemporary notes of occurrences written by him in the reign of Queen Elizabeth (Camden Society). London, For the society, 1880. 652. Gee, Henry, and William John Hardy, eds. Documents illus- trative of English church history, compiled from original sources. London, Macmillan, 1896. 653. Giles, J. A., ed. The Venerable Bede's ecclesiastical history of England ; also the Anglo-Saxon chronicle (Bohn's Antiquarian Library). 2d ed. London, Bohn, 1849. 654. Goodrich, Chauncey A., ed. Select British eloquence : em- bracing the best speeches entire, of the most eminent orators of Great Britain for the last two centuries ; with sketches of their lives, an estimate of their genius, and notes, critical and explanatory. New York, Harper, 1856. 655. Hall's chronicle : containing the history of England during the reign of Henry the Fourth and the succeeding monarchs to the end of the reign of Henry the Eighth, in which are particularly described the manners and customs of those periods ; carefully collated with the editions of 1548 and 1550. London, Johnson, 1809. 656. Halliwell, James Orchard, ed. A collection of letters illustrative of the progress of science in England from the reign of Queen Elizabeth to that of Charles the Second, xix +124 pp. London, Historical Society of Science, 1841. Letters of the kings of England, now first collected. ... 2 vols. London, Colburn, 1848. 657. Harleian miscellany, Oldys and Park, eds. 8 vols. London, T. Osborne, 1 744. Harleian miscellany : or a collection of scarce, curious, and entertaining pamphlets and tracts, as well in manuscript as in print, found in the late Earl of Oxford's library, interspersed with historical, political, and critical notes. 12 vols. London, Button, 58 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 1808-1811. [Index in each vol. ; complete index in Vol. XII.] Con- tents of, with an index (for the 12-vol. London ed. of 1808-181 1) comp. at the Free Public Library, Sydney, 1885. Sydney, Richards, 1885. 658. Hatton, Correspondence of the family of: being chiefly letters addressed to Christopher, first Viscount Hatton, A.D. 1601-1704 (Cam- den Society). Ed. by Edward Maunde Thompson. 2 vols. [London], For the society, 1878. 659. Henderson, Ernest Flagg, ed. Side-lights on English history . . . : being extracts from letters, papers, and diaries of the past three cen- turies. New York, Holt, 1900. 660. Holinshed, Raphael. Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland; first collected and published by Raphael Holinshed, William Harrison, and others. Now newlie augmented and continued to the year 1586, by John Hooker, alias Vowell, Gent., and others. 6 vols. [reprint]. London, Longman, 1807. 661. Huntingdon, Henry of. The chronicle of Henry of Hunting- don : comprising the history of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the accession of Henry II ; also the acts of Stephen, king of England and duke of Normandy (Bohn's Antiquarian Library). Tr. and ed. by Thomas Forester. London, Bohn, 1853. 662. Kendall, Elizabeth Kimball, ed. Source-book of English his- tory, for the use of schools and readers. London, Macmillan, 1900. 663. Lee, Guy Carleton, ed. Source-book of English history: lead- ing documents, together with illustrative material from contemporary writers, and a bibliography of sources. New York, Holt, 1900. 664. Lingelbach, W. E., ed. The merchant adventurers of England; their laws and ordinances with other documents. (University of Penn- sylvania, Translations and Reprints, second series, Vol. II.) Phila- delphia, Longmans, 1902. 665. Lodge, Edmund, ed. Illustrations of British history, biography, and manners, in the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth, and James I, exhibited in a series of original papers. ... 3 vols. 2d ed. . . . rev. London, Chidley, 1838. 666. Luttrell, Narcissus. A brief historical relation of state affairs from September, 1678, to April, 1714. 6 vols. Oxford, University Press, 1857. 667. Malmesbury, William of. Chronicle of the kings of England from the earliest period to the reign of King Stephen (Bohn's Antiqua- rian Library), tr. by J. A. Giles. Notes and illus. London, Bohn, 1847. 668. Memorials of London and London life in the XHIth, XlVth, and XVth centuries ; being a series of extracts, local, social, and political, HISTORICAL WORKS 59 from the early archives of the city of London, A.D. 1276-1419, ed. by Henry Thomas Riley. London, Longmans, 1868. 669. Monumenta Franciscana (Rolls). Vol. I, J. S. Brewer, ed. Lon- don, Longmans, 1858. 670. Munimenta Gildhallae Londoniensis (Rolls). Vol. I, Liber Albus et Liber Horn. Vol. II, Liber Custumarium. Vol. Ill, Trans- lation of the Anglo-Norman passages in Liber Albus, glossaries, app., and index. Henry Thomas Riley, ed. 3 vols. London, Longman, Brown, Green, 1860-1862. 671. Oxford University Statutes. Tr. by G. R. M. Ward. London, Pickering, 1845. [Vol. I, The Caroline Code or Laudian statutes, pro- mulgated A.D. 1636. Vol. II, The University statutes from 1767 to 1850.] 672. Paston letters, 1422-1509, A.D. James Gairdner, ed. 2d ed. 4 vols. Westminster, Constable, 1900, 1901. 673. Pitt Press Series. Cambridge, University Press. See no. 1185. 674. Political songs of England, from the reign of John to that of Edward II (Camden Society). Ed. and tr. by Thomas Wright. Lon- don, Nichols & Son, 1839. 675. Pollard, A. F., ed. Political pamphlets. London, Triibner, 1897. 676. Prothero, George Walter, ed. Select statutes and other con- stitutional documents illustrative of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. 2d ed. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1898. 677. Robertson, C. Grant, ed. Select statutes, cases, and documents to illustrate English constitutional history, 1660-1832 ; with a supple- ment, 1832-1894. New York, Putnam [1904]. 678. Rogers, James E. Thorold, ed. A complete collection of the protests of the Lords, with historical introd., ed. from the journals of the Lords. 3 vols. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1875. 679. Rotuli parliamentorum ; ut et petitiones et placita in parlia- mento (1278-1503). 6 vols. 680. Royal commission on historical manuscripts. Reports, 1874, in progress. London, Eyre & Spottiswoode. [See in Gross (no. 120), no. 503, and App. B, pp. 534~539-] 681. Rye, William Brenchley, ed. England as seen by foreigners in the' days of Elizabeth and James the First, comprising translations of the journals of the two Dukes of W T irtemberg in 1592 and 1610. . . . London, Smith, 1865. 682. Saintsbury, George, ed. Elizabethan and Jacobean pamphlets. London, Percival & Co., 1892. 60 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 683. Scottish History from Contemporary Writers Series. F. York- Powell, ed. London, Nutt ; New York, Amsterdam. See nos. 1203, 121 1, 1294. 684. Smith, Edward, ed. Foreign visitors in England and what they have thought of us ; being some of their books, and their opinions during the last three centuries. New York, Armstrong, 1889. 685. Smith, Toulmin, ed. English gilds: the original ordinances of moje than one hundred early English gilds, together with The olde vsages of the cite of Wynchestre ; The ordinances of Worcester; The office of the mayor of Bristol ; and The costomary of the manor of Tettenhall-Regis, from original MSS. of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Introd. and glossary by Lucy T. Smith. Preliminary essay ..." On the history and development of gilds " by Lujo Brentano. London, E. E. T. Society, 1870. 686. Somers tracts, a collection of scarce and valuable tracts . . . such as relate to the history and constitution of these kingdoms. . . . 13 vols. 2d ed. rev. by Walter Scott. London, 1809-1815. 687. Stanton, Richard. A menology of England and Wales. Lon- don, 1887. 688. Statutes at large, of England and of Great Britain ; from Magna Carta to the union of the kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland. Thomas Edlyne Tomlins (Vol. I) and John Raithby (Vols. II-X), eds. 10 vols. London, Eyre & Strahan, 1811. 689. Stephen, H. L., ed. State trials, political and social. 4 vols. London, Duckworth, Vols. I, II, 1899; Vols. Ill, IV, 1902. 690. Stubbs, William, ed. Select charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history, from the earliest times to the reign of Edward I. 6th ed. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1888. 691. Student's Series of English Classics. Boston, Leach, Shewell. See no. 1331- 692. [Thorpe, B., ed.] Ancient laws and institutes of England; . . . with an English translation of the Saxon; . . . also monumenta ecclesias- tica Anglicana, . . . and the ancient Latin version of the Anglo-Saxon laws, with a compendious glossary, &c. [London], Record Commission, 1840. 693. Verney family. Letters and papers of, down to the end of the year 1639, printed from the original MSS. in the possession of Sir Harry Verney, Bart. (Camden Society). Ed. by John Bruce. London, For the society, 1852. 694. Voyages and travels, mainly during the i6th and I7th centuries (English Garner). Introd. by C. Raymond Beazley. 2 vols. New York, Button. HISTORICAL WORKS 6l 695. Worcester, Florence of. The chronicle of Florence of Worces- ter with two continuations comprising annals of English history from the departure of the Romans to the reign of Edward I (Bohn's Anti- quarian Library). Tr. from the Latin by Thomas Forester. London, Bohn, 1854. B. MODERN ACCOUNTS Cyclopaedias of biography are under I.C. La. (2). Autobi- ographies are under 1 1 1. A; single biographies are under III.B. I. GENERAL 696. Adams, George Burton. Civilization during the Middle Ages. New York, Scribner, 1894. European history : an outline of its devel- opment. Maps and illus. New York, Macmillan, 1899. 697. Archer, T. A., and Chas. L. Kingsford. The crusades : story of Latin kingdom of Jerusalem (Nations). New York, Putnam, 1904. 698. Bemont, C., and G. Monod. Histoire de 1' Europe et en par- ticulier de France de 395 a 1270. Paris, Alcan, 1891. 699. Bohmer, Heinrich. Kirche und Staat in England und in der Normandie im XI und XII Jahrhundert. Leipzig, Weicher, 1899. 700. [Brougham, Henry.] History of England and France under the House of Lancaster, with an introductory view of the early Reformation. London, Murray, 1852. 701. Bryce, James. The Holy Roman Empire. 8th ed. New York, Macmillan, 1887. 702. Cambridge Historical Series. G. W. Prothero, ed. Cambridge, University Press. See nos. 852, 927, 1032, 1427, 1446, /j/o, f8?o, 1888, i 933 . 703. Cambridge modern history, planned by the late Lord Acton. . . . A. W. Ward, G. W. Prothero, Stanley Leathes, eds. To be in 12 vols. New York, Macmillan, 1902, in progress. 704. Cambridge Series for Schools and Training Colleges. Cam- bridge, University Press. See no. 1864. 705. Chautauqua Reading Circle Literature Series. Meadville, Pa., Century Press. See nos. 804, 1428. 706. Cheyney, Edward Potts. European background of American history, 1300-1600 (American Nation, Vol. I). New York, Harper, 1904. 707. Church History Series. London, Religious Tract Society. See no. 992. 708. Clarke, Rev. Henry William. A history of tithes. London, Sonnenschein, 1891. 62 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 709. Compayre, Gabriel. Abelard and the origin and early history of universities. New York, Scribner, 1901. 710. Cox, George W. The Crusades (Epochs of Modern History). London, Longmans, 1877. 711. Creighton, Mandell. Historical essays and reviews. Ed. by Louise Creighton. 3d impression. London, Longmans, 1903. 712. Del Mar, Alexander. History of monetary systems. Record of actual experiments. . . . Chicago, Kerr, 1896. 713. Duruy, Victor. History of the Middle Ages. Tr. from the I2th ed. by E. H. and M. D. Whitney, with notes and revisions by George Burton Adams. New York, Holt, 1891. History of modern times, from the fall of Constantinople to the French Revolution. Tr. and rev., with notes, by Edwin A. Grosvenor. New York, Holt, 1894. 714. Early Chroniclers of Europe. London, S. P. C. K. ; New York, Potts. See nos. 819, 869. 715. Eckenstein, Lina. Woman under monasticism, A.D. 500-1500. Cambridge, University Press, 1896. 716. Ely Lectures. New York, Scribner. See no. 1992. 717. Emerton, Ephraim. Mediaeval Europe. Boston, Ginn, 1894. 718. Essentials in History Series. Albert Bushnell Hart, ed. New York, American Book Co. See nos. 736, 842. 719. Epochs of Church History Series. M. Creighton, ed. London, Longmans. See nos. 1005, 1017, 1019, 1022, 1469, 2000. 720. Epochs of Modern History Series. [Various editors.] London and New York, Longmans ; New York, Scribner. See nos. 710, 733, 747, 780, 869, 1407, 14141 1420, 1493, 1301, JJ57, 1570, 1600, 1611, 16*3, 1647, *66o. 721. Fiske, John. The discovery of America, with some account of ancient America and the Spanish conquest. Boston, Houghton, 1892. Essays, historical and literary. 2 vols. New York, Macmillan, 1902. 722. Foreign Statesmen Series. London, Macmillan. See no. 1458. 723. Freeman, Edward Augustus. Comparative politics : six lectures read before the Royal Institution in January and February, 1873, w ^^ The unity of history, the Rede lecture read before the University of Cambridge, May 29, 1872. London, Macmillan, 1873. Lectures to American audiences. I, The English people in its three homes ; II, The practical bearings of general European history. Philadelphia, Coates [1882 ?]. General sketch of history. New York, Holt. His- torical essays. [ist-4th series.] London, Macmillan, 1886-1892, 724. Froude, James Anthony. Short studies on great subjects. Series I, 2 vols. London, Longmans, 1867. Series II and III. New York, Scribner, 1872, 1877. Series IV, 4 vols. New York, Scribner, HISTORICAL WORKS 63 1892. The Spanish story of the Armada, and other essays. New York, Scribner, 1892. 725. Fyffe, Charles Alan. A history of modern Europe. 3 vols. (I, 2d ed., rev.). Maps. New York, Holt, 1891. 726. Gautier, Leon. La chevalerie. Paris, Palme, 1884. 727. Geschichte der europaischen Staaten. Ukert Heeren, and W. v. Giesebrecht, eds. Gotha, Perthes. See nos. 851, 885, 897. 728. Gibbins, H. de B. The history of commerce in Europe. New York, Macmillan, 1891. 729. Gibbon, Edward. The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire (ed. in 7 vols., with introd., notes, app., and index, by J. B. Bury). New York, Macmillan, 1896. The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire (The Student's Gibbon). Abridged, incorporating the researches of recent commentators, by William Smith. Illus. New York, Harper, 1865. A history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire (The Student's Gibbon). Abridged by Sir Wm. Smith. Rev. ed. by A. H. J. Greenidge. 2 vols. Maps and illus. London, Murray, 1899. 730. Gladstone, William Ewart. Gleanings of past years, 1843-1879. 7 vols. New York, Scribner. 731. Great Educators Series. N. M. Butler, ed. New York, Scribner. See nos. v^yj, 1474. 732. Guizot, F. The history of civilization from the fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. Tr. by William Hazlitt. 4 vols. in 2. New York, Appleton, 1888. 733. Hale, Rev. E. The fall of the Stuarts and western Europe (Epochs of Modern History). Maps and plans. New York, Scribner, 1887. 734. Hallam, Henry. View of the state of Europe during the Middle Ages. 2 vols. New York, Armstrong, 1880. 735. Handbooks of the History of Religions Series. M. Jastrow, ed. Boston, Ginn. See no. 1915. 736. Harding, Samuel Banister. Essentials in mediaeval and modern history (from Charlemagne to the present day), in consultation with Albert Bushnell Hart (Essentials in History). New York, American Book Co., 1905. 737. Haskins, Charles H. The life of mediaeval students as illus- trated by their letters. (American Historical Review, Jan., 1898; Vol. Ill, no. 2, pp. 203-229.) New York, Macmillan. 738. Hausser, Ludwig. The period of the Reformation, 1517-1648. Ed. by Wilhelm Oncken ; tr. by Mrs. G. Sturge. New York, American Tract Society. 64 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 739. Helmolt, H. F., ed. The history of the world: a survey of man's record, with an introductory essay by James Bryce. PI. and maps. To be in 8 vols. New York, Dodd, 1902, etc. 740. Heroes of the Nations. Evelyn Abbott, ed. New York and London, Putnam. See nos. 1457, 1464, 1466, 1467, 1471, 14811 1722, '733, '739> J 755, H7^ '779> l8 4, ^26. 741. Hibbert Lectures. London, Williams & Norgate. See nos. I4IO, 2OOJ. 742. Hildreth, Richard, ed. Atrocious judges: lives of judges infamous as tools of tyrants and instruments of oppression, compiled from the judicial biographies of John Lord Campbell. . . . New York, Miller, 1856. 743. History of Banking in all the Leading Nations. Editor of the Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin, ed. New Y ork, Journal of Commerce. See no. 1044. 744. History of Religions. Boston, Ginn. See no. 1915. 745. Hosmer, James K. A short history of Anglo-Saxon freedom : the polity of the English-speaking race, outlined in its inception, devel- opment, diffusion, and present condition. New York, Scribner, 1890. 746. Jalkson, Lowis. Ten centuries of European progress. London, Low, 1893. 747. Johnson, Rev. A. H. The Normans in Europe (Epochs of Modern History). New York, Scribner, 1901. 748. t Langlois, C. V. Comparative history of England and France during the Middle Ages. {English Historical Review, 1890; Vol. V, pp. 259 ff.) London, Longmans. 749. Lamed, J. N., ed. History for ready reference from the best historians, biographers, and specialists ; their own words in a complete system of history . . . representing . . . the better and newer literature of history in the English language. 6 vols. (VI, Recent history, 1894- 1895 to 1901). Maps, etc., by Alan C. Reiley. Rev. and enl. Spring- field, Mass., Nichols, 1901. [See articles under Egypt, England, India, Ireland, Australia, Canada, etc.] 750. Lavisse, Ernest. General view of the political history of Europe, tr. . . . by Charles Gross. New York, Longmans, 1891. 751. Lavisse, Ernest, et Alfred Rambaud, eds. Histoire generate du 4 e siecle & nos jours. 12 vols. Paris, Colin, 1893. 752. Lea, Henry C. An historical sketch of sacerdotal celibacy in the Christian church. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1867. A history of the inquisition of the Middle Ages. 3 vols. New York, Harper. Superstition and force ; essays on the wager of law, the wager of battle, the ordeal, torture. 3d ed. rev. Philadelphia, Lea, 1878. HISTORICAL WORKS 65 753. Library of the world's best literature, ancient and modern (Teacher's ed.). Charles Dudley Warner, ed. ; Hamilton Wright Mabie, Lucia Gilbert Runkle, George Henry Warner, assoc. eds. 31 vols. New York, Hill [c. 1899]. 754. Lodge, Richard. History of modern Europe, from the capture of Constantinople by the Turks to the treaty of Berlin, 1878 (Student's modern Europe). New York, Harper, 1897. 755. Lord, Walter Frewen. England and France in the Mediter- ranean, 1660-1830. London, Low, 1901. 756. Mctyeire, Holland N. A history of Methodism: . . . Nashville, Tenn., S. Methodist Publishing House, 1884. 757. Mahan, Capt. Alfred Taylor. The influence of sea power upon history, 1660-1783. Boston, Little, 1890. 758. Maitland, S. R. The Dark Ages: a series of essays intended to illustrate the state of religion and literature in the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth centuries. London, Rivington, 1844. 759. Milman, Henry Hart. History of Latin Christianity, including that of the Popes to the pontificate of Nicholas V. 8 vols. in 4. New York, Armstrong, 1889. 760. Moeller, Wilhelm. History of the Christian church, tr. from the German. 2 vols. (I, A.D. 1-600 ; II, In the Middle Ages). London, Sonnenschein, 1902, 1893. 761. Mombert, J. I. A short history of the crusades. New York, Appleton, 1894. 762. Mommsen, Theodor. Reden und Aufsatze. Berlin, Weid- mannsche Buchh., 1905. [Die Germania des Tacitus, pp. 144-153.] 763. Monographien zur Weltgeschichte. Bielefeld, Velhagen. See no. 1742. 764. Montalembert, Count de. The monks of the west from St. Benedict to St. Bernard. Boston, Noonan. 765. Munro, Dana Carleton, and George Clarke Sellery, eds. Medie- val civilization : selected studies from European authors, tr. New York, Century, 1904. 766. Myers, Philip Van Ness. Outlines of mediaeval and modern History: a text-book. . . . Boston, Ginn, 1899. 767. Oliphant, T. L. Kington. The duke and the scholar, and other essays. London, Macmillan, 1875. 768. Oman, C. W.C. Art of war in the Middle Ages, A.D. 378-1515. London, Unwin, 1885. A history of the art of war: the Middle Ages from the fourth to the fourteenth century. Maps, plans, and illus. New York, Putnam, 1898; London, Methuen, 1898. 66 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 769. Palgrave, Sir Francis. History of Normandy and England. 4 vols. Vols. I, II, London, Parker & Son, 1851, 1857 ; Vols. Ill, IV, London, Macmillan, 1864. 770. Pastor, Ludwig. The history of the Popes, from the close of the Middle Ages, drawn from the secret archives of the Vatican and other original sources, ed. by Frederick Ignatius Antrobus. 2 vols. St. Louis, Herder, 1898. 771. Periods of European History. A. Hassall, ed. New York, Macmillan. See nos. 797, 1422, 1426, 1450. 772. Pyle, Howard, ed. The buccaneers and marooners of America ; being an account of the famous adventures and daring deeds of certain notorious freebooters of the Spanish Main (Popular ed.). London, Unwin, 1897. 773. Rand, Benjamin, ed. Selections illustrating economic history since the Seven Years' War. 2d ed. rev. Cambridge, Mass., Wilson, 1892. 774. Ranke, Leopold. The history of the Popes, their church and state, and especially of their conflicts with Protestantism in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, tr. by E. Foster. 3 vols. London, Bell, 1891. 775. Rashdall, Hastings. The universities of the Middle Ages. 2 vols. in 3 parts. Maps and illus. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1895. 776. Rede Lectures. Cambridge, University Press. See nos. 1461, i 97 6. 777. Robinson, James Harvey. An introduction to the history of western Europe. Part I, The Middle Ages. Boston, Ginn, 1902. 778. Schaff, Philip. History of the Christian Church. 7 vols. 2d ed. New York, Scribner, 1882-1894. 779. Schwill, Ferdinand. History of modern Europe. Maps and genealogical tables. New York, Scribner, 1898. 780. Seebohm, Frederic. The era of the Protestant Revolution (Epochs of Modern History). Maps. Boston, Estes & Lauriat, 1874. 781. Sewell, E. M., and C. M. Yonge, eds. European history, nar- rated in a series of historical selections from the best authorities. 2 vols. (I, 1003-1154; II, 1088-1228). 3d ed. London, Macmillan, 1873. 782. Shaw, W. A. The history of currency, 1252 to 1894. . . . New York, Putnam, 1896. 783. Smith, I. Gregory. Christian monasticism from the 4th to the 9th centuries. London, Innes, 1892. 784. Smyth, William. Lectures on modern history from the irrup- tion of the northern nations to the close of the American Revolution. 2 vols. London, Pickering, 1841. HISTORICAL WORKS 67 785. Stoddard, John L. Lectures: illus. and embellished with views of the world's famous places and people. ... 10 vols. Boston, Balch, 1898-1900. 786. Story of the Nations. New York, Putnam; London, Unwin. See nos. 697, 823, 827, 864, 88 f, 891, 926, 1027, 1425, J-fQJ, 1549, f^SS* /7),and History Syllabus (no. 307} ; articles in the encyclopaedias and other bibliographical works (e.g., nos. 145-175), especially The Dictionary of National Biography (no. /6/), under the names indicated in each section. The term " passim " is hereafter omitted in the bibliographical paragraphs, although the ref- erences are frequently applicable to several sections. I/O REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY SECTION 3 The "Celts " Summary. Sources of our information : early travelers (Pytheas, Posidonius) ; accounts of the Tin Islands, possibly referring to Britain. Accounts of the Romans (Caesar, Tacitus). The "Celtic race": Brythons, or Britons ; Goidels or Gaels ; Manx, Erse, Welsh, Cornish, Picts, Scots, Caledonians ; leading tribes (Cantii, Trinobantes, Iceni, etc.). Customs of the Britons : village life, dwellings, subsistence ; clothing and ornaments ; coinage ; tribal organization ; fortifications, weapons; religion of the Druids; intercourse with the Continent; migrations, war, commerce. Sources 1 Individual Works. Anglo-Saxon Chron., Giles ed., 303-304, 309-31 1. BEDE, History, 4-7, 19-23 ; also in Works, II, 28-37, 61-67 (cf. introd., 1-29; pref., 5-20). HUNTINGDON, Chronicle, 1-12. MONMOUTH, British Hist., in Monkish Historians, Books I-III, 1-61 ; also in Six Chron., 90-137. NENNIUS, History of the Britons, in Monkish Historians, 5-36; also in Six Chron., 383-416. Sources Collections. NOTE. Collections that occur frequently will be referred to after their first appearance by the names of their editors alone. COLBY, Sources, 1-5, passim. HOLINSHED, Chronicles, 1,427-475, 543- 637; V, 33-73 (Scot.); VI, 73-83 (Ire.). KENDALL, Source-Book, 1-3, pas- sim. LEE, G. C., Source-Book, 65-73, passim. PETRIE, Monumenta Britannica, pp. i-vii, cliii-cliv, 291. TREMAIN, History, i-io, passim. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., French Nation, 14- 22. ANDREWS, C. M., England, i. CHEYNEY, England, ii, 14-19; 1 In using the sources the reader should bear in mind: first, that the so-called " sources " are not always contemporary, but are often only approximately so, as distinguished from modern accounts ; second, that authors of " sources " often began their accounts by drawing upon previous writers (sometimes otherwise lost to us), and that these accounts become of more importance as the author approaches his own times ; third, that " sources " are often from uncritical and even unreliable authors. Thus in the references given above, Nennius (c. 800 A.n.) and Geoffrey of Monmouth (i 147) are quite uncritical, and their accounts of this period are valuable mainly as furnishing the material for much English literature ; Henry of Huntingdon (who died c. 1155) is not contemporaneous, but borrows largely from Bede (73i)and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ; Bede in turn draws on Orosius (c. 400) and Gildas (c. 550) ; while that part of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle which covers the first five centuries was apparently inserted during the reign of King Alfred (892). Consult GROSS, Sources (no. 720), pp. 178, 181, 186, 189, 291 ; New England History Teachers' Association, Historical Sources (no. 307), pp. 130-132, 136-137, 149; and see article "Orosius" in the New International Encyclopaedia (no. fjj). ENGLAND BEFORE THE NORMAN CONQUEST 171 map, p. 15. CHURCH, A. J., Early Britain (Nations), i, i-io, passim. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, 13-19. CREASY, English Const., 21-30. EDWARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), i, 10-17. FREEMAN, Old Eng. Hist., 1-8. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 5-10. GIBBINS, Industry, i, 8-20. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, Eng- lish Hist., 1-6. LARNED, History for Schools, 1-5. LINGARD, England, abr., 4-7. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 7-10. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., ii-iz. OMAN, England, 1-4. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book I, i, 5-12. RHYS, Celtic Britain (S. P. C. K.), i-ii, 1-75; iv-vii, 112-276; map, p. i. RHYS and JONES, Welsh People, introd., xxii- xxiv; i-ii, 1-74; map, p. i [Bibl.]. TERRY, B., England, 4-6. TERRY, B., History for Schools, I, i, 2-3. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), i, 21-23. WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, 1-12 [Bibl.]. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, map at end. WRONG, British Nation, 9-11, 18-20. Modern Accounts, Group II. Anglo-Saxon Chron., Giles ed., pp. xxx-xliv. AUBREY, English Nation, I, 14-20; cf. 2-14. BABCOCK, Two Centuries, i, 9-20. BAGWELL, Ireland, I, i, 1-16. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, I, 173-246. CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, i, 1-27. CHURTON, Early Church, i, 1-21. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 59-72, 78-84, 91-137, 215-223. Du CHAILLU, Viking Age, I, iii, 17-26; xii-xxxii, 154-463. ELTON, Origins, i-v, 5-119; ix-x, 217-289; map, end of vol. FAIRHOLT, Costume, I, 1-16. FROUDE, Caesar, xiv, 214- 246. GARNIER, Landed Interest, I, i, 7-22. GIBBON, Roman Empire, III, 40-45. GIBBON, Roman Empire, abr., I, 223-224. GILES, Ancient Britons, I, i, 1-13; iv, 45-52. GREEN, J. R., Making of Eng., 13-15, 24-25. GUEST, Origines Celticae, II, Part I, i, 1-34; iii-iv, 62-118; Part II, iii, 200-217 ; map, I, p. 200. HILL, O. T., Monasticism, app., 519-530. HODGKIN, England to 1066 (Political Hist, of Eng., I), i, 5-7. HOZIER, Invasions, I, introd., i-n. HUME, D., England, I, i, 1-4, 11-13. HUTCHINSON, Races, II, xxi, 490-504, passim. HYDE, Literary Hist, of Ire., i, 1-16. JENNINGS, A. C., The Church, i, 1-19. JOYCE, Ancient Ire., 2 vols., passim. JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part I, i-xiv, 1-122. KNIGHT, England, I, i, 1-15. LAPPENBERG, Anglo-Saxon Kings, I, Part I, i, 5-21. LAPPENBERG, England (German ed.), 1, 1-19. LARNED, Ready Reference, I, 318-319; III, 1755 (Ire.) ; IV, 2838-2839 (Scot.). LAVISSE, Histoire de France; cf. I, Part II, 12-75. LAVISSE et RAM- BAUD, Histoire Generate, I, 571-573. LONGMAN, W., Lectures, Lect. I, 1-9. MACPHERSON, Commerce, I, 42-43, 52-53, 79-81, 87-88, 115- 118, 128, 132-137, 152. MAINE, Institutions, passim; especially Lect. II, 24-63. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, 1/2 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 1,1-4. MOMMSEN, Rome, 1, 185-211. PALGRAVE, F., Commonwealth, xv, 452-465 ; Part II, cxcix-cc. PALGRAVE, Anglo-Saxons, 1-5. PEAR- SON, England, I, i, 1-21. PETRIE, Monumenta, cli-clii. PICTET, Les Origines, 3 vols., passim. PICTON, Liverpool, I, 3-4. RAINE, York (Historic Towns), i, 1-2. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, I, i-ii, 1-38. RHYS, Origin of Religion (Hibbert Lectures, 1886). RIPLEY, Races (see Sect. 2). SERGI, Mediterranean Race, i, 1-27, passim (see index); SKENE, Celtic Scot., I, iv, 164-225; III, iii-vi, 90-134, 145-245. STOKES, Celtic Church, Lect. I-IV, 1-96. TRAILL, Social Eng., I, i- 10, 30-35, 68-71, 84-90, 98-110. TURNER, Anglo-Saxons, I, 25-76. WINDLE, Early Britain, iii-v, 35-118 ; xi, 207-219. WRIGHT, Celt, i-iii, 1-119. WRIGHT, Womankind, i, 1-23, passim. Bibliography (see also tmder Sect. 14, and general note, Sect. 2). BAB- COCK, Two Centuries, 4-6. ELTON, Origins, App. II, 425-430. GARNIER, Landed Interest, II, 536-553. HODGKIN, England to 1066, App. I, 493-496. HURST, Literature of Theology, 348. JOYCE, Ancient Ire., 11, 585-609. LAPPENBERG, England (German ed.), I, introd., xxxi- Ixxviii. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, I, 540-553. RIPLEY, Races, Supplement, 1-160. WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, xxxi-xxxv. Illustrative Material Prose. 1 BALLANTYNE, R. M., The Hot Swamp. Dodd. [L.] CARADOC and DEVA, In Days of Old. New York, 1870. [B. P. L.] DORSEY, ANNA HANSON, Nora Brady's Vow, Mona the Vestal. Philadelphia, 1869. [B.P. L.] The Druidess ; a tale of the fourth century, from the German. London, 1848. [B.P. L.] LE HARDY, E., Agabus: or, the last of the Druids. [B.P.L.] MAX- WELL, SIR HERBERT, A Duke of Britain. Blackwood. [N.] PALMER, ELLEN, The Standard Bearer. [B. P. L.] 1 Certain titles which could not be verified are taken from published fiction lists. Whenever this is done an abbreviation is added to the title to indicate the list from which it is taken, where further information is frequently to be found. The abbreviations and lists are as follows : [B.] BAKER, ERNEST A., A Descriptive Guide to the Best Fiction, British and American. New York, Macmillan, 1903. [B.P.L.] A Chronological Index to Historical Fiction (Bost. Pub. Lib. Bull., Jan., 1892, etc. See no. 34, p. 6). [Cin.] Cincinnati Public Library, Finding List of English Prose Fiction. Cincinnati, O., 1902. [L.] LAWRENCE, Classified Reading. See no. si, p. 5. [N.] NIELD, JONATHAN, Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales. London, Mathews, 1902. BAKER, ERNEST A., History in Fiction (2 vols. New York, Button, 1907), appeared too late to be referred to. For other fiction lists, see KROEGER, Guide to Reference Books (no. 143, p. /6), pp. 39-40. ENGLAND BEFORE THE NORMAN CONQUEST 173 Illustrative Material Poetry. 1 MONNEY, WILLIAM, Caractacus ; a new tragedy. 2d ed. London, 1817. [B.P.L.] PHILIPS, AMBROSE, The Briton (Valens) ; a tragedy. London, 1722. [B. P. L.] SECTION 4 The Romans in Britain Summary. The Roman Conquest : Caesar's invasions ; Claudius, 43 A. D. ; Plautius ; resistance of Caractacus; capture of Mona; revolt of Boadicea ; Agricola. Roman Britain : garrisons ; spread of Latin language and customs ; provincial organization ; growth of Roman towns ; settlers ; the walls of Hadrian and Antoninus ; Roman roads ; rural life ; industries; Christianity; decay of Roman Britain ; the Picts and Scots ; withdrawal of the Roman troops, c. 407 A.D. ; relapse into barbarism ; advantages and disadvantages of Roman rule. Sources Individual Works. Anglo-Saxon Chron., Giles ed., 305-309; Plummer ed., I, 6-n ; cf. notes in II, 8-10. BEDE, History, 7-9 ; also in Works, II, 36-59. ETHELWERD, Chronicle, in Six Chron., 2-3. GILDAS, Works, Giles ed., ii, 7-9; in Monkish Historians, ii, 7-15; in Six Chron., 299-307. HUNTINGDON, Chronicle, 12-36. MONMOUTH, British Hist., in Monkish Historians, Books IV-VI, 61-130; in Six Chron., 106-179 (legendary). TACITUS, Life of Agricola, Allen ed., 1-28 (Latin). TACITUS, Works, Oxford ed., I, Book XII, 288-294; Book XIV, 372-378 ; II, 343-389 (Agricola). Sources Collections. BUTLER, Fathers, VI, 392-401 (St. Alban). COLBY, 1-8, passim. GEE and HARDY, Documents, i. HADDAN and STUBBS, Councils, I, 3-40. HOLINSHED, 1, 475-543 ; V, 73-140 (Scot.). KENDALL, 1-4, passim. LEE, G. C., 66-78, passim. PETRIE, pp. x- xviii, xx, xxii-xxvi, xlviii, 1-lxxi, Ixxv-lxxix, Ixxxi, Ixxxiii-lxxxvii, xc, xcii xcvi, c-civ, cliii-clxxiii, 292, 296299. STANTON, Menology, 281 282 (St. Alban). TREMAIN, 1-19, passim [Bibl.]. University of Pa., Translations, VI, no. 4, 21-37, passim. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 1-3. ARMITAGE, English Nation, i, 1-7. BISHOP, Pictures, 9-19 (Dickens). CAESAR; see close of Group II for biographies of Casar. CHEYNEY, 1 Certain titles which could not be verified are taken from the Boston Public Library Bulletins (for full title, see under the preceding note). In cases where poems are to be found in collections, or particular editions of works, the references given are to the collections or editions named in the appendix. 174 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY England, iii, 20-34 ; map, p. 24. CHURCH, A. J., Early Britain (Nations), ii-ix, 12-91. CHURCH, R. W., Middle Ages (Epochs), map, opposite title- page. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, 19-28 ; map, p. 27. EDWARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), ii, 18-30. FREEMAN, Old Eng. Hist., 9-21 ; map, p. 17. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 10-25. GIBBINS, Industry, ii, 21-33. GIBBON, Roman Empire (Student's ed.), 2, 5, 195, 238, 384. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 5-6; illus. ed., I, 8-10. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 6-9. LARNED, History for Schools, 5-12; map, p. 8. LINGARD, England, abr., 3-4, 7-14; map, p. 3. MACKINTOSH, JOHN, Scotland (Nations), i-ii; map, p. i. MONT- GOMERY, Leading Facts, 17-28. OMAN, England, 4-13. POWELL, F. Y., Early Eng. (Epochs of Eng. Hist.), Book I, 15-36; map, p. 33. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book I, i, 9; ii, 13-18; map, frontispiece. RHYS, Celtic Britain (S.P. C.K.), iii, 76-111 ; map, opposite title-page. RHYS and JONES, Welsh People, iii, 75-116; map, p. 75 [Bibl.]. ROBINSON, Western Eur., Part I, ii, 8-22. TERRY, B., England, 6-17. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part I, i, 3-4. TOZER, Geography (Literature Primers), xi, Sect. 5, 124-125. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essen- tials), ii, 25-34 ; maps, pp. 26, 28. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 25-30 (GREEN) ; map, end of vol. WRONG, British Nation, 20-26. Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, I, 20-25. BABCOCK, Two Centuries, i-ii, 20-45. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, Book I, i, 1-9. BRUCE, J. C., Roman Wall. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, I, 1-82. COOTE, Romans of Britain. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pic- torial Hist., I, 25-58, 84-90. CUTTS, Colchester (Historic Towns), i-v, 1-53. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Boadicea, Cormac (Mac Art), Patrick. ELTON, Origins, xi, 290-342 ; maps, pi. 2, 5, 6, 7, 10. FAIRHOLT, Costume, I, 17-28. FREEMAN, Exeter (Historic Towns), i, 1-14. FREEMAN, Historical Geog., I, iii, 70-71, 81-82. FULLER, Church Hist., I, Book I, 5-72. GARNIER, Landed Interest, I, ii-iii, 23-44. GIBBON, Roman Empire, I, i, 3-5, 20 ; ii, 28-58 ; iii, 59-73, 108-109,117-118,128-130; 111,136-137,271-272,352-356; IV, xxxvii, 57-75, 160-169. GIBBON, Roman Empire, abr., I, 2-23, 31-32, 238- 239, 243-244. GILES, Ancient Britons, I, ii-iii, 14-44 ; v-xxiv, 53-394. GREEN, J. R., Making of Eng., 1-7, 12-15, 2I ~ 2 3- GUEST, Origines Celticae, Part II, iv, 218-241 ; xi-xiii, 331-408, maps, I, 218, and II, 331, 372. Harleian Miscellany (8-vol. ed.), VII, 1-48. HAVERFIELD, Early Brit. Christianity, in Eng. Hist. Rev., July, 1896, XI, no. 43, 417-430. HEFELE, Christian Councils, III, 178. HENDERSON, W., Roman Legions in Britain, A.D. 43-72, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1903, XVIII, 1-23. HODGKIN, England to 1066 (Political Hist, of Eng., I), ii-v, 8-78 ; map, ENGLAND BEFORE THE NORMAN CONQUEST 175 end of vol. HODGKIN, Italy, I, 740-741. HOZIER, Invasions, I, i-iii, 13-45. HUME, D., England, I, i, 4-11 ; cf. index, 591-592. KILLEN, Ireland, I, Book I, i, 3-24. KNIGHT, England, I, ii, 16-31. LANG, Scotland, I, i, 1-20. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 3-5. LAPPENBERG, Anglo-Saxon Kings, I, Part I, i-iv, 21-85. LAPPENBERG, England (German ed.), I, 19-64. LARNED, Ready Reference, I, 319- 322; IV, 2839 (Scot.). LAVISSE, Histoire de France; cf. I, Part II, 121-451. LINGARD, England, I, 1-69. LOFTIE, London, I, ii, 25-49 ; map, p. 25. LOFTIE, London (Historic Towns), i, 1-18; map, p. 13. LONGMAN, W., Lectures, Lect. I, 9-13 ; map, opposite title-page. MAC- PHERSON, Commerce, I, 115-118, 151-156, 188-193, I 9S~ 2I 7> passim. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, I, 4-10. MERIVALE, Roman Empire, I, 405-420; IV, 114-116; VI, 87-89, 222- 260; VII, 320-331; VIII, 265-266. MONTLEMBERT, Monks of the West, I, Book VIII, i-iii, 643-699; II, Book IX, i-viii, 1-135. ^ AL ' GRAVE, F., Anglo-Saxons, 5-26. PEARSON, England, I, ii-v, 22-82. PETRIE, Monumenta, p. clii; map, p. i. PICTON, Liverpool, I, 4-5. RAINE, York (Historic Towns), i-ii, 2-25. RAMSAY, J. H., Founda- tions, I, iii-viii, 39-118, maps, pp. 68, 72, 74, 85. RANKE, England, I, 5-10. SCARTH, Roman Britain, whole vol. ; map, opposite title-page. SKENE, Celtic Scot, I, i-ii, 29-1 13 ; map, p. 68, Ptolemy. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 117-1 18. TRAILL, Social Eng., I, 7-29, 35-64, 71-84, 90-97. TURNER, Anglo-Saxons, I, 77-87, 158-202. WINDLE, Early Britain, vi-viii, 119-170. WISHART, A. W., Monks, Part II, 71-130; Parts VIII-IX, 354-423, passim. WRIGHT, Celt, iv-xiv, 120-451 ; map, p. 531. WRIGHT, Womankind, i, 1-23, passim. Biographical: CAESAR: Dodge, xi-xii, 164-189. Fowler (Heroes), xi-xii, 176-206. Froude, xvi, 290-300. Napoleon III, II, vii, 165-184; viii, 206-225. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 14, and general note, Sect. 2). BAB- COCK, Two Centuries, 4-6. COOTE, Romans, footnotes. ELTON, Origins, App. II, 425-430. GARNIER, Landed Interest, II, 536-553. HODG- KIN, England to 1066, App. I, 493-496. HOZIER, Invasions ; Bibl. at heads of chapters. LAPPENBERG, England (German ed.), I, introd., xxxi-lxxviii. PETRIE, Monumenta, pref., 49-96. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, I, 540-553. RANKE, England, I, notes, etc. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 117-118, footnotes. WISHART, Monks, 13-16. Illustrative Material Prose. CHURCH, ALFRED, The Count of the Saxon Shore. New York, Putnam, 1887. CUTTS, E. L., The Villa of Claudius. S.P.C.K., 1861. [N.] DAVIES, G. S., Julian's Dream. London, 1875. [B.P.L.] HENTY, G. A., Beric the Briton. New York, Blakie, 1892. 176 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Illustrative Material Poetry. COWPER, WILLIAM, Boadicea; an ode, in Works, Globe ed., 175-176. DE VERB, SIR AUBREY, Julian the Apostate. GLOVER, RICHARD, Boadicea ; a tragedy. In Scott's Drama, II. HOPKINS, CHARLES, Boadicea, queen of Britain ; a tragedy. London, 1697. [B.P. L.] KENTISH, T., Caesar in Britain. [B. P.L.] SHAKSPERE, WILLIAM, Cymbeline. TENNYSON, ALFRED, Boadicea. SECTION 5 The Early Germans Summary. The home of the Angles, Jutes, and Saxons. Society of the Early Germans : value of the writings of Caesar and Tacitus, and the Salic Law ; social classes ; marriage and the position of woman ; race groups ; dwellings ; means of subsistence, and industrial groups ; government war, legislation, law and order ; religion deities, the priesthood ; summary of valuable traits. Sources Individual "Works. TACITUS, Germania, Furneaux ed., 37-123 (Latin), cf. introd., 1-33; also in Works, Oxford ed., II, 286- 342 (cf. MOMMSEN, Die Germania des Tacitus, in Reden und Aufsatze, M4-I53)- Sources Collections. COLBY, 9-11. HENDERSON, E. F., Doc- uments, 176-189 (Salic law). Indiana University, Extracts, IX. JONES, G., Civilization, II, no. 2, 19-38. KENDALL, 4-11. LEE, G. C., 79-80. STUBBS, Charters, 52-59 (Latin). TREMAIN, 23-27 [Bibl.]. Univer- sity of Pa., VI, no. 3, 2-36. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., Civilization, v, 89- 106. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 130-131. ALLEN, G., Anglo- Saxon Britain, i-ii, 1-18. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 3-4. CHEYNEY, England, iv, 39-42. CREASY, English Const., 16-21. EMERTON, Intro- duction to M. A., ii, 12-21, passim. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part I, 1-5 (GREEN). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 1-5 ; illus. ed., I, 1-8. GRIFFIS, Holland, 19-51. HENDERSON, E. F., Germany, 1-14. HOSMER, Anglo- Saxon Freedom, i, i-io. OMAN, England, 19-22. TERRY, B., Eng- land, 27-31. TERRY, B., History for High Schools, Part I, i, 6-10. TOZER, Geography, xi, Sect. 6, 125-126. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), iii, 36-41 ; maps, pp. 37, 40. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 30-35; maps, end of vol. WRONG, British Nation, 27-28. Modern Accounts, Group II. ALLEN, W. F., Essays, 215-239. ANDERSON, R. B., Norse Mythology. AUBREY, English Nation, I, 35- 40. BEMONT et MONOD, Histoire de 1'Eur., ii, 23-34. BRUNNER, Rechtsgeschichte, I, i, 27-184. BRYAN, The Mark, passim. COULANGES, ENGLAND BEFORE THE NORMAN CONQUEST 177 Histoire des Institutions, II, Book II, i-ii, 226-302. CRAIK and MAC- FARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 137-140. CUNNINGHAM, English Industry, I (either ed.), 30-54. Du CHAILLU, Viking Age, I, xxxiv-xliv, 478- 591 ; II, i-xxvi, 1-432. ELTON, Origins, map, pi. 8, Ptolemy. FOR- SYTH, Jury, 1-44. FREEMAN, Essays, Essay VII, 164-181. FROUDE, Caesar, xvi, 280-290. GIBBON, Roman Empire, I, 213-236, 357-360; III, 37-40. GIBBON, Roman Empire, abr., I, 105-106, 222-223. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 7-20. GREEN, J. R., Making of Eng., 15-21. GUMMERE, Germanic Origins. HODGKIN, England to 1066 (Political Hist, of Eng., I), vi, 79-85. HODGKIN, Italy, II, 109-110; III, 246- 284; V, 189-193. HUME, D., England, I, i, 13-16. KEARY, Vikings, ii, 29-73. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 5-10. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 779-780. LEA, Superstition, 99-108. MAITLAND, F. W., Origin of the Borough, in Eng. Hist. Rev., XI, 13-19. MAURER, Markenverfassung, 1-25. MERIVALE, Roman Empire, I, 203-507. MOMMSEN, Rome, I, 127-184. MOTLEY, Dutch Republic, I, 1-18. PEARSON, England, I, vii, 104-118. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, I, x, 137-174. STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., I, 1-62. TAYLOR, H., English Const., 1, 81-116. TRAILL, Social Eng., 1, 110-114, 176-180. TURNER, Anglo-Saxons, 88-157, 203-250 ; map, frontispiece. WAITZ, Verfassung, I. WRIGHT, Womankind, ii, 24-36, passim. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 14, and. general note, Sect. 2). BRUN- NER, Rechtsgeschichte; cf. 1, 1-24. BRYAN, The Mark, 157-160. CUN- NINGHAM, Industry, I, 3d ed., 651-673; 4th ed., 657-681. GARNIER, Landed Interest, II, 536-553. GUMMERE, Germanic Origins, footnotes. HODGKIN, England to 1066, App. I, 496-508. LAPPENBERG, England (German ed.), I, introd., xxxi-lxxviii. PETRIE, Monumenta, pref., 49-96. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, I, 540-553. STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., footnotes. TAYLOR, H., English Const., footnotes. Illustrative Material Prose. DAHN, FELIX, Attila; historischer Roman aus der Volkerwanderung. Leipzig, Breitkopf & Hartel, 1898. FREITAG, GUSTAV, Ingo, tr. from the German by Mrs. Malcolm. New York, Holt, 1873. SECTION 6 Teutonic Invasions and Settlements, to 600 A.D. Summary. Britain as left by the Romans. Invading tribes ; lines of invasion ; earlier ravages ; tradition of earliest settlements under Hengist and Horsa ; value of the tradition ; methods of invasion ; treatment of the natives ; legend of King Arthur ; battle of Deorham, 577 A.D. Early kingdoms : Angles, Bernicia and Deira, Mercia, 178 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY North Folk, South Folk; East-, Middle-, South-, and West-Saxons; Jutes, Kent, Isle of Wight; the so-called Heptarchy. Sources Individual Works. Anglo-Saxon Chron., Giles ed., 311-315; Plummer ed., I, 2, 4, 14-21, passim; cf. notes in II, 10-18. BEDE, History, 23-26; also in Works, II, 68-77. ETHELWERD, Chronicle, in Six Chron., 3-11. GILDAS, Works, in Monkish His- torians, ii, 15-23; in Six Chron., 307-314. HUNTINGDON, Chronicle, 37-55. MALMESBURY, Chronicle, 5-17. MONMOUTH, British Hist., in Monkish Historians, Books VII-XII, 131-257; in Six Chron., 180-292 (legendary). WORCESTER, Chronicle, 1-9. Sources Collections. BUTLER, II, 208-210 (St. Ethelbert); III, 1-4 (David of Wales), 197-204 (St. Patrick) ; V, 157-160 (St. Comgall) ; VI, 128-133 ( St - Columba) ; VII, 49-54 (St. Palladius). COLBY, 12-14. GOULD, BARING-, Lives, II, 14-22 (St. Bridget) ; III, 285-306 (St. Pat- rick) ; IV, 49-58 (St. Richard) ; VI, 90-126 (St. Columba) ; XII, 653- 659 (St. Abban). HOLINSHED, V, 140-172 (Scot.). KENDALL, 12-13. LEE, G. C., 80-83 J c *- 76-78. PETRIE, 299-305. STANTON, 39-40 (St. Gildas), 112-113 (St- Paul de Leon), 113-115 (St. Gregory), 120-121 (St. Patrick). TREMAIN, 9-32. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 148-149. ALLEN, G., Anglo-Saxon Britain, iii-viii, 19-83; map, oppo- site title-page. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 4-9; map, p. 4. ARMI- TAGE, English Nation, ii, 8-17. BISHOP, Pictures, 20-26 (GIBBON, TAINE). CHEYNEY, England, iv, 36-44; map, p. 38. CHURCH, A. J., Early Britain (Nations), x-xiii, 92-139. CHURCH, R. W., Middle Ages (Epochs), iv, 62-72. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, 28-35. CREIGHTON, M., Half-Hour Hist., i, 9-15. DURUY, Middle Ages, 40-42. FREEMAN, Old Eng. Hist., 22-41 ; map, p. 38. GARDI- NER, S. R., Student's Hist., 26-34. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part I, 5-11 (GIBBON). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 6-12; map, p. 12; illus. ed., I, 10-26; maps, pp. 18, 21, 30. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, Eng- lish Hist., 10-16 ; map, beginning of vol. LARNED, History for Schools, 12-21; map, p. 19. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 50-59. LINGARD, England, abr., 15-16. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 29-33; ma P p. 34. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 23-26. OMAN, England, ii, 14-19. POWELL, F. Y., Early England (Epochs of Eng. Hist.), Book II, 37-54; map, p. 53. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book I, iii, 19-25. ROBINSON, Western Eur., Part I, iii, 25-43; map, p. 26. TERRY, B., England, 6-17. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part I, i, 4-6; map, p. 6. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), iii, 41-46 ; map, p. 44. WRONG, British Nation, 11-12, 27-29; map, p. 31. ENGLAND BEFORE THE NORMAN CONQUEST 179 Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, I, 29 (Aidan). BABCOCK, Two Centuries, iii-xiii, 46-239. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, i-n. BEDE, History; map, opposite title-page. BEMONT et MONOD, Histoire de 1'Eur., ix, 130-139, 440-604; list of popes, 139. BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 1-2. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 140-146. CUNNINGHAM, English Industry, I (either ed.), 54- 65. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Arthur, Ceawlin, Cerdic, Hengist, Maelgwn (Gwynedd). Du CHAILLU, Viking Age, II, xxvii-xxviii, 433- 461. ELTON, Origins, xii, 343-398; maps, pi. 4, 9. FREEMAN, Three Homes, 68-98, 358-399 ; cf. 238-357. FREEMAN, Essays, Essay I, 1-39. FREEMAN, Historical Geog., iv, sect. 4, 98-100. FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, I, 6-19. FREEMAN, Lectures, 61-112. GARNIER, Landed Interest, I, iv, 45-57. GIBBON, Roman Empire, IV, 144-159. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 20-37; maps, pp. 24, 32. GREEN, J. R., Making of Eng., 26-188. GUEST, Origines Celticae, II, Part II, ii, 147-199 ; v-x, 242-330 ; maps, I, 147, 242 ; and II, 282. HODGKIN, England to 1066 (Political Hist, of Eng., I), vi, 85-1 1 1 ; map, end of vol. HODGKIN, Italy, II, 217-218. HOZIER, Invasions, I, iv, 46-56. HUME, D., England, I, i, 16-26. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 1-3. LAPPEN- BERG, Anglo-Saxon Kings, I, Part II, v-viii, 86-180. LAPPENBERG, England (German ed.), I, 65-132. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 323, 780-782; IV, 2839 (Scot.). LINGARD, England, I; 74-88. LOFTIE, London, I, iii, 50-75 ; map, p. 50. LONGMAN, W., Lectures, Lect. I, 14-18. PALGRAVE, F., English Commonwealth, xvi, 466-481. PAL- GRAVE, F., Anglo-Saxons, 27-40 ; map, p. 27. PEARSON, England, I, vi, 83-103. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, I, viii-ix, 117-136; map, p. 136. RHYS, Arthurian Legend. ROUND, Commune of London, Study I, i- 27. SKENE, Celtic Scotland, I, iii, 114-163. STOKES, Celtic Church, Lect. V-VI, 97-130. STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., 1, 63-73. TAYLOR, H., English Const., 118-154. TRAILL, Social Eng., I, 116-121, 130- 140. TURNER, Anglo-Saxons, I, 251-336; II, 208-222. WINDLE, Early Britain, ix, 171-186. WRIGHT, Biographia, I, 115-162. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 14, and general note, Sect. 2). BABCOCK, Two Lost Centuries, 4-6. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, n. CUNNINGHAM, Industry, I, 3d ed., 651-673 ; 4th ed., 657-681. ELTON, Origins, App. II, 425-430. FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, notes, etc. HODGKIN, England to 1066, App. I, 496-508. HOZIER, Invasions, 46. LAPPENBERG, England (German ed.), I, introd., xxxi-lxxviii. PETRIE, Monumenta, pref., 59-96. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, I, 540-553. STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., footnotes. TAYLOR, H., English Const., footnotes. 180 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Illustrative Material Prose. Anderida : or, the Briton and the Saxon. London, 1875. [B. P. L.] Brave Dame Mary : or, the siege of Corfecastle. London, 1873. [B.P. L.] BRIDE, A. S., Edrick the Saxon. London, 1836. [B.P.L.] CHURCH, A. J., Heroes of Chivalry and Romance. New York, Macmillan, 1900. Eger and Crein; an early English romance. [B.P. L.] FORREST, THORPE, Builders of the Waste. [N.] PORTAL, ABRAHAM, Vortimer: or, the true patriot. London, 1796. [B.P.L.] Story of Beowulf (see Church above}. Ar- thurian Literature (see RHYS, JOHN, Studies in the Arthurian Legend. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1891): BULFINCH, THOMAS, The Age of Chivalry : or, legends of King Arthur, ed. by E. E. Hale. Boston, Tilton. CHURCH, A. J., Heroes of Chivalry and Romance, in King Arthur and the Round Table, 63-211. New York, Macmillan, 1900. LANIER, SIDNEY, ed. The Boys' King Arthur. New York, Scribner, 1900. MALORY, SIR THOMAS, Le Morte d'Arthur: the noble and joyous history of King Arthur, ed. by Ernest Rhys. 2 vols. London, Walter Scott. WHEATLEY, H. B., Merlin : or, early history of King Arthur; a prose romance. 2 vols. London, E.E.T. Society, 1899. Illustrative Material Poetry. ANEURIN, Y Gododin: a poem on the battle of Cattraeth, in SKENE, Books of Wales. [B.P. L.] Beowulf: an Anglo-Saxon poem, tr. by James M. Garnett. Boston, Ginn, 1885. Beowulf, Selections from, in COOK and TINKER. Cad- wallo and Elmira, in EVANS, IV. IRELAND, W. H., Vortigern : an historical tragedy. London, 1832. [B.P. L.] MILMAN, H. H., Samor, In Works, II. [B.P.L.] Ruined City, The, in COOK and TINKER. Arthurian Literature (see WHEATLEY, H. B., Merlin : or, early history of King Arthur, I, xi-xiv. London, E. E. T. Society, 1899. SAN FRAN- CISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY, Arthurian Legend; a bibliography. Mo. Bull., Vol. X, no. 5, pp. 57-58) : ARNOLD, MATTHEW, Tristram and Iseult, 138-165. New York, Macmillan, 1895. Arthur: a short sketch of his life and history in English verse of the first half of the fifteenth century ; ed. by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, E.E.T. Society, 1864, pp. 1-19. Cycle Breton : la table ronde, in CLEDAT, 136-158. DODSLEY, ROBERT, The Misfortunes of Arthur, in HAZLITT, IV. HUGHES, THOMAS, The Misfortunes of Arthur, in HAZLITT, IV. King Arthur and King Corn- wall, in CHILD, I ; in PERCY, Folio MSS., I. Lancelot of the Laik : a Scottish metrical romance (c. 1490-1500), ed. by W. W. Skeat. Lon- don, E.E.T. Society, 1865, pp. 1-102. LOWELL, J. R., The Vision of Sir Launfal. Boston, Houghton, 1900. LYTTON, BULWER-, King Arthur, in Poetical Works, ed. 1852, II-III. Merlin: roman en prose du XIII 6 siecle, ed. par Gaston Paris et Jacob Ulrich. 2 vols. Paris, ENGLAND BEFORE THE NORMAN CONQUEST 181 Firmin Didot, 1886. Noble Acts of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table; with the valiant achievements of Sir Lancelot du Lake, in EVANS, II. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, The Bridal of Triermain : or, the vale of St. John. Sir Gawayne : a collection of ancient romance- poems by Scottish and English authors, ed. by Sir Frederick Madden. London, Bannatyne Club, 1839. SPENSER, EDMUND, The Faerie Queene. SWINBURNE, ALGERNON, Tristram of Lyonesse. TENNY- SON, ALFRED, The Holy Grail. TENNYSON, ALFRED, Idylls of the King. WOLFRAM VON ESCHENBACH, Parzival, tr. into English verse by Jessie L. Weston. WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM, The Egyptian Maid: or, the romance of the water lily. SECTION 7 English Tribal Rivalries, 600-84.0 Summary. Northumbrian leadership : Edwin and Edinburgh ; de- pendence of Picts, Scots, and Britons ; Oswiu and Ecgfrith, his son. Mercian leadership : prominence under YEthelbald and Offa ; depend- ence of the Welsh ; Offa's Dyke. West Saxon leadership : advantages of position ; Egbert ; temporary supremacy over all Britain ; Wessex a center for national union. Sources Individual Works. Anglo-Saxon Chron., Giles ed., 315-348 ; Plummer ed., I, 20-65 ! c ^- notes in II, 18-76. BEDE, History, 74-290; also in Works, II, 155, 187-397; III, 5-289. EGINHARD, Charlemagne, 15-82; map, beginning of vol. ETHELWERD, Chronicle, in Six Chron., 11-22. HOVEDON, Annals, I, 1-33. HUNTINGDON, Chronicle, 55-65, 111-149. MALMESBURY, Chronicle, 17-97. WORCES- TER, Chronicle, 9-52, 443-460. Sources Collections. BUTLER, I, 71-74 (St. Cedd) ; III, 4-6 (St. Swidbert), 197-204 (St. Cuthbert) ; V, 95-96 (St. Eadbert), 105-108 (Alcuin), 360-373 (St. Bede); X, 111-117 (St. Edwin). GOULD, BARING-, I, 91-94 (St. Cedd), 160-161 (St. Egwin); II, 39-41 (St. Laurence); III, 337-360 (St. Cuthbert of Lindisfarne), 441-443 (St. Ethelwold) ; V, 263-276 (Alcuin), 398-405 (St. Bede the Venerable), 196-198 (St. Carthagh or Mochuda); IX, 63-74 (St. Oswald); X, 303-318 (St. Theodore) ; XII, 438-440 (SS. Ethelred and Ethelbert), 440-447 (St. Etheldreda) ; XI, 230-247 (St. Paulinus). HADDAN and STUBBS, III, 42-50. HOLINSHED, I, 637-660; V, 172-208 (Scot.); VI, 88-95 (Ire.). JACOBS, J., Jews, 2-3. KENDALL, 16-17. LEE, G. C., 83-84. LIEBERMANN, Gesetze, 3-14, 88-123 (parallel versions of Anglo-Saxon, 182 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Latin and German). PETRIE, pp. xx-xxi, 305-345, 841-844. SCHMID, Gesetze, 2-57 (Anglo-Saxon, German and Latin). STANTON, 14-16 (St. Benet), 18-19 (St. Kentigern), 49-50 (St. Werburg), 74-77 (St. Colman), 83-84 (St. Ethelbert), 95-97 (St. Cedd), 125-127 (St. Cuthbert), 168- 169 (St. Ceadwalla), 179-180 (St. Egbert), 220-221 (St. Ethelbert), 234-235 (St. Bede), 255-258 (St. Boniface), 380-382 (St. Oswald), 401- 403 (St. Oswiu), 487-488 (St. Edwin), 488-490 (St. Wilfrid). STUBBS, 61-62 (tr. of Anglo-Saxon). THORPE, Ancient Laws, 1-65 (with English tr.). THORPE, Charters, 1-44 (mainly Latin, cf. pref. xv-xxix). TRE- MAIN, 34-47, passim. University of Pa., VI, no. 5, passim; IV, no. 3, pp. 4-5 ; no. 4, p. 3. Modern Accounts, Group I. ALLEN, G., Anglo-Saxon Britain, xii, 116-122. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 17-19. CHEYNEY, England, iv, 53-57 ; map, p. 56. CHURCH, A. J., Early Britain (Nations), xiv, 140-150. FREEMAN, Old Eng. Hist., 63-99. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 37-58 [Bibl.]. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., passim, 12-46; illus. ed., I, 29-83; maps, pp. 36, 40, 45, 50, 61, 77. GRIFFIS, Holland, 57-63. JOHNSON, A. H., Normans (Epochs), 1-14. LINGARD, England, abr., 17-19; map,p. 18. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 36-38; map, p. 38. OMAN, England, iii, 23-31, passim. POWELL, F. Y., Early England (Epochs of Eng. Hist.), Books III-VI, 54-137; map, p. in. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book I, iv, 37-39. TERRY, B., England, 32-42; map, p. 36. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part I, ii, 10-17. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), iii, 47-52. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 35-39 (MILMAN) ; 40-44 (ALLEN). WRONG, British Nation, 35-41. Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, I, 40-43. BEDE, History, pp. vi-xxiii (BEDE), 294-300. BEDE, Works, I, pp. xli- cxli (BEDE). BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 2-5. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, Book I, ii, 9-29; map, p. 10. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, I, 247-335. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, I, 30-33. CHURTON, Early Church, iii-iv, 44-86. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 146-152. Dic- tionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Cadwaladr, Cynew T ulf, Eadbald or ^Ethel- bald, Eadfrid, Eardwulf, Ethelbald, Ethelwulf, Offa, Oswy. Du CHA'ILLU, Viking Age, II, xxix, 462-478. FREEMAN, Historical Geog., v, Sect. VI, 132-134. FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, I, 24-26. GILES, Life of Alfred, i-iii, 1-43. GREEN, J. R., Conquest, 48-80 ; map, p. 60. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 37-69. GREEN, J. R., Making of Eng., 189-424. HODGKIN, England to 1066 (Political Hist, of Eng., I), vii, 112-129, passim; viii-xiv, 130-256. HODGKIN, Italy, VI, 2-23. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, I, v, 176-296. HUME, D., England, I, i-ii, ENGLAND BEFORE THE NORMAN CONQUEST 183 32-57. KEARY, Vikings, vi, 165-185. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Consti- tutional Hist., 11-12. LAPPENBERG, Anglo-Saxon Kings, I, Part II, ix-xv, 181-344 (345-360, notes, etc.) ; II, Part III, i, 1-23. LAPPEN- BERG, England (German ed.), I, 132-289. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 784; IV, 2839-2840 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, I, 310-322, 573-585; 11,725-735. LINGARD, England, I, 88- 168. LONGMAN, W., Lectures, Lect. I, 18-20. PALGRAVE, F., Anglo- Saxons, 60-83. PEARSON, England, I, ix, 134-147. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, I, xi-xiii, 175-267. SKENE, Celtic Scot., I, v-vi, 226-334 ; map, p. 228. STOKES, Celtic Church, Lects. VII-IX, 131-165. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 161-166. TRAILL, Social Eng., I, 164-173. TURNER, Anglo-Saxons, I, 348-437. WRIGHT, Biographia, I, 164-369. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 14, and general note, Sect. 2). FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, notes and app. HODGKIN, England to 1066, App. I, 496-508. LAPPENBERG, England (German ed.), I, introd., xxxi-lxxviii. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, I, 374-375, 622- 624 ; II, 742. PETRIE, Monumenta, pref., 59-96. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, I, 540-553. TAYLOR, H., English Const., footnotes. Illustrative Material Prose. COWPER, FRANK, Caedwalla : or, the Saxons in the Isle of Wight. New York, Young. EDGAR, J. G., Danes, Saxons, and Normans : or, stories of our ancestors. London, 1863. [B.P. L.] FREYTAG, GUSTAV, Ingraban (Our Forefathers), tr. from the German by Mrs. Malcolm. New York, Holt, 1873. GRIFFIN, GERALD, The Invasion. London, Saunders, 1832 ; New York, Sadlier. HERBERT, H. W., Saxon Forest. [B.P. L.] KNIGHT, C., Hereward the Saxon. [B.P.L.] MUIR, A., Harold Saxon: a story of the church and the world. London, 1881. [B.P.L.] SIZER, K. T., The Wooing of Osyth. Boston, Estes, 1894. [B.] WHISTLER, C. W., A Thane of Wessex. New York, Scribner, 1896. [B.] Wulfgar and the Earl. New York, 1870. [B.P.L.] Illustrative Material Poetry. Dorsetshire Legend, in THORN- BURY. Lay of Havelock the Dane . . . , ed. by W. W. Skeat. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1902. SECTION 8 Roman Christianity Summary. The mission of Augustine, 597 A.D. : success in Kent ; conversion of Northumbria, Paulinus ; gradual spread of Roman influ- ence, Birinus in Wessex, Ninias among the Picts. Celtic Christianity : St. Patrick ; St. Columban in Gaul ; St. Columba at lona ; Aidan at 184 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Lindisfarne ; Cuthbert ; Chad. The Synod of Whitby, 664 ; organiza- tion of the Church in England ; Theodore of Tarsus ; monasteries ; tendency of the Church toward the unification of England. Sources Individual Works. Anglo-Saxon Chron., Giles ed., 315-348, passim ; Plummer ed., I, 21-23, c ^ I> App. B, 283-292. BEDE, History, 26-74; a ' so m Works, II, 77-155, 157-187. BEDE, Works, I, 107-143 (Epistles) ; IV, 203-357 (Life of St. Cuthbert), 359-401 (Lives of abbots). ETHELWERD, Chronicle, in Six Chron., pp. 9 ff. HUNTING- DON, Chronicle, 66-110. WORCESTER, Chronicle, 415-431 (Names of archbishops). Sources Collections. BREWER, Orations, 1, 187-196 (St. Augus- tine). BUTLER, V, 329-348 (St. Augustine). COLBY, 14-16. English Hist. Rep., I, 7-8 [Bib!.]. GEE and HARDY, 2-47. GOULD, BARING-, V, 384-390 (St. Augustine) ; XIII, 222-223 (St. Justus). HADDAN and STUBBS, III, 3-660. HOLINSHED, I, 660-701. KENDALL, 14-16. LEE, G. C., 84-86. MASON, St. Augustine, whole vol.; maps, pp. 160, 234. PETRIE, 295-296 (Anglo-Saxon Chron.). ROBINSON, Readings, I, v, 97-105, passim [Bibl.]. SKENE, Celtic Scot., II, App. I, 467-507 -(St. Columba) ; App. II, 508-509 (The Rule of St. Columba). STANTON, 232-234 (St. Augustine). TREMAIN, 34-47, passim [Bibl.]. University of Pa., VI, no. 5, pp. 2-5, 12-27, passim. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., Civilization, iii, 39-64. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 149-150. ALLEN, G., Anglo-Saxon Britain, ix-xi, 84-115. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 9-17; map, p. 12. ARMITAGE, English Nation, iii, 18-34 [Bibl.]. CHEYNEY, England, iv, 44-52 ; map, p. 77. BISHOP, Pictures, 26-33 (KNIGHT) ; map, p. 26. CHURCH, R. W., Middle Ages (Epochs), iv, 69-72. EMERTON, Intro- duction to M. A., 1 10-113, 130-134 [Bibl.]. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 39-41. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part I, 11-15 (BROOKE). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 17-19, 21-31; illus. ed., I, 31-34, 38-58 [Bibl.]. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 42-49. LINGARD, England, abr., 17. MACKINTOSH, JOHN, Scotland (Nations), 12-19. MONTGOMERY, Lead- ing Facts, 21-22, 33-36. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 31-37. OMAN, England, 23-29, passim. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book I, iv, 26-36. ROBINSON, Western Eur., Part I, iv-v, 44-66 ; map, p. 63 [Bibl.]. TERRY, B., England, 42-50. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), iii, 47-50. WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, 13-19 [Bibl.]. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, maps, end of vol. WRONG, British Nation, 30-35. Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, I, v, 68- 84. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 12-29. BRIGHT, W., Early Church ENGLAND BEFORE THE NORMAN CONQUEST 185 Hist., whole vol. ; map, opposite title-page ; tables, 501-506. CHUR- TON, Early Church, ii, 22-43. CLARKE, H. W., Tithes, i-v, 1-32. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 73-75. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Adamnan, ^Elfheah, ^ithelbert, Augustine, Boniface, Caedmon or Cedmon, David or Dewi, Maglorius. Du CHAILLU, Viking Age, I, xxxiii, 464-477. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., Book II, 74-88; Gumming ed., I, 150-185; map, p. 185. FREEMAN, Historical Geog., vii, Sect. V, 184-188. FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, I, 8-23. FULLER, Church Hist., I, Book II, Sect. I-II, 77-141. GIBBON, Roman Empire, II, xv, 1-70; V, 35-38. GIBBON, Roman Empire; abr., II, 15- 17. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 40-69, passim. GREEN, J. R., Making of Eng., 216-221. GUEST, Origines Celticae, II, Part II, i, 121- 145. HAVERFIELD, Early Christianity, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1896, XI, 417-430. HEFELE, Christian Councils, I, 330; V, Sect. 329, pp. 242- 243 ; Sect. 330, p. 255. HILL, O. T., Monasticism, ii, 29-70 (cf. introd., 1-28) ; app., 530-533. HODGKIN, England to 1066 (Political Hist, of Eng., I), vii, 112, to xiv, 256, passim. HODGKIN, Italy, I, Part I, 803- 807; V, 326-328. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, I, ii-iv, 42-175 (cf. introd., 1-41). HUME, D., England, I, i, 26-32. HUNT, W., English Church, i-ii, 1-33. JENNINGS, A. C., The Church, ii, 20-32. KEARY, Vikings, iii, 74-107. KILLEN, Ireland, I, Book I, iv, 56-89. KNIGHT, England, I, iv, 50-56. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 10 ii. LAPPENBERG, Anglo-Saxon Kings, I, Part II. viii-xii, 157-279, passim. LAPPENBERG, England (German ed.), I, 132-203, passim. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 782-783; III, 1755-1756(^6.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, I, 247-264, 576-581. LINGARD, Anglo- Saxon Church, i, 17-39. LINGARD, England, I, 51-55, 89-92, 105-108, MILMAN, Christianity, I, Book I, 353-402 ; I, Book III, 479-554 ; II, Book III, 15-38; II, Book IV, 39-107, 175-259. MONTALEMBERT, Monks of the West, II, Books X-XV, 137-736 ; app., 737-757, passim. PALGRAVE, F., Anglo-Saxons, 41-59; map, p. 41. PALGRAVE, F., Normandy and England, I, 409-522. PEARSON, England, I, viii, 119 133. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, I, xi-xiii, 175-267, passim. RANKE, England, I, 11-21. SCHAFF, Christian Church, II, 28-30; 111,988-1028; IV, 19-76. SKENE, Celtic Scot., II, Book II, i-x, 1-464 ; maps, pp. 100, 178, 418. SPEAKMAN, Rule of St. Augustine, in TOUT and TAIT'S Essays, 57-75. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 154-161. TRAILL, Social Eng., I, 153-164. TURNER, Anglo-Saxons, I, 337-347. WAL- POLE, C. G., Ireland, 13-19. WILLIAMS, R. F., Cardinals, I, i, 1-21. Biographical: AUGUSTINE, SAINT: Cutts. 186 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Bibliography (see also tinder Sect. 14, and general note, Sect. 2). BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 29. FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, notes and app. HODGKIN, England to 1066, App. I, 496-508. LAPPENBERG, England (German ed.), I, introd., xxxi-lxxviii. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, I, 272-273, 622-624. PETRIE, Monumenta, pref., 59-96. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, I, 540-553. RANKE, England, notes, etc. TAYLOR, H., English Const., footnotes. WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, xxxi xxxv. Illustrative Material Prose. The Alleluia Battle : or, Pelagian- ism in Britain, in Tales Illustrating Church History, Vol. I, 1862. [B. P.L.] As Others Saw Him. Heinemann. [N.] BRAMSTON, M., Shaven Crown, S. P.C.K. [N.] CRAKE, A. D., The Camp on the Severn. London, Mowbray, 1875. [B.] CRAKE, A. D., The Doomed City: or, the last days of Durocina. . . . London, 1885. [B. P. L.] CRAKE, A. D., Stories of Old Saints and the Anglo-Saxon Church. London, 1891. [B. P. L.] CHARLES, ELIZABETH, The Early Dawn ; or, sketches of Christian life in England in the olden time. New York, Dodd [1875]. CUTTS, E. L., First Rector of Burgstead; a tale of the Saxon church. London, 1872. [B. P. L.] CUTTS, E. L., St. Cedd's Cross ; a tale of the conversion of the early Saxons. London, 1872. [B. P. L.] HOLLIS, GERTRUDE, The Son of ^Ella ; a story of the con- version of Northumbria. London, S. P. C. K. HOLT, E. S., Imogene. New York, Shaw, 1875; London, 1878. [B.] HUDSON, E. H., Bertha, our first Christian Queen, and her Times. London, 1870. [B. P. L.] KINGSTON, W. H. G., Eidol, the Druid; or, the dawn of Christianity in Britain. London, 1874. [B. P. L.] Priestess, The ; an Anglo-Saxon tale of early Christianity. London, 1849. [B. P. L.] Illustrative Material Poetry. CALDERON DE LA BARCA, PEDRO, El Purgatorio de San Patricio, in his Dramas. DE VERE, AUBREY, King Ethelbert of Kent, and St. Augustine, in his Legends. DE VERE, AUBREY, The Legends of St. Patrick, in his Works, II. MANLEY, MARY DE LA RIVIERE, Lucius, the first Christian King of Britain ; a tragedy. London, 1720. [B. P.L.] ROWE, NICHOLAS, The Royal Con- vert; a tragedy, in his Works, II, 11-81. London, 1766. WORDS- WORTH, WILLIAM, Glad Tidings. SECTION 9 Wessex and the Danes, to the Death of Edgar, 975 Summary. Danes : origin and names ; methods of attack ; wide- spread ravages; appearance in the British Isles; lines of invasion; ENGLAND BEFORE THE NORMAN CONQUEST 187 superiority to the English ; the army ; beginning of settlement ; extent of settlement ; formation of the Danelaw ; effects of the Danish con- quest. King Alfred : early life, character ; early struggles against the Danes; Athelney, Edington, Chippenham ; treaty with Guthrum, 886; military and naval reforms ; legal and administrative reforms ; closer union of England. Winning back of the Danelaw under Edward, Ethelstan, Edmund, Ethelfleda. Edgar: internal government; Dun- stan's reforms. Sources Individual "Works. Anglo-Saxon Chron., Giles ed., 348-386; Plummer ed., I, 64-123, cf. notes in II, 76-162. ASSER, Alfred the Great, in Six Chron., 43-86. ETHELWERD, Chronicle, in Six Chron., 22-40. HOVEDON, Annals, I, 33-77. HUNTINGDON, Chronicle, 149-176. MALMESBURY, Chronicle, 97-162. WORCESTER, Chronicle, 53-106. Sources Collections. BUTLER, I, 91-92; X, 517-530; XI, 327-334. Calendar, Doc. in France, 918-1206 ; see passim for 918-975. Chartulary of Hyde, App. D, 327-366 (tr. of Anglo-Saxon). COLBY, 19-24. CONYBEARE, Alfred in the Chroniclers, passim. Cox and JONES, Romances, 223-239 (Olger the Dane). GILES, Memorials of Alfred, passim. GOULD, BARING-, III, 324-326; V, 276-288; VIII, 198-202; XIV, 462-466; XV, 212-217. HOLINSHED, V, 208-264 (Scot.). KENDALL, 17-28. LEE, G. C., 87-99. LIEBERMANN, Ge- setze, 16-89, 126-191 (Anglo-Saxon, Latin and German). PETRIE, pi. xviii-xix, xxii-xxiv ; pp. 346-397, 844-849. ROBINSON, Readings, I, xi, 222-224 [Bibl.]. SCHMID, Gesetze, 58-199 (Anglo-Saxon, Latin and German). STANTON, 326-328, 559-561. STUBBS, 62-72 (English and Latin). THORPE, Ancient Laws, 66-118 (English tr.). THORPE, Char- ters, 44-189, 459-533- TREMAIN, 46-53, passim. University of Pa., IV, no. 3, pp. 5, 8-1 o. VIGFUSSON and POWELL, Corpus Poeticum Boreale, I, 259-266; II, 27-52, passim. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 180-182. ALLEN, G., Anglo-Saxon Britain, xiii-xv, 123-150.- AN- DREWS, C. M., History of Eng., 21-39; ma P> 2 7- ARMITAGE, Eng- lish Nation, v-vi, 45-71 [Bibl.]. BISHOP, Pictures, 33-40 (DiCKENs) ; 41-47 (J. WHITE). CHEYNEY, England, v, 59-71 ; maps, 62, 78. CHURCH, A. J., Early Britain (Nations), xvii-xxiii, 178-256. CHURCH, R. W., Middle Ages (Epochs), ix, 176-192. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, 37-50; maps, 42, 58. CREIGHTON, M., Half-Hour Hist., ii, 16-25. FREEMAN, Old Eng. Hist., 100-182; maps, 134, 144. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 55-78. GREEN, J. R., Readings, 19-24 (PALGRAVE). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 44-61 ; 188 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY map, 44; illus. ed., I, 83-113; maps, 85, 91. JOHNSON, A. H., Normans (Epochs), 15-70; map, 40. LARNED, History for Schools, 38-45; maps, 38, 42. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 60-75. LIN- GARD, History of Eng., abr., 19-32 ; map, 27. MONTGOMERY, Lead- ing Facts, 38-42; map, 40. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 118- 121. OMAN, England, 31-50. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book I, vi-vii, 51-68. TERRY, B., History of Eng., 50-103; maps, 52, 67, 80. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part I, iii-iv, 17-35; ma P s > J 9> 36- WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), v, 65-71. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 44-51 (FREEMAN); 51-57 (GREEN); maps, end of vol. WRONG, British Nation, 41-43. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. I, 1-17. Modern Accounts, Group II. ABBOTT, W. C., Hasting, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1898, XIII, 439-463. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, III, 84 (Malcolm II). AUBREY, English Nation, I, 43-49, 84- 87. BRIGHT, J. F., History of Eng., I, 5-15; map, end of vol. CAMP- BELL, Admirals, I, ii, 28-53. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, I, 33-35 (Turketel). CHURTON, Early Church, x-xii, 183-235. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 152-174. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Alfred or Alfred, ^Elfthryth, ^thelwulf, Athelstan or ^Lthelstan, Constantino I, Constantine II, Cormac, Edgar, the two Edmunds, Edred, Edward or Eadward the Elder, Ethelbald, Kenneth I, Olaf Sitricson. Du CHAILLU, Scandinavia; The Vikings and the Geog. of their Times, in Scot. Geog. Mag., May, 1890, VI, no. 5, 225-234. Du CHAILLU, Viking Age, II, xxx, 479-485 ; xxxiii, 414-530. FREEMAN, Historical Geog., vi, Sect. V, 162-168; xi, Sect. I, 486-488, passim. FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, I, 27-46, 101-174 (Normandy, tenth century). Giles, ed., Memorials of Alfred, 257-325 (FORESTER, Europe, ninth century) ; 337-376 (B. C. HOOK, The Danes). GREEN, J. R., Conquest, 81-340; maps, 108, 188, 302. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 70-96; map, 73. HILL, O. T., Monasticism, viii, 179-221. HODGKIN, England to 1066 (Politi- cal Hist, of Eng., I), xv-xx, 257-359. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, I, vi-vii, 297-426. HOWORTH, Beginnings of Wessex, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1898, XIII, 667-671. HUME, D., England, I, ii, 57-107 (cf. notes B, C, p. 592). KNIGHT, England, I, vi-ix, 75-135. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, English Const. Hist., 12-13, 46-47. LAPPENBERG, Anglo-Saxon Kings, II, Part III, ii-ix, 24-184. LAPPENBERG, England (German ed.), I, 289-413. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 785-789; III, 1756-1757 (Ireland) ; IV, 2840-2841 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Ge'nefale, I, 585-596. LINGARD, History of Eng., I, 168-275. LONG- MAN, W., Lectures, Lect. I, 20-25. PALGRAVE, F., Anglo-Saxons, 84- 120, 161-230. PALGRAVE, F., Normandy and Eng., I, 23-35, 92-102. 189 PEARSON, England, I, x-xiii, 148-209. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, I, xiv-xix, 229-328. SKENE, Celtic Scot., I, vii, 335-383; map, 340. STEVENSON, W. H., Beginnings of Wessex, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1899, XIV, 32-46. STOKES, Celtic Church, Lect. XIII-XIV, 251-282. STUBBS, Introductions, 1-34 (Dunstan. Also in Rolls Ser.). TAY- LOR, H., English Const., I, 166-169. TRAILL, 'Social Eng., I, 140-147, 167-168. TURNER, Anglo-Saxons, I, 459-604; II, 167-207, 223-282. WILLIAMS, H., Naval Power, i, 1-8. WRIGHT, Biographia, I, 370-443. Biographical: ALFRED : Giles, iv-xxv, 44-366 ; App., 1-36. Hughes, i-xxvi, 7-334; map, frontispiece. , Merivale, Roman Empire, VIII, 347-349 (Marcus Aurelius compared). Pauli, i-viii, 1-235, 236 (chron- icle of West Saxon hist., 838-901 A.D.). Smith, G., Lectures, 267-285. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 8). STUBBS, Introductions, 1-34 (Dunstan. Also in Rolls Ser.). Illustrative Material Prose. BE'SANT, SIR WALTER, The Story of King Alfred (Library of Useful Stories, 1901 ; Library of Valuable Information, 1902). New York, Appleton, 1902. BEVAN, TOM, A Lion of Wessex. 1901. [B.] CRAKE, Rev. A. D., Edwy the Fair: the first chronicle of ^Escendune. LONGMANS, 1874. [B. P. L.] DAHN, FELIX, Saga of Half red the Sigskald, tr. by Veitch. London, 1886. [B.P.L.] GILLIAT, Rev. EDWARD, God Save King Alfred. Macmil- lan, 1901. [B.] WHISTLER, C. W., King Alfred's Viking. 1899. [B.] HENTY, G. A., The Dragon and the Raven. New York, Scribner, 1885. [B.] HUGHES, THOMAS, Scouring of the White Horse. Lon- don, Macmillan, 1892. [L.] CRESWICK, PAUL, In Alfred's Days. 1900. [B.] CRESWICK, PAUL, Under the Black Raven. New York, Dutton, 1901. [B.] FENN, G. M., The King's Sons. 1901. [B.] POLLARD, E. F., A Hero King. 1898. [B.] STABLES, Dr. GORDON, Twixt Day- dawn and Light. New York, Dutton, 1898. Illustrative Material Poetry. AUSTIN, ALFRED, England's Darling. New York, Macmillan, 1896. Battle of Brunanburgh, in COOK and TINKER. King Alfred and the Shepherd, in EVANS, II. MASON, WILLIAM, Elfrida ; a dramatic poem, written on the model of an ancient Greek tragedy, in his Works, II, 5-75. TAYLOR, HENRY, Edwin the Fair ; an historical drama. London, Moxon, 1845. TENNY- SON, ALFRED, Battle of Brunanburh. WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM, Alfred ; His descendants ; Influence abused ; Danish conquests. WORRELL, J. B., Edwy; an historical poem. London, 1841. [B. P. L.] 190 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY SECTION 10 The Danish Conquest, 975-1016 Summary. Renewed invasions of the Danes ; strength of the invaders; weaknesses of the English; Edward the Martyr; Ethelred the "Unready"; Olaf; Danegeld; Swegen ; St. Brice's Day, 1002; Edmund Ironside ; Assandun. Sources Individual Works. Anglo-Saxon Chron., Giles ed., 387-406; Plummer ed., I, 122-154, cf. notes in II, 162-194. Heims- kringla, see indexes of persons and places. HOVEDON, Annals, I, 77- 101. HUNTINGDON, Chronicle, 176-193. MALMESBURY, Chronicle, 162-196. WORCESTER, Chronicle, 106-125. Sources Collections. BUTLER, IV, 186-191. Calendar, Doc. in France, 918-1206; see passim for 975-1016. GOULD, BARING-, V, 308-309; IX, 8-15; XIII, 28-39. HALL, J. L., Anglo-Saxon Poems, 44-55, 57-59 ; cf. 43-44, 56-57. HOLINSHED, I, 702-726. KENDALL, 30-34. LEE, G. C., 99-101. PETRIE, 397-422, 849-852. SCHMID, 198249 (Anglo-Saxon, Latin and German). STANTON, 89-90, 121123, 215-217. STUBBS, 72-73. THORPE, Laws, 119-152. THORPE, Charters, 189-305, 533-555. TREMAIN, 47. VIGFUSSON and POWELL, Corpus Poeticum Boreale, II, 90-115, passim. Modern Accounts, Group I. ALLEN, G., Anglo-Saxon Britain, xvii, 164-173. ANDREWS, C. M., History of Eng., 53-56. CHEYNEY, England, vi, 85-86. CHURCH, A. J., Early Brit. (Nations), xxiv-xxvi, 257-294. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, map of race distribution, 61. FREEMAN, Old Eng. Hist., 182-233. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 78-83. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 61-65 ; illus. ed., I, 113-121. JOHNSON, A. H., Normans (Epochs); cf. 52-70. LINGARD, History of Eng., abr., 32-33 ; table, Anglo-Saxon Kings, 35. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 42-43. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 124-131. OMAN, England, 51-55. POWELL, F. Y., Early Eng. (Epochs), Book VII, 137-150. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book I, viii, 69-72. TERRY, B., History of Eng., 104-115. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part I, v, 36-43. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), v, 71-72. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 57-61 (FREE- MAN). WRONG, British Nation, 44. Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, I, 87-89. BRIGHT, J. F., History of Eng., I, 15-19- CHURTON, Early Church, xiii-xiv, 236-275. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., 1, 174-180. CUNNINGHAM, English Industry, I (either ed.), 87-97 (The Danes). ENGLAND BEFORE THE NORMAN CONQUEST 191 Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Ethelred, Edmund II, Edward, Kenneth II. FREEMAN, General Sketch, 144-145. FREEMAN, Nor- man Conquest, I, 175-268. GREEN, J. R., Conquest, 344-401. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 96-100. HODGKIN, England to 1066 (Political Hist, of Eng., I), xxi-xxii, 360-398. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, I, vii, 427-476. HUME, D., England, I, iii, 108-121 (cf. note D, 592). KNIGHT, England, I, x, 136-148. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, English Const. Hist., 13. LAPPENBERG, Anglo-Saxon Kings, II, Part III, x-xii, 183-239. LAPPENBERG, England (German ed.), I, 413-460. EARNED, Ready Reference, II, 789; III, 1757 (Ire.) ; IV, 2841 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, I, 596-597. LINGARD, History of Eng., I, 275-304. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Cor- porations, I, 10-60. PALGRAVE, F., Anglo-Saxons, 231-258. PEAR- SON, England, I, xiii-xiv, 209-224. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, I, xx-xxiii, 329-390. STOKES, Celtic Church, Lect. XV, 283-306. TUR- NER, Anglo-Saxons, II, 283-325. WRIGHT, Biographia, I, 443-495. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 8). CUNNINGHAM, Industry, I, 3d ed., 651-673; 4th ed., 657-681. Illustrative Material Prose. CRAKE, Rev. A. D., Alfgar the Dane. New York, Young, 1874. [B.] Illustrative Material Poetry. Battle of Maiden, in COOK and TINKER. DE VERE, SIR AUBREY, The Battle of Clontarf : or, the king's sacrifice, in his Works, I. DE VERE, SIR AUBREY, The Duke of Mercia. London, 1858. [B. P. L.] FLETCHER, Mrs. E., Elidure and Edward; two dramatic sketches. London, 1825. [B.P. L.] RAVENS- CROFT, EDWARD, King Edward and Alfreda; a play. 1677. [B. P.L.] RICHARDSON, SARAH, Ethelred; a legendary tragic drama. London, 1809? [B.P.L.] SECTION 11 Danish Rule, 1016-1042 Summary. Reign of Canute: character; dominions; nature of rule ; housecarls ; earldoms ; journeys ; foreign relations ; attitude toward the church. Harold. Hardecanute. Sources Individual Works. Anglo-Saxon Chron., Giles ed., 406-416; Plummer ed., I, 154-163, cf. notes in II, 194-221. Heims- kringla, see indexes of persons and places. HOVEDON, Annals, I, 101-112. HUNTINGDON, Chronicle, 193-202. MALMESBURY, Chronicle, 196-213. WORCESTER, Chronicle, 125-144. Sources Collections. Calendar, Doc. in France, 918-1206; see passim for 1016-1042. COLBY, 24-27. GOULD, BARING-, VII, 636- 192 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 676. HOLINSHED, I, 727-738. KENDALL, 35-38. LEE, G. C., 101- 107. PETRIE, 422-433, 852-854. SCHMID, 250-321 (Anglo-Saxon, Latin and German). STU BBS, 73-76. THORPE, Laws, 153-189. THORPE, Charters, 304-351, 555-562. VIGFUSSON and POWELL, Corpus Poeti- cum Boreale, II, 116-177, passim. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 182-183. ANDREWS, C. M., History of Eng., 56-60; map, 56. BISHOP, Pictures, 48-50 (DICKENS) ; map, 48. CHEYNEY, England, vi, 87 ; map, 86. CHURCH, A. J., Early Britain (Nations), xxvii- xxix, 295-319. FREEMAN, Old Eng. Hist., 233-251. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 83-86. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 65-67 ; illus. ed., I, 121-128. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 17-22. JOHN- SON, A. H., Normans (Epochs), 71-95. LINGARD, History of Eng., abr., 33-34. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 43-44. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 131-133. OMAN, England, 55-57- POWELL, F. Y., Early Eng. (Epochs), Book VII, 150-162. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book I, viii, 72-75. TERRY, B., History of Eng., 115-124; map, 118. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part I, v, 43-46 ; map, 44. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), v, 75-76. WRONG, British Nation, 44-46. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. I, 23-29. Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, II, 82-83 (Duncan I); 710-711 (Macbeth). AUBREY, English Nation, I, 89-93. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 38-47. BRIGHT, J. F., History of Eng., I, 19-21. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, Book I, iii, 30-48; map, 30. CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, iii, 54-72. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 180-186. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Canute, Duncan I, Edric, IJardecanute, Harold. Du CHAILLU, Viking Age, II, xxxi, 486-498; xxxiv, 531-535- FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, I, 269-356. GREEN, J. R., Conquest, 402-466 ; maps, 420, 433, 437. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 100-103. HODGKIN, England to 1066 (Political Hist, of Eng., I), xxiii, 399-423. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, I, vii, 477-491. HUME, D., England, I, iii, 121-131. KNIGHT, Eng- land, I, xi, 149-158. LAPPENBERG, Anglo-Saxon Kings, II, Part IV, xiii-xv, 240-284. LAPPENBERG, England (German ed.), I, 461-493. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 789-790; IV, 2841 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, I, 597-603 ; II, 735-742 (Danemark, Suede, Norvege). LINGARD, History of Eng., I, 305-327. LONGMAN, W., Lectures, Lect. I, 25-27. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, I, i, 1-31. PAL- GRAVE, F., Anglo-Saxons, 258-276. PEARSON, England, I, xv, 225-237. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, I, xxiv-xxvi, 391-434. SKENE, Celtic ENGLAND BEFORE THE NORMAN CONQUEST 193 Scotland, I, viii, 384-405 ; map, 396. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 117-118. TURNER, Anglo-Saxons, II, 326-353. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 8). BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 47. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, I, pp. xxiii-xxv. Illustrative Material Prose. WHISTLER, C. W., Wulfric, the Weapon Thane. New York, Scribner, 1897. WHISTLER, C. W., King Olaf's Kinsman. 1898. [B.] Illustrative Material Poetry. BRUCE, SIR J., Hardyknute; a Scottish fragment, in PERCY, Reliques, I. BUCHANAN, ROBERT, Canute's Birthday in Ireland; a drama. London, 1868. [B.P.L.] Hardyknute, in FINLAY, I. Hardyknute, in MAIDMENT, Ballads, I. SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM, Macbeth. THACKERAY, W. M., King Ca- nute. WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM, Canute. SECTION 12 Edward the Confessor, 1042-1066 Summary. Edward's character and training ; influx of Normans ; power of Earl Godwin ; "England for the English"; Godwin's exile and return ; Earl Harold ; policy of conciliation ; wars with Scotch and Welsh ; the rival earldoms ; enmity of Tostig ; death of Edward. Sources Individual "Works. Anglo-Saxon Chron., Giles ed., 416-439; Plummer ed., I, 162-195; cf. notes in II, 221-253. Bayeux Tapestry, Fowke ed., 15-51, 103-104. Heimskringla, see indexes of persons and places. HOVEDON, Annals, I, 112-138. HUNTINGDON, Chronicle, 202-2 1 2. MALMESBURY, Chronicle, 213-257. WORCESTER, Chronicle, 144-171 (Genealogy of Eng. kings from Woden, 433-442; List of popes, 58 A.D. to 1130, 412-414). Sources Collections. BUTLER, X, 246-274. Calendar, Doc. in France, 918-1206 ; see passim for 1042 1066. COLBY, 27-29. GOULD, BARING-, X, 13-17; XI, 327-346. HOLINSHED, I, 739-766; V, 264- 277 (Scot.) ; VI, 88-95 (Ire.). PETRIE, 434-461, 854-855. SCHMID, 491-520. STANTON, 4-5. STUBBS, 76-78 (Latin). THORPE, Laws, 190-200 (Latin). THORPE, Charters, 350-427, 563-599. University of Pa., IV, no. 3, p. 13. VIGFUSSON and POWELL, Corpus Poeticum Boreale, II, 178-233, passim. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., History of Eng., 60-64; map, 61. ARMITAGE, English Nation, viii, 88-109. CHEY- NEY, England, vi, 87-93. CHURCH, A. J., Early Brit. (Nations), xxix, 320-330. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, map, 65. 194 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY FREEMAN, Old Eng. Hist., 252-296 ; map, 296. FREEMAN, Short Hist, of the Norman Conquest, 1-29. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 86- 91. GREEN, J. R., Readings, 29-34 (DUNSTAN). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 67-70; illus. ed., 1, 128-146. JOHNSON, A. H., Normans (Epochs), 115-147. LINGARD, History of Eng., abr., 36-39. MONTGOMERY, Lead- ing Facts, 44-45. OMAN, England, 57-61. POWELL, F. Y., Early Eng. (Epochs), -Book VIII, 163-191. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book I, ix, 76-80. RHYS and JONES, Welsh People, v, 123-175. TERRY, B., History of Eng., 125-134. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part II, i, 49-52; map, 49. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), v, 76-78; map, 77. WRONG, British Nation, 46-50. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. I, 18-37. Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, III, 89-94 (Malcolm III). ARCHER, T. A., Battle of Hastings, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1894, IX, 1-41, 602-608. AUBREY, English Nation, I, 93- 100. BRIGHT, J. F., History of Eng., I, 21-24. BURTON, J. H., His- tory of Scot., I, 336-377. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, I, 35-38. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 186-210. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see life of Edward the Confessor. Du CHAILLU, Viking Age, II, xxxii, 499-513. FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, II, 1-343; III, 3-170. GREEN, J. R., Conquest, 466-528. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 103-106. HODGKIN, England to 1066 (Political Hist, of Eng., I), xxv, 442-473. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, I, viii, 492-530. HUME, D., England, I, iii, 131-149 (cf. notes E, F, 592-593). KNIGHT, England, I, xii-xiii, 159- 184. LAPPENBERG, Anglo-Saxon Kings, II, Part V, xvi-xvii, 285-333. LAPPENBERG, England (German ed.), I, 194-531. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 790-791 ; IV, 2841-2842 (Scot.). LINGARD, History of Eng., I, 327-359. LONGMAN, W., Lectures, Lect. I, 37-38. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, I, ii, 32-55. NORGATE, Hastings, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1894, IX, 41-76, 608-611. PALGRAVE, F., Anglo-Saxons, 277-303; map, 277. PALGRAVE, F., Normandy and Eng., Ill, 191-294. PEARSON, England, I, xv, 237-248. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, I, xxvii-xxx, 435-507. ROUND, Commune of London, Study II, 28-38 (Ingelric). ROUND, Freeman and the Battle of Hastings, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1894, IX, 209-259. SKENE, Celtic Scot., I, viii, 405-417. TURNER, Anglo- Saxons, II, 354-371. WRIGHT, Biographia, 496-527. Bibliography (see under Sect. S). Illustrative Material Prose. DAVIDSON, MARY, Edward the Exile. Hodder. [N.] Illustrative Material Poetry. LEIGHTON, WILLIAM, The Sons of Godwin; a tragedy. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1877. YEARSLEY, A., Earl Godwin ; a tragedy. [B. P.L.] ENGLAND BEFORE THE NORMAN CONQUEST 195 SECTION 13 The Norman Invasion, 1066 Summary. Normandy: Rollo secures Normandy, c. 912; the Northmen become Normans ; intercourse with England ; Duke Wil- liam's birth, character, and training ; consolidation of Normandy ; William's visit to England, 1051; shipwreck of Harold. The inva- sion : election of Harold ; claims of William ; allies of William ; his promises to his followers ; invasion of Tostig and Harold Hardrada, Stamford Bridge ; the successful landing ; defection of Earls Edwin and Morkere ; battle of Hastings or Senlac ; coronation of William ; effects of the conquest. Sources Individual "Works. Anglo-Saxon Chron., Giles ed., 439-444; Plummer ed., I, 194-199; cf. notes in II, 253-258. Bayeux Tapestry, Fowke ed., 52-84, 104-106. Heimskringla ; see indexes of persons and places. Sources Collections. Calendar, Doc. in France, 918-1206; see passim for 1066. COLBY, 29-33. KENDALL, 39-41. LEE, G. C., 1 1 1- 116. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, I, app., 423-424 (Latin). PETRIE, 461- 466, 855. ROBINSON, I, xi, 224-229 [Bibl.]. VIGFUSSON and POWELL, Corpus Poeticum Boreale, II, 178-233. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 196-197. ANDREWS, C. M., History of Eng., 66-71. BISHOP, Pictures, 51-59 (C. C. HAZEWELL). CHEYNEY, England, vi, 93-100; map, 99. CHURCH, A. J., Early Britain (Nations), xxx-xxxiii, 331-375. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, 64-70. CREIGHTON, M., Half-Hour Hist., iii, 26-33. FREEMAN, Old Eng. Hist., 297-348. FREEMAN, Short Hist, of the Norman Conquest, 30-85. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 91-98. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, ii, 9-27 (Hast- ings. Cf. introd. 1-8) ; plan, 18. GREEN, J. R., Readings, 34-41 (FREEMAN). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 70; illus. ed., I, 146-150. HOSMER, Anglo-Saxon Freedom, iii, 25-37. LARNED, History for Schools, 46-48. LINGARD, History of Eng., abr., 39-42. MONT- GOMERY, Leading Facts, 56-59; map, 42. OMAN, England, 61-65. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book I, ix, 80-87 ; plan, 85. SEWELL and YONGE, European Hist., I, 35-61 (FREEMAN). TERRY, B., History of Eng., 134-144. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part II, i-ii, 52-57. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), vi, 80-87 ; map, 85. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 66-71 (FREEMAN) ; map, end of vol. WRONG, British Nation, 51-61 ; map, 61. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. I, 38-49. 196 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, I, 100- 114. BRIGHT, J. F., History of Eng., I, 24-27. CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, in, 54-72. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 210-215. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see life of Edgar Atheling. FREEMAN, Nor- man Conquest, III, 171-376. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 4-10. GREEN, J. R., Conquest, 529-563. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 106-116, passim. HODGKIN, England to 1066 (Political Hist, of Eng., I), xxv- xxvi, 468-491. HOZIER, Invasions, I, vi, 90-120. HUME, D., England, I, iii, 149-163. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, English Const. Hist., 49-50. LAPPENBERG, Anglo-Saxon Kings, II, Part V, xviii, 334-371. LAPPEN- BERG, England (German ed.), I, 532-557. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 791-792. LAVISSE, Histoire de France, II, Part II, 53-57, 95-106. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, I, 603-611. LINGARD, His- tory of Eng., I, 359-375. LONGMAN, W., Lectures, Lect. I, 39-45. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, I, iii, 56-69. PALGRAVE, F., Anglo-Saxons, 304-332. PALGRAVE, F., Normandy and Eng., Ill, 295-324. PEAR- SON, England, I, xxi, 332-347. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, I, xxx, 490-501, passim; II, i-ii, 1-37; plan, 24. RANKE, England, I, 22- 38. ROUND, Feudal Eng., 332-398. ROUND, La Bataille de Hastings, in Rev. Hist., 1897, LXV, 61-77. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 18-231. TRAILL, Social Eng., I, 219-228, 299-308. TURNER, Anglo- Saxons, II, 372-418. Biographical: WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR: Freeman (Twelve Eng. Statesmen), i-viii, 1-121. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 8). HOZIER, Invasions, 90. Illustrative Material Prose. CRAKE, Rev. A. D., The Andreds- Weald : or, the House of Michelham. New York, Young, 1877. [B.] CRAKE, Rev. A. D., The Rival Heirs. Longmans, 1882. [B.] HENTY, G. A., Wulf the Saxon. New York, Scribner, 1895. HODGETTS, J. F., Harold, the Boy-Earl; a story of old England. London, 1888. [B. P. L.] LYTTON, BULWER-, Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kings. New York, Burt. Illustrative Material Poetry. CHATTERTON, THOMAS, Battle of Hastings. CUMBERLAND, RICHARD, Battle of Hastings; a tragedy, in British Theater, Bell ed., VI. HAWKER, R. S., The Death Song of Harold, Surnamed the Red, Slain at the Battle of Camlan, in his Works, 25-26. HAWKER, R. S., The Burial of Harold, in his Works, 26-27. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Harold the Dauntless. TENNYSON, ALFRED, Harold; a drama. WAGE, ROBERT, La Bataille d' Hastings, from Le Roman de Rou, in CLEDAT, 248-252. ENGLAND BEFORE THE NORMAN CONQUEST 197 SECTION 14 State of Society, 449-1066 Summary. 1 Lack of contemporary records for early settlements ; Celtic and Roman culture superseded by Anglo-Saxon (social classes, language, literature, religion, government) ; cessation of city life ; coin- age ; influence of Christianity upon education, literature, and the revival of civilization ; the Danes as traders ; growth of towns ; the Five Bor- oughs. England in the tenth century; rural life; town life; the Old English language and literature ; political organization ; the witenage- mot; shires, hundreds, wapentakes ; justice; classes and ranks. Sources Individual Works. Bayeux Tapestry, Fowke ed., 87- 102, 112-134. BEDE, History, 291-294; also in Works, III, 291-297, cf. 301-309. BEOWULF; see Illustrative Material, below. EGINHARD, Charlemagne, 1 1-82, cf. 9-10. Gesta Romanorum, whole vol. ; especially 82-84, 141-154, 307-308. GILDAS, Works, in Monkish Historians, III, 24-102; in Six Chron., 314380. Sources Collections. BREWER, I, 339-345. BUTLER, I, 381- 386, 386-387; II, 15-16, 32-37, 47-48, 92-94, 219-221, 243-246; IX, 274-276; XI, 23-24, 149-153, 342-352; 3-vol. ed., passim. Calendar, Carew MSS., 15151624, VI, passim. COLBY, 16-19. Commission on Hist. MSS., Reports (for contents, see GROSS, Sources, App. D, 534- 539). Cox and JONES, Romances, i-xxi, 1-222, 240-505. CUNNING- HAM, Industry, I (either ed.), 570-576 (Duties of reeve, tr.). Essays in Anglo-Saxon Law, 309-383. GEE and HARDY, 2, 10-51. GOULD, BARING-, II, 52-56. HADDAN and STUBBS, I, 43-301 ; app., 624-633, 673-704; 11,3-9; app., 51-55, 71-141, 289-361 ; passim. HENDERSON, E. F., Documents, 274-319. HOLINSHED, VI, 83-88 (Ire.). JACOBS, J., 1-2. JONES, II, no. 6, 90-101. KENDALL, 28-30. LEE, G. C., 87-95. MORLEY, H., Mediaeval Tales, 1 1-53. PALGRAVE, SIR F., Com- monwealth, Part II, pp. cxli-clxii, cxcv-ccccxliii. ROBINSON, I, v, 97- 105; ix, 171-191; xix, 431-432, 439-443 [Bibl.]. SCHMID; see Sects. 7-12, also 358-422 (Anglo-Saxon, Latin and German). STANTON, 61-62, 219-220, 447-448. STOKES, Saints, passim. THORPE, Laws, 393-488, passim. THORPE, Charters, 605-651 ; and cf. Sects. 7-12, 15. THORPE, Anglo-Saxon Poems. THORPE, Anglo-Saxon Poetry. TREMAIN, 54- 1 The sections on society (i.e. 14, 22, 30, 37, 47, 60, 70, 80) contain topics which are best studied in a large way over considerable periods of time. They also afford a valuable means of review, especially as many works are so written as not to be readily analyzed into short periods, and are therefore referred to in these sections. 198 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 57. University of Pa., II, no. i, p. 40 ; no. 7, pp. 2-36 ; IV, nos. 3-4, passim; VI, no. 5, pp. 12-16. VIGFUSSON and POWELL, Corpus Poeti- cum Boreale, 2 vols., passim. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., Civilization, iii, 39- 64; ix, 194-226, passim; xiv, 339-356, passim. ALLEN, G., Anglo- Saxon Brit., xvi, 151-163; xviii-xxi, 174-234. ANDREWS, C. M., Eng- land, 40-52, 64-65. ARMITAGE, English Nation, iv, 34-45 ; vii, 72-88 [Bibl.]. CHEYNEY, England, iv, 51-53; v, 71-83; map, 78. CHEY- NEY, Industrial Hist., i-iv, 1-93, passim. CHURCH, A. J., Early Britain (Nations), xv-xvi, 151-177. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, 50-54, 79-91- CREASY, English Const., 31-51. CREIGHTON, L., Government, i, 1-8. CUNNINGHAM and MCARTHUR, English Indus- trial Hist., 1-16, 28-36, 166-175. DURUY, Middle Ages, 132-137, 171- 186, 200-221. EDWARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), iii, 31-43. EMER- TON, Mediaeval Eur., 42-88, 114-148, 436-445. FEILDEN, Short Const. Hist., 1-15, 35, 68, 70, 73-83, 92-100, 162-164, 185-187, 203-208, 216- 224, 260-261, 272-274, 305-307. FINNEMORE, Social Eng., 1-36. GAIRDNER, Chroniclers, England, i, 1-48 (Historians). GIBBINS, In- dustrial Hist. (University Extension), Period I, i-ii, 1-9 [Bibl.]. GlB- BINS, Industry, iii-iv, 34-61 ; map, 65. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part I, 15-19 (BROOKE); 24-29 (PALGRAVE). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 15-16, 38-41, 51-52, 54-67, 71-74, 77-79; illus. ed., I, 24-28, 69- 78, 95-98, 100-128, passim; 133-138, 144-148. GRIFFIS, Holland, 64- 71. HARDING, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist. (Essentials), 50-59, 77-95, 114-143, 171-209. HOSMER, Anglo-Saxon Freedom, ii, 11-24. JALK- SON, European Progress, 3-41, passim; maps. JOHNSON, A. B., Nor- mans (Epochs), 96-114, 148-183. LARNED, History for Schools, 21- 33. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 13-41. LINGARD, England, abr. ( 43-50. MACKINTOSH, JOHN, Scotland (Nations), 20-25. MEDLEY, Manual, passim. MONTAGUE, English Const. Hist., 1-21. MONT- GOMERY, Leading Facts, 45-55, 62 (Bayeux Tapestry). MORRIS, W. O., Ireland (Cambridge Historical), i, 1-23 ; map, end of vol. [Bibl.]. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 37-43, 55~59> 136-146. OMAN, England, 19-22. RANNIE, Constitution, i, 1-20. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book I, v, 42-50. RANSOME, Government, i-ii, 1-17. RHYS and JONES, Welsh People, iv-vi, 117-260 [Bibl.]. ROBINSON, Western Eur., Parti, ix, 104-119; xi, 133-137. SEWELL and YONGE, European Hist., I, 1-35 (FREEMAN). SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, i, 1-15. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), iv-v, 55-63, 72-75. WAL- POLE, C. G., Ireland, 20-27 [Bibl.]. WARNER, Industrial Hist., I, 8-25. WEBSTER, W. C., Commerce, Part II, v, 35-40; xii, 86-93 [Bibl.]. ENGLAND BEFORE THE NORMAN CONQUEST 199 WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 61-67 (STEVENSON). WRONG, British Nation, 62-74. Modern Accounts, Group II. A. GENERAL, i. England, Wales, end Scotland. ADAMS, G. B., Anglo-Saxon Feudalism, in Am. Hist. Rev., Oct., 1901, VII, 11-35. Archaeologia, see index to Vols. I-L. Archa- ological Journal, see indexes. AUBREY, English Nation, I, iv, 49-68. BARNARD, Middle Ages, 1-7,90-91, 116-120, 158-162, 187-195,220-223, 329-334. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 30-37, 48-60. BEMONT et MONOD, Histoire de PEur., xxvii, 453-456. BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 28-39. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, II, 1-41. CRAIK and MACFAR- LANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 224-356. CREIGHTON, C., Epidemics, I, 4-9. CREIGHTON, M., Essays (Northumbrian border), 235-249. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Alcuin, Bede, Benedict, Cuthbert, Kynewulf or Cynewulf or Cynwulf, Daircell or Taircell or Moiling, Nennius, Scotus or Erigena. ESSENWEIN, Kulturhistorischer Bilderatlas, II, Mittelalter. FREEMAN, Historical Geog., vi, Sect. V, 162-168; xi, Sect. I, 486-488, passim. FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, I, 47-99. FREEMAN, Lectures, 61-112. GASQUET, Henry VIII, I, introd., pp. xiii-xxxii, passim. GREEN, J. R., Conquest, 1-47. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 31-37, 75-81, 91-95. GREEN, J. R., Making of Eng., 127-188. GUIZOT, Civilization, Vols. III-IV, 30-54, 166-188; 2d course, 9-45, 62-91, 395-414, passim. HALLAM, Europe, II, 63-93, 140-172. HODGETTS, Older Eng. HODGKIN, England to 1066 (Political Hist, of Eng., I), xvii, 289-305 ; xxiv, 424-441. HODGKIN, Italy, II, 177-178 (Atli); VI, 105-147 (Saint Columbanus) ; VIII, 143-149 (Alcuin). HOLINSHED, Chronicles, I, Book II, 221-421. HOZIER, Invasions, I, v, 57-89. HUME, D., England, I, App. I, 164-191 ; cf. note G, p. 593. KEMBLE, Saxons, 2 vols. KNIGHT, England, I, iii, 32-49; v, 57-74. LANG, Scotland, I, ii-iv, 2187; maps, 36, 84. LAPPENBERG, Anglo-Saxon Kings, II, Part VI, xix-xxii, 372-455; tables, 457-458. LAPPEN- BERG, England (German ed.), I, 558-631 ; II, 1-60 (Normandy). LAVISSE, Histoire de France ; cf. II, Part I, 331-355. LINGARD, Anglo-Saxon Church, ii-xiii, 40-268 ; map, opposite title-page. LIN- GARD, England, I, 70-74, 376-424. LONGMAN, W., Lectures, Lect. I, 27-37. MILMAN, Latin Christianity, II, Book V, 438-509 (Charle- magne) ; III, Book V, 129-142 (Northmen); 144-148 (Alfred); Book VI, 258-282 (Berengar of Tours). MILTON, Prose Works, 475-561. MOMBERT, Charles the Great, iii, 54-70; ix-x, 241-279. MOTLEY, Dutch Republic, I, 18-27. MUNRO and SELLERY, Mediaeval Civiliza- tion, 18-33, I2 9- T 36, 159-201, passim. PALGRAVE, F., Anglo-Saxons, 121-160. PALGRAVE, F., Normandy and England, I, 39-41, 78-91 ; 200 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY III, 325-355. PEARSON, England, I, xvi-xx, 249-331. PETRIE, Mon- umenta, 103-128 (Chronology of mediaeval historians), 129-146 (Chron- ological abstract). RAIT, Relations of Eng. and Scot., i, i-io. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, I, xxxi, 508-539; plan, 534. ROBERTSON, E. W., Scotland, I, i-v, 1-124; cf. ii; app., 185-523, passim; map, frontispiece. SMYTH, Lectures, I, Lect. V-VI, 115-174, passim. TRAILL, Social Eng., I, 121-129, 143-144, 149-153, 172-176, 184-219. TURNER, Anglo-Saxons, I, 438-458 (Norway, Sweden and Denmark) ; II, 1-166 (Alfred); 419-490 (Language); 491-503 (Money); 504-541 (Laws); 542-582 (Landed property); III, whole vol. WINDLE, Early Britain, x, 187-206. WORDSWORTH, Biography, I, i, 3-28. WRIGHT, Biographia, I, 1-112. WRIGHT, Celt, xiv-xvii, 451-529. Biographical : CHARLES THE GREAT: Hodgkin, whole vol. 2. English Municipal History. BESANT, London, 7-42. BOASE, Oxford (Historic Towns), i, 1-12. BURROWS, Cinque-Ports (Historic Towns), i-iii, 1-61 ; map. CREIGHTON, M., Carlisle (Historic Towns), i, 1-22. CUTTS, Colchester (Historic Towns), vi-vii, 54-75 ; maps, opposite title-page and 34. FREEMAN, Exeter (Historic Towns), i-ii, 14-41. HARRIS, Coventry (Social Eng.), i-ii, 1-30. KITCHIN, Winchester (Historic Towns), i-vi, 1-47; xiii, 154-156; map, 4. LETHARBY, London, introd., and i-x, 1-211. LOFTIE, London (Historic Towns), ii, 18-28. PAULI, Aufsatze, New Ser., II, 1-14 (Durham). PICTON, Liverpool, I, 5-7. RAINE, York (Historic Towns), ii-iv, 25-50. 3. Ireland. BAGWELL, Ireland, I, ii, 17-36. BRYANT, Celtic Ire., introd., pp. ix-xviii ; ch. i-vii, 1-211. JOYCE, Ancient Ire., 2 vols., passim. JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part II, i-x, 123-244. KILLEN, Ireland, I, Book I, ii-vii, 25-162. B. SPECIAL, i. Manners and Customs. FAIRHOLT, Costume, I, 29-66. PLANCHE, Costume, II, i-ii, 3-47 ; x, 383-433, passim. STRUTT, Sports, passim. THRUPP, Anglo-Saxon Home. WRIGHT, Manners, 1-79. WRIGHT, Womankind, iv-v, 52-86. 2. Art and Science, Edu- cation. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 169-170 (Charlemagne's schools). BEAZLEY, Modern Geog., iv, 129-175, passim; v, 201-205, 224-242, passim. BREWER, D. J., Orations, I, xiii-xviii (E. A. ALLEN). HYDE, Literary Hist, of Ire., xiii-xxxiii, 133-451 ; xlii, 583-590. KEANE, Geography, iv, 70-82, passim ; maps, 70, 73, 76, 78. GUIZOT, Civiliza- tion, III, Lect. XXII, 30-54 (Alcuin) ; xxix, 166-188 (Scotus Erigenus). MULLINGER, Schools of Charles the Great. OMAN, Art of War, 63- 72, 89-165. OMAN, War in the M. A., 15-27. ROUND, Commune, Study III, 39-61 (Warfare). WEST, Alcuin, introd., and i-viii, 1-179, 193-196, dates. ZIMMER, Irish Element in Med. Culture, 1-131, passim. 3. Agriculture, Industry, Commerce. ALLEN, W. F., Essays, ENGLAND BEFORE THE NORMAN CONQUEST 2OI 240-285, 293-299 (Village community, manor, tithing, etc.). ANDREWS, C. M., Old Eng. Manor. BAYE, Arts of the Anglo-Saxons. BRYAN, The Mark in Eur. and Am., passim. CUNNINGHAM, English Industry, I (either ed.), 1-30, 65-87, 97-133. DEL MAR, Monetary systems, iii, 94-112, passim; vi-vii, 149-197. GARNIER, British Peasantry, passim. GARNIER, Landed Interest, I, v-ix, 58-132. GROSS, Gild Merchant, see I, especially App. B, 174-191. JENKS, Legal Execution and Land Tenure, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1893, VIII, 417-423. MACPHERSON, D., Commerce, I, 217-302. MAURER, Markenverfassung, passim. POLLOCK, Lectures, v, 112-146 (Manor). ROUND, Domesday Manor, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1900, XV, 293-302. SALZMANN, Hides and Vir- gates in Sussex, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1904, XIX, 92-96. SEEBOHM, English Village Community, 105-441 ; maps, 148, 224, 256, 426, 432. SELIGMAN, Guilds, Am. EC. Ass'n, II, no. 5, 389-399. TURNER, RIBTON-, Vagrants, i, 1-17; xv, passim (Scot.); xvi, passim (Ire.) ; xx. VINO- GRADOFF, Folkland, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1893, VIII, 1-17. 4. Religion. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, I, 29-30 (Aiden) ; III, 281 (St. Pat- rick). BATESON, Double Monasteries, in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Ser., XIII, 137-198. BATESON, Rules for Monks and Canons, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1894, IX, 690-708. CHURTON, Early Church, v-ix, 87-182 ; xv, 276-296. CLARK, W., Anglican Reformation (Epochs of Church Hist), i, i-n. CLARKE, H. W., Tithes, vi-x, 33-124. ECKENSTEIN, Woman under Monasticism, iii-v, 79-183. FOSBROKE, Monachism, passim. Fox, Martyrs, Cumming ed., I, 186-231 ; Seymour ed., Book III, 89-108. FREEMAN, Wells, Lect. I, 1-41. FROUDE, Studies, Third Ser., 1-92 (St. Albans). FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book II, Sects. III-VII, 141-258. GIBBON, Roman Empire, Sect. IV, passim (Monasticism). HILL, O. T., Monasticism, iii-vii, 71-178. HUNT, W., English Church, iii-iv, 34-76. JENNINGS, A. C., The Church, iii, 33- 65. LEA, Sacerdotal Celibacy, xi, 164-183. MAKOWER, Constitution of the Church, Division I, A, 1-12; V, 272-281, 384-392. MOELLER, Christian Church, II, First period, iii-iv, 45-66. PAULI, Old Eng., ii, 30-72 (Monks and mendicant friars). SCHAFF, Christian Church, IV, 684-691, 761-774. SMITH, I. G., Christian Monasticism, Part I, vi, 62-83; viii-x, 89-121; Part II, i-ix, 125-242, 262-277. SPOTTIS- WOODE, Church of Scot., I, Books I-II, 1-61. STOKES, Celtic Church, Lect. X-XII, 166-250. WILLIAMS, R. F., Cardinals, I, ii, 22-57. WISHART, Monks and Monasteries, Part III, 131-172, passim. 5. Gov- ernment and Law. DIGBY, Real Property, Part I, i, 1-22. DOWELL, Taxation, I, 3-10. EARLE, Land-charters, introd., xiii-cxc. Essays in Anglo-Saxon Law (H. ADAMS, H. C. LODGE, E. YOUNG, J. L. LAUGHLIN). 202 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY FORSYTH, Trial by Jury, 45-100. FREEMAN, Comparative Politics, 37-295, 346-485 (and notes, 425-456). FREEMAN, English People in Its Three Homes, 1-37, 99-168. FREEMAN, Growth of the Eng. Const., 1-55; notes, 161-179. GAUTIER, La Chevalerie, passim. GNEIST, English Const., I, 1-114. GNEIST, Parliament, introd., xi- xxix; I, 1-41. GOMME, Folk-moots. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Consti- tutional Hist., 13-48. LEA, Superstition and Force, 13-61, 108-128, 217-252, 266-286, 294-304, 323-328, 347-363, 370-420. MAITLAND, F. W., Domesday, Essay II, 220-356. MAITLAND, F. W., Township and Borough, 1-213, passim. NEILSON, Trial by Combat, Parts I-II, 1-30. NICHOLLS, Poor Law, I, Part I, i, 13-17. PALGRAVE, F., Com- monwealth, i-ii, 1-55; iii-vii, 62-238; x-xiv, 316-451; xvii-xxi, 482- 658. PIKE, Crime in Eng., I, 1-95 ; notes, 423-446. PIKE, Lords, i, 1-9. POLLOCK, F., Anglo-Saxon Law, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1893, VIII, 239-271. POLLOCK and MAITLAND, English Law, Book I, i, 1-40. SCHMID, Gesetze, consult the Antiquarisches Glossar, 523-680, under such terms as " Bocland," " Geldrechnung." SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book I, i, 3-37. STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., I, 74-268. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 122-148, 170-211. WAKEMAN and HASSALL, Essays, I, 1-44 (H. HENSLEY). ZINKIESEN, Anglo-Saxon Courts of Law, hi Pol. Sc. Quar., X, 132-144. Bibliography. NOTE. In this, as being the first general section, are noted many of the general bibliographical works. They may be distinguished for the most part by their lack of definite references. See also the general note, Sect. 2, page 169. ADAMS, C. K., Manual. AUBREY, English Nation, I, xvi-xxiv. BARNARD, Middle Ages, close of each chapter. BATESON, Monks and Canons, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1894, IX, 690-708. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 37, 47, 60. BEOWULF, Garnett tr., xxvi-xli. BOWKER and ILES, Guide in Economic, Social, and Political Science. BRATKE, Wegweiser. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, 402-408. BRYAN, The Mark, 157-160. BRYANT, Ireland, vii-viii. Columbia Univ. Lib. Bull., no. 2, Books on education, 34-46, 156-164, 275-280. CUBBERLEY, Syllabus on Hist, of Education, 62-64, c f- 67-75. CUNNINGHAM, Industry, I, 3d ed., 651-673; 4th ed., 657-681. DAVENPORT, Classi- fied List for Eng. Manorial and Agrarian Hist., 1-65, cf. v-xiii. DEL MAR, Monetary systems, 11-16. EBERT, Geschichte d. Litteratur. Essays in Anglo-Saxon Law, vii-xii. FAIRHOLT, Costume, xi-xiv. FISHER, J. A., Bibliography of Ecclesiastical Hist., in HALL'S Methods, 337-391. FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, notes and app. GAIRDNER, see Modern Accounts, Group /, above. GARNIER, Landed Interest, II, ENGLAND BEFORE THE NORMAN CONQUEST 203 536-553. GAUTIER, La Chevalerie, 785-786. GNEIST, English Const., footnotes. GNEIST, Parliament, footnotes. GOMME, Local Institu- tions. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 1-6. GROSS, Bibliography of Brit. Municipal Hist. ; cf. Harvard Lib. Bibl. Bull., no. 43. HARRIS, Coventry, 377-380. HASSE, List Relating to Political Rights, Part II, Foreign constitutions, 51-88. HODGKIN, Charles the Great, vii. HODG- KIN, England to 1066, App. I, 496-508. HOZIER, Invasions, 57. HYDE, 'Literary Hist, of Ire., xli, 573-582. JOYCE, Ancient Ire., II, 585-609. LANE, Kur-an, cxi-cxii. LANG, Scotland, close of each chapter. LAP- PENBERG, England (German ed.), II, 371-395 (Normandy). LETHARBY, London, App., 212-217 (maps of London). MAKOWER, Constitution of the Church, 504-536. MOELLER, Christian Church, II, 45, 56, 60-62. MOMBERT, Charles the Great, App. K, 526-541. MONROE, Bibliography of Education, 61-63, 116-117, 169-170. MORLEY, H., English Writers, I-II. MUNRO and SELLERY, Mediaeval Civilization, 377-378. PETRIE, Monumenta, 49-96. POLLOCK and MAITLAND, English Law, footnotes. POTTHAST, Bibliotheca Historica. Providence Pub. Lib., Mo. Lists, I, 43. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, I, 540-553. RAND, Bibliography of Economics. SCHMID, Gesetze, xv-lxxxi. SMEDT, Introductio. STAMM- HAMMER, Bibliographic der Socialpolitik. STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., footnotes. TAYLOR, H., Eng. Const., footnotes. TRAILL, Social Eng., close of each chapter. WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, xxxi-xxxv. WEST, Alcuin, 183-191, 197-198. WISHART, Monks, 13-16. Illustrative Material Prose. -CHARLES, ELIZABETH, Sketches of Christian Life in England in the Olden Time. New York, Dodd, 1900. COLLIER, W. F., Pictures of the Periods ; a sketch book of old English life. London, 1870. [B.P. L.] Langleyhaugh ; a tale of an Anglo-Saxon Family. London, 1865. [B.P.L.] LESLIE, EMMA, Gytha's Message ; a tale of Saxon England. London, 1885. [B.P. L.] MURRAY, D. C., One Traveller Returns. New York, Longmans, 1887. [B.] Illustrative Material Poetry. Romance of Guy of Warwick, ed. by Julius Zupitza. E.E.T. Society, 1875-1876. II. ENGLAND UNDER THE NORMANS AND ANGEVINS TO 1216 SECTION 15 William the Conqueror, 10661087 Summary. Aims of William ; threefold basis of his authority ; completion of the conquest ; castle building ; the " Wasting of the North," 1069; Hereward; invasion of Scotland; invasion of Wales; rule of Normandy. Preservation of old customs : councils ; local courts ; laws. New Customs : extension of feudalism ; the Salisbury Oath, 1086; forest law; the New Forest; curfew; wager of battle. Sources of revenue ; Domesday Book. William and the Church ; Lanfranc ; reforms ; relation of church and state ; relation of the state and the papacy. Provisions for William's children. Sources Individual Works. Anglo-Saxon Chron., Giles ed., 444-464; Plummer ed., I, 200-222; cf. notes in II, 258-273. Domes- day Book, facsimile ed. (example of original Latin). Heimskringla, see indexes of persons and places. HOVEDON, Annals, I, 138-169. HUNTINGDON, Chronicle, 212-221. MALMESBURY, Chronicle, 258-325. VITALIS, History, see chronological index, 274-277. WORCESTER, Chronicle, 171-185. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, Documents, 1-3. BIGELOW, Placita Anglo-Normannica, 1-61 (Latin). BUTLER, VI, 135- 147. Calendar, Doc. in France, 918-1206; see passim for 1066-1087. COLBY, 33-41. ELLIS, Letters, Third Ser., I, 3-17 (Latin). English Hist. Rep., I, 8-10 [Bibl.]. GEE and HARDY, 52-59. HENDERSON, E. F., Documents, 7-9. HOLINSHED, II, 1-26; V, 277-282 (Scot.). KENDALL, 41-48. LEE, G. C., 117-124. MATZKE, ed., Lois de Guil- laume le Conquerant (text in Latin and Old French). NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, I, App., 430-434. ROBINSON, I, xi, 229-231 [Bibl.]. SCHMID, 322-357 (French, German and Latin). STUBBS, 79-91 (Latin). THORPE, Laws, 201-214 (Latin). THORPE, Charters, 428-442. University of Pa., Ill, no. 5, pp. 3-4; IV, no. 3, pp. 5-6. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., History of Eng., 71-81. .ARMITAGE, English Nation, ix, 110-125 [Bibl.]. CHEYNEY, 204 THE NORMANS AND ANGEVINS TO 1216 205 England, vii, 107-113; map, 107. CREIGHTON, L., England, 1066- 1216, Book I, 16-40. CREIGHTON, M., Half-Hour Hist., iv, 34-43. EDWARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), iv, 45-60. FREEMAN, Short Hist, of the Norman Conquest, 86-134. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 98-114. GREEN, J. R., Readings, 41-53 (FREEMAN, CHURCH, PAL- GRAVE). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 71-89; illus. ed., I, 151-166. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 23-39. JEWETT, Normans (Nations), maps, i, 281. JOHNSON, A. H., Normans (Epochs), 181-191. LARNED, History for Schools, 59-77. LAVISSE, Europe, 71-75. LIN- GARD, History of Eng., abr., 51-62. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 59-68. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 169-178. OMAN, England, vi, 67-80. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book II, i, 91-102 ; dynastic table, 90. RANSOME, Government, iii, 18-29. ROBINSON, Western Eur., Part I, xiii, 164-172 (Gregory VII vs. Henry IV). SEWELL and YONGE, European Hist., I, 61-80, 90-203 (LINGARD and others). SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, ii, 16-41. STEPHENS, W. R. W., Hildebrand (Epochs of Church Hist.), passim. TERRY, B., History of Eng., 145-183; map, 145. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part II, ii, 57-69. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), vi, 87-92. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 72-77 (GREEN) ; map, end of vol. WRONG, British Nation, 50-51, 76-83. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. I, 50-74. Modern Accounts, Group II. ADAMS, G. B., England, A.D. 1066- 1216 (Political Hist, of Eng., II), i-iii, 1-71 ; map, end of vol. AUBREY, English Nation, I, 116-145. BARING, F. H., The Conqueror's Foot- prints in Domesday, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1898, XIII, 17-25. BAYLEY, Tower of London, 100-113. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 61-72. BRIGHT, J. F., History of Eng., I, 40-55 ; maps, end of Vols. I, II. BURTON, J. H., History of Scot., I, 378-423. CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, iv, 73-80. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, I, 39-46. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, i, 33-42. COBBE, Kings, 1-75 (cf. introd., Iv-xciii). CRAIK and MAC- FARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 358-392 ; list, contemporary princes, 357. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Aldred, William Fitzosbern, Lan- franc, Margaret, Matilda, William I. DOVE, Domesday Studies, I. Foss, Judges, see especially 272-274 (Flambard). FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 109-117. FREEMAN, Essays, Third Ser., 443-482 (Nor- mans at Palermo). FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, IV- V, 1-34 (Domes- day). FULLER, Church Hist., I, Book III, Sect, i, 260-277. GNEIST, Constitution, I, 115-137. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 107-111, 116-134. Harleian Miscellany (8-vol. ed.), II, 419-458. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, II, ii, 73-168. HOZIER, Invasions, I, vii, 120-151. HUME, D., England, I, iv, 192-236 (cf. Notes H, I, K, L, 593-594). 2O6 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY KNIGHT, England, I, xiv-xv, 185-216. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Con- stitutional Hist., 50-79. LAPPENBERG, England (German ed.), II, 61- 161. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 793-795; IV, 2842 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, I, 612-622. LINGARD, Eng- land, I, 424-468, 492-508. LONGMAN, W., Lectures, Lect. I, 46-49. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, I, 60-292. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, I, iv, 70-97. PALGRAVE, F., Normandy and Eng., I, 106-108; III, 356-590. PEARSON, England, I, xxii-xxiv, 348- 413. POLLOCK, F., Domesday, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1896, XI, 209-230. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, II, iii-x, 38-154. ROUND, Commune of London, Study II, 28-38 (Ingelric). SISMONDI, Histoire des Fran9ais, IV, vii, 310-365. SKENE, Celtic Scot., I, viii, 417-429. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book I, ii, 38-53. STEPHENS and HUNT, Church, i-iii, i- 63. STRICKLAND, Queens, I, 21-107 (Matilda of Flanders). TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 232-270. TRAILL, Social Eng., I, 231-244, 247- 252, 274-276. WRIGHT, Biographia, II, 1-18. Biographical: WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR: Freeman (Twelve Eng. Statesmen), ix-xi, 122200. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 22, and general note, Sect. 2). ADAMS, G. B., England, 1066-1216, app., 448-458. BIGELOW, M. M., Placita, xlvi-lv. COBBE, Kings, pref., v xxxiii. DOVE, Domesday Studies, II. FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, notes and app. HOZIER, Invasions, 120. LAPPENBERG, England (German ed.), I, introd., xxxi- Ixxviii. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, I, 622-624. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, I, 540-553. TAYLOR, H., English Const., footnotes. Illustrative Material Prose. BLAKE, M., The Siege of Norwich Castle ; a story of the last struggle against the Conqueror. New York, 1893. [Cin.] HOLT, E. S., Behind the Veil ; a tale of the days of William the Conqueror. [B. P. L.] KINGSLEY, CHARLES, Hereward the Wake, the Last of the English. London, Macmillan, 1900. MAC- FARLANE, CHARLES, The Camp of Refuge. New York, Longmans, 1898. [B. P. L.] NAPIER, C. J., William the Conqueror; a historical romance. Routledge, 1858. STEWART, E. M., Fitz-Alwyn, the Lord Mayor; a tale of the draper's company. London, 1853. [B. P. L.] Illustrative Material Poetry. DRAITON, MICHAELL, The Legend of Matilda, in his Works, II, 446-470. DRAITON, MICHAELL, The Legend of Robert, Duke of Normandie, in Works, ed. 1888, II, 412-445. HEMANS, FELICIA, The Burial of William the Conqueror, in her Works, 597-598. Valiant Courage and Policy of the Kentishmen, which overcame William the Conqueror. . ., in EVANS, II. WACE, ROBERT, Le Roman de Rou et des Dues de Normandie. Rouen, Pluquet, 1827. [B.P. L.] THE NORMANS AND ANGEVINS TO 1216 207 SECTION 16 William II, 1087-1100 Summary. Accession of William Rufus; his character. Contest with the barons : power and grievances of the barons ; rebellion ; pop- ular support of the King; Normandy obtained from Robert. Contest with the Church : the King's religious attitude; Lanfranc (origin, rise, political wisdom, influence, plans for the Church); Anselm (origin, contest with the King, exile). Misgovernment : Ranulf Flambard; feudal exactions ; oppressions ; suspicious death of the King. Sources Individual Works. Anglo-Saxon Chron., Giles ed., 464-477 ; Plummer ed., I, 222-236, cf. notes in II, 273-288. HOVEDON, Annals, I, 169-191. HUNTINGDON, Chronicle, 222-240. MALMESBURY, Chronicle, 325-355. VITALIS, History ; see chronological index, 277- 282. WORCESTER, Chronicle, 185-208. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 3-4. BIGELOW, 62-72 (Latin). Calendar, Doc. in France, 918-1206, see passim for 1087-1100. COLBY, 36-46. HOLINSHED, II, 26-47; V, 282-285 (Scot.). JACOBS, J., 6-12. LEE, G. C., 124. PALGRAVE, SIR F., Commonwealth, Part II, pp. Ixxxviii-cxl. STANTON, 229-231. STUBBS, 91-93 (Latin). THORPE, Charters, 442-455, 599-601. University of Pa., I, no. 4, pp. 2-5 ; cf. pp. 5-11. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 81-82. ARCHER and KINGSFORD, Crusades, 49-92; map, i. ARMITAGE, Eng- lish Nation, xi, 143-161 [Bibl.]. BISHOP, Pictures, 60-65 (KNIGHT). CHEYNEY, England, vii, 113-119. EDWARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), v, 63-67. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 114-122. GIBBON, Roman Empire, abr., II, 214-228 (First Crusade). GREEN, J. R., Readings, 53-62 (CHURCH, PALGRAVE). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 89-91 ; illus. ed., I, 166-168. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 30-31. JOHNSON, A. H., Normans (Epochs), 192-211. LIN- GARD, England, abr., 63-66. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 68-71. OMAN, England, vii, 81-86. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book II, ii, 103-110. RANSOME, Government, iv, 30-32. SEWELL and YONGE, European Hist., I, 203-329 (CHURCH and others). SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, iii, 42-57. TERRY, B., England, 184-188; map, 184. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part II, iii, 70-72 ; map, 70. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), viii, 115-117. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 77-82 (HUNT). WRONG," British Nation, 83-86. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. I, 75-83. 208 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Modern Accounts, Group II. ADAMS, G. B., England, A.D. 1066- 1216 (Political Hist, of Eng., II), iv-v, 72-111. ANDERSON, W., Scot- tish Nation, II, 116-117 (Edgar). AUBREY, English Nation, I, 145-150. BEMONT et MONOD, Histoire de 1'Eur., xxii, 350-365 (First Crusade). BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 56-62. CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, iv, 80-84. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, I, 46-50. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, i, 42-43. COBBE, Kings, 79-120. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 392- 404. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Anselm, Robert of Belleme, Ra- nulf Flambard, William II. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 117-121. FREE- MAN, Norman Conquest, V, 35-98. FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book III, Sect, i, 278-284. GIBBON, Roman Empire, VI, Iviii, 259- 321 (First Crusade). GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 135-140. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, II, iii, 169-276. HUME, D., England, I, v, 237- 257 (cf. notes, M, N, 594). KNIGHT, England, I, xvi, 217-232. LANG- MEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 80-83. LAPPENBERG, England (German ed.), II, 161-210. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 795-797 ; IV, 2842-2843 (Scot.). LINGARD, England, I, 512-546. LONGMAN, W., Lectures, Lect. I, 50-52. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, I, 292-293. PALGRAVE, F., Normandy and Eng., IV, 1-93, 220-688. PEARSON, England, I, xxv, 414-428. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, II, xi-xv, 155-227. SKENE, Celtic Scot., I, 429-441. STEPHENS and HUNT, Church, iv-v, 64-113. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 270-272. TRAILL, Social Eng., 1, 244-245, 253-254. WRIGHT, Biographia, II, 18-27. Biographical: ANSELM: Church, R. W. Rule, II, Books V-VI, 3-224. WILLIAM RUFUS : Freeman, 2 vols.; frequent maps. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 22, and general note, Sect. 2). See ADAMS, BIGELOW, COBBE, FREEMAN, LAPPENBERG, RAMSAY, and TAYLOR, as in Sect. 15; also: MASSON, Chroniclers, France, v, 63-82. Illustrative Material Prose. ADAMS, H. C., Red King's Burial, in his Tales upon Texts. London, 1870. [B.P. L.] DAVIS, W. S., " God Wills It ! " ; a tale of the first crusade. London, Macmillan, 1901. FIELD, MICHAEL (pseud.), William Rufus, in his Father's Tragedy. London, 1885? [B.P. L.] Rufus the Red King. Con- stable, 1838. [B.] SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Count Robert of Paris. New York, Appleton, 1887. Illustrative Material Poetry. Death of Rufus, in THORNBURY. LANDOR, W. S., Walter Tyrrel and William Rufus, in his Poems, 91-96. THE NORMANS AND ANGEVINS TO 1216 209 SECTION 17 Hemy /, 1100-1135 Summary. Character and training of Henry; his accession; the .charter of iioo and its testimony to the previous reign; Henry's mar- riage. Conflict with the Church : the King's attitude toward religion ; recall of Anselm ; the old custom of investiture ; its prohibition by Gregory VII ; Anselm's position ; Henry's position ; the compromise. Conflict with the barons : the effect of baronial possessions in Nor- mandy ; repression of the barons ; Robert of Belleme ; Tinchebrai, 1 1 06; possession of Normandy. The central government: councils; important offices; the curia regis ; justices on circuit; the exchequer. The succession : the White Ship ; the oath to Matilda ; unpopularity of the Angevin marriage. Sources Individual Works. Anglo-Saxon Chron., Giles ed., 477-502; Plummer ed., I, 236-263; cf. notes in II, 288-308. HOVE- DON, Annals, 1, 191-226. HUNTINGDON, Chronicle, 240-260. MALMES- BURY, Chronicle, 424-491. VITALIS, History, see chronological index, 282-290. WORCESTER, Chronicle, 208-249. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 4-7. BEMONT, Chartes, 1-7 (Latin, French comments; cf. introd., vii-xvi). BIGE- LOW, 73-142 (Latin). BUTLER, IV, 194-208. Calendar, Doc. in France, 918-1206; see passim for 1100-1135. COLBY, 46-52. ELLIS, Third Ser., I, 18-22 (Latin). English Hist. Rep., I, 10 [Bibl.]. GEE and HARDY, 59-66. GOULD, BARING-, IV, 261-297. HILL, Liberty Doc., 1-6; cf. 6-8. HOLINSHED, II, 47-78; V, 285-290. JACOBS, J., 13-15. KENDALL, 49-51. LEE, G. C., 124-129. MCKECHNIE, Magna Carta, app., 565-567. SCHMID, 432-490 (Latin). STANTON, 161-163, 174-176,187-188. STUBBS, 93-112 (Latin). THORPE, Laws, 215-266; cf. notes, 267-274. University of Pa., II, no. i, pp. 10-11, 21 ; IV, no. 3, PP- 29, 33- Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 83-87. CHEYNEY, England, vii, 119-125. EDWARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), v, 67-80. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 122-131. GREEN, J. R., Readings, 62-70 (GREEN). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 91-101 ; illus. ed., I, 168-185. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 31-33. JOHNSON, A. H., Normans (Epochs), 211-233; maps, 218, 232. LAW- LESS, Ireland (Nations), 76-89 (Anglo-Norman invasion). LINGARD, England, abr., 66-81. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 71-73. OMAN, England, vii, 86-92. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book II, iii, 111-122. 210 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY RANSOME, Government, iv, 32-41. SEWELL and YONGE, European Hist., I, 329-340 (HUME). SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, iii, 57-71. TERRY, B., England, 188-201. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part II, iii, 72-81. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), viii, 117-121. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 82-85 (PEARSON). WRONG, British Nation, 87-89. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. I, 83-124. Modern Accounts, Group II. ADAMS, G. B., England, A.D. 1066- 1216 (Political Hist, of Eng., II), vi-viii, 112-190. ANDERSON, Scot- tish Nation, I, 51-61 (Alexander I); II, 21-25 (David I). AUBREY, English Nation, I, 150-155. BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 63-76. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, Book II, i, 49-72 ; map, 50. CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, iv, 84-88. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, I, 50-57. CAMP- BELL, Justices, I, 1,44-46. COBBE, Kings, 123-222. CRAIK and MAC- FARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 404-420. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Eadmer, Florence (of Worcester), Henry I, Diarmaid MacMurchada, Robert II. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 121-125. FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, V, 98-161. FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book III, Sects. I-II, 284-299. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 140-151. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, II, iv-v, 277-320. HUME, D., England, I, vi, 258- 291. KNIGHT, England, I, xvii, 233-248. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 83-89. LAPPENBERG, England (German ed.), II, 210-293. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 797; III, 1757-1758 (Ire.); IV, 2842-2843 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, II, 596-608. LINGARD, England, II, 1-54. LONGMAN, W., Lectures, Lect. I, 52-53. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corpora- tions, I, 293-319. NORGATE, Angevin Kings, I, i, 1-96. PALGRAVE, F., Normandy and Eng., IV, 688-734. PEARSON, England, I, xxvi-xxvii, 429-463. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, II, xvi-xxi, 228-340. SKENE, Celtic Scot., I, 441-464. STEPHENS and HUNT, Church, vi, 114-131. STRICKLAND, Queens, I, 108-169 (Matilda of Scot.) ; 170-203 (Adelicia of Louvaine). TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 272-275. TRAILL, Social Eng., I, 245-247, 254-255, 276-279, 308-311. WRIGHT, Bio- graphia, II, 28-103. Biographical: ANSELM : Church, R. W., see Sect. 16. Rule, II, Books VII-XII, 227-407 ; app., 41 1-414. WILLIAM RUFUS: Freeman, II, 343-457 ; app., 680-691. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 22, and general note, Sect. 2). See ADAMS, BIGELOW, COBBE, FREEMAN, LAPPENBERG, RAMSAY, and TAYLOR, as in Sect. 15; also: BEMONT, Chartes, introd., vii-xvi. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, II, 659-661. LIEBERMANN, Ueber Ostenglische Geschichtsquellen ; consult index, 2. NORGATE, Angevin Kings, footnotes. THE NORMANS AND ANGEVINS TO 1216 211 Illustrative Material Prose. DELONEY, THOMAS, The History of Thomas of Reading: or, the sixe worthie yoemen of the west. London, Pickering, 1827. GORE, C. F. G., The Leper-house of Janval, in her Courtier of the Days of Charles II, I. New York, 1839. [B.P.L.] GOULD, Rev. S. B., Pabo, the Priest. New York, Stokes. THOMS, W. J., ed., Thomas of Reading: or, sixe worthie yoemen of the west (London, Allde, 1632), in Thorns' Early English Prose Romances, I. London, Nattali & Bond, 1858. Illustrative Material Poetry. GRINDROD, CHARLES, King Henry I, in his Plays. [B.P. L.] How King Henry I had his Children Drowned in the Sea, as they came out of France, in EVANS, II. ROSSETTI, D. G., The White Ship, in his Works, I, 137-147. SECTION 18 Stephen of B lots, Summary. Stephen the nephew: character; political strength; recognition in Normandy and England ; the charter of Oxford; Stephen's dependence upon the barons ; quarrel with Roger of Salisbury. The civil war : Angevin invasion of Normandy ; Matilda's invasion of Eng- land; temporary supremacy, 1140; "Period of Anarchy"; the Treaty of W T allingford. Results of Stephen's reign. Sources Individual Works. Anglo-Saxon Chron., Giles ed., 502-508; Plummer ed., I, 263-269, cf. notes in II, 308-314. HOVE- DON, Annals, I, 226-254. HUNTINGDON, Chronicle, 261-297, 325-430. MALMESBURY, Chronicle, 491-535. WORCESTER, Chronicle, 249-286. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 7-9. BEMONT, 8-12 (Latin, French comments). BIGELOW, 143-166 (Latin). BUTLER, VI, 122-125. Calendar, Doc. in France, 918-1206; see passim for 1135-1154. COLBY, 52-53. ELLIS, Third Ser., I, 22-23. GEE and HARDY, 66-68. GOULD, BARING-, VI, 82-86. HOLINSHED, II, 78-111. JACOBS, J., 18, 22-27, 256-259. KENDALL, 51-55. MCKECHNIE, Magna Carta, app., 567-568. STUBBS, 113-121 (Latin). Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 236-237. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 87-92. BISHOP, Pictures, 66-74 (THIERRY); map, 70. CHEYNEY, England, vii, 129-132, 139-140. CREIGHTON, L., England, Book III, 58-65. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 131-137. GREEN, J. R., Readings, 71-75 (THIERRY). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 101-104; illus. ed., I, 192-197; map, 196. HIGGIN- SON and CHANNING, English Hist., 33-34. HUTTON, W. H., King and 212 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Baronage (Oxford Manuals), i, 7-15. LARNED, History for Schools, 82-102. LINGARD, England, abr., 81-87. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 73-75. OMAN, England, vii, 92-96. RANNIE, Constitution, ii, 21-34. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book II, iv, 123-129. SEWELL and YONGE, European Hist., I, 341-358. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, iii, 71-75. STUBBS, Early Plantagenets, 11-34; map, 34. TERRY, B., England, 202-211. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part II, iv, 81- 84. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), viii, 121-125. WRONG, British Nation, 89-92. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. I, 125-134. Modern Accounts, Group II. ADAMS, G. B., England, A.D. 1066- 1216 (Political Hist, of Eng., II), ix-xi, 191-254. AUBREY, English Nation, I, 155-158. BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 77-88. CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, iv, 88-97. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, I, 57-60. COBBE, Kings, 224-360. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 420-438. DAVIS, H. W. C., Anarchy of Stephen's Reign, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1903, XVIII, 630-641. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of David I, William Marshall, Matilda or Maud or ^Ethelic, Owain (Gwynedd), Stephen. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 125-126. FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, V, 161-223. FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book III, Sect. II, 299-309. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 10-14. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 151- 160. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, II, vi, 321-353. HUME, D., England, I, vii, 292-309. KNIGHT, England, I, xviii, 249-269. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 89-92. LAPPENBERG, England (Ger- man ed.), II, 294-370. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 797-798; III, 1757-1758 (Ire.) ; IV, 2842-2843 (Scot.). LINGARD, England, II, 62-95. LONGMAN, W., Lectures, Lect. I, 53-56. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, I, 319-335. NORGATE, Angevin Kings, I, ii-viii, 97-406. PEARSON, England, I, xxviii, 464-483. RAMSAY, J. H., Foundations, II, xxii-xxviii, 341-458 ; plans, 398, 409. ROUND, Com- mune of London, Study V, 97-124. ROUND, Stephen and the Earl of Chester, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1895, X, 87-91. SKENE, Celtic Scot., I, 465-471. STRICKLAND, Queens, I, 204-241 (Matilda, queen of Stephen). SYBEL, History and Literature of the Crusades, Part II, i, 134-136. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 275-277. TRAILL, Social Eng., I, 255- 258, 267-269. WILLIAMS, R. F., Cardinals, I, Book I, i, 81-107. WRIGHT, Biographia, II, 103-181. Biographical: MANDEVILLE: Round. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 22, and general note, Sect. 2). See ADAMS, BIGELOW, COBBE, FREEMAN, LAPPENBERG, RAMSAY, and TAYLOR, as in Sect. 15; also: LIEBERMANN, Ueber Ostenglische Geschichtsquellen, consult index, 2. NORGATE, Angevin Kings, foot- notes. ROUND, Mandeville, footnotes. THE NORMANS AND ANGEVINS TO 1216 213 Illustrative Material Prose. CHETWODE, R. D., The Knight of the Golden Chain. New York, Appleton, 1898. [B.] CRAKE, A. D., Brian Fitz-Count ; a story of Wallingford castle and Dorchester abbey. New York, 1888. [B. P. L.] CRAWFORD, F. M., Via Crucis ; a romance of the second crusade. London, Macmillan, 1901. MACFARLANE, CHARLES, A Legend of Reading Abbey. New York, Longmans, 1898. [B.] PAYNTER, D. W., King Stephen ; or, the battle of Lincoln. London, 1822. [B.P.L.] Illustrative Material Poetry. Battle of Cuton Moor, in 1138, in EVANS, IV. Bishop Thurston and the King of Scots, in EVANS, IV. GIBBS, W. A., The Battle of the Standard; a legend of the days of King Stephen. London, 1885. [B. P. L.] KEATS, JOHN, King Stephen; a dramatic fragment, in his Works, 192-195. PENNY, JOHN, Stephen, King of England ; a drama. London, 1851. SECTION 19 Henry II, 1154-1189 Summary. Henry's accession, character, appearance and habits, training, dominions ; lack of unity in England ; restoration of order ; officials (Richard de Lucy, Thomas a Becket) ; the curia regis and itinerant justices; indictment and trial by jury; Assize of Clarendon, 1166; common law and common law courts; Assize of Arms, 1181; feudal taxation ; scutage and its effect upon feudalism. The Church : organization ; church courts ; canon law ; definition of " clergy " ; appeals to Rome ; Thomas a Becket as Archbishop ; the Constitutions of Clarendon, 1164 ; exile and murder of Thomas ; unpopularity of the King. New revolt of the baronage. Scotland and Wales. Partial conquest of Ireland. Gloomy close of the reign. Sources Individual Works. HOVEDON, Annals, I, 255-264; II, 1-117. VITRY, JACQUES DE, History of Jerusalem (Palestine Pil- grims, no. 31), 93-119; map (Syria, 1180), end of vol. WORCESTER, Chronicle, 287-305. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 9-28. BARNARD, Strongbow (Eng. Contemp.), 7-146. BEMONT, Chartes, 13-14 (Latin, French comments). BIGELOW, 167-278 (Latin). BISHOP, Pictures, 75-79 (HOLINSHED). BUTLER, XII, 343-368. Calendar, Doc. in France, 918-1206; see passim for 1154-1189. Calendar, Doc., Ire., 1171-1307,1,1-13. COBBETT, Trials, I, 1-12. COLBY, 53-66. ELLIS, Third Ser., I, 23-25 (Latin). English Hist. Rep., I, 10-13 [Bibl.]. 214 REFERENCES- FOR ENGLISH HISTORY EYTON, Itinerary of Henry II. GEE and HARDY, 68-73. GOULD, BARING-, XIV, 395-400; XV, 48-49, 325-403. HENDERSON, E. F., Documents, 10-134. HOLINSHED, II, 111-202; V, 290-302 (Scot.); VI, 121-179 (Ire.). HUTTON, W. H., St. Thomas (Eng. Contemp.). JACOBS, J., 27-94, passim; 264-276. JONES, 150-164 (Giraldus Cam- brensis). KENDALL, 56-71. LEE, G. C., 130-147. MCKECHNIE, Magna Carta, app., 568-569. PALGRAVE, SIR F., Commonwealth, pp. clxvi-clxxv. STANTON, 16-18, 610-613. STUBBS, 122-248 (Latin). University of Pa., II, no. i, pp. 5-9; IV, no. 3, pp. 16-17 ! no - 4> P- *6- Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 225-226, 237-239. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 93-108. ARMITAGE, English Nation, xii-xiii, 161-201 [Bibl.]. BISHOP, Pictures, 80-83 (THIERRY). CHEYNEY, England, viii, 145-156, 161-171; maps, 146, 169. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, 93-107 ; maps, 96, 105. CREIGHTON, L., England, Books III-IV, 65-90; map, oppo- site title-page. CREIGHTON, L., Government, iii, 18-22. EDWARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), vi, 81-104. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 138-158. GREEN, J. R., Readings, 75-93 (YONGE, STANLEY, STUBBS). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 104-121 ; map, 104; illus. ed., I, 197-213. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 35-39. HUTTON, W. H., King and Baronage (Oxford Manuals), ii, 15-39; map, 18. LARNED, History for Schools, 109-127; map, no. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 90-92. LINGARD, England, abr., 89-114; table, 88; map, 90. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 86-96; map, 88. OMAN, England, viii, 97-113. RANNIE, Constitution, iii, 34-43. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book III, i, 135-156; map and tables, 132-134. RANSOME, Gov- ernment, v, 42-54. SEWELL and YONGE, European Hist., II, 1-223. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, iv, 76-105. STUBBS, Early Plantagenets (Epochs), 34-109. TERRY, B., England, 208-229; ma P> 2 8> TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part II, iv, 84-95 ? map, 84. TOUT, Empire and the Papacy (Periods of European Hist.), 274-294. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), ix, 128-136. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 86-95 (MILMAN, STUBBS). WRONG, British Nation, 92-105. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. I, 135-180. Modern Accounts, Group II. ADAMS, G. B., England, A.D. 1066- 1216 (Political Hist, of Eng., II), xii-xvi, 255-357; map, end of vol. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, III, 94-95 (Malcolm IV). AUBREY, English Nation, I, 171-209.. BAGWELL, Ireland, I, iii, 37-57; map, 37. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 96-109. BEMONT et MONOD, Histoire de PEur., 407-420, 424-425. BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 89-114; maps, Ire., end of Vol. II. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, Book II, ii, 73-109. THE NORMANS AND ANGEVINS TO 1216 215 BURTON, J. H., Scotland, II, 42-91. CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, v, 98-103. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, I, 61-105. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, i, 46-58. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 438-482. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Eleanor (of Aquitaine), William Fitzstephen, Henry II, Hugh de Lacy, Thomas (a Beckett), William (the Lyon). DIGBY, Real Property, Part I, ii, 52-84. Foss, Judges, see especially 72-80 (Becket), 301-303 (Glanville), 515-517 (Geoffrey Plantagenet). FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 126-148. FREEMAN, General Sketch, 180-182, 185-186. FREEMAN, Historical Essays, Essay IV, 80-115. FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, V, 436-459. FROUDE, Short Studies, Fourth Ser., IV, 1-150. FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book III, Sects. II-III, 309- 322. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 161-182; maps, 160, 176. Har- leian Miscellany (8-vol. ed.), V, 474-477. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, II, vii-viii, 354-538. HUME, D., England, I, viii-ix, 310-395. JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part III, i-viii, 245-282. KNIGHT, England, I, xix- xxi, 270-312. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 93-101, 154-178. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 799-801 ; III, 1758-1759 (Ire.); IV, 2845 (Scot.). LAVISSE, Histoire de France, III, Part I, 28-36, 44-56, 66-75, 90-102. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, II, 366-368, 609-628. LINGARD, England, II, 99-207, 225240; app., 623 ; genealogical table, 98. LONGMAN, W., Lectures, Lect. I, 56-62. MAITLAND, F. W., Canon Law, 132-147 (Henry II and the Crimi- nous Clerks) ; also in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1892, VII, 224-234. MERE- WETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, I, 335-364. MILMAN, Christianity, IV, Book VIII, 287-424 (Alexander III, Victor IV, Thomas a Becket). NORGATE, Angevin Kings, I, ix-xi, 407-506 ; II, i-vi, 1-272. NORGATE, John Lackland, i, 1-23; maps of Ire., 12, 14, 17. PAULI, England (German ed.), Ill, 1-200. PAULI, Old Eng- land, i, 1-29 (Canterbury and . . . Becket). PEARSON, England, I, xxix-xxxi, 484-546. POLLOCK and MAITLAND, English Law, Book I, v, 115-152. RAMSAY, J. H., Angevin Empire, i-xiv, 1-261. RANKE, England, I, 39-47. ROUND, Commune of London, Studies VI-VIII, 125-200. SISMONDI, Histoire de Franfais, V, xvii-xix, 356-544. SKENE, Celtic Scot., I, 471-479. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book II, i, 69-80. STEPHENS and HUNT, Church, ix-x, 156-197. STRICK- LAND, Queens, I, 242-299 (Eleanora of Aquitaine). STUBBS, Constitu- tional Hist., I, xii, 482-533. STUBBS, Introductions, 89-172 (Chronicle of Henry II, and Richard I, known as Benedict of Peterborough. Also in Rolls Ser.); 173-309 (Roger de Hovedon. Also in Rolls Ser.). STUBBS, Seventeen Lectures, Lects. VI-VII, 115-155. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 278-333. TRAILL, Social Eng., I,.258-262, 269-274, 279-298, 2l6 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 311-312. WILLIAMS, R. F., Cardinals, I, Book I, ii-iv, 108-202. WORDSWORTH, Biography, I, ii-iii, 29-76. WRIGHT, Biographia, II, 182-323. Biographical: BECKET, THOMAS A: Abbott, St. Thomas, 2 vols. Froude, Becket. (Cf. Freeman, in Contemp. Rev., XXXI, 821- 842; XXXII, 116-139, 474-500; XXXIII, 213-241.) HENRY II: Green, Mrs. J. R. (Twelve Eng. Statesmen). Bibliography (see also under Sect. 22, and general note, Sect. 2). ADAMS, G. B., England, 1066-1216, app., 448-458. BIGELOW, Placita, xlvi-lv. FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, notes and app. HUTTON, W. H., St. Thomas (Eng. Contemp.), 271-280. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, II, 409-410, 659-661. LIEBERMANN, Ueber Osten- glische Geschichtsquellen, consult index, 2. NORGATE, Angevin Kings, footnotes. NORGATE, John Lackland, footnotes. PAULI, England, III, app., 857-897. POLLOCK and MAITLAND, English Law, footnotes. RAMSAY, J. H., Angevin Empire, 516-524. RANKE, England, notes, etc. STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., footnotes. STUBBS, Introductions, 89-309. TAYLOR, H., English Const., footnotes. Illustrative Material Prose. COLOMB, J. B., Franchise. Paris, iSSo. [B.P. L.] HALL, HUBERT, Court Life under the Plantagenets. New York, Macmillan. MABERLEY, Mrs., The Lady and the Priest. New York, Harper, 1851. [B.] MEYER, C. F., The Chancellor's Secret, tr. from the German. New Bedford, 1887. [B. P. L.] MILLER, THOMAS, Fair Rosamond: or, the days of King Henry II. 1839. [B.] SCOTT, SIR WALTER, The Betrothed. New York. Appleton, 1877. Illustrative Material Poetry. DANTE ALIGHIERI, Pembroke's Retribution, in Inferno, Canto XXVIII, last lines. DE VERB, AUBREY, Saint Thomas of Canterbury, in his Works. DODSLEY, ROBERT, The King and the Miller of Mansfield ; a play, in London Stage, IV. DRAITON, MICHAELL, The Epistle of Rosamond to King Henry the Second; Henry to Rosamond, in his Works, I, 169-176, 177-184. Gamier de Ponte Sainte-Maxence, Vie de Saint Thomas de Cantorbery, in CLEDAT, 16-20. King Henry the Second Crowning his Son Henry in his Life-time, in EVANS, II. Lamentation of Queen Elinor, wife to King Henry II, being kept twenty-six years in prison, in EVANS, II. Marechal, Guillaume, Morte de Henri II d'Angleterrei in CLEDAT, 253-256, Murder of Prince Arthur in Rouen Castle, in EVANS, IV. TENNYSON, ALFRED, Becket. THE NORMANS AND ANGEVINS TO 1216 217 SECTION 20 Richard I, 1189-1199 Summary. Character of Richard. The Third Crusade: cause; Richard's exploits ; his quarrels and failure ; capture and ransom. Influences of the crusades. Return of Richard ; campaigns on the continent ; the Chateau Gaillard ; death. Administration in England : effects of the King's absences ; working of Henry's machinery ; William Longchamp, Hubert Walter, Geoffrey Fitz Peter; sale of offices, charters, and privileges ; taxation ; constitutional significance of the reign. Sources Individual "Works. BEHA ED-D!N, Life of Saladin (Palestine Pilgrims, no. 32), xcviii, 242-243; cii-clxxxii, 248-409; map (Palestine, 1187), end of vol. DEVIZES, Richard I, 1-78. FABYAN, Chronicles, 293-310. GREY FRIARS, Chronicle, i. HOVEDON, Annals, II, 117-455. Koran. VITRY, Jerusalem (Palestine Pilgrims, no. 31), 93-1 19, map (Syria, 1 180), end of vol. WORCESTER, Chronicle, 305-310. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 29-33. ARCHER, T. A., Crusade of Richard I (Eng. Contemp.). BIGELOW, 279-286 (Latin). Calendar, Doc. in France, 9 18-1206; see passim for 1 189-1199. Calendar, Papal Registers, Letters, 1198-1404, I, 1-9. Chronicles of the Crusades, 1-64 (RICHARD OF DEVIZES), 65-339 (GEOFFREY DE VINSAUF'S Chron. of Richard I's Crusade). COLBY, 66-70. HALLI- WELL, Kings, I, 1-9 ; cf. introd., v-xxxv. HENDERSON, E. F., Docu-' ments, 135. HOLINSHED, II, 202-272; V, 302-304 (Scot.); VI, 181- 211 (Ire.). JACOBS, J., 99-190, passim; 276-281, passim; 385-392. LEE, G. C., 147-151. Nicolas, Navy, I, app., 424-427 (Latin). STAN- TON, 25-27, 52-53. STUBBS, 249-267. University of Pa., I, no. 4, pp. 20-21 ; II, no. i, p. 9. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 108- 112. ARCHER and KINGSFORD, Crusades, 305-348. BATESON, Medi- aeval Eng. (Nations), Part II, vii-xii, 140-280, passim. CHEYNEY, England, viii, 171-172. Cox, J. W., Crusades (Epochs), 110-135. CREIGHTON, L., England, 1066-1216, Book IV, 90-98. EMERTON, Mediaeval Eur., 377-380. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist, 159-171. GIBBON, Roman Empire, abr., II, 231-236. GREEN, J. R., Readings, 94-99 (YONGE). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 112-115; ^ us - ec *-> I, 213-220. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 39-40. HUT- TON, King and Baronage (Oxford Manuals), iii, 39-48. LINGARD, 'England, abr., 114-120. MOMBERT, Crusades, vii, 130-170; cf. rest of vol.; maps, 48, 294 [Bibl.]. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 97-102. 218 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY OMAN, England, ix, 114-122. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book III, ii, 157-166. ROBINSON, Western Eur., Part I, xv, 187-200. SEWELL and YONGE, European Hist., II, 224-274. SMITH, G., United King- dom, I, v, 106-117. STUBBS, Early Plantagenets (Epochs), 110-136. TERRY, B., England, 230-244. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part II, v, 95-102. TOUT, Empire and Papacy (Periods of Eur. Hist.), 295- 312. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), ix, 136-139. WRONG, British Nation, 107-109. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. I, 181-198. Modern Accounts, Group II. ADAMS, G. B., England, A.D. 1066- 1216 (Political Hist, of Eng., II), xvii-xviii, 358-386. AUBREY, English Nation, I, 209-214. BEMONT et MONOD, Histoire de 1'Eur., xxii, 365-368, 376-377. BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 1 15-125 ; map, Crusades, end of vol. CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, v, 103-109. CAMPBELL, Chan- cellors, I, 106-1 18. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, i, 58-64. CRAIK and MAC- FARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 482-514. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Giraldus (Cambrensis), William of Longchamp, Richard I. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 149-153. FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, v, 459- 466. FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book III, Sect. Ill, 323-332. GIB- BON, Roman Empire, VI, 339-354. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 183-189. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, II, ix-x, 539-583. HUME, D., England, I, x, 396-427 (cf. note S, 596). KNIGHT, England, I, xxii, 313- 331. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 101-106. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 801. LAVISSE, Histoire de France, III, Part I, 102-121. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, II, 321-330, 628- 632. LINGARD, England, II, 241-293. LONGMAN, W., Lectures, Lect. I, 62-68. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, I, 364-376. MILMAN, Christianity, IV, Book VIII, 427-458. MUIR, Mahomet and Islam, whole vol.; map, i. MUNRO and SELLERY, Mediaeval Civilization, 248-256, 269-276, passim (Crusades). NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, I, v, 98-126. NORGATE, Angevin Kings, II, vii-viii, 273- 387. NORGATE, John Lackland, ii, 24-63; map, 27. PAULI, England (German ed.), Ill, 200-292. PEARSON, England, I, xxxii, 547-569. RAMSAY, J. H., Angevin Empire, xv-xxii, 262-376. ROUND, Commune of London, Studies IX-XI, 201-260. SISMONDI, Histoire de Fra^ais, VI, xxi-xxii, 65-247. SKENE, Celtic Scot., I, 479-481. STRICKLAND, Queens, I, 300-334 (Berengaria of Navarre). STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., I, xii, 533-551. STUBBS, Introductions, 89-172 (Chronicle of Henry II, and Richard I, known as Benedict of Peterborough. Also in Rolls Ser.), 310-438 (Memorials of Reign of Richard I. Also in Rolls Ser.). SYBEL, History and Literature of the Crusades, Part I, iv, 95 127. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 358-363. TRAILL, Social Eng., I, THE NORMANS AND ANGEVINS TO 1216 219 262-264, 312-314. WILLIAMS, H., Naval Power, ii, 9-18. WRIGHT, Biographia, II, 324-425. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 22, and general note, Sect. 2). ADAMS, G. B., England, 1066-1216, app., 448-458. BIGELOW, Placita, xlvi-lv. FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, notes and app. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, II, 348-351, 659-661. LIEBERMANN, Ueber Ostenglische Geschichtsquellen, consult index, 2. NORGATE, Angevin Kings, footnotes. NORGATE, John Lackland, footnotes. PAULI, England, III, app., 857-897. RAMSAY, J. H., Angevin Empire, 516-524. STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., footnotes. STUBBS, Introduc- tions, 89-172, 310-438. SYBEL, History and Literature of the Crusades, Part I, iv, 95-127. TAYLOR, H., English Const., footnotes. Illustrative Material Prose. FRITH, HENRY, Under Bayard's Banner. London, 1886. [B. P. L.] George a Greene, Pindar of the Town of Wakefield (London, Ballard, 1706), in THOMS' Early English Prose Romances, II, 153-215. London, Nattali & Bond, 1858. HENTY, G. A., The Boy Knight who Won his Spurs Fighting with King Richard of England. Boston, 1833. [B. P. L.] HEWLETT, MAU- RICE, The Life and Death of Richard Yea-and-Nay. London, Mac- millan, 1900. JAMES, G. P. R., Forest Days. Routledge, 1843. [B.] JONSON, BEN, The Sad Shepherd : or, a tale of Robin Hood, in his Works, VI. London, 1816. MEAKIN, N. M., The Assassins. 1902. [B.] MUDDOCK, J. E., Maid Marion and Robin Hood; a romance of old Sherwood Forest. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1900. PAIN, BARRY, The Romantic History of Robin Hood. Harper, 1898. [B.] PEA- COCK, T., Maid Marion. Macmillan, 1895. [B.] SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Ivanhoe. Boston, Dana. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Talisman. London, Macmillan, 1900. Illustrative Material Poetry. BURGES, SIR J. B., Richard the First; a poem. London, 1800. [B. P. L.] BURGOYNE, JOHN, Richard Cceur de Lion ; an historical romance, in London Stage, III. GREENE, ROBERT, The Pleasant Conceyted Comedie of George-a-Greene, the Tinner of Wakefield, in GREENE & PEELE. HEMANS, F. D., The Troubadours and Richard Coeur de Lion ; Cceur de Lion at the Bier of his Father; Crusader's Return ; Crusader's War-song, in her Works. MUNDAY, ANTHONY, The Downfall of Robert, Earle of Huntington, afterward called Robin Hood of Merrie Sherwodde, in DODSLEY, Collection. Richard I; a princely song of King Richard Cordelion, and of his bold courage and lamentable death, in EVANS, II. Rich- ard I ; lament of Richard during his imprisonment, in BATES, 67-69. Richard I ; song by Richard the First, Coeur de Lion, written during 220 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY his imprisonment in the Tenebreuse, or Black Tower, in EVANS, IV. Robin Hood, Ballads of, in EVANS, II ; Percy, Folio MSS., I. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, The Crusader's Return (from Ivanhoe). TENNYSON, ALFRED, The Foresters, Robin Hood and Maid Marion ; a drama. London, Macmillan, 1892. SECTION 21 John, 1199-1216 Summary. Succession of John rather than of Arthur; character of John ; previous career. Loss of' continental provinces : policy of Philip Augustus ; forfeiture of John's fiefs ; capture and disappearance of Arthur; loss of the Angevin possessions; battle of Bouvines, 1214; effects upon England. Quarrel with the Pope : John's loss of good councillors ; the disputed election of archbishop ; the papal decision, Stephen Langton ; deadlock between Pope and King; the interdict; further papal measures ; John's unpopularity ; his surrender to the Pope. Revolt against the King : causes of complaint ; the Council of St. Albans, 1213; preparation of the barons' demands; Army of God and Holy Church ; granting of the Great Charter ; its claims to impor- tance ; important provisions ; John's attempt at revocation ; civil war and invitation to Louis ; death of John. Summary of the period, 1154-1216. Sources Individual Works. FABYAN, Chronicles, 310-323. GREY FRIARS, Chronicle, 2-3. Magna Carta, Reprint of, by Stubbs (Latin). Magna Carta, Facsimiles (Latin). Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 34-52. BEMONT, Chartes, 15-44 (Latin, French comments; cf. app., 113-114; introd., xvi-xxvi, xlviii-lxi, Ixx-lxxvi). BLACKSTONE, Great Charter, 1-26. Calendar, Doc. in France, 918-1206; see passim for 1199-1206. Cal- endar, Doc., Ire., 1171-1307, I, 13-110. Calendar, Papal Registers, Letters, 1198-1404, I, 9-46. Calendar, State Papers, in Venice, I, i. COLBY, 70-78. ELLIS, Third Ser., I, 25-26 (Latin). English Hist. Rep., I, 13-16 [Bibl.]. GEE and HARDY, 73-81. HALLIWELL, I, 10. HENDERSON, E. F., Documents, 135-148, 337-344, 430-432. HILL, 9-26 (cf. 27-33). HOLINSHED, II, 272-340; V, 304-306 (Scot.); VI, 211-232 (Ire.). JACOBS, J., 199-241, 283-293. KENDALL, 72-78. LEE, G. C., 155-180. MCKECHNIE, Magna Carta, app., 569-580. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, I, app., 456-462 (cf. 435-456). ROBINSON, Readings, I, x-xi, 209-212, 231-238 [Bibl.]. STUBBS, 268-314 (Latin). THOMSON, Magna Charta, 49-104; cf. notes, 159-328, passim. WRIGHT, THE NORMANS AND ANGEVINS TO 1216 221 Political Songs (Camden Soc.), 1-14. The text of the Magna Carta is also to be found in the following works: AMOS, Government, 189-201. HOSMER, Anglo-Saxon Freedom, App. A, 371-383. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 801-807. MACY, Constitution, 487-497. Old South Leaflets, I, no. 5, pp. 1-13. RAMSAY, J. H., Angevin Empire, 479-485 (Latin). SMITH, G. B., Parliament, II, 551-557. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 226-227, 239-240. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 112-121; map, 116. BISHOP, Pictures, 98-103 (KNIGHT). CHEYNEY, England, viii, 174- 184. CREASY, English Const., 118-147. CREIGHTON, L., England, 1066-1216, Book V, 98-113. CREIGHTON, L., Government, iv, 23-30. CREIGHTON, M., Half-Hour Hist., vi, 55-72. EDWARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), viii, 127-134. EMERTON, Mediaeval Eur., 329-332. GARDI- NER, S. R., Student's Hist., 173-185. GREEN, J. R., Readings, 99-105 (GREEN). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 115-131; illus. ed., I, 231-246. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 41-45. HOSMER, Anglo- Saxon Freedom, iv, 38-61. HUTTON, King and Baronage (Oxford Manuals), iv, 48-59. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 98-100. LINGARD, England, abr., 120-132. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 102-108. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 278-281. OMAN, England, ix, 122- 133. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book III, iii, 167-181. RANSOME, Government, vi, 55-63. ROBINSON, Western Eur. ; see Sect. 22. SEWELL and YONGE, European Hist., II, 275-400. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, vi, 118-144. STUBBS, Early Plantagenets (Epochs), 136- 161. TERRY, B., England, 245-265. TERKY, B., History for Schools, Part II, v-vi, 102-113. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xi, 156-162; map, 157. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 96-103 (PEARSON). WRONG, British Nation, 109-115. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. I, 198-225. Modern Accounts, Group II. ADAMS, G. B., Critical Period of Eng. Const. Hist., in Amer. Hist. Rev., July, 1900, V, 643-658. ADAMS, G. B., England, A.D. 1066-1216 (Political Hist, of Eng., II), xix-xxi, 390-447. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, I, 61-79 (Alexander II). AUBREY, English Nation, I, 214-234. BALLARD, Boroughs, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1899, XIV, 93-104. BAYLEY, Tower of London, i-u. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 110-123 [Bibl.]. BLACKSTONE, Great Charter, pp. i-lxxvi. BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 126-140. CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, v, 109-116. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, I, 119-126. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 515-546. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Arthur (of Brittany), Randulph de Blundevill, Hubert de Burgh, Robert Fitzwalter, John, Hugh de Lacy, Stephen Langton, Llywelyri, Pandulf. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 153-157. FREEMAN, 222 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Norman Conquest, V, 466-481 . FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book III, Sect. IV, 332-444. GNEIST, Constitution, I, 294-311. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 15-17. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 189-249. HALL, H., An Unknown Charter of Liberties, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1894, IX, 326-335. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, II, xi-xii, 584-761. HOZIER, Invasions, I, ix, 168-178, passim. HUME, D., England, I, xi, 428-478. JENKS, E., Magna Carta, in Independent Rev., Nov., 1904, IV, 260-273. JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part III, viii-ix, 282-288. KNIGHT, Eng- land, I, xxiii, 332-351. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 107-148, 236-242 (Origin of Parliament). LARNED, Ready Reference, 11,801-807; III, 1759-1760 (Ire.); IV, 2843 (Scot.). LAVISSE, His- toire de France, III, Part I, 122-143, 158-165, 251-259. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, II, 632-641. LINGARD, England, II, 295-376; app., 623-626. LONGMAN, W., Lectures, Lect. I, 68-73. MCKECHNIE, Magna Carta. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, I, 377-425. MILMAN, Christianity, V, Book IX, 14- 59. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, vi-vii, 127-174. NORGATE, Angevin Kings, II, ix, 388-430. PAULI, England (German ed.), Ill, 293-487. PAULI, Montfort, introd., i-n. PEARSON, England, II, i-iv, 1-119. PROTHERO, An Unknown Charter of Liberties, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1894, IX, 117-121. RAMSAY, J. H., Angevin Empire, xxiii-xxxi, 377- 515. RANKE, England, I, 47-57. ROUND, Commune of London, Studies XII-XIII, 261-288. SKENE, Celtic Scot., I, 482-484. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book II, ii, 81-109. STRICKLAND, Queens, I, 335-363 (Isabella). STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., I, 551-583 ; II, 1-18. STUBBS, Introductions, 439487 (Walter of Coventry. Also in Rolls Ser.). TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 363-394. THOMSON, Magna Charta, 1-48; cf. 461-554. TRAILL, Social Eng., I, 264-267, 317-319. WILLIAMS, R. F., Cardinals, I, Book II, i, 205-251. WORDSWORTH, Biography, I, iv, 77-131. WRIGHT, Biographia, II, 426471. Bio- graphical: JOHN : Norgate, John Lackland, iii, 64-286; map (Ire.), 151 ; Notes I, II, 287-293. LANGDON : Maurice. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 22, and general note, Sect. 2). See ADAMS, FREEMAN, LIEBERMANN, NORGATE, PAULI, RAMSAY, STUBBS, and TAYLOR, as in Sect. 20 ; also : BEMONT, Chartes, introd., xvi-xxvi. GNEIST, English Const., footnotes. HOZIER, Invasions, 168. LA vissEet RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, II, 659-661. McKECH- NIE, Magna Carta, 590-596. NORGATE, John Lackland, iii-vii, 64-293, footnotes. RANKE, England, notes, etc. STUBBS, Introductions, 439- 487 (Walter of Coventry. Also in Rolls Ser.). THOMSON, Magna Charta, 394-460. THE NORMANS AND ANGEVINS TO 1216 223 Illustrative Material Prose. BROOKS, E. S., Storied Holidays. [Contains April Fool's day; also, Diccon the Footboy, and the wise fools of Gotham.] Boston, Lathrop. EDGAR, J. G., Runnymede and Lincoln Fair. 1866. [B.] MILLER, THOMAS, Royston Gower. Col- burn, 1838. [B.] SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Ivanhoe. Boston, Dana. YONGE, C. M., The Constable's Tower: or, the times of the Magna Charta. New York, Whittaker, 1891. Illustrative Material Poetry. BALE, JOHN, Kynge Johan, a play, in MANLY, I. GIBBER, COLLEY, Papal Tyranny in the Reign of King John ; a tragedy, in his Works. DRAITON, MICHAELL, King John to Matilda; Matilda to King John, in his Works, 185-192, 192- 199. King John and the Bishop, in CHILD, I. SHAKESPERE, WIL- LIAM, History of the Life and Death of King John. WATKINS, JOHN, Runnymede : or, the Magna Charta ; a tragedy. London, 1846. [B. P. L.] SECTION 22 State of Society, 1066-1216 Summary. Norman feudalism : feudal land tenure ; tenants in chief, sub-tenants; fealty and homage; feudal services; feudal rights (aids, relief, wardship, marriage, forfeiture and escheat); feudal powers of government ; comparison with so-called Saxon feudalism. The Norman development of the state. The Norman Church: church organization ; canon law ; Benedictines and Cistercians ; monastic rules ; power and influence of the clergy. Literature of the Norman period ; literary revival under Henry II ; growth of learning, Oxford. Architecture and building: ecclesiastical; military; Westminster Hall. Growth of trade and towns ; rural and town life ; London. Sources Individual Works. Customs of London, pp. xiii-lii, 1-300, passim. HUNTINGDON, Chronicle, 301-319. MALMESBURY, Chronicle, 355-423. Sources Collections. BARNARD, Strongbow (Eng. Contemp.), 146-192. BAUMGARTEN, Papal Letters Relating to Eng., in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1894, IX, 531-541. BREWER, I, 19-24, 110-113, 168-171; 11,431-435. BUTLER, I, 115-118, 189-191; XI, 46-61, 235-244, 293- 300. Calendar, Carew MSS., 1515-1624, VI, passim. Catalog, Ancient Deeds, 4 vols., passim. Commission on Hist. MSS., Reports (for con- tents, see GROSS, Sources, App. D, 534-539). HADDAN and STUBBS, I, 302-388; app., 634-667; II, 10-50, 142-172; app., 173-285. JACOBS, J., 15-421, passim. JONES, II, no. 5, pp. 74-88; no. 7, pp. 224 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 106-120; no. 8, pp. 122-134; no. 10, pp. 150-164. PALGRAVE, SIR F., Commonwealth, Part II, i-xxvii, clxiii-clxv, clxxvi-cxciv, ccccxliv- ccccliii. ROBINSON, Readings, I, ix, 171-191; xv, 312-342; xix, 431- 432, 439-443 [Bibl.]. STOW, London, Morley ed., 22-29; Thorns ed., 207-216 (Fitzstephen's description of London). University of Pa., I, no. 2, p. 4 ; II, no. i, p. 33 ; no. 3 ; III, no. 2, pp. 6-7 ; no. 5, pp. 31- 32; IV, no. 3, pp. 24-29, 32-33; no. 4, pp. 7-21, passim. WRIGHT, Political Songs (Camden Soc.), 14-19. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., Civilization, ix, 194- 226; xi, 258-278; xiv, 339-356. ARCHER and KINGSFORD, Crusades, 49-92,305-348. ARMITAGE, English Nation, x, 126-143 ; xiv-xv, 201- 244 [Bibl.]. BATESON, Mediaeval Eng. (Nations), Part I, i-vi, 1-139. BECKETT, W. H., English Reformation (Epochs of Church Hist.), i-iii, 3-20; v, 31-40; map at beginning. BISHOP, Pictures, 84-98 (ScoTT). BRODRICK, Oxford (Epochs of Church Hist.), i, 1-14. CHEYNEY, England, vii, 102-106, 125-129, 132-143; viii, 148-161, 173-174. CHEY- NEY, Industrial Hist.,i-v, 15-134, passim [Bibl.]. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, 109-114. CREASY, English Const., 52-84. CREIGHTON, L., England, 1066-1216, Book II, 41-58. CREIGHTON, L., Government, ii, 9-17. CREIGHTON, M., Half-Hour Hist., v, 44-54. DURUY, Middle Ages, 222-233, 2 73~ 2 &9> 35~357- EDWARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), vii, 105-126. EMERTON, Mediaeval Eur., 240-269, 446-462, 478-592. FEILDEN, Constitutional Hist., 173-174, 187-191, 208-214, 322-324; app., 128-130. FINNEMORE, Social Eng., 36-71. FREEMAN, Short Hist, of the Norman Conquest, 134-156. GAIRDNER, Chroniclers, England, ii-iv, 49-198. GIBBINS, Industrial Hist. (Uni- versity Extension), Period II, i-iii, 1039 [Bibl.]. GIBBINS, Industry, v-vii, 65-108; maps, 66, 84. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part I, 105-109 (BREWER). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 83-87, 90-98, 103-104, 117- 121 ; illus. ed., I, 154-163, 168-185, 195-197, 221-229. HARDING, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist. (Essentials), 77-95, 171-209. HOSMER, Anglo-Saxon Freedom, iv, 38-61. JALKSON, European Progress, 45- 66, passim; maps. JOHNSON, A. H., Normans (Epochs), 234-251; tables, 253-259. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 93-97, 101-106. MACK- INTOSH, JOHN, Scotland (Nations), 26-43. MACY, Constitution, Part II, x-xiii, 117-168. MEDLEY, Manual, passim. MOMBERT, Crusades, passim [Bibl.]. MONTAGUE, English Const. Hist., 22-57. MONT- GOMERY, Leading Facts, 75-85. MORRIS, W. O., Ireland (Cambridge Hist.), ii, 24-58. MULLINGER, Cambridge (Epochs of Church Hist.), i, 1-20. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 222-227, 260-268. OMAN, England, 72-75. RHYS and JONES, Welsh People, vii, 261-318. THE NORMANS AND ANGEVINS TO 1216 225 RIDEING, London, i, 11-27. ROBINSON, Western Eur., Part I, xvi, 201-215; xviii-xix, 233-273. SEW ELL and YONGE, European Hist., I, 80-97 (PEARSON). STEPHENS, W. R. W., Hildebrand (Epochs of Church Hist.), passim. STUBBS, Early Plantagenets (Epochs), i-io; map, title-page. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), vii, 95-1 13 ; x, 141-154; maps, 94, 142, 150. WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, 31-43 [Bibl.]. WARNER, Industrial Hist., ii-iv, 26-74. WEBSTER, W. C., Commerce, Part II, vii, 49-54; xii, 86-93 [Bibl.]. Modern Accounts, Group II. A. GENERAL, i. England, Wales, and Scotland. ADAMS, G. B., England, A.D. 1066-1216 (Political Hist, of Eng., II), i, 14-23; ii, 38-50; xv, 316-326; xviii, 386-389. Archae- ologia, see index to Vols. I-L. Archaeological Journal, see indexes. AUBREY, English Nation, I, 158-171. BARNARD, Middle Ages, 7-10, 26-32, 60-67, 9 I ~i4> 121-127, 162-164, 195-210, 223-231, 303-307, 334-336. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 73-95. BEMONT et MONOD, Histoire de 1' Eur., xviii, 290-303 ; xxvii, 456-470, 476 (table) ; xxxi, 525-557. BIRCH, W. DE G., Domesday Book. COBBE, Norman Kings, 361-373. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 547-669. CUTTS, Middle Ages, 1-310. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Gilbert Crispin, Geoffrey (of Monmouth), Gilbert (of Sempringham), Guy (of Warwick), Henry (of Blois), Roger (of Hoveden), John (of Salisbury), Walter Map or Mapes, Peter (of Blois). ESSENWEIN, Kulturhistorischer Bilder- atlas, II, Mittelalter, passim. FREEMAN, General Sketch, 159-175. FREEMAN, William Rufus, I, 3-9; II, 459-691. GASQUET, Essays, Essays I-II, 1-62. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 156-157, 170-175, 195-229. GUIZOT, Civilization, Second Course, Lect. VII, 33-45; Lects. IX-X, 62-91, passim. GUIZOT, Civilisation en France, III, 310-335, Le9on 13. HOZIER, Invasions, I, viii, 152-167. HUME, D., England, I, App. II, 479-514. LANG, Scotland, I, v, 88-119. LANG- LOIS, England and France, in Eng. Hist. Rev., V, 259-263. LIEBERMANN, Population, 1164, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1896, XI, 744-747. LINGARD, England, I, 468-492, 508-511 ; App. I, 547-549; II, 54-61,95-97, 208- 225. LITTLE, Mediaeval Wales, passim. MAITLAND, F. W., Domes- day, Essays I, III, 1-219, 357~5 2a MAITLAND, S. R., Dark Ages. MUNRO and SELLERY, Mediaeval Civilization, 18-33, 129-136, 153-201, 240-256, 269-276, passim. NORGATE, Angevin Kings, II, x, 431-492. PALGRAVE, F., Normandy and Eng., I, 720-721; III, 591-647; IV, 126-219. PEARSON, England, I, xxxiii-xxxvi, 570-650. RAIT, Rela- tions of Eng. and Scot., ii, 1 1-28. ROBERTSON, E. W., Early Scot., I, vi-xiii, 125-444; II, app., 185-523, passim. SKENE, Celtic Scot., Ill, Book III, ii, 42-89; viii, 284-307. SMYTH, Lectures, I, Lects. V- 226 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY VI, 115-174, passim. STUBBS, Introductions, 35-88 (Ralph de Diceto. Also in Rolls Ser.). TRAILL, Social Eng., I, 319-388. WORDSWORTH, Biography, I, v, 132-146. WRIGHT, Biographia, II, pp. ix-xxiii. 2. English Municipal History. BESANT, London, 42-56. BOASE, Oxford (Historic Towns), i, 12-24; "> 28-34; map, frontispiece. BURROWS, Cinque-Ports (Historic Towns), iv, 62-84; map. CREIGH- TON, M., Carlisle (Historic Towns), ii, 23-38. CUTTS, Colchester (Historic Towns), viii-xi, 76-103; plan, 67. FREEMAN, Exeter (His- toric Towns), iii, 42-72. FREEMAN, Towns and Districts, passim. GREEN, J. R., Oxford Studies, 1-25. HARRIS, Coventry (Social Eng.), iii-iv, 31-52. HUNT, W., Bristol (Historic Towns), i-ii, 1-41 ; plan, i. KITCHIN, G. W., Winchester (Historic Towns), vi-x, 47-111 ; map, 72. LOFTIE, London I, iv, 76-120; map, 120. LOFTIE, London (His- toric Towns), ii-iii, 28-57. PICTON, Liverpool, I, 7-8. RAINE, York (Historic Towns), iv, 50-61 ; map, end of vol. 3. Ireland. FROUDE, Ireland, I, Book I, i, Sects. I-IV, 2-28. KILLEN, Ireland, I, Book I, vii to Book II, ii, 162-252. B. SPECIAL, i. Manners and Customs. FAIRHOLT, Costume, I, 67-88. HALL, H., Court Life. HODGETTS, Middle Ages, passim. PLANCHE, Costume, II, iii, 48-65 ; x, 383-433, passim. STRUTT, Sports, passim. WRIGHT, Manners, 80-119. WRIGHT, Womankind, vi-viii,- 87-131, passim. 2. Art and Science, Education. ARMITAGE, E., Norman Castles, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1904, XIX, 209-245, 417-455. COMPAYRE, Abelard, Part I, i, 3-23. FOWKE, Bayeux Tapestry, 1-13, 135-173. HASKINS, Mediaeval Students, in Am. Hist. Rev., 203-229. HOLLAND, T. E., Origin of Oxford, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1891, VI, 238- 249. HYDE, Literary Hist, of Ire., xxxiv xxxv, 452-478, passim. JESSOPP, Essays, vi, 263-301, passim. LYTE, Oxford, i, 1-15. OMAN, Art of War, 229-350. RASHDALL, Universities, I, 1-22, 271-299; II, 322-360. ZIMMER, Irish Element in Med. Culture, passim. 3. Agri- culttire, Industry, Commerce. ALLEN, W. F., Essays, 300-330. ASH- LEY, Economic Hist., I. CUNNINGHAM, Industry, I, 3d ed., 635-649; 4th ed., 641-655. DEL MAR, Monetary Systems, iii, 94-112; ix-xi, 198-253, passim. GARNIER, British Peasantry, passim. GARNIER, Landed Interest, I, x-xii, 133-181. GROSS, Gild Merchant, I, passim. MACPHERSON, D., Commerce, I, 302-381. MAURER, Markenverfassung, passim. MAURICE, Leaders, II, i, 1-50. POLLOCK, Lectures, v, 112-146. PROTHERO, Farming, i, 1-16. SEEBOHM, English Village Community, 82-104; plates, 86. SEEBOHM, Villainage in Eng. (VINOGRADOFF), in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1892, VII, 444-465. TURNER, RIBTON-, Vagrants, ii, 18-31; xv, passim (Scot.) ; xvi, passim (Ire.) ; xviii, passim (Wales) ; xx. THE NORMANS AND ANGEVINS TO 1216 227 4. Religion. BOHMER, Kirche u. Staat. BUTLER, Fathers, VIII, 70- 71. CHURTON, Early Church, xvi-xix, 297-379. CLARK, Anglican Reformation, ii-iii, 12-27. CLARKE, H. W., Tithes, xi-xv, xvii, 125- 176, 186-200, passim. COOKE, Miss, Cistercians, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1893, VIII, 625-676. ECKENSTEIN, Woman under Monasticism, vi, 184-221. FOSBROKE, Monachism, passim. FOXE, Martyrs, Gumming ed., I, 232-357. FREEMAN, Wells, Lects. II-III, 42-161, passim. FROUDE, Studies, Second Ser., 54-85 ; Fourth Ser., II, 54-85. GEIKIE, C., Reformation, i, 1-15. HILL, O. T., Monasticism, ix-xi, 222-282. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, II, i, 1-72. HUNT, W., English Church, v-vii, 77-145. JENNINGS, A. C., The Church, iv, 66-93. LEA, Sacer- dotal Celibacy, xvi, 268-284. MAITLAND, F. W., Canon Law, 100-131 ; also in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1896, XI, 641-672 ; 1897, XII, 625-658. MIL- MAN, Christianity, III, Book VII, 361-394; IV, Book VIII, 149-225. MOELLER, Christian Church, II, Third period, iv, 346-360 ; vi, 368-381, PAULI, Old England, ii, 30-72 (Monks and mendicant friars), passim. SPOTTISWOODE, Church of Scot., I, Book II, 61-83. STEPHENS and HUNT, Church, vii-viii, 132-155; xi, 198-220. STOKES, Celtic Church, Lects. XVI-XVII, 307-349. TOUT, Empire and Papacy (Periods of Eur. Hist.), 120-150, 198-220. WILLIAMS, R. F., Cardinals, I, iii, 58- 78. Biographical: ANSELM: Church, R. W., passim. Rule, I, passim. 5. Government and Law. ADDISON, G. C., Knights Templars, espe- cially iii-vi, 40-344. DIGBY, Real Property, Part I, i, 22-51. DOWELL, Taxation, I, 13-30; app., 227-228 (Saladin tithe, Latin). FERRIS, Financial Relations of Knights Templars, in Am. Hist. Rev., Oct., 1902, VIII, 1-17. FORSYTH, Trial by Jury, 101-123. Foss, Judges, see especially 393-394 (Lanfranc) ; 412-413 (Longchamp) ; 431-432 (Wal- ter Map). GAUTIER, La Chevalerie, passim. GNEIST, English Const., I, 1 15-344. GNEIST, Parliament, ii, 42-121. GUIZOT, Essais, Essai VI, i-ii, 315-356. HASKINS, Early Norman Jury, in Am. Hist. Rev., July, 1903^111,613-640. LAPSLEY, Durham, i, 1-30 ; app.,' 3 13-31 6. LEA, Superstition and Force, 61-91, 118-128, 252-266, 304-311, 328-333. MAITLAND, F. W., Township and Borough, passim (includes docu- ments). NEILSON, Trial by Combat, Part III, 31-68; Part IV, 75-98 (Scot.). NICHOLLS, Poor Law, I, Part I, i, 17-20. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, 1-17. PALGRAVE, F., Commonwealth, ii, 55-61 ; viii-ix, 239-301. PIKE, Crime in Eng., I, 96-169; notes, 447-458. PIKE, Lords, ii-vi, ix, xiv, passim. POLLOCK and MAITLAND, English Law, Book I, ii-iv, 41-114. ROUND, Commune of London, Study IV, 62-96 (Origin of the exchequer). SCRUTTON, Roman Law, Part I, i-viii, 3-66 [Bibl.]. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book I, iii, 54-65. 228 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., I, 269-481 ; 584-682. TAYLOR, H., Eng- lish Const., I, 334-357- WAKEMAN and HASSALL, Essays, II, 45-112 (W. J. ASHLEY). Bibliography (see general note, Sect. 2). See ADAMS, C. K., AUBREY, BOWKER and ILES, BRATKE, Columbia Univ. Lib. Bull., DAVENPORT, DEL MAR, FAIRHOLT, FISHER, GARNIER, GAUTIER, GOMME, GROSS, HASSE, HYDE, MONROE, MUNRO and SELLERY, POTTHAST, RAND, SMEDT, and STAMMHAMMER, as in Sect. 14; also: ADAMS, G. B., England, 1066-1216, app., 448-458. BARNARD, Middle Ages, close of each chapter. BECKETT, W. H., English Reformation, 306. BIRCH, Domesday Book, xv, 315-328. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, 402-408. CUBBERLEY, Syllabus, 7 1-79, 87-95. CUNNINGHAM, Industry, I, 3d ed., 651-673 ; 4th ed., 657-681. GAIRDNER, see Modern Accounts, Group I, above. GNEIST, English Const., footnotes. GNEIST, Parliament, foot- notes. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 121-122. HARRIS, Coventry (Social Eng.), 377-380. HOZIER, Invasions, 152. HURST, Literature of Theology, 363-364. LANG, Scotland, close of each chapter. LAPS- LEY, Durham, 338-346. LITTLE, Mediaeval Wales, pp. v-vii. MOELLER, Christian Church, 346-358, 368-381. MORLEY, H., English Writers, III. MORRIS, W. O., Ireland, 355-356. NORGATE, Angevin Kings, footnotes. POLLOCK and MAITLAND, English Law, footnotes. Provi- dence Pub. Lib., Mo. Lists, I, 1-3. SCRUTTON, Roman Law, pp. xiii- xvi. STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., footnotes. STUBBS, Introductions, 35-88 (Ralph de Diceto. Also in Rolls Sen). TAYLOR, H., English Const., footnotes. TRAILL, Social Eng., close of each chapter. WAL- POLE, C. G., Ireland, pp. xxxi-xxxv. Illustrative Material Prose. HEWLETT, MAURICE, The Forest Lovers. Macmillan, 1898. PYLE, HOWARD, Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. New York, Scribner, 1883. [B.] Robin Hood, in THOMS' Romances, II, 91-137. See Sect. 20. Tom a Lincoln, the Red Rose Knight, in THOMS' Romances, II, 219-261. Illustrative Material Poetry. Anglo-Norman Drinking Song, in EVANS, IV. Song of the Strange Lives of Two Young Princes of England, who became Shepherds . . ., in EVANS, II. III. ENGLAND UNDER THE ANGEVINS FROM 1216 TO 1399 SECTION 23 Henry III, 1216-1272 Summary. Henry's character and ability ; chief characteristics of his reign. Henry's minority, 1216-1227; William Marshall; close of the civil war; Peter des Roches; Pandulf; Hubert de Burgh; con- firmations of the Great Charter; repression of foreigners. Henry's personal government : foreign favourites ; royal marriages ; relations with the papacy ; papal representatives in England ; Italians in English church positions ; Prince Edmund declared King of Sicily ; growth of the power of the Great Council. Simon of Montfort and Prince Edward : early career of Simon of Montfort ; the Provisions of Oxford, 1258; The Mise of Amiens; the Barons' Wars; Lewes, 1264; the Parliament of 1265; Evesham, 1265; Dictum of Kenilworth, 1267; Edward in the Seventh Crusade. Sources Individual Works. FABYAN, Chronicles, 323-369. GREY FRIARS, Chronicle, 3-4. PARIS, MATTHEW, English Hist., 3 vols. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, Little Flowers. WESTMINSTER, Flowers, II, viii-xx, 129-457; cf. I, 1-566 and II, 1-129. WORCESTER, Chronicle, 3'7-353- Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 52-68. BE.MONT, Chartes, 45-75 (Latin, French comments ; cf. introd., pp. xxvi-xxxii, Ixi- Ixx). BI-IMONT, Simon de Montfort, 363-380 (Latin and French). BLACKSTONE, Great Charter, 27-79. Calendar, Doc., Ire., 1171-1307, I, 110480; II, 1-162. Calendar, Papal Registers, Letters, 1198-1404, I, 46-444. Calendar, State Papers, in Venice, I, 1-2. Close Rolls, 1227-1231, i vol. (Latin). COBBETT, Trials, I, 13-22. COLBY, Sources, 78-87. ELLIS, Third Ser., I, 26-27 (Latin). GOULD, BARING-, IV, 49-58; XIII, 349-368. HALLIWELL, I, 10-15. HOLINSHED, II, 340- 477 ; V, 306-320 (Scot.). HUTTON, Henry III (Eng. Contemp.), 5- 148. HUTTON, Simon de Montfort (Eng. Contemp.), 5-169. KEN- DALL, 84-89. LEE, G. C., 181-182. MCKECHNIE, Magna Carta, app., 229 230 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 580-589. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, I, app., 427-430 (Latin), 463-465 (tr.). Patent Rolls, 1216-1232, 2 vols. (Latin). STANTON, 141-143. Statutes at Large, I, 1-41. STUBBS, 316-425. THOMSON, Magna Charta, 105-144, 329-336; cf. notes, 159-328, 337-368, passim. Uni- versity of Pa., I, no. 4, p. 24; II, no. i, p. 10; IV, no. 4, p. 17. WRIGHT, Political Songs (Camden Soc.), 19-27, 36-46, 56-127. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 123- 136. BISHOP, Pictures, 103-108 (GREEN). CHEYNEY, England, ix, 186-187,204-209. CREASY, English Const., 148-211. CREIGHTON, M., Half-Hour Hist., vi, 55-72. EDWARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), viii- ix, 134-172. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 185-208. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, iii, 28-39; plan, 35. GREEN, J. R., Readings, 110-113 (PROTHERO). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 131-168, passim*; illus. ed., I, 266-278, 289-322; map, Welsh Wars, 310. HIGGINSON and CHAN- NING, English Hist., 46-49. HUTTON, King and Baronage (Oxford Manuals), v, 59-80; map, 74. LINGARD, England, abr., 133-148. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 108-114. - MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 281-283. OMAN, England, x, 134-147. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book III, iv, 182-200. RANSOME, Government, vi, 63-67. ROB- INSON, Western Eur., Part I, xvii, 216-232. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 1-9. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, vii, 145-164. STUBBS, Early Plantagenets (Epochs), 161-211. TERRY, B., England, 266-293. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part II, vii, 113-124. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xi, 162-168. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 116-121 (GARDINER); map, end of vol. WRONG, British Nation, 115-120. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. I, 226-263. Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, I, 64-79 (Alexander II) ; 79-106 (Alexander III). AUBREY, English Nation, I, 236-266. BAYLEY, Tower of London, 11-21. BLAAUW, Barons' War. BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 141-170. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, Book II, iii, 110-132; map, 126. CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, v, 116-122. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, I, 127-161. CAMPBELL, Justices, 1,1,64-83. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 671-688. Dic- tionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Aymer (de Valence), Humphrey de Bohun, Edmund, Eleanor (of Provence), Robert Grosseteste, Henry III, Edmund of Lancaster, Llywelyn, Margaret, Simon of Montfort, Matthew Paris. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 157-191. FREEMAN, General Sketch, 182-183. FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, V, 481-488. FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book III, Sects. IV-VI, 344-369. GILSON, The Parliament of 1264, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1901, XVI, 469-500. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 17-24. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 250-312. THE ANGEVINS FROM 1216 TO 1399 231 GREEN, M. A. E., Princesses, II, 1-169, 270-274. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, III, ii-iv, 103-303. HUME, D., England, I, xii, 515-589. JESSOPP, Essays, i, 1-52 (Coming of the friars). JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., 'Part III, x, 289-295. KNIGHT, England, I, xxiv-xxv, 352-382. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 148-153, 178-235, 242- 252. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 807-809; III, 1759-1760 (Ire.); IV, 2843-2844 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, II, 386-389, 641-651. LINGARD, England, II, 377-477, 497-503. LOFTIE, London, I, v, 121-155. LONGMAN, W., Lectures, Lect. Ill, 155-246; maps, 155, 229. MAITLAND, F. W., Canon Law, 158-179. MERE- WETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, I, 425-487. MILMAN, Christianity, VI, Book XI, 41-117. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, I, viii-ix, 175-263. NORGATE, Condemnation of John, 1202, in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Ser., XIV, 53-67. PAULI, England (German ed.), Ill, 488-856. PAULI, Old England, ii, 30-72 (Monks and mendi- cant friars). PEARSON, England, II, v-viii, 120-285. POLLOCK and MAITLAND, English Law, Book I, vi, 153-204. RICHARDSON, O. H., National Movement in the Reign of Henry III. SKENE, Celtic Scot., I, 484-496; map, 496. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book II, iii, 110- 141. STRICKLAND, Queens, I, 364-426 (Eleanor of Provence). STUBBS, Constitutional Hist, II, 18-106. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 394- 405. TOUT, England, A.D. 1216-1377 (Political Hist, of Eng., Ill), i-vi, 1-135. TOUT, Wales and the March, in TOUT and TAIT'S Essays, 76- 136; maps, 76, 135. TRAILL, Social Eng., I, 391-415. WILLIAMS, R. F.,Cardinals, I, Book II, ii-iii, 252-344. Biographical ': EDWARD I : Jenks (Heroes), iv-vii, 70-157 (cf. i-iii, 1-69) [Bibl.]. Seeley, Greatest of Plantagenets, i-iv, 1-89. Tout (Twelve Eng. Statesmen), i-iii, 1-44. MONTFORT : Bemont, 1-261. Creighton, M., Simon de Montfort, whole vol. ; maps, end of vol. Gardiner, Biographies, 3-43 (Simon de Mont- fort). Pauli. Prothero. ST. FRANCIS: Alger, A. L., Little Flowers of St. Francis, pp. v-xiii. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 30, and general note, Sect. 2). BEMONT, Chartes, introd., xxvi-xxxii. BEMONT, Simon de Montfort, introd., i-xxvii. BLAAUW, Barons' War, xi-xvi. FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, notes and app. HUTTON, Simon de Montfort, 170-182. HUTTON, Henry III, 149-156. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, II, 409-410, 659-661. LIEBERMANN, Ueber Ostenglische Geschichts- quellen ; consult index, 2. PAULI, England, III, app., 857-897. POL- LOCK and MAITLAND, English Law, footnotes. STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., footnotes. TAYLOR, H., English Const., footnotes. THOMSON, Magna Charta, 394-460. TOUT, England, 1216-1377, app., 443-464. 232 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Illustrative Material Prose. CRAKE, Rev. A. D., The House of Walderne. New York, Young, 1886. [B.] EDGAR, J. G., How I Won my Spurs. 1863. [B.] FOSTER, A. J., and CUTHELL, E. C., The Robber Baron of Bedford Castle. 1892. [B.] LEIGHTON, ROBERT, The Thirsty Sword; a story of the Norse invasion of Scotland, 1262- 1263. New York, Scribner, 1892. PICKERING, E., A Stout English Bowman. Blackie, 1897. [B.] Illustrative Material Poetry. DANTE ALIGHIERI, Harry of England, in Purgatory, Canto VII, last lines. EDISON, J. S., King Henry III, a play. London, 1840. [B. P. L.] GREENE, ROBERT, The Honorable Historic of Frier Bacon and Frier Bongay, in WARD, Old English Drama. GRINDROD, CHARLES, King Henry III, in his Plays. [B.P.L.] WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM, The Borderers. SECTION 24 Edward I, 1272-1307 Summary. Character and training of Edward. Parliament : intro- duction into it of the middle classes ; representation : the Parliament of 1295; houses of lords and commons; statutes affecting maladminis- tration, debts, entails, subinfeudation, judicial procedure, militia and police, church lands, church courts, revenue. Expulsion of the Jews, 1290. Confirmation of the charters. Conquest of Wales: Llewellyn; annexation of Wales; the "Prince of Wales." The Scottish Succes- sion ; the Maid of Norway ; Baliol ; Bruce ; Award of Norham ; Scot- tish War of Independence ; Wallace and Bruce ; Falkirk ; campaigns in Scotland. Quarrel with the papacy : Boniface VIII and the bull Clericis laicos ; answers of Philip and Edward; submission of the Church. Relations with France and Flanders ; Courtrai. Sources Individual "Works. BARBOUR, The Bruce, I, Books I-VIII, 1-207. FABYAN, Chronicles, 384-407. WESTMINSTER, Flowers, II, xxi, 458-496. WORCESTER, Chronicle, 353-411. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 68-92. AMOS, Government, 202-203. BEMONT, Charles, 76-112 (Latin, French com- ments ; cf. introd., xxxiii-xlviii). BLACKSTONE, Great Charter, 80-86. Calendar, Close Rolls, 1272-1288, 2 vols. Calendar, Doc., Ire., 1171- 1307, II, 162 to end of vol. Calendar, Letter-Books of London, Book A, whole vol.; Book B, 1-281, passim (cf. i-xvi) ; Book C, 1-154 (cf. i-xxvii). Calendar, Papal Registers, Letters, 1198-1404, I, 444- 618 (cf. app., 619-621); II, 1-34. Calendar, Patent Rolls, 1272-1307, 4 vols. Calendar, State Papers, in Venice, I, 2-3. COBBETT, I, 21-24. THE ANGEVINS FROM 1216 TO 1399 233 COLBY, 87-92. ELLIS, Third Ser., I, 27-29 (Latin). English Hist. Rep., I, 16-19 [Bibl.]. GEE and HARDY, 81-95. HALLIWELL, I, 15- 23. HENDERSON, E. F., Documents, 148-149, 432-437. HILL, 34-37 (cf. 37-41). 43-45 (cf. 45-48). HOLINSHED, II, 478-546; V, 320-342 (Scot.); VI, 235-243 (Ire.). KENDALL, 89-91. LEE, G. C., 182-194. Old South Leaflets, I, no. 5, pp. 13-15. RILEY, London, 3-62. ROB- INSON, Readings, I, xi, 238-241 [Bibl.]. Rotuli Par!., I, 1-270, 460- 479, passim (Latin and French). Statutes at Large, I, 42-177. STUBBS, 426-513. THOMSON, Magna Charta, 145-158, 369-375; cf. notes, 159- 328, 376-393, passim. WRIGHT, Political Songs (Camden Soc.), 128- 133. ' 37-M8, iSS-^S. 206-240, 273-323. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 240-241. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 136-156; map, 139. ARCHER and KINGSFORD, Crusades, 390-407. CHEYNEY, England, ix, 209-226; map, 223. CREIGHTON, L., Government, v, 31-36. COMAN and KEN- DALL, History for High Schools, 132-144; maps, 135, 138. EDWARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), x-xi, 173-217. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 208-224. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, iv, 40-46. GREEN, J. R., Readings, 126-132 (Scoxr). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist, 168-207 ; illus. ed., I, 345-368; map, 350. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 50-54 [Bibl.]. HUTTON, King and Baronage (Oxford Manuals), vi, 80- 97; map, 84. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 107-112. LINGARD, Eng- land, abr., 149-165. MACKINTOSH, JOHN, Scotland (Nations), 44-65. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 114-121. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist, 283-288. OMAN, England, xi, 148-170. RANNIE, Constitution, v, 56-65. RANSOME, Advanced Hist, Book IV, i, 205-227 ; tables, 202-203; maps, 204, 215. RANSOME, Government, vii, 68-73. RHYS and JONES, Welsh People, vii, 261-345. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 9-13. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, viii, 165-201. STUBBS, Early Plan- tagenets (Epochs), 212-263. TERRY, B., England, 294-333. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part II, viii, 124-134; Part III, Book I, i, 137-142. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xii, 171-183; map, 170. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 121-125 (PEARSON). .WRONG, British Nation, 120-130. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. I, 264-320. Modern Accounts, Group II. ABRAHAMS, Expulsion of the Jews, A.D. 1290. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, I, 402-409 (Bruce, 1210- 1295); I, 409-422 (Bruce, 1274-1329); 111,327-332 (Earl of Moray); III, 598-601 (Wallace). AUBREY, English Nation, I, 266-298. BAIN, The Edwards in Scot., I.ect. I, 1-19, passim; Lects. II-IV, 20-59. BAYLEY, Tower of London, 113-130. BLACK, J. G., Edward I and Gascony in 1300, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1902, XVII, 518-527. BRIGHT, 234 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY J. F., England, I, 171-196; map, end of Vol. II. BROWN, P. H., Scot- land, I, Book III, i-iii, 133-150. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, II, 92-125, 199-359. CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, v, 122-132. CAMPBELL, Chan- cellors, I, 162-190. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, ii, 83-93. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 688-730. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Aymer (de Valence), John de Baliol, Humphrey de Bohun, Robert Bruce, Edgar I, Eleanor (of Castile), William Wallace. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 191-199. FREEMAN, Historical Essays, Essays II-III, 40-79. FREEMAN, Norman Conquest, V, 488-489. FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book III, Sects. VI-VII, 370-397. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 24-35. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 313-371 ; map, 345. GREEN, Mrs. M. A. E., Princesses, II, 170-269, 275-362, 402-403. HIL- DRETH, Judges, i, 38-47 (cf. introd., 9-36). HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, III, v-vii, 304-454. HUME, D., England, II, xiii, 1-78 (cf. notes, A-F, 599-602). JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part III, x, 295-300. KNIGHT, England, I, xxv, 382-390; xxvii, 41 1-426. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Con- stitutional Hist., 252-275. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 809-811. Ill, 1759-1760 (Ire.); IV, 2844-2845 (Scot.); V, 3643-3644 (Wales).' LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, III, 15-18, 356-370. LEON- ARD, G. H., Expulsion of the Jews, in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Ser., V, 103-143. LINGARD, England, II, 504-576; app., 627-628. LONGMAN, W., Lectures, Lect. IV, 249-340 ; map, 249. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, I, 488-577. MILMAN, Christianity, VI, Book XI, 238-357. MORRIS, J. E., Welsh Wars, whole vol.; folding map at end. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, I, x, 264-283. PAULI, England (German ed.), IV, 2-199. PEARSON, England, II, ix- xiv, 286-452. RAIT, Relations of Eng. and Scot., hi, 31-40. SKENE, Celtic Scot., I, 496-497. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book II, iv, 142-180. STRICKLAND, Queens, I, 427-461 (Eleanora of Castille) ; 462-481 (Marguerite of France). STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., II, 106-165. STUBBS, Introductions, 488-527 (Chronicle of Reigns of Edward I and Edward II, passim. Also in Rolls Ser.). TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 405-427. TOUT, England, A.D. 1216-1377 (Political Hist, of Eng., Ill), vii-xi, 136-235; 3 maps at end. TRAILL, Social Eng., II, 1-47, passim. WILLIAMS, R. F., Cardinals, I, Book II, iv, 345-367. Biographical: BRUCE, 1274-1329: Maxwell (Heroes), i-vii, 17-162; plan, 152. EDWARD I: Jenks (Heroes), vii-xiii, 157- 346; App. A, 347-348 [Bibl.]. Seeley, Greatest of Plantagenets, v-xiii, 90-420 ; app., 424-457. Tout, iv-xiii, 45-229. WALLACE, SIR WILLIAM: Murison (Famous Scots). (See also under Anderson, above.} THE ANGEVINS FROM 1216 TO 1399 235 Bibliography (see also under Sect, jo, and general note, Sect. 2). See FREEMAN, LIEBERMANN, STUBBS, TAYLOR, THOMSON, and TOUT, as in Sect. 23; also: BAIN, The Edwards in Scotland, Lect. I, 1-19. BEMONT, Charles, introd., xxxiii-lxviii. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, His- toire Generale, III, 62-63, 4 I 3~4 I 5- MORRIS, J. E., Welsh Wars, footnotes. PAULI, England, IV, 716-741. STUBBS, Introductions, 488-527 (Reigns of Edward I and Edward II. Also in Rolls Ser.). Illustrative Material Prose. GILLIAT, Rev. E., The King's Reeve. 1898. [B.] GREEN, E. E., The Lord of Dyneover. Nelson, 1891. PALGRAVE, SIR F. T., The Merchant and the Friar. Parker, 1844. [B.] PORTER, JANE, The Scottish Chiefs. New York, Burt. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Castle Dangerous; Robert Bruce, 1306-1307, in The Sur- geon's Daughter and Castle Dangerous. Edinburgh, Black ; New York, Macmillan, 1894. Illustrative Material Poetry. Ballad of Robin Hood, in POL- LARD. BARBOUR, JOHN, The Bruce : or, the book of the most excellent and noble Prince Robert de Broyss, King of Scots, etc., I, Books I VIII, in Scottish T. Society, 1894. GRAY, THOMAS, The Bard, in his Works, 18-23. Gude Wallace, in CHILD, III. HAWKER, R. S., The First Prince of Wales, A.D., 1284, in his Works, 99-100. HEMANS, FELICIA, The Heart of Bruce in Melrose Abbey ; Wallace's Invocation to Bruce, in her Works. Henry the Minstrel (Blind Harry), Actis & Deidis of the Illustere and Vailleand Campioun Schir William Wallace, ed. by James Moir. Edinburgh, 1889. HEYWOOD, THOMAS, The Royal King and Loyal Subject ; a tragicomedy, in DODSLEY, Old Plays, VI. PEELE, GEORGE, Famous Chronicle of Edward I . . .; also, the Life of Llewellen . . .; lastly, the Sinking of Queene Elinor; tragedies, in his Works, I, 77-217. On the Death of King Edward the First, in PERCY, Reliques, I. RAMSAY, ALLAN, The Vision, in his Poems and Works, I, 119-130. Sir Patrick Spens, in CHILD, II ; FINLAY, I; MAIDMENT, Ballads, I. SOUTHEY, ROBERT, The Death of Wallace, in his Works, II. THOMSON, JAMES, Edward and Eleonora; a tragedy, altered . . . by Mr. Thomas Hull. London, Cawthorn, 1795. SECTION 25 Edward II, 1307-1327 Summary. Wars with Scotland; Bannockburn, 1314; peace of 1323 (and of 1328). Character of Edward II; Piers Gaveston; the King's marriage; the Lords Ordainers, 1310; Ordinances of the Parlia- ment of 1311; execution of Gaveston; the rise of the Despensers ; 236 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY their exile in 1321 ; defeat of the barons, 1322 ; execution of Thomas of Lancaster ; supremacy of the Despensers ; Roger Mortimer ; plot and invasion of Isabella ; capture and deposition of the King. Sources Individual Works. FABYAN, Chronicles, 417-433. FROISSART, Chronicles, Johnes ed., I, 3-14 ; Lanier's Boy's Froissart, 1-16. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 92-99. Calendar, Close Rolls, 1307-1327, 4 vols. Calendar, Letter-Books of London, Books B-E, passim. Calendar, Papal Registers, Letters, 1198-1404, II, 34-268. Calendar, Patent Rolls, 1307-1317, 3 vols. Calendar, State Papers, in Venice, I, 3-7. COBBETT, I, 23-50. COLBY, 92-95. FRAZER, English Hist., 1307-1399, Part I, 5-31 (map, opposite Con- tents). GEE and HARDY, 96-102. GOULD, BARING-, III, 414-421. HALLIWELL, I, 23-37. Harleian Miscellany, i2-vol. ed., I, 128-133; 8-vol. ed., IV, 485-489. HOLINSHED, II, 546-588 ; V, 342-362 (Scot.) ; VI, 243-252 (Ire.). NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, I, app., 465-469. RILEY, London, 63-152. Rotuli Parl., I, 273-459, 460-479, passim (Latin and French). Somers Tracts, I, 5-6. Statutes at Large, I, 178-235. WRIGHT, Political Songs (Camden Soc.), 246-250, 253-272. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 157-158. BARNARD, Companion, plan, 68. BISHOP, Pictures, 108-113 (SCOTT). CHEYNEY, England, ix, 227. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, 152-156; map, 154. CREIGHTON, L., Government, vi, 37-45. EDWARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), xii, 218-235. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 224-231. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, iv, 46-51. GREEN, J. R., Readings, 132-137 (SCOTT). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 207-215 ; illus. ed., I, 404-411. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 54- 56. HUTTON, King and Baronage (Oxford Manuals), vii, 97-104. LINGARD, England, abr., 166-180. MACKINTOSH, Scotland (Nations), 65-73. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 121-124; map, 122. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 288-290. OMAN, England, xii, 171-179. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book IV, ii, 228-241 ; plan, 334. RAN- SOME, Government, vii, 73-75. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, ix, 202-209. STUBBS, Early Plantagenets (Epochs), 263-290. TERRY, B., England, 334-349; map, 338. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book I, .i, 143-150; map, 144. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essen- tials), xiii, 185-188. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches (LONGMAN), 126- 134; plan, 129. WRONG, British Nation, 170-174. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. I, 321-369. Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, I, 298- 305. BAIN, The Edwards in Scot., Lect. IV, 59 ; V, 76. BRIGHT, J. F., THE ANGEVINS FROM 1216 TO 1399 237 England, I, 197-211. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, Book III, iv, 151- 169; maps, 158, and end of vol. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, II, 360-432. CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, v, 132-135. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, I, 191- 212. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, ii, 93-97. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 730-747. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Adam (of Orlton), Edward Bruce, John Comyn, James Douglas, Edward II, Piers Gaveston, Isabella (of France), Roger Mortimer, Richard (of Cornwall). FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 199-203. FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book III, Sects. VII-VIII, 397-416, passim. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 35-41. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 378-392. GREEN, Mrs. M. A. E., Princesses, II, 363-401, 404-442; III, 1-64. Harleian Miscellany, 8-vol. ed., I, 66-91 ; 12-vol. ed., I, 90127. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, III, viii, 455-491. HOZIER, Invasions, I, x, 179- 181. HUME, D., England, II, xiv, 79-115. JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part III, xi, 300-308. KNIGHT, England, I, xxviii, 427-440. LANG- MEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 275-282. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 811-812; III, 1760 (Ire.); IV, 2845-2847 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, III, 370-373. LINGARD, England, III, 1-78; app., 541-542. LONGMAN, W., Lectures, Lect. V, 345-419; map and plan, 345, 385. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, II, 577-618. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, I, xi-xiv, 284-420. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ireland, I, i, 18-30. OMAN, Art of War, 557-588; plan, 572. PAULI, England (German ed.), IV, 199-306. PEARSON, Fourteenth Century, iii-iv, 52-92. RAIT, Relations of Eng. and Scot., iv, 41-63. ROUND, Commune of London, Study XIV, 289-301. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book II, v, 181-195. STRICKLAND, Queens, I, 482-555 (Isabelle of France). STUBBS, Con- stitutional Hist., 11,319-392. STUBBS, Introductions, 488-527 (Chron- icles of Reigns of Edward I and Edward II, passim. Also in Rolls Ser.). TOUT, England, A.D. 1216-1377 (Political Hist, of Eng., Ill), xii-xiv, 236-302 ; map at end. TRAILL, Social Eng., II, 8-10, 24-30. Bio- graphical: BRITCE, 1274-1329: Maxwell (Heroes), viii-xiii, 163-304; plan, 216. Murison (Famous Scots). Bibliography (see also under Sect, jo, and general note, Sect. 2). See LIEBERMANN, STUBBS, and TOUT, as in Sect. 23; also: FRAZER, English Hist., 1307-1399, 98-105; cf. viii. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, His- toire Generale, III, 413-415. PAULI, England, IV, 716-741. STUBBS, Introductions, 488-527 (Reigns of Edward I and Edward II. Also in Rolls Ser.). Illustrative Material Prose. AGUILAR, GRACE, The Days of Bruce ; a story from Scottish history. London, Walter Scott. BIDDER, 238 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY M., In the Shadow of the Crown. Constable, 1899. [B.] HOLT, E. S., In All Time of Our Tribulation ; the story of Piers Gaveston. New York, 1886. [B.P.L.] RHYS, ERNEST, The Whistling Maid. Hutch- inson, 1900. [B.] Illustrative Material Poetry. BARBOUR, JOHN, The Bruce; or, the book of the most excellent and noble prince, Robert de Broyss, king of Scots, etc., I, Books IX-XIII ; II, Books XIV-XX, in Scottish T. Society, 1894. DRAITON, MICHAELL, The Barons' Wars, Nymphidia and other poems, in his Works, I, 2-159. DRAITON, MICHAELL, The Legend of Pierce Gaveston, in his Works, II, 471-500. DRAITON, MICHAELL, Queen Isabell to Mortimer; Mortimer to Queen Isabell, in his Works, I, 201-209, 209-217. Geste of Robyn Hode (and other Robin Hood Legends), in CHILD, II. King Edward II sent prisoner to Berkley-castle by Queen Isabel his Wife, in EVANS, II, 45. MAR- LOWE, CHRISTOPHER, Edward II, in his Works. On the Lamentable and Cruel Murther of King Edward II, in EVANS, II. Song of Queen Isabel, Wife to King Edward II, with the Downfall of the Spencers, in EVANS, II. SECTION 26 Edward III (A), 13271360 Summary. Edward's minority: independence of Scotland, 1328; Edward's assumption of the government, 1330; execution of Morti- mer. The Hundred Years' War : possessions of the English kings in France; new causes of conflict; outbreak of the war; Sluys ; Crecy; capture of Calais ; the Black Prince ; Poitiers; Peace of Bretigny, 1360. Domestic affairs; first Statute of Provisors ; Statute of Praemunire; the Black Death ; Statutes of Laborers ; improvement in the position of villeins. Sources Individual Works. FABYAN, Chronicles, 438-473. FROISSART, Chronicles, Bemers ed., I, 17-415; II, 1-74, cf. pp. ix- Ixxxiii; Johnes ed., I, 14-292; Lanier's Boy's Froissartr, 16-265; Scott Lib., 4-10, 16-78. GREY FRIARS, Chronicle, 4-6. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 100-127. ASH- LEY, Edward III (Eng. Contemp.), 5-187. BISHOP, 113-118. BUND, WILLIS-, Trials, I, 1-4. Calendar, Close Rolls, 1327-1343, 6 vols. Calendar, Letterbooks of London, Book E, 215-304 (cf. pp. i-xxxii). Calendar, Papal Registers, Letters, 1198-1404; II, 268-591; III, i- 635. Calendar, Papal Registers, Petitions, 1342-1419, I, 1-361. Cal- endar, Patent Rolls, 1327-1345, 6 vols. Calendar, State Papers, in Venice, I, 7-11. COBBETT, I, 51-66. COLBY, 96-103. ELLIS, Third THE ANGEVINS FROM 1216 TO 1399 239 Ser., I, 29-43 (Latin). FRAZER, Part I, 32-95. GEE and HARDY, 103- 104. HALLIWELL, I, 37-50, 396-403. HENDERSON, E. F., Documents, 1-189. HOLINSHED, II, 589-672 ; V, 363-389 (Scot.) ; VI, 252-258 (Ire.). JONES, II, no. 4, pp. 63-72. KENDALL, 92-106. LEE, 195-199, 203-208. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, II, app., 467-469, 501-507. RILEY, London, 153-306. ROBINSON, Readings, I, xx, 466-472 [Bibl.]. Rotuli Pad., II, 3-267 (Latin and French), 376-377 (English), 378-419, passim ; 420-458 (Latin and English). Statutes at Large, I, 237-369. Three Chronicles (Camden Soc.), 81-85. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 230-231, 242-243. ADAMS, G. B., French Nation, 108-135. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 158-159, 162-170; map, 189. BARNARD, F. P., Middle Ages, plans, 68, 70. CHEYNEY, England, ix, 227-229; x, 230-245; maps, 232, 242. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, map, 150. EDWARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), xiii, 236-247. GARDI- NER, S. R., Student's Hist., 231-254. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, note, 51-53; v, 54-79; maps, 58, 66. GREEN, J. R., Readings, 145-152 (YONGE). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 215-231 ; map, 217 ; illus. ed., I, 411-444. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 57-67. LAW- LESS, Ireland (Nations), 113-118. LINGARD, England, abr., 181-200. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 124-130. OMAN, England, xiii, 180-196. OMAN, Hundred Years' War (Oxford Manuals), i-iv, 7-54; maps, 7, 37, 52. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book IV, iii, 242-264 ; plans, 254, 262. RANSOME, Government, vii, 75-79. ROWLEY, Rise of the People (Epochs Eng. Hist.), Book II, 46-71; map, 69. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, x, 210-229, passim. TERRY, B., England, 350-380; maps, 35> S^Si 377 380. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book I, ii, 150-164; map, 150; plan, 155. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essen- tials), xiii, 188-194; map, 190. WARBURTON, Edward III (Epochs), 1-192; maps, opposite title-page, 190, 280 [Bibl.]. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 134-139 (FROISSART) ; map, 135 ; 140-144 (WARBURTON). WRONG, British Nation, 174-181 ; map, 182. Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, II, 25-27 (David II, 1324-1371). AUBREY, English Nation, I, 340-365. BAIN, The Edwards in Scot., Lects. V-VI, 77-105. BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 212-223 ! map, end of vol. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, Book III, v, 170-183. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, III, 1-42. CAMP- BELL, Chancellors, I, 213-254. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 747-775. CREIGHTON, C., Epidemics, I, iii-iv, 1 14-203. CUN- NINGHAM, Commercial Policy of Ed. Ill, in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Ser., IV, 197-220. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of James 240 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Audley, Edward de Baliol, David Bruce, Edward III, Henry (of Lan- caster), Philippa (of Hainault). Foss, Judges, see especially 520-522 (Michael de la Pole). FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 204-211. FREE- MAN, General Sketch, 214-215. FREEMAN, Essays, Essay I, 116-127. FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book III, Sect. IX, 417-428. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 43-62. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 393-438 ; map, 440. GREEN, Mrs. M. A. E., Princesses, III, 65-263. HOOK, W. F., Arch- bishops, III, ix, 492-518; IV, x-xi, i-iio. HUME, D., England, II, xv-xvi, 116-195; cf. notes G and H, 603. JESSOPP, Essays, iv-v, 166- 261 (Black Death). JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part III, xii, 308-323. KITCHIN, France, I, 405-465 ; maps, 405, 415, 423, 428, 440. KNIGHT, England, I, xxix-xxx, 441-472. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 282-286. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 812-814; III, 1760- 1761 (Ire.) ; IV, 2847-2850 (Scot.). LAVISSE, Histoire de France, IV, Part I, 26-69, 87-88, 95-102. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, III, 64-122, 373-386. LINGARD, England, III, 83-177; table, 83. LONGMAN, W., Edward III, I ; II, i-iii, 1-60; numerous maps. LOWE, W. I., Considerations which Induced Edward III to Assume Title of King of France, in Am. Hist. Ass'n, Rep., 1900, I, 535-583. MACKIN- NON, Edward III, i-xvii, 1-424. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Bor- oughs and Corporations, II, 618-713. MILMAN, Christianity, VII, Book XII, 121-134, 197-208. MORRIS, J. E., Archers at Crecy, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1897, XII, 427-436. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, II, i, 1-69. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ireland, I, ii, 31-42. PAULI, England (German ed.), IV, 307-452. PAULI, Old England, v, 140-175 (Emperor Louis IV and Ed. Ill) ; vi, 176-203 (The Steelyard). PEARSON, Four- teenth Century, v-vii, 93-177. MAITLAND, F. W., Canon Law, 148- 157. SMITH, J. B., Parliament, I, Book II, v, 195-212. STRICKLAND, Queens, I, 556-605 (Philippa of Hainault). TOUT, England, A.D. 1216- 1377 (Political Hist, of Eng., Ill), xii-xvii, 302-398; map at end. TRAILL, Social Eng., II, 10-13, 3-3 2 > 40-42, 133-146, 157-159, 172- 177, 182-192. TRENHOLME, Risings in Eng. Monastic Towns in 1327, in Am. hist. Rev., July, 1901, VI, 650-670. WILLIAMS, R. F., Cardi- nals, I, Book II, v, 368-383. Biographical: BLACK PRINCE: Creighton, L., Edward the Black Prince, i-x, 1-131 ; plans and map, 39, 99, end of vol. Gardiner, S. R., Biographies, 44-78 (The Black Prince). Pauli, Aufsatze, I, Old Ser., 1-23, passim (Eduard, der Schwarze Prinz). BRUCE, 1274-1329: Maxwell (Heroes), xiv-xvii, 305-370; cf. introd., 1-16. EDWARD III : see WARBURTON in Group 7, and LONGMAN and MACKINNON in Grmip II. WYCLIFFE : Vaughan, i-ii, 1-41. Vaughan, Tracts of Wycliffe, pp. i-xiii (Memoir). THE ANGEVINS FROM 1216 TO 1399 241 Bibliography (see also under Sect, jo, and general note, Sect. 2), EDMANDS, Reading Notes on Wycliffe. FRAZER, English Hist., 1307- 1399, 98-105, cf. p. viii. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, III, 122-123, 413-415. LIEBERMANN, Ueber Ostenglische Geschichtsquel- len, consult index, 2-. LONGMAN, Edward III, I; II, 1-60, footnotes. MACKINNON, Edward III, 1-466, footnotes. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, II, p. viii. PAULI, Aufsatze, I, Old Ser., i (Der Schwarze Prinz). PAULI, England, IV, 716-741. TOUT, England, 1216-1377, app., 443-464. Illustrative Material Prose. BANCROFT, JOHN, King Edward the Third; with the fall of Mortimer, Earl of March. London, 1691. [B.P. L.] BLAKE, Mrs. M. E., Glory and Sorrow of Norwich: a chronicle of those pearls of chivalry King Edward III and his son Edward the Black Prince. Boston, Page, 1900. EDGAR, J. G., Cressy and Poictiers. Ward & Lick, 1865. [B.] HENTY, G. A., St. George for England. New York, Scribner, 1884. YONGE, C. M., The Lances of Lynwood. London, Macmillan, 1900. Illustrative Material Poetry. BARBOUR, JOHN, see Sect. 25. BELLOY, PIERRE, L. B. DE, Le siege de Calais ; tragedie, in PETITOT, IV. BURNS, ROBERT, The Battle of Bannockburn. DRAITON, MICHAELL, Edward the Blacke-Prince to Alice Countesse of Salisbury; Alice Countesse of Salisbury to the Blacke-Prince, in his Works, I. LANGLAND, WILLIAM, The Vision and the Creed of Piers Ploughman. MINOT, LAURENCE, Poems, passim. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Bannock- burn, from The Lord of the Isles, Canto VI. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Halidon Hill. SHIRLEY, WILLIAM, Edward the Black Prince : or, the battle of Poictiers ; an historical tragedy, in London Stage, IV. Win- ning of the Isle of Man by the noble Earl of Salisbury, in EVANS, II. SECTION 27 Edward HI (R), 1360-1377 Summary. Renewal of the French War: support for Pedro of Spain ; campaigns of the Black Prince and John of Gaunt ; Bertrand du Guesclin ; gradual loss of the English possessions. Domestic affairs : corruption at home ; rule of John of Gaunt and his friends ; reforms of the Good Parliament (1376) and its punishment of favour- ites ; death of the Black Prince ; John Wiclif ; Statute of Treasons ; Statute of Kilkenny. Sources Individual Works. FABYAN, Chronicles, 474-490. FROISSART, Chronicles, Berners ed., II, 75-457; Johnes ed., I, 292- 511 ; Scott Lib., 79-86. 242 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 127-136. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 411. Calendar, Papal Registers, Letters, 1198-1404, IV, 1-227. Calendar, Papal Registers, Petitions, 1342-1419, I, 361-537. Calendar, State Papers, in Venice, I, 11-19. COBBETT, I, 67-90. BISHOP, 119-123. COLBY, 103-105. ELLIS, Third Sen, I, 43-46 (Latin and French). FRAZER, Part II, 6-33. Harleian Miscellany, 8-vol. ed., Ill, 138-148. HOLINSHED, II, 672-711. LEE, G. C., 209- 212. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, II, app., 469-501, 507-513. PARIS et JEANROY, Extraits, 203-224, 248-255. RILEY, London, 306-407. ROBINSON, Readings, I, xx-xxi, 472-475, 497-502 [Bibl.]. Rotuli Parl., II, 268-375 (Latin and French), 378-419, passim; 458-462 (French). Statutes at Large, I, 370-408. University of Pa., II, no. 5, pp. 9-13. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 170-183 ; table, 182. CHEYNEY, England, x, 245-252. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, map, 158. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist, 254-265. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 231-235; illus. ed., I, 444- 460; map, 444. LINGARD, England, abr., 200-210; map, 201. MONT- GOMERY, Leading Facts, 130-134; map, 130. OMAN, England, xiii, 196-200. OMAN, Hundred Years' War (Oxford Manuals), v-vi, 54-77. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book IV, iii, 264-277. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, x, 210-229, passim. TERRY, B., England, 380-402. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book I, iii, 164-172; map, 164. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xiii, 194-195. WAR- BURTON, Edward III (Epochs), 192-281 ; maps, opposite title-page, 190, 280 [Bibl.]. WRONG, British Nation, 181-186. Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, I, xxiv, 376-389. BAYLEY, Tower of London, 21-33, 2 57~ 2 59- BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 220-230. BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 233-241. BROUGHAM, Lancaster, 1-15. BURKE, U. R., Spain, 351-363 ; table, 395. CAMP- BELL, Admirals, I, v, 135-149. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, I, 254-276. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, ii, 98-103. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 775-781. CUNNINGHAM, Commercial Policy of Ed. Ill, in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Ser., IV, 197-220. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Edward (the Black Prince), John (of Gaunt), Robert Knollys, Lionel (of Antwerp), Walter Mauny. Foss, Judges, see es- pecially 768-773 (Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester). FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 2 1 2-226. FREEMAN, General Sketch, 2 1 5-2 1 7. FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book III, Sect. IX, 428-432 ; Book IV, Sect. I, 438-448. GIBBON, Roman Empire, VII, 243-285; abr. ed., II, 318- 328. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 62-65. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, THE ANGEVINS FROM 1216 TO 1399 243 438-469. GREEN, Mrs. M. A. E., Princesses, III, 264-301. HALLAM, Europe, I, 61-73. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, IV, xii-xiv, 111-243. HQME, D., England, II, xvi, 196-224; cf. Note I, 603. KITCHIN, France, I, 476-487. KNIGHT, England, I, xxxi, 473-490. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 286-297. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 814-816; III, 1760-1761 (Ire.); IV, 2849-2850 (Scot.). LAVISSE, Histoire de France, IV, Part I, 102-170. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, His- toire Generate, III, 64-121, 386-387. LINGARD, England, III, 177-209. LONGMAN, W., Edward III, II, iv-xvi, and app., 61-303; map, 107. LOSERTH, Wyclif in Politics, in Eng. Hist, fov., 1896, XI, 319-328. MACKINNON, Edward III, xviii-xxii, 425-625. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, II, ii-iii, 70-257. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, iii, 43-55. OMAN, Art of War, 591-653; plans, 606. PASTOR, Popes, I, 57-116. PAULI, England (German ed.), IV, 452-504. PEARSON, Fourteenth Century, viii-ix, 178-239. PINKERTON, Scotland, I, Book I, 1-14. ROGERS, Gleanings, Ser. II, 1-47. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book II, v, 212-221. TOUT, England, A.D. 1216-1377 (Political Hist, of Eng., Ill), xviii-xix, 399-441 ; map at end. TRAILL, Social Eng., II, 146-151, 159-167, 177-181. WILLIAMS, R. F., Cardinals, I, Book II, vi-viii, 384-471. WILLIAMS, H., Naval Power, iii, 19-30. WORDS- WORTH, Biography, I, vii, 165-201. Biographical: BLACK PRINCE: Creighton, L., xi-xvii, 132-220. Pauli, Aufsatze, Old Ser., I, 123, passim. WYCLIFFE: Buddensieg; Lechler; Poole, R. L.; and Sergeant; passim. Vaughan, iii-ix, 42-200. Vaughan, Tracts, pp. xiii-xxxvi. Bibliography (see also under Sect, jo, and general note, Sect. 2). See EDMANDS, LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, LIEBERMANN, PAULI (2), and TOUT, as in Sect. 26; also: FRAZER, English Hist., 1307-1399, 116- 123. LONGMAN, W., Edward III, II, 61-303, footnotes. MACKINNON, Edward III, 467-625, footnotes. VAUGHAN, Wycliffe, app., 525-544. Illustrative Material Prose. BRETON, F., God Save England. 1899. [B.] DUMAS, A. D., Le Batardde Mauleon. Paris, Calmann-Levy. Illustrative Material Poetry. BLAKE, WILLIAM, King Edward III ; a drama, in his Poems, 85-126. Chandos Herald, Le Prince Noir ; poeme du heraut d'armes Chandos . . ., ed. by Francisque Michel, tr. London, 1883. [B. P.L.] Gobin Agace, from Edward, the Black Prince, in SLADEN. MAY, THOMAS, The Victorious Reign of King Edward III ; an historical poem. London, 1635. [B. P.L.] SHIRLEY, WILLIAM, Edward, the Black Prince : or, the battle of Poictiers ; an historical tragedy, in London Stage, IV. 244 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY SECTION 28 Richard II (A), 1377-1381 Summary. Wars with Scotland and France. Misgovernment by the Regency ; hardships of the lower classes ; the poll taxes ; the Peas- ants' Rising of 1381 ; John Ball and Wat Tyler; failure of the rising; its results. The Great Schism ; Wiclif and the Poor Priests ; the Lollards ; the Bible. Sources Individual Works. Chronicle of Richard II to Henry VI, 1-4. FABYAN, Chronicles, 528-531. FROISSART, Chroni- cles, Berners ed., II, 457-508; III, 1-216; Johnes ed., I, 510-668; Lanier's Boy's Froissart, 266-296, 421-422;, Scott Lib., 110-131. LANGLAND, WILLIAM, Piers Ploughman, I, 1-141 (Middle-English). Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 136-144. Calen- dar, Papal Registers, Letters, 1198-1404, IV, 227-263. Calendar, Papal Registers, Petitions, 1342-1419, I, 537-561. Calendar, Patent Rolls, 1377-1392, I; II (in part). Calendar, State Papers, in Venice, I, 19- 29. COBBETT, I, 89-124. COLBY, 105-107. FRAZER, Part II, 33-37. GEE and HARDY, 105-108. Harleian Miscellany, 8-vol. ed., II, 22-25. HOLINSHED, II, 711-734; V, 389-390 (Scot.). KENDALL, 106-109. PARIS et JEAN ROY, Extraits, 293-304. PINKERTON, Scotland, I, app., 441-445. POWELL and TREVELYAN, Peasants' Rising, 1-18 (Latin ; cf. introd., pp. vii-xiii), 57-73 (largely English). REVILLE, Le Souleve- ment des Travailleurs, app., 175-294. RILEY, London, 408-455. Rotuli Parl., Ill, 3-121 (French and Latin), 386-394 (Latin and French). SOMERS, Tracts, I, 7-15. Statutes at Large, I, 409-429. TREVELYAN and POWELL, Peasants' Rising, Sect. I, 1-23. University of Pa., II, no. 5, pp. 17-20. WALLON, Richard II, I, 385-453, passim (French and Latin). Modern Accounts, Group I ANDREWS, C. M., England, 183- 185 [Bibl.]. BISHOP, Pictures, 124-129 (GREEN). CHEYNEY, Eng- land, x, 258 [Bibl.]. GAIRDNER, Lancaster and York (Epochs), 1-12; maps, opposite title-page, i. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 266- 269 [Bibl.]. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 235-241 ; illus. ed., I, 460-492 [Bibl.]. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 68-72 [Bibl.]. LINGARD, England, abr., 211-214. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 134-136 [Bibl.]. OMAN, England, xiv, 202-207. OMAN, Hundred Years' War (Oxford Manuals), vii, 77-84. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book IV, iv, 278-282. RANSOME, Government, viii, 80-91. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xi, 230-244, passim. TERRY, B., England, THE ANGEVINS FROM 1216 TO 1399 245 403-413. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book I, iv, 176- 180. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xiii, 195 [Bibl.]. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 144-149 (SHIRLEY); map, end of vol. WRONG, British Nation, 186-187 [Bibl.]. Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, I, 389- 407. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 220-230. BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 242-245. BROUGHAM, Lancaster, 15-19. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, Book IV, i, 184-193. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, I, 277-283. CANNON, Poor Priests, in Am. Hist. Ass'n, Rep., 1899, I, 449-482. CHEYNEY, Recantations of Early Lollards, in Am. Hist. Rev., Apr., 1899, IV, 423- 428. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 782-785. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Anne (of Bohemia), John Ball, Richard II, John Wycliffe. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 226-227. FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book IV, Sect. I, 448-456. GEIKIE, C., Reformation, iii. 31-49. GIBBON, Roman Empire, VII, 285-290; abr. ed., II, 328- 329. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 66-68. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 469-485. HALLAM, Europe, I, 73-78. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, IV, xv, 244-314. HUME, D., England, II, xvii, 225-230; cf. Note K, 603- 604. KNIGHT, England, H r i, 1-18. KRIEHN, Social Revolt, in Am. Hist. Rev., Jan., Apr., 1902, VII, 254-285, 458-484. KRIEHN, Uprisings, Am. Hist. Ass'n, Hep., 1893, 151-161, passim. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 297-322. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 816-817. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, III, 64-122, 387-391. LIN- GARD, England, III, 271-311. LYTE, Oxford, x, 249-286. MAURICE, Leaders, II, iii, 133-200. MILMAN, Christianity, VII, Book XIII, 228- 245. OMAN, England, 1377-1485 (Political Hist, of Eng., IV), i, 1-25; map [Bibl.]. PAULI, England (German ed.), IV, 505-542. PEARSON, Fourteenth Century, x, 240-267. PINKERTON, Scotland, I, Book I, 14- 23; app., 441-445. POWELL, Rising in East Anglia. REVILLE, Le Soulevement des Travailleurs. ROGERS, Gleanings, Ser. II, 47-63. ROUND, Commune of London, Study XV, 302-320. STRICKLAND, Queens, I, 606-629 (Anne of Bohemia). STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., II, 461-536. TRAILL, Social Eng., II, 152-154, 167-170, 192-194. VAN DYKE, Renascence, 46-58. WORDSWORTH, Biography, I, vii, 201-216. Biographical: BLACK PRINCE: Creighton, L., xviii, 221-230. RICHARD II : Holton, S. H. D., in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Ser., X, 120-124. Wallon, I, Books I-II, 1-123. WAT TYLER: Vericour, in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Ser., II, 77-93. WYCLIFFE : Budden- sieg, passim. Creighton, M., Essays, 173-201 (From Church Quar., 1877). Lechler, passim. Sergeant. Vaughan, ix, 200-263. Vaughan, Tracts, pp. xxxvi-lxxi. 246 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Bibliography (see also ^tnder Sect, jo, and general note, Sect. 2). See EDMANDS, LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, LIEBERMANN, and PAULI (Eng- land), as in Sect. 26; also: BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 230. FRAZER, English Hist., 1307-1399, 116-123. HOLTON, Richard the Redeless, 147-154. LECHLER, Wycliffe, App. VII, 480-498. OMAN, England, 1377-1485,497-512. REVILLE, Le Soulevement des Travailleurs, foot- notes. VAUGHAN, Wycliffe, app., 525-544. WALLON, Richard II, I, 385-458. Illustrative Material Prose. AINSWORTH, W. H., Merrie Eng- land. 1874. [B. P. L.] BRAMSTON, Miss M., The Banner of St. George. 1900. [B.] MEYER, A. N., Robert Annys, Poor Priest; a tale of the great uprising. New York, Macmillan, 1901. Illustrative Material Poetry. CHAUCER, The Parlement of Foules ; and Minor Poems. DRAITON, MICHAELL, Queen Isabel! to Richard the Second ; Richard the Second to Queen Isabell, in his Works, I, 235-242, 243-249. SECTION 29 Richard II (B}, 1381-1399 Summary. Persecution of the Lollards; trials and recantations. Battle of Chevy Chase. Tyranny of Richard's favourites ; impeach- ment of the favourites, 1388. Richard declares himself of age, 1389; character of his government thereafter; Statutes of Praemunire, Pro- visors, Concerning Alien Traders, of Maintenance of Retainers; marriage to Isabella of France, 1396; subsequent tyranny (revengeful treatment of the great nobles, taxes for life) ; campaign in Ireland ; invasion of Henry of Lancaster; abdication of Richard. General features of his reign. Sources Individual Works. Chronicle of Richard II to Henry VI, 4-18; app., 111-115. Cronique de la traison et mort de Richart, pref., pp. v-xcii; 117-263 (English tr.) ; app., 267-302. Deposition of Richard II, in Archceologia, XX, 30-242 (tr.). FABYAN, Chronicles, 531-552. FROISSART, Chronicles, III, 217, through Vol. VI; Johnes ed., I, 668, through Vol. II ; Lanier's Boy's Froissart, Book II, 296- 422; Scott Lib., 131-260. GREY FRIARS, Chronicle, 6-9. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 144-165. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 12-19. Calendar, Papal Registers, Letters, 1198-1404, IV, 263-309. Calendar, Papal Registers, Petitions, 1342-1419, I, 561-620. Calendar, Patent Rolls, 1377-1392, II (in part), III-IV. Calendar, State Papers, in Venice, I, 29-39. COBBETT, I, 123-162. COLBY, 126- THE ANGEVINS FROM 1216 TO 1399 247 128. English Hist. Rep., I, 19-27 [Bibl.]. FRAZER, 37-114. GEE and HARDY, 108-132. HALLIWELL, I, 50-52. Harleian Miscellany, 12-vol. ed., I, 133-152. HOLINSHED, II, 734-871; V, 390-403 (Scot.); VI, 258-259 (Ire.). KENDALL, iio-m. LEE, G. C., 199-202, 212-214. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, II, app., 513-514. PINKERTON, Scotland, I, app., 446-448. RILEY, London, 455-552. Rotuli Parl., Ill, 121-385 (French and Latin), 394-411. SOMERS, Tracts, I, 15-21. Statutes at Large, I, 429-517. TREVELYAN and POWELL, Peasants' Rising, Sects. II-V, 25-73. University of Pa., II, no. 5, pp. 6-9, 13-14. WALLON, Richard II, I, 458-518; II, 391-540, passim (French and Latin). Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 185- 196. CHEYNEY, England, x, 258-259. GAIRDNER, Lancaster and York (Epochs), 12-67. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 278-286. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 242-264; illus. ed., II, 493-512. KINGS- FORD, C. L., Henry V (Heroes), introd. and i, 1-20 [Bibl.]. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 119-124. LINGARD, England, abr., 215-231. MONT- GOMERY, Leading Facts, 136-141. OMAN, England, xiv, 207-212. OMAN, Hundred Years' War (Oxford Manuals), vii-viii, 84-96. RAN- SOME, Advanced Hist., Book IV, iv, 282-294. SMITH, G., United King- dom, I, xi, 230-244, passim. TERRY, B., England, 413-426. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book I, iv, 180-189. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xiii, 195-197. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 149-154 (POWELL). WRONG, British Nation, 187-198. Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, I, 33-40 (Duke of Albany). AUBREY, English Nation, I, 407-448. BAYLEY, Tower of London, 33-39. BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 245- 254. BROUGHAM, Lancaster, 19-33. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, III, 43-90. CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, v, 149-173. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, I, 284-309. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, hi, 103-121. CANNON, Poor Priests, in Am. Hist. Ass'n, Rep., 1899, I, 449-482. CHEYNEY, Recan- tations of Early Lollards, in Am. Hist. Rev., Apr., 1899, IV, 428-438. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 785-800. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Thomas Arundel, William Courtenay, James Douglas, Isabella (of France), Edmund de Langley, Thomas Mowbray, Ralph Neville, the two Henry Percys. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 227-261. FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book IV, Sect. I, 456-471. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 68-71. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 486-520. Harleian Miscellany, 8-vol. ed., VII, 244-258. HILDRETH, Judges, ii, 48-60. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, IV, xvi, 315-398. HUME, D., England, II, xvii, 230-275 ; cf. Notes L-Q, 604-605. JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part III, xiii, 322-333. KNIGHT, England, II, ii, 19-38. LARNED, 248 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Ready Reference, II, 817 ; IV, 2850 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, III, 124-131. LINGARD, England, III, 311-400. MATTHEW, F. D., The Wycliffite Bible, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1875, x > 91-99. MAURICE, Leaders, II, i, 201-246. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, II, 714-779. MILMAN, Christianity, VII, Book XIII, 346-403. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, II, iv, 258-340. OMAN, England, 1377-1485 (Political Hist, of Eng., IV), ii-vi, 26-154. O'FLAN- AGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, iv, 56-71. PAULI, England (German ed.), IV, 542-642. PEARSON, Fourteenth Cent., xi-xii, 268-321. PINKER- TON, Scotland, I, Book I, 23-54 ; Book II, 45-54 ; app., I, 446-448. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book II, v, 221-242. STRICKLAND, Queens, II, 1-42 (Isabella of Valois). TRAILL, Social Eng., II, 154- 156, 170-172. WILLIAMS, R. F., Cardinals, II, Book, III, i, 3-32. WORDSWORTH, Biography, I, vii, 217-258. Biographical: RICHARD II: Holton, S. H. D., in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Sen, X, 124-147. Wallon, I, Books III-VI, 125-382; II, whole vol. WYCLIFFE: Lechler, ix-x, 378-450. Vaughan, 263-482; app., 511-577. Vaughan, Tracts, pp. Ixxi-xciv. And see BUDDENSIEG, and SERGEANT; passim. Bibliography (see also under Sect, jo, and general note, Sect. 2). See EDMANDS, LIEBERMANN, and PAULI (England), as in Sect. 26; also: FRAZER, English Hist., 1307-1399, 116-123. HOLTON, Richard the Redeless, 147-154. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, III, 159-160. LECHLER, Wycliffe, app., VII, 480-498. OMAN, England, 1377-1485, 497-512. VAUGHAN, Wycliffe, app., 525-544. WALLON, Richard II, I, 458-518; II, 391-540. Illustrative Material Prose. Bondman, The ; a story of the times of Wat Tyler. London, 1833. [B.P.L.] BURCH, H. E., Dick Delver; a story of the peasants' revolt of the I4th century. London, 1889. [B. P. L.] DOYLE, A. C., The White Company. New York, Harper, 1890. [B.] DUROS, EDWARD, Otterbourne. 1832. [B.] GIL- LIAT, Rev. EDWARD, John Standish : or, the harrowing of London. New York, Scribner, 1889. MINTO, WILLIAM, The Mediation of Ralph Hardelot. New York, Harper, 1888. MORRIS, WILLIAM, The Dream of John Ball. London, Longmans, 1900. Illustrative Material Poetry. Alliterative poem on the Depo- sition of King Richard II . . ., ed. by Thomas Wright. London, 1838. [B.P. L.] Battle of Otterburn, in CHILD, III; MAIDMENT, Ballads, I; PERCY, Reliques, II. Chevy Chase, in GUNNYON ; MAIDMENT, Ballads, I ; PERCY, Reliques, II. Life and Death of Jack Strawe, in DODSLEY, Collection, V. SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM, Richard II. SOUTHEY, ROBERT, Wat Tyler; a dramatic poem, in his Works. THE ANGEVINS FROM 1216 TO 1399 249 SECTION 30 State of Society, 1216-1399 Summary. Advances in administration ; increase of state expenses and taxation ; the army (the longbow, the knight) ; chivalry. Coming of the Dominican friars, 1220; the Franciscans, 1224; Carmelites and Augustinians ; England and the papacy ; religious unrest ; Wicliffite doctrines and influences. The universities: organization; courses of instruction ; Oxford and Cambridge ; founding of colleges ; learned men (Roger Bacon, Adam of Marsh, Edmund Rich, Robert Grosseteste); scholasticism. Increasing use of English; William Langland, Piers Plowman ; Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales ; law writers (Henry de Bracton) ; historians (Roger of Wendover, Matthew Paris); the scrip- torium of a monastery ; increased care for public records. The Welsh literature. Architecture: the Early English style; cathedral- and castle-building. The towns : causes of growth ; town charters ; the gild merchant; the craft gild. Fairs; courts of "pie powder." The manor: the demesne; payments to the lord; officers of the manor; manor courts; cotters; villeins and serfdom; freemen. The Jews: unpopularity; treatment; occupations; self-government. Effects of the Black Death upon society. Development of Scotland. Summary of period, 1216-1399. Sources Individual Works. Customs of London, passim. FROISSART, Chronicles, passim. HENLEY, Husbandry. Modus Te- nendi Parliamentum (Latin, with parallel English tr.). PETRARCH. White Book of London. WYCLIFF, Select English Works, 3 vols. For Chaucer, Dante, etc., see Illustrative Material, below. Sources Collections. BREWER, II, 552-554; X, 3918-3924. BUTLER, XI, 254-271. Calendar, Carew MSS., 1515-1624, VI, 1-485, passim. Catalogue of Ancient Deeds, 4 vols., passim. CAWSTON and KEANE, Chartered Companies, App. I, 245-248. Chronicles of the Crusades, 343-556. Commission on Hist. MSS., Reports (for contents, see GROSS, Sources, App. D, 534-539). HADDAN and STUBBS, I, 389- 620, App. A, 621-624; II, App. C, 68. HALL, H., Custom-revenue, I, app., 199-240. Harleian Miscellany, 8-vol. ed., VI, 84-106; 12-vol. ed., I, 153-182. HOLINSHED, VI, 42-69 (Ire.). JACOBS, J., 253-254. JONES, II, no. 4, pp. 56-72. KENDALL, 78-84, 101-102. Munimenta Gildhallae Londoniensis, III, 3-204. Ordinances for the Royal House- hold, 3-12. PALGRAVE, SIR F., Commonwealth, pp. ccccliv-cccclvi. PARIS et JEANROY, Extraits, 165-192, 201-202. PINKERTON, Scotland, I, app., 458-504, passim. PINKERTON, Voyages, VII, 101-178 (Marco 250 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Polo). ROBINSON, Readings, I, xvii-xxi, 275-277, 387-395, 399-412, 460-461, 497-502 [Bibl.]. SMITH, L. T., Gilds, 3-123, 127-346. STAN- TON, 547-550. TURNER, RIBTON-, Vagrants, xxix, passim. University of Pa., II, no. i, pp. 2-5, 12-26; no. 3, pp. 2-19; no. 4, pp. 6-20, 34- 36; no. 5, pp. 1-6, 20; III, no. 5, pp. 4-31; IV, no. 3, pp. 21-29. WRIGHT, Political Songs (Camden Soc.), 27-36, 46-56, 133-136, 149-155, 195- 205, 251-253, 323-345. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., Civilization, xi, 258- 278; xiv, 339-356, passim. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 510-526. AMOS, S., Government, 19-54. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 160-162. ARCHER and KINGSFORD, Crusades, 390-407. BATESON, Mediaeval Eng. (Nations), Part II, vii-xii, 140-280, passim; Part III, xiii-xviii, 281-418. BECKETT, English Reformation (Church Hist.), iv, 2130; vi-xi, 43-92. BISHOP, Pictures, 129-134 (KNIGHT); 134-139 (MACAU- LAY). BOUTMY, Angleterre, Part I, i-iv, 1-69, passim. BRODRICK, Oxford (Epochs of Church Hist.), i, 1-55. CHEYNEY, England, ix, 187- 204; x, 239-241, 243-245, 252-258. CHEYNEY, Industrial Hist., i-v, 22-134, passim [Bibl.]. CLARK, W., Anglican Reformation (Epochs of Church Hist.), iii, 27-48. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, 510-526. CREASY, English Const., 1-6, 85-1 17. CREIGHTON, M., Half-Hour Hist., vii, 73-85. CUNNINGHAM and MCARTHUR, In- dustrial Hist., 17-27, 37-45, 175-182. DURUY, France, 148-186, passim. DURUY, Middle Ages, -385-391. EDWARDS, O.- M., Wales (Nations), xiv-xv, 249-268. EMERTON, Mediaeval Eur., 389-397, 462-476. FEIL-' DEN, Short Const. Hist., 15-22, 35-38, 70-73, 84-91, 100-104, 130-138, 164-168, 191-197, 214-215, 224-230, 261-271, 324-333. FlNNEMORE, Social Eng., 71-168. GAIRDNER, Chroniclers, England, v-vi, 199-283 ; vii, passim. GAIRDNER, Lancaster and York (Epochs), 62-67. GAR- DINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 270-277. GIBBINS, Commerce, 78-80, 83-101 ; map, 90 [Bibl.]. GIBBINS, Industrial Hist. (University Ex- tension), Period III, i-v, 4081, passim. GIBBINS, Industry, viii-xiii, 111-196. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part I, 114-121 (PALGRAVE); 121- 126 (GREEN); 138-145 (BROOKE) ; Part II, 1-7 (GREEN). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 132-141, 147-152, 169-181, 193-211, 244-260; illus. ed., I, 247-266, 279-288, 322-345, 368-403; II, 469-505. GUIZOT, France, 140-200, passim [Bibl:]. HARDING, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist. (Essen- tials), 191-209, 229-244. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 73-76. HOSMER, Anglo-Saxon Freedom, iv, 38-61, passim; v, 62-79. HUTTON, King and Baronage (Oxford Manuals), viii, 104-112. JACOBS, J., Discovery (Lib. of Useful Stories), iii, 43-62, passim ; maps, 10, 48 [Bibl.]. JALKSON, European Progress, 69-122, passim; maps. LARNED, THE ANGEVINS FROM 1216 TO 1399 251 History for Schools, 131-156, 165-185, 190-199; map, 174. MACY, Constitution, Part II, xiv-xv, 169-195. MEDLEY, Manual, see table of contents. MOMBERT, Crusades, passim [Bibl.]. MONTAGUE, English Const. Hist., 58-71. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 142-149. MORRIS, W. O., Ireland (Cambridge Hist.), ii, 24-58, passim. MULLINGER, Cambridge (Epochs of Church Hist.), ii, 21-49. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 147-168, 179-221, 227-233, 256-257, 268-274. RANNIE, Constitution, iv, 43-56 ; vi, 66-88. RHYS and JONES, Welsh People, vii-xii, 318-550, passim. RIDEING, London, ii, 29-45. ROBINSON, Western Eur., Part I, xi, 137-147 ; and see Sect. 22. ROWLEY, People (Epochs of Eng. Hist.), Book I, 13-46; Book IV, 99-121. SKOT- TOWE, Parliament, 14-23. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book I, iii, 172-176. TOUT, Empire and Papacy (Periods of Eur. Hist.), 429-449. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), x, 141-154 ; xiii- xiv, 197-199, 201-215. WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, 44-67. WARNER, Industrial Hist., ii-vi, 26-115. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 103-109 (LONGMAN); 109-115 (GEIKIE). "WRONG, British Nation, 132-169. ZIMMERN, Hansa Towns (Nations), Period II, vii, 179-201. Modern Accounts, Group II. A. GENERAL, i. England, Wales, and Scotland. ANDERSON, W 7 ., Scottish Nation, III, 414-415 (Michael Scott). Archaeologia, see index to Vols. I-L. Archtcologic al Journal, see indexes. AUBREY, English Nation, I, xix, 305-338 ; xxiii, 365-376. BARNARD, Middle Ages, 10-11, 23-25, 32-38, 168-172, 231-233, 268- 274, 336-344. BAYLEY, Tower of London, 267-299. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 124-220 [Bibl.]. BEM'ONT et MONOD, Histoire de 1'Eur., xxiii, 379-396; xxvi, 427-451; xxvii, 470-475. BREWER, J. S., Monu- menta Franciscana, pref., pp. ix-ci. BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 255- 274. BROWNE, M., Chaucer's Eng., 2 vols. BUCKLE, Civilization, I, 209-241 (Historical literature); II, 123-154 (Scot.). BURTON, J. H., Scotland, II, 126-198. Cambridge Mod. Hist., I, Renaissance, xvii, 585-593 (M. R. JAMES). CHEYNEY, European Background (Am. Nation, I), passim. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., I, 801-887. CREIGHTON, C., Epidemics, I, i-ii, 9-113; iv, 203-220. CUTTS, Middle Ages, 311-393. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Adelard of Bath, Roger Bacon, John de Baliol, Richard Conyngton, Bartholomew de Cotton, John Gower, Hugh (of Lincoln), Simon Islip, John Kemp, Sir John Mandeville, Walter de Merton. ESSENWEIN, Kulturhistorischer Bilderatlas, II, Mittelalter, passim. FREEMAN, Essays, Fourth Sen, 266-274, passim (Civil wars). FREEMAN, General Sketch, 183-185. FREEMAN, Historical Geog., ix, Sect. I, 348-349. FROUDE, England, I, vi, 480-590, passim. GASQUET, Essays, Essays III-VI, 63-225. 252 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY GASQUET, Henry VIII, I, i-ii, 1-66. GIBBON, Roman Empire (Bury ed.), IV, 468-510; abr. ed., I, 381-402 (Roman law). GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 254-266, 283-290, 336-341, 419-422, 428-433, 438- 448, 458-460, 471-496, 502-509. HALLAM, Europe, II, 94-139, 172- 212. HARRISON, F., Meaning of History, v, 139-171. HARTWRIGHT, Lancaster, 1-96, passim. HELMOLT, World, VII, Western Eur., 13-19, 34-35 ; plate, 68. HOZIER, Invasions, I, xi, 182-191. JESSOPP, Essays, ii-iii, 53-165; vi, 263-301. KITCHIN, France, I, 241-254, 391-396. KNIGHT, England, I, xxvi, 391-410. LANG, Scotland, I, v-vii, 119- 199; map, 124. LANGLOIS, England and France, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1890, V, 259-263. LARNED, Ready Reference, IV, 2850 (Scot.). LAVISSE, Histoire de France, III, Part II, 295-302. LAVISSE et RAM- BAUD, Histoire Generale, II, 1-64, 480-536, 651-659. LINGARD, Eng- land, II, 479-496, 576-621; III, 209-270. LITTLE, Mediaeval Wales, passim. LO.NGMAN, W., Lectures, Lect. II, 75-149. MOTLEY, Dutch Republic, I, 27-41. MUNRO and SELLERY, Mediaeval Civilization, 153- 201, 240-247, passim. PAULI, England (German ed.), IV, 643-715. PAULI, Old Eng., ii-iv, 30-139; vii-viii, 204-292. PEARSON, England, II, xv-xvi, 453-514. PEARSON, Fourteenth Century, i-ii, 1-51. PINK- ERTON, Scotland, I, Book V, 143-185. RAIT, Relations of Eng. and Scot., ii, 28-30; v, 64-79; ond see Sects. 24, 25. ROBERTSON, E. W., Early Scot., II, xiv-xvii, 1-181 ; cf. app., 185-523, passim. ROGERS, Black Death, in Fort. Rev., Ill, 191-196. SEEBOHM, Black Death, in Fort. Rev., II, 149-160, 268-279. SISMONDI, Italian Republics, vii, 133-147. SKENE, Celtic Scot., Ill, Book III, i, 1-41; vii, 246-283; viii, 307-325. SMYTH, Lectures, I, Lects. V-VI, 115-174, passim. TOUT, England, A.D. 1216-1377 (Political Hist, of Eng., Ill), iv, 82-97 ; xvii, 370-380; xix, 419-427. TRAILL, Social Eng., I, 415-490; 11,47- 129, 194-274; III, 274-280. VAN DYKE, Renascence, 20-34, 59-68. WORDSWORTH, Biography, I, vi, 147-164. 2. English Municipal His- tory. BESANT, Plantagenet London, in Harper's Mag., Aug. to Oct., 1891, LXXXIII, 453-469, 602-618, 780-793. BOASE, Oxford (Historic Towns), i, 24-27; ii-iii, 3491. BURROWS, Cinque Ports (Historic Towns), v-vii, 85-192 ; map. CREIGHTON, M., Carlisle (Historic Towns), iii-iv, 39-74. CUTTS, Colchester (Historic Towns), xii-xiii, 104-125. FREEMAN, Exeter (Historic Towns), iv, Sect. I, 73-90; vi, 182-190. HARRIS, Coventry (Social Eng.), v-vii, 53-105. HUNT, Bristol (His- toric Towns), iii-iv, 42-90; map, 35. KITCHIN, Winchester (Historic Towns), xi-xii, 112-153. LOFTIE, London, I, vi-viii, 156-254; map, 156; cf. II, App. F, 367-370. LOFTIE, London (Historic Towns), iii-v, 57-119; map. Munimenta Gildhallae Londoniensis, I, introd., pp. ix- 253 cxii; II, Part I, introd., pp. ix-cxvi. PICTON, Liverpool, I, 8-31. RAINE, York (Historic Towns), iv-v, 6179. 3. Ireland. BAGWELL, Ireland, I, iv-vii, 58-101 ; map, 69. KILLEN, Ireland, Book II, iii-iv, 253-30- B. SPECIAL. I. Manners and Customs. FAIRHOLT, Costume, I, 89-157. HODGETTS, Middle Ages, passim. PLANCHE, Costume, II, iv-v, 66-115; x, 383-433, passim. STRUTT, Sports, passim. WRIGHT, Manners, 120-358. WRIGHT, Womankind, xi-xviii, 132-290, passim. 2. Art and Science, Education. COMPAYRE, Abelard, Parts I-IV, 24- 306. HYDE, Literary Hist, of Ire., xxxiv-xxxv, 452-478. LYTE, Oxford, ii-x, 16-286. MILLAR, Literary Hist, of Scot., i, 1-45. MUL- LINGER, Cambridge to 1535, introd. and i-ii, 1-257. OMAN, Art of War, 353-435> 5 IO -553 5 plan, 20. OMAN, War in the M. A., 49-61. RASHDALL, Universities, 2 vols., passim. 3. Agriculture, Industry, Commerce. ALLEN, W. F., Essays, 331-344. ASHLEY, Economic Hist., 2 vols., passim. CAWSTON and KEANE, Chartered Companies, i-ii, 1-19. CHEYNEY, English Serfdom, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1900, XV, 20-37. CUNNINGHAM, Alien Immigrants, ii, 17-62; cf. introd., 3-13. CUNNINGHAM, English Industry, I (either ed.), 134-368. DEL MAR, Monetary Systems, ix-xi, 198253, passim. GARNIER, British Peas- antry, especially v, 54-63. GARNIER, Landed Interest, I, xiii-xviii, 182-249. GROSS, Gild Merchant, I, passim. HENLEY, Husbandry, introd., pp. vii-xliv. JUSSERAND, Wayfaring Life. KRIEHN, Uprisings, in Am. Hist. Ass'n, Rep., 1893, I5 1 -i6i, passim. MACPHERSON, Com- merce, I, 382-611. MAURER, Markenverfassung, passim. MAURICE, Leaders, II, ii, 51-132. NASSE, Agricultural Community. PROTHERO, Farming, i, 1-16. RHODES, W. E., Italian Bankers, in TOUT and TAIT'S Essays, 137-168. ROGERS, Agriculture, I (Text); II (Tables). ROGERS, Interpretations, 1-22, 69-84. ROGERS, Work and Wages, i-ix, 17-273. SEEBOHM, English Village Community, 17-81; plans, 26. SELIGMAN, Guilds, in Am. EC. Ass'n, II, no. 5, pp. 401-412, 430-481. SHAW, W. A., Currency, 41-60. TAYLOR, R. W. C., Introduction to Factory System, vii, 262-299. TURNER, RIBTON-, Vagrants, ii, 31, to iii, 63; xv-xvi, xviii, xx-xxi, passim. VINOGRADOFF, Villainage (cf. SEEBOHM on, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1892, VII, 444-465). 4. Religion. CHUR- TON, Early Church, xx, 380-397. CLARKE, H. W., Tithes, xi-xv, xvii, 125-176, 186-200, passim. ECKENSTEIN, Woman under Monasti- cism, ix-x, 305-397. FORSHALL and MADDEN, Wycliffe's Bible, I, pref., pp. i-xxi. FOSBROKE, Monachism, passim. FOSTER, H. D., Geneva before Calvin, in Am. Hist. Rev., Jan., 1893, VIII, 217-240. Fox, Martyrs, Gumming ed., I, 358-708. FREEMAN, Wells, Lect. II, 254 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Hi, 42-161, passim. FROUDE, Armada and other Essays, 272-313. GAIRDNER and SPEDDING, Studies, i-ii, 1-54 (The Lollards, by J. G., in Fort. Rev., Aug., 1865). GEIKIE, C., Reformation, ii, 16-30. HILL, 0. T., Monasticism, xii-xv, 283-421. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, III, 1, 1-102. HUNT, W., English Church, vii-ix, 145-218. JENNINGS, A. C., The Church, v, 94-111. LEA, Inquisition, 3 vols. LEA, Sacer- dotal Celibacy, xvii-xviii, 285-315. MAITLAND, F. W., Canon Law, 1-99; also in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1896, XI, 641-672; 1897, XII, 625-658; 1901, XVI, 35-45. MAKOWER, Constitution of the Church, Division I, B, 12-48; V, 225-251, 281-293. MILMAN, Christianity, V, Book IX, 230-281 ; Book X, 524-530; VI, Book XII,37i~483. MOELLER, Christian Church, II, Third Period, viii, 404-421 ; Fourth Period, ii, Sect. Ill, 490-497. PALFREY, New Eng., I, 101-106. SMITH, Miss T., Popular Preaching, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1892, VII, 25-36. SPOTTISWOODE, Church of Scot., I, Book II, 83-109. STEPHENS and HUNT, Church, xii-xvi, and app., 221-339. TREVELYAN, G. M., Age of Wycliffe, whole vol.; maps, 228, 254, 352. WISHART, Monks, Part V, 205-257. Biograph- ical: GROSSETESTE : Pauli, passim. ST. FRANCIS OF Assist: Magliano, passim. WYCLIFFE : Buddensieg. Lechler. Poole, R. L. Sergeant. Vaughan, passim. Vaughan, Tracts, pp. i xciv (memoir), passim. 5. Government and Law. BALDWIN, J. F., Early Records of King's Council, in Am. Hist. Rev., Oct., 1905, XI, 1-15. DICEY, A. V., Privy Council, Part I, 1-24. DIGBY, Real Property, Part I, iii-v, and app., 85-236. DOWELL, Taxation, I, 31-103; app., 229-240. FERRIS, Financial Relations of Knights Templars, in Am. Hist. Rev., Oct., 1902, VIII, 1-17. FORSTER, Grand Remonstrance, i, 1-64. FORSYTH, Trial by Jury, 159-248. FREEMAN, English Const., 56-110; notes, 180-209. GAUTIER, La Chevalerie, passim. GNEIST, Constitution, I, 115-437; II, 1-124, passim. GNEIST, Parliament, iii, 122-209, passim. GUIZOT, Essais, Essai VI, 356-436. HALL, H., Custom-revenue, 1, 1-102, passim. LAPSLEY, Durham, ii, 31-76; v, 156-178; vi-viii, 209-311, passim. LEA, Superstition and Force, passim. MAITLAND, F. W., Township and Borough, passim (includes documents). NEILSON, Trial by Com- bat, Part III, 68-74; IV, 99-146; V, 160-196; VI, 207-255 (Scot.). NICHOLLS, Poor Law, I, Part I, i, 20-61. PALGRAVE, F., Common- wealth, ix, 301-315. PIKE, Crime in Eng., I, 170-231 (notes, 459-485), 232-321. PIKE, Lords, iv-vi, ix, xii-xv, passim. POLLOCK and MAIT- LAND, English Law, Book II, i-iii, 207-678. RANKE, England, I, 58- 73. SCRUTTON, Roman Law, Part II, i-iv, 67-124 [Bibl.]. STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., II, 166-318, 537-656. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 428-514. THAYER, Evidence, i-ii, 7-84. WAKEMAN and THE ANGEVINS FROM 1216 TO 1399 255 HASSALL, Essays, III, 113-158 (C. W. C. OMAN); IV, 159-223 (D. J. MEDLEY); VI, 269-342 (H. O. WAKEMAN). Bibliography (see general note, Sect. 2). See ADAMS, C. K., AUBREY, BOWKER and ILES, BRATKE, Columbia Univ. Lib. Bull., DAVENPORT, DEL MAR, FAIRHOLT, FISHER, GARNIER, GAUTIER, GOMME, GROSS, HASSE, HYDE, MAKOWER, MONROE, MUNRO and SELLERY, POTTHAST, RAND, SMEDT, STAMMHAMMER, and WISHART, as in Sect. 14; also: BARNARD, Middle Ages, close of each chapter. BECKETT, English Reformation, 306. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, 402-408. CUBBERLEY, Syllabus, 71-79, 87-108. CUNNINGHAM, Industry, I, 3d ed., 651-673; 4th ed., 657-681. EDMANDS, Reading Notes on Wycliffe. GAIRDNER, see Modern Accounts, Group I, above. GNEIST, Constitution, footnotes. GNEIST, Parliament, footnotes. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 193- 194,375-377. HARRIS, Coventry, 377-380. HOZIER, Invasions, I, 182. HURST, Literature of Theology, 227. LANG, Scotland, close of each chapter. LAPSLEY, Durham, 338-346. LECHLER, Wycliffe, App. VII, 480-498. LIEBERMANN, Ueber Ostcnglische Geschichtsquellen ; con- sult index, 2. LITTLE, Mediaeval Wales, pp. v-vii. MALORY, Morte Darthur, 241-242. MASSON, Early Chroniclers, France, 163-176. MIL- LAR, Scotland, 1-45. MOELLER, Christian Church, 404-416, 490. MORLEY, H., English Writers, III-VI. MULLINGER, Cambridge to 1535, footnotes. OMAN, England, 1377-1485, 497-512. PAULI, Eng- land, IV, 716-741. POLLOCK and MAITLAND, English Law, footnotes. Providence Pub. Lib., Mo. Lists, I, 1-3; 19 (Bible). SCRUTTON, Roman Law, xiii-xvi. SHAW, Currency, xvi xviii, xxvi-xxviii. STUBBS, Con- stitutional Hist., footnotes. TAYLOR, H., English Const., footnotes. TOUT, England, 1216-1377, app., 443-464. TRAILL, Social Eng., close of each chapter. TREVELYAN, Age of Wycliffe, footnotes. VAUGHAN, Wycliffe, app., 525-544. WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, pp. xxxi-xxxv. Illustrative Material Prose. HEWLETT, MAURICE, New Can- terbury Tales. New York, Macmillan, 1901. NATHAN, Mrs. A. N., Robert Annys, Poor Priest ; a tale of the great uprising. Illustrative Material Poetry. Anonymous Metrical Treatise on Geography (Latin), in WRIGHT, Anecdota. Bishop and the Priest, in WRIGHT, Anecdota. CHAUCER, GEOFFREY, Canterbury Tales. DANTE ALIGHIERI, Divine Comedy. Des Clercs, in WRIGHT, Anecdota. LANGLAND, WILLIAM, The Vision of William concerning Piers the Ploughman, ed. by W. M. Skeat, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1881. Miller of Abington, in WRIGHT, Anecdota. On the Villans (Old French), in WRIGHT, Anecdota. Ragman Roll, in WRIGHT, Anecdota, Townley Mysteries (Surtees Society). IV. ENGLAND UNDER THE HOUSES OF LANCASTER AND YORK, 1399-1485 SECTION 31 Henry IV, 1399-1413 Summary. Character of Henry ; his claims to the throne ; depend- ence upon the higher clergy; the Statute against Heretics, 1401 ; treat- ment of heretics. Parliament: powers; privileges; Henry's treatment of. Conspiracy of RichaYd's half-brothers. Rebellion of Owen Glen- dower ; the " Lords Marchers " ; revolt of the North ; battle of Shrews- bury, 1403. Capture and detention of Prince James of Scotland. Sources Individual Works. Chronicle of Richard II to Henry VI, 19-38. FABYAN, Chronicles, 564-577. GREY FRIARS, Chronicle, 9-12. HALL, E., Chronicle, 1-45. MONSTRELET, Chronicles, I, 3-241. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 165-177. ARBER, English Garner, VI, 41-118. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 20-24. Calendar, Papal Registers, Letters, 1198-1404, IV, 310-546. Calendar, Papal Registers, Petitions, 1342-1419, I, 620-640. Calendar, State Papers, in Venice, 1,39-54. COBBETT, I, 161-226. COLBY, 109-110. ELLIS, Third Ser., I, 46-58 (Latin). English Hist. Rep., I, 27-29 [Bibl.]. GEE and HARDY, 133-139. HALLIWELL, I, 52-72. HOLINSHED, III, 1-60; V, 403-41 1 (Scot.); VI, 260-264 (Ire.). LEE, G. C., 214-21.7. PINKER- TON, Scotland, I, app., 449-452. POLLARD, Fifteenth Cent. Prose, 101-174. RILEY, London, 553-591. Rotuli Parl., Ill, 415-674 (French and Latin). Statutes at Large, I, 518-571. University of Pa., II, no. 5, pp. 14-17. WYLIE, Henry IV, IV, 157-258. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 198-202. CHEYNEY, England, x, 259-262, 264-267. EDWARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), xvi, 269-287. GAIRDNER, Lancaster and York (Epochs), 67-90. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 286-299. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 264-266; illus. ed., II, 513-515. HIGGINSON and CHAN- NING, English Hist., 77-78. KINGSFORD, C. L., Henry V (Heroes), iii-v, 21-79; ma P> 36 [Bibl.]. LINGARD, England, abr., 232-242. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 150-155. OMAN, England, xv, 213-219. 256 LANCASTER AND YORK, 1399-1485 257 OMAN, Hundred Years' War (Oxford Manuals), ix, 96-105. RANSOME, Advanced Hist, Book V, i, 299-312; table, 296-297; map, 298. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xii, 245-254. TERRY, B., England, 427-440. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book I, v, 189-195. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xv, 217-219. WRONG, British Nation, 202-204. Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, III, 344-345 (Robert III). AUBREY, English Nation, II, xxviii, i-n. BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 275-286. BROUGHAM, Lancaster, 33-52. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, Book IV, ii, 194-202. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, III, 91-103. CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, vi, 174-176. CAMP- BELL, Chancellors, I, 310-321. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, iii, 121-135. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., II, 4-23 (list of princes, 3). Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Henry Beaufort, Owen Glendower, Henry IV, James I, John Oldcastle. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 261-281. FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book IV, Sects. I-II, 471- 486. GAIRDNER and SHEDDING, Studies, iii, 55-77 (SHAKESPEARE'S Falstaff by J. G., from Fort. Rev., Mar., 1872). GEIKIE, C., Refor- mation, iv, 50-65. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 71-76. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 521-538. GREEN, Mrs. M. A. E., Princesses, III, 302-341. HARTWRIGHT, Lancaster, 96-133. HOOK, W. F., Arch- bishops, IV, xvii, 399-535. HUME, D., England, II, xviii, 276-295. KNIGHT, England, II, iii, 39-52. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitu- tional Hist., 323-379. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 817-818; V, 3644 (Wales). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, III, 391-392. LINGARD, England, III, 401-474; app., 542-543. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, II, 779-819. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, II, v, 341-401. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ireland, I, v, 72- 84. OMAN, England, 1377-1485 (Political Hist, of Eng., IV), vii-ix, 155-230. PAULI, England (German ed.), V, 1-75. PINKERTON, Scot- land, I, Book II, 54-84 ; III, 85-95 5 a PP-> I> 449-45 2 - RAMSAY, J. H., Lancaster and York, I, i-xi, 1-160; maps. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book III, i, 245-257. STRICKLAND, Queens, II, 43-108 (Joanna of Navarre). STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., Ill, 1-74. TAYLOR, H., Eng- lish Const, I, 535-541. TRAILL, Social Eng., II, 277-293. VAUGHAN, Wycliffe, xiii, 483-494. WALLON, Richard II, II, Book XIII, 345-388. WILLIAMS, R. F., Cardinals, II, Book III, ii, 33-58. WORDSWORTH, Biography, I, viii, 263-350. Biographical: HENRY IV : Wylie, 4 vols. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 37, and general note, Sect. 2). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, III, 413-415. OMAN, Eng- land, 1377-1485, 497-512. PAULI, England, V, 685-710. RAMSAY, 258 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY J. H., Lancaster and York, I, xi-xix. STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., footnotes. TAYLOR, H., English Const., footnotes. WYLIE, England under Henry IV, I, pp. ix-xvi; II, pp. ix-liv; III, pp. ix-xi; IV, pp. ix-x. Illustrative Material Prose. ADAMS, H. C., The Lollard Priest, in his Tales upon Texts. London, 1870. [B.P. L.] CALLWELL, J. M., A Champion of the Faith. New York, Scribner, 1893. [B-] ELRING- TON, H., In the Days of Prince Hal. 1901. [B.] GIBERNE, AGNES, Conlyng Castle : or, a knight of the olden days. New York, Carter. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, The Fair Maid of Perth : or, St. Valentine's Day. New York, Appleton, 1877. Illustrative Material Poetry. Battle of Harlaw, in CHILD, III; FINLAY, I; MAIDMENT, Ballads, I. DEKKER, THOMAS, Shoe- maker's Holiday : or, the gentle craft, in RHYS, 1-87. SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM, History of King Henry IV. SECTION 32 Henry V, 1413-1422 Summary. Character and previous training of Henry V ; his aims. Renewal of the war with France ; conditions in France ; campaign of Agincourt, 1415; conquest of Normandy; treaty of Troyes, 1420; Henry's marriage to Catherine of France ; resistance of the Dauphin ; death of Henry V and of Charles VI. Parliamentary development. Conspiracy of the Earl of Cambridge and others. Sir John Oldcastle and the Lollards. Sources Individual Works. CHASTELAIN, Chronicle of Nor- mandy, 215-262. Chronicle of Richard II to Henry VI, 39-52. FABYAN, Chronicles, 577-591. GREY FRIARS, Chronicle, 12-15. HALL, E., Chronicle, 46-114. MONSTRELET, Chronicles, I, 239-485. PAGE, Siege of Rouen (Camden Soc., 1876), 1-46. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 178-184. ARBER, English Garner, VI, 119-133. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 24-27. Calendar, State Papers, in Venice, I, 54-62. COBBETT, I, 225-268. COLBY, in- 113. ELLIS, Third Ser., I, 61-75. HALLIWELL, I, 72-106. Harleian Miscellany, i2-vol. ed., I, 246-286. HOLINSHED, III, 60-136; V, 411- 418 (Scot.); VI, 264-267 (Ire.). LEE, G. C., 217-220. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, II, app., 514-534- PINKERTON, Scotland, I, app., 453-455. POLLARD, Fifteenth Cent., Prose, 175-189. RILEY, London, 592-677. Rotuli Parl., IV, 3-165 (French and Latin). Statutes at Large, I, 572-609. University of Pa., Ill, no. 2, pp. 14-18. LANCASTER AND YORK, 1399-1485 259 Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 231-233, 242-243. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 202-206. BARNARD, Middle Ages, plan, 70. BISHOP, Pictures, 139-144 (DICKENS). CHEY- NEY, England, xi, 267-268. EWALD, State Papers, 12-29 (Youth of Henry V ; cf. introd., i-i i). GAIRDNER, Lancaster and York (Epochs), 90-128; map, 100. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 299-306. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, vi, 80-92; plan, 86. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part II, 7-11 (MICHELET). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 266-270; illus. ed., II, 515-525. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 78-81. LINGARD, England, abr., 243-252. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 155-158. OMAN, England, xvi, 220-230. OMAN, Hundred Years' War (Oxford Manuals), x, 105-115; map, no. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book V, ii, 313-323; plan, 319. RIDEING, London, xvi, 265- 275. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xiii, 255-260. TERRY, B., Eng- land, 440-449 ; maps, 444, 446. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book I, v, 196-200 ; map, 197. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xv, 219-223; map, 222. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 154-160 (MARTIN). WRONG, British Nation, 204-209. Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, II, 1 1-14. BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 287-302. BROUGHAM, Lancaster, 52-245; see p. xiv, contents of app. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, Book IV, iii, 203-210. CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, vi, 176-183. CAMPBELL, Chancel- lors, I, 322-332. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., II, 24-52. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Richard de Beauchamp, Catherine (of Valois), Thomas Fitzalan, Henry V, Richard Whittington. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 281-337. FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book IV, Sect. II, 486-491. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 76-86. GREEN, J. R., Eng- lish People, I, 538-545. HALLAM, Europe, I, 82-87. HARTWRIGHT, Lancaster, 134-171. HELMOLT, History of the World, VII (Western Eur.), 158-162. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, V, xviii, 1-79. HUME, D., England, II, xix, 296-327. JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part III, xiv, 333-335. KITCHIN, France, I, 513-531 ; plan, 520. KNIGHT, England, II, iv, 53-64. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 818; iv, 2850 (Scot.). LAVISSE, Histoire de France, IV, Part I, 364-391. LAVISSE et RAM- BAUD, Histoire Generale, III, 131-141, 392-394. LINGARD, England, III, 475-539- MAJOR, Discoveries of Prince Henry the Navigator, ii-v, 5-63. MAURICE, Leaders, ii, 247-281. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, II, 819-834. NICOLAS, N. H., Navy, II, vi-vii, 402-463. NICOLAS, N. H., Agincourt. OMAN, Eng- land, 1377-1485 (Political Hist, of Eng., IV), x-xi, 231-286. PAULI, England (German ed.), V, 75-181. PAULI, Old England, ix, 293-336 260 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY (Henry V and Sigismund). RAMSAY, J. H., Lancaster and York, I, xii-xxi, 161-321; maps. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book III, ii, 258-266. STRICKLAND, Queens, II, 109-166 (Katherine of Valois). STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., Ill, 74-99. TRAILL, Social Eng., II, 293-297, 321-325, 334-341- VAUGHAN, Wycliffe, xiii, 494-5 2 3- WlL " LIAMS, R. F., Cardinals, II, Book III, iii, 59-69. WILLIAMS, H., Naval Power, iv, 31-40. WORDSWORTH, Biography, I, ix, 355-402. Bio- graphical: HENRY V : Church, A. J. (Men of Action). Kingsford, C. L. (Heroes), vi-xxv, 81-402 ; 6 maps [Bibl.]. Pauli, Aufsatze, New Ser., II, 99-125. Bibliography (see also tinder Sect. 37, and general note, Sect. 2). See OMAN, PAULI, RAMSAY, and STUBBS, as in Sect. 31. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, III, 159-160, 413-415. Illustrative Material Prose. HAMILTON, BERNARD, Corona- tion. 1902. [B.] HENTY, G. A., At Agincourt. New York, Scribner, 1897. JAMES, G. P. R., Agincourt. 1844. [B.] YONGE, C. M., The Caged Lion. 2 vols. Leipzig, Tauchnitz, 1870. Illustrative Material Poetry. BOYLE, ROGER, The History of Henry V, in his Works, I. [B. P. L.] DRAITON, MICHAELL, Battle of Agincourt, in his Works. DUVAL, ALEXANDRE V. P., La Jeunesse de Henri V ; comedie. 1847. [B- P- L.] For the Victory at Agincourt, in PERCY, Reliques, I. HILL, AARON, King Henry V: or, the con- quest of France by the English, in his Works, I. [B. P. L.] King Henry the Fifth's Conquest of France, in CHILD, III. LYDGATE (?), JOHN, The Siege of Harfleur and the Battle of Agincourt, 1415, in POLLARD. SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM, History of King Henry V. Sir John Oldcastle . . . , in Doubtful Plays of Shakespeare, ed. by WILLIAM HAZLITT. London, Routledge. SECTION 33 Henry VI (A), 1422-1451 Summary. Duke of Bedford Regent in France ; continued resist- ance of the Dauphin ; appearance of Joan of Arc (early life, mission) ; raising of the siege of Orleans ; coronation of the Dauphin at Rheims ; Joan of Arc's capture, trial, and death ; continued French successes ; defeat of the English near Bordeaux, 1453; effects of the Hundred Years' War upon France and upon England. Duke of Gloucester Protector at home ; James I of Scotland liberated, 1423 ; deaths of the Dukes of Gloucester and Suffolk; rebellion of Jack Cade, 1450; influence of Richard, Duke of York. LANCASTER AND YORK, 1399-1485 261 Sources Individual Works. Chronicle of Richard II to Henry VI, 53-69; app., 116-118. FABYAN, Chronicles, 591-626. GREGORY, Chronicle (Camden Soc., 1876), 149-197; cf. 57-149. GREY FRIARS, Chronicle, 15-21. HALL, E., Chronicle, 114-227. MONSTRELET, Chron- icles, I, 485-640; II, 1-200. VERGIL, English Hist., 1-80. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 184-196. BLONDEL, Expulsion from Normandy, 239-514 (with English tr.). BUND, WILLIS^ I, 28-31. Calendar, Patent Rolls, 1422-1429. Calendar, State Papers, in Venice, I, 62-76. COBBETT, I, 267-276. COLBY, 113-117. ELLIS, Third Ser., I, 75-82. GEE and HARDY, 139-141. GIBBON, Roman Empire, Bury ed., VII, 95-96. HALLIWELL, I, 106-121. HILL, 49-54 ; cf. 54-65. HOLINSHED, III, 136-227. KENDALL, 112-116. LEE,G. C., 220223. Paston Letters, GAIRDNER, ed., I, 5-228, and see suppl. vol. PINKERTON, Scotland, I, app., 462-485, passim ; 513-515. Privy Council, 1386-1542, VI, 16-113, passim. Rotuli Parl., IV, 169-511 ; V, 3-225, 389-399, 401-449 (mainly French, Latin and English). Statutes at Large, I, 610-710. THOMPSON, York and Lancaster (Eng. Contemp.), 9-26; map, opposite title-page. Three Chronicles (Camden Soc.), 58- 69, 94-103 (cf. 1-58, and introd., iv-v). Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 206-210. CHEYNEY, England, xi, 268-269. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, map, 192. GAIRDNER, Lancaster and York (Epochs), 128-158. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 307-320. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, vi, 92-100. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part II, 12-16 (GREEN). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 271-281 ; illus. ed., II, 526-540. HIGGIN- SON and CHANNING, English Hist., 82-85. LARNED, England, 207-223 ; map, 218. LINGARD, England, abr., 253-262. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 158-162. OMAN, England, xvii, 231-244. OMAN, Hundred Years' War (Oxford Manuals), xi, 1 16-126. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book V, iii, 324-338. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xiv, 261-278, passim. STEPHENS, H. M., Portugal (Nations), 115-138. TERRY, B., England, 450-464. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book I, vi, 200-206. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xv, 223-227 ; xvi, 230-231. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 161-166 (GUEST). WRONG, Brit- ish Nation, 209-215; map, 212. .YoNGE, Cameos, Ser. Ill, i-vii, 1-64. Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, II, 551-555 (James I). AUBREY, English Nation, II, 14-22. BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 303-320. BROUGHAM, Lancaster, 246-350; see p. xiv for contents of app. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, Book IV, iv, 211-221. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, I, 333-354. CRAIK and MACFAR- LANE, Pictorial Hist., II, 52-85. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of 262 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY John Cade, Henry VI, Humphrey (of Gloucester), James II, John (of Lancaster), Margaret (of Scotland), Margaret (of Anjou). FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 338-355. FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book IV, Sects. 11-111,491-514. GAIRDNER, Jack Cade's Rebellion, in Fort. Rev., VIII (Old Ser., XIV), 442-455. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 86-93. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 546-568. GREEN, Mrs. M. A. E., Princesses, III, 342-394. HALLAM, Europe, I, 87-96. HARTWRIGHT, Lancaster, 171- 237. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, V, xviii-xix, 79-187. HUME, D., England, II, xx-xxi, 328-389. JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part III, xiv, 335-339. KITCHIN, France, I, 532-555. KNIGHT, England, II, v-vi, 65-96. KRIEHN, Rising in 1450, 44-131 (cf. pref., 1-5). LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 818-819; IV, 2850-2851 (Scot.). LAVISSE, His- toire de France, IV, Part II, 1-16, 32-70, loi-ni. LAVISSE et RAM- BAUD, Histoire Generale, III, 394-396. LINGARD, England, IV, 1-104. MAJOR, Discoveries of Prince Henry the Navigator, vi-x, 64-137. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, vi-vii, 85-104. OMAN, England, 1377-1485 (Political Hist, of Eng., IV), xii-xv, 287-359. PAULI, Eng- land (German ed.), V, 181-293. PAULI, Old England, xi, 373-407 (Duke Humphrey of Gloucester). PINKERTON, Scotland, I, Book III, 101-107; Book IV, 108-142; Book VI, 186-214; app., I, 456-485, 513-515. RAMSAY, J. H., Lancaster and York, I, xxii-xxxiii, 322-498 (maps); II, i-x, 1-146 (maps). STRICKLAND, Queens, II, 167-206 (Margaret of Anjou). STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., Ill, 99-164. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 545-547, 552-557. TRAILL, Social Eng., II, 297-306,325-329,341-344. WILLIAMS, R. F., Cardinals, II, Book III, iv, 70-109. Biographical ' : JOAN OF ARC : Oliphant, Mrs., Jeanne D'Arc. Pauli, Old England, x, 337-372 (Maid of Orleans). Bibliography (see also under Sect. 37, and general note, Sect. 2). KRIEHN, Rising, i-iii, 8-42. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, III, 413-415. MASSON, Chroniclers, France, 223-242 (Joan of Arc). OMAN, England, 1377-1485, 497-512. PAULI, England, V, 685-710. RAMSAY, J. H., Lancaster and York, I, xi-xix ; II, v-xii. STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., footnotes. TAYLOR, H., English Const., footnotes. THOMPSON, York and Lancaster, 149-165. Illustrative Material Prose. BAKER, JAMES, The Cardinal's Page. 1898. [B.] CATHERWOOD, M. H., Days of Jeanne d'Arc. New York, Century Co., 1897. CHARLES, ELIZABETH, Joan the Maid, Deliverer of France and England : a story of the fifteenth century. S. P. C. K. New York, Dodd. CLEMENS, SAMUEL (Mark Twain), Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc. New York, Harper, 1903. CROCKETT, S. R., The Black Douglas. New York, Doubleday, 1899. LANCASTER AND YORK, 1399-1485 263 GOULD, Rev. S. B., Noemi. New York, Appleton, 1895. JAMES, G. P. R., Agnes Sorel. New York, Harper. [B.] LANG, ANDREW, A Monk of Fife ; a romance of the days of Jeanne d'Arc. London, Longmans, 1895. REEVE, CLARA, The Old English Baron. [B.] Illustrative Material Poetry. DRAITON, MICHAELL, Owen Tudor to Queen Katherine ; Queen Katherine to Owen Tudor, in his Works, II, 251-256, 258-265. DRAITON, MICHAELL, Elinor Cobham to Duke Humfrey ; Duke Humfrey to Elinor Cobham, in his Works, II, 267-277, 277-284. DRAITON, MICHAELL, William de la Pole, Duke of Suffolke, to Queene Margaret ; Queen Margaret to William de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk, in his Works, II, 286-294, 295-303. James I of Scotland, The King's Book ; The King's Quair, together witji a ballad of good counsel, ed. by W. W T . SKEAT. Edinburgh, 1884. Libel of English Policy, in WRIGHT, Political Poems, II, 157-159. ROSSETTI, D. G., The King's Tragedy; James I of Scots, 2oth February, 1487, in his Works, I, 148-175. SCHILLER, FREDERICK, The Maid of Orleans (tr.). SOUTHEY, ROBERT, Joan of Arc, in his Works, I. SECTION 34 Hemy VI (B}, 1451-1461 Summary. Rivalry of York and Somerset ; birth of Prince Edward ; insanity of Henry ; York, Protector ; recovery of the King ; resentment of Queen Margaret towards York. \Vars of the Roses (1455-1485): battle of St. Albans, 1455 (capture of Henry, death of Somerset) ; reconciliation; battle of Northampton, 1460 (capture of Henry, flight of Margaret and Edward) ; battle of Wakefield, 1460 (death of York) ; second battle of St. Albans, 1461 ; final victory of the Earl of March; Edward, Earl of March, proclaimed King, 1461 ; character and signifi- cance of the wars. Sources Individual Works. Chronicle of Richard II to Henry VI, 69-110. COMINES, Memoirs, II, 421-433 (Scandalous Chron.). FABYAN, Chronicles, 626-639. GREGORY, Chronicle (Cam- den Soc., 1876), 197-215. HALL, E., Chronicle, 227-257. MON- STRELET, Chronicles, II, 200-272. VERGIL, English Hist., 80-112. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 196-202. Calen- dar, State Papers, in Venice, I, 76-112, 348. COLBY, 117-119. ELLIS, Third Ser., I, 82-97. GEE and HARDY, 141-144. HOLINSHED, III, 227-276; V, 418-446 (Scot.); VI, 267-268 (Ire.). KENDALL, 117-120. Paston Letters, GAIRDNER, ed., I, 228-554, and see suppl. vol. PINK- ERTON, Scotland, I, 486-492, 516517. Privy Council, 1386-1542, 264 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY VI, 114-366, passim. Rotuli Parl., V, 226-399, 449~457 (English and Latin). Statutes at Large, I, 711-726. THOMPSON, York and Lan- caster (Eng. Contemp.), 26-61. Three Chron. (Camden Soc.), 69-77. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 210-214; map, 212. CHEYNEY, England, xi, 269-271. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, map, 199. GAIRDNER, Lancaster and York (Epochs), 158-173; map, 272. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 320- 329. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 281-285; illus. ed., II, 546-554; map, 550. LINGARD, England, abr., 262-264. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 162-166. OMAN, England, xviii, 245-254. OMAN, Hundred Years' War (Oxford Manuals), xii, 126-135. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book V, iii, 338-347. ROWLEY, Rise of the People (Epochs Eng. Hist.), Book III, 71-98; maps, 86, 96. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xiv, 261-278, passim. STEPHENS, H. M., Portugal (Nations), 140- 157. TERRY, B., England, 464-473 ; map, 467. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book I, vi, 206-213; map, 209. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xvi, 233-235; map, 232. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 166-175 (GUEST). WRONG, British Nation, 215-220; map, 218. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. Ill, viii-xii, 65-104. Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, II, 555-556 (James II). AUBREY, English Nation, II, 22-25. BAYLEY, Tower of London, 210-212. BOURNE, E. G., Essays, Part VI, 173-189 (Prince Henry the Navigator). BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 320-327. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, Book IV, v, 222-246. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, III, 103-152. CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, vi, 183-191. CAMP- BELL, Chancellors, I, 354-381. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, iv, 135-139. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., II, 86-98. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Richard Neville, Richard (of York). FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 356-357. FREEMAN, Essays, Fourth Sen, 275-283 (Wakefield). FREEMAN, General Sketch, 215-217. FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book IV, Sect. Ill, 514-517; Sect. IV, 534-537. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 93-94. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 568- 576; map, 574. HALSTED, Richard III, I, i-iv, 1-85. HARTWRIGHT, Lancaster, 237-275. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, V, xx, 188-267. HUME, D., England, II, xxi, 389-405. JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Ill, xiv, 339-341. KITCHIN, France, I, 556-573; map, 569. KNIGHT, England, II, ix, 129-148. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 819-821 ; IV, 2850-2851 (Scot.). LAVISSE, Histoire de France, IV, Part II, 111-151. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, III, 142-156, 397-402. LINGARD, England, IV, 104-139. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, II, 834-944. OMAN, England, 1377-1485 LANCASTER AND YORK, 1399-1485 265 (Political Hist, of Eng., IV), xv-xvi, 359-399- PAULI, England (Ger- man ed.), V, 294-358. PINKERTON, Scotland, I, Book VI, 215-245; app., 486-492. RAMSAY, J. H., Lancaster and York, II, x-xvi, 146- 267 ; maps. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book III, ii, 266-276. STRICKLAND, Queens, II, 206-321 (Margaret of Anjou). STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., Ill, 164-193. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 557-559. TRAILL, Social Eng., II, 306-309, 329-334. WILLIAMS, R. F., Cardinals, II, Book III, v, 110-123. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 37, and general note, Sect. 2). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate,* III, 159-160, 413-415. OMAN, England, 1377-1485, 497-512. PAULI, England, V, 685-710. RAMSAY, J. H., Lancaster and York, II, v-xii. STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., footnotes. TAYLOR, H., English Const., footnotes. THOMPSON, York and Lancaster, 149-165. Illustrative Material Prose. ARMITAGE, ALFRED, Red Rose and White. 1901. [B.] FULLERTON, LADY GEORGIANA, A Stormy Life: Queen Margaret's journal. London, Bums, 1893. Illustrative Material Poetry. COLMAN, GEORGE, The Battle of Hexham : or, days of old; a play, in British Theatre, Cumberland, XXXVII. DRAITON, MICHAELL, The Miseries of Queen Margaret, the Unfortunate Wife of the Most Unfortunate King, Henry VI, in his Works. SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM, History of Henry VI. SECTION 35 Edward IV, 1461-1483 Summary. Wars of the Roses (continued) : character and plans of Warwick the King Maker; unsuccessful risings of Lancastrians; gradual separation between Edward and Warwick; rise of the Woodvilles ; Warwick's temporary success for Henry VI, 1470; battle of Barnet and death of Warwick, 1471 ; battle of Tewkesbury, 1471 (capture of Queen Margaret and death of Prince Edward); death of Henry VI, 1471. Benevolences. Peace of Pecquigny, 1475; treaty of Fotheringay, 1480. Character of Edward ; popularity ; legislation in behalf of home industries ; commercial treaties ; encouragement of marine. Sources Individual Works. Arrivall of Edward IV, 1-40. COMINES, Memoirs, I, 1-540; II, 1-114, 433~57O (Scandalous Chron.). FABYAN, Chronicles, 639-640, 652-667. FORTESCUE, Governance of Eng. GREGORY, Chronicle (Camden Soc., 1876), 215-239. GREY FRIARS, Chronicle, 21-23. HALL, E., Chronicle, 257-341. MON- STRELET, Chronicles, II, 272-455. VERGIL, English Hist., 113-172. 266 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY WARKWORTH, Chronicle, 1-71 (same as Chronicles of the White Rose, 97-142). Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 202-207. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 32-35. Calendar, Patent Rolls, 1461-1467, whole vol. ; 1467-1477, whole vol. ; 1476-1485, 1-347. Calendar, State Papers, in Venice, I, 112-147. Camden Miscellany, I, 5-28. Chronicles of White Rose, 5-268. COBBETT, I, 275-276. COLBY, 119-122. ELLIS, Third Sen, I, 98-100. HALLIWELL, I, 121-150. Harleian Miscellany, 8-vol. ed., I, 319-327. HOLINSHED, III, 276-359; V, 446-454 (Scot.). KEN- DALL, 121-128. PARIS et JEANROY, Extraits, 377-382 (COMMINES). Paston Letters, GAIRDNER, ed., II-III, and see suppl. vol. PINKERTON, Scotland, I, app., 501. Rotuli Parl., V, 461-635 (French, English and Latin); VI, 3-234. Statutes at Large, I, 727-781. THOMPSON, York and Lancaster (Eng. Contemp.), 61-128. Three Chronicles (Camden Soc.), 77-80. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 243- 244. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 214-220. BISHOP, Pictures, 145-151 (REED); 152-161 (LORD LYTTON). CHEYNEY, England, xi, 271-272. DURUY, Modern Times, 28-35; map, 38. GAIRDNER, Lancaster and York (Epochs), 173-209. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 329-337. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, vii, 101-115; plan, 106. GREEN, J. R., Read- ings, Part II, 16-21. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 285-299; illus. ed., II, 554-560. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 86-87. LINGARD, England, abr., 265-273. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 167-169. OMAN, England, xviii-xix, 254-264. OMAN, Hundred Years' War (Oxford Manuals), xii, 135, to xiii, 150. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book V, iv, 348-360; plan, 349. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xiv, 261-278, passim. TERRY, B., England, 474-487. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book I, vii, 213-220. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xvi, 235-238. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 172-175 (GUEST). WRONG, British Nation, 220-228. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. Ill, xiii-xix, 105-176. Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, II, 43-44 (DOUGLAS). AUBREY, English Nation, II, 25-29. BAYLEY, Tower of London, 39-48. BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 328-340. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, Book IV, vi, 247-293. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, 111,153-193. CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, vii, 192-221. CAMPBELL, Chan- cellors, I, 382-400. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, iv, 139-148. Chronicles of the White Rose, introd., xiii-xc. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Picto- rial Hist., II, 98-116. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Edward IV, James III, George Neville, Richard Neville. Foss, Judges, see LANCASTER AND YORK, 1399-1485 267 especially 276-278 (John Fortescue). FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 358-366. FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book IV, Sect. Ill, 517-524. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 94-105. GREEN, J. R., English People, II, 5-59. GREEN, Mrs. M. A. E., Princesses, III, 395-403, HALLAM, Europe, I, 96-108. Harleian Miscellany, i2-vol. ed., XII, 9-20. HARTWRIGHT, Lancaster, 275-319. HILDRETH, Judges, iii, 61-75 (T. Billing). HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, V, xxi, 268-364. HUME, D., England, II, xxii, 406-447 (cf. Notes R, S, 605-606). JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part III, xiv, 341-344. KNIGHT, England, II, x-xi, 149-192. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 821-822; IV, 2851 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, His- toire Generale, III, 402-405. LINGARD, England, IV, 140-218; app., 571-572. MAJOR, Discoveries of Prince Henry the Navigator, xiii, 194-221. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, II, 944-1032. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, viii-ix, 105-135. OMAN, England, 1377-1485 (Political Hist, of Eng., IV), xvii-xix, 400- 470. PAULI, England (German ed.), V, 358-448. PINKERTON, Scot- land, I, Book VII, 246-277; Book VIII, 278-315; app., I, 493-501. PRESCOTT, Ferdinand and Isabella, II, 12-108,412-504. RAMSAY, J. H., Lancaster and York, II, xvii-xxxi, 268-472 (maps). SMITH, G. B., Par- liament, I, Book IV, i, 279-284. STRICKLAND, Queens, II, 322-380 (Elizabeth Woodville). STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., Ill, 193-227. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 559-560, 577-582. TRAILL, Social Eng., II, 309-3 1 7, 344-347. WILLIAMS, R. F., Cardinals, II, Book III, vi, 124-151. WINSOR, Christopher Columbus, iii-vii, 1-134. Biographical: RICHARD III : Gairdner, i, 1-52. Halsted, I, iv-x ; app., 85-457. Legge, I, ii-v, 41-185 ; cf. 1-40. WARWICK : Oman, Warwick the King Maker. Bibliography (see also under Sect, j/, and general note, Sect. 2). See OMAN, RAMSAY, STUBBS, TAYLOR, and THOMPSON, as in Sect. 34; also: LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, III, 413-415. LEGGE, Richard III, I, 1-185, footnotes. PAULI, England, V, 685-710. Illustrative Material Prose. Evenings at Haddon Hall, Cala- brella ed. London. [B. P. L.] KEARY, ANNIE, York and Lancaster Rose. London, 1876. [B. P. L.] LYTTON, BULWER-, The Last of the Barons : Neville, Earl of Warwick, the " King-maker." 2 vols. Phila- delphia, Lippincott, 1861. READE, CHARLES, The Cloister and the Hearth : or, maid, wife, and widow ; a matter-of-fact romance. 2 vols. New York, Harper, 1894. REEVE, CLARA, The Old English Baron (Gassell's National Library). 1883. [B.] SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Anne of Gierstein : or, the maiden of the mist. New York, Appleton, 1877. STEVENSON, R. L. B., The Black Arrow; a tale of the two roses. London, Cassell, 1901. 268 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Illustrative Material Poetry. Battle of Towton, version by M. G. GORDON, in Archasologia, 1872, XXIX, 343-347. DRAITON, MICHAELL, Edward IV to Shore's Wife ; The Epistle of Shore's Wife to King Edward IV, in his Works, II, 305-312, 313-320. FRANKLIN, Dr. THOMAS, The Earl of Warwick, in SCOTT, Drama, II ; London Stage, III. HEYWOOD, THOMAS, The First and Second Parts of Edward IV, in his Histories (1842). Jane Shore, in HINDLEY, II. King Edward IV and a Tanner of Tamworth, in CHILD, V ; PERCY, Reliques, I. ROWE, NICHOLAS, Jane Shore ; a tragedy, in his Works, II. SKELTON, JOHN, Of the Death of the Noble Prince Kynge Edward the Forth, in his Works, I. SECTION 36 Edward V, 1483. ' Richard ///, 1483-1485 Summary. Edward V : Richard of Gloucester Regent ; previous acts of cruelty ascribed to Richard ; debasement of the Woodvilles ; Richard's supremacy in the council ; imprisonment and death of the princes. Richard III: the dangers of his position; his bids for pop- ularity ; waning popular esteem ; claims and conspiracy of Henry, Earl of Richmond ; battle of Bosworth Field, 1485 ; crowning of Henry VII. Results of the Wars of the Roses. Sources Individual Works. COMINES, Memoirs, II, 115-124, Suppl. FABYAN, Chronicles, 667-673. GREY FRIARS, Chronicle, 23-24. HALL, E., Chronicle, 342-421. MORE, SIR THOMAS, Richard III, Clay ed., Lumby ed. MORE, SIR THOMAS, Utopia and Edward V, 203-268. VERGIL, English Hist., 172-227. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 207-212. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 35-36. Calendar, Patent Rolls, 1476-1485, 348-552 (cf. app.). Calendar, State Papers, in Venice, I, 147-158. Chronicles of White Rose, app., 271-282. COLBY, 122-125. ELLIS, Third Ser., I, 100-115. HALLIWELL, I, 150-161. HOLINSHED, III, 360-479; V, 454-457 (Scot.) ; VI, 268-269 (Ire.). Paston Letters, GAIRDNER, ed., III, 305-320. Rotuli Parl., VI, 234-263. Statutes at Large, I, 782- 795. THOMPSON, York and Lancaster (Eng. Contemp.), 129-147. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 220-222. BISHOP, Pictures, 162-166 (YONGE) ; map, 162. CHEYNEY, England, xi, 274-276. CREIGHTON, L., Government, vii, 46-53. GAIRDNER, Lancaster and York (Epochs), 209-236. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 337-343. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part II, 26-32 (YONGE). LANCASTER AND YORK, 1399-1485 269 GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 299-301 ; illus. ed., II, 584-587. HIGGIN- SON and CHANNING, English Hist., 88-90. LINGARD, England, abr., 274-280. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 169-174. OMAN, England, xix, 264-271. OMAN, Hundred Years' War (Oxford Manuals), xiv, 150-159. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book V, v-vi, 361-371. ROW- LEY, Rise of the People (Epochs Eng. Hist.), Book V, 122-155; ma P> 151. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xiv, 261-278, passim. TERRY, B., England, 488-493. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book I, vii, 220-224. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xvi, 238-240. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 176-180 (GAIRDNER). WRONG, British Nation, 228-233. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. Ill, xx, 177-192. Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, II, 29-35. BAYLEY, Tower of London, 48-62.. BRIGHT, J. F., England, I, 341-354. CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, vii, 222-230. CAMPBELL, Chan- cellors, I, 401-414. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, iv, 148-150. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., II, 117-136. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Anne, Margaret Beaufort, Edward V, Richard III. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 366-367. FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book IV, Sect. IV, 525-531. GAIRDNER, Richard III, ii-vi, 53-330; app., 393- 449. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 105-110. GREEN, J. R., English People, II, 59-66. HALSTED, Richard III, II. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, V, xxi, 365-386. HUME, D., England, II, xxiii, 448-482 ; cf. Notes T, U, 606-607. KNIGHT, England, II, xii, 193-207. LARNED, Ready Refer- ence, II, 822-823; IV, 285 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, III, 406-413. LEGGE, Richard III, I, vi-viii, 187-313; II. LINGARD, England, IV, 219-260; app., 573-581. MARKHAM, C. R., Richard III, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1891, VI, 250-283. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, II, 1032-1042. OMAN, Eng- land, 1377-1485 (Political Hist, of Eng., IV), xx, 471-496. PAULI, Aufsatze, Old Ser., I, 24-47. PAULI, England (German ed.), V, 448- 519. PINKERTON, Scotland, I, Book VIII, 315-323. RAMSAY, J. H., Lancaster and York, II, xxxii-xxxv, 473-560; maps. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book IV, ii, 285-294. STRICKLAND, Queens, II, 381- 401 (Anne of Warwick). STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., Ill, 227-240. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 583-588. TRAILL, Social Eng., II, 318-321. WALPOLE, H., Richard III, 1-134. Bibliography (see also under Sect, j/, and general note, Sect. 2). See OMAN, RAMSAY, STUBBS, TAYLOR, and THOMPSON, as in Sect. 34; also: LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, III, 413-415. LEGGE, Richard III, I, 187-313; II, 1-302, footnotes. PAULI, Aufsatze, Old Ser., I, 24 (Richard III). PAULI, England, V, 685-710. 2/0 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Illustrative Material Prose. JAMES, G. P. R., The Woodman. 1842. [B.] SYMONDS, W. S., Malvern Chase. iSSi. [B.] YONGE, C. M., Grisly Grisell, the Laidly Lady of Whitburn ; a tale of the Wars of the Roses. New York, Macmillan, 1893. Illustrative Material Poetry. BEAUMONT, SIR JOHN, Bart., Bosworth-field. London, 1629. [B.P. L.] GIBBER, COLLEY, King Richard the Third, in his Works. [B. P. L.] Cruel Murder of Edward V and the Duke of York in the Tower, in EVANS, III. DELAVIGNE, JEAN F. C., Les Enfants d'Edouard ; tragedie, in Bibliotheque choisie. Life and Death of the Great Duke of Buckingham . . ., in EVANS, III. Life and Death of Richard III, in EVANS, III. SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM, Richard III (Act I, Scene iv, The Dream of Clarence). TURNER, SHARON, Richard III. London, 1845. [B.P. L.] SECTION 37 State of Society, 1399-1485 Summary. Restriction of Parliamentary franchise in boroughs and counties. Decay of learning and religion among the clergy and in the universities ; popular interest in learning and demand for books ; in- vention of printing ; Caxton (his patrons, his influence upon the Eng- lish language). Decay of the old nobility. Towns in the fifteenth century : buildings, charters, taxes ; rise of new towns. Commutation of services ; enclosures. Foreign traders ; merchant adventurers ; alien artisans. Summary of the period 1399-1485. Sources Individual Works. Debate between the Heralds of France and Eng. HALL, E., Chronicle, passim. MALORY, Mort D'Arthur, Globe ed., Mead ed., Oskar ed., Sommer ed. [Bibl.]. PECOCK, Represser, 2 vols. Sources Collections. ANSTEY, Academical Life, Part I, 1-366 (English, passim). ARBER, British Anthologies, Part I, 1-296, passim. BLADES, Caxton, app., Part II, 143-366. Calendar, Carew MSS., 1515- 1624, VI, 1-485. passim. Catalogue of Ancient Deeds, 4 vols., passim. Commission on Hist. MSS., Reports (for contents, see GROSS, Sources, App. D, 534-539). Customs of London, pp. xiii-xlii, 1-300, passim. DICKSON, Accounts of Scot., I, 1-73. HADDAN and STUBBS, Councils, I, App. E, 668-770; II, App. B, 56-67. HALL, H., Custom-revenue, I, app., 240-278. Harleian Miscellany, 8-vol. ed., II, 233-264; III, 148- 151. LINGELBACH, Adventurers, University of Pa., Second Ser., II, 217-237. Munimenta Gildhallae Londoniensis, III, 204-286. Ordi- LANCASTER AND YORK, 1399-1485 271 nances for the Royal Household, 15-103. PARK, Nugae Antiquae, I, 1-13. Paston Letters, GAIRDNER, ed., see Sects. 33-36. PINKERTON, Voyages, 17 vols., passim. PURCHAS, Pilgrimes, II, Book II, i, 1-80. SMITH, T., Gilds, 127-460, passim. TURNER, RIBTON-, Vagrants, xxix, passim. University of Pa., II, no. i, pp. 26-33. Verney Family, Letters, 1-34. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., Civilization, xiv, 339- 356; xvii, 416-442, passim. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 258-288, 526-527. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 222-229, 2 44~ 2 4S- BECKETT, English Reformation (Church Hist.), xii, 93-96; map, 97 [Bibl.]. BOUTMY, Angleterre, Part I, i-iv, 1-69, passim. BRODRICK, Oxford (Epochs of Church Hist.), vi, 55-67. CHEYNEY, England, xi, 272-274. CHEYNEY, Industrial Hist., v-vi, 111-176, passim [Bibl.]. CLARK, W., Anglican Reformation (Epochs of Church Hist.), v-vi, 49-60. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, 203-209. CREASY, English Const., 212-246. CREIGHTON, M., Half-Hour Hist., viii, 86-92. CUN- NINGHAM and McARTHUR, Industrial Hist., 46-68. DURUY, France, 148-186, passim. DURUY, Middle Ages, 392-442, 505-534. DURUY, Modern Times, 1-7, 27-28, 1 18-120. EDWARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), xvii, 288-301. FEILDEN, Short Const. Hist., 23-24, 39-42, 100-104, 215-216,307-322. FINNEMORE, Social Eng., 168-252, passim. GAIRD- NER, Chroniclers, England, vii, passim. GAIRDNER, Lancaster and York (Epochs), 236-253; map, 250. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, note, 115-117 (Gunpowder). GIBBINS, Industrial Hist. (University Exten- sion), Period III, i-iv, 40-81, passim [Bibl.]. GIBBINS, Industry, viii- xiii, 111-196, passim. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part II, 21-26 (GREEN). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 288-299; illus. ed., II, 561-584. GUIZOT, France, 140-200, passim [Bibl.]. HARDING, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist. (Essentials), 229-244, 255-256. HASSALL, French People, 104-116. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 91-94. HOSMER, Anglo- Saxon Freedom, vi, 80-93. JALKSON, European Progress, 125-152, passim; maps. LARNED, History for Schools, 202-206; map, 233. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 125-131. MACKINTOSH, JOHN, Scotland (Nations), 74-104. MACY, Constitution, Part II, xvi-xvii, 196-212. MEDLEY, Manual, passim. MOBERLY, Tudors (Epochs), i, 1-14. MONTAGUE, English Const. Hist., 72-91. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 175-178. MORRIS, W. O., Ireland (Cambridge Hist.), ii, 24-58. MULLINGER, Cambridge (Epochs of Church Hist.), iii, 50-65. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 274-276, 290-303. RANNIE, Constitution, vii, 89-104. RHYS and JONES, Welsh People, viii-xii, 346-550, passim. ROBINSON, Western Eur., Part I, xvi, 201-215; xviii-xix, 233-273. 2/2 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY SEEBOHM, Protestant Revolution (Epochs), 8-21, 46-55. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 14-25. SYMONDS, Renaissance in Italy, passim. TERRY, B., England, 494-500. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xvi, 240- 243. WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, 67-69 [Bibl.]. WARNER, Industrial Hist., vii-viii, 116-150. WEBSTER, W. C., Commerce, Part II, xii, 86- 93 [Bibl.]. WRONG, British Nation, 242-265. Modern Accounts, Group II. A. GENERAL, i. England, Wales and Scotland. Archaeologia, see index to Vols. I L. Archaological Journal, see indexes. AUBREY, English Nation, II, xxxii, 49-60. BARNARD, Middle Ages, 11-23, 38-41, 67-80, 104-109, 127-157, 164- 168, 172-174, 233-235, 274-279, 344-350. BAYLEY, Tower of London, 299-333. BEAZLEY, Prince Henry, passim. BOURNE, H. R. F., Seamen, I, i, 1-23. Cambridge Mod. Hist., I, Renaissance, xiii, Part I, 417-437 (A.M. WARD); xvi, 532-562 (R. C. JEBB) ; xvii, 593-603 (W. R. JAMES); xviii, 620-632 (WILLIAM BARRY). CHILD, Church and State, i-ii, 1-43. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., II, 137-279. CREIGHTON, C., Epidemics, I, iv, 220-236. CUTTS, Middle Ages, 394-546. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of William Caxton, John Hardyng, Henry (the Minstrel), John Lydgate. DENTON, England. ESSENWEIN, Kulturhis- torischer Bilderatlas, II, Mittelalter, passim. FREEMAN, Essays, Fourth Ser., 266-274, passim. FREEMAN, General Sketch, 206-209; rnap, 210. FREEMAN, Historical Geog., ix, Sect. I, 349-350. FROUDE, England, I, vi, 480-590, passim. GAIRDNER, Paston Letters, introd. vol., pp. i- ccclxxvi. GASQUET, Essays, Essays VI-IX, 179-318. GASQUET, Henry VIII, I, i-ii, 1-66. GREEN, J. R., English People, II, 10-23, 52-59. HALLAM, Europe, II, 213-461. HANNAY, Navy, I, 1-32. HELMOLT, World, VII, Western Eur., 1-62. HOZIER, Invasions, I, xii, 192-216. KNIGHT, England, II, vii-viii, 97-128. LANG, Scotland, I, viii-xii, 199-360. LANGLOIS, England and France, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1890, V, 259-263. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 824-826. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, III, 544-597. LOWELL, Joan of Arc, passim; maps, i, 78, 206. MOTLEY, Dutch Republic, I, 27-41. OLI- PHANT, T. L. K., Essays, 139-149. OLIPHANT, T. L. K., Was the Aristocracy Destroyed ? in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., 1, 351-356. OPPEN- HEIM, Royal Navy, introd., 1-34. PAULI, England (German ed.), V, 645-684. PINKERTON, Scotland, I, Book IX, 338-440; app., 502-504. RAIT, Relations of Eng. and Scot., vi, 80-100. RANKE, England, I, 74-88. REDSTONE, Social Eng., in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Ser., XVI, 159-200. SMYTH, Lectures, I, Lects. V-VI, 115-174, passim. TRAILL, Social Eng., II, 293-301 (Ire.), 360-438. VAN DYKE, Renascence, 79-110, 122-148. WALPOLE, H., Richard III, 1-88. LANCASTER AND YORK, 1399-1485 273 WORDSWORTH, Biography, I, x, 405-43 1 . 2. English Municipal History. BESANT, London, 57-140. BESANT, Plantagenet London, in Harper's Mag., Aug. to Oct., 1891, LXXXIII, 453-469, 602-618, 780-793, passim. CREIGHTON, M., Carlisle (Historic Towns), iv-v, 74-93. CUTTS, Col- chester (Historic Towns), xiv-xvi, 126-153. FREEMAN, Exeter (His- toric Towns), iv, Sect. II, 90-96; vi, 191-195. GREEN, Mrs. J. R., Town Life, 2 vols. HARRIS, Coventry (Social Eng.), viii-xv, 106-357. HUNT, W., Bristol (Historic Towns), v, 91-113; map, frontispiece. LOFTIE, London, I, ix, 255-282; map, 282; II, xv, 1-31; map, i. LOFTIE, London (Historic Towns), vi, 120-148. PAULI, Old Eng., xii, 408-457 ; map, opposite title-page. PICTON, Liverpool, I, 31-37. RAINE, York (Historic Towns), vi, 80-90. 3. Ireland. KILLEN, Ire- land, I, Book II, v, 301-326. B. SPECIAL, i. Manners and Customs. FAIRHOLT, Costume, I, 158-218. HODGETTS, Middle Ages, passim. PLANCHE, Costume, II, vi, 116-153; x, 383-433, passim. STRUTT, Sports, passim. WRIGHT, Manners, 359-440. WRIGHT, Womankind, xi-xviii, 132-290, passim. 2. Art and Science, Education. ANSTEY, Academical Life, introd., ix-cvii. BLADES, Caxton, Part I, i-ix, 1-140. HYDE, Literary Hist, of Ire., xxxiv xxxv, 452-478. JESSOPP, Essays, vi, 263-301, passim. LYTE, Oxford, xi-xii, 287-368. MILLAR, Literary Hist, of Scot., i, 1-45. MULLINGER, Cambridge to 1535, 258-422. OMAN, War in the M. A., 96-123. RASHDALL, Universities, 2 vols., passim. STAUNTON, Schools, passim. 3. Agriculture, Industry, Commerce. ASHLEY, Economic Hist., 2 vols., passim. CAWSTON and KEANE, Chartered Companies, iii, 20-31. CHEYNEY, English Serfdom, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1900, XV, 20-37. CUNNINGHAM, Alien Immigrants, iii, 65-134. CUNNINGHAM, English Industry, I (either ed.), 369-472. GARNIER, British Peasantry, passim. GROSS, Gild Merchant, I, passim. KRIEHN, Rising, iii-vii, and app., 43-131. KRIEHN, Uprisings, in Am. Hist. Ass'n, Rep., 1893, 151-161. MCARTHUR, Miss, Assessment of Wages, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1898, XIII, 299-302. MACPHERSON, Com- merce, I, 611-706. PROTHERO, Farming, ii, 17-28. ROGERS, Agricul- ture, III (Table) ; IV (Text). ROGERS, Interpretations, 23-45, 69-84, 115-137, 412-433. ROGERS, Work and Wages, v, ix, passim; x-xiii. SELIGMAN, Guilds, in Am. EC. Ass'n, II, no. 5, pp. 413-423,- 466-481, 484-485. TAYLOR, R. W. C., Introduction to Factory System, viii, 300-339. TURNER, RIBTON-, Vagrants, iii, 63-67; xv, xvi, xix-xx, passim. 4. Religion. CLARKE, H. W., Tithes, xi-xv, xvii, 125-176, 186-200, passim. ECKENSTEIN, Woman under Monasticism, xi, 398-431. Fos- BROKE, Monachism, passim. FOSTER, H. D., Geneva before Calvin, in 274 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Am. Hist. Rev., Jan., 1903, VIII, 217-240. Fox, Martyrs, Gumming ed., I, 708-1071. GEIKIE, C., Reformation, v, 66-81. HILL, O. T., Monasticism, xvi-xvii, 422-466. JENNINGS, A. C., The Church, vi, 112-135. LEA, H. C., Inquisition, III, 209-650; app. of documents, 651-663. LEA, Sacerdotal Celibacy, xxiv, 386-401. MAITLAND, F. W., Canon Law, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1896, XI, 446-478, 641-672 ; 1901, XVI, 35-45. MILMAN, Christianity, VII, Book XIII, 405-550; VIII, Book XIII, 65-98; Book XIV, 132-505. PASTOR, Popes, I, 1-56, 117-174, 208-361. PRESCOTT, Ferdinand and Isabella, I, 325-365. SPOTTISWOODE, Church of Scot., I, Book II, 109-261. Biographical: WYCLIFFE: Lechler, x, 451-467. Poole, x-xiv, 136-200. Vaughan, xiii, 483-523. 5. Government and Law. DICEY, A. V., Privy Council, Part II, 25-75. DIGBY, Real Property, Part II, vi, 239-266. DOWELL, Taxation, I, 104-126, 163-176; III, 67-71. FORSTER, Grand Remon- strance, i, 1-64, passim. FORSYTH, Trial by Jury, 249-288. Foss, Judges, see especially 66-70 (Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester). GNEIST, Constitution, I, 345-437 ; II, 1-224. GNEIST, Parliament, iii, 122-209, passim. HALL, H., Custom-revenue, I, 1-102, passim. LAPS- LEY, Durham, iii-iv, 77-155; v, 178-198. MAITLAND, F. W., Town- ship and Borough, passim. NEILSON, Trial by Combat, Part V, 154- 158, 196-206; Part VI, 225-282. NICHOLLS, Poor Law, I, Part I, ii, 62-106. PIKE, Crime in Eng., I, 322-422. PIKE, Lords, vii, xi-xv, passim. STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., Ill, 240-294, 347-639. TAY- LOR, H., English Const., I, 515-591. THAYER, Evidence, iii, 85-186. WAKEMAN and HASSALL, Essays, V, 224-268 (A. HASSALL). Bibliography (see general note, Sect. 2). See ADAMS, C. K., AUBREY, BOWKER and ILES, BRATKE, Columbia Univ. Lib. Bull., DAVENPORT, FAIRHOLT, FISHER, GOMME, GROSS, HASSE, MONROE, POTTHAST, RAND, SMEDT, and STAMMHAMMER, as in Sect. 14; also: BARNARD, Middle Ages, see close of each chapter. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, 402-408. Cambridge Mod. Hist., I, 761-769, 779-788. CUBBERLEY, Syllabus, 96-129, 158-164. CUNNINGHAM, Industry, I, 3d ed., 651- 673; 4th ed., 657-681. GAIRDNER, see Modern Accounts, Group I, above. GNEIST, English Const., footnotes. GNEIST, Parliament, foot- notes. GREEN, J. R., English People, I, 375-377; II, 3. HARRIS, Coventry, 377-380. HOZIER, Invasions, 192. LANG, Scotland, see close of each chapter. LAPSLEY, Durham, 338-346. LAVISSE et RAM- BAUD, Histoire Generate, III, 597-598. MILLAR, Scotland, 1-45. MORLEY, H., English Writers, VI, VII, 1-55. MULLINGER, Cambridge to 1535, 258-422, footnotes. OMAN, England, 1377-1485, 497-512. LANCASTER AND YORK, 1399-1485 275 OPPENHEIM, Royal Navy, introd., 1-34, footnotes. PAULI, England, V, 685-710. PINKERTON, Voyages, XVII, 1-255. RANKE-, England, footnotes, etc. STUBBS, Constitutional Hist., footnotes. TAYLOR, H., English Const., footnotes. TRAILL, Social Eng., see close of each chapter. WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, xxxi-xxxv. Illustrative Material Poetry. Chester Plays, E.E.T. Society, 1893. Everyman, in POLLARD. Robin Hood Plays, in MANLY. V. ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS 1485-1603 SECTION 38 Henry VII, 1485-1509 Summary. Foundation of the Tudor dynasty : Henry's lineage, character and marriage ; rebellions against the throne (Margaret of Burgundy, Lambert Simnel, Perkin Warbeck) ; subjection of the rebel nobility ; the royal marriages and alliances. Henry's rule : the king's council and his choice of councillors; preservation of order; court of Star Chamber; court of Poor Men's Causes, or Requests; sources of income ; benevolences (" Morton's Fork ") ; fines (Empson and Dudley) ; subserviency of Parliament and infrequency of its sessions ; Poynings's Laws, 1494 (Ireland); regulation of trade; commercial treaties (Inter- cursus Magnus, 1496) ; merchant adventurers. The Age of Discovery: Marco Polo, 1271-1295; Prince Henry the Navigator, and the Portu- guese ; Columbus and Magellan, and the Spaniards ; Cabot and the English. The Renaissance in Italy. The intellectual awakening in England ; the Oxford Reformers (Grocyn, Linacre, Colet, More, War- ham, Erasmus). Sources Individual Works. ANDRE, Historia Henrici VII, 222-430, passim. COMINES, Memoirs, II, 124-418, suppl. FABYAN, Chronicles, 678, 681-691. GREY FRIARS, Chronicle, 24-29. HALL, E., Chronicle, 422-505. MONSTRELET, Chronicles, II, 455-502. SNEYD, Relation. WRIOTHESLEY, Chronicle (Camden Soc., 1875), I, 1-6; cf. introd., i-xlviii. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 213-223. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 37-45. Calendar, Archives of Simancas, I, 1-472; III, i- 141. Calendar, Inquisitions, I. Calendar, Letters, Despatches, Siman- cas, 1485-1509, I. Calendar, State Papers, in Venice, I, 158-348. COBBETT, I, 277-284. COLBY, 128-135. ELLIS, Third Ser., I, 115- 117, 129-130, 140-142. FISKE, Discovery, app., 571-600. GAIRDNER, Henry VII, 3-130, 223-389, 400-448. HALLIWELL, I, 161-196. Har- leian Miscellany, i2-vol. ed., XI, app., 367-445; 8-vol. ed., VI, 494-550. HART, Contemporaries, 1, 69-72. HART, Source Book, 4-6. HOLINSHED, 276 ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 277 111,479-544; V, 457-469 (Scot.); VI, 269-274 (Ire.). KENDALL, 186- 188. Old South Leaflets, II, no. 29, pp. 1-16; no. 37, pp. 1-12. OPPEN- HEIM, Naval Accounts and Inventories (Navy Records). Paston Letters, GAIRDNER, ed., Ill, 320-412. PINKERTON, Scotland, I, app., 505-506 ; II, app., 437-450. PURCHAS, Pilgrimes, II, Book II, i, 1-80. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxvii, 135-138 [Bibl.]. Rotuli Parl., VI, 267-555. SMITH, G. G., James IV (Scot. Contemp.), 5-114; maps, 49, 85. Somers Tracts, I, 22-31. Statutes at Large, I, 796-849. Three Chronicles (Camden Soc.), 104-105. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 292-293; table, 246. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 231-244. BECKETT, English Reformation (Church Hist.), xiii, 101-104 [Bibl.]. BISHOP, Pictures, 166-170 (J. WHITE). CALDECOTT, Colonization, 1-26 [Bibl.]. CHEYNEY, England, xii, 278-284; map, 283. CREIGHTON, M., Tudors (Epochs Eng. Hist.), Book I, 15-26. DURUY, Modern Times, 35-38. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 343-359- GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part II, 32-37 (YONGE). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 301-320; illus. ed., II, 587-593. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 95-97. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 132-143; map, 134. LINGARD, England, abr., 282-291 ; table, 281. MOBERLY, Tudors (Epochs), ii-vii, 15-101. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 179-187; map, 186. OMAN, England, xx, 272-281. PAYNE, European Colonies, 33-53; maps, 34, 36, 43, 48. POWERS, Reformation (Oxford Manuals), i, 7-26. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VI, i, 376-391 ; tables, 374-375. RANSOME, Government, ix, 92-102. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xv, 279-300. STEPHENS, H. M., Portugal (Nations), 158-235, TERRY, B., England, 500-511. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book II, i, 225-236. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xvii, 250-252. WHITCOMB, Modern Eur., 13-16; table, 351. WRONG, British Nation, 233-240. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. Ill, xxi-xxviii, 193-286. Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, II, 557 (James II). ARCHBOLD, Sir Wm. Stanley and Perkin Warbeck, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1899, XIV, 529-534. AUBREY, English Nation, II, 36-49. BAGWELL, Ireland, I, viii, 102-123. BOURNE, H. R. F., Seamen, I, ii, 24-45 ! ma P> 33- BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 355-365. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, Book IV, vii, 294-350; map, 336. BURKE, S. H., Portraits, I, 1-12, 17-65. BURKE, U. R., Spain, II, 107-117, 132-137, 158-164, 176-180, 233-236. BUSCH, England under the Tudors, I, introd. and i-vii, 1-317. BUTLER, Fathers, XII, 24-26. Calendar, Archives of Simancas, I, introd., pp. i-cxlvi; III, introd., pp. vii-lxxx. Cambridge Mod. Hist., Ill, Religious Wars, 579-580 (R. DUNLOP). 278 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, viii, 231-246. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, I, 415- 432. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., II, 281-318; list, 280. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Henry Deane, Edmund Dudley, Henry VII, James IV, Margaret (Tudor), Thomas More. FOXE, Mar- tyrs, Seymour ed., 368-369, 393-396; Cumming ed., I, 1071-1157. FREEMAN, General Sketch, 274-275. FULLER, T., Church Hist., I, Book IV, Sect. IV, 531-534, 537~539; II, Book V, Sect. I, 5-7. GAIRDNER, Richard III, 333-390 (Perkin Warbeck). GAIRDNER, Did Henry VII Murder the Princes? in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1891, VI, 444-464. GAIRDNER and SPEDDING, Studies, iv, 78-141 (Katherine of Arragon's First Marriage, by J. S., from Eraser's Mag., May, 1863). GRANT, J., Battles, I, 1 10-116. GREEN, J. R., English People, II, 67-84. GREEN, Mrs. M. A. E., Princesses, III, 404-436; IV, 1-14. HALLAM, Constitu- tional Hist., I, 1-32, 61-69. HOPE, Mrs., First Divorce of Henry VIII, 1-22. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, V, xxii-xxiii, 387-524. HUME, D., England, II, xxiv-xxvi, 483-567; cf. Notes X-Z, 607-611. JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part III, xv-xvi, 344-354. KNIGHT, England, II, xiii-xv, 208-256. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 380-391. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 823-824; III, 1761 (Ire.); IV, 2851- 2852 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, IV, 536-553, 873-934. LINGARD, England, IV, 261-342; app., 581-584. MERE- WETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, II, 1042-1091. MOTLEY, Dutch Republic, I, 41-67. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, x, 136-151. PALFREY, New England, I, 51-64. PAULI, England (German ed.), V, 520-645. PINKERTON, Scotland, I, Book VIII, 323- 337; app., I, 505-509; II, Book X, 1-37; Book XI, 38-64; app., 437- 450, 506-510. PRESCOTT, Ferdinand and Isabella, II, 485-508 (Spanish colonial policy). RANKE, England, I, 91-109. SCHAFF, Christian Church, VI, Sect. XCII, 560-566 (Printing-press). SISMONDI, Italian Republics, xiv, 239-254. STRICKLAND, Queens, II, 402-468 (Elizabeth of York). STUBBS, Seventeen Lectures, Lects. XV-XVI, 334-371. TRAILL, Social Eng., II, 441-466, 489-498. VAN DYKE, Renascence, 74-80 (Oxford Reformers). WILLIAMS, R. F., Cardinals, II, Book III, vii, 152-192. WINSHIP, Cabot and the Sources, in Am. Hist. Ass'n, Rep., 1897, 35-41. WORDSWORTH, Biography, I, xi, 435-457. Bio- graphical: COLET: Lupton, i-viii, 1-153. Seebohm, Oxford Reformers, i-ii, 1-93. COLUMBUS: Adams, C. K. Markham. Winsor, viii-xxi, 135-523. ERASMUS : Emerton (Heroes of the Reformation), i-v, 1-178. Froude. Jebb. Seebohm, Oxford Reformers, iii-iv, 94-205. HENRY VII: Gairdner (Twelve Eng. Statesmen). MORE: Hutton, W. H., i, 1-39. Lee, S., Great Englishmen, ii, 17-27. ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 279 Bibliography (see also under Sect. 47, and general note, Sect. 2). BUSCH, England, I, 319-445. Cambridge Mod. Hist., Ill, 852-859. HALLAM, Constitutional Hist., footnotes. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, His- toire Generate, IV, 553-554, 901-902, 980-982. PAULI, England, V, 685-710. RANKE, England, notes, etc. NOTE. Since by this time the reader may be supposed to have become familiar with the current general works possessing biblio- graphical value, as e.g. HALLAM, LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, and RANKE, such works hereafter will, for the most part, be referred to only in the general social sections. Illustrative Material Prose. COOPER, J. F., Mercedes of Castile: or, the voyage to Cathay. London, Routledge, 1889. GRANT, JAMES, The Yellow Frigate : or, the three sisters. London. HOLT, E. S., A Tangled Web ; a tale of the fifteenth century. New York, 1885. [B.P.L.] Illustrative Material Poetry. Ballad on the Marriage of Mar- garet Tudor, in RIMBAULT. BRERETON, HUMPHREY, The Most Pleas- ant Song of Lady Bessy ; and how she married King Henry VII, of the house of Lancaster. Percy Society, 1847. BROWNELL, H. H., The Tomb of Columbus, in his War-lyrics. DUNBAR, WILLIAM, The Thrissill and the Rois, in his Works, 118-125. FORD, JOHN, Perkin Warbeck, in HAVELOCK, 377-471. LOWELL, J. R., Columbus. MORE, SIR THOMAS, A Rueful Lamentation on the Death of Queen Eliza- beth . . ., in EVANS, III. SKELTON, JOHN, An Elegy on Henry, Fourth Earl of Northumberland, in PERCY, Reliques, I. SKELTONJ JOHN, Elegy on King Henry the Seventh, in his Works, II. SKELTON, JOHN, The Epitaffe of the Most Noble and Valyaunt Jasper, late Duke of Beddeforde, in his Works, II. SKELTON, JOHN, Upon the Doulourus Dethe and Much Lamentable Chaunce of the Most Honor- able Erie of Northumberlande, in his Works, I. SKELTON, JOHN, Verses Presented to King Henry the Seventh at the Feast of St. George, in his Works, II. Song in praise of Arthur, Prince of Wales, A.D. 1501, in RIMBAULT. This Gentill Day Dawns; written in compli- ment to Elizabeth, daughter of Edward IV, in RIMBAULT. Union of the Red Rose and the White . . ., in EVANS, III. SECTION 39 Henry VIII (A), 1509-1527 Summary. Henry VIII's position upon accession ; his person- ality, character and popularity ; significance of the punishment of Emp- son and Dudley. Wolsey : his origin and rise ; duties and influence ; 280 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY unpopularity. Foreign affairs : Wolsey's ambitions for England and himself; Henry and the Holy League, 1511; opposition to France (Guinegate, 1513); the Scotch invasion (Flodden Field, 1513); the Field of the Cloth of Gold, 1520; meeting of Henry and Charles at Gravelines ; alliance with Germany and the Papacy ; the Amicable Loan. f Sources Individual Works. BURNET, G., Reformation, II, pp. cccxxvi-cccxxxi, passim. CAVENDISH, Life of Wolsey, Morley Lib.; also ed. of 1827. Colet, in LUPTON'S Life of, app., 271-284 (Statutes of St. Paul's School), 285-289 (His catechism), 290-310. FABYAN, Chronicles, 695-698. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 407-420, 500-503; Cumming ed., II, 1-277, passim. GIUSTIAMAN, Court of Henry VIII, 2 vols., passim. HALL, E., Chronicle, 506-748. MON-. STRELET, Chronicles, II, 502-524. WRIOTHESLEY, Chronicle (Camden Soc., 1875), I, 7-15. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 223-226. BREWER, VII, 2828-2833. Calendar, Archives of Simancas, II, nos. 1-722, pp. i- 709; III, 141-430. Calendar, Carew MSS., 1515-1624, I, 1-37 (cf. introd., pp. vii-cxviii). Calendar, Letters, Despatches, Simancas,, 1509-1544, II; III, Part I; suppl. vol., 1-34,47-141. Calendar, State Papers, Ire., 15091573, 15. Calendar, State Papers, Scot., 1509 1603, etc., I, 126. Calendar, State Papers, in Venice, II-III (1509- 1526). COBBETT, Trials, I, 283-298. COLBY, 137-145. ELLIS, Third Sen, I, 117-139, 145-381; II, 3-82. HALLIWELL, I, 196-289. Har- leian Miscellany, 12-vol. ed., IV, 488-558; 8-vol. ed., IV, 482-484; V, 115-166. HART, Contemporaries, I, 72-73. HOLINSHED, III, 544- 714; V, 469-506 (Scot.); VI, 275-286 (Ire.). KENDALL, 129-140. Letters and Papers, Henry VIII, I-IV, Part II. LODGE, E., Illustra- tions, 1, 1-39. PINKERTON, Scotland, II, app., 451-480. SMITH, G. G., James IV (Scot. Contemp.), 114-187; app., 189-214. SPONT, War with France, 1512-1513 (Navy Records). Statutes at Large, II, 1-30. Three Chronicles (Camden Soc.), 87-89. University of Pa., I, no. i, pp. 1-16; II, no. 6, pp. 21-22. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 245-253. BECKETT, English Reformation (Church Hist.), xiii-xiv, 104-129 [Bibl.]. BISHOP, Pictures, 171-174 (YONGE). CHEYNEY, England, xii, 289-293. CLARK, W., Anglican Reformation (Epochs Church Hist.), vii, 61-70. CREIGHTON, M., Tudors (Epochs Eng. Hist.), Book I, 27-39. EWALD, State Papers, 64-91. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 361-374. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, viii, 118-127 ; plan, 122. GREEN, J. R., Read- ings, Part II, 37-41 (SCOTT). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 320-328; ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 281 illus. ed, II, 630-651. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 98- 102. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 144-150. LINGARD, England, abr., 292-307. MOBERLY, Tudors (Epochs), viii-xii, 101-171; maps, 116, 119. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 187-192. OMAN, England, xxi, 282-293. PAYNE, European Colonies, cf.Sect.j8. POWERS, Reforma- tion (Oxford Manuals), ii, 26-39. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VI, 11,392-402; map, 396. RANSOME, Government, x, 103-106. SEEBOHM, Protestant Rev. (Epochs), 80-94 (The Oxford Reformers). SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xvi, 301-341, passim. TERRY, B., England, 512- 525. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book II, ii, 236-243. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xvii, 252-254. WRONG, British Nation, 267-274. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. Ill, xxix, 287-399 ; Ser. IV, i, 1-20. Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, II, 557-558 (James V); III, 125-126 (Lord Maxwell). AUBREY, Eng- lish Nation, II, 62-106. BAGWELL, Ireland, I, ix, 124-150. BATESON, Miss, Warham's Visitation of Monasteries, 1 51 1, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1891, VI, 8-35. BLUNT, Reformation, I, i-ii, i-ioo. BREWER, J. S., Henry VIII, I, whole vol.; II, xxi-xxviii, 1-226. BRIGHT, J. F., Eng- land, II, 366-388. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VI, i-ii, 21-95; iv-vi, 113-255. BURKE, S. H., Portraits, I, 66-126, 149-196. BURKE, U. R., Spain, II, 281-284. BURNET, Reformation, I, 1-62 ; cf. 599-645. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, III, 194-319. Calendar, Archives of Siman- cas, II, introd., pp. vi-ccxix. Cambridge Mod. Hist., II, Reformation, 104-141 (T. M. LINDSAY); 416-427 (J. GAIRDNER). CAMPBELL, Chan- cellors, I, 432-508. CHERBURY, Henry VIII, 1-217. CHILD, Church and State, iii-iv, 44-64, 283. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., II, 318-362. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Anne (Boleyn), Charles Brandon, Catherine (of Aragon), Archibald Douglas, Thomas Elyot, Henry VIII, Thomas Howard, Thomas Wolsey. Foss, Judges, see especially 751-7 58 (Wolsey). FROUDE, England, 1,11,92-138. FULLER, T., Church Hist., II, Book V, Sect. I, 8-17. GAIRDNER and SPED- DING, Studies, v, 142-174 (Katherine of Arragon's Second Marriage, by J. S., from Eraser's Mag., Jan., 1869). GASQUET, Henry VIII, I, iii, 67-109. GEIKIE, C., Reformation, vi-ix, 82-164. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 116-126. GREEN, J. R., English People, II, 85-141. GREEN, Mrs. M. A. E., Princesses, IV, 15-48. HALLAM, Constitutional Hist., I, 32-36. HAUSSER, Reformation, 1-124 (Reformation in Germany to 1 532). HOPE, Mrs., First Divorce of Henry VIII, 23-46. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, VI, ii, 155-317. HUME, D., England, II, xxvii, 568-598; III, xxviii-xxix, 1-61 ; cf. Notes, A, B, 559. JACOBS, H. E., Lutheran 282 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY .Movement, i, 1-13. JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part III, xvii, 354-363. KILLEN, Ireland, I, Book III, i, 329-337. KNIGHT, England, II, xvi- xix, 257-320. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 391-403. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 826-827; III, 1761-1762 (Ire.); IV, 2852 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, IV, 398-436, 555-563. LINGARD, England, IV, 343-484; app., 584. MAUREN- BRECHER, England im Reformations-zeitalter, 3-31. MOTLEY, Dutch Republic, cf. Sect. j8. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, xi-xii, 152- 180. PAULI, Aufsatze, Old Ser., I, 48-97 (Heinrich VIII); 98-135, passim (Maximilian I); New Ser., II, 126-292. PINKERTON, Scotland, II, Book XI, 64-107 ; Book XII, 108-192 ; Book XIII, 193-288 ; app., II, 451-480. PRESCOTT, Ferdinand and Isabella, III, 450-522. RANKE, England, I, 109-131. SEEBOHM, Oxford Reformers, vi-xvi, 206-510 (Colet, Erasmus, More). SEELEY, Expansion of England, Lect. VII, 119-125. SISMONDI, Italian Republics, xv, 255-272. STONE, J. M., Mary I, i-ii, 1-34. STRICKLAND, Queens, II, 469-574 (Katharine of Arragon). STRYPE, Memorials, I, Part I, i-v, 3-105 ; Part II, nos. i-xli, 3-161. STUBBS, Seventeen Lectures, Lect. XI, 241-265. TRAILL, Social Eng., II, 476-489; III, 1-18, 29-48, 70-85, 280-283 (Scot.). WILLIAMS, R. F., Cardinals, II, Book IV, i-viii, 195-532; app., 536- 543. WORDSWORTH, Biography, I, xii, 463-672. Biographical: COLET : Lupton, 154-267. ERASMUS: Emerton, vi-x, 179-419. Froude, Lects. VII-XVI, 110-337. LEO X : Roscoe, W., 2 vols. LUTHER: Michelet, 17-314. MORE: Bridget, i-xiii, 1-252. Gardiner, Biographies, 79-106. Hutton, W. H., ii-iv, 40-168. Lee, S., Great Englishmen, ii, 27-39. TYNDALE: Demaus, i-vii, 1-207; c f- a PP->447-457- WOLSEY: Creighton, M., ii-viii, 18149. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 47, and general note, Sect. 2). BREWER, Henry VIII, I, pref., pp. iii-xi. Cambridge Mod. Hist., II, 728-733, 789-794. MAURENBRECHER, England, 121-160. PAULI, Aufsatze, Old Ser., I, 48, 98 (Heinrich, Maximilian); New Ser., II, 126-192 (Die Anfange H. VIII), footnotes. Illustrative Material Prose. CHARLES, Mrs. ANDREW (ELIZA- BETH RUNDLE), Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta Family. New York, Burt. GIBBON, CHARLES, The Braes of Yarrow. 1881. [B.] MACDONALD, ALLAN, For Stark Love and Kindness. 1896. [B.] MUDDOCK, J. E., In the King's Favour. 1899. [B.] ROBINSON, EMMA, Westminster Abbey: or, the days of the Reformation. London, 1875- [B.P.L.] Illustrative Material Poetry. The Complaint of King James who was Slayne at Flodden Fielde, anno 1513, in COLLIER. Dark ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 283 Flodden, in GUNNYON. DRAITON, MICHAELL, Mary, the French Queene, to Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolke ; Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolke, to Mary, the French Queene, in his Works, II, 322-331,331- 338. Flodden Field, in CHILD, III ; EVANS, III; PERCY, Folio MSS., I. GREENE, ROBERT, The Scottish Historic of James the Fourth, Slaine at Flodden, in MANLY. King Henry VIHth's Expedition to France, in RIMBAULT. SCOTT, WALTER, Marmion, a tale of Flodden Field, Canto VI. SCOTT, WALTER, Ode on Visiting Flodden. SKEL- TON, JOHN, A Lawde and Prayse made for our Souereigne Lord the Kyng (Henry VIII), in his Works, II. SKELTON, JOHN, Why Come Ye Nat to Courte ? in his Works, II. SECTION 40 Henry VIII (B\ 1327-1534 Summary. The divorce question : the legality of the marriage ; Anne Boleyn ; attitude of the pope ; Campeggio and the legatine court ; fall of- Wolsey ; rise of Thomas Cromwell ; the opinions of the universities; "Submission of the Clergy," 1531 ; withdrawal of More; Archbishop Cranmer's decision, 1533. The Reformation Parliament, 1529; acts of Annates, Appeals, concerning nomination of bishops. Birth of Elizabeth. "The Holy Maid of Kent" (Elizabeth Barton). Sources Individual Works. BURNET, G., Reformation, II, pp. xi-xiii, xxiii-xl, xlvi-lvii, cccxxxi-cccxlvii, passim. CAMPEGGIO, in BREWER'S Henry VIII, app., 486-492. Chronicle of Henry, VIII, 1-24 ; cf. introd., pp. xiii-xxvi. FABYAN, Chronicles, 699-700. FOXE, Mar- tyrs, Seymour ed., 503-535; Gumming ed., II, 121-387, passim. GREY FRIARS, Chronicle, 34-37. HALL, E., Chronicle, 748-816. HARPS- FIELD, Divorce of Henry VIII and Catharine of Aragon. WRIOTHES- LEY, Chronicle (Camden Soc., 1875), I, 15-26. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 226-242. ARBER, British Anthologies, II, 252265. ARBER, English Garner, II, 41-60. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 46-56. Calendar, Carew MSS., 1515-1624, I, 37-60. Calendar, Letters, Despatches, Simancas, 1509-1544, Vol. Ill, Part II, to Vol. V, Part I; suppl. vol., 34-46, 141-430. Calendar, State Papers, Ire., 1509-1573, 5-10. Calendar, State Papers, Scot., 1509-1603, etc., I, 26-33. Calendar, State Papers, in Venice, IV (1527-1533); V (in part). CHILD, Church and State, app., 320-342. COBBETT, I, 299-386. COLBY, 145-147. ELLIS, Third Ser., II, 82-299. English Hist. Rep., I, 30-35 [Bibl.]. GEE and HARDY, 145-195. HALLIWELL, I, 289-296, 284 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 302-339; cf. 297-301. Harleian Miscellany, 12-vol. ed., I, 183-200; 8-vol. ed., Ill, 45-61. HART, Contemporaries, I, 73-74. HOLINSHED, III, 714-790 ; V, 506-517 (Scot.) ; VI, 286-303 (Ire.). LEE, G. C., 227- 243. Letters and Papers, Henry VIII, Vol. IV, Part II, to Vol. VII. PINKERTON, Scotland, II, app., 481-489. POLLARD, A. F., Tudor Tracts, 1-28 ; cf. introd., vii-xxxv. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxvri, 138-142 [Bibl.]. Somers Tracts, I, 32-38. Statutes at Large, II, 31-110. Three Chronicles (Camden Soc.), 89-90. University of Pa., I, no. i, pp. 6, 8, 16-17 ; HI no - 6. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 317- 318. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 253-257. BECKETT, English Refor- mation (Church Hist.), xiv-xv, 129-142 [Bibl.]. CHEYNEY, England, xii, 293-304. CLARK, W., Anglican Reformation (Epochs Church Hist.), viii, 71-78. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 374-391. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part II, 46-51 (FROUDE). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 329-337 ; illus. ed., II, 652-665. HIGGINSON and CHAN- NING, English Hist., 103-107. LINGARD, England, abr., 307-314. MOBERLY, Tudors (Epochs), xiii, 171-187. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 192-194. OMAN, England, xxi, 293-295. POWERS, Reforma- tion (Oxford Manuals), ii-iii, 39-55. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VI, ii, 402-412. RANSOME, Government, x, 106-110. SEEBOHM, Protestant Revolution (Epochs), 167-193. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 25-35. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xvi, 301-341, passim. TERRY, B., England, 525-540; map, 528. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book II, ii-iii, 243-254; map, 246. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xvii, 254-258 ; map, 257. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 185-190 (BREWER); 190-194 (GREEN). WRONG, British Nation, 274- 277. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. IV, ii-v, 21-66. Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, II, 106-131. BAGWELL, Ireland, I, ix, 150-161. BLUNT, Reformation, I, iii-v, 102-278; VII, 391-425. BREWER, J. S., Henry VIII, II, xxix- xxxiv, 227-479; c f- a PP- 486-492. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 388- 395. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VI, vii, 256-282. BURKE, S. H., Portraits, I, 143-148, 197-239, 243-281, 301-369, 521-534; II, 1-79. BURNET, Reformation, I, 60-133; cf. 645-688. BURTON, J. H., Scot- land, III, 319-340. Cambridge Mod. Hist., II, Reformation, 427-442 (GAIRDNER). CAMPBELL, Chancellors, I, 509-598. CHENEY, Maid of Kent [Eliz. Barton], in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Ser., xviii, 107- 129. CHERBURY, Henry VIII, 217-410. CHILD, Church and State, iv, 64-75; n ote, 283-288. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., II, 362-384. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Thomas Abell, Thomas ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 285 Audley, Elizabeth Barton, Thomas Bilney or Bylney, Thomas Cranmer, John Frith. DIXON, Church of England, I, i-iii, 1-241. Foss, Judges, see especially 207-209 (Cromwell), 456-462 (More). FROUDE, England, I, ii-v, 138-479. FULLER, T., Church Hist., II, Book V, Sects. I-II, 17-40. GAIRDNER, Fall of Wolsey, in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Sen, XIII, 75-102. GAIRDNER, New Lights on the Divorce of Henry VIII, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1896, XI, 673-702; 1897, XII, 1-16, 237-253. GASQUET, Henry VIII, I, iv, 110-150 (Maid of Kent). GEIKIE, C., Reformation, x-xiii, 165-243. GREEN, J. R., English People, II, 134- 159. GREEN, Mrs. M. A. E., Princesses, IV, 49-505; V, 1-143. HALLAM, Constitutional Hist., 1,70103. HAUSSER, Reformation, 163-178; cf. 1-124. HOPE, Mrs., First Divorce of Henry VIII, 46-375. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, VI, ii, 317-421. HUME, D., England, III, xxx, 62-103 ; cf. Notes C-E, 559-560. JACOBS, H. E., Lutheran Movement, ii-iii, 14-54. JENNINGS, A. C., The Church, vii, 136-162. JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part III, xvii-xviii, 363-371. KNIGHT, England, II, xx, 321-348. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 416-456; cf. 391-403. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 827-830. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, -IV, 506-526, 563-569 ; cf. Sect. jp. LINGARD, England, IV, 484-570; app., 584-596; V, 1-48; app., 539- 542. MAURENBRECHER, England im Reformations-Zeitalter, 3-31, passim. PAULI, Aufsatze, Old Ser., 98-135, passim. PERRY, Refor- mation, ii, 9-18. PINKERTON, Scotland, II, Book XIII, 289-291 ; Book XIV, 292-327; app., II, 481-489. RANKE, England, I, 131-150. RANKE, Popes, III, 93-104. SCHAFF, Christian Church, VI, ix, 695- 738 (Diet and Confession of Augsburg, 1530). STONE, J. M., Mary I, iii-iv, 35-88. STRICKLAND, Queens, II, 575-722 (Anne Boleyn). STRYPE, Memorials, I, Part I, vi-xxii, 105-253 ; Part II, nos. xlii-xlviii, 162-203. TRAILL, Social Eng., Ill, 17-21, 48-53. VAN DYKE, Regi- nald Pole and Thomas Cromwell, in Am. Hist. Rev., July, 1904, IX, 704-724. WORDSWORTH,' Biography, II, i-iii, 3-218. Biographical: CRANMER: Strype, I, Book I, i-v, 1-33. CROMWELL, THOMAS : Merri- man, I, i-viii, 1-164, 3 I 3~395- FISHER: Bridgett, i-xiii, 1-304. ERAS- MUS: Emerton, xi, 420-450. Froude, Lects. VII-XX, 338-420. LUTHER: Freytag. Kostlin, Parts I-V, 1-442. MORE: Bridgett, xiv- xxi, 253-397. Hutton, iv-v, 168-228. Lee, S., Great Englishmen, ii, 39-53. WOLSEY: Creighton, M., ix-xi, 150-221. TYNDALE: Demaus, viii-xii, 208-375. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 47, and general note, Sect. 2). Cambridge Mod. Hist., II, 789-794. MAURENBRECHER, England, 121-126. 286 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Illustrative Material Prose. AINSWORTH, W. H., The Lan- cashire Witches ; a romance of Pendle forest. London, 1878. [B. P. L.] AINSWORTH, W. H., Windsor Castle. Philadelphia, Lippincott. GREEN, E. E., The Church and the King. London, 1892. [B.P. L.] MANNING, ANNE, Household of Sir Thomas More. New York, Scribner, 1898. Illustrative Material Poetry. Archy O'Kilspindle, in FINLAY, II. CALDERON DE LA BARCA, PEDRO, La Cisma de Inglaterra, in his Comedias. Doleful Complaints of Anne Boleyn, in EVANS, III. DUMAS, ALEXANDRE, Catherine Howard; drame, in his Theatre, IV. FORREST, WILLIAM, The History of Grisild the Second; a narrative, in verse, of the divorce of Queen Katharine of Arragon, ed. by W. D. Macray. London, 1875. [B. P. L.] Marriage of Margaret, Daughter of Henry VIII, to James IV of Scotland, in 1503, in EVANS, III. SECTION 41 Henry VIII (Q, 153 4-1547 Summary. Progress of the Reformation : the Act of Succession, 1534; Act of Supremacy, 1534; supplementary acts; the visitation of the monasteries, 1535; dissolution of the smaller monasteries, 1536; final dissolution of the larger monasteries, 1540; destruction of relics and shrines; disposal of confiscated property; executions for treason (More, Fisher) ; the Pilgrimage of Grace and royal vengeance ; the Council of. the North; the Council of Wales, 1542; opposition to the Reformation in Ireland; Ireland made a kingdom; war with Scotland (Solway Moss, 1542). The Ten Articles, 1536; the Six Articles, 1539; the English Bible (Coverdale, Tyndale, the Great Bible) ; the English litany; persecutions for heresy. Jane Seymour and Edward VI; Anne of Cleves ; execution of Cromwell, 1540; Catherine Howard; Catherine Parr. Increased tyranny of the king. Debasement of the coinage. Death of the king. Significance of Henry's reign. Sources Individual "Works. Chronicle of Henry VIII, 25-152. FABYAN, Chronicles, 700-709. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 535-634; Gumming ed., II, 387-752. GREY FRIARS, Chronicle, 37-53. HALL, E., Chronicle, 817-868. WRIOTHESLEY, Chronicle (Camden Soc., 1875), I, 26-186. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 243-268. ARBER, English Gamer, I, 113-127; VIII, 25-31. BREWER, VIII, 3062-3067. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 56-108. BURNET, Reformation, II, pp. lix-lxxiii, Ixxviii-cliv, cccxlvii-cccxcix, passim. Calendar, Carew MSS., 1515-1624, ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 287 I, 60-214. Calendar, Letters, Despatches, Simancas, 1509-1544, Vol. V, Parti, to Vol. VII, Part I. Calendar, State Papers, Ire., 1509- 1573, 10-76. Calendar, State Papers, Scot., 1509-1603, etc., I, 33-60; II, 823. Calendar, State Papers, in Venice, V (in part). CAVENDISH, Wolsey, app., 451-461, 502-525. CHILD, Church and State, 342-347. COBBETT, I, 385-484. COLBY, 147-152, ELLIS, Third Ser., II, 299- 382 ; III, 3-288. English Hist. Rep., I, 35-42 [Bibl.]. FULLER, T., Church Hist., II, Book V, Sects. IV-V, 58-134. GEE and HARDY, 195-321. HALLIWELL, I, 339-395; II, 1-25. Harleian Miscellany, i2-vol. ed., I, 201-202, 217-246; 8-vol. ed., II, 516-523; III, 109-116, 162-166; VII, 66-76. HOLINSHED, III, 790-865; V, 517-554 (Scot.); VI, 303-320(^6.). KENDALL, 141-145. LEE, G. C., 243-272. Letters and Papers, Henry VIII, Vol. VII, to Vol. XVIII, Part II. LODGE, E., Illus- trations, I, 40-140. PARK, Nugae Antiquae, I, 14-16; II, 323-325. PINKERTON, Scotland, II, app., 480-500. POLLARD, A. F., Tudor Tracts, 29-169. Privy Council, Eng., 1386-1542, VII, 1-357. Register, Privy Council, Scot., I, 1-67 (cf. introd.). ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxvii, 142-146 [Bibl.]. Somers Tracts, I, 38-50. STANTON, 314-316. Statutes at Large, II, 110-248. STONE, J. M., Mary, app., 495-496. University of Pa., I, no. i, pp. 17-19. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 257-268. BECKETT, English Reformation (Church Hist.), xiv, 134-135; xv-xix, 142-198 [Bibl.]. BISHOP, Pictures, 175-180 (STRICKLAND). CHEYNEY, England, xii, 308-309. CLARK, W., Anglican Reformation (Epochs of Church Hist.), ix-xi, 79-121. CREIGHTON, M., Half-Hour Hist., ix, 92-102. CREIGHTON, M., Tudors (Epochs Eng. Hist.), Book II, 40- 65. EDWARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), xix-xx, 310-329. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 392-411. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 337-357; illus. ed., II, 665-700. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist, 108-110. LARKED, History for Schools, 255-280. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 151-155. LINGARD, England, abr., 314-329. MOBERLY, Tudors (Epochs), xiv xvi, 187246; maps, opposite title-page, 214. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 195-201. MORRIS, W. O., Ireland (Cambridge Hist.), iii, 59-82. OMAN, England, xxii, 296-308. POWERS, Reformation (Oxford Manuals), iii-iv, 55-70. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VI, ii, 412-425. SCHWILL, Modem Eur., 68-79. SKOT- TOWE, Parliament, 35-39. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xvi, 301- 341, passim. TERRY, B., England, 541-559. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book II, iii-iv, 254-266. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xvii, 258-261. WRONG, British Nation, 277-289; map, 281. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. IV, vi-x, 67-121. 288 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, II, 131-169. BAGWELL, Ireland, I, x-xv, 162-324. BLUNT, Reformation, I, vi, 280-390 ; viii-xi, 427-554. BOURNE, H. R. F., Seamen, I, iii, 46- 80. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 395-421. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VI, vii, 282, to ix, 386. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, Book IV, viii, 351-401. BURKE, S. H., Portraits, I, 370-376, 385-474, 506-512; II, 80-165, 176-261. BURNET, Reformation, I, 134-270; cf. 688-691 ; II, 693-741. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, III, 341-451. BUTLER, Fathers, XI, 82-87 (Council of Trent). Cambridge Mod. Hist., II, Reformation, 442-473 (GAIRDNER); III, Religious Wars, 580-589 (R. DUNLOP). CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, ix, 247-272. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, I, 599-639. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, v, 1 50-162. CHERBURY, Henry VIII, 410-636. CHILD, Church and State, iv-v, 75-102. CRAIK and MAC- FARLANE, Pictorial Hist., II, 384-452. CREIGHTON, M., Essays (Cal- endar State Papers, Letters, etc., V, rev.), 348-356. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Anne (of Cleves), Catherine (Howard), Catherine (Parr), Henry Courtenay, Miles Coverdale, Thomas Cromwell, John Fisher, Stephen Gardiner, James V, Jane (Seymour), Reginald Pole, William Tyndale. DIXON, Church of England, I, iv-vii, 242-529; II, viii-xii, 1-409. FREEMAN, Essays, Fourth Ser., 293-303 (Cardinal Pole). FROUDE, England, II, vii, 1-123; x-xiii, 298-399; III, xiv, i- 80; xvi-xvii, 175-^339; xix-xx, 445-624; IV, xxi-xxiii, 1-236. FROUDE, Studies, First Ser., II, 61-101 ; Fourth Sen, I, 324-357 ; III, 3-92. FULLER, T., Church Hist., II, Book V, Sects. II-III, 40-52. GAS- QUET, Henry VIII, I, v-xi, app., 151-478; II, whole vol.; maps, end of each vol. GEIKIE, C., Reformation, xviii-xxii, 244-394. GLADSTONE, Gleanings, V, iii, 173-289 (Royal supremacy). GRANT, J., Battles, I, 126-142. GREEN, J. R., English People, II, 159-229. HALLAM, Con- stitutional Hist., I, 36-50. HILDRETH, Judges, iv, 76-86. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, VI, iii, 422-509; VII, iii, 1-218. .HuME, D., Eng- land, III, xxxi-xxxiii, 104-231 ; cf. Notes F-O, 560-563. JENNINGS, A. C., The Church, viii, 163-202. JACOBS, H. E., Lutheran Movement, iv-xiv, 55-197. KILLEN, Ireland, I, Book III, i, 337-354. JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part III, xviii-xix, 371-388. KNIGHT, England, II, xxi-xxvii, 349-453. LAPSLEY, Problem of the North, in Am. Hist. Rev., Apr., 1900, V, 440-466. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 830-832 ;' III, 1762 (Ire.); IV, 2852-2854 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, IV, 569-583. LINGARD, England, V, 48-90, 123-219; app., 539-542. MAURENBRECHER, England im Reformations-Zeitalter,3-3i, passim. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, II, 1091-1 145. MULLINGER, Cambridge from 1535, i, 1-86. O'FLANAGAN, ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 289 Chancellors of Ire., I, xiii-xv, 181-225. PAULI, Aufsatze, Old Ser., I, 98-135, passim; New Ser., II, 293-341 (T. Cromwell). PERRY, Reformation, iii-v, 18-59. PINKERTON, Scotland, II, Book XIV, 327-333; Book XV, 334-385; App. II, 490-500. RANKE, England, I, Book I, v, 151-170. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book V, i, 297-316. STONE, J. M., Mary I, iv-vii, 88-186. STRICKLAND, Queens, III, i- 306. STRYPE, Memorials, I, Part I, xxiii-liii, 253-629; Part II, nos. xlix-cxx, 204-503. STUBBS, Seventeen Lectures, Lect. XII, 266-291. TRAILL, Social Eng., Ill, 21-29, 53~7- VAN DYKE, Reginald Pole and Thomas Cromwell, in Am. Hist. Rev., July, 1904, IX, 696-724. WISHART, Monks, Part VII, 286-353. WORDSWORTH, Biography, II, iv, 221-302. Biographical: CRANMER: Strype, I, Book I, vi-xxx, 33- 199. CROMWELL, T. : Merriman, I, 165-310, 396-442; II, 1-278. FISHER : Bridgett, xiv-xx, 305-447 ; app., 449-508. KNOX : M'Crie, Periods I-II, 1-38 ; and see app. LUTHER : Kostlin, Part VI, 443-582. MORE: Bridgett, xxii-xxiv, 398-444. Hutton, W. H., vi, 229-283. Lee, S., Great Englishmen, ii, 53-62. TYNDALE: Demaus, xii-xiii, 351-446: cf. documents, 457-460. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 47, and general note, Sect. 2). Cambridge Mod. Hist., II, 789-794 ; III, 852-859. JACOBS, H. E., Lutheran Movement, 350-352. MAURENBRECHER, England, 121-126. WISHART, Monks, 13-16. Illustrative Material Prose. CRAKE, A. D., The Last Abbot of Glastonbury : a tale of the dissolution of the monasteries. London, 1885. [B.P. L.] FILLEUL, MARIANNE, Pendower: a story of Cornwall in the reign of Henry VIII. Nelson, 1862. [B.] GRANT, JAMES, Jane Seton: or, the king's advocate. New York, Routledge, 1853. MATHEW, FRANK, Defender of the Faith. Lane, 1899. [B.] TAYLOR, MART IMLAY, The House of the Wizard. Chicago, McClurg, 1900. TAYLOR, EMILY, The Knevetts. Houlston, 1862. [B.] Illustrative Material Poetry. Anne Bullen ; an elegiac ballad, in EVANS, IV. Doleful Death of Queen Jane, Wife to Henry VIII, in EVANS, III. Life and Death of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, in Doubtful Plays of Shakespeare, ed. by WM. HAZLITT. London, Routledge. Princely Song of the Six Queens that were Married to Henry VIII, King of England, in EVANS, III. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, James V of Scotland and the Douglas, in The Lady of the Lake. SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM, Henry VIII. Thomas Cromwell, in CHILD, III. WORDS- WORTH, WILLIAM, Recollection of the Portrait of King Henry VIII, "Trinity Lodge, Cambridge. 290 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY SECTION 42 Edward VI, 1547-1553 Summary. Character of Edward ; succession to the throne. Pro- tectorate of Somerset (Edward Seymour) : the English prayer-book, 1549; abolition of ceremonies and customs; the Forty-two Articles, 1553; evils of enclosures ; sympathy of Somerset ; rebellions; invasion of Scotland (Pinkie); marriage of Mary Stuart; fall (1549) and death (1552) of Somerset. Protectorate of Warwick (John Dudley, Northumberland) : his rule compared with that of Somerset ; Act of Uniformity, 1552; dissolution of the chantries; further debasement of the coinage; plot for the succession of Lady Jane Grey; death of Edward. Sources Individual Works. Chronicle of Henry VIII, 153- 220. Chronicle of Queen Jane, i-i i ; app., 85-109. FABYAN, Chron- icles, 709-712. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 635-673; Gumming ed., II, 752-961. GREY FRIARS, Chronicle, 53-80. LATIMER, Sermon on the Ploughers, Jan. 18, 1549 (Arber Reprint, no. 2); Seven Sermons before Edward VI, Lent, 1549 (no. 13). MACHYN, Diary, 1-51. WRIOTHESLEY, Chronicle (Camden Soc., 1877), II, 1-97. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 269-281. ARBER, English Garner, II, 51-155; new ed., Voyages and Travels, I, 1-5. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 109-144. BURNET, Reformation, II, pp. clvii-ccliii, cccc-ccccvi, passim. Calendar, Carew MSS., 1515-1624, I, 214-247. Calendar, State Papers, Domestic, 1547-1580, 1-53; 1581-1603, V, 320-428. Calendar, State Papers, Foreign, 1547-1553. Calendar, State Papers, Ire., 1509-1573, 77-131. Calendar, State Papers, Scot., 1509-1603, etc., I, 61-102. Calendar, State Papers, in Venicei V (in part). CHILD, Church and State, 347-360. COBBETT, I, 483-714. COLBY, 152-154. ELLIS, Third Ser., Ill, 291-312. GEE and HARDY, 322-372. HALLIWELL, II, 1-60. Harleian Miscellany, 8-vol. ed., I, 391-396. HOLINSHED, III, 865-1071 ; V, 554-573 (Scot.) ; VI, 323- 325 (Ire.). KENDALL, 146-148. LEE, G. C., 273-286. LODGE, E., Illustrations, I, 141-224. PARK, Nugae Antiquae, 1, 17-47; II, 326-332. Parker Society, Publications, see index vol. PINKERTON, Scotland, II, app.-, 509-510. POCOCK, Prayer Book of 1549 (Camden Soc.). ROB- INSON, Readings, II, xxvii, 146-148 [Bibl.]. Statutes at Large, II, 249-322. University of Pa., I, no. i, p. 20. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 268- 279. BECKETT, English Reformation (Church Hist.), xix-xx, 198-214 ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 291 [Bibl.]. BISHOP, Portraits, 184-186 (MOTLEY). CHEYNEY, England, xii, 309-312, 316-319. CLARK, W., Anglican Reformation (Epochs of Church Hist.), xii-xiv, 122-184. CREIGHTON, M., Age of Elizabeth (Epochs), 14-29. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 412-420. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 357-360; illus. ed., II, 709-716. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 111-113. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 156- 160. LINGARD, England, abr., 330-342. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 201-205. OMAN, England, xxii, 308-313. POWERS, Reformation (Oxford Manuals), v, 71-80. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VI, iii, 426-436. RANSOME, Government, x, 110-113. SCHWILL, Modern Eur., 79-82. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 40-41. SMITH, G., United King- dom, I, xvii, 342-356. TERRY, B., England, 559-573. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book II, iv-v, 266-274. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xviii, 264-267. WRONG, British Nation, 289-295. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. IV, xi-xvii, 122-190. Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, I, 548-549 (Earl of Argyle). AUBREY, English Nation, II, 169-187. BAGWELL, Ireland, I, xvi-xvii, 325-383. BLUNT, Reformation, II, i-iv, 1-184. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 422-443. BROSCH, England (Ger- man ed.), VI, x, 386-416. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, II, Book V, i, i- 38. BURKE, S. H., Portraits, I, 475-480; II, 262-428, 457-502. BUR- NET, Reformation, I, 273-457 ; II, 742-772. Cambridge Mod. Hist., II, Reformation, 474-511 (A. F. POLLARD). CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, x, 273-300. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, I, 640-664 ; II, 1-3, 9-39. CHILD, Church and State, vi, 103-133; note, 288-290. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., II, 453-500. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Thomas Becon, William Cecil, John Dudley, Jane Dudley, Edward VI, Henry Fitzalan, Richard Grafton, Edward Seymour. DIXON, Church of England, II, xiii-xiv, 410-549; III, whole vol. Foss, Judges, see especially 553-556 (Lord Rich). FROUDE, England, IV, xxiv-xxvii, 244-573; V, xxviii-xxix, 1175. FULLER, T., Church Hist., II, Book VII, 303-360. GEIKIE, C., Reformation, xxiii-xxiv, 395-435. GREEN, J. R., English People, II, 228-242. HALLAM, Con- stitutional Hist., I, 50-54. HAUSSER, Reformation, 560-573. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, VII, iii, 219-303. HUME, D., England, III, xxxiv- xxxv, 232-301 ; cf. Notes P-Q, 563-564. JACOBS, H. E., Lutheran Movement, xv-xxvi, 198-358. JENNINGS, A. C., The Church, ix, 203- 240. JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part IV, i-ii, 389-395 ; III, 399-402. KILLEN, Ireland, I, Book III, ii, 355-364. KNIGHT, England, III, i-iv, 1-64. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 404-412, 456-457. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 832-833; IV, 2854-2855 (Scot.). 292 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, IV, 583-590. LINGARD, England, V, 231-367. MAURENBRECHER, England im Reformations- zeitalter, 35-58. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Cor- porations, II, 1145-1177. MULLINGER, Cambridge from 1535, ii, 87- 47. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, xvi, 226-237. PERRY, Reformation, vi-xi, 60-112. POCOCK, Morals and Religious Belief, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1895, X, 417-444. POLLARD, A. F., England under Somerset. RANKE, England, I, Book I, vi, 171-185. SCHAFF, Chris- tian Church, VII, Sect. CLXIII, 816-819 (Calvin's influence upon the British Reformation). SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book V, ii, 317-327. STONE, J. M., Mary I, viii, 187-214. STRYPE, Memorials, II, Part I, 3-607 ; Part II, 1-518. TRAILL, Social Eng., Ill, 170-183. VAN DYKE, Reginald Pole and Thomas Cromwell, in Am. Hist. Rev., July, 1904, IX, 700-704. Biographical: BURLEIGH: Hume, M. A. S., i-ii, 1-49. CHEKE, Strype, i-viii, 1-181. CRANMER: Strype, I, Book II, i-xxxv, 201-432. KNOX : M'Crie, Period III, 39-55; and app. PARKER: Strype, I, Book I, i-vi, 1-54. SMITH, SIR THOMAS : Strype, i-v, 1-45. WILLIAM THE SILENT: Putnam, i-v, 1-67. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 47, and general note, Sect. 2). Cambridge Mod. Hist., II, 795-801. JACOBS, H. E., Lutheran Move- ment, 352-354. MAURENBRECHER, England, 127-129. POLLARD, A. F., England under Somerset, app., 327-339 ; and footnotes, 1-323. PUTNAM, William the Silent, I, xi-xiv ; II, 458-462. Illustrative Material Prose. AINSWORTH, W. H., The Con- stable of the Tower. London, 1861. [B. P. L.] [Cin.] AINSWORTH, W. H., The Fall of Somerset. London, 1877. [B.P. L.] GRANT, JAMES, Mary of Lorraine. New York, Routledge, 1860. MANNING, ANNE, Colloquies of Edward Osborne. London, 1853. [B. P. L.] Illustrative Material Poetry. BANKS, JOHN, The Innocent Usurper : or, the death of the Lady Jane Grey ; a tragedy. London, 1694. [B. P. L.] BARNARD, EDWARD, Edward VI; drama, in his Virtue the Source of Pleasure. 1757. [B.P. L.] The Death of Queen Jane, in CHILD, III. DRAITON, MICHAELL, The Lady Jane Gray to the Lord Gilford Dudley ; Gilford Dudley to Jane Gray, in his Works, II, 361-368, 369-374. GREGG, T. D., The Life and Death of King Edward the Sixth; a drama. London, 1857. [B. P. L.] Lamentable Ditty on the Death of Lord Guildford Dudley and Lady Jane Grey, in EVANS, III. ROWE, NICHOLAS, Lady Jane Grey ; a tragedy, in London Stage, III ; SCOTT, Drama, I. WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM, Edward VI. ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 293 SECTION 43 Mary Tudor, 1553-155% Summary. Auspicious beginnings of Mary's reign ; her character and ideals ; execution of Northumberland ; moderate reaction ; abro- gation of the laws of Edward VI. The Spanish marriage; Wyatt's rebellion ; execution of Lady Jane Grey ; restoration of papal control ; difficulty about previous confiscations of church property ; repeal of anti-papal legislation of Henry VIII; religious persecution (Rogers, Hooper, Ridley, Latimer, Cranmer); effects of the persecutions; war with France ; apparent and real significance of the loss of Calais. Gloomy close of the reign. Sources Individual Works. Chronicle of Queen Jane, 11-83 ! app., 110-179. FABYAN, Chronicles, 712-719. FOXE, Martyrs, Sey- mour ed., 674-998; Gumming ed., II, 961-1128; III. GREY FRIARS, Chronicle, 80-98. KNOX, The Monstrous Regiment of Women. MACHYN, Diary, 51-184. WRIOTHESLEY, Chronicle (Camden Soc., 1877), II, 97-!4i- Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 281-296. ARBER, English Garner, IV, 72-111, 143-216; VIII, 36-95; new ed., Voyages and Travels, I, 7-23. BREWER, IV, 1453-1457. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 145-164. BURNET, Reformation, II, pp. ccliii-cclxxxviii, ccccvi-ccccxxv, passim. Calendar, Carew MSS., 1515-1624, I, 247-278. Calendar, State Papers, Domestic, 1547-1580, 54-114; 1581-1603, V, 429-483; Foreign, 1553-1558; Ireland, 1509-1573, 132-150; Scotland, 1509-1603, etc., I, 103-106 ; in Venice, VI, Parts I-1 1 1. Calendar, Treasury, 1 556- 1728, I, i. CHILD, Church and State, 361-382. COBBETT, I, 713-902. COLBY, 154-158. ELLIS, Third Sen, III, 312-320. GEE and HARDY, 373-415. Harleian Miscellany, 12-vol. ed., I, 313-373; 8-vol. ed., I, 207-211; 111,166-167; VII, 258-270. HOLINSHED, IV, 1-154; V, 573-582 (Scot.); VI, 325-326 (Ire.). KENDALL, 148-153. LEE, G. C., 286-297. LODGE, E., Illustrations, I, 225-368. PARK, Nugae Antiquae, 1,47-66; 11,332-392. Parker Soc. Publications, see index vol. POL- LARD, A. F., Tudor Tracts, 170-364. REGISTER, Privy Council of Scot., I, 67-143. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxvii-xxviii, 149-152, 168-171; xxxiii, 331-333 [Bibl.]. Somers Tracts, I, 50-57. Statutes at Large, II, 323-378. STONE, J. M., Mary I, app., 496-523. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 333- 334. ADAMS, G. B., French Nation, 160-179. ANDREWS, C. M., Eng- land, 279-286. BECKETT, English Reformation (Church Hist.), xxi-xxii, 294 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 217-262 [Bibl.]. BISHOP, Pictures, 184-186 (MOTLEY). CHEYNEY, England, xii, 319-328. CLARK, W., Anglican Reformation (Epochs of Church Hist.), xv-xvi, 185-247. CREIGHTON, M., Age of Elizabeth (Epochs), 29-41. EWALD, State Papers, 101-126. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 420-427. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part II, 51-58 (LINGARD); 58-63 (GREEN). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 361-369; illus. ed., II, 716-731. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 114-118. LARNED, History for Schools, 287-301. LINGARD, England, abr., 343-361. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 205-209. OMAN, Eng- land, xxiii, 314-321. POWERS, Reformation (Oxford Manuals), vi, 80- 87. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VI, iv, 437-447. SCHWILL, Modern Eur., 82-85. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 41-43. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xviii, 357-366. TERRY, B., England, 573-586. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book II, v, 274-283. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xviii, 267-270. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 195-199 (EWALD). WRONG, British Nation, 295-299. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. IV, xviii-xxvi, 191-285. Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, II, 187- 200. BAGWELL, Ireland, I, xviii, 384-414. BLUNT, Reformation, II, v, 185-332. BOURNE, H. R. F., Seamen, I, iv, 81-104. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 444-461 ; map, end of vol. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VI, xi, 417-447. BURKE, S. H., Portraits, I, 127-142; II, 429- 456, 503-546; III, 1-38, 108-121, 238-261. BURNET, Reformation, I, 458-559; II, 773-806. Cambridge Mod. Hist., Ill, Religious Wars, 475-477 (M. HUME). CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, xi, 301-318. CAMP- BELL, Chancellors, II, 40-86. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, v, 162-168. CHILD, Church and State, vii, 134-174; note, 290-293. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., II, 502-539. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Edmund Bonner or Boner, John Bradford, Edward Courtenay, William Kirkcaldy, Hugh Latimer, Mary I, Mary (of Guise), Matthew Stewart. DIXON, Church of England, IV. Foss, Judges, see espe- cially 286-288 (Stephen Gardiner). FROUDE, England, V, xxx-xxxiii 177-599; VI, xxxiv-xxxv, i-ioo. FULLER, T., Church Hist., II, Book VIII, 368-432. GEIKIE, C., Reformation, xxv-xxvi, 436-482. GREEN, J. R., English People, II, 243-294. HALLAM, Constitutional Hist., I, 54-61, 103-116. HANNAY, Navy, 33-72. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, VII, iii, 303-419; VIII, whole vol. HUME, D., England, III, xxxvi-xxxvii, 302-370; Note R, 564-566. HUME, M. A. S., Visit of Philip II, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1892, VII, 253-280. JENNINGS, A. C., The Church, x, 241-278. JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part IV, ii-iii, 395-403. KILLEN, Ireland, I, Book III, ii, 364-370. KNIGHT, Eng- land, III, v-vii, 65-106. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS 1485-1603 295 412-415, 457-458. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 883-885; IV, 2854- 2855 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, IV, 590-595. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 161-163. LINGARD, England, V, 368- 536; app., 542-546. MAURENBRECHER, England im Reformations- zeitalter, 35-58, passim. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, II, 1177-1218. MOTLEY, Dutch Republic, I, 95-223. MULLINGER, Cambridge from 1535, ii, 147-165. NICHOLS, Progresses of Queen Elizabeth, I, 1-37. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, xvii, 238-257. PERRY, Reformation, xii-xiv, 113-151. RANKE, Eng- land, I, Book I, vii-viii, 186-217. STONE, J. M., Mary I, ix-xvii, 215- 491. STRICKLAND, Queens, III, 307-602 (Mary); IV, 1-138 (Elizabeth as Princess). STRYPE, Memorials, III, Part I, i-xlviii, 3-600; Part II, xlix-lxvi, 1-553. TRAILL, Social Eng., Ill, 172-175, 183-193. WORDS- WORTH, Biography, II, v-viii, 305-680 ; III, i-iv, 3-374. Biographical: BURLEIGH : Hume, M. A. S., iii, 50-71. CRANMER: Strype, I, Book III, i-xxi, 433-565. KNOX: M'Crie, Period III, 55, to V, 120; and see app. MARY STUART: Mignet, 1-30. WILLIAM THE SILENT: Putnam, I, v-vi, 67-98. PARKER: Strype, I, Book I, vii, 54-69. PHILIP II: Hume, M. A. S., i-iv, 1-5-2. SMITH, SIR THOMAS : Strype, vi, 46-55. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 47, and general note, Sect. 2). Cambridge Mod. Hist., 11,802-805; 111,843-846. MAURENBRECHER, England, 127-129. PUTNAM, William the Silent, I, xi-xiv ; II, 458-462. Illustrative Material Prose. AINSWORTH, W. H., Cardinal Pole: or, the days of Philip and Mary. Leipzig, 1863. [B. P. L.] AINSWORTH, W. H., Tower of London. 2 vols. Philadelphia, Lip- pincott. BRAY, A. E., The Protestant. New York, Chapman, 1884. BROWN, ARTHUR, Wetherden Hall; an historical study of the days of Queen Mary. [B. P. L.] HOCKING, JOSEPH, Lest We Forget. Chicago, 1901. [B.] PEMBERTON, MAX, I Crown Thee King. 1902. [B.] WEY- MAN, S. J., The Story of Francis Cludde. New York, Longmans. [B.] Illustrative Material Poetry. Darnley's Ballad, in MAIDMENT, Ballads, II. DEKKER, THOMAS, and JOHN WEBSTER, The Famous History of Sir Thomas Wyat ; with the Coronation of Queen Mary and the Coming in of Philip. London, 1607. [B. P.L.] Description of a Most Noble Lady (Queen Mary), in EVANS, III. HEMANS, FELICIA, The English Martyrs ; a scene of the days of Queen Mary, in her Works. HEYWOOD, JOHN, The Spider and the Flie. London, Powell, 1556. [B.P. L.] HUGO, VICTOR, Marie Tudor, in his CEuvres, Drame, III. Lamentable Complaint of Queen Mary for the Unkind Departure of King Philip, in whose absence she fell sick and died, in EVANS, III. TENNYSON, ALFRED, Queen Mary. WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM, Latimer and Ridley. 296 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY SECTION 44 Elizabeth (A), ijj8-ij?o Summary. Character and training of Elizabeth; her councillors (Burleigh, Bacon, Walsingham) ; her court ; marriage plans (Leicester, political suitors); complexity of the reign. Religious affairs: attitude of the people ; policy of the new reign ; the Act of Supremacy ; the Act of Uniformity ; the Thirty-nine Articles ; Court of High Commission ; Matthew Parker ; treatment of the clergy ; repeal of laws against heresy; increase of Puritanism;, the Reformation abroad (Luther, Zwingli, Calvin); the Counter-Reformation (Council of Trent, 1545- 1563, Loyola and the Jesuits); political danger from the Catholics; papal excommunication, 1 570. Other domestic affairs: social distress ; poverty of the treasury ; restoration of the coinage ; Statute of Appren- tices ; poor relief. Relations with the Continent : policy of neutrality and balance of power; England's use of the Dutch and of the Hugue- nots in diplomacy. Foreign influence in Scotland and Ireland : char- acter and training of Mary Stuart; Mary's return to Scotland in 1561 ; the Reformation in Scotland ; John Knox ; the Confession of Faith, 1 560 ; Mary and Elizabeth ; Mary's marriage to Darnley, 1 565 ; murder of Rizzio ; death of Darnley ; Mary's marriage to Bothwell ; abdication, 1567; escape to England; the Casket Letters; captivity, 1568-1587. Sources Individual "Works. FABYAN, Chronicles, 719-723. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 421-499. HAYWARD, Reign of Elizabeth (Camden Soc.). MACHYN, Diary, 184-312. Marie Stuart, Teulet ed., 1-304, passim ; cf. Avertissement, pp. i-xxiv ; Labanoff ed., I-II ; III, 1-32 (French, some English). WRIOTHESLEY, Chronicle (Camden Soc., 1877), H 141-146. Sources Collection. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 296-315. ARBER, English Garner, IV, 112-142, 217-252; new ed., Voyages and Travels, I, 27-126. ARBER, Pilgrim Fathers, 67-70. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 165- 177. BURNET, Reformation, II, pp. cclxxxviii-cccix, ccccxxvi-cccclxiv, passim. Calendar, Carew MSS., 1515-1624, I, 278-401. Calendar, Letters in Simancas, I ; II, 1-242. Calendar, State Papers, Domestic, 1547-1580, 115-373: 1581-1603, V, 484-578; VI, 1-267; Foreign, 1558-1579, I-VIII; and IX, in part; Ireland, 1509-1573, 151-428; Scotland, 1509-1603, etc., I, 107-284; 11,823-846, 853-888; in Venice, VI, Parts III-VIII, passim. CHILD, Church and State, 382-400. COBBETT, I, 901-948. COLBY, 166-168. ELLIS, Third Sen, III, 331- 368. English Hist. Rep., II, 7-21 [Bibl.]. GEE and HARDY, 416-477. ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 297 Harleian Miscellany, 12-vol. ed., I, 374-398; 8-vol. ed., I, 595-600; II, 393-400, 460-462; III, 177-181, 533-536. HART, Contemporaries, I, 65-69. HENDERSON, E. F., Side-Lights, 1-9. HOLINSHED, IV, 155- 338; ,583-648(800!.); VI, 326-371 (Ire.). HOSACK, Mary, Queen of Scots, I, app., 518-584 ; II, app., 497-611, passim. Journals of Par- liaments (D'EwEs), 1-135. KENDALL, 153-168. KILLEN, Ireland, I, App. I, 515-520. LEE, G. C., 304-306, 316-318. LODGE, E., Illustra- tions, I, 369-519. PARK, Nugae Antiquae, I, 66-118; .II, 392-396. Parker Soc., Publications, see index vol. PAYNE, Seamen, First Sen, Hawkins, 7-60. POLLARD, A. F., Tudor Tracts, 365-418. Privy Council of Scot., I, 143-688 (cf. introd.); II, 1-77. PROTHERO, Statutes, 1-27, 168-169, 180-183, 194-197, 227-232 (cf. introd., pp. i- cxxv, passim). RAIT, Mary, Queen of Scots (Scot. Contemp.), 1-236. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxviii, 186-187 [Bibl.]. Somers Tracts, I, 61-85. STANTON, 554-557. Statutes at Large, II, 379-489. Three Chronicles (Camden Soc.), 114-147. University of Pa., cf. II, no. 6, pp. 34-37 ; III, no. 3. WRIGHT, Elizabeth, I, 1-385. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 33~3 IO > 3!8-32o. ADAMS, W. H. D., Heroes, passim. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 286-308 ; map, 300. BECKETT, English Reformation (Church Hist.), xxiii-xxiv, 263-290 [Bibl.]. CHEYNEY, England, xiii, 330-349. CLARK, W., Anglican Reformation (Epochs of Church Hist.), xvii-xxi, 248-317. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, map, 255. CREIGHTON, M., Age of Elizabeth (Epochs), 47-52, 65-101 ; tables, 33, 74, 84; map, 85. CREIGHTON, M., Half-Hour Hist., x, 103- 119. CREIGHTON, M., Tudors (Epochs Eng. Hist.), Book IV, 96-130. DURUY, Modern Times, 189-211. EWALD, State Papers, 127-149. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 428-442. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 369-392 ; illus. ed., II, 732-777. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 119-128. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 164-173. LINGARD, England, abr., 362-384. MACKINTOSH, JOHN, Scotland (Nations), 137- 157. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 209-220. OMAN, England, xxiv, 322-331. POWERS, Reformation (Oxford Manuals), vii, 88-102. RAN- SOME, Advanced Hist., Book VI, v, 448-451. RANSOME, Government, xi, 114-117. SCHWILL, Modern Eur., 86-99. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 43-47. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xix, 367-403, passim. STORY, British Empire (Nations), I, 1-59. TERRY, B., England, 587-601. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book II, vi, 284-292. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xix, 272-275. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 200-205 (GREEN). WRONG, British Nation, 299-305. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. IV, xxvii-xxxiii, 286-367 ; Ser. V, i-xi, i-ioi. 298 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, I, 229-231, 354-357 (Bothwell), 549-552 (Argyle); II, 618-623 (Knox); III, 119-128 (Mary Stuart). AUBREY, English Nation, II, 202-267, passim. BAGWELL, Ireland, II, xix-xxvi, 1-169. BAYLEY, Tower of London, 130-131. BEARD, Reformation (Hibbert Lectures), Lect. IX, 300-335. BLUNT, Reformation, II, vi-viii, 333-462, passim. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 488-521. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VI, xii, 447, to xvi, 555. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, II, Book V, ii-iii, 39-126. BURKE, S. H., Portraits, III, 262-352, 366-378, 408-416; IV, 1-14, 24-30, 67-69, 315-427. BURNET, Reformation, I, 560-594; II, 807- 849. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, IV, 1-89, 165-457; V, 91-272. Cam- bridge Mod. Hist., Ill, Religious Wars, 260-293, passim (T. G. LAW), 477-492 (M. HUME), 589-595 (R. DUNLOP). CAMPBELL, Chancellors, II, 87-102. CHILD, Church and State, viii-ix, 175-216. CORBETT, Drake and the Tudor Navy, I, i-iv, 57-144; cf. App. A, 411-414. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., II, 539-655. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of John Aylmer, Nicholas Bacon, James Balfour, the two Archibald Campbells, Richard Cox, Darnley (Henry Stewart), Walter Devereux, Robert Dudley, Elizabeth, John Fortescue, George Gordon, Christopher Hatton, John Hawkins, James Hepburn, Thomas Howard, Francis Knollys, John Knox, John Leslie, Patrick Lindsay, William Maitland, Mary (Stuart), Matthew Parker, James Stewart. DIXON, Church of England, V-VI. FREEMAN, Essays, Fourth Ser., 304-316 (Parker). FREEMAN, General Sketch, 261-262. FROUDE, England, VI, xxxvi-xl, 101-613; and VII-IX. FROUDE, Seamen, Lects. I-II, 1-49. FULLER, T., Church Hist., II, Book IX, Sects. I-II, 438-496. GEIKIE, C., Reformation, xxvii, 483-504. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 142-158. GREEN, J. R., English People, II, 295-384. HALL, II., Imperial Policy of Elizabeth, in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Se.r., Ill, 205-24 1, passim. HALLAM, Constitutional Hist., I, 117-229. HAUSSER, Reformation, 245-255, 258-264, 345-349. HUME, D., England, III, xxxviii-xl, 371-506; cf. Notes T-GG, 566-571. JACOBS, H. E., Lu- theran Movement, xxvii, 339-349. JENNINGS, A. C., The Church, xi, 279-323. JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part IV, ii-iv, 396-429. KILLEN, Ireland, I, Book III, iii-iv, 371-399. KNIGHT, England, III, viii-x, 107-164. LANG, Scotland, II, v-ix, 104-234 [Bibl.]. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 459-506. LARNED, Ready Reference, 11,835-840; 111,1763-1764(^6.); IV, 2855-2860 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, V, 2-45, 205-231. LINGARD, England, VI, 1-235; a PP- 667-684. LOWERY, Jean Ribaut and Queen Eliza- beth, in Am. Hist. Rev., Apr., 1904, IX, 456-459. MAURENBRECHER, ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 299 England im Reformations-Zeitalter, 61-87, 91-116. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, II, 1218-1246. MOT- LEY, United Netherlands, I, i-ii, 1-65. MOTLEY, Dutch Republic, II, 152-319 (especially 277-319). MULLINGER, Cambridge from 1535, iii, 166-219. NICHOLS, Progresses of Queen Elizabeth, I, 38-273. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., xvii-xviii, 238-262. OPPENHEIM, Navy, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1891, VI, 465-494. PAYNE, Seamen, First Ser., introd., pp. iv-xxiv. PERRY, Reformation, xv-xix, 151-213. POLLEN, J. H., Dr. Nicholas Sander, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1891, VI, 36- 47. RAIT, Mary Queen of Scots (Scot. Contemporaries), introd., pp. xiii-xxxii. RANKE, England, I, 221-284. RANKE, Popes, III, 105-138. ROUND and OPPENHEIM, Navy, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1894, IX, 709-715. SCHELLING, Queen's Progress, passim. SEELEY, British Policy, I, Part I, introd. and i-iii, 1-91. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, II, Book X, i, 97-128. SPOTTISWOODE, Church of Scot., I, Book III, 263-384; II, Book IV, 1-80. STRICKLAND, Queens, IV, 139-305 (Elizabeth as Queen). STRYPE, Reformation, I, Part I, Sects. I-III, i-xxxiii, 1-562; Part II, xxxiv-lvii, 1-385; app., 389-582. TRAILL, Social Eng., Ill, 304-307, 424-450. WORDSWORTH, Biography, III, v, 379-440. Biographical: BURLEIGH : Hume, M. A. S., iv-ix, 72-241. COLIGNY: Besant, i-xi, 9-223. DRAKE: Corbett, i, 1-15. ELIZA- BETH : Beesly (Twelve Eng. Statesmen), i-v, 1-89 ; App. B-C ; tables. Marcks, Konigen Elisabeth, i-iii, 1-35. GRINDAL: Strype, Book I, i- xvi, 1-231; app., 467-530. KNOX: M'Crie, Periods VI-VIII, 121-251 ; and see app. MARY STUART: Hosack, I, i-xv, 56-517; II, xvi, 1-42. Hume, M., Love Affairs of, iv-x, 1 16-425 ; cf. i-iii, i-i 16 ; pref., pp. v-x. Lang, i-xviii; and App. A-E, 1-431. Mignet, 30-296. De Peyster, 1-255. Strickland, I, 1-460; II, i-vi, 1-85. PARKER: Hook, W. F., Archbishops, IX. Strype, I, Book I-III, 69-578. PHILIP II : Hume, M. A. S., v-x, 53-135. SIDNEY : Bourne, H. R. F. (Heroes), i-iii, 1-41. Bourne, H. R. F., Memoir of, i-ii, 1-43. Zouch, i, 9-37. SMITH, SIR THOMAS : Strype, vii-xi, 55-105. WHITGIFT : Strype, I, Book I, i-iv, 1-44. WILLIAM THE SILENT: Putnam, I, vii-xviii; App. A-H, 99-391. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 4^, and general note, Sect. 2). BOURNE, Sidney, ix-x. Cambridge Mod. Hist., Ill, 810-815, 843-846, 852-859. CORBETT, J. S., Drake and the Navy, I, App. 6-0,414-423. JACOBS, H. E., Lutheran Movement, 354-355. MAURENBRECHER, England, 130-138. PUTNAM, William the Silent, I, xi-xiv ; II, 458- 462. RAIT, Mary Queen of Scots, 319-327. Illustrative Material Prose. BRAY, A. E., Fitz of Fitz-Ford : a legend of Devon. New ed. 3 vols. London, Smith, 1830. HENTY, 300 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY G. A., Under Drake's Flag. New York, Scribner, 1882. LANDOR, W. S., Citation and Examination of William Shakespeare . . . before the worshipful Sir Thomas Lucy, knight, touching deer-stealing on the igth day of Sept., 1582. London. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Abbot. Edinburgh, Adam & Black ; New York, Macmillan, 1893. YONGE, C. M., Unknown to History ; a story of the captivity of Mary of Scot- land. London, Macmillan, 1902. Illustrative Material Poetry. Battle of Corichie, in MAID- MENT, Ballads, I. HEYWOOD, THOMAS, If You Do Not Know Me, You Know Nobodie : or, troubles of Queene Elizabeth, in Two His- torical Plays. . . . London, Shakespeare Society, 1851. LYLY, JOHN, Endymion, in Old English Plays, II. Murder of the King of Scots, in MAIDMENT, Ballads, II. SHALER, N. S., Elizabeth of England; a dramatic romance in five parts. Boston, Houghton, 1903. SPENSER, EDMUND, Elizabeth as Gloriana, in The Fjerie Queene, Book V, Canto IX. SWINBURNE, A. C., Bothwell; a tragedy, in his Works, 398-568. SWINBURNE, A. C., Chastelard; a tragedy, in his Works, 198-251. WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM,' The White Doe of Rylstone : or, the fate of the Nortons. WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM, The White Doe of Rylstone, with the Song at the Feast of Brougham Castle, ed. by WILLIAM KNIGHT. Oxford, 1891. SECTION 45 Elizabeth (B~), Summary. England on the sea : the Northeast passage ; the Muscovy, Baltic, Turkey, Barbary, and Guinea companies ; Gilbert and Newfoundland ; Raleigh and Virginia ; Gosnold ; the Northwest pas- sage (Frobisher, Davis, Hudson, Baffin) ; anti-Spanish voyages (Haw- kins, Drake) ; the Channel freebooters ; Spanish irritation. The Low Countries: revolt of the Netherlands, 1572; the "Spanish Fury," 1576; Anglo-Dutch alliance, 1577 ; assassination of William of Orange, 1584; death of Sidney, 1586; absorption of Spanish energies by the Dutch. France: French marriage projects; massacre of St. Barthol- omew's Day, 1572; Henry of Navarre heir to the French throne, 1584; renewed civil strife and weakness in France. Domestic affairs: attach- ment of the new generation to Elizabeth ; her identification with Eng- land's expansion ; parliamentary support ; Catholic plots ; anti-Catholic laws; the Bond of Association, 1583-1584; Babington's plot, 1586; ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 301 trial and execution of Mary, 1587; Elizabeth's treatment of Davison; effects of the execution. Sources Individual "Works. BROOKE, Works, IV, 5-224 (Life of Sidney). BURNET, Own Time, I, 3-6; cf. II, 474, and pref., pp. v- xxxv. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 999-1017. HAKLUYT, Gilbert's Discourse, Northwest Passage. Marie Stuart, Lettres, Teulet ed., 304-404, passim ; Labanoff ed., Ill, 33-399 ; IV-VI (French ; some English). WELWOOD, Memoirs, App. II-IV, 264-271. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 316-325. ARBER, English Garner, VII, 39-56; VIII, 141-170, 205-226; new ed., Seven- teenth Century Tracts, 45-54, 59-94 ; cf. introd., pp. xv-xvi; Voyages and Travels, 2 vols., passim. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 177-271, 275-278. BUR- NET, Reformation, II, pp. cccclxiv cccclxix, passim. Calendar, Carew MSS., 1515-1624, I, 401-493; II, 1-439. Calendar, Letters in Siman- cas, II, 242-711; III. Calendar, State Papers, Domestic, 1547-1580, 373-704; 1581-1603, I, 1-385; VI, 267-577; VII, 1-241; Foreign, 1558-1579, IX (in part) ; X-XIII ; Ireland, 1509-1573, 428-536; 1574- 1600, I; II, 1-255; Scotland, 1509-1603, etc., I, 284-548; II, 846-851, 888-1021; in Venice, VII; VIII, passim. CHILD, Church and State, 400-418. Clarendon, State Papers, II, app., pp. i-ii. CLARKE, W., Ora- tions, 1-13. COBBETT, I, 947-1250. COLBY, 158-166. CORBETT, Spanish War, 1585-1587 (Navy Records). DIGGES, Compleat Am- bassador. EDWARDS, Raleigh, II, 1-39. ELLIS, Third Sen, III, 369- 381 ; IV, 3-74. GEE and HARDY, 477-492. GUIZOT, English Rev., app., 439-443. HALLIWELL, II, 63-81. Harleian Miscellany, i2-vol. ed., I, 398-547; II, 5-129; XII, 280-281; 8-vol. ed., I, 111-173, 44 I- 447; 111,98-105,182-197,537-539; IV.326-348; VII, 49-61, 124-127, 3 1 7-3S5' 583-588. HART, Contemporaries, I, 81-95, 152-160. HART, Source Book, 9-11. HENDERSON, E. F., Side-Lights, 9-25. HOLIN- SHED, IV, 338-932; V, 648-756 (Scot.); VI, 371-461 (Ire.). HOSACK, Mary, Queen of Scots, II, app., 497-611, passim. Journals of Parlia- ments (D'EwEs), 136-418. KENDALL, 169-184. LEE, G. C., 307-310, 312-313, 319-331. LODGE, E., Illustrations, I, 520-560; II, 1-301. Old South Leaflets, III, no. 72, pp. i-n (cf. 11-16). PARK, Nugae Antiquae, I, 118-158. Parker Soc. Publications; see index vol. PAYNE, Seamen, First Ser., 64-302. POLLARD, A. F., Tudor Tracts, 419-484. POORE, B. P., Constitutions, Part II, 1379-1382. Privy Council of Scot., II, 78-738; III, 1-769; IV, 1-144 (cf. introd.). .PROTHERO, 60- 63, 130, 140-174, 197-198, 224-225, 245-249, passim (cf. .introd., pp. i-cxxv, passim). PURCHAS, Pilgrimes, II, Book II, iii-v, 119-210. RAIT, Mary, Queen of Scots (Scot. Contemp.), 236-310 (see app., 312-319). 302 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxviii, 187-189 [Bibl.]. Somers Tracts, I, 85-109, 163-239, 323-463. STANTON, 59-60. WRIGHT, Elizabeth, I, 385-514; II, 1-394. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 338-341. ADAMS, W. H. D., Heroes, passim. ANDREWS, C. M., Eng- land, 308-317; map, 311. BECKETT, English Reformation (Church Hist.), xxv, 291-295 ; chronological summary, 296-299 ; app., i-iii, 300- 305 [Bibl.]. BISHOP, Pictures, 187-193 (FROUDE), 194-202 (MOTLEY). CALDECOTT, Colonization (University Extension Manuals), 27-29 ; map, 28 [Bibl.]. CHEYNEY, England, xiii, 349-352 ; 356-363. CLARK, W., Anglican Reformation (Epochs Church Hist.), xxii-xxiii, 318-336. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools; map, 258. CREIGH- TON, M., Age of Elizabeth (Epochs), 109-127, 167-187; maps, 115, 167; table, 169. DURUY, Modern Times, 211-234. EWALD, State Papers, 150-171. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 442-458. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part II, 68-73 (BANCROFT), 73-84 (MOTLEY). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 405-418; illus. ed., II, 814-841. GRIFFIS, Holland, 160-174. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 129-135. JOHN- SON, A. H., Sixteenth Century (Periods of Eur. Hist.), 339-377. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 174-192. LINGARD, England, abr., 384- 404. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 220-221. OMAN, England, xxiv, 331-337. PAYNE, Colonies, 53-64. PAYNE, Seamen, Ser. I, introd., v-xxiv. POWERS, Reformation (Oxford Manuals), viii, 102-1 20. RAN- SOME, Advanced Hist., Book VI, v, 451-469. RANSOME, Government, xi, 117-120. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 47-52. SMITH, G., United King- dom, I, xix, 367-403, passim. STORY, British Empire (Nations), I, 60 126. TERRY, B., England, 601-612. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book II, vi-vii, 292-298. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xix, 275-285 ; map, 280. WALKER, W., Reformation (Epochs of Church Hist.), 423-435. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 206- 212 (FROUDE), 213-219 (EWALD). WRONG, British Nation, 305-315. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. V, xii-xxvii, 102272. Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, II, 202- 267, passim. BAGWELL, Ireland, II, xxvii-xxxv, 170-372; map, 170; III, xxxvi-xli, 1-171 ; map, 24. BAIRD, Huguenots, II, xviii-xix, 426- 571. BAYLEY, Tower of London, 205-210, 260. BLUNT, Reformation, II, vi-viii, 333-462, passim. BOURNE, H. R. F., Seamen, I, v-vii, 105- 199; maps, 129, 250; II, xi-xv, 1-245. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 521-558. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VI, xvi-xvii, 555-613. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, II, Book V, iv, 127-166. BURKE, S. H., Por- traits, IV, 70-96, 145-161, 174-224, 260-295, 306-314; IV, 428-475, ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 303 485-550. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, V, 273-516; VI, 1-36. Cambridge Mod. Hist., Ill, Religious Wars, 260-293, passim (T. G. LAW), 294- 327 (J. K. LAUGHTON), 492-505 (M. HUME), 595-599 (R. DUNLOP). CAMPBELL, Chancellors, II, 102-165. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, v, 168- 186. CHILD, Church and State, x, 217-233 ; 11016,293-304. CORBETT, Drake and the Tudor Navy, I, v-xii, 145-409; cf. App. F-G, 429-436; II, i-iii, i-ii2. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., II, 655-678. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Anthony Babington, Peregrine Bertie, Charles Blount, Robert Browne or Brown, Thomas Cavendish, William Davison, James Douglas, Francis Drake, Humphrey Gilbert, Gerard Malynes or Malines, John Norris, Roger North, Robert Parsons or Persons, Thomas Radcliffe, Walter Ralegh, Philip Sidney, John Whit- gift. DUNLOP, Plantation of Munster, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1888, III, 250-269. EGGLESTON, Beginners, Book II, 141-149. FREEMAN, Gen- eral Sketch, 263-264. FROUDE, Armada, 1-89. FROUDE, England, X, Ivii-lviii, 1-216; Ix-lxi, 316-514; XII, whole vol. FROUDE, Seamen, Lects. III-IX, 50-228. FULLER, T., Church Hist., II, Book IX, Sects. II-III, 496-528 ; III, Sects. IV-VI, 3-93. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 158-166. GREEN, J. R., English People, II, 393-448. HALL, H., Imperial Policy of Elizabeth, in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Ser., III, 205-241, passim. HANNAY, Navy, 73-115. HUME, D., England, III, xl, 506-558; IV, xli-xlii, 1-96; cf. Notes A-L, 515-552. JENNER, Spanish Account of Drake's Voyages, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1901, XVI, 46-66. JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part IV, iv-viii, 429-466. KILLEN, Ireland, I, Book III, iv, 400, to v, 448. KNIGHT, England, III, xi-xv, 165-240. LANG, Scotland, II, ix-xii, 234-332 [Bibl.]. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 840-845; III, 1763-1764 (Ire.); IV, 2859-2862 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, V, 82-85, 2 3 2 - LINGARD, England, VI, 236-332, 346-519 ; app., 684-687, 693-708. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, II, 1246-1348. MOTLEY, United Netherlands, I, 285-532 ; II, 1-563. MOTLEY, Dutch Republic, II, 320 ff. ; III, especially 1-51, 266-320, 367-417, 452-479, 519-553, 596-627. MULLINGER, Cambridge from 1535, iii, 219-249. NICHOLS, Progresses of Queen Elizabeth, I, 274-600 ; II, 1-530. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, xix, 263-275. OPPENHEIM, Navy, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1891, VI, 465-494. POLLEN, J. H., Dr. Nicholas Sander, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1891, VI, 36-47. RANKE, England, I, 284-315. ROUND and OPPENHEIM, Navy, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1894, IX, 709-715. SCHELLING, Queen's Progress, passim. SEELEY, British Policy, I, Part I, iv-viii, 92-236. SPOTTISWOODE, Church of Scot., II, Books V- VI, 81-390. STRYPE, Reformation, II, Part I, 1-586; Part II, 1-407; 304 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY app., 41 1-7 1 1 ; III, Part I, Books I-II, 1-747 ; IV, supplement, nos. i-xv, 569-598. TRAILL, Social Eng., 111,409-411, 414-418, 477-508. WORDS- WORTH, Biography, III, vi, 445-553. Biographical: AYLMER : Strype, i-xiv, 1-197; additions, 199-219. BACON: Spedding, I, Book I, i-ii, 1-24. Lee, S., Great Englishmen, vi, 214-219. BURLEIGH : Hume, M. A. S., x-xiv, 242-428. DRAKE: Corbett, ii-xii, 16-188. Gardiner, S. R., Biographies, 107-151. ELIZABETH : Beesly (Twelve Eng. States- men), v-ix, 89-187. Marcks, Konigen Elisabeth, iv-vi, 35-77. Strick- land, Queens, IV, 305-617. GRINDAL: Hook, W. F., Archbishops, X, xvii-xxii, 1-120. Strype, Book II, i-xvii, 233-466; app., 531-605. HATTON : Nicolas. HENRY OF NAVARRE: Willert (Heroes), i-iv, i- 182. KNOX: M'Crie, Period IX, 252-300; and see app. MARY ; STUART : Hosack, II, xvi-xxvii, 2-496. Hume, M., Love Affairs of, xi, '426-475. Mignet, 296-466. Strickland, II, vii-xxviii, 86-466. PARKER: Strype, II, Book IV, i-xlvii, 1-487 ; Sects. I-IV, 489-531. PHILIP II : Hume, M. A. S., xi-xvi, 136-236. RALEIGH : Creighton, L., i-v, 5-66. 'Edwards, E., I, i-iv, 1-75; vii, 108-118. Hume, M. A. S., iv-v, 14-97. Lee, S., Great Englishmen, iv, 1 16-133. SIDNEY, SIR PHILIP : Bourne, H. R. F. (Heroes), iii xix, 41-363. Bourne, H. R. F., Memoir of, ii-xvi, 43-542. Lee, S., Great Englishmen, iii, 63-115. Zouch, ii-vi, 38-371. SMITH, SIR THOMAS: Strype, xii-xviii, 106-180; app., 181-286. WHIT- GIFT: Strype, I, Books I-III, 44-621; app., 4-230. WILLIAM THE SILENT : Putnam, II, xix-xxxiv ; App. A-H, 1458. Bibliography (see also under Sect, 47, and general note, Sect. 2). BOURNE, H. R. F., Sidney, ix-x. Cambridge Mod. Hist., Ill, 810-820, 843-846, 852-859. CORBETT, Drake and the Navy, I, App. E, 423-429. JACOBS, H. E., Lutheran Movement, 355-357. PUTNAM, William the Silent, I, xi xiv ; II, 458-462. RAIT, Mary, Queen of Scots, 319327. ZOUCH, Sydney, 363-371. Illustrative Material Prose. BOYCE, JOHN (Paul Peppergrass), The Spaewife : or, the queen's secret ; a tale of the days of Elizabeth. Boston, Noonan. FULLERTON, LADY G., Constance Sherwood; an autobiography of the i6th century. New York, Catholic Publishing Co., 1865. GOULD, S. B., Guavas the Tinner. Philadelphia, Lippin- cott, 1897. GRANT, JAMES, Bothwell: or, the days of Queen Mary. New York, Dutton. HAMILTON, Lord E., The Outlaws of the Marches. New York, Dodd, 1897. KINGSLEY, CHARLES, Westward Ho ! or, the voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh. . . . London, Macmillan, 1901. LAWLESS, EMILY, Maelcho ; a sixteenth century narrative. New York, Appleton, 1894. MATHEW, FRANK, One Queen Trium- phant. New York, Lane, 1899. [B.] [Cin.] MELVILLE, G. J. W., The ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 305 Queen's Marys : a romance of Holyrood. London, 1892. [B.] SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Kenilworth. New York, Burt. Illustrative Material Poetry. BANKS, JOHN, The Albion Queens : or, the death of Mary, Queen of Scots ; a tragedy, in British Theatre, Bell, XXII. BURNS, ROBERT, Lament of Mary, Queen of Scots, on the Approach of Spring. Cumnor Hall, in EVANS, IV. Edom O'Gordon, in MAIDMENT, Ballads, I ; FINLAY, I. HUGO, VICTOR, Amy Robsart, in his CEuvres, Drame, V. JONES, HENRY, The Earl of Essex ; a tragedy, in London Stage, III. LONGFELLOW, H. W., Sir Humphrey Gilbert. LYTTON, BULWER-, Mary Stuart and her Mourner, in his Poetical Works, ed. of 1852, I. MACAULAY, T. B., The Armada, in his Poetical Works, 141-145; Miscellaneous Works, IV. MASSEY, GERALD, Sir Richard Grenville's Last Fight, in his Poems, II. SCHILLER, FREDERICK, Mary Stuart, tr. SWINBURNE, A.G., Mary Stuart ; a tragedy. London, Chatto, 1899. SECTION 46 Elizabeth (C), 1587-1603 Summary. War with Spain : attitude of the other powers ; prepa- ration of the Armada ; Drake's expedition to Cadiz ; plan "of the Armada's attack ; English preparations for resistance ; comparison of the opposing navies ; the fight up the Channel ; further misfortunes of the Spaniards ; English reprisals, and subsequent armadas ; significance of the war. Domestic affairs : the Marprelate tracts ; persecution of sectaries ; parliamentary opposition to monopolies ; a new generation of courtiers ; treason of Essex ; decline and death of Elizabeth. Sources Individual Works. BURNET, Own Time, 1, 6-12. CECIL, Letters. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 1067-1074. HATTON, Corre- spondence (Camden Soc., 1878), I, 1-2. RALEIGH, SIR W., Guiana. RALEIGH, SIR W., The Revenge (Arber reprints), 16-32, 36-88, 90-96. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 325-326. ARBER, English Garner, VII, 57-184; VIII, 341-350, 476-484; new ed., Stuart Tracts, 1603-1693, i-io; cf. introd. ; Voyages and Travels, 2 j/ols., passim. ARBER, Pilgrim Fathers, 71-86. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 271-275, 278-304. Calendar, Carew MSS., 1515-1624, II, 439-491 ; III-IV. Cal- endar, State Papers, Domestic, 1581-1603^0!. I, 385, to Vol. V, 319; VII, 241-421; Ireland, 1574-1600, Vol. II, 255, to Vol. VIII; Scotland, 1509- 1603, etc., I, 548-560; II, 1-821,851 ; in Venice, VIII, passim; IX. Cal- endar, Treasury, 1556-1728, 1, 1-3. CHILD, Church and State, 418-429. COBBETT, 1, 1249-1452. COLBY, 159-162, 171-177. EDWARDS, Raleigh, 306 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY II, 40-269; app., 397-406. ELLIS, Third Ser., IV, 74-158. English Hist. Rep., II, 21-22 [Bibl.]. GEE and HARDY, 492-508. HALLIWELL, II, 81-98. Harleian Miscellany, 12-vol. ed., II, 130-534; 8-vol. ed., I, 366-368,424; 11,377-379; 111,76-89; IV, 229-233, 292-300; VII, 115-123. HART, Contemporaries, 1,96-101, 161-163. HENDERSON, E. F., Side-Lights, 26-32. Journals of Parliament (D'EwES), 419-689. KENDALL, 184-208. LAUGHTON, Naval Miscellany (Navy Records), I, 37-92 ; cf. introd. LAUGHTON, State Papers relating to the Armada (Navy Records), 2 vols. LEE, G. C., 310-315. LODGE, E., Illustra- tions, II, 302-584. PARK, Nugae Antiquae, I, 159-324. Parker Soc. Publications, see index vol. PAYNE, Seamen, First Ser., 258-302, 332- 396. POLLARD, A. F., Tudor Tracts, 485-502. Privy Council of Scot., IV, 145-834; cf. introd. PROTHERO, 116-117 (cf. introd., pp. i-cxxv, passim). ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxviii, 189-193; xxxiii, 351-352 [Bibl.]. Somers Tracts, I, 109-160, 239-292, 463-473. Statutes at Large, II, 551-621. STEDMAN and HUTCHINSON, American Lit., II, 336-337. STEPHEN, Trials, III, 3-87, 91-102. WRIGHT, ELIZABETH, II, 394-495- Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, W. H. D., Heroes, passim. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 317-324; map, 364. BISHOP, Pictures, 203-206 (HUME). CHEYNEY, England, xiii, 363-369, 379-381 ; map, 365. CLARK, W., Anglican Reformation (Epochs Church Hist.), xxiii- xxiv, 336-362. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, map, 261. CREIGHTON, M., Age of Elizabeth (Epochs), 187-189, 227-237; maps, title-page, 190. CREIGHTON, M., Tudors (Epochs Eng. Hist.), Book V, 130-144; map, 131. EWALD, State Papers, 172-193. GARD- INER, S. R., Student's Hist., 458-480. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 418- 459; illus. ed., II, 889-931; map, 889. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 135-139. LAR NED, History for Schools, 305-334 ; maps, 313-318. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 193-219; map, 217. LINGARD, England, abr., 405-418. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 221-224. MORRIS, W. O., Ireland (Cambridge Hist.), iv, 83-121. OMAN, Eng- land, xxiv, 337-341, 345-349. PAYNE, Seamen, Ser. I, introd., pp. v- xxivr POWERS, Reformation (Oxford Manuals), ix, 121-136; table, 137. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., v, 469-482 ; map, 476. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 52-55. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xix, 367-403, passim. STORY, British Empire (Nations), I, 127-211. TERRY, B., England, 612-617. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book II, vii, 298-306. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xix, 285-286. WRONG, British Nation, 315-322. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. V, xxviii- xxxviii, 273-400. ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 307 Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, II, 267- 276. BAGWELL, Ireland, III, xlii-lii, 172-440; map, 244. BAYLEY, Tower of London, 62-89, 131-205, 212-257. BLUNT, Reformation, II, vi-viii, 333-462, passim. BOURNE, H. R. F., Seamen, I, viii-x, 200- 304 ; II, xvi, 246-308. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 558-580. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VI, xix, 640-684. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, II, Book VI, i, 167-239; map, 208. BRUCE, Virginia, I, 1-70. BURKE, S. H., Portraits, IV, 225-259, 551-570. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, VI, 37-144. Cambridge Mod. Hist., Ill, Religious Wars, 328-363 (S. LEE) ; 505-525, 528-537 (M. HUME); 599-616 (R. DUNLOP). CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, xii, 319-454. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, II, 166-220, 272- 322. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, vi-vii, 186-221. CHILD, Church and State, x, 233, to xii, 281 ; note, 305-319. CORBETT, Drake and the Tudor Navy, II, iv-xi, etc., 113-440. CORBETT, Successors of Drake. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., II, 678-694. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of William Allen, Edmund Anderson, Roger Ascham, Anthony Bacon, Francis Bacon, Robert Beale, Robert Devereux, John Hayward, Hugh O'Neill. DUNLOP, Plantation of Munster, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1888, III, 250-269. FISKE, New Eng., 50-68. FISKE, Old Virginia, I, i, 1-40. Foss, Judges; see especially 35-41 (Bacon), 329- 332(Hatton). FROUDE, Armada, 90-1 54 (PEREZ). FULLER, T., Church Hist., Ill, Book IX, Sects. VII-VIII, 93-156 ; Book X, Sect. 1, 162-168. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 166-194. GREEN, J. R., English People, II, 448- 500. HANNAY, Navy, 116-145. HAUSSER, Reformation, 574-602. HOZIER, Invasions, I, xiii, 217-236. HUME, D., England, IV, xlii, 97- 103; xliii-xliv, 104-183; cf. Notes N-R, 521-525. JENNINGS, A. C., The Church, xii, 324-340. JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part IV, viii- xvii, 466-542. KILLEN, Ireland, I, Book III, v, 448-469. KNIGHT, England, III, xvii-xix, 259-306. LANG, Scotland, II, xii-xviii, 333-477 [Bibl.]. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 845; III, 1763-1764 (Ire.); IV, 2862 (Scot.). LAUGHTON, Howard to Nelson, 3-80. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, IV, 941-954 ; V, 199-200. LINGARD, England, VI, 520-665; app., 709-719. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, II, 1348-1467. MOTLEY, United Nether- lands, III, 17-41, 170-599; IV, 1-180. NICHOLS, Progresses of Queen Elizabeth, II, 530-628; III, 1-652. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, xx-xxi, 276-295. OPPENHEIM, Navy, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1891, VI, 465-494. RANKE, England, I, 316-355. ROUND and OPPENHEIM, Navy, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1894, IX, 709-715. SCHELLING, Queen's Progress, passim. SEELEY, British Policy, I, Part I, ix, 237-250. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book V, iii, 328-356. SPOTTISWOODE, 308 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Church of Scot., II, Book VI, 390-469 ; III, Book VI, 1-131. STRYPE, Reformation, III, Part II, Book II, xv-xxii, 1-159; a PP-> 163-625 ', IV, nos. i-cclxxiv, 1-519. TRAILL, Social Eng., Ill, 418-424. WILLIAMS, H., Naval Power, v, 41-61. WORDSWORTH, Biography, Ill.vii, 561-629. Biographical: BACON : Church, R. W. (Eng. Men of Letters), i-ii, 1-54. Lee, S., Great Englishmen, vi, 219-225. Spedding, I, Book I, iii, 25, to Book III, ii, 442. BURLEIGH : Hume, M. A. S., xv-xvi, 429-498. DRAKE: Corbett, xiii, 189-209. ELIZABETH: Beesly (Twelve Eng. Statesmen), x-xii, 188-240. Marcks, Konigen Elisabeth, v-vi, 60-77. Strickland, Queens, IV, 617-796. HATTON : Nicolas, 482-504, app., pp. xvi-lxv. HENRY OF NAVARRE: Willert (Heroes), v-vii, 183-346. PHILIP II: Hume, M. A. S., xvii-xviii, 237-262. RALEIGH: Creighton, L., vi-ix, 67-138. Edwards, E., I, v-vi, 76-107; viii-xvi, 119-338; II, 415-427. Hume, M. A. S. (Builders of Greater Britain), vi-x, 98-229. Lee, S., Great Englishmen, iv, 133-145. WHITGIFT: Hook, W. F., Arch- bishops, X, xxiii-xxvi, 121-189. Strype, II, Book IV, i-xxxiii, 1-534. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 47, and general note, Sect. 2). Cambridge Mod. Hist., Ill, 821-824, 843-846, 852-859. CORBETT, Drake and the Navy, II, 441-458. CORBETT, Successors of Drake, 439-445. HURST, Literature of Theology, 361. JACOBS, H. E., Lutheran Movement, 357-358. Providence Pub. Lib., Mo. Lists, I, 35 (Armada). Illustrative Material Prose. BENNETT, JOHN, Master Skylark ; a story of Shakespere's time. New York, Century Co., 1901. COR- BETT, JULIAN, For God and Gold. London, 1887. [B.P. L.] DUMAS, ALEXANDRE, La Reine Margot. Paris, Calmann-Levy. HENTY, G. A., By England's Aid. New York, Scribner, 1891. JAMES, G. P. R., Gowrie : or, the king's plot. New York, 1871. [B. P. L.] LEIGHTON, ROBERT, The Golden Galleon. New York, Scribner, 1897. MARSHALL, EMMA, Penhurst Castle in the Time of Sir Philip Sidney. New York, Mac- millan, 1893. O'GRADY, STANDISH, Ulrick the Ready : or, the chief- tain's last rally. New York, Dodd, 1896. STEPHENS, R. N., Captain Ravenshan : or, the maid of Cheapside ; a romance of Elizabethan London. Boston, Page, 1901. STEPHENS, R. N., Gentleman Player; his adventures on a secret mission for Queen Elizabeth. Boston, Page, 1899. Illustrative Material Poetry. Astrophel. A Pastoral Elegy upon the Death of the Most Noble and Valorous Knight, Sir Philip Sidney, in BULLEN. Battle of Balrinnes, in MAIDMENT, Ballads, I. Bonnie Earl O'Murray, in FINLAY, I ; MAIDMENT, Ballads, I. Drake and Ralegh, in SLADEN. Lamentable Ditty Composed upon the Death of Robert, Lord Devereux, late Earle of Essex, who was ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 309 beheaded in the Tower of London, . . . 1600, in HINDLEY, II. Life and Death of Queen Elizabeth, in EVANS, III. LYTTON, BULWER-, The Last Days of Elizabeth, in his Poetical Works, ed. of 1852, I. Outlaw Murray, in CHILD, V. PEELE, GEORGE, Speeches to Queen Elizabeth at Theobald's, in his Works, II. TENNYSON, ALFRED, The Revenge ; a ballad of the fleet, 1591. SECTION 47 State of Society, 1485-1603 Summary (see also the summaries of Sect. 38 ff.; especially 38, jg, 42, 45, 46). Trade: increase of English traders abroad; opposition to foreign merchants and shipping ; changes in the routes of trade. Industry : tillage versus sheep raising ; improvements in agriculture ; immigration of alien artisans and growth of manufactures ; rise of prices and wages. Increased comfort and expenditure in living : houses and furniture; food; wine and tobacco ; dress; festivities; royal progresses ; pauperism and poor relief. Literature, especially of the Elizabethan period : Wyatt, Surrey, Sidney, Spenser, Ascham, Lyly, Hooker, Camden, Holinshed, Hakluyt, Francis Bacon, Raleigh, Ben Jonson, Marlowe, Shakespeare. Sources Individual Works. ASCHAM, The Scholemaster(Arber Reprints). CALVIN, Institutes, 2 vols. CELLINI, Autobiography. CHEKE, in STRYPE'S Life of, 189-218 (On Superstition). Customs of London, passim. ELYOT, Gouernour, 2 vols. FISH, Supplication for the Beggars. LUTHER, Life, from his Writings. LUTHER, Tabletalk. LYLY, Euphues, 33-207, 313-478. MACHIAVELLI, The Prince, 9-164; cf. introd., 5-8. MACHYN, Diary. MORE, Utopia, Lumby ed., Adams ed. STARKEY, England. STOW, London, Morley ed., Thorns ed. STUBBES, Anatomic of Abuses, Part II. WELWOOD, Memoirs, 1-19. Sources Collections. ARBER, British Anthologies, II (Surrey and Wyatt), III (Spenser), IV (Shakespeare), passim. ARBER, Eng- lish Garner, I, 20-23, 33~37> 4^> 50-56, 130-137, 201-213, 2 99~39 458-459; II, 11-29, 33~4 61-70, 117-130, 141-168, 207-224, 265-268, 287-657; 111,11-31,159-196,225-268,300-333,368-394,399-472; IV, 11-27; v "-13. 17-18,87-136, 203-334,487-560; VI, 11-28, 154-166; VII, 15-38; VIII, 111-116, 245-266, 369-398; new ed., Longer and Shorter Elizabethan Poems, whole vol., passim ; Seventeenth Century Tracts, 1-162; cf. introd., vii-xxxii; Voyages and Travels, 2 vols., 310 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY passim. ARBER, Pilgrim Fathers, 48-66, 103-112. BREWER, III, 927- 929; IV, 1458-1460; VII, 2665-2671, 2720-2729; IX, 3660-3663. BUTLER, VII, 367-403. Calendar, Carew MSS., 1515-1624, V; VI, i- 485, passim. Catalogue of Ancient Deeds, 4 vols., passim. CAWSTON and KEANE, Chartered Companies, App. II, 249-276. CHEYNEY, Social Changes, 1-107, passim. COLBY, 129-133, 135-137. Commis- sion on Hist. MSS., Reports (for contents, see GROSS, Sources, App. D, 534-539). CORBETT, Fighting Instructions (Navy Records), 6-45 ; cf. introd. CUNNINGHAM, Industry, I, 3d ed., 620-623 ; 4th ed., 264-267 (London companies). DICKSON, Accounts of Scot., I, 74-394. ELLIS, Literary Men, 1-97. GOULD, BARING-, VII, 708-733 (St. Ignatius Loyola). HALL, H., Custom-revenue, I, app., 278-327. HALLIWELL, Progress of Science, 1-38 (cf. pref., vii-xvi). Harleian Miscellany, i2-vol. ed., I, 78-90, 202-216, 286-313 ; XII, 164-193; 8-vol. ed., I, 55- 66, 97-110, 366; II, 72-95, 122-140, 285-295, 594-597; III, 93-97, 2 49- 2 55. 3 68 -377, 395-404; V, 277-298, 371-396, 55 8 -5 68 : VI, 129- 162, 402-428; VII, 128-158, 427, 565-566; VIII, 16-26, 67-69, 422-441. HARRISON'S England, Furnival ed., passim. HARRISSE, Cabot, 385- 469, passim. HART, Contemporaries, I, 75-81, 145-152. HOLINSHED, I, Book I, 2-220. KENDALL, 188-206. LAUGHTON, Naval Miscellany (Navy Records), I, 7-21 ; cf. introd. LEE, G. C., 298-304. LINGEL- BACH, Adventurers (University of Pa., Second Ser., II), 198-217, passim; cf. xvii-xli. Meyers Hist.-geog. Kalendar, 1898, etc. (many plans of cities ; see index). Old South Leaflets, III, nos. 57-58. Ordi- nances for the Royal Household, 109-298. PARK, Nugae Antiquae, II, 1-319. Parker Soc., Publications, see index vol. PINKERTON, Scot- land, II, app., 501-505. PINKERTON, Voyages, 17 vols., passim. PROTHERO, 41-54, 57, 67-74, 83-88, 92-105, 176-180 (cf. introd., i-cxxv, passim). PURCHAS, Pilgrimes, II, Book II, iii-v, 119-210. RASHDALL, Universities, II, 767-780 (Latin). ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxv-xxvii, 53-152, passim [Bibl.]. RYE, England as seen by Foreigners, 3-113 (cf. introd., ix-cxxxii; notes, 181-269). SAINTSBURY, Pamphlets, i-vi, 1-208. SKENE, Scotland, III, App. Ill, 428-440. SMITH,' EDWARD, Foreign Visitors, 1-9, 59-74, 83-101. SMITH, T., Gilds, 127-346, passim. Somers Tracts, I, 477-621. STANTON, 226-228, 236-238, 283-284, 368. Three Chronicles (Camden Soc.), 106-113. TURNER, RIBTON-, Vagrants, xxix, passim. University of Pa., Ill, no. 4, pp. 19- 23. VERNEY FAMILY, Letters, 34-118. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., Civilization, xvii, 4i6-442,-passim. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 527-530. ANDREWS, C.M., England, 324-325. BISHOP, Pictures, i8o-i84(GREEN). BOUTMY, ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 311 Angleterre, Part I, v, 70-88. 'BRODRICK, Oxford (Epochs of Church Hist.), vii-viii, 68-100. CHEYNEY, England, xii, 284-289, 299-308, 312-316; xiii, 336-340, 347-349, 352-356, 369-379; map, 357. CHEY- NEY, Industrial Hist., vi, 136-176, passim [Bibl.]. CLARK, W., Angli- can Reformation (Epochs of Church Hist.), xxv-xxvi, 363-390. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, 268-284. CREASY, English Const., 247-283. CREIGHTON, L., Government, viii, 54-65. CREIGHTON, M., Age of Elizabeth (Epochs), 1-5, 7-14, 41-47, 53-64, 128-166, 199-226. CREIGHTON, M., Tudors (Epochs of Eng. Hist.), Book III, 65-95; maps, 12, 79. CUNNINGHAM and MCARTHUR, In- dustrial Hist., 17-27, 69-81, 109-120. DURUY, Modern Times, 134-188, 235-253. EDWARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), xviii, 303-309; xxi-xxii, 330-353. EGERTON, Colonial Policy, 3-54. EWALD, State Papers, 92- 100. FEILDEN, Short Const. Hist, 25-27, 42-44, 104-111, 168-173, 197-202, 230-240, 274-290. FINNEMORE, Social Eng., 168-252, passim. GAIRDNER, Chroniclers, England, vii, passim. GARDINER, S. R., Puri- tan Revolution (Epochs), 1-13. GARDINER, S. R., Thirty Years' War (Epochs), 8-15. GIBBINS, Industrial Hist. (University Extension), Period IV, i-iii, 82-108 [Bibl.]. GIBBINS, Industry, xiv-xvi, 199-264; map, 196. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part II, 41-46 (GREEN); 84-90 (GREEN). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 303-320, 351-354, 39 2 ~405, 460- 744; illus. ed., II, 593-629, 695-700, 933-966. GRIFFIS, Holland, 99- 150. HARDING, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist. (Essentials), 286-320, 313-319. HASSALL, French People, 143-155. HIGGINSON and CHAN- NING, English Hist., 140-143. HOSMER, Anglo-Saxon Freedom, vii, 94-104. JALKSON, European Progress, 153-185, passim; maps. JOHN- SON, A. H., Sixteenth Cent. (Periods of Eur. Hist.), 261-276. LARNED, History for Schools, 248-254. LODGE, R., Modern Eur., 53-72, 93-100. MACKINTOSH, JOHN, Scotland (Nations), 105-136, 158-176. MACY, Constitution, Part II, xviii-xx, 213-246. MEDLEY, Manual, passim. MONTAGUE, English Const. Hist., 92-112. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 224-228. MORRIS, W. O., Ireland (Cambridge Hist.), iii-iv, 59-121. MULLINGER, Cambridge (Epochs of Church Hist.), iv-vii, 66-137. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 349-381, 400-436. OMAN, England, 341-345. RANNIE, Constitution, viii, 105-122. RHYS and JONES, Welsh People, viii-xii, 346-550, passim. RIDEING, London, iii-v, 29-79; xii, 189-197 ; xix, 337-353. SCHWILL, Modern Eur., 119- 140. SEEBOHM, Protestant Revolution (Epochs), 94-109, 199-208, 212-230. SYMONDS, Renaissance in Italy, passim. WAKEMAN, Church and the Puritans (Epochs of Church Hist.), i-iii, 1-61. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xvii, 245-250; xviii, 264-267; xx, 288-297; 312 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY map, 246. WALKER, W., Reformation (Epochs of Church Hist.), 308- 334. WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, 73-168 [Bibl.]. WARNER, Industrial Hist., ix-x, 150-187. WEBSTER, W. C., Commerce, Part III, xvii, 131-137 [Bibl.]. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 220-225 (FARRAR). WHITCOMB, Modern Eur., 17-89. WOODWARD, W. H., Expansion, i- ii, 9-63 [Bibl.]. WRONG, British Nation, 324-335. YEATS, Growth of Commerce (Technical, etc., Education), Part III, v, 257-266. ZlM- MERN, Hansa Towns (Nations), Period III, vi, 324-353. Modern Accounts, Group II. A. GENERAL, i. England, Wales, and Scotland. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, III, 108-111. Archae- ologia, see index to Vols. I L. AUBREY, English Nation, II, 49-60, 277-314. BARNARD, Middle Ages, 13-15, 42-52, 80-89 (p^ ari > 82), 109-115, 140-144. 174-186, 236-240, 279-302, 316-328, 350-352. BAY- LEY, Tower of London, 333-519- BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 231-330, 423-442. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 462-487. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VI, introd., 1-20; 111,96-113; xviii, 614-640. BRYCE, JAMES, Holy Roman Empire, I, 304-329. BUCKLE, Civilization, II, 155-204. BURKE, S. H., Portraits, I, 13-16, 282-300, 377-384, 481- 55> S^-S 20 : Hi 166-175; III, 39-107, 122-237, 353-365, 379-407; IV, 15-23, 31-66, 97-144, 162-173, 296-305, 476-484. BURROWS, Foreign Policy, i, 1-17. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, III, 452-494; IV, 90-164; V, 1-91. Cambridge Mod. Hist., I, Renaissance, 7-66 (E. J. JAMES), 288-328 (T. F. TOUT), 384-416 (STANLEY LEATHES), 437-462 (A. M. WARD), 463-492 (GAIRDNER), 493-551 (WM. CUNNINGHAM), 562-584 (R. C. JEBB), 603-619 (M. R. JAMES), 632-652 (WM. BARRY), 653-692 (H. C. LEA) ; II, Reformation, 690-718 (FAIRBAIRN); III, Religious Wars, 364-382 (S. LEE), 736-769 (FIGGIS). CHEYNEY, European Background (Am. Nation, I), passim ; especially vii-viii, 136-167; xi-xvi, 200-315. COOPER and COOPER, Athenae Canta- brigienses, 2 vols., passim (biographical). CORBETT, Drake and the Tudor Navy, I, introd., 1-56. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., II, 696-907. CREIGHTON, C., Epidemics, I, v-ix, 237-469. CREIGHTON, M., Wolsey, i, 1-17. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Francis Beaumont, Thomas Bodley, Sebastian Cabot, Edward Coke, John Craig, Thomas Craig, James Crichton, Richard Croke, Robert Crowley or Crole or Croleus, Samuel Daniel, John Dee, Everard Digby, Gawin or Gavin Douglas, Ralph Fitch, Robert Greene, Richard Gresham, Thomas Gresham, Fulke Greville, Edmund Grindal, William -Grocyn, Richard Hakluyt, Gabriel Harvey, Hans Holbein, Raphael Holinshed or Hollingshead, Richard Hooker, Henry Howard, Thomas Kyd, John Leland or Leyland, Thomas Linacre, David Lindsay or Lyndsay, ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 313 Thomas Lodge, John Lyly, Christopher Marlowe, Andrew Melville, Thomas Nash, Alexander Nowell or Nowel or Noel, William Shake- speare, Edmund Spenser. FISKE, Dutch and Quaker Colonies, I, ii, 30-57 ; II, xvii, 330-334. FREEMAN, General Sketch, 238-240, 278- 280. FROUDE, England, I, i, 1-91; vi, 480-590, passim; II, viii-ix, 124-297; III, xv, 82-171 ; xviii, 343-443 ; X, lix, 217-314 ; Ixii, 515- 621 ; XI, whole vol. FROUDE, Erasmus. FROUDE, Studies, First Ser., I, 37-177; II, 102-159; Second Ser., 9-53; Fourth Ser., I, 37-154, 358-405 ; II, 9-53. GARDINER, S. R., England, 1603-1642, 1, i-ii, 1-83. GASQUET, Essays, Essay X, 319-384. GRANT, A. J., French Monarchy, I, 65-151. GREEN, J. R., English People, II, 77-88, 93-105, 123-128, 384-393, 455-492. GREEN, Mrs. M. A. E., Princesses, VI, 88-99. GUILLEMARD, Magellan, iv-xii, and app., 87-339 (16 maps). HALLAM, Constitutional Hist., I, 230-282. HARRISSE, Cabot, whole vol. ; maps. HELMOLT, World, VII, Western Eur., 52-56, 62-85, 92-95, 140-275, 307-324. HOSACK, Mary, Queen of Scots, I, i, 1-55. HUME, D., Eng- land, IV, App. Ill, 184-218; cf. Notes U-AA, 527-529. KITCHIN, France, II, 286-293. KNIGHT, England, II, xxviii-xxix, 454-499; III, xvi, 241-258. LANG, Scotland, I, xiii-xvii, 361-492; II, i-iv, 2-103; xxi, 541-562; see also Sects. 44-46 [Bibl.]. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, IV, 233-303, 306-324 ; V, 250-261. LINGARD, England, V, 91-123, 219-230; VI, 332-346; app., 687-693. MACAULAY, Essays, III, 1-36, 336-495. MAJOR, Discoveries of Prince Henry the Navigator, i, 1-5; xiv xvi, 222-300; map, end of vol. MARCKS, Konigen Elisabeth, vii-x, 77-129. MOTLEY, Dutch Republic, I, 67-92. OPPEN- HEIM, Royal Navy, introd., 36-183. ORDISH, Shakespeare's London. PAULI, Aufsatze, Old Sen, I, 136-186. PINKERTON, Scotland, II, Book XVI, 386-435 ; app., 501-505. PRESCOTT, Ferdinand and Isabella, II, 134-150. RAIT, Relations of Eng. and Scot., vii-ix, 101- 151. SCHELLING, Queen's Progress, passim. Scottish Hist. Rev., II, passim. SKENE, Celtic Scot., Ill, Book III, ix, 326-367. SMYTH, Lectures, I, Lects. V-VI, 115-174, passim; Lect. XIV, 344-355. STEPHEN, SIR JAMES, Lectures, Lects. XV-XVI, 404-460. STUBBS, Seventeen Lectures, Lect. XIII, 292-312. THORNBURY, Shakspere's England, 2 vols. TRAILL, Social Eng., II, 466-475, 498-573; III, 85- 165, 196-274, 307-411, 45-477, 508-578; 283-292 (Scot.); 301-302 (Ire.). TYLER, L. G., England in Am. (Am. Nation, IV), passim. VAN DYKE, Renascence, 217-226, 262-285. WINSOR, Columbus, app., 527-660. WORDSWORTH, Biography, III, viii, 633-683. 2. English Municipal History. BESANT, London, 140-180. BESANT, The Lon- don of Good Queen Bess, in Harper's Mag., Nov., 1891, LXXXIII, 314 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 941-955. BOASE, Oxford (Historic Towns), iv, 92-134. CREIGHTON, M., Carlisle (Historic Towns), vi vii, 94-145; plan, frontispiece. CUTTS, Colchester (Historic Towns), xvii, 154-161. FREEMAN, Exeter (His- toric Towns), iv, Sect. Ill, 97-121; vi, 195-202. HARRIS, Coventry (Social Eng.), xiii-xv, 253-357. HUNT, Bristol (Historic Tow r ns), vi, 114-143. KITCHIN, Winchester (Historic Towns), xiii, 156-158. LOFTIE, London, I, x, 283-331 ; II, xvi, 32-67 (plan, 34); xvii, 68-107 (map, 106); xviii, 108-135. LOFTIE, London (Historic Towns), vii-viii, 149-189. PICTON, Liverpool, I, 37-70. RAINE, York (Historic Towns), vii, 91-111. SELLERS, Miss, York, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1894, IX, 275- 304. 3. Ireland. BAGWELL, Ireland under the Tudors, III, liii-liv, 441-476; map, 288. FROUDE, Ireland, I, Book I, i, Sects. IV-VII, 28-65. HASSENCAMP, Ireland, i-ii, 1-34. B. SPECIAL, i. Manners and Customs. FAIRHOLT, Costume, I, 219-285. HALL, H., Society in the Elizabethan Age, whole vol.; plan at beginning. HODGETTS, Middle Ages, passim. PLANCHE, Costume, II, vii, 154-228 ; x, 383-433, passim. STRUTT, Sports, passim. WRIGHT, Manners, 441-498. WRIGHT, Womankind, xxi-xxii, 320-340. 2. Art and Science, Education. ALLEN, P. S., A Sixteenth Cent. School, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1895, X, 738-744. GOTCH, Architecture. JESSOPP, Essays, vi, 263-301, passim. LEE, S., Great Englishmen. LYTE, Oxford, xiv-xvi, 369-484 ; plan. MILLAR, Literary Hist, of Scot., ii-iv, 46-223. MAHAFFY, Trinity College, i-iii, 1-144. MULLINGER, Cam- bridge to 1535, v-vi, 423-648. MULLINGER, Cambridge from 1535, iv-v, 250-439. STAUNTON, Schools, passim. 3. Agriculture, Industry, Commerce. ASHLEY, Economic Hist., 2 vols., passim. CAWSTON and KEANE, Chartered Companies, iii-iv, 20-43; v ~ v i> 60-75; x > I 94~ I 99- CHEYNEY, English Serfdom, in Eng. Hist. Rev., XV, 20-37, passim. CHEYNEY, Social Changes, passim. CUNNINGHAM, Alien Immigrants, iv, 137-189; map, 155. CUNNINGHAM, English Industry, I, 3d ed., 473-565; 4th ed., 473-566; II, 2d ed., i-ioo; 3d ed., 1-170. GARNIER, British Peasantry, passim, especially vi-viii, 64-114; xiv, 211-229. GARNIER, Landed Interest, I, xix-xxiv, 250-327. GROSS, Gild Mer- chant, I, passim. MACLEOD, Banking, i, 1-5. MACPHERSON, Com- merce, I, 706-719; II, 1-230. PAULI, Old England, vi, 176-203. PROTHERO, Farming, ii, 17-28. ROGERS, Agriculture, V (Text); VI (Table); and cf. Sect. j/. ROGERS, Interpretation, 92-114,318-340; and cf. Sects, jo, 37. ROGERS, Work and Wages, xi, 317-325 ; xii, 339- 355; xv, 414-430; xvi, 442-453. SELIGMAN, Guilds, in Am. EC. Ass'n, II, no. 5, 424-429. SHAW, W. A., Currency, 112-153, passim. TAY- LOR, R. W. C., Factory System and Factory Acts, i, 1-24. TAYLOR, ENGLAND UNDER THE'TUDORS, 1485-1603 315 Introduction to Factory System, viii, 300-339, passim. TURNER, RIBTON-, Vagrants, iii-v, 67-131 ; xv-xvi, xix-xx, passim. 4. Religion. BEARD, C., Luther and the Reformation. BEARD, C., Reformation (Hibbert Lectures). CLARKE, H. W., Tithes, xvi, 177-185. CREIGH- TON, M., Essays, 202-234 (Italian Bishops, from Worcester Archit. and Arch. Soc., 1889). ECKENSTEIN, Woman under Monasticism, xii, 432- 476. EGGLESTON, Beginners, Book II, 98-140. FOSBROKE, Monachism, passim. FOSTER, H. D., Geneva before Calvin, in Am. Hist. Rev., Jan., 1903, VIII, 217-240. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., pp. xi-xx. FREE- MAN, Essays, Fourth Ser., 284-292 (Reformation). FULLER, T., Church Hist, II, Book V, Sect. Ill, 52-58; Sect. VI, 139-298. GAIRDNER and SPEDDING, Studies, viii, 286-315 (Sundays, by J. G., from Fraser's Mag., Feb., 1866). HAZLITT, Tabletalk of Luther, introd., pp. xxv- xcvii. HAUSSER, Reformation, 265-275. HILL, O. T., Monasticism, xviii, 467-517. HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, VI, i, 1-154. HUGHES, Loyola, passim. HUNT, J., Religious Thought, I, i-ii, 1-107. LEA, Inquisition, III, 209-650; app., 651-663, passim. LEA, Sacerdotal Celibacy, xxvi-xxviii, 435-52 1 . MAKOWER, Constitution of the Church, Division I, C, 48-68; II, 157-163; III, 174-177; V, 251-264, 392-444. PALFREY, New Eng., I, 106-132. PERRY, Reformation, introd. ; i, 1-9. RANKE, Popes, I, whole vol. ; 11,137-293. SCHAFF, Christian Church, VI, 94-602, 683-694; VII, 255-295, 524-593, 799-819. SELDEN, Tythes, passim. STRYPE, Cranmer, I, Book III, xxii-xxxviii, 565-671 ; Articles I-CIX, 675-1061. SYMONDS, Catholic Reaction, I, 229-300, 383-410. WISHART, A. W., Monks, Part VI, 258-285. 5. Govern- ment and Law. DICEY, A. V., Privy Council, Part III, 76-117. DIGBY, Real Property, Part II, vii-viii, 267-312. DOWELL, Taxation, I, 127- 158, 177-181, 196-209; app., 241-244. FORSTER, Grand Remonstrance, ii, 65-92. FORSYTH, Trial by Jury, 124-158. FREEMAN, Comparative Politics, 296-339; cf. 1-36. FREEMAN, Towns and Districts, passim. GNEIST, Constitution, II, 125-220. GNEIST, Parliament, iv, 210-242. HALL, H., Custom-revenue, I, 102-144. LAPSLEY, Durham, 317-326. LANGLOIS, England and France, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1890, V, 259-263. LEA, Superstition and Force, passim. MAITLAND, F.-W., English Law and the Renaissance. MAITLAND, F. W., Township and Borough, passim (includes documents). NEILSON, Trial by Combat, Part V, 158-160; Part VI, 282-319. NICHOLLS, Poor Law, I, Part I, iii-iv, 107-206. PIKE, Crime in Eng., II, 1-112; notes, 603-620. PIKE, Lords, vii-viii, xi-xv, passim. THAYER, Evidence, iv, 137-182. Bibliography (see general note, Sect. 2). See ADAMS, C. K., AUBREY, BOWKER and ILES, BRATKE, Columbia Univ. Lib. Bull. FAIRHOLT, 316 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY FISHER, GARNIER, GOMME, GROSS, HASSE, HYDE, MAKOWER, MON- ROE, RAND, SMEDT, STAMMHAMMER, and WISHART, as in Sect. 14; also : BARNARD, Middle Ages, see close of each chapter. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, see close of each chapter. British Museum, Shakespeare, Catalogue of printed books (1897). BROSCH, England, footnotes. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, I, 402-408 ; II, 455-464. Cam- bridge Mod. Hist., II, 825-828; III, 825-828, 867-873. CHEYNEY, European Background, 327-331. CHEYNEY, Social Changes, 109-112. Cornell Univ. Cat. of White Lib., I, Protestant Reformation ; also suppl. CUBBERLEY, Syllabus, 130-133, 143-146, 158-167. CUNNING- HAM, Industry, I, 3d ed., 651-673; 4th ed., 657-681 ; II, 2d ed., 704- 738; 3d ed., 943 998. GAIRDNER, see Modern Accounts, Group I, above. GNEIST, English Const., footnotes. GNEIST, Parliament, footnotes. GREEN, J. R., English People, II, 3, 195-196. HALLAM, Constitu- tional Hist., footnotes. HARRIS, Coventry, 377-380. HARRISSE, Cabot, 385-469. HASSENCAMP, Ireland, 1-34, footnotes. HOZIER, Invasions, see head of each chapter. HUBBARD, J. M., Shakespeariana in Bost. Pub. Lib. HUGHES, Loyola, 297-298. HURST, Literature of Theology, 205-206, 209-210, 216-219, 22 4> 2 57~ 2 6i, 263-265, 267-270. LANG, Scotland, see close of each chapter. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, His- toire Generate, see close of each chapter. Lowell (Mass.) Lib. Bull., I, no. ii (Jan.-Feb., 1898), Shakespeare. MAHAFFY, Trinity College, introd., pp. ix-xv. MORLEY, H., English Writers, VII, 55-321 ; VIII-X. MULLINGER, Cambridge to 1535, 423-648, footnotes. OPPENHEIM, Navy, 34-183, footnotes. Parker Soc., Publications, see index vol., especially for the works of Coverdale, Cranmer, Grindal, Hooker, Latimer, Parker, Ridley, Whitgift ; and for liturgies and Zurich Letters. PAULI, Aufsatze, Old Ser., I, 136 (Sir P. Carew). PINKERTON, Voy- ages, XVII, 1-255. PROTHERO, Farming, 248-251. Providence Pub. Lib., Mo. Lists, IV, 23, 24 (Reformation); 27-29 (Explorations). RANKE, England, notes and app. SHAW, Currency, xvi-xviii, xxvi- xxviii. TAYLOR, H., English Const., footnotes. TRAILL, Social Eng., see close of each chapter. TYLER, L. G., England in Am., 1580-1652, xx, 328-339. WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, xxxi-xxxv. WINSOR, Narra- tive Hist., Ill (Eng. in Am.). Illustrative Material Prose. ALCOCK, DEBORAH, The Days of Knox; a tale of the sixteenth century. London, Nelson, 1869. Friar Rush ; Fryer Bacon, in W. J. THOMS, Early English Prose Romances, I. London, Nattali & Bond, 1858. JONSON, BEN, The Alchemist, in his Complete Works, 238-271. London, Routledge, 1860. JONSON.BEN, Bartholomew Fair, in his Works, II, 305-342. London, Routledge, ENGLAND UNDER THE TUDORS, 1485-1603 317 1861. LYLY, JOHN, Euphues, the anatomy of wit; and Euphues and his England, in English Reprints, ed. by Arber. Birmingham, 1868. MORE, SIR THOMAS, The Utopia, ed. by J. H. Lupton. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1895. NASH, THOMAS, The Unfortunate Traveller: or, the life of Jack Wilton. 1892. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, The Monas- tery. New York, Appleton, 1877. YONGE, C. MARY, The Armourer's Prentices. New York, Macmillan, 1884. Illustrative Material Poetry. "An Askew," in EVANS, III. CARRE, JOHN, A Larum Bell for London, in COLLIER. Delightful Song of the Four Famous Feasts of England . . ., in EVANS, III. HEYWOOD, THOMAS, The English Traveler, in DODSLEY, Old Plays, VI. Ludus Coventriae ; a collection of mysteries, formerly represented at Coventry on the feast of Corpus Christi, ed. by J. D. HALLIWELL. Shakespeare Society, 1841. SACKVILLE, THOMAS, The Mirror for Magistrates. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, The Lay of the Last Minstrel. SKELTON, JOHN, Colyn Cloute, in his Works, II. UDALL, NICHOLAS, Ralph Roister Doister ; a comedy, in MANLY, II. VI. ENGLAND UNDER THE STUARTS TO 1689 SECTION 48 James 7, 1603-1625 Summary. Foundation of the Stuart dynasty : general character of the dynasty ; physical and mental characteristics of James I ; training and career of James as James VI of Scotland; James's accession in England. Religious affairs: position of the church in 1603; Puritan- ism ; the King's experience with religious parties in Scotland ; the Millenary Petition, 1603; the Hampton Court Conference, 1604; pressure upon Puritans and Catholics ; the Gunpowder Plot ; the King James Version of the Bible. English interests abroad : James's prefer- ence for peace ; the Thirty Years' War ; the loss of the Palatinate, 1622; Raleigh, the expedition to Guiana, 1617-1618; the Spanish and French marriage negotiations, 1623-1624. Settlements in America: Jamestown, 1607; the Pilgrims, 1620; the Puritan emigration; the East India Company ; other chartered companies. Domestic affairs : growing desire for restrictions upon royalty ; resistance of Parliament to the King ; proposed union of Scotland and England ; the King's favourites, Somerset (Carr), Buckingham (Villiers) ; Bacon's influence and subsequent downfall ; increase of popular dissatisfaction ; discord with Parliament; the Great Protestation, 1621 ; close of the reign. Sources Individual "Works. BRADFORD, Plimoth Plantation, i-ix, 3-97. BURNET, Own Time, I, 12-27, passim. Carew Letters. CLARENDON, EARL OF, Great Rebellion, Boyle ed., 4-19, 37-39, 42-44, 46-49 ; also Boyle abr. ; see passim for characters of the period. FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 1018-1034. FRANCISCO, Spanish Marriage Treaty (Camden Soc., 1869), 103-283; cf. pp. v-x, and app., 285-344. GERARD, Gunpowder Plot, passim. JAMES, KING, Works, 137-569. SELDEN, Tythes, passim. WELWOOD, Memoirs, 19-41. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 326-339. ARBER, English Garner, IV, 511-518; V, 623-656; VIII, 485-526; new ed., Seventeenth Century Tracts, 309-314, passim; Stuart Tracts, 1603- 1693, 11-297, passim; Voyages and Travels, II, 213-220. ARBER, UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 319 Pilgrim Fathers, 87-94, 146-1 54, 248-272, 277-505. BREWER, III, 1 135- 1136; IV, 1347-1354; IX, 32?9-3 28 3- BUND . WILLIS-, I, 305-436. Calendar, State Papers, Domestic, 1581-1603, VII, 422-681 ; 1603-1625, 4 vols.; Ireland, 1615-1625, 5 vols.; in Venice, X (1603-1607). Calen- dar, Treasury, 1556-1728, 1, 3. Clarendon, State Papers, I, 1-33; app., pp. i-xxxi; II, app., ii-xxiv. COBBETT, II, 1-1258. COLBY, 177-188. Debates in House of Lords, 1624-1626 (Camden Soc.), 1-134. EDWARDS, Raleigh, II, 269-394; app., 406-414. ELLIS, Third Ser., IV, 161-195. FULLER, T., Church Hist., Ill, Book X, Sect. I, 168-191. GEE and HARDY, 508-518. HALLIWELL, II, 98-260. Harleian Miscellany, 12-vol. ed., I, 13-17; II, 534-566; III, 5-519; 8-vol. ed., I, 10-13, I 7 O ~ 190; III, 17-31, 62-67, n6- I 3i> 151-162, 405-428, 476; IV, 57-60, 234-255; V, 52-65, 180-210, 218-228, 514-518; VI, 449-481; VII, 303-311 ; VIII, 1-9, 26-31. HART, Contemporaries, I, 164-170, 187- 190. HART, Source Book, 11-14. HATTON, Correspondence (Camden Soc.), I, 3-4. HENDERSON, Side-Lights, 33-60. KENDALL, 209-219. KILLEN, Ireland, I, App. Ill, 523-540. LEE, G. C., 335-347. LODGE, E., Illustrations, III, 1-294. MACDONALD, Charters, i-n, 33-34 (cf. 11-37). PARK, Nugae Antiquae, I, 325-397. Parliamentary Debates in 1610, 1-146; app., 147-179. POORE, Constitutions, Part I, 773-774; Part II, 1888-1902. PRESTON, Documents, 3-35. PROTHERO, 250- 252, 275-277, 324-325, 340-342, 416-417, 446,456-460 (cf. introd., i-cxxv, passim). PURCHAS, Pilgrimes, II, Book II, vi-vii, Book III, i-vi, 210- 549; III-XVI, passim. Maps. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxix, 201-204 ; xxx, 218-221 ; xxxiii, 333-335 [Bibl.]. ROGERS, Protests of the Lords, I, 1-3 (cf.pref., v-lxviii). Somers Tracts, II, 3-608. Statutes at Large, II, 622-723. STEDMAN and HUTCHINSON, American Literature, I, 3-21, 24-27, 32-90, 116-130. STEPHEN, Trials, I, 1-71. VERNEY FAMILY, 118-149. WENTWORTH, Papers (Camden Soc., Misc., IX), 2. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 355- 358, 409-410. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 329-343. BISHOP, Pictures, 207-212 (DISRAELI). CHEYNEY, England, xiv, 383-410. CLARK, W., Anglican Reformation (Epochs Church Hist.), xxv-xxvi, 363-390. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, 408-410. DURUY, Modern Times, 286-291. EWALD, State Papers, 194-240. GARDINER, S. R., Puritan Revolution (Epochs), 13-49. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 481-501. GARDINER, S. R., Thirty Years' War (Epochs), 18-23. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part II, 90-95 (BANCROFT), 96-100 (GARDINER). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 460-495 ; illus. ed., Ill, 967-1015. GRIFFIS, Holland, 192-219. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 144-152. LARNED, History for Schools, 349-368; map, 358. LAWLESS, Ireland 320 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY (Nations), 220-228. LINGARD, England, abr., 419-441. MACKIN- TOSH, JOHN, Scotland (Nations), 177-184. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 229-239 ; map, 234. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 504-51 1. OMAN, England, xxv, 350-361. PAYNE, Colonies, 1-32 [Bibl.j. RAN- SOME, Advanced Hist., Book VII, i, 485-508; table, 484. RANSOME, Government, xi-xii, 120-137. SCHWILL, Modern Eur., 163-169. SKOT- TOWE, Parliament, 55-66. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xx, 404-467. TERRY, B., England, 618-642. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book III, i, 307-321. WAKELING, King and Parliament (Oxford Manuals), i-ii, 1-19. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxi, 300-306. WRONG, British Nation, 336-351. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. VI, i-xv, 1-192. Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, II, 558-562 (James I, Eng.). AUBREY, English Nation, II, 316-372, passim. BAYLEY, Tower of London, 263-266. BAYNE, Puritan Revo- lution, ii, 25-54. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 331-346. BLUNT, Reformation, II, ix, 463-485. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 581-607. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VII, i-iii, 3-113. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, II, Book VI, ii, 240-283. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, VI, 145-352. Cambridge Mod. Hist., Ill, Religious Wars, 549-578 (GAR- DINER). CAMPBELL, Admirals, I, xiii, 455-539. CAMPBELL, Chancel- lors, II, 221-271, 323-379. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, vii-ix, 221-265 ! x ^ 287-305. CORDERY, Absolute Monarchy, Book I, 15-31. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., Ill, 2-108. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of George Abbot, Anne (of Denmark), Samuel Argall, Richard Bancroft, John Bois, William Bradford, William Brewster, Robert Carr, John Carver, John Cowell, John Davies, James I, George Villiers. EGGLESTON, Beginners, Book II, 149-158; map, 149. FISKE, New Eng., 69-87. FORSTER, Grand Remonstrance, iii, 92-109. Foss, Judges, see especially 41-49 (Bacon), 174-179 (Coke). FREEMAN, English People in its Three Homes, 169-201, 205-237. FREEMAN, General Sketch, 277-278. FULLER, T., Church Hist., Ill, Book X, Sects. I-VII, 168-328. GAIRDNER and SPEDDING, Studies, vi, 175- 244 (Sir Thomas Overbury, by J. S., from Archaologia, xli) ; vii, 245-285 (Divine Right of Kings, by J. G., from Contemp. Rev., Sept., 1869). GARDINER, S. R., England, 1603-1642, I, iii, 84, to V, liv, 435 (maps, I, 240; III, 44). GARDINER, S. R., Gunpowder Plot. GARDINER, S. R., Spanish Marriage, I and II. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 194-197. GREEN, J. R., English People, III, 5-121. GREEN, Mrs. M. A. E., Princesses, V, 145-439. HALLAM, Constitutional Hist., I, 283-366. HAUSSER, Reformation, 41 5-443, 603-61 5. HILDRETH, Judges, v, 87-96 (Fleming). UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 321 HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, X, xxvii-xxxii, 190-295. HUME, D., Eng- land, IV, xlv-xlix, 219-344; cf. Notes BB-QQ, 529-537. JENNINGS, A. C., The Church, xiii, 341-361. JOYCE, Short Hist, of Ire., Part IV, xvii, 542-548. KEEP, A. P. P., Star Chamber Proceedings against Suffolk, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1898, XIII, 716-729. KILLEN, Ireland, I, Book III, vi, 470-514. KNIGHT, England, III, xx-xxiv, 307-386. LANG, Scotland, II, xviii-xx, 477-540 [Bibl.]. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 507-555. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 845- 847; III, 1764-1765 (Ire.); IV, 2862 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, V, 294-295, 492-565, 587-607. LINGARD, England, VII, 1-282 ; app., 539-552. MACKINNON, Union, 1-8. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, III, 1469-1627. MOTLEY, United Netherlands, IV, 181-317, 362-463. NICHOLS, Progresses of King James, 4 vols. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, xxii, 296-309. OPPENHEIM, Navy, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1892, VII, 471-496. PALFREY, New England, I, 77-100, 239-264. PERKINS, France under Mazarin, I, 145-190. RAIT, Relations of Eng. and Scot., ix, 151-156. RANKE, England, I, 359-536. SEELEY, British Policy, I, Part II, i-iii, 251-329. SEELEY, Expansion, Lect. V, 77-97. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book VI, i, 359-378. SPOTTISWOODE, Church of Scot., Ill, Book VII, 133-291. STRICKLAND, Queens, V, i-iii, 1-187 (Anne of Denmark) STRYPE, Reformation, IV, nos. cclxxv-ccxcix, 519-565. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 15-25. DE TOCQUEVILLE, Democracy, I, 31-56. TRAILL, Social Eng., Ill, 193-196; I.V, i-S, 17-25, 36-42, 46-48. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts (Oman's Hist., V), iii-iv, 73-130. TULLOCH, Puritanism, 1-49. USHER, R. G., James I and Coke, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1903, XVIII, 664-675. WEEDEN, New England, I, 1-22. WORDS- WORTH, Biography, IV, i-ii, 5-115. Biographical: BACON: Church, R. W. (Eng. Men of Letters), iii-vii, 55-167. Spedding, I, Book III, Hi, 443, to II, Book VII, vi, 655. Lee, S., Great Englishmen, vi, 225- 255. ELIOT: Forster, I, Books I-IV, 1-208. ELISABETH, Princess Palatine : Ward, A. W., in Tout and Tail's Essays, 325-355. GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS : Stevens, J. L., i-xii, 1-266. HENRY OF NAVARRE : Wil- lert (Heroes), viii-xi, 347-464. MILTON : Masson, I, Book I, 3-108. RALEIGH: Creighton, L., x-xvi, 139-260. Edwards, E., I, xvii-xxviii, 339-723 ; II, 428-499. Hume, M. A. S. (Builders of Greater Britain), xi-xvii, 230-421. Lee, S., Great Englishmen, iv, 145-154. RICHELIEU: Perkins (Heroes), i-iii, 1-78. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 60, and general note, Sect. 2). ANDERSON, J. P., in GARNETT, Milton, app., i-xxxix. Cambridge Mod. Hist., Ill, 847-851. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts, 527-534. 322 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Illustrative Material Prose. AINSWORTH, W. H., Guy Fawkes : or, the gunpowder treason ; an historical romance. London, Routledge. AINSWORTH, W. H., The Star Chamber. London, Routledge. AUSTIN, MRS. JANE (Goodwin), Standish of Standish ; a story of the Pilgrims. Boston, Houghton, Cambridge ed., 1898. BLACK, WILLIAM, Judith Shakespeare. London, Low. CROCKETT, S. R., The Red Axe. New York, Harper, 1899. Dix, B. M., Soldier Rigdale ; how he sailed in the " Mayflower," and how he served Miles Standish. New York, Mac- millan, 1899. GREEN, E. E., The Lost Treasure of Trevelyn. New York, Nelson, 1893. JAMES, G. P. R., Arabella Stuart. New York, 1859. [B. P. L.] MACDONALD, GEORGE, St. George and St. Michael. New York, Munro, 1875. MUSICK, JOHN, The Pilgrims; a story of Massachusetts. New York, Funk. PINKERTON, T. A., The Spanish Poinard. [B.] SCOTT, SIR WALTER, The Fortunes of Nigel. New York, Macmillan, 1893. Illustrative Material Poetry. BEAU MONT and FLETCHER, The Knight of the Burning Pestle. Black Saturday, Fourth of August, 1621, in MURRAY. FENN, G. M., Sweet Mace; a Sussex legend of the iron times. London, 1883. [B. P. L.] Fifth of November: or, the Gunpowder Plot; an historical play, supposed to be written by WIL- LIAM SHAKESPEARE. London, 1830. [B. P. L.] GRINDROD, CHARLES, King James I, in his Plays. HEMANS, FELICIA D., The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in New England ; Arabella Stuart, in her Works. Returne from Parnassus : or, the scourge of simony, in HAZLITT. ROSSETTI, D. G., Raleigh's Cell in the Tower, in his Works, I, 341. WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM, Gunpowder Plot. WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM, The Pilgrim Fathers ; two sonnets. SECTION 49 Charles I (A), 1625-1634 Summary. The King : comparison of Charles I with his father in respect to personality, training, and beliefs ; marriage with Henrietta Maria; influence of Buckingham. Parliament in opposition : war with Spain, failures; war with France, Isle of Rhe (1627); opposition to Buckingham, his impeachment ; military law and forced loans ; the Petition of Right (1628); Wentworth, Coke, Eliot, Pym; comparison of the Petition with the Great Charter; assassination of Buckingham; anti-Catholic movement ; tonnage and poundage ; final dissolution of UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 323 Parliament. Government without Parliament (1629-1640): condition of parliamentary government in other countries ; favourite ministers, Weston, Stafford ( Wentworth), Laud ; policy of peace and order ; death of Eliot, 1632 ; punishment by Star Chamber and High Commission, Leighton, Prynne ; visitations ; reissue of the Declaration of Sports ; distraint of knighthood ; monopolies and forests ; first writs for ship- money, 1634. Sources Individual Works. ARCHBOLD, Diary of Parl. of 1626, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1902, XVII, 730-737. BURNET, Dukes of Hamilton, Book I, 1-33. BURNET, Own Time, I, 27-35. CHERBURY, Life. CLARENDON, Great Rebellion, ed. of 1849, I, Book I, 1-145; Boyle ed., 19-37, 40-42, 49-52, 120-122; also Boyle abr., see passim for characters of the period. WELWOOD, Memoirs, 42-48. WHITE- LOCKE, Memorials, I, 1-67 ; cf. pp. iii-xi. Sources Collections. ADAMS, C. K., Orations, I, 1-26. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 339-349- ARBER, English Garner, IV, 535-576, new ed., Stuart Tracts, 1603-1693, 299-350, passim. BREWER, V, 1985- 1992. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 437-476. Calendar, State Papers, Domestic, 1625-1649, 6 vols., and see vol. of Addenda, passim; Ireland, 1625- 1647,!; II, 1-92. Calendar, Treasury, 1556-1728,1,3. Clarendon, State Papers, I, 33-217; app., xxxi-xxxv ; II, app., xxiv-xxv. COB- BETT, II, 1257-1480; III, 1-712. Debates in Commons, 1625 (Camden Soc.). Debates in House of Lords, 1624-1626 (Camden Soc.), 134-233. ELLIS, Third Ser., IV, 199-208. GARDINER, S. R., Cases in Star Chamber and High Commission (Camden Soc.). GARDINER, S. R., Documents, ed. of 1889, 1-9, 16-17, 37-40; ed. of 1899, 57-74, 82-83, 105-108. GARDINER, S. R., Impeachment of Buckingham in 1626 (Camden Soc.). GEE and HARDY, 518-535. GOODRICH, Eloquence, 3-6. GUIZOT, English Rev., app., 443. HALLIWELL, II, 261-289. Harleian Miscellany, 12-vol. ed., Ill, 519-561 ; IV, 132-204; 8-vol. ed., Ill, 67-76; IV, 187-200, 319-325, 501-504; V, 70-73, 76-92, 102-105. HART, Contemporaries, I, 190-195. HENDERSON, E. F., Side-Lights, 61-84. HILL, 67-72 (cf. 72-77). KENDALL, 219-225. LEE, G. C., 348-355. Old South Leaflets, I, no. 7, pp. 1-19; no. 23, pp. 1-8. Poo RE, Constitutions, I, 932-942. PRESTON, Documents, 37-61. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxx, 221-230 [Bibl.]. Somers Tracts, IV, 85-121, 191-201. Statutes at Large, II, 724-732. STEDMAN and HUTCHINSON, American Literature, I, 140-156, 291-309. VERNEY FAMILY, Letters, 149-165. WENTWORTH, Papers (Camden Soc., Misc., IX), 3-4. The Petition of Right is also to be found in the fol lowing works: AMOS, Government, 204-207. HOSMER, Freedom, App. 324 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY B, 383-386. MACY, Constitution, 497-500. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, II, 557-559. STUBBS, Select Charters, app., 515-517. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 358-360. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 343-351. CHEYNEY, England, xiv, 410-423. CLARK, W., Anglican Reformation (Epochs Church Hist.), xxvii, 391-407. DURUY, Modern Times, 291-296. EWALD, State Papers, 261-313. GARDINER, S. R., Puritan Revolution (Epochs), 50-88. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 502-520. GARDINER, S. R., Thirty Years' War (Epochs), 87-188. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 496- 528; map, 507; illus. ed., Ill, 967-1101 ; maps, 1044, 1086. HIGGIN- SON and CHANNING, English Hist., 153-158. HOSMER, Anglo-Saxon Freedom, ix, 130-145. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 229-239. LIN- GARD, England, abr., 442-453. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 239-242. OMAN, England, xxvi, 362-368. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VII, ii, 509-527. RANSOME, Government, xiii, 138-148. SCHWILL, Modem Eur., 169-183 ; map, end of vol. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 67-75. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xxi, 468-529, passim. TERRY, B., England, 640-659. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book III, i-ii, 321-333. WAKELING, King and Parliament (Oxford Manuals), iii, 20-27. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxi, 306-310. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 226-231 (EWALD). WHITCOMB, Modern Eur., 90-105. WRONG, British Nation, 351-360. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. VI, xvi-xxi, 193-264. Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, I, 106-113 (Earl of Stirling). ARNOLD, M., Essays,' 154-177, passim (Falkland). AUBREY, English Nation, II, 348-372, passim; 372-418. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 347-363. BLUNT, Reformation, II, ix, 485-506. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 608-636. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VII, iv-v, 113-159. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, VI, 353- 390. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, II, 480-535. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, x, 265-287 ; xi, 305-324. CORDERY, Absolute Monarchy, Book II, 31-40. CORDERY and PHILLPOTTS, King and Commonwealth, ii, 29-50. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., Ill, 108-179. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of George Calvert, Charles I, Henrietta (Maria), William Laud, John Selden, James Ussher, John Winthrop. EGGLESTON, Beginners, Book II, 188-219. FORSTER, Statesmen (Eliot, Straf- ford, Pym, Hampden, Vane, Marten, Cromwell). FULLER, T., Church Hist., Ill, Book XI, Sects. I-II, 333-375. GARDINER, S. R., England, 1603-1642, VI-VII ; maps, VI, title-page, 167. GRANT, A. J., French Monarchy, 221-262. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 197-206. GREEN, J. R., English People, III, 122-171. GREEN, Mrs. M. A. E., Princesses, V, UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 325 140-533. GUIZOT, Charles I, I, 1-175; a PP-' 3^3~39 I - GUIZOT, Revo- lution of 1640, 1-33. HALLAM, Constitutional Hist., I, 367-409. HAUSSER, Reformation, 444-482, 616-630. HILDRETH, Judges, vi, 97 106 (N. Hyde). HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, X, xxxii, 295-307. HUME, D., England, IV, 1-lii, 380-466; cf. Notes UU-ZZ, 540-542. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book IV, i, 3-20. KITCHIN, France, III, 1-57. KNIGHT, England, III, xxv, 387-404. LANG, Scotland, III, i, 2-22 [Bibl.]. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 556-579. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 847-851 ; III, 1765-1766 (Ire.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, V, 336-356, 607-625. LINGARD, England, VII, i- 282 ; app., 552-553. NAPIER, M., Montrose, I, introd., 1-113. O'FLAN- AGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, xxiii, 310-333. OPPENHEIM, Navy, in Eng. Hist. A'ev., 1893, VIII, 467-496 ; 1894, IX, 92-1 16, 473-492. PAL- FREY, New Eng., I, 264-282. PARKMAN, France and Eng., Part I, 433- 445. PERKINS, France under Mazarin, I, 97-144. RANKE, England, I, 537-592; II, 3-20. ROGERS, Gleanings, Ser. II, 67-117 (Laud). SEELEY, British Policy, I, Part II, v, 357-388. SMITH, G. B., Parlia- ment, I, Book VI, ii, 379-396. STRICKLAND, Queens, V, 188-263 (Henrietta Maria). TRAILL, Social Eng., IV, 8-13, 25-35, 42-45, 48-51. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts (Oman's Hist., V), v-vi, 131-174. WORDS- WORTH, Biography, IV, iii, 123-216. Biographical: ELIOT: Forster, I, Books V-VII, 209-580 ; app., 581-616; II, whole vol. GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS: Fletcher (Heroes). Stevens, J. L., xiii-xviii, 267-427. MILTON : Masson, I, Book II, 1 1 1-320. Pattison (Eng. Men of Letters), 1-39. ORMOND, DUKE OF: Carte, I, pref., introd., and Book I, pp. i- cxxi, 1-127. PYM : Smith, G. (Statesmen), 3-51. RICHELIEU: Per- kins (Heroes), iv-xii, 79-352. STRAFFORD: Cooper, I, 1-270. Traill (Eng. Men of Letters), i-viii, 1-107. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 60, and general note, Sect. 2). ANDERSON, J. P., in GARNETT, Milton, app., i-xxxix. Boston Pub. Lib. Bull., XIII, no. 3, 212-249 (Tracts, 1625-1660). TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts, 527-534. Illustrative Material Prose. AINSWORTH, W. H., The Spanish Match: or, Charles Stuart in Madrid. London, 1865. [B. P. L.] BRAD- DON, M. E., In High Places. 1898. [B.] BURCHELL, S. H., The Duke's Servants. Boston, Little, 1899. GRANT, JAMES, Philip Rollo: or, the Scottish Musketeers. London, Routledge. TOPELIUS, ZACHRIS, The King's Ring. (Tr.) New York, Carleton, 1872. Illustrative Material Poetry. BADDELEY, WELBORE ST. CLAIR, George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, a drama. London, 1878. [B. P. L.] BROWNING, ROBERT, Strafford. The Fire of Frendraught, in CHILD, 326 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY IV. FLEMMING, C. F., Pym and Stafford; a drama. Berlin, 1865. [B.P. L.] Frennet Ha! in FINLAY, I. Poems and Songs relating to George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, and his Assassination by John Felton, August 23, 1628, in Percy Society, 1850. SECTION 50 Charles I (B), 1634-1641 Summary. The failure of personal government : further writs for ship-money ; trial of Hampden, 1637 ; effect upon the country. Straf- ford as Lord Deputy in Ireland, his policy of Thorough. Strafford as chief minister of Charles. The Scottish rebellion ; progress of Scotch Protestantism ; attempted reaction under James and Charles ; the new liturgy for Scotland; riot at Edinburgh, 1637; the Covenant, 1638; abolition of episcopacy, 1638; the First Bishops' War, 1639. The English Short Parliament, 1640: demand of redress of grievances; dissolution. The Second Bishops' War, 1640: English defeat and the temporary treaty; need for Parliament. The Long Parliament, 1640; composition and temper ; imprisonment of Laud ; execution of Strafford, 1641 ; pressing grievances remedied ; the Scotch army paid off. Sources Individual Works. ARCHBOLD, Diary of Early Days of Long Parl., in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1901, XVI, 730-736. BOROUGH, Treaty of Ripon, 1640. BRADFORD, Plimoth Plantation, App. II, 540- 544 (Commission for regulating plantations). BURNET, Dukes of Ham- ilton, Books II-III, 34-230. BURNET, Own Time, I, 35-52. CAVEN- DISH, Wolsey, app., 493-501 (Parallel of Wolsey and Laud, 1641). CLARENDON, Great Rebellion, ed. of 1849, I, Books II-III, 146-404; VI, app., 269-279; Boyle ed., 53-55, 63-78, 107-109, 133-138, 144-146, 194-197; also Boyle abr., see passim for characters of the period. CROMWELL, OLIVER, Letters and Speeches (CARLYLE), Harper ed., I, Part I, 83-111 ; Scribner ed., I, 85-114; IV, 210-212. Eikon Basilike, i-ii, 1-13. HUTCHINSON, LUCY, Colonel Hutchinson, 37-69, 84-100. MAY, Long Parliament, Book I, 1-78. MILTON, Areopagitica (Arber Reprints), 9-24. VERNEY, Notes of Long Parl., 1-23. WELWOOD, Memoirs, 48-67. WHITELOCKE, Memorials, I, 67-134. Sources Collections. ADAMS, C. K., Orations, I, 27-84. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 349-375- ARBER, English Garner, new ed., Stuart Tracts, 1603-1693, 351-402, passim. BREWER, IV, 1493-1496; V, 1818-1821, 1861-1870; VI, 2122-2127, 2340-2343, 2385-2388; VII, 2524-2528, 2562-2566, 2767-2770; VIII, 3251-3261; IX, 3539-3546; UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 327 X, 3709-3715. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 477-489. Calendar, State Papers, Domestic, 1625-1649, n vols. for 1634-1641 ; and see vol. of Addenda, passim; Ireland, 1625-1647, II, 93-285. Calendar, Treasury, 1556- 1728, I, 3-4. CARTE, Ormond, 6-vol. ed., V, 201-247, passim. Clar- endon, State Papers, I, 217-793; II, 1-136; app., xxvi-xxxiii. COB- BETT, III, 711-1536; IV, 1-112. COLBY, 188-190. ELLIS, Third Sen, IV, 209-216. English Hist. Rep., II, 22-29 [Bibl.]. GARDINER, S. R., Documents, ed. of 1889, 40, 74-88, 106-122; ed. of 1899, 108-109, 144- 159, 179-197. GEE and HARDY, 535-545. GOODRICH, 7-18, passim. GUIZOT, English Rev., app., 443-444, 446. HALLIWELL, II, 289-329. Hamilton Papers (Camden Soc.), 1-103 ( c ^- 2 S7~ 2 ^7)- Hardwick MSS., N. Y. Lib. Bull., Ill, 53-55; IV, 260-282. Harleian Miscellany, 12-vol. ed., I, 50-54; IV, 204-488, 559-571; V, 9-155; XII, 282-284; 8-vol. ed., I, 38-40; III, 211-219; IV . I2 ~ 2 5' 5o; V, S'S-SM, 53 2 ~534; VI, 106-110; VIII, 604-606. HART, Contemporaries, I, 183. HATTON, Correspondence (Camden Soc.), I, 4-6. KENDALL, 228-237. Lauder- dale Papers (Camden Soc.), I, 1-2 ; cf. introd. LEE, 355-359. Old South Leaflets, I, no. 25, pp. i-io; III, no. 60, pp. 3-20; no. 6i,pp. i- 7. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxx, 230-239 [Bibl.]. Somers Tracts, IV, 121-165. STEDMAN and HUTCHINSON, American Literature, I, 156- 179, 189-206. Thurloe Papers, I, 1-6. VERNEY FAMILY, Letters, 165- 276. Wentworth Papers (Camden Soc., Misc., IX), 431. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 352-358. CHEYNEY, England, xiv, 423-429. CLARK, W., Anglican Reformation (Epochs Church Hist.), xxvii, 407-413. GARDINER, S. R., Puritan Revolution (Epochs), 88-118; maps, opposite title-page, and 144, 149. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 520-531. GARDINER, S. R., Thirty Years' War (Epochs), 188-201. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist, 528-538 ; illus. ed., Ill, 1101-1119. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 159-165. LARNED, History for Schools, 372-395. LINGARD, England, abr., 453-456. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 242-245. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 511-516. OMAN, England, xxvi, 368-377. R'ANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VII, ii, 527-537 ; III, 539-544 ; map, 536. RANSOME, Government, xiv, 149-163. SKOTTOWE, Parlia- ment, 75-89. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xxi, 468-529, passim. TERRY, B., England, 659-668. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book III, ii-iii, 333-343. WAKELING, King and Parliament (Oxford Manuals), iii, 26-31. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxi, 310-314; xxii, 317-318. WHEELER, A.M., Sketches, 232-237 (MOZLEY). WRONG, British Nation, 360-366. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. VI, xxii- xxvii, 265-340. 328 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Modern Accounts, Group II. ARNOLD, M., Essays, 154-177, passim (Falkland). AUBREY, English Nation, II, 418-443. BAYNE, Puritan Revolution, iii, 55-99 (Laud); iv, 103-145 (Henrietta Maria); v, 149-207 (Charles I); ix, 349-386 (Vane). BLUNT, Reformation, II, ix, 506-515. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 636-656. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VII, v, 159-189. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, VI, 391-521 ; VII, 1-124. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, II, 536-585. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, xi, 324-339. CORDERY, Absolute Monarchy, Book III, 41-57. CORDERY and PHILLPOTTS, King and Commonwealth, iii-iv, 51-98. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., Ill, 179-231. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Archibald Campbell, Arthur Capel, George Carteret, John Colepeper, William Juxon, Thomas Wentworth. FORS- TER, Statesmen (Straff ord, Pym, Hampden, Vane, Marten, Crom- well). Foss, Judges ; see especially 249-254 (John Finch). FOSTER, W., Charles I and East India Co., in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1904, XIX, 456-463. FULLER, T., Church Hist., Ill, Book XI, Sects. II-IV, 375- 440. GARDINER, S. R., England, 1603-1642, VIII-IX. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 206-211. GREEN, J. R., English People, III, 172-191 ; map, 168. GREEN, Mrs. M. A. E., Princesses, VI, 393-397. GUIZOT, Charles I, I, Book II, 176-257; app., 391-399. GUIZOT, Revolution of 1640, 34- 85. HALLAM, Constitutional Hist., I, 411-497. HAUSSER, Reforma- tion, 631-640. HILDRETH, Judges, vii, 107-1 18 (J. Brampston). HUME, D., England, IV, liv, 1-51 (cf. notes, IV, 3A, 542-544; V, A-B, 525). KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book IV, i, 20-31. KITCHIN, France, III, 58-83. KNIGHT, England, III, xxvi-xxviii, 405-458. LANG, Scotland, III, ii-iv, 24-81. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 579-601. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 851-855; III, 1765-1766 (Ire.); IV, 2862-2868 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, V, 356-373, 625- 627. LINGARD, England, VII, 368-466; app., 454. O'Fi.ANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, xxiii, 310-333. OPPENHEIM, Navy, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1893, VIII, 467-496; 1894, IX, 92-116, 473-492. RANKE, England, II, 20-239. SEELEY, British Policy, I, Part II, vi, 389-436. SMYTH, Lectures, I, Lect. XV, 372-391. STRICKLAND, Queens, V, 264-295 (Henrietta Maria). TRAILL, Social Eng., IV, 13-16, 35-36. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts (Oman's Hist., V), vi-vii, 174-212. WORDSWORTH, Biography, IV, iii, 217-264. Biographical ' : CROMWELL, OLIVER: Firth (Heroes), 32-56; cf. 1-32. Gardiner, 1-26. Palgrave, R. F. D.,introd., pp.xxii-xxxix. Picton, iv-vi, 51-95 ; cf. 1-50. FAIRFAX : Markham, i-v, 1-41. LAUD: Hook, W. F., Archbishops, XI, xxxiii- xxxvi, 1-331. Hutton, W. H. (Leaders of Religion). MILTON : Mas- son, I, Book III, 323, to II, Book I, 145. MONTROSE : Morris, M. UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 329 (Eng. Men of Action), i-v, 1-99. Napier, I, i-x, 114-337. ORMOND, DUKE OF: Carte, I, 127-280. STRAFFORD: Cooper, I, 271-422; II, 1-414. Traill (Eng. Men of Letters), ix-xv, 108-206. VANE, SIR HENRY: Hosmer, Part II, v-vi, 83-136. Bibliography (see under Sect. 49). Illustrative Material Prose. KNIGHT, CHARLES, Begg'd at Court; a legend of Westminster. 1867. [B.] MARSHALL, EMMA, Winifred's Journal of her Life at Exeter and Norwich in the Days of Bishop Hall. New York, Macmillan, 1891. REID, MAYNE, The White Gauntlet. New York, Carleton ; London, Bentley, 1869. Illustrative Material Poetry. BROWNING, ROBERT, Cavalier Tunes : Marching along ; Give a rouse ; Boot and saddle. HARVARD, King Charles I ; a tragedy, in SCOTT, Drama, II. MORLEY, HENRY, ed., King and the Commons : Cavalier and Puritan song. London, 1868. [B.P. L.] Satire on the General Assembly at Glasgow, 1638, in MAIDMENT, Pasquils ; and see Sect. ^9. SECTION 51 Charles I (C), 16411644 Summary. Approach of the Civil War : the Grand Remonstrance, 1641; the religious question; the Root and Branch Bill; the Irish rebellion, 1641 ; need of an army; attempted arrest of the five mem- bers, 1642 ; departure of the Queen for France and of the King for the North; the control of the militia, 1642 ; raising of the royal standard, Aug., 1642; the Nineteen Propositions; division of England into parties : Cavaliers and Roundheads. The Civil War: Edgehill, attack upon London, royal strategy ; the Solemn League and Covenant, 1643 ; Cromwell, the Eastern Association, the Ironsides ; Marston Moor, July, 1644; rise of Cromwell; adoption of Fresbyterianism and of the Westminster Confession ; changes in church worship ; the Independents. Sources Individual Works. BIRCH, Memoir (Camden Soc., 1873), 1-16; app., 201-208; cf. 38-99, 161-184. BURNET, Dukes of Hamilton, Books III-IV, 230-349. BURNET, Own Time, I, 53-63; suppl., passim. CLARENDON, Great Rebellion, ed. of 1849, 1, Book IV, 405-646; II; III, Book VII, 1-336; VI, app., 279-454 ; Boyle ed., 31- 34, 56-63, 82-124, 129-130, 138-177; also Boyle abr., see passim- for characters of the period. CLARENDON, Life, Part I, 1-74. CROM- WELL, OLIVER, Letters and Speeches (CARLYLE), Harper ed., I, Part I, 115-141 ; app., II, Nos. III-IV, 545-554; Scribner ed., I, 115-193; II, 330 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 339-376; III, 341-351; app., IV, 212-224. Eikon Basilike, iii-xviii, 14-193. HUTCHINSON, LUCY, Colonel Hutchinson, 100-230. LUDLOW, Memoirs, I, 1-144. MAY, Long Parliament, Book II, 79-228; app., 231-255. MILTON, Areopagitica (Arber reprints), 26-28, 31-79. MIL- TON, Prose Works, Fletcher ed., 1-102 ; especially 1-54. VERNEY, Notes of Long Parl., 24-182; app. 183-184. WALKER, E., Discourses, 5-121. WELWOOD, Memoirs, 67-107 ; App. IX, 279-352. WHITELOCKE, Memorials, I, 134-411. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 376-388. ARBER, English Garner, VIII, 577-610; new ed., Stuart Tracts, 1603-1693, 351-402, passim. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 489-494. Calendar, Committee for Advance of Money, 1642-1656, Part I, 1-482; III, 1483, 1488-1495. Calendar, Committee, Compounding, 1643-1660, I, 1-12, 778-782; II, 829-868. Calendar, State Papers, Domestic, 1625-1649, 2 vols. for 1641-1644; and see vol. of Addenda, passim; Ireland, 1625-1647, II, 285-792. CARTE, Ormond, 6-vol. ed., V, 1-9, 247-544; VI, 1-210, passim. Clarendon, State Papers, II, 137-189; app., xxxiv-xxxv. COBBETT, IV, 111-652. COLBY, 190-195. ELLIS, Third Ser., IV, 217- 225. English Hist. Rep., II, 29 [Bibl.]? FIRTH, Marston Moor, in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Ser., XII, 69-79. GARDINER, S. R., Documents, ed. of 1889, 127-158, 163-164, 187-192; ed. of 1899, 202- 236, 241-242, 267-273. GEE and HARDY, 545-574. GUIZOT, English Rev., 446-452. HALLIWELL, II, 330-351. Hamilton Papers (Camden Soc.), 103-106. Harleian Miscellany, i2-vol. ed., V, 156-484; 8-vol. ed., I, 271; III, 236-237; IV, 255-267, 370-372, 412-415, 482-484, 5 2 5-5 2 7. 545-547; V, 39-40, 43-45' 73-74, iii-"5. 166-172, 250-251, 414-416, 540-543; VI, 176-177, 274-278; VII, 76-99, 361-368, 427- 430, 448-452, 467-479, 567-570; VIII, 46-66, 209-211, 240-248, 574- 580, 588-599. HICKSON, Irish Massacres, I, 167-399; II, 1-407. KENDALL, 237-245. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 856-866, 871-872. LEE, G. C., 360-363. NICHOLAS, SIR E., Papers (Camden Soc.), I, i- 62 ; cf. pref. Old South Leaflets, I, no. 24; no. 25, pp. 10-16. ROB- INSON, Readings, II, xxx, 239-241 [Bibl.]. ROGERS, Protests, I, 3-14. Somers Tracts, IV, 3-81, 166-190, 202-605; V, 3-46. Statutes at Large, II, 733-752. Thurloe Papers, I, 6-32. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 358-362. BISHOP, Pictures, 213-216 (MACAULAY). CHEYNEY, England, xv, 431- 444 ; map, 442. CLARK, W., Anglican Reformation (Epochs Church Hist.), xxviii, 414-434. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, map, 312. CREIGHTON, L., Government, ix, 66-79. CREIGH- TON, M., Half-Hour Hist., xi, 120-132. DURUY, Modern Times, UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 331 255-266. GARDINER, S. R., Puritan Revolution (Epochs), 118-149; map, 134. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 532-544. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, ix, 128-141. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part II, 110-115 (FoRS- TER), 115-118 (MACAULAY), 119-125 (MARKHAM). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 538-552; illus. ed., Ill, 1119-1160; plan, 1158. HIGGIN- SON and CHANNING, English Hist., 166-175. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 240-260. LINGARD, England, abr., 456-464. MACKINTOSH, JOHN, Scotland (Nations), 185-206. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 245-247. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 516-521. OMAN, Eng- land, xxvi-xxvii, 377-392. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VII, iii, 544-569; plans, 559, 568; map, 567. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 89-101. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xxi, 529-571, passim. TERRY, B., England, 669-692. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book III, iii, 343-356; map, 352; plan, 355. WAKELING, King and Parliament (Oxford Manuals), iv-v, 32-49 ; map, 46. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxii, 318-322 ; xxiii, 325-330 ; map, 326. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 237-243 (GARDINER). WRONG, British Nation, 366- 369; map, 367. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. VI, xxix, 341-375; Ser. VII, i-iv, 1-50. Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, I, 556-562 (Earl of Argyle). AUBREY, English Nation, II, 443-471. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 364-372. BLUNT, Reformation, II, ix, 515-549. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 656-672. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VII, 190-261. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, VII, 125-198. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, II, 586-617. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pic- torial Hist., Ill, 231-312. CORDERY and PHILLPOTTS, King and Com- monwealth, v-vi, 99-147. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Sir Jacob Astley, William Bedell, Robert Blake, James Butler, Archibald Camp- bell, Lucius Gary, Spencer Compton, John Cosin, Robert Devereux, Richard Fanshawe, Charles Gerard, George Goring, James Graham, John Hampden, Henry Ireton, George Monk, Murrough O'Brien, John Pym, Rupert, Henry Vane, John Williams. FIRTH, Clarendon's Hist., in Eng. Hist, Rev,, 1904, XIX, 26-54. FIRTH, Marston Moor, in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Ser., XII, 17-62. FORSTER, Five Mem- bers. FORSTER, Grand Remonstrance, 110-421. FORSTER, Statesmen (Pym, Hampden, Vane, Marten, Cromwell). Foss, Judges, see espe- cially 577-582 (Oliver St. John). FOXE, Martyrs, Seymour ed., 1035- 1066. FULLER, T., Church Hist., Ill, Book XI, Sects. IV-V, 440-466. GARDINER, S. R., England, 1603-1642, X, c-cv, 1-220; map, opposite title-page. GARDINER, S. R., Great Civil War, I, i-xviii, 1-383 ; twenty- three maps. GARDINER, S. R., Plan of Charles I for the Deliverance of 332 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Strafford, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1897, XII, 114-116. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 212-227. GREEN, J. R., English People, III, 192-216. GUIZOT, Charles I, I, Book III, 258-380; app., 399-407; II, Books IV- V, i- 168; app., 443-452. GUIZOT, Revolution of 1640, 86-267. HALLAM, Constitutional Hist., I, 498-551. HANNAY, Navy, 146-179. HAUSSER, Reformation, 641-663. HICKSON, Irish Massacres, I, pref. (FROUDE), pp. v-xii; introd., 1-166, HILDRETH, Judges, viii, 119-131 (R. Heath). HUME, D., England, V, Iv-lvii, 52-174; cf. Notes C-H, 525-528. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book IV, ii-iii, 32-66. KNIGHT, England, III, xxix-xxx, 459-498; IV, i-ii, 1-30. LANG, Scotland, III, iv-v, 81-129; maps. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 601-631. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 855-873 ; III, 1766-1767 (Ire.); IV, 2868 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, V, 627-640. LECKY, Ireland before the Eighteenth Century, 1,41-115. LINGARD, England, VII, 466-538; app., 554-560; VIII, 1-45. MACAULAY, Essays, II, 427-496 (Hampden). MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corpora- tions, III, 1627-1680. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, xxiv, 334- 344. OPPENHEIM, Navy, in Eng. Hist. Rev., . 1893, VIII, 467-496; 1894, IX, 92-116, 473-492. RANKE, England, II, 240-404. SMYTH, Lectures, I, Lect. XVI, 392-411, passim. STRICKLAND, Queens, V, 295-336 (Henrietta Maria). TRAILL, Social Eng., IV, 51-67, 203-208, 215-226, 245-260. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts (Oman's Hist., V), vii- viii, 212-260. TULLOCH, Puritanism, 56-97. WORDSWORTH, Biography, IV, iv, 269-326. Biographical: BLAKE: Hannay, i, i-io. CROMWELL, OLIVER : Bayne, Puritan Revolution, x, 389-433. Firth (Heroes), 56- 114; maps, 90, 106. Gardiner, S. R., 26-51. Harrison, F. B. (Twelve Eng. Statesmen), i-iv, 1-78. Morley, J., Book I, 9-111. Picton, 95- 167. Wilkinson, Cromwell to Wellington, 1-13. FAIRFAX: Markham, vi-xiii, 42-134; plan, 64. FALKLAND: Smith, G., Lectures, 219-239. LAUD: Hook, W. F., Archbishops, XI, xxxvii, 332-393. Rogers, Gleanings, Ser. II, 117-127. MILTON: Masson, II, Book II, 149-424; Books III-IV, 427-608 ; III, Book I, 3-79. MONTROSE: Morris, M. (Eng. Men of Action), vi-vii, 100-138. Napier, I, xi-xvi, 338-511 ; II, i-viii, 1-240. ORMOND, DUKE OF: Carte, I, 280-387; II, whole vol.; Ill, 1-139. RUPERT, PRINCE: Warburton, I, whole vol.; II, i-iii, i- 352. SHAFTESBURY: Christie, I, i-ii, 1-53; App. I, pp. iii-xxiv. VANE, SIR HENRY: Hosmer, Part II, vii-x, 137-226; plan, 219. Bibliography (see also under Sect. $g). Bulletin of Bibl. (Apr., 1900, to Jan., 1901), II, 37-39, 53-56, 71-72, 90-91 (O. Cromwell). FIRTH, Marston Moor, in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Ser., XII, 62-99. UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 333 Illustrative Material Prose. BRAY, A. E., Courtenay of Wal- reddon ; a romance of the West. 3 vols. London, Bentley, 1844. BRAY, A. E., Warleigh : or the fatal oak ; a legend of Devon. 3 vols. London, Longmans, 1884. COUCH, A. T. G., The Splendid Spur ; being memoirs of the adventures of Mr. John Marvel. . . . New York, Har- per, 1890. Dix, B. M., Hugh Gwyeth, a Roundhead Cavalier. New York, Macmillan, 1899. GRANT, JAMES, Harry Ogilvie : or, the black dragoons. New York, Routledge. JAMES, G. P. R., Henry Masterton : or, the adventures of a young cavalier. New York, 1832. [B.P. L.] LYALL, EDNA, To Right the Wrong. New York, Harper, 1893. MAC- DONALD, RONALD, God Save the King. New York, Century Co., 1901. MARTIN, EWAN, Dauntless : a lost and forgotten cause. Boston, Page, 1900. MUNRO, NEIL, John Splendid. New York, Dodd, 1899. PAT- ERSON, ARTHUR, Cromwell's Own. New York, Harper, 1899. [Cin.] SHORTHOUSE, J. H., John Inglesant. London, Macmillan, 1881. VIGNY, A. V. de, Cinq Mars : ou, une conjuration sous Louis XIII. Paris, Levy, 1869. Illustrative Material Poetry. BEATTY, P AKENHAM, The Death of Hampden, in FORD and FORD. BENNETT, W. C., Marston Moor, in LONGFELLOW, Poems of Places, II. How Lady Blanche Arundel held Wardour for King Charles, in THORNBURY. Lesley's March to Long- Marston Moor, in MAIDMENT, Ballads, I. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Rokeby. SHELLEY, P. B., Charles the First ; drama. SECTION 52 Charles I (Z>), 164.4-1649 Summary. Close of the Civil War: attainder and execution of Laud ; Montrose and Argyle in Scotland ; formation of the New Model; the Self-denying Ordinance; Naseby, 1645; continued suc- cesses for Parliament ; surrender of the King to the Scotch ; delivery of the King to the English ; futile negotiations ; quarrels between Par- liament and the army ; the King's flight to Carisbrooke Castle ; royal negotiations with the Scotch. The Second Civil War : Pride's Purge ; the Rump Parliament ; the trial and execution of the King ; revulsion of feeling in favour of the King ; Eikon Basilike ; theoretical succession of Charles II. Sources Individual Works. BIRCH, Memoirs (Camden Soc., 1873), 16-37; cf. 99-160, 184-199. BURNET, Dukes of Hamilton, Books V-VI, 350-528. BURNET, Own Time, I, 64-88 ; suppl., passim. 334 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY CHARLES I, Letters. CLARENDON, Great Rebellion, ed. of 1849, HI, Book VIII, 337-556; IV; V, Book XII, 1-143; VI > a PP-. 455-587 ; VII, 209-249; Boyle ed., 78-82, 178-272; also Boyle abr., see passim for characters of the period. CLARENDON, Life, Part I, 75-117. CROMWELL, OLIVER, Letters and Speeches (CARLYLE), Harper ed., I, Part I, 142-192 ; Parts III-V, 195-429 ; App. II, Nos. V-XI, 554-570 ; Scribner ed., I, 193-414; app., IV, 225-260. CROMWELL, OLIVER, Five Letters of, ed. by FIRTH, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1899, XIV, 737-739. Eikon Basilike, xix-xxviii, 194-302. EVELYN, Diary, I, 1-256; cf. introd., i-xxxiii, and app., 423-425. HALKETT, Autobiography (Cam- den Soc., 1875), 1-26. HUTCHINSON, LUCY, Colonel Hutchinson, 230- 344. LUDLOW, Memoirs, I, 144-344; III, 255-402 (Letters). MILTON, Prose Works, ed. by FLETCHER, 103-270; especially 103-119. WEL- WOOD, Memoirs, App. VI, 273-274; X, 353-359; XI, 360-366. WHITE- LOCKE, Memorials, I, 412-591 ; II, 1-516. WISHART, Memoirs of Montrose, 13-243; cf. pp. v-lviii, 1-7; app, 493-55- Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 388-394. ARBER, English Garner, VIII, 564-576; New Sen, Stuart Tracts, 1603-1693, 351-402, passim. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 494-581. Calendar, Com. Ad- vance of Money, 1642-1656, Parts I-II, 482-1011; III, 1483-1484, 1495-1500. Calendar, Com. Compounding, 1643-1660, I, 12-137, 782-813; II, 868, to III, 1904; V, 3261-3289, 3305-3306. Calendar, State Papers, Domestic, 1625-1649, 3 vols. for 1644-1649, and see vol. of Addenda, passim. CARTE, Ormond, 6-vol. ed., V, 925 ; VI, 210-607. Clarendon, State Papers, II, 189-506; app., xxxvi-li ; III, i-n. Clarke Papers (Camden Soc.), I ; II, 1-187, 247-268 ; cf. pref. COB- BETT, IV, 653-1154. COLBY, 195-199. ELLIS, Third Ser., IV, 225- 274. GARDINER, S. R., Documents, ed. of 1889, 205-206, 268-270, 287-290; ed. of 1899, 287-288, 357-358, 380. GUIZOT, English Rev., app., 452-467. HALLIWELL, II, 352-477. Hamilton Papers (Camden Soc.), 106-253. Harleian Miscellany, 12-vol. ed., V, 485-582; VI, 5- 225; XII, 238-239; 8-vol. ed., I, 211-233, 262-267; II, 1-16, 463-480, 512-515; III, 404-405. 477-479. 530-533: IV > 359-3 6 4; V, 65-70, 93-98, 105-107; VII, 165-167, 511-541 ; VIII, 89-101, 248-265, 469- 489, 600-602. HENDERSON, E. F., Side-Lights, 85-103. HILL, 79-85. KENDALL, 245-250. Lauderdale Papers (Camden Soc.), I, 2-3, 6-9, 289-291. LEE, G. C., 364-372. NICHOLAS, SIR E., Papers (Camden Soc.), I, 62-107. old South Leaflets, II, no. 26, pp. 1-12. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxx, 241-245 [Bibl.]. ROGERS, Protests, I, 14-17. Syd- ney Papers, 1-61. Somers Tracts, IV, 606-626; V, 47-403, 407-664. STEDMAN and HUTCHINSON, American Literature, I, 93-117, 130-138, UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 335 206-209, 282-284. STEPHEN, Trials, I, 72-119. Thurloe Papers, I, 32-140. WALKER, E., Discourses, 125-153, 317-369. WALKER, E., Treaty of 1648, 3-98. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., French Nation, 201- 207. AIRY, Restoration (Epochs), 1-51 ; map, opposite title-page. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 362-369. CHEYNEY, England, xv, 444-453. CREIGHTON, L., Government, x, 80-86. CREIGHTON, M., Half-Hour Hist., xii, 132-139. DURUY, Modern Times, 267-285, 296-303; map, 284. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 545-560. GARDINER, S. R., Thirty Years' War (Epochs), 201-220. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, ix, 141- 145. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part II, 125-131 (FORSTER), 132-135 (MASSON). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 552-572; illus. ed., Ill, 1160- 1202; plan, 1172. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 176-181. LARNED, History for Schools, 403-420 ; map, 404. LAWLESS} Ireland (Nations), 261-272. LINGARD, England, abr., 465-478. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 247-251 ; map, 248. OMAN, England, xxvii, 392-402. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VII, iii, 569-585 ; map, 574. SCHWILL, Modern Eur., 141-160. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xxi, 529-571, passim. TERRY, B., England, 692-705. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book III, iii-iv, 356-365. WAKELING, King and Parliament (Oxford Manuals), v, 49-60. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essen- tials), xxiii, 330-337. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 244-250 (GUIZOT). W'RONG, British Nation, 369-377. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. VII, v-xi, 5 l ~ I 39- Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, 33, 660-661 (David Leslie). AUBREY, English Nation, II, 471-479. BAYNE, Puritan Revolution, vii, 259-295 (Montrose); viii, 299-346 (Milton); and see preceding sections. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 373 380. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 672-687. BROSCH, England (Ger- man ed.), VII, vii, 261, to viii, 306. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, II, Book VI, iii, 284-348 ; map, 336. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, VII, 199- 251. CAMPBELL, Admirals, II, xiv, 1-53. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, II, 618-631 ; III, 1-45. CORDERY, Absolute Monarchy, Book IV, 58- 83 ; map, 70. CORDERY and PHILLPOTTS, King and Commonwealth, vii-x, 148-247. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., Ill, 312- 397; plan, 314. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Richard Baxter, John Birch, Thomas Blood, William Cavendish, Thomas Chaloner, Richard Deane, John Lambert, Alexander Leslie, David Leslie, John Lilburne, Algernon Percy, Hugh Peters or Peter, William Waller, Bui- strode Whitelocke. FIRTH, Clarendon's History, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1904, XIX, 26-54. FIRTH, Cromwell's Army, iii, 34-67. FORSTER, 336 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Statesmen (Vane, Marten, Cromwell). FREEMAN, General Sketch, 271-272. FULLER, T., Church Hist., Ill, Book XI, Sects. V-VII, 466-504. GARDINER, S. R., Charles I and the Earl of Glamorgan, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1887, II, 687-708. GARDINER, S. R., Cromwell's Place, Lect. II, 22-43. GARDINER, S. R., Great Civil War, II-IV; many maps. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 227-257. GREEN, J. R., English People, III, 217-263; maps, 230, 242. GUIZOT, Charles I, II, Books VI-VIII, 169-440; app., 452-473. GUIZOT, English Revolution, 268- 436. HALL.AM, Constitutional Hist., I, 552-625. HANNAY, Navy, 180-194. Harleian Miscellany, i2-vol. ed., XII, 50-72. HAUSSER, Reformation, 546-559, 664-672. HUME, D., England, V, Ivii-lix, 175- 279 ; cf. Notes I-O, 528-534. INDERWICK, Interregnum, passim. JENNINGS, A. C., The Church, xiv, 362-396. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book IV, iii, 66-99. KITCHIN, France, III, 84-100. KNIGHT, Eng- land, IV, iii-vii, 31-112. LANG, Scotland, III, v-vii, 130-226; maps. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 631-635, LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 873-883 ; III, 1767-1769 (Ire.); IV, 2868 (Scot.). LA- VISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, V, 565-582, 640-646. LINGARD, England, VIII, 45-244; app., 623-633. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, xxiv, 334-344. OPPENHEIM, Navy, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1893, VIII, 496-499; 1894, IX, 473-492. PALFREY, New Eng., II, 69-111. PERKINS, France under Mazarin, I, 447-483. RANKE, England, II, 405-553. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book VI, iii, 397-440. SMYTH, Lectures, I, Lect. XVI, 392-411, passim. STRICKLAND, Queens, V, 336- 395 (Henrietta Maria). TRAILL, Social Eng., IV, 208-215, 325-329 (Scot.). TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts (Oman's Hist., V), viii-ix, 260- 291. TULLOCH, Puritanism, 97-120. WORDSWORTH, Biography, IV, v, 331-408. Biographical: BLAKE: Hannay, ii, 11-34. CROMWELL, OLIVER: Clark, G. H., i-v, 1-107. Firth (Heroes), 114-231; maps, 128, 198. Gardiner, S. R., 51-165. Gardiner, S. R., Biographies, 152- 197. Harrison, F. B. (Twelve Eng. Statesmen), v-vii, 79-129. Morley, J., Books II-III, 115-273. Picton, 167-277. Wilkinson, Cromwell to Wellington, 13-26. FAIRFAX: Markham, xiv-xxviii, 135-352; six plans. MILTON : Masson, III, Books II-IV, 83-729. Pattison (Eng. Men of Letters), 61-114. MONTROSE: Morris, M. (Eng. Men of Action), viii-xii, 139-229. Napier, II, ix-xix, 241-520. ORMOND, DUKE OF : Carte, III, 139-419. RUPERT, PRINCE : Warburton, II, iv, 353-478: app., 479-492; III, i-iii, 1-416; app., 515-560. VANE, SIR HENRY: Hosmer, Parts II-III, xi-xiv, 227-317; plan, 246. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 60, and general note, Sect. 2). ANDERSON, J. P., in GARNETT, Milton, app., pp. i-xxxix. Boston Pub. UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 337 Lib. Bull., XIII, no. 3, 212-249 (Tracts, 1625-1660). Bulletin of Bibl. (Apr., 1900, to Jan., 1901), II, 37-39, 53-56, 71-72, 90-91 (O. Cromwell). LANE, W. C., Catalogue of CARLYLE'S Books on Cromwell in Harvard Lib. Bibl. Contributions, no. 26, 3-6. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts, 527-534. WISHART, Memoirs of Montrose, pp. lix-lxii. Illustrative Material Prose. AINSWORTH, W. H., The Leaguer of Lathom ; a tale of the civil war in Lancashire. Leipzig, 1877. [B.P. L.] COBBAN, J. M., The Angel of the Covenant. New York, Methuen, 1898. [B.] DEFOE, DANIEL, Memoirs of a Cavalier. Lon- don, Bell, 1899. EDGAR, J. G., Cavalier and Roundheads : or, stories of the great civil war. New York, 1866. [B.P. L.] FLETCHER, J. S., When Charles the First was King. London, 1893. [B. P. L.] KNIGHT- LEY, S. R., The Cavaliers. New York, Harper, 1895. [B.] McCHES- NEY, D. G., Rupert, by the Grace of God. . . . London, Macmillan, 1899. MELVILLE, G. J. W., Holmby House; a tale of old Northamp- tonshire. New ed. London, 1870. [B. P. L.] MUSTERS, C. A., A Cavalier Stronghold ; a romance of the vale of Belvoir. London, 1890. [B. P. L.] PICKERING, EDGAR, The Dogs of War. New York, Warne, 1900. [Cin.] RAYMOND, WALTER, In the Smoke of War. New York, Macmillan, 1895. RHOSCOMYL, OWEN, Battlement and Tower. Long- mans, 1896. [Cin.] RODENBERG, JULIUS, King, "By the Grace of God." London, 1871. [B.P. L.] SCOTT, SIR WALTER, A Legend of Montrose. New York, Macmillan, 1893. YONGE, C. M., The Pigeon Pie ; a tale of Roundhead times. Boston, Roberts, 1863. YONGE, C. M., Stray Pearls. Macmillan, 1883. [B.] YONGE, C. M., Under the Storm : or, Steadfast's charge. New York, 1887. [Cin.] Illustrative Material Poetry. ARNOLD, MATTHEW, Cromwell. Battle of Philiphaugh, in AYTOUN, II ; MAIDMENT, Ballads, I. MACAU- LAY, T. B., The Battle of Naseby, in his Miscellaneous Works, IV. Majesty in Misery: poetic remains of some of the Scottish kings . . ., collected by GEORGE CHALMERS. London, Murray, 1824. Rupert's March, in THORNBURY. SECTION 53 The Commonwealth, 16491653 Summary. England a republic : organs of government ; support from the army. Conquest of Ireland, 1649-1652: Drogheda; Wex- ford; Ireton ; Cromwell's policy for Ireland. Conquest of Scotland: Montrose, Leslie, Charles II ; Cromwell in place of Fairfax ; Dunbar, 338 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 1650; Worcester, 1651 ; Monk. Conflict with the Dutch : the Navi- gation Acts, 1651 ; causes of difference with the Dutch; effects of the Acts ; war ; Ayscue, Monk, Blake, Van Tromp, De Ruyter ; treaty of 1654. The Protectorate: dissolution of the Rump Parliament; Bare- bone's (or the Little, or Nominative) Parliament ; the Protectorate, Dec., 1653. Sources Individual Works. BURNET, Dukes of Hamilton, Book VII, 529-555. BURNET, Own Time, I, 88-103 ! suppl., passim. CLARENDON, Great Rebellion, ed. of 1849, V, Book XIII, 144-299; VI, app., 587-589 ; Boyle ed., 236-243 ; also Boyle abr., see passim for characters of the period. CROMWELL, OLIVER, Letters and Speeches (CARLYLE), Harper ed., I, Part VI, 433-560; II, Part VII, 3-66; app., 571-573; Scribnered., II, 1-338; 111,1-84; IV, app., 260-277. EVELYN, Diary, I, 256-300. HALKETT, Autobiography (Camden Soc.), 26-86. HOBBES, Leviathan (Morley Lib.). HUTCHINSON, LUCY, Colonel Hutchinson, 344-363. LUDLOW, Memoirs, I, 344-430, 435-481. MIL- TON, Prose Works, Fletcher ed., 271-423, 587-603; especially 272-333, 338-411 ; Bohn Ser., 5 vols., passim. WALKER, E., Discourses, 157- 287. WHITELOCKE, Memorials, II, 516, to IV, 90. WISHART, REV. GEORGE, Memoirs of Montrose, 249334 ; cf. app., 507-537. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 394-407. ARBER, English Garner, new ed., Stuart Tracts, 1603-1693, 351-402, passim. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 582-647. Calendar, Com. Advance of Money, 1642-1656, II-III, 1011-1475, 1484-1485, 1501-1508. Calendar, Com. Compounding, 1643-1660, I, 137-663,813-825; III, 1904, to IV, 3172 ; V, 3289-3304, 3306-3309. Calendar, State Papers, Domestic, 1649- 1660, I-V ; VI, in part. Clarendon, State Papers, II, 506-572; app., li-lxix; III, 11-231; app., Ixxxv-xcv. Clarke Papers (Camden Soc.), II, 187-239; III, i-io; cf. pref. COBBETT, IV, 1155-1470; V, 1-324. COLBY, 199-200. GARDINER, S. R., Documents, ed. of 1889, 291-300, 308-313; ed. of 1899, 381-391, 400-404, 468-471. GARDINER, S. R., First Dutch War, 2 vols. GEE and HARDY, 574-575. Hamilton Papers (Camden Soc.), 254-256. Harleian Miscellany, 12-vol. ed., VI, 225-330; XI, app., 469-494. 544-55 2 ; 8 - vo1 - ed -. T 3 6 9-375; in . 473- 476; IV, 168-174, 267-275, 316-318, 364-366, 419-425; v 2 33- 2 39 319-320; VI, 52-61. HART, Contemporaries, I, 235-236. HENDER- SON, E. F., Side-Lights, 104-115. HILL, 85-99 (cf. 100-114). KEN- DALL, 251-253. LEE, G. C., 373-376. MACDONALD, Charters, 106- tio. NICHOLAS, SIR E., Papers (Camden Soc.), I, 108-322; II, 1-34; cf. pref. Old South Leaflets, III, no. 63, pp. 1-24. ROBINSON, Read- ings, II, xxx, 245-250 [Bibl.]. Sydney Papers, 61-144. Somers Tracts, UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 339 VI, 29-177 ; VII, 3-46. STEDMAN and HUTCHINSON, American Liter- ature, I, 246-251. Thurloe Papers, I, 141-660. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 360-361, 412-413. AIRY (Epochs), Restoration, 51-74. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 369-374. BISHOP, Pictures, 216-221 (CARLYLE). CALDECOTT, Colonization (Univ. Extension Manuals), 29-32 [Bibl.]. CHEYNEY, England, xv, 453-460. CLARK, W., Anglican Reformation (Epochs Church Hist.), xxix, 435-440. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, 410-411 ; map, 322. DURUY, Modern Times, 303- 310. GARDINER, S. R., Puritan Revolution (Epochs), 160-173. GAR- DINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 561-568. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, ix, 145-151; plan, 147. GREEN, J.R., Readings, Part II, 136-142 (GuizoT). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 572-586; illus. ed., Ill, 1205-1231. HIG- GINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 182-187. HOSMER, Anglo- Saxon Freedom, x, 146-162. LJNGARD, England, abr., 479-492. MACKINTOSH, JOHN, Scotland (Nations), 207-212. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 251-254. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 521-528. OMAN, England, xxvii-xxviii, 402-412. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VII, iv, 586-600 ; map, 589 ; plans, 592, 594. RANSOME, Gov- ernment, xiv, 163-164. SCHWILL, Modern Eur., 183-188. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xxii, 572-597. TERRY, B., England, 705-729. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book III, iv, 365-374; maps, 367-370; plan, 369. WAKELING, King and Parliament (Oxford Manuals), vi, 60-64. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxiv, 339-345 ; map, 340. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 250-255 (FORSTER), 256-259 (GARDINER). WRONG, British Nation, 379-389. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. VII, xii-xv, 140-197. Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, II, 479- 491. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 381-390. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 688-704. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VII, ix, 307-334. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, II, Book VI, iv, 349-363 ; map, 358. BUR- TON, J. H., Scotland, VII, 252-334. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, III, 46- 55. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, xii-xiv, 340-392 ; xvi, 407-427. CORDERY and PHILLPOTTS, King and Commonwealth, xii-xiii, 277-327. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., Ill, 398-414. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Nathaniel Bacon, William Lenthall, Edmund Ludlow, Edward Montagu. Dow, J. G., Political Ideals, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1891, VI, 306-330. FIRTH, Clarendon's History, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1904, XIX, 246-262. FISKE, Old Virginia, II, x, 1-44. FORSTER, States- men (Vane, Marten, Cromwell). Foss, Judges, see especially 722- 727 (Bulstrode Whitelocke). GARDINER, S. R., Cromwell's Place, 340 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Lect. Ill, 44-85. GARDINER, S. R., Cromwell and Mazarin in 1652, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1896, XI, 479-509. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 257-292. GREEN, J. R., English People, III, 264-278. GREEN, Mrs. M. A. E., Princesses, VI, 335-392. GUIZOT, Cromwell, I, Books I-IV, 25-318; app., 321-426. HALLAM, Constitutional Hist., II, 1-67. HANNAY, Navy, 195-275. HAUSSER, Reformation, 673-695. HUME, D., Eng- land, V, Ix-lxi, 280-342; cf. Notes P-R, 534-535. INDERWICK, Inter- regnum. JENKS, Commonwealth (Cambridge Hist. Essays), i-ii, i- 66. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book IV, iv, 100-119. KITCHIN, France, III, 101-120. KNIGHT, England, IV, viii-xi, 113-176. LANG, Scot- land, III, viii-ix, 228-270; maps. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitu- tional Hist., 635. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 883-886; III, 1768- 1770 (Ire.); IV, 2868-2870 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, VI, 15-40, 54-60. LINGARD, England, VIII, 245-397; app., 633-646. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, xxv, 345-357. OPPEN- HEIM, Navy, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1896, XI, 20-81. PALFREY, New Eng., II, 273-318. RANKE, England, III, Book XI, 3-97. SEELEY, British Policy, II, Part III, i, 1-42. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book VII, i-ii, 443-455. SMYTH, Lectures, I, Lect. XVII, 412-429, passim. STRICK- LAND, Queens, V, 396-418 (Henrietta Maria). TRAILL, Social Eng., IV, 239-240, 339-344 (Ire.), 3 2 9-334 (Scot.). TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts (Oman's Hist., V), x, 292-306. TULLOCH, Puritanism, 120- 137. Biographical: BLAKE: Hannay, iii-vii, 35-113. CROMWELL, OLIVER : Clark, G. H., vi-x, 107-258. Firth (Heroes), xii-xv, 233-325 ; maps, 256, 282, 292. Gardiner, S. R., 166-227. Harrison, F. B. (Twelve Eng. Statesmen), viii-x, 130-191. Morley, J., Book IV, 277-352. Picton, xvii-xxiii, 277-399. Wilkinson, Cromwell to Wellington, 26-49. FAIRFAX: Markham, xxix, 353-362. MILTON: Masson, IV, Books I- II, 3-494. Pattison (Eng. Men of Letters), 115-135. MONTROSE: Napier, II, xx, 521-558; app. and notes, 559-565, 574-582. ORMOND, DUKE OF: Carte, III, 419-631. SHAFTESBURY: Christie, I, iii, 54-89 ; App. II, pp. xxv-lv. Traill (Eng. Worthies), i-ii, 1-28. VANE, SIR HENRY: Hosmer, Part III, xiv-xvii, 312-418. Bibliography (see under Sect. 52). Illustrative Material Prose. AINSWORTH, W. H., Boscobel: or, the royal oak; a tale of the year 1651. London, 1879. [B. P. L.] AINSWORTH, W. H., Orvingdean Grange ; a tale of the South Downs. London, Routledge. BARR, A. E., Friend Olivia. New York, Dodd, 1898. BRERETON, F. S., In the King's Service. New York, Scribner, 1901. Dix, B. M., The Making of Christopher Ferringham. London, Macmillan, 1901. DUMAS, ALEXANDRE, Twenty Years After. Tr. UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 341 2 vols. Boston, Little, 1898. [B.] FIELD, Mrs. E. M., Ethne; being a truthful historie of the great and final settlement of Ireland by Oliver Cromwell. . . . London, 1887. FINNEMORE, JOHN, The Red Men of the Dusk. [B.] GREEN, E. E., After Worcester. Nelson, 1901. HAR- RINGTON, JAMES, The Commonwealth of Oceana. London, 1771. [B. P. L.] JAMES, G. P. R., The Cavalier. Philadelphia, 1859. [B. P. L.] JAMES, G. P. R., Henry Masterton : or, the adventures of a young cavalier. New York, 1832. [B. P. L.] MARTINEAU, HARRIET, The Settlers at Home, in her The Playfellow. London, 1872. [B. P. L.] SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Woodstock: or, the cavalier; a tale of the year 1651. New York, Appleton, 1877. SMITH, HORACE, Brambletye House: or, cavaliers and roundheads. Boston, 1826. [B.P. L.] Illustrative Material Poetry. MARVELL, ANDREW, A Horatian Ode upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland, in his Works. MILTON, JOHN, To Sir Henry Vane the Younger ; sonnet. MILTON, JOHN, To the Lord General Cromwell ; sonnet. SECTION 54 The Protectorate, 1653-1660 Summary. Oliver Cromwell: the open supremacy of the army; the Instrument of Government, 1653; character of the government provided for ; real power of Oliver ; domestic policy and reforms ; diffi- culties of government ; the major-generals ; alienation of the people ; the Humble Petition and Advice, 1657. Foreign affairs: treaty with the Dutch ; treaty with the French ; protection of the Vaudois ; treaty with Sweden ; war with Spain (Penn, Venables, Blake, Dunkirk) ; war with the Barbary States. Death of Oliver, Sept., 1657 ; his character and achievements. Richard Cromwell : manner of succession ; char- acter ; difficulties ; abdication. Reaction under Monk : the restored Parliament ; calling of the Convention Parliament ; the Declaration of Breda, Apr., 1660. Summary of the period, 1640-1660. Sources Individual "Works. BURNET, Own Time, I, 103-149; suppl., passim. BURTON, T., Diary, 4 vols. CLARENDON, Great Rebel- lion, ed. of 1849, V, Book XIV, 300-435 ; VI, Books XV-XVI, 1-265; app., 589-600 ; Boyle ed., 243-286 ; also Boyle abr., see passim for characters of the period. CLARENDON, Life, Part I, 117-133. CROM- WELL, OLIVER, Letters and Speeches (CARLYLE), Harper ed., II, Parts VIII-X, 77-541 ; app., 573-588; Scribner ed., Ill, 85-341 ; IV, 1-208; App. IV, 277-298; cf. also introd., I, 1-84. EVELYN, Diary, I, 342 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 300-353, 425-429 ; cf. app. HALKETT, Autobiography (Camden Soc., 1875), 86-107. HARRINGTON, J., Oceana (Morley Lib.). HUTCHIN- SON, LUCY, Colonel Hutchinson, 363-403. LUDLOW, Memoirs, II, 481-878. MILTON, Prose Works, 424-456, 603-646, 919-949. PEPYS, Diary, Braybrooke ed., I, 1-203. SYDNEY, Works, 3-22 (Thurloe State Papers ; separate paging) ; 3-13 (Sydney Papers, separate paging). WELWOOD, Memoirs, 107-119. WHITELOCKE, Memorials, IV, 90-416. WHITELOCKE, Journal, 2 vols. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 407-420. ARBER, English Garner, IV, 623-643; new ed., Stuart Tracts, 1603-1693, 403- 423. BREWER, IV, 1484-1492 ; X, 3683-3685. BUND, WILLIS-, I, 648-734. Calendar, Com. Advance of Money, 1642-1656, Part III, 1475-1482. Calendar, Com. Compounding, 1643-1660, I, 663-777, 825-826; Part IV, 3172, to V, 3260. Calendar, State Papers, Domestic, 1649-1660, VI-XIII. Calendar, Treasury, 1556-1728, I, 4. CARTE, Ormond, V, 25-28. Clarendon, State Papers, III, 231-750; app., c-civ. CLARKE, Orations, 14-39. Clarke Papers (Camden Soc.), II, 239-246; III, 10-217; IV. COBBETT, V, 323-948. COLBY, 200-203. GARDINER, S. R., Documents, ed. of 1889, 314-329; ed. of 1899, 405-422. GEE and HARDY, 576-585. Harleian Miscellany, 12-vol. ed., I, 17-23, 25-28 ; VI, 331-552 ; VII, 9-1 1 1 ; 8-vol. ed., I, 14- 18, 20-22, 272-288; II, 272-274; III, 132-137, 273-277, 326-335, 429- 473 487-5: v > 2 49. 396-399. 495~5 I 3; VI - 39 2 ~42 ; VII, 507-510; VIII, 80-84, 293-296, 580-583. HATTON, Correspondence (Camden Soc.), I, 7-21. KENDALL, 254-264. LARNED, II, 887-891. Lauder- dale Papers (Camden Soc.), I, 3-6, 285-289. LEE, 377-393. MAC- DONALD, Charters, 110-116. NICHOLAS, SIR E., Papers (Camden Soc.), II, 34-355 ; III. Old South Leaflets, II, no. 27, pp. 1-12 ; no. 28, pp. 1-20; III, no. 62, pp. 1-16. POLLARD, A. F., Pamphlets, 33-36 ; cf. introd., 9-31. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxx, 250-252 [Bibl.]. Sydney Papers, 144-157, 163-180; cf. notes, 261-284. SHAW, W. A., Relief of Protestant Refugees, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1894, IX, 681-683, a PP- Somers Tracts, 1,473-474; VI, 3-25, 177-590; VII, 49-231. STEDMAN and HUTCHINSON, American Literature, I, 209-211, 316-318. TAYLOR, W. F., Charles II (Eng. Contemp.), I, 1-19. Thurloe Papers, I, 661-768 ; II-VII, 744, 755, etc. VENABLES, Narrative (Camden, Roy. Hist. Soc.). Modern Accounts, Group I. AIRY (Epochs), Restoration, 74-88. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 374-382, CHEYNEY, England, xv, 460-464. DURUY, Modern Times, 303-310. GARDINER, S. R., Puritan Revolu- tion (Epochs), 173-194. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 568-577. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part II, 147-152 (GuizoT). GREEN, J. R., UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 343 Short Hist., 586-600; illus. ed., Ill, 1233-1 285 ; map, 1256. HIGGIN- SON and CHANNING, English Hist., 188-195. LARNED, History for Schools, 424-443. LINGARD, England, abr., 492-501. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 254-261. MORRIS, W. O., Ireland (Cambridge Hist.), v, 122-162. OMAN, England, xxviii, 412-419. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VII, iv, 600-612. RANSOME, Government, xiv, 164-168. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, I, xxiii, 598-650. TERRY, B., England, 722-741. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book III, v, 375- 386. WAKELING, King and Parliament (Oxford Manuals), vi, 64-69. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxiv, 345-351- WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 260-267 (MASSON). WRONG, British Nation, 389-404. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. VII, xvi-xix, 198-244. Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, II, 491- 507; III, 2-1 1. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 704-721. BROSCH, Eng- land (German ed.), VII, ix-x, 334-393. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, II, Book VI, v, 364-379. CAMPBELL, Admirals, II, xv, 54-132. CAMP- BELL, Chancellors, III, 56-186. CATTERALL, Failure of the Humble Petition and Advice, in Am. Hist. Rev., Oct., 1893, XI, 36-65. COR- DERY, Absolute Monarchy, Book V, 84-101 ; map, 97. CORDERY and PHILLPOTTS, King and Commonwealth, xiv-xvi, 328-385. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., Ill, 414-432. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Arthur Annesley, James Berry, Henry Cromwell, Oliver Cromwell, Richard Cromwell, John Hutchinson, Harry or Henry Mar- ten, Mary, Edward Montagu or Mountagu, Algernon Sidney. FIRTH, Clarendon's History, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1904, XIX, 246-262. FIRTH, Dunbar, in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Ser., XIV, 19-52. FIRTH, Crom- well and the Crown, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1902, XVII, 429-442 ; 1903, XVIII, 52-80. FORSTER, Statesmen, see for Vane, Marten, Cromwell. GARDINER, S. R., Cromwell's Place, Lect. V, 86-101 ; VI, 102-116. GRANT, A. J., French Monarchy, I, 263-305. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 292-315. GREEN, J. R., English People, III, 279-322. GREEN, Mrs. M. A. E., Princesses, VI, 100-334. GUIZOT, Cromwell, II, Books V- VIII, 25-357 ; app., 361-511. HANNAY, Navy, 276-298. HUME, D., England, V, Ixi-lxii, 343-441 ; cf. Notes S-T, 535. INDERWICK, Inter- regnum, passim. JENKS, Commonwealth, iii-iv, 67-150. JENNINGS, A. C., The Church, xv, 397-402. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book IV, iv, 119-128. KITCHIN, France, III, 121-142; map, 136. KNIGHT, Eng- land, IV, xii-xiv, 177-240. LANG, Scotland, III, ix, 270-280. LANQ- MEAD, TASWELL-, English Const., 635-638. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 886-893; m 1 77 ( Tre -); IV 2870-2871 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, VI, 40-51, 60-68, 929-931. LINGARD, 344 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY England, VIII, 398-621 ; app., 646-650. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, III, 1681-1689. OPPENHEIM, Navy, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1896, XI, 20-81. PALFREY, New Eng., II, 416-421. PERKINS, J. B., France under Mazarin, II, 246-356. PERKINS, J. B., France under Regency, ii, 23-51. RANKE, England, III, Books XII- XIII, 101-308. SEELEY, British Policy, II, Part III, ii-iii, 43-100. SMITH, J., English Statesmen, 56-114. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book VII, iii-iv, 456-492. SMYTH, Lectures, I, Lect. XVII, 412-429, passim. STRICKLAND, Queens, V, 418-440 (Henrietta Maria). TRAILL, Social Eng., IV, 240-245, 260-270. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts (OMAN'S Hist., V), x, 306-330. TULLOCH, Puritanism, 137-164. Biographical: BLAKE: Hannay, viii-xii, 114-190. Laughton, Howard to Nelson, 83- 123. CROMWELL, OLIVER: Firth (Heroes), xvi-xxiii, 326-486. Gardi- ner, S. R., 227-319. . Harrison, F. B. (Twelve Eng. Statesmen), xi-xiv, 192-228. Morley, J., Book V, 355-472. Palgrave. Picton, xxiv-xxx, 399-506. FAIRFAX : Markham, xxx, 363-374. MILTON : Masson, IV, Book III, 497-642 ; V, whole vol. ORMOND, DUKE OF : Carte, III, 631-706. SHAFTESBURY : Christie, I, iv-vii, 90-226; App. III-V, pp. Ivi-lxxvii. Traill (Eng. Worthies), iii, 29-44. VANE, SIR HENRY: Hosmer, Part IV, xviii-xix, 419-479. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 60, and general note, Sect. 2). See ANDERSON, Boston Pub. Lib. Bull., Bulletin of Bibl., and LANE, as in Sect. 52 ; also : FIRTH, Dunbar, in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Ser., XIV, 50-52. PALGRAVE, O., Cromwell, pp. xv-xxi, and footnotes. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts, 527-534. Illustrative Material Prose. BARR, A. E., The Lion's Whelp ; a story of Cromwell's time. New York, Dodd, 1901. CAINE, HALL, The Shadow of a Crime. Boston, 1885. [B.] CHARLES, ELIZABETH, The Draytons and the Davenants ; a story of the civil wars. New York, Dodd, 1868. CHARLES, ELIZABETH, On Both Sides of the Sea. New York, Dodd, 1868. Illustrative Material Poetry. DRYDEN, JOHN, Heroic Stanzas on the Death of Oliver Cromwell. . . . HUGO, VICTOR, Cromwell. Drame. LYTTON, BULWER-, Cromwell's Dream, in his Poetical Works, ed. of 1852, I. MARVELL, ANDREW, The First Anniversary of the Government under his Highness, the Lord Protector, in his Works. MARVELL, ANDREW, On the Victory of Blake over the Spaniards in the Bay of Santa Cruz in the Island of Teneriffe, 1657, in his Works. MARVELL, ANDREW, A Poem upon the Death of His Late Highness, the Lord Protector, in his Works. MILTON, Sonnet : Avenge, O Lord, thy Slaughtered Saints ; on the late massacre in Piemont. UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 345 SECTION 55 Charles II (A), 1660-1667 Summary. Restoration of monarchy, May i, 1660 ; its real nature ; accession of Charles II; the king's character and training, marriage, extravagance ; high officials, Clarendon (Sir Edward Hyde), chief adviser, the Duke of York, Albemarle (Monk). Acts of the Conven- tion Parliament relating to the army, to confiscated estates, amnesty, revenue, and religion. The Savoy Conference. Acts of the Scotch Loyalist Parliament of 1661. The Cavalier Parliament: the Corpora- tion Act, 1661 ; the Act of Uniformity, 1662; Dissenters; the Con- venticle Act, 1664; the Five Mile Act, 1665. Real power of the Church of England. The Great Plague and Fire. The Dutch War : causes ; widespread character ; English successes and defeats ; the Treaty of Breda between England, Holland, France, and Denmark, July, 1667. Sale of Dunkirk. Dislike for the king ; fall of Clarendon. Sources Individual Works. BURNET, Own Time, I, 150-453; suppl., passim. CLARENDON, Great Rebellion, Boyle ed., 286-345 ; also Boyle abr. ; see passim for characters of the period. CLARENDON, Life, Part II, 1-523. COMINGES, in JUSSERAND, Court of Charles II, 11-183. EVELYN, Diary, I, 353-422, cf. app., 430-434; II, 1-22. HUTCHINSON, LUCY, Colonel Hutchinson, 403-483. LUDLOW, Memoirs, 111,1-253. PEPYS, Diary, Braybrookeed., 1,203-304; II-V. SYDNEY, Works, 13-56 (Sydney Papers, separate paging). WELWOOD, Memoirs, 119-128. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 420-434. ARBER, English Garner, I, 25-30; new ed., Stuart Tracts, 1603-1693, 425-467, passim. BREWER, VI, 2159-2163; X, 3685-3688. Calendar, State Papers, Domestic, 1660-1673, 7 v l s - f r 16601667 ; and see vol. for 1670, addenda, passim. Calendar, Treasury, 1556-1728, I, 4-5. CARTE, Ormond, V, 28-57. Clarendon, State Papers, III, pp. i- xxxviii; app., xcv-c. COBBETT, V, 9471516; VI, 1-866. COLBY, 203-208. ELLIS, Third Ser., IV, 277-296. English Hist. Rep., II, 29- 31 [Bibl.]. GARDINER, S. R., Documents, ed. of 1889,351-352; ed. of 1899, 465-467. GEE and HARDY, 585-623. Harleian Miscellany, 12- vol. ed., VII, 111-347; 8-vol. ed., I, 267-270; II, 458-459; III, 31-36, 282-294, 357-359, 5I9-S 26 : IV J74-I79. 186-187; V, 172-1751 VI 258-274, 381-392 ; VII, 283-293, 430-434. HART, Contemporaries, I, 184-186, 454-457, 537-541. HATTON, Correspondence (Camden Soc.), I, 21-54. HENDERSON, E. F., Side-Lights, 115-142. KENDALL, 346 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 265-277. Lauderdale Papers (Camden Soc.), I, 10-283, 291-298. LEE, G. C., 394-398. Old South Leaflets, III, no. 64, pp. 1-24. POLLARD, A. F., Pamphlets, 37-57. POORE, Constitutions, I, 783-785. RAND, Economic Hist., App. I, 511-514. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 1-35, 217-223; and see app., passim. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxx, 253- 259 [Bibl.]. ROGERS, Protests, I, 17-38. Sydney Papers, 158-161, 181-260. Somers Tracts, VII, 385-660. Statutes at Large, III, 1-149. STEPHEN, Trials, 1, 120-235 ; III, 105-128. TAYLOR, W. F., Charles II, ii-iv, 20-77. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 366, 375-376. AIRY, Restoration (Epochs), 88-99, 126-162. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 382-389. CHEYNEY, England, xvi, 466-479. CLARK, W., Anglican Reformation (Epochs Church Hist.), xxx, 441-459. EWALD, State Papers, 333-363. GARDINER, S. R., Puritan Revolution (Epochs), 1 95-207. GARDINER, S.R., Student's Hist., 578-595. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part III, 1-6 (MACAULAY). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 600-629; illus. ed., Ill, 1317-1349. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, Eng- lish Hist., 196-202. JENKS, Parliamentary England (Nations), i, 1-30, passim [Bibl.]. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 273-276. LINGARD, England, abr., 502-506. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 261-268. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 530-535. OMAN, England, xxix, 420-428. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VII, v, 613-623. RAN- SOME, Government, xv, 169-176. SCHWILL, Modem Eur., 188-196. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 102-115. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, i, 1-27. TERRY, B., England, 742-759. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book III, vi, 386-398; map, 394. WAKELING, King and Parliament (Oxford Manuals), vii, 69-87. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxv, 355-362. WHEELER, A, M., Sketches, 267-271 (GuizoT). WHITCOMB, Modern Eur., 105-111. WRONG, British Nation, 404-413. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. VII, xx-xxiii, 245-292. Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, I, 562-563 (Argyle). AUBREY, English Nation, III, 11-33. BAYNE, Puritan Revolution, xi, 437-502. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 391-403. BLUNT, Reformation, II, ix, 549-582. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 722- 740. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VII, xi, 393-419. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, VII, 386-467. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, III, 187-271. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, xv, 392-406. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Picto- rial Hist., Ill, 662-705. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Edward Backwell, John Bunyan, Catherine (of Braganza), Charles II, Thomas Dalyell or Dalzell, Thomas Fuller, Anne Hyde, Edward Hyde, John Maitland, Edward Nicholas, Samuel Pepys, William Pretty. FIRTH, UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 347 Clarendon's History, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1904, XIX, 464-483. Foss, Judges, see especially 361-364 (Hyde). -GNEIST, Constitution, II, 275- 285. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 315-333. GREEN, J. R., English People, II, 327-385. GREEN, Mrs. M. A. E., Princesses, VI, 1-87, 399-590. HANNAY, Navy, 334-397. HELMOLT, World, VII, 448-451. HILDRETH, Judges, ix, 132-141 (R. Foster); x, 142-151 (Hyde). HOOK, W. F., Archbishops, xxxviii-xxxix, 394-436. HUME, D., England, V, Ixiii-lxiv, 442-507 ; cf. Note U, 535-536. INDERWICK, Interregnum, passim. JUSSERAND, Court of Charles II, 1 1-183. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book IV, v, 129-146. KITCHIN, France, III, 143-174. KNIGHT, England, IV, xv-xviii, 241-308. LANG, Scotland, III, x, 283-309. LANGMEAD, TAS- WELL-, Constitutional Hist., 639-647. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 893-895; III, 1770 (Ire.); IV, 2871 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, VI, 68-76. LINGARD, England, IX, 1-155; app., 503. MACAULAY, England, I, 145-185. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, III, 1689-1723. O'FLANAGAN, Chancel- lors of Ire., I, xxvi, 358-377. PALFREY, New Eng., II, 421-446, 494- 531. POCOCK, N., Restoration Settlement of English Church, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1886, I, 677-698. RANKE, England, III, 311-463. RIDE- ING, London, vii-viii, 109-129. SEELEY, British Policy, II, Part IV, i-ii, 101-170. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book VIII, i, 495-501. SMYTH, Lectures, I, Lect. XVII, 412-429, passim; II, Lect. XVIII, i- 23. STRICKLAND, Queens, V, 441-486 (Henrietta Maria), 487-600 (Catharine of Braganza). TRAILL, Social Eng., IV, 346-347. TREVEL- YAN, G. M., Stuarts (Oman's Hist., V), xi, 331-361. WEEDEN, New Eng., I, 232-267. WORDSWORTH, Biography, IV, viii, 525-597. Bio- graphical: CHURCHILL: Wolseley, I, i-v, 1-43. FAIRFAX: Markham, xxxi-xxxiii, 375-414. ORMOND, DUKE OF: Carte, IV, 1-311. RUSSELL, LORD WM. : Russell, Lord John, i-iii, 1-65. SHAFTESBURY : Christie, I, viii-x, 227-317; App. VI, pp. Ixxviii-lxxxi. Traill (Eng. Worthies), iv, 45-56. VANE, SIR HENRY : Hosmer, Part IV, xx-xxiii, 480-568. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 60, and general note, Sect. 2). Calendar, State Papers, Domestic, 1660-1673; see pref. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts, 527-534. Illustrative Material Prose. AINSWORTH, W. H., Old St. Paul's. Philadelphia, Lippincott. DEFOE, DANIEL, Journal of the Plague Year. . . . London, 1722. HATTON, JOSEPH, The Dagger and the Cross. New York, Fenno, 1897. [B.] HENTY, G. A., When London Burned. New York, Scribner, 1895. HUNT, LEIGH, Sir Ralph Esher. London, 1850. [B.P. L.] JAMES, G. P. R., The Robber. New York, 1847. [Cin.] MANNING, ANNE, Cherry and Violet; a story of the 348 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY plague. New York, Dodd, 1864. PEMBERTON, MAX, A Puritan's Wife. New York, Dodd, 1896. PICKERING, EDGAR, Silas Verney; being the story of his adventures in the days of King Charles II. London, 1892. [B.P. L.] ROBINSON, JANE, Whitefriars: or, the days of Charles II. New ed. Philadelphia, 1877. [B. P. L.] SCHIMMEL, H. J., Mary Hollis. London, 1872. [B.P.L.] YONGE, C. M., A Reputed Changeling. London, Macmillan, 1889. [B.] Illustrative Material Poetry. DRYDEN, JOHN, Annus Mira- bilis : the year of wonders, 1666. DRYDEN, JOHN, Astraea Redux; a poem on the restoration of King Charles II. DRYDEN, JOHN, Satire on the Dutch. DRYDEN, JOHN, To his Sacred Majesty, a Panegyric on his Coronation. DRYDEN, JOHN, To the Lord-Chancellor Hyde. MARVELL, ANDREW, Clarendon's House-warming, in his Works. MAR- VELL, ANDREW, Instructions to a Painter about the Dutch Wars, 1667, in his Works. WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM, Charles the Second. SECTION 56 Charles II (B), 1667-1674 Summary. Foreign affairs : the continental War of Devolution, 1667-1668 ; the Triple Alliance of England, Holland, and Sweden, 1668 ; Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1668; the Secret Treaty of Dover, 1670; warwith Holland, 1672-1674; Treaty of Westminster, 1674. Domestic affairs : the Cabal ; the treasury deficit, financial devices of the King, the Stop of the Exchequer, 1672; the Second Conventicle Act, 1670; the Declaration of Indulgence, 1672 ; objections from Parliament and withdrawal of the Declaration, 1673; tne Test Act, 1673; gradual dissolution of the Cabal. Sources Individual Works. BURNET, Own Time, I, 454-607; II, 3-61 ; suppl., passim. EVELYN, Diary, II, 22-96. PERWICH, Despatches (Camden Soc.), 1-291 ; cf. pref. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 434-439. ARBER, English Garner, I, 61-62 ; VII, 243-316; new ed., Voyages and Travels, II, 431-434. BREWER, VIII, 3162-3167. Calendar, State Papers, Domestic, 1660-1673, 8 vols. for 1667-1673; and see vol. for 1670, Addenda, passim. Calendar, Treasury, 1556-1728, I, 5-7. CARTE, Ormond, V, 57-124. Clarendon, State Papers, III, pp. xxxviii-lxxxiv. COBBETT, Trials, VI, 865-1120. COLBY, 210-212. English Hist. Rep., II, 32-34 [Bibl.]. Essex Papers (Camden Soc.), I, 1-176. GEE and HARDY, 623-640. Harleian Miscellany, 12-vol. ed., VII, 347-608; VIII, UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 349 1-61; IX, 1-8; 8-vol. ed., 1,343-356; 11,387-392,582-594; III, 1-16; IV, 469-479; V, 42-43; VI, 121-128; VIII, 123-164. HATTON, Cor- respondence (Camden Soc.), I, 54-119. Lauderdale Papers (Camden Soc.), II. LEE, G. C., 398-399. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 35-45, 223-229; and see app., passim. ROGERS, Protests, I, 39-43. SMITH, EDWARD, Visitors, 9-25. Somers Tracts, I, 292-299; VIII, 3-31. Statutes at Large, III, 149-217. STEDMAN and HUTCHINSON, Ameri- can Lit, I, 180-189, 419-426. TAYLOR, W. F., Charles II (Eng. Contemp.), v, 79-132. Modern Accounts, Group I. AIRY, Restoration (Epochs), 162- 185, 201-207, 229-239 ; map, 172. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 389-392. CHEYNEY, England, xvi, 479-485. GARDINER, S. R., Puritan Revolu- tion (Epochs), 207-211. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 596-609. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 629-647 ; illus. ed., Ill, 1351-1382. HIG- GINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 202-204. JENKS, Parliamentary Eng. (Nations), i, 1-30, passim [Bibl.]. LINGARD, England, abr., 506- 509. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 268-270. OMAN, England, xxix, 428-431. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VII, v, 623-630. RAN- SOME, Government, xv, 176-181. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 115-119. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, i, 27-34. STEPHENS, H. M., Portugal (Nations), 326-348. TERRY, B., England, 760-766. TERRY, B., His- tory for Schools, Part III, Book III, vii, 398-402. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxv, 362-365. WRONG, British Nation, 413-416. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. VII, xxiv-xxvi, 293317. Modern Accounts, Group II. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 739- 746. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VII, xi, 419-434. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, III, 272-287. CAMPBELL, Justices, I, xvii-xviii, 428-463. COLLINS, E. D., Royal African Co., in Am. Hist. Ass'n, Rep., 1900, I, 139-192. COOKE, G. W., Party, I, i, 1-19. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., Ill, 705-711. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Henry Bennett, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Henry Morgan, Thomas Osborne, William Temple, George Villiers. Foss, Judges, see espe- cially 319-322 (Matthew Hale). GNEIST, Parliament, V, 243-310. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 333-345. GREEN, English People, III, 386-412. HALLAM, Constitutional Hist., II, 68-153. HANNAY, Navy, 398-443. HILDRETH, Judges, xi, 152-162 (J. Kelynge). HOZIER, Invasions, I, xiv, 237-239. HUME, D., England, V, Ixiv, 507-524; VI, Ixv-lxvi, i- 63; cf. Notes A-B, 333. KNIGHT, England, IV, xix, 309-321. LANG, Scotland, III, xi, 311-328. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 895-897; IV, 2871-2873 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, VI, 77-110, 430-432. LINGARD, England, IX, 155-294; app., 503-512. 350 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY MACAULAY, England, I, 185-209. MACAULAY, Essays, IV, 1-15 (Sir Wm. Temple). MAHAN, Influence of Sea Power, 139-158; plans, 146, 153. PALFREY, New Eng., Ill, 4-34. RANKE, England, III, 464-571. SEELEY, British Policy, II, Part IV, iii-iv, 171-220. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, I, Book VIII, ii, 502-527. SMYTH, Lectures, II, Lect. XIX, 24-42, passim; notes, 43-49. STRICKLAND, Queens, V, 600-635 (Catharine of Braganza). TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts (Oman's Hist., V), xi, 361-379. WORDSWORTH, Biography, IV, ix, 603-676. Bio- graphical: CARSTARES: Story, R. H., i-ii, 1-43; app., 373-376. CHURCHILL: Wolseley, I, vi-xix, 44-143. ORMOND, DUKE OF: Carte, IV, 311-500. RUSSELL, LORD WM.: Russell, Lord John, iii, 43-65. SHAFTESBURY: Christie, II, xi-xiii, 1-178; App. I-V, pp. v-lxxvi. Traill (Eng. Worthies), v-vi, 57-97. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 60, and general note, Sect. 2). Calendar, State Papers, Domestic, 1660-1673; see pref. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts, 527-534. Illustrative Material Prose. BLACKMORE, R. D., Lorna Doone ; a romance of Exmoor. CALDECOTT, MARIAN, Agnes Beaumont ; a true story of the year 1670. London, 1874. [B. P. L.] MACFARLANE, CHARLES, The Dutch in the Medway. London, 1845. [B.P.L.] Illustrative Material Poetry. CROWNE, JOHN, City Politicks, in his Works, II. JERROLD, DOUGLAS, Nell Gwynne : or, the prologue, in his Writings, ed. of 1854, VIII. MARVELL, ANDREW, On the Lord Mayor, and Court of Aldermen, presenting the King and the Duke of York, each with a Copy of his Freedom, A.D. 1674, in his Works, SECTION 57 Charles II (}, 1674-1681 Summary. Ascendancy of Danby : Titus Gates, and the " Popish Plot," 1678; the Disabling Act; impeachment of Danby, 1678-1679. Ascendancy of Shaftesbury and Russell: the question of the succes- sion to the crown (the Duke of Monmouth ; the second marriage of James, Duke of York, 1673 ; the marriage of Mary and William of Orange, 1677); the third Parliament, 1679; tne Exclusion Bill; the Council of Thirty, the Cabinet Council; the Habeas Corpus Act, 1679 ! Petitioners and Abhorrers ; fourth arid fifth Parliaments ; Tory reaction. Troubles in Scotland. Sources Individual Works. BURNET, Own Time, II, 61-286 ; suppl., passim. EVELYN, Diary, II, 96-163. LUTTRELL. State Affairs, UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 351 I, 5-72. PERWICH, Despatches (Camden Soc.), 291-332. SYDNEY, Works, 3-54 (Letters to Savile, separate paging). Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 439-448. BREWER, Orations, VII, 2771-2774 (Lewis). Calendar, Treasury, 1556-1728, I, 7-9. CARTE, Orrnond, V, 124-164. COBBETT, Trials, VI, 1121-1512; VII; VIII, 1-758. COLBY, 212-214. ELLIS, Third Ser., IV, 296-311. Essex Papers (Camden Soc.), I, 176-324. Harleian Miscellany, 12-vol. ed., VIII, 62-574; 8-vol. ed., I, 356-357, 411-423, 593~595 : n "4- 122, 462-463; III, 484-486; IV, 157-167; V, 400-402, 477-478, 519- 532,536-540; VI, 115-119, 169-172; VII, 271-279, 495-499. HATTON, Correspondence (Camden Soc.), I, 119-243. HENDERSON, E. F., Side- Lights, 142-157. KENDALL, 277-283. Lauderdale Papers (Camden Soc.), III. LEE, G. C., 400-408. POLLOCK, JOHN, Popish Plot, app., 375-404. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 46-54, 230-243; app., passim. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxxiii, 352-353 [Bibl.]. ROGERS, Protests, I, 43-67. Somers Tracts, VIII, 32-221. STANTON, Menology, 300-302. Statutes at Large, III, 217-239. STEDMAN and HUTCHINSON, Amer- ican Literature, I, 427-478. STEPHEN, Trials, III, 131-219. TAYLOR, W. F., Charles II (Eng. Contemp.), vi, 133-177. The Habeas Corptis Act is also to be found in the following works : AMOS, Government, 207-208. HILL, Documents, 115-117; cf. app., 431-439; and cf. 118-121. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 650-652. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 899-902. MACY, Con- stitution, 500-508. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, II, 559-560. STUBBS, Charters, app., 517-523. Modern Accounts, Group I. AIRY, Restoration (Epochs), 238- 277. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 392-395. CHEYNEY, England, xvi, 485-489. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 610-622. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part III, 23-29 (MACAULAY). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 647-659; illus. ed., Ill, 1383-1409; IV, 1411-1430. HALE, Stuarts (Epochs), i-iv, 1-56. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 205- 207. LINGARD, England, abr., 509-513. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 270-272. OMAN, England, xxix, 431-434. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VII, v, 630-639. RANSOME, Government, xv, 181-183. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 119-122. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, i, 34-46. TERRY, B., England, 766-777. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book III, vii, 402-410. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essen- tials), xxvi, 371-374. WRONG, British Nation, 416-417. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. VII, xxvii, 318-328. Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, III, 45- 56. BAYNE, Puritan Revolution, vi, 211-255. BRIGHT, J. F., England, 352 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY II, 745-757. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VII, xi, 434-452. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, VII, 467-508. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, III, 288-379. CAMPBELL, Justices, II, xix, 17-33. COLLINS, E. D., Royal African Co., in Am. Hist. Ass'n, Rep., 1900, I, 139-192. COOKE, Party, I, ii-vi, 20-197. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., 111,711- 733. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Nathaniel Bacon, William Bedloe, William Berkeley, Henry Booth, Henry Compton, John Graham, Henri de Massue (de Ruvigny), Titus Gates, Robert Spencer. Foss, Judges, see especially 483-486 (Francis North, Lord Guilford). GRANT, J., Battles, I, 345-364. GREEN, J. R., English People, III, 412-451. HUME, D., England, VI, Ixvi-lxviii, 63-186. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book IV, v, 146-161. KITCHIN, France, III, 175-207; map, 187. KNIGHT, England, IV, xx-xxi, 322-353. LANG, Scotland, III, xi-xiii, 328-368. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 647-663. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 897-899; IV, 2871-2873 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, VI, 432-436. LINGARD, England, IX, 294-502; app., 513-514. MACAULAY, England, I, 209- 241. MAHAN, Influence of Sea Power, 158-172 ; plan, 161. PALFREY, New Eng., Ill, 240-257, 273-358. PERKINS, France under Regency, iii, 52-89. POLLOCK, J., Popish Plot. RANKE, England, IV, 3-136. SEELEY, British Policy, II, Part IV, v, 221-243. SMITH, G. B., Parlia- ment, I, Book VIII, ii, 527-543. SMYTH, Lectures, II, Lect. XIX, 24-42, passim ; notes, 43-49. STRICKLAND, Queens, V, 636-668 (Catharine of Braganza). TANNER, J. R., Navy, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1899, XIV, 47-70. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts (Oman's Hist., V), xi- xii, 379-417. WORDSWORTH, Biography, IV, x, 681-726. Biographi- cal: CARSTARES: Story, R. H., iii, 44-60. CHURCHILL: Wolseley, I, x-xxx, 144-234. ORMOND, DUKE OF : Carte, IV, 500-625. RUPERT, PRINCE: Warburton, III, iv, 417-513. RUSSELL, LORD WM. : Russell, Lord John, iv-xii, 66-229. SHAFTESBURY : Christie, II, xiv-xvii, 179- 388 ; App. VI-VIII, pp. Ixxvii-cxxix. Traill (Eng. Worthies), vij-x, 98-1 70. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 60, and general note, Sect. 2). POLLOCK, Popish Plot, 405-411. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts, 527-534. Illustrative Material Prose. CROCKETT, S. R., The Men of the Moss-Hags. . . . New York, Macmillan, 1895. HOPE, ANTHONY, Simon Dale. New York, International Ass'n of Newspapers, 1901. JAMES, G. P. R., Russell : a tale of the reign of Charles II. New York, 1847. [B.P.L.] SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Peveril of the Peak. Edin- burgh, Adam, 1860. [Cin.] SWAN, A. S., Adam Hepburn's Vow. New York, Cassell, 1885. UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 353 Illuatrative Material Poetry. Battle of Bothwell Bridge, in AYTOUN, II; CHILD, IV. DRYDEN, Absalom and Achitophel. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, The Battle of Bothwell Bridge. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, The Battle of Loudon Hill. SECTION 58 Charles II (>), 1681-1685 Summary. Domestic affairs : attacks on the corporations ; the Association of Monmouth, Russell, Sydney, and others ; the Rye House Plot ; executions of Russell and Sydney, 1683 ; Charles dies an avowed Catholic, 1685; constitutional progress of the reign. Colonies under Charles II: Bombay (see below, Sect. 81, India); Carolina, 1663; charter of Connecticut, 1662; charter of Rhode Island, 1663; New York and New Jersey, 1664; Pennsylvania, 1681 ; the English West Indies (see below, Sect. 82). [For the American colonies, see CHAN- NING and HART, Guide (no. joi).] Sources Individual Works. BURNET, Own Time, II, 286-474 ; suppl., passim. EVELYN, Diary, II, 163-213. LUTTRELL, State Affairs, I, 72-327. SYDNEY, Works, 55-57 (Letters to Savile, separate paging), 3-65 (Trial of Sydney), 332 (Apology on day of death). TORRING- TON, Memoirs (Camden Soc.), i-i i ; cf. introd. WELWOOD, Memoirs, 128-153. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 448-450. BREWER, Orations, IX, 3454-3458 (A. SIDNEY). Calendar, Treasury, 1556-1728, I, 9-16. CARTE, Ormond, V, 165-197. COBBETT, VIII, 757-1397; IX-X; XI, 1-298. COOKE, Party, II, 469-481. Harleian Miscellany, 12-vol. ed., I, 54-62; IX, 9-122; 8-vol. ed., I, 41-47; II, 25-28; V, 348-352; VI, 373-377; VIII, 103-122, 184-209. HATTON, Corre- spondence (Camden Soc.), II, 1-54. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 243-245 ; app., passim. Somers Tracts, VIII, 222-429. STEPHEN, Trials, II, 1-56 (Russell); III, 223-290 (Coningsmark, and others). Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 395-398. CHEYNEY, England, xvi, 489-490, 498. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 622-634. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 659-664; illus. ed., IV, 1431-1441. HALE, E., Stuarts (Epochs), v, 56-70. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 207-208. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 277- 283*. LINGARD, England, abr., 513-516. MACKINTOSH, JOHN, Scot- land (Nations), 213-234. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 272-275. OMAN, England, xxix, 434-435. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VII, 354 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY v, 639-643. RANSOME, Government, xvi, 184-189. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, i, 46-52. TERRY, B., England, 777-781. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book III, vii, 410-413. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxvi, 374-376. WRONG, British Nation, 417-419. Modern Accounts, Group II. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 757- 760. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VII, xi, 452-456. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, II, Book VI, vi, 380-424 ; maps, 430-464. CAMPBELL, Admirals, II, xvi, 133-382. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, III, 380-483. CAMPBELL, Justices, II, xx-xxi, 33-69. COOKE, Party, I, vii-xi, 198- 356. CORDERY, Absolute Monarchy, Book VI, 101-125. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., Ill, 733-763. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Slingsby Bethel, Arthur Capel, John Dryden, Francis North, William Penn, George Savile. Foss, Judges, see especially 369-374 (Lord Jeffreys). GRANT, J., Battles, I, 364-371. GREEN, J. R., Eng- lish People, III, 440-451 ; IV, 3-6. HALLAM, Constitutional Hist., II, 154-220. HANNAY, Navy, 299-333. HILDRETH, Judges, xii, 163-184 (W. Scroggs); xiii, 185-247 (F. North); xiv, 248-266 (E. Saunders). HUME, D., England, VI, Ixix, 187-230. JENNINGS, A. C., The Church, xvi, 403-420. KNIGHT, England, IV, xxii-xxiv, 354-400. LANG, Scot- land, III, xiii, 368-392. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 903 ; IV, 2873 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, VI, 436-438, 931- 945. LINGARD, England, X, 1-115. LODGE, H. C., Colonies, xi, 205- 210. MACAULAY, England, I, 241-400. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, III, 1723-1817. O'FLANAGAN, Chan- cellors of Ire., I, xxvii, 378-398. PALFREY, New Eng., Ill, 257-272 ; cf. Sect. 37, III, 273-358. PERKINS, France under Regency, iv-v, 90- 163. RANKE, England, IV, 137-206. SAINTSBURY, Works of Dryden, I, Sect. V, 200-249 (Dryden in politics ; Scott's Life). SEELEY, British Policy, II, Part IV, v, 243-249. SHAW, W. A., Relief of Protestant Refugees, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1894, IX, 662-670. SMITH, G. B., Parlia- ment, I, Book VIII, iii, 544-562. SMYTH, Lectures, II, Lect. XIX, 24-42, passim ; notes, 43-49. STRICKLAND, Queens, V, 668-693 (Catharine of Braganza). TANNER, J. R., Navy, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1899, XIV, 47-70. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts (Oman's Hist., V), xii, 417-426. WILLIAMS, H., Naval Power, vi, 62-79. Biographical: CARSTARES: Story, R. H., iv-vi, 61-109; app., 369-373. CHURCHILL: Saintsbury (Eng. Worthies), i-ii, 1-15. Wolseley, I, xxxi-xxxv, 235- 268. ORMOND, DUKE OF : Carte, IV, 625-675. RUSSELL, LORD WM.: Russell, Lord John, xiii-xix, 230-406 ; app., 407-466. SHAFTESBURY : Christie, II, xviii-xix, 389-482. Traill (Eng. Worthies), xi-xiii, 171-208. UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 355 Bibliography (see also under Sect. 60, and general note, Sect. 2). TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts, 527-534. Illustrative Material Prose. BURCHAN, JOHN, John Burnet of Barns. New York, Lane, 1898. [B.] DOYLE, A. C., The Refugees : a tale of two continents. London, Longmans, 1901. LESLIE, EMMA, At the Sign of the Blue Boar: a story of the reign of Charles II. New York, Phillips ; Cincinnati, Cranston, 1885. " LYALL, EDNA," In the Golden Days. New York, Appleton, 1885. MARSHALL, EMMA, In the Service of Rachel, Lady Russell ; a story. New York, Macmil- lan, 1892. ROWSELL, M. C., Traitor or Patriot ; a tale of the Rye House plot. London, 1887. [B. P. L.] WATSON, H. B. M., The Rebel. New York, Harper, 1900. [B.] Illustrative Material Poetry. Lord Russell's Farewell, who was Beheaded for High Treason . . . 168.3, i" EVANS, III. MURRAY, JAMES, ed., Songs of the Covenant Times, by an Ayrshire Minister, passim. Edinburgh, Nimmo, 1861. SECTION 59 James II and the Interregnum, 1685-1689 Summary. The new king : characteristics of James ; comparison of James II with Charles I and II ; favorable conditions for a success- ful reign ; persistent disregard of his subjects' feelings. Catholic ascendancy (compare the French Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, 1685): trial of Oates, 1685; expedition of Argyle, 1685; expedition of Monmouth, 1685, Sedgemoor, execution of Monmouth, Kirke's Lambs, the Bloody Assizes, Jeffreys; trial of Bishop Compton, 1686; the army at Hounslow Heath ; Tyrconnel in Ireland ; attacks on the universi- ties, expulsion of the Fellows of Magdalen College, 1687; reception of a papal nuncio, 1687; declarations of indulgence, 1687, 1688; attitude of the Dissenters ; petition and trial of the seven bishops. The Revo- lution : birth of an heir, James Edward, June 10, 1688: the invitation to William of Orange, June 30; declaration of William, Sept. 30; the landing at Tor Bay, Nov. 5 ; flights of James ; the interregnum, Dec. 1 1 Feb. 13; the Convention Parliament, 1689-1690; the Declaration of Rights and offer of the crown to William and Mary, Feb. 13, 1689; significance of the Revolution. Sources Individual Works. EVELYN, Diary, II, 213-298; cf. app., 390-391. HUTCHINSON, LUCY, Colonel Hutchinson, 69-84. LUT- TRELL, State Affairs, I, 327-500. TORRINGTON, Memoirs(Camden Soc.), 11-36. WELWOOD, Memoirs, 153-259; App. XII-XXIII, 367-405. 356 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 450-454. ARBER, English Garner, VII, 333-378, 460-464; new ed., Seventeenth Century Tracts, 309-314, passim. BREWER, Orations, IX, 3350-3353 (RUM- BOLD). Calendar, Treasury, 1556-1728, I, 16-90. COBBETT, XI, 298, to XII, 596. COLBY, 214-218. ELLIS, Third Ser., IV, 311-316. Eng- lish Hist. Rep., II, 35-37 [Bibl.]. GEE and HARDY, 641-644. Harleian Miscellany, i2-vol. ed., I, 3-12, 23-25; IX, 123-228; 8-vol. ed., I, 3-10, 18-19, 448-463; II, 212-213, 380-387, 491-499; IV, 136-140, 562-564; V, 40-42; VI, 68-71, 178-254, 295-296; VII, 123-124, 158-159, 500- 502. HATTON, Correspondence (Camden Soc.), II, 54-145. HENDER- SON, E. F., Side-Lights, 158-192. KEMBLE, State Papers, 1-164. KENDALL, 284-289. LEE, G. C., 409-422. MACPHERSON, JAMES, Papers, I, 16-300; App. II, 657-690. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 245-267 ; app., passim. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxx, 259-263 [Bibl.]. ROGERS, Protests, I, 67-70. Somers Tracts, IX, 3-312. Statutes at Large, III, 240-253. STEPHEN, Trials, I, 239-275 (Alice Lisle). Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 376. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 398-406. BISHOP, Pictures, 227-233 (BUR- NET). CHEYNEY, England, xvi, 498-506. CREASY, Constitution, 284- 313. CREIGHTON, L., Government, xi, 87-99. CREIGHTON, M., Half- Hour Hist., xiii, 139-150. DURUY, Modern Times, 349-355. GARDI- NER, S. R., Puritan Revolution (Epochs), 211-214. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 634-647. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part III, 29-33 (MACKINTOSH), 33-37 (MACAULAY). GREEN, J. .R., Short Hist., 664- 683; illus. ed., IV, 1441-1463. HALE, E., Stuarts (Epochs), vi-xiii, 70-157; maps, 91, 94, zoo, 137. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 210-215. JENKS, Parliamentary Eng. (Nations), ii, 31-58, passim [Bibl.]. LARNED, History for Schools, 448-470. LINGARD, England, abr., 517-529. MACKINTOSH, JOHN, Scotland (Epochs), 235-260. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 275-285. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 535-539. OMAN, England, xxx, 436-444. RANNIE, Constitution, x, 145-154. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VII, vi, 644-665. RAN- SOME, Government, xvi, 189-192. SCHWILL, Modern Eur., 196-199. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 122-132. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, ii, 53-99. SMITH, G., United States, i, 1-63. TERRY, B., England, 782- 804. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part III, Book III, viii, 413- 428. WAKELING, King and Parliament (Oxford Manuals), viii, 87-98. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxvi, 376-382. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 272-277 (MACAULAY), 278-282 (COOKE). WHITCOMB, Modern Eur., in-n6; table, 353. WRONG, British Nation, 419-425. UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 357 Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, III, si- do. BAYLEY, Tower of London, 89-99, 260-263. BEARD, C. A., Intro- duction, 404-416. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 761-787. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VII, xiv, 504-576. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, II, Book VI, vii, 425-454. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, VII, 509-576. CAMPBELL, Admirals, II, xvii, 383-397. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, III, 484-600. CAMPBELL, Justices, II, xxii, 69-98. COOKE, Party, I, xii- xv, 357-473- CORDERY, Absolute Monarchy, Book VII, 126-137. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., Ill, 763-802 ; IV, 2-5. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Archibald Campbell, James II, George Jeffreys, Mary (of Modena), Isaac Newton. FREEMAN, General Sketch, 287-289. GRANT, A. J., French Monarchy, II, 75-97. GREEN, J. R., English People, IV, 6-34. HALLAM, Constitutional Hist., II, 266-315. HANNAY, Navy, 444-463, HILDRETH, Judges, xv, 267-363 (Jeffreys) ; xvi, 364-388 (R. Wright). HOZIER, Invasions, I, xv, 240- 291. HUME, D., England, VI, Ixx-lxxi, 231-332. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book IV, v, 161-168. KNIGHT, England, IV, xxv-xxvi, 401-429. LANG, Scotland, III, xiv, 397-423. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitu- tional Hist., 663-675. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 904-908 ; III, 1770-1772 (Ire.); IV, 2873 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, VI, 279-302, 438-444. LECKY, Ireland, I, 116-135. ^IN- GARD, England, X, 116-409; app., 411-421. MACAULAY, England, I, 400-601 ; II, 13-595. MACKINTOSH, SIR JAMES, Revolution in 1688, i-xix, 9-647 ; App. II-V, 702-742. MAHAN, Influence of Sea Power, 90-138, 173-200; maps, 107, 119-124, 183. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, III, 1817-1843. O'FLANA- GAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, xxvii-xxviii, 398-426. PALFREY, New Eng., Ill, 446-479. PERKINS, France under Regency, vi, 164-208. RANKE, England, IV, 209-501. SAINTSBURY, Works of Dryden, I, Sect. VI, 250-308, passim (Scott's Life). SEELEY, British Policy, II, Part IV, vi, 250-273. SHAW, W. A., Relief of Protestant Refugees, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1894, IX, 662-670. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, II, Book IX, i, 3-16. SMYTH, Lectures, II, Lect. XX, 50-79. STRICK- LAND, Queens, VI (Mary Beatrice of Modena). TANNER, J. R., Naval Preparations of James II, 1688, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1893, VIII, 272-283. TANNER, J. R., Navy, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1899, XIV, 47-70. TRAILL, Social Eng., IV, 348-356. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts (Oman's Hist, V), xiii, 427-445. Biographical: CARSTARES : Story, R. H., vii-xi, 1 10- 200. CHURCHILL: Saintsbury, iii, 16-37. Wolseley, I, xxxvi-xliv, 269-388 ; plans, 286, 310; II, xlv-1, 1-64. DEFOE : Lee, W., I, i, 1-21. 358 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY ORMOND, DUKE OF: Carte, IV, 675-708. PETERBOROUGH: Stebbing (Eng. Men of Action), i, 1-15. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 60, and general note, Sect. 2). TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts, 527-534. Illustrative Material Prose. AINSWORTH, W. H., James the Second: or, the revolution of 1688. London, 1690. [B. P. L.] BESANT, WALTER, For Faith and Freedom. London, Chatto, 1898. BURTON, J. B., Denounced. London, Methuen, 1897. COLERIDGE, C. R., Lady Betty. London, 1872. [B.P. L.] CROCKETT, S. R., Lochinvar. New York, Harper, 1897. CROCKETT, S. R., The Standard Bearer. New York, Appleton, 1898. DOYLE, A. C., Micah Clarke. . . . New York, Burt. GOULD, Rev. S. B., Urith ; a tale of Dartmoor. London, Methuen, 1897. ' GREEN, E. E., In Taunton Hall. London, Nelson, 1896. GREEN, E. E., In Taunton Town; a story of the rebellion of James, Duke of Monmouth, in 1685. GRIFFIN, GERALD, The Duke of Monmouth. New York, Sadlier. HALL, A. M., The Outlaw. London, 1847. [B. P. L.] HENSLOWE, J. R., Duke's Winton; a chronicle of Sedgmoor. London, 1888. [B.P. L.] JAMES, G. P. R., The Fate ; a a tale of stirring times. New York, 1851. [B. P.L.] LECLERC, M. E., Mistress Beatrice Cope : or, passages in the life of a Jacobite's daughter. New York, 1889. [Cin.] LEE, MARY and CATHERINE, The Oak Stair- case; or, the stories of Lord and Lady Desmond. London, 1882. [B. P. L.] MACDONALD, RONALD, The Sword of the King. New York, Century Co., 1900. MARSHALL, EMMA, In the Choir of West- minster Abbey; a story of Henry Purcell's days. New York, Macmillan, 1897. MASON, A. E.W., The Courtship of Morrice Buckler. New York, Macmillan, 1896. PALGRAVE, M. E., Under the Blue Flag; a story of Monmouth's rebellion. London, 1882. [B. P. L.] PICKERING, EDGAR, The Fortunes of Claude. London, Warne. SNAITH, J. C., Mistress Dorothy Marvin. New York, Appleton, 1895. YONGE, C. M., The Danvers Papers. London, 1867. [B. P. L.] Illustrative Material Poetry. CROKER, T. C., ed. Historical Songs of Ireland, illustrative of the struggle between James II and William III. London, Percy Society, 1841. [B.P. L.] HAWKER, R. S., The Song of the Western Men, in his Works, 1-2. MURRAY, JAMES, ed., Songs of Covenant Times, by an Ayrshire Minister, passim. Edin- burgh, Nimmo, 1861. SUPPLE, G. H., The Dream of Dampier; an Australian foreshadowing, A.D. 1686, in SLADEN. VILLIERS, GEORGE, The Battle of Sedgmoor, betwixt King James's Forces and the Duke of Monmouth; a farce, in his Works, II. London, 1714. [B.P.L.] Young Jemmy : or, the princely shepherd, in EVANS, III. UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 359 SECTION 60 State of Society, 1603-1689 Summary. Arts and sciences : literature (the King James Version of the Scriptures, Dryden, Milton, Bunyan, Samuel Butler); architecture (Wren); painting (Vandyke, Lely, Samuel Cooper); science (Bacon, Newton, The Royal Society). Life in the country, difficulties of com- munication. Life in the cities : condition of London ; the Great Plague, 1665; the Great Fire, 1666. Chocolate, tea, coffee. Newspapers. Political progress of the period : growth of the House of Commons ; continued evils of borough representation; growth of parties. Re- ligion : increased stability of the Church of England; final position of Dissenters and Catholics. Sources Individual Works. BACON, Essays. CLARENDON, Great Rebellion, ed. of 1849, VII, 11-207; Boyle ed., 94-96, 124-127, 232-236, 297-310. CROMWELL, RICHARD, Correspondence, R. BURNS, ed., in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1898, XIII, 93-124. HARRINGTON, Oceana (Morley Lib.). HOBBES, Leviathan (Morley Lib.), passim. MILTON, Prose Works, FLETCHER, ed., 950-963 (Familiar epistles) ; Bohn Ser., Ill, 462-478 (On education). PEPYS, Diary, Braybrooke ed., I-V; VI, i- 58 ; Wheatley ed., i-xiii, 1-236. SAINT SIMON, Memoirs on the Reign of Louis XIV and the Regency, 3 vols. SYDNEY, Works, 1-508 (Dis- courses on Gov't ; index, 509-542). WALKER, E., Discourses, 291-314. WELWOOD, Memoirs, App. I, 261-263; V, 272; VII, 275-278; VIII, 278. Sources Collections. ARBER, British Anthologies, V-VII, passim (JOHNSON, MILTON and DRYDEN). ARBER, English Garner, I. 77-99. 223-246, 312-455, 463, 601-610, 625-639, 646-650; II, 197- 204, 272-282, 285-286; III, 473-486, 623-656; IV, 299-318, 323-352, 585-608; VI, 209-288, 323-388; VII, 421-458; new ed., Seventeenth Century Tracts, 163-308, 314-432; Shorter Eliz. Poems, whole vol., passim; Stuart Tracts, 1603-1693, 11-350,425-467, passim; Voyages and Travels, II, 213-220, 431-434. ARBER, Pilgrim Fathers, 95-247, 273-276, 355-357. BIRCH, Charles I, 2 vols. BIRCH, James I, 2 vols. BREWER, Orations, I, 197-208; II, 715-727 (BUNYAN); V, 1805-1810, 1898-1903 (EARL OF DORSET); VIII, 3017-3021 (MILTON). CAWSTON and KEANE, Chartered Companies, x, 199-221 (Charters); App. II, 276-304 (Charters and petitions, Stuart). COBBETT, Fighting Instruc- tions (Navy Records), 52-172; cf. introd. COLBY, 208-210. CUN- NINGHAM, Industry, II, 3d ed., App. A-E, 887-927. ELLIS, Literary Men, 98-189. FIRTH, Cromwell's Army, 387-428. GUIZOT, English 360 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Revolution, app., 445, 455-456. HALLIWELL, Progress of Science, 38- 124. Harleian Miscellany, 12-vol. ed., I, 28-49,63-73; IV, 9-132, 204- 219; XI, app., 446-469, 494-543' 55 2 ~557 ; X U 20-38, 47~49> 73~ l6 4 ; in 8-vol. ed., passim. HART, Contemporaries, I, 195-196, 288-291 ; II, 508-511. HART, Source Book, 18-23. Historical MSS. Commission, Reports, passim (for contents see GROSS, Sources, App. D, 534-539). HOLLOND, Discourses of the Navy, 1638, 1659, 1660 (Navy Records). KENDALL, 225-227, 268. LINGELBACH, Adventurers (University of Pa., Second Ser., II), 1-217, 2 37- 2 5- MAHAFFY, Trinity College, app., 327-375 (Statutes, 1629, Latin). Meyers Hist.-geog. Kalendar, 1898 (contemporary plans of cities ; see index at beginning). Old South Leaflets, III, no. 57, pp. 10-20, passim. Ordinances for the Royal Household, 299379. Oxford Statutes, I, 1-342. PINKERTON, Voyages, 17 vols., passim. PURCHAS, Pilgrimes, II, Book II, vi-vii, Book III, i-vi, 210-549; III-XVI, passim; maps. ROBINSON, Read- ings, II, xli, 599-621, passim [Bibl.]. RYE, W. W., England as seen by Foreigners, 117-178 (cf. Notes, 270-283). SAINTSBURY, Pamphlets, vii, 209-275. SMITH, EDWARD, Visitors, 25-46, 74-76, 101-102. Somers Tracts, III, 3-635 ; VII, 235-381 ; VIII, 433-619. TURNER, RIBTON-, Vagrants, xxx, passim. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 530-536. AIRY, Restoration (Epochs), 99-109. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 408-412. BISHOP, Pictures, 221-226 (DEFOE). BORGEAUD, Democracy (Social Science). BOUTMY, Angleterre, Part II, i-v, 91- 133. BRODRICK, Oxford (Epochs Church Hist.), ix-xiii, 100-161. CHEYNEY, England, xv, 445-448 ; xvi, 470-473, 490-498. CHEYNEY, Industrial Hist., vii, 177-198, passim [Bibl.]. CUNNINGHAM and MCARTHUR, Industrial Hist., 182-197. DURUY, Modern Times, 311- 328, 365-385. EDWARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), xxiii-xxiv, 354-385. EGERTON, Colonial Policy, 3-54, passim [Bibl.]. FEILDEN, Short Const. Hist., 27-29, 44-7. 111-128, 240-247, 290-304, 333-334. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, note, 151-152 (Standing armies). GIBBINS, Commerce, 121-168 [Bibl.]. GIBBINS, Industrial Hist. (University Extension), Period IV, iv-vi, 108-142, passim. GIBBINS, Industry, xvii-xix, 265-317 ; map, 263. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part II, 100-104 (KINGSLEY), 105-1 10 (GREEN); Part III, 11-16 (GREEN). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 392-405, 420-442, 605-616 ; illus. ed., II, 778-813, 842-888 ; III, 1286-1316. GRIFFIS, Holland, 200-225. HALE, E., Stuarts (Epochs), xxi, 244-248. HARDING, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist. (Essen- tials), 368-390. HASSALL, French People, 156-169. HEWINS, Trade and Finance (University Extension), i-iv, 1-128; app., 159-164. UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 361 HOSMER, Anglo-Saxon Freedom, vii-xi, 94-1 76, passim. JALKSON, Euro- pean Progress, 189-224, passim; maps. LARNED, History for Schools, 342-348. LAVISSE, Europe, 109-113. MACY, Constitution, Part II, xxi-xxix, 247-316. MEDLEY, Manual, passim. MONTAGUE, English Const. Hist., 113-134. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 306-311. MOR- RIS, W. O., Ireland (Cambridge Hist.), v-vi, 122-196 [Bibl.]. MUL- LINGER, Cambridge (Epochs Church Hist.), viii, 138-154. MYERS, Medieval and Mod. Hist., 528-530, 539-540. RANNIE, Constitution, ix, 122-144. RHYS and JONES, Welsh People, viii-xii, 346-550, passim. RIDEING, London, vi, 81-107; x i v > 217-241. TAYLOR, W. F., Charles II (Contemporary Writers), preface, pp. v-xi. WAKEMAN, Church and the Puritans (Epochs Church Hist.), iv-x, 62-201. WALKER, A. P., Eng- lish Hist. (Essentials), xxiv, 351-353; xxv, 365-368. WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, 169-301 [Bibl.]. WARNER, Industrial Hist., xi-xii, 187-227. WOODWARD, W. H., Expansion, iii-iv, 64-181, passim [Bibl.]. YEATS, Commerce (Technical, etc., Education), Part III, v, 266-282. Modern Accounts, Group II. A. GENERAL, i. England, Wales and Scotland. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, III, 111-115. Archae- ologia, see index to Vols. I-L. AUBREY, English Nation, II, 507-512; III, 33-45. BAYLEY, Tower of London, 519-600. BAYNE, Puritan Revolution, i, 1-24. BLUNT, Reformation, II, x, 583-605. BOURNE, H. R. F., Newspapers, I, i-ii, 1-50. BRIGHT, J. F., England, II, 790- 804. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VII, xii-xiii, 457-503. BUCKLE, Civilization, I, 363-516; II, 260-322. BURROWS, Foreign Policy, ii, 18-31. BURTON, J. H., Scotland, VII, 335-385. CHEYNEY, European Background (Am. Nation, I), whole vol., passim ; more especially vii- viii, 136-167; xi-xvi, 200-315. CORDERY and PHILLPOTTS, King and Commonwealth, i, 1-28 ; xi, 248-276. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pic- torial Hist., Ill, 433-660, 803-912. CREIGHTON, C., Epidemics, I, x-xii, 471-692. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Edward Alleyn, William Baffin, John Biddle, Samuel Cooper, Richard Corbet, Randle Cotgrave, Charles Cotton, Robert Bruce Cotton, Abraham Cowley, Richard Cra- shaw, Herbert Croft, James Dalrymple, William Dampier, Henry Dan- vers, William Davenant, Thomas Dekker, John Donne, John Fletcher, Henry Hammond, Alexander Henderson, Edward Herbert, Thomas Hobbes, Inigo Jones, Benjamin Jonson, Robert Leighton, Roger L'Estrange, John Locke, Richard Lovelace, Andrew Marvell, Philip Massinger, John Milton, Hugh Myddleton or Middleton, John Napier or Neper, James Shirley, Jeremy Taylor. DOYLE, English Colonies, 3 vols., passim. FIRTH, Cromwell's Army (Ford Lectures). FISKE, Essays, II, ii, 35-67 (Milton). FISKE, Virginia, II, xvi, 338-369 362 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY (Pirates). Foss, Judges, see especially 185-189 (Anthony Cooper). FREEMAN, Essays, Fourth Ser., 266-274, passim (Civil wars). GARDI- NER, S. R., Cromwell's Place, Lect. I, 1-21. GREEN, J. R., English People, III, 5-36, 303-313, 327-336, 376-381, 442-449- GUIZOT, Civ- ilization, I and II, Lect. XIII, 268-286 (Eng. Revolution). Harleian Miscellany, i2-vol. ed., X, 284-328. HELMOLT, World, VII, Western Eur., 85-116, 276-306, 473-483. HUME, D., England, IV, 345-379 ; cf. Notes RR-TT, 538-539. JOSE, Growth of Empire, 1-95 ; maps. KNIGHT, England, III, xxvi, 405-428. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, V, 411-490. LECKY, England, I, 7-10, 212-259, 271-278, 310-361; II, 45-228; III, 1-154. LINGARD, England, VII, 21-39, 82-98, 109-118, 225-237; X, 183-200. MACAULAY, England, I, 257- 386. MACAULAY, Essays, I, 112-138, 202-266; II, 250-267; IV, 350- 411; VI, 132-150. MORISON, W., Johnston of Warriston (Famous Scots). OPPENHEIM, Royal Navy, 184-400. PALGRAVE, F., Nor- mandy and England, I, 53-54. PATTISON, Milton, 40-60. PAULI, Aufsatze, Old Ser., 245-391. PYLE, Buccaneers, Part I, 49-236. RAIT, Relations of Eng. and Scot., x, 157-179. RANKE, England, III, 572-594. SEELEY, Expansion, Lect. VI, 98-118. SMITH, G., States- men, App. A, 253-261. SMYTH, Lectures, I, Lect. XIV, 356-371. STUBBS, Seventeen Lectures, Lect. XIV, 313-333. TRAILL, Social Eng., IV, 67-200, 226-239, 270-325, 334-339, 356-504. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts (Oman's Hist., V), i-ii, 4-72. TYLER, L. G., Eng. in Am., 1580-1652 (Am. Nation, IV), passim. WORDSWORTH, Biogra- phy, IV, vi-vii, 415-519. 2. English Municipal History. BESANT, London, 180-201. BESANT, London of the Stuarts, whole vol.; illus. and maps. BOASE, Oxford (Historic Towns), v, 135-166; map, 135. CREIGHTON, M., Carlisle (Historic Towns), viii, 146-170. CUTTS, Col- chester (Historic To;svns), xviii-xix, 175-198; map, 184. FREEMAN, Exeter (Historic Towns), iv-v, 121-181 ; vi, 202-210. HUNT, Bristol (Historic Towns), vii, 144-166; plan, 149. KITCHIN, Winchester (His- toric Towns), xiv-xv, 159-207; map, 178. LOFTIE, London, I, xi-xiii, 332-417; plans and map, 332, 359, 362. LOFTIE, London (Historic Towns), ix, 190-213. PICTON, Liverpool, I, 71-135. RAINE, York (Historic Towns), vii-viii, 111-145.- SELLERS, Miss, York, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1897, XII, 437-447. 3. Ireland. FROUDE, Ireland, I, Book I, ii-iii, 66-218. HASSENCAMP, Ireland, iii-v, 35-115. INGRAM, Irish Hist., I, i-x, 1-220. LECKY, Ireland, I, 1-40. PRENDERGAST, Ireland. B. SPECIAL, i. Manners and Customs. FAIRHOLT, Costume, I, 286- 343. GODFREY, Home Life under the Stuarts. PLANCHE, Costume, UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 363 II, viii, 229-297 ; x, 383-433, passim. STRUTT, Sports, passim. 2. Art and Science, Education. BREWSTER, Newton, 2 vols. EGGLES- TON, Civilization. HYDE, D., Literary Hist, of Ire., xl, 552-572. MAHAFFY, Trinity College, iv-viii, 145-326. MILLAR, Literary Hist, of Scot., v, 224-311. MULLINGER, Cambridge from 1535, vi, 440-575. STAUNTON, Schools, passim. WATSON, F., State and Education, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1900, XV, 58-72. 3. Agriculture, Industry, Com- merce. CAWSTON and KEANE, Chartered Companies, iv, 43-55; vi, 75-83; xi, 242-243. CUNNINGHAM, Alien Immigrants, v, 193-220; map, 213. CUNNINGHAM, Industry and Commerce, II, 2d ed., 101-255; 3d ed., 171-402. GARNIER, British Peasantry, passim. GARNIER, Landed Interest, I, xxv-xxx, 326-390. GROSS, Gild Mer- chant, I, passim. MACPHERSON, Commerce, II, 230-633. PROTHERO, Farming, iii, 29-37. ROGERS, Agriculture, V (Text); VI (Table). ROGERS, Interpretation, 46-68, 138-159. ROGERS, Work and Wages, xv, 430-441 ; xvi, 453-467. SHAW, W. A., Currency, 112-153, passim. TURNER, RIBTON-, Vagrants, vi-vii, 132-172 ; xv-xvi, xix-xx, passim. 4. Religion. DIXON, W. H., Penn. FISHER, S. G., Penn. HUNT, J., Religious Thought, I, iii-v, 108-367. MAKOWER, Constitution of the Church, Division I, C, 68-103; 11,163-173; III-IV, 1-224. TULLOCH, Puritanism, 170-488. TULLOCH, Theology in Eng., 2 vols. 5. Govern- ment and Law. ANSON, W. R., Constitution, Part II, i, 1-31. DICEY, A. V., Privy Council, Part III, 117-147. DIGBY, Real Property, Part II, ix, 313-320. DOWELL, Taxation, I, 159-162, 210-223; H> I- 36; app., 540-542 ; III, 72-81, 153-167. GNEIST, Constitution, II, 221-330. GOOCH, Democratic Ideas. HALL, H., Custom-revenue, I, 145-185. HALLAM, Constitutional Hist., II, 221-265. LEA, Superstition and Force, 318-323, 511-524. MACLEOD, Banking, i, 6-18; ii, 184-191. MAITLAND, F. W., Township and Borough, passim. NEILSON, Trial by Combat, Part VII, 320-328. NICHOLLS, Poor Law, I, Part II, v- vii, 207-319. PIKE, Crime in Eng., II, 113-167, 199-251; cf. notes, 621-625, 630-634. PIKE, Lords, xii-xv, passim. TAYLOR, English Const., I, 592-603. Bibliography (see general note, Sect. 2). See ADAMS, C. K., AUBREY, BOWKER and ILES, BRATKE, Columbia Univ. Lib. Bull., FAIRHOLT, FISHER, GARNIER, GOMME, GROSS, HASSE, MAKOWER, MONROE, RAND, SMEDT, and STAMMHAMMER, as in Sect. 14; also: ANDERSON, J. P., in VENABLES, Bunyan, app., pp. i-xxxv. ANDERSON, J. P., in GARNETT, Milton, app., pp. i-xxxix. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, see close of each chapter. BROSCH, England, footnotes. BROWN, P. H., Scotland, II, 455-464. Cambridge Mod. Hist., see for each chapter at close of each 364 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY vol. CHEYNEY, European Background, 327-331. CUBBERLEY, Sylla- bus, 158-164, 167-177. CUNNINGHAM, Industry, II, 2d ed., 704-738; 3d ed., 943-998. DOYLE, Colonies, see beginning of each chapter. GNEIST, English Const., footnotes. GREEN, J. R., English People, III, 3, 4, 325-326. H ALLAH, Constitutional Hist., footnotes. HASSEN- CAMP, Ireland, 35-1 1 5, footnotes. HOZIER, Invasions, see head of each chapter. HURST, Literature of Theology, 216-219, 221-222, 257-261, 263-265, 267-270, 346-347. INGRAM, Irish Hist., I, 1-220, footnotes. LANG, Scotland, see close of each chapter. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, see close of each chapter. LECKY, England, notes and app. LECKY, Ireland, notes and app. MAHAFFY, Trinity College, introd., pp. ix-xv. MILLAR, Scotland, 224-311. MORLEY, H., English Writers, XL OPPENHEIM, Navy, 184-400, footnotes. PAULI, Auf- satze, Old Ser., I, 245, 272, 301, 348 (Cavaliere u. Rundkopfe). PINK- ERTON, Voyages, XVII, 1-255. PRENDERGAST, Ireland, 1-193, foot- notes. PROTHERO, Farming, 248-251. Providence Pub. Lib., Mo. Lists, I, 19 ff. (Bible). RANKE, England, notes and app. ROBERTSON, Statutes, pp. xvii, xviii. SHAW, Currency, pp. xvi-xviii, xxvi-xxviii. SMITH, E., Visitors, pp. viii-xvi. TAYLOR, H., English Const., foot- notes. TRAILL, Social Eng., see close of each chapter. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts, 527-534. TYLER, L. G., England in Am., 1580-1652, 328-339. WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, pp. xxxi-xxxv. WINSOR, Narrative Hist., Ill (Eng. in Am.). Illustrative Material Prose. AUSTIN, Mrs. JANE (GOODWIN), Dr. Le Baron and his Daughters ; a story of the old colony. Boston, 1890. [Cin.] BACON, FRANCIS, The New Atlantis, in the Moral and Historical Works of Lord Bacon, 269-306. London, Bell, 1882. BUNYAN, JOHN, The Life and Death of Mr. Badman. BUNYAN, JOHN, The Pilgrim's Progress, ed. by John Brown. Boston, Houghton, 1887. GUERNSEY, L. E., Winifred: or, an English maiden in the I7th cen- tury. New York, Whitaker. KEDDIE, HENRIETTA (SARAH TYTLER), A Young Oxford Maid, in the days of the king and parliament. London, Religious Tract Co. LAUBE, HEINRIC.H, Der deutsche Krieg; his- torischer Roman. Wien, Braumiiller, 1880. MANNING, ANNE, Maiden and Married Life of Mary Powell, afterwards Mistress Milton. New York, Scribner, 1898. MARSHALL, EMMA, In Colston's Days; a story of Bristol. London, 1884. [B. P. L.] RHOSCOMYL, OWEN, The Jewel of Ynis Galon. New York, Longmans, 1895. [Cin.] SIMPKINSON, J. N., The Washingtons ; a tale of a country parish in the I7th century, based on authentic documents. London, 1860. [B. P. L.] UNDER THE STUARTS FROM 1603 TO 1689 365 Illustrative Material Poetry. BUTLER, SAMUEL, Hudibras, in three parts, written in the time of the late wars. D'AVENANT, SIR WILLIAM, Brittania Triumphans, in his Works, II. DRYDEN, JOHN, The Hind and the Panther. FORD, EDWARD, The Norfolk Farmer's Journey to London, in COLLIER. MORLEY, HENRY, ed., The King and the Commons: Cavalier and Puritan song. London, Low, 1868. MURRAY, JAMES, ed., Songs of Covenant Times, by an Ayrshire Min- ister, passim. Edinburgh, Nimmo, 1861. MARVELL, ANDREW, Brittania and Raleigh, in his Works. VII. ENGLAND UNDER THE STUARTS AND HANOVERIANS FROM 1689 TO THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, 1789 SECTION 61 William III and Mary II, 1689-1694 Summary. William : the character and training of William ; his European life work ; lack of interest in English affairs ; Dutch favour- ites. Affairs in England: the Non-jurors; first Mutiny Act, 1689; attempt at Comprehension; the Toleration Act, 1689; annual taxes and specific appropriations ; the Bill of Rights, 1689 ! tne Act of Grace, 1690; National Debt, 1693; Bank of England, 1694; Triennial Bill, 1694; death of Mary, 1694; growth of party government and the cabinet. Scotland : acceptance of the Scottish crown ; Episcopacy abolished; rising of Highlanders under Dundee, Jacobites, Killiecrankie, 1689 ; pacification of the chiefs ; Massacre of Glencoe, 1692. Ireland : James in Ireland ; support from the (Catholic) Irish Parliament ; sieges of Londonderry and Enniskillen ; Schomberg and William in Ireland ; Battle of the Boyne, 1690; reconquest of Ireland; Treaty of Limerick, 1691 ; disallowance of the treaty by the (Protestant) Irish Parliament; the Irish emigrants ; persecution of Catholics. War of the Palatinate with France, 1689-1697 (in America, "King William's War"); causes of the war; Fleurus and Beachy Head, 1690; La Hogue, 1692; Stein- kirk, 1692; Neerwinden, 1693. Sources Individual "Works. EVELYN, Diary, II, 298-339. LOCKE, Four Letters concerning Toleration, Works, V. LOCKE, Treatises (Morley Lib.). LUTTRELL, State Affairs, I, 500, to III, 419. MARTIN, S., Biography (Navy Records), 1-22 ; cf. introd. TORRING- TON, Memoirs (Camden Soc.), 36-72. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 454-471. Calen- dar, State Papers, Domestic, 1689-1692, 3 vols. Calendar, Treasury, 1556-1728, I, 90-421. COBBETT, XII, 597-1290. COLBY, 210-226. ELLIS, Third Ser., IV, 319-326. English Hist. Rep., II, 37-44 [Bibl.]. GEE and HARDY, 645-664. Harleian Miscellany, i2-vol. ed., I, 74-77 ; 366 ENGLAND FROM 1689 TO 1789 367 IX, 228-560; X, i-22i ; XII, 38-46, 216-226; 8-vol. ed., I, 52-54, 358- 3 6l 579-59 2 ; n 48I-49 1 . 543-554; IV, 200-201, 221-228, 521-524, 558; ,46-52,228-230,366-370; VI, 296, 332, 559-560 ; 11,293-303, 479-495, 556-565; 111,407-414. HATTON, Correspondence (Cam- den Soc.), II, 146-209. HENDERSON, E. F., Side-Lights, 192-214. KENDALL, 292-297. LEE, G. C., 422-431. MACPHERSON, JAMES, Papers, I, 301-503. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 55-82. ROGERS, Protests, I, 70-115. Somers Tracts, IX, 315-605 ; X, 3-652; XI, 397- 474. Statutes at Large, III, 254-368. STEDMAN and HUTCHINSON, American Literature, II, 22-25. The Bill of Rights is also to be found in the following works: AMOS, Government, 209-216. HILL, Docu- ments, 122-132; cf. 132-137. HOSMER, Anglo-Saxon Freedom, App. C, 386-393. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 681-688. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 910-912. MACY, Constitution, 508- 515. Old South Leaflets, I, no. 19, pp. 1-8. SMITH, G. B., Parlia- ment, II, 561-564. STUBBS, Charters, app., 523-528. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 406-408, 415-419; map, 417. CHEYNEY, England, xvi, 507-514 ; xvii, 516-528. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 647-663. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part III, 38-48 (ScoTT). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 683-699 ; illus. ed., IV, 1465-1529. HALE, E., Stuarts (Epochs), xiv-xvii, 158-219; maps, 175, 194, 204, 211, 215, opposite title-page. HIGGINSON and C MANNING, English Hist., 216-221. HOSMER, Anglo-Saxon Freedom, xi, 163-176. JENKS, Parliamentary Eng. (Nations), iii, 59-91, passim [Bibl.]. LARNED, History for Schools, 484-503. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 284-298. LINGARD, England, abr., 530-538. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 285-292. MORRIS, W. O., Ireland (Cambridge Hist.), vi, 163-197 [Bibl.]. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 541-545. OMAN, England, xxxi, 445-454. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VII, vii, 667-686; map, 666. RANSOME, Government, xvi-xvii, 192-200. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 133-135. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, iii, 100-127, passim. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, II, Book IX, ii-iii, 17-47. TERRY, B., England, 805-823. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part IV, i, 429-438. WAKELING, King and Parliament (Oxford Manuals), ix, 99-108 ; map, 105. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxvii, 386-392 ; maps, 384, 385. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 282-286 (Scorr), 286-293 (LECKY). WRONG, British Nation, 428-434. Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, III, 503-504 (Dalrymple). AUBREY, English Nation, III, 60-90. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 417-422. BRIGHT, J. F., England, III, 805-846. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VIII, i, 1-62. BURROWS, 368 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Foreign Policy, iii, 32-52. Cambridge Mod. Hist., II, Reformation, 512-549 (W. E. COLLINS). CAMPBELL, Admirals, II, xviii, 398-536. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, IV, 1-240. CAMPBELL, Justices, II, xxiii, 99-120. CHALMERS, Great Britain, passim (see index). COOKE, Party, I, xvi-xvii, 474-517. COOPER and COOPER, Athenae Cantabrigienses, II (see index). CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., IV, 5-51 ; list, i. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of John Benbow, William Ben- tinck, James Butler, John Dalrymple, Charles Leslie, Mary II, Charles Montagu, Frederick Herman Schomberg or Schonberg, William III. FROUDE, Ireland, I, Book II, i, 219-248. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 371- 452. GREEN, J. R., English People, IV, 29-63. HALLAM, Constitu- tional Hist., II, 316-404. HELMOLT, World, VII, 454-459, 490-493. HOZIER, Invasions, I, xvi, 292-339. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book IV, vi, 169-178. KITCHIN, France, III, 232-252. KNIGHT, England, IV, xxvii, 430-450; V, v-xi, 65-175. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitu- tional Hist., 675-696, 792-803. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 907- 910, 913; III, 1772-1776 (Ire.); IV, 2873-2876 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, VI, 444-451. MACAULAY, England, II, 152-181; III-IV. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, xxix-xxx, 427- 488. PARKMAN, France and England, Part V, 235-285, 335-369. PERKINS, France under Regency, vii, 209-238. RANKE, England, IV, 502-616; V, 3-92. ROGERS, Gleanings, Ser. I, 3-35 (Halifax). SEELEY, British Policy, II, Part V, i-ii, 274-348. SHAW, W. A., National- Debt, in TOUT and TAIT'S Essays, 391-422. SHAW, W. A., Relief of Protes- tant Refugees, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1894, IX, 662-670. SMYTH, Lectures, II, Lect. XXII, 103-129. STRICKLAND, Queens, VII (Mary II). TRAILL, Social Eng., IV, 507-51 1, 538-557. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts (Oman's Hist., V), xiv, 446-458. WILLIAMS, H., Naval Power, vii, 80-97. Bio- graphical: CARSTARES : Story, R. H., xii-xiii, 201-244. CHURCHILL: Coxe, Marlborough, I, i-v, 1-40; app., 498-500. Wolseley, II, li-lxxix, 65-325. CLAVERHOUSE : Morris, M. (Eng. Worthies). DEFOE : Lee, W., I, ii, 22-29. WILLIAM III: Gardiner, Biographies, 198-256. Traill (Twelve Eng. Statesmen), 158-219; maps and plans, 175, 194, 200, 204, 211, 215. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 70, and general note, Sect. 2). HURST, Literature of Theology, 366. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts, 527-534. WINSOR, Narrative Hist., V (Eng. and Fr. in Am.). Illustrative Material Prose. BANIM, JOHN, The Boyne Water ; a tale, by the O'Hara family. New York, Sadlier. CARLETON, WIL- LIAM, Redmond, Count O'Hanlon, the Irish Rapparee ; an historical tale. New York, Sadlier, 1862. COUCH, A. T. Q., The Blue Pavilions. ENGLAND FROM 1689 TO 1789 369 New York, Scribner, 1898. DUMAS, ALEXANDRE, The Black Tulip. J. M. Dent. HUGO, VICTOR, The Man Who Laughs. New York, Merrill. " LYALL, EDNA," Hope, the Hermit. London, Longmans, 1898. MARSHALL, EMMA, Kensington Palace in the Days of Queen Mary II. London, Seeley, 1895. PAULL, M. A., My Mistress the Queen. Lon- don, 1887. [B. P. L.] SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Old Mortality. Edinburgh, Adams, 1860. STRAIN, E. H., A Man's Foes. New York, Ward, 1895- [B-] Illustrative Material Poetry. CAMPBELL, THOMAS, The Pil- grim of Glencoe, in CAMPBELL and FALCONER. On the Sea-fight off Cape La Hogue in the Year 1692, in EVANS, III. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, On the Massacre of Glencoe. THACKERAY, W. M., The Battle of Limerick. SECTION 62 William III (Ruling alone), 2694-1702 Summary. Domestic affairs : expiration of the Licensing Act, 1694; Recoinage Act, 1695; Treason Trials Act, 1696; the Jacobite Plot and the Association, 1696; Disbanding Act, 1699; Act for the Resumption of Crown Lands; Act of Settlement, 1701 ; Oath of Abju- ration, 1701; death of William, 1702. Foreign affairs: the War of the Palatinate (concluded) ; Namur recaptured, 1695; Peace of Ryswick, 1697. The War of the Spanish Succession (in America, "Queen Anne's War"), 1701-1714; England's interest in the war; French recognition of the "Old Pretender"; the Grand Alliance, 1701; Marlborough. Sources Individual Works. EVELYN, Diary, II, 339-380. LUTTRELL, State Affairs, III, 419, to V, 150. MARTIN, S., Biography (Navy Records), 22-67. ROOKE, Journal (Navy Records), 1-146; cf. introd. TORRINGTON, Memoirs (Camden Soc.), 72-81. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 472-479. ARBER, English Gamer, VII, 553-584. Calendar, Treasury, 1556-1728, I, 421- 574; II. COBBETT, XII, 1291, to XIV, 516. ELLIS, Third Sen, IV, 326-330. GEE and HARDY, 664-670. Harleian Miscellany, i2-vol. ed., X, 221-284, 351-361 ; XII, 216-226; 8-vol. ed., I, 94-97, 198-205, 379- 385,396-402; 111,339-350; IV, 373-380; VI, 278-294, 367-368 ; VII, 414-421 ; VIII, 176-183. HART, Contemporaries, II, 127-131. HAT- TON, Correspondence (Camden Soc.), II, 209-251. HENDERSON, E. F., Side-Lights, 214-217. KEMBLE, State Papers, 164-314. LEE, G. C., 431-442. Letters of William III and Louis XIV, 2 vols. MACDONALD, 3/0 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Charters, 222-224. MACPHERSON, J., Papers, I, 504-622. POLLARD, A. F., Pamphlets, 54-104. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 83-91. ROGERS, Protests, I, 115-163. Somers Tracts, XI, 3-393, 477-626. Statutes at Large, III, 368-593. STEDMAN and HUTCHINSON, American Literature, II, 239-241. STEPHEN, Trials, II, 59-135 (Warwick), 139-228 (Cowper and others). The Act of Settlement is also to be found in the following works: AMOS, Government, 216-217. HILL, Documents, 138-140; cf. 140-141. MACY, Constitution, 515-519. Old South Leaflets, I, no. 19, pp. 9-10; cf. 10-16. STUBBS, Charters, app., 528-531. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 419-425. CHEYNEY, England, xvii, 528-531 ; map, 530. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, maps, 252, 360, 365. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 663-676. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 699-707 ; illus. ed., IV, 1531-1547. HALE, E., Stuarts (Epochs), xviii-xx, 219-244. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 221-224. JENKS, Parlia- mentary Eng. (Nations), iii, 59-91, passim [Bibl.]. LINGARD, England, abr., 538-541. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 293-294. MORRIS, E. E., Anne (Epochs), 1-13; map, opposite title-page. OMAN, England, xxxi, 454-460. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VII, vii, 686-704. RAN- SOME, Government, xvii, 200-206. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 135-141. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, iii, 100127, passim. TERRY, B., Eng- land, 824-835. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part IV, i, 438-446. WAKELING, King and Parliament (Oxford Manuals), ix, 108-115. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxvii, 392-398. WRONG, British Nation, 434-436. Modern Accounts, Group II. BRIGHT, J. F., England, III, 846- 874; map, end of vol. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VIII, ii, 63-104. BURROWS, Foreign Policy, iii, 32-52, passim. CAMPBELL, Admirals, III, xix, 1-161. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, IV, 241-246. CHALMERS, Great Britain, passim (see index). CHANCE, England and Sweden, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1901, XVI, 676-711. COOKE, Party, I, xviii, 518-541. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., IV, 51-139. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of John Fenwicke, William Kidd, Charles Mordaunt, John Somers or Sommers. DOWELL, Taxation, II, 37-63. Foss, Judges, see especially 618-624 (Lord Somers). FROUDE, Ireland, I, Book II, i-ii, 248-293 ; cf. Sect. 61. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 452-478. GREEN, J. R., English People, IV, 63-80. HELMOLT, World, VII, Western Eur., 493-495. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book IV, vi, 178-190. KITCHIN, France, III, 274-291 ; cf. Sect. 61. KNIGHT, England, V, xii-xvi, 176-256. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, VI, 110- 141, 451-454. LECKY, England, I, 1-37. MACAULAY, England, V. MACKINNON, Union, ii, 15-59; cf. 1-15. MAHON, England, 1701-1713, ENGLAND FROM 1689 TO 1789 371 I, i, 1-41. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, III, 1843-1943. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, xxxi-xxxii, 489- 509. PARKMAN, France and England, Part V, 370-409; map, i. RANKE, England, V, 93-309. SEELEY, Expansion, Lect. Ill, 37-55. SHAW, W. A., Relief of Protestant Refugees, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1894, IX, 670-671. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, II, Book IX, iii, 47-94. SMYTH, Lectures, II, Lect. XXII, 103-129. TRAILL, Social Eng., IV, 513-538. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts (Oman's Hist., V), xiv, 458-467. WARD, A. W., Great Britain & Hanover, Lects. I-II, 1-79. Biographical: CARSTARES: Story, R. H., xiv, 245-270. CHURCHILL: Coxe, Marl- borough, I, vi-ix, 40-76; app., 500-501. Saintsbury, Marlborough, iv, 38-60. Wilkinson, Cromwell to Wellington, 50-62 (Marlborough). Wolseley, II, Ixxx-xci, 326-446. DEFOE : Lee, W., I, ii-iii, 29-58. PETERBOROUGH: Stebbing, ii, 16-44. WILLIAM III: Traill (Twelve Eng. Statesmen), xii-xv, 119-204. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 70, and general note, Sect. 2). TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts, 527-534. WINSOR, Narrative Hist., V (Eng. and Fr. in Am.). Illustrative Material Prose. AINSWORTH, W. H., Beatrice Tyldesley. Leipzig, 1878. [B.P.L.] BURTON, J. B., A Gentleman- Adventurer. [B.] DEFOE, DANIEL, Life of Colonel Jack, in his Novels and Miscellaneous Works. London, Bell, 1887. DEFOE, DANIEL, Life, Adventures, and Piracies of Captain Singleton. .Ibid. JAMES, G. P. R., The King's Highway. New York, 1864. [B.P.L.] " LIND- SAY HARRY," The Jacobite. Chatto, 1899. [B.] MARRY AT, FRED- ERICK, The Dog Fiend: or, Snarleyyow. Boston, Little, 1896. MARSHALL, EMMA, By the North Sea. New York, Whittaker, 1896. [B.] O'GRADY, STANDISH, In the Wake of King James: or, Dun- Randal on the sea. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1896. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, The Bride of Lammermoor, in the Waverley Novels, VIII. New York, Appleton, 1876. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, The Pirate. New York, Macmillan, 1893. WARBURTON, ELIOT, Darien: or, the merchant prince. Leipzig, 1853. [B.P. L.] Illustrative Material Poetry. DEFOE, DANIEL, History of the Kentish Petition, in AITKEN, 155-178. DEFOE, DANIEL, The True Born Englishman, in AITKEN, 109-154. PRIOR, MATTHEW, An Ode Presented to the King, on His Majesty's Arrival in Holland, after the Queen's Death, 1695, m n ^ s Works. PRIOR, MATTHEW, On the Taking of Namur by the King of Great Britain, 1695, m n ^ s Works. PRIOR, MATTHEW, Presented to the King at his Arrival in Holland, after the Discovery of the Conspiracy, 1696, in his Works. ROWE, NICHOLAS, Tamerlane ; a tragedy, in London Stage, III. 372 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY SECTION 63 Anne, 17021714 Summary. Lineage and character of the queen. Domestic affairs : influence of Marlborough and his wife ; ascendancy of the Whigs ; development of cabinet government ; Queen Anne's bounty ; case of Ashby and White, 1 704 ; union of England and Scotland, 1 707 ; last royal veto, 1707 ; invasion of James Edward (the " Old Pretender "), 1708; the Whig Junto, 1708-1710 ; trial of Dr. Sacheverell ; ascendancy of the Tories; dismissal of Marlborough, 1711 ; the Occasional Con- formity Bill, 1711 ; Property Qualification Act, 1711 ; creation of Tory peers, 1712; question of the succession; death of Anne, 1714. War of the Spanish Succession (continued): capture of Gibraltar, 1704; Blenheim, 1704 ; Ramillies, 1706; Oudenarde, 1708; Minorca, 1708; Malplaquet, 1709 ; Peace of Utrecht, 1713. The Methuen Treaty with Portugal, 1703. Ireland: laws against Irish Catholics in respect to inheritance, education, religion, office-holding ; laws against Ireland in respect to trade and industry ; consequent emigration. Sources Individual Works. BOLINGBROKE, Letters, 13-143. EVELYN, Diary, II, 380-389 ; cf. app., 392-398. MARTIN, S., Biography (Navy Records), 67-138. ROOKE, Journal (Navy Records), 146-262; cf. introd. SWIFT, Works, II-XIX ; see tables of contents and index. TORRINGTON, Memoirs (Camden Soc.), 81-200. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 479-485. ARBER, English Garner, VI, 541-656; VII, 467-552, 585-617,625-656. BREWER, Orations, I, 370-382 (BELHAVEN). Calendar, Treasury, 1556-1728, III-IV. COBBETT, XIV, 517, to XV, 762. COLBY, 226-229. ELLIS, Third Sen, IV, 330-340. GOODRICH, Eloquence, 21-26; cf. 19-20 (BELHAVEN). Harleian Miscellany, i2-vol. ed., I, 1-2; XI, 5-194; 8-vol. ed., I, 1-2, 173-176. 205-207, 385-390, 547-5 6 4; V H 54I-S5 6 ; VIII, 400-407. HENDERSON, E. F., Side-Lights, 217-227. KEMBLE, State Papers, 314-345. KENDALL, 339-341. LEE, G. C., 443-455. LUTTRELL, State Affairs, V, 150-629; VI, 1-728. MACDONALD, Charters, 229-233. MACPHERSON, J., Papers, I, 623-711; II, 1-534. MAHON, Spanish Succession, app., 5-131 (Letters of Gen. Stanhope). POLLARD, A. F., Pamphlets, 105-169. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 92-1 13, 267-298 ; app., passim. ROGERS, Protests, I, 163-224. ROSCOE, Harley, app., 233-237. Somers Tracts, XII, 137-367,381-725; XIII, 3-389, 395-438. Statutes at Large, III, 594-803 ; IV, 1-253. STEPHENS, Trials, III, 293-398 (Fielding). ENGLAND FROM 1689 TO 1789 373 Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 381- 384 ; table, 363. ADAMS, G. B., French Nation, 201233. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 425-434. BOURINOT, Canada (Nations), xiv, 192-209. CHEYNEY, England, xvii, 531-542. CREIGHTON, M., Half-Hour Hist., xiv, 150-164. DURUY, Modern Times, 355-364. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 676-701. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, x, and note, 153- 178; plans, 160-166. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part 111,48-54 (GREEN). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 708-720; illus. ed., IV, 1547-1576. HIG- GINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 224-228. JENKS, Parliamentary Eng. (Nations), iv, 92-119 [Bibl.]. LINGARD, England, abr., 542-548. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 294-305 ; map, 298. MORRIS, E. E., Anne (Epochs), 13-195; maps, 62, 78, 82, 95, 140, 155. MYERS, Medi- aeval and Mod. Hist., 545-547. OMAN, England, xxxii, 461-480. RAN- SOME, Advanced Hist., Book VII, viii, 705-730; plan, 708. RANSOME, Government, xvii, 206-209. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 142-143, 149-170. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, iv, 128-153. TERRY, B., England, 836-860 ; maps, 836, 840, 844, 850. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part IV, ii, 447-462; maps, 447, 455; plans, 448, 451. WAKELING, King and Parliament (Oxford Manuals), x, 115-128. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxviii, 400-407 ; map, 402. WRONG, British Nation, 436-442. Modern Accounts, Group II. ADAMS, W. H. D., Anne, I,.v-vi, 235-367. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, I, 146-151 (Arbuthnot); II, 740-743 (Macgregor). AUBREY, English Nation, III, 92-110. BRIGHT, J. F., England, III, 875-931. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VIII, iii-iv, 104-194. BURROWS, Foreign Policy, iv, 53-72. BURTON, J. H., Anne, 3 vols. CAMPBELL, Admirals, III, xx, 162-531 ; IV, xxi, 1-123. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, IV, 246-342, 430-479. CAMPBELL, Justices, II, xxiv-xxv, 121-143. CHALMERS, Great Britain, passim (see index). CHANCE, England and Sweden, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1901, XVI, 676-711. CHANCE, George I and Sweden, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1902, XVII, 50-75. COOKE, Party, I, xix-xxi, 542-612. CRAIK and MAC- FARLANE, Pictorial Hist., IV, 140-301. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Anne, John Churchill, George (of Denmark), Simon Harcourt, Robert Harley, John Leake, William Pulteney, Henry Saint-John, Charles Townshend. DOWELL, Taxation, II, 64-81. FISKE, Dutch and Quaker Colonies, II, xiv, 235-257. FREEMAN, General Sketch, 285-287. FROUDE, Ireland, I, Book II, ii, 294-361. GRANT, A. J., French Monarchy, II, 98-151 ; table, 299. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 482- 539. GREEN, J. R., English People, IV, 80-104. HOZIER, Invasions, I, xvi, 339-362. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book IV, vii, 191-219. KITCHIN, 374 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY France, III, 292-342. KN IGHT, England, V,xvii-xxv, 257-400. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 914-918; III, 1776 (Ire.); IV, 2877-2878 (Scot.). LAUGHTON, Howard to Nelson, 127-158 (ROOKE). LAVISSE et RAM- BAUD, Histoire Generate, VI, 455-465, 724-772. LECKY, England, I, 38-207. MACAULAY, Essays, III, 75-142 (Mahon's War of Spanish Succession). MCCARTHY, J., Anne, 2 vols. MACKINNON, Union, iii- xii, 60-435 (cf. 1-60). MAHAN, Influence of Sea Power, 201-231. MAHON, Spanish Succession. MAHON, England, 1701-1713, 2 vols. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, III, 1943- 1980. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., I, xxxiii-xxxv, 510-555. PARKMAN, France and England, Part VI, Vol. I, 1-175. PARNELL, Spanish Succession. PAULI, Aufsatze, New Ser., II, 15-98, 342-378. PERKINS, France under Regency, viii, 239-292. RAIT, Relations of Eng. and Scot., xi, 180-194. RANKE, England, V, 310-360. RIDEING, London, ix, 131-139. ROGERS, Gleanings, Ser. I, 35-45 (Halifax). ROSCOE, E. S., Harley.* SEELEY, British Policy, II, Part V, iii, 349- 384; and see Sect. 6f. SHAW, W. A., Relief of Protestant Refugees, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1894, IX, 671-680. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, II, Book X, ii, 129-195 ; Book XI, i, 199-226. SMYTH, Lectures, II, Lects. XXIII-XXV, 130-210. STRICKLAND, Queens, VIII (Anne). SWIFT, Works, I, Sects. I-IV, 1-205. TRAILL, Social Eng., IV, 511- 513. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts (Oman's Hist., V), xv, 468-517. WINSOR, Mississippi Basin, iii, 61-80. WITHROW, Canada, xiii, 170- 186. Biographical: BoLiNGBROKE: Bagehot, Biographical Studies, 169-222. Harrop, i-iii, 1-223. CARSTARES : Story, R. H., xv-xix, 271-368. CARTERET: Ballantyne, i, 1-25. CHURCHILL: Alison, Marlborough. Coxe, Marlborough, I, x, 76, to III, ex, 343. Saints- bury, Marlborough (Eng. Worthies), vix, 61-180. Wilkinson, Cromwell to Wellington, 62-91. DEFOE: Lee, W., I, ii-ix, 58-230. PETERBOR- OUGH : Stebbing, iii-ix, 45-191. Wilkinson, Cromwell to Wellington, 92-126. WALPOLE: Coxe, I, Period I, i-viii, 1-85. Bibliography (see also under Sect, jo, and general note, Sect. 2). BALLANTYNE, Carteret, pp. x-xi; and 1-25, footnotes. PARNELL, Spanish Succession, pp. vii-xii ; also at close of chapters. ROSCOE, Harley, 238-239, and footnotes. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts, 527-534. WINSOR, Narrative Hist., V (Eng. and Fr. in Am.). Illustrative Material Prose. AINSWORTH, W. H., Jack Shep- herd, 2 vols. London, Gibbings, 1902. AINSWORTH, W. H., Rockwood ; a romance. London, Routledge. AINSWORTH, W. H., St. James's: or, the court of Queen Anne. London, Routledge. BURTON, J. E. B., Across the Salt Seas. New York, 1898. [B.] CARLETON, Capt. G, ENGLAND FROM 1689 TO 1789 375 The Memoirs of an English Officer. 1720. [B.] DORR, J. C. R., In Kings' Houses. Boston, Page, 1899. HENTY, G. A., In an Irish Brigade. New York, Scribner, 1900. [B.] MUHLBACH, LOUISE, Prince Eugene and his Times. Tr. New York, Appleton, 1883 ; Fowle, 1904. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, The Black Dwarf. New York, Macmillan, 1893. SWIFT, JONATHAN, The Tale of a Tub, and Other Works. Ed. by H. MORLEY. London, Routledge, 1889. WEYMAN, S. J., Shrewsbury. New York, Longmans. Illustrative Material Poetry. ADDISON, JOSEPH, The Campaign. DEFOE, DANIEL, Hymn to the Pillory, in AITKEN, 205-219. LILLO, GEORGE, George Barnwell : or, the London merchant ; a tragedy, in British Drama, I. PRIOR, MATTHEW, An Ode, humbly Inscribed to the Queen, on the Glorious Success of Her Majesty's Arms, 1706, in his Works. SOUTHEY, ROBERT, The Battle of Blenheim, in his Works, III. SECTION 64 George /, 1714-1727 (WALPOLE'S ADMINISTRATION, 1721-1742) Summary. The new line : the Hanoverian succession ; general characteristics of the Georges; character of George I as a ruler; the choice of Whig ministers ; political impeachments ; Jacobite riots ; the Riot Act, 1715; the "Old Pretender" (James Edward, "James III"), and the Earl of Mar ; increasing power of the House of Commons ; the Septennial Act ; repeal of the Occasional Conformity Act and of the Schism Act, 1718. Walpole : the South Sea Bubble (cf. the career of John Law in France, 1716-1720), 1720; choice of Walpole, 1721 ; par- liamentary management ; lessened taxation ; tariff reform ; Wood's halfpence, 1724. Sources Individual Works. DEFOE, Writings, in LEE'S Life, II-III, passim. SWIFT, Works, II-XIX, see table of contents and index. WALPOLE, H., Letters, I, pp. xcvii-clxi ; IX, 483-516, passim. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 485-489. BREWER, Orations, II, 541-551 (BOLINGBROKE). Calendar, Treasury, 1556-1728, V, to VI, 460. COBBETT, XV, 761, to XVII, 72. COLBY, 229-234. DOWELL, Taxation, II, 545-547. ELLIS, Third Ser., IV, 340-344. Harleian Miscellany, i2-vol. ed., XI, 195-208. HART, Source Book, 124-126, 200-202, 258-260. HENDERSON, E. F., Side-Lights, 228- 244. HILL, 142-150; cf. 150-154. KENDALL, 298, 321-329, 341-342. 376 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY LEE, G. C., 456-458. MACPHERSON, J., Papers, II, 535-655. POLLARD, A. F., Pamphlets, 170-222. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 113-123. ROGERS, Protests, I, 224-391. Somers Tracts, I, 300-319; XIII, 395- 438, 441-505, 509-820. Statutes at Large, IV, 254-773. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 434- 437. BISHOP, Pictures, 234-241 (MAHON). CHEYNEY, England, xvii, 542-548. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 702-718. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part III, 54-61 (MACAULAY). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 721-729; illus. ed., IV, 1577-1605. HASSALL, Balance of Power (Periods of Eur. Hist.), ii, 25-63. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 229-232. JENKS, Parliamentary England (Nations), v, 120-153, passim [Bibl.]. LARNED, History for Schools, 509-516. LINGARD, England, abr., 549-552. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 312-321. MORRIS, E. E., Hanoverians (Epochs), 10-77. OMAN, England, xxxiii, 482-495. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VIII, i, 734-755; tables, 732-733. RANSOME, Government, xvii, 209-210. SKOTTOWE, Parlia- ment, 143-148, 170-180. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, v, 154-194, passim. TERRY, B., England, 861-877. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part IV, iii, 462-472. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxviii, 407-411 ; xxix, 413-414. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 294-298 (GREEN). WRONG, British Nation, 442-446. Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, III, 144-159. BRIGHT, J. F., England, III, 929-964. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VIII, v, 194-240. CAMPBELL, Admirals, IV, xxii, 124- 255. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, IV, 343-429, 480-623. CAMPBELL, Justices, II, xxvi, 143-182. CHALMERS, Great Britain, passim (see index). CHANCE, George I and Sweden, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1902, XVII, 50-75. CHANCE, Northern Question in 1716, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1903, XVIII, 676-704 ; 1904, XIX, 55-79. COOKE, Party, II, i-vi, i- 117. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., IV, 302-394. Dic- tionary Nat. Biog., see lives of George Anson, John Campbell, Daniel Defoe, James Drummond, George I, James (Francis Edward Stuart), John Law, George Murray, Robert Walpole. DOWELL, Taxation, II, 82-105. Foss, Judges, see especially 782-788 (Earl of Hardwicke). FROUDE, Ireland, I, Book II, iii, 362, to Book III, i, 435. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 539-564. GREEN, J. R., English People, IV, 105-142. HOZIER, Invasions, I, xvi, 363-467. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book V, i, 223-241. KITCHIN, France, III, 343-359. KNIGHT, England, VI, i-iii, 1-56. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 696-715. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 918-920; III, 1776 (Ire.); IV, 2878-2879 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, VII, 848-857. LECKY, ENGLAND FROM 1689 TO 1789 377 England, I, 207-212, 259-309, 364-377. MCCARTHY, J., Georges, I, i-xvii, 1-355. MACKINNON, Union, 436-449. MAHAN, Influence of Sea Power, 232-253. MEREWETHER .and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, III, 1981-2021. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., II, xxxvi-xxxviii, 1-50. FAULT, Aufsatze, New Ser., II, 379-391 (Han- nover). PERKINS, France under Louis XV, I, ii, 48-86. PERKINS, France under Regency, ix-xviii, 293-595. RANKE, England, V, 361-388. SHAW, W. A., Relief of Protestant Refugees, in Eng. Hist. Rev.) 1894, IX, 671-680. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, II, Book XI, ii, 227-244. SMYTH, Lectures, II, Lect. XXVI, 211-241, passim; Lect. XXVII, 242-265. SWIFT, Works, I, Sects. V-VII, and conclusion, 206-464. THWAITES, France in Am., 1497-1763 (Am. Nation, VII), vi, 89-104, passim. TRAILL, Social Eng., V, i-io. WARD, A. W., Great Britain & Hanover, Lects. I-IV, 1-152. WILLIAMS, B., Foreign Policy under Walpole, in Eng. Hist. J?ev., 1900, XV, 251-276, 479-494, 665-698 ; 1901, XVI, 67- 83, 308-327, 439-451. WILLIAMS, H., Naval Power, viii, 98-124. WRIGHT, Caricature Hist., i-ii, 1-65. Biographical: BOLINGBROKE: Harrop, iv, 224-259. CARTERET: Ballantyne, i-iv, 25-145. CHURCHILL: Coxe, Marlborough, III, cxi-cxviii, 343-439. Saintsbury, Marlborough (Eng. Worthies), x, and Conclusion, 181-213. DEFOE: Lee, W., I, ix- xvii, 230-431. WALPOLE: Coxe, I, Periods II-III, ix-xxx, 86-470. Morley, J., (Twelve Eng. Statesmen), i-xi, 1-251. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 70, and general note, Sect. 2). BALLANTYNE, Carteret, pp. x-xi; and 25-145, footnotes. LEE, W., Defoe, pp. xxvii-lv. THWAITES, France in Am., 1497-1763, xix, 296- 305. WINSOR, Narrative Hist., V (Eng. and Fr. in Am.). Illustrative Material Prose. AINSWORTH, W. H., John Law, the Projector. London, 1867. [B.P. L.] AINSWORTH, W. H., Preston Fight: or, the insurrection of 1715. London, 1879. [B. P. L.] AINS- WORTH, W. H., The South Sea Bubble; a tale of the year 1720. Leipzig, 1868. [B.P. L.] BALFOUR, ANDREW, To Arms! Boston, Page, 1898. BESANT, WALTER, Dorothy Forster. Leipzig, 1884. [B.P. L.] BRAY, A. E., Hartland Forest; a legend of North Devon. London, Longmans, 1871. CROCKETT, S. R., The Raiders. New York, Macmillan, 1894. DEFOE, DANIEL, A New Voyage Around the World. London, 1725. [B.P. L.] DEFOE, DANIEL, The King of the Pirates ; being an account of the famous enterprises of Captain Avery. London, 1720. [B.P. L.] GIBBON, CHARLES, For the King. New York, Harper, 1872. GRANT, JAMES, Adventures of Rob Roy. 1848. [Cin.] GRANT, JAMES, Lucy Arden. 1859. [B.B. L.] HOUGH, EMERSON, Mississippi Bubble ; . . . Indianapolis, Bowen-Merrill. 378 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY LANDON, L. E., Ethel Churchill. [B.] LYTTON, BULWER-, Devereux; a tale. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1860. MASON, A. E. W., Clementina. New York, Stokes. MASON^ A. E. W., Lawrence C layering. New York, Dodd, 1897. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Rob Roy. New York, Appleton, 1876. Illustrative Material Poetry. Gloria Britannorum: or, the British worthies ; a poem. Boston, 1723. [B. P. L.] Lovewell's Fight, in EGGLESTON. LYTTON, BULWER-, Not so Bad as we Seem: or, many sides to a character, in his Poetical Works, ed. of 1852, V. MALLET, DAVID, Mustapha; a tragedy, in his Works, II. [B.P. L.] SCOTT, SIR WALTER, To the Memory of Rob Roy. TICKELL, THOMAS, An Imitation of the Prophecy of Nereus, from Horace, in his Poetical Works. Boston, Little, 1854. SECTION 65 George II (A), 1727-1754 (WALPOLE'S ADMINISTRATION, 1721-1742. HENRY PELHAM'S ADMINISTRATION, 1743-1754) Summary. Walpole : modification of the Navigation Acts ; colonial prosperity; the land tax; failure of the Excise Bill of 1733; the "War of Jenkins's Ear," 1739. War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-1748 : special interest of the war to the king; Dettingen, 1743; Fontenoy (cf. Irish emigrants, Sect. 61), and Louisburg, 1745; Peace of Aix-la- Chapelle, 1 748 ; subsequent colonization of Nova Scotia. The Second Jacobite Rebellion, 1745-1746: the "Young Pretender" (Charles Edward, " Prince of Wales "); Prestonpans ; Penrith ; Falkirk Moor; Culloden ; execution of Jacobites. For preliminaries of the Seven Years' War, see Sect. 66. Sources Individual Works. CHATHAM, Correspondence, I, 1-116. DEFOE, Writings, in LEE'S Life, II, 465-471, passim. Gren- ville Papers, I, i-ioi. HERVEY, Memoirs, 1848 ed., 2 vols. ; 1884 ed., 3 vols. WALPOLE, H., Letters, I, 1-415; II, 1-375; IX, 483-516, passim. WESLEY, J., Journal, 1-217 ; cf. pp. xiii-xxx. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 489-490. BREWER, Orations, II, 734-743 (BURKE); III, 1095-1100 (CHESTERFIELD); VIII, 3244-3250 (PULTENEY); X, 3716-3725 (ROBERT and HORACE WAL- POLE); 3925-3930 (WYNDHAM). Calendar, Treasury, 1556-1728, VI, 460-554; 1729-1745, 5 VOls. COBBETT, XVII, 73, to XIX, 746 ENGLAND FROM 1689 TO 1789 379 COLBY, 235-245. COOK, G. W., Party, II, 482-498. ELLIOT, SIR GILBERT, Letters, I, 1-31. ELLIS, Third Ser., IV, 345-351. GOOD- RICH, Eloquence, 31-42, cf. 27-30 (WALPOLE, 1734, 1741); 43~44 (PULTENEY); 46-51, cf. 45 (CHESTERFIELD, 1743); 76-102, cf. 52-75 (CHATHAM). Harleian Miscellany, 12-vol. ed., XI, 208-366; 8-vol. ed., Ill, 169-177. HART, Contemporaries, II, 124-126. HENDERSON, E. F., Side-Lights, 244-253. KENDALL, 329-335. LEE, G. C., 458-466. MACDONALD, Charters, 251-253. Naval Miscellany (Navy Records), 393-403. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 123-139. ROGERS, Protests, I, 391-500; II, 1-52. Statutes at Large, V; VI, 1-132. STEDMAN and HUTCHINSON, American Literature, II, 335-336. STEPHEN, Trials, II, 231-304 (Goodere, and others); IV, 3-121 (Annelsey), 125-158 (Jack- son, and others). TERRY, C. S., Rising of 1745 (Eng. Contemp.), i-vi, 1-225. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 437-447. BOURINOT, Canada (Nations), xv, 210-220. CHEYNEY, England, xvii, 542-551, 556-561 ; map, 560. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, 411-416; map, 413. DURUY, Modern Times, 415-433. GAR- DINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 718-744. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, xi, 179-183. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part III, 61-67 (SCOTT). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 729-748 ; illus. ed., IV, 1621-1634. GUIZOT, France, 481-531, passim. HASSALL, Balance of Power (Periods of Eur. Hist.), iii- vii, 64-205 ; maps, 130, 201. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist, 233-236. JENKS, Parliamentary Eng. (Nations), v-vi, 120-177, passim [Bibl.]. LARNED, History for Schools, 520-528; map, 526. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 320-327. LINGARD, England, abr., 552-558. MACK- INTOSH, JOHN, Scotland (Nations), 261-273. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 321-324. MORRIS, E. E., Hanoverians (Epochs), 78-184; maps, 96, no, 122, 129, 138, 150. OMAN, England, xxxiii-xxxiv, 495-521. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VIII, ii, 756-787 ; plan, 770. RAN- SOME, Government, xvii, 210214. SK.OTTOWE, Parliament, 174-183. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, v, 154-194, passim. TERRY, B., Eng- land, 877-896. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part IV, iii-iv, 472- 485. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxix, 414-420; maps, 418, 421. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 298-305 (LECKY), 305-310 (STANHOPE). WRONG, British Nation, 446-451. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. IX, i-iv, 1-35. Modern Accounts, Group II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, III, 504-506 (Earl Stair). AUBREY, English Nation, III, 177-193. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 466-477. BRIGHT, J. F., England, III, 965-1018. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VIII, vi, 240, to vii, 308. 380 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY BURROWS, Foreign Policy, v-vi, 73-125. CAMPBELL, Admirals, IV, xxiii, 256-524 ; app., 525-529. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, IV, 624-647, 648-686; V, 1-173. CAMPBELL, Justices, II, xxvii, 183-207; xxx-xxxii, 234-293. CHALMERS, Great Britain, passim. CHAMBERS, Rebellion, 2 vols. COOKE, Party, II, vii-xxi, 118-362. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., IV, 395-581. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Caro- line, John Carteret, Charles (Edward Louis), Spencer Compton, Simon Fraser, George II, Edward Hawke, Peter King, Peter Lacy, John Montagu, Philip Dormer Stanhope, William (Augustus). DOWELL, Taxation, II, 106-126. FISKE, New France and New Eng., viii, 258- 280. FREEMAN, General Sketch, 308-311. FROUDE, Ireland, I, Book III, i, 436, to Book IV, i, 617. GRANT, A. J., French Monarchy, II, 177-201. GRANT, J., Battles, I, 565-575; II, 1-56. GREEN, J. R., English People, IV, 142-172. HASSALL, French People, 185-193. HOZIER, Invasions, I, xvi, 468-474; II, xvi, 1-171. KILLEN, Ire- land, II, Book V, ii, 242-274. KNIGHT, England, iv-xii, 57-196. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 920-924; IV, 2879-2880 (Scot.). LAUGHTON, Howard to Nelson, 161-193 (Anson) ; 197-218 (Hawke) ; 243-274, passim (Boscawen). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Gene- rale, VII, 161-205, 857-869. LECKY, England, I, 377-471 ; II, 1-45, 229-343. MCCARTHY, J., Four Georges, I, xviii-xx, 356-421 ; II, xxi- xxxvii, 1-336; xxxix, 365-374. MACKINNON, Union, 449-460. MAHAN, Influence of Sea Power, 254-280 ; maps and plans, 257, 265. O'FLANA- GAN, Chancellors of Ire., II, xxxix, 51-73. PARKMAN, France and Eng- land, Part VI, Vol. I, 176-203; Vol. II, 78-161; Part VII, Vol. 1,5-1 61. PERKINS, France under Louis XV, I, v, 164-205 ; viii, 346-378. RANKE, England, V, 389-414. SMYTH, Lectures, II, Lect. XXVI, 211-241, passim; Lect. XXVIII, 266-295. THWAITES, France in Am., 1497-1763 (Am. Nation, VII), vi-x, 89-172, passim. TRAILL, Social Eng., V, 10-34, 172-174, 181-184, 189-194, 219-221, 358-360 (Scot.). TUTTLE, Prussia, II, 61-101 (especially 75-77, 84-86), 142-222 (especially 150- 152, 212-216), 260-308 (especially 276-280, 292-294); III, 1-78 (espe- cially 9-11). WARD, A. W., Great Britain & Hanover, Lects. IV-V, 119-181. WINSOR, Mississippi Basin, ix, 171-192; xi-xiv, 218-315; numerous maps. WITHROW, Canada, xiv, 187-197. WRIGHT, Carica- ture History, iii, 66-92. Biographical: BOLINGBROKE : Harrop, v-vii, 260-357. CARTERET: Ballantyne, v-viii, 146-321. CLIVE: Malcolm, i-iii, 1-182. DEFOE: Lee, W., I, xviii, 432-474. PETERBOROUGH: Stebbing, x, 192-228. PITT : Green, W. D. (Heroes), i-ii, 1-46. WAL- POLE: Coxe, II. Rogers, Gleanings, Ser. I, 49-92. WESLEY: Tyerman, I, whole vol.; II, 1-183. ENGLAND FROM 1689 TO 1789 381 Bibliography (see also under Sect, jo, and general note, Sect. 2). BALLANTYNE, Carteret, x-xi; and 146-321, footnotes. GREEN, W. D., Pitt, xi-xiii. TERRY, C. S., Rising of 1745, app., 277-307 (Jacobite Hist., 1689-1788). THWAITES, France in Am., 1497-1763, 296-305. WINSOR, Narrative Hist., V (Eng. and Fr. in Am.). Illustrative Material Prose. AINSWORTH, W. H., Manchester Rebels of the Fatal '45. London, Routledge. AINSWORTH, W. H., The Miser's Daughter. London, 1837. [B. P. L.] Ascanius : or, the young adventurer, . . . Edinburgh, 1804. [B.P. L.] BESANT, SIR WALTER, The Lady of Lynn. New York, Dodd, 1901. BESANT, SIR WALTER, The Orange Girl. New York, Dodd, 1900. BRYDEN, H. A., An Exiled Scot: . . . New York, Amsterdam Bk. Co., 1899; London, Chatto, 1899. CHAMBERS, R. W., Cardigan ; a story of revolutionary times. New York, Harper, 1901. DOD, S. B., A Highland Chronicle. New York, Dodd, 1892. FENN, G. M., In the King's Name: or, the cruise of the " Kestrel." London, 1882. [B.P.L.] FINDLATER, J. H., A Daughter of Strife. New York, Dodd. FROUDE, J. A., The Two Chiefs of Dunboy : or, an Irish romance of the last century. New York, Scribner, 1889. GRANT, JAMES, Letty Hyde's Lovers: or, the household brigade. London, 1863. [B. P.L.] GRANT, JAMES, The White Cockade: or, faith and fortitude. London, Routledge, 1903. HALL, C. W., Cartagena : or, the lost brigade ; a story of heroism in the British war with Spain, 1740-1742. 1898. [Cin.] HOCKING, JOSEPH, Mistress Nancy Molesworth. [B.] LOVER, SAMUEL, Treasure Trove. London, 1862. [B. P. L.] M'OLIVRAITH, J. N., The Curious Career of Roderick Campbell. [B.] PORTER, JANE, Sir Edward Seward's Narra- tive of his Shipwreck,... London, 1852. [B.P. L.] RHOSCOMYL, OWEN, For the White Rose of Arno. New York, Longmans, 1895. [B.] SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Heart of Mid-Lothian. Edinburgh, Adam, 1860. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Waverley: or, ' tis sixty years since. New York, Macmillan, 1892. SMOLLETT, T. G., The Adventures of Roderick Random. New York, 1836. [B.P.L.] STEVENSON, R. L. B., Kid- napped ; . . . New York, Scribner, 1901. STEVENSON, R. L. B., Treas- ure Island. New York, Scribner, 1901. STEVENSON, EDWARD, White Cockades; an incident of the "forty-five." New York, Scribner, 1887. THACKERAY, W. M., The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq. ; written by himself. New York, Harper, 1899. WATSON, H. B. M., The House Divided. New York, Harper, 1901. WEYMAN, STANLEY, Sophia. New York, Longmans, 1900. Illustrative Material Poetry. DUVAL, ALEXANDRE V. P., fidouard en cosse : ou la nuit d'un proscrit ; drame historique. Paris, 382 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 1814. [B.P. L.] DYER, JOHN, The Fleece; a poem, in his Poetical Works. DYER, JOHN, Grongar Hill, in his Works. [B. P. L.] HEMANS, FELICIA, Dirge of the Highland Chief in " Waverley," in her Works. JOHNSON, SAMUEL, London ; a poem in imitation of the third satire of Juvenal, written in 1738, in his Works, I. LYTTON, BULWER-, Money, in his Poetical Works, ed. of 1852, V. NAIRN, LADY, Wha'll be King but Charlie ? in the Life and Songs of the Baroness Nairne, ed. by CHARLES ROGERS, 199-200. London, Griffin, 1872. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Flora Macivor's Song, from Waverley. WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM, Rob Roy's Grave. SECTION 66 George II (B), 1754-1760 (NEWCASTLE'S ADMINISTRATION, 1754-1757. NEWCASTLE AND PITT, 1757-1761) Summary. The Seven Years' War in America, 1755-1763 [See CHANNING and HART, Guide (no.jos), Sects. 131, 132. See also Sect. 83, below, Canada] : English and French claims in America ; the Ohio Company; Duquesne's proclamation ; Washington's campaign, 1754; Braddock's campaign, 1755; infusion of Pitt's energy resulting in the capture of Louisburg, 1758, and Quebec, 1759. The war elsewhere (for India, see Sect. 81, below) : widespread character of the war ; Minorca ; Hanover ; Pitt's alliance with Prussia (subsidies) ; the High- land regiments ; naval victories ; destruction of French commerce. For the conclusion of the war, see Sect. 6j. Sources Individual Works. CHATHAM, Correspondence, I, 116-480; II, 1-88. Grenville Papers, I, 102-336. WALPOLE, H., Letters, II, 375-512 ; 111,1-335; IX, 483-516, passim. WESLEY, J., Journal, 217-265. Sources Collections. Annual Register; see appropriate vols. (consult index for 1758-1819). COBBETT, XIX, 746-980. COLBY, 245-250. ELLIS, Third Ser., IV, 351-369. HART, Contemporaries, II, 149-150, 367-369, 373-374- HENDERSON, E. F., Side-Lights, 253-255. KEITH, Correspondence, I, 1-32. KENDALL, 342-349. Naval Miscel- lany (Navy Records), I, 99-104; cf. introd. Old South Leaflets, III, no. 73, pp. 1-16. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxxiii, 339-345, passim [Bibl.]. ROGERS, Protests, II, 52-62. Statutes at Large, vi, 132-419. STEDMAN and HUTCHINSON, American Literature, II, 452-462 (plan, ENGLAND FROM 1689 TO 1789 383 Fort Duquesne, 460), 472-475. STEPHEN, Trials, IV, i6i-i93(M'Daniel, and others), 197-225 (Barnard). Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 398-399. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 447-452. BOURINOT, Canada (Nations), xi, 156-167; xvi-xvii, 221-246. CALDECOTT, Colonization, 32-43 [Bib!.]. CHEYNEY, England, xvii, 562-571 ; map, 567. GARDI- NER, S. R., Student's Hist., 744-764. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, xi, 183- 194 ; plan, 188. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 748-757 ; illus. ed., IV, 1621-1655. GUIZOT, France, 481-531, passim. HASSALL, Balance of Power (Periods of Eur. Hist.), viii, 206-240 ; map, 244. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 236-243. JENKS, Parliamentary Eng. (Nations), VI, 154-177, passim [Bibl.]. LINGARD, England, abr., 558- 562 ; map, 558. LODGE, R., Modern Eur., 392-429. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 324-329; map, 324. OMAN, England, xxxiv, 521-531, passim. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VIII, ii, 787-803; map and plans, 789, 795, 801. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 183-188. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, v, 154-194, passim. TERRY, B., England, 896- 908. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part IV, iv, 485-492. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxix, 420-425 ; map, 423. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 311-317 (MACAULAY). WRONG, British Nation, 451- 455. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. IX, v-ix, 36-75. Modern Accounts, Group II. AUBREY, English Nation, III, 193-198. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 452-465. BRIGHT, J. F., Eng- land, III, 1018-1033 ; map, end of II. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VIII, vii, 308, to viii, 344. BURROWS, Foreign Policy, vi, 125-141. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, V, 174-198. CAMPBELL, Justices, II, xxviii, 207-217 ; xxxiii-xxxv, 293-348. CHALMERS, Great Britain, passim (see index). COOKE, Party, II, xxii-xxiii, 363-395. CRAIK and MACFAR- LANE, Pictorial Hist., V, 581-616. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Isaac Barre,. Edward Braddock, Guy Carleton, Robert Clive, George Lyttelton, William Murray, James Wolfe. FISKE, Dutch and Quaker Colonies, II, xvi, 309-329. FISKE, New France and New Eng., viii-x, 280-359; maps, frontispiece and 312, 342. Foss, Judges, see especially 469-472 (Earl of Mansfield). FROUDE, Ireland, I, Book IV, i, 618-634 ; II, Book V, i, 2-18. GRANT, A. J., French Monarchy, II, 202-231. GRANT, J., Battles, II, 57-108. GREEN, J. R., English People, IV, 171-189. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book V, ii, 274-281. KNIGHT, Eng- land, VI, xiii-xv, 197-240. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 924-927. LAUGHTON, Howard to Nelson, 218-240 (Hawke); 243-274, passim (Boscawen). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, VII, 208-258, 869-874. LECKY, England, II, 345-449. MCCARTHY, J., Four Georges, 384 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY II, xl-xli, 375-406. MAHAN, Influence of Sea Power, 281-329; plans, 303. MASSEY, George III, I, i, 1-44. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, III, 2021-2082. O'FLANAGAN, Chan- cellors of Ire., II, xl-xli, 74-107. PARKMAN, France and Eng., Part VII, Vol. I, 162-233, 285-514; map, beginning of vol.; plan, 494 ; II, 1-382, 417-444. PERKINS, France under Louis XV, I, x, 431-453. RANKE, England, V, 414-424. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, II, Book XI, ii, 244- 281. THWAITES, France in Am., 1497-1763 (Am. Nation, VII), xi-xvi, 173-265. TRAILL, Social Eng., V, 194-200. TUTTLE, Prussia, III, 234-321 ; IV, 40-153. WARD, A. W., Great Britain & Hanover, Lects. V-VI, 170-198. WINSOR, Mississippi Basin, xvi-xix, 338-403 ; maps, 345' 358> 359- WITHROW, Canada, xv-xviii, 198-256. WRIGHT, Cari- cature Hist., iv-vi, -94-215. Biographical: CARTERET, LORD: Ballan- tyne, ix-x, 322-413. CLIVE: Malcolm, I, iv-viii, 183-430 ; II, ix, 1-68. ELDON, LORD: Twiss, I, 17-31. HAWKE: Mahan, Naval Officers, 77- 147. PITT (EARL OF CHATHAM): Green, W. D., iii-iv, 47-186; maps, 116, 142. WESLEY: Tyerman, II, Part II, 184-392. WOLFE: Smith, G., Lectures, 202-218. Wilkinson, Cromwell to Wellington, 127-172. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 70, and general note, Sect. 2). See GREEN, THWAITES, and WINSOR, as in Sect. 65 ; also, BALLAN- TYNE, Carteret, pp. x-xi; and 322-413, footnotes. Illustrative Material Prose. BESANT, WALTER, The World Went Very Well Then. New York, Harper. CASTLE, AGNES and EGERTON, The Bath Comedy. New York, Stokes. CHARLES, ELIZA- BETH, Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan ; a story of the times of White- field and the Wesleys. Leipzig, Tauchnitz, 1869. FULLERTON, LADY G., Too Strange not to be True. New York, Appleton, 1864. GRANT, JAMES, Second to None ; a military romance. London, Routledge. HOCKING, JOSEPH, The Birthright. New York, Dodd, 1897. [B.] LYTTON, BULWER-, Eugene Aram. 2 vols. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1862. Music, JOHN, Braddock ; a story of the French and Indian wars. New York, Funk. THACKERAY, W. M., The Virginians. New York, Harper, 1899. Illustrative Material Poetry. Song of Braddock's Men (Fort Duquesne expedition, 1755), in EGGLESTON. ENGLAND FROM 1689 TO 1789 385 SECTION 67 George III (A), 1760-1770 (NEWCASTLE AND PITT, 1757-1761. NEWCASTLE, OCTOBER, 1761- MAY, 1762. BUTE, TO APRIL, 1763. GRENVILLE, TO JULY, 1765. ROCKINGHAM, TO JULY, 1766. CHATHAM (PlTT), AUGUST TO DECEMBER, 1767. GRAFTON, TO JANUARY, 1770) Summary. Character and political aims of the king. The Seven Years' War (concluded) : the Bourbon family compact ; resignation of Pitt; war against Spain, 1762; the Peace of Paris, 1763. Domestic affairs: John Wilkes and the North Briton, 1763; general warrants; the Wilkes agitation; the letters of Junius ; the Stamp Act, 1765; repeal of the Stamp Act, 1766. [For America, see CHANNING and HART, Guide (no.jos), Sects. 133 to 135.] Sources Individual "Works. BURKE, Works, I, 182-305; VI, 5-48; VIII, 442-449. CHALMERS, Great Britain, pp. i-cxvi, v-xi, 1-254, passim (consult index). CHATHAM, Correspondence, II, 89-471 ; III, 1-495 ! IV, app., 537-538. Fox, C. J., Memorials, I, 1-68. GEORGE III, Correspondence, I, 1-49 ; cf. introd., v-xcii. Grenville Papers, I, 336, to IV, 502. JUNIUS, Letters, I, Letters I-XXXVI, 103-278, cf. 85-102; II, Letters I-XVII, 1-27; Miscellaneous Letters, I-LXVIII, 108-292, app., 413-419. MALMESBURY, Correspondence, I, 1-61. NEWCASTLE, Letters (R. H. Soc., Camden). ROCKINGHAM, Memoirs, I, i-ix, 1-370; II, i-vi, 1-166. WALPOLE, H., Letters, III, 355-512; IV, 1-512; V, 1-220; IX, 483-516, passim. WALPOLE, H., Memoirs of George III, I, i, to IV, 49; app., IV, 243-278 (extracts from the autobiography of the Duke of Grafton). WESLEY, J., Journal, 265-350. Sources Collections. ADAMS, C. K., Orations, I, 85-119, 143- 171. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 491-493. Annual Register; see appro- priate vols. (consult index for 1758-1819). BREWER, Orations, III, 1089-1094 (CHANCY) ; VIII, 2942-2945 (MANSFIELD), 3125-3130(0^3). Calendar, Home Office Papers, 1760-1775, I-II ; III (in part). CHAN- KING, E., America, app., 301-302 (Virginia Resolves, 1769). COBBETT, XIX, 981-1414. COLBY, 250-258. COOKE, G. W., Party, II, app., 425-468. ELLIOT, G., Letters, I, 31-39. ELLIS, Third Ser., IV, 370- 387. GOODRICH, Eloquence, 102-126 (CHATHAM); 148-162, cf. 143- 147 (MANSFIELD); 173-204, cf. 163-172 (JuNius). HART, Contempo- raries, II, 378-382, 404-407, 411-415. HART and CHANNING, Ameri- can Hist. Leaflets, no. 5, pp. 1-5, 10-18; cf. 5-9. HENDERSON, E. F., 386 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Side-Lights, 255-265. HILL, 155-164; cf. 164-165. KEITH, Corre- spondence, I, 33-69. KENDALL, 299-303. LEE, G. C., 467-473. MAC- DONALD, Charters, 258-272, 281-306. POLLARD, A. F., Pamphlets, 223-339. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 140, 299-336; app., passim. ROGERS, Protests, II, 62-109. Statutes at Large, VI, 420-788; VII, 1-54. STEPHEN, Trials, IV, 229-272 (Byron). TYLER, M. C., Literary Hist, of the Am. Revolution, I, 30-120, passim. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 452-462. BISHOP, Pictures, 241-249 (MACAULAY). BOURINOT, Canada (Nations), xviii, 247-266. CHANNING, E., America (Cambridge Hist.), i, 1-40; map at beginning. CHEYNEY, England, xvii, 571-574; xviii, 576-578, 583-588. CREIGHTON, M., Half-Hour Hist., xv, 164-179. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 765-776. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 757-776; illus. ed., IV, 1657-1690; map, 1660. HASSALL, Balance of Power (Periods of Eur. Hist.), ix, 241-279; maps, 244, 258. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 244-251. JENKS, Parliamentary Eng. (Nations), vii, 178-210 [Bibl.]. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 328-333. LINGARD, England, abr., 563-637. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 329-334. OMAN, England, xxxv, 532-544. PAYNE, Colonies, 115-125 [Bibl.]. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VIII, iii, 804-818. SKOT- TOWE, Parliament, 200-207. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, vi, 195- 210. TERRY, B., England, 909-929. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part IV, v, 492-494; V, 500-506. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxx, 427-429. WRONG, British Nation, 457-467. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. IX, x-xi, 76-93. Modern Accounts, Group II. ADOLPHUS, England, I, i-xvi, i- 380; app., 571-602. AUBREY, English Nation, III, 200-214. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 492-504. BOURNE, H. R. F., Newspapers, I, vi, 149-190. BRIGHT, J. F., England, III, 1034-1062. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VIII, viii, 344, to x, 417. BURROWS, Foreign Policy, vii, 142-167, passim. Cambridge Mod. Hist., VII, United States, 144-174 (DOYLE), 175-208 (M. M. BIGELOW). CAMPBELL, Admirals, V, xxiv- xxv, 1-352. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, V, 199-355 ; app., 356-365. CAMPBELL, Justices, II, xxix, 217-234; xxxvi, 348-375. COOKE, Party, II, xxiv-xxv, 396-424; III, i-v, 1-117. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., V, 2-80; list, I. .Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Jeffrey Amherst, William Beckford, Charlotte (Sophia), Henry Seymour Conway, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, George III, George Grenville, Wil- liam Pitt, John Wilkes. DOWELL, Taxation, II, 127-159. FROUDE, Ireland, II, Book V, i-ii, 18-99. GRANT, J., Battles, II, 109-137. GREEN, J. R., English People, IV, 193-249. HALL, H., Chatham's ENGLAND FROM 1689 TO 1789 387 Colonial Policy, in Am. Hist. Rev., July, 1900, V, 659-675. HOWARD, G. E., Preliminaries of the Revolution (Am. Nation, VIII), passim. HUNT, W., England, 1760-1801 (Political Hist, of Eng., X), i-vi, 1-115 ; table, App. II; map. KEENE, Moghul Empire, Parts I-II, 1-92. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book V, Hi, 282-293. KNIGHT, England, VI, xvi-xix, 241-305. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 716- 741. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 927-934; III, 1776-1777 (Ire.); IV, 2880 (Scot.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, VII, 208- 258, 874-880. LECKY, England, III, 155-488. LECKY, Ireland, II, 1-218. MCCARTHY, J., Four Georges, III, xlii-li, 1-146. MCMASTER, Franklin (Am. Men of Letters), vii, 189-217. MASSEY, George III, I, ii-x, 45-325. MAY, England, I, 48-64, 141-147, 210-214, 263-280, 294- 312, 364-381. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., II, xlii, 108-124. PARKMAN, France and Eng., Part VII, Vol. I, 234-284; II, 383-414. PERKINS, France under Louis XV, I, xi, 454-496 ; II, xii-xix, 1260 (especially xii, 1-58). ROBJOHNS, Siege of Quebec, in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., V, 144-172. ROGERS, Gleanings, Ser. II, 131-176 (WILKES). SEELEY, Expansion, Lect. VII, 128-140. SMYTH, Lectures, II, Lect. XXX, 323-348. THWAITES, France in Am., 1497-1763 (Am. Nation, VII), xvii, 266-280. TRAILL, Social Eng., V, 174-178, 184-186. WARD, A. W., Great Britain & Hanover, Lect. VI, 198-214. WINSOR, Missis- sippi Basin, xx-xxiii, 403-464 ; maps, 416, 421, 423, 425. WINSTANLEY, George III and his first Cabinet, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1902, XVII, 678- 691. WITHROW, Canada, xix, 257-272. WRIGHT, Caricature Hist., vii-viii, 216-316. Biographical: BURKE : Morley, J., i-ii, 1-37. CLIVE: Malcolm, II, x-xiv, 69-381 ; III, xv-xvi, 1-172. ELDON, LORD : Twiss, I, 32-42. ELLIOT, H.: Minto, Countess of, Memoir, 1-62, passim. Fox, C. J. : Trevelyan, G. O., i-vii, 1-280. PITT (EARL OF CHATHAM) : Green, W. D., v-vii, 187-302; app., 383-385. Macaulay, Essays, VI, i-ni. WESLEY: Tyerman, II, Part III, 393-618 ; III, Part III, 1-57. Bibliography (see also under Sect, jo ; general note, Sect. 2 ; and nos. 81-82, Part I). GREEN, W. D., Pitt, pp. xi-xiii. HOWARD, Pre- liminaries of the Revolution, 327-345. HUNT, England, 1760-1801, App. I, 459-469. THWAITES, France in Am., 1497-1763, 296-305. VAN TYNE, American Revolution, 334-355. WINSOR, Narrative Hist., V (Eng. and Fr. in Am.) ; VI. Illustrative Material Prose. MASSON, DAVID, Chatterton ; a story of the year 1770. London, Macmillan, 1874. MELVILLE, G. J. W., Cerise ; a tale of the last century. London, Ward. MELVILLE, G. J. W., Katerfelto. [B.] SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Guy Mannering. Chicago, Rand. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Redgauntlet ; a tale of the 388 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY eighteenth century. New York, Lovell. STEVENSON, R. L. B., The Master of Ballantrae ; a winter's tale. New York, Scribner, 1895. WEYMAN, S. JL, The Castle Inn. London, Smith, 1899. Illustrative Material Poetry. COWPER, WILLIAM, England, with all thy Faults, I Love Thee Still, from The Task, Book II, in his Works, ed. of 1857, 180-182. SECTION 68 George III (2?), 1770-1782 (NORTH, JANUARY, 1770 MARCH, 1782) Summary. Character and policy of North. Parliament : the " King's Friends " ; attempted secrecy of the House of Commons ; final success of Wilkes, 1774. War of Independence in America, 1775-1783 [See CHANNING and HART, Guide (no. jof), Sects. 135- 141.]: general causes of the war; the repressive acts of Parliament, 1774; the Continental Congress, 1774; the friends of America in Par- liament; Lexington and Concord, 1775; si e g e f Boston, 1775-1776; invasion of Canada, 1775-1776; the Declaration of Independence, 1776; Burgoyne's and Howe's campaigns, 1777; Articles of Confeder- ation, 1777; the French alliance, 1778; Yorktown, 1781; resolution of the Commons against continuing the war, Feb., 1782. War with France, 1778-1783. War with Spain, 1779-1783 (siege of Gibraltar, 1779-1782). War with Holland, 1780-1783. Lord George Gordon Riots, 1780. Cook's voyages, 1 768-1 779 (see Sect. 8 4 below, Australasia). Sources Individual Works. BUCKINGHAM, Memoirs, I, 1-293. BURKE, Selections, 6-127 [Bibl.]. BURKE, Speech on Conciliation with America, Lament ed., Syle ed. BURKE, Works, I, 306-512; II, 1-248; V, 437-544; VI, 1-5, 9i T ii3, 126-175; VIII, 449-470. CAN- NING, Speeches, I, Letters, 1-42, passim. CHALMERS, G., Great Britain, pp. i-cxvi, v-xi, 1-254, passim (consult index). CHATHAM, Correspondence, IV, 1-532 ; app., 533-536, 538-543. CORNWALLIS, Correspondence, I, i-v, 1-160; app., 499-528; map, end of Vol. I. ERSKINE, Speeches, I, 1-135. Fox, C. J., Memorials, I, 68-480. FRANCIS, DUKE OF LEEDS, Political Memoranda (Camden Soc.), 1-89. Grenville Papers, IV, 502-576. HOOD, Letters (Navy Records). HUTCHINSON, T., Diary. JAMES, B., Journal (Navy Records), 1-137. JEFFERSON, THOMAS, Writings, I, Book I, 4-55, 122-145; Book II, 181-337; Vol. IX, 212-225, 293-304, passim. JUNIUS, Letters, I, ENGLAND FROM 1689 TO 1789 389 Letters XXXVII-LXIX, 279-470; app., 471-480; II, Letters XVIII- LXXXI, 27-107; Miscellaneous letters, LXVIX-CXIII, 292-412; app., 419-420 ; cf. pp. xi-xc. MALMESBURY, Correspondence, I, 62-528. PITT, Speeches, I, 1-21. ROCKINGHAM, Memoirs, II, vii-xvi, 167-488. ROMILLY, Memoirs, I, 1-217; a PP-> 447~458. WALPOLE, H., Letters, V, 221-512; VI, 1-510; VII, 1-512; IX, 483-516, passim. WALPOLE, H., Memoirs of George III, IV, 50-242 (to 1771). WRAXALL, Memoirs, I; II, 1-250. Sources Collections. ADAMS, C. K., Orations, I, 125-142, 172- 279. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 494. Annual Register; see appropriate vols. (consult index for 1758-1819). AUCKLAND, Correspondence, I, i-ii, 1-47. BREWER, Orations, I, 45-63 (Boston Massacre); 93-109 (S.ADAMs); II, 806-817 (BURKE) ; III, 1065-1086 (CHATHAM); VI, 2314-2330 (GRATTAN); 2393-2401 (HANCOCK); VII, 2601-2610 (JAY); 2752-2760 (R. L. LEE); VIII, 2947-2948 (MANSFIELD); IX, 3268-3271 (JosiAH QUINCY); 3632-3638 (TOOKE); X, 3726-3735 (WARREN); 3900-3904 (WlLKES); 3940 (BURKE, CHATHAM); 3945, 3948 (BURKE). Calendar, Home Office Papers, 1760-1775, III (in part); IV. CHAN- NING, E., America, app., 302-307. CLARKE, Orations, 40-137. COB- BETT, XX, pp. i-xxi, 846; XXI, 1045-1294. COLBY, 258-270. DONNE, Correspondence of George III and Lord North, 2 vols. DURAND, American Revolution. ELLIOT, SIR GILBERT, Letters, 1, 39-87. ELLIS, Third Ser., IV, 388-392. GOODRICH, Eloquence, 126-142 (CHATHAM); 241-311, cf. 206-240 (BURKE); 386-396, cf. 382-385 (GRATTAN); 637- 654, cf. 629-636 (ERSKINE). Harleian Miscellany, 8-vol. ed., VIII, 484-490. HART, Contemporaries, II, 431-453, 511-518, 546-550, 554- 556, 565-568, 612-620. HART, Source Book, 137-146, 159-160. HEN- DERSON, E. F., Side-Lights, 266-272. HILL, 166-173, c ^ 1 73~ I 8i ; 183-192, cf. 192-203. JOHNSTON, A., Orations, I, 11-17 (Oxis), 17-23 (HENRY), 24-38 (S. ADAMS). KEITH, Correspondence, I, 69-482 ; II, 1-175. KENDALL, 308-313, 335-338, 350-360. LEE, G. C., 474-482, 497-499. MACDONALD, Charters, 367-368. MACDONALD, Documents, 1-21. MACE, Manual of Am. Hist., 139-190. MOORE, Diary of the Am. Rev., 2 vols. Naval Miscellany (Navy Records), I, 111-219, 225- 235, 403-408. NILES, H., Principles of the Rev. Old South Leaflets, III, no. 68, pp. 1-14. PEABODY, Patriotism, Part I, 1-177, passim (Revolt of Am.). PRESTON, Documents, 210-217. RICHARDSON, J. D., Messages, I, 3-6. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 141-144, 337-345 ; app., passim. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxxiii-xxxiv, 353-356, 371-373 [Bibl.]. ROGERS, Protests, II, 109-213. Statutes at Large, VII, 55-714; VIII, 1-206. TYLER, M. C., Literary Hist, of the Am. Rev., I, 246-292, 390 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 329-400, 452-521, passim. WHARTON, International Law, I, i, 26-27. WHARTON, Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the U. S., 6 vols. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 421-425. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 462-470. BOURINOT, Canada (Nations), xix-xx, 267-289. CALDECOTT, Colonization, 44-57 ; map, 48. CHANNING, E., America (Cambridge Hist.), ii-iii, 41-106. CHEY- NEY, England, xviii, 588-593. CREIGHTON, M., Half-Hour Hist., xvi, 180-192. DURUY, Modern Times, 446-456. FISHER, S. G., American Rev. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 777-798. GREEN, J. R., Read- ings, Part III, 82-86 (BANCROFT). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 776-786 ; illus. ed., IV, 1690-1717. GRIFFIS, Holland, 226-234. HASSALL, Balance of Power (Periods of Eur. Hist.), x-xii, 280-349. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, 253-265 ; map, end of vol. HOSMER, Anglo-Saxon Freedom, xiii-xiv, 192-231. JENKS, Parliamentary Eng. (Nations), viii, 211-243, passim [Bibl.]. LARNED, History for Schools, 531-547. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 334-340. LINGARD, England, abr., 567- 572. LODGE, H. C., Colonies, xxiii-xxv, 476-521 ; map, beginning of vol. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 334-337. MORRIS, W. O., Ireland (Cambridge Hist.), vii, 198-248. OMAN, England, xxxv, 544-553. PAYNE, Colonies, 97-115, 126-145 [Bibl.]; and cf. Sect. 48. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VIII, Hi, 818-836; map, 826. RANSOME, Gov- ernment, xviii, 214-230. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 207-210. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, vi, 210-221. SMITH, G., United States, ii, 64-129. TANCOCK, England (Epochs of Eng. Hist.), Book I, 15-44. TERRY, B., England, 929-945. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part IV, v, 506-513. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxx, 429-437. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 324-329 (STANHOPE), 330-335 (LECKY). WRONG, British Nation, 467-47.3. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. IX, xii-xxiii, 94-195. Modern Accounts, Group II. ADAMS, G. B., Influence of Am. Rev. on Eng. Gov't of Colonies, in Am. Hist. Ass'n, Rep., 1896, I, 373- 389. ADOLPHUS, England, I, xvii-xx, 381-569; II-III. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, II, 133-135 (G. A. Elliott). AUBREY, English Nation, III, 214-233. BAGEHOT, Biographical Studies, 267-304 (Adam Smith). BRIGHT, J. F., England, III, 1062-1113. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VIII, x, 417, to xi, 548. BURROWS, Foreign Policy, vii, 142-167, passim. Cambridge Mod. Hist., VII, United States, 144-174 (DOYLE), 175-208 (M. M. BIGELOW), 209-234 (DOYLE). CAMPBELL, Admirals, V, xxvi, 153-502; VI, xxvii-xxviii, 1-379. CAMPBELL, Chan- cellors, V, 366-472. CAMPBELL, Justices, II, xxxvii-xxxviii, 376-404. CARRINGTON, American Rev., whole vol. ; numerous maps and plans. ENGLAND FROM 1689 TO 1789 391 CHALMERS, American Colonies, 2 vols. COOKE, Party, III, vi-xiii, 118-329. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., V, 80-497. Dic- tionary Nat. Biog., see lives of John Andre, Marriot Arbuthnot, Bene- dict Arnold, George Beckwith, John Burgoyne, Edmund Burke, William Schaw Cathcart, Henry Clinton, Charles Cornwallis, Henry Flood, Thomas Gage, Henry Grattan, Francis Rawdon Hastings, Samuel Hood, Richard Howe, William Howe, Augustus Keppel, Charles Lee, Charles Lennox, Frederick North, George Brydges Rodney. DOWELL, Taxation, 160-182. Foss, Judges, see especially 711-715 (Earl of Rosslyn). FREEMAN, General Sketch, 322-323. FROUDE, Ireland, II, Book V, ii, 100, to Book VII, i, 393. GRANT, J., Battles, II, 137-202. GREEN, J. R., English People, IV, 249-271 ; map, 240. HOWARD, G. E., Preliminaries of the Rev. (Am. Nation, VIII), i-iii, 3-67, passim; xii- xviii, 206-326. HOZIER, Invasions, II, xvii, 172-213. HUNT, W., England, 1760-1801 (Political Hist, of Eng., X), vi-xii, 115-252; table, App. II ; maps. KEENE, Moghul Empire, Part II, iii-iv, 93-148. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book V, iii, 293-315. KNIGHT, England, VI, xx-xxix, 306-463. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 934-941 ; III, 1776-1778 (Ire.). LAUGHTON, Howard to Nelson, 277-317 (Rodney), 321-342 (Howe), 361-388 (Hood). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, VII, 522-566, 880-887. LECKY, England, IV; V, 1-260. LECKY, Ireland, II, 218-318. LODGE, H. C., Revolution, 2 vols. MCCARTHY, J., Four Georges, III, lii-lvi, 147-222. MACLAY, United States Navy, I, Part I, i-viii, 3-151. MAHAN, Influence of Sea Power, 330-418, 505-541; see also introd., 1-22, and i, 25-89; plans and map, 368, 378, 386, 532. MAHAN, Naval Officers, 148-253 (Rodney). MASERES, Canadian Freeholder, 3 vols., passim. MASSEY, George III, I, xi-xiii, 326-422 ; II, xv, 70, to xxvi, 444. MAY, England, I, 48-64, 186-201, 214-220, 289-294, 381-403; II, 510-530. O'FLANAGAN, Chan- cellors of Ire., II, xliii, 125-138; xlv, 156-165. PERKINS, France under Louis XV, II, xx-xxii, 261-337. ROGERS, Gleanings, Ser. II, 176-185 (Wilkes). SEELEY, Expansion, Lect. IV, 56-76; VIII, 141-160. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, II, Book XII, i, 273-412. SMYTH, Lec- tures, II, Lects. XXXI-XXXVI, 349-494. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 1-79. TRAILL, Social Eng., V, 178-181, 186-188, 201-218, 221-229, 360-364 (Ire.). TREVELYAN, G. O., American Rev., 2 parts, 3 vols., maps. VAN TYNE, C. H., American Rev. (Am. Nation, IX). WEEDEN, New Eng., II, 714-815. WILKINSON, Cromwell to Welling- ton, 251-287 (Heathfield). WILLIAMS, H., Naval Power, ix, 125-155. WITHROW, Canada, xx, 273-287. WRIGHT, Caricature Hist., ix, 316-362. Biographical: BURKE: Morley, J., iii-v, 38-103. CLIVE: 392 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Malcolm, III, vii-viii, 173-396; app., 397-416. ELDON, LORD: Twiss, I, 43-82. ELLIOT, H. : Minto, Countess of, Memoirs. Fox, C. J. : Tre- velyan, G. O., viii-x, 281-524. Wakeman, i-v, 1-99. NELSON : Clarke and McArthur, I, Book I, 1-19. Mahan, I, i, 1-43. Southey, i, 1-34. PITT (EARL OF CHATHAM): Green, W. D., viii-x, 303-382. WESLEY : Tyerman, III, Part III, 58-389. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 70 ; general note, Sect. 2 ; and nos. 81-82, Part 7). See GREEN, HOWARD, HUNT, and VAN TYNE, as in Sect. 67 ; also : BURKE, E., Conciliation, Lament ed., pp. Ixx-lxxii. Cambridge Mod. Hist., VII, 780-788. Providence Pub. Lib., Mo. Lists, III, 29-31 (Treaty of Peace). TREVELYAN, American Rev., foot- notes. WINSOR, Narrative Hist., V-VI ; VII, i-ii; VIII, 413-507 (all U. S. Hist., mainly Am. Rev.). Illustrative Material Prose. BARTON, W. E., When Boston Braved the King; a story of the party times. Boston, 1899. CAINE, HALL, The Deemster. New York, Appleton, 1888. CHURCHILL, WINSTON, Richard Carvel. New York, Macmillan, 1900. COOPER, J. F., The Spy ; a tale of the neutral ground. London, Putnam. DICKENS, CHARLES, Barnaby Rudge. 2 vols. New York, Hall. FILON, AUGUSTIN, L'Eleve de Garrick, 1780. Paris, Colin. FORD, P. L., Janice Meredith ; a story of the American Revolution. New York, Dodd, 1899. JEWETT, S. O., Tory Lover. Boston, Houghton, 1901. LEVER, C. J., Gerald Fitzgerald, "The Chevalier." New York, New Amsterdam Book Co., 1899. [B.P.L.] MOORE, F. F., A Nest of Linnets. New York, Appleton, 1901. [B.] MOORE, F. F., The Jessamy Bride. London, Hutchinson. [B.] SCOTT, SIR WALTER, The High- land Widow. Edinburgh, Adam, 1879. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, The Surgeon's Daughter. Edinburgh, Black; New York, Macmillan, 1894. SEAWELL, M. E., The Rock of the Lion. New York, Harper, 1899. Illustrative Material Poetry. BURNS, ROBERT, The American War. CALVERT, G. H., Bunker Hill, in his Works. CALVERT, G. H., A Nation's Birth, in his Works. Continuation of Hudibras, written in the time of the unhappy contest between Great Britain and America in 1777 and 1778. London, 1778. [B. P. L.] EGGLESTON, G. C., ed., American War Ballads, 23-104. EMMONS, WILLIAM, The Battle of Bunker Hill : or, the temple of Liberty ; an historic poem in four cantos. Boston, 1859. LONGFELLOW, H. W., Paul Revere 's Ride. LOWELL, J. R., Lines Suggested by the Graves of Two English Soldiers on Con- cord Battle-ground. MOORE, FRANK, ed., Songs and Ballads of the American Revolution. New York, Appleton, 1856. TENNYSON, ALFRED, England and America in 1782. ENGLAND FROM 1689 TO 1789 393 SECTION 69 George III (C), 1782-1789 (ROCKINGHAM, MARCH-JULY, 1782. SHELBURNE, TO FEBRUARY, 1783. PORTLAND, APRIL-DECEMBER, 1783. WILLIAM PITT, DECEMBER, I783-MARCH, 1801) Summary. Reforms : revenue officials ; sinecures ; pensions ; secret service funds ; the colonial service. The war: naval victories ; Home Rule for Ireland; the Treaty of Peace, 1783; reaction of the war upon the king's influence. Pitt : rise of William Pitt (character, talents) and the new Tories ; the English in India (see Sect. 81 below, India) ; the India Bills and their outcome in 1784; the impeachment of Warren Hastings, 1787; Pitt's plans for internal reform ; Pitt's foreign policy. Sources Individual Works. BUCKINGHAM, Memoirs, I, 294- 457; II, 1-175. BURKE, E., Works, II, 249-276; III, 116-197, cf. 197-268; III, 282-297; IV, 220-533; V, 1-66; VII. CANNING, Speeches, I, Letters, 1-42, passim. CHALMERS, Great Britain, pp. i- cxvi, v-xi, 1-254, passim (consult index). CORNWALLIS, Correspond- ence, I, vi-x, 161-398; app., 529-568. CURRAN, Speeches, 37-96. ERSKINE, Speeches, I, 137-393; II, 1-204. Fox, C. J., Memorials, II, 1-361 ; IV, 174-286. FRANCIS, DUKE OF LEEDS, Political Memo- randa (Camden Soc.), 90-147. JAMES, B., Journal (Navy Records), 138-177. JEFFERSON, Writings, Vol. I, Book I, 55-110; Book III, 338-607; Vol. II, 1^591; Vol. IX, 226-291, passim. MALMESBURY, Correspondence, II, 1-398. MARTIN, T. B., Letters and Papers (Navy Records), I, 1-130, 195-224, 341-348. PITT, Speeches, I, 21-313. ROMILLY, Memoirs, I, 218-295. WALPOLE, H., Letters, VIII, 240- 576; IX, 1-189, 483-516, passim. WESLEY, J., Journal, 442-481. WRAXALL, Memoirs, II, 250-448; III-V. Sources Collections. Annual Register; see appropriate vols. (consult index for 1758-1819). AUCKLAND, Correspondence, I, iii-xiv, 47-530; II, xy-xx, 1-364. BREWER, Orations, II, 743-805 (BURKE); IV, 1543-1545, 1557-1562 (CURRAN); VI, 2037-2049 (ERSKINE), 2189- 2196 (C. J. Fox); VIII, 2945-2947 (MANSFIELD); IX, 3421-3428 (SHERIDAN); X, 3943 (CHATHAM, SHERIDAN). COBBETT, XXI, 847- 1046 ; XXII, 1-236. COLBY, 271-276. ELLIOT, SIR GILBERT, Letters, I, 87-253. ELLIS, Third Sen, IV, 393. GOODRICH, Eloquence, 363- 376, passim, cf. 206-240 (BURKE); 481-500, cf. 437-461 (C. J. Fox); 655-698, cf. 629-636 (ERSKINE). HENDERSON, E. F., Side-Lights, 394 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 272-283. KEITH, Correspondence, II, 175-248. KENDALL, 360-362. PRESTON, Documents, 232-239. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 145-155, 346-349 ; app., passim. ROGERS, Protests, II, 213-232. ROSE (GEORGE), Correspondence, I, i-ii, 17-106; cf. introd., 1-16. Statutes at Large, VIII, 206-762 ; IX, 1-92. WHARTON, International Law, II, 152-157 (Treaty of 1783); III, app., 892-956 (Peace of 1782-1783). Modern Accounts, Group L ANDREWS, C. M., England, 470-473. CHEYXEY, England, xviii, 593-602. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 799-818. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 786-799 ; illus. ed., IV, 1718-1751. HASSALL, Balance of Power (Periods of Eur. Hist.), xiii-xiv, 350-418; maps, 351, 373. HASSALL, French People, 309^-334. HIGGINSON and CHANNIXG, English Hist., 268-271. JENKS, Parliamentary England (Nations), ix, 244-282, passim [Bibl.]. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 341-346. LINGARD, England, abr., 572-574. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 337-338. OMAN, England, xxxvi, 554-565. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VIII, iii, 836-853. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, vi, 221-256. TERRY, B., England, 944-950. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part IV, vi, 513-518. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essen- tials), xxx, 437-440; map, 439. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 335-341 (MACAULAY). WRONG, British Nation, 498-499. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. IX, xxiv xxxi, 196-262. Modern Accounts, Group II. ADAMS, E. D., Influence of Gren- ville, passim. ADOLPHUS, England, IV, liv-lxiv, 1-362. AUBREY, English Nation, III, 241-243. BRIGHT, J. F., England, III, 1129-1148. BURROWS, Foreign Policy, vii, 142-167, passim. CAMPBELL, Chancel- lors, V, 473-678. CAMPBELL, Justices, II, xxxix-xl, 405-442. COOKE, Party, III, xiv, 330365. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., V, 497-509; VI, 2-290. CREUX, Pitt et Frederic-Guillaume II, 1-43. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of William Adam, Henry Addington, John Almon, William Cavendish Bentinck, Charles James Fox, William Wyndham Grenville, William Petty, William Pitt. DOWELL, Taxation, II, 183-207. Foss, Judges, see especially 235-239 (Erskine). FROUDE, Ireland, II, Book VII, i-ii, 394-520. GRANT, J., Battles, II, 202-205. GREEN, J. R., English People, IV, 272-301. HUNT, W., England, 1760-1801 (Political Hist, of Eng., X), xii-xv, 231-318; table, App. II. KEENE, Moghul Empire,-Part II, v-vi, 149-194. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book V, iv, 316-340. KNIGHT, England, VII, vii-ix, 1 23-180. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 941-942 ; 111,1776-1778(^6.). LAVISSE et RAM- BAUD, Histoire Generate, VII, 887-891 ; VIII, i-i 58, 635-644. LECKY, England, V, 261-452. LECKY, Ireland, II, 319-488. LEWIS, Adminis- trations, i-ii, 1-125. LYALL, Hastings, see under Sect. 8r (Trial of ENGLAND FROM 1689 TO 1789 395 Hastings). MCCARTHY, J., Four Georges, III, Ivii-lx, 223-305. MAS- SEY, George III, III, xxvii-xxx, 1-230. " MAY, England, I, 68-85, 1 47~ 163, 204-210, 220-236, 313-318. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., II, xliv, 139-155; xlvi-xlvii, 166-192. RIDEING, London, x, 141-159. SALOMON, Foreign Policy of Pitt, in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Ser., X, in-120. TRAILL, Social Eng., V, 366-378 (Scot.), 500-505. TROTTER, Hastings (Rulers of India), xiii, 201-215. WRIGHT, Carica- ture Hist., x-xi, 363-437. Biographical: BURKE: Morley, J., vi-vii, 104-141. ELDON, LORD: Twiss, I, 83-118. ELLIOT, H.: Minto, Countess of, Memoirs, 252-335. Fox, C. J.: Wakeman, vi, 100-118. NELSON: Clarke and McArthur, I, Book II, 20-111. Mahan, I, ii, 44-95. Russell, W. C., i-Ui, 1-74. Southey, i-ii, 1-51. Prrr, THE YOONGER : Bagehot, Biographical Studies, 125-168. Macaulay (British Authors). Macaulay, Essays, VI, 221-300. Rosebery (Twelve Eng. Statesmen), i-v, 1-94. Smith, G., Three Eng. Statesmen, 117-179. WELLINGTON: Waite, i, 1-12. WESLEY: Tyerman, III, Part III, 390-564. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 70, and general note, Sect. 2). ADAMS, E. D., Grenville, 75-79. Cambridge Mod. Hist., VII, 780-788. HUNT, England, 1760-1801, App. I, 459-469. Illustrative Material Prose. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Tapestried Chamber, in The Waverley Novels. 5 vols. Philadelphia, Carey, 1845. Illustrative Material Poetry. SCOTT, SIR W T ALTER, Introduc- tion to Marmion (PiTT and Fox). SECTION 70 Staff of Society, 1689-1789 Summary. The constitution : party government ; unity and respon- sibility of the cabinet ; decrease of royal influence as seen in the veto, 1707 ; superiority of the Commons to the Lords (Tory peers, 1712) ; the prime minister ; parliamentary corruption ; defects in representation ; lack of confidence in Parliament (Gordon Riots) ; actual and attempted reforms; freedom of the press, 1694; Wilkes and free elections, 1/69- 1 782 ; failure of secrecy in the Parliament. The " Industrial Revolu- tion": the spinning jenny, 1764; the water frame (Arkwright, 1769); power loom; steam engine (James Watt, 1769); the factory system; new manufacturing centers; roads (Telford, Macadam, iSoo, etc.); canals, 1761; coal; iron; improvements in agriculture; renewal of enclosures. Finance: beginning of the National Debt, 1692; the 396 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Bank of England, 1694 (William Patterson); Newton and the mint, 1695, etc.; mercantile companies ; lotteries; the South Sea Company; the panic of 1720 (connection with Law's panic in France). Religion : lack of religious interest in the early eighteenth century ; the Oxford "Methodists" (John and Charles Wesley, George Whitefield); charac- ter and methods of the new preaching ; separation of the Methodists from the Established Church ; the " Evangelical movement." Science, education, literature: adoption of the Gregorian calendar, 1752; foun- dation of the British Museum, 1753; Dryden, Locke, Newton, Defoe, Swift, Steele, Addison, Pope; the Toiler, 1709-1711; the Spectator, 1711-1714. Ireland: status of a conquered country; lack of leaders; penal laws of the Irish Parliament concerning property, education, and religion ; trade laws ; emigration to America ; partial Home Rule, 1782. Colonization and empire :for India, see Sect. 81 below ;for Australasia, Sect. 84 [For the American colonies in 1760, see CHANNING and HART, Guide (no.joi), Sect. 133]. Summary of the period, 1689-1789. Sources Individual "Works. BENTHAM, Fragment on Gov't, 93- 241, cf. introd. BOSWELL, Johnson, Bell ed., 5 vols. ; Routledge ed., 4 vols. CROMWELL, R., Correspondence, R. BURNS, ed., in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1898, XIII, 93-124. GONZALES, DON M. [pseud.], London in 1731. JEFFERSON, Writings, IX, 367-373. PEPYS, Diary, Braybrooke ed., VI, 58-174. POCOCKE, Travels (Camden Soc.), 2 vols. SMITH, A., Wealth of Nations (World Lib.). VOLTAIRE, Letters on England (c. 1731). WESLEY, J., Journal, passim. YOUNG, A., Tour in Ireland, 2 vols. Sources Collections. ARBER, British Anthologies, VIII-X (POPE, GOLDSMITH to COWPER). ARBER, English Garner, II, 287-656, passim; V, 577-586; VI, 399-468; new ed., Stuart Tracts, 1603-1693, 477-514, passim; Later Stuart Tracts, passim. BREWER, Orations, X, 3873-3883 (WESLEY), 3884-3890 (WHITEFIELD). CAWSTON and KEANE, Chartered Companies, x, 221-227 (Ga. charter). ELLIS, Literary Men, 189-423. Fighting Instructions (Navy Records), 188-251 ; cf. introd. Harleian Miscellany, 12-vol. ed., X, 328-350, 561-568; XII, 193-216, 226-279 ; 8-vol. ed., passim. Historical MSS., Reports, passim (for contents, see GROSS, Sources, App. D, 534-539). LINGELBACH, Adventurers (University of Pa., Second Sen, II), 250-260. Old South Leaflets, III, no. 75, pp. 1-19. Ordinances for the Royal Household, 380-476. Oxford Statutes, 1-20. PINKERTON, Voyages, 17 vols., passim. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xli, 599-621, passim [Bibl.]. SMITH, EDWARD, Visitors, 46-58, 76-82, 102-105, 151-216. Somers Tracts, XII, 3-134 ; XIII, 823-892. SOUTHEY, Wesley, app., 593-623. STEDMAN and HUTCHINSON, American Literature, II, 48-51. TURNER, RIBTON-, ENGLAND FROM 1689 TO 1789 397 Vagrants, xxx-xxxi, passim. TYLER, M. C., Literary Hist, of the Am. Rev., II, 51-129.; Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 537-541. AMOS, S., Government, 1-18, 54-107. BOUTMY, Angleterre, Part III, i-vi, 137-201. BRODRICK, Oxford (Epochs of Church Hist.), xiv-xvi, 162-191. CHEYNEY, England, xvii, 551-555; xviii, 578-583, 598-602. CHEYNEY, Industrial Hist., vii-viii, 177-239, passim [Bibl.]. CREIGHTON, L., Government, xii, 100-115. CUNNINGHAM and McAR- THUR, Industrial Hist., 120-139. DURUY, Modern Times, 434-445, 471-483, 484-515. EDWARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), xxv, 386-392, passim. EGERTON, Colonial Policy, 157-278 [Bibl.]. EWALD, State Papers, 314-332. FEILDEN, Short Const. Hist., 30-34, 138-161, 175- 185, 247-259, 334-341. GARDINER, B. M., French Revolution (Epochs), 1-17. GIBBINS, Commerce, 121-134. GIBBINS, Industrial Hist. (Uni- versity Extension), Period IV, iv-vi, 108-142, passim [Bibl.]. GIBBINS, Industry, xvii-xxii, 265-380; map, 350. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part III, 67-71 (GREEN), 86-91 (SMILES), 129-133 (J. H. FYFE). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist, 735-741; illus. ed., IV, 1607-1621. HALE, E., Stuarts (Epochs), 244-248. HARDING, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist. (Essentials), 368-390. HASSALL, Balance of Power (Periods of Eur. Hist.), 1-24. HASSALL, French People, 170-184. HEWINS, Trade and Finance (Uni- versity Extension), v, 128-158. HOSMER, Anglo-Saxon Freedom, xii xvi, 177-244. JALKSON, European Progress, 225-274, passim; maps. JENKS, Parliamentary Eng. (Nations), xii, 379-426 [Bibl.]. LARNED, History for Schools, 477-483. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 299-319. MACKINTOSH, JOHN, Scotland (Nations), 274-328; map, i. MACY, Constitution, Part I, i-ix, 9-113; Part II, xxx-xxxv, 317-351. MEDLEY, Manual, passim. MONTAGUE,. English Const. Hist., 135-173. MONT- GOMERY, Leading Facts, 347-353. MORRIS, E. E., Anne (Epochs), 195-241. MORRIS, E. E., Hanoverians (Epochs), i-io; map, opposite title-page; 185-229. MORRIS, W. O., French Revolution (Epochs), 1-18. MORRIS, W. O., Ireland, 1494-1868 (Cambridge Hist.), vii, 197-248 [Bibl.]. MULLINGER, Cambridge (Epochs of Church Hist.), ix-x, 155-186. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 490-503; map, 492; 547-548. PAYNE, Colonies, 89-97 [Bibl.]. RANNIE, Constitution, xi, 155-169. RHYS and JONES, Welsh People, viii-xii, 346-550, passim. RIDEING, London, xx, 355-389. SCHWILL, Modern Eur., 248-263. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 189-200, 220-240. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part IV, v, 494-500. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essen- tials), xxxi, 442-452; map, 444. WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, 302-411 [Bibl.]. WARNER, Industrial Hist., xiii-xv, 227-281. WEBSTER, 398 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY W. C., Commerce, Part IV, xxi, 211-227 [Bibl.]. WHITCOMB, Modern Eur., 117-140; table, 354. WRONG, British Nation, 475-496. YEATS, Commerce, Part III, v, 282-291. Modern Accounts, Group II. A. GENERAL, i. England, Wales, and Scotland. ADAMS, W. H. D., Anne, I, introd., pp. xi-xxiii, ch. i-iv, 1-234; II. ANDERSON, W., Scottish Nation, I, 498-513; II, 504- 507; III, 324-325, 480-482, 613-622. Archaeologia, see index to I-L. AUBREY, English Nation, III, 110-143, 160-177, 243-264, passim. BAYLEY, Tower of London, 600-616. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 478-491, 504-519. BOURNE, H. R. F., Newspapers, I, ii-ix, 50-291. BROSCH, England (German ed.), VIII, xii, 548-571. BUCKLE, Civiliza- tion, I, 241-362, 517-552; II, 205-259, 323-472. CRAIK, H., Scottish Hist., I; II, xiii-xv, 1-119. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., IV, 617-856; V, 510-688. CREIGHTON, C., Epidemics, i-viii, passim. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Ralph Allen, Richard Arkwright, Henry Bell, Willoughby Bertie, William Blackstone, Cuthbert Colling- wood, John Conduitt, William Congreve, Bernard Connor or O'Connor, James Cook, Thomas Cooke, Anthony Ashley Cooper, John Singleton Copley, Richard Cosway, William Cowper, Edmund Curll, David Dale, Alexander Dalrymple, Erasmus Darwin, Thomas Dimsdale, Henry Fielding, John Flamsteed, Samuel Foote, David Garrick, Edward Gibbon, Oliver Goldsmith, Thomas Gray, Edmund Halley, Jonas Han- way, David Hartley, Benjamin Hoadley, William Hogarth, John Howard, David Hume, Samuel Johnson, Charles Macklin, James Macpherson, Elizabeth Montagu, Mary Wortley Montagu, Alexander Pope, Joseph Priestley, John Ray, Joshua Reynolds, Adam Smith, Tobias George Smollet, Richard Steele, Laurence Sterne, Jonathan Swift, James Watt, John Wesley, George Whitefield, Christopher Wren. DOYLE, English Colonies, 3 vols., passim. GREEN, J. R., English People, IV, 109-115, 145-150, 206-210, 272-284. HELMOLT, World, VII, Western Eur., 97-100, 105-111, 324-342 (map, 300), 446-472, 483-541. HUNT, W., England, 1760-1801 (Political Hist, of Eng., X), xiii, 255-279, passim. KNIGHT, England, V, i-iv, 1-64; xxvi-xxx, 401-474; VII, i-vi, 1-122. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, VI, 314-429; VII, 726-811. LECKY, England, VI, 1-47 ; VII, 177-384. LORD, W. F., England and France in the Mediterranean, passim. MACAULAY, Essays, I, 331-375; II, 368-426; III, 145-335; V, 321-422; VI, 112-131, 151-220. MAC- KINNON, Union of Eng. and Scot., xiv, 461-524. MASSEY, Reign of George III, II, xiv, 1-69. PERKINS, France under Louis XV, I, i, 1-47 ; II, xxiii-xxiv, 338-475. PERKINS, France under the Regency, i, 1-22. PYLE, Buccaneers, Part II, 239-408. SYDNEY, W. C., Eighteenth ENGLAND FROM 1689 TO 1789 399 Century, 2 vols. STEPHEN, SIR JAMES, Lectures, Lect. XXIV, 685-710. STEPHEN, SIR LESLIE, English Thought, 2 vols., passim. THACKERAY, Georges (also in Harper's Mag., XXI, 395-405, 525-535,671-682). TOCQUEVILLE, France before 1789. TRAILL, Social Eng., V, 34-169, 229-358, 403-474. TUTTLE, Prussia, II, 29-60; III, 168-205. VON HOLST, French Rev., I, 1-218. WOODWARD, W. H., Expansion, iii-iv, 64-181, passim [Bibl.]. 2. English Municipal History. BESANT, Lon- don, 201-233. BESANT, London in the Eighteenth Century, whole vol. ; maps and illus. BOASE, Oxford (Historic Towns), vi, 167-204. CREIGH- TON, M., Carlisle (Historic Towns), ix, 171-188. CUTTS, Colchester (Historic Towns), xx, 199-214. FREEMAN, Exeter (Historic Towns), vii, 211-227. GREEN, J. R., Oxford Studies, 27-244. HUNT, Bristol (Historic Towns), viii-ix, 167-198. KITCHIN, Winchester (Historic Towns), xv, 207-218. LOFTIE, London, I, xiii-xiv, 391-447 ; plan, 418 ; II, xviii-xx, 108-199; plan, 418; map, 165. PICTON, Liverpool, I, 136-227. 3. Ireland. FALKINER, Irish Hist., passim. HASSENCAMP, Ireland, vi-xi, 116-227. INGRAM, Irish Hist., I, xi-xvi, 221-354; II, passim. LECKY, Ireland, I, 136-410; II, 1-318. Two Centuries of Irish Hist., Part I, introd., pp. xi-xxxv, 1-92. B. SPECIAL, i. Manners and Customs. ASHTON, Reign of Anne. FAT RHOLT, Costume, 1, 344-409. GRAHAM, Scotland, 2 vols. PLANCHE, Costume, II, ix, 298-382 ; x, 383-433, passim. STRUTT, Sports, passim. 2. Art and Science, Education. MAHAN, Naval Officers, 3 76. MILLAR, Literary Hist, of Scot., vi-vii, 312-429. MUIRHEAD, Watt. SMILES, Engineers. STAUNTON, Schools, passim. WORDSWORTH, Social Life at the Eng. Universities. WORDSWORTH, Studies at the Eng. Univer- sities. 3. Agriculture, Industry, Commerce. CAWSTON and KEANE, Chartered Companies, iv, 55-59; vi, 83-85. CUNNINGHAM, Alien Immigrants, vi, 223-260. CUNNINGHAM, Industry and Commerce, II, 2d ed., 256-441 ; 3d ed., 403-608, 928-942 (and see Sect. 86). GARNIER, British Peasantry, passim. GARNIER, Landed Interest, passim. GROSS, Gild Merchant, I, passim. LEVI, Commerce, Part I, i-v, 3-64. MAC- PHERSON, Commerce, II, 633-738; III; IV, 1-199. PROTHERO, Farming, iv-vii, 38-63. RAND, Economic Hist., ii, 31-54 (S. WAL- POLE). ROGERS, Agriculture, V (Text); VI (Table). ROGERS, Interpretation, 160-204, 249-271, 412-433, 456-478. ROGERS, Glean- ings, Ser. I, 95-137. ROGERS, Work and Wages, xvii, 468-493. SHAW, W. A., Currency, 218-245, passim. TAYLOR, R. W. C., Fac- tory System and Factory Acts, ii, 25-49. TAYLOR, R. W. C., Intro- duction to Factory System, ix-x, 340-433. TAYLOR, R. W. C., Modern Factory System, i-vi, 1-270. TOYNBEE, Industrial Revolution, 400 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY passim. TURNER, RIBTON-, Vagrants, vii, 172, to ix, 209; xv-xvii, xx, passim. WEEDEN, New Eng., I, 337-378, 430-447 ; II, 552-606, 637-665. 4. Religion. HUNT, J., Religious Thought, vi, 368-464. JENNINGS, A. C., The Church, xvii, 421-450. MCTYEIRE, Methodism, passim. MAKOWER, Constitution of the Church, 265-272. OVERTON, Evangelical Revival. RANKE, Popes, II, 427-478. SOUTHEY, Wesley. TYERMAN, Wesley, 3 vols., passim. 5. Government and Law. DOWELL, Taxation, II, 37-182; app., 543-544, 548-550; III, 1-13, 82-91. FOR- SYTH, Trial by Jury, 289-294. FREEMAN, English Const., 111-159; notes, 210-234. GNEIST, Constitution, II, 331-454. GNEIST, Parlia- ment, vi, 311-376. HALL, H., Custom-revenue, I, 186-196. HALLAM, England, II, 405-600. LAPSLEY, Durham, v, 198-208. MAITLAND, F. \V., Township and Borough, passim. MAY, England, II, 291-347, 479-509. NICHOLLS, Poor Law, I, Part II, viii-ix, 320-384; II, Part III, x-xi, 1-96. PIKE, Crime in Eng., II, 252-344. PIKE, Lords, xii-xv, passim. POLLOCK, F., Politics, Part III, 1-92, passim. TAYLOR, H., English Const., I, 603-611. Bibliography (see general note, Sect. 2). See ADAMS, C. K., AUBREY, BOWKER and ILES, BRATKE, Columbia Univ. Lib. Bull., FAIRHOLT, FISHER, GARNIER, GOMME, GROSS, HASSE, MONROE, RAND, SMEDT, and STAMMHAMMER, as in Sect. 14 ; also : ANDERSON, J. P., in HUTTON, Young's Tour in Ireland, II, 351-401. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, see close of each chapter. BROSCH, England, footnotes. Cambridge Mod. Hist., see for each chapter at close of each vol. CUBBERLEY, Syllabus, 158-164, 172-177, 187-189. CUNNINGHAM, Industry, II, 2d ed., 704- 738 ; ^d ed., 943-998. DOYLE, Colonies, see beginning of each chapter. FALKINER, Irish Hist., 343-350. GNEIST, English Const., footnotes. GNEIST, Parliament, footnotes. GREEN, J. R., English People, III, 325-326. GREEN, J. R., Oxford Studies, notes, 267-292. GRIFFIN-, A. P. C., Books on the Cabinets (Lib. Congress). HALLAM, Constitu- tional Hist., footnotes. HASSENCAMP, Ireland, 116-227, footnotes. HOZIER, Invasions, see head of each chapter. HURST, Literature of Theology, 216-219, 227-231, 257-261, 263-265, 267-270, 346-347. INGRAM, Irish Hist., I, 221, to II, 310, footnotes. LAVISSE et RAM- BAUD, Histoire Generate, see close of each chapter. LECKY, England, notes and app. LECKY, Ireland, notes and app. LOWELL, E. J., French Rev., 389-397. MAY, England, footnotes. MILLAR, Scotland, 312-429. PINKERTON, Voyages, XVII, 1-255. PROTHERO, Farming, 248-251. Providence Pub. Lib., Mo. Lists, I, 39 ff. RANKE, England, notes and app. ROBERTSON, Statutes, pp. xvii-xviii. SHAW, Currency, pp. xvi-xviii, xxvi-xxviii. SMITH, E., Visitors, pp. viii-xvi. TAYLOR, ENGLAND FROM 1689 TO 1789 401 H., English Const., footnotes. TERRY, C. D. S., Rising, app., 227-307 (Jacobites, 1689-1788). TRAILL, Social Eng., see close of each chapter. TREVELYAN, G. M., Stuarts, 527-534. WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, pp. xxxi-xxxv. WINSOR, Narrative Hist., V, VI. Illustrative Material Prose. BLACKMORE, R. D., Mary Anerley ; a Yorkshire tale. New York, Harper, 1880. BRADDON, MARY E., The Infidel. New York, Harper, 1900. BURNETT, F. H., A Lady of Quality. New York, Scribner, 1896. BURNETT, F. H., His Grace of Osmond. New York, Scribner, 1897. [B.] ELLIS, A. R., Sylvestra : studies of manners in England from 1770 to 1800. London, 1881. [B.P. L.] 'FIELDING, H., Amelia, ed. by GEORGE SAINTSBURY. Lon- don, Dent, 1900. FIELDING, H., History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and his Friend, Mr. Abraham Adams, ed. by GEORGE SAINTS- BURY. London, Dent, 1899. FIELDING, H., The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. New York, Burt. GALT, JOHN, Annals of the Parish. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1895. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER, The Bee ; an account of the Augustan age of England, in his Works, III. 4 vols. New York, Harper, 1881. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER, The Citizen of the World, in his Miscellaneous Works, 87-279. London, Macmillan, 1893. LESLIE, EMMA, Walter; a tale of the times of Wesley. New York, Phillips; Cincinnati, Walden, 1880. MANNING, ANNE, The Old Chelsea Bun House. New York, Scribner, 1898. MARSHALL, EMMA, On the Banks of the Ouse : or, life in Olney a hundred years ago. New York, 1887. [B. P. L.] MEREDITH, GEORGE, The Tale of Chloe. New York, Ward. MOORE, F. F., The Fatal Gift. New York, Dodd, 1898. RICHARDSON, SAMUEL, History of Clarissa Harlowe. 9 vols. London, Chapman, 1902. RICHARDSON, SAMUEL, History of Sir Charles Grandi- son. 7 vols. London, Chapman, 1902. SMOLLETT, T. G., The Adven- tures of Peregrine Pickle. 2 vols. London, Bell, 1895. SWIFT, JONATHAN, Gulliver's Travels. Chicago, Rand. TARKINGTON, BOOTH, Monsieur Beaucaire. New York, McClure, 1900. THACKERAY, A. L, Miss Angel (Angelica Kaufmann). London, 1875. [B. P.L.] THACK- ERAY, W. M., Denis Duval. New York, Harper, 1899. THACKERAY, W. M., Henry Esmond. New York, Harper, 1900. THACKERAY, W. M., Vanity Fair; a novel without a hero. London, Macmillan, 1901. Illustrative Material Poetry. MACKAY, CHARLES, ed., Jacobite Songs and Ballads of Scotland from 1688 to 1746, with an appendix of modern Jacobite songs. London, Griffin, 1861. POPE, ALEXANDER. The Dunciad. RAMSAY, ALLAN, The Gentle Shepherd. London, 1796. SHENSTONE, WILLIAM, The School-mistress, in his Works in Verse and Prose. London, 1791. Swift and the Mohawks, in THORNBURY. VIII. ENGLAND SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, 1789, ETC. SECTION 71 (WILLIAM PITT, DECEMBER, i783~MARCH, 1801) Summary. The French Revolution : the National Assembly ; French reforms ; Declaration of the Rights of Man ; destruction of the Bastile, July 14, 1789; influence of French affairs upon England; societies and associations ; opposition of Burke (Reflections on the French Revolution) ; excesses of the French ; Pitt's policy ; suppression of English agitators (Alien Bill, Traitorous Correspondence Bill, sus- pension of the Habeas Corpus Act, acquittal of Hardy, Tooke, and Thelwall) ; reform discredited and delayed. The United States : Jay's Treaty [see CHANNING and HART, Guide (no. jof), Sect. 162]. War of the First Coalition, 1793-1797: England's plans; Toulon, Quiberon, 'Corsica, Brest (continued in Sect. 72). Sources Individual "Works. BOURRIENNE, Memoirs of Napo- leon, I, i-iii, 1-44. BUCKINGHAM, Memoirs, II, 176-323. BURKE, E., Works, II, 277-558; III, 1-115, 269-281, 298-538; V, 67-82,434-437; VI, 49-80, 113-126, 423-528; VIII, 1-441, 470-482. BURKE, E., Selections, 143-262 [Bibl.]. CANNING, Speeches, I, Letters, 1-42, passim; Speeches, 1-48. CHALMERS, G., Great Britain, pp. i-cxvi, v- xi, 1-254, passim (consult index). CORNWALLIS, Correspondence, I, xi^xii, 399-498 ; II, xii-xvi, 1-282 ; app., 463-582. CURRAN, Speeches, 97-243. ERSKINE, Speeches, II, 205-453; III; IV, 1-137, 411-446. Fox, C. J., Memorials, 11,361-381 ; 111,1-129; IV, 286-296. FRANCIS, Duke of Leeds, Political Memoranda(Camden Soc.), 148-221. HORNER, Memoirs, I, 1-9. JAMES, B., Journal (Navy Records), 177-280. JEF- FERSON, THOMAS, Writings, VII, 517-519, 538-555, 626-629, 636-651 ; IX, 409-411, 415-416, 419-423, 443-446, passim. MALMESBURY, Cor- respondence, II, 399-478 ; III, 1-249. MARBOT, Memoirs, I, i-iii, 1-19. MARTIN, T. B., Letters and Papers (Navy Records), I, 130-194, 224- 226. Paget Papers, I, 1-106. PASQUIER, Chancellor, Memoirs, I, i-v, 402 ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 403 1-129. PITT, Speeches, I, 313-450; 11,1-129. ROM ILLY, Memoirs, I, 296-389. TALLEYRAND, Memoirs, I, 1-187. WALPOLE, H., Letters, IX, 189-480; app., 483-516, passim. WESLEY, J., Journal, 481-485. Sources Collections. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 495-497. ANDER- SON, F. M., Constitutions, 1-254 [Bibl.]. Annual Register, see appro- priate vols. (consult index for 1758-1819). AUCKLAND, Correspondence, II, xx-xxiv, 364-520; III, xxv-xxxv, 1-354. BREWER, Orations, IV, 1546-1552 (CURRAN); VI, 2050-2057 (ERSKINE); VIII, 3208-3212 (PITT); IX, 3438-3441 (SHERIDAN); X, 3950-3951 (BURKE). CLARKE, Orations, 138-231. COBBETT, XXII, 237, to XXV, 890. COLBY, 276- 281. DE BRETT, State Papers, I-IV. ELLIOT, SIR GILBERT, Letters, I, 253-416, and app. ELLIS, Third Ser., IV, 394-398. GOODRICH, Eloquence, 500-514, cf. 437-461 (C. J. Fox); 579-592, cf. 551-578 (Pi-rr); 698-761, cf. 629-636 (ERSKINE); 790-805, cf. 785-789 (CUR- RAN). HART and CHANNING, American Hist. Leaflets, no. 6, pp. 1-3. HAZEN, American Opinion of French Rev. KEITH, Correspondence, 11,248-541. KENDALL, 363-370. MACDONALD, Documents, 114-130. MILES, French Rev., I. Naval Miscellany (Navy Records), I, 235-246. RICHARDSON, J. D., Messages, consult index, X. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 156, 350-354; app., passim. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxxv- xxxvi, 397-460 [Bibl.]. ROGERS, Protests, II, 232-283. ROSE (GEORGE), Correspondence, I, iii, 107-200. ROSE, J. H., Napoleonic Studies, Part II. Sea Fights (Navy Records), I, 9-193 ; cf. introd. Statutes at Large, IX, 93-820. STEPHENS, H. M., Speeches of the French Rev., 2 vols. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., French Nation, 258-272. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 473-476. BOURINOT, Canada (Nations), xxi, 280-301. CHEYNEY, England, xviii, 602-606. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, map, 402. FYFFE, Modern Eur., I, 1-153; rnap. at beginning of vol. GARDINER, B. M., French Revolution (Epochs of Mod. Hist.), 17-231; maps, 43, 65, 190, oppo- site title-page. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 819-830. GIBBINS, Commerce, 169-178. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 799-809; illus. ed., IV, 1751-1769. HASSALL, French People, 212-230. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 271-274. JENKS, Parliamentary Eng. (Nations), x, 283-323, passim [Bibl.]. JUDSON, Europe, 33-45. LARNED, History for Schools, 553-559. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 347-353. LEBON, France (Nations), i-ii, 1-52. LINGARD, England, abr., 574-575. LODGE, R., Modern Eur., 490-553. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 338-340. MORRIS, W. O., French Rev. (Epochs), 19- 142. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 577-620. OMAN, England, 404 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY xxxvii, 574-584. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VIII, iv, 854-866. ROSE, Revolutionary Era (Cambridge Hist.), i-v, 1-92; maps, 76, 91. SCHWILL, Modern Eur., 266-332. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 210-215. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, vi, 256-266. STEPHENS, H. M., Rev- olutionary Europe (Periods of Eur. Hist.), 11-41, 57-81, 124-157. TERRY, B., England, 950-953; map, 950. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part IV, vi, 518-520; map, 519. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxxii, 455-457 ; map, 454. WHITCOMB, Modern Eur., 141-158. WRONG, British Nation, 499-500. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. IX, xxxii-xl, 263-340. Modern Accounts, Group II. ADAMS, E. D., Influence of Gren- ville, passim. AUOLPHUS, England, IV, Ixv, 363, to VI, xciii, 310. AUBREY, English Nation, III, 264-275. BOURNE, H. R. F., News- papers, I, viii, 229-247. BRIGHT, J. F., England, III, 1148-1187; map, end of vol. BURROWS, Foreign Policy, viii, 168-203, passim. Cambridge Mod. Hist., VIII (Fr. Rev.), 1-35, 276-305, 398-486, 754- 790. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, VI, 1-366. CA-RLYLE, French Rev., 3 vols. COOKE, Party, III, xv-xvi, 366-408. CRAIK and MACFAR- LANE, Pictorial Hist., VI, 290-729; VII, 1-467. CREUX, Pitt et Frederic-Guillaume II, 44-180. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of George Canning, Quintin Cranfurd, John Thomas Duckworth, Henry Dundas, Thomas Erskine, Gerard Lake, Thomas Paine, Horace Wai- pole, William Wilberforce. DORMAN, British Empire, I, i-ii, 1-27. DOWELL, Taxation, II, 208-228. Foss, Judges, see especially 593-597 (Earl of Eldon). FREEMAN, General Sketch, 326-330. FROUDE, Ire- land, III, Books VIII-X, 1-506. GRANT, J., Battles, II, 206-227. GREEN, J. R., English People, IV, 301-325. HARRISON, F., Meaning of History, vi, 172-206. HUNT, W., England, 1760-1801 (Political Hist, of Eng., X), xv-xviii, 315-378; table, App. II. JAMES, Naval Hist., I, 1-254. KEENE, Moghul Empire, Part III, i, 195-220. KIL- LEN, Ireland, II, Book V, iv-v, 340-354. KNIGHT, England, VII, x-xvii, 181-315. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 942-943; III, 1776- 1781 (Ire.). LAUGHTON, Howard to Nelson, 342-358 (Howe), 388-396 (Hood). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, VIII, 160-305, 644-657. LECKY, England, VI; VII, 176. MAHAN, French Rev., I, i-vi, 1-172; plans, 129, 131, 137. MAHAN, Naval Officers, 254-319 (Howe). MASSEY, George III, III, xxxi-xxxv, 231-429. MAY, England, I, 318-320. MIGNET, French Rev., i-xi, 1-312. O'FLANAGAN, Chan- cellors of Ire., II, xlviii-xlix, 193-219. PICTON, Liverpool, I, 227-242, RAND, Economic Hist., iii, 55-85 (SYBEL). ROGERS, Gleanings, Ser. II, 189-247 (J. H. Tooke). ROSE, J. H., Napoleonic Studies, Part I. SEELEY, Napoleon, i, 9-36. SEELEV, Stein, I, i-iii, 1-72. STEPHENS, H. M., French Rev., 2 vols. SYBEL, French Rev., 4 vols. TERNAUX- MORTIMER, La Terreur, 8 vols. THIERS, French Rev., I, 15, to III, 225. TOCQUEVILLE, Ancient Regime, Books I-II, 1-255. VON HOLST, trench Rev., I, 219-258; II, 1-245. WRIGHT, Caricature Hist., xii-xiii, 438-532. Biographical: ADDINGTON : Pellew, I, 1-133. BURKE: Morley, J., viii-x, 142-214. CANNING : Temperley, i-iii, 9-53. ELDON, LORD: Twiss, I, 119-159. ELLIOT, H. : Minto, Countess of, Memoirs, 335-340, passim. Fox, C.J.: Wakeman, vii-viii, 119-174. MAITLAND, SIR T. : Lord (Builders of Greater Britain), i, 1-17. NAPOLEON : Haz- litt, I, i-viii, 1-244; see app. Jomini, I, 35-75. Rose, I, i-v, 1-69. Sloane, I, vii-xxxiii, 52-283. NELSON : Clarke and McArthur, I, Book II, 111-241. Mahan, I, iii-vi, 96209. See also Sect. f2. PITT, THE YOUNGER: Rosebery (Twelve Eng. Statesmen), vi-vii, 95-128. Smith, G., Three Eng. Statesmen, 184-250, 262-271. WESLEY: Tyer- man, III, Part III, 565-660. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 80, and general note, Sect. 2). ADAMS, E. D., Grenville, 75-79. Cambridge Mod. Hist., VIII, 794- 798, 809-811, 818-826, 844-850. DORMAN, British Empire, footnotes. HAZEN, American Opinion of French Rev., 300-307. HUNT, W., England, 1760-1801, App. I, 459-469. LOWELL, E. J., French Rev., 389-397. MORRIS, W. O., French Rev., app., 275-306. Providence Pub. Lib., Mo. Lists, II, 13 (Burke and the French Rev.). ROSE, Revolutionary Era, 373-378. STEPHENS, French Rev., I, pp. xiii-xxvii. Illustrative Material Prose. BANKS, ISABEL, God's Providence House; a story of 1791. London, 1885. [B. P. L.] DICKENS, CHARLES, The Long Voyage, in his Old Curiosity Shop, II, 153-162. Boston, Ticknor; London, Chapman, 1867. DICKENS, CHARLES, Tale of Two Cities. New York, Scribner, 1901. DUMAS, A. D., Les Blancs et les Bleus ; tr., The Whites and the Blues. 2 vols. Boston, Little, 1898. DUMAS, A. D., Le Chevalier de Maison Rouge. Paris, Calmann-Levy. DUMAS, A. D., La Femme au Collier de Velours. Paris, Calmann- Levy. [Cin.] DUMAS, A. D., The Companions of Jehu. 2 vols. Bos- ton, Little, 1898. GRANT, JAMES, Frank Hilton : or, the " Queen's own." London, Routledge. GRANT, JAMES, Oliver Ellis: or, the fusiliers. New ed. London, 1861. [B. P.L.] GRAS, FELIX, The White Terror ; a romance of the French revolution and after, tr. from the Proven9al of Felix Gras by Catherine A. Janvier. New York, Appleton, 1900. HUGO, V. M., Quatre-vingt-treize (Ninety-three). New York, Harper, 1874. PARKER, GILBERT, The Battle of the Strong; a romance of two kingdoms. Boston, Houghton, 1898. 406 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY READE, CHARLES, White Lies. [B.P. L.] SAGE, WILLIAM, Robert Tournay ; a romance of the French revolution. Boston, Houghton, 1900. " SAGON, AMYOT," When George III was King. [B.] Illustrative Material Poetry. BROWNELL, H. H., Place de la Revolution (10 Thermidor, 1794), in his War-lyrics. Boston, Ticknor, 1866. COLERIDGE, S. T., The Fall of Robespierre, in his Works, III. HEMANS, FELICIA D., Prisoner's Evening Service ; a scene of the French revolution, in her Works, 647-649. SECTION 72 George III (), 1795-1804 (WILLIAM PITT, DECEMBER, I783-MARCH, 1801. ADDINGTON, TO MAY, 1804) Summary. The War of the First Coalition, 1793-1797 (concluded) : Cape St. Vincent, 1797; Camperdown, 1797 ; conquests of the Cape of Good Hope, Ceylon, Trinidad, 1795-1797; suspension of specie pay- ments, 1797; mutiny in the British fleets, 1797; futile negotiations at Lille. War of the Second Coalition, 1798-1801: Napoleon's plans; the expedition to Egypt; Battle of the Nile, 1798; Acre; Peace of Amiens, 1802. Copenhagen, 1801. Convention with Russia, 1801. Napoleon's colonial policy : the West Indies ; Louisiana ; India ; Aus- tralia. Ireland: the United Irishmen; insurrection; French aid; legislative union, 1800-1801 (method of accomplishment, results); comparison with the Scotch union; Emmet's insurrection, 1803. Sources Individual Works. BOURRIENNE, Memoirs of Napo- leon, I, iv-xxxv, 45-422 ; II, i-xx, 1-237. BUCKINGHAM, Memoirs, II, 324-452; 111,1-337. BURKE, E., Works, V, 83-433 ; 1,80-90; VIII, 490-529. CANNING, Speeches, I, Letters, 1-42, passim ; Speeches, I, 49-300; II, 1-168. CORNWALLIS, Correspondence, II, xvii-xix, 283- 462 ; III, xix-xxiv, 1-528. CURRAN, Speeches, 243-424. ERSKINE, Speeches, IV, 139-410. Fox, C. J., Memorials, III, 129-465 ; IV, 1-72, 296-462. FRANCIS, DUKE OF LEEDS, Political Memoranda (Camden Soc.), 221-234. HORNER, Memoirs, I, 9-252. JAMES, B., Journal (Navy Records), 280-382. MALMESBURY, Correspondence, III, 250- 575; IV, 1-292. MARBOT, Memoirs, I, iv-xix, 20-160. MARKHAM, J., Correspondence (Navy Records), 1-36, cf. introd. ; 102-176. MARTIN, T. B., Letters and Papers (Navy Records), I, 247-251, 256-311. MET- TERNICH, Memoirs, I, Book III, 339-378. Paget Papers, I, 107-366; ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 407 II, i-i2i. PASQUIER, Chancellor, Memoirs, I, vi-vii, 130-214. PITT, Speeches, II, 129-458; III, 1-382. REMUSAT, Memoirs, Book I, i-xi, 1-247. ROMILLY, Memoirs, I, 389-429 ; 11,522-530. TALLEYRAND, Memoirs, I, 187-219. Sources Collections. ADAMS, C. K., Orations, II, 1-175, 2 ^ 2 ~ 296. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 497-506. ANDERSON, F. M., Constitu- tions, 254-343 [Bibl.]. Annual Register, see appropriate vols. (con- sult index for 1758-1819). ASHTON, Nineteenth Century, 2 vols., passim. AUCKLAND, Correspondence, III, xxxvi-xxxviii, 355-455 ; IV, xxxix-xlv, 1-230. Blockade of Brest, 1803-1805, 1 ; II, 1-145. BREWER, Orations, I, 38-45 (J. ADAMS), 65-79 (J. Q. ADAMS), 155-167 (F. AMES) ; IV, 1537-1539, 1552-1557 (CURRAN); VI, 2029-2036 (EMMET), 2069- 2081 (ERSKINE), 2180-2188 (C. J. Fox), 2333-2335 (GRATTAN); VIII, 2919-2924 (MACKINTOSH), 3201-3208 (PITT), 3213-3220 (PLUNKETT). BROWNING, O., Englandand Napoleon, 1-295 ! c ^- P re f-, pp. v-xi. CLARKE, W., Orations, 232-280. COBBETT, Debates, First Ser., I. COBBETT, Trials, XXV, 891, to XXIX, 81. COLBY, 281-286. DE BRETT, State Papers, V-XI. ELLIOT, SIR GILBERT, Letters, II-III. ELLIS, Third Ser., IV, 398. GOODRICH, Eloquence, 396-398, cf. 382-385 (GRATTAN); S^-SS - cf - 437-46i (C. J. Fox); 593-628, cf. 551-578 (PiTT); 761-784, cf. 629-636 (ERSKINE); 805-820, cf. 785-789 (CURRAN); 827-850, cf. 821-826 (MACKINTOSH). HART and CHANNING, American Hist. Leaflets, no. 6, pp. 3-4, cf. 1-3. JOHNSTON, American Orations, I, 84-111 (GALLATIN), 112-130 (AMES). KENDALL, 370-375. LEE.G.C., 483-493. MILES, French Rev., II, 1-336. Naval Miscellany (Navy Records), I, 246-351, 408-435. Nelson and the Neapolitan Jacobins (Navy Records). POLLARD, A. F., Pamphlets, 340-345. RICHARDSON, J. D., Messages, consult index, X. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 157- 166, 354-356; app., passim. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxxvii-xxxviii, 465-529, passim [Bibl.]. ROGERS, Protests, II, 283-353. ROSE, G., Correspondence, I, iii-x, 200-518; II, i-ii, 1-73. ROSE, J. H., Napo- leonic Studies, Part II. Sea Fights (Navy Records), 200-345, cf. introd. ; II, 9-135, cf. introd. Sessional Papers, see indexes. Statutes, 1801 1832, I. Statutes at Large, X. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 477-483. CHEYNEY, England, xviii, 606-609. FYFFE, Modern Eur., I, 154-308. GARDINER, B. M., French Rev. (Epochs), 232-253. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 831-848. GOMM, CARR-, Administrations, 1-17. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part III, 91-99 (SOUTHEY). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 809-820; illus. ed., IV, 1769-1801. HASSALL, French People, 231- 249. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 274-276. JENKS, 408 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Parliamentary Eng. (Nations), x, 283-323, passim [Bibl.]. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 354-376. LEBON, France (Nations), iii-iv, 53-87. LINGARD, England, abr., 575-581. LODGE, R., Modern Eur., 553-585. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 344-347. MORRIS, W. O., French Rev. (Epochs), 142-199. MORRIS, W. O., Ireland (Cambridge Hist.), viii, 249-288. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 620-631. OMAN, Eng- land, xxxvii-xxxviii, 584-604. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VIII, iv, 866-883; plan, 871. ROSE, Revolutionary Era (Cambridge Hist.), vi-vii, 93-147; map, 126. SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., Book II, i, 265- 276, passim. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 216-220. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, vi, 266-302. STEPHENS, H. M., Revolutionary Eur. (Periods of Eur. Hist.), 187-236. TANCOCK, England (Epochs of Eng. Hist.), Books III-IV, 70-114; map, 99. TERRY, B., England, 953-961. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part IV, vi, 520-525. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxxii, 458-459; map, 458. WHITCOMB, Modern Eur., 159-174. WRONG, British Nation, 500-502. Modern Accounts, Group II. ADAMS, E. D., Influence of Gren- ville, passim. ADAMS, HENRY, United States, II, 1-24, 316-388. ADOLPHUS, England, VI-VII. ASHTON, Nineteenth Century, 2 vols., passim. AUBREY, English Nation, III, 275-279. BRIGHT, J. F., Eng- land, III, 1 187-1257. BRODRICK and FOTHERINGHAM, England, 1801- 1837 (Political Hist, of Eng., XI), i-ii, 1-34. BURROWS, Foreign Pol- icy, viii, 168-203, passim; 204-244, passim. Cambridge Mod. Hist., VIII, 447-486, 620-632 (H. W. WILSON). CAMPBELL, Admirals, VI, xxix, 380-490 ; VII, xxix-xxx, 1-294; maps, 118, 201, 215. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, VII, 1-190. CAMPBELL, Justices, III, i, 1-12. COOKE, Party, III, xvii, 409-452. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., VII, 467-560; VIII, 2-88. DAUNT, Irish Hist., i-v, 1-53. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Henry Blackwood, Robert Calder, Robert Emmet, John Jervis, Edward Law, Robert Stewart. DORMAN, British Empire, I, ii-xvii, 27-336 [Bibl. footnotes]. FREEMAN, General Sketch, 330-333; map, 332. GRANT, J., Battles, II, 227-314. GREEN, J. R., English People, IV, 319-360; map, 343. HOZIER, Invasions, II, xviii, 214-308. HUNT, W., England, 1760-1801 (Political Hist, of Eng., X), xviii-xx, 315-455; table, App. II. INGRAM, Irish Hist., II, xvii-xxvii, 1-310. JAMES, Naval Hist., I, 255, to III, 211. KEENE, Moghul Empire, Part III, ii-iv, 221-279; a PP-> 281-291. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book V, v, 354-375. KNIGHT, England, VII, xviii-xxiv, 316-434. LANFREY, Napoleon, I-II. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 943-946; III, 1779-1784 (Ire.). LAUGHTON, Howard to Nelson, 399-433 (St. Vincent), 437-468 (Nelson). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 409 VIII, 441-458, 657-675; IX, 39-40, 53-71. LEWIS, Administrations, ii, 125, to iii, 206. MCCARTHY, J., Four Georges, III, Ixi, 306-330. MAC- KENZIE, Nineteenth Cent., 1-29. MAHAN, French Rev., I, vii-xi, 173- 380; II, xii-xv, 1-139; numerous plans, etc. MAHAN, Naval Officers, 320-381 (Jervis), 382-427 (Saumarez). MARTINEAU, England, 1800- 1815, Book I, i-v, 1-117. MASSEY, George III, IV, xxvi-xli, 1-370. MAY, England, I, 85-92, 163-172, 220-222, 320-322; II, 102-181. Mi- GNET, French Rev., xii-xiv, 313-383. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., II, 1-liv, 220-300 ; Ixi-lxii, 403-449. OLIPHANT, T. L. K., Essays, 150-160. PICTON, Liverpool, I, 242-267. ROPES, Napoleon I, Lects. I-III, 1-107. ROSE, J. H., Napoleon I, I, v-xxi, 70-456. ROSE, J. H., Napoleon and Eng. Commerce, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1893, VIII, 704-71 1. ROSE, J. H., Napoleonic Studies, Part I. SEELEY, Napoleon I, ii-iii, 37-115. SEELEY, Stein, I, Part I, iv-v, 72-107; Part II, i-vii, 111-222. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, II, Book XII, ii, 413-421. TAINE, Modern Regime, I. THIERS, French Rev., Ill, 225-432 ; IV. TRAILL, Social Eng., V, 505-512 (Ire.). WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, 454-528. WILKIN- SON, Cromwell to Wellington, 288-325 (Abercrombie), 326-330 (Lake), 380-392 (Baird). WILLIAMS, H., Naval Power, x-xi, 156-224. Bio- graphical: ADDINGTON: Pellew, I, 134-499; app., 500-512 ; 11,1-245. CANNING : Temperley, iv, 54-69. CASTLEREAGH and STEWART (MAR- QUESSES OF LONDONDERRY) : Alison, I, i, 1-140. ELDON, LORD : Twiss, I, 160-235. ELLIOT, H.: Minto, Countess of, Memoirs, 335-340, passim. Fox, C. J. : Wakeman, ix-x, 175-218. MAITLAND, SIR T. : Lord, ii-iv, 18-71. NAPOLEON: Hazlitt, I, ix-xvi, 245-404; II, xvii- xxx, 1-230. Jomini, I, 76-393; II, 13-61 ; maps. Rose, I, v-xxi, 70- 456. Sloane, II, i-xxxiv, 1-283. NELSON : Clarke and McArthur, I, Book II, 241-359; II, Book III, 2-348. Mahan, I, vii-xiii, 210-454 ; II, xiv-xix, 1-266. Russell, W. C., iv-x, 75-246. Russell, W. C. (Heroes), i-xvi, 1-234. Southey, iii-viii, 51-256. O'CoNNELL: Dunlop (Heroes), i-ii, 1-27. PITT, THE YOUNGER: Rosebery (Twelve Eng. Statesmen), viii-xv, 129-287. WELLINGTON : Brialmont, I, i-iv, 1-154. Waite, ii-iii, 13-50; plan, 41. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 80, and general note, Sect. 2). See ADAMS, E. D., HUNT, MORRIS, ROSE, and STEPHENS, as in Sect. 71; also, BRODRICK and FOTHERINGHAM, England, 1801-1837, 443- 450. Cambridge Mod. Hist., VIII, 834-836. DORMAN, British Empire, footnotes. JONES, H. V., Parliamentary Papers. SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., 575-588, 590. WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, pp. xxxi-xxxv. Illustrative Material Prose. BALZAC, HONORE DE, The Chouans. Tr. by K. P. WORMELEY. Boston, Roberts, 1893. BAMIN, MICHAEL, 410 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY The Croppy ; a tale of the Irish rebellion of 1798. New York, Sadlier. BLACKMORE, R. D., The Maid of Sker. New York, Burt. BLACK- MORE, R. D., Springhaven ; a tale of the great war. London, Sampson, 1896. BODKIN, M. M., Lord Edward Fitzgerald. Chapman, 1896. [B.] BODKIN, M. M., The Rebels. Ward, 1897. [B.] CAINE, HALL, The Bondman. New York, Appleton, 1890. HUTCHINSON, H. G., A Friend of Nelson. Longmans, 1902. [B.] LEVER, C. J., O'Donoghue ; a tale of Ireland fifty years ago. New York, Routledge, 1845. LOVER, SAMUEL, Rory O'More. New York, Routledge, 1837. MARRYATT, FREDERICK, The King's Own. New York, Appleton, 1891. SAINTAINE, X. J., Picciola. Tr. Boston, Caldwell, 1875. [B-] SPRINGER, ROBERT, Sidney Smith; historischer Roman. Berlin, 1875. [B.P. L.] WING- FIELD, L. S., My Lords of Strogue ; a chronicle of Ireland from the convention till the union. London, 1879. [B.P. L.] Illustrative Material Poetry. CAMPBELL, THOMAS, The Battle of the Baltic, in CAMPBELL and FALCONER. CAMPBELL, THOMAS, Napoleon and the British Sailor, in CAMPBELL and FALCONER. COLE- RIDGE, S. T., France ; an ode, in his Works, II. JERROLD, D. W., The Prisoner of War; a comedy, in his Writings, VII. MOORE, THOMAS, O ! Breathe not his Name, in his Works. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, War- song of the Royal Edinburgh Light Dragoons. SOUTHEY, ROBERT, Written Immediately after Reading the Speech of Robert Emmet, on his Trial and Conviction for High Treason, Sept. 1803, in his Works, I. SECTION 73 George HI (F), 1804-1807 (PITT, MAY, i8o4-jANUARY, 1806. "ALL THE TALENTS," Fox AND GRENVILLE, FEBRUARY, i8o6-MARCH, 1807) Summary. The War of the Third Coalition, 1805: Napoleon's plan of invasion ; Villeneuve and Nelson in the West Indies ; Calder at Finisterre ; Nelson at Trafalgar, Oct. 21, 1805; advantages of the war to England ; death of Pitt, Jan. 23, 1 806. The Continental System : Napoleon's control of Austria, Prussia, Russia; the Berlin Decrees, 1806; Orders in Council, 1807; second bombardment of Copenhagen; seizure of the Danish navy ; further Orders in Council ; Milan Decree. The slave trade : abolition of the trade by Great Britain (Clarkson, Wilberforce, Pitt and Fox), 1807 ; abolition by other countries, 1808-1815. ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 4*11 Sources Individual "Works. BOURRIENNE, Memoirs of Napo- leon, II, xxi-xxxiv, 238-424; III, i-xii, 1-26. BROUGHAM, Life, I, vi, 218-262. BUCKINGHAM, Memoirs, III, 338-460; IV, i-no. CAN- NING, Speeches, I, Letters, 1-42, passim; II, Speeches, 168-275. CORNWALLIS, Correspondence, III, xxv, 529-564. CURRAN, Speeches, 424-461. Fox, C. J., Memorials, IV, 73-173, 462-487. HORNER, Memoirs, I, 253-418. JEFFERSON, THOMAS, Writings, VIII, 46-71. MALMESBURY, Correspondence, IV, 292-365. MARBOT, Memoirs, I, xx-xxxiv, 161-299; maps, 161, 207,233. MARKHAM, J., Correspond- ence (Navy Records), 36-101, 177-433. METTERNICH, Memoirs, II, 99-142. Paget Papers, II, 121-380. PASQUIER, Chancellor, Memoirs, I, viii-ix, 215-272. PITT, Speeches, III, 382-441. REMUSAT, Memoirs, Book II, xii-xxii, 248-485. ROMILLY, Memoirs, I, 429-446; II, 1-34. TALLEYRAND, Memoirs, I, 219-242. Sources Collections. ADAMS, C. K., Orations, II, 176-261. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 506-507. ANDERSON, F. M., Constitutions, 343-389 [Bibl.]. Annual Register, see appropriate vols. (consult index for 1758-1819). ASHTON, Nineteenth Cent., 2 vols., passim. AUCK- LAND, Correspondence, IV, xlv-xlviii, 230-286. Blockade of Brest, 1803-1805 (Navy Records), II, 145-378. BREWER, Orations, IV, 1497- 1537 (CURRAN). COBBETT, Debates, First Ser., II-VIII. COBBETT, Trials, XXIX, 81, to XXX, 756. COLBY, 286-292. HENDERSON, E. F., Side-Lights, 284-290. MILES, French Rev., II, 336-349. Naval Miscellany (Navy Records), I, 351-386, 436-444. RICHARDSON, J. D., Messages, consult index, X. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 167-170. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxxvii-xxxviii, 465-529, passim [Bibl.]. ROGERS, Protests, II, 354-377. ROSE, G., Correspondence, II, iii-viii, 74-317. ROSE, J. H., Napoleonic Studies, Part II. ROSE, J. H., The Third Coalition (Camden Soc.). Sea Fights (Navy Records), II, 145- 327, cf. introd. Sessional Papers, see indexes. Statutes, 1801-1832, II. University of Pa., II, no. 2, pp. 18-26. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 483-485. CHEYNEY, England, xviii, 609-610. FYFFE, Modern Eur., II, 309-366. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 849-862. GOMM, CARR-, Adminis- trations, 19-34. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part III, 100-106 (SOUTHEY). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 820-824; illus. ed., IV, 1801-1815; map, 1801. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 274-277. JENKS, Parliamentary Eng. (Nations), x, 283-323, passim [Bibl.]. LEBON, France (Nations), v, 88-110. LINGARD, England, abr., 581-582. LODGE, R., Modern Eur., 586-599. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 340-341. MORRIS, W. O., French Rev. (Epochs), 199-224. MYERS, Mediaeval 412 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY and Mod. Hist., 632-641. OMAN, England, xxxviii, 604-613. RAN- SOME, Advanced Hist., Book VIII, iv, 883-893 ; plans, 885. ROSE, Revolutionary Era (Cambridge Hist.), viii, 148-183. SEARS, Nineteenth Century, Book II, i, 265-276, passim. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, vi, 302-306. STEPHENS, H. M., Revolutionary Eur. (Periods of Eur. Hist.), 237-262. TERRY, B., England, 961-966. TERRY, B., His- tory for Schools, Part IV, vi, 525-529. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxxii, 459-462. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 341-347 (SOUTHEY), 347-351 (FYFFE). WRONG, British Nation, 502-505. Modern Accounts, Group II. ADAMS, HENRY, United States, 11,410-437; 111,80-102,370-391. ASHTON, Nineteenth Cent., 2 vols., passim. AUBREY, English Nation, III, 279-320. BEARD, C. A., Intro- duction, 520-537. BRIGHT, J. F., England, III, 1257-1289. BROD- RICK and FOTHERINGHAM, England, 1801-1837 (Political Hist, of Eng., XI), ii-iii, 34-50. BURROWS, Foreign Policy, ix, 204-244, passim. CAMPBELL, Admirals, VII, xxxi, 295-485 ; VIII, xxxi-xxxii, 1-202. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, VI, 367-709; VII, 191-209. CAMPBELL, Justices, IV, i, 213-248. COOKE, Party, III, xviii, 453-481. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., VIII, 88-255. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Edward Codrington, Robert Banks Jenkinson, Horatio Nelson. DORMAN, British Empire, I, xvii-xviii, 336-372. GRANT, J., Battles, II, 314-350. GREEN, J. R., English People, IV, 360-368. HOZIER, Invasions, II, xix, 309-369, 370-391. JAMES, Naval Hist., Ill, 212-474; IV, 1-192. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book V, vi, 376-379. KNIGHT, England, VII, xxv-xxvii, 435-491. LANFREY, Napoleon, III, i-xi. LARKED, Ready Reference, II, 945-947. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, His- toire Generate, IX, 545-560. LEWIS, Administrations, iv, 207-282. MCCARTHY, J., Four Georges, III, Ixii, 331-338. MAHAN, French Rev., II, xvi-xvii, 140-271 ; plan, 190. MAHAN, Naval Officers, 428- 478, passim (Pellew). MARTINEAU, England, 1800-1815, Book I, vi-ix, 117-248. MAY, England, I, 92-104. MIGNET, French Rev., xv, 384- 410. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., II, Iv, 301-322 ; Ixiii-lxiv, 450- 476. PICTON, Liverpool, I, 268-287. RAND, Economic Hist., v, 109-125 (LEVI). ROPES, Napoleon I, Lect. Ill, 107-129. ROSE, J. H., Napo- leon and Eng. Commerce, in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1893, VIII, 711-725. ROSE, J. H., Napoleonic Studies, Part I. SEELEY, Napoleon I, iv, 1 16-144. SEELEY, Stein, Part III, i-iv, 225-305. TRAILL, Social Eng., V, 515-520. WILKINSON, Cromwell to Wellington, 398-403 (Baird). WILLIAMS, H., Naval Power, xii, 225-250. WITHROW, Canada, xxi, 288-298. WRIGHT, Caricature Hist., xv, 582-624. Biographical: ADDINGTON : Pellew, II, 246-472. CASTLEREAGH and STEWART ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 413 (MARQUESSES OF LONDONDERRY): Alison, I, ii, 141-211. ELDON, LORD: Twiss, I, 236-289. ELLIOT, H.: Minto, Countess of, Memoirs, 340-402. MAITLAND, SIR T. : Lord (Builders of Greater Britain), v-vii, 72-106. NAPOLEON : Hazlitt, II, xxxi-xxxviii, 231-383. Jomini, II, 62-325; maps. Rose, I, xxi, 456-468 ; II, xxii-xxv, 1-94. Sloane, III, i-xxix, 1-270. NELSON : Clarke and McArthur, II, Book III, 348-470 ; app., 471-511. Mahan, II, xx-xxiii, 267-398. Russell, W. C., xi-xii, 247-301. Russell, W. C. (Heroes), xvii-xx, 235-336. Southey, viii-ix, 256-297. WELLINGTON: Brialmont, I, v, 155-163. Waite, iv, 51-62. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 80, and general note, Sect. 2). See MORRIS, ROSE, and STEPHENS, as in Sect. 71 ; also: BRODRICK and FOTHERINGHAM, England, 1801-1837, 443-450. DORMAN, British Empire, footnotes. JONES, H. V., Parliamentary Papers. SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., 575-588, 590. niustrative Material Prose. BESANT, SIR WALTER, and JAMES RICE, 'Twas in Trafalgar's Bay, and Other Stories. London, Chatto, 1896. CHAMIER, FREDERICK, Ben Brace, the Last of Nelson's Agamem- nons. New ed. London, 1860. [B.P. L.] DOYLE, A. CONAN, Uncle Bernac. New York, Appleton, 1897. GALDOZ, B. P., Trafalgar. New York, Gottsberger, 1884. GRANT, JAMES, Adventures of an Aide-de- camp. London, Routledge, 1898. WATSON, H. B. M., Chloris of the Island. New York, Harper, 1900. Illustrative Material Poetry. BARTON, BERNARD, Napoleon, in his Poems. [B. P. L.] CAMPBELL, THOMAS, Ye Mariners of England ; a naval ode, in CAMPBELL and FALCONER, 98-99. SECTION 74 George III (), 1807-1820 (PORTLAND, MARCH, i8o7-OcroBER, 1809. PERCIVAL, DECEMBER, i8o9-MAY, 1812. LIVERPOOL, JUNE, i8i2-ApRiL, 1827) Summary. The Walcheren expedition, 1809. The Peninsular War: Wellesley's previous career; Portugal's alliance ; Talavera, 1809; Torres Vedras, 1810 ; detention of French troops ; Badajoz and Ciudad Rodrigo, 1812; Wellington's campaigns during Napoleon's invasion of Russia; overthrow of King Joseph, 1813; junction with the allies in France, 1814; the Peace of Paris, 1814; deposition of Napoleon, Elba. The Hundred Days (Waterloo, June 15-18, 1815). Congress of Vienna, 1815. Napoleon at St. Helena. Cost and advantages of the 414 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY war to Great Britain. War with the United States [see CHANNING and HART, Guide (no. joi), Sects. 170 to 173], 1812-1814: causes; Washington ; New Orleans ; Lake Erie ; other naval engagements ; Treaty of Ghent, 1814; consequences of the war. Domestic affairs: the regency, 1811 ; the Luddites ; Cobbett's Weekly Political Register; the first Corn Law, 1815; removal of the income tax; the Manchester Massacre (Peterloo), 1819; the Six Acts, 1819; beginning of emigra- tion, 1816. Sources Individual "Works. BOURRIENNE, Memoirs of Napo- leon, III, xiii-xxxvi, 127-451; map, 452; app., 452-459; IV. BROUGHAM, Life, I, vii-ix, 263-368 ; II, x-xv, 7-268. BUCKINGHAM, Memoirs, IV, 111-486. CANNING, Speeches, I, Letters, 42-110; Speeches, II, 277, to IV, 213. Croker Papers, I, i-vi, 1-167, passim. CURRAN, Speeches, 461-471. HORNER, Memoirs, I, 418-529; II. JEFFERSON, Writings, V-VI ; VIII, 82-89, passim. MALMESBURY, Correspondence, IV, 365- 426. MARBOT, Memoirs, I, xxxv-xlviii, 289-452 ; maps, 301, 428; II. MARTIN, T. B., Letters and Papers (Navy Records), I, 251-256; II. MENEVAL, Memoirs, 3 vols. METTERNICH, Memoirs, I, 63-167, 171- 265, 295-313 ; II, 143-359. 49 2 - 6l 7- p aget Papers, II, App. I, 383-389. PASQUIER, Chancellor, Memoirs, I, x-xii, 273-559; II. REMUSAT, Memoirs, Book II, xxiii-xxix, 486-688. ROMILLY, Memoirs, II, 35- 547; app., 549-559- TALLEYRAND, Memoirs, I, 243, to III, 223. Sources Collections. ADAMS, C. K., Orations, IV, 1-116. AN- DERSON, F. M., Constitutions, 389-484 [Bibl.]. Annual Register, see appropriate vols. (consult index for 1758-1819). ASHTON, Under the Regency, 2 vols., passim. ASHTON, Nineteenth Cent., 2 vols., passim. AUCKLAND, Correspondence, IV, xlviii-li, 287-415. Black Book of 1820. BREWER, Orations, II, 658-665 (BROUGHAM); IV, 1264-1268 (CLAY); IX, 3274-3278 (J. QUINCY). British and Foreign State Papers, 1812, etc., I-VIII. CLARKE, W., Orations, 281-294. COB- BETT, Debates, First Sen, IX-XLI. COBBETT, Trials, XXX, 756-1584. COLBY, 292-300. GOODRICH, Eloquence, 859-873, cf. 851-858 (CAN- NING); 891-896, cf. 886-890 (BROUGHAM). HART, Source Book, 218- 223. HENDERSON, E. F., Side-Lights, 291-300. HERTSLET, Europe by Treaty, I, 1-622, passim. JOHNSTON, American Orations, I, 205-215 (CLAY). KENDALL,3i4-3i8,375-38o. LEE,G.C.,5oo-5oi. MACDONALD, WILLIAM, Documents, 176-177, 183-198. MILES, French Rev., II, 349-400. PALLAIN, Correspondence of Talleyrand and King Louis XVIII. POORE, B. P., Constitutions, Part II, 1482. RICHARDSON, J. D., Messages, consult index, X. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 171- 182, 356-373 ; app., passim. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxxvii-xxxviii, ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 415 465-529, passim [Bibl.]. ROGERS, Protests, II, 377-529. ROSE, G., Correspondence, II, ix-xiii, 318-527. ROSE, J. II., Napoleonic Studies, Part II. Sessional Papers, see indexes. Statutes, 1801-1832, III-VIII (in part). WHARTON, International Law, I, 713-727 ; 11,167-175; III, 103-111, 116-171, 215-228, 330-332, 334-33 8 - Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 493-495. ADAMS, G. B., French Nation, 308-317. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 485-487, 494-495. BISHOP, Pictures, 250-255 (THACKERAY), 255-268 (Huco). BOURINOT, Canada (Nations), xxii-xxiii, 302-337. CHANNING, E., America, vii, 184-207. CHEYNEY, England, xviii, 6n- 615; xix, 617-623. CREIGHTON, M., Half-Hour Hist., xvii, 192-206. FYFFE, Modern Eur., I, 367-545; II, 1-236. GARDINER, S. R., Stu- dent's Hist., 862-880. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, xii-xiv, 197-263; plans, 222, 230, 236. GOMM, CARR-, Administrations, 35-64. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part III, 106-112 (NAPIER), 112-116 (GREEN). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 824-838; illus. ed., IV, 1817-1827. HASSALL, French People, 334-362. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 277-286. JENKS, Parliamentary Eng. (Nations), x, 283-323, passim [Bibl.]. JUDSON, Europe (Chautauqua), 47-70, 207-215. LARNED, History for Schools, 571-584; map, 574. LEBON, France (Nations), vi-viii, 111-170. LINGARD, England, abr., 582-591 ; map, 583. LODGE, R., Modern Eur., 599-662. MCCARTHY, J., Reform (Epochs), 12-18. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 341-344, 353. MORRIS, French Rev. (Epochs), 224-274. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 641-655. OMAN, England, xxxviii-xxxix, 613-641. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VIII, iv, 893-919; maps, 895, 907 ; plans, 901, 909. ROSE, J. H., Revolutionary Era (Cambridge Hist.), ix-xi, 184-371; list of maps, etc., 217, 349. SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., Book II, i, 265-276, passim. SEIGNOBOS, Europe, i, 1-9. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 241-250. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, vi, 306-312. STEPHENS, H. M., Revolutionary Eur. (Periods of Eur. Hist.), 263-362. TANCOCK, England (Epochs of Eng. Hist.), Books V-VI, 115-156; map, 125. TERRY, B., England, 966-979 ; maps, 969-970. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part IV, vi-vii, 529-540; map, 532; plan, 534. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxxii, 462-468 ; map, 467. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 351-356 (CREASY). WHITCOMB, Modern Eur., 175-180. WRONG, British Nation, 505-515. Modern Accounts, Group II. ADAMS, HENRY, United States, IV-VIII ; IX, 1-79. ASHTON, Nineteenth Century, 2 vols., passim. ASHTON, Under the Regency, 2 vols., passim. BEARD, C. A., Intro- duction, 520-537. BRIGHT, J. F., England, 1289-1363; map, end of 416 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY vol. BRODRICK and FOTHERINGHAM, England, 1801-1837 (Political Hist, of Eng., XI), iii-viii, 50-191 ; map. BURROWS, Foreign Policy, x-xii, 245-318. Cambridge Mod. Hist., VII, United States, 335-348 (H.W.WiLsoN). CAMPBELL, Admirals, VIII, xxxiii, 203-409; App. IV, 489-504. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, VII, 209-354. CAMPBELL, Justices, III, ii, 12-25 (Lyndhurst ) ; I V, ii, 249-288 (Brougham). CESARESCO, Italy, 1-39. COOKE, Party, III, xix, 482-513. COUBER- TIN, France, 1-30. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., VIII, 255-67^8. DAUNT, Irish Hist., vi, 53-66. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Charles Alten, W. C. Beresford, Sir P. B. V. Broke, Strat- ford Canning, George Cathcart, Thomas Cochrane, George Cock- burn, John Colborne, Robert Craufurd, Humphrey Davy, Thomas Denman, Ernest (Augustus), Edward Augustus Kent and Strathern, Hudson Lowe, John Moore, Spencer Perceval, Thomas Picton, Arthur Wellesley. DOWELL, Taxation, II, 229-245, 249-261. FREEMAN, General Sketch, 333-347 ; map, 336. GRANT, J., Battles, II, 351-560. GREEN, J. R., English People, IV, 368-389. HODGKIN, Invaders, II, 179-181. JAMES, Naval Hist., IV, 193, to VI, 301. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book V, vi, 379-412. KNIGHT, England, VII, xxviii-xxxii, 492- 573; VIII, i-vi, i-uo. LANFREY, Napoleon, III, xii-xv; IV, i-xiii. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 947-951; HI 1784-1785 (Ire.). LA- VISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, IX, 560-581, 915-931, 940-948; X, 1-61, 515-523. LEWIS, Administrations, v, 283-347. MCCARTHY, J., Four Georges, III, Ixii, 338-349. MACKENZIE, Nineteenth Cent., 30-63,413-415. MACLAY, U. S. Navy, I, Part III, i-xii, 305-575; II, xiii-xvi, 1-82. MAHAN, French Rev., II, xviii-xix, 272-411. MAHAN, Naval Officers, 428-478, passim (Pellew). MAHAN, Negotiations at Ghent, in Am. Hist. Rev., Oct., 1905, XI, 68-87. MARTINEAU, Eng- land, 1800-1815, Book II, i-x, 249-536. MARTINEAU, Thirty Years' Peace, I, Book I, i-xvii, 1-314. MAY, England, I, 105-112, 172-179, 322-325. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, III, 2083-2192. NAPIER, Peninsula, 5 vols. O'FLANAGAN, Chancel- lors of Ire., II, Ivii-lviii, 323-360 ; Ixvi, 477-493. OMAN, Peninsular War, 2 vols. PAULI, Aufsatze, Old Ser., I, 392-458 (George Canning). PICTON, Liverpool, I, 287-360. PROBYN, Italy, 1-19. ROPES, Napo- leon I, Lects. IV VII, 130-308. ROPES, Waterloo; map and plan, end of vol. ROSE, J. H., Napoleonic Studies, Part I. ROSEBERY, Napoleon I. SEELEY, Napoleon, v-vi, 145-233, cf. 240-315. SEELEY, Stein, Parts III-V, 306-546. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, II, Book XI, Hi, 282-369. TRAILL, Social Eng., V, 520-522. WALPOLE, S., Eng- land from 1815, I, iv-v, 273-443; II, vi, 1-82. WILKINSON, Cromwell ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 417 to Wellington, 404-442 (Moore), 459-495 (Wellington). WITHROW, Canada, xxii-xxiv, 299-340. W T RIGHT, Caricature Hist., xvi, 625-639. Biographical: ABERDEEN : Gordon, A. (Queen's Prime Ministers), i-ii, 1-65. ADDINGTON : Pellew, II, 473, to III, 304. ALBERT, PRINCE: Martin, T., Prince Consort, I, i, 1-12. CANNING : Temperley, v-viii, 70-139. CASTLEREAGH and STEWART (MARQUESSES OF LONDON- DERRY): Alison, I, iii, 212, to III, xv, 71. COCHRANE: Dundonald and Bourne, I, i-vii, 1-176; app., 389-399. ELDON, LORD: Twiss, I, 290- 421; II, 17-52. ELLIOT, H. : Minto, Countess of, Memoirs, 402-415, passim. HASTINGS: Trotter (Rulers of India), xiii, 201-215; map, opposite title-page. JACKSON: Sumner, ii-iii, 26-72. LOWE: Martin, A. P., II, iii, 559-571 ; v, 578-586. MAITLAND, SIR T. : Lord (Builders of Greater Britain), viii-xv, 107-242. NAPOLEON : Hazlitt, II, xxxix- xli, 384-449 ; III. Jomini, II, 326-451 ; also III-IV ; maps. Rose, II, xxvi-xlii, 95-529. Sloane, IV. O'CoNNELLi Dunlop (Heroes), ii-v, 27-106. Hamilton, J. A. (Statesmen), i-ii, 1-47. PEEL, ROBERT: Thursfield (Twelve Eng. Statesmen), i-ii, 1-42. WELLINGTON : Brial- mont, I, vi, 164, to III, iii, 95; numerous maps. Waite, R., v-xv, 63- 263 ; numerous maps. Bibliography (see also under Sect. So; general note, Sect. 2 ; and see nos. 80 and 8f, Part I). See MORRIS, ROSE, and STEPHENS, as in Sect. 71 ; also: BRODRICK and FOTHERINGHAM, England, 1801-1837, 443-450. JONES, H. V., Parliamentary Papers. PAULI, Aufsatze, Old Ser., I, 392 (Canning). ROPES, Waterloo, pp. xxxiii-xlii. SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., 575-588, 590. WALPOLE, S., England from 1815, footnotes. WINSOR, Narrative Hist., VII. Illustrative Material Prose. BACHELLER, IRVING, D'ri and I ; a tale of daring deeds in the second war with the British, being the memoirs of Colonel Ramon Bell. Boston, Lathrop. BALFOUR, AN- DREW, Vengeance is Mine. [Books I-III, 1-307.] [B.] BLACKMORE, R. D., Alice Lorraine. [B.] BRONTE, CHARLOTTE, Shirley. New York, Burt. BUCHANAN, R. W., The Shadow of the Sword. London, Chatto, 1899. DEVEREUX, MARY, Lafitte of Louisiana. Boston, Little, 1902. DOYLE, A. C., The Great Shadow. New York, Harper, 1893. [ B - p - L ERCKMANN, EMILE, and ALEXANDRE CHATRIAN, Blockade of Phals- burg; an episode of the end of the Empire. Tr. from the French. New York, Scribner, 1902. ERCKMANN, EMILE, and ALEXANDRE CHATRIAN, The Conscript ; a story of the French war of 1813. Tr. from the French. New York, Scribner, 1900. ERCKMANN, MILE, and ALEXANDRE CHATRIAN, Waterloo. Tr. from the French. New York, Scribner, 1902. " FRANCIS, M. E." (Mrs. FRANCIS BLUNDELL), Yeoman 418 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Fleetwood. New York, Longmans, 1900. [B.] GRANT, JAMES, The King's Own Borderers ; a military romance. London, Routledge. GRANT, JAMES, Phantom Regiment : or, stories of " Ours." London, 1873. [B. P. L.] GRANT, JAMES, Romance of War : or, the Highlanders in Spain. London, Routledge. HARDY, THOMAS, The Trumpet- major. Leipzig, 1 88 1. [B.P. L.] HUGO, VICTOR, Les Miserables. Tr. from the French by Isabel F. Hapgood. New York, Crowell. JOKAI, MAMUS, The Lion of Janina : or, the last days of the Janissaries. A Turkish novel, tr. by R. N. Bain. New York, Harper, 1898. LEVER, J. C., Charles O'Malley, the Irish Dragoon. New York, Burt. LEVER, J. C., Tom Burke of Ours. New York, Burt. MARRYAT, FREDERICK, Frank Mildmay : or, the naval officer. London, Macmillan, 1897. MARRYAT, FREDERICK, Jacob Faithful. London, Macmillan, 1895. MAR- RYAT, FREDERICK, Mr. Midshipman Easy. London, Macmillan, 1896. RUSSELL, W.C., An Ocean Free-Lance. Macmillan, 1881. [B.] SHIEL, M. P., The Man Stealers; an incident in the life of the Iron Duke. [Cin.] SHIPMAN, L. E., Curious Courtship of Kate Poins ; a romance of the regency. [Cin.] STEVENSON, R. L. B., St. Ives ; being the adventures of a French prisoner in England. New York, American News Co.; Scribner, 1897. STEVENSON, R. L. B., Weir of Hermiston ; an unfinished romance. New York, Scribner, 1901. TOLSTOY, COUNT L., War and Peace. Tr. 2 vols. New York, Gottsberger, 1886. WHITE, W.H., "MARK RUTHER- FORD," The Revolution in Tanner's Lane. New York, Putnam, 1887. Illustrative Material Poetry. BROWNING, E. B., Crowned and Buried, in her Works, 344-347. BYRON, LORD, Waterloo in Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto III, stanzas xvii-xxviii. BYRON, LORD, Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte. BYRON, LORD, The Vision of Judg- ment. CLOUGH, A. H., Last Words; Napoleon and Wellington, in his Poems. EGGLESTON, G. C., ed., American War Ballads and Lyrics, 107-145. HEMANS, FELICIA, Stanzas on the Death of Princess Char- lotte, in her Works, 110-113. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, The Field of Waterloo. SHELLEY, P. B., The Mask of Anarchy, written on the Occasion of the Massacre at Manchester. SLADEN, D. B., Waterloo, in SLADEN. SOUTHEY, ROBERT, At Coruna, in his Works, II. SOUTHEY, ROBERT, Carmen Triumphale, for the Commencement of the Year 1814, ibid. SOUTHEY, ROBERT, Ode on the Battle of Algiers, ibid. SOUTHEY, ROBERT, Ode on the Death of Queen Charlotte, ibid. SOUTHEY, ROBERT, Ode written during the War with America, 1814, ibid. SOUTHEY, ROBERT, The Poet's Pilgrimage to Waterloo, in his Works.V. WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM, George III, Nov., 1813. WORDS- WORTH, WILLIAM, On the Death of His Majesty, in his Works, 579. ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 419 SECTION 75 George IV, 1820-1830 (LIVERPOOL, JUNE, i8i2-ApRiL, 1827. GODERICH, AUGUST, 1827- JANUARY, 1828. WELLINGTON, TO NOVEMBER, 1830) Summary. Character of George IV (opposition to reforms). Queen Caroline. The important new men of the reign: Canning, Huskisson, O'Connell, Peel, Russell. Foreign affairs : the Holy Alli- ance ; the spread of revolutionary movements ; the Greek revolt (Nav- arino, 1827); Spanish-American republics (the Monroe Doctrine). Trade and finance : resumption of specie payments ; modification of the Bank of England's charter; reduction of interest on the national debt; the sliding-scale for the corn law ; other reforms in the tariff ; the navi- gation laws ; the combination laws. Suffrage and office-holding : repeal of the Corporation Act of 1661, and of the Test Act of 1673 (1828); the Catholic Association in Ireland (O'Connell), 1823; the Catholic Emancipation Act, 1829 (for legal reforms, see Sect. 80). Sources Individual Works. BROUGHAM, Life, II, xvi-xviii, 269-391; III, xix, 7-30. CANNING, Speeches, I, Letters, 110178; Speeches, IV, 213-442 ; V-VI. Croker Papers, I, 168-461. GREVILLE, Memoirs, I. JUNIUS, Letters, II, app., 421. MARTIN, T. B., Letters and Papers (Navy Records), III, passim. METTERNICH, Memoirs, III, 553~5 6o > 6 39- 6 5; IV ' I 33~ 1 43^ 3 I 7-3 26 33 2 ~345' 356-394, 445~476, 497-556, 619-642. Paget Papers, II, App. II, 390-410. Sources Collections. ADAMS, C. K., Orations, III, 1-49. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 507-513. Annual Register, see appropriate vols. BREWER, Orations, III, 940-949 (CANNING); IV, 1268-1271 (CLAY); VIII, 3134-3135 (PALMERSTON) ; IX, 3419-3420 (SHEIL), 3482-3484 (S. SMITH); X, 3953 (MONROE). British and Foreign State Papers, 1812 to date, VII-XVIII. COBBETT, Debates, New Ser. (also known as HANSARD), I-XXV. COLBY, 300-306. English Hist. Rep., II, 44-51 [Bibl.]. GOODRICH, Eloquence, 873-885, cf. 851-858 (CAN- NING); 896-913, 937-947, cf. 886-890 (BROUGHAM). HANSARD, see Cobbett. HART and CHANNING, American Hist. Leaflets, no. 6, pp. 4-10. HERTSLET, Europe by Treaty, I, 623, to II, 841, passim. KENDALL, 381-384. LEE, G. C., 501-509. RICHARDSON, J. D., Mes- sages, consult index, X. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 183-197. ROGERS, Protests, II, 529-580; III, 1-72. Sessional Papers, see indexes. Statutes, 1801-1832, VIII, etc. 420 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., French Nation, 73-88. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 495-499. . BROWNING, Modern Eng. (Epochs of Eng. Hist.), Books I-II, 15-38. CHEYNEY, England, xix, 623. CREIGHTON, M., Half-Hour Hist., xviii, 206-215. FYFFE, Modern Eur., II, 166-421, passim. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 880-898. GOMM, CARR-, Administrations, 64-95. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 838-839. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 286-290. JENKS, Parliamentary Eng. (Nations), xi, 324-378 [Bibl.]. JUDSON, Europe (Chautauqua), 263-266. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 377-389. LINGARD, England, abr., 592-595. MCCARTHY, J., Reform (Epochs), 18-25. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 354-359; map, 346. MORRIS, W. O., Ireland (Cambridge Hist.), ix, 289-315 [Bibl.]. OMAN, Eng- land, xxxix, 641-647. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VIII, v, 920- 935. SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., Book II, ii, 277-279. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 241-253. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, vii, 313-340, passim. TERRY, B., England, 979-990. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part IV, vii, 540-545. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essen- tials), xxxiv, 482-484 ; xxxv, 497-498. WHITCOMB, Modern Eur., 180-185. WRONG, British Nation, 515-518. Modern Accounts, Group II. ARNOULD, Justices, V, i-xvii, 1-247. AUBREY, English Nation, III, 320-327. BEARD, C. A., Intro- duction, 538-548. BRIGHT, J. F., England, III, 1364-1417. BRODRICK and FOTHERINGHAM, England, 1801-1837 (Political Hist, of Eng., XI), ix-xiii, 192-272. BURROWS, Foreign Policy, xii, 318-358. CAMPBELL, Chancellors, VII, 355-720. CAMPBELL, Justices, III, iii-iv, 26-67; IV, iii-iv, 289-374; app., 593-596. CESARESCO, Italy, 40-55. COOKE, Party, III, xx-xxi, 514-556. COUBERTIN, France, 31-62. DAUNT, Irish Hist., vii-viii, 66-89. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Caroline (Amelia Elizabeth), George IV, John Malcolm. DOWELL, Taxation, II, 262-287. GRANT, J., Battles, II, 560-576; III, 1-4. JAMES, Naval Hist., VI, 302-380. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book V, vii, 413-434. KNIGHT, England, VIII, ix-xiii, 158-243. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 951-954; III, 1784-1785 (Ire.). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, X, 63-84, 523-531 (Eng.). LEWIS, Administrations, vi-vii, 348-475. MCCARTHY, J., Four Georges, IV, pp. Ixiii-lxviii, 1-95. MAR- TINEAU, Thirty Years' Peace, I, Book II, 315-485; map, end of vol.; II, Books I I-II I, 1-377. MAY, England, I, 112-119, I 79- I 8i 201-202, 282-294, 325-334. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Cor- porations, III, 2192-2266. MULLER, W., Recent Times, 62-70. O'FLAN- AGAN, Chancellors of Ire., II, lix-lx, 361-398; Ixvii-lxviii, 494-542. PAULI, Aufsatze, Old Ser., I, 392-458 (George Canning). PICTON, ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 421 Liverpool, I, 361-426. PROBYN, Italy, 20-34. SMITH, G. B. ( Parlia- ment, II, Book XIII, i, 425-447. SUMNER, Jackson, viii, 164-170. WALPOLE, S., England from 1815, II, vii-ix, 83-450. WITHROW, Canada, xxv-xxvi, 341-362. Biographical: ABERDEEN: Gordon (Prime Ministers), iii-iv, 66-102. ADDINGTON : Pellew, III, 305-428; app., 480-496. ALBERT, PRINCE: Martin, T., Prince Consort, I, ii, 12-33, passim. CANNING: Temperley, viii-xv, 139-280. CASTLEREAGH and STEWART (MARQUESSES OF LONDONDERRY): Alison, III, xvi-xvii, 72- 238. COBDEN : Morley, J., I, i, 1-17. COCHRANE: Dundonald and Bourne, I, viii-xvi, 177-388; app., 400-416; II, xvii-xxii, 1-196; app., 370-400. ELDON, LORD: Twiss, II, 53-231. ELLIOT, H. : Minto, Countess of, Memoirs, 402-41 5, passim. GLADSTONE : Russell, G. W. E. (Prime Ministers), i, 1-25. MAITLAND, SIR T. : Lord (Builders of Greater Britain), xvi-xvii, 243-293. O'CONNELL: Dunlop (Heroes), vi-xi, 107-243. Hamilton, J. A. (Statesmen), iii-iv, 48-78. PEEL, ROBERT : Bagehot, Biographical Studies, 1-40. Pauli, Aufsatze, New Sen, II, 392-419. Thursfield (Twelve Eng. Statesmen), iii-iv, 43-91. RUSSELL, LORD JOHN: Walpole, S., I, i-vi, 1-161. SHAFTESBURY: Hodder, i-iii, 1-65. WELLINGTON : Brialmont, HI, iv-xiv, 96-397. Waite, xvi-xvii, 264-282. Bibliography (see also under Sect. So, and general note, Sect. 2). See JONES, PAULI, and SEARS, as in Sect. 74. BRODRICK and FOTHER- INGHAM, England, 1801-1837, 443-450. WALPOLE, S., England from 1815, footnotes. Illustrative Material Prose. BAMIN, JOHN, The Smuggler. New York, 1832. [B. P. L.] BIKELAS (DEMETRIOS), Loukis Laras : reminiscences of a Chiote merchant during the Greek war of inde- pendence. Tr. from the Greek by J. JENNADINO. New York, Appleton, 1881. BLACKMORE, R. D., Perlycross. New York, Harper, 1894. DISRAELI, BENJAMIN, Pompanilla, in his Alroy. London, Longmans, 1890. DISRAELI, BENJAMIN, Vivian Grey. London, 1826. [B. P. L.] HALL, Mrs. A. M., The Whiteboy; a story of Ireland in 1822. New York, Harper, 1871. LEVER, CHARLES, The Knight of Gwynne; a tale of the time of the union. Philadelphia. PINKERTON, T. A., The French Prisoner. Sonnenschein, 1894. [B.] RAWSON, Mrs. STEP- NEY, A Lady of the Regency. [B.] YONGE, C. M., Chantry House. New York, Macmillan, 1887. Illustrative Material Poetry. HEMANS, FELICIA, To the Memory of Lord Charles Murray . . ., in her Works. HONE, WILLIAM, Satires on George IV. [B. P. L.] SHELLEY, P. B., CEdipus Tyrannus: or, Swellf oot, the tyrant. [B. P. L.] 422 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY SECTION 76 William IV, 1830-1837 (WELLINGTON, JANUARY, i828-NovEMBER, 1830. GREY, TO JULY, 1834. MELBOURNE, TO NOVEMBER, 1834. PEEL, DECEMBER, 1834- APRIL, 1835. MELBOURNE, TO SEPTEMBER, 1841) Summary. The King's popularity. Wellington's defeat. Re- grouping of the old parties into Liberals and Conservatives. The First Reform Bill, 1832 : its nature ; opposition to it in the Commons; the opposition in the Lords ; its final passage ; the immediate conse- quences of the bill. Further reforms : abolition of slavery and indemni- fication of owners, 1833; the factory reforms of 1833; reforms in the poor laws, 1834; reforms in municipalities, 1835. Sources Individual Works. BROUGHAM, Life, III, xx-xxviii, 31-350. Croker Papers, I, 461-584; II, i-m. GREVILLE, Memoirs, II-III. MARTIN, T. B., Letters and Papers (Navy Records), III, passim. METTERNICH, Memoirs, V, 253-289, 442-443, 447-449. TAL- LEYRAND, Memoirs, III, 224, to V, 392. THOME and KIMBALL, Emancipation in the W. I. Sources Collections. ADAMS, C. K., Orations, III, 50-94. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 514531. Annual Register, see appropriate vols. ASHTON, William IV, passim. BREWER, Orations, IV, 1320- 1324 (COBBETT); V, 1800-1804 (DERBY); VIII, 3107-3110 (O'CoN- NELL), 3153-3155 (PEEL); IX, 3413-3419 (SHEIL), 3479-3481, 3483- 3490 (S. SMITH); X, 3949 (BROUGHAM). British and Foreign State Papers, 1812 to date, XVII-XXVI. CLARKE, W., Orations, 295- 311. COLBY, 306-312. GOODRICH, Eloquence, 914-937, cf. 886-890 (BROUGHAM). HANSARD, Debates, Third Ser., I-XL. HERTSLET, Europe by Treaty, II, 842-965, passim. KENDALL, 318-320, 384-387, 423-427. LEE, G. C., 515-529. RICHARDSON, J. D., Messages, con- sult index, X. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 197-215, 374-380; app., passim. ROGERS, Protests, III, 73-172. Sessional Papers, see in- dexes. Statutes, 1801-1832, see later vols. Statutes, 1832-1867, see annual vols. Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 499-503 ; map, 501. BROWNING, Modern Eng. (Epochs of Eng. Hist.), Book III, 39-51. CHEYNEY, England, xix, 623-632. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools; map, 430. FYFFE, Modern Eur., II, 422- 464. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 898-914. GOMM, CARR-, ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 423 Administrations, 97-117. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part III, 117-121 (S. WALPOLE). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 839-840. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 291-296. HOSMER, Anglo-Saxon Freedom, xvi, 245-273. JENKS, Parliamentary Eng. (Nations), xi, 324-378, passim [Bibl.]. JUDSON, Europe (Chautauqua), 216-224. LARNED, History for Schools, 587-601. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 390-395 ; map, i. LEBON, France (Nations), ix, 171-196. LINGARD, England, abr., 595-597. MCCARTHY, J., Reform (Epochs), 25-139. MONT- GOMERY, Leading Facts, 359-367. OMAN, England, xxxix-xl, 647-658. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VIII, vi, 936-953. RANSOME, Gov- ernment, xix, 231-249. SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., Book II, ii, 279-285. SEIGNOBOS, Europe, x, 295-297. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 253-290. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, vii-ix, 313-383, passim. TERRY, B., England, 990-999. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part IV, vii, 545- 551. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxxiv-xxxv, 484-499. WRONG, British Nation, 518-522. Modern Accounts, Group II. ARCHER, T., Gladstone and his Contemporaries, I, i-iii, 1-207. ARNOULD, Justices, V, xviii-xxiii, 248-344; VI, xxiv-xxvi, 1-62. ASHTON, William IV, passim. AUBREY, English Nation, III, 327-343. BAGEHOT, Biographical Studies, 43-90 (Brougham), 305-346 (Lord Althorp), 361-367 (Cobden). BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 549-565. BRIGHT, J. F., England, III, 1418-1467; IV, 1-4. BRODRICK and FOTHERINGHAM, England, 1801-1837 (Political Hist, of Eng., XI), xiii-xviii, 272-396; map. CAMPBELL, Justices, III, v, 68-94; IV, v, 375-462. CESARESCO, Italy, 56-70. COOKE, Party, III, xxii-xxiii, 577-628. COUBERTIN, France, 63-97. DAUNT, Irish Hist., ix-xviii, 90-191. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of William Blamire, Edward Copleston, Charles Grey, William Lamb, Charles Napier, Robert Peel, John Russell, John Charles Spencer, William IV. DICKINSON, Parliament, i-ii, 1-97. DOWELL, Taxation, II, 288-306. Essays on Reform, Essay XII, 309-323 (SiR G. YOUNG). Foss, Judges, see especially 129-132 (Brougham). GRANT, J., Battles, III, 4-15. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book V, viii, 435-467. KNIGHT, England, VIII, xiv-xxi, 244-384. LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist., 742-782. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 954-957; HI, 1785 (Ire.). LA- VISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, X, 531-543. MCCARTHY, J., Four Georges, IV, pp. Ixix-lxxix, 96-294. MACKENZIE, Nineteenth Cent., 100-109. MARTINEAU, Thirty Years' Peace, II, Book IV, 378-515; III, Book IV, 1-170; table of ministers, IV, app., 460-462. MAY, England, I, 119-131, 181-185, 202-203, 344-346. MEREWETHER and STEPHENS, Boroughs and Corporations, III, 2267-227 1. MOLESWORTH, 424 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY England, I. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., II, Ix, 398-402 ; Ixix, 543-582. PICTON, Liverpool, I, 426-478. PROBYN, Italy, 34-85. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, II, Book XIII, ii, 448-466. TRAILL, Social Eng., VI, 111-114. WALPOLE, S., England from 1815, III; IV, xiv, 1-109. WITHROW, Canada, xxvii-xxviii, 363-381 ; xl, 482-489; xlii, 499-504 ; xlvi, 528-536. Biographical: ADDINGTON : Pellew, III, 428-453. ALBERT, PRINCE: Martin, T., Prince Consort, I, ii, 12-33, passim. BEACONSFIELD : Froude (Prime Ministers), i-iv, 1-66. CAS- TLEREAGH and STEWART (MARQUESSES OF LONDONDERRY) : Alison, III, xviii, 239-272. COBDEN : Morley, J., I, ii-iv, 18-112. COCHRANE: Dundonald and Bourne, II, xxiii, 197-220. ELDON, LORD: Twiss, II, 232-318. FORSTER, W. E.: Reid, I, i-iv, 1-127. GLADSTONE: Archer, T., see above. Emerson and Smith, iii-iv, 19-31. Morley, J., I, Book I, i-iii, 1-85; Book II, i-ii, 86-130; app., 635-641. Russell, G. W. E. (Prime Ministers), ii, 26-52. Smith, G. B., iv, 42-64. LAWRENCE, LORD: Smith, R. B., I, i-ii, 1-43. O'CoNNELL: Dunlop (Heroes), xi- xiii, 243-311. Hamilton, J. A. (Statesmen), v-vi, 79-125. PEEL, ROBERT: Pauli, Aufsatze, New Ser., II, 392-419. Thursfield (Twelve Eng. Statesmen), v-vii, 92-160. RUSSELL, LORD JOHN : Walpole, S., I, vii-x, 162-271. SHAFTESBURY: Hodder, iii, 66, to v, 117. WELL- INGTON : Brialmont, III, xv, 398-418; IV, i-iii, 1-86. Bibliography (see also under Sect. So, and general note, Sect. 2). BRODRICK and FOTHERINGHAM, England, 1801-1837, 443-450. Cam- bridge Mod. Hist., VII, 797-799. DICKINSON, G. L., Parliament? 1-97, footnotes. JONES, H. V., Parliamentary Papers. SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., 575-598, 590. WALPOLE, S., England from 1815, footnotes. Illustrative Material Prose. AINSWORTH, W. H., Crichton (Count d' Orsay). London, Routledge. BARR, Mrs. A. E., I, Thou and the Other One. New York, Dodd, 1899. DISRAELI, BENJAMIN, Coningsby : or, the new generation. London, Longmans, 1901. DIS- RAELI, BENJAMIN, Endymion. New York, Appleton, 1897. ELIOT, GEORGE, Felix Holt, the Radical. Edinburgh and London, Black- wood. WARREN, SAMUEL, Ten Thousand a Year. London, Rout- ledge, 1900. Illustrative Material Poetry. CAMPBELL, THOMAS, To Sir Francis Burdett, on his Speech Delivered in Parliament, Aug. 7, 1832, Respecting the Foreign Policy of Great Britain, in CAMPBELL and FALCONER. TENNYSON, ALFRED, To the Queen. , ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 425 SECTION 77 Victoria (A), 1837-1832 (MELBOURNE, APRIL, I835-SEPTEMBER, 1841. PEEL, TO JUNE, 1846. RUSSELL, JULY, i846-FEBRUARY, 1852. DERBY, FOR THE FIRST TIME, TO DECEMBER, 1852) Summary. The v new sovereign : separation of Hanover from Great Britain (circumstances, subsequent importance) ; character and educa- tion of the queen; the queen's marriage, 1840; influence of Prince Albert ; the queen's share in the government. Domestic affairs : rise of the Chartists ; the petitions; riots; the Anti-corn-law League (Rich- ard Cobden, John Bright), 1838; modifications of the corn laws, 1842; the income tax; repeal of the corn laws, 1846; repeal of the navigation laws, 1849; establishment of the Roman Catholic organization, 1850; the Ecclesiastical Titles Act. Irish affairs : abolition of the tithe sys- tem, 1837; O'Connell's agitation for repeal of the Union, 1843; * ne potato famine, 1846-1847; consequent emigration and decrease of population ; connection of the famine with the repeal of the corn laws ; insurrection ("Young Ireland," Smith O'Brien), 1847-1848; connection with revolts on the continent ; repression ; Encumbered Estates Act. Foreign relations: the Opium War with China (1839-1842), Treaty of Nankin (see also Sect. "j8}\ the Maine boundary, 1842; the Oregon boundary, 1846; diplomacy in Egypt and in Denmark. Summary of the period (for Canada, see Sect. Sj, below). Sources Individual Works. BRIGHT, in ROBERTSON, W., Life of Bright, I, i, to III, 14, passim. BRIGHT, Speeches, Popular ed., MQ-^S- 415-444, 5 l6 -5 2 3> 5 2 9-537, 547-553; Rogers ed., I, 295-347; I: , 2 75-33 2 , 47i-485> 497-5 12 , 53 J -539- Croker Papers, II, 111-441. GREVILLE, Memoirs, IV-VI. MARTIN, T. B., Letters and Papers (Navy Records), III, passim. Sources Collections. ADAMS, C. K., Orations, III, 95-145; IV, 117224. Annual Register, see appropriate vols. BREWER, Orations, IV, 1325-1336 (COBDEN); IV, 1583-1584 (GUSHING); VIII, 2999-3006 (MEAGHER), 3098-3107 (O'CONNELL), 3148-3152 (PEEL). British and Foreign State Papers, 1812 to date, XXV-XLI. English Hist. Rep., II, 51-52 [Bibl.]. HANSARD, Debates, Third Sen, XLI-CXXIII. HERTSLET, Europe by Treaty, II, 966-1150, passim. KENDALL, 387- 391, 401-418. LEE, G. C., 530-537, 539-541, 569-571. MACDONALD, Documents, 335-343, 355-358, 373-378. POORE, B. P., Constitution, 426 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Part II, 1483-1484. RICHARDSON, J. D., Messages, consult index, X. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 380-390; app., passim. ROGERS, Pro- tests, III, 172-380. Sessional Papers, see indexes. Statutes, 1832- 1867, see annual vol. WAGNER, Orations, 1-76. WHARTON, Inter- national Law, II, 175-183 (Ashburton Treaty), 184-244 (Clayton- Bulwer Treaty). Modern Accounts, Group I. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 503-512. BOURINOT, Canada (Nations), xxiv, 338-360. CHEYNEY, England, xix, 632-633. FYFFE, Modern Eur., 11,418-464; III, 1-177. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 914-939. GOMM, CARR-, Administrations, 117- 141. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 840-842. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 297-307. JUDSON, Europe (Chautauqua), 216-224. LEBON, Modern France (Nations), xi-xii, 261-312. LINGARD, England, abr., 598-603. MCCARTHY, J., Reform (Epochs), 139-215. MONT- GOMERY, Leading Facts, 367-380 ; map, 400. OMAN, England, xl, 658-672. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VIII, vii, 954-980. SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., Book II, iii, 286-297, passim. SKOTTOWE, Parlia- ment, 270-290. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, ix, 358-383, passim. TERRY, B., England, 999-1021. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part IV, vii-viii, 551-567. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxxiv, 485-486; xxxv, 499-502. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 356-359 (GREVILLE). WHITCOMB, Modem Eur., 237-242. WRONG, British Nation, 522-530. Modern Accounts, Group II. American Annual Cyclopaedia, for the year 1861, 14-15 (Prince Albert), 95-99 (Cavour). ARCHER, T., Gladstone and his Contemporaries, I, iv, 208, to end of vol.; II, v-vii, 1-295. ARNOULD, Justices, VI, xxvii-xxxviii, 63-278 ; app., 279-298. AUBREY, English Nation, III, 374-394. BODLEY, Edward VII, Book III, 97-196. BRIGHT, J. F., England, IV, 4-225 ; maps, 75, 206, and end of vol. BROWNING, Modern Eng. (Epochs of Eng. Hist.), Books IV-V, 52-74. CAMPBELL, Justices, III, vi-viii, 95- 187 ; iv, vi-viii, 463-575. CESARESCO, Italy, 91-182. COUBERTIN, France, 98-173. DAUNT, Irish Hist., xix-xxviii, 192-280. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Albert, Alexander Baring, W. C. Bentinck, W. H. Bulwer, Richard Church, Richard Cobden, H. J. Codrington, J. S. Copley, T. O. Davis, Henry Hardinge, T. B. Macaulay, C. J. Napier, J. H. Newman, William Nott, W. S. O'Brien, Daniel O'Connell, Victoria. DOWELL, Taxation, II, 307-315, 319-343. DUFFY, Young Ire. GAMMAGE, Chartist Movement. GLADSTONE, Gleanings, IV, i-ii, 1-69. GRANT, J., Battles, III, 15-65. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book V, ix-xi, 468-526. KNIGHT, England, VIII, xxiii-xxx, 404-563. ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 427 LANGMEAD, TASWELL-, Constitutional Hist. 782-792. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 957-965. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, X, 531-551 ; XI, 379-387, 723-724. MCCARTHY, J., Own Times, I, 5-399. MCCARTHY, J., Short Hist, of Our Own Times, i-x, 1-131. MACKEN- ZIE, Nineteenth Century, 110-138, 156-158, 361-363, 365-368. MAR- TINEAU, Thirty Years' Peace, III, Book V, 171-501 ; IV. MAY, England, I, 131-140, 185, 404-409; II, 182-244, 460-478, 530-546. MOLES- WORTH, England, II, i-vi, 1-377. MULLER, W., Recent Times, 149-155. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., II, Ixx-lxxi, 583-614. PAUL, Eng- land, I, introd. and i-xvi, 1-298. PAULI, Aufsatze, 459-505, passim (Prinz Albert). PICTON, Liverpool, I, 479-513. PRO BYN, Italy, 86-148. RAND, Economic Hist., ix, 207-241 (L. LEVI). RHODES, United States, I, 199-207. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, II, Book XIII, iii, 467- 496. TRAILL, Social Eng., VI, 114-120. WALPOLE, S., England from 1815, IV, xv-xvii, 110-453; V, xviii-xx, 1-235; xxii-xxiii, 324-480. WARD, Victoria, I, 1-71. WITHROW, Canada, xxix-xxxiii, 382-420. Biographical: ABERDEEN : Gordon (Prime Ministers), v-viii, 103-228. ADDINGTON : Pellew, III, 453-479. ALBERT, PRINCE : Martin, T., Prince Consort, I-II. BEACONSFIELD : Froude (Prime Ministers), v-ix, 67-148. BRIGHT: Robertson, W., I-II; III, 1-14. BROUGHAM: Bagehot, English Const., 363-418. CASTLEREAGH and STUART (MAR- QUESSES OF LONDONDERRY): Alison, III, xviii, 272-307 ; app., 314-339. COBDEN: Morley, I, v-xviii, 113-463; app., 464-468; II, i-iii, 1-107. COCHRANE : Dundonald and Bourne, II, xxiv-xxviii, 221-327. ELDON, LORD: Twiss, II, 319-433. FORSTER, W. E. : Reid, I, v-vii, 128-262. GLADSTONE : Archer, T., see ab.ove. Emerson and Smith, v-ix, 3376. Morley, J., I, Book II, iii-xi, 131-326; Book III, i viii, 327-442 ; app., 641-645. Russell, G. W. E. (Prime Ministers), iii-v, 53-123. Smith, G. B., v-vi, 65-120; vii, 132-149. LAWRENCE, LORD: Smith, R. B., I, iii-xii, 44-351. O'CoNNELL: Dunlop (Heroes), xiii-xv, 311-382. Hamilton, J. A. (Statesmen), vii-x, 126-219. PEEL, ROBERT: Bagehot, English Const., 419-468. Pauli, Aufsatze, New Ser., II, 392-419. Thursfield (Twelve Eng. Statesmen), vii-xi, 160-246. RUSSELL, LORD JOHN : Walpole, S., I, xi-xvii, 272-480 ; II, xviii-xxii, 1-142. SHAFTES- BURY': Hodder, v-xi, 117-452. TEMPLE, W.: Macaulay. VICTORIA: Holmes, iv-vi, 62-200, cf. i-iii, 1-61. Lee, S., i-xvii, 1-226 [Bibl.]. Lome, i-vii, 1-214. WELLINGTON: Brialmont, IV, iv-vi, 87-260; cf. app., 261-377. Waite, xviii, 283-304. Bibliography (see also under Sect. 80, and general note, Sect. 2) JONES, H. V., Parliamentary Papers. PAULI, Aufsatze, Old Ser., I 459 (Prinz Albert). SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., 575-588, 590. 428 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Illustrative Material Prose. CARLETON, WILLIAM, The Black Prophet; a tale of the Irish famine. New York, Sadlier, 1847. CARLETON, WILLIAM, Valentine M'Clutchy, the Irish Agent, together with Solomon M'Shine, his Religious Attorney. New York, Kennedy, 1876. DISRAELI, BENJAMIN, Sibyl: or, the two nations. New York, Longmans, 1899. KEARY, ANNIE, Castle Daly. New York, Macmillan, 1875. KINGSLEY, CHARLES, Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet ; an autobiography. London, Macmillan, 1900. KINGSLEY, CHARLES, Yeast; a problem. London, Macmillan, 1897. KINGSLEY, HENRY, Austin Elliott. New York, Dodd. Illustrative Material Poetry. BROWNING, ELIZABETH BARRETT, Crowned and Wedded, in her Works, 342-344. HAWKER, R. S., The Lost Ship President, in his Works, 97-99. HAWKER, R. S., The Men of Carmel's Lament at the Conquest of St. Jean D'Acre, Nov. 2, 1840, 93-95. HAWKER, R. S., The Second Birth of the Princess of England, Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa, 84-86. HAWKER, R. S., To His Royal Highness the Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, 82-84. MACAULAY, T. B., Lines Written on the Night of the 3oth of Jujy, 1847, at the close of an unsuccessful contest for Edinburgh, in his Miscellaneous Works, IV. MASSEY, GERALD, Cries of 'Forty-eight, in his Poems, II. O'REILLY, J. B., Daniel O'Connell, from A Nation's Test, in FORD and FORD. SECTION 78 Victoria (B), 1852-1857 (ABERDEEN, DECEMBER, i852-FEBRUARY, 1855. PALMERSTON, FIRST TIME, TO FEBRUARY, 1858) Summary. General characteristics of the period. The Crimean War, 1853-1856: the Eastern Question ; Russian attack upon Turkey ; beginning of the war ; alliance of England, France, and Sardinia ; siege of Sebastopol ; battles of Alma, Balaklava, Inkerman ; mismanagement of the war; change of ministry; Florence Nightingale; the Treaty of Paris, 1856; results of the war. The Indian Mutiny (Sepoy Rebellion) : causes; characteristics; results (see Sect. 81). War with China, 1856; Treaty of Tientsin, Peace of Pekin (see Sect. jg). Intercourse with Japan. Other foreign affairs. Colonial expansion (see Sects. 82-87). Domestic affairs : revival of agitation for parliamentary reform ; Gladstone's activity; the bread riots of 1855; the commercial crisis of 1857 ; relative importance of foreign affairs. ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 429 Sources Individual "Works. BRIGHT, in ROBERTSON'S Life of, III, 15-1 16, passim. BRIGHT, Speeches, Popular ed., 224-276, 459-479, 524-528 ; Rogers ed., I, 441-535 : n > 359~399> 487-495- Croker Papers, II, 442-560. GLADSTONE, Speeches, 265-359. GREVILLE, Memoirs, VII; VIII, xi-xv, 1-173. WOLSELEY, Soldier's Life, I, iv-xv, 79-226. Sources Collections. ADAMS, C. K., Orations, III, 155-203. Annual Register, see appropriate vols. BREWER, Orations, IV, 1283- 1290 (CLAYTON); V, 1918-1923 (DOUGLASS); VII, 2842-2850 (LYND- HURST). British and Foreign State Papers, 1812, etc., XL-XLVIII. HANSARD, Debates, Third Sen, CXXIV-CXLVII. HERTSLET, Europe by Treaty, II, 1151-1324, passim. KENDALL, 427-444. RICHARDSON, J. D., Messages, consult index, X. ROGERS, Protests, III, 380-429. Sessional Papers, see indexes. Statutes, 1832-1867, see annual vol. WAGNER, Orations, 77-93. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 479-481. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 513-516. BISHOP, Pictures, 268-273 (KINGLAKE). BROWNING, Modern Eng. (Epochs of Eng. Hist.), Book VI, 75-80. CHEYNEY, England, xx, 646-652 ; map, 650. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 939-955. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, xv, 264-288; plan, 266. GOMM, CARR-, Administrations, 143-159. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part III, 133-140 (W. H. RUSSELL). GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 842-843. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 308-311. LEBON, Modern France (Nations); 261-312. LIN- GARD, England, abr., 603-607. LODGE, R., Modern Eur., 740-752. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 380-381. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 660-662. OMAN, England, xli, 679-694. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VIII, vii, 980-996 ; maps, 984-985. SEARS, Nineteenth Century, Book II, iii-iv, 286-330, passim. SEIGNOBOS, Europe, 764 812. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 290-295. STILLMAN, Italy (Cambridge Hist.), 242-280. TERRY, B., England, 1021-1031. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part IV, viii, 567-573; map, 571. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxxv, 502-505; map, 504. WHEELER, A. M.,Sketches,36o-364 (MCCARTHY), 364-369 (KAYE). WRONG, British Nation, 530-534. Modern Accounts, Group II. American Annual Cyclopaedia, Year 1861, 70-72. ARCHER, T., Gladstone and his Contemporaries, II, vii, 296 to end of vol.; Ill, viii, 1-209. AUBREY, English Nation, III, 415-425. BAGEHOT, Biographical Studies, 368-372 (Palmerston). BRIGHT, J. F., England, IV, 225-335 > plans, 248, 261, 316, 321. CAMP- BELL, Justices, III, ix, 188-212; IV, ix, 576-592. CESARESCO, Italy, 183-226. COUBERTIN, France, 174-213. Cox, Whig and Tory Ad- ministrations, 1-7. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of William George 430 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Armstrong, Colin Campbell, George Douglas Campbell, William John Codrington, Cowper Phipps Coles, Richard James Dacres, Charles George Gordon, Henry Havelock, Fitzroy Somerset, Edward Stanley, Henry John Temple. DOWELL, Taxation, II, 344-354. FREEMAN, General Sketch, 363-364. FROUDE, Studies, Second Ser., 410-444 ; Fourth Ser., II, 410-444. FYFFE, Modern Fur., Ill, 178-240. GRANT, J., Battles, III, 65-225. HAMLEY, Crimean War; maps, 35, 47, 75, 89, 135. KAYE and MALLESON, Indian Mutiny, 6 vols. ; maps and plans. KINGLAKE, Crimea, 8 vols. ; maps and plans. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 965-966. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, XI, 195-226,387-392. MCCARTHY, J., Own Times, I, 399-559 ; 11,5-135. MCCARTHY, J., Short Hist, of Our Own Times, xi-xiii, 132-195. MAC- KENZIE, Nineteenth Cent., 139-145, 159-174. MAY, England, I, 236- 262 ; II, 245-290, 547-578. MOLESWORTH, England, II, vi, 377-405 ; III, i-ii, 1-122. MULLER, W., Recent Times, 253-270. O'FLANAGAN, Chancellors of Ire., II, Ixxxii, 615-621. PAUL, England, I, xvii-xix, 299-424; II, i-v, 1-81. PAULI, Aufsatze, Old Ser., 459-505 (Prinz Albert). PICTON, Liverpool, I, 514-523. PROBYN, Italy, 149-192. RHODES, United States, II, 120-121. SEELEY, Expansion, Course II, Lects. I-II, 163-196. SYBEL, German Empire, II, Book VI, 165-325; III, Book IX, 56-129 ; Books XI-XII, 341-404. TRAILL, Social Eng., VI, 250-262. WALPOLE, S., England from 1815, VI, xxiv, 1-67. WARD, Victoria, 'I, 71-116. WITHROW, Canada, xxxiv, 421-429; xlvii, 537-546. Biographical: ABERDEEN : Gordon (Prime Ministers), ix-x, 229-286. ALBERT, PRINCE : Martin, T., Prince Consort, II, xlvii, 473, to IV, Ixxxix, 346. BEACONSFIELD : Froude (Prime Ministers), x-xii, 149-187. BRIGHT, JOHN: Robertson, W., Ill, 15-116. COBDEN : Morley, J., II, iv-ix, 108-224. COCHRANE: Dundonald and Bourne, II, xxix-xxx, 328-369. FORSTER, W. E. : Reid, I, viii, 263-327. GLADSTONE: Archer, T., see above, Emerson and Smith, x-xii, 77-128. Morley, J., I, Book IV, i-xi, 443-634 ; app., 646-653. Russell, G. W. (Prime Ministers), vi, 124-155. Smith, G. B., ix-xii, 167-224. LAW- RENCE, LORD: Smith, R. B., I, xiii-xv, 352-484; map, 215; II, i-vii, 1-283. RUSSELL, LORD : Walpole, S., II, xxiii-xxvii, 143-309. SALIS- BURY: Pulling (Prime Ministers), I, i, i-io. SHAFTESBURY : Hodder, xx-xxiv, 452-550. VICTORIA : Holmes, vii, 201-232. Lee, S., xviii-xxii, 227-280 [Bibl.]. Lome, vii, 215-247. Bibliography (see also under Sect. So, and general note, Sect. 2). See JONES, PAULI, and SEARS, as in Sect. 77. Providence Pub. Lib., Mo. Lists, 1, 3 (Eastern question ; Crimea, etc.). WALPOLE, S. r England from 1815, footnotes. ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 431 Illustrative Material Prose. CHESNEY, G. T., The Dilemma. New York, Harper, 1876. GRANT, JAMES, First Love and Last Love; a tale of the Indian mutiny. London, 1869. [B. P. L.] GRANT, JAMES, Lady Wedderburn's Wish ; a tale of the Crimean war. London, 1875. [B.P. L.] GRANT, JAMES, Laura Everingham: or, the Highlanders of Glen Ora. London, 1862. [B.P. L.] GRANT, JAMES, Under the Red Dragon. London, 1876. [B. P. L.] KINGSLEY, HENRY, Ravenshoe. 2 vols. New York, Scribner, 1902. KINGSLEY, CHARLES, Two Years Ago. New York, Macmillan, 1857. MELVILLE, G. J. W., The Inter- preter ; a tale of the Crimean war. London, Longmans, 1885. TAYLOR, Meadows, Seeta. 3 vols. London, King, 1872. TOLSTOI, COUNT L. N., Sevastopol. New York, Scribner, 1899. WHITE, MICHAEL, Lachmi Bai, the Jeanne d'Arc of India. New York, Taylor. Illustrative Material Poetry. DOBELL, S. T., Sonnets on the War, in his Poems (selected). London, Scott, 1887. FORSTER, WIL- LIAM, Sonnets written at the Time of the Crimean War, in SLADEN. LONGFELLOW, H. W., The Warden of the Cinque Ports. MASSEY, GERALD, War-waits, in his Poems, II. PARSONS, T. W., The Taking of Sebastopol, in FORD and FORD. TENNYSON, ALFRED, The Charge of the Light Brigade. TENNYSON, ALFRED, Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington. TRENCH, R. C., Inkerman, in FORD and FORD. SECTION 79 Victoria (C), 1857-1901. Edward VII, spoi, etc. (PALMERSTON, i (i.e. FOR THE FIRST TIME), FEBRUARY, i855~FEB- RUARY, 1858. DERBY, 2, TO JUNE, 1859. PALMERSTON, 2, TO NO- VEMBER, 1865. RUSSELL, TO JUNE, 1866. DERBY, 3, TO FEBRUARY, 1868. DISRAELI, i, TO DECEMBER, 1868. GLADSTONE, i, TO FEB- RUARY, 1874. DISRAELI, 2, TO APRIL, 1880. GLADSTONE, 2, TO JUNE, 1885. SALISBURY, i, TO FEBRUARY, 1886. GLADSTONE, 3, TO AUGUST, 1886. SALISBURY, 2, TO AUGUST, 1892. GLADSTONE, 4, TO MARCH, 1894. ROSEBERY, TO JUNE, 1895. SALISBURY, 3, JULY, i895~JuLY, 1902. BALFOUR, TO DECEMBER, 1905. CAMPBELL- BANNERMAN, TO APRIL, 1908. ASQUITH, APRIL, 1908, ETC.) Summary. Domestic affairs : abolition of property qualifications for Parliament, admission of Jews, 1858; Conspiracy-to-Murder Bill, 1858; Second Reform Act, 1865-1867 (Gladstone vs. Disraeli, scope of the bill, its advance over that of 1832); Bankruptcy Bill, and abolition 432 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY of imprisonment for debt, 1868 ; National Education Act, and repeal of the Test Act in the universities, 1870; reorganization of the army and of the judiciary, 1871 ; vote by secret ballot, 1872 ; Third Reform Bill, 1884-1885; the local government acts, 1888-1894. Irish affairs: Fenian rising, 1867; disestablishment and disendowment of the Irish church, 1868; Irish Land Act (provisions as to eviction, improvements, purchase), 1870; Irish Land League (Parnell, Dillon), 1879; Irish Coercion Act, 1881 ; murder of Cavendish, 1882 ; Irish land acts, 1887, 1888, 1891. Foreign affairs (other than Egypt): treaty'with Japan, 1858; Treaty of Tientsin (China), 1860; commercial treaty with France, 1860; the questions of the American Civil War (effect upon English manufactures and trade, the Mason and Slidell affair; English procla- mation of neutrality, building of Confederate cruisers, the Arbitration of Geneva), 18611872; the Schleswig-Holstein question, 1864; cession of the Ionian Islands to Greece, 1864; Ashanti war, 1873; Treaty of Berlin, 1878; Cyprus, 1878; the Zulu war, 1879; the partition of Africa (see Sect. 85), 1885, etc. ; the Venezuela boundary dispute, 1895 ; the Samoan Island award, 1902; the Hague Conference, 1898; the Hague Tribunal, 1902, etc.; the Boxer uprising in China, 1900. Egypt: opening of the Suez Canal, 1868; purchase of shares by Eng- land, 1875 > dual control of Egypt by Great Britain and France, 1878 ; massacre and bombardment at Alexandria, 1882 ; the Mahdi's revolt and victories, 1882-1883 ; fall of Khartoum (Gordon), 1885 ; reconquest of the Sudan (Kitchener), 1896-1898; English control south of 22 N. latitude, 1899; results of English influence in Egypt. For the colonies see subsequent sections. Sources Individual "Works. BISMARCK, Reflections, II, xxii- xxiii (Franco-German War). BRIGHT, in ROBERTSON'S Life of, III, 117-192; IV, 193-383; V, 1-191; VI, 193-372. BRIGHT, Speeches, Popular ed., 85-152, 176-223, 277-414, 445-458, 480-515, 538-546; Rogers ed., I, 167-292, 349~437 ; H, 3-271, 333-358, 401-469, 5 T 3-53 O - COLVILLE, Sudan Campaign, both Parts ; and case of maps. GLAD- STONE, Speeches, 1 7-237 ; cf. introd., pp. ix-xv. GORDON, C. J., Journals ; maps. GREVILLE, Memoirs, VIII, xvi-xix, 174-322 (to 1860). Kos- SUTH, Memories, especially i, Sect. IV, 29-49; iv, 188-276. LINCOLN, Works, passim. McPHERSON, Rebellion, see index on special points; e.g., "Trent Affair," 338 ff. WHITE, W., House of Commons, 2 vols. WINGATE, Ten Years' Captivity; maps. WOLSELEY, Soldier's Life, II ; plans, 23, 54, 165. Sources Collections. ADAMS, C. K., Orations, III, 204-345; IV, 225-345. ADAMS and STEPHENS, 531-555. American Annual ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 433 Cyclopaedia, consult indexes, especially cumulative index in last vol. Annual Register, see appropriate vols. BREWER, Orations, I, 293-338 (BEACONSFIELD); II, 618-637 (BRIGHT); III, 1026-1029 (CHAMBER- LAIN), 1148-1155 (R. H. CHURCHILL); IV, 1336-1338 (COBDEN); V, 1790-1796 (DEPEW); VI, 2265-2293 (GLADSTONE); VIII, 2890-2898 (MACDONALD), 3131-3133 (PALMERSTON), 3143-3147 (PARNELL); IX, 3506-3511 (A. P. STANLEY); X, 3940 (COBDEN), 3941-3942 (FATHER BURKE), 3945 (DISRAELI). British and Foreign State Papers, 1812, etc., XLVII, etc. Cox, H., Reform Bills, 283-302. English Hist. Rep., II, 52-58 [Bibl.]. HANSARD, Debates, Third Ser., CXLVIII-CCCLVI (to 1891); Fourth Ser., I-CIC (to 1908); New Ser., etc. (1909, etc.). HART and CHANNING, American Hist. Leaflets, no. 6, pp. 10-26. HERTSLET, Europe by Treaty, II, 1325-1588; III-IV, passim. JOHNS- TON, American Orations, IV, 93-122. KENDALL, 391-400, 419-422, 444-465. LARNED, Ready Reference, II, 972-978; VI, 205-207. LEE, G. C., 509-515, 571-585. Newspapers, see Part /, no. 250. Papers, Foreign Relations of U. S., vols. for 1861, etc. RICHARDSON, J. D., Messages, consult index, X. ROBERTSON, C. G., Statutes, 62, 390-415 ; app., passim. ROGERS, Protests, III, 429-492 (to 1874 A.D.). Sessional Papers, see indexes. Statutes, 1832-1867, see annual vols. U. S. Consular Report, I, no. i, Oct., 1880, etc., passim. WAGNER, Orations, 94-342. WHARTON, International Law, II, 244-247 (Treaty of Washington, and Geneva tribunal); III, 1-7, 15-37, 122-171, 265- 296, 302-310 (Seizure of goods at sea), 381-385, 407-410, 497-505, 630-652 (Rules of 1871, and Geneva tribunal), 652-656. WHITE, A. S., Expansion of Egypt, app., 450-469. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 500-501. AMOS, Government, 217-232. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 516-545, passim ; map, 541. BOURINOT, Canada (Nations), xxv-xxix, 361-449. BROWNING, Modern Eng. (Epochs of Eng. Hist.), Books VII-VIII, 81-101. CHEYNEY, England, xx, 652-678; maps, 666, 670, 674, 676. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, maps, 480-481, 488-489. CREIGHTON, M., Half-Hour Hist., xix, 215-221. GARDINER, S. R., Student's Hist., 955-972. GOMM, CARR-, Adminis- trations, 161-335. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 843-844. HASSALL, French People, 363-377. HIGGINSON and CHANNING, English Hist., 311-320. JUDSON, Europe, 225-242, 327-336. LARNED, History for Schools, 607-628; maps, beginning and end of vol., 625. LEBON, Modern France (Nations), xiii-xvi, 313-462. LINGARD, England, abr., 607-620. MONTGOMERY, Leading Facts, 381-496, 403-406; map, 402. MORRIS, W. O., Ireland (Cambridge Hist.), x, 316-354. MYERS, 434 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 664-668. OMAN, England, xli-xlii, 694-717. RANNIE, Constitution, xii, 169-175. RANSOME, Advanced Hist., Book VIII, vii, 996-1040. SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., Book II, iv, 298-330, passim. SKOTTOWE, Parliament, 296-302. TERRY, B., England, 1031- 1068. TERRY, B., History for Schools, Part IV, viii-ix, 573-603 ; map, 592. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxxv-xxxvii, 505-533 ; maps. WHITCOMB, Modem Eur., 186-264, 294-31 1, 326-334. WRONG, British Nation, 534-547. Modern Accounts, Group II. American Annual Cyclopaedia, see indexes. ARCHER, T., Gladstone and his Contemporaries, III, ix, 210, to end of vol.; IV. ARGYLL, Eastern Question, I, II, x-xiii, 1-214. AUBREY, English Nation, III, 426-450. BAGEHOT, Biographical Studies, 91-124, 223-266, 347-398. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 566- 593. BERNARD, Neutrality. BODLEY, Coronation of Edward VII, Book IV, 199-318; cf. 3-93, and app., 335-479. BRIGHT, J. F., Eng- land, IV, 335-577 ; V ; maps. BRYCE, JAMES, Biography. CALLAHAN, Relations of Confederate States with Eng., in Am. Hist. Ass'n, Rep. 1898,265-283. CESARESCO, Italy, 227-415. CLAYDEN, England under Beaconsfield, 1-163, I 9 I ~ 2I 5i 281-320,439-462, 516-542. COUBERTIN, France, 214-281. Cox, H., Reform Bills. Cox, H., Whig and Tory Administrations. DAUNT, Irish Hist., xxix-xxxvi, and app., 280-396. DICKINSON, Parliament, ii-v, 40-183. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of William Patrick Adam, Joseph Barker, Richard Bethell, John Bright, Randolph Churchill, Alexander Cockburn, Benjamin Disraeli, William Edward Forster, William Ewart Gladstone, John Henry Lefroy, George Cornwall Lewis, Robert Lowe, Robert Cornelius Napier, Stafford Henry Northcote, Charles Stewart Parnell. DILKE, Greater Britain, Part IV, xxiv-xxv, 566-608. DOWELL, Taxation, II, 355-425. Essays on Reform, Essays I-XII, 1-323. FYFFE, Modern Eur., Ill, 241-524. GLADSTONE, Gleanings, I, i-vii, 1-248 ; IV, v-vi, 197-304 ; viii, 341-365. GRANT, J., Battles, III, 225-375. International Year Book, passim. KILLEN, Ireland, II, Book V, xii, 527-553. KRAUSSE, Russia in Asia, viii, 172-195; app., 323-329, 375-396; maps. LARNED, Ready Refer- ence, II, 965-981; VI, 203-222; IV, 2880, and VI, 449-451 (Scot.); Ill, 1793-1800, and VI, 269-272 (Ire ). LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, XI, 392-404 ; XII, 1-97, 451-478, 504-525, 895-906. McCAR- THY, J., Own Times, II, 135-656; app., 659-662 ; III-V. MCCARTHY, J., Short Hist, of Our Own Times, xiv-xxvii, 195-431. MACKENZIE, Nineteenth Cent., 145-155, 174-180, 249-252, 291-296, 315-318. MAY, England, I, 203-204, 346-363, 409-463; II, 17-101, 579-603. MOLES- WORTH, England, ii-vi, 122-442. MULLER, W., Recent Times, ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 435 487-489,576-587. PAUL, England, II, vi-xii, 82-379; III-V. PAULI, Aufsatze, Old Ser., I, 187-244 (Ire.), 459-505 (Prinz Albert). PICTON, Liverpool, I, 523-592. PROBYN, Italy, 193-364. RHODES, United States, III, 12-14, 27-38, 417-420, 426-434, 502-544; IV, 76-95. SEELEY, Expansion, Course II, Lects. VII-VIII, 273-309. SMITH, G. B., Parliament, II, Book XIII, iii, 496-548, 565-605 (Lists of officials, etc.). SYBEL, German Empire, VI, Book XXI, 201-244. TRAILL, Social Eng., VI, 453-469, 656-681 (Exploration, 1815-1885). WAL- POLE, S., Twenty-five Years, both vols. WARD, Victoria, I, 117-402; maps, opposite title-page, i, 529. WITHROW, Canada, xxxv-xxxix, 430-481; xli, 490-498; xliii-xlv, 505-527 ; xlviii-xlix, 547-591. Egypt: AUBIN, Les Anglais aux Indes et en Egypte, x-xviii, 135-285. BAE- DEKER, Egypt ; maps. DICEY, E., Khedivate. JOHNSTON, H. H., Africa, xii, 231-242; maps. KEANE, A. H., Africa, I, viii, 518-624. KELTIE, Africa, passim ; maps. MILNER, Egypt ; map, 444. PEN- FIELD, Egypt ; map, 366. RAE, Egypt. ROYLE, Egyptian Campaigns, 2 vols. ; maps. SLATIN, In the Sudan; maps. TRAILL, England, Egypt, and the Sudan ; maps. WALLACE, D. M., Egypt. WHITE, A. S., Africa, passim. WHITE, A. S., Expansion of Egypt; maps. Biographical: ABERDEEN : Gordon (Prime Ministers), xi, 287-323. ALBERT, PRINCE: Martin, T., Prince Consort, IV, xc, 347 to close of V. BEACONSFIELD : Froude (Prime Ministers), xiii-xvii, 188-262. BRIGHT, JOHN: Robertson, W., Ill, 117-192; IV-VI. COBDEN : Morley, J., II, x-xx, 225-485; and app. FORSTER, W. E.: Reid, I, ix-xiii, 328-574 ; II. GLADSTONE : Archer, T., see aboz>e. Bryce, Biography, 400-480. Emerson and Smith, xiii-xlii, 129-389. Hamil- ton. McCarthy, J. H., England under Gladstone. Morley, J., II-III; chronology also in I, 654-661. Russell, G. W. (Prime Ministers), vii-xi, 156-282. Smith, G. B. LAWRENCE, LORD: Smith, R. B., II, viii-xv, 284-567 ; map. LINCOLN : Morse, I, xii, 368-387. Nicolay and Hay, IV, xv, 266-280 ; V, i-ii, 1-41 ; VI, iii-iv, 49-89 ; VIII, x, 254-280; X, xviii, 341-356. LOWE, VISCOUNT SHERBROOKE : Martin, II, 162-538. NEWMAN : Hutton, R. H. (Leaders of Religion), passim. RUSSELL, LORD: Walpole, S., II, xxviii-xxxii, 310-470. SALISBURY: Pulling, F. S. (Prime Ministers), 2 vols. SHAFTESBURY: Hodder, xxiv, 550, to xxvii, 776. VICTORIA: Holmes, vii-ix, 232-330. Lee, S., xxiii-xlix, and App. I, II, 281-565. Lome, vii-xiii, 247-371. Bibliography (see also under Sect. So ; general note, Sect. 2 ; and see nos. 80, 8f, Part /). Boston Pub. Lib. Bull., Oct., 1893, 202-204 (Egypt). DICKINSON, Parliament, 40-183, footnotes. ELLIOTT, A. M., Biography (Lists for historians, statesmen, etc.). GRIFFIN, A. P. C., 436 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Colonization (Lib. Congress), 115-150 (The Far East), 35-56 (Egypt). iBRAHiM-HiLMY, Literature of Egypt, 2 vols. JOHNSTON, Africa, App. II, 300-302 (Egypt). JONES, H. V., Parliamentary Papers. KELTIE, Africa, 464-471 (Egypt). KRAUSSE, Russia in Asia, 389-393. PAULI, Aufsatze, Old Ser., I, 459 (Prinz Albert). Providence Pub. Lib., Mo. Bull., IV, 285-290 (Egypt); 53, 54 (Far East); 128-132 (Gladstone); Mo. Lists, I, 14 (Disraeli); II, 25 (Egypt). SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., 575-588, 590. VAPEREAU, Dictionnaire des Contemporains. WAL- POLE, S., England from 1815, footnotes. WALPOLE, S., Twenty-five Years, footnotes. WINDEYER, N. Y. State Lib. Bull., no. 59, Bibl. no. 25, pp. 607-613 (Far East). Physiography and Geography of Egypt: KING, C. F., Methods in Geog., 427-432, 437-439, 474-475, 495-497. MILL, H. R., Hints to Teachers, see close of iii-ix, xiii, xviii. PARKER, F. W., How to Study Geog., 359-362, 371-372. TARR and McMuRRY, Europe, 542-543, 546-547. Illustrative Material Prose. COLLINS, WILKIE, The Woman in White. New York, Harper, 1902. [B.P. L.] DURAND, SIR H. M. (JOHN ROY), Helen Treveryan. New York, Macmillan, 1892. Illustrative Material Poetry. AUSTIN, ALFRED, The Passing of the Century, in A Tale of True Love. New York, Harper, 1902. AUSTIN, ALFRED, Winter Violets ; lines laid on the bier of Queen Vic- toria at Osborne, by permission of His Majesty, the King, January 25, 1901. Ibid. AUSTIN, ALFRED, A Royal Home-coming, Nov. 2, 1901. Ibid. BROWNING, ROBERT, Lost Leader. BUCHANAN, ROBERT, Songs of the Terrible Year 1870, in his Works, II. GARRISON, THEO- DOSIA, God Save the King ! in FORD and FORD. TENNYSON, ALFRED, Dedication of Idylls of the King. TENNYSON, ALFRED, To the Queen ; epilogue to the Idylls. SECTION 80 State of Society, 1789, etc. Summary. Constitution and government : extensions of the suffrage ; the Ballot Act, 1872; readjustment of representation ; inclusion of Ire- land ; extension of the scope of legislation to the betterment of the conditions of life (sanitation, factory and mine inspection, and em- ployers' liability, child labour, food adulteration) ; reforms in the poor laws, and in the management of asylums and prisons; judicial and penal reforms ; governmental management of public utilities (post, telephones, telegraphs). Industry and commerce : the steamboat, ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 437 railway, telegraph, telephone ; growth of trade unions ; gradual increase in the political influence of labour; improvement in the condition of labourers ; increase of commerce and manufactures ; condition of agri- culture. Religion : removal of political disabilities from Catholics (1820), Jews (1858), and Dissenters (1861). Education, science, liter- ature : schools for the poor ; popularity of books and periodicals (in- cluding newspapers) ; influential writers (poets, novelists, essayists and critics, historians, theological and religious writers, philosophical and scientific writers), for Ireland, see also the preceding sections ; for colonization and empire, see the subsequent sections. Sources Individual Works. BURKE, Works, VIII, 482-490. GLADSTONE, Speeches, 238-264. HUTCHINSON, T., Diary. For modern writers, see also the paragraphs of Illustrative Mate- rial below. Sources Collections. American Annual Cyclopaedia, consult indexes. ANDERSON, F. M., Constitutions [Bibl.]. ARBER, E., British Anthologies, X, 1-296, passim (CowFER). ASHTON, William IV, passim. ASHTON, Nineteenth Century, 2 vols., passim. ASHTON, Under the Regency, 2 vols., passim. BREWER, Orations, VII, 2645- 2651 (KINGSLEY), 2731-2743 (LAURIER); VIII, 2875-2889 (MACAU- LAY); X, 3891-3899 (WlLBERFORCE), 3942 (BYRON), 3951 (CURRAN). ELLIS, Literary Men, 423-451. Fighting Instructions (Navy Records), 268-358, cf. introd. Historical MSS. Commission, Reports, passim (for contents see GROSS, Sources, App. D, 534-539). HURLBURT, Ireland under Coercion, 34-416; cf. 1-33, 417-475. KING, D. B., Irish Question, app., 319-453. LEE, G. C., 537-539. MORRIS, W. O., Present Irish Questions, app., 361-428. Newspapers, see Part 7, no. 250. Oxford Statutes, 21-400. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xli, 599-621, pas- sim [Bibl.]. Sessional Papers, see indexes. SMITH, EDWARD,Visitors, 106-150. STANTON, Menology, cf. 465-466. Statuta Universitatis Oxoniensis. TURNER, RIBTON-, Vagrants, xxxi, passim. WHARTON, International Law, I, 64-74,80-84, 115-140, 168-170, 172-187, 237-240, 268-298 (Monroe doctrine); II, 309-325; III, 38-62, 74-83, 85-102, 326-330, 352-381, 396-406 (Blockade), 411-453 (Contraband), 480- 496 (Privateering), 509-518, 571-579. Modern Accounts, Group I. ADAMS, C. C., Commercial Geog., xix, 195-213. ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 507-508. AMOS, S., Government, 23-54, 108-187. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 491-494. BOUTMY, Angleterre, Part III, i-vii, 137-212. BRODRICK, Oxford (Epochs of Church Hist.), xvii-xix, 191-222. CHEYNEY, England, xix, 628-632, 634-643 CHEYNEY, Industrial Hist., viii-x, 199-311, passim 438 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY [Bibl.]. CREASY, English Const., 314-354. CREIGHTON, L., Govern- ment, xiii, 116-128. CUNNINGHAM and MCARTHUR, Industrial Hist., 82-109, 140-165, 198-254. DURUY, France, 566-600, 619-631. ED- WARDS, O. M., Wales (Nations), xxv-xxvii, 386-404, passim. FON- BLANQUE, How we are Governed. GIBBINS, Commerce, 179-189; App. A, 223-225. GIBBINS, Industrial Hist. (University Extension), Period V, i-vii, 143-223 [Bibl.]. GIBBINS, Industry, xxiii-xxvi, 381- 474 ; map, 454. GREEN, J. R., Short Hist., 791-793, 828-829 ! ilhis. ed., IV, 1727-1734, 1815-1817. HARDING, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist. (Es- sentials), 434-457, 460-493, 553-573 ; maps. HOSMER, Anglo-Saxon Freedom, xvi-xx, 245-369, passim. JALKSON, European Progress, 275 340, passim ; maps. JENKS, Parliamentary Eng. (Nations), xii, 379-426, passim [Bibl.]. JOHNSON, T. H., Imperial Britain (Imperial Libr.), Part IV, 77-200, 205-215 (Scot.), 223-237, 238-240 (Ire.). JUDSON, Nineteenth Cent. (Chautauqua), 310-326, passim. LARNED, History for Schools, 561-570. LAVISSE, Europe, 138-188. LAWLESS, Ireland (Nations), 396-419. LEBON, Modern France (Nations), x, 197-260. LODGE, R., Modern Eur., 663-680. MCCARTHY, J., Reform (Epochs), passim. MACY, Constitution, Part II, xxxvi-1, 352-486. MEDLEY, Manual, passim. MONTAGUE, English Const. Hist., 174-228. MONT- GOMERY, Leading Facts, 396-402, 410-420; map, 416. MORRIS, W. O., Ireland (Cambridge Hist.), viii-x, 249-354 ; map at end [Bibl.]. MUL- LINGER, Cambridge (Epochs of Church Hist.), xi-xii, 187-223. MYERS, Mediaeval and Mod. Hist., 714-720. OMAN, England, xli, 673-679. PAYNE, Colonies, 371-388 [Bibl.]. PORRITT, Englishman at Home. RANSOME, Government, xx, 250-259. RHYS and JONES, Welsh People, viii-xiii, 346-609, passim. RIDEING, London, xi, 161-187 ; xiii, 199-215 ; xv, 243-263; xvii-xviii, 277-335 ; xxi-xxiv, 391-483. SCHWILL, Modern Eur., 392-399 ; map at end. SEIGNOBOS, Europe, ii-v, 10-154. SKOT- TOWE, Parliament, 220-240, 302-336. STEPHENS, H. M., Revolutionary Eur. (Periods of Eur. Hist.), i-io. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), 470-479, 488-489, 512-514, 537-548; maps, 474, 544, 545. WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, 412-528 [Bibl.]. WALPOLE, S., Foreign Relations (Eng. Citizen). WARNER, Industrial Hist., xvi-xix, 281-360. WEBSTER, W. C., Commerce, Part V, xxx, 446-456 [Bibl.]. WHIT- COMB, Modem Eur., 335-349. WILSON, State, x, 366-447. WRONG, British Nation, 13-17, 548-563. YEATS, J., Growth of Commerce (Technical, etc., Education), Part IV, vii, 413-426. YEATS, J., Recent Commerce (Technical, etc., Education), Part I, 1-54, 135-168. Modern Accounts, Group II. A. GENERAL, i. England, Wales, and Scotland. ALLEN, W. F., Essays, 345-350. American Annual ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 439 Cyclopaedia, see indexes, passim. ANDERSON, Scottish Nation, III, 415-421. ARCHER, T., Gladstone and his Contemporaries, 4 vols., passim. ASHTON, Regency, 2 vols., passim. ASHTON, William IV, passim. AUBREY, English Nation, III, 243-264, passim ; 343-374, 402- 415. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 594-622. BESANT, Fifty Years Ago, passim. BOURNE, H. R. F., Newspapers, I, ix-xiii, 248-391 ; II. BRODRICK and FOTHERINGHAM, England, 1801-1837 (Political Hist, of Eng., XI), xx, 414-440. BRYCE, J., American Commonwealth, I, app., 652-653, 657-658. BUCKLE, Civilization, I, i-v, 1-208, 553-672 ; II, 1-122. CRAIK, Scottish Hist., II, xvi-xxiii, 120-452. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pictorial Hist., VII, 561-774; VIII, 593-733. CREIGH- TON, C., Epidemics, II, i-ix, passim. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of Matthew Arnold, Thomas Arnold, Samuel Bailey, Jeremy Bentham, Henry Bessemer, Robert Browning, Edmund Cartwright, Samuel Compton, Archibald Constable, John Constable, Astley Paston Cooper, Henry Cort, George Crabbe, Edward Shepherd Creasy, John Wilson Croker, Mary Ann Cross or Marian Evans, George Cruikshank, John Curran, John Nelson Darby, Charles Robert Darwin, John Thaddeus Delane, Thomas De Quincy, Charles Dickens, Francis Egerton, Michael Faraday, John Franklin, James Anthony Froude, John Richard Green, John Frederick Herschel, William Herschel, William Huskisson, Fran- cis Jeffrey, Edward Jenner, John Keats, Charles Kingsley, Charles Lamb, Walter Savage Landor, Edward Henry Landseer, Johanna Maria Lind, Charles Lyell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, William Charles Macready, Henry Edward Manning, Harriet Martineau, John Stuart Mill, Thomas Moore, Robert Owen, David Ricardo, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, John Ruskin, Walter Scott, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Sarah Siddons, Robert Southey, Robert Louis Stevenson, Alfred Tennyson, William Makepeace Thackeray, Joseph Mallord Turner, William Wordsworth. DORMAN, British Empire, I, xix-xx, 373-401. ESCOTT, England. Foss, Judges, see especially 97-99 (Blackstone). FREEMAN, Lectures, 3-58. FROUDE, Short Studies, Fourth Sen, II, 86-148, 178- 279, 344-402; III, 93-146, 280-342; IV, 312-351. FYFFE, Modern Eur., II, 465-513. GLADSTONE, Gleanings, III, vi, 217-273. HARRI- SON, Meaning of Hist., vii viii, 207221, 232244; xiv xv, 395-436. HELMOLT, World, VII, Western Eur., 342-430. HUNT, W., England, 1760-1801 (Political Hist, of Eng., X), xiii, 255-279, passim. Inter- national Year Book, 1898, etc., passim. JEPHSON, Platform, 2 vols. KNIGHT, England, VIII, vii-viii, 111-157; xxii, 385-403. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, IX, 319-392; X, 694-767; XI, 910-939. LECKY, England, VII, 364-384. LORD, W. F., England and France 440 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY in the Mediterranean, passim. MACAULAY, Essays, I, 158-171, 433- 543; II, 5-187, 214-249, 268-367; IV, 116-193, 412-426; VI, 331-430. MCCARTHY, J., Own Times, 5 vols., passim. MACKENZIE, Nineteenth Cent., 71-98, 181-223, passim. MAHON, England, II, xvi, 287-319. MARTIN, LOWE, Viscount Sherbrooke, II, i, 539-547. PAUL, England, II, xiii, 380-421; III, xiii, 415-432. PAULI, Aufsatze, New Ser., II, 1-14. POLLOCK, F., Lectures, vi-viii, 169-215. RUSSELL, G. W. E., Gladstone (Prime Ministers), 102-123. SKENE, Celtic Scot., Ill, Book III, x, 368-393. SMITH, GOLDWIN, Questions of the Day. SMITH, GOLDWIN, A Trip to England, passim. STEPHEN, SIR L., English Thought, II, x, 242-281. TAINE, Modern Regime, II, Books V-VI, 1-265. THACKERAY, Four Georges, in Harper's Mag., XXI, 671-682, 823-834. TRAILL, Social Eng., VI, 1-109, 120-248, 262-450, 469-625, 681-688. WALPOLE, S., England, I, i-iii, 1-272 ; V, xxi, 236- 323 ; VI, 380-404. WALPOLE, S., Twenty-five Years, I, i, 1-62. WARD, Victoria, 2 vols., passim; map, II, opposite title-page. WITH- ROW, Canada, 1, 592-605. WRIGHT, Caricature Hist., xiv, 533-581. 2. English Municipal History. BOASE, Oxford (Historic Towns), vi-vii, 204-217. BURROWS, Cinque Ports (Historic Towns), viii-ix, 193-254; map. CREIGHTON, M., Carlisle (Historic Towns), x, 189-208; plan, 189. FREEMAN, Exeter (Historic Towns), 227-240; map, 211. GREEN, J. R., Oxford Studies, 247-266. HARRIS, Coventry (Social Eng.), xvi, 358-376; map, 358. HUNT, Bristol (Historic Towns), ix-x, 198-222. LOFTIE, London, II, xxi-xxiii, 200-299; App. A-I, 301-404; maps, 201, 267, 292. PICTON, Liverpool, I, 592-607. RAINE, York (Historic Towns), Parts II-III, 147-210. 3. Ireland. DAUNT, Irish Hist., passim. DENNIS, Industrial Ire. DUFFERIN, Irish Emigration. DUFFY, The League. FALKINER, Irish Hist., passim. FROUDE, Ireland, III, 507-533. H ASSEN CAMP, Ireland, xii-xiv, 2 28-330. Ki NG, Irish Question, i-xxx, 1-318. LECKY, Ireland, 11,489-517. MCCARTHY, J. H., Ireland since the Union. MORRIS, W. O., Present Irish Question, i-viii, 1-360. O'CONNOR, T. P., Parnell Movement. RUSSELL, T. W., Ireland and the Empire, passim. Two Centuries of Irish Hist., Parts II-V, 93-509. B. SPECIAL, i. Manners and Customs. ASHTON, Nineteenth Cent, 2 vols., passim. BOOTH, Darkest Eng., passim. ESCOTT, Victorian Age, passim. HODDER, Life of a Cent., passim. STRUTT, Sports, passim. 2. Art and Science, Education. ALLEN, G., Darwin (English Worthies). BETTANY, G. T., Darwin (Great Writers). BYRN, Inven- tion, passim. FISKE, Essays, II, vi-viii, 197-248. HYDE, D., Literary Hist, of Ire., xliii-xliv, 591-637. MILLAR, Literary Hist, of Scot., viii- xii, 430-684 [Bibl.]. RASHDALL, Universities, II, Part II, 765-783. SIMPSON, E. B., Sir J. Y. Simpson (Famous Scots). SMILES, Engineers, 316-409. SMILES, Stephenson. STAUNTON, Schools, passim. STED- MAN, Oxford. 3. Agriculture, Industry, Commerce. ASHLEY, British Industries, passim. CUNNINGHAM, Alien Immigrants, 263-271. CUN- NINGHAM, Industry and Commerce, II, 2d ed., 442-686; 3d ed., 609 886, 928-942. GARNIER, British Peasantry, especially the later chapters. GARNIER, Landed Interest, II, xvii-xxiii, 383-535. GROSS, Gild Mer- chant, I, passim. LEVI, Commerce, Parts II-V, 67-567 (with tables and app.). MACLEOD, Banking, i, Sects. IV-X, 19-183; ii, 191-194 (Scot.). MACPHERSON, Commerce, IV, 200-550; app., nos. 1-4. MAY- HEW, London Labour, 2 vols. JONES, Owen, 2 vols. PROTHERO, Farming, vii-xv, 64-242. RAND, Economic Hist., vi, 126-145; xvn > 469-510. ROGERS, Gleanings, Ser. I, 141-185. ROGERS, Interpreta- tion, 205-248,272-524. ROGERS, Work and Wages, 387-413, 494-575. SEEBOHM, English Village Community, i 16; maps, opposite title-page, and 2,6; app., 443-453. SHAW, W. A., Currency, 218-245, passim. TAYLOR, R. W. C., Factory System and Factory Acts, iii-vi, 50-158; app., 161-175. TAYLOR, R. W. C., Modern Factory System, vii-x, 271- 468. TURNER, RIBTON-, Vagrants, ix-xiv, 209-333 ; xv-xvii, xx, passim. 4. Religion. CLARKE, H. W., Tithes, xviii-xx, and app., 201-258. FOSBROKE, Monachism, Ixii, 298-307. HALL, T. C., Religious Move- ments. JENNINGS, A. C., The Church, xviii-xix, 451-485. MAKOWER, Constitution of the Church, Division I, C, 103156; V, 294-383, 445- 464, 502-504. OVERTON, English Church. 5. Government and Law. ANSON, Constitution, Part I, ii-x, 12-321 ; Part II, i-v, 32-262; ix-x, 377-457 ; app., 459-476. BAGEHOT, English Const., 69-359. DICEY, A. V., Law of the Constitution. DIGBY, Real Property, Part II, x, 321-350. DOWELL, Taxation, II, 183-425; app., 432-552; III-IV. FORSYTH, Trial by Jury, 354-382. FREEMAN, Essays, Fourth Ser., 317-325 (Decayed boroughs), 425-502 (House of Lords). GNEIST, Parliament, vi-ix, 311-447. LAPSLEY, Durham, app., 327-337. MAIT- LAND, F. W., Township and Borough, passim. MAY, England, II, 348- 459. NEILSON, Trial by Combat, Part VII, 328-341. NICHOLLS, Poor Law, II, Parts III-IV, xii-xviii, 97-436. PIKE, Crime in Eng., II, 345-680. PIKE, Lords, xii-xv, passim. POLLOCK, F., Politics, Part IV, 93-126. PROTHERO, Gneist on the Eng. Const., in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1888, III, 1-33. SCRUTTON, Roman Law, Part II, v-xv, 125-199. SHAW, Municipal Government. TAYLOR, H., English Const., 611-616. TODD, Parliamentary Gov't, 2 vols. Bibliography (see general note, Sect. 2). See ADAMS, C. K., AUBREY, BOWKER and ILES, BRATKE, Columbia Univ. Lib. Bull., FISHER, 442 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY GARNIER, GOMME, GROSS, HASSE, MAKOWER, MONROE, RAND, SMEDT, and STAMMHAMMER, as in Sect. 14; also: ANDERSON, J. P., in BET- TANY, Darwin, app., pp. i-xxxi. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, see close of each chapter. BRODRICK and FOTHERINGHAM, England, 1801-1837, 443-450. Cambridge Mod. Hist., see for each chapter at close of each vol. CUBBERLEY, Syllabus, 262-280. CUNNINGHAM, Industry, II, 2d ed., 704-738 ; 3d ed., 943-998. DORMAN, British Empire, footnotes. FAL- CINER, Irish Hist., 343-350. GNEIST, Parliament, footnotes. GRIFFIN, A. P. C., Books on the Cabinets (Lib. Congress). HALL, Religious Movements, 281-283. HASSENCAMP, Ireland, 228-330, footnotes. HOZIER, Invasions, see at head of each chapter. HURST, Literature of Theology, 216-219, 257-261, 263-265, 267-270, 345-347. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, see close of each chapter. LECKY, England, notes and app. LECKY, Ireland, notes and app. MAY, Eng- land, footnotes. PAULI, Aufsatze, Old Ser., I, 187 (Irland). Provi- dence Pub. Lib., Mo. Lists, II, 15-17 (Darwin). RAND, Economic Hist., 545-556. ROBERTSON, Statutes, pp. xvii-xviii. SCRUTTON, Roman Law, pp. xiii-xvi. SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., 577-578. SHAW, Currency, pp. xvi-xviii, xxvi-xxviii. SMITH, E., Visitors, pp. viii-xvi. TAYLOR, H., English Const., footnotes. TRAILL, Social Eng., see close of each chapter. WALPOLE, C. G., Ireland, pp. xxxi-xxxv. WAL- POLE, S., England from 1815, footnotes. WALPOLE, S., Twenty-five Years, footnotes. WILSON, The State, 447-448. Illustrative Material Prose. I. Novels illustrating society and manners of the last part of the eighteenth century and early part of the nineteenth. ARBLAY, FRANCIS D' (BURNEY), Cecelia : or, memoirs of an heiress. London, Bell, 1901. ARBLAY, FRANCIS D' (BURNEY), Evelina : or, a young lady's entrance into the world. 2 vols. London, Dent, 1901. AUSTEN, JANE, Emma, in her novels in 10 vols., ed. by R. BRIMLEY JOHNSON. London, Dent, 1898. AUSTEN, JANE, Mans- field Park, ed. by R. B. JOHNSON. London, Dent, 1898. AUSTEN, JANE, Northanger Abbey. London, Macmillan, 1902. AUSTEN, JANE, Persuasion. London, Macmillan, 1902. AUSTEN, JANE, Pride and Prejudice, ed. by R. B. JOHNSON. London, Dent, 1898. AUSTEN, JANE, Sense and Sensibility, ed. by R. B. JOHNSON. London, Dent, 1898. BESANT, SIR WALTER, All Sorts and Conditions of Men. New York, Chatto, 1900. BESANT, SIR WALTER, The Children of Gibeon. London, Chatto, 1900. CARLYLE, THOMAS, Sartor Resartus : the life and opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh. London, Chapman. CROSS, Mrs. M. A. (GEORGE ELIOT), Adam Bede. 2 vols. Boston, Dana. CROSS, Mrs. M. A. (GEORGE ELIOT), Silas Marner, the Weaver of ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 443 Raveloe. New York, Burt. DISRAELI, BENJAMIN, Venetia. London, Longmans, 1897. DISRAELI, BENJAMIN, Vivian Grey. London, Long- mans, 1901. EDGEWORTH, MARIA, Belinda, and other tales. London, Macmillan, 1896. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER, The Vicar of Wakefield, in his Miscellaneous Works. London, Macmillan, 1893. GOULD, S. B., Bladys of the Stewponey. New York, Stokes. IRVING, WASHINGTON, " GEOFFREY CRAYON, Gent.," Bracebridge Hall : or, the humorists. New York, Putnam. KINGSTON, W. H. G., The Three Lieutenants : or, naval life in the nineteenth century. London, 1875. LYTTON, BULWER-, Kenelm Chillingly. Boston, Dana. LYTTON, BULWER-, "PislSTRATUS CAXTON," My Novel: or, varieties in English life. Bos- ton, Dana. READE, CHARLES, Clouds and Sunshine, and Art; a dramatic tale, in Household ed. of his Novels, 187-266. New York, Harper, 1900. READE, CHARLES, Griffith Gaunt: or jealousy. Lon- don, Chatto. II. Novels illustrating society and manners of Victoria's reign. COLLINS, W. W., Hide and Seek : or, the mystery of Mary Grice. London, Chatto, 1896. LILLIE, L. C., Prudence; a story of aesthetic London. New York, Harper, 1882. LYTTON, BULWER-, Godolphin. Boston, Little, 1893. LYTTON, BULWER-, Paul Clifford. London, Routledge. THACKERAY, W. M., The History of Pendennis. London, Smith; Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1891. THACKERAY, W. M., The Newcomes ; memoirs of a most respectable family. New York, Harper, 1899. TROLLOPE, ANTHONY, Doctor Thorne. New York, Dodd, 1903. TROLLOPE, ANTHONY, He Knew he was Right. Lon- don, Ward. III. Novels illustrative of London life. BROOKS, C. S., Aspen Court. London, Bentley, 1855. DICKENS, CHARLES, Adven- tures of Oliver Twist. [1838-.] London, Macmillan. LYTTON, BUL- WER-, The Caxtons ; a family picture. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1894. LYTTON, BULWER-, "PISISTRATUS CAXTON," What Will He Do with It? 4 vols. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1860. LYTTON, BULWER-, Pelham : or, the adventures of a gentleman. 2 vols. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1864. THACKERAY, W. M., The Adventures of Philip on his Way through the World. 2 vols. London, Smith, Elder ; Phila- delphia, Lippincott, 1886. THACKERAY, W. M., Level, the Widower. New York, Harper, 1899. TROLLOPE, ANTHONY, The Three Clerks. 2 vols. Berlin, Asher, 1873. TROLLOPE, ANTHONY, The Way we Live Now. Berlin, Asher, 1873. IV. Novels illustrating shire life. BRONTE, CHARLOTTE, Jane Eyre. 2 vols. London, Dent, 1893. ELIOT, GEORGE, Middlemarch ; a story of provincial life. 2 vols. New York, Doubleday. HARDY, THOMAS, Far from the Madding Crowd. New York, Harper, 1895. KINGSLEY, HENRY, Silcote of Silcotes. 444 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY London, Ward, 1895. TROLLOPE, ANTHONY, Barchester Towers. New York, Longmans, 1900. TROLLOPE, ANTHONY, Framley Parson- age. New York, Dodd, 1902. TROLLOPE, ANTHONY, Sir Harry Hot- spur of Humblethwaite. New York, Macmillan, 1871. V. Navels illustrative of Scottish society. BARRIE, J. M., The Little Minister. London, Cassell, 1900. BARRIE, J. M., A Window in Thrums. New York, Scribner, 1897. BLACK, WILLIAM, Donald Ross of Heimra. New York, Harper, 1891. BLACK, WILLIAM, In Far Lochabar. Lon- don, Low, 1892. CUNNINGHAM, ALLAN, Lord Roldan; a romance. New York, Harper, 1860. GALT, JOHN, The Provost. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1895. MACDONALD, GEORGE, Malcolm. London, Kegan Paul. MACDONALD, GEORGE, The Marquis of Lossie (Sequel to Mal- colm). New York, Burt. READE, CHARLES, Christie Johnstone, in Household ed. of his Novels, 101-183. New York, Harper, 1900. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, The Antiquary. New York, Lovell. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Saint Ronan's Well. New York, Appleton, 1877. VI. Novels illustrative of life in the islands. BARR, A. E., Jan Vedder's Wife. New York, Dodd. BARR, A. E., Paul and Christian. New York, Dodd, 1898. BLACK, WILLIAM, A Princess of Thule. Boston, Page, 1899. VII. Novels illustrative of Irish life. EDGEWORTH, MARIA, Ennui. EDGEWORTH, MARIA, Ormond, in Tales and Novels, XVIII. New York, Harper, 1873. EDGEWORTH, MARIA, Rosanna, in Tales and Novels, II, Popular Tales. London, Routledge, 1893. EDGEWORTH, MARIA, Castle Rackrent : The Absentee. London, Mac- millan, 1895. GRIFFIN, GERALD, The Collegians ; a tale of Garryowen. New York, 187-?. [B.P.L.] HUNGERFORD.MARGARET," THE DUCHESS," A Little Irish Girl. Philadelphia, 1891. [B. P. L.] HUNGERFORD, MAR- GARET, "THE DUCHESS," Molly Bawn. Leipzig,i878. [B.P.L.] HUNGER- FORD, MARGARET, "THE DUCHESS," Rossmoyne. Philadelphia, 1884. [B. P. L.] LEVER,C. J., The Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly. Boston, Lit- tle, 1901. LEVER, C. J., Jack Hinton, the Guardsman. London. TROL- LOPE, ANTHONY, The McDermots of Ballycloran. New York, Lupton. VIII. Novels illustrating school life. DICKENS, CHARLES, Life and Ad- ventures of Nicholas Nickleby. New York, Burt. FARRAR, F. W., D.D., Eric : or, little by little ; a tale of Roslyn school. New York, Dutton, 1897. FARRAR, F. W., D.D., Julian Home ; a tale of college life. London, Black, 1899. FARRAR, F. W., D.D., St. Winifred's : or, the world of school. [B. P. L.] IX. Novels illustrating chiefly manufacturing and mining life in the early part of the reign of Victoria. FOTHERGILL, JESSIE, Probation. New York, Fenno. GASKELL, ELIZABETH, Mary Barton ; a tale of Manchester life. London, The Daily Telegraph. ENGLAND SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 445 READE, CHARLES, Put Yourself in his Place. London, Chatto, 1899. TROLLOPE, FRANCES, The Life and Adventures of Michael Armstrong, the Factory Boy. 3 vols. London, Colburn, 1840. X. Novels illus- trative of social reform. BESANT, WALTER, All Sorts and Conditions of Men; an impossible story. New York, Harper, 1902. DICKENS, CHARLES, Bleak House. 2 vols. New York, Crowell. DICKENS, CHARLES, Little Dorritt. New York, Burt ; 2-vol. ed., New York, Crowell. READE, CHARLES, It is Never too Late to Mend; a matter- of-fact romance. London, Chatto, 1901. XI. Novels illustrative of religious tendencies. BARR, A. E., The Hallam Succession ; a tale of Methodist life in two countries. New York, 1885. [B. P.L.] DIS- RAELI, BENJAMIN, Lothair. London, Longmans, 1890. DISRAELI, BENJAMIN, Tancred: or, the new crusade. Leipzig, 1847. [B. P. L.] FROUDE, J. A., The Nemesis of Faith. Chicago, Belfords, 1879. NEW- MAN, J. H., CARDINAL, Loss and Gain ; the story of a convert. London, Longmans, 1900. Illustrative Material Poetry. BROWNING, ELIZABETH BARRETT, Aurora Leigh, in her Works, 1-178. BROWNING, ELIZABETH BAR- RETT, The Cry of the Children, in her Works, 321-330. BURNS, ROBERT, The Cotter's Saturday Night. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER, The Deserted Village. HEMANS, FELICIA, The Curfew Song of England ; The English Boy ; The Homes of England. HOOD, THOMAS, Song of the Shirt, in Warner, XIII. IX. THE BRITISH EMPIRE SECTION 81 India Summary (see also Sects. 66, 78, and 87). The land and its peoples : size, form, position, and other leading physical characteristics of India ; products ; extent and distribution of population ; variety and character- istics of the peoples ; religions and castes. The factory period, to 1746: arrival of Vasco da Gama at Calicut in 1498; conquest of Goa by the Portuguese under Albuquerque, 1510; the first English company trading to the East Indies, 1600; the Dutch East India Company, 1602; futile opposition of the Portuguese; the English factory at Surat, 1614; massacre of English at Amboyna by the Dutch, 1623, and subsequent withdrawal of the English from the Spice Islands ; Madras (Ft. St. George), 1639; the English East India Company, 1660; Bombay ceded to England by the Portuguese, 1661 ; Calcutta (Ft. William), 1686; French occupation of Pondicherry, c. 1672; break-up of the Mogul em- pire, 1707. Rivalry of the French and English, 1744-1763: capture and restoration of Madras by the French (Dupleix, Labourdonnais), 1746, 1748; defense of Arcot by Clive, 1751 ; the " Black Hole of Cal- cutta," 1756; Plassey, 1757; Wandewash (final defeat of the French under Lally by Coote), 1760. Clive and Hastings: the Carnatic and Bengal under the English, by 1767; need of reform in the affairs of the company ; appointment of Warren Hastings as governor, first over Bengal (1772), then over India (1774-1785); the East India Bill, 1784. Gradual growth of English dominion, 1786-1828, under Cornwallis, Mornington (Richard Wellesley), Arthur Wellesley (Wellington), Lake, Barlow, Minto, Hastings (Francis), Amherst. Economic and social reforms, 1828-1848 : abolition of suttee ; abolition of the thugs; finan- cial reforms ; renewal of the charter with freedom of trade and settle- ment, 1833; freedom of the press. Wars and annexations, 1839-1856. The Sepoy Mutiny, 1857: Delhi; Cawnpore; Lucknow; end of the nominal Mogul empire. India under the crown, 1858, etc.: Victoria proclaimed Empress of India, 1877 ; Indian Councils Bill, 1909 ; famines ; internal improvements ; administration ; civil service ; education. 446 THE BRITISH EMPIRE 447 Sources Individual Works. BRIGHT, in ROBERTSON'S Life of, see index in VI. BRIGHT, Speeches, Popular ed., 1-63 ; Rogers ed., 1,3-120. BURKE, Works, IV, 1-219; cf. 220-533. BURKE, Selections, 128-142 [Bibl.]. CORNWALLIS, Correspondence, I, viii-xii, 218-498; II, xii-xvi, 1-282 ; app., 463-582 ; map, end of vol. ; III, xxv, 529-564. WOLSELEY, A Soldier's Life, I, i-iii, 1-78; plan, 49; II, xvi-xxvi, 227- 392 ; plan, 274. Sources Collections. American Annual Cyclopaedia, consult indexes. Annual Register, see vols. for important periods (index for 1758-1819). Asiatic Journal, see passim. Black Book of 1820, 344- 372 (East India Co.). Calendar, State Papers, East Indies, etc., 1513- 1634, whole series, passim. COLBY, see Sects. 66, 77. DE BRETT, State Papers, n vols., passim, see indexes. GOODRICH, Eloquence, 311-363, cf. 206-240 (BURKE); 405-436, cf. 399-404 (R. B. SHERIDAN); 462-481, cf. 437-461 (C. J. Fox). Hardwick MSS., N. Y. Lib. Bull., VI, 337-373. Harleian Miscellany, 8-vol. ed., V, 271-272. HERTSLET, Europe by Treaty, I, 10, 44. KENDALL, 342-345, 360-362, 435-444. LEE, G. C., 554-568. Letters received by the East India Co., 6 vols. (1602-1617). MARTIN, R. M., Colonies, Book IV, 273-402 (Asia, and see app., 99-173). Newspapers, see Part I, no. 230. PINKERTON, Voyages, VII-IX, passim. PROTHERO, Statutes, 448-455. ROBINSON, Readings, II, xxxiii, 333-345, passim [Bibl.]. Sessional Papers, see indexes. U. S. Consular Reports, passim. Modern Accounts, Group I. Physiography, Geography, etc.: ADAMS, C. C., Commercial Geog., xxxviii, 396-405. BLACKIE, Survey of Empire, 60-91. CHISHOLM, Commercial Geog., 317-331. LONG- MAN, School Geog., 305-318; and see special ed. for India. LYDE, Commercial Geog., 118-131. STODDARD, Lectures, IV, 7-225; illus. TARR and McMuRRY, Complete Geog., 396-405. TARR and McMuRRY, Europe and Other Continents, 381-394. History : ADAMS, G. B., Euro- pean Hist., 416-418, 491-492, 502-503. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 525-527; map, 451. CALDECOTT, Colonization (Univ. Extension Manuals), 58-85; maps [Bibl.]. CHEYNEY, England, 649-652; map, 650. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, 416-422, 488- 490; maps, 417. EWALD, State Papers, 241-260. GEORGE, H. B., Battles, 288-292; xvi, 295-321 ; map, 294. GIBBINS, Commerce, 105- 120. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part III, 71-77 (STANHOPE), 122-129 (ALISON). JACOBS, J., Discovery (Lib. of Useful Stories), iv-viii, 63- 127, passim [Bibl.]. JUDSON, Europe (Chautauqua), 278-283. MONT- GOMERY, Leading Facts, 324-325; map, 324. OMAN, England, 511-512, 518-519, 523, 529-531, 566-573, 719-734. SEARS, Nineteenth Century, 448 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Book V, v, 561-564 SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, x, 409-431. STORY, British Empire (Nations), I, 190-211, 232-255, 332-357; II, 20-34, 56-84, 102-122, and see index. TANCOCK, England (Epochs of Eng. Hist.), Book II, 45-69 ; map, 47. TERRY, B., England, map, 1028. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxxv, 500-501, 504-507. WEBSTER, W. C., Commerce, 259, 260, 501-503 [Bibl.]. WHEELER, A. M., Sketches, 318-323 (MACAULAY), 364-369 (KAYE). WOODWARD, Expansion, v, 196-205; vii, 229-248; xii, 302-318; maps, 179, 245 [Bibl.]. WRONG, British Nation, 576-583 ; map, 578. YEATS, Growth of Commerce, 427-432. YEATS, Recent Commerce, 103-108. YONGE, Cameos, Ser. IX, 196-202. Modern Accounts, Group II. Physiography, Geography, etc. : BARTHOLOMEW, CONSTABLE'S Atlas of India. DILKE, Greater Britain, Travel, Part IV, i-xxi, 395-558, passim ; and see DILKE, below. Ency- clopaedias, see especially, Britannica, New International, Chambers, Universal. GEORGE, H. B., British Empire, 207-232. HUNTER, His- torical Aspects of Indian Geog., in Scot. Geog. Mag., Dec., 1888, IV, no. 1 2, 625-639. HUNTER, Indian Peoples. HUTCHINSON, Races, I, viii-ix, 169-216, passim. JOHNSTON, K., Geography, 307-325. KEANE, A. H., Southern and Western Asia (Stanford compendium), see India. MILL, International Geog., Part II, Book II, xxvi, 469-507. MURRAY, Hand- book for India and Ceylon. RATZEL, Mankind, III, Book V, C, Sects. 15-18, pp. 355-430 (Native races). TRENDELL, see below. History: ADOLPHUS, England, III, 1-liii, 480-605. American Annual Cyclopaedia, see indexes. ANDERSON, Scottish Nation, I, 191-196 (Baird); III, 216-218 (Munro). ANSON, Constitution, Part II, v, 263-268. ARGYLL, Eastern Question, II, xiv-xviii, 215-520. AUBIN, Les Anglais, i-ix, 1-134. AUBREY, English Nation, III, 193-195, 233-240, 422-426. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 443-451, 638-644. BRIGHT, J. F., Eng- land, III, 1113-1141, 1465-1472; V, 156-158, 227-234; maps, end of III and IV. British Empire, I, India; map, at end. BRODRICK and FOTHERINGHAM, England, 1801-1837 (Political Hist, of Eng., XI), xix, 397-414. BOURNE, H. R. F., Colonies, xvi-xvii, 187-194. CAWS- TON and KEANE, Chartered Companies, vii-viii, 86-153. CHESNEY, Indian Polity; map, end of vol. COLQUHOUN, Russia against India, 1-242; maps, opposite title-page, 202. CRAIK and MACFARLANE, Pic- torial Hist., VI, 16-202. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of George Arthur, David Baird, William Cavendish Bentinck, Richard Southwell Bourke, Colin Campbell, Charles John Canning, Robert dive, Arthur Conolly, Eyre Coote, Charles Cornwallis, George Lynch Cotton, Stapleton Cotton, Herbert Benjamin Edwardes, Henry Bartle Frere, THE BRITISH EMPIRE 449 Warren Hastings Henry Havelock, Edward Law, Henry Montgomery Lawrence, John Lawrence, David Ochterlony, James Outram, George Pollock, James Brown Ramsay, Richard Colley Wellesley. DILKE, Problems of Greater Britain, Part IV, i-ii, 349-437 ; map, 347. D'ORSEY, Portuguese Asia and Africa, Books I-II, 3-48 ; Books IV- V, 243-378. FREEMAN, General Sketch, 320-322. GRANT, J., Battles, IV, 1-194. GUILLEMARD, Magellan (Great Explorers), i-iii, 1-86 ; map, 34. HOP- KINS, India (Hist, of Religions), whole vol.; map, i. HUNTER, History of India, 2 vols.; maps in I. HUNTER, Indian Empire. International Year Books, passim. JOSE, Growth of Empire, iv-v, 140-221 ; maps. KEENE, Moghul Empire, cf. Sects. 66-70, 1-291. KRAUSSE, Russia in Asia, vii, 148-171, and app., 344-346; x-xiii, 218-322; app., 360-374; maps. LARNED, Ready Reference, III, 1700-1748; map, 1708; VI, 260-261. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, VI, 886-888 ; VII, 260-325 ; VIII, 883-933, 965-971 ; IX, 958-991 ; X, 947-969 ; XI, 644- 655; XII, 149-163. LECKY, England, II, 252-253, 365-367, 419-430; IV, 262-286; V, 231-240, 247-248. LYALL, British Dominion, whole vol.; maps. MACAULAY, England, IV, 384-385. MCCARTHY, J., Georges, II, xxxviii, 337-364. MACKENZIE, Nineteenth Cent., 224-248. MACPHERSON, Commerce, see index to IV, " India," and " East India Co." MAHAN, Sea Power, 419-467; plans, 423, 431, 438. MAINE, Village-communities, Lect. II, 31-62. MALLESON, Battles of India; maps. MILL and WILSON, British India, 9 vols. MILLS, Constitu- tions, iii, 105-140; App. C, 383-386. PARKIN, Federation, i-iv, 1-114; x-xiv, 243-314 ; map, end of vol. Royal Colonial Institute, Proceed- ings, passim. SEELEY, Expansion, Lects. II-VI, 179-272. SYKES, Persia, passim ; map, end of vol. TRAILL, Social Eng., IV, 52-55 ; V, 378-385; VI, 661-663, 665-666. TRENDELL, Colonies, 407-425 (Ceylon), introd., pp. xiii-xxx ; diagrams, 3-12; map, frontispiece. TUPPER, Indian Protectorate. WAKEFIELD, Trade, Sect. VI, 125-144. WALL, British Empire Year Book. WALPOLE, S., England from 1815, VI, xxv-xxvii, 68-324. WARD, Victoria, I, 460-528. WHEELER, J. T., India; maps. WILKINSON, Cromwell to Wellington, 173-212 (Clive), 213-250 (Coote), 330-363 (Lake), 364-380 (Baird), 448-459 (Well- ington). Biographical ': BAIRD : Wilkinson, see above. BRIGHT, JOHN : Robertson, W., see index in VI. CLIVE: Arbuthnot (Builders of Greater Britain). Macaulay, Essays, IV, 194-298. Malcolm, 2 vols., passim ; map, i. Malleson (Rulers of India, whole vol.) ; map, oppo- site title-page. Wilkinson, see above. CLYDE: Forbes, A., Colin Campbell (Eng. Men of Action). COOTE : Wilkinson, see above. HASTINGS; Lyall (Eng. Men of Action), whole vol.; map, opposite 450 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY title-page. Macaulay, Essays, V, 1-147. Trotter (Rulers of India). HUNTER: Skrine. LAKE: Wilkinson, see above. LAWRENCE, LORD: Smith, R. B., 2 vols. MAITLAND, SIR T. : Lord (Builders of Greater Britain), v-ix, 72-1 29(Ceylon). WELLINGTON : Brialmont, I, ii-iv, 2 i-i 54 ; plans, 56, 108, 154. Waite, ii-iii, 13-50. Wilkinson, see above. Bibliography. Physiography and Geography: KING, C. F., Methods in Geog., 427-432, 439-441, 479-481, 495-497. LAWRENCE, Reading, 156-158. Library of Cong., Check List of Maps, 43. MILL, H. R., Hints to Teachers, see close of iii-x, xii, xviii. MILL, H. R., Interna- tional Geog., see close of xxvi. PARKER, F. W., How to study Geog., 359-362, 369-371. TARR and McMuRRY, Europe, 542-543, 546. History : BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 451, 644. BRODRICK and FOTH- ERINGHAM, England, 1801-1837, 449. Columbia Univ. Lib. Bull., no. 2, pp. 48, 165. Connecticut Pub. Lib., no. 3, 1904, pp. 7-8 (Far East). CUBBERLEY, Syllabus, 12-13. D'ORSAY, Asia, 379-384. ELLIOTT, A. M., Biography (lists for Kitchener, Roberts, Wolseley, etc.). GRIFFIN, A. P. C., Colonization, 42-48. HOPKINS, India, 573-595. HUNTER, India, 2 vols., footnotes. JONES, H. V., Parliamentary Papers. KRAUSSE, Russia in Asia, 389-393. LAWRENCE, Reading, 246-248. MALLESON, Clive, pref., 5-6. PINKERTON, Voyages, XVII, 125-187; 174-175, special. Providence Pub. Lib., Mo. Bull., Ill, 297- 303 (India, etc.). SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., 588, 597. WALPOLE, S., England from 1815, footnotes. Illustrative Material Prose. COMPTON, HERBERT, A Free Lance in a Far Land. New York, Cassell, 1895. CRAWFORD, F. M., Mr. Isaacs ; a tale of modern India. New York, Macmillan, 1899. CUNNINGHAM, SIR H. S., The Cceruleans; a vacation idyl. London, Macmillan, 1887. DUNCAN, S. J. (Mrs. COTES), The Simple Adven- tures of a Memsahib. New York, Appleton, 1893. GRAY, MAXWELL, In the Heart of the Storm. New York, Appleton, 1891. GRIER, S. C., In Furthest India. . . . Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1894. KIPLING, RUD- YARD, Life's Handicap. London, 1891. [B. P. L.] KIPLING, RUDYARD, The Light that Failed. New York, 1890. [B.P.L.] KIPLING, RUD- YARD, Mine Own People. New York, Caldwell. KIPLING, RUDYARD, The Phantom 'Rickshaw, in Under the Deodars, 114-143. New York, Doubleday, 1899. KIPLING, RUDYARD, Plain Tales from the Hills. New York, Caldwell. KIPLING, RUDYARD, The Story of the Gadsbys. New York, 1890. [B. P. L.] KIPLING and BALESTIER, The Naulahka; a story of West and East. London, Macmillan, 1901. STEEL, Mrs. F. A. (WEBSTER), On the Face of the Waters. New York, Macmillan, 1896. THE BRITISH EMPIRE 451 Illustrative Material Poetry. DOBBS, E. W., In Memoriam, Charles George Gordon, in SLADEN. MASSEY, GERALD, Havelock's March, in his Poems, I. TENNYSON, ALFRED, The Defence of Lucknow. SECTION 82 The West Indies Summary. Origin and scope of the term "West Indies." Physi- cal features of the whole and of the several parts. The Spanish era. The era of rivalry among the European nations. The history, special features, and prospects of the West Indian possessions of the United Kingdom : the Windward Is. (Barbados, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Tobago, Grenada and the Grenadines, Trinidad); the Leeward Is. (Antigua, Montserrat, St. Christopher, Nevis, the Virgin Is., Dominica) ; the Bermudas; the Bahamas; Jamaica; British Honduras. Sources Individual Works. THOME and KIMBALL, Emanci- pation in the W. I. Sources Collections. American Annual Cyclopaedia, consult indexes. Annual Register, see vols. for important periods (index for 1758-1819). Calendar, State Papers, America and West Indies, 1661- 1696, whole ser., passim. Calendar, State Papers, Colonial, 1574-1660, passim. DE BRETT, State Papers, n vols., passim; see indexes. Har- leian Miscellany, 8-vol. ed., Ill, 487-500. MARTIN, R. M., Colonies, Book I, 1-116 (W. I.; and see app., 1-25). Newspapers, see Part I, no. 250. PINKERTON, Voyages, XII, passim. Sessional Papers, see indexes, etc. U. S. Consular Reports, I, no. i, etc., passim. VENABLES, Narrative (R. H. Soc., Camden) ; see app. Modern Accounts, Group I (for Physiography, Geography, etc., see under Group 77). CALDECOTT, Colonization (U-niv. Extension Manuals), 87-97 ; maps, 20, 86, 88 [Bibl.]. EDEN, West Indies (For- eign Countries and British Colonies), whole vol.; map, i. PAYNE, European Colonies, 65-79, 196-230; map, 65 [Bibl.]. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, x, 406-409. STORY, British Empire (Nations), I, 297-317; and see index. THWAITES, Colonies (Epochs Am. Hist.), xi, Sects. XCIX-CIII, 233-241, passim; maps, at the end [Bibl.]. WEBSTER, W. C., Commerce, 261-262 [Bibl.]. YEATS, Recent Com- merce, 124-126. Modern Accounts, Group II. Physiography, Geography, etc.: BECKFORD, Jamaica, 2 vols. CONANT, Rambles in the W. I., in Harper's 452 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Mag., Nov., 1871, XLIII, 837-855. DAWSON and SUTHERLAND, Geog- raphy of the Colonies, iii, 159-177. Encyclopaedias, see especially Britannica, New International, Chambers, Universal. FREEMAN, His- torical Geog., 583. FROUDE, West Indies. GEORGE, H. B., British Empire, 232-248. GODET, Bermuda. HEARN, Trip to the W. I., in Harper's Mag., July-September, 1888, LXXVII, 209-226, 327-345, 614- 631. HILL, R. T., West Indies, xx-xxii, 185-235 ; xxvi-xxxviii, 296-410, passim. JOHNSTON, K., Geography, 436-438. KEANE, Central Am. and W. I. (Stanford Compendium), xv, xviii-xx, 272-284, 354-478, passim. LUCAS, Colonies, II; n maps. MILL, International Geog., Part II, Book IV, xxxviii, 708-709; Book V, xlii, 791-812, passim. NASH, A. G., Jamaica, etc., in Scottish Geog. Mag., Dec., 1899, XV, no. 12, pp. 617-627. STURGE and HARVEY, West Indies. TRENDELL, seebelovn. TURNBULL, Travels, xxiii-xxiv, 498-553. History: American Annual Cyclopaedia, see the indexes. ANDERSON, Scottish Nation, I, 4-14 (Abercromby). BRIGHT, J. F., England, III ; map, at end. British Empire, III, British America, 323-511; app., 530-544; map, at end. BOURNE, H. R. F., Colonies, ii-v, 28-70; map, 28. CAWSTON and KEANE, Chartered Companies, xi, 241-242. DALLAS, Maroons, 2 vols. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see life of George Arthur. FISKE, A. K., West Indies (Nations). GRANT, J., Battles, I, 479-482. Harleian Miscel- lany, 8-vol. ed., II, 340-369. International Year Books, passim. JOSE, Growth of Empire, 34-44 ; map, 37. LARNED, Ready Reference, V, 3649 ; VI, 698-699. LECKY, England, II, 253-255. MACAULAY, Essays, App. VI, 303-330. MACPHERSON, Commerce, see index to IV, under "West India Islands, British," " America," " Sugar," etc. MAHAN, Sea Power, 468-504 ; plans, 470, 472, 482, 486. MILLS, Constitutions, v, 221-278. PARKIN, Federation, i-iv, 1-114; i*> 240-242; xi-xiv, 253- 314; map, at end. RODWAY, West Indies. Royal Colonial Institute, Proceedings, passim. SMYTH, Lectures, II, Lect. XXI, 80-102. STRONG, F., Cromwell's W. I. Expedition, in Am. Hist. Rev., Jan., 1899, IV, 228-245. TRENDELL, Colonies, 269-376; maps, frontispiece, and 269. WALL, British Empire Year Book. WINSOR, Narrative Hist., VIII, 270-294. Bibliography. Physiography and Geography: KING, C. F., Methods in Geog., 427-436, 469-471, 495-497. LawRENCE, Reading, 112-113, 126-127. MILL, H. R., Hints to Teachers, see close of iii-x, xv, xviii. MILL, H. R., International Geog., see close of each chapter. PARKER, F. W., How to Study Geog., 359-362. History: GRIFFIN, A. P. C., Colonization, 70-73. JONES, H. V., Parliamentary Papers. LARNED, Literature of Am. Hist., especially Part VI, 458-462, nos. 4094-41.45. THE BRITISH EMPIRE 453 LUCAS, Colonies, II, see the close of each chapter. PINKERTON, Voy- ages, XVII, 220-226. THWAITES, Colonies, 233-234. WINSOR, Nar- rative Hist., VIII, 270-294. Illustrative Material Prose. BURTON, J. B., The Hispaniola Plate. New York, Cassell. Captain Clutterbuck's Champagne; a West Indian reminiscence. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1862. HEARN, LAFCADIO, Youma; the story of a West Indian slave. New York, Harper, 1890. MARTINEAU, HARRIET, The Hour and the Man. New York, Routledge, 1893. Illustrative Material Poetry. MARVEL, ANDREW, The Emigrants in Bermudas. SECTION 83 Canada and Newfoitndland Summary. [For the physiography, geography, archaeology, and aborigines, see under Sects. 7780 of CHANNING and HART, Guide (no. jo/); for the history of Canada and Newfoundland previous to 1783, see under the appropriate sections of the same work.] Canada since 1783: area of Canada according to the Treaty of 1783; delimita- tion of the boundary, 1783-1846 [see CHANNING and HART, Sect. 192] ; immigration of Loyalists; the Constitutional Act of 1791 ; the War of 1812 [see CHANNING and HART, Sect. 172]; revolt of 1837 (Papineau, Mackenzie); Lord Durham's report, 1839; the Constitutional Act of 1841; the Act of Union (Dominion of Canada), 1867; accessions of British Columbia and Prince Edward Island, 1871, 1873; acquisition of the Hudson Bay Company's territory, 1869; Kiel's Rebellions, 1869- 1870, 1885; creation of new districts ; Canadian literature. Newfound- land since 1 783. Present conditions in Canada and Newfoundland : mining; fisheries; agriculture; manufactures; forest products; transpor- tation and communication ; commerce ; population ; religion ; education. Sources Individual Works. BRIGHT, in ROBERTSON'S Life of, IV, 348-355 (On fortifying Canada, 1865, passim). BRIGHT, Speeches, Popular ed., 64-84 ; Rogers ed., 1, 123-163. MASERES, Canadian Free- holder, 3 vols. WELD, Travel, 2 vols. Sources Collections. American Annual Cyclopaedia, consult indexes. Annual Register, see vols. for important periods (index for 1758-1819). BEGG, North-West, app., each vol. BOURINOT, Canada, 289-396 (British N. Am. Act, 1867, 1871, 1886; Parliament Act, 1875). BREWER, Orations, VIII, 2908-2918 (MACKINTOSH). BRYCE, 454 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY GEORGE, Canadian People, App. A, 495-507 (Constitution of Canada). BRYCE, JAMES, Commonwealth, I, app., 655-656 (Federal constitution of Canada). Calendar, State Papers, Am. and W. I., 1661-1696, whole ser., passim. Calendar, State Papers, Colonial, 1574-1660, passim. CAVENDISH, SIR HENRY, Debates, 1774, Debates I-IX, 1-296 (Gov- ernment of Canada; and see app., 297-303). COLBY, see Sect. 66. HART, Contemporaries, II, 324-372. HART, Source Book, 105-107. HOUSTON, Canadian Constitution. KENDALL, 345-349. MARTIN, R. M., Colonies, Book III, 144-272 (N. Am.; and see app., 47-98). Newspapers, see Part /, no. 250. Old South Leaflets, III, no. 73, pp. 1-16. Sessional Papers, see indexes. TODD, Parliamentary Gov't in Colonies, App. I-IV, 857-894 (same as in BOURINOT). U. S. Consular Reports, passim. Modern Accounts, Group I. Physiography, Geography, etc.: ADAMS, C. C., Commercial Geog., xviii, i82.-i94- BLACKIE, Survey of Empire, 24-59. DAWSON and SUTHERLAND, Geography of the Colo- nies, i-ii, 1-158. GRESWELL, Geography of Canada and Newfound- land, whole vol.; maps [Bibl.]. LONGMAN, School Geog., 84-92; and see special ed. forN. Am. LYDE, Commercial Geog., 82-103. History: ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 419-421, 495-497. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 517-518. ARCHER, A., Canada. BOURINOT, Canada under British Rule (Cambridge Hist.), whole vol.; maps and plans. BOURI- NOT, How Canada is Governed. BOURINOT, Manual of the Const. Hist, of Canada. BOURINOT, Canada (Nations). BRYCE, G., Canadian People, whole vol. ; map, opposite title-page. CALDECOTT, Coloniza- tion (Univ. Extension Manuals), 101-105 [Bibl.]. CHEYNEY, England, 667-669; map, 666. COMAN and KENDALL, England, 486-488. GREEN, J. R., Readings, Part III, 77-82 (BANCROFT). GRESWELL, Dominion of Canada, whole vol. ; maps [Bibl.]. HOSMER, Anglo-Saxon Freedom, App. E, 399-402. JACOBS, J., Discovery (Lib. of Useful Stories), ix, 128-139 [Bibl.]. KENNEDY, Canada (Empire), whole vol.; map, 169. MclLWRAiTH, Canada (Children's Study). OMAN, England, 718-719, 738-740. PAYNE, European Colonies, 146-165 ; map, 146. ROBERTS, Canada. SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., Book II, v, 331-346. SMITH, G., United Kingdom, II, x, 384-406. STORY, British Empire (Nations), II, 35-55, 85-101 ; and see index. THWAITES, Colonies (Epochs of Am. Hist.), xi, Sects. CIV-CVI, 241-244 ; xii, Sects. CXI-CXIV, 252- 257 ; maps, at end [Bibl.]. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxxv, 498. WEBSTER, W. C., Commerce, 504-507 [Bibl.]. WOOD- WARD, W. H., Expansion, v, 182-196; viii, 249-259; map, 186 [Bibl.]. WRONG, British Nation, 566-569. YEATS, Commerce, 119-124. THE BRITISH EMPIRE 455 Modern Accounts, Group II. Physiography, Geography, etc.: BAEDEKER, Canada (Handbook for Travellers), passim. BOUCHETTE, British Dominions, 2 vols.; plans. BOUCHETTE, Lower Canada, whole vol.; maps. CARLING, Canada, whole vol. ; maps, in pocket. DAWSON, Canada (Stanford's Compendium, N. America, I), whole vol.; maps. Encyclopaedias, see especially Britannica, New International, Cham- bers, Universal. GEORGE, H. B., British Empire, 144-178. Hand- book of Canada (British Ass'n for Advancement of Science), whole vol. ; maps, at beginning and end. HUTCHINSON, Races, II, xxiii, 529-552, passim; map, 515. JOHNSTON, K., Geography, 417-424. LUCAS, Colo- nies, V, whole vol. ; maps. Official Handbook of Canada, whole vol. ; map, 94. STANFORD, Compendium, see Dawson, above. TRENDELL, see below. History: American Annual Encyclopaedia, see indexes. AUBREY, English Nation, III, 395-400, passim. BALLANTYNE, R. M., Hudson's Bay. BEGG, British Columbia, whole vol.; map, at end. BEGG, North-West, 3 vols. BOURINOT, Nova Scotia. BOURINOT, Parliamentary Gov't in Canada, in Am. Hist. Ass'n, Rep., 1891, 31 1-390. British Empire, III, British Am., whole vol.; map, 320. BOURNE, H. R. F., Colonies, vi-xi, 71-145; map, 96. BRYCE, G., Manitoba, whole vol.; map, I. CAWSTON and KEANE, Chartered Companies, ix, 154-193. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see life of Sir George Arthur. DILKE, Problems of Greater Britain, Part I, i-iv, 7-1 10 ; map, 5. GARNEAU, Histoire du Canada, 4 vols. GARNEAU, Canada (English tr.), 3 vols. International Year Books, passim. JOSE, Growth of Empire, iii, 96- 139; maps. KINGSFORD, Canada, 10 vols. ; maps. LARNED, Ready Reference, I, 380-386; VI, 59-64. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, x, 820-826; xi, 608-618 ; xii, 102-115. LECKY, England, IV, 3-5; VI, 52-55. MCCARTHY, J., Own Times, I, 36-58. MACPHERSON, Commerce, see index to IV, under " Canada," " America," " Nova Scotia," " Newfoundland." MILLS, Constitutions, v, 183-221. MUNRO, J. E., Constitution of Canada. PARKER and BRYAN, Quebec, whole vol.; maps and plans. PARKIN, Federation, i-vii, 1-191 ; xi-xiv, 253- 314; map, at end. Royal Colonial Institute, Proceedings, passim. S MITH,G., Canada, whole vol. ; map, at end. TRENDELL, Colonies, i-xxi, App. A-C, 15-138; maps, frontispiece, and 15. WALL, British Empire Year Book. WATSON, Constitutional Hist. WILLSON, Great Com- pany, whole vol.; maps. WINSOR, Narrative Hist., VIII, 65-80, 175- 177, 188-190. WINSOR, Cartier to Frontenac. WITHROW, Canada, whole vol.; map, 16. WOLSELEY, Soldier's Life, II, xxxiv-xl, 101-225. Bibliography. Physiography and Geography : KING, C. F., Methods in Geog., 195-197, 427-436, 465-466. LAWRENCE, Reading, 112-113, 456 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY 127-128, 264-267. Library of Cong., Check List of Maps, 44-51. MILL, H. R., Hints to Teachers, see close of iii-x, xiv, xviii. PARKER, F. W., How to Study Geog., 359-362, 365-367. History: BOURINOT, Canada under British Rule, App. B, 327-330. BOURINOT, Parliamentary Gov't, 390-407. BRYCE, Manitoba, 365-367. Columbia Univ. Lib. Bull., no. 2, pp. 52-53 (Education). GRIFFIN, A. P. C., Colonization, 64-67. JONES, H. V., Parliamentary Papers. LARNED, Literature of Am. Hist., Part V, 395-440, nos. 3428-3902. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, see close of each chapter. LUCAS, Colonies, V, Part I, see close of chapter. MORGAN, H. J., Manual of Canadian Lit. PINKERTON, Voyages, XVII, 212-216. Providence Pub. Lib., Mo. Bull., I, 176-180. Report on Canadian Archives, 12 vols. SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., 588-589. THWAITES, Colonies, 233-234, 245-246. TODD, Parliamentary Gov't, xix-xx. WINSOR, Narrative Hist., VIII, and see index. WRONG, G. N., Historical Publications. Illustrative Material Prose. BRADY, Rev. C. T., Quiberon Touch ; a romance of the days when " the great Lord Hawke " was king of the sea. New York, Appleton, 1901. CATHERWOOD, The Lady of Fort St. John. Boston, Houghton, 1891. CHAMPNEY, Mrs. E. W., Daughter of the Huguenots; story of the I7th century. New York, Dodd, 1901. DOYLE, A. C., The Refugees; a tale of two continents. London, Longmans, 1901. GASPE, P. A. DE, Canadians of Old. New York, Appleton, 1890. [B.] KIRBY, WILLIAM, Golden Dog (Le Chien d' Or) ; a romance of the days of Louis Quinze in Quebec. Boston, Page, 1903. MARRYATT, CAPTAIN, The Settlers in Canada. London, Bell, 1891. PARKER, GILBERT, Seats of the Mighty. . . . New York, Appleton, 1900. PARKER, GILBERT, The Trail of the Sword. New York, Appleton, 1895. [B.] Illustrative Material Poetry. LONGFELLOW, H. W., Evange- line; a tale of Acadie. SCOLLARD, CLINTON, Montgomery at Quebec, in FORD and FORD. SECTION 84 Australasia (AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, NEW ZEALAND, FIJI, AND ADJACENT BRITISH POSSESSIONS) Summary. Physiography and geography (in general and for par- ticular parts) : position, area, outline ; topography ; hydrography ; cli- mate ; products. Aborigines. Earliest knowledge of Australasia. THE BRITISH EMPIRE 457 Discovery and exploration of the coast line of Australia (especially Tasman, 1642-1644; and Cook, 1768-1771, 1772-1775). Exploration of the interior of Australia (Wentworth, 1813, to Carnegie, 1897). Era of settlement in Australia : Port Jackson (Sydney), 1788 ; discovery of gold at Ballarat, 1851 ; growth of New South Wales and separation of Victoria (1851) and Queensland (1859); South Australia; West Australia; Tasmania, 1804. Australian federation : conditions favor- ing and hindering federation ; early rise of agitation ; the Federal Council of Australasia, 1885; National Convention, 1891; Constitu- tional Convention, 1897-1898; ratification of the constitution by six colonies; enabling act of the imperial parliament, 1900; ratification by West Australia, 1900 ; the Commonwealth of Australia, January i, 1901 ; problems and politics of the new commonwealth. New Zealand : Tasman, 1642; Cook, 1769, 1773, 1777; missions, 1814; a resort for whalers and traders ; establishment of a British resident, 1833; employ- ment of British troops against the natives, 1834 ; arrival of representa- tives of the New Zealand Company, 1839; sovereignty of Great Britain declared, 1840 ; withdrawal of the company in favor of the government, 1850; the Constitutional Act of 1853; first representative assembly, 1855; native uprisings, 1860-1870; gradual extension of the suffrage, 1879-1893; legislation concerning land, state loans, taxation, labor, arbitration, pensions, insurance. Present conditions in the several parts of Australasia : agriculture and stock-raising ; mining ; fisheries ; forest products ; transportation and communication ; commerce ; manu- factures ; population ; race and labor problems ; religion ; education ; government ; defense ; state activity ; social conditions. Sources Individual Works. COOK, CAPTAIN, Journal, see index, especially under "Australia" and "New Zealand." MITCHELL, T. L., Expeditions, 2 vols.; maps. Sources Collections. American Annual Cyclopaedia, consult indexes. Annual Register, see vols. for important periods. Austral- asian Federal Convention, Debates, 2d and 3d sessions, i vol. and 2 vols. (and see A T ational Anst. Conv.). LEE, G. C., 542-549, 551553. MARTIN, R. M., Colonies, Book V, 413-472 (and see app., 173-234); App. VIII, 275-285 (on emigration to A.). MOORE, W. H., Constitu- tions, 367382. National Australasian Convention, Debates (and see Australasian Federal Convention). New South Wales, Votes and Pro- ceedings of the Legislative Assembly, 1856-1857, etc. New South Wales, Journal of the Legislative Council, 1856-1857, etc. New South Wales, Historical Records, 7 vols. Newspapers, see Part I, no. 250. PINKERTON, Voyages, ed. of 1808-1814, XI, passim; ed. of 458 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Cassell, 9-35 (Pelsart, 1628-1629), 36-104 (Tasman, 1642-1643), 105- 192 (Dampier, 1699-1700). POOLE, LANE-, Colonial Gov't, I, vi-xxi, 79-460, passim, cf. 3-68 ; II, xxii-xxvii, 3-176, passim. RUSSELL, H. S., Queensland, app., and whole vol., passim. Sessional Papers, see indexes. U. S. Consular Reports, I, no. i, etc., passim. Modern Accounts, Group I. Physiography, Geography, etc.: ADAMS, C. C., Commercial Geog., xlii, 435-448. BLACKIE, Survey of Empire, 91-115. CHISHOLM, Commercial Geog., 416-432. DAWSON and SUTHERLAND, Geography of the Colonies, 242-322. FREEMAN, Historical Geog., 584. GRANT, G. M., New Zealand, in Harper's Mag., Aug., 1891, LXXXIII, 327-344. LONGMANS, School Geog., 347-366; and see especial ed. for Australasia. LYDE, Commercial Geog., 104- 117, 146-153. ROYCE, Australia, in Scribner's Mag., Jan., 1891, IX, 75-87. SHARP, Through Bush and Fern, in Harper's Mag., May, 1890, LXXX, 919-930. TARR and McMuRRY, Complete Geog., 439-448. TARR and McMuRRY, Europe and Other Continents, 461-480. History : ADAMS, G. B., European Hist., 488-491. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 518-519, 541. BECKE and JEFFERY, Naval Pioneers, whole vol. BOURI- NOT, Canada under British Rule, App. A, 315-326. CALDECOTT, Colo- nization (Univ. Extension Manuals), 97-101 [Bibl.]. CHEYNEY, England, 669-672; map, 671. COGHLAN and EWING, Australasia (Nineteenth Cent.); chronological index. JACOBS, J., Discovery (Lib. of Useful Stories), x, 139-152 [Bibl.]. JENKS, E., Australasian Colonies (Cam- bridge Hist.), whole vol.; maps, at end [Bibl.]. MONTGOMERY, Lead- ing Facts, 402-403. OMAN, England, 734-736. REEVES, W. P., New Zealand (Story of the Empire), whole vol.; map. SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., Book II, vi-vii, 347-364. STORY, British Empire (Nations), II, 318-350, 390-403; and see index. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essentials), xxxv, 498-499. WEBSTER, W. C., Commerce, 259, 260, 500, 501 [Bibl.]. WOODWARD, W. H., Expansion, ix, 260-275 [Bibl.]. WRONG, British Nation, 569-574. YEATS, Growth of Commerce, 433-436. YEATS, Recent Commerce, 108-119. Modern Accounts, Group II. Physiography, Geography, etc.: Australasian Handbook, latest ed. ; maps. BARTHOLOMEW, J. G., N. W. Australia, in Scot. Geog. Mag., Nov., 1885, I, no. 1 1, pp. 529-538. BLAIR, Australasia (" a dictionary of ... persons, places," etc.). BOOTH, E. C., Australia, 2 vols. COGHLAN, Australasia (statistical). COGHLAN, Aus- tralia and New Zealand (statistical). COGHLAN, Wealth and Progress of New South Wales, 1889, etc. (statistical). DILKE, Greater Britain, Travel, Part III, i-xv, 285-391 ; and see DILKE, below. Encyclopaedias, see especially Britannica, New International, Chambers, Universal. THE BRITISH EMPIRE 459 Fossil Continent, Popular Sci. Mo., XXXIII, 682-693. FROUDE, Oceana, vi-xviii, 71-289. GEORGE, H. B., British Empire, 178-206. HUTCHIN- SON, Races, I, ii-iii, 25-72, passim. INGLIS, Australian Cousins. JOHNSTON, K., Geography, 454-463. MILL, International Geog., Part II, Book III, xxxi-xxxiv, 575-634. RATZEL, Mankind, I, Book II, B, 333-390 ; maps. SHAW, F. L., Australia, in Scot. Geog. Mag., Apr., 1894, X, no. 4, pp. 169-184. TRENDELL, see below. WALLACE, A. R., Australia and New Zealand (Stanford's Compendium). Year-Book of Australia, passim ; maps. History : American Annual Encyclopaedia, see indexes. AUBREY, English Nation, III, 240-241, 395-400, passim. BEACH, W. G., Australian Const., in Pol. Sci. Quar., Dec., 1899, XIV, no. 4, pp. 663-680. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 645-662. BONWICK, Wool Trade, see table of contents. BRIGHT, J. F., England, V, 197-199. British Empire, IV, Australasia, whole vol.; map, at end. BOURNE, H. R. F., Colonies, xviii-xxxiii, 202-372; maps, 202, 320. CLARK, A. I., Constitutional Law. Dictionary Nat. Biog., see lives of George Arthur, James Cook, Matthew Flinders. DILKE, Problems of Greater Britain, Part II, i-iv, 111-278; maps, 109, 247. FAVENC, Exploration, 1788-1888; maps. FENTON, J., Tasmania; map. FIN- NISS, South Australia. International Year Books, passim. JENKS, E., Government of Victoria. JOSE, Growth of Empire, vi, 222-268; maps. LARNED, Ready Reference, I, 190-195; VI, 28-34; map, VI, 30. LA- VISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, X, 906-914; XI, 619-631 ; XII, II 5~ I 35 MARTIN, A. P., Australia and the Empire. MILLS, Consti- tutions, vi-vii, 291-363. MOORE, W. H., Constitution. PARKES, H., Fifty Years. PARKIN, Federation, i-iv, 1-114; v iii> 192-231; xi-xiv, 253-3.14; map, at end. PARSONS, F., New Zealand (Equity). RICH- ARDS, New S. W T ales, whole vol. ; map, 768. Royal Colonial Institute, Proceedings, passim. RUSDEN, New Zealand, 3 vols. ; map, I, i. RUSSELL, H. S., Queensland. TRAILL, Social Eng., V, 26-31 ; VI, 677-680. TREGARTHEN, Australian Commonwealth (Nations). TREN- DELL, Colonies, 139-268; introd., xiii-xxx ; maps, frontispiece, and 139. TURNER, H. G., Victoria, 2 vols.; map and plan. WALL, British Empire Year Book. Biographical : COOK, CAPTAIN : Besant. LOWE, VISCOUNT SHERBROOKE: Martin, A. P., I. MITCHELL, SIR T. L. : Anderson, W., Scottish Nation, III, 171-172. PARKES: Lyne. PHILLIP, ADMIRAL : Jeffery and Becke, whole vol. ; map, 15. STURT : Mrs. Sturt ; maps. WAKEFIELD : Garnett (Builders of Greater Britain). Bibliography. Physiography, Geography, etc. : KING, C. F., Methods in Geog., 427-432, 494-497. LAWRENCE, Reading, 165. Library of Cong., Check List of Maps, 56-58. MILL, H. R., Hints to Teachers, 460 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY see close of iii-x, xvi, xviii. MILL, H. R., International Geog., see close of each chapter. PARKER, F. W., How to Study Geog., 359-362, 372. TARR and McMuRRY, Europe, 542-543, 547. History: Austra- lasian Bibliography. COLLIER, Literature relating to New Zealand. Columbia Univ. Lib. Bull., no. 2, p. 50 (Education). EDWARD, Austral- asian Catalog. GILL, Bibliography of South Australia. GRIFFIN, A. P. C., Colonization, 57-63. JONES, Parliamentary Papers. LARKIN, Catalog. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, see close of each chapter. PINKERTON, Voyages, XVII, 188-192. SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., 588-589. Illustrative Material Prose. BECKE and JEFFREY, A First Fleet Family. New York, Macmillan, 1895. BECKE and JEFFREY, The Mutineers. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1898. BONWICK, JAMES, The Tasmanian Lily. London, King, 1873. CLARKE, M. A. H., For the Term of his Natural Life. New York, Macmillan, 1875. Illustrative Material Poetry. DANIEL, J. F., The Jubilee of Melbourne, in S LADEN. FIELD, BARRON, On Visiting the Spot where Captain Cook and Sir Joseph Banks first Landed in Botany Bay, in SLADEN. GILES, ISABELLA COCKBURN, A Jubilee Hymn, in SLADEN. HOLDSWORTH, P. J., Australia, in SLADEN. STEPHENS, J. B., The Dominion of Australia, in SLADEN. SECTION 85 Africa (THE BRITISH POSSESSIONS: GAMBIA; SIERRA LEONE; ASHANTI; NIGER TERRITORIES; UNITED SOUTH AFRICA, CONSISTING OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, ORANGE FREE STATE, TRANSVAAL, AND NATAL; TERRITORIES OF SOUTH AFRICA AND OF CENTRAL AFRICA; EAST AFRICA. For Egypt and the Sudan, see Sect. 79) Summary. Physiography and geography (in general, and specially for the British possessions) : position, area, outline ; topography; hydrog- raphy; climate; products. Aborigines: variety of peoples ; religions; social conditions (slavery, polygamy, tribal government). Portuguese discoveries of the fifteenth century. Modern exploration : the African Association, 1788 ; the Nile region ; the Gambia; the Niger; Timbuktu; central Africa ; the Zambezi ; the Congo ; western Africa ; the Inter- national African Association (rise of the Congo State), 1876; explora- tions since 1885. The partition of Africa: the International Congo THE BRITISH EMPIRE 461 Conference of Berlin, 1885; the Anglo-German, Anglo-French, and Anglo-Portuguese agreements of 1890; the agreements of 1899 between England, France, and Germany concerning West Africa; other agree- ments to which England has been a party, 1891, etc. Cape Colony: settlements of the Dutch East India Company, 1652 ; accession of Huguenot colonists, 1687; slow progress of the colony; abandonment by the company, 1795 > tne English protectorate, to 1802 ; reoccupation by the English, 1806; retention by treaty, 1815; slave emancipation, 1833; emigration of the Boers, 1835, etc. ; constitution, 1850; responsi- ble government, 1872; wars with the Kafirs; the Zulu war, 1879. Natal: unsuccessful attempt at settlement by the Dutch, ca. 1720; attempted English settlement, 1824-1828; missionaries, 1835; begin- ning of Dutch immigration from Cape Colony, 1837; defeat of the Zulus, 1838; the Republic of Natal, 1839; annexation to Cape Colony, 1843; emigration of the Boers ; a separate British colony, 1856 ; annex- ation of Zululand, 1897. Orange River Colony: settlement by the Boers, 1842; British annexation, 1848-1854; independence as the Orange Free State, 1854; close alliance with the South African Republic (the Transvaal), 1897; conquest during the South African War; the Orange River Colony, 1900. The Transvaal Colony: set- tlement by the Boers, 1836; recognition as the South African Republic, 1852; British annexation, 1877 ; successful revolt (Majuba Hill), 1880- 1881, resulting in self-government under English suzerainty; the Con- vention of London, 1884 ; increase of friction with the English ; discovery of gold, 1884; the Jameson raid, 1895; tne South African War (char- acter and features of the war), 1899-1902; establishment of the Transvaal Colony. United South Africa, 1910. Present conditions: mineral resources ; agriculture and stock-raising ; transportation and communi- cation ; commerce ; finance ; education ; population ; government. Sources Collections. American Annual Cyclopaedia, consult indexes. Annual Register, see vols. for important periods (index for 1758-1819). CAWSTON and KEANE, Early Chartered Companies, App. Ill, 305-320 (Charter, Brit. S. Af. Co.). HERTSLET, Europe by Treaty, I, 46, 296-302. MARTIN, R. M., Colonies, Book VI, 473-497 (Cape of Good Hope ; and see app., 235-258). Newspapers, see Part /, no. 250. Sessional Papers, see indexes. U. S. Consular Reports, passim. Modern Accounts, Group I. Physiography, Geography, etc.: ADAMS, C. C., Commercial Geog., xlvii, 470-476. BLACKIE, Survey of Empire, 115-166. CHISHOLM, Commercial Geog., 354-358. DAWSON and SUTHERLAND, Geography of the Colonies, viii-x, 191-249. FREE- MAN, Historical Geog., 585. HUMBERT, A Trekking Trip in S. Af., in 462 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Harper's Mag., Feb., 1899, XCVIII, 376-384. LONGMANS, School Geog., 341-344; and see special ed. for South Af., 61-136. LYDE, Commercial Geog., 131-146. TARR and McMuRRY, Complete Geog., 429-432. TARR and McMuRRY, Europe and Other Continents, 444- 451. TERRY, B., England, map, 1055. History: ADAMS, G. B., Euro- pean Hist., 505-507. ANDREWS, C. M., England, 528-529, 532-533, 541-544. CALDECOTT, Colonization (Univ. Extension Manuals), 105- 116; maps, no, 112 [Bibl.]. CAPPON, South Africa. CHEYNEY, Eng- land, 672-676; map, 674. COMAN and KENDALL, History for High Schools, 490-494 ; map, 492. GRESWELL, Dominion of Canada, i, 1-14, passim. JACOBS, J., Discovery (Lib. of Useful Stories), xi, 153-168 [Bibl.]. JOHNSTON, H. H., Africa (Cambridge Hist.), ii, 27-60; iv-vi, 66-121; ix, 160-189; xvi, 277-284; App. I, 289-299; maps. MONT- GOMERY, Leading Facts, 403, 406-410; map, 406. OMAN, England, 736-738. PAYNE, European Colonies, 185-196; map, 185 [Bibl.]. SEARS, Nineteenth Cent, Book II, viii, 365-379. STORY, British Empire (Nations), see index. WALKER, A. P., English Hist. (Essen- tials), xxxv, 501-502. WEBSTER, W. C., Commerce, 487-491 [Bibl.]. WHITCOMB, Modern Eur., 313-325. WILSON, State, x, 439-447. WOODWARD, W. H., Expansion, xi, 276-289 ; map, 276 [Bibl.] WRONG, British Nation, 574-576; map, 575. YEATS, Recent Commerce, 126-134. Modern Accounts, Group II. Physiography, Geography, etc.: BLELOCH, New S. Af., whole vol.; maps and diagrams. BROOKS, see below. BROWN, W. H., S. Af. Frontier. BRYCE, J., see below. DILKE, see belmv. Encyclopaedias, see especially Britannica, New International, Chambers, Universal. FORT, G. S., British S. Af., in Scot. Geog. Mag., June, 1896, XII, no. 6, pp. 281-289 J map, 336. FRERE, SIR B., S. Af., in Royal Hist. Soc., Trans., New Ser., II, 1-60; IV, 221-284. FROUDE, Oceana, ii-iv, 15-62. FROUDE, Studies, Third Ser., 344-400. GEORGE, H. B., British Empire, 254-291. HUTCHINSON, Races, II, xiii-xvi, passim. JOHNSTON, K., Geography, 397-404, passim. KEANE, A. H., Africa (Stanford's Compendium), II, vi-viii, 194-442; especially, 194 ff. KELTIE, see below. KINGSLEY, M. H., West Af. Studies. KNIGHT, J. H., Cape-to-Cairo Railway, in Engineering Mag., Apr., 1900, XIX, 1-18. LUCAS, Colonies, IV, whole vol.; maps. MILL,' International Geog., Part II, Book VI, Hi, 985-1014. RUSSEL, see below. STANLEY, H. M., Africa, passim. STEVENS, T., African River and Lake Systems, in Scribner's Mag., Sept., 1890, VIII, 335-342. TRENDELL, see below. TRIPP, W. B., Physical Configuration and Rainfall of S. Af., in Scot. Geog. Afag.,May, 1886, II, no. 5, pp. 257-262. WHITE, A. S., Africa, pas- sim ; maps. WILLIAMS, A., South Af., Questions from an Engineering THE BRITISH EMPIRE 463 Standpoint, in Engineering Mag., Dec., 1899, XVIII, 329-350, passim. YOUNGHUSBAND, F., South Af. History: American Annual Cyclo- paedia, see indexes. BRIGHT, J. F., England, V, 54-60, 151-156, 234- 268 ; map, IV, 547. British Empire, II, British Af., passim ; maps, at end. BROOKS, H., Natal. BOURNE, H. R. F., Colonies, xiii-xv, 155-186; map, 158. BRYCE, J., South Af., whole vol.; map, at end. CAWSTON and KEANE, Chartered Companies, xi, 228-241. CLAYDEN, England under Beaconsfield, 495-515. Dictionary Nat: Biog., see lives of Philip Beaver, Richard Francis Burton, Roualeyn Gordon-Gumming, Dixon Denham, David Livingstone. DILKE, Problems of Greater Britain, Part III, i-ii, 279-348; map, 277. FROUDE, Short Studies, III, 343-400. GRANT, J., Battles, IV, 195-568. HOBSON, South Af. HOOKER, Africanders, whole vol.; map, at end. International Year Books, passim. JOSE, Growth of Empire, vii-viii, 269-356 ; maps. KELTIE, Africa, whole vol.; 21 maps. LARNED, Ready Reference, I, 17-19; VI, 1-5; map, 2. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, X, 915-918; XI, 638-644; XII, 136-148,842-893. MCCARTHY, J. H., England under Gladstone, v, 68-82. MACPHERSON, Commerce, see index to IV, under " Africa," " African Company," " Guinea." MILLS, Constitutions, iv, 149-182. PARKIN, Federation, i-iv, 1-114; i x > 2 3 2 ~ 240; xi-xiv, 253-314; map, at end. Royal Colonial Institute, Proceed- ings, passim. RUSSELL, R., Natal. TRAILL, Social Eng., Ill, 478-479, 541-542; V, 388-391; VI, 668-675. TRENDELL, Colonies, 377-406, 468-485; introd., pp. xiii-xxx; maps, frontispiece, and 377. WALL, British Empire Year Book. WORSFOLD, South Af. Biographical: BAIRD: Wilkinson, Cromwell to Wellington, 392-398. LIVINGSTONE: Hughes, T. (Eng. Men of Action), whole vol.; map, i. Bibliography. Physiography and Geography : KING, C. F., Methods in Geog., 427-432, 437-439, 475~477, 495~497- LAWRENCE, Reading, 158-162. MILL, H. R., Hints to Teachers, see close of iii-x, xiii, xviii. MILL, H. R., International Geog., see close of Hi. PARKER, F. W., How to Study Geog., 359-362, 371-372. TARR and McMuRRY, Europe, 542-543, 546-547. History: ELLIOTT, A. M., Biography (lists for Kitchener, Roberts, Kruger, etc.). GRIFFIN, A. P. C., Colonization, 49-56. JOHNSTON, Africa, App. II, 300-302. JONES, H. V., Parlia- mentary Papers. KELTIE, Africa, 464-471. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, see close of each chapter. LUCAS, Colonies, IV, Part I, 339 ; Part II, 105. New York Lib. Bull., Ill, 429-461, 502-505. PINKERTON, Voyages, XVII, 250. Providence Pub. Lib., Mo. Bull., II, 53-58. Providence Pub. Lib., Mo. Lists, IV, 12. SEARS, Nine- teenth Cent., 588-590. 464 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Illustrative Material Prose. BROOKS, E. S., With Lawton and Roberts Boston, Lathrop. GLANVILLE, ERNEST, The Lost Heiress. New York, Harper, 1891. HAGGARD, RIDER, Swallow; a tale of the Great Trek. New York, Longmans, 1889. HASKINS, C. D., For the Queen in South Africa. Boston, Little, 1900. ROBERTS, MORLEY, The Colossus. New York, Harper, 1899. RUSSELL, G. H., Under the Sjambok ; a tale of the Transvaal. London, Murray, 1889. SCHREINER, OLIVE, Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland. Boston, Roberts, 1897. SECTION 86 Scattered Acquisitions (SPECIALLY MALTA, ADEN, MAURITIUS, CEYLON, THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, HONG KONG, LABUAN, AND SARAWAK) Summary (applicable to each possession). Situation ; general char- acteristics ; manner of acquisition ; special historical features ; present condition ; government ; importance to the empire. Sources Collections. American Annual Cyclopaedia, consult indexes. Annual Register, see vols. for important periods (index for 1758-1819). Asiatic Journal, see passim. Calendar, State Papers, Am. and W. I., 1661-1692, whole ser., passim. Calendar, State Papers, Colonial, 1574-1660, passim. Calendar, State Papers, E. I., etc., 1513- 1634, whole ser., passim. DE BRETT, State Papers, n vols., passim (see indexes). EGERTON, Raffles, App. II, 279-284 (instructions for laying out Singapore). HERTSLET, Europe by Treaty, see indexes, III, IV. MARTIN, R. M., Colonies, Book II, 117-144 (S. Am.; and see app., 26-47); Book IV, 402-412 (Penang, Malacca, Singapore), 497-602 (Mauritius, etc.; and see app., 258-274). Newspapers, see Parti, no. 230. PINKERTON, Voyages, 17 vols., passim. POOLE, LANE-, Colonial Gov't, II, xxviii-xxxvii, 179-430, passim. Sessional Papers, see indexes. U. S. Consular Reports, I, no. i, etc., passim. Modern Accounts, Group I. Physiography, Geography, etc.: ADAMS, C. C., Commercial Geog., xli, 429-430. BLACKIE, Survey of Empire, passim. DAWSON and SUTHERLAND, Geography of the Colo- nies, 178190, 230242, 323-330. History: CALDECOTT, Colonization (Univ. Extension Manuals), 116-120 [Bibl.]. CHEYNEY, England, 666, 667 ; map, 676. JOHNSON, T., Imperial Britain (Imperial Lib.), Part VI, 255-288; 5 maps. PAYNE, European Colonies, 165-185; map, 164 [Bibl.]. STORY, British Empire (Nations), see index. WEBSTER, THE BRITISH EMPIRE 465 W. C., Commerce, passim [Bibl.]. WRONG, British Nation, 565 ; map, back cover. Modern Accounts, Group II. Physiography, Geography, etc. : BARTHOLOMEW, CONSTABLE, Atlas of India, plates, 58-60 (Further India, Straits Settlements, Singapore). DILKE, Greater Britain, Travel, Part IV, xxv, 600-606 (Hong-Kong), 607-608 (Straits); and see DILKE, below. Encyclopaedias, see especially Britannica, New International, Chambers, Universal. GEORGE, H. B., British Empire, 110-142, 249- 253. JOHNSTON, K., Geography, see table of contents. KEANE, A. H., Africa, II, passim (also the other vols. of Stanford's Compendiums, passim). LUCAS, Colonies, I, whole vol., 10 maps; II, 319-329; III, 1-274 (W. Africa, 5 maps); IV, Part II, 105-145 (E. Africa; map). ROTH, Natives of Sarawak and British N. Borneo, 2 vols.; map. His- tory : American Annual Cyclopaedia, see indexes. ANSON, W. R., Constitution, II, v, 269-272. British Empire, I, introd., pp. ix-xxvii, passim; 449-531; app., 535-536; map, at end; II, 381-400 (Mauri- tius); 111,512-520; app., 544-545 (Falkland Is.) ; V, General, introd., pp. xiii-xix, 1-147; maps, at end. BOURNE, H. R. F., Colonies, xii, 149-154; xvii, 194-201. DILKE, Problems of Greater Britain, Part V, 439-482. International Year Books, passim. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, X, 918-921, 989-1008; XI, 631-637. MACPHERSON, Commerce, see index to IV, under " Malta," " Aden." MILLS, Consti- tutions, ii, 67-104; iii, 140-148 (Ceylon, Hong-Kong, Labuan); v, 278-290 (S. Am.). Royal Colonial Institute, Proceedings, passim. TRENDELL, Colonies, 425-468, 486-508 ; introd., pp. xiii-xxx ; maps, frontispiece, and 407. WAKEFIELD, Trade, see table of contents and index. WALL, British Empire Year Book. Biographical: BROOKE, RAJAH : St. John, Sir S. (Builders of Greater Britain). MAITLAND, SIR T.: Lord (Builders of Greater Britain), xi, 148-175 (Malta). RAFFLES, SIR S. : Egerton (Builders of Greater Britain). Bibliography. Physiography and Geography: KING, C. F., Methods in Geog., 427-497. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generale, see close of each chapter. LAWRENCE, Reading, 146-147, 163-165. MILL, H. R., Hints to Teachers, see close of each chapter. PARKER, F. W., How to study Geog., 359-375. TARR and McMuRRY, Europe, 542-547. WINDEYER, N. Y. State Lib. Bull., no. 59, Bibl. no. 25, pp. 602, 615 (The Straits); 613, 628,629 (Hong-Kong). History: British Empire, V, General, pp. vi-vii. GRIFFIN, A. P. C., Colonization. JONES, H. V., Parliamentary Papers. LUCAS, Colonies, I, 1-183, see close of each chapter; II, 329; IV, 145. PINKERTON, Voyages, XVII, 1-255. SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., 588-597. 466 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY SECTION 87 The British Empire as a Whole Summary. Present government of the colonies: the colonies having responsible government; the colonies having semi-responsible or repre- sentative government; the crown colonies; protectorates; spheres of influence; subordinate colonies; chartered companies; colonies under the foreign office; the crown as the one constitutional bond. Other bonds of empire: race; traditions and ideals; language and literature; social organization; science; education; religion; pride in imperial citi- zenship; legal advantages; opportunities for careers; trade; ease of communication; need of defence. Disadvantages and dangers of the present situation: colonial projects of other nations; diversity of local interests; lack of colonial influence in the regulation of foreign policy; consequent temptation to independent action by the colonies (e.g., Queensland in Borneo) ; lack of colonial representation in the imperial parliament; imperial burdens of the mother country. Movements for imperial federation or for closer union for special purposes ; as for de- fence, intercourse, migration, legislation, trade policy: Imperial Federa- tion League; United Empire Trade League; British Empire League; The Imperial Federation Defence Committee; The Unity of the Em- pire Association; colonial societies; Intercolonial Conference at Ottawa, 1894; attitudes of leading men (John Bright, Chamberlain, Randolph Churchill, Gladstone, Kipling, Lubbock, Rhodes, Rosebery, Salisbury); Jingoes and Great Englanders vs. Little Englanders. Problems and difficulties of closer union: selection of the colonies fit for participa- tion in imperial government ; rule of the represented colonies over the rest; status of India; degree of influence to be retained by the mother country; tariff vs. free trade; degree of mutual aid for local needs; balancing of colonial participation with colonial responsibilities; diffi- culty either of a new imperial parliament or of remodeling the present one; partial admission to government by means of colonial agents and consultations with colonial governments. Signs of the times: interest in the Queen's Jubilee, 1887; the Imperial Institute; King Edward's title, 1901 ; use of colonial and Indian contingents in the Sudan, in the South African War, and in the Boxer movement; feder- ation within colonial groups (Canada, Australia, West Indies, South Africa). Sources Individual Works. SMITH, A., Wealth of Nations, Book IV, vii, Parts I-III, 437-508, passim. THE BRITISH EMPIRE 467 Sources Collections. American Annual Cyclopaedia, consult indexes. Annual Register, see vols. for important periods (index for 1758-1819). MARTIN, R. M., Colonies, app., 285-304. Newspapers, see Part /, no. 250. POOLE, LANE-, Colonial Gov't, II, 431-457, passim. Sessional Papers, see indexes. RAND, Economic Hist., i, 1-30 (ADAM SMITH, Colonial Policy of Europe). Modern Accounts, Group I. AMOS, S., Government, 177-187. BLACKIE, Survey of Empire, 11-24. CALDECOTT, Colonization (Univ. Extension Manuals), 121-274; maps, etc. [Bib!.]. CHEYNEY, England, 676-677; map, 676. EGERTON, Colonial Policy (cf. above, Sect. 70); also, 281-496, passim [Bibl.]. FONBLANQUE, How we are Governed, Letter II, 83-103. FREEMAN, Historical Geog., xiii, Sect. 5, 577-583, passim. HOSMER, Anglo-Saxon Freedom, xvi, 245-273, passim ; xviii, 308-326 ; xx, 343-369. JOHNSTON, T., Imperial Britain (Imperial Lib.), Part I, 1-47; map, i. OMAN, England, 718-719, 740. STORY, British Empire (Nations), 2 vols., passim. WRONG, British Nation, 583-584. YEATS, Growth of Commerce ; map, p. vii. YEATS, Natural Hist, of Commerce, Part I, viii, 71-81. Modern Accounts, Group II. ANSON, W. R., Constitution, II, vi-viii, 272-376. Asiatic Journal, passim. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 623-637. BEAULIEU, LEROY-, De la Colonisation, see table of contents at the back. BRASSEY, Imperial Federation, in Nineteenth Cent., Sept., 1891, XXX, 480-490. BRIGHT, J. F., England, V, 277-280. Britannic Confederation: (i) SIR J. COLOMB, Survey of Existing Conditions, in Scot. Geog. Mag., May, 1891, VII, no. 5, pp. 233-247 ; (2) E. A. FREEMAN, Physical and Political Basis of National Unity, ibid., July, no. 7, pp. 345- 357 ! (3) G. G. CHISHOLM, Commerce of the British Empire (diagrams), ibid., Aug., no. 8, pp. 401-418; (4) S. NICHOLSON, Tariffs and Interna- tional Commerce, ibid., Sept., no. 9, pp. 457-471 ; (5) M. H. HERVEY, Alternative Measures, ibid., Nov., no. n,pp. 569-581 ; (6) LORD THRING, The Consolidation of the British Empire, ibid., Feb., 1892, VIII, no. 2, pp. 61-72 ; large map, 72. British Empire, V, General, 148-631, cf. 632- 681 ; maps, at end. BOURNE, H. R. F., Colonies, xxxiv, 373-382 (cf. i, 17-27); map, frontispiece. CARNEGIE, Imperial Confederation, in Nineteenth Cent., Sept., 1891, XXX, 490-508. CLAYDEN, England under Beaconsfield, 164-189, 216-280, 321-438, 463-494. DAVIDSON, England and her Colonies, 1783-1897, in Pol. Sc. Quar., March, June, 1899, XIV, nos. 1-2, pp. 39-68, 211-239. DILKE, Problems of Greater Britain, 439-698. EGERTON, H. E., Origin of the Colonies. FROUDE, Oceana, i, 1-15; xxi, 330-341. FROUDE, Studies, Ser. II, 149-177, 242-244, 280-312; Ser. IV, II, 149-177, 280-312. GEORGE, H. B., 468 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY British Empire, i-io, 292-296. JOSE, Growth of Empire, ix, 257-299; app., 401-409; maps. LANDOR, Across Coveted Lands, 2 vols.; maps. LAVISSE et RAMBAUD, Histoire Generate, XI, 603-607. LEE, S., Vic- toria, App. IV, 570-575 ; map, at end. LORD, Sir T. Maitland (Builders of Greater Britain), xii-xvii, 148-293 (Ionian Is.). LORNE, Imperial Federation, in N. Am. Rev., Oct., 1893, CLVII, 485-492. MACKINDER, H. J., Britain and the British Seas, xx, 341-353. MARTIN, A. P., Aus- tralia. MILLS, Constitutions, i, 1-66 ; vii, 343-363 ; App. A-B, D-E, 364-382, 387-394. PARKIN, Geographical Unity of the British Empire, in Scot. Geog. Mag., May, 1894, X, no. 5, pp. 225-242. PARKIN, Imperial Federation, passim. PARKIN, Reorganization of the Empire, in Cen- tury, New Ser., Dec., 1888, XV, 187-192. REINSCH, Colonial Gov- ernment, passim. REINSCH, World Politics, passim. Royal Colonial Institute, Proceedings, passim. SCHOLES, British Empire, whole vol.; map, opposite title-page. SMITH, G., Questions of the Day, Essay IV, 127-180. STEPHENS, H. M., British Dependencies in the Further East, in Am. Hist. Rev., Jan., 1899, IV, 246-272. TARRING, Law relating to the Colonies, i-vi, and App. I-II, 1-270, 451-467. TUPPER, Federating the Empire, in Nineteenth Cent., Oct., 1891, XXX, 509-520. WALL, British Empire Year Book. WALPOLE, S., England from 1815, VI, xxviii, 325-379. WARD, Victoria, I, 403-459. WHITE, A. S., British Unity, in Scot. Geog. Mag., Aug., 1896, XII, no. 8, pp. 399-414. ZIM- MERMAN N, Die Kolonialpolitik Grossbritanniens, Part I, see table of contents. Bibliography. BEARD, C. A., Introduction, 637. British Empire, V, General, pp, vi-vii. ELLIOTT, A. M., Biography (lists for Gladstone, Rosebery, Salisbury, etc.). GRIFFIN, A. P. C., Anglo-Saxon Interests. GRIFFIN, A. P. C., Colonization, especially 1-40, 112-114, an d introd., pp. v-vi. JONES, H. V., Parliamentary Papers. MILL, H. R., Hints to Teachers, 80-81. Providence Pub. Lib., Mo. Bull., I, 177-179 (Canada, Imperial Federation). REINSCH, Colonial Gov't, close of each chapter. SCHOLES, British Empire, pp. iv-v. SEARS, Nineteenth Cent., 588. WALPOLE, S., England from 1815, footnotes. APPENDIX COLLECTIONS AND EDITIONS OF POETRY A list to which specific references have been made from the preceding sections in the paragraphs entitled Illustrative Material Poetry AITKEN, GEORGE A., ed. Later Stuart tracts (An English Garner). New York, Button. AUSTIN, ALFRED. Tale of true love and other poems. New York, Harper, 1902. AYTOUN, WILLIAM EDMONSTOUNE, ed. Ballads of Scotland. Edin- burgh, Blackwood, 1859. BARTON, BERNARD. Poems. Boston, 1832. BATES, KATHARINE LEE, and KATHARINE COMAN. English history told by English poets : a reader for school use. New York, Mac- millan, 1902. Bibliotheque choisie. Philadelphia, 1834. BLAKE, WILLIAM. Poems with specimens of the prose writings. Ed., Joseph Skipsey. New York, Pott, 1885. BOYLE, ROGER, first Earl of Orrery. Dramatic works. London, '7S9- British drama. London, Jones, 1824. British theater. London, Bell, 1793. British theater. London, Cumberland. BROWNING, ELIZABETH BARRETT. Poetical works (complete). New York, Crowell. BUCHANAN, ROBERT. Poetical works. London, King, 1874. BULLEN, A. H., ed. Some longer Elizabethan poems (An English Garner). New York, Button. BURNS, ROBERT. The complete works (Globe ed.). London, Mac- millan, 1904. Poetical works. London, Warne. CALDERON DE LA BARCA, PEDRO. Bramas. Tr. by Benis Florence MacCarthy. London, King, 1873. CALVERT, GEORGE H. Works : a nation's birth and other poems. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1876. 469 470 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY CAMPBELL and FALCONER. Poetical works. Boston, Houghton. CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. Complete works. Introd. by Thomas K. Louns- bury. New York, Crowell. Minor poems. Ed. by Walter \V. Skeat. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1888. CHILD, FRANCES JAMES, ed. English and Scottish popular ballads. Boston, Houghton. GIBBER, COLLEY. Dramatic works. London, 1760, 1777. CLEDAT, L., ed. Chrestomathie du moyen-age. Paris, Gamier. CLOUGH, ARTHUR HUGH. Poems. London, Macmillan, 1895. COLLIER, JOHN PAYNE, ed. A book of Roxburghe ballads. London, Longman, 1847. COOK, ALBERT S., and CHAUNCEY B. TINKER, eds. Select translations from Old English poetry. Boston, Ginn, 1902. COWPER, WILLIAM. Poetical works. Ed. by William Benham (Globe ed.). London, Macmillan, 1879. Poetical works. Pref. by Rev. T. S. Grimshawe. London, Tegg, 1857. CROWNE, JOHN. Dramatic works. Edinburgh, Paterson, 1873. D'AVENANT, SIR WILLIAM. Dramatic works. Edinburgh, Paterson; London, Sotheran, 1872. DE VERE, AUBREY. Legends of the Saxon saints. London, Macmillan, 1893. Poetical works. London, Macmillan, 1892-1895. DODSLEY. Select collection of Old English plays. Ed. by W. Carew Hazlitt. London, Reeves, 1874. Old plays, being a continuation of his Collection. London, 1816. DRAITON, MICHAELL. Poetical works. Spenser Society, 1888. DUMAS, ALEXANDRE. Theatre. Bruxelles, 1842. DUNBAR, WILLIAM. Works. Ed. by James Paterson. London, Smith, 1863. EGGLESTON, GEORGE GARY, ed. American war ballads. New York, Putnams, 1889. EVANS, THOMAS. Old ballads. London, Bulmer, 1810. FINLAY, JOHN, ed. Scottish historical and romantic ballads, chiefly ancient. Edinburgh, 1808. FORD, JAMES L., and MARY K. FORD, eds. Poetical epitome of the world's history. New York, Dodd, 1902. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. Miscellaneous works. Biographical introd. by David Masson. London, Macmillan, 1893. GRAY, THOMAS. Poetical works. New York, Dodd. GREENE, ROBERT, and GEORGE PEELE. Dramatic and poetical works. Ed. by Alexander Dyce. London, Routledge, 1861. GRINDROD, CHARLES. Plays from English history. London, 1883. APPENDIX 471 GUNNYON, WILLIAM. Illustrations of Scottish history, life, and super- stition, from song and ballad. London, Hamilton, 1877. HAVELOCK, ELLIS, ed. Best plays of the old dramatists. London, Vizettelly, 1888. HAWKER, ROBERT STEPHEN. Poetical works. Ed. by Alfred Wallis. London, 1899. HAZLITT, W. CAREW, ed. A select collection of Old English plays. London, Reeves, 1874. HEMANS, FELICIA D. Poetical works. Boston, Phillips, 1857. HEYWOOD, THOMAS. Dramatic works. London, 1847. Histories . . . Introd. and notes by Barron Field. London, Shakespeare Society, 1842. HILL, AARON. Dramatic works. Boston, 1839. HINDLEY, CHARLES, ed. Roxburghe ballads. London, Reeves, 1874. HUGO, VICTOR. CEuvres completes. Paris, Hetzel-Quantin. JERROLD, DOUGLAS. Writings. Ed. of 1853, 1854, London, Bradbury. JOHNSON, SAMUEL. Works. New York, Dearborn, 1836. KEATS, JOHN. The complete poetical works and letters. Cambridge ed., Boston, Houghton, 1890. LANDOR, WALTER SAVAGE. Ed. by Charles G. Grump. London, Dent, 1892. London stage. London, Sherwood. LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH, ed. Poems of places. Boston, Osgood, 1876. LYTTON, SIR EDWARD BULWER-. Poetical and dramatic works. Ed. of 1852, 1854, London, Chapman. MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON. Miscellaneous works. Ed. by Lady Trevelyan. New York, Harper. Poetical works. New York, Crowell. MACKAY, Charles. Jacobite songs and ballads of Scotland. London, Griffin, 1861. MAIDMENT, JAMES, ed. Book of Scottish pasquils, 1568-1715. Edin- burgh, Paterson, 1868. Scottish ballads and songs, historical and traditionary. Edinburgh, Paterson, 1868. MALLET, DAVID. Works. London, 1759. MANLY, JOHN MATTHEWS, ed. Specimens of the pre-Shaksperean drama. Boston, Ginn, 1897. MARLOWE, CHRISTOPHER. Works. Ed. by A. H. Bullen. Boston, Houghton, 1885. MARVELL, ANDREW. Poetical works. Boston, Little, 1857. MASON, WILLIAM. Works. London, Bulmer, 1811. 4/2 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY MASSEY, GERALD. Poems. London, Kegan Paul, MILMAN, HENRY H. Poetical works. London, 1839. MINOT, LAWRENCE. Poems. Ed. by Joseph Hall. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1887. MOORE, FRANK. Songs and ballads of the American Revolution. New York, Appleton, 1856. MOORE, THOMAS. Poetical works. London, Routledge. (MURRAY, JAMES), An Ayrshire minister, ed. Songs of the Covenant times. Edinburgh, Nimmo ; London, Simkin, 1861. Old English plays : being a selection from the early dramatic writers. London, 1814. PEELE, GEORGE. Works. Ed. by A. H. Bullen. London, Nimmo, 1888. PERCY, BISHOP. Folio manuscript. Ballads and romances. Ed. by John W. Hales and Frederick J. Furnivall. London, Triibner, 1867. Reliques of ancient English poetry. New York, Crowell. Percy Society Publications. London, 1840, etc. Petitot. Repertoire theatre fran5ois . . . notices. Paris, Foucault, 1817. POLLARD, ALFRED W., ed. Fifteenth century prose and verse (An English Garner). Westminster, Constable, 1903. PRIOR, MATTHEW. Poetical works (Cambridge ed.). Boston, Houghton. RAMSAY, ALLAN. His poems and his works. Paisley, Gardner, 1877^ RHYS, ERNEST, ed. Best plays of the old dramatists. London, Unwin, 1894. RIMBAULT, E. F., ed. A little book of songs and ballads gathered from ancient musick books, manuscript and printed. London, J. R. Smith, 1851. ROSSETTI, DANTE GABRIEL. Collected works. Ed. by William M. Rossetti. Boston, Roberts, 1887. ROWE, NICHOLAS. Works. London, 1766. SCOTT. Modern British drama. London, Wm. Miller, 1811. Scottish Text Society. Edinburgh, Blackwood. SKELTON, JOHN. Poetical works, principally according to the edition of Alexander Dyce. Boston, Little, 1862. SKENE, W. F., ed. Four ancient books of Wales. Edinburgh, 1868. SLADEN, DOUGLAS BROOKE, ed. Australian poets, 1788-1888. New York, Cassell. SMITH, ALEXANDER, and SYDNEY T. DOBELL (Sydney Yendys). Poems. London, Scott, 1887. SOUTHEY, ROBERT. Poetical works. 10 vols. in 5. Boston, Houghton. SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES. Poetical works (complete ed.). New York, Williams. APPENDIX 473 THOMSON, JAMES. Works. Altered and adapted to the stage by Mr. Thomas Hull. London, Cawthorn, 1795. THORNBURY, WALTER. Historical and legendary ballads and songs. London, Chatto, 1876. WARD, WILLIAM, ed. Old English drama. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1878. WARNER, CHARLES DUDLEY, ed. Library of the world's best literature. New York, Hill, 1902. WRIGHT, THOMAS, ed. Anecdota literaria. London, Russell Smith, 1844. Political poems and songs (Rolls). London, 1859-1861. ADDENDA TO PART I 95 A (p. 12). [Collier, James.] The literature relating to New Zea- land: a bibliography. Wellington, Didsbury, 1889. 108 A (p. 13). Petherick, E. A., & Co. Catalogue of a collection of books illustrative of discovery and colonization in Australasia, now in the possession of M. Lark in. . . . pp. 54. London, Petherick, 1890. 654 A (p. 57). Haddan, Arthur West, and William Stubbs. Councils and ecclesiastical documents relating to Great Britain and Ireland. . . . 3 vols. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1869-1871. 673 A (p. 59). Plummer, Charles, ed. Two of the Saxon chronicles parallel, with supplementary extracts from the others, rev. ... on the basis of an edition by John Earle. 2 vols. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1892, 1899. 807 A (p. 68). D'Orsey, Alex. J. D. Portuguese discoveries, depend- encies, and missions in Asia and Africa. London, W. H. Allen & Co., 1893. 1063 A (p. 87). Blondel, Robert. Narratives of the expulsion of the English from Normandy (Rolls) . . ., ed. by Rev. Joseph Stevenson. London, Longman, 1863. 1072 A (p. 88). Henrici Quinti, Angliae regis, gesta (Fragment relatif a la Normandie . . ., par George Chastelain, pp. 165-262, Eng. tr., pp. 215-262) (English Historical Society), ed. by Benjamin Williams. London, For the society, 1850. 1095 (p. 90). BISMARCK. Bismarck, the man and the statesman, being the reflections and reminiscences of Otto Prince von Bismarck, written-and dictated by himself . . ., tr. by A. J. Butler. 2 vols. Lon- don, Smith, Elder & Co., 1898. 1180 A (p. 98). Liber monasterii de Hyda; comprising a chronicle of the affairs of England . . ., and a chartulary of the abbey of Hyde, in Hampshire, A.D. 455-1023 (Rolls), ed. by Edward Edwards. London, Longmans, 1866. 1210 A (p. 100). Taylor, W. F., ed. England under Charles II, from the Restoration to the Treaty of Nimeguen, 1660-1678 . . . (English History by Contemporary Writers). London, Nutt. 1251 A (p. 104). Cornwallis. Correspondence of Charles, first Mar- quis Cornwallis, ed. by Charles Ross. 2d ed. 3 vols. London, Murray, 1859. 1826 (p. 147). WICLIF. Wycliffe and movements for reform (Epochs of Church History), by Reginald Lane Poole. London, Longmans, 1889. 474 NOTE. Certain titles of Part I were originally marked with daggers to denote lack of verification. These titles have since been verified and the following corrections noted : 61 (p. 9). " E " changed to " Eduard." 62 (p. 9). " announced, 1903 " to " z v. 1905." 76 (p. 10). Publisher, " Poelman." 86 (p. n). "A"to"Auguste." " Vols. III-V,"etc.,to"III. Series I, 1-6; II, 1-2," etc. 319 (p. 30). " Mass." omitted. 324 (p. 30). "2 vols., 1859," etc., to "London, Routledge, 1905." 369 (p. 34). "Elementary" inserted; also " 2d ed., 1904." 382 (p. 35). " , 1896" inserted. 401 (p. 36). " Australasia, I " inserted; also " , 1893." 434 (P- 39)- " c - !94 " to " 1903." 553 (p. 48). " [1904?] " to " , 1902." 634 (p. 55). " [In preparation] " to " , 1908." ADDENDA TO PART II PAGE 190. Sources Individual Works. Gaedhil and Gaill. 249. Sources Collections. MAUNDEVILLE, Voyages. 262. Modern Accounts, Group II, Biographical: JOAN OF ARC: Clemens. Lowell, F. C. 265. Sources Individual Works. Chronicle of 1470. 272. Modern Accounts, Group II. BOURNE, E. G., Prince Henry. 279. Bibliography. Reading List, 285-290. 312. Modern Accounts, Group II. BLOK, Netherlands. 318. Sources Individual Works. Oyer of Poisoning. 343. Modern Accounts, Group II. G.UIZOT, Monk. 364. Bibliography. LEONARD, G. F. List, 75-84. 390. Modern Accounts, Group I. LODGE, H. C., Washington. 391. Modern Accounts, Group II. FROTHINGHAM, Republic. 417. Modern Accounts, Group II, Biographical: NAPOLEON : Rosebery. 431. Note. Edward VII died May, 1910; and was succeeded by George V. 432. Sources Individual Works. BUSCH, Diary. 435. Modern Accounts, Group II. HOGARTH, D. G., Nearer East. 435. Modern Accounts, Group II, Biographical-: BISMARCK : Lowe. 455. Modern Accounts, Group II. WINSOR, Cartier to Frontenac. 475 INDEX A heavy-faced number refers to the number in Part I under which the full title of the work is to be found. The page reference following a title usually indicates the first appearance of the work in Part II. Abbot, Etheldred. Reading List, 58- P- 2 79 Abbott, Evelyn. Heroes, 740 Abbott, E. A. St. Thomas, 1706, p. 216 Abbott, W. C. Hasting, 1465, p. 188 Abdication of Richard II, 1399 A.D., p. 246 ; of Mary Stuart, 1 567 A.D., p. 296. See Deposition Abelard, life of, 709, p. 226 Aberdeen, fourth earl of (G. H. Gordon), p. 428 ; life of, 1692, p. 417 Abhorrers, party name under Charles II, p. 350 Abjuration, oath of, 1701 A.D., P-369 Abolition of ceremonies and cus- toms under Ed. VI, p. 290 Abolition of the slave trade, p. 410 Abrahams, B. L. Expulsion of Jews, 1519, p. 233 Academy, the, 239 Accounts of Scotland, 615, p. 270 Acland, A. H. D. Handbook, 317 Acquisitions, scattered, section on, p. 464; works on, pp. no, 148 Acre, defense of, 1799 A.D., p. 406 Acton, J.E.D., bibl. for, 60; works by : Annals, 319 ; Cambridge Mod. Hist., 703, p. 251 ; Ger- man Schools, 268; Study of History, 268 Acts. See Statutes Adam of Marsh, or De Marisco, Oxford scholar, p. 249 Adams, C. C. Commercial Geog., 357. P- 1 66 Adams, C. K., works by : Colum- bus, 1730, p. 278 ; Cyclopaedia, 154, p. 1 66; Manual, 59, p. 202 ; Methods, 287; Orations, 616, P-323 Adams, E.D. Grenville,i52o, p-394 Adams, G. B., works by: American Rev., 1830, p. 390 ; Civilization, 696, p. 176; Critical Period, 1955, p. 221 ; Documents, 617, p. 204 ; Duruy's Middle Ages, 713, p. 178; England, 1521, p. 205; European Hist., 696, p. 176; Feudalism, 1521, p. 199 ; French Nation, 804, p. 170 Adams, Henry, works by : Essays, 1964, p. 197 ; United States, 1485, p. 408 Adams, H. B., works by : Study of History, 269 ; Methods, 287 Adams, Maurice. More's Utopia, 1185, p. 309 Adams, O. F. Handbook, 155 Adams,W. H.D., works by: Anne, 1522, p. 373 ; Heroes, 1679, p. 297 Addington, Henry, p. 406 ; life of, 1693, P- 405 Addison, C. G. Templars, 1406, p. 227 Addison, Joseph, man of letters, P- 396 Aden, p. 464 Administration. See Government; and Society, state of Adolphus, John. England, 1523, p. 386 Adulteration, food, p. 436 Adventurers, merchant, under Henry VII, p. 276. See Trade 477 478 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY . Homilies, 1382 /Elfric Society, 181 /Ethelbald, King of Mercia, p. 181 Africa, section on, p. 460 ; parti- tion of, 1885 A.D., etc., pp. 432, 460-461 Africa, South, works on, pp. 1 10, 156; cf. p. 148 African Ass'n, 1788 A.D., p. 460 Agincourt, campaign of, 1415 A.D., p. 258 Agitators, English, during the French Rev., p. 402 Agreements for the partition of Africa, pp. 460-461 Agricola, in Britain, p. 173 ; life of, 1082, 1094, p. 173 Agriculture. See Society, state of; and Country, life in Aidan, at Lindisfarne, p. 183 Aids, feudal, p. 223 ; historical, P- 15 Airy, Osmund, works by : Bur- net's History, 1129, p. 305 ; Essex Papers, 1261, p. 348 ; Lauderdale Papers, 1283, p. 327 ; Restoration, 1407, p. 335 Aitken, G. A. Later Stuart Tracts, 1176, p. 396 Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of, 1688 A.D., p. 348 ; Peace of, 1748 A.D., P-378 Akerman, J. \ . Alfred, 1571, p. 187 Albemarle, Duke of. See Monk Albemarle, Earl of. See Thomas, Albert, Prince Consort, p. 425 ; life of, 1694, p. 417 Albuquerque conquers Goa for the Portuguese, p. 446 Alcuin, life of, 1453, p. 200 Alden, John. Orations, 616, p. 323 Alexandria, massacre and bom- bardment at, 1882 A.D., p. 432 Alfred, King, lives of, 1695, P- 189 ; works on : Alfred, 1228, p. 187 ; Life of Alfred, 1228, p. 182 ; Memorials, 1571, p. 187 ; work by : Orosius, 1695 Alger, Langdon. Flowers of St. Francis, mo, p. 229 Alien artisans, 1399-1485 A.D., p. 270 ; immigration of, under the Tudors, p. 309 Alien Bill, p. 402 Alien traders. See Traders; and Society, state of Alison, Archibald, works by : Cas- tlereagh and Stewart, 1765, p. 409 ; Marlborough, 1769, p. 374 All the Talents, ministry of, p. 410 Allen, E. A., works by : Orations, 591, p. 184 ; Essays, 799 Allen, F. J. Outline, 298 Allen, Grant, works by : Anglo- Saxon Britain, 1524, p. 176; Darwin, 1735, p. 440 Allen, John. Calvin's Institutes, 1096, p. 309 Allen, P. S. Sixteenth-Century School, 2007, p. 314 Allen, W. F., works by : Essays, 1025, p. 176; Guide, 299; Meth- ods, 287 ; Tacitus' Agricola, 1094, P- 173 Allgemeine deutsche Biographic, 156 Alliance, of Henry VIII and the papacy, p. 280; Dutch, 1577 A.D., p. 300 ; Triple, with Holland and Sweden, 1688 A.D., p. 348; Grand, 1701 A.D., p. 369 ; Pitt's, with Prussia, p. 382 ; French, with the Am. colonies, p. 388 ; Portuguese, p. 413; Holy, 1815 A.D., p. 419; with France and Sardinia, p. 428. See Coalition ; and Treaties Allibone, S. A. Dictionary, 91 Allstrbm, C. M. Lineage, 535 Alma, battle of the, 1854 A.D., p. 428 Alpine race group, p. 168 Altamira, Rafael. Ensenanza, 270 Amboyna, massacre at, 1623 A.D., p. 466 America, settlements in, under James I, p. 318; English and French claims in, p. 382. See Countries, individual; and Col- onization ; Canada ; Discoveries, etc. INDEX 479 American Annual Cyclopaedia, 157, p. 426 American bibliographies, p. 10 American Econ. Ass'n. Publica- tions, 182, p. 20 1 American Hist. Ass'n, works by : Annual Reports, 183 ; Report by Committee of Seven, 271 American Hist. Leaflets, 1340 American Hist. Review, 223 American Lib. Ass'n, works by : French Serials (Committee on Foreign Documents), 256; Lists, 31 American Men of Letters, 1454 American Nation, 1866 American periodicals, p. 22 American Statesmen, 1455 American Teachers, 272 Amherst, W. P., Indian adminis- trator, p. 446 Amicable Loan, under Henry VIII, p. 280 Amiens, Mise of, under Henry III, p. 229; Peace of, 1802 A. D., p. 406 Amnesty, acts of the Convention Parl. relating to, p. 345 Amos, Andrew. Oyer of Poison- ing, 1525, p. 318 Amos, Sheldon. Government, 955, p. 221 Ancient Laws, 692, p. 182 Anderson, F. M. Constitutions, 1085, p. 403 Anderson, J. P., works by : Bibl. for Bunyan, 95, p. 363 ; Bibl. for Darwin, 96, p. 442 ; Bibl. for Milton, 106, p. 325 ; Topogra- phy, 338, p. 167; Young's Ire- land, 1227, p. 396 Anderson, R. B., works by: Heims- kringla, 599, p. 190 ; Mythology, 1408, p. 176 Anderson, William. Scottish Na- tion, 158, p. 179 Andre, Bernard. Historia Henrici VII, 1182 (Gairdner), p. 276 Andree, Richard. Handatlas, 420 Andrews, C. M., works by : Eng- land, 828, p. 1 68; Institutional Study, 273 ; Manor, 2012, p. 200 Andrews, E. A. Lamprecht's What is History, 290 Andrews, E. B. Droysen's Out- line, 274, 280 Anecdota Oxoniensia (Saints), 1229, p. 197 Angevin marriage of Matilda, p. 209 Angevin rule, beginning with Henry II, 1154 A.D., pp. 213 ff. ; 1216-1399 A.D., pp. 229 ff. Angles, home of the, p. 176 ; early kingdoms of, in Britain, p. 177 Anglia, 263 Anglo-Saxon Chron., 618, p. 170 Anglo-Saxon culture and political organization, p. 197 Annates, Acts of, of Henry VIII, p. 283 Anne, Queen, reign of, 1702-1714 A.D., p. 372 Anne of Cleves, queen of Henry VIII, p. 286 Annexation of Wales, under Ed. I, p. 232 Annexation in India, p. 446 Annual Register, 589, p. 382 Anselm, in Eng. and in exile, p. 207 ; recalled by Henry I, p. 209 ; lives of, 1696, p. 208 Anson, W. R. Constitution, 956, P- 3 6 3 Anstey, Henry, works by : Aca- demical Life, 1394, p. 273 ; Epis- tolae, 1392, p. 270 Anthropology, methods of, p. 168 ; works on, p. 44 Anti-Catholic. See Catholic Anti-Corn-Law League, p. 425 Antigua, island of, p. 451 Antiquarian Library, 132 Antiquarian Magazine, 240 Antiquary, 241 Antiquities, works on, p. 44 Antoninus, wall of, p. 173 Antrobus, F. I. Pastor's Popes, 770, p. 243 Appeals, Act of, of Henry VIII, p. 283 Appleton. Biography, 159 Apprentices, Statute of, under Eliz., p. 296 480 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Appropriations, specific, under William III, p. 366 Arber, Edward, works by : An- thologies, 622, p. 270 ; Fish's Supplication, 1401, p. 309 ; Gar- ner, 644, p. 256; Knox's Regi- ment, 1074, p. 293 ; Milton's Areopagitica, 1393, p. 326; Pil- grim Fathers, 1383, p. 296 ; Re- prints, 649, p. 290; Scholar's Library, 1068 Arbitration of Geneva, 1872 A.D., P-43 2 Arbuthnot, A. J. Clive, 1726, p. 449 Arc, Joan of. See Joan of Arc Archaeologia, 619, p. 199 Archceological Journal. See Royal Arch. Inst. Archceological Review, 190 Archaeology, value of, p. 168; works on, p. 44 Archbold, W. A. J., works by : Long Parl., 1153, p. 326; Parl. of 1626, 1154, p. 323 ; Stanley, 1526, p. 277 Archer, Andrew. Canada, 1886, P-454 Archer, Thomas. Gladstone, 1527, P-423 Archer, T. A., works by : Crusade of Richard I, 1116, p. 217; Cru- sades, 697, p. 207 ; Hastings, 1528, p. 194 Architectural Publication Soc., 184 Architecture, works on, p. 45. See Society-, state of Archives, Report on Canadian, in, p. 456 Arcot, defense of, 1751 A.D., p. 446 Argyle, in Scotland, in the Civil War, p. 333 ; expedition of 1685 A.D., p. 355 Argyll, Duke of. Eastern Ques- tion, 1409, p. 434 Arkwright, Richard, inventor, P-395 Armadas, under Eliz., p. 305 Armitage, E. S. Nation, 844, p. 173 Armitage, Mrs. E. Castles, 1529, p. 226 Arms, Assize of, 1181 A.D., p. 213 Army, the Danish, p. 187 ; of God and Holy Church, in John's reign, p. 220; 1216-1399 A.D., p. 249 ; Scotch army paid off by Charles I, p. 326 ; support from, for the Commonwealth, p. 337 ; supremacy of, under the Pro- tectorate, p. 341 ; acts of the Convention Parl. relating to, p. 345 ; at Hounslow Heath, under James II, p. 355; First Mutiny Act, 1689 A.D., p. 366; reorganization of, 1871 A.D., P- 43 2 Arnold. Chronicle, 641, p. 223 Arnold, Matthew. Essays, 1230, P- 3 2 4 Arnold, Thomas. Wyclif's Works, 1390, p. 249 Arnould, Joseph. Justices, 1680, p. 420 Arrest of the Five Members, 1642 A.D., p. 329 Arrivall of Ed. IV, 1171, p. 265 Arthur, legend of King, p. 177 ; Arthurian literature, p. 180 Arthur, Prince, nephew of John, p. 220 Articles of Confederation, 1777 A.D., p. 388 Articles of Religion, the Ten, 1536 A.D., p. 286; the Six, 1539 A.D., p. 286; the Forty-two, 1553 A.D., p. 290 ; the Thirty-nine, 1571 A.D., p. 296 Artisans, alien. See Immigration Arts, works on, p. 45. See Society, state of Aryan theory, p. 168 Ascham, Roger, p. 309. Schole- master, 1391, p. 309 Ashanti War, 1873 A -D., p. 432 Ashby, Matthew, case of, 1704 A.D., p. 372 Ashley, W. J., works by: Eco- nomic Hist., 1026, p. 226 ; Ed- ward III, 1117, p. 238; Indus- tries, 2013, p. 441 ; List, 115 INDEX 481 Ashton, John, works by : Anne, 2014, p. 399 ; Nineteenth Cen- tury, 2014, p. 407 ; Regency, 2014, p. 414; William IV, 2014, p. 422 Ashworth, P. A. Gneist's Consti- tution, 966, p. 202 Asiatic Journal, 242, p. 447 Asquith, H. H., prime minister, P-43 1 Assandun, battle of, 1016 A.D., p. 190 Assassination of William of Orange, 1584 A.D., p. 300; of Buckingham, 1628 A.D., p. 322. See Plots Assembly, first representative, in New Zealand, p. 457 ; French National, p. 402. See Conventi- cle, Council, Parliament Assisi, life of, 1697. See Francis of Assisi Assize, of Arms, 1181 A.D., p. 213 ; of Clarendon, 1166 A.D., p. 213. See Statutes Assizes, Bloody, after Monmouth's Rebellion, p. 355 Association, Eastern, during the Civil War, p. 329 ; of Monmouth and others, under Charles II, P- 353 5 Jacobite, p. 369 Association, Unity of the Empire, p. 466 Associations in sympathy with the French Rev., p. 402 Astle, Thomas. Writing, 570 Asylums, reforms in, p. 436 Athelney, refuge of Alfred, p. 187 Athentzum, 243 Athenaeum Press, 620 Atkinson, E. G. Calendar, 1137, p. 280 Atlantic Monthly, 224 Atlases, p. 37 Attainder of Cromwell, p. 286 ; of Strafford, p. 326; of Laud, p. 333 Atterbury, Francis, life of, 1791 Aubin, Eugene. Les Anglais, 1530, P-435 Aubrey, Stewart. Vitry's History, 1115, p. 213 Aubrey.W.H.S. Nation, 845, p. 1 7 1 Auckland, William. Correspond- ence, 1231, p.. 389 Audin. Luther, iioo, p. 309 Augustine, St., mission of, p. 183; life of, 1700, p. 185 Augustinians, coming of, to Eng- land, p. 249 Australasia, section on, p. 456; works on, pp. 1 1 o, 1 54 ; cf . p. 1 48 Australasian Bibliography, 92, p. 460 Australasian Federal Convention. Debates, 1326, p. 457 Australasian Handbook, 350, p. 458 Australia, pp. 406, 456, 466 Austria, Napoleon's control of, p. 410 Austrian Succession, War of, 1740-1748 A.D., p. 378 Autobiographies, English, p. 102 Auxiliary sciences, value to his- tory, p. 1 68 Avebury, Lord, works by : Coins, 553; Scenery, 358, p. 167. See Lubbock, John Award of Norham, 1 292 A.D., p. 232 Award, Samoan Island, 1902 A.D., P-43 2 Aylmer, John, life of, 1699, p. 304 Ayscaugh, Samuel. Gentleman's Magazine, 247 Ayscue, George, admiral, p. 338 Babcock, W. H. Two Centuries, 1531, p. 171 Babington, Anthony, Plot of, 1 586 A.D., p. 300 Babington, Churchill. Pecock's Represser, 1388, p. 270 Bacon, Francis, philosopher and statesman, pp. 309, 318, 359; lives of, 1701, pp. 304, 308 ; Essays, 1232, p. 359 Bacon, Nicholas, statesman under Eliz., p. 296 Bacon, Roger, philosopher, p. 249 Badajoz, siege of, 1812 A.D., p. 413 Baedeker, works by : Canada, p. 455 (seep. 33); Egypt, p. 435 (seep. 33) 482 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Baffin, William, navigator and ex- plorer, p. 300 Bagehot, Walter, works by : Eng. Const, 1956, p. 441 ; Studies, 930, p- 374 Bagwell, Richard. Ireland, 921, p. 171 Bahamas, the, p. 451 Bain, Joseph. The Edwards, 1532, P- 233 Baird, H. M. Huguenots, 1486, p. 302 Balaklava, battle of, 1854 A.D., p. 428 Baldamus, Alfred. Putzgers' Schul- Atlas, 433 Baldwin, James. Guide to Encyc. Brit., 150 Baldwin, J. F. King's Council, 1957. P- 2 54 Bale, John. Index, 93 Balfour, A. J., statesman, p. 431 Baliol, John, King of Scotland, p. 232 Ball, John, the Mad Priest, p. 244 ; life of, 1687 Ballantyne, Archibald. Carteret, 1720, p. 374 Ballantyne, R. M. Hudson's Bay, 1327. P- 455 Ballarat, gold discovered at, 1851 A.D., p. 457 Ballard, Adolphus. Boroughs, 1958, p. 221 Ballot, vote by secret, 1872 A.D., pp. 432, 436 Baltic Company, under Eliz., p. 300 Bank of England, 1694 A.D., pp. 366, 396; modification of its charter, under George IV, p. 419 Bankruptcy Bill, 1868 A.D., p. 431 Bannerman, Campbell-. See Camp- bell- Bannerman Bannockburn, battle of, 1314 A.D., P- 2 35 Barbados, island of, p. 451 Barbarism, in the Morgan classifi- cation of races, p. 168 ; relapse of Britons into, p. 173 Barbary States, war with, under the Protectorate, p. 341 Barber, Henry. Names, 536 Barbour, John. The Bruce, 1118, p. 232 Bardeen, C. W. Biography, 160 Bardsley, C. W. Surnames, 537 Barebone's Parliament, approach of the Protectorate, p. 338 Baring, V. H. Domesday, 1533, p. 205 Baring-Gould. See Gould, Baring- Barker, G. F. R. Walpole's Mem- oirs, 1317, p. 385 Barlow, George, Indian adminis- trator, p. 446 Barnard, F. P., works by : Middle Ages, 133, p. 199; Strongbow, 1119, p. 213 Barnes, M. S. Studies, 275 Barnet, battle of, 1471 A.D., p. 265 Barons, contest with William II, p. 207 ; conflict with Henry I, p. 209 ; dependence of Stephen upon, p. 21 1 ; revolt under Henry II, p. 213; Wars of the, under Henry III, p. 229; de- feat of, under Ed. II, p. 236 Bartholomew, J. G., works by: Atlas of World, 406; Consta- ble's India, 406, p. 448 ; Eng- land and Wales, 406 ; N. W. Australia, p. 458 Barton, Elizabeth, The Holy Maid of Kent, p. 283 ; life of, 1703, p. 284 Baschin, Otto. Bibliotheca, 339 Baskervill, W. M. Dictionary, 467 Basques, kinship with early races of British Isles, p. 168 Bastile, destruction of, July 14, 1789 A.D., p. 402 Bates, K. L. Poets, 329 Bateson, Mary, works by : Bale's Index, 93; Monasteries, 1985, p. 201 ; Med. Eng., 1027, p. 2^4 ; Newcastle's Letters, 1297, p. 385 ; Rules, 1985, p. 20 1 ; Warham's Visitation, 1985, p. 281 Bath, Bishop of. Auckland's Jour- nal, 1231, p. 389 Battle, wager of, under William I, p. 204 INDEX 483 Battles: Deorham, 577 A.D., p. 177; Edington, 878 A.D., p. 187 ; Assandun, 1016 A.D., p. 190; Stamford Bridge, 1066 A.D., p. 195 ; Hastings, or Sen- lac, 1066 A.D., p. 195; Tenche- brai, 1 106 A.D., p. 209 ; Bou- vines, 1214 A.D., p. 220 ; Lewes, 1264 A.D., p. 229; Evesham, 1265 A.D., p. 229; Falkirk, 1298 A.D., p. 232 ; Bannockburn, 1314 A.D., p. 235; Sluys, 1340 A.D., p. 238 ; Crecy, 1346 A.D., p. 238 ; Poitiers, 1356 A.D., p. 238; Shrewsbury, 1403 A.D., p. 256; Agincourt, 1415 A.D., p. 258 ; St. Albans, 1455 A.D., p. 263 ; North- ampton, 1460 A.D., p. 263 ; Wakefield, 1460 A.D., p. 263 ; St. Albans, 1461 A.D., p. 263 ; Barnet, 1471 A.D., p. 265; Tewkesbury, 1471 A.D., p. 265; Bosworth Field, 1485 A.D., p. 268; Guinegate, 1513 A.D., p. 280; Flodden Field, 1513 A.D., p. 280; Solway.Moss, 1542 A.D., p. 286; Pinkie, 1547 A.D., p. 290; Edgehill, 1642 A.D., p. 329 ; Marston Moor, 1644 A.D., p. 329; Naseby, 1645 A.D., p. 333 ; Dunbar, 1650 A.D., P- 337! Worcester, 1651 A.D., p. 338; Killiecrankie, 1689 A.D., p. 366 ; Beachy Head, 1690 A.D., p. 366; Boyne, 1690 A.D., p. 366; Fleurus, 1690 A.D., p. 366; La Hogue, 1692 A.D., p. 366; Steinkirk, 1692 A.D. p. 366; Neerwinden, 1693 A.D.,p. 366; Blenheim, or Hoch- stadt, I7O4A.D,, p. 372; Ramillies, 1706 A.D., p. 372; Oudenarde, 1708 A.D,, p. 372; Malplaquet, 1709 A.D., p. 372; Dettingen, i743A.D.,p. 378 ; Fontenoy, 1745 A.D., p. 378; Prestonpans, 1745 A.D., p. 378 ;. Falkirk, 1746 A.D., p. 378; Culloden, 1746 A.D., p. 378; Plassey, 1757 A.D., p. 446; Wandewash,. 1760 A.D., p. 446; Lexington, 1775 A.D., p. 388; Concord, 1775 A.D., p. 388 ; Qui- beron, 1795 A.D., p. 402; St. Vincent, Cape, 1797 A.D., p. 406; . Camperdown, 1797 A.D., p. 406; Nile, or Aboukir, 1798 A.D., p. 406 ; Finisterre, Cape, 1805 A.D., p. 410; Trafalgar, 1805 A.D.,p.4io; Talavera, 1809 A.D., p. 413; Lake Erie, 1813 A.D., p. 414 ; New Orleans, 181 5 A.p., p. 414; Waterloo, 1815 A.D., p. 413; Navarino, 1827 A.D., p. 419; Alma, 1854 A.D., p. 428; Balaklava, 1854 A.D., p. 428; Inkerman, 1854 A.D., p. 428; Majuba Hill, 1881 A.D., p. 461 Baumgarten, P. M. Letters, 1120, p. 223 Baxter, Richard, life of, 1691, p. 363 Baye, J. de. Anglo-Saxons, 516, p. 20 1 Bayeux Tapestry. See Fcrwke Bayle, St. John. St. Simon's Mem- oirs, mi, p. 359 Bayley, John. Tower, 846, p. 205 Bayne, Peter. Puritan Rev., 1681, p. 320 Beach, F. C. Encyc. Am., 148 Beach, W. G. Australian Const, P- 459 Beachy Head, battle of, 1690 A.D., p. 366 Beaconsfield, Earl of. See Disraeli Beard, Charles, works by: Luther, 1475, p. 3 1 5 ; Reformation, 1410, p. 298 Beard, C. A. Introduction, 847, p. 179 Beaufort, R. L. de. Talleyrand, 1114, p. 403 Beaulieu, Leroy-. See Leroy-Beau- lieu Beazley, C. R., works by: Geog- raphy, 359, p. 200; Prince Henry, 1467, p. 272 ; Voyages, 694, p. 290 Becke, Louis, works by : Phillip, 1789, p. 459 ; Pioneers, 1924, p. 458 Becket, Thomas a, p. 213; lives of, 1233, 1706, pp. 214, 216 484 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Beckett, W. H. Reformation, 992, p. 224 Beckford, William. Jamaica, 1328, P- 45 1 Bede, works by : History, 653, p. 170; Works, 1122, p. 170 Bedford, Duke of, Regent in France, p. 260 Beeching, H. C. Leaders of Re- Jigion, 943 Beesly, E. S. Elizabeth, 1742, p. 299 Begg, Alexander, works by : Co- lumbia, 1887, p. 455 ; North- West, 1887, p. 455 Bell, Andrew. Garneau's Canada, 1891, p. 455 Bemont, Charles, works by: Chartes, 1363, p. 209 ; Histoire, 698, p. 176; Montfort, 1773, p. 229 Benedictines, in Eng., p. 223 Benevolences, under Ed. IV, p. 265 ; under Henry VII, p. 276 Bengal, p. 446 Bentham, Jeremy. Government, 1364, p. 396 Bentinck, G. C. Calendar, 628, p. 220 Beowulf, pp. 180, 197 Bergenroth, G. A. Calendars, 1064, p. 276 Berlin, Treaty of, 1878 A.D., p. 432 Berlin Decrees, 1806 A.D. p. 410 Berlin International Congo Con- ference, 1885 A. D., p. 460 Bermudas, the, p. 451 Bernard, Mountague. Neutrality, 1534. P- 434 Berners, Lord. Froissart's Chroni- cles, 1070, p. 236 Bernheim, Ernst. Lehrbuch, 276 Bernicia, early kingdom of, p. 177 Berry, G. G. Langlois's Introduc- tion, 291 Bertrand du Guesclin, French commander, p. 241 Besant, Walter, works by: Coligny, 1459, p. 299 ; Cook, 1731, p. 459 ; Eighteenth Century, 1535, p. 399; Fifty Years Ago, 1535, p. 439; London, 848, p. 200 ; London of Eliz., p. 313; London of the Stuarts, 1535, p. 362 ; Plantage- net London, p. 252 Bettany, G. T. Darwin, 96, p. 442 ; 1735- P- 440 Bible, Wiclif's, p. 244 ; under Henry VIII, p. 286; the King James version, p. 318 Bibliographical Lists, Genealogy, 534 Bibliographies of Bibl., p. 3 ; gen- eral, pp. 5, 169 (note), 202 (note), 279 (note) ; of geog., etc., p. 32 Bibliotheca Geog., 339 Bibliotheque de PEnseignement, 136 Bibliotheque Nationale. Cata- logue, 32 Bierstadt, O. A. Blok's Nether- lands, 805, p- 312 Bigelow, M. M. Placita, 1379, p. 204 Bill of Rights, 1689 A.D., pp. 366, 367 Bills. See Statutes Biographies, collections, pp. 47, 77, 119, 136; of individuals, pp. 102, 119, 137 Birch,Colonel. Memoir,i234,p.329 Birch, Thomas, works by : Charles I, 1123, p. 359 ; James I, 1123, p. 359; Thurloe Papers, 1314, p. 327 Birch, W. de G. Domesday, 1536, p. 225 Bird, S. R. Scargill-. Guide, 112 Birinus in Wessex, p. 183 Birrell, Augustine. Wesley's Jour- nal, 1320, p. 378 Birt, Norbert. Lingard's Eng., 837, p. 171 Births and Deaths, p. 22 Bishop, C. E. Pictures, 849, p. 173 Bishops, Act concerning Nomina- tion of, p. 283 ; Bishops' Wars, under Charles I, p. 326; peti- tion and trial of the Seven, under James II, p. 355 Bismarck, life of, 1456, p. 435; Busch's Diary of, 1095, p. 432 Blaauw, W. H. Barons' Wars, IS37. P- 230 INDEX 485 Black, J. G., works by : Calendar, 1134, p. 232 ; Edward I, 1538, p. 233 ; Patent Rolls, 1194, p. 230 Black Book, 1124, p. 414 Black Death, in reign of Ed. Ill, pp. 238, 249 Black Hole of Calcutta, p. 446 Black Prince, son of Ed. Ill, pp. 238, 241 ; life of, 1738, p. 240 Blackie. Survey, 1857, p. 447 Black's Atlas, 407 Blackstone, William. Charter, 621, p. 220 Bladen, F. M. Records, 1341, p. 457 Blades, William. Caxton, 1721, p. 270 Blair, David. Australasia, 311, P- 458 Blake, Robert, admiral, pp. 338, 341 ; life of, 1707, p. 332 Bleloch, W. New S. Af., 1945, p. 462 Blencowe, R. W. Sydney Papers, J 3i3. P- 334 Blenheim, or Hochstadt, battle of, 1704 A.D., p. 372 Bliss, W. H., works by : Letters, 627, p. 2 17 ; Petitions, 627, p. 238 Blockade of Brest, 1156, p. 407 Blok, P. J . Netherlands, 805, p. 3 1 2 Blondel, Robert. Normandy, 1063 A (p. 474), p. 261 Bloody Assizes, after Monmouth's Rebellion, p. 355 Blunt, J. H. Reformation, 993, p. 281 Boadicea, revolt of, p. 173 Boase, W. C. Oxford (Historic Towns), 868, p. 200 Boccaccio. Correspondence, 1108, p. 249 BodleyJ.E.C. Edward VII, 1539, p. 426 Boer War. See South Af. War Boers, emigration from Cape Colony, 1835 A - D -> etc., p. 461 Bb'hmer, Heinrich. Kirche, 699, p. 227 Bohn, H. G. Lowndes's Manual, 104 Bonn's Libraries, 590 Boleyn, Anne, queen, p. 283 Bolingbroke, Lord, life of, 1708, p. 374. Letters, 1235, p. 372 Bombay, under Charles 1 1, pp. 353, 446 Bond, J. J. Handy-book, 436 Bond of Association, 1583-1584 A.D., p. 300 Boniface-Vill, p. 232 Bonner, John. D"e" Tocqueville's Old Regime, 1518, p. 405 Bonney, T. G. Planet, 360, p. 167 Bonwick, James. Wool Trade, i9?5. P- 459 Book of Fair Devon, 361 Books on Far East, 17, p. 450. See Society, state of Booth, E. C. Australia, 362, p. 458 Booth, William. England, 2016, p. 440 Bordeaux, defeat of English near, 1453 A - D -> P- 2 6o Borgeaud, Charles. Democracy, 1411, p. 360 Borough, John. Treaty of Ripon, 1125, p. 326 Boroughs, the Five, p. 197 Boroughs, restriction of P'arl. franchise in, 1399-1485 A.D., p. 270 ; representation, con- tinued evils of, 1603-1688 A.D., p. 359. See Charters, town ; and Reform Bills Boston, Siege of, 1775-1776 A.D., p. 388 Boston Athenaeum. Catalogue, 33 Boston Pub. Lib. Bulletin, 34, P-3 2 5: 170 Boswell, James. Johnson, 1279, P-396 Bosworth, Joseph. Dictionary, 461 Bosworth Field, battle of, 1485 A.D., p. 268 Bothwell, fourth earl of (James Hepburn), marries Mary Stuart, 1567 A.D., p. 296 Bouchette, Joseph, works by: Canada, 363, p. 455 ; Dominions, 363, p. 455 Bouchier, John. See Berners 486 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Boudicca. See Boadicea Boundary, Maine, 1842 A.D., p. 425 ; Oregon, 1846 A.D., p. 425 ; Ven- ezuela, 1895 A.D., p. 432 Boundary Commissioners. Re- port, 424 Bounty, Queen Anne's, 1704 A.D., P-372 Bourbon Family Compact, 1761 A.D., p. 385 Bourienne, L. A. F. de. Napoleon, 1105, p. 402 Bourinot, J. G., works by : British Rule, 1888, p. 454 ; Canada (Na- tions), 1888, p. 373 ; Govern- ment, 1888, p. 455 ; How Canada is Governed, 1888, p. 454 ; Man- ual, 1888, pp. 453, 454; Nova Scotia, 1888, p. 455 Bourne, E. G., works by : Essays, 277, p. 264 ; Prince Henry, 1467, p. 272 Bourne, H. E. Teaching, 278, 340 Bourne, H. R. F., works by : Coch- rane, 1728, p. 417 ; Colonies, 1832, p. 448 ; Memoir of Sidney, 1804, P- 2 99 5 Newspapers, 1018, p. 361 ; Seamen, 1540, p. 272 ; Sidney, 1804, p. 299 Boutell, Charles. Heraldry, 557 Boutmy, Emile. Angleterre, 957, p. 250 Bouvines, battle of, 1214 A.D., p. 220 Bowen, C. F. Colonial Gov't, 1236, P-458 Bowen, Francis. De Tocqueville's Democracy, 1518, p. 321 Bowes, Paul. D'Ewes's Journals, 1175, p. 297 Bowker, R. R., works by : Guide, 18, p. 202 ; Index, 42; Societies, 177 Boxer movement, 1900 A.D.,pp.432, 466 Boyle, G. D. Clarendon's Rebel- lion, 1143, p. 318 Boyne, battle of, 1690 A.D., p. 366 Bracton, Henry de, jurist, p. 249 Braddock's campaign, 1755 A.D., p. 382 Bradford, William. Plimoth Plan- tation, 1329, p. 318 Bradley, Henry. Stratman's Dic- tionary, 473 Brand, John. Antiquities, 502 Brassey, Lord. Federation, 1833, p. 467 Brassey, T. A. James's History, 1585, p. 404 Bratke, E. Wegweiser, 61, p. 202 Bray, W. Evelyn's Diary, 1262, P-334 Braybrooke, Richard, Lord. Pepys's Diary, 1301, p. 342 Bread riots, 1855 A.D., p. 428 Breda, Declaration of, by Charles II, p. 341 ; Treaties of, under Charles II, p. 345 Brentano, Lujo. Gilds, 685, p. 250 Breslau, Harry. Urkundenlehre, 57i Brest, naval engagement, 1794 A.D., p. 402 Bretigny, Peace of, 1360 A.D., p. 238 Brett, W. H. Gentleman's Maga- zine, 247 Brewer, D. J., works by : Orations, 591, p. 184; Essays, 799 Brewer, E. C. Handbook, 323 Brewer, J. S., works by : Calendar, 624, p. 197 ; Henry VIII, 1541, p. 281 ; Letters of Henry VIII, 1177, p. 280 ; Monumenta, 669, p. 251 Brewster, David. Newton, 1778, P-36 3 Brialmont, M. A. Wellington, 1822, p. 409 Bridgett, T. E., works by : Fisher, 1745, p. 285; More, 1775, p. 282 Bright, John, pp. 425, 466 ; life of, 1709, p. 425. Speeches, 1237, P-425 Bright, J. F. England, 850, p. 179 Bright, William. Church Hist., 994, p. 184 Brighty, G. M. Saints, 592 Brink, Bernhard ten. Literature, 94 Britain, Roman, p. 173 ; as left by the Romans, p. 177 INDEX 487 British and Foreign State Papers, 1126, p. 414 British Anthologies, 622, p. 270 British Ass'n for Advancement of Science, 185, p. 455 British Columbia, accession of, P-453 British Empire as a whole, section on, p. 466 ; bibl. works on, p. 1 1, cf. p. 5 ; sources of more than one period, p. 54, cf. p. 52 ; sources of one period, p. 92, cf. p. 87 ; modern accounts of more than one period, p. 70, cf. p. 61 ; modern accounts of one period, p. 124, cf. p. 116 British Empire League, p. 466 British Empire Ser., 1834, p. 448 British Honduras, p. 451 British Isles, physiography and geography of, p. 165 ; races in, p. 168; mythical history, p. 168 British Museum, foundation of, 1753 A - D -> P- 396' works by: Books to 1640 A.D., 35; Manu- scripts, 568 ; Printed Books, 35 ; Shakespeare, 109, p. 316 Britons, the, p. 170; dependence upon Northumbrians, p. 181 Brockhaus. Konversations-Lexi- con, 145 Brodribb, W.J. Tacitus's Agricola, 1082, p. 173 Brodrick, G. C., works by : Eng- land, 1542, p. 408 ; Oxford, 1019, p. 224 Broglie, Due de. Talleyrand, 1114, P-403 Bronson, Mrs. Arthur. Ireland, 926, p. 1 66 Bronze age, p. 168 Brooke, James, life of, 1710, p. 465 Brooke, Lord. Works, 1238, p. 301 Brooks, Henry. Natal, 1946, p. 463 Brosch, Moritz. England, 851, p. 281 Brougham, Henry, life of, 1239, p. 411 ; Lancaster, 700, p. 242 Brown, H. F. Calendar, 628, p. 220 Brown, P. H. Scotland, 852, p. 174 Brown, Rawdon, works by : Cal- endar, 628, p. 220 ; Henry VIII, 1127, p. 280 Brown, W. H. Frontier, 1947, p. 462 Brown, W. T. Architecture, 522, P-3H Browne, Matthew. Chaucer's Eng- land, 2017, p. 251 Browne, Richard. Correspond- ence, 1262, p. 334 (see Evelyn, - Diary) Browning, Oscar, works by: Leeds, 1284, p. 388 ; Modern Eng., 1543, p. 420 ; Napoleon, 1128, p. 407 ; Rooke, 1307, p. 369 Bruce, John, works by : Borough's Notes, 1125, p. 326; Calendar, 1135, p. 290 ; Charles I, 1247, p. 334 ; Hayward's Elizabeth, 1169, p. 296 ; Historic of Ed. IV, 1171, p. 265 ; Verney Family, 693, p. 271; Verney's Long Parl., 1219, p. 326 Bruce, J. C. Roman Wall, 517, p. 174 Bruce, P. A. Virginia, 1867, p. 307 Bruce, Robert, p. 232 ; lives of, 1796, p. 234 Brunet, J.-C. Manuel, 36 Brunner, Heinrich. Rechtsge- schichte, 806, p. 176 Bryan, C. G. Quebec, 1897, p. 455 Bryan, E. A. Mark, 1412, p. 176 Bryant, Sophie. Celtic Ire., 1666, p. 200 Bryce, George, works by: Cana- dian People, 1889, p. 454 ; Mani- toba, 1889, p. 455 Bryce, James, works by : Biogra- phy, 1682, p. 434 ; Common- wealth, 1487, p. 439 ; Freeman, 279 ; Holy Roman Empire, 701, p. 312 ; Irish Hist, 928, p. 399 ; South Af., 1330, p. 463 ; World, 739. P- 252 Brymner, Douglas. Archives, in, P-456 Brynmor-Jones. See Jones, Bryn- mor- Brythons, the, p. 170 488 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Buckingham, Duke of (George Villiers), favourite of James I, p. 318 ; career under Charles I, p. 322 Buckingham and Chandos, Duke of. Memoirs, 1240, p. 388 Buckle, H. T. Civilization, 853, p. 251 Buckley, A. B. England, 829 Buddensieg, Rudolph. Wyclif, 1826, p. 243 Builders of Greater Britain, 1683 Building. See Society, state of Bull, Clericis Laicos, 1296 A.D., p. 232 Bullen, A. H., works by: Longer Poems, 1204, p. 309 ; Shorter Poems, 1201, p. 309 Bullen, William. Calendar, 624, p. 197 Bulletin of Bibl., i, p. 332 Bund, J. W. Willis-. Trials, 623, p. 238 Bunyan, John, p. 359 ; life of, 1711, p. 363 ; bibl. for, 95, p. 363 Burgess, J. W. Methods, 287 Burgh, Hubert de, statesman, p. 229 Burgoyne's campaign, 1777 A.D., p. 388 Burgundy, Margaret of, plots against Henry VII, p. 276 Burguy, G. F. Grammaire, 478 Burke, Bernard, works by: Gen- try, 538 ; Peerage, 538 Burke, Edmund, p. 402 ; life of, 1712, p. 387 ; works by : Concili- ation, 1331, p. 388 ; French Rev., p. 402 ; Selections, 1241, p. 388 ; Works, 1241, p. 385 Burke, S. H. Portraits, 1684, p. 277 Burke, U. R. Spain, 807, p. 168 Burleigh, Baron of (William Cecil), statesman under Eliz., p. 296; life of, 1713, p. 292. Answer, 55' P- 30i Burnell, A. C. Hobson-Jobson, 477 Burnet, Gilbert, works by : Dukes of Hamilton, 1271, p. 323 ; Own Time, 1129, p. 305 ; Reforma- tion, 1986, p. 280 Burns, Mrs. R. Cromwell's Cor- respondence, 1254, p. 359 Burrows, Montagu, works by : Cinque-Ports (Historic Towns), 868, p. 200 ; Foreign Policy, 854, p. 312 Burton, J. H., works by : Privy Council, 1197, p. 261 ; Queen Anne, 1544, p. 373 ; Scotland, 855, P- 1 68 Burton, Thomas. Diary, 1242, p. 341 Bury, J. B. Gibbon's Roman Em- pire, 729, p. 171 Busch, Moritz. Bismarck, 1095, P-43 2 Busch, Wilhelm. Tudors, 1545, p. 277 Bute, third earl of (John Stuart), P-385 Butler, Alban, works by : Fathers, 592, p. 173; Saints, 592 Butler, A. J., works by : Bis- marck's Reflections, 1095 (p. 474), p. 432; Calendar, 1136, p. 290; Marbot, 1102, p. 402 ; Ratzel's Mankind, 497, p. 448 Butler, N. M., works by : Edu- cational Rev., 228 ; Great Edu- cators, 731 Butler, Samuel, poet of the Res- toration, p. 359 Byrn, E. W. Invention, 1413, p. 440 Cabal, the, under Charles II, p. 348 Cabinet Council, under Charles II, p. 350 (see Cabal); unity and re- sponsibility of, p. 395 Cabot, John, and the English, p. 276; lives of, 1714, pp. 278, 310 Cabot, Sebastian, life of, 1714^.310 Cade, Jack, rebellion of, 1540 A.D., p. 260 Cadiz, Drake's expedition to, 1587 A.D., p. 305 Caesar, account of Britain, p. 170; value of writings of, p. 173 ; in- vasions of, p. 173 ; lives of, 1457, P- !?5 Calais, capture of, by Ed. Ill, p. 238 ; loss of, 1558 A.D., p. 293 INDEX 489 Calcutta, 1686 A.D., p. 446 Caldecott, Alfred. Colonization, 1835, p. 277 Calder, Robert, admiral, p. 410 Caledonians, the, p. 170 Calendar, adoption of the Grego- rian, 1752 A.D., p. 396 Calendar, Advance of Money, 35 P- 330 Calendar, Carew MSS., 624, p. 197 Calendar, Close Rolls, 1130, p. 232 Calendar, Compounding, 1135, P- 33 Calendar, Documents in France, 625, p. 187 Calendar, Documents, Ireland, 626, p. 213 Calendar, Home Office Papers, 1131, p. 385 Calendar, Inquisitions, 1132, p. 276 Calendar, Letter-books of London, "33. P- 232 Calendar, Letters, Simancas, 1064, 1065, p. 276 Calendar, Papal Registers, Let- ters, 627, p. 217 ; Petitions, 627, p. 238 Calendar, Patent Rolls, 1134, p. 232 Calendar, State Papers, Am. and W. I., 1332, p. 451 ; Colonial, 1332, p. 451 ; Domestic, 1135, p. 290 ; East I., 1332, p. 447 ; Foreign, 1136, p. 290 ; Ireland, 1137, p. 280; Scotland, 1138, p. 280 ; Venice, 628, p. 220 Calendar, Treasury, 1556-1728 A.D., 629, p. 293 ; I729~f795 A.D., 630, p. 378 Calicut, 1498 A.D., p. 446 Callahan, J. N. Confederate States, 1488, p. 434 Calvin, John, Genevan reformer, p. 296. Institutes, 1096, p. 309 Cambridge, Earl of, conspiracy under Henry V, p. 258 Cambridge Geographical Sen, 137 Cambridge Historical Essays, 1959 Cambridge Historical Ser., 702 Cambridge Mod. Hist, 703, p. 251 Cambridge Ser. for Schools, 704 Cambridge, university of, 1216- 1399 A.D., p. 249. See Society, state of Camden, William. Elizabethan historian, p. 309 Camden Lib., 138 Camden Miscellany, p. 266 Camden Sen, 209 Camden Soc., 186. Catalogue, 186 Camelot Sen, 631 Campbell, Colin, life of, 1716, p. 449 Campbell, John, works by : Ad- mirals, 931, p. 171 ; Chancellors, 931, p. 182 ; Judges, 742, p. 234; Justices, 931, p. 205 Campbell- Bannerman, Henry, P-43 1 Campeggio, Cardinal, p. 283 Camperdown, naval engagement off, 1797 A.D., p. 406 Canada, section on, p. 453 ; inva- sion of, p. 388 ; federation in, p. 466; works on, pp. no, 152; cf. p. 148 ; works by : Archives, in, p. 456; Handbook, 1333, p. 465 Canals, 1761 A.D., p. 395; open- ing of the Suez Canal, 1868 A.D., P- 43 2 Canning, C. J., statesman, p. 419 Canning, George, life of, 1717, p. 405. Speeches, 1243, p. 388 Cannon, H. L. Poor Priests, 1987, P- 245 Canon law, under Henry II, p. 213; under the Normans, p. 223 Canterbury Tales, p. 249. See Chaucer Cantii, the, p. 170 Canute, King, p. 191 Cape Colony, pp. 460, 461 Cape of Good Hope, conquests of, p. 406 Cape St. Vincent, naval engage- ment off, 1797 A.D., p. 406 Cappelli, Adriano. Lexicon, 572 Cappon, James. South Af., 1948, p. 462 Caractacus, resistance of, p. 173 Carew, George, Lord. Letters, 1244, p. 318 490 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Carey, Mrs. M. Duruy's France, 808, p. 250 Carisbrooke Castle, flight of Charles I to, p. 333 Carisbrooke Lib., 632 Carling, John. Canada, 1890, p. 455 Carlyle, Thomas. Collection on Cromwell, 65, p. 337 ; works by : Cromwell's Letters, 1253, p. 326 ; French Rev., 1489, p. 404 Carmelites, coming of, to Eng- land, p. 249 Carmichael, C. H. E. Langmead's History, 969, p. 175 Carnatic, the, p. 446 Carnegie, Andrew. Federation, 1836, p. 467 Carnegie, Daniel, Australian ex- plorer, p. 457 Carnegie Institution, 187 Carolina, under Charles II, p. 353 Caroline, Queen, p. 419 Carpenter, D. P. Du Cange's Glossarium, 486 Carpenter, John. Liber Albus, 1180, p. 249 Carr, Robert. See Somerset Carr-Gomm. See Gomm, Carr- Carrington, H. B. American Rev., P-390 Carstares, William, life of, 1718, P-35 Carte, Thomas. Ormond, 1781, P-3 2 S Carteret, John, Lord, life of, 1720, P-374 Cartwright, J. J. Pococke's Eng- land, 1195, p. 396 Casket Letters, p. 296 Cassell, works by : British Atlas, 408 ; Emigrant's Atlas, 408 ; Na- tional Lib., 593 Castle Line Atlas of S. Af., 409 Castlereagh. See Londonderry, Marquesses of Castles. See Society, state of Catalogue of Ancient Deeds. See Descriptive Catalogue Catalogue of Avery Architectural Lib., 513 Catalogue of Bibl., 2 Catalogue of Books, Architecture, 5i4 Catalogue of Eng., Scotch, and Irish Publications, 113 Catalogue of- Parl. Papers, 123, p. 417 Catalogues, lib. and trade, p. 6 Catharine. See Catherine Cathedrals. See Society, state of Catherine of Aragon, the divorce of, from Henry VIII, p. 283 Catherine of France, marriage of Henry V to, p. 258 Catholic Ass'n in Ireland, 1823 A.D., p. 419 Catholic Emancipation Act, 1829 A.D., p. 419 Catholicon Anglicum, 484 Catholics, political danger from, under Eliz., p. 296; plots against Eliz., pp. 300-301 ; agitation against, under Charles I, p. 322 ; position under the Stuarts, p. 359; persecution of, in Ire- land under William III, p. 366; laws against, in Ireland under Anne, p. 372 ; removal of po- litical disabilities, 1829 A.D., p. 437. See Religion in British Isles Catterall, R. C. II. Petition, 1960, P-343 Caulfield, James. Collections, 335 Cavalier Parl., of Charles II, p. 345 Cavaliers, of the Civil War, p. 329 Cave men, p. 168 Cavendish, F. C., murder of, 1882 A.D., p. 432 Cavendish, George. Wolsey, 1323, p. 280 Cavendish, Henry. Debates, 1334, P-454 Cawnpore, during the Mutiny, p. 446 Cawston, George. Companies, 1028, p. 249 Caxton, William, printer, p. 270 ; life of, 1721, p. 270 Cecil, Robert. Letters, 1245, p. 305 Cecil, William. See Baron of Bur- leigh INDEX 491 Cellini, Benvenuto, Autobiogra- phy, 1097, p. 309 Celtic philology, works on, p. 40 Celtic race, p. 170 Century, the, 225, p. 166 Century Dictionary and Cyclo- paedia, 146, 462 Ceremonies, abolition of, under Ed. VI, p. 290 Cesaresco, Countess. Italy, 1490, p. 416 Ceylon, pp. 406, 464 Chad, Saint, p. 184 Chalmers, Alexander. Luther, iioo, p. 309 Chalmers, George, works by: Colonies, 1869, p. 391 ; Great Britain, 633, p. 368 Chamberlain, Joseph, p. 466 Chambers, works by : Dictionary, 161; Encyclopaedia, 147, p. 166; Handbooks, 139 Chambers, Robert. Rebellion, 1546, p. 380 Champlin, J. D. Cyclopaedia, 333 Champollion, Aime. Palaeogra- phy- 5 8 4 Champollion-Figeac. Palaeogra- phy, 584 Chance, J. F., works by : England and Sweden, 1547, p. 370 ; George I and Sweden, 1547, p. 373 ; Northern Question, 1547, P- 376 Channel, the English, freebooters in, under Eliz., p. 300 ; the fight of the Armada in, 1588 A.D.,p.3O5 Channing, Edward, works by : America, 1870, p. 385 ; English Hist., 835, p. 171 ; Guide to Am. Hist., 301, p. 167 ; Leaflets, 1340, P- 38.5 Chantries, dissolution of, under Ed. VI, p. 290 Charles I, 1625-1634 A.D., p. 322; 1634-1641 A.D., p. 326; 1641- 1644 A.D., p. 329; 1644-1649 A.D., p. 333 ; life of, 1246, p. 326 ; works by: Correspondence, 1262 (Evejyn, Diary) ; Letters, 1247. P- 334 Charles II, in Scotland, p. 337 ; 1660-1667 A.D., p. 345; 1667- 1674 A.D., p. 348; 1674-1681 A.D., p. 350; 1681-1685 A.D., P- 353 Charles V of Spain at Gravelines, p. 280 Charles VI of France, death of, p. 258 Charles VII of France. See Dauphin Charles Edward, the Young Pre- tender, p k 378 Charles the Great, lives of, 1458, p. 200 Charter of iioo A.D., p. 209; of Oxford, granted by Stephen, p. 21 1 ; of John, see Great Charter; confirmation of, by Ed. I, p. 232. See also Connec- ticut ; East India Co. ; Rhode Island ; Charters, town Chartered companies, p. 466 Charters, town, sale of, under Richard I, p. 217 ; in the four- teenth century, p. 249 ; in the fifteenth, p. 270. See also Bor- oughs Chartists, rise of, p. 425 Chartulary of Hyde, n8oA(p. 474), p. 187 Chassant,Alphonse. Dictionnaire, 573 Chastelain, George. Chronicle, n8oA (p. 474), p. 258 Chateau Gaillard, p. 217 Chatham, Earl of. See Pitt, Wil- liam Chaucer, Geoffrey, p. 249. Tales, 1396, p. 255 Chautauqua Reading Circle, 705 Cheke, John, life of, 1723, p. 292 Cheney, A. D. Maid of Kent, 1703, p. 284 Cherbury, Edward. Henry VIII, 1548, p. 281 Cherbury, Herbert, life of, 1250, P- 3 2 3 Chesney, George. Polity, 1912, p. 448 Chevalier, Ulysse. Repertoire, 62 492 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Chevy Chase or Otterburn, battle of, 1388 A.D., p. 246 Cheyney, E. P., works by : Back- ground, 706, p. 251 ; England, 830, p. 166; Industrial Hist, 1029, p. 198 ; Lollards, 1088, p. 245; Readings, 634 (a recent publication) ; Serfdom, 1029, p. 253; Social Changes, 2018, p. 310 Chicago Pub. Lib. Lists, 63, 341, p. 167 Child, G. W. Church, 1989, p. 272 Child labour, p. 436 , China, Opium War with, 1839- 1842 A.D., p. 425; war with, 1856 A.D., p. 428 ; Boxer upris- ing in, 1900 A.D., p. 432 Chippenham, Treaty of, 878 A.D., p. 187 Chisholm, G. G., works by : Com- merce, p. 467 ; Commercial Geog., 364, p. 167; Interna- tional Geog., 394, p. 167 ; Long- mans's Geog., 388 Chivalry. See Society, state of Chocolate, introduction of, p. 359 Choules, J. O. Forster's States- men, 963, p. 324 Christianity, Celtic, p. 183; Roman, pp. 173, 183; among the Anglo-Saxons, p. 197 Christie, W. D. Shaftesbury, 1802, P- 33 2 Chronicle of 1470 A.D., 1141, p. 265 Chronicle of Grey Friars, 635, p. 2 1 7 Chronicle of Henry VIII, 1139, P- 283 Chronicle of Queen Jane, 1140, p. 290 Chronicle of Richard II to Henry VI, 636, p. 244 Chronicles of Crusades, 594, p. 217 Chronicles of White Rose, 1142, p. 266 Chronology, works on : p. 39 Church. See Religion in the Brit- ish Isles Church, A. J., works by : Britain, 1549, p. 168; Henry V, 1755, p. 260 ; Tacitus's Agricola, 1082, P- i?3 Church, R. W., works by : Anselm, 1696, p. 208 ; Bacon, 1701, p. 308 ; Middle Ages, 1414, p. 174 Church Hist. Ser., 707 Churchill, John. See Marlborough Churchill, Randolph, p. 466 Churchyard, Thomas. Wolsey, 1323 Churton, Edward. Church, 995, p. 171 Cirencester, Richard of. Britain ("spurious "), 1162 Cistercians in England, p. 223 Cities, cessation of life in, under Anglo-Saxons, p. 197. See also Society, state of Citizen's Lib., 1398 Ciudad Rodrigo, capture of, 1812 A.D., p. 413 Civil service, p. 446 Civil War, American, p. 432 Civil War, between Charles I and Parl., pp. 329, 333; second, P-333 Civil war, under Stephen, p. 211 Civilization, in the Morgan classi- fication, p. 1 68 Civilization, revival of, among the Anglo-Saxons, p. 197 Clarendon, Earl of (Edward Hyde), minister of Charles II, p. 345; life of, 1143, p. 329; works by : Correspondence, 1262; Rebellion, 1143, pp. 318, 329 ; State Papers, 1143, p. 301 Clarendon Press, 539 Clark, A. I. Law, 1926, p. 459 Clark, F. H. References, 302 Clark, G. H. Cromwell, 1733, p-336 Clark, G. T. Architecture, 518 Clark, Hugh. Heraldry, 559 Clark, William. Reformation, 996, p. 201 Clark, W. R. Hefele's Councils, 1424, p. 174 Clarke, H. W. Tithes, 708, p. 185 Clarke, J. S. Nelson, 1776, p. 392 Clarke, J. T. Methods, 287 Clarke, William, works by : Ora- tions, 637, p. 301 ; Papers, 1251, p. 334 ; Repertorium, 28 INDEX 493 Clarkson, Thomas, abolitionist, p. 410 Classes, hardships of the lower, under Richard II, p. 244; mid- dle, in Parl., under Ed. I, p. 232 ; social, among the early Ger- mans, p. 176. See also Society, state of Claudius in Britain, p. 173 Claverhouse. See Dundee Clayden, P. W. England, 1550, P-434 Clemens, S. L. Joan of Arc, 1471, p. 262 Clergy. See Religion in the Brit- ish Isles Clericis Laicos, the bull, p. 232 Clive, Robert, p. 446; lives of, 1726, pp. 380, 449 Clodd, Edward. Man, 490, p. 168 Close Rolls of Henry III, 1144, p. 229 Clothing, of the Britons, p. 170. See also Society, state of Cloud, J. L. Irish Village, p. 167 Coal, use of, p. 395 Coalition, War of the First, pp. 402-406; of the Second, p. 406; of the Third, p. 410 Cobbe, Thomas. Kings, 1551^.205 Cobbett, works by : Debates, 1145, p. 407; Political Register, p. 414; Trials, 638, p. 213 Cobden, Richard, p. 425; life of, 1727, p. 421 Cochrane, Thomas, Lord, life of, 1728, p. 417 Coercion Act, Irish, 1881 A.D., P-43 2 Coffee, introduction of, p. 359 Coghlan, T. A., works by : Aus- tralasia, 1928, p. 458 ; Australia and N. Zealand, 1927, p. 458 ; Australia (statistical), 1927, p. 458 ; N. S. Wales, 1927, p. 458 Coinage, of the Britons, p. 170; Anglo-Saxon, p. 197 ; debase- ment of, by Henry VIII, p. 286 ; further debasement of, under Ed. VI, p. 290 ; restoration of, under Eliz., p. 296 Coke, Edward, jurist, p. 322 Colby, C. W. Sources, 639, p. 170 Colby, F. M., works by : Encyclo- paedia, 153 ; Year Book, 167 Cole, G. A. J. Ireland, p. 167 Coleridge, Herbert. Dictionary, 463 Colet, John, theologian and scholar, p. 276; life of, 1729, p. 278 Coligny, Gaspard de, life of, 1459, p. 299 Collar, W. C. Methods, 287 Collection de Textes, 1366 Collection of British Authors, 1685 Collection of Ordinances, 640, P- 249 Collection of State Papers, 1152, P-4Q3 Collection of Statutes, 1832-1867 A.D., 1146, p. 422 College, Magdalen, expulsion of Fellows from, 1687 A.D., p. 355 Colleges, founding of, 1216-1399 A.D., p. 249 Collier, James. New Zealand, 95 A (p. 474), p. 460 Collins, E. D. Royal Af. Co., 1837, P-349 Collins, J. C. Essays, 1149 Colomb, J. Confederation, p. 467 Colonies, under James I, p. 318; under Charles II, p. 353; re- forms in the colonial service, under Pitt, p. 393 ; colonial ex- pansion, p. 428. See also Table of Contents, p. xv Colonies, the former thirteen, works on, pp. lio, 150; cf. p. 148 Colonization and empire, works on, pp. 1 10, 148 Colquhoun, A. R. Russia, 1913, p. 448 Columbia Univ. Lib. Bull. Books on Education, 37, p. 202 Columbus, Christopher, p. 276; lives of, 1460, 1730, pp. 267, 278 Colville, H. E. Sudan Campaign, 1148, p. 432 494 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Coman, Katharine, works by: History, 831, p. 1 66 ; Poets, 329 ; Short Hist., 831 Combination laws, under George IV, p. 419 Comfort, increased, under the Tudors, p. 309 Comines, works by : Extraits, 607, p. 266; Memoirs, 1067, p. 263 Cominges, Le Comte de. Court of Charles II, 1587, p. 345 Commerce. See Trade Commercial crisis of 1857 A.D., p. 428 Commercial Instruction, 2019 Commercial treaties, of Ed. IV, p. 265; of Henry VII, p. 276; with France, 1860 A.D., p. 432. See also Treaties Commines. See Comines Commission on Hist. MSS. Re- ports, 680, p. 197 Commons, House of, under Ed. I, p. 232; 1603-1688 A.D., p. 359; increasing power of, p. 375; against the Am. War, p. 388 ; attempted secrecy of, p. 388 ; superiority of, to the Lords, p. 395 ; opposition to the First Reform Bill, p. 422. See also Parliament; and Society, state of Commonwealth, the, 1649-1653 A.D., p. 337 Communication. See Society, state of Commutation of services, 1399- 1485 A.D., p. 270 Companies, chartered, under Jam.es I, p. 318 ; as a means of gov't, p. 466; mercantile,. 1 689- 1789 A.D., p. 396. See. also Company Company, Dutch E. India, p. 446; Eng. E. India, pp. 318, 446; . Hudson Bay, p. 453 ; N. Zea- land, 1839-1850 A.D., p. 457; Ohio, p. 382 ; S. Sea, p. 396 Compayre, Gabriel. Abelard, 709, p. 226 Compreh.ension^.attempt at, under William III, p. 366 Compton, trial of Bishop, 1686 A - D -. P- 355 , Comte, Jules. Bibliotheque, 136 Conant, H. S., works by : Edin- burgh, p. 167 ; Rambles, p. 451 Concise Knowledge Lib., 140 Concord, battle of, 1775 A.D., p. 388 Confederate cruisers, p. 432 Confederation, Articles of Am., 1781 A.D., p. 388 Conference, at Ottawa, Interco- lonial, 1894 A.D., p. 466 ; Hague, 1898 A.D., p. 432 ; Hampton Court, 1604 A.D., p. 318 ; Savoy, at the Restoration, p. 345 Confession, Westminster, adop- tion of, 1646 A.D.,"p. 329 Confession of Faith, Scotch, 1561 A.D., p. 296 Confiscated estates, acts of the Convention Parl., p. 345 Confiscations of church property, attempts of Mary Tudor to remedy, p. 293. See also Disso- lution Congo, exploration of, p. 460 Congo Conference at Berlin, In- ternational, 1885 A.D., p. 460 Congress, Continental, 1774 A.D., p. 388; of Vienna, 1815 A.D., P- 413 Connecticut, charter of, i662A.n., P- 353. Connecticut Pub. Lib. Documents, i7 39, P- 450 Conquest, Roman, p. 173; Nor- man, pp. 195, 204; of Wales by Ed. I, p. 232 ; of Normandy, by Henry V, p. 258; of Ireland and Scotland, under the Com- monwealth, pp. 337-338. See also Colonies ; and Colonization and Empire Conservatives, party name, p. 422 Conspiracy, of Richard's half- brothers, under Henry IV, p. 256; of the Earl of Cam- bridge and others, under Henry V, p, 258.; of Henry, Earl of Richmond, under Richard .III, p. 268. See also Plots INDEX 495 Constitution. See Society, stale of Constitutional Acts, Canadian, of 1791 and 1841 A.D., p. 453 Constitutional Convention. See National Australasian Conven- tion Constitutional history, works on, pp. 78, 112, 156; cf. pp. 52, 61, 70/87, 92, 116, 124. See also Society, state of Constitutions of Clarendon, 1164 A.D., p. 213 Contemporary Science, 491 Continental Congress, 1774 A.D., p. 388 Continental System, under Napo- leon, p. 410 Conventicle Act, 1664 A. D., p. 345; of 1670 A.D., p. 348 Convention Parl., of the Restora- tion, p. 341 ; of 1689-1690 A.D., P-355 Convention with Russia, 1801 A.D., p. 406; of London, 1884 A.D., p. 461 Conybeare, Edward. Alfred, 1228, p. 187 Cook,James,voyages,p.457;lifeof, 1731- P- 459- Journal, 1335, p. 457 Cooke, A. M. Cistercians, 1990, p. 227 Cooke, G. W. Party, 856, p. 349 Cooper, C. H. Athenae Cantab., 162, p. 312 Cooper, Elizabeth. Strafford, 1809, P-325 Cooper, Mynon. Koran, 1075, p. 217 Cooper, Samuel, miniaturist, p. 359 Cooper, Thompson. Athenae Can- tab., 162, p. 312 Coote, Eyre, general, p. 446 Coote, H. C. Romans, 1552, p. 174 Copenhagen, 1801 A.D., p. 406; second bombardment of, 1807 A.D., p. 410 Corbett, J. S., works by : Drake, J 737> P- 2 99 > Drake and the Navy, 1553, p. 298 ; Instructions, 650, p. 310; Spanish War, 1190, p. 301 ; Successors, 1553, p. 307 Cordery, B. M. (Mrs. S. R. Gardi- ner), works by : French Rev., J 493> P- 397 ! Commonwealth, J S55' P- 3 2 4; Monarchy, 1554, p. 320 Corn Law, First, 1815 A.D., p. 414; sliding scale for, p. 419; Anti- Corn-Law League, p. 425 ; modi- fications and repeal of, p. 425 Cornell Univ. Lib. White Lib., 64, p. 316 Cornish, the, p. 170 Cornwallis, Charles, p. 446. Cor- respondence, 1251 A (p. 474), p. 388 Coronation of the Dauphin at Rheims, 1429 A.D., p. 260 Corporation Act, 1661 A.D., p. 345 ; repeal of, 1828 A.D., p. 419 Corporations, attacks on, under Charles II, p. 353 Correspondence on French Rev., "47. P- 403 Corsica, for the British, 1793-1796 A.D., p. 402 Costume, works on, p. 47 Cotes, K. D. Social England, 1054 Cotters, p. 249 Coubertin, Pierre de. France, 1491, p. 416 Coulanges, N. D. Fustel de. His- toire, 810, p. 176 Council, under William I, p. 204 ; under Henry I, p. 209 ; under Henry III, p. 229; under Henry VII, p. 276; of the North, and of Wales, under Henry VIII, p. 286 ; of Thirty, and the Cabi- net, under Charles II, p. 350 Council, Orders in, p. 410 Council, of Whitby, 664 A.D., p. 184; of St. Albans, 1213 A.D., p. 220; of Trent, 1545-1563 A.D., p. 296; Federal, of Aus- tralasia, 1885 A.D., p. 457 Counties, restriction of Parl. fran- chise in, 1399-1485 A.D., p. 270. See Reform bills Countries, individual, works on, pp. 10, 68, 89, 1 19 ; cf. pp. 5, 52, 61,87, 116 496 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Country life. See Agriculture, under Society, state of Courthope, William. Nicolas's Peerage, 547 Courtney, W. P. Register, 3, p. 167 Courtrai, battle of, 1302 A.D., p. 232 Courts, under William I, p. 204 ; under Henry I, p. 209 ; under Henry II, p. 213; under Ed. I, p. 232 ; of " pie powder," p. 249 ; manor, p. 249 ; of Poor Men's Causes, or Requests, under Henry VII, p. 276; of Star Chamber, under Henry VII and Charles I, pp. 276, 323 ; lega- tine, to try Catherine's divorce, p. 283 ; of High Commission, under Eliz. and Charles I, pp. 296, 323. See also Society, state of Covenant, the Scottish, 1638 A.D., p. 326 ; Solemn League and, 1643 A - D -. P- 3 2 9 Coverdale, Miles, translator of Bible, p. 286 Cox, G. W., works by : Crusades, 710, p. 217; Romances, 325, p. 1 87 Cox, Homersham, works by : Ad- ministrations, 1961, p. 429 ; Re- form Bills, 1961, p. 433 Cox, J. C. Strutt's Sports, 1055, p. 200 Coxe, William, works by : Marl- borough, 1769, p. 368 ; Walpole, 1818, p. 374 Craft gilds, 1216-1399 A.D., p. 249 Craik, G. L., works by : History, 857, p. 169; Peerage, 540 Craik, Henry. Scottish Hist, 858, P- 398 Cranach, Lucas. Luther, uoo Crandall, F. A. Checklist, 80 Cranmer, Thomas, pp. 283, 293 ; life of, 1732, p. 282 Creasy, E. S. Eng. Const., 958, p. 171 Crecy, or Cressy, battle of, 1346 A.D., p. 238 Creighton, Charles. Epidemics, 1030, p. 199 Creighton, Louise, works by: Black Prince, 1738, p. 240 ; Eng- land, 1556, p. 221 ; Essays, 711 ; Government, 959, p. 198; Raleigh, 1793, p. 304 Creighton, Mandell, bibl. for, 60 ; works by : Age of Eliz., 1557, p. 291; Carlisle (Historic Towns), 868, p. 200; Epochs of Church Hist., 719; Epochs of Eng. Hist., 865; Essays, 711, p. 167 ; Half-Hour Hist., 859, p. 178; Montfort, 1773, p. 231 ; Tudors, 1557, p. 277 ; Wolsey, 1829, p. 282 Creux, J. H. Pitt, 1558, p. 394 Crimean War, 1853-1856 A.D., p. 428 Crisis, commercial, of 1857 A.D., p. 428 Critic, the, 226 Critical Essays, 1149 Critics, literary, p. 437 Croft, H. H. S. Elyot's Gouern- our, 1367, p. 309 Croker, J. W., works by: Hervey's Memoirs, 1272, p. 378 ; Papers, 1252, p. 414 Cromwell, Oliver, rise of, p. 329 ; as Protector, p. 341 ; lives of, 1733. PP- 3 2 8, 332, 336; Bull. Bibl., 114 ; Carlyle Collection, 65> P- 337 ! works by : Five Letters, 1253, p. 334 ; Letters and Speeches, 1253, p. 326 Cromwell, Richard, p. 341. Cor- respondence, 1254, p. 359 Cromwell, Thomas, pp. 283, 286; life of, 1734, p. 285 Cronique de Richart, 1150, p. 246 Crooke, William. Yule's Hobson- Jobson, 477 Crosby, A. J. Calendar, 1136, p. 290 Crown colonies, p. 466 Cruisers, Building of C. S. A., P-43 2 Crusade, the Third, p. 217 ; Ed. I in the Seventh, p. 229 Cubberley, E. P. Syllabus, 303, p. 202 INDEX 497 Culloden, battle of, 1746 A.D., P-378 Culture, works on, pp. 82, 115, 160; cf. pp. 52, 61, 70, 87, 92. See Society, state of Gumming, John. Fox's Martyrs, 597. P- 185 Cumulative Index, 222 Cunningham, Peter, works by : London, 316; Walpole's Letters, 1317. P- 375 Cunningham, William, works by : Ed. Ill, 2020, p. 239; Henley's Husbandry, 1405, p. 249 ; Immi- grants, 1031, p. 253; Industrial Hist., 1302, p. 1 66; Industry, 1031, p. 177 Curfew, the, p. 204 Curia regis. See Courts Curran,J.P. Speeches, 1255, p. 402 Curran, M. B. Perwich, 1302, p. 348 Cussans, J. E. Heraldry, 560 Customs, spread of Roman, in Britain, p. 173; old and new, under William I, p. 204 ; aboli- tion of ceremonies and, under Ed. VI, p. 290. See Society, state of Customs of London, 641, p. 223 Cuthbert, Saint, p. 184 Cutts, E. L., works by : Colches- ter (Historic Towns) , 868, p. 1 74 ; Middle Ages, 1033, p. 225; St. Augustine, 1700, p. 185 Cyprus, 1878 A.D., p. 432 Dahlmann, F. C. Quellenkunde, 88 Dallas, R. C. Maroons, 1906, p. 452 Dampier. Voyages, 1352, p. 457 Danby, ascendancy and impeach- ment of, 1678-1679 A.D., p. 350 Danegeld, origin of, p. 190 Danelaw, the, p. 187 Danes, the, to 975 A.D., p. 186; 975-1016 A.D., p. 190; 1016- 1042 A.D., p. 191 Danforth, G. F. Quarterly Bibl., 218 Daniell, F. H. B. Calendar, 1135, P- 345 Dante Alighieri, pp. 249, 255 Danvers, F. C. Letters, 1343, p. 447 Darnley, Mary Stuart's marriage to, 1565 A.D., p. 296 Darwin, lives of, 1735, p. 440 ; bibl. of, 96, p. 442 Date Book of Scot. Hist., 437 Date Books of Hist., 438 Daunt, W. J. O'N. Irish Hist., 1667, p. 408 Dauphin (Charles VII), resistance to Henry V, p. 258 ; coronation at Rheims, 1429 A.D., p. 260; resistance to Henry VI, p. 260 Davenport, F. G. List, 115, p. 202 Davidson. Colonies, p. 467 Davies, J. S. Chronicle of Rich- ard II, 636, p. 244 Davis, H. W. C., works by : An- archy, 1559, p. 2 1 2 ; England, 860 Davis, John, navigator, p. 300 Davis, Thomas. Curran's Speeches, 1255, p. 402 Davison, William, treatment of, by Eliz., p. 301 Dawkins, W. B. Man, 492, p. 167 Dawson, G. M. Colonies, 365, P- 45 2 Dawson, S. E. Canada, 366, p. 455 Debate between Heralds, 1079, p. 270 Debates in Commons, 1151, p. 323 Debates in Lords, 1158, p. 319 De Brett, John. State Papers, 1152, p. 403 Debt, national, 1692 A.D., pp.366, 395 ; reduction of interest on, under George IV, p. 419 Debt, statutes of Ed. I affecting, p. 232 ; abolition of imprison- ment for, p. 431 Declaration, of Breda, by Charles II, p. 341 ; of Independence, 1776 A.D., p. 388; of Indul- gence, see Indulgence; of Rights, of the Convention Parl., p. 355 ; of the Rights of Man, 1789 A.D., p. 402 ; of Sports, under Charles I. P- 323 Decree, Berlin, 1806 A.D., p. 410; Milan, 1807 A.D., p. 410 498 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Defoe, Daniel, life of, 1736, p. 357 Deira, early kingdom of, p. 177 Deities, among the early Germans, p. 176 Delhi, during the Mutiny, p. 446 Del Mar, Alexander. Monetary Systems, 712, p. 201 Demaus, R. Tyndale, 1813, p. 282 Demesne lands of the manor, p. 249 Deniker, J. Races, 493, p. 169 Denmark, Treaty of Breda with, 1667 A.D., p. 345 ; seizure of the navy, time of Napoleon, p. 410 ; early Victorian diplomacy in, P- 425 Dennis, Robert. Industrial Ire., 2021, p. 440 Denton, W. England, 2022, p. 272 Deorham, battle of, 577 A.D., p. 177 De Peyster. See Peyster Deposition, of Ed. II, p. 236; of Richard II, p. 246; of Napo- leon, p. 413; cf. James II, p. 355. See Abdication De Quincey, Thomas. Writings, 1256 Derby, fourteenth earl of, pp. 425. 43 1 De Ruyter, M. A., Dutch admiral, P-338 Deschamps, P. C. E. Diction- naire, 351 Descriptive Catalogue of Deeds, 116, p. 223 Despensers, the, under Ed. II, P- 2 3S Desplaces, E. E. Biographic, 168 De Tocqueville. See Tocqueville Dettingen, battle of, 1743 A.D., P-378 Deutsche Zeitschrift, 264 Devizes, Richard of, works by : Crusades, 594, p. 217 ; Richard I, 1162, p. 217 Devolution, War of, 1667-1668 A.D., p. 348 Dewar, Daniel. Dictionary, 457 D'Ewes, Simonds. Journals, 1175, p. 297 Dewey, Melvil. Catalog, 40 Dial, the, 227 Diaries, p. 102 Diary of Long Parl., 1153, p. 326 Diary of Parl. of 1626 A.D., 1154, P- 323 Dicey, A. V., works by : Law of the Const., 960, p. 441 ; Privy Council, 960, p. 254 Dicey, Edward. Khedivate, 1560, P-435 Dickens, Charles. History, 861 Dickinson, G. L. Parliament, 1962, P- 423 Dickson, Thomas. Accounts of Scot., 615, p. 270 Dickson, W. P. Mommsen's Prov- inces (Rome), 1437, p. 172 Dictionaries, historical, p. 29. For others, see Philology Dictionary of Architecture, 519 Dictionary of Christian Biog., 163 Dictionary of National Biog., 164, p. 169, note Dictionnaire de Geographic, 351 Dictum of Kenilworth, 1267 A.D., p. 229 Diefenbach, Laurentius, works by : Glossarium, 485 ; Novum Glos- sarium, 485 Dietrich, Felix. Bibliographic, 262 Digby, K. E. Property, 961, p. 201 Digges, Dudley. Ambassador, ."55. P- 3 01 Dilke, C. W., works by : Greater Britain, 1838, p. 434 ; 1336 (Travel), p. 448 Dillon, H. A. Fairholt's Costume, 530, 1034, p. 171 Dillon, John, p. 432 Diplomatics, works on, p. 49 Disabilities, removal of political, P-437 Disabling Act, under Charles II, P-350 Disbanding Act, 1699 A.D., p. 369 Discovery, age of, p. 276 Dispatches, Brest, 1156, p. 407 Dispute, Venezuela boundary, 1895 A.D., p. 432 Disraeli, Benjamin, p. 431 ; life of, 1705, p. 427 INDEX 499 Dissenters, under Charles II, p. 345 ; under James II, p. 355 ; under the Stuarts, p. 359; re- moval of political disabilities from, p. 437 Dissolution of the chantries, under Ed. VI, p. 290 ; of the monas- teries, 1536, 1540 A.D., p. 286. See Confiscations Distraint of knighthood, enforced under Charles I, p. 323 Distress, social, under Eliz., p. 296 Divorce question, of Henry VIII and Catharine, p. 283 Dixon, R. W. Church of Eng., 997, p. 285 Dixon, W. H. Penn, 1786, p. 363 Doctrine, Monroe, p. 419 Doctrines, Wicliffite, p. 249 Documents, Buckingham, 1257, P-3 2 3 Dodge, T. A. Caesar, 1492, p. 175 Domesday Book, p. 204 ; work on, 1399, p. 204 Dominica, island of, p. 451 Dominican friars, arrival in Eng- land, 1 220 A.D., p. 249 Dominion of Canada, section on, P-453 Donne, W. B. George III, 1265, P- 389 Dorman, M. R. P. Empire, 1561, p. 404 D'Orsey, A. J. D. Portuguese Asia and Af., 807 A (p. 474), p. 449 Dove, P. E. Studies, 862, p. 205 Dover, Secret Treaty of, 1670 A.D., p. 348 Dow, J. G. Ideals, 1063, p. 339 Dowell, Stephen. Taxation, 863, p. 201 Doyle, J. A. Colonies, 1871, p. 361 Doyle, J. E. Baronage, 541 Drake, Francis, seaman, p. 300 ; expedition to Cadiz, 1587 A.D., p. 305 ; lives of, 1553, 1737, pp. 298, 299 Dress. See Society, state of Drogheda, Massacre of, i649A.D., P- 337 Droysen, Gustav. Handatlas, 420 Droysen, J. G. Grundriss (Out- lines), 280 Druids, religion of, p. 170 Dryden, John, poet and drama- tist, pp. 359, 396. Works, 1258, P-354 Dublin Review, 244 Du Cange. Glossarium, 486 Du Chaillu, P. B., works by : Scan- dinavia, p. 188 ; Viking Age, 1415, p. 169 Dudley, Edmund, punishment of, by Henry VIII, p. 279 Dudley, John (Duke of Northum- berland and Earl of Warwick), p. 290 ; execution of, 1 553 A.D., p. 293 ; life of, 1819, p. 267 Dudley, Robert. See Leicester, Earl of Dufferin, Lord. Emigration, 2023, p. 440 Duffy, C. G., works by: Ireland, 1668, p. 426; League, 1668, p. 440 Du Guesclin. See Bertrand du Guesclin Dunbar, A. H. Scottish Kings, 439 Dunbar, battle of, 1650 A.D., p. 337 Dundee, Viscount (John Graham of Claverhouse), rising under, at accession of William III, p. 366; life of, 1725, p. 368 Dundonald, Thomas, Earl of. Cochrane, 1728, p. 417 Dunkirk, battle of, under the Pro- tectorate, p. 341 Dunkirk, sale of, by Charles II, P-345 Dunlop, Robert, works by : Mun- ster, 1669, p. 303 ; O'Connell, 1779, p. 409 Dunstan, reforms of, p. 187 Dupleix, J. F., in India, p. 446 Duquesne's Proclamation, in America, p. 382 Durand, John, works by : Ameri- can Rev., 1337, p. 389 ; Taine's Regime, 1514, p. 409 Durham's Report, Lord, I839A.D., P-453 5 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Duruy, Victor, works by : France, 808, p. 250 ; Middle Ages, 713, p. 178 ; Modern Times, 713, p. 266 Dutaillis, Ch. Petit-. Soulevement, 2042, p. 244 Dutch, the, time of Eliz., pp. 296, 300 ; Commonwealth, p. 338 ; Protectorate, p. 341 ; Charles II, p. 345. See Holland ; and Neth- erlands Dutch East India Co., p. 446; settlements by, in Cape Colony, 1652 A.D., p. 461 Dutt, W. A. East Anglia, 367 Dwellings, classification as to, p. 1 68; of the Britons, p. 170; of the early Germans, p. 176. See Society, state of Dyer, T. E. T. Customs, 503 Dyke, Offa's, p. 181 Eaden, I. M. Boutmy's Angle- terre, 957, p. 250 Eames, Wilberforce. Catalogs, 44 Earldoms, of Canute, p. 191 ; rival, under the Confessor, p. 193 Earle, John, works by : Chroni- cles, 673 A (p. 474), p. 173; Land-Charters, 1157, p. 201 Early Chroniclers, 714 Early Eng. Text Soc., 188 East India Bill, p. 446 East India Company, pp. 318,446 East Indies, p. 446 East-Saxons, settlement of, p. 178 Eastern Ass'n, during the Civil War, p. 329 Eastern Question, p. 428 Ebert, Adolph. Geschichte, 19, p. 202 Ecclesiastical Titles Act, p. 425 Ecgfrith, King, p. 181 Eckenstein, Lina. Monasticism, 715, p. 201 Economic history, works on, pp. 83, 115, 161 ; cf. pp. 52, 61, 70, 87, 92, 116, 124 ficonomistes et Publicistes, 1400 Ed-Din Beha. See Be/id Eden, C. H. West Indies, 1907, P-45I Edgar, King, pp. 186, 187 Edgehill, battle of, 1642 A.D., P-3 2 9 Edict of Nantes, revocation of, 1685 A.D., p. 355 Edinburgh, founded by Edwin, p. 181 ; riot at, 1637 A.D., p. 326 Edington, battle of, 878 A.D., p. 187 Edmands, John. Wycliffe, 130, p. 241 Edmonds, J. L. Zimmer's Cul- ture, 1024, p. 200 Edmund I, King, p. 187 Edmund II (Ironside), p. 190 Edmund, Prince, declared king of Sicily, p. 229 Education, influence of Christi- anity upon, among the Anglo- Saxons, p. 197 ; laws against Irish Catholics in respect to, p. 372; in India, p. 446; works on, pp. 82, 115, 1 60; cf. pp. 52, 61, 70, 87, 92, 1 1 6, 124. See also Society, state of Educational Review, 228 Edward the Elder, King, p. 187 Edward the Confessor, 1042-1066 A.D., p. 193 Edward the Martyr, p. 190 Edward I, as prince, p. 229 ; in the Seventh Crusade, p. 229 ; 12721307 A.D., p. 232 ; lives of, 1739- P- 2 3 ! Edward II, 1307-1327 A.D., p. 235 Edward III, 1327-1360 A.D., p. 238; 1360-1377 A.D., p. 241 ; lives of, 1597, 1602, 1660, pp. 239, 240 Edward IV, final victory, p. 263; 1461-1483 A.D., p. 265 Edward V, 1483 A.D., p. 268 Edward VI, son of Jane Seymour, p. 286; 1547-1553 A.D., p. 290; abrogation of laws of, by Mary Tudor, p. 293 Edward VII, 1901-1910 A.D., p. 431 Edward the Black Prince, life of, 1738, p. 240 Edwards, Edward, works by : Hyda, 1180 A (p. 474), p. 187 ; Raleigh, 1793, p. 301 Edwards, O. M. Wales, 864, p. 166 INDEX 501 Edwin, Earl, defection from Har- old, p. 195 Edwin, King, p. 181 Egbert, J. C. Inscriptions, 574 Egbert, King, p. 181 Egerton, H. E., works by : Co- lonial Policy, 1839, p. 31 1 ; Colo- nies, 1839, p. 467 ; Raffles, 1792, p. 464 Eggleston, Edward, works by : Beginners, 1872, p. 303 ; Civili- zation, 1872, p. 363 Eginhard. Charlemagne, 1066, p. 181 Egypt, pp. 406, 425, 43 2 . 434 (special references to) ; bibl. on, 97. P- 435 Eikon Basilike, 1246, pp. 326, 333 Ekelb'f, J. A. Nordenskiold's Atlas, 429 Elba, Napoleon at, p. 413 Eldon, Lord Chancellor, life of, 1740, p. 384 Elections, Wilkes and free, 1769- 1782 A.D., p. 395 Eliot, John, p. 322 ; life of, 1741, p. 321 Elizabeth, Queen, p. 283; 1558- 1570 A.D., p. 296; 1570-1587 A.D., p. 300; 1587-1603 A.D., p. 305 ; lives of, 1742, p. 299. Letters, 1225, p. 297 Elizabeth, Princess Palatine, life of, 914, p. 321 Elliot, Gilbert. Letters, 1259, p. 379 Elliot, Hugh, life of, 1743, p. 387 Elliott, A. M. Biography, 66, p. 435 Ellis, Havelock. Science, 491 Ellis, Henry, works by : Fabyan's Chronicles, 596, p. 217 ; Letters, 642, p. 204 ; Literary Men, 642, p. 396; Vergil's History, 1218, p. 261 Elmendorf, H. L. Catalog, 40 Elsing, Henry. Debates, 1158, P. 319 Elton, C. I. Origins, 1562, p. 169 Elvin, C. N. Heraldry, 561 Ely, R. T., works by : Library, 1398 ; Methods, 287 Ely Lectures, 716 Elyot, Thomas. Gouernour, 1367, P-39 Emancipation, Catholic, Act of, 1829 A.D., p. 419 Emerson, G. R. Gladstone, 1748, p. 424 Emerton, Ephraim, works by : Erasmus, 1461, p. 278 ; Intro- duction, 1416, p. 176; Mediasval Eur., 717, p. 198 ; Methods, 287 Emigration, English, under James I, p. 318; after 18 1 6 A. D., p. 414. See also the colonies Emigration, Irish, under William III, pp. 366, 378 ; reign of Anne, p. 372; 1689-1789 A.D., p. 396 ; after the Potato Famine, p. 425 Emmet's Insurrection, 1803 A.D., p. 406 Empire. See British Empire ; and Colonization and Empire Employers' liability, p. 436 Empress of India, p. 446 Empson, Richard, p. 276; punish- ment by Henry VIII, p. 279 Enclosures, 1399-1485 A. D., p. 270; evils of, under Ed. VI, p. 290 ; under the Tudors, p. 309 ; re- newal of, in the eighteenth cen- tury, p. 395 Encumbered Estates Act, 1849 A.D., p. 425 Encyclopaedia Americana, 148 Encyclopaedia Britannica, 149, p. 1 66; Guide to, 150 Encyclopaedias, p. 16 England. For geography, see Brit- ish Isles ; for the main divisions of Eng. histoiy see Contents, pp. xiiff. Engle, E. L. Year Book, 167, p. 434 English, increasing use of, 1216- 1399 A.D., p. 249; influence of Caxton upon, p. 270 English Chronicles, 643 English Citizen, 1563 English Garner, 644, p. 256 English Hist. Reprints, 645, p. 184 English Hist. Rev., 245, p. 174 English Hist: Soc., 189 502 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY English Hist, by Contemporary Writers, 646 English Hist, from Sources, 647 English Leaders, 934 English Men of Action, 932 English Men of Letters, 933 English periodicals, p. 23 English philology, works on, p. 41 English Readings for Students, 648 English Reprints, 649, p. 290 English Scholar's Lib., 1068 English tribal rivalries, 600-840 A.D., p. 181 English Worthies, 935 Enniskillen, siege of, 1689 A.D., p. 366 Entails, statutes of Ed. I affect- ing, p. 232 Episcopacy, abolition of, in Scot- land, 1638 A.D., p. 326; again in Scotland, 1690 A.D., p. 366; in Ireland, 1869 A.D., p. 432. See also Religion in the British Isles ; and Society, state of Epistolae Oxon., 1392, p. 273 Epochs of Am. Hist., 1840 Epochs of Church Hist., 719 Epochs of Eng. Hist., 865 Epochs of Modern Hist., 720 Equity Ser., 1417 Erasmus, Desiderius, p. 276; lives of, 1461, p. 278 Erie, Lake, battle of, 1813 A.D., p. 414 Erse, the, p. 170 Erskine, Thomas. Speeches, 1260, P- 388 Escheat, in feudalism, p. 223 Escott, T. H. S., works by : Eng- land, 1564, p. 439 ; Victorian Age, 2024, p. 440 Eskimos, possible kin of British races, p. 168 Essayists, the, p. 437 Essays in Anglo-Saxon Law, 1964, p. 197 Essays on Reform, 1965, p. 423 Essentials in Hist., 718 Essenwein, A. Bilderatlas, 334, p. 199 Essex Papers, 1261, p. 348 Essex, second earl of (Robert Devereux), treason to Eliz., P-305 Established Church. See Religion in the British Isles Ethelfleda, Lady, p. 187 Ethelred the Unready, p. 190 Ethelstan, King, p. 187 Ethelwerd. See Six Chron. Etheridge, W. G. Feilden's Const. Hist, 962, p. 198 Ethnology, methods and value of, p. 1 68; works on, p. 44 European History Studies, 595 Evangelical Movement, p. 396 Evans, John, works by : Bronze Implements, 504, p. 169; Stone \ Implements, 504, p. 169 Eve, G. W. Heraldry, 562 Evelyn, John. Diary, 1262, p. 334 Evesham, battle of, 1265 A.D., p. 229 Evictions, provisions as to Irish, 1870 A.D., p. 432 Ewald, A. C., works by : Refer- ence Book, 542 ; State Papers, 866, p. 259 Ewing, T. T. Australasia, 1928, p. 458 Exchequer, under Henry I, p. 209 ; stop of, under Charles II, p. 348. See also Specie payments Excise Bill of 1733 A.D., failure of, P- 378 Exclusion Bill, 1679 A.D., p. 350 Expansion, colonial. See the colo- nies separately Expedition, of Drake to Cadiz, 1587 A.D., p. 305 ; of Raleigh to Guiana, 1617-1618 A.D., p. 318; to the Isle of Rhe, 1627 A.D., p. 322 ; of Monmouth, 1685 A.D., p. 355; to Egypt, 1798-1801 A.D., p. 406; Walcheren, 1809 A.D., p. 413 Expenses, increase of state, 1216- 1399 A.D., p. 249 Expulsion of the Jews, 1290 A.D., p. 232 Eyton, R. W. Itinerary of Henry II, 1159, p. 214 INDEX 503 f'abyan, Robert. Chronicles, 596, p. 217 Factory system, p. 395; reforms, p. 422 ; inspection, p. 436 Fairfax, replaced by Cromwell, P- 337 ;' life of . J 744> P- 3 28 Fairholt, F. W. Costume, 530, 1034, p. 171 Fairs, 1216-1399 A.D., p. 249 Falkiner, C. L. Irish Hist, 922, P- 399 Falkirk, battle of, 1298 A.D., p. 232 Falkirk Moor, battle of, iy46A.D., P- 378 Family Compact, Bourbon, 1761 A.D., p. 385 Famines, Indian, p. 446; Irish, P-425 Famous Scots, 936 Favenc, Ernest. Exploration, 1929, P-459 Favourites, under Henry III, p. 229 ; punishment of, by the Good Parl., 1376 A.D., p. 241 ; tyranny of Richard IPs, p. 246; of James I, p. 318; Dutch, under William III, p. 366 Favre, Leopold. Du Cange's Glossarium, 486 Fealty, p. 223 Federal and State Constitutions, 1338, p. 301 Federation, Australian, p. 457 ; imperial, p. 466. See also Aus- tralasia ; and Canada Feilden, H. St. C. Const. Hist., 962, p. 198 Feriian rising, 1867 A.D., p. 432 Fenton, James. Tasmania, 1930, P- 459 Fergusson, James. Architecture, 520 Fernald, F. A. Index, 235 Ferris, Eleanor. Knights Tem- plars, 1035, p. 227 Feudalism, pp. 204, 207, 213, 223. See Society, state of Fiction, pp. 31, 172, note. See Il- lustrative material Field of the Cloth of Gold, 1520 A.D., p. 280 Fifteenth-century Prose and Verse, 1160, p. 256 Fighting Instructions, 650, p. 310 Fiji Islands, p. 456 Filmer, Robert. Patriarcha, 1374 Finance. See Society, state of Fines, under Henry VII, p. 276 Finisterre, Cape, naval engage- ment off, 1805 A.D., p. 410 Finnemore, John. Social Eng., 1036, p. 198 Finniss, B. T. South Australia, i93i. P- 459 Fire, Great, 1666 A.D., p. 359 Firth, C. H., works by : Claren- don's Hist., 1565, p. 331 ; Clarke Papers, 1251, p. 334 ; Cromwell, 1733, p. 328 ; Cromwell and the Crown, 1565, p. 343 ; Cromwell's Army, 1565, p. 335; Dunbar, 1565, p. 343 ; Letters of Crom- well, 1253, p. 334 ; Mai'ston Moor, 1565, p. 330 ; Stuart Tracts, 1207, p. 305; Venables, 1360, p. 342 ; Wentworth Papers, 1319, p. 319 Fish, Simon. Supplication, 1401, P- 39 Fisher, John, execution of, 1535 A.D., p. 286; life of, 1745, p. 285 Fisher, J. A. Bibl. of Eccles. Hist, 67, p. 202 Fisher, S. G., works by : American Rev., 1873, p. 390 ; Penn, 1786, P-3^3 Fiske, A. K. West Indies, 1908, P- 45 2 Fiske, John, works by : Appleton's Biography, 159 ; Colonies, 1874, p. 313 ; Discovery, 721, p. 169 ; Essays, 721, p. 361 ; New Eng., 1874, p. 307 ; New France, 1874, p. 380 ; Virginia, 1874, p. 307 Fitzherbert, A. Boke, 1402, p. 273 Five Members, arrest of the, 1642 A.D., p. 329 Five Mile Act, 1665 A.D., p. 345 Flambard. See Ranulf Flambard Flanders, Relations with, under Ed. I, p. 232. See also Society, state of ( Commerce) 504 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Fletcher, C. R. L. Gustavus Adol- phus, 1464, p. 325 Fletcher, Robert. Milton's Works, 1295, p. 199 Fletcher, W. I., works by: An- nual Index, 42 ; General Litera- ture, 41 ; Periodical Literature, 221 Fleurus, battle of, 1690 A.D., p. 366 Fling, F. M., works by : European Hist. Studies, 595 ; Method, 281 Flint, Robert. Philosophy of Hist., 282 Flodden Field, battle of, 1513 A.D., p. 280 Flowers of Hist., 613, p. 229 Folk-Lore, works on, p. 44 Folk- Lore Journal, 190 Folk-Lore Soc. Folk-Lore, 190 Fonblanque, Albany de. How we are Governed, 1966, p. 438 Fontenoy, battle of, 1745 A.D., P-378 Food, adulteration of, p. 436. See also Society, state of Forbes, Archibald. Campbell, 1716, p. 449 Foreign Countries and British Colonies, 1841 Foreign office, colonies under, p. 466 Foreign Statesmen, 722 Foreigners, repression of, under Henry III, p. 229 Forester, Thomas, works by : Al- fred, 1571, p. 187 ; Huntingdon's Chronicle, 661, p. 170; Worces- ter's Chronicle, 695, p. 178; Vital's History, 612, p. 204 Forests, under William I, p. 204 ; under Charles I, p. 323 Forfeiture, under feudalism, p. 223 Forshall, Josiah. Wyclitfe's Bible, 1384. P- 253 Forster, John, works by: Eliot, 1741, p. 321 ; Five Members, 1566, p. 331 ; Remonstrance, 963, p. 254; Statesmen, 963, p. 324 Forster, W. E., life of, 1746, p. 424 Forsyth, William. Jury, 964, p. 177 Fort, G. S. British S. Af., p. 462 Ft. St. George (Madras), p. 446 Ft. William (Calcutta), p. 446 Fortescue, G. K., works by : In- dex, 43 ; Porter's List, n Fortescue, John. Governance, 1369, p. 265 Fortescue, J. W. Calendar, 1332, P-45 1 Fortifications of the Britons, p. 170 Fortnightly Rev., 246 Forty-two Articles, 1553 A.D., p. 290 Fosbroke, T. D. Monachism, 998, p. 201 Foss, Edward. Judges, 165, p. 227 Fossil Continent, p. 459 Foster, E. Ranke's Popes, 774, p. 285 Foster, F. H. Method, 283 Foster, H. D., works by : Geneva, 809, p. 253 ; Syllabus, 307, p. 167 Foster, Joseph. Peerage, 543 Foster, William, works by : Charles I, and E. I. Co., 1914, p. 328 ; Letters, 1343, p. 447 Foster, W. E. Methods, 287 Fotheringay, Treaty of, 1480 A.D., p. 265 Fotheringham, J. K. Brodrick's England, 1542, p. 408 Fowke, F. R. Bayeux Tapestry, 1121, p. 193 Fowler, R. C. Calendar, 1134, p. 266 Fowler, W. W. Caesar, 1457, p. 1 7 5 Fox, C. J., p. 410; lives of, 1747, pp. 387, 392. Memorials, 1263, P-385 Fox, John. See Foxe Foxcroft, H. C. Suppl. to Burnet's History, 1129, p. 305 Foxe, John. Martyrs, 597, p. 185 France, relations with Ed. I, p. 232; possessions of Ed. Ill in, p. 238 ; wars with, under Richard II, p. 244 ; conditions in, at time of Henry V, p. 258 ; marriage of Henry V to Cath- erine of, p. 258 ; renewal of war with, by Henry V, p. 258 ; Duke of Bedford regent in, p. 260; INDEX 505 effect of Hundred Years' War in, time of Henry VI, p. 260 ; opposition of Henry VIII to, p. 280 ; war with, under Mary Tudor, p. 293 ; civil strife and weakness in, at time of Eliz., p. 300; war with, under Charles I, p. 322; treaty with, under the Pro- tectorate, p-34i; Treatyof Breda with, 1667 A.D., p. 345; war with Palatinate, 1689-1697 A.D., p. 366 ; career of John Law in, p. 375; destruction of com- merce of, p. 382 ; war with, 1778-1783 A.D., p. 388; Revo- lution in, p. 402 ; alliance with England and Sardinia, p. 428 ; commercial treaty with, 1860 A.D., p. 432 ; aid of, for the Irish, p. 446. See also Canada ; India; Normandy, etc. ; far-works on, see Countries, individual Franchise, restriction of Parl., 1399-1485 A.D., p. 270 Francis. See Leeds Franciscans, coming of, to Eng- land, 1224 A.D., p. 249 Francisco. Treaty, 1069, p. 318 Franklin, Alfred. Sources, 83 Franklin, Benjamin, life of, 1462, P-37 Frazer, N. L. English Hist., 1161, p. 236 Fredericq, Paul. History, 284 Freebooters in the Eng. Channel, time of Eliz., p. 300 Freedom of the press, 1694 A.D., P-395 I* reeman, E. A., works by : Essays, 723, p. 177; Exeter (Historic Towns), 868, p. 174; Froude's Becket, 1706, p. 216; Geogra- phy, 368, p. 1 67 ; Growth of Const, 965, p. 202 ; Historic Towns (see Boase ; Burrows ; Creigkton ; Cutts ; Freeman ; Hunt; Kitchin ; Loftie ; Raine}, 868; Lectures, 1418, p. 179; Methods, 285; National Unity, p. 467 ; Norman Conquest, 867, p. 179; Old Eng. Hist., 1567, p. 171; Politics, 723, p. 202 ; Short Hist, 867, p. 194 ; Sketch, 723, p. 191 ; Three Homes, 723, p. 179; Towns and Districts, 368, p. 167 ; Wells, 999, p. 201 ; William the Conqueror, 1827, p. 196; William Rufus, 1567, p. 208 Freemen, 1216-1399 A.D., p. 249 French bibl., p. 1 1 ; periodicals, p. 25; philology, works on, p. 43 Frere, Bartle. South Af., 1949, p. 462 Freytag, Gustav. Luther, 1475, p. 285 Friars, coming of, to England, p. 249 Frobisher, Martin, navigator, p. 300 Froissart, John, works by : Chroni- cles, 1070, pp. 236, 238 ; Ex- traits, 607, p. 242 Frothingham, Richard. Republic, i75> p. 391 Froude, J. A., works by : Armada, 724, p. 254; Beaconsfield, 1705, p. 424; Becket, 1706, p. 216; Caesar, 1457, p. 171; England, 1568, p. 251 ; Erasmus, 1461, p. 278 ; Hickson's Massacres, 1671, p. 330 ; Ireland, 1670, p. 226; Oceana, 1842, p. 459; Seamen, 1568, p. 298 ; Studies, 724, p. 201 ; West Indies, 1909, P-45 2 Fuller, Thomas, works by: Church Hist, 1000, p. 174 ; Worthies, 937 Fuller Worthies Lib., 1264 Fulton, John. Ten Epochs of Church Hist., 790 Furneaux, Henry. Taciti de Ger- mania, 1113, p. 176 Furniture. See Society, state of Furnivall, F. J., works by: Holin- shed's Chronicle, 1168, p. 170; Stubbes's Anatomic, 1210, p. 309 Fustel de Coulanges. See Cou- langes Fyfe, H. H. Annals, 320 Fyffe, C. A. Modern Eur., 725, 1419, p. 403 5o6 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Gaedhil and Gaill, 1222, p. 190 Gaels, the, p. 170 Gairdner, J., works by : Brewer's Henry VIII, 1541, p. 281; Busch's England, 1545, p. 277 ; Chroni- clers, England, 869, p. 198 ; Chronicles, 651, p. 239 ; Cade's Rebellion, 1569, p. 262 ; Collec- tions, 1170, pp. 258, 261; Di- vorce of Henry VIII, 1569, p. 285; Henry VII, 1756, p. 278 ; Lancaster and York, 869, p. 244 ; Memorials of Henry VII, 1182, p. 276 ; Paston Letters, 672, p. 261 ; Princes, 1569, p. 278 ; Richard III, 869, p. 267 ; Stud- ies, 870, p. 254 ; Wolsey, 1569, p. 285 Gama. See Vasco da Gama Gamache, Cyprien de. Memoirs, "23. p. 359 Gambia, the, p. 460 Gammage, R. G. Chartist Move- ment, 1967, p. 426 Gardiner, B. M. See Cordery, B. M. Gardiner, S. R., bibl. for, 60 ; works by : Atlas, 422 ; Biogra- phies, 938, p. 231 ; Charles I and Glamorgan, 1570, p. 336; Civil War, 1570, p. 331 ; Crom- well, 1733, p. 328 ; Cromwell and Mazarin, 1570, p. 340 ; Crom- well's Place, 1733, p. 336; De- bates in Commons, 1151, p. 323 ; Debates, 1610 A.D., 1193, p. 319 ; Documents, 1370, p. 323 ; El- sing's Debates, 1158, p. 319; England, 1603-1642 A.D., 1570, p. 313; First Dutch War, 1178, p. 338 ; Francisco's Narrative, 1069, p. 318; Gunpowder Plot, 1570, p. 320 ; Hamilton Papers, 1165, p. 327 ; Impeachment of Buckingham, 1257, p. 323; In- troduction, 118, p. 169, note; Plan for Straff ord, 1570, p. 331 ; Puritan Rev., 1570, p. 31 1 ; Span- ish Marriage, 1570, p. 320; Star Chamber, 1380, p. 323 ; Student's Hist., 832, p. 1 68 ; Thirty Years' War, 1420, p. 311 Gardiner, Mrs. S. R. See Cordery, B. M. Garneau, F. X. Canada (Histoire), 1891, p. 455 Garnett, R., works by : Milton, 106, 1772, p. 325; Wakefield, 1816, p. 459 Gamier, R. M., works by : Landed Interest, 1037, p. 171 ; Peasantry, 1037, p. 201 Garrisons, Roman, in Britain, p. 1 73 Gasquet, F. A., works by : Essays, 1001, p. 225; Henry VIII, 1991, p. 199 ; Hope's Divorce, 1580, p. 278 ; Lingard's England, 837, p. 171 Gaunt, John of, campaigns of, p. 241 Gautier, Leon. Chevalerie, 726, p. 202 Gaveston, Piers, favourite of Ed. II, p. 235 Gavet, G. Sources, 84 Gayangos, P. de. Calendar, 1064, p. 280 Gee, Henry. Documents, 652, P- 173 Geikie, Archibald, works by : Ge- ography, 369, p. 1 66; Scenery, 3,69, P- 167 Geikie, Cunningham. Reforma- tion, 1002, p. 227 Geikie, James. Scotland, p. 167 Genealogy, works on, p. 47 Geneva, Arbitration of, 1872 A.D., P- 43 2 Genouillac, H. G. de. L'Art Her- aldique, 563 Gentleman's Magazine, 247 Geoffrey Fitz Peter, justiciar, p. 217 Geoffrey of Monmouth. See Mon- mouth Geography. See Physiography Geology, value to history, p. 168 George I, 1714-1727 A.D., p. 375 George II, 1727-1754 A.D., p. 378 ; 1754-1760 A.D., p. 382 George III, 1760-1 770 A. 0.^.385; 1770-1782 A.D., p. 388 ; 1782- 1789 A.D., p. 393; 1789-1795 INDEX 507 A.D., p. 4O2; 1795-1804 A.I)., p. 406; 1804-1807 A.D., p. 410; 1807-1820 A. D., p. 413. Corre- spondence, '1265, P- 385 George IV, 1820-1830 A.D., p. 419 George V, 1910 A.D., etc., p. 431 (P- 475) George, H. B., works by : Battles, 871, p. 195 ; Empire, 370, p. 167 ; Geography, 370, p. 166; Tables, 544 Gerard, Father. Gunpowder Plot, 1385, p. 318 German bibl., p. 1 1 ; periodicals, P- 25 Germans, the early, p. 176 Germany, and the papacy, alliance of Henry VIII with, p. 280 ; for works on, see Cormtries, indi- vidual Geschichte der Europaischen Staaten, 727 Gesta Romanorum, 326, p. 197 Getchell, M. S. Method, 304 Ghent, Treaty of, 1814 A. D., p. 414 Gibbins, H. de B., works by: Atlas, 412; Commerce, 728, p. 250; Industrial Hist., 1038, p. 198 ; Industry, 1038, p. 168 Gibbon, Edward. Empire, 729, p. 171 ; abr., 729, p. 171 Gibraltar, capture of, 1704 A.D., p. 372; siege of, 1 779-1 782 A.D., p. 388 Giesebrecht, W. v. Geschichte, 727 Gilbert, Humphrey, explorer and colonizer, p. 300 Gildas. Works, 1162, p. 173 Gilds, craft and merchant. See Society, state of Giles, J. A., works by : Alfred, 1228, p. 182; Anglo-Saxon Chron., 618, 653, p. 170; Bede's History, 653, p. 170; Bede's Works, 1122, p. 170; Britons, 1162, p. 171 ; Gildas's Works, 1162, p. 173; Malmesbury's Chron., 667, p. 181 ; Memorials of Alfred, 1571, p. 187 ; Mon- mouth's History, 1183, p. 170; Nennius's Works, 1162, p. 170; Paris's History, 1191, p. 229 ; Richard of Devizes's Richard I, 1162, p. 217 ; Six Chron., 1162, p. 170 Gill, Thomas. Bibliography, 98, p. 460 Gilman, D. C., works by : De Tocqueville's Democracy, 1518, p. 321 ; Encyclopaedia, 153, p. 166 Gilson, J. P. Parliament, 1969, p. 230 Ginn & Company. Atlas, 423 Giry, A. Manuel, 575 Giustiaman, Sebastian. Henry VIII, 1127, p. 280 Gladstone, W. E., pp. 428, 431, 466 ; lives of, 1748, pp. 421-, 424 ; works by : Gleanings, 730, p. 288 ; Speeches, 1266, p. 429 Gleig, G. R. Brialmont's Willing- ton, 1822, p. 409 Glencoe, Massacre of, 1692 A.D., p. 366 Glendower, rebellion of Owen, under Henry IV, p. 256 Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of, Protector, p. 260 Gloucester, Richard of. See Rich- ard III Gloucester, Robert of. Writings, 1173, p. 229 Gneist, Rudolph, works by : Eng. Const., 966, p. 202 ; Parliament, 966, p. 202 Goa, Conquest of, 1 510 A.D., p. 446 Godefroy, Frederic. Dictionnaire, 480 Goderich, Viscount (F. J. Robin- son), prime minister, p. 419 Godet, T. L. Bermuda, 1910, p. 452 Godfrey, Elizabeth. Home Life, 2026, p. 362 Godwin, Earl, p. 193 Gotzinger, E. Reallexicon, 505 Goidels, the, p. 170 Gomm, F. C. Carr-. Administra- tions, 318, p. 407 Gomme, G. L., works by : Folk- Moots, 108, p. 202 ; Literature, 68 Gonzales, Don Manoel. London, "63, p. 396 508 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Gooch, G. P., works by : Annals, 319; Ideas, 1970, p. 363 Good Parliament, reforms of, 1376 A.D., p. 241 Goodrich, C. A. Eloquence, 654, P-3 2 3 Goodwin, U. M. Pauli's Mont- fort, 1773, p. 222 Gordon, Arthur. Aberdeen, 1692, p. 417 Gordon, C. G., p. 432. Journals, 1267, p. 43 2 Gordon, Duff. Sybel's Crusades, 788, p. 212 Gordon, W. J. Fonblanque's How we are Governed, 1966, p. 438 Gordon Riots, 1780 A.D., pp. 388, 395 Gosnold, Bartholomew, explorer and colonizer, p. 300 Gotch, J. A. Architecture, 522, P-3M Gould, S. Baring-. Lives, 598, p. 178 Government, among the early Germans, p. 176; internal, of King Edgar, p. 187. See also Society, state of; for works on, see Constitutional, Political, or Legal history Grace, Act of, 1690 A.D., p. 366 Graesse, J. G. Th. Orbis, 352 Grafton, third duke of, prime min- ister, p. 385 Graham, H. G. Scotland, 2025, P- 399 Grand Alliance, 1701 A.D., p. 369 Grand Remonstrance, 1641 A.D., P- 329 Grande Encyclopedic, La, 51 Grant, A. J. Monarchy, 811, p. 313 Grant, G. M. New Zealand, p. 458 Grant, James. Battles, 872, p. 196 Gravelines, meeting of Henry VIII and Charles V at, p. 280 Gray, G. J. Index, 99 Great Bible, under Henry VIII, p. 286 Great Charter, 1215 A.D., p. 220; confirmed under Henry III, p. 229 ; texts of, 577, 1376, p. 220 Great Council. See Cotincil Great Educators, 731 Great Englanders, p. 466 Great Fire, 1666 A.D., p. 359 Great Plague, 1665 A.D., p. 359 Great Protestation, 1621 A.D., p. 318 Great^Writers, 939 Greece, cession of the Ionian Islands to, 1864 A.D., p. 432 Greek Revolt, 1821-1829 A.D., p. 419 Green, A. S. A. See Green, Mrs. J. R. Green, J. R., works by : Analysis, 322; Conquest, 1572, p. 182; Eng. People, 873, p. 177 ; Liter- ature Primers, 386 ; Making of Eng., 1572, p. 1 66; Readings, 873, p. 176; Short Geog., 371, p. 1 66; Short Hist., 833, p. 174; Illus. ed., 873, pp. 31, 176; Studies, 873, p. 226 Green, Mrs. J. R., works by: Green's Hist., 873, pp. 31, 176; Green's Studies, 873, p. 226; Henry II, 1754, p. 216; Paget Papers, 1300, p. 402 ; Short Geog., 371, p. 1 66; Town Life, 2027, p. 273 Green, M. A. E., works by : Cal- endar, 1135, p. 301 ; Princesses, 940, p. 231 Green, W. D. Chatham, 1722, p. 380 Greenidge, A. H. J. Gibbon's Em- pire, 729, p. 171 Gregory VII (Hildebrand), pro- hibition of lay investiture by, at time of Henry I, p. 209 ; life of, 1469, p. 205 Gregory, J. W. Races, 495, p. 167 Gregory, William, Chronicle, 1170, p. 261 Grein, C. \V. M., works by : Dic- tionary, 467; Poems, 1164, p. 190; Sprachschatz, 464 Grenada, the island, p. 451 Grenadines, the islands, p. 451 Grenville, George, p. 385. Corre- spondence, 1268, p. 378 Grenville, Richard. Correspon- dence, 1268, p. 378 INDEX 509 Grenville, W. W., p. 410 Grenville Papers, 1268, p. 378 Greswell, W. P., works by: Canada, 1892, p. 454 ; Geogra- phy, 372, p. 454 Greville, C. C. F. Memoirs, 1269, p. 419 Greville, Fulke. See Brooke, Lord Grey, Charles, second earl, p. 422 Grey, Lady Jane, plot for her ac- cession after Ed. VI, p. 290 ; execution of, 1554 A.D., p. 293 Grey Friars. See Chronicle of Grievances, demand for redress of, 1640 A.D., p. 326 Griffin, A. P. C., works by : Bibli- ography, 179: Cabinets, 69, p. 400 ; Colonization, 69, p. 435 ; List, 119, p. 468 Griffis, W. E. Holland, 812, p. 176 Grimblot, Paul. Letters, 1071, P- 369 Grindal, Edmund, life of, 1749, p. 299 Grocyn, William, Oxford scholar, p. 276 Groome, F. H. Chambers's Dic- tionary, 161 Grosart, A. B. Brooke's Works, 1238, p. 301 Groschopp. Dictionary, 467 Gross, Charles, works by : Bibli- ography, 120, p. 203 ; Gild Mer- chant, 874, p. 201 ; Lavisse's Europe, 750, p. 361 ; List, 120 ; Sources, 120, p. 169, note Grosseteste, Robert, p. 249 ; life of, 1750, p. 254 ; works by : Rules, 1405; Writings, 1173, p. 229 Grosvenor, E. A. Duruy's Mod- ern Times, 713, p. 266 Grotefend, H. Taschenbuch, 441 Growoll, A., works by : Book- seller's Lib., 30 ; Booktrade, 44 Guesclin, Bertrand du, French commander, p. 241 Guest, Edwin. Origines, 1573, p. 167 Guest, M. J. Handbook, 834 Guiana, Raleigh's expedition to, 1617-1618 A.D., p. 318 Guidebooks, p. 33. See also Baedeker; and Murray Guides, historical, p. 28 Guilland, Antoine. Historiens, 286 Guillemard, F. H. H., works by : Cambridge Geog. Sen, 137 ; Magellan, 1476, p. 313 Guinea Company, under Eliz., p. 300 Guinegate, battle of, 1513 A.D., p. 280 Guizot, F. P., works by : Charles I, 1574, p. 325 ; Civilisation, 813, p. 225; Civilization, 732, p. 199; Cromwell, 1574, p. 340 ; Eng. Rev., 1574, p. 323 ; Essais, 813, p. 227; France, 813, p. 250; Monk, 1574, p. 343 Gummere, F. B. Origins, 1421, p. 177 Gunpowder plot, under James I, p. 318 Gurlitt, L. Jahresbericht, 569 Gurney, E. H. Handbook, 312 Gustavus Adolphus, lives of, 1464, PP- 321, 325 Guthrum, treaty with Alfred, p. 187 Gutteridge, H. C. Nelson, 1188, p. 407 Gwilt, Joseph. Architecture, 523 ' Habeas Corpus Act, 1679 A.D., pp. 350, 351 ; suspension of, p. 402 Haddan, A. W. Councils, 654 A (p. 474), p. 173 Hadrian's Wall, p. 173 Hausser, Ludwig. Reformation, 738, p. 281 Hague Conference, 1898 A.U., P- 43 2 Hague Tribunal, 1902 A.D., etc., P-43 2 Haigh, D. H. Alfred, 1571, p. 187 Hake, A. E. Gordon's Journals, 1267, p. 432 Hakluyt, Richard, geographer, p. 309 ; works by : Northwest Passage, 1072, p. 301 ; Voyages, I35 1 - P- 3 01 Hale, E. Stuarts, 733, p. 351 Halfpence, Wood's, p. 375 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Halkett, Anne. Autobiography, "70, P- 334 Hall, A. S. Emerald Isle, p. 167 Hall, Edward. Chronicle,655, p. 256 Hall, G. S., works by : Methods, 67, 287, p. 202 ; Pedagogical Lib., 294 Hall, Hubert, works by: Chat- ham's Policy, 1843, p. 386; Court Life, 2028, p. 226; Cus- tom-Revenue, 875, p. 249 ; Ex- chequer, 967 ; Policy of Eliz., J 575> P- 298 5 Society, 2028, p. 314; Unknown Charter, 1971, p. 222 Hall, J. L. Poems, 1164, p. 190 Hall, J. R. Dictionary, 465 Hall, J. R. C. Beowulf, 330, p. 180 Hall, S. C. Ireland, 373 Hall, Mrs. S. C. Ireland, 373 Hall, T. C. Religious Movements, 1992, p. 441 Hallam, Henry, works by: Const. Hist., 968, p. 278 ; Europe, 734, p. 199 Halleck, H. W. Jomini's Napo- leon, 1479, p. 405 Halliwell, J. O., works by: Dic- tionary, 466 ; Kings, 656, p. 217 ; Science, 656, p. 310; Wark- worth's Chronicle, 1223, p. 266 Halsted, C. A. Richard III, 1795, p. 264 Hamilton, Dukes of. Memoirs, 1271, p. 323 Hamilton, E. W. Gladstone, 1748, P-435 Hamilton, H. C. Calendar, 1137, p. 280 Hamilton, J. A. O'Connell, 1779, p. 417 Hamilton, R. V. Martin's Letters, 1293, p. 393 Hamilton, W. D:, works by : Cal- endar, 1135, p. 323 ; Wriothes- ley's Chronicle, 1226, p. 276 Hamilton Papers, 1165, p. 327 Hamley, Edward. Crimean War, i57<5. P- 43 Hampden, John, trial of, 1637 A.D., p. 326 Hampton Court Conference, 1604 A.D., p. 318 Handbook of Canada, 353, p. 455 Handbooks, historical, p. 30 Handbooks of Hist, of Religions, 735 Handcock, G. F., works by : Cal- endar, Ire., 626, p. 213; Calen- dar, Patent Rolls, 1134, p. 236 Handy Atlas, 414 Hannay, David, works by : Blake, I 77 P- 33 2 ; Hood's Letters, 1273, p. 388 ; Navy, 876, p. 272 Hanover, in the Seven Years' War, p. 382 ; separation of, from Great Britain, p. 425 Hanoverian succession in Great Britain, p. 375 Hansa Towns, 827, p. 251 Hansard, Debates, 1145, pp. 419, 422 Harbottle, T. B., works by : Allu- sions, 313; Battles, 313; Baye's Arts, 516 Harcourt, L. V. Rose Correspond- ence, 1308, p. 394 Hardecanute, King, p. 191 Harding, S. B. History, 736, p. 198 Hardwick MSS., 51, p. 327 Hardy, Thomas, Radical leader, acquittal of, p. 402 Hardy, T. D., works by : Modus Tenendi, 1377, p. 248 ; Syllabus, 121 Hardy, W. J. ' Documents, 652, P- 173 Hardyng's Chron., Continuation, 1185, p. 268 Hare, A. J. C. London, 374 Harington, Henry. Nugae, 1192, p. 271 Harington, John. Nugae, 1192 p. 271 Harleian Miscellany, 657, p. 174 Harley, Robert, life of, 1751, p. 372 Harold I, p. 191 Harold II, pp. 193, 195 Harold III (Hardrada), of Nor- way, invasion of, 1066 A.D., P- J 95 Harpers New Mo. Mag., 229, p. 1 66 INDEX Harpsfield, Nicholas. Divorce, 1167, p. 283 Harrington, James. Oceana, 1371, P-342 Harris, James. See Malmesbury Correspondence Harris, M. D. Coventry, 1039, p. 200 Harrison, Frederic, works by : Cromwell, 1733, p. 332 ; His- tory, 288, p. 252 Harrison, J. A. Dictionary, 467 Harrison, William, works by : Chronicles, 660, p. 170; Eng- land, 1168, p. 310 Harrisse, Henry. Cabots, 1714, p. 310 Harrop, Robert. Bolingbroke, 1708, p. 374 Hart, A. B., works by : Contem- poraries, 1339, p. 276; Epochs of Am. Hist., 1840 ; Essentials - in Hist., 718 ; 736, p. 198 ; 842, p. 1 66; Guide, 301, p. 167; Leaflets, 1340, p. 385 ; Methods, 287; Nation, 1866; Source-book, 1339. P- 276 Hart, Horace. Facsimiles, 579 Hartwig, Otto. Pauli's Aufsatze, 897- P- 2 43 Hartwright, Henry. Lancaster, 1577. P- 252 Harvard Historical Studies, 192 Harvard Law Rev., 230 Harvard Lib. Bibl. Bull., 45, p. 203 Harvard Univ. Index, 343 Harvard Univ. Lib. Bibl. Contri- butions, 46, p. 337 Harvey, Thomas. West Indies, *3& P- 452 Haskins, C. H., works by : Jury, 1972, p. 227 ; Students, 737, p. 226 Hassall, Arthur, works by : Bal- ance, 1422, p. 376; Essays, 991, p. 202 ; French People, 814, p. 271 ; Periods of Eur. Hist., 771 ; Stubbs's Introductions, 913, p. 189 Hasse, A. R. List, 70, p. 203 Hassencamp, R. Ireland, 923, P- 3H Hasting, life of, 1465, p. 188 Hastings, battle of, 1066 A.D., P- 195 Hastings, Francis, general, p. 446 Hastings, Warren, impeachment of, pp. 393, 446 ; lives of, 1752, PP- 394. 395 Hatton, Christopher, life of, 1753, P- 34 Hatton Correspondence, 658, P- 305 Haverfield, F. Christianity, 1993, p. 174 Hawkins, Edward. Silver Coins, 554 Hawkins, John, seaman, p. 300 Hay, John, works by : Lincoln, 1473, p. 435 ; Works of Lincoln, 1099, p. 432 Haydn. Dates, 442 Hayward, John. Elizabeth, 1169, p. 296 Hazen, C. D., works by : Opinion, 1086, p. 403 ; Sources, 307 Hazlitt, William, works by : Na- poleon, 1479, p. 405 ; Luther, 1 100, pp. 309, 315 Hazlitt, William (the Younger), works" by : Guizot's Civilization, 732, p. 199; Guizot's Revolu- tion, 1574, p. 323 Hazlitt, W. C., works by : Collec- tions, 99; Handbook, 99; In- dex, 99 Head, Edmund. Lewis's Admin- istrations, 1975, p. 374 Heard, F. F. Bacon's Essays, 1232 Hearn, L. Trip to W. I., p. 452 Hearn, W. E. Aryan Household, 1423, p. 169 Heeren, Ukert. Geschichte, 727 Hefele, C. J. Councils, 1424, p. 174 Heilprin, Angelo. Lippincott's Gazetteer, 356 Heilprin, Louis, works by : Ref- erence Book, 314 ; Lippincott's Gazetteer, 356 Heimskringla, 599, p. 190 Heinemann, H. E. O. Freytag's Luther, 1475, p. 285 512 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Helmolt, H. F. World, 739, p. 252 Henderson, B. W. Legions, 1578, p. 174 Henderson, E.F., works by: Docu- ments, 600, p. 176; Germany, 815, p. 176; Side-Lights, 659, p. 32 ; p. 297 Hengist, settlements under, p. 177 Henley, Walter of. Husbandry, 1405, p. 249 Henrici Quinti Gesta, 1072 A (p. 474), p. 258 Henrietta Maria, marriage of, with Charles I, p. 322 Henry I, 1100-1135 A.D., p. 209 Henry II, 1154-1189 A.D., p. 213 ; life of, 1754, p. 216 Henry III, 1216-1272 A.D., p. 229 Henry IV, 1399-1413 A.D., p. 256 Henry V, invasion of, p. 246; 1413-1422 A.D., p. 258 ; lives of, 1755, p. 260 Henry VI, 1422-1451 A.D., p. 260; 1451-1461 A.D., p. 263 Henry VII, as earl of Richmond, p. 268; 1485-1509 A.D., p. 276; life of, 1756, p. 278 Henry VIII, 1509-1527 A.D., p. 279; 1527-1534 A.D., p. 283; 1 534-1 547 A.D., p. 286 ; lives of, 1541, 1548, p. 281 Henry of Lancaster. See Henry V Henry of Navarre (Henry IV of France), time of Eliz., p. 300; life of, 1466, p. 304 Henry the Navigator, Prince, p. 276; lives of, 1467, pp. 259, 272 Henschel, G. A. L. Du Cange's Glossarium, 485, 486 Heptarchy, the, p. 178 Heraldry, works on, p. 49 Herbertson, A. J. Commercial Geog., 376, p. 1 66 Heretics, Statute against, 1401 A.D., p. 256 ; treatment of, under Henry IV, p. 256; persecutions of, under Henry VIII, p. 286; repeal of laws against, under Eliz., p. 296. See also Religion Hereward, the Wake, p. 204 Heroes of the Nations, 740 Heroes of the Reformation, 1468 Herrtage, S. J. H., works by: Catholicon, 484 ; Starkey's Eng- land, 1205, p. 309 Hertslet, Edward. Europe, 377, 414 Hervey, John. Memoirs, 1272, P-378 Hervey, M. H. Confederation, p. 467 Hewins, W. A. S. Trade, 1040, p. 360 Hibbert Lectures, 741 Hickson, Mary. Massacres, 1671, P- 33 Higginson, T. W. Eng. Hist., 835, p. 171 High Commission. See Coiirts Highlanders, regiments of, p. 382. See also Pretender; and Rebellion Hildebrand. See Gregory VII Hildreth, Richard. Judges, 742, P- 2 34 Hill, Georgiana. Dress, 531 Hill, Mabel. Documents, 601, p. 209 Hill, Mrs. Birkbeck. Borgeaud's Democracy, 1411, p. 360 Hill, O. T. Monasticism, 1003, p. 171 Hill, R. T. VV. Indies, 378, p. 452 Hinds, A. B. Calendar, 1130, p. 238 Hinsdale, B. A. History, 289 Historians, 1216-1399 A.D., p. 249 ; since 1789 A.D., p. 437 Historical Manuscripts Commis- sion. See Royal Commission, etc. Historical Portraits, 335 Historical Records of N. S. Wales, 1341, p. 457 Historic of Ed. IV, 1171, p. 265 Historische Vierteljahrschrift, 264 Historische Zeitschrift, 266 Historisches Jahrbuch, 265 History of Banking, 743 History of Eng. in six vols., 877 History of Religions, 744 Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan, 1372, P-338 Hobson, J. A. S. Africa, 1950, P- 463 INDEX 513 Hodder, Edwin, works by : Cen- tury, 2029, p. 440 ; Shaftesbury, 1803, p. 421 Hodgetts, J. F., works by : Middle Ages. 1041, p. 226; Older Eng., 506, p. 199 Hodgkin, Thomas, works by : Charles the Great, 1458, p. 200 ; England, 1579, p. 169; Italy, 1494, p. 175 Hoefer. Biographic, 166 Hoey, Mrs. Cashel. Remusat's Memoirs, 1109, p. 407 Hogarth, D. G. Nearer East, 379, P-435 Hogue, La., naval engagement off, 1692 A.D., p. 366 Holinshed, Raphael, Tudor chron- icler, p. 309. Chronicles, 660 ; 1168, p. 170 Holland, Treaty of Breda with, 1667 A.D., p. 345; in Triple Al- liance, 1668 A.D., p. 348; war with, 1672-1674 A.D., p. 348; war with, 1780-1783 A.D., p. 388. See also Dutch ; Netherlands ; Treaties ; Wars, etc. For -works on, see Countries, individual Holland, T. E. Oxford, 2008, p. 226 Hollond, John. Discourses, 1217, p. 360 Holmes, R. R. Victoria, 1815, p. 427 Hoist, Hermann v. French Rev., i478 P- 399 Holton, S. H. D. Richard II, 1794, p. 245 Holy Alliance, 1815 A.D., p. 419 Holy League and Henry VIII, 1511 A.D., p. 280 Holy Maid of Kent. See Barton, Eliz. Homage, p. 223 Home rule for Ireland. See Ire- land Honduras, British, p. 451 Hone, William. Strutt's Sports, 1055, p. 200 Hong Kong, p. 464 Hood, Samuel. Letters, 1273, p. 388 Hook, B. C. Alfred, 1571, p. 187 Hook, W. F. Archbishops, 941, p. 182 Hooker, John. Chronicles, 660, p. 170 Hooker, LeRoy. Africanders, 1951, P-463 Hooker, Richard, Tudor theo- logian, p. 309 Hooper, John, burned, reign of Mary Tudor, p. 293 Hooper, Wynnard. Gesta, 326, p. 197 Hope, Mrs. Divorce, 1580, p. 278 Hopkins, E. W. India, 1915, p. 449 Horner, Francis. Memoirs, 1274, p. 402 Horner, Leonard. F. Horner's Memoirs, 1274, p. 402 Horsa, settlements under, p. 177 Horsley, G. C. Prior's History, 526 Hosack, John. Mary, Queen of Scots, 1771, p. 297 Hosmer, J. K., works by : Anglo- Saxon Freedom, 745, p. 176; Vane, 1814, p. 329 Hounslow Heath, army at, under James II, p. 355 Housecarls of Canute, p. 191 House of Commons. See Com- mons, house of Houston, William. Constitution, 1342, p. 454 Hoveden, Roger of. Annals, 602, p. 181 Howard, Catherine, queen of Henry VIII, p. 286 Howard, G. E. Preliminaries of the Rev., 1876, p. 387 Howarth, H. H. Wessex, 1581, p. 1 88 Howell, T. B. Cobbett's Trials, 638, p. 213 Howell, T. J. Cobbett's Trials, 638, p. 213 Howe's campaign of 1777 A.D., p. 388 Hozier, H. M. Invasions, 878, p. 171 Hubbard, J. M. Shakesperiana, 109, p. 316 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Hubert de Burgh, statesman, p. 229 Hubert Walter, statesman, p. 217 Hudson, Henry, navigator, p. 300 Hudson Bay Company's territory, P-453 Hughes, E. A. Calendar, 1134, p. 261 Hughes, H. P. Wesley's Journal, 1320, p. 378 Hughes, Thomas, works by: Alfred, 1695, P- l &9> Living- stone, 1764, p. 463 ; Loyola, 1474, P'3>5 Huguenots, relations with Eliz., p. 296 ; in S. Af., p. 461 Hulme, F. E., works by : Flags, 564 ; Heraldry, 564 Humbert, A. C. Trekking, p. 461 Humble Petition and Advice, 1657 A.D., p. 341 Hume, David. England, 879, p. 171 Hume, M. A. S., works by : Burgh- ley, 1713, p. 292 ; Burke's Spain, 807, p. 1 68 ; Calendars, 1064, 1065, p. 276; Chronicle, Henry VIII, 1139, p. 283 ; Mary of Scots, 1582, p. 299; Philip II, 1480, p. 295; Raleigh, 1793, p. 304; Visit of Philip II, 1582, p. 294 Hundred, the, in early England, p. 197 Hundred Days, the, 1815 A.D., P- 413 Hundred Years' War, beginning of, p. 238 ; effects of, time of Henry VI, p. 260. See also Bat- tles ; Treaties ; and Wars Hunt, John. Religious Thought, 1004, p- 315 Hunt, William, works by : Bristol (Historic Towns), 868, p. 226; Church, 1015 ; England, 880, p. 387 ; Eng. Church in Middle Ages, 1005, p. 185 Hunter, W. W., life of, 1757, p. 450; works by : Gazetteer, 354 ; His- tory, 1916, p. 449 ; Indian Em- pire, 1916, p. 449 ; Indian Geog., p. 448 ; Peoples, 1916, p. 448 Huntingdon, Henry of. Chroni- cle, 661, p. 170 Hurlbert, W. H. Ireland, 1172, P-437 Hurst, J. F. Theology, 20, p. 172 Huskisson, William, statesman, p. 419 Hutchinson, E. M. American Lit., 1355. P- 36 Hutchinson, H. N. Races, 495, p. 167 Hutchinson, John. Memoirs, 1275, p. 326 Hutchinson, Julius. L. Hutchin- son's Hutchinson, 1275, p. 326 Hutchinson, Lucy. Colonel (John) Hutchinson, 1275, p. 326 Hutchinson, P. O. T. Hutchin- son's Diary, 1276, p. 388 Hutchinson, Thomas. Diary, 1276, p. 388 Hutton, A. W. Young's Ireland, 1227, p. 396 Hutton, R. H., works by : Bage- hot's Studies, 930, p. 374 ; New- man, 1777, p. 435 Hutton, W. H., works by : Baron- age, 1583, p. 21 1 ; Henry III, 1173, p. 229 ; Laud, 1762, p. 328 ; Montfort, 1173, p. 229 ; More, 1775, p. 278 ; St. Thomas, 1233, p. 214 Hyde, Douglas. Literary Hist., 100, p. 169 Hyde, Edward. See Clarendon, Earl of Ibraham-Hilmy, Prince. Egypt, 101, p. 436 Iceni, the, p. 170 Ideler, Ludwig. Chronologic, 444 lies, George, works by : Guide, 18, p. 202 ; Lists, 31 Illustrative Material, p. 30 ; and each section of Part II, begin- ning with p. 172 Immigration of alien artisans, pp. 270, 309 INDEX 515 Immigration of Loyalists into Canada, p. 453 Impeachment, of favourites, under Richard II, p. 246; political, p. 375. See also Bacon (Fran- cis); Danby ; Hastings; Laud; and Slrafford Imperial Federation Defence Com., p. 466 Imperial Federation League, p. 466 Imperial Institute, p. 466 Imperial Lib., 1844 Implements, classification of re- mains according to, p. 168 Improvements, provisions in Irish Land Act as to, p. 432 Income tax, removal of, 1815 A.D., p. 414; reimposition of, 1841 A.D., p. 425 . . Indemnification of slave owners, p. 422 Independence of Scotland. See Scotland Independence, Declaration of, 1776 A.D., p. 388 Independence, War of, in Amer- ica, p. 388 Independent Rev., 248 Independents, during the Civil War, p. 329 Inderwick, F. A. Interregnum, 1584. P; 336 India, Bills of 1784 A.D., and the English in, p. 393 ; Napoleon's policy for, p. 406 ; mutiny in, 1857-1858 A.D., pp. 428, 446; status of, p. 466 ; section on, p. 446; works on, pp. no, 153; cf. p. 148 Indiana Univ. Extracts, 603, p. 176 Indulgence, Declaration of, by Charles II, 1672 A.D., p. 348 ; by James II, 1687, 1688 A.D., P-355 Industry, under the Romans, p. 173 ; legislation concerning, under Ed. IV, p. 265 ; legisla- tion unfavorable to the Irish, under Anne, p. 372 ; the revo- lution in, p. 395 ; works on the history of, pp. 83, 115, 161 ; cf. pp. 52, 61, 70, 87, 92, 1 1 6, 124. See also Society, state of Inglis, James. Australian Cousins, 1932, p. 459 Ingram, T. D. Irish Hist., 924, p. 362 Inheritance, laws against Irish Catholics concerning, p. 372 Inkerman, battle of, 1854 A.D., p. 428 Institutions, and societies, publi- cations of, p. 19 Instrument of Government, 1653 A.D., p. 341 Insurrection. See Ireland; and Rebellions Intercolonial Conference at Ot- tawa, 1894 A.D., p. 466 Intercourse with the Continent, Celtic period, p. 170. See also Society i state of Intercursus Magnus of Henry VII, p. 276 Interdict upon England, in John's reign, p. 220 International Af. Ass'n, 1876 A. D., p. 460 International Congo Conference of Berlin, p. 460 International Education Sen, 141 International Scientific Sen, 142 International Year Book, 167, P- 434 Interregnum, the, 1688-1689 A.D., P- 355 Invasion of Canada, 1775-1776 A.D., p. 388 Invasion of England, Roman, p. 173; Teutonic, p. 177; Dan- ish, p. 186; Norman, p. 195 ; by Matilda, p. 211; by Isabella, p. 236 ; by Henry of Lancaster, p. 246 ; by Henry, Earl of Rich- mond, p. 268 ; by William of Orange, p. 355. See also Battles ; Scotland ; Wales ; Wars Investiture, custom of, p. 209 lona, St. Columba at, p. 183 Ionian Islands, cession of, to Greece, 1864 A.D., p. 432 5 i6 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Ireland, partial conquest of, under Henry II, p. 213; campaign in, by Richard II, p. 246; under Henry VII, p. 276; made a kingdom, under Henry VIII, p. 286 ; opposition to Reforma- tion in, time of Henry VIII, p. 286 ; foreign influence in, time of Eliz., p. 296; Strafford in, under Charles I, p. 326; conquest of, 1649-1652 A.D., p. 337 ; Cromwell's policy for, P- 337 ! Tyrconnel in, under James II, p. 355 ; reconquest of, under William III, p. 366; law against Irish Cathglics, p. 372 ; home rule for, pp. 393, 396; Catholic Ass'n in, p. 419; rep- resentation of, p. 436 ; disestab- lishment and disendowment of the Church in, p. 432 ; Irish Land Acts, 1870, 1887 A.D., etc., p. 432 ; Irish Land League, 1879 A.D., p. 432 ; Irish Coer- cion Act, 1881 A.D., p. 432 ; works on, modern accounts of more than one period, p. 76 ; of one period, p. 135. See also British Empire ; Insurrections ; Religion ; Society, state of Ireton, Henry, Cromwell's deputy in Ireland, p. 337 Iron, use of, p. 395 Ironsides, Cromwell's soldiers, P; 3 2 9 Irving, Joseph. Annals, 320 Isabella, queen of Ed. II, plot and invasion of, p. 236 Isabella, of France, marriage to Richard II, p. 246 Isle of Rhe, expedition to, 1627 A.D., p. 322 Italians, in Eng. church positions, under Henry III, p. 229 Italy, Renaissance in, p. 276; works on, see Countries, individual Itinerant justices. See Justices Jackson, Andrew, life of, 1470, p. 41 7 Jackson, T. S. Sea Fights, 1181, P-403 Jacobites. See Pretender; and Re- bellions Jacobs, H. E. Lutheran Move- ment, 1994, p. 281 Jacobs, Joseph, works by: Jews, 1174, p. 181 ; Discovery, 380, P- 447 Jahresbericht, der Altertumswis- senschaft, 569 Jahresberichte der Geschichtswis- senchaft, 71 Jalkson, Lowis. Progress, 746, p. 198 Jamaica, p. 451 James I, of England, 1603-1625 A.D., p. 318. Works, 1277, p. 318 James II, of England, as Duke of York, p. 345; second marriage of, p. 350; 1685-1688 A.D., P- 355 James I, of Scotland, capture and detention of, by Henry IV, p. 256; liberation of, 1423 A.D., p. 260 James VI, of Scotland. See James I, of England James, Bartholomew. Journal, 1278, p. 388 James, Bishop of Wlnton. Works of James I, 1277, p. 318 James Edward. See Pretender, Old James, William. Naval Hist., 1585, p. 404 Jameson, J. F. Duruy's France, 808, p. 250 Jameson Raid, 1895 A.D., p. 461 Jamestown, foundation of, 1607 A.D., p. 318 Jamieson, John. Dictionary, 453 ; abr., 454 Japan, intercourse with, p. 428 ; treaty with, 1858 A.D., p. 432 - '. Jaques, W. H. Nelson, 1776, p. 395 Jardine, David. Cobbett's Trials, 638, p. 213 Jastrow, M. Handbooks, 735 Jausz, Ferencz. Kossuth's Memo- ries, 1076, p. 432 Jay's Treaty, 1795 A.D., p. 402 Jeanroy, A. Extraits, 607, p. 242 Jebb, R. C. Erasmus, 1461, p. 278 INDEX 517 Jefferson, Thomas. Writings, 1098, p. 388 Jeffery, Walter, works by : Phillip, 1789, p. 459 ; Pioneers, 1924, p. 458 Jeffreys, at the Bloody Assizes, after Monmouth's Rebellion, P- 355 Jenkins's Ear, War of, 1739 A.D., P-378 Jenks, Edward, works by : Colo- nies, 1933, p. 458 ; Common- wealth, 1973, p. 340 ; Edward, X 739> P- 2 3 J 5 England, 881, p. 356; Execution, 2030, p. 201 ; Independent Rev., 248 ; Magna Carta, 1973, p. 222 ; Victoria, 1933. P- 459 Jenner, G. Drake's Voyages, 1586, P- 303 Jennings, A. C., works by: Church, 1006, p. 171 ; Tables, 445 Jennings, L. J. Croker Papers, 1252, p. 414 Jephson, Henry. Platform, 1974, P- 439 Jessopp, Augustus. Essays, 882, p. 226 Jesuits, or Society of Jesus, foun- dation of, 1534 A.D., p. 296 Jewett, S. O. Normans, 1425, p. 205 Jewitt, Llewellyn. Antiquities, 507 Jews, government and occupations of, in med. Eng., p. 249 ; ex- pulsion, 1290 A.D., p. 232; re- moval of political disabilities from, 1858 A.D., pp. 431, 437 Jingoes, a party term, 466 Joan of Arc, p. 260 ; lives of, 1471, p. 262 John Crerar Lib. List, 47 John, King, 1199-1216 A.D., p. 220; life of, 1758, p. 215 John of Gaunt, campaigns of, p. 241 Johnes, Thomas, works by : Frois- sart's Chronicles, 1070, p. 236; Monstrelet's Chronicles, 605, p. 256 Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies, 193 Johnson, A. H., works by: Busch's Tudors, 1545, p. 277 ; Normans, 747, p. 182 ; Sixteenth Century, 1426, p. 302 Johnson, C. Letters, 627, p. 217 Johnson, Samuel, life of, 1279, P- 396 Johnson, Theodore. Britain, 1845, p. 167 Johnston, Alexander. Orations, 1087, p. 389 Johnston, A. K. Atlas, 415 Johnston, H. H. Africa, 1427, P-435 Johnston, John. Jamieson's Dic- tionary, 454 Johnston,J.B. Reprints, 645, p. 184 Johnston, Keith. Geography, 381, p. 167 Johnston, T. B. Atlas, 415 Johnston, W. D., works by: Re- prints, 645, p. 184; Titles, 122 Johnston of Warriston, life of, 1759. P- 3 62 Joinville, John de, works by : Cru- sades, 594, p. 249 ; Extraits, 607, p. 249 Jomini, Baron. Napoleon, 1479, P- 405 Jones, D. Brynmor-. Welsh, 1635, p. 1 66 Jones, E. H. Romances, 325, p. 187 Jones, Guernsey. Civilization, 604, p. 176 Jones, H. V. Papers, 123, p. 417 Jones, Lloyd. Owen, 1782, p. 441 Jones, L. E. Putnam's Views, 451 Jones, W. C. Jones's Owen, 1782, p. 441 Jonson, Ben, dramatist, p. 309 Jordell, D. Repertoire, 257 Jose, A. W. Empire, 1846, p. 362 Joseph, King of Spain, over- thrown, 1813 A.D., p. 413 Josephson.A.G.S. Bibl.of Bibl.,4 Journals of Paris, of Eliz., 1175, p. 297 Jowett, B. Toynbee, 2052 Joyce, P. W., works by : Ancient Ire., 2031, p. 171 ; Short Hist., 925, p. 200 5 i8 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Jubilee, Queen Victoria's, p. 466 Judiciary, reorganization of, 1871 A.D., p. 432 Judson, H. P. Europe, 1428, p. 403 Junius, p. 385. Letters, 1280, p. 385 Jury, indictment and trial by, under Henry II, p. 213 Jusserand, J. J., works by: Charles II, 1587, p. 345 ; Way- faring, 2032, p. 253 Justices on Circuit, under Henry I, p. 209; under Henry II, p. 213 Jutes, home of the, p. 176; settle- ments in Eng., p. 178 Kafirs, wars with the, p. 461 Kappes, Alfred. Froissart, 1070, p. 236 Katherine. See Catherine Kaye, John. Mutiny, 1917, p. 430 Keane, A. H., works by : Africa, 382, p. 435 ; Am. and W. I., 382, p. 452 ; Asia, 382, p. 448 ; Com- panies, 1028, p. 249 ; Ethnology, 496, p. 169 ; Geography, 381 Keane, John. Geography, 383 Keary, C. F. Vikings, 1429, p. 183 Keene, H. G. Empire, 1918, p. 387 Keep, A. P. P. Proceedings, 1588, p. 321 Keith, R. M. Correspondence, 1281, p. 382 Kellogg, A. E. References, 302 Kelly, John. Dictionary, 455 Kelly, R. T. Penfield's Egypt, 1625, p. 435 Keltic, J. S., works by: Africa, 1430, p. 435; Year-Book, 172 Kemble, J. M., works by : Saxons, 1589, p. 199 ; State Papers, 1073, P-35 Kendall, E. K., works by : History, 831, p. 166; Short Hist., 831; Source-book, 662, p. 170 Kenilworth, Dictum of, 1267 A.D., p. 229 Kennedy, H. A., worksby: Canada, 1893, P- 454 ! Story of Empire, 1856 Kennedy, H. M. Ten Brink's Literature, 94 Kent, early kingdom of, p. 178 Kenyon, R. L., works by : Gold Coins, 555; Hawkins's Coins, 554 Keogh, Andrew. Works, 5 Khartoum, fall of, 1885 A.D., p. 432 Kiepert, Henry, works by : Atlas, 425; Maps, 1437, p. 172 Kilkenny, Statute of, 1367 A.D., p. 241 Killen, W. D. Ireland, 1007, p. 175 Killiecrankie, battle of, 1689 A.D., p. 366 Kimball, J. H. Emancipation, 1357, p. 422 King, C. F. Methods, 344, p. 167 King, D. B. Irish Question, 1672, P-437 King William's War. See War of the Palatinate Kingdoms, early Teutonic, in Britain, p. 177 Kinglake, A. W. Crimea, 1590, P-43 Kingmaker, the. See Warwick King's Friends, under George III, p. 388 Kingsford, C. L., works by : Cru- sades, 697, p. 207 ; Henry V, 1755, p. 247 Kingsford, William. Canada, 1894, P- 455 Kingsley, M. H. Studies, 1431, p. 462 Kinship, of early races, p. 168 Kipling, Rudyard, author, p. 466 Kirk, J. F., works by : Dictionary, 91 ; Prescott's Hist., 1506, p. 267 Kirke's Lambs, after Monmouth's Rebellion, p. 355 Kitchener, H. H., in the Sudan, P-43 2 Kitchin, G. W., works by : France, 816, p. 243 ; Winchester (His- toric Towns), 868, p. 200 Kittredge, G. L. Athenaeum Press Sen, 620 Knight, Charles. England, 883, p. 171 Knight, J. H. Cape-to-Cairo R'y, p. 462 INDEX 519 Knight, in warfare, 1216-1399 A.D., p. 249 Knighthood, distraint of, enforced under Charles I, p. 323 Knowles, James. Nineteenth Cen- tury, 251 Knox, Alexander. Glossary, 355 Knox, John, Scotch reformer, p. 296 ; life of, 1760, p. 289 ; Regiment, 1074, p. 293 Kb'rting, Gustav. Grundriss, 102 Kostlin, Julius. Luther, 1475, p. 285 Koran, 1075, p. 217 Kossuth, Louis. Memories, 1076, P- 43 2 Krausse, Alexis. Russia, 817, P- 434 Krehbiel, H. E. Annotated Bibl., 515 Kriehn, George, works by : Up- risings, 1042, p. 245 ; Rising in 1450 A.D., 1591, p. 262; Social Revolt, 2033, p. 245 Kroeger, A. B. Guide, 143 Kroll, W. Jahresbericht, 569 Kriiger, Hermann. Droysen, 280 Labanoff, Alexandre. Marie Stu- art, 1294, p. 296 Labberton, R. H., works by: Atlas, 426; History, 829 La Blache, P. V. de. Tableau, 384 Labour, child, legislation upon, P-436 Labourers, Statutes of, under Ed. Ill, p. 238 ; improvement in condition of, p. 437 ; political influence of, p. 437 Labourdonnais, B. F. M. de, in India, p. 446 Labuan, the island, p. 464 La Curne de Saint-Pelaye. Dic- tionnaire, 481 La Hogue. See ffogite Laing, Samuel. Heimskringla, 599, p. 190 Lake, Gerard, in India, p. 446 Lake Erie, battle of, 1813 A.D., p. 414 Lally, T. A., Comte de, in India, p. 446 La Marche, A. L. de. See Lecoy de la Marche Lamond, Elizabeth. Henley's Hus- bandry, 1405, p. 249 Lamont, Hammond. Burke's Speech, 1331, p. 388 Lamprecht, Karl. What is His- tory?, 290 Lancaster, Henry of, invasion of, p. 246 Lancaster, Thomas of, execution of, p. 236 Lancastrians, risings of, under Ed. IV, p. 265 Land, feudal tenure of, p. 223 ; church, under Ed. I, p. 232; re- sumption of crown, under Wm. Ill, p. 369; tax on, under George II, p. 378. See also Ire- land ; and Society, state of Landor, A. H. S. Coveted Lands, 1077, p. 468 Lane, E. W. Kur-an, 1075, p. 203 Lane, W. C., works by : Carlyle Collection, 65, p. 337 ; Index, 2,6 Lanfranc, pp. 204, 207 Lanfrey, P. Napoleon, 1479, p. 408 Lang, Andrew, works by : Mary Stuart, 1771, p. 299 ; Scotland, 884, p. 175; Social Eng., 1403, p. 301 ; Worthies, 935 Langland, William, p. 249. Piers Plowman, 1282, p. 244 Langlois, C.-V., works by : Eng. and France, 748, p. 225 ; Intro- duction, 291 ; Manuel, 7 Langmead, T. P. Taswell-. Const. Hist., p. 175 Langton, Stephen, life of, 1761, p. 222 Language, Latin, in Britain, p. 173 ; of Anglo-Saxons, p. 197; Old English, p. 197 ; influence of Caxton upon the English, p. 270. See also Society, state of Lanier, Sidney. Froissart, 1070, p. 236 Lappenberg, J. M., works by : England, 885, p. 171 ; Kings, 1592, p. 171 520 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Lapsley, G. T., works by : Dur- ham, 970, p. 227 ; North, 1593, p. 288 Larkin, M. Catalog, 108 A (p. 474), p. 460 Larned, J. N., works by : History, 836, p. 1 7 1 ; Literature, 81, p. 387 ; Ready Reference, 749, p. 169 Later Stuart Tracts, 1176, p. 396 Latimer, Hugh, burned, time of Mary Tudor, p. 293 ; works by : Ploughers, 1386, p. 290 ; Seven Sermons, 1386, p. 290 Latin philology, works on, p. 43 Laud, William, Archbishop, under Charles I, p. 323 ; imprison- ment of, by Long Parl., p. 326 ; attainder and execution of, p. 333 ; life of, 1762, p. 328 Lauderdale Papers, 1283, p. 327 Laughlin, J. L. Essays, 1964, p. 197 Laughton, J. K., works by : Ar- mada, 1206, p. 306 ; James's Journal, 1278, p. 388 ; Memoirs of Torrington, 1315, p. 353; Miscellany, 1187, p. 306 Lavisse, Ernest, works by : Eu- rope, 750, p. 361 ; France, 818, p. 169; Histoire Generale, 751, p. 169 Law. See Legal History Law, canon, under Henry II, p. 213; under the Normans, p. 223 Law, common, under William I, p. 204 ; under Henry II, p. 213 ; writers on, p. 249 Law, forest, under William I, p 204 Law, John, financier, pp. 375, 396 Law, military, under Charles I, p. 322 Law, Salic, p. 176 Law Quarterly Rev., 249 Lawless, Emily. Ireland, 926, p. 1 66 Lawrence, Isabel. Reading, 21, p. 1 68 Lawrence, Lord, life of, 1763, p. 424 Laws. See Statutes Lea, H. C., works by : Celibacy, 752, p. 201 ; Inquisition, 752, p. 254; Superstition, 752, p. 177 Leaders [Eng.] of Religion, 943 League and Covenant, Solemn, 1643 A - D -' P- 3 2 9 Learning. See Society, state of Leathes, Stanley. Cambridge Mod. Hist, 703, p. 251 Lebon, Andre. France, 1495, P- 403 Lechler, G. Wiclif, 1826, p. 243 Lecky, W. E. H., works by : Eng- land, 1594, p. 362 ; Ireland, 1673, p. 362 Lecoy de la Marche, A., works by : Manuscrits, 576 ; Sceaux, 565 Lee, F. G. Glossary, 1008 Lee, G. C. Source-Book, 663, p. 170 Lee, Sidney, works by : Diction- ary, 164, p. 169, note; English- men, 1686, p. 278 ; Victoria, 1815, p. 427 Lee, William. Defoe, 1736, p. 357 Leeds, Francis, Duke of. Memo- randa, 1284, p. 388 Leete, C. H. Longmans' Geog., 388 Leeward Islands, p. 451 Legal history, works on, pp. 72, 112, 156; cf. 52, 61, 70, 87, 92, 1 1 6, 1 24. See also Society, state of Legge, A. O. Unpopular King [Richard III], 1795, p. 267 Legislation. See Society, state of; and Statutes Leicester, Earl of (Robert Dud- ley), courtier under Eliz., pp. 276, 296; works by: Answer, 1155, p. 301 ; Journal, 1313, p. 334 Leighton, Alexander, punished under Charles I, p. 323 Lely, Peter, artist, p. 359 Le Marchant, Denis. Walpole's Memoirs, 1317, p. 385 Lemon, Robert. Calendar, 1135, p. 290 Leo X, life of, 1472, p. 282 INDEX 521 Leonard, G. F. List, 72, p. 364 Leonard, G. H. Jews, 1595, p. 234 Leonard, Henrietta. Fredericq's History, 284 Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul. Colonisa- tion, 1432, p. 467 Leslie, David, Scottish general, supports Charles II, p. 337 Letharby, W. R. London, 1596, p. 200 Letters and Papers, Henry VIII, 1177, p. 280 ; First Dutch War, 1178, p. 338 ; War with France, 1179, p. 280 Letters, Carew to Roe, 1244, p. 318 Letters, Cecil to Carew, 1245, P-35 Letters, E. I. Co., 1343, p. 447 Letters, William III and Louis XIV, 1071, p. 369 Levi, Leone. Commerce, 1043, P-399 Levius, Peter. Manipulus, 468 Lewes, battle of, 1264 A.D., p. 229 Lewis, G. C. Administrations, J97S. P- 394 Lewis, H. P. England, 836, p. 171 Lexington, battle of, 1775 A.D., p. 388 Leyland, John. Blockade of Brest, 1156, p. 407 Liability, employers', p. 436 Liber Albus, 1180, p. 249 Liber de Hyda, 1180 A (p. 474), p. 187 Liberals, a party term, p. 422 Library of Congress, works by : Catalogue Cards, 48 ; Maps, 345, P- 45 Library of Literary Hist., 103 Library of Useful Stories, 385 Library of World's Best Litera- ture, 753 Licensing Act, expiration of, 1694 A.D., p. 369 Liebermann, Felix, works by : Geschichtsquellen, 124, p. 210; Gesetze, 1373, p. 181 ; Popula- tion, 2034, p. 225 ; Verzeichnis,73 Lille, negotiations at, after the W T ar of the First Coalition, p. 406 Lillie, John. Remusat's Memoirs, 1109, p. 407 Limerick,Treaty of, 1 691 A.D., p-366 Linacre, Thomas, Oxford scholar, p. 276 Lincoln, Abraham, lives of, 1473, p. 435. Works, 1099, p. 432 Lindisfarne, Aidan at, p. 184 Lingard, John, works by : Church, 1995, p. 1 99; England, 837, p. 1 75; abr., 886, p. 171 Lingelbach, W. E. Adventurers, 664, p. 270 Lippincott. Gazetteer, 356 Lismore, Book of, 1229, p. 197 Litany, English, under Henry VIII, p. 286 Literature, works on, pp. 30, 102. See also Society, state of Literature of N. Zealand, 95 A (p. 474), p. 460 Literature Primers, 386 Little, A. G. Wales, 888, p. 225 Little, C. E. Dates, 446 Little Englanders, a political term, p. 466 Little Parliament, approach of the Protectorate, p. 338 Liturgy, for Scotland, under Charles I, p. 326 Liverpool, second earl (R. B. Jen- kinson), premier, pp. 413, 419 Livingstone, David, life of, 1764, P- 463 Llewellyn, Prince of Wales, p. 232 Llywelyn. See Llewellyn Loan, Amicable, under Henry VIII, p. 280 Loans, forced, under Charles I, p. 322 Local Government Acts, 1888- 1894 A.D., p. 432 Locke, John, p. 396; works by: Treatises, 1374, p. 366 ; Works, 1285, p. 366 Lodge, Edmund. Illustrations, 665, p. 280 Lodge, H. C., works by : Colonies, 1877, p. 390 ; Essays, 1964, p. 197 ; Revolution, 1877, p. 391 ; Wash- ington, 1483, p. 390 522 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Lodge, Richard. Modern Eur., 754- P- 3" Loftie, W. J. London, 889, p. 167 ; 868 (Hisloric Towns), p. 175 Logs of Sea Fights, 1181, p. 403 Lois de Guillaume le Conquerant, 1375. P- 2 4 Lollards, Wiclif's followers, p. 244; persecution of, under Richard II, p. 246; under Henry V, p. 258 Lomas, S. C. Calendar, 1135, p. 323 London. See Society, state of London, Convention of, 1884 A.D., p. 461 London Geographical Ser., 387 Londonderry, Marquesses of, lives of, 1765, p. 409 Londonderry, Siege of, under William III, p. 366 Long Parl., 1640 A.D., p. 326 Long-barrow men, p. 168 Longbow, use of the, p. 249 Longchamp, William, official of Richard I, p. 217 Longman, William, works by : Edward III, 1597, p. 240; Lec- tures, 887, p. 171 Longmans. School Geog., 388, p. 1 66 Longmuir, John. Jamieson's Dic- tionary, 453 ; abr., 454 Loom, use of the power, p. 395 Lord, W. F., works by : Maitland, 1767, p. 405 ; Mediterranean, 755, P-398 Lord George Gordon Riots, 1780 A.D., p. 388 Lords, House of, under Ed. I, p. 232 ; superiority of Commons to, p. 395 ; opposition to First Reform Bill, p. 422. See also Parliament : and Society, state of Lords Marchers, under Henry IV, p. 256 Lords Ordainers, 1300 A.D., p. 235 Lorenz, Ottokar, works by : Ge- schichtsquellen, 89 ; Handbuch, 545 Lorimer, Peter. Lechler's Wyc- liffe, 1826, p. 243 Lome, Marquis of, works by. Federation, 1847, p. 468 ; Vic- toria, 1815, p. 427 Loserth, J. Wyclif, 1996, p. 243 Lotteries, in the eighteenth cen- tury, p. 396 Louis VIII. See Louis, Prince Louis XVIII. Correspondence, 1106, p. 414 Louis, Prince, invitation of barons to, in John's reign, p. 220 Louisburg, capture in 1745 A.D., p. 378 ; in 1758 A.D., p. 382 Louisiana, Napoleon's policy toward, p. 406 Lovett, Richard, works by : De- maus's Tyndale, 1813, p. 282 ; London, 336 Low, H. B. Sarawak, 499, p. 465 Low, S. J. Dictionary, 315 Low, Sampson. Catalog, 49 Low Countries, time of Eliz., p. 300. See also Holland; and Netherlands Lowe, Charles. Bismarck, 1456, P-435 Lowe, Robert (Viscount Sher- brooke), life of, 1766, p. 459 Lowe, W. I. King of France, 1598, p. 240 Lowell, E. J. French Rev., 1496, p. 400 Lowell, F. C. Joan of Arc, 1471, p. 262 Lowell Institute Lectures, 194 Lowell Lib. Bull., 50, 109, p. 316 Lowery, Woodbury. Ribaut, 1599, p. 298 Lowndes, W. T. Manual, 104 Loyalists, immigration of, into Canada, p. 453 Loyola, Ignatius de, founder of the Society of Jesus, p. 296; life of, 1474, p. 315 Lubbock, John, p. 466 ; works by : Hall's Exchequer, 967 ; Prehis- toric Times, 508, p. 169. See also Avebury, Lord Lucas, C. P. Colonies, 389, p. 452 Lucknow, during the Mutiny, p. 446 INDEX 523 Luddites, rioters, p. 414 Ludlow, Edmund. Memoirs, 1286, P- 33 Lumby, J. R. More's Richard III, 1185, p. 309 Lupton, J. H. Colet, 1729, p. 278 Luther, Martin, German reformer, p. 296; lives of, noo, 1475, pp. 282, 285. Table Talk, uoo, pp. 309. 3 1 5 Luttrell, Narcissus. State Affairs, 666, p. 350 Lyall, Alfred, works by : Domin- ion, 1919, p. 449 ; Hastings, 1752, P-394 Lyde, L. W. British Empire, 390, p. 166 Lydekker, R. Races, 495, p. 167 Lydgate. Kings, 1170 Lyly, John, Elizabethan author, p. 309 ; Euphues, 1287, p. 309 Lyne, C. E. Parkes, 1784, p. 459 Lyte, H. C. M. Oxford, 1020, p. 226 Mabie, H. W. Literature, 753 McArthur, E. A., works by : In- dustrial Hist, 1032, p. 166; Fitz- herbert's Boke (Assessment of Wages), 1402, p. 273 McArthur, John. Nelson, 1776, P-39 2 McCarthy, J. H., works by : Eng- land, 1601, p. 435 ; Georges, 1600, p. 377 ; Ireland, 1674, p. 440 McCarthy, Justin, works by: Anne, 1600, p. 374 ; Georges, 1600, P- 377 ! Own Times, 1600, p. 427 ; Reform, 1600, p. 415; Short Hist., 1600, p. 427 ; White's Commons, 1982, p. 432 MacCoun, Townsend. Geography, 427 M'Crie, Thomas. Knox, 1760, p. 289 McCulloch, J. R. Smith's Wealth, 1081, p. 396 Mcllwraith, J. N. Canada, 1895, P- 454 McKechnie, W. S. Magna Carta, 971, p. 209 McMaster, J. B. Franklin, 1462, P-387 McMurray, F. M., works by : Eu- rope, 399, p. 1 66; Geography, 399, p. 1 66 McPherson, Edward. Rebellion, 1497. P- 43 2 Macadam roads, p. 395 Macaulay, T. B., works by : Eng- land, 890, p. 347 ; Essays, 890, p. 313 ; Pitt, 1791, p. 395 ; Tem- ple, 1811, p. 427 Macdonald, William, works by : Charters, 1344, p. 319; Docu- ments, 1088, p. 389 Mace, W. H., works by : Manual, 305, p. 389 ; Method, 292 Macfarlane, Charles. History, 857, p. 169 Machiavelli. The Prince, noi, P-39 Machyn, Henry. Diary, 1288, p. 290 Mackay, Charles. Dictionary, 456 Mackenzie, Robert. Nineteenth Century, 1433, p. 409 Mackinder, H.J. Britain, 391, p. 167 Mackinnon, James, works by : Edward III, 1602, p. 240 ; Union, 1602, p. 321 Mackintosh, James. Revolution, 1603- p. 357 Mackintosh, John. Scotland, 891, p. 174 Maclay, E. S. Navy, 1878, p. 391 Maclean, John, works by : Carew's Letters, 1244, p. 318; Cecil's Letters, 1245, p. 305 Macleod, H. D. Banking, 1044, P- 3 J 4 Macleod, Norman. Dictionary, 457 Macpherson, David. Commerce, 1045, P- !?! Macpherson, James. Papers, 1189, P- 356 Macquoid, K. S. Normandy, 392 Macquoid, T. R. Macquoid's Nor- mandy, 392 Mctyeire, H. N. Methodism, 756, p. 400 Macvane, S. M. Seignobos's Eu- rope, 1448, p. 415 Macy, Jesse. Constitution, 972, p. 221 524 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Madden, Frederic, works by : Champollion's Palaeography, 584; Wycliffe's Bible, 1384, P- 2 53 Madden, F. W. Stevenson's Dic- tionary, 556 Madras, 1639 A.D., p. 446 Matzner, Eduard. Sprachproben, 469 Magdalen College, expulsion of Fellows from, 1687 A.D., p. 355 Magellan, Ferdinand, navigator, p. 276; life of, 1476, p. 313 Magliano, Pamfilo da. St. Fran- cis, 1697, p. 254 Magna Carta. See Great Charter Mahaffy, J. P. Trinity College, 1021, p. 314 Mahaffy, R. P. Calendar, 1137, P-323 Mahan, A. T., works by : French Rev., 1498, p. 404 ; Negotia- tions, 1604, p. 416; Nelson, I 7?6, P- 392 ; Officers, 892, p. 384 ; Sea Power, 757, p. 350 Mahdi's revolt and victories, 1882- 1883 A.D., p. 432 Mahomet, life of, 1477, p. 218 Mahon, Lord, works by : England, 1605, p. 370 ; Spanish Succes- sion, 1434, p. 372 Maid of Norway, p. 232 Maine, H. S., works by : Com- munities, 1435, p. 449 ; Institu- tions, 1435, p. 171 Maine boundary, 1842 A.D., p. 425 Maintenance of Retainers, Statute concerning, under Richard II, p. 246 Maitland, F. W., works by : Canon Law, 1009, p. 215; Criminous Clerks, 1997, p. 215; Domesday Book, 2035, p. 202 ; Eng. Law, 980, p. 202 ; Materials, 125 ; Ori- gin of the Borough, 1976, p. 177 ; Renaissance, 1976, p. 3 1 5 ; Town- ship and Borough, 973, p. 202 Maitland, S. R. Dark Ages, 758, p. 225 Maitland, Thomas, life of, 1767, p. 405 Major, R. H. Prince Henry, 1467, P- 259 Major-generals, the, under the Protectorate, p. 341 Majuba Hill, battle of, 1881 A.U., p. 461 Makower, Felix. Church, 1010, p. 201 Maladministration, statutes of Ed. I affecting, p. 232 Malcolm, John. Clive, 1726, p. 380 Maiden, H. E. History, 393, p. 167 Malleson, G. B., works by: Battles, 1920, p. 449 ; Mutiny, 1917, p. 43 Malmesbury, William of. Chroni- cle, 667, p. 178 Malmesbury Correspondence, 1289, p. 385 Malory, Thomas. Morte Darthur, 1290, p. 255 Malplaquet, battle of, 1709 A.D., P-372 Malta, a British possession, p. 464 Manchester Massacre, 1819 A.D., p. 414 Mandeville, Geoffrey de, life of, 1768, p. 212 Mandeville, John. See Maundeville Mann, J. S. Social Eng., 1059, P-32 Mann, R. J. Brooks's Natal, 1946, P-463 Manners. See Society, state of Manor, the, 1216-1399 A.D., p. 249 Manuels de Bibliographic His- torique, 8 Manufactures. See Society, state of Manx, the, p. 170 Maps, pp. 37, 1666, note Mar, Earl of, with the Old Pre- tender, p. 375 Marbot, Baron de. Memoirs, 1102, p. 402 Marcks, Erich. Elisabeth, 1742, p. 299 Marco Polo. See Polo Margaret, queen of Henry VI, p. 263 Margaret of Burgundy, opposed to Henry VII, p. 276 INDEX 525 Markham, C. R., works by: America and \V. I., 382, p. 452 ; Columbus, 1460, p. 278 ; Fair- fax, 1744, p. 328 ; Markham's Correspondence, 1291, p. 406; Martin, 1292, p. 366; Norden- skiold's Facsimile-atlas, 429 ; Richard III, 1606, p. 269 Markham, John. Correspondence, 1291, p. 406 Marlborough, Duke of, pp. 369, 372 ; lives of, 1769, pp. 347, 354 Marlowe, Christopher, Elizabethan poet, p. 309 Marprelate Tracts, ca. 1589 A.U., P- 305 Marriage, among the early Ger- mans, p. 1 76 ; of Henry I, p. 209 ; in the feudal system, p. 223 ; royal, under Henry III, p. 229; of Ed. II, p. 235; of Richard II to Isabella of France, p. 246; of Henry V to Catherine of France, p. 258 ; of Henry VII, p. 276; marriages of his chil- dren, p. 276 ; legality of that of Henry VIII and Catharine, p. 283 ; Spanish, of Mary Tudor, p. 293 ; proposed French, for Eliz., p. 300 ; negotiations, Span- ish and French, under James I, p. 318; of Charles I with Hen- rietta Maria of France, p. 322 Marsh, Adam of, p. 248 ; life of, 1750 ; Writings, 1173, p. 229 Marshall, G. W. Guide, 546 Marshall, William, beginning of Henry Ill's reign, p. 229 Marston Moor, battle of, 1644 A.D., P- 329 ' Martin, A. P., works by : Austra- lia, 1934, p. 459 ; Lowe, 1766, P- 459 Martin, G. T. Close Rolls, 1144, p. 229 Martin, R. M. Colonies, 1848, P- 447 Martin, Stephen, life of, 1292, p. 366 Martin, Theodore. Prince Con- sort, 1694, p. 417 Martin, T. B. Letters, 1293, p. 393 Martineau, Harriet, works by : England, 1607, p. 409 ; Pauli's Montfort, 1773, p. 222 ; Peace, 1607, p. 416 Mary I (Mary Tudor), 1553-1558 A.D., p. 293 Mary II, marriage with Prince of Orange, p. 350 ; 1689-1694 A.D., p. 366 Mary Queen of Scots (Mary Stuart), her marriage with the Dauphin, p. 290 ; character and training, p. 296 ; return to Scot- land, 1561 A.D., p. 296; trial and execution, 1587 A.D., p. 301 ; lives of, 1582, 1771, pp. 299, 295. Lettres, 1294, p. 296 Marzials, F. T. Passages from Froissart, 1070, p. 238 Maseres, Francis (Baron). Free- holder, 1345, p. 391 Mas Latrie, Cte. de. Chronologic, 134 Mason, A. J. St. Augustine, 1387, p. 184 Mason, O. T. Invention, 509, p. 169 Mason and Slidell Affair, 1861 A.D., p. 432 Massacre, of St. Brice's Day, 1002 A.D., p. 190; of St. Bartholo- mew's Day, 1572 A.D., p. 300; of Glencoe, 1692 A.D., p. 366; of Manchester, 1819 A.D., p. 414 ; and bombardment of Alexan- dria, 1882 A.D., p. 432 Massey, William. George III, 1608, p. 384 Masson, David, works by : De Quincey's Writings, 1256; Mil- ton, 1772, p. 321 Masson, Gustave, works by : Chroniclers (France), 819, p. 208; Guizot's France, 813, p. 250 Matilda, barons' oath to, p. 209 ; invasion of, p. 211 Matson, Henry. References, 22 Matteson, D. M. Index, 223 Matthew, F. D. Wycliffite Bible, 1998, p. 248 526 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Matthew Paris. See Paris, Matthew Matzke, J. E. Lois, 1375, p. 204 Maundeville, John. Voyages, 1078 Maurenbrecher, Wilhelm. Eng- land, 1999, p. 282 Maurer, G. L. v. Markenverfas- sung, 1499, p. 177 Maurice, C. E., works by : Lang- ton, 1761, p. 222 ; Leaders, 1687, 1761, pp. 222, 226 Mauritius, the island, p. 464 Maxwell, Herbert. Robert the Bruce, 1796, p. 234 May, Thomas. Parliament, 1609, p. 326 May, T. E. England, 974, p. 387 Mayhew, Henry. Labour, 2036, p. 441 Mead,E.D. Old South Leaflets, 199 Mead, W. E. Malory's Morte Darthur, 1290, p. 255 Mediterranean race group, p. 168 Medland, John. Hall's Society, 2028, p. 314 Medley, D. J. Manual, 975, p. 198 Melbourne, second viscount, pre- mier, pp. 422, 425 Memoires del'ficoledes Chartes, 2037 Memorials of Henry VII, 1182, p. 276 Memorials of London, 668, p. 233 Meneval, C.-F. de. Memoirs, 1103, p. 414 Meneval, N. J. de. Meneval's Memoirs, 1103, p. 414 Menke, Th. Hand-Atlas, 435 Merchant, gild, 1216-1399 A.D., p. 249 Merchant adventurers, 13991485 A.D., p. 270; under Henry VIII, p. 276 Merchants; opposition to foreign, under the Tudors, p. 309. See also Society, state of Mercia, early kingdom of, p. 177 ; leadership of, p. 181 Merewether, H. A. Boroughs and Corporations, 893, p. 171 Merivale, Charles. Roman Em- pire, 1436, p. 175 Merriman, R. B. Cromwell, 1734, p. 285 Methodists, p. 396 Methods, historical, works on, p. 26 Methuen Treaty with Portugal, 1703 A.D., p. 372 Metternich, Richard. Memoirs, 1104, p. 406 Meyers. Kalender, 428 ; Lexicon, 152 Michaud, L. G. Biographic, 168 Michelet, Jules, works by : Luther, noo, p. 309 ; Luther's Table Talk, noo, p. 309 Middle-Saxons, settlement of, p. 178 Middleton, J. H. Manuscripts, 578 Mignet, F. A., works by : French Rev., 1500, p. 404 ; Mary, Queen of Scots, 1771, p. 295 Migrations, of the Britons, p. 170 Milan Decree, 1807 A.D., p. 410 Miles, C. P. French Rev., 1147, P- 403 Militia, statutes of Ed. I affecting, p. 232; control of, 1642 A.D., P- 3 2 9 Mill, H. R., works by : Books, 346, p. 1 68; Geography, 394, p. 167 Mill, James. India, 1921, p. 449 Millar, J. H. Scotland, 105, p. 253 Millenary Petition, 1603 A.D., p-3i8 Miller, E. L. Southey's Nelson, i776 P- 39 2 Mills, Arthur. Constitutions, 1849, p. 449 Milman, H. H. Christianity, 759, p. 185 Milner, Alfred. Egypt, 1610, p. 435 Milton, John, p. 359; lives of, 1772, pp. 321, 325; bibl. of, 106, p. 325 ; works by : Areopagitica, 1393, p. 326; Works, p. 199 Mines, inspection of, p. 436 Ministers, favourite, of Charles I, p. 323 ; choice of Whig, under George I, p. 375 ; prime, p. 395 Minorca, capture of, 1708 A.D., p. 372 ; loss of, p. 382 Mint, Newton and the, 1695 A.D., etc., p. 396 INDEX 527 Minto, Countess of, works by : Elliot's Life, 1259, p. 379 ; Me- moir of Elliot, 1743, p. 387 Minto, first earl of, in India, p. 446 Mirabeau, life of, 1478, p. 399 (Von Hoist) Mise of Amiens, under Henry III, p. 229 Mitchell, T. L. Expeditions, 1346, P-457 Moberly, C.E. Tudors, 1611, p. 271 Model, formation of the New, dur- ing the Civil War, p. 333 Modern Accounts, of more than one period, p. 61 ; of one period, p. 116 Modus Tenendi, 1377, p. 249 Moeller, Wilhelm. Church, 760, p. 201 Mogul empire, break-up of, p. 446 Mohammed. See Mahomet Molesworth, W. N. England, 1612, P- 423 Molinier, A. Sources, 86 Mombert, J. I., works by : Cru- sades, 761, p. 217; Charles the Great, 1458, p. 199 Mommsen, Theodor, work on, 286 ; works by: Reden, 762, p. 176; Rome, 1437, p. 172 Mona, capture of, p. 173 Monarchy, restoration of, May i, 1660 A.D., p. 345 Monasteries, in early Eng., p. 184 ; rules for, p. 223 ; scriptorium of, p. 249 ; visitation and dissolu- tion of, 1535-1540 A.D., p. 286 Monk, George (Duke of Albe- marle), during the Common- wealth period, p. 338 ; reaction under, leading to the Restora- tion, p. 341 ; under Charles II, p. 345 ; life of, 1574, p. 343 Monkish Historians, 1142, 1162,1183 Monmouth, Duke of, possible suc- cession of, after Charles II, p. 350; ass'n of, with others, under Charles II, p. 353 ; expe- dition of, 1685 A.D., p. 355 Monmouth, Geoffrey of. British Hist., 1183, p. 170 Monod, Gabriel, works by: Bib- liographic, 87 ; Histoire, 698, p. 176 Monographien zur Weltge- schichte, 763 Monopolies, parliamentary oppo- sition to, under Eliz., p. 305 ; under Charles I, p. 323 Monroe, W. S. Bibliography, 23, p. 203 Monroe Doctrine, p. 419 Monstrelet, Enguerrand de. Chronicles, 605, p. 256 Montague, F. C., works by: Ben- tham's Government, 1364, p. 396 ; Const. Hist., 976, p. 198 Montalembert, Count de. Monks, 7<54. P- 175 Montfort, Simon of, p. 229 ; lives of, 1773, pp. 222, 229, 231 Montgomery, D. H. Leading Facts, 838, p. 1 68 Monthly Digest, 220 Montrose in Scot., under Charles I, p. 333 ; resistance of, to Com- monwealth in Scotland, p. 337 ; lives of, 1615, 1774, pp. 325, 329 ; Memoirs, 1206, p. 334 Montserrat, the island, p. 451 MonumentaFranciscana,669,p.25i Monumenta Historica Britannica, 450, 1184, p. 170 Moon, G. W. Men of the Time, 169 Moore, C. H. Architecture, 524 Moore, Frank. Diary, 1347, p. 389 Moore, W. H. Constitution, 1935, P- 459 Morant, A. W. Papworth's Dic- tionary, 566 More, Thomas, withdrawal from court of, p. 283 ; execution of, p. 286; lives of, 1185, p. 268, and 1775, pp. 278, 282 ; works by: Richard III, 1185, p. 268; Utopia, and Ed. IV, 1185, pp. 268, 309 Morgan, H. J. Manual, 107, p. 456 Morgan, J. A. Forsyth's Jury, 964, p. 177 Morgan classification, p. 168 Morison, M. Time-table, 447 528 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Morison, William. Johnston, 1759, p. 362 Morkere, Earl, defection from Harold, p. 195 Morley, Henry, works by : Cas- sell's Lib., 593; Churchyard's Wolsey, 1323; English "Writers, 108, p. 203 ; Harrington's Oceana, 1371, p. 342 ; Machiavelli's Prince, 1101, p. 309 ; Stow's London, 1208, p. 224; Tales, 327, p. 197 ; Universal Lib., 606 Morley, John, works by : Burke, 1712, p. 387 ; Cobden, 1727, p. 421 ; Cromwell, 1733, p. 332 ; Gladstone,i748,p.424; Eng.Men of Letters, 933 ; Walpole, 1818 Mornington, second earl of (Rich- ard Wellesley), in India, p. 446 Morris, E. E., works by : Anne, 1613, p. 370 ; Hanoverians, 1613, P-3?6 Morris, G. J. Calendar, 1134, p. 244 Morris, G. S. Methods, 287 Morris, John. Gerard's Catholics (Gunpowder Plot), 1385, p. 318 Morris, J. E., works by : Crecy, 1614, p. 240 ; Welsh Wars, 1614, P- 234 Morris, Mowbray, works by : Claverhouse, 1725, p. 368 ; Mont- rose, 1774, p. 329 Morris, W. O., works by : French Rev., 1501, p. 397 ; Ireland, 927, p. 198 ; Irish Questions, 1675, P-437 Morse, John. Lincoln, 1473, p. 435 Morse, J. T., Jr. Am. Statesmen Sen, 1455 Mortimer, Roger, Earl of March, under Ed. II, p. 236; execution of, p. 238 Morton, Charles. Whitelocke's Journal, 1321, p. 342 Morton's Fork, under Henry VII, p. 276 Motley, J. L., works by : Dutch Republic, 820, p. 175; Nether- lands, 1502, p. 299 Moyen Age, Le, 258 Muller, Max. Language, 1438, p. 169 Miiller, Wilhelm. Recent Times, 1503, p. 420 Muir, William. Mahomet and Islam, 1477, p. 218 Muirhead, J. P. Watt, 1820, p. 399 Mullinger, J. B., works by : Cam- bridge, 1022, p. 224 ; Cambridge from 1535 A.D., 1022, p. 288; Cam- bridge to 1535 A.D., 1022, p. 253 ; Introduction, 118, p. 169, note ; Schools, 1504, p. 200 Municipal history. See Society, state of; and Social history Munimenta Academica, 1394, p. 270 Munimenta Gildhallae, 670, p. 249 Munro, D. C., works by: Civiliza- tion, 765, p. 199 ; Syllabus, 306 Munro, J. E. C. Constitution, 1896, P-455 Murdoch, A. D. Wishart's Mont- rose, 1296, p. 334 Murison, A. F., works by : Robert the Bruce, 1796, p. 237 ; Wallace, 1817, p. 234 Murray, works by : Handbook of India, p. 448 (see p. 33) ; Im- perial Lib., 1850 Murray, J. A. H. Dictionary, 470 Muscovy Company, under Eliz., p. 300 Museum, foundation of the British, 1753 A.D., p. 396 Mutiny Act, First, 1689 A.D., p. 366 Mutiny, Indian, pp. 428, 446; in the British fleets, p. 406 Myers, P.V.N. History, 7,p. 171 Mythical Hist, of the British Isles, p. 168 Namur recaptured, 1695 A.D.,p-369 Nankin, Treaty of, 1842 A.D., p. 425 Nantes, revocation of the Edict of, 1685 A.D., p. 355 Napier, Alexander. Boswell'sjohn- son, 1279, p. 396 Napier, Mark. Montrose, 1615, P-325 Napier, Mrs. Metternich's Me- moirs, 1104, p. 406 Napier, W. F. P. Peninsula, 1616, p. 416 INDEX 529 Napoleon, plans of, 1798 A.D., p. 406 ; plan of invasion, p. 410 ; deposition and detention of, at St. Helena, p. 413 ; lives of, 1479, p. 405 Napoleon III. Caesar, 1457, p. 175 Nares, Robert. Glossary, 324 Naseby, battle of, 1645 A.D., p. 333 Nash, A. G. Jamaica, p. 452 Nasse, Erwin. Community, 1046, P- 2 53 Natal, in section on S. Af., p. 461 Nation, The, 231 National Assembly, 1 789-1 79 1 A.D., p. 402 National Australasian Convention, 1897-1898 A.D., p. 457. Debates, 1348, p. 457 National Convention, 1891 A.D., P-457 National Debt, pp. 366, 395, 419 National Education Act, 1870 A.D., P- 43 2 National Educational Ass'n. Re- port, 293 Natives, treatment of British, by Teutonic invaders, p. 177 Naval accounts, 1186, p. 277 Naval Miscellany, 1187, p. 306 Navarino, battle of, 1827 A.D., p. 419 Navarre, Henry of. See Henry of Navarre Navigation Acts, of the Common- wealth, p. 338 ; revision of, under George II, p. 378; also under George IV, p. 419; repeal of, 1849 A.D., p. 425 Navy Records Soc. Publications, IPS Navy, seizure of the Danish, time of Napoleon, p. 410 Neerwinden, battle of, 1693 A.D., p. 366 Neilson, George. Combat, 977, p. 202 Nelson, C. A. Index, 228 Nelson, Horatio, p. 410; lives of, 1776. PP- 39 2 . 395' 409 Nelson and the Jacobins, 1188, p. 407 Nennius, works by: Works, 1162, p. 170; Britons, p. 170 Neolithic age. See Smooth- stone age Netherlands, revolt of, 1572 A.D., p. 300 ; works on, see Countries, individual Neutrality, Eng. proclamation of, during the Am. Civil War, p. 432 Nevill, Ralph. Hall's Exchequer, 967 Nevis, the island, p. 451 New Eng. Hist. Teachers' Ass'n, works by: Sources, 307, p. 169, note; Syllabus, 307, p. 167 New Forest, the, p. 204 New International Encyc., 153, p. 1 66 New Jersey, conquest of, 1664 A. D., P-353 New Model, formation of, during the Civil War, p. 333 New Orleans, battle of, 1815 A.D., p. 414 New Palaeographical Soc. Fac- similes, 579 New Shakspere Soc., 198 New S. W T ales, growth of, p. 457; works by: Journal of Council, 1349, p. 457 ; Votes and Pro- ceedings, 1349, p. 457 New York, conquest of, 1664 A.D., P-353 New York State Lib. Bull., 51, P-3 2 7 New York State Public Lib. (Astor). Bulletin, 52, p. 203 New Zealand, in section on Aus- tralasia, p. 457 Newcastle, Duke of (Thomas Pel- ham), pp. 382, 385. Letters, 1297, P-385 Newfoundland, pp. 300, 453 ; works on: pp. no, 152; cf. p. 148 Newman, Cardinal, life of, 1777, P-435 Newman, Alice. Index, 9 Newspapers, pp. 359, 437 ; list of, p. 23, and 250, p. 433 Newton, Isaac, scientist, pp. 359, 396 ; life of, 1778, p. 363 Nichol, John. Tables, 448 530 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Nicholas, Edward, 'works by : Cor- respondence, 1262, p. 334; Papers, 1298, p. 330 richolls, George. Poor Law, 1047, p. 202 Nichols, James. Fuller's Church Hist., 1000, p. 174 Nichols, John, works by: Fuller's Worthies, 937 ; Progresses of Eliz., i6i7, p. 295 ; Progresses of James I, 1617, p. 321 Nichols, J. G., works by : Cata- logue, 186; Chronicle, Grey Friars, 635, p. 217 ; Chronicle of 1470 A.D., 1141, p. 265; Chronicle of Queen Jane, 1140, p. 290; Hal- kett's Autobiography, 1270, p. 334 ; Machyn's Diary, 1288, p. 290 Nicholson, S. Tariffs, p. 467 Nicolas, N. H., works by : Agin- court, 1618, p. 259 ; Chronology, 449 ; Hatton, 1753, p. 304 ; Navy, 894, p. 192 ; Peerage, 547 Nicolay, J. G., works by : Lincoln, 1473, p. 435 ; Lincoln's Works, 1099, p. 432 Niebuhr, B. G., work on, 286 Niger, the, p. 460 Nightingale, Florence, philan- thropist, p. 428 Nile, battle of the, 1798 A.D., p. 406 Nile region, p. 460 Niles, Hezekiah. Revolution, 1350, P- 389 Nineteen Propositions, 1642 A.D., P- 3 2 9 Nineteenth Century, the, 251, p. 166 Nineteenth Century Sen, 1439 Ninias among the Picts, p. 183 Nobility, treatment of, by Richard II, p. 246; decay of, 1399-1485 A.D., p. 270 ; subjection of, by Henry VII, p. 276 Nominative Parliament, approach of the Protectorate, p. 338 Non-jurors, under William III, p. 366 Nordenskiold, A. E. Facsimile- atlas, 429 Norgate, Kate, works by : Angevin Kings, 1619, p. 210 ; Condemna- tion of John, 1619, p. 231 ; Hast- ings, 1619, p. 194 ; Green's Short Hist., 873, pp. 31, 176; Green's Studies, 873, p. 226 ; John Lack- land, 1758, p. 215 Norham, Award of, I292A.D., p. 232 Normandy, secured by Rollo, p. 195; under William, pp. 195, 204 ; obtained from Robert, by William II, p. 207 ; effect of baronial possessions in, upon lords in England, p. 209 ; pos- session by Henry I, p. 209 ; An- gevin invasionof,under Stephen, p. 21 1 ; loss of, by John, p. 220 ; conquest of, by Henry V, p. 258. See also France Normans, influx of, under Edward the Confessor, p. 193 ; inter- course with, p. 195 ; invasion of, 1066 A.D., p. 195 ; rule of, p. 204 North, Lord (Frederick), premier, p. 388. Correspondence, 1265, P-3^9 North, wasting of, io69A.D., p. 204; revolt of, under Henry IV, p. 2 56; Council of, under Henry VIII, p. 286 . North American Rev., 232 North Briton, the, p. 385 North Folk, settlement of, p. 178 Northampton, battle of, 1460 A.D., p. 263 Northeast passage, reign of Eliz., p. 300 Northmen. See Normans Northumberland. See Dudley, John Northumbria, leadership in, p. 181 ; conversion of, p. 183 Northwest passage, reign of Eliz., p. 300 Norway, Maid of (Margaret of Scotland), p. 232 Notes and Queries, 252 Nova Scotia, colonization of, sub- sequent to 1748 A.D., p. 378 Novelists, since 1789 A.D., p. 437 Novels, historical, pp. 31,172, note Numismatics, works on, p. 48 INDEX 531 Gates, Titus, pp. 350, 355 Oath of Abjuration, 1701 A.D., P- 369 Oath, the Salisbury, 1086 A.D., p. 204 O'Brien, Smith, in the Irish insur- rection, 1847-1848 A.D., p. 425 Occasional Conformity Bill, 1711 A.D., p. 372; repeal of, 1718 A.D., P- 375 O'Connell, Daniel, Irish leader, p. 419; agitation for repeal of the Union, p. 425; lives of, 1779, pp. 409, 417 O'Connor, T. P. Parnell Move- ment, 1676, p. 440 O'Curry, Eugene. Lectures, 580 O'DonovanJohn. O'Reilley's Dic- tionary, 458 Oesterley, Hermann. Wegweiser, 74 Offa, King, p. 181 Official Handbook of Canada, 1333, P-455 Office-holding, laws against Irish Catholics concerning, under Anne, p. 372 Offices, important, under Henry I, p. 209 ; sale of, under Richard I, p. 217; reforms concerning, under Geo. IV, p. 419 O'Flanagan, J. R. Chancellors of Ire., 945, p. 227 O'Hart, John. Pedigrees, 548 Ohio Company, in America, p. 382 Ohrwalder, Joseph. Captivity,i322, P- 43 2 Olaf, King, p. 190 Old Pretender. See Pretender Old South Leaflets. See Old South Work Old South Work, Directors of. Old South Leaflets, 199, p. 221 Oldcastle, John, Lollard leader, p. 258 ; life of, 1687, p. 259 Oldys. Miscellany, 657, p. 174 Oliphant, Mrs. (M. O. W.). Jeanne D'Arc, 1471, p. 262 Oliphant, T. L. K., works by : Aris- tocracy, 2038, p. 272; Essays, 767, p. 272 Oman, C. W. C., works by : Art of War, 768, p. 200 ; England, 839, p. 171; England in Six Vols., 877 ; England, 1377-1485 A.D., 895, p. 245; Hundred Years' War, 1620, p. 239 ; Oxford Man- uals, 896 ; Peninsular War, 1620, p. 416; War in M. A. ,768, p. 200; Warwick, 1819, p. 267 Oncken, Wilhelm. Hausser's Ref- ormation, 738, p. 281 Opium War with China, 1839-1842 A.D., p. 425 Oppenheim, M., works by: Naval Accounts, 1186, p. 277 ; Navy, 1638, p. 299; Navy under Charles I, 1621, p. 325; Navy under Commonwealth, 1621, p. 340; Navy under Eliz., 1621, p. 299 ; Navy under James 1, 1621, p. 321; Royal Navy, 1048, p. 272 Orange, William of, invitation to, P-355 Orange Free State, pp. 460-461 Orange River Colony, p. 461 Ordainers, Lords, 1310 A.D., p. 235 Orders in Council, 1807 A.D., p. 410 Ordinance, Self-denying, in the Civil War, p. 333 Ordinances for the Royal House- hold. See Collection of Ordi- nances Ordish, F. F. Shakespeare's Lon- don, 2039, p. 313 Ordnance Survey. Maps, 413 Oregon boundary, 1846 A.D., p. 425 O'Reilley, Edward. Dictionary, 458 Orford, Earl of. See Walpole, Horace Original Papers, 1189, p. 356 Orleans, Charles, Duke of. De- bate, 1079, p. 270 Orleans, Siege of, reign of Henry VI, p. 260 Ormond, James, Duke of, life of, 1781, p. 325 Ornaments of the Britons, p. 170 Orosius, 1695, P- J 7> note Orsay. See D'Orsay Oswiu, King, p. 181 Ottawa, Intercolonial Conference at, 1894 A.D., p. 466 532 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Otte, E. C. Pauli's Old Eng., 897, p. 20 1 Oudenarde, battle of, 1708 A.D., P- 372 Our Cathedrals, 525 Ouvry, H. A. Nasse's Community, 1046, p. 253 Overland Monthly, 233, p. 167 Overton, J. H., works by : Church, 2000, p. 441 ; Revival, 2000, p. 400 Owen, Robert, life of, 1782, p. 441 Oxford, early, pp. 223, 249 Oxford Eng. Dictionary, 470 Oxford Hist. Soc., 200 Oxford Manuals of Eng. Hist, 896 Oxford, Provisions of, 1258 A:D., p. 229 Oxford Reformers, p. 276 Oxford Univ. Statutes, 671, p. 360 Page, John. Rouen, 1170, p. 258 Paget, Arthur. Papers, 1300, p. 402 Paget, A. B. Papers, 1300, p. 402 Painting. See Society, state of Palaeography, works of, p. 49 Palatinate, loss of, time of James I, p. 318; war of, with France, 1689-1697 A.D., pp. 366, 369 Paleolithic age. See Rough-stone age Palestine Pilgrim's Text Soc., 201 Palfrey, J.G. New Eng., 1879, p. 254 Palgrave, Francis,works by : Anglo- Saxons, 1622, p. 172; Common- wealth, 1622, p. 172 ; Normandy, 769, p. 185 Palgrave, R. F. D. Cromwell, 1733, p. 328 Palgrave, R. H. Dictionary, 170 Pallain, M. G. Correspondence, 1106, p. 414 Palmerston, Viscount (H. J. Tem- ple), premier, pp. 428, 431 Pandulf, Cardinal, p. 229 Panic, Law's, in France, p. 396 ; of 1720 A.D., in England, p. 396 Paoli, Cesare. Programma, 581 Papacy. See Religion Papal Letters, 627, p. 217 Papal Letters relating to Eng., 1120, p. 223 Papers, Spanish War, 1190, p. 301 Papers, U. S., 1089, p. 433 Papworth,J.W. Coats of Arms, 566 Paris, Gaston. Extraits, 607, p. 242 Paris, Matthew, chronicler, p. 249; works by: History, 1191, p. 229 ; Writings, 1173, p. 229 Paris, Treaty of, 1763 A.D., p. 385 ; Park. Miscellany, 657, p. 174 Park, Thomas. Nugae Antiquae, 1192, p. 271 Parker,F.W. Geography,347,p. 168 Parker, Gilbert. Quebec, 1897, P-455 Parker, J. H. Architecture, 529 Parker, Matthew,archbishop under Eliz., p. 296 ; life of, 1783, p. 292 Parker, P. L. Wesley's Journal, 1320, p. 378 Parker Soc. Publications,202,p.29o Parkes, Henry, life of, 1784, p. 459. Fifty Years, 1936, p. 459 Parkin, G. R., works by : Federa- tion, 1851, p. 449 ; Reorganiza- tion, 1851, p. 468 ; Unity, p. 468 Parkman, Francis. France and England, 1898 p. 325 Parliament, of 1265 A.D., p. 229; of 1295 A.D.,p. 232; under Henry IV, p. 256; under Henry V, p. 258 ; subserviency of, to Henry VII, p. 276; of the Reformation, 1529 A.D., p. 283; support of, for Eliz., p. 300 ; opposition of, to monopolies, under Eliz., p. 305; discord with James 1,^.318; government without, 1629-1640 A.D., by Charles I, p. 322 ; in opposition to Charles I, p. 322 ; Short, and Long, 1640 A.D., etc., p. 326 ; Rump, during the Civil War, p. 333 ; dissolution of, p. 338 ; Barebone's (or the Little, or the Nominative) , p. 338 ; call- ing of the Convention, and res- toration of, under General Monk, p. 341 ; acts of the Scotch Loy- alist, under Charles II, p. 345; Cavalier, of Charles II, p. 345; Convention, 1689-1690 A.D., p. 355 ; attitude toward America INDEX 533 in, p. 388 ; corruption of, and lack of confidence in, p. 395 ; agitation for reform of, p. 428 ; abolition of property qualifica- tions for, p. 431 ; the imperial, p. 466. See also Commons; Lords; and Society, state of Parliamentary Debates in i6ioA.D., "93. P- 3'9 Parnell, Arthur. Spanish Succes- sion, 1440, p. 374 Parnell, C. S., Irish leader, p. 432 Parr, Catherine, queen of Henry VIII, p. 286 Parsons, Frank. New Zealand, 1937. P- 459 Parties. See Society, state of; also Whigs, Tories, etc. Partition of Africa, p. 460 Pasquier, d'Audiffret-. Pasquier's Memoirs, 1107, p. 402 Pasquier,E.D. History(Memoirs), 1107, p. 402 Passage, Northeast, and North- west, time of Eliz., p. 300 Paston Letters, 672, p. 261 Pastor, Ludwig. Popes, 770, p. 243 Patent Rolls, 1194, p. 230 Patrick, David. Chambers's Dic- tionary, 161 Patterson, William, and the Bank of England, p. 396 Pattison, Mark. Milton, 1772, p. 325 Paul, Herbert. England, 1623, p. 427 Pauli, Reinhold, bibl. of, 73 ; works by: Alfred, 1695, p. 189; Auf- satze, 897, p. 243 ; Grossteste, 1750, p. 254; England, 897, p. 2 1 5; Montfort, 1773, p. 222 ; Old Eng., 897, p. 20 1 Paulinus, mission of, p. 183 Pauperism. See Society, state of Payments, suspension of specie, 1797 A.D., p. 406 Payne, E. J., works by : Colonies, 1441, p. 277; Seamen, 1351, p. 299 Peabody, S. H. Patriotism, 1090, P- 389 Peabody Institute. Catalogue, 53 Peace. See Treaties Pearson, Alfred. Symonds's Ren- aissance, 824, p. 272 Pearson, C. H., works by : Eng- land, 898, p. 172; Fourteenth Century, 1624, p. 237 ; Maps, 430 Peasants' Rising, of 1381 A. D., p. 244 Peck, H. T., works by : Stanley's Africa, 1449, p. 462 ; Year Book, 167, p. 434 ; New International Encyc., 153, p. 166 Pecock, Reginald. Represser, 1388, p. 270 Pecquigny, Peace of, 1475 A.D., p. 265 Pedagogical Lib., 294 Pedro of Spain, supported by Ed. Ill, p. 241 Peel, Robert, premier, pp. 419, 422, 425; life of, 1785, p. 417 Peers, creation of Tory, 1712 A.D., PP- 372, 395 Pekin, Peace of, 1860 A.D., p. 428 Pelham, Henry, administration of, P-378 Pellew, George. Addington, 1693, p. 405 Pelsart. Voyages, 1352, p. 457 Penfield, F. C. Egypt, 1625, p. 435 Peninsular War, 1808-1814 A.D., P-4'3 Penn, \Villiam, admiral against Spain under the Protectorate, P- 341 Penn, William, founder of Pa., lives of, 1786, p. 363 Pennell, Joseph. Rensselaer's Cathedrals, 527 Pennsylvania, founded 1681 A.D., P-353 Pennsylvania, Univ. of, works by : Publications, 203 ; Translations and Reprints, 608, p. 173 Penrith, battle of Second Jacobite Rebellion, p. 378 Pensions, reforms in, 1782 A.D., etc., p. 393 Pepys, Samuel, life of, 1787, p. 359. Diary, 1301, p. 342 Percival, Spencer, p. 413 Period of Anarchy, in Stephen's reign, p. 211 534 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Periodicals, popularity of, p. 437 ; lists of, historical, p. 22 Periods of Eur. Hist., 771 Perkins, C. C. Champlin's Paint- ers, 333 Perkins, J. B., works by : Louis XV, 1505, p. 377 ; Mazarin, 1505, p. 321 ; Regency, 1505, p. 344; Richelieu, 1481, p. 321 Perrin, M. L. Von Sybel's Em- pire, 1511, p. 430 Perry, Bliss. Selections from Burke, 1241 Perry, G. G. Reformation, 2001, p. 285 Perry, W. C. Von Sybel's Revo- lution, 1511, p. 405 Persecutions. See Religion in the British Isles Perthes, Justus. Atlas, 431 Perwich, William. Despatches, 1302, p. 348 Peter des Roches, under Henry III, p. 229 Peterborough, third earl (Charles Mordaunt), life of, 1788, p. 358 Peterloo Massacre, 1819 A.D.,p_4 1 4 Peters, J. P. Miiller's Recent Times, 1503, p. 420 Petherick, E. A., & Co. Larkin Catalogue, 108 A (p. 474), p. 460 Petit-Dutaillis. See Dutaillis, Petit- Petition, Millenary, 1603 A.D., p. 318 Petition of Right, 1628 A.D., pp. 3 22 ' 3 2 3 Petition and Advice, Humble, 1657 A.D., p. 341 Petitioners, party name under Charles II, p. 350 Petitions, 1829 A.D., etc., p. 425 Petitions to the Pope, 627, p. 238 Petrarch. Correspondence, 1108, p. 249 Petrie, Henry. Monumenta Bri- tannica, 450, 1184, p. 170 Petzholdt, Julius. Bibliotheca, 10 Peyster, J. W. de. Mary Stuart, 1771, p. 299 Philadelphia, Mercantile Lib. of. Bulletin, 54 Philip II (Augustus), policy of, p. 220 Philip IV (the Fair), and Boniface VIII, p. 232 Philip II of Spain, life of, 1480, p. 295 Philip. Atlas, 416 Phillip, Admiral, life of, 1789, p. 459 Phillippoteaux, P. Penfield's Egypt, 1625, p. 435 Phillips, L. B. Dictionary, 171 Phillips, P. L. Check List, 345 Phillpotts, J. S. Commonwealth, 1555. P- 3 2 4 Philology, works of, p. 40 ; value of, p. 1 68 Phipps, R. W. Bourienne's Napo- leon, 1105, p. 402 Photographs, p. 32 Physiography, hist, works on, p. 32 ; of Af., pp. 461,462, 463; of Aus- tralasia, pp. 458 (bis), 459 ; Brit- ish Isles, p. 165; Canada, pp. 454, 455 (bis); India, pp. 447, 448, 450; Newfoundland, pp. 454, 455; West Indies, pp. 451, 452 ; scattered acquisitions, pp. 464, 465 (bis) Pictet, Adolphe. Origines, 1442, p. 172 Picton, J. A., works by : Cromwell, 1733, p. 328; Liverpool, 899, p. 169 Pictorial matter, p. 31 Picts, the, p. 170; in Britain, p. 173; dependence upon the Northumbrians, p. 181 Pie powder, courts of, 1216-1399 A.D., p. 249 Pierce, Josiah, Jr. Survey, 413 Piers Gaveston. See Gaveston Piers Plowman. See Langland, William Pike, L. O., works by : Crime, 978, p. 20 1 ; Lords, 978, p. 201 Pilgrimage of Grace, time of Henry VIII, p. 286 Pilgrims, the, time of James I, p. 318 Pinkerton, John, works by : Aus- tralian Voyages, 1352, p. 457; Scotland, 900, p. 243 ; Voyages, 609, p. 1 68 Pinkie Cleugh, battle of, 1 547 A.D., p. 290 INDEX 535 Pitt, William, the Elder, p. 382; life of, 1722, p. 380. Corre- spondence, 1303, p. 378 Pitt, William, the Younger, pp. 393,402,406,410; lives of, 1791, p. 395. Speeches, 1304, p. 389 Pitt Press Sen, 673 Placita Anglo-Normannica, 1379, p. 204 Plague, Great, 1665 A.D., p. 359 Planche, J. R., works by : Clark's Heraldry, 559; Costume, 532, p. 200 Plassey, battle of, 1757 A.D., p. 446 Plautius, Aulus, in Britain, p. 173 Ploetz, Carl. Epitome, 321 Plots, for the succession of Lady Jane Grey, p. 290 ; Babington's, 1586 A.D., p. 300; Gunpowder, time of James I, p. 3 1 8 ; Popish, time of Charles II, p. 350 ; Rye House, time of Charles 1 1, p. 3 53 ; Jacobite, p. 369. See Conspiracies Plummer, Charles, works by : For- tescue's Governance, 1369^.265; SaxonChron.,673A(p.474),p. 173 Pocock, Nicholas, worksby: Harps- field's Treatise, 1167, p. 283 ; Morals, 2002, p. 292 ; Prayer- book, 1389, p. 290 ; Settlement, 2002, p. 347 Pococke, Richard. Travels, 1195, P-39 Poems, historical, pp. 31, 173, note, 469 Poets, of the nineteenth century, P- 437 Poictiers. See Poitiers Poisoning, Oyer of, 1525, p. 318 Poitiers, battle of, 1356 A.D., p. 238 Political History, works on, pp. 78, 112, 156; cf. pp. 52, 87, 92, 116, 1 24. See also Society, state of Political Hist, of Eng., 901 Political Science Quarterly, 234 Political Songs of Eng., 074, p. 220 Poll taxes, under Richard II, p. 244 Pollard, A. F., works by : Pam- phlets, 675, p. 342 ; Somerset, 1626, p. 292 ; Tudor Tracts, 1216, p. 284 Pollard, A. W. Fifteenth Century Prose, 1160, p. 256 Pollen, J. H. Sander, 1801, p. 299 Pollock, Frederick, works by : Angleterre, 957, p. 250 ; Domes- day, 1627, p. 206 ; Eng. Law, 980, p. 202 ; Law, 1979, p. 202 ; Law Quarterly Rev., 249 ; Lectures, 902, p. 201; Politics, 979, p. 441 Pollock, John. Popish Plot, 1628, P- 35' Polo, Marco, traveler, p. 276 Pondicherry, occupation of, c. 1672 A.D., p. 446 Poole, Mary. Index, 221 Poole, R. L., works by : Atlas, 432 ; Bale's Index, 93 Poole, S. L., works by : Bowen's Government, 1236, p. 458; Lane's Kur-an, 1075, P- 2O 3 ! Wycliffe, 1826 (p. 474), p. 243 Poole, W. F. Index, 221 Poor Men's Causes, court of, under Henry VII, p. 276 Poor Priests, Wiclif's, p. 244 Poor relief, under the Tudors, pp. 296,309; reforms in, pp. 422, 437 Poor, schools for the, p. 437 Poore, B. P. Constitutions, 1338, p. 301 Pope, the. See Religion Popish Plot, time of Charles II, P-350 Popular Science Mo., 235, p. 166 Population, decrease of, in Ireland after the famine, p. 425. See also Society, state of Porritt, Edward. Englishman, 1977, P-438 Port Jackson (Sydney), 1788 A.D., P-457 Porter, G. W. List, n Portland, third duke of (W. H. C. Bentinck), pp. 393, 413 Portugal, discoveries of, pp. 276, 460; conquest of Goa by, 1510 A.D., p. 446 ; Methuen Treaty with, 1703 A.D., p. 372 ; alliance with, in the Peninsular War, p. 413 ; works on, see Countries, individual 536 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Posidonius, traveler in Britain, p. 170 Post, the, p. 436 Potato famine, 1846-1847 A.D., P-425 Potthast, August. Bibliotheca, 75, p. 203 Poundage, under Charles I, p. 322 Powell, Edgar, works by : Peas- ants' Rising, 1215, p. 244 ; Rising in Anglia, 2040, p. 245 Powell, F.York-, works by: Corpvs, 332, p. 187 ; Early Eng., 1629, p. 174; Eng. Hist, by Contemp. Writers, 646 ; Introduction, 291 ; Scot. Hist, from Contemp. Writ- ers, 683 Power loom, the, p. 395 Powers, G. W. Reformation, 1630, p. 277 Poynings's Laws, 1494 A.D., p. 276 Praemunire, Statute of, under Ed. Ill, p. 238; statutes of, under Richard II, p. 246. See also Statutes Prayer-book, English, 1549 A.D., p. 290 Preaching, character and methods of the new, in the eighteenth century, p. 396 Prehistoric times, p. 168 Prendergast, J. P., works by : Cal- endar, 1137, p- 319; Ireland, 1677, p. 362 Presbyterianism, during the Civil War, p. 329 Prescott, W. H. Ferdinand, 1506, p. 267 Press, freedom of the, 1694 A.D., p. 394 ; in India, p. 446 Preston, H. W. Documents, 1353, P-3'9 Prestonpans, battle of, 1745 A.D., P-378 Pretender, Old (Stuart, James), pp. 355. 369. 372, 375 Pretender, Young (Charles Ed- ward), p. 378 Pride's Purge, of the Long Parlia- ment, p. 333 Priesthood, the, among the early Germans, p. 176 Priests, Poor, Wiclif's, p. 244 Prime minister, rise of, p. 395 Prince Edward Island, p. 453 Prince of Wales, under Ed. I, p. 232. See also Pretender, Young Princes, the, imprisonment and death of, through Duke Rich- ard, p. 268 Printing, invention of, p. 270 Prior, E. S. Gothic Art, 526 Prisons, reforms in, p. 436 Privileges, sale of, under Richard I, p. 217 Privy Council. See Burton, J. H. Probyn, J. W. Italy, 1507, p. 416 Procedure, judicial, statutes of Ed. I affecting, p. 232 Proclamation, Duquesne's, p. 382 ; of neutrality, English, in the Am. Civil War, p. 432 Progresses, royal, time of the Tudors, p. 309 Promptorium, 488 Property, monastic, disposal of confiscated, under Henry VIII, p. 286 ; attempt of Mary Tudor to remedy this, p. 293 Property, laws of the Irish Parl. concerning, p. 396 Property Qualification Act, 1711 A.D., p. 372 ; abolition of, p. 432 Propositions, Nineteen, 1642 A.D., P-3 2 9 Protector. See Bedford; Crom- well; Gloucester (Humphrey and Richard] ; Somerset ; and York (Richard of) Protectorates, in imperial admin- istration, p. 466 Protestantism. See Religion Prothero, G. W., works by : Cam- bridge Hist. Ser., 702 ; Cam- bridge Mod. Hist, 703; Charter, 1978, p. 222 ; Gneist on the Eng. Const., 981, p. 441 ; Montfort, 1773, p. 231 ; Statutes, 676, p. 297 Prothero, R. E. Farming, 1049, p. 226 Prou, Maurice. Manuel, 582 INDEX 537 Providence Pub. Lib., works by : Mo. Bull., 55, p. 168; Lists, 55, p. 228 Provisions of Oxford, 1258 A.D., p. 229 Provisors, First Statute of, under Ed. Ill, p. 238; Statutes of, under Richard II, p. 246 Prussia, Pitt's alliance with, in the Seven Years' War, p. 382 ; Na- poleon's control of, p. 410; works on, see Countries, indi- vidual Prynne, William, punished under Charles I, p. 323 Pulling, F. S., works by : Diction- ary, 315 ; Salisbury, 1800, p. 430 Purchas, Samuel. Pilgrimes, 610, p. 271 Purchase of land in Ire., pro- visions of 1870 A.D., p. 432 Purge, Pride's, of the Long Parl., P-333 Puritanism, increase of, under Eliz., p. 296 ; under James I, p. 290 ; emigration of Puritans, p. 290 Putnam, G. P. Tabular Views, 451 Putnam, Ruth, works by : Blok's Netherlands, 805, p. 312; Wil- liam the Silent, 1484, p. 292 Putzgers, F. W. Schul-Atlas, 433 Pyle, Howard. Buccaneers, 772, p. 362 Pym, John, statesman, p. 322 ; life of, 947, p. 325 Pyne, Henry. Debate, 1079, p. 270 Pytheas, traveler in Britain, p. 170 Quebec, capture of, i759A.D.,p-382 Queen Anne's Bounty, p. 372 Queen Anne's War, p. 369 Queen's Prime Ministers, 1688 Queensland, Australia, p. 457 Quiberon, battle of, I795A.D., p. 402 Race, characteristics, in the Brit- ish Isles, p. 168 ; groups, in Europe, p. 168; groups, among the early Germans, p. 176 Radcliffe College Monographs, 204 Rae, W. F. Egypt, 1631, p. 435 Raffles, Stamford, life of, 1792^.464 Railway, the, p. 437 Raine, James. York (Historic Towns), 868, p. 172 Rait, R. S., works by : Mary, Queen of Scots, 1294, p. 297; Relations of Eng. and Scot., 903, p. 200 Raithby, John, works by : Statutes at Large, 688, p. 230 ; Statutes of U. K., 1207, p. 407 Raleigh, Walter, explorer and colonizer, p. 300 ; as an author, p. 309 ; treatment by James I, p. 318; lives of, 1793, pp. 301, 304 ; works by : Guiana, 1354, p. 305 ; Revenge, 1196, p. 305 Rambaud, Alfred. Histoire Ge- nerale, 751, p. 171 Ramillies, battle of, 1 706 A. D., p. 37 2 Ramsay, A. C. Geology, 396, p. 167 Ramsay, J. II., works by : Angevin Empire, 1632, p. 215; Founda- tions, 904, p. 172 ; Lancaster and York, 1632, p. 257 Rand, Benjamin, works by : Bibl., 24, p. 202 ; Economic Hist., 773, P- 346 Rand, McNally & Co. Atlas, 417 Ranke, L. v., works on : 277, 286 ; works by : England, 905, p. 175 ; Popes, 774, p. 285 Ranks, in early England, p. 197 Rannie, D. W. Constitution, 982, p. 198 Ransome, Cyril, works by : Ad- vanced Hist., 840, p. 1 66; Gov- ernment, 983, p. 198 ; Hand- book, 317 Ranulf Flambard, under William II, p. 207 Rashdall, Hastings. Universities, 775, p. 226 Ratzel, Friedrich. Mankind, 497, p. 448 Reader's Guide, 222 Rebellion, against King John, p. 220; Peasants', of 1381 A.D., p. 244 ; of Owen Glendower, under Henry IV, p. 256; of Jack Cade, 1450 A.D., p. 260; of 538 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Lancastrians, time of Ed. IV, p. 265; against Henry VII, p. 276 ; against Ed. VI, p. 290 ; of Thomas Wyatt, 1 554 A.D., p. 293 ; Scottish, under Charles I, p. 326 ; Irish, 1641 A.D., p. 329; Jacobite, of the Highlanders, time of Wil- liam III, p. 366; Jacobite, 1715 A.D., p. 375; Jacobite, 1745 A.D., p. 378 ; Irish, 1798 A.D., p. 406 ; Emmet's, 1803 A.D., p. 406; Irish, 1847-1848 A.D., p. 425; Sepoy, pp. 428, 446 ; Fenian, 1867 A.D., p. 432 ; Kiel's, 1869-1870, and 1885 A.D., p. 453. See also Plots ; and Riots Recantations, of Lollards, under Richard II, p. 246 Reclus, Elisee, works by : Earth, 397, p. 1 66; Geographic, 397, p. 167 Recoinage Act, 1695 A - D -> P- 3^9 Records, increased care for public, 1216-1399 A.D., p. 249 Rede Lectures, 776 Redington, Joseph, works by: Cal- endar, Home Office, 1131, p. 385 ; Calendar, Treasury, 629, p. 293 Redstone, V. B. Social Eng., 2041 p. 272 Reeve, Henry, works by : De Tocqueville's Democracy, 1518, p. 321; De Tocqueville's France, 1518, p. 399; Greville's Memoirs, 1269, p. 419; Whitelocke's Jour- nal, 1321, p. 342 Reeves, W. P. New Zealand, 1938, P-458 Reflections on the French Rev. See Burke, E. Reform Bill, First, i832A.D.,p.422; ' agitation for parliamentary, p. 428; Second Bill, 1867 A.D., p. 431 ; Third, 1884 A.D., p. 432 Reformation. See Religion Reformation Parl., 1 529 A.D., p. 283 Reformers, Oxford, p. 276 Reforms. See specific topics Regent. See Protector Regiments, Highland, p. 382 Register. See Cobbett Register, Privy Council of Scot., 1197, p. 287 Reich, Emil. Atlas, 434 Reid, S.J. Queen's Ministers, 1688 Reid, T. W. Forster, 1746, p. 424 Reiley, Alan C., works by : Bibl. of Geog., 348 ; Larned's Ready Reference, 749, p. 169 Reinsch, P. S., works by : Gov- ernment, 1443, p. 468 ; Politics, 1443, p. 468 Relation of Eng., 1198, p. 276 Relics, destruction of, under Henry VIII, p. 286 Relief, feudal, p. 223 Religion, introduction of Chris- tianity, p. 173; Roman, section on, p. 183 ; Ed. the Martyr, p. 190; attitude of Canute toward the church, p. 191 ; William I and the church, p. 204 ; William IPs contest with the church, p. 207 ; Henry I's conflict with the church, p. 209 ; Stephen's quar- rel with Roger of Salisbury, p. 2ii ; Henry II and the church, Thomas a Becket, p. 213; John's quarrel with the pope, p. 220 ; Henry Ill's relations with the papacy, p. 229 ; Ed. I's statutes, his quarrel with the papacy, p. 232 ; Ed. I I's statutes, p. 238; John Wiclif, p. 241 ; \Viclif and the Lollards, p. 244 ; Lollards, p. 246; Statutes of Provisors and Praemunire, p. 246 ; rela- tions of Henry IV with the clergy, heretics, p. 256; Old- castle and the Lollards, p. 258; alliance of Henry VIII with the papacy, p. 280 ; the Pope and Katherine's divorce, p. 283; the Reformation, pp. 283, 286, 290, 296 ; restoration of papal con- trol under Mary, persecutions, p. 293 ; religious affairs under Eliz., p. 296 ; Catholic plots and anti-Catholic laws, p. 300 ; per- secution of sectaries, p. 305 ; religious affairs under James I, p. 318; anti-Catholic movement INDEX 539 under Charles I, p. 322 ; Court of High Commission, p. 323 ; religion in Scot, under Charles I, p. 326 ; religious question of 1641 A.D., p. 329; Presbyterian- ism and the Independents, p. 329 ; religious settlement of the Res- toration, p. 345 ; further meas- ures under Charles II, p. 348 ; Catholic ascendancy, p. 355; toleration in Eng., under Wil- liam and Mary, also episcopacy abolished in Scot., and persecu- tion of Catholics in Ire., p. 366 ; laws against Irish Catholics, under Anne, p. 372 ; Catholic Emancipation Act, 1829 A.D., p. 419; establishment of the Roman Catholic organization, 1850 A.D., p. 425; religion in Canada and Newfoundland, p. 453 ; missions in New Zealand, 1814 A.D., p. 457 ; religions of Africa, p. 460 ; Huguenot colo- nists in Cape Colony, p. 461 ; missionaries in Natal, p. 461 ; religion as a bond of empire, p. 466. See also Society, state of Religious history, works on, pp. 8 1 , 114, 158; cf. pp. 52, 61, 70, 87, 92, 1 1 6, 124. See also Society, state of Religious Tract Soc., ion Remains, prehistoric, in British Isles, p. 1 68 Remonstrance, Grand, 1641 A.D., P-329 Remusat, Madame de. Memoirs, 1109, p. 407 Remusat, Paul de. Remusat's Memoirs, 1109, p. 407 Renaissance in Italy, p. 276 Rensselaer, S. v. Eng. Cathe- drals, 527 Renwick, I. P. A. Year-Book, 172, p. 168 Repertorium, 28 Report on Canadian Archives, in, P- 456 Reports of Star Chamber Cases, 1380, p. 323 Representation, under Ed. I, p. 232; continued evils of borough, 1603-1688 A.D., p. 359; defects in, in the eighteenth century, p. 395 ; readjustment of, in the nineteenth century, p. 436; colo- nial, lack of, p. 466 Representatives, papal. See Re- ligion Republic, England made a, 1649 A.D., p. 337 Republics, Spanish-American, p. 419 Restoration of monarchy, May i, 1660, p. 345 Resumption of Crown Lands, Act for, under William III, p. 369 Resumption of specie payments, 1821 A.D., p. 419 Retainers, Statutes Concerning Maintenance of, under Richard II, p. 246 Reusens, le Chanoine. Paleogra- phie, 583 Revenue, sources of, under Wil- liam I, p. 204 ; statutes under Ed. I, affecting, p. 232 ; acts of the Convention Parl. relating to, p. 345. See also Society, state of Reville, Andre. Soulevement, 2042, p. 244 Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, 1685 A.D., p. 355 Revolt. See Rebellion Revolts on the Continent, middle of the nineteenth century, p. 425 Revolution, the French, p. 402 Revolution, industrial, of the eighteenth century, p. 395 Revue de Synthese Historique, 261 Revue des Questions Historiqiies, 259 Revue Historique, 260 Rhe, Isle of, expedition to, 1627 A.D., p. 322 Rheims, coronation of the Dauphin at, 1429 A.D., p. 260 Rhind Archaeology Lectures, 1633 Rhode Island, charter of, 1663 A.D., p. 353 Rhodes, J. F. United States, 1508, P-435 540 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Rhodes, W. E. Italian Bankers (Tout, Essays), p. 253 Rhodes, the island, p. 466 Rhys, J., works by : Britain, 1634, p. 171; Legend, 1634, p. 179; Religion, 2003, p. 172; Welsh, 1635, p. 1 66 Ribton-Turner. See Turner, Ribton- Rich, Edmund, p. 249 Richard I, 1189-1199 A.D., p. 217 Richard II, 1377-1381 A.D., p. 244 ; 1381-1399 A.D., p. 246 ; lives of, 1794, p. 245 Richard III, as Duke of Glouces- ter, p.268; i483-i485A.D.,p. 268; lives of, 869, 1795, pp. 264, 267 Richard de Lucy, official of Henry II, p. 213 Richard of Cirencester. See Ciren- cester, Richard of Richard of Devizes. See Devizes Richard of Gloucester. See Rich- ard III Richard of York, pp. 260, 263 Richards, Thomas. New S. Wales, 1939, P- 459 Richardson, J. D. Messages, 1091, P-3&9 Richardson, O. H., works by : Na- tional Movement, 1636, p. 231 ; Syllabus, 308 Richardson, William. Collections, 335 Richelieu, Cardinal, life of, 1481, p. 321 Richmond, Earl of, See Henry VII Rideing, W. H., works by : Eng- land's Seaport, p. 166; Land o' Burns, p. 167 ; Route of Wild Irishman, p. 167; London, 906, p. 225 Ridgway, James. Erskine's Speeches, 1260, p. 388 Ridley, Nicholas, burned, time of Mary Tudor, p. 293 Riel's Rebellions, 1869-1870, 1885 A.D., p. 453 Right, Petition of, 1628 A.D., pp. 322, 323 Rights, Bill of, 1689 A.D., pp. 366, 367 Rights, Declaration of, by the Con- vention Parl., p. 355 Rights, feudal, p. 223 Rights of Man, Declaration of, 1789 A.D., p. 402 Riley, H. T., works by : Hoveden's Annals, 602, p. 181 ; Liber Albus, 1180, p. 249 ; London, 668, p. 233 ; Munimenta, 670, p. 249 Riots, at Edinburgh, 1637 A.D., p. 326; Jacobite, 1715 A.D., and the Riot Act, p. 375; Gordon, 1780 A.D., pp. 388, 395, 425; Chartist, 1839 A.D., etc., and bread, 1855 A.D., p. 428 Ripley, W. Z. Races, 498, p. 169 Rishanger, William. Writings, 1173, p. 229 Risings. See Rebellions Rizzio, David, murder of, 1 566 A.D., p. 296 Roads, Roman, in Britain, p. 173 ; in the eighteenth century, p. 395. See also Society, state of Robert, Duke, loses Normandy, p. 207 Robert of Belleme, under Henry I, p. 209 Robert the Bruce, lives of, 1796, PP- 234, 237 Roberts, C. G. D. Canada, 1899, P-454 Roberts, Lord(F.S-). Cromwell, 951 Roberts,R.A. Calendar,ii3i,p.385 Robertson, C.G. Statutes,677,p.346 Robertson, E. S. Great Writers Sen, 939 Robertson, E. W. Scotland, 907, p. 200 Robertson, William. Bright, 1709, p. 425 Robinson, E. A. Hassencamp's Ireland, 923, p. 314 Robinson, J. H., works by : Pe- trarch's Correspondence, 1108, p. 249 ; Readings, 611, p. 184 ; Western Eur., 777, p. 174 Robinson, W. C. Ten Brink's Literature, 94 Robjohns, Sydney. Quebec, 1900, P-38 7 INDEX 541 Roche, C. E. Pasquier's Memoirs, 1107, p. 402 Roches, Peter des, under Henry III, p. 229 Rockingham, second marquis of (C.W.Wentworth),p.393. Mem- oirs, 1305, p. 385 Rodd, T. Collections, 335 Rodway, James. W. Indies, 1444, P-452 Roe, Colonel (?). Memoir of Birch, 1234, p. 329 Roger of Salisbury, quarrel with Stephen, p. 211 Roger of Wendover, p. 249 Rogers, John, burned, time of Mary Tudor, p. 293 Rogers, J. E. T., works by : Agri- culture, 1050, p. 253 ; Black Death, 2043, P- 2 S 2 '> Bright's Speeches, 1237, p. 425 ; Glean- ings, 946, p. 243 ; Interpreta- tion, 1050, p. 253 ; Protests of Lords, 678, p. 319; Work and Wages, 1050, p. 253 Rolfe, H. W. Petrarch's Corre- spondence, 1108, p. 249 Rollo, the Northman, p. 195 Rolls Ser., 191, p. 189 Roman Catholics. See Religion Roman Christianity, p. 183 Romans, their accounts of Britain, p. 170; in Britain, p. 173 Rome, works on. See Countries, individual Romilly, Samuel. Memoirs, 1306, P-3^9 Rooke, George. Journal, 1307, p. 369 Root and Branch Bill, 1641 A.D., P- 329 Roper, William. More, 1185, p. 268 Ropes, J. C., works by : Napoleon, 1479, p. 409 ; Waterloo, 1445, p. 416 Roquefort, J. B. B. Glossaire, 482 Roscoe, E. S. Harley, 1751, p. 372 Roscoe, Thomas. Roscoe's Leo X, 1472, p. 282 Roscoe, William. Leo X, 1472, p. 28 2 Rose, George. Correspondence, 1308, p. 394 Rose, J. H., works by : Napoleon, 1479, p. 405 ; Napoleon and Com- merce, 2044, p. 409 ; Napoleonic Studies, 1446, p. 403 ; Revolu- tionary Era, 1446, p. 404 ; Third Coalition, 1199, p. 411 Rosebery, fifth earl (A. P. Prim- rose), premier, pp. 431, 466; works by: Napoleon,i479,p.4i7; Pitt, 1791, p. 395 Roses, Wars of, 1455-1485 A.D., p. 263 Ross, Charles. Cornwallis's Cor- respondence, 1251 A (p. 474), p. 388 Rosse, J. W. Dates, 452 Roth, H. L. Sarawak, 499, p. 465 Rotuli Parl., 679, p. 233 Rough-stone age, p. 168 Round, J. H., works by : Calendar, 625^.187; Commune, 908, p. 179; Domesday Manor, 2045, p. 201 ; Feudal Eng., 1637, p. 196; Free- man and Hastings, 1637, p. 194 ; Hastings, 1637, p. 196; Mande- ville, 1768, p. 212; Navy, 1638, p. 299; Stephen, 1637, p. 212 Round-barrow men, p. 168 Roundheads, of the Civil War,p. 329 Routes of Trade, changes in, 1485- 1603 A.D., p. 309. See also Society, state of Routh, M. J. Burnet's Own Time, 1129, p. 305 Rowley, James. People, 909, p. 239 Royal Arch. Inst. Arch. Journal, 205, p. 199 Royal Colonial Inst. Proceedings, 206, p. 449 Royal Commission on Hist. MSS. Reports, 680, p. 197 Royal Economic Soc. Economic Journal, 207 Royal Geog. Soc., works by : Jour- nal, 208 ; Proceedings, 208 Royal Hist. Soc., works by : Cam- den Ser., 209 ; Transactions, 209, 295 Royal Soc., foundation of, c. 1660 A.D., p. 359 Royce, Josiah. Australia, p. 458 542 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Royle, Charles. Campaigns, 1639, P-435 Rule, Martin. St. Anselm, 1696, p. 208 Rulers of India Ser., 1689 Rules, monastic, p. 223 Rump Parliament, during Civil War, p. 333 ; dissolution of, at the approach of the Protectorate, P-338 Runkle, L. G. Library, 753 Rupert, Prince, life of, 1797, p. 332 Rural life. See Life, rural ; and Society, state of Rusden, G. W. N. Zealand, 1940, P-459 Russell, C.W. Calendar,ii37,p.3i9 Russell, G. W. E. Gladstone, 1748, p. 421 Russell, H. S. Queensland, 1941, P-458 Russell, John, first earl, pp. 419, 425, 431 ; life of, 1798, p. 421 ; works by: Fox's Memorials, 1263, p. 385 ; William, Lord Russell, 1799. P- 347 Russell, M. Spottiswoode's Church of Scot, 1014, p. 20 1 Russell, Robert. Natal, 1952, p. 463 Russell, T. W. Ireland, 1678, p. 440 Russell, William, minister under Charles II, pp. 350, 353 ; life of, 1799. P- 347 Russell, W. C., works by : Nelson, 1776, p. 395 ; Nelson (Heroes), 1776, P- 395 Russia, convention with, 1801 A.D., p. 406 ; Napoleon's control of, p. 410; attack upon Turkey, be- ginning of the Crimean War, p. 428 ; for works on, see Coun- tries, individual Rutt, J. T. Burton's Diary, 1242, P- 341 Ruyter. See De Ruyter Rye, Walter. Records, 549 Rye, W. B. England, 681, p. 310 Rye House Plot, time of Charles II, P-353 Rymer, Thomas. Foedera, 121 Ryswick, Peace of, 1697 A.D.,p-369 Sacheverell, Henry, trial of, 1710 A.D., p. 372 St. Albans, Council of, 1213 A.D., p. 220; battles of, 1455, 1461 A.D., p. 263 St. Augustine, life of, 1700, p. 185 St. Bartholomew's Day, Massacre of, Aug. 24, 1572 A.D., p. 300 St. Brice's Day, Massacre of, Nov. 13, IOO2 A.D., p. 190 St. Christopher, or St. Kitts, island of, p. 451 St. Columba at lona, p. 183 St. Columban in Gaul, p. 183 St. Francis of Assisi, life of, 1697, p. 254. Flowers, mo, p. 229 St. John, Spencer. Brooke, 1710, p. 465 St. Lucia, or Santa Lucia, island of, p. 451 St. Patrick, p. 183 Saint Simon. Memoirs, mi, p. 359 St. Thomas. See Becket St. Vincent, island of, p. 451 St. Vincent, Cape, battle of, 1797 A.D., p. 406 Saintsbury, George, works by : Dryden's Works, 1258, p. 354 ; Marlborough, 1769, p. 357 ; Pam- phlets, 682, p. 310 Saintsbury, W. N. Calendar, 1332, p. 451 Saladin, life of, 1112, p. 217 Sale, George. Koran, 1075, p. 217 Salisbury, third marquis of (R. A. Cecil), pp. 431, 466 ; life of, 1800, P- 43 Salisbury Oath, 1086 A.D., p. 204 Salomon, Felix. Pitt, 1640, p. 395 Salzmann, L. F. Hides, 2046, p. 201 Sammlung von Kompendien, 25 Samoan Island Award, 1902 A.D., P-432 Sander,Nicholas,life of,i8oi,p.299 Sanitation, legislation upon, p. 436 Sarawak, British protectorate, P- 464 Sardinia, alliance of England and France with, in theCrimean War, p. 428 Saturday Rev., 253 INDEX 543 Saunders, John. Chaucer's Tales, 1396, p. 255 Savagery, in the Morgan classifi- cation of races, p. 168 Savoy Conference, at the Resto- ration, p. 345 Saxons, home of the, p. 176. See East-, Middle-, South-, and West- Saxons Scargill-Bird. See Bird, Scargill- Scarth, H.M. Roman Britain, 1641, P- 175 Scattered Acquisitions, section on, p. 464; works on, pp. no, 148 Schaff, Philip. Church, 778, p. 185 Schelling, F. E. Progress, 2047, p. 299 Schism, the Great, in the time of Richard II, p. 244 Schism Act of 1714 A.D., repeal of, 1718 A.D., p. 375 Schleswig-Holstein question, 1864 A.D., p. 432 Schmid, Reinhold. Gesetze, 1381, p. 182 Schmitz, L. D. Ten Brink's Lit- erature, 94 Scholasticism, p. 249 Scholes, T. E. Empire, 1852, p. 468 Schomberg, Friedrich v., general, p. 366 Schools for the poor, p. 437 Schulz, Alfred. Atlas, 431 Schuyler, William, works by : World's Best Essays, 799 ; World's Best Orations, 591, p. 1 84 Schwabe, Ernst. Putzgers' Atlas, 433 Schwill, Ferdinand. Modern Eur., 779, p. 287 Science. See Society, state of Scoble, A. R., works by: Guizot's Charles 1, 1574, p. 325 ; Guizot's Cromwell, 1574, p. 340 ; Guizot's Monk, 1574, p. 343 Scotland, wars of Ed. the Con- fessor with, p. 193 ; invasion of, by William I, p. 204 ; and Henry II, p. 213; question of succes- sion, and campaigns in, under Ed. I, p. 232 ; wars with, under Ed. II, p. 235 ; independence of, under Ed. Ill, p. 238 ; wars with, under Richard II, p. 244; de- velopment of, 1216-1399 A.D., p. 249 ; capture and detention of Prince James of, by Henry IV, p. 256; James I of, liberated, 1423 A.D.,p. 260; war with, under Henry VIII, p. 286; invasions of, under Ed. VI, p. 290 ; foreign influence in, time of Eliz., p. 296 ; Reformation in, time of Eliz., p. 296 ; James VI of, becomes James I of Eng., p. 318; pro- posed union of, by James I, p. 318; religious parties in, c. 1603 A.D., p. 318; rebellion in, under Charles I, p. 326; con- quest of, Commonwealth period, p. 337; troubles in, under Charles II, p. 350; under William III, p. 366; union with Eng., 1707 A.D., p. 372. See also topics like Highlanders, and Jacobites ; and Society, state of Scots, the, p. 170; dependence upon the Northumbrians, p. 181 Scott, Edward. Guide, 568 Scott, Gilbert. Lectures, 510 Scott, Walter, works by: Dryden's Works, 1258, p. 354 ; Somers Tracts, 686, p. 236; Swift's Works, 1311, p. 372 ; Tales, 328 Scott Lib., 1080 Scottish. Antiquary, 254 Scottish Geog. Soc. Scottish Geog. Mag., 210, p. 167 Scottish Hist. Rev., 254, p. 313 Scottish Hist, from Contemp. Writers Ser., 683 Scottish Text Soc., 211 Scr 'ib net's Mag., 236 Scribner's Monthly, 237, p. 1 66 Scriptorium of a monastery, p. 249 Scriptures, King James version of, P-359 Scrutton, T. E. Roman Law, 984, p. 227 Scutage, under Henry II, p. 213 Sea Fights, 1181, p. 403 Seals, works on, p. 49 544 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Sears, E. H. Nineteenth Century, 1447, p. 408 Sebastopol, siege of, 1854-1855 A.D., p. 428 Seccombe, Thomas. Eng. Garner, 644, p. 256 Secret service funds, p. 393 Secret Treaty of Dover, 1670 A.D., P- 348 Sectaries, persecution of, under Eliz., p. 305 Sedgemoor, battle of, 1685 A.D., P-355 Seebohm, Frederic, works by : Black Death, 2048, p. 252 ; Ox- ford Reformers, 1690, p. 278 ; Protestant Rev., 780, p. 272 ; Village Community, 1051, p. 201 ; Vinogradoff's Villainage, 1051, p. 226 Seeley, J. R., works by : British Policy, 910, p. 299 ; Expansion, 1853, p. 282 ; Methods, 287 ; Na- poleon, 1479, p. 405 ; Stein, 1482, P-405 Seeley, R. B. Greatest of Plan- tagenets, 1739, p. 231 Seignobos, Chas., works by : Eu- rope, 1448, p. 415; Introduction, 291 Selden, J., works by : Titles, 550 ; Tythes, 1012, p. 315 Select Dispatches, Third Coali- tion, 1199, p. 411 Selected Reference Books, 144 Selected Subject Biographies, 12 Self-denying Ordinance, in the Civil War, p. 333 Seligman, E. R. A. Guilds, 1052, p. 201 Sellers, Maud, works by : 1642, p. 314; York in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, 1053, p. 362 Sellery,G.C. Civilization's, p. 199 Semi-responsible government, col- onies having, p. 466 Senlac (Hastings), battle of, 1066 A.D., p. 195 Sepoy Rebellion. See Indian Mutiny Septennial Act, 1716 A.D., p. 375 Serfdom, 1216-1399 A.D., p. 249 Sergeant, Lewis. Wyclif , 1826, p. 243 Sergi, G. Mediterranean Race, 500, p. 169 Service, reforms in the colonial, P- 393 Services, feudal, p. 223 Sessional Papers, 1200, p. 407 Settlement, Act of, 1701 A. 0.^.369 Settlements, under the Romans, p. 173; Teutonic, to 600 A.D., p. 177; lack of records of early, p. 197 Settlements in America. See Colo- nies Seven Bishops, petition and trial of, under James II, p. 355 Seven Years' War, 1756-1763 A. D., pp. 382, 385 Seventeenth Century Tracts, 1403, p. 301 Sewell, E. M. European Hist, 781, p. 195 Seymour, Edward. See Somerset Seymour, Jane, queen of Henry VIII, p. 286 Seymour, May. Catalog, 40 Seymour, M. H. Foxe's Martyrs, 597. P- 185 Shaftesbury, first earl (A. A. Cooper), minister under Charles II, p. 350; lives of, 1802, p. 332 Shaftesbury, seventh earl (A. A. Cooper), life of, 1803, p. 421 Shakespeare, William, the poet and dramatist, p. 309 ; bibl. of, 109, p. 316 Sharp, William. Through Bush and Fern, p. 458 Sharpe, John. Monumenta, 1184, p. 170 Sharpe, R. R. Calendar, 1133, p. 232 Shaw, Albert. Government, 1980, p. 441 Shaw, F. L. Australia, p. 459 Shaw, Henry. Dresses, 533 Shaw, W. A., works by : Bibl., 60 ; Calendar, 630, p. 378 ; Currency, 782, p. 253; National Debt (Tout, Essays), p. 368 ; Refugees, 1013, P- 342 INDEX 545 Sheep-raising. See Enclosures Shelburne, second earl of (William Petty), p. 393 Sherard, R. H. Meneval's Mem- oirs, 1103, p. 414 Sherbrooke, Viscount. See Lowe, Robert Ship-money, first writs for, 1634 A.D., p. 323 ; further writs for, under Charles I, p. 326 Shipping. See Society, state of Shires, in early England, p. 197 Shober, Frederick. Thiers's French Rev., 1516, p. 405 Short Parl., 1640 A.D., p-326 Shorter Elizabethan Poems, 1201, P- 309 Shrewsbury, battle of, 1403 A.U., p. 256 Shrines, destruction of, under Henry VIII, p. 286 Sicily, Prince Edmund declared King of, p. 229 Sidney, Sir Philip, Tudor author, p. 309; death of, 1 586 A. D., p. 300; lives of, 1804, p. 299 Sikes, Wirt, works by : Welsh Border, p. 167 ; Welsh Coast, p. 167 Silvestre, M. J. B. Palaeography, 584 Simnel, Lambert, impostor, time of Henry VII, p. 276 Simon de Montfort. See Montfort Simons, N. Statutes, 1207, p. 407 Simpson,E.B. Simpson,i8o5,p.44i Simpson, H. F. M. Wishart's Montrose, 1296, p. 334 Simpson, James Y., life of, 1805, p. 441 Sims, Richard. Manual, 135 Sinecures, reforms regarding, P-393 Singer, S. W. Cavendish's Wol- sey, 1323, p. 280 Sismondi, J. C. L., works by : His- toire, 821, p. 206; Republics, 821, p. 252 Six Acts, 1819 A.D., p. 414 Six Articles, 1539 A.D., p. 286 Six Old Eng. Chron., 1162, p. 170 Skeat, W.W., works by : Barbour's Bruce, 1118, p. 232 ; Dictionary, 472; Etymology, 483; Facsimiles, 585; Langland's Piers Plowman, 1282, p. 244 Skene, W. F. Celtic Scot., 911, p. 167 Skottowe, B. C. Parliament, 985, p. 230 Skrine, F. H. Hunter, 1757, p. 450 Slatin, R. C. Sudan, 1310, p. 435 Slave trade, abolition of, 1807-181 5 A.D., p. 410 Slavery, abolition of, 1833 A.D., p. 422 Slidell. See Mason and Slidell Sloane, W. M. Napoleon, 1479, P- 405 Sluys, battle of, 1340 A.D., p. 238 Slyngesbie, Robert. Navy, 1217, p. 360 Smedt, Carolus de. Introductio, 76, p. 203 Smiles, Samuel, works by : En- gineers, p. 399 ; Stephenson, 1807, p. 441 Smith, Adam. Nations, 1081, p. 396 Smith, B. E., works by : Atlas, 462 ; Cyclopaedia, 462 Smith, C. R. Stevenson's Dic- tionary, 556 Smith, Edward. Visitors, 684, p. 3 1 o Smith, Goldwin, works by: Canada, i90i,p.455; LecturesandEssays, 912, p. 167; Lectures on Hist, 296, p. 332 ; Questions of the Day, 1643, p. 440 ; Statesmen, 947, p. 325; Trip to England, 1202, p. 440 ; United Kingdom, 912, p. 198 ; United States, 1880, P- 356 Smith (Mrs.) Gillespie. Keith's Correspondence, 1281, p. 382 Smith, G. B., works by : Glad- stone, 1748, p. 424 ; Parliament, 986, p. 202 Smith, G.G. James IV, 1203, p. 280 Smith, G. H. Michelet's Luther, noo, p. 282 Smith, G. W. Metternich's Mem- oirs, 1104, p. 406 546 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Smith, I. G. Monasticism,783,p.2oi Smith, J. F. Beard's Luther, 1475, P- 3*5 Smith, L. T., works by : Gilds, 685, p. 250; Jusserand's Wayfaring, 2032, p. 253; Preaching, 2004, P- 254 Smith, Ronald. Gladstone, 1748, p. 424 Smith, R. B. Lawrence, 1763, p. 424 Smith, Tho:, life of, 1806, p. 292. Answer, 1155, p. 301 Smith, Toulmin. Gilds, 685, p. 250 Smith, William, works by : Dic- tionary, 163 ; Gibbon's Empire, 729, p. 171 Smith, W. J. Grenville's Papers, 1268, p. 378 Smooth-stone age, p. 168 Smyth, William. Lectures, 784, p. 200 Sneyd, C. A. Relation, 1198, p. 276 Social Eng., 1403, p. 301 Social Eng. Ser., 1054 Social History, works on, pp. 83, 115,161; cf. pp. 52, 61, 70, 87,92, 116, 124 Social Science Ser., 1404 Societies, in sympathy with the French Rev., p. 402 Societies, works of, p. 19 Society, state of, p. 197, note ; 449-1066 A.D., section 14, p. 197; 1066-12 1 6A.D., section 22, p. 223; 1 2 16-1399 A. D., section 3O,p. 249; I399-I485A.D., section 37, p. 270; 1 603-1 689 A. D., section 60^.359; 1689-1 789A.D., section 70^.395; 1 789 A.D., etc., section 80, p. 436. In each section the references in Modern Accounts, Group II, are arranged as follows : A. Gen- eral : i. England, Wales, and Scotland; 2. Municipal History; 3. Ireland; B. Special: I. Man- ners and Customs ; 2. Art and Science, Education; 3. Agri- culture, Industry, Commerce ; 4. Religion ; 5. Government and Law Society, Royal, founded c. 1660 A.D., p. 359 Society for Political Education, 212 Society for Promotion of Christian Knowledge, 213 Society of Antiquaries of London. Archaeologia, 214 Solemn League and Covenant, 1643 A - D -. P- 3 2 9 Solway Moss, battle of, 1 542 A.D., p. 286 Some Longer Eliz. Poems, 1204, P- 309 Somers Tracts, 686, p. 236 Somerset, Duke of (Edmund Beau- fort), rivalry with York, under Henry VI, p. 263 Somerset, Duke of (Edward Sey- mour), protectorate of, time of Ed. VI, p. 290 Somerset, Earl of (Robert Carr), Scotch favourite of James I, p. 318 Sommer, H. O. Malory's Morte d' Arthur, 1290, p. 255 Sonnenschein, W. S., works by : Best Books,56; Reader's Guide,56 Sources, of more than one period, p. 52 ; of one period, p. 87 ; p. 170, note South Africa, p. 466; works on, pp. no, 156; cf. p. 148 South African Republic, p. 461 South African War, 1899-1902 A.D., p. 461 South Australia, p. 457 South Sea Bubble, 1720 A.D., p. 375 South Sea Company, p. 396 South-Folk, Settlement of, p. 178 South-Saxons, settlement of, p. 1 78 Southey, Robert, works by: Nelson, 1776, p. 392; Wesley, 1824,^. 396 Spain.wars with, under Eliz., p. 305; under Charles I, p. 322 ; under the Protectorate, p. 341 ; 1701- 1714 A.D., pp. 369, 372 ; of Jen- kins's Ear, 1739 A.D., p. 378; 1762 A.D., p. 385; i779- r 783 A.D., p. 388; Peninsular, 1808- 1814 A.D., p. 413 ; for works on, see Countries, individual INDEX 547 Spanish Fury, 1576 A.D., p. 300 Spanish Marriage, of Mary Tudor, p. 293 ; negotiations on behalf of Charles, under James I, p. 318 Spanish Succession, War of, 1701- 1714 A.D., pp. 369, 372 Spanish-American republics, rise of, p. 419 Speakman, Eliz. Rule (Tout, Essays), p. 185 Specie payments, suspension of, 1797 A.D., p. 406; resumption of, 1821 A.D., p. 419. See also Stop of the Exchequer Spectator, The, 1711-1714 A.D., P-396 Spectator, The, 255 Spedding, James, works by: Bacon, 1701, p. 304 ; Studies, 870, p. 254 Speeches, collections of, p. 102 Spenser, Edmund, Eliz. poet, p. 309 Spheres of influence, p. 466 Spice Islands, withdrawal of Eng. from, p. 446 Spinning jenny, 1764 A.D., p. 395 Spont, Alfred. France, 1179, p. 280 Sports, Declaration of, issued under Charles I, p. 323 Spottiswoode, John. Church of Scot., 1014, p. 20 1 Spruner-Menke. Atlas, 435 Spurrell, William. Dictionary, 459 Stamford Bridge, battle of, 1066 A.D., p. 195 Stammhammer, Josef. Bibliogra- phic, 26, p. 203 Stamp Act, if 65 A.D., p. 385 Stanford Geography, 398, p. 166 Stanhope, Earl. See Mahon, Lord Stanley, H. M. Africa, 1449, p. 462 Stanley, William, 1526, p. 277 Stanton, Richard. Menology, 687, P- 173 Star Chamber. See Cotirts Starkey, Thomas. England, 1205, P- 39 State Papers, Armada, 1206, p. 306 Statesman's Year-Book, 172, p. 168 Statesmen Sen, 948 Statuta Univ. Oxon., 1395, p. 437 Statutes (including Acts, Assizes, Bills, Laws, Resolutions, etc.), Arms, 1181 A.D., p. 213; Clar- endon, ii66A.D., p. 213 ; church courts, church lands, debts, en- tails, maladministration, militia, judicial procedure, police, sub- infeudation, and revenue, under Ed. I, p. 232 ; labourers, pro- visors, and praemunire, under Ed. Ill, p. 238; Kilkenny, and treasons, under Ed. Ill, p. 241 ; praemunire, provisors, alien traders, and maintenance of re- tainers, under Richard 1 1, p. 246 ; heretics, under Henry IV, p. 2 56; Poynings's Laws, 1494 A.D., p. 276; annates, appeals, and nomination of bishops, under Henry VIII, p. 283 ; succes- sion, and supremacy, 1534 A.D., p. 286; uniformity, 1552 A.D., p. 290; abrogation of acts of Ed. VI, under Mary Tudor, p. 293 ; supremacy, uniformity, and apprentices, under Eliz., p. 296; Root and Branch, 1641 A.D., p. 329; navigation, 1651 A.D., p. 338 ; army, estates, am- nesty, revenue and religion, Convention Parl., p. 345; of Scotch Loyalist Parl., 1661 A.ix, p. 345; corporation, 1661 A.D., p. 345; uniformity, 1662 A-iJ-, p. 345; conventicle, 1664 A.D., p. 345; Five Mile, 1665 A.D., p. 345; conventicle, 1670 A.D., p. 348; test, 1673 A.D., p. 348; disabling, p. 350 ; exclusion, and habeas corpus, 1679 A.D., p. 350 ; first mutiny, and toleration, 1689 A.D., p. 366 ; of grace, 1690 A.D., p. 366; triennial, 1 694 A. D., p. 366; disbanding, and resumption of crown lands, p. 369 ; expiration of licensing, 1694 A.D., p. 369; recoinage, 1695 A.D., p. 369 ; treason trials, 1696 A.D., p. 369 ; of settlement, 1701 A.D., pp. 369, 370; oath of abjuration, 1701 A.D., p. 369; union, 1707 A.D., 54 8 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY p. 372 ; occasional conformity, and property qualification, 1711 A.D., p. 372 ; repeal of the occa- sional conformity, 1718 A.D., p. 375; riot, 1715 A.D., p. 375; septennial, p. 375; schism, re- peal of, 1718 A. D., p. 375; failure of the excise, 1733 A.D., p. 378 ; modification of the navigation, p. 378 ; stamp, passed, 1 765 A.D. ; repealed, 1766 A.D. , p. 385; re- pressive, I774A.D., p. 388 ; Com- mons against the Am. War, 1782 A.D., p. 388; India, 1784 A.D., pp. 393, 446; of Irish Parl., eighteenth century, p. 396; alien, suspension of the habeas corpus, and traitorous correspondence, time of the French Rev., p. 402 ; abolition of slave trade, 1 807 A.D., p. 410; first corn law, 1815 A. D., p.4i4; sixacts, iSigA.D., p. 414; repeal of the corporation, of 1 66 1 A.D., and of the test, of 1673 A.D., in 1828 A.D., p. 419; Catholic emancipation, i829A.D., p. 419; navigation, and combi- nation, under George IV, p. 419; first reform, 1832 A.D., p. 422; abolition of slavery, 1833 A.D., p. 422; municipalities, i835A.D., p-422; factory, 1833 A.D., p. 422; poor, 1834 A.D., p. 422 ; ecclesi- astical titles, p. 425 ; corn laws modified, 1842 A.D., repealed, 1846 A.D., p. 425; encumbered estates, 1849 A.D., p. 425; navi- gation,repealed, i849A.D.,p.425; bankruptcy, 1868 A.D., p. 431 ; conspiracy-to-murder, 1858 A.D., p. 431 ; Irish land, 1870 A.D., etc., p. 432; Irish coercion, 1881 A.D., p. 432 ; national education, 1870 A.D., p. 432 ; local government, 1888, 1894 A.D., p. 432; second reform, 1865-1867 A.D., p. 431 ; test, in the universities, i87OA.D., p. 432; third reform, 1884-1885 A.D., p. 432 ; ballot, 1872 A.D., p. 436 ; East India, p. 446. See also the several colonies ; A'o ligion ; and Society, state of Statutes, 1801-1832 A.D., 1207, p. 407 ; 1832-1867 A.D., see Col- lections of Statutes Statutes at Large, 688, p. 230 Staunton, Howard. Schools, 1023, P- 273 Steam engine, 1769 A.D., p. 395 Steamboat, the, p. 436 Stebbing, William. Peterborough, 1788, p. 358 Stedman, A. M. M., works by : Leaders of Religion Ser., 943 ; Oxford, 2009, P- 441 Stedman, E. C. American Lit, 1355. P- 306 Steele, Richard, author and poli- tician, p. 396 Steenkerke. See Steinkirk Stein, Henri. Manuel, 13 Stein, life of, 1482, p. 405 Steindorff, Ernst. Quellenkunde, 88 Steinkirk (Steenkerke), battle of, 1692 A.D., p. 366 Stephen Langton, time of John, p. 220 Stephen of Blois, 1135-1154 A.D., p. 211 Stephen, H. L. Trials, 689, p. 306 Stephen, James. Lectures, 822, P- 3 J 3 Stephen, Leslie, works by : Biog- raphy, 164, p. 169, note; Thought, 1644, p. 399 Stephens, A. J. Boroughs, 893, p. 171 Stephens, H. M., works by : De- pendencies, 1854, p. 468 ; Docu- ments, 617, p. 204 ; French Rev., I 59'P-45; Portugal, 823, p. 261; Revolutionary Eur., 1450, p. 404 ; Speeches, 1092, p. 403 ; Sylla- bus, 309 Stephens, W. R. W., works by : Church, 1015, p. 185; Hilde- brand, 1469, p. 205 Stephenson, George, life of, 1807, p. 441 Stevens, J. L. Gustavus Adolphus, 1464, p. 321 Stevens, T. Af. River and Lake Systems, p. 462 INDEX 549 Stevenson, Joseph, works by : BlondePs Normandy, 1063 A (p. 474), p. 261 ; Calendar, 1136, .p. 296 Stevenson, S. W. Dictionary, 556 Stevenson, W. H., works by : Cal- endar, 1130, p. 232 ; Wessex, 1645, p. 189 Stewart. See Londonderry, Mar- quesses of Stielers. Hand-Atlas, 418 Stillman, W. J. Italy, 1510, p. 429 StoddardJ. L. Lectures, 785, p. 167 Stokes, G. T. Church, 1016, p. 172 Stokes,Whitley. Saints, 1229, p. 197 Stone, J. M. Mary I, 1646, p. 282 Stop of the Exchequer, under Charles II, p. 348 Story, A. T. Empire, 1855, p. 297 Story, R. H. Carstares, 1718, p. 350 Story of Empire Ser., 1856 Story of Nations Ser., 786 Stow, lohn. London, 1208, p. 224 Stowe, John. Memoranda, 651, p. 239. See Slow Strachey, Edward. Malory's Morte d'Arthur, 1290, p. 255 Straff ord, Earl of (Thomas Went- worth), minister of Charles I, pp. 322, 326 ; lives of, 1809, p. 325. Papers, 1319, p. 319 Straits Settlements, p. 464 Stratmann, F. H. Dictionary, 473 Strickland, Agnes, works by : Mary, Queen of Scots, 1771, p. 299 ; Queens, 949, p. 206 Strong, Frank. Cromwell's W. I. Expedition, 1911, p. 452 Strutt, Joseph. Sports, 1055, p. 200 Strype, John, works by : Aylmer, 1699, p. 304 ; Cheke, 1723, p. 292 ; Grindal, 1749, p. 299 ; Memorials, 2005, p. 282 ; Memorials of Cran- mer, 1732, p. 282 ; Parker, 1783, p. 292 ; Reformation, 2005, P- 2 99! Smith, 1806, p. 292 ; Whitgift, 1825, p. 299 Stuart Tracts, 1209, p. 305 Stubbes, Phillip. Abuses, 1210, P- 39 Stubbs, William, bibl. of, 60 ; works of: Charters, 690, p. 176; Const. Hist., 987, p. 177; Councils, 654 A (p. 474), p. 173; Intro- ductions, 913, p. 189; Lectures, 787, p. 215; Magna Carta, 1376, p. 220 ; Plantagenets, 1647, P- 2 1 2 Student's Ser. of Erig. Classics, 691 Sturge, G. Hausser's Reforma- tion, 738, p. 281 Sturge, Joseph. W. Indies, 1356, p. 452 Sturgis, Russell, works by : Bibl., 515 ; Dictionary, 528 Sturt, Charles, life of, 1810, p. 459 Sturt, Mrs. N. G. Sturt, 1810, P- 459 Subinfeudation, statutes of Ed. affecting, p. 232 Submission of the clergy, to Henry VIII, p. 283 Subordinate colonies, p. 466 Subsidies, for Prussia, p. 382 Subsistence, classification accord- ing to, p. 1 68; of the Britons, p. 170; among the early Ger- mans, p. 176 Succession, question of, after Henry I, p. 209 ; Scottish, under Ed. I, p. 232 ; Act of, I534A.D., p. 286; Hanoverian, p. 375 Sudan, the, imperial troops in, p. 466 ; special references to, PP- 432. 434 Suez Canal, opening of, 1868 A.D., P-43 2 Suffolk, death of Duke of, time of Henry VI, p. 260 Suffrage, under George IV, p. 419 ; extension of, in the eighteenth century, p. 436 ; gradual exten- sion of the, in New Zealand, P-457 Sullivan, J. Y. F. James's Journal, 1278, p. 388 Sumner,W. G. Jackson, 1470, p. 417 Supremacy, Actof, 1 534A.D., p. 286; under Eliz., p. 296 Surat, factory at, p. 446 Surrey, Earl of (Henry Howard), Tudor poet, p. 309 Survey of Empire. See Blackie Suspension of specie payments, 1797 A.D., p. 406 550 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Sutherland, Alexander. Geogra- phy* 3<55' P- 45 2 Suttee, abolition of, I83OA.D., p. 446 Swan, Charles. Gesta, 326, p. 197 Sweden, treaty with, under the Protectorate, p. 341 ; in Triple Alliance, 1668 A.D., p. 348 Sweet, Henry. Dictionary, 474 Sweetman, H. S. Calendar, 626, P- 213 Swegen (Sweyn, or Swein), King, p. 190 Swift, Jonathan, p. 396. Works, 1311, p. 372 Switzerland. See Countries, indi- vidual Sybel, Heinrich von, work on, 286 ; works by: Crusades, 788, p. 212 ; Empire, 1511, p. 430 ; French Rev., 1511, p. 405 Sydney, Algernon, works by : Papers, 13x3, p. 334 ; Works, 1312, p. 342 Sydney, W. -C. Eighteenth Cen- tury, 2049, p. 398 Sydney, Australia, p. 457 Sykes, P. M. Persia, 1512, p. 449 Syle, L. Du P. Burke's Speech, 1331, p. 388 Symes, J. E. Univ. Extension Ser., 915 Symonds, J. A., works by : Cel- lini, 1097, p. 309 ; Reaction, 1513, p. 315 ; Renaissance, 824, p. 272 Synod of Whitby, 664 A.D., p. 184 Tacitus, P. C., account of Britain, p. 170; value of writings of, p. 176; work on, 762; works by: Agricola, 1082, 1094, p. 173; Germania, 1113, p. 176; Works, 1082, p. 173 Taine, H. A. Modern Regime, 1514, p. 409 Tait, C. W. A. Analysis, 322 Tait, James. Essays, 914, p. 185 Talavera, battle of , 1 809 A. D., p. 4 1 3 Tales, historical, pp. 31, 172, note Talleyrand, works by : Corre- spondence, 1106, p. 414; Mem- oirs, 1114, p. 403 Tancock, O. W. England, 1648, P- 39 Tanner, J. R., works by: Dis- courses, 1217, p. 360 ; Navy, 1649, p. 352 ; Preparations, 1649, p. 357 Tariff Reform, under Walpole, P- 375; reign of George IV, p. 4 1 9 ; tariff vs. free trade, p. 466 Tarr, R. S., works by : Complete Geog.,399, p. 166; Europe, 399, p. 1 66 Tarring, C. J. Law, 1858, p. 468 Tasman, A. J., explorer, p. 457. Voyages, 1352, p. 458 Tasmania, p. 457 Taswell-Langmead. See Langmead, Taswell- Tatler, The, 1709-1711 A.D., p. 396 Taxes, feudal, see Feudalism ; on incomes, see Income tax; on land, under Walpole, p. 378 ; poll, under Richard II, p. 244; for life, under Richard II, p. 246; annual, under William III, p. 366. See also Society, state of; and suck entries as Corn law, Excise, Tariff Taylor, C. E. Equity Ser., 1417 Taylor, Hannis. English Const., 988, p. 175 Taylor, James. Families, 551 Taylor, R. W. C., works by : Fac- tory Acts, 1056, p. 314; Intro- duction, 1056, p. 253; Modern System, 1056, p. 399 Taylor, W. F. Charles II, 1210 A (p. 474), p. 342 Tea, introduction of, p. 359 Technical, Industrial and Trade Education Ser., 789 Telegraph, the, p. 437 Telephone, the, p. 437 Telford, roads, p. 395 Temperley, H. W. V. Canning, 1717, p. 405 Temple, William, life of, 1811 Ten Articles, 1536 A.D., p. 286 Ten Epochs of Church Hist. Ser., 790 Tenants, in the feudal system,p. 223 Tenchebrai. See Tinchebrai INDEX 551 Ternaux-Mortimer. Terreur, 1515, P- 405 Territory, Hudson Bay Com- pany's, p. 453 Terry, Benjamin, works by : Eng- land, 841, p. 168; Hist, for Schools, 841, p. 171 Terry, C. S. Rising of 1745, 1211, P-379 Test Act, 1673 A.D., p. 348; of 1673 A - D -> P- 4 J 9> i n tne un i" versities, 1870 A.D., p. 432 Teulet, A. Marie Stuart, 1294, p. 296 Teutonic race group, p. 168; in- vasions and settlements in Brit- ain, p. 177 Tewkesbury, battle of, 1471 A.D., p. 265 Text-books, p. 70 Thackeray, W. M. Georges, 1057, P- 399 Thayer, J.B. Evidence, 989, p. 254 Thelwall, John, Radical leader, acquittal of, p. 402 Theodore of Tarsus, prelate, p. 184 Theological writers, 1789 A.D., etc., p. 437 Therry, R. Canning's Speeches, 1243, p. 388 Thesaurus linguae Latinae, 489 Thiers, M. A. French Rev., 1516, p. 405 Thirteen Colonies, the former, works on, pp. 1 1 o, 1 50; cf. p. 148 Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648 A.D., p. 318 Thirty, Council of, i679A.D.,p. 350 Thirty-nine Articles, under Eliz., p. 296 Thomas a Becket. See Becket Thomas, F. S. Hand-book, 127 Thomas, George. Rockingham's Memoirs, 1305, p. 385 Thomas, W. J. Stow's Survey, 1208, p. 224 Thomas of Lancaster, execution of, time of Ed. II, p. 235 Thome, J. A. Emancipation, 1357, p. 422 Thompson, A. Monmouth's His- tory, 1183, p. 170 Thompson, Edith. York and Lan- caster, 1212, p. 261 Thompson, E. M., works by : Cat- alogue, 586 ; Correspondence, 658, p. 305 ; Handbook, 586 Thomson, Richard. MagnaCharta, 090, p. 220 Thornbury, G. W. Shakspere's England, 2050, p. 313 Thorough, Strafford's policy of, p. 326 Thorpe, B., works by : Aelfric's Homilies, 1382 ; Ancient Laws, 692, p. 182 ; Anglo-Saxon Poems, 331, p. 197; Anglo-Saxon Poetry, 331, p. 197; Charters, 1213, p. 182; Lappenberg's Kings, 1592, p. 171; Pauli's Alfred, 1695, P- '89 Thorpe, M. J. Calendar, 1138, p. 280 Three Chronicles, 651, p. 239 Thring,Lord. Consolidation, p-467 Thrupp, John. Home, 2051, p. 200 Thugs, abolition of, 1830 A.D., etc., p. 446 Thurloe Papers, 1314, p. 327 Thursfield, J. R. Peel, 1785, p. 417 Thwaites, R. G., works by : Colo- nies, 1859, p. 451 ; France, 1517, P-377 Tientsin, Treaty of, 1858 A.D., pp. 428, 432 Tillage vs. Sheep-raising. See En- closures Tillinghast, W. H. Ploetz's Epit- ome, 321 Tilton, A. C. List, 128 Timbuktu, Africa, p. 460 Times atlas, 419 Tin Islands, accounts of, p. 170 Tinchebrai, battle of, no6A.D., p. 209 Tithe system, abolition of, in Ire., 1837 A.D., p. 425 Tobacco, under the Tudors, p. 309 Tobago, the island, p. 451 Tocqueville, A. de, works by : An- cient (or Old) Regime, 1518, p. 405 ; Democracy, 1518, p. 321 ; France before 1789 A.D., 1518, P- 399 552 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Todd, Alpheus, works by : Colo- nies, 1860, p. 454; Parliamentary Gov't, 1981, p. 441 Todd, A. M. Busch's England, 1545. P- 277 Todd, J. H. Gaedhill, 1222, p. 190 Toleration Act, 1689 A.D., p. 366 Toller, T. N. Bosworth's Diction- ary, 461 Tombs, classification according to, p. 1 68 Tomlins, T. E., works by : Stat- utes at Large, 688, p. 230 ; Stat- utes, 1801-1832 A.D., 1207, p. 407 Tonnage, under Charles I, p. 322 Toogood, C. G. James's History, 1585, p. 404 Tooke, Home, Radical leader, acquittal of, p. 402 Topography, historical, works on, p. 32. See also Physiography Tor Bay, landing at, by William of Orange, p. 355 Tories, reaction in favour of, under Charles II, p. 350; creation of peers by, 1712 A.D., pp. 372, 395; Pitt and the New, p. 393 Toronto, University of. Studies, 215 Torres Vedras, fortifications of, 1810-1811 A.D., p. 413 Torrington, Memoirs relating to, 1315. P- 353 Tostig, son of Godwine, pp. 193, 195 Toulon, War of the First Coali- tion, p. 402 Tout, T. F., works by : Edward I, 1739, p. 231 ; Empire, 791, p. 214; England, 1216-1377 A.D., 1650, p. 231; Essays, 914, p. 185; Wales (Tout, Essays), p. 231 Towns, growth of, Roman, in Brit- ain, p. 173 ; among the Anglo- Saxons, in the tenth century, p. 197 ; under the Normans, p. 223. See also Society, state of; and Charters, town Toynbee, Arnold. Revolution, 2052, p. 399 Tozer, H. F. Geography, 400, p. 174 Tracts, Marprelate, c. 1589 A.D., P- 305 Tracts of Eng. Hist., 129 Trade, of the Britons, p. 170; under the Danes, p. 197 ; under the Normans, p. 223 ; under Henry VII, p. 276; laws against Ire. in respect to, pp. 372, 396. See also Commerce ; Slave trade ; Society, state of ; Statutes; Tariff; and Unions Traders, Statutes concerning Alien, under Richard II, p. 246 Trafalgar, battle of, 1805 A. D., p. 410 Traill, H. D., works by : Egypt, 1651, p. 435; Shaftesbury, 1802, p. 340; Social Eng., 1058, p. 169 ; illus. ed., 1059, p. 32 ; Strafford, 1809, p. 325; William III, 1828, P- 371 Traitourous Correspondence Bill, during the French Rev., p. 402 Transvaal, colony, p. 461 ; prov- ince, p. 460 Travelers, early, in Britain, p. 170 Travels, works of, p. 102, note Treason, Statute of, under Ed. Ill, p. 241 ; Trials Act, 1696 A.D., P- 3^9 Treaties, Wallingford, 1153 A.D., p. 211 ; of 1323 and 1328 A.D., with Scot, p. 235; Bretigny, 1360 A.D., p. 238; Troyes, 1420 A.D., p. 258; Pecquigny, 1475 A.D., p. 265; Fotheringay, 1480 A.D., p. 265 ; commercial, under Ed. IV, p. 265 ; commercial, under Henry VII, p. 276 ; tem- porary, with the Scotch, 1460 A.D., p. 326 ; of 1654 A.D., with the Dutch, p. 338 ; with the French, Dutch, and Swedes, under the Protectorate, p. 341 ; Breda, under Charles II, p. 345 ; Aix-la-Chapelle, 1668 A.D., p-348; Westminster, 1674 A.D., p. 348; Limerick, 1691 A.D., p. 366; Ryswick, 1697 A.D., p. 369; Portugal, Methuen, 1703 A.D., p. 372; Utrecht, I7I3A.D., p. 372; Aix-la-Chapelle, 1748 A.D.,p.378; INDEX 553 Paris, 1763 A.D., p. 385; Paris, 1783 A.D., p. 393; Jay's, 1795 A.D., p. 402; Amiens, 1802 A.D., p. 406; Paris, 1814 A.D., p. 413; Ghent, 1814 A.D., p. 414; Nan- kin, 1842 A.D., p. 425; Paris, 1856 A.D., p. 428; Tientsin, 1858 A.D., pp. 428, 432 ; Pekin, 1860 A.D., p. 428; Berlin, 1878 A.D., p. 432 ; with France, commer- cial, 1860 A.D., p. 432 ; with Japan, 1858 A.D., p. 432. See also Alliances ; Coalitions ; Con- ventions ; Wars Tregarthen, Greville. Australian Commonwealth, 1942, p. 459 Treitschke, H. G. v., life of, 286 Tremain, Mary. History,i2i4,p.i7O Trendell, A. J. R. Colonies, 1861, p. 448 Trenholme, N. M. Risings, 1652, p. 240 Trent, Council of, 1545-1563 A.D., p. 296 Trevelyan, G. M., works by : Ris- ing, 1215, p. 244 ; Stuarts, 1653, p. 321 ; Wycliffe, 1653, p. 254 Trevelyan, G. O., works by : American Rev., 1881, p. 391 ; C. J. Fox, 1747, p. 387 Tribes, organization of the Britons in, p. 170; of Teutons invading Britain, p. 177 ; rivalries of Eng., 600-840 A.D., p. 181 Tribunal, Hague, 1902 A.D., etc., P- 43 2 Triennial Bill, 1694 A.D., p. 366 Trinidad, the island, conquered, 1797 A.D., p. 406; as a British possession, p. 451 Trinobantes, the, p. 170 Triple Alliance, with Holland and Sweden, 1668 A.D., p. 348 Tripp, W. B. South Af., p. 462 Tromp. See Van Tromp Trotter, L. J. Hastings, 1752, P-395 Troyes, treaty of, 1420 A.D., p. 258 Triibner, K. Minerva, 29 Tudor Tracts, 1532-1 588 A.D., 1216, p. 284 Tulloch, John, works by : Puritan- ism, 1691, p. 321 ; Theology, 2006, p. 363 Tupper, Charles. Empire, 1862, p. 468 Tupper, C. L. Protectorate, 1922, p. 449 Tupper, M. F. Alfred, 1571, p. 187 Turkey, Company, time of Eliz., p. 300 ; attack upon, Crimean War, p. 428 Turner, C. J. Ribton-. Vagrants, 1060, p. 201 Turner, H. G. Victoria, 1943, p. 459 Turner, Sharon. Anglo-Saxons, 1654, p. 169 Turner, S. E. Eginhard's Charle- magne, 1066 Turner, T. H. Architecture, 529 Tuttle, Herbert. Prussia, 825, p. 380 Twelve Eng. Statesmen Ser., 950 Twemlow, J. A. Papal Letters, 627, p. 217 Twiss, Horace. Eldon, 1740, p. 384 Two Centuries of Irish Hist, 928, P- 399 Two Discourses of the Navy, 1217, p. 360 Tyerman, L. Wesley, 1824, p. 380 Tyler, L. G. England in Am., 1882, P- 313 Tyler, M. C. Am. Revolution, 1359, p. 386 Tyler, Wat, peasant leader, p. 244; lives of, 1812, p. 245 ; 1687, p. 245 Tylor, E. B. Anthropology, 501, p. 1 68 Tyndale, William, translator of Bible, p. 286; life of, 1813, p. 282 Tyrconnel, Earl of (Richard Tal- bot), in Ireland under James II, P-355 Underwood, F. H. Handbook, 834 Uniformity, Act of, 1552 A.D., p. 290; 1559 A.D., p. 296; 1662 A.D., p. 345 Union, of Eng., under King Al- fred, p. 187 ; of Eng. and Scot, proposed by James I, p. 318; accomplished in 1707 A.D., REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY p. 372 ; legislative, of Great Britain and Ire., 1800-1801 A.D., p. 406; O'Connell's agitation for repeal, p. 425 Unions, growth of trade, p. 437 United Empire Trade League, p. 466 United Irishmen, p. 406 United Kingdom. See Great Britain United S. Africa, 1910 A.D., p. 460 United States, works by : Consu- lar Reports, 1083, p. 433 ; For- eign Relations, 1089, p. 433 ; Index, 1089 Unity of the Empire Ass'n, p. 466 Universal Cycl., 154, p. 166 Universities, opinions of, on Cath- erine's divorce, p. 283 ; attacks on, by James II, p. 355; Test Act in, 1870 A.D., p. 432. See also Society, state of Univ. Extension Sen, 915 Univ. of Pa. Translations,6o8,p. 173 Univ. of Toronto. Studies, 215 Uprising, Boxer, 1900 A.D., p. 432 Usher, R. G. James I, 1655, p. 321 Utilities, management of public, P- 43 6 Utrecht, Peace of, 1713 A.D.,p-372 Vallee, Leon. Bibliographic, 16 Vandyke, Anthony, Flemish painter, p. 359 Van Dyke, H. Renascence, 792, p. 245 Van Dyke, Paul, works by : Pole, 1656, p. 285; Renascence, 792, P- 245 Vane, Henry, life of, 1814, p. 329 Van Tromp, Dutch admiral, p. 338 Van Tyne, C. H. American Rev., 1883, p. 387 Vapereau, G. Dictionnaire, 173, P-436 Vasco da Gama, at Calicut, 1498 A.D., p. 446 Vaudois, protection of, time of Cromwell, p. 341 Vaughan, Robert, works by : Wyc- liff e, 1826, p. 240 ; Tracts of Wycliffe, 1390, p. 240 Venables, general, under the Pro- tectorate, p. 341. Narrative, 1360, P- 342 Venables, Edmund. Bunyan, 95, 1711, p. 363 Venezuela boundary dispute, 1895 A.D., p. 432 Vergil, Polydore. Eng. Hist, 1218, p. 261 Vericour, de. Tyler, 1812, p. 245 Verney, Ralph. Notes, 1219, p. 326 Verney Family. Letters, 693, p. 27 1 Veto, royal, p. 372 ; decline of, 1707 A.D., p. 395 Victoria, 1837-1852 A.D., p. 425; 1852-1857 A.D., p. 428; 1857- 1901 A.D., p. 431 ; lives of, 1815, p. 427 Victoria, Australia, separation of, 1851 A.D., p. 457 Vienna, Congress of, 1815 A.D.,p.4i3 Vigfusson, Gudbrand. Corpvs,332, p. 187 Villeins, improvement in the posi- tion of, under Ed. Ill, p. 238. See also Society, state of Villeneuve, French admiral, p. 410 Villiers, George. See Buckingham Vincent, Benjamin. Haydn's Dates, >)/)>. Vinogradoff , Paul, works by : Folk- land, 2053, p. 201; Villainage, 1061, p. 253 ; Seebohm on, 1051, p. 226 Vinsauf, Geoffrey de. Crusades, 594, p. 217 Virgin Islands, p. 451 Virginia, Raleigh and, p. 300 Visitation,of monasteries, 1535 A.D., p. 286; under Charles I, p. 323 Vitalis, Ordericus. History, 612, p. 204 Vitry, Jacques de. Jerusalem, 1115, p. 213 Voltaire. Letters, 1220, p. 396 Von Hoist. See Hoist, von Von Sybel. See Sybel, -von Vote by secret ballot, 1872 A.D., P- 432 Voyages, anti-Spanish, time of Eliz., p. 300 Voyages and Travels, 694, p. 290 INDEX 555 Wace, Henry. Dictionary, 163 Wachsmuth, Curt. Einleitung, 78, p. 428 Wade, John, works by : Coxe's Marlborough, 1769, p. 368; Junius, 1280 Wages. See Society, state of Wagner, Ernst. Bibliotheca, 339 Wagner, Leopold. Orations, 1084, p. 426 Waite, Rosamund. Wellington, 1822, p. 395 Waitz, George, works by : Quel- lenkunde, 88 ; Verfassungsge- schichte, 826, p. 177 Wakefield, battle of, 1460 A.D.,p. 263 Wakefield,C.C. Trade, 1863, p. 449 Wakefield, E. G., lif e of, 1816, p. 459 Wakeling, G. H. Parliament, 916, p. 320 Wakeman, H. O., works by : Es- says, 991, p. 202 ; Puritans, 1017, p. 311 ; Fox, 1747, p. 392 Walcheren expedition, 1809 A.D., P- 413 Wales, dependence upon the Mer- cians, p. 181 ; wars of Ed. the Confessor, p. 193 ; invasion of, by William I, p. 204 ; and Henry II, p. 213 ; annexation of, under Ed. I, p. 232 ; Prince of, under Ed. I, p. 232 ; Council of, under Henry VIII, p. 286. See also Welsh Walford, Edward, works by : An- tiquarian Magazine and Bibliog- rapher, 240 ; Antiquary, 241 Walker, A. P. Eng. Hist., 842, p. 1 66 Walker, Edward, works by : Dis- courses, 1316, p. 330 ; Treaty of 1648 A.D., 1221, p. 335 Walker, Williston. Reformation, 793, p. 302 Wall, E. G. Year Book, 174, p. 449 Wallace, A. R., works by : Aus- tralia, 401, p. 459 ; Wonderful Century, 1451 Wallace, D. M. Egypt, 1657, p. 43 5 Wallace, William, p. 232 ; life of, 1817, p. 234 Wallingford, Treaty of, 1 1 53 A.D., p. 211 Wallon, Henri. Richard II, 1794, p. 244 Walls of Hadrian and Antoninus, P- 173 Walpole, C. G. Ireland, 929, p. 171 Walpole, Horace, works by : Let- ters, 1317, p. 375; Memoirs, 1317, p. 385 ; Observations, 1658 ; Richard III, 1658, p. 269 \Valpole, Robert, lives of, 1818, PP- 374. 377 Walpole, Spencer, works by : Eng- land, 1659, p. 416; Relations, 1659, p. 438; Russell, 1798, p. 421 ; Todd's Government, 1981, p-44i ; Twenty-five Years, 1659, p. 435 Walsingham, Francis, statesman, p. 296 Walton, E. C. England, p. 166 Wandewash, battle of, 1760 A.D., p. 446 Wapentakes, in early England, p. 197 War, among the Celts, p. 170; under the Romans,p. 173; among the early Germans, p. 176 ; Teu- tonic invasions, to 600 A.D., p. 177; Eng. tribal rivalries, 600-840 A.D., p. 181 ; against the Danes, to 975 A.D., p. 186; Danish conquest, 97 5-1016 A. D., p. 190; Scotch and Welsh, under the Confessor, p. 193 ; Norman invasion, 1066 A.D., p. 195; Scotch and Welsh, under Wil- liam I, p. 204 ; in Normandy, under Henry I, p. 209 ; civil, under Stephen, p. 211; Irish, under Henry II, p. 213; conti- nental, under Richard I, p. 217 ; French and civil, under John, p.22o; Barons', under Henrylll, p. 229 ; Welsh and Scotch, under Ed. I, p. 232 ; Scotch and civil, under Ed. II, p. 235; Scotch, and the beginning of the Hun- dred Years' War, under Ed. Ill, p. 238 ; Scotch, under Rich- ard II, p. 244 ; Irish, under 556 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Richard II, p. 246; of the Roses, beginning under Henry VI, p. 263 ; French and Scotch, under Henry VIII, pp. 280, 286 ; French, under Mary Tudor, p. 293 ; Spanish, under Eliz., p. 305; Thirty Years' War, time of James I, p. 318 ; French and Spanish, under Charles I, p. 322 ; Bishops' Wars, under Charles I, p. 326 ; Great Civil War, p. 329 ; Second Civil War, p. 333 ; Dutch, under the Common- wealth, p. 338 ; Spanish, and with the Barbary States, under Cromwell, p. 341 ; Dutch, under Charles II, p. 345; of Devolu- tion, and the Dutch, under Charles II, p. 348 ; Irish, under William III, p. 366; Palatinate, under William III, p. 369; Spanish Succession (Queen Anne's), under William and Anne, pp. 369, 372 ; of Jen- kins's Ear, under George II, p. 378 ; Seven Years' War, be- gun, under George II, p. 382 ; of Independence in America, and with France, Spain, and Hol- land, under George III, p. 388 ; of the First Coalition, p. 402 ; Second, p. 406; Third, p. 410; Peninsular, and Napoleonic, p. 413; of 1812 A.D., with the United States, p. 414 ; Opium, 1839-1842 A.D., p. 425; Crimean, 1853-1856 A.D., p. 428; Chinese, 1856 A.D., p. 428; American Civil, 1861-1865 A.D., p. 432; Ashanti, 1873 A.D., p. 432 ; Zulu, 1879 A.D., p. 432 ; Boxer, 1900 A.D., pp. 432, 466 ; in India, p. 446; in Africa, pp. 461, 466. See also Battles ; Invasions ; Re- bellions ; and Treaties Warburton, Eliot. Rupert, 1797, P-332 Warburton, William. Clarendon's Rebellion, 1143, p. 329 Warburton, W. P. Edward III, 1660, p. 239 Ward, A. W T ., works by : Cambridge Mod. Hist, 703, p. 251 ; Eliza- beth (Tout, Essays), p. 321 ; Hanover, 794, p. 371 Ward,G. R. M. Statutes, 671, p. 360 Ward, T. H. Victoria, 1661, p. 427 Wardship, feudal, p. 223 Warham, William, archbishop, p. 276 Warkworth,John. Chronicle, 1223, p. 266 Warner, C. D., works by : Ameri- can Men of Letters, 1454 ; Crom- well, 1733 ; Literature, 753 Warner, G. F. Nicholas Papers, 1298, p. 330 Warner, G. H. Literature, 753 Warner, G. T., works by : Eng. Hist, from Sources, 647 ; Indus- trial Hist., 1062, p. 198 Warrants, general, under George III, p. 385 Warwick, Earl of. See Dudley,John Warwick, the Kingmaker (Rich- ard Nevil), p. 265; life of, 1819, p. 267 Washington, George, his campaign in 1754 A.D., p. 382 ; life of, 1483, P- 390 Washington, H. A. Writings of Jefferson, 1098, p. 388 Washington, burning of, 1814 A.D., p. 414 Wasting of the North, 1069 A.D., p. 204 Water frame, p. 395 Waterloo, battle of, 181 5 A.D., p-4i3 Waters, H. F. Gleanings, 552 Watson, Foster. Education, 2010, P- 3 6 3 Watson, S. J. Const. Hist., 1902, P-455 Watt, George. India, 175 Watt, James, p. 395 ; life of, 1820, P- 399 Watt, Robert. Bibliotheca, 57 Wattenbach, Wilhelm, works by : Geschichtsquellen, 90 ; Palaeog- raphie, 587 ; Schriftwesen, 587 Way, Albertus. Promptorium, 488 Weapons of the Britons, p. 170 INDEX 557 Webb, John, works by : Richard II, 1224, p. 246; Roe's Birch, 1234, p. 329 Webb, T. W. Roe's Birch, 1234, P-3 2 9 Webster, H. A. Scottish Geog.Mag., 210, p. 167 Webster, W. C. Commerce, 795, p. 198 Weeden, W. B. New Eng., 1884, P- 3 21 Weinberger, Wilhelm. Bericht,5O9 Weld, Isaac. Travel, 1361, p. 453 Wellesley, Arthur. See Welling- ton, Duke of Wellesley, Richard. See Morning- ton, Earl of Wellingto^n, Duke of (Arthur Wellesley), pp. 413, 419, 422, 446 ; lives of, 1822, pp. 395, 409 Wells, P. P. Literature, 81 Welsh, as a people, p. 170 Welsh literature, p. 249. See also Wales Welwood, James. Memoirs, 1318, p. 301 Wendover, Roger of, p. 249 Wentworth, Thomas. See Strafford Wentworth, W. C., in Australia, P-457 Wesley, Charles, p. 396 Wesley, John, p. 396; lives of, 1824, pp. 380, 396. Journal, 1320, p. 378 Wessex, pp. 181, 186 West, A. F. Alcuin, 1453, p. 200 West Australia, p. 457 West Indies, section on, p. 451 ; also pp. 353, 406,410, 466; works on, pp. no, 153; cf. p. 148 Westminster Confession, i646A.D., P-3 2 9 Westminster Hall, p. 223 Westminster, Matthew of [ficti- tious]. History, 613, p. 229 Westminster, Treaty of, 1674 A.D., P- 348 Weston, Richard, minister of Charles I, p. 323 West-Saxons, pp. 178, 181 Wexford, capture of, 1649 A.D., P-337 Wharton, Francis, works by : Cor- respondence, 1362, p. 390 ; Law, 1093. P- 39 Wharton, W. J. L. Cook's Journal, 1335. P- 457 Whateley, Richard. Bacon's Es- says, 1232, p. 359 Wheatley, H. B., works by : Catholi- con,484; Levin's Manipulus, 468; London, 316; Pepys, 1787, p. 359; Portraits, 337 ; Wraxall's Mem- oirs, 1325, p. 389 Wheeler, A.M. Sketches,9i7,p.i7i Wheeler, J. T. India, 1923, p. 449 Whigs, ascendancy of, under Queen Anne, p. 372 Whitby, Synod of, 664 A.D., p. 184 Whitcomb, Merrick, Mod. Eur., 796, p. 277 White, A. D., Catalogue of Lib., 64 ; works by : Methods, 287 ; Morris's French Rev., 1501, P- 397 White, A. S., works by : Africa, 402, p. 43 5 ; British Unity, p. 468 ; Expansion of Egypt, 1662, p. 433 ; Scottish Geog. Mag., 210, p. 167 White, R. G. Rural Eng., p. 167 White, William, case of, 1704 A.D., P- 372 White, William. House of Com- mons, 1982, p. 432 White Book of London. See Liber Albus White Ship, loss of, 1120 A.D., p. 209 Whitefield, George, p. 396 Whitelocke, Bulstrode, works by : Journal, 1321, p. 342 ; Memorials, 1321, p. 323 Whitgift, John, life of, 1825, p. 299 Whitington, Richard. Liber Albus, 1180, p. 249 Whitney, E. H. Duruy's Middle Ages, 713, p. 178 Whitney, J. L. Catalogue of Bibl., 14 Whitney, M. D. Duruy's Middle Ages, 713, p. 178 Whitney, W. D. Century Dic- tionary, 462 558 REFERENCES FOR ENGLISH HISTORY Whitworth, Lord. Dispatches, 1128, p. 407 Wiclif, John. See Wyclif Wight, Isle of, settlement of, by the Jutes, p. 178 Wilberforce, William, philanthro- pist, p. 410 Wilbur, M. G. Index, 15 Wilder, M. E. History, 310 Wilkes, John, politician, pp. 385, 388, 395 Wilkinson, Spenser. Cromwell, 95L P- 33 2 Willehardouin. Extraits, 607 Willert, P. F. Henry of Navarre, 1466, p. 304 William I (the Conqueror), p. 195; 1066-1087 A.D., p. 204; life of, 1827, p. 196. Lois, 1375, p. 204 William II (Rufus), 1087-1 IOOA.D., p. 207 ; life of, 1567, p. 208 William III, pp. 350, 355; 1689- i694A.D.,p. 366; 1694-1702 A.D., p. 369; life of, 1828, p. 371 William IV, 1830-1837 A.D., p. 422 William of Orange (The Silent), p. 300 ; life of, 1484, p. 292 Williams, A. South Af., p. 462 Williams, Basil. Policy, 1663, p. 37 7 Williams, Benjamin, works by : Henrici Gesta, 1072 A (p. 474), p. 258 ; Richard II, 1150, p. 246 Williams, Hamilton. Naval Power, 918, p. 189 Williams, Robert. Lexicon, 460 Williams, R. F. Cardinals, 952, p. 185 Willinck, H. G. Nicholl's Poor Law, 1047, p. 202 Willis-Bund. See Bund, Willis- Willson, Beckles. Company, 1903, P-455 Wilson, Daniel. Edinburgh, 511 Wilson, H. F. Builders of Greater Britain Sen, 1683 Wilson, H. H. India, 1921, p. 449 Wilson, J. G. Appleton's Cycl., 159 Wilson, Woodrow. State,797,p.438 Winchester, C. T. Athenaeum Press Sen, 620 Windeyer, Margaret. China, 27 Windle, B. C. A. Britain, 512, p. 1 69 Windward Is., p. 451 Wingate, F. R., works by : Cap- tivity, 1322, p. 43 2; Slatin's Sudan, 1310, p. 435 Winship, G. P. Cabot and the Sources, 1714, p. 278 \Vinsor, Justin, works by : Amer- ica, 82 ; Bibl. Contributions, 46 ; Carder to Frontenac, 1904, p. 455 ; Christopher Columbus, 1460, p. 267 ; Mississippi Basin, 1904, p. 374 ; Narrative Hist, 1885, p. 364 ; Reader's Hand- book, 82, p. 387 Winstanley, D. A. George III, 1983, p. 387 Wirtemberg, Dukes of. Journals, 681, p. 310 Wisconsin, State Hist. Soc. Bul- letin, 216 Wisconsin, Univ. of. Reference Books, 79 Wishart, A. W. Monks, 798, p. 175 Wishart, George. Memoirs of Montrose, 1296, p. 334 Witenagemot, p. 197 Withrow,W.H., works by: Canada, 1905, p. 374; Nineteenth Century Sen, 1439 Wolseley, G. J., works by: Churchill, 1769, p. 347 ; Life, 1324, p. 429 Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal, pp. 279, 280, 283 ; lives of, 1323, 1829, pp. 280, 282 Woman, position among early Germans, p. 176. See also So- ciety, state of Woodburn, J. A. Johnston's Ora- tions, 1087, p. 389 Wood's halfpence, p. 375 Woodvilles, the, under Ed. IV and Richard III, pp. 265, 268 Woodward, B. B. Reclus's Earth, 397, p. 1 66 Woodward, H. Reclus's Earth, 397, p. 1 66 Woodward, H. B., works by : Ge- ology, 404, p. 167 ; Ramsay's Geology, 396, p. 167 INDEX 559 Woodward, W. H. Expansion, 1864, p. 312 Worcester, battle of, 1651 A.D., P-338 Worcester, Florence of. Chroni- cle, 695, p. 178 Wordsworth, Christopher, works by : Biography, 953, p. 200 ; Social Life, 2011, p. 399; Studies, 2011, p. 399 World Lib., 614 World's Best Essays, 799 World's Best Orations, 591, p. 184 World's Great Explorers Sen, 800 Worsfold, W. B. Africa, 1953, p. 463 W'orship. See Religion Worthy, Charles. Heraldry, 567 Wraxall, N. W. Memoirs, 1325, P-389 Wren, Christopher, architect, p. 359 Wright, Andrew. Court-hand, 588 Wright, Joseph. Dictionary, 475 Wright, Thomas, works by: Anglo- Saxon Vocabularies, 476; Bio- graphia, 954, p. 179; Caricature Hist.,9i9,p.377; Celt,i664,p. 172; Elizabeth, 1225, p. 297 ; Manners, 1063, p. 200 ; Songs, 674, p. 220 ; Vocabularies, 476 ; Womankind, 801, p. 172 Wriothesley, Charles. Chronicle, 1226, p. 276 Wrong, G. M., works by : Nation, 843, p. 1 66; Publications, 131, p. 456 Wiilcker, R. P., or Wiilker, Rich- ard, works by : Anglo-Saxon Poems, 1164, p. 190; Grundriss, no ; Wright's Vocabularies, 476 Wiirtemberg. See Wirtemberg Wyatt, Thomas, poet, p. 309 Wyatt, Thomas, the Younger, re- bellion of, 1554 A.D., p. 293 Wyclif (or Wiclif, or Wycliffe, etc.), John, p. 241 ; lives of, 711 (Creighton),p. 245; 1826, pp.147, 474, 240, 243; bibl. of, 130, p. 241 ; works by: Bible, 1384, p. 253; Eng. Works, 1390, p. 249 ; Tracts, 1390, p. 240 Wycliffe Soc., 217 Wycliffite doctrines and influ- ences, p. 249 Wyer, J. I. Bibl., 267 Wykes, Thomas of. Writings, 1173, p. 229 WylieJ.H. Henry IV, 1665, p. 256 Yale Bicentennial Publications Ser., 802 Yale Rev., 238 Year-book of Australia, 1944, p. 459 Year-book of Societies, 180 Yeats, John, works by: Gates of Trade, 2054, p. 166; Growth of Commerce, 803, p. 312 ; Natural Hist, of Commerce, 405, p. 166; Recent Commerce, 1452, p. 438 Yonge, C. D. Westminster's Hist, 613, p. 229 Yonge, C. M., works by : Cameos, 920, p. 188 ; European Hist, 781, P- J95 York,Dukeof(James). SeeJamesII York, Duke of (Richard), pp. 260, 263 Yorktown, 1781 A.D., p. 388 Young, Arthur. Ireland, 1227, p. 396 Young, Ernest. Essays, 1964, p. 197 Young Ireland, 1847-1848 A.D., p. 425 Younghusband, Francis. S.Africa, 1954, p. 463 Yule, Henry. Hobson-Jobson, 477 Zambezi, the river, p. 460 Zimmer, H. Irish Element, 1024, p. 200 Zimmermann, Alfred. Kolonial- politik, 1865, p. 468 Zimmern, Helen. Hansa Towns, 827, p. 251 Zinkiesen, Frank. Anglo-Saxon Courts, 1984, p. 202 Zouch, Thomas. Sydney, 1804, p. 299 Zulu Wars, 1838, 1879 A.D., pp. 432, 461 Zululand, annexation to Natal, 1897 A.D., p. 461 Zwingli, Ulrich, religious leader, p. 296 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, LOS ANGELES COLLEGE LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below. Book Slip-10m-5,'58(372 1 7s4)4280 Libra ii inn mil inn mi mil inn inn A 001 005 472 4 SOUTHERN BRANCH, DIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, ANGELES, CALIF.