1365 16 *e ■^^t ?3a •■ BOOKS and PAMPHLE . Published in Canada, up to the year Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-Seven, copies of which are in the Public Reference Library, Toronto, Canada THE PUBLIC LIBRARY TORONTO CANADA WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE CHIEF LIBRARIAN EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/bookspamphletspuOOtororich BOOKS aW PAMPHLETS Published in Canada, up to the year Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-Seven, copies of which are in the Public Reference Library, Toronto, Canada TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY 1916 <7 WARWICK ano'S t. rutter, limitcb PRINTERS, TORONTO PREFACE This is the first of what we hope will be a Series of Contri- butions to Canadian Bibliography issued by the Reference Department of the Public Library of Toronto. The idea which actuates us in this work arises from the situation which faces one who wishes to know not only what was published in early times in Canada, but where these publications may be consulted. It is useful to ourselves to have a classified list of these books and pamphlets ; we think that it may be of interest and value to other libraries, and to the increasingly large number of people in Canada who are becoming interested in her early history. This list is compiled by Miss Frances Staton, the head of the Reference Department. The date of ending the list is purely arbitrary, having no connection with book production, but mark- ing an historical event which was influential in shaping the destinies of our country. George; H. Locke, Chief Librarian. 336428 CATALOGUE of Early Canadian Books, Documents, etc., pub- lished in Canada, up to the year 1837 1767 — Nehiro — Iriniui Aiamihe Massinahigan, etc : — A Prayer Book in Montagnats — Compiled by the Rev. Pfere de la Brosse, S. J., Missionary to the Montagnais. Printed at Quebec, by Brown and Gilmore, 1767. The first book printed in Canada in the Indian langtiag'e. 1775 — Extraits des 6dits, declarations, ordonnances et reglemens, de sa Majest6 tr^s Chretienne, des reglemens et jugements des Gouverneurs Gdn^raux et Intendans concernans la justice; et des reglemens et ordonnances de police rendues par les Intendans, fdisans partie de la legislature en force en la colonie du Canada aujourd'hui Province de Quebec, tirds des regttres du Conseil sup^rieur et de ceux d'lntendance. Far Fran9ois Joseph Cugnet, Ecuier, Seigneur de St. Etienne. Quebec : Chez Guillaume Brown, 1775. 1775 — Trait^ Abr^g6 des Ancienes Loix, coutum^s et usages de la Colonie du Canada, aujourd'huy Province de Quebec, tir^ de la coutume de la Prev6t6 et Vicomt^ de Paris, h. laquelle la dite colonie 6tait assuj^tie, en consequence de I'edit de I'^tablissement du Conseil Souverain du mois d'avril 1663; avec I'explication de chaque titre et de chaque article, puisne dans les meilleurs autheurs qui ont ^crit et coment6 la dite coutume. Necessaire k toutes les personnes qui voudront avoir une teinture des dites Ancienes loix; coutumes et usages, et qui pourra les faciliter dans I'^tude qu'ils feront obligd d'en faire, tant comme Juges, que comme Avocats ou Procureurs. Par Fran9ois Joseph Cugnet, Ecuier, 7 8 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Seig^neur de St. Etienne. Quebec : Chez Guillaume Brown, 1775. 1775 — Traits de la loi des Fiefs, qui a toujours 6t6 suivie en Canada depuis son 6tablissement, tir^e de celle contenue en la CoOtume de la Prevot^ et Vicomte de Paris, k laquelle les Fiefs et Seigneuries de cette Province sont assujettis, en vertu de leurs litres primitifs de Concession, et des Edits, Regflemens, Ordonances et Declarations, de sa Majesty trfes Chr^tienne, rendus en consequence ; et des diferens Jugemens d'Intendans rendu k cet 6gard, en vertu de la loi des Fiefs, et des dits Edits, Reglemens, Ordonances et Declarations. Par Frangois Joseph Cugnet. Quebec : Chez Guillaume Brown, 1775. 1775 — Traits de la police — Qui a toujours 6t& suivie en Canada, aujourd'hui Province de Quebec, depuis son ^tablissement Jusqu'i k la conqu^te tir^ des diferens r^g-lemens, Jugemens et ordonnances d'Intendans, k qui par leurs commissions, cette partie du gouvernement 6tait totalement atribu^e, k I'ex- clusion de tous autres Juges, qui n'en pouvaient connaitre qu'en quality de leurs subd61^gues. Traite qui pourrait etre de quelqu'ut utility aux Grands Voyers, et aux Juges de police en cette province. Par Fran9ois Joseph Cugnet, Ecuier, Seigneur de St. Etienne. Quebec : Chez Guillaume Brown, 1775. 1777 — Officium in honorem, Domini Nostri J. C. summi Sacerdotis, et omnium Sanctorum, Sacerdotum ac Levitarum. Monti- Regali : Apud Fleurium Mesplet, Typographum & Bibliop. 1777. The first Latin book printed in Canada. 1777 — Ordonnances faites et pass^es par le Gouvernment et le Conseil L6gislatif de la Province de Quebec. Quebec : Chez Guillaume Brown, 1777. 1777 — Ordinances made and passed by the Governor and Legislative Council of the Province of Quebec. Quebec : printed by WilHam Brown, 1777. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 9 1778 — Neuvaine k I'honneur de Saint Fran9ois Xavier de la Compagnie de J^sus, apotre des Indes et du Japon. A Montreal, Chez Fleury Mesplet, Imprimeur & Libraire, 1778. 1780 — Ordinances made and passed by the Governor and Legis- lative Council of the Province of Quebec, 1780. Quebec : Printed by William Brown, 1780. 1786 — Ordinances made and passed by the Governor and Legisla- tive Council of the Province of Quebec, 1786. Quebec: Printed by William Brown, 1786. 1789 — Le Juge k Paix, et Officier de Paroisse pour la Province de Quebec. Extrait de Richard Burn, Chancelier, du diocese de Carlisle, et un des Juges k paix de sa Majesty pour les Comtds de Westmorland et Cumberland. Traduit par Jos. E. Perrault, k Montreal. Chez Fleury Mesplet, Imprimeur, 1789. 1790 — Copy of the letter of the Bishop of Capsa, Coadjutor of Quebec, to the President of the Committee on Education, etc., (In French and English). Pointe aux Trembles, 1790. 1790 — Papers and letters on Agriculture recommended to the attention of the Canadian Farmers. By the Agricultural Society of Canada. Quebec: Printed by Samuel Neilson, 1790. 1791 — A Collection of papers and facts relative to the Dismission of William Sandford Oliver, Esq., from the office of Sheriff of the City and County of Saint John, in the Province of New Brunswick. St. John, N.B., 1791. 1791 — Ancient French Archives; or, Extracts from the Minutes of Council relating to the Records of Canada, while under the Government of France. Quebec : Printed by S. Neilson, 1791. 1792 — Proclamation, declaring when the Act of the 31st Geo. IV. shall have effect in the Province of Upper and Lower Canada. Quebec, 1792. 10 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1793 — Lettre adress6 k ses Ouailles par Mgr. J. Fr. EvSque de Leon, dat^e du 30 Decembre 1793. Imprim^ chez Neilson. Quebec, 1793. 1793 — Lettre de M. I'Eveque de Leon aux Ecclesiastiques Frangais Refugies en Angleterre. k Quebec : de I'imprim- erie de Jean Neilson, 1793. 1795 — A Proclamation to such as are desirous to settle on the lands of the Crown in the Province of Upper Canada ; By His Excellency John Graves Simcoe, Esquire, Lieutenant- Governor and Commander in Chief of the said Province. Reprinted at Newark by G. Tiffany, 1795. 1795 — Heures Romaines en Gros Caract^res contenant les offices de la Sainte Vi^rge et des morts, pour I'usag-e des Congrega- nistes, etc. Quebec: Chez Jean Neilson, 1795. 1795 — Ordinances made and passed by the Governor and Legisla- tive Council of the Province of Quebec, and now in force in the Province of Lower Canada. Quebec : Printed by William Vondenvelden, 1795. 1796 — Order of the Governor in Council of the 7th July, 1796, for the Regulation of Commerce between this Province and the United States of America. Text in English and French. Quebec : Printed by William Vondenvelden, 1796. 1796 — Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, between His Britannick Majesty, and the United States of America. — Signed at London the 19th of November, 1794. Quebec : Printed by William Vondenvelden. At the New Printing Office, 1796. 1797 — Anno Decimo Quarto Georgii HL Regis. A.D. 1774. An Act for making more effectual provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec in North America. Quebec : Printed by William Vondenvelden, 1797. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. U 1797— Anno Decimo Quarto Georgii III. Regis. A.D. 1774. An Act to establish a fund towards further defraying the charges of the Administration of Justice, and support of the Civil Government within the Province of Quebec in America. Quebec : Printed by William Vondenvelden, 1797. 1797 — Anno Tricesimo Primo Georgii III. Regis. A.D. 1790. An Act to repeal certain parts of an Act passed in the Fourteenth year of His Majesty's Reign, intituled, "An Act for making more effectual provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec, in North America ; and to make further provision for the Government of the said Province." Quebec : Printed by William Vondenvelden, 1797. 1797 — The trial of David McLane for High Treason, at the City of Quebec, in the Province of Lower Canada, on Friday the seventh day of July, A.D. 1797. Taken in Short-hand at the trial. Quebec : Printed by William Vondenvelden, 1797. 1798 — A sermon preached on St. John's Day before the Lodges No. 4, 8 and 12, Ancient York Masons, in Christ Church. Montreal. By the Rev. James Tunstall. Montreal : Printed by E. Edwards, 1798. 1798 — Extracts from the Minutes of Council containing His Majesty's late regulations relative to the Waste Lands of the Crown, etc. Quebec : Printed at the New Printing Office, 1798. 1798 — ^Journal de ce qui s'est pass^ a la tour du Temple, pendant la Captivity de Louis XVI. Roi de France. Par M. Cl^ry, Valet de Chambre, du Roi. k Quebec: Chez John Neilson, 1798. 1798 — Le Petit Livre de Vie; qui apprend a bien vivre et k bien , Prier Dieu. Quebec, 1798 — Nouvelle Edition Imprim^ a la Nouvelle Imprimerie — et a vendre chez F. Huot. 1799 — Discours a I'occasion de la Victoire remport^e par les forces Navales de Sa Majesty Britannique dans la Medi- 12 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. terrannee le 1 et 2 Aout, 1798, sur la Flotte Franijoise pro- nonc6 dans I'^glise Cathddrale de Quebec 10 Janvier, 1799. Par Messire J. O. Plessis, Cur^ de Quebec, et Vicare- General du Diocese — Quebec : Imprim6 au profit des pauvres de la paroisse et se vend k rimprimerie, 1799. 1800 — A brief account of the late revivals of religion among the Congregationalists and Baptists in a number of towns in the New England States. Halifax: Printed and sold by Holden and Dowson, 1800. 1800 — Capitulations and Extracts of Treaties relating to Canada — with His Majesty's Proclamation of 1763 establishing the Government of Quebec. English and French. Quebec: Printed by Desbarats, 1800. 1800 — Le Graduel Romain, k I'usage au Diocese de Quebec. Quebec, 1800. 1802 — Relation de la Conversion de Mr. Thayer, Ministre Pro- testant, 6crite par lui-meme. k Quebec; Chez Louis Germain — Imprime k la Nouvelle Imprimerie, 1802. 1803 — Edits, Ordonnances Royaux, Declarations et Arrets du Conseil d'etat du Roi, concernant le Canada. Publics par ordre de Son Excellence, Sir Robert Shore Milnes. Quebec, Imprimis par P. E. Desbarats, 1803. 1803 — Extraits des Titres des Anciennes Concessions de terre en fief et Seigneurie, faites avant et depuis le Conquet6 de la Nouvelle France, par les Armes Britanniques, dans la partie Actuellement Appellee le Bas Canada. Le tout compile par William Vondenvelden et Louis Chareaud. Quebec, 1803. 1803 — Lex Parliamentaria: ou Trait^ de la loi et coutume des parlements, montrant leur antiquity, noms, especes et qualit^s. Traduit en Francois par Jos. E. Perrault : Im- prim^ k Quebec par P. E. Desbarats, 1803. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 13 1804 — A Charge delivered to the Clerg-y of the Diocese of Nova Scotia at the Triennial visitation holden in the months of June and August, 1803. By the Right Rev. Charles Ingles, D.D. Halifax : Printed by John Howe, 1804. 1804 — Letter of Instruction to the Catholic Missionaries of Nova Scotia and its dependencies. By the Rev. Mr. Bourke. Halifax : Printed by A. Gay, 1804. 1804 — Ragles et reglemens pour le formation I'exercice et mouve- mens, de la Milice du Bas Canada. En deux parties. Que- bec: Imprim^ par ordre de Son Excellence le Lieutenant- Governeur, et se vend chez J. Neilson, 1804. 1806 — Canada — a descriptive poem, written at Quebec, 1805. Quebec : Printed by John Neilson, 1806. 1806 — Heures Royales en Gros Caract^res contenant les Epitres et Evangiles, nouvelle edition. Quebec: Imprim^ a la Nouvelle Imprimerie, 1806. 1806 — Ordonnances des Intendants et arrets portant reglements des Conseil Superieur de Quebec, Avec les Commissions des Gouverneurs et Intendants, etc. Publics par ordre de Son Excellence Sir Robert Shore Milnes. Quebec : Imprim6 par P. E. Desbarats, 1806. 1806 — Parliamentary Proceedings in the Second Session of the Fourth Parliament of the Province of Upper Canada. York : Upper Canada, 1806. 1807 — The Christian religion recommended in a letter to his pupils. By the Rev. John Strachan, A.M., Minister of Corn- wall, Upper Canada. Montreal : Printed by Nahum Mower, 1807. 1807 — The trial of John Wilson, alias Jenkin Ratford, for mutiny, desertion and contempt — to which are subjoined a few cursory remarks. Halifax : Printed by John Howe and Son, 1807. 14 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1808 — Colas et Colinette, ou Le Bailie Dup^ — Comedie en trois Actes, et en prose m^l^e d'Ariettes. Les paroles et la musique par M. Q. (Joseph Quesnel). A Quebec : Chez John Neilson, 1808. 1808 — Leslie's short and easy method with the Deists, wherein the certainty of the Christian religion is established in four infalliable marks in a letter to a friend. Compressed by Francis Wringham, M. A. Montreal: Nahum Mower, 1808. 1808 — Sailing directions for the River St. Lawrence, from Cape Chatt to the Island of Bic, etc. By Capt John Lambly, three years commander of the government vessel stations, stationed oflF Father Point, Quebec, January 16th, 1808. Quebec : Printed at the New Printing Office, 1808. 1809 — A concise introduction to Practical Arithmetic for the use of Schools. By the Rev. John Strachan. Montreal : Printed by Nahum Mower, 1809. 1809 — An apology for Great Britain in allusion to a pamphlet intituled "Considerations, etc." Par un Canadien M.P.P. By Ross Cuthbert. Quebec: Printed by J. Neilson, 1809. 1809 — Considerations sur les effets qu' ont produit en Canada, la Conservation des Etablissements du pays, les Moeurs, I'education, etc., de ses Habitants, et les consequences qu' entraineroient leur decadence par rapport aux interets de la Grande Bretagne. Par un Canadien M.P.P. Montreal : Imprim^ chez James Brown, 1809. 1809 — Dictionaire de I'Ancien Droit du Canada. By Justin Mc- Carthy. Quebec : Printed by John Neilson, 1809. 1810 — Table of the Cubic Contents of Masts, Hand- Masts, Spars and Bowsprits, calculated upon the principle described in the Provincial Statutes of Lower Canada. By James C. Grant. Quebec : Printed by John Neilson, 1810. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 15 1811 — Grammaire Frangoise k I'usage du Petit S^minaire de Montreal. Montreal: Printed by James Brown, 1811. 1811 — L'Ame dlev^e a Dieu. Par les reflexions et les sentiments pour Chaque du Mois. Nouvelle Edition. Quebec, 1811 : Imprimd k la Nouvelle Imprimerie. 1812 — Regies & Reglemens pour la formation I'exercice et mouve- ments de la Milice du Bas Canada. Quebec : Imprim6 k la Nouvelle Imprimerie, 1812. 1812 — Rules and Articles for the better government of the Militia of the Province of Lower Canada when embodied for service. Quebec: Printed by P. E. Desbarats, 1812. 1813 — L' I miration de Jesus Christ — Traduction nouvelle, avec une Pratique et une Prifere a la fin de chaque chapitre. Par le R. P. De Gonnedieu, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Quebec : 1813. 1813 — Manuel du Chretien — Ou Ton trouve tout ce qu'il et n^cessaire pour s'instruire de sa religion et se sanctifier. Premiere edition faite k Quebec sur celle de Toulouse de Tanned 1793. Quebec : A la Nouvelle Imprimerie, 1813. 1813 — The Canadian Inspector, No. I — Containing a collection of facts, concerning the government of Sir George Prevost, in the Canadas. Montreal : Nahum Mower, 1813. 1814 — A form of Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty God — To be used on Friday the third day of June, 1814, being the day appointed by Proclamation for a general Thanksgiving to Almighty God — To Acknowledge the great goodness and mercy of Almighty God who in addition to the manifold and inestimable benefits which we have received at His hands, has continued to us His protection and assistance in the war in which we are now engaged: and has given to the Arms of His Majesty, and to those of his Allies, a series of signal and glorious victories over the forces of the enemy. By Authority, Kingston, 1814. Printed by Stephen Miles. 16 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1814 — A poetical account of the American Campaigns of 1812 and 1813 ; with some slight sketches relating to the party politics which governed the United States, during the war and its commencement. Dedicated to the people of Canada by the Publisher. Halifax: John Howe, Jun., 1814. 1814 — A sermon preached at York, Upper Canada, on the third of June, being the day appointed for a General Thanksgiving. By The Rev, John Strachan, D.D. Montreal: Printed by William Gray, 1814. 1814 — Le Petit Manuel du Chretien— ou Instructions sur ce qu'il faut croire et faire pour se sauver — Tiroes du Manuel du Chretien a I'usage des iideles. Quebec : Imprim^ a la Nouvelle Imprimerie, 1814. 1814 — Nerva — A Collection of Papers published in the Montreal Herald. Reprinted by particular desire. Montreal : Printed by William Gray, June, 1814 1814 — Proceedings in the Assembly of Lower Canada, on the rules of practice of the Courts of Justice, and the impeach- ments of Jonathan Sewell and James Monk, Esquires. Printed by order of the House. Quebec, 1814. 1814— Questions et reponses sur le Droit Criminel du Bas Can- ada, Dedie^s aux etudiants en Droit. Par J. F. Perrault. Quebec : Imprim^ par C. le Francois, 1814. 1814 — The greatness and happiness of a people briefly considered — A Discourse delivered on the 21st of April last, being the day appointed for a General Thanksgiving. By the Rev. James Somerville. Montreal : Printed by W. Gray, 1814. 1814 — True Patriotism — A sermon preached in the Presbyterian Church in Stamford, Upper Canada, Thanksgiving Day, June 3rd, 1814. By Rev. John Burns. Montreal, 1814. Printed by Nahum Mower. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. IT 1814 — Two sermons on Family Prayer, with extracts from various authors, and a collection of Prayers, selected and compiled, by the Hon. and Rev. Charles Stewart, Minister of St. Amand, Lower Canada, and Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Quebec. Montreal : Printed by Nahum Mower, 1814. 1815 — A short account of the life and dying speech of Joseph Bevir, who was executed at Kingston (Upper Canada) on Monday the 4th day of September, 1815, for the murder of Mary Bevir his daughter. Written by himself while in prison. Kingston, 1815. Printed by S. Miles. 1815 — A short view of the present state of the Eastern Townships in the Province of Lower Canada, bordering on the line 45°, with hints for their improvement. By the Hon. and Re'A Charles Stewart. Montreal : Printed by Nahum Mower, 1815. 1815 — Histoire Abr^g^s des ecoles Gratuites en Angleterre, Etablies sur le plan de Joseph Lancaster. (In French and English). Quebec : Printed at the New Printing Office, 1815. 1815 — History of Canada, from its first discovery to the year 1791. By William Smith. 2 vols. Quebec : Printed by John Neil- son, 1815. 1815 — Proceedings of the House of Assembly in the First Session of the eighth Provincial Parliament of Lower Canada, on the state and progress of Education, as resulting from the Act ot the 41st Geo. Ill, chapter 17th, which provides for the estab- lishment of Free Schools, and the advancement of learning in this Province — Also, an extract from the Improved System of Education. By Joseph Lancaster. Quebec, 1815. Printed at the New Printing Office. 1815 — The letters of Veritas, re-published from the Montreal Herald, containing a succinct narrative of the Military Administrations of Sir George Prevost during his command in the Canadas. Montreal : Printed by William Gray, July, 1815. 18 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1816 — Articles of Association of the Montreal Bank, 1816. Mon- treal : Printed by William Gray, 1816. 1816 — A sermon delivered before the members of the Female Benevolent Society in Montreal, Sept. 8th, 1816. By Robert Eston. Montreal : Nahum Mower, 1816. 1816 — A sermon on the death of the Honorable Richard Cart- wright, with a short account of his life. Preached at Kings- ton on the 3rd of September, 1815. By John Strachan, D. D., Rector of York, Upper Canada. Montreal : Printed by W. Gray, 1816. 1816 — L'Office de la Semaine Sainte et de celle de PAque. Nouvelle Edition. Quebec, 1816 : Imprim^ k la Nouvelle Imprimerie. 1816 — Pseautier de David. Avec les Cantiques a I'usage des ^coles. Second Edition de Montreal. Montreal : Chez James Lane, Imprimeur, 1816. 1816 — Rules and Regulations adopted by the President and Direc- tors of the Montreal Bank. Montreal: 1816. 1816 — Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Fredericton, on the 14th January, 1816, upon occasion of a collection made in aid of the Waterloo subscriptions. By the Rev. Geo. J. Mountain, Rector of Fredericton. Fredericton : Printed by Geo. K. Lugrin, 1816. 1817 — A valedictory sermon preached in Christ Church, Frederic- ton, on the 19th June, 1817. By the Rev. George J. Moun- tain. Fredericton : Printed by Geo. K. Lugrin, 1817. 1817 — Communications of Mercator, upon the contest between the Earl of Selkirk and the Hudson's Bay Company, on the one side, and the Northwest Company on the other. Repub- lished from the Montreal Herald. Printed by William Gray. Montreal : Lower Canada, 1817. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. !» 1817 — Notices of the Claims of the Hudson's Bay Company and the Conduct of the Adversaries. Montreal : William Gray, 1817. 1817 — Proc6d6s dans I'Assemble^ du Bas Canada, aur les Accusa- tions Contre 1' Honorable Louis Charles Foucher, Ecuyer, un des Juges puines de la Cour du Banc du Roi, pour le district de Montreal. Quebec : 1817. 1817 — Proceedings of a Court Martial holden at Quebec, for the Trial of Lieutenant Benoit Bender, of the 4 1st Regiment of Foot, in July, 1815. Montreal : 1817. Printed by James Lane. 1817 — Quebec Province. House of Assembly. Report of Com- mittee appointed to inquire into the matter of the petition of Samuel Sherwood. .Quebec : 1817. 1817 — Report of the Loyal and Patriotic Society of Upper Canada, with an appendix and a list of subscribers and benefactors. Montreal : (Lower Canada). Printed by William Gray, 1817. 1817 — The Catholic School Book. Containing easy and familiar lessons for the instruction of youth of botH sexes, in the English language, and the paths of true religion and virtue. First Montreal edition, 1817. Printed by Nahum Mower. 1818 — A collection of Acts passed in the Parliament of Great Britain, particularly applying to the Province of Upper Canada, and of such ordinances of the late Province of Quebec, as have force of law therein. York : Printed by R. C. Home, 1818. 1818 — Address to the Jury at Kingston Assizes, in the Case of the King v. Robert Gourlay, for libel, with a report of the trial. Kingston : 1818. Printed at the Gazette Office. 1818 — A Narrative of Occurrences in the Indian Countries of North America since the connexion of the Right Hon. the Earl of Selkirk with the Hudson Bay Company, and his aO TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. attempt to establish a Colony on the Red River, with a detailed account of His Lordship's Military expedition to, and subsequent proceedings at Fort William, in Upper Canada. Montreal : Reprinted from the London Edition. By Nahum Mower, 1818. 1818 — Copy of the Letters patent — erecting- the Protestant Epis- copal Church of Montreal in Notre Dame Street, into a Parish or Rectory, and appointing a Rector to the same. Montreal; Printed by W. Gray, 1818. 1818 — Essay on Modern Reformers addressed to the people of Upper Canada, to which is added a letter to Mr. Robert Gourlay, By John Simpson, Augusta, Upper Canada. King- ston: Printed by Stephen Miles, 1818. 1818 — Le Manuscrit Venu de Ste. Helene d'une Maniere In- connue. Montreal: 1818. 1818 — La vie de la Venerable Soeur Marguerite Bourgeois, dite du Saint Sacrement, Institutrice, Fondatrice, et Premiere Superieure des Filles Seculi^res de la Congregation Notre Dame, 6tablie a Ville Marie, dans I'lsle de Montreal en Can- ada. A Ville Marie: Chez Wm. Gray, 1818. 1818 — Memoirs of the administration of the Colonial Government of Lower Canada. By Sir James Craig, and Sir George Prevost, from the year 1807 until the year 1815. By Robert Christie, Quebec, 1818. 1818 — Proceedings at a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town- ship of Hope and Hamilton, in the district of New Castle, U.C. Held agreeable to notice from Robert Gourlay. York, U.C. Printed by R. C. Home, 1818. 1818 — Published papers of Robert Gourlay up to 1818. Niagara, 1818. Niagara Spectator Office. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 21 1818 — R^cit des ^v^nements qui ont en lieu sur le territoire des sauvages dans I'Amerique septentrionale depuis les liasons du tr6s honorable Comt^ de Selkirk avec la Compagnie de la Baie d' Hudson, et la tentative faite par le Comte de fonder une Colonie sur la Riviere Rouge — Avec des details; — Cir- constanci^s de I'expedition Militaire de sa Seigneurie, centre le Fort William, dans le Haut Canada de la conduite qu'il y a tenue depuis. Par Simon M'Gillivray Traduit de I'original Anglois, imprim^ k Londres en 1817. Imprim^ a Montreal par James Brown, en 1818. 1818 — The first report of the Bible Society of Upper Canada, with a list of Subscribers and Benefactors. York, 1818. Printed for the Society. 1818 — The Military and Naval Operations in the Canadas, during the late war with the United States, including also, the political history of Lower Canada during the Administration of Sir James Henry Craig and Sir George Prevost, from the year 1807, until the year 1815. By Robert Christie, Esq. Quebec, 1818. 1819 — A Sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of Quebec, on Sunday the 12th September, 1819, after the public calamity experienced in the death of His Grace, the Duke of Rich- mond, Governor in Chief. By the Rev. G. J. Mountain, Quebec. Printed by J. Neilson, 1819. 1819 — Dissertations upon various subjects worth the attention of every Christian and of real service to the sincere inquirer after true religion. By Jeremiah Learning, Rector of Christ Church, Stafford, Connecticut. Montreal : Printed by Nahum Mower, 1819. 1819 — Esquisse du Commerce de Pelleteries des Anglois, dans I'Amerique Septentrionale, avec des observations relatives a la Compagnie du Nord Quest de Montreal. Par Le Comte de Selkirk. Montreal, Imprim^ par James Brown, 1819. 22 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1819 — Nouveau Recueil de Cantiques k I'usage du diocfese de Qaebec, avec tous les avis not^s en musique dans le meilleur gout moderne, etc. Quebec: Imprim6 ^ la Nouvelle Imprim- erie, 1819. 1819 — Report at large of the trial of Charles de Reinhard, for murder (committed in the Indian Territories) at a Court of Oyer and Terminer held at Quebec, May, 1818, to which is annexed a summary of Archibald M'Lellan's indicted as an Accessory. By William S. Simpson, Esq. Montreal : Print- ed by James Lane, 1819. 1819 — Report of proceedings at a Court of Oyer and Terminer, appointed for the investigation of cases from the Indian Territories; held by adjournment at Quebec in Lower Canada, 21st October, 1819; at which the following gentlemen, part- ners of, and connected with the North West Company, viz., Archibald N. McLeod, James Leith, Hugh McGillis, Simon Fraser, Alexr. Macdonnell, Archd, McLellan and John Siveright, who were under accusation by the Earl of Selkirk as private prosecutor tor great crimes and offences, alleged to have been by them committed, made their appearance in pursuance of official notices given to both parties and de- manded their trials, which they could not obtain because the private prosecutor was not ready with the speeches of Counsel, the arguments held on the occasion and the decision given thereon : from minutes taken in Court. Montreal: Printed by William Gray, 1819. 1820— A Trial:— William Henry Hall, Plaintiff; against Major George Barrow, Defendant; for Criminal Conversation with the PlaintiflTs wife. Supreme Court at Halifax, Nova Scotia, 20th July, 1820. Halifax: Printed at the Recorder Office, 1820. 1820 — Hours of Childhood and other poems. Montreal: Publish- ed by A. Bowman, 1820. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 23 1820 — Memoirs of the Administration of the Government of Lower Canada by Sir Gordon Drummond, Sir John Coape Sher- brooke, the late Duke of Richmond, James Monk, Esq., and Sir Peregrine Maitland from the 3rd April, 1815, until the 18th June, 1820. Quebec : Printed at the New Printing Office, 1820. 1820 — Province of Nova Scotia — Proceedings of the General Assembly upon the Convention concluded between His Majesty and the United States of America. York : Re- printed at the U. C. Gazette Office, 1820. 1820 — Relation d'un voyage a la C6te du Nord-Ouest de I'Am^ri- que Septentrionale, dans les Anne^s 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, et 1814. Par G. Franchere. Montreal : De I'lmprimerie de C. E. Pasteur, 1820. 1821 — First Report of the Select Committee appointed to take into consideration the Internal Resources of the Province of Upper Canada. York : Printed at the U. C. Gazette Office, 1821. 1821 — Report at large of a debate in the House of Assembly of the Province of Lower Canada, on the 14th of February, 1821. From notes taken Stenographically, by William S. Simpson. Quebec : Printed by T. Cary & Co., 1821. 1821 — Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Legislative Council of Upper Canada, appointed to search for precedents in a case of privilege. York : Printed at the Upper Canada Gazette Office, 1821. 1821 — Sermon delivered in the Methodist Chapel, Saint John, N.B., Sunday 15th April, 1821. In aid of the New Bruns- wick Auxiliary Bible Society. By J. Priestly. Saint John, N.B. : Printed by Henry Chubb, 1821. 1821 — The Emigrants' Assistant or Remarks on the Agricultural Interest of the Canadas. By A. J. Christie. Montreal : Printed by Nahum Mower, 1821. 24 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1821 — The Prompter — A Series of Essays on Civil and Social Duties. Published originally in the Upper Canada Herald. Kingston: Printed and Published by H. C. Thomson, 1821. 1822 — A Bill as Amended (by the Committee) for uniting the Legislatures of the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada. York : Printed by Charles Fothergill, 1822. 1822 — A letter to Mr. S. C. Blyth, occasioned by the recent publi- cation of the Narrative of his Conversion to the Romish Faith. In four parts. By a Catholic Christian (Bishop Mountain). Montreal : Printed by Nahum Mower, 1822. 1822 — An Act to Regulate the Trade of the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada, and for other purposes relating to the said Province. York, 1822 : Printed by Charles Fothergill. 1822 — An Act to repeal part of and amend the laws now in force for the raising and training the Militia in this Province. York, 1822 : Printed by C. Fothergill. 1822 — A Sketch of the present state of Canada. By Charles Fothergill. York : Upper Canada Gazette Office, 1822. 1822 — First Annual Report of the Upper Canada Central School, on the British National System of Education. Printed by C. Fothergill. York : Upper Canada, 1822. 1822 — Narrative of the Conversion of Stephen Cleveland Blyth, to the faith of the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church, to which is annexed a brief refutation of the current objections to many Articles of Catholic Faith and Discipline. Montreal : Printed by Nahum Mower, 1822. 1822— Sermon and Catechism for Children. York: Printed by J. Carey, 1822. 1822 — A Sermon on the Education of the Poor, the duty of dif- fusing the Gospel, and more particularly, on the importance of family religion, preached before the Diocesan Committee EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 25 of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge in the Cathedral Church of Quebec, on the 24th February, 1822, upon occasion of the Annual Collection. By the Rev. G. J. Mountain, D.D. Quebec: Printed by J. Neilson, 1822. 1822 — The Letters of Agricola, on the Principles of Vegetation and Tillage, written for Nova Scotia. By John Young, Halifax, N.S. : Printed by Holland & Co., 1822. 1823 — Constitutions of the Antient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons — Part the Second — containing charges, regulations, etc. By William Williams. First Canadian Edition — Re- published by order of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Upper Canada. Kingston : 1823, Printed by H. C. Thomson. 1823 — Examination of a Pamphlet entitled "A Statement of facts relating to the failure ot the Bank of Upper Canada at King- ston." By Benjamin Whitney, Esq., in a letter to the Author. By Vindex. Kingston : 1823. H. C. Thomson, Printer. 1823 — First report of the Commissioners appointed by His- Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in conformity to the provisions of an Act passed in the second year of His Excellency's reign entituled "An Act to make provision for the improvement of the internal Navigation of this Province.'' York : 1823. 1823 — Formation and constitution of the York Bible Society, with the first address of its Members, to their Christian friends. York : Printed by W. L. MacKenzie, 1823. 1823 — Letters concerning the appointment of Mr. Alex. Woods, on the Commission of Inquiry, on the subject of claims for the loss by war. York : 1823. 1823 — Letters from Mr. Commissioner Robinson, on the Canadian Trade, and Canada Union Bills, Communicated by the Lieu- tenant-Governor, January 22nd, 1823. York: Printed by Charles Fothergill, 1823. 26 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1823 — Lettre a Mr. Chaboillez, Cur6 de Longfueuil, relativement a ses questions sur le Gouvernement eccl^siastique du District de Montreal. Montreal: Chez James Lane, 1823. 1823 — Observations sur un 6crit intitule, "Questions sur le Gouvernement eccl^siastique du District de Montreal." Par un pretre du Diocese de Quebec. Trois-Rivi^res : In.prim^ par Ludger Duvernay, 1523. 1823 — Province de la Nouvelle Ecosse, Proc^d^s de I'Assembl^e G6n6rale sur la Convention conclue entre sa Majest6 et les Etats Unis, de TAmerique. Quebec : Re-imprimes par T. Gary, Jr., 1823. 1823 — Questions sur le Gouvernement Eccl^siastique du District de Montreal. Par Mr. Chaboillez, Pretre cur6 de Longueuil. Montreal : de I'lmprimerie de Thos. A. Turner, 1823. 1823 — Rules and Orders of Practice for the Court of King's Bench, district of Montreal, February term, 1811. Montreal: Printed by T. A. Turner, 1823. 1823 — Acadian Preceptor, containing short and easy lessons, in prose and verse, for the use of schools. Halifax : Printed at the Royal Canadian School, 1823. 1823 — The Canadian's right the same as the Englishman's. A dialogue between a Barrister of the Law, and a Juryman, setting forth the antiquity, excellent design, use, office and just privileges of Juries, by the law of England. By Sir John Hawles, Knierht. Now re-published by Charles Fothergill. York : U. C. 1823. 1824 — An Act passed in the fourth year of the reign of His Majesty George the Fourth, entitled "An Act to amend and make permanent a certain Act of Parliament of the Province, passed in the fifty-ninth year of the reign of His late Majesty, King George the Third, entitled *An Act to repeal the several laws now in force, relative to levying and collecting rates, EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 27 and assessments in this Province,' " etc. York: 1824. Charles Fothergill, Printer. 1824 — An essay on the judicial history of France, so far as it re- lates to the Law of the Province of Lower Canada. Read at a special meeting- of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, the 31st day of May, 1824. By the Honorable J. Sewell, Chief Justice of Lower Canada. Quebec: Printed by Thomas Cary & Co., 1824. 1824 — A warning to the Canadian Land Company in a letter addressed to that body by an English resident in Canada, 1824. Kingston, U.C. Printed at the Herald Office, 1824. 1824 — Cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, at York, Upper Canada, in Trinity Term, 4th Geo. IV. (Mo. I.) By Thomas Taylor. York : Printed by Charles Fother- gill, 1824. 1824 — Cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench at York, Upper Canada, in Michaelmas Term, in the Fourth Year of the Reign of Geo. IV. (No. II.) By Thomas Taylor. Printed by John Carey. York : 1824. 1824 — Cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench at York, Upper Canada, in Hilary Term, in the Fourth and Fifth years of the reign of Geo. IV. (No. III.) By Thomas Taylor. Printed by John Carey. York : 1824. 1824 — Cases Argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench at York, Upper Canada, in Easter Term in the Fifth Year of Geo. IV. (No. IV.) By Thomas Taylor. York : Printed by John Carey, 1824. 1824 — Extraits ou pr^c^dents des arrests tires des R^gistres du Conseil Sup^rieur de Quebec, et D^di^s, k son Honneur Sir Francis Nathaniel Burton, Lieutenant-Gouverneur, et aux autres honorables membres de la cour d'appel de la Province 28 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. du Bas-Canada. Par Joseph Fran9ois Perrault. Quebec: Imprim^ par Thomas Gary & Co., 1824. 1824 — Extraits ou pr^c^dents tir^sdes Registres de la Pr^vost^ de Quebec, et d^di^s aux Honorables Jugfes, aux gens du Roi, aux Avocats, Procureurs, et Praticiens de la Province du Bas- Canada. Par Joseph Francois Perrault. Quebec : Imprim^ par Thomas Cary & Co., 1824. 1824 — Letter to C. A. Hagerman, by Thomas Dalton. Kingston : Upper Canada, 1824. 1824 — Lettre de Monsieur Laval Ci-devant Ministre k Cond6-sur- Noireau, k ses anciens co-religionaires. Re-imprim6 pour la seconde fois sur I'edition de Paris, 1823. A Saint Philippe. Chez Joseph Hubert, imprimeur, 1824. 1824 — R^ponse de Messire Chaboillez Cur^ de Longueuil, a la lettre de P. H. Bedard ; Suivie de quelques remarques, sur les observations imprim^es aux Trois' Rivieres. Montreal : Imprim^, par T. A. Turner, 1824. 1824 — Report of the Joint Committee of the Honorable and Legis- lative Council and House of Assembly, Upper Canada, made on Thursday the 15th January, 1824, on the subject of the importation of tea into that Province. York : Printed by John Carey, 1824. 1824 — St. Ursula's Convent ; or, the Nun of Canada — containing scenes from real life. In two volumes. By Julia (Beckwith) Hart, Kingston, Upper Canada. Printed by Hugh C. Thom- son, 1824. The first Canadian Romance, by a Canadian Author, printed in Canada. 1824 — The Charivari, or Canadian Poetics. A tale after the manner of Beppo. Montreal, 1824. Printed for the Pub- lisher. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 29. 1824 — The Widow of the Rock, and other poems. By a Lady. Montreal, 1824. Printed by R. V. Sparhawk. 1825 — Act respecting: inheritance of Estate. House of Assembly, November 21st, 1825. York : Printed at the U. C. Gazette Office, 1825. 1825 — A funeral discourse pronounced in the Reformed Dutch Church of New Brunswick, occasioned by the decease of the Rev. John H. Livingstone, D.D. By John Dewitt, D.D. New Brunswick, 1825. Printed by William Myer. 1825 — Cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, at York, Upper Canada, in Trinity Term in the fifth year of the reign of Geo. IV. (No. V). By Thomas Taylor. Printed by John Carey. York, 1825. 1825 — Cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, at York, Upper Canada, in Michaelmas Term, in the fifth year of the reign of Geo. IV. (No. VI). By Thomas Taylor. Printed by John Carey. York, 1825. 1825 — Catechisme a I'usage du Diocese de Quebec. Imprim^ par I'ordre de Monseigneur Jean Olivier Briand, Eveque de Quebec. Saint Philippe. A I'lmprimerie Ecclesiastique. 1825. 1825 — Commons, House of Assembly. Naturalization of persons from the United States, and foreigners. York : Printed by John Carey, 1825. , 1825 — First Annual Report of the Canada Conference Missionary Society, Auxiliary to the Missionary Society of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church. Kingston : Printed by Hugh C. Thomson, 1825. 1825 — Jean Baptiste : A Poetic Olio, in II Cantos. By Levi Adams. Montreal, 1825. 30 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1825 — Le Processionnal Remain. A'l'usag^e du Diocese de Que- bec. Quebec : Chez Neilson & Cowan, Imprimeurs- Libraires, 1825. 1825 — Lettre k I'Honorable Edward Bowen, Ecuyer. Un des Juges de la Cour du Banc du Roi de sa Majesty pour le District de Quebec. Par un Etudiant en Droit. Montreal : Imprim^ par James Lane, 1825. 1825 — Ordinances made and passed by the Governor and Legis- lative Council of the Province of Quebec, and now in force in the Province of Lower Canada. Quebec : Printed by P. E. Desbarats, 1825. Text in English and French. 1825— Poems. By James Hogg. St. John, N.B., 1825. 1825 — Provincial Parliament of Upper Canada. Report, etc., ot the Hon. Legislative Council on the Civil rights of certain inhabitants. York, 1825. Printed by John Carey. 1825 — Report of Commissioners appointed to investigate the claims of certain inhabitants of this Province for losses sus- tained by them, during the late war with the United States of America, and for other purposes therein mentioned. By order of the House of Assembly. Printed by John Carey, York, U.C., 1825. 1825 — Report of the Proceedings of the Female Society, for the relief of poor women. Printed by J. Carey. York, 1825. 1825 — Wonders of the West, or, A day at the Falls of Niagara. By a Canadian, (J. L. Alexander). York, 1825. As far as known, the first poem published in Upper Canada. 1826 — A letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of Liverpool, K.G., relative to the rights of the Church of Scotland in North America. From a Protestant of the Church of Scot- land. Kingston, U.C, 1826. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 31 1826 — Analyse d'un Entretien sur le conversation des etablisse- mens du Bas-Canada, des lois, des usag'es, etc., de ses Habitans. Par un Canadien, (D. B, Viger). Montreal: Imprim^ Chez James Lane, 1826. 1826 — An Apolog^y for the Church of England in the Canadas, in answer to a letter to the Earl of Liverpool, relative to the rights of the Church of Scotland. By a Protestant of the Church of England. Kingston, 1826. Printed by James McFarlane. 1826 — An appeal addressed to the candid public — wherein is displayed the singular history of the Author together with that of other Arnericans, settled in the Province of Lower Canada. By Elmer Cushing. Stanstead, 1826. Printed by S. H. Dickerson. 1826 — Annual report of the Quebec Diocesan Committee for the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge for the year 1824-5. Quebec: Printed by T. Cary & Co., 1826. 1826 — Annual Report of the Quebec Diocesan Committee of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge for the year 1825-6. Quebec: Printed by T. Cary & Co., 1826. 1826 — A sermon preached before the Bishop of Quebec, and the Clergy of Upper Canada at His Lordship's primary visitation, held at York, on Wednesday, 30 h Aug., 1826. By the Rev, John Wenham, at Brockville. Brockville, U.C. Printed by William Buell, Junr., 1826. 1826 — Exposition of the Case of Lieut. -Col. Bouchette, Surveyor- General, before the House of Assembly of Lower Canada. Quebec: Printed by T. Cary & Co., 1826. 1826 — Memoir of the life of John Hart, the celebrated robber who was executed in Quebec on the 10th day of November, 1826, for having been convicted of the robbery of the Roman Cath- olic Cathedral of that City. Quebec, 1826. 32 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1826 — Report of the Committee of the House of Assembly, on the decisions of the Courts of Justice, concerning the language of the writs of summons. Quebec, 1826. 1826 — Reports of the Commissioners of Internal Navigation appointed by His Excellency, Sir Peregrine Maitland, K.C.B., etc. — In pursuance of an Act of the Provincial Parliament of Upper Canada, passed in the second year of His Majesty's reign, — entitled "An Act to make provision for the improvement of the Internal Navigation of this province." Kingston: Printed by James MacFarlane, at the office of the Kingston Chronicle, 1826. 1826 — Report of the Quebec Bible Society for the year, 1825. , Quebec: Printed by Neilson & Cowan, 1826. 1826 — The exclusive right of the Church to the Clergy Reserves, defended in a letter to the Right Honorable the Earl of Liverpool, being an answer to the letter of a Protestant of the Church of Scotland, to His Lordship. By a Protestant. Kingston, U.C.: Printed by H. C. Thomson, June, 1826. 1826 — The Foundation and Constitution of the Christian Minis- try and the general outline of the Ministerial character and duties considered in a sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of Quebec, on Sunday, 30th July, 1826. By the Rev. G. J. Mountain, D.D. Quebec: Printed by Neilson & Cowan, 1826. 1826 — The Report of the President and Directors of the Welland Canal Company, to the Stockholders. York, U.C. : Printed by Robert Stanton, 1826. 1826 — The Wandering Rhymer — A Fragment with other poetical trifles. By James M. Cawdell. York: Printed at the U.C. Gazette Office, 1826. 1827 — A letter to Irishmen who have been obliged to take refuge among the peaceful Canadians from the cruel dis- EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 38 tresses and sufferings of Ireland. By an Irishman, 18th July, 1827. Montreal: Printed by L. Duvernay, 1827. 1827 — A Memorial presented to His Excellency the Lt. -Governor. By James G. Strowbridge, Contractor for the Works at the Burlington Bay Canal and several documents relating to the Works and the disagreement between the Commissioners and the Contractor. York: Printed by F. Collins, 1827. 1827 — Annual Report of the Proceedings of the Society for the Relief of Strangers in Distress at York. Under the Patron- age of His Excellency Sir Peregrine Maitland, K.C.B. York, 1827. Printed by R. Stanton. 1827 — A series of reflexions on the Management of Civil Rule in the Town of Kingston, Upper Canada. Written by an Inhabitant. Kingston : Printed by Hugh C. Thomson, 1827. 1827 — A statement of the affairs of the late pretended Bank of Upper Canada, at Kingston. Containing the reports of the Commissioners, etc. York : Printed by William Lyon Mac- kenzie, at the office of the Colonial Advocate, 1827. 1827 — A Word to the Wise, or an appeal to the honor and good sense of persons of all religious denominations who respect the Sanctity of Truth and Purity of Morals, showing at the same time, the baneful tendency of Falsehood and Misrepre- sentation, as well as the existence of such evils among Society. Montreal : Printed by Ludger Duvernay, 1827. 1827 — Catalogue of Fruit and Ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, etc., for sale at the Toronto Nursery, Dundas St., near York. By William W. Custeed. York, 1827. Printed by William Lyon Mackenzie. 1827 — First Report of the Niagara District Committee in Corres- pondence with the Quebec Diocesan Committee of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, presented at the annual 34 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. meeting^, held at Niagara, Aug"ust 30th, 1827. St. Catharines : Printed by H. Leavenworth, 1827. 1827 — Graduel Remain a I'usagfe du Diocese de Quebec. Seconde Edition. Quebec : Chez Neilson & Cowan, Imprimeurs, Libraires, 1827. 1827 — Les Premiers Rudimens de la Constitution Britannique ; Traduit de I'Anglais de M. Brooke, par Jacques Labrie, M.P.P. Montreal : James Lane, 1827. 1827 — Letter from Delta to Senex, containing some observations and strictures on a late manifesto published in the news- papers in a sinister form of an address, from a Junto of Members of the Provincial Parliament of Lower Canada to their Constituents. Montreal : Printed at the Montreal Gazette Office, 1827. 1827 — Letter to Simon M'Gillivray, Esq., in answer to one addressed by him to the creditors of ihe late firms of M'Tavish, M'Gillivrays & Co., and M'Gillivrays, Thain & Co., dated London, 26th of February, 1826. By Henry MacKenzie. Montreal : Printed at the Herald Office, 1827. 1827 — Localities of Canadian Minerals, with notes and extracts. By John Bigsby. Quebec : Printed by T. Cary & Co., 1827. 1827 — Memoire de Denis Benjamin Viger Ecuyer, et de Marie Amable Foretier, son epouse, contre Toussaint Pothier Ecuyer, et autres. A la Cour Provinciale d'Appel, 1827. Montreal : Printed by James Lane, 1827. 1827 — Notices published in the Quebec Mercury, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 1827, in answer to an article published in Mr. Neilson's Quebec Gazette of the 28th December, 1826, entitled "The Ensuing Session of the Provincial Parliament of Lower Canada," relating to the existing difficulties in the Provincial Legislature on financial matters in connection with the support of the Civil Government of the Province. Quebec : Printed by T. Cary & Co., 1827. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 35 1827 — Report of the Home District Committee of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, for 1827. York, U.C. : Printed by R. Stanton, 1827. 1827 — S. Thompson's Books ! Beware of Wooden Nutmegs ! ! (Broadside). W. L. Mackenzie. York, 1827. 1827 — Speech of Louis J. Papineau, Esq., on the Hustings at the opening of the election for the west ward of the City of Montreal, on the llth of August, 1827, and his reply to Peter McGill, Esq., etc., Translated from the French. Montreal: Printed by L. Duvernay, 1827. 1827 — The Annual Report of the Canada Conference Missionary Society, Auxiliary to the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, York, December, 1827. York : Printed for the Society at the Office of the Colonial Advocate. By William Lyon Mackenzie, 1827. 1827 — The Controversial discussion between Catholic Priest, a Catholic Layman, and others and Rev. J. S. Christmas, Constat, and others. Extracted from the Montreal Herald and the Montreal Gazette. Montreal, 1827. Printed at the Courant Office. 1828 — A Contradiction of the Libel under the signature of "A Relative" published in the Canadian Freeman of the 28th Feb- ruary, 1828, together with a few remarks tracing the origin of the unfriendly feeling which ultimately led to the unhappy affair to which that Libel refers. By Samuel P. Jarvis. 14th March 1828. York : Printed by John Carey, 1828. 1828 — Manual of Parliamentary Practice with an Appendix Con- taning the rules of the Legislative Council, and House of Assembly of Upper Canada. Kingston: Compiled, Printed and published by H. C. Thomson, 1828. 1828 — An Address to Protestant Dissenters suited to the present time. Kingston, U.C, 1828. Printed by H. C. Thomson. 36 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1828 — A speech of the Venerable John Strachan, D. D., Arch- deacon of York, in the Legislative Council, Thursday, sixth of March, 1828, on the subject of the Clergy Reserves. York, U.C: Printed by Robert Stanton. 1828 — Directions to those who raise Tobacco in this Province. York, 1828. By Charles C. Melvin. Printed by W. L. Mackenzie at the Office of the Colonial Advocate. 1828 — First report of the Central Committee on the Petition to the Imperial Parliament from Christians of all denominations in Upper Canada. York, 1828. Printed by W. L. Mac- kenzie, at the Office of the Colonial Advocate. 1828 — Legislative and Executive Corruption exposed: — to which is added William Roe, or. What is a Libel. York, 1828. W. L. Mackenzie, Printer. 1828 — Observations on the Petitions of Grievance, addressed to the Imperial Parliament from the Districts of Quebec, Mon- treal and Three Rivers. Quebec : Printed by the King's Printer, 1828. 1828 — Political Annals of Lower Canada, being a Review of the Political and Legislative History of that Province. By a British Settler. Montreal, 1828. Printed at the Office of the Montreal Herald. 1828 — Pro and Con — A Satirico-Political dialogue — In familiar rhyme, partly imitated from the Latin of Horace, and dedi- cated (without permission) to the late Grand Jury. Quebec, 1828. 1828 — Religious discourses. By the Author of Waverley (Sir Walter Scott). Kingston, U.C: Printed and published by James MacFarlane, 1828. 1828 — Second Report of the Midland District Committee of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. 1828. Kings- ton, U.C: Printed at the Herald Offiee, 1828. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 37 1828 — Spelling's for the Schools in the Chipeway Language. York, U. Canada : Printed for the Canadian Conference Missionary Society. 1828 — Statement of Facts, relating to the trespass on the Print- ing Press in the possession of Mr. William Lyon Mackenzie, in June, 1826, addressed to the public generally, and particu- larly to the subscribers and supporters of the Colonial Advo- cate. York : Printed by R. Stanton, 1828. 1828 — The Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the Wel- land Canal for 1827. St. Catharines: Printed by H. Leaven- worth, 1828. 1828 — The Charter of the University of the King's College at York in Upper Canada. Kingston, Upper Canada, 1828. Re-printed by H. C. Thomson. 1828 — The formation and Constitution of the York, U.C. Bible Society, with the first address of its members, to their friends. York, 1828. Printed by W. L. Mackenzie at the Office of the Colonial Advocate. 1828 — The Legislative Black List of Upper Canada ; or, Official Corruption and Hypocrisy unmasked. By W. L. Mackenzie. York, U.C, 1828. Printed at the Office of the Colonial Advocate, June 8th, 1828. 1828 — Vesperal Remain, a I'usage du Diocese de Quebec. Seconde Edition. A Quebec : Chez Neilson and Cowan, Imprimeurs-Libraires, 1828. 1829 — A letter from the Honourable and Venerable Dr. Strachan, Archdeacon of York, U.C, to Dr. Lee, D.D., Convener of, a Committee of the General Assembly of the Church of Scot- land. Kingston, U.C. Printed at the Herald Office, 1829. 1829— A letter to Mr. George Ryerson. By "Calculator." Ham- ilton, U.C. B. Ferguson, Printer, Gore Balance Office, 1829. 88 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1829 — Letter to George Ryerson, on the Civil Government of Canada, in 1828. Hamilton, U.C, 1829. B. Ferguson, Printer. 1829 — A letter to the Rev. A. J. Bethune, Rector of Cobourg, on the Management of Grammar Schools. By John Strachan, D.D. York, 1829. Printed by Robert Stanton. 1829 — An Extra report of the Board of Directors of the Welland Canal Company, June 6th, 1829. St. Catharines, 1829. Printed by H. Leavenworth. 1829 — An Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia. In two volumes. By Thomas C. Haliburton. Halifax : Pub- lished by Joseph Howe, 1829. 1829— Essay on Marriage. Quebec, 1829. Printed by P. and W. Ruthven. 1829 — Manuel pratique de I'Ecole El^mentaire Fran^oise, de Monsr-Perrault. Imprim^ k Quebec, 1829. 1829 — Quebec, the Harp and other Poems. By W. F. Hawley. Montreal : Printed at the Herald and New Gazette Office, 1829. 1829 — Rapport des Commissaires pour explorer le Sauguenay. Imprim6 : par Neilson & Cowan, Quebec, 1829. 1829 — Rapports du Comit6 Special sur les Chemins et autres Communications Interieures. Quebec, 1829. Imprim^ par Neilson & Cowan. 1829 — Rapports et temoinages du Comity special de la Chambre d'Assembl^e du Bas-Canada, auquel ont &t6 r^fer^es la petition des habitans du Comt6 de York, celle des habitans de la Cit6 de Montreal, et Autres Petitions se plaignant de griefs. Imprim^ par ordte de I'Assembl^e, 1829. 1829 — Remarks on the evidence of Mr. Grant, the agent for the Church of Scotland, before the Canada Committee of the EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 39 House of Commons, in 1828, as stated in the printed minutes of evidence. Quebec : Printed by T. Cary & Co., 1829. 1829 — Report from the Select Committee on the Civil Government of Canada. Quebec, 1829. Re-printed by order of the House of Assembly of Lower Canada. 1829 — Reports from the Special Committee on Roads and other Internal Communications. Quebec : Printed by Neilson & Cowan, 1829. 1829 — Report of the Special Committee to whom was referred that part of His Excellency's Speech, which referred to the Org-anization of the Militia. Quebec, 1829. Printed by Neilson & Cowan. 1829 — Sermons on the Liturgy of the Church of England. By Rev. A. N. Bethune. York, U.C, 1829. Printed by Robert Stanton. 1829— The Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the Wel- land Canal Company for 1828. St. Catharines : H. Leaven- worth, Printer, 1829. 1829 — The Doctrine and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada. York : Published by E. Ryerson and F. Metcalf for the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada. Printed by W. J. Coates, 1829. 1829 — The History of the Session of the Provincial Parliament of Lower Canada for 1828-9. Quebec, 1829. 1829 — The Lower Canadian Watchman. By David Chisholm of the Kingston Chronicle. Kingston, 1829. Printed by James MacFarland. 1829 — The Order of Confirmation, with Forms of Self-Examina- tion and Devotion. York, U.C. : Printed by Robert Stan- ton, 1829. 40 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1829 — The Picture of Quebec. By George Bourne. Quebec, 1829 : Published by D. and J. Smillie. 1830 — A Collection of Hymns in the Mohawk Languag'e. By the New England Corporation. York : Printed by Geo. Gurnett, Courier Office, 1830. 1830 — A Letter to the Right Honorable Thomas Frankland Lewis, M.P., from John Strachan, D.D., LL.D., Archdeacon of York, Upper Canada. York, 1830. Printed by Robert Stanton. 1830 — Appendix to the Report of the Special Committee of the Legislative Council of Lower Canada, 1829. Quebec : Printed by F. J. Desbarats, 1830. 1830 — A System of Drill for the Militia of Upper Canada. By Command of His Excellency, the Lieutenant-Governor. York : Printed by Robert Stanton, 1830. 1830 — Catalogue of Books for Sale at the Depository, Gazette Office, King Street, York. York : Printed by R. Stanton, 1830. 1830 — Catechetical Instructions on some of the principal parts of the Public Worship of God, according to the forms of the Church of England. Quebec: Printed by T. Cary & Co., 1830. 1830 — Catechism of Education. By William Lyon Mackenzie. York: Colonial Advocate Press, 1830. 1830 — Documents sent down to the House of Assembly by His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, relative to School Lands. Extract of a Report of the Executive Council to the Lieu- tenant Governor, dated 17th November, 1830 York: 1830. James Baxter, Printer. 1830 — Epitres, Satires, Chansons, Epigrammes, et autres pi^ce de Vers. Par M. Bibaud. Montreal : Printed by Ludger Du- vernay, 1830. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 41 1830 — Minutes of the meeting; of the United Presbytery of Upper Canada, held at Brockville, on the first, second and third days of June, 1830. Brockville, U.C.: Printed by William Buell, Jr. & Co., 1830. 1830 — Minutes of the United Presbytery of Upper Canada at their meeting in the Presbyterian Church, York, on the 30th August, 1830, until 2nd September Instant. York: Printed by William Lyon Mackenzie, 1830. 1830 — Nehima, Ayamie, Mazinahig-na Kanachchatageng. Mon- treal : Printed by Ludger Duvernay, 1830. 1830 — Notes on the South Western Boundary Line of the British Provinces of Lower Canada and New Brunswick and the United States of America. By. Andrew Stuart. Quebec: Printed by T. Cary & Co., 1830. 1830 — Plan raisonn6 d'Education g6n6rale et permanente. Par Joseph Fis. Perrault. Quebec, 1830. 1830 — Report of the Select Committee of the House of Assembly on the petition of George Rolph, Esq., against the proceed- ings of the Magistrates of the Gore Province. York, 1830. W. J. Coates, Printer. 1830— Report of the Welland Canal for 1829. York: Printed by William Lyon Mackenzie, 1830. 1830— The First Report of the York Auxiliary Bible Society, 1830. York : Printed for the Society, at the Office of the Christian Guardian. 1830 — The Huron Chief and other peoms. By Adam Kidd. Montreal : Printed at the Office of the Herald and New Gazette, 1830. 1830 — Trial of William Penn at the old Bailey, London, before the Lord Mayor Recorder and Aldermen, Sept., 1670. York: W. L. Mackenzie, 1830. 42 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1831 — Abr^g-^ de la Geographic du Canada a I'usage des ecoles de cette Province. Montreal: Imprim^ par Ludger Duvernay, 1831. 1831 — Account of a prosecution against certain members of the Methodist Episcopal Church for an alleged trespass in removing a Chapel. Speeches of John Rolph, Esq., on the part of the Defendants, and W. H. Draper, Esq., on the part of the Plaintiff. Printed by W. J. Coates. York, 1831. 1831 — An Abridgement of Chistian Doctrine. York, U.C, 1831. Printed by Robert Stanton. 1831 — By-Laws of the Corporation for the superintending, man aging and conducting the Clergy Reserves in Upper Cana- da. York: Printed by Robert Stanton, 1831. 1831 — Code of reform and Prison discipline, being the third part of the system of Penal law prepared for the State of Louisiana. By Edward Livingston. Quebec: Printed by order of the Legislative Council, by Thomas Cary & Co., 1831. 1831— First General Report of the Welland Canal, May, 1830, from Robert Randal. York: Printed by James Baxter, 1831. 1831 — Memoire accompagnant la requete presentee k la Chambre d' Assembled par le Clergd Catholique du Bas-Canada, Contre Tadmission des notables dans les Assemblers de Fabrique Quebec, 1831. Imprimd par Frechette et Cie., Quebec. 1831 — Mesah oowh Menwahjemoowin, Kahenahjemood owh. St. Matthew. York Auxiliary Bible Society. Gospel of St. Matthew in Chippeway. York : Printed at the Colonial Advocate Office. James Baxter, Printer, 1831. 1831 — Minutes of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in connection with the Church of Scotland, begun at King- ston the 8th day of June and concluded the 13th day of June, 1831. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 43 1831 — No. II of "Poor Richard" or the Yorkshire Almanack for the year of our Lord, 1831, By Patrick Swift. York: Printed at the office of the Colonial Advocate. By William Lyon Mackenzie. 1831 — Observations on the Propriety of Altering the Division line between Upper and Lower Canada. By a friend to both. Printed at the Patriot Office. Kingston, 1831. 1831 — Quebec and its Environs, being a Picturesque Guide to the Stranger. Quebec : Printed by Thomas Cary & Co., 1831. 1831 — Rapport des Commissaires, Nommm^s pour I'exploration du pays, entre les Rivieres St. Maurice et Outaouais dans I'ann^e 1830. Quebec, 1831. Order by the Assembly to be printed. 1831 — Remarks on Colonial slavery, with a few historical facts on the subject ; and a hint as to final emancipation, Kingston : Printed and Published by J. Attfield, 1831. 1831 — Report of the Commissioners appointed to explore the country, between the St. Maurice, and the Ottawa in the year 1830. Ordered by the Assembly to be printed. Quebec, 1831. 1831 — Report of the Commissioners for exploring the country lying between the Rivers Saguenay, Saint Maurice, and Saint Lawrence. Ordered by the House of Assembly to be printed. Quebec, 1831. 1831 — Scraps and Sketches ; or The Album of a Literary Lounger. Montreal, 1831. H. H. Cunningham. 1831 — The Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the Wel- land Canal Company for 1830. St. Catharines : H. Leaven- worth, Printer, 1831. 1831 — The Charter of the University of King's College at York, in Upper Canada. York : Printed by R. Stanton, 1831. 44 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1831 — The Life and Actions of Alexander the Great. By the Rev. J. Williams, A.M. First Canadian Edition. Niagara: Henry Chapman, Publisher, Samuel Heron, Printer, 1831. 1831— The Life of Lord Byron. By John Gait, Esq. First Canadian Edition. Niagara : Henry Chapman, Publisher, Samuel Heron, Printer, 1831. 1831— The Life of Lord Nelson. By Robert Southey, Esq., LL.D., Poet Laureate, etc., etc. First Canadian Edition. Niagara: Henry Chapman, Publisher, Samuel Heron, Printer, 1831. 1831 — The Life of Mahomed, Founder of the religion of Islam, and of the Empire of the Saracens. By the Rev. George Bush, A.M. First Canadian Edition. Niagara: Henry Chapman, Publisher, Samuel Heron, Printer, 1831. 1831 — The Report of the Midland District Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1831. Kingston, V.C.: Printed at the Herald Office, 1831. 1831 — The Second Report of the York Auxiliary Bible Society, 1831, with appendix. York: Printed for the Society at the Office of the Christian Guardian. 1831 — The Unknown, or Lays of the Forest. By W. F. Hawley. Montreal, 1831. Printed by J. A. Hoisington. 1831 — The Witch of Westcot. A tale of Nova Scotia in three Contos. By Andrew Shiels. Halifax : Printed by Joseph Howe, 1831. 1831 — Thoughts on Emigration and on the Canadas as an open- ing for it. By Charles ShirrefF. Quebec, 1831. Printed by T. Cary & Co. 1832 — Abr^g^ de I'Histoire du Canada, en Quatre Parties. Premiere Partie, Quebec, 1832. Seconde Partie, Quebec, EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 46 1832. Troisi^me Partie, Quebec, 1833. Quatri^me Partie, Quebec, 1833. Cinqui^me Partie, Quebec, 1836. Chez P. Ruthven, Imprimeur. 1832 — A Compendious History of the Rise and Prog^ress of the Methodist Church both in Europe and America. By A. G. Meacham, V. D. M. Hallowell, U.C., 1832. Printed by Joseph Wilson. 1832 — An Account of the Formation of the Upper Canada Religious Tract and Book Society, at York, the 10th January, 1832, with an Address by the Committee. York : Printed by Robert Stanton, 1832. 1832 — An Address delivered to the York Mechanics' Institution. By Dr. Dunlop. York, 1832. 1832 — A new and concise system of Arithmetic calculated to facilitate the improvement of youth in Upper Canada. Pub- lished under the patronage of His Excellency Sir John Colborne, K.C.B., etc., by William Phillips, York, 1832. Printed for Eastwood & Skinner, Paper Makers. 1832 — British Freedom, by an English Farmer — An advocate for civil and religious liberty and a lover of good government. York: Upper Canada, 1832. Printed by J. Baxter, Colonial Advocate Press. 1832 — Charlotte Temple — A Tale of Truth. By Mrs. Rowson. Hallowell, U.C. Printed and Published by J. Wilson, 1832. 1832 — Church Fellowship, a Sermon preached on Wednesday, September 5, 1832, at the visitation of the Honorable and Right Rev. Charles James, Lord Bishop of Quebec. By the Venerable John Strachan, D. D. York: Printed by Robert Stanton, 1832. 1832. — Commentaire sur la constitution du Bas-Canada. Par H. Heney. Montreal, 1832. Leclerc et Jones, Imprimeurs. 46 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1832 — First Annual Report of the Society for Converting and Civilizing the Indians and propagating the Gospel among destitute settlers in Upper Canada, for the year ending Octo- ber, 183L York: Printed by Robert Stanton, 1832. 1832 — History of the late War between Great Britain and the United States of America, etc. By David Thompson. Niagara, U.C. Printed by T. Sewell, 1832. 1832 — Improvement of the St. Lawrence, Resolutions of a public meeting at Brockville, 27th October, 1832, and petition to the House of Assembly, with the accompanying Report. Printed at the Recorder Office, Brockville, U.C, 1832. 1832 — Information for the use of persons emigrating to Upper Canada, containing an explanation of the various modes of application for land. By S. P. Hurd. York, U.C. Printed by Robert Stanton, 1832. 1832 — Kagakimzouiasis ueji Uo'banakiak Adali Kimo'gik Aliu- itzo'ki za plasua. P. P. Wzokhilain. Le Cat^chisme du Diocese de Quebec. Imprime par Frechette & Cie. Quebec, 1832. 1832 — Laws for the Constitution and Government of the York Literary and Philosophical Society in Upper Canada. 1832. York : Printed by Robert Stanton, 1832 1832 — Minutes of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Can- ada, in connection with the Church of Scotland, begun at Kingston the 1st day of August, 1832, and concluded the 4th day of August, 1832. 1832 — Proceedings of a Public Meeting held at the Court House, in the town of Niagara, in the Niagara District, on Saturday, 31st March, 1832. Niagara, 1832. 1832 — Prospectus of the British America Fire and Life Assurance Institution. Specially empowered by Act of Parliament — EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 47 94 Newgate St., York. York : Printed at the Courier Office, 1832. 1832 — Quelques reflexions sur la derni^re Electiou du Quartier- Ouest de laCitd de Montreal. Imprim^ et Public, k Montreal, par ordre d'un Comit6 compost de Canadiens, Amis de la Justice et de la V6rit6. 1832. 1832. — Questions submitted by a Special Committee of the House of Assembly of Lower Canada to the Curates of the diocese of Quebec, relative to the Fabriques — with the Curates' answers. Quebec. Printed by Neilson & Cowan. 1832. 1832 — Report of the Committee for Missions of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. November 19th, 1832. York, 1832. 1832 — Report of the proceedings before the Court of King's Bench for the district of Quebec, in the term of February, 1832, respecting the commitment of Daniel Tracey and Ludger Duvernay, by the Legislative Council of Lower Canada, for a breach of privilege. Quebec : Printed by T. Cary & Co., 1832. 1832— Review of the proceedings of the Legislature of Lower Canada in the Session of 1831, with an Appendix containing some important documents. Montreal, 1832. Printed by Thomas A. Starke. 1832 — Statutes, Rules and Ordinances, made and established by the Principals and Governors of the McGill College, for the government of the medical department of the said College. Montreal : Printed by A. H. Armour, 1832. 1832— The first report of the Richmond Hill (Yonge street) Branch Bible Society, 1832. York : Printed for the Society at the Guardian Office. By W. J. Coates, 1832. 48 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1832— The Third Report of the York Auxiliary Bible Society, 1832, with an appendix. York: Printed for the Society at Christian Guardian Office, by W. J. Coates, Printer, 1832. 1832 — Traits sur les Lois Civiles du Bas-Canada. Par Henry des Rivieres Beaubien. Montreal : Imprim^ et Publi6 par Ludger Duvernay, 1832. 1833 — A letter to Mr. Stickney of Holderness on Emigration to Canada. By John Mewburn, of Niagara, Upper Canada, and late of Whitby, Yorkshire. Darlington : Printed by Messrs. Coates and Farmer, 1833. 1833 — A letter to the Hon. and Ven. Archdeacon Strachan in reply to some passages in his '* Letter to Dr. Chalmers on the Life and Character of Bishop Hobart," respecting the principles and effects of the Bible Society. By Jos. H. Harris. York, Upper Canada: Correspondent Printing Office, 1833. 1833 — A Manual of Orthoepy, with numerous notes upon the origin and abuse of words. Fourth edition. York, Upper Canada, 1833, Printed at the Office of The Guardian. 1833 — A Retrospect of the Summer and Autumn of 1832, being a sermon delivered in the Cathedral Church of Quebec, on Sunday, the 30th December, in that year. By the Rev. G. J. Mountain. Quebec : Printed by Thomas Cary & Co., 1833. 1833 — A Sermon on " Immortality," occasioned by the death of Barnabas Bidwell, Esq. By J. Smith, A.M., of Kingston. Kingston, U.C: Printed by David Mackay, 1833. 1833 — A Sermon preached at St. James' Church, York, on Sunday, March 17th, 1833, in aid of the Sunday School Society for the Diocese of Quebec. By the Rev. J H. Harris, D. D., principal of Upper Canada College. York: Printed by Robert Stanton, 1833. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 4f 1833 — A Sermon preached in Saint Peter's Church, Cobourg, U.C., on Thursday, the 14th February, 1833, being the day appointed for a general thanksgiving to Almighty God, for having removed the heavy judgment with which these Provinces have recently been afflicted. By the Rev. A. N. Bethune, missionary at Cobourg. Cobourg : Printed by R. D. Chatterton, 1833. 1833 — A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Montreal, on Thursday, the 9th of August, 1832, at the visitation of the Honorable and Right Reverend, the Lord Bishop of Quebec. By the Venerable G. J. Mountain. Quebec: Printed by T. Cary & Co., 1833. 1833 — Epitome of the Laws of Nova Scotia. By Beamish Murdoch, Esq., Vol. II. Halifax, N.S.: Printed by Joseph Howe, 1833. 1833 — Extract from a celebrated work entitled "An Amicable Discussion on the Church of England, and on the Reformation in General." Dedicated to the clergy of every Protestant Communion, and reduced into the form of letters. By the Right Reverend J. T. M. Trevern, D.D., Bishop of Stras- bourg. Translated from the French. By the Rev. Wm. Richmond. York, U.C. : Printed at the Patriot Office, 1833. 1833 — Laws of the Quebec Medical Students' Society. Instituted 1832. Quebec, 1833. 1833 — Le Clerg6 Canadien — Veng6 par ses enemies ; ou observa- tions sur un ouvrage recent. Intitule "Tableau Statistique et Politique des deux Canadas." Quebec: Printed by Neilson et Cowan, 1833. 1833 — Second Annual Report of the Society for Converting and Civilizing the Indians, and Propagating the Gospel among Destitute Settlers in Upper Canada, for the year ending October, 1832. York: Printed by Robert Stanton, 1833. 60 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1833 — The Annual Report of the Kingston Relig-ious Tract Society, Auxiliary to the Religious Tract Society of London, 1832. Kingston, U.C. Printed by James MacFarlane and Com- pany, 1833. 1833 — The Forest Wreath. By William Martin Leggett. Saint John, N.B. : Durant & Sancton, 1833. 1833— The Fourth Report of the York Auxiliary Bible Society for the Year 1832, with an Appendix. York: Printed for the Society at the Colonial Advocate Office. Peter Baxter, Printer, 1833. 1833 — The Rules of the Law Society of Upper Canada, with the Standing Orders of Convocation, and such of the resolutions and particulars or executive orders of convocation as are of general importance. York, U. C, Hilary term, 1833. 1834— Affaires du Pays, depuis 1828 Jusqu'i 1834 (Extrait de la Gazette de Quebec). Quebec, Neilson & Cowan, 1834. 1834 — A Letter to the Congregation of St. James' Church, York, U.C, occasioned by the Hon. John Elmsley's Publication of the Bishop of Strasbourg's observations on the 6th Chapter of St. John's Gospel. By John Strachan, D.D., LL.D. York : Printed by Robert Stanton, 1834. 1834 — A new Almanac for the Canadian True Blues, with which is incorporated the Constitutional Reformer's Text Book. For the Millenial and Prophetical Year of the Grand General Election for Upper Canada, and total and everlasting down- fall of Toryism in the British Empire. 1834. By Patrick Swift, Esq., York, 1834. York : Colonial Advocate Press. Printed by Peter Baxter. 1834 — An Irishman's Address to his Countrymen in Lower Canada, pointing out the mode by which the honest mechanics and labourers can procure their independence, in this their adopt- ed country; with an appendix containing extracts taken from various writers, who wilfully misrepresent the Irish, in order EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 61 to render them obnoxious in the land of their adoption. By a Catholic Irishman. Montreal : Printed for the Proprietor, 1834. 1834 — Biographic de Joseph Francois Perrault, Protonotaire de la Cour du Banc du Roi, pour le District de Quebec — Ecrite par lui-meme — a I'age de quatre-vingt-aus, sans lunettes — k la suggestion du Lord Aylmer, Gouverneur en chef du Bas-Caoada. Quebec : Printed by Thos. Cary & Cie, 1834. 1834 — British Constitutional Society of Upper Canada — Minutes of a meeting of a number of the members of the original Constitutional Society of York, and other friends of British connexion in the City of Toronto, held at Morrison's Tavern, on Tuesday, the 1st day of July, 1834. Toronto : Printed at the Patriot Office, 1834. 1834 — Catalogue of the First Exhibition of the Society of Artists and Amateurs of Toronto, 1834. Toronto : Printed at the Office of the Patriot. By T. Dalton, 1834. 1834 — Copy of Report made by His Excellency Sir John Colborne, Lt. -Governor of Upper Canada, by the Inspector-General on the subject of lands granted to the U. E. Loyalists. Toronto, 1834. Printed by R. Stanton. 1834 — Emigration — Prince Edward Island. A brief but faithful account of this fine Colony, shewing some of its advantages as a place of settlement. Addressed to those British farmers and others who may be disposed to emigrate to better their fortune in a new country, with directions how to proceed, what to provide, and what steps to take on arriving in the Colony. By J. L. Lewellin. Charlottetown : Printed and published by James D. Haszard, 1834. 1834 — Fourth Annual Report of the Society for converting and civilizing the Indians, and propagating the Gospel among destitute settlers in Upper Canada, for the year ending Octo- ber, 1834. Toronto : Printed by Robert Stanton. fi2 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1834 — Friendly advice to Emigrants from Europe on their arrival in Canada. By an Old Countryman. Montreal : James and Thomas A. Starke, 1834. 1834 — Hawkin's Picture of Quebec, with historical recollections. Quebec : Printed by Neilson & Cowan, 1834. 1834 — Les deux Girouttes, ou 1' hypocrisie demasqu^e. Par L. H. La Fontaine. Montreal : Printed by Ludger Duvernay, 1834. 1834 — Le Livre des Enfans. Quebec, 1834. Imprim^ par Thomas Cary & Cie. 1834 — Liste Chronologique des 6vdques et des pr^tres, tant secu- liers que reguliers, employes au service de I'dglise du Canada, depuis I'etablissement de ce pays, et aussi la liste des 6veques des autres possessions Britanniques de I'Amerique du Nord. A Quebec : Chez T. Cary & Cie., 1834. 1834 — Minutes of the New Brunswick Baptist Association held in the City of St. John, N.B., July 7th and 8th, 1834. St. John : Printed by Donald A. Cameron, Observer Office, 1834. 1834 — Observations sur la R6ponse de Mathieu, Lord Aylmer k la deputation du Tattersall, et sur le discours du Tr^s Hon- orable E. G. Stanley, Secretaire d'etat pour les Colonies; delivr^ dans le chambre des communes, sur les affaires du Canada, le 15 Avril, 1834. Montreal, 1834. 1834 — Remarks on Dr. Strachan's pamphlet against the Catholic doctrine of the real presence of Christ's body and blood in the Eucharist — Addressed by him to his congregation of St. James' Church, in York, Upper Canada, and occasioned by the Hon. John Elmsley's publication of the Bishop of Stras- bourg's observations on the sixth chapter of St. John's Gospel. By the Rev. Wm. P. MacDonald, Vicar-General, Kingston. Kingston : Printed by James MacFarlane and Company, 1834. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 63 1834 — The celebrated letter of Joseph Hume, Esq., M.P., to William Lyon Mackenzie, Esq., Mayor of Toronto, declara- tory of a design to "Free these Provinces from the baneful domination of the Mother Country"! With the comments of the press of Upper Canada on the pernicious and treason- able tendency of that letter, and the speeches, resolutions and amendments, of the Common Council of this City, which were the result of a motion of that body to disavow all participation in the sentiments of Mr. Hume. Toronto : Published and Printed by G. P. Hull, 1834. 1834— The Fifth Report of the City of Toronto Auxiliary Bible Society for 1833, with an appendix. Toronto: Printed for the Society, by W. J. Coates, 1834. 1834 — The First Catechism, or an Abridgement of Christian Doc- trine. Approved by the Right Revd. Alexander M'Donell, Bishop of Kingston. York, IJ.C. : Printed at the Patriot Office by T. Dalton, 1834. 1834 — The Poor Man's Preservative against Popery — Part I. containing an introduction of the character and genius of the Roman Catholic religion and the substance of a letter to the congregation of St. James' Church, Toronto, U.C. By John Strachan, D.D., LL. D., Archdeacon of York. Tor- onto : Printed by G. P. Bull, Courier Office, 1834. 1834— The Rising Village with other Poems. By Oliver Gold- smith. Saint John, N.B. Printed by Henry Chubb, 1834. 1834 — The Second Report of the Upper Canada Religions Tract and Book Society ; read at General Annual Meeting held on the 12th February, 1834. Toronto: Guardian Office — ^J. H. Lawrence, Printer, 1834. 1834 — The Spring of Life : A Didactic Poem. In four books. By J. G. Ward. Montreal : Published by the Author, 1834. 54 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 183 1 — Third Annual Report of the Society for Converting and Civilizing the Indians and propagating the Gospel among destitute Settlers in Upper Canada : for the year ending October, 1833. York: Printed by Robert Stanton, 1834. 1835 — A brief extract from the Journal of Thaddeus Osgood, Minister of the Gospel. Montreal : Printed at the Herald Office, 1835. 1835 — Articles of Association of the Bank by Commission (En Commandite) of Viger, Dewitt & Co. Montreal, 1835. 1835 — A short and Scriptural method with Antipedo Baptists, containing strictures on the Rev. E. A. Crawley's treatise on Baptism — In reply to the Rev. W. Elder's letters on that subject. By Matthew Richey. Halifax, N.S.: Printed by J. S. Cunnabell, 1835. 1835 — A treatise on the Theory and Practice of Agriculture adap- ted to the cultivation and econom)'^ of the animal and vege- table productions of Agriculture in Canada. By William Evans. Montreal : Printed by Fabre & Perrault, 1835. 1835 — A Voice of Warning and Instruction concerning the signs of the times, etc. By Rev. Adam Hood Burwell, By-Town, Upper Canada. Kingston : Printed at the Upper Canada Herald Office, 1835. 1835 — Constitution of the Congregational Church of Christ, Guelph, Canada West. Guelph, 1835. Printed by G. M. Keeling. 1835 — Deed of Settlement of the Farmers' Joint Stock Banking Company. Toronto : Printed at the Patriot Office, 1835. 1835 — Executive Orders of Convocation relating to the Govern- ment of Osgoode Hall. Toronto : Printed at the Freeman Office, 1835. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 55 1835 — First Report from the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the State of the Trade and Commerce of the Province of Upper Canada. Toronto : R. Stanton, printer, 1835. 1835 — Inaugural Dissertation on Tic Douloureux in University of McGill CollejJ:e, By Frederick W. Hart of Three Rivers. Montreal : Printed by A. Bowman, Canadian Courant Office, 1835. 1835 — Letters addressed to the People of the Canadas and British North America on Elective Institutions. By an East An«,lian (Mr. S. Bidwell.) Cobourg-: Printed at the Reformer Office, 1835. 1835 — Letters to the Jews. By David Wilson, of the Village of Hope, Township of East Gwillimbury, in the County of York, and Province of Upper Canada. Toronto : Printed by W. J. Coates, 1835. 1835 — Minutes of the Several Conversations between the Ministers of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada, at their Fourth Annual Conference, begun in Hamilton, on Wednesday, June 10, 1835. Toronto : Published at the Conference Office, 1835. 1835 — Netum Ewh oomahzenahegun owh Moses, Genesis. Azhe- nckahdaig. (The First Book of Moses called Genesis.) Toronto : Translated by P. Jones for the Auxiliary Bible Society. Guardian Office. J. H. Lawrence, Printer, 1835. 1835 — Notes upon Canada and the United States of America, in the Year, 1835. By A Traveller. Toronto (late York), Upper Canada : Printed by W, J. Coates, 1835, 1835 — Observations de 1' Hon. D. B. Viger contre la proposition faite dans le Conseil Legislatif, le 4 de Mars, 1835, de rejeter le Bill de I'Assembl^e pour la Nomination d'un Agent de la Province. Montreal : Imprim^ par Ludger Duvernay, 1835. 56 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1835 — Proposed Lyceum of Natural History and of the Fine Arts in the City of Toronto, 1835. By Charles Fothergill. Toronto, 1835. W. J. Coates, Printer. 1835 — Punge Ewe oodezhewabezewinewah, Egewh Anahmeahjig Wesleyan Methodist, Azhenekahzoojig, Emah Canada. (Part of the Discipline of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada.) Translated by Peter Jones, Indian Missionary. Toronto, 1835. 1835 — Remnants. By the Author of Odds and Ends. Montreal : Printed by James and Thomas A. Starke, 1835. 1835 — Remarks on the Petition of the Convention and on the Petition of the Constitutionalists. By Anti-Bureaucrat. Montreal : Printed at the Herald Office, 1835. 1835 — Report of a Select Committee of the Legislative Council or Upper Canada, upon the Provision made by law for the Support of a Protestant Clergy in that Province. Toronto, 1835. Printed by R, Stanton. 1835 — Report of Select Committee to which was referred the sub- ject of The Currency. Toronto: Printed by M. Reynolds, 1835. 1835 — The Seventh Report from the Select Committee of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada on Grievances ; to whom were referred Lord Viscount Goderich's despatch to His Excellency Sir John Colborne, of the 8th November, 1832, etc. W. L. Mackenzie, Esq., Chairman. Toronto : Printed by M. Reynolds, 1835. 1835 — The Sixth Report of the City of Toronto Auxiliary Bible Society, for 1834. with an Appendix. Toronto: Printed for the Society, by W. J. Coates, 1835. 1835 — The Third Report of the Upper Canada Religious Tract and Book Society ; read at the Annual General Meeting, held on the 11th February, 1835. Toronto: Guardian Office — J. H. Lawrence, Printer, 1835. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 67 1835 — The Trial of Isaac Jones and James Jones, for the alleged murder of Louis Marcoux, at the Bar of the Court of King's Bench, for the District of Montreal, on Wednesday the 4th, Thursday the 5th, Friday the 6th and Saturday the 7th of March, 1835. Reported by Thomas Handcock: Montreal, 1835. 1835 — Third Report of the Select Committee on Finance. Ordered by the House of Assembly to be printed, 14th April, 1835. Toronto: M. Reynolds, Printer, 1835. 1835 — Tribute of Respect and Gratitude to the Honorable and Venerable Archdeacon Strachan. By a number of the inhabitants of the City of Toronto. Toronto : Printed by Robert Stanton, 1835. 1836 — A Brief Account, together with Observations made during a Visit in the West Indies, and a Tour through the United States of America, in parts of the years 1832-3, together with a Statistical Account of Upper Canada. By Dr- Thomas Rolph. Dundas, U.C. : C. Heyworth Hackstaff, Printer, 1836. 1836 — Addresses presented to His Excellency Major-General Sir John Colborne, K.C.B., Lieut. -Governor of Upper Canada, on the occasion of his leaving the Province. Toronto : R. Stanton, Printer, 1836. 1836 — Address on the Importance ot Education. By the Rev. John Moir. Toronto, 1836. 1836 — Address to His Excellency, Sir Francis Bond Head, Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada, for copies of dis- patches from His Majesty's Government on the subject of the Independence of the Judges, and of the Revenue under 14 Geo. III., to the Legislature of this Province. His Excellency's answer to the same. Toronto : Printed by M. Reynolds, 1836. 58 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1836 — A despatch from the Right Honorable Lord Glenelg, His Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies, to His Excel- lency Sir Francis Bond Head, Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada ; containing His Majesty's answer to the separate addresses and representations which proceeded from the Legis- lative Council and House of Assembly, during the first Session of the Present Parliament, and His instructions to the Lieutenant-Governor. Communicated to the House of Assem- bly, 30th January, 1836. Toronto : Printed by M. Reynolds, 1836. 1836 — A Despatch from the Right Honorable Lord Glenelg, His Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies, to His Excel- lency Sir Francis Bond Head, Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada, coi.taining His Majesty's answer to the separate addresses and representations which proceeded from the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, during the First Session of the present Parliament, and his Instructions to the Lieutenant Governor. Communicated to the House of Assembly, by Message on the 30th January, 1836. Also, — Lord Goderich's Despatch of 8th Nov., 1832. Printed by James MacFarlane: Kingston, 1836. 1836 — A letter on the proposed New Colonial Funding System : Addressed to the Editor of the Upper Canada Herald. By William Bancks, Toronto : Printed by C. F. Fothergill, 1836. 1836 — Anti-Gallic Letters, Addressed to His Excellency the Earl of Gosford, Governor-in-Chief of the Canadas. By Camillus. Montreal : Printed at the Herald Office, 1836. 1836 — Articles and Catalogue of the Ramsay Library. Instituted 1829. Kingston : Printed at the Office of the Chronicle and Gazette, 1836. 1836 — A sermon preached on Wednesday, 5th October, 1834, at a meeting ot the Clergy of the Established Church of Upper Canada, under their Archdeacons assembled. By the Vener- EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 69 able John Strachan, D.D., LL.D. Toronto: Printed by Robert Stanton, 1836. 1836 — A treatise on Infant baptism showing- the scriptural srrounds and historical evidence of that ordinance. By the Rev. James Robertson. Halifax, N. S. : Printed at "The Nova Scotian" Office, 1836. 1836 — Clerg^y Reserves and School Lands in Upper Canada. Toronto, 1836. 1836 — Communications from the Honorable the Executive Coun- cil, to the Lieutenant-Governor, with His Excellency's reply. Toronto: R. Stanton, Printer, 1836. 1836 — Declaration of the views and objects of The British Con- stitutional Society on its re-org-anization. Addressed to their fellow subjects in Upper panada. Toronto, 1836. 1836 — Doctor Charles Duncomb's report upon the subject of Education, made to the Parliament of Upper Canada, 25th February, 1836. Toronto : Printed by M. Reynolds, 1836. 1836 — Extrait du Rituel de Quebec, contenant I'administration des sacremens de Bapteme, etc. Public par I'ordre de Monseigneur I'Eveque de Quebec. Quebec : Imprim^ par T. Cary et Ci6, 1836. 1836 — Fifth Annual Report of the Society for Converting- and Civilizing the Indians and Propagating the Gospel among destitute Settlers in Upper Canada; for the year endingf October, 1835. Toronto: Printed by Robert Stanton, 1836. 1836 — Important debate on the adoption of the Report of the Select Committee on the differences between His Excellency and the late Executive Council in the House of Assembly, April 18th, 1836. Toronto, U.C. Jos. H. Lawrence, Prin- ter, 1836. «0 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1836 — Important Public Documents relative to the resignation of the Executive Councillors. Toronto, 1836. J. H. Lawrence, Printer. 1836 — Message from His Excellency Sir Francis Bond Head, in answer to the address of the House of Assembly, February, 1836. Toronto : Printed by M. Reynolds, 1836. 1836 — Message from His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, of 30th January, 1836. Transmitting a despatch from His Majesty's Government. Toronto : Printed by R. Stanton, 1836. 1836 — Minutes of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Can- ada, in connection with the Church of Scotland, held at Kingston, 1831; 1832; York, 1833; Montreal, 1834; Williamstown, 1835 ; Kingston, 1836 ; pp. 130. Hugh Scobie's Steam Press, Toronto. 1836 — Ninth Annual Report of the Council of the Natural History Society for 1835-1836. Montreal : Printed by Armour and Ramsay, 1836. 1836 — Observations made during a visit in the West Indies and a tour through the United States of America, in parts of the years, 1832-3. Together with a statistical account of Upper Canada. By Dr. Thomas Rolph. Dundas, U.C Printed by G. H. Hackstaff, 1836. 1836 — Original poems on various subjects. By A. J. Williamson. Toronto : Printed by W. J. Coates, 1836. 1836 — Proceedings had in the Commons House of Assembly on the subject of an address to His Excellency Sir F. B. Head, for certain information on the affairs ol the Colony. Toronto, 1836. R. Stanton, Printer. 1836 — Reasons submitted in favour of allowing a Transit of Mer- chand ze through Canada to Michigan, without payment of EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 61 duties, with observations as to the importance of the River St. Lawrence for extending the trade of the Canadas, and British Commerce generally. By James Buchanan. Toronto, 1836. Printed at the Patriot Office. 1836 — Remarks on the Geology and Mineralogy of Nova Scotia. By Abraham Gesner. Halifax, Nova Scotia : Printed by Gossip and Coade, 1836. 1836 — Report of a Select Committee of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada, upon the complaints contained in an ad- dress to the King, from the House of Assembly, passed 15th April, 1835, of the rejection by the Legislative Council of Bills sent from the House of A.ssembly, and the address of the Legislative Council to His Majesty on that subject, Toronto : R. Stanton, Printer, 1836. 1836 — Report of the Select Committee to which was referred the answer to His Excellency the Lieut. -Governor to an address of the House of Assembly, relative to a Responsible, Execu- tive Council. Toronto, 1836. M. Reynolds, Printer. 1836 — Second Annual Report of the Grand River Navigation Company to which is added the Engineer's report, the Bye- laws, and the rates ot the tolls, February, 1836. Brantford : David M. Keeler, Sentinel Press, 1836. 1836 — Si6ge de Quebec en 1759. Copie d'apres un Manuscrit, apportd de Londres, par I'Honorable D. B. Viger, lors de son retour en Canada. En Septembre, 1834 — Mai, 1836. Quebec: Des Presses de Frechette & Cie, 1836. 1836 — Systeme de Stenographie applicable au Fran9ais et i I'Anglais. Par F. R6al Angers, Quebec, 1836. Imprim6 par Frechette & Cie. 1836 — The Fourth Report of the Upper Canada Religious Tract and Book Society : read at the Annual General Meeting, held on the 11th February, 1836. Toronto : Guardian Office. J. H. Lawrence, Printer, 1836, 62 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1836 — The Glory of the God of Israel displayed ; being the substance of a sermon preached at Liverpool before the Wesleyan Ministers of the Nova Scotian District, on Monday, 26th of May, 1834. By Robert Cooney. Halifax, N.S. : Printed at the Nova Scotian Office, 1836. 1836 — The late Session of the Provincial Parliament of Lower Canada. By an Old Countryman, (E. B. O'Callaghan.) Montreal, L.C. : April, 1836. 1836 — The rise and progress of Methodism in the Province of New Brunswick. By Stephen Humbert. Printed By Lewis W. D^rant & Co. St. John, 1836. 1836 — The Seventh Report of the City of Toronto Auxiliary Bible Society for 1835. With an appendix. Toronto : Printed by J. H. Lawrence, Guardian Office, 1836. 1836 — The Speech, Messages and Replies of His Excellency, Sir Francis Bond Head, accompanied by an Extract from a Dispatch of His Excellency to Lord Glenelg. Toronto, U.C. 1836. Henry Rowsell, Printer. 1836 — Third Report from the Select Committee appointed to examine and enquire into the management of the Welland Canal — Together with the Minutes of evidence taken before the Committee. Toronto : William Lyon Mackenzie. Office of the Constitution, 1836. 1836 — Thoughts upon the lawfulness and expediency of Church establishments and suggestions for the appropriation of the Clergy Reserves in Upper Canada as far as respects the Church of England in a letter to C. A. Hagerman, Esq. , M. P. By the Rev. A. N. Bethune. Cobourg : R. D. Chatterton, Printer, 1836. 1836 — Valentine, ou La Nina Canadienne. Com6die en un acte Par H. LeBlanc de Marconnay. Montreal : De I'lmprimerie de I'Ami du Peuple. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 63 1837 — Addresse des Fils de la Libert^ de Montreal, aux Jeunes Gens des Colonies de I'Amerique du Nord. Montreal, 1837. 1837 — Address to about five hundred Assembled Clergy at the Annual meeting in Dublin. Quebec : Printed by William Cowan & Son, 1837. 1837 — Address to the female members of the Church of Christ in Toronto. Toronto : Printed by W. J. Coates, 1837. 1837 — Agricultural improvements by the education of those who are engaged in it as a profession — .Addressed very respectfully to the Farmers of Canada. By William Evans. Montreal : Printed at the Courier Office, 1837. 1837 — An Act to incorporate sundry persons under the style and title of the President, Directors and Company of the Free- holders' Bank of Upper Canada. Toronto : Printed at the Patriot Office, 1837. 1837 — Bye-laws and regulations of the Home District Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Toronto, Upper Canada, as ap- proved by the Board of Directors, with Tariff of Insurance. Toronto: Printed by W. J. Coates, 1837. 1837 — Catalogue d'Ouvrages sur I'Histoire de I'Amerique, et en particulier sur celle du Canada, de la Louisiane, de I'Acadie, et autres lieux, ci-devant connus sous le nom de Nouvelle- France ; avec des Notes bibliographiques, critiques, et litt^raires. R^dig^ par G. B. Faribault, Avocat. Quebec ; Des Presses de W. Cowan, 1837, 1837— Catechism of the Church of England. Toronto, 1837. Printed by R. Stanton. 1837 — Christ Crucified. A sermon preached before the Presby- tery of Toronto, on February 7, 1837. By the Rev. James George. Toronto : Printed by W. J. Coates, 1837. 64 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1837 — Griphon — ou, La Vengeance d'un valet. Comddie en trois actes. Par P. Petitclair. Quebec : William Cowan, 1837. 1837 — L'Influence d'un Livre. Par Ph. A. DeGaspe, Jr. Quebec : Imprim^ par William Cowan & Fils, 1837. 1837 — M6moire sur I'Amovibilit^ des Cur^s en Canada. Montreal : De rimprimerie de Louis Perrault, 1837. 1837 — Methodist Chapel — Property Case. Report of the trial of an action brought by John Reynolds and others, on the part of persons calling themselves " The Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada," against Billa Flint, Jun., and others. Trustees of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Belleville, to obtain a Chapel in the possession of the latter in the Town of Belleville. By Harvey Fowler, Stenographer. Tried at the Assizes held in Kingston, October 11th, 1837, before the Hon. Mr. Justice Jones. With brief notes and remarks by E, Ryerson. Toronto : Printed at the Conference Office. Jos. H. Lawrence, Printer, 1837. 1837 — Minutes of the several conversations between the Ministers of the Methodist Church in Canada, at their Twelfth Annual Conference begun in the City of Toronto, on Wednesday, June 14th, 1837. Toronto: Printed at the Conference Office, 1837. 1837 — Notes sur I'inamovibilit^ des Cur^s dans le Bas-Canada. Par L. H. Lafontaine. Montreal : Imprim6 par Ludger Duvernay, 1837. 1837 — Observations upon Emigration to Upper Canada, being the Prize Essay, for which was awarded a gold medal, from the U. Canada Celtic Society. By Joseph Neilson. Kings- ton: Printed at the Office of the Chronicle and Gazette, 1837. 1837 — Remarques sur les Notes de Mr. Lafontaine, Avocat, relativement a I'inamovibilit^ des Cur^s dans le Bas-Canada. 25 Mars, 1837. Montreal, 1837. EARLY CANADIAN BOOKS. 66 1837 — Report of the Committee for the relief of the poor and destitute of the City of Toronto, and Rules and Regulations of the House of Refuge and Industry established under their care, January, 1837. Toronto : J. H. Lawrence, Printer. Guardian Office, 1837. 1837 — Report of the Engineer on the Survey of the Toronto & Lake Huron Railroad. Toronto: Printed at the Albion Office, 1837. 1837 — Report of the Select Committee to which was referred the Message of His Excellency the Lieutanant-Governor, com- municating the Copy of a Petition of Charles Duncombe, Esq., to the British House of Commons, and other docu- ments — with appendix. Toronto : Printed at the Patriot Office, 1837. 1837 — Second Report of the Committee for the relief of the poor and destitute of the City of Toronto. March 20th, 1837. Toronto : Printed at the Guardian Office, 1837. 1837 — Sermon on the death of the Duke of York. Preached in the Episcopal Church of York, U.C, March 11th, 1837. York, U.C. : Printed by Robert Stanton. 1837 — Sixth Annual Report of the Society for converting and civilizing the Indians, and propagating the Gospel among destitute settlers in Upper Canada — for the year ending October, 1836. Toronto : Printed by Robert Stanton, 1837. 1837 — Speeches of Dr. John Rolph, and Christopher Hagerman, Esq., on the Bill for appropriating the Proceeds of the Clergy Reserves to the Purposes of General Education. Toronto: Printed by M. Reynolds, 1837. 1837— The Canadian Forget Me Not for 1837. Edited by John Simpson. Niagara: Printed by Thomas Sewell, at the Reporter Office. 66 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1837 — The Conflagrations: Comprising- two poems, as follows: — First — The Burning Boat. A Serio-satiric poem on the destruction by fire of the Steamer Royal Tar (of Saint John^ N.B.) in Penobscot Bay, on the 25th October, 1836. Second — Tne Burning City : A descriptive poem in commemoration of the lamentable fire which took place in the City of Saint John, N.B., on the memorable night of Saturday, 14th Janu- ary, 1837. By Arthur Slader. Saint John, N.B.: Printed for the Author by D. A. Cameron. 1837 — The Eighth Report of the City of Toronto Auxiliary Bible Society for 1836. With an appendix. Toronto : Printed by J. H. Lawrence, Guardian Office, 1837. 1837 — The Reports of the Royal Commissioners appointed to enquire into the state of Canada. Quebec : Thos. Cary & Co., 1837. 1837 — The Solicitor's Manual : Containing an outline of the Equitable Jurisdiction of the court with practical directions for the institution and proceedings of a suit through its sev- eral stages. By Wm. Hepburn, Esq., Registrar. Toronto; Printed at the Patriot Office, 1837. 1837— The Speech of the Hon. John Rolph, M.P.P., delivered on the occasion of the late inquiry with charges of High Misde- meanor at the late Elections preferred against His Excellency, Sir Francis Bond Head, before the Common's House of Assembly of Upper Canada. Toronto : Printed by M. Rey- nolds, 1837. 1837 — Thoughts on the Banking System of Upper Canada, and on the Present Crisis. Toronto : Printed for the Author, 1837. 1837 — Wesleyan Methodism in Upper Canada: A Sermon preach- ed before the Conference of Ministers of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada, City of Toronto, June 18th, 1837. By Egerton Ryerson. Toronto : Printed at the Con- ference Office, 1837. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS AND OFFICIAL REPORTS Upper Canada Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada. From the twenty-eighth of May to the ninth of July, 1801. In the forty-first year of the reign of King George the Third. York, Upper Canada : Printed by John Bennett. Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada, from the twenty-fifth of May to the seventh of July, 1802. In the forty-second year of the reign of King George the Third. York, Upper Canada : Printed by John Bennett. Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada. Session, 1821. Kingston : Printed by H. C. Thomson. Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada. Session, 1825-8. Printed by H. Thomson. Journals of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada. . Session, 1826-7. York : Printed by William Lyon Mackenzie, 1827. Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada. Session, 1829. York, U.C. : Printed by Francis Collins, 1829. Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada. Session, 1830. York : Printed by William Lyon Mackenzie, 1830. Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada. Session, 1831. York : Printed by John Carey, 1831. 67 68 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada. Session, 1832-3. York : Printed by Robert Stanton, 1833. Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada. Session, 1836. Toronto : Printed by M. Reynolds, 1836. Journals of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada. Session, 1836-7. Toronto : Printed by Robert Stanton, 1837. Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada. Session, 1837-8. Toronto : Printed by Jos. H. Lawrence. Journal of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada for the years 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833. York, U. C. : Printed by Robert Stanton. Journal of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada, for the years 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837. Toronto : Printed by Robert Stanton. Acts of the Imperial Parliament, Prefixed to the Statutes of Upper Canada, for the years 1826, 1827. By authority. York, U.C. : Printed by Robert Stanton. Statutes of Upper Canada from 1774-1812. York, Upper Canada. Printed by John Cameron, 1812. Statutes ■ of the Province of Upper Canada, for the years 1822, 1823, 1824. York, U. C. : Printed by Charles Fothergill. Statutes of Upper Canada for the year 1825. Kingston, U.C. : Printed by James MacFarlane. Statutes of Upper Canada for the years 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833. York, U.C. : Printed by Robert Stanton. Statutes of Upper Canada for the years 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837. Toronto : Printed by Robert Stanton. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS. 69 Statutes of the Province of Upper Canada, together with such British Statutes, Ordinances of Quebec, and Proclama- tions as relate to the said Province. Revised and printed for and published by Hugh C. Thomson and James MacFarlane. Kingston, U.C. : Printed by Francis M. Hill, 1831. Lower Canada Journals ot the House of Assembly of Lower Canada, for the years : 1793. 1794, 1795, 1796, 1797, 1798, 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822. Quebec : Printed by John Neilson. Journals for the House of Assembly of Lower Canada for the years: 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834. Quebec: Printed by Neilson & Cowan. Journals ot the House of Assembly of Lower Canada, for the years, 1835-1836. Quebec : Printed by W. Neilson. journal of the Legislative Council of Lower Canada, 1814. Quebec : Printed by John Neilson. Journaux du Conseil Legislatif de la Province du Bas- Canada, 1815-1816. Quebec: Imprim6 par John Neilson. Journals of the Legislative Council of the Province ot Lower Canada, for the years: 1817, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1831 (1st Session). Quebec : Printed by P. E. Desbarats. Journals of the Legislative Council of the Province ot Lower Canada, for the years 1831 (2nd Session), 1832-1833, 1835, 1836, 1837. Quebec: Printed by T. Cary and P. E. Desbarats. The Provincial Statutes ot Lower Canada — Vol. I., 1793- 1795. Vol. 2, 1797-1800. Quebec : Printed by William Vondenvelden. 70 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. The Provincial Statutes of Lower Canada — Vol. 3, 1801-4. Vol. 4—1805-8. Vols. 5, 6, 7—1809-14. Vol. 8-1815-16. Vol. 9—1817-19. Vol. 10—1821-4. Vol. 11—1825-27. Quebec : Printed by P. E. Desbarats. The Provincial Statutes of Lower Canada. Vol. 12 — 1829- 30. Vol. 13— 1831-4. Vol. 14— 1835-6. Quebec : Printed by J. C. Fisher and J. W. Kemble. New Brunswick Acts of the General Assembly of the Province of New Brunswick, 1837. Fredericton : Printed by John Simpson, 1837. The Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick from the twenty-sixth to the forty- fifth year of the reign of King George the Third. St. John : Printed by John Ryan, 1805. Journals of the House of Assembly of the Province of New Brunswick, for the years 1832, 1834, 1836, 1837. Frederic- ton : Printed by John Simpson. Journal of the Votes and Proceedings of the House of Assembly of the Province of New Brunswick, 1807. Saint John : Printed by Jacob S. Mott, 1807. Journals of the Legislative Council of the Province of New Brunswick, 1835. Fredericton: Printed by John Simpson. Nova Scotia Journal and Proceedings of the House of Assembly of the Province of Nova Scotia, for the years 1794, 1796, 1802, 1817, 1819, 1834. Statutes at large — passed in the several General Assemb- lies held in his Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia. From the first Assembly which met at Halifax the second day of October in the thirty-second year of His late Majesty Geo. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS. 71 II., A.D. 1758, to the forty-fourth year of His present Majesty Geo. III., A.D. 1804. Published by Richard John Uniacke. Printed by John Howe & Son, 1805, Halifax. Periodicals L'Abeille Canadienne — Journal de Litt6rature et de Science. 1 Aout, 1818— Janvier, 1819. Montreal. Edited by E. H. Mezifere. La Bibliotheque Canadienne, ou Miscellanies Historiques, Scientifiques et Litteraires. 9 vols., 1825-1829. Montreal : M. Bibaud, Editeur et Proprietaire. James Lane, Printer. The British American Regfister, 22nd January, 1803 — 28th May, 1803. Quebec, 1803. Printed by John Neilson. The Canadian Casket — Vol. 1., October 1831 — September, 1832. Hamilton, U.C. The Canadian Christian Examiner and Presbyterian Review. 1837-40. Niagara, U.C Published by William D, Miller. Printed by Thomas Sewell. The Canadian Literary Magazine. Vol. I., Nos. 1-2, April and May, 1833. York (Upper Canada), Georg-e Gurnett, Publisher. Thomas Dalton, Printer. The Canadian Magazine. Vol. I., No. I., January, 1833. Vol. I., No. III., March, 1833. York, 1833. Printed and published by Robert Stanton. The Canadian Magazine and Literary Repository. 4 vols. 1823-5. Montreal : Published by Joseph Nickless. Printed by N. Mower. The Canadian Miscellany, or the Religious, Literary and Statistical Intelligencer. Vol. I., No. I. -II, April and May, 1828. Montreal, 1828. 78 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. The Canadian Review and Mag^azine. Vols. L-IIL, 1824-6. Montreal : Published by H. H. Cunningham. Printed by R. V. Sparhawk. The Catholic : A Religious weekly periodical, published in Kingston, Upper Canada. From October 22nd, 1830, to October 14th, 1831. By the Very Rev. William P. McDonald, Vicar-General. Being an exposition of the Catholic Doctrine, designed to repel the calumnies and mis- representations, which though so often refuted have been constantly reiterated in the sectarian papers in these Prov- inces. Printed at the Patriot Office, 1831. The Christian Guardian. Vol. I., Nov., 1829 — November, 1830. York: Printed at the Guardian Office. W. J. Coates, Printer. The Christian Recorder. Vols. I. -II., March, 1819— March, 1820. York: Printed at the U. C. Gazette Office. The Christian Sentinel — Edited by the Rev. Adam Hood Burwell. Vol. L, September, 1830— August, 1831. Three Rivers. Printed by George Stobbs, 1831. The Christian Sentinel, and Anglo-Canadian Churchman's Magazine, Vols. I. -III., January, 1827— June, 1829. Mont- real : Published by H. Cunningham. Printed at the Herald Office. The Colonial Advocate and Journal of Agriculture, etc., No. 2, May 27th, 1824. Queenston, Upper Canada. Pub- lished by W. L. Mackenzie. The Free Press. Vol. I., January, 1823— Angust, 1823. Montreal. Published by Samuel Hull Wilcock. The Garland. Vol. I., Sept., 1832— August, 1833. Hamilton, U.C. Published by Wyllys Smyth. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS. n The Halifax Monthly Magfazine. Vol. I., June, 1830 — May, 1831. Halifax, N. S. Printed and Published by J. S. Cunnabell. The Loyalist. Vol.1., 1828-9. York, Upper Canada. Magazin du Bas-Canada. Vols. I. -II., 1832. M. Bibaud, Editeur et Propri^taire. Montreal : Printed by Ludg'er Duvernay, 1832. The Montreal Museum. Vol. I., No. I. December, 1832. Montreal, 1832. The New Brunswick Religious and Literary Journal. Vol. I., 1829. Printed and Published by Alexander M'Leod. St. John, N. B. 1829. The Nova Scotia Magazine and Comprehensive Review of Literature, Politics and News. Vol. III. From July to December, 1790. Halifax: Printed by John Howe. L'Observateur — Ci-devant La Biblioth^que Canadienne. Vols. I. -II., 1830-1. Montreal, 1830-1. The Quebec Medical Journal. Edited and Published by Xavier Tessier. Vol. I., 1826. Quebec: Printed by Frs. Lemaitre, 1826. The Scribbler, Vols. II. -III., July, 1822— June, 1823. Montreal, 1823. The Upper Canada Gazette, 1822-1837. York, Upper Canada. The Upper Canada Gazette ; or, American Oracle. Vol. VI., No. 195, November 24, 1798. Vol. VI., No. 209, March 2, 1799. York: Printed by Wm. Waters and T. G. Simons. The Upper Canada Gazette and U. E. Loyalist. Vols. 1. and II., 1826, 1827-8. York, Upper Canada. 74 TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. The York Gazette, March 21st, 1810. The Youth's Monitor and Monthly Magfazine. Vol. I., January, February, March, May, July, 1836. Published by S. Read, Toronto. Printed by W. J. Coates, Toronto. Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. Vol. L, 1829. Quebec: Printed by Francois Lemaitre. Almanacs The Canadian Farmers' Almanac and General Memorandum Book for the year 1825. York : Published by and for Charles Fothergill, Printer. The Montreal Almanac, for the year 1823. Montreal : Printed by Nahum Mower. The Nova Scotia Calendar for Town and Country, for the year 1820. By Philo-Uraniae. Halifax, N.S. : Printed and sold by G. H. Holland. The Quebec Almanac :— for the years 1797, 1799, 1801, 1805, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822. Quebec: Printed by J. Neilson:— 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831. 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836. Quebec: Printed by Neilson & Cowan. 1837, Printed by Samuel Neilson. The Upper Canada Almanac for the year 1804. York, Upper Canada, 1804. Printed by John Bennett. The Upper Canada Almanack for the year 1815. York : Printed by John Cameron. The Upper Canada Almanac and Astronomical Calendar for the year 1H29. By James G. Chewett. York, U.C. : Printed and published by R. Stanton. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS: ' " ' ' '" ' rS The Upper Canada Almanac and Farmers' Calendar for the the year 1830. By James G. Chewett. York, U.C: Printed by R. Stanton. The Upper Canada Almanac and Provincial Calendar for the year 1827. By James G. Chewett. York, U.C. : Published by R. Stanton. The Upper Canada Almanac and Provincial Calendar for the year 1831. By James Chewett. York, V.C. : Printed and published by R. Stanton. The Upper Canada Christian Almanac for the year 1833. York, Upper Canada. Published by the Upper Canada Religious Tract and Book Society. P. Baxter, Printer. The Upper Canada Christian Almanac for the year 1834. York, Upper Canada : Published by the U. C. Religious Tract and Book Society. Printed by J. Reynolds. The Upper Canada Christian Almanac for the years 1835, 1836. Published by the U. C. Religious Tract and Book Society. J. E. Lawrence, Printer. The York Almanac and Provincial Calendar for the years 1821, 1822. By Authority. Printed and sold at the Upper Canada Gazette Office. The York Almanac and Royal Calendar of Upper Canada, for the year 1823. Printed and sold at the Upper Canada Gazette Office. York. The York Almanac and Royal Calendar of Upper Canada for the years, 182 i, 1825, 1826. York, U. C. : Published by and for Charles Fotherg-ill, Printer. Tiffany's Upper Canada Almanac for the year 1802. Niagara, 1802. It TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. York Commercial Directory, Street Guide and Register, 1833-4. With Almanack and Calendar for 1834, beinjf second after leap-year, and the fifth year of the reig^n of His Majesty King William the Fourth. Compiled and arranged by George Walton. York, U.C. : Printed by Thomas Dalton. The City of Toronto and the Home District Commercial Directory and Register, with Almanack and Calendar for 1837, being first after leap-year, and the eighth year of the reign of His Majesty King William the Fourth. By George Walton. Toronto, U. C. : Printed by T. Dalton and W. J. Coates. m^mdmiMsmmM^: ■;(i'" ii^^. .,'^t'-' ..^ki^m ^^S BOOK IS tIttI^^^^^* "•o- -IS DUE ON Tm? T . STAMPED BeX''^^^ DATE THIS BOOK o!^^^° '^O" ^A/fup?^ ^^'^TS ^'-^ 'Nc^EAse'ro" ^^-^^ °i- T„;°pr^''N '^AV AND TO sr°^°^^NTSONT„/.''^^^^ OVERDUE. *'°° ON THE SEVENrw'"'^" AUG 14 IS33 MAY 1 5 1966 ^4 ^, 2i?c ^ ^I> 21-50^-1. '3 J ■imm> Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAT. JAN. 21,1908 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY