THE LANGUAGE AND SENTIMENT OF FLOWERS. LANGUAGE AND SENTIMENT FLOWERS. COMPILED AND EDITED BY L. V. lf ^floral guorbs anb SjehdjeJr AND ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS PRINTED IN COLOURS. LONDON: FREDERICK WARNE AND CO. BEDFORD STREET, COVENT GARDEN. NEW YORK: SCRIBNER AND CO. CONTENTS. FLORAL RECORDS. Pae* jjHE Broom 12 The Rose, Shamrock, and Thistle .... 13 The Lilies of France and Violet ... . 13 I Eastern Love-letter 15 Albanian Love-letter 17 DIAL OF FLOWERS . MODIFICATIONS OF THE FLOWER LANGUAGE .... 20 Bouquets as Examples ... 22 THE VOCABULARY. Part' First ... 26 Part Second 64 THE LANGUAGE AND SENTIMENT OF FLOWERS. FLORAL RECORDS. | HE flower world is linked with all the finer sympathies of our nature. The sweet blossoms that cover the green wood are the delight of our childhood ; a bouquet is the best ornament of girlish beauty, the meetest offering from young and timid love. Flowers deck the chamber of old age, and are the last sad gift of sorrow to the dead. Who does not know that exquisite appeal FLOWERS. of Milton for their homage to his lost Ly- cidas 1 We can never repeat it too often : " Ye valleys low, where the mild whispers use Of shades, and wanton winds, and gushing brooks, On whose fresh lap the swart star sparely looks, Throw hither all your quaint enamell'd eyes, That on the green turf suck the honied showers, And purple all the ground with vernal flowers ; Bring the rathe primrose that forsaken dies, The tufted crow-toe, and pale jessamine, The white pink, and the pansy freak'd with jet, The glowing violet, The musk rose, and the well-attired woodbine, With cowslips wan that hang the pensive head, And every flower that sad embroidery wears ; Bid amaranthus all his beauty shed, And daffodillies fill their cups with tears, To strow the laureat hearse where Lycid lies." It has been objected that Milton's bouquet was formed of flowers that bloom at different seasons ; but we pardon the fault, if such it be, in consideration of the beauty of the passage, even as we forgive the artist who, for effect of colour or sentiment, sometimes in like manner oversteps the floral boundary of possibility. FLORAL RECORDS. II Shakespeare, the High Priest of Nature, has been truer to her laws in his most poetic grouping of flowers, and has formed HIS garland of blossoms that breathe the air at the same period. It is impossible to speak of flowers with- out giving that unrivalled passage from the "Winter's Tale," in which Perdita wishes for those which had faded, before the golden harvest came : " O, Proserpina, For the flowers now that frighted thou lettest fall From Dis's waggon ! daffodils, That come before the swallow dares, and take The winds of March with beauty ; violets dim, But sweeter than the lids of Juno's eyes, Or Cytherea's breath ; pale primroses, That die unmarried ere they can behold Bright Phoebus in his strength. . . . . . . . Bold oxlips and The crown imperial ; lilies of all kinds, The flower-de-luce being one ! " Surely this is the most lovely bouquet that poet ever wove ! though all have rendered due homage to the flowers, from the little daisy up to the sovereign rose. 12 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. The great poetic nation, Greece, gave a human interest to these fair children of the earth, and linked a legend of man's love, or woe, or triumph, to every blossom. It is also said that the Greeks understood the art of sending intelligence by a bouquet ; and it is evident, from the old Dream-book of Artemidorus, that every flower of which their garlands were composed had a parti- cular signification. But we have no certain knowledge of this ancient flower-language. Amongst the chivalrous nations of the north, flowers obtained a grander and bolder significance. Nations assumed for their badges, on many a hardly-contested field, the tender darlings of the spring and summer; and thus they became entwined with the records of the world, and linked with the memory of heroes. The lowly Broom, worn on the knightly nelmet of Geoffrey of Anjou, gave name to the race of kings he sent to our island throne, the great Plantagenets. The Red and White Roses were assumed FLORAL RECORDS. 13 as badges by the rival houses of York and Lancaster, and led the tide of civil strife in twelve deadly battles. The " ROSE " became the badge of Eng- land, and shares a nation's fame. Scotland well expressed the patience, har- dihood, and " retaliation " of her people when she crowned the THISTLE. Ireland preserved the memory of the holiest truth in her SHAMROCK. The LILIES of France worthily rivalled the queenly Rose of England, and were a war-cry of chivalry. " Now by the lips of those you love, fair gentlemen of France, Charge for the golden lilies, upon them with the lance." And England long joined those " golden lilies " with her own deathless rose, when she was, like an eagle, " at prey " on her neighbour's too-near coasts. The VIOLET was the badge of the city of Athens ; and the orators, when striving to win the favour of the people, were wont to 14 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. address them as, " Athenians i crowned with the Violet." There was a most poetic fancy in the sen- timent that linked this flower with the name of Napoleon. Springing in obscurity, and retaining its perfume in death, it was a won- derful emblem of him who rose from the valleys of Corsica to the throne of the golden lilies, and whose name has been a spell of power long after he ceased to breathe the air of earth. It remained for the East to give us a language of perfume and beauty, by bestow- ing a meaning on buds and blossoms ; though the Turkish and Arabic flower-language does not much resemble ours. It is formed, not by an idea or sentiment originating in the flower itself, but by its capacity for rhyming with another word, i.e. the word with which the flower rhymes becomes its significa- tion. La Mottraie, the companion of Charles XII., brought the Eastern language of flowers to Europe ; but it was the gifted Lady Mary FLORAL RECORDS. 15 Wortley Montague who first told our country- women how the fair maidens of the East had lent a mute speech to flowers, and could send a letter by a bouquet. Here is part of a Turkish love-letter sent by her in a purse to a friend. She says, speaking of this lan- guage, " There is no colour, no flower, no weed, no fruit, herb, pebble, or feather that has not a verse belonging to it ; and you may quarrel, reproach, or send letters of passion, friendship, or civility, or even of news, with- out even inking your fingers." In her letter the following flowers are employed : JONQUIL. Have pity on my passion. ROSE. May you be pleased, and all your sorrows be mine. A STRAW. Suffer me to be your slave. A pearl, a pear, soap ; cloth, hair, and gold wire, were all pressed into the same service : but as we have only to do at present with flowers, we omit the meanings of the other contents of Lady Mary's purse. The European flower-language was utilized, 1 6 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. and almost formed, by Aime Martin ; and the earlier works on the subject were only translations or adaptations from the French : but English writers have a good deal altered and modified ' it since ; and as new flowers come yearly to us from other lands, every fresh vocabulary may contain additional words or sentence, even as our own tongue grows by grafts from other languages. We have, in this little volume, added about thirty new significant blossoms to the old ones; and our fair readers will thus find "a tongue " for the flowers which bloom in the conservatory and greenhouse, as well as for our old garden favourites, and will not be condemned during the long winter months to floral silence. FLORAL RECORDS. 17 THE ALBANIAN LOVE-LETTER. [IN exquisite invention this, Worthy of Love's most honied kiss, This art of writing billet-dcux In buds, and odours, and bright hues.- In saying all one feels and thinks In clever daffodils and pinks, Uttering (as well as silence may) The sweetest words the sweetest way . How fit, too, for a lady's bosom, The place where billet-doux repose 'em ! How charming in some rural spot, Combining love with garden plot, At once to cultivate one's flowers, And one's epistolary powers, Growing one's own choice words and fancies In orange tubs and beds of pansies ; One's sighs and passionate declarations In odorous rhet'ric of carnations ; Seeing how far one's stocks will reach ; Taking due care one's flowers of speech To guard from blight as well as bathos, And watering, every day, one's pathos 1 O B 1 8 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. A letter comes just gather'd, we Doat on its tender brilliancy ; Inhale its delicate expression Of balm and pea ; and its confession, Made with as sweet a maiden blush As ever morn bedew' d on bush ; And then when we have kiss'd its wit And heart, in water putting it, To keep its remarks fresh, go round Our little eloquent plot of ground ! And with delighted hands compose Our answer, all of lily and rose, Of tuberose and of violet, And little darling mignonette ; And gratitude, and polyanthus, And flowers that say, * * Felt never man thus ! THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. DIAL OF FLOWERS. ENGLISH NAMES. LATIN NAMES. T5 ;ne of Opening. Time of Closing. Noon and Evening. Tragopogon luteum . LeontodoKserotitium H. 3 4 M. 5 o H. 9 . 12 M. IO I Late-flowering Dandelion . Hawkweed Pricris . . . . Pricris echioides . . 4 5 . 12 Alpine Hawk's Beard . . . Crepis Alpina . . . 4 5 . 12 o Wild Succory .Naked-stalked Poppy . . Copper-coloured Day Lily . Cickoriujn intybus . 4 5 . 8 9 Hemerocallis fulva . 5 o . 7 8 Smooth Sowthistle . . . . Sonchtis Icevis . 5 o . ii 12 Blue flower Sowthistle . , . Sonchus A ipiituus . 5 o . 12 O Field Bindweed .... . Conrolvulus arvensis 5 6 * 5 Spotted Cat's Ear . . . Hypocharis macu la. to, 6 7 4 5 White Water Li'y . . . . NympJwea alba . . 7 - 5 o Garden Lettuce .... . Lactiica sativti 7 o . 10 o African Marigold . . . . Tagetes erecta . . . 7 3 4 Mouse-ear Hawkweed . . Proliferous Pink . . Hieracium pilosella Dian thus proliferus . 3 3 9 o o 2 I 3 Field Marigold .... . Calendala aruensis . Purple Sandwort .... . Arcnaria purp-urea . 9 IO 2 3 Creeping Mallow . . . Malva Caroliniana . 9 IO . 12 X duckweed Stellaria media . . B 2 9 10 9 1C MODIFICATIONS OF THE FLOWER LANGUAGE. j] F a flower be given reversed, its original signification is understood to be con- tradicted, and the opposite meaning to be implied. A rosebud divested of its thorns, but retaining its leaves, conveys the sentiment, " I fear no longer ; I hope : " thorns signifying fears, and leaves, hopes. Stripped of leaves and thorns, the bud signi- fies, " There is nothing to hope or fear." The expression of flowers ,is also varied by changing their positions. Place a marigold on the head, and it signifies " Mental anguish ;" on the bosom, " Indifference." When a flower is given, the pronoun 7 is understood by bending it to the right hand; ut by inclining it to the left. THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. 21 " Yes " is implied by touching the flower given with the lips. " No," by pinching off a petal, and casting it away. " I am " is expressed by a laurel-leaf twisted round the bouquet. " I have," by an ivy-leaf folded together. " I offer you," by a leaf of the Virginian Creeper. To win a sprig of parsley in the bouquet. " May," or " I desire" an ivy tendril round the bouquet. 5- Your patriotism, courage, and fidelity merit everlasting remembrance. Flowers needed. Nasturtium .... Patriotism. Oak Leaves .... Courage. Heliotrope . . . Fidelity Everlasting, or Im- mortelles . . . .Everlasting remembrance. 22 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS BOUQUETS AS EXAMPLES. SPRING. I. May maternal love protect your early youth in innocence and joy. Flowers needed. Moss Maternal love. Bearded Crepis . . Protect. Primroses .... Early youth. Daisy Innocence. Wood Sorrel . . . Joy. Stripped of leaves and thorns, the bud signi- fies, " There is nothing to hope or fear." The expression of flowers is also varied by changing their positions. Place a marigold on the head, and it signifies " Mental anguish ;" on the bosom, " Indifference." When a flower is given, the pronoun 7 is understood by bending it to the right hand ; thou, by inclining it to the left. A few whole Straws . Unite us. 4- A FAREWELL. Farewell ! give me your good wishes. Forget me not. Flowers needed. Sprig of Spruce Fir . Farewell. Sweet Basil .... Giveme your good wishes. Forget-Me-Not . . Forget me not. 5- Your patriotism, courage, and fidelity merit everlasting remembrance. Flowers needed. Nasturtium .... Patriotism. Oak Leaves .... Courage. Heliotrope ... Fidelity Everlasting, or Im- mortelles . . . .Everlasting remembrance. 7. AN IMPERTINENCE. Your insincerity and avarice make me hate you. Flowers needed. Cherry Blossom, or Foxglove . . . Insincerity Scarlet Auricula . Avarice. Turk's Cap . . . Hatred. 8. A WARNING. Beware of deceit. Danger is near. Depart. Flowers needed. Oleander .... Beware. White Flytrap . . Deceit. Rhododendron . . Danger is near. Dandelion, or This- tle Seed-head . . Depart. THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. 25 9- A REBUKE. Your frivolity and malevolence will cause you to be forsaken by all. Flowers needed. London Pride . . Frivolity. Lobelia .... Malevolence. Laburnum . . . Forsaken. The flowers should be bound together with a fading leaf. AUTUMNAL. 10. Be assured of my sympathy. May you find consolation. Flowers needed. Thrift Be assured of my sympathy. Red Poppy . . . Consolation. WINTER. II. By foresight you will surmount your diffi- culties. Flowers needed. Holly Foresight. Mistletoe .... You will surmount your difficulties. t^^:.^.%_ . *f-^V.. v ^^>v^^WsiS\>. THE VOCABULARY. PART FIRST. jjBECEDARY Abatina Acacia . . Acacia, Rose or White Acacia, Yellow . . . Acanthus .... Acalia Achillea Millefolia Achimenes Cupreata. Aconite (Wolfsbane) . Aconite, Crowfoot Adonis, Flos . . . African Marigold . . Agnus Castus . . . Agrimony .... Almond (Common) . Volubility. Fickleness. Friendship. Elegance. Secret love. The fine arts. Artifice. Temperance. War. Such worth is rare. Misanthropy. Lustre. Sad memo? ies. Vulgar minds. Coldness. Indifference. Thankfulness. Grati- tude. Stupidity. Indiscretion. THE VOCABULARY. 27 Almond (Flowering) . Hope. Almond, Laurel . . Per/ldy. Alspice Compassion. Aloe . . . . Grief. Religious super- stition. Althaea Frutex ( Sy- rian Mallow) . . Persuasion. Alyssum (Sweet) . . Worth beyond beauty. Amaranth (Globe) . Immortality. Unfading love. Amaranth ( Cocks - comb) Foppery. Affectation. Amaryllis .... Pride. Timidity. Splen- did beauty. Ambrosia .... Love returned. American Cowslip . 4 Divine beauty. American Elm . . Patriotism. American Linden . . Matrimony. American Starwort . Welcome to a stranger. Cheerfulness in old age. Amethyst .... Admiration. Andromeda .... Self-sacrifice. Anemone ( Zephyr Flower) Sickness. Expectation. Anemone (Garden) . Forsaken. Angelica Inspiration, or Magic. Angrec Royalty. 28 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. Apricot (Blossom). . Doubt. Apple Temptation. Apple (Blossom) . . Preference. Fame speaks him great and good. Apple, Thorn . . . Deceitful charms. Apocynum ( Dogs- bane) Deceit. Arbor Vitae .... Unchanging friendship. Live for me. Arum ( Wake Robin ) Ardour. Zeal. Ash-leaved Trumpet Flower Separation. Ash Mountain . . , P-ncdence, or, With me you are safe. Ash Tree Grandeur. Aspen Tree .... Lamentation, or fear. Aster (China) . . . Variety. Afterthought. Asphodel My regrets follow you to the grave. Auricula Painting. Auricula, Scarlet . . Avarice. Austurtium . . . Splendour. Azalea Temperance, THE VOCABULARY. BACHELOR'S Button . Celibacy. Balm . . . Sympathy. Balm, Gentle Pleasantry. Balm of Gilead . . Cure. Relief. Balsam, Red . . . Touch me not. Impa- tient resolves. Balsam, Yellow . . . Impatience. Barberry Sharpness of temper. Basil Hatred. Bay Leaf / change but in death. Bay (Rose) Rhodo- dendron .... Danger. Beware. Bay Tree Glory. Bay Wreath . . . Reward of merit. Bearded Crepis . . Protection. Beech Tree .... Prosperity. Bee Orchis .... Industry. Bee Ophrys .... Error. Begonia Deformity. Belladonna .... Silence. Husk! Bell Flower, Pyra- midal Constancy. Bell Flower ( small white) Gratitude. 3 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. Belvedere .... Betony Bilberry . . . Bindweed, Great . . Bindweed. Small . . Birch Birdsfoot, Trefoil . . Bittersweet ; Night- shade Black Poplar . . . Blackthorn .... Bladder Nut Tree . . Bluebottle (Centaury) Bluebell . Blue-flowered Valerian . . Bonus Henricus Borage . . . Box Tree . . . Bramble . Greek Branch of Currants Branch of Thorns . Bridal Rose . . . Broom . I declare against you. Surprise. Treachery. Insinuation. Importu- nity. Humility. Meekness. Revenge. Truth. Courage. Difficulty. Frivolity. Amusement. Delicacy. Constancy. Sorrowful regret. Rupture. Goodness. Bluntness. Stoicism. Lowliness. Envy. Re- morse. You please all. Severity. Rigour. Happy love. Hu m ility. Nea tn ess. THE VOCABULARY. 31 Browailla Jamisonii . Could you bear poverty? Buckbean Calm repose. Bud of White Rose . A heart ignorant of love. Buglos Falsehood. Bulrush Indiscretion. Docility Bundle of Reeds, with their Panicles . . Music. Burdock Importunity. Touch me not. Bur Rudeness. You weary me. Buttercup (Kingcup) . Ingratitude. Childish- ness. Butterfly Orchis . . Gaiety. Butterfly Weed . . . Let me go. pABBAGE Cacalia . Cactus . Calla opica Calceolaria .. Calycanthui Profit. Adulation. Warmth. Magnificent beauty. I offer you pecuniary as- sistance, or, I offer y oil my fortune. Benevolence. 32 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. Camellia Japonica, Red Unpretending excellence. Camellia Japonica, White Perfected loveliness. Camomile .... Energy in adversity. Campanula Pyramida Aspiring. Canary Grass . . . Perseverance. Candytuft .... Indifference. Canterbury Bell . . Acknowledgment. Cape Jasmine . . . I am too happy. Cardamine .... Paternal error. Carnation, Deep Red Alas ! for my poor heart. Carnation, Striped . Refusal. Carnation, Yellow . . Disdain. Cardinal Flower . . Distinction. Catchfly Snare. Catchfly, Red . . . Youthful love. Catchfly, White . . Betrayed. Cattleya Mature charms. Cattleya Pineli . . . Matronly grace. Cedar Strength. Cedar of Lebanon . Incorruptible. Cedar Leaf . . . . / live for thee. Celandine (Lesser) . Joys to come. Cereus (Creeping) . . Modest genius. Centaury Delicacy. Champignon . . . Suspicion. THE VOCABULARY. 33 Chequered Fritillary . Persecution. Cherry Tree, White . Good education. Cherry Blossom . , Insincerity. Chestnut Tree . . . Do me justice, Chinese Primrose . . Lasting love. Chickweed .... Rendezvous. Chicory Frugality. China Aster .... Variety. China Aster, Double. I partakey our sentiments China Aster, Single . 7 will think of it. China or Indian Pink Aversion. China Rose .... Beauty always new Chinese Chrysanthe- \versity. mum Cheerfulness under ad- Chorozema Varium . You have many lovers. Christmas Rose . . Relieve my anxiety. Chrysanthemum, Red I love. Chrysanthemum, White Truth. Chrysanthemum, Yellow Slighted love. Cineraria Always delightful. Cinquefoil .... Maternal affection. Circaea Spell. Cistus, or Rock Rose . Popular favour. Cistus, Gum .... 7 shall die to-morrow . Citron Ill-natured*beauty. Clarkia The variety of your con. versation delights me. o c 34 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. Clematis Mental beauty. Clematis, Evergreen . Poverty. Clianthus Worldliness. Self-seek- ing. Clotbur Rudeness. Pertinacity. Cloves Dignity. Clover, Four-leaved . Be mine. Clover, Red .... Industry. Clover, White . . . Think of me. Cobaea Gossip. Cockscomb Amaranth Foppery. Affectation. Singularity. Colchicum, or Mea- dow Saffron . . . My best days are past. Coltsfoot Jitstice shall be done. Columbine .... Folly. Columbine, Purple . Resolved to win. Columbine, Red . . Anxious and trembling, Convolvulus .... Bonds. Convolvulus, Blue (Minor) .... Repose. Night. Convolvulus, Major . Extinguished hopes. Convolvulus, Pink . . Worth sustained by ju- dicious and tender affection. Corchorus .... Impatient of absence. Coreopsis .... Always cheerful. THE VOCABULARY. 35 Coreopsis Arkansa . Love at first sight. Coriander .... Hidden worth. Corn Riches. Corn, Broken . . . Quarrel. Corn Straw .... Agreement. Corn Bottle .... Delicacy. Corn Cockle . . . Gentility. Cornel Tree .... Duration. Coronella .... Success crown your wishes. Cosmelia Subra . . The charm of a blush. Cowslip Pensiveness. Winning grace. Cowslip, American . Divine beauty. Crab (Blossom) . . /// nature. Cranberry .... Cure for heartache. Creeping Ce-reus . . Horror. Cress Stability. Power. Crocus Abuse not. Impatience. Crocus, Spring . . . Youthful gladness. Crocus, Saffron . . Mirth. Crown, Imperial . . Majesty. Power. Crowsbill Envy. Crowfoot Ingratitude. Crowfoot ( Aconite- leaved) Lustre. Cuckoo Plant . . . Ardour. j6 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. Cudweed, American . Unceasing remembrance Currant Thy frown will kill me. Cuscuta Meanness. Cyclamen .... Diffidence. , Cypress Death. Mourning. JAFFODIL . Regard. Dahlia . . Instability. Daisy . . Innocence. Daisy, Garden I share your sentiments. Daisy, Michaelmas . Farewell, or after- Daisy, Party-coloured Beauty. Daisy, Wild .... 7 will think of it. Damask Rose . . . Brilliant complexion. Dandelion .... Rustic oracle. Dandelion, or Thistle seed-head .... Depart. Daphne Glory. Immortality. Daphne Odora . . . Painting the lily. Darnel Vice. Dead Leaves . . . Sadness. Deadly Night- shade . Falsehood. Dew Plant . . . . A serenade. Dianthus . . Make haste. THE VOCABULARY. 37 Diosma Your simple elegance charms me. Dipteracanthus Spec- tabilis Fortitiide. Dipladcmia Crassinoda You are too bold. Dittany of Crete . . Birth. Dittany of Crete, White Passion. Dock Patience. Dodder of Thyme . Baseness. Dogsbane .... Deceit. Falsehood. Dogwood Durability. Dragon Plant . . . Snare. Dragonwort .... Horror. Dried Flax .... Utility. JlBONY TREE Blackness. Echites Atro- purpurea . Be warned in time. Eglantine (Sweetbriar) Poetry. I wound to heal. Elder Zealousness. Elm Dignity. Enchanters' Night- shade Witchcraft. Sorcery. THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. Endive Escholzia .... Eupatorium .... Ever-flowering Candy- tuff Evergreen Clematis . Evergreen Thorn . . Everlasting .... Everlasting Pea . . Frugality. Do not refuse me. Delay. Indifference. Poverty. Solace in adversity. Never-ceasing remem* brance. Lasting pleasure. ENNEL . Fern Worthy all praise. Strength. Fascination. Magic. Sincerity. Your looks freeze me. Ficoides, Ice Plant Fig Argument. Fig Marigold . . . Idleness. Fig Tree Prolific. Filbert Reconciliation. Fir Time. Fir Tree Elevation. Flax Domestic industry. Fate. I feel your kindness. THE VOCABULARY. 39 Flax-leaved Golden- locks Tardijiess. Fleur-de-Lys . . . Flame. I burn. Fleur-de-Luce . . . Fire. Flowering Fern . . Reverie. Flowering Reed . , Confidence in Heaven. Flower-of-an-Hour , Delicate beauty. Fly Orchis . . . Error. Flytrap Deceit. Fool's Parsley . . . Silliness. Forget-Me-Not . . Forget-Me-Not. Foxglove Insincerity. Foxtail Grass . . . Sporting. Franciscea Latifolia . Beware of false friends. French Honeysuckle . Rustic beauty. French Marigold . . Jealousy. French Willow . . . Bravery and humanity. Frog Ophrys . . . Disgust. Fuller's Teasel . . . Misanthropy. Fumitory Spleen. Fuschia, Scarlei . . Taste. Furze, or Gorse . . Love for all seaon:, THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. vil . . . Garden Daisy . . . Garden Marigold . . Garden Ranunculus . Garden Sage . . . Garland of Roses . . Gardenia Forsaken. Sincerity. I partake your senti- ments. Uneasiness. You are rich in attrac- tions. Esteem. Reward of virtue. Refinement. Germander Speedwell Geranium, Dark . . Geranium, H orseshoe- leaf Facility. Melancholy. Stupidity. Geranium, Ivy . . . Geranium, Lemon Geranium, Nutmeg . Geranium, Oak-leaved Geranium, Pencilled . Geranium, Rose- scented Bridal favour. Unexpected meeting. Expected meeting. True friendship . Ingenuity. Preference. Geranium, Scarlet Geranium, Silver- leaved . Comforting. Recall THE VOCABULARY. 41 Geranium, Wild . . Steadfast piety. Gillyflower .... Bonds of affection. Gladioli Ready armed. Glory Flower . . . Glorious beatity. Goat's Rue .... Reason. Golden Rod .... Precaution. Gooseberry .... Anticipation. Gourd Extent. Bulk. Grammanthus Chlo- raflora Your temper is too hasty. Grape, Wild. . . . Charity. Grass Submission. Utility. Guelder Rose . . . Winter. Age. HAND Flower Tree . . Warning. Harebell . . Submission. Grief. Hawkweed . Quick-sightedness. Hawthorn .... Hope. Hazel Reconciliation. Heartsease, or Pansy Thoughts. Heath Solitude. Helenium .... Tears. Heliotrope .... Devotion, or, I turn to Hellebore .... Scandal. Calumny. 42 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. Helmet Flower (Monkshood). . . Knight-errantry. Hemlock You will be my death. Hemp ...... Fate. Henbane Imperfection. Hepatica Confidence. Hibiscus Delicate beauty. Holly Foresight. Holly Herb .... Enchantment. Hollyhock .... Ambition. Fecundity. Honesty Honesty. Fascination. Honey Flower . . . Love sweet and secret. Honeysuckle . . . Generous and devoted affection. Honeysuckle (Coral) . The coloiir of my fate. Honeysuckle (French) Rustic beauty. Hop Injustice. Hornbeam .... Ornament. Horse Chestnut . . Luxury. Hortensia . . . 4 . You are cold. Houseleek .... Vivacity. Domestic In- dustry. Houstonia .... Content. Hoya Sculpture. Hoyabella .... Contentment. Humble Plant . . . Despondency. Hundred-leaved Rose Dignity of mind. THE VOCABULARY. 43 Hyacinth Sport. Game. Play. Hyacinth, Purple . . Sorrowful. Hyacinth, White . . Unobtrusive loveliness. Hydrangea . . . . A boaster. Hyssop Cleanliness. CELAND Moss . || Ice Plant Imbricata Imperial Montague . Indian Cress . . . Indian Jasmine (Ipo- mcea) Indian Pink (Double) Indian Plum . . . Iris Iris, German . . . Ivy Ivy,. Sprig of, with ten- drils Health. Your looks freeze me. Uprightness. Sentiment* of honour. Power. Warlike trophy. Attachment. Always lovely. Privation. Message. Flame. Friendship. Fidelity, Marriage. Assiduous to please. 44 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. .\COB'S Lad- der . . . Japan Rose . Japanese Lilies . . Jasmine .... Jasmine, Cape . . Jasmine, Carolina . Jasmine, Indian . Jasmine, Spanish . Jasmine, Yellow . Jonquil .... Judas Tree . . Julienne, White Juniper Justicia Come down. Beauty is your only at- traction. You cannot deceive me. Amiability. Transport of joy. Separation. I attach myself to you. Sensuality. Grace and elegance. I desire a return of af- fection. Unbelief. Betrayal. Despair not; God is everywhere. Succour. Protection. The perfection of female loveliness. ENNEDIA. .King-cups . Mental beauty. Desire of riches. THE VOCABULARY. 45 pABURNUM Forsaken. Pensive Beauty. Lady's Slip- per . . Capricious beauty. Win me and wear me. Lagerstraemia, Indian Eloquence. Lantana Rigour. Lapageria Rosea . . There is no unalloyed good. Larch Audacity. Boldness. Larkspur Lightness. Levity. Larkspur, Pink . . . Fickleness. Larkspur, Purple . . Haughtiness. Laurel Glory. Laurel, Common, in flower Perfidy. Laurel, Ground . . Perseverance. Laurel, Mountain . . Ambition. Laurel-leaved Mag- nolia Dignity. Lauresthia . . . . A token. Lavender Distrust. Leaves (dead) . . . Melancholy. Lemon Zest. Lemon Blossoms . . Fidelity in love. 46 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. Leschenaultia Splen- dens You are charming. Lettuce Cold-heartedness. Lichen Dejection. Solitude. Lilac, Field .... Humility. Lilac, Purple . . . First emotions of love. Lilac, White . . . Youthful innocence. Lily, Day .... Coquetry. Lily, Imperial . . . Majesty. Lily, White .... Purity. Sweetness. Lily, Yellow . . . . Falsehood. Gaiety. Lily of the Valley . . Return of happiness. Un- conscious sweetness. Linden or Lime Trees Conjugal love. Lint I feel my obligations. Live Oak Liberty. Liverwort .... Confidence. Liquorice, Wild . . I declare against you. Lobelia . . - . . . Malevolence. Locust Tree .... Elegance. Locust Tree (green) . Affection beyond' the grave. London Pride . . . Frivolity. Lote Tree .... Concord. Lotus Eloquence. Lotus Flower . . . Estranged love. Lotus Leaf .... Recantation. THE VOCABULARY. 47 Love in a Mist . . . Perplexity. Love lies Bleeding . Hopeless, not heartless. Lucern Life. Lupin Voraciousness. jjADDER. . Calumny. Magnolia . Love of Nature. 'Magnolia, Swamp . Perseverance. Mallow Mildness. Mallow, Marsh . . . Beneficence. Mallow, Syrian . . Consumed by love. Mallow, Venetian . . Delicate beauty. Malon Creeana . . Will you share my for- tunes ? Manchineal Tree . . Falsehood. Mandrake .... Horror. Maple Reserve. Marian thus .... Hope for better days. Marigold Grief. Marigold, African . Vulgar minds. Marigold, French . . Jealousy. Marigold, Prophetic . Prediction. Marigold and Cypress Despair. Marjoram .... Blushes. Marvel of Peru . . Timidity. THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. Meadow Lychnis . Meadow Saffron . Meadowsweet . . . Mercury Mesembryanthemum . Mezereon Michaelmas Daisy . Mignonette . . . . Milfoil . Milkvetch Milk wort Mimosa (Sensitive Plant) Mint Mistletoe Mitraria Coccinea Mock Orange . . . Monarda Amplexi- caulis Monkshood .... Monkshood (Helmet Flower) .... Moonwort .... Wit. My best days are past. Uselessness. Goodness. Idleness. Desire to please. Afterthought. Your qualities surpass your charms. War. Your presence softens my pains. Hermitage. Sensitiveness. Virtue. I surmount difficulties. Indolence. Dulness. Counterfeit. Your whims are quite unbearable. A deadly foe is near. Chivalry. Knight- errantry. Forgetfulness. THE VOCABULARY. 40 Morning Glory . . . Affectation. Moschatel .... Weakness. Moss Maternal love. Mosses Ennui. Mossy Saxifrage . . Affection. Motherwort .... Concealed love. Mountain Ash . . . Prudence. Mourning Bride . . Unfortunate attachment. I have lost all. Mouse-eared Chick- weed Ingenuous simplicity. Mouse-eared Scorpion grass Forget me not. Moving Plant . . . Agitation. Mudwort Happiness. Tranquillity, Mulberry Tree (Black) / shall not survive you. Mulberry Tree (White) Wisdom. Mushroom .... Suspicion, or, I can't en- tirely trust you. Musk Plant .... Weakness. Mustard Seed . . . Indifference. Myrobalan .... Privation. Myrrh Gladness. Myrtle Lovs 5 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. JARCISSUS Nasturtium N emophila . Nettle, Com- mon Stinging Nettle, Burning . . Nettle Tree .... N ight-blooming Cereus Night Convolvulus . Nightshade .... Egotism. Patriotism. Success everywhere. You are spiteful. Slander. Conceit. Transient beauty. Night Falsehood. A.K Leaves . Bravery Oak Tree . Hospitality. Oak (White) Independence. Oats . . . The witching soul of music. Beware. Olive Peace. Your purity equals your loveliness. Chastity. Bridal festi- vities. Orange Tree . . . Generosity. Orchis A belle. Oleander , Olive . . Orange Blossoms Orange Flowers THE VOCABULARY. 51 Osier Frankness. Osmunda .... Dreams. Ox Eye Patience. JALM . . . Victory. Pansy . . Thoughts. Parsley . . Festivity. Pasque Flower . You have no claims. Passion Flower . . Religious superstition, when the flower is re- verse d, or Faith if erect. Patience Dock . . . Patience. Pea, Everlasting . . An appointed meeting. Lasting pleasiire. Pea, Sweet .... Departure. Peach Your qualities, like your charms, are un- equalled. Pleach Blossom . . I am your captive. Pear Affection. Pear Tree .... Comfort. Penstemon Azureum . High-bred. Pennyroyal .... Flee away. Peony Shame. Bashfulness. Peppermint .... Warmth of feeling. D 2 52 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. Periwinkle, Blue . . Early friendship. Periwinkle, White . . Pleasures of memory. Persicaria .... Restoration. Persimon Bury me amid Natures beaiities. Peruvian Heliotrope . Devotion. Petunia Your presence soothes m*+ Pheasant's Eye . . Remembrance. Phlox Unanimity. Pigeon Berry . . . Indifference. Pimpernel .... Change. Assignation. Pine Pity. Pine-apple .... You are perfect. Pine, Pitch .... Philosophy. Pine, Spruce . . . Hope in adversity. Pink Boldness. Pink, Carnation . . Womarts love. Pink, Indian, Double Always lovely. Pink, Indian, Single . Aversion. Pink, Mountain . . Aspiring. Pink, Red, Double . Pure and ardent love. Pink, Single . . . Pure love. Pink, Variegated . . Refusal. Pink, White. . , . Ingeniousness. Talent.. Plantain White marfs footsteps. Plane Tree .... Genius. Plum, Indian . . . Privation. THE VOCABULARY. 53 Plum Tree . . . . Plum, Wild . . . . Plumbago Larpenta . Polyanthus . . . . Polyanthus, Crimson . Polyanthus, Lilac . . Pomegranate . . . Pomegranate Flower . Poor Robin . . . . Poplar, Black . . . Poplar, White . . . Poppy, Red . . . . Poppy, Scarlet . . . Poppy, White . . . Potato Potentilla . . . . Prickly Pear . . . Pride of China . . . Primrose Primrose, Evening . Primrose, Red . . . Privet Purple Clover . . . Pyrus Japonica. . . Fidelity. Independence. Holy -wishes. Pride of riches. The heart's mystery. Confidence. Foolishness. Mature elegance. Compensation, or an equivalent. Courage. Time. Consolation. Fantastic extravagance. Sleep. My bane. Benevolence. I claim, at least, you? esteem. Satire. Dissension. Early youth and sadness. Inconstancy. Unpatronized merit. Prohibition. Provident. Fairies^ fire. 54 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. UAKING- GRASS Ouamoclit Queen's Rocket Agitation. Busybody. You are the queen of coquettes. Fashion. Quince Temptation. A G G E D - ROBIN . Ranunculus Ranunculus, Garden . Ranunculus, Wild Raspberry . . . . Ray Grass . . . . Red Catchfly . . . Reed Reed, Split . . . . Rhododendron (Rose- bay) Rhubarb Rocket Rose Wit. You are radiant with charms. You are rich in attrac- tions. Ingratitude. Remorse. Vice. Youthful love. Complaisance. Music. Indiscretion. Danger. Beware. Advice. Rivalry. Love. THE VOCABULARY. Rose, Austrian . . . Rose, Bridal. . . . Rose, Burgundy . . Rose, .Cabbage . . . Rose, Campion . . Rose, Carolina . . . Rose, China .... Rose, Christmas . . Rose, Daily .... Rose, Damask . . . Rose, Deep Red . . Rose, Dog .... Rose, Guelder . . . Rose, Hundred-leaved Rose, Japan .... Rose, Maiden Blush . Rose, Montiflora . . Rose, Mundi . . . Rose, Musk .... Rose, Musk, Cluster . Rose, Single. . . . Rose, Thornless . . Rose, Unique . . . Rose, White. . . . Rose, White (withered) 55 Thou art all that is lovely. Happy love. Unconscious beauty. Ambassador of love. Only deserve my love. Love is dangerous. Beauty always new. Tranquillize my anxiety. Thy smile I aspire to. Brilliant complexion. Bashful shame. * Pleasure and.pain. Winter. Age. Pride. Beauty is your only at- traction. If you love me you wiil find it out. Grace. Variety. Capricious beauty. Charming. Simplicity. Early attachment. Call me not beautiful. I am worthy of you. Transient impressions. THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. Rose, Yellow Decrease of love. Jealousy. Rose, York and Lan- caster War. Rose, Full - blown, placed over two Buds Secrecy. Rose, White and Red together .... Unity. Roses, Crown of . . Reward of Virtue. Rosebud, Red . . . Pure and lovely. Rosebud, White . . Girlhood. Rosebud, Moss . . Confession of love. Rose Leaf .... You may hope. Rosemary .... Remembrance. Rudbeckia .... Justice. Rue Disdain. Rush ...... Docility. Rye Grass .... Changeable disposition. Sage [AFFRON . Beware of excess. Saffron Cro- cus . . . Mirth. Saffron, [past. Meadow . My happiest days arc . . Domestic virtue. THE VOCABULARY. 57 Sage, Garden . . . Esteem. Sainfoin Agitation. Saint John's Wort. . Animosity. Salvia, Blue .... Wisdom. Salvia, Red .... Energy. Saxifrage, Mossy . . Affection. Scabious Unfortunate love. Scabious, Sweet . . Widowhood. Scarlet Lychnis . . Sunbeaming eyes. Schinus Religious enthusiasm Scotch Fir .... Elevation. Sensitive Plant . . . Sensibility. Senvy Indifference. Shamrock .... Light-heartedness. Shepherd's Purse . . I offer you my all. Siphocampylos . . . Resolved to be noticed. Snakesfoot .... Horror. Snapdragon. . . . Presumption, also" No" Snowball Bound. Snowdrop .... Hope. Sorrel Affection. Sorrel, Wild .... Wit ill-timed. Sorrel, Wood . . . Joy. Southernwood . . . Jest. Bantering. Spanish Jasmine . . Sensuality. Spearmint .... Warmth of sentimen Speedwell .... Female fidelity. THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. Speedwell, Germander Speedwell, Spiked . . Spider Ophrys . . . Spiderwort . . . . Spiked Willow Herb . Spindle Tree . . . Star of Bethlehem . Starwort Starwort, American . Stephanotis .... Stock Stock, Ten Week Stonecrop .... Straw, broken . . . Straw, whole Strawberry Blossoms Strawberry Tree . Sultan, Lilac . . . Sultan, White . . . Sultan, Yellow . . . Sumach, Venice . . Sunflower, Dwarf. . Sunflower, Tall . . Swallow-wort . . . Sweet Basil . . . Facility. Semblance. Adroitness. Esteem, not love. Pretension. Your charms are en- graven on my heart. Purity. Afterthoiight. Cheerfulness in old age. Will you accompany me to the East ? Lasting beauty. Promptness. Tranquillity* Rupture of a contract. Union. Foresight. Esteem, not love. I forgive you. Sweetness. Contempt. Splendour. Adoration. Haughtiness. Cure for heartache. Good wishes. THE VOCABULARY. 59 Sweetbriar, American Simplicity. Sweetbriar, European I wound to heal. Sweetbriar, Yellow . Decrease of love. Sweet Pea .... Delicate pleasures. Sweet Sultan . . . Felicity. Sweet William . . . Gallantry. Sycamore .... Curiosity. Syringa Memory. Syringa, Carolina . . Disappointment. gAMARISK . Crime. Tansy (Wild) / declare war against you. Teasel . . Misanthropy. Tendrils of Climbing Plants. Ties. Thistle, Common . . Austerity. Thistle, Fuller's . . Misanthropy. Thistle, Scotch . . Retaliation. Thorn Apple . . . Deceitfiil charms. Thorn, Branch of . . Severity. Thri'ft Sympathy. Ihroatwort .... Neglected beauty. Thyme Activity or courage. Tiger Flower . . . For once may pride be- friend me. 6o THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. Traveller's Joy . . . Tree of Life .... Trefoil Tremella Nestoc . Trillium Pictum . . Triptilion Spinosum . Truffle Trumpet Flower . . Tuberose Tulip, Red .... Tulip, Variegated . . Tulip, Yellow . . . Turnip Tussilage (Sweet- scented) .... Safety. Old age. Revenge. Resistance. Modest beauty Be prudent. Surprise. Fame. Dangerous pleasures. Declaration of love. Beautiful eyes. Hopeless love. Charity. Justice shall be done you. A.LERIAN . An accommodating dis- position. Rupture. Intellectual excellence. Splendour. Fly with me. Flattery. Deceit. Valerian, Greek Venice Sumach . . Venus's Car .... Venus's Looking-glass Venus's Trap . . . THE VOCABULARY. 61 Verbena, Pink . . Verbena, Scarlet . Verbena, White . Vernal Grass . . Veronica .... Veronica Speciosa Vervain .... Vine Violet, Blue . . . Violet, Dame . . Violet, Sweet . . Violet, Yellow . . Virginia Creeper . Virgin's Bower . . Viscaria Oculata . Volkamenia . Family union. Unite against evil, of Church unity. Pray for me. Poor, but happy. Fidelity. Keep this for my sake. Enchantment. Intoxication. Faithfulness. Watchfulness. Modesty. Rural happiness. I cling to you both in sunshine and shade. Filial love. Will you dance 'with me f M ty you be happy. Intellect. Stratagem. Fidelity in adversity. HALNUT. . Wall-flower Watcher by the Wayside Never despair. Water Lily .... Purity of heart. Water Melon . . . Bulkiness. 62 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. Wax Plant . . . Wheat Stalk . . Whin White Flytrap . . White Jasmine . . White Lily . . . White Mullein . . White Oak . . . White Pink . . . White Poplar . . White Rose (dried) Whortleberry . . Willow, Creeping . Willow, Water . . Willow, Weeping . Willow Herb . . Willow, French . Winter Cherry . . Wisteria .... Witch Hazel . . Woodbine . . . Wood Sorrel . . Wormwood . . . Susceptibility. Riches. Anger. Deceit. Amiableness. Purity and modesty. Good-nature. Independence. Talent. Time. Death preferable to loss of innocence. Treason. Love forsaken. Freedom. Mourning. Pretension. Bravery and humanity. Deception. Welcome, fair stranger. A spell. Fraternal love. Joy. Maternal tender- ness. Absence. THE VOCABULARY. 63 Xanthium .... Rudeness. Pertinacity. Xeranthemum . , . Cheerfulness under ad- versity. Yew .... Sorrow. Zephyr Flower . . . Expectation. Zinnia Thoughts of absent friends. PART SECOND. IBSENCE . Abuse not . Acknowledg- ment . . Activity, or Courage . A deadly foe is near . Admiration .... Adoration .... Adroitness .... Adulation .... Advice Affection Affection Affection Affection beyond the grave Affection, maternal . Wormwood. Crocus. Canterbury Bell. Thyme. Monkshood. Amethyst. Dwarf Sunflower. Spider Ophrys. Cacalia. Rhubarb. Mossy Saxifrage- Pear. Sorrel. Green Locust. Cinquefoil. THE VOCABULARY. 65 Affectation .... Cockscomb Amaranth. Affectation .... Morning Glory. Afterthought . . . Michaelmas Daisy. Afterthought . . . Starwort. Afterthought . . . China Aster. Agreement .... Straw. Age Guelder Rose. Agitation Moving Plant. Agitation Sainfoin. Alas ! for my poor heart Deep Red Carnation. Always cheerful . . Coreopsis. Always lovely . . . Indian Pink (double). Always delightful . . Cineraria. Ambassador of love . Cabbage Rose. Amiability .... Jasmine. Anger Whin. Animosity . . . . St. John's Wort. Anticipation . . . Gooseberry. Anxious and trembling Red Columbine. Ardour, Zeal . . . Cuckoo Plant. Arum. Argument .... Fig. Arts, or Artifice . . Acanthus. Assiduous to please . Sprig of ivy, with ten- drils. Assignation .... Pimpernel. Attachment .... Indian Jasmine. Audacity Larch. E 66 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. Avarice Scarlet A uricula. Aversion China, or Indian Pink. jlANTERING Southernwood. Baseness . Dodder of Thyme. Bashfulness Peony. Bashful shame Deep Red Rose. Be prudent .... Triptilion Spinosum. Be warned in time . Echites Atro-purpurea. Beautiful eyes . . . Variegated Tulip. Beauty Party-coloured Daisy. Beauty always new . China Rose. Beauty, capricious Beauty, capricious Beauty, delicate . Beauty, delicate . Beauty, divine . . Beauty, glorious . Beauty, lasting Beauty, magnificent Beauty, mental . . Beauty, modest Beauty, neglected . Beauty, pensive Beauty, rustic . . Ladfs Slipper. Musk Rose. Flower of an hour. Hibiscus. American Cowslip. Glory Flower. Stock. Calla AZthiopica. Clematis. Trillium Pictum. Throatwort. Laburnum. French Honeysuckle. THE VOCABULARY. 67 Beauty, unconscious . Burgundy Rose. Beauty is your only attraction .... Japan Rose. Belle Orchis. Be mine Four- leaved Clover. Beneficence .... Marskmalloiv. Benevolence . . . Potato. Betrayed . . . . . White Catchfly. Beware Oleander. Beware Rosebay. Beware of a false friend Francisca Latifolia. Blackness .... Ebony Tree. Bluntness .... Borage. Blushes Marjoram. Boaster Hydrangea. Boldness Pink. Bonds Convolvulus. Bonds of Affection . Gillyflower. Bravery Oak Leaves. Bravery and humanity French Willow. Bridal favour . . . Ivy Geranium. Brilliant complexion . Damask Rose. Bulk Water Melon. Bulk Gourd. Busybody .... Quamoclit. Bury me amid Nature's beauties .... Persimon. E 2 68 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. j]ALL me not beautiful . Rose Unique. Calm repose Buckbean. Calumny . Hellebore. ' Calumny . . . . . Madder. Change Pimpernel. Changeable disposition Rye Grass. Charity Turnip. Charming .... Cluster of Musk Roses. Charms deceitful . . Thorn Apple. Cheerfulness in old age American Starwort. Cheerfulness under [mum. adversity .... Chinese Chrysanthe- Chivalry Monkshood. Cleanliness ... . Hyssop. Cold-heartedness . . Lettuce. Coldness Agnus Castus. Colour of my life . . Coral Honeysuckle. Come down .... Jacob's Ladder. Comfort Pear Tree. Comforting .... Scarlet Geranium. Compassion . . . . A llspice. Concealed love . . Motherwort. Concert Nettle Tree. Concord Lote Tree. THE VOCABULARY. Confession of love . Confidence .... Confidence .... Confidence .... Confidence in Heaven Conjugal love . . Consolation .... Constancy . . Consumed by love Contentment Moss Rosebud. Hepatica. Lilac Polyanthus. Liverwort. Flowering Reed. Lime or Linden Tree. Red Poppy. Bluebell. Syrian Mallow. Hoyabella. Could you bear poverty ? Browallia Jamisomi. Counterfeit .... Mock Orange. Courage Black Poplar. Crime Tamarisk. Cure Balm of Gilead. Cure for heartache . Swallow-wort. Curiosity Sycamore. IJANGER . . Dangerous Pleasures Death . . Death preferable to loss of innocence . Deceit Apocynum. Deceit White Flytrap. Rhodendron. Rose bay. Tuberose. Cypress. White Rose (dried}. 70 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. Deceit Dogs bane. Deceitful charms . . Apple, Thorn. Deception .... White Cherry Trec> Declaration of love . Red Tulip. Decrease of love . . Yellow Rose. Deformed .... Begonia. Dejection .... Lichen. Delay Eupatorium. Delicacy Bluebottle. Centaury. Depart .... Dandelion seeds in tht ball. Desire to please . . Mezereon. Despair Cypress. Despair not, God is everywhere . . . White Julienne. Despondency . . . Humble Plant. Devotion, or, I turn to thee Peruvian Heliotrope. Difficulty Blackthorn. Dignity Cloves. Dignity Laurel-leaved Magno- lia. Disappointment . . Syringa, Carolina. Disdain Yellow Carnation. Disdain Rue. Disgust Frog Ophrys. Dissension .... Pride of China. THE VOCABULARY 71 Distinction .... Cardinal Flower. Distrust Lavende^. Divine beauty . . . American Cowslip. Docility Rush. Domestic industry . Flax. Domestic virtue . . Sage. Do not despise my poverty .... Shepherds Purse. Do not refuse me . . Eschscholtzia, or. Carrot Flower. Doubt Apricot Blossom. Durability .... Dogwood. Duration Cornel Tree. ilARLY attach- ment . . Thornless Rose. Early friend- ship . . Blue Periwinkle. Early youth .... Primrose. Elegance Locust Tree. Elegance and grace . Yellow Jasmine. Elevation .... Scotch Fir. Eloquence .... Lagerstr