123 A7 UC-NRLF B M 170 420 GIFT OF SCIENCES LIBRARY REPORT ON LJ I 13 li A ; CALIFORNIA THE GEOLOGICAL MAP OF MASSACHUSETTS, PREPARED BY W. 0. CROSBY, ASSISTANT IN THE LABORATORY OF THE BOSTON SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY. PROF. ALPHEUS HYATT IN CHARGE. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE MASSACHUSETTS COMMISSION TO THE CENTENNIAl EXPOSITION. BOSTON: PRESS OF A. A. KINGMAN. 1876. REPORT ON THE GEOLOGICAL MAP OP MASSACHUSETTS, PBEPABED BY W. 0. CROSBY, ASSISTANT IN THE LABORATOBY OP THE BOSTON SOCIETY OP NATUBAL HISTOBY, PBOF. ALPHEUS HYATT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE MASSACHUSETTS COMMISSION CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION. Distributed by the Boston Society of Natural History at the request of the Centennial Commissioner for Massachusetts. BOSTON: PRESS OF A. A. KINGMAN. 1876. ,< :-\Vf K. if X LI BEAR Y UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. HON. LEVERETT SALTONSTALL, Massachusetts Commissioner to the Centennial Exposition : SIR : I have the honor to present herewith the Report on the Geological Map of Massachusetts, prepared under the di- rection of the Commission. My effort has been to unite the latest and most reliable information, whether published or unpublished, and, with these results, to give such a view of the Geology of the State as would represent the advances made since the Wall Map of Prof. Edward Hitchcock was published in 1844. Over and above the function of directing the work, and securing the execution of this plan, I do not assume any credit for the collection of the materials, or the results reached by this means. Most of the outlines of the formations remain substantially as they appear on Prof. Hitchcock's map; though many of the details, and almost the entire eastern portion of the State, will be found to have been much changed, when compared with any previous map. For these and other mat- ters of original and unpublished interest, the Commission is indebted to the voluntary labors of Mr. W. O. Crosby, Assist- ant in the Laboratory of the Boston Society of Natural His- tory, Mr. L. S. Burbank, of Woburn, Mr. T. T. Bouve, Presi- dent of the Boston Society of Natural History, Prof. N". S. Shaler, of Harvard University, Prof. W. H. Niles, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Prof. B. K. Emerson, of Amherst College, Mr. W. W. Dodge, of Cambridge, Mr. F. W. Very, of Dedham, Mr. W. W. Jacques and Mr. C. W. Kempton, both of Newburyport, Mr. Mathew Anderson, of 332696 Cambridge, and others. The particular facts which they have contributed will be found in the body of the text. In- formation with regard to the eastern boundary of the Miocene on the island of Martha's Vineyard, and some other points, were contributed by Prof. N. S. Shaler, from maps prepared by him for the United States Coast Survey, and our acknowl- edgments are also due to them. Valuable and efficient aid, without which much of the work would necessarily have remained undone, has been received from the Presidents and Directors of the following Railroad Companies, in the form of free passes over their respective lines : the Eastern, Fitchburg, Old Colony, Boston and Provi- dence, .and Connecticut River. The Boston Society of Nat- ural History has also, in the loss of the services of the Custodian and his Assistant, while engaged in the construc- tion of the Map, contributed largely to its successful comple- tion. Mr. Crosby has been much in the field, the weather having been very favorable during the past winter. Mr. Burbank and others have also spent considerable time in this way In fact, everything has been done to make the original work accurate, which the time and the necessarily limited appro- priation would permit. With great respect, Your Ob't Serv't, ALPHEUS HYATT, Custodian Boston Soc. JVat. Hist. EEPOET ON THE GEOLOGICAL MAP OF MASSACHUSETTS. BY W. 0. CROSBY. 1 In 1830 the Government of Massachusetts instituted, at the public expense, a Geological Survey of the Commonwealth, and Prof. Edward Hitchcock, Sen., of Amherst College, was charged with the work of exploration. His final report, ac- companied by a Geological Map of the State, was published eleven years later, in 1841. This map, enlarged, and revised by Prof. Hitchcock, was republished in 1844, in connection with the Topographical Wall Map of Simeon Borden. No Geological Map of Massachusetts materially differing from this has since appeared. The work of Prof. Edward Hitch- cock, Sen., remains the last general contribution to the geol- ogy of the State ; and the map to which the present report relates which, since it has been prepared under the direction of the Massachusetts Commission to the Centennial Exposi- tion, may, for the sake of a convenient designation, be called the Centennial Map is based primarily, as all subsequent maps must necessarily be, upon those published by him. It should be stated in this connection, however, that some as- 1 Those parts of this report which relate to that portion of the State lying east of Worcester and north of Rhode Island have been taken from my thesis for graduation in the Mass. Institute of Technology, on the " Geology of Eastern Massachusetts," which will be published during the ensuing summer in the Pro- ceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. G sistance has been derived from the geological map of Prof. C. H. Hitchcock, which was published in 1871 in Walling's Atlas of Massachusetts, and differs in some points of minor importance from the earlier maps referred to. It is proposed to embody in this report a brief account of all the observations, by whomsoever made, upon which the changes appearing in this Centennial Map, as compared with previous maps, are based; with the exception of the data fur- nished by Mr. L. S. Burbank, whose researches in the Nashua and Merrimac Valleys have been of very material assistance, and will be found fully described in his report which accom- panies this. In some instances, as in the eastern part of Plymouth county, the alterations of boundaries are based upon the ob- servations of Prof. Edward Hitchcock, published in his final report of 1841, but of which different views have been taken. In such, as in all other cases, the sources of the data used will be clearly indicated. My own contributions to the map are based upon observa- tions extending over a period of four years, and during the last year I have been in the field almost constantly. It is only justice to Dr. T. Sterry Hunt to express here a recog- nition of my indebtedness to him for much valuable instruc- tion and advice, while a student in the Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology, without which the performance of this work by me had been impossible. But, though placed in a position most favorable to a thorough acquaintance with Dr. Hunt's views concerning the origin of crystalline rocks and their relations to the more recent, fossiliferous rocks, I en- tered the field a year ago with a general disbelief in the applicability of these ideas to the rocks of this region, which my first observations only strengthened ; and any confirma- tions of these views which may be found in this report, have been reached in opposition to preconceived ideas wholly at variance with them. That enormous period in the history of the earth, commonly known as geological time, is usually divided by geologists into four great eras, which, in their order of sequence, are the Eozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic ; and in Mass- achusetts rocks are found belonging to each of these grand divisions of past time. The rocks of Massachusetts are mainly crystallines, which are believed to belong wholly to the Eozoic era ; and it is a noteworthy fact, that the rocks belonging to the successive eras in this State steadily diminish in amount from the Eozoic to the Cenozoic, so that? Massachusetts is, in this respect, an epitome of the world. The oldest rocks in Massachusetts, as will be presently shown, are on its eastern border, facing the Atlantic; and proceeding westward across the State the crystallines become gradually newer, until, in Berkshire county, we find the semi-crystalline beds believed by an increasing number of geologists to represent the close of Eozoic time. The Eozoic rocks of Massachusetts may, to a large extent at least, be divided lithologically and chronologically, into three divisions, which, stated in their order of sequence, are the Norian, the Huronian, and the Mont Alban. I weigh my words well when I describe these divisions as both litholog- ical and chronological; for, although, as already stated, I began my study of the crystallines of this State with a whole- some distrust of the value of lithological data in establishing chronological divisions, and am not yet wholly prepared to apply this principle to wider regions, I do not hesitate to affirm that the lithological characters of the divisions which have been worked out among the crystallines of this region the chronological and geographical distinctness of which I cannot doubt are as unlike as the faunae of any two succes- sive geological formations. NOBIAN. But two small areas of the rocks of this age have thus far been found in Massachusetts. The largest and most important 8 includes the city of Salem, Salem Neck, the islands of Great Misery and Little Misery, Baker's Island, Naugus Head on the north end of Marblehead, various small islands between Marblehead and Great Misery, and several narrow strips along the Beverly shore. The second area includes all but the seaward end of large Nahant. The rocks of this forma- tion, though frequently stratified, seem in general to have been somewhat fluent, and usually exhibit more or less ex- travasation; but doubtless in some cases the metamorphic action has stopped Ishort of this extreme term, though de- stroying all traces of bedding. In many places, as notably on Winter Island and Great and Little Misery, the entire formation seems to have been fluent, and the extravasation has been so extensive that the character of the rock changes nearly every rod. One important fact should be noted here, viz. : nowhere in this region does the Norian series appear to be cut by eruptives belonging to another formation, for all the extravasated rocks of this system may be easily referred to, or shown to be derived from, its stratified members. The stratified rocks occur chiefly on Marblehead, and on the Beverly shore, west of Curtis Point. On Marblehead the strike is E.-W., with a vertical dip, while on the Beverly shore the strike varies from N.-S. to N". E.-S. W., and the dip is 30 to vertical to the N. W. The average strike of the whole system is N. E.-S. W. More or less distinct bedding has also been observed on the north side of Great Misery, at several points on Salem Neck, on Coney Island, and at one point on the north-east shore of JSTahant. The rocks of this formation are composed chiefly of feld- spar and hornblende, or pyroxene. These minerals occur mixed in very various proportions. It has been proved by analysis that some of the feldspar is not labradorite, though closely resembling that species in some of its physical char- acters ; and it yet remains to be proved that there is any labradorite in the formation. But its occurrence here is deemed probable, and as only one analysis has been made, 9 the question cannot be regarded as settled. It should be said, however, that all the feldspars of this formation agree very closely in their general physical properties with the specimen analyzed. This was placed in the hands of Mrs. Richards, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who made the following report : SiG 2 . . . ... . . A1 9 O 3 . . . V. ; -. * -. K 2 b &i . . . '* . v . Na 2 O , CaO -_V * .,.: > H 2 , * . >,, ... 100.525 Such a chemical constitution belongs to no known species or variety of feldspar ; and fearing there had been an error in the first analysis, a second was made from the same piece, a very clear unweathered specimen, with a like result. A careful inspection of a large number of specimens ex- plained the anomaly, by showing that the feldspar, although coarsely and perfectly crystalline, is a mixture ; the crystals being formed of thin interlaminated plates of at least two different feldspars. This can be seen only on slightly weath- ered surfaces; one of the feldspars decomposing more read- ily than the other. The constituent feldspars were not analyzed, as it seemed impracticable to separate them. But if, as appearances indicate, it is a mixture of two species only, they are probably an orthoclase rich in soda, and an oligoclase poor in lime, the latter predominating. The color of this feldspar is bluish gray, weathering white, and its sp. gr. varies from 2.55 to 2.60. Disseminated through this feld- spar, are numerous small crystalline grains of magnetite. Biotite is not uncommon in the rocks of this formation, though seldom abundant. Pyroxene is abundant, and the varieties hypersthene and bronzite are believed to occur. A massive, coarsely crystalline diorite, at Nahant, is decidedly epidotic. The most striking and probably the most impor- 2 10 tant mineralogical character of this series of rocks is that all members of it are absolutely destitute of quartz. Perhaps the most characteristic rock of this formation is one composed almost entirely of feldspar, and containing little, frequently no hornblendic material. It is usually coarse- ly crystalline, this variety predominating along the Beverly shore, east of Curtis' Point ; and the crystallization is some- times extremely coarse, as, notably, on Marblehead, especially about Dolliber's Point, where it is interstratified with fine grained pyroxenic rocks; but it is frequently fine grained, resembling felsite, and presents a very uniform texture and appearance. This fine grained variety occurs at many points, but is most largely developed on Baker's Island, which is principally formed of it. A dark, heavy, usually coarse grained diorite, varying greatly in composition, and frequently occurring as a pure hornblende rock, is the most abundant of our Norian rocks. It is the prevailing rock on Nahant, where it is frequently very coarse and hornblendic, with a high specific gravity. A more feldspathic variety of this rock exhibits traces of bed- ding on the north-east shore of Nahant, as noticed, ante p. 8. This diorite, and the feldspathic rock just noticed, occurring chiefly as eruptives, underlie the city of Salem, and form the peninsula of Salem Neck, and the islands of Great Misery, Little Misery, Pope's Head, and Eagle Island. The stratified rocks of this series are mainly fine grained, and consist usually of interstratified, frequently alternating, pyroxenic and feldspathic beds. Among the stratified rocks are found those of all textures, from the finest to the coarsest; the stratified pyroxenic rocks are, however, usually fine grained and very distinctly bedded. That this series of pyroxenic and feldspathic rocks, with its associated minerals, which is sometimes stratified, oftener eruptive, frequently very coarsely crystalline, and always quarteless, agrees better, even in the absence of labradorite, with the Norian system than any other that has been de- 11 scribed, can scarcely be doubted. Other considerations con- firm this view. The great disturbance which it shows, and its thoroughly crystalline appearance, stamp it as older than the Huronian and Mont Alban, and it also clearly underlies these formations, and has been frequently extravasated through them. This is well shown in the cliffs on the shores of Beverly and Manchester, where the Huronian granites are cut extensively by great dykes and eruptive masses of No- rian rocks, both hornblendic and feldspathic ; the feldspathic dykes appearing, usually, to be older and larger than the hornblendic. The Norian eruptives and Huronian diorites are similarly related on Marblehead. At Nahant we find slates, believed to be of Primordial age, resting upon the Norian diorites, which have been extravasated through the slates, producing extensive alterations. The coarse grained, readily disintegrating, exotic diorites, so extensively quarried in Medford, and also occurring in Somerville and Brookline, are, doubtless, extruded portions of this same series, which is the probable seat of many of the eruptive rocks, especially diorites, cutting the newer formations. We thus find this series underlying everything newer than the ETorian ; and, since the Laurentian is not known to occur in Massachusetts, we are, I believe, fully-justified in regarding this series, not only as the Norian, but also as the oldest series in the State. The student of Massachusetts geology, may find here a chronological and stratigraphical starting point. Here is the real base of our geological column. It should be stated that Prof. Hyatt, long ago, recognized the rocks about the city of Salem, as probably older than the felsites of Marblehead Neck ; but did not separate them from the Huronian diorites of Salem Swampscot and Marblehead. Dr. T. Sterry Hunt, also, in 1869, identified, as of Norian age, a boulder found near Salem and probably derived from the Norian rocks of that vicinity. '"LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. 12 HURONIAN. The rocks of this age, like those of the Norian, occur only in the eastern portion of the State, where they cover a wide area, forming the seashore from the New Hampshire line to Plymouth. They are bounded on the west by a line running south-westerly from Salisbury through Essex and Middlesex counties to Concord ; here, after giving off a long and narrow deflection which continues nearly twenty miles farther to the south-west, the line bends to the south and continues through Framingham, Holliston, Medway and Bellingham to the north-east corner of Rhode Island. The Huroniaii area has an extreme length, measured from the New Hamp- shire line in Salisbury, to Manomet Hill in Plymouth, of sixty-five miles, and an extreme breadth, measured across the southern end, not counting the narrow band stretching from Concord to Westborough, of about forty miles. It is partially interrupted, near the middle, by an area of Prim- ordial, and more recent rocks, which lie about the shores of Boston Harbor, extending westerly to Natick, and south- westerly to Rhode Island. The Huronian on this map comprises the areas marked as "syenite," "porphyry," and " hornblende slate," on the geological map of Prof. Edward Hitchcock. In the State Cabinet, collected by Prof. Edward Hitchcock, are numerous specimens of hornblendic granite (" syenite " ) from Kingston, and Manomet Hill in Plymouth, and from the latter locality, also, several speci- mens of felsite ("porphyry"). These are typical Huronian rocks and I have, in consequence of their occurrence at the localities named, ventured to extend the Huronian formation, on the map, as far south as a line running westerly from the southern end of Manomet Hill ; although on all previous maps the towns of Plymouth and Kingston are represented as entirely covered with "granite" (micaceous granite, of Mont Alban age). 13 Prof. C. H. Hitchcock, in his recent report (1875) on the Geology of New Hampshire, has applied the term Labrador to the rocks of this broad Huronian area ; although these rocks iiave scarcely a single character in common with the Labrador or Nofian series as defined by Dr. T. Sterry Hunt and the Canadian Geological Survey. Dr. Hunt, also, in 1870, in consequence of finding the Eozoon Canadense in the limestone at Newbury, referred a portion of this series to the Laurentian age. But it will be shown in the sequel, that all the rocks within the area described belong to one and the same lithological and stratigraphical series, the characters of which stamp it as undoubtedly Huronian. A glance at the map will show that the attempt to map this formation lithologically, i. e., to show the distribution of its various lithological members, has been attended by mod- erate success. More might have been accomplished with a longer time for exploration; yet much must ever remain undone, on account of the great extent to which the rocks are, in some districts, concealed by superficial deposits. A special color has been used to represent the general Huron- ian formation, wherever the particular lithological represent- ative is not known, but the probabilities are great that the rock, whatever it is, belongs to this age. The Huronian series in Massachusetts is composed of the following rocks, or groups of rocks : hornblendic granite, felsite, diorite, stratified rocks, and limestone. HORNBLENDIC GRANITE. The typical hornblendic granite of this region, as shown at the quarries in Quincy, Rockport, and other places, is a coarsely crystalline aggregate of ortho- clase, quartz, and hornblende. The hornblende is usually small in amount, and the rock frequently passes, through the disappearance of hornblende, into binary granite. The feld- spar is usually grayish or bluish, though red and green tints are frequently met with. It is worthy of note that this rock is destitute of mica, or at least its presence is a very rare occurrence. This typical granite frequently passes into finer 14 grained varieties, which, when hornblende is absent, pass through eurite into felsite: The more hornblendic varieties are usually fine grained ; and the increase of hornblende is attended by a diminution of quartz, so that the rock exhibits, through the entire absence of quartz, frequent passages into diorite. That these granites are mainly exotic, can scarcely be questioned, for we have seldom far to look, to find, in the form of enclosed angular fragments of clearly stratified rocks, evidence of their extravasation ; and near the boundaries of the granites we usually find them cutting the adjoining rock, especially if that is stratified, in a manner incompatible with any theory that would regard them, in their present condition, as indigenous or endogenous. Nevertheless it is doubtless true, as suggested by Prof. N. S. Shaler, and later by Mr. T. T. Bouve, that these granites have been derived from sedimentary rocks, and have simply reached the final term in the metamorphic process] igneous, or more prob- ably, igneo-aqueous fusion. A glance at the Centennial Map suffices to show, that the geographical distribution of these rocks is in harmony with the theory that they are extravasated masses, for they are seen to occur among the other members of the Huronian series, in a manner wholly irregular. They do not occur in continuous, well-defined areas, but in isolated patches with boundaries difficult to define, and such as could be accounted for only on the sup- position that the rock has been more or less fluent, and has experienced some extravasation. The large area colored as granite in southern Norfolk and northern Plymouth counties, would appear to be an exception to the above statement; but it should be said of this area that it is largely covered by drift material, especially toward the southern border, and comparatively few observations of the rocks have been made. Slates are said to occur in Abington, and, although, with this exception, no rock has been observed in this area, within the writer's knowledge, but granite, it is quite possible that this broad area includes more or less extensive patches of 15 other rocks. A more detailed map, such as it is hoped the student of the near future will construct, would show the boundaries of these areas of granite to be much more com- plex and irregular than they are here represented. A further inspection of the map will make it evident that these granites are not without some system in their madness, for the most of the granitic areas north of a line running from Natick to tf eponset, will be seen to be arranged along a line having a direction about N. 50 E., forming a discon- tinuous band of variable width, which extends from Natick to Rockport on Cape Ann ; and we readily find in this wall of granite, probably the most resistant rock of this region, a sufficient cause for the existence of this prominent headland. The slates and conglomerates, in Newton and Watertown, are probably underlaid by granite belonging to this range, which accounts for the discontinuity of the range here. Between this belt of granite and the large granitic area on the south, are several large, irregular areas of granite, including the Blue Hill range; and it is probable that part at least of the large area marked on the map as general Huronian, in Medway, Medfield and Franklin, now exten sively drift-covered, is underlaid by granite. I have tried in vain to detect any system or order in the arrangement of these masses, and can only say that their present complicated and apparently systemless disposition, is probably due to two forces or tendencies operating to arrange the granites in two sets of parallel bands ; one set coinciding in direction with the prevailing strike of the region, and the Natick and Rock- port belt, north-east and south-west; and the other set hav- ing an east and west trend. 1 On the map, in the northern half of Essex county, I have delineated three areas of granite, in Rowley, Ipswich and 1 The outlines of the granites in Dedham, Dover, Sherburne, etc., as well as of the other rocks of that region, are largely due to the observations of Mr. F. W. Very. Valuable data concerning the distribution of these rocks near Boston, ha alsojseen received from Mr.^W. W. Dodge. 16 Topsfield. The Topsfield rock disintegrates readily, and is known as the " rotten rock." These three patches are widely separated, yet, inasmuch as no other rocks have, within my knowledge, been observed between them, and since the char- acter of the drift indicates the existence of considerable granite in this region, I feel justified in concluding that we have here a broad belt of granite, beginning at the shore in Ipswich and extending thence south-westerly, gradually dis- appearing among the diorites in Boxford and Middleton ; but I have deemed it best not to map beyond the known facts. Toward the northern end of Essex county, in Newbury and Salisbury, are other areas of granite, which, for the most part, are small and are known to lie in ranges parallel with the stratified rocks of that district, i.e., north-east and south- west. But, since they have been only imperfectly worked out, and their number and boundaries remain to be deter- mined, I have not delineated them on the map. To avoid confusion in the mind of the reader, it should be stated that, in the preceding account of the distribution of the granite, no notice has been taken of the very hornblendic, fine grained granites, which frequently pass into diorites, and are so involved with the diorites in their origin and distribution, as to be inseparable from them. They are in fact more truly diorites than granites. FELSITE. Porphyry is a much abused word, which, like syenite (by syenite is not meant the aggregate of orthoclase and hornblende to which this term has recently been ap- plied), has outlived its usefulness, and should, in the opinion of the best geologists, be allowed to become obsolete in its substantive use, as a geological term. Much of the rock in this region to which the term porphyry is applied, is not even porphyritic; showing into what logical errors we are led when we choose for the basis of a lithological name a property common to many rocks, and which cannot be correlated with any particular chemical constitution. It is not intended to include under the term felsite, either in this 17 description or on the map, the felsite which is clearly inter- stratified with quartzite, hornblende slate, &c. This division is entirely arbitrary, but is warranted by the impracticability of separating the different members of what may be called the stratified group. To avoid confusion I will speak of the felsite of the stratified group as stratified felsite. It is not meant, as will be seen farther on, that all the stratified felsites belong to the stratified group of rocks, but only such as are clearly intercalated with that group. The term felsite, even as thus limited, includes in this region numerous vari- eties, which will be briefly described. (a) The most abundant variety is the porphyritic felsite of Lynn, Saugus, Maiden and Melrose. It consists of a quartzo- feldspathic base, with interspersed crystals of feldspar. It is usually more or less, but seldom very porphyritic. Its colors are brownish purple, reddish brown, gray, varying through different shades of drab to black. In general it is a structure- less rock, showing no traces of bedding ; but at Dungeon Rock in Lynn, it is distinctly stratified, a dense, black vari- ety being interstratified with a crystalline dioritic variety;* and going northward in Melrose, the porphyritic character gradually disappears, the felsite becomes more siliceous, and gradually becomes interstratified with quartzite and horn- blende slates. The transition is so gradual that it is impossi- ble to define the boundary between the stratified and unstrat- ified felsites, which proves there is no break, no natural division here. In Melrose and Maiden, and at other points the porphyritic felsites exhibit frequent local passages into granite and diorite. It seems probable that considerable portions of this rock have been in a more or less fluent state > this can scarcely be doubted on the west shore of Wenuchus Lake in Lynn, where the tongue of granite penetrates the felsite ; and on Marblehead Neck and the neighboring islands, there is abundant evidence of the softening and extravasation of portions of the rock. Notably on Marble- head Neck, als^ on Red Rock in Lynn, and at the Pirate's 3 18 Glen in Saugus, and, perhaps, at other points, this felsite exhibits traces of a conglomerate origin. This variety of felsite is seldom found beyond the localities mentioned; it has, however, been observed in Hyde Park, near the corner of Huntington Avenue and River Street, and at some points in West Dedham and Dover. (b) Passing westward from Maiden, the porphyritic felsite, (a), graduates into a non-porphyritic, homogeneous, struc- tureless variety, which includes all the felsite of Medford, the felsite of West Needham, most of the felsite of Natick, Dover, and Dedham, and a small portion of that occurring in Hyde Park and Mattapan. This typical felsite is usually of a grayish color, varying from white to black, but greenish shades are not uncommon. As we should expect, it frequently passes into the porphyritic variety, and, like that, also proves, by its frequent transitions to granite and diorite, the intimate causal connection of these various rocks. This variety in- cludes the so-called " Saugus Jasper," a bright red, homo- geneous felsite. There are in this region two principal varieties of "banded" or laminated felsite, which differ widely in their origins: first, that in which the banding is due to a conglomerate origin, having been produced by a flattening of the pebbles of the conglomerate, and which is described farther on ; and second, (c) The much more abundant and widely distributed variety in which the banding represents the original bed- ding of the rock. In this variety, which is usually of a reddish brown color, though frequently of different shades of gray and sometimes white, the banded structure is usually, where the rock has not been greatly disturbed, very uniform, regular and continuous. The banding commonly results from the interlamination of thin layers of qunrtzose and fcld- spathic materials. The thickness of the lamina? usually varies from a mere line to one-sixteenth of an inch, and seldom exceeds one-eighth of an inch. That this banding really represents stratification is proved by tlxe regularity and 19 continuity of the bands, since a banded structure due to the flattening of the pebbles of a conglomerate would necessarily exhibit little uniformity in the thickness of the lamina, and I find it difficult to conceive of pebbles flattened to such an extent as to produce continuous layers of uniform thickness and yards in extent ; and it is also proved by the constancy of their strike and dip. The felsite at Kent's Island and other points in Newbury, is mainly of the banded variety. It has a reddish color, and, though showing great disturb- ance, the bands dip with considerable regularity to the north and north-west ; it seems to pass into the non-porphy- ritic felsite (b). The banded felsite is occasionally slightly porphyritic, as on the north-west side of Marblehead Neck, where it is of a grayish color with bands from one-sixteenth to one-eighth of an inch thick, and dipping steeply to the south-east. A small amount of banded felsite, similar to that in Newbury, occurs in West Dedham, intercalated with the felsitic breccia, soon to be described. Banded felsites also occur in Hyde Park, east of the Clarendon Hills Station, in Mattapan, and in Milton immediately south of the Neponset. In Mattapan it passes into the closely related variety, not logically separable from it, in which we seem to have the stratification without the banding ; there appear to be no quartzose layers, but this may due to the extreme thinness of the bedding, which can be detected only on weathered surfaces. The strike is K E.-S. W. Mr. W. W. Jacques reports the occurrence of banded felsite on the west end of the large hill in Quincy, west of Willard St., and one and a half miles south-west of West Quincy Village. (d) One important variety of felsite yet remains unde- scribed. It is porphyritic with feldspar crystals and contains, in addition, numerous grains of translucent quartz, which cause some portions of it, where the quartz and feldspar crystals are abundant, to resemble granite ; and it may be properly called the granitoid felsite. It occurs extensively in Needham, and the southern half of the Blue Hill region* 20 including all the higher summits, is composed of it. Through- out the latter district the base is of a dull brown color, and the rock is of a very uniform character, but toward the east, north and west, it undoubtedly becomes more crystalline, more granitic, and passes into the Quincy granite, and the granite of Dedham. This is the opinion expressed by Prof. Edward Hitchcock nearly forty years ago, and most observers since then have taken the same view of the matter. In Keedham the base is of a white and greenish white color, and contains more crystalline quartz than feldspar. It passes into fine grained granite toward the east and south. Good examples of the granitoid felsite, of small extent, occur on Lowell's Island and the north-west shore of Marblehead. (e) The felsitic breccia, which occurs at many points in this regii n, should be mentioned in this connection. It occurs in Hyde Park and Mattapan, where its colors are white, purplish, gray, pinkish and bright red. It varies greatly in texture here, sometimes containing angular masses several feet in extent; and also exhibits extensive flattening of the pebbles, producing a sort of pseudo-stratification. The breccia occurs in West Dedham, near the Oven Mouth. Here the predominating colors are red and black ; and the pebbles do not show alteration ; but the breccia appears to pass into felsite through a gradual diminution of the sizes of the pebbles, just as conglomerate passes into slate. On Marblehead Neck the breccia, which is here more properly a conglomerate, becomes at some points, epecially on Lowell's Island, a coarse, gritty, feld spathic sandstone, and both the conglomerate and sandstone pass into compact felsite, the former in two distinct ways, which, although observable at several points in this region, are best exempli- fied here. These two modes of metamorphism are : (1) By a blending together of the pebbles and paste, whereby the outlines of the former are lost, or, when the process is not complete, can only be seen on weathered surfaces. (2) By 21 a flattening or drawing out of the pebbles into thin lentic- ular laminae, which, more or less coalescing at their edges and lying in parallel planes, produce a stratified appearance in the rock, and give rise to a laminated or banded structure closely resembling that already described, due to original sedimentation. That compact felsites have been derived from genuine conglomerate in the ways just indicated, has been -fully dem- onstrated by Mr. T. T. Bouve, in Hingham, and Prof. Alpheus Hyatt, on Marblehead Neck. Their views on the subject, together with the main facts, have been published in the Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. XVIII, p. 217. A discussion of .this subject may also be found in the paper referred to in the foot note on p. 5, in which it is further shown that the massive, structureless felsites, (a) and (), have probably been largely derived from massive, obscurely stratified, feldspathic slates, while the normally banded felsite, (c), represents a finely and dis- tinctly stratified slate. An inspection of the map shows, that the felsite on Marblehead Neck, and the adjacent islands, forms an area five miles long in a north-east and south-west direction ; a broad, continuous belt of felsite extending, in the same direc- tion, from Red Rock in Lynn, to Arlington; and a nar- row band of the same rock stretching south-westerly from the north-east corner of Needham to South Natick. Thus we have an interrupted belt of felsite reaching from Half Way Rock to South Natick, a distance of 33 miles. An out- lying patch of felsite is said to occur on the Manchester shore, on the line of this belt. It is believed that this belt of felsites is really much wider than here indicated ; for all the crystallines occurring among the newer rocks between this belt on the north of Boston, and the Quincy granite range on the south, excepting such as are clearly eruptive, are felsites. There is an isolated area of felsite in Chelsea, and felsite is believed to occur on the South Shore, in Hingham. So that, if the newer formations and water were removed from Boston Harbor, and vicinity, we should prob- ably have a large, unbroken area of felsites, trending N". E. -S. W., and vaiying from eight to twelve miles in breadth. Toward the south-west, in Dedham, Dover, &c., the felsites partake of the complexity which appears to reign in that region. DIOBIT-E. It is intended to include here only the eruptive diorites, using the term eruptive in a general sense that will include all rocks that have been fluent, whether extravasated or not. There are clearly stratified diorites in this region, but they are inseparable from the other stratified members of the Huronian series, and will be considered as forming part of the stratified group. The diorite, like the granite, varies greatly in texture and composition. As a rule it is quite fine grained, often impalpably fine, and never attains the degree of coarseness common with the granites. In compo- sition it has a wider range ; as already stated, it passes, by an admixture of quartz, into fine grained hornblendic gran- ite ; and it is no less prone, by losing hornblende, to pass into felsite. Fine examples of the transition between diorite and felsite may be seen in Greenwood and Stoneham. Near the Greenwood station on the Boston and, Maine R. R., the diorite contains little or no hornblende, and, but for its more crystalline appearance, would be indistinguishable from fel- site. The diorites are never very micaceous, though fre- quently containing some biotite. The biotite usually occurs in the more crystalline varieties of the diorite. The areas colored as diorite on the map, though mainly diorite, yet em- brace a great amount of fine grained hornblendic granite, which, however, is frequently little more than a quartzose diorite. Any observer of these two rocks will agree with me that they admit of neither a lithological nor a geographical separation. As a rule they are both eruptive, and over large areas they have been extravasated through each other so extensively, and the action has been so mutual, that the 23 complication is complete; and I have long been accustomed to speak of them as "mixed rocks"; and I know now of no term that will better express their relations, lithologically or petrologically. The large area in Sharon, Stoughton and Foxborough, colored as diorite, may include some small areas of coarse granite, but is mainly of the dioritic or "mixed" series. The diorite of this area is chiefly very fine grained, but some quite coarse varieties occur in the hills of Sharon, and Mr. F. W. Very has observed the same in Foxborough. The diorites in other parts of Norfolk county are mainly fine grained and exhibit frequent passages into horablendic granite and felsite. The diorites seem to obey, in their distribution, the same general law as the granites and fel- sites; and the diorite areas north of Boston form a nearly continuous, but very irregular belt, lying parallel with and north of the north-east and south-west granite range, and extending from Beverly to Wayland. * In the north part of Essex county, north and west of the Newbury belt of felsite, there is much diorite occurring among the stratified rocks of that region ; but too few observations have been made for its delineation on the map. STRATIFIED ROCKS. While describing the preceding mem- bers of this formation, it has been pointed out that they frequently pass into each other ; and it would seem to be nearly an established fact that they all belong to one and the same series; but a study of the stratified group greatly strengthens the evidence in favor of the oneness of their origin; for here we find them all combined and blended together. As already stated, we find, on going northward through Melrose, the porphyritic felsite, (a), gradually be- coming less porphyritic and assuming a stratified appearance] North of Howard Street traces of stratification are common, though porphyritic felsite occurs as far north as Greenwood. North of Central Brook, in Saugus, the felsites are chiefly stratified, the bedding increasing northward, are largely 24 quartzose, passing into quartzite, and are frequently inter- stratified with hornblende slate and stratified diorite. No observer, who has been over this ground, can doubt that these different rocks are stratigraphically inseparable. Along the eastern border of this area of stratified rocks, one can find beautiful examples of the passage of stratified diorite and hornblende slate into the eruptive diorite and fine grained hornblendic granite. There is nothing abrupt about these transitions, the gradation is perfect. The stratified rocks strike N. E.-S. V., and dip very steeply to the N. W. About four miles farther north-west, in Reading, is another area of stratified rocks, which includes the varieties pre- viously mentioned, but with relatively more hornblende slate and diorite ; and some of the felsite is slightly micaceous. Here, also, we find the rocks shading insensibly into eruptive diorite and granite. The strike and dip are the same as in Saugus and Melros^e. On the Boston and Lowell R. R., near the North Woburn line, is a distinct argillite conformably interstratified with rocks similar to those just described. The narrow Huronian band, extending from Concord to Westborough, lies on, and parallel with, the line of strike of the stratified rocks in Reading and North Woburn, and consists of stratified diorite and hornblende slate, with a small amount of inter- calated mica schist. The strike is parallel with the trend of the band. Between Concord and the Boston and Lowell R. R., in Burlington, North Lexington, and Lincoln, there are few outcrops, but it is probable the rocks are chiefly stratified, and they have been so represented on previous maps. At Putnamville in Danvers, and Locustdale in Pea- body, are stratified diorite, hornblende slate, and a well marked feldspathic gneiss containing some mica, all dipping steeply to the N. W. The character of the drift in Wen- ham indicates a wide area of stratified rocks in this region ; but the limits are not known. In southern Middleton the drift is composed largely of imperfect gneisses, passing into 25 hornblendic granite, which must occur here in situ. The large area of diorite stretching from Stonehara to West on includes numerous small patches of stratified rocks horn- blende slate and petrosilex. A few of these patches have been represented on the map, but many more probably re- main undiscovered. They are usually narrow, parallel with the strike, and vary in length from a few rods to a mile or more. Strike, KE.-S.W. ; dip, steep to K W. They pass frequently into the enclosing rock, showing that they are mere remnants of the stratified group, which yet pre- serve traces of the structure once possessed by the whole mass of the rock. Large masses of the hornblende slate, &c. , occur enclosed in granite at Hospital Point on the Beverly shore, and in Norian rocks on the north side of Great Misery . Irregular fragments and masses of the micaceous petrosilex , hornblende slate, and other stratified rocks, are occasionally found enclosed in the diorite of Swampscot, Marblehead and Salem; and the diorite itself sometimes appears stratified' It thus becomes evident that this diorite, the so called " Salem syenite," has, like the diorites elsewhere, resulted from the extreme metamorphism of the stratified group. The mica slate, so called, enclosed in exotic granite on Marblehead Neck, belongs to this stratified group. 1 The area of stratified rocks in Waylaud is probably much larger than represented on the map. They are distinct gneisses which belong lithologically to the Mont Alban rather than the Huronian series ; and it is possible the Mont Alban bound- ary is deflected this far to the east, but more probable that the rocks are Huronian. Their strike is N.-S. and dip . vertical. The stratified rocks in Sherburne are imperfect gneisses and stratified diorites. The area in Dover is less, gneissic and more felsitic. It is deemed probable, judging from the character of the drift, that the Sherburne area should be extended southwesterly into Holliston. Stratified Huron- 1 Much assistance in mapping the rocks in this portion of Essex county has been derived from the notes of Prof. A. Hyatt. 4 ian rocks, other than felsite, are of rare occurrence soutli of the Charles River, and, besides the area in Dover, I know of but one locality where they occur; this is on the Cohasset shore, between Black Rock and Little Harbor, where there is an indistinct feldspathic gneiss, poor in quartz. In the north- ern part of Essex county, in Newbury, Newburyport and West Newbury, the stratified rocks, other than felsite and lime- stone, are well developed. They resemble the indigenous rocks of Reading, but are less felsitic, and, according to the observations of Mr. C. W. Kernpton, more calcareous and magnesian. They strike K E.-S. W. and dip to the N. W. The principal ore deposits of that district occur in these rocks. Traces of bedding appear in some portions of the granite in Rowley. The stratified group and its distribution have been thus minutely described for the purpose of showing its intimate and complex petrological relations to the other members of the series, and how completely it binds them together as a lithological unit. I have already indicated that much of the hornblendic granite has been derived by metamorphism from felsite, and, in the paper referred to on p. 5, I have shown that this is the probable origin of all the Huronian granites. In the same paper, it is demonstrated that the most, and probably all, of the felsites of this region, are now, or were originally, stratified, and may, therefore, be logically included in the stratified group. I have now described all the rocks occurring within the area designated as Huronian, except the limestone, which is small in amount and may be neglected here : and, making a resume of the whole, we are brought to the conclusion, that the rocks of this area consisted once, speaking gen- erally, of stratified felsite, hornblende slate and stratified diorite only, which were then, and are even now, so related stratigraphically, and exhibit such frequent lithological trans- itions, as to prove them to be members of one and the same unbroken series ; and that the felsites, by metamorphism, have given rise to granite, the hornblende slates, in like manner, 27 to fine grained hornblendic granite approaching diorite, and the stratified diorite to eruptive diorite. LIMESTONE. The limestones, or more correctly dolomites, of this formation are not abundant in this region. They are usually serpentinic (ophiolite), arid are seldom, if ever, coarsely crystalline. The principal deposits occur in N"ew- bury and Lynnfield, and are distinctly stratified, having a N". E.-S. W. strike, and dipping to the N". W. ; but small patches are also known in Stoneham, Natick and Walpole. In Newbury the ophiolites are enclosed in diorite and gran- ite, and in Lynnfield, though the relations of the rocks are much obscured by drift, the association appears to be the same. As already stated, the Eozoon Canadense has been found in this rock, in Newbury. All the stratified rocks of this formation, north and west of Boston, including, besides the so called stratified group, the dolomites and stratified felsites, dip, with few and unim- portant exceptions, to the north-west. And, summarizing what has been said concerning the distribution of these rocks, we find, proceeding from southeast to irorth-west, the following general geographical arrangement. Underlying Boston and its environs, is the broad belt of felsite already described ; and to the north-west occur in succession, petro- silex, hornblende slate, stratified diorite, and rocks more or less micaceous, to the limits of the formation. And, since the limits of the different rocks are marked by grad- ual transitions, which precludes the existence of faults of any great extent ; and since there are no apparent repeti- tions of the different rocks, which precludes the exist- ence of any considerable folds of the strata ; we are forced to the conclusion that the geographical arrangement cor- responds with the stratigraphical succession ; and the rocks to the south-east must underlie those to the north-west the felsites must be older than the hornblende slates and diorites. South of the felsite is the broad area of granite in Norfolk and Plymouth counties; and since the granites are more intimately associated with the felsites than any other of the 28 stratified rocks, and are probably derived from them; and since the exotic granites occur as eruptives through all the stratified rocks ; the inference is plain that the granites be- long normally at the bottom of the series, and may be taken to represent the lower portions of the felsite. The evidence supporting these conclusions is given in detail, accompanied by a general section illustrating the stratigraphy of this region, in the paper referred to on p. 5 ; and, in the same paper, attention is called to the interesting fact that in the northern part of Essex county, we find sub- stantially the same geographical arrangement, and corre- sponding stratigraphical succession, as that just described, but on a smaller scale. There, as farther south, the stratified crystallines all dip to the north-west; and we have, on the south-east, the granite of Ipswich and Rowley, succeeded by the felsite of Kent's Island and the River Parker, and this by the eruptive diorite, hornblende slate, and stratified dior- ite, between the River Parker and the Merrimac. In the paper so often referred to, it is shown, after a consideration of many details omitted here, that this grand repetition of the strata necessitates the existence of a gigantic fault, ex- tending south-westerly from the shore in Ipswich, and having the down-throw on the south-east. The distribution of the rocks toward the south-west indicates that the fault wanes in that direction, the vertical displacement being insufficient to bring up the granite beyond Middleton ; but it is conceived that the line of fracture extends along the southern border of the Mont Alban formation, through Concord, and does not finally die out before reaching Westborough. And it is further believed, that we may find in this great dislocation a sufficient cause for the existence of the peculiar Huronian peninsula, which, as already stated, extends south-westerly from Concord, penetrating the Mont Alban formation. This is the principal fault of this region ; but many minor fractures exist, some of which are minutely described in the paper referred to. The oneness of this formation has been established ; it is proved by its petrological, its lithological, and, as I have else- where shown, its chemical characters. I have pointed out, in the preceding pages, that it distinctly overlies the Norian rocks ; and it no less clearly underlies the Mont Alban. It exhibits much greater disturbance than the Mont Alban, but less than the Norian; and near the common boundaries of this series and the Mont Alban, the gneiss of the latter is cut by the eruptive granite and diorite of the former. And since this series so closely resembles, in its internal characters and its external relations, the Huronian of other regions, we are bound to conclude that it is the Huronian. MONT ALBAN. The rocks referred to the Mont Alban age cover a wide area in Massachusetts, forming the greater portion of the State. They extend uninterruptedly from the western boundary of the Huronian formation to the Triassic sand- stones of the Connecticut Valley, and spread over most of the area between these Mesozoic rocks and the Hoosuc Mountains. They are also wide-spread in the southern por- tions of Bristol and Plymouth counties, about the shores of Buzzard's Bay. The Mont Alban areas on the Centennial Map comprise, with few exceptions, the areas marked as "granite," "gneiss," "mica slate," "argillite," "metamorphic slate," and " quartzite," on the geological map of Prof. Ed- ward Hitchcock. They also exhibit a general correspond- ence with the areas marked as "White Mountain group," " granite," " Merrimac schists," " calciferous mica schist," and " St. John's group," on the map of Prof. C. H. Hitchcock, in Walling's Atlas of Massachusetts, 1871. The prevailing strike of the rocks of this formation is, stated generally, N.-S.; but, east of Worcester, it approximates to N.E.- S.W., showing a tendency to parallelism with the strike of the Huronian beds. The principal lithological constituents of this formation :ire granite, gneiss, mica slate, argillite, and limestone. In 30 the western portion of the State, there are bands of horn blende slate and stratified diorite included in the Mont Al- ban series, which, though usually delineated on geological maps, are so intimately associated with the gneiss and mica slate, that they are regarded as logically inseparable from them. GRANITE. The granites are of two, probably three, dis- tinct kinds, distinct in origin, but often difficult to distin- guish with the eye. They are exotic, indigenous, and en- dogenous. The exotic or eruptive granite is of most import-, ance. It is usually whitish or gray, seldom red or greenishr as the Huronian granite frequently is ; and it differs furthe- from the Huronian granite, in that it is always more or less micaceous, and seldom contains any hornblende. It fre- quently passes into the indigenous variety, which is nothing more than a coarse, granitoid, apparently structureless gneiss. There can be no doubt that the exotic granite has resulted from the extreme metamorphism of portions of the gneiss ; and hence the indigenous and exotic varieties are essentially the same, and I shall not attempt to distinguish them here. Both these varieties are sometimes porphyritic with crystals of feldspar, which are occasionally very large. The distribution of these granites is well shown on the map. In the western half of the State, the larger areas are found along the borders of the Triassic sandstone, where the granites occur cutting mica slate and gneiss. The area in Williamsburg, Goshen, Westhampton, and Northampton, and also that east of the Connecticut, in Amherst, though marked as wholly granitic, include, according to the obser- vations of Dr. Hitchcock, much mica slate, which is associ- ated with the granite in such a manner as to prove the ex- otic nature of the latter. On the Centennial Map, I have colored as Mont Alban granite the two areas one in Lud- low and Belchertown, and the other in Northampton and Hatfield marked on all previous maps as "syenite" (horn- blendic granite). My reasons for this course are : (1) These syenites, so called, frequently contain nearly or quite as much mica as hornblende, and closely resemble portions of the ad- joining granites. They are really hornblendo-micaceous or quarfenary granites, and bear but little likeness to the horn- blendic granites of the Huronian formation. (2) Prof. Edward Hitchcock, on his revised map of 1844, represented a small patch of granite enclosed in the Ludlow and Belcher- town area of syenite. (3) Hornblendic gneisses, hornblende slates, and even pure hornblende rock, certainly occur in the Mont Alban formation, and form a part of the same ; and, since the granites have resulted from the metamorphism of the gneisses, I can see no reason why the Mont Alban gran- ites may not sometime be hornblendic. In the eastern portion of the State, the most interesting area of granite is the long but narrow belt which extends from Worcester to Dracut. It will be found fully described in the report of Mr. L. S. Burbank, which accompanies this. The extended and little known area of granite lying north of the gneiss in Plymouth and Bristol counties is referred to this age, on account of its intimate relations to the gneiss, and its unlikeness to the Huronian granites. The granites cutting the Carboniferous and Primordial slates near New- port are also referred to this horizon. They resemble, in some respects, the quaternary granites, just described, of the Connecticut valley. The endogenous granites, which have not a distinctive color on the map, are usually coarser than the preceding, and more distinctly crystalline; never exhibiting traces of schist- osity, or genuine stratification. They, however, sometimes possess the banded appearance due to their mode of deposi- tion, which may be readily mistaken for stratification, since the veins are frequently of a lenticular form, usually occur in gneisses of similar composition, and conform in trend and dip with the bedding of the enclosing rock. These gpanites are, as Dr. T. Sterry Hunt has shown to be the case with en- dogenous Mont Alban granites generally, characterized by 32 the abundance and variety of the accessory minerals which they contain, though appearing to be poorer in this respect than the endogenous granites of some other regions. GNEISS. This is the most abundant rock in Massachu- setts, forming nearly one-half the State. Accurate and com- prehensive descriptions of it may be found in Prof. Edward Hitchcock's final report on the Geology of the State; and I will only add here, that its general lithological and petro- logical characters stamp it as unquestionably Mont Alban, rather than Laurentian, gneiss. Its distribution, as shown oti the Centennial Map, corresponds very closely with previous maps, and there is only one important exception to note. This is in the eastern part of Plymouth county, where, it will be observed, the bands of gneiss and granite have been extended eastward to the shore. This disposition of the rocks seems justified by the E.-W. strike of the gneiss in this region, and by the following extract from the final report of Prof. Hitchcock, just referred to: " On my former map I colored a deposit of granite, connected on the north with that just described, and extending to Brewster on Cape Cod. I did this because a ridge of considerable elevation extends down the Cape to Brewster, and many boulders of granite are found of great size upon its hills. But re-examination renders it probable that the largest and most abundant of these boulders are granitic gneiss, approaching so near to real granite, as easily to be mistaken for it. A somewhat similar rock occurs in place in Rochester and New Bedford ; and my present impression is, that probably a . ridge of this gneiss, and not granite, forms the axis of the Cape." The band of altered slate and conglomerate occurring in Bellingham, and marked on the map of Prof. Edward Hitchcock as "metamorphic slate," has, on the Centennial Map, been merged with the gneiss of that region. The rea- sons for this are, that it is distinctly interstratified with the gneiss, and exhibits frequent and beautiful passages into gneiss and mica slate, indistinguishable from those forming a 83 large part of the great Mont Alban formation. I am inclined to regard it as essentially a part of the gneiss, and to see in the more conglomeritic portions an indication of the con- dition of a large part, perhaps all, of our schistose gneisses at some time in the remote past a small sample arrested in its development, and now available as a key to the origin of thousands of square miles of crystalline rocks. The conglomerate in Harvard, which has been carefully studied by Mr. L. S. Burbank, and will be found described in his report, though placed nearer the top of the series, and having, HS I conceive, no stratigraphical or genetic connec- tion with the great body of the gneisses, exhibits similar metamorphoses. MICA SLATE. Mica slate is, next to gneiss, the most abun- dant rock in the State. Its characters and distribution have been well described by Prof. Edward Hitchcock. Some alterations of the boundaries have been made in the Nashua and Menimac valleys, which are explained in Mr. Burbank's report. This rock is believed to generally overlie, conform- ably, the gneiss. Throughout the State there are numerous bands and patches of mica slate, which are regarded as local variations of the gneiss, and have not been delineated on the map. ARGILLITE. Argil lites of several distinct ages occur in Massachusetts. To the Mont Alban age are referred the ar- gillites of the Nashua and Connecticut valleys only. The boundaries of this rock remain substantially as they appear on Prof. Hitchcock's map. It unquestionably overlies the mica slate ; and its lithological and petrol ogical characters, as described by Prof. Edward Hitchcock, make its Mont Alban age extremely probable. The same is true of the mica slate. The narrow strip of conglomerate in Harvard, already re- ferred to, although regarded as logically inseparable from the argillite, has received a distinctive color on the map, on ac- count of the scientific interest which attaches to it, and the accuracy with which its boundaries have been worked out. 5 LIMESTONE. The Mont Alban limestones are less mag- nesian than those of the Huronian age, and are rarely ser- pentinic. They occur in numerous small lenticular beds, usually interstratified with gneiss and mica slate. The de- posits east of the Nashua valley are regarded by Mr, Bur- bank as partaking mainly of the nature of veins, rather than stratified beds; but, west of the Connecticut, as Prof. Hitchcock has pointed out, some at least of the masses are distinctly and regularly stratified. The limestone in Chelmsford has afforded specimens of the Eozoon Cana- dense ; and, since this peculiar structure has been found in Laurentian, Huronian, and Mont Alban limestones, those believing in its organic nature must admit that the animal producing it had a very long range in time. Accompanying the report, so often referred to, of Prof. Edward Hitchcock, are several E.-W. sections of the State, which, though exhibiting correctly the more general strati- graphical features of the Mont Alban formation, leave sev- eral important points in great obscurity. Between the western boundary of the Huronian formation and the mica slates of the Nashua valley, in the northern part of Middlesex county, the gneiss all dips to W.-N. W. ; the amount of the dip varying from 50 to vertical. There are, as is clearly shown on the map, three N.-S. bands of mica slate in the Nashua valley, each of which dips steeply to the west. Be- tween the first and second of these belts, reckoning from east to west, is a long and narrow range of granite and granitoid gneiss ; while a broad band of argillite, which has also steep westerly dips, separates the second and third belts of , mica slate. Between the first range of mica slate and the granite, in Harvard and Bolton, lies the narrow strip of con- glomerate and argillite, conglomerate on the east and argillite on the west, already referred to as the Harvard conglomerate. This, like all the preceding, dips to the west. West of the third range of mica slate is a broad expanse of gneiss, which, along its eastern border, dips gently, 15-25, 35 to the east; and resembles, in its essential lithological fea- tures, the gneiss of Middlesex county. Such is the general surface arrangement of the rocks of this region ; and this arrangement necessitates, as I conceive, the following structure below the surface: The gneisses on the eastern and western sides of the valley are stratigraphically the same ; the three belts of mica slate are parts of one and the same stratum; and the strip of argillite and conglom^ erate in Harvard and Bolton is an isolated portion of the great area of argillite forming the centre of the valley. This valley is a vast synclinal, with its axial plane dipping to the west, and having a grand fault on either side. The broad band of argillite is a stratum not less than 10,000 feet thick folded sharply upon itself, and forms the centre of the synclinal. Enclosing the argillite is the stratum of mica slate, forming the second and third bands of that rock. Be- tween the third band of mica slate and the gneiss on the west, there is, as already indicated, an abrupt break in the bedding : the slate dips steeply to the west, while the gneiss has gentle eastward dips. This stratigraphical break proves the existence of a fault on the west side of the synclinal. The down-throw was to the east; and the high range of hills, of which Wachusett forms the culminating point, is prob- ably a remnant of the grand escarpment produced by this dislocation of the strata, and marks the point where the down-throw was greatest. This fault, it is believed, extends nearly or quite across the State. The common bound- ary of the first band of mica slate and the narrow band of granite and gneiss, marks the position of the eastern of the two faults mentioned. Here, also, the down-throw was to the east, and has been sufficient to cut off very obliquely 4,000 or 5,000 feet of mica slate, and bring the underlying gneiss up to the present plane of denudation. The occurrence of ar- gillite in Harvard and Bolton, east of the granite, proves that the lateral displacement produced by the fault has not been less than a mile. This fault probably extends as far south as 36 Worcester. It accounts perfectly for the present relative positions of the granite, mica slate, and conglomerate in this part of the valley ; and we are able to find in the great dis- turbance, of which this fracture is an index, a cause for the metamorphism of the conglomerate and the conversion of much of the gneiss along the line of fracture into granite. 1 Beyond the northern boundary of Bolton, the second or middle band of mica slate disappears, and reappears five miles farther north near the common boundary of Harvard and Ayer. Here, also, the granite widens rapidly, and is brought, by the disappearance of the mica slate, in contact with the argillite. In the paper referred on p. 5, I have shown that this disposition of the rocks necessitates, for its explanation, a second fault, which begins in the northern part of Bolton, and extends, nearly parallel with the fault just described, along the western border of the granite. The down-throw of this fault is on the west, increasing toward the north ; and only after the fault enters Harvard does the down-throw become sufficient to throw all the mica slate below the present surface. . Between Ayer and the Merrimac, there is, as Mr. Burbank has shown, a synclinal of mica slate ; and the mica slate is conformably underlaid on either side by gneiss. This Merri- mac synclinal is really a branch of the main Nashua synclinal^ but contains no argillite ; and it embraces a broad belt of granite and granitoid gneiss, which is an expansion of the narrow band extending southward through Harvard and Bolton. To raise this immense mass of the underlying gneisses to their present position, and leave the bands of mica slate on either side unremoved by denudation, requires two faults; one on each side of the valley, between the 1 Since writing this sketch of the stratigraphy of the Nashua valley, I have learned that, concerning the structure of the region about the Harvard conglom- erate, my views bear some resemblance to those previously advanced by Mr. Bur- bank. He, however, regards the complication of this region as due to ill-defined, vertical movements of partially plastic materials, rather than to well marked faults in rockg essentially rigid. Wherever the two views coincide his is entitled to priority. 37 granite and the mica slate, with the downthrow in each case on the side toward the mica slate. But, in Harvard, we al- ready have two such faults bounding tie granite; and we have only to conceive these to extend north-easterly along the margins of the Merrimac synclinal, and the structure of the whole region becomes clear immediately. The broad, unbroken expanse of gneiss between Wachu- sett and the Connecticut valley exhibits several prominent anticlinals prominent geologically, but without definite topographical representation; the corresponding synclinals appear, however, to be shallow, as they contain no mica slate or argillite. In the Connecticut valley the crystallines are pretty effectually concealed by the Triassic beds; but there is, according to Prof. Hitchcock, much mica slate along the eastern side of the valley, in Amhcrst, Wilbraham, and other towns, which, for the most part, dips to the west, and appears to overlie conformably the gneisses to the eastward. The well known argillite in Bernardston covers an area three to four miles broad, and has very steep easterly dips. On the south, it appears to pass under the Mesozoic sandstone, which is unbroken in that direction and, south of Northampton, fills the entire valley, making observations of the underlying rocks impossible. A small patch of argillite, however, appears in Whately immediately west of the sandstone, and north of the granite ; and, since the argillite in Bernardston extends northward along the Connecticut for many miles, we may, I think, safely conclude that it extends nearly or quite across the State in a southerly direction. West of the argillite and the overlying sandstone is a broad area of mica slate, which stretches, in a N.-S. direction, quite across the State, and, like the argillite, extends a long distance beyond the State limits. In the eastern half of this belt of mica slate, the dips are very steep to the east. Thus we find the valley of the Connecticut underlaid by a grand synclinal of Mont Alban rocks. This synclinal embraces the same rocks as the Nashua synclinal, and they are arranged in the same order. 38 The small area of gneiss which crosses the Deerfield River at Shelburne Falls, and exhibits a distinct anticlinal structure^ bears the same relation to the Connecticut synclinal that the broad gneissic area of which Wachusett is the highest point does to the Nashua synclinal. The anticlinal structure of the Shelburne gneiss and the overlying mica slate, is shown in the section from Greenfield to Williamstown, which ap- pears in the Report of Prof. Hitchcock on the Geology of Vermont. A glance at the map will show that the granitic area in Williamsburg and Westhampton lies on the line of strike of the Shelburne gneiss, and is elongated in a north and south direction. It represents, as I conceive,. the exten- sion southward of the Shelburne anticlinal. And the great disturbance displayed by the gneiss in the river at Shelburne Falls has only been carried a step further to produce the ex- travasated granite of William sb'urg. West of the axis of this anticlinal, the mica slate exhibits steep westerly dips, which continue to the band marked on the map as talcoid slate. This extends nearly across the State, and has very steep, usually vertical, dips. 1 Beyond this band, to the west, the mica slate and the underlying gneiss dip steeply to the east. These facts prove the existence along this line of a syncli- nal similar to the others, but in which the argillite is re- placed by the talcoid slate. The probable unconformability of the mica slate and talcoid slate is shown by the fact that the latter, along its western boundary, in the southern half of its extent, is underlaid, not by mica slate, but by gneiss. In the gneiss of the Hoosac Mountains, we have another great anticlinal, which, in the northern half of the State, is flanked on the east by mica slate, but bears upon its western slopes the semi-crystalline rocks of Berkshire county, already referred to. il am indebted to Prof. B. K. Emerson of Amherst College for data relative to the boundaries of the talcoid slate in Blaiidford, and also, for information concern- ing the occurrence of emery in situ three miles south of Chester on the line of strike of the emery deposits at that place. 39 This brief and imperfect sketch of the stratigraphy of the region between the western boundary of the Huronian formation and the Hoosac Mountains, makes it probable that the strata are essentially continuous and conformable throughout, and belong to one and the same series. And this view is confirmed when lithological comparisons are instituted between the different portions of this great area. No important differences of a general nature can be shown to exist between the gneisses of the various regions named. The gneiss west of the Connecticut closely resembles much that occurs east of Worcester; and it is believed the same may be said of the argillites and mica slates. The gneiss and mica slate east of the Connecticut are usually regarded as essentially identical with the rocks of the White Mountains as typical Mont Alban; and it seems necessary, in the light of the facts now known, to conclude, provisionally at least, that the rocks of Wachusett and the Hoosac range are synchronous. And, since the rocks west of the Connecticut lie in N.-S. bands, continuous with similar bands in Vermont, the inference seems probable that the gneiss of the Green Mountains is also of Mont Alban age. The limestone, quartzite, talcoid slate, and clay slate, in Berkshire county, appear on the Centennial Map substan- tially as on previous maps. In the region of Great Barring- ton and Stockbridge, however, some important alterations of boundaries will be observed, which are based principally upon the published observations of Prof. J. D. Dana. Prof. Dana's views concerning the order of succession of these various rocks and their lithological relations are, in the main, adopted here. All the rocks named seem to belong to one and the same series, which is essentially conformable through- out. The limestone lies principally at the base of the series, and is overlaid on the east by the quartzite, which is fre- quently in terst ratified with and passes into mica slate and gneiss. Toward the west, the quartzite is mainly replaced by mica slate ; and this, farther west, gradually becomes the 40 so-called talcoid slate, which is essentially hydro-micaceous. Thus the quartzite, mica slate, and talcoid slate appear to be stratigraphically the same. And above these, it is believed, belongs the clay slate, of which only a small portion lies within the limits of Massachusetts. The age of these rocks is regarded as yet an open ques- tion. This series is, however, undoubtedly newer than the gneiss of the Hoosac Mountains ; and it seems probable that it will ultimately prove to be, as an increasing number of geologists are inclined even now to regard it, older than the Primordial ; i. e^ may be taken, as suggested farther back, to represent the close of Eozoic time. But, in view of the great uncertainty in which this question is shrouded, I have on the map applied to the different members of what may be* called the Berkshire county series no terms having chron- ological significance. The names employed are, Eolian lime- stone, quartzite, Taconic slate, and clay slate. With the quartzite are included the gneiss and mica slate with which it is associated. Taconic slate has no reference to the form- ation so named by Emmons, but means simply the slate of the Taconic Mountains; the object in using this term being to distinguish this talcoid slate from the talcoid slate farther east. Though having, as already stated, no settled opinion relative to the age of these rocks, I have, however, in the ex- planatory column connected with the map, grouped together^ partly for the sake of convenience, the different members ot .this series, and the talcoid slates to the eastward, and placed the whole at the top of the Eozoic. PALEOZOIC. Although the fossils characteristic of the Acadian group have been found at only one locality in Massachusetts, viz. ? Hay ward's quarry, in Brain tree, yet most observers agree that the greater portion of the slates in the vicinity of Boston are probably of Primordial age ; and I have so represented them on the map. Argillite occurs on Kent's Island, in BK . OF . Newbury, apparently folded up in the felsite, though possibly thrown down by a fault, which has been frequently referred to the Primordial ; and I have here taken the same view of the matter. This argillite is associated with conglomerate which resembles some that I have referred to the Primordial in the vicinity of Boston. The hard metamorphic slate in the vicinity of Newport, R. I., has also been referred provis- ionally to this horizon. The Norfolk county belt of conglomerate, which stretches, with varying width, through the towns of Braintree, Ran- dolph, Canton, Norwood, Walpole, and Wrentham, into Rhode Island, and which may be traced thence, more or less continuously, to Pawtucket and Providence, has quite dis- tinctive characters. It has been well described by Prof. Edward Hitchcock, and, later, by Mr. W. W. Dodge. This series is probably, as Prof. Hitchcock long ago suggested, older than the Carboniferous ; and yet, on the other hand, it seems to be newer than the Primordial ; and I have, therefore, followed Prof. Hitchcock, and referred it provisionally to the Devonian, assuming it to be equivalent to the Catskill or Old Red Sandstone. Gray conglomerates and sandstones, precisely similar to the genuine Carboniferous, have been observed along the middle of this Devonian belt, in Wrentham ; also by Mr. F. W. Very, in Walpole, and Mr. W. W. Dodge, in Canton. These observations seem to indicate the existence of a tongue of Carboniferous rocks extending north-east from the Carboniferous basin and splitting the Devonian band ; and I have ventured to represent it so on the map. The conglomerate so well developed about Boston, and widely known as the Roxbury conglomerate, is lithologically identical with the Carboniferous conglomerate of Bristol county and Rhode Island, and seems to be similarly related to the Primordial rocks. It has been frequently referred to the Carboniferous horizon; and, in view of the facts just cited, and the absence of any positive evidence to the con- 6 trary, this is certainly the most probable view of its age. Nevertheless, it closely resembles the Primordial conglom- erate of this vicinity ; and, in the absence of paleontological characters, we are obliged to rely upon their stratigraphical relations as a means of determining their relative distribu- tion, and this, on account of the drift-covered nature of the country, seems wholly inadequate. Yet it is probably safe to regard as newer than the Primordial, the great unbroken mass of conglomerate lying between the Boston and Albany Railroad and a line running S. 80 W. from Savin Hill to the Charles River. Near the low water line, 011 the north-east shore of Marble- head Neck, unconformably overlying the ' banded felsites, is a hard, whitish, fine grained sandstone, or arenaceous slate. I have shown, in the paper referred to on page 5, that it is probably newer than the Primordial, and have referred it to the Carboniferous. The boundaries of the Triassic formation in the Connect- icut valley have not been altered ; but three shades of color have been used to represent the three divisions of this form- ation. The eastern boundary of the Miocene on Martha's Vine- yard has been altered in accordance with data furnished by Prof. N. S. Shaler. The deposit marked as Champlain, on the eastern end of Nantucket, has been proved to belong to this recent period by the investigations of Mr. S. H. Scudder and Mr. A. E. Verrill. To the same age are referred the fossiliferous de- posits in Truro, on Cape Cod, and on Point Shirley, near Boston. GEOLOGY OF THE NASHUA VALLEY. BY L. S. BURBANK. The Wachusett range of highlands forms the western boundary of the valley of the Nashua. There is also, east of the valley, a parallel range of less elevation, extending from Worcester and Shrewsbury to the northern boundary of the State in Tyngsborough. This latter range is a well marked feature in the topography of the region, and forms a water- shed and climatic division of considerable importance. A branch of the main valley extends from the north part of Harvard, north-easterly, to the Merrimac River. Two other minor valleys extend westward ; one along the North branch of the Nashua to Fitchburg, another from Groton, through Shirley and Townsend to Ashby. The widest part of the valley is near the junction of the north and south branches of the river at Lancaster. Here are the broad and fertile intervales or flood-plains, that at- tracted the attention of the colonists, and led to the early settlement of the valley. Near the northern boundary of the State, the hills on either side, in Pepperell and Dunstable, approach nearer the river, which here has cut its channel through sandy and barren plains of the Terrace Formation to its junction with the Merrimac. In this sketch of the geology of the valley, I include, also, some observations on (43) 44 the region bordering it on the east ; embracing the first range of highlands and a part of the valley of the Merrimac. The rock formations of this region may be classified litho- logically, as follows : 1. Argillite. 2. Mica Slate and Quartzite. 3. Granite and granitoid Gneiss. There are also beds of conglomerate of small extent associ- ated with the argillite and mica slate; and, enclosed in strata of gneiss, are several nodular masses of crystalline magnesian limestone, that have been regarded by some geologists as parts of true beds contemporaneous with the gneiss. The principal argillite beds form a band extending north and north-easterly from Worcester to the northern boundary of the State. The widest part of the band is seen in the towns of Lancaster and Shirley, and here some of the beds are quite regular and the lamination smooth and even, form- ing a good roofing slate. For the most part, however, the strata are much disturbed and contorted, and abound in veins and lenticular masses of quartz. The strike of the strata varies from nearly due north to north-east, averaging, where most regular, N. 15 E. A section across the widest part of the band shows a uniform westerly dip of 45 to 90, and the mica slate on the western border appears to overlie it conformably, as if forming a part of the same series. Some small areas on the eastern side near the granite have an east- erly dip at a small angle, as in Harvard, on the west side of Prospect Hill. The mica slate associated with the argillite extends in a narrow band, southward, from Worcester to the southern boundary of the State, where it nearly dis- appears, passing into gneiss. In its northern and eastern ex- tension it is separated by the granite, and forms two distinct ranges; 1st, that which encloses the argillite and lies mostly in the valley of the Nashua, 2d, a range which, bending eastward, extends in a narrow band along the valley of the Merrimac. Parallel to this latter range, on the north-west side, and sep- arated from it by the granite, the mica slate extends from the Nashua River in Groton to the Menimae in Tyngsborough, in a band having a uniform southeasterly dip, thus forming a synclinal which includes the granite. Beyond the Merrimac in this direction, the slate disappears, passing into gneiss. That this narrow range of slate belongs to the same system with the Lowell slates is indicated, not only by its position, but by similarity in mineral ogical character. A peculiar, choc- olate-colored, quartzose mica slate, that abounds in the vicinity of Pawtucket Falls, in Lowell, is exactly identical, in appearance, with slates from the steatite quarry in West Groton, and from several other localities in Groton, Duns- table, and TyngsboroKgh. The slates on the eastern side of the granite range are very variable in mineralogical character, but all become coarser toward the south-eastern border, and finally pass into gneiss. In the vicinity of Lowell, there are numerous beds of very coarse feldspathic gneiss, interstratified with the mica slate. The same structure is seen, also, throughout the range, as far south as Bolton. Further south, in Clinton and Boylston, numerous bands of quartzite are interstratified with the slate, which here crops out abundantly, forming some of the high- est hills of the range east of the Nashua valley. In Harvard and Bolton, east of the granite range and closely connected with the slates just described, beds of con- glomerate occur, interstratified with argillite, which here coincides in strike and dip with the mica slates. (Strike, N. 65 to 70 E. Dip, 45 to 80 N. W.) This conglomerate is very interesting from its relations to the surrounding rocks, and the remarkable changes that portions of it have undergone. It appears in a range extending from Pin Hill, in Harvard, to the summit of Wattoquotoc in the south-west part of Bolton, forming several high hills, that are marked features of the landscape. The series of specimens that I have placed in the Cabinet of the Society shows that the pebbles have, in many cases, been flattened, bent, and even drawn out into layers, giving an agate-like structure to some of the rock. While the specimens collected indicate some of the changes, only a careful study of the localities can show how complete is the transition from a sedimentary to a crys- talline rock. The principal conglomerate beds lie between hills of poryhyiitic granite on the west and north, and mica slate and gneiss on the south-east, yet not a pebble of granite or gneiss, so far as I have seen, enters into its composition, and the slaty pebbles that occur, appear to belong to argillite rather than mica slate. Some ten miles to the south-west, however, are extensive beds of slate, interstratified with a quartz! te closely resembling the pebbles that form the mass of the conglomerate. The conglomerate beds are most abun- dant and least altered in Harvard, at the most northern locality where they appear. On tracing them southward, in the direction of the strike of the strata, they are seen to become more altered and less distinct in character, until they are completely blended with enclosing, conformable strata of mica slate. In a large exposure of the rock, on the sum- mit of Wattoquotoc, in Bolton, only a few small spots can be found where the conglomerate structure can be made out. Further south the rock is entirely crystalline, showing no traces of mechanical origin. The rock which immediately encloses the beds of slate and conglomerate at Harvard is of a very peculiar character, as shown by specimens that I have placed in the Society's Col- lection. It appears in unstratified masses, resembling granite, but mixed with fragments of slate, and destitute of mica; and also as a schistose feldspathic gneiss in which slaty part- icles take the place of mica, while the feldspar is in imperfect rounded crystals, giving a porphyritic aspect to the rock. The area colored to represent granite and granitoid gneiss is much larger than has hitherto appeared on any geological map of the region. It covers, however, only the region where granite predominates, though there are, especially in the north-eastern division, near the Merrimac River, some intercalated, beds of well stratified gneiss. From Groton southward to Boylston, this granite is decidedly porphyritic,. and in Clinton and Berlin, where it is largely developed, the crystals of orthoclase are very large and perfect, often two inches or more in diameter. Further south it passes into porphyitic and ordinary gneiss. I have included .the granite of Worcester in the same formation, though it cannot be shown that it is actually connected with the same range. It may, perhaps, be more properly classed with some smaller out-crops of granite that occur among the slates west of the principal range. From the facts observed, it seems reasonable to infer that this granite is a metamorphic rock, produced by alteration of deeply buried sediments underlying the slates, together with some portions of the same series of slates and conglomerates that appear in their partly altered condition at the surface. The least altered of the slates and conglomerates probably formed the highest parts of an elevated range, which settled to its present position simultaneously with the elevation of the softened material which formed the granite -range. The gneiss on the south-eastern side of the range of slates contains the magnesian limestones to which I have referred. Several of the larger deposits occur in a line coinciding with the strike of the gneiss, which extends through Bolton, Box- boro', Littleton, and Chelmsford. I have elsewhere 1 given reasons for holding that these limestones are not true beds, but segregated masses of a vein-like character, derived by solution from the' enclosing strata of gneiss. This view, which was maintained in opposition to the theory of their organic origin, was not altogether new, as may be seen, by the following quotation from Hitchcock's Geology of Mass. (1841), p. 563. " The geological situation of these limestone masses, and their mineral character, are so similar that one description will embrace 1 See Froc. Boston Soc. of Nat. History, Vol.' xiv, p. 19f>. ' 48 them all. They all correspond to the description which Dr. Maccul- loch gives of the limestone of Tirey, one of the Western Islands of Scotland ; 'It is,' says he, ' improperly called a bed, as it is only an irregular rock, lying among the gneiss, without stratification or con- tinuity. In this respect, it resembles the greater number of primary limestones found in gneiss and mica slate, and may be considered as a nodule.' " It is true that the rock at Chelmsford and Bolton, which con- tains the so-called Eozoon Canadense has some appearance of stratification, but this is for the most part a banded structure, which is seen only on and near the walls of the cavities, while the mass of' the limestone shows no appearance of stratification. It is not improbable, however, that some por- tions of the impure limestone of the walls may be partially altered strata of the gneiss. It is a fact of some significance also, that, while the unstratified mass of the deposits is dolo- mite, the limestone of the walls is nearly pure calcite, filled and penetrated in every direction with crystals of various mag- nesian silicates, and the serpentine takes various concretion- ary forms, or appears as chrysotile veins traversing the ser- pentine masses and granules, and sometimes investing them, forming a fibrous wall on their surfaces, as they occur im- bedded in the calcite. In these localities, the eozoonal forms occur only near the walls of the cavities and associated with other minerals; never in the principal masses of the lime- stone. At Chelmsford, the gneiss enclosing the limestone has clearly an anticlinal position; at the other localities, this structure is not so plainly shown, but I think the same theory will account for all the deposits, viz., that they are vein-like, concretionary masses, filling cavities in the gneiss, and bccur- ing especially along the line of a nearly closed and reversed anticlinal fold. The great number of mineral species associ- ated with this limestone, some of which are characteristic vein minerals, tends to confirm this view. The following is a list of minerals found in the limestone of Bolton, Box- boro', Littleton, and Chelmsford : Scapolite, boltonite, nut- talite, chondrodite, petalite, sphene, pyroxene, diopside, apa- 49 tite, actinolite, asbestus, augite, allanite, coccolite, pargasite, chromite, pyrite, magnesite, phlogopite, talc, ophite, chrys- otile, satin spar, rhomb spar, allanite, spinel, garnet. In the vicinity of Lowell, the slates are intersected by numerous dykes of diorite, which sometimes occur as appar- ent beds included between the layers of mica and hornblende slate. One of these dykes at Pawtucket Falls is interesting as showing fine examples of boulders of disintegration. A dyke which is included between nearly perpendicular strata of slate appears at the surface as if composed of numerous boulders, closely packed, and somewhat regularly arranged. Some of the rounded masses have become detached, and slightly water-worn, and these cannot be distinguished by their appearance from boulders of trap, in the ordinary drift. Whether an original concretionary structure in the rock has determined the size and form of these boulder-like masses ; or whether ordinary decomposition and exfoliation, beginning on the corners and edges of blocks resulting from a jointed structure, has produced them, may be doubtful. In either case, the facts indicate that some of the rounded boulders of the drift may owe their forms less to any mechanical action of wearing and grinding, than to such a process of previous decomposition and exfoliation. 1 A small trap dyke, three or four inches in width, that tra- verses the gneiss and limestone in one of the quarries at Chelmsford, exhibits an irregular lamination, causing it to separate, when broken, into transverse, flattened, somewhat prismatic layers. As these occur in place in the dyke, they are uniformly bent upward in the centre, showing that the material when forced into the fissure was in a plastic condi- tion and adhered to the walls on each side. The trap rock of the numerous dykes near the Pawtucket Falls, in Lowell, abounds in joints which divide it into small blocks. These blocks are often coated with a black, or dark green mineral, generally striated or semi-fibrous in structure, and having a 1 See Proc. Boston Soc. of Nat. History, Vol. XVI, p. 150. 50 brilliant, polished appearance on the surface, exactly resem- bling, in some specimens, the appearance on the walls of veins, which has been called slicken-sides. At Lowell, such layers occur on all sides of angular blocks, in positions show- ing that their polished appearance cannot be due to any mechanical process of grinding or sliding over another sur- face of rock. These coatings are generally very thin, but sometimes occur in layers of half an inch or more in thick- ness, forming a distinct mineral, which in physical and chem- ical characters closely resembles delessite. In regard to the position in the geological scale of the rock formations here described, I have no very positive opin- ions to offer. I have been inclined to regard the gneiss east of the Nashua valley as belonging to a distinct system older than the Wachusett gneiss. The mica slate, also, which is interstratified with it and overlies it conformably, evidently belongs to the same continuous series. On the western bor- der of the valley the mica slate has still a westerly dip, and appears to pass under the nearly horizontal strata of the Wachusett gneiss. The peculiar concretionary veins con- taining beryl and tourmaline crystals, which characterize the Wachusett gneiss, do not occur east of the mica slate. The slates containing andalusite and staurolite are abundant on the western border of the valley, but do not occur east of the argillite. The gneiss east of the valley is generally more compact, heavier and less micaceous than that of the Wachu- sett range. The argillite beds also appear, for the most part, to occur in strata conformable with the mica slate, and, on the west- em border especially, they are so blended that no well marked boundary line between them can be laid down. The andalusite crystals characteristic of this part of the forma- tion occur abundantly in both the mica slate and argillite. The argillite beds are generally highly inclined, and in many places nearly in a vertical position. They are also much 51 contorted, and filled with veins, layers, and lenticular masses of quartz. For reasons, some of which I have stated above, I have heretofore regarded the gneiss, mica slate, and argillite, as forming a continuous series, all older than the gneiss of the Wachusett range. Mr. Crosby has proposed a different view, which will explain most of the facts quite satisfactorily, on the theory that the strata have been brought into their pres- ent relations by the occurrence of several faults, by which the slates have been brought in contact with the granite and gneiss. While I have no doubt that vertical movements to a considerable extent have occurred, especially among the rocks east of the valley in Harvard and Bolton, I think there is evidence showing that these movements took place when some of the rocks were in a highly plastic, and almost fluid condition, so that the porphyritic granite of Harvard, for example, though undoubtedly metamorphic, may also be re- garded as an eruptive mass. With the exception of the granite and gneiss used for building, few valuable products are obtained from the rock of this region. The argillite of Lancaster was formerly quarried for roofing slate, and recently the debris from the old quarries has been ground into " slate flour" to be used as paint, and in compositions for roofing. The metamorphic slate of Harvard was formerly sawed into slabs and used for gravestones and other purposes, but these quarries have not been worked for many years. In Leominster, a fine arenaceous mica slate has been man- ufactured into scythe stones, which have acquired a consider- able local reputation, the farmers of the neighboring towns generally preferring them to all other kinds. The manufacture of lime, which was carried on more than fifty years ago, at Bolton, Chelmsford, Boxboro' and Littleton, was continued at Bolton till about fifteen years ago. The other quarries were abandoned many years before. I have learned that the work was abandoned, in most cases, on ac- 52 count of the exhaustion of the limestone, or the increased difficulty in quarrying it, rather than from any lack of demand for the lime. There are numerous veins and nodules, and sometimes intercalated beds of ferruginous quartz associated with the argillites and mica slates of the Nashua Valley. This quartz is of a vitreous character, and entirely distinct from the quartzite layers that are abundant in the older slates. The close resemblance of these rocks to the gold-bearing quartz of North Carolina and Virginia, is certainly very striking. Many excavations have been made in them in search of gold. I do not know that any proper test has been made to determine the question whether any gold is really to be found in them. I have examined many speci- mens from different localities, with the microscope, but find no gold visible. These veins are especially numerous near the eastern border of the argillite in Harvard and Boylston. At the latter place I have examined several openings made by returned Californian miners, where the decomposing sul- phides are very abundant in the quartz veins, and I am not surprised that the attention of persons familiar with gold- bearing veins of other regions was attracted to these localities. New excavations have recently been made in the old lead mine in the south part of Sterling, but nothing of value was obtained. It is not uncommon to find, in the quartz veins and nodules enclosed in the slates, some traces of galena and copper pyrites, as well as of the ores of iron, but no well- marked veins of any value have yet been discovered in any part of the region that I have explored. The anthracite of Worcester was fully described in Prof. Hitchcock's Report. No other similar beds have been found in the formation, and this has not been found valuable, nor explored to any considerable extent. No fossils having been found in the associated slates, the deposit is not specially im- portant in its geological significance. IBlc 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. LD 21-40m-l,'68 (H7452slO)476 General Library University of California Berkeley Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAT. JAN. 21, 1908