UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR Published by the McGrawrHill Book. Company ^ Successors to theBookDepartments of tKe McGraw Publishing Company Hill Publishing" Company Publishers of E>ooks for Electrical World TKe Engineering and Mining Journal TKe Engineering Record Power and TKe Engineer Electric Railway Journal American Machinist THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOE BY F. R. LOW Editor of POWER and THE ENGINEER THIRD EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY 239 WEST 39TH STREET, NEW YORK 6 BOUVERIE STREET, LONDON, E.G. 1910 Copyright, 1910 BY THE McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY PREFACE THE steam-engine indicator has become at once the tool of a trade and the instrument of a science. The operating engineer employs it to perfect the adjustment of valves and to measure power, the physicist to investigate thermodynamic transfers and to trace the cycle of the heat engine. It is to steam engineering at once the commercial scale and the chemical balance. The following contributions to the literature of the instrument and its diagrams have been prepared from time to time by the writer for the columns of Power, and are addressed to the practical man who desires to apply the indicator as an instrument of ordinary precision to the prob- lems of steam-engine design and operation. F. R. LOW. 211748 CONTENTS CHAPTER I SELECTION AND CARE OF THE INSTRUMENT Degree of accuracy required Lightness Freedom from friction Paral- lelism Lost motion Proportional movement The spring Size of drum Vacuum springs Scales Duplicate parts Leads Lubrication Paper. CHAPTER II REDUCING MOTION 11 The pendulum lever Directions for proportioning and for leading off the cord Defects of pendulum motions Lever of fixed length Lever of variable length Connection to cross-head Distortion from improper connection The pantograph Adjusting the length of diagram Setting the pantograph Locat- ing the pantograph Reducing wheels Testing the accuracy of the motion. CHAPTER III APPLICATION 27 Location of instrument Tapping the cylinder Cock connections Side pipes and three-way cocks Objectionable connections Attaching the instru- ment The cord Management of the cord Centering the diagram Drum tension Preparing and fixing the lead Selection of springs Lubrication Testing in position Putting on the card Care of instrument after use. CHAPTER IV THE DIAGRAM 40 Graphic representation applied to the action of steam in the cylinder The ideal diagram Departures therefrom in the actual Definition of the various lines. viii CONTENTS CHAPTER V PAGE THE ADMISSION LINE 44 Typical admission lines The proper form Effect of late admission Of tardy exhaust closure Loops due to lateness Loops due to excessive com- pression Points at top of admission line Effect of excessive lead. CHAPTER VI THE STEAM LINE 47 The loss from boiler pressure The desirable form Effect of wire-drawing Steam-chest diagrams Locating cause of loss of pressure Proportioning steam mains arid ports Initial humps in steam lines Effects of increased pis- ton speed Throttle-governed engines Diagrams without any steam line- Modified by the admission. CHAPTER VII THE EXPANSION LINE 53 Relation of volume and pressure in a perfect fluid Rule for finding the pres- sure at any point in the stroke Plotting the expansion curve by several meth- ods Determining the point of cut-off Locating the clearance line What the theoretical expansion line shows Departures from it in practice Transparent chart of theoretical expansion lines and its use. CHAPTER VIII THE POINT OF RELEASE 64 The desirable form The form to be avoided A frequently necessary com- promise Value of early release with condenser Effect of terminal pressure Loop from excessive expansion. CHAPTER IX THE COUNTER-PRESSURE LINE 67 The unbalanced or effective pressure Effect of pipe and port friction Pro- portioning exhaust pipes and ports Back pressure inappreciable with good design Uniform back pressure Effect of tardy release and compression Humps in compression line Effect of excessive compression. CHAPTER X THE COMPRESSION LINE 70 The inverse of expansion Same curve applicable to the ideal case Locat- ing clearance line from compression curve Compression in a condensing engine Effect of counter pressure on compression Use of compression in taking CONTEXTS ix PAGE up the momentum of the moving parts Effect of compression on clearance l oss Amount of compression advisable Typical compression lines Loop from excessive compression Falling off from the ideal curve Effects of con- densation and leakage. CHAPTER XI MEASUREMENT OF THE DIAGRAM FOR MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURE 77 The "mean effective pressure " explained The ordinate method Spacing the ordinates Measuring the ordinates. Use of parallel rules and engineer's scales Measuring negative loops. CHAPTER XII THE PLANIMETER 83 The mean height of the diagram is proportional to the mean effective pres- sure Reducing the diagram to its mean height from its known area Use of planimeter for determining area Description of instrument Reading the ver- nier Best position for use Tracing the diagram Treatment of loops Check- ing the readings Measuring the length of the diagram Rule to find the mean effective pressure Planimeters with adjustable tracing arms Reading directly in horse-power Directions for making and using the hatchet planim- eter The Coffin averaging instrument. CHAPTER XIII COMPUTING THE HORSE-POWER : 96 Force Work The foot pound^-The horse-power Simple formula for horse-power Rules and examples The horse-power constant Rule for find- ing same Table of horse-power constants Use of table Allowing for the piston rod The power of the individual strokes Balancing the effort. CHAPTER XIV MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURE AND POINT OF CUT-OFF BY COMPUTATION 113 Relation of hyperbola to containing rectangle Directions for finding the mean pressure represented by an ideal diagram of a given pressure and ratio of expansion Allowing for departures from the ideal Table for computing mean and initial pressures, points of cut-off, ratios of expansion and clearance Examples The effect of clearance The real and apparent ratios of expan- sion. CHAPTER XV STEAM CONSUMPTION FROM THE DIAGRAM 119 Volume generated per hour per horse-power Value of ihat volume in pounds of steam Correction of volume for clearance Rule to find steam con- CONTENTS 13750 sumption from diagram Example Table of values of Volume of new JVl.xLi.-r. steam indicated by distance between expansion and compression lines Rule for determining consumption by this line Computing steam consumption from compound engine diagrams. CHAPTER XVI DIAGRAMS FROM COMPOUND ENGINES, CLEARANCE NEGLECTED 134 Use of different scales for the different cylinders Reducing diagrams to the same scale Comparison of diagrams in this condition Reduction of diagram to same scales of volumes The combined diagrams Comparison of the com- bined diagram with the ideal. CHAPTER XVII DIAGRAMS FROM COMPOUND ENGINES, CLEARANCE CONSIDERED 139 Locations of the diagrams with reference to the line of zero volume Rela- tion of the steam line of the low-pressure diagram to the counter-pressure line of the high Effect of receiver capacity Effect of change of load Effect of varying cut-off in low-pressure cylinder. CHAPTER XVIII ERRORS IN THE DIAGRAM 145 Error from the use of the pendulum motion Error with lever of fixed length vibrating 90 Error with same lever vibrating 35 to 40 Amount of error allowable Error from lack of parallelism between cord and guides Error due to indirect connection of indicator. CHAPTER XIX MEASURING THE CLEARANCE 155 Direction for measuring by equal volumes of water Correction for riser pipe By calculated volume of water By weight of water By time required to fill Professor Sweet's method of equal weights Diagram to determine without calculation the proportion of clearance to displacement. THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR CHAPTER I SELECTION AND CARE OF THE INSTRUMENT THERE are at this writing nine or ten different steam engine indicators upon the market. As a guide to its readers in determining which of these is best suited to their purpose, it shall be the province of this work only to specify the requirements of a perfect instrument, point out the possible sources of error in the instrument as made, detail the methods of testing foi such faults, and leave the reader to purchase the degree of accuracy necessary for his purpose at the lowest available price. For certain classes of work, such as the ordinary setting of valves, the measurement of horse-power for purposes of daily record in factory work, etc., extreme accuracy is not essential. A man does not buy a chemist's balance to weigh sugar, nor an expensive chronometer for a kitchen clock. An instrument which is ordinarily correct will answer many purposes to which an indicator may be advantageously applied, and its inherent errors will probably be less than those of manipula- tion and observation. For other classes of work, however, the utmost attainable precision must be insisted upon, and the very best instruments made are not good enough. In a 72-inch low-pressure cylinder there will be developed over 100 horse-power per pound of mean effective pressure. The varia- tion of one one-hundredth of an inch in the mean height of a diagram from one end of this cylinder would mean, with a 10-pound spring, a difference of over five horse-power in the result. If this engine were in a vessel, built as others have been with a bonus or forfeit of one hundred dollars per horse-power above or below that called for in the contract, the omney involved in its exact determination would warrant the extreme of expense and pains in securing the utmost attainable precision in the measuring instruments. THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR In a perfect indicator the pencil should, by its vertical position on the diagram, represent exactly the pressure beneath the indicator pis- ton at any instant; and by its horizontal position, the point which the piston has reached in its stroke at the same instant. This simple con- dition is impossible of attainment in practice, from the fact that the materials of which indicators are made have mass. As soon as they are put into motion we have momentum to carry both the pencil and the drum away from the point to which they would have been carried by the pressure and reducing -motion alone, and their inertia to prevent their instantaneous response to a change in conditions. Lightness. It may, therefore, be concluded that, other things being equal, that instrument will give the best results in which the least weight is moved through the least distance for the production of diagrams of equal size, assuming always that enough material is used to give the necessary strength and rigidity. Freedom from Friction is a quality that an indicator should possess in the greatest possible degree. Detach the piston and see that the pencil levers will drop freely and with- out any suspicion of a catch from any position within the working- range of the instrument. With the piston attached, but without any spring, raise the piston by taking hold of the pencil delicately, and work the pencil lever up and down through the full limit of its motion, feeling carefully for any interruption to its movement. Then raising the pencil nearly to the top of the paper-drum, cover the hole through which steam is admitted to the indicator with the thumb, as in Fig. 1. The pencil FIG. 1. should sink slowly through the whole range of its motion, but should drop instantly from any point upon the removal of the thumb. Do not get the piston too tight through fear of its leaking. It has a whole boilerful of steam behind it part of the time, and a large volume always, and no noticeable difference in pressure will result from any leakage which can take place unless the leakage is so excessive as to increase the pressure on top of the piston. On condens- ing engines the vacuum, as indicated by the indicator, may be materially SELECTION AND CARE OF THE INSTRUMENT 3 reduced if the piston is too loose, and it is unpleasant and uncleanly to have too much steam and . water leaking and spattering about the instrument. The piston which will sustain the test shown in Fig. 1 will be found tight enough without excessive friction. Parallelism. The line in which the point of the pencil moves should be parallel with the axis of the paper-drum, in order both that the pencil may bear upon the paper equally in all portions of its stroke, and that its vertical movement may be at right angles with the horizontal move- ment of the paper. With the piston attached but with no spring, adjust the stop so that you can just see daylight between the point of the pencil and the paper on the drum. Then raise the pencil slowly through its full range by pushing the piston, and notice if the pencil point keeps the same distance from the paper. If it does not, either the spindle of the barrel is out of line with the indicator cylinder, or the pencil motion is out of line. Still sighting between the pencil and the paper, rotate the barrel by drawing out the cord. If the paper touches the pencil, or moves away from it, the drum is out of shape or improperly centered. Now, allowing the pencil to touch the paper, push the piston upward, drawing a fine vertical line upon the card; then, with the spring attached, rotate the barrel, and draw a fine horizontal line. These lines should be perfectly straight throughout their lengths, and at right angles with each other, a condition which may be tested with the triangles after the card is removed from the paper-drum as FIG. 2. shown in Fig. 2. If the lines do not comply with these conditions, the natural inference will be that the pencil movement is incorrect, although the horizontal line may be thrown out by any vertical movement of the cylinder upon its spindle. Lost Motion is usually a matter more of adjustment than of manu- facture. Put a stiff spring into the indicator, and carefully feel at the end of the pencil lever for any unrestrained movement. Should such be found, its cause should be searched for in the connection of the piston rod to the piston and pencil motion, through all the joints of the parallel motion, in the fit of the collar which carries the mechanism, and if it can- not be corrected by adjustment without making the instrument too stiff to comply with the friction test above described, the instrument should be rejected. 4 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR Proportional Movement. The movement of the pencil should be proportional to that of the piston. This is an important requirement, but more difficult of test. A screw of perfectly uniform pitch should be arranged to communicate its movement to the indicator piston. With a little ingenuity a micrometer caliper can be adapted to this purpose. Turn the screw up until it has a firm bearing against the piston, then apply the pencil of the indicator to the paper and make a line by moving the drum. Then turn the screw through a number of equal distances, repeating the marking process each time. The piston having been moved through an equal space after each marking, the spaces between the lines upon the paper should be equal. Care must be taken in arrang- FIG. 3. FIG. 4. ing and manipulating this test. The pencil movement is from four to six times that of the piston, and any failure to move the piston through equal spaces will introduce apparent errors which will be magnified upon the card. Count the spaces between the lines which you have drawn, then count off the same number of spaces upon an equally divided scale of such magnitude that the aggregate length of the given number of spaces on the scale will not be less than the distance between the outside lines upon the paper. Then lay the scale across the pencil lines, as shown by Fig. 3, in such a way that the number of spaces laid oft 7 on the scale will SELECTION AND CARP: OF THE INSTRUMENT 5 just reach from the top to the bottom line on the diagram. For example, in the diagram shown in Fig. 3 there are 25 spaces. A "ten to the inch" scale is laid diagonally across with its zero and 25 lines upon the out- side lines of the diagram. If the lines of the diagram are equally spaced they will coincide with the divisions of the scale, as in Fig. 3. If the multiplying motion of the indicator is incorrect the spaces of the diagram will be unequal, and their inequality will be apparent by their failure to meet the divisions of the scale, as in Fig. 4. The Spring is the actual measuring factor of the indicator, and the apparatus required for its testing is too complicated and expensive to be at the command of the average purchaser. The test ought to be made under as nearly as possible the conditions of use, i.e., under steam pressure, so that all the factors of temperature, etc., will be present. Most of the manufacturers will make such tests of springs for purchasers, and the diagrams of the test may be kept as a record of the degree of accuracy of the instrument at that time. It is well also to have such tests made occasionally after the instrument has been in use, and espe- cially just before and after applying it to work of particular importance. The test consists of applying steam to the indicator piston at pressures increasing by equal amounts, say, for ordinary springs, five pounds. As each five pounds is reached a line is drawn upon the card, a standard gage or, better, a mercury column, being used to indicate the pressures. The pressure is then allowed to fall, and marks are again made as the gage passes the points which were noted in the upward series. If the spring and all the transmitting and recording mechanism were perfect, and the indicator without friction, the spaces for equal changes in pressure would be of equal width, and the lines indicating the same pressures would be coincident, whether drawn when the piston was going up or coming down. This degree of perfection is rarely if ever reached, for even if the spring compresses equal distances for equal increments of pressure throughout its entire range, and its movement is transmitted correctly to the pencil, the friction of the piston, of the pencil movement, and of the pencil on the paper all combine in opposing the motion of the piston in both directions, so that the lines of the upward series are too low and those of the downward series too high by an amount .equivalent to the frictional resistance upon the scale of the spring. A very small amount of pressure at the piston would, however, take care of all this, so that the wide discrepancy often shown between the upward and downward diagrams is more liable to be due to the failure of the operator to catch the pencil at the same point than to the inordinate amount of friction which they indicate. The above qualities are necessary to an indicator for accuracy. Other points, more in the nature of conveniences than essentials, but which 6 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR may be well considered in selecting an instrument, are the comparative simplicity of changing springs, adjustment for height of- atmospheric line, changing from right to left hand and vice versa, adjusting the drum- spring and leading pulley, attaching the indicator to the cock, etc. Pencil Holder. For holding the lead, the end of the pencil lever in some indicators is formed into a light steel quill of a size which will hold the lead firmly when forced through it. In other makes the end of the pencil lever is reinforced and threaded internally, the lead being screwed through it. The preference of the writer is decidedly for the first method. The quill being split lengthwise adapts itself by its elasticity 'to varying sizes of lead, and may be closed with a pair of pincers if it fails to close upon a lead of small diameter after being used with a larger size. As the point is shortened by resharpening, the lead can be pushed forward, and if it breaks off short it is easily pushed out of the holder with a match or toothpick. The threaded end is adapted to only one size of lead, which, with the short bearing afforded, is apt to get loose and wabble. If it breaks off short, it must be dug out of the threaded portion; and if the threaded method offers any compensating advantages the author has yet to learn of them. Selection of Springs. If the use of the instrument is to be confined to one's own plant it is easy to select a spring or set of springs adapted to the pressures and speeds to be encountered. If the instrument is to be used promiscuously, the more springs the operator can own the better will he be equipped to meet the conditions of practice. In select- ing a spring, aim to get as large a diagram as possible without undue distortion. If a diagram be taken with a 20 spring an error of measure- ment of one one-hundredth of an inch would influence the results only one-fifth of a pound. With a 50 spring the same error in measurement would represent a departure of one-half pound. Or since the average useful pressure upon which the power indicated by the diagram depends is proportional to the area of the diagram, consider a diagram taken with a 20 spring having an average height of 2 inches and a length of 4 inches as compared with one taken from the same cylinder with a 40 spring and a length of 2 inches. The area of the first diagram would be 8 inches, of the second 2 inches, and the average useful or "mean effective pressure " of course 40 in both cases. area scale area scale 8 X 4 2 =40. 2 X 2 4 =40. length length In the large diagram 40 pounds of pressure are represented by 8 inches of area, or 5 pounds to an inch, and an error in measurement of the area SELECTION AND CARE OF THE INSTRUMENT 7 of one one-hundredth of a square inch would involve an error of but five one-hundredths of a pound in the indicated pressure. In the case of the smaller diagram 40 pounds pressure is represented by 2 square inches of area, 20 pounds to the inch, and a deviation of one one-hun- dredth of a square inch from the truth in measuring this area will involve an error of two-tenths of a pound. It is therefore advisable to have the area as large as possible and have it right. On the other hand, the allowable movement of both the pencil and the drum is limited by the effects of momentum. At high speeds a light spring and long movement of the drum would result in a diagram so distorted by the effects of momentum and inertia as to introduce errors much more serious than those which are likely to occur from inaccurate measurement of a smaller and more perfect diagram. The speed as well as the pressure will therefore have a bearing upon the spring selected, and w r ill also influence the selection as between the standard size of paper-drum which is used for moderate speeds, and the smaller drums which some of the makers supply for high-speed work. Some manufacturers furnish two sizes of drums, which may be used inter- changeably upon the same instrument, adapting it to higher and lower speeds. In some instruments the position of the atmospheric line is fixed, in others it is adjustable, so that in indicating a non-condensing engine the base line may be lowered and the whole of the allowable movement of the pencil utilized for the height of the diagram. The springs made by American manufacturers are usually scaled decimally, that is, 10, 20, 30, 40, etc., pounds to the inch. Vacuum Springs. It is frequently desirable in condensing engines to obtain the lower or condensing portion of the diagram upon a larger scale than that of the spring available with the initial pressure used. With an initial pressure which demands a 60 spring, a realized vacuum of 12 pounds would be represented by a line only one-fifth of an inch below the atmospheric line, Fig. 5, giving a very small area to th3 condenser portion of the diagram. In order to obtain this area upon a larger scale, giving increased accuracy of measurement, showing more clearly the points of release and compression, etc., springs of low tension are sometimes fitted with bosses or studs, which prevent their closing beyond a certain point, while they are free to extend to any amount. In Figs. '5 and 6 are shown two diagrams, the first drawn to a 60 scale; and in Fig. 6 the shaded portion of the first diagram is shown expanded to a 10 scale. Notice how much more prominently the points of release and compression are shown, on account of the more rapid vertical movement with the same horizontal movement; and how much 8 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR less an error of a few hundredths of a square inch in measuring the area of the condensing portion of the card would affect the result. A spring made especially for this purpose by the American Steam Gauge Co. is shown in Fig. 7. It is wound so closely that the coils close upon themselves before the pencil movement can attain a dangerous amount of motion. The large number of coils lying in so nearly a horizontal Atmospheric Line FIG. 6. direction admits of sufficient elasticity with a good-sized wire, while there is a uniformity of movement throughout the desired range. These springs are scaled for extension only. SELECTION AND CARE OF THE INSTRUMENT 9 Scales. For a measuring scale, the author uses a 6-inch engineer's rule, triangular in cross-section, as shown in Fig. 8, and graduated upon its six edges to 20ths, 30ths, 40ths, 50ths, GOths, and SOths of an inch. This rule not only furnishes the six scales mentioned in one rule, but by estimating half spaces a 50 scale can be used for 100 and the 60 for 120, etc. With the lower scales, where the distances are greater, half pounds can be measured accurately by using the 60 scale for a 30 spring or the 40 for a 20, the 20 for a 10, etc. The 50 scale is also useful for measuring the length of the diagram, each division representing 0.02 of an inch, and the length of 6 inches being more than sufficient for any diagram. Duplicate Parts. Much annoyance and loss of time may be saved by carrying in the indicator box duplicates of those parts liable to loss 40 FIG. 7. FIG. 8. or derangement. An additional drum-spring, and two or three of the smaller screws which have to be frequently removed in changing springs, etc., and which are liable to disappear down a crack or somewhere else when most wanted, will allow a test to proceed smoothly, when its interruption would be particularly annoying from the insignificance of its cause. Leads. Select a hard lead of good smooth quality and of small diameter, and use but a small piece at a time. At the end of the pencil lever, where the motion is greatest, the weight should be reduced to the smallest possible value. If pointed with a fine file, and rubbed down with an emery stick, such as is used for sharpening draftsmen's pencils, or a fine stone, it will wear longer and be smoother and more satisfac- tory than if whittled into shape. A little metallic case of such leads already pointed is a^very convenient portion of an outfit. 10 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR Lubrication. For lubricating the bearings of the instrument a light machinery oil, one which will not gum or corrode, should be used. A small vial of such oil usually accompanies the instrument, some makers furnishing porpoise oil, such as is used for clocks and watches. The piston, however, is better lubricated with cylinder oil, and the small flat cans which are furnished for bicyclists' use, and which fit readily into the tray of the indicator box, furnish a convenient means of carry- ing a filtered supply in a form readily available for cleanly use. The manufacturer's filtering should not be accepted. Filter the oil carefully yourself, and see that the can is perfectly clean. A small particle of grit upon the piston of an indicator will not only throw the diagram into the most unaccountable contortions, but may scratch and injure both cylinder and piston to a serious degree. Paper. Use hard, tough, smoothly calendered paper of a width sufficient to include the highest allowable pencil travel and about an inch longer than the circumference of the barrel. Such paper can be procured cut to the desired size, of almost any printer. If a blank form is printed upon the back for the recording of data and observations, do not allow the printer to use so much impression as to spoil the smoothness and uniformity of the surface upon which the pencil works. I have seen cards so roughened up by leading points sticking through that it would be a wonder if a diagram could be drawn without the pencil point hitting some of them. Metallic paper is made by treating ordinary paper with sulphate of zinc. A metallic point will then trace a line upon it and such a hard, sharp point may be used instead of the ordinary lead. It would seem as though a tubular or trough pen might be made light and fine enough to replace the pencil point. The liquid contact once established, scarcely any pressure w r ould be required to make a record, and the diagram would be clean cut and legible. With the fine point and light pressure necessary with a pencil the diagram is often hard to see, and is quickly obliterated by handling. If inked in by hand there is always a question of the accuracy of the work and a diagram originally drawn with ink would present so many advantages that it is surprising that none of the various makers has applied to the indicator this device, which is used so universally upon other recording apparatus. CHAPTER II REDUCING MOTION IN order to use the indicator, a means must be provided for mov- ing the paper-drum in time with the engine piston. This movement is usually derived from the cross-head, and the appliance used to reduce the movement to that adapted to the paper-barrel is spoken of as the "reducing motion." The Pendulum Lever. The most primitive expedient for this pur- pose is a lever suspended from the ceiling or other suitable support, and connected at its lower end with the cross-head in such a way that it will be swung back and forth as the engine makes its revolutions, as in Fig. 9. The motion of the lever increases from nothing at the point of suspension to approximately the full stroke of the engine at the cross- 11 12 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR head end, the amount of motion being directly proportional to the dis- tance from the point of suspension. A point midway of the lever would have a motion equal to one-half the stroke; one-quarter of the way from the point of suspension, one-quarter stroke, etc. Letting / = distance between pivot and cord pin, L= length of lever, s= desired length of diagram, S = stroke of engine, then the diagram will be yths of the stroke, and the cord must be attached at a point -^ths of the total length of the lever from the point o of suspension. For that is, as the distance between the pivot and the point to which the cord is attached is to the total length of the lever, so is the motion at that point and the length of the diagram to be derived from that motion, to the stroke of the engine. Is Ls IS -j =-~ and l=-^r and S= T~- To Find the Point of Attachment, or the distance from the point of suspension at which the cord should be attached to produce a given length of diagram: RULE. Multiply the total length of the lever by the desired length of diagram, and divide by the stroke of the engine, all in inches. EXAMPLE. With a lever 60 inches in length on an engine of 24-inch stroke, how far would you attach the cord from the point of suspension to produce a diagram 4 inches in length? 60X4 Operation : = 10 inches. To Find the Length of Diagram produced by a cord at a given point of attachment: RULE. Multiply the distance from the pivot to the point of attachment by the stroke of the engine, and divide by the total length of the lever, all in inches. EXAMPLE. What length of diagram would be produced by attach- ing the cord 4^ inches from the pivot on a lever 20 inches in length at- tached to a cross-head having a stroke of 12 inches? 4.5X12 Operation: " =2.7 inches. REDUCING MOTION 13 The total length of the lever is measured from the point of suspension to the point of attachment to the cross-head, and is variable in some of the arrangements to be shown. As the variation bears a small pro- FIG. 10. FIG. 11. portion to the total length, and the length of diagram is usually figured only to keep within the limits of the paper-drum, especial refinement in this particular is unnecessary. In order to get the full motion of FIG. 12. the pin, the cord must be led off in the direction of the pin's greatest movement, i.e., at right angles to the lever when the lever is itself at right angles to the guides. It will be readily seen that if the cord were 14 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR led off parallel to the lever it would receive very little motion. It is desirable to avoid the use of leading pulleys as in Fig. 9; and Figs. 10 and 11 show two methods of accomplishing this, the latter by putting on a segment of a circle, called a brumbo pulley, having a radius equal to the distance / from the pivot to the point of attachment of the cord, and so placed that the cord may be led straight to the indicator without running on to the corners of the segment at the extremes of the stroke. In Fig. 10 a supplementary lever is added in such a position that when FIG. 13. the main lever CC is at right angles to the guides the line AD will be at right angles to the cord when the latter is led in the desired direction. In all motions of this kind there is a radical defect due to the fact that while the cross-head moves in a straight line any point on the lever swings through the arc of a circle. In Fig. 12 let the line ox represent the stroke of an engine. A lever attached to the cross-head and suitably suspended at the other end would take, as the stroke progressed, the positions 1 1', 2 2', 3 3', etc., and a pin attached to the lever at 1' would move through the arc shown. Divide the stroke into eight equal parts, as indicated by the numbered divisions, and as the cross-head completes each division of the stroke the position of the pin will be indicated by REDUCING MOTION 15 the corresponding number upon the arc. The length of the diagram will be the horizontal distance, between I' and 9', but the distribution of motion between these points will not be equal for equal movements of the cross-head. When the cross-head moves from 1 to 2, one-eighth of the stroke, the pin will move from 1' to 2,' and the cord will be moved only through a distance A a instead of through A A' one-eighth of its own length; and for each division of the stroke the proper division of the diagram is indicated by the full lines, and the division that would be derived from the motion of the pin by the dotted lines. Supposing the cut-off to take place at a quarter of the stroke, this point should be at B, but would appear at 6, and the dotted and incorrect instead of the full-line correct diagram would be drawn. The points coincide in the middle of the diagram, and become as much too late at the end as they were too early at the beginning, the points which should be at c, d, and e being at c', d', and e f respectively. The distortion shown here is exaggerated on account of the shortness of the lever. It decreases as the length of the lever in proportion to the stroke is increased, and for this reason it is advisable never to use a lever less than one and a half times the length of the stroke. The point of suspension of the lever should be directly over its point of attachment to the cross-head when thd latter is in the center of its stroke. 16 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR The amount of distortion varies also with the manner of attachment to the cross-head. Fig. 13 represents a slotted lever working over a pin in the cross-head. As each eighth of the stroke is completed the lever will occupy the positions shown by the lines passing from the point of suspension through the corresponding divisions, and the straight motion, as AB, to be derived from any point upon the lever will be unequally divided, as shown by the intersections of the dotted lines. Fig. 14 represents a lever fitted with a pin, which is carried by a slot in the cross-head. As the cross-head and the slot move through successive eighths of the stroke, the pin is carried also through equal divisions, and motion in a line CD, at right angles to the lever in its central position would be equally distributed, as shown by the -intersections of the dotted lines referring the positions of the pin for the eight equal divisions of the stroke to the line of motion CD. If it were not for the angular move- ment of the cord with which this motion is taken off, and which pro- duces an inequality in the transmitted motion, just as a connecting rod does in the travel of the piston for equal movements of the crank, this arrangement would be perfectly accurate. The cord is usually so long, however, that its angular motion is immaterial. This feature cannot be eliminated by using the arc or brumbo pulley, for while the latter disposes of the angular movement of the string, it gives a movement proportional to the angular motion of the lever, which is not equally divided, i.e., the lever does not move through equal arcs of a circle for equal movements of the cross-head. The use of the brumbo in this case would therefore introduce rather than eliminate an error. While this arrangement produces upon paper an almost perfectly proportional reduction of the motion, its effects in practice are not so precise. The long lever is cumbersome, the slotted guide an awkward thing to make and attach to the cross-head, and unless the pin is accurately fitted, the distortion and annoyance due to lost motion will be greater than the inherent error of simpler construc- tion. Instead of the slot upon the cross-head a short con- nection rod may be used, as in Fig. 15. In this case the end of the main lever, instead of working up and down j in a vertical slot, is swung in the arc of a circle of the radius of the short connecting rod. The departure from __--' the vertical line will be least if the levers are so at- rj~" tached that the vibrating end of the small lever will FIG. 15. be as much ^elow the path of the cross-head end when the main lever is in its central position as it is above it when in the extreme positions. This will be understood by referring to Fig. 16, in which the levers are represented by the lines A B and BC, REDUCING MOTION 17 the cross-head traveling on the line numbered to 8. When the cross- head is in the middle of its stroke at 4, the ends B of the levers are as much below the line in which the cross-head travels as they are above it in the extreme position shown at B' and 6. When the cross- FIG. 16 \ n the pressure multiplied by the space through which it is exerted, we should have for the energy developed in a cylinder in which the initial pressure is continued to the end of the stroke a value proportional to the area of the rectangle ABXO, and the cylin- der would require to be com- 6" pletely filled with steam from the boiler at each stroke. If instead of allowing the steam to follow full stroke the supply is cut off at mid- stroke, as indicated at C, there would be behind the piston at this point a half-cylinderful of steam at the initial pressure, which, as the piston moves onward, will be expanded, allowing its pressure to fall along the curved line CD. The energy generated will now be proportional to the area ACDXO, less by the area BCD than it was before; but the amount of steam called for from the boiler has been only one-half as much as when the engine followed full stroke, and the energy represented by the shaded area CDXE has been gained at no expense for extra steam. Steam in expanding in an engine cylinder under the conditions of ordinary practice varies in pressure so nearly in an inverse ratio to its volume that we can use this law in laying out the approximate path that the curve CD, Fig. 51, will take. Supposing an engine with a 48-inch stroke to cut off at 8 inches or 53 E FIG. 51. 54 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR one-sixth of the stroke, with steam of an absolute pressure of 90 pounds B (about 75 pounds by the gage). Representing the stroke of this engine by the base line of the diagram Fig. 52, we should have, when the piston had com- pleted the eighth inch of its stroke, one-sixth of the cylinder full of steam at 90 pounds pressure, represented by the area OARS. The supply is now cut off, and when the piston has arrived at the 16-inch point the steam will have ex- panded to double its volume at cut-off, and its pressure will be reduced to one-half or 45 pounds, represented by the height of the point C. When the piston had pro- ceeded another 8 inches, or to the 24-inch mark, its volume would have been trebled and the initial pressure divided by three, giving 16 24 FIG. 52. 48 a pressure at this point of 30 pounds, represented by the length of the line 24Z), which is one-third of the line 8J5, representing the pressure of the initial volume. In the same way we would find one-fourth the pressure when the steam had been expanded to four times the initial volume at E, one- fifth the pressure when the volume had attained five times the original at F, and one-sixth the pressure at G, where the volume is six times what it was at the point of cut-off. In this way the pressures at various points in the stroke may be calculated and set off upon ordinates representing by their position upon the horizontal line the corresponding point in the stroke, and a curve drawn through these points will be the theoretical expansion curve. As a simple rule for finding the pressure at any point in the stroke : Multiply the absolute pressure at the point of cut-off by the fraction made by writing the number of inches of the stroke completed at cut-off as a numerator over the number of inches completed at the given point as a denominator. THE EXPANSION LINE 55 For example, to determine the pressures at C, D, E, F, G in the above described diagram we have: At C the pressure = 1^X90 =45 pounds " D " E " " F 11 G " Notice also that the product of the volume and pressure is constant. At B we have one volume and 90 pounds and Volume. Pressure. Product. At B 1 X 90 = 90 " C 2 X 45 = 90 " D 3 X 30 = 90 " E 4 X 22.5 = 90 it p 5 X 18 = 90 " G 6 X 15 = 90 The pressure for any volume may be found therefore by dividing the initial pressure by the given volume in terms of the first volume. This is a case of inverted proportion and may be readily solved by the slide rule by inverting the slide and setting the index to the initial pressure. In Fig. 53 the index of the inverted slide is set at 120 on the lower scale. Under the 2 of what is now the top of the slide read 60 on the bottom scale for two volumes under the 3, 40 for three volumes, etc. There is a special rule called the Duplex made with an inverted scale, shown in Fig. 54, so that the two scales in use are contiguous and the number right side up. In applying this curve to an indicator diagram, the fact must be taken into account that besides the volume of steam represented by the piston displacement up to the point of cut-off there is the steam in the clearance spaces, which will share in the expansion, and the initial volume must be made to include this steam. We will apply the curve to the diagram in Fig. 55 by one of the simplest methods. This diagram is 4 inches in length, and we will assume a clearance of 2^ per cent. Two and a half per cent of 4 inches is one-tenth of an inch, by the addition of which we will increase the length of the diagram at the admission end by drawing in the clearance line AO one-tenth of an inch from the extreme end of the diagram. Draw the line of absolute pressure 14.7 pounds below the atmospheric line. With ordinarily high scales 15 pounds is sufficiently accurate. Now at the point of cut-off C there will be in the cylinder a volume of steam proportional to the area AC 10 of a pressure proportional to the line 1C. At right angles to the line of absolute zero, OX, erect perpendiculars at points where it is desired to locate the curve. As the curve changes more rapidly * I CO __E|J5CT eico - THE KXPAN 33QOO r 33ooo=H.P. per pound of M.E.P., and this H.P. constant multiplied by M.E.P. =H.P. To FIND THE HORSE-POWER CONSTANT OR HORSE-POWER PER POUND OF MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURE, RULE. Multiply the piston area in square inches by the piston speed in feet per minute and divide by 33,000, or Multiply together the piston area in square inches, the number of work- ing strokes per minute, and the stroke in feet, and divide the product by 33,000. EXAMPLE. What is the horse-power constant of the above engine? ANS 452.39X140X4 = 7.o7by. 33000 33000 This multiplied by the mean effective pressure will give the horse- power thus 7.6769X42=322.4298 as before. Table III gives these constants, i.e., the horse-power per pound of mean effective pressure, directly when the piston-speed is in even hun- dreds of a single figure. The values for thousands, tens, units, or frac- tional quantities can be found by changing the decimal point as explained in connection with the previous table. EXAMPLE. What horse-power is being developed by a 4JX 8-inch engine running at 300 revolutions per minute with 40 pounds mean effect ve pressure? From Table II we see that the piston speed is 400 feet per minute. From Table III we see that an engine 4 J inches in diameter will develop 0.2149 horse-power per pound of mean effective pressure at this piston- speed. Then, H.P. =40X0.2149 -8.596. COMPUTING THE HORSE-POWER TABLE II PISTON SPEED IN FEET PER MINUTE (2 X stroke X revolutions) -T- 12 = (stroke X revolutions) -7-6. 101 Stroke in Inches REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1 1.67 3.33 5 6.67 8.33 10 11.67 13.33 15 2 3.33 6.67 10 13.33 16.67 20 23.33 26.67 30 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 4 6.67 13.33 20 26.67 33.33 40 46.67 53.33 60 5 8.33 16.67 25 33.33 41.67 50 58.33 66.67 75 6 10 20.00 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 7 11.67 23.33 35 46.67 58.33 70 81.67 93.33 105 8 13.33 26.67 40 53.33 66.67 80 93.33 106.67 120 9 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 10 16.67 33.33 50 . 66.67 83.33 100 116.67 133.33 150 11 18.33 36.67 55 73.33 91.67 110 128.33 146.67 165 12 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 13 21.67 43.33 65 86.67 108.33 130 151.67 173.33 195 14 23.33 46.67 70 93.33 116.67 140 163.33 186.67 210 15 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 16 26.67 53.33 80 106.67 133.33 160 186.67 213.33 240 17 28.33 56.67 85 113.33 141.67 170 198.33 226.67 255 18 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 19 31.67 63.33 95 126.67 158.33 190 221.67 253.33 285 20 33.33 66.67 100 133.33 166.67 200 233.33 266.67 300 22 36.67 73.33 110 146.67 183.33 220 256.67 293.33 330 24 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 26 43.33 86.67 130 173.33 216.67 260 303.33 346.67 390 28 46.67 93.33 140 186.67 233.33 280 326.67 373.33 420 30 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 32 53.33 106.67 160 213.33 266.67 320 373.33 426.67 480 34 56.67 113.33 170 226.67 283.33 340 396.67 453.33 510 36 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 38 63.33 126.67 190 253.33 316.67 380 443.33 506.67 570 40 66.67 133.33 200 266.67 333.33 400 466.67 533.33 600 42 70 140 210 280 350 420 490 560 630 44 73.33 146.67 220 293.33 366.67 440 513.33 586.67 660 46 76.67 153.33 230 306.67 383.33 460 536.67 613.33 690 48 80 160 240 320 400 480 560 640 720 50 83.33 166.67 250 333.33 416.67 500 583.33 666.67 750 52 86.67 173.33 260 346.67 433.33 520 606.67 693.33 780 54 90 180 276 360 450 540 630 720 810 56 93.33 186.67 280 373.33 466.67 560 653.33 746.67 840 58 96.67 193.33 290 386.67 483.33 580 676.67 773.33 870 60 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800.00 900 102 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR TABLE II Continued PISTON SPEED IN FEET PER MINUTE (2 X stroke X revolutions) -f- 12 = (stroke X revolutions) -f- 6. REVOLUTIONS PEK MINUTE. Stroke in Inches. 10 20 | 30 40 50 ^ 60 \ 70 I 80 90 62 103.33 206.67 310 413.33 516.67 620 723.33 826.67 930 64 106.67 213.33 320 426.67 533.33 640 746.67 853.33 960 66 110 220 330 440 550 660 770 880 990 68 113.33 226.67 | 310 453.33 566.67 680 793.33 906.67 1020 70 116.67 233.33 350 466.67 583.37 700 816.67 933.33 1050 72 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 74 123.33 246.67 370 493.33 616.67 740 863.33 986.67 1110 76 126.67 253.33 380 506.67 633.33 760 886.67 1013.33 1140 78 130 260 390 520 650 780 910 1040 1170 80 133.33 266.67 400 533.33 666.67 800 933.33 1066.67 1200 82 136.67 273.33 410 546.67 683.33 820 956.67 1093.33 1230 84 140 280 420 560 700 840 980 1120 1260 86 143.33 286.67 430 573.33 716.67 860 1003.33 1146.67 1290 88 146.67 293.33 440 586.67 733.33 880 1026.67 1173.33 1320 90 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1350 92 153.33 306.67 460 613.33 766.67 920 1073.33 1226.67 1380 94 156.67 313.33 470 626.67 783.33 940 1096.67 1253.33 1410 96 160 320 480 640 800 960 1120 1280 1440 98 163.33 326.67 490 653.33 816.67 980 1143.33 1306.67 1470 100 166.67 333.33 500 666.67 833.33 1000 1166.67 1333.33 1500 102 170 340 510 680 850 1020 1190 1360 1530 104 173.33 346.67 520 693.33 866.67 1040 1213.33 1386.67 1560 106 176.67 353.33 530 706.67 883.33 1060 1236.67 1413.33 1590 108 180 360 540 720 900 1080 1260 1440 1620 110 183.33 366.67 550 733.33 916.67 1100 1283.33 1466.67 1650 112 186.67 373.33 560 746.67 933.33 1120 1306.67 1493.33 1680 114 190 380 570 760 950 1140 1330 1520 1710 116 193.33 386.67 580 773.33 966.67 1160 1353.33 1546.67 1740 118 196.67 393.33 590 786.67 983.33 1180 1376.67 1573.33 1770 120 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 122 203.33 406.67 610 813.33 1016.67 1220 1423.33 1626.67 1830 124 206.67 413.33 620 826.67 1033.33 1240 1446.67 1653.33 1860 126 210 420 630 840 1050 1260 1470 1680 1890 128 213.33 426.67 640 853.33 1066.67 12SO 1493.33 1706.67 1920 130 216.67 433.33 650 866.67 1083.33 1300 1516.67 1733.33 1950 132 220 440 660 880 1100 1320 1540 1760 1980 134 233.33 446.67 670 893.33 1116.67 1340 1563.33 1786.67 2010 136 226.67 453.33 680 906.67 1133.33 1360 1586.67 1813.33 2040 138 230 460 690 920 1150 1380 1610 1840 2070 140 233.33 466.67 700 933.33 1166.67 1400 1633.33 1866.67 2100 COMPUTING THE HORSE-POWER 103 What horse-power would be developed by an engine 24 inches in diameter running at 523 feet of piston-speed per minute at 34 pounds M.E.P.? Use Table III for the tens and units, just as before. In the line opposite 24 find the value of 500=6.8544 20=0.27417 3=0.041126 " 523=7.169696 horse-power per pound of mean effective pressure. Then H.P. =7.1697X34 =243.77. When the piston-speed contains a fraction, its value can be found by shifting the decimal point, as in the previous table, to the left. EXAMPLE. What horse-power would be devolped by a 30-inch engine running at 617.23 feet of piston-speed with a mean effective pres- sure of 47.5 pounds? Opposite 30 find the value of 600 =12.852 " of 10 .2142 "of 7 .14994 "of 2 - .004284 " of .03= .0006426 617.23 = 13.2210666 horse-power per pound of mean effective pressure. Then H.P. =47.5 = X 13.22 =627.95. In the above examples the mean effective pressure given is assumed to be the average of both ends, and the horse-power as calculated is that of the whole engine. If it is desired to know the horse-power of each end, they must be calculated separately, each with its own mean effective pressure, and the constant taken at one-half the piston speed, or with the constant taken at the full piston-speed and one-half the mean effective pressure. EXAMPLE. An engine 48X84 inches, running at 36.5 revolutions per minute, has a mean effective pressure in the head end of 42.7 pounds, and in the crank end of 41.3 pounds, what is the horse-pow r er of each end, and of the whole engine? 104 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR The "horse-power constant/' or the horse-power per pound of mean effective pressure for each end, will be one-half that given by the table for both ends, or that given by the table for an engine of the given diam- eter at one-half the piston-speed. From the piston-speed table we find that the piston-speed at 36.5 revolutions of the double-acting engine is 511 feet per minute. The piston speed of each would be one-half of this, or 511-^2=255.5 ft. per min. From the Table III we find that the horse-power per pound of mean effective pressure for a 48-inch engine at this speed is value for 200 -10.9673 50 = 2.74182 5 .274182 0.5- .0274182 255.5 = 14.0107202 H.P. Head end =14.01X42.7-598.227 H.P. Crank end -14.01 X41.3 -578.613 H.P. Both ends- 1176.84 ALLOWING FOR THE ROD When a portion of the area of the piston is cut off by a rod, as is usually the case in the crank end, and as occurs in the head end of a cylinder tandem to one behind it, or with a tail rod, it is essential to accuracy that an allowance be made for such loss of area. In the usual case', that of a cylinder having a rod only in the crank end, the allowance may be made by subtracting from the horse-power computed as in the first example, the horse-power which would be developed by a single-acting engine having a diameter equal to that of the piston rod, and with the mean effective pressure acting in the crank end. EXAMPLE. What horse-power would be developed by a 24-inch engine with a 4J piston-rod running at 620 feet piston speed with 46.5 pounds mean effective pressure in the head end and 47.2 in the crank end? From the table the constant for this engine would be value for 600=8.2253 20= .27417 ' ' 620 = 8.49947 horse-power per pound of average mean effective pressure. COMPUTING THE HORSE-POWER 105 The average mean effective pressure would be 46.54-47.2 =46.85 pounds. The horse-power uncorrected for the rod would therefore be 8.49947X46.85=398.2001695 H.P. The horse-power lost by the presence of the rod is that which would be developed by an engine 4f inches diameter at 310 feet of piston speed and at 47.2 pounds mean effective pressure. From the table we find the constant for such an engine to be for 300 feet 0.1367 "10 " 0.00456 " 310 " 0.14126 horse-power per pound of mean effective pressure. The mean effective pressure which would have acted upon this area is 47.2 pounds. The horse-power to be deducted, therefore, is 0.14126X47.2=6.667472 H.P. Deducting this from the uncorrected horse-power we have 398.2001695 6.667472 391.5326975 as the horse-power corrected for the rod. A more convenient way when a large number of diagrams are to be figured up from the same engine, as in making out daily reports or com- puting the results of a long test, is to correct the constant for the engine by subtracting from it the constant of the rod at half the piston speed and multiplying this corrected constant by the average mean effective pressure. Performing the above example in this way, constant for cylinder 8.49947 "rod .14126 corrected constant 8.35821 106 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR which multiplied by the average M.E.P. gives 835821X46.85=391.5821385 H.P. by other method 391.5326975 H.P. difference .049441 If the mean effective pressure were the same in both ends this method would be perfectly accurate. The inaccuracy which it involves, and which is the cause of the above difference, is due to multiplying the rod constant by the average M.E.P., instead of that in the crank end. M.E.P. in crank end 47.2 average M.E.P. 46.85 difference 0.35 0.14125X0.35=0.049441 The error thus is seen to be the product of the rod constant and the difference between the average and the actual M.E.P. in the crank end neither of which factors are large enough in the ordinary case to make the error of any considerable magnitude. THROUGH RODS AND TAIL RODS When the rod is in both ends of the cylinder, as in the cylinder nearesl the guides in a tandem compound, or in a cylinder with a tail rod, anc the rod is the same diameter in both ends, it is necessary only to sub- tract the constant for an engine of a diameter equal to that of the rod at the full piston speed from the constant for the diameter of the cylinder and multiply by the average mean effective pressure. When there is a rod in each end, but of different size, each rod should be allowed for separately by multiplying its constant at half piston speed by the mean effective pressure acting in its own end of the cylinder, and subtracting the products successively from the horse-power found by multiplying the cylinder constant at full speed by the average mean effective pressure. In strictness, in order to find the power which is being developed by one end of the cylinder, a diagram made of the line showing the for- ward pressure in the end which is being computed, and the back pres- sure- or counter-pressure line of the diagram from the other end should be used. The counter-pressure line diagram from the head end does not show the back pressure against the piston when the head end was doing work, but while the piston is being forced backward by the steam COMPUTING THE HORSE-POWER 107 TABLE III HORSE-POWER PER POUND OF MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURE (Area X piston speed) -f- 33 . 000. Diameter of Cylinder or Rod. Inches. PISTON SPEED IN FEET PER MINUTE. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 2 .00134 .0027 .0043 .0054 .0067 ! .0030 .0094 .0107 .0120 H .00157 .0031 .0047 .0063 .0079 i .0091 .0110 .0126 .0141 i .00182 .0036 .0055 .0073 .0091 .0109 .0128 .0146 .0164 .00209' .0042 .0063 .0084 .0105 .0126 .0146 .0167 .0188 i .00238 .0048 .0071 .0095 .0119 .0143 .0167 .0190 .0214 i* .00269 ,0054 .0081 .0107 .0134 .0161 .0188 .0215 .0242 1A .00288 .0058 .0086 .0115 .0144 .0173 .0202 .0230 .0259 H .00301 .0060 .0090 .0120 .0151 .0181 .0211 .0241 .0271 i* .00336 .0067 .0101 .0134 .0168 .0201 .0235 .0268 .0302 11 .00343 .0069 . 0103 .0137 .0172 .0206 .0240 .0274 .0309 a .00372 .0074 .0112 .0149 .0186 .0223 .0260 .0298 .0335 Ift .00402 .0080 .0121 .0161 .0201 .0241 .0281 .0322 .0362 iA .00410 .0082 .0123 .0164 .0205 .0246 .0287 .0328 .0369 If .00450 .0090 .0135 .0180 .0225 .0270 .0315 .0360 .0405 U .00466 .0093 .0140 .0186 .0233 .0280 .0326 .0373 .0419 1& .00492 .0098 .0148 .0197 .0246 .0295 .0344 .0393 .0443 H .00535 .0107 .0161 .0214 .0268 .0321 .0375 .0428 .0482 1* .00581 .0116 .0174 .0232 .0291 .0349 .0407 .0465 .0523 if .00609 .0122 .0183 .0244 .0305 .0365 .0426 .0487 .0548 if .00628 .0126 .0189 .0251 .0314 .0377 .0440 .0503 .0566 ift .00678 .0136 .0203 .0271 .0339 .0407 .0474 .0542 .0610 1A .00688 .0138 .0206 .0275 .0344 .0413 .0482 .0550 .0619 If .00729 .0146 .0219 .0292 .0364 .0437 .0510 .0583 .0656 U .00771 .0154 .0231 .0308 .0386 .0463 .0540 .0617 .0694 iff .00782 .0156 .0235 .0313 .0391 .0469 .0548 .0626 .0704 11 .00837 .0167 .0251 .0335 .0418 .0502 .0586 .0669 .0753 A .00859 .0172 .0258 .0344 .0430 .0515 .0601 .0687 .0773 m .00893 .0179 .0268 .0357 .0447 .0536 .0625 .0715 .0804 2 .00952 .0190 .0286 .0381 -0476 .0571 .0666 .0762 .0857 2tV .01012 .0202 .0304 .0405 .0506 .0607 .0709 .0810 .0911 2A .01050 .0210 .0315 .0420 .0525 .0630 .0735 .0840 .0945 2i .01074 .0215 .0322 .0430 .0537 .0645 .0752 .0860 .0967 2& .01139 .0228 .0342 .0456 ! .0569 .0683 .0797 .0911 .1025 2i .91152 .0230 .0346 .0461 ; .0576 .0691 .0806 .0921 .1036 2* .01205 .0241 .0361 .0482 .0602 .0723 .0843 .0964 .1084 2& .01259 .0252 .0378 .0504 .0630 .0755 .0881 .1007 .1133 2A .01273 .0255 .0382 .0509 .0636 .0764 .0891 .1018 .1145 2 f .01342 .0268 .0403 .0537 .0671 .0805 .0940 .1074 .1208 2! .01371 .0274 .0411 .0548 .0686 .0823 .0960 .1097 .1234 2^ .01414 .0283 .0424 .0566 .0707 .0848 .0990 .1131 .1273 2* .01487 .0297 .0446 . 0595 .0744 .0892 .1041 .1190 1 .1339 2& .01563 .0313 .0469 .0625 .0781 .0938 .1094 . 1250 . 1407 2| .01609 .0322 .0483 .0644 .0805 .0965 .1126 . 1287 . 1448 2| .01640 .0328 .0492 .0656 .0820 .0984 .1148 .1312 .1476 2H .01719 .0344 .0516 .0688 .0860 . 1031 .1203 .1375 .1547 2^ .01735 .0347 .0521 .0694 .0868 .1041 .1215 .1388 . 1562 2! .01800 .0360 .0540 .0720 .0900 .1080 .1260 .1440 .1620 2* .01866 .0373 .0560 .0746 .0933 .1120 .1306 . 1493 .1679 2H .01883 .0377 .0565 .0753 .0941 .1130 .1318 .1506 .1694 2* .01967 .0394 .0590 .0787 .0984 .1180 .1377 .1574 .1770 2A .02002 .0400 .0601 .0801 .1001 .1201 .1401 .1602 .1802 2M .02054! .0411 .0616 .0821 .1027 .1232 .1438 .1643 .1848 108 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR TABLE III Continued HORSE-POWER PER POUND OF MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURE (Area X piston speed) -f- 33.000. Diameter of Cylinder or Rod, Inches. PISTON SPEED IN FEET PER MINUTE. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 3 .02142 .0428 .0643 .0857 .1071 .1285 .1499 .1714 .1928 fcV .02287 .0457 .0686 .0915 .1144 . 1372 .1601 .1830 .2058 3 F .02324 .0465 .0697 .0930 .1162 .1395 .1627 .1859 .2092 3| .02437 .0487 .0731 .0975 .1219 .1462 .1706 .1950 .2193 31- .02514 .0503 .0754 .1006 .1257 .1508 .1760 .2011 .2262 ST% . 02592 .0518 .0778 .1037 . 1296 . 1555 . 1814 .2074 .2333 3f .02711 .0542 .0813 .1084 .1355 . 1627 . 1898 .2169 ,2440 3f .02751 .0550 .0825 .1100 .1376 .1651 .1926 .2201 .2476 3* .02915 .0583 .0875 .1166 .1458 . 1749 .2041 .2332 .2624 31 .03085 .0617 . 0926 .1234 .1543 .1851 .2160 .2468 .2777 3| .03128 .0626 .0938 .1251 .1564 .1877 .2189 .2502 .2815 37 To .03258 .0652 .0977 .1303 .1629 . 1950 .2281 .2606 .2932 3| .03347 .0669 .1004 . 1339 .1673 . 2008 .2343 .2678 .3012 si .03437 .0687 .1031 .1375 .1719 . 2062 .2406 .2750 .3093 31 .03574 .0715 .1072 .1429 .1787 .2144 .2502 .2859 .3216 3& .03620 .0724 .1086 .1448 .1810 .2172 .2534 .2896 . 3258 4 .03808 .0762 .1142 .1523 .1904 .2285 .2666 .3046 .3427 4^ .04001 .0800 . 1200 .1600 .2001 .2401 . 2801 .3201 .3601 4 . 04050 .0810 .1215 .1620 .2025 .2430 .2835 .3240 .3645 4i .04198 .0840 .1259 .1679 .2099 .2519 .2939 .3358 .3778 4} .04300 .0860 .1290 .1720 .2149 . 2579 .3009 .3439 .3869 4 .04401 .0880 .1320 .1760 .2201 .2641 .3081 .3521 .3961 41 .04555 .0911 .1367 .1822 .2278 .2733 .3189 .3644 .4100 4| .04608 .0922 .1382 .1843 .2304 . 2765 .3226 .3C86 .4147 - 4* .04819 .0964 .1446 .1928 .2410 .2892 .3374 . 3856 .4337 4| .05036 .1007 .1511 .2014 .2518 .3022 .3525 .4029 .4532 4| .05091 .1018 .1527 .2036 .2545 .3055 .3564 .4073 .4582 4A .05257 .1051 .1577 .2103 .2629 .3154 . 3680 .4206 .4731 4| .05370 .1074 .1612 .2149 .2686 .3223 .3760 .4298 .4835 4| .05484 .1097 .1645 .2194 .2742 .3290 .3839 .4387 .4936 4| .05656 .1131 . 1697 .2262 .2828 .3394 .3950 .4525 .5090 4^ .05714 .1143 .1714 .2286 .2857 .3428 .4000 .4571 .5143 5 .05950 .1190 .1785 .2380 .2975 .3570 .4165 .4760 .5355 5f .06251 .1250 .1875 .2500 .3126 .3751 .4376 .5001 .5626 51 .06560 .1312 .1968 .2624 .3280 .3936 .4592 .5248 .5904 4 .06876 .1375 .2063 . 2750 .3438 .4126 .4813 .5501 .6188 5^ .07200 .1440 .2160 .2880 .3600 .4320 . 5040 .5760 .6479 5| .07530 .1506 .2259 .3012 .3765 .4518 .5271 .6024 .6777 51 .07869 .1574 .2361 .3148 .3934 .4721 . 5508 .6295 .7082 5i .08215 .1643 .2465 .3286 .4108 .4929 .5751 .6572 .7394 6 .08569 .1714 . 2570 .3427 .4284 .5141 . 5998 .6854 .7711 61 .09297 .1859 .2789 .3719 .4648 .5578 .6508 .7438 .8367 6 . 10055 .2011 .3017 .4022 .5028 .6033 .7039 .8044 .9050 61 . 10844 .2169 .3253 .4338 .5422 .6506 .7591 .8675 .9760 .11662 .2332 .3499 .4665 .5831 . 6997 .8163 .9330 .0496 71 .12510 .2502 .3753 .5004 .6255 .7506 .8757 .0008 . 1259 . 13388 .2678 .4016 .5355 .6694 .8033 .9371 .0710 .2049 7f . 14295 .2859 .4288 .5718 .7147 .8577 1 . 0006 .1436 .2865 8 . 15232 .3046 .4570 .6093 .7616 .9139 1.0662 .2185 .3709 8i .16199 .3240. .4860 .6480 .8099 .9719 1.1339 .2959 .4579 8^ .17195 .3439 .5159 .6878 .8598 1.0317 1.2037 .3756 .5476 81 . 18222 .3644 . 5467 .7289 .9111 1.0933 1.2755 .4577 1 . 6400 COMPUTING THE HORSE-POWER 109 TABLE III Continued HORSE-POWER PER POUND OF MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURE (AreaXj>iston speed) -h 33,000. Diameter of Cylinder, or Rod. Inches. PISTON SPEED IN FEET PER MINUTE. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 i 800 900 9 . 19278 .3856 .5783 .7711 .9639 1.1567 1.3495 1.5422 1.7350 9} .20364 .4073 .6109 .8146 1.0182 1.2218 1.4255 1.6201 1.8328 9* .21479 .4296 .6444 .8592 1.0740 1.2888 1 . 5036 1.7184 1.9331 9| .22625 .4525 .6788 .9050 .1313 1.3575 1 . 5837 1.8100 2 . 0362 10 .23800 .4760 .7140 .9520 .1900 1.4280: 1.6660 1.9040 2.1420 1 =wt. per cu.ft. of steam at pressure measured at F\ w x =v/t. per cu.ft. of steam at pressure measured at x; Q=steam accounted for per H.P. per hour. STEAM CONSUMPTION FROM THE DIAGRAM 123 RULE. To the fraction of the forward stroke completed at the point chosen add the clearance, also in fractions of the stroke, and multiply the sum by the weight per cubic foot of steam of the pressure measured at this point. (Product 1.} To the fraction of the return stroke uncompleted at the point chosen on the compression line add the clearance, expressed as before, and multiply the sum by the weight per cubic foot of steam of the pressure measured at this point. (Product 2.} Multiply the difference between products 1 and 2 by the quotient of 13,750 divided by the M.E.P.; the final product will be the number of pounds vf steam per hour per horse-power accounted for by the diagram. As an assistance in working with the above rule or formula Table VI gives the value of 13,750 divided by mean effective pressures of from 10 to 100 pounds. The first column under zero gives the quotients for even pounds, the succeeding columns for additional tenths of pounds. Thus the quotient of would be found in the horizontal line with oo.o 35 and in the column under 6 to be 386.23. EXAMPLE. The diagram shown in Fig. 109 shows with a 40 scale a M.E.P. of 47.5 pounds; clearance 5 per cent. How much steam is accounted for per horse-power per hour? Let us select the points F and x from which to make our measure- ments. The whole length of the diagram is 4 inches, the length to the point F, 3.5 inches. The fraction F of the stroke completed at this point is therefore '-j- =0.875. The distance xa equals 0.4 of an inch, 0.4 and the fraction of the return stroke uncompleted at the point x is ^- =0.1. The pressure (absolute) at F is 32 pounds, at x 19 pounds. The weight of steam per cubic foot at 32 pounds is 0.0789, at 19 pounds 0.0483. then c-0.05 7^=0.875 x=0.l w f =0.0789 w x = 0.0483 and M.E.P. = .47.5 The steam accounted for per horse-power per hour is x[(0.875 + 0.05)0.0789- (0.1 +0.05)0.0483].' 47.5 124 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR From the table we find the value of -p=-v- to be 289.47, and we have 47.5 289.47X[(0.925X0.0789) -(0.15X0.0483)] -19.03 pounds of steam per hour for each horse-power. It is not necessary that the point X, at which the pressure of the steam saved by compression is measured, shall be at the commencement of compression. It may be located at any point upon that line or upon .05 > \ \ X2\J FIG. 110. the dotted continuation of that line into the clearance space. In Fig. 110, representing the compression corner of a diagram on a large scale let the vertical divisions represent hundredths of the stroke, the clearance C being five per cent or five hundredths, and the exhaust valve closing at X when ten one-hundredths of the stroke are uncompleted. When the exhaust valve closes we have a volume of steam inclosed equal to C+X =0.05 +0.10 =0.15 of the displacement at the pressure X, or if we measure at X 1 , when 0.08 of the stroke remain to be completed, we shall have 0.05 + .08 =0.13 at the pressure X, 1 or 0.10 at the pressure X 2 , or 0.05 at the pressure X 3 , 0.03 at X 4 , etc., so that so long as we measure VALUES OF STEAM CONSUMPTION FROM THE DIAGRAM TABLE VI 13750 125 M.E.P. FOR COMPUTING STEAM CONSUMPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1375.00 1361.39 1348.04 1334.95 1322.15 1309.52 1297.17 1285.04 1273.14 1261.46 11 1250.00 1238.74 1227.68 1216.81 1206.13 1195.65 1185.34 1175.19 1165.25 1155.46 12 1145.83 1136.36 1127.05 1117.88 1108.87 1100.00 1091.11 1082.67 1074.21 1062.01 13 1057.69 1049.62 1041.66 1033.83 1026.12 1018.51 1011.03 1003.64 996.38 989.21 14 982.14 975.18 968.31 961.54 954.86 948.29 941.78 935.37 929.00 922.82 lo 916.67 910.60 904.61 898.69 893.05 867.09 881.41 875.79 870.25 864.77 16 871.87 854.04 848.76 843.55 838.41 833.33 828.31 823.35 818.45 813.61 17 808.82 804.09 799.42 794.79 790.23 785.71 781.25 776.84 772.47 768.15 18 763.89 759.67 755.49 751.36 747.28 743.24 739.24 735.29 731.38 727.51 1!' 723.68 719.89 716.15 712.43 708.76 705.13 701.53 697.99 694.44 690.95 20 687.50 683.08 680.69 677.34 674.02 670.73 667.47 664.25 661.06 657.84 21 654.76 651.66 648.58 645.54 642.52 639.53 636.57 633.64 630.73 627.85 22 625.00 622.17 619.37 616.59 613.94 611.11 608.41 605.72 603.07 600.43 23 597.83 595.24 592.67 590.12 587.61 585.11 582.62 580.16 577.73 575.31 24 572.92 570.54 568.18 565.84 563.52 561.22 558.94 556.67 554.43 552.21 25 550.00 547.81 545.64 543.47 541.33 539.21 537.11 535.02 532.94 530.88 26 528.85 526.82 524.81 522.81 520.83 518.87 516.91 514.98 513.06 511.15 27 509.26 507.38 505.51 503.66 501.82 500.00 498.11 496.39 494.60 493.19 2S 491.07 489.32 487.55 485.86 484.15 482.45 480.76 479.09 477.43 476.12 29 474.14 472.51 470.89 469.28 467.68 466.10 464 . 53 462.89 461.40 459.86 30 458.33 456.81 455.30 453.79 452.30 450.82 449.34 447.88 446.42 444.98 31 443.55 442.12 441.99 439.30 437.83 436.51 435.12 433.75 432.39 431.35 32 429.69 428.35 427.01 425.69 424.38 423.07 421.77 420.49 419.21 417.93 33 416.67 415.41 413.85 412.91 411.67 410.44 409.22 408.01 406.80 405.60 34 404.41 403.22 402.05 400.87 399.71 398.55 397.39 396.25 395.11 393.98 35 392.84 391.73 390.63 389.51 388.41 387.32 386.23 385.15 384.08 383.01 36 381.94 380.89 379.83 378.78 377.75 376.71 375.68 374.66 373.64 372.62 37 371.62 370.62 369.62 368.63 367.65 366.66 365.69 364.72 363.75 362.79 38 361.84 360.89 359.94 359.00 358.07 357.40 356.22 355.29 354.38 353.47 39 352.56 351.64 350.77 349.87 348.98 348.10 347.22 346.34 345.47 344.11 40 343.75 342.89 342.32 341 . 19 340.34 339.51 338.67 337.83 337.01 336.18 41 335.36 334.55 333.74 332.92 332.12 331.32 330.52 329.71 328.94 328.16 42 327.38 326.36 325.83 325.06 324.26 323 . 50 322.77 322.01 321.35 320.51 43 319.77 319.02 318.29 317.55 316.82 316.09 315.36 314.64 313.92 313.21 41 312.50 311.79 311.09 310.38 309.68 308.98 308.29 300.61 306.92 306.23 45 305.55 304.88 304.20 303.55 302.86 302.19 301.53 300.87 300.22 299.34 46 298.91 298.26 297.62 296.97 296.33 295.48 295.06 294.43 293.80 292.96 47 292.55 291.93 291.31 290.61 290.08 . 289.47 288.86 288.26 287.65 287.05 4N 286.46 285.86 285.26 284.66 284.09 283.50 282.92 282.34 281.76 281.18 49 280.61 280.04 279.47 278.09 278.34 277.77 277.21 276.66 276.10 275.55 50 275.00! 274.45 273.90 273.35 272.82 272.27 271.73 271.20 270.67 270.13 51 269.61 269.08 268.55 268.03 267.51 266.99 266.47 265.95 265.44 264.93 52 264. 43 1 263.91 263.41 262.91 262.40 261.90 261.40 260.91 260.41 258.03 63 259.43 258.94 258.45 257.97 257.49 257.00 256.53 256.05 255.57 255.10 54 254.63 254.16 253.69 253.22 252.75 252.29 251.83 251.37 250.91 250.47 55 250.00 249.54 249.09 248.64 248.19 247.74 247.30 246.86 246.41 245.97 126 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR TABLE VI Continued VALUES OF ~ FOR COMPUTING STEAM CONSUMPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 56 244 . 64 245.10 244.66 244.22 243.79 243.36 242.93 242.50 242 . 07 241.65 57 241.23 240.80 240.38 239.26 237.80 239.13 238.71 238.30 237 . 88 237.47 58 233.62 236 . 66 236.25 235.84 235.44 235.04 234.64 234 . 22 233 . 84 233.44 59 237.07 232.64 232 . 26 231.87 231.84 231.09 230.71 230.31 229 . 93 229.54 60 229.17 228.79 228.41 228.03 227.65 227 . 27 226.89 226.52 226.15 225.78 61 225.41 225.04 224.67 224.30 223.92 223.57 223.21 222.85 222.49 222.13 62 221.71 221.42 221.06 220.67 220.35 220.00 219.64 219.29 218.93 218. 6C 63 218.25 217.91 217.56 217.21 216.87 216.53 216.19 215.06 215.51 215.18 64 214.84 214.50 214.17 213.99 213.50 213.17 212.69 212.51 212.19 211.86 65 211.54 211.21 210.88 210.56 210.44 209.92 209.60 209 . 28 208.96 208.64 66 208.31 208.01 207.70 207.39 207.08 206.70 206.45 206.14 205.83 205.53 67 205.22 204.91 204.61 204 . 31 204.00 203 . 70 203.40 203.10 202.80 202. 5C 68 202.20 201.91 201.61 201.32 201.04 200.73 200.43 200.14 199.85 199.56 69 199.27 198.98 198.69 198.41 198.12 197.84 196.12 197 . 56 196.99 196. 7C 70 196.43 196.14 195.86 195.59 195.31 195.03 194.75 194.34 194.21 193.93 71 193.66 193.39 193.12 192.84 192.57 192.31 192.03 191.77 191.50 191.23 72 190.97 190.71 190.44 190.17 189.91 189.65 189.39 189.13 188.87 187.24 73 188.36 188.10 187.84 187.58 187.33 187.07 186.82 186.56 186.31 186. oe 74 185.80 185.56 185.30 185.06 184.81 184 . 56 184.31 184 . 07 183.82 183.57 75 183.34 183.09 182.84 182.60 182.36 182.11 181.87 181.63 181.39 181. 1C 76 180.92 180.68 180.45 180.21 179.97 179.73 179.50 179.27 179.03 178. 8C 77 178.57 178.34 178.11 177.87 177.65 177.42 177.19 177.09 176.73 176.51 78 176.28 176.05 175.83 175.61 175.38 175.16 174.81 174.71 174.49 174.27 79 174.05 173.83 173.61 173.39 173.17 172.95 172.73 172.52 172.18 172. 80 171.87 171.66 171.45 171.23 171.02 170.81 170.59 170.38 170.17 169.96 81 169.75 169.54 169.33 169.12 168.91 168.71 168.50 168.29 168.09 167. 8 82 167.68 167.47 167.27 167.07 166.86 166.67 166.46 166.26 166 . 06 165. 8e 83 165.66 165.46 165.26 165.06 164 . 86 164.67 164.47 164.27 164.09 163. 8 84 163.69 163.49 163.30 163.11 162.92 162.72 162.52 162.22 162.14 161. 9e 85 161.76 161.57 161.38 161.19 161.01 160.82 160.63 160.44 160.25 160.07 86 159.88 159.70 159.51 159.33 159.14 158.73 158.77 158.59 158.41 158. 2 87 158.04 157.86 157.68 157.50 157.32 157.14 156.96 156.78 156.61 156.44 88 156.25 156.07 155.89 155.71 155.54 155.36 155.19 154.01 154.84 154.66 89 154.49 154.32 154.14 153.97 153.80 153.63 153.46 153.29 153.12 152.94 90 153.78 152.61 152.44 152.27 152.10 151.93 151.76 151.60 151.54 151. 2( 91 151.09 150.93 150.77 150.60 150.43 150.27 150.11 149.94 149.77 149.61 92 149.45 149.29 149.13 148.97 148.81 148.64 148.48 148.32 148.16 148. 0( 93 147.85 147.58 147.53 147.25 147.21 147.05 146.90 146.73 146.59 146 . 4 r 94 146.27 146.12 145.96 145.81 145.65 145.50 145.34 145.19 145.04 144 . 8< 95 144.73 144.58 144.48 144.28 144.13 143.98 143.82 143.67 143.52 143.3^ 96 143.23 143.08 142.93 142.67 142.63 142.48 142.34 142.19 142.04 141. 9( 97 141.75 141.61 141.46 141.31 141.17 141.02 140.88 140.73 140.59 140.4^ 98 140.31 140.17 140.02 139.87 139.73 139.59 139.46 139.31 139.17 139.(X 99 138.88 138.74 138.61 138.46 138.33 138.19 138.05 137.91 137.77 137.6; 100 137.50 137.36 137.22 137.09 136.95 136.81 136.68 136.54 136.41 136.2' STEAM CONSUMPTION FROM THE DIAGRAM 127 the pressures and volumes accordingly X may be located anywhere on the compression curve, or even on the dotted extension of that line inside the clearance space. The compression after the piston has reached the end of its stroke will go on by the admission of the higher pressure steam. Suppose in Fig. Ill the exhaust valve closes at E, shutting in a volume proportional to the line OE, of exhaust steam. When the piston reaches the end of its stroke on the line A a the clearance will be full of steam raised by compression to the pressure B. The admission valve being now opened, live steam rushes in and raises the pressure to that of the steam line AC, by which process the steam saved by compression and which occupied the whole clearance at a pressure B before admission g h is compressed to a volume proportional to the line gh, corresponding with the pressure to which it is subjected. At this pressure, it will be seen, it occupies three-sevenths of the clearance space, and the remain- ing four-sevenths must be supplied from the boiler. The amount of new steam supplied up to the point of cut-off then is proportional to the line hC. When the pencil reached D the compression steam had B ^ expanded to a volume FIG. 111. proportional to ed, corresponding with that pressure, and the new steam involved in the stroke is proportional to the line Dd, and this is true of any line drawn horizontally across the diagram between the expansion and compression line, or the continuation of the latter into the clearance. This fact, when the compression is such that a horizontal line from the point which we wish to use on the expansion line will cut the compression line, as Fx, gives a simple process for finding the steam accounted for by the indicator corrected both for clearance and compression. It will be remembered that the formula when the whole volume of the displacement was involved and the pressure taken at the end of the stroke t was by formula (5), 13750w M.E.P.' 128 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR where w was the weight per cubic foot of steam at the terminal pressure. If instead of measuring the pressure at the terminus of the stroke t, we take any other time point, as F or D, the volume involved will be to the whole displacement volume as xF or dD is to the length of the diagram ay. If as before F =the fraction of the stroke completed at the point chosen for measurement, as F, Fig. Ill, and X=the portion of the return stroke uncompleted at the point chosen on the com- pression line, then F X (i.e., jF jX, Fig. Ill) will be the fraction of the whole length of the diagram occupied by the line XF, included between the expansion and compression lines. Substituting for w in formula (5) w/ = the weight per cubic foot at the pressure measured at point F, and multiplying by the fraction F X, we get the steam accounted for per horse-power and per hour, reducing the complete formula to 13750 . RULE. From the fraction of the stroke completed at the point chosen on the expansion line subtract the fraction of the stroke uncompleted at the point on the compression line which is in the same horizontal line. Mul- tiply the difference by the weight per cubic foot of steam at the pressure measured at the points chosen and by the quotient of 13,750 divided by the mean effective pressure. The final product will be the weight of steam accounted for per horse-power per hour. When the terminal pressure is so high or the compression is so small that a horizontal line would cut the admission rather than the com- pression line, the point X will be independently located and formula (9) used rather than to construct the extension of the compression line into the clearance, though the simple method just described would still be used on speculative or theoretical work. If the horizontal line intersects the junction of the compression and admission lines as at B, the portion X of the stroke uncompleted at this point becomes zero. If the hori- zontal line crosses the admission line, as at Dd, X becomes minus, and the .distance from the admission line A a to the point d where the hori- zontal crosses the compression line must be added to F. The value FX, however, would in this case be more easily arrived at and may be found in any case by dividing the length of the horizontal line, as dD, included between the expansion lines, by the length of the diagram ay. RULE. Draw a line across the diagram parallel with the atmospheric line. Divide the length of that portion of this line included between the expansion and compression lines by the extreme length of the diagram, and multiply the quotient by the weight per cubic foot of steam at the pressure indicated by the height of the horizontal line. Multiply this product by the quotient STEAM CONSUMPTION FROM THE DIAGRAM 129 of 13,750 divided by the mean effective pressure, and the result will be the pounds of steam accounted for per horse-power per hour. This rule is identical with the other, the proportion of the line of quantities to the length of the diagram being arrived at differently. It can be deduced from the formula algebraically as follows: When the points F and X are at the same height w x =w f , and the formula becomes STEAM ACCOUNTED FOR BY MULTIPLE-CYLINDER DIAGRAMS. We have seen that the amount of steam in the cylinder is different at different points in the stroke, increasing by re-evaporation as the stroke progresses. The same thing holds true in a multiple-cylinder engine. A portion of steam is measured off by the cut-off valve of the high-pressure cylinder. This portion in passing through the series of cylinders develops a determined amount of power. If the quantity of steam remained constant the quantity per horse-power hour would be the same whether measured immediately on the closure of the high- pressure cut-off valve or just before its final release in the low-pressure cylinder. But its quantity is constantly changing and more steam will be found to be accounted for per horse-power hour at the terminal end of the low-pressure than at any other point, under ordinary conditions. The steam accounted for may be computed at any point between cut-off and release on a diagram from any cylinder by the same rules and formulas used for simple engines, but in order that the area, stroke and number of revolutions may cancel, as shown, that M.E.P. must be used which would be equivalent in effect in the cylinder with which we are working to the aggregate of the several mean effectives in their respective cylinders. The effect of a given mean effective pressure is proportionate to the displacement per unit of time of the cylinder in which it works. A given mean effective pressure will produce twice the power in* a cylinder having twice the area, with the same piston speed. So if it is wished to find how much M.E.P. would be necessary to develop an amount of power in the low-pressure cylinder equivalent to that developed by a given M.E.P. in the high, the M.E.P. must be divided by the ratio of the displacements between the high- and low-pressure cylinders. To find this ratio multiply the square of the diameter, the stroke, and the revolu- tions per minute of each cylinder together, and divide the product from the larger cylinder by that from the smaller. As in ordinary multi- 130 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR cylinder engines all the cylinders have the same length of stroke an number of revolutions per minute, these factors cancel, and the oper; tion is reduced to dividing the square of the diameter of the larg( cylinder by the square of the diameter of the smaller, or dividing tl larger by the smaller diameter and squaring the quotient. RULE. To refer the mean effective pressure of one cylinder to anothe multiply the given M.E.P. by the ratio between the cylinder displacemen if the cylinder to which it is to be referred is smaller, or divide if it is i\ larger. EXAMPLE. In a compound engine having cylinders 12 and 24 inch in diameter, running at the same piston speed, the diagrams show \ pounds of M.E.P. in the high-pressure and 9.18 pounds in the low. Ref the mean effective pressure to the low-pressure cylinder. The ratio between the cylinders is (24 -5-12) 2 =4. Then 38 pounds in the high-pressure cylinder would be equaled 1 38-^4=9.5 pounds in the low pressure. Add this to the 9.18 poun shown by the low-pressure diagram and we have 9.5 +9.18 18.68 poun of mean effective pressure which would be required to do in the lo 1 pressure cylinder alone the work of 38 in the high and 9.18 in the lo In working out the steam accounted for per horse-power per hour fro the low-pressure diagram therefore the M.E.P. used would be 18. ' pounds. When working from the high-pressure diagram the M.E.P. of t low-pressure diagram must be referred to the smaller cylinder. ( account of the smaller displacement, it would require four times much pressure (4 is the ratio between the cylinder displacements) do the work in the high-pressure cylinder as in the low, so that to < the work of 9.18 pounds M.E.P. in the low-pressure cylinder wou require 4X9.18 =36.72 in the high. Add to this the 38 pounds indicati by the high-pressure diagram and find 36.72+38=74.72 pounds as t] M.E.P. to be used in the formula when the steam accounted for computed from the high-pressure diagram. With a triple- or quadrupl expansion engine proceed the same way. With this aggregate M.E.P. proceed as though the diagram we from a single-cylinder engine. When the mean effective is referred the high-pressure cylinder it is liable to become much larger than ai actually obtained, and to exceed the limit of the values given in Table V We therefore publish Table VII, taken from the Ashcroft book of instru tions for the Tabor indicator (a continuation of that table), giving tl 13750 values of ., _, _. for mean effective pressures from 100 to 250 pounds. STEAM CONSUMPTION FROM THE DIAGRAM 131 If instead of making a table of 13750 for various mean effective M.E.P. pressures we make one of I3,7o0w for various values of w, we avoid using a table to find the weight per cubic foot of steam. Such a table, computed by J. W. Thompson, M.E., is printed on page 132. Finding in this table the value for the pressure at the point chosen for measure- ment, divide it by the M.E.P. and multiply the quotient by F X, or by the ratio of the horizontal line across the diagram to the total length of the diagram. When points on the expansion and compression lines are at different heights the other process will be more convenient. TABLE VII 13750 VALUE OF M.E.P. M.E.P. Lbs. 13750 M.E P. Lbs. 13750 M.E.P. M.E.P. Lbs. 13750 M.E.P. Lbs. 13750 M.E.P. Lbs. 13750 M.E.P. M.E.P. M.E.P. M.E.P. 101 136.1 131 104.9 161 85.4 191 71.9 221 62.2 102 134.8 132 104.1 162 84.8 192 71.6 222 61.9 103 133.4 133 103.3 163 84.3 193 71.2 223 61.6 104 132.2 134 102.6 164 83.8 194 70.8 224 61.3 105 130.9 135 101.8 165 83.3 195 70.5 225 61.1 106 129.7 136 101.1 166 82.8 196 70.1 226 60.8 107 128.5 137 100.3 167 82.3 197 69.7 227 60.5 108 127.3 138 99.6 168 81.8 198 69.4 228 60.3 109 126.1 139 98.9 ! 169 81.3 199 69.0 229 60.0 110 125.0 140 98.2 170 80.8 200 68.7 230 59.7 111 123.8 141 97.5 171 80.4 201 68.4 231 59.5 112 122.7 142 96.8 172 79.9 202 68.0 232 59.2 113 122.6 143 96.1 173 79.4 203 67.7 233 59.0 114 120.6 144 95.4 174 79.0 204 67.4 234 58.7 115 119.5 145 94.8 175 78.5 205 67.0 235 58.5 116 118.5 146 94.1 176 78.1 206 66.7 236 58.2 117 117.5 147 93.5 177 77.6 207 66.4 237 58.0 118 116.5 148 92.9 178 77.2 208 66.1 238 57.7 119 115.5 149 92.2 179 76.8 209 65.7 239 57.5 120 114.5 150 91.6 180 76.3 210 65.4 240 57.2 121 113.6 151 91.0 181 75.9 211 65.1 241 57.0 122 112.7 152 90.4 182 75.5 212 64.8 242 56.8 123 111.7 153 89.8 183 75.1 213 64.5 243 56.5 124 110.8 154 89.2 184 74.7 214 64.2 244 56.3 125 110.0 155 88.7 185 74.3 215 63.9 245 56.1 126 109.1 156 88.1 186 73.9 216 63.6 246 55.8 127 108.2 157 87.5 187 73.5 217 63.3 247 55.6 128 107.4 158 87.0 188 73.1 218 63.0 248 55.4 129 106.5 159 86.4 189 72.7 219 62.7 249 55.2 130 105.7 160 85.9 190 72.3 220 62.5 250 55.0 132 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR coiMGOcooocot^i iiooicot^OTrtr^ococooo cOOOt^i ( ' i^oao(Niooo(Nioooi iiooO' 1^0001 i 00 Tt< O5 "*< O5 co o co b- o Tfir^O"*i^ococo oooooiooiooo o o co t^ o 8S t^t^rt t^i-IOiCOiO^OifN^^OCOOiOOT^iOT^COCMOcOi 1 I> r- Ir^iOQOO S oooooooooooooooooooooooooo - Ci < iCO-fcOXCiOClCOtO i-HTft-^O'-Fr^OcOCOCiCOCOCiOl -tOtOi idt>-COOt>- X 01 CO O "* X CO ** 01 O X t^ Ol X l~ t^ X O CO CD O l^ l^Xt^-CDTtitoxCiOi tO O (N X Ci O I-H - M COClcOOCOtOCDt^- 00 CO t^ '-< 1 o o o o eo co eo co eo co oo o o o o o o'o oooooxxxxxx tOiMt^OCiCOCOOt^n;' lOWcOOlOOdCOOlOO'MCOcOCO'^OX COtOl~XOi id-^COt^-XO' ("MCO^ o co ^ ;-J ^ t>- tO CO 1-1 i-H CO ^ CD X O CO CD c: ^J '-HC^I^ftot^-XCiO'-HC^CO'^tOcOr XCi X'-"^t^.OCOCOOCOCOCi(MtooO'-(Tjit>. Oi Ci X^Ot d^cOXOdTf" COr-Hi (!McOX-xO'Mcotoccxci'-Hdcotocot > -xciOi idco^fto OlCOCiC^tOXOJ'OX' (^t>-OTtit>.OCOcDCiOltoCi(MtOX' 1^ i-H i i tO Ci T-t X Ci ^H co to r^ x c 01 ^ to o 01 to x ^H to ac ^-1 Tt- oooocoooooo O1 *O CO ^O Ol ^^ CO 90 ^^ OJ ^t^ XOi-HrHOOt^-Cli (COCOTf^ CHAPTER XVI DIAGRAMS FROM COMPOUND ENGINES, CLEARANCE NEGLECTED So far as taking the diagrams from a compound engine, figuring the horse-power, the water accounted for, etc., the directions already given will suffice. The diagram will be taken just as though the cylinder operated upon were the only one concerned, the selection of the spring being governed by the range of pressures in that cylinder and con- venience in reducing the diagrams to a common scale, as will be explained. The indicated horse-power is found by computing the horse-power of each cylinder in the ordinary manner from its own diagrams and adding the indicated horse-power of the several cylinders for the total power of the engine. The steam accounted for per horse-power per hour is obtained by referring the mean effective pressures of the several cylinders to the cylinder in which the pressure used for the computation is measured, as explained in the chapter on steam consumption from the diagram. Each diagram is a representation of the distribution and use of steam in the conditions of its own cylinder, and may be studied in connection with a theoretical diagram for these conditions, just as a diagram from a single cylinder engine would. In order to study the action of the steam in the engine as a whole, however, and to compare it with an ideal expansion of steam through the range adopted, the diagrams must be studied in their relation to one another, and this involves their reconstruction in several particulars. In the first place, to be comparable, the diagrams must be upon the same scale. For the high pressures used in the initial cylinder of compound engines a stiff spring must be used. In order to get a large diagram on the low-pressure cylinder a spring of lower scale is used. When we wish to compare the resulting diagrams we must reduce them to the same scale, and as we can work more accurately upon a large than a small scale, it is preferable to increase the height of the high-pressure diagram to that which it would have been if taken with the same spring as the other. Suppose we have a compound engine with the low-pressure cylinder twice the diameter of the high, cutting off at a quarter stroke in both cylinders, with a boiler pressure of 160 pounds absolute and 26 inches 134 DIAGRAMS FROM COMPOUND ENGINES, CLEARANCE NEGLECTED 135 of vacuum, the stroke of both cylinders being equal; and that from this engine we had got the diagrams, Fig. 112, with an 80 scale, and Fig. 113, with a 20 scale. ; Neglecting for the present the influence of clearance, let us combine them so as to show the continuous action of the steam in the whole engine. If the high-pressure diagram had been taken with a 20 instead of an 80 spring every point upon it would have been g-=4 times as high above the atmospheric line as the diagram shows it. The first step, therefore, is to re- draw this diagram four times its present height. Divide the diagram into a convenient number of equal parts and erec \ High Pres SCAL X 1 10 13 FIG. 112. 15 16 etr.N.T. ordinates upon the divisions. In Fig. 112 sixteen spaces have been used, as they are easily obtained by successive halvings; or the spacing may be done by using the scale diagonally across the diagram, as in Fig. 74. Measure the distances from the atmospheric line to the forward- and backward-pressure lines of the diagram on each ordinate, and transfer these distances, multiplied by four, to the cor- responding ordinate upon the larger diagram. On ordinate 8, for example, the distances A B and AC in Fig. 114 are four times the distances ab and ac on the cor- Low Pressure 20 SCALE FIG. 113. i responding ordinate in Fig. 112. A pair of proportional dividers will be found convenient for this work. Drawing a line through the points thus indicated, we obtain the diagram shown in Fig. 114. AVhere sudden changes of pressure occur, so that it would be difficult to draw the line correctly between points so far apart, additional ordinates may be put 136 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR "~ -~^ 4^ in, as at x, Fig. 112, putting an ordinate in th \ X \ same position on the reconstructed diagram. \ We can now consider the diagrams somewha 1 in their relation one to another by placin \ them together, as shown in Fig. 114 , where t \ the low-pressure diagram is just as it wa \ drawn by the indicator. The steam is e* \ panded to about 40 pounds, exhausts int \ the receiver, and the space between th \ back-pressure line of the high-pressui \ l diagram and the steam line of the lo\\ 1 pressure shows the loss in going throug i i the ports and receiver between the tw i i k cylinders. But even now we are not able to corr \pare the diagrams with a theoretics i diagram showing the expansion of th 1 steam from the initial pressure to th , terminal in the low-pressure cylir \ \ \ der. To do this they must be re \ \ duced to the same scale of volume V c If the area of the hi^ ;h-pressui \ \ piston was one square foo \ then every foot of movemer \ \ of that piston would expan I 1 \ the steam behind \ Si one cubic foo \ \ s x s x \ \ \ I \ \ e ~\ E H, v ^_ d B ^^ / / ^ : _--' ^^. ^ A FIG. 114. DIAGRAMS FROM COMPOUND ENGINES, CLEARANCE NEGLECTED 137 If the low-pressure piston has twice the diameter of the high it would have four times the area, and each foot of movement of the low-pressure piston would add four cubic feet to the volume of the steam. One foot of movement of the low- pressure piston is equal, then, to four feet of the high; and since the movement of the piston is represented by the length of the diagram, the high-pressure diagram, to be comparable to the low, should be only one-fourth the length of the low- pressure diagram. This calculation has been made on the assumption that the larger cylinder had twice the diameter of the smaller and that the strokes were equal. In general the diagrams should be to each other in length as the volumes of their respective cylinders. The volume of the cylinder (clearance neglected) is the cross-sectional area multiplied by the length of the stroke; the area is the square of the diameter multiplied by 0.7854. Then letting d= diameter high-pressure cylinder; D= low-pressure cylinder; / = length stroke high-pressure cylinder; L= low-pressure cylinder; the ratio of the lengths of the diagrams would be d 2 X 0.7854 Xl D 2 X 0.7854 XL' The decimals cancel, and as the stroke is ordinarily the same in both cylinders the lengths usually cancel also, so that usually the ratio of the diagram length is In our case we found this ratio to be J, that is, the high-pressure diagram must be \ as long as the low. Lay off on the admission end of the enlarged diagram, Fig. 114, a length ^s, ATMOSPHERIC ABSOLUTE ZERO FIG. 115. 138 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR equal to J- the length of the low-pressure diagram, divide it int< as many spaces as the original diagram was at first divided, 16 ii this case, and erect ordiriates as shown. Then transfer the pressure; on the ordinates of the large diagram to the corresponding ordinate; of what will be the shortened diagram. For instance, we made a do d on the last ordinate of the shortened diagram at the same height ai the point D, where the line touches the last ordinate of the large diagram another at e on the second ordinate; counting from the right, at the sami height as E on the corresponding ordinate of the large diagram; am so on for both the forward and back pressure lines upon all the sixteei ordinates. Connecting these points we get the diagram shown by thi dotted line, as though it had been taken with a 20 spring and only one quarter the movement to the paper barrel that the low-pressure diagran had. If this diagram is placed above the low-pressure diagram, as ii Fig. 115, we have a representation of the continuous action of the stean and can draw about it the theoretical diagram, as shown by the dotte( line, showing how much of the inclosed area is covered by the diagram; from the engine, and how nearly perfect the utilization of the stean has been. CHAPTER XVII DIAGRAMS FROM COMPOUND ENGINES, CLEARANCE CONSIDERED IN the last chapter was described the combination of diagrams from the various cylinders of a compound engine so as to be comparable with an equivalent action of the steam in a single cylinder. Clearance was neglected for the sake of simplicity, but it now becomes necessary to proceed to the consideration of the effect of clearance in such a combination. Its treat- ment is shown in Fig. 116 for a two-cylinder engine in which the diameters of the cylinders are as 2 to 1, making the volumes for equal strokes as 4 to 1. In the low- pressure cylinder the clearance is -fa, or 8J per cent of the displacement. Draw the line of zero pressure, per- fect vacuum OX, Fig. 116, and at a distance ab (=-^3- the length of the low-pressure diagram) from the ad- mission line erect the line OA of zero volume. Then set the reconstructed high-pressure diagram at such a distance from the line OA that the clearance space cd shall be the proper percentage of the length de of that diagram. In other words, add the clearance line in the usual manner to the reconstructed diagrams, and in combining make the clearance lines coincide. Let us consider a little further the action of steam in compound engines, using for the purpose con- ventional or theoretical diagrams drawn upon the same scales for both cylin- ders. Let us take first the en- gine with no re- ceiver but with the high-pressure exhausting directly into the low, and the pistons moving together, as in a tandem, or with equal opposite movements, as with a cross-compound the cranks of which are opposite. Suppose the cut-off to take place in the 139 FIG. 116. 140 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR high-pressure cylinder at one-quarter stroke, C, Fig. 117, in which case the steam would be expanded to the terminal pressure T, say 30 pounds. Now suppose a valve as at A, Fig. 118, between the two cylinders, to open, and the pistons to commence to move toward the left. As the area of the low-pressure cylinder is four times as great as that of the high, every inch of movement will add four times the volume in the low-pressure cylinder that is taken up by the forward movement of the high-pressure piston. When, for instance, the pistons have made one-quarter of their c\ c \ - FIG. 117. stroke, and are in the position shown, the steam will still have three- quarters as much room to occupy in the high-pressure cylinder as it had before the return stroke was commenced, and in addition it will have one-quarter of the low-pressure cylinder. As the low-pressure has four times the volume of the high, the steam will have in one-quarter of the low-pressure as much room as it had in the high-pressure cylinder at the end of the forward stroke, besides the three-quarters of its original volume, still left in the high-pressure cylinder. Its volume has, there- fore, at the point under consideration, been expanded to If that at the DIAGRAMS FROM COMPOUND ENGINES, CLEARANCE CONSIDERED 141 termination of the forward stroke, and knowing that the pressure is in- versely as the volume (see Chapter on Expansion Line), we divide the terminal pressure 30, by If, and find a little over 17 pounds as the pres- sure at the point e, Fig. 117. Locating the pressure at the other points in the same manner, we find that the back pressure on the high-pressure piston, which in this case would also be the forward-pressure on the low- FIG. 118. pressure, would follow the line TA, Fig. 120, with an uninterrupted pas- sage of the steam between the cylinders throughout the stroke. If the point of cut-off in the high-pressure cylinder were to change, it would change the terminal pressure T in that cylinder, and correspond- ingly increase or diminish the initial pressure in the low. Instead of cutting off at (7, Fig. 117, one-quarter of the stroke, the steam were cut Low Pressure 1 Vol. FIG. 119. off at c, one-third of the stroke, the terminal pressure would be t instead of T, and the back-pressure line of the high-pressure diagram, which is at the same time the steam line of the low-pressure diagram, would be ta. If, on the other hand, the cut-off is earlier in the high-pressure, the initial for the low-pressure will be lowered and less work will be done in that cylinder. 142 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR Now suppose that instead of remaining open, the valve A, Fig. 118, between the cylinders, closed at quarter stroke, giving a one-quarter cut-off in the low-pressure cylinder as well as in the high. This would carry the expansion line of the low-pressure along the line eE, but it would shut up the exhaust of the high-pressure cylinder, and compres- sion would commence at e, running the back-pressure line rapidly up in the direction ef. Now suppose that instead of exhausting directly into the low-pressure FIG. 120. cylinder the high-pressure exhausts into a receiver or reservoir, from which the low-pressure takes its supply, as in Fig. 119. This receiver can be so large in proportion to the cylinders that the fluctuations in the quantity of steam taken from and delivered to it during the stroke will affect the pressure but little. Understand that the low-pressure cylinder must take out of the receiver as much steam as the high-pressure delivers to it. It is obvious that it cannot con- tinuously take out more and if it does hot take out as much the steam would accumulate in the receiver and raise the pressure until the volume DIAGRAMS FROM COMPOUND ENGINES, CLEARANCE CONSIDERED 143 taken by the low-pressure contained as much steam as the high-pressure was delivering. Suppose the capacity of the receiver to be ten times that of the high-pressure cylinder. At the beginning of the stroke there will be one volume in the high-pressure cylinder and ten volumes in the receiver of steam at the terminal pressure y=30 pounds, 11 volumes in all. At quarter stroke, Fig. 118, there will be three-quarters of a volume in the high-pressure, ten volumes in the receiver, and one volume in the low, one-quarter of the low-pressure cylinder being equal to the whole FIG. 121. volume of the high, llf volumes in all. The pressure will have fallen- then to only TT-~ of the original 30, or to a little over 28 pounds, as at 1 1 . /o g, Fig. 120, instead of to 17, as at e, Fig. 117. Suppose now the valve A, Fig. 118, to close, i.e., cut-off to occur on the low-pressure cylinder. The expansion in that cylinder would follow the line gh, Fig. 120, while the high-pressure cylinder would continue to exhaust into the receiver, and at the end of the stroke would have taken back that excess of three- quarters of a volume which it had when cut-off occurred on the low- 144 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR pressure, and brought the pressure back from 28 to 30 pounds, the coun- ter-pressure following the line gi. Suppose a heavier load to come on the engine, changing the point of cut-off from one-quarter to one-third stroke. First let us consider the effect with a fixed cut-off on the low-pressure cylinder, which we will allow to remain at one-quarter stroke. The. result is shown by the dotted diagram in Fig. 120. The greater portion of the increase of load is taken by the low-pressure cylinder, on which the cut-off has not changed, the area gained by the later cut-off in the high-pressure cylinder being largely offset by the loss of area due to the increase of back pressure through the higher terminal. Notice also that with the low-pressure cut-off set at one-quarter, the volume which the low-pressure cylinder takes out of the receiver each stroke just equals the volume delivered to it by the high-pressure, so that whatever the terminal pressure, the high-pressure diagram will end in a point. Suppose now there had been an automatic cut-off on both cylinders, and that the low-pressure cut-off changed to one-third stroke too. The low-pressure cylinder has four times the volume of the high. One-third of the low would have JX4 = 1J times the volume of the high, so that for every cubic foot of steam that the high-pressure cylinder delivers to the receiver the low-pressure cylinder takes out 1J cubic feet. Since there is a greater volume going out of the receiver than there is going into it, the pressure will fall until the greater volume taken out by the low-pressure cylinder contains only the same quantity or weight of steam as that delivered in a smaller volume by the high-pressure cylin- der. In other words, the receiver pressure will fall until the cylinderful of steam delivered to the receiver at 40 pounds will expand to 1J times its volume in the receiver, which should require a receiver pressure of 40 -r- 1^=30 pounds. We should therefore have a diagram like Fig. 121, where the dotted lines represent both cylinders cutting off at one-quarter stroke, the full lines, both cylinders cutting off at one-third stroke. CHAPTER XVIII ERRORS IX THE DIAGRAM IN treating of the reducing motion we have described in kind the various errors to which it is liable. It now remains to consider them in degree. Fig. 122 shows the error which would result from taking \ FIG. 122. the motion from a pin on a lever like Fig. 123, vibrating through about 90. A diagram which should follow the full line would be distorted by this arrangement to that shown by the dotted lines. The cut-off would appear too early, the expansion line would hold up too much for the apparent cut-off, but would be below its proper position in the first of the stroke, crossing the correct line at the center, and making the ter- minal appear higher than it should be. It makes the release and com- pression appear late and reduces the area of the diagram, and hence the apparent indicated horse-power. Both the right- and left-handed diagrams, i.e., those from the head and the crank end, are affected the same way. When you see a diagram which resembles the dotted one in Fig. 122, look over the reducing motion. 145 146 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR As just stated, Fig. 122 was drawn upon the assumption that tin lever vibrated through 90. This is excessive. It is recommended t< use a lever not less than one and a half times the length of the stroke This gives a vibration between 35 and 40. In Fig. 124 is shown th< distortion due to using a lever like Fig. 123, one and a half times th< length of the stroke, taking the motion from a pin in the lever, and { cord led off parallel to the guides. The distortion is much less than with the shorter lever, and th< purpose for which the diagram is taken must determine whether thi amount can be tolerated for the sake of simplicity in the reducing motion. When we measure for a carpet we do not take into accoun FIG. 124. the fractions of an inch, and when we weigh coal we do not pay atten tion to the ounces. In ordinary indicating to see that the valve gea has not become deranged, to make a rough cast of the power for pur poses of record, etc., we need not be so precise as though we were testing a cruiser, when the difference of one pound mean effective pressure wouh mean ten thousand dollars to the builders; or a steam plant where i few horse-power more or less would determine for or against the guar antee; or when with Hirn, we undertake to trace from the diagran the distribution and disposition of the heat units going through the plant. This is when the indicator and its user must get right dowr to extreme accuracy, and after every precaution is used the results wil still be too far from the truth. This motion cannot be corrected b} ERRORS IN THE DIAGRAM 147 the use of a brumbo pulley, for the pulley would not move through equal arcs for equal movements of the cross-head. It would pull the cylinder a distance equal to 4', 5', Fig. 122, in the middle of the stroke, and only that equal to 1', 2', etc., at the ends, so that instead of being equally divided for equal movements of the piston the diagram would be divided irregularly, as are the spaces on the arc. If this arc were straightened out, reduced to the length of the diagram without dis- turbing the proportion of the spacing, corresponding ordinates, as 3'/, erected, and the pressure transferred to these from the proper ordinates, as from B to /, we should get the diagram represented by the broken FIG. 125. line, showing that the use of the arc is productive of greater accuracy in this case. With a lever of constant length, as in Fig. 125, however, the use of the arc introduces an error. (See chapter on reducing motions.) Leading the cord away from the reducing motion in any other direc- tion than parallel with the guides introduces an error. Let us see how much. Suppose we have a pantograph, as in Fig. 126, or a reducing wheel, as in Fig. 127, and that instead of leading the cord off in the direction AB parallel with the guides, we led it off in the direction shown, the angle being 30 when the cross-head is nearest to the cylinder. 148 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR The resulting distortion of the diagram will be that shown in Fig. 128. When the piston has traveled one-eighth of its stroke the pencil, which should be at A, will be a, and so on for the other ordinates. Notice that this makes the apparent cut-off earlier on the head-end and later on the crank-end. At all times and in both directions the travel of the paper-drum is less than it should be, altogether it looks to be more when traveling to the right. Thus, starting with at the right the pin on the pantograph, when the engine cuts off at quarter stroke, will have moved a distance equal to 02, but the movement of the paperr drum will be equal to OC only. When the stroke is completed the pantograph pin has traveled through a distance equal to 08, but the paper-drum has traveled through OD, the comparative movement of the pantograph pin and the paper-drum for successive eighths of fche FIG. 126. stroke, being shown by the bold-faced figures 1, 2, 3, etc., and the dotted ordinates to the right of them. The full-line ordinates are placed upon the equal eighths of the shortened diagram OD. Starting at D back- ward the pantograph pin would move in the first eighth of the stroke to 1, in the second eighth to 2, etc. The corresponding position of the pencil on the paper would be at the dotted ordinates as before, a less distance, it will be seen, than the actual movement in every case; but when we come to erect the full-line ordinates on the even eighths of the shortened diagram they fall behind the dotted lines, showing how we can get an apparently excessive movement on the crank end with a movement really less than it should be. Notice that the distortion due to this cause tends to throw the card out of balance, affecting the dia- ERRORS IN THE DIAGRAM 149 grams from the head- and crank-ends in different directions, not in the same way as did the distortion of the lever motion in Fig. 122. Another source of error in the diagram, briefly referred to before, is that due to a long and indirect passage from the cylinder to the indicator. The errors introduced are: less realized pressure, lower compression and higher terminal. This subject has been discussed in the various technical papers, and varying opinions have been elicited. In order to determine this question, the author, in connection with Mr. A. C. Lippincott, undertook the tests resulting in the diagrams shown in Figs. 129 to 138. We designed the apparatus shown in Fig. 129. A a Crank End Head End SCc 6 FIG. 128. rr, A". JT. Our first test was made on an 11X11 Ball & Wood engine at the Roosevelt Building, New York, through the courtesy of Mr. Thomas Murphy, the engineer in charge. The engine was running at 270 revolu- tions per minute, driving an electric generator with a very constant load, so constant that when the pencil was held on for 20 revolutions the line of the diagram was scarcely thickened. Three and a half feet of half- inch pipe connected the cross F with the tee G, and a similar length was used between E and H J the right and left nipple I being about 7 inches long. This pipe was thoroughly heated and drained before each card was taken, by turning the three-way cock, so that steam could issue 150 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR through the little escape orifice, opening the drips and the cock B, the engine running continuously. Having taken a diagram with the direct connection, the three-way cock was reversed and the cock B opened, compelling the steam to travel through the loop of about 8 feet of |-inch pipe and fittings to the indicator. The result is shown in Fig. 130. The pencil was allowed to pass over the card 20 revolutions as before, to insure that the diagram was not erratic or exceptional. This experiment was repeated over and over again. Whenever we switched to the direct connection we got Fig. To Cylinde FIG. 129. 131, whenever with the direct connection we opened the connection to the piping, we got Fig. 132; and when the steam was compelled to pass around to the further side of the three-way cock to get to the indicator we got Fig. 130. The passages through the pipes and fittings were perfectly clear, and ordinary |-inch plug cocks, half-inch fittings and the three-way cock regularly supplied with the indicator were used. The nipple A is screwed into the hole in the cylinder ordinarily provided for the indicator cock. When the handle of the three-way cock is ERRORS IX THE DIAGRAM 151 thrown to the right, as in the drawing, the steam enters the cock from the left and has a direct passage to the indicator, and if the plug cock FIG. 130. FIG. 131. FIG. 132. B is closed the steam has no access to the extraneous piping, and the indicator is about as directly connected as it would be with the usual 152 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR nipple elbow and single cock. The plug cock C is open and D is closed, so that when B is opened steam can pass clear around the loop and enter the three-way cock at the right, as it must do to get to the indicator when the handle of the three-way cock is swung the other way. Any sort of a circuit of piping, steam hose, or fittings may be connected at EF for the steam to pass through on its way to the indicator. The handle of the three-way cock can also be left so as to give the steam a direct passage to the indicator and the cock B left open so as to obtain the effect of the addition to the clearance without the friction of the pipe. Fig. 129 shows the apparatus as applied to a cylinder tapped at the side as are engines of the Corliss type. For engines tapped on top of FIG. 133. the cylinder it is turned as shown in Fig. 133, which will explain the necessity of the cocks C and D. Fig. 134 is a card on which all three diagrams were taken as quickly as the cocks could be shifted. Through the kindness of Mr. Gillespie, in charge of the steam plant of the Young Women's Christian Associa- tion Building, we were able to repeat the experiment on a 12X12 New York Safety engine, which also ran at 270 revolutions, but was more heavily loaded. This load was also electrical and very steady, Fig. 135 being its diagram with the direct connection and 35 passages of the pencil. Fig. 136 shows very prettily the effect of added clearance obtained by opening the cock B, leaving the passage to the indicator still direct. ERRORS IN THE DIAGRAM 153 Fig. 137 shows the diagram obtained with the indirect connection, the pencil passing 25 times over. Puwr, K.T. FIG. 134. FIG. 135. FIG. 136. Fig. 138 shows all three diagrams on the same card. Seven or eight feet of pipe is of course excessive for an indicator connection, though not much more so than 6 feet of steam hose. If 154 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR such a difference as this exists with 8 feet there should be a visible dif- ference with 4r| feet, or even with the ordinary side pipe on a long cylinder. Fig. 131 is a photographic reproduction of the diagram obtained from the first engine with the direct connection, the pencil passing over it FIG. 137. fully twenty times. A new card was placed upon the paper-barrel and another diagram taken under the same conditions as Fig. 131. Then leaving the three-way cock so that the steam passed directly to the in- dicator, the cock B was opened, adding the pipe to the volume of the Power, .y.,T FIG. 138. clearance, and another diagram was drawn upon the same card. The result is shown in Fig. 132, and is as would have been expected less realized pressure, lower compression, and higher terminal. For greater distinctness, we have dotted the line of the first diagram, which will be seen to be identical with Fig. 131. CHAPTER XIX MEASURING THE CLEARANCE THE clearance of a steam engine includes not only the space between the piston face and cylinder head, but all of the port or ports up to the valve face when the engine is on the dead center. It is necessary to know its amount whenever any accurate calculations are made con- cerning the action of the steam. It is usually expressed as a fraction of the volume displaced by one stroke of the piston, or what is equivalent to this, a percentage of the length of the stroke. Fig. 139 shows a single-valve engine with the steam chest at the side of the cylinder, and the closely shaded portion represents the FIG. 139. clearance. If the valve and piston are tight, the amount of the clear- ance may be found both easily and accurately as follows: Put the engine carefully on the dead center in the usual manner and set the valve so that it covers the port, blocking it, if necessary, to hold it up against the seat. Make a fine mark aa on the cross-head and guides. Remove the indicator plug P and pour in enough water to fill the clearance space up to the under face F of the plug, which is the highest point of the clearance. Measure or weigh carefully the amount of water poured in and make a note of it. 155 156 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR Now turn the engine over until the cross-head has moved 3 or 4 inches of its stroke and pour in a second quantity of water exactly equal to that required to fill the clearance space. Then back the engine up until the water rises again to the original level F. The cross-head and piston will now be in the position shown in Fig. 140 and the shaded portion will be filled with water. Make a second mark b on the guides opposite the mark a on the cross-head. The dotted line XY, Fig. 140, represents the original position of the cross-head, and the space to the right of it will be that occupied by the second quantity of water and will represent a volume equal to the clearance. The fraction of the stroke occupied by this equivalent volume will be the distance ab on the guides, and all that is needed to find the clearance in decimal parts s ! A 1 \ i i \^ ^/ i 3 K ) 1 FIG. 140. of the stroke is to measure in inches the distance ab and divide it by the length of the stroke in inches. For instance, if in an engine of 15 inches stroke the distance ab was found to be 1& inches (1.1875), the clearance would be _i__- =0.0791 lo or 7-j 9 ^ per cent of the stroke. In engines of the Corliss type, however, the indicator opening is not on top of the cylinder, but usually at the side, as shown in Fig. 141. This objection can be overcome by screwing into the indicator elbow a short, vertical piece of pipe just long enough to bring the top end to the level of the valve face as in the figure. Then pour in the water until it overflows the top end of this pipe, leaving the steam valve open about as for lead to prevent entrapping air at the highest point. If this air were not allowed to escape, it would be compressed until its pressure equaled the slight head of water and it would not be possible to fill the entire clearance space with water. MEASURING THE CLEARANCE 157 The distance ab on the guides is then found as before by pouring in a second quantity of water and bringing it to the original level. It is well to note here that if the second pouring is exactly equal to the first, we shall have put in too much by the quantity contained in the short piece of pipe from P to T, Fig. 141. This amount may be obtained FIG. 141. by measurement before the pipe is screwed into place and should be deducted from the second pouring in order to correctly locate point 6, Fig. 142. In the above method, it is not necessary to measure or weigh the quantity of water in any particular units; a mark on a bucket, any FIG. 142. known number of canfuls or a balancing weight of unknown value will give two equal quantities. If a vessel graduated in U. S. liquid measure, i.e., quarts, pints, and gills, be used to measure the first pouring, the second operation, by which mark b was located, may be omitted and the clearance found by a simple calculation. 158 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR Suppose it required- 3 quarts 1 pint and 2 gills of water to fill the clearance of an engine 15 inches diameter by 15 inches stroke. In U. S. liquid measure 4 gills =1 pint 2 pints = 1 quart 4 quarts = 1 gallon Since 1 gallon =231 cubic inches, 1 gill = 7.22 cubic inches 1 pint =28.88 cubic inches 1 quart =57. 75 cubic inches The volume of the clearance is then 3 quartsX57.75 = 173.25 1 pint X 28.88= 28.88 2 gills X 7.22= 14.44 Total =216.57 cu. in. The cylinder area is 15 2 X0.7854 = 176.71 square inches, and thi piston displacement for one stroke is 176.71X15=2650.7 cubic inches Therefore the clearance is 216.6-^2650.7=0.0817 or 8.17 per cent o the stroke. P.]ven if the measuring apparatus is not graduated finer than pints it is possible to estimate with reasonable accuracy to quarter pints so that the error will not be serious. There is another good way to find the clearance without locating point 6 on the guides: it requires only the use of a pair of avoirdupois scales, such as grocers use, and a bucket holding two or more time; the water required to fill the clearance. To illustrate more clearly we will work out an example. Fill thi bucket with water and weigh it carefully; let us assume that the bucke and water weigh 20 pounds. Now fill the clearance space from the bucket taking care to spill none of the water, and again weigh the bucket am the remaining water; suppose that it now weighs 12 pounds and 2 ounces It has then required 20 pounds 12 pounds 2 ounces =7 pounds 14 ounce = 7-} or 7.88 pounds of water to fill the clearance space. The volum< of a pound of water at the temperature of the usual room is 27.7. The volume of the clearance is 7.88X27.7=218 cubic inches. Th percentage of clearance is then found as before by dividing the clearance volume by the product of the piston area and stroke, i.e., by the pistoi displacement. MEASURING THE CLEARANCE 159 In engines having indicator openings on the side, a correction must be made for the short piece of pipe, as previously mentioned. We now have three methods of finding clearance : 1. By linear measure, using two equal quantities of water. 2. By liquid measure. 3. By weight. There is still another method, which is as simple as any; it is shown in Fig. 143. A bucket or other vessel is suspended above the cylinder and a constant supply of water is furnished it by means of a hose or pipe. From the bottom or side of the bucket a small rubber hose or J-inch pipe leads the water to the cylinder. The head of the water on the dis- charge end of the small pipe must be kept constant either by regulating. Supply FIG. 143. the supply to the bucket so as to keep the water level constant, or bjr allowing the bucket to overflow continually. If the latter is done, the overflowing water must not follow along the small pipe and so get into the cylinder. This can be prevented by using a siphon to supply the cylinder. The operation is as follows: Put the engine on the dead center and note the time in seconds required to fill the clearance space. Shut off the supply to the cylinder and put the engine on the other center. Then through the same pipe and under the same head fill the entire cylinder and clearance space up to the original level, noting separately the time in seconds required to fill the cylinder. Since the quantity of water flowing through a constant opening under a constant head is exactly proportional to the time, the clearance- is equal to the first period of flow divided by the second period. 160 THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR For example, suppose it requires 1 minute and 25 seconds (85 seconds) to fill the clearance space and 28 minutes and 20 seconds (1700 seconds) to fill the cylinder. The clearance is then '=0.05 or five per cent of the stroke. The smaller the supply pipe to the cylinder, the longer it will take to fill the clearance space and the less the percentage of error in obser- vation. Various modifications of the details will suggest themselves for vertical engines, locomotive engines and others. In every case it is important to leave an opening for the escape of air at the highest point. Suppose that instead of having plugs in the indicator openings the engine were provided with a j-inch standard indicator pipe and 3-way cock, as shown by the dotted lines in Fig. 139. The clearance space would then include that portion of the indicator pipe from the face of the 3-way cock to the cylinder connection. For a 15X15 inch engine, this additional amount would be about 11 J inches of J-inch standard pipe. The internal area or this pipe is 0.53 of a square inch, and the added clearance volume due to it is 0.53X11J=6.10 cubic inches. In finding the clearance of an engine equipped thus, the water should be poured in through the indicator connection until it is just visible from the top. When the side pipe is used and it is necessary to use a riser the contents of the riser must be found separately and deducted. The publication of the foregoing direction for measuring clearance, prepared by Mr. C. G. Robbi s of the editorial department of Power, called out the following suggestion from Prof. John E. Sweet: The engine valve and piston must be made tight and the engine set on the dead center as in any case. Set upon a platform or counter scale a pail of water and an empty pail, and balance them by the weight on the scale. Fill the clearance space from the pail of water, and then from outside source put enough water in the empty pail to again balance the scale. Mark the cross-head and guide, turn the engine forward a little way and put the water in the second pail in the cylinder, and turn the engine back until the water comes up in the indicator hole, and again mark the cross-head as was clearly explained in the foregoing. In the case of a Corliss engine where a stand pipe is necessary to fill through the indicator hole, after the scale has been balanced with the pail of water, and empty pail as above described, take off the stand pipe, fill it with water and put it in the pail of water, then after putting on the stand pipe proceed as before. So far we have in a simple way obtained two marks on the guide which truly represent the distance the piston has to travel to equal the clearance, and whether the result is in even inches, which would MEASURING THE CLEARANCE 161 render it simple to determine the per cent, or in fractions, which would complicate the problem, the following graphic method answers equally well, and is readily performed by anyone who can use a rule. Draw a horizontal line as in Fig. 144, and lay off the stroke of the engine AB } and draw the vertical line from B; at C draw another vertical line the same distance from A as the two lines marked on the guide. From A with 100 units of any comvenient length measure up on the line #, that is to say, if the stroke of the engine be 11 inches, measure up from A to some point on the line F to D 12J inches, which is a hundred Length of Stroke - FIG. 144 C "deanncoJA. units of J inch each, then from D to A strike the straight line E and as many J inches as there are from A to F, so much will be the per cent of clearance in the engine. If the stroke of the engine is between 13 and 18 inches, 18} inches may be used for the line E when ^ of an inch will be the unit, or if from 18 to 24 inches, then 25 inches for the line X with J inch as a unit and so on. Of course this is not the mathematicians' way of doing things, but it eliminates many sources of error, is quick, easy to understand, and just as accurate as the man who does it is able to work, and that is the measure of accuracy in about everything. TABLE I. HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS. X. Loga- rithm. X. Loga- rithm. X. Loga- rithm. X. Loga- rithm. .OI 00995 1-57 .45108 2.13 .75612 2.69 .98954 .02 .01980 1.58 45742 2.14 . 76081 2.70 99325 03 .02956 i.59 46373 2.15 76547 2.71 99695 .04 .03922 i. 60 .47000 2.16 .77011 2.72 .00063 05 .04879 1.61 .47623 2.17 77473 2.73 .00430 .06 .05827 1.62 .48243 2.18 77932 2.74 .00796 .07 .06766 1.63 .48858 2.19 78390 2.75 .01160 .08 .07696 1.64 .49470 2.20 . 78846 2.76 01523 .09 .08618 1.65 .50078 2.21 79299 2.77 .01885 .IO 09531 1.66 .50681 2.22 79751 2.78 .02245 .11 .12 . 10436 II333 i 68 .51282 2.23 2.24 .80200 .80648 I'K .02604 .02962 13 . 12222 1.69 52473 2.25 81093 2.81 03318 .14 .13103 1.70 53063 2.26 81536 2.82 .03674 .15 13977 1.71 53649 2.27 .81978 2.83 .04028 .16 .14842 1.72 .54232 2.28 .82418 2.84 .04380 .17 .15700 1-73 .54812 2.29 82855 2.85 .04732 .18 16551 1.74 .55389 2.30 .83291 2.86 .05082 .19 17395 1.75 55962 2.31 83725 2.87 05431 .20 .18232 1.76 56531 2.32 84157 2.88 5779 .21 . 19062 1-77 57098 2-33 -84587 2.89 .06126 .22 19885 1.78 .57661 2-34 85015 2.90 .06471 23 .2O70I 1.79 .58222 2-35 85442 2.91 .06815 .24 .21511 .80 58779 2.36 .85866 2.92 .07158 25 .22314 .81 59333 2.37 .86289 2-93 .07500 .26 .23111 .82 .59884 2.38 .86710 2.94 .07841 .27 .23902 .83 . 60432 2.39 .87129 2.95 .08181 .28 . 24686 .84 .60977 2.40 87547 2.96 .08519 .29 25464 .85 .61519 2.41 .87963 2-97 .08856 30 .26236 .86 .62058 2.42 .88377 2.98 .09192 .31 .27003 .87 62594 2.43 .88789 2-99 .09527 .32 .27763 .88 63127 2.44 .89200 3.00 .09861 33 .28518 .89 63658 2.45 .89609 3.01 .10194 34 .29267 .90 .64185 2.46 .90016 3-02 .10526 35 .30010 .91 .64710 2.47 .90422- 3.03 .10856 1.36 30748 .92 65233 2.48 .90826 3.04 . i i i 86 1.37 .31481 93 65752 2.49 .91228 3.05 .11514 1.38 .32208 .94 .66269 2.50 .91629 3.06 .11841 L39 .32930 .95 .66783 2.51 .92028 3.07 .12168 1.40 33647 .96 .67294 2.52 .92426 3.08 12493 1.41 34359 97 .67803 2.53 .92822 3.09 .12817 .42 .35066 .98 .68310 2.54 93216 3.10 .13140 43 35767 99 .68813 2.55 .93609 3. II .13462 44 36464 2.00 69315 2.56 .94001 3.12 13783 45 37156 2.01 .69813 2-57 94391 3.13 .14103 .46 37844 2.02 .70310 2.58 94779 3.14 .14422 47 38526 2.03 . 70804 2.59 .95166 3.15 .14740 .48 .39204 2.04 7 I2 95 2.60 95551 3.16 15057 .49 .39878 2.05 .71784 2.61 95935 3.17 15373 .50 .40547 2.06 .72271 2.62 96317 3.18 .15688 51 .41211 2.07 72755 2.63 .96698 3.19 . 16002 .52 .41871 2.08 73 2 37 2.64 .97078 3.20 16315 53 42527 2.09 737i6 2.65 97454 3.21 .16627 54 43178 2.10 .74194 2.66 97833 3.22 .16938 55 43825 2. II . 74669 2.67 .98208 3.23 1.17248 .56 .44460 2.12 .75142 2.68 .98^82 3.24 I.T7SS7 162 TABLE I. Continued. HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS. X' Loga- ja Loga- N. Loga- X. Loga- rithm. HI rithm. rithm. rithm. ! 3-25 17865 3.81 1.33763 4-37 1.47476 i 4-93 59534 3-26 .18173 3.82 1-34025 4.38 I-47705 4.94 59737 3-27 18479 3-83 1.34286 4-39 1-47933 ! 4-95 59939 3-28 18784 3.84 1-34547 4.40 1.48160 ] 4.96 .60141 3-29 19089 i 3-85 1.34807 4.41 1.48387 1 4-97 60342 3-30 19392 3.86 1-35067 4.42 1.48614 4.98 60543 3-31 3.87 I-35325 4-43 1.48840 j 4.99 .60744 3-32 19996 3-88 I-35584 4.44 1.49065 | 5.OO .60944 3-33 . 20297 3.89 1-35841 4.45 1.49290 j 5.01 .61144 3-34 20597 3.90 1.36098 4.46 I-495I5 5-02 61343 3.35 . 20896 I-36354 4-47 -49739 5.03 .61542 3-36 .21194 3-92 1.36609 4.48 i . 49962 5.04 .61741 3-37 .21491 3-93 i . 36864 4.49 1.50185 5.05 .61939 3-38 .21788 3-94 1.37118 4.50 i . 50408 5.06 62137 3-39 .22083 3-95 4.51 i . 50630 5.07 62334 3-40 .22378 3.96 1.37624 4.52 1.50851 5.08 62531 .22671 3.97 I-37877 4.53 1.51072 5.09 .62728 3-42 . 22964 3.98 1.38128 4-54 i 51293 .62924 3-43 3-44 .23256 23547 3-99 4.00 I.38379 i .'38629 ts 5.12 .63120 63315 3-45 23837 4.01 1.38879 4.57 -5I95I 5.13 63511 3-46 .24127 4.02 1.39128 4.58 1.52170 5.14 63705 3-47 .24415 4.03 1-39377 4-59 1.52388 5.15 .63900 3-48 -24703 4.04 1.39624 4.60 1.52606 5.16 .64094 3-49 - 24990 4.05 1.39872 4.61 1.52823 5.17 . 64287 3-50 25276 4.06 1.40118 4.62 L53039 5.18 .64481 3-5 1 4.07 i . 40364 4.63 1-53256 5.19 64673 3-52 .25846 4.08 1.40610 4.64 5.20 . 64866 3-53 .26130 4.09 1.40854 4-65 i "-53687 5.21 . 65058 3-54 .26412 4.10 1.41099 4-66 i 53902 5.22 65250 3-55 -26695 4.11 1-41342 4.67 54n6 5.23 .65441 3-56 .26976 4.12 1-41585 4-68 -54330 5.24 .65632 3-57 27257 4.13 1.41828 4-69 ^- 54543 5.25 .65823 3.58 2/536 4.14 i .42070 4.70 i 54756 5.26 .66013 3-59 -27815 4-15 1.42311 ! 4-71 i 54969 i 5.27 . 66203 .28093 4.16 1-42552 ! 4.72 1.55181 1 5.28 66393 3*6i 28371 4-17 1.42792 i 4-73 1-55393 ! 5.29 . 66582 3-62 .28647 4.18 1-43031 i 4-74 -55604 | 5.30 .66771 3.63 .28923 4.19 1-43270 4-75 1.55814 5.31 .66959 3.64 .29198 4.20 4.76 -56025 5-32 67147 29473 .29746 4.21 4.22 I-43746 1.43984 4-77 4.78 1-56235 : 1.56444 5.33 5.34 67335 67523 3.67 .30019 4-23 1.44220 4-79 1-56653 , 5.35 .67710 3-68 .30291 4.24 I-4445 6 4.80 1.56862 5.36 .67896 3.69 4-25 i . 44692 4.81 1.57070 5.37 .68083 3-70 30833 4.26 1.44927 4.82 ^57277 5.38 .68269 4-27 1.45161 4.83 1-57485 5.39 68455 3.72 31372 4.28 1-45395 4.84 1.57691 5.40 . 68640 3-73 .31641 4.29 1.45629 4.85 : 1-57898 .68825 3-74 .31909 4.30 1.45861 4.86 ! 1.58104 5.42 .69010 3-75 .32176 4-31 1.46094 4-87 1-58309 5.43 .69194 3.76 32442 4.32 i .46326 4.88 I 1-58515 5.44 .69378 3.77 32707 4-33 I-46557 4^89 1.58719 5-45 .69562 3.78 .32972 4-34 1.46787 1 4.90 1.58924 5.46 69745 3-79 33237 4.35 i .47018 4.91 1.59127 5-47 .69928 3.8o 4.36 1.47247 u 4.92 I-5933I 5.48 1 .70111 163 TABLE I. Continued. HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS. X. Loga- rithm. N. Loga- rithm. 1 N. Loga- rithm. N. Loga- rithm. 5-49 1.70293 6.05 i . 80006 6.61 1.88858 7.17 1.96991 5-50 1 - 70475 6.06 1.80171 6.62 1.89010 7.18 1.97130 5-5i 1.70656 6.07 1.80336 6.63 1.89160 7.19 1.97269 5-52 i . 70838 6.08 1.80500 6.64 1.89311 7.20 1.97408 5-53 i .71019 6.09 i . 80665 6.65 1.89462 7.21 J -97547 5-54 1.71199 6.10 1.80829 6.66 1.89612 7.22 1.97685 5-55 1.71380 6. ii 1.80993 6.67 1.89762 7.23 1.97824 5-56 1.71560 6.12 1.81156 6.68 1.89912 7.24 1.97962 5-57 1.71740 6.13 1.81319 6.69 1.90061 7.25 i .98100 5-58 1.71919 6.14 1.81482 6.70 1.90211 7.26 1.98238 5-59 i . 72098 6.15 1.81645 6.71 1.90360 7.27 1.98376 5-6o 1.72277 6.16 i. 81808 6.72 i .90509 7.28 5.6i ! 72455 6.17 1.81970 6.73 1.90658 7.29 1.98650 5.62 1.72633 6.18 1.82132 6.74 i . 90806 7.30 1.98787 5.63 I.728II 6.19 1.82294 6.75 1.90954 7.31 1.98924 5.64 I . 72988 6.20 1.82455 6.76 i .91102 7.32 1.99061 5.65 I.73I66 6.21 1.82616 6.77 1.91250 7-33 1.99198 5.66 ! 73342 6.22 1.82777 6.78 1.91398 7-34 J - 99334 5.67 !- 73519 6.23 1.82937 6.79 I-9I545 7-35 1.99470 5.68 I 73695 6.24 1.83098 6.80 i .91692 7.36 i . 99606 5.69 1.73871 6.25 1.83258 6.81 1.91839 7-37 1.99742 5.70 I . 74047 6.26 1.83418 6.82 1.91986 7-38 1.99877 5-71 1.74222 6.27 I-83578 6.83 1.92132 7-39 2.00013 5.72 ! 74397 6.28 I-83737 6.84 1.92279 7.40 2.00148 5-73 J-7457 2 6.29 i . 83896 6.85 1.92425 7.41 2.00283 5-74 1.74746 6.30 1.84055 6.86 1.92571 7.42 2.00418 5-75 i . 74920 6.31 1.84214 6.87 1.92716 7-43 2.00553 5-76 i . 75094 6.32 1.84372 6.88 1.92862 7-44 2.00687 5-77 1.75267 6.33 1.84530 6.89 1.93007 7-45 2.00821 5.78 i . 75440 6-34 1.84688 6.90 I-93I52 7.46 2.00956 1-75613 6.35 1.84845 6.91 1.93297 7-47 2.01089 5.80 1.75786 6.36 1-85003 6.92 1.93442 7.48 2.01223 5.8i I-7595 8 6.37 1.85160 6-93 1.93586 7-49 2-01357 5-82 1.76130 6.38 I-853I7 6.94 1-93730 7-50 2.01490 5-83 i . 76302 6-39 I-85473 6.95 1.93874 2 .01624 5|4 1.76473 6.40 1.85630 6.96 1.94018 7.52 2.01757 i . 76644 6.41 1.85786 6.97 1.94162 7.53 2.01890 5-86 1.76815 6.42 1.85942 6.98 I-94305 7-54 2.02022 5.87 1.76985 6.43 1.86097 6-99 i . 94448 7-55 2-02155 5-88 1.77156 6.44 1.86253 7.00 I-9459I 7.56 2.02287 5.89 1.77326 6-45 1.86408 7.01 1-94734 7-57 2.02419 5.90 ! 77495 6.46 1-86563 7.02 1.94876 7.58 2.02551 1.77665 6.47 1.86718 7.03 1.95019 7-59 2 .02683 5-92 ! 77834 6.48 1.86872 7.04 1.95161 7.60 2.02815 5-93 i . 78002 6-49 i .87026 7.05 1-95303 7.61 2.02946 5-94 1.78171 6.50 1.87180 7.06 1-95444 7.62 2.03078 5-95 i 78339 6.51 1.87334 7.07 1.95586 7.63 2.03209 5.96 1.78507 6.52 1.87487 7.08 1.95727 7.64 2.03340 5-97 1.78675 6.53 1.87641 7.09 1.95869 7.65 2.03471 5.98 i . 78842 6.54 1.87794 7.10 i . 96009 7.66 2.03601 5-99 i . 79009 6.55 1.87947 7.11 1.96150 7.67 2.03732 6.00 1.79176 6.56 i . 88099 7.12 1.96291 7.68 2.03862 6.01 i . 79342 6.57 1.88251 7.13 1.96431 7.69 2.03992 6.02 i . 79509 6.58 1.88403 7.14 1.96571 7.70 2.04122 6.03 1.79675 6.59 1.88555 7.15 1.96711 7.71 2.04252 6.04 i . 79840 6.60 1.88707 7.16 i .96851 7.72 2.04381 164 TABLE I. Continued. HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS. X. Loga- rithm. X. Loga- rithm. X. Loga- rithm. X. Loga- rithm. 7-73 2.04511 8.30 2.11626 : 8.87 2.18267 9.44 2.24496 7-74 2 . 04640 8.31 2 . 1 1 746 8.88 2. 18380 9.45 2.24601 7-75 2.04769 8.32 2.II866 8.89 2.18493 9.46 2.24707 7.76 2.04898 8.33 2.II986 8.90 2.18605 9.47 2.24813 7-77 2.05027 8.34 2. I2I06 8.91 2.18717 9.48 2 . 24918 7-78 2-05156 8-35 2.12226 8.92 2.18830 9.49 2.25024 7-79 2.05284 8.36 2.12346 8-93 2.18942 9.50 2.25129 7 .8o 2.05412 8-37 2.12465 8.94 2.19054 9.51 2.25234 7.81 2.05540 8.38 2-12585 8.95 2.19165 9.52 2-25339 7.82 2.05668 8-39 2.12704 8.96 2.19277 9.53 2.25444 7.8 3 2-05796 8.40 2.12823 8.97 2.193 8 9 9.54 2.25549 7.84 2.05924 8.41 2. 12942 8.98 2.19500 9-55 2-25654 7.85 2.06051 8.42 2.I306I 8.99 2.19611 9.56 2.25759 7.86 2.06179 8.43 2.I3I80 9.00 2.19722 9-57 2.25863 7.87 2 . 06306 8.44 2.13298 9.01 2.19834 9.58 2.25968 7-88 2-06433 8-45 2.I34I7 9.02 2.19944 9-59 2.26O72 7.89 2.06560 8.46 2-13535 9.03 2.20055 9.60 2.26176 7.90 2 . 06686 8.47 9.04 2 .20166 9.61 2.26280 7.91 2.06813 8.48 2.I377I 9.05 2. 20276 9.62 2.26384 7.92 2 . 06939 8-49 2.13889 9.06 2.20387 9.63 2.26488 7.93 2.07065 8.50 2.14007 9.07 2.20497 9.64 2.26592 7-94 2.07191 8.51 2. I4I24 9.08 2 .20607 9.65 2.26696 7-95 2.07317 8.52 2.14242 9.09 2.20717 9.66 2.26799 7.96 2-07443 8.53 2-14359 9.10 2.20827 9.67 2.26903 7-97 2.07568 8.54 2.14476 9.11 2.20937 9.68 2 . 27006 7.98 2.07694 8.55 2-14593 9.12 2.2IO47 9.69 2.27109 7-99 2.07819 8.56 2.14710 9.13 2.2II57 9.70 2.27213 8.00 2.07944 8.57 2.14827 9.14 2 .21266 9.71 2.27316 8.01 2.08069 8.58 2.14943 9.15 2-21375 9.72 2.27419 8.02 2.08194 8.59 2. 15060 9.16 2.21485 9-73 2.27521 8.03 2.08318 8.60 2.15176 9.17 2.21594 9.74 2.27624 8.04 2.08443 8.61 2.15292 9.18 2.21703 9-75 2.27727 8.05 2.08567 8.62 2.15409 9.19 2. 2l8l2 9.76 2.27829 8.06 2.08691 8.63 2.15524 9.20 2. 21920 9-77 2.27932 8.07 2.08815 8.64 2. 15640 9.21 2.22O29 9.78 2.28034 8.08 2-08939 8.65 2.15756 9.22 2.22138 9-79 2.28136 8.09 2 . 09063 8.66 2.15871 9-23 2.22246 9.80 2.28238 8.10 2.09186 8.67 2.15987 9.24 2.22351 9.81 2.28340 8. ii 2.09310 8.68 2. l6l02 9.25 2 . 22462 9.82 2.28442 8.12 2.09433 8.69 2. 16217 9.26 2.22570 9-83 2.28544 8.13 2-09556 8.70 2.16332 9-27 2.22678 9.84 2.28646 8.14 2.09679 8.71 2-16447 9.28 2.22786 2.28747 8.15 2.09802 8.72 2. 16562 9.29 2.22894 9.86 2 . 28849 8.16 2.09924 8.73 2. 16677 9.30 2.23001 9-87 2.28950 8.17 2.10047 8.74 2. 16791 9-31 2.23109 9.88 2.29051 8.18 2. 10169 8.75 2.16905 9-32 2.23216 9.89 2.29152 8.19 2.I029I 8.76 2 . I7O2O 9-33 2.23323 9.90 2-29253 8.20 8.21 2.I04I3 2-10535 8-77 8.78 2.I7I34 2.17248 9-34 9-35 2.23431 2.23538 9.91 9-92 2.29354 2-29455 8.22 2.10657 8-79 2.17361 9.36 2.23645 9-93 2.29556 8.2 3 2.10779 8.80 2.17475 9-37 2.23751 9.94 2.29657 8.24 2.10900 8.81 2.17589 9.38 2.23858 9-95 2.29757 8.25 2. II02I 8.82 2.17702 9-39 2.23965 9.96 2.29858 8.26 2. III42 8.83 2.17816 9.40 2.24071 9-97 2-29958 8.27 2.II263 8.84 2.17929 9.41 2.24177 9.98 2.30058 8.28 2.11384 8.85 2.18042 9.42 2.24284 9.99 2.30158 8.29 2.U505 8.86 2.l8l5S 9-43 2 . 24390 INDEX ACCURACY of reducing motions, 14. Accuracy of the spring, 5. Action of the steam shown by the diagram, 41. Adjustment of the cord, 34. Admission line, 44. Allowance for piston rod, 104. Angularity of cord affecting diagram, 147. Apparatus for testing for the effect of long indicator piping, 150, 152. Assembling the instrument, 36. Attachment of the indicator, 28.. BACK pressure line, 67. Balancing the effort, 111. Brumbo pulley, 13. Brumbo pulley affecting diagram, 147. Buckeye reducing motion, 24. CARE of the instrument, 1. Care of the instrument after using, 39. Cause of drop in steam line, 47-50. Centering the diagram, 34. Change of load affecting distribution in compound engine, 141. Clearance affecting compression, 72. Clearance; effect on combined diagrams from compound engines, 141. Clearance line located from expansion curve, 61. Clearance, measurement of, 155. Coffin averaging instrument, 94. Combining diagrams from compound en- gines, 135. Compound-engine diagrams, clearance con- sidered, 139. Compound-engine diagrams, clearance neg- lected, 134. Compression affected by clearance, 72. Compression and clearance loss, 74. Compression in condensing engine, 71. Compression line, 70. Computing horse-power, 96. Connection of reducing lever to cross-head, 14, 15, 16. Connection of reducing motion to the in- strument, 32. Conventional steam chest diagram, 49. Cord, 33. Cord adjustment, 34. Corrected diagrams for head and crank end, 112. Correcting theoretical M.E.P. for departures from the ideal, 118. Counterpressure line, 67. Cushioning effect of compression, 73. Cylinder condensation, 50, 76. DEFECTS of pendulum reducing motion, 14. Determination of leakage, 63. Determination of the point of cut-off, 60. Diagram, the ideal, 41. Diagrams for head- and crank-end, 112. Diagrams from compound engines, clear- ance considered, 139. Diagrams from compound engines, clearance neglected, 134. Diagrams taken with excessive indicator piping, 153. Direction of lead of cord for pendulum reducing motion, 13. Dirt and scale in indicator piping, 31. Distortion of diagram due to shortness of pendulum lever, 15. Distortion of diagram varying with man- ner of attachment of cord, to the cross- head, 16, 17. Drawing the theoretical expansion curve, 55. Drop in compression line, 75. Drop in steam line, 47. Drum-spring tension, 5. EARLY release, 65. Economy of expansion, 53. Effect of brumbo pulley on diagram errors, 147. Effect of change of load in compound engine, 144. Effect of clearance on compression, 72. 167 168 INDEX Effect of clearance on M.E.P., 114. Effect of compression on clearance loss, 74. Effect of condensation and re-expansion, 61. Effect of long indicator piping, on diagram, 149. Effect of quality of steam on expansion line, 61. Effect of receiver capacity on the com- bined diagram, 142. Effect of small exhaust pipe on back pres- sure, 67. Effect of small ports on back pressure, 67. Effect of a variable cut-off in low-pressure cylinder, 142. Effect on diagram of angularity of cord, 147. Effect on diagram of length of reducing lever, 15. Errors in the diagram, 145. Expansion, ratio of, 114. Experiments with excessive piping, 149. Exhaust line, 67. /"^ RAPHIC method of determining clear- \J ance, 61, 161. HATCHET planimeter, 92. Horse-power constant, 100. Table of, 107. Horse-power corrected for piston rod, 104. Horse-power (definition), 96. Horse power developed by oaoli separate stroke, 106. IMPROPER connection of the instru- ment, 29. Indicator piping affecting diagram, 149. Indicator piping experiments, 149. Interchangeable (right- and left-hand) in- dicators, 31. LAW of expansion of steam, 55. Leads, 9. Leakage, 63. Length of diagram, 12, 89. Location of indicator connection, 27. Loop at release, 65. Loop in compression line, 75. Loss of pressure between boiler and steam chest, 47. Lost motion in the indicator, 3. Lubrication of the instrument, 10. M .E.P. affected by clearance, 114. Mean effective pressure (definition), 77. Mean effective pressure by computation, 113. Mean effective pressure from diagram, 77. Mean pressure of the ideal diagram, 115. Mean pressure per pound of initial, 115. Table of, 115. Measuring clearance, 155. Measuring loops, 82. Measuring loops with planimeter, 88. Measuring ordinates on the diagram, 77. Measuring scales, 9, 79. Methods of drawing the theoretical ex- pansion curve, 55. N EGATIVE loop, 82-88. PANTOGRAPH, 18. Pantograph table, 19. Paper suitable for cards, 10. Paper, putting on, 37. Parallelism, 3. Parallel rules, 81. Pencil holders, 6. Pendulum lever, 11. Piping affecting diagram, 149. Piping experiments, 149. Piston rod area allowance, 104. Piston speed, 97. Table of, 101, 102. Planimeter, 83. Plotting the expansion curve, 55. Point of "cut-off, 60. Point of release, 64. Proportional movement of pencil, 4. RATIO of expansion, 114. Reading the planimeter, 85. Reading the vernier, 85. Receiver capacity affecting distribution, 142. Reducing motion, 11. Reducing wheels, 26. Reduction of compound engine diagrams to correct scales for combining, 135. Relation of pressure and volume, 55. Release, 64. Removal of dirt and scale in indicator piping, 31. Right- and left-hand instruments, 31. Rod connection for reducing lever, 16. Rule for horse-power, 96. Rule for mean effective pressure, 118. Rule for mean pressure, 114. Rule for steam accounted for by indicator, 123. s CALES, 9, 79. Selection of an indicator, 1. INDEX 169 Separate diagrams for head- and crank- end, 112. Setting the pantograph, 19. Slotted connection for reducing lever, 14, 15. Spacing ordinates on the diagram, 78. Springs, 5, 6, 7, 8, 36. Steam accounted for by the indicator, 119. Steam-chest diagrams, 49. Steam consumption from the diagram, 119. Steam consumption in compound engine, 129. Steam line, 47. Sweet's method for measuring clearance, 160. TABLE for computing mean and initial pressures, points of cut-off and ratios of expansion, 115. Table for computing steam consumption values of 13750 W, 132. Table for computing steam consumption 13750 values of 100 to 250 pounds, 131. Table for computing steam consumption values of E p up to 100 pounds, 125. Table for using the pantograph, 19. Table of horse-power constants, 107. Table of hyperbolic logarithms, 1G2. Table of ideal mean effective pressures, 115. Tapping the cylinder, 27. Test for accuracy of reducing motion, 26. Testing the spring, 5. VACUUM springs, 7. Variable cut-off on low-pressure cyl- inder, 142. Variations of compression with back pres- sure, 72. Vernier, 85. Volume of steam per hour per horse-power, table of 125-131. W IRE, used as indicator cord, 33. V^C* THE UNIVERSE .CALiFQjrU THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. OCT 17 1834 OCT 19 1936 LD 21-100m-7,'33 YC 12889 211748