333 PRICE, 15 CENTS. DID THE LOUISIANA PUECHASE / EXTEND TO THE PACIFIC OCEAN? AND < OUR TITLE TO OREGON. JOHN J. ANDERSON, PH. D. YORK : CLARK ct MAYNARD, PUBLISHERS, Anderson's Historical Series. A Junior Class History of the United States. Illustrated with hundreds of portraits, views, maps, etc. 272 pp. i6mo. A Grammar School History of the United States. Annotated ; and illustrated with numerous portraits and views, and with more than forty maps, many of which are colored. 350 pp. iCmo. A Pictorial School History of the United States. Fully illustrated with maps, portraits, vignettes, etc. 420 pp. i2mo. A Popular School History of the United States, in which are inserted as a part of the narrative selections from the writingr, of eminent Ameri- can historians and other American writers of note. P'ully illustrated with maps, colored and plain ; portraits, views, etc. 370 pp. i2mo. A Manual of General History, illustrated with numerous en gravings and with beautifully colored maps showing the changes in the political divisions of icrous Terent igrav-