}'ia]AiNn-3ftV § 1 xr-' ^ ^t-UBRARYQ^ ^OFfAlIFO^ ^OJIIVDJO'^ ^OFCAllFORij^ ^lOSANCfl£r> .5jrtEUNIV!RJ/A ■^/SIUAINn-3V^^ A>:lOSANC[l£r^ ■^TiUONVSOl*^ ■V/SJUAINdJWv ^>^l-UBRAfiYQ<^ ^vM'UBRARYQ^ ^OFCAIIFOR^ ^OFCAIIFO)?^ '^AJivaan^'*!'^ MUBRARYQ^^ aWEUNIVERI/a ^lOSMEltr^ ^(i/OJIlVDJO'*^ %a3MNn-3\^^ OFCAIIFOR^ AWEUNIVERJ/a ^(^UDKVSOl^ ^10SANCEI% ^ S vAaiAINMViV* ^OFCAllFOR^^ ^OFCAIIFOR^^ .5»EUNIVER^^ ^lOSANCf^r^ o v/^a5AlN(13\\V ^10SANCEI%_ 'immw^ ^lOSANCElfj> 'Aa3AIN(13WV ^tUBRARYQc -Sji-UBRARYO^. ^OFCAllFORij, ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^&Aavaany«'^ '^n^'mm^ o "^/sa^AiNnjwv^ ^OFCAUFOR^ ,^5!i\EUNIVER%. ^lOSANCEltr^ ^5J\EUNIVER% ^lOSANCE^r^ ^^JIUBRARYdK ^nMUBRARYO/^ li I' O li. _ %i30Nvsoi=^ "^JftaaAiNnjwv^ ^'^m\mi^ ^^m\mi& ^■^WEUNIVERr/A ^vvlOSANCElZfA ^-OFCAUFOiZi/. .^^OFCAllFOftfc, ^•lOSANCf^r^ 3 ^ -< ^OFTAllFOff^ ^OFCAIIFOP^ ^5MtUNIVERS/4 %a3/\]Nn3VV^ %0JllVDiO^ %ojiiv>jo'*^ %udwsov<^ ^lOSANCFl^r* o ,^\^EUNIVERS■/A ■^/iaaAiNftjrtv^ ^lOSANCFl^;^ C 35 '^^Aavaani)!^ '>&Aavaaiii'^ MUBRARYO^ ^OFCAUFOft^ ■>&Aavaan-^'^^ ^^\^[umvER% j>:lOSANCFl£r6 ■^/SS3AINn-3WV^ ^lOSANCEl^j. o ^lUBRARYQ^ i5^iiibraryqa ^^\^E•UNlVERy/^ ^(SOJIWDJO'^ '^tfOJIlVDJO'^ ^OFCAUFOff^ ^OFCAIIFOR^ ^&A«vaani^'^ o .\WEUNIVERS/A ^•lOSANCElij^ ^lOSANCEliT;^ -< %a3AIN(13ViV^ ^lOSANCEl£r^ 3 , " ^ ^lOSAKCElif^ %aiAiNn-3ttv <^IUBRARYQ^ ^aaAiNrtjv^'^ ^oim-i^"^ -<>^HIBRARYQ^^ ^OFCAUFOff^ ^i^ABvaani'*^ ^OFCAlIFOff^ «5MEUNIVERy/A e — - >- ^10SANCEI^;> O .^WE•I)NIVER% ">&Aavaan# ^/sa]AiNn-3VkV^ ^^tUBRARYOc. W.VUBRARYQr^ ^'SuoKvsoi'^ "^ajAiNn-jftv^ '^.jojiivjjo'^ ^OFCAIIFOS'^ .^.OF CAllFORfe, •5. —'I I- £? ^■ ^•lOSANCfl£r;> ,5 — i. -^ o .^ME•UNIVERS/A o 'S'v e^'h t g I It "h 1 S ^ .5!rtEUNIVERf/A ^vvlOSANCEl£r> ^l-UBRARYQf ^^HIBRARYQr^ XcOFCAllFO% ^OFCAllFOfti Survey of the Britlfh Cuftoms; CONTAINING THE RATES OF MERCHANDIZE As eftablilhed by 12CAR. II. C.4, II Geo. I.e. 7, andotherSTATUTEs; WITH TABLES OF THE Net Duties, Drawbacks, Bounties, &c. payable thereon Under all Circumftances of Importation and Exportation. ALSO A Distinct and Practical Account O F 'J he fever al Branches of the Revenue called the Cuftoms, With an APPENDIX, containing an Abstract of all the Laws now in force relative to the Customs. The whole continued to the End of the Sefiicn of 9 Geo. III. By SAMUEL BALD W I N, of the CUSTOM-HOUSE, LONDON. I LONDON: Printed for J, N O U R S E, B o o k s e l l k r in ordinary to H i s Al A J E S T Y, oppofite Catharine-Street f in the Strand, mdcUIax. » • • • - ^« • ' * • » • • _ • T O SAMUEL M E A D E, Efii. '^ H J E D 7V A R D H O P E R, ECq, ^'^f^ AS 1110 H E N R r P E L H A M, Efq. JOHN F R E D E R 1 C K, ECq. H E N R r B A N K E S, Efq. Sir WILLIAM MUSGRAFE, Bart. Sir JOSEPH PENNINGTON, Bart. C O R B r N M O R R I S, ECq. AND JAMES JEFFRETS, Efq. COMMISSIONERS For managing and caufing to be levied and colledled His Majesty's Customs, Subsidies, ?^c\ Honourable Gentlemen, 1 OU R PermiJJion to infer ibe this Work to Tour Honourable Board, has given a peculiar Earnejlnefs to my Wijhes that it may be found 7iot unworthy of Tour Patronage. One End :mmm^)^^)s(mm>k^x< PART THE FIRST. Page '"T^HE Rates of Goods and Merchandize in- wards, with the total Amounts of the Duties to be paid upon Importation thereof i to yS The Subfidy of Tonnage on Wines imported - 79 The total Amount of the Duties to be paid upon Wines imported 80 to 83 The Difference between the London and Out- port Duties, commonly called The London Duty, on Wines » —— 84 The Duties on Wines imported for Prifage — 84 The total net Daties, payable onGoods brought Ccajlvii/e from Port to Port, in Great Britain 85 The Kates of Goods and Merchandize inwards, with the total Amounts of the Dra'whacks, to bs paid on due Exportation thereof 86 The total Amount of the Duties to be dranxin back on Wines exported 163 The total net Dunes to be drr.vcn back on Ex- portation of Goods which have been brought CoajJ-ivi/e from Port to Port in Great Britain 168 A particular Account of the Branches of Cuf- toms, Subfidies, &;c. payable on Merchandize imported and brought Coaftwife: viz. Page N'!'. I. Subfidy inwards, or Old Subfidy 17! II. Aliens Duty, or Petty Cullom 177 III. Additional Duty 177 IV. One per Cent — — 179 V. Corapofuion, or Petty Seizures 181 2. Coinage on Wine, Vinegar, Cyder, Beer 182 3. Coinage on Spirits — -- — i8i 4. Impoll on Wines and Vinegar 183 5. Impoft on Tobacco — 185 VI. Impoft, 1690 — i36 Vil. Impoft, 169Z — 19" 8. Duty on Spices — 193 9. Twenty-fiveperCent. on French Goods 193 10. New Subfidy — 194 1 1. Duty on Whale-Fins 197 12. Duty of Fifteen per Cent, on Mufiins 197 J^. One Third Subfidy — — 19S 14. Additional Djty oi Spices, and Duty on Drugs • — 109 15. Two Thirds Subfidy zoo 2 CONTENTS. N''. 1 6. Coals impcrted, &c. Page • 200 17. Duty on Pepper, Raifonsand Spice 201 iS. Duty on Candles — — 202 19. Additional Duty on Coals imported. &c. 203 204 20. Additional.Duty on Candles 2 1. Duty on Hides, &c. 32. D'JtyonHops ' 205 23. Duty on Coals, &c. for building Churches 20c 24. Duty on Soap, Paper, &c. 25. Additional Duty on Hides — — 207 26. Additional Duty on Soap, Paper, &c. 209 27. Duty on Sail Cloth 209 28. Duty on wrought Plate — — — 210 29. Duty on Apples — — 210 30. Piftures and Bound Books ■ 211 31. Duty on Wine, J 745 211 32. Duty on Glafs ■ ■ 212 33. Subfidy, 174.7 212 34. Linen Yarn — — — — — 214 Piig-e NS. 35. Duty on Gum Senega from Eurape 21; 36. Subfidy, 1759 — — 215 ^■j. Wine, 1 763 216 38. Bever Skins imported — 217 59. Raw Silk and Thrown Silk 217 40. Gum Senega and Gum Arabic — 217 41. Additional Duty on Silk Crapes and Tiffanies — ,, 218 42. Ealllndia wrought Silks 218 43. Additional Duty upon Chip Hats, &c. 219 44. Drilling and Broad Linen, &c. — — 220 45. Succus Liquoritix — — 220 46. Canvafs and Lawns, 1767 — . 221 47. Sugars, 1766 22 1 48. Unrated Goods imported undervalued 222 A Table fliewing how the Duties defcribed under the foregoing Titles correfpond with the Branches as they fland in the King's Books 223 An Account of Prizage and Butlerage The Duties of ExcifeonGoods imported 225 Z2& PART THE SECOND. Page THE Rates of Goods and Merchandize outwards, with the total Amounts of the Duties to be paid upon Exportation thereof — i Dire£lions for payment of the Subfidy upon Woollen Cloths, or Old Drapery 10 The Rules and Orders, kc. annexed to the Book of Rates, and referred to in the Aft of Ton- nage and Poundage, 12 Car, II. cap. 4. — — 11 Page^ _„ The Rules and Orders, &c. annexed to the Additional Book of Rates, and rcfered to in an A£l of. It Geo. I. cap. 7. 14. A particular Account of the Subfidy and other Duties payable upon Merchandize exported, viz. N''. 49. Subfidy Outwards 15 50, One per Cent. Outwards- — — 16 CONTENTS. Page N*". 51. New additional Import, or Lapis Cala- minaris ■ — — — 17 52. New Duty on Coals exported 17 53. Additional Duty on Coals exported — 17 54. New Duty on Bever Skins exported — ij 55. Additional Duty, 1765, on Coals ex- ported 18 56. Gum Senega exported — 18 57. Cambricic and French Lawn exported i2 The feveral Allowances and Branches payable out of the Cultoms on Goods exported — 20 The feveral Allowances, &c. on Goods im- ported —— ■ 21 The Drawbacks on Britilh Excifeable Goods exported — — — • — 22 The Ports of Great Britain, with their Members and Creeks — z-i The Names of the Keys, Wharfs, &c. in the Port of London — — — _ 24. The Orders of the Commons refpefting fees, with Tables thereof — 27 The Grant to the Ciiy of London of Pack- age, Scavage, &;c. — — — — :; Scavage Table and Rates Inward — — — 36 Package Table of Rates Outward — 43 The Balliage Duties Outward. — — j.q The Packers. Water- Side Porters Tables of Duties Inrtruftions for the Computation of Duties, ice. with Examples — — 5? Appendix, containing Abilrafts of all the ASii of Parliament now in force relative to the Cuftoms nn A Supplement, containing Abftraft of the tem- porary Laws relative to the Importation and Exportationof Beef, Corn, (Sic. — 203 A Table of the feveral Afts of Parliament re- lating to the Cuftoms, which were granted for limited Times, but having been fince continued, are now in Force; fliewing the Times to which they &ts refpeilively con- ERRATA, PART THE FIRST. Pbi'C II. Copper, Psit wrought from /ffi/ia, the Duties and References fliould be thus, 2 11 7,*(,— 2 13 i> I Viae 10 13 15 33 30. 24. Verd greafe, llie Rate ftiould be is. Sd. "vice is. 3d. 32. Second Line, c'eit not. 33. Carmenia Wool, Rrancli V'lT al. nio'iKl be o o 3^ J, I'icc o o i^^}. 40. Note («) fiiould be Ell, vice JViriy V\ide. 55. Wrought Silks from IiiJia, Bianch 42. ihould be 3 19 /^-^^ 'vict 4 3 6*^, 60. Note (c) 126, -vice 162. III. Drugs, rcaJ drawback, fice pay. 117. Cloves, to ^/.VfWcrt, the Drawback fliould be o 2 oJ^ h\> 'V'" 020 — \\. Il3. Raifons of the Sun, the Drav/back to America ftihuld be l/. 2 2, 'vice 14 2 4. J 19. Carmenia Wool, Branch \Ilal. fliould be o o 3;^, ■z/.y o o ^^^. 139. Wrought Silk?, {Crapes and Tiffanies) to America-, tht Drawback fiiould be o 19 3ii,;i'/V? 144. Gadlieel, rr/.v/ Half Barrel, "urV? Barrel, 217. N'-"'. 39, in the Sentence relative to the .Appropriation rf/r/ Money, mice Moiety. 21S. The Title of N = . 42. fiiould be Eajl India Wroirght Silk, v/V^ Prohibited Goods. PART THE SECOND. Va'-c 94. In Example 2, of Goods fold for le/i than the Duties, the Charges ace, by Miftaks, added inlleai of deducted ; this Part of the Operation fiiould thcr.fore Itand thus : , 406 French Succads fold for 20 o o Charges — — — o 12 6 .19 7 6 The Queilion will then be, if 40 12 3 arifes from 400 jfe wt. what will 19 7 6 arife from: ^11/. i9oijft. The Amount of the Rate whereon will be .- -^ — — ^^- 28 12 6 5 per Cent, thereon 1 8 74. -Difcount at 5 per Cent. o i yj NM. I 7 2i \'I. 6 14 2i 9 7 3 »l 10 1 7 2i. J 3 O 9 0% i; o 18 14- ii ' o 7r I jC- 19 7 6 .Page 2 58. Spirits, Article 12, read Africa, -vice Afia. To the Accounts of the Drawbacks to be paid on the following Branches, viz. Old Subfi.Iy, Page 776 ; New .^ubfidy. Page 19"); Suhfidy 1 747, Page 214 ; Subfidy 1749, Page 2 16 ; the Reader is defired to add the following Note : The 8 fer Ctiit. allowed on the Importation of Tobacco not of Britijh Plantations, is not to be dedu3ed from the Mtrcbant on Exportation, 12 Ann. Seft. 2, cap. 8. § I. The g eatell P.irt of this Work having been printed before the following Aifls were paft, it is neceflary to •obftrve thrit by 9 G^o. HI. cap. 35 ^ I. Such Part of the Duties payable upon Iron, imported in foreign built Ships, navigated by Fo;ei;.>rers, as txc-ed the Duties payable upon fuch iron imported in Lr!tilh built Ships p.uvigatcd by En;iib, fiiall not be drawn back on Exportation of fuch Iron. - — § 4. The Claufe in 6 Geo. III. cap. 45. difcontiiuiing the Drawback upon the Exporta- tion of foit'ign rough Hemp from this Kingdo.m is repealed. .. cap. 39. § I. No Subiidy or ether Inipofition fhall be taken for any Raw or undrefiVd Hides of Sreer, Cows, or other Cattle (except of Horfes, Mares, or Geldings) nor for any Cahe Skins, or Goat £ki:)3, ravv or undrefi'ed, which fliall be imported from Ireland or the Britilh Colonies or Plantations in Amerua, for the Space of Five Years, from I June, 1769, or at any Time thereafter before the end of the then next Sellion of Parliament. R E F A C E. THE Laws and Duties of the Cuftoms have undergone Co many Altera- tions, and been lb confiderably increafed fince the Year 1757, when Mr. Saxby pubhfhed his Treatife on the Subjedl, that the Neceffity of a newCompilement has been long felt and acknowledged. It will be fuperfiuous, therefore, to offer any Apology for doing that, which the Convenience of the Public feems to require. The Compiler, however, wilhes it to be fuUy underftood, that it has been principally a Defire of throwing a great Variety of new Matter into a regular Digeft, which engaged him in the followino- Work. He was not acftuated by a vain Suppofition, that he can offer any Amendment to Mr. Saxby's Performance, further, than by an Addition of the Lavv^s, which have paffed fmce his Publication. Indeed the Improvements made by that Gentleman on all the Syftems that preceded, and the Accuracy with which the whole is executed, left but little to be done by fuccceding Writers on the Subjed. Could the Multiplicity of the new Duties and Drawbacks have been reduced to a Page fo fmall as his, the following Work would have been profecuted entirely on his Plan. But it was found expedient to enlarge the fize of the Volume: Sy this Circumflance, Ibme further Scope was given to Imagination, and it became not altogether improper to confider, whether the Manner and Form of Mr. Saxby's Book, might not be rendered, in fome Degree, more clear and explicit, without doing any Injury to the Subflance. The Plan adopted by Mr. Saxby, was the fame which Mr. Crouch" had improved after Mr. Edgar; a Plan, it mud: be allowed, fully confident with the former Simplicity of the Cuftoms, but rather too confined and crowded, to elucidate them, in their prefent very intricate State. Even fo early, as Mr. a >U PREFACE. Crouch's Time, it was acknowledged, That the Laws of the Cuftoms formed H vtry difficult Science; how the Difficulty has been increafed, a very little Attention to the Progrefs of the Laws, will difcover. ' Soon after the Reftoration of Cbarks \l. by an Ad pafTed in the 12th of that King, the Customs were comprifed in one fingle Duty, called a Sublidy of Tonnage and Poundage. On Linens, wrought Silks, Tobacco, and Wine, indeed, an additional Duty was laid by the fame A(5t, but that in a Manner fo analogous to the Subfidy, as not in any Degree to diiliurb the Simplicity of that Duty. By the above Adt, two very plain Syftems were eftablirtied ; the one, -charging a fpecifick Sum on a certain Quantity, viz. a Ton of Wines, and, therefore, called a Duty of Tonnage ; the other, annexing Rates, or imaginary Values, to all other Goods, that were of common Importation, and then levying a Duty in certain Proportions on the Value, or Rate, afcribed to each Article, which is, therefore, called a Duty of Poundage. The latter of thefe Methods, may poffibly not merit much Admiration for it's Simplicity, yet being efla- bliffied, together with the Tonnage, as a Principle to work upon, it is much to be regretted, that it has not been more clofely adhered to, in all fubfequent Impofitions. The Legiflature, indeed, even In that Reign, did not feem very attentive to the LIniformity of their own Rules; for fo early as the 2 2d and 25th of Charles II. Corn under particular Prices, Pearl-Barley, Train-Oil, and Whale-Fins, in general, were charged with abfolute Sums on the Meafure and Weight, without any Regard to the original Rates, affixed to thefe Articles. Nor in the fucceeding Reign, were thefe Principles much better obferved ; for though the Impofl on Wines, by 1 James II. was llridtly a Tonnage Duty, the Import on Tobacco in the fame Year was not regulated by the Rate, but charged in a certain Sum for the Pound Weight. The two Imports of 1690 Ac; 3, were of a mixed Nature; fome Articles being charged with a certain ,^tum,.and others by a Poundage on the Rates. From thefe Periods, to 3 and n Ann» A^hen the Duty called the Two Thirds Subfidy was granted, the Sy/lem P R E t^ A C E, III of Tonnage and Povmdage was obferved with undeviating Regularity, except in the Duty on Whale-Fins, by 9 and 10 of William III. where the Rate was entirely negleded. The next Duty, we find, is a Tonnage on Coals by S Ann ; and the fame Year a Duty was levied on Spices, wherein both Principles were difregarded : The Duty on Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, and Nutmegs, not being regulated by the Rate, nor limited to any certain Sum by Weight, but declared to be as much as the fame Spices rcfpediively paid by any Law or Laius thin in Force. From this Period, to 21 Geo. II. mod of the Duties (except the Duties on Coals Coaftwife, and the Tonnage Duty on Wines, 1745) feem to have been intended only as Duties of Prohibition, or as Equivalents to Duties of Excise, charged at the fame Time on Commodities of BritiJJj Produce, 7 The Duty granted by 21 Geo. II. cap. 2, and diftinguiflied under the Title of Subfidy 1747, is the fimplefl: of all our Poundage Duties, being ge- neral on all Merchandize imported (Tonnage Goods, and Goods free of ^ Cuftom excepted) and a plain Poundage on the Rates or Value, unembarrafled by Difcounts. On a fimilar eafy Plan was railed the Subfidy 1759, by 32 Geo. II. cap. lo; but this Duty was not fo extenfive ; being granted only on certain Goods enumerated in the Ad:, and on * Eaji-India Goods. • As the Trade to EaJl-India is con-fined to the United Company of Merchants trading thiihef by Chartfr^ the Locality of this ZJa/y may appear of little Inconvenience to any other Merchants. But as Enjl- India Goods are very frequently re-exported from this Kingdom, it becomes an Objeft of general Attention, feein-< >^ M bi H 0^ m *H O < > Q • r^ h ^ • Oh C/D o PQ C3 U • H Oh o <5 HH ^ 1) C/5 to (^ ^ -c! tcj b] O Oh O a:3 < O With [ I ] 6 6 «^ ♦■^ t^ fo t^ cs , , ^ O L"* . 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CN H ■2 o ■^ o ~ O O o O o O o O " o ^ UJ 5o « tt 1 ^ , a. n >! o 1 1 1 ° 1 1 1 ° 1 1 1 c 1 1 1 ° 1 1 1 ° i 1 1 < n 'I I 1 1 ° 1 1 1 ■= 1 1 1 M i 1 1 ° 1 1 I ° 1 1 1 .« ri J -^ I 1 1 - 1 1 I . , ( 1 • 1 1 1 :' i 1 1 »■" 1 1 I w ., A ^^ "* ^"^-Ab . ^^ ^"J^ -^\— o , . nr*-V— 1 ^wN. t 1 >- c -15 "M-^ -^■^^ ~« "•^ > ^ "^ •^ ^ :: >^ N/"^ ~^ — ^r*' ov_-^ C s OJ > o s: U K Li :;• ?■ c c 1 ~ -^ — ■ o O o o o o o -a o •5^ U c O C 5 2 r c < c J ""^ 3 t < -a c i I' c [X. § Is -3 - ndcr 5 inches (quare, the Jiundred containing »/"//'? Britilli Plantations ///America ■ of any part of Europe {except Ireland O E c c c c "0 J •V- • ' ^ -s = 9 ^ ^ o o u. c c s > c c u fa 5. Q I 1 ^ ■ 6^ 1 , o' S IB mimJ O u o o i % " w I ^56 ] w 5 S -C « t= J:^ to • • • to • rn en r-*.. m to to to to to to to to to 1^ iv-i U1 ij-\ »n t^-\ •^ t^ to •0 US uo »^ 3-1. d 6 rn d d d d en d d to d to d to d to d •— < ■—4 tn J3 ri 1— t > J3 ,■; u > !> > > > l> > K* > > > tJ z; - - - -■ - - - - - - - r» 1 i« -"■ K t> ■• M T f — : ^ — . <^ 1 fO 1 >-A 1 ! <0 M f^ 1 c ^0 M 1 1 -^ 1 •-» 1 "-• —> -* •" 1 — ^ ;»N ci 2^3 ^ 1 u-» en m C\ "^ CO VO Ln r^ - t^ 'J -1. c " ^ 1 »4 N 00 = s.~ 1 > ^ < = '° .id JZ y ^ ft •^ -0 i~7. E 1 N vo •~t M M ur-. C\ -* to M N «1 N 1 ■* "^ •" •" " - iSi< ■^" 1 -^ On t>^ - N ~ Oi •^ i-< ^ 00 _J ^ S --5 c »; y; ^ 1 ^ ro >-• tn C\ i~^ LO t» •^ C\ t^ t- . 0. X rr ^ P w 1 *" = J13 ^ ' w « ^ **> 1^ ** t^ 6 LO r«~i i-4 o > X JO b. o S|.r- O VD o o o o l^ CO o o o o V3 ^-5 S 3 •? < .Sg..s a. X c o y o o o o N — o o so vO o\ o o o 00 o 00 CO o CO fn w [ 159 ] w 1. „ * £ ►^ o > rt , < £ 5 g .P- I I o •^ to o o I o o to I O 1^ I 2 ^ I o o 5.2 . ■ -^ 5 '^ ,° .« ■= •^ Oh 5 - !b -z - < ^ u ■- M -n 1 o -^ -X3 £ 1^ MS' • 2 S 'r5 *" '^ "^ -O ^ ::. M — 00 O O « li r o . — tsO ?. = 13 =.<:■ o • <; ^ — : i tl S >, o o c 2 o ^ .-£ 13 5^ c M r--^ J2 '•^ u^ 2 ?'"^ « §■ a,=, j: - 3 ^•. > t- <5 5 •5 >'Vi V> j; ''^>. — fc, i. "^ a, CO 00 V3 > e I 13 O o w [ 160 3 w (02 O -C 1-^ o « O ^ o ft -5 P. £ " S o o o o r , r-, \0 O O o o en o o o o o 3 cr J S W "5 '^ ? s g - J- o u _2 O o O O O O c*;o _» I I I I OS O I t^ 0\ ' o O O O O o^„ I I I I I I - o o I I R w H o w w Q o o o z o O o ^ ^ r ^6i ] w K * S tn m t> O »-< , CO S-: -o « t— « > h-* > to > o J2 t— « > F 6 w a. u >; ^ 5 1 o vo t^ ^ oo o •o r» N >o 30 a\ r>. o O SO •« u^ O O O 00 o O ►" o Ti- o o o o o -!- o o ^ o o o o o o 1.1 -5 -S S w .'^ -o < 3 3 S '^ 5. '-J £-.a ^ c -^ -l^"-!. 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NO M OnNO O t^ M OO f^. x/^ vo -+ rv. -J-O GO « Cn n o -^ >/^ ^ ri r) r-"- rn M N N rj r-Ti r» m m n ri r^^ r^ M rj m N p^. r4 T^ 1^ N N m rv^ rv-l r* r^ M rr^ <-n t-^ «-l |i!|'S|"o|'S|oIi ^^ ! ^^ -T-1 ^:f -T-1 ^ ' -T^ — —^ L 13 — . -o S -o -a W <: CO c! O b. o ft. ^ .5 ^ >- .S T3 u: "? — c CO p a h > b .a ^ ^■ i '^^ o C •— I > '■i _c £ c e J5 3 t. k; c- r^, cv-j r*^ rf^ ■^ ''• ro V „ ^O ^ o 4- > r O 4- m o ■2 "^ 4- K-; to *^' PO to r*^ CO fO **^ *-" • i^. \,^ u^ 'S-. r -. 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I ^ c - u^0r^0\O00vOTi-00--0-00\0C\0 VO VO O '^ t^ CN C\ t^OO ro N -)-o ■+ N ^ p, j^ „ D f^ ^^. c^ N N Ol N n N M N N ;T ii, ^. ^ "."g JT J;- 15^ HO l(^ 3(5 3U^ 3Su=^5lX:^^ 3'-C "a=:'a:=:-a=:-u = -a=:-i — -A — —I — -A-Ji-i — „'. -iJ V./-v>w"' V5 O O ft. "^ to •I 1 15 Sit C5 C o ■^ "a « i^ n 3 3 cr ol to C C I II -T3 -a -w 5x: -r; ys a> ™ oj ™ — 3 u: p 3 C 3 C cr 3 O- 3 -a .3 of O i tx: 3 'x: 3 -j: 3 t-c : uz 3>x:ij:i^tx:._c 5<^ ►— " •-' ^ *> ^ o ;^ -J •-# 3 ;:: 3;r:3-H3-- »g 3 CT' 3!:r'3C-3cr' 5 !5 <5 wi tr lO to a, a, a. a. □, q. •5 o [ i66 ] ^ C -- cu «^ to4 ij- M i*-. 1 . 1^ i^ t-^ M 1/- "• m ••- CO •-• f^ f^ f*^ cri CO •^ o »o e'^ ir\ T^ t<-, C<". fv-i ro »^ r*" OS 'n O ro ir th ^'^-' fO O — « O *J- •:^ r^ o 't ^ ■ *M , ■"• n . o 4- 4- »-^ > h^ o 4- o - 4- > :::; c^ £::? k— t *^-l2 — c^ + > •^> ^ 1— > cj CO " ro M co^ " Zt; — M TO N q b r4 -- (^ 1- i-o> oi- <^. r ^ O Oi « O 00 o ''i-''l-<'J-'l-_u-l.-'''-°'i-°'-'l'°i-''- fl|H-tHr<|«-'« ' ' -|H -|(IM|H«:Hrl'rl-!r4- o < ^ < S OvCO ') ■>)- r^vO ■+0 ■^ ty\ fMJ^ t^OO CO r> 1^ U-1 to tr. to h 0-, O O O O o O O O O O O O O O ^ o c o J: G CT\^ O O rl O 1 I 1 1 ^1 -^1 1 - o >0 vo f 1 1 ^1 * O vo ^O t- ^ - fcr'. Thlol^CV-+-0-!t-N - N « 'J--|-rJ-^M n n «4 r^ ■^ M — 1^ i^ r^ Irs c> r^ fvl N N — — — t-> o r^cc \o 00 v3 « -^ - - ►- -• - N N O 00 VO 00 vo N N » ■-, _ _ s . i; oi-o--^:- 1- r-w'- ^i_ >,■„ ,1 i» 1- l-OI- »(- "'--;-'«-* ^1- ■•'"->* ;t»"ir. en o t^^^O CN N U-, ro 1- -< t^CO 0\ OO tJ- LT, ir^ »- 00 J ■" ■"* "^ i-< — — •^ « (-.'-« a < <; CA^ - 00 -H - ro -* -^ M « O fo M ^r^ (^ -+- Lo -^ O PO -H o IHI — « o • ^ « « PI N P) N N P» PJ rj N PI M P^ u A .c X Z H -^ o C o o O o o o H S . ^ Ti- W M LO 1 t^ 1 [ o - I -i- 1 PJ U' 1 - 1 Tf- t N n-^ o ' " I 1 1 '~ 1 -. 4; S OO CO ir>0 c) O - r:i- ^ OO O CO OnOOnOvOO t<^ j= . -1 r^ PJ M r-s. 0\ — O O N Ti- fOOO ^ -^-O -^ O -^ roCO ^ ^^ -G ""• -" — H " -. '-' — M « ^ o H . N — r^ -i-vo -f-tc ^o O oc r^ u^OO O N (s( M ri PO CO N *-0 N N PJ P» l^l^l-SI-Sl^l^rsi I [| (-SI'S tj<-G lun O'-c wu:; iL»^^ ium:: ajLc o o oj y otjr ajuc :^ ci:: c::i: czn c — c^ c™ c::^:::^"^" c« a «: S'-c: S'-C 3<-C s-x: s^c 3--:= at^-^tJ^lx^^C 3tC 3 C/3 »— < »?; H w M O in a w •z I— t V* '-' > = c "^^ ^ to c -T3 u^ "73 3 C = us "O US -13 IS T3 rj ix: K ic rt us 3 .^ 3 ._- 3 -^ C a C = c 3 3 a*3 O' 3 o» c 3 1^ t- «: o JS V a O s w ►5 t!^ S 2 O •3-5 i5 S 7.S Co o «5 ti e- ST* V) §.§ •o S 3vS 5S 3vS 3^ c: a 1 a 3 cr c a- s tC -u i* c us L« « U -c cr> u ^ cv, -5 *-» .3 c a .s *• J5 * ^ -I -c :s (K ^ 0) u •^ c -a JS en rt a E s U T3 rt u o a -d c 'S c ^ bO AJ 4-* a 3 4-1 « « s « > Ph l-J l-l c1 » [ ^«7 ] o (L» o 4-1 a ■ 1-1 O.. < CO O S o o < OS Q CH .^ '^ ^ in C ^ to " "ii . » 3, La —' i "■ Z '^ SQ ro • "^ t; , CO O t^ rences to w hich th mpofcd. OS 1—4 •— < CO d •J •— o o' ^ ^ k: 2 ~»-n f- ■^ « -5 00 un 1 O 1 ^ 1 u b 1 1 -• 1 ^ N 3 d "^ \0 O "2 i u , . 'i-O ■^VO 00 00 ra o 2 'n "-" 1-1 »-i •-» H O O oo OV3 tJ- N >0 h O -c ^ N '-' 4 A o 00 vnVO 1-^ 1 °^l •f i H N VO 0\ ^ N o s Tt- O 00 M O t^CO •£ 5 *•* '^ ■"■ •" '^ ,° S •^ 00 r-. -i- N o -<)- (-^ N — N M fi N M I u I o I u I 13 ~ -a ~ -a — 13 :::; c ~ c s c 3 IC 3 y3 3 ts 3 '-B 'I. .S i- u o C3 O m 4-* a > -4; u ~ - "O S e Ui O 4-1 (U TJ G ctf CO O » H t:> O o O < CO el 4-I ;-■ O Oh- a. CO -o Jf C rt w o § .s _" ^ M bo c a « < r 2 cq &< t-i ^ < OS Q u -a H ^3 • S-a to «i IJ-t Sa '^ r^ 6 iT ■H O JZ , cJs :? S.ii'o ^ o C -C CL. S s S > ,o '*, o o -^ ^ C< z (-^ O " - 1 - C4 ^ -XO - 1 o ■>*-o 2 O ^ 00 » tJ-nO - «• O en h -5 M t^^o i^ o - - - •" 1 M h ^ -^ ^N N O . 00 -" 03 N M CO ^ _ ._ N N N oo -. -D ^ 13 ^ "U — "TS IH 3 S 3 S 5 MS S c c 3 cj a C m U e ■^ O c ^ _« ^' ^ O O t 168 ] X (/) t 8 Q en • W w 13 t! — *? Ill 6s K ' E WH fa <: t— ( H C/0 1 « - « ^ t<-i •-' ^ P^ D H HH •nI C J \j \ . c "a a Q C4 H « ^ < ,:3 c S w « ' 1 .s TO BE ON Exp ca 2 w M > X X 1 C/2 -1 c t i t I- e: u -c (J c *€> cS 3 :-= £V0 J -^ 4^ j3 00 3 2 M 1 <-> 1 -A N B U! K ^ c^ J < < ■ the ton cc the chalde inchefler me ing 36 bufhe !. The Brai < ^^ »- ^ ;z; H 1-2 ^ -< xcept Charcoj alder containii of Pitcoal, th r f4 1 "^OAL, € ulm, the ch; inders made 'UCJ [ '69 ] PARTICULAR ACCOUNT OF THE SEVERAL Branches of Customs, Subsidies, Impositions, and Duties, Payable on Merchandize imported into, and brought Coaftwife in GREAT BRITAIN. R r 171 C U S T M Sw Comprehending the following Duties j VIZ. Subsidy Inwards, or Old Subsidy, N "^. I. Aliens Duty, or Petty C u s t o m, N°. II. Additional Duty, N''. III. One per Cent. I n w a r d s, N^. IV. Compoiition on Petty Seizures, N°. V. N°. I. Subsidy Inwards, or Old Subsidy. ■>HIS duty was granted by an aft 12 Car. IL cap. 4. and called a Subsidy of (i5) Tonnage and PouNDAGii, and was made payable in ready mor.ey * before landing, on all merchandize imported, * 12Car.II. c. 4. f.14. except fuch as therein, or in the Book of Rates, and Rules annexed (and made part of the aift) were expre/ly exempted. It has i'lnce undergone many and confiderable alterations, and is now to be paid in the following manner : Chargeable with this duty utder the diftinflion of Tonnage, by the original grant, are all Wines (except + I'rifage Wines) and to them have fince been added, % Vinegar, Perry, Rape, Cyder, Cyder-eager, and |" ^ll'ine Lees ; for all which thefe refpedlive fums are to be paid, fubjeil to fuch difcounis and allowances as ^ ' hereafter mentioned. Rhenish and \\ Gkrmany Wines, cr Hun- gary Wjnks from Hambro — Levant Wikes imported into any port ! 'imported into ' London, Brillol, or Southampton All Other Wines imported into any other ports imported into London imported into any ether ^ ports I Vinegar, Perry, Rape, Cyder, Cyder- t imported into - EAGtR, of any kind whatfoever — i any port Wine Lees, according to the refpcclive growtli thereof, and places for importation, are to pay the fame Subiidy as Wines. By natural born fubjefls — By ilrangers, or in fliips not belonging to Great Britain or Ireland, or foreign built By natural born fubjcfts — By ftrangers, or in fliips not belcnging to Great Britain or Ireland, or foreign built By natural born fubjeils — By ftrangers, or in Ihips not belonging to Great Britain or Ireland, or foreign built By natural born lubjec^s — By Ilrangers, or in fliips not belonging to Great Britinn or Ireland, or foreign built By natural born fubjcils — By Ilrangers, or in fliips not belonging to Great Britain or Ireland, or foreign built By Britifli By ftrangers Grofs Duty, per ton. 600 r.i6. i3&i4Car.II. c.ii. f.=5. I Geo. II. c. 17. §z. I Ann.c, iz. r,ii2: 10 10 10 10 o (j) Cufloms in a gcntral fenfe comprchciij all the dutits paj'sble at the port, on merchnndize imporaj cr exported ; but in the ftrnle of the rc^emIe laws are underftooJ to comprehend only the Old Subfidy, Aliens Duly, or Petty Curtoms, Addition.'.! Uu'v, One per Cent. Inwards, and Compolmoii on Vetty Seizures ; thefe feveral Branches b.-:ing brought to account, and appropriated under the general head of Cvstoms, (^) Ton N.\ CE, the original duty on Wines w.is fo called, from its beitv; charged in .1 rert.tin fum of money for every ton. (t) l-'ouKDAGE, the duty on all Goods, except Wints, was I'o called, b.ing tejuUtcd by a certain poriion of a pound, at a rate or valusi Out [ ^72 ] Out of thefe grofs fums, the following allowances are to be made, 'vlx, ^ • Sth Rule of ibe * For Liakage, on all Wines imported f dircflly from the place of -their growth, or ufualT Book of Raiec. place of firll fliippin;;, or from the iilands of I Girernfey and Jerfcy, and I ,_ ^ f ^G.III.c.ij.f.ii. (,„ Madeira Wines imported from the Dritifli Colonies in America, or from f P^*" '' ' tSGco.in.c.23.f.i. the Eall Indies, and on all Vinegar, y^. —J /li:,i hff.ks on 7 on -Rhenilh and German Win^s, or Wines which pay-duty as fuch 2 percent. Wines imported t on Wines of the growth of any of the French King's dominions 6 per cent. §6Cco. I. c. 12. f. 2. \n cc/ks, § zi/'x. 3 ou all other Wines • — 10 per cent. For the method of computing the Subfidy of Tonnage on Wines, this Example will be fufficient. One ton of Rhenifh Wrne in ca(ks unfilled, imported into London by Britifh Sul^ieSs, aitd in a Britlfh Sliip. I. s. d. The grofs duty, per ton • ■ 600 12 per cent, allowed for Leakage o 14 \\% ;J! percent, of the grofs duty, being imported in cafks — — o 2 4^1 The net Subfidy to be paid 5 3 2 A W'ines, Perry, \3c. as before enumerated, being the only Merchandize exprefsly charged with thisrSubfidy under the head of Tonn.age, all other goods not declared to be free of duty, were originally fubjeil to the ^ iiCar.II.c. 4. f. 7. regulation of ^Poundage; but by feveral fubfequent Statutes, great alterations have been made herein, and we are therefore nOw to confider that the Subfidy of Poundage is payable in ready money (a), before - landing, on all Merchandize imported, except thofc already defcribed under the circumllance of Tonnage, - iif c. tliofe hereafter mentioned to be brought under a different regulation, and thofe which are wholly duty . free. It is to be levied according to the feveral Rates affixed to the goods refpeflively, in Chapter the id; or f ScctheenJcfR,«c5 Jf not there rated f according to the real value of the goods to be afcertained by the oath or affirmation of Inwards. iiPto.l. jj^g importer. But on goods Of the growth, produftion, or manufafture of \ India or China, (^)which are not ■%\l\i?\ct I ? rated by the iz Car. 11. the Subfidy is to be computed on the price at which they fhali be fold for by auftioa J 2 and 3 Ann. c. 9. of inch of Candle, a deduttion being firll made therein, as direited by 2. 3. Ann. cap. 9. ift of the 2d fct of Rules. Oil thefe Rates or Values, the Subfidy of Poundage is to be taken as follows ; „ , .„ C of India or China, not rated by 12 Car. II. for every zos. of the reduced value o i 6 tartlien Wares | ^^ ^jj ^^^^^ ^^.^^ ^.^^^.j ^^ , ^ ^.^^^ j_ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^-^^^ j^^^^ __ ^ ^ ^ 6 _. , ^ Crated any where by 1 2 Car. II. not under the head Glafs, (except Glafs Beads) 1 a s^ nu- I ^^ rated by 1 1 Geo. I. or not any where rated, for every 20 s. of fuch Rate, ^o ^ or of the real value upon oath, of fuch as are not rated j ^liCii.!!. c.iS.1.5. td Fi(h dried or faked, and Codfidi or Herrings (unlefs prohibited) not caught in Britifh or Iiilhl h veflels, and cured by Britifh or Irilh, double Subfidy being for every 20s. of the Rate Toys for children not rated by 12 Car. II. or rated by 1 1 Geo. I. for every zos. of fuch Rate, or of the real Value upon oath, of fuch as are unrated ■ ^ ' — • 8.9'Will.III.c.34. • Drugs rated by i 2 Car. II. imported from places not of their growth, or in foreign built Ships, 7 i-i-Z- (except Dying Drugs and Pearl Barley) for every 20 s. of the Rate j 3 O her goods li upon oath 'AH other goods liable to Subfidy of Poundage, for every zos. of the Rate, or of the real value, 1 (a) The time for payment of this and other duties on Eaft Indian goods, hath fince been otherwife regulated, fee page 85, 2d Part. (/■) But on Lacjuered Wart manufailured in India, the duty is to be charged on the^r»/i price thereof, is & 13 Will, III. cap. 11, f. 15. But [^73] Bat on the grofs fums here charged, the following Diicounts aie to be allowed, 'vix, , r ,„..-_, . , + 1 7t!i Rule of Book of Cn Tobacco I ^ "°^ °^^^ ' P'^"'»"°"5 — 5 and 8 per cent. Rjus. I J of the Briuili Piantauons 25 per cent, ii Ann. ft. ;.c. 8. f. i. § On all other coods > c per-cent. 5 C™- 1- '• 7- !"• »• ^ ^ t 9 Geo. I. c. 21. i', ;, § 1-th Rule ot'Kookof Having explained what goods are chargeable with this Subfidy, under the perfeft d'ftinftion of ^*^"- Poundage, we proceed to enumerate thofe articles which may be conildered as exceptions to the general rule ; being, though iiill liable to the duty, under a different mode of regulation. Thefe are Corn or Grain, and Pearl Barley; the former of which, by 22 Ca.--. 1(. cap. 13, when imported under circunillances fpecified in that ai5l ; and Pearl Barley, without limitation, are to pay for Cufiom and Poundage thereof, the following Rates, without any relation to the former Rates, tor the Subfidy of Poundage, •uix.. VJ\ at I •'^s Pf'^^^ "°- ^^'^^^S'i'ng S3-f' 4'''- per quarter, the quarter o 16 o ( the price exceeding 53 j. d^d. and not above 4/. per quarter, the quarter 080 Rye, the price not exceeding. 4.0 y. per quarter, the quarter c 16 o Barley, l\Ialt, and Buck-wheat, the price not exceeding 32/. per quaiter, the quarter o 16 o Oats, the price not exceeding 16/. per quarter, the quarter 054 Peafe and Beans, the price not exceeding 20 x. per quarter, the quarter — — 0160 Frerxh or Pearl Barley, the Cwt. — _ ___ 050 "Which feveral iums are paid without any difcount. , A fimilar alteration has been made in the following Articles, the Subfidy being charged thereon 11 abfolute fums, inftead of Poundage on the Rate ; on which, however, the difcount of 5 per cent, is allowed. Train Oil taken by (hipping belonging to any of his Majeily's Colonies or Plantations, and \ f. ^ imported in fuch Ihipping, the ton — — -^^ — — — j ° ° " Whale-fins taken and imported in fuch fhipping, the ton — — 2 10 o I'rain Oil taken by fuch fhipping, and imported in fhips belonging to Great Britain, ih; 1 Whale-fins fo taken and fo imported — i - o Train Oil of foreign fifliing, the ton — — goo Whale-fins of foreign fiihing, the ton — — ijj o o ,11. c. 7, f.i. To thefe exceptions may be added the following, the Subfidy of Poundage with the other duties for-- merly diie thereon, having been, in fact, repealed, though the fpecihck fums charged in lieu thereof, are appropriated to the fame purpofes as thofe former duties. + Beaver Skiks t 4Gco. HI. c. 9. f. i. X Books Bound J sGeo.r. c.19, f. 6,7,8. § Pictures § SG.I.c.2c,f.49,5o,5i. II Succus LiquORITl^ 11 7 Geo. III. c. 47, f. 2, ^ Raw Linen Yar.n- ' •[ 24GeL>. II. c.46,f. i, • Raw Silk * 5 Geo. III. c. 29.1". i. On Gum Senega and Gum Arabic, this Duty was likewife repealed by i Geo. I. cap. 15. fci^. 10. but have fince been charged with fpecifick fums ; fee Branch N'^'. 35. 40. In the laft clafs of exemptions from the Subfidy of Poundage, are Wines, limltted to pay the Subfidy of Tonnage Fresh Fish, I Bg3.j.j^^j^^ i-Cuflomfree. 12 dr. 11, c. 4, f. 3. and all other Goods mentioned in the preceding Table of Duties, to bej 3 if The [ V4 ] The Metliod of computing the Siibfidy of Poundage, will be feen in the following Examples. I. Sooo Jfe of Britifh Plantation Tobacco. The amount of the Rate at I J. %d. per pound . 666 13 4 The grofs Subfidy at 5 per cent, of the Rate ■ 33 6 8 Difcount at 25 per cent. 1 8 6 8 Net Subfidy 25 4000 • ■ 200 • 10 igo 'S 4 ■ 174 16 II. 8000 }fe of Brazil Tobacco. The amount of the Rate at 10/. per pound ~— The grofs Subfidy at 5 per cent, of the Rate Difcount at 5 per cent. . Difcount at 8 per cent. . ■ Net Subfidy Br, 400 fc Italian wrought Silk (being Crapes and Tiffanies) imported direflly from Italy, in a Britillv Ship. The amount of the Rate at 1/. 13^. 4 a'. per pound . 666 13 4 The grofs Subfidy at 5 per cent, of the Rate 3368 Difcount at 5 per cent. — — — . 113 4 Net Subfidy 31 13 4 IV. Certain Toys for Children (not rated) value 20/. The amount at is, ^d. io\ every zos. value The grofs Subfidy, 5 per cent, thereof Difcount at 5 per cent. 4 1 6 8 4 Net Subfidy i 5 4 ft is here to be ob.'brved, that this duty of Poundage is alfo paid (after the Rate of 5 per cent, of the value upon oath) kr fbijs taken as prize, and regularly conLlemned in t)ie Court of Admiralty, but it is the pradlice not to charge them with any other duty whatfocver. This [ ^7S J Tliis Subfidy having been duly paid at importation ; if the Goods iTiall afterwards be * exported to *2JRu!c,Book of Rates, foreign parts, within t three years from the report of the ihip, the exporter is entitled to a Drawback, or J 7 Ceu.I. c. 21, 1'. lo- repayment of it in the following manner : Drawback. Borax refined in Great Britain . as unrefined. 17 Cm. 11, c. 31, f. 3.. Cable Yarn •^— — — — — ■ nothing. 6 Ann. cap. 19, f. 13, Callicoes of Eaft India, China, or Perfia, printed, painted, ftained, or dyed there — nothing. 11& izWill. ill. c. 10. f. lO. Cambiicks and French Lawns ■■ _ ■ nothing. 32 Geo. 11. c. 32, f. - 4. Camphire refined in Great Britain — — as unrefined. 17 Geo.Il. cap. 31, f. 3. Candles — — nothing. 23 Geo. II. cap. 21, 1. 36. China Earthen Ware, to any part of America — > ■ nothing. 7Geo.IIl. c. 46 f, 7, Coflee 1 > of the produce of any Britifh Plantation in America — — all. — [. c. Cocoa Nuts \ Cop;er Bars, not imported from Ead India or Earbary, and not exported by Britifh nothing, 9&ioW.ni. c.26, f. 19. 26 Geo. U. c. 32, f. 2. Cordage — — — ■—— — — — — nothing. 6 Ann. c=p. 19, f, 13. Currants, the Cwt. ■ ' all but I 6 O 6th Rule of Book of Rates. f by Britifh, the ton all but i 00 13 & 14 Car. II. c. it Cyder and Cyder-eager imported < f. 25. '' ( by Strangers, the ton all but i 5 o Hemp unwrought or rough ^— nothing. 4 Geo. II. cap. 27, r -. 6 Geo. III. cap. 45, f. 8. Hops, foreign, to Ireland nothing. 9 Ann. cap. 12. f. zj. Iron and Steel, foreign 1 > to the Britilh Plantations in America. — noihing. 9 Ann. cap. 6, f. 5c, — — ^— Wares, foreign j 2*3 Ann. cap. 9, 1,12, Mum, foreign ^— nothing. 1 W.& M.cap. 22, f.4, Oy.lers, French — nothing. 10 Geo. II. cap. 30, f. 4. Paper, foreign . nothing. ^- cap. 27, f.4, PepF*"" ■ — — nothing. 8 .4nn. cip. 7, f. 24. Perry} C by Britilh, the ton . . all but i o o 13 & 14. Car. II. c. n, > imported < f. 25. Rape 3 (by Strangers, the ton — all but i 5 o Plate, Silver Plate _ _ , nothing. 3, Geo. II. c. 32, f. 9. Rum and Spirits of the Britilh Sugar Plantations . aH. 33 Geo.n. c. 2S f. i.-» Sails or Sail-cloth, foreign —nothing. 4 Geo. II. c. 27, f. -. Silks unwrought, I'iz. Bengalis and Stuffs mi.xed with Silk and Herba, of the inanu-7 faclure of Eaft India, China, or Perfia . __f"Othing. ii&i2\V.III.c.ic,r.ia. Silks wrought {Crapes and Tlffun'us) t^^-o thirds. Claufe after Rates of Silks. — — notJiing. 12 Geo. I. c. iJ), f. 5, Scoe [ »76 ] 43 Cc.i. n. c. 21, f. 30. < t Starch — — — — — 6 Geo. II. cap. 13, f. 9. Sugar of the Britifh Plantations in America, if exported within one year J9 Cco.IJ. cap. 23, f. I. yCco. III. cap. 56, f. 2. Tea exported to Ireland, or the Britiih Plantatioivs in America — j8Gco.II. cap.26, f.5.' . to other pari3 — * 6 .\nn. caf>. 12, f.n -r- l ^ f* to be confumed or ufed on board (hips of war in Europe ' ' J 1 ob.icco oi ! * "^ « o . ,- the Dricilh l ^ ■ n.- j . ^»ij/\ I S Ann. ca.". i;, C.20. ,,, ■ ■< t m (hips under 20 ton, to ^reland (a) ^^— ' ^' Plantations j "^ ' *• ' §9Ceo. I. csp.2i,f.6. ("' 2.)G.n.c.4i,r.4,2i,25. Draw back. — no'.hing. •— — nothing. all. all. l_§ In all other circumflances of regular exportation 9 Geo. 1. cap. 21. 1,20. Tobacco Stalks or Stem'-, feparated from the Leaf, and exported by tbemfelves by Briiilh, the ton • 4Geo.ni.c. i5,f.ii. • Wines to the Britiih § 4tl. Rule, ofBuokof Plantations in Amc-< rica § French imporied of all other forts no; iung'. ncthirg. nothing. all. nothing. all but I 4thRu|e,BookofR:tcs. Wines of all forts, to"^ all places e-vcept Bri tifli Plantations ' merica — 1 s, to I iif A- 1 \ ^^ Britifh, tl ]^ ] ^imported -j ^ by Strangers, by Strangers, the ton EyBiitifh, the ton By Strangers, the ton — all but 150 all. — all but 050 the ton the ton all but TOO all but I 5 o * 13& 14 Car. II. c-ip. • Vinegar II, r. 25. 1 Cso. II. cap. 17, f.4. -^vine Lees • 7 Geo. 11. C.45, f. g. -J •J- 2 Ceo. I. c. 2S, r. 21. ■• Rum, of the Briti(h Plantations {i) » Tea {i) — Goods to the IJIe D/Ma!:-{ * Coffee {i) • Tobacco {b) • I Of all other fcrts nothing. .the fame as to ' Ireland. — nothing. 4 Geo. III. c. 15, r. 26. All goods foreign, of the growth, produdl, or manufafture, of Europe or Enjl Indla'y (except Wines and White Callicoes, and Mufiins) exported to the Britijh Colonies /«v nothing. 2d Rule, Book of Rates. All Other goods to all Other places S Geo. I. cap. 13, f. 14. half. (d) For certain Rcftriftlons, /« Tobacco in the Appendix, {}) See Ifle of Man in the Appendix. N^ II. T t ^77 ] N°. II. Aliens Dutv, or Petty Custom.- H I S duty is payable by Merchant • Strangers, on all goods imported, rated to pay the SuLJidj cf » mh Ruleof the Book (a) Poundage, and on the f following goous, when imported in foreign ihips. of Rates. y 12 Car. \\. c. iS, f. ^, Aqua Vita Pot-afhes f. 6_ Boards Prune? Brandy Raifons {a) Corn or Grain of all Sorts Rczin Figs Salt Hemp Sugar Malls Tar Olive Oil Timber Pitch All goods of the growth, produdion, or manufaftory, of Mufcovy and Ruffia — _ 13 & 14 Car. II. c. II, imported in X fhips not belonging to the people of Great \ uCar. II. c.iS, r.7.5. Britain or Ireland, and whereof the malter, and at leaft three fourths of the mariners, are not Britifh, orin§foreign ^ i4Car. n. c. n, f. 6. built (hips, although owned or manned by Britifti, unlefi fuch as are taken as prize, and legally condemned ♦[. ^ loGeo.U. c. 45. f. 9% _ , ~, , 1- • (imported in ftiips not Britilh built, and whereof the mailer, and at Currants and Turkey commodities | f;^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ j,,^ mariners, are not Britilh. Tt is to be levied according to the refpeftive rates or values of the goods, as afcertained for the SubCdy of Poundage, in the following fums ; • Filh dried or falted, and Cod-filh or Herring (unlefs T j^^^,^ ^j;^^^ ^^„^^ ^^ ^^^ , „ . * '^ ^"- "' '' '^' ^^ *' prohibited) not caught in Bnt.lh or Irifli veifels, and i- ^^^_ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^j^| i J 006 cured by Britifli or Irim • j + All other goods rated to pay the Subfidy of Poundage, for every 20 .f. of the rate or value — o o 3 f "th Rule of Book of Rates. Upon due e.xportation as diredled for the Old Subfidy, i£c. drawback, or repayment of this duty* mull be allowed for J Currants, the Cwt. — — ~ all but o o 45 t E V P-..-!e of Book of All other goods ■ nothing. ^-^ S..itCS. (a) But Corn or Grain, and Pearly Barley) imported under the circumftanccs aj mentioned in ii Car. II. cap. 13. f. i, 2. are not liable to this dutj- : a certain lum being charged thereon for Cujlom and Poundage. Whale-fins and Whale-oil, are like>Aire exempt, when imported under the defcription of ac Car. II. cap. 7. § i. not being then under the regulation of Poundage. Me"'-. Flax was likewife charged with this duty ; but by 4 Geo. II. cap, 27, § I. was made free. N°. III. Additional Duty. THIS duty, as well as the Old Subfidy, is e.lablifhed by 12 Car. II. cap. 4. In the body of which aft it is impofed on Wines ; and on Linens, wrought Silks (a) and Tobacco, by claufes adjoining to thefe refpedive articles, in the Book of Rates. The grofs duty charged on Wine?, is as follows : per ton. • Wines of the growth of France, Germany, Portugal, and Madeira, and Wines of f Hungary, J * izCir. n. c 4, (. 14; imported from Hambro — 5^ ° O f i Ann. c. ii, f. m. All other Wines '—^ • • •^— — 400 But Prizage Wines are not charged herewith. For the payment of this duty, the importer, giving good § fecurity, is allowed the fpace of nine months ^ 12 Car. II. c. 4, f. 14.' after importation ; but if he chufes to pay for the fame, ready money, he is to be allowed after the rate of 10 per cent, for a year, which for the faid nine months is 7^ per cent. («) But ill wrought Silk (except Crapes and Tiffaoies) of the manufacture of Italy, and except wrought Silks, &c. of India, are prohibited to be im- ported by 6 Geo. Ill, cap. 2S, f. 13, I T t The [ »78 ] • «th Rule of Book of Tlie allowance of * 1 2 per cent, for Leakage, is likewife to be made out of tTiis grofs duty on Wine; im- Rutes, and S Geo. III. ported under the circumftances mentioned in the account of Old Subfidy : as likewife the refpeflive allov/- J 5 Geo, I. c. 12. C 2. ances of I 2, 6, or io per cent, on Wines imported in cajks. This Additional Duty on Wine, is computed in the following manner; 4 Calks. I ton of Rhenilh Wine unfilled. I. s. d. The grofs additional duty, per ton — - 300 12 per cent, for leakage o 7 2^*5 2 12 <)\\ 7 '- per cent, for prompt payment — o 3 1 1 J J 2 S lOj-g per cent, of the grofs duty, be- \ ^ „ ing imported in fo/^j \ '^ 2 7 The other goods (iibjedl to this duty, are charged in this manner : • 7, 8W.III. c. 19,/. I. § For all Linens, except * Irifh by certificate, and X Callicoes, printed, painted, ^c. in 1 one moi;ty Ji'i',i2W.llI.c.ior.io. India — i. of ti-.e Old •^ See the clauks after § For all Silks wrought (not prohibited) 3 Subfidy. thcfc articles i:i the o"or all Tobacco of the Britiih Plantations, per pound ■ 001 Book of lUtcs. ' For the payment of the duty on § Linen and Silks, the importer giving fecurity, is to be allowed 12. months from the time of importation ; but if Ire fnall pay ready money, he Ihall have 10 per cent, of the faid duty abated to him. This duty is computed in the following manner. 100 }fe ofltalian wrought Silk (being Crapes and Tiffanies) imported from Italy, in a Britifh fliip. The net Subfidy as before — — — 7 18 4. The moiety thereof 1 3 '9 2 Difcount at lo percent. — — — o 711 Net Additional Duty to be paid 311 3 • Sc« the claufe after And for the payment of this duty on * Tobacco of the Britifh Plantations, the importer becoming Tobacco in the Book bound with one or more fulHcient fureties (approved by the colleiSlor, with the confent of the comptroller) ot Rate?. 12 ^nn. ^^^^ ^^ allowed eighteen month;, to comniLuce at the end of thirty days from the mailer's report of the q Gco.'l. c. 21', f. -. ffi'P' O"" froni the entry of the goods within theCe thirty days, which (hall firll happen ; and to have an J i2An,i.feil".2, c.?,l".5. allowance of 15 per cent, for the fame; 01 ihi; Tobacco may be J depofited in warehoufcs provided at the 9 Geo. I. c. 21, f. 3. charge ot' the importer, and approved by the Ci-mmillioners of the Cullonis, on fecurity given by the im- prrt-ir's own bond to pay this duty at the end of fifteen months; but if the importer chufes to pay dowu. the duty at entry, he is to have an alios'. ance of 25 per cent. The method of computation is as follows :. Sooo i'o of Britilh Plantation Tobacco. Paid. Secured. 33 6 8 — The grofs Additional Duty at I d. per pound 33 6 8 S) 6 8 — 25 percent. Difcount at 15 percent. 1 — 500 Net Additional Duty — 28 6 S ■ This [ 179 ] ifcs This duty having been duly paid at importation, if the goods Ciall afterwards be exported to fSleign ^ t c ii f o pans, with.n the time * iimited by law, mull be I repaid, or the fecurity vacated as follows : ^ |^^ ^; f^'^.J^v^^fe, hetiire reftrrtu to. § Sails or Sail-cloth, foreign — — — - betore rcfcrrcu to. Drawback. - nothing. §4G'0-"-':- ^7>''- 3. C* to be confumed or ufed on board ftiips of war in an I part of Europe — — my T * 6 .■Ian, cap. 22, f. 13, j-nothing. — J J 8 Ann. cap. 13, f. 20. all. Tobacco of the Britifti Plantations^ ^ ^^p^^^^^ -^^ ^ip^ ^^^^^ j^^.^^^y ^^^^ ^^ Irdznd (C In all other clrcumftances of regular importation • Tobacco Stalks feparated from the Leaf, and exported by themfelves • — tothing. • 9 Geo. I. c. 21, f. 2c, J Wine Lees nothir.g. + 1 Geo. II. c. 17, f. 4 ^ 9 Geo. I. c. 21, f. 6. 24G. II. C.4I, f.4.2!.25. § Goods to the IQe of Man • All other goods — f Tobacco {a ^ of all other forts — all. ■ nothing. § 7 Geo. III. c. 45, f. S. all. (a) o« Iflj of H!an in the Appendix. * 12 Cnr. II. c.4,f. 14. ai Rule of Book of R.iics. 5«th= feve- ta\ cbuf-'S be. ore re-- fared 10. N°. IV. One per Cent, or Mediterranean Duty, In'.vards. THIS * duty is payable on all goods and merchandize imported from any part or place of the Medi- * HCar. II. c.ii, ..;;; terranean Sea, b=yond the port of Malaga, to any part of this kingdom, in any fiiip or vcflel that hath not two decks, and doth carry lefs than fixteen pieces of ordnance mounted, together with two men for each gun, and other ammunition proportionable, and is one per cent, ovtr and above the rates and duties cf Subjidy of Tonnage and Poundage ; or according to praftice, \ part of the Old Subfidy and Addi- tional Duty. Buc Britifh X fliips having exported from any of his Majefty's Dominions, FiOi §. taken and cured by his l^~7 H \ ^•''•^' Maj'-ity'o Subjects only, and one moiety of her full lading having been Filh, may import any wares or ^ '-' ™' * ■'^■3-» • 3- merchandize in the fame iliip, for that voyage, without payment of this duty. ^y All Wines (except French Wines) exported as merchandize to the Britilh Colonies in America, arc •! 4^20. III. c.i;,f.ii. allowed a Drawback of the whole of this duty. The Ports of the Mediterranean Sea, be .ond the Port of Malaga, being very numerous,, and many of them not commonly known, the tullowlng alphabetical lilt of them may be ufcful. Ports in the Mediterranean Sea beyond the Port of Malaga. Ports. Province;, l£c. Kingdoms, ^V. Adra- Albenza, — Alboran Aleffio — Alexandretta Algiers — Alicant Almeria — Aiinunecar Am:iiii Ancona Amines — Granada Genoa S::>ain. rliv. an ifland near Barbary. Albania ^Turkey in ^ turope. Syria Afia Minor. Barbary. =] Acjuil^ia. — Valencia Granada Naples I'apiicy I'rovcMCe Venicu — Spain. Sfain. ht •i a'y. i* rar.ce. Ports. Arba Acrhipelago — Barcelona B-iri Barletta Bifcrta Bona Brindiii Butrinto — Cabes ' \ Naple Cabo D'hlria — Candia Cartagena — Provinces, l^c. Kingdoms, 'J:. illand on the coaS of Dalmatia. ifland on the coaft of Ro.niania.. Catalonia Spain. . Jtp.ly. — Barbary. Italy. (Turkey in \ Europe, ifland on the coaft of Barbary. Venice — Italy, ifland on the coall of Greece. Muicia — — Spain. Ciitt^lO > Tunis Naples Epirus t iSo ] 'Ports. Provinces, i^c. Kingdoms, Jjfc. Catta Ceplialonia — Charfo Chios — Chimera Civita Vecchia CittaNova — Corfu Corlica — Cyprus • Dcnia — Doleigno . Durazzo Fa no Forme Finale Frcjuls Gaeta Gallipoli (/andia Cjfnoa (5erona Gigel Grace Flicres jvica - Dalmatia Rpirus a rope. -\ ---] ~l Italy. — Spain. J Turkey in \ Europe. Laria Leghorn Lepanto Lipra I.iicca Mahometa — Malta Majorca — Manfredonia — Marfeilles Alinorca — Monaco Morea — Morvidero — Narbonne Naples Nice — Noli {Turkey in Europe, idand on the coall of Greece, ifland on the coaft of Dalmatia. ifljnd on the coall of Alia Minor, f Turkey in I Eur Papacy \ enice ifland on the coaft of Greece. illaiid on the coaft of Italy. illand on the coaft of AfiaMinor. ^'alencia Albania Papacy Genoa Provence Naples \'alencia Genoa Catalonia Algier Provence Provence ifland on the coaft of Spain. „ . t Turkey in Epirus I £^^/p^, Tufcany — Italy. ^__ t Turkey in \ Europe, ifland on the coaft of Barbary. Lucia Italy. iflands on the coaft of Barbary. ifland on the coaft of Spain. Naples Italy. Provence — France, ifland on the coaft of Spain. Italy. Greece. — Achaia Genoa [ a peninfula on the coaft of Valencia Langucdock Naples Piedmont Genoa Oneglia Oran Orbittello Ofeno he 7 I Spain. France. Italy. Barbary. Tufcany — Italy, ifland on the coaft of Dalmatia. Ports. Province*, fefr. Kingdoms, i^c. Oftia Otranto Pago Pcrpignan Prombino Pol a Policaftro Raphello — Ra^ufa Ravenna — Regio Rhodes — Rofes Salfrno Sardinia Sarzana — Safeno Savona — Scandaroon S;io Sebenico Sicily Smyrna Sorrento Spalatro Squillace Taranto Taragon Tenes Tortofa Toulon Trani Triefta Tripoli Tropea Tunis Valencia Papacy Naples illand on the coaft Catalonia - Tufcany — Venice Naples Genoa Dalmatia — =3 '1 Italy. of Dalmatia. Spain. Laly. Papacy Naples — ifland on the coaft Catalonia — Naples ifland on the coaft Genoa ifland on the coaft Genoa Syria illand on the coaft Dalmatia —^— ifland on the coaft Ionia Naples Dalmatia Naples Naples — Catalonia Catalonia Provence Naples — Venice ifland on the coaft Naples ^— Tunis — -^— Valencia — Vallona — Abania Vence — Venice Veglia — ■ Ventimiglia - Vera — Villa Franca ■ Villa Franca ■ Zant Zara — Provence — Venice — ifland on the coaft Genoa —^ Granada — Catalonia — — Piedmont — ifland on the coaft Dalmatia — {Turkey ia Europe. ; I Italy. of AfiaMinor, Spain. of Italy. - Italy, of Epiruj. - Italy. AfiaMinor. of AfiaMinor. Vy Turkey in ? Europe. of Italy. ■ Afia Minor. - Italy. C Turkey in ' (_ Europe. - Italy. - Italy. - Spain. ■ Barbary. - Spain. - France. ; I Italy. of Barbary. - Italy. - Barbary. - Spain. f Turkey in \ Europe. - France. - Italy, of Dalmatia. - Italy. - Spain. - Spain. - Italy, of Greece. f Turkey in I Europe. N^ V. [ iS( ] N°. V. Compofition on Petty Seizures. AL L goods fei7.ed by the officers of the Cuftoms, are to be profecuted to condemnation, either in the Court of Exchequer, or before the jullices of the peace, i^c. and the King's moiety or (hare paid in to the proper officers, before any wiit or order of delivery may be granted, except in the cafe of f perifhable t '5 ^ 14 Car. II. c 11 goods : but when the feizure is fo fmail, that the cullom thtrcof does not exceed forty (hillings, the com- ^- 3°- ini((ioners of the Cuftoms have, by their patent, a power to compound for it, and in that caic the King's part is to be paid to the colleflor of the port of feizure, who is to account for it by the name oi Comfoftilon on Fitly Seizures ; which he is to comprehend under the general head of Cujloms, Thefe Duties here comprehended under the general Head of CUSTOMS, were iirft granted to continue during the Life of King Charles II. '\ 1 James II. — cap. I. feci. 4. were again granted during the King's life By I W. &M. — 14. 2. — ^ to 25 December, 1689. and fe(r. 2.— — 3. 2. were continued ■ to 25 December, 1690, By 2 W. & M. — 4. 2. were granted ■ to 25 December, 1694. By 6 — — I. 2. were re'vi'ved, to commence on 26 December, 1694, and granted ior five years, from which time they were by feveral fubfequent afts continued to i Auguft, 1712. By 6 Ann. cap. ii. feft. i. one moiety was continued for 96 years, and by 1 Geo. I. cap. 12. fed 2. was made perpetual ; the other moiety having been continued by 6 Ann. cap. 19. fed, 1. to 1 Augull, 1714, and made perpetual by 7 Ann. cap. 7. feft. 29. (a) Charges of management (not otherwife particularly direfted) Repayment of this Branch for Goods exported, and for Over Entries, Damages, and Difcounts of Tobacco Bonds paid off, and fuch Bounties a^ are exprefly made payable out of this Branch (which are particularized under their refpeftive heads in •the Appendix) all allowances for damaged Tobacco cut off, and unmerchantable Wines, Port.';ge Bills, \£c. being firll paid, the money remaining on this Branch, in the hands of the Receirer-General, is paid 'into the Exchequer in moieties, for the purpofes hereafter mentioned. One moiety of the Cuftoms, is, by 6 Ann. cap. 11. feci. 6. appropriated to the payment of Annuities for 99 years, which Annuities commenced from 24 June, 1708. The other moiety, with the furplus of the firft moiety after payment of the Annuities thereon charged, and the v%hole thereof, after the lall day of June, 1708, is by 1 Geo. I. cap. 12. fed. i. 2. 15. made part of the Aggregate Fund by that a£l eftablifhed. But it is to be noted, that the whole of this Branch arifing by Brandy and Spirits, imported after 29 September, 1736, is by 9 Geo. II. cap. 23. fed. 17. applied to the {a.id Aggregate Fund.* (a) It was the praftice, till the year 1710, to pay the whole charges of management out of this Branch, at which time the Im- pofton Wines and Vinegar, the Impoft on Tobacco, the Imports 1690 and 1692, and the New Duty on Whale-fin?, being united with, and appropriated to the fame ufes as the Cuftcms, the falaries and incidents of the Otit-Ports were direcled to be paid out of all tlicfe Branches under the title of United Branches. It is now confidered, that every Branch of the Cuftom (except the Coin- age Duty) is Liable by Law, to bear its own proportion of Charges; but from the inconvenience which would attend the apportioning the Charges of management to each Branch, and the furplus of all being equally applicable to publick ufc, it is now the praflice to pay the fame out of other Branches as well as Culloms, at difcr-tion. * Mem. Kcnce anottrr Branch has praHkally arifert, called the Subfidies on Spirits, under •which title the feveral Duties ivlich ivere chargeable en 'S/tiritSf at the time bf piijffing that ccl, are nvzu accoantcd for in one fum. Bvt as tbefe Duties fiill tjke their authority from tie ferveral a6is by ivhich they ivere rtfpeSii-vely granted, and are cclkeled under the like penalties^ &c. as direcled by thofe alls, they are not difiinguifhed in this tvork as a feparate Branch, For the method of computation, fee Brandy in page 57, and Cordial Water, fage 70, in the Second Part. U u N°. 2. [ i82 ] N". 2. Coinage on Wine, Vinegar, Cyder, and Beer. 'T^ HIS Duty was granted by i8 Cha. II. cap. 5, feft. 6, and made payable over and above all other J^ Duties, on the importation of the following articles, o/Zs;. Wine (a) and") 1 Ceo. II. c. 17, f. 3. Wine Lees *, I Vinegar, — )■ the ton, and proportlonably for a Icfler or greater quantity ■ — _ o 10 cp" Beer, | Cyder, J Upon non-payment of this Duty, the Gonds are liable to the fame pains, penalties, and forfeitures, as in and by the .ids for Tonnage and Poundage, and for Frauds, are enafted and appointed upon non- payment of the Duties by the faid afts, impofcd upon Goods and Merchandizes of the fame nature with ihofc mentioned in this afl. And the money payable by this Aft is to be applied to no ufe whatfoever, other than to the defraying the charge of the Mint, and of the afTaying, mehing down, wade and coinage of Gold and Silver, and the encouragement of the bringing in of Gold and Silver into the faid Mint, there to be coined into the current coin of this kingdom. rCco.II< c. 17, f, 4, For fuch of the aforefaid commodities (except ' Wine Lees) as Ihall be exported to parts beyond the feas, within the time limited by law, this Duty is to be wholly repaid. This Duty having been continued from time to time, by feveral ftatutes, was, by i Geo. III. cap. 16. f. I. further continued for feven years, from i March, 1761, and until the end of the firll Seflions of Parliament, then next following. (a) Prizage Wines are praflkally exempted from the payment of this Duty. N*^. 3. Coinage on Spirits. VV ITH the preceding Duty on Wines, t2 imported For every ton of Spanifli, or any other Wines, imported — 800 12 00 • This Duty is to be levied by the fame v/ays and means, and under the fame penalties, as the Cuf- * i Jac. n. c. 3, f. ;. ?, toms ; and is, on the entry, and before landing, to be J paid down in ready money, deducing the allow- t f. -.5. ances hereafter mentioned ; or elfe the importer is to become bound with two or more fufiicient fureties, or procure three other perfons to become bound for the payment thereof, by three feveral and equal payments; the firft payment to be made wichin three months; the fecond, within fix months ; and the lall, within nine months after the date of the obligation. The importer paying this Duty in § ready money, is to be abated out of the faid Duty after' the rate of 10 per cent, for the year: v/hich being equated to the feveral times ment is ' ^^— ' — uty after '^ of pay- i And as this Duty is not to be paid for any greater proportion of liquor than what fliall remain") 5 per cent. per cent. §• iported X diredlly from the pla growth, or ufual place of firft (hipping, or from the ifland of § Guernfey cr Jerfey, and to | Madeira Wines imported from the Britifii Colonies in Americsi or froin the Eaft Indies^J And in confideration of any * damage that may happen by keeping any of the faid liquors" Cho Draxvback of this Duty hailing been originally allowed en exportation) or.by any other accident, the importer (not being a vintner or retailer, who is to pay ready money for \- 8 per cent, the whole Duty) making oath that the faid liquors are imported by way of merchandize, with intent to fell again, there is to be a further abatement of » — — — * f. 6. & 8th Rule, Book of Rates. j4Geo.III.c. i3,f. M. I S Geo. III. c. 23. f. I. I Jac. II. c. 3, f. 6, And cut of the grofs Duty, the J following allowances are likewife to be made on Wines imported in cafis, \ 6 Geo. I. c. i?., f. z. On Rhenifii Wines, Wines of the growth of Germany, or which pay Duty as fuch — 2 per cent. On Wines of the growth of any of the French King's Dominions — — 6 per cent. On Spanith and all other Wines . ■ . 10 per cent. § No merchant is to be charged with this Duty for Prizage Wine, but it is to be received and taken § i Ja.-. cip. -, f. (,, from the perfon who enjoys the benefit of the faid Prizage Wine. ^' The method of deducing the feveral allowances and abatements from the grofs fum hereby charged, is as follows : Two ra// containing 1 ton of Spanilh Wine, filled or unfilled, by Vintner or Retailer. I. s. d. The grofs Import, per ton — ^-^ 1200 10 per cent, (as by 6 Geo. I. cap. 12.) — 1 4 o Net Import Two L ^^4 ] Tuo c-ijki containing i ton of Spanilh Wlr.c, (or private uj'e. filled, unfilled. 12 O O ' CroA Inipcft — — 12 o o o — — 12 percent, for Leakage ' 12 GO o 12 o — — _ ■ — 5 per cent, for prompt payment I s 9'J 10 I 1 O 10 2.1 6iJ 1 1 8 o 1 o o 7 i .; f !o per cent, out of the profs Duty, as by J lo 4 o Net Import for private ufe • 8 i6 yij Two cnjks containing i ton of Spanifh Wine, (or /ale. filled. unfilled. 12 o o ' Grofs Import — — — ^— ' 12 o o 000 — — — 12 per cent, for Leakage ■ ■ i 8 9^*- 1200 10 I I 2/.J o 19 2^'o — — -• 8 per cent, thereof for warte — — o 16 ioi§ 0110;° — — — • — 5 per cent, thereof for prompt payment —09 SiJ- 10 9 9/a 9 4 7 f 10 per cent, of thegrofsDuty (as by 6 Ceo. I. 7 •40— ~| cap., 2.) — ^^—1 } ' 4 ° y 5 9^-3 J>Iet Import for fale — — 8 o The computation here made is on Wines imported from the place of their growth, and of the Duty tor be paid down at entry; fo th.Tt if Bond is given for the payment thereof, the allowance of 5 per cent, is nf>t niaife : and if the Wines are imported from places not of their growth (except as before mentioned) they .are not entitled to the allowance for Leakage. And in rcfpeft to Vinegar, it is to be obferved that all the fcme allowances are made thereon, except that mentioned to be granted by 6 Geo. I. Upon due exportation within the times limited by law, Drawback of this Duty is allowed as follows : * 4 Ceo. III. c. 15, r.ii, * All Wines (except French Wines) exported to the Britifli Colonies in America — the whole Duty, + 6 Geo. I. c. 12, r. 6. J French Wines exported to the Britifh Colonies, and all Wines exported elfewhere — two thirds of the Duly. § I Geo. H. c. 17, f. 4. § Wine Lees which pay Duty as Wine > ' —— > nothing. il 1 Jac.m. c. 3, f. 7, II Vinegar — « J This Duty v.'as by 9 .Ann. cap. 21. feft. i. made perpetual; and by that a£l and 1 Geo. I. cap. 21, ■ was, with the Branches N°. 5. VI. VIL 11. 18. appropriated to make part of a fund for the payment of the annuity on 10,000,000/. the original and increafed capital of the South Sea Company, and 8,000/. per annum allovvcd the faid Company for charges and management. N^ 5. B [ >85 ] N°. 5. Impoft on Tobacco, Y I Jac.II. cap. 4. fed. i. the following impofition was granted on Tobacco imported, I'ls For every pound weight of Tobacco of the Britifh Plantations in America For every pound weight of Spanilh or Foreign Tobacco, not of the Britiih Plantations — 006 which is to be raifed, levied, collefted, and fecured, in the fame manner and form, and by fuch rules, means, or v;ays, and under fuch penalties and forfeitures, as the Cullonis *. * i James II. c. 4, f. i. 7i-8W.IILc.io,f.3.6. For the payment of this Duty, the merchant giving fufficient fecurity for the fame, is allowed 18 months, to commence at the end of 30 days after the maftcr's report of the fhip, or from the merchant's entry of the eoods, within thofe ^o days which Ihall firll happen 1. t i2--^nn.reff.i,c.io,f.2. •^ ^ -^ ' rr * 9 Geo. I. c.ai, f. j. But Tobacco of the Britijh Plantations may be lodged in warehoufes (provided at the merchant's charge, and approved by the commiflioners or principnl officers of the Cuiloms) upon the merchant's own bond, for payment of the Duty at the end of 15 months ; and if not then paid, nor the obligation dilcharged by debenture on exportation of the Tobacco, good and fufficient fecurity mull be given for the payment, at the end of 18 months^. § iiAnn.feff.ijC.S, i'.5. Out of the grofs Duty above-mentioned, the following Difcounts are to be allowed. ., _ . r 1 T, ■ n nt „ f if the Dutv be paid down for Tobacco of the Bnt,Jh Planiat,ons\\ | .^^ ^^^ ^J^ ^^ [^^^^^^ 25 per cent. „ „ , , ^ '^ .9 Geo. I. c. 21, 1. 3. 15 per cent. " ■' ■ ^ 'whether the Duty be paid down or fecured* 8 per cent. * 7&8W.lll.c.ic,f.5. 12Ann. fcrt'.2,c.8, f.1.4. and befides, if the Duty be paid down on entry within 30 days from the report") ^ "" "^' ^' ' '' Vv,^^*/?" ^"? J of the fhip, or at any time within any of the firll 15 months of the 18 months, I ot the liritijb\ ^^ commence at the end of 50 days from the report, a further allowance ' 10 per cent. Tobacco not of the Brltij Plantations. for the whole 15, or fo many entire months as fhall remain unexpired: but no Difcount is to be allowed after the end of ij months, nor for any lefs time than one month § — , per annum. The method of deducing thefe Difcountf, to- produce the net Duty, is as follows : 1200 % of Tobacco of the Britiih Plantations. The grofs Impoft at 3 a'. per }fe 15 o o Difcount of the Duty, is to be/ajV (/o^t'.n, 2 J percent. 3 15 o Net Impoft to bo paid 11 50 § i2Ann.fcfr.2,c.S, f.3« 5 Geo. 1. cap. 7, r. i* The grofs Impoft as before 15 o o Difcount of the Duty, \{ iohe fecured, 15 percent. — 250 Net Impoft to be fecured — i- '5 o 1500 JD Spanifli Tobacco. Tlie grofs Impoft at 6 no part. i^all. _{; under all other circumftances of exportation (a) > j fl7a:SW.iii. CIO. f.5. f Tobacco ««/ of the Britifli Plantations (a) — — - all. 7' Geo. III. c.45, f. 8. But, note, that the 8 per o c Ireland) for every hundred weight containing 112 Jfe \ (x) Iron drawn or hammered, lefs than \ inch fquare, and all other Iron Ware manufaflured 7 for every hundredweight containing 1 12 ife f o 5 (y) Iron Kettles and Iron Pots — for each — o j Linnens, 'vi-z. (z) Callicoes, and all other Indian Linnens {mt printed, painted, ftained, or dyed, f there, as by \il^ \z Will. III. cap. 10. feft. 10.) for every 100/. of the Rate ~^~'^ ° 'of the breadth of 2 ells, or upwards, and under" ^ all Linnen Cloth of the 3 .e'l^.' \ "1"=^ ^'^^^ as what the fame is charged , manufaaure of the Spa- . ^^f^'"/''^ Boo k of Ra tes, be, ng for e -very ,00/. «/ 1 nifh Netherlands, or of^ c Ix. if' ^ i \. r 1, ■ , the United Provinces - "^'"{f ^'^^^'^ °0 ^,"= or "P^vards, treble as much asT what the lame 13 charged with in the Book of Rates, J. 22 10 o _ being for every 100 I. of the Hate \ (ab) All Linen (other than Linnen Cloth, of the manufacture of the Spanifh Netherlands, or! of the United Provinces, not exceeding an Englifli ell and half quarter in breadth, 'a;?^' I Jrijh Linnen by certificate, &c. *) one moiety over and above what is impofed in the [ ^ '^ ° ' :i:SW. III.c. 39, f.i. Book of Rates, being for every 100 1, ofthe Rate I (ac) Manufddlures of India and China (except Indigo, jirraci,X and ivrought Silk, Bengalis,} ^ 7 Geo- 11. c. 14, f. i. and Stuffs mixed with Silk or Herba\,) for every 100 1. oiiY.e V.2.IS — !j"° ° O t > ' i-' li W.III. c. 10. (ad) Melafles, from any other place, than the Englifli Plantations in America, for everv hun- 7 dred weight containing 112 fc ■ 1 f o S o (ae) Oil, Hemp-feed Oil, Rape Oil, and other Seed Oil, the ton . S o o (af) Pans, 'viz. Frying Pans, for every hundred weight containing 112 ffe o ' o Paper, 'viz, (ag) Blue Paper — for every Ream o i 6 (ah) Brown Paper — _ for every Bundle — 002 (ai) Demy Paper — for every Ream o i (, (ak) Painted Paper — for every Ream — o i 6 (al) Royal Paper — _ _ _ _ for every Ream 020 (am) All other Paper, as much more as what is charged in the Book of Rates, bein" for 7 s-vcry zoi. of the Rate — — — — i ° ' ° (aa) ■ all Linnen Cloth of the { 1 2 6 Cards, or any Wares made of Iron Wire) for every hundred weight containing 1 1 zfc j (bb) Steel 'Wire, for every hundred weight containing 1 12 ft — — ' — o 14 o Yarn, I'iz. (be) Cable Yam, for every hundred weight containing 112 ft o 5 (bd) of Flax or Hemp {a), other than Cable Yarn, as much as what is charged in the Book of Rates, being for pvery 100/. of the Rate • ■ -^— — — 4 4 8 8 I 4 4 10 I 5 6 5 I 10 O I? o o o ■ I- -J -4. 5 « Thefe feveral Impofirions and Duties are to be raifcd, levied, coTledled, and paid, in the fame man- ner, and form with fuch advantages, and by fuch rules, means, and ways, and under fuch penalties and forfeitures as direfted for tlic Culloms. ^ '^53- t And it is to be obferved, that where any of the Duties before-mentioned are to be levied according to the value ; where the goods are particularly rated in the Book of Rates, the value is to be underllood according to fuch Rates ; and where they are not particularly rated, the value fhall be taken according to the oath of the importer, thefe Duties not being reckoned into fuch value. " — — -f.54. ^ For the Duties thus impofed, the importer giving fecurity, fhall have time not exceeding twelve months, fur the payment t .ereof; to be paid by four equal and quarterly payments ; or, in cafe he ftiould pay ready money, he fhall have after the rate of 10 per cent, for a year, abated to him j which being equated to the feveral times of payment, reduces it 6^- per cent. -f.ij. • But in refpefl to Pepper, -|. of this Duty was charged to be paid down {i) ; and bond was to be given for the payment of the refidue at the end of twelve months: or elfe to'difcount after the rate of 10/. per centum, or paying down tlie whole Duty ; which therefore being equalled to the fura of the refidue, f Grocery, s.) being 10 per cent, on the Rate o 14 11^^ Difcount at 6^ per cent, for prompt payment — o o 1 1 1*5 Net Impoft to be paid, being 4;. 8^. per Cwt. — o 14 o Zlj.00 % of Tipper imported direSily from the place of its growth, in a Britijh Jhip. The grofs Impoft at iy. per pound 5 o ° Difcount at 6| per cent. ' 068 Net Impoft to be paid ■ — ' 4 '3 4 Upon due exportation within the times limited by law ♦, Drawback of this Duty muft be allowed, or the * 7 Geo. I. c. 21, r. 10. •)■ fecuriiy vacated as follows, 'viz, r ii Borax, refined in Great Britain — — _- — as unrefined, i; Geo. 11. c 31, f. 3. Cable Yarn — — — «. — — , _ —nothing. 6 Ann. cap. 19, f- 13- Gamphire, refined in Great Britain — „ _ -_ — as unrefined. '7 Geo. Ii. c 31, f. 5. Candles — -nothing. .3 Geo. II. c. .1, f. 36. China Earthen Ware, to any part of America — ~ nothing. 7 G.ro.ni.«p.46,i".7. Cordage — — ^__ — — — — nothing. 6 .Ana. r.ip. 19. f. i> Hops, foreign, to Ireland — — — — — — ■ nothing. gAnn.tap. 11, f. ir- Iron and Steel, foreign T _ 9 Ann. cjp. 6, f. 55. C to the Britifh Plantations in America — — nothing. , Wares, foreign > ^^'^ ■*""■ "?' 9> f-''-' Paper, foreign «_ _-, — — ■ nothing. 10 Ceo. II. c. 27, !'. 4. Pepper — — — — — — ■ nothing. 8 Ann. cap, 7, f. 2.). Sails or Sail Cloth, foreign — — — — — — — nothing. ^j^Gcc. II. cap. 27,.f. 3. Starch ■ ■ — — — - ■ nothing. 23000. II. c 21, 1. 36. Goods to the Ifle of Man — — — — __. nothing. 12 Ceo. I. c. 2S, 1. ir. All other Goods, to all other places — — — — ■ — all. zW.&M.fcfl'.2,c4/.j+« This Duty having been continued from time to time, was by 9 Ann. cap. 21, feft. i, made perpetual, and appropriated as the Impoft on Wines, i5c. Branch, N°. 4. Mem. 7hefc!lo'wing Goods ivcre originally charged ivilh this Duty, But ha'vefince been difcharged therefrom, Oli-f Oil ciifcharged ly 1 Ann. cap. 13, feet. 20. Ravj F 500 (be) Rofin of all forts (except French Rofin) not being the produft of .-.ny of the Dominions) or Plantations of the Crown of Great Britain, for every 100/. of the Riite j (bf) Salt, except fuch as lliall be ufed in curing of Filli, for every wey — — — 05 (bg) Silk Ferrit or Floret (a), one moiety more than the fame is charged with in the Book ^ of Rates, for every loo/. of the Rate 5 (bh) thrown, of all forts, in the Gum, for every 100/. of the Rate 500 (bi) wrought (a), called Allamodes and Lutcilrings, for every 100/. of the Rate 500 (bk) («) other than AUamodes and Luteftrings, for every pound — — 020 (bl) T'apeflry and Dornix, except fuch as are manufadlured in, or brought from, the French ? ,„ „ „ King's Dominions, for every 100/. of the Rate ' j (bm) Tar, not being the produft of any of the Dominions or Plantations of the Crown ofT Great Britain, one moiety more than the fame is charged in the Book of Rates, or > 2 10 o Jor every 100/. nf the Rate ^— ■ •^—— - J (bn) Thread Outnal, for every dozen pound — — ■ 040 (bo) Ticks and Tickings, for every 100/. of the Rate — —500 (bp) Tow, for every 100/. of the Rate — — — — 500 (btj) Wax, called Bees Wax, for every 100/. of the Rate — — 500 Cbr) Wire, Latten, Brafs, or Copper Wire, every Cwt, — — 066 o o o- o 2 10 o (a) All foreign wiou£ht Silks, exce^jt Cnifes and TjffanUs, are prohibited by 6 G;o, III, cap. z8. 3 (bs) All [ 192 ] (bs) An Goods not particularly rated by ii Car. II. cap. 4. for every loo/. of tKeir Rates hyli 11 Geo. I. cip. 7, f. 3, or of their value upon oath, or of their Prices at the candle I (except Mum, and fuch Goods as are particularly charged by this AH^ or are fubjeft to f 5 ° ° the Import, 1690) — — — — — — J Thefe feveral fums are to be collefted and paid according to the refpeflive Rates and Proportions above expreffed, and to be levied, l£c. in the Aime manner and form, and by fuch rules, means, and ways, and' under fuch penalties and forfeitures, as direfted for the Cuiloms. 4&:5W. Ill, c. 5, f.C. For the Duties thus impofed, the importer giving fecurity, fliall have time not exceeding 12 months, for the payment thereof; to be paid by four equal and quarterly payments : or in cafe he fliould pay ready money, he fliall have after the rate of 10 per cent, for a year abated to him ; 'Vy be paid over and above all other Duties, in ready money, without difcount, and before landing of t'.\e Goods : but on fuch of the faid articles as are imported from the Eaft Indies, the lime for payment of this Duty has fince been otherwife regulated ; fee page 85, in the Second Part. Upon due exportation within the time limited by law, the merchant is to be repaid * of) ,. , ♦1,„ r -J n -„ > tivo thirds, the laid Duty — — — — ^— j This Duty having been continued from time to time, was, by 7 Asn. cap. 7. fedl. 25. made perpetual ; and was, by i Geo. I. cap. 12. fed. i, 2, 15-, appropriated to make part of the Aggregate Fund, by that ad ellablilhed. IJ'ith this Duty on "Spices, a Duty mjas likeiui/e charged o» Pictures, after the rate of 20/. per cent. or. their real 'value ; hut this tuas, nvithfeiieral other Duties due thereon, repealed, and a certain fum ivas charged in lieu thereof; luhich fum being appropriated to the fame ufis as the repealed Duties, it is the praSice to carry to this Branch zo per cent, on the feigned Rate, as mentioned in page 82, or four titles the fum of the Old Subfidy, as explained in page 8 1, in the Second Part. ■^ea. Coffee, Cocoa Nuts, Chocolate, avd Cocoa Pojle, nvere likeivife charged ii.ith a Duty hy this a^ ; but tht importation of the tivo lajl, has Jtnce been prohibited, and the Duty on the former exprefly repealed. 6,7W.Hr. cy.f.s. E N^. 9. Second 25 per Cent, on French Goods. Y 7 and 8 Will. III. cap. 20. fed. 2, 3, 5, 6, the following Duties were granted, 1//2;. For every ton of French Wine imported — • — 3j o © For every ton of French Vinegar, imported ■ — 15 00 For all other -Goods (a) of the growth, produd, or marmfadure of France {-except 1 ^_ Brandy or Wine Lees) for every 100/. of their refpeclive Rates or Values — j "^ This Branch is, over and above all former impofitions and duties, payable in ready money, without de- -liudion (except on French Wines imported in cajks, which are to be allowed a difcount of 6 per cent.) and is to be raifed, levied, and colleded in the fame manner and form, and by fuch rules, means, and ••ways, and under fuch penalties, as direded for the Cuftoms. The difcount on French Wines imported in cafis, as above-mentioned, being de- 7 duded, the nett Duty thereon will be, for every ton j "3 '° ° On exportation this Duty is ■ not drawnback. This Duty, originally granted for 21 years, was, by 1 Geo. I. cap. 12, k(\. j, made perpetual, and appropriated to make part of the Aggregate Fund by that ad eftablilhed ; and this appropriation was fur- ther confirmed by the 9 Geo. II. cap. 23, fed. 17, refpeding fo much as Ihould arife by this Duty on Spirits. (.;) In re'pcH, b'.vi^vir. It French Driijs irr.^cntd not AhiEtly fom the f'aa af thrir gn'atb, it ii it it iijeriiJ, tlai tlit Duty U (barged on IriiU the Rau ir lvalue, Z z N^. !(?. • I A.ia. c. IS, f rCco. II. c. 17. I m r N°. 10. New Subsidy. ^'^ HE Subfidy granted by 9 and 10 Will. IN. cap. 23, which has been diftinguiflved under the Nam*' of the New Subfidy, con/ill.^ oi' a Tonnage and Poundage, and is to be raifed, levied, and col* Jeded, by the fame powers, penalties, and foifeituies, as the Subfidy granted by 12 Car. II. cap. 4. Under the didinftion of Tonnage, by this ad, arc IJ'insi only ; Vinegar, Perry, Rape, Cyder, and Cyder- eager, though chargeable under that head, to the Old Subfidy, fiili remaining as Poundage Goodi, in refped to this Duiy. For all Wines imported, the following fums are to be paid, I'iz. Rhenifh and German Wines, or Hun- J imported i gary Wines * from Hambro n-J in Levant and all other Wines !By natural born Sujeds 6 o O • By Strangers, or in fhips not belong- 1 iag to Great Britain or Ireland, or f 7 10 o foreign built ■ ■ ■ J {By natural born Subjeds ■ • 4 10 o By Strangers, or in fliips not belong- ^ ing to Great Britain or Ireland, or V- 6 o o foreign built ^— ■ J r By natural born fubjeds — — 300 into any other J By Strangers, or in (hips not belong- 1 Port J ing to Great Britain or Ireland, or i- 4 10 a L foreign built — j 1 any Per r impor London f Wine Lees, as Wine, according to the icff cdive growth thereof, ijfc. |9,icW iii.c.ij.r.e. ^ Thefe Duties being, in all cafes, fubjed to the fame difcoiints, allowances, and reftridions, asdireded 6 Geu'l"° ° T"' ^°'^ ^^'^ Old Subfidy, will (except on Levant Wines imported in Briilol or Southampton) be the fame as the ' ' " net Old SubfiJy ; and in refped to thofe Wines, no dillindion is made whether they are imported into Biiilol or Southampton, or any other Out-port. For the computation therefore of this Tonnage Duty on Wines, the diredions given for the Old Sub- fidy, will be fufficient. Je,ioW.m.c,i3,f.i. I The PoandageDuty eftablilbed by this ad, is payable (a) in ready money (except for Toiacco of the Britidi Plantations, whereon it may be fecured by Bond) upon all Goods and Merchandize, except the following; ■U'ines, being chargeable under the diilindion of Tonnage. Fift, Britilh, taken and brought in BritiQi Bottoms. Ficlh Fiih, and Deilial. ^ .V4 Ann. rsp- 4> (* 2. i G: Grains of Portugal cr Rota^, Grains of Sr-vil in Berrico, Lilharage, of all forts. rhilain. Salt Pet re. Weld. Jl'cad. (<)} Vet [be mcthcd of psy.r.ent o( ihis Duty on Eaft Indian GooHs, /« page S5, in the Second Part, and for the Kgulaliona^ rclfcdtrg Bugle and Co.TcCjya Appendix, Wcought [ '95 } Wrought Silks, Bengalis, and StuiF;, mixtwkh SIIkorHerba, of the manufaflare ofPerda, China, ii.iaW.in.c.io.f.io- or baft India, and all Callicoes paiuced, dyed, printed, or Haincd there. While-fins, Oil and Blubber of Critifh Fii))ing^, taken in the Seas of Newfoundland, or any of the io,iiW.i;i.c.25,r.i6. Seas belonging to His Majcily's Plantations, and imported to Britilh, in Britilh fhipping. ^° ^'^°- '• '• '*» ^- '• Gambricks and French Lawns. 32 Geo. II. c. 52. Beaver Skins, Books bound, Piftures, Succus Liquoritiy, Raw Linnen Yarn, Raw Silk, Gum Se- nega, and Gum Arabic, as mei.tioned in the account of iLe Old Subiidy. All Goods mentioned in the preceding Table of Duties, to be Cudom free. This Poundage Duty is, to be levied and collefled according to the feveral refpeftive Rates, Values, or Prices, as direded for the Old Subfidy, in the fjilowing manner : Drugs (except dying DrugO r-ted by 12 Car. II. imported directly from the places of their'! growth, and in Britilii built napping, 5 per cent, on («) »«■ i hit- J ot the Rate, being for |- o o 4 every lO.f. thereof . — \ ■ the fume as foi the Old SubfiJy. All other Goods, 5 per cent, on the Rate or ^'alue, being for every zo;. thereof 1 010 g.ioWiij.ni.c.ij, f.4, iiGeo. I. c.-.f.'j,^. But out of this grofs Duty the following Difcounts are to be allowed, ■c/a. TohKCo of the Brifijh Pla/iiaticus, being under the fame regulation* as 1 if ;5^/V aWvs, 25 percent. g.icV.'.m. c.23, f. 10. the Additional Duty thereon 1 U /ecured, 15 per cent. i^>'n.kff.■l,c.%,{.t.1,■^. 9 Geo. I. c.zi, r. 3. Tobacco ucf cf the Bn'lijh Planlalions ■ — — 5 and S per cent. iiAnn. fe.T.2. c.S i". i. All other Goods 5 percent. 9&10W. lU. c.23,f.6. For the method of computing this Duty, on Tobacco of the Britzjb PJantatiom, yie the Additional Duty, N°. III. on all other Goods, fee the Old Subfidy, N'. I. This Duty having been duly paid at importation ; if the Goods (hall afterwards be exported to foreign parts, within the times limited by la.v, Drawback •, or repayment thereof, mu.1 be ailov^ed, or the * r- r r • irii 7 ^*0. J. C. 21. r. ICm- t fecuruy vacated, as follows : ■ 4. , o i ^ , ' ' r. • I T5Ceo. I.C.21, f.-,6. . . Dravvt^ack. 24 12 7 O By 7 Ann. cap. 7, feft. 25, this Duty is made perpetual ; and by i Geo. L cap. 12, feft. i, 2, 15, appropriated to the fame ufes as the Customs. S Ceo.'III, c. 35, f. 9. But the Monies retained, and not drawn back on Callicoes or Muflins, exported luithout having leen prir.ted, &c. '/; Great Britain, are 10 be paid into the Receipt of His Majelly's Exchequer dillinflly, and apart frum all other Branches, and to be carried to, and made part of, the Sinking Fund ; and a feparate Branch is therefore now raifed for that purpofe. N*^. 13. One Third Subsidy. THIS Duty was granted by 2 and 3 Ann. cap. 9, fed. i, exprefly under the dillinflion of Tonnage and Poundage. Under Tonnage are all Wines imported ; Under Poundage aie all other merchandize imported, a ana 3 Ann. c. 9, f. i. Tliis Additional Sublidy is one third part of the nett New Subfidy, and is to be paid or fecured {a) on ■ ' f. z. all Goods imported, except fuch as are exempted from the payment of the faid New Subfidy, and is to be gOeo. I. c. II, f. 5. railed, levied, colleded, fecured ar.d paid, bv the fame ways, means, and methods, under fuch penalties 8th and 17th Rule of j forfeitures as direded for that Branch. Book of Rates. Jft Rule of Additional Book of Rates. ^n due exportation within tlie times limited by Law, Drawback of this Duty maft be allowed, or {a) fecurity vacated, as for the New Subfidy. By I Geo. I. cap. 12, fed. 8, this Branch is made perpetual ; and by 4, 5, and 6 Ann. is appropriated for the payment of Annuities for 99 years, granted by the faid Ads : and by i Geo. I. cap. 12, fed. 15, the furplus during the continuance of the feveral terms, and the whole after the expiration of thofe terms, are made part of the Aggregate Fund. I - I . 1 1 (■«) The New Subfidy on Tobacco, may be fccurcd by Bund. N'^. 14, [ '99 ] N^. 14, Additional Duty on Spices, and Duty on Dkugs, Gfr. T JL HESE Duties were granted by 3 and 4 Ann. cap. 4. •viz. /. s. d. r every ico/. of their refpedive rates • ■ 5 o o 3 ;.■ 4 Ann.cap.4, f. 5, White Callicocs, by tthich are meant") fuch as do not pay duties as Muflins I r 7 , 1 /• 1 , ,, Dimities and other Manufafture. oiV°' ''"y '°°^' ^^'"^ "P°" '''^ ^^^'' ^'^ '^^ ""<^!<= -,500 f.g. Cotton Porcelain, commonly called China, or 7 for every 100/. of the value, J reduced from the grofs 7 Japan Ware, made of Earth \ price at the candle 1'^ ° o I i, 3 Ann. c.9, f. 6,7. Drups (except dying Drups) rated bv ? r ; r l • r c\- ^ A If ■ J- /or every 100/. of their refpediive rates 12 Car. 11. 1000 Drugs (excfpt dying Drucs) not rated") by 12 Car. II. or rated by any other /for every ico/ of the value upon oath, or of the rate J Aft, and not imported from Eafi- [ by any other hd^i \ 400 India, China, Or Perjia J Drugs not rated by 12 Car. IT. and im- ") r ;ri ^ * , , i- 1 r-. " . , f _ r ,, / V r-i ■ I lor every 100/. of the value, * reduced from the rrofs 7 * -^ 1 Ann <• n f « »• ported from Ent-india, China, or J..-', ,, ' ^!-4.0o -> 3 •^"''•<:- 9> '• o, 7, Perfm — — — \ price at the canole — j "^ 3,4 4> f- 8, 9. This Duty on Spices is to be afcertained, fecured, raifed, levied, recovered, anfivered, paid, .ind 3 & 4 Ann. cay. 4, f. 7. accounted for, by fuch rules, ways, means, and methods, and under futh penalties and forfeitures, as direfted for Branch, N°. 8. And in refpeifl to White Callicoes, this Duty is to be fecured, afcertained, valued, raifed, levied, collefled, C , anfwcred and paid, by fuch ways and means, and fubjeft to the like allowances, and under fuch penalties and forfeitures, and in fuch manner and form as the Duties of 15 /fr ir£»/. on Muflins, Branch, N°. 12. And the Duties hereby granted on China or Japan Wares, and upon unrated Drugs, imported from the Eaji-Indies, China, l^c. are to be fecured, afcertained, valued, raifed, levied, collefled, anfwered and paid, by fuch ways and means, and with fuch allowances, and under fuch penalties and forfeitures, and in fuch manner and form, i^c. as direclcd for the Branch, N°. 13. Upon due exportation, within the times limited by law, Drawback or Repayment mud be allowed, or the fecurity vacated, as to fo much of the Goods as (hall be exported, as follows : Borax 1 ^ic?inei\n Great Britain — . the fame as unrefined. 17 Gto. II. c. 31, f. j, Camphirc 3 Callicoes exported to /Africa, for every 100/. of the value at the fale, nett 14 5 o 5 Geo III c ■!- f 7 Callicoes exported to the iB)////?' fc/oB/Vj /«^/«?;/Va, for every I go/, of the value at the fale, nett 9 10 o 4 Geo. III. c, i- f 2- Callicoes printed, ftained, painted, or dyed, in Great Britain, expoited to any place, except \ Jfrica, or the Britijh colonies in America, for every 1 00/. of the value at the fale, net: 1 ' + 5 ° 5 Geo. III. c. 35, f. 7. Callicoes not printed, Jlained, painted, cr dyed, in Great Britain, exported to any place, rxceptl J/rica, or tiie Biitijh colonies in America, for every 100/. of the value at the fale, nett \ '^ 7 ^ Spice* . — two thirds. * 3 &.t Ann.c.4, f. 7. -,. , ^ , )2,nW.III. r. II, f.io. The Other Goods t — — — _ all. 6,; ,;,-. "; ■f 3 &4 Ann.c.4, f. IX, By 7 Ann. cap. 7, fcft. 25, this Duty is made perpetual; and by i Geo. 1. c.-.p. 12, fed. i, 2, 15, appropriated as the Customs. N^ 15. [ 200 ] N°. 15. Two Thirds Subsidy. THIS Duty was granicJ by 3 and 4 Ann. cap. j, fe(\. i, expiefly under the diiliniflion of Tonnage and Poundage. Under Tonnage arc all Wines imported. Under Poundage aie all other Goods imported. This Additional Subfidy is iivo thirds of the nctt New Subfidy, payable on all Goods liable to the faid New Subfidy, except thefe following: 5 (f-»3- Tobacco. 3 & 4 Ann. c. 5, f. I. < Ann. cap. ^^. f. .0. European Linens. Sillers Thread. This Subfidy is to be raifed, levied, collefled, fecured and paid, by the fame ways, means and methods, under fuch penalties and forfeitures, and fubjeft to fuch rules and diredions, as dirctled for the Mew Subfidy, Branch, N°. to. And on due exportation, within the times limited by law, Drawback of this Duty mud be allowed, as for the New Subfidy. By 7 Ann. cap. 7, feft. 21, this Duty is made perpetual; and by I Gso. I. cap. 12, fci^. i, 2, ij, appropriated as the Customs. N^. 16. Duty on Coals imported, and on Coals, Culm, and Cinders, brought Coaflwife. B Y 8 Ann. cap. 4, feft. i, the following Duties were granted on Coals, l^c. 'viz, I. s. d. ffuch as are ufually fold by weight, for every ton, containing 1 3 • Coals (except Charcoal made of j 20 Cwt Wood) imported from parts be-\ fuch as are ufually fold by the chalder, or any meafure redu- T y Olid the Jeas " | cible to the chalder, for every chalder, containing 36 ?• o [_ bufhels, Winchefter meafure j rfuch as are ufually fold by weight, for every ton, containing? „ , q fl 20 Cwt, \° ^•^fuch as are ufually fold by the chalder, or any meafure redu-T 1 J cible 'to the chalder, for every chalder, containing 36 |. o (_ budiels, Wincheller meafure J Coals (except Charcoal made of Wood) brought coajliviff from fort to port of Grczlhnuin I cible 'to the chalder, for every chalder, containing 36^0 3 Culm, brought conjl-xvife • for every chalder, containing 36 bufliels, Winchefter meafure o o 7-5- Cindcrs made of Tit coal, 7 ^.^^ j^^,j^ ^^1^^^;^^; ^ ,^^^^^^] .^^,;j^j.j^^j^^^ j. ^ 3 O brought coajl'wife j ; ' t J ' 3 ! Ann, cas 4 f. 2. Which feversl Duties are to be charged upon the owners or maflcrs of the (hips, to be paid over and above all former Duties, at the port of importation ; and to be uiidcr the management of the commi(rioners of the Customs; who are to caufe them to he raifed, levied, collefted and paid, to the Receiver-general, and by him to be paid into Hi* Majelly's Receipt of Exchequer, diftincl from all other Brauches. [ 201 ] Thefe Duties are to be anfwereJ and paid to fucli colleflor as (hall by liis MajeHy, or by any four or 9i lo'^'-^- HI- «•''!)''• 3. Biore of the Commiuioners of the Cuftoms, be appointed, bef )re bulk of the fliip be broken, or any of the ^ ^^"^ '■ *• *• 4' 5» Coals, {iff. be unladen, meafured, or weighed : due entries of the fhips and goods being made at the "*' '' ^' port of importation. For the payment of the Duty hereby impofed, there is to be allowed to the mafter or") owner of the ibips, three months time, upon his giving good and fufficicnt fecurity for the ( , W lit - r t fame; but if he (hall pay prefent money, there (hall be allowed to him ifter the rate of lo j^ P" '■^''' ' ' ' J' per cent, per annnm, which for the faid three months is — — J If any Coals, ifc. for which this Duty fliall have been once paid or fecured, at the importation thereof, — — > fhall be again exported to any other place of this kingdom, there (hall no further Duty by this aft be paid or demanded for the fame. Bat for fuch Coals, Ji'r. as (hall be carried from the bridge oi * Sterling, to the town of Du>:bar, or to • 8 Am. r. 4, f. -9. any port betwixt them, or from f Ellcn-foct to Bank-end, in the county of Cumberland, as from any place t ^ Geo. I. c. i.;, f.!4. to any other place betwixt them, this Duty is not to be taken. Upon due J exportation to parts beyond thefeas, of any Coals, Ifc. for which this Duty hath been paid, t9>'^^'^'III-c-'i, f-ii, cr upon dre proof that they have been ufed in melting § Cupper and Tin Ore, within the counties of Ccrn- § 9 Ann. c. 6, (. 54. iviiil and Devon, or in fireengir.es for \\ dmhiing Tin or Copper Mines in Conin.'jall, this Du:/ is to be [1 14 G«i. II. c.41, I". 3. wholly repaid, or an allo-wance made out of the cver/ea Duties. By 5 Geo. I. cap. 19, fefl. i, this Duty is made perpetual ; and by this aft and 6 Geo. I. cap. 4, ap- propriated to the payment of Lottery Annuities, 1710, fubfcribed into the capital of the South Sea Com- pany in purfuance thereof j and the furplus to the Aggregate Fund. "N". 17. Duty on Pepper, Raisons, and Spice. THIS Duty on Pepper, Uc. was granted by 8 Ann. cap. 7, feft. 14, 15, 16; and having under- gone fome alterations by 8 Geo. I. cap. 15, is now payable as follows, fiz. ~,^ r no/ imported direftly from the place of its growth, and in BritiOi built fliipping, 7 , t *\ "J the pound, averdupoize — — — — — J p^ _ I import -d [a) direfily from the place of its growth, in Britifh built (hipping, the ) repp r j^ pound ■ j ^ Raifons, of what kind foever, the Cwt. -• ■■ • ■ 050 9 Ann. c. 6, f. 59, ! Cinnamon ^ ^ > " — ■ as much as all their refpeftive former Duties (^), Kutraegs Thefe Duties are to be afcertained, fecured, raifed, levied, recovered, and anfwered, by fuch rules, S Ann. c. 7, f. ig, ways, means, and methods, and under fuch penalties and forfeitures, as the other Duties upon the fame goods refpeftively. ( I ci • 'y tanned, the pound — Calve Skins < , „ . ■ , *^ , r i I'- \drrjjed in alum and fait, or meal, or othtiwife /flwiV, the pound ' o o I§ commonly called Cordlvants, the dozen — — Deer Skins dreffcd in oil or alum, or otherwife perfeftly drejfcd, the pound Dog Skins, drejjed inalumorj'alt, or otherwife, the pound Goats Skins, not ufually called Cordivants, however dn^/Ted, the pound Kid Skins, drejjid or undreJJ'ed, or not perfeSlly drejfed, the dozen — — Skins J -^-'PP Skins drejfed in alum and fait, or meal, or otherwife taiued, the pound — — (dref/hd in oil, the dozen — — — — — — Lamb Skins < tanned, the dozen — — — — — (^drefj'ed in alum and fait, or meal, or otherwife /nfur^/, the dozen — f dreffed in cil, the dozen — — Sheep Skins < tanned, the dozen —— {^dreffed in alum and fait, or meal, or otherwife /.j'lttrt', the dozen .^— o o o o o o o o o o o o CdrefJ'ed in alum and fait, or meal, or otherwife, ixnth the hair on, the 7 Slink Calve) pound — J ° Skins jdrejfcd in alum and fall, or meal, or Otherwife, •without the hair, the \ O G ol- 6 o Ii o 9 6 9 Ann. c. 6, 1', S. All Hides and Skins, and pieces of Hides and Skins, tanned, tawed, or drcfl'ed, and not be-") fore particularly charged, and all wares made into manufadlures of Leather, or any nianu- j faflure whereof the moll valuable part is Leather, for every loo/. of the true and real )-\z o value, * as they are really worth, to be fold at the port of importation, to be affirmed upon | the oath of the merchant or importer, without any abatement for this or any former Duty — J Parchment, the dozen — — — — — — — o o Vellum, the dozen — — — — — — — o i 6 o -f-5- -f. 39. Thefe Duties are to be paid in [a) ready money, without difcount, upon entry .-'nd before l.inding ; and are to be afccrtained, fecured, railed, uplifted, levied, recovered, and anlwcred, by fuch rules, ways, means, and methods, and under fuch penalties and forfeitures, and in fuch manner and form as directed for the Cuftd.Tis. Upon due exportation within the time limited by law, and * upon fufficient fecurity being firft given* that the goods fliail not be re-landed, or brought on fhore again in Great Britain, Drawback of this Duty mull be allowed as follows : 'viz. ■:o. Hides and Calve Skins 12 Ann. c. 9, i. 69. Sheep and Lamb Skins tanned, ta-wed, or dreffed The reft > two thirds. — nothing. This Duty was, bv 3 Geo. L cap. 7, made perpetual, and appropriated to a general Fund by that aft ■ eftablifiied. (fi) For the method and time of payaient of this Duty on Euft India Goods, /« page S5, in the Second Part, [ 205 ] N". 22. Duty on Hops. V 9 Ann. cap. 12, feft. i, this Duty was granted on Hops imported, I't'z. Hops, the pound, averdupoife weight — — — — — — __ 003 which Duty is to be paid in ready money, before landing, and to be afcertained, fecured, raiieJ, levied, g Ann. c.u, f. i 5 i, recoiered, and anfwered, by fuch rules, ways, means, and methods, and under fuch penalties and forfiitures, aiid in fuch manner and form as the other Duties on Hops imported. Upon exportation, this Duty is not drawnback. — f. 17. By I Geo. I. cap, 12, this Duty was made perpetual, and appropriated as Customs, y?« Branch, N°. 1. N°. 23. Duty on Coals and Culm for building Churches, £ff. J[ H IS Duty was granted by 9 Ann. cap. 22, feft. I ; fix. _ „ ^, j/-,T - .J-. I. f fuch "as are ufually fold by the chalder, the chalder, 7 On all Coals and Culm imported into the \ wincherter meafure ^ 1}° d Culm imported into the I 1, or the river of Tiames,< jerty of the faid city I portof i»«.4. 35136. niays, means, and methods, and under fuch penalties and forfeitures, and in fuch manner and form, as the other Duties on the fame articles refpeitively. Upon due exportation as diredled for the Old Subfidy, i^c. and upon fufficient fecurity being given be- fore (hipping, that the goods fhall not be re-landed in Great Britain, Drawback or Repayment of this Duty is to be allowed, as follows : r. 21, 23. Paper | Sope J All the reft nothing. 1° Geo. II. c. 27 f.4, t> 23 21, f. 36, all.- 36, 10 Ann. c. 19, r. 56,58, »I,9}. And for fuch Paper as (hall be nfed in printing books in the Latin, Greek, Oriental or Northern Lan- guages, in the Univerdties of Oxford or Cambridge, or in Scotland ; on a certificate in writing by the Vice-chancellor of the refpettive Univerfity, that oath hath been mjde before him by the chief manager of the prefs, of the kinds and quantities of Paper fo ufed ; a warrant or order of the Treafury is to be made out for the repayment^of this Duty. By 3 Geo. I. cap, that ad eftablilhed. 7, feft. I, thefe Duties were made perpetual, and made part of the general Fund by -63,64, By this all a Duty ivas lihwfe cbargeJ on Books, Prints, and Maps, lut hy \z Ann. cap. 5, feft. i, ■*was repeakd. N". 25. Additional Duty on Hides, Skins, ^c. B Y 10 Ann. cap. 26, fe£l. i, 2, 3, 7, 46, the feveral Additional Rates and New Duties hereafter ex- preiTed, were granted, that is to fay, for rBufFalo, Elk, Lolhee, or any other Hides, drejfed in oil, the pound o o j RuiTia Hides, the pound — — — ^^—^— — — o o I All other tanned Hides (not fpecially charged) the pound — -^— — o c Ti-j. j of Horfes, Mares, and Geldings, drcjjid in alum and fait, or meal, or otherwife tawed, \ "'''"i the Hide ]■ of Steers, Cows, or any other Hides, of what kind foever (thofe of Horfes, Mares, 1 and Geldings, excepted) drejjid in alum and /alt, or meal, or otherwife taiued, the > ^ Hide 3 3 loAnn, C.26, 1'.sJ I 2 Skins 'Calve Skins, drejfed in alum and fait, or meal, or otherwife tanued, the pound — commonly called Cordivants, the dozen ^-^ ^— Deer Skins, dreffed in oil or alum, or otherwife perfeilly dreffed, the pound — Dog Skins, drejfed in alum or fait, or otherwife ^without the Hair, the pound Goat Skins (not ufually called Cordivants) dreffed in oil, or with alum, fait, meal, or 7 otherwife dreffed, the dozen J Kids Skins, dreffed or undreffed, or not perfeBly dreffed, the dozen — ■ , Kipp Skins, dreffed in alum and fait, or meal, or otherwife tanjued, the pound — f dreffed in oil, the dozen . Lamb Skins < tanned, the dozen ■ I. dreffed in alum and fait, or meal, or Otherwife taived, the dozen — f dreffed in oil, the dozen ^— — Sheep Skins < tanned, the dozen (_ dreffed in alum and fait, or meal, or otherwife taiued, the dozen Slink Ca.lvc [dreffd in alum and fait, or otherwife, ivith the hair on, the pound o Skins \ dreffed in alum and fait, or otherwife, without the Hair, the pound— o 3 Is o 3 o\ o 6 ■1 o 9 6 I ok All [ 208 ] All Hales and Skins, and pieces of Hides and Skins, tanned, taived, or drejej, and not beforel particularly charged, and all wares made into manufadlures of Leather, or any inanufafture j whereof the moil valuable part is Leather, for every loo/. of the true and real value as they J-ij o 9 tire really worth, to be fold at the port of importation, to be afiirmed upon the oatli of the j importer — ■ ' - ■ J JO Ann. c. 26, i'. 3. Parchment, the dozea ■ — ^ ' ■ 020 Vellum, the dozen — — — — ■ ■ — ' ^ 030 1. 7. Starch, the pound, averdupoife weight ■ ■ 002 Cgilt, the ounce, troy —— — — • ' 010 .Silver, the ounce, troy —^— < • 009. .r.46. Wire«{ which fuiHs are to be paid in {a) ready money, without difcount, on importation of any of the goods beforementioned. ^ — r. 4. The Duties before-mentioned on Hides and Skins, are to be afcertained, raifed, received, levied, reco- vered, and fecured, by fuch v/ays, means, and methods, and under fuch penalties and forfeitures, and iaj fuch manner and form as direfled for the former Duty, N'. 21. In refpedl to Starch, the Duty hereby granted, is to be raifed, levied, recovered, anfwered and paid, by^. fuch rules, ways, means, and methods, and under fuch penalties, forfeitures, and difabilitics, and in fucJi manner and form, as diredcd for the Duty on Sope, N°. 24. -f. 47. And this Duty on Wire, is to be raifed, levied, recovered, and paid, by fueh rules, ways, means, and qiethods, and under fuch penalties and forfeitures, as dLxeiied for the Duty on Sope, N°. 24.. Upon due exportation within the time limited by law, and upon fufficient fecurity being firft given, that the goods (hall not be relanded, or brought on Ihore again in Great Britain, Drawback of this Duty mull be allowed, as follows, -viz, -f. 4) S- Hides and Calve Skins " ■ ■ ■ ■ — — — — — two thirds. —f.4.4f. The reft ■ ^—^— ^— — • nothing. 13 Glo. II. c. :i, (. 36- This Duty was by 3 Geo. I. cap. 7, made perpetual, and appropriated to make part of 3 general Fund by that a£l eflablilhed. Coffee, Tea, and fundty Drugs, i\ien Ukc'wife charged luiti additional Duties hy this ail, tvhich have Jihce been repealed, as follows : Coffee and Tea, fro.vj i/.'c EiH Indies, repealed iy 10 Geo. I. cap. 10, feft. i. Tta, /rc»i any other pari, hy II Geo. 1. cap. 30, fe£l. 7, prohibited to he imported. Drugs,. cjV. repealed by u Geo. I. cap. 7, feft. 9. («) For the time and method of payment of this Duty on Eaft India goods, fie page 85, in the Second Part.- N^ 26. [ 209 ] N''. 26. Additional Duty on Sope, Paper, &c, J. HE following Duties were granted by 12 Ann. cap. 9, feft. i, 2, 7, 9, I'ix. on Sope, the pound weight ■ — — 001 '1- Paper KKirf h'^^'f ^' '""^'^ ^^ ^''^ ^^'y' NO. 24. Scale-board Linen checquered or (Iriped, printed, painted, ftained, or dyed, after the manufacture, orinl the Thread, or Yarn, before the manufafture in any foreign parts (except Buckrams, Lawns, / Canvafs, Barrafs, and Silefia Neck-cloths) which may be lawfully worn here, for every ( , 100/. of the true and real value thereof, as they are worth, to be fold at the port of impor- f ' ' tation ; to be affirmed upon the oath of the importer, without any abatement for this or any 1 other Duty J Starch, the pound weight » — ^^— — — ■ — - 002 Thefe Duties are to be paid by the importer in ready money, without difcount, and before landing; ,2 Ann. c. o f. 14. and are to be raifed, levied, afcertained, fecured, collected, anfwered and paid, by fuch ways, means and methods, and under fuch penalties and forfeitures, and with the like difcounts, allowances, exemptions, and Dra-Lvbacks, and in fuch manner and form, as the former Duties on the fame commodities refpetlively, in the Branches, N°. 24, 25. By 6 Geo. L cap. 4, feet, i, thefe Duties were made perpetual, and appropriated, with the Branch, N°. 52, (page 16, in the Second Part) to the increafed and additional Fund of the South Sea Company, for payment of fo much of the Lottery Orders, 17 14, as were fubfcribed into the capital of the faid Company : and by 2 Geo. IL cap. 3, fed. i, 2, from June 24, 1729, after referving fuliicient to fatisfy the annuity on the Lottery Orders abovementioned, and the additional alloxvance for charges of management, the furplui js appropriated to the payment of the intereft of 1,250,000/. advanced by the Bank. N°. 27. Duty on Sail-Cloth. B Y 12 Ann. cap. 16, feft. i, the following Duty was granted on Foreign Sail-CIoth, imported : -vis. Foreign made Sails and Sail-Cloth, or Canvaf?, ufually entered as Hollands Duck, orVitry"\ Canvafs, which fliall be fit and proper to be made ufe of for making of fails for navigating / Jhips, imported into Great Britain by way of merchandize, (except Canvafs of the manutailure ;a o I of Ireland) * and Foreign-made Sails, ufed in, or being on board any ftiips belonging to His I * igGeo. II. e. 27, f. i, Majelly's fubjecls (except fliips from the f Eaft Indies) for every ell J .|- ».' f. 4' Whi<:h Duty is to be raifed, collefled, and recovered, by fuch means and methods, and in fuch form and manner, as any Subfidy for Goods imported. Canvafs, and Sail-Cloth, of the manufafture of 7;WaW, (on which I of the value of I4 f'7> as the Duties refpeflively taken away ; and to be appropriated and applied, as near as may be, to the fame ufes and purpofes as the former Duties. Hence certain feigned or imaginary Rates have been contrived, which being charged with the feveral Branches, according to the different circumflances of importation, will produce the net fums above- mentioned. The method of this operation is fully illuftrated from page -i to page 82 in the Second Part; and it is therefore only neceffary in this place to obfervc, that no new diftinft Branch is raifed in His Majelly's books on account of this Duty, the net fums payable by this ail, being in the operation divided, and carried proportionally to the refpedlive Branches formerly due. N°. 31. Duty on Winf, 1745. X. HIS Duty was granted by 18 Geo. I. cap. 9, feft. i, on all Wines imported : "jix. French Wine, or Vinegar, for every ton ' 800 All other Wines and Vinegar, for every ton ■ 400 The fame to be paid without any difcount or dedu6lion, and to be raifed, levied, collefted, paid and recovered, in fuch manner and form, and by fuch ways, means, and methods, and under fuch penalties and forfeitures, (except as to difcounts) as mentioned in the a£l of 1 Jac. II. cap. 3, or in any other aft, for the continuance of the Impoft on Wines and Vinegar, y^^ Branch, N°. 4. But this aft does not extend to lay any further Duty upon Wines damaged and unmerchantable, for which the importer fhall refufe to pay or fecure the Duties, and which are to be difpofed of as direfted by Geo. I. cap. 28. Upon due exportation, within the time limited by law. Drawback of this Duty is to be allowed, as follows : All Wines, (except French Wines) to the Britifh colonies in America — ^— all. 4Geo.III.c3p.i5,f.n, French Wines, to any parts — ^— — ■ — — nothing. All Wines, to any parts other than the Britilh colonies in America ■ nothing. This Duty was granted without limitation, and by 25 Geo. il. cap. 27, appropriated as theSubfidy 1-47, N°. 33. N^. 32. 212 N*^. 3-' Duty on Glass. JL flE following new Duties on Glafs imported, were granted by 19 Geo. II. cap. 12, kCl. i: war. Crown, Plate, and Flint Glafs, for every pound weight o o Green Glafs, or other Glafs, for every pound weight — — — — — 00 Bottles anil J containing the quantity of a quart refpeftively, for every dozen — o o riallcs — ( containing more or lefs than a quart, for every dozen quarts they contain 020 19 Geo. n. cap ii.f.-). Which Duties are to be paid upon entry, and before landing of the Goods, and are to be raifed, levied, collected .^nd paid, in the fame manner and form, and by fuch ways rules, and means, and under fuch penalties and forfeitures, as the foimer Duties on imported manufadures of Glafs are by 2 W. & M. fefs. 2, cap. 4. On exportation, thefe Duties are ■ — not Jrawnback. This Duty was granted without limitation, and was, by 25 Geo. II. cap. 27, appropriated as the Subfidy 1747, yj^ Branch, N°. 33. N°. 33. S u 15 s I D y 1747. THIS Sublidy of Poundage was granted by 21 Geo. II. cap. 2, over and above all Sub/idies of Tonnage and Poundage, upon all goods and merchandizes whatfoever, imported after the id of Match, 1747 ; and was made payable before landing thereof, (except on Tobacco, whereon, as is hereafter more particularly exprefled, this Duty may be fecured by bond) according to the particular rates and values of the fame goods and merchandizes, as the fame are particularly and refpeftively rated and valued in the refpcftive Books of Rate, referred to by the afts of the 12 Car. LI. and 1 1 Geo. I. or by any otlier ads of paiJianK-nt, or which do pay any Duty ad 'valorem. On thefe rates or values, this Duty is to be taken, as follows : For all goods whatfoever, (not hereafter meiuioned to be exempted) for every 20/. thereof o i o But it is to be obferved, that in refpeft to Drugs, (not ufed in dying) which are ra'ed by 1 2 Car. II. and ar-j imported ffd^ from the place of their growth, or in (hipping «o/ Biitifll-built, this Duty is taken at the. rate of 1 zd. in the pound, on tnMe the Rate. aj Ceo. II. c. 2, :'. X. And with regard to unrated goods imported by the Eaft-India Company, it is declared, that this Sub/idy of'^' per cent, (hull be paitl for clie fame on the gro/s /■rice, for which the goods (hall be fold nt the candle, without any allowance or deduflion whatfoever; and that it (hould in no ways alter the method of computing the reduced value and Duties upon fuch unrated Eaft-India goods. The following articles are exempted from the payment of this Duty. , ^ ( . All goods mentioned in the preceding table to be Duty free. Prohibited goods, imported by the Eaft-India Company. Prohibited goods, f 5 Ceo. in.; . jOi C Cowries,, i imported from Europe by perfons not of the Eaft-India Co.Tipany, Arrangoe«j 3 Whale- \ [ 2r3 ] Whale-Fins, taken from Whales, caught by any of His Majefty's fubjei^s, in the gulph or river i-Gio. III. c. 29, r. 1. of St. Lawrance, or on the coaft of the Britifh colonies in America, and imported in Eriti(h fliips, legally navigated. Cambricks, and French Lawns. Gum Senega, and Gum Arabick. Bevcr Skins. Succus Liquoritia;. Raw Silk. Raw Linen Yarn. 1 3tGeo. n.c.32,r. 3,4, All which are charged with fpecifick Duties, in lieu of this and other Duties, repealed by the feveral llatutes here re- ferred to, in Branch, N" i. In the Examples of Computation, page 78 to 83 in the Second Part, are fhewn the pradlical methods ufed in raifing this Branch on Bound Books and Pidures. For the payment of this Duty on Tobacco, the importer, upon his giving fufficient fecurity for the fame, 21 Geo. II. c, 2, f,j, jnay be allowed 18 months time, to commence at the end of thirty days after the mailer's report of the fliip, or from the entry of the goods within thofe 30 days, which fhall £rft happen; and on this article the following difcouuts are allowed, iiiz. Tobacco 1°^ '^^ Britifh plantations { 'J P^^^; 4 '^o/ of the Britilh plantations, paid down ! down ured — 25 per cent; — 15 per cent. 5 and 8 per cent. On due exportation, within the time limited by law, Drawback, or Repayment of this Duty, Is to be 21 Geo. I. c 2, f. 6, allowed, or the fecurity vacated, as follows : Books bound nothing. 9 Geo. I. c. 10, f. 6. Borax refined in Great Britain — Cable Yarn — - — Camphire refined in Great Britain — Candles — — — China, Earthen Ware, to any part of America — as unrefined. 17 Cecil, cap. 31, f. 3. nothing. 6 Ann. cap. 19, f. 13. as unrefined. 17 Ceo. II. c. 31, f. 3, nothing. 23 Geo. II. c 21, f. 36. Copper Bars, not imported from Eaft-India or Barbary, and not exported by Britilh Hemp rough — — ' Hops foreign, to Ireland — — — — — — — Iron and Steel, foreign — — 1 ^^ ^^^ g^.^j^ plantations in America - Wares, foreign j '^ Oifters, French — — ■ — Paper ■ — — _ nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. nothing. nothing. — — — — — nothing. ■— ^— — — -^— nothing. — — nothing. ■ - — — nothing. ______ nothing. _ZIZZ __Z3~~ —ZZH. I no'li'"g' Tea, to the Britilh. colonies in America, or to Ireland — — ^ — — all. £ e.«. Tobacco Pepper — — - Plate, Silver Plate — — Prize Goods taken by Hii Majefty's velTels of war Sails or Sail-Cloth . Sope — — Starch 7 Geo. III. c. 46, f. 9. 9.10W. III. C.26, f. 19. 6 Geo. HI. c. 44., 1'. I. 6 Ann* cap. 19, 1". 13. 6 Geo. III. cap. 45, f, S. 9 Ann. cap. 12, f. 27. 9 Ann. cap. 6, T. 55. 2 & 3 Ann. cap. 9, i.iz, 10 Geo. 11. c. 30, f. 4. io Geo. II. c. 27, r. 4. 8 Ann. cap. 7, f. 24. 31 Geo. II. C.2, f. 9. 21 Geo. II. cap. 2, f.'S. 4 Geo. II. cap. i-j, f. 3. 23 Geo. II. c. 21, f. 35 7 Geo. III. C.54, r. 2. [ 214 ] 1% Geo. n. c. 26, f. 5. Tea, to all other places, except the Ifle of Man — — — — nothing. • 6 Ann. c. 11, f. 13. Tobaccoof f • to be confumeJ on board (hips of war, in any part of Europe — — ) .. t 8 Ann. c. 13, r.2o. the Britifli ^ f in ftiips under 20 tons, to Ireland — — J notlung. J9 Geo.I. c. 2r, f. 6. plantations ^ j in all other circumllanccs, of regular exportation — — — all. z4G.II. c,4i,f.4,2i,25. 9 Geo. I. c. 21, f. 20. Tobacco Stalks, fcperated from the reft of the leaf, and exported by themfelves — — inothing. • 7 Geo. III. c. 45, f. 8. e* Coffee Goods to j * Rum of the Britilh plantations the Ifle of ^ • Tea Man («) I • Tobacco — (the fame as — — — — f to Ireland, f iiCco.I. C.28, f.2i. Lt °f all other forts nothing. »i Geo. II. c. 21, f. 20, All other goods to all other places — all. This Duty was granted without limitation, and, by 25 Geo. If. cap. 27, was, together with Branch, N°. 28 Plate, 31 Wine 174,, 32 Glafs, (after referving in the Exchequer fufficient for the remaining Life-Annuities, payable out of Wine 174;, and Glafs) made Part of the Sinking Fund : and the feveral other annuities, payable out of thofe Branches, are, from the times in the faid aft mentioned, charge^ thereon. («) See Illc of Man in the Appendix. N''. 34. Linen-Yarn. BY 24 Geo. II. cap. 46, feft. i, all duties, fubfidies and impofitions, payable before March 25, 1752, on the importation of Z)«/c/', French, Spruce, Alufccvia, and all other foreign raiv Linen-Tarn, and on JJnivrought Inch, Short Spinnel, and all other whitened or black Yarns, were repealed, and in lieu thereof, the following Duty was granted : 'viz. French, Dutch, Mufcovia, or Spruce raw Linen-Yarn, and all other raw Linen-Yarn, for every I pound weight ' ' ■ ^— ^ j Whitened or bleached Linen-Yarn, known by the name of Unwrought Incle, or Short Spinnel, ' and all other whitened or bleached Linen-Yarn, of the manufafture of any place not belonging J> o to the crown of Great Britain, for every pound weight — • Short Spinnel, "i s not belonging > 1 But by 29 Geo. II. cap. 15, feft. 13, 14, during the fpace of fifteen years, from June 24, 1756, raw, or brown Linen-Yarn, made of Flax, namely, Dutch Yarn, French Yarn, and Spruce and Mufcovia Yarn, and any other foreign raw or brown Linen- Yarn, made of Flax, imported into this kingdom in Britijh- built lliips, navigated according to law, and being regularly entered and landed, are free of Duty. 14 Ceo. 11. C.46, f. 4. This Duty is to be collected, raifed and levied, in the fame manner, and with the fame authorities and powers, and under the like regulations, reftriftions, penalties and forfeitures, as the rates, duties, fubfidies and impofitions, by this aft repealed. This Duty was granted without limitation, and is to be paid into the Exchequer feparate from all other Branches of the Revenue, fubjeft and liable to the fame ufes and purpofes as the Duties by this aft repealed. NO. 35. [ ^'5 } N". 35. Duty on Gum Senega from Europe, JjY 25 Geo. II. cap. 32, fe£l. 2, the following Duty was granted : mx. Gum Senega, imported by His Majefty's fubjefts, in Britifli-buih Jhips, navigated according to 7 law, from any port or place in Europe, for every hundred pounds weight — j ° '© ® Which Duty is to be raifed, levied, fecured, collefted, anfwered and paid, in the fame manner, and underi; Oe».II. c. 32, Cj* the fame powers, direflions, penalties and forfeitures, as the Old Subfidy. Upon exportation, this Duty is not drawnback. This Duty is to be paid into the Exchequer, diftinflly and apart from all other Branches of the Revenue, 25 Geo, n, c 'j, f.&- and fubjedl to fuch application as by any future ail of parliament may be direfted. N°. 36. Subsidy 1759- X HIS Subfidy of Poundage was granted by 32 Geo. II. cap. 10, feft, 1, on the following goods ; to«» Brandy and Spirits foreign, except Rum of the produce of the Britifli Sugar plantations* EaA-India Goods, except Coffee and Raw Silk-. Linens foreign. Paper. Sugar, and other Grocery, as the fame is underllood in the Book of Kates, except Currants. Tobacco, For which Goods is to be paid, for every lOs. of the value or rate refpedively fet upon each of 7 the faid commodities, by the Book of Rates, or any act of parliament relating thereto j ° ' • This Subfidy is to be paid before landing of the Goods, (except on Tobacco, whereon it mav be fecured by bond, as hereafter exprelTed) and is to be raifed, levied, collected and paid, in fuch form and manner and with fuch allowances, difcounts and exemptions, and under fuch penalties and forfeitures, and according toftch rules, methods and diredlions, as are prefcribed for the Subfidy 1747, Branch, N'=. 33. In refpea to this Duty on Tobacco, if the fame (hall not be paid down as aforefaid, and if the importer 3iCko. II. c.io r 4, ftiall become bound with one or more fufficient fureties, to be approved by the Coileftor and Comptroller ' ''''''* of the port of importation, in one or more bonds, at the ele£lion of the importer, for the payment thereof wi'.hin 18 months, to commence at the end of thirty days after the report of the ihip, or from the merchant's entry of the goods within thefe thirty days, which fhall firlt happen ; he ftial! have the fame allowances anc} difcounts out of this Subfidy, or for paying the fame before the bonds become due, as he is entitled to by any law upon bonds given for Tobacco imported; which feveral difcounts are as follows :. Tobacco, of the Britifh plantations ji^P/''^ ''°"'" 25 per cent; ^ I if fecured — _ 15 per cent. Tobacco, B»r of the Britiih plantations, paid down — — 5 and 8 per cent. Upon due exportation, within the time limited by law, Drawback, or Repayment of thij Duty is to be 32 Ceo. 11. c. la, f. c. allowed, or the fecurity vacated, as followa; Bocax [ 2'6 1 " ^"- "• '■ "' ' '• ETphire } "«'"'^ •" Great Britain (E.Ji InMa Cc.ds) { '^^^Zl 7 Geo. lil. c. 46, f. 9. China Earthen Ware, to any part of America ■ nothino-. loG-.o. II. c. 17, r. 4. Paper — i ■ nothing. 8 Ann. cap.;, f. ;4. Pejiper . nothing. 4 Geo. II. cap. 27, f. 3. Sails or Sail Cloth (Linen) nothing. • 7GC0. III. c. 54, f. 2. _ j-T- n T r \S* to the Britifh plantations in America, or to Ireland a!l. •j iSGeo. II. c. i6, f. 5. ' •' it to other places nothing. • 6 Ann. c. 22, f. 13. Tobacco of f* to be confumcJ on board (>ips of war in Europe — J fS 13, f. 20. ih;- 2;/-//7/;..j t in lliips under 20 ton, to IreUnd | nothing. J 9 Geo. I. c. 21, f. 6. plantatioiii ^ t in all other circumllances, of regular exportation — .ill. 24Geo.li.c.4T,r4,2i,25 Xobacco Stalks, fcparatcd from the leaf ' — nothing. <) Licu. 1. c. 21, i. 20. ^ o 7Ceo. HI. C.4S. f. S. Goods to the f Tea (/?) — 1 the fime as Ijl: of Man f Tobacco (^) ■ J m Ireland. 52 Ceo. II. c. 10, f. 5. All other goods all. And the Duties granted bv this, or ary former a£ls of parliament, fjr fuch quantities of Paper whicli fhill be ufedin printing books in the I. ami, Greek, Oriental or Northern languages, within the Uiiiverfities of Oxfr,rd or Cambridge, by pcnniflio i of the Vice-chancellors thereof refpecftiveiy ; or within the Univerfities i.i Scotland, by peiniilion of the Principal of the fame refpeftively ; are likewife to be drawnback, in the maimer prcfcribed by 10 Ann. cap. 19, fed. 63, 64. This Duty was granted without limitation, and appropriated to the payment of annuities charged on the monies borrowed on the credit of this aA : but bv 33 Geo. II. cap. 12, fect. 3, the money ariling from this Branch, fince January 5, 1760, is to be carried into, and made i arc of, the Slaking Fund. («) For certain reftriftions, jec Tea anJ Tobacco in Appendix. N^. 37. Wine 1763. T -■■ HIS Duty was granted by 3 Geo. III. cap. 12, feil. i, on all Wines and Vinegar imported: 'vix. French Wine, or French Vinegar, for every ton — — — 800 All other Wines and Vinegar, for every ton — ■ 400 The fame to be paid before lancinjr, without any difcount or deduflion ; and to be rai/ed, levied, colle^^ed, paid and recovered, in fuch manner and form, and by fuch way?, means and methods, and under fuch penalties and foi.feitures, (except as to difjounts) as mentioned in the .aft of ift James II. cap. 3, or in any other aft for the continuance of the Impoil on Wines and Vinegar, Branch, N°. 4. 3 Ceo. Ill, c. 12, f. 2. But this aft does not extend to lay any further Duty upon Wines damaged and unmerchantable, for which the importer ihall refufe to pay or fecure the Duties, and which are to be difpofed of as direfted by 12 Geo. I. cap. 28. Upon due exportation, within the time limited by law. Drawback of this Duty is to be allowed, as follows : 4. Ceo. III. c. 15, f. II. All Wines (except French Wines) to the Britilh colonies in America, the ton — o 10 o French Wines, to any parts _ 1 nothinf All Wines, to any parts other than the Britilh colonies in America ■ J =>* 8 Geo. III. c. J 5, f. II, This Duty was granted without limitation; and made part of a fund for the payment of annuities chargeable on the principal fum of 3,500,000/. borrowed on the credit of this aft: but by 8 Geo. HI. cap. 31, feft 39, the money arifing, after April 5, 1768, is to be carried to the Sinking Fund, for the payment of the remainaer of the faid annuities, till the ftock fhall be redeemed; and alfo towards making good the payment of annuities granted by this lall mentioned aft : and this Duty is continued, till fpecially 8 Geo. III. c. 31, r. 40, repealed, or alce/ed by parliament. 2 ^^'.38. [ 2^7 ] N*^. 38. Bever Skins Imported. By 4 Geo. III. cap. 9, feft. i, the feveral rates, duties, fuhfidies and impofuions, payable on tlie importation of Bever skins, from any of His Majeily's dominions in America, are repealed, and the following Duty was granted : •viz. For every Bever Skin, imported into Great Britain, from any of His Majefty's dominions in 1, f. America ^^—^^^ -^—^^ — — — 001* Which Duty is to be laid, levied, colle(fled, paid and applied, in fuch manner, and for the fame purpofes, ■ f. 3. as the feveral Duties repealed. On exportation • — — — — — not drawnback. f. 4. This Duty is not brought to account as -^ feperate Branch, being, in the operation, dillributed proportion- ably to the feveral Branches to which Bever Skins were formerly liablej as explained in page 8 j, in the Second Part. N°. 39. Raw Silk, and Thrown Silk. BY 5 Geo. III. cap. 29, fe£l. i, the feveral rates, duties, fubfidies and impofitions, payable upon the importation of Raw Silk imported, were from and after June 24, 1765, repealed: and in lieu thertot, the following Duties were granted : 'viz. Raw Silk, for each pound, containing 24 ounces ' — — ■ 013 5 r.co. III. c. 19, f. s. Thrown Silk, for each pound, containing i6 ounces, over and above all former Duties « o 6 Which Duties are to be raifed, levied, colledled, paid, and applied, in fuch manner, and for the fame f- 3- purpofes, as the Duties hitherto payable upon Italian Raw Silk. Hence no new Branch is raifed on account of thefe Duties ; the moiety being appropriated, as explained in page 84, in the Second Part. On exportation to /«/«»(/, Drawback is to be allowed, as follows : '•4« Raw Silk, for every pound, containing 24 ounces _____ _^___ q | q Thrown Silk — all. N°. 40. Gum Senega, and Gum Arabic. JD Y 5 Geo. III. cap. 37, feft. i, the following Duty was granted : -v!^. Gum Senega, or Gum Arabic imported, for every hundred weight — — — 006 To be paid over and above nil former Diiries, in ready money, without difcount : and to be raifed, levied, 5 G;o. lll.c. -7,f.i,i. collided and paid, in the lame manner and form, and by fuch rules, ways and me:tns, and under iuch penalties and forfeitures, as are prefcribed for raifmg, tie. the Duty of Cuiloms upon any goods imported. This Duty was granted from June 24, 1765, without limitation ; and the money arifmg thereby, together j- with the Duty on Gum Senega extorted. Branch, l\°. 56, page 17, in the Second Part, is to be paid into the Receipt t)f His Majeily's Exchequer, dillinctly and apart from ail other Branches, there to be refervei to be from time to time difpofed of by p.nrliament. F f f N-. 41. ( *i8 ] s N^. 41. Additional Duty on Silk Crapes and Tiffanies. Y 6 Geo. III. cap. 46, feft. 3, the following Duty was granted : 'viz. ilk Crapes and Tiffanies, of the manufafture of //«/>', imported, for every pound, containing) g 16 ounces ____^ ' — — ^— -^— J B To be paid over and above all former Duties : and to beraifed, levied, collefted and paid, in fuch manner as the other Duties on thefe articles. 6Ceo. ni.c.46, f.4. Upon exportation, a Drawback is to be allowed for every pound 089 According to fuch rules and methods as Drawbacks are allowed, by any law relating to the Cufloms, on the exportation of fuch Silk Crapes, ijc. -f.3. This Duty is granted from Augufl i, 1766, without limitation; and the money arifing thereby is to be carried to, and made part of, the Sinking Fund. B N^. 42. Prohibited Goods. y 6 Geo. III. cap. 52, fe£l. 8, was granted the following Duty on Wrought Silks, Bengals and Stuffs, mixed with SilkorHerba, of the manufaflnre of Perjta,'\ China, OX Eaji- India, and Callicoes, printed, dyed, painted or flained there, fold after June i, ( 1766, for every 20i. of the true and real value, according to the profs price at which they I Ihall be fold " J o Which Subfidy is to be paid and fecured by the United Company of Ttlerchants of England trading to the Eaft-Indies, for fuch of the faid goods as fh.dl be fold at tlie faid Company's fales, in the fame manner and form, and by the fame rules and rcgul.itioiis, as the other Duties payable upon unrated liall-India goods, by virtue of an ad 2 & 3 Ann. cap. 9: fo that the Net Duty to be paid or fecured by the faid Company, will be, ' For every 100/. of the grofs price, at the fale — 3 19 41 And for fuch of the faid goods as fnall be fold at any other publick legal fale in this kingdom, this Subfidy is to be paid down in ready money to the Coliedor of the port where fuch goods fhall be fold, without any dedudion or allowance whatfoever. Caj-Jn. tr. 5;, r. 9. Upon exportation of any of the goods hereafter mentioned, which fliall have been fold at the fales of the jaid United Company (and upon no other) to Jfrua, Drawback is to be allowed, as follov/s : iii^. Allejars, [ 219 ] For every ZOs. of the value, according to the refpeftive Rates here exprefled — — — Allejars, the piece o 12 o Chelloes, the piece Bejutapants, the piece 100 Cotton Romalls, the piece — Byrampants, the piece — _ — o 15 o Guinea StufFs, the piece — Blue Long Cloths, the piece — zoo Nicamees fmall, the piece — — — Brawles, the piece — ' 040 Nicamees large, the piece Callaway Pores, the piece — o 15 o Neganepants, the piece — — — Cufhtaes, the piece — 012 o Photaes, the piece — — — — Co.pes, the piece ^-^ c 12 o Saftra Candies, the piece — — — — Chints, the piece — — o 15 o Tapfeih, the piece This Duty was granted without limitation, and the monies arifing thereby are to be paid into the 6 Geo. Ill.c. ji, f. jj^ Receipt of His Majelly's Exchequer, diftinftly and apart from all other Branches, and to be carried to, and made part of, the Sinking Fund, towards maicing good the annuities payable in refpeil of certain Navy^ ■* Viftualling, and Tranfport Bills, charged upon the faidFund by 5 Geo. 111. cap. 23. 1 /. J. Y 7 Geo. III. cap. 47, feft. 3, all the former Duties due on the importation of Saccus Liquoritia:, were repealed, and in lieu thereof, the following Duty w.is granted from July 20, 1767 : viz. Succus Liquoritix, the C.vt, ____- ■ ——. — — ___ i 10 o 7Geo. in,c. 47 f. 4. Which fum is to be paid down in ready money, without difcount or allowance, and is to be paid, raifed, levied, coliedcd and paid, in the fame manner and form, and by fuch rulos, ways Jad means, and under fuch penalties and forfeitures, as the former Duties. Upon exportation, this Duty is not drawnback. f. s- And the Duties arifing rurfuant to this aft, are to be appropriated and applied, as near as may be, to the lame ufes dud purpo'es as the Duties upon Drugs, rated :»y 12 Car. II. cap. 4. Wherefore, no new Branch is raifed in His Majefty's Books, on account of this Duty, the money being propurtionally diltributed to the feveral former Branches in the operation, as explained in page 83 in the iiccoad Part. ' N''. 46. t 221 ] N^. 46. Canvass and Lawn, 1767. [5 V 7 Geo. III. cap. 58, feft. i, 2, the following Additional Duties are charged: x-Zs. oreign Linen, commonly called Packing Canvafs, Spruce, Elbing, or Qneensborough Canvafs, ? ^ q o« imported, for every ell — — . j ♦ oreign Linen, commonly called Dutch Barrafs, and Heflcn Canvafs, imported, for every ell o o Oj- oreign Lawn, bleached in Holland, commonly callcrd Holland Whited Lawn, imported, for"> ° II _^_^ ' ______^ 1 C "^ '^ ' Thefc Duties are to be paid down in ready money, witho-u any dlfcount or allowance, and are to be 7Geo.III. c.58,f. 3. lifed, levied, collefted and paid, in the fame manner and form, and by fuch rules, ways and mean?, and nder fuch penalties and forfeitures, as are prefcribed for raifuig the former Duties on the like goods. Upon exportation, within three years, the whole of the Duty hereby granted is to be repaid. The money ariiing by this Duty, is to be paid into th; Receipt of His Majedy's Eftchequer, diftinflly ■oni all other Branches of the Public Revenue: and a fum, not exceeding 15,000/. per annum, is to be kept pert in the faid Receipt, as a Fund forraifing and drelfing Hemp and Flax in this kingdom, in fuch way and lanner as parliament Ihall hereafter direft: and the remainder to be referved for the future difpofition of arliamcnt. f.4. N^. 47. Sugars, 1766. BY 6 Geo. III. cap- 52, fedl. 23, it was enafled, that all Sugars imported from any part of the Britifh colonies or plantations on the Ccntinent oi America, Ihould be deemed French Sugars; and that upon . nportation thereof, there (hould be paid down, or every Cwt. of fuch Sugar « ' . .—. ■ 003 [ot afterwards to be drawnback, upon exporfetion. Provided fuch Sugars (hould be, upon landing, immediately fecured under the King's Locks, in wp.re- oufes to be provided at the expence of the iinporter; and not be delivered from thence, but upon fecurity )r exportation ; or if to be ufed in this kingdom, upon paying up the remainder of the Duties which would g Ceo. III. c. -- 1. -s. ave been due upon the importation of French Sugars into this kingdom. And the money arifing by fuch part of the Duties hereby impofed on Sugars imported from the CcmircHt (America, as fliall exceed tlie Duties formerly payable upon fuch Siigkr^ Co imported, i« to be paid into le Receipt of His Majelly's Exchequer, together with the Duty upon Cambrick? exported, Hranch, K°. 57, — ■ [.zS. iftinft from all other Branches of the Publick Revenue; to be there referved for the dMpofiiion of p.ir- ament. g S K°- 48- [ 2^2 ] N*^. 48. Unrated Goods imported, undci- vulucd. I iiCeo.l.c. 7, {.%. f"^ OODS r-V'"? Duty aii 'valorem, having, after examination, and upon demand made by tl 41I1 Rule of Additioiul \JJ Cuftomcr, Colleiilor, and Comptroller, been delivered up for the ufe of the Crown, and the vali Book of Rates. fworn or aftiTnud to, paid to the importer, together with the Duties by him paid, and on addition of ic per cent, to iuch value; and the faid goods having been fairly and publickly fold to the bed advantag * 5 Geo. in. c. 43,f. I. the * one moiety of tlic net produce or overplus, (if any) after deiliiflion of the charges of warehoufin file, &c. is to be paid into His Majefty's Exchequer, towards the Sinking Fund, by the title abov mentioned. 7.5 Got. II.c. 15, f. 4. And Biitifh and Irifh Linens, and Linens of the manufafture of the t Ifli of Man, entered riiit in ord ^(■5Cco.li!. ■'•■jj,i"-r5. to receive the bounty payable upon exportation, attd being of greater value than \id. the yard, arc fulije to the like regulations. ^m^j^^ T. [ 223 ] TO explain, in the deareft manner, the feveral duties payable upon merchandize imported and exported, it appeared mod eligible to give a dillinft account of each Duty immediately arifin,? from the P.O. by which it was impofed, notwithflanding feveral of" the fpecifick Duties (as on Piclur-s, L^r.) beinc; appropriated proportionally, and incorporated with the Old Subfidy, New S'jblidy, l^c mny be wuh propnety, as they are in pradice, ccnfidered as partof thofe Branches. The followi-!g lifi, ttijrefcre, of the Branches, as they Hand in the King's Books, is here added; in whii-h will be feeu the feveral heads as they Hand, and are numbered in this work, of which each of thofe Branches are compofed. Titles of the feveral Branches, as they ftand in the King's Books. r I Subfidy Inwards, or Old Subfidy — I C"ftO"'H Petty Cuftom - - Additional Duty — — One per cent — — — ■ ' _Compofition on Petty Seizures — Heads a: they Rand in this Work, of which thii 'branches in the King's Books are compofed. I N° <( N° N° N° N" NO N" N° N° ,30. .3S. ,39. 45- 11. All. IV. 50. V. Pii?u-es andB:)ok3 bound. Beaver Skins imported. Raw and Throv. n Silk. Succus Liquoritias. New Stibfidy — ©ne-Third Subfidy Two-Thirds Subfidy Subfidy 1747 SubCdy 1759 — Subfidies on Spirits Coinage on Spirits inipoll on Wine — Wine 1745 — fK" 10. j N° 30. P'ftures and Books bound. . <[ N°.38. Beaver Skini ''mpor'ed. I '^°-39- Raw and Thrown Silk. LN°.45. Succus Liquorllia:. rN°M. I N°.30. Pictures andBooks bonnd. -\ N°.3?. BeaverSkins importfd. I N°. 30. Raw and Thrown Silk. l_N°.4;. Succus Liquoritia;. TN^is. I N'.30. Piflures and Bonks boiii'd. ■■{ N°. jS. BeaverSkins importi-.l. I N°.39. Raw and Thrown Silk. LN° 45. Succus Liqaoiitix. rN°-33- I N°.30. Piflure; and Bookt board. ■■^ N°.38. Beaver bl.Sis imported. I N''.39. Raw andThrcw'i Sii!:. -^_^;°.45. Succus Liquoriti". rN».36. 1 N°. ^,0. I N° 39- Pi^ures and Bosks biunJ, BeaverSkins imported. Raw a;:d Thrown Silk. Succus Lif^uoiitis. fN». I. SubiiJv. I N°.IJ. Petty Cofiom. J N*. 10. NcAf Subfidy. I N° 13. One-Third Subfidy. I N°. 15. Two-Thirds Subfidy. LN°.9. Second 25 per Ce:il. - N°. 3. - N''.4. - N°.3i. Wine [ 224 ] Winc^ 1763 — Coinage on Wine — Import on Tobacco — Import, 1690 — — N».37. N'.z. N-'-s. Imped, 1692 rw.vi. rj^o* / Succus Liquoriti*. •N°.vir. [N0.38. Sever SIcJns. . N». 39. Thrown Silk. Second 2; per Cent, on French Goods Spices, iSc. • - Additional Spices, Uc. — — Grocery 1709 ■ ' Whale- Fins — — ■__ Hdes, ^c. Additional Hides Sope, i^c. y — (except Spirits) N^.p. N».8. Additional Sope, Iffc. —— Candles — — — Additional Candles Sail-Cloth Apples — — Wrought Plate Unrated Goods, undervalued Hops . Glafs, 1746 ■ Linen Yarn — - Gum Senega, 1752 — Gum Senega, 1765 ^— Bi-aver Skins, 1764 — Crapes and Tiflanies, 1766 Eaft- India Wrought Silks Cambiicks and Sugar, 1767 Hats and Bonnets, 1767 - — Diilling and Broad Linen, 1767 Canvafs and Lawn, 1767 — SubCdy on Goods exported Coals exported, 1714 — — Coals exported, 1757 •— •4J N».i7. N'.ii. N».2I. N'.ij. IS°.24. N°.26. N°. 18. N°. 20. I-.''. 27. N°.29. N-.zS. — N%48. N°.22. N°.32- N°.34. N'.i4. , ,. fyjo ^^ Succus Liquona*. N°.3s. i N°'c6' ^""^ ^^"^S^ exported, N».54. N°.4i. N°.42. {N°.47. Sugar. iN'.57. Cambricks exported, N°.43. N0.44. — N°.46. N°.49. N°.52. N^53. Coals C 225 J Coals exported, 1765 — — . — — _No,j-, Three Shillings per Chalder on Coals —— — — — N°. 16. Two Shillings per Chalder on Coals — — N° 19. Three Shillings per Chalder on Coals for Churches — (London only.) N°. 23. Fifteen per Cent, on Muflins — — — — — — .N°.i2. P R I S A G E and BUTLERAGE. X HESE are ancient Duties payable to the Crown of England (by prerogative) upon the importation of Wines, but are now, and generally have been, granted from the Crown by gift or patent. • Pris AGE is a certain taking or purveyance of Wines to the King's ufe, out of every (hip bringing in * 40 Hen. Ill, Wines belonging to the natives of England, except the merchants of London, the Cinque Ports, sSEdw. 1. Southampton, and Chefter, which are exempted by particular charters: to be taken upon the breaking of * ^^y- '^'' bulk, or unloading any part of the (hip's cargo, according to the whole quantity on board, though there ^° be not more than one ton landed. This Duty is either Angle or double. Shjgle Prisage is one ton, and is due in kind, when the quantity imported amounts to, or exceeds ten tons, but is under twenty tons: for if under ten tons, there is not any Prifage due. Double Prisage is two tons, and Is due in kind, when the quantity imported amounts to, or exceeds twenty tons, which is the moft due out of any one ftiip: one ton to be taken before, and the other behind the maft, at the pleafure of the King's butler or prifage-mafter ; who may tafte the whole cargo, and chufe the beft wines, and fill up the ca&s, or chufe thofe that are the fulleft, and take them away, allowing only 20J. t per ton for freight: but it may be compounded for at a certain price, as is thepraftlce in London, l^c, f 28 Edw. I. c. ^. But in regard to Wines imported into Scotland, on a caufe in the court of Exchequer, het'ween Her Majejlj's Attorney-general, atid ]3.vaei_Gotion, merchant, it luas decreed in the year 1713, that Prifage ivas not payable thereon. BuTLERAGE IS aDuty of two /hillings on every ton of Wine imported by merchants ftrangers, hy Charta Mercatoria J, in lieu of Prifage, to be paid within forty days after the Wines are landed. j 31 Edw. i. c. i, 2. 27 £dw. III. c. 26, The Branches N'. 49 to 57, being payable on Goodis exported, are placed after the Table of the Rates and Duties Outwards, page 15 to 17 in the Second Part. H h h N°.58. [ 226 ] N®. 58. Duties of Excise. Foreign Liquors imported. iiCir. n. cap. 2j. y^ LE, Bar, an J Mum, the barrel — —— •^— — — O j ij, 5 W. &M. c. 3. .. ■ ' '- " 030 -i.6 7. - - ° 3 * 4 Ann. cap. 6. —— — - "-""— O 3 O Total 01; o j_ ,. And bejides for lA^tti o 10 o • o 11 Car. II. cap. 15. Cyder and Perry, the Ion — — — ■ " — O 5 4, 5 W.&M. cap. 3. — ^ — 400 4 .\nn. cap. 6. — — — 400 6 Ceo. lU, cap. 14. — — — — — — — — — ' ■ — -^— — 300 Total 15 lo o Single, Double. 12 Car. II. cap. 13. Brandy, Aqua Vitit, Str. Waters, and all Spirits noi of the Br. plants, in Am. the gall. 004 004 24. — — _^_____ -^___ — _ o o 4 004 4, 5 W. & M. cap. 2. ■ — — — I ■ ■ 006 010 5.6- • Zi. 006 010 4 Ann. cap. 6. — — ^^— —— — — — — — ^— _ O 2 O O 4 O 33 9. _^-— — — — .— ^— »__ 10 020 2. Geo. III. cap. 5. ■ — — — — — — — ■ — O O 6 O I O i ______ 47. — _- ____ _^ ■ — — — — — 006 010 Total per gallon 068 o 12 8 Single^ Double. j2 Car, 11. cap. 13. Rum and Spirits ef the Briti^ plantations in America, the gallon ^^— ^— 004 004 4, 5 W. & M. cap. 2. ——— -^— .^_ — — — — — 006 CIO J, 6 27. — ■' 006 010 4 Ann. cap. 6. ' '— O 2 O O 4 o 33 Ceo. II. cap. 12. — — — " ' 010 020 Total per gallon O 4 8 088 All excifeable liquors, of the gronuth or manufaSure of G\iern(ey, Jerfey, Sark, or Alderney, and imported from thence, the like Duties as are chargeable for the time being on the like liquors made in this kingdom. 31 Ceo. II. c, 36, f. 5. The federal Duties beforementioned to he due on foreign liquors imported, mufi be paid before landing of {he goods, and it/itbin 30 days after the report of the Jhip. 1 f Geo. TI. c. le, f. i. ■^"' Rum and Spirits of the Britijh Sugar plantations, and imported direllly from thence, may be landed and 7 Gcj.lU. c. 47, f. 3. lodced in "warehcufes, on fecurity gi'vcn to pay theje Duties as Joon as the fame Jhall be Jold, if Jolj 'within 12 months from the lime of landing ; or if not Jold nuitkin that lime, to pay ibefe Duties at the end of the faid 12 months : and the Duties are to be taken according to the gauge at the lime of landing. 33 Geo. II. e. iS, f. 2. And if any fuch Rum Jhall be exported as merchandixe, before payment of theft Duties, as ahovtmcntioned, the fuid Rum Jhall be dijcharged and freed therefrom. Thife Duties having been paid, are not dra- Customs accordingly. Tea, for every lool. of the grofs price at ivhich it Jhall be fold at the public fale of the Eaft-India 7 '^ ^^- "• ^»P ^6, f. *. Company — — — — -^— —— — — ' " J ^ And befides, for all Tea (* except Bohea, Congo, Souchong, or Pekoe Teas, commonly called Black 7 * ^ °'°' "I- 1^' »*» ^- «• Teas, or any Teas knovjn by the denomination of Single Teas J the pound, avCrdupcife lueight — ^ To be paid dcnun in ready money, by the proprietor, to the Receiver or ColleSor of the Inland Duties, before he '° ^^°- ^- ^- i°> '• 5- takes it out of the vsarehoufe, for any purpofe vihatfoever, except for exportation to Ireland, or His Majejly''s ' p^°'ij '^' ^ • • -• plantations in America. The vuarehcufe- keeper (upon producing a ivarrant from the ColleHor, teftifying the ' ' • *' • 3 • receipt of the Duty J to deliver the goods, vjith a permit, fgned by himfelf, and a proper off.cer attending the tuarehoufe, to prevent feizuret But may be delivered out for exportation to Ireland, or His Majefty's plantations in America, •without payment si Geo. II. c. 14, f. i, j, ef the faid Duty, (provided it be in the fame package in vjhich it luas imported, and in no lefs quantity than the intire lot in vihich it vjas fold) upon due entry being made before fuch exportation, and bund given, ivith fufficient fecurity in double the value, that it Jhall be fo exported, and not relanded in any part of Great- Britain, or the ijlands of Guernfey, Jerfey, or Man : on producing a certificate of having fo dene, the iKareboufe- keeper is t» deliver the Tea, vuith a permit, Jigned by him/elf, and a proper officer in the vcarehoufe. To afcertain the price at txihich Teas are fold at the Company's puhlick fales, the CommiJJioners of the Inland >? Geo. II. c. 16, f. 6. Duties, may ccnftitute, under their hands aud feals, officers to attend the faid fales, and take account of the names of the buyers, and the price •, luho are to make return thereof in v-'riting, upon oath, to the Commiffioners ; and te prevent miftakes, may, upon requeft to the Court of DireSlors, infpe3 the Company' s books, kept for the fame purfofe. From ivhich return this 25 per cent, is to be computed. For the particular regulations, fee the refpeBive goods in the Index. Excise on Salt imported. Jb OR every gallon of Salt, three-pence, vohich is, for every bujhel — — • — O 2 o ji 6W. t< .M. c. 7, f. 3, 7, %.. C.31, f.i. For every gallon of Salt, fev en pence, being, for every bufbel — ■ — — — — 04 8 9, lo W. III. c. 44, f. 3. 5 Geo. II. c. 6, f.'i." Total Duty per bujhel (formerly % gallons ^, novj iif pounds of Salt — — 06 S *^ c. 3, f. i. ■f I Ann. c. 21, 1'. 6. For the payment of this Duty, the importer may be alloixedfix months time from the importation, upon his giving cevv&M c- fi. f.cient fee'-'- ^- ''■■ '- '--^-"-.-. . j ,.,-.. , . _ j-., . ... , ' ■^ »' . • •:-.•■»• • muji he 5 per cent. Jifficient fecurity for the fame to the CclleCior, upon entry, and bcj'ore landing ; and if he pais it in ready momy, 5 Ann. c. 29, f. z. he muJi he alhiued a dif count, after the rate of lol. percent, per annum, ivhich, for the J'aid Jix months, is sGeo. H. c. 10, i.i. 3 Ot [ 228 ] t Ann. cap. 8, art- 8. Or fhe Salt may, upon landing, be •weighed, cellared, and locked up in the pre/enee of an officer, at the importer's . 29> '• '• charge, and under the cujiody of the officer and importer ; and 'he importer may, in the prefence of, and by ivarrani under the Jaid officer's hand and feal, take aaijay avhat quantity he pleafei, (not under a 'wey, or forty buJheU at a lime) upon giving fecurity for payment of the Duty nuilhin fx months after the deli'very, or upon payment of the Duty in ready money, at the deli'very; in confideration ivhereof, be muji he allo-iued the aforefaid difcount for prompt payment. 5 Ann. cap. lo, f. 3. But if the •whole quantity, imported in any one Jhip, does not amount to forty bujhelsi it may not be cellared, hut the luhcle Duty mnJl be paid doiun, or fecured, jGeo.I. c.iS.f.i. jind if the Salt is deftgned for the curing of any Fijhfor exportation, or Herrings for Home Confumption, it may t '^•4. f- '>3>'°' he landed, iL-eighed, and ivarehoufed, under the locks of the officers and the proprietor, fo to remain during iht ~ tV !,'''"f^' ' feveral imcr-vals cf each fjhing-feafon, iviihout payment of this Duty; an entry being made of the refpeSlive "k ' „" ",' l_ ,. quantities fo lodged; tut at the next fjhing-feajon, mchen the importer ivanis totake the f aid Salt atvay, he mufi jg c. 23, f. 5. make oath to the quantity, and that it is intended to be only fo ujed, and gi've fecurity to account for the fame, 5, 6W. it. M. c. 7, f.ii. Upon due exportation, this Duty is to be luholly repaid, or the fecurity •vacated. 2, 3 Ann. c. 14, f. 9. •^c Ann cap. 8. " ' -^ *^' eighth article of the Union *, there is a Duty payable in Scotland (only) and under the management of the Commijjtoners of the Cujloms there, for fo much Scots Salt as is ufed in curing fejh exported from thence to foreign parts, or to England ; andlikewuife for pro'vijions ufed by Jhips trading thence, either to foreign parts, ta England, or from port to port in Scotland, according to the exc'ife payable in England, until May I, 1 7 14, ivhich is y. and /^d. per bujhel; but thenceforiunrd, after the rate of zs, and t^d. only; becaufe, from that time, all Scots Salt becomes chargeable luilh 1 id. per bupel. /*'^\ u R V E >.^- O F T H E I, BRITISH CUSTOMS. PART T H E S E C O N D. u > V^r .: .-••i &3 o N C/5 t— ( u *«■ u - M »-H O n3 ^.= - Q a: CO < ^ .^, *J X a *-^ rj H t-H C3 CO Q ^ .4 < CO >• W OF! Upon O •< fa o O H F-( C3 C3 O Qh o D < < CO pa CO H H M .^^. ffi t5 > O i-< Q <: r 4-J ^ :2; [ ' ] OUTWARDS. ADZES, f;^ Iron wrought. rough and untrimmed, the pound Agarick, foreign, \ ["'""'"'^ "^ P^"'^^^' ''^^ P""""^ Alabafter, the load Ale, _/;,? Beer, after Merchandize Outwards. Alum Britilli, theCwt. Annotto, foreign, the pound . Antimonium Crudum, foreign, the Cwt. • Anvils, the Cwt. — Apothecary and Confeaionary Wares of all forts, the Cwt. Apples j'^^Bufhel _ ^*^ ( vocat Pippins, the bul>.el — Aqua Fortis, foreign, the bottle containing 4 gallons Aqua Vita?, the hogfliead — Argol, foreign, the Cwt. — — — Armour, fee Iron wrought. Arfenick, foreign, the pcund f White, j:r-,'o-,h:!!j, fl Aflies ot Brituh Wood, the lall containing 12 Barrels j>< Appendix. A.\es, fee Iron wrought. B. BA C O N, the flitch _ _ _ _ __ Bags, the dozen — ■ E.indeliers, the hundred collars — B.I) terries, foreign, the Cwr. — — "Barnllaple coare of 20 Jfe, or under, the bay — Manchelter or Barnftaple fine, and all other fingle Bays, J not exceeding 34 jo the piece — '. j Double Bays, in weight from 34 }b to 60 ife Bays -^ Minikin Eays, containing in weight from 60 ib to 90 ft 1 t-) pay as three fin:;le Bays . f And if they do contain above 90 tfe in weight, and not 1 above 11; ifc, to pay all Duties as for four fingie Bays i and no more — — ( Beef, the barrel Beer, the ton, fee after Merchandize Outward;. Beer eager, the ton — — ^ PrMhJrtJ, fee Ap. f Bell Metal, the Cwt — fendix. Bellows, the dozen — _ _ _ Billets, the thoufand — — . Birding Pieces, yi-^ Iron Ware. Birdlime, the C.vt. — — Bifcuil and Bread — — — Bitts, fee Iron wrought. Boxes voc. Tobacco Boxes, fee Habcrdafhery. Rnrlip. J^°=- 'Pitched Bodies witli filk, the pair 7 ^ _ ^°°'" iof V/halebone, ihepair | > Garments. Bones, voc. Ox Bones, the thoufand Books printed, unbound or boiind, the Cwt, Bottles, fee Glafs. Brafs Manufailures of all forts, the Cwt. — Brnjs ff'ire made in Great Britain — Brazil or Fernamback "Wood, foreign, the C.vt. Brazilletto or Jamaica Wood, yi^v/^jn, the Cwt. Bread, fee Bifcuit. Bricks, fee Earthen Ware. Bridles, the dozen — — Brufhes, .Sn/.J/*, of Heath, the dozen , Buckweed, fee Corn. Rates. 12 Car. II. C2p. 4. * 8 Ceo.]. cap. 15. O O O 'o o I z 3 4 3 o o 10 10 10 4 12 o o o o o o o 6 o ol o^ J o o o 6 8? 5 ol b: Duties to be paid on Ex- portation. s. d. zo'hs o o z — o o o 10 010 — 0006 002 — O I I 10 007 — o o o oj 6i o i6 8 I 8 o 187 o 10 03 o 10 to o 6 10 Reference BrA'xi.cs, h 49. a free. 49- : free. 49- a free. 49- a free. i' fiee. 49- c free. rt free. a fiee. a free. li Ircc. a free. a dee. d free. |49' a free. a So Jt aue Entvybc made thereof .ind the goods be (hipped by the proper officer : ibr eery .^. at the Rate. S Geo. I. cap:, s. §9. " Vif, '^nU^^:^^^ U:\itT "'"'"^^ -'• cap. 10. ip! \ in Br.fhip: ^ Fur it^Iatkni, fee Apjendii. being one third part of the Rates charged thereon, in caji they ivere Jhipped by Ne-ivcajlle meafure of Wales, the Weft of England or the \\ Weft of Scotland, 1 to Ireland ov the Jjk Man, the chalder, containing 36 > bujhel, Winchefter meafure — j ^ifCoali-i^ to any of his Majeftfs Plantations, the chaldtr. Win- \ I cbefter meafure — —— J I to any parts beyond the feas i the chald. Keiv- \_(otherthanasaforcfaid) \ c aft le -meafure And befides to any part beyond the feas (except to Ir eland \ in Britijh Jhips the ifte of Man, cr his Mijtfty's Plantations) j in foreign Jhips Cobweb Lawns, the yard — — Cochineal _/(?r«^», the pound ^— -— ^I Colo, foreign — — Combs of Wood, Bone, Horn, or any other fort, fee Haberdaftiery. Comfits, fee Confectionary Ware. Coney Hair or Wool, black or white, the pound — — — ConfefVionary, fee Apothecary. Rates. 12 Car. II. cap. 4. * 8 Geo. I. cap. 15, /. s. d. 006 300 016 o c o o o o o I o o o o I o o 6 IZ 8 10 4 5 10 6 5 o 1 1 16 o 4 o 0! o o 0} I o o o IC o Duties to be paid on Ex- portation. I. d. 20ths o o o o 6 3 J 2 008 o I 4 o I o 040 o I I o 13 o o o o 3 K Reference* to the Branrhei, &c. c free. a free. d free. 49. a free. ;/free. b free, a free. « free. b free. a free. d free. a free, a free. M9' U9- I 52-5^ i S5- 49. c free, . 49- « So ;t5 due Entry be made thereof and the goods be /hipped by the proper officer : on fai'mre whereof they are liable to the Duty of .Su'ufidy Outwards, viz. is. for every acs. of the Rate. 8 Geo. I. cap. 15. ^9. i By 11 and 12 Wil. III. cap. zo. c Entn,- thereof being firft made, 15 Car. II. ^ u, J By 3 or 4 Wil. and M. cap. S. t Calve Skins undrrfcd and \'.rijj'cd, were rated by 12 Car. II. but the Rate is onaittcd here, the prefent Duty not being. »e;ulaied thereby : the reader is, therefore, referred to No. 49 in the Branches Outwards for the origin.:! Rates. / Ccals were particularly rated by 1; Car. II. but the Rate is omitted here, none of the prefent Duties being regulated thereby ; the reader is, therefore, referred to No. 49, in the Sranche? Outwards for the original Rates.. "l 3 1 OUTWARDS Duties to be paid on Ex- portation. Cojper, the pr'.duce of Great Britain Copper Manufactures of all forts, the Cwt Copperas, for every 20s. 'ualue upcn oath Cordage, tarred or untarred, the Cwt. "Barley, the quarter, containing 8 bulhels Beans, the quarter Rcferenct* to the Branches, Sec. Corn Malt, the quarter Oats, the quarter Peafe, the quarter Rye, the quarter Wheat, the quarter ^Buck Wheat, the quarter ^J ;i Geo.II.. ap.15. ,r.i, /.e f Northern, Manchefter, Taunton, and Welch Cottons, Cottons < the 100 goads — — — — ^voc. Welch Plains, the 100 goads r> 1 (of Wool and Hair, the piece Coverlets < r r^ aa .1 • (01 Cadcas, the piece Cream of Tartar, foreign, the Cwt. fl Culm to the City of Liflcn iu Portugal, for t'very chalder, ISeiu cafle meafure — ^— Curry Combs, fee Iron Ware. Cufhions of Yorkftiire, the dozen Cyder, the ton ^— D. D J of Britijb making, the yard ARNIX I vocat. Coverlets, f ForRcguiatlMSffu f Dice, fee Haberdalhers Ware Appendix, Dimity, the yard Britijh, Doublets of Leather, fee Garments. Dull of Cloves, Ginger, Lignum Vit.t;, Mace, Nutmeg?, Pepper of all Spices, and the like, are to be exported Cuflora-free, hav ing paid at the importation. Arthen Ware Emery Stones Bricks and Tiles of all forts, the thoufand All other forts of Earthen and Stone \^^are, in Great Britain, the hundred parcels the Cwt. — R ' ENNEL Seeds, the Cwt. f with Silk or Copper, fee Silks. Figurettocs < narrow, the piece [_ broad, the piece — Filleting, fee Haberdafbers Ware. , Filozelloes, broad, of Silk, the yard, yj-^ Silks Firelocks, the piece, fee Iron wrought. Fitches, fee Skins. Flannel, the yird —— Fia&s of Hor:i, fi Haberdafliers \^are Flox, the Cwt. Fowling Pieces, fee Iron wrought. Freezes, the yard FuUians of Britifh making, of all forts, to go out free Fuftick, forei^Ti, the Cwt. — ^Soasdu;: Entry be made thereof, and the goods be Clipped by the proper officer: on faihirc whereof they are Kjble tothe Dutj-of Subfidy OutwarJs, viz. is. for every 20s. of the Rate. 8 Geo. I. op. 15. ^9. A By 11 ajid 12 Wil. III. cap. 10. < ^1 ' -Ann. cap. S. the barrel ( for Windows, the cheft — — — — GlafTes to drink in, Bottles, and all other forts of Glades, the 7 hundred — ~— . — _ — — . j Glue, Briiijh, the Cwt. ' — — of Buck Leather, the dozen — — — — plairt) of Sheep, Kid, or Lamb's Leather, the dozen pair fringed and ftitched with Silk, the dozen pair — furred with Coney Wool, tiie dozen pair Glovers Clippings, the fat, or maund — Goofe Quills, the thoufand — — ■- ■ - Grindle Stones, the chalder ■ ■ Gum Arabick, or Gum Senega, foreign, the Cwt. ^iid hefides for e-very Civt f ChcumflAHtUHy-pn- H Gunpowder, the Cwt. ■ hiHicd, /« Appcn- Guts, voc. Ox-guts, the barrel ' ' — — dix. H. Rates. 12 Car. II. cap. 4. * SGeo.I.cap. 15. » 4 2 6 Gloves ' H Aberdalhers Wares Hair, voc. 'Harts Hair, the Cwt Horfe Hair, the Cwt Ox or Cow Hair, the Cwt. of all other forts, for every 20s. njaluc upon oath — Hair Cloth, the piece — - — — — — Hake Fifh, the hundred, containing 6 fcore Harnefs, voc. Coach-harncfs, the pair, with Bridles — — Hartftiorn, the Cwt. — — — — Hatbands of Cruel, the groce, containing 1 2 dozen — — Hatchets, the dozen, fee Iron Ware, jr .. \ Beavera and Demicaftcrs, v^. By'uifl} making, the dozen \ Felts, and all other Hats, the dozen — — — Hat-makers Strings, fee Catlings. Hawks Hoods, the dozen ■ ■ ■• ■ — — ■ Hemp Seed, the quarter, containing 8 bufhels — — f f packed, the b.arrel — full < unpacked, or Sea-llicks, the 1 aft, con- 7 ■ . J ^ taining 18 barrels — — j 1 f packed, the barrel — I (hotten < unpacked, or Sea flicks, the laft, 1 (_ {_ containing 18 barrels — — J J J full, the cade, containing five hundred — — { fhotten, the cade, containing five hundred o i6 S' 0100 068 034 0100 Herrings, voc. Winter Herrings I 6 2 o o t I o 2 O O 2 O 12 O O 13 3 o 12 S o to z o 13 o 6 3 3 16 o 4 6 6 o 2 13 4 J 10 o 2 00) 1 o 03 o o o 4 4 6? o 4 6 8 H Duties to be Refcrenco paid on Ex- „ '" '!" portation. ^'^'f^^^> I. s. d. zo'hs I o — O 10 o 1 10 zl N°. 49. b free. a free. 49. a free. 49. 56. a free. a free. 49. a free. c Utt, a free. b free, e free. \a free. free» »So as due Entry be made thereof, and the good? be (hipped by the proper officer; on failure whereof they are liable to the Duty of Snbfidy Outwards, viz.' is. for every los, of the Rate. 8 Ceo. I. cpp. i 5. ^ 9. in and 12 Wil. III. cap. 20. c In Biiridi Bottoms, by 12 Car. IJ. cap. 4. In general, b/ S Geo. I. tap. J J, 4 If Woollen Manufailures, by n and 12 Vi'it. HI, cap. lo, Of other forts by 8 Geo. I. cap.' 15, fothat duc£ntry be made, &c. H^ I 5 ] ,?5rinnfl .•J3l1 : OUTWARDS. ler ^ 1 ^ -gs ,L L«d, the packed, the barrel unpacked, or Sea-flicks, containing is barrels the latl) Herrings, voc Sumiue Herrings ,(_ : (_red,' the cade containing five hundred — Hoes, fee Jron wrought. Holflers, the dozen pair Hooks and Eyes, fee Haberdafhers Ware Hoops ibr Barrels, the thoufand ~ Hops, the Cwt. ■ •CI! -8 [ Unwrotight!, frsti- hUed, fee Appen- dix, Horns, .voca:. "Blowing Horns, fmall, the dozea df Bucks, the hundred" '-^^- liik Horns, fee HaBerdafhery'Vi'are.' for Lijnthorns, the thoulari^ leaves' Ox Horns, the thoufand ■i Powder Horns, the dozen — oTHariis, the thoufand ' — " of Shfeep, the thoufand Shoeing Horns, the dozen — — Stags Horns, the hundred — ^Tips of Horns, the thoufand H 22 Car. ll. cho i - . il Hirfei; Mares or Geldings, to any place lit amity ixiith his Majejfj, each {d) tityuuith his Majfjiy, 7 Horfc Colla/s, the hundred containing five fcore Horfe Litters and Sedans, th"e{3iece - ^_; Korftt Tails' with Hair, (Jle Hair) the hundred containing ■ - ■ T. J E W E L S, Precious Stones, and Pearls, free, Incle, fee Haberdalliers Ware. Ihdig'o of all forts, foreign, the pound " IrilH Mantles, the Mantle Iron, the ton — ■ — ' 5 fcore «[[ Tor PrchihitUn, fie Arms, Frames, ?.nd Tools, in Appen- dix. Iron, old Iron, the ton Iron Ordnance, the Cwt. ■ i^flron wrought, i/iz. Axes, Adzes, Hoes, Armour, Bits, Knives, Locks, Fowling Pieces, Muikets, Piltols, Scilfars, Stirrups, and al! Carpenters and Gravers Tools, Jack-work, Clock work, and all Ircuimongers Wares, perfeftly maiiufailured, the Cwt. Iflnglafs, foreign, the Cwt. ■ K. KxTnT-c-p fShoertiakers Paring Knives, Cutting;') ^ , WIVES, 3 IT • > CI n- ij T,- • I J ( y^'" I"""" ^ < KniveS, bhefi^eld Knives, London \- ■'.■,. vocat. 1 V ■ \ VVare. {^ Knives 3 L Silk. ACE of Gold arid Silver, the pound Lace, Statute Lace J , Lace' of Velvet., the pound j'^^^ Lamperns, the thoufand La-wns, French, fee Linen. Lapis Calamiriaris, for etjery 20 s. 'vcilue upon cath Jiud bcfides, for e'very ton Lead, call and uncaft, the fodder containing zo Cv. t. Lead Ore, f^r c-jery 20 s. -value upon c::ih Rates. 12 Car. n. cap. 4. *8Geo.I.cap. 15. O I o ■fa" -■il I 2 O 1 o o I o o 16 16 13 10 , 4 ¥ o 10 4 o 3 o 12 Duties to be paid on ex- portation. /. s. d. 20"" o 10 o 0} 10 5 o — 0:0 — 16 o I 6 8 010 ; o 1 o o O 1 o Rererenccs to I he Branches, &c. N'. free a !ree. a iree. ^9• a free. 49. i i'ree. a free. • free. : free. •;9- - > ' * 49. 49- (a) So as due Entry be made thereof, and the goods be /hipped by the proper ofBctr : on failure vVhcreof tbey are liable to the Duty of Subf:dy OutuarJ?, viz. IS. for every 2C!. of the Rate, S Geo. I. cap. 15. § 9. [b) 11 and 12 Wil. ill. cap. 20. {/) In Britilh Buttcms, bjr 12 Car. II. C2p. 4. Jn general, by 8 Geo. 1. cap. 15. (rf) Horfes were rj^cd by 12 Car. II. biut the Rate is omitted li«re, the prcfcDt C.^ty not bciiigretiilatdd thereby : ihs isader is, therefore, refcred to No, 49, in the EranchtsOiilwardUor the original Rates, i. t 6 ] O U T W A R P S. II 9 Ann. cap. 6. § 4, || Leather of all forts, tanned, laived, or drejfed, the Ciut. Leather Manufadture of any fort, not particularly rated, the pound Lime, the chalder — — Liiu;i, viz. all forts of Clotli made of Hemp or flax, coarfe, oi Britijh Manufaft. the piece not exceeding I 6 Gee, III. cap. 52. \\Cambriek, or French Lawns, to his Majeffs Plant aliens rica, the piece containing I 3 ells — Linen Shreds, the niaiind or fat Linfeed, the quarter containing 8 bulhcls Linfey Wolfey, fe Stuff. Lift of Cloth, the 1000 yards — Lltharage of Lead, the Cwt. Litmus, foreign, the Cwt. — — Locks, jee Iron wrought. Logwood, foreign, the Cwt fine or 1 40 ells \ Amc- tt aliens in Ante- 1 Loom-wojk, the yard But ///«Britilh Ships M- M. ADDER of alT forts, foreign, the Cwt. Madder Roots, foreign, the pound Malt, fee Com. Maps and Sea Cards, of all forts, the Cwt. Melafl'es, or Rameales, the ton —— Mulkets, fee Iron wrought. Muftard Seed, the Cwt. — N. N. AILS of all forts, the Cwt. — Nicoragua Wood, foreign, the ton ' Nuts, fraall, the barrel containing 3 bufhels 'ATS, /vCcrn. Oatmeal, the bufliel — — — — — — Oker, yellow or red, the Cwc, — Orchal, foreign, the Cwt. —^ — — Orchelia, foreign, the Cwt. — — Oil, vocat. Train Oil made in Great Britain, the ton Oyfters, the fraall barrel, in pickle Oxen, the O.'c A C K T H R E A D, > Haberdaftery. Parchment, the roll — ■— Palleboards, the groce containing 12 dozen — — Pewter, j'ee Tin. Pifturcs of Britijh making, the Cwt. printed or painted Pilchers, the ton, by ilrangers ' Pirtols, fee Iron wrought. Points of Leather, the fmall groce containing \z dozen Pomegranate Peels, foreign, the Cwt. Pork, the barrel -— Purls of Broad Cloth, the piece ______ Rates, \z Car. II. cap. 4. • SGeo.I.cap. 15. d. o o loT o r j 4 \ o 10 O I o o 1 o o j 10 o 4 o O O o o o 6 '1 10 o '004 o 5 ol 10 o o j O 10 o 5 o o o 6 8 o o o 20 3 o o o o I 13 13 12 4 o o o :\ 5 o o o 000 *o 13 4 400 Duties to be paid on ex- portation. /. s. d. 010 20'''S 030 002 006 009 000 040 I O o 6 Reference* to the Branches, &c. 49. a free. S7- a free. b free,. 49. 49. 49. / free a free. 49. 49. a free. a free. a free. 49. a tree. b free. a free 49. 49- afree. c free. a free. a free. d free. a free. 49. e ires, b free. (*;) So as dae Entry be made thereof and the goods be rtiipped by the proper officer : on failure whereof ihey are liable to the Duty of .Subfidy Outwards, viz. IS. for every 20s. 01 the Rale, 8 Geo. I. cap. 1 5. §9. (i) 11 and ii Wil. 111. cap. 20. (c) By 8 Geo. I, cap. 15, fo as due Entry be made, S:c. wherefore it is proper to oblerve, that the Duty thus conditionally repealed, was IS, for each Ox, Steer, Cow, or Heifer, as granted by 12 Car, II. cap'. 13. (.J) In nritifh bottoms, by 12 Car. cap. 4. In general, by S Geo, I, cap, 15. (') 3. 4 W. and M, cap. 8, (/) Provided due cntiy be made, oii.erwife futjcilto July, 7 Geo, 111. cap. 47. ^ 1. 2, R C 7 ] OUTWARDS. R. RAPE Cakes, the thoufand ■ --^— — Rape Seed, the quarter, containing 8 bufliels — Rameals, fee Melafi'cs. Rafhes, voc. Silk Raflies, broad or narrow, fee Silk Ware. Redwood, or Guinea Wood, yi/-fi^«, the Cwt. Ribband, fee Silk Manufacture. Tj ( Irifh Rug, the yard ■ — ^"SS I [ri(h Rugs for Beds, the rug — — Ruflcting for Painters, the Cwt. — — S. i^ACKCLOTH to make Sacks, fee Linen. Q J ji 5 Cj'"f^t Saddles, the piece — — ^^°°'" |of all oihcr Ions, tliepiece — Saddle Trees, the dozer. — — — Safflower, foreign, ihe pound — — — Saffron, the pound J[4 Geo. in. cap. g. Rates. 2 Car. II cap. 4. * 8 Geo. I. cap. 15. Sal Armoniack, foreign, the pound Sal Gem, foreign, the pound — — — — S.ilt-petre, the Cwt. — — ■ — — ^ Sapan Wood, Jorcign, the Cwt. • — — — Sanders, red, foreign, the Cwt. ■ — — — Scabbards for Swords, the dozen ■ — — — Sciflars, fee Iron wrought. Seamorfe Teeth, the pound — "— —— Sedans, fee Horle Litters. Shag with Thread, fee Linen.. „, J old, the hundred dozen pair — — — J^ All new Shoes, Boots, and Slippers, the pound weight „, , J Ihod, the dozen — — \ unfhod, the dozen ■ Shreds and pieces of Broad Cloth, the pound — Shumack, foreign, the Cwt. Silk { voc. Briiijh Thrown Silk, the pound, containing 16 ounces All 1. p-u C made of Silk only, or of Silk! All other Silk ) j^tuju- II j 1,/, c CL "» and Ihread, or Hair > the pound Manuractures 1 j, c en j -vir n. j I (, made of Silk and Worfted j 'Badger Skins, the piece II Beaver Skins, for e'very fkin, or piece of fkin — Cat Skins, the hundred 'Black, with Silver Hair, or without, the 7 hundred, containing 6 fcore — \ Grey, feafoned, the hundred, containing 6 fcore Skins -< Coney Skins ■l^ Grey ftag, the hundred, containing 6 fcore Grey, tawed, the hundred, containing 6 fcore — Tawed and dyed in colours, the hundred, con taining 6 fcore -^— — Dog Skins, the dozen — — Elk Skins, the piece, raw Fitches, the timber, containing 40 (kins Fox Skins, tlie piece Hare Skins, the piece Kid f dreffed, the hundred, containing 5 fcore — — Skins \'u\ the Hair, the hundred, containing 5 fcore o o o "o I *0 'o 4 *o •i o 4 o o o o 'o o I o o o I I o o o o 5 3 3 I 10 o o o 10 6 I o o 4 3 o 13 3 d. o 10 o] 3 o oJ 'I 10 o 004] o 6 8j 050 13 o 10 13 2 o 13 o o 13 10 o o 6| A o o 8 o 10 o 4 6 4 4 s Duties to be 1 R<:feren»« paid on Ex „ •» '|^« ^ . Branches, portation. ^^_ /. d. ZGtiu 9 — 000 3 ^ 0001- 003 — 008 — O O O IZ 007 — 014 — O 2 8 — 010 — 006 — 008 — 010 — I 10 o s — o 8 o 3 8 — 6 — N°. a free. 49. b ivee. a free. a free. 47- a free. }49- a free, |49- a free, , a free. a ixtG^ . ^free. 49- a free. n free; h free. 49. 54. 49J So as due Entry be made thereof, and the goods be fhippcd by the proper officer : on failure whereof they arc liable to the Duty of SubOdy Outwards, vizj . 15. for every 20s. of the Rate. 8 Geo. J. cap. 15. § g. i. Ji and 12 Wil, III. cap. 20, .s H 9 Ann. cap. lit ^ Frctihhid, fci Ap- pendix. [ 8 ] OUTWARDS. Ski: c I amb Skins vocat. Morekins white cr black t.iwed with the Wool, the.hiind.^ containing 6 fcorc — — j unuwec', the hund. cont. 6 ftorc — tawcJ with the Wool, die huiid. 7 containing 6 fcore j untawcd, the hund. cont. 6 fcorc — Otter Skins raw, the piece — — tawed, the piece — Wombs, the mantle Rabbit Skins, black, the hundred ff tawed with the Wool, the hundred, contain- I ing 6 fcore hundred, contain- ) thout Wool, the hundred, containing] \ Briiip n\^k\x\g, the fingle piece, cont. 15 yards 1 \ the double piece, containing 30 yards — — j Silk. fee Sheep and j 1 ,1 , , < drclt wi Lamb ! ^ r (,, . I 6 fcore i tKins |^pg]j5^ t|,g hundred, containing 5 fcore II But Sheep Skins, tanned, taiwd or drej}, to pay for l Squirrel Skins, the thoufand — — — Swan Skins, the piece — — • Wolf Skins, tawed, the piece ^Jll other Skins, for every 20s. 'value upon oath — Slate, fee Stone. Sleeves of Leather, fee Garments. J, C the barrel — — — — — — ^°^P |haid, Britijh make, the Cwt. Spar.idi Sattins I the double piece, containing 30 yards — Sprats, the cade, containing a thoufand ■■ Staich, the Cwt. ■ Steel, voc. G;id-ileel, the Cwt. — Sticklack, fcreign, the pound < — Stirrops, fee Iron wrought. pirfli, the dozen — — ■ Kerfcy, long •— __ — Kerfcy, (hort, the dozen pair — Leather, the dozen, fee Garments. _ , . i Silk.yiv Silk Manufadures. '''°*^'^'"SS-^ Worlhd for Ciildren, the dozen — Wodled for Men, the dozen — Woollen for Children, the dozen Woollen for Men, the dozen — Lower Ends of Worfled Stockings, the dozen c 5 Hilling Stones, the thoufand — ^"'"" 1 Slate, the thoufand Stone Ware, fee Earthen Ware. in regard of their coarfenefs, | Wool, or mixed with Hair or Sug.Tr of all forts, formerly brought into this kingdom, and after refined and made into loaves, and exported by way of mer chandize, the Cwt. — — — • — — — ^ J[ ALLOW, Britijl?, the Cwt. Tapeitry, or Dornix Hangings, of what fort foever, made in \ Great Britain, whereof any part of Wool, the pound weight j Thread, black, brown, or blue, vocat. Coventry blue, fee Ha bcrdafhery. RaTR9. iz Car, n. cap. j; * S In Bri'.ifti Bottoms by 12 Car. II. f»p. 4. in general by S Geo. I. cap. 15. c fly. If net nrohi- liiled, fee Wool in the App;ajix. d 11 ind 12 Wii. III. cap. 20, [ 9 ] OUTWARDS. mVfonWcn, firchii'itei!, f[ Thrums, the hundred, containing five fcore pounds — — /.if Appendix, Tiffany, made of Thread 7 ,- t ■ rn- t ■ n ■ wj Wfi? Linens. -»'• Ticking, Britip y Tiles, fee Earthen Ware. 7V'« univrought , the Civt. (c) — — — — Tin wrought, vocat. Pewter — — Tobacco Pipes, the fmall groce, containing 12 dozen — Tufftaffateys, Britijh broad, Britijh narrow, or with Thread, fee Silk. Turnfole, foreign, the pound -— . V. V h'LO'Hl h, foreign, the Ion Velures \ ^"'"V*' ^"^^ ''"S'e P'ece, containing ( the double piece, containing 15 yards Verdigreafe, foreign, the pound — Vinegar of Wine, the ton — — Virginals, the pair — yards — — w. w. ^ Set Silver, U Ap- pendix. (1 4 Ceo. III. cap. 9. V, May be txfirtcd mly ^ Wool in Bi'mfo .V/'//s, jce Appendix. ADMOLL, the yard Waillcoats of Wadmoll, of Cotton, of Kerfeys, of Fl.mnel, of Worded knit, of Woollen knit, fee Garments. f Watches of all forts, the piece ^^ Wax \ '^'■'"/-'' '''« ^'^t- J Britijh hard, the pound — Weld, the Cwt. Whale-bone, cut or wrought, fee Haberdathery. Whale-fins, the groce, containing 12 dozen — — ^— Wine Lees, the butt — — — Wire, fee Brafs and Copper. Woad, Britijh, the ton — — Woadnets, the hundred, containing 5 fcore {Box Wood, the ton Gambray Wood, the Cwt. — t> J J f 'he Cwt. — Redwood < ^ . /- • n IJoreign, Jee in K. II Bea'ver Wool, or Wombi, the pound Coney Wool, fee in C Cotton Wool of the Britijh Plantations, for every 'value upon oath — — - Hares Wool, for every 20s. ■value upon oath ^Spanifli Wool, free. Worfted? i "arrow, Britijh, the piece wonteas ^ [j^^^j^ BritiJ!^, the piece 205. 1 Y, Rates. jz Car, II. cap. 4. *8 Geo.l.cap. 15. /. s. d. o 13 4 Duties to be paid on Ex portation. /. -7 o I 'o 2 I O 10 o o 6 o d. 20tll'> 30 — References to the Branches, &c, a free. 49- a free. a free. 49. 0360 49. a hit. o o o 3 1 49. a .ree. b free. 6 10 0" f __ .^ _^ I S J I 2 %} 15 10 4 I 4 10 )■ 6 oj — — — 016 — — — — 010 — 010 — I 0} 4 a free. a free. a free. 54- 49. 49- b free. a free. X ARN, vocat. Grogram Yarn, the pound — TONNAGE. BEER, the ton _ _ _ yfrce. And if there ftiall happen to be carried out of this realm, any Goods liable to the payment of Cuftnm and Subfidy, which either are omitted in this Book, or are not now ufed to be carried out, or, by reafon of the greit diverfity of the value of fome Goods, could not be rated ; that in fuch cafe, every Cuftomer or CoUctlor, for the tine being, ftiall levy the faiJ Cuftom and Subfidy of Poundage, according to the value and price of fuch Goods, to be affirmed upon the oath of thj Merchant, in the prefence of the Cuftomer, Colleflor, Comptroller, and Surveyor, or any two of them. « So as due Entry be made thereof, and the goods be (hipped by the proper officer: on failure whereof they arc liable to the Duty G''Sub(:dy Outwards, vir. i*. for cvei-j aos. of the Rale. 8 Gee. I. i.ip. 15. § 9. A By 11 and 12 Wil. III. cap. zo. c Tin ur;\vrought was rated by '- *■ ^f- 'J- <:"?■ 4- '""^ <^'- Rate is omitted here, the prcfent Duty not being regulated thereby ; the reader is, tiicrcfore, referred to No. 49 in the Branches Oj'. wards I'cr the criginil Rates. d I./ 8 Geo. I. cap. 15. fo as due Entry be m.idc, &c. wherefore it is pioper to oblcive, that the liuty thus conditicnaliv icp.-aled, was n, iW every ton, as granted by i W. and M. cap. iz. [ ^o ] Directions for the Payment of the Subsidy upon Woollen Cloths, c*' Old Drape ry. EVERY Briiijhman (hall pay for every Short Cloth, containing in length not above z8 yards, and 1 in weight not above 64 pounds, while or coloured, by him to be fhipped and carried out of this |- kingdom " j Being after the rate of two farthings and half a farthing the pound weight. And fo after that rate for all other forts of Cloths of greater length and weight, allowing not above 28 yards and 64 pounds to a Short Cloth; that is to fay, for every pound weight over and above 64 pounds, tw o farthings and half a farthing ; and for all other forts of leffer Cloths to be allowed to a Short Cloth, as hereafter is exprefled. Every Stranger (hall pay for every Short Cloth, containing in length not above 28 yards, and in weight! not above 64 pounds, white or coloured, by him to be (hipped and carried out of this kingdom j Befide the old And fo after that rate for all other forts of Cloth of greater length and weight, and for all forts of leflisr Cloths to be allowed to a Short Cloth, as hereafter is exprefled. What and how many Sorts of the leffer Woollen Cloths, hereafter fpecified, {hall be allowed to a Short Cloth. /. o 4 6 8 rDorfet and Somerfet dozens rudge wa(hed — I Cardinals — — — ' — I Pin-whites ■ — — — — ^— Seven \ Straits — — — ^ Stockbridge — — — ■ —^ ^Taverrtocks — ^— ——. , jntons, Bridgewaters, and Dunftcrs, the five, not exceeding 64 pounds in weight dozens, containing 12 or 13 yards, in weight 13 pounds ■1 Five {Taunto Devon Pour Three-. Ordinary Pcniftones, or Foreft Whites, containing between 12 and pounds 3 yards, and in weight 28 Sorting PeniHones, containing 13 or 14 yards, and in weight 35 pounds unfrized — "Narrow Yorklhire Kerfeys, white and red, containing not above 17 or 18 yards, and in weight ] Hampfhire ordinary Kerfeys — — — Newberry Whites, and other Kerfeys of like making, containing 24 yards, and in weight zS ] pounds }> (hall go and be account- able for a Short Cloth, ar.d ihallpay after the rate of tlie Short Cloth before rated, andfor over-weight 2 farthings and half the pound. _^Sorting Hamp(hire Kerfeys, containing 28 yards, and in weight 32 pounds — _, I Northern dozens (ingle forting Peniftones, containing between 14 and J5 yards, and in v\ eight J t 53 pounds frized - 3 One Northern dozen double ■ — — — j The new fort of Cloth, called Spanifh Clo,th, otherwife Narrow Lid ; Wertern Broad Cloth, not exceeding 25 yards in length, and 43 pounds in weight, to be accounted two thirds of the Short Cloth before rated And for every pound weight exceeding 43 pounds, two farthings and half a farthing the pound weight. Cloth Rafhes, alias Cloth Serges, containing 30 yards, weighing 40 pounds, to be accounted two thirds of the Short Cloth before rated. And for every pound exceeding 40 pounds weight, two farthings and half a farthing the pound weight. And for any other fort of Woollen Cloth of the old or new Drapery, and not mentioned in this Book, to pay two farthings and half a farthing for the Subfidy of every pound weight thereof. But by 6 Ann. cap. 8. § I. a miu Duty ijuas laid on White Woollhn Cloth exported, being For every piece 0/ White WooLLEn Cloth, commen/y called Bkoao Cloth — ^— — o 5 o 40. ;-«free. c By II aad 12 Wil. III. caf. £o. [ u ]■ Certain Rules, Orders, Directions, and Allowances, for the advancement of Trade, and encouragement of the Merchant, as alfo for the regulating as well of the Merchant in making of due Entries and juft payments of their Cuftoms, as of the Offi- cers in all the ports of this kingdom, in the faithful difchaxge of their Duty. Referred to in the A61 of tonnage and Poundage, fafjed anno 12 Car. IL I. EVERY merchant fhall have free liberty to break bulk in any port allowed by the law, and to pay cullom and fubfidy for no more than he lliall enter and land ; provided that the mailer or purfer of every fuch fhip Hull rirll make declaratioa upon oath, before any two principal officers of the port, of the true content of his fiiip's lading ; and Ihajl likewife after de- clare, upon his oath, before the cuilomer, colleftor, comptroller, or furveyor, or two of them, at the next port of this king- dom where his fiiip fhali arrive, the quantity and quality of the goods landed at the otlier port, where bulk was firft broken, and to whom they did belong. 11. All foreign goods and merchandizes (except Wines, Currants, and Wrought Silks) firft imported, fliall be again exported by" any merchant (). XIII. That the merchants trading in the port of London, have free liberty to lade and unlade their goods at any of the lawful keys, and places of (hipping and landing of goods, between the Tower of London and London-bridje, and between fun-rifing and the fcn-fettii'.g, from the tenth day of September to the tenth day of March ; and between the hours of fix of the clock in the liiorning, and fix of the clock in the evening, from the tenth day of March to the tenth day of September, giving notice thereof to the refpcflive officers appointed to attend the lading and unlading of goods : and fuch officer as (hall refufe, upor> duj calling, to be prcA'nt, he (hal! forfeit for every default five pounds, the one moiety unto the King, and the other moiety to the party grieved and fuing for the fame. XIV. The merchants of York, Kingfton upon Hall, Newcadle upon Tyne, and the members thereof, (hall be allowed free of cuQom and fubfidy, two of the Northern cloths and Kerlies in ten, to be (hipped in thofe ports in the names of Double Wrap- pers, as formerly hath been there allowed them. XV. The merchants of Exeter, and other Wefiern parts, (hall be allowed free of fubfidy, one Perpetuana in ten for a Wrarnpr, and three Devon dozens in twenty for Wrappers ; the fame to be (hipped out of the ports of Exeter, Plymouth, Dartmouth' Barnftable, Lime-Regis, or the members thereof. XVL All merchants tranfporting any fort of Woollen, whether new or old Drapery, as alfo Bays and Cottons, (haU be allowed, one in ten for a Wrapper, free of cutlom and fubfidy. XVIL Every merchant fhall be allowed upon all other goods and merchandizes appointed to pay to any the fublidy of poundage^ according to the rule of this Book, to be imported, five in the hundred of all the faid fubfidies of poundage fo appointed to be paid. (i) By 4 Geo. III. cap. 13. § 11. This allowance is confined to Wines imported direflly from the place of their growth, or the ufual place of firft /hip. sine, an.1 Madeira wi.nes imported from the Britilh colonics in America, or the Eaft Indies. Ce) By 6Geo. I. cap. 12. § 3. 4. This Rule is repealed, and certain allowances are given in lieu of this abatement. See No. 17. in the Table of Al!o«anccs. (/) By 12 Ann. cap. 8. § 8. 10. and by 9 Geo. I. cap. 21. § 4. This Rule is repealed as to Tobacco: and certain allowances granted. See No. 16. in the Table of Allowances. (?) This is the Duty called Petty Cuftom. (.?) But by 25 Car. II. cap. 6. §1, 2, 3. and 9 Ann. cap. 6. § 3. 5. repealed as to goods exported.-^— Note, Charta Mercaioria, which waf firft granted' ky 31-Ed. I. was confirmed by 27 Edw. III. cap. 26. and the Duty of three pence per pound thereby granted, is direfted to be computed by the contents of the goods, according to the oath of the importer, or letter of credence, witligut ualsaUns or opening; upo.i penalty of unprifoameot by the officers, and ^uiJruple damages to the party grieved, and as much to the liing. [ ^3 ] XVIII. The officers, who /it above in the Cuftom-houfe of the port of London, fhall attend the fervice of their feveral places, from nine to twelve of the clock in the forenoon ; and one officer, or one able clerk, fliall attend with the book in the afternoon, during fuch time as the officers are appointed to wait at the water-fide, for the better deciding of all controverfies that may happen concerning merchants warrants ; all other the officers of the Out-ports fliall attend every day in the Cuftom-houfe of every refpeftive port, for difpatch of merchants and fhippers, between the hours of nine of the clock and twelve in the morn- ing, and two and four of the clock in the afternoon. XIX. Every merchant making an entry of goods, either inwards or outwards, fliall be difpatched in fuch order as he cometh ; and if any officer, or his clerk, fliall, either for favour or reward, put any merchant, or his fervant duly attending, by his turn, or otherwife delay any perfon fo duly attending, and making his entries aforefaid, to draw any other reward or gratuity from him, than is limited in the Aft for Tonnage and Poundage, and this Book ; if the maftcr-officer be found faulty herein, he fhall, upon complaint to the chief officers of the Cullom houfe, be ftriftly admoniflied of his duty ; but if the clerk be found faulty therein, he fhall, upon complaint to the faid chief ofiicers, be prefently difcharged of his fervice, and not be permitted to fit any more in the Cuftom-houfe. XX. The Lord Mayor, commonalty, and citizens of the city of London, their officers or deputies, for and touching the offices of package, fcavage, baleage, or portage of any goods or merchandize of alieiKs or their fons bur.i within this kingdom, or un- Jreemen, imported or exported into, or out of the city of London, or the liberties or ports thereof, unto, or from tlie parts beyond the feas, for or concerning the receiving, or taking of any fees or rates heretofore ufu-illy taken, for, or in refpefl of the faid offices, cr any of them, might, and may receive and take the fame, any thing in the Aft for Tonnage and Poundage, or this Book, or any former Aft, to the contrai7 notwithftanding. XXL All ancient duties heretofore lawfully taken by any city, or town corporate, their farmers, deputies, or officers, under the name of Town Cuftom, or the like, for the maintenance of bridges, keys, harbours, wharfs, or the like, fliall and may be received and enjoyed as formerly ; any thing in the faid Aft, or any other Aft or Book, to the contrary notwithltanding. XXIL The under-fearchers, or other officers of Gravefend, having power to vifit and fearch any fliip outward bound, fliall not, without jnft and reafonable caufe, detain any fuch fliip, under colour of fearching the goods therein laden, above three tides after her arrival at Gravefend, under pain of lofs of their office, and rendering damage to the merchant or owner of the fliip. And the fearcher, or other officer of the Cullom houfe in any of the Out-ports, having power to fearch and vifit any (hip out- uard bound, fliall not, without jull and reafonable caufe, detain any fuch fliip under colour of fearching the goods therein Jaden, above one tide after the faid Ihip is fully laden and ready to fet fail, under pain of lofs of the office of fuch offender, and rendering damage to the merchant and owner of the fliip. XXII L Ncte, That all timber in balks, which fliall be of eight inches fquare, or upwards, that fliall be imported, or brought from any part beyond the fea into the realm of Great- Britain, ftiali be rated according to the meafure of timber, the foo\ fquare three pence for the value thereof, and according to that rule fliall pav for fubfidy, twelve pence in the pound according to poundage; and all under eight inches fquare, and above five inches fquare, fliall pay for fubfidy according to the rates men- tioned in this Book of rates for middle balks j and all of five inches fquare, or under, fliall pay, according to the rate of fmall balks, XXIV. For avoiding all oppreffion by any of the officers of the cuftonis, in any port of this kingdom, in exafting nnreafonable fees from the merchant, by reafon of any entries, or otheruife touching the fliipping and unffiipping of any goods, wares and merchandize; it is ord.-red, that no officer, clerk, or other belonging to any Cuilom-houfe whatioever, (hall exaft, require, or receive any other, or a greater fee, of any merchant or other vvnaifoever, than fuch as are, cr fliall be eftubiidied by the Commons, in Parliament aflembled : If any officer, or other, ihall oftend contrary to this order, he fliall forfeit his office and place, and be for ever after uncapable of any office in the Cullora-houfe. XXV. All fees appointed to be paid unto thecnftomer, comptroller, furveyor, or furveyor-general, in the port of London, for an y cocket or certificate outwards, fliall be paid all vogether in one fuui to that ciucer from whom the merchant is to have his cocket or certificate above, in the Culloni-hnu!e ; and after the merchant hath duly paid his coitom and fubfidy, and other duties above, in the Cuilom-houfe, as is app^iiued in this Book of Rates, he is to be ma:-er cf, and keep his own cocket or certificate, until he fliall fliip out hi. gooi!^ f.) enttred ; when he is to deliver the fame to the head-fearchcr, or his Majefty's undcr-fcarcher in tiie jort of London, cr ociier ports, together with the mark and number of his noods. XXV L The officers of the Cuftom-houfe for the time being, fliall allow and make good unto all perfons, all fuch monies as are, or fliall be due unto ther.j for the half fublidy ; and alfo the Algier duty of foreign goods formerly exported, now due and unpaids xxvir. The duties and fums of money appointed to be paid by the Aft of Subfidy cf Tonnage and Poundage paHed thi« Parliament and by the Book of Rates therein mentioned, and no other, Ihall bs paid to his majefty's officers during tna ccntinua.-ce of the E H ] lid Afl, upon goods imported or exported, any law, ftatute, or ufage to the contrary notuithdandins;. Neverthelcfs it is Jeclurdd, that PrilV.ge of wines, the duty called Baticrage, and the duty of twelve pence upon every chalder of iiea-coal ex- ported from Newcallle upon 'i'ync, to any other port or ports of this realm, fhall be continued. Hak-bottle Grimstone, '•. 'J speaker of the Hem/e of CotmnotTs. Memorandum. Ginger of the BritiOi playitntions, the hundred iveigHt^ containing 112 pounds, to be- rated at one pound. Rules, Orders, and Regulations, annexed to the Additional Book of Rates rcferrex] to hi an Act pafj'cd Anno 1 i^ Gcorgii primi, cap. 7. I. ANY of the Rates aforefaid, or any thing contained in this Additional Book of Rates, is not to extend to aller the methods prefcribed by law for aretrtairiing the values upon fuch unrated goods, wares, ajid merchandizes imported, as are of the growth, produce, or manufaaure of the Eafl-ludies, China, or other the parts within the limits of the cliortcrs granted to the United company of merchants of England trading to the Eaft-Indies. Or II. To the chartrir.g any dutv upon fuch fort of Wood, Plank, or Timber, wrought or unwrought, or any of the goods called Lumber, which are to be imported duty free, by virtue of the AQ. made in the eighth year of liis prefent Majelly's reign, on the conditions therein mentioned, during the continuance of the faid Aft. Or in. To the charging any duty upon fuch Drugs, or other Goods ufed in dying, which are to be imported duty free, by virtue of another htX made'in the eighth year of his prefent Majelly's reign, on the conditions therein mentioned. IV. And whereas it may happen, that feveral goods and merchandizes may be imported, which are omitted to be rated in the Book of Rates made in the twelfth year of the reign of King Charles the Second, or in the Additional Book of Rates, rt in f( me particular Aft of Parliament ; in fuch cafe, the value and price of fuch goods and merchandizes for the Old Suhfidy (other than of thufc of huiia, Verfia, or Ckiita) Oiall be afcertained by the oath or alrirmation of the merchant, in the prefence of the cullomer, coileftor, comptroller, and furveyor, or any two of them : and the better to prevent frauds, and that all merchants niav be upon an equal foot in trade, the colleftor and comptroller, or other proper officers of the culloms, may open, liew, and examine fuch ooods and merchandiy.e.s paying duty ad -valorem, and compare the fame with the value and price thereof fo f*orn to or affirmed ; and if upon fuch view and examination, it Ihall appear, that fuch goods or merchandizes are not valued by fuch oath or affirmation, according to the true value and price thereof, according to the true intent and meaning hereof; that then, and in fuch cafe, the importer and proprietor fhall, on demand made in writing, by the cullomer, or colleftor and ccmptroller of the port where fuch ooods or merchandizes are entered, deliver, or caufe to be delivered, all fuch goods and merchandizes into hi^ Majelly's warehoufe at the port of importation, for the ufe and benefit of the crown; and upon fuch delivery, the cuftomer and cclleaor of fuch port, with the privity of the comptroller, fliall, out of any money in the hands of fuch ciJliomer or colledor, ariling by cultoms, or other duties belonging to the crown, pay to fuch importer or proprietor, the value of fuch goods and merchandizes fo (worn to, or affirmed, for the faid Old Subfidy, as aforefaid, together with an addition of tiie cuftoms and other duties paid for fuch loods, and often pounds fer centum to iuch value, taking a receipt for the fame from fach importer or proprietor, in full fatiffaftion for the faid goods, as if they had been regularly lold : and the refpedlive commi'l.oners of the culloms ihall caufe the faid goods to be fairly and publickly fold for the bed advantage, and out of the produce thereof, the money fo paid, or advanced as aforefaid, (hall be repaid to fuch cuftomer or colledor, with the privity of the comptroller, to be replaced to fuch funds from whence the fame was borrowed, and the overplus (if any) fhall be paid into his majell)'s Exchequer, towards the Sinking Fund, by the title of Vnraud (/) gooas imported, under-valued {k). Spencer Compton, Speaker of the Houfe of Commons. % % j"4o.' fU.'c4>"'4-"t "'fcrt'lier"p"^/l(ll ciiorer.igcircnt ar; given to Ac OSccr. -Sire Goods Untatrf, in the Appendix. A Particular Account of the feveral Duties PAYABLE ON Merchandize exported out of Great Britain. N^. 49. SUBSIDY OUTWARDS. THIS Duty was granted by the 12th Car. II. cap. 4, as part of the Subfidy of Poundage; but in the Rates of Merchandize outwards, was, like the SubliJy inwards, di!lin<;uifhed under the lieads of Poundage and Tonnage. It was granted in general terms, and made payable in ready money, before fliipping, on all merchandize carried out of ihis realm, except Herrings and other fea-fifh, taken by Britijh, and exported in Britijh ftiips, and Woollen Cloiht, which were fpecially charged by the fame Aft, with a Duty called a Subfidy of Woollen Cloths, or Old Draperies ; and except fuch goods as by the Book of Rates therein referred to, were declared to be Cullom-free. But by the 7th Rule annexed to the iaid Book of Rates, all foreign goods, f?r whichDuty had been paid on imporl;iJtion, and which, in regard of bad fales, were kept in hand for more than a year, were alio exempted fri-m this Subfidy: and indeed, it doth not appear to have been charged on any foreign goods, except Cotton Wool of the gronjjth of the Britijh plantations, which, being free of Duty on importation, vsas not deemed to be within the exemption granted by that Rule. The Subfidy of Tonnage was as follows: 'viz. I. o o o o T^ . r D ^ u J • { Britifi? btiilt fhiDs, in money ■ For every ton of Beer, to be exported in ^ •' , „.. ' .' ">^^i^j ' ^ I any other Inips, in money By the ift Will. & M. cap. 22, this Duty on Beer was reduced to one (hilling per ton, either in Britijh or foreign fnips ; and Cvder and Mum were alfo chaiged with the faid Duty. But by the general exemption of 8 Geo. I. cap. 15, herein after fully explained, thefe articles became (tee: fo that nothing now remains chargeable with any Duty outwards, under the head oT Tonn.ige. All other goods not declared to be Cuftom-free, and not within the before-mentioned exemption, by the 7th Rule of the Book of Rates, were, under ilie Original Grant, fubjeft to Poundage. But Woollen M.inufaflures in general. Corn, and feveral other provifions, befides one or two more articles, have been lince difcharged therefrom by the feveral ftatutes referred to in the preceding Tables : and Sheep and Calve Skins, with all forts of Leather tanned, tawed, or drefled, Coals, Horfes, Tin, and Whtte 'WooWen Cloths, have fince been charged with certain fixed fums in lieu of Poundage. And by the 8th Geo. I. cap. 15, this Duty was determined, and made no longer payable on any goods of the produft or manufadlure of Great Britain, except the following articles (a). Allum 1 Coney Hair, or Wool Copperas Glew Hair of all forts Hare's Wool Lapis Calaminaris Lead Lead Ore Litharge of Lead Skins of all forts {h) Wool Cards /. Which are dill fubjedl, under the Original Grant,to Poundage, on the refpeftive Rates in the preceding Table : or, if not there rated, on the real value,to beafcertained by theoath or affirma- tion of the merchant, in theprefenceof theCuilomer,Colle6tor, Comptroller,and Surveyor, or any two of them; fromwhich rates | or values the Subfidy is to be taken, for every 20;. thereof (f) | > • 9 Ann. cap. 6. ■\ zz Car. II. cap. 13. j 9 Ann. cap. 6. II 20 Car. II. cap. § S & 9 Will. III. cap. 34. fl 9 Ann. cap. 8, • Coals {d) f Horfes j Leather tann'd II Sheep and Calue Skins, )- tanned, taiued, ordreffed § Tin f White Woollen Cloth Which, by feveral ftatutes, have been charged with the fpeciF.ck Duties fet againft each article refpeftively, in the preceding Table. (j) Eut this exemption was granted only conditionally, that due Entries rtiould Hill be made in the Cuilom-houTc at the port of exportation, in the fame iranner .in'l form (etprcning quantities and qualities) as was before pra£tifed ; and that the goods fliould be fliippcd by the proper officcis : on failuic •whereof, they were declared to be liable to the fame Duties as before. {b') Except Sheep and Calve Skins, tanned, tawed, or drcfi'ed, which are charged with a fpccial Duty, as cxprcfled belcw. (c) Native commodities and manufiflures thereof, exported hy aliens, were liable to double Subfidy : but this was repealed by 15 Car. II. cap. 6. (rf) But by 31 Geo, II. cap. 15, Culm (which being a lort of Coal, was fubjefl to this Duty as fuch) was admitted to exportation 10 tJie city of Lilbon for fifteen ycus, from March 25, j^jS on payment of is, thcchalder. [ i6 ] By 8 Geo. T. cap. i ;, (eSi. ! I , another Subfidy of Poundage was granted on the exportation of the following foreign good* uftd in dyeing, which before had been imported Duty-free : w«. Agarick Annate Antiniontum Crudum Aqua torti} Argol Arfenick Bay Berries Brazil, or FernambackVVocd Braziletto, or Jamaica Wood Cochineal Cream of Tartar Fuftick Galls Gum Arabick, or Gum Seneca Indico of all forts liinglafs Litmus {a) Logwood Sal Armoniac Madder of all forts Sal Gem Madder Roots Sapan Wood Nicoragua Wood Red Saunders Orchal Shumack Orchelia Sticklack Poir.egranate Peels Turnfole Red, or Guinea Wo od Valonia Safflorc Verdigreafe. ig to the Rates therefore in the preceding /. o o 6 Table, this Duty is to be taken for every 2or. thereof The Subfidy outwards, granted by iz Car. II. cap. 4, was continued by feveral ftatutes, to Auguft i, 1710: was revived by 9 Ann. cap. 6, from March 8, 1710, for 32 years ; and by 3 Geo. I. cap. 7, was made perpetual, and appropriated to a general fund by that Aft eftablilhed : and the Subfidy above mentioned on foreign dyeing goods, was granted with the like continuances ;ind appropriation as the Subfidy of Poundage on native commodities. Note, T<^nvoiJ oljcurity in theTal'le 0/ Duties outivards, it luas thought proper to omit the follo-wiug Rates, originally Jixt ir iz Car. II. the prefcntjuhfijling Duties not being regulated thereby ; but it maj not be stJ'eUJs to knetu (hat thej'e articles ivere rated in this manner : 1. J. d. Calve Skins, the doxen, of ^fi % ivt. undrejfed and drejfed — — — — . ___ __ — 2 10 o A"o one Jkin in any dozen, drejfcd or undrejjid, to exceed 4 fe in nut. Coals •< 'Sea-coals, the chald. Neiucajlle meafure, exported by Englijh, in Englijh-luilt bottoms —^ — London meafure, exported by Englijh, in Englijhbuilt bottoms — — — — Sea- coals of Wales or the Weft country, luhich Jhall be tranf ported into Ireland^ the Ifle of Man, or Scotland, to pay 1 2 fence the chald. fwater-meafure. The oncers of the ports to take good fecurity for landing the /aid Coals refpeBively, a I The merchant-firanger to pay double cujlom if he carry out Coals in a foreign bottom; but if in any I Englijh bottoms, then \\ Jhillings the chalder. \jThat, if any Englijh tranjport Coals in Jlrange-built bottoms, to pay Jlrangers Cujlom. i Stcne horfe, the piece Geldings, ir Nags, the piece Horfes Mares, the Mare Tin untiiratight, tht Cwt. to the Englijh plantations — 66 20 10 126 — 7 13 o o >3 6 4*- o o 4 Note, That every met chant-Jiranger is to pay for Tin double Cujlom. {.*) By 7 *-•"• '^^- "P' 47> '^^- -> Logwood, Mported in Britifh /hips, legally cavigited, is free of Duty; io that due Entry, (^c. be made. N°. 50. One per Cent, or Mediterra_nean. Duty Outwards.. THIS Duty is payable on all (a) goods and merchandize exported from any port of Great Britain, capable of a fhip o» ve/Fel of two hundred ton, upon an ordinary full fea, to any part or place of the Mediterranean fea, beyond the port ofc Malaga (/;), in any fhip or vefi'el that hath not two decks, and doth carry lefs than fixteen pieces of ordnance mounted, togethw- ■with two men for each gun, and other ajnmunition proportionable, and is over and above the Rates and Duties of Sublidy of Tennage and Poundage,. c«^/o- cent. It was firll granted by 14 Car. 11. cap. 1 1, feft, 35, for the King's life ; was continued by i Jac. IF. cap. 1, during his life; an 4 1 12 2 8 > 4 2 8 o o o o o I o 15 o s, or &caa5, tne cauc, containing 50 gallons . o r of 14 inches, or upwards, in length, from the bone in ) 1, Ling) the fin to the third joint in the tail, the hundred j ° iake | wet, the barrel, containing 32 gallons o [^dried, called Haberdines, the Cwt. o -^ Salmcn, the barrel, containing 42 gallons White-Herrings, the barrel, containing 32 gallons Full Red Herrings, the barrel, containing 32 gallons o o o Clean (horten Red Herrings, the barrel, containing 32 gallons — ^ o Diicd Red Sprats, the lail o Beef or Pork, the barrel ■ ■ o : 6 6 6 o 6 • 6 («) By 13 and 14 Will. III. rap. 5. § 51- '"'^ '^ A.nn. cap. 2. § 3. theExcife duty of 6d. the bufljel, is not to be reckoned into the price of the Malt; \h\ By 26 Geo. II. cap. 3. this Boj.-iy is made ptrpetual ; and ty 29 Geo. II. cap. 23. § 5. thefc Buunticj were cxtcndel to Fifh cured in Siotlani, wii Mriijh ifftriigr. Salt, [ *0 ] gi; Geo. 11. tap. 14. ■J- 23 Geo. II. cap. S4a 3= ■ •■' — 30 P 6 Geo. II. cap. 33. ei 45- J4Ge0.II. cap. 29. II J Geo. in. cap. 43, ^zgGco.II.cip. I5< ( 11 Ann. cap. 16. ^ Geo. II, cap. 171 |SGeo. I. cap. ij. Allowancesi &e. /. /. tf. "H Brltifli White Herring Fifliery, ((^) for every lool. aftually employed 1 300 in the faid Filhery j fer annum \ Ships employed in the Britilh White Herring Filhery {c) for everyT declced bufs or veffel, from 20 to 80 tons burthen, built in and proceed- ( ing from Great Britain, manned and navigated .iccording to law, for f FrSHERY ' ' ^ every ton burthen • —— J II Ships employed in the Whale Filhery {d) for every ftiip, Britijh or"» flantation-h\x\h, navigated according to law, proceeding from Great I Britain, or his Majefty's dominions iif America, on the Whale Fifhery, V z to the Greenland Seas, Da'vis's Streights, or adjacent feas, for every 1 ton thereof, not exceeding 400 tons — — ^ —J ^ . . , » fmanufaftured in Great Britain, and ejfported by way of merchandize, fori Gunpowder, t (<•) < i. ^ . ■ ■ u- > o * '^ ' I every barrel, containing 100 i5 J s 10 » O O Linens f {/) made of Hemp or Flax, in Great Britain, Ireland, or the || IJle of Man, ex- ported to Africa, America, Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, the Ifland of Minorca, or the Eaft Indies, for every yard, of the breadth of 25 inches, or more, under the value 7 of jd. the yard J for every yard, ice. value 5d. and under the value of 6d. the yard — — o for every yard, &c. value 6d. and not exceeding is. 6d. the yard o Sail Cloth, § {£) BritiJh-mTi^e, fit for, or made into fails, for every ell , _- 'Ribbonds and Stuffs of filk only, the pound weight, averdupoife — — Silks and Ribbonds of Silk, mixt with Gold or Sil-ver, the pound weight, J averdupoife — — ■ —~— . . j Silk Stockings, Gloves, Fringes, Laces, Stitching or Sewing Silk, the 7 pound weight, averdupoife ' . ____ j Stuffs of Silk and Grogram Yarn, ■whereo/' t-wo thirds of the ends of the' •warp, in the length of the piece, are all Jilk, or mixt, or t'wijled rjuith the I SiL Manukac- II Jili in the luarp, and the flk is of double the 'value of the bounty, the TURES (Jj) •^ pound weight averdupoife — ^^— . ■■ Stuffs of Silk, mixt with Incle or Cotton, luhereof izijo thirds of the ends ' of the 'warp, in the length of the piece, are all f Ik, or mixt, or fwijled \ ivith the Jilk in the luarp, and the Jilk is of double the 'value cf the bounty, the pound weight, averdupoife — — — ——— Stuffs of Silk and worlled, luhereof tnvo thirds of the ends of the from I January, 1777,10 1 January, 1784^-20 from 1 January, 1 784, to i January, 179IJ 15 Wood § Colonies in America, imported direftly from thence, in any veflel that may lawfully trade thi- ther, for every icol. value — — — _^ j] for every pound weight cut ofF of the growth of Germany, or which pay duty as fuch, the ton of the growth of France, the ton -^— ^ '■ of the growth oi Spain, Portngalot el/e-vahere, the ton Deals, Planks, and Beards'" not lefs than 10 feet long, 10 inches bread, i~ inch thick, foreverv 120, and in the like ) proportion for any greater length, and for any greater thicknefs, not exceeding 4 inches. Timber, for every load' containing ;o cubic from I January, 1766, to i January, 1 feet oi fqticred Timber )>• from i January, 1769, to I Jaiiuary> 17 of all kinds, not Icfs j from 1 January, 1772, to i January, 1775 than 10 inches fquare,J s. /. o o o o o o o o 4 o 4 O Q o o I 10 o 6 6 o 10 from I January, 1766, to \ January, 1769 from I January, 1769, to 1 January, i frcin I January, 1772, to i January, 775 5 > ° 69 ) o 72^ o 75 J o o o o o o o o o IS o 10 9 12 O 8 c 5 o (fl) This Bounty was granted for 21 years, from June 24, 1764. (i) By 3 Geo. III. cap. 25, this bounty is continued to March 25, 1770, and to the end of the then next SeOion of Parliament. (f) By 6 Geo. III. cap. 44, this bounty is continued to June 24, 1774. ((/) Portage is a Bounty given by the Commifiioners of the CuTtoms, by virtue of their Patent, to mailers of (hips inwards, for making true rejcrts of their Ihips and cargoes, and otherwile demeaning themfelves, according to law and cuflom, and is granted on the net amount of the branches abovcmention- ed paid or fecured for the goods imported in their reff eilive Ihips (damages and ovcr»eiitiks being firft dtduflcd.) But no portage is granted when it dnh not amount to jos, except for Norway goods. [ 20* ] Drawback and Bounty on British Exciseable Goods exported. Ann. C3T- 9- ) f^ ■J i Ann. cjf- 9 9 AKDLE.S + } 19GCO, II.ca)i. J2.1GlaS5 t J o Ann. cap. 11. 10— ——26. § 4. { ^ JO Ann. cap. 26, ■^ 1: Ann. cap, 9, J 10 Ann. cap. 26. I >2iknn.caj-i. 9, ^ ic Anr.. cap. 19. la . i — 9. "^-^ 10 Aim. cap. 19. »a 9- J IC Ann. cap. 10. ji 9. |5i6W.&M.cap.7 9&10W. III. cap.44 f' JO Aan. cap. 19, 12^ 1). •^ JO Ann. cap. 26. 12- 9. Hides made of Pf'ax, the pound ' — — made of Ta/lo-M, and other Candles, the pound — <; C/-cTi'«, P/rt.v, F/i>:t, or ;/7v/« G/^j/}, the Cwt. ^ C>«« G/ Lace, Thread, J J made of plate wire, and fpun on filk, the pound weight, ^ Go/:-n^tej froa the ijilaftd da'y of 2 3, 4 d. per bufliel, impofed by 9, lo Vf, 3, cap, 44. [ 21 ] The Ports of Grea t-B r i t a i n, with their Members and Creeks, as fettled by commifTions out of the court of Exchequer. The Ports of England and Wales, with their divifions into Members and Creeks. f I Eliz.cap. II. ^ 2. 13 & 14 Car. H. cap. ]i, ^ 14, 6 Ann. cap. 26. § 18. f Ports. Me.mbers. Berwick - Bollon ■< Bridgwater- Briftol -Minehead Creeks. f AylmoQth. Wa;nwater. Holy Ifland. EaftMarfheSjCcn- tainingthccoart of Northum- berland bor- dering upon Scotland. Spalding. Fofdick. Wain fleet, j Numby Chappel. Thetlethorp. (.Saltfleet. Cardiff- Carlifle- Chefter- Swanfey— — 1 fPill. t Uphill. {South Burrys. Neath, or Brit- ton-ferry. Newton. {Aberthaw. Pcnarth. Newport. Chepftow. fWell Marlhes, J containing the coaft of Cum- berland, bor- deiing upon Scotland. f Workington. Whitehaven — ■[ Ravinglas. I . Milnthorp. Mary Port *. Lancafter | Me of Fowdrey. I Graunge. f Wyrewater. Poulton < Prefton and Ri- (_ blewater. f Sankey-bridge. I Fradifham. South Shore of the river Mer- fey, from the red ftones. "Hilbree. Dawpoole. . Nefton. J Burtonhead. Baghill. Moftin. ^Aberconway. Liverpool •( Ports. Chetter Chichefter • Exeter-' Members. Bewmoris Carnarvon - Arundel — Shoreham- Lewes— — Pemfey. Haftings. Rye- ^Hythe- Creeks. _ J Holyhead. ' X Amlogh. I Pulholly. ' I Enrmouth. f Fagham Point. ■ I Selfey. — Brighthemfton. f Newhaven. ' \ Seaford, f Winchelfea. -JLyd. ^Rumney. — Folfton. Glocefter- Hull- "Ilfracomb. fClovelly, Barnftable < Appledore. (_ Biddiford. f Tincomb. ISrarcrofs. BeareandSeaton, Topfnam. ■^ Poaldram. IS\dmoiith. Lyniplbn. E:<'nouth. LAylmouth. iSaitcomb. Forbay. Totnefs. River Severn, from Bridg- north to King- road. Gainihorp. f Grimfoy ■< Bridlington. t Scarborough f Maiden ■I Ipfwich— ^_ >r til ii^j' f Eal^ Me Colchcfler -j Bri-kleli ^ Vi'ivenhi r Wells- Linn- London- Leigh. Buraham. Weft Merfey. Merfey, .efey. hoe. 5, Maintree. ^ Harwich. — Burnham. f Hitcham. - •} Crofs Keys. fWifbich. — Gravefend, • By the 20th of Geo. IL cap. 57. § 3. the harbour of Eilenftnt, &c. therein defcribcd, i« declared to be withia the I'mili of the Port of ff^tilclmvir: a S'lembtr «f th« Port of CarliJIe, by the name of Mary Piri, and Ports. Milford" Ncwcaftle- Plymouth- Members, "Aberdovy Cardigan — Pembroke- Whitby. Stockton Hartlepoole. •< Sunderland. Shields. L fPadftow. St. Ives. Penfance. Helford. Falmouth- Fowey. Looe. [ =^2 ] Creeks. — Aberurtah. f Newport. " I Fircard. fHavcrfordWeft. I Tenby. • ■■( Carmarthen. I Lanelthy. LNorth Burrys. -Middlefborough. f Seaton de-Ia-val. ( Blithenooke. 'Penrin. St.Mawres. Truro., f Saltalh. • < Stonehoufe. ^ Cowfland, Ports, Pool Sandwich- Southampton- Yarmouth — Members. Creeks, fj CBridport. Lyme {charmouth. -< „r ,, f Portland. 1 Weymouth— {LuUvorth. , Swanidge. 'Dover. S Sw ■^w areham. I Feverlham. I Milton. ^Rocheiler — r 1 Deal. Ramefgate. Margate. Whiiaable, ] Cowes LPortfmouth — f Woodbridge. I Aleborough- 1 Southivold — ^Biackney and CJey. — Quinborough. I Chrift Church. " I Limington. 5 Yarmouth. ? Newport. — limfworth. I Orford. ( Dun^vich. — WaiJerfwick. -Leiioff. "he Po R T s of North-Britain, with and Creeks. their divifions into Members Ports. Members. Aberdeen- Air- Borrowftonnefs -1 Creeks. Dunnotyr, Cartallan. Cratoun Stone Hive or Haven. Sketraw. Finin, or Port Lethim. Coves. Don, or Old Town. Newburgh. The Slains. Bottom. Peter Head. Rattero. Cairn Bulgh. Frazcriburgh. Rofirty. Auchmedden. BamiF. Port Soy. Cullen Harbour. Caftle. Ports Borrowftonnefs- Members. Creeks. Alloa ■ fQueen's Ferry. J Blacknefs. -■^ Aven Water. I Mouth ofCarron. {.New Mill-burn. Campbel Toun- Dumfries • f Airth. ■^Elphu tStirlin ■<: ■< '-Kirkubright— < Hon Pow. ng- fClackniannaPow. I Kincardin. j Culrofs. Torryburn. Limekilns. North Ferry. Innerkeithing. Donny Point. 'Kyles Bute. Tarbet of Kin- tyre. Skipnefs Point. Crufage Bay. Carradale Bay. Sorrall, Dunnaverty Bay. ^Muleof Kintyre. "Water of Sark. Annan. Cumber Trees, Ridwath. Keitoun Thorn. Cars Thorn. Burhanry Bay. fEift - fide River Orr. Balcary Bay. Baimangan Bay. Cat-craigonFJeet. _^Barn of Carlloth. [ 23 ] Ports, Punbar Members. Dundee- "Greenoch- Port Glafgow — < Invernefs • IrvJQg- Kircaldy- i" Creeks, fEymouth. I Coldingham. { Cockburn'sPath Sketraw. LTywinghatn. fferry of Portin- craig. Wood Haven. Balmerino. Pow Lindores. "i Pow Gary. North Ferry, or Brughtie. Mony Fouth. Button Nefs. Inder Gowry. Skelminly. Inverkip. Cleugh Stone. l.Gouroch, 'Krllcine. Renfrew. Patrich. Scots Town. Kilpatrich. Dunbarton. Hill of Ardinore. Rofeneath. Holy Lock. Dunnine. Point of Toward. Crooked Haven. Garmouth. Loflynjouth, or Newport Elgin. Findorn. Brough Head. Nairn. Dalnefs. ' Channerie. Cromerty. Port Mahomack. Tain and Ferry. Dornock. Ferry Ends. Dunrobin. .Helmfdale. r Salt Coats. i Port in Crofs. ' Largs. "Aberdour. Burnt Ifland. Kinghorne. { Dyfert. WellerWeemys. Eafter Weemys. Buck Haven. Ports. Members Kircaldy- .Anftruther < Leith. Montrofs • Perth - Prellonpans- " Port Patrich - Stranraer ■ Wigtoun ■ Creeks. rMithill. i Levan. . Largo. fEIy. Sr. Minants. Pitten Weemys. Crail. Fife Nefs. Bindorfon. Kingkill. St. Andrews. .Eden's Mouth. (Newhaven. Royfton. 1 MuirhoufeHavea. (_Crainond. fMant's Haven. Aberbrothick. Auch Muty. Lunan Water. Ufan. •< Ferry Den. Mather. John's Haven. Gurdon. Berrie. _Tod Head. r Mouth of Ern. ^J Inch Sherry. ") Pow of Errol. L Pow Cavy. f North Berwick. . I Aberlady. -•^ Port Seaton. I Muffelburgh. {.Friggatburn. "Glen Luce. Driimmore. Portnertbch. Flott. GarviHaii. Wick of Scarr. Bay of Cairn. l^Bay of Finnard, {Bailantre. Sand Houfe. 'Entry of Fleet. Ferry Toun. Cars Know. NewtounStewart. Inverwali. SoBayPoulTouQ. Ille of Whiie- horn. Burn of Mon- reith. .BurnofGUlefley. -< [ *4 ] The Names of the lawful Keys, Wharfs, &c. for aiippmg and landing of Goods in the Port of LON DO N. •}■ 13 & 14 Car. II. -T N Rotulo Scacearli anno 19° Car. II. in purfuance of (f) an Aft of Parliament, it is there ordained, cap. II. ^ 14. j^ that (11) the keys, wharfs and places hereafter named, and no others, be alGgned, appointed and allowed II 13 Rule, page 310. ^^ [^j^ Majefty to be lawful keys, wharfs, or places for the fiiipping, lading, or landing of goods ; that is to fay, the keys or wharfs called, 1. Brewer's Key, bounded on the eaft with Tower-dock, containing from eaft to weft 73 feet, and in breadth from the river of Thames northward, 40 feet in the narrowefl: place. 2. Chester's Key, containing from call to weft 51 feet, and from the river of Thames northward, 40 feet in the narroweft place. 3. Gally-key, containing from eaft to weft loi feet, and from the river of Thames northward, 40 feet in the narroweft place. 4. Wool-dock, containing from eaft to weft 61 feet, and from the river of Thames northward, 40 feet in the narroweft place, 5. Custom-house Key, containing from eaft to weft 202 feet, befides fix feet more at the eaft end thereof, betwixt that and Wool-dock, being a common-fewer arched over ; and from the river of Thames north- ward, all the extent of ground which fhail not be employed or ufed in the building of his majefty's Cullom-houfe and offices thereuaro belonging. But the Stone stairs on the weft fide thereof, containing 15 feet in breadth, is declared to be a place for wherries and paflengers, and fetching of water only, and not for any goods or merchandize. '6. Porter's Key, containing from eaft to weft 103 feet, and from the river of Thames northward, 40 feet in the narroweft place. .7. Bear-Key, containing from eaft to weft 62 feet 4 inches, and from the river of Thames northward, 40 feet in the narroweft place. S. Sab's Dock, excluding the flairs there (which are hereby declared no lawful place of ftiipping or landing of goods or merchandize) containing from eaft to weft 30 feet, and from the river of Thames north- ward 40 feet. 9. Wigcjon's Key, containing from eaft to weft 524- feet, and from the river of Thames northward, 40 feet in the narroweft place. 10. Young's Key, containing from eaft to weft 46 feet 4 inches, and from the liver of Thames northward, 40 feet in the narroweft place. .1 1. Ralth's Key, containing from eaft to weft 81 feet, and from the river of Thames northward, 40 feet in the narroweft place. 12. Dice-key, containing from eaft to weft iii feet, and from the river of Thames northward 40 feet ; and if the ftairs on the eaft fide thereof be taken awa)', and the paflage leading thereunto be laid into the faid key, then to contain 6 feet more from eaft to weft, and northward from the river of Thames, the faid paftage to contain 40 feet ; but in the mean time the faid ftairs are declared unlawful for the landing, lading, or fliipping of goods or merchandize. 13. Smart's Key, at the fouth end thereof, containing from eaft to weft 27 feet 2 inches, and extending northward along the fide of Billingfgate-dock 176 feet fix inches ; and in all other parts extending from the faid dock eaftward 40 feet. 14. Sower's Key, containing from eaft to weft, and including the paffage leading to the ftairs on the eaft fide thereof, 73 1 feet, and from the river of Thames northward 40 feet ; but the place where the faid ftairs now ftand is hereby declared to be no lawful place of landing or ftiipping of goods and mer- chandize, until the ftairs be taken away. 15. Lyon-key, containing from eaft to weft 36 feet 9 inches, and from the river of Thames northward 40 feet; but no ftairs, as formerly, to be erefted thereupon, or thereunto. 16. BuTTOLPH Wharf, containing frum eaft to weft ji feet, and from the river of Thames northward, 40 feet in the narroweft place. .17. Hammon's Key, containing from eaft to weft "23 feet, and from the river of Thames northward 40 feet. 18. Gaunt's Key, containing from eaft to weft 3 i feet, including the fmall ftairs on the eaft fide thereof, and from the river of Thames northward, 40 feet ; but the ftairs are hereby declared unlawful for ftiipping, lading, or landing of goods and merchandize. 19. Cock's Key, containing from eaft to weft 40 feet 8 inches, and from the river of Thames northward, 40 feet in the narroweft place. 20. O.N'E Place betwixt Cock's Key and Frelh Wharf, commonly called Part of Fresh Wharf, con- taining from eaft to weft 25 feet, including the ftairs at the eaft fide thereof, and northwards from the river of Thames, 40 feet in the narroweft place ; but the faid ftairs are hereby declared unlawful for ftiipping or landing of goods. 21. Fresh Wharf, containing from eaft to weft 115 feet, and from the river of Thames northward, 40 feet in the narroweft place. I f 25 ] • 2. Billingsgate, containing from north to fouth 171! feet, and in breadth from eaft to wed: 40 feet, to be a common open place, for the landing or bringing in of Filh, Salt, Viftiials, or Feivel of all forts, and all native materials for building, and for Fruit (all manner of grocery excepted), and for carrying out the fame, and for no other wares or merchandize. And if the lord mayor and aldermen of the city (hall think lit to fill up any part of the faid dock, at the north end thereof, not exceeding 40 feet in length, the fame ground fo filled up, may have the fame privilege as the reft of the wharf before prefcribed. , Bridge-house in Southwark may be allowed as a place convenient for the landing of any kind of Corn, bought or provided for the provifion or vidlualling of the city, and not upon any private or particular perfon's account, and for no other goods or merchandize. It may be lawful for any perfon to (hip or lade into any fhip or veflel, on the river of Thames, bound over feas, and lying between London and Woolwich, any of the goods or merchandize hereafter mentioned, viz. Horfes, Coals, Beer, ordinary Stones for building, Fiih taken by any of his majefty's fubjefts, Corn, or Grain ; provided that the cuftom and duties of fuch goods be duly paid, and cockets or other lawful warrants palTed for the fame, and delivered to the fearcher, or one of his majefty's under-fearchers, and (hipped in the prefence of feme of them, and in the prefence of a deputy, to fucli perfons as fiiall be appointed from time to time, to manage or receive the Cuftoms in the port of London, and not otherwife. It may be lawful for any perfon or perfons to unihip, and lay on land. Deal-boards, Balks, and all forts of Marts, and great Timber, at any place of the river of Thames, betwixt Weftminfter and Lime- houfe dock ; provided the owners of fuch goods do firft pay or compound for the cuftom and other duties, and declare the place at which they will land them, (before they unfhip any of the goods) to the officers or farmers of the Cuftoms thereof, for the time being, and receive fufferance or permiifion from them fo to do ; and that they unfhip none of the (aid goods but in the prefence of a waiter or officer appointed thereunto, unlefs by a fpecial licence of the faid ofiicers or farmers of the Cuftoms for the time being ; otherwife the faid goods to be liable to forfeiture according to law. It may be lawful for the owners or polTeffors of the feveral wharfs called Lyon-key, Somer's Key» Dice-key, and Sab's Dock, to fill up, or wharf over, and enlarge into the river of Thames, fo mucli as will make the front of their wall or campfhot range equally with the adjoining keys or wharfs. If any of the houfes or buildings be intended for warehoufes upon the wharf, or hereafter {o employed, the two upper ftories and garrets of the faid houfes to be made, and from time to time continued witlt glazed windows. The number of cranes upon the faid feveral wharfs to be at the eleftion of the owners or poffefTors of the ground, provided they exceed not the dimenfions following, viz. a (ingle crane with one wheel, 12 feet in breadth, and a double crane with two wheels, 20 feet, and each of them in depth or length from the wall or campfhot, 21 feet at the moft ; and that the faid cranes, as well fingle as double, be kept opea and free, for common palTage from the ground to the floor under the wheels, without any other inclofure, partition, feparation, or hindrance by pofts or fpurns, than the neceflary ports and timbers which fupport the fame at both ends, and that the open height of the faid crane be at leaft loj feet from the ground to the floor under the wheels, that carts and carriages may freely pafs under them. It (hall not be lawful for any perfon to build any outfets, jets, penthoufes, warehoufes, rooms, lodgings, or any manner of pofts, fheds, or buildings, contiguous or annexed to the faid cranes, or any part of the open wharf of 40 feet in breadth, defcribed as aforefaid, more than what is convenient about the cranes, for th« wheels to work in and upon, and fufficient covering thereunto, not exceeding the height, breadth, and length aforefaid. And for further ornament, thofe cranes to be laid in oil, and coloured blue, and in the front thereof, towards the Thames, be placed the King's arms, painted and fet in an efcutcheon, or other frame, with a decent moulding about it, of at leaft 4^ feet diameter. That all the pafl'ages, lanes, or cartways leading to the faid keys or wharfs from Thames-ftreet, and every of them, be made of the breadth of 11 feet at the leaft ; but if any was of a larger breadth or dimenfioa heretofore, this ftiall not be conftrued or meant to leffen or ftreighten it, but that it continue at the ancient or larger dimenfion. " . The feveral keys and wharfs defcribed and allowed to be free places for fhipping and landing of goods and merchandizes, as aforefaid ; and which, according to the tenor of the faid Aii of Parliament, for rebuilding the faid city, is and ought to be left open and free at the diftance of 40 feet from the water-fide, (hall not be feparated or divided one from another by any houfe, wall, pale, port, rail, or other impediment whatfoever, but only by mere ftones or marks in the pavement, for the diflindion of propriety, and not otherwife. U any wharfinger or owner of any of the wharfs or grounds allowed for fhipping, lading, or landian- of goods or merchandizes, as aforelaid, do not conform to the prefent form, rules and method hereby prefcribed and direfted for their wharfs, cranes or buildings, or hexenfter fhall difcontinue or alter the fame, or make new encroachments thereupon ; after publick notice given by any three or more of the principal ofiicers or farmers of his majefty's Cuftoms, by fixing up a writing under their hands, upon the wharf where the fault fhall be committed, declaring the offence, and limiting a day and time for the amendment thereof; which if not amended or performed accordingly, that then fuch wharf, or crane, fhall from thenceforward be no more reputed, or taken to have the benefit or privilege as a lawful place of fhipping, lading, or landing of goods or merchandize, but be thenceforward uttsily debarred [ 26 1 thereof, unlefs reflored by his -majedy's fpecial warrant ; and neverthelefs, the faid buildings, alterations, and incroachment, to be dcmolilhed and removed, as the law in ihac cafe hath diredled. If at any time it (hall fctm reafonable to the principal oilicers or farmers of the Cufloms for the time being, and confident with his majcily's fervice, to give fiitFerance or permiflion for the {hipping, lading or landing of any goods or merchandize, at any other place or placts, or in any other manner than i» herein before nominated and advifcd, or afligned to be lawful keys and wharfs, it Ihall and may be lawful for them fo to do ; and fuch fufferjince :!nd permiflion Oiall be s;ood and warrantable, without any forfeiture or advantage to be taken againll the goods fo landed, notwithllanding any thing herein before declaled to the contrary. VVhofoever Ihall accept of, or from henceforward employ any of thofe keys or wharfs, by virtue of fuch conceffions, to the ufe of dipping, lading or landing of goods or merchandize, it is to be undtrftood, and it is declared to be with this covenant and condition, that they perform all and fingular the orders, aflign- ments, and appointments, whicli on their parts and behalfs is before declared to be performed and done, and noL otherwife. The isveral wharfingers or polTclTjrs of any of the faid keys or wh-uifs, or their fervants, fliall not fuffer to Hand or remain upon their wharfs or paflages leading to them from Thames-llreet, any more than fuch cars or carts, as ihall be immediately caljed to lade or take up goods, w^res, or merchandize there. To prevent all future differences and difputes touching the extent and limits of the port of London, and the many frauds and abufes which have been afted and committed, as well upon and within the river of Thames, as without the mouth thereof uoon the fea, the faid port is declared to extend, and be accounted from the promontory or point called the North Foreland, in the I(le of Thanet, and from thence northward in a fuppofed right line, to the oppofite promontory or point called the Naes beyond the Gunfleet, upon the coall of Eflex ; and fo continued wellwaid through the river of Thames, and the feveral channels, .fireams, and rivers falling into it, to London-bridge ; faving the ufual and known right, liberty, and privilege to the ports of Sandwich and Ipfwich, and either of them, and the known members thereof, and of ihe cuftoraers, comptrollers, fearchers, and their deputies, of and within the faid ports of Sandwich and fpfwich, and the feveral creeks, harbours and havens to them, or either of them refpedlively belonging, within the counties of Kent or Eflex; but that every part and place of the river Thames, and fea, within the limits and bounds aforefaid, not included or belonging to the faid ports of Sandu-ich or Ipfwich, or the fevej;al trceks, harbours, or haviens, to them, or one of them refpeitively belonging, within the faid counties of Kent or Eflex, ftiall be deemed aad taken to be within, and part and parcel of the port of London. No further or otl>er paffage to be made or enlarged to the wharfs, or any part of the river of Thames from Thames-ilreet, within the limits aforefaid, other than the ancient and common paflages to the fame. 5- [ 27 ] An order of the Commons in Parliament aiTembled. WHEREAS in and by an Afl of tkis prefent parliament, intitlcd, An Jla for ccnfirmhig ef publick Ads, an Aft therein, wvAt^, A Subfidy gianted to the King cf Tonnage and Poundage, and ■arhcr fmns of money payable upon merchandise exfm-ted and imported, was confirmed ; by w hich Aft fo confirmed, it is amongil other things, enafted and crdained, that duiiog the continuance of that grant 4vhere the goods exJ)orted or impo-ted amount to the value of five pounds or more, the cuftomers andcolleftors and all other his majerty's officer,^ in the leveral ports, fhall take and receive fuch fees (and none other) as were tiiken in the fourih year of the late King James, until fuch time as the faid fees (hould be otherwife Settled by authority of parliamem. And whereas alft, amongft the rules, orders, and direfttons annexed to the Book of Rates, ratified and coniirmed by the aforefaid Aft, it is ordered and direfted, that for the avoiding of all opprelTions bv any of the ofScers of the Cufloms in any port of this kingdom, in exatfting unreafonable fees from the merchant by reafon of any entries, or otherwife touching the Ihipping or unfhipping of any goods, wares, or merchandize, it is ordered, that no officer, clerk, or other belonging to any Cuftorn-houfe whatfcevei!, fliall extft, require, or receive any other or greater fee of any merchant, or other whatfoever, than fiich as are, or Ihall be eftablifhed by the Commons in parliament affembled. And if any ofhrrer or other fliall offend contrary to this order, he Ihall forfeit his office and place, and be for ever after incapable of any office in the Cuftom-houfe. In profecution of which faid feveral claufes in the Act and Book of R-ates before-mentioned, and for the fettlement and certainty of all the aforefaid fees, for fatisfaftton, as well of merchants and others, as of the officers, what fees are to be paid and received for any caufe, matter, or thing whatfoever, for or concerning the importation or exportation, Ih'pping, landing, or entering of any Ihips, goods, wares, or merchandizes, of what nature, or in what kind foever ; it is ordered and declared bv the Cotnmons in parliament affembled, that the feveral and refpeftive fees and allowances, mentioned in a fchedule or table of fees relating to the port of London, and the members and creeks thereunto beloiigilig (and ndne other) Ihall be paid to the officers and others employed, and to be employed in and about his majelly's Cuftoms in the port aforefaid, and are by the authority aforefaid fettled and cortfirmed. And be it further ordered and declared by the authority aforefaid, that the fees and allovvances hereby intended, are fet down, mentioned, and expreffed in a fchedule or table of fees, intitled. Fees and Allonuances due and payable to the oficers of his majejly's Cujioms and Subf.dies in the port of London, and the meiabers and creeks thereunto belonging, and fubfcribed with the hand of Sir Edward Turner, Knight now Speaker of the Houfe of Commons in parliament affembled ; and every particular claufe therein Jnenfioned and contained, fnail be and remain as effeftual to all intents and purpofes, as if the fame were included and particularly expreffed within the body of this order : and in cafe any merchant, mailer of a ftip, or other perfon or perfons whatfoever, fhall refafe to pay all or any the fees hereby ordered or intended, that in fuch cafe it Ihall and may be lawful for all and every officer and officers to make Hay of every bill of entry, cocket, or other warrant, that fhall be tendered or given in for paffing of any fhip,s, goods, or merchandizes whatfoever, exceeding the value of five pounds in the Book of Rates, for which the fees fhall be detained and denied to be paid, as aforefaid. And be it further Ordered and ordained, that copies or tranfcripts of this Order and Table of Fees fhall be made and fet up in publick view in the Cuftom-houfe in London, and in all other offices and places wiicre the fiid fees, or any of them, are to be paid or received. Fees and Al low ance s due and payable to the Officers of his Majefly'o Cuftoms and Subfidies in the Port of London, and the Members and Creeks thereunto belonging, viz. For the Officers of the Petty Cilftoms outwards. FO R a cloth cocket by Britijh freemen of London For a ftranger's cocket, or unfreemen For a cloth certificate by ftrangers or Britifli to pafs according to the old rate For a fhip's entry croffing the feas For a fhip's entry to the Streights, Canaries, or Weftern iflands For clearing of fhips, and examining the books For every indorfement ■ For making a bond to the King's majefty's ufe —— For every entry in the certificate book . To the Cuftomers clerks. More for a cloth cocket or certificate — — For a fhip's entr^r Croiling the feat i . __ Cnftamcr. Cbmptrol. Sutvevcr. 5urv. itcn. s. d. s. a. s. d. J, d. o 6 o 4 O A o 4 ■ o 8 o 6 o 6 o 6 o 8 o 4 ° 4 o 4 o 4 o 4 o 4 o 4 I o I o I c I o I o 6 6 o 6 ■o 4 o 6 O 2 o 6 2 O 2 2 4 [ 28 ] '} Siibfidy outwards. FOR every ftiip's entry within the Levant, or beyond the Straights') mouth -— 5 For every ftiip's entry going to any other foreign parts — For e\'ery fliip's entry going to ihe out-ports •— — For clcaiing of every fhip paffing to foreign parts, and examining the \ ftiip's contents ^— J For every Britijh cocket by freemen For every ftranger's cocket, or unfreeraen of London — ^ For making every certilicate-cocket, as well Britijh as llrangers for goods which paid Subfidy inwards, and pay no Subfidy outwards -_^^__ .^— For every certificate upon warrant from his majeily, or the lord treafurer, 1 paying no duties — J For indorfement of all warrants and licences — — For a foaring bill, licenfing fuch as bring in viftuals, to carry out] fome beer as by ftore I Coaft fufFerances to be given without fees. For every coaft-cocket outwards, and entering in his majefty's books, 1 for a whole ftiip, or veflel pafling into the open feas J For a bond for the fame For difcharging the fame bond, and filing the certificate to the bond — For making every certificate of return — — For making, entering, and keeping an account of every debenture for | repayment of half iubfidy, or other fums of money — J For making and entering a tranfire, or let-pafi, from port to port in 7 Great Britain ^—— J To the clerks for a cocket, by Britijh or others — — For a (hip's entry crofling the feas To the clerk of the coalt-cocket, for making a bill or ticket to the \ lord mayor for Corn, Viduals, and other Provifions — J rollcftir. S 1 o 8 1 6 o 4 6 1 o o 6 Petty Cuftoms inwards. FO R every ftranger's warrant — — • ■ For taking every bond ■ For every bill at fight ^— For difcharging every bond — — For every great employment to employ the proceed of goods Subfidy inwards. FO R every warrant by Britijh freemen of London For every warrant for llrangers or unfreemen . To the clerk for making the ftiipper's entry — For making a bond to his majefty's ufe -. For every oath adminiftered by the coUedlor . For a (flipper's entry, with the particular contents, viz Eaft Indies •^— — ■ From the Streights ■ _ — From Spain, Portugal, and the Weft Indies, or Britifti plantations • From Dunkirk or France From Flanders, Holland, Ireland, or any Eaftern or Northern parts For every iTiip or velTel lefs than twenty ton — • For every ftranger's ftiip's entry to pay double fees For every certificate of foreign goods imported, to be (hipped out free of fubfidy, eighteen-pence ; which is underftood, fix-pence for the fearch, although feveral (hips, and twelve-pence for the certificate ' If the goods be under the value of twenty pounds, according to the Book of Rates, the merchant is to pay for the certificate, in For examining and comparing every debenture with the original ccrtilicate ■ ■ "~^ — — Curtomcr. s. d. O 2 6 1 o Colleflor. s. O o I o o from the ' I — I — o 1 out"! aence I r the r Comptrol. O a O 4 o 6 Comptrol. Comptrol. *. d. O 4 o 6 Surveyor. d. o 4 I 4 6 O 2 o 4 O 2 Surveyoi'. J. Z Surveyor. Surv. fen, ; Z O d. 4 6 J. o o I o S o 6 o 8 O 2 o 4 o z Surv. gen. T. z 4 o Surv. gen. T. Z o 4 o 6 [ «9 ] Subfidy inwards. For a certificate of foreign goods coming from any of the out-ports to ) London, or from any other port to port within this nation J For goods fent by fea by the importer thereof, to any of the out-ports ) from London • ■ . j For carting up the fum, and keeping an account of every debenture, 7 and paying the money — — J For every bale, pack, trufs, cheft, cafe, or other package, brought' into the King's warehoufe, to be allowed merchant is ftiort entered above five fliil' proper officer, two-pence ^ Colleflor. I Complrol.l Surveyor. )r other package, brought"! ed to the officer when the ( lillings, to be paid to the J Great Cuftoms. FO R a cocket for Calve-fkins . For a coaft-cocket outwards of Wools, Woolfells, Leather, Skins, and Hides For a bond to his majefty's ufe ■ —-^^— — For filing the return — — — ^ — ^— For a return and difcharge outwards ■ ■ For the packer, for telling and packing every dacre of drefled Calve-ikins, allowing ten ) "cker. dozen to the dacre ■ j ° " For packing every dacre of undreffed Calve-fkins, and telling •^— — o 6 Fees concerning feveral Officers, as well inwards as outwards, to be paid to the Clerks. F O R every bill of portage For a fecond or parcel-cocket outwards Cuftomer. Comptrol. o 6 o z s. d. ° 3 z Sun-cj-c s. o o d. 3 To the King's majefty's Waiters, being in number eighteen. Received in the Cullom-houfe, above ilairs -^— "For every Britifli man's foreign goods or merchandizes, of what »ature foever, paying Cuiiom or Subfidy inwards in the port of London, or coming thither from any place or port by cocket • For every flranger's foreign goods in like manner, paying Cultoni or Subfidy inwards in the fame port, or coming thither by cocket ■ ' ■■ For certifying every cocket of Britifh goods brought up to London — ^— — ("For a bill of (lore or portage for any thing above ten fliillings ) Received at the water-fide by I cuftom ■ i j the faid King's waiters, and! For a bill of fight, bill of fufferance, or any other impert'eft others attending; to be di- j warrant vided as formerly | For Wools, Woolfells, Leather, Hides, and prohibited goods > } o 6 6 L from the out-ports by cocket Regifter of the King's majefty's warrants. FO R every Britifh warrant for the goods inwards ' ' ■ For every ftranger's warrant ■■ For every certificate foreign For all goods not paying twenty (hillings culloni, whether in or out, ther'- (liali not be but half fees \ taken, whether for warrants, cockets, tranfires, debentures, or ceniricates r- J 2 + + Jb OR To the Ufher of ths Cuftom-houfe. every oath adminlftercd by the King's officers outv/ards G [ 30 ] Rules which may ferve for the Ports in general. WHEREAS fome focietics and companies of merchants do trade in a joint-ftock, and enter the whole lading and cargo of a fliip inwards, in one fingle entry, when the adventurers therein concerned are many, the ofiicers and waiters may take and receive fuch gratuity as the faid company Ihail hereafter voluntarily confent to puy unto them ; any thing in this order or table of fees, or any other Ail or provifioi) to the contrary, njotwithllanding. All goods under the valut of five pound in the Book of Rates, paying fubfidy the fum of five Ibillings, or. lefs, (liall paf5 without payijicnt of any fees. No Britilh merchant that fliall have goods of his own, to be landed out of one (hip or vefiel at one time (although the receipt of the fubfidy be diliributcd into feveral offices) fliall be charged to pay any mote or other it-es than for a fingle entry. Goods in partnerlliip to pafs as if the proprietors were one fingle perfon. FiiTi by Britifli in Britifli fliipping or vefl'el inwards or outwards, or along thecoad, to pay no {ees. Foreign coin and bullion inwards, may be landed by any perfon, without warrant or fee. Diamonds, Precious llones. Jewels, and Pearls of all forts, to pafs outwards without warrant or fee. I'oli-entrics inward to pafs without fee, under five (hillings; if above five (hillings, and under forty fliiUings, then fix-pence : but if the cullom to be paid exceed forty (hillings, then it (hall pay the full fees as was paid for the firll warrant. The merchant fnall pay for all goods opening that (hall be fliort entered, above ten fhilings cudom. The merchant fliall pay for weighing of all goods that (hall be (hort entered above twenty (hillings cuftom. The merchant not to be at any charge if duly entered. M'hereas by an Att of Parliament, intitled, An AB for encourag'ng and increajing of fliipping and navigation, there are granted unto the King's moll excellent majefty, fundry duties upon ftrangers veflels importino- commodities not of their growth ; and thereby it is ordered, that fuch (hipping as pretend to enjoy the privilege of Briti(h fliipping, muil be manned accordingly ; whereby there is a necedity of an officer to be employed every tide downwards towards Gravefend, to vifit all fliips whether they be manned according to the faid Aft ; as alfo to gauge French (hips, and take an account of their tonnage, and to give certificates for making of foreign (hips free, and taking bonds for fuch as go to the plan- tations ; for efFeding of which bufinefs, the following fees are fet and appointed by the authority aforefaid, to be paid as well in all out-ports, as in the port of London, and creeks thereunto belonging, viz. For gaaging every French ve(rel, in lieu of the like fee paid Jn France for gauging Britifh 7 veflels there, as long as they continue this duty J For making a certificate to make a foreign (hip free, with fealing and regillering ) the fame ■ ■ f For a bond for (hips going to the plantations For every entry of French ve/Tels, and for bills to charge the five (hillings per ton on ' fuch vefTel For a certificate of payment of tonnage ' For every entry of goods liable to duties by the Aft of Navigation, which this colleftor receives > ______ •■ ■ ■ Colleftor. Com 'trol. s. d. s. d. 5 o lO o o 6 o 6 6 o 6 4 O 4 The Fees of the Chief-fearcher, and of his Majefly's five Under-fearchers in the Port of London. Duties between the Chief-fearcher, and his Majefly's five Under-fearchers that attend at London. fS PAIN, Portugal, the Streights, Well Indies, Guinea, <"■? g For every (hip that palTeth into I ^^ ^^^.^ loreien parts —— 1 .,, ... d ■.■ the Weftern iflands ign parts I All other Britilh (hips into foreign parts LFor every Itranger's (hip or bottom - o o 8 [ 31 ] Duties of his Majjity's five Under- fearchers tliat attend at London. Britilh and Aliens O R every certificate for ihipping out goods formerly imported But if the half fubfidy to be received back amounts to 40s. } tlien . J 'Pipe, punchion, or butt Hogfhead or bag — — ^^ Tin, the block, or barrel ^^—. Beer-eager, Wood of all forts. Copperas, Alum, and fuch grofs 1 goods the ton •^— — — j Corn, thclaft; Sea-coal, the chalder ; Beer, the ton ■ Lead, the fodder ■ To be paid by Britilh and Aliens t p by The maund, fi^tt, or pack ' ■ The bundle, bale, chell, or cafe — — Raifins and Figs, the twenty fraiis or barrels Butter, and fuch goods, the barrel For every coall-certificate or cocket Tranfires for the coaft, free. pafs warrant for goods that pay fubfidy,^ p^^ ^^.^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ '^^ ^'^^.^^^ and pais out by coct^et or porcertifyingevery debenture for receiving back half fubfidy, S:c. — For every piece of Ordnance For the indorfement of every cocket ■ For every certificate out of their books of goods loft at fea, taken 1 by pyrates, or returned, whereby fo much may be Ihipped > cuftom free — —^ 3 For every bill of fufferance or ftore, above ten lliUlings in Bock of Rates If under The fardle or trufs, by Britilh, of three hundred weight, or Woollen cloth, the hih, not exceeding five cloths, or n the 1 hundred weight. Stuffs, Bays, or Says Merchant-llrangers, unfreemen of London, or fuch as (hip on ftrangers fhips ' or veffeh ■ ■ three 1 the fardle or trufs the bale — /. d. •^ 1 4 2 I 4 2 2 6 3 3 2 I I 6 I I The Fees of his Majefty's two Searchers at GraveferKj. FO R every (hip that pafleth over the feas for Spain, Pdrtugal, Streights, the Weft Indies, ? Guinea, or the Weitern iflands ■ ■ ^— 3 For every Ihip to the Eaft Indies " — ^-^ —^— ___ For all other fhips into foreign parts ____ ——^^ For every ftranger's fhip or bottom ■ ^— ^ — ^— For every (hip having a coaft-cocket -^— — For paffengers outwards, not being raerchams or mariners 10 4 o S o o 4 Signed by virtue of an Order of the Hoiife ef Commons, dated the \-]th of May l66z. E. TURNER. A Breviate of the Fees^ of his Majefty's Officers of the Cuftoms and Subfidies in the Port of London, reducing the particulars (as they are fet in feveral para- graphs, under feveral titles) into totals or entire fums, viz. For the Officers of the Petty Cuftoms outwards. FO R a cloth-cockct by Britifh freemen of London, paid to the principal officers and their clei For a ftringer's cocket, or unfreemen — - -— For a cloth certificate by Britilh or ftrangers - For a Ihip's entry eroding the feas _— For a Ihip's entry to the btreights. Canaries, or Weftern iflands ■ — For clearing of fhips, and examining the books ■ — — For every indorfement —— ■ For making a bond to the King's majefty's ufe ^— — — — ^ For every entry in the certificate-book — — — — — — ~— ks d. 6 2 [ 32 ] Subfidy outwards. FOR ei their d. every fliip's entry within the Levant, or beyond the Straights mouth : to the officers and ) clerk . \ 4 4 For every fhip's entry going to any other foreign parts ■ — — — — i g For every (hip's entry going to the out-ports, and for a coaft-cocket and bond ■ ■ ^ g For clearing of every fhip, paffing to foreign parts, and examining the (hip's contents — ■■ 2 6 For every Britifh cocket, by freemen —— — — 2 6 For every ftranger's cocket, or unfreemen of London — ■ j For every certificate, cocket, &c. ' - 2 6 For every certificate, upon warrant from his majefty, or the lord treafurer, paying no duties 4 ^ For indorfement of all warrants and licences — — • . o 8 For a foaring bill ^^ ^ ■ 2 o For difcharging a bond, and filing the certificate — — — — • o 4 For making a certificate of return ■ - • < ■ ' — — 2 o For a debenture for repayment of half fubfidy, &-c. — To the principal officers 2s. to the fearchers 6d. J for the oath 2d. examining 4d. calling up and paying the money 8d. in all — — J 3 ° For making and entering a certificate or lett-pafs 1 "'t- i i - o 6 For a bill Or ticket to the lord mayor ■ " ■ ■ 1 ■■ i' > ■ n n o 4 4 Petty Cuftoms inwards. FO R every ftranger's warrant inwards. FiJe Subfidy inwards. For taking every bond — -^ — ■ — ' i » ■ 1 o 6 For every bill at fight ^— — — " ■ 2 o For difcharging every bond ■ ' ■ ■■ o 6 For every great employment — ' ' . — 2 6 Subfidy inwards. FO R every warrant by Britifti freemen of London : to the principal officers, the King's waiters, I and regifters — — — — — j-26 For every warrant for ftrangers — — — — •— 4-6 — — Or unfreemen — — __ _ .^.^ a ^ For every certificate of foreign goods coming from the out-ports, to London — — — 24 For goods fent by fea, by the importer thereof, to any of the OBt-ports, from London — 10 All the reft of the fees under this title of Subfidy inwards are fingle, and paid to particular) Fitl.ihe perfons — _ — _ — _ _; Table. Great Cuftoms. FOR a cocket for Galve-f]:ins: to the officers and packer — — — j 6 For Wools, Woolfells, ijkins and Hides — — — -^ — i o For a bond to his majefty's ufe — — — _ — _ . _ j q For filing the return . — . — .— 06 F»r a return and difcharge outwards — — — — — .^ j 4 F Fees inwards and outwards concerning the Clerks. O R every bill of portage — •^- — — *— —10 For a fecond, or parcel cocket outward • — o 6 The ^Kitg^s ^niu7for the three J!,'Jl I^tkla ~- ~- -l^^^ '^.f ^^« J^^oned together D -n ^ I IT • \ With the termer entries. Kegijters of the King s ivarroKts — — — — J All other fees in the Table not herein before comprifed (except only two concerning the Aft ofj Navigation) — — — — — — — — iFiri.the The fABLE ropes for cordage, the hundred weight, containing iizfc r^hinets J great, the piece Cabinets Ifmall, the piece Caddas, or Cruel ribbon, the dozen pieces, each piece containing 36 yards Candicwick, the hundred weight, containing n 2 J^ — — ' Candles of tallow, the dozen pound ' ■ Capers, the hundred pound, containing five fcore — — •— Capravans, the hundred, containing fix fcore — — •^— 3 /. tt. 2 \ li oj 3 I 1* 9 4- 4 ci 4 4 Oi 6 I 2 05 3 OA 4 I I z 3 Ij 2 3 o| oi 3 2 I 2 I 3 I I. 2 I I I oi a 3 [ 37 ] S C A V A G E. Cards Carpets Cafes (Playing-card^, the fmail groce, containing 12 dozen pair — - — Wool-cards, the dozen pair fTuikey, F < oi" the (»m t Carpets of fuikey, Perlia, Eall-India and Venice, long, the piece ' me, or like fort, fhort, the piece ■ - f all other forts, tlie piece — — i f for loqking-glalTes, g.ilt, from N° ^ to N° lo. the dozen "" J for Iv-ok'ng-glaiTc',. ungilt, the dozen — and Tuikev i;rograni';, each 15 yar rfi r i_- -l j j ^ ° t 01 Silelia-makmg, the dozen yards Diaper for towelling and f of Holland-making, the dozen yards napkining — — t of Silefia-making, the dozen yards French or Normandy canvas, and Line narrow, Vandales or Vitry canvas, Dutch barras, and Heflens canvas, the hundred ell' containing fix fcore — ■ Gutting and Spruce canvas. Drillings, Packduck, Hinderlins, Mid-' die good, Headlake, Mufcovia, Line narrow, Hamburgh cloth narrow, Irilli cloth, the hundred ells, containing fix fcore Hamburgh and Silefia cloth, broad, the hundred ells, containing } Poledavies, the bolt — — — — — . French canvas, and Line, ell and half quarter broad, or upwards, J the fix fcore ells — — — — — j f the whole piece, containing 13 ells — Lawns — — < Callicoe lawns, the piece — — — t French lawns, the piece — — ^ — Lockrams, the piece, of all forts, containing 106 ells — -^— Soultwich, the hundred ells, containing fix fcore — — • — Strafbourgh linen, each 30 eils — — — — Striped or tufted canvas with thread, the piece, containing 15 yards — Striped, tufted, or quilted canvas with iilk, the piece, containing? j 15 yards — — — — — — j ^Litmus, the Jiundrcd weight, containing 1 1 zft _ — , — I I 6 3 I oi ok oi 3 2 ■f oh 2 2 + Z Z I 2 t r oi o 3 O 1 z oi oi I I O I o I [ 4° J $ C A V A G E. M. s. a. MALT, the quarter — — — — — — — o oV Magnus, the hundred weight, containing i i2lb — — o i Malks of vehct or fattiii, the dozen — — — — — o i f great, the mail — — ■ o z Mails < middle, the mart — — — — — o i ^fmall, the mail — — — — — — o o' Maps printed, the ream — — — — — — — — — — — oi {Crop madder and all other Bale madder, the hundred weight, con- 7 tainingii2lb — — j Fat madder, the hundred weight, containing iizlb — o li Mull madder, the hundred weight, containing iizlb — — o oj Meal, the laft, containining 12 b..;rels — — — — — o 4 Mocado ends, the dozen pound -— — - — o 1 {■ Oils iSevil oil. Ma Sallet oil, t Rape andLinf Train oil of ( o. OARS, the hundred, containing fix fcore ' ' o 4 Oats, the quarter ' o o^- Sevil oil, Majorca oil, Minorca oil, Provence, Porttigal oil, and J ■" the ton 1 2 ^ infeedoil, the ton — — 2 6 Greenland or Newfoundland, the ton i 4 Olives, the hoglhead ■ ' o 4 _. . f the hundred bunches ■ ■ ■ o i I Seed, the hundred weight, containing 1 1 2ib . — o 3 Oranges, the thoufand - — : -——^—^ - . o 1 Orcliai, the hundred weight, containing iiilb ■ ■ ■■ o i^ P. JLACK THREAD, the hundred pound, containing five fcore ■ o li- p f Dripping, or Frying-pans, the hundred, containing 1 1 2lb o i[ fans, vocat | Warming-pans, the dozen o li p __^^ ? brown, the hundred bundles ——^— _^__ © 5 P^"" l of all other forts, each five fcore reams — i 8 Peafe, the quarter 1 • o oi Pitch or Tar, the laft ■ — 03 p. ^^_ Jfingle, white or black, the hundred plates ■ • o i ( double, white or black, the hundred plates — o 2 Pomegranates, the thoufand ■ — . o 2 Pork, the barrel ■ o if C of earth or ftone, covered, the hundred, containing five fcore — — o i" Pots — — — < of earth or ftone, uncovered, the hundred caft, containing a gallon 1 t. to every caft, whether in one pot or more — — J ° ^ OUAILS, the dozen ■ . ■ ■ o oi Quickfilver, the hundred, containing five fcore ■■ ■ o 10 Quinces, the hundred, containing five fcore _____ - o oi R. APE SEED, the quarter ■ — o i ^ _. Rofin, the ton — — 08 Rice, the hundred weight, containing 1 1 zlb — — — ^— ^— ■ o i Rye, the quarter ■ 1 o oi Rims for fieves, the groce, containing 1 2 dozen — — — — 1 o oi S. SAFFRON, the pound — — . o oi Safflower, the hundred pound, containing five fcore ■ — — — — 04 Salt, the wey ^— — — ■ ■, _-_ .^— o 2 Salt-petre, the hundred, containing 11 zlb . ■■ — — — o i~ [ 41 ] S C A V A G E. Says t Double fays, or Flanders ferges, the piece — . (Haunfcot, and Mild fays, the piece — — — Shumack, the hundred, containing 1 1 alb ■ f Bridsjts, Granadoes, Naples, Orgazine, Pole, and Spanilh fatten fil'k, Sleeve Silk, Fine and Thrown filk, the pound, coniaining i6 ounces ■ ■ . Raw China filk, the pound, containing 24 ounces — -^ Ferret or Floret filk, FiHozel, Sleeve filk, coarfe, the pound, con-; taining 16 ounces — : — 1 Raw long filk, the pound, containing 24 ounces — •_ Raw ftiort filk, and raw Morea filk, the pound, containing 24; ounces _^_— _ '_ Silk Silk ftockings, the pair Silks wrought — — < Skins Boratoes of Silk, Catalopher, China, Damafk, Silk Chamlet, " China grograms. Tabby grograms, Philofelloes, narrow Tabbies of filk. Towers taiFety, the dozen yards . Silk grograms narrow. Silk fay, Calimancoes and Philofelloes broad, ; the dozen yards ■ ■ — ' Silk grograms broad, CafFa or Damak, the dozen yards — • — - fof Bolonia, Lukes, Jean5, and others of like] I making, the dozen yards — I • — ■ ' the do- ] Sattens Sarcenets Sypers TafFaty Velvets I Bridges, China, and Turkey fatten. zen yards \ ' Cordivant-flcins, < Goat-lkins, in the hair, t of China, the dozen ells — Cof filk, broad, the dozen yards ( of filk, narrow, each 24 yards — ■ ' J ell broad, each dozen yards — I China and Levant, each dozen yards — t China velvets, each dozen yards — I All other Velvets or Pluflies, each dozen yards the dozen — • the dozen ■ Smalts, the hundred, con Spars I ■ Stones Sword-blades, the dozen Staves ■ ^Kid-lkins of all forts, the hundred, containing five fcore — taining five fcore ■■_ rBomb-fpars, the hundred, containing fix fcore ^Cant-fpars, the hundred, containing fix fcore — ^ Small fpars, the hundred, containing fix fcore r Dog-flones, the laft ■■ ' J Marble-floues, the ton • "1 Mill-ftones, the piece — (_ Quern-flones, the laft ■ Steel Succad, wet or dry, the Syder, the ton f Pipe or Hoglhead-ftaves, the tltoufand < Barrel-fiaves, the thoufand — — ^Firkin-Haves, the thoufand fLong-fleel, Whifp-fteel, and fuch like, < taining 1 12{^ . ^Gad-fteel, the half barrel hundred, containing five fcore ■ the hundred weight, con- T. X ALLOW, the hundred weight, containing i izjfe — — _ _ 'with hair, the hundred Flemilh ells, containing five fcore - ith wool, the hundred Flemilh ells, containing five fcore ■ith caddas, the hundred Flemiih ells, containing five fcore ith filk, the dozen Flemifli ells Tapiftry Tarras, the barrel Teazels, the thoufand Tykes of all forts, the tyke Thread Ired we {wit wit wit wit \ Bridges thread, the dozen pound Outnal thread, the dozen pound ^ Whited-brown, or Piecing thread, the dozen pound Sillers thread, the pound Lyons or Paris thread, the bale, containing an hundred bolts V o o o I o o o o ■ o ■ o • o ■ o ■ o 1 u f 42 I S C A V A G E. Tobacco !Spani(1i, Verinus, fcorc St. CliriHophcr's taining five fcor Brazile tobacco, the hundred, containing five ; fivel tobacco, or the like, the hundred pound, con- fcore Tow, the hundred, containing I laffe Tiles, voctt. Pantiles, or f landers tiles, thethoufand }° f. •. 2 o 6 o o: o 2 w. WAX the hundred, containing naft Wainfcots, the hundred, containing five fcore Whale-fins, the dozen fins Wheat, the quarter, containing eight bu(he!s .„ . JIfland woad, the ton Wood i Tholofe wood, the hundred weight, containing ii^ib — — — f Box-wood, the thoufand pieces • Farnambuclc wood, the hundredweight, containing 1 1 2ife or Jamaica wood, thehundrcd weight, containing Il2jfe • j J umi-rw, ihe hundred, containing iijfjj — _— I Red, or Guinea wood, the hundred weight, containing lizfc, — l_Swect wood of Well-India, thehundrcd weight, containing 1 12ft • 'Beaver woo), the pound J Brazile, orl Braziletto, < , Fullick, th Wool Cotton wool, the hundred pound, containing five fcore — — T-n ^_^ j combed, the hundred, containing five fcore (uncombed, the hundred, containing iiaHj Eftridge wool, the hundred weight, containing i izlb Polonia wool, the hundred weight, containing i I2lb French wool, the hundred weight, containing i i2lb — Lambs wool, the hundred weight, containing i izlb Spanifli wool, the hundred weight, containing i i2lb Red wool, the pound Wire, vocat. Latten wii-e, and all other Wire, the hundred weight, containing i i2lb Wine eager, the ton — — ^— — — Gafcoin, French wine, and all other Wines of the growth of the French king's dominion, the ton Rhcnifh wine, the awm — — — — — ^— Mu&adel, and all other Wines of the growth of the Levant, the butt . Sacks,' Canaries, Malagaes, Madeiraes, Romneys, Ballards, Tents, and Alicants, the butt or pipe - ■ o • o ■ o • o ■ I ■ o ■ o • o ■ o o o o ■ o o o o o o o o o o o o z o I I + I I o I 2 3 I oi 2 1 'r 3 + 2 2 3 z 3 4 oi 4 6 o 6 o o Y ARN 'Cable yarn, the hundred weight, containing i i2lb — o Camel, Grogram, or Mohnir yarn, the hundred, containing five fcore — i Cotton yarn, the hundred, containing five fcore . o ■( Irifh yarn, the pack, containing four hundred weight, at fix fcore 7 pound to the hundred ___ j ° Raw linen-yarn, Dutch or French, the hundred, containing five fcore — o _Spruce or Mufcovia yarn, the hundred weight, containing 1 i2lb o All other goods, not mentioned in this Table, /hall pay for Scavage duties inwards, after the rate of one penny in the pound, according as they are expreffed or valued in his Majelly's late Book of Rates ; and all other not expreffed therein, Ihall pay the fame rales, according to the true value. GUIL. LONDON. JO. BRAMSTON. H. MANCHESTER. EDW. LITTLETON. [ 43 ]. The Packgage Table of Rates Outwards. A. s. d. AN O T T O, the hundred, containing five fcore pound ■ — o 3 Aqua vit3E, the hoglhead ■ ■ ' •■ ■ o 4 Argo], white or red, the hundred weight, containing i izlb — — — o i\ .„ fPot-aflies, the barrel, containing two hundred weigh: — o 2 ^iiftes I Soap-alhes,- the lall I o A\vl-blades for fhocmakcrs, tlie thoufand . — — — o O5 B. BARILLIA or Saphora, the barrel, containing two hundred weight ■ ■ o 4 Beer, the ton o 6 Uirding iliot-lead, the hundred weight, containing 1 izlb —— — o 2 Books, the maund — — — _ i o Bottles of glafs covered with leather, the dozen — ' o I Erimftone, the hundred weight, containing I I2lb — o I Brufhes, the dozen — — — ^ ' o O5 Broken glafs, the barrel — 00^ rBrafs, Steel, Copper, or Latten-buttons, the great groce, contain- 1 \ ing 12 fmali groce — — 3 Buttons, vocat. — — < Hair buttons, the great groce — o i / Silk buttons, the great groce — — o Oj (.Thread buttons, the great groce o o^- Buckweed, the quarter o i Buckrams of all forts, the dozen piece* — o 2 CAPS for failors, Monmouth, and others, the dozen — . o t Canary-feed, the bufhel ' ' — o c-J Cloaks, old, the piece — — ■ — — — ^— o o^- Copperas, the hundred weight, containing ii2lb — — —— — o i ., ,. , tSilvefter, or Carapechea, the pound ' .^___ o oj. L.ochineal P of all other forts, the pound o 1 Cobweb lawns, each 12 yards ■ o i AiTafcEtida, Gum-armoniack, Gum-lac, Olibanum, and Saflafras- 7 ^ f^ wood, the hundred, containing five fcore pound — j Dp, _ S fiftula> the hundred, containing five fcore o 8 RUGS, vocat — , Ca la ^ lignea, the hundred, containing five fcore o S Cubebs, the hundred, containin;^ five fcore o 6 Rhubarb, the pound ■ ■ o 1 ^Scamony, the pound ■ o i E E. LEPHANTS teeth, the hundred, containing five fcore pound — o Ellridge-fcathers, undrefl'ed, the pound — - -— • o F. \^ ILINGS of iron, called Swarf, the barrel »■ ■ ■■ o 2 , flierriugs full or (hotten, the I aft — — • o 6 Fllh I Stock-filh Q,i all forts, the laft o 6 Flalks of horn, the dozen o i fdrciTed, the hundrjd weigiU, containing i Till) o 4 ^^^^ ~~~~~ I undrefl'ed, the handled weight, containing 1 izlb -— — — — — 02 Frankincenfe, the hundred weight, containing 11 zlb ' o \\ [ 44 ] FuAians { PACKAGE. EngHfh millain, the piece, containing two half pieces, of I j yards) the piece ■ ■ — J Venetian, Englifli-make, each 15 yards ' o i GALLS, the hundred weight, containing 1 i2lb Glew, the hundred weight, containing 1 I2lb Glovers clippings, the maund or bafket Grains Garble Gloves Grocery, vocat f Scarlet po < Rotta, t Grain, F powder, and of Sevil in berries, and Grain of Portugal, or the hundred pound — French or Guinea, the hundred pound — —— — fof cloves, the hundred pound, containing five fcore — — I of almonds, the hundred weight, containing iizlb . ■^ of ginger, the hundred pound, containing five fcore I of mace, the hundred pound, containing five fcore l_of pepper, the hundred pound, containing five fcore f Bucks leather, the dozen pnir < Gloves with filk fringe, and iaced with taffaty, the dozen pair (Gloves lined with coney or lamb-flcin, or plain, the dozen pair — 'Almonds, the hundred weight, containing 1 1 alb ■ • Anifeeds, the hundred weight, containing iizlb — — Cloves, tiie hundred pound, containing five fcore — (Currants the hundred weight, containing i i2lb ■ Dates, t!]-: hundred weight, containing iizlb ■ Figs, the hundred weight, containing iizlb ■ ■ — Ginger, the hundred pound, containing five fcore ■ . Liquorice, the hundred weight, containing ii2lb • ■ — Mace, the hundred pound, containing five fcore — — Nutmegs, the hundred, containing five fcore — — — Pepper, the hundred, containing five fcore — — -^— IVunes, the hundred weight, containing 1 izlb — ^ Raifins great, and Malaga, the hundred weight, containing iizlb — Raifins of the fun, die hundred weight, containing 1 1 2lb — —— Sugar-candy, the hundred, containing 1 1 zlb . Sugar of St. Thome and PanncUes, the hundred weight, contain- ) [I2lb Sugar of all forts, the hundred weight, containing H2lb — _Ciiinamon, the hundred pound, containing five feore — — 2 I •1 2 6 4 4 I I 9 3 I J oi 2 z I 5 4 oi 9 '1 I 6 I 6 oi- I 2 8 3 6 H Hats Hair H. BMP, the hundred weight, containing iizlb ■ Beaver-hats, the piece —^— emy-caftors, the piece — — hats, plain, the dozen hats, lined or faced, the dozen /eight, < {Beavi Dem Felt- Felt- Horns Hops, the hundred weight, containing 1 i2lb f Coney-hair, the hundred pound, containing five fcore < of goats or kids, the hundred, containing five fcore ■ (_Ox or Cow-tail hair, the hundred weight, containing i i2lb f Ink-horns, the fmall groce, containing 12 dozen ■ ^ Horns of lanthorns, the thoufand leaves — t Tips of horns, the thoufand o o o o o o o o o o o o 2 I >i 2 4 4 oi of 2 I 2 I. INDICO of all forts, the hundred pound, containing five fcore Indico-duft, the hundred pound, containing five fcore India hides, the hundred, containing five fcore Irifh rugs, the piece ■ ■ — — Iron ivory combs, the dozen fiound ■ the ton, unwrought ■ I wrought, the hundred weight, containing i I2lb fpurs, the dozen pair »— - — I o I o o o o o [ 45 ] PACKAGE. K NIVES, vocat — K. ■ London knives, ordinary, the fmall groce I ShefHeld knives, the fmall groce — .Shoe-makers paring knives, the fmall groce s. — o d. 3 i| of ACE Lamperns, the thoufand Lead, the fothcr — Lemons pickled, the pipe Lemon juice, the pipe Linfeed, the quarter. L. r Bone-lace of thread, the dozen yards i Silk-lace, the pound, containing i6 ounces Linen, vocat M "Callico, the piece Cambricks, two half pieces, containing 13 ells Damaflc, for tabling, of all forts, the dozen yards — Dama(k, for towelling and napkening, of all forts, the dozen yards Diaper for tabling of all forts, the dozen yards . — Diaper for towelling and napkening of all other forts, the dozen 1 Lawns, the piece, containing 13 ells "^ Linen cloth, called Brabant, Embden, Flemifh, Freeze, Gentilh, } Holland, Ifinghams, Overiffels, and Roufe cloth, each 30 ells — J French and Normandy canvas, the hundred ells, containing fix fcore — Dutch barras, Heifens, Vitry canvas, the hundred ells, containing) Canvas tufted or quilted with copper, filk or thread, or fuch like, > the piece, containing 15 yards — ^ _Linen-flireads, the maund — — — — . • M. ADDER, all but Mull-madder, the hundred weight, containing 1 12 ffe 1 — MolofTes, the hogfliead Multard-feed, the hundred weight, containing 112}^ Nr Chair nails, brafs or copper, the thoufand ■ — AILS — - -j Copper nails, Rofe nails, and Sadlers nails, the fum, containing 7 ^ ten thoufand. 8 3 6 1 z I I o|- 11 2 3. 3 I ~ 2 4 ot ol 0'- AKER, redoryellow, the hundred weight, containing 1 12 J^ Onion-feed, the hundred weight, containing iizjfe Orchal, the hundred weight, containing 112]^ — Ox-bones, the thoufand Qx-guts, the barrel Oil Sevil, Majorca, Minorca oil,. Provence, Portugal, Linfeed, or Rape ^ the ton • J P or Whale oil, the ton — — P. A PER, Printing and Copy paper, the hundred reams, containing five fcore Pewter, the hundred weight, containing i izJb - -^— — APE SEED, the quarter Rape-cakes, the thouf.ind Hed lead, the luindrcd, containing i I2lb 1 4. L o o o o o 1 o o o Q 6 + I 1 r 46 ] PACKAGE. Red earth, the luinclrcd weight, containing iizlb Rice, the hundi-jd wcig'u, containing 1 izlb Rofin, the ton ■ — ~ J-. a-, o oi O I o 6 SA FFRON, the pound -— Salt, the wey S:ilt-pttre, the hundred weight, containing 1 izlb — Sea-morfe teeth, the hundred pound, containing five fcore bca-co.ils, the chalder — — ; j— rChildrens ftoci 6 I «> 6 -» I -* 2 2 Other Merchandizes, liquid or dry, that are not particularly rated in this Table, fhall pay Balliage duties outwards, by their bulk, as followeth, viz. ^* AG RE AT packet or fardle, containing between fifteen or twenty cloths, or other goods to') that proportion *, ' An ordinary pack, trufs or fardle, containing in bignefs about ten or twelve cloths, twelve or four- V teen bays, or to the like proportion in friezes, cottons, or other goods ■ ^—— j A bale, containing three or four cloths, four or five bays, or the like proportion in other goods o For a great maund, or great balkct — — . . . o M 6 [ 50 ] BALLIAGE. /." d. For a fmall maund, or bafltet, weighing three hundred weight, or under — — — — — — o 4 For a hamper or coffer, weighing two hundred weight, or under ' — 03 i'or a butt or pipe .—^— ' ^~~~— ° ' For a hogfhead or puncheon — - — — — — — — —— 04 F'or a barrel —— — —" ~ — ~~ "~*~~ ^~~ "~~~ ^ ^ For a firkin ■ ' ~~~'' —^—~ —— — — o i For a dry fat —— o 8 For a drum fat ■ —' ' ~~~~ "~"~" " + For a bale o 6 For a great cheft, or great cafe ' — — -^— ~-~~ — o ^ For a fmall cheft or cafe, containing three hundred weight, or under — — — ^ o 4 For a fmall box — ""^ ~^~ '~~~'~ ° ^ For a great trunk ■ ■ "— ~~~~ ~— — 06 For a^iall trunk, not above two hundred weight — — ■ o 3 For a bag or fack — — ' ' ~~" — o 4 For a feroa — — — — — ~ ~~^ — ^— — © 3 WOLSELEY. [ J- ] The Packers water-fide porters Table of Duties for landing Strangers goods, and of the like Duties or Rates to be paid unto them for fliipping out their goods, called Portage. s. d. FO R a butt of currants — — """^ — — — — i 4 For a carateel of currants — — i=- • — — — — o 8 For a quarterole of currants — — — — — — o + For a bag of currants — — — — — — •"" — °4- For pieces of raifins, the ton — — — — — — — — ' ' ^ For a barrel of raifins — — — — ~~ ° 4 For all forts of puncheons — — — — — o 6 For a barrel of figs — — — — — — — 02 For topnets and frails of iigs, per ton — ' ' ^ For Brazile, or other wood for dying, per ton — — — — — — • * For iron, the ton — — — — -^ — — — — — 12 For copperas, the ton — — — — -~ — — — — ' ^ For oil, wine, or vinegar, per ton — — — — — — — 12 For hemp and flax, the laft — — — — — — ~- ' ^ For loofe flax and tow, the hundred weight — — — o 2 For a great bag of tow — — — — — — — — — ~^ ° ° For a fmall bag of tow — — — — — — — —~~~ ° 4 For a great bag of hops — — — • — — — — 08 For a packet or little bag of hops — — o 4 For packs, truffes, fats, or maunds, per piece — — — — — — oS For a great cheft — — — — — — ° ^ For a fmall chell _ _ — _ _ _ _ — — —04 For all cafes, barrels, or bales, per piece — — — ■ — o 4 For a bale of madder — — — — — — o S For a bale of ginger or Ihumack, containing four hundred weight — — — — o 8 For a faggot of ileel -^— — — — .——. o i For any ferons, the piece — — — — ""* °'t For a fat of pot-aflies — — — — — ' ° *• For a laft of fopeafhes ^— — — — ~~ — 10 For a laft cf pitch or tar — — ■ ° For a laft of fifli — ' ° For wainfcots, the hundred, containing fix fcore 5 '^ For clap-beards, the hundred, containing fix fcore "" — — — — — o 6 For deal-boards, the hundred, containing fix fcore '^^^ — — — — ~- ' 4 For a great maft — — _— . — ^ J o For a middle maft — — - " For a fmall maft — — — — — — ~~"~ ' 3 For great balks, the hundred, containing fix fcore S o For middle balks, the hundred, containing fix fcore — — ■ — ^ ° For fmall balks, the hundred, containing fix fcore - ' 3 For a mill-ftone ■ — 5 ° For a dog-ftone — — — — — — — 2 6 For a wool-llone — — — — — ^ ° For a yard-ftone .— . o 3 For a grindle ftone —— • ' "^~~~ — ' ^ For a ftep-ftone or grave-ftone ■ o * For quern-ftoncs, the laft — — ■ • "^ For emery-fionc, the ton ' — ' ' For ten hundred weight of Holland cheefe ^-^__ — ^— ^ I o Forrofin, the ton — ——— i 2 For woad, the ten — ' ■ ' ' ^ For a cheft of fugar — — — "^~^~" o o For half wainrcots, the hundred, containing fix fcore 2 6 For raw hides, the hundred, containing five fcore — — — 5 ° For bomfpars, the hundred, containing fix fcore ■ o 6 For fmall fpars, the hundred, containing fix fcore — 04 For ends of bomfpar;, the hundred, containing fix fcore o q For a horfe, gelding, or mare — — — — • —— ' — 26 For allum, the ton — - — — ' ■ i 8 [ 52 3 PORTAGE. for heath for brulhcs, the hundred weight, containing 1 12 tb For iron pots, the dozen — — — For rings of wire, loofe, the ring — — For pipe-ftavci, the thoufand — For Rhcnifli wine, the awm For biirllones, the hundred, containing five fcore For half paci6 N°. 15. I SUBSIDY. JDouble the I Subfidy 3 8 9 I2 N'. 31. NEW D U T Y, 1745. The Net Duty, per ton, without any difcount ■ - 4 o o O N». 37. NEW DUTY, 1763. The Net Duty, per ton, without any difcount — - — 4000 Thefe feveral net fums being added, give the total amount of the Duties required, 'viz. N°. Ill 4 13 — 3« 37 Total A s. d. 20tIlS 5 3 2 8 10 — 2 7 7 13IS 8 19 9 7^^ -; 3 2 8 I H 4 16 3 8 9 12 4 4 35 7 641 The I 5S ] The feveral duties on Wines, being impofed in abfolute Aims, tlie only difficulty in computation arifes from tiie variety of difcounts which are allowed on the different forts of Wine, and on each fort under different circumllances of importation ; which being fully dillinguilhed in the account already given of each Branch, it is prefumed this one example will be thought fufiicient on this head. It may not be ufelefs, however, to obferve to the computor, that the principal objcft of his attention is the fum on which each difcount is allowed ; that is, whether on the grois duty, or on a fum remaining after the deduflion oF fomc former difcount ; as for inllance, in the Branch N'^. 4. where the 5 per cent, for prompt payment is not allowed on the grofs impolf, but on the fum which remains after deduction of 12 per cent, for leakage, and the 8 percent, for walie. We now proceed to the computation of the duties arifing by POUNDAGE. Suppofe It were required to be known what duties are payable, and what the amount of thefe duties is on 20 Civt. of Brimjlone imported by Britijh Subje^s. On recourfe to the Rates Inwards, page 5 (in the firft part), it will be found that Briiiflone is rated at 6s. 8d. the Cwt. and by the firfl; column of References, that it is chargeable with the Branches N"^. i.VIe, 10. 13. 15. 33. that is, the Old Subfidy ; Impoft 1690; NewSubfidy; i- Subfidy ; |- Subfidy ; Subfidy V47- Upon examining the Branch N°. i. Brimftone will not be found particularly mentioned at any higher portion, and therefore the Old Subfidy is fubjeft to the general poundage of i s. for every 20 s. of the rate. /. s. d. The amount then of 20 Cwt. of Brimftone, at 6s. 8d. the Cwt. being ■ ' 6 13 4 The grofs Subfidy at is. for every 20s. will be ■ ■ — out of which is to be allowed 5 per cent, as by the ijth rule of the Book of Rates, viz. The net Subfidy therefore to be paid, is 6 S 4 6 4 By referring to the Branch N°. VI. under the further diredlion of the letter e. Brimftone will be found charged to pay 4 s. 8 d. for every Cwt. at which fum the amount of 20 Cwt. will be 4 '3 4 and that in confideration of prompt payment, there is to be allowed a difcount on this duty of? 6^ per cent. ^-^ . 5 ° 5 'O So that the net Impoft will be ■ 476 The Branch N°. 10. or New .Subfidy refpedling Brimftone, will be found charged with the famel poundage on the rate, fubjeft to the lame allowance as the Old Subfidy, and will therefore ^ o 64 amount to j The Branch N°. 13. is exprefsly y part of the New Subfidy ■ o 2 i{ The Branch N°. 15. f parts of the New Subfidy o 4 2^ The Branch N°. 33. is i s. in the pound, according to the rate, without any difcount, which is 7 therefore 6 By adding thefe feveral fums together, the total Duty to be paid will appear, w'j N". /. r. d. 1 064 Vie • 476 10 ■ 064 13 o 2 i| 15 O 4 2f 33 o 6 Total — — 5 '3 This [ S6 ] ThU is the praflUcal method of computation in all the Ports of England, except London, whereby th'enet amount of each Dranch appears as it is brought to account in the Kiny's books : bjt in tlie Port of London li is the pr.idlice to compute all the Poundage Duties on tli-. grofs rates or values, before the portion of I s. in the pound is taken : and all the fpecifick Duties not arifing from the Rates, are, in conformity, taken at 2-j times the real fum charged. To explain tliis method of computation, the fame article is repeated, ••jiz. 20 Civ/, of Brimjlcne hy Biilifi SulJtdJt. The amount of the Rate as before . ~ Tlic difcount of 5 per cent. Vfe - 10 — '3 33 — /. .'. ^'^ 6 M 4 o 6 8 6 6 8 &7 lO o 6 6 8 2 2 2} 4 4 ■It 6 '3 4 i'3 3 4 '5. for every 20 s. cf svhkh is . i ■ 5 13 V.'hen this method is purfued, the fum to be entered in the King's books for each Branch, will be 5 pe.-^ cent, on the fum compuied ; and though this may appear to be the moll diflicult method, yet a fmall degree of priilice will render it very eafy and familiar to any perfon who is in the Icall converfant with iigurcf. However, as it may be not quite fo intelligible to a learner, in all the following examples, the former me- thod of practice will be adopted. And as the compu-tation of the duties has long been a difficult part of the oificer's bufinefs, and is now rendered ilill more Co, by the addition of many new duties, the following examples are given of fuch goods as will comprehend mo.t, if not all, of the duties that generally occur in practice. It is neceffary here to obfcrve, that the arrangement of the Branches in this work, is different from the general praftice ; which is, to place thofe Branches neareil together which are immediately arifing from, or bear the greateft fimilitude to, any other. For inftancc, the New Subfidy being generally the fame as the Old Subfidy, is placed next to it, followed bv the j Subfidy and 4 Subfidy ; whereas the I5ranches are here placed ill the order of time, in which the Duties were granted*. Tliis arrangement feenied not only molt confiiient vvitJi general propriety, but will be found particularly ufcful in computing the Branch N°. 17. Example? C ^7 3 Examples of computation of the feveral Branches of the Cuftoms payable on Merchandize imported. 20 Cwt. of Green Copperas, for dyen ufe. I. s. d. The amount of the rate at 15 s. the Cwt, __— . 15 00 5 per cent, thereon — — Difcounc at 5 per cent. — — I? 9 H 3 15 I 9 3 QldSubfidy N°. 1. Subfidy, 1747 — — 33. Total Duty — 20 Cwt. of Mufcovadoes Sugar, from the Britlfh Plantations. ' The amount of the rate at il. los. the Cwt. . —— 30 o o 5 per cent, thereon Difcount at 5 per cent. Old Subfidy, N". 1. New Subfidy 10. ^- Subfidy — 13. Subfidy, 1747 33, Subfidy, 1759 3^' Total Duty I 10 I 6 I 8 6 I 8 6 9 6 I 10 ' 10 6 6 6 20 ton of Dutch Brandy. The Amount of the rate at 20 1. the ton .^____ -»_ 400 o o 5 per cent, thereon ■ ■ — — - __ 20 o o Difcount at 5 per cent. — — ■ ■■ j o o Subfidies I on < Spirits I 10. ■^— — 19 o o 13. 6 6 8 15. 12 13 4 Coinage on Spirits 3. ■ 20 o o Subfidy, 1747 33. 20 o o Subfidy, 1759 36. — 20 o o Total Duty — — 107 o o 20 Quarters of Wheat, the price not exceeding 44 s. the Quarter, N°. 10. /. s. d. The amount of the rate at 2 1. the quarter To be paid for cuftom 16s. 7 »to 16 o o /. s. d. per quarter 5 40 o o New Subfidy lo. — 1 18 o • i Subfidy ■ 13. — o 12 8 2 o o — ;; per cent, thereon -f Subfidy 15. — 1 5 4 o 2 o — Difcount .'. 5 percent, Subfidy, 1747 33. — 2 o o 1 18 o Total Duty 21 16 o O 20 Quarters I 58 ] 20 Quarters of Oats in a foreign Ship, the price exceeding 16 s. the Quarter^ The amount of the rate at 4 s. the quarter ,— — ■ 4 per cent, thereon Difcount at 5 per cent. Old Subfidy N». I. Petty Cuftom II. New Subfidy 10. ■J Subfidy — 13. ^ Subfidy — 15. -Subfidy, 1747 33. Total Duty - — 400 040 o o 2S 3 9i 9f 61 o 16 4^ 20 Cwt. of Ginger of the Britifli Plantations in the Wefi Indies, in a Britifti Ship. N°.- VI as. («) 149 6 8 — "4 8 8 — 18 8—: 14 4 »3 4 — The amount at 1 1. per Cwt. the amount at i s. 4d. per pound 10 per cent, thereon Difcount, 6i per cent. being imported in a Eritifh Ship 5 per cent, thereon Difcount at 5 per cent. Subfidy N°. I. VI as. 10. 15- .. -, ,, 33- Subfidy, 1759 — 36. Import, i6go — New Subfidy i Subfidy I Subfidy Subfidy, 1747 — 19 13 19 6 12 o o o o o 4 o 4 8 o o Total Duty 9 10 4 :o Pieces of Checks, the real Value for the New Duties being 17 s. 6. each. N\ VII s. The amount of the Rate at 13 s. 4d. each 5 per cent thereon — Difcount at 5 per cent. o 13 4 — the amount at 8d. each o o 10 — 65 per cent. Difcount o 12 N^24. 2 12 6 — the amount at 3 s. for every 20 s. value N". 25, the fame as N°. 24. Old Subfidy N= New Add. Import — New Subfidy I Subfidy ■| Subfidy New Duty Additional Duty — Subfidy, 1747 — 1368 -~- '3 4 8 , I. 12 8 VII g. — 12 6 10. • 12 8 13- 4 zf "5- — 8 5l- 24. 2 12 b 26. — 2 12 12 6 8 33- ■ 8 8 {aj Mim. It is the praflice to charge the Impoft 1690, on thegencral Rate of Ginger of the Weft Indies, vix, is. 4J, per pound. Certain L 59 ] Certain unrated Glafs Manufaaure;, valued at 20 1. containing 200 ft of Crown Glafs. /. s. d. The amount at i s. 6 d. for every 20 s. va'.ue — ■ 30 o o 5 percent, thereon — — i 10 o Difcount, 5 per cent. o i 5 N°. ^'11. "~^ f— the amount at 3 s. for Old Subfidy — N». i. 1 8 6 3 ° °| every 20 s. value Impoft VII. — 2 16 3 o •! q — 6i per cent. Difcount Nea- Subfidy 10. i 8 6 1_Z .iSubfidy 13. —096 2 ,6 3 l-Subfidy 15. o 19 o Duty on Glafs — 32. — 6 13 4 Subfidy, 1747 — 33. I o o N". 32. 6 13 4 — the amount at 8 d. per 14 •> ' pound Certain unrated Toys for Children, valued upon oath at 20 1. The amount at I s. 4 d. for every 20 s. of the value ■ 26 13 4 5 per cent, thereon — — 168 Difcount at 5 per cent. — 014 Subfidy N°. i. — i ," 4 N°.Vnbs. New Add. Impoil, VUbs. — o 18 9 5 per cent, on the value 100 New Subfidy — 10. i 5 4^ Difcount, 6i per cent, o i 3 4- Subfidy 13. — o S 5-f. f Subfidy 15. o 16 lof o iS 9 Subfidy, 1747 — 33. — i o o Total Duty 5 H 9 20 Cwt. of Whalefins for foreign fifning. The fum charged for cudom and poundage ' — ' — '8 o c K°. 10. Difcour.t at 5 per cent. o i3 o 100 o o — the amount of the Rate The net fum to be paid for N''. i. 17 2 o ■ 5 per cent, thereon New Subfidy 10. 4 15 o -Difcount Dutv on V/hakf.ns 11. 5: 6 8 4- Subfidy «3- 1 II 8 f Subfidy 15. 3 3 4 Subfidy, 1747 33- 5 ° = N°. II. 2240 lb, at 6 d. per fe Total Duty 83 iS 8 56 o o 3 13 4 — Difcount at 6^ per cent, C2 6 8 so Cwt. E 60 ] 20 Cvvt. of Titling Stock-fifli, of foreign Fiftilng. The amount of the rate at 6 s. 8d. the Cwt. N°. n. o 13 4 — grofs aliens cu/lom o 3 4 — : 10 per cent, thereon Dlfcount at 5 per cent. N°. 10. 6 13 4 — Amount of the rata o 6 8 — 5 percent, therepa o o 4 — 5 per cent, difcount 064 Subfidy — — Petty Cuflom — New Subfidy —^ •J Subfidy ■ i Subfidy Subfidy, 1747 — Total Duty N°. I. II. 10. IS- 33- /. s. J. 6 13 4 o 13 4 008 o 12 8 034 064 o 2 It O 4 2|- 068 Certain Earthen Ware, not particularly rated, containing 400 }fe. The amount of the rate at 10 d. per pound — 16 13 4 VI k. 2s. 6d . for every 20s. of the rate o 16 8 o 16 8 084 2 I 8 2 7' — Difcount at 6 J per cent. 1 19 o| IS. 6 d. for every 20s. of the rate 25 o o 5 per cent, thereon ■ — Difcount at 5 percent. Subfidy Impoll, 1690 New Subfidy — — ^Subfidy i Subfidy iiubfidy, 1747 — Total Duty — N°. I. — _ VI k. — 10. — — 13- ij. 33- — I 5 o J 3 1 3 9 I 19 o| • 3 9 o 711 o 11; 10 o 16 8 6 6 iii 40 ft of Italian wrought Silk, being Crapes and Tiffanies, direftly from Italy, in a Britifii Ship. The amount of the rate at il. 13 s. 4 d, per pound 33 6 8 N'. III. o 15 10 — i the Subfidy o 1 7 — 10 per cent. Difcount o 14 3 N°. VI ar. 3 6 8 — 10 per cent, of the Rate o 4 2 — Difcount at 6^ per cent. 3 2 6 N°. Vllbk. 2 o o — at 2s. for every % wt. o 2 6 — Difcount at 65 per cent. 17 6 J per cent, thereon Difcount at 5 percent. Subfidy ■ N° Additional Duty — I m poll, 1690 ■ I 111 pod:, 1692 — New Subfidy i Subfidy I Subfidy Subfidy, 1747 — further Duty Total Duty N°. 17 10 o — Duty 17 s. 6d. the fc wt. lit. — VI ar. VII bk. — 10. n- — ij. — 33- — I 13 4 o I 5 III 8 14 3 326 117 6 1 II 8 10 t\ 1 I i^ I "3 4 17 10 o 29 12 7 20 dozen C 6i ] 20 dozen tanned Goat Skins, weighing i8o ft. /. /. J. The amount of the Rate at 2I. per dozen 40 o o N°. VII ak. 2 o o — 5 per cent, of the Rate 5 per cent, thereon — 200 o 2 6 — Difcount 6J per cent. Difcount at 5 per cent. 020 , J7 6 Subfidy N°. i. i iS o , Import, 1692 — VII ak. — 1 17 6 {\jo. 21. New Subfidy • • 10. i 18 o i8oifeat6d. per pound -^Subfidy 13. — o 12 8 . 2. SubfiJy 15. — — 154 ^ 10 o Duty on Hides, L>V. 21. — 4 10 o ■ Duty on Hides, cifr. 25. — — 400 Subfidy, 1747 — 33. —200 20 dozen at 4 s, per dozen Total Duty ■— 18 i 6 o 20 Cwt. of Pearl Barley from the place of its growth, \^c. The fum to be paid for Cullom inftead of Poundage on the Rate, 5 s. the Cwt. . N°. i. 5 o ]^o_ jQ^ Import, 1690 — Vli, — 0126 20 o o — Amount of the Rate at New Subfidy 10. ■ ■ 064 . 1 1. the Cwt. I Subfidy 13. o 2 if I o o — 5 per cent, thereon -j^ Subfidy — 15. — 04 2j o I o — Difcount at 5 per cent. New Duty on Spice 15.—— o 13 4 . Subfidy, 1747 — 33. — — I o o O 10 o Total Duty ■ 7 18 6 6 4 — I being imported dircaiy from the place of its growth N°. V^i. 2 o o — 10 per cent, on the Rate o 13 4 — i being imp. direftly, y<:. o 010 — Difcount at 6i per cent. o 12 N°. 15. 2 o o — 10 percent, on the Rate without Difcount o 13 4 — I being imp. direftly, ^c. 20 Cwt. of Raifons of the Sun, by an Alien. ^ The amount of the Rate at 2 1. per Cwt. — 40 N°. II. i of the grofs Subfidy ' 5 per cent, thereon i ■ 200 No yjr, Difcount at 5 per cent. ' 020 o 2 o o — 5 per cent, on the Rate o 2 6 — Difcount 6i per cent. Subfidy N°. I. 1 18 Petty Curtom — II. — 0100 J ,7 6 Impoft, 1690 — VI r. 1 17 6 ^ New Subfidy — — 10. — i 18 o -} Subfidy — — 13. —— 012 8 N''. 17. £ Subfidy 15. — 154 50 o — being p. the Cwt. New Duty — 17. 4 10 o o 10 o — Difcount 10 per cent. Subfidy, 1747 33. 200 Subfidy, 1759 — 36. — 200 o 4 10 ~ _____« Total Duty — — — 16 11 6 20 fe [ 62 ] 20 fe' of Nutmegs. Tlic amount of the Rate at 3 s. the pounJ — ^ /. s. 3 o o N''. 8. o -, o- • being 1 3. for every 20?. of the Rate, without Difcount N = . i+. as N'. S. N'. 17. 01+ tn — being as much as all the formsr Duties J — Difcount at 10 per cent. o 13 1.,-^ 5 per cent, thereon — Difcount at 5 per cent. - Subdf^y N'. I. New Duty, Spice, tjfir. 8, New Sublidy — 10. •V Subfidy 13. Ad. Duty, Spice, ijV. 14 5. Subfidy 15 N. Duly, Pepper, IjV. 17, Subfidy, 1747 — 33 Subfidy, 1759 — — 36, — 3 — — 2 lo,*.- — 3 — 2 lOz^ — I1,V -o -o -o 13 -o 3 -o 3 o 1—*- ■ O o Total Duty — 113 7JL±* / 2.0 s SO Reams of ordinary Paper, being fine Fools-cap Paper. The amount of the Rate at 4 s. 6d. per Ream — 4 10 o NWIam. 046 b«ing IS. for every 20s. of the Rate 5 percent, thereon — 046 " ' ■ Difcount at 5 per cent. — o o 2J o o 3;',-;; Difcount 6^ per cent. 4 24 I 2 I N°.24. 2 10 o — being zs. per Ream, without Difc. New Duty, Paper N°. 26. Add. Duty, ditto 1 J o — being IS. 3d. per Ream, without Dif. Subfidy, 1747 — Subfidy, 1739 — Subfidy K°. i. o 4 3/5 Impoir, 1690 — Vlam. o 4 z~^ New Subfidy ^ Subfidy — I Subfidy 10. O 4 3j<>g 13-0 I 5/0 15. O 2 lOJg- 24. 2 10 O z6. I 5 o 33. o 4 6 36. o 4 6 Total Duty — 5 i o^g i 2C Bundles of Brown Paper. The amount of the Rate at 3 s. per Bundle N^. Vlah G 3 4 — being 2 d. for every bundle o o 2;° Difcount at 64; per cent. o 3 H K°. 24. 3 '' o 13 4 — K°. 26. o 6 8- the amount of the Rate- for the AVtK Duties, at 39. 4d. the Ream ao per cent, thereon without Difc. -being k) per cent, on the Rate for the A'.iy Duties e per cent, thereon Difcount at 5 per cent. — Subfidy N°. I Impo(>, i6go — VI ah New Subfidy 10 f Subfidy ——~ 13 ■I Subfidy i; New Duty, Paper 24 Addit. Duty, ditto 26 Subfidy, 1747 — 33 Subfidy, 1759 — 36 o o — o — o •0 •o , — o o 1 2, o 10^ 10- — o 13 4 13 6 3 3 o o Total Duty — i 17 8^ SO it f 63 ] 20 Jfe of Rhubarb, not direftly from the place of its growth. The amount_of the Rat« at i !. per Cwt. /. s. J. • 20 o o The amount of treble the Rate, not being imported direftly, ijc. 6000 N°. VI ;. 2 o o — 10 per cent, on the Rate o o o 2 6 — Difcount 61 per cent. J per cent, thereon DilcouDt at 5 per cent. — 030 1 17 K°. 10. I o c — ; per cent, on the Rate o 1 o — Difcount at c per cent. Subfidy I'i". I Impoft, 1690 — VI NewSublidy 10 ■'. Subfidy 13 New Duty, Drugs, y^. 14 «9 No '4- 2 -'■ Subfidy oabfidy, 1747 — Total Duty — 217 — ' '7 — o 19 — 06 - 2 o -012 33 3 — II 12 3 o — being 5 per cent, on treble the R.ite, not being imported directly, isfc. 20 {^ of Rhubarb from the place of its growth, and in a Britifh built Ship, o 6 o 4 o 8 o N". VI i 20 o o The amount of the Rate at 1 1. per cent — the amount of the Rate — 10 per cent, thereon 20 o o 5 per cent, thereon — — i o o Difcount at 5 per cent. — 010 Subfidy N°. o 13 4 o o 10 012 6 — ^ thereof being imp. diredlly, y^. Impoft, 1690 — Vli — Difcount at 65 per cent. New Subfidy 10 i Subfidy ^ 13 New Duty, Drugs, Jiff. 14 •y Subfidy ——— I 5 N=. lo. 6 13 4 068 004 064 — o 19 o -012 6 . — 064 • o 2 — o 13 — o 4 'T • 100 4 2-r Subfidy, 1747 — — I of the Rate being imp. directly, y. i. — Coinage 2. — Import, 1692 — VII bs. — New Subfidy — — 10. — -3- Subfidy 13. — ■y Subfidy • ir — ijubfidy, 1747 — 33.— N'. 2. — the fame as Cyder N°. VII bs. I o o — 5 per cent, on the value o I 3 — Difcount at 6i per cent, 4 10 10 18 9 19 6 4 12 8 I N". 10. I o o — being 5 per cent, on the value o I o — Difcount at 5 per cent. Total Duty 8 16 o 19 (a) Tlief; Duties were, by 4. 5 \V. A: M. cap. 5. and by 3. 4. Ann. cap. 8. charged on the values of fuch Drugs as were not then ratp.l, but it the time the New Rates were eftabiidied by 11 CeOi I. cap, 7, thefe, with the fevera] duties then payable on tlie value, were charged on thcfe New Kates. 20 Reams [ 65 ] 20 hundred Ells of Broad Germany Lumen, above one Yard in widtli. A s. a, 200 O O The amount of the Rate at lol. per hundred N'. III. 4 15 I — one moiety of N". I. o 9 6 — 10 per cent. Difcount 5 per cent, thereon Difcount at 5 per cent. 1000 o 10 o 4 S N°. VI al). The grofs amount < N". 1.— 10 in.- c o o one moiety thereof Difcount 6f percent. 'J 7 10 9 4v 7 7 4 Subfidy N". i. — 9 10 o Additional Duty — III. — 456 Impoft, 1600 Vb'v — 7 o 7i New Subfidy — 10. — 9 10 o y Subfidy 13 .Subfidy, 1747 — 33 Subildy, 1759 36 further Add. Duty 44 — 334 — 10 o o — 10 o o , — 30 o o Total Duty 83 9 5' N^41. 30 o o — amount at 3d, per ell, without Difcount 20 hundred Ells of Spruce Canvafs. The amount of the Rate at 2 1. 10s. the hundred Ells N°. III. 139 — a moiety of N°. i. o 2 4^ — Jifcount at 10 per cent, « > 4f 5 per cent, thereon ■ Difcount at 5 percent. — 5c 2 10 2 6 N°. VI ab. The grofs amount of j ' ,. j .— 2 10 5 3 '• a moiety thereof — Difcount at 6i per cent. 117 6 o 2 4| Subfidy — Additional Dut> Impoft, 1690 — ^ New Subfidy — i Subfidy Subfidy, 1747 Subfidy, 1759 — further Add. Duty N'. I. 111. Vlab. 10. i3- 33- 36. 46. 6 4f 7 I I 15 I 276 o 15 10 Total Duty 2 10 2 10 n 10 •5 '7 4i ' '5 I; N°. 46. 2 10 o— Net amount at 2 s. 6d. the hun- dred Ells 400 dozen of plain Straw Hats. The amount of the Rate at is. 6d. the dozen N-.43. 120 o — Net amount at 6 s. per dozen 5 per cent, thereon Difcount at 5 per cent. Subfidy N = New Subfidy i Subfidy y Subiidy ■ bublidy, 1747 — New Duty ■ . I. 10. •3- 33- 43- 30 o I 10 I 1 8 I S o 9 19 1 10 120 o o 6 6 6 6 o o o Total Duty — 125 15 6 400 ]b [ 66 ] 400 Jo of Virginia Tobacco, all Duties /a;'./ down at the time of entry. /. J. d. The amount of the Rate at 1 s. 8d. per pound — 33 6 8 5 per cent, thereon N=. III. I 13 4 — the grofs Duty at I d per pound !» 4 — Difcount at 25 per cent, for prompt payment 1 5 o Difcount at 2j per cent. — 5 o o — the grofs Duty at 3 d. per pound I 5 o — Difcount at 25 per cent, for prompt payment Subfidy Additional Duty ■ Impoll, Tobacco ■ Ne>v Subfidy — •J Subfidy Subfidy, 1747 — Subfidy, 1759 • N° 13 4- 4 I. — I III.— I 5 5— 3 10. — I 'S 13— 33-— I 36— I s s 5 4 • 33- . \ the girofs Duty at i s. for every '^ '^'/ 20 s. of the Rate S 4 — Difcount at 25 per cent, for prompt payment Total Duties paid — 10 8 4 S M°. 36. — the fame as N°. 33. 400 jfe of Virginia Tobacco, the Old Subfidy to be paid, and all the other Duties to be fecured by Bond. N'. III. The amount of the Rate at is. 8 d. per pound — 33 6 8 I 13 4 — theamountatid. per pound o 5 o — 15 percent. Difcount 4 5 per cent, thereon . 1 13 4 Difcount at 25 per cent. — o 8 4 N°. 5. 5 o o — the amount at 3d. per pound o 15 o — Difcount 15 per cent. 4 5 N°. 10. I 13 4 — the amount of the Rate c 5 o — Difcount at 15 per cent. Old Subfidy N°. I. to be paid — 1 5 o Add. Duty III. to be fecured i 8 4 Imp. Tobacco 5. 4 1; o New Subfidy 10. 184 f Subfidy 13. _ o 9 5,=- Sub. 1747 33. 1 8 4 Sub. 1759 36. I 8 4 Total Duty to be fecured lo 7 9^ 8 4 ' i. > the fame as N°. 10. 1200 ib of Brazil Tobacco, all Duties to be pard. N*. 5. The amount of the Rate at 10 s. per pound 30 o o — the amount at 6 d. per pound 2 8 o — ill Difcount at 8 per cent. 24 3 600 27 12 o 3 9 o — 2nd Difcount at 1 2i per cent. N°. 33- 30 o o — 5 per cent, en the Rate 3 'S 7a*g — 5 per cent. Difcount 26 4 4?o W°. 36. — the fame as N°. 33. 5 per cent, thereon 3000 Difcount ai 5 per cent. — 1 10 o 28 10 o Difcount at 8 per cent. — 25 7-5% -N= I. 26 4 4t| ■Subfidy — Impoft — — 5-24 3 o New Subfidy — 10. 26 4 4i.| I Subfidy 13. 8 14 91^ Subfidy, 1747 33. 26 4 4i| Subfidy, 1759 — 36. 26 4 4i| Total Duty to be paid 137 14 5 fa [ ^7 1 111 reTpefl to the Branch, N°. 5. it is to be obfervcd, that the Duty is here computed in a Aippofition that the fame 15 to be paid within eighteen months : but if the Duty is paid within any of x\\v ftrfl fficen m' nihs, to commence at the end of the ihiriy days from the report of the (liip, the importer is to have a farther allowance for the whole f fteen months, or fo many intire months ;.s Ihall be unc;;pired at the time < f pay- ment, at the Rate of \o per cent, per annua: ; which, for the iaid fifteen months, is 12^ per cent. To that a deduction is to be made from this Difcount, iu proportion to the number of months elapfeo before pay- ment, f/s: ~^iox ^\t\'j Taon\}n.. Suppofe, therefore, that one of the fifteen months were expired before an entry were made; the queflion Urould be thus: N°. 5. — The Impoll after deduftion of 8 per cent, as before I2i per cent. - 390 lefs, tV Net Impoft /. s. d. ~1 12 3 4 IS 4io 24 5 / 2 ti 1300 ife of Brazil Tobacco, the Branches N°. 5. and 33. 36 to be fecured by Bonds; all the other Duties to be paid. The amount of the Rate at 10 s, per pound 600 N». J. 30 o o 280 — the amoant at di.. per pound — Difcount at 8 per cent. 27 1 2 o N^ 33-1 36.1 net 5 per cent, on the Rate, with- out Difcount 5 per cent, thereon 30 Difcount at 5 per cent. — • i 28 10 o Difcount at 8 per cent. — 2 5 y/r; Subfidy Ns, i.— 26 4 i,\% New Subfidy — 10. — 26 4 4^! X Subfidy 13— 8 14 9i# Total Duty to be paid 61 3 7^*5 Jmpoft. Tobacco Subfidy, 1747 — Subfidy, 1759 — Total Duty to be fecured 87 12 o 5. — 27 12 o 33. — 30 o o 36. — ^o o o The [ 63 ] J_ HE Dircifllons that have been already given for computation, having been gencnil, fome further oh. fcrvations are ncccil'ary to be made refpefting the computation of the Duties on French Gcods ; and, princi» pally, as to the Impoil 1692, Branch N°. VU. On rerourfe had to that Branch, by the further direiflion, ag. it will be found, that French Goods (except Brandy, lirong Water, AquaVitae, and Spirits ; Salt, Wine, anil Vinegar) are charpjd to pay 25 1. for every 100 1. of the Rate or Value. But if any French Goods are particularly c!. urged eithfr to tlirt li.-.poft, or the Jmtoft 1690 (Branch N". VI.) in any greater fum ; then fuch greater fum fo refpcitlvely chaiged, mull be taken inflcad of the 25 per cent, above mentioned, as is the cafe with Bacon, Catlings, Necklaces, Brim- ftone, i^c. Further it is to be obferved that all Goods (e.vcept Brandy, Wine, and Vinegar) of the gro.vth, produfl, or nianufadurc of France {'~h it is, Old France, and not any other French Dominions) are charged with a, further Duty, I'iz. Branch N°. 9. To illuftrate this a few Examples may be ufeful for the computations of the Duties on FRENCH GOODS, 20 Cwt. of French Prunes, The amount of the Rate at 15 s. per Cwt. /. s. a. I? o o N'. VII ag. 31; o — 2; per cent, on the Rate p ^ 8-^-— Difcount at 6^ per cent. 5 percent, thereon — Difcourit at 5 per cent 3 'o 3^ N< . 9. — 25 per cent, on the Rate, without Difcount Subfidy Impoit, 1692 - 2nd 25 per cent. New Sulilidy — i Sublidy I Subfidy Subfidy, I 47 Subfidy, 1759 10 18 oi- ■20 hundred Ells of Vitery Canvafs. N'». III. 2 7 6 — moiety of N°. i. o 4 9 — Difcount at 10 per cent. The amount of the Rate at 5 1. per hundred Ells 229 N°. VI ig. 25 o o — per cent, on the Rate J 1 1 3 — Difcount at 6J: per cent. 23 8 9 N = . 9. 2 J o o — per cent, on the Rate, without Difcount N°. 27. 10 o o — Amount at id. per Ell, without Difcount 5 per cent, thereon — Difcount at 5 per cent. 100 5 o Import, 1692 2nd 25 per cent. New bubfidy — A Subfidy Sail Cloth Subfidy, 1747 — Subfidy, i7jg Subfidy N°. I.— 4 11; Additional Duly — III. — 2 2 Vlag 23 8 9.-25 o 10.— 4 IS 13— < «> 27. — 10 o 33— S o 36.— 5 o 81 13 o o 20 Cwt, [ 69 ] 20 Cwt. of French BrimRone. The amount of the Rate at 65. 8 d. per Cwt. — NWIe. (a) 4 13 4 — the amount at 4s. 8 d. per Cwt. 5 per cent, thereon o 5 10 — Difcount at 6|percent. Difcount at 5 per cent. /. .'. d. 6 13 4 o 6 o o 470 N°. 9. {a) I ij 4- • 25 per cent, of the Rate, without Difcount SubCdy — Impoft, 1690 ■ 25 per cent. — New Subfidy — — 'Subfidy ; Subfidy subfidy, 1747 — Total N«. I.— o 6 VIe.-4 7 9—1 13 10. — o 6 13—0 I it ij.— o 4 zf 33-0 6 8 4 6 4 4 766 20 fmall groce of French Necklaces. The amount of the Rate at 4 s. per groce N°.Vnm. {h) 2 10 o —the amount at 2S. 6d. per dozen o 3 lis — Difcount at 6^ per cent. 6 10 N"= if 9- o — 25 per cent, on the Rate, with- out Difcount 5 per cent, thereon o Difcount at 5 per cent. — o N^ I Subfidy — Import, 1692 — 25 per cent. New Subfidy — i Subfidy ~ Subfidy — — Subfidy, 1747 — Total Unrated French Toys, value 100 1. . I. — o Vllm. 2 — I — o — o — o — o 10 »3 33 3 9rS- 6 io;-s o o 3 9ii ' 3="o 2 o,V 4 o The amount at is. 4d. for every 20 s. value N". Vllag. 25 o o — per cent, on the value ,' II 3 — Difcount at 65 per cent. 23 8 9 5 per cent, tliereon Difcount at 5 per cent. '33 6 8 6 n o 6 Subfidy N°. I.— 6 Import, i6g2 — Vllag. 23 25 per cent. 9 — 25 New Subfidy — 10 — 6 J Subfidy 13. — t f Subfidy 15. — 4 Subfid/, 1747' — ■■ 33— 5 Total 6 8 o 6 4 o 8 9 o 8 72 (a) The commnn Impoft on Frcrei Gooifs is not charped on Briirftone, the former Impoft being higher, ,"^[JJ It is not the praftice to chEije the Impoft 1650, on frcncb Necklaces. 20 Cwt. .!».'? uz [ 7« I 20 Cv.t. of Frankinccnfe, of tlie growth, y^. The amount of the Rate at i : s. per Cwt. ■^0. VII ug. 4 o o — ^ of the Rute, being of the- ■ growth, t5r. I o o — 25 per cent, thereon 01 3 — Difoount at 6^ pn cent. o o o 18 9 N°. 9. I o o — 25 per cent, on -]- of the Rate, being of the growth, Wc. N'. 10. ° 3 9io — T °f N°- '• being of the growth, tV. N». 14. 4. o o — 4 of the Rate, being of ihs growth, yr. o 8 o — 10 per cent, thereon 5 per cent, thereon » o Difcount of 5 per cent. — o Subfidy N" Impoft, 1692 — \ 25 percent. New Subfidy — ■J Subfidy ■ New Duty — ^— I Subfidy ' 1 2 o o 7/0- Subfidy, 1747 — Total . I. — II 4fl liag. 18 9 9— 1 10. — 3 9^ 13— 1 3A 14.— 8 J5 — 2 6A 3V— 12 3 >7 9 1000 Jfe of Radix Eringii, French. The amount of the Rate at 6 d. per pound, by 1 1 Geo. 1. N*. VII ag. 650 — 25 per cent, on the Rate 5 per cent, thereon o 7 9-J — Difcount at 6^ per cent. Difcount at 5 per cent. 5 17 2} N°. 14. I o o — 14 per cent, on the Rats ~ 2; — s I 3 Subfidy N". I. — I 3 9 Impoft, 1692 — VlJag. 5 17 2-t 25 percent. 9.-6 5 o New Subfidy — 10. — 139 ■J Subfidy 13, — o 7 II New Duty . 14. — i o o -Subfidy 15. — o 15 10 iiubfidy, 1747— 33- — I S o Total 17 18 5^ 30 Gallons oT French Cordial Waters, by an Alien. The amount of the Rate at 10 s. per gallon N». 3. o 1 7 -—amount at 1 1. get ton 10 <; per cent, thereon Difcount at 5 per cent. The Duties f^"'//"!! brought to ac- I count under J '' the head of 5 9- ~~ o 10 o a o 6 Siibfidies on Spirits 10. 13- L '5- Subfidy, 1747 — 33. Subfidy, 1759 — 36. Total o 9 O 2 O J 2 10 O 9 o 3 o 6 o 10 6 6 7 o 6 2 4 o 0100 ? 2 7 20 CvVtk [ 71 J to Civt. of Mufcovado Sugar from Dominica, which having been vvarelioufed on Importation, is to be taken out for Home Conlumption. The amount of the Rate at 4 1, per Cwt. 5 per cent, therenn Difcountat 5 per cent /. s. d. 80 o o 4 4 3 16 5 The fum paid on Importation at 3 J. per Cwt. Remainder to be paid for — Subfidy N°. i. — 3 n o N». Vllag. Impoft, 1692— Vllag. 18 15 o 20 o o — zij per cent, on the Rate New Subfidy — 1 5 o — Difcountat 6j per cent. -} Subfidy • '• Subfidy 15 10. — 3 16 3- — I S Subfidy, 1747 — Subfidy, 1747 — Total 4. 15. — 2 10 S 33. — 4 o o 36. — 4 o o 37 '8 20 Cwt, of V/e!d, for dyers iije, of the growth 0? France. The amount of the Rate at 5 s. per Cwt. 5 per cent, thereon 050 Difcount at 5 per cent. — 003 Subfidy N°. I. — o 4 9 Impolt, 1692 — VJlag. 1 3 i!l- 25percent. g. 1 J o Subfidy, i7.)7 -— 33. _ o 5 o Total 2 18 :V 20 ife of Weld, /ar dyers life, of- the growth of a Fraich Plant alion. The amount of the Rate as before - , 500 5 per cent, thereon • ■ ■ o j o Difcount at 3 per cent. — 003 Subfidy N''. 1. — o 4 o Impolt. 1692 — Vllag. 1 3 5 A Jjubfidy, 1747 — 33. — 050 Total 1. 13 Example*'. [ 72 1 Examples wherein fevcral Sorts of Goods are entered together. From Sweden, in a Brltifj Ship. 20 ton of Ear Iron • ■ — H Cwt. of Deals under 20 feet long zjlallsofTar . N». VI. 23 o o —Iron, Britlfh Ship 7 10 o —Deals, 10 per cent. I— 30 10 o 5 7 12 6 1 18 li— Difcount 28 II iqV N°. VII. Ill 3 —Tar 7 9\ I n! I 9 3v Difcount 140 o o 75 ° o 62 10 o 277 10 o 13 17. 6 N». I. VI. vn. 10. »3- 'S- 33' '3 3 7l- 28 II lOf I 9 31- »3 3 7i: 4 7 lot 8 '5 9 '3 •7 6 Total Duty 83 9 6^ From Norway, in a Fci-cign Ship, on Britifti account. C. 4d 3 I 2 • Deals o — Battens under 6\ inches o — Middle Balks o — Small Spars — 10 — Middle Marts 5 — Ton, Norway Iron VI. 21 16 9 — 25s. per 20s. for Wood 850 — Iron 30 1 9 7 10 5t 1 17 7-i— Difcount 28 200 4 6 2 S — 3 J o 0—218 7 6— Wood 253 7 6 12 '3 12 4i 8 N' , I. — 12 8i il. — 2 14 7 • VI. — 28 4 'i 10. — 12 8t >3- — 4 2i IS- — 8 Si 33- — 12 •3 4t -on Wood Total 79 14 2| From [ 73 I From Dantzick, in a Britijh Ship. 120 pounds of Amber — — — 3 1 20 Spruce Deals ' — — 30 load of Oak Plank — — ^ 20 o o Spruce Canvafs • 25 o o narrow Eaft Country Linen, plain ■ 10 Barrels of Spruce Beer /. s. d. 22 O O 51 5 O 90 o o 50 o o 100 o o -141 5 o — Wood ijo o o — Linen 2500 338 5 o 16 18 3 Difcount — o 16 II N'rlir. 7100 076 -Difcount N'. vr 14 2 3 "5 1 17 '6 - \ 6 < -Wood > Linen > -Difcount N °. I 16 2. m. — 3 VL — 18 VII. 3 10. — 16 13- S IS- — S 33. 16 36. - 7 a6. 2 I 16 4 10 4 1 7 19 18 10 10 4 8 If 3 1 7 2 6 •3 JI 3 7 i|- 19 15 4 18 I 4 9 8i- 4 li 3 4 If 3 iS 10 3J 96 3 N^.-vir. 240 — ^Anrber" I 5 o — JBeer 390 o 17 3 o ~4 '3 1 — DTfcount 3 4 8j: N°. 36. 2 10 O 500 7 10 o — Linen N". 15. 1 2 o — Amber 713 — Wood 150 — Beer 9 « 3 329 6 5 6i o 6 3-i — Difcount 5 '9 2f ;jiUc>':iC— I From f 74 ] From RuiRa, in a Fortran Ship, 10, coo fc of Potaflics C. 40 o o Rough Hemp 62 10 o 26 13 4 I, t. J. ^6 o o Narrow Ruflia Linen, plain i; o o Ruflia Sail Cloth . 96 o o 500 o o Yards of Ruflia Diaper Napkening, notex-} 8 fi » ceeding half Ell Englidi in breadth — — j C. 25 o o Ruflia Linen above 22J inches in breadth,] 89 3 4 and not exceeding 31V inches 100 279 6 100 o o Red -Mufcovia Hides, containing 600 tb — 33 6 N*. in. "3 "9 4 o 13 nf 13 ? 4f 6 12 «T >3 3^ 5 '9 5 -Difcount N«. vr. 20 o o — Potafti 109 6 — A Linen 30 9 6 7 12 4i I 18 I 28 II 5 N». VU. I 6 8 — Hemp 1 13 4 — Hides 300 15 3 9— Difcount 2 16 3 326 I 6 8 I 13 4 626 2 10 4 1 8 4 I — Difcount 3 >7 7 8 — Linen 8 40 1 1 6 8 20 I 10 Difcount — I o I N". I. IL — III. VI. — VII. 19 5 $ 28 2 >9 II 16 9 Si 5 S 3 10. — 13. >s- — 21. 'I 3 ■J 7 17 9 3 7 25. — 2 10 27. 7 10 33- — 20 I 10 36. '3 >9 4 Total Duty 139 17 o* Fxoni [ 75^ I prom Flandern J 50 Ells of plain Flanders Linen, under Ell -g- —^ 180 Yards of Thread Bone Lace 8 dozen of Bridges Thread — ' -^ — c. 620 White Starch 40 bufliels of Apples, vocat. Pippins 50 thoufand Flanders Tiles — N°. in. I 17 6 o I loJ o 17 gl o 1 9i o 16 oi N» •'S- 3 18 I 12 6 2 5 10 12 9 10 7i 10 I lOi 3 7 Si N". VL 6 10 o — Stach I 12 6 o 8 il I loi N«. 25. 672 728— 16 at 2 d. 36 8 6 I 4 /. s. ., ' V' 1 9- 5*7 -Difc. N'. VI, I 10 o 076 4 5 10 '—Difc. N'< vrr. o» ^ o 14 o 5 16 8 N«. '5 N° '7 10 10 3 6 10 10 3 6 9 10 10 2 9 9 10 10 10 9 13 4 -3 4 5i 10 -6 8 lo-i 48 4 10 >7 43 «3 6 la 8 ' I 12* -8 • o 8 2 — Difcount N«'. 36. :— - 10 o ''o— ilSroccry 9 /9 r — LfTien Difcount N°. I. — III. VI. — VII. 8. — 10. •3- — 14. J5- — «7- 27. — 33- 36.- 24 4 I 6 10 24 8 10 ^ 43 1 1 26 '9 '4 5 8 2 o 14 4- o 2 2 6 o ■2 8<- o -8-1 of 13 o »3 4 o 2 19 2 Total Duty— 197 -3 •:4l 19 1^9 5"" " i £101 01 O III From C 77 3 From Hamburgh, imported by an Alien. C. 7 iz 9 /. 1. d. 2 o I.atten Wire o o Scale Boards ' . o o Narrow Germany Linen, plain o o Broad Germany Linen, above 36 inches broad 300 Yards of Silefia Diaper Napkening 100 Yards of Silefia Diaper Tabling 1200 th of unwrought Incle, called Short Spinnall 5 Barrels of Mum ■ ■ . 12 10 N^ .III 1 1 6 8 II 4 10 «5 4 <; 7 8 10 9- -Difcount 4 6 1 1 No.vn. 289 O 12 2i o 3 oi- N°.i ?• 2 10 12 6 3 4 6 3 2i f-3 I 3i 2 10 oi 291 K''. VL Is' °. I. 5 1 2 6 — Wire II. 0- \ — Scale-Boards -7 8 10 — Linen ifl. VI. VIL 14 6 6 311 Ik 17 10^ — Difcount 10. '3- ";• 13 8 7A, 24. 26. 33- 34- 36. 44. •3 i6 3 12 o 8 4 16 13 8 2 5 13 16 4 12 o o 1 4 1 1 2 ■ Difcount — 014 b~ 3 I 14 15 1 1 13 10 7\ 9k 4 1 1 7i 8i Ik 2J. o o o 8 o Total Duty — 117 6 6 The c. 80 o o Brown Sugar 12 o o Cocoa Nuts for all the Duties 20 o o of Ginger C 7^ ] From Jamaica. 150 fb "f -Aloes Epatica, of the growth, fsV. — — 40 Succads — 500 Pimento ■ 100 Gallons of Rum — -___ — . 8 6 8 zo Gallonj of Citron Water 20 o o /. s. d. 120 30 20 >^ 6 7 10 28 6 8 85 o o 450 198 Difcount — 043 9 18 6 Difcount — o 9 1 1 N°. VI. C. s. d. o 10 o 20 Ginger at 4 8 o 2 6 Dlfc, o o 75 4134 o 9 4^— Aloes 4 13 4 —Ginger 5 z n N". 10. 9 18 6 Lefs — 10 6- N°. I.— 9 * — 4 -Aloes 3. — 8 9 7 986 095- -Difc. VI. - 5 VII. — I 10. — 8 2 >9 2 I 13.— 2 >9 8A 8 19 I 14. — 10 ij.— 2 33-— " 36. — 8 3 6 7 44 10 6 Total — 5 J 3 2|: N°. VII. N0N. JO Cvvt. Frer.ch Books bound, imported by Briiijh, in Ships not liable to one per cent. Subfidy Import, 1692 — 25 per cent. New Sublidy — X Subfidy f Subfidy. N iiubfidy, 1747 — °. I. — 1 I 6i- VUag. — 5 7 8i 9- 5 7 «i 10. — I I 6i 13. 7 2 15. — H 4^ 33- 3 10 17 10 so Cwt. French Books bound, by Jliens, in Ships not liable to one per cent. Subfidy - Petty Curtom Impoft, 1692 25 percent.— New Subfidy i Subfidy f Subfidy Subfidy, 1747 — 17 9 II 10 Cwt. Books bound, not French, by Britijh, in Ships 7:ot liable to one per cent. Subfidy Import, 1692 — TMew Subfidy i Subfidy J Subfidy Subfidy, 1747 — 17 CO Cwt. Books bound, not French, by Aliens, in Ships not liable to one per cent. Subfidy N' Petty Curtom — Impoft, 1692 Mew Subfidy — f Subfidy i Subfidy Subfidy,' 1747 — >. I. II. - VII bs 10. - 13- «5- ■ 33- 5 16 5 5 3 10 IOt 6' id! ici- "1: I I o 20 Cwt. French Books bound, imported by BritiJI}, in Ships liable to one percent. Subfidy — One per cent. — Import, 1692—— 25 per cent. — — New Subfidy — \ Subfidy — ^— f Subfidy N°. I. — I o 5 5 I o o Subfidy, 1747 — 33. 3 ". I. IV. - VII ag. 9. - 10. •3- - S- 33- I + 6 6 I 7 14 10 2^ 2i oi Ok 24: •i 2I o 17 10 20 Cwt. French Books bound, by Aliens, in Ships liable to one per cent. Subfidy N°. I. - — I 10 Petty Curtom — II. — 5 z One per cent. — IV. - — 4 I Impoft, 1692 — VII ag. 5 4 2 25 per cent. 9- - S 4 2 New Subfidy — 10. 10 \ Subfidy 13. - — 6 Hi |. Subfidy •5- — 13 ic^ Subfidy, 1747 — 33- - — 3 10 17 JO :o Cwt. Books bound, not French, by Brifi/h, in Ships liable to one per cent. Subfidy One per cent, Impoi't, 1692 NewSubhdy- I Subfidy |- Subfidy Subfidy, 1747 — 33- — 3 >o 20 Cwt. Books bound, not French, by Aliens, in Ships liable to one per cent. Subfidy — Petty Curtom One per cent. Import, 1692— Ke.v Subfidy i Subfidy 3 Subfidy Subfidy, 1747 — '. I. II. IV Vlil' 10. '3- ' 3 — 2 '3 12 10 1 1 y 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 s- — 3 3 — 1 53- — 3 >7 10 The [ 8o ] The feigned Rates on Bound Books imported, with Examples of computation according to the practice of the Out- Ports. French Looks, tie Cwt. Books not French the Cwt. { 1 r in fhips \ in ftiips is liable to the one per cent. «o/ liable to the one per cent. , ... J in fhips liable to the one per cent, by Aliens ^ j^ ^-^^^ ^^^ liable to the one per cent. h R ■ 'fh 5 '" '^''P^ liable to the one per cent, by BritUh ^ -^^ ^-^^^ ^^^ y^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ , ... \ in fliips liable to the one per cent, by Aliens j^ ^^ ^j^^ ^^^^ liable to the one per cent. Rates. I z o I 2 I I 1 I loi- 3 lo 4fS 3 '3 3 6 2|S l3 9 4 5- I. IV. VII ag. 9. 10. 13. 15. 33. i.VIIag. 9. 10. 13. 15. 33. i.II.IV. VHag. 9. 10. 13. 15. 33. I. II. Vllag. 9. 10. 13. 15.33. 1. IV. Vllbs. 10. 13. 15. 33. l.VIIbs. 10. 13. 15.33. I.II.IV. VII bs. 10. 13. I. II. VII bs. 10. 13. 15. 33- 33- Example i. •20 Cwt. Books bound, w/ French, by Britlfh, in Ships not liable to one per cent. 3 13 "A o 3 Sj'j, N». Vllbs. N». I. — 3 3 13 ««-A VII bs.- 3 o 4 75?o — Difcount 6^ per 10. 3 — — cent. 13. — I 3U »5- 2 3 9 10 9 10 3 6 2." 4i§ 9i^ 33- 14 O Ovo ■ 3 13 "t'o »7 '3 ii/o- Example z. 20 Cwt. Bound Books, not French, by Britifh, in Ships liable to one per cent. N°. Vllbs. 3 'o o 4 N 4aT 3 6 3 10 4-14 3 o.t. °. 1 — 3 6 io;-i IV. — >3 4^:; Vllbs ■— 3 6 10.— — 3 6 ■ 0^5 J3- — 1 z 34i 15 — — 2 4 7z7 14 0/^ 33- — 3 13 11^'.- «7 13 11^2. Example 3. 20 Cwt. Bound Books, French, by Britifli, in Ship* not liable to one per cent. 2 4 No.VIIag, 1 2 4 005 N». I. I VHag- 5 9- 5 5118 13. o o 6 11 4i — Difc. 6!:percent. 15. — o 1 4 II I 7 14 5 4 14 33--— - 3 o o >3 "as 17 '3 I'iTj Example 4. 20 Cwt. Bound Books, French, by Aliens, in liable to one per cent. N'.VIIag. 5 7 io;§ o 6 8 JO — Difc.6i per cent Ships I 1 6;j I o\l N". I. — I 6 II. •i 4;* t, IV. — 4 >.*^ VII ag. 5 I i!^- 9- — 5 7 1 1 °- 10. I 6 13. — 6 10 15. '3 8 33- 1400 - 3 »3 'I^'g 17 '3 "1:5 The I 8i ] The Duties payable on PIdlurcs imported according to the Praclice of the Port of London. aoPiftures French, of 4 feet fquare, or i6fuperficial feet, or upwards, imported by Britifh in Ships net liable to one per cent. Subfidy ~ — Import, 1692 Spice .ind Piflures, ijc. — 2; percent. ■ Kew Sabfidy • fSubridy — ^ Addlt. Spice and Pittures I Subfidy Subfidy, 1747 ■■ ' N" VII a3 H 15 33 216 5~ iS 10 II 5 II 1 17 8 500 64 19 11; EoPiftures not French, of 4 feet fquare, or 16 fuper- ficial feet, or upwards, imported by Britilh, in Ships not liable to one per cent. Subfidy N". I. - Impoll, 1692 Vllbs. Spice and Piftures, tfff. — 8. — New Subfidy 10, 3- Subfidy 13. — Addit. Spice and Piilures 14. 2 Subfidy — — — ^— 15. — Subfidy, 1747 - 33. 5 o 5 o 20 o 5 o I 13 20 o 3 6 5 o o o o 4 o 65 2oPiauresFrenchj of 4 feet fquare, on 16 fuperficial feet, or upwards, imported by Britilh, in Ships liable to one per cent. Subfidy N". I. One per cent. IV.— Impoll, 1692 — VII ag. Spice and Piflures, l^c. — 8. — 25 percent. — 9. New Subfidy 10. - •i Subfidy 13. Addit. Spice and Piftures 14. - I Subfidy 15. Subfidy, 1747 33. ■* 2 o 14 II >4 z o II I 5 16 II 2 6 2 16 18 6 17 o 7 4 II 4 II 7 lei 4 . 8'-. o 64 19 7 2oPi£luresFrench,of 4 feet fquare, on 16 fuperficial feet, or upwards, imported by Aliens, in Ships liable to one per cent. Subfidy Petty Cuflom One percent. ■■ ■ Impoll, 1692 — Spice and Pictures, i^c.-^ 25 per cent. '— New Subfidy — — }. Subfidy — Addit. Spice and Pictures f Subfidy Subfidy, 1747 — — . I. 2 16 II. — 14 IV. II 2 VII ag. - 1 + 8. 1 1 4 9- — '4 2 16 18 •3- — 8 14. 1 1 4 I?- — I '7 4 33- ' 5 65 2oPii5lures not French, of 4 feet fquare.'cr 16 fuper- ficial (en, or upwards, imported by Aliens, in Ships not liable to one per cent. Subfidy N' Petty Cuftom Impoll, 1692 ■ Spice and Pidlures, (Jc. — New Subfidy :l Subfidy — Addit. Spice and Piflures f Subfidy Subfidy, 1747 ■ '. I. II. - Vllbs. 8. - 10. '3- - 14. 15. - 4 I 4 19 4 I «9 3 17 4 •7 II 17 I 2 II o iii 6" Hi 10 11 1- 8 10 3L" o u I Pifture [ 82 ] 20 Piflures not French, of 4 feet fquare, on 16 fuper- ficial feet, or upwards, imported by Britifh, in Ships liable to One per cent. Subfidy — — — One per cent. ' Import, 1692 ^^— Spice and Piftures, iSc. — New Subfidy ■ 4 Subfidy Addit. Spice and Piftures I Subfidy Subfidy, 1747 ■ N' '. I. IV. - VII bs. 8. - 10. •3- - 14. 15. - 33- 4 18 19 4 18 19 '3 4 18 1 12 •9 n 3 5 5 o 4i 8 4! 5 4i 9i S 7 o 64 19 Il|: 2oPii51ures not Fiencli, of 4 feet fquare, on 16 fupcr- ficial feet, or upwards, imported by Aliens, in Ships liable to one per cent. Subfidy N' Petty Cufloni • One per cent. -^ Import, 1692 ■ Spice and Piflures, i^c. — New Subfidy •J Subfidy — Addit. Spice and Pii^lures Y Subfidy Subfidy, 1747 ■ \ I. - II. IV.- VII bs. 8. - 10. '3- - »4- iS- - 33- 4 ^^> 5 I 4 I 19 4, '^ •9 5 4 16 1 12 3 S 3 5 1', 19 5 8 3 4 35 500 65 o 4 ZUm: The Pifture of two feet fquare (or four fuperficial feet) K ., • , i^,, , r n- T^ • • J jr r.r n r c- ic . '> two thirds ofthe above refpeftive Duties, and under four feet fq^uare, or 16 luperncial feet — j f ^ The Pi£lure under two feet fquare, or four fuperficial ) ■ ^ ., • , r ., . r n- t\ ■ , ^ "^ > two thirds of the above refpective Dutie?. The feigned Rates on Pidlures imported, with Examples of computation, according to the practice of the Out-Ports. The Piaure of four feet fquare (or 16 fuperficial fcei) or up- wards. by B trench -^ [. not French < riti(h-| liens.? ritinJ iliens J n (hips liaile to the one' per cent. n fliips !wt liable to the one per cent ,n (hips liable to the one ) per cent. j n fliips not liable to the 7 one per cent. \ a (hips liable to the one \ percent. ) n fliips not liable to the | one per cent. ^— — j n (hips liable to the one 7 percent. j n fliips 7iot liable to the } one per cent. J Feig Rat 2 17 2 18 2 17 2 17 s « 4 18 4 >9 ned £S. I0| ^\ References to tlie fcveral Branches of>- which the Net Drawbacks arc com- polcd. i.IV.VIIa2.S.9.io.i3.i4.i5.33., i.VIIag.8.9. 10.13. 14.15.33. S'l.IIIV. Vllag. 8.9. 10.13. i 14. 15. 33. i.lI.VIIag. 8.9.10. 13.14. 15.33. I. IV.VII bs. 8. 10. 13. 14. 15. 33. i.VIIbs. 3. 10. 13. 14. 15. 33. Ci.II. IV.VlIbs. 8. 10. 13. I 14- IS- 33- I. II. VII bs. 8. 10. 13. 14.15. 33. Mem. The Piaure of two feet fquare (or four fuperficial feet) 1 ^^^ ^^^j^^^ ^j. ^j^^ ^^^^^ refpeftive Rates. and under lour feet fquare, or iD fuperficial Jeet — j '^ The Pifture under two feet fquare, or four fuperficial 7 ^^^ ^^.^^ ^j.^^^ ^^^^^ refpeaive Rates. Let -— - — — J ^ Example [ 83 ] Example i. fo Pi£>are?, not Freiicli, above four feetfquare, by an Alien, ia a Ship not liable to one per cent. N°.VI[bs. 4 19 M o 6 2'.; 4 '3 5i< N s. 4 19 4 8^V 14 V] 12 18 ". I. n. vnb s. 10. 13- 14. 15- 4 I 4 19 4 I •9 3 H 4 13 18 14 ] I 18 3 8-A 8' 9 lbs. 3A «3 '3 "Jo 60 11- 5 65 i Example 2, 20 Piiflures, French, above four feet fquare, by Britifti, in a Ship nc/ liable 10 one per cent. 2 18 5^^W O 2 Ili'^j N". I. - ^^^^ 2 I? 6A VUag. — 13 13 UtV 8. - 1 1 13 9^ 9- — >4 12 2a^>; 10. — 2 >S 6.\ »3- — 18 6 .'5 14. - 1 1 13 9 15- I 17 oA 60 1 ' 8 33- - 5 65 ■i-^ BEVER SKINS. Ta appropriate the Duty charged on Bever. Skins imported to the purpofes to which the repeakd JJiities were applied, it is the praflice to take for the grofs Subfidy Impoft — New Subfidy i Subfidy I Subfidy — Subfidy, 1747 N' . I. — 4 VII. — 4 10. — 4 n- — I 1?- — 2- 33- — 4 jpercent.whereofis thenetDutyperSkin p o 1 S U C C U S LI Q^U O R I T I ^. To appropriate the Duty charged by 7 Geo, III. cap. 47. on Succus Liquoriti^, imported to the feve- ralBranches before chargeable thereon, it is the praflicc to take for the grofs Subfidy Tmpoft N° New Subfidy 4- Subfidy — New Duty f Subfidy — Subfidy, 1747 1. — 7 10 VI — ■; 10. — 't 10 •3- — 16 8 14. — 5 >5- — I 13 4 — 10 30 o o 5percent. whereof is the net Duty per Cwt. i lo o To [ H 1 R A W S I L K. To approprhte the Du'y charq;ed by ^ Geo III. cap. 29 on Raw Silk, imported to the fevcral Erarch?s fore chargeable on lialmn Ra^u iilk, it is the practice to take for the grofs SubfiJy — N°. 1 . — o 6 3 New Suhfidy — 10. — 063 y Sublidy 13. — o 2 i ySubfidy— . ij. — o 4 2 bubl'idy, 1747— 33- — o 6 3 5 per cent, whereof Is the net 7 Duty, per pound j THROWN SILK. The ir.ethod of computing the feveral old Duties, and incorporating therewith the New Duty of 6 d. per pound, on Thrown Silk imported. /. s. d. The Rate per pound • o 16 8 Difcount at 5 percent. — — ^ o o 10 N". VII bh. {a) 016 S — ;lie Rate o I o{ — Difcount 6i per ceiK. o 15 -iS. o 16 8 — the Rate o 2 6 — Portion of the New Duty o 19 o 15 10 The portion of the New Duty to be added 026 The grofs Subfidy Import — N». 1.— o 18 4 — Vllbh. o 15 7 — 10. — o 18 4 — 13. — o 6 I — 15. — o 12 Subfidy, 1747 — 33. — o 19 2 New Subiidy \ Subfidy y Subfidy 2f 4 9 9i: 5percent. whereof is the net Duty per Jfe o 4 i\\k U) The new duty being applicable to the fame purpofes as the former duties on Italian Raw SUk, no part thereof is added to the Iinpoft 1692, payable on Tbrirwn Silk, (jQOd} [ 85 ] Goods from EAST INDIA or CHINA. BESIDES the general direiflions before given, for the compatarinn of dutie; on goods impoited under the common circumrtance of importation, it is necefTary to add, in refpeft to goods of the growth, produ£l, or manufaclure of India or China, That all ManufaFlurcs oFIndia or China (except {a) Arrack, and fuch as by any AQ. of Parliament may be imported duty free) are to be charged wiiii the Impoll 16^0, after the rate of 20 per cent, as is Ihewn in the account given of Branch N". VI ac. {b) That the ur.i'ed company trading to the Eart-Indies, have libertv to enter fuch goods as are imported by them, by bill of fight or iufferance, and to give fecurity under their common feal, for the payment of the duties on (^ \ duties J 5100 1. value at the! • - „, ._ „ J candle lefs by the i- to C5 15 9v —— the net or reduced value ■ ' 65 15 9^ ^ charges -^ . 3 5 9i Difcount 033!; N°. I. 3 2 6 Viae. — 12 6 8 J 10. 326 13. — 10 10 15. 2 I 8 Net duties on the reduced value — - 21 14 z\^ And to demonftrate that this method is true To A^ net or reduced value of ' 6j 15 9 .,, f the net duties thereon ^^—— —^—— 21 14 2^ J and the allowance ■ - —— 12 10 o The total thereof makes the value fold for at the candle A Whereby it is manifeft that no more has been dedudled than thefe duties and charges do really amount to. Examples [ §7 ] Examples for finding the net or reduced Value and computing the Duties on Eaft India Goods unrated. I. Certain Eaft India Manufaflures, not particularly charged, fold at tlie candle for lOo /, Duties on lool. 33 1. Therefore the proportion is, As 135 o o is to 33 o o So is 87 lo o to 21 14 z^ or thus, As 1 53 o o is to 100 o o So is 17 10 o to 65 15 9^ • Proof. Net, or reduced value 65 15 g^ Net duties thereon — 21 14 2^ Prompt and charges — 12 10 o 100 o o Value at the candle I Prompt payment ■ Net duties to be dedu<5led — Net, or reduced value — — A s. d. 100 o o 600 6 lo o Difcount N=. I. Net duties on the reduced value 33 Total duties to be paid 12 10 o 87 10 o — 21 14 zk Vac. 10. 13- 15. — — 218 65 15 9\ 3 5 9i 3 3i 326 12 6 gi 326 1 o 10 — 21 14 z\ 500 36. — —500 31 14 2'i }[. Certain Eaft Indian unmanufadlured Goods not particularly charged, {bid at the candle for 100/, Duties on 100 I. 18 18 9 Value at the candle Deduftfor^^'^^^S" Therefore the proportion Is t prompt payment • Net duties to be deduded As n 8 18 9 is to 18 18 9 So is 87 10 o to 1318 7^ or thus. As 118 18 9 is to 100 o o So is 87 10 o to 73 II 4t Net, or reduced value Proof, Net, or reduced value 73 11 ^\ Net duties thereon — '3 '8 7^ Piompt ar,d charges — 12 10 o J 00 o o — 600 6 10 o 100 O CT 12 10 o 87 10 o iS /r — 73 " 4i Difcount 3 '3 7 038 N VII bs. 10. — — i 3 3 I 2 9 «' 8 lof 9 " 3 3f 6 :k 15.— — Net duties on the reduced value 33- 13 18 36. — — 500 Total duties to be paid 23 UL Certain [ 88 ] III. Certain MuHins, or White Callicoes, flowered, ftitclicd. {^c. fold at the candle for ico/. Duties on too 1. 35 Therefore the proportion is, Value at the candle f charges D^dudl for < prompt paynveftt 4N°. 12. or i^. /. s. d. 100 o • 6 o o 6 10 o 14 5 o 26 15 o As 135 2 9 is to 3; 2 9 So is 73 JO to 19 c 1 1 »—— Net duties to be deduiled or thus. As 1 35 2 9 is to 100 o o So is 73 5 o to 54- 4 I ——• Net reduced value •— 73 5 ■ 19 11 ■ 5+ 4 » z 14 - z 2? 8^ Proof, Net, or reduced value 54 4 Duties ^^'°- '^- °' '+• '+ 5 ° ^ on the reduced value 19 o 11 33 5 U Charges on prompt payment — 12 10 o Difcount N'. 1. — — 2 II 6 JII. I 3 z VI. — — 10 3 3 ID. 2 11 6 13. — _ o 17 Z 15. I 14 4 Net duties on reduced value N°. 12 or 14.— 33- — 36. 19 oil 14 5 o 500 500 Total duties to be paid 43 511 IV. Certain Eaft-India Cotton Manufa£lures, fold at the candle for 100/. Duties on 100 1. -33 Value at the candle arges 100 Therefore the proportion is, f charg Dedu£l for < promj CN». 1 pt payment z. or 14. — 600 6 10 o — 14 5 o As 133 o o is to 33 o So is 73 5 o to iS 3 or thus, As 133 o o is to 1 00 o So is 73 5 o to 55 I ■ Net duties to be deduded ■ Net, or reduced value Difcount 26 '5 73 18 5 3 6 55 I 6 2 IS z I 9 Proof, Net, or reduced Value -. . 5N°. 12. or 14. 14 *"^^^^^ \on the reduced value 18 H". I. vr. 55 - 32 8 6 Charges on prompt payment — 12 10 o 10. — •3- 15. — 212 4 10 6 6 2 iz 4 17 St 1 14 lof 100 Net duties, or reduced value — 1836 N°.i2. or 14. 14 5 o 33. 500 36. ' 500 Total duties to be paid 42 8 6 V. Certain [ 89 ] Duties on loo /. ■ V. Certain China Ware, fold at the candle for loo/. 52 2 6 Value at the candle Therefore th: proportion is. Charges Piompt paymeiit • Net duties to be deduiled As 152 2 6 is to 52 2 6 So is 87 10 o to 29 19 7^ or thus, As 152 2 6 is to 100 o o So is 87 10 7 to 57 10 4j Net, or reduced value Proof. Net, or reduced value 57 10 4^ Net duties thereon — 29 19 7|- Charges on prompt — 12 10 o 100 o o /. 100 o o o o 610 o 1210 o 7^ per cent. Difcount N°. I. VI. 87 — 29 10 >9 Ik 10 4l 5/ 4 : — 6 4 3i 3i 4 10 10. — — 4 13. I 14. 6 15. 2 '5 8i . xx\ 7 4 18 oi 14 n Net duties on reduced value 33- 36. 29 5 19 7t o o o o Total duties to be paid — 5 — 39 19 ik VI. Certain Eaft India Drugs raanufaflured, fold at the candle for 100 A Duties on 100/. Therefore the proportion is. As 137 o o is to 37 o o So is 87 o o to 23 12 ■)£■ or thus. As 137 o o is to 100 o o So is 87 10 o to 63 17 4i- Proof. Net, or reduced value 67, 17 4-^ Net duties thereon — 23 12 7-^ Charges and prompt — 12 10 o Value at the candle Deduftfor{^'^"S" prompt payment 600 6100 •Net duties to be dedufled Net, or reduced value 100 o o 12 10 o 87 10 o 23 «2 l\ 63 17 4^ 100 o 3 3 JOs Difcount — o 3 2i: N<=. I. VI. 10. 13- 14. 15- Net duties en reduced value 33- 36. 308 II 19 b\ 308 1 O 2| 2 11 |i 23 12 ik 500 500 Net duties to be paid 33 '2 7i VII. Certain [ 90 ] VJI. Certain Eaft India Drug* unmanufa£lured, fold at the candle for loo 1. Daties on loo/. iS 9 Therefore the proportion is, Value at the candle charges prompt payment Deduafor{^''"S" -Net duties to bededuded As 122 i8 9 is to 22 i8 9 So is 87 I o o to 16 6 6i or thus, As !22 i8 9 is to 100 o o So is 87 10 o to 71 3 si Net reduced value Proof. Net, or reduced value 71 3 5'; Net duties thereon — 16 6 6^- Charges and prompt 12 10 o /. s. 100 o o 600 6100 12 10 87 10 16 6 3 I' Difcount — 03 N°. I VII 10 •3 14 J 5 3 7 3 6 3 7 I 2 ■ 2 16 - —25 o 6i 2 61 7t I "Net duties on reduced value 36. - Total duties to be paid — 16 6 - 5 o - S o 26 6 6'.. Puties on loo/. VIII. Certain Cowries fold at the candle for 100 /. 23 J2 6 Therefore the proportion is. As 123 12 6 is to 23 12 6 So is 87 10 o to 1614 5 - 01 thus, As I2-; 12 6 is to 100 o o So is 87 10 o to 7015 7 ■ Proof. Net, or reJuced value 70 15 7 Net duties tl.ereoh — 16 14 5 Charges and prompt — 12 10 o Value at the canJle Deduftforj'^'^^^g" — ( prompt payment 100 00 — fi o o — 6 ID o 12 10 o ■ Net duties to be dedudled -Net, or reduced value 100 o S7 10 16 14 5 -0 15 7 Difcount 3 lo 9i o 3 6t N». 1. _ _ 3 7 3 VII. 612 8 10. — — 3 7 3 13. I 2 s 15. — — 2 4 10 Ket duties on reduced value 16 14 s 33, _ _ 5 o o 36. 5 o o Total duties to be paid 26 14 5 IX. 1000 ib [ 91 ] IX. 1000 ib of Eaft India Wax Candles, fold at the candle for ico/. Duties on loo /. 33 o o Value at the candle Therefore the proportion is, Chnrges Prompt payment — Duties N'. i8. and zo. I. ICO o 6 o o 6 10 o 33 6 S 45 i6 S As J33 o o is to 33 o o Sc is 54 3 4 to 13 8 gk Net duties to be deduced or thus. As 133 o o is to 100 o o So is 54 3 4 to 40 14 6f ■ ■ Net, or reduced valae 54 '3 Difcount Proof. Net, or reduced value N\ I. ^s, . fN". 20. and 21. — ^^ 6 8 ^""" ion reduced value— 13 8 pi Charges and prompt — 40 14 6i VI. — — 7 10. I — o ■ J- I - 46 15 5t . 12 10 o 100 o o Net duties on reduced value — 13 18. and 20. — 33 33- 5 36. 5 14 o 18 12 18 12 S 8 6 o o 4 9i o;- 8 lO-^ 91: 9i 8 o o Total duties to be paid — — 56 15 sj X. Certain Tea fold at the candle for 100/. IDuties on ico/. 18 18 9 Therefore the proportion is, .As iiS 18 9 is to I S 18 9 So is 87 10 o to 1318 71 ■ or thus. As 1 18 18 9 is to 100 o o So is 87 10 o to 7311 4' Proof. Net, or reduced value 73 11 4!- Net duties thereon — 13 18 yj: Prompt and charges — 12 10 o 100 o o Value at the candle Dedudforj^p'^^^^S" -- I Prompt payment 100 00 ■ Net duties to be dedufled •Net, or reduced value 600 610 o ,3 18 7t 73 M 4t 3 13 7 3 !^ Difcount N°. I. — — 3 911 VII. 3 8 icj- 10. — — 3 911 13- ' 3 3T 15. — — 2 6 7i Net duties en the reduced value 13 18 yj: 33. _ _ 5 o o 36. 5 o o Total duties to be paid 23 18 7t XI. Certain [ 92 1 XI. Certain Eall India manufaftureJ goods for dyers ui'e, as by 3 and 4 Ann. and not exempted from duty, by 8 Geo. 1, fold at the candle for 100/. Duties on 100/. 23 10 o Therefore the proportion is. As 123 10 o is to 23 10 So is Sj 10 o to 16 13 or thus, As 123 10 o is to 100 o So IS 87 10 o to 70 17 payment Value at the candle Deduafor|^„''«^2" I Prompt •Net duties to be dedufled • Net, or reduced value 600 6100 /. J. 100 o o 12 10 O »7 10 16 13 70 17 Proof. Net, or reduced value 70 17 o Net duties thereon — 16 13 o Charges and prompt — 12 10 o 100 o o 3 «o Difcount — o 3 N°. I. Net duties on the reduced value Total duties to be paid 3 7 VI. 13 5 16 13 33- — 5 ° 36. 5 o lOi 6'- 3i 26 13 XII. Certain Eaft India goods unmanufailured, for dyers ufe, as by 3 and 4 Ann. and not exempted by 8 Geo. I. fold at the candle for 100 /. Duties on 100/. 9 8 9 Therefore the proportion is, As 109 8 9 is to 9 8 9 So is 87 10 o to 7 10 1 1 or thus. As 109 8 9 is to 100 o o So is 87 10 o to 79 19 I Proof, N''t, or reduced value 79 19 I Net duties thereon — 7 10 11 Charges and prompt — 12 10 o 100 o o Deduaforlp Value at the candle charges 100 O o rompt payment ■ Net duties to be deduflcd ■ Net, or reduced value 600 6100 12 10 o 87 10 o 7 10 1 1 79 '9 I 3 '9 I'l: Difcount — 040 Net duties on the reduced value Total duties to be paid °. I. VII. , 3 1 5 " X — — 3 H Hi 33- 36. — — 500 500 Xni. Certain [ 93 3 Xni. Certain unrated goods of the manufaflure of Perfia, India, or China, prohibited to be worn in Great Britain, as Bengalis, and Stuffs mixt with Silk or Herba, and manufaflures of Cotton printe^-, painted, flained, or dyed ; or P'urniture or Apparel made thereof, fold at the candle for loo/. /. s. d. ^ Subfidy on loo/. —27 6 Value at the candle ■ • 100 o -o Dedua for I ^'^^^£" —7 ^ o o ( prompt payment ■ 6 10 o Therefore the proportion is, 12 10 o As 1C2 7 6 is to 2 7 6 So is 87 10 o to 20 7 Net duty to be dediifled Net reduced value for the Branch N°. I. 5 per cent, thereon Dil'couut at 5 per cent. 87 - 2 10 7 • 85 9 S 5 4 , ■ 4 i? 4 I H • 2 7 Net half Subfidy to be paid — — . — New Duty on 100/. — 4 15 — N". 42. Value at the candle ■ 100 o o Charges 600 Prompt payment 610 o Therefore the proportion is, 12 10 o As 104 15 o is to 4 15 o 87 10 o So is 87 10 o to 3 J9 45 Net duty to be dedufled — — 3 19 i^\ Net reduced value for the New Duty, Branch N". 42. — 83 10 7^ 5 percent, thereon — —— 4 3 6j Difcount at 5 per cent. o 4 25 Net New Duty to be paid N". 42. — 3 19 4-I- XIV. Certain Eafl India ( lO. 4 li 9 n. — I 1 1 8 IS- 3 3 4 33- — S S*^- s Net duty to be paid — 43 o o ^ RELATIVE TO THE CUSTOM S. A a [ 99 ] E N D X. A A. CT ION S, /ee h/ormafioHS, J, Seizures, II. ADMEASUREMENT of Ships, fee Ships, lo. ACTS, ADMIRALS, fee Plantations, z. ADMIRALTY, fee Apprentices, 2. Boats, 4. Plantations, 2. Ships, 31, 32. liTao/, 44, 4 J. Wrecks, 3. AFFIRMATION, > %«,{m. AFRICA, 7^? £af/(?, 4, 5. Callicoes, coarfe, printed, 8. Gum Senega, \. Goods innjoards, 6, 7. Plantations Britijh. AGENT, fee Bills 0/ Entrjr. Dranxihack, 4. /■/>, 12. ALAMODES and LUTESTRINGS, fee Silks •wrought. ALDEKNEY, fee Goods inwards, 16. Gunpo-ivder, 7. S Duties, and to have a writ l" \ Year and Reign. I Hen. VII. 1 1 22 Hen.VUI. 9 Hen HI. 5 Hen. IV. 4 Hen. IV. 5 27 Hen. VI. 17 Edw. IV. 3 Hen.Vn. 14 and Hen. VIII .V.1 13 Geo. II. 13 Geo. n. 20 G^o. II. •4 Geo. II. 20 Chap. Sea. 2 8 30 7 IS 9 3 I 4+ 21 44 z> "i I, 2 I, 6 2 I. 6 100 APPENDIX. ACTS. ALIENS — Foreign proteftants (except * children, as beforementioned) ferving" 9 three years on board ftiips fitted out by His Majtfty's fuLjefls, aod employed in the Wiiale-Fifh-ry, having taken the oaths, i^c. are to be deemed natural-born lubjeiits -But any perfon' fo naturalized, goinjrout of His Majefty's dominions of Greal Britain, Ireland, or the plantations in America, for mi than twelve months at one time, fhail lofe the benefit of this aft ins 1 -1 1 1 Foreign proteftants who have ferved in the Royal American Regiment,' or as Kn^ineers in Atnerica for two yeais, and ihall take the oaths, l^c. appointed by I Geo. I. cap. 13, and Oiall produce certificates of their having received the Sacrament in fome Proteftant church within fix months of the time of their taking the oaths, i3c. fhall be deemed natural-born fubjtfls J ]2 - But not to extend to naturalize fuch perfons as by 4 Geo. If. cap. T 2 I, fed. 2, are declared not entitled to the benefit ot 7 Ann. cap. 5. K f ee Article, i ■ J I j Perfons naturalized by this aft, not thereby capable of being privy- T counfellors or members of parliament, or of holding offices of trull V in Great Britain or Ireland J 14 Children of Aliens, under the age of -twenty-one years, may not be J traders, nor may any goods be entered in their names j jf And their fons, unfreemen, to pay the Duties of Scavage in the port of London. See 2Qth rule of the Book of Rates, page 13 in the Second Part. See Children. Goods inivards, 21, 22. Bills of Entry. Goods coajl'wife eutivards, I. Officers, 6. Plantations, 42. ALLOWANCE on Goods imported or exported, fee each article. AMERICA, Jee Aliens, 6, 11. Goods inwards, 8, 9. Plantations I Britifi. 1. Continent of America, fee Coffiee, 5. Plantations, 109, 114. AMMUNITION, Arms, Gunpowder, or Utenfils of War, may not be im- 1 ported by way of merchandize, without licence from His Majefty, V on forfeiture of the goods, and treble die value — 2 Any perfon obtaining a licence for the importation thereof, by way of merchandize, other than the furnifhing the publick ftores of His Majelly, incurs a premunirc, tjc. and is difabled from holding any office under His Majelly — — — — — — 1 ■^'car diid Hcii;n. Geo. II. 2 Geo. III. i3&i4Car.II. I James II. -.'\rais. Gunpowder, orf Salt-petre, may be prohibited to be exported! 12 Car. IT. or carried coaftways, by His Majelly, by proclamation or order ^ f 29 Geo. II. in council — — — ^-^— -——^ -Shipped contrary to fuch proclamation or order, are forfeited; and' may be feized by any Cullom-houfe, Impoil, or Excife Officer; or by warrant from a magillrate: and every owner forfeits 100/. for every hundied weight of Salt-petre and Gunpowder; 100/. for V 29 Geo. II. every five and twenty arms ; and looi. for every two hundred « eight of any fpecies of ammunition; and in proportion for any leffer quantity ' — — -Every psrfon aiding or alTifting in fuch (hipping, forfeits 100/. and ] treble the value of the goods I -Every mailer of a fhip who Ihall take, or fuffer them to be taken ) on board, fhall forfeit 100'. — — } -The penalties in this a£l are to be divided, two thirds to His Majefty, 7 and one third to the perfon who (hall feize or fue for the fame — j 29 29. Cl-ap. Sea. 21 2 45 8 — 12 25 I — 2 — 3 11 10 8 2 1 3 A 12 «' 5 . z — 3 — 4 ^^ 6 APPENDIX. ANDIRON^S, may not be imported hy JJrangers to he /rJd, on fof felture, or ' I the value ' "• 2 May not be imported by any pcrfons, to be tit/erc^ or /old in Great Britain, upon forfeiture tliereof, as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to hc/oLl, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, without fraud or coUuficn, or wrecked ~ APPRENTICES, boys above ten y«ars of age, chargeable to any parifh, may,' I by the julliccs, mayors, church-wardens, Ifc. be bound apprentices to matters or owners of fliips, till the age of twenty-one years : their ages to be inferted in their indentures ■ 2 The indentures to be fent to the colleflor of the Cufioms at the portl to which tlie mafter or owner belongs : who is to regiller and I endorfe the fame, on forfeiture of 5/. and to tranfmit certiiicates of f their names, ages, and (hips, to the Admiralty J 3 Pari(b-boys bound apprentice, may, by confent of the juilices, i^i:. be ") turned over to the fea-fervice, for the remainder of their time : but > their indentures of allignment mull be regiftered, ijc. • ) 4 The counter-part of their indentures to be fealed and executed in the'l prefence of, and attefted by the colleftor and officer who brought S lOI ACTS. P them 5- 6- -Such boys not to beimpreffed, nor lifted in His Majefly's fervice, till 7 they be eighteen years of age - J -Matters or owners of fhips of thirty to fifty tons are obliged to take^ one fuch apprentice; and one more for tl one mere for each and every hundred ton of one hundred tons ; on penalty of 10/. foi liged to take any under thirteen years of a; T Matters or owners, after arrival, and before clearing out, are to g an account in writing, containing the names and number apprentices in liis fervice ' 8 Colleflors are to keep an exaft account of fuch fhips, matter? and' apprentices, and tranfmit true copies thereof to the qc '''" tsV. when reafonably required, on forfeiture of 5/. 5 Ofhcers of the Cuttoms at the port, are to infert on the cocket, the] number of men and boys on beard each refpeftive (hip, fuch apprentices, their names, ages, and dates of their 10 Perfons voluntarily binding themfelves to the fea-fervice, may not be'" jmprett for the firft three yeais ; and their indentures being regiftered, tfc. proteftions (hall be given accordingly . AQUA VIT^, may be imported only in fhips belonging to Great Britain or' Ireland, or ibips of the country of which it is the produit, or of fuch port where it can only, or moft ufually is, firft (hipped for tranf- portation ; on forfeiture of (hip and goods ____ See Sjiirits. Excijeable Liquors. Arrack, Brandy, i ■ tons are obliged to take j r the next fifty ton ; and / on exceeding the burthen > "or refufal : * but not ob- X age J : to give'> of fiicli > ps, matter? and 1 ijuarter-feflions, > ; cocket, the 1 •), defcribing > ir indentures j Ytar and Reign. Chap. Seft, I Rich. III. 3 Edw. IV. 2 and X Ann, and 3 and x - — and 3 and and 3 - 4. Ann. 2 and 3 Ann. 2 and 3 : and 3 — 2 and 3 — 12 Car. n. i.z «,z,3 '3 '5 ARMOUR, may be exported by any perfons — — • ARMS, fee Ammunition, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. ARANGOES, fee Eajl-h:iiia, 47. ARRACK, Rum, Brandy, Spirits, or Strong Waters, or other excifeabl.e Ii-"| I quors, Coffee, Tea, Cocoa-nuts, Chocolate, and Cocoa-pafte, on board a fhip within the limits of any port of Graat Britain, or found i unftiipping, or uufhipped before entry, may be fearched for, and j feized, together with the package, by the officers of Exciie, in like manner as by the officers of the Cuttoms — — J B b 4.5 16 •4 >S 18 1 1 Geo. I. 192 APPENDIX. ^RRACK — Brandy, Rum, Spirits, or Strong Waters, Coffee, Tea, and Cocoa-' 2 ruts; permits granted tor the removal, not returned, or the goods ' fcnt away vviihin the time limited, the penalty treble the value — :] -Permits not returned, and the decreafe not found to be futiic'ent, ' the like quantity forfeited ; -Permits not to be t-ken out b.it by direclion in writing of the pro- prietor of ihe Hock, or his known lervant; upon forfeiture of 50/. or three moi.ths imprifoniH r.t -Brandv, Rum, or other Spirits, or Tea offered to fale by any perfon" without a p«rmit, or by any ha.vker, pcd'ar, t^c. with a permit ; the pctfon to whom it is ofiVrcd, may feize and carry it to the next warehoufe belonging to the Cultoms or Excife, and bring the pei Ton offering the fame bt-fore any jullice of the peace, to be cornaiitied to prifun, and profecuted for the penalties incurred for fucli oftcnce 6 > -'I he peifon fcizing fuch goods may profecute in his own n ime, and on recovery, is intitlcd to ! part of the grofs produce of the fale. And the cnmmili, oners are (if dcfired) upon a certificate from the jullice of the offtiiders being committed to prifon, to advance ta the fcizer n. per fo for the Tea, and is. per gallon of Brandy fo feized See Spirits. ExcifeaMe Liquos. Tea, l\. Jjh of Man, 13, 15. ASHES, called Pearl-alhes, of ihc produfl of Germany, may be brought from \ thence, paying Duty as fot-afhes ASHES, Pot-aHies may not be imp'irltd from the Kelherlnnds, or Germany, ' I on forfeiture of (hip and goods 2 may be imported only in (liips belonging to Great Britain or Ireland,' or iliips of the country of which it is the produft, or of fuch port wheie it can only, or moll ufually is, firll fliipped for tranfportaiion ; on forfeituie of Ihip and goods — — 3 Potadies or Pearl-alhes made in, and imported from the Briiijh co-~l lonies in America, if regularly entered at the Cuftom-houfc, landed | in the prcfence of, and examined by the proper oriicer, and imported \ in fhips which may lawfully trade thither, legally manned, arefree I of all Duties J ^ But the perfon fhipping them in America, mull, before clearing out" of the veffel, make proot upon oath before the colleftor and comp- troller of the Culloms, and naval officer (or any two of them) at the port where they are flii-ped, that they are bona fide of the prj- duft and manufacture of the Briiijh plantations in America, ex preflir.g the quantity and the place where made, and by whom. The perfon taking charge of the vefi'el, mull bring with him a cer- tificate frrm the faid ofiiccrs, under their hands and feals of office, expreini g the marks and number of the packages, the weight and tale of the a(he«, and the names and places of abode of the exporter, and the perfnn rtho has fwcrn to the produtt, l£c. and deliver it, at or before the entry, to the chief officer of the Culloms at the port of importation, and make oath before him, that the calks and par- cels, and goods in the certiftca.e, are the fame as were taken on board his fliip in the Briiijh plantations in America. On failure of any of the conditions and diredions before mentioned, they are liable to pay Duty as before ■ _ -Officers falfely making fuch certificate, forfeit 100/. and their offices,' and are incapable of ferving His Mojefty ■ -Any perfon falfely making an oath required by this Afl, incurs the \ punifhment of wilful and corrupt perjury ; counterfeiting a cer- tificate, or knowingly publifliing fuch a one, the punifhment of forgery . ACTS. Year anJ Reign. u Geo. I. 9 Geo If. 10 and I 1 'f Will. III.S l3&i4Car.II. 12 Car. II. 24 Gee. II. 24 24 Chjp, 3° Sea. 10 3 5 30 23 iS 5' If 2 APPENDIX. ASHES-s-Foreign entered as 5W///* plantation, or mixed therewith, to evade 7 the Duties, the whole is tbrfeited, with the package; and the per- fons entering or mixing, or caufing fuch entry or mixture to be made, Ihall forfeit 50/. for every offence S ■ — In cafe of any difpute about the produd or manafadture, the onus 1 /rciaiiJi to lie on the otvner or claimer — ■■ j Q 'Penalties and forfeitures may be profecuted in any court of record at Wejtminftcr, the court of Exchequer in Scotland, or courts cf Ad- miralty in the Britijh pianiat.ons in America; to be divided in Great Britain, | to His M Jcily, and | to the perfon who fues for it; but if irxurred in y^/.iff-'Va, -f- to His Msjefty, | to the governor, and f to the perfon who fues for it — — 10 Any fuit in purfuance of this Ad muft be commenced within fix 7 months after the faft committed \ See Dominica, 7. Plantations Britip, 21. ASIA, fee Good! invjards, 7, 8. Plantations Britijh. AZORES, fee Goods in-wards, 9. B. BACON, may be imported during the continuance of the Aft of 4 and 5 \ W. &M. cap. 5. 5 BALKS, fee Z'^d Rule of the Book of Rates, page 13 in the Second Part. BALLS, Tennis Balls msy not be imported by any perfons, to be uttered cr' fcldm Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often as they may be tound in the hands of any perfon to he fold, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked BANDELIERS, may be exported by any perfons —— — ^^— BANDSTRINGS, foreign, may not be imported, under penalty of forfeitur and the feller to forfeit jo/. the importer 100/. ACTS. 105 alty of forfeiture, 7 BARREL, fee Fip, 8, 9. Wine, i. BASONS, made of, or mixt with Tin, out of this realm, may not be bought or bartered for, upon forfeiture thtrcof, and the value, in wh hands foever found . BASONS counterfeit, may not be imported by any perfons, to be uttered or fold in Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often as they may be found in the har.ds of any perfon to he fold, except made and wrought in Ireland, cr taken upon the feas, or wrecked ! BEAVER SKINS, of the Britijh phnuilons, fee Plantations, 21, 22, 5S. Dominica. BEEF, the importation thereof, except from the Jjte of Man, into Chcf.er, J/f. 7 deemed a nuifance fee Cattle . j May be exported by any perfons, free of all Duties BEEF AND PORK, the bounty on exportation thereof, to be paid by the col-" I ledor of the Duties upon Salt, in the port of exportation, wittiin 30 da)s after demand, on a debenture to be prepared by the colledor of the Cuftoms at that port, verified by the fcarcher, as to the quantity adlually fhipped, and that the fame is good and merchant- able; and the oath of the exporter, or agent, being fi.-it taken be- fore the principal officers of the port, before the debenture is al- lowed, (if exported from England, If'ales, ot ihe town cf Ber-wici upon T-wecd) " that the Beef or Pork, mentioned in the debenture, •' was faked with fait, for which the Duties have been paid, and V " not drawoback, and that the fame is really txported. to parts j 24 Geo. II. H 24 H ,- W. S: M. 3 Edw. IV. I 2 Car. n. nd 147 r. li. \ 13 and 141 Car. " 25 Hen. VIII. 33 Hen. VIII. 3 Edw. IV. 1 2 Car. n. 3&4W.&M 5 Ann. jChap. Sfft. 5' 4 — 8 — 6. 7 — 9 - 4 4 1,2,3 4 10 '3 •* 9 4 1 1,6,7 4 1.2,3 4 1 2 8 1 29 3 104 APPENDIX. •' beyond the feas for fale, and that any part thereof was not fpent, " or intended to be fpent for the (hip's ufe, nor relanded, or in- " tended to be relanded:" if exported from Scotland, " that the " Flefh, mentioned in the debenture, is really exported to parts " beyond the feas for ("ale, and not intended to be relanded in Great " Britain, and was duly cured only with foreign fait, without any " mixture of Britijh or Irifl} fait, and that the Duties for fuch im- •• ported fait have been duly paid or fecured" 'BEEF AND PORK— Relanded, is forfeited, and 40/. for every barrel to be) 2 recovered of the importer or proprietor j 3 The cadis may be marked by the falt-officer, before laid on board 7 for exportation — — j BEER, Ale, Cyder or Mum, officers of the Cufloms to charge mailers of fhips in their vidlualling bills, with fo much, and no more, as fuch num- ber of men ufe to fpend in fuch voyages ■ BELL METAL, fee Metal. BELLS, Sacring Bells, may not be imported by any perfons, to be uttered or' fold in Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to be fold, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked — IBELLS, except Hawks Bell.-, may not be imported hy f ranger i to he/old, upon? forfeiture, or the value _____^ ^ iBENGALS, >?£ uiUefs protell be made and fignified Year and Reign. 7 An». 5 Ann. 1 W. & M. 3 Edw. IV. I Rich. III. 5 Geo. III. 13 and Ca 9 & 10 W. III. 3 and 4 Ann. 7 Ann. 9&10W. Ill 3 and 4 Ann. 7 Ann. 9 & loW. Ill, 3 and 4 Ann. 7 Ann. Chap. I I 29 ind \\\ r. II. \ 12 43 II 17 9 2i 17 9 25 >7 9 25 Soft. 10 10 J APPENDIX. 2 accoun*ed"j )es not take ( i, i ^c. — r BILLS of Exchange inland— Such Rills taken for a debt, are to be accoun'ed 6 full payment thereof; if the perfon receiving them doe< due courfe to obtain payment, by getting them accepted) fee Notes — — — — — ^— BISCUIT, may be exported free of all Duties — \ BITS, made or wrought beyond the feas, may not be imported to be /«/./, tnr- \ tered, or exchanged, upon forfeiture, or the value — — 1 Bits, may not be imported by Jlrangers, to be fold, upon forfeiture, or the ) value ■ • ■ j BRIDLE BITS, may be exported by any pcrfona — — BLOCKWOOD, fee Logtucod. BLUBBER of Whales, fee Greenland, 4. BOARDS, may be imported only in fhips belonging to Great Britain or Ireland, 1 except fuch (hips as are of the built of the country whereof they f are the growth, or of fuch port where the faid goods can only, or f moft ufually are, firft fliipped for tranfp'ortation fee IVood J BOATS, Wherries, Pinnaces, Barges or Gallles, rowing, or built to row, with" \ more than four oars, found within the counties of Middlefx, Surrey, Kent or EJjex, or in the river of Thames, or within the limits of the port of London, Sandivich, Or Ijfaviirh, forfeited, with their tackle and furniture, or the value, and 40/. ^ After condemnation, to be burned, and the tackle, furniture, and apparel, fold to the bell advantage , , Unlefs they are found to be of fervice in the Cuftoms; and then they" may (together with the furniture, ijfc.) be ufed by the officers, ' after the feizer has been paid his fhare . 4 But a provlfo for Barges or Gallies belonging to the royal family, or' Long Boats, i^c. belonging to merchants Ihips, or fuch Boats, isfc I as Ihall be licenfed by the Admiralty, upon fecurity not to be ufed , in running of goods fee Drawbacks, 7. Gsods inwards, 27. Plantations, 79 — — BODKINS, may not be imported by any perfons, to be uttered or fold in Grent' Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often as they 1 the hands of any perfon to be fold, except made Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked all obligations and fpecialties, made for any caufe concerning the | Kinsj's majeliy, i3c. mull be made by thefe words. Domino Regi, \ and to be paid by thefe words, Solvend' eidem domino Regi, hare- C dibus, 'vel executoribus, fuis {a) — J -Taken otherwife, the offender to fu/Fer fuch imprifonraent as fliall be") adjudged by the King, or his council I -The debt of fuch obligation, not fatisfied in the King's life-time, to come to his heirs ^——— — — _^_^__ -Before written, to be (lamped with a two (hilling and fixpenny- llamp 'red or fold in Grent '\ ■y may be found in { de and wrought in f BONDS, I ACTS. Vear anj Reign. ICha" —Written on paper, iSc. before duly (lamped, void till (lamped, and f payment of the Duties, and 15/. befides ; and thf officer to forfeit -, his employment — — 1 .Taken for 5»-////?' and Iriji linens, entered to be exported for the'^) bounty, are not chargeable with the Stamp Duties — — 5 [a) By 4 Geo. II. cap. 24, all proceedings in Ijw arc to be in the Er.gS'jh lanjuage. C c 3 and 4 Ann. 7 Ann. MS.'i2W.in. 7 Ann. 5 Eiiz. 3 Car. r. 16 Car. I. 1 Rich III. 12 Car. II. 12 8 Geo. I. 1 1 Geo. I. I 2 Geo. r. 2 Geo. II. 12 Geo. I. 8 Geo. J. 1 1 Geo. I. 2 Geo. II. 3 Ed>v. IV. 33 Hen. VIII. 6 Ann. 33Hen.VIIL 5 W. & M. gc^'ioW. &M 12 Ann. II. 2. 30 Geo. II. 5 W. &M. 6&7 Will III 12 Ann. (I. 2. 29 Geo. II. 20 7 7 4 4 18 2S 2S 28 29 29 105 Seft. 3 II ii 2 1 1 39 26 39 3 4 IS 6 •4 4. 5 4 6 1,2,3 50 7 5' 21 25 9 19 21 12 9 3 29 21 ■' 9 10 io6 BONEL.ACE I A P P E N D I X. foreign, may not lie imported, under penalty of forfeiture; and! the feller to forfeit 50/. the importer 100/. — — — — j 2 Bet this prohibition repealed, fo far as relates to Lace made of Thread ' in the SfaniJ/} Low Countries, or any other place not in the do- minions of the French king, or the Duke of Anjou . 3 Upon complaint, julUces of peace may grant warrants to conllables to | fearch houfes, and to feize fuch goods — — J 4 Aftions mull be commenced within a year after the difcovery o£ the ] offence — ^ — — — ] BOOKS, whofe copies are the property of any perfon here, may not be printed, I reprinted, or imported, within fourteen years after the publication, without tlieconfent of the proprietor; on forfeiture of id. per fheet, and of the Books to the proprietor of the copy, who may damafk and make wafte paper thereof —— — — 2 But not to prohibit the importation of Books in Greek, Latin, or any other foreign language, printed beyond the feas — — 3— Aftions to be brooght within three mouths _ 4 ■ Firlt compofed and printed in this kingdom, and reprinted in any' other country, fliall not be imported for fale ; nor publifhed or ex- pofed to fale, knowing them to be fo reprinted and imported, on forfeiture thereof; and the fame (hall be damafked, and made wade , paper; and every offender (hall forfeit 5/. and double the value of' the Books > -Not to extend to Books that have not been printed or reprinted in this kingdom within twenty years before importation; nor toB inferted among other Books, or trafts where the greateft part have been firft compofed and printed abroad . See Popijk, 2. :d in"! Sooks I (hall r BOOTS, may not be imported by f rangers, to be fflJ, upon forfeiture, or ] the value — — • re, or 7 BOSSES for bridles, may not be imported by any perfons, to be uttered or' be wroufi r bridles, may not be imported by any perfons, to be uttered or~\ fold in Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often as they may I be found in the hands of any perfon to be /old, except made and f wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked J 80WSPRTGHTS, fee Iron, 8, 9. BOWSPRITS, of the produce of any of the ^r////% plantations I'd America, JJia, or Africa, fee Plantclicns, 21; 22, 58. Wood, -For the regulation of the bounty, fee Naval Stores. BOXES, for clocks or watches, may not be exported without the movements' made up fit for ufe, with the makeis names graved thereon, forfeiture, and 20/. vementsT 1, upon > ACTS. BRANDY, Aqua Vit:e, Spirits, or Diftilled Waters, may be imported -} -fingle or double, imported in calks, not containing fixty gallons, at lealt, forfeited, or the value — — r . See Excifeable Liquors, Spirits. -Freiuh, landed before Duty be paid, or fecured, forfeited; and the J perfons concerned therein, or concealing the fame, when landed, C forfeit double the value -Officers of His Maje.^y's revenue, conniving at, concealing, or il- legally compounding ' ' ' ' ' - - ■ rendeied incapable 's revenue, conniving at, concealing, or il- 1 for fuch importation, forfeit 500/. and are ^ Year ani Reipn. Chip. Sea. 8 13 and 14} Car. IL \ >3 5 Ann. »7 1> 2 13& i4Car.n «3 3 '3 ' 4 8 Aon. '9 M 12 Geo II. 7 Geo. lU. 36 35 I 4 I 2 Geo. II. 7 Geo. III. 36 35 1. 2 4 I Rich. III. 12 1, 2 3 Edw. IV. 4 1.2,3 9&ioW.m. 28 2 5 & 6 W. & M 2 2 4 & 5 w. m. 5 8 1 AlMU H 2 •^ 2 -I 1 into one king- 1 APPENDIX. BRANDY — Any officer of the Cuflom? neglefting to feize and profecute any") 5 veflel, boat, horfes, other ca:tle or carriage, forfeited by any ail I for preventing the running of Hrandics, and being convifted tiiersof before ajulli.e of peace, is to forfeit 5c/. to be levied by d ilrels, j f c. bv warrant from fuch juli.ce, and for want of fuch diftrefs, to | fulfer fix monthi imprifonraenc J 6— ——May be imported only in fhips belonging to Gnat Britain or Ireland, or fhips of the country of which it is the produft, or of fuch port where it can only, or mod ufually is, firll Clipped for tranfporta- tion ; on forfeiture of fhip and goods — — ' See Sfirits. Excijeabh Liqui,ri. BRASS, fee Metal. BREAD, may be exported free of all Duties — — BRITAIN, England and Scotland, after May 1, 1707, united into one king- 1 tioni, by the name of Great Britain (Art. 1.) ■ 2 All the fubjefts to have full freedom ard intercourfe of trade and ) navigation, within all the dominions thereunto beloiiging (Art, 4.) J 3 __A1I parts of the united kingdoms to be under the fame laws and re- gulations of trade, liable to the fame cuftoms and duties, entitled to the fame allowances and dra\\ backs as in England, except the exemption of private rights. 5 Ann. cap. 8. (Art. 6, 7, 14, 18.) ^ . But after the union, an equivalent was to be paid by England to Scotland for the improvement of the duties ; to be applied towards fatisfying private lofles by the rcduilion of the coin, and to the payment of the capital (lock and interell of the African and Indian company of Scotland; and the overplus towards tlie publick debts of Scotland, and the encouragement of the fifheries and other ma- nufaftures and improvements; which faid equivalent was to be \ under the management of particular commiifioners : but in Leu and full difcharge of fjch equivalent, after the 24th of June, 17 15, there was ellablilhed one )ea'-ly fund of 10,000/. and one other cf 2000A payable out of the revenue of Cuftoms, Excife, lie. arifing in Scotland, by the refpecllve commiffioners. 5 Ann. cap. 8 (."^rt 1 5 .) BRITISH, any of His Majefty's fubjefts of Great Britain, Ireland, or his plan- tations, are to be fo accounted —— — — ACTS. 107 Grangers to be /M, upon 1 — A Britijh man, fworn to be fubjeft to a foreign pr'nce or ftate, is to" pay Itrangers culloms ; but it he returns to Great Britain, and there inhabits, he is to pay but Britip duties, and to have a writ out of | SChancery for the fame BROCADE, fee Gold. BROCHES or SPITS, may not be imported by flrangen to be fold, forfeiture, or the value BRUSHES, may not be imported by any perfons, to be uttered or fold '\s\ Great'\ Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often as they may be found (^ in the hands of any peMbn to he fold, except made and wrought in f Ireland, or taken I'pon the feas,. or wrecked ■ J BUCKLES, may not be imported by grangers to he fold, upon forfeiture, or 7 the value — — j BUGLE, imported upon payment of half the Old Subfidy, muft, on landing.") I be fecured in the King's warchoufe; and is not to be delivered out I of fuch warehoufe, but on the following conditions: iiiz.. if for | exportation to foreign paits, regulations and reftritlif.n«, as Eaji home confumption, the perfon taking out the fame, mull pay up j the remainder of the Dunes which would have been due if this Ad | had not been made ^^— — — J —-See Eajl India. Prabihited Goods, z3. t je lollowmg conauions: 'vix.. 11 lor to be fubjeit to the like fccuricics, ! s Eaft-India Prohihiied Goods i if for j 6 Geo. II. I 2 Car. II. ! 2 Car. II. 7 Ann. 5 Ann. Yesr jnd Rcie i 6 Ann. 5 Ann. 6 Ann. 5 GiO. I. 13 and 14' Car 5 Ann ind 14) r. II. I 1. nd l;1 .VIU. j 14 and l; Hen " 1 Rich. IlL 3Edw. r.". 1 Rich. 111. S Geo. III. Chip. s.a. '7 12 18 8 4 7 12 23 8 I 1 26 I '7 8 I 24 I r , CO l;j 1 1 6 8 1 4 2 12 J. 2 4 i.:.3 12 1, ?. 50 4 io8 APPENDIX. le, 7 EUGLE — Not exported, nor the full Duties paid within five years after thel 2 impoitation, lut remaining in the vvarehoufe, the comminioners of I thcCultoins may caufc them to be publicity fold to the bcil bidder, ] riid the money arifing by fucii falc, to be applied in difcharge of y the Du'ics, and expences of the fale, t5V. and the overplus, if any, to be paid to the proprietor, or other perfon authorized to receive the fame 3 Imported, and not warehoufed, the feveral Duties due for the fame, iubjett to the ufiial difcounts, are to be paid in ready money 4 If the proprietor of any Bugle flial! defire to remove the fame from~) one port of Great Biitaiii, to any other port vvith'n the fame kine- dom, the warchoufe- keeper in whofe cullody they are lodged, may pack up and fecure them, under feal of office; and before they are taken out of the warehoufe, one bond fliall be entered into in double the value of the goods, that every part thereof fball be de livered, without alteration, into the cuHody of the coHedor and comptroller of the Cultonis, at fome other port of this kirpdom, to be named in the bend; and to produce a certificate, under ihe . hands and feals of fuch colleftor and comptroller, that the good,- ' have been delivered into their cuftody, within three months from the date of the bond, to the principal officers of the Cuftom, wher,- fuch bond fhall have been given : and fuch goods may not after- wards be taken out of the cullody of fuch collettor and comptroller, till one other bond (liall be entered into by the merchant-exp )rcer, in double the value of the goods, that every part thereof (the dan- ger of thefeas excepted) fliall be landed in fonie part of the coaft of Africa, and not in any other place beyond the fcas — 5 Snch bond fliall not be difcharged, until proof is made by the niafter," mate, purfer, or other perfon having charge of the fliip during the voyage, that every part of the goods were landed or difpofed of in fome part of the coaft oi Africa; and that no part thereof hath been relanded in Great Britain, the iilands of Gucrnfcy, Jer/ey, Alderney, Sari, ox Man, or any ether part beyond the feas ; and by oath of the exporter, (if living) that to the belt of his, her, or their knowledge and belief fuch goods have been difpofed of at the place cr places mentioned in the oath of the mailer, i^c. which V pioofs fliall be made within three years fiom the date of the bond, before the coJIeaor and comptroller, or other principal officer of the Cuftoms, at the port where the laft mentioned bond fliall be entered into : and in cafe no fuch certificate fliall be produced, or proof made as alorefaid, witliin the times before limited, it may be bwfi'l ior tlie cornmifiioners of the Cuiloms in Great Brilciin, to caufc fuch Innds to be put in fuit, unlefs they fhall find fufiicicnt caule to forbear — — — — — — _^ BULK, may be broken in any lawful port, and cuftom paid for no more goods than arc entered and landed, fee Eajl-India, z. Ships, 3. BULLION, may, upon entry, be exported by any perfons, without payment 1 1 of cu'iom or fees . f 2 Ei.tercd or ftiipped in the name of any other perfons than the true 1 owner and proprietor, forfeited, or the value j 4 Seized, proof of its being foreign, and not melted down in this king- J dom, to lie upon the owner, claimer, or exporter j 4 >— May Le landed without warrant, fee pagt 30 in the Second Part. 5 May not be ftiipped, unlefs a certificate be produced to the commiffion-" ers of the Cuiloms, or four of tliem, from the court of the lord mayor and aldermen ol' London, of oath having been made before the faid court, by the owners, and two or more credible witnefles, J- ACTS. Year and Rdgn. Chip. Scfl. Geo. in. 6 Geo. III. 30 40 15 Car. U. 6 & 7 w. in. 6 7 & 8 W. III. •7 19 12 H 13 APPENDIX. that the fume, and every part or parcel thereof, waf, and is I foruigti Bullion, a:id that no part thereof (before mohen) was the coin of this realm, or clippings thereof, nor place wrought within | this kingdom J BULLION — An entry thereof to be made by the commiffioners cf the Cuilcms 7 6 ill a particular book ■' J 7 Shipped without entry, and fuch oath and certificate is forfeited, and ' may be feized by any perlon, and the proprietor forfeits dc " ' ' the value 1, and) ioubleS — The mailer of any fiiip belonging to a fubjedl, knowingly permitting the (hipping, forfeits 200/. likeivife forleits his employ, office, civil or military iging to a fubjedl, knowingly permitting"! /. and if it be a man of war, the captain j jyment, and is rendered incapable of any f produced, and entry 1 d are rendered inca- > 10- — Officers granting a cocket before certificate be produced, and entry ' made by the commiffioners, forfeit zco/. anc pable of any other place ____ — Seized, proof of its being foreign, iffr. is to lie on the proprietor or7 claimer — . — j BUSHEL, Winchcffsr, to be made round, with a plain and even bottom, eigh- 7 teen inches and a half wide throughout, and eight inches deep '■ — \ — ^^— of foreign fait, to weigh 84 f^ — ^— ■ of rock fait, 65 {fe . •oi Britijh, or final! fait, 56}^ -of London, to contain eight gallons of wheat -of coals, y^^ C^cA, II, 12, 13. -of corn, fee Cam, I. BUSKINS, may not be imported by any perfons, to be uticreii or fold in Great'^ Britain, upon torfeitnre tliereof, as often as tney may be found in { the hands of any perfon to be folJ, except made and wrought in f Irelnr.d, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked J BUTTER, may not be imported from Ireland, upon forfeiture thereof; and upon the other penalties impofed in cafe of Beef or Pork imported -may be exported by any perfon, free of all Duties _ -1 BUTTONS, made of Thread, imported, forfeited; the importer liable to 100/. 7 1 and the feller to 50/. — 3 2^ Of all forts, may not be imported, upon forfeiture, and 100/. —— ] c e. ALLICOES, white, (which do not pay as Mudins) China ware, and' Drugs not for dyers ufe, landed or put on fliore, before entry and pay- ment of Branch, N°. 14, or without a warrant, are forfeiicd, or . their value; -} to the ufe of His Majelly, who is to bear the charges j of profecutioii, and -]- to the fe^zer or fuer -fee Eajl-India, 40, 47, 48. Irelaiuty 2 _ r — Checquered, (Iriped, printed, painted, ftained or dyed, except all blue, Stuff maiie of cotton, or mixed thtrewith, printed or painted, or Callicoes Itiiched or flowered in foreign raris, with any colour D d ACTS. Year anJ Reign. 7 & 8 Will. Ill 7 & 8 7 & 8 7 & 8 7 & 8 13&14W. IIL I Ann. 7&8Win. Ill 9S.-ioWill. III. 31 Edw. L n Hen.Vir, izHen.VIL 3 Edw. IV 32 Car, IL 12 Car. n. 3 S: 4 W. ic M. i3&i4Car. II. ' " '4 4 i; 5 \V. & M. 3 and 4 Ann. Chnp. '9 3' 4+ I 4 5 4 S '3 •3 10 109 s-fi 9 23 9 44 3+ 1 '.2,3 1 1 no APPENDIX. or colours, or wiih coloured flowers made there, (except Muniiis, Neckclothf, and Fuftians) or any bed, chair, cufliion, window- curtain, or other houlliold lluft' or furniture made up thereof, or mixed thereuitli, may not be fold, uttered, or expofed to fale, un- )> Jefs for exportation, and cleared outwards accordingly, upon for- feiture of 20/. and every ollicer or deputy of any corporation fo of fending, are likewife to forfeit their employment: one half of the aforelaid forfeiture to be to the ufe of the informer or profccutor, and the other half to the poor of the parifh ; to be fued for witliin CALLICOES — Not to extend to Linen-yarn, or Cotton-wool, manufaflured 3 and printed in Gnat Britain, provided that the warp thereof be en- tirely Linen-yarn Printed, pairti'd. \£c. in Gii-nt-Brtlnin, the Drawback to be repaid") to the exporter by the colleitor of Rxcife, on a debenture, ex prelfni!^ true kinds and qualitiej, to be made forth by the collcilor of the Culloms, at the port of exportation; the exporter having )■ firll made proof of the payment of the Duties, before the faid col- lector of the Culloms; and alfo having given fufticient fecurity that the goods fhall not be relanded in Greal Britain — ■ r Before fliippine;. the exporter is to give to the proper officer of the'^ Culloms, notice when and where he will pack the goods; and fuch | othcer is to fee the feals or llamps taken off from every piece to be J> exported, and to make returns of the kinds and quantities thereof, | to the officer appointed to receive the fame ^— J 6 If relanded (over and above the penalty of the bond) forfeited, or the 7 value ^-^ — — ^— j CALVE SKINS, Briiip, tanned, the Drawback to be repaid to the exporter," I by the colleftor of Excife, on a debenture made forth by the col- leflor of the Culloms, at the port of exportation, exprelling the ■ kinds and quantities, and weights fo exported; fufficient fecurity being firll given by the exporter, to the colleftor of the Culloms, that the laid goods ihall not be relanded in Great Britain • a The Mides and Calve Skins fo exported, to be marked with a (lamp, denoting having paid the Duties: but the Drawback may be al- lowed, although the faid marks have not been feen by the ofiicers of the Culloms; provided that the oath be made before the col- ! lertor of the Culloms, that the Hides or Skins contained in the refpedive bales or packs, were marked with the llamps, lienoting ppyment of the Duties, and fpecifying how much the Duties amounted to, together with the weight thereof exported — — _ -If relanded, forfeited, with treble the value -DrefTed or undrefled, may be exported by any perfons -Tamed, tawed, or drefied, may be exported — — 3 — 4 — 5 — CAMBRICKS and FUhNCH LAWNS, aft.-r JtiU i, 1767, (hall not be im- 7 1 ported into any part oi Great Bril.xtn, except the port oi London — ) J3. Shall not be imported, except in Briiijf? fliips, navigated according' to law; and except notice be firll given to the commiilioners of His Majelly's Culloms, of the fpecltr, quantity, and marks of the package, and the name of the Ihip in which they are intended to b- in.poited; and a licence given under the hands of the com- miilioners of His Majelty's Culloms in England, or any three of. tnem, for the landing thereof, within thirty days from the date of fiich licence; which licence is to be granted without fee or charge: and if any Cambricks or French Lawns ihall be imported without fuch licence, Inch goods, with their package, together with t -.e fliip or vcflel in which the fame (hall be imported, fliall be for ACTS. Year and l^cipn. Ch jp. 7 Geo. I. 9 Geo. II. 10 Ann. 12 Ann. 9 Ann. 10 Ann. 9 Ann. 12 Car. II. 9 Ann. 3 Geo L 7 Geo. III. •9 z 26 1 1 4 6 7 43 Si-dt. 2 4 10 1 1 93.9.' 9. '3 '7 92 39>40 •> 39 42 10 4 I APPENDIX, 1 1 1 CAMBRKKS and FRENCH LAWNS No fuch licence (liall be granted" 3 for any Cambricks or French Lawns, unlefs packed in * bales, cafe?, or boxes, covered with fackcloth or canvais, each containing loo whole pieces, or zoo demy pieces — ___ -Such licence, together with the marks, numbers and contents of each package, endorfed on the back thereof, (hall be delivered up to the colleftor and comptroller of the Customs, at the time of en- tering and reporting fuch (liip, en the forfeiture of loo/. And fuch Cambricks and French Lawns Ihall, upon landing, be ware- houfed, under the like rules, regulations, and re!triciion?, and j lliail not be afterwards delivered out of fuch warehoufe, but on condition to be exported to fomeof the Briti/h colonies in America, \ under the like fccurlties and reftri(!lions f as Eaft-IrJia Gaods-pro- | hibited to be coiifumed in Great Britain J -No Cambrick or Lawn \%hatfoever fhall be imported from Irrlandmxo' Great Britain, until the imoortr.tinn of Cambricks and French Lawns into Ireland, (hall b-: prohibited by law; on forfeiture of j the goods, and 5/. for ever;/ piece io imported — — . -Where any vcflel,. coming from, foreign parts, and having on board any Cambrick or French Lawns, without a licence, ihali be found witliin the limits oi any of the ports of Grenf Eritaii:, or within two . leagues of the ftore, all fuch goods, with their package, and the j velfel, or the value thereof, (hall be forfeited; except in dillrcfs, | of which notice mull be given — J -If any foreign Cambrick, or French Lawn, lliall be found in theT poffeflion of any hawker, pedlar, or petty chapman, he fliall for- \ feit all the goods contained in the pack, andalfo his licence — j -After March 25, 1768, all Cambricks and French Lawns, which" have been feized in Great Britain, for any caufe of forfeiture, may remain in any Cuftom-houfe w arehoufe where they are depofitcd ; and all fuch as fhall be feized after the faid a^^h of March, Iball be depofited in the next Cuftom-houfe, and remain there until le- gally condemned, unlefs the commillioners of the Cuftoms for England or Scotland, Ihall judge it expedient to diredl fuch goods to be removed fooner from thence : and after fuch goods fhall be condemned, it fhall be lawful for the faid commifiioners to caufe fuch goods to be marked or ftamped in fuch a manner as they fhall think proper, and brought to any of the King's warehoufes be- longing to the Cuftom-houfes at London or Edinburgh refpedively ; to be there fold, for exportation % to the Britijh colonies in Atncrica -No fuch Cambricks or French Lawns (hall be delivered out of the warehoufe wherein they have been fecured, until fufncient fecurity, by bond, fhall be firil given to the King's majefly, his heirs, and fuccefTors; which the commifTioncrs of His Majelly's Customs are hereby impowercd and required to take, that the fame, and every part thereof, fhall be exported, as aforefaid, and not landed rg.iin in any place, except the fiid colonies or plantations; w!;ich bonds fliall and may be difcharged, without fee or reward, upon cer tificate returned, figned by the collector, or other proper ofhccr of )■ fuch colony or plantation, that liie gooals were there landed ; or upon proof by two credible perfons, that fuch ^oods were taken by the enemies, or periflied in the fcas : and the commiiioners aje hereby impowered and required to call upon ihe reifon or per- fons who have entered iiito Cuch fecurity; and in default of pio- cucing fuch certificate or proof, to the fatisfadion of the f.iid com- nn'ilioners, fuch bond fliall and may be put in fuir, and pro- fecuted - ^ . . _^ ACTS. Vcai nnd Reign. 1 Chap. • 32 Geo. It. - Geo. liL Geo. II. 7 Geo. III. 8 Geo. IIL : 7 Geo. III. 43 Seft. I, i 3 32 +3 43 112 APPENDIX. CAMBRICKS 2nd FRENCH LAWNS If any perfon fhall r Lawns, the la.ne fliall be forfciceu, and may be fearched > for and (eized as other prohibited or iincuftcmed goods; and every I futh perfon fliall forfeit zool. over and above all other penalties — J II- ■ One moiety of the produce of the fcizure to be to the ufe of His] Majcl!y, and tlie other to tlic ufe of the officer who feizes ' -Jf the oflicer fliall negleft, for one raonth after condemnation of the goods, to profecuie for the penalty, or forfeiture, any other perfo. may fue for the fame ; one moiety to be for the ufe of the crown the other to the profccutor _— . ___^ jftheT erfon I own, f )fe Names,") w in force, ( :lured, the { 13 If any Cambricks or Lawns, or goods ufually known by thofe Names, fliall be feized in purfuance of this, or any former adl now " " and any doubt fliall arife where the goods were manufadlu proof lliall lie on the owner - . Sfe Goods cutxvardj, 21, 22. CANARY ISLANDS, /a GooJs inwarJi, 10. CANDLES, may be exported by any perfons, free of all Duties CANDLES, Britijh, the Drawback to be repaid to the exporter by the col-" I lertor of Kxcife, on proof made before him, upon oath, of the payment of the Duties, and the colleflor giving a certificate thereof to the exporter, exprcfling kinds and quantities, and payment of Duties; which certificate being produced to the colleftor of the Customs at the port of exportation, and the exporter giving fufficient fecurity before (hipping, that the Candles (hall not be relanded in Great Britain, and likewife making oath that they are the fame mentioned in the certificate, the colleftor of the Customs is to give to the exporter a debenture, expreffing the true kinds and quantities exported — — ____ 2 If re- landed, (over and above the penalty of the bond) the Candles 7 are forfeited, or their value ___ f CANDLES, SoPE, and Starch, may not be imported into Great Britain, 3 any package lefs than 224}^. to be ttoaed openly in the hold the fliip, on forfeiture thereof; together with the package, and by the mailer, or other perfon taking charge of the veflel fain, in "J hold of I md 50/. f -But, upotiany information brought againft the mader, or other perO without bis knowledge, he may keep in his hands fo much of the wages of the perfons guilty of, or privy to the offence, as ihall aniwer to the penalty infliikd on hinifelf -OScers of the Excife, as well as officers of theCusTr,Ms» may eoon' board to rummage and fearch for the fame, and feize fuch a^ are forfeited, or fuch as are landed, or landing, before entry and pay- ment of the Duties -Every fufFerance, cocket, o» tranfue granted, for carrying the faid"^ commodities coadwife, muft cxprefs the rj;iiality, qii.intity, and | weight, the mark of the pickage, by whom made and fold, and to }> what place configncd; and if fliippcd without fuch fuficrauce, fjc. \ they 4JC fotfeited, wiih ihe pack.-i£^e — ^___ J ACTS. Vear and R, 32 Geo. 11. 7 Geo. Iir. Chap 32 33 Sc«. 24 3 &4 W.&M. 8 Ann. 24 .26 23 Geo. ir. 26 Geo. II. Geo. ir. 23 -7 32 28 29 APPENDIX. CANDLES, SoPE and Starch— Officers of Excife, or Cuftoms, may feize any") 7 of the faid commodities, together with the package, on board any vefleJ, or in any carriage, upon fL-fpicion that they were privately made, or clandelHnely imported or exported, and relanded after ! drawback of the duty ; and the perfon in witofe pofieffion they are [ ■■l\ on 1 found, unlefs, at hearing the information, he proves the payment of duty, forfeits the goods, with the package, and 5/. for every hundred pounds weight — — — - 8— — Sope, or Starch, landed before entry and payment of the Doty, or"1 relanded after fhipped for exportation, (if fpecified in the certifi- I cate, from which a debenture is to be made out for the drawback) ! are forfeited, with the vefTel, boat, horfes, or carriages ufed in the j removal, and 5/. for every hundred pound weight, by the perfon | from wiiom feizcd, and fo in proportion __ J a ' Sope or Starch, for knowingly harbouring thereof, the penalty is 50/. 1 for every hundred weight, befide* forfeiture of goods and package J 10 Seized for non-entry, or non-payment of du'.y, the proof to lie the owner, or claimer — — 1 1 Seized as forfeited, and not claimed within 20 day, if within the~ limits of the Excife-office in London, notice of the cav and hour of trial, (igned by the folicitor of Excife, may be lixed upon the Royal Exchange ; if without thef- limits, notice is to be given by prodan-.ation at the next market-town, on next market day, of the > day and place of trial, byjuitices of the peace ; and the commif- fioners of Excife, or juftices of the peace reipedively, may pro- ceed accordingly to trial and condemnation, whofe judgment ftiall be final — — • — — — ^ Informations for condemning of feizures, (if claimed within 20 days)' and for penalties and forfeitures by this aft, if within the limits of the Excife-office in London, are to be heard and determined by the commiffioners of Excife, or, in cafe of appeal, by the commlffioners of appeal: if out of fuch limits, by two juftices of the peace near .' the place, and, in cafe of appeal, to be determined by the juftices at the next quarter-feffions, their judgments to be hnal, and pro- ceedings not liable to be fufpended by certiorari — — -^ ] 1 The commiffioners and juftices may mitigate the forfeitures, but reduce them to lefs than one-fourth part thereof, over and above colls and charges — — — 14. Sope and Starch made in Ireland, or the JJle of Man, or in any other ) place beyond fea, are entitled to no drawback upon exportation J CANDLESTICKS, hanging candlefticks may not be imported hy Jlrangerj to notl thei. ; to! ht fold, upon forfeiture, or the value -May not be imported by any perfons to be uttered or fold in Great Britain, upon forfeiture taereof as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to he fold, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked -Of Iron may be not be imported by ftrangers to be fold, upon for- feiture, or the value eat'\ upon for- 1 C API A S.Perfons in prifon for want of fufficient bail, (having been taken" I by Capias's iffued out by the Excheouer, i^c.) upon inform.r.ions exhibi'ed againft them in the faid court for any frauds relating to the Cuftoms, Excife, or Salt Duties, refufing or ncgleClin" to ap- pear or p'ead to fuch information for the fpace of one term, judo- L ment may be entered againft them by default i I Judgment obtained againft fuch perfons, and they not paying the fum recoiered, execution may be awarded not only againft their ' bodies, but alfo againft all thei- real and perfonal eftates J E e ACTS. Wm and Reign. Chap. 23 Geo. II. II St&. 30 23 23 23 23 23 Rich. IIL 3 Edw. IV. I Rich. HI. 32 3S 33 I 37 :4o 12 28 36 I, 2 12 12 Geo. I. 28 114 A P P E N D I 3t. ! ' CAPS WOOLLEN, may not be imported by anv perfons to be uttered or fold in Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof as often as they may lie found in the hanJs of any perfon to h& fold, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked CARBINES, may be exported by any perfons — — - CARDS and DICE, may, upon fufficient fecurity, be exported without pay- '^ I ment of the Stamp duty — ' 2 PLAYING CARDS, made in Great Britain, and intended for ex-- portation, before they are packed up for exportation are to be in- clofed in paper and thread, in packs or parcels, and one or more Cards in every pack are to be marked on the fpotted fide with a ftamp, the llamp and package to be in fuch manner as the com- miflioners of the Stamp Duties (hall direft and appoint 3 ^and DICE, the bond entered into upon exportation is not to be vacated or delivered up till proof is made, and a certificate produced, figned by the proper officer of the Cuftoms, that they were entered for exportation as Cards and Dice, and not as Stationary Wares 4 PLAYING CARDS, may not be imported by any perfons to be ut- tered or fuld in Grcnt Britain, they may be found in the lianc made and wrought in Ireland, CARDS for WOOL, may not be imported, nor the wire taken out of old 1 Cards be put into new leather and boards, in order for fale, upon forfeiture thereof, or of the value, if not feized — — 2 But may be amended for the proprietor's own ufe, or for tranfporta- tion only J 3 May not be imported by any perfons to be uttered or fdd in Great~\ Britain, upon forfeiture thereof as often as they may be found in I the hands of any perfon to be fold, except made and wrought in f Ireland, Or taken upon the feas, or wrecked J 4 Except Roan Cards, may not be imported hyjlrangers to he fold, upon 7 forfeiture, or the value — — — j See Wire, 2. CAROLINA, fee Plantation, ^y, isfe. CASES for Clocks and Watches, of any metal, may not be exported withoutT the movements made up fit for ufe, with the maker's name graved C thereon, upon forfeiture and 20/. — — 3 "CASKETS, may not be imported by any perfons to be uttered or fold in Greeit^ Britain, upon forfeiture thereof as often as they may be found in ( the hands of any perfon to be fold, except made and wrought in ( Ireland, 01 taken upon the feas, or wrecked — J be imported by any perfons to be «/-"] >i, upon forfeiture thereof as often as I nds of any perfon to he fold, except f /, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked J iutton,"J iheljlel -hefier, \ :r, not I CATTLE. The importation of great cattle, fheep, fwine, beef, pork, • mutton," J or lamb, for fale, deemed a public nuifance, except from th( cf Man, from whence they may be imported yearly into Cht Li'verfool, or Wireivater, of cattle bred there, any number, exceeding 600 head — — ^^^— j But a provifion refpefting Bacon — — — — 3- May be feized by conftables, churchwardens, l3c. or any other in-_ habitant, or any perfon vvhatfoever, and kept 48 hours in fome I public place ; but if, within that time, the owner makes it appear I to fome juflice of the peace, by the oaths of two credible witnefles, ! that they were not imported from beyond the feas, they may, upon j fuch juftice's warrant, be forthwith delivered, otherwife they are I ' thereof to the poor of the parifh, and the other warran one half t forfeited, half to the ufjof the feizer — J e, the parifh and inhabitants, for their negle(S,T to be employed for the ufe of the Houfe of i. 3^ If feizure be not made, the parifh and inhabitants, for their neglefl,' are to forfeit 100/. ' ' "' .-..--- Correflion ACTS. Year and Reign. 3 Ewd. IV. 2 Car. IL 10 Ann. 5 Geo. I. 29 Geo. II. 3 Edw. IV. 10 Ann. 39 Eilz. 13, 14 Car. 3 Edw. IV. 1 Rich. III. 9& loW.IIL 3 Edw. IV, Cha Sefl. 1, 2,3 I t 170 ult. 5 Wm, IIL 18 Car. n. 32 Car. II. 20 Car. II. «3 4 '9 '4 :2 1.2,3 167 2 I. 2 1,2,3 I. 2 1,2,3 21 '■5 3 9 I. 3 3>« APPENDIX. ACTS. 115 Year and Reign. I Chap. Seel CATTLE 4 The (Vilps wherein imported, and out of which they are put on Ihore.l with their tackle and apparel, are forfeited, and may within one | year be feized by any perfon, and fold to the Left advantage, one > [^q Car. II. half of the produce to be difpofed of to the poor of the parifh, and | the other half to the ufe of the feizer J r , The Teamen, and all others concerned in the landing, driving, Lc. of fuch cattle, may, by warrant from any juftice of the peace, or chief officer of the place, be committed to gaol for the fpace of | three months, without bail 6__ If, upon trial, it be not proved, that the caufe of aftion did arife in the county not guilty here laid and tried, the defendants are 1 did arife in T e to be found i- nonfuited, &c. the defendants to havei , or forfeitures, f iriftion, to incur i- 20 20 ■ y If the profecutor be caft, treble cods — g Perfons fraudulently confpiring to evade the feizures, or forfeitures, and thereof indided within one year, are, upon convir ' a premunire g-^-r' Seizers of great cattle, (heep, or fwine, are, within fix days') after conviftion and forfeiture, to caufe them to be killed, taking | to their own ufe the hides and tallow, and the remainder is to be ^ diftributed by the churchwardens, i^c. among the poor of the | parilh — J 10 Seizers, or churchwardens, ^r. neglefting their duty, are to forfeit^ | for every great cattle 40^. and for every flieep or fwine \os. one 1 half to the poor of the parilh, and the other to the informer, to be ! levied by diflrefs, by warrant, under the hand and feal of any j juftices, i^c. or, for want thereof, the offender to go to goal for three months, without bail —^—^^ -^ 1 1- If, after feizure, removed into, or found alive in any other parilh, 7 may be again feized, as if never feized before — ■■ 1 12,— —Britijh, or other cattle, driven or intermixed with Irijh, and feized') together, to be deemed IriJh, and to be forfeited accordingly J CAULS, made of filk, may not be imported to he fold, upon forfeiture, by any! perfons -^— — — — J CERTIFICATES razed, counterfeited, or falfified, forfeit 100/. and fuch 7 difpatch to be void — -fee Officers, 40. — — j CH.^FiNG BALLS, may not be imported by any perfons to be uttered or fold" J in Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to be fold, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked Z Diihes may not be imported by any perfons to be uttered or fold in Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof as often as they may be found iri. the hands of any perfon to be fold, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked CHAINS, may not be imported by Jlrangen to be fold, upon forfeiture, or 1 I « ■ l tij 32' 32 32 32 igHen. VIL .n. t 13 and Car 21 II 3 Edward IV. ', upon forfeiture, or \ the vulue CHALDER, fee Coals, 3, 11. CHAPES, may not be imported to he fold, bartered, or exchanged, upon for- feiture, or the value — — . — ■ CHATHAM,> Ships, 48. CHEESE, may be exported by any perfons, free of all duties — — — CHESSMEN, may not be imported by any perfons to be uttered or fold in Great' Britain, upon forfeiture thereof : ' the hands of any perfon to Ireland, or taken upon the feas, 1 tiy perfons to be uttered or fold in Great'\ eof as often as they may be found in f be fold, except made and wrought in T as, or wrecked — ■ —J 5 E!iz. 3 Car. I. 16 12 Car. II. 3 & 4 W. & M. 3 Edw. IV. 10 10 1.2.3 I, 2 3 II 2 12 I 4 1.2.3 II6 APPENDIX. with the maker's name graved thereon, upon forfeiture and 2ol.- CLOTHS WOOLLEN, made in any foreign place, except Ireland, imported :d, V 3- 4- forfeited, and the importers to be fined at the King's will -May not be imported by any perfons to be uttered or fold in Great~\ Britain, upon forfeiture thereof as often as they may be found in I the bands of any perfon to be fo.d, except made and wrought in \ Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked i J -White— > IVooIlen Cloths. -Painted, may not be imported h^ fir angers tohe/old, upon forfeiture, 7 or the value r . ___ f thOYE^/ee Sficerj ACTS. CHILDREN, born out of the legiance of the >Br///}* crown, whofe fathers were") J natural-born fubjefts of the Britijh crown at the time of their I births, are to be deemed natural-born fubjefts of the Britijh CTOwn f" to all intents, conftrudlions, and purpofes . J ■ Except fuch children whofe fathers, at the time of their births, were' attainted of high treafon, or were liable to the penalties of high- freafon, or felony, or returning into Great Britain or Ireland with- out the licence of bis Majefty, or were in the aftual fervice of any foreign priacCi or ftate, then in enmity with the Britijh crown 1 I ■ But if any fuch children, (unlefs thofe whofe parents went out of /r^-" land \n purfuance of the articles of Limerick J have come into any of the Britijh dominions, and have continued there for the fpace of two years, at any time betsveen the i6th of No-vembcr 1708, and the 2;th of March 173 I, and during fuch refidence have profeffed the Protellant religion ; or if, after fuch coming into the faid do- minions, and profelling theProteftant religion, they have there died within the aforefaid times, or if they have been in the aflual pof- feffion, or receipt of the profits, of any lands, i^c. in Great Britain or Ireland, for the fpace of one year, at any time within the afore- faid times, or have really fold or conveyed any lands, i^c. in Great Britain or Ireland, and any perfon claiming title there to under fuch fale, or conveyance, hath been in thepo/Teflion, or receipt of the pro- fits thereof, for the fpace of fix months between the faid times, they fliall be deemed to be natural-born fubjefts of the Britijh crown 3 « Born on board any fhip belonging to, or in any place, difcovered 1 or poflieffed by t\^t South-Sea Company, to be deemed natural-born C fubjefts \ 4 Of Aliens, /ce /lliens, 8,9, 14,15. CHINA EARTHEN WARE, No Drawback to be allowed of any China Ware? I fold by the Eafi India Company exported to America — —j * ' Sold after pafling this aft, and entered for exportation \.Q America,^ as fold before that time ; or entered for exportation to any parts beyond the feas, other jhan America, in order to obtain any draw- back thereon, and neverthelefs carried to and landed in America, the drawback (hall be forfeited, and the exporter and the mafter ^ of the (hip (hall forfeit double the amount of the drawback, and treble the value of the goods, one moiety to his Majefty, theother totheo(ficer who (hall fue for the fame. ——— -* — — See Goods Iniuards, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91. CHOCOLATE, ready made, or Cocoa Pafte, prohibited to be imported after 1 June z\, 1724, upon forfeiture, with double the value and the [. package— /f# Arrack, Cocoa Nuts, Coffee. 3 CINDERS, fee Coals. CINNAMON, fee Spicery. CIVIL LIST, fee Officers, 3, 4. CLASPi for GOWNS, may not be imported by ftrangers, to be fold, upon 7 forfeiture, or the value — —^ — j CLOCKS, may not be exported without the movements made up fit for ufe, > ., , . . . . ... ,_| Year and Reign. 4 Geo. ir. Cha s 5 21 21 Seft. Ann. 7 Geo. III. S3 46 10 Geo. I. ^ich. III. 9 and 10 I W. III. J II and 12) Edw. III. \ 4 Edw. IV. 3 Edw. IV. I Rich, m. lo 12 28 3 I 12 «,3 I 7 «,*,3 I, 2 APPENDIX. COALS, fecrcily fhippe'l aii.l exported before payment of duty, the owner to 7 I pay double the duty -fee Goods cut\<:ard!, I, 7 J ACTS. 117 Year and Reign. Chap. Seft. IjleofMan, or the plantations — 1 \;curiiy be given for the du-> ; therein, or their value j -Shipped for exportation ioIirth>id,theTJIi The fhip going out of port btfore T landing, is forfeited, and the Coals -Keels, pan-keels, pan-boats, and other boats, wains, carts, waggons,"] barrows, and other carriages ufed for carriage of Coals at Kcvj- caQh upon Tine, Sunderland, Culhrcoats, He at on -Sluice, Blylhe-Nooke, and other members of Ne-.Lca/lle, to be meafured and marked by the proper commilFioners appointed by the King, allowing 53 hundred weight to every chaldcr -The vain to carry 17 i hundred weight -The ~.!.vx. 8 5 hundred weight -Three fuch wains, or fix fuch carts, to be efteemed one cnakler — . -May not be laid, loaded, or put on board any ftiip in the port of Nevjcajlle upo;: Tine, Sunderland, upon the river JFare, Culiercoats, Seaton- Sluice, Blythe-Nooke, cr any other place belonging to the ■^oxtv.i Keixcnjile, by or in any keel, cart, wain, or other vefTel not admeafurcd, gauged, and marked ; upon forfeiture of 10/. for every iuch offence — —To be fued for within three montiis — ^ J See rule 27, page 14 in the Second Part. —Culm and Cinders, imported, or brought coafisvife, unfhipped tobe 1 landed before payment or ftcurity of Duty, forfeited, and the fhip S 1 3 and Ca id 14) r. II \ Ann. 6 & 7 W. III. ^ 1 Geo. If. 9 Ann. I Geo. I. ic- II- i;- tackle, \^c. -CommiiEoners of the Cuftoms 10 appoint meters and waiters, who are" to return certificates of the forts and quantities — -Meters or weighers neglefting to return fuch certificates, forfeit 100/. -Concealed, and the duties not anfwered, the mailer or owner to pay") \os. per chalder or ton, befides the duties : on ref'-ifal, the (hip, j with the tackle, l^c. may be detained and fold; unlefs for fuch ! quantities as (hill appear to be fhort entered by the aforefaid cer- j tificate, and for which the duties (hall be paid within iix days after | the delivery, and before the departure of the Ihips J -Officers of the CuHoms to keep books of the receipts, payments, and T difburfements of the duties, and the numbers of the chalders or ^ tens unladen — ' j -Shipped coaftwife, and afttrwards deCgned for exportation; the"^ malier producing his coall cocker, and making oath to the quantity of Coals on board, may pay the bubfidy Outwards accordingly, and have a certificate to cancel his bond; provided the fnip be laden with Co.ils only See Goods ccajlivi/e outwards, 5. — The Coal bufhel to be made round, with a plain and even bot*om, to be 19 '- itiches from outfide to outfide, and to contain one //7«- chejler bulhel, and one quart of water, according to the ftandard for \.\ie Winch rjler bufhel, by the 13th of Will. \\\. cap. 5: and all l Sea-Coals and Culm fhall be fold, meafured, and pj/ duties, by I the chalder of thirty fix fuch buihels heaped up — ^ — J —A ilandard brafs bulhel to be fealed and kept in the Exchequer, to } have recouileio J — Coal bufhel in Lr.ndon, before uUd, to be fitted with iron cr copper,") and fcaici or llampej at the Guildhall, Lcndcn, or at the hx I cheque r-olnce, Wijiminjler, with a Itcel ;n!lrumenr, on the upper- f moll iron or copper huopaud l^rap, upon forfeiture of jc/. J F f 9 & 10 W. III. lo&ii W.III. 9& 10 w. in lo&iiW.Ili 9 & 10 w. ni lo&iiV/. Ill j& loW. lo&ii W. Ann, Geo. I. 12 Ann. feff.z 3 Geo. 11. 1 1 13 21 »3 2 1 •3 21 26 2. 3 8 3, II I 2« 9, 10 28 I I 2S '4 ii8 APPENDIX. CO 4LS — Maflers of (hips loaJed with Coals, or perfons having charge of fuch" 1^ fhips, are to deliver to the proper officer of the Culloms at London, the cockets, containing the lading of the (hips, within four days after their arrival at Grave/end, upon forfeiture of 50/. — — 16- -Aflions to be commenced within fix months after the ofFence -No officer of the Cudoms, or his deputy, may clear outwards any" fnip or velTel wherein Coals, Culm, or Cinders, have been ex- ported ; or grant any warrant, cocket, let-pafs, tranfire, fufferance, return, difcharge, or other difpatch for clearing her outwards, either for a coalling or foreign voyage, or for loading any goods thereon, or futFer her to go out of any port or place in Great Britain, until y all the duties are paid for the Coals, Culm, or Cinders, exported the laft preceding voyage ; or a certificate produced from the chief officer of the Cuftoms where they were firll (hipped on board her, that the Duties were paid there, on forfeiture of 100/. to His Majefty — — ' — . 18- -— Any mailer, or perfon having the charge of a velTel laden with Coals, Culm, or Cinders, in order to be carried coaftwife, on having given bond accordingly, and proceeding with them to parts beyond feas, and unlading, deiiverinu^, or difpofing of anv part thereof there, not being compelled thereto by firefs of weather, or j other lawful necelTity, forfeits 5^. per chaldron, over and above all I duties payable thereupon — — — — J —Perfons appointed to (liip Coals from NevjcaJiU and Siuan/ea, to" the iflands of Guernfey, Jerfey, and Alderney, free of the Duty, Branch, N°. 55, (tage 17, in the Second Part) (hall, before fliip- ping, deliver to the colleflor and comptroller of thofe ports, a . writing, under the feal of the governors of thofe ifiands refpec ^ tively ; exprelTing the name of the perfon appointed to export, anu the number of chaldrons to be exported ; and that bond hath been given for the due landing thereof — _ — - _ See Culm, COBBARDS, may not be imported by ftrangers, to he fold, upon forfeiture, 7 or the value — — — \ COCHINEAL, may be imported from any port in Spain, by any perfons re 1 fiding in Hi: Maj.'fty's dominions; or in any (hip belonging to a place in amity with His Majefty w. reO nyV 2 May be imported til' the 29th of September, 1774; and thence to the") end of the then next fffions of p^uHament, by any perfon, in any ( (hip belonging to Gnat Britain, or to any kingdom or (late in j amity with His Majefly, from any place whatfoever — — — J See Dominica, 7. COCKETS, or Certificates outwards, to be in the merchant's polTefnon, after he 1 has paid the Duty, till he (liip his goods; and then to be delivered, with the marks and numbers, to the fearchers. z^tb rule, page i;,, in the Second Part. 2—— counterfeited, rafed, or falfified, (hall be invalid, and the o(Fender7 fljall forfeit 100/. • j" See Apprentices, g. drn, 17. Goods ccaft^fe eutivards, 3. Officers, 39. Plantations, 50, 124. Salt, 27, 28, 29, 39. Silver, 9. tFeol, 14, 61. Faro y Ferro, I. COCOA-NUTS, mull be entered and warchoufed at importation, in like" 1 manner as Cofiee and Tea; and if intended to be made into Cho- colat-, mull be entered witli the refpcclive collector of tie inland duties ; (as a charge upon the importer and buyer) who is to cei ;ify foch entry to the warehoufe-kceptr, whereupon the" are to be de- livered, with ;; permit (igneJ by the officer there nttendins;, to i>e delivered to the oiScex wJiere intended to be carried — -. ACTS. Year and Reicn. 4 Geo. II. 22 Geo. II. 22- 6 Geo. III. 1 Rich. in. 6 Ann. 12 Ann. 13 Geo. T. 7 Geo II. 7 Geo. III. Chap 30 Soft. 37 13 and 147 Car. II. J 10 Geo. T. 40 33 2; 18 36 10 26 30 APPENDIX. COCOA NUTS — But if intended for exportation, may be delivered, upon" 2 fufficient fecarity given to the commiffioners of the Cudoms j ACTS. 119 - ___Muft be entered with the officers of Excife, and landed within thirty days after the report of the (hip, to be put in vvarehoufes as afore- faid, on forfeiture of goods and package: and the fame may be ' feized by any officer of Excife ■ 4 Bn:!jh, or foreign imported, to pay only half the Old Subfidy; and'] to be immediately warehoufed as abovementioned : fubjeft to the like duties, reftriflions, and regulations, if taken out for home confumption ; and to the like fecurities, regulations, and reftridlions, if taken out for exportation, as Cocoa Nuts warehoufed in pur- fuance of 10 Geo. I. cap. 10. — J r Shells or hufks, imported without the nuts thereunto belonging, are"] feizable by officers of Cuftoms or Excife, with bags, boxes, or I pr.ckage containing the fame. After feizure, to be condemned and f- deftroyed, or difpofed of according to the direftion of the com- miffioners of Cuftoms or Excife — ^ — J "J The officer difcovering the fame, to be rewarded in any fum not ex- T ceed'ng zos. the hundred weight J See jirrack, I, 2, 3, 4. Coffee. Plantations, 90. COCO k-VA^TE, fee Arrack, I. Chocolate, I. COD, fee Fijh, 27, 28. COFFEE, Tea, and Cocoa-nuts, on importation, to be put in warehoufes,' J provijiri a" the charge of the imponer, and approved by the com- miffioiios of the Cuilcms: not to be delivered from thence, but on payment of the inland duties, or tor exportation, under fufficient fecurity, to be taken b' the officers of the Cuftoms; which fecurity is to be lifchargea by certificate under the common feal of the chief ma (^iftrate, or the hands and feals of two Britijh merchants, in any p^ ice beyond the feas ; or on proof to the fatisfadtion of the commiffioners, that the goods were taken by enemies, or perifhed in the feas ' — ^ -Muft be entered with the officers of the Excife, and landed, to be put' in warehoufes as aforefaid, within thirty days after the report of the fhip, on forfeiture of goods and package ; and the fame may be feized by any officer of the Excife . •^—^— -But this laft claufe not to extend to Coffee or Tea imported by the! Eajl-lndia company j -Coffee (hall not be imported, but in packages of 1 1 2 f^ net at leaft ; to be ftowed openly in the hold of the velTel, on forfeiture of goods and package ; which may be feized by any officer of the Cuftoms or Excife ^^-^^— ■ — -Coffee of the Britifi plantations in America, or foreign Coffee, which") fhall have been warehoufed on the continent of Americ/t, to pay I only hi:!f ihe Old Subfidy on importation, and to be warehoufed | as abovementioned; iubjcft to the like duties, reftriftions, and y- regulatiois if taken out for home confumption; and to the like fecurities, l^c. if for exportation, as Cctfee warehoufed in pur- fuance of 10 Geo. 1. cap. 10 -fee Plantations, 109 — — -Tea, Chocolate, and Cocoa-nuts — Sellers or dealers in Coffee, "\ Tea, Cccoa-nuts, or makers or fellers of Chocolate, before the faid goors are ''iken into cui^ody, are to enter (in writing) at the next S office, the v.irehoules, l^c. intended to be made ufc of; upon for- feiture of 2Qo/. befidcs the goods and package _ Year and Reign. 10 Geo. I. 5 Geo. III. 6 Geo, 111. 4 Geo. II. 10 Geo. I. S Geo. III. 6 Geo. in. 10 Geo. I. Chap. s=a. 10 < c 26 30 43 34 52 22 H 12 — 12 10 26 43 34 — 35 — 33 S^ 22 10 10 120 APPENDIX. COFFEE, Tea, Chocoi.atp, and Cocoa-nuts Not to be broutjht into") 7 fucli Wdrehoufts, till notice be given to the officer of that divifion, | vviih a certificate from the officer from whence brought, that the [^ inland duties ha%'e been paid for CcfTce, Tea, Chocohte, or that Cocoa-nuts have been entered at the Cultom-houfe; upon for- feiture, and treble the value, befides the package — — . 10- -Not to be fold but in a warelioufe, bfc. and entered as aforefaid, or" a vvarehoule approved of by the commifHoners of the Culloms for Coffee, Tea, and Cocoa-nuts; upon forfeiture, and treble the va- lue, befides the package ■ ■ -Officers of the inland duty may enter warehoufes, in the day-time,") and take an account of the q'jantity and quality ; the proprietors to | be afTiiling, and tokccp jull weights and (cales. Oppoling officers, V mglcding to provide jull, or keeping falle weights and fcales, or | not aflifling the oflicer, the forfeiture is too/. J -Concealed with intention of fraud, forfeited, with treble the value, 7 together with the package j -Upon an ofKcer of the inland duty's oath, of fufpicion of conceal-") ment, made before the commif'oners, or a jufiice of the peace, j they may, by warrant, impoiver him at any time (but if in the I night, with a conftabic) to enter into any warehoufes, and feize ' all fuch concealed goods as forfeited, together with the package. Officer obllrurted, the forfeit is too/. -The quantity fold, excteding fix pounds weight, the officer of that" divihon to give a certificate to the oflicer where intended to be re- moved, exprefling the quantity, buyer and feller, and teftifying the payment of the duties — — 13 Removed without fuch certificate, forfeited, with the package; and' the certificate to Vuvii the time it is to continue in force age; and 1 14 Officers of the Cuftoms, or inland duties, affaulted or obflrufled the feizure, the goods refcued, or the package damaged a feizure ; the offender to forfeit 50/. — — — I in) ftcrj. 16- 17 — iS- -Tea, and Cocoa-nuts — Not entered and warehoufcd, to be deemed) as n-n, and ur.lawfuliy imported ; and may be fciz^d, wi.h the > package and carriages, Uc. j -Payment of the dutie-", or the lawful condemnation, ns forfeited:') difputed, proof to lie on the owner or claimer — 3 -V/arehoufc-keepers, who are to be appointed by the commiffioners of the Cuflnras, and tlie ofiicer of the inland duties there attending, each to keep books of all C<;fFee, ijfc. brought in and carried out, with the particular quantities tor home-confumption, exportation, and remaining ; and to tranfmit an account in wriii.ig, and upon oath, every fjx month.;, to their refptiTlive convTiiffimcrs ; who, in ore month after, are to caufe the faid waiehoufes and accounts to be iiifpL'rled W^arehoufe-olficers off^ndint, rendered incapable, and to forfeit 100/. — _____ — — -Proprietor and inland officer to affix a feparate lock upon each ware- 'I houfc ; and the otiicers to attend at all reafonabk times to adm the proprietors to view, fort, or remove their goods — nit > Njt fefs than an hundred weight of each fort to be delivered out of) .1 warehcuie at one time ; unlefs brought in, or fold in Icls qmn- V- titles — J 20- -And Cocoa-nuts ftoiier, Js'r. - may be garble! in the warehoufes from d irt, \ ACTS. Yair anj R,:ijn. 10 Geo. I. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Ann. 10 Geo. r. 10 Ann. 10 Geo. I. 10 Ann. 10 Geo. I. 1 o .A n n . 10 Geo. I. Ch.p. Sta. 10 II — ' + — 12 — 39 — '3 — I35 — 16 — 40 26 10 35 27 10 28 26 10 29 26 10 37 30 — 34 26 10 1 34 3 f- 26 APPENDIX. i^i COFFEE muftb 21 fame q e exported in the original psckage, or package containing the : quantity, or not under four hundred weight, with thcf fame marks and numbers as at firil entry; unlefs exported to Inland, or the Britijh plantations 2Z— 23- 24- 25- 26- 27- -and Tea, feized by the officers of the Cuftoms, may be fold at fuch ] places as the commiflioners think proper ] -For the encouragement of making feizures, and the didribution of the produce thereof, fee Seizures, 21 to 27. -Tea, Brandy, Rum, or other foreign Excifeable Liquors, feized' after the ziX\\oi yune, 1726, the rcfpeftive commiflioners may caufe the fame to be proceeded againfl, according to the feveral laws now in force . -OfHcers of the Culloms, or others, are not entitled to the benefit of the feizures, unlefs notice be given to the next oflicer of Excife, within forty-eight hours after feizure, who mull take an account of the fpecies and quantities —^——^ -Such goods not to be removed without a permit figned by the ofiicer' of Excife or inland duties, upon penalty of re-feizure by any other | officer ■ — — — ■ -Officers of the Cuftoms, Excife, or inland duties, are not to deal or" trade therein ; upon forfeiture of office, and 50/. and rendered ' incapable -See Plantations, 21, 99, 105, 109, Shifs iniuards, 1 1 . IJle of Man, 29. COIN of Gold and Silver (except foreign upon entry) may not be tranfported" I without the King's licence, upon forfeiture, or the value, to the King 2 Found by the King's fearchers, in the cuftody of perfons going out of the realm, without the King's licence, forfeited, except their \ reafonable expences: the difcoverer to have ^ part of the forfeiture ACTS. Year and Reitn. Chan. Stfl. -Searchers willingly fuffering the fame, forfeit their office, and all their goods, and to be imprifoncd a year. Any perfon proving it, to have half ■ . -No falfe or counterfeit Money, allowed to be current here, may be brought into the kingdom to be uttered, upon forfeiture thereof.- and the offenders to be judged guilty of high tieafon —— -Imported, may be landed without warrant — -fee page 30 in the Second Part. -Foreign Coin of Gold and Silver, may be exported by any perfons, \ without cullom or fee ■ j -Silver Money tendered, being diminifhed, otherwife than by reafon- 1 able wearing, or fufpedled to be counterfeit, may be cut, broke, I or defaced ; and if it prove to be counterfeit, the perfon tendering \ mufl bear the lofs; but if due weight, and lawful Money, the per- f fon cutting, breaking, or defacing, is to take it at the rate I -DJfputes about fuch Money, to be determined by the mayor, chief officer, or juftice of the peace of the place; who may, for their in- formation, adniiniller an oath to any perfon — -Receivers-general of any Branch of His M.ijefly's Revenue, are to cut, break, or deface any piece of counterfeit or unlawfully di- Biinifhed Silver Money, that Ihall be tendered to them for the ufe ; Geo. I. 9 Geo. T. 2 Geo. II. 3 Geo. 1:1. 9Edw.]II. 3iJEdw. III. S Rich. II. 2 Hen. IV. 2 Hen. VII. 19 Hen. VII. I c Car. II. 9 and Edw. III. I and 2 P.hil. S: M. Car. II. 9 5: 10 W. III. 23 d 10 ' 9 an 9 and 10 ■ II 12 2. 3 122 APPENDIX. of Flis Mij-dy; and are to \\e\gh all Sili-er Money by them re- cened; and if found to be faulty, muil not be received by or from them in the Exchequer — See Si her, 3. COMES (,i), may not be imported by any perfons, to be uttered ot fold in Greu: Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to he/cid, except made and wrought in Ir,Iard, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked — — — COMMISSIONERS of the Land-tax, >5,^;>;, 13, 26, :8. COMPOSITIONS for frauds or feizures, fee Information, 5, 6, Sjue, 5. Wool, 43. COyiTl^SiENV of jimerica, fee P/antt:/io«s, 109. Coffee, i. Seizure}, 6. CONSTABLES, fee Catt/e, 2. Cope, 11. Ojficers, 27, 29. Tobacco, 61, 6j^. -CHIEF CONSTABLE, /-^ W;/r, 13, 26, 28. COPPER, fee Metal. COPPER ORE, fee Plantations, 2 1, 22, 5S. COPPER BARS, not to be allowed any Drawback, unlefs imported from the) Eaji-lndies, ox \\\s codA. oi Barhary, and exported by 5;7V//& — J CORDAGE, wrought up and manufaflured in G^eat Britain, the bounty on~) I the exportation thereof to be paid to the exporter, by the cuftomer or colle.'^ 8 The penalties under this adt may be profccuted in any court of record "} at IVeJlininJlir, or in the court of Exchequer at Edinburgh rcfpcc- }■ lively : one moiety to the king, the other to the officer — = J CORKS, fa Shan. CORN, the quarter to contain eight bufhels flricked, each bufhcl containing \ eight jrallcns — — -Imported — Juftices of the peace for the feveral counties, at every'"] quarter- feiiions, are to give in charte (in open courO to tlie grand j jury, to make enquiry and prefentment, upon their oaihs, of the | common market prices of middling Englijh corn; whicii prefent- J- men; is to be made in open court, and certified by the juitices in j writing to the chief officer and colleillor of the Cu.ioms, to be hung j up publickly in the Cudom-houfc, that the Duties may be col- I kcted according to the faid prices J ACTS. '23 Year and ReJ^n. 6 Geo. in. Chap. I Sea. 45 'S Rich If, Men. VII. Car. 11. 4 4 '3 5 Gio.II. \Z 1,2.3 124 APPENDIX. -Til the city of London, the mayor, aldermen, and judices, in the") months f^^Oaohcr and April, * January &nA July, a c to determine the prices of middling EngUfli Corn, by the oaths of two or more honell pcrfons (killed in the prices, being neither cornchandlcrs, niealnien, faftors, or merchants, ksc. interefted in the Corn, but fubftaniial houfc-keepers, living in Mi. I JLi'cx or Surrey, havin;; each a freehold eftate of zol. or a leafehold of 50/. per annum, and by fuch other ways and means as they fliall think fit ; and to certify the fame as above « -But juftices omitting or regledling to determine the prices, the col-' ledor of the Cufloms mufl receive the Duties according to the lowefl prices of the feveral forts rated by the aft of 22 Car. II. Goods inwards, 6. Ficiuals, 3. cap. 1 3 ■ Set Ijh of Man, I . -As Wheat, Rye, Barley, Malt, Beans, Peafe, and all other forts of Corn and Grain, ground or unground, and Bread, Bifcuit, or Meal, may be exporceJ free of all Duties -Wheat, Rye, B.irley, Malt, Beer, alias Bigg, Malt made of Wheat,' Oatmeal, exported for the bounty ; when ihe prices thereof, either ground or unground, do not at the poit of exportation exceed the refpeftive prices mentioned in page 18 in ihe Second Part; and the Corn (hall be (hipped on board any Britijh (hip, v.hereof the mailer, and at leall two thirds of the mariners, are Britijh fubjeds, in order to be exported to parts beyond the feas, the exporter is to be allowed the refpedive bounties in the fecond column, provided a certificate in writing, under the hand of the . exporter, containing the quantity and quality of the Corn, be ' fixll brought to the colledlor of the port, and the truth thereof confirmed by the oath of one or more credible perfon or perfons, and b^nd be given by the exporter, in the penalty of 10/ for every ton of Oatmeal, or forty bu(hels of Beer, alias Bigg ; and 200/. at leail for every hundred tons of all the other forts: (that is, 8/. per quarter) that the fame fliall be exported into parts be\ondthe feas, and not be relanded in Great Britain, or ihe iflands of Guernfey, Jerfey, * the IJle of Man, or \ Faro OX Ferro ^ ——SeelJkofMan, 13. -In order to adjuft the quantity for which the bounty is to be paid," the Corn is :o be admeafured by the proper ofiicers of the Culloms, who, for the greater expedition, may make ufe of a tub or mea- fure, containing four U'inchtfter buflicls ; or, if the faid Corn be intended to be exported in (ocks, ihcy are to choofe two out of any S- number, not exceeding twenty facks, and fo in proportion; and thereby compute the while quantity : but if exported from London, may be meafured by the fwoin meters ; from whole certificates the fearchers may certify the quantity (hipped for exportation • -But with refpeit to Malt, the bounty is to be allowed after the rate") of thirty quarters, and no more, for every twenty quarters of I Barley, or other Corn or Grain, entered and made into Malt, for [ exportation; as (hall appear by a certificate from the proper o(Ficcr with whom tlie Corn 01 Grain intended to be made into Malt, for exportation, was cnteied — — ■ —And with refpe9 12 «7 18 12 29 7 30 45 56 II- 12- H- i6- >7- i8- 19- A P P N D I X. ACTS. »25 exporter accordingly, upon producing a certificate from the proper officer of the Cuftoms, attelling the quantity, quality and weight thereof — — ^ . -The aforefaid bounty to be paid by the collcclor of the port, upon^ demand made by the exporter, unlefs he );as not fufficient money in his hands, and then (except for Bigg and Oat-meal) he is to ! certify the fame to the commiffioners of the Cuftoms, who are to j caufe the money to be paid by the receiver general within three '. months — — — — — — — — -When the certificate, above-mentioned, annexed to the debenture nen ine LcrtuiLaic, ttuuvc-iiicuLiuutu, eiiiiii;At,u lu hh^ Ku*,Lf*,iimn--^ for Corn exported, is produced to the commiflioners of ihe Cuftoms I at London, they are immediately to caufe an indorfement to be \ Year and R^ign. I Chap Seft I W and M. 12 and V/. 11[. 5 Ann. 3 Geo. II. ."! made on the back of the debenture of the day when it was pro duced ; and, as foon as conveniently may be, fign their order to the receiver general for payment — — — — -If any fuch debenture remains unfatisfied more than fix months afterT the day it has been produced to the commiffioners of the Cuftoms j at London, intereft, at the rate of three fcr cent, per annum, is to be ^ allowed thereon, from the end of the faid fix months to the time of j payment, or to the time of proper notice given thereof J -The receiver general, when he has fufficient money in his hand-s, is" to give notice in writing, to be affixed on three, or more, doors of fome public place in the Cuftom houfc, London, and to be advertifed in the London Gazette, that, on a certain day therein limited, and on the four days following, (fo as fix days intervene between the date of the notice and the day fo limited, and (o as Sundays and holidays be not included in fuch four days) he (hall be ready to pay the principal and intereft of fuch debentures which have re- ni»iined unfatisfied above fix months from the time of their being produced as above, or principal of fuch debentures which have not exceeded the faid fix months; after the expiration of which five days, all intereft is to ceafe, though the money due (hould not then be demanded . — Thefe debentures are to be paid by the receiver general without fee" or reward in courfe, refpeft being had to the times when they were produced to the commiffioners of the cuftoms, without any prefe- rence, and are affignable by indorfeinent thereon 26 Geo. II. 26 -The fame allowances are granted, and rules to be obferved, with") refpeft to debentures for Corn exported from Scot/and, with this j difference, that the certificate is to be made to the commiffioners of ^ Edinburgh, and notice of payment to be publiihed in \.)\^ Edinburgh j Courant, and affixed in the Cuflomhoufe, Edinburgh — — J -The aforefaid Bond, given for the exportation, may be delivered up to be cancelled, upon producing a certificate under the common feal of the chief magiftrate in any place beyond the feas or under ! !l W. and M. the hand and feal of two known Britijh merchants, teftifying, that ( 5 Ann the Corn was there landed ; or upon proof, by credible perfons, | that it was taken by enemies, or periftied in the feas J 29 7 >S 9> 10 •5 z6 -J -Malt relanded in Great Britain is forfeited, with treble the value, befides the penalty of the bond — — -The bounty not to be allowed for Corn exported to the Ife of Man ; ' and the IJle of Man to be included in the bond given upon the ex- portation of fuch Corn — — — — -No warrant, cocket, i3c. to be granted for tranfporting, or carrying" forth to the open fea, any toreign Corn after importation, from any port or haven within England, Wales, or the town of Btrivick vfan T-juced, to any other port or liaven of the fame Hh 3 Geo. II. 5 Geo. III. Geo. II. 12 29 7 30 5>7.S I: 2 10 126 APPENDIX. COR N. — No perfon may (o tranfport, or caufe to be tranfportcd, or carried ••■-i r^ _.!.*- .L „ /"_ _ I 1 _ _ _ _ .1 1 20 21- forth to the open fe.t, from any port, haven, creek, or road, or member thereof, within England, Wales, or the town of £f>Tu/V/t upon Tn.uced; or lade, or caufe to be laden, in any ve/l'el, in order to be landed in any other port, haven, or place of the fame, any foreign Corn, or foreign Corn mixed with Engtifo Corn, upon for- feiture of the faid Corn, and zos. for every bufhel thereof, and alfo the fliipor vcfTel, with her guns, tackle and furniture -The maRer or mariners of fuch veffel, being conviifled of knowingly aiding and aflilting in fuch oiFence, are to fufter three months im- prifonment, without bail or mainprize fee Fees, 19. Malt, Ships, 50 — — — — — CORONERS, fee Shifs, 7, 20, 22. COTTON WOOL, in Britifh Ihips, legally navigated, may be imported duty 1 * Provided due entry be made, and the goods landed in the prefencel of the proper officer; otherwife liable 10 the fame duties as be- t fore — — — — .__. \ ' See Dominica, 7 , COWRIES, fee Ecifc India, 47. CULM, exported to Lifhon in Portugal paying only \s. the Chaldron, the^ } exporter to give fccurity, in treble the value, for the landing at | Lifhon only, and to return a certificate thereof under the hand of V the coni'ul or deputy conful within twelve months, othcrv/ife the I Ihip and Culm, or the value thereof, forfeited J a Mav be exported from the port ofM/T/^or;/ to the counties o{ Pembrche,~\ 'Carmarthen, Cardigan or Merioneth, in fhips not exceeding thirty tons, the mailer ot the (hip taking out a Sufferance from the col- ! ledlor for the quantity (hipped, certified by the fearcher, paying [ 1 J. a chaldron : the certificate of the colleftor to be deemed a pro- per clearance — — — — — J 3 ——The mailer of the (hip, returning to Milford, not permitted to take^ in any other cargo or quantity of Culm, until he has made oath at what place, and when, he carried his former cargo : and fraudu- lently altering his own or the (hip's name, to forfeit 5 /. for every \ Offence, and the ftiip may be detained by the colleftor till the pe- halty and all charges are paid; and the penalty to be applied as direfted by the laws relating to the Duties of Culloms — 4 —Loft after being (hipped, and Duty paid, and oath thereof being madeV before the colledor; a like quantity may be Oiipped duty l?ee — 5 See Coals. CUR.RANrS, of the growth or produf^ ofTurky muft be imported only in fhips") Britijh built, except fuch (liips as are of the built of the country | whereof the faid goods are the growth or produftion, or of fuch V part whei-e the faiJ goods can only, or moll ufually are firll Ihip- j ped for tranfportation, on forfeiture of fliip and goods — — J CUSTOMS, in Englan-d and Sect/and to be under the management of one or 1 morecommiffionersof the whole united kingdom j com- ) i The number of commidjoners may be increafed by his Majefly'scom miCion under the great fcal See Britain, Lanvs. Plantations, 8. CUTWORK. of all furts imported, forfeited ; the importer llableto 100/. and 7 the I'tlier to 50/. — — f CYDER.— Officers of the Culloms ta charge maflers of fhips in their vifluallingT bills with fo much {and no more) as fuch number of men ufe to > (pend in fuch voyages — — . ___« \ ACTS. Year and Reign. 5 Geo. II. 6 Geo. III. Chap. Sea. 12 52 -4 25 31 II. 33 33 33 12 Car. II. 9 Geo. I. 9 13 and 14) ' Car. II. 5 I W. and M. iS '3 APPENDIX. D ACTS. 127 D AGGKRS may not be imported to be fold, barterea or exchanged, upon forfeiture, or the value — — — — — 2 ___]VIay not be imported by any perfons to be uttered or fold in Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof as often as tht-y may be found in the hands of any perfon to be fold, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked — — DAGGER BLADES may not be imported to be fold, bartered or exchanged, N upon forfeiture, or the value — — — — — ^ DAMAGES, on goods imported (except Tobacco and Wines) are to be adjurted by two indifferent merchants upon oath to be chofen by the prjnci pal officers, ISc. Rule i i, page 12, in the Second Part. SeeTobacco, 7, 9. Wine, 8,9. Year and Reign. Cliap. Seft 5 Eliz. 3 Car. I. 16 Car. I. 3 Edw. IV. 5 Eliz. 3 Car. r. 16 •To be rebated on debentures, fee Debentures, 7. DAVIS STREIGHTS, fee Greenland. DEAL BOARDS, may not be imported from the Netherlands or Germany, on forfeiture of the fhip and goods — — — — — « ■ Except Deal Boards of the growth oi Germany, \\y\\c\\ may be imported from thence only bv Bntifi \n Briiijh haWtfa'x^s, owned by £r;- tijh, upon payment of the like duties as if from Norzvay — See Wood. DEBENTURES, or Certificates for drawing back Duties upon the exportation") i cf goods, n-.ull, before written or printed, be Itamped, upon pay- I njent of Si/. f)r every fkin, Iheet or piece of vellum, parchment, | or paper. Penalty en the writer or printer to/, befides full cofls )■ of fuit; on theofiicer that figns, lofs of office, befides the aforefaid penalties, and the Certificate or Debenture not iood till it be Mamped, and 5/. pa d befides the ilamp duty , 2 But Debentures for the bounty on Biitifi or Iri/h lir.cn, corn and fail \ cloth exported, are not chargeable with the Ramp duiy — j 13 and 14I Car. II. 6 Geo. L 3 — 4— 5 — -Counterfeiting fuch {lamps, felony — — — — Upon altering the Stamps, Debentures, ijjc. marked with the old St;imps, may be changed within fixty days after proclamation; thofc not brotght in that time of no ufe — — — . For duties to be drawn back upon there-exportatio.i cf goodf.muft be" fworn to by the true exporter only, as being either interelled in the propriety and hazard tf the goods, or fo employed by comr.-.ii;ion in the cireflion of the voyage as to be able to judge whether th i Called Chaffing Difl.es, may not be imported by Grangers to b fold, ] upon forfeiture, or the value ■ j 3 May not be ir ported by any perfons, to he uttered or fold in Great'\ Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often as they may he found in ( the hands of any perfbn to he fold, except n;ade and wrought in f Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked — — J DISPATCHES, orCERTiFiCATiis altered, counterfeited or Az[(ih!y from thence in;o Great Britain, under the like fecurities, penalties and forfeitures, as are particularly mentioned in iz Car. il. cap. i8, feft. i8, 23 and 23 Car. 11. cap. 26, feft. 10 fee Plantations, 21 ^— -« -No goods whatfoever Ihall be exported from the faid ifland of Do- minica, to any part of Europe to the northward of Cape Fi except to Great Britain, under the fame fecurities as mention 12 Car. II. cap. 18, refpeding goods there enumerated d of Do-^ ^inijlerre, I tioned in f —It (hall be lawful to export from the faid ifland o{ Dominica, any Sugar ' which (hall have been imported into the fame, to any foreign parts of Europe to the fouthward of Cape Ftnijlerre, in fuch velfel, and under fuch regulations, as Sugar of the produce of the Britijh^X^n- tMomin America -fee Plantations, 71 -No fliip taking on board at Dominica, goods, the produce of that part ' of America called the Wejl-Indies, (live Cattle excepted) may pro- ceed to any other Britijh ifland in the Weji Indies, (except in cafe ofdillrefs, notice whereof to be given to the colleftor in twelve hours after arrival, with an account of the lading) on penalty of' forfeiture of the vefTel and goods -No goods of the growth or manufaflure o( Europe, or the Eajl-Indies,' or other places beyond the Cape of Good Hope, fhall be exported from Dominica, to any Brilijh colony or plantation in America, on forfeiture of the goods and vefTel -For every Negroe exported in any foreign vefTel from Jamaica, there fhall be paid a duty of — ' And for the following imported into Dominica : I'ix For every Negroe — For every barrel of Beef and Pork .— — For every firkin of Butter ... For every hundred weight of Sugar For every hundred weight of Cocoa For every hundred weight of Coffee — 1 i ACTS. 129 Vear anJ Reign. Chap. Sefl 6 Geo. III. l/. lOS. Od. I o o o o o 10 o o o 49 II 130 APPENDIX. »5- i6' 18- DOMINICA and JAMAICA— The faid Duties to be deemed fterling money" 13 of Great Britain; and to be received according to the proportion of 5/. 6J. the ounce in fiivei; and to be applied as diredled by His Majeftv, by warrant counterfigned by any three or more of , the commiflioners of the Treafury; and the overplus to be paid | into the Exchequer at Wejimmjler-, to be difpofed of by Parliament, | towards defraying the expences of protefting the Britijh colonies | in America —— — — J 14 ■ No Duties (except thofe abovementioned, and fuch as are impofed by" any ad of this feffion upon MolafTes and byrups imported into any 1 Briiijk plantations in America) fhall be paid for any goods of the i produft of any foreign colony in America, imported into any fuch port in the iiland of Dominica ■ -All goods and commodities of American produce, which fhall be im-") ported into Great Britain, from the faid ifland oi Dominica, (except | Sugar and Rum of the produce of the faid ifland, with a certificate, ! as hereafter mentioned) fhall be deemed to be the produce of foreign ' colonics or plantations, and be liable to the fame Duties as if of the produce of any French colony or plantation -It fhall be lawful to import into Great Britain, from the ifland of" Dominica, in Britijh built vefiels, legally navigated, any Sugar or Kum of the produce of the faid ifland, upon payment of the like Duties as are now payable on Sugar and Rum of the produce of the Britijh plantations in America; provided the perfon loading fuch goods, fliall prove to the colleftor at the loading port, that they were produced and manufaftured in Dominica: (by the oath 1 of the grower, maker, or fhipper ; exprefTing in words, and not ' in figures, the quality of the goods, with the number and deno- mination of the packages) and the officer fhall give a certificate thereof, which the mailer (hall, at the time he makes a report of his cargo in this kingdom, deliver to the colleiflor of the Culloms, and fhall make oath before him, that the goods fo re- ported, are the fame that are mentioned in the faid certificate — _ -No goods whatfoever of American produce, liable to the payment" of any Duty on importation into any Britijh colony, or the continent of America, fhall be imported there from the illanJ of Dominica, without a certificate, as above direfted, fpecifying whether fuch goods are the produce of any foreign or Britijh colony, on for- feiture of goods and veflel '-J -The monies arifing by the Duties on the importation into this king- dom of fuch goods as above di ~ ' to be applied to fuch ufes as now applicable ties on the importation into this king-") direfted, to be deemed French produce, \ the Duties on fuch foreign goods are J 10 The importer or proprietor of any goods, liable to the payment of any Duties, which fhall be lawfully imported from the faid ifland of Dominica into Great Britain, without any fuch certificate as be- fore mentioned, fhall, upon the importation thereof, pay down in ready monev, to the coJleftors of His Mdjefty's Culloms, only 3fl'. per hundred weight averdupoife upon Sugars fo imported; and only one half of the Old Subfidy granted by the aft of Tonnage and Poundage, made in the 12th of C«r. II. upon all other goods, w hich refptttive Duties fhall not be drawnback upon exportation; pro- vided the fame, upon landing, be fecured under the King's locks, in warehoufes provided at the fole expence of the importer or pro- prietor thereof; and if fuch Sugars, or other goods, or any part )- thereof, fhall be delivered out of any fuch warehoufe for exportation, the owner or exporter thereof, together with one other fufiicient perfon, fhall enter into bond to His Majefly, his heirs and fuc- ceffors, in treble the amount of the full Duties, which would be payable if the fame were confumed ia this kingdom ; with con- ACTS. Year and Reign. 6 Geo. III. Chap. 49 Scft. «4 '5 16 •7 APPENDIX. dition. That no part of fuch Sugars, and other goods, Jhail he relanJed in Great Britain, or Ireland, or any of the dominions belonging to the crown of Great Britain; which bonds ftiall be difcharged in the fame manner as the bonds given for the due exportation of Pro- hibited Eaji-lndia Goods are difcharged, by any law now in forcej DOMINICA and JAMAICA— If any fuch Sugars, or other goods, (hall be re- 20 landed, or uiifhipped to be relanded, contrary to this Ad, the fame, with the boats, lighters, or any other veflels, horfes or cattle, and carriages whatfotver, which may be employed or made ufe of, in the removal, carriage, or conveyance thereof; as alfo the (hip or veiTel from which the fame fliall be unloaded, together with her J> furniture and apparel, (hall be forfeited; and every perion con- cerned in the unlhipping or relanding fuch Sugars, or oiher goods, or to whofe hands the fame fliall knowingly come, after the un- fhipping the fame, (hall forfeit treble the value of fuch Sugars, and other goods ■ ped for exportation, 1 of lefs burthen than K Si— ——No fuch Sugars, or other goods, (hall be (hipped for exportation,' from Great Britain, on beard any (hip or ve(rel i ' " ' " feventy tons — ^— 2i— — — If any fuch Sugars, or gcods, (hall be taken out of any ware^oufe, ") to be ufed in this kingdom, the perfon or perfons taking ou: the fame, (hall iirjl pay up the remainder of the Duties which would ! have been payable upon the importation of the like Sugars, or other { goods, of the growth or production of the French colonies or plan- I tations in America, into this kingdom J 23 If fuch Sugars, or goods, (hall not be either exported, or the fulT Duties paid for the fame, within twelve calendar months from the importation thereof, it (hall be lawful for the commilTioners of the Cuftoms, or any three of them, to caufe the faid Sugars, or other goods, fo remaining, to be publickly fold to the belT bidder; and )>■ the money arifing by fuch fale, to be applyed firll to the difcharge oftheDuties, and the expences of fuch (ales; and the overplus, if any, to be paid to the importer or proprietor of fuch Sugars or goods, or other perfon authorized to receive the fame 34 ■ All foreign Sugars which (hall be imported into Dominica, (hall be^ depofited in warehoufes provided at the expence of the proprietor, with the approbation of the coUeiSor, under the feparate locks of j the officer and proprietor, till (hipped for exportation : and before I delivered for exportation to Great Britain, every ca(k ihall be ! marked, as the commiiTioners of the Culloms in £«j-/fl«rf' Ihall direft, ' to denote that they are foreign, and that they have been ware- houfed : fuch Sugar,', landed in Dominica, without being ware- houfed, or (hipped for Great Britain, without being marked, fhall be forfeited, and may be feized by ofiicers of the Culloms — ^— 25 ■No Duty of Gunpowder, nor any fee, (hall be demanded by any officer \n Domimca or famaica, for any f c^ ./• r ■ ve(rel or goods, under the like penalties than allowed by 5 Geo. III. cap. 45- e, (hall be demanded by any 1 any entry, iffc. of any foreign ( hies as for exarting greater fees J ; fee Plantations, 1 45 J 26 The penalties and forfeitures inflifled by this Afl, to be profecuted' and divided, as other penalties for ©(Fences againll the laws rel; to the Culloms _____ — ■ 27 This aft (hall continue in force to November i, 1773, to the end of the next feffion of parliament and from thence cutedT lative i bence 7 DRAWBACKS on foreign goods — The time for repayment thereof extended J I to three years, after the 24th of ^ww, 1721 fee Sugar, z \ -Allowances and abatements upon, or out of any Duties now in force, to continue till choCe Duties ceife __^_ ■' } ACTS. Year and Reign. IChap. 13^ S.cl. 6 Geo. III. 49 7 Geo. I, J Geo I. 21 21 26 27 40 I 13* APPENDIX. DRAWBACKS The oaths of the merchants importing and exporting, re-T 3 quired to obtain the Drawback of foreign goods, affirming the I truth of the othcer's certificate of the entry and due payment of the [^ Duties, may be made by the agent or hulband of any corporation ( ' or companv, or by the known fervant of any merchi-nt, ulually employed in making his entries, and paying his cuftoms J 4 Not to be alloAcd for any foreign goods exported to the ///> of Man — J Foreign goods, entered outwards — If lefs in quantity or value than "l is e.vprcflcd in the exporter's certificate, be fraudently Ihippcd out, I the goods therein mentioned, or their value, are forfeited, and no f Drawback to be allowed for the iame J See Gocji oufwaidi, ig. Tobaccot IJ. 6 Foreign goods entered outwards by certificate, in order to obtain the' Drawback, uotdiipped and exported, or relanded in Great Britain, (unlefs in ca(e of diitrefj, to fave them from periifiirg, which mull be forthwith figniiied to the officers of the Culloms) are to lofe the benefit of the Drawback, and are forfeited, or their value, with the veflel and boats, horles, carriages, i^c. employed in the re landing thereof; and the ptrfons concerned in the unlhipping or relanding, or to whole hands tlie goods ihall knowingly come, or by whofe privity, knowledge, or dircclion, they are relanded, are to forfeit double the amount of the Drawback -To be fucd for within five years after committing of the offence See Goods outivarrls, 1 6, 17, 18, 1 9. Ijle of Man, J, Salt, 30, 31, ii, 41. -The feizureof the horfes, or other carriages, and the veflels or boats. 6. II- 12- he feizureof the horfes, or other carriages, and the veflels or boats, T if of the burthen of fifteen tons or under, may be adjulled by two I or more jultices of the peace, in the fame manner as Brandy, fife. C fay 6 Geo. I. cap. 21 ■ J See Spirits, 22. -Officers of the Cuftoms conniving at, or aflifting in any fraud relating" to certificate goods, bcfides other penalties, are to forfeit their ofiice, be rendered incapable, and to fufFer fix months imprifon- meut, without bail or mainprize — — — — -Matters, or other perfons belonging to any (hip, aflifting in, or con- niving at the fraudulent relanding of iuch goods, befides other pe- nalties, are to fuller fix months imprilonment, without bail or mainprize ■ J -Bonds given for the exportation of certificate goods to Ireland, mufl not be delivered up, nor Drawback allowed for any goods, till a certificate, under the hands and feals of the colleftor, comptroller, and furveyor of the Culloms, or any two of them, of fome port in Ireland, be produced, teftifying the landing ; the condition of the , bonds being to produce fuch certificate in lix months from the date ' thereof -Such certificates not produced in time, the commifiioners of the Culloms may put the bonds in fuit See Salt, 32. -Frauds committed in the exportation of Tobacco, or any other goods,' difcovered to any officer of the Culloms, by any perfon (except the exporter) fuch perfon to have one half of the officer's or profccutor's fliare of what fhall be recovered; the charge of profccution being . lirfl deduded: the commiffioners of the Culloms to caufe fuch | charges to be equally paid by the crown and the profecutor. Per- fons aiding the exporter in fuch frauds, difcovering their offence, fliall he acquitted — See Debentures. Tobacco, 2I> 23, 23, 26, 2 ACTS, Chap. Vi;:>v And Reign. z and 3 Ann. 1 2 Geo. I. 13 and Car 1 14? 11. I 13 and Car. 8 Ann. n:i 8 Geo. I. 27 Geo. II. 8 Ann. 8 Ann. 5 Geo. I. 27 Geo. II. 9 Geo. I. Scft. >4 28 12 j6 iS 16 17 >3 II 18 18 5 4 APPENDIX. DRAWBACKS— No part of the Duty ©rilled the Old Subfidy, fliall, after") 13 May I, 1764, be drawnback for any foreign goods produflion, or manufafture of Europe, or the Eaft- ftiall be exported to ai>y Briiijh colony or plantation except for VVines, White Callicoes, and Muflins , of the growth, I ft -Indies, which > tion in Aire tea, \ 14 Goods entered for exportation to any other parts, in order to obtain" Drawbacks, not allowed by this Hfl, and neverthelcfs carried to fome Britijh colony in America, the Drawback forfeited, and the exporter or mailer of the ftiip to forfeit double the amount of the )■ Drawback, and treble the value of the goods. And thefe words, " Any Britijh colonies or plantations in America," to be added to the oath, on the debenture — — — — 15 No Drawback or bounty to be allowed for any goods exported to the J iflands oi Faro or Ferro, in the dominions of the King of Denmark^ 16 If any goods (hall be entered for exportation to foreign parts, other"} than the faid iflands of Faro and Ferro, in order to obtain tlie Drawback for the fame, and (hall neverthelefs be landed there, the Drawback and bounty forfeited ; and the exporter, mailer of the (hip, and every perfon concerned in the exportation, or landing . of the goods, whether the Drawback or bounty has been paid or ' not, fhall forfeit treble the value of the goods; and the velTel and furniture fliall be forfeited; and may be fcized by any o(5cer of the Cudoms or Excile, in Great Britain or Ireland : one moiety to the King, the other to the profecutor __ 17 The iflands of Faro and Ferro, fliall be added to the oath, on the' debentures — — — — . DRIPPING PANS, may not be imported by any perfons, to be nttered cr^ fold \n Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often as they may ( be found in the hands of any perfon to be fold, except mide and J wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked J DRUGS, fee Dominica, 7. DYING goods exempted from the New, One-third, and Two-third Subfidies,") and the Additional Duty on Spice, Jiff, are. Alum of all (orts, Antimonium, (except Crudum) 5r/7//2' Berries from the plantations, \ Cakelack, Caflumba, Copperas of all forts, French Berries, Grain or Scarlet-powder, Grains of Portugal or Rota, Grains oF Sevil in [ berries. Litharge of all forts, Piatain, Salt-petre, Weld, Woad — J I Which may be imported after March 25, 1722, free of all Duties," provided entry, and other requilites of law be performed, as before, aie, Agarick, Annotto, Antimonium Crudum, Aqua Fortis, Ar- gol, Arfenick, Bay-berries, Brazil Wood, Braziiecto Wood, Co- chineal, Cream of Tartar, Fullick, Galls, Indico of all forts, Ifin- glafs, Litmus, Logwood, Madder of all forts, Madder Roots, Ni- corago Wood, Orchal, Orchelia, (or Archelia or Span:/!} Weed) Pomegranate Peels, Redwood, Salflore, Sal Armoniric, Sal Gem, Sapan Wood, Red Saunders, Shomack, Sticklack, Tnrnfole, Va- lonia, Verdigreafe: but upon failure of the aforefaid requifite.-, are to pay as formerly J Gum Senega, and Gum Aralick, made free by this Ait, fmct charged -zvith Duty, fee page 215, 217, in the Firjl Part. DYING DRUGS, or WOOD, fee Dominica, 7. E. h.ARTHEN WARE, being painted Ware, may not be imported by any per-- fjns, to be uttered or fold in Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, I as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to be fold, > except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or 1 wrecked ■ ■ J K k ACTS. Year and Reijn. Chap. 133 Sea. f Geo. IIL Geo. III. 3 Edw. IV. K 43 16 '7 3° 3^ 1,2-5 3 and 4 Ann. ( Geo. J. 43 3 and 4 Ann. 8 Geo. I. Edw. I\^ .,= :-j »34 APPENDIX. ACTS. I Year and Reign. Chap. I Seft EAST-INDIA — The Scotch Eaft-India company, upon paying off their capital 7 flock and intereft, to be entirely diflblved (Arc. 15. J \ 2 - No pcrfon may trade thither, till fufficient fecurity be given to the' commiflioners of the Cuftonis, that all the goods caufed by them to be there laden, rtiall be brought, without breaking bulk, to fome port of En^lani/ ; which fecurity the Englijh Eaji India company ^ are to give under their common feal, for every Ihip by them fent I out, after the rate of 2500/. for every hundred tons they are let for, j according to the form prefcribed by 6 Ann. cap. 3. J -But the South Sea company may, by confent of the Eajl-India com-") pany, under their common feal, fend yearly to Madngafcar, four j fhips to take in negroes to be tranfported to Buenos- A res; having ^ firft given fecurity to the Eaft-India company, not co trade for any | oiher goods ' J See South Seas, 5. -The united company and corporation empowered by thefe Afts, are' to have the whole, fole, and exclufive trade to and from dicnce, and to and from all places betiveen the Cape of Good Hope, and Sircighls of Magellan, for ever: but fubjedt to redemption of par- liament by three years notice, after Mp.rch, 17 So: upon the expi- \ ration whereof, and repayment to the faid company of the capital flock or debt of 4, ; 00, 000/. and all arrears of annuities payable in refpeft thereof, their right and title to fuch trade are to ceafe and determine — ^ . — — _ But fee Goods inmjards, 9. -The trade and corporation of the united company continued, although 7 the fund Ihould be redeemed ■ .- — j -Perfons not qualified, going or trading thither, forfeit the fhip and! goods, and double the value thereof ; one fourth part to the feizer { or informer, and the other three-founhs to the ufe of the company, ( who are :o bear the charges of profecution — — J See South Seas, 5. -Perfons trading or going thither, under foreign commiffions, for- feit 500/. — — . } -The 5'i/«/^-5,-rt company's trade to any of the limits, to which they 7 are entitled, not to be prejudiced by thefe Afls — — j -The L^'£/a«/' company's trade to the Le'var.t feas, not to be prejudiced ) by thefe Ads ] -Goods traded for contrary to law, forfeited, with double the value -Contrails for fhips, in foreign fervices, to trade thiiher, void 10 — 1 1— 12 Any of His Majefly's fubjefls (not lawfully authorifed) going- to, or^ being found in the Eaft Imues, (hall be guilty of an high crime and | mifdemeanor, and may be profecuted wiihiti fix years-, and being V convii^tcd thereof, (hall be liable to fuch penalty as the court (hall j think tit . J 13 Every pcrfon fo oficnding may be feized and brought to £«?/j/;a', imd"] ccmmilted to the i.C;Xt county goal, by any j.iilice i.f peace, till I futhcient fecurity be given, by natural-born lubj.-cls or denizens, )■ for their appearance to anfwer the profecution ; and not to d. part | out of the kingdom, without leave . J 14 None of His Majefly's fubjecls may contribute to, or promote the" cllabli(h! 1?, or carryiiij'; on any foreign company trading to the Eaj}-lnu:es, from any pate of the Juftrian Netherian^is, or any other place, upon fotfeituie U their (hare in luch company, with treb'c \ ike value: one-tiura pare thereof to the ufc of ills Majcfty, and | 5 Ann. 9&ioWill. III. 6 Ann. 13 Geo. I. 3 Geo. II. 9 & 10 w. m. 3 Geo. II. 1 7 Geo. II. 10 Ann. 17 Geo, II. 9&.' 10 W. Ill 1 3 Geo. I. 3 Geo. II. 1 7 Geo II. 5 Geo. I. 3 Geo. If, 7 Geo. I. 3 Geo. II. 7 Geo. I. Geo. I. Gio. f. Geo. I. Geo. I. Geo. I, 4+ 3 «4 4+ '4 '7 28 17 44 8 14 '7 21 '4 21 14 21 21 26 2 I 20 68 I If 15 I 12, t5 So 3 9 16 3 2 APPENDIX. two-thirds to the ufe of the company, if they inform or Cae: otherwife, one-third part of fuch two-thirds to the ufe of the in- EAST-INDIA — Bills of complaint may be exhibited for the difcovery of [c offences, and recovery of t'le fingle value only; one third part whereof for the ufe of His Majefty, and the other two- thirds for the ufe of the company ACTS. »35 16- Year and Reign. Chap. Sea. 9 Geo. I. »7- 18- 19- -But if a common informer declares his intention of profecution at' law, and inllead thereof, the dircftors (hall chufe to have it com- menced by bills of complaint, they are to allow him one-third of I the aforefaid two-third parts — —Any of His Majefty's Aibjefts accepting of any fhare in truft, or" knowing any other fubjeft to have any intereft or fhare in any fore'gn company, not difcovering the fame to the united company, within fix months, (liall forfeit treble the value of fuch ihares, or one year's imprifonment ■ -^ J —But making a voluntary difcovery to the direftors, in writing, within 7 the time afore limited, to have a moiety of the forfeiture ] —The goods imported from thence, mufl: be brought to fome port ofl Great- BriJain, and be there unladen, and be openly and publickly > fold by inch of candle; upon forfeiture, or their value 3 20— ——Goods not belonging to the company, or perfons licenfed by them, fhipped en board fhips bound thither, or taken out of fhlps from thence bcftre their arrival, forfeited, with double the value : the mailer privy thereto, forteits 1000/. and all his wages — — 21 I Bills of complaint may be exhibited againft illegal traders, for dif- T covery thereof, and recovery of the Duty, and 30/. per cent to the > company — ^__ ^ 22— —Officers not to profecute for forfeitures and penalties, without the J CDnfent of the direftors of the company — — y 25-.^ — H— Goods of the produft of the Enjh-Indies, may not be imported into! any place belonging to the Britijh crown, unkfs fliipped from ] Great Britain, on forfeiture of ftiip and goods, or their value : )• officers of the Cuiioms conniving thereat, or delaying profecution, | forfeit 500/. and rendered incapable, J See Ireland, 2. 2 A ' The forfeitures and penalties inflifled by the afts of 9 & 10 Will. "j 111. 6 .•^rn. 5 Geo. I. and thefe afts, may be profecuted by the itternty-general, the united company, or any Oiiicer of the 1 Culloms: cne-ihird part whereof to be for the ufe of His Majefty, ' one-third to the ufe of the company, and the other to, the uie of the ofticers ~~—Jce. Seizures^ — — 25 — »The united company may export ftores, provifions, utenfil,'! of war, T and neccffhries for their garrifons and fettlcmen!,«, free of Duty, S provided the Daty would not have exceeded 300/. in any one year j a6 " Acap'as in 'he firft procefs may be iflued for offences agairft .iny } ad for the e.-.ccuraging and fecuring the lawful trade thither j 2.7 i^ThcDiiiy of 5/. fi:r cetft. for the maintenance of anibafladors, I3 r.f.er Se/'temhr -g, 1714,. repealed tor goods iii.por^cd from t by thf £«j-. -/•!'. company — — 7e. is, 1 henc-. {■ 2a- 26 9 & 10 W. Ill, 6 Ann. 7 Geo. I, 44 3 21 -Wrought Silki, B- r,(»i!s. and HiuiT:- mixed with f:!k or herba, of t!,e~) marufaflurc of Eujl-heiia, China, or Perda, and C.)!lico;b, printed, ( paintfd, i>:,ired or dyed tnrre, pro/ib; td to be worn -n Gv ,■«.- ( Britain i a;td are, upon impoiMtion, to pay only the Half 5ub:.d; J Geo. U. 7 Geo. I. 9 Geo. r. 9& loW. Ill 6 .\nn. I I 5; 1 2 W. 11: 2 I 14 :6 44 68 2 !^^ 136 APPENDIX. ACTS. EAST- INDIA — Such goods to be imported into the port of LonJon only, and 1 29 thcr.- regularly entered, upon forfeiture, and 500/. j 30' ' After entry, to be feciired in proper warehoufes, approved by the" commiflioners of tlie Culloms; and not to be taken thence, but in order for exportation, and until fufficient fccurity be given ac cordihgly — — — — ■^— SctlJleofMan, II, 12. 33- -Such fecurity may be difcharged, upon certificate under the common feal of the cliief maiiilrate, or under the hands and feals of two known Britijh merchants, at the place where landed, teflifying the fame, or upon proof tliat the goods were taken by enemies, or pe- ri Ihed at fea _ -Such bonds not profecuted within three years, nor judgment obtained") within two years after profecution, void ' - -Officers refufing to deliver them up accordingly, are to pay damage, j and treble coils — J 34. Proprietors may affix one lock to every warehoufe, and may view, T fort, or deliver fiich goods for exportation, in the prefence of the K warehoufe-keeper, who is to attend at all feafonable times j 35 Found in any place, other than in the aforefaid warehoufes, are for- feited; and upon feizure, mull be carried to the next Cullom- houfe ; and after condemnation, are to be publickly fold by the candle for exportation, the buyers giving fecurity accordingly. One-third part of the produce of fuch fa'e to be paid to the King, and the other two-thirds to the feizer or profecutor 26 The perfons knowingly harbouring or felling fuch goods, are like- wife to forfeit loo/. one-third to the King, two-thirjs to the pro- fecutor -fee Seizures, 23, 24 -The place of the manufaflure difputed, the proof to lie upon the 37- 38- 39- 40- 41- -Warehoufe- keepers are to enter in a book, every cheO, bale, and" number of pieces therein contained, brought into, and carried out of the aforefaid warehoufes; and every fix monihs, tranfmit to the commiffioners of the Culloms, upon oath, an exa-fl account thereof, and of what are then icmaining, in order to be by them laid be- fore the parliament, in the firft week of every fefllon -Within one month after the aforefaid account has been tranfmittcd, the commiffioners are to caufe the books and warehoufes to be in- fpefted, and the account examined; and if it appears that any goods have been illegally delivered, the warehoufe-keeper is to foifcit the value thereof, and 500A and be difabled from any pub- lick employment , — — — ^ See RuJJia, 4. -Unrat' d goods, Callicoes, China ware, and Drugs of the produft cf ") Euft India or China, landed or taken out of any fhip before e ury, and fecuriiy of the-Duties, or without a warrant from the officers, are f'rfeittd, or tlieir value; two thirds to the ufe of His IVIajefty, who is to bear 'ht- charges of profecution, and one tliird to the feizer or fuer Jle Seizures -Wrought Silks, Bengals, and Stuffs, mixed with (ilk or herba, of the manufadljrc of Per/ia, China, ox Eaji-India, or Crillicoes painted, dyed, pnnttd, or ftained there, imported into th's kingdom, and fecured in warehoufes, (purfuant to 11 and \i Will. III. cap. 10 ) and appearing, upon examination by the proper officer, to be j> ftained or damaged, or unlit for foreign markets, unlefs cleaned | Year and Reign. Chap. Scft. II &I2W.III. 10 3 I I & 12 ' — 2 8 Ann. >3 125 11&12W.III. 10 8 II & 12 — n 1 1 & 12 — 4 1 1 & 12 — 6 2 and I Ann. P 8 3 and 4 Ann. 4 II i5&i6Geo.lI 31 9 [ 11 & 12 APPENDIX. and refrefhed, dyed, glazed or calendered, may, by leave of the commiiTioiiers of the Cuftoms, be taken out to be fo manufaftured, under the care, and in the cuftody of an officer appointed by them; bond being firll given, in double the value, to return them again within the time the commifiioners fliall think reafonable to limit — EAST-INDIA — The officer to be paid for his trouble by the perfon at whofe 42 requelt the goods are taken out; and any difpute arifing about his 43- 44- 46- 47- ndT nd II I ACTS. Year and Reign. IChap ^37 Se«. allowance, is to be determined by the commillioners -The warehoufe-keeper, in the account of the goods received into, and delivered out of the warehoufes, (which he is direfted to keep an " tranfmit to the commiffioners upon oath every fix months, by and I 2 Will. III. cap. 10.) is to infert an account of all goods deli- ! vered out to be cleaned, ilfc. in purfuance of this Aft, and nf vt'hat [ is returned to the warehoufe, with the days and times when, and | of what is remaining in the care and cuftody of the officer cut of | the warehoufe ■ ___ • —J -Any officer intrufted with the care and cudody of the goods delivered out, and not returning them again to the warehoufe, is to forfeit the value of the goods, and 500/. and be for ever difabled from any publick employment for the future ^^—— -The method of afcertaining the values of unrated goods imported from thence, not to be altered by the Additional Book of Rates. Ru/e 1, page 14, in the Second part . -Wrought Silks, Bengals, and StuiFs mixed with filk or herba, of the"^ manufafture of Pfjy?^, China, or Eaji-lndia, or Callicoes printed, dyed, painted or Itained there, upon entry thereof for exportation to Africa, the bond to be with further condition, th.it the fame fliall be there landed accordingly, and not in any other place be- yond the feas ; and the bonds fhall not be delivered up, until proof is made by the oath of the mailer, or other perfon having charge of the ihip, that the goods are landed in fome part of the coaft of Africa, and that no part thereof had been relanded in ^ Great Britain, the iflands of Guernjey, jerfey, Alderney, Sark, or Man; and by the oath of the exporter, (if living) that to the beft of his knowledge and belief, the goods had been difpofedof at the places mentioned in the oath made by the mailer, l^c. And in cafe no fuch proof fhall be made, the commiirioiiers of the Culloms may caufe fuch bonds to be put in fuit, unlefs they (hall find fufficient caufe to forbear: fuch proo.^s to be made within three years from the date of the bond . — Coarfe printed Callicoes, and other goods of the produce and ma-"* nufadlure of the Eajl-Indies, or other places beyond the Cape of Good Hope, prohibited to be ufed in Great Britain ; Cowries and Arrangoes; the India Company may import fuch goods in Britij}} fhips, legally navigated, from any part of Europe, not wiihin His Majelly's dominions, fuch quantities thereof as they fhall think neceffary for the African trade; fubjeifl to the fame duties and re- gulations as prefcribej for fuch goods imported by them from the Ec.fi- Indies; fo as notice be fir.l given to the commifTioners of the Treafury, of the quantities and fpecies of goods intended to be imported, with the name of the fhip and mailer in which they are to be laden, and taking a licence from the Treafury _ — If the India Company fhall negleft or refufe to keep this market fup-" plied with a fufficient quantity of fuch goods, at reafonable prices, for the African trade, tlie commifiioners of the Treafury may giant licences to other perfons to import fuch goods from any part of Europe, not within His Majefly's dominions, in like manner, and under fuch reltriftions as ihe India Qompzny ; upon payment of )• half the Old Subfidy, not to be drawnback on exportation: and I L 1 i5&i6Geo.II 151-15- 5' ikiG — — 10 5 Geo. 6 III. Geo. III. 35 40 138 49- jo- 52- 13- APPENDIX. fuch goods to be fecured in warehoufes appointed by the com- I milGoners of the Cuftoms, and not to be delivered from thence but for exportation to j^frica only, under the like fecurity, \^c. as | Eajl India Prohibited Goods J -For fuch goods imported by any perfons, except the India Company, T as are not rated, the Half Subfidy is to be paid according to the t value, afcertained by the oath of the importer — — — J -White, or Muflins, entered for exportation to any pare oi Africa,~\ where the exporter is required by law to fwear that fuch goods are not landed, nor intended to be landed in Great Britain, Ireland, \ the IJU of Man, or any Briiijh colonies or plantations in America, j there ihall be added to the oath upon the debenture, " or any other place iK.-hatfoe'uer in parts beyond the feas, except Africa^' • -So entered for Africa, and carried to and landed at other places be yond the feas, the exporter and the mafter of the (hip fhall double the amount of the Drawback, and treble the value goods :es be-T forfeit I of the f -If the proprietor of any Wrought Silks, Bengals, and Stuffs mixt with filk or herba, of the manufadlure of Perfm, China, or Eaf- Jndia, or Callicoes printed, dyed, painted, or ftained there, fhall defire to remove the fame from one port of Great Britain, to any ether port within the fame kingdom, to be from thence exported to Africa, the warehoufe-keeper in \vhofe cuftoJy they are lodged, may pack up and fecurethem, under feal of ofhce ; and beftre they are taken out of the vvarehoufe, one bond fhall be entered into in double the value of the goods, that every part thereof fhall be delivered, without alteration, into the cullody of the colleftor and comptroller of the Curtoms, at feme other port of this kingdom, to be named in Y the bond; and to produce a certificate, under the hands and feals of fuch colle \ (^ EXCHEQUER in Scotland — Eftabliflied for the deciding queft I cerning the revenues of Culloms and Excife in liiuiz. Whitfuntide, from I to 22' Tune ; Lammas, from 7 to 26 'July ; Martinmas, from 3 to 29 No- •vember ; and Candlemas, from z^ January to 12 February ; all in- clufive — - See Goods inviards, I. Goods oufwards, I. Ports I, 4. Vic tuals, 2 . EXCISEABLE LIQUORS, foreign, of any kind, mud be duly entered with" the officer ot Excife, within thirty days after the report of the fhip ; , and the Duties of Excife due for the fame muft then, or before, be paid, and the goods landed, on pain of forfeiture with the^ package, and may be feized by any officer of the Excife 2 But not to extend (during the continuance of 15 and 16 Geo. II. cap."^ 25.) to prevent the importers of Rum or Spirits of the produce of I t\ie Britij.b fugar plantations, imported diredly from thence, (entry '- being firltmade within the faid thirty days, as abc from landing fuch fpirits, and putting the fame ii i agreeable to the diredions of the faid Aft — — — J 26 I 1.6 1,6 31 Geo. II. 36 m thence, (entry '. Dove-mentioned) \ into warehoufes, | -In all the reports of fuch liquors by the mailer of theveffel, thenum-" ber of calks, or other package, with the particular numbeis and marks of each of them, and the particular kinds of liquor in each, Ihall be inferted in fuch report, on pain of ferfeiture of fuch Liquor )> with the package, which may be i'eized by any officer of Excife ; and all ftizures(the chr.rge of recovery being deduced) Diall be one moiety to his Mjjelly, and the other to the profecutor —Brandy, and other Excifeable Liquors, (except Beer, Ale, Cyder, " Perry and Metheglin) brought ccnftwife, may not be landed before entry be made with the Excifie officer, at the port of importation, upon forfeiture of double the value — — — 3« -Brandy, Rum and other Excifeable Liquors, after condemnation, to T be publickly fold to the bell bidder, at fuch places as the commif- [■ fion^rs Iha'.i think proper — — — — j See Seizures, 22, iSc, —Seized for negledl of entry, and paying Duty within thirty days, as"^ above-i.ientioned, to be pubiickly fold to the bell bidder, at fuch I place as the commiflioners of Excife fhall think proper, towards | fa'.ib "yir.g the Duties, and the overplus for the benefit of the offi- )- cer ; but, it not f fticicnt, tir barely fufiicient, to fatisfy the Du- ties the officer Ihall be rewarded as the commiffioners Ihall think proper, not exceeding 2 s. fer gallon — — — — 15 Car. II. 12 Geo. I. 8 Geo. III. -> 140 APPENDIX. r.XCISEABLE LIQUORS.— Arrack, Rum, Spirits and (Irong Waters, foreign,") 7 and Bri:ijh and foreign Excifeable Liquors, may be feized only I by cfficcrs of the Ciifloms and Excife ; and the penalty for refilling \- officers, or refcuing or deflroying the Liquors after feizure, is | 40/. J See Arrack, Brandy, Rum, Spirits, IJIi 0/ Man, 13, 15, 17, 29, 32. 39- EXTENT, fee Officers, 49. Tobacco, 55. FARO or FERRO. — No Drawback or Bounty to be allowed for any goods exported to the iflands of Faro or Ferro, in the dominions of the I Yi\Ti^ of Denmark _____ i 3 If any goods (hall be entered for exportation to foreign parts, other-. than the faid illands of Faro and Ferro, in order to obtain the Drawback for the fame, and (hall neverthelefs be landed there, the Drawback and Bounty forfeited, and the exporter, mailer of the (hip, and every perfon concerned in the exportation or landing of', the goods, whether the Drawback or Bounty has been paid or not, ' (hall forfeittreble the value of the goods ; and the velFel and furni- ture (hall be forfeited, and may be feized by any officer of theCuftoms or Excife in Gnai Britain ot Ireland: one moiety to the King, the other to the profecutor ■ - -The idands of Faro or Ferro (hall be added to the oath on the de-^ bentures • — — _^^^ 1 See Draiiback, 16, 17, 18. Goods outijjards, ZI. FEES, For Butter, Corn, Grain, Meal, and other Goods which may be ex- I por.ted free, carried to or from any place within the ports of Lon- don, to be only 3^. and ^ d. and fuch goods to pals by tranfire, without cocket or bond 2 For Corn not exceeding (ifty quarters, or Hops not exceeding (ifty 7 bags, 10 be only \ s. 8-V. -— — ■ f -For a cocket or certificate outwards, to be paid in one fum to the officer granting the fame. Rule 25, page 13, in the Second Part. 3- 5- In other ports than London, to be fuch as were taken in the fourth 1 year of the reign of Jac. [. till otherwife fettled by Pailianient J Unlawful, exafled by oflicers ; penalty, lofs of employment, and in- capacity to hold any office in the Cufioms for the future, and to be liable to double colts and damages. — Rule toe 2:^tl>, page 13, and fagezy to 32, in the Second Part, — ___ __^___ Fidi Officers, 8, 59. -Legal, not paid, difpatehes may be (lopped, page 27 in the Second Part- ■ None to be paid for goods under the value of 5 /. in the Book of) Kates, paying for Subfidy 5 /. or M:>~page 30, in the Second Part. J ■ Nor for Corn exported, nor Corn debentures .- 9 — 10- iz- NorforFi(h and Fle(h debentures — — -Nor for Gunpowder debentures or certificate — —Nor for Salt debentures — — -Nor foi the premium on Naval Stores, fee Naval Storts. 2 ACTS, Year and Reign. 8 Ceo. L 7 Geo. III. J Geo. in. I Ann. 12 Car. IL 13 and 141 Car. IL J 1 2 Car, IL I W. & M. 12 and 13 ' W. III. ; 9 and 10 W, ' IIL ; 7 Ann. 4 Geo. II. 9 and loW, ' III. II 12 10 44 II 29 44 Chjp. Scft. 18 35 {It 2 43 30 — 31 32 34 91 21 2, 10 I '3 APPENDIX. piiES. ^Nor for any entry, warrant, debenture, certificate, cocket, l£c. in , , relation to the One-third or Two-third Subfidies only, upon for- feiture of 40 /. for each duty; one third to his Majelly, and two- thirds, befidcs cofts of fuit, to the party grieved — l^ Nor for pafling of debentures for goods chargeable with any addi-" tional Duties, more than was before payable for debentures, for re- payment of the Half Subfidy; nor any Fee for any oath adtni- r.iftered upon this Aft — — — — See Plantations, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, Seepage 27 to 32, in the Second Part. FELONS and FELONY, yJf Goods inivards, 34, ^;, 61, 73, 75, 76, 7«, 80. Hides, 3. Linen, 3. Mediterranean Pajj'es. Officers, 32. 9uar en- tine, 2, 4, 9, 15, 16, Sheep, 2. Ships, 17, 19, 29, 61. M'ool, 50^ FERRO,y?^/"«r<3. FIGS, may be imported only in Ships belonging to Great Britain or Ireland,'^. or (hips of the country of which they are the produft, or of fuch (^ port where they can only be, or mod ufually are, iirft lliipped tor f tranffortation, on forfeiture of fhip and goods — — J p I R Timber may not be imported from the Netherlands or Germany, on for- 1 I feiture of the fliip and goods — — — — J 2 Except of the growth oi Germany, which may be imported from thence 1 only by Britijh in Briiijh built Ihips, owned by Britijh, upon pay- > ment of the like Duties as if from Norivay — — J See Wood, FISH, taken or imported by ftrangers, may not be dried within Great Bri-' I tain, to be fold, upon forfeiture, or the value, to any perfon that will feize the f.fh, or fue for the value ; to be applied to the repair and maintenance of the port, iyc. — — — — 2 Herrino-, Cod, Pilchards, Salmon or Ling, frefh, failed, dried, or blo?tedj Grill, Mackarel, Whiting, Haddock, Sprats, Colefilh, Gullnth, Congers, any fort of flat Fi(h, and any fort of frefh Filh, may not be imported in any foreign (hip into, or fold in, England, . having been taken by, bought of, or received from foreigners, or ' out of a f/reigner's (hip, (except protellant (Grangers inhabiting this kingdom) upon forfeiture thereof, and the fhip and tackle, andalfoioo/. by every offender herein — — — — 4.f ACTS. Vcir and Reign." Chap. Soft. 2 and 3 Ann. 3 and 4 Ann. 4&5 W.&M. Eels, StockfiHi, Anchovies, Sturgeon, Botargo, and Cavcar Except^ 1 1 Lobfters, or Turbets, which may be imported in any fhip, 7 (^aiid by any perfon, whether of Britijh or foreign catching j MaRers of fmacks, hoys, IJc. bringing in Fifh of foreign taking. ijc. are to forfeit 50/. :ign taking, 7 But profecution mull be commenced within twelve months after the ofttnce be committed — — — — — The forfeitures above may be recovered by any informer in any of the courts in Wcjiminjlcr-hall, and dlllributed, one moiety to the ii t'ornier, and the other moiety to the poor of the parift where the ofi'cnte is committed — — — — — — Herrings, Pilchards, Scads, Codfifli, Ling, Hake, Salmon, or dried red Spr.ii?, by whomlocvcr caujht or cured, may not be imnor-rl, unlefs oaih be made before the fak-oi?icer, by the owner of ihe Fifh or mafterof the veflel, that all the fait wherewith they were cured, ^ was taken on board in Great Britain, mentioning the time and place, ami that no drawback was, oris intended to be, obtained ior the fame, ujiou forfcitu.-e, and double the value M n» 12 Car. n. 3 anti Car. ..:*} 6 Geo. L E!i Car. II. 18 to and W. III. I Geo. I. 9 Geo. If ■■] 32 Car. II. 10 a:id 1 1 } \V. 111. i I Geo. I. I Geo. I. Geo. II. Ceo. I. Geo. 11. 9 Geo. IL 1 Ann. 2 and 3 Ann. 18 '5 4 3 23 1.2,5 I 7 2 =4 18 33 24 iS 35 i8 33 j6 2 '3 1 I \. 10 '4 «4 i^2 APPENDIX. FISH. — White Herrings cured with liriiifiiox foreign fait, may be imported'^ 7 from Scotland vav) any port oi England \qx home confumption, the importer paying at the port to which they are brought 3/. 4 a'. i'^t CvCry barrel containing thirty-two gallons, and lb in proportion for half barrels or quarter barrels. Alfo Salmon, Cod, Ling, Tufk, nnd other white Filb, cured with fait made in Scotland iox \\i\\\z)\ the Duty hath been paid orfecured, may be fo imported for home- T coniumpiion, the importer paying, at the port to which the fame ] /hall be brought, z s. .\d. for every barrel containing thirty two 1 gallons of fuch Fifli wet, and \ s. zd. for every hundred weight j of fuch Fifii dry ; and fo in proportion for a greater or lefs ijuan- | S Herrings, Salmon, Cod, Ling, TuDc, or other white Fifh, mav be"^ imported from any place ot Scotland, or the iflands thereunto be- j hinging, to any port ol £/;^/«?;rt' for re-exportation, the owner of | the Filh, or malkr of the vefl'el, making oath that they were caught in North Britain, or on the coalh thereof, and cured with ! f.ik delivered Duty free from fome part of Great Britain, and when ' and where the fame was fo delivered: and fuch Filh fliall be entitlvJ, upon exportation, to the fame allowances and bounties, as by 1; Geo. I. cap 18. are allowed on exportation of Filh cured in England, and be fubjeft to the fame rules and regulations — , Q Such Filh (hipped in Scotland for England, whether for home-con-"* fumption or exportation, the proprietor or his agent muft, before the veilcl departs, make an entry with the colleftor or principal cfScer of the Cuftoms there of the Fifh fo (hipped, exprelling the number of barrels of wet Filh, with the marks and numbers, and the number and weight of each fpecies of the dry Fifli ; and declare upon oath, before the faid colleilor or principal officer, that the ; faid Fith were cured in Scotland, or on the coafts thereof, and whether they were cured with fait delivered Duty free, or with fait for which the Duty has been paid orfecured; and that the faid fait was taken on board from fome port or place in Great Britain, and when and u here it was put on board, and that no drawback for the fame hath been had, or intended to be had, upon the exportation of the faid fait — — — — ' — — -The faidofiicer is to deliver to the matter of the vefiel, without delay, fee or reward, a certificate or cocket, under his hand, that fuch entry and oath has been made ; and the mailer of the veffel, or the proprietor of the Fifh, or their refpeclive agents, are, before landing any part of the faid F'iih, or putting it on hoard any other Ihip or boat in any port or place in England, to deliver the faid cer- tiiicate or cocket to the proper officer of the Cultoms in the port of importation, upon forfeiture of fuch Fifh, and double the vnlue thereof, and alfo the cafks or vcffels in which fuch Filh fhall be found ; to be recovered of the importer, or proprietor, or mailer the veifel. To be fued fi)r, recovered and levied in fuch man- oi -- - ..., .---.- -~ -.. i.cr, and with fuch power of mitigation, as any fine, penalty or may, by any law of Excife, or by ailion of debt, isfc. forfeiture may, by any „. „ , _. ^, _. , ^.. and fcizure thereof may be made by any officer of the Cultoms or Salt Duties — — — — — — _ -Any pcrfon who fhall counterfeit, raze, or alter any certificate or") cocket required by this ACi, or knowingly ufe fuch a one, lliall j iiicur the pains by law infiiited, on perfons found guilty of forgery ; ! and any peribn legally ctjnvicled of falfly miking any oath re- ' quired by this Aii, (liall forfeit zoo I. and be imprifoncd for j twelve months — — — — J -A mailer of any boat or vefTcl bound on a filliing voyage to the Noribf Seas or laland, may take on board, in any port of Great Britain, > ai.y c^aantiiy oi Briiijh fair, paying or fecuring the Duty j ACTS. Year and Reign. Ch ap. Sert. 29 Geo. II. 23 29. 12 14 16 Ann. APPENDIX. PIS H The ofiicer of the place is to give a certiiirate, gratis, of the quantity ,, of fal: taken on board, and that the Duties have been paid or '"' cured — — — — — — ityT , . Codfi.h, Ling, or Hake, may be imported and landed, upon oathi beinj made by the proprietor of the Fifh, or mailer of the veflc!, I that they came from the North Seas or Icelund, and were caught or ! cured there: but on landing, and befo.e they are removed from I the ftiore, they are to be tendered to the ofiicer, to have part of ihe tails cut ofF, that no allowance be obtained upon exportation ; upon forfeiture thereof, and double the value, to be recovered of the importer or prciprietor ' J ir Foul fait, fo maJeufe of, remaining, to be tlirown overboard, in pre- 7 fence of the otiicer — — — — — — ) i5 Salt remaining unufed, to be entered, and the Duties paid down^ within ten days after the fnip's arrival into port, otherwife for- j felted, and double the value to be recovered of the proprietor or )■ mailer of the ve.Tel (except in cafe of being driven in or detained | by ftrefs of weather, or otJi-r unavoidable neceffity) J I- The mifter of fuch boat or velTel, upon producing the certificate" aforefaid to the colledor of the Salt Duties, and making oath to the quantity of fait in fuch certificate, and that the Filh were cured and tendered as above, is to receive, gratis, from the faid coUeclor, a certificate of the fame, which, with a certificate of the y payment of the Duty of the remainder of the fait, being produced to the colkftor of the Salt Duties where the Duty was paid or fe- cured, the fecurity isto be difcharged, and the money repaid by the coUeftor without fee or reward — i^ Boats or vefTels having taken in fuch fait, perilhed at fea, or taken" by enemies, the proprietor, tipon proof Et the quarter-feflions for tne county, vi^f. where he inhabits, within nine months after fuch lofs, is to receive a certificate of fuch proof; which being produced ) to the ofncer where the Duty was paid or fecured, the fecurity is I to be dif-harged, and money repaid by the officer, without fee or | reward ■ ■■ — J IQ Pilchards or Scad?, Codnlh. Ling, or Hake, Salmon, white Herrings,' full red Herrings, clean fhotten red Herrings, dried red Sprats, the allowance on the exportation thereof to be paid by the colleftorof the Dutieiuponfalt, in theporl ofexportation,within thirty days after demand on adebenture to be prepared by thecolleflorcf the Cuiloms in the port of exportation, and verified by the learcher, as to the quantity adlually lliipped ; and the oath of the exporter, or agent, being firft taken before the principal officers of the port, before the debenture is allowed, " that the Fidi mentioned in the debenture were Britijk, taken and really exported to, or for parts beyond the feas, and not relanded, or intended to be relanded, in Great- Britain or the * iflands oi Faro or Ferro" — — — _ 20 L^ the faid colleflor (in England) has not fufficient money in his" hands to pay the faid debentures on Fifli exported, he is to give, without delay, a certificate thereof to the commiffianers for the Excife upon fait in England, who (hall be chargeable with the payment, to be paid in courfe out of thchrft money arifing cut of the Duties upon f ih ; and, if in Scotland, to the commil- fioners of the Cuiloms or Excife in Scotland, at the option of the merchant, who are to caufe it to be paid in coiirfe out of the D.;- ties upon fait in Scotland, or out oi the revenues of Culloais or Excife theie — — — — — ^ ACTS. Vejr and Reign. Chap- 12 Ann. 12 12 Z 1 ■ The Herring barrel is to contain thirty-two gallons, and the Salmon") barrel forty-two gallons ; and Herrings or Salmon exported in I barrels of any other fize (except half ba rels) are not entitled to the i bounty — — — — — J 5 Geo. I. 29 Geo. IL 5 Geo. liL 5 Ann. 7 Ann. 5 Geo. r. ; Geo. L -'9 Geo. I, '43 Scft. — i 4 23 +3 29 II 18 ig 23 '5 144 APPENDIX. ACTS. 22 I'ildiards, exported, the words f,:yn or drift niuft be burnt with an' iron, in fomc vil'ihlc part of tlie cafe or hogfhead, with the name and furname ot the owner, and the number of I'ilchards contained in each ; upon forfeiture of double the value of the Fi(h =4- 26- aS- 30- 31 -ijo allowance to be paid on Fifn not able — — - well cured or unmerchant- -SuchFilh forfeited fraudulently relanded in Great Britain, or reimported, is T , and double the value, to be recovered of the importer or *- proprietor -No fee to betaken for a debenture, or certificate, or for payment of] the money — — — — — j -Any officer refufing or neglefling to pay the money, or give a cerlili- 7 cate as above, forfeits double the fum to the party grieved — 3 -Herring, Salmon, Cod, Ling, Tufk, or other white Fi(h, brought' coallwift from Scotland \nX.o England for re-e.vportation after the 25th of June, 1756, are upon exportation iniiiled to the bounties above-mentioned, fubjed to the Ume regulations, in order to pre- vent the relanding, or reimporting thereof, and the owners are fubject to the fame penalties for relanding, or other fraudulent ( proceedings, in order 10 obtain the bounty, as in cafe of Fifn cured in, and exported from Engla.id. — Tnis allowance is not to be paid in England, hut the chief ofliccr of the Culloms, or his de- puty, at the poit of exportation, upon requelt of the exporter, )■ and oath iii.ide before the principal officer: of the port, •' of the (hipping of the Filh, and its not being relaiided, or intended to be relanded, in Great Britain," is to give a debenture under his hand, without fee, for ^-ayment of the allowance ; which being pro- duced to the comm;(Tion-ers of the Cuftoms or Excife in Scotland, {at the option of the exporter or his affign.') the) are to pay the bounties out of any money in their hands, arifing by any branch of the Cuiloi'.is or Excife, regard being had to the priority of the dates of the debentures — — — — — , -La'vs in force in either kingdom, for preventing frauds in curing and") packing cf Fifh, extended to Scotland — Jit. 8. — 5 -Codfidi, I.ing, or Hake, before laid on board for exportation, part" of the tails to be cut off ; and Pilchards, Scads, Herrinr^s, .Sal- mon, or Sprats, the barrels or cafes to be marked by the falt- -Such Filh put on board any boat, barge, ^'c. in o.-der to be") txportcd to foeign parts, may not be taken out, unlcfs to be I put into (he ftiip uliercin tiiey are to be exported ; nor landed in [ Great Britain, except in the prtfence of a falt-ofncer; upon for- ( fciure thereof, and the vrlT 1, with her t.tckle and appsrel, and 2c/. by every pcrfon concerned, or fi;< months iniprifonmcnt J -Oincers rcfufingo- ncglefting to pay the bounty due on exportation. 7 or to cer.;fy the want (if money to the coinmiiiioners, are to forfeit > double the fum of the faid bounty — C -White Herrings fraudulently rclnnded, forfeited, and 20/. per bar- J -Duly entered and (hipped for exportation, I0.I or fpoilcd before the" fnip proceeds on her voyage, upon due proof upon oath, to enjoy t?itf iairt- 'joutity as if really exported ; provided the Filh was funk in the lea or pore, where the (hip was Io!l or dehroyed in fighi of )■ the proper ofiiccr, where any of the faid Fifh fcall come on ihore, 1 Vrar i,ii R::.^n. Cljap. S.-c>. 1 Ann. 21 3' ; Ann. 5 Geo. I. 29 Geo. II. 29 18 23 8 6 5 5 Geo. I, 29 Geo. II. 18 23 6 S ) Ann. ,- Geo. I. 29 18 8 6 7 Ann. 5 Geo. I. 29 18 8 6 29 Geo. II. 23 \\° 5 Ann. 8 I I 5 Geo. I. 2 I 29 18 16 6 6 J ' ^3 6 J ■ ■ ■ ' J Ann. 29 / S Geo. I. l3 8 34-- 35- APPENDIX. and that no ufe be made of the Fi(h by the proprietor or his ageat ; and the officer 15 to caufe the Fifh to be burnt or oiherwife de- ttroyed — — — — — — — —Red Herrings or Sprats, confumed in curing, to be taken as if aftually. ) exported — — — ~ — — ] — Salmon and Codfifh cured in Scotland whh foreign fait that has paid the duty, to be allowed the fame bounty on exportation, as w payable before _7««^ 24, 1 7 19 — — : — FISHERY, Jie Herring Fijhery, Whale Tijhery. FISHING NETS old, for making paper or pafteboard, not regularly entered 7 or landed, forfeited — — . j FLAGGONS, made out of this realm of Tin or Pewter may not be bought, 1 or bartered for, upon forfeiture thereof, in wliofe hands foever S found, and the value ■ j FLANNEL of /rf/««^, fii Wool, 54. FLAX, may be imported only in fhips belonging to Great Britain, or Irelant/, ' or ihips of the country of which they are the produft, or of fuel) port where they can only, or moll-ufttally are fir.l ihipped for tranf- portation, on forfeiture of ihip and goods — ■ , See Ireland, 1. Iroriy 8, 9. 2 ——Imported for the bounty, y?^ Hemp. FLESH, wz. Beef and Pork, entitled to a bounty ; before laid on board fori I exportation, the calks to be marked by the falt-officer j ACTS. 145 -After exportation, fraudulently relanded or reimported, forfeited, and 40^. /£•)• barrel ^-^ -For the regulations on exportation for the bounty, /ee Beef. FLOCKS, fee Wool, 14, i^c. flock:- BEDS, fee Wool, 28. FLOTSHAM, fee Goods inwards, 51. S/jifis 57. FORCERS, May not be imported by any perfons to be uttered or fold in Great Britain, upon forfeiture tliereof as often as they may De found in the hands of any perfon to he fold, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon tKe feas, or wrecked — FORKS, ijocai FIRE FORKS, may not be imported hy flrangers, to he fold, 1 upon forfeiture, or the value — — — — j ^FOWLING PIECES, may be exported by any perfons — FRAMES or Engines, for the making and knitting of (lockings, gloves, l^c.\ may not be exported, upon forfeiture and 40/. — J FRINGES, imported, forfeited: the importer liable to ico/. and the feller 7 to 50/. — — — — I FRINGES of Silk and Thread, may not be imported by any perfons to be" I uttered or fold \n Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to he fold, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked 2 Of Gold, Silver, Copper or Brafs, fee Gold, I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 3— Thread or Lace of Gold or Silver, Brii'Jk, exported, for the regu- lations of the bounty, fee Lace. N n } >•- Year and Reien. Chap. s.a. ; Geo. I. iS 10 30 42 1 1 Geo. I. 7 10 25 Hen. VIII 9 I 1.6 jS 4 1 2 Car. II. i8 8 5 Ann. ^9 8 5 9 3 Edw. IV. 4 1.2,3 I Rich. 111. 12 I, 2 12 Car. n. 4 11 7. & 8 W. III. 20 S 13 and 14 J Car. 11. 1 13 2 3 Edw. IV. 4 i,r.,3 146 APPENDIX. PRIZE oi IrelanJ, fee Wool, 54. FULLERS EARTH, or Scouring Clay, may not be exported to foreign parts,? upon forfeiture of one fliilling per pound weight . ■ 3 But fee Ships, 4. JVool, 1 4, ijc. TVKS, fee Plantalicns, 21, 22, 58. Dcminica, 7. ■ Tawed, may not be imported by any perfons, to be uttered or fold' in Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to be foU, except made and wrought in Ireland, ortaicen upon the feas, or wrecked ACTS. YXi^^TlQY^, fee Plantations, zi, 22, 58, 90, Dominica, 7. G. ALLON of Wine — A cylinder, or any lound veffel, having an even" bottom, and being feven inches diameter throughout, and fix inches deep, from the top of the infide to the bottom; or any veilel containing zii cubical inches ■See Jf'ines, I . and no more GALLON of Wheat, to contain eight pounds troy-weight GARNETS, fee Hinges. G.\ZV,TT¥., fee Goods iiiiAiards, y6. S!narer.tine, 21. Ships, GELDINGS, may be exported by any perfons GENEVA, imported in any veflel which (hall not contain fixty gallons, (ex- cepting for the ufe of the Teamen belonging thereto, not exceeding two gallons for each man) forfeited, and may be feized, profecuted, and divided, as direfled by 3 Geo. III. cap. 22 ■ See Airack. ExciJ'eatle Liquors. Spirits, Seizures, 22. GY.OKG\k, fee Plantations. GIIhGER, /ee Plantations, 21, 22, 58, 90. GIRDLES, may not be imported by y?r««^fr/, to he /old, upon forfeiture, orj 1 the value — ———— re. Or! 2 Wrought beyond the feas, may not be imported to he /old, iartered) or lAchuKged, upon forfeiture, or the value —^ i 3 May not be fmported by any perfons, to be utiered or /old in Great' Biitain, upon forfeiti:re thereof, as often as they may be found in tl e hands of any perfon to be foid, except made in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, without fraud :r collufion, or wrecked — See Silk ivrought, 3. GLASS, Britiji-mzde, the Drawback on exportafion to be paid under the fol ~ lowing regulations: oi/a. 'I he collector who received the Duty upon the Glafbr upon oath made before Ipm that the Duty has been paid, is to give the p;T!bn (grcuu) a ctirificate, expreifmg the kinds and weight of the L.lafs, ind the Dii y >ajd for it; which being pro- duced to the cullomer or co. cflcr r the port of exportation, and the exporter making oath before ..j.i, that the Glal's to be exported is the fanie nieiitiisrvu iheiein and liks^ife |,iving fufficient fe- curity for fuch expor:atio]i, m . .haf it liiall no- be rclanded in any part oJ Great Britain, the ' ector is to giant a debei ture, ex- ' prefling the true v.eight;. vx . ch debenture being produced to the colleftorof the faid Duties at the p!:.ce of exportation, he is forth- with to pay the above allowance i but if he has not money fufficient Vsar anJ Rcl^n. Chap. Scft. 9& 10 W. Ill 40 2 3 Edw. IV, 4 '.2,3 5 Ann. 27 17 31 Edw. I. 11 Hen.VIL izHen.Vn. I 4 S I 1 I 12 Car. II. 4 I f 5 Geo. in. 43 28 1 Rich. III. 12 I. 2 5 Eliz. ^ Car. I. 16 Car. L 7 4 4 3 1 1 2 3 Edw. IV. 4 1,2,3 19 Geo. II. 12 19,2! APPENDIX. in his handj, the refpedlive commiffioners of Excife in Great Britain, are to pay it out of the Duiies upon Glafs, arifing by this Aa — — Relanded, is forfeited, or the value, befides the penalty of the bond — See Ireland, 10, ll, 12, 13. GLASS, painted, may not be imported hy Jlrangers, to be/JA/, upon forfeiture, ' or the value ■■ GLOVES, made or wrought beyond the feas, may not be imported to I bartend or exchanged, upon forfeiture, or the value — htfold, \ 2 May not be imported \>y ftrangers, toht fold, upon forfeiture, or the" value ■ ■ ^— \ 3 Mav not be imported by any psrfons, to be uttered or fold in Great' Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to be fold, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken u^;on the feas, or wrecked ^ and MITTS of LiiATHEP. — Foreign manufaflured, imported into this" kingdom, or any part of th- i'l ////?> dominions, forfeited; and may be feizi^d by officers of C'ui'.onu or Excife; and every perfon who fliall im,« rt, or aliilt ihereiii, or be a vender or retailer of them, ^ or who fhall conceal them with intent 10 [^revent the forfeiture or I feiziire, fhall, befides, for every fuch offence, forfeit the fum of | 200/. together with double co;i5 of luit ■ J c —If any fuch Leatl^er Gloves or Mitts Ihall be feized in England, out") of the limits of the weekly b'lls of mortality, and fha'l not exceed I in value 20/. it fnall be lawful for two or more of His Majelly's [ juAices of the peace, for fuch place where the fame (hall be feized, j to proceed to condemnation, or difcharge thereof, as fhall feem | juft J 6— — — After condemnatior;, (hall be publickly fold by the candle for ex-T portation, and not to be delivered, but on fecurity for that purpofe; (_ one ir.oiety of the produce ih^U be to the ufe of His Majelly, and the | other, of the officers who fhall feize the fame • J 7 — —If any doubt fhall arife where the fame were manufaftured, the proof^ to lie on the perfon in whofe pofTeffion they were found, and not on | the profecutcr: and no proof being given that they were manu- ^ fafturcd in Great Britain, they fhall be deemed manufadured out j of Great Britain ■ J g .. If the perfon in whofe pofTeffion they fhall be ftized, (not importing") or concealing the fame) fhall difcover upon oath before any jullices, j the feller, fo as he may be convifted, fuch perfon Ihall be dif- y charged from all penalties and forfeitures, by this Aft inflicted upon j the retailer J 10- -The pecuniary penalties, iffc. may be-fued for in any- court of record at li'efiminihr, or court of Exchequer in Edinburgh ; one mn' to the King, the other to the oficer -If any officer fhall negleft for one calendar month after condemnat'on, to prcfecute for the penalty^ any other perfon may profccuie a recover. the fame; and one moiety to go to fuch profecutcr — :ord 1 icty V- )n,7 ndi II- 12- -Nothinw in this Aft to. fubjeft the we-.rers of fiich Gloves as part of 1 their drefs, to aay pecuniary penalty, or any proof J -In every aftion commenced in purfuance of this Aft, the defendant"] may/ by leave of the court, at any liine before ifTiie joined, pay j ACTS. 147 I Ve2r and Rticn. (Chap Scft. 19 Geo. II. I Rich. IIL 5 Eliz. 3 Car. I. 16 Car. I. I Rich. III. i Edw. IV. I, 2 3 II 4 i.2'3 6 Geo. III. «9 14S APPENDIX. into court fuch fum as he (hall fee fit, as amends for the nutter ] complained of: whereupon fuch orders and jjdgments (hall he had )■ as in other adions vvhcre the defendant is alloived to pay money | into court J iGLOVES, MITTS, and STOCKINGS of Silk, foreign manufaftured. J brou<;ht into iliis kingdom, or any part of the Briiij'h dominions, forfeited, in lika manner as other pro.iibiicd and uncullomed goods are; and every pcrfon concerned in th^ bringing in, or vending )■ tlem, or in whofe poffefuon t'ley fhail be found, fliall, over and above the forfeiture of the goods, for every fuc'i off nee, forfeit the fum of zocl. together with co'.fs of fuit 1 If any fuc!> goods fliall be fciz.d in England, Out of the limits of the weekly bills of mortality, and not exceed in value 20/ it Ihall be lawful fur two or mote of His Majefty's jullices of the peace, to pro- ceed to condemnation, or di.charge thereof — -Such feizures, if made witiiin the bil's of mortality, (hall be depofited" in the King's ware'.oufe belonging to the Cullom-hoiife ; and if made out of thofe llinits, dial! be depofited in the hands of the chief magillrate of the place, or of the conllable of the next adjacent vil- lage ; that they may be viewed by any perfon in behalf of the pro- fecutor, or claimer, with leave of the court, juftices, i^c. before whom profccuted ; after condemnation, they (hall be pubiickly fold for ex- portation ; one mo ety of the produce to the ufc of His IVIajefty, the other of the olHcer wlio ihall feize the fame: and no fuch bilk Gloves, i3c. (l-iall be uled in this kingdom, but (hall be exported to fome place net of liis Majeily's dominions, and (hail not be de- livered out of the warehoufe where fecured, until fecurity be given for the exportation, and that they Ihall not be lan.ied again in any of His Majelly's dominions : which fecurity ihall be difcharged, upon certificate under the common feal of the chief magillrate in any part beyond the feas, out of His Majelly's dominions, or under the hands and feals of two known Englifl? merchants, that the goods were there landed ; or upon proof, to the fatisfadion of the com- miihoners that they were taken by the enemies, or periflied in the feas : and the commilKoners may call for fuch certilicate or proof — ^ -Upon information upon oath before two jullices for the county, that' there is good ground to fufpeft fuch goods have been imported, or are concealed by any feller of any kind of Silk Gloves, Mitts, or Stockings, jultices may grant a warrant to any peace ctiicer, to fcarch, in the day-time, any place belonging to fuch feller, and feize fuch foreign made goods, to be difpoied of as before direded, -In every adion commenced in purfuance of this Ad, the defendant") may, by leave of the court, at any time before ifl'ue is joined, pay | into court fuch fum as he fhall fee tit, as amtnds for the matter ^ ci'inplained of: whereuprn fuch orders (ball be had as in other j adions where the defendant is allowed to pay money into court — J -If any doubt fliall arife where fuch goods were manufadured, the") prt of to lie upon the pcrfon in whofe podelTion they were found : and no proof being giver, that the goods were manufadured within Gieat Britain, they (hal! be deemed manufadared out of Great Britain — — ^^ ——^—^^ J -If theperfon in whofe poireffion they (hall be feized, (not importing") or concealing the fame) fhall difcover upon oath before anyjullice, | the feiier, fo as he may be convided, i"uch perlbn fhall be dif'- \ charged from all peiii^Uics by this Ad inflided upon the retailer, f and from proof of tne maiiufadure J -Nothing in this Ad (hall fuhjeft the wearer to any pecuniary ptn.-lty \ ox proof ■ I \ ACTS. "i'ear :>nd R^.^n. Clup.' Sert. 6 Geo. HI. 5 G€o. m. '9 48 10 APPENDIX. CLOVES — The pecuniary penalties, t:f(. to b?, one moiety to His Majofly, 7 Q the other to the officer of the Cullonis who fiiall prolecuie f GOBLETS, made of Tin or Pewter, may not be bought or bartered for, upon 7 forfeiture thereof, in wliofe hands fiever found, and tre value ) GOLD beaten, nay not be imported by Jirangers, to hcj'oLi, upon for.l-'ture, or the value — — 4- s- 6- 7- ody of~^ or, or 1 GOLD or SILVER Thread, Lace, Fringe, or other work made thereof ; or 1 any Thread, Lace, Fringe, or other work made of copper, brafs, or any ether inferior metal; or Gold orSih'er Wire or Pl.ite, Foreign Enibroidery, or Gold or Silver Brocade imported, to be forfeited and burnt, and loo/. paid by the importer for every parcel fo im- ported — — 2 Foreign Embroidery, Gold or Silver Thread, Lace, Fringe, Brocade,' or o;her work maue tliereof, or of Gold or Silver Wire or Plate, may not be fold or cxpofed to fale, or difpofrd of by exchange, barttr, trvck, or otherwife, nor woiked or made up In, or upon any wear- )- ing apparel, on pain ot its bting forfeited and burnt, together with t'ne apparel or otiier material , and the offender alfo forfeits loo/. for every fuch offence — ^ g I Such goods found and feized in the houfe, warchoufe, or ciillody o a;./ mercer, hceman, haberdailier, upiioluer, milliner, taylor, o. dealer in, vender, or maker up of :he faid manufadures, befides ; being forfeited and burnt, fuch perlon, if they were brought or ( continued there wih his knowledge or con fen t, forfeits lOo/. for | every piece or parcel — J — Such goods, after condemnation, are to be publickly burnt, at fuch 1 places as the commiCioners of the Cuftoms fliall direiS j — In cafe of any queflion arifing where the goods were manufafkured, ) the proof is to lie on the owner, claimer, orperfon profecuied — 3 — Nothing in this Aft is to extend to inflifl any penalty on the wearer — — Profccutions upon any Aft prohibiting the importation or fale rf fuch ' goods, muft be commenced witliin twelve months after dilCMvery of the offence; or, in cafe of feizure, within three months after feizure ■ ^— — ^ — L'^ces of Gold, or of Silk and Gold, may not be imported by any' perfons, to be uttcrfii or Jolii \nGreat Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to bsjolil, ex- cept made and wrought in //Y/flw^^, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked — Gold or Silver Thread, Lace, and Fringe, Britijh manufaftured, the allowance on exportation to be paid by the collcftor of the Duties on Gilt and Silver Wire, on a debenture, exprefiing the kiidj and quantities, to be made forth by the colleftor of the Curtonis at the port of exportation, and the iliipping thereof tellified by the fearcher; the exporter firll making proof upon oath, before the collcftor of the Culloms, that the laid Thread, Lace, or Fnnoe, was a6\ually made after 'Jidy 1, 1712, and alfo giving futhcient fecurity that they fhall not be relanded in Great Britain GOLOCni'.S, fee Shoes. GOODJ inwards — Brought from beyond the feas, may not be taken up, or' I i laid on land, out of anv vefTcl, liohttr, or boat, being not in leak or wreck, (except Fi(h taken by lirinjh, BflHals, and Salt) but at la^^ful hours, and Only upon fuch open places, kevs, or wharfs, as \ Ihaii be appoiiued by His Mr.jellv's comoiiilion out of the court of I 6 o ACTS. 149 V'c.rai.dR- n Ch .p ; Geo. in. 25 Hen Vlir. 33 Hen. V ill. I Rich. III. 10 Ann. 15 Geo. If. 22 Geo. II. 26 20 35 3 Edw. IV. 10 .inn. 3 Geo I. I EHz. 13 ai.d Car. II. :.1 26 7 1 1 1 1 s^a. I r, 6 IZ I, 65 7 I .2'3 62 I 7. « + ijo APPENDIX. Exchequer, without fpecial fiifii:rance and leave from the officer of theCurtoms, upon forfeiture thereof, or the value, aud loo/. by the raafter : ofrendcrs not revealing their ofrence within one month, are to forfeit tool. . GOODS inwards Imported into the port o^ Londcn, may be unladen or landed 2 at anjr of the lawful keys between the 'Tciver of London and Londan- hridge, and between fun-rifing and fun-fc-tting, from the loth day of Sef^lember to the loth day oi March ; and between the hours of fix of the clock in the morning and fix in the evening;, from the loth day of March to the loth day of September, giving notice to the proper officers : olTicers refufing to be prelent, to forfeit for every default 5/. Rule 13, page 12 in the Second Part. 2 Tni ported into other ports, may not be taken up, difcharged, and laid on land, out of any (hip, lighter, (Jc. being not in a leak or wreck, except Fi(h taken bv Britijh and Salt, but only in the day- light ; that is, from the ift of March to the 30th oi September, be twixt fun-rifino aid fun-fetting; ar J from the 30th of September to the ift of March, between the hours of ftven in the morning and four in the afternooii — . 4 Wharfingers, or their fervants, la'.-Jing, or knowingly fnffering to be landed, an) foodior nirrchandizes, prohibited or unaccuH/med, without ihe prefcrce of a proper officer, or at unlawful houri (ex cept in the port of Hull) are to forfeit 100/. r Bulk may be broken in any lawful port, and cuftom paid for no more goods than are entered and landed. Rule i, page 11, Second Part. See aljo Ships inivards, 3, iz. 6 Of the growth, produdlion, or manufafture of M»/?oz'y or i?»/^a, or^ of any of the dominions of the emperor thereof, all Malfs, Timber, Boards, Salt, Pitch, Tar, Rofin, Hemp, Flax, Raifir:., Figs, Prums, Olive Oil, Corn or Grain, Sugar, Poi .'H.cs, Wine, '':: egar, Aqua Vits or Brandy, mud be imported only in ihipi beloi :':!tg to Great Britain, or Ireland ; and Currants, and all goods of t'lc growth, product, or manufafture of Turky, in fhipy A'>////?>-bv ilt : except fuch fhips as are of the built of ttie country w hereof the faiJ goods are the growth, produi!lion, or manuuflure, or of fuch j jrt where the faid goods can only, or moll ufuaUy are, firll iliipped for iranf- portation ; on forfeiture of fhip and goods ' -Of the growth, produflion, or manufaiflure of JJia, Jfrica, or 1 America., may be imported only in Britijh Ihips legally manned, or ( in (hips belonging to His Majelly's plantations there, on lorfoiture j of fhip and goods •— ' J -Of foreign growth, produdlion, or manufafture (a), brought in Britijh- T built Jhippir.g, legally navigated, iuali be lliipped a'.id brought j iuction, or ma- \ from no othi. r country but that of ttiCir growth, prod nufaiSure, cr from fuch ports where thofe gooos can ufually have been firll Ihipped for tranfportation, on fhip and goods See Ships, 49 ouly, are, or ( forfeiture of I / Seas, and Eaji- "1 plsc".- of ladins;, f i be not the very J But not to extend to goods of the Streights and Levant Seas, and Ea/- India Goods, which mav be brought from the ufual pUc in Britijh fhipr, duly manned, though thofe places f places of their j^rowth, l2c. But this exemption is reptaled as to Raw Silk and M riair Yarn of the~l produd or maniifa^ure p/ Alia, ^'J^ f^i and Guernfey, that they are of the growth, \£c. ! of the faid llands, be imported into Great Britain, duty-free (ex- ' cept I'uch Excile or other Duty as is now, or fliall hereafter for the time being be '^ who are to perfefl the entry, and return the fame under their banc's, ' the next day, to the collcdlor, i^c. upon forfeiture of 10c/. — 1,9— —Not reported, and found on board any fhip without payment of Duty,") after clearing the Ihip by the proper officers, and difcharging the tidefm?n or watchmen from their a tendarce, are forfeited; and if V- fucli goods have been concealed, the niafter, purfer, or other perfon j ' , taking charge of.ihe fliip, forfeits ico/. J j7 ^*°- "'• -Found concealed among other goods fent to His ?vl. jelly's fiorchoufe," by any ofiicer, m purlujncc of an ail 14 Car. 11. c.ip. 1 i, and not duly entered within twenty days a/tcr the entr^ of the fl.ip, or r'.'} 13 and I4> Car. H. I S Geo. I. 1 1 3,- 21 152 APPENDIX. found cnncealcd among other goods brought on (liore by fpccial | fiiiFerance, at tlie application of tlie proprietor, and not particularly y rptciiieu in fucli applica'.ion, are torfeited; and may be prosecuted by iny officer of the Culloni', ; one moiety of the grofs produce to the King, and the oihcr to ihe perfon who ihall fue ior the fame — _ GOODS inwards — No perfon, denizen, or (Iranger, may enter any goods, in-") 2 1 wards or outwards, in the name of any other perfon than the very owner, being not fold, bargained or conirafled for, to or with any | perfon before entry, or before the arrival of the goods in parts be- y yond tlie feas, upon forfeiture thereof, or their value; and the of- fender to fufler imprifonnient, and make fine thereof at the King's plcafure 22 O e Biitijh man may ctiftom in his own name the goods of another" Bniijh man, and fo may one merchant-llranger enter the goods of anotlier merchant-llranger: but he that fo enters the goods of other perfons, either inwards or outwards, that the King lofeth his Duty, forfeits the goods to the King, and the value thereof to the party ' grieved ; and likewife all his own goods and chattels perfonal for €ver: the profecution to be in three years after the offence com mitted _ 23 TS'ot any where particularly rated, and valued upon the oath of the im- porter; yj-^ /^^ ,\th Rule cf Additional Book of Rates, page 14 in the Second Put t. 14 Unrated, and paying Duty ad •valorem, 'if any fuch fhall appear to be~ undervalued, the officer may detain the goods, and caufe them to be carried to the warehoufe for the benefit of the croun : and the colledor fliall pay to the importer, upon c'emand, the value af- firmed to, and \o per cent, thereon; and alfo the Duties which have been paid for the faid goods, taking a receipt in full fatisfailion for the fame: and the commiflioiiers of theCultoms may cauf; the goods to be publickly fold, (whe her the faid value. Duties, i^c have been paid or not) and out of the produce, the money advanct d to be replaced; or if not advanced, to remain in the hands of the colledlor till demanded: and after deducing from the overplus (if any) the charges of w^arehoufe and fale, they may order one moiety to the officers, and the other to '■>e paid into His Mnjtlly'.s Ex- chequer, towards the Sinking VtinS^'ce page \^ in the Second Part } 25 Liable to Duties. — Imported into any port, place, or creek of this" reiilm, by way of nierciandize ; unrtiipped, to be laid on land be- fore the laid Duties are duly paid, or l;)wfully tendered to tlie col- leiilor thereof, or bis deputy, with the confent ai d agreement of the comptroller ana fur\ eyor there, or one of them at the leall, or r-greed for in the Cullom-houfe, are fojfeited J 26 Forter;^, carmen, watermen, or othcrs> anifling in the landing of goods, without a warrant and an otficer, may be apprehended by a wr.rraiu from a jaltice of the peace; and being convicted by the oath of two witnclles, may, for the firll offence, be committed to gaol, till they find furety for their good behaviour; and for the iecond offence, 10 lie in pril'on two months, wi'.hout bail ; or till they be diftharged by the court of E\ y;7 hej. 8 Geo. I. 27 Geo. [I. 8 Geo. I. 27 Geo. II. 1 1 Geo. I. -The fingle value, or worth of fuch Goods, is to be taken according to tlie price that the beft fort of that commodity is then fold ior in -Clandcftinely run or imported, knowingly received or bought, be- fore legally condemned, the oflcn.lers, upon convidion, upon the oath or oaths of one or more credible witnefs or witnefTes, before one or more jullice or jurtices of the peace, are to forfeit 20/. one half to the poor of the parifh, and the other half to the iniformer, or to fuffer three months imprifonment — — — -Prohibited Goods, or Goods liable to Duties, fraudulently and clan-" deftinely imported, infured to be delivered, the infurers, their a'.ders, abettors and alfillants, and the perfons infured, or receiving tiie faid Goods, are, for every offence, to forfeit 500 /. each, befides all other penalties — — — — — ^ ,11 Sea. 5 18 -The infurer, conveyor, or manager, difcovering the fraud, is to keep the infurance money, and be difcharged of the penalties, and to have half the forfeiture of the infured ■ ■ — — ^ P 7 Geo. r. S Geo. I. 27 Geo. II. 4&5 W. &M S.i-9 W. III. 30 3 18 18 'S 36 [5? 40 42 43 7.8,9 s 16 '9 10 5 ' + 1; IS 2 ^54. APPENDIX. ACTS GOODS inwards. — The infured difcovering, is to receive back the infurance. 42 money, to have half the forfeiture of the infurer, and be dif- charged of his own forfeitures — — — 43 Profecutions for thefaid penalties may be commenced by any perfons, within twelve months — — 44 Prohibited, or aftually run, or pretended to have been run, offered") to fale, are forfeited, with treble the value, and the package ; and | may be feized by the perfon to whom offered, or by any officer of I tlie Cufloms or Excife. The Goods to be fecured in the nearelt ) warehoufe of the Cuftoms, Excife, or inlan.i Duty, to which they f are refpeftively fubjed ; if within the bills of mortal!. y, within after I -J Year anj Reign. 4&5W.&M. 3 & 9 W. III. 1 1 Geo. I. twenty-four hours, or in any other place, foity-eighi feizure — — — — __ •y. houis, 45 Such Goods bought, are forfeited, with treble the value, and the" package ; and may be feized by the feller, or any officer of the Cuilorns or Excife ; and muft be fecured in the like manner as fuch Goods offered to fale — — _ _ 46 Buyer and feller not to be both profecuted for the fame Goods ; but 1 the firlt profecutor to be acquitted — — j 47 A profecution for fuch Goods not commenced by the feizer within 1 one month, the warehoufe-keeper may profecute j 48 Perfons guilty of the running of cuftomable and prohibited Goods' or of receiving fuch Goods, knowing them to have been run, may be profecuted for the fame by aftion, bill, plaint, or information ; and thereupon a capias in the firft procefs (fpecifying the fum of the penalty fued for) may iffue, and the offenders mull give fuf- ficient bail of natural-born fubjefts or denizens, to appear, isfc. or yield their bodiesto prifon — — — 49 'Any perfon arrefted and imprifoned by virtue of a writ of capias, or") iiiforniation relating to ths Cuftoms, making affidavit before the | judge of the court where the action is broughr, or before any per- I fon coramifficied by fuch court, that he is not worth 5/. befides ! his wearing apparel, and thereupon petitioning the court to be ( admitted to defend himfelf in forma fauperii, tl ejudge may affign council, and appoint an attorney and clerk of the court to advife | and carry on his legal defence, without fee or reward J JO The Treafury may compound and agree for debts incurred for the' Cuftoms, or other Duties of Goods clandeftinely imported before the I 2th day o^ May 1723 ; and, upon payment of the compofjtion money, to caufe the remainder of the debt to be difcharged, and to apply the compofiiion money paid, in proportion to the feveral branches to which it belongs — _ ;i - Salved out of any ftranded (hips except wrecked Goods, or jetfliam,' flotfham, orlag.in, after the charges of fal vase, l^c. are paid, are liable to the fame Duties, and entitled to the fa:iii Drawbacks as if regularly imported ' _ Ste Shifs,\^, \i^, \(}. Wrecks. Wines, 12. 53 BroDght into his Majefty's ftorehoufes for fecurity of the Duties and") iema:ning there iix mnnth. unentered, are to be fold by the'com- miffioners of the Cultonis, by publick audion or inch »i candle ■ the produce whereof is firft to be applied to the payment of the Jreight, primage, and charges of warehoufe room, next the Duties and the overplus to be paid to the proprietor, or his order -I II II Cli. 'S 36 30 8 Geo. T. 27 Geo. II. 2 Geo. II. 12 Geo. I, 28 5 Geo. I. iz Aun.fe/r. 2 12 Geo. I, Sea. '5 W 20 21 12 5 '3 1 1 19 APPENDIX. GOODS inwards. Robbed on the feas, and afterwards brought to Great B-i- ci lain, the owner may prove his property by the marks, or by his chart or cocket, or by good and lawful merchants; or if llranded, to be delivered upon the like proof, fatisfying the falvers _ cA . Upon information given upon oath before a jullice of the peacf , that three or more perfons are, or have been, alfembled, in oruer to affill in the running of Goods, i^c. and armed with fire-arms, or other ofFenfive weapons, the juftice to grant a warrant for appre- hending them, and (if upon examination he find caufe) to commit them to the county goal without bail or mainprize, till difchargeJ . by due courleof law — — — — — ' — Any fuch perfon conviftedof being fo aflembled and armed, in order to alfill in the clandtltine running, landing, refcuing, or carrying away prohibited or uncuflomtd Goods, is to be tranfported as a fe- Ion tor leven years — — — — ' rS For apprehending any of the faid offenders, the reward is 50/. for~) each perioa convidled — — — — — - ' ACTS. ^5S 4 y.'ar and Rui^n. Ch^p Sedt. s'y 60- 6j- 62- 63- r- _^ny perfon maimed or wounded in apprehending, or endeavouring )■ to apj,Te!-ie;id, or purfui'ig any of the i'aiu offenders, is to receive I 50 /. over and above any other reward he is by this adl intitled to : | if killed, u IS to be paid to his executors, i^c- J r8 Any of the faid offenders dtfcovering, within three months after the" offence, two or more of his accomplices to the commiffioners of | Culloms or Excifc, fo that two at leail be convifled, is to be dif- chaiged of his offence, and receive 50/. reward — CO Two or more perfon"; found pafEng together within five miles of the fea, or a navigable river, with a horfe, or any carriage, laden with more than 6 {^ of Tea, or five gallons of Brandy or other Sp.ritj, not having paid the Duty, and without a permit, or with any other foreign Goods above the value of 30 /. Sterlingy landed without entry and payment of the Duty, and carrying any offen- five arm;, or wear iig a vizard malk, (^c. when pafCng with fuch commodities, or forcibly obilrudfing the officers, are to be deemed ' runners of foreign Goods within the meaning of 8 Geo. I. cap. 18. —The onus probandi to lie upon the perfons found with the Goods :ags, caflcs, and other ^ th the furniture of the i forfeited — — J -Every perfon convidled of any of the faid offences, is to be tranf- ported as a felon for feven years — — ■ -All the Goods fo found, and the chefts, bags, caflcs, and other' package thereof, the weapons and arms, with horfes and cattle, and of the carriages, are -Any perfon maimed or wounded in apprehending, or endeavouring" to apprehend, or in purfuing anv fuch offender, is to receive 50/. over and above any other reward he is by this AA entitled to : if ( killed, it is to be paid to his executors, idc, •Any perfon difcovering to the commiffioners of Cuftoms or Excife any of the faid offenders, within three months after the offence, is to receive 50/. for every one convicted, over and above any other reward, he may, by any law now in being, be entitled to -Any perfon lurking, waiting, or loitering within five miles of the" fc.i, or navigable river, may, (upon information to be given upon oath before a juftice of the peace, that there is reafon to fufpeft it is with intent toaffiftin the running, i£c. of prohibited or un- cuflomed Goods) be apprehended by a warrant, and carried be- \ fore a juftice of the peace ; and not giving a fatisfr.dory account j of himfelf to the juftice, he is to b;; committed to the houfe of cor- [ reftion, to be whipped, and kep' to hard labour, for any time not [ exceeding one month " ■ . J 27 Edw. 111. 13 9 Geo. II. 35 i: 14 »S 16 18 156 APPENDIX. ACTS. GOODS inwards. — But if fuch perfon defire time to clear himf.If of the accu-") 66 fatioii, he is to be committed to the common gaol till he gives a | fatisfadlory account ofhimfelf, or find fufficient fecurity, to the V approbation of the juftice, not to be guilty of any of the faid 1 offences — ^— ^— ^^— — J 67 The informer is to be paid by the commiflioners of Cuftoms or Excifc } 20S. pit head for eve y otfender taken J 68 .Any waterman, c.-.r; an, porer, or other perfon employed in carry-" ing (jooJs prohibited, run, or clandellinely imported, upon whom or in whole culloily the fame are found, and being thereof con- victed upon oath nf a credible wiincfs, or confeflion of tlie party, before a jullice of the peace of the county, \^c. whe'-e tlie oflVnce \- is committed, or offender found, is to forfeit treble the value ; I one moiety to the informer, and the other to the poor of the pa- ri(h where the oirence is committed : to be recovered by diftrels | and f.ile if the oli'endcr's Goods, by warrant from the julHcc — J 6g For want of didrefs, the ofl'ender is to be fent to the houfe of correc- tion, to be vvhippeil, and kept to hard labo ceeding three months 70 Goods taken in at fea by any (hip or vefTel, or put out of any (hip or veflel within four leagues from the coafl-, without payment of the Duty (unlefs in cafe of necefhtv, or other lawful reafon, notice whereof mufl be given to the chief officer of the port where they firfl arrive) are forfeited, and the mailer or perfon having charges of the vend into which they are taken, and alfo the veffel out ol which they are taken, and all perfons concerned are to forfeit treble the value; and the veiTels into which the Goods are unlhip- ped and taken in, a e alfo forfeited, unlets exceeding the burthen of 100 tons — — — — — yi Found conceded on board any fh'p after the mailer's making his re-"] p»rt at the Cullom houfe, and not mentioned in his report, are nt to the houfe of correc-T 30ur for any time not ex- > YcJr and Reign. Chip. Sc(5>. p Geo. II. > yz The mailer, purfer, or perfon having the charge of the vefTsl (if it appears they were any ways confenting, or privy to the CDnceal ment) are to forfeit treble the value — _ 73 Any ofScer on board a vefR'l within the limits of any port of this" kingdom, being forcibly obllruflcd, wouiiJed, or beaten in the execution of his duty, the offender and his afCflants are to be \ tranfported as other felons, for any time not exceeding feven | years J -4 Keeper of an alehoufe, tavern, l^c. knowingly entcrtjining any" perfon who abfconds for obllruiling or abuiing officers, or for any oftVn>.e againft the laws for preventing frauds in the Cu-lloms or Excife ; or who has made his efcape after having been commit- ted to prifon for the faid offence, or flies from jullice after convic . tion, is to forfeit 100/. and be rendered incapable of ha ing a li ' cencc for the future: provided fublick notice has been given of pcifons abfconding fix days b/f )re in two fucceOive Gazettes, and in writing up^n the door of the pari:h church where lie laft dwelt bi-lorc his abfconding — — — — 75" Any perfons, to the number of three or more, armed with fire arms," or ofFenfive weapons, being alfjmbl d in order to aflilf, or be- ing actually affilling in the running, landing, or carry ir.g away prohibited Goods, or Goods liable to any J.>iities which haee not been paid or fecured ; or in rclanding Goods exported up )n de- benture or certificate ; or in refcuing the fame after feiz.ure from any otHcer of the revenue, or his alfillnnt, or from the place where lodged by them ; or in refcuing any perfon apprehended for any offence made felony by any kZ\. relaii.ig to th^ re.enue, or in pre- venting the apprehending any fuch perfon ; or in the illegal expor- 35 n 23 ^7 28 APPENDIX. tation of Wool, or other Goods prohibited to be exported, or In )> the carrying them in order thereto ; or any perron having his face blacl;ed, or wearing a vizird maOc, or othiT dilguife, when pairing with fuch Goods, or afTaulting or obftruftiiig any officer in the feizing fuch Goods : and any perfon maiming, or dangcr- oudy wounding, any ofiicer in his attempt to board any vefTel within the limits of any port, or (liooting at, maiming, or danger oufly wounding him when on board, if convifted thertof, Aiall be adjudged guilty of felony, and (hall fufTer death ; and ifcoa- vifted in Scotland, tofuffer death, and confifcation of moveables _ GOODS inwards. — If any perfon is charged with any of the faid offences, by in- 76 77- 79- 80- Si formation upon the oath of a credible perfon figned by him, before a jullice of the peace, or one of the juftices of tiie court of King's Bench, if committed in England ; or before the lord jultice general, or one of the lords of julticiary, or a juflice of the peace, if in Scotland; fuch juftice, i^c. refpeftively, is to certify, under his hand and feal, and return the information to one of the princi;'al fecretaries of ilate, who is to lay it before his Majelly in privy- council, who may there make an orderfor the offender to furrender himfelf, within forty days after the firft publication, in the London Gazette, to one of the jurtices, i^c. above-mentioned, according as the offence was committed, in England or Scot/and re[pect[ve\y. This order is to be publilhed in the two fucceffive Gazettes, and to y be fent to the fherifFof the county where the offence was commit- ted, who is to caufe it to be proclaimed within fourteen days, in the market-place of two market-towns of the county near where the offence was committed, on the market-days, between the hours often in the morning and two in the afternoon, and a copy to be fixed in fome publick place of the faid towns. The oiFender, upon his furrender, is to be committed to gaol without bail or mainprize, that he may be forthcoming to anfwer the charge ; if he does not furrender, or efcapes after furrender, he is to be deemed convifled and attainted of felony without benefit of clergy, in England, or convicted of a capital crime in Scotland, and execu tion may be awarded accordingly — — -If any perfon, ordered to furrender as above, (hould be taken and' fecured before the time appointed for his furrender, no fiirther proceedings are to be had upon the order made in council, but he is to be brought to trial by the ordinary courfe of law — — -Perfons knowingly harbouring, receiving, concealing, aiding, abet-' ting, or fuccouring any offender as above, after the time appoint- ed for his furrender (and profecuted within one year after the of- . fence) are to be tranfportcd as felons for feven years ; and return- | ing into Great Britain or Ireland before the expiration thereof, to | futfer as perfons attainted of felony, without benelit of clergy — J -But his Majefty's court of King's Bench, or any of the judges there-" of, or the court of Julliciary in Scotland, or any of the judges thereof, may bail any perfon committed for felony upon this Aft, and not convided or attainted thereof, in fuch manner as they may by law in other cafes of felony — — — —— -Offences made felony by any Act relating to the revenue of Cullomsl or Exclfe, may be tried in any county of England, as if the fact | had been committed therein ; provided that no attainder for fe- ^ lony upon this A& fhall work corruption of blood, lofs of dower, | or forfeittre of lands or tenements — J -Whoever apprehends, or difcovers any offender in England, advcr- tifed as above, who has not furrendered himfelf within forty dsys, and caufes him to' be brought before a juflice of the King's Bench, or a juftice of the peace for London or Mtddlefex, is to be paid coo /. for every offender (within one month after execution is awarded) Q. q ACTS. »57 Year and Reign. 19 Geo. II. 26 Geo. II. 19 Geo. II. 26 Geo. II. 19 Geo. II. 26 Geo. II. 19 Geo. II. 26 Geo. II. 19 Geo. If. 26 Gto. II. 19 Geo. II. 20 Geo. II. Chap. 34 3^ 34 32 34 34 34 3- 34 32 12 I 158 APPENDIX. by the commiiTioners of the Cuftoms or Excife refpeftively, who | are to divide the reward among the perfons concerned, in fuch ^ proportions as they think rcafonable ; and if the difcoverer is any fuch ofFencier (againll whom no fuch orrfer of council has been made) he is, befides his fliare of reward, to be difcharged from his offence, and all former like oiFences, for which no profecution has been commenced — — — — — GCODSi 82 ! »3 ?+- 8S- tti- P7- nwards — Perfons lofing a limboran eye.orotherwifegrievoufly maim- ed or wounded, in apprehending, or endeavouring to apprehend, or making purfuit after fuch offenders, to be paid 50/. befides any other reward they are entitled to, as apprehenders by this Adl : V and if fuch perfons are killed, their executors or adminillratorb (Jaying proof thereof before the commiflioners of the Culloms or Excife) are to be paid 1 00 /, — — — . -Any offender in England, before fuch order in council is made, dif-' covering his accomplices, and caufing them to be apprehended, fo as two at lead be convifted, is to be paid 50/. for each, befides being difcharged of his own offence, and all former offences of the likejiature, for which no profecution has been commenced — -All which rewards are to be paid by the receiver-general, of the Culloms, or calhier of Excife refpeftively, upon an order from the commiffioners, and to be allowed of in their accounts as money paid to his Majelly — . __^ -If any officer of the revenue, or other perfon, employed in feizing," conveying, or fecuring any Wool, or other Goods forfeited, or in endeavouring to apprehend any offender agiinll this ASl, fhall be beat, wounded, maimed, or killed by any offender againll this Aft ; or the Goods refcued by perfons fo armed as aforefaid (un- lefs the offender is apprehended and convifted within fix calendar months after the faft) the rape or lath, or hundred where the fail was committed in England, is to make fatisfaftion not exceeding )■ 40/. for the damages by beatin:^, wounding, or maiming, and not exceeding 200/. for damages by lofs of the Goods, and to pay to the executors or adminillrators for each perfon killed 100/. to be levied upon the inhabitants by a proportionable tax ; and aftions to be profecuttd in the fame manner, as direfted by 8 Geo. II. cap. 16, with refpeft to damages recovered upon hundreds in cafes of robbery — — . _^_ ■ -No perfon to recover fuch damage, unlefs he caufe notice to be given' of the offence within four days to two or more of the inhabitants cf fome town, village, or hamlet near the place; and unlefs wiihin eight days after he declares upon oath, before a jullice of the peace of the county, l^jc. where the laft was committed, whe'.lier he knows any perion concerned, and is bound by recog- nizance to profecute fuch as he knows ; and unlefs he alfo gives fuch notice, and eniers into fuch recognizance, as is required by 8 Geo. 11. cap. 16, of perfons robbed, and unlefs the aftion is commenced within a year ■ — — — -No foreign Baft or Straw, Chip, Cane, or Horfe Hair Hats or" Honnets, e.xcpfding in number one dozen; no foreign Platcing, or other fjreign manufafture, of Baft or Straw, Chip, Cane, or Horfe Hair, proper for making H.its or Bonnets, exceeding 1 ib weight; no Surcus Lnioritiae, commonly called Spanijh 'Juice, of foreign produce, e.<_eeding 20 % weight: no foreign Snuff exceeding; 20 fc weight ; no Nankeen Cloth, Muflin, foreign Cal- Jicoe, or foreign Dimity exceeding one entire piece ; no China Ware exceeding twelve pieces, imjjorted at any outpr.rt of Gz-t'^/ Britain, Ihall be removed by land or water into the port of London, or members thereof, or wiihin twenty miles of the R.oyal Exchange, without a certificate that the Duties have been paid, or that the Goods have been compounded for or condemfted i which fadts Ihall ACTS. Year and Reign. 19 Geo. II. 26 Geo. II. 19 Geo. II. 26 Geo. II. 19 Geo. If. z6 Geo. II. 19 Geo. II. 26 Geo, II. 19 Geo. II. 26 Geo. II. 19 Geo. II. 26 Geo. II, Chap. 34 32 34 32 34 32 34 32 34 32 34 32 Sea. 10 I 10 I II I 10, II 6,8 I 7 '9 I APPENDIX. ACTS. 159 Year and Re-gn. be certified by the oath of the importer or proprietor, referring to 1 the time and place when and where the Goods were entered, i^c. And if fuch Goods (hall have been imported or feized in the port | of London, and fent from thence to any out-port for fale, they )r Ihall not be removed from fuch out-port into the port of icWo», or members thereof, or to any port within twenty miles of the Royal Exchange, without a certificate from the proper officer of the Cuftoms.at the place from which fuch Goods are intended to be re- moved, certifying that the proprietor hath made oath that the faid Goods had been fent to fuch proprietor from London, for fale in the lawful way of trade, referring to the time when, with the name and refidence of the perfon from whom fuch Goods were fent ; and that he verily believed the Duties had been duly paid, or that the Goods had been compounded for or condemned : and the faid cer- tificate ftiall exprefs the quantity and quality of the faid Goods, with the marks of the package, to what place and to whom con- figned, and by what carriage intended to be removed ; and, if the faid Goods are intended to be removed by land, the certificate fhall limit the time for which the fame fhall continue in force — J GOODS inwards. The oath and certificate to be adminiftered and granted without" S8 fee : and if any of the faid Goods fhall be removed, or found remov- ing, contrary to this aft, or ihall not agree with the certificates, the Goods and package (hall be forfeited and loft, and may be feized by any officer of the Cuftoms ; and, after condemnation, may be difpofed of, and divided as the like Goods may be for any other caufe of feiaure ^— — — — . ■ 89 But not to extend to fuch of the faid Goods as (hall have been bought" in a publick and a fair way of trade, in the cities of Zcn.j'o^ or Wejiminfter, or liberties thereof, and which (hall be removed for private ufe and not for fale , — 90 If any of the faid Goods (haH be flopped for want of fuch certificate,') and any difpute Ihall arife whether fuch Goods have been removed S contrary to this a£l, the proof to lie on the claimer .3 91 Perfons falfely making oath to any fafls hereby required to be fworn,"! (hall fuffer the like pains and penalties as perfons committing will- j ful and corrupt perjury ; and counterfeiting, rafing or falfifying ! any certificate, or knowingly making ufe of any certificate fo coun- j terfeited, \^c. (hall forfeit 500/. one moiety whereof to his Ma- | jefty, the other to the perfon who fhall fue for the fame J GOODS outwards, may not be laden or put off from any key or warf, into any") 3 velTel, lighter, or boat (except Fi(h taken by Britijb, Sea Coal, I Stone, and Beftial) in order to be exported, but at lawful hours, | and at fuch open places, keys, or wharfs, as (hall be appointed by V his Majefly's commiiTion out of the court of Exchequer, without fpecial fufferance and leave from the officers of the Cuftoms ; upon forfeiture thereof, or the value, and 100/. by tlie mafter — , ——Fcr the fe'veral Shifs, Wharfs, (^c. in the port of London, and Poivt.-s oj the Oncers refie'ling Special Sujerancei, fee page 25, 26, in the Second Part. i The lawful hours for exportation, the fame as for importation ; for which y?^ Goods itiwardi. Art. 3,4. 9 Geo. III. Chap- 4« Sea. -Exported, in whofe name to be entered, y5^ Goods imx-ards, 21, 22. -L iable to Duties, (hipped or put into any boat or veflel, with intent to be fxporttd before the i:;id Duties are duly paid, or lawf tendered or agreed for in the Cullom-houfe, are forfeited. See Seizures, 1. tent f u'.ly C 1 Eliz. 13 and Car ;'u'1 12 Car. II. 6 Ann. 12 Aiin. 1 1 II 7. H 4- i6o APPENDIX. GOODS outward: — I,iablc to Duties outwards, or prohibited to be exported, r (h pptd wiihoiit a vvarrant, or withouc the prefence of a proper oflicerofihe Cuftoms, are forfeited, or the value l6- -Liable to Duties, fliipped fccretly, and before payment thereof, ef- caping the difcovery of the officers, and exporti tlie feas; the owner to forfeit double the value ( cording to the Book of Rates, except for Coals | layment thereof, ef-") rted to p.".its beyond ( e of fucii goods, ac- f Is (Art. i) which fee J -Prohibited or uncuftoined, except Jewels, may be brought on (hore, 7 from any lliip, by the officers of the Cuftoms j -Wharfingers, or their fervants, (hipping off, or fuffering to be waterO borne at or from tiieir wh::rfs, t^<-. any goods or merchandized pro- | hibited or uncuftomed, without the prefence of a proper officer, or ' at unlawful hours, (except the port of HuUj or goods palling by 'Certificate, walie-cocket, or otherwife, without the prefence of, or notice given to, one or more officers, are to forfeit lOo/. J -Taken in from the fhore, into any bark, hoy, lighter, l^c. in order 1 to be carried on board any (hip outward bound, without a warrant, > and the prefence of one or more officers, fuch bark, i£c. is forfeited j :10 Porters, carmen, t^c. aflifting in the unlawful (hipping of goods, fub- jeft to the fame penalties as for the illegal landing; for whic Cccds imvards, 26 ■ fub-7 h fee K •I 1 Being the property of any merchant born denizen, taken by enemies ' or pirates, or peri(hed at fea ; upon due proof before the Treafury, or chief baron of the Exchequer, and certiticaie thereof to the col leftor of the port, goods of the like value in cudorn may be (hipped oii' Duty Iree 12 Foreign, having paid all Duties inwards, and having been kept in the merchants hands, in regard of bad fales, after one year is elapfed, may be exported, without payment of any Subfidy outwards. Ith Rule, page 12, in the Second Part. <3 Prohibited to be worn here, and foreign goods, (hipped for ex-"), portation, and afterwards unlhipped or relanded, tinlel^s in dillreft, or in the prefence of an officer, are forfeited ; and the mailer per- mitting the fame, f)rfeits the value thereof; and the perfons to \ vhofc hands they (liall come, knowing of the relanding, are to for- I feit double the value, unlefs they make difcovery to the officers of | the Culloms within fix days . J 14 Whereon there is a Drawback, bounty, or premium, or goods pro-' hibited to be ufed here, or Pepper ; after Entry, and before or after flipping, the officers of the Culloms may open, and ftridly examine any bale, trufs, chell, or other package, to (ee if they are rioht entered 15 If found to be right entered, the fame mud be repacked at the officer's charge; whicii the commiliioners of the Culloms are to allow, if )> they think it realonable —But if found to be lefs in quantity or value, than expre(red in the exporter's indorfcment u;m, other ihan the port from whence certiiied, aic forfeited, with double the v.due; and the mailer of fuch veilel is to forftit the value of the goods j 6 Offence difcovered to any officer of the Culloms, by any perfon (ex-" cepi the o.v:uror clainier of the good?.) fuch perfon is to have half of ih; officer's or profrciitcr's fiiare of wliat fh;.II be recovered, the charges of profeciuicn being rirft dedii>ned : the commiflioners of tlie y CiilKintis are to caufe fuch charges to be equally paid by the crown and the piofecutor. Perfnns aiding the owner or claimer, difcover- ing their olFcnce, are to be acquitted 7 Any officer, upon producing his warrant or deputation, may go on") board any coalHng-velfcl, within the limits of any port, and rum- ' nisgc for prohibited and uncullomed goods, and remain oa board during the vefftl's ilay in the port — — V £ Any perfon obllrufling or molefting the officer in fo doin", fhall forfeit loc/. - GOODS coaftwife outwards — May not be laden and carried from one port or" ( creek of Cimi Brituin, Ireland, Guemjey, or Jerfey, to any other port or creek of tl-.e fame, in any fliip or velTel, whereof any ftranger . born (unlefs fuch as be denizens, or naturalized) are owners, part f owners, or mailers, and whereof at leaft three-fourths of the ma- | riners are not Britijh, upon forfeiture of the Ihip and goods J See Salt, 42, 43. Ships, 47.-. IFcol, 10, 11, \z, 13, 14. 2 Shipped, or put on board any (hip to be carried forth to the open fea," f:om anyone port, member or creek in Great Britain, to be landed at any oth'T place of this realm, without a fufterance iirll obtained Ironi the officers of the CuHoms, are forfeited See Spirits, 21. Salt, 43. 2 And before the departure of the Ihip out of port, the mailer mufl take out a cocket, and become bound to His Majeliy wiih good fccurity in the value of the goods, for the delivery thereof in fome port within Great Britain, and to return a certificate within fix months, under the hands and feals of the officers of the port of difcharge, upon forfeiture of the bond and fecurity See Metal, 2, 3. Salt, 39. Jl'ool, 15. 4 The fubflance of fuch certificates muf! be indcrfed on the back of the bonds, and figncd to by the officers tranfmltting them into the Ex chequer, upon penalty of treble damages, and colls of fuit theT -I T Or if a Ihip be laden with Coals only, and the mader pays the cuflom,"] or over lea Duty in any port of Great Britain, the culloiner and comptroller of fuch pert are to grant a certificaie thereof; which ! •being produced to the officers of the loading-port, will difcharge f the coall-bond, in like manner as if the Coals had been landed in Great Britain ^—^— — — — — -^^ Sie Coals, 10. C —But no cocket or bond fhall be required for any kind of merchandize to be carried from the ports of Southampton or Port/mouth, to the port of Cowes in the IjJe of Wight, which arc not prohibited to be ex ported from Great Briiain to foreign pans, nor liable to Duty on )■ exportation, nor for any >-heep carried in open boats, nor any other kind of live cattle (Horfes and Lambs excepted) between the faid port of Co'-vn, and the faid ports of Southampton and Portjmoutu — _ See Culm, 2, 3. GRATES, m.iy not be imported hy Jl rangers, to be fohi, upon forfeiture, or' the value — — ■ pon forfeiture, or 1 ACTS. Year anj le'^n. 9 Geo. I. 9 Geo. II. 5 Eliz. 12 Car. II. 33Hcn.Vin. 13 &14 Car. 11. I Ann. g Ann. 6 Geo. IF. I Rich. :ir. Chap. Sc.:t. 29 35 S 18 7 1 1 26 28 I, 2 APPENDIX. GRAVESEND, fee Coals, 14. Ships, 36, 46. GREENLAND — The trade ihither, free to all Briiljh fuhjefls — I 2 •Ships emploved in the catching of Whales, belonging to Great Britain,'] whereof the mailer is a Britijh man, and an inhabitant thereof, ' may, during fuch voyane, be navigated with at kail one-thiid of the mariners Briip, and yet pay no other Duty for the oil or fins, than if navigated with three-fourths Britip J 3 Such (hips not to enjoy the benefit of thefe Aft«, unlefs they he viftualled in, and proceed from Great Britain; to be aitelled collector of the port from whence they failed ^ , Whale fins, Oil, and Blubber of Whales, Seal-oil or Sea! ikir.s, or' any other produce of Seals, or other fifh or creatures, taken in the Greenland Seas, or Davis's Streighis, and the adjoining feas, in Britijh fhips, may be imported Duty free ; the matter to make oath before the officers of the Cullonis, that they were produced from VVhaies, i^c. taken in the faid feas by the crew ot a (hip, whereof the mailer and one-third of the mariners were Britijh fubjefts — . See Aliens, 9. GREENLAND SHIPS, fee WhaU-FiJhery. ACTS. •63 Year and Rcijn.iCliap.i Sict. hey heT 2 byiht:^ 4 25 Car. 11. 4&5 W. &M. Ann. 2; Car. II. + & 5 W. & M I Ann. 25 Car. II. & 5 W. & M Ann. GREENWICH-HOSPITAL — For the fupport and maintenance thereof, fix" 1 pence /fr OTC?//J«» muft be deduiled out of the wages of every feaman ferving on board His Majeliy's Ihips, or any Inip belonging to th; fubjefts oi' Great Britain, Ireland, Jerfey, Guernfey, Aldtrney, Sari, and Man and the Britijh plantations in America; and every perfon employed in boats upon the coalts of the aforefaid places, in taking ^ filh, which are brought frefh on (here, and in boats which tra^e from place to place, or in any open boats upon the coafts, except on board hoys, fmacks, or other veHels belonging to London, and employed within the North-Foreland, in bringing corn, fifh, or provilions to London — ^— — _ See Ships, 37, 40. 2 This Duty to be paid by the mafter, l£c. before the fhip or veffer may be cleared inwards by the officers of the Culloms, upon for- feiture of 20/. by every cuUomer, colledlor, ^r. who lliall clear any (hip, grant any wan ant, cocket, tranfire, return, or difcharge, \ or fufter fuch ihip or veiTel to go out of port, till certificate be pro- duced of the payment of the Duty, and that fuch mailer is not more than thirty days in arrear ■ _ See Ships, 57, 40. GRIDIRONS, may not be imported hy Jlrangers, tobe fold, upon forfeiture,' I or the value 2 Mr,y not be imported by any perfons, to be uttered cr fold \n' Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as oftea as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to he J'cld, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the I'ea-, or wrecked GROCERY, may not be imported from the Netherlands, or Germany, on for- feiture of the (hip ;ind goods Except Spicery by licence, fee Spiury. Germany, on for- ) GUERNSEY, fee Goods itiivards, 15. Salt, 13, 46. Ships, 49. GUINE.AS and Half Guineas, may be imported by any perfons I 5 Geo. If. 13 Geo. II. 22 Geo. II. 28 Geo. II. 7 n 16 7 «7 16 7 J7 16 23 4) 20 7 &8 Will. Ill k>x9Will.Ill, 2 Ann. 10 Ann. 2 Geo. II. GunpcvL-der, 4. Planlationi, 3. Wool, 29. Leakage, i, 2, ■;. I Rich.IIL S Edw. IV. i3.';.i4Car. II 23 6 «7 Will. III. 2 28 I I. 2 23 164 APPENDIX. "^ GUM SENEGA, may be imported by His Majelly's fubjeds, in Br.-fiJhhuWt 1 fhips, nav'igated according to law, from any port or place i Eunpe, upon payment of the Duty, Branch, N'^. 35 2 Imported from any place in Europe, and entered by any perfon as' imported immediately from the place of its growth, or from the BritiJ}} colonies or plantation^ in America, in order to evade the Duty, is forfeited, and double the value 3 In cafe of any dlfpute from whence it was imported, the onus pro-\ banJi to lie on the importer — J See Goods Iniuards, 6. 4 Shall not be exported from any port or place upon the coaft of Ap-ica,'\ except to Greca Britain only, under the like fecurities, penalties, j and forfeitures, as mentioned in the afts 12 Car. II. cap. i8, and )■ zz Car. II. cap. 26, for the retraining the importation of goods | enumerated in thofe afts, to Great Britain, or the plantations J See Plantations, 21, l3c. 5 or Gum Arabic Any quantity, not exceeding thirty ton in any" one year, may be exported from Great Britain, by natives of Great Britain or Ireland, to Ireland, free of Duty: provided notice be firft given to the commiflioners of the Treafury, of the quantity intended to be exported, with the name of the fhip and mailer, and the port in Ireland to which it is intended to be exported: and a licence for thatpurpofe be firft taken, under the hands of three or more of the faid commillioners • 6—— Before any fuch Gum (hall be (hipped for exportation, the exporter' fhall give bond, with fufficient fecurity, in the penalty of 3/. los. for every hundred weight, for the landing thereof in Ireland; and to produce a certificate, within twelve months from the date, ^ ' under the hands and feals of the principal officers of the Cuftoms, at the port where fuch Gums Jhall be landed, that the fame have been landed and delivered into their cullody . — ^^ GUN METAL, fee Metal. GUNPOWDER — No mailer of a (hip outward-bound, (hall receive on board' I (except for His Majefty's ufe) any Gunpowder, before his (hip is at or below Blackiuall I Every matter of a (hip coming into the river Thames, (hall land all his Gunpowder before his (hip arrives at Blackball, or within )• twenty-four hours after . — ___^ Under the penalty of forfeiting 5/. for every fifty pounds weight thereof, to the ufe of the poor of the corporation of the Trinity- 3 —Britijh-mzde, the bounty on exportation thereof to be paid to the exporter, on a debenture to be made forth by the colleftor of the Cuftoms, (with the privity of the comptroller) at the port of ex- portation, and the (hipping thereof teftified by the fearcher; the exporter making oath that it is o( Britijh manufafture, and to be }■ exported by way of merchandize, and not relanded, or ictended to be relanded in Great Britain; that it is not for the ufe of the (hip in her voy.ige ; and alfo giving fecurity, in the penalty of 5/. per barrel, that no part thereof (hall be relanded in Great Britain _ 4 ■ — To be paid out of Cuftoms, or other Duties on goods imported ■ 5 —May not be exported v^hen the price exceeds 5/. per barrel ACTS. Year and Reign. IChap. 25 Geo. 11. 25 S Geo. III. l- Seft. 6 Geo. III. 37 46 S Geo. II. 4 Geo. II. 12 Geo» II. I 2.3.6 29 APPENDIX. GUN-POWDER. — Security given for the exportation to be difcharged in the" A manner following: 'viz. (If entered for, or landed in Ireland, Guernfey, Jer/ey, AUerncy, Sari, or Man, Or any of His Majeliy's colonies or plantations abroad) by a certificate of its being there landed, under the hand of the officer of the Cuftcms there; or, for want of fuch . ofiicer, of the gm-ernor or deputy-governor of the place —— — See IJle of Man, 30. (If exported for any other foreign port or place) by a certificate under the hand of the conful, or two known Britijh merchants By proof that it was taken by enemies, or perifhed in the feas — (If exported for Africa) by oath of the mailer, mate, purfer, or perfon having ciiarge of the (hip, that it was delivered and fold upon the coalt of /ifrica, together with the oath of the exporter, (if living) that the goods have, to the beft of his knowledge, been fo diipofed of ——— \b- -Exported, for which the allowance has been made, relanded in") Great Britain (except by licence of one of the principal ofiicers of the port, or, in cafe of diftrefs, to fave it from perilhing, which ! is forthwith to be made known to one of the faid officers) the Gun- [ powder, (over and above the penalty of the bond) and treble the value thereof, is forfeited — — J -Imported, fee Amunition. H \_ X AIR, fee Dominica, •]. HALBERT-HEADS and SHARPS may be exported by any perfon HAMMERS, may not be imported by any perfons to be uttered or fold in Grsat^ Britain, upon forfeiture thereof as often as they may be found in ( the hands of any perfon to be fold, except made and wrought in [" Ireland or taken upon the feas, or wrecked — — — J HANDLES for Knives, made or wrought beyond the feas may not be imported to he/old, bartered, er exchanged, upon forfeiture, or the value •1 HANGERS, may not be imported by f rangers, to he fold, upon forfeiture, or the value — — HARNESS. — Girdles, and Horfe Harnefs, made or wrought beyond the feas, 1 may not be imported to he fold, bartered, or exchanged, up.n for- feiture, or the value — ^ . 2 May not be imported by _/?;-a»^«v, to he fold, upon forfeiture, or the ; a 5 Girdles and pertaining to Saddles, may not be imported by any per- fons to be uttered or Jold \n Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to bi fold, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the \ feas, or wrecked j HATS, may not be imported by any perfons to be uttered or fold xn Great' I Britain, upon forfeiture thereof as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to be fid, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked — See Planlatioiii, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51. 6 f ACTS. Year and Reign. Chap. SeO. 4 Geo. II. 12 Car. II. 3 Kdw. IV. 5 Eliz. 3 Car. 16 — I. I Rich. III. y Eliz 3 Car. 16 Car, I Rich. I. I. 1:1. 3 Edw. IV. 29 12 1,2,31 3 1 1 3 II 2 1.2 4 ',2,3 i6 3 APPENDIX. ACTS. 4- HATS, or Bonnets of Baft, Straw, Chip, Cane, or Horfe-hair, yjf GooJi i>i- 2 I'.'arJs, 87 to 91. HEMP, — Water rotted, briglit and clean, and rough or undreft Flax, iin-1 I ported from the ZJr/V///?' colonies in America, the bounty thereon to be paid by the collcftor of the port of importation out of the Cuf- ! tonis; but, iiot having money fcflicient in his hands, he is to certify j the fame to the commiirioncrs of the CuPioms, who are to caufe the | fame to be paid by the receiver-general — — J 2 —The pre-emption thereof to be offered to the commiflioners of the) Navy on importation; yi-f /r 1 • See Ireland, I. Naval Stores. Plantations, 60. Iron, 8,9^ HERRINGS exported, for the regulations on the Bounty, fee Fijh. I White Her RiNO FiEHERV-The bounty for the encouragement there- of to be paid the proprietors of tlie flock outof the Cuftoms, by the receiver-general or the CuHomj, by equal half-yearly payments, provided the fociety (hall employ 100, oco/. at leaft in the faid Fi(hery, within eighteen months afcer the date of their fubfcription a In order to afcertain the fums from time to time aSually expended" and employed by the foi.iciy in the faid F:(hery, the account there- of mull be delivered to the commiflioncrs of the Culloms, figned by three at leall of the cou.icil of the fociety, a? an atteftatlon that they have examined it, and believe it to be juA, and atteTted by the oath of the accountant of tlie fociety at the foot of the ac- count ; upon which the comniiflioners are to order payment atcord- ingly — — _. _ _ — J 3 The fociery arealfo to lay their accounts annually before parliament; and if lofs (hould arife by one year's adventure, and there (hould be gain bv fucceeding years, the gain mull be applied to make good the original Hock of ico,ooo /. before any dividend is made — ^ This Bounty is allnne-i to the fociety on the fum of 104,509/. for two years, lo Oilolcr 22, 1752, and ali future interell on that fum is to be computed from that day ; and all future com- putations of in'ereif on any addit oral ium paid in by the fociety, in ord'-r to be em[lo)ed in the faid Fifliery, are to be made from the day on whicli each Ium refpeilively is paid into the bank of England — — — . 5 Any number of perf ;ns fubfcribing 100030/. or upwards, into the" (lock of the faid f ciety,. and c.irrying on the faid Fifliery under their own management, and on their own account, from the port named by them; conlbrmably, neverthelefs, to this Ail and the charier (except as to being obliged to ufe the marks of the faid fociety) and fubfcribing under the name of the Filhing Chamber of fuch city, port, or town, are entitled to the fame bounty. i3ut their account ofexjences, attelic-d by three of their committee, figned by their accountant, .tnd verified by his oath, and alto the voucher-.;, if required, is to be tranfmitted to the fociety in London, uhofe accountant is to enter it in their account, dclivired to the comm!(?!orers of theCullomj, as a fum expended iti the faid Fifhcry by the faid lociety. The bounty is to be paid to the foe ety in London, and by them paid over to the Filhing Chamber, after de- duSitig the necclTary charges of jeceiving it — — _^ ACTS 167 Year and Rci^rn. 4 Geo. III. Chjc. 3 Geo. IF. Geo. 111. 3 Geo. II. Geo. 111. 26 23 Geo. II. 23 Geo. ir. 13 Geo. II. -Ships built for and employed in the British White Herrinc" Fishery — The bounty for the encouracementof finps built for, and employed therein, to be paid under the follo.ving regulations; a/s livery vefl'cl muH have on board twelve //V/.'<-,6(//£-r buihcls of lalt for e.viix'j lad of Fi(h fhe is capable of holding, barrelled up in new barrels, a.nd a, nitny more new barrels as f!;e can carry, and two fleets of tannsd ne:s ; i/i:. (or a veflel of fcventy tons, one fl^et of ii'ivj nets on board, each thirty yards upon the rope, and iti^tiw fa- thoir.s deep ; and another fleet of fifty nets in a tender, or proper j)hcc on nioi«, each thirty yards upon the rope, and not under hvefailioms deep, and fo in proponioc. Butyic Art, 12. 23 26 Geo. II. Seft 12 24 j6,7 22 I 24 22 -4 24 r,3' \t 3.4 i68 APPENDIX. And mull have on board at the rendezvous fix men for a Veflel of twciuy ions, and one man more for every five tons above twenty ; and mull return into port with llie fame number, uiilefs reduced :by death, iicknefs, or defeition, without fraud or coUullon . .HERRINGS. — Ships built for and employed in the British White Her-, ;7 KING Fishery. — Before flie proceeds on fuch voyage, (lie mull be vifited by the proper ollicer of the Cufloms, who is to examine if file is qualified as above, and take account of her tonna^-e by admeafurement, and certify the fame to tlie conimifTioiiers of the Ciilloms, and v\hether llie is a proper veffel to be employed in the Fifhcry. And further, upon one of the owners, or their agents, or a proper officer or agents of the fociety, and the mailer of the vefl'el making onth at the foot of the certificate, before the col- •leiSor and comptroller of the port, that it i.s tlieir firm purpofe, and determined rcfolution, that the veffcI fhall proceed, fo manned, fur- niHicd, and accoutered, either to BraJJiy's found in Shetland, and be at the rendezvous on or before the 22J o(Jui:e, and not llioot or wet their nets before the 24th o{ June, and lliall continue filliing among , the llioals of Herrings as they move fouthward, unlefs prevented by ' lofs of malls, or other unavoidable accidents, to the 12th of Oaober; or (hall proceed to CumpbcUon in Argylefinre, or Kirki<:all in ih; (^'^iii'y illands, and be at the rendezvous on or before the 12th of September, and continue filhing among the fhoals of Herrings as they move to the nth day of Jauuury, unlefs tliey (hall fooner have compleated their loading (^1), and fifh in an orderly manner, without obllrufling others; and fhai/ keep a journal of their pro- ceedings, and an account of the quantities of Fifh difpatched to foreign markets before they come into port, and the quantity they (hall bring into port with them ; and upon the fame perfons giving fecurity, in treble the value of the bounty, for the faithful dealings of the mailer and (hip's company, the colkdlor and comptroller of the port are to give them a licence to proceed on the voyage — - '8 But in the interval between the Shetlami znA Yarmouth Fifheries,"! the veffels may put into any port of Great Britain or Ireland to j change their nets, or otherwife prepare for the Yarmouth Fifhery ; \ and are not obliged to carry more than one fleet of nets to the lat- f ter fifliing - ■ , J ■9 Upon the return of the velTel to her port of difcharge, the chief- officer of the Cufloms, or one appointed by him, mufl goon board and examine her condition and Jading, and certify the fame, with their obfervations thereon, and alfo the tonnage and names of the mailer and other perfons on board [b) ; and the mafler mull make oath before the collcflor and comptroller of the port, on the back of the licence, or 10 be annexed to it, that the vefi'cl was at one of the places before-mentioned at the time appointed, and has not fince been on any other voyage, or purfued any other defign, or view of profit ; and that they did remain fifhing according to the diredions of this Aft, and had, at the time of their rendezvous, ' the quantity of nets and other (lores, and number of men as above \ diieCted (<-). Tiie licence is to be delivered up, with an account of what was done in purfuance of it ; and the certificate, fchedule, licence and oath, together with the account of the Fifh taken, are (a) By 28 Ceo. II. cap. 14, § 5, 6. tfie fociety may follow the White Herring Fi(hery in any part of the BriiHh fi-as ; and are not to forfeit this Bounty, though the bufl'es (hould not arrive at one of thcfc places of their rendezvous on the refpcdlive days appointed, provided fte took her de- parture from one of thofe places at leaft five days before the day appointed for their being there. (A) A. true C'py of this certificate muft be tranfmitlcd by the commiflioncrs of the Cuftoms, with all convenient fpcej, to the receiver of the Duty of dd. per month from all fejmen for the ufe of Crecjnc'nb hofpitjl, in Lorda^. 28 Geo. II. cap. 14, § ro. (f.) If by virtue of the liberty granted (note [a]) any bufs quits her ftation, appointed by i6 Geo, II. cap. 9, in order for fi/hing at oiher ftations, or docs not arrive at one of the ftations there men- tioned on the d.iy .ippointed, this oath is to be varied, and mads coiiformible to the circumiianccs iitccdicg fuch refpeftive bufs. 28 Geo. U, cap, 14, ^7. • ACTS. Vear aud Reign. (Chapj beift. 23 Geo. II. 26 Geo. II. 23 Geo. II. 6 Geo. II. 26 Geo, II. !3 Geo. II. 24 ■9 24 '3 3.+ I 2 2,7 3.8 APPENDIX. to be tranfmitted, by the colleflor and comptroller of the port, to the commiflioners of the Cufloms for that part of Great Britain from whence fhe departed with her licence ; who, being fatisficd of their faitlvful dealing.', are (upon the owner's producing a pro- per certificate, from the receiver of the Duty, of 6 ^. /cr month from all feamcn for the ufe of Greenivich hofpital, that all money due on that account for every feaman on board fuch veffel has been paid) to caufe payment of the bounty to be made by the receiver- general of the Culloms ■ . HERRINGS — Ships built for the White Hbrring Fishery — The fociety"! lo may let out to hire any of their buHes to be ufed and employed (^ in the faid Fifhery only, and fubjeft to the fame regulations and ( reflritlions, as if employed by the fociety J 1 1 , The bounty not to be paid until the commiflioners of the Cuftoms areT fatibfied that the Duty for the fupport oi Green-ivich hofpitsl hath J- been fully paid — — — — — — — J 1 2 ■ Such nets as fiiall bebeft adapted to the fa! d Fifheries may be ufed in"] lieu of thofe dircfted by 23 Geo. J I. provided that each vefTel do carry the like quantity of netting in the whole ; and that the cer- ! tificate to be given by the otficer appointed to examine the bufles, [ and the oath of the o»vner, i^c. in regard to the nets, be made conformable to fuch alteration — — — — — l y The fociety of the Free Briiijh Fifhery may, after the Shetland and~) Yarmouth Fiflieries are over, in every year, and until the com- | mencement of the next Fifhing feafon, employ in any other bufinefs ^ fuch of their veffels, as fhall have been really employed in and | for the whole time of the faid two Filheries then lall preceding J HIDES and SKINS imported. — After payment of the Duties, Branches 21, 2;, T 1 as in page 204, 207, 208, in the Firji Part, are to be marked or C flamped to denote the fame — — — — j z —^Stamps to be provided by the commifEoners of the Cuftoms 3 -{ -Counterfeiting fuch flamps, or knowingly felling any Hides, i£c.\ with fuch counterfeited ftamps, felony — — — j -Calve Skins tanned, l£c. in Great Britain., exported, the Drawback^) to be paid to the exporter, by the collettor of Excife, on a deben- I ture made forth by the collector of the Cuftoms, at the port of ex- | portation, exprefCng the kinds, quantities, and weights lb export- )- ed, fufficient fecurity being firll given by the exporter to the col- leftor of the Culloms, that the faid goods fhall not be rclanded in Great Britain — — — — — _ -The Hides and Calve-fkins fo exported, to be marked with a flamp,' denoting having paid the Duties ; but the Drawback may be al- lowed, although the faid marks have been feen by the officers of the Cuftoms, provided that oath be made bcf ire the colledor of the ■ Cuftoms, that the Hides or Skins, cont.iired in the refpeflive J bales or packs, weie marked with the ftamps, denoting payment of the Duties, and fpecilying how much the Duties amounted 10, together witii the weight thereof exported J -Ifrelanded, forfeited, with treble the value . . ____ -Of Ox, Steer, Cow BulI,'or Calf (except Calve Skins drefTcd without the wool) may not be exported, upon penalty of ^00/. and dil- ability to deal in Leather ft.-r the future, (except for ihe fhip's ufe only, not exceeding fix Hides) and the exportation declared a com- mon nufance . , - T t A C T J 16^ Year and Reign. Chap. Sect. 28 Geo. 11. 30 Geo. II. 30 ' 30 9 Ann. 10 Ann. 9 Ann. 10 Ann. 9 Ann. 10 Ann. 9 Ann. 10 Ann. 10 Ann. 9 Anil. 9 Ann. 20 Car. 11. U 30 13 and Car, id 147 .11. I 1 1 26 II 26 1 1 26 1 1 26 II 1 1 5 «.3,4 44 4 44 4 I 39 t40 4,6 s 39 42 2 S 1 1 12 170 APPENDIX. ACTS. HIDES of Ox, isft. exported from any idaiid belonpin^ to Gtrat Briti:!-.!' 8 (except h-elii.d) to any other place than Great Britain, penalty double the value — — — — iee Dominica, 7. Tallonu, I. Leather, 2. HILTS, made or wrought beyond the feas, may not be imported to barttrtd, or exchanged, upon forfeiture, or the value hefiU,^ HINGES and GARNETS, may not be imported by Jlrangen, to be /oLi, upon forleiture, or the value , , HOLSTERS, may be imported by any perfons HOPS imported, unclean, corru I fand, or foil, are forfei upt, or mixed with powder, dull, drofs, \ -Briiijh, exported to Ireland, not to draw back the Duty — -May not be imported into Ireland, except from Great Britain only, on forfeiture of the value, and the fliip: fuch importation declared likewife a common nufance ■ _ ■^ -Carried from Great Britain to Ireland, the mafter of the fhip to take") with him a duplicate of his content, under the hands and feals of | the colleflor and comptroller of the port, in order to be produced )> upon oath to the ofiicers of the Cultoms in Ireland, before landing, | upon forfeiture and 10/. per % — _ J -No foreign Hops to be landed in Great Britain, before the entry and" payment of the Duty, or without a warrant of the proper officer ; nor any foreign Hops, except of Briiijh growth, to be landed in Ireland, upon forfeiture thereof, together with the fhip or veffel ; and every perfon concerned is to forfeit 5 s. for every pound weight, and the Hops are to be burnt within ten days after condemnation See Plant ati-ons, 22. Vcjr anj Reign. M and 14^ Car. 11. \ I EUz. -, C.-ir. T. 1 6 Car. I. 1 Rich. in. 12 C.ir. II. I J.ic. I. ? Car. I. 16 Car, [, 6 Geo. I. 9 Ann. 5 Geo. II. 7 Geo. II. I Geo. L HORNS, Briii^ I upon ijh, uRwrought, may not be tranfported or fold to flrangers, \ 1 forfeiture of double their value — ^— 1 2 ——For Lanthcrns, may rot be imported by ftrangers, to he/old, upon ) forfeiture, or the value — — — — . ____ f HORSES, fee Plantations, 19. J AM AlC A, /ee Dominica. Plantations. JAMAICA WOOD. A Plantations, 22. JERSEY, fee Goods inivards, 15. Gunpo'wJer, 4. Plantaticnif 3, Salt, 13, 46. Shifs, 51. Wool, 29. Leakage, jKYSUAM, fee Goods, ^\. Siips, 3S. JEWELS, /ee Diamonds. Goods outivardt, g, IM.IGES, painted, may not be imported by /rangers, to he/old, upon forfei- 7 ture, or the value — — — — — j INDICO, may be imported until Septemier 29, 1777, and thence to theendof] the next lefTions of parliament, from any place whatfoever, in any fiiip belonging to Great Britain, or to any kingdom or ftate in amity with his Miijelly _____ . ___ See Plantations, 21, 22, 28, 90. Dominica, 7. 7 Geo. II, 4 Edw. IV. I Jac. I. 7 Jac. I. I Rich. III. I Rich.IlL 7 Geo. II. 27 Geo. H. 7 Geo. in. ci i.ip. 7 4 4 12 Scrt. 3 1 1 2 1.2 4 \ II iS 4 4 1 1 12 9 9 12 '9 8 24 '4 12 2 39 27 I I I 44 4 •,2 18 36 1.2 2.3 2 I A P PEN D I X. INDICO, Jjv'///^ plantations, imported, the premium thprenn to be paid upon" 2 demand to the impon r by the collector of the p rt of importatinn, outijfthe Cullonis; but it he has not m.neyfuflicientin his hands, he mult certify tne fame to .he comniiirmners of tlie Cuftoms, v\ ho aie tr, Ciufc It to be paid by the receiver general of theCuftoms in England or Sictlami it^iociuvely , according to the place of impor- tation ■ 171 -Muft be free from any falfe mixture, and fit for dyers ufe, imported diredly from the Britijh colonics or plantations in America, iii a fhip ivhtch may lawfully tiade thith;r, mainieJ as by laiv required, and of the grov>.th or produCft of the plantation from whence im- ported, and worth 3 i per % ueight, when the beft French, or other Indico equal with the bcil French, is 4<. per ffe weight, and fo in proportion ' -But, to entitle the importer to this premium, the perfon who fhips" the Indico in America mull, before the fhip is cleared out, produce to the governor, lieutenant-governor^ coliedftor and comptroller of the Cultoms, and naval otRcer of the colony, or any two of them, a certiticaie figned and fworn before a juftice of the peace by the planter, or his known agent, and attelled by thejullice, " That '' a quantity of Indico, exprcfiing the weight thereof, had been " fent from his InJicc work to be Ihipped olr, or was fold to the " perfon therein named, and was of the groAth of his plantation, *' fituate in the dillridt, divlfion, or parifii of , within " the illand or colony of————;" and alfo lign a certificate himfelf before the faid officers, " That the Indico fhippcd by him " is the fame mentioned in the planter's certificate ;" upon which they are to deliver to him a certificate, under their hands and feals of office, of " having received fuch certificate, a;id that, at the K " fame time, the planter's certificate was produced and left with " them." This lall certificate mull be produced to the chief of- ficer of the Curtoms at the port of importation, together with a certificate from the commander cf the vciTel importing the Indico, " That the fame was Ihipped on board liis veflisi, within fuch " Brttijh colony in America, as mentioned in the faid certificate ;" and alio a certificate (Igned by the furveyor, land-waiters, or fearchers of the Cultoms of the port where landed, or any two of them, fpecifying " the weight, and that it is good and merchant- *' able, free from falfo mixture, and of fuch quality as to be en- " titled to the premium ;" which certificate they muft trant within ten days after landing, unlefs they can allign fufficient caufe for refufal. Upon producing the feveral certificates to the proper officer, the premium is to be paid ■ ___ -The officers of the Cuftoms, before making out the certificate?, are" to examine the Indico, by opening the package, and Ihifting it fo as to fee the whole contents, and if it is good and merchant- able, and free from falfe mixture, and of the value required -In cafe of any difpute about the quality of the Indico, if in the port of London, the commiflioners of the Cuftoms,. if in the out-ports, • the colleflor, may call two or more dyers, dry-falters, or brokers, or others well (killed in it, who are to declare upon oath, if re- quired, their opinion as to the quality, and whether it is entitled \ to the premium ; t if a competent number of perfons well fkillcd in the commodity cannot be found in the out- ports, famples are to be fent up to the commilfioners of the Culloms in Lor.Jon or £t//?;- ^«rf^ refpedlively, to be infpeded and adjudged there — -No fee, gratuity, or reward, to be taken by any ofHcer of the Cuf loms for examining, viewing or delivering fuch Indico, or for , figning any certificate, or paying the premium, on forfeiture of | 100/. lofs of office, and being incapable of ferving his Majelty ACTS. Vtar ana Rci^n. Chaj'. Scd> 2 1 Geo. II. 21 Geo. II. 21 • 3 Geo. III. t3 21 Geo II. 30 30 30 2,3.+ 7.8 10 IJZ APPENDIX. ACTS. INDICO — Certificates, aiij debentures, made out in purfuance of this A61, are " 8 not chargeable witK the Stamp Duties ' lo- II- -No perfon n;ay enter, or caufe ta be entered, any foreign made In- dico, under the name of Uritijh planta:ion-made Indico, on for- feiture thereof; or mix, or caufe to be mixed, any forcic:!! Indico, or other falfe mixture, wich that made in the Britijh planta'ions, | in order to obtain the premium, on foifeiture of the whole, and double the value thereof J -Any governor, lieutenant-governor, coHeflor, or comptroller of the Cultoms, naval-officer, merchant, trader, or fatlor, or maftcr, or commander of a (hip, or any other perfon, falfeiy making a cer- tificate of the produce or manufafljre of any Indico, or counterfeit- )> ing any certificate by this Ad required, in order to obtain the premium, is to forfeit zoo/, and, if an officer of the Cuftoms, alfo tolofe his office, and be incapable of feri/ing His MajtUy -Penslrips and forfeitures, by this Af\, may be profecutcd in any of Hi* Majefty's courts of record at IVeftmii-Jier, the court of Exchequer in Srotland, or anv of the courts of Admiralty, in His Majelly's plantations in America refpeflively ; and are to be divided, if in I Great Britain, one moiety to His Majellv, and the other to the ^ perfon who fnall fue for the fame ; if in His Majelly's plantations in America, one-third to His Majefty, one-third to the governor of the plantation, and one-third to the perfon who Ihall fue for INFORMATIONS — Every informer, upon a penal ftatute, muft exhibit his I fuit in perfon, and purfue the fame only by himfelf, or by his at- torney in court; which purfuit miift be by way of information, or original aflion; upon which information, the time of exhibiting ^ mull be noted. No procefs to be fued out upon fuch information, till exhibited in due form; upon which procefs mull be indorfed the party's name that purfueth, and the ilatute whereon grounded -The offence not to be laid in the information, to be done in any other ; county, than where really committed See Offences, l, 2. > be done in any other 1 -Aaions, fuiis, bills, or indiflments for frauds relating to the Culloms,") may be laid in any county; and on anions for forfeitures up(,n | penal llatutes, any officer, 'Jc. may fue within a year; which being > expired, the King may fue within two years more, unlcfs Oiorter I time be appointed by any other liatute . J -But for Draw back-goods relanded, fuit maybe within five years after 7 offence committed ^— — — _- f -Informer or plaintiff may not compound or agree with the offender,^ but af:cr anfwer made in court to the information; nor after I aiifwer, but by order and conftnt of the court : and if the informer, ! t?c. delay, or dilcontinue his fuit, or is nonfuited, or has verdid> [ paffed againd him, he muU pay the defendant his colb, charges damages . _^__ j -Informers offending, in fuing out of procefs, making of com-ofiti'-ns 1 isV. without order or coiifciit of tae court, upon conviilion, arc t to lland in the pillory for two hours, and lo forfeit lo/. \ -Bills or plaints not to be filed till the informer h.T fworn before feme" of the judges of the court, that the offence was committed in the county alledged in the information, and that he believes it uab coiiiHiittcd within a year . Vcar and Reign. Ch.-ip. Se«. 21 Geo. II. 30 II — 5 'S — 16,17 1 8 Eliz. 27 Lliz. 5 10 I 2 3 1 Eliz. 21 Jac. I. S 4 2 2 :i Eliz. -; ?. 6 21 Jac. I. 4 3. 5 8 Ann. 13 16 18 Eliz. 27 Lliz. 5 10 3 2 18 Eliz. 27 Eliz. 5 10 4 2 21 Jac. I. 4 3 APPENDIX. INFORMATIONS May not be entered in any of the courts olWeftminfter, 8 or Edinburgh, againft any perfon, for recovery of penalties inflifled by thelaws of the Cuftoms, Excife, and Salt Duties, unlefs in the name of the attorney-general, or an officer of the faid revenues Set Wool, 76, 90. g Perfons taken up by capias, in prifon for want of bail on any in- formation relating to the Cuftoms, i^c. not pleading for the fpace of one term, judgment muit be entered by default, and execution awarded againft body and eftate __— ^— —And fuits for forfeitures and penalties relating to the Cuftoms, l^c.~ incurred to His Majefty, may be commenced in any of the courts of record at Wejlminfier, and in the court of Exchequer in Scotland; unlefs in fome few cafes, where the juftice of the peace, or the commiflioners of the Cuftoms or Excife, may, in a fummary way, proceed to condemnation of goods feized: for 'which fee th? fevcral heads referred fo, under the title of Seizures and Forfeitures of Goods, and Penalties pecuniary ^^—^— , lo- ll-^— Or indiftments being commenced or profecuted for aflaults officers, the offence may be tried in any county of England 12 Sheriffs, mayors, or bailiffs, or other perfons having the execution" of any procefs, .ngainft any offender in relation to the Cuftoms or Excife, are, upon requtft, (indorfed upon the back of the faid procefs, figned by the follicitor of the Cuftoms or Excife) to grant I a fpecial warrant to fuch peifon as is named by ilie faid follicitor, for apprehending the offender; and in default thereof, are fubjedl to fuch penalties, i^c. as they are now liable to, for refufing or negledling to execute fuch procefs ^——^— See Capias. Seizures, II, 14., 15, 19, 22. Starch,^. Writs INFORMERS, fee Eaft-India, 21. Draiv&acis, 1 3. Qfenders, 2 Officers, 28. Seizures, 8, 9. INSURERS, fee Goods iniuards, 40, 41. Wool, 88, 89. H^TEREST — Bonds for Cuftoms, Additional Duties, l^c. not paid according" to the conditions thereof, to be chargeable with intereft at 6/. per cent, per annum, from the time due, till the aftual payment; unlefs the Treafury fhall judge it reafonable to be remitted See Officers, 45, 48. IRELAND — Hemp or Flax, and any manufaflure made thereof in Ireland,' I may be imported by Britijh ox Irip direftly into Great Britain. free of all Duties, upon certificate of the officers of the port where Ihipped, expreffing the marks, number, tale, or weight of the fpccies in each bale or parcel mentioned in the bill of lading, with the . name and place of abode of the exporter from Ireland, and of the f perfon who Ihall have fworn that the goods are the manufafture of Ireland, and where and to whom in £'»g-/fl?ii/ configncd ; and oath of the mailer, that the goods are the fame mentioned in fuch <:ertiiicate . — ^— ^ 2- Wrought Silks, Stuffs, tfr. Muflins and Callicoes, of themanufafture" of Eaft India, China, or Perfia, may not be imported there, but from Great Brirain, upon forfeiture thereof, or the value, and the fhip, furniture, l^c. ■ _— ^— ACTS. '73 Year and Reign. Chap. Scfl 12 Geo. I. 12 6 Ann. 9 Geo. II. 26 35 28 27 26 32 Ann. 7 i- 8 W. III. 16 Geo. II. 39 26 -Officers of the Cuftoms in Ireland, conniving thereat, l£c. forfeit 500/. and are rendered incapable — ^— . -No Sugars, Panelles, Syrups or MolalTes of the produ£l of any of the " plantations in America, nor any Rum or Spirits of America (except of the erowth and manufadure of His M.ijefty's Sugar colonies U u 5 Geo. I. 26 II 174 APPENDIX. there) may be imported into htland, untefs fhipped in Crtat \ ■Britain, in Ihips legally navigated, upon forfeiture thereof, or the ^ value, together with the ihip, and all her furniture; — but not to extend to rellrain the importation of Sugars of the produce of any cf the dominions (;f the kings of S('a':n or Portugal, fioni any place from whence they miglit have been lawfully imported bctore 10- IRELAND— — Any perfon aflifting in the unlawful landing, or receiving'^ J any of the aforefaid goods {o landed, are to forfeit treble their va lue; and for obllnifting officers, 50/. and to fufFer three months imprifcnment ■ . 6 Any officer connivirtg at fuch illegal landing, or making collufive feizi>res, is to forfeit z,<^l. and be rendered incapable of ferving His \ Mjjeily J -Mailers of fliips (being His Majerty's fubjefts) receiving any <.-^^ the albrefaid goods on board, in order to land the fame, contrary t the true intent of this Afl, to forfeit 100/. ur "s mav be profecuted and recovered in any ^ I at Wcjiminfier, or in Diibliv., at the option K ilecutor, within two years alier the offence — j -Such offences and forfritur's mav be profecuted and recovered in any of the courts of record of the informer or profecu -The onus frobandi to lie opon the daimer or owner of the goods — — -Wo Glafs nf any kind or denomination. Other than the iranuf^fture of"| Great Britnin, may be imported imo l>rlnnd, thereof, and of the fhip. with her tackle, apparel. ACTS. Vtarind Reign. 6 Geo. II. Ch.ip. »3 Sea. 4. ij e iranuf^fture ofT upon f>.rfeiture I incre*tr, anu 01 tiic iiiip, wiut uci icivkic;, o.yya\^i, and furiiitu:e. ! ind 10/. for every pound weight, by the malier of the (hip, and j every other perfon concerned or affilftng in imporring or landing it ; fend the Glafs to be deliroyed within ten days alter tondemnation — J 11 The mafler of every fhip whfch (hall carry any kind of Glafs to^ ^Ireland, mul), before he is permitied to fail out of the port of 'Great Britain, take from, and under the hands and feals of, t! e col'eftor or comptroller thereof, a duplicate of his conien s in Vvriiing rf all the Glals taken on board, which is to be 'eliv«-red Jiim wi'hout fee; and upon his arrival at the port in Ireland wht-te J>- he intends to unlade, he muft deliver, upon oath, fuch riiip'-cate to ihe colleaor, comptroller, or other officer of the Cultoma there, before he is peimi'Ied to land fuch Gials: for lindi'jg (nch Glals lefore the duplicate is fo produced, the penalty is the fame as in the loregoing article, to — ^__ 1 \% ■ No Glafs of any kind may be exported from Ireland, or laden upon any horfe, cart, or other carriage, or on boarJ anv veilL-l in any place belonging to the kingdom of Ireland, with intent to be ex- ported, upon forfeiture of the Glafs, and of 10/. for evrrv pound . weight, by every peifon concerned or afTilling therein; and alfo of j „eveiy Ihip or vefTt-l, bavge, boat, or other bottom, on bnaid which | it was laden, with her tackle, appare', and furniture; and the j Glafs to be deliroyed within ten days after condemnation J '13 Offences againft th's Aft, relating to the exportation and impoitaiio" of Gh.fr, are to be heard and determined by the cimrailiioi, -ri and fub commifiioneis of Excife, in their refpective dirtricts in Ireland. who may proceed in a funimary way, and give judgment, and levy the penalties and forfeitures in (uch manner as they may in ca(c.- of Excife in Inland J See Coals, 2. Coffee, 21. Draivbacks, 10. Gunpomcder, 4. Hops, 2, 4, 5. Lin,n, 6. Plantations, I, 3, 19, iO, zz, 27,40, 78, Si. Sailcloib, 12, 13, 14, 15. Salt, b, 31, 32, 33 Skips, 47, J I, 53, 54, 55. Tea, 10. TohauQ, 25, 26, 27, 60, 63. Wire, J. Woolf 53, 54 /» 90. Woollen, 7. 5. fl 19 Geo. IT. 12 4,11 8 22 19 24 >9 25 APPENDIX. lllON, notwhhftanding the a£t of 28 Edw. III. cap. j, may be exported by! I any perlbn ■ ■ y Set Mital. 2 Pig-iron and * Bar-iron, made in and imported from the Britifh coO lonies in America, may bi imported into any * port of Great Britain > I free of Duiy> under the following regulat.ons ■ j y The perfon (hipping the Pig or Bar iron in America, mud, before clearing out the veilel for Great Britain, make oath before the go verr»or, colleitor, and comptroller of the Culloms, and naval j officer, or any two of them, that the Iron fo Ihipped, expreffing I the true weight, was made at , within the colony of , { wiih the name of the perfon to whom fold or configned. There- upon the faid officers are to grant a ceriificdte, under the hands and feals of office, of fuch oath having been made before them — 4 The faid Pigor Bar-iron mud alfo be Hamped witJi a mark, denoting" the colony where it « as made, and the certificate abovementioned (Art. 3) niuft be produced to the chief officer of the Culloms at the place of importation, and oath made before him by the com nander ofthevefl'el, that the Iron fo Imported is the fame mentioned in the j certificate, otherwife to be chargeable with the Duties as before — _ 5 I I For falfely making fuch cerriflcate, the penalty is forfetureof 200/ " lofs of office, and being incapable of ferving HiS Majetly^, lor falfely making the oaths abovemenii'neJ, the nifender incurs ttie punilhment by law for wilful and torrupt perjury; and for coun- terfeiting t e ftamp or certificate, the punilhment by la* for for- gery. — The penalties for fallely making luch ilanips or certiticaie.s recoverable in any court of record at IViJtminJler or America, or in ' the Exchequer in Scotlund refoecliiely, where the offender Ihall dwell when the offence was conimiited.or irformntion, i£c. brought ; and every information \£c. brought in Great Britain, is to belaid either in the county where the offence was conuniited, or where the offender dwells when the information, t^c. is brought 6 The claufes in the acl of 2 5 Geo. II. cap 29, prohibiting the ex- portation of fiich Bir iron, or carrying tlie fame c all*',fe, or bv land, above ten miles from f e port of Londun, and io much as relates to the Hamming fuch Bar-iron in London, are repealed — -And Lumber ■ f the produft o( diUy Britijh colony in America, may be impnrted diteilly into la'and, upon bond and certificate asdircd by article wz oi Plantations ■ — I be! ded K -The pre-emption or refufal of all Pig or Bar-iron, Mails, Yards, Bow-' f),rights. Tar, Pitch, Turpentine, Hemp, rou h and undrelfed Flax, and low, (hall be t>fi"ered 10 the con miliioners of tlie Navy eight days before any luch goods (hall be exported or entered for exportaton, by way of merchandize, 10 foreign parts, from the port of London, and tuenty days before entry or exporiation from any S- other port of this kiiigdom : and if the faid couimilfioners ihall not contract (or the fame aithin fuch t mes, any tnree of them fhall give a ciriifica^e of fuch lender and retulal to the owner: on pro- ducing and delivering up (uch certificate to the colleiftor, l^c. of rhe Culloms, at any port, it (hall be lawtul for him to export the lame_ -If any fuch goods (hall be exported from this kingdom to foreign" p,-.rts, or entered out, ( r laden in any velTel to be lb exporteJ, by way of merchandize, without being firlt tendered to the com- miifoi'ei s ')f the Navy, or before their certificate 111 dl be produced and deliverecf up to ihe proper ofjicer ol the Cultouis, ar tiie po.-t of exporiation, the goods (hall he forfeited, and may be feizcd ' by any officer of the wUi;oms: and if the la d goods (hall be ex port d before difcovery, fo that thy cnnnot be Icizcd, the owne fhall forfeit the value tn^eof, to be ellinutud according to the beft price each atticle bears at London . _ ACTS. »75 Year a^.d Reign Chap 5 & 6 VV. III. • 30 Geo. II. 23 Geo. II. 23 ^3 30 Geo II. 5 Geo. III. 9 Geo. III. '7 16 29 6. 7 3, II 16 45 24 '3 35 176 APPENDIX. ISELAND, fu Wtfimcney. ISLE OF MAN — Corn of the growth thereof may he imported into Great\ I Britain. • ______ j 2 No goods but fuch as are of the growth, produfl, or manufaflure of" the faid Ifle, may be imported from thence into deal Britain, or within the liniiu of any port thereof ■ 9- '10- n- 12- H- '5- 16- -VefTels found, or difcovered to have been with fuch floods within the limits of any port of Great Bri.ain or Ireland, whether bulk has ^ been broken or not, are forfeited, with the tackle, I3c. and likewife the goods, or their value — — — — — -Perfons concerned in landing or conveying away fuch goods, forfeit 100/. or fix months imprifonment, at the difcretion of the court — __ -Foreign goods entered outwards, for any other parts than the IJle of Man, and yet carried thither and landed, the exporter is to forfeit theDrawback, or the amount thereof, as alfo treble the value ofthe goods — 5^ -Mailers of the vefiels fubjefl to the like penahiet, and to fuffer fix months imprifonment, without bail or mainprize — — J -To be added to, and included in the oath of the exporter, upon all 1 debentures for foreign goods exported j -The Treafury, in behalf of the crown, may treat for the abfolute 7 purchafe thereof ■ 3 -The property thereof vefled in the crown ai Great Britain ■ -OfEcers of His Majefty's Cuftoms and Excife, fhall have the fame") powers and authorities for vifiting and fearching of Ihips and vcfltls in any place belonging to the IJle of Man, a? within the ports, or on the coails of Great Britain; and to ftize.and fecure any goods imported into the faid Ijh of Man contrary to law — j -No Wrought Silks, Bengals, and Stuffs mixed with Silk or Herba,~j of the manufafture of Perfa, China, or Eaji-India, nor Callicoes j painted, dyed, printed or itained there, nor any Cambricks or )■ French Lawns, Ihall be exported fiom Great Britain to the Ijle of\ Man, on forfeiture of the goods and package . J -The IJle of Man fhall be added to, and included in the bond which is uow required by law 10 be given, tha ^ ' ' " exported, and not relanded again in any ncluded in the bond which! hat fuch goods (hall be duly C y part of Great Britain — 3 -No bounty to be allowed for any fort of Corn or Grain exported to ) the IJle of Man, and the IJle of Man to be included in the bond — j -No foreign Brandy, Arrack, Rum, Strong Waters, or Spirits what-" foever, fhall be imported into the IJle of Man, unlefs laden in , Great Britain, and carried thither dirtdly; on forfeiture of fuch goods, or the value thereof, together with the ihip or veffel, with ' all her guns, furniture, ammunition, tackle and apparel -No Rura or other Spirits fliall be laden on beard any Ihip or veflel in"» any Britijh colony or plantation the fame Ihall not be carried to, fecurity, l^c. as prefcribed by 11. cap. 7 ■ e laden on beard any Ihip or veflel in "J 'in la America, but on condition that/ 5, or landed in x.Ve Ijle of Man under > ly 12 Car. 11. cap. 18, and 25 Car. I -No foreign Brandy, Arrack, Rum, Strong Waters or Spirits, fhall") be exported from the Ijle of Man, or carried coallwife, in any fhip or veffel of lefs burthen than 100 tons; nor in any vefTel or cafk ACTS. Year and Reign. Chap. Scft. IS Car. II. 12 Geo. I. 28 22 12 23 25 J Geo. III. 26 30 19 II APPENDIX. under fixty gallons (except only for the ufe of the feamen then be- longing to, and on board fuch Ihip or veflTel, not exceeding two gallons for each feaman) nor fhall any Wine be imported into, or ^ exported fiom the faid iflind, or carried coallwife in any vcfTet or cafic that fliall contain lefs than twenty-five gallons, nor in any veflVl of lefj burthen than lootons; upon the forfeiture of ail fuch goods, with the velTel, and all her tackle, furniture, and apparel ^ ISLE OF MAN — Where any fhip orveflel, having on boird goods contrary to" 17 any aC\ of parliament, fivall be found in any bay, harbour, riier, or creek, of or belonging to the faid If.e of Man, or at anchor or hovering within three leagues thereof; (unlcfs in cafe of unavoid- able necedity, and diftrcfs of weather, of which notice mull be given) all fuch goods, together v/ith the veffel, with her guns, tackle, fur- niture, ammunition, and apparel, iball be forfeited \%- 19- 20- >g Waters, orbpirits, mall be imported from 1 ireat Briiahi or Ireland, upon any pretence I ture of the goods, with the vefiel, her gunf, ( munition, and apparel J -No Brandy, Rum, Strong Waters, or Spirits, fhall be imported from") the Ijle of Man into Gi ' ' whatfoever ; on forfeit tackle, furniture, ammunition, and app -All feizures made in purfuance of this A£l, may be brought into any" port in Great Britain, Ireland, or ihc IJls of Man ; and maybe pro- fccuted in any of His Majclly's curts of record at IVeJlm'mJler or Dublin, in the court of Exchequer in Scotland, or in any court to ^ be holden by His Myelly's authority in the faid Ijle of Man, at th^ eledion of the infoimer or profecutor, and divided as feizures i Great Britain • ACTS. 177 -If any veflcl liable to feizure, (hall, at the time of feizure, be laden with any goods not liable to forfeiture, the officer feizing fuch veflel may fecur^ fuch goods in His Majeily's warehoufes, until applied for by the owner, ^c. to whom, on a receipt given, they fliall be delivered; and the officer, nor his afiillant?, fliall be liable to any profecution on account of the detention of fuch goods -If no application fhall be made for the faid goods within twenty" days, the commlffioners of the Culloms or t'.xcife in this kingdom, or of the revenue in Ireland, (ball caufe the name of the ve/Tel, witli other particulars, to be publifhed for three feveral weiks fucceffively ; and if it fhall appear to whom the faid goods are configned, thty fhall caufe the like notice to be tranlmitted to fuch coiiiignee, by the common port; and in cafe the fliid goods (hall be brought to ihe Ijle of Man, the colleihlor, or the principal officer of the Ciiiloms j- or ExcHe, fliall caufe the like notice to be there given, and if bo application (hall be made witliin fix months, the faid goods mav be publickly fold by auction, and the produce thereof be applyed, firft to the charges of tlie warehoufe room, and other charges that Ilia!! arife thereon; next to the Culloms and Duties payable for fuch goods; and the overplus (if any) to the proprietor, or other perfm 1 authorized to receive ihe fame ______ Ye.tranl Reign. 5 Geo. III. Ch? 39 Sea. In cafe the faid goods, or any part thereof, fh.ill be perifhable in the nature, it (hall belavvful tor the (ame to b; forthv.iih (jld !} 23 For every fhip or vefTc! that fliall fet fiil from Great Britain or /<<:") land, for any pott o( ylfriea, or any of His Mjjelty's dominions | out of this realm, fufficient bond fnall be given, with one furety | ! befidei the mailer, to the collector or other principal olHcer of the Culloms, to the value o( 1000/. if the (aid Ihip or v^iTA be of !e(V I burthen than too tons; and of 2000/. if ofgrta-er burthen; with ! condition that luch fh p or vcffel (hall not during the courfe of the voyage, take on board any lloies, goods or merchandize whaitbever, at the Ijle of Man, nor out or from any Ihip, velfel, or boat, at fea, or eKewheie, any llores, goods, or merchandize, which (hall X .X 5 178 APPENDIX. have been brought from thence; which bond (hall continue in force | for one year, from and alter the completion of the voyage J ISLE OF MAN — All officer? and perfons concerned in the executions of this") 24. Aft, fhall be fubjeft (o the fame penalties, forfeitures, and dif j abilities, for any corruptions, frauds, connivances, concealments, y or collufive agreements, as they would be liable to if fuch ofiences j v^etc coaim'iluA in Grta/ Bru^ii/i .^__^ J ;j—— livery perfon who fhall, byway of infurnnce, orothcnvife, undertake") or agree that any goods (hall be carried to, or landed in the Ij/e of | Man, or brought from ther.ce contrary to this or any or her Act ot I jiarliament made in Gnat Britain or Inland, or who (hall pay or ! agree to pay, anyfum of money for the infuring, conveying or de- ' Jivering of fuch goods, (hall for every fuch offence forfeit 500/. one moiety to the ufe of His Majefty, ^c. and the other to fuch officer as fliall profecute for the fame — :6 If the infurer, conveyor or manager of fuch fraud, (hall, within' lix months, firil difcover the fame, he fhall not only keep the in- furance money or premium given him, and be dpfch:ir£ed of the penalties to which he is liable, but (hall have to his own ufe, one moiety ol the forfeiture wliich (hall be recovered from the party making fuch infurance or agreement; and if the par;y infured ^ (hall, within the like fpace, frit make dil'covery thereof, he (liall recover back fuch infurance money, and (hall have one moiety of the forfeiture which (hall be recovered from fuch infurer, conveyor, or manager, and (hall be clearly acquitted and diicharged of the penalty hereby iropofed on him -The inhabitants thereof may import direftly from thence into any port" of Great Britain, Beflia', or any goods, wares, and merchandizes of the produce and manufatture of the faid idand (except fuch as are particularly prohibited to be imported, and except Woollen monufaftures, Leer and Ale) without paying any Duty, except fuch Excife or other Duty as is payable for the like goods of the produce and manufaftiirc of Great Britain, provided the malter of the veffel bring with him a certifica:e from the governor or chief magillrates, that oath has been made in the prefence of the officer of the Cuttoms at the port ot (hipping, that the goods are of the growth, produce, or nianufafture of the IJle of Man ; which certificate (hall be atteltetl )■ by the faid ofScer, and (hall exprefs the number and tale of fuch Eeltials, with the maiks and weight of the goods in each parcel, mentioned in the bill of lading ; with the name and place of abode of the exporter, and of the perfon who made the oath, and where and to whom configned in Great Britain : and the mailer fhall make oath before the principal othccr of the Culioms at the port of im- portation, that the faid goi)ds are the fame that were taken on board by virtue of the faid certificate: on failure whereof, the gcds, 6ff. fhall be liable to the fame Duties as if this Aft had not been made • - - 28- -But nothing in this Afl to give liberty to import any goods of the produft of any foreign nation, which may be in part, or fully ma- nufaftiired in the faid ifland, except Linen manufaftures, made Hemp or Flax, not the produce of the faid ifland ?} 29- -The King, by commifTloii from the court of Exchequer, may apooint" all fuch ports, m-.-r^ibers, creeks and places, as fhall be lawful for the landing or (hipping of any goods, and appoint the limits of every p;;rt, mtrnber, cieek. qua., whirf, or place; after which appointment, all goods, i^c. imported into, exported from, or > carried coallwife 0,1 the faid i/land, fhall be landed, fhipped, cifc. at fuch ports, I3c. under the hke penalties as mentioned in the aft 14 Car. If. or ..ny otiicr act refpefting goods landed or difcharged ia Great Biitaia _— _ ■ ______ ACTS. War a(;d Re'u.n Chap. Sea. 5 Geo. in. 39 Il- ls 16 5 Geo. 111. 43 II 6 Geo. lU. SO 32- 33- APPENDIX. ISLE OF MAN The commifllnner'; of His M .jefty's Cufloms in Er,^J,iid,'\^ JO or any three iif ihem, may grant a lie net-, without fee or reward, (to con iniie iu force for three month^) to any of His M jefty's fuh- jefts to expori, from any part of EngLind into t' e port of Douglat in the Ifc of Man, but to no othtr, in Bniifi (hips, ntvigattii accordii g to law, any quai:t;ty vi Spiiits, no: exceeding in the whole 50,000 gallons oi Britijh diflilled Spirits, and 30,000 gallons of Rum, the produce of the Briiijh plai. rations ; any quantity of ^ Tea, not excec-dmg 20,000 Jfe cf Bohea Tea, and 5000 J5 of Green Tea, in one year; any quantity of Cofi'ee, not exceeding 5000 f^ in one year; and any qiidi:ti;y of Tobacco, not exceeding 120, oco Jo '" °"s year; to commence from Ju!^ 5, 1767, and in every fuccceding )ear: and for the oooJ; fo exported, by virtue of fuch licence, tlie exporter fhall be intitied to the like Drawb::cki as when exported to //?/a/;(/, under the like iecarities, ^i-. _ J I —All goods, wares, and manufaftures, (Malt and Barley excepted'") which may be lawfully exported frrni Great Brhr.in to the Ijle of \ MciK, fhall, upon being fo exported, be entitled to the fame Draw- | backs and Bounties, under the like rules, leftriilions, fecuriiies, ^ penalties, and forfeitures, in all refpects, as fuch goods are in- tituled, or liable to by law, upon exportation from Great Britain to Ireland ■ ■ """"""""" -All (hips or veflels which have b°en, or (hall be built in the IJle efy Alan, and (hall be owned by His Majefty's fubjefts in the faid ifland, Ihall be deemed and pafs as (hips of the built of Great Britain, to all intents and purpofcs whatfoever -The following Duties to be paid for the goods here mentioned, im-" ported into the Ijk of Man : -viz. I. Britijh Spirits imported from Ergland, the oal!on o Rum of the Britijh plantations, imported from England, \ the gallon — J Bohea Tea imported from England, the pound o Green Tea, the pound o Coffee, the pound o Tobacco, the pound Coals imported irom Great Britain ot Ireland, the chalder, ) VVincheJter mealure ] Hemp, Iron, Deal boards, Timber, imported from foreign ) parts, for every 100/. value — j French Wine imported, the ton ■ All other forts of Wine, the ton 003 o o Corn and Grain imported fiorn England, iat which the! bounty has been tnere alloAcd, for every 100/. value J ' ° All Goods intitied to Bounty or Drawback ot Ex'cife in J Gr^a/AV/V«/«, imported from thence, forevery 100/ value J S °o All other Goods (not exempt from Duty) iinported from 7 ^ Great Britain or Ireland, for every 100/. value \~ '° ° Ditto, lejjally imported from any other places, for every J 100/. value 1 5 ° ° ACTS. 179 Year ti.a Ki- jn. Cnaf . SeO Geo. III. 45 — <3 J 4 T he faid Duties to be paid without difcount, and to be raifed, levied, ' \^c. as the Duties of Cufloms in Great Britain 35 Flax or Flax-feed, raw or brown Linen Yarn, Wood-a(hes and' Wted-adies, Filh and Flefli of all forts, anil any Corn or Grain, may be imported by any perfon, from anv place, (except Crtai X i7 Britain) in ; ny (hip, without payment of any Duty 36-—— —White or brown Linen Cloth, Hemp or Hemp-feed, the produce of") Great Britain or Ireland, Horfes or black Cattle, all utenllls and inllrumcDts fit to be employed in manufadures, filheries, or agri- | «7 42- 43- 44- 45- i8o A P P E N D I X. culture ; Bricks or Tiles, all foris of young Trees, Sea Shells, )>■ Lime and Sopcrs Wafle, Pack-thread and fmall Cordage for Nets, may be imported in Britif' lliips, by any of his Majcily's fubjeds, legally navigated from Gnai BritasaOT Ireland, witliout payment of any Duty — ■ISLE of MAN — Salt, Boards, Timber, and Hoops, the produce and manufai5lure~ 37 oi Grenl Briiain; iron in rods or bars. Cotton, Indico, Naval biorts, any fore of Wood called Lumbin-, (as fpecificd 8 Geo. 1. cap iz, %z) of the produce of the £,-y/;}v^ plantations in .^Mi-r/Vrt ; and rll goods, of the produce of the faid plantations, for which any B.junty is a!- j lowed en importation into Great Brilain-, may be irr.ported by any | • of his !\Iajelty's fub-eits, in Briiiflj iliips legally navigated, from | i Great Britain, without payment of any Duty J 38— ——Provided due entry be made of the goods fo allowed to be Duty free.T e)cpre(ling quantity and quality, belore landing, and that the | goods be landed in the prefence of the proper oftctr ; on failure ^ whereof the goods fliall be liable to the Duiy of 15 /. per cent, ad j 39 ■ No Linen Cloth (hall be imported but fuch as (hall be (hipped in' Great Britain or Ireland, and carried direftly from thence ; and no Glali 01 Woollen nianufafture but fuch as fhall be fliipped in Great Britain, and carried diretlly from thence; and no Teas, ^ Brandy, Strong Waters, or other Spiiits, Coffee or Tobacco, but fuch as (hall be (hipped in England, and carried direftly from thence, on forfeiture of goods^ or the value, and fhip, Uc. — _ j^o No Teas, Brandy, Strong Waters, or Spirits of any kind ; Cofree,"1 Chocolate, Tobacco, Glafs, Coals, Briiipi or other wrought Silks, | and Salt, (hall be exported from the IJh of Man to any place what- ^ foever ; on forfeiture of the goods or the value, and the (hip, | l£c. ______ J ACTS. 41 Goods carried coaftwife in ihe'IJle of Man to be under the fame regu- ' lations as goods coalKvife in Great Britain — — — J See Goods Coajiwi/e. -No Wool, Woollen or Bay Yarn, or live Sheep, fliall be exported from l\\c Ijle oj Ma/i, under the like penalties as ibr exporting i'uc' goods from Great Britain — — — — — See IVool. ted 7 ichS. •But not to extend to prohibit the exportation of Wool, Woollen or~] Bay Yarn, or live Sheep, from the Ijle 0/ Man to Great Britain : | the exporter (irft giving ("ecuriiy to be approved of by the receiver- general, or his deputy in the I/2e of M-an, in the penalty of 500/. | for the landing thereof according to entry ; and to return a certi- )■ ficate, within three months, under ihe hand and feai of the col- leiilor and comptroller, cr oilier proper otij.cer of the Cul^oms in Great Britain, certifying the landing : tlie danger of the feas and enemies excepted — — — — — — — , -No perfon fliall be enti:led to the Bounties granted by this Aft for" the encouragement of the herring HOiery, urilefs the beat for which the Bounty (hall be claimed iliail, bcrbre l"he proceed on the fifhcry each feafon, be regiltered at the Cjft^m-houfe, at the pott of Dciiglas, and the mafler give fecurity, to be approved by the re- ceiver-general, or his deputy, in the penalty of 100/. that the boat Ciall not be employed in any illicit trade — — — -The ofncer regi.'iering any velTel, and taking any bond, may demand from the mailer or owner is for the regiller, and from the per giving bond i s. for the bciid — — — indT font Vejr and Reign. Chap. Scft. 7 Geo. IIL 45 4 / 5 — 6 7 '" ' 7 7 10 II 7 ' — 7 — 12 '3 >9 / / 7 ^— 20 APPENDIX. ISLE of MAN. — Goods liable to Duties unfhipped before payment thereof, or a6 prohibited goods exported from, or imported into, the Ijii of Man, every perfon aflifting, ai;d the peifons to ivhofe hands they (liall knowinj^y come, (hall forfeit treble the value of the goods, to be y eflimated according to the beil price each commociuy bears at the port ol Douglas; and the goods, boats, cattle and carriages forfeited, and may be leized by any officer of toe CuUoms — — i8] ACTS. 47- Year and Reipn. Chap. S a 7 Geo. III. 45 48- — All fums of money to be paid in purfuance of this AA to be deemed 1 fterling money of Great Britain — — — — — j —All forfeitures and penalties fliall be fued for, determined and dilhi- 7 buted as diredled by 5 Geo. HI. cap. 39 — — — J See Cattle, I. Coals, 2. Giinfo'v.tier, 4. 5a//, 6, 46. Line,:. JUNK, fee Rags. JURIES, in cafes relating to the Cuftoms, to conCft of free born fubjedsl only • ■" ■ j See Plantations, I, 3. JUSTICES of the Peace, MagiHrates, and all others of his Majefty's officers") and fubjeds, are to be aiding and aflliiing to the officers of the I Culloms in the execution of this Ad ; and for fuch aid, ^V.fhall be f thereby defended and faved harmlefs ■ J K 13 and Car i4l II. \ 13 and 14] Car. II. ( K EN T, fee tf'ool, I, 4. KEYS, WHARFS, He. fee Goods inivards, I, 3. Goods cutinards, I. Officers 6. Ports, 4. Ifle of Man, 29. KEYS, may not be imported hy Jlrangers, to he fold, upon forfeiture, or the | KNIVES, made or wrought beyond the feas may not be imported to he fold, ' I bartered, or exchanged, upon forfeiture, or the value , 2 May not be imported hy ftrangers, to he fold, upon forfeiture, or the | 32 L -Mav not be imported by any perfons to be uttered or f/d in Great'] Britain, upon forfeiti^re tiicrecf as often as they may be found in I the hands of any perfon to he fold, except made and wrought in f Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked — J ACE, of Gold, Silver, or Copper, or'Qia.d, fee Gold, i, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7. Thread or Fringe of Gold and Silver, Briiifi, exported, the Draw- "^ back to be paid to the exporter, by the colledlor of the Duties on I Gilt and Silver Wire, on a debenture, expreffing the kinds and ' quantities, to be made forth by the colleftnr of the Culloms at the I pert of exportation, and the iliipping thereof tc It: fed by thefearcher ; )■ the exporter firil making proof upon oath, before the tolledor of the Culloms, that the faid Lace, Thread, or Fringe, was adualiy made after the liloi July 1712, and alfo giving fiTfficient fccurity, tliat they (hall not be relanded in Great Britain or the iflands o) Faro or Ferro. — — — __ I Rich. III. 5 Eliz. 3 Car. I. 10 Car. I. I Rich. III. 3 Edw. I\' 4 4 12 —J 10 Ann. 3 Geo. 1. :6 7 1.2 1 1 I, 2 lS2 A P P E N D I X. L A C E— Fnreifn Lace, mac^e of Silk or Thread, or foreign Needlework, "^ feized and condemned in Great Britain, ftiall not be delivered out j of any warehoufe v. here the fame (liall have been fecured, but for V exportation, under the like fccurities and regulations as Eajl India \ ipo goods prohibited to be worn in Great Britain. -Sie Bonelace. 3- LACES, may not be imported by Jlrangers, xohe foIJ, upon forfeiture, or 7 I the value — — — — — — J 2— Made or wrought beyond the feas, may not be imported to he fiU, \ bartered, or exchanged, upon forfeiture, or the value, — — J May not be imported by any perfons to be vttertd or feld'wi Great^ Britain, upon forfeiture thereof as often as they may be found in I the hands of any perfon to be j'old, except made and wrought in f" Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked — — — J See Silk nvr ought, 3. LADLES, may not be imported by any perfons, to hs uttered or fold \n 1 Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often ai thiv m ly be I found in the handsof any perfon to beyoA/, except made and wrought f in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked — — J L A G A N, yr? Goods inivards, 51. Shifs, 33. "L AM ^, fee Cattle. Ld^mhs, fee Shtep. L!imh-?>k\ns, fee Wool, zf. ■LhTTE'H, fee Metal. LAWNS, French, fee Cambricks, 2 Foreign, imported, all fuch fhall be rated and entered as Silejtal Lawns — — — — — — — j LEAKAGE — The allowance of 12/. per cent, to be made only on fuch Wines" 1 as (hall be imported direftly from the place of their growth, or firft /hijiping, or from the iflands of G tier njey and Jerfey, and on Ma- deira Wines from the Britijh colonies in America, or EaJ} Indies ACTS. Year andRelgn. 7 Geo. IlL I Rich. IIL ; Eliz. 3 Car I. 1 6 Car. L 3 Edw. IV. Cb.> 47 7 Geo. m. 4 Geo. III. 7 4 4 5^ -No allowance to be made for Leakage on Wines imported from" the iflands of Guernjey and Jerfey, unlefs a certificate, on oath made before three magiftrates of the rnyal courts, be produced to the proper officer of the port where fuch Wines fiiall be landt-d : the (aid oath to be taken by the (hipper of the Wines at the faid iflands, certifying the name and mailer of the vefl'cl, the number and quality of the calks with the marks, and that the Wines have )■ recc.ved no mixture fince their landing at the faid iflands, (except fuch as is ufual and necefiaiy tor the clearing and forcing the faid Wines:) and that fuch Wines have been imported into the fnid iflands in Britijh bottoms only (unlels in time ot adual war) and that they are at the time of (hipping in the (aid iflands, the pro- perty of 5riV,7& fubjcfts only — — — —No allowance to be made for Leak.ige on Wines from countries') were Briiijh confuls re(ide, imported from the iflands of Gu,r/if:v ] and Jerfey, unlefs a certificate under the hand and feal of the Bri- \ lijh cnlul refiding in the country where I'ucli Wine (hall be fii t I Ihipped, be produced at the time of importation into thofe iflanJ,-., before the royal courts there, and be th^re ]ei;i!tcred, teilifyin^, | that fuch Wines were (h;pped (or the faid iflands, or one of tacm, )■ in Britijh bottoms (unlefs '>n time of acfual war) and that the fame are the property of Brilijh fubjiiits only ; ("peclfying the name of the vedel and the maftcr, and the quantity of VVi:ie : wliich cer- tificate, indorfed by three iii.igiftrates of the royal coirrs, (h.ili be tranfmitted to the proper officer of the Cuiiomi at ihe port of im- portation in this kingdom — — — — — 8 Geo. m. Scfl. I. 2 3 II 2 4 '.2,3 II 23 APPEND! X". LEAKAGE — If fuch Wines (hall be imported from the faid iflands in different") tf parcels, the certificate fhall accompany the firft parcel ; and the re- | mainder imported in any fubfequent parcel (hall be certified by the I ihipper, upon oath made before the royal courts, tellifying the I fame to be part of the Wine contained in the certificate from the f Britijh conful, and declaririg what quantities and parcels have been fliipped, in what vefleis, and to what ports, with the quantity the | faid diirerent parcels fo fhipped amount to — — J tKATHER — Any thing wrought of tawed Leather, may not be imported by"1 1 any perfons, to be uttered cr foU in Great Britain, upon forfeiture t thereof, as often as they may be found in the hands of any per- )■ fon to he /old, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon | the feas, or wrecked — — J 2— — — Manufaftures of all forts, and Sheep Skins drefled without the wool, ? may be exported by any perfons » — — J ACTS. '83 -Tanned, manufaflured, and aflually made into goods and wares, ex-" ported, the Drawback is to be paid by the coUedor of the Excife Duties, to the exporter, out of the Duties granted by 9 Ann. cap. J I, and 10 Ann. cap. 26, on a debenture to be made forth by the )■ colledor of the Cuftoms of the port of exportation ; fecurity being firft given by the exporter, that the fame fliall not be relanded in Year and f^eign. 8 Geo. III. -Relanded, forfeited, and treble the value LEVANT Company, fee Eaft-India, 9. Seas, fee Goods innxiards, 9. LICENCES — Goods, for the importation whereof licences mud be firfl taken out, fee AiTimunition, I, 2. Plantatiorts, 47, 52, 53, 57. Sficerj, 1. Tea, 3. Viilual, 3. PToo!, 53, 7;, LINENS — Chequered, (Iriped, printed, painted, ftained or dyed, imported, after payment of the Duties N° 24. and 26, as in p. 205, 209, are to be marked or ftamped with a feal or mark, to denote the fame -Stamps or feals to be provided by the commillioners of the Cuftoms,") which they may alter as occafion requires — .. | 3 Edw. IV. 12 Car. II. i3&i4Car.II 12 Ann. ft. z, 9 Ann. Chap. Seft. 23 4 7 9 II ''^,3 II 7 68 43 -Counterfeiting the ftamps, felony . -People felling Linen knowingly with fuch counterfeit ftamps, their aiders, abettors, and afllftants, are to forfeit joo/. and to Hand in the pillory for two hours — — — — . -If defigned to be again exported ; before (hipping, notice muft be") given to the proper officer appointed by the commiflioners cf the | Cuftoms, when and where ihey are to be packed up, who is to take S- off the leals, and return an account of the kinds and quantities to [ the officer appointed to receive the fame — j iee Paper, 3. 7- -Irijh, imported into this kingdom, may afterwards be exported to the 1 ^r»/j/^ planutions in .i^^OT/r/ea, Duty free — — — — f See Ireland, I . Plantations, 20. -In Scotland, expofed to fale, or defigned to be exported, not marked 1 with the ftamp of a royal burgh, i^c. penalty 5 j. //>• piece J -Countertt-iting fuch ftamp, penalty 50/. or a year's imprifonment, 7 if the offender prove inK'lv;nt . j -Printed, ftained, pal. ted, o- dyed, iifr. in Great Britain, the Draw-") back on exportation to b.- paid by the coUeftor of Excife, on a j 10 Ann. 12 Ann. 10 Ann. 12 Ann. J9 9 19 9 12 3 Geo. L 10 Ana. 10 21 21 67 9+ »7 iSj. a P P E N D 1 X. debenture, exprefTing true kinds and quantities, to be made forth by the colledor of the Cufloras at the port of exportation ; the ex- porter having firll made proof of the payment of the Duties before the faid cnlled^or of the Culloms, and alfo having given fufficieot , fecurity, that the goods fhall not be relandcd in Great Britain — J IINENS printed, kfc. — Before fhipping, the exporter is to give to the proper^ 10 officer of the Cuftonrs notice when and where he will pack the | goods ; and fuch officer is to fee the feals or ftamps taken off from \ every piece to be exported, and to make returns of the kinds and | quantities (hereof to th.€ officer appoinxed to receive the fame — J See Silky g, lo. J 1— — — If relanded, (over and above the penalty of the bond) forfeited, or 7 the value ■ ■ '■ __— J 1.2. Manufailured in Great Britain, Ireland, or the * IJle of Man, the") Bounty on exportation thereof to be paid to the exporter, or feller | for exportation, by the coliedtor of the port from whence the fame ^ fhall be exported, out of any mosies in his hands arifing from any ( Duties, Revenues, and Culloms received at fuch port ——J n- 1-4- l^. -But not to extend to any Linens that are ilriped or chequered, or") printed' or ftained, or made into Buckrams or Tilletings; nor to I any Irijh Linen, unlefs of the property of perfons refiding in Great Britain, or in His Majefty's plantations in America; nor to | fuch IriJh Linen, whereof the piece or bolt contains thirty- eight )■ yards in length, and twenty-four inches in breadth, and Cloths of different lengths and breadtiis in proportion, from N°. i to N''. lo inclufive, weighing from fif:een to forty-four pounds, as direfled in the Aft of 9 Geo. IL cap. 37 _ -Colleftors in the out-ports of South- Britain, and in any port oi North'' Britain, not having money fufficient in their hands to pay fuch bounties, are to certify the fame to the conimiffrbners of the Cuf- loms at London or Edinburgh refpeilively, who Ihall caufe payment thereofto be made by the refpedlive receiver-general; and if the )• receiver-general of Edinburgh hath not money falRcient in his hand', the commiflioners at Edinburgh, or any three of them, ihall certify the fame to the commiliioners in London, who are to caufe payment thereofto be made by the receiver-geneial there ^ -The exporter, or feller for exportation, (hall exprefs in his entry, and" jndorfe on the cocket, the quantity and value of fuch Linen, and produce- a. certificate from the fearcher, verifying the fhipping thereof, and likewife give fecurity in double the value of the goods, and 100/. not to reland them in Great Britaiti, Ireland, or »_ the Ifie of Man, and alfo make oath of the value of fuch Linens, and that the fame were made in Great Britain or Ireland, and (if in Ireland) that, at the time of exportation, they were the property •fa perfcn or perfons refiding in Great Britain, Grin fomo of H:s Majetty's plantations in America — -^ _ -After entry of any Linens, as being entitled to this bounty, the"), fearcher, or other proper officer, may open and examine any pack- 1 age, to fee if the goods are rightly entered and indorfed ; and if ! they are. fo, he muft repack them. at his own charge, which fhall f be allowed to the ofEcer by the commiflioners of the Cuiloms, if I they think it reafonable — _, — ^ — J -If any Linen, fo to be exported for the bounty, fhall be of greater' value than 18^/. per yard, the exporter, or feller thereof for expor- tation (on demand in writing made by the cullomer or colleftor, and comptroller of the port of exportation) fliail caufe it to be de- livered into the King's warehoufe; and the colledor ihall pay to \- lie exporter, ye. (out of any money in his hands) the value of u. | ajiAj; The Malt-Afl yearly. 1 Geo. r. 6 Geo. I. -Muft be imported only in Ihips belonging to Great Britain or Ireland ■,'\ except fucli Ihips as are of the built of the country whereof the faid | goods are the growth, produftion, or manufadure, or of fuch port )■ where the faid goods can only, or moll ufually are firll Ihipped for \ tranfportation; on forfeiture of ihip and goods — J See Plantations, 21, 22, 58. -Imported from the Britijh plantations in America or Scotland, for the regulations for the bounty thereon, fee Na-val Stores. 13 & 14Car.II 6 Geo. I. 12 Car. II. 21 lA.WOK, fee Inforn:a:!ons, 12. Ships, 7, 20, 22. MEDITERRANEAN PASSES. Counterfeiting, altering, or erafing them or i^nowlngly uttering or publifljing fuch counterfeited, altered eraled pallet, felony without benefit of clergy MELASSES, /v /'■c/a«rt', 4. Plantations, I, l^c. , or ^ 4 Geo. II. Merchants put out of their tums, without exprefs order or approbation 1 1 of the fuperior ofScers, penalty double colls and damages 3 . See the igih Rule of the Book of Rates, page 13 tn the Second Part. -Qcnizen, or Stranger, Hiall not enter, or caufe to be entered in the' books of any officer of any port in this realm, any goods what- foever, coming into, or to be tranfported out of the fame, in the name of any other perfon than the very owner thereof, being not i3&i4Car.lI. 1 Eliz. 18 13 4 23 :.3 34 APPENDIX. fold, bargained, or contrafted for, with any perfon before fucli j entry, or before the arrival of the goods in parts beyond the feas, | upon pain of forfeiture of the goods fo entered — J See Aliins. Goods i/i'warJs, 2 2. METAL — Brafs, Copper, Lattcn, Bell-mttal, Pan-metal, Gun-metal, ShrufF- I metal, clean or mixed (except Tin and Lead) : on forfeiture of double the value, and weight ■ -And alfo except Copper and Mundick-metal, made of Britijh and foreign Copper in bars See Iron, I . ; to be laden coaftwife in any port or creek, where the cuftomerorT is deputy are not refident, on forfeiture thereof, and lo/. for V- -Not his deputy every thoufand weight -Carried coaftwife, if bond be taken without date, the cuftomer and) comptroller forfeit their ofSce, and the value of the Metal j See Goods coajl'wije outiuards, I, 2, 3. -Cuftomer or fearcher knowingly fuffering the fame to be (hipped, and' not feizing it, forfeit office, and the value 5 ——Mailers, owners, I3c. of fliips, willingly permitting the illegal (hip- ping, or not difclofing it within three days to the cuftomer or comptroller of the port, are to forfeit double the value _ MITTS of Leather, fee Glo'ues of Leather. MITTS of Silk, fee Gloves of Silk. MO^^'^, fee Aliens, 4. Coin. MOVt.TL\^GS, fee Plantations, 34. //W, 14, ii -Upon the landing of the aforcfaid Stores and Trees, either from the "j BritiJ]} plantations or Scotland, the pre-emption or refuial mul! be { offered ;;nd tendered to the comniiffioners of the Navy ; and if, witliin twenty days after fuch tender, they (hall not contradl tor the fame, the importers may otherwife difpolc of them 10 — -No fee, grauity, or reward, may be demanded or taken by the offi-") cers of the Culloms, for the examining, viewing, or delivering I any of the afordaid Naval Stores, or for making or (igning certifi- ! ca'.es, in order to receive the premium, upon the forfeiture of ' cfiice, and ico/. and to be rendered incapable of ferving His Majelly ' -And if any of the aforefaid Naval Stores, or Trees, fhall be again"] exported, the exporter muft, before entry thereof, produce to the , collcftor, i^c. of the Culloms, at the port of exportation, a re- | ceipt from thetieafurer of the Navy, or his cafhier, fubfcribed by i his comptroller, or his chief clerk, fignifying that the full amount )■ of the aforefaid premium had been repaid to him; on failure where- of, fuch Stores may not be exported ; and if fuch Stores are frau- dulently exported, without repayment of the premium, they are forfeited, and double the value . 5^^ Iron, 8, 9. -And, if upon the exportation of the aforefaid Stores, doubts fhall arife concerning the growth, produff, or manufafture, the onus prohandi fliall lie on the owner or claimer thereof ACTS. 1S9 year and Reign. Chap. S:rt. 2 Geo. ir. »3- lunt thereof to be laid before bo'h J , . lion, by the commilTioners of the t ' „, .,, ^ -Imported from Ri/JJJa — A true account thereof to be laid before bo'h ' houles ol parliament, every ieliic Culloms, under their hands 5 Geo. I. 2 Gio. ir. NEEDLES, -vocat Pack Needles, may not be imported by any perfons, to be" uttered or fold in Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to he/cid, except made and wrought in Inland, or tal-cen upon the fea.>!, or wreck'd forfeited: the importer liable to 100/. the' "NEEDLE WORK— Imported, filler 50/. j See Lace. NEWCASTLE, fee Coals, 3, 4. NEWFOUNDLAND TKADE-Frce to all .ffW/;/^fubjeas — — See PLtiitaiions, 33, 34, 35. 2 Mailers of fiiips bound thithir, to carry at lea.1 one frt fh m.in in fiie ;"] of by-boats, to carry at leall two frefh men in hx ; that is, one that | lias made no more than one voyage, and one that has never been at )■ A a a 1 1 35 '4- 'S 3 Edw. IV. 13 and IJ.7 Car. 11. i lO&liW. III. 13 18 11 1' (10 I 16 — 19. 10 190 APPENDIX. fea before ; an J are to make oath accordingly before the colleftor | of the p'lrt, who is to give them a certificate thereof — — J See Greenland, 2. NORWAY — The trade thither free to all perfons — — — — NOTES, prominbry — Made and figned by any perfon, or by the fervant orT agent cf nny corporation, barker, ccildlmith, merchant, or trader, I who is ufually incrolled to fign fuch notes, are to be deemed pay- ) able according to the conditions thereof, and are affionable or in- .' dorfable over, and an action thereon may be maintained in the fame | manner as inland bills of exchange — — — J NUSANCE, common or publick, fee Cattle, i. Hides, 7. Hops, i. Wool, 23, l^c. NUTMEGS, fee Sjticery. ACTS. Year and Reign. Chap Seft :; Car. II. 3 and 4 Ann. 7 Ann. o o BLIGATIONS, fee Bonds. OFFENCES — Againft penal Ilatutes may be profecuted, tried, i^c. by way of I adlion, Siff. before juftices of aflize, niji prius, gaol delivery, oyer and terminer, or jullices of peace for the coun y, t^c. where com- mitted . ■ -Informer or plaintiff not proving the offence by evidence to the jury, | the defendant to be found not guilty — — — j ——See Informations. OFFICERS of the Customs — Not to obtain their offices for gift, favour or af- I fedlion, but for defert, as being of the beft and moft iawfjl me and fufficient to their ellimation and knowledge — ^( -Not to have their offices for life or term of years, but during the So-") vereign's pleafure only; and faid offices to remain in His hands, j under the government of the Treafury — — — S. -Letters patent, charters, or grants made otherwife, are void -J -To refide by themfelves, or their fufficient deputies, at the feveral head ports, members and creeks, on penalty of 100/. lofs of office, < and imprifoment — — __ __ _ -No perfon may bargain or fell any office, or the deputation thereof, or any part ihtruof, nor receive any money, fee, or reward, or any protnife, agreement, or afl'urance for any orfice in the Culloms, upon penalty of forfeiting the place by the fcl.'er, and the buyer to be adjuoged incapable to erjoy the fame, and the bargain, fale, Ue. to be void — — — J -Or the;rrep«t!fs or Cl-jrks, not to have any ihips of their own, nor to"! freight atiy fiiips, nor to buy or ftU any merchandize, nor to have | any wharfs or keys, nor hold any common liolleries, or taverns, )■ ror to he faftors for any merchant, denizen or alien, or hoft to any | TOcrchiiit aliti], ou forfeiture cf 40 /• -— — J zi Jac. I. 13 Hen. IV. I Eliz. 13 and 12 Rich. II. 14 Rich. II. 17 Rich. II. I Hen. IV. zoHen. VI. 31 Hen. VI. 1 Hen IV. 4 Hen. IV. 14 14 Rich. II. 4 He a IV. 11 Hen. IV. JO Hen. VI. Car-. II. 5 5:6Edw. A'l. 16 10 5 •3 5 5 '3 20 10 21 2 5 I I I 8 H APPENDIX. OFFICERS of the Customs. — No perfon to be Cuftomer, Comptroller, or •J Scarchej in any port where he is common Officer, or deputy to fuch common Officer, upon forfeiture of 40/. for every half year he executes both offices — — — — . 8- -Two of the Commlffioners firft named in the commiffion are, before"^ the chancellor, or chief baron of the Exchequer, or mailer of the lolls , and every other of the Corr.mlffioncrs, Patent officers, their Deputies, Clerks or fervants, and ail other Officers of :h.-; Cu- ftoms in the port o{ London, are, be.'ore any two of the faid Com- millioners, upon their admiffion, to take their corpora! oaths for the true and faithful execution of their trufts and employments^ to the bell of '.heir knowledge and power, and that they will not take or receive any reward or gratuity, except their falaries, and what is allowed them from the Crown, or the.ir regular fees eftablilhcd ^ by law — — — — — — __ -In the out-ports, at their admiffion, to take the like oath before two juftices of the peace — — — — — — 1,0- 11- 12- »3- -Refufal or neglcci of taking fuch oath, is forfeiture of office — -The taking of fuch oath to be certified to the next general quarter- fcffioiis — — — — — — -Deputies, Clerks, and fervantf, before employed in the Cudoms, are to take their corporal oaths before the Commiffioners and prin- cipal Officers in the port of London, or the principal Officers in the out-ports, or any tv ing to the ufage of tlie ch rch o, EngLuid, in iome publick church, ( upon a Lord's day, within thr.A.- mouths after adm'flion, under the ( penalties, forfeitures, and diiabiliiies, as in Art. 16 — ! -A certificate thereof, under the hands of the minifler and church- wardens, mult be produced in the court wheie the oathf men tioiied in the following article are direfted to be taken ; and there conliimed by the oath of two citdible wiinefles at the lead OFFICERS of the Cudoms in England — At any time before the end of the next term, or general quarter- feffion, after admiffion, are to take and fubfciihe the oaths of allegiance, fupremacy and abjuration (in the words prefcribed by i Geo. I. cap 13.) if they relide within Lon- don or ir^ftininftcr, or within thirty miles thereof, in the courts of Chancery, Kind's Bench, Common pleas, or Exchequer ; or elfe at the general quarter-feffi.n of the county, i^c. where they re- fide, between the hcufs of nine and twelve in the forenoon ; upon forfe.ture of office, unlefs it be in inheritance, and a Deputy be ap- pointed, who qualifies himfelf, ai pcrfon giving the biibe, or offering any bribe, whether it is ac- j cepied or mu, to forfeit 50/. — — — J • Seelfucl, 86. hit the offenders revealing tlieir offences within two months to the" Iteafuier oi England, the chancellor, under-treafu the Exchequer, are to be acquitted two months to theT ifurer, or barons of i. jally detaining goods, or neglcfling or refufing to make repav- T lents and allowances, or, after notice given, not giving out and V- d and to return a j regil^er thereof yearly into the Exchequer, upon forfeiture of 5/. for every bond, and 20/. for every oath not certified -Granting a warrant for, or fufFering any of the enumerated goods from the plantations, to be carried to any other country, until firil landed in Great Britain, forfeit their places, and the value of the -Or others, razing, counterfeiting, or falfifying any cncket, tranlire, ' let-pjff, ccriiticate, or other Cuftom-houfe difpatch, forfeit 100/.' and fuch difpatth to be void — ' -Granting a falfe coaft- certificate, forfeit their office and 50/. to be' imprifoned a year without ball, and to fuffer fuch corporal punilh- ment as the court of Exchequer Ihall think fit ; and to be incapable of ferving again in the CulKans -Fi^. Ctiftomers, not mentioning the colour, length, content, weiul and value of foreign goods in coall-cettiricate"s, "^ office, and to be fined at the King's plealure -/';■;;. Cullomersand coiJtdors of t' e Culloms, within ten days notice j from the Ivnig, or lix of. his privy-councii, are to declare vUi.it ( money due to the King is in tneir hands, and to pay the f,m.- wiicn f comniindcd, upon forieiture of office J content, weight, ') e to forfeit their C Year and Reign. Ch.ip. 'iei*. i3&i4Car. II. 1 1 6 6 Geo. I. 21 H 3 5 6 — 6 — 37 I2iT3W. III. 10 r,7, 3? 6 Ann. 7 -5 V i2&i3W.i;i. 10 «9 3 J^c. I. 4 5'^ it I) Car. 11. 7 9 i3&i4Car.Il. 1 1 s 33 Hen. VI II. 7 i3&i4Car.lI. 11 S 3 Hen. VII. ^ 1 7 Edw. VJ. \ '3 194 APPENDIX. OPnCERSof theCiiItoms in Qreat Britain Viz. CuHomers, upon yielding 7 45 their accounts in the Exchequer, to be fwurn (hereto \ 44. /7z. Cu(lon:ier5, collcflors, and comptroileis, concealing the Cuftoms T duly entered and paid, forfeit treble the value of the good^, and > arc to make fine and ranfom —— j 45 Viz. Collcfiors detaining publick money, are to pay interelt for the fame, after the rate of izl. per cent, per c.unum, with treble damages to the perfons grieved, and to be difmiflid 46 Viz. Collcilors diverting or mifapplying the money received on the") branclics therein appropriated, are to be difniiffed, render;d inca- ( pable to ferve Hif Majelly, and to forfeit double the fum diverted ( or mlfnpplied, and 12 /ir rf;;/. intereft J 48- -49- 5z- 53- 5+- 55- 56- 57- 58- 47 Appointed for managing, collefling, l£<:. the refpedive branches, rt-fufing or neglefling to pay the monies into the Exchequer, or diverting i.r mifcipplying any pait thereof, are to forfeit their offices, and to be rendeted incapable of ferving His Majefty in any place of prclit or truft, and to forfeit double the value of the fum diverted or mifapplied ______ -Colleflors detaining any monies received for any of the fald Duties, are to be difmilfed, and to be charged ivith inteieft at 12/ peri cent, per annum, and be liable to treble damai^es — -Vlx.. Cuilomers, collcftors, receivers, ^c. All land?, tenements," profits, commodities, and hereditaments, v.hich any Officer, whofe whole receipt from the beginning, or yearly receipt, exceeds 300/. hath or fta)] have whlil lie remains accountable, fhall be liable to the payment of his arrearages or debts, and may be put in execution for the fame by way of extent ■ _ -If arrearages are not paid within fix months after the account be' finifhed, or debt krown, the King may, by letters patent, make ] fale of fo much ol the lands, I3c. as will fatisfy the debt hoi'.oh the Officer be dead, if the account be T within eight years after his death ; unkfs > us eji, or a difchargc in his lifetime j -Such falc may be made, though the Officer be dead, if the account be" ikt^d, or debt known fuch Oificer had a quietus -Lands, cjff. purchafed after the perfnn became an Oificer, if for his own " ufe, though in the name of another perfon, yet to be liable to the ' Crown's debts ■ -The Crown's dcbt« being fully, or in part fatisfied, by fale of the] lands, £3f, the Ofiicer'i furcties are to be difcharged accordi J of the J Jingly— j -Who fit above flairs in the Cuftom-houfc, their time of attendance. 1 ith Rule, page 1 3 in llje Second Part. -To difpatch merchants in tlicir turns. 19/6 Rule, fage 13, ZccondParl. -Celov/ ilairs, their attendance -fee Goods inwards, 3, 4. ■ Embezzling any goods lodged in any v/arehoafe in their cuRodv, are 1 to forfeit double the v.'due, and f.ill eoils ■ ' j ACTS, Year and Rcipn. ; Hen. IV. 3 Hen. VI. i3 Eliz. 20 Car. II. Ann. Se«a. ■ May not exaft unlawful fees- ' Fees, 5, 13 Eliz. «3 27 Eliz. 1 3 Eliz; 13 Eliz. 27 Eliz. 8 Ann. 21 13 '4 2. 3 2, 8 27 APPENDIX. OFFICERS of the Cul'ioms in Great Britain But may take fuch recompence~| tq for extraordinary fervice and attendi;nce at times and places not 1 required by law, as the coinniiffioiiers in the port of London, and V the collei^or, culloiner, and comptroller of the out pores, or an) | two of them, (hall determine See Eafi-India, iz. Plantations, 145. OFFICERS of E>:cife — Arrack, Rum, Biandy, Sfiiiits- or Strong Waters, or"] 60 other Ex-cifeabic Liquors, Coffee, Tea, Cocoa-nuts, Ch icrlate. and Cocoa- parte, on board a fni Britain, or found unfbippii fearched for, and feized, together with the package, by the Officers of Excife, in like manner as by the Officers of theCuiloms J ip within the limits otany port of Great ! ing, or unffiippej before entry, may be j 61 Brandy, Rum, Spirits or Strong Waters, foreign, upon an Excife-"^ ofticer's oath of fufpicion of concealment, made btfore the com- ] miflioners, or a jullicc of the peace, they may impower him to enter Y fuch fufpefted places, and feizc the liquors, with the cafks, i£c. \ Oiiicers obftruiled, the penalty 100/. J 62 Attempting to corrupt them, the penalty is 500/. ceflbr: but the Officers not required to take any oaths, de refpeit of being continued for luch fix months only -Of the Cuftoms, Excife, and Stamp Duties, feverally continued for" ever ; witli a proper number of commiflioners, and a comptroller, ' in eacn ot them ' ' '■ ■ . ' ACTS. '9: Ycat and R-'ign. Cbau. sccV 6 & 7 W. lil. OFFICERS of the Culloms, Excife, or any other Duties — In difputes upon any "l 6j trial, whether a perlon is an Officer, it fiiall be fufficient proof that ( he was fo reputed, and had fo a6led, without producing his au- 1" thotity, unlefs there be evidence to the contrary J See H'ool, 85. OFFICERS, or their affiilants, being refirted or molclled in the execution of) 64 their d-uty, by per'lons puiiiog armed with proiiibited or uncullomed / goods, may oppole force to iorce, in defence of themlelves, and y execution ot their duty; and if apprehended for beating, maimina;, \ or killing any perlon fo refilling them, are to be admitted to bail J OFFICES of the Cuftoms in Great Britain, either by patent, grant, or other-~\ » wife, ate no; void by the demife or death of His Majelly, his heir^ and fucce/liirs, but are to continue in force for the fpace of fix ! months after, unlefs fooner fuperfeded or made void by the fuc- [ 'jvo, in I J I Geo. I. II ■S Geo. I. 1 1 Geo. I. 9 Gto. II. 2 1 30 I Ann. 4 and ; Ann. -Of profit, and all other payments from the Crown, are liable to a de-"! duction, not exceeding ttd. in the pound; which His Majelly may, I by a warrant under the great feal of Great Britain, privy leal, or ! royal lign mar.ual, caule to be made, cut of all falaries, fees, wages, [ and other p;.) nicnts, or aiiy arrearages thereof from the Ciown, for | the ule of His Majsliy's civil liil J -Cf prolit, exceeding ico/. per annum, to pay, over and above all otl.er 1 Duties, is. for every los. value of the falaries, fees, and per- C quilites ■ ■ I i \ -Profits of fuch fees, perqui'.lter, ^c. to be computed according to the ' r.ili.irnieat of the laiid-ia.x. . ■ 6 Ann. 1 Geo. II. Ann, 7 Geo. I. I i Geo. I. 1 2 Geo. I. 31 Geo. II. according to the 1 -Not to be affeffed higher than they were by 31 Geo. II. G;c. II. 40 25 32 35 35 8 2 6 7 3,i3 5 2 ~ J 7 21 ■■ -7 19 17' 19 2 26 1(^6 APPENDIX. OIL, ytv Greialami, 4. OL!\''E-OIL, may rot be imported from the Keihcrhuich or Germany, on (ot-\ 1 feiture of fliip aad goods j 2 r>Iay be imported only in fhips belonging to Grcnf Britain ^r Ireln>!d;~* except fuch (hips as are of the l)iiilt of ihe country whereof it the growth, prodoftion, or maniifadiire, or of fnch port where it can only, or moil ufuaily is, firll fhipped for tranfportation; on forfeiture of fliip iind goods — — ■ CUN'CE, Briiip, to weigh twenty pence, or (Icrlings OXEN, may be exported by any p.crfons _$ P P. ACKAGE of goods altered on board, fie Shi/n, 3, 4. PACKET-BOATS may not import or export any goods, unlefs by the allow- ance ot the officers of the Cui!om«, upon forfeituie of fuch goods, and 100/. by the mailer, befides lofs of place PAINTED WARES, may not be imported by any perfons, to be uiiered or foW in Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfin to be fold, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked PANELES, y^t'/r^/rtW, 4. Plantations, 52. Sugars. PAN METAL, > Mf/«/. PAPER, Briiijh, exported, the Drawback to be paid under the fame regu I lations and penalties as on Sope, fee Safe. 2 ——And Linens checquered, flripcd, ^e. foreign, (hipped for exportation, and afterwards relanded, are torteited, or their values, befides tiie penalty of the bond ' 3 Painted, foreign, may not be impcrted hy grangers , tohe/old, upon 1 forfeiture, orthe\aIue j PARISH-BOYS, fee J/'/'rcntices. PATENTS, may not be imported by any perfons, to be uttered or fold in"] Great Britain, upon foi feiture t'neieof, as often as they may be I found in the hands of any perfoii to he fo/d, except made and ( wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked J PEARLS, fee Diamonds. PEARL-ASHES, /? ^/.^y, 2. ACTS. Year and R;;ign. PENALTIES pecuniary and forfeitures- I Ships, 63, 64. -On maflers of Ships, Jei -On officers, fee Officers. -On warehoufe-kcepers, fee Eafl India, 39. Petprr, 7. -On wharfingers, fee Goods inwards, 5. Goods eittivards, 10. -How to be fued for, profecuted, and recovered, fee Informations. Frojccutions. Seizures, 1 3. i3&i4Car.II. 12 Car. II. I •; Edw. L II Hen.Vir. 12 Hen. VIL 1 2 Car. II. Chap. I I 18 i3S:i4Car.IL 3 Edw. IV, 10 Ann. Rich. III. 3 Eciw. IV. I 4 5 <9 APPENDIX. PENNY, Biitijh or fterling, is to weigh thirty-two grains of Wheat well dried, taken out of the middle of the ear ■ PEPPER may be imported into the port of London only ; and upon entry' 1 thereof, and payment of half the Subfidy, muil be forthwith put into warehoufes, provided at the charge of the importer, and ap- proved of by the commiffioners of the Cufloms, upon forfeiture, and loo/. ■ - 2 When in fuch warehoufes, may be garbled or fifted from ftones, dirt, or other trafh, which the commiflioners of the Cuftoms may caufc to be deftroyed — — 2 The proprietor of the Pepper may affix one lock to each warehoufe, and keep the key; and may, in the prefence of the warchoufe- keeper, who mult attend at all feafonabic times, view, fort, and deliver the fame - — — ^— A Upon delivery cut of fuch warehoufes, if for home-confumption, the buyer mull pay the remainder ot the Dutie^ ; but if for ex- portation, fulhcient fecurity muil be frit ^livcn, that it Ihall be really exported, and not relandtd in Great Britain See Goods oittiuards, 14. r Which fecurity may be difcharged, upon certificate under the com- mon feal of the cliicf magiftiate, or under the fi .nds and (eals o' two known Britijh niercliants, teitifving the landing, ur upon proul that it was taken by enemits, or pcrifned at fea — \ 6 Warehoiife-keepers are to enter all Pepper brnuf>ht in and carried on,") diilinguifhing that for home-conlum,. tion Irrm that t)r exportation ; and at the end of every fix moi ths mull tranffiiif an txail account thereof, and of what is remaining in their culiody, upi-n oath, to the commiffioners of the Cuftoms; v.hoare, wi hin one month, to caufe the books and warehoufes to be infpeited, and the accounts examined ■ ^-^ '/—— If upon fuch examination, it (hall appear that any Pepper has been delivered out without payment of Duty, or fecurity for exportation, the warehoufe- keeper is to forfeit the value thereof, and 100/ and to be rendered incapable of any publick employment — — PERSIA, fee Rujfia, 2. PEWTER, any thing made thereof, out of this realm, may not be bought c;- ) bartered for, on forfeiture thereof, and the value — j PIKE-HEADS, may be exported by any pcrfons PISTOLS, may be exported by any perfons ACTS. 197 PINSONS, may not be imported by any perfons, to be uttered or fold in Great' Britain, Uj on forfeiture thereof, as often as they may be found in the hand.! of any perfon to be fold, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the fcas, or wrecked — PINS, made or wrought beyond the feas, may not be imported to I tcred, or exchanged, upon forfeiture, or the value be fold, bar- \ -May not be imported by Jlrangers, to be fold, upon forfeiture, or ' the value '• _^___ ' ' -See Note eit Combs. 3C ^ I Edw. I. II Hen. VII. ,2Hen. VIl. 8 Ann. 10 Aril. 8 Ann. S Ann. 8 Geo. I. S Ann. 2,- Hen. VIII. 35 Hen. Vm. I 2 Car. II. 3 Edw. IV. 5 Eliz. ^ Car. I. 16 Car. 1. 1 Rich. III. Cfi.p. Sea I I 4 1 < 5 1 7 -far, I 2' 26 45 7 «3' r2c — ]- (24 >5 15 7 22 9 1 + ', 6 4 11 — 1 1 4 1,2,3 7 3 4 1 1 4 - IZ 1. 2 198 APPENDIX. PITCH, may not be imported from the Netherlands, or Germany, on forfeiture 1 1 of fliip and goods — — J 2 May be imported only in (tiips belonging to Great Britain or Ireland.^ except futh as are of the built of the councry whereof it is the | groi'.th, produftion, or manutadlurc, or of fuch pi>rt where it can )> only, or in )ll ufuaily is, firll (hipped for tranl'portaiion, on for- j feiture of Ihip and goods — — — — — J See Plantations. Iron, 8, 9. J Imported from the Britijh plantations; for the regulations for the bounty thereon, fee Na-val Stores, ^hkm^S, fee Wood. PLANTATIONS, Britijh, in Jjia, Africa, or America— Ho goods to be im-" I ported into, or exported from thence, in any other but fhips of the built oi Great Britain, Ireland, or the faid plantations, wholly owned by the people thereof, and whereof the mailer, and at leaft three-fourths of the mariners, are of the faid places, (except fliips taken as prize, and legally condemned, navigated by the mafler and three- fourths of the mariners Britijh, or of the faid Plantations, and owned by Britijh) upon forfeiture of the (hip and goods: one- third to His MajfUy, one-third to the governor, and one-third to the feizer and informer ' ■ Sec Ships, 49. -Admirals and other commanders of (hips of war, are to fei prize, all (hips ofiending, and to deliver them to the co Admiralty ■ ^^— ^— ze, as T urt ofi- -Ships not to be deemed or pafs as the built oi Great Britain, Ireland,' Guernjey, JeiJ'ey, or the 5W/'(//?' Plantations, fo as to bequali(ied to trade, till regiftered by the owners, and proof of the bailt and pro- perty be made upon the oath of one or more of them, before the collcftor and comptroller of the port oi Great Britain or Ireland, to which they then belong, or before the governor and principal o(nccrs cf the revtnuJ in the Plantaions, Gucrnfey or Jer/ey, if the (hip belongs to thofe places, in the words following : 'via. Jurat. A. B. That the Jhip is at prefent majier, being a at in the year — of. "f and that ix'hercof - tons, --was hu of. and of , &C. are at prejent oivners thereof; and that no foreigner, direSlly or indireclly, hath any Jl^are, part, or interejt therein — — . -Such oath to be regiftered by theperfons who adminiftered it, and at-' tefted under their hands and fe.ils, ard then delivered to the mafter; and a duplicate thereof immediately tranfmitted to the coni- miilionersof the Cuftoms ___^_ - -For want of fuch proof, (hips tiading thither are liable to forfeiture, as if they were foreign lliips J ACTS. Year anJ Reien 3 i 14. Lar. il , 2 Car. II. Ch.ip. I 1 Scft. 23 7 &8 Will. Ill, 12 Car. II. ned, moll befpecially regillered, men-"] Dndemnation, inlleid of the time and I lof upon ouch, that the entire property J -But prize (hips legally condemned, moll befpecially regillered, men- tioning the capture and coi: place of building; with proof ii Britijh See Prize. -The name of a ft.ip changed after regiftering, or the property trans- ~1 ferred to .mother port, fuch (hip to be regillered de nova, and the | ibimer ccrtiiicatc thereof to be cancelled; and if the property bi )■ 7 &8 Will. Ill 7 and 8 2i I 2> 3 ]8 22 »7 18 7 and 8 • 7 and 8 '9 APPENDIX. altered in the fame port bv the fale of any fliare, it mud be ac- | knowledged by indorlVment on the certificate of the rtgift-r, before | two wit elTes _____ J See Alt. S, 9, 10, 11. PLANTATIONS, Britijh, in Afia, Africa, ar America — No (liip, required to"^ % be regillered by 7 and 8 VVill. 111. cap. Z2, Tnay be permitied to trade, or deemed qualified for that purpoie, within the intent of the faid .Ad, until the miler make oath, before the governor 01 c'-l- leftor of the CulToms of the Plantation where he arrives, as follows: Jurat. A. B. That the Jhip or -v-JJel called the , ivberetf he !0- II- this dejjcnent or n_ffirmanl is majler, or hath the charge and com- mand during this prejent 'voyage, being of the burthen of tons, came lafi from — — , and that Jhe is, as he 'verily helie'ves, the fame Jhip or i-rfjel defcribcd, meant and intended in and by the certificate new fr'jduced by him ; and that the Jame does noiu, as he believes, belong ivholly to His Majfjiy's Britilh fubjeils ; and that no foreigner has, d'reSily or mdireiily, any Jhare, properly, or intereji therein, to his knov:ledge or belief !, before T , and di- v -Any (hip loading or unloading any goods in the Plantations, fuch proof, is forfeited, and may be profecuted, recovered vided in like manner, as if ihe had not been regillered -Any (hip duly qualified to trade to, from, and in His Majefiy's Plan-" rations in America, being mere, and the certifica(e of the re^illcr loft or midaid, the mailer is to make oath before the governor, or colleftor of the Cuftoms, where (he is, as follows : Jurat. A. B. mafer (or having charge) of the Jhip or 'veffel called the , that the faid Jhip or •vej/el has been, as he 'verily he- lie'ves, regijiered according to laiv, to qualify her to trade to, from, and in His Majejfy's Plantations in America, and that he had a certificate thereof granted at the port of ; hut that the fame is loft or mijtaid, and that he cannot find the fame, and ' does not kno-uu ivhere the Jame is, or luhat is become thereof; and that the Jame hath not been, nor Jhall be, 'vui'.h his pri-vity or Aniivledge, fid or dijpofed of to any perj'on or perj'ons luhutj'oe ver ; and that he this deponant or affirmant, and three-fourths oj' the mariners na'vi gating the faid Jh:p or iiefel, are His Majejiy's Britifh /j(^>7- 18- J -No mariner or perf4 -/ •02 APPENDIX. PI AKTATIONS, Z?,////'-, i:\ Ajui, J/rica, or America— '\>io Iron of the pro-^ 23. duce, Uc. oi any Britip Colony or Plantation in America, fliall be there loatlen until bond be given with one farei)', bclides the mallsr of the vefltl, in penalty of double the value of the goods, that it 'ftiall not be landed i;i any pare of Europe, except Grcrt Britain or * i . IreiaiiA, with condition to bring a certificate in difcharge thereof, ^in eighteen months, for fuch as (hall t e landed in Great Britain for jre/a>:d; wiihin fix months for fuch as fli.iU bo landed in any B, iriyi \']iia!iti^n in Ai.iirica ; and wi.hin twelve months for futh as iiiall be landed in any otiier part of America, Afia, or Jfrica ■ ^j No Wood commonly called Lumber (as fpecified in an Aft, 8 Geo I.) of the produce of any Brilijh Colony or Plantatiim in America, fliall be there loaden until bond be given as before, that the goods (hall not be carried to any part oi Europe, except Great Britain or * Ire- land, or except the * Madeiras or the v.eflern Ifles called the Azores, or any • part of Europe to the foutlnvard of Cape Finifterre : with con- dition to produce a certificate as above-mentioned, or within eighteen months for fuch as (hall be landed at l\\e Madeiras, (Jc. — 25 Ships belonging to the faid Plantations, landing any of the aforefaid enumerated ooods in any place o( Europe, except Great Britain, are forfeited, with their furniture, fife. 26- iS- 2.()- A GTS . Yejr .ind'Rcijn. Chap. I Sv — — —Ships taking in g.jods, before a certificate of bond being given in Great Britain is produced, or bond be given in the Plantations, or carrying the goods contrary to the tenor of the bond, are for- See Art 36, 37. Shifs, 56. 45 •5 28 45 ^3 12 Car. IT. 22 and 23" Car. II. ' 7&8W.Iir. -Governors are to return yearly, at lealt, a lill of all (hips which" have taken in any of the aforefaid goods, and alfo true copies of | all the bonds by them taken, to the chief ofHters of the cuftoms in -Bond and fecurity (liall be given in the penalty above-mentioned to~ the principal o(ficer of the Cuftoms, at the place in the Britijh Ame- rican Colonies, with one furety, befides the mailer that (hall take on board any goods not particularly enumerated, with condition that fuch goods Ihall not be landed at any port o( Europe, to the north- ward of Cape Finijlerre, except in Great Briiain or * Ireland, or (Rum excepted) in \ Jerfcy ox Giiern/ey; which bond fliall be dif- . charged in the manner here metiLioned ; <^;;:. for fuch of the goods as (hall be entered for Great-Britain or * Ireland, the condi- tions (h.ill be to bring a certificate in difcharge thereof, witiiin eighteen months, and within fix months (or (iich as (liall be en- tered (or the Br:t!jh colonies in America: fuch certificate to be 12 Car. II. 22 and 23 Car. il. 7 Geo. III. 9 Geo. 111. 26 6 Geo. m. 26 2 2u 12 '3 '9 ■ i '3 30 212 APPENDIX. PLANTATIONS, Brltijh, \n Afia, Africa, OT America — Any perfon afiifting in" gj. the unlawful landing, or receiving into their cuilociy, any of the aforefaid goods fo landed, are to forfeit treble the value; and hr molefting the ofiicer in the execution of his duty, 50/. and to fuffer three months imprifonment » — — 95- 96- -Officers conniving at the faid offence, are to forfeit 50/. and be ren- 1 dered incapable of holding any employment under His Majefty- J -Maflers of {hips, being His Majelly's fubjefls, receiving on board any' of the aforefaid goods, in order to land the fame contrary true intent of this Ail, are to forfeit too/. )ard any T I to the i' 97- 98- ■99- -Such offences and forfeitures may be profecuted, within two years^ after the offence, in any court of Admiralty or record in His | Majefty's Plantations where the offence is committed; and the for- feiture is to be divided, one-third to His Majefty; (which, the ex- pences of profecution being firft paid thereout, is to be applied for the fupport of the government of the Colony where it fliall be re- covered) one-third to the governor; and one-third to the informer j orprofecutor ■ ^— — — J -In all fuch profecutions for illegal landing the faid goods, the on:is pro- 7 bo.ndi is to lie on the claimer or owner thereof J -For all white or clayed Sugars, of the produce, l;Sc. of any foreign' Plantation in America, Indico and Coffee of foreign produce, all Wines (except French Wines, which fhall be brought into any Britifo Colony or Plantation in America, there fhall be paid the following -} Duties ; -viz. White and clayed Sugar, foreign, the hundred weight Indico, foreign, the pound ' Coftee, foreign, imported from any place, excep Great Britain, the hundred weight Wines of the growth of the Macieiras, or any other place from whence fuch Wine may be imported, im- ] ported from fuch places, the ton . Portugal, Spanijh, or other Wine, except French, im- ' ported from Great Britain, the ton '_ I. I o d. o 6 19 9 o 10 100- -Th he Duties hereby charged upon white and clayed Sugars, foreign Indico, foreign Coffee and Wines, are to be railed, paid, ts'c. under the like regulations and penalties as the Duties granted by 6 Geo. II cap. 13. } 101 The importer of any Wines refufing to pay thofe Duties, the officer' may fecure the fame, and caufe them to be publickly fold, within twenty days after fuch refufal, at fuch time and place as he (hall, by four or more days notice, appoint — — — — f 102 The money arifing by fuch fale, to be applied in payment of the | Duties and charges ; and the overplus, if any, to be paid to the im- j porter — — J 103 — .iO+- If the money offered for the purchafe of fuch Wine fhall not be fuf- 1 ficient to dil'charge the Duty and charges, the officer fhall caule the [• Wine to be dellroyed, and return the calks to the importer 3 -The money arifing by thefe Duties (except the charges of colleding) to be paid into the Exchequer, apart from all other monies; to be difpofed of by Parliament, towards defraying the expences of defendirig, protefting, and fecuring the Britijh Colonies in Ame- rica < — '• ■ ■ — ' ACTS. Year anJ Rcitn. c:,r.. s,a. 6 Geo. II. 4 Geo. 111. '3 '5 5. t 4 6 Geo. IT. 4 Geo. Ill, T5 '5 7 4 6 Geo. II. '3 \ 3 < 11 4 Geo. III. •5 6 Geo. II. 4 Geo. JII. 13 S 4 4 Geo. III. '5 I 6 4 + 7 T u 10 4 . , . 9'- 9-- APPENDIX. PLANTATIONS, Brltip:, in Afia, Africa, or Amtiica The Cuftoms and") So other Duties, o;; goods imported into, or exported from any Briiijh colony or plantation in America, may, from time to time, be put under the management and direflion of fuch commiflioners, to re- fide in the faid Plantations, as His Majflly, his heirs and fucceflbrs, by commilTion under the great feal of Great Britain, lliall judce to be moil for the advantage of trade and fecurity of the revenue of the faid colonies (ti) . _^__ ^9 Any three or more of the commiilioners, fo appointed, fliall have the fame powers refpe£\ing the trade and revenues of the faid Colonies, as were before exercifed by the commilTioners of the Cuftoms in England. And it (hall be lawful for His Majefty, iSc in fuch com- iniiTions, to make provifion for putting in execution the feverai laws relating to the Culloms and trade of the faid Colonies : and all de- putations, We. granted by the commiflioners of the Cuftoms in ' England, before the paffing this aft, or which may be granted by them, before any commifCon fliall ifl"ue, lliall continue in force until the faid deputations, i^c. fliall be revoked by the high treafurer of Great Britain, or the commiflioners of the Treafury for the time being J ^ " STii'ps coming to the faid Plantations to take in any of the following" enumerated goods, with intent to carry the fame to fome other Britijh Plantation, bond not having been firft given to bring the fame to Great Britain only, there muft be paid for fuch goods, the following Duties : 'viz. Cocoa Nuts, the pound — — — Logwood, the hundred weight . __ Fuflick, and all other Dying Wood, the hundred 7 weight — — J Ginger, the hundred weight . .. Jndico, the pound — — ■ Tobacco, the pound I I ACTS. /. o 5 o o o o o 6 And fecurity muft be taken to carry them to fuch Plantation, or to Grec^t Britain — — — — -^ut if the proprietor has not money to pay the fame Duties, the officers 1 may take fuch a proportion of the goods as will amount to the value > of the Duties — — i ^ -Sugars or Panelles, of the produ£l of any Plantation in America, not' in the pofleflion of His Majelly, imported into any of the Britijh Plantations in America, are to pay the following Duties in money of Great Britain, according to the value of 5/. 6d. per ounce in fllver : /. 1. d. Sugars or Panelles, the hundred weight And. befides, if white and clayed Sugar, foreign, the' iiundred weight —. , ■ o s And fo in proportion for a greater or lefler qnaatity ; to be paid down in ready money, before landing —— — — Year anJ Rci^n. Chjp. I S^-ft 7 Geo. III. zj Car. ir. I Geo. 1. 6 Geo. III. 7 & 8 W. &M. 25 Car. II. 6 Geo. o )■ 4 Geo. 6 Geo. 93 lAny of the faid goods landed before due entry and payment of the"] Di:ty, or- without warrant from the proper ofBcer, are forfeited, J and may be feized by the gcrt'ernor, or any perfon authorifed by him, or by warrant of a juftice or other magiftratc, cr by any Cuflom, Inipoft, or Excife-otii-cer, or their afliftants fV; By commilBen under ttie Cre.it Se;.!, ditcd 8 Sefl. 1767, His Alajefly appointed commiiuoners for managing the cunoms or goods imported into, and exported from ai^y of the colonies, plantations, or provinces: lying on the rontiaent cf-^K erica, ficm Di:iis'i S!'c':gtts to the C^ffs of Thrja and the iila-id and tciritoiics to fuch colonics adjoining and b(.Jor£ing j together with the ilUnds of Beimuda and H:-c ifia^Js csnimoni," c.illed ths.5aiJB.v IfonJs, II. in. III. 6 Gee. 4 Geo. II. III. 4' 7 12 s2 •3 '5 52 13 1$ 2. 3 I, 2 4 APPENDIX. under rte hand dnd'Yed'of^lfeprffieipaf office/ a'f t^fe()b!'f oriar.d- ftig : and for fuch as lliall be entered for any olKer plkee, to bring a certificate, within twelve montbs, under the comtfictn feal Ofiht; chief magiftrate, or under the hands and Teal's of t.vo kTiown Britijh merchants, or of the magiftrates of the royal courts of Gncrn/ey or Jer/ty, or fuch bonds may be difcharged by proof upon oath, that the gc ods were taken bv enemies, or loft at fea — — Such non-enumerated goods, laden before bond given, forfeited, with the vcflel and furniture, and nia-y be feized' by any ofiicer of the Cuftoms — — - — — ^ , A C 1 S. 2^3 PLANTATIONS, Britijh, in Afia, Jfrica, ox America — Not to extend to? 31 veffels bound to feme ports of Spain, witl.in the bay oi Bifcay —5 32- 33- 34- 5?- a6- -No vefl"el (hall be cleared from any por- ofGteot Brifaih, fcr any"^ places under the dominion ot His Majtrlly in America., ui)Iei'- the I whole car o Ihallbe laden n Great Britain : and si.y ofKcer oi the' 1 Cuftoms may ftop any Britijh veffcl arriving fr(.n) any port <>f | Europe, which Ihbli be dUtovrrcd within tao leagues of the Brinp \- Colr'nies '^n America \ and (Vize, as forfeited', any goods (.xcejjt as hereafter mentioned) for w ■ ich the mailer f;ial1 not produce a clearar'ce from the proper officer of the Cuftoins, cert:t; ing th;:; the goods were laden in Great Brilairi — — — -Blit notto extendi to forfeit, for' w'anT of fuch clearance,'any Safe laden' in Europe for the fidicriea of ifeiu Enghmd, Neiufo-.ihdla'nS, Penjll faaia. New Yirk, and Kova-Scolia, or any ofiier pIV.'ct- to w"l;ici'. Salt may, by lalw, be carried : Wines lailen in itie'Afd^fsirds'uf the groinh thereof: Wines of the growth of, and laden in, the lycjlern Ij1a::dt, or Azores ; nor any Hoifts, Victuals or' Linen, or Cloth of and frnni /r«7a«ay be, carried on, in any fhips \(hich nSay lawfu'.ly trade theie, any fort of Craft, Food, Vifluals, Cloaihing, or other goods fit and nece.Tary for the'fifiiery in thofe parts, or for the ufe of mariners or other perfons employed therein ; fuch Craf-, Cloath- ing, or other goods, being the produce or mirufaiVire of Great Brilainyor \\\^ faid iflands, and fuch Food or Vicluak being pf the growth or produce oflSr/a/ ^r/'/a/n, Ireland, or the faid Iflands -Provided the matter of the vefTcl (liall produce to the officer of the Cuftoms, in the colony where he fhall arrive, under the hatidi and feals of the goiernof, deput\ -governor, or commander in chief^ that oath hau been made by tht; lliipper, before the maj;iftrp.tes of the royal courts in tKe faid iflands, that the goods are tjie produce, iiff. as aforefaid ; fuch ccriF.cate to be'aiteftctl by the officer' of the Cuftoms, who' iliall' ci.rtify ihar the Cild'oaih wa; t^-.ken in his prefcnce. On failure of producing fu'.-h certificiic, the goods and vcflel forfeited' — — — — — — 3« + Geo. III. 9-G«t);lJIV •Any petfon couiitdrfei-ting, razing,. <>rXltering, or falfiFyihg any af-'^, fidavTT," certificate, Wr. dire'cled by this acli or Icjiowii-.gly making [ ifiidavit C ufe thereof, Ihall'fOiieit 500/. for every oft^nc'e', iSc. be invalid ma 'nd fuch afii •v^ti.'Iff. -All bonds, comttionly called Plantation Ronds, tnlren in Great Bri — . tain {in piirfuance of 7 and 8 Will. 111. cap. 22, or any other law) 1 \ whereby the goods there n enurafrateu arc to be brought to Greet I BfUitithr -are-to be~with conditiOTi, that,' within eighteen months {_ from the dite(the danger of the fcas e.xccptedj^ a certificate ftiall [ be produced from-rhe cOtlfeftftf and coiifiptrgiller of tKe port where I the goods are.ydljvered-, thfat ihey^iavc'brcn'rhcTj landed a^d dif- ' charged; oth*r*jfc-The bend ro be forftitCiF i ; and n'i U2 5' 'J 204 APPENDIX. PLANTATIONS, Britijh, in Jpa, Africa, W America — But not to extend" j7 to bonds given for fliips which lade Rice at Carolina or Georgia, purfuant to 3 Geo. IF. cap. 28, *or which lade Sugars' in any of j the Sugar Colonies in America, purfuant to iz Geo. II. cap. 30 38- 39- 40- 41- 43- 44- ¥.■ 46- -Profecutions for the breach or non performance of the condition of^ bonds, t" bring the enumerated goods to Great Britain, or to feme other Plantations, not commenced within three years after their ' date, or judgement not obtained within two years after the com- mencement of the profeciition, the faid bonds are void, and mud . be delivered up to be cancelled — — ■ — -Officers, upon demand, refufing or neglefting to deliver up fuch bonds to be cancelled, are to anfwer to the party grieved all his damages, with treble coils of fuit ■ -Ships from Ireland msy not break bulk till the roafter has fignified"^ his arrival, and delivered a true inventory or invoice of the lading to the governor, with a certificate from the chief officer of the port in Ireland, exprefling the particulars of the lading, i^c. and has made oath that the goods are the fame which he to(»k on board by virtue of fuch certificate, and the (hip be vifited and fearched by an officer, upon forfeiture thereof, and of all Woollen manu- faftures found on board, not having been laden ia Great Britain, . and of any Linen goods not laden in Great Britain, nor of the ' manufaftureof Ireland; on» third to His Majefty, one third to the governor, (if there fcized or fued for, otherwife that third alfo to His Majefty) and one third to the fuer — — But fuch (hips to be fubjeft to the fame rules, fearchcs, penalties, forfeitures, i^c. as (hips coming from Great Britain to the faid -Wool, Woolfells, Shortlings, Mortlings, Wool- flocks. Worded," Bays or Woollen Yarn, Cloth, Serge, Bays, Kerfies, Sayes, Frizes, Drugget?, Cloth Serges, Shalloons, or any other Drapery, Stuffs or Woollen manufatture of the produA or manufadure of the y Britijh Plantations in America, may not be there l«den en board any (hip, nor upon any horfe, IJc. with intent to be exported, upon forftiiure of the fliip and goods, and 500/. -Hats or Felts are not to be fhipped on board any velTcl, or loaded on^ any horfe, cart, or other carriage, in order to be conveyed out of any of the Britijh Plantations, to any other of the Britijh Planta- tions, or to any other place whaUoever, upon forfeiture of the Hats or Felts, and alfo 500/. by every offender for every fuch ot- -Aoy mafler of a veffel, mariner, porter, carrier, waggoner, boatman or other perfon, knowingly aiding and affifting in fuch offence, —No commifljoner or cfficer of the Cudoms, or farmer of the Cudoms") in the Britijh Plantations, is to take any entry outwards, or fign any cocket, \£c. for the expoiting any Hats or Felts, or knowingly permit or%or.trive the fame to be done, upon forfeitureof hisoffice, and alfo 500/. ______ ■ "- J — Any perfon rally feize and convey to his Majedy's next warehoufe all" fuch Hats and Felts which he (hall find in any (hip or boat, or laid on or near the (here, or in any navigable river, or upon any horfe or carriage, with intent to be exported and conveyed as —Every offence committed againd this AA may be tried in any place in Great Britain or the Plantations, either where the offence was committed, or the offender or goods are found __^ . ACTS. Year and Reign. Chap. I Seft id i67 I J and 16] Geo. " 8 Ann. 3 and 4 Ann. 3 Geo. I. 19 and W. Ill, "} 3« 8 21 10 5 Geo. If. {! 2.3 1 2, 19 1.2 53- 54- APPENDIX. PLANT ATTONS, Brilijh, In Ma, Africa, or Ainericn—TS^xl Rice may be' ^7 fhipped in Carolhia or Georgia in America, by Britijh fubjefts, on board any (hip built in Great Britain, or belonging to Britiji) ("ub- jetls reliding in Great Britain, and legally navigated, that has cleared outwards in any port of Great Britain, for CaroIin.j or Georgia; and may be carried dircdtiy to any part o( Europe l.ving fouthward of Cafe Fimjlerre, without being firft carried to any other BriliJI? Plantation, or to Great Britain, provided the nialier, before clearing, takes out a licence, under the hands of tlie commiflioners of the Cuftoms, or any three of them, for th,; load- ing and carrying of the Rice accordingly; which licence mull be granted upon a certificate of the colleftor and comptroller of ihe port, that bond has been given, that none of the other enumerated goods fliali betaken on board at any Britip Plantation, unlefs for the fhip's uic, and that the (hip fhall proceed diredly with the Rice according to the licence, and there land it, and then proceed to Great Britainhdoxt (lie returns to any Britijh Plantation 48 The mafter, within four months afcer arrival, not producing acerti- (icate of the regular difcharge of fuch Rice, under the hand and feal of the Britijh conful, or of two known Britijh merchants, the bond muft be put in fuit — — ^ 4.9 Before Rice may be (hipped in Carolina or Georgia, the licence and' certificate of bond being given, mull be produced to the colleflor ; and, before the mailer's departure, he mull make oath in writing, whether he intends to load any Rice, and to what place bound - 50 Before Rice may be (hipped in Carolina or Georgia, the exporter mull make entry thereof with the colleftor, comptroller, and naval-olii-^ cer, and take out a cockct, whereon he muftindorfe, before (hip- ping, the true quantity intended to be (hipped, mentioning the marks, numbers, and contents of each ca(k, and deliver the fame to the fearcher 51 If. upon weighing and examining of the Rice by the fearcher, either I before or after the (hipping, the quantity be found to exceed the 1 indorfement, or the Rice be laden before entry, Uc. it is forfeited, I I with treble the value, befides the velTel ; one third whereof to the King, one third to the governor, and one third to the informer -Before the (hip's departure, the mailer is to receive back the licence, with the marks, numbers, and contents of each calk, indorfed .thereon by the colleftor, comptroller, and naval-officer, who are to make two copies of fuch licence and indorfement ; which are to be attefted by the mader, and left with the officers -The mailer, on his return to Great Britain, muft produce the licence fo indorfed, to the officer of the port where bond was given, and likewife a certificate of the conful or two ^r////Z' merchants,' tclli- fying the due landing of the Rice, and that they verily believe that ;no other enumerated goods have been there landed -Officers in Carolina or Georgia muft tranfmit one of the copies of the indorfement to the commiOioners of the Cuftoms ; and, upon re-1 ceipt thereof, or of the indorfed licence, the Half Subfidy for the [ Rice (hipped in Carolina or Georgia, mull be demanded of the per- ( fon who gave the bond ; and in cale of non-payme days, the bond muft be put in fuit - nt within thirty 55 Any of His Majefty's fubjefts may ftiip Rice, in .?»;,/.'. Carolina, or^ Georgia, or * North Carolina, in any vc{fe\ built in Great Britain, or in any of His Majefty's colonies in America, or belonging to His Msjefty's fubjefts, and which ftiall clear out from thence, to carry ACTS. 205 Year and P.e .'hai). S. a. 3 Geo. II. 7 Geo. 111. 3 Geo. II. 7 Geo. III. 3 Geo. II. 7 Geo. III. 3 Geo. 11. 7 Geo. III. • 5 Geo. 111. 28 1,2,6 3 2S 35 2S 35 45 2o6 APPENDIX. the fame dirciSlly to any part of America, foutluvard of South Ca- rdinu or Georgia, without carrying it to any other of His Majelly's Plantations in America, or to Great Britain; the marter of the veflcl, before flie clears out, taking a licence from the governor of the province for that purpofe: which licence the governor is to fTant, upon a certificate from the coUedor or comptroller of the port where fuch licence fhall be delired, certifying that bond hath been given, with one or more fufficient fecurities, in the fum of looo/. if the fliip be of lefs burthen than loo tons, and 2000/. if the (hip be of that or greater burthen, that no Tobacco, Sugars, )■ Cotton Wool, Indico, Ginger, Fuftick, or other dying Wood, IMolalTes, Tar, Pitch, Turpentine, Plemp, Mads, Yards, Bow- fprights, Copper-ore, Beaver Skins, or other Furs, of the growth, tiff, of any Britijh Plantation in America, (hall be taken on board fuch ve(rel, at South Carolina, or Georgia, or any other of His A'iajeliy's Plantations in America, unlcfs it be for the neccHary pro- vifion of the (hip in the voyage; and that fuch veflel (hall, after landing the faid Rice, return to South Carolina, or Georgia, or North Carolina, or proceed to fome port in His Majelly's Plan- tations in America, within four calendar months from the clearing out; and that the mafter (hall produce fuch licence to the proper officer at the port of arrival : and fuch o(ficer is to give a certificate to the mailer of his arrival, within the time appointed : and if fuch certificate is produced to the colleftor and comptroller, within twelve calendar months, the bond is to be cancelled — — -The exporter"! PLANTATIONS, Britlfi, in AJia, Africa, or America- ns (hall, before (hipping, make an entry of fuch Rice with the culledor, ls!c. and pay fo much as the Half SubGdy would amount to if the Rice had been firfl imported into Great Britain, and re-exported ; and (hall take out a cocket of fuch entry, and indorfe thereon the true quantity intended to be (hipped, with the marks, numbers, and contents of each calk; and fhall deliver the cocket to the officer appointed for examining thereof: and if the quantity fhall be greater than is indorfed, or if any Rice (hall be laden on board any veflel, or in any hoy, lighter, Is^c. in order to be put on board fu«h vefTel before entry, or taking out fuch cocket, and in- dorling and delivering the fame as aforefaid, fuch Rice, and the hoy, tfc. are forfeited: and the owner or perfon employed in fhipping the fame, ihall forfeit treble the value "i?- ■Any of His Maj and belonging re fide in Great in fome of H veflel belongin and navigated Great Britain growth, produ any fortign pa for that purpo the Culloms; fallowing: -zi. efly's fubjeiJls in any ve(rel built in Great Britain,'] to His Majel>y's fubjeils, of which the major part Britain, and the refidue either in Great Britain, or | is Maj-?dy's Sugar colonies in America; or in any I g to His Majelly's fubjefts rcfiding in Great Britain, according to law, that fhall clear outwards from [ to any of the faid colonies, may fhip Sugars of the ce, or manufaclure of the faid colonies, to carry to rt of Europe; provided a licence be firft taken out fe, under the hands of three of the commiflioners of fubjeft to the regulations, and on the conditions -The innlc- or owner of the veffel mult give notice in writing to the' curt( ^ affirmant _, prejent -voyage to [place bound to] being [defcribe the built] of the burthen of [number] tons, ivas built at [place] in the year [time when] and that the faid by the i are J and nfiial is ivholly t^'jned place 1 or ^ of abode places fuch undermentk-iied and fuhfcribed by this < His Majeftfs Britith deponent 1 or > aftirtnant j fuhjea OTx-nsr or ^ oiuners \ tare}) {/iibjr^s no foreigner, direSlly or indireSly, hath any Ihare, par. in thefc \ fi'P 7 <'aid< or J. to the btft of this belief, and that he thi deponent t.r affirmant f fukj \ °' Ifubjc 7re, p. f drponfnt'sl is -j or C (^ affirmant's j and that > and that or iniereft kno'xlcdge or and three-fourths of the rr.a- are His Majtftfs Britifh ACTS. Year and Reisn. IChap 207- Seft. ( riners navigating the faid fubjeds PLANTATIONS, Britifij, in Afia, Africa, ot America — Sugars or other gooJs ' CO put on board any veffel llccnfed by this AiEl, being the prcpeny of any otner perfon than fome of His Mf.jclly's fubjea.-, and Such as (hall be l.idtn on their proper rifque and account, to be carried to foreign parts, are forfeited — ^ 60— —Before any Sugarj are taken on board, the maflcr is to deliver to the' colleaor of the port where tlie vedel is to take in her lading, the licence, witk a Miiifigateof bond having been given in Gieat Britain, 12 Geo. n. 31 Geo. 11. 30 35 2. 3 1 Geo. II. Geo. II. 35 ;oS APPENDIX. and to Jcclarc in writing ulieiher he intends to load Sugars purfuant to the licence, otherwil'e the licence is invalid — — PLANT Ai:iONS, Brit.Jh, in Af.a, Africa, or America The exporter 61 of tlie Sugars or other goods no: ci/iimerated, before they are put on board, is to make an entry of them in writing, with the collcilor, comptroller, and naval-officer, exprefling the name of the fliip and mafter, and where ihe lies, and the place where lliey arc to be laden or firlt water-born, mud be fuch only wheiean officer is appointed to attend, or fuch as is mentioned in the warrant to be taken cut for that purpofe from the collcftor and comptroller, whereon is to be indorfed by the exporter, the marks, number?, contents, forts, and proper denominations of the Sugars ' 162- «j. 64- 66- -The warrant fo indorfed, is to be delivered to the officer appointed to examine and (hip the fame ; and the Sugar? are to be fhippcd in the prcfcnce of the cllicer, or at the place nuntioned in the warrant, tliat the officer may attend — — -The officer is to examine the fame before (hipped, and if the number of cafks is greater than is indorfed on the warrant, or if there be found any other Sugar than what it indorfed, or anv goods before enumerated; or if any enumerated goods, except iugar, have been put on board, or brought, or put into any lighter or other vclfel in order to be put on board, before entry, iSc. contrary to the di- reflions of this Ad, the faid Sugars, or other goods, are forfeited, together wiih the lighter or vefiel employed in (hipping or attempt- ing to (liip ihe faid enumerated goods, and the fhip or vefTel on which they are laden ; and the owner to forfeit double the value ; to be recovered in the court of \'ice-admiralcy, or any court of record in the Plantation;, at the election of the inibrmer or pro- fccutor; one-third to His Majefty, one- third to the governor of the colony, and one-third to the informer or profecutor — — — -The matter of the vefiel, before he departs, is to receive the faid licence from the colleftor, comptroller, and naval-officer, with a certiricate under their feals of office, and figned by them, contain- ing an account of the marks, numbers, contents, and forts of each ca(k of Sugar fo (hipped. Two copies are to be taken of the faid licence and certificate, and attelicd under the hand of the mailer ■of the veflel before he receives back his licence; and to be left with th€ colleflor, comptrolItT, and naval-officer, who are to tranfmit one of ihem to the commiffioners of the Culloms in Great Britcin -The mailer of the veHel mud proceed direflly to Great Britain, with- out putting inio any other place, except byArefs of weather, (un- lefs he is bound to the J'outh of Cape Fincjierre,Je-e Art. 71) and upon his return, is ;o deliver his licence, with the certificate, to the commi(Eoners of the Cuftoms, or the colledor and comptroller of the port where he arrives; and aifo a manifeil, attelled upon oath, of the marks and numbers, with the tale and Ions of cafks, of all hio lading, and make an entry of the quantity and forts of ail the Sugars which were laden, and then remaining on board; and de- clare upon oath to what foreign part he is bound. (The entry to be pafTed by tiic colled^or and comptroller, without receiving any Cuftom or Duty for the Sugars, mentioning in their accounts that it was paflcd by virtue of this Aft.) Then the mailer to proceed, taking with him his licences, and a certificate under the feals of office from the coUedor and comptroller, that he had touched at fuch a port, and in all refpeds complied with the direiftions of this Acl — -If any fuch vefTel proceeds to foreign parts, without touching at fome port in Great Britain, (except as before) and complying with the diredions of this Ad, and having the fame certified as above, or ACTS. Year and Reign. Ch ap. Sett. 12 Geo. 11. 31 Geo. II. 30 35 6g- 70- APPENDIX, if any goods before enumerated, are found on board, or carried to foreign parts, the liberty granted by this licence is void, and the veflel, maQer, and all others concerned, are liable to the fame penalties and forfeitures, as if this Acl had not been mdde _ PLANTATIONS, Britijh, in Afta, Africa, or America — If upon iif 'rmation" 67 upon oath, there is reafon to fufpeft that any enumerated gc^^d-, befides Sugars, are on board, any officer of the Cuftoms, or pirfori employed by them, may enter on board and unlade the ve/lel, aj far as they fliall judge neceffary to enable them to examine a.-.y part of her, and the goods on board, and detain her as long as is neceflarv ; and open cabbins, lockers, and any concealment, and fi-ize all goods found on board, not mentioned in the mailer's manifell, V which are forfeited -^— ^ . ■ 63^— — If no other goods are found on board, the officer is to be at the charge of damage done by landing, unloading, or unpacking; bu; not for demurrage, or on any other account. But if other ^oods are found on board, (except neceflary provifions for the voyage) the mailer is to be at all charge —— j —If the owners are defirous to ent-r and pay the Duty, and land any T goods out of fuch veflel, they may do it ; the matter firft making a C report of his whole lading, as required by law before this Act — J —The mailer, upon his return to Great Britain, after landing his Sugars' in foreign parts, is to deliver to the commiflioners, or t le collcdor and comptroller of the port where he arrives, the licence, with a certificate from the conful, or two known Britijh merchants of good credit, of the place where they are landed, of the landing thereof, v^ith the number of calks of Sugar there landed, the marks, numbers, and contents of each calk, with the name of the fl'.ip and mailer; and that no Tobacco, or other goods before enu merated, except Sugars, have been landed out of her —— 71 If a mader of a veflel, who has taken out a licence as above, Ihall,' upon his arrival in the Sugar colonies, deliver it to the colleilor, comptroller, and naval-ofiicer, with the certificate of bond having been given in Great Britain; and before he lades any goods, de- clare in writing upon oath, that the Sugars he intends to load are to be carried to fame place Jluth-Mard of Cape Finijhrre, he may, in ')■ cafe he has complied \\.ith the diretlions of this Aifl, proceed thither difcflly, without touching at Great Britain, taking with him the licence, and oath indorfed thereon, together with an account of the marks, numbers, package, contents, and forts of Sugar taken on board, and may there land the fame 72 In fuch cafe, the mailer, within eight months after landing his Sugars, "^ and betore he goes again to the Plantations, is 10 return to Great Britain, and deliver his licence as before direfled, with the oath indorfed thereon, and an account of the lading, together with a cenificaie from the coiiful, or two known Britijh merchants of good credit, of the place where the Sugars were lar.ded, of the landing thereof, with the number of cafes of Sugar landed, and the mark, number, and contents of each ca&, with the name of the fliip and mailer ; and that they verily beUeve no Tc(:acco, or other goods before enumerated, have been there lanced out of lier; ' and the mailer to make oath of the truth of the certificate, and that none of the goods before enumerated, except Sugars, were taken on board at the colonies, or landed at the place mentioned in the certificate. The mailer alfo is to make an entry with the collector and comptroller, of all the Sugars taken on board, and landed as above, on forfeiture of Joo/. which entry is to be paft'ed by them without receiving any Cullom or Duty for it, mentioning in their accounts that it \, as pafled by virtue of this A;^ ', F ACTS. 209 Year and Reign. iChjp. ' S;ft. 12 Geo. ir. 31 Geo. II. 12 Geo. II. 31 Geo. II, 12 Geo. 11. 3 I Geo. II. 12 Geo. II. 31 Geo. U. 12 Geo. II. 31 Geo. 11. is J5 30 35 30 35 8, 9 I 210 APPENDIX. PLANTATIONS, Britip, in AJta, Africa, or America J J the rtquiiitcs above-mentioned, the bo delivered up — — — 19- 80- 8i- «7- -If any fuch (hip, after unloading her Sugars, takes on board other ' goods before lier return, all remaining on board at her arrival in Great Britain, are to be entered and landed before her departure from thence . -This Aft not to excufe fhips being regidered according to 7 Will. IH. cap. 22 and nd 81 76 The mafter or owner of fuch veflVl may not advance to the feamen or 'I mariners, while in parts beyond the feas, any money or eii'eds on | account of wages, more than one moiety of their wages due froni ^ their departure to their return to Great Britain, on forfeiture of | double the money io advanced — — —J 77— Granting a falfe certificate, or counteifeiting, crazing, or altering any " licence, oath, or certificate, made purfuant to this Aft, the penalty is 500/. forfeit, and the licence, oath, or certificate, rendered 78 ———This Aft not to extend to granting a liberty to carry any Sugars from ' the Sugar colonies to Ireland —— y any Sugars from 1 -Wharfingers, lightertnen, bargemen, watermen, porters, l£c. and the' boats, velTels, i3c. are fubjeft to the fame pain forfeitures, for any frauds or offences, as in Great lorters, \£c. and theT ins, penalties, and > eat Britain J -Laws, by-laws, ufages, or cuftoms in force or praftice in the Plan tations, repugnant to the laws of Great Britain, are null and 'Ian- ■) void i -Upon aftionf, fuits, and informations upon laws concerning His" Majefty'b Duties, or (hips or goods to be forfeited for unLiwful importation or exportation, the jury to confift only of natives ot Great Britain or Ireland, or perfons born in the Plantations — -Penalties and forfeitures by this Aft, not particularly difpofed of, are' to be, one-third to the King, one-third to the governor, and one- ] third to the fucr — — 83— — The Treafury, and the commiflioners of the Cufloms, may appoint? ofiicers of the Cuftoms in any port of the Britip Plantations j 84 T heofHcert of the revenue there are to have the fame powers and au-") thorities, and to be fubjeft to the fame penalties and forfeitures, ( and to have the like afliflance, as the officer; Great Britain —— of the Culloms ns in j Sj '■ Naval-officers, within two months after entrance, or as foon as con- veniently they can, are to give fufiicient fccurity to miflioners of the Culfoms, for the faithful performance duties, upon pain of difability, to execute their employment 85 ■ Governors there, before entrance upon their governme-.ts, or within fix months after, are to take a folemn oa.h, to do their utmoll, that every thing enjoined by thefe Afts (hall be obferved — — -Neglefting their duty accordingly, are to be removed, rend cafable of any other government, and to forfeit 1000/. ered in- \ ACTS. Ycjr and Reign. criea Upon performing 1 nd is to be diicliarged and > Geo. Geo. II. II. 12 Geo. II. ■•■, 1 Geo. II, 12 Geo. II. 31 Geo. II. 12 Geo. II. 31 Geo II. 12 Geo. II. J I Geo. 11. \z Geo. II. 3 I Geo. II. 7 & 8 W. III. 3 and 4 Ann. & 8 W. III. 7 & 3 7 & 8 & 8 7 & 8 35 30 35 30 35 30 35 30 35 3° 35 22 S 22 7 & 8 12 Car. II. i;Car. II. 7 & 8 W. III. 8 & 9 W. lU. 12 Car. II. 15 Car. II. 7 & 8 W. 111. Scft. 10 I -{ 18 7 22 20 18 7 22 12 I '5 1 II 69 2 b 4 APPENDIX. PLANTATION, Sr////^, in JJia, JIfrica or America— ^M the following goods 10 j imported into any Driiijh Plantation in America (except ai here- after ex^teifed) thefe Duties are to be paid ; v/x. A C T S. Mtlaffes, or ijyrups, the gallon, wins meafure Coffte, the produce of any Brtiip PIanta:ion, the J • huridred weight, averdupoife J Pimento, Lnujh, the pound /. o o o I o oi 1 06 — 107- -Thefe Duties to be deemed ilerling money of Great Britain, and to. be received to the amount fuch nominal fums bear ir. Great B'-i- tain, according to the proportion of 5/. bd. the ounce in i.lver, and to be raifed, paid, i£c. in the fame manner, and under fuch penalties, ^c. as any other Duties now payable to His Majrlly in the I'lantations ; the money arifing thereby (e;icept the ch .rges of | collefting) to be paid into the Excliequer a part from all other monies; to be difpcfed of by Parliament towards defraying the expences of defending, proteding and fecuriug the Britijh Co- lonies in America -But ihis Duty not to be payable for or upon McIalTcs or Syrups im-^ po- tea i.ito any .£/•////% Colony on the continent of y/w^r/Va from the ' iflind of Darr.inica, for which a cenihcate fhall be productd on importation under the hand and feal of the principal officer of the Culloms at the port of ex^ortatiou in Dommica, certifying that the ) faid Duty hath been there paid . J »o8 No Duty whatfoever (hall be paid for any Britijh Coffee or Pimento imported into any Britijh Plantation in America, provided the fame fhall, on landing, be depo,;ted in warehoules at the expence of the importer, under the care and infpeition of thecoikdor and comp troller, or other principal officer of the Cuilonis^ at the port of in-.pcrtation, and fhall be fecured under fejarate locks of fucn of- ^ hcers and the proprietor, and ilall, within twelve calendar I months, be fnipped direftly from thence either to Greut Lritair. or I fome o\\\ti Britijh Plantation in America, under fuch fecurities and reftriflicns as are now required by law . J log No Duty whatfoever (hall be paid for any fcreign Sugarf, nor for any- foreign Coft'ee or Indico, which (liail be imported into any Brmfl} colony on the continent oi America, provided the fame Ihnll, en landing, be depofited in warthoufes as above-mentiontd,aiid fiiall, within twelve calendar months, be (hipped for exportation, as fol- lows; ijiz. upon condition that fuch Sugars fiiall be exported di- redly X-a Greet Britain, Or to fome other part oi Europe, ta tks fouthward ol Cape Fn-.ifterre, under the l.ke fecurities, ^^c. as Britijh Sugar from an^ Britijh Plantation in America; and that fuch foreign Indico (hail be exported to Great Britain only, under I the like fecurities as are e,\pref:'ed in any Adl now in force with refpeft to Indico of the produce of any Britijh Plantatioa ; and that, before fuch foreign Coffee Ihall be taken out of the ware- houfe for exportation, the exporter (hall be boand in the penalty of 5/. for every hundred weight, that every part thereof (hah be 1 *xported according to the entry, and notbe relanded in any part of the .5r;7//5 dominions in y^//;^r;M; The bond for fuch Cofice as Oiail be exported to Great BnUiin, Ireland, or any place under the Bri- tijh dominions, where Cuftoahoufe officers are eilabiiflied, fliall be with further condition to return a cercir.cate, within eighteen calendar months frem the date, from the principal cf;:cers of the Cuftoms, that, fuch Collee hath been there landed accordingly; ind for fuch ColTee as (hall be expo: ted to any place not under tiie dominion of His Majefty, or where no fuch oSccrs are appointed, fuch bond (halliContinuc in force for t.vo.yiears f.-osi the date ; and, if no fraud fliall appear within that time, the .commifiioners ^ of the Cu;(oins, or any fpur uf n.cre of them, way dirc'\ the fsme i 10 be cintclicd or delivered up .. . .„___ . 3 G Year and R?igE. 6 Geo. in. Chap. Sea. 52 4 12 '5 16 214 A r P E N t) I X. PLANTATIONS, Briiijo, \n AJia, Africa or /^/Bfr»fi o Paper printed, painted or Aained in Great Bri- tain, to ferve for Hangings or other ufes, the yard fquare, over and above the Duties pay- able if the fame had not been printed, painted or ftained — — — .1 All other Paper not particularly rated, to pay Duty the neareft as above in fize and goodiiefs — — — — — -Parte Boards, Mill Boards and Scale Boards, the? hundred weight, not made in Great Britain — 3 ^ ^ Parte Boards, Mill Boards and Scale Boards, the ) hundredweight, mzde 'in Great Britain j ° ^ 3 7 Geo. III. 46 -A ream of Paper to confift of twenty quires, and each quire twenty- four iheets — — -r- — — ire twenty-? -The monies arifing thereby (except the nece/Tary charges of raifing,") paying and accounting for the fame) to be applied there firrt for | the ufe of the Colonies and Plantations, and the refidue co be }■ — 4 2i6 A' P' P E ■ N D I X. paid into His Majcily's Exchequer, and kept feparate from all other monies: to be difpofed of by parliament, towards protedling ' the faid colonies and Plantations PLANTATIONS, Bri/Z/j, \n J/a, J/rica, or .■^//ifr;Vfl— The faid Daties (hair 117 be deemed Aerling money of Great Bniain, and fliall be collefted snd paid to the amount of the value which fiich nominal fums bear in Grcal Britain; and fuch monies may be received and taken ac- )■ , cording to the proportion and value of <;j. bd. the ounce in filvcr ; I i and (hall be raifed, levied and paid, ijc. as any other Duties now | payable to His Majelty upon goods imported into the faid coloniesj 11: 119- 120—- -Sugars imported into Gre.u Briicin from' the Briiifi Plantatoins on the~j continentofy^/««vV«,to be deemed /"rf;;./^ Sugars; to pay yi.per Cwt. on importation, and to be fecurcd in warchoufcs at the cxpcnce of the importer, under the care of the principal officers of the port of importation, not to be delivered out but on the following con- ditions : f/z. if for exportation, the exporter, with one other fiif- ' licient perfon, to be bound in treble tli« amount of the full Duties, that no part thereof fhall be relanded in Great Britain or Ireland, or any £/////i dominions : fuch bond to be difcharged as bonds given for the exportation oi Prohibited Eafi-Inilia Goods -The goods, rclanded, or unihipped to be relanded, contrary Aft, forfeited; together with the veflel, horfes, carriages employed therein ; and the veflel from which unloaded, feized by any officers of the Cuftoms: the petf"ns affifting m mc . relanding fuch goods, or to whofe hands they fliall come, to forfeit | treble the value — — J iry to thisT lages, i^c. I i, may be ! ins in the J -Sach Sugars not to be fliipped from Great Britain on board veffels of 7 lefs burthen than feventy tons \ 121— —Such Sugars taken out of the warehoufes to be ufcd in this kingdom ; T the perfon taking out the fame, to pay up the remainder of the ( Duties payable on /';v«f^ Sugars : and they fliall be liable to ail j • regulations as /'/•f»r/& Sugars ■ j 122 Such Sugars not exported, nor the full Duties paid within twelve ca-" lendar months from the importation, the commillioners of the 1 Culloms, or any three of them, may caufe them to be publickly fold ; the money to be firft applied in difchaige of the Duties and cxpences, and the overplus, if any, to be paid to the proprietor. 12^ Certificates of having given bond in Great Britain or Ireland, fufpefted to be falfe or counterfeit, the governor, or officers of the Culloms, may take fufficient fecuriry there, for the due difcharge of the lad- ing in Great Britain : and if certiiicates of the difcharge of any fuch . lading are fufpcfled, the bond there given may not be canctlltd, ; till they are informed of the truth of fuch certificates fiom the com- )■ miffioners of the Cuiloms ■ -Certificates, cockets, returns, or permits, counterfeited, razed, or falfified, or afterwards knowingly fo ufed, the oft'cnder to for- -Aliens, or perfons not born within His MajeQy's allegiance, or na-") turalized, or made free denizens, may not be merchants or f.iflors ( there, upon forfeiture of all their goods and chattels; one-third to y the King, one-third to the governor, and one-third to the in- | former — — • J IzC All forfeitures and penalties inflified by any a£l of parliament relating"] to the trade or rtvtnues of the Britijli colonies in Aatcrita-, rr.ay be | Ml — is; ACTS. Year and Ktign 7 Geo. 111. Chap. I Sea. 46 6 Geo. Ill, 7&8W.III. 12 Ca.'. II. 23 24 25 26, 52 27 18 APPENDIX. profecuted and recovered in any court of Vice- admiralty which (hall y have jurifdiftion within the colony or place where the caufe of fuch j profecution or fuit fliall have arifen ' J PLANTATIONS, Britijh, in JJia, Africa, or j4mcric a Perfons loading' 127 on board any veffel in the Britijh Plantations in America, any (a) Rum or Spirits, Sugars or Panelles, as of the produce of any Britifl} Plantation, ftiall, before clearing of the fhip, deliver to the principal officer of the CuUoms at the loading port, an affidavit, fworn before fome juftice of the peace, either by the grower, maker, or Ihipper of fuch goods, or his known faflor, ex- preding, in words at length, the quality of the goode, and the number and denomination of the packages, the name of the Plan- tation where the fame were produced or manufactured : fuch prin cipal officer (hall thereupon grant to the mailer a certificate of his having received fuch affidavit; which certificate (hall exprefs the ■quality of the goods, with the number and denomination of the [packages; and (hall, within thirty days after failing of the vedcl, I itranlmit a copy of the faid affidavit to the fecretary's office for the ! iPlantation where the goods were (hipped, on forfeiture of 5/. 128 On the arrival of the (hip at the port of difcharge in Gnat Britain,' or any port of His Majefty's dominions where fuch goods may be imported, the mailer, at the time of reporting his cargo, (hall de- liver to the principal officer of the CuUoms, the faid certificate, and make oaih that the goods fo exported are the fame mentioned in .the certificate, on forfeiture of 100/. — ^-^— i 125— —If any Rum, Spirits, Sugar, or Panelles, (hall be found on board fuch vefl'el, for which no certificate (hall be produced, or which (hall not agree therewith, the fame (hall be deemed foreign Rum, i£c. and (hall be liable to the fame Duties, rellridlions, {iff. as Rum, i^c. of any foreign Plantation ' , 130 But if it (hall appear to the fatisfaftion of the commilTioners, that fuch") goods, though not included in fuch certificate, are really the pro- duce of fuch Britijh Plantation, and that no fraud was intended, }■ they may be admitted to entry, upon payment of fuch Duties j as they would have been liable to if this law had not been made — J J 31— —No goods whatfoever (hall be (hipped in any Britijhcolony in Jmeriafler fliali be required fo to do by any officer of the Cuftoms, (unlefsin cafe of neceflity and diftrefs) fuch velTel, with the goods, are forfeited, and may be feized by any officer of the Cuftoms Not to extend to French veflels, fifhing (and not carrying on an illicit trade) on that part of the iHand of Newfoundland, ftretching from Cape Eona'vijia to the northern point of the faid ifland, and from thciite, on the weliern fide, as far as Point Reach ^_ 13s —Any Bri.'ijh veflel found (landing into, or coming from the iflands of Saint Pierre arid Miguelon, or being within two leagues of the coafts thereof, rr Jifcovered to have taken any goods on board at either of th m, fuch vcflel and goods forfeited, and may be feized by any officer of the Cuftoms: and the mafter, and every perfon concerned, to forfeit treble the value of the goods J 13C All goods found concealed on board any veflel arriving in zny Britijh'\ Plantation in America, after the mafter hath made his report, and which Ihall not be mentioned in the faid report, fhall be forfeited, ! and may be feized by any officer of the Cuftoms: and the mafter [ (being privy to the fraud) (hall forfeit treble the value of the | goods . . J J 37 Goods liable to Duty in any Britijh colony in America, laden on board' any veffel outward bound, or unfhippcd from any veiTel inward bound, before the Duties are paid ; or Prohibited Goods imported into, or exported out of, any of the faid colonies, contrary to law, every perfon concerned therein, or to uhofe hands the goods Ihal! knowingly come, (hall, for each offence, forfeit treble the value of the goods; to be eftimated according to the beft price each com- in:idity bears at the place where theoffence is committed; and all the boats, cattle, and carriages employed, fliall be lorfeitfcd, and may be feized by any officer of the Cuftoms — — , 1 38— —Any officer receiving a bribe, \£c. conniving at a falfe entry, or mak-~| ing any collufive icizure, whereby the King may be defrauded, or | any Prohibited Goods fufFered to pafs, or any penalties evaded, ' Ihall, for every offence, forfeit 500/. and be incapable of fcii-ing His Majefty in any civil or military employment; and any perfon offering a bribe to any officer, to do or connive at any Adl, whereby any prnvifions relating to the Cufloms may be evaded, fhall, (whe- ther fuch ofier be r.ccepted or not) forfeit 50/. 139 The monies granted by this Ail, and by an aft of 25 Car. II. cap. j, \ as Rates or Duties; and all fums of money impofed as penalties or ! forfeitures, by any a£l relating to the Cuftoms, which fhall be paid ; in any of the Britijh colonies in America, fhall be deemed fterling { xnoney of Great Britain; and fuch monies fhall be received accord- ing to the proportion of ^s. 6d. the ounce in filver J 1^0— — All penalties recovered there, under this or any former Adl of par- j liament, fhall be divided as follows: iiiz. after deducing the charges, o.Te-third to the colledlor of the port where fuch penalties are recovered, to the ufe of the King, one- third to the governor of the colony, and the other third to the profecutor; except fuch ACTS, Year and Reign. Chap. Seft. 4- Geo. Iir, 15 29 33 .34 35 36 37 41 APPENDIX. feizures as (hall be made at fea, and • in or upon any river, by | officers of His Majefty's (hips; one moiety whereof ihall be to the ^ King, the other to the profecutor: fubjeft, neverthelefs, to fach dillribution as His Majefty, by order of council, or proclamation, (hall make ■ — — -^— — ■ PLANTATIONS, Briiijh, in Afia, Africa, or America Where the produce"} j^i of ani ' ■ ' ■" fale, may paid 142 No foreign Rum or Spirits may be imported into any Briiijh Plan-' tation in America, upon forfeiture thereof, and of the (hip, with ' all her furniture; to be feized by any officer of the Cuftoms 143 No perfon (hall be admitted to enter a claim to any (hip or goods" profecuted in the Briiijh colonies in America, till iccurity be given in the penalty of 60/. to anfwer cofls : in default of fuch fecurity, the (hip and goods (hall be adjudged to be forfeited 144 If any (liip or goods (hall be feized for any caufe of forfeiture, the) proof to lie on the claimer — — j 145 Officers of the Cuftoms in the Briiijh colonies in America, may demand" fuch fees as they or their predeceiTors were entitled to before Sep- tember zg, 1764, until otherwife fettled by authority of parliament; provided fuch fees are not contrary to the exprefs direftions of any adl of parliament made in G;vfl/ £/7/flz« 146— —In every port in any Briiijh ifland in the Weji-Indies, where no fees have been recei\ed, officers may take the fame fees as have been received by the like officers in the neareft port in the faid ifland ; or if none have been received in the faid ifland, they may take the fame fees as have been received by the like officers in Barbados — 147 In every port on the continent of America, where no fees have been received, officers may take the fame fees as have been received by , the like officers in the nearefl port of any Britijh colony ' 148 ' If no fees have been received by the comptroller of His Majefty's Cuftoms, within any. colony, or his fees have not been equal to one- third of the fees of the colleftor, he may demand a fee equal to one-third of the fee received by the colleftor, and (hall have the fame remedy for recovery of fuch fees as hath been allowed to the coUeflor ■ ■ . j^g— — If any officer (hall receive any greater fees than are here allowed, he fhall, for the firft offence, forfeit ;o/. one moiety to His Majefty, the other to the perfon aggrieved ; and for the fecond offence, for- feit his place, and be incapable of executing any place in the Cuftoms ■ . 150 The colteftor, and other officers of the Cuftoms, in the province of~ Se>:cgan:bia\n Africa, may demand fuch fees as have been received by tlie like ofiicers in the illand of Barbados, on or before the \\\ Q^ "January, \i6y ; provided fuch fees are not contrary to the ex- prci's diredion of any aft of parliament made in Great Britain : and the faid officers (hall be intitled to the fame remedy for the recovry thereof, as has been heretofore allowed to any nficers of theCuftoms )■ in His Majeily's Plantations, any law or aft of council made in the province of Seneganibia to the contrary notvvithftanding. Anv officer exafting greater fees than hereby allowed, fliall, for the firft offence, forfeit 50/. one moiety to His Mjiefty, the other to the perfons aggrieved ; and for the fecond otr'^nce, fhall forfeit liis place, and be for ever incapable of any employment in the Calloms ACTS. 219 Year ^nd Rciirn. • 5 Geo. m. 4 Geo. HI. 45 '5 Sea. 42 43 44 45 5 Geo. III. 45 28 9 Geo. III. 4« zzo APPEND IX. PLANTATiONS, Bnihh, \a .Ilia, Africa, ar America Writs of afTiftants"! 1)1 to auiliorize officers of His Majefty's Cuftnms to enter any houfe or | fubjefts, to be worn or ulcd, the importer and receiver incur a premunire — — -Primers, Ladies Pfalters, Manuals, Rofaries, Popifh Catechifms,^ Miffils, Brevaries, Poitals, Legends, and Lives of Saints, con- | taining fuperllitious matter, printed or written in any language, I or any other fupertlitious books printed or written in the Britijh ! tongue, may not be imported, upon forfeiture of 40/. for every ( fuch book by the importer, buyer or feller; one third to the King, one third to the fuer, one third to the poor of tl>e parifh, and the books to be burnt — — — _:. POPISH RELIGION, feeoficers, 19, n. J'ORK or HOGS FLESH — May be exported by any perfons, free of all Du- ; ties — ^— — free of all Du-7 J?ORK — The importation thereof, except from the ^f of Mati into Chefer, deemed a publick nufance — See Cattle. -For the regulations on exportation thereof for the bounty, fee Beef. 3 I ACTS. Geo. IIL 31 Geo. ir. 25 Hen. Vin. 33 Hen. VIII. 5'Eliz. 3 Car. I. 16 Car. I. I Rich. in. 3 Ed\*.' IV I Jac. L 13 Eliz. 46 3 Jac I. 12 Car. 11. 3&4W. &M 7 + 4 I z 2:1 Year and Reign. 'Chap.' Seft. I 1.6' 3 1 1 2 1,2 25 12 I 222 PORTS- APPENDIX. ACTS. -Members and Creeks In England and Wales, for the lawful landing" and flipping of goods (except in Hull) and to what ancient and head Poits fuch Members and Creeks ftiall belong, and alfo tlie extents, bounds and limits of the faid ports, iifc maybe appointed by his Majelly, by His coniraiflion out of the court of Exchequer ^ -Cuftcmcr, colleflor, comptroller and fearcher of the head Ports, or their fufficient deputies or fervants, are to rcfide at fuch Members or Creeks — — — — — — — — _ -Members and Creeks in Sccihivd, for tlic importation and exporta-' lion, and keys or wharfs for the landing and (hipping of goods and merchandizes, may be afligned and appointed, and the ex- tents, bounds and limits of eviry I'ort, Haven or Creek, fixed and , afcertained by his Majelly, by a commiflion out of the court of Ex chequer there — — — — -Cuftomers, collcftors, comptrollers and fearchers of the head Ports, or their fufiicient deputies or fervants, mull refide at the Members or Creeks — — — — — — — — PORTUGAL, fee Goods inwards, 9. rOT ASHES, >>^fr. POTS — Made out of thii realm of Tin or Pewter, or mixed with Tin or Pewter, ' may not be bought or bartered for, upon forfeiture therec whofe hands foever found, and the value 'ewter, 1 eof, in S POUCHES — May not be imported by Jirangers, to be fold, upon forfeiture, ' or the value — — — — — — POUND, Britijh, to weigh twelve ounces, troy weight — — POWDER, for Hair, made of Starch, is to be liable to the fame Duties, and to J enjoy the fame Drawback, as Starch — — — — j" Ste Stanh, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. PRECIOUS STONES, fee Diamends. PRISAGE orBuTLERAGE of Wines — Perfons free thereof.cufloming the Wines'] of one not free, forfeit to the King double the value of Prifage, { and all iheir goods ?nd chattels perfonal forever; forvvhich ihev J Biay beproilcuted wunn three years after o.Ttnce committed — J 2 And Butlerage Duties, due on the importation of Wines, are not to T be diinir,;(hed or lellened by virtue of any thing contained in thi- C Yi'ar and Reign. jChjp. 1 Eliz. 13 and Car. Hi II. I 6 .^nn. 2; Hen. VITI. 33 Hen. VIII. I Rich. III. 31 Edw. II H n. I z Hen 1. VII. VII. 3 Geo. I. I Hen. VIII. 2& 3 Edw, VI 1 Eliz, 6 Geo. I. 1 1 1 1 26 I 4 5 PRIZE SHIPS, legally condemned, are, to all intents and purpofes, to be't „ deemed Eritijh built (hips, and to enjoy all the fame rights, liber- C "° ^^^' ' ties, ]rivileges and advantages in all rrfpcfts whatfoever *— — j -9 '-'^''' ^»' See Planlalibns-, 1 ta 6, 17, 18, Ships, 37. PROCESSES, fee Wrirs. PROSECUTIONS in the couit of Exchequer, &■<:.— How, and in what time, I 10 Ue commenced, fie Bmrlate, 4. Rocks, 3. Calluoes, 2. Ccais, 15. Dranuback, 6. Eaji India, 1-2, 32. Fijh, 4^ GcU, 7. Goods iniuards, 22-, 43, 47. Infarmat'uns, 3, 4, 7, 8, l-o. Ireland, 8. Offences, J. Plar.tations, 38, 57. Prifc.ge, I. Heizjtres, 11, 13. Ships, 60, Trials, IVincs, 13. IVeol, 2S> ii''- s^a. 2 14 iS 1,6 1 I I 14 6.7 4-; 6 APPENDIX. PROSECUTIONS-»Which may be tomir.enced before, and fccard sr.d deter- 2 mined by the juH\ces of the peae, /ee tie title yit/iices, fence.', l. anii Seizure!, 14, 15, 16. PRUNES — May be imported only in fhips belonging to Great Britain or Ire land, or Ihips of the country of which they are the produfl, or of | fuch port where they can only be, or mod ufiially are, firllihipped for tranfportation, on forfeiture of fhip and goods PUMMELS — Made or wrought beyond the feas may not be imported, Jold, bartered, or exchanged, upon forfeiture, or the value to be PURSES, may not be imported by ftrangers, or the value to be fold, upon forfeiture, 9 -May not be imported by any perfons to be tillered or fold in Great' Britain, upon forfeiture thereof as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to he fold, except made and wrought in Ireland or taken upon the feas, or wrecked UAKERS — Their affirmation and declaration, allowed by 7 andSWill.lII. cap. 34, and 13 and 14 Will. 111. cap. 4, to be accepted inllead of an oath, in all cafes where by law an oath is required, conti- nued for ever • — ^— — -Ttie faid affirmation or declaration to be in ihefe words, / A. folemnlf, Jiiicerely, and truly declare and a^rm, that, l£c. B. do^ -Such folemn affirmation or declaration is to be adjudged to be of the fame force and eflefl in ail cafes, as if an oath had been take the ufual form ■ ftheO n in > t^— — —— Convifled of a wilful, falfe and corrupt affirmation or declaration, are 7 to fuiFer as for wilful and corrupt perjury ■ ■ j QUARENTINE — All veflels arriving, perfons coming, and goods imported iwxo Great Britain or Ireland, or the ides of Gat-rw/fy, Jer/ev, Al- dcrney. Sari, or Mai', from places from whence His Majclly, by advice of His council, may judge it probable the infef^ion of the plague may be brought, Ihali be obliged to make their Qijareritine in fucli place and manner, and for fuch time as direifted by the order of council, notified by proclamation, or publilbed in the Ltjndun Gazette. And all perfons and goods going, or being put on fioard fuch velTels, and all veflels, boats or perfons, receiving any goods or perfons out of the fame, are to be fubjett to the fame orders. 2 If the plague aftually appears on board any ^'efiel being to th: north-" ^vard of Cape Finijhrre, the commander is immediately to proceed to the harbour of St. Helen's Pool, between the iflands of St. Hsh.it'i Trail, and North ?/7//.ii7/ (being cli' the iflands oi Scilly), or to fuch other place as His Majelly in council Ihall frcm time to time ap- point, and make it known to an ofncerof the Cufloms there, who is to acquaint forne Cuflom-houfe officer of a near port in England with it, who is, with all fpeed, to fend intclligsoce thereof to oue cf the principal fecreraries of flatt; ;.lhe !hip niuilwai,- till His Majelly's plcafure is known, and none o£ the crtvv go on Ihnrc. In cale the coraniander cannot make the iilands of Salif, or is forced up tithcr of the channelsi he fnult not enter into any port, but re- main in fome open road till he receive orders from His Majefly or piivy council, .and take cere to prevent any cnc from going out of ACT Ycsr and Rc'gn. 223 12 Car. II. 5 Eliz. 3 Car. I. 16 Car. I. I Rich. III. 3 Edw. IV. -hap. Sea. Id 7 4 4 3 1 1 2 1,2 1.2,3 I Geo. I. 8 Geo. I. 7 & s w. in. 1,2 34 26 Geo. II. 26 . ;p Geo. 14. 1 I3UA11EM »'. >J \u APPENDIX. ■the fliip, and ^voiJ ail infercourfe with other rtiips or pcrfons. ."riie mafter, or, a^iy other peribn on board, for tlii'obedicnce herein, arc to be aJiud<^ed guilty *<^f felony,' whhout benefit of clergy. — (To be heard ami detcmiined in the county where the mTence is committed, orfwlic/e the ofienUer is apprehended — J ' 'INE-When aay place is inicfled with the plague, or order made by Mis Majclly concerning Quaretrtine, if any viiTel attempts to enrer into any port as above ' ('Art. i.) the principal officer of the Culloms,. or perfon appointed to fee Quaientine performed, muft go olF, orcaufc fome other perfon to do fo, and, at a convenient .dirtance, demand the name of the lliip and coraraander, at what places the cargo was taken on board, what places fhe touched at in her vovage, and whether any, and which of thcni, were in- •feded with the plague ; how long fh? had been in her paflage, how many perfons were on board when .Tie fet fail, whether any, !and xv'haf, perfotis on board, daring the voyage, had been, or are, infeftcd with the plague, how many died in the voyage, and of what diliempcr ; what veficls he, or any of his fhip's company, with his privity, went on board, or had any of rheir company on board his y ■velTelin ihevoyage, to Ahat place fuch vefTels belonged, and the true contents of his lading, to the beil of his knowledge? If it appears that any perfon on board is infected, or the Ihip is obliged to per- form Quareiuina, theofficers of His Majefly's Ihips of war, forts, or garrifons, or any other officers, are, upon notice given them, to oblige her to go to the place appointed for that purpofe by any foice or violence neceffary — ^ — — -If the ved'el came from a place infedled, or has any body on board infected, the commander, or perfon having change, concealing it, is guilty of felony, without benefit of clergy ; and not making a true djfcovery in' any other of the aforefaid particulars, forfeits 200 /. — — — — — — — — -The commander of a vefl'el ordered to peiforra Qnarentine, upon his") arrival at the place, is 10 deliver to the chief officer appointed to | fee it performed fuch bill of health and manifed, as he has received y ■from any Br'infi conful during his voyage, together with his log- j book and journal, on forfeiture of 500/. — — J -A commander of a vedel having notice to perform Quarantine, if) he goes on (liore, or on board any other vcfTsl, or knowingly fuf- 1 fers any fcaman or paflenger to do fo (vvithout licence) before Qua- 1 rentinc is duly perform^^d, or does not caufe the ve/lel and her j lading to be conveyed to the places appointed for that purpofe V ' refpedively, within convenient time after due notice, is to forfeit - -^co/. for CT'ery offence; and any perfon fo quitting the veflel may be compelled to return on board, and for every offence is to i'uller fix months imprifonnient, and forfeit 200 1. — — — _ —The proper officers authorized to put in execution the orders of His"i Majelly in council, are tti compel perfons obliged to perform Qua- | ""reniinc to repair, and caul'e the goods compriled in fuch ord.ers to )■ be conveyed, to the houfts, lazarets, or other places provided for | their reception •■■ J -Perfons wil'fully refufingor neglefling to repair thither, within con-") venicnttime after due notice, orefcaping, or attempting to efcape I from thence, before Quarentine is duly performed, may be com- | pelled to repair or return thither, by fuch foice as the cafe may J> require ; and the perfon fo refufing or nejieiling to repair thither, I or adually efcaping froTii thence, is to be adjudged guilty of fe- | lony, without benefit of clergy — — — J ACTS. 'VcaranJ Keign. Cltap, btit. 26 Geo. II. 26 26 26 II- I2. •3" H- APPENDIX. QUARENTINE— Any perron not infefted enteriirg-itrto-a houfc, laearet, or^ 9 other place, while pcrfons infefled with the flague, cr under I Qi^iarentine, are there, and attempting to return from thence (uc» | Jcfs by proper licence) may be compelled by the watchmen, or V guard upon duty, to return thither and perform Quarentine; and | in cafe of aftual efcape before it is duly perfcrnried, (hall be ad- | judged guilty of felony, without benefit ol" clergy — J 10— —Any officer of the Cuftoms, or other perfon whofe bufinefs it is to exe-") I cute the orders concerning Quarentine, for every wilful breach or neglect of duty, is to forfeit his office, and be incapable of a new grant thereof, and alfo forfeit looA and for embezzling, or wil- fully damaging any goods under his diretlion, is liable to pay treble damages and full cofts — ' J -Ail goods and merchandizes, particularly fpecified in the orders" concerning Quarentine, imported from any foreign country in any vefl'el whatfoever, (hall be fubjeft «o the orders concerning Qira- rentine — ■ - ■ -Afer Qjarentine has been duly performed by any veffel or perfons,'' upon proof of the oatlis of the matter and two of ihe perfons be- longing to the veffel, or of tAO or more credible witoelfes, before tlie culiomer, compfoller, or coUedor, or any of their deputies ot the port where it w ai performed, or of the next port, or of a jufticc of the peace near fuch port, or in the Ifles of Guern/ey, Jerjey, Al ■ di.ney. Sari ot Man, before any two jurats or magillrates thereof, ^ that fuch veffel, and all and every fuch perfon and perfons have h!i\Tre7a»/,'6r the ifles oF") J 7 *Guern/^y^ Jer/ty, JlJfr'fi'y, Sii'l; br Ulan, Oi France, Sfaiit. Porlu- _gal, or ilic Lciu C'ountrhs, air ififcilcd with the pl.tpue, 'lis Ma- jelly may, by prQcIar.ation,' firohibit auy fni'all boat or veflt-l, iin dcr the burthen of twenty tons, from goingon: of any port ■'( Gnnt £ri!a:K, Inland, or the afoielard iflands, till (ecurity i; given by the niafttr, in *he penalty of 300/. that (lie 'hall not go to, or touch at any country, port or place, mentiortJ f t that purpofe in fuch proclaniation, and that no ptribn On board her Ri.\\\ go on bor.id any other vefTil at fea, and that he fhnll not fnfter any perfon to come on board her from any other vefill at (ea, and that he (hall not receive any goods or merchandize out 0/ any other velTcl — tS— — Any boat or veflel going out before fiich fecuritv (required by pfrocla- Y mation) is given, is iorfeued to the ufe of H 5 Majclh', and may be feized, lued for, and recovered in the court of Exchequer at J'f'eJb/iiiiJIir, Edinburgh, Or Ditl/liii, or the proper courts 'f the ifles befure nientionedf; and the milter And every mafiner con- ifled of failing in her, by the oath of a cre'dible wifiiefs before a'jullice of the peace where the offender is found, is to forfeit 20/. one moiety to the infcrmer, and the other to the poor of the pari(h ; to be levied by dillrcfs nnd fale of the .ifFender's good;; and, for wan' of •diftrefs, the offender to be coniniitted to prifon for 'lire' monti-^ ; or if ihe offender is found in tlie ifles ol Gii rnjry. Jrrf'^, Aldcrt:> ■Sari or Man, and coni ii^ed by an acl on or tiit fouT'ed on this At in the proper courts there he is to forf it 20/. and for dcfai'Itof payment iuffer three months iraprifonment I ■- 19 No attainder of felony by this Aft fhall extend to work ro blood, or forfeiture of any goods, chattels, la hereditaments work roiriiption of ^ nd^, ten' rr e"ts, or > ?0- -Pecuniary forfeitures by this A& (except Article i8) are to he re 'l covered by aflion of debt, bill, plaint (;• information, in ai.y cou . i of retordat IFc/hxiii/hr. Edinburgh, ])uhl:,i,ot in the proper conrti ^ of ihe illes of Gucrnjiy, 'Jcr/ey- yJldt-rney, Sari or Man ; half to His ( Majelty, and half to the perfon who fues ■ j -Orders concerning Quarentine, notified by proclamation or in the" •Cjazette, are to be publickly read in churches, or other places o( worlhip, the next Sunday after the receipt cf the Ume, and the firft Sunday in every month while fuch orders are in force -^ ACTS ^^c.ir and R'-ign. Ic Soft. ;6 Geo. II. 26 26 -No »oods liable to infeAion, coming from the Le'vant without a clean" bill of health, liiall be landed in any pan oi Greaf Bri.'ain, Inland. Guemjcy, 'Jer/ey, Alderney, Surk ox Man, unlefs it (hall appear, to the latisficlion of His Majelly, or flis privy council, taut the \ 26 goods have been fufHcientiy opened and aired in the lazarets of Malta, Ancona, Vmiie, MtJJina, Leghorn, Genoa and Mar/eilles, or one of them ' — — — • R R AISONS — May be imported only in fliips belonging to Great Britain or"} Ireland, or (liips of the country of which they are the prodi of fuch port wliere they can only be, or nioft ufually are, ped for tranfportation, on forfeiture of ihip and goods Britain or "J produft, or I e, firfl (hip- f RAMS, fee Sljeej>. RAPIERS — Made or wrought beyond the feas, may not be imported j'cld, bartered or exchanged, upon forleiture, or the value to be \ II Car. II. 5 Eliz. j Car. T. 1 6 Car. r. '9 r 3 i ' ' lb iz 18 3 1 1 2 A P P E N n I X. RAZORS, may not be imported by any peribns, to be utiered or fold in" Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as ofien as tli?y may be found in the hands of any perfon to be /old, excep: made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked REGISTERS of Ships, fee Plantationi, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, ll. Ships, 57, H'ool, 67, 68, 69. RIBBANDS, may not be Imported by any perfons, to be uttered or fold in' Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to be jo!d, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked RIBBANDS of Silk, y« S/7(-, 3, i^c. RICE — When any veflel fhall arrive at Chichefter, Exeter, Plymouth, Poole,' Sand-Jjich, Southampton, or Glafcoxv, from any of the Britijli plan- tations in America, wi;h Rice ot the growth and produftion thereof, and the importer (hail give notice to the colleftor and comptroller of his intention to export the whole cargo offuch Rice immediately j in the fame fliip to foreign parts, and the mailer (hall report his cargo accordingly, the importer may pay down one half of the [ Old Subfidy, and no more; not to be drawnback on exportation ; the importer giving bond in double the value of the Rice, for the , payment of the remaining Duties within lixty days from the date theieof, for all fuch Rice as (hall be landed out of any (hip fo en- tered and reported; which bond (hall be vacated upon payment of the faid remaining Duties within ihe time limited, or upon the faid Rice being duly re(hipped and exported —^ , See Plantations, 21, 22, 47, Isfc. RINGS, of Copper or Latten gilt, or for Curtains, may not be imported by^ any perfons, to be uttered or /'old in Great Britain, upon forfeiture ' thereof, as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to be fold, except made and wrought in Ire/and, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked —— ' — — J RINGS for Curtains, may not be imported by Jlrangers, to be fold, upon \ forfeiture, or the value — — — J ROSIN, taay be imported only in (hips belonging to Great Britain or Ireland, ' I or (hips of the country of which it is the produ6l, or of fuch where they can only, or moft ufually are, hrlt (hipped for trar portation, on forfeiture of (hip and goods 2 -May not be imported from t\it Netherlands, or Gcrtnaiij, on forfeiture' of fliip and goods ———— . 1 RUM — If any Rum (hall be imported into Great Britain, in any ca!k not con-" .1 taining fixty gallons at leaft, (except for the ufe of the feamen then belonging to the ve/Tel, not exceeding two gallons for each) it (hall be forfeited, and may be feized, profecuted, and divided, as other forfeited goods are by 3 Geo. III. cap. 22. ■ — -^ ■■^ I Bi^t if It (hall appear to the fatisfaftion of the commi(rioners of the Pultoms, that any Rum of the produce of His >].:jerty's dominions C in America, (hall be imported dirtdly from thence, in ffnall cu(ks, without fraud or concealment, for the uie of the ncicr in the j voyage, or for the private u(e of merchants, or defigned as pre- } fents, and not by way of merchandize : in fuch cafe, they may pdmit the Rum to entry, and caufe the Duties to be accepted in- I Head of the forfeiture j a^— —— Or Spirits of the Britijh Sugar plantations, imported direftly into") jC/t«/ Britain, m.iy, on entry, and before payment of the Duty of ACTS. 227 Year and Reign. C!.2P Sec- 3 Edw. IV. 3 Edw. IV. '.2.3 5 Geo. Ill, 3 Edw. IV. Rich. III. 12 Car. If. i3&i4Car.II. 12 1,2,2 I. 2 II 23 5 Geo. II r. ■13 28 228 APPENDIX. A e T s. Excife, be landed and put into warehoufes, provided by the pro prietor or importer, and approved of by the cotr.miflione— " ■ pro- 1 :rs of 1 loufe- 1 Excife, under the joint locks of the proprietor and wareh( keeper; fccurity being hrll given to pay the faid Duty (according , to the gauge at landing) as foon as fuch Rum or Spirits (hall be | fold, or at the end of fix months, if they Ihail not then be fold — J 1 Rli^'I-— If the Duty Is not paid at the expiration of the faid fix months, the" 4 eonimlfiioners may caufe fuch Rum or Spirits to be fold by auflion ; and cnit of the piodoce, difcharge the Duty and all expences, and pay the furplus, if any, to the proprietor ^— ■■ ij — — Landicd vvithout being entered at the Cuflom-houfe, and with the col-") leflor of Excife, or withoot a warrant from the proper officers, or | without the prefence of an Excife-ofiicer, forfeited; one moieiy to His Majefty, the other to fuch perfon as fhall feize, inform, or fue for the fame ■ . ^— — -iVIay from time to time be delivered out of fuch warehoufes (but not in lefs quantities thaa one caflc, containing at leaft twenty gallons, unlefs it was for the ufe of the feamen in the voyage) on I paying the Duty, and producing to the warehoufe-keeper, and officer appointed to attend, a warrant or certificate from the col- ledlor, certifying fuch payment — ^— -Warehoufe-keepers, and officers appointed to attend warehoufes, are to enter in proper books, accounts of all Rum, i^c. which fliall be brought into, and carried out of their refpeflive warehoufes ; and at the end of every fix months, tranfmit an account thereof, upon oath, to tlie commiflioners of Excife, together with what is remaining; and if it (hall appear to the faid commiffioners, that any of the faid Rum, i^c. has been delivered out bi fore payment of the DiJty, then fuch warehoufe-keepers and officers refpeftively offending, fhall be difabled tcv hold any publick office, and alfo 8 —Mo Rum nor Spirits of America (except of the growth or manufadlure"^ of His Majelly's Sugar colonies there) may be imported into Ireland, unlefs (hipped in Great Britain, in (hips legally navigated, upon > forfeiture thereof, or the value, together with the ihip and all her | furniture ____ .^^___ J ——Zee Arrack.. Coffee, 2^ Zy, 26. Excifeable Liquors. IJ!e of Man, 16, 18, 30, 33, 40. Ireland, 4, Plantations,,^!, izjr 1^9> H-*" SpiritJ. Domtnica, 15, 16, igr. RUSSIA Csmpany — Any Briiijh fubjeft may be free of it, upon payment of 7 I 5/. for admiffion ■- — — — ] 2— ——Any perfon free of this Company, may import, in BritiJh-hmXt (hips, legally navigatad, from RuJJia, any goods of the growth, produce, or manufaclure of Perfia, (provided fuch manufaflures are made of the growth or produce o( Perfia J purchafed by barter with, or the produce of woollen or other goods exported from Great Britain to Riijji-a, (except Gold or Silver, in coin or bulliun) and from thente carjitd into Perfia, to the truth whereof the importer is to ^ make oath ;. paying tic fame Cuftoms as fuch goads are liable to, , jf imported from tlie Levant Seas, by any perfon belonging to the y.ii/iy Company. Hut by 23 Geo. II. cap. 34, Raw Silk of the groArhor produce of Perfia, may be imported under the- fame re- gulations, although the goods with which they are purchafed are uat carried (rem Ru£ia into Perfia — — , , , . Year and Reign. C\\!.f. Se«. '. 7 2 i5&i6Geo.lI 23 Geo. 11. 25 26 i5&i6Geo.lI. 23 Geo. 11. 25 26 9 2 i;&i6Geo.H. 23 Geo. 11. Ve 3 2 i5&i6Geo.II. 23 Geo. II. 25 26 5. 6 2 i5&i6Geo.lI. 23 Geo. U. 25 26 4 2 ^Geo. II. 13 4' ■: < lo&jiW.iii; 6 1, 2 « , 1 ' ■ 14 Geo. Ill 36 I* 2 1 1 i ] : i A :P PEN D I X. RtJSSlA COMPANY— If any doubt (hall arife, whether any of the goods fo' 3 j 11 imported be of the growth, f^c. of Ptrfia, or not, or were imporced Is I'S jr -contrary to this Aft, and for that reafon (hall be feized as forfeited, ' ' ' the proof thereof (hall be incumbent oil the importer or claimer ,_____,_V/r ought Silks, and other manufaftures of Per/ia, mentioned in the aft of 1 1 and I 2 Will. III. cap. lo, are not to be worn in this kingdom but are to be under the regulations mentioned in the faid aft , -t; — See Eaft-India, z% to 39. .l___;__|sJothing in this Aft is to deprive X.lnt Eafi- India Company from en- 7 I joying their full powers, privileges, i3c. — See Goods inwards, 6. j ACTS. Year ana Rei^n. i *^h?p. 14 Geo. II. aft! m, > s. 1^ ADDLES, Made or wrought beyond the feas, may not be I to be /old, bartered, or exchanged. Upon forfeiture, or imported j the value I I Ion, af- T rned in > 'ell —3 2 May not be imported h^ ftrangers, to he fold, upon forfeiture, orl I the value • J I M'iy not be Imported by any perfons, to be uttered or fold in Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, a.-i often as they ri.ay be found in the hands of any perfon 10 be Jold, except made and i wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the (eas, or wrecked SADDLE-TREES, may not be imported by fir angers, to be Jold, upon for- \ (eituie, or the value J SAIL-GLOTH, .Sr»/y/i?>-made, exported, the bounty it to be paid out of fuch parts'^ i; of the Ola Subfidy as are applicable 10 incidents, upon the exporter I ; making oath', that (uch Sail-cloth was made in Great Britain, is ! aftually exported, or (hipped to be exported, without an\ intention j to be relanded in Great Bnluin, * or the iflandf of faro or Ferro, I ,\ li ' dnd that no former reward upon thele Afts was made for the fame J J Briti/h-mide, for which bounty has been given on exportation, af- ' terwards relanded, is forfnted; and every perfon concern bringing back, or relanding the fame, forfeits 2s. for every 2 Every fhip or vfffel built in Great Britain, or His Majefty's plantations^ in Ameri by dillrefs and fale ot the offender's goods, by warrant from two or j if \ more judices, to be. applied to the ufe of the informer J •J . Or Canvas, foreign oiade, ofuallv entered as Hollands Duck or Fitcrv^ 14 CuK'vas, nt ti) be maoe ufe ot for making Sails, upon importation I thereof into Great Britain, to be liamped at Jandii.g by a llanij), ! to be provided by the commiffiontrs of the Cnlloms, of eight j inches diameter, dipped in red lead mixed wiih linfetd oil well | boiied, e.xpreflingthe place and port where they are entered — J -For counterfeiting fuch llafhp, or t+iB Jrapre(fiotT^r knowingly feHin^ ) any foreign Sail-clotti with a counterfeit (lamp, the penalty is 50/. \ I 3 L H $ Ellz. 3 Car. I. 16 Car. I. I Rich. ui. 3 Edw. IV. I Rich. III. 12 Ann. 4 Geo If. 23 Geo. II. 26 Geo. JI. • 5 Geo. III. 8 Geo. IIL 12 Ann. 8 Geo. lU. 9 Geo. IT. 19 Geo M. 4 Geo. in. 9 Geo. II. 4 Geo. III. 9 Geo. r. 4 Geo. III» 19 Geo. TT. 6 Geo. m. ^9Geo. IT. 6 Geo. m. 36 4 4 iz ^^?, Sect. 12 16 21 43 23 t6 23 37 27 1 1 37 II 37 27 44 27 4-f 3 1 1 z I, 2 1:2.3 I, 2 4 26 9 5 3 5 4 I. 5.6 5 33© AIL 9 lo- ll- A P P E'. N D' I' X. CLOTH — No perfon in Greni Uriimii, cr His Majefly's plantatrons in' America, may niakeintoSails or'l'arpawlins any foreign Sail-cloth or Canvas, not fo llamptd, on i'orfciture thereof ; and tlie perfon lb of- fending, on conviittion thereof by the oath of a credible witnefs be- fore a jullice of the peace of the county, Uc where the oftence is 1 committed, is to forfeit 50/. for every Suil or Tarpawling, for tlie ufe of the informer; to he levied by dillrefs and fale ot !is goods, by warrant from two jullices of tlic peace of the county, \Jc. where the offence is committed ; and for wantof fuch diftrefs, to be com- mitted to gaol for fix months, or until he pays the penalty — — -Any perfon making up foreign Sail-cloth or Canvas into Sails, muft"^ place the llamps on the alter fide of fuch Sails, and in fuch man- ( ncr, that the number of ilamps may appear proportionable to the )> number of bolts or pieces in each Sail, on forfeiture of fuch Sails, | and 10/. for every offence J -No perfon may alcer or mend a Sail of foreign Sail-cloth or Canvas, \ not fo llamped, on forfeiture of 20/. - — j f ? «4- A C T S. Year and Reign. Chaii. Seft 19 Geo. n. 6 Geo. III. 19 Geo. II. 6 Geo. III. 19 Geo. II. 6 Geo. 111. -Every Sail-maker, or other perfon, in Great Britain, or His Majefly's" plantations in America, mull imprefs on every new Sail he makes, a flamp of eight inches diameter, dipped in lamp-black mixed with linfeed oil well boiled, containing his name and place V of abode, in plain diltinit letters and words at length, on forfeiture tliereof, and of 10/. for every new Sail delivered to any captain or mailer of a veffel without fuch (lamp — — — — -No Canvas or Sail-cloth may be imported from Ireland but in whole") and entire bolts or pieces; and if the loops or double threads of the bolts (which are direfted to be part of the warp in the middle ! of that end of the web which is laft in weaving) are cut off"; or if .' the bolts have a flamp importing the payment ot either of theboun- I ties, they fhall be deemed to have received the bounty J -If any difpute (hall arife about the Duty which ought to be paid, fuch") Duty is to be afcertained in the fame manner, and under the fame I forfeitures and penalties, as upon goods fubjeil to payment of Du- j ties ad ■valorem — ^— — — — — — J -Upon the importation of Canvas or Sail cloth from Ireland, the prn-~) per officer of the Cuiloms may open, view, and examine the fame, I and, if it appears that the faid bounty has been paid, and no regular ! entry made at importation, the Canvas or Sail-cloth ib omitted to '. be entered fliall be forfeited, and may be feized by any officer of | the Cuftoms -J S AILS — Every mafler of a vefTel, belonging to any of His Majefly's fiibjefls," I' navigated with, or having on board any foreign made Sails, is, at I the time of reporting his fhip, to make an entry and report upon j oath of every fuch Sail, and, before the lliip is cleared, to pay for ■ them the fame Duty as by 12 Ann. cap. 16, is laid upon foreign ^ made Sails imported by way of merchandize, on forfeiture of the | Sails to HisMajefly, and 50/. for every offence by the mailer; and fuch Sails are to be llamped at the port of entry, in the fame man- | ner as direded for foreign Sail-cloth — — J ——See Sail-clot/^, 7. -But if the mafler, before the (hip is cleared, declares his intention of] not paying the Duty, and delivers up the Sails to the officer Cufloms, the Sails only arc to be forfeited — -No captain of a fhip coming from the Eafl-Indies liable to thisDuty, ' or forfeiture for any foreign made Sails, bona fide, brought mention of! cers of the K thisDuty, 1 It from the i- 19 Geo. 5 Geo. II. III. z'? Geo. II. 23 23 19 Geo. It. 6 Geo. III. 19 Geo. IL 6 Geo. HI. 19 Geo. II. 6 Geo. III. 27 4+ 27 44 27 44 27 44 10 5 — 5 — 4 27 I. 2 44 5 27 3 44 5 27 4 44 5 APPENDIX. SAILS— Pecuniary penalties and forfeitures by this AiSl (not otherwlfe direfled *j ^ ' and applied) may be profecuted in any of His Majeily's courts of J record in Great Britain, or fuch of His Majeily's plantations in \ America where the offence is committed ; one moiety to His Ma- I jelly, the other to the profecutor — ■■ -J — See Sail-cloth, 3. SALMON, feeFiJh, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19, 20, 27. JIALT — Ships laden with Salt, hovering on the coaft, and not proceeding" direftly to fome port, may be compelled by the officers of the Cuf- toms or Salt Duties, to come into port; officers to continue on board, till the Salt is unladen, or the Ship departs for her intended ^ voyage ; neglefting to enter and unlade the Salt, or to proceed on her voyage in twenty days, the Salt forfeited, and double the value ' ' " to be recovered of the mailer — — — — — — — .Officers of theCuftoms or Salt Duties may fearch any veflel lying in" port, or riding on the fea-coafts; and if any Salt, not duly entered, be found on board any veflel in which it was not imported, it is forfeited, or the value; and the matter is fubjefl to the fame pe- \ nalties and forfeitures, as if it had been landed without entry - Officers obftrufted, z\it^ offender is to forfeit 40/. — _ -Neglefting or refuling to enter or unlade Salt for the fpace of twenty"] days after a fliip is come into port, or within that time, to depart j and proceed regularly on her voyage to fome other place (unlefs ! permitted to make longer ftay by the chief officer of the Culloms) ( the Salt on board is forfeited, and double the value, to be recovered | of the mailer — — ■ ■- - ' ^ -Imported in ftiips under forty tons, or otherwife than in bnlk (except 7 for the fhip's provifions) forfeited, and double the value ■■ J -Of the produce of manufafture o? Great Britain or Ireland, or other" Salt coming from Ireland or the IJle of Man, may not be imported, or brought into port or place of Great Britain, nor taken out of any Ihip or veffel, nor put on Ihore within any of the faid ports or places, upon forfeiture thereof, together with th-e veffel, and all y her tackle and apparel — — — — — -Petfons delivering, conveying, or affifting, forfeit 20/. each, or fix months imprilbnment — — — — and, if not claimed ") e value, the Salt and > -Such Salt may be feized within two months, and, if not claimed ' within twenty days, and fecurity giv£n for the fliip are to be fold to the beft advantage fSalt (from Inland ox other foreign parts) taken in for the" I neceflary pruviiion of the fliip, or for curing filh, which -Except \ may be landed ; but entry thereof mull be made within ten I days alter coming into port, and the Duties paid or fecu- l_ red, before landing, upon forfeiture, and double the value, fSalt regularly entered and exported to foreign parts, and^ I the fhip forced in by llrefs of weather, oV. in which cafe | -Except-^ the Salt may be landed within twenty days after coming S- in, provided the Duties be again paiddown(beforereland- | ing) for the wJiole quantity of Salt entered for exportation J -Except — Carried coallwife by certificate — — — I 12* -Except J Taken in by (ifhermen to cure fifh at fea, upon oath before"] the Salt officer that it was taken on board from fome port I J of Great Britain, mentioning the place, and not out off" (_ any veiTel at fea J ACTS. 209 Year and Reig 19 Geo. 11. 6 Geo. HI. I Ann. 5 Geo. ]I. 5 Geo. I. Chap. 27 44- Sea. 12 5 21 6 zz I Ann. I Ann. 5 Gco^ II. 2 and 3 Ann, 5 Ann. 2 and 3 Ann. 2 and 3 — 5 Geo. I. 2 and 3 Ann. 2 and 3 2 and 3 — — 21 H 8 art. '4 iS •4 6 232 Appendix. SAL T— Jmperted from Jtrfey, Cutrn/ey, Sari and Ahlernej, liable to ^he fame! Duties as any other foreign Salt ' 3 13 14- I 16- ?l- 22- 23. -From Ireland, or other foreign parts, though taken on board for ne-- celTary provifion for the fhip, or for curing filh, I ten days after coming into port, and before • forfeited, with double the value, by the mailer ' owner dTthe Salt ■ — — iken on board for ne-"J h, not entered within I the landing, \^c. is> er of the (hip, or theV d the Excife Duty be fatisfied, or I leftor, or officer appointed for the J -Foreign, landed before entry, and without a warrant from the collettor, or officer appom Duty on Salt, is forfeited, or the value thereof, and \Oi.pir bufhel ; and every perfon concerned is to forfeit too/. ■ -The perfons in whofe cullody fnch Salt is found are liable to the fameT penalties as if they had been the importers, unlefs they make 'n\ appear from whom they had it — — — — j -Imbezzled after importation, and before warehoufing, the forfei is zos. for every buihel of 84 lb — — ■' riture \ llared and locked up, may not be removed without a warrant orT jerniit for the conveyance, upon forfeiiure thereof, beCde^i lOs per I jufliel, and 20/. for every fuch offence; to be recovered of the f ;mporter, and of every perfon concerned in the removal J t8 C ellared and locked up, may not be removed without a warrant or' per bu imp 19— —Importers to be charged with the fullquanti'yof Salt cellared, though, I , upon clearing fuch cellar or warehoufe, there may appear to deficiency — — —— — beaC • At the end of every lilhing feafon, the officer is to take an account of" the Salt remaining, vvhich mull be forthwith locked up as before ; and the proprietors are to deliver thtm an account upon oath, of the quantity of fifh exported (confirmed by a certificate of the of £cers of the port of exportation) or of the red or white herrings entered for home-confumption, on which the faid Sal: had been ufed. But, as to white herrings lent to foreign markets imme- diately from fea, without being brought into port by the fociety ^ ef the free 5r///yl^ fiOifry, the quantity is to be aicertiiined by the oath of the fociety's fuperiniendant before a jullice of the peace, or officer of the Salt Duties ; and a certificate under the liands of their fecretary and accountant, cither that it appears by the letters or accounts from their correfpondents or agents, to whom fucn fifh were configned, that they have come to their hands, or that fuch filh have been loft at fea — . -But if delirerel over by the proprietors to any other perfons for the~ curing of filh, it mull be fo expreffed in his accounts, and made appear, by oath or othervvife, ihat it was fo ufed, upon fcfeiture of ;o/. and the perfons to whoin delivered mult, upon o th like- wife, give an account of the Salt bv them ufed in the curing of, iiih exported ; confirmed by the certificate of the officers of the '' port of exportation — -Such Salt, not h accounted for within three months after the expira tionofeach year, the forfeiture is 10;. ^cr buihel ■ • Such S.ilt as cannot be accounted for, having been fold, given away,") oruftu lop any other purpofe, ttie proprile necefTity, S;i!t-, or ffiipped coaftwife, and loft at fea by ftorms, {jV. upon proof of fuch lofs, and that it was not occa- fioned by leakage or negligence, made by the oaths of two or more credible witncflcs (whereof the mailer or mate to be one) before the ^ juftices of the peace at the general quarter-feffioiis, they are to grant a certificate of fuch proof being made; which being produced to any of tlie officers appointed to colled the Duty upon Salt, he is to permit the like quantity to be bought U^e of Exciie — -Imported, not of the produft of Great Britain, to be deemed foreign, and charged accordingly ■ — — _____ Year and Rcit Chii 1 Ann. 2 and 7, Ann. ,- Go. ir. 26 Geo. il. I Ann. i and 3 Ann. 26 Geo. 11. 5&6W. &M. 9 and loW. HI. J Geo. 11. 26 Geo. Jll. Geo. I. 5 Geo. II. 6 Geo. If. r\ J and 6 W. ■) and M, J 9 and W. Ill, 2 and 3 Ann. 8 Geo. I. 5 Geo. if. 26 Geo. II. 7 and 8 W. 7 & M. 1 21 H 6 3 21 '4 32 7 44 6 3 18 6 3 44 '4 4 6 3 Sea. '3 ro 8 u I I 25 I I 21 28 18 1 1 '3 t t 49— ^■ I H- 150- •53- i5+- ■5S- J56- APPENDIX. SALT Exported to the IJe of Man, Jer/ty, or Guernfey, entitled to the } 46 Drawback j 47 Any Salt-maker, importer of S.ilt, or any refiner or proprietor oP Rock Salt, refufing, upon due requell or demand made by tlie Salt-ofiiccr, in the day time, or in the night in the prefence of a conftable or other lawful officer of the peace, to permit fuch officer to enter his works, warehoufes, or otfier places by hi n made uh of for making, laying, refining, or keeping of bait, is to forfeit 40/. for every fuch offence — — . __ _ 48 ■ Rock Salt, Salt Rock, or Refined Salt exported to parts beyond the" feas Tfie exporter to be paid by the Salt-officer, for every bulhel of Rock Salt, or Salt-rock, after the rate of 65}^ to the burtiel, and Refined Salt, after the rate of 56ft to the buthel, all the Duties which have been paid for the fame, within two days after demand, , on a debenture to be prepared by the colleclor of the Cuftoms, ve- )■ rified by the fearcher as to the quantity (hipped ; the oath of the 1 (exporter or his agent being firrt taken that the Duties "ere paid, I and that it is to be exported beyond the feas and not relanded in iGreal Britain, or * the idands of Faro or Fcrro ; which debenture lis to be f iven without fee or reward ■— ^ . See Salt, 53. ACTS. 235 -Rock or White Salt not to be Shipped on board any veffel for ex-^ portation, or to be carried coaltwife, without being firll weighed by the officers appointed by the commiflioners of Excife, and a per- mit or certificate of the quantity-obtained, upon penalty of for- feiture of the Salt, and \os. per bulfiel, unlefs the officer refufes, or does not attend to weigh it, or refufes a, permit or certificate ' ;when weighed -The officer refufing fuch permit (which is to be given gratis) is to forfeit 5/. to the perfon grieved -^-^ . . _; -Carried coallwife by cocket or tranfire twenty miles by fea or more," or from the port of Great Tarmouth to Lovijloff or Souih-wold Bay, . although to a member or creek of the port from whence it is firil thipped off; the allowance to be made for wafte is three bufhels for every forty bulhels of White Salt, and one bu.Tiel and a half .for every forty bufhels of Rock Sale — See Salt, 53- - -■ -The allowance to be made but once, though the Salt (hould be carried coattwife from feveral ports, or members of ports - -Foreign or Englip, Rock or Refined Salt — The exporter to have no" greater allowance on prompt payment, and for wafle, and upon exportation of the fame, than what was paid or fecured for the Duty at fifft . -Englijh to have nine months, and Rock Salt twelve months for pay- ; ment of Excife ■ -Scots — Imported into England, to pay Zi ^d. per bulhel during the" continuance of zr. i^d. per bufhel on EnpUjh Salt, impofed by q and 10 Will. HI. cap. 44. ^ ^ ^ -And during the faid time, no Salt may be brought from Scotland to . England by land in any manner, upon forfeuure thereof, with the ' cattle and carriages, and 20/. per bulhel to be recovered of the carrier or owner; and the perfon carrying the {xme, to be im- prifoned by any one juftice of the peace for fix months, and until the penalty be paid . . -If any officer for the Duties on Salt, fhall deliver, or be privy to theT delivering or conveying away Britijb White Salt, Rock Salt, Re- | Year and Reign. Chap. Sea. 9 2 and 3 Ann. «4 1 Ann. z 1 2 lo&iiW.IIl. 22 7 1 Ann. 21 9 • 5 Geo. Iir. 43 30 lo&ii W. III. 22 V\ ill 5 Ann. 6 Ann. ^9 12 4 5 Ann. S Geo. II. 26 Geo. II. 29 6 3 1' I 5 Ann, 29 s 5 8 art. 8 J Ii 236 APPENDIX. ined Salt, or Salt Rock, from any place made ufe offer making, refining, or keeping fuch Salt, or from any Salt-pit, or to the land- ing any foreign Salt out of any velTcl before the fame be duly en- ^ ttred and charged, fo as the makers, refiners, and importers, fhall be charged with the full payment of the Duties, fuch officer fhall forfeit, over and above the penalty of his bond, double the value of the Salt, and 1 o/. /^r bufhel — -Landed without the prefence of any officer, forfeited, and los. ffr"^ buHiel; and the vefTel out of which it fhall be taken, with the | tackle and furniture, forfeited ; and every perfon concerned j therein, fhall forfeit 20/, — -^— — J -Officers for the Duties on Salt meeting any perfon conveying Salt/ by land or water, day or night, may demand a fight of the permit, and may, at their own expence, weigh the Salt ; and if it be found more in weight than contained in the permit, the furplufage fhall j- be forfeited: and the perfons conveying the fame, fhaU be liable to the fame penalties and forfeitures as perfons are liable to by this or any other Aft for removing Salt without due entry _ ACTS. SALT- 5« -5-9- 60 Any perfon obftrufting or abuling officers in the execution of their! duty, fhall forfeit 20/. for every offence ■ j 6t QrSalt Herrings, or Fifh feized for non-payment of Duty, if any dif- . n^ 11 ^•r. !^^ ^u . r .L - r n.-li i:_ *i-_ pute ihall claimei iz- ■•■, or Fifh feized for non-payment of Duty, if any dif- "^ fe concerning the fame, the proof fhall lie on the i- made') ers of J. H- W H- -Or Fifh, liable to feizure; the packages, carriages, and cattle made' ufe of in conveying the fame, are forfeited; and the officers the Salt Duties or Cufloms, may feize the fame fetScizurei^ -Briiipy on exportation thereof, the officer of the place where the Duty" ha k been paid or fecured, fhall give a certificate that the Duty hath been fo paid or fecured, and the officer of the place where the Salt is exported, upon producing the faid certificate, and oath being mad.: oi the fhipping the faid Salt, and of its not being re- landed n England or U^ales, or * the iflands of Faritox Ferro, fhall give a deber.rurc, which being produced to the officer, where the Duty fha)!' have been paid or fecured, fuch Duty fhall be repaid, or the fecurity vacated — - ■ " — — — -Foreign, may rot be imported from the 'Netherlands-, or Germany, on \ forfeiture oj tlie (hip and goods ' j imported only in Ihips belonging to Great Britain, or Ireland, "1 ps of he country of which it is the produft, or of fuch port f ; ttcan only, oj- moft ufually is, firft fhipped for tranfporration, I -feiture of (hip and g'"ods — — J -May be imported only in (hips belonging to Great Rritttia, or Ireland,' or (hips where i on forfeii See FiJ^- Goods iniuardsy 1, 3. Plantations, 19. SALTS and SALT-SELLERS, made out of this realm, of Tin or Pewter,! may not be bought cr bartered for, upon forfeiture thereof, in whofe i hands foever fouud, and the value ■ j SA^K., /se Gieds tn-wardst 15^ Gunfotsvder, 4.. Salt, 13. ITool, 29, 3^0, 33. SAUCiiRS, made out of this realm, of Tin or Pewter, may not be bought or' bartered for, upon forfeiture thereof, in whofe hands foever four and. the value — — — — SCABBARDS, and- Sheaths for Knives, made or wrought beyond the feas, ' may no* be imported to be /old, bartered, or exrhanged, fciinre. or. the value ■■ ■ Year and Reign. 5 Geo. III. Chap. 43 Sea 39 40 9& low. HI 5 Geo. III. i3&i4Car.II 12 Cac II. 2 J Hen.Vm. j3Hen.VIIL 25Hen.Vin. 33HenAIIL i Eliz. 3 Car. T. 16 Car. I. — 41 — 42 — 43 — 44 44 22 43 3° 11 23 18 8 9 1 4 I, 9 I 4 1. 7 3 4 11 4 2 APPENDIX. SCTSSOHS, may not be imported hy grangers, to he/oU, upon forfeiture, or] I the value ^—— ___^— j * —May not be imported by any perfons, to \>& uttered or foUm Great' Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, 33 often as they may be found in I the hands of any perfon to be fold, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked . SCOTLANT), /ee Biit.'rii:. Fijh,z%. Limn,-J. Naval Stores, ^, l^c. Officers, 21. Ports, 4. Salt, 55, 56. SeJJions. Ships, 58. Fiiliial. SCOURING CLAY, may not be ex-ported to foreign parts, upon forfeiture of] \s. per % t-ei^Vt fee Ships, 9. H'^ool, 14. J SCUMMERS, may not be imported by any perfons, to be uttered or fold in Greet Britain, upon forfeiture ihc-reof, as ofien as they may found in ihe hands of any perlbn to be /old, except made a wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked 'sSaL-SKINS, fee Grnnland. in-1 be ( nd r SEAMEN, defirous of remitting any part of their wnges to their wives, tfc") may have 2 hill drawn by the clerk of the treafurer of the Navy, I on the coi.evflor of the Cuflonis, of any port, who is to pay the | , ' fame, if a dqplicate of the faid bill (hall, within fjx caKndar ^ I "* ( "T" moiuRs, be produced to him; which bill, together with the du- ' pHcaie, being produced at the Navy-otiice, Ihall be afligned for payment by' tlit commiflioners of the Navy ec Aliens, 5, 9. Cattle, 5. Gretnv.>ich Hofjiital, 1. Plantations, 13, 14, Ij. Ships, 63, 64. 7alki>;. Wool, 20, 22. SEIZURES of Ships and Goods as forfeited, for unlawful importation and I exportation, or (or -non-payment of Dutie;, may be made only by ofiicers of the Cultoms, or perfons authorized by warrant from the Treafury, or by. fpecial commifiion under His lylajelly's great pr privy feal ; and if made by any other perfons, they are void — r— _ -^BKcepl Ammunition, 4. Cattle, 2, 4 Fifh, 1. 26, 45. Wool, 26. Arm:.':, I, r. Exeiftahle Liqiiori, 7. Goods inivards, 44, 45, Plnntalio'is, -Officers making collufive feizures of f reign good?, in order to evade the Duties, are to forfeit 500/. ar.d be rendered incapable of ferving ' His Majefty ; and the importers or owners are to forfeit treble the value of the goods , . . - -Officers or proprietors difcovering their ofFences to the commiflioners' of the Cuftonis, within two mouths, {a Ai to convhiit their accom ' plices, are to be acquitted ■ ■ ■ . -Cither perfons fo difcovering within three months, are to have half of His Majefty's fliare ACTS. 237 Year and Reign. Chap.! Sea. I. I Rich. III. 3 Edw. IV. -f I, 2 1.2,3 9 & 10 W. Ill 3 Edw. IV. 40 -Not profecuted to effeft for the bringing of rhem to trial and con-") demnation, by the feizer or informer, may be feized or informed j againft, or an aftion brought h^^z.-^ s:ii dc-jenerwtt, by any other ^ otficer, l3c, who is to be efteemed as the true firft informer or | feizer -1 — — — J -Officers or informers may not compound any feizure, under one- third part of the appraifed value, upon forfeiture of office one- T -In all fuits and informations upon any A£l concerning the importation ") of goods, if the property be claimed by any perfon as the importer, > the onus probandi is to lie on the owner or tlnimer J 3 N 31 Geo. II. i3&i4Car.Il Geo. !. s o < ■ ; ' ij5.'i4Car. II ,3 & xt, 13 & ,4 '.2,3 14 II 1 1 :6 >7 iS .28^ 7.38 APPENDIX. 9^- II- ^»: SF.IZUFTES— iTpon entry of claisi to any prohibited or uncuftomed goods, or") 8 to any ftiips, veflels, or boat,-., feized by virtue of any law now in force for the more efFcAual preventing the exportation of Wool ; or to any /hip, veflel or boat, of 100 tons burthen or under, feized i for any other caufe of forfeiture; the claimer muft give fecarity in j the penalty of * 60/. in the court where profecuted, to pay the cofts ; in default whereof, within the tims limited by the courfe of fuch court, the goods may be recovered — — J ——But Jce Article 26. -Fcreign goods feized for non-payment of Duties, or any otfier caufe — " In difputes, whether the Duties have been paid, or the goods have j ibeen lawfully imported, or legally compounded for, or condemned, |or concerning the place from whence imported, the proof is to lie ' on the owner or claimer ■ — —— -In feizores or informations upon the a£l of Navigation, 12 Car. II ") cap. 18, the defendant may have a commiiTion out of the high | court of Chancery, to examine witnefTes beyond the feas, and a competent time allowed before trial ; and fuch examination is to be admitted for evidence, as if given 'vivd "voct — —— -In every aflion, fuit, indiflment, information, or profeciwion com-"' menced againft officers of the Cuftoms, Uc. for any matter or thing done by virtue, or in purfuance, or execution of this, or any other Aft relating to the Cufloms and Navigation, the de- fendants may plead the general i.Tue, and give thofe particular Afts, and the fpecial matter in evidence for their defence, in any \- of the courts of juftice ; and if, upon trial, a verdift pafs for the defendants, or the plaintiffs difcontinue or forbear their artions, or become non-fuited, or judgment be given againft them by de- murrer or otherwife, the defendants are to have [full, double, or treble] cofts of fuits awarded againd fuch plaintiffs, i^c. _ -Forfeitures and penalties may be fued for, profecuted, and recovered," by aftion of debt, bill, plaint, information, or indiflment, in His Majerty's court of Exchequer, or any other of Kis Majefly's courts of record ; wherein no efToign, protection, privilege, or wager of law, or any more than one imparlance, muft be allowed Of See Prcj'ecutions, i. Except in the follow- ing cafes ; ' AJhes, 9. CanMes, ri, tz, 15. Coffee, 24.' IXraiKbacist 7. Fiji, 10. Goods inivards, 26, 28, 29, 63. Ireland, 13. Iron, 5. Plan- tations, 97, ^uarentine, 18, 20. Sails, 4. Salt,\j. Ships, 40. Spirits. Tobacco, I, 54. Wool, ^ , ■ 14— ——Upon Seizures of goods run or prohibited, and of the veflels, car-' riages, horfes, ^c-. which may be tried before the juftice of peace — One or more of the faid juftices may adminifter an oath to perfons fkilled in the nature of the goods, l^c. feized, to view the fame, and to return the fpecies, quantity, quality, and value thereof to ihe faid juftices in a limited time, in order that informations may Le exhibited for their hearirkg and determining fuch feizures J ACTS. year and Reign. Chap. ' Seft. 8 Ann. i5&i6Geo.I[ • 3 Geo. III. 7 3' zz 12 Geo. I. i3&i4Car. II. 13^14 And the feve- ral other Afts on which the officers are to proceed. 28 76 'i 8 8 i3&i4Car.II I3&14- And the other AOs which in flia the for- feituresandpe naltiei. Which fee. 29 16 30 3> 12 Geo. I. i8 16 A V P E N D I X. ^SEIZURES— Afiercondemrauon.by the jud-ment of fuch juftices, the goods,' ijc. are to bep.:blickly fold to the bell bidder, at fuch places arid ^ times as the refpcdive commiffioners (hall think prcper , »S i6- »7- J8- Zz- ■Of goods liable to D.jties, i any boat, ijfc. with intent forfeited for being fhipped or put into _iiy Doat, Of. wuH iiucut to be exported, or for being unlhipped to be laid on land, out of any (hip from foreign parts, before the faid Duties are paid, fccured, tendered, or agreed for, and all . forfeitures and penalties ; one moiety of the rate or value thereol ' is to be for the ufe of His Majeiiy, His Heirs and .Succeffors, and the other moiety to the perfon that feizes, informs, or fues for Except in the following cafes; i'/z 'Arrack, 6. Cattle, Z, 4, 9, 10. Coin, I, 2. EaJ}-~] Iniiies, 6, 24, 35, 40. Goods coajiiui/e invjards, 6. I Plantations, 1, 18, 22, 40, 51,63, 82,9"', 125, 140. \ South-Seas, 2, 5. Tea. Ji,bacco, 16. Wool,^, 19, | 47, 80, 81, 82, 84. J But fee Art. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. -On all trials of Seizures, the Seizure, together with the method and' form of making it, (hall be taken to have been done in the manner as fet forth in the information, without any evidence thereof; and , all judges and juftices of the peace are to proceed to the trial of [ the merits of the caufe, without enquiring into the fad, form, or | manner of making the Seizure — — — — — J -In any information brought to trial on account of the Seizure of any" fliip or goods as forfeited, wherein a verdift is found for the claimer, if it appears to the court there was a probable caufe of Seizure, and is fo certified upon the record, the defendant fhall not be entitled to any colls, nor the feizer liable to any aflion, indidment, or pro- fecution — — — — tg In any adlion, indiftment or profecution, brought again ft any perfon for feizing any (hip or goods, wherein a verdifl is given againil the defendant, if the court fhall certify upon the record, that there was a probable caufe of Seizure, the plaintift", befides his (hip and goods, or the value thereof, (hall not be entitled to above two-pence da- mage, nor to any cofts ; nor the defendant (ined above one (hilling -The produce of the Seizures of prohibited and uncuftomed goods, are \ to be carried into, and made part of, the Aggregate Fund [ ACTS. 23^; Year and Rtien. I Chaji.i Seel. 12 C;o. I. 12 Car. II. And the feve- r.il other Aft5 quoted for Goods inwardi and thofe which innicfl the forfeitures and penalties. Which fee. 21 ThecommilTioners of the CuHoms maycaufe all (hips, vertels and boats, and all goods (except fuch as are liable to be burnt) which (hall be feized l>y the ofiicers of the Culloms, and condemned according to law, to be publickly fold to the bell bidder, at fuch place as they ftiall think proper : the charges of condemnation and fale being de- f dudled from the whole, one moiety of the produce to be paid to ! the oificer, the other to be paid into the Exch quer, in lieu of the | King's fhare, except in cafes othervvife provided for by this Adt J ——See Tea. Tobacco. Wool. 28 9 Geo. II. 19 Geo. n. 32 Geo. II. ■Ships forfeited by this Aft, after condemnation, to be burnt or ufetl") in the fervice of the Culloms or hxcife, and the tackle, furniture, I i^c. to be difpofed of and divided, and the tonnage afcertained .is f direded by the laws now in force in refpeifl to veflels forfeited for J importing foreign Spirits ■ ^ff Spirits. -After dedufting the charges of condemnation and fale from the grofs produce of Wrought Silks, Bengals and Stuffs mixt with Silk or Herba, of the manufafture of Per/ia, China, or Eajf India, and Callicoes painted, dyed, primed, or flained there, (feized and \ I Geo. III. 3 Geo. III. 16 4 35 3+ 34 16 I 240 A P P E N D I X. con9 j8 12 >9 9 16 2 1 16 APPENDIX. ACTS. 243 SHIPS indiflrefs — Perfons not empowered entering, or endeavouring to enter,"J ij Ships in dillrefs, ormolefting the prefervation thereof, or defacing I the marks of goods faved, before an account thereof be taken, are [ to make doui^le fatisfiftion within twenty days, or elfe to be put ■ to hard labour for f.velve months. Perfons entering fuch Ships, | without leave, may be repelled by force J Year and Reicn. IChsp. Seft, 16 Goods faved from Sh-ps in didrefs, ftolen or carried off, the perfon ' on whom found is to reflore them to the proprietor, upon forfei- ture of treble the value ^ ——See Good) innjjards, 5 I, \-j -Holes made in the bottoms. C5V. of Ships in dirtrefs, the pump taken' away, or any thing done tending to the dellrufiion thereof, the perfons fo offending are to be made guilty of felony, without be- nefit of clergy —— — — ■ 18— —Officers of the Cuftoms abufing the truft hereby repofed in them, are' to forfeit treble damages to the party aggrieved, and to be rendered incapable ^— — . __— _ 19- In diftrefs, wrecked, llranded, or caft on fhore in His Majefty's do-" minions (whether any living creature be on board or no) any per- fon convicted of plundering, taking away, ordeftroying any goods or merchandize, furniture, tackle, apparel, provilion, or part be- longing to her ; or of beating or wounding with intent to kill ; or obiirutiiiig theefcape of any perfons endeavouring to fave their lives from her, or of putting out falfe lights with intent to bring any velTel into danger, is tofufier death as a felon, without benefit of clergy, 20 But if the goods or eftedls (Iranded, loft, or cad on fhore, are of fmall" value, and ilolen without circumdances of cruelty, outrage, or violence, the ofl'ender may be profecuted by indiflment for petit larceny, and puniflied accordingly — — Such goods being fiolen, upon information upon oath before a jnftice" of the peace, of their being unlawfully conveyed awiy, or con- cealed in any place, or of fome reafonable ground of fufpicion thereof, fuch jullice may grant warrants for fearch ; and, ifihey are found there, or in cullody of any perfon not legally entitled to keep them, the owner or occupier of the place, or the perfon upon ^ whom they are found, not immediately delivering them upon de- mand to the osvner, or perfon lawfully authorifed to demand them, or not giving a good account how he came by them, is to be com- mitted to gaol for fix months, or until he pays the owner treble the vulue of the goods — — — — 12 Such goods ftolen, or fufpefted to be fo, and offered to fale, mav be" ilopped and feized by the perfon to whom they are offered, or by any officer of the Cuftoms or Excife, or any peace-officer, who muft carry them, or give notice of the feizure to'a julHce of the peace; and if the perfon who offered them to fale does net, within ten j days, prove, to the fatisfaclion of the juftice, the property to be ! in him, or the perfon who employed him, the goods, by order of ' the jullice, are to be delivered o\erto the ufe of the owner, upon payment of a reafonable reward for the feizure, to be afcertaiiied by the juftice; who is alfo to commit the perfon who offered them to fale, to gaol for fix months, or until he has paid treble the value of the goods to the owner — — — — 12 Ann.feff. 2, 4 Geo. I. z6 Geo. II. 12 Ann.felT. 2, 4 Geo. I. z6 Geo. II. 12 Ann. feir. 2 4 Geo. I. 26 Geo. II. 12 Ann.feff. 4 Geo. I. 26 Geo. II. 18 3 12 I 19 16 ll- 26 18 12 '9 18 12 '9 18 I z '9 26 z6 -Any perfon not employed by the maftcr, mariners, or owners, or per-" fons lawfully authorifed, who, in the abfence of thoic who are (o, fliall fave any Ship or effects, and caufe them to be carried into port, or to any Cuftom-houfe near, or other place of fafe cuftody, immediately giving notice thereof to feme julUce of the peace, ma- \ 4 I 16 5 1 16 7 1 16 26 244 APPENDIX. glilrate, or Cudom-houfeorExcife officer, or (hall difcover to ihem where fuch cfFeils are wrongfully bought, fold, or concealed, fliall be entitled to a reafonable reward from the mafter or owners ; to be adjuiled, in cafe of difagreement, in the fame manner as fal- SHII'S indirtrefs.oV. — Upon oith being made before a proper magidrate of any"" 2± fuch plundcror theft, or ofthebreakingany iViipcontrary to 12 Ann. fert". 2, cap. 1 8, the examination taken thereupon in writing, is to be deliftrcd to tlie clerk of the peace of the county, ^c. where the fa:t was committed, or to his deputy, who is to cauie the ofienders to be profecuted in that county, or any one next adjoining ; or, if ■ the fail is committed in U'a/cs, in the next adjoining £«^////^ county. I'he neceifary charges are to be paid him by the treafurer of the ^ county, (Jc. where the faft was committed, and the amount to be afcertained by the juftices cf the peace at the general or quarter- feffions. Such clerk of the peace refuQng or negleding to profecute forfeits tool, to any perfon whoihall fue for it — — 23 Such indi£lments may be laid in the next adjoining county by any other perfon — — — — — — — SHIPS or Goods ftranded 26 37- 23- 29- — The juftlce of the peace, mayor, bailiff, colledor- of the Cuftoms, or chief confiable neareft the place, muft forth- ■ with give publick notice for a meeting of the (herifF, or his deputy, the jultices of the peace, mayors or chief magillrates of towns cor- porate, coroners, and commiflioners of the land-tax, or any five of them, who are required to give aid in execution of this Aft, and 12 Ann. fefl". 2, cap. 18, and to employ proper perfons in faving the veflcls or effefts, and to examine perfons upon oath concerning them or the falvage, to adjuft the quantum of falvage, and dillri- bute it among the perfons concerned, in cafe of difagreement ; and every one who attends and afts, is to be paid 4 s. a. day for his ex- pences, out of the goods faved by his care and diredtion ■ -The charges and rewards for falvage not being paid, or fecurity given") for it within forty days after the fervice performed, the officer of theCufioms concerned may borrow money to fatisfy tjie fame, upon ! a bill of fale, under his hand and feal, of the fhip or cargo ; re- [ deemable, neverthelefs, upon payment of the principal borrowed, | and intereft at 4/. per cent, per annum —^ — — — J -Perfons aflembled to fave'any vefTel or effcfl?, are to conform to or-" ders of the following fubordination, as the perfons happen to be preferit. In the firll place, to the orders of the ma.ler, or other oHicers or owners, or perfons employed by them; in the next place, to the orders of officers of the Culloms, then of the officers of Excife, then of the Iheriftor his deputy, then of any juftice of the peace, then of the mayor or chief magiflrate of a corporation, ^ then of the coroner, then of the commiflicners of the land-tax, then of any chief conllable, then of any petty conllable, or other peace officer. Any perfon wilfully adiing contrary to fuch 01 ders, forfeits any fum not exceeding 5/. to be levied by warrar.tofa juftice of the peace; and, for non-payment, the oiFender is to b^ committed to the houfe of correclion not exceeding three months^ -For aflaulting, wounding, or beating any perfoti lawfully authorifed.l on account of their afting in the falvage of any vefTel or effefts, the | oiTsnder, upon conviftion at the affizes, at the general or quarter- )■ fcffions for the county, ISc. where the offence was committed, is j to be tranfported for feven years — — — J 30- -Juftices of the peace, in cafe of need, may, in the abfence of the ' high-(herifF, take fufucient power of the county to repel al violence, and to enforce the execution of this aft ce of the 1 all unjuft i- ACTS. "^'ear and Reign. Chap Sea. 26 Geo. II. 26 26 26 26 26 12 APPENDIX. SHIPS in dillrefs — The ofHcer of the Curtoms, who arts In prefervation thereof,' gi muft, as foon as conveniently may be, caufe all peribns belonging to the Ship, or others who can givedli account thereof, to be examined upon oath before a juftice of tlie peace, as to the name and de- fcription, the name of the commander and owners, and owners cf the cargo, of the port from and to which bound, and the occafion )■ of the dirtrefs. The examination is to be taken in writing, and a copy to be delivered to the officer of the Cuftoms, with a copy of the account of the goods, who is to tranfmit it to the fecretary of the Admiralty, to be publilhed in the London Gazette, for infor- mation of the perfons concerned — — — — 32- 33- 34- -Noihing in this aft to extend to Scotland — — -This Aft not to prejudite any in the right to wrecks, or goods (hall be flotfam, jecfani, or lagan that 3 jgeT eofl. 3S- -Not to extend to, or any ways affeft the ancient jurifdiftion and ufage" of the Admiralty court of the cinque-ports ; but the officers thereof are to have the fame power as other peribns in other ports -Thefe Aft to be read in every parilh church, or chapel, of all the fea- 1 port towns of this kingdom, on the Sundays next after Micuaetmas- > dav, Chrijimai-day, Lady day, and MidJ'ummer- day J See n'recks. SHIPS inwards — Arriving in the port o( London, from foreign parts may not") 36 be above three days in coming from Gra^efend xo the place of dif- | charge, without touching or (laying at any wharf, key, iSc. ad- joining to either fhore between Grave/end and Chejler's key, unlefs ! apparently hindered by contrary winds, i^c. or other juft impedi- [ ment, to be allowed by the principal officers of the Cuftoms; and | in the out-ports they muft come direftly uptothe placeof unlading, | upon forfeiture of 100/. See izd Rule, page 13, Second Part — J 27— — No cuftomer, colleftor, or other officer of the Cuftoms, is to clear in-' wards any Ship orvefTel liable to the payment of 6 pay to the coUedor cf the Culloms at tliat port, a Duty of 5 i. for every ton burtlien, upoii forfeiture of 10/. befides the Duty ; to continue as long as a Duty of 50 fols per ton on Britijh ftiips was colledted in Frame, and three months after ACTS VearanJ Reign. Chap. Seft 22 Geo. II. 33 4-- 43- -Watermen, ISc. going out from any port to fetch goods from fuch Ships, were liable to the paymentof this Duty, and to forfeit4o/. But thi; Duty is made void ly the I Ith tuticU ff the treaty of com- merce concluded at Utrecht, 1713 — — See Goods iit-ivards, l . ■ Officers of Exclfe, as well as Cuftoms, may feize all veflels and boats liable to forfeiture by 8 Geo. I. cap. 18, and 12 Geo. I. cap. 28, for clandeftine importation of Spirits, fuch vefTels may be pio ceeded againll as if ieized by officers of the Cuftoms art. 18 and § 24 V 1 2 Car. II. 14 Car. II. } SHIPS outwards — The mader, &c. Ihall not take into an, 4^ (Fidi taken by Briiifi excepted) to bej:arried to p 33 Geo. II. 18 1 1 45- 46. 47- y Ship any goods ^ _ ___^ parts beyond the ! feas, before he {hall''have fignified to the cuftomer, ^r. of the port that he intendeth to lade, and to what place he intendeth to pafs; ! nor fhall he depart out of the port before he fliall fignify to the of- ficers his lading, and what merchants have ladeti with him, and anfwered fuch quellions upon oath as ihall be minilkred by the of- ficers concerning the fame, on pain to forfeit 100/. ■ -The matter, iSc. fhall not fufFer to be laden on board any Britijh. goods to be exported to parts beyond the feas, until he fhall have entered ihe Ship in the book of the Culloms, or colledor and comptroller outwards, with the name of the marter, the burthen of the Ship, the number of guns and ammunition fhe carries, and to what place Ihe intends to pafs, and, before his departure, fhall . deliver to fuch officer a content in writing of the nanies of every ' merchant wha lliall have laden any goods on board his Ship, to- gether with the marks and numbers of fuch goods, and (hall an- f'ver upon oath, to the btll cf his knowledge, fuch quellions as fliail be demanded by the faid officers concerning fuch goods, on pain if forfeiture of 100/. •— — —If the package of any foreign goods Ihipped out for parts beyond the") feas, Ihall, with the privity of the maftcr, \3c. be opened on board I any'ship, or p.t into any ether form during the time the Ship re- I mains HI port without leave of the principal officers, the matter, ^ l£c. fhad fcrfeit 100/. and, if he ihall fuffer any of the faid goods to be unfiiifped, er the package opened, he fhall alfo fufFer '' months impr.fonment wiihout bail or mainprize — May not be dctaiiied by the officers above three tides after their ar- ri al at Gravf'ict; and 'n the out-ports not above one tide, after ■" they are ready CO fail, upon forfeiture of office, and rendering da- mage to the merchant and owner. 22 RuU,fagt 13, Second Part. I Eliz. i3&i4Car.II >7 2 + 16 laiier, f gocds I ferfix II 5 Geo. I. 7 Geo. III. 1 1 35 APPENDIX. SHIPS outwards, bound to Ireland with certificate goods The mafters muS") 48 take with them a duplicate of their contents, in wr'rin!', ccrufied | under the hands and feals of the coilec'tor and comptroller of the ^ port in Great Britain, in order to be delivered to tlie officers of the | Cuftoms in Ireland — J SHIPS trading ccaflwife Foreign-built fhips fo employed, bought after the" 49 paffing of this Acl, are to pny at the port of difcharge, for every voyage, ;y./frton,_one moiety for tiie ufe of the cheft at C^a/^rt/w, and the other moiety to the Trinity-hou/e at Deptford-Jlrand 50— ——But fuch (hips bought before the 29th of September, 1689, and not J made free, are to pay only l zd. per ton — — J 51 To be received and recovered as ^irefted for the Cudoms, by the 7 I2th of C.".r. H. cap. 4. — __^ J See Goods coajiivi/e outwards, i. ^t .gr/'fiy&-built, which any where in the Book of Rates are defigiied to" entitle the importers or exporters of goods to any abatement or pri- vilege, are to be underftood, fhips built in Greni Britain, Ireland, Gnernfey, Jer/ey, or lUtBriiifo plantations in AJia, Africa, or Ame- 1 rica, or * IJle of Man ; and whereof the mafter, and at lead three- C fourtiis of the mariners are Br-tijh, i. e. His Majefty's fubjefls of Great Britain, Ireland, or the faid plantations, and have been fo | during the w!-.oie voyage, unlefs in cafe of ficknefs, death, £jfc.— J —^See Plantations, I, 3, 8, 18, 47. Prize Ships, 53 — But Briiijh (hips laden with Corn entitled to the Bounty, may be failed with the mailer, and at kift two-thirds of the mariners His Majefty's la'^jeits — — ^ ^—— See aljo Greenland, 2, 4. Nt'wfoundland, 1. Wool, 67, -In any future ii'ar. His Majejiy, by his royal proclamation, may perm mrchan! Jhips to le na'vigated by three-fourths foreigners, and one fourth Britilh ■ :| SHIPS belonging to Great Britain or Ireland — Forei?n-bui!t (hips are not to be' 54 deemed or pafs as (hips belonging to Great Britain or Ireland, till the owner has made it appear to the chief officer of the Cuftoms, in the port next to his abode, that he is not an alien, and has made oath before the (aid officer, that fuch (hips were bond fide, and without fraud, by him bought for a valuable confideration, ex- prefTing the fum, as alfo the time, place, and perfons from whom . bought, and who are his part-owners, if any; (all which part- ' owners are alfo liable to the fame oath) and that no foreigner, di- } leftly or indireflly, hath any part, intereft, or (bare therein ; whereupon the officer is to grant a certificate under his hand and feal, which he is to regiller, and return a duplicate thereof to the chief officers of the Cuftoms in Ltindon, with the names of the feller and partov^ners, and the fum paid ■ — — , SeeIfieofMan,l2. 55— —But foreign-built fhips, that is, not built in any of His Majefty's ~1 dominions oi Alia, Africa, or America, are not to enjoy the pii- i vilege of (hips belonging toGreat Britain or Ireiund,:\]t\\o\jgYi owned | or manned by Britijh, (except fuch fhips as are taken it fea by )■ letters of mart or reprifal, and condemned as lawful prize in the court of Admiralty) but are to be deemed alien Ihips, and 10 be liable to aliens Duties - . But fee Prize Ships, ign-built ibips the privilege" '■eat Britcim Or Ire!. eat Entc.in Or irc!ci!,.r, u the property be made, un- or ACTS. Year and Reien 3 Ann, I J.1C. IF. 12 Car. II. 13 and 147 Car. II. I * 7 Geo. 111. I W. & M. 13 Geo. II. Chap- '3 iS .247 '>edl. ■9 iS 1 1 45 7 6 17 I, 4 12 Car. II. iS i}&i4Car.Il. 24« APPENDIX. until examination whether the niafter, and three-fourths of the mariners are Britijh; nor allow a foreign-built (hip the privilege of bring'ng in j^oods of the growth of the country where it was built, till examination and proof, upon forfeiture of office ^ SHIPS belonging to Great Britain or Ireland Governors of the Briiijh plan- 57 tations may not fufFer foreign-built Ihips to lade or unlade any goods, till certificate be produced, and examination be made, whether the mailer, and three-fourths of the mariners, zre Britijh, upon forfeiture of government _ SHIPS belonging to His Majefty's fubjefls o( Scotland— Tho\ig\\ fareign.built,1 58 if regillered upon oath before the ilt of May, 170S, are to be I ACTS. 19- 60- 61- decmed as of the built of Great Britain -A duplicate of the regifter is to be tranfmitted to the chief officers at f the Cuftoms in Edinburgh, and from thence to the port of London, \ in order to be entered in the general regiller of all Ihips belonging j to Great Britain , J -Are not to be loft or forfeited, for a fmall thing put therein not 7 curtomed, without the owner's knowledge — | -ArreAed for unlawful caufe, the officer being convifted thereof, for- J feits 40/. to be fued for within two months — j. ,62- -Wilfully call away, burnt, or othervvife deflroyed, to the prejudice" ot the infurers, or of the merchant that Ihall load goods the owners, mailer, mariners, or other officers belon ihip, doing it, or direding or procuring the fame to to fuffer death — ^__ the prejudice"! oods thereon ; / Dnging to the> be done, are V -For the feveral regulations, penalties and forfeitures, to which the mafters or commanders of Merchants Ships are fubjeiS, fee Ammu- nition, 4. apprentices, 6, 7. Beer. Candles, 3. Coals, 8, 14, 17. Corn, 21. Drai^hacks. 9, 16. Eaji-lndia, 20. Fifl>, 3, 10, 16. Hoodi in'wards, I, 19, 70, 72. Goods outwards, I, 13. Goods toajivjije iniuards, 3, 4, 5. Greenland, 4. Greenimch-hnfpital, 2. Hops, 4. Ireland, 1, 7. IJle of Man, 6, 23. Metal, 5. Neixi- foundland, 2. Packet-bcats. Plcntatiens, 16, 43, 47, 48, 52, 53, . 72, 96. ^arctttine, 2, 4, 5, 6, 17. Sailcloth, 3. Sails, I. Salt, I, 2, 4, 14, 26. Ships, I to 6, 9, 12, 13, 21, 28, 44/048. Silxcr, 8. Spicery, 3. Talloiu, I. Tobacco, 15, 28. U'bale- bcne, 2, Wool, 20, 22, 55. SHIPS of War— 64 Ships, 38, 40 For the penalties on the commanders and mariners, fit Siher, 8. Tobacco, 2 1, Wool, 48. SHOES, may not be imported by any perfons to he uttered or fold \n Great' \ Britain, upon forfeiture thereof as often as they may be found in the haiids of any perfon to be fold, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked — — SUO^TUliGS, fee Plantations, 41. Wool, 14, ISc. Ships, 9. 5HRUf F-METAL, fee Metal. SILK. — Wrought, mixed with gold or filver, or other materials, fecretly or" I ciandcltinely imported, are forfeited, with 200/. by every importer, and each of his affiUants, lefiJcs former penalties ; and 100/. by the receiver, feller, or concealer -Such Silks are to be fold by inch of candle at the Cuilom-houfe in London or Edinburgh — «— 1 1 — — ^— Ycir and Reign. 12 Car. II, Ch.ip i3 Scft. I I J Ann. 38 Edw. iir. 28 Hen. Vr. 4 Geo. I. 12 3 Edw. IV. 1,2,3 6 Ann. •4.T5 APPENDIX. f -Perfons making iife of fuch Ribband':, i2c. as part of their dref? only, not fubjecl to any foriciture ni j.ecuniary penalty, nor proo of the mar.ufaclure 12 OtScers of the Curtoms neglecting for one month after condemnation to profecute for the penalty, any other pcrfon may fue for a recover the fame in like manner • — on 1 ACTS. 249 Year and Reign. SILK — Wrought by itfclf, or with any other fluff, in .iny place out cf this' 3 realm, in Ribbands, Laces, Girdles, Coifes, Cauls, Corfes of TifTuc, or Points, may not be imported to be /oU, upon pain of forfeiture in whofe hands foever found, or the value of the fame; y and may be feizcd at all times by any of the King's fubjefts: but I all other manner of Silks, as well wrought as raw, or ui. wrought, | may be imported by any perfons J J Ribbands, Laces, or Girdles, not made in Grca: Britain, whether of Silk only, or mixed vuth any other material.-, imported, arc for- feited: the importer, and perfons aflilling, the vender or rei.iiler, and perfons concealing fuch Ribbands, isc. to prevent fcizure, to forfeit ■ 200/. for every offence, witii tol!s of fuit; one nio:ety of the forfeiture and penalty to His Majelly, and the other to the officers who profecute - - J 5— ——Seized out of the limits of the bills of mortality, and not exceeding the value of 20/. tivo jullices of the peace for the county, city, or boiough where the goods fhall be feized, may hear, determine, and proceed to condemnation or difcharge 6 Seized within the bills of mortality, muil: be depofited in the King's 1 warehoufe belonging to the Cullom-houfe, tiil condemned or dil- | charged ; feized elfewhere, to be depofited with the chief mtgillra-e y of the place where feized, or with the conllable of the next adjacent | village J - May be feized only by ciScers of tiie Cufloms; and after con- demnation, mull be publickly fold for exportation; and lliall not be delivered out of the warehoufe where fccured, until fecur^ty be given that the fame fliail be exported, and not landed again in any part of His Majefly's dominions: which fecurities (hall be dif- charged upon ccrtilica'.e under the common leal of the chief ma- . giflrate, or under ,the hands and feals of tvvo known Englijh mer- chants, in any place beyond the feas, out of His Majelly's domi- nions, that the goods were there landed, or uptm proof by credible perfons, to the fatisfaflion of the commillioners of tlie Culioms, that the goods. were taken by enemies, or perilhcd at fea ; and they may, from time to time, call for fuch certificate or proof — ^ g Two juftices, upon information, may grant warrants to conllables,~j l5c. inipov.ering them to fearch, in the day-tinic, any places be- (^ longing to, or made uic of by any retailer, i^c. fufpecied to con- f ceal fuch Ribbands, ^c. • * J Cj If any doubt fhall ar'.fe where the goads were manufaiTtjred, the J prcof lliall lie on the perfons in whofe ca-Iody they are found \ 10 Perfons in whofe cuHody the goods f)ia'] be feized, (not importing or concealing the fame) difcovering on ca-h the fellers thereof, fo that they may be ccnviOed, are difchargtd from the penalties in flidled oil the vender, c>V. Chap. Scft, 19 Hen.Vn. ', Geo III. " 5 Geo. II! 3 Geo. III. )- Geo. III. 21 48 1,2,3 3 Geo. in. 5 Geo. III. 4S 6 Geo. in. 28 H 2^0 APPENDIX. ACTS. SILK Not to extend to any wrought Silk or Velvet manafaitured in aod' J-f imported from the £■«//-/»(//>;, or to any Silk, Crapes, or Ti~ of ihemanufafture of //(i/y ;d in aod'> TifF^inies, S- •s- 16- »7- 18- »9 20- -^4- -No perfon (hall fell, or otherwife difpofe of any foreign wrought"). Silk or Velvet which (hall not have been imported before Ju;!; 14, | 1766, or make up the fame for any garment or furniture, or other )> work, on forfeiture ; and the offender to forfeit 100/. for each | offence, with cofts of fuit J -All fuch foreign wrought Silk or Velvet, or other work maJe thereof," whether the fame be mixt with any other goods or not, and the goods with which they fhall be mixed, may be feized, and after condemnation, are forfeited; and any dealer, vender, or maker-up y of any of the faid manufacture;, in whofe pofTcfTion they ihall be found, being convifled, fliall, for every piece or remnant, or other work made thereof, forfeit 100/. with cofts of fuit — — _ -After feizure, the goods to be depofited and remain in the King's warehoufe at the next Cuftom-houfe *, until condemped ; unlefs the commiflioners of the Culloms judge it expedient to remove them fooner : after ctindemnaiinn, to be brought to the King's warehnufe at London or Edinburgh, and there to be fold for ex- portation ; one moietv of the produce to the Crown, and the other to the ofiicer : not to be delivered out of the warehoufe, till fe- curity be given for exportation, and that they Ihall not be landed again in Great Britain, Jcr/ey, Gucrnjey, Aldirney, Sari, or Man: fuch fecurity to be difcharged upon certificate under the common feal of the chief magillrate, or the hands and feals of t*o known Er.glijh merchants at the place where the goods (liall be landed ; or upon proof, to the fatisfaftion of the commiilioners of the Cuftoms, that the goods were taken by enemies, or perifhed at fea ; in default whereof, the fecurities to be put in fuit, by order of the commiflioners ■ ■ -The officer negleding for one month after condemnation to profecr.f; ^ to effeft for the pecuniary penalty, l^c. any other perfon may fuc v for and recover the fame in like manner — — ^— ——J If any queftion fliall aril'e where the goods were manufailured, the") proof to lie on tJie perfon profecuted, not the profccutor: and no ( proof being given that they were n'>anufjOlurcd in Great Britain, \ they (hail be held to have been manufaifiured out of Gicat Britain y -But nothing in this Aft to extend to inflifl any penalty on wearer of fuch goods, or owner of any furniture made thtreo -In every fuit for the recovery of any pecuniary penalty, the proof of the mai.iif;cture of the goods iliall lie on the perfon profecuted; and if the ^^oods Ciall have been condemned, the judgment of fuch condemnation flull be admitted as evidence that fuch goods were iiot manu.afturcd in Gnat Britain, io as to entitle the prol'ecuior to fccoi er ■ ■ -Tills ASi to taie place from the 14th of J tint, 1766, and to continue'^ ■ for five years ; and from thence to the end of the then next feiiion > \(, of parliament - ■ j -Ai! informations, fjc. for any forfeiture or offence againft this Afl, lliall be exhibited within twelve calendar inontlis after the cjf- covery of the offence; and in cafe of feizure and condemnalit ,., within fix calendar months after jrdgment of condemnation ■ S,e Eaj} India, z8 to 39, 41, 46, 52, 5.3. hcland, 2. IjL of Man, II. • Silk Ktocl-.ings, Silk Mitts, or Gloves fortign manufaflured, Jie GlvsJti of iiis. n the! f -I YeiT .ind Reign. Chap. Sea. 6 Geo. III. 28 «3 6 — . 2 6 — 3 • 8 Geo. III. "3 10 6 Geo. lir. 28 4 6 6 ' 6 i 1 — / 6 — 8 6 • 10 / 1 1 12 6 1 — APPENDIX. SILK- 25 26- 57- -Silk embroidery, foreign, imported, forfeited; the importer liable 7 to 100/. and the feller to 50/. — — ■ ■ ) -Upon complaint, juftices of the peace may grant warrants to con- 7 ftables, to learch houfes, and to feize fuch goods — J -Aftions mu!l commence within a year after the difcovery of the oiFence ^—^ — — — 29- -Silk embroidered, and Silk twined, may not be imported by any") perfons, to be uttered cr fold in Great Britain, upon forfeiture | thereof, as ofien as they may be found in the hands of any perfon \ to be fdd, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon | the feas, or wrecked — — J -Silk raw, fhall not be exported from Ireland, on forfeiture, with the! vcflel and furniture — — — — — J — — See Goods inixards, 9. RuJJJa, z. Dominica, 4, 7. SILK raw of the growth of the Briiijh colonies in America, imported directly" 20 from thence — In order to entitle the importer to the premium thereon, every perfon who (hall load any Raw Silk in the Britijh colonies in America, Ihall, before the clearing out of the Ihip, make proof upon oath before the coliedor or comptroller of theCulIoms, or naval -officer, that the Raw Silk is of the growth and culture of fonie Britifi colony in America, fpecifying the colony; and the malitr of the veiTel Ihall bring wIlK him a certilicate from fuch collei^or and comptroller, or naval-officer, or any two of them, expreffing the marks, number, tr.le, and weight of fuch package, \ with the name and place of abode of the exporter from the faid colonies ; and the name and place of abode of the perfon who (hall have made the oath abovemcr.tioned ; and the name of the per(bn to whom configned in the port of London: which certiiicaie, the mailer, on his arrival in the port of London, (hall deliver to the colleilor, comptroller, or other chief officer of the faid f o:t, at or before the entry of the Silk; and (hall make oath before one of them, that the parcels and goods contained in fucli ccrtiticMe, are the fame as were taken on board in the laid Bniifi colonies — — _ 3j If any perfon (hall make an entry of any foreign Raw Silk, under thedefcription of Raw Stlk of the growth and culture of the Britijh colcnies in America, cr (hall mix any foreign R,iw Silk, with Raw Silk of the growth, l€c. of the Briufi colonies, with intent to re- ceive the premium granted by this AQ., he (liall forfeit 2Co/. for every oficr.ce ; and all fach foreign Silk, ar,d the quantity mixed, .' both of foreign and Britifr plantation culture, or the value thereof, I together with the packages, (hall be forfeited; and may be feizcd ! and profecuted, or the value fned for by any otiicer of :;ie j Cuftoms — — J 32 —The olncers may examine the Raw Silk, by opening eacii package.") fo as to fee the whole contents ; and to alcertain, according to the I beft of iheir judgment, the true value thereof, according to the ( price Raw Silk then bears at market — — — — J — V/hen fuch valuation fhall have been made by the officers, (which") they are to make within ten days after landing) a certllica;.' ' tlicreof (liail be figned by the proper olHcer; upon producing ! which certificate to the receiver-general of the Cuftom', coiieclor, j or other proper officer of the port of London, (hall forthwith pay the I premium by this Aft direiled, out of the Cuftoms — —J — When any difpute (hall arife between the ofiiccrs and the importer,") touching the valuation of the Raw Silk, the commiQioners rtull call two or more perfons well flalkd in the comniadiiy, who fiiall. 33- ACTS. 251 Vear and Reign. 34- i3&i4Car.n. ,3 & 14 13 ie 14 3 Edw. IV. 5 Geo. in. Chap. «3 Sea. 1,2,3 29 9 Gio. III. • * '. 5 252 -> A P P E N D' I X. if required, declare upon oath their opinion of the true value of V fuch Silk, according to t-he price it would then bear at market : j which v;.Iua;ion ihali be final • J ACTS. Vcir and Rcicn Chap. 9 Geo. III. Silk — Such Raw Silk exported from Great Britain, the importer to pay to the") 35 collcclor of the Ciiftoms the full fum which is allowed as a pre- | mium on fuch Raw Silk as he intends to export, over anj above )• any other Duty to which it is now fuhjeft, on forfeiture of the | goods, and double the value thereof J 36 tilicate or package, ;.nd any perfon counterfeiting fuch certifioi.e, | tQ forfeit 200/. J 38 Penalties and forfeitures by this Aft may be profecuted and deter-") mined in any of His Majefty's court^ of record at irijtminjfer, or (^ . court of Admiralty in America, where fuch penalty Ihall be in- ( ' curred ■ J 39 Penalties, l^c. incurred in Great Britain, to be, one moiety to His") Majefty, and the other to the perfon who fliall fue for the fime: j jncuried in America, to be one-third to His MajeOy, one-third to ^ the governor, and one-third to the perfon who raall fue for the | fame J 40- 41 -Aftions in Great Britain to be commenced within fl,x calendar' months: in the colonies in America, within eighteen months a( the faft is committed, and not afterwards endar T ; after > Sea 6 -Raw, of the growth and culture of the Britijh plantations \n America,'^ may be imported direflly from thence into the port of London, free of all Duties; provided entry is made at the Cudom-houfc, in the [ fame manner as before this Aifl, and it is landed in the prefence, V and examined by the proper ofticer of the Cullonis, and imported in vefi"e!s which may lawfully trade thither, manned accoiding to law . -Cut to intitle the importer to this exemption, the perfon who fhlps" the Silk in America, mult, before clearing the fliip, make oath be- fore the colledtor and comptroller of the Cullnms, aiid naval- officer, or any two of them, that fuch Silk is, bcna fide, of the j growth and culture of feme or one of the Erhijh colonics or plan- . .. rations in America, cxprcfling the parilh wherein, and the perfon by whom it was culti.'a.cd and produced, who mull likcwife make oath thereto before the governor, or jultice of the peace, I3c. upon producing fuch oath, the collcclor and comptroller of the Culloms, and naval ofliccr, or any two of them, are to grant a \ certificate under their hands and foals, exprefliog the marks, nuin- bers, tale, and weight in each bale, with the namts and places of abode cf the expo'-tcr, of the perfon or perfons who have iworn to the growth and culture, and the name of the perfon to whom confi^ntd in London; which certificate the mafter of the fliip is to deliver to the co!le61or, co.niptroller, or chief officer of the port of London, ,Ai Or before entry; and at the fame time make oath, that the b,.lcs and parcels, and goods contained in the certificate, are the lame that were taken on board in the laid Britip colonics in America — ■ 1 ■ '3 23 Geo. II. 20 APPENDIX. SILK— Acy perfon entering foreign Raw Silk as Raw Silk of the growth or") 43 culture of the Britijh plantations in America, or mixing foreign | with that of the BritiJ)} plantations, in order to evade the payment ^ of the Duly, forfeits 50/. and all the Silk, together with the bales | and packages ' ■ J 46. 47- 48. iO- 51- i|4 In any difpute about the growth, the onus proband: to lie on the ] owner or claimer ■ j 45 Briiijh manufaflured, the bounty on tl-.e exportation thereof to be" paid out of the Curtoms, or otherDuties upon goods imp'^rted, by the colleflor of the port, with the privity of the comptroller, upon a debenture made out from the entry, the fliipping verified by the fearcher, and the oath of the exporter, that they are of Britijh manufacture, and exported without intention of relanding in Great I Britain, or * the iflands of Faro or Ferro; ha having firft given fecurity with one or more perfons, in the value of the goods, to ! the fame purpofe; and to produce a certificate from the officers of ' the Cultoms in difcharge thereof, within fix months, for fuch goods as (hall be exported to Ireland, Guernfey, Jerjey, Alderney, Sark, or Man; and within eighteen months for thofe to the Britijh plantations; and for what (hall be exported to any other foreign parts, a certificate under the common feal of the chief magiftrate, or under the hands and feals of two known Britijh merchants there refiding — ^— ' -But after May i, 1729, if fuch goods were fold on the coaft of Africa,' or other foreign parts, where certificates of the landing cannot be obtained, or were tranlhipped at any of the Brilifh plantations in America, without being there landed, into fiiips bound to Africa, or other foreign parts, the bonds given on exportation may be dif charged, and vacated, upon proof made within eighteen months from the date of fuch bonds, upon oath of the mailer, mate, pur- fer, i^c. and alfo upon oath of the merchant-exporter, if living, that to the beft of their knowledge and belief, the faid goods have been difpofed of at the places therein to be mentioned, and that they have not been relanded, or brought on ihore again, in any port or part of Great Britain ■ -The aforefaid manufaftures may, after entry, be opened and ex-' amined by the officers, and if wrong entered, arc forfeited, with their value; but if right entered, muft be repacked at the oilicer's charge, which may be allowed him by the commiflioners of the Cuftoms ■ ■ -And in all cafes of difputes touching the manufafture or quality, the onus probandi is to lie on the proprietor •; -No allowance to be made for fuch manufa^ures as are mixed gold, filver, or filk, only at the ends aid edges of the piece with 1 -Silk Stuffs mixed with Grogram yarn, Incle, Cotton, or ^^'or^ted,' not to have allowance, except at leal? two-third parts of the end?, or Threads of the warp (in the length of the piece) be all Silk, or mixed, or twilled with Silk in the warp, and the Silk mixed in )■ the warp be obvious and apparent to the view of the proper officers of the Cultoms; and the Silk therein ufed be double the vali:e of the Bounty — — . -And if entered or (hipped, not being mixed with the quantity of J Silk reqjired, they are forfeited, with double the value J -If relanded, forfeited, with the penalty of the bond, and treble the | 3 R ACTS. 253 Year and Reien. 23 Geo, II. 23 Geo. II. Geo. III. 8 Geo. I. )■ 1 Geo. II. 8 Geo.- 1. 1 1 Geo. I. 8 Geo. I. 9 Geo, I. I G:o. ir. 9 Geo. I. 1 1 Geo. I. 8 Geo. I. 1 1 Geo. I. Chip. ^'d. 43 »5 29 8 '7 8 29 33 •. 5 2. 3 z 10 3 4 2 » J ^5 + APPENDIX, 5-1 SILK — Callicoes, Linens or Stuffs, printed, painted, ftaincd, or dyed, where- "^ 53 foever found, not having a flamp to denote the payment of Duty, I are forfeited, with the penalty of 50/. on the pofleflbr I — After recovered, may not be delivered out of the Curtom-houfe ware- I houfe till ftampt J — Printed, painted, ordained in Great Britain— On ctjportii'ion thereof, the Drawback of the Duty of Excife to be pai'i hy the coUedlor of Excife, on a debenture, exprcfllng true kinils and quantities, to be made forth by the coUeflor rf the Cjftoms at the port of ex- . portation ; the expoiter having firft made proof of the payment off the Duties before the faid collcdlor of the Culloms ; rnd a'fo having | given fufiicient fecurity that the goods Ihall not be relanded in j Great Britain — — J 56- 57- 58- 59- -Before fliipping, the exporter is to give to the proper ofEcer of the~l Cuftoms, notice when a.id where he »vill pack the goods; and j fuch officer is to fee the ftah or (lamps taken off from every piece }■ to be experied, and to make returns of the kinds and quantities j thereof to the officer appointed to receive the fame — — J -If relanded, over and above the penalty of the bond, forfeited, or! the value —— — ■ — — f -Ribband. the current coin, nor clippings thereof, nor Plate wrought within this kingdom —— — J 4 Shipped wiihout being fo marked or ftamped, and without fuch T certilicaie, is forfeited, and may be feized by the officers of the > Cuftoms . ■ 3 5—— Molten Silver orBullion, either in bars, ingots, wedges, cakes, pina's,") or any other form, may not be (hipped, unlefs a certificate be pro- j duced to the rommiSione-s of the Cu;lom', or four of them, from I thecour: of the lord-mas'o. an J aid rmen c^i London, of oath having | been maJe before :he faid court, by the owners, and two or more ^ credible witnefTes, that the fame, and every part and parcel thereof, was, and is foreign Bullion, and that no part thereof (before molten) was the coin of this realm, or clippings thereof, nor Plate wrought v.'ithin this kingdom ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ACTS. Year and R L-}gn. Chap 5 Geo. L Sc-a. '5 10 Ann. 12 Ann. "'■ ; 33.95 c- 1 13 12 10 Ann, 7 Geo. m. 2 W. & M. 6 Gej. I. '7 9^ 47 II 6 & 7 \V. III. 17 S. (^ 6 &7 7&8W.III. 19 APPENDIX. SILVER— An entry thereof to be made by the cotnmiflionerjof the Cuftoms in 7 6 a particular book — — ■ —i 7 ' Shipped without entry, and fuch oath and certificate, is forfeited, ") and may be feized by any perfofls, and the proprietor forfeits double the value ■ ACTS. '■55- -The matter of any fhip belonging to a fubjefl, knowingly permitting the (liipping, forfeits 200/. and if it be a man of war, the captain likewife forfeits his employment, and is rendered incapable of | any office, civil or military — -Officers granting a cocket, before certificate be produced, and entry' made by the commifTioners, forfeit 200/. pable of any other place — e be produced, and entry T . and are rendered inca- i- 10- -Seized, proof of its being foreign, (Jc. is to He on the proprietor or 7 II- -Watches, Sword-hilts, Wrought Plate, and other Silver manufaflures of the finenefs of eleven ounces ten pennyweights to every pou troy, fo many m.iy be exported yearly, as Ihall be allowed by commiffioners of the Cuftoms, or any three of them - »2 But Boxes, Cafes, or Dial-plates of Gold, Silver, Brafs, or other' metal, for Clocks or Watches, may not be expo movements made up fit for ufe, with the maker thereon, upon forfeiture, and 20/. — See Ccin. iresT ind ( the r r, Brafs, or other "J ported without the I ker's name graved j 1-3— —Beaten imported — May not be imported by Jlrangers, to be fold, ) upon forfeiture, or the value ' j SILVER THREAD, Lace, or Fringe, Britijb manufaftured, fee Gold, 9. Plate. SKINS — No Duty fhal! be taken for any raw or undrell Hides of Steers, Cows.T 1 or c ther cattle, except of Horfes, Mares, or Geldings ; nor for any | Calve Skin? or Goat Skins, raw or undreft, which ihall be im- ! poited into this kingdom from Ireland, or any of the Britijh colo- | liies in America, for the fpace of five years, from the ift "June 1769, | or before the end of the then next feiEons cf Parliament J 2 Provided due entry be made, and the goods landed in the prefenceof7 •in officer, otherwife to pay Duty as before —— j See Hides, l. Leather, 2. Dominica, 4, 7. SN.4FFLES, may be exported by any perfons ■ . ■ SNUFF — Made, mixed or coloured with Oakcr, Umber, ^c. (except water" I tinged with Venetian red) or Fuftick, yellow Ebony, Touchwood, or other Wood, Dirt, Sand or Tobacco-duft, mixed therewith, is forfeited, with 3 /. for every pound weight, by the maker or feller 2 —The powers and provifions relating to counterfeit Tobacco, are to 1 1,^ extend to the abufes in making and mixing of Snuft" — ) See Goods innuardi, 87 to 91. Tobacco, 33, 34, 40, 44, 49, 5». S2. S3- SpAF,5r;///?'--The Drawback on exportation thereof to be paid to the exporter"^ J by the colleftor of Excife, for juch Soap as is exported to foreign j parts by way of merchandize, on a debenture to be niade forth bv I the colleflor of the Cullciis, at the port of exportation, and telti- (^ fied by the fearcher ; the exporter having firft made proof of the payment of ilie Duties before the collcftor who received the fame, Year jnd Reign, Chap. Sea. 7&8Will.IlI. '9 6 " ir ^ — 7 — 8 - f • 9 . . . . — 9 9& 10 W. 111. z8 I I Rich. in. 12 I, 2 1 9 Geo. in. 39 I 9 .< .■ *" 12 Car. II. 4 11 . I Geo. I. 4& 7 J Geo. I. 11 22 10 Ann. 12 Ann. >9 9 -4 2i6 A P P E N' D I X. and qlfo having given futHdient fecurity that tTi« SOap fhall not be | jelanded in Great Jiritain -• — '-^ J SOAP-i— If rclanded (ever and above the penalty of the bond) the Soap, or the I 2 value, forfeited . — — — — 3 " See CanJks, ^ to 14. SOUTHAMPTON, >^W, 29. Rue. SOUTH-SEAS — The company or corporation are to have the fole trade into,"] I unto, and from all the places of America on the eall fide thereof, [ from the river oi Aranoca, to the fouthermoil part of the Terra del Fufgo : and on the well fide thereof, from the faid fouthernioft art, through the Sout/j Seas, to the northermoft of America ; and pa r — > -•••--6 > -~ ...-..•- • — ~. into, unto, and from all places within the faid limits, which be- long to the crown of Spain, or which (hall be found out, not ex- ceeding three hundred leagues from the continent of America ; except Brazil, and fuch other places on tiie eart fide o( America, as are in poilisffion of the PortugueJ'e, and the country oi Surinam -The faid company only, and no other perfons, may trade within ttt"] aforefaid limits, upon forfeiture of the Ihip, and alfo the gi>ods, and their proceed a.nd efFeds, with double the value ; one fourtli y to His M-ijelly, one fourth to the feizcr, informer, or futr, a two fourths to the company — jnii 4- 5- } —The company is to continue for ever one body corporate and politic, and to hold and enjoy all their forts, fadories, l:Sc. and folc beneiit- of trade, with a perpetual fucceffion ■ ■ —The company's (hips may not at any time be flopped, unlefs particu- larly mentioned in the embargo ■ —•The company may not go beyond the fouthermod part of Terra deT Fuego, except through the Streights cf Magellan, or round Terra del Fuego ; nor to go from thence into any pare of the Eajl-Indies, nor rtturn any other way, except through the Streights of Magel- lan, or by '■Terra del Fuego; nor trade in goods of the product of the Eajl-hidies, China, or Ptrf.a, nor fend or employ any (hipi within , the faid South Seas, from Terra del Fuego to the northermoft part ( cf America, above three hundred leagues to the welhvard of, and dillant from Scili, Peru, Mexico, Callifornia, fjc. upon forfv;i- ture of (hip and goods, with double the value by the owners, ifff. one third to His Majelly, and two thirds to the EaJJ India company — — — 6 Officers of the crovvn may take the company's bonds under their com- 1 jnon feal — . j ^ The Cf^mpany to continue for ever, although the fund appropriated | to them Ihoiild be redeemed — — -> See Children, 3. Eaji India, 3,8. | L SPAIN, fee Goods inivards, g. SPECXLEWOOD, fee Plantations, 22. SFICERY, -uiz. Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, and Nutmegs, may be imported J I in Briiifi (hips, whereof the mafler and three fourths of the mari- | ners are Britijh, from any parts beyond the feas ; upon licence fird-^ had from the commiflioners of the Cuftoms, or any three of them, or from the cullomer, or colleftor and comptroller of the port — ACTS. Year and Reign. Chap, 10 Ann. 9 Ann. 3 Geo. I. 5 Geo. I. 6 Geo. I. Q Ann. 10 .Ann. 1 Geo. I. 3 Geo. I. i Glo. f. 6 Geo. I. 6 & 7 W. III. 3 and 4 Ann. 8 Ann. 6 Geo. T. SGeo. T. 26 Geo. H. '9 Sea. 23 46 w 7 49 57 54 56 30 I Zl 9 9 T ■> '9 H 4 60 7 3 4 7 26 2 I 45 'S '9 ■\^ 2 •^-A^ P P -E-N E)- I-X. SPlCERY— The quantity, quality, and the port of importation, are to be ex- ■1 prefled in fu^h licences ; and if mare be found than is therei mentioned, it is forfeited. The package to be in caflcs or bale , unlefs from the Ea/l Indies ; the bale of Cinnamon to weigh net 70 Jfe or upwards, and each cafk of Nut-megs, Cloves, or Mace, 300 jb or upwards, upon forfeiture thereof -The licences are to be delivered up by the mailers at entry of their ^lips, and annexed to the reports, with the marks and numbers of | each calk, bale, or parcel, and the quantity and quality indorfed on the back, lupon forfeiture of (hip and goods • all parcels, packed in hoglheads, \ 6- — Found on board any Ihip in fmall parcels, packed bales, or caiks> art forfeited ' -.-l .■•■•'_ —Spice unihipped, or laid on land, before payment of the Branch,') N°. 8, is forfeited, without any compofuion whatfoever J See Deltetuures, 6. — Without licence as above, may not be imported from the Netherlands \ or Gfr»ia«ji, on forfeiture of fliip and goods •^— J 5PINNEL, yJfTwV^. SPIRITS — If any foreignl Brandy,. Arrack, Rum, Urong Waters, or Spirits oF i any kind, fliall be imported from any part of AJia, Africa ox Jmc- rica, into Great Britain, in any velfel of the burthen of one hun- dred tons or under (ex'cept only for the ufe of the feamen, and not exceeding two gallons for each) fuch vefl'el, with her tackle, furni- j ture and apparel, and fuch Spirits, or the value thereof, fhall be j I I forfeited; to be difpoied of as goods and fhips forfeited by 3 Geo. | ' > „ , III.- cap. 22- ^'ei deizam, 21 ' ■— ^ -^ — < — J -But Rum and other Spirits, of the growth of the Britifo fugarpIan-1 tations, may be imported ih any veiTel of not lels burthen than > feventy tons — ^— ^— ^—— j -Rum and Spirits of the Britijh fugar plantations, imported direftly") into Great Britain, may, on entry, and before payment of the j Duty of Excife, be landed and pu: into warelioules, provided by the proprietor or importer, and approved of by the commiiiioners [ of Excife, under the joint locks cf ihe proprietor and warehoufe- j keeper ; fecurity being firlt given to pay the faid Duty (according to the gauge at landing) as foon as fuch Rum or Spirits ihall be | fold, or at the end of fix months, if they Ihall not then be fold J -If the Duty is not paid at the expiration of the faid fix months, ths' commiiiioners may caufe fuch Rum or Spirits to be fold by audlion ; and out of the produce difcharge the Duty and all cxpences, and pay the furplus, if any, to the proprietor — — — -Landed without being entered at the CuHom-houfe, and with the") colleftor of Excife, or without a warrant from the proper officers, j or without the prefence of an Excife officer, forfeited; or.e moiety \ to His Majefty, the other to fuch perfon as fhall feize, inform or j fuc for the fame ■ J -May, from time to time, be delivered out of fuch warehoufes (but' not in lefs quantities than one caOc, containing at leall twenty gal- lons, unlefs it was for the ufe of the feimen in the voyage) on pay- ing the Duty, and producing to the warehoufe-keeper, and officer appointed to attend, a warrant or certificate from the colleftor, certifying fuch payment ^_ ___ , _. .„ . ACTS. 257 Yeir and Reign. Chap. Seft, 6 i 7 W. lU. 3 and 4 Ana. 6 Geo. I. o Geo. I. 8 27 Geo. II. 6 Geo. I. 8 Geo. I. i 27 Geo. II. 6 Geo. I. 8 Geo. I. 26 Geo. II. & 7 W. III. i3&i4.Car.II Geo. III. 6 Geo. III. 4 Geo. ill. ij&i6Geo.II. 4 Geo. 111. i5&:i6Geo.II. 4 Geo. III. K&i6Geo.lI, 4 Geo. Ill, 7 4 21 15 iS i8 21 >i 18 18 21 'S 32 7 II 3 6 45 '9 21 5 46 '9 zi 5 47 19 2 43 46 ■^3 12 27 1.7 2 iz 5.6 2j8 APPENDIX. SPIRITS-Warehoufe-kcepers, and officers appointed to attend warehoufes, are" 7 to enter in proper books accounts of all Rum, ^c. which (hall be brought into, and carried out of their refpeflive warehoufes ; and, at the end of every fix months, tranfmit an account thereof upon oath to the commiffioners of Excite, together with what i» remain- ing; and ifit Ihall appear to the faid commiffioners that any of the faid Rum, iffc. has been delivered out before payment of the Duty, then fuch warehoufe-keepers and officers refpeftively offending, ihall be difabled to hold any publick office, and alfo forfeit too/. )■ -No Rum nor Spirits of Amerita (except of the growth or manufafture of His Majefty's colonies there) inay be imported into Ireland, iin- lefs (hipped in Great Britain in fliips legally navigated, upon for- feiture thereof, or the value, together with the (hip and all her Set Arrack, I, 2,4, 7. Brandy^ 3, 6,8, lo, 11. Coffee,-),^, 35, 36. Ireland, 4. Plantations, 52. .»— Rum or Spirits, ofthe growth oftheBritlJh fugar plantations inJmerica, exported as merchandize, all the Duties of Cuftoms payable importation to be drawn back. ■ • «• — lo- ll- -Exported before payment of the Duties of Excife, from the ware- houfes where depofited on importation, to be difcharged from fuch Duties ■ ■ ca,"! on ^ ;, from the ware- 1 charged from fuch S- JZ- -But no Drawback to be allowed, nor the Duties of Excife to be re-"] mitted for any Rum or Spirits exported in any calk containing lefs | than one hundred gallons, or on board any vefTel of lefs burthen )■ than one hundred tons, or exported from any port not being the 1 port ef importation — — — — J -But may be exported as merchandize to Ajta, Ireland and Neiu/ound- 1 land, in veffels not being of lefs burthen than feventy tons j 13 ■ ■ The quantity to be delivered out of the warehoufe, to be exported, fhall be computed according to the gauge at the time of landi upon importation ____^ _^_ ACTS. Year and Rcign. . Chi^ Scft 15 and i5] Geo. II. j 4 Geo. III. 4 2 33 Geo. IF. 33 33 6 Geo. III. 33 Geo. II. 28 14— —If, after delivery from the warehoufe for exportation, depofited in"] any place fo as to be concealed from publick view ; or not fliipped I within twelve hours after delivery, the package opened, or the Spi- 1 rits taken out, or the quality of the Spirits altered; in eiery fuch ( 1 cafe the Spirits, with the package, (hall be forfeited, and may be | I feized by any officer of Excife — — ^— J 33 46 28 15 i Entered as merthandike for exportation, and not really (hippsd and" exported (dangerof feas and enemies excepted) or landed in Great Britain, or the iilznds of Guern/cy, 'Jer/ey, AUirney, SarA or Man, nnlefs in cafe of diftrefs, which ihall prefently be made known to the officers of Excife, and principal officers of the Cullonis in the port; fuch Spirits, with the package, (hall be forfeited, and the perfons concerned in un(hipping, or to whofe hands they (hall knowingly come after unlhipping, or by whofe privity or dircflion they (hall be relanded, Ihall forfeit double the amount of the Duties ■ charged upon the^ importation of fuch Spirits, and tlie package ■ containing the fame, wiih the veflels, cattle and carriages ufcd in the conveyance thereof; which may be feized by any officer of the Cudoms or Excife; and the mailer, or any other perfon belonging to the veffel, aflifting in, or conniving at the fraudulent landing of fuch Spirits,, (hall, over and above all other penalties, fuller fix months imprifonment ; and the package altered after (hipping, and before the arrival at the port of difchar^e, the mailer (hall forfeit 100/. ■■■ - ~ I I i , 33 APPENDIX. SPIRITS-Altered or reduced after {hipping, forfeited, with the package, and |6 the perfons concerned therein Oial! forfeit loo/. for every offe and no Drawback or allowance Ihall be made for the fame andl nee, S- I 17 TheDrawbackof the Duties to be allowed though the Spirits are not 7 proof Spirits ■ ■ j j 18 Any perfi)n granting any falfe certificate, altering any oath or certi- T ' fic;;te, or making ufi; thereof, Ihall forfeit 500/. — 5 19 Foreign Brandy, Arrack, Rum, flrong Waters, or other Spirits" whatfoever, in calks under fixty gallons, except for the ufe ot the feamcn then belonging to the veflel, not exceeding two gallons for each, found at anchor, or hovering within the limits of any of the ports of this kingdom, or within two leagues of the fhore, or dif- covered to have been within the limits ot any port, and not pro- )• ceeding on her voyage, unlefs in cafe of necellity and dillrefs of | weath'.T, of which notice niuft be given to, and proof made before, the collcdor or chief officer of the port, immediately after the fhip's arrival Ihall be forfeited, with the package, or the value thereof; • and the (hip and furniture, if not exceeding fifty tons burthen — See Seizures, 2 1 . 2C ' — No Brandy, Arrack, Rum, Geneva, flrong Waters, or other Spirits" whatfoever, which (hall be imported in any ca(k Icfs than fixty gallons of fuch liquors refpeftively, (hall be reported for exporta- tion, or exported to foreign parts — — — — — 2lr—— — Arrack, Rum, Spirits, or flrong Waters, exceeding the quantity of") one gallon, may not be removed from one part of this kingdom to another, either by land or water, without a permit from the ofii- cers of the Culloms or Excife, expre(ring the quantity and quality, and fignifying that the Duties have been paid, or that the fame have been condemned; upon forfeiture thereof, and the caflcs or ve(rels containing them — — ■ J ft2 Arrack, Rum, Spirits or flrong Waters, the fejzures of fuch goods,* whether Briiijh or foreign, by virtue of any aft (except for unlaw- ful importation, and the whole quantity exceeds fixty-three gallons, may be heard and determined by the commirtioners of Excife, if feized within the limits of the Excifc-office in Z-Offf/an ; andifoutof the faid limits, by any two or more julHces of the peace, who are )■ to caufe the perfon in whofe ciiftody found to be fummoned before them, at a certain time and place; and, upon appearance or de- fault, are to examine into the caufe, and proceed to give judgment for condemnation, and to i(rue out their warrants for the fale there- of, and their judgment is to be final — — — 23 — If no perfon appears to the officers to claim the property of the goods,") within twenty days after fuch feizure, publick notice, in writing, f muft be aflixed at the Royal Exchange, or given by proclamation I at the next market- town, upon the next market-day after the ex- ! piration of the faid twenty days, fignifying the day, time of the ( day, and place when and where the commflioncrs or juftices re- | fpertively will proceed, to hear and determine fuch feizure, and j their judgments are to be final — — — — — J ——See Rum. Excifcahle Liquors. Arrack. Brandy. IJIe cf Man, 14, 15, 16, lli, 30, 33, 40. Seizures, 27. Ships, 12. SPITS— May not be imported \yj fir angers, tobe_/s/y, upon forfeiture, or the value ■ ■ ■ ■ — } SPOONS, made out of this realm of, or mixt with, Tin or Pewter, may not be bought or bartered for, upon forfeiture, in whofe hands foever ^ found, and the value — . . — — loti :er > ACTS. 259 Year in\ Rc'.gn. 33 Geo. 11, 8 Geo. III. 33 Geo. II. Chap.' Seft. 23 25 2g II 12 9 Geo. II. • 3 Geo. III. 28 Geo. II. 6 Geo. I. I Rich. III. 25 Hen. Vni. 33 Hen. VJIl. 35 22 21 21 >7 :o • » 12 ■ > 2 I 16 26o APPENDIX. SPOONS, of Tin and Lead, may not be iitiported by y7r<7»rf/T/, to he foU,! t upoti fcffeicure, or the value — — — j SPURS, may not be imported by /'roA^^frr, \.ohe/old, upon forfeiture, or the! valae i -May'not be imported by any perfons to be uttn-ea or jotd jn Greal~\ Britain, upon forfeiture thereof as often as they may be found in ( tlie' hands of any perfon ta be fohl, except made and wrought in ( Ireland or taken upon the fcas, or wrecked — J STAMPS, >? Bonds, 4. 5, 6. Cards, 2. Linen, \to^. Sailcloth, \ to 12. Debentures, i to 4. Sails, I. Hides, 1,2. STARCH, Briiijh, the Orawback on the exportation thereof to be repaid to" I I the exporter thereof by the collector of the Duties for fuch as fhall be exported to foreign parts by way of merchandize, on a deben- ture to be made forth by the coUeftor of the Cuftoms, at the port ' of exportation, exprefiing the true quantities, and the exportation )■ thereof teAified by thefearcher; the exporter having firrt made proof on oath, before the faid collector, of the payment of the Duties, and alfo having given fufiicient fecurity tliat the Starch fliall not be relanded in Great Britain -If relanded (over and above the penalty of the bond) forfeited, or the \ value See Faro and Ferro. ited, or the J 3 5 -Or Hair Powder, found in any ihip, waggon, i^c. is feizable by' officers of Excife or Culloms, upon fufpicion of its having been privately made, ordandellinely imported, or exported and relanded again after the Duty hath been repaid — . -Within ten days after feizure, the officer is to exhibit an information before three commiffioners of Excife, or two juftices of the peace -Upon information, the perfon in whofe poffedion it is found mud make it appear that the Duty hath been paid for the fame, upon penalty of the forfeiture of the goods, with horfes and p:icl;age containing the fame, and 5/. for every hundred weight; and the commiffioners or juftices are to proceed to give judgment accord- ingly . J stir: f -Sufpcfled to be privately making or concealed, may he fearched for' by officers of Excife or Cuftoms by day or by night (but if by night in the prefence of a conftable or other peace-ofiicer) by warrant from the commiffioners of Excife, or a juftice of the peace -Found privately making or concealed, is forfeited, with all materials and things in which it is contained ; and the perfon privately making, or in whofe poffeflion it is found, upon failure of proof that the Duty has been paid, forfeits 50 A and for cbftruftina the oflicers jo/. — ° See Candles, 3 /o 14, UPS— Made or wroi!ght beyond the feas may not be_ imported, to be ^/old, bartered, or exchanged, upon forfeiture, or the value -May not be imported by _ft rangers, to be fold, upon forfeiture, or the value -May not be imported by any perfons, to be uttered cr fold in Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to ht /old, except made and wrought in Irehusd, or taken upon the fcas, or wrecked — — — ACTS. Year and [<,-'p n. Chap. Seft. 1 I Rich. 111. 12 1,2 3 Edw. I\^ 4 1,2,3 10 Ann. 26 ^5.27 12 Ann. 9 «9 10 Ann. r6 26 4 Geo. n. 14 J 4 . 4 5 Eliz. 3 Car. I. 16 Car. I. 7 4 4 3 II 2 I Rich. III. 12 1.2 3 Ecw. IV. 4 1,2,3 X APPENDIX, STOCKINGS, fee Frame. Of Silk, fee Gloves of Silk. STOPS vocat ; Holy Water Stops — May not be imported hy frangen, to be! fclil, upon forfeiture, or ths value — — ) STRAKDED Goods and Ships, fee Got ds inijcards, 51, 53. ^h'ts 13 to 35 Wines, 12. Woollen, 7. Wiecks. STRANGERS, >? ^//>w. Bills. Goods inwards, z\. STREIGHTS, fee Goods inwards, 9. STRONG WATERS, /ff ^r;v!./f. ExcifeMe Liquors. Spirits. Ships, 12. STUFFS, mixt with Silic or \\x.x):i3., fee Eafi-India, zS, 41, 46, 52. Seizures, 23 STUFFS oUreland, fee Wool. SUCCUS LSQUORIT]^, fcGocds inwards, 87 /o 91. SUGAR, may be imported only in (liips belonging to Great Britain or Ireland, I except fuch flilps as are of the built of the country whereof it is the growth, production or rnanufaflure, or of fuch port where it can only be, or moll ufuallyis, firft ftiipped for tranfpottatlon ; on forfeiture of (hip and goods • - ■ ■ ACTS. Ye. r anJ Reign. IChjp I Rich. III. -Of the growth of the Britifh colonies, exported within a year after) the importation, to drawback the refidue of the tiubfidy j 5ce Ireland, 4. Plantations, 21, 59 to 74, 92, 99, 109, 127, 129. Dominica, 15, 16, 19, 24. -Briti/h refined, the Bounty of 14^. 6d. the hundred weight ^to be' allowed on all Sugar exported in the loaf compleat and whole, being net of one uniform whitencfs throughout, and which hath . gone through the operation of two or more clays fince it was lall in [ the pan, and properly dried in the Hove according to the prcfent | praftice of refining ■ _^_. — J -But if any of the faid refined Sugars, being either in fmall or great' loaves, commonly called Lumps, (hall have gone through the ope- ration of three clays at the leal! fince they were laft in the pan, and . fliall be net, and have been thoroughly c'lied in the ftove, though ( fuch loaves be exported without the fmall ends or tips, they (h;.!! | be efteemed compleat and whole within the meaning of this Aft — J -The Bounty of 6s. \d. the hundred weight to be allowed on a!l re-") fined Sugar called D njl ard , s.u be made under the feals of the refpedive courts by Capias, Extendi \ facias, Sktfana, SiC. Set Seizures, ii. J SUSSEX, fee Wool. SWEDEN, the trade thither free to all perfons SWINE, fee Cattle. SWORD-BLADES, may be exported by any perfons ' mUYS,^ fee Sn-vey, II. tV'B.U?S, /le Plaittatioss, lo-j. IrelanJ, 4.. Geo. III. 45 19 33 Hen. VIII. 25 Car. II. 12 Car. II. 39 2,3.7 T ALLOW, (hipped with intent to be transported, 15 forfeited, with treble the value, a year's imprifonment of the matter and mariners, and lofs of their goods and chattels, if they know of it; and of the fliip, if with the owner's knowledge — _ -If any owner, mafler, or mariner, (balLgive information within threes months after- his knowledge thereof, or after their return of the quantity, by whom and in what veffel conveyed, and fhall be > ready upon reafonable warning to julHfy the fame, he fhall not | incur any of the forfeitures aforefaid — J TAR, may not be imported from the Netherlands, or Germany, on forfeiture I of fhip and goods - — — — — 2— ——Muft be imported only in Ihips belonging to Great Britain cir Ireland, except fuch as are of the built of the country whereof " iSElis. 18 1 1 } in or Ireland, 1 c/,utpi juvii (12 ai V. \ji \,iA\, u\^iL\ \ji kii^. \.\/uukjj' •Tjtk.ibiyi It Is tne pro- I duce, or of fuch port where it can only, or moft ufually is, firft f - ihipped for tranfportation, on forfeiture of fhip and goods J —— See Na'val Stores. Plantations, 2 1, 22, 55, 58. Iron, 8, 9. though formerly T e, upon forfeiture V -The f^7?-//ii/j/z Company, if the Tea imported by them is not fuf-"] hcient to anGver the confumption in Great Britain, and to keep the 1 price upon an equality with the neighbouring countries o( Europe, j may, with licence from the commifEoners of the Treafury, import, ! n any part of Europe, in Bri:ijh (hips legally navigated, what j TEA, may not be imported but from the place of its growth, though formerly' 1 exported from hence; nor upon any other pretence, thereof — — 1 3& 1 4 Car. II. 12 Car. II. 1 1 Geo. I. from Wie^' fhalJ think rxcefiary ; to be entered at the CuHQm-houfe, and [ II iS 30 23 iS GeoIL 10, i; APPENDIX. fubjefl to the fame Subfidies and Duties, rules, methods, and di- | reitions, as Tea imported from the Eajl-Imiies — — — J TEA Upon negleft of the falil Company to fupply this market with a fuf-") 3 ficient quantity of Tea at reafonable prices, the commiCioners of I theTrealury may grant licences to any other perfon, or body cor- { porate, to import Tea from any parts of Eurcpe, in like manner, | and fubjefl to fucli Duties, rellriclions and limitations, as if im- ^ ported by tlie faid company, and to be lodged in warehoufes, at the charge of the importer, approved of by the coraniiffioners of the Cuftoms, till publickly fold, and the irland Duties paid, of which fale fix days notice to be given in the Gazette 4 All Tea, above the quantity of fix pounds, found in any Briiijh fhip" arriving in Great Britain from foreign parts, (except (hips em- ployed by the India Company) forfeited, though intended to be re- ported for exportation — . See Arrack, lo. ^— But not to extend to hinder the granting any licence for the im- T portation of Tea from Europe, in purfuance of the powers granted S by 18 Geo. II. cap. 26 — — \ Found in any fhip or velTel arrived from foreign parts, at anchor, or hovering within the limits of any port, or within two leagues the (hore, and not proceeding on her voyage, (unlefs in ca" neceffity, and dillrefs of weather, notice whereof mull be given to ! the colleftor, or chief officer of the port, upon the fhip's arrival) [ is forfeited, with the package, and the value thereof; and the veffel, with all her furniture, fhall be forfeited and loft, if not ex ceeding fifty tons burthen — See Seizurs, 21. — — J <, ■ Muft be entered with the officers of Excife, and landed within thirty ) days after the report of the fhip, on forfeiture of goods and pack- > age; and the fame may be feized by any officer of Excife — j 7 But not to extend to Tea imported by the Eajl-India Company ACTS. 263 iO- Ji- ir, or~l es of I fe of -The Drawback on Tea exported to Ireland^ to be paid under the like' regulations as on other foreign goods to Ireland; and exported to the Britijh colonies in America, under the like regulations as on any foreign goods to any foreign parts ■-- -The Drawback not to be paid for any Tea which fhall not be ex- T ported direflly from the warehoufe wherein the fame fhall have > been lodged, purfuant to 10 Geo. I. cap. 10 See Art. 12. j -Exported to Ireland, Or His Majefty's plantations in America — The") bond entered into, not to be dilcharged without a certificate under I the hands and feals of the coiliftor, comptroller, or furveyor of | the port where it fhall be landtd, tellifying the landing thereof; ^ the certificate, if from Ireland, to be produced in fix months; if from America, in eighteen months from the date thereof; other- wife the bond may be put in fuit . . -To be exported as above — The permit received, upon delivery of the" Tea from the warehoufe, mu!>, before the Tea is Ihipped, be de- livered to the fearcher or proper officer of the port where it is en- tered for exportation, who mull, upon fufpicion of a deficiencv in quantity or quality, open and examine the package, and whether it has been duly entered outwards, and truly indorfed upon tne entry; and if it does not agree in quantity and quality with the permit and indorfement, or is entered under a wrong denomina- lipn, whereby His Majefly would have been defrauded^ is is for- Year and Rci<;n. Chap. Sccl. 18 Geo. II. 26 II, 12 28 Geo. II. 21 I 6 Geo. III. >3 -1 9 Geo. II. 3 Geo. 111. 35 22 22 5 5 Geo. III. 43 34 ) ■ 35 7 Geo. III. 56 2 7 ' 3 21 Geo. 11. 14 1 1 264 APPENDIX. feited, with the packaje, and may be fcized and profecutcd by any officer of the Cuftonr!. If othenvife, the officer to cauf? the fame to be repacked at h's own charge, which i? to be allowed to him by the comniifli )iiers of the Cuftom?, it" ihcy think it rca- fbnab.'e TEA — May not be evported to L-dntnl, or the Brlt-Jh plantations in Ar,crlca,'\ 12 but (n) in the o-iginal package, and in the whole quantity con- [ tained in the package, as fold by the Enji-India Company, upon J> foifciture thereof, and package, which may be fcizcd by anv j oflicer of the Culloms ■ J ACTS. j»- -Entered for exportation as above, the package to be marked by the"] fearcher in four different parts on ihe outfide, as the commiflioners j of the Cuftcms fhall ('irert; and if found again on (bore, is for- )> ftited, and may be fi zed and profecuted by any officer of the j Culloms or Inland Duties J 14 Seized {b), which cannot be fold at publick fale for 5^. per pound,' may be burnt or deOroyed, and the fe'zer rewarded ; miffioners fhall think fit, not exceeding * zs. (yd. fer po r. per pound, 1 1 as the com- > pound 3 Jj Every perfon declared at the Company's publick fale of Tea, the bed") bidder, is, within three (^ayj, to depofit with the Company 40J. for every tub or cheft ; and on negleft or refufal to make fuch de- \- pofit, [\x time? the value thereof; and rendered incapable of bid- | din^ for, or buying any Tea there for the future — J 16 Counterfeited, adulterated, manufai^ured with Terra Japanica, orT any drug, or mixed with any ingredient, is fotfeitcd, with the in- [- gredients, and locA — j J/ Any dealers in Tea, who fhall dye, fabricate, or manufaflure any") Sloe leaves. Liquorice-leaves, cr leaves of Tea tliat have been I ufed, or of any other tree, (hrub, or plant, in imitation of Tea; •or fhall mix or dye fuch leaves with Terra Japanica, Sugar, Me- \ laffes, Clay, Logwood, or anv other ingredients, cr materials ; or fhall fell or expofe to fnle, or have in their poffeflion any fuch leaves, are to forfeit 10/. for every pound weight — -On or before Septcmler I, 176S, and en or befre the lI of Seplemln-r' ci the four fucceeding vear?, an account (hall be ma.^e up by the proper o(ficcrs of the Cudoms and Excife refpeftively, of the net produce of the Duties of the Cuftoms for Teas fold by the E.ijf- India Company, and a'fi the net produce of the Duties of Excife upon Teas cleared from the warehoufes of the faid Company, within the year, ending the 5th of July, preceding t' e making up fuch account; and a I'um equal to the annual net produce of the Duties of Cuftoms paid upon the importation of Tea^ which were exported to Ireland, and the Britijh plantations in America, upon an average, for five years, preced ng Juh' 5, 176^, fhall be de- ducted ff-m the total of the net produce of the Duties of Culloms and Excife, flated in the faid account for the year, ending July ;, 1768, and for each of the four fucceeding years refpeftively: and if after fuch dediiftion, the remaining Aim fhall not be equal to the annual net produce of all the Duties of Culloms for Teas fold by the faid Company, and alio to the annual net produce of the Duties of Excife upon Teas cleared out of the faid Company's ware- (fl^ The fecond fc-^itjn of 21 Geo, IT. cap. 14, prohibiting tlie exportation of Tea, in quan- tity !'. fs than oik intirc lot, rrp.iiled by 7 Geo. III. cap. 56, fcifl. 7. (A^ Tlie n'nih fcft'.on of 7 Geo. Ill cap. 56, prohib ting the fale of feized and condemned Tea for hjBie confumptioii, repealed by S Geo. III. cap. 25, fift. 8. Year and Reign. Chjp. Geo. in. 2 [ Geo. II. 12 Geo. T. • 3 Geo. III. 18 Geo. IL I Geo. L 4 Geo. II. Sea. 56 «4 28 22 26 30 '4 APPENDIX. ACTS. 265 Year and Reign. Chap. Scft 19- 20- houfe, on an average, Tor five years preceding y«h S, ^7^7> '" \ every TucTi cafe the Company, within forty days alter a copy of fuch yearly account Hiall have been delivered to the chairman, de- puty-chairman, lie. ihall pay for every fuch year, into the Exche- quer, for His Majefty's life, fuch fum of money as (hall, with the monies remaining in fuch account, after deduction made as afore faid, amount to fuch a fum as fhall be equal to the annual net pro- duce of all the faid Duties of CuHoms and Excife upon Teas, on the faid average of five years preceding July 5, 1767 ; fo as the money to be paid by the faid Company (hall not, in any one of the faid five years, exceed fuch a (um as .Oiall be equal to the an- nua! net amount of tiie inland Duty of i /. per J}, (by this A&. re pealed) upon Black and Singlo Teas, cleared from the warchoufes of the faid Company for confumption in Great Britain, and alfo to the annual amount of the Duties of Culloms paid on the impor- tation of Teas which were exported to Ireland znd the Bntijh plan- tations in America, upon an average for five years preceding —On failure of any of the faid payments in manner, and on or before the time limited, the money (hall be recovered by action of debt, or upon the cafe, Life, in any of the courts of record in Wejimin- ! Jier; and there (hall be further recovered, to His Majelly's ufe, j againll the faid company, damages after the rate of 12 /. per cent. I fer annum, for the monies unpaid, together with cods of fuit — J —The monies which (hall be paid into the Exchequer in purfuance of! this Aft, fiiall be applied to the fame pnrpofes as the prefent > Duties on Teas . . . .■ . ...- j "—See Arrack. Coffee. IJle c/Man, ^o, i^, \^, Ships, Seizures, Zi, 27. Goci/i inwards. THREAD, of Gold and Silver, BriiiJI}, exported, for the regulations of the Drawbackyi'f Lace. > THRUMBS, may not be exported, upon forfeiture of double the value — TIMBER, mud be imported only in (hips belonging to Great Britain or Ire-' land, except fuch as are of the built of the country whereof the faid goodi are the produce, or of fuch port where they can only be, or molt ufually are, firll (hipped for tranfportation, on forfei- ture of (hip and goods ■■ ■ ■ ■ _____ 1 ——See fir Timher. Wocd, T I N— Wares made out of this realm of Tin, or mixed with Tin, may not be' bought or bartered for, upon forfeiture thereof, in whole hands fo- ] ever found, and the value ' ■ • ■ - — — — _ TOBACCO of the Bntijh plantations — Shipped at any place in t.\ie Britijh" I plantations in A»:erica for Great Bntitin after the zjth oi March J752, tlie collcftor or comptroller, or other chief otficcr of the Cultoms there, or any two of them, are, at the clearing out the velTel, to deliver to the commander, or pcrfon taking charge of her, a manifed under their hands and feals of olrice, containing a true account of all the Tobacco taken on board, the number of packages, the quantity, marks, numbers, and tare of each package, and, at the fame time, tranfmit a duplicate thereof to the rcIpeiSlive commijiioners of the Cultoms in Great Britain, on forfeiture of zoo/, to be rcci'vered in any court of record r.t Weft- minfler, or court of Admiralty in the plant.»tions, where the of- fence is committed 7 Geo. III. 56 8 Hen. VI. 12 Car. II. 25 Hen. VIII. 33 Hen. Vai. 2 — -The perfon having charge of the veflcl, upon his arrival at his port") of difcharge in Grtat Britain, and, at the time of making his re- j 3 U !4 Geo. II. 23 i8 I 1,6 4> 26S APPENDIX. port, muft deliver the faid manifeft to the colleflor of the Cuftoms there, on loncitLre of loo/. and thecolleftor is to deliver it to the land-waiters appointed upon the fliip ■ . TOBACCO of the Briiijh plantations — The land-waiters are from the roani- 3 fefl to enter in their books (before any Tobacco is landed) the mirlcs, numbers, weights, tares and contents of th; fcveral pack- ages, under the penalty of 50/. and to caufe fuch landing mark as the coramifTioners of the Curt;iins fiiali direft, to be fct upon every package, and are to enter every fuch landing mark in their books. k I II- J2- on forfeiture of jo/. -Having received damage on board by ftrefs of weather at fea, orby' the Ihip's being on lliore in Great Britain, or by any accident after her arrixal in port, the chief officers of the Cullonis may allow the importer one halfpenny ^^r Jb, upon his refufing to pay or fecure the Duties and feparating it from the found, in order to be burnt, or deftroyed by the officers, fo as fuch allowance does not exceed 30 /. upon any one fingle hogfhead ■ -Damaged or mean, is not to have any allowance, either at the fcale"^ or otherwife ; bu', upon the merchant's refufing to pay the Duty, | h an Cullomslhall caufe fuch Tobacco to be burnt or dellroyed, without making the importer any allowance for freight or charges, except that delcribeJ in arr. 4 or otnerwiie ; ou , upon tne mercnant s retunn^ to pay tne JJuty, | he may feparate fuch damaged Tobacco, by cutting off, from the I hogfhsads, io much as he Ihall refufe to pay or fecure Cuflom for, ! anri any three or more of the piincipal officers of His M^jefty's [ -But the Aalksmay not be feparated from the leaves, on pretence that 1 the fame is damaged or mean Tobacco ■ — — \ -AUoAance for draught at the fcale to be only 8 jfj upon eveiy hogf head of 350 Jf^ or more; which allowance is not to be dedufted upon exportation . -The Stalks or Stems dripped from the leaf, may not be im-"] ported, and, upon feizure and condemnation, the commiiHoners I of the Cuftoms may caufe them to be publickly burnt, allowing f the feizor one penny /cr % weight See Ai-t. 53. J -All perfons affifting in the unfhipping thereof, or to whofe hands' they fliall knowingly come after the undiipping, fhall forfeit treble the value, and all vcflels, cattle, carriages, and packages, one moiciy thereof to the crown, the other to the officer who fhall feize ; and all the viffols, cattle and carriages fcized by virtue of tliis Afl, or of 24 Geo. 11. cap. 4 I, as mentioned in art. 46, may beprofecuted and determined before two or more jullices of the peace, rending where the feizure was made, in fuch manner, ISc. as prefcribtd by 8 Geo. 1. cap. 18, wiih rcfpeft to veflels, \^c. forfeited by that hd., for the removing, isc. of the goods therein mentioned -May not be imported into Great £r/V«/'«otherwife than in calk, chert, ' or caff only, each containing 450 ft weight of neat Tobacco at the | leall, on forfeiture of all the Tobacco, together with the package -Imported from the5W///fe plantadons on the continent of America m' bulk, or othfrwife than in calks, cherts, or cafes, containing esch two hundred weight or 224 ff, at the leaft, is forfeited, and bti. fer % weight, except fmall quantities ktr the crew's fmoaking ; two thirds to His Majelly, and one third to the feizor or fuer — . -But if, upon landing, the Tobacco in any hogfhead or ca(k, by cut-") ting o£f the damaged part, is under the weigh: of 450 ft, theim- j ACTS. Viar anJ Reign. Chap. Scc\ :4 Geo. II. 4« 9 Geo. I. 12 Ann. 9 Geo. I. 9 Geo. I. 1'- I 2 Geo. I. ■X Geo. III. 5 Geo. III. 24 Geo. II. 10 and 1 1 7 W. III. J 21 28 22 43 21 4.6 APPENDIX. porter may, in the prefence of the land-waiter, caufe the found Tobacco to be put together into one or more hogfheads out of which the damaged was tal;en ; and the land-waiters are to enter in their )■ books the exaft weight of the Tobacco, with the marks and num- bers of each fuch hoglhead, and note that thev were retilled in their prefence; then fuch Tobacco (provided the quantity in each hogf- ; head is 425 J5 weight or more) mav be exported from the port of importation, as if the package had not been altered J TOBACCO imported from the 5w//& plantations in America — The importer is~) i3 every year, between the ill and 24th of yunc, to deliver to the collector, or chief officer of the Culloms, at the port of importa- tion, an account, in writing under his hand, of all Tobacco in his curtody, power or poiTtCoa, which has been entered eighteen months or more at that time, containing the number of packages, with the refpeftive marks, numbers, and weights cf each, and the ^ ' place where lodged ; upon receipt of which, fuch ofricer is to caufe ihe goods to be examined thereby, and then to tranfmi: the ac- count to the regilter of Tobacco — — ACTS. 267 '4- \t- Year and Rei:: 24 Geo. II. Chap. 4' Scft. -Any importer neglefting fo to do, or if the account proves fraudulent in any refpedl, forfeits 50/. for every cfftnce J -.^ny veffel, under the burthen of feventy tons, having on board ICO }^ weight of Tobacco, or any Tobacco flalks, or 50 jfe weight of SnufF, lound at anchor, or hovering within the limits of any port, or within two leagues of ths iTiore, or difcovcred to have been within the limits of any port, and not proceeding on her voya_^e (unlefs in cafe of unavoidable neceflTity and dilhefs of wea- ther, of which the mailer, purfer, or perfon taking charE^e, muft give notice, and make proof of before the colleftor or chief officer y of the Culloms, immediately after arrival) all fach goods are for- feited, with the package, or the value tliereof, whetlier bulk fiiall have been broke or not, and the mailer, or perfon t iking charge of the veffel, forfeits 100/. — And if any veli'el, above the burthen of fevciity tons, having fuch goods on board, ftiall be i'ound ho- verir.T as aforelaic, and no noiice of diilrefs is given, the mailer, or perfon taking charge of it, forfeits ico/. j -.^nd the vcfTel (not exceeding fifty tons burthen) with all her tackle,"! cfr. (hall alio be forfeited, which may be burnt, Ifc. or ufed in 'he S 18 26 fervice of tre Cu'Iloms or Excife, and the tackle difpofed of See Serzura, ;l. j~ All bonds for pavn.cat of Duties on Tobacco (hal! be deemed to be~ due and pay:> jle upon the day of paymcit mentioned in the con- dition of the bond, ai.d interell to becompuied froai the faid dav to the day whereon tiie hond Ihall be pa^d oil'in money, or the dav the ) fearcher certifies on .le debeurure, that ilie Tobacco i; Oilppcd for e; portation ; iTiid no fecurity to be vacated till all interell be paid thereon — — — — — — J I& The chi.ncellor, or either if the barons of the Exchequer, to grant a^ fiat for i.Tuirig prci;i;rs cf immediate extent againfl any perfon bound | for the Duties or. 1 obacci beforetthe bond becomes doe, on afii- j davit laid before iiim by i.ne of the fecurities, or the executor or | adminillrator of f i c.'i lecurity, that the perfon bound is decayed in V circiimft aiices, an j iciun / .6 29 30 268 APPEND! X. by Tilmfelf and the manufaflurer, or thfir known Agents, with thtir names ano place of abode, containing tke plantations or ma- nifcft n.ark and number of esch packa,^c, with the name of the ^ fhiji, and time when imported, the landing mark and number, the weight at importation, and the weif;ht at the time of deliver- ing it out, and the importer muft write off the weight from the ', entry at importation, The penalty for neglecting to give or fign 1 fuch account, or knowingly giving or f'gning a fraudulent one, is I 30 A for every package by each perfon concerned — — . ■ . .. TOBACCO imported from the Britifi plantations in Amtrica—T\it importer' JO felling or delivering fuch Tobacco out of his pofethon muft, within fourteen days after delivery, give to the coUedor the fame account in writing, figned by himfelf and the piirchafcr, or their \ known agents, and write off the weight from the entry in the fame manner, and fubjedl to the fame penalties, as in cafe of de- livering it out to be manufafiured ■ • ■• ■ ■• ■ ■ See the precetting Article. 24- 25- 26- 21 Only Tobacco of the T?./'/?/? plantations, that has paid t' e Duties, "> and been manufactured in Great Bi board Briiijk (hips of war in any pari the refpeflive places of their comm: /«• fo "'eight — - IS, that has paid t' e Duties, "> Britain, may be confumed on / tt oi Europe, upon forfeiture of > tnanders, or purfers, and 3 ■<• \ 21 Exported — No debenture to be made out after the 29th o^ Sefiember" 1751, nor any Drawback to be allowed upon Tobacco impoited after that time, unlefs it is Ihipped and exported from the fame port where it was originally imported, and (if unmanufaftured) in the original package, with the fame marks in and with which it was imported, noother Tobacco being put therein, nor any taken out, 1 except loft, which (hall be allowed to be taken outcf each package | after the fame is weighed at importation, as is now the praftice. )■ T he penalty for entering unmanufactured Tobacco for exportation from any port but the port of importation, or in any other package, or without the fame marks as imported, is forfeiture of the To- bacco, and 200 i, by the perfon who enters it, or caufes it to be entered, befides lofs of Drawback; and whoever knowingly ex- ports any package of Tobacco, out of which more than ten pounds has been taken, forfeits 20/. for every package exported - 23 The perfon who enters unmanufaftured Tobacco outwards, muft, before fnipping it for exportation, indorfe upon the cocket and bill the plantation or maniieft mark and number, (he landing mark and number, with the weight of each package at the time of land- ing ; alfo the exporter's mark and number, with the weight of each at the time of entry for exportation, and write off the weight f of each package from the identical entry thereof at importation Every perfon refufing, or ncgleijling fo to do, forfeits 5 I. for every package, befides lofs of Drawback ; and the fcarcher is not to ad- mit any cocket, unlefs marked as aforefaid —.^ -Unmanufadured, may not be loaden in any vefiel in Great Britain'^ with intent to be exported, but in calks, chelts or cafes only, con I taining 425 J^ weight, or more, of Tobacco in each, on forfeiture v' of the Tobacco and calk, cs^c containing the fame 5 except pack- ages containing famples fliipped and exported at the fame time and place with the calks, ^t, out of which theywere taken -Exported (though manvfaStured) in any package but caf^s of three' hundred weight or more, is not to be allowed any Drawback, cept Tobacco cut or rolled — — — - — . -Mixed with rubbilh or dirt, or any other thing, fnall be allowed no"1 Drawback, and Q\tsy perfon who fliall enter fuch or ftijp for expor ACT S Year and Rtijn. Chap. Scti itf Geo. II. 4» H 6 Ann. z^Geo, H. 32 I'. 41 zi Z2 >4 I 1 APPENDIX. tationor caufeittobe|done, or who (hall enter any thing as Tobacco | for exportation, which, upon examination by the proper otiicer, )■ appears not to be fo, (hall forfeit all the goods and the package, | and 50 /. for every package —, — ^ — J TOBACCO exported — Manufaflured or unmanufaclured, may not be entered or' 27 fliipped for exportation in any vefiel not of the burthen of feventy tons or upwards, except to Ireland; and, if exported thither in any vciTel under the burthen of twenty tons, it is not to be allowed any Drawback — — — — — — 28- Z9- 30. 31- 32- 53- 34- -Any officer of the Cuftoms apprehending a veflel outward bound with ! Tobacco on board, not of the burthen of feventy tons or upwards, ' he may flop and detain her, and the whole cargo, till (he is ad- meafured as direfted by 6 Geo. I. cap. 21 ; and if fhe proves to be of that burthen, he (liall not be fubjeft to any aflion for damages; but the mailer of fuch veflel entering and clearing her out as of that burthen, wiien (he is under it, forfeits looA for every fucii -Exported to Ireland — If, upon producing a certificate, lefs appears to' be landed there than (hipped from hence, an allowar ' "" ' Is appears toT ince not ex- K- z voyage — J ceeding two /fr cent, may be made for walle during the -Entered for other foreign parts, if landed in Ireland, is forfeited, and double the Drawback; and the debenture for the Dravvback is to be void — — — — — -Entered out for any other place than Ireland, the exporter is to' fwear that the fame is not landed in any part oi Gnat Britain Ireland — — _____« See Debentures, 7. ;r is to 1 itain or i- -The Stalks or Stems, when feparated from the reft of the leaf, and) exported by thenifelves, are not to have any Drawback — j -Removed by land — Tobacco or Tobacco -fialks exceeding 24 ft'i weight, or Snulf exceeding^ 10 Jjj weight, may not be conveyed from the place of importation to any place in Great Britain, with- out a certificate from the coliedor and comptroller or chief cflicer of the Culloms, at the place of importation ; and, if unmanufac- tured, with the importer's oath thereto (if the importer applies for it) that the Duties were paid or iecured at imporiation, by whom, when, and in what (liip imported; or witli the purchaler's oath thereto, (if he applies for it) attelling the marks and numbers of the hogflicads, out of which it was taken, from whom pur- chafed, and when; if Tobaco-flalks or Snuft", or Manufaftured Tobacco, are fo removed, then the certificate mull have the im- )■ porter's oath thereto (if he applies for it) that fucli Stalks were llripped, or fuch Snuff or Manufadlured Tobacco was made from one or more hogfheads, for which tlie Duties were by him paid or fecured at importation ; or the purchafer's o.ith thereto (if he ap- plies for it) that fuch Stalks were llripped, or the SnufFor Manu- faftured Tobacco was made from one or more hogllicad.':, which had been delivered and received according to the directions of tliis A&; which certificates fuch officers are to grant, and, after en- tering in their books, to deliver to the perfon applying for the fame, without fee or reward for certificate or oath, on forfeiture of 10 1. for every offence See Art. 40, 44. — — — j -Before any Tobacco, Tobacco-ftalks, or SnufF, for which a certificate" (hall be granted, (See article \\.) (hall be removed by land, the proprietor (hall dcfcribe on the back of the certificate the names of sach package, with the marks and numbers, and the uue weight 3X ACTS. 269 Ye^r and Reign, Chip. Scft 24 Geo. II. 24 Ann. 6 Geo. I. 41 24 '3 2? 20 21 14 Geo. II. 48 49 50 20 4« i-jo APPENDIX. of ench fpecies of goods, the place from whence they are to be de- livered, and to which ihey are to he carried, and by whnm * or the name of the inn from whence carried, and the name of the perfon to whom configned ; and fuch proprietor, or his agent, (hall fub- fcribc his name, and make oath to the truth thereof; and the cer- tificate fhail cxprefs the number of days it (hall continue in force, and (hall accompany the goods to the place to which they are to be carried, and the perfon receiving the goods fliall caufe fuch certi- ficate to be delivered to the chief officer of the Cuftoms, if any, and if no officer of the Ciiftoms, then to the officers of Excif'e of that di- vifion, who is to examine the fame with the goods, and, if they agree, the goods may be taken away ; and fuch officer is to enter fuch certificate in a book kept for that purpofe, and tranfmit an account thereof to the rcgilfer of Tobacco TOBACCO removed by land — The officers of the Cufloms, who fhall grant") 35 fuch original certificates at the port of importation, Ihall, once in f every month, tranfmit duplicates thereof to the regifler of To- T 36 The colleflor or comptroller, or other chief officer of the Cufloms at~ the port of importation, fliall, once in t\ery calendar month, tranf- mit to the regifler of Tobacco one of the Jand-waiter's books, in which his account is kept of the landing and difcharging Tobacco from His Majefty's plantations in America, and copies of entry of Tobacco for tranfportation, and the f'everal endorfements relating thereto, which are delivered to the fearchcrs, and alfo copies of every account which, purfuaiit to the diredlions of this Aft, Ihall be delivered to any officer of the Cuitoms of Tobacco, intended to be manufadurcd by the importer theieof, on their own account, or which fliall be delivered by the importer to any other perfon to be manufadured, on account of fuch importers; and alfo copies of every account which Oiall be delivered to any officer by the impor- ters of Tobacco, fold by them to any perfons whaifoever: which \ feveral accounts are to be kept by the regifler of Tobacco, and en- tered in proper books by him ; and fuch entries and accounts thereof fliall be kept in fuch manner and form, that ihe niarlls and num- bers of every package, with the wjrights thereof at importation, may be checked with the marks, numbers and package at the ex- portation thereof, or when delivered for home confumption, or manufaftured ; and when any thino fhall appear to him to be done contrary to the intention of this Ad, he fhall tranfmit an account thereof to the commiilior.ers of the Cullonis, and a copy of Ihch re- prefentations fhall by him, once in every fix months, be laid be- fore the lords of the Treafury ; and any colledlor, or chief o.'ficer, negleffing to tranfmit any account before-mentioned, fhall forfeii 50/. for every fuch negledt — — — — . 3; Such goeds, in the quantity above-mentioned, removing by IanJ~ without fuch certificate, arc forfeited, and the packages, together wiih the cattle and carriages ; and the carrier, or perfon employed in removing the fame, is to be committed to the county gaol for one month, by ajullice of the peace in the county where the of- fence is committed, or the offender found. And — — . ' 38— —Any perfon who fliall counterfeit, forge eraze, or alter fuch certilicate, or the duplicate thereof, or procure the (ame to be done, fh>:ll lor- feit 50/. for every offence — 39 Such goods, in the quantity above-mentioned, may not be conveyed^) by la,.d from any place in Gieat Britain to any other, unlefs tlje I package is marked on the outfide with the rcfptiStive words 'I'o- ' bacco, Tobacco-ilalks, or SnutF, in letters not le(s than thiee ( inches in length, on forfeiture thereof, with the package, aad alfo It. per ^ weight to be paid by the owner thereof — —J ACTS. Year anj Reign. Chap. Sea. 12 Geo. II. 13 24 Geo. II. 41 H 24 24 -4 to '7 23 J APPENDIX. TOBACCO — Removed by water — No Tobacco, Tobaccco-ftalks, or Snuff," 4.0 niay be fhipped on board any vefl'el to be carried by water from any place in Great Britain to any other, until every part thereof is en- tered at the Cuftom-houfe, at the port neareft the place where they arefliipped; and, if unmaniifaftured, it mull be fhipped in the original package in which it was imported, preferving the fame maiks and numbers, but not without a certificate from the colleflor or comptroller, or chief officer of the Cuftoms at the port of im- portation, that the Duties thereof were paid or fecured at impor- )■ tatlon, by whom, the time when, and in what vellel import- ed ; if it is Tobacco- ft alks or SnufF, or other manufatlured Tobacco, it is not to be fo fhipped without a certificate from the faid officers, that the Duties were paid or fecured at importation, for the Tobacco from which they were flripped, made or manu- faftured ; which certificate the faid officers are required to grant to the importer, or his known agent, applying for the fame, without fee or reward, on forfeiture of lo/, for every offence — See Art. 49. J I ■ Before fuch goods are fhipped, the proprietor muft inferton the back") of the certificate the names of each particular package, with the | marks and numbers, the weight of each particular fpecies of goods ^ in each packace, and the place from wiience brought, and to which | they are to be carried - J *z The certificate mufi, before fhipping, be delivered by the proprietor to the perfon taking charge of the vefl'el, who, immediately upon his arrival in any port or place in Great Britain, muft deliver it to the colleflor or chief officer there, who mufl examine the goods with the certificate, and, if they agree therewith, the goods are to be difcharged, and may be taken away by the perfon to whom ihey belong — — — _ ■ __ J ij.3— — Such goods found on board any vefTci before fuch certificate is ob-") tained, or without its being on board therewith, or if it is forged, or does not agree in all refpeds with the goods, then all fuch goods are forfeited, together with the packages, and may be feizej ! and profecuted by any officer of the Cuftoms, and the perfon taking j charge of the veffei fhall forfeit 6d. per ffj weight; and any per- fon who fhall counterfeit, forge, eraze, or alter fuch certificate, j fhall forfeit ico/. — J 44 Tobacco, or Tobacco-flalks, exceeding 24 Jfe weight, or SnufF ex-") cceding to J^ (which has been removed by water from the place of of importation to any other place in Great Britain) nay not re- moved afterwards from thence by land, without a certificate from the eolleftor and comptroller, or chief officer of the Cuftoms, at the place to which they were carried by water, that it appears to them by the entry of the certificate, which came with the goods from the place of importation, that the Duties thereof were paid or fecured there, and in what veffei they were brought by water, and when, and that the perfon applying for the fame had made oath to the truth thereof ; wiiich ce;tificate fuch officers are re- )■ quired, (after writing it in their books) to deliver to any per fon applying for it — — _^ __ _ ACTS. 271 Year and Reign. Chap. Scit i\ Geo. ir. -The proprietor of the goods, or his faiflor or agent, (before they are reniovcd) muil infert en the back of the certificate the names of each package, with tiie marks and numbers, the weight cfeath fpeciet of goods in each package, the plaee from whence brought, and to which thev ar. to he carried, and the name of the perfon to whom they fhall be fent, which he muil fubfcribe with his name, and make oath to the truth thereof — . — 41 24 24' 14 H 24 15 27* APPENDIX. ACTS. TODACCO — Such goods found fo removing without fuch certificate, or if the' 46 certificate appears it) be forged or counterfeited, are forfeited, and the package, together with the horfas, cattle, and carriages em- ployed, and may be feized and profecuted by any officer of the Cuftoras; the carrier or perfon employed in the remoi'al, alfo for- feits 10/. and is to be committed to tlie county-gaol for one month . by any jullice of the peace for the county where tlie ofFcncc is com- ' jnitted, or the olTender found ■ ■ \-j Any perfon who fhall counterfeit, forge, eraze, or alter fuch cer- tificate or duplicate thereof, or procure it to be done, fhall forfeit 100/. for every offence — — ■ _ 48- -The fecond purchafer of an intlre hogfhead of unmanufaftured To-" bacco is entitled to the benefit of a certificate on removal by land or water, in like manner as the lirft purchafer from the importer; but in this certificate the name of the importer or feller may be omitted, provided the feller to the fecond purchafer has delivered to the colleftor or chief officer of the Cuftoms at the port of im- portation, fuch account as the importer is required to give by 24. 49 1 50- 5>- Any certificate for removal of Tobacco, Tobacco-flalks, or Snuff, by land or water, is to be deemed a proper one, though the name of the importer is not inferted therein, provided his name is ex- prefled in the bill from which the certificate is prepared — — . -Any perfon who fhall put out, alter, or deface any mark or number fet upon any package of Tobacco in America, or in Great Britain, at importation or exportation, fhall forfeit 20/. for each package— -Tobacco, Tobacco-flalks or Snuff, removed from one place to another,") greater quantities than by 24 Geo. \\. cap. 21, is allowed, and rot attended with the certificate required, may be feized and profecuted by any officer of the Cuftoms or Excife; and the proof tiiat it was removed from the port of importation with a proper certificate, and that the Duties thereon were paid or fecured, is to lie on the claimer, and not on the officer who feized it . -Tobacco-flalks and Snuff feized and condemned, are to be burnt in" the prefence of the colledlor and comptroller of the Cuftoms at the! place where the goods arc at the time of condemnation ; or for want of fuch, in the prefence of the collector or fupervifor of| Excife for that diftrift ■ 53 For all Tobacco, Snuff, and Tobacco Stalks, which (hall be burnt' or detlroyed in purfuance of an ail of 24. Geo. If. cap. 41, the of- ficers feizing the fame fhall be paid -i^d. for every pound weight of fuch Tobacco and Snuff, and \d. for every pound weight of To- )> bacco Stalks, provided the officers before whom it was burnt, cer- tify to thecommiffioncrs of the Cuftoms the exad quantity deftroyed, who are thereupon to grant their order for payment ;4 The penalties and forfeitures by this hSi, are to be, one moiety' to the ufe of His Majefty, \3c. and the other moiety to the ufe of fuch perfons as fhall inform, profecute, or fue for the fame; and the faid penalties and forfeitures may be fued for, and the caufes arifing by this Acl may be tried and determined in any of His Majcfty's courts of record at W^ftmiiijler, if fuch offences are com- mitted in England, or if the offender be in England at the times of commencing the profecution; or in the court of Exchequer at £;//«• hurgh, if the offence be committed in Scotland, or the offender be in Scotland at the time of commencing the profecution, at the eleftion of the commifUoners of the Cuftoms for England and Scot- land refpeftively 1 — — ^ . ■ - See Seizuref, 21. Year and Reign. Chap. Scft. 24 Geo. II. 4' 22 26 Geo. Ii. 13 6 26 — 5 24Geo. II. 4' >9 26 Geo. II. '3 2 24 Geo. II. 4> l^l 3 Geo. III. 22 2 24 Geo. II, 4» {'I 24 . ■ .- 33 APPENDIX. TOBACCO Importers of Tobacco (Tiall have the fame difcounts in giving" 55 bonds fur the Subfit;y of 21 Geo. II. cap. 2, (Branch, N° 33.) or paying the fame before due, as they are entitled to by any law on bonds given for Tobacco imported ■ 57- 58- 59- 60- 62- 63- 64- €5. 66- 67. -Lodged in warehoufes for fecurity of the Duties, if dellroyed by fire, 1 the Duties to be allowed ■ j -M.iy not be planted in Great Bri.'o.in, Ireland, Guern/ey, or Jer/ey,'\ upon forfeiture thereof, or the value, and 40/. for every rod or pole | of ground planted ; one-half to the King, and one-half to the fuer ; y and alfo 10/. more; one-third to the King, one-third to the poor j ofthepariih, and one-third to the fuer — _ J -Except in phyfick-gardens, and not exceeding half a rod in any one 7 garden j -Sheriffs, jullices, l^c. within ten days after information, are to caufe ' iuch Tobacco to be deftroyed — — ation, are to caufe i -Jullices, a month before each genera! quarter-fefiions, are to i/Tueout' warrants to the conllables, i^c. to fearch for fuch Tobacco, and to ] make a prefi;ntment upon oath, at the quarter-fclTions _ -Conllables, within fourteen days after fuch warrant, may call afuft-' ance, and deilroy fuch Tobacco j upon negleft, arc to forfeit 5^. per rod — — ^^ i»^ -Afliilance refufed, the forfeiture is 5/. ^—^— • -Reilfting, the penalty is imprifonment for three months ; or to forfeit 1 5/. I'nd impnf'irimert, liil a recognizance of 10/. penalty, with two i. fecurities, be entered into, not to offend a^jin \ -Leaves of Walnut-trees, Hops, Sycamore, or any other leaves, herbs, "| plams, or meteiisls, may not be cut in the form, cr in imitation I of any of the ufual fizes or cuts of Tobacco of the Briiifi plan- | tations, or coloured or cured to refemble fuch Tobacco for fale, or )■ knowingly fold or offered to iale as fuch Toh.icco, upon forfeiture of 5.1. per pound weight. The charges of profecution to be borne by His Majeily -Such leaves, Idc. m.iy not be exported v/Ith intent to obra'n a Draw back as for Tobacco, upon forfeiture of 5.;. per pound weight, fides former penalties ■ )raw- T , be-C -Mar, with all engines, uteiifils, and tools, be fearched for, and~l feized by the officers of the Cullonis, at feafoiiable hours, and wuh a warrant from the jullices; who at their quarter-feffions are to dc- ^ termine fuch feizure, and after condemnation, caufe them to be I burnt — • —— J -Servants employed in cutting, manufailurin", fj^c. or ft!iin<', conviflion before two juiiices, may be committed to the hou correftion, there to remain, not exceeding fix months upon T fe of^ TOB.^CCO of the growth of Europe, or mixed therewith, may not be fold, or \ 63 delivered to the feamen on board any of His Majeliy's Ihips pf nar J TOBACCO-PIPE CLAY, fee Shifsy 9. Wool, 22. TONGS, m.iy not be imported by fraagers, to be falJ, upon forfeiture, or 7 the value ACTS. 273 3 Y Y^.ir ^R^ Reien. Chip. Seft. 24 Geo. 11. 41 3' 12 Ann. 2| Geo. II. 5 4' 6 32 1 2 Car. II. 1 s Car. II. 34 7 I 18 12 Car. II. 34 4 22 Car. n. 26 z 4' 5 II 6 '9 5 Geo. I. 12 Car. If. 15 Car. II. 34 / 3 18 ' I Geo. I. 46 I 2 .'. 4 — S 6 Ann. 22 12^ 1 Rich. in. 12 1, 2 * 27 + APPENDIX. TONGS, may not be imported by any perrons, to be iiitered or /old in Great'\ 2 Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often as they may be found in ( the hands of any perfon to be fcld, except made and wrought in j Ireland, or taken upon the feas, or wrecked — — J TONNAGE of Ships— The menfuration, fee Ships. TOOLS ufed in Silk, or Woollen Manufadlures exported, fee Goods cut- ivardi, 17, fjc. TRANSIR.es, ytT /"fi-j, I. Goods conjiiwife inivards, 3. Off.c TRANSPORTATION, /•£• O/'a-r/, 31. Wool, 20, 85. TRIALS of I/Fues joined The chief baron, or, in his abfence, any other") baron of the court of lixchequer, may, as jufticcs cf Nifi Prius \ for the county ot Middle/ex, try iffues within the feveral term- f times, or within the fpace of eight days after the expiration thereof J See Officers, I, 2. TRfNITY-HOUSE, fee Giwpoivder, 2. Ships, 49. TURBETS, fee Fijh. TURKY GOODS Goods of the produce or manufaflure of Turky mufl be' imported in 5;;V';^-built (hips, except fucli fliips as arc of the built of the country whereof the faid goods are the growth, produftion, . or m.-mufadure, or of fuch port where the faid goods can only, or j moll ufually are, iirft fhipped for tranfportation, on forfeiture of | fliip and goods -^—^— J TURNETS, may not be imported hy frangers, tohe fold, upon forfeiture, or 7 the value ■ j TURPENTINE of the £ri/i/j plantations, for the regulations of the Bounty thereon, fee Na-val Stores. —^See alfo Plantations, z\, 22, 55. Iron, 8, 9. TUSK, >F/, 13. V V. ELVETS, fee Silk. 13. VESSELS, fee Ships. VICTUAL (/. e. Grain) — The Scots laws againft the importation thereof into Scotland, referved in force inll the importation thereof into! -But the power of fufpending the faid laws in time of dearth and' fcarcity, which before the Aft of Union was veiled in the privy- council of Scotland, is now veiled in the judges of the court of Seflion, Julliciary, and Exchequer in iVo//«?; oj the Winchejlir bufliel. 4 the bole, weigh ing eight (lone troy.. VICTUAL — The Curtoms and Duties on Corn are to be paid according to the" A prices and other regulations direfted and enjoined by 22 Car. If. cap. 13, and 2 Geo. II. cap. 18, which prices are to be hung up publickly, as above diretled — See Corn, -The faid judges are, once in thirty days, during fuch fufpenfion, (fo' long as there fhall be occafion for the fame) by the ways and means above mentioned, to determine the common prices of middling Corn ; and in cafe they do not exceed the above rates, they are by a proper ad to afcertain the fame, and tranfmit authentick extrads )■ or exemplifications of fuch ad to the colledors, or other chief officers, of all the ports in Scotland, which fhall be fufficient notice to the colledor, l2c. that the laws prohibiting the importation of Vidual are again revived ■ ■ ' VICTUALLING BILLS, /(■£■ 5m'. Ships, 39. VINEGAR, may be imported only in fhips belonging to Great Britain or Ire- laud, or fhips of the country of which it is the produd, or fuch port where it can only be, or moll: ufually is, firil fhipped for tranfportation, on forfeiture of fhip and goods — sd r UNION of the two kingdoms oi England ani. Scotland, (Art. 1.) See Britain. UNRATED GOODS, fee Goods iniuards, 24. W..- w. Utenfils for War, fee .Ammunition, WAREHOUSE, y^« ^(vvifi, 5. Cambricks, 4, 8, 9, lO. Cocoa Nuts, I, 2. Coffee, I, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 19. Dominica, 9, 12, 24. Eaji- India, 30, 34, 41, 43, 44, ;2. Gloves, l^c. of Silk, 3. Goods in-wards, 17, 24, 29, 44, 52. Officers, 57. Pepper, I, 2, 3, 4. Plantations, 109. Rum, 3, 6, 7. Salt, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. Silks, 6,7, 17. Spirits, 3, 6, 7. Tobacco, 56. Tea, 3. Wool, 17. WAREHOUSE-KEEPERS, fee Coffee, 17. Pepper, 3, 6. Rum, 7. WARRANT, fee Cockct. Eaji- India, 34, 38, 39, 43. WATCHES No Box, Cafe, or Dial-plate for Clocks or Watches, may be' exported, without the movements made Clock or Watch-maker's name engraven and 2Ql.——See Si her, 1 1 — — ocks or Watches, may beT ; up fit for ufe, with the I thereon, upon forfeiture, f ACTS. Year and Reign. Chap. 275 s&a. 14 Geo. IL 12 Car. II. 5 Ann. 3. 4 iS 9 & 10 W. Ill, 28 276 APPENDIX. WATERMEN, fee Goods iniuards, 26, 68. Goods outwards, 10. Plantaliotis, 79. WEIGHTS and Measures, are to be the fame throughout Greal Britain < WESTERN ISLANDS, fee Gocds inivards, 9. Planlations, 32. WESTMONEY and / ir return 3 -Til e fhip, before llie proceeds on her voyage, niuft be vifited by the' proper officer of the Callonis, at the port from whence (he proceeds, who is to examine the ;ibove qualifications, and take an account of her tonage, i^c. and certify the fame to the commiflioners of the Cuftoms. And if it appears, by the oath of one of the owners, and the mailer of tlie (liip, made before :he colleftor and comptroller of the port, at the foot of the ccrtiticatCi that it is really and truly their firm purpofe, and determined refclution, that fuch fhip (hall forthwith proceed, (b manned, furniftied, and accoutred, in a • «oj(age to the Creudaad &i- tiie 1 unditt, ib-i gallons— —5cv Ga//sn j ACTS. ^'c.ir and Jtei^n. jChsp. 28 Geo. II. 8 Geo. III. 2 & 3 Edvv.VI 2 Hen. VI. 18 Hcn.YI. I Rich. JI. WINES mud be i.npnrted only in fhips belonging to Grtat Briiai/t or Inlam.',^ 2 or (hips of the country of wliich they are the produif^, or of fuch (^ port where they can only be, or moft ufually are, firft fliipped for | tranfportation, on forfeiture of (liip and goods ■ J 2 Car. II. -0:her than P.ken'fi} Wines may not be imported from the Netherlands} \ .jf, or Gennaity, on forfeiture of foip iind goods ^ I -Except H:nignry Wine?, which may be imported from Hamhro' pay- 7 ing Duty as Rhcr.ijh Wines • — — 3 -May not be imported in flad^s or bottles, or in cafus which {hall con- ' tain lefs than twenty-five gallons, upon forfeiture thereof, or the value ; to be fucd for in any of the courts of record in H'tJIminJltr, or in the court of Exchequer in Scotland, or by the laws of Excife_ -Bat not to extend to prohibit Wines of the growth of the dominions 1 of the Great Duke of Tufcan^i, in open Hafts ; or Wines of the |- growth of Turky, or any other places of the Levant Seas — — — j -Every lirgfhead run out, and not full kve\^ inches, or above, and every pipe or butt not above nine inches left therein, are to be sccounted for outs, and no Duty is to be paid for the fame. See ( L;r.don on importation —— _ I J— —In bottles exceeding three dozen, and in calks ten gallons, at the fam r ") time, and in the fame carriage, fo removed without a certihcaie [ i + Car.Ii I Ann. I Geo. II. I 2 Car. II. I Jac. II. 26 Geo. II. 20 26 1 1 '7 1 1 iS 1 1 1 12 15 APPENDIX. from fuch collcflor or proper officer, expre.Tmg the quantity and quality, anil that the Duties have been paid as above, or that the fame wa? Wine fold for falvage, or has been compounded for or ^ condemned, is forfeited, tor^ether with the caflcs or vcfTcIs con- taining it, and may be feized by any tfFicer of the Cuftoms, and profccuted in the fame manaeras any uncii'.iomed Wines J M'INES — If after removal, and payment ff the Duties a^ above, it is ft^ived,") 1^ loft, or perifhed before iti arrival as afoicfjid, the comnifiloners of I the Cu'Ioms, or any three of them, upon proof thereof upon oath [ to their fatisfadlior, are tocaule jcp.iymer.t to be made to the pro- , prietor, of the difrcrence between tlie Duties payable in the out- j ports, and in Lmdon, out of the Duties payable on Vv'ines J IC — i6- -Dama^ed and corrupt — The allowance by the loih rule of the Eo 1; 7 of Rates, page \z in the Second Part, repealed — 1 -Upon the importer's rcfufing to pay or fecurc the Duties, may, afj the landing, be delivered up into the cullody of the officers of the Cuftoms, in order to be publickly fold to be dillilled into Brandy, or made into Vinegar; and that they (hall not be ufed for any other ^ purpofe, fccurity muft be taken, which may be difcharged upon a certificate (within three months after delivery) that they have been fo ufed ■ — — — . ■ Before the delivery of any refufed Wines, which fhall be fold as above~) direfted, the officers of the Cuftoms may caufe fo much Salt or Vinegar to be put therein as they ihall judge fuflicic the Wines from being made ufe of for any other purp 17- 18- nuch Salt or I nt to prevent 1 ijii. Tiiiicj jjwin Lyv-mg iiKtuw uiv- \ji jvvi rtii^ ^tii^,i ourpofc, thatt I being diftilled into Brandy, or made iuto Vinegar, befides taking | the fecurity before mentioned — - ■ . J -The produce of the fale is to be paid to the importer, by certificate,") as a compenfation for the freight, l£c. but fuch allowance muli not exceed 4/. for every ton of Wine of the growth of France and ! Germany ; aud 8/. for every ton of all other Wines fo delivered up ; [ and if there be any overplus beyond the faid allowance, it mud be | placed to the Duties out of which the charges have been paid J -But no allowance may be made for fuch Wines, unlefs they be im- ported in cafijs on board a merchant's fhip diret'tly from the of their growth, or the ufual place of their iirft fhipping 19- 20 y be im- T the place > Except faved from fhips firanded; which are to enjoy the fame al- 1 lowances as if imported in the fhip wherein they were firll laden 3 -Upon the exportation of any Wines (except French Wines) to any" Britijh colony in America, as merchandize, in lieu of all former Drawbacks, all the Duties to be repaid, except 3/. 10/. fer ton, part of the New Duty, 1763 ; and except fuch part of the Duties paid upon Wines imported by aliens, orin foreign fliips, as exceeds the Duties payable on Wines imported by Briiip, in Britijh fhips_ 21 Before the debenture (hall be made out, the exporter fliall give bond") in treble the amount of the Drawback, that the faid Wines fhail be landed in America, and no other country whatfocver; and fuch bonds fliall not be difcharged until a certllicate fhall be produced, j leflifying the landing thereof: fuch certificate to be produced j within eighteen months from the date of the bond — J Set Gallon. Plantatiom, 19. Prifnge. WIRE — Of Iron, 'viz. Card-wire, and all forts of Iron-wire fmaller than' I fine tine, and luperfine, and Wool-cards, or any other wares made 1 ot Iron-wire, may not be imported, unlefs from Ireland, or wrecked, in order to be fold in Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof — 2 ACTS. 279 Year aiiii Reign. i6 G"0. If. Chap. I Sea. 6 Geo. I. 6 Geo. I. 12 Geo. I. 5 Geo. III. 6 Geo. I. 12 Geo. I. 8 Geo. I. 27 Geo. II. 8 Geo. I. 27 Geo. II. . Geo. III. Edw. ^^ Rich. HI. W. & M. 12 12 23 12 28 18 18 l8 »5 4 12 4 3 zo 4 20 •9 5 ♦0 5 12 4 12 iSo APPENDIX. WIRE — Card«'ire or Tion-wire for making of Wool-cards, may not be im- T 3 ported, on forfeiture, or the value thereof ■ > j 3 Of Gold or Silver, yiY C«/V, i, 2, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7. ,^ Of Latter) and Iron — May not be imported \>y grangers, to \)t fdd,^ upon forfeiture, or the value j WITNESSES, /ff5«s:»r«, 10. WOOD, Timber, and the goods called Lumber, as Deals, Timber-balks, I Barrel-boards, Chip-boards, Pipe-boards, or Pipe-bolt, White boards for fhoemakers. Boom and Cani-fpars, Bow-llaves, Cap- ravens, Clap-holt, Ebony-wood, Headings for pipes, hogfheads and barrels, Hoops for coopers. Oars, Pipe, Hoglhead, Barrel and Firkin-llaves,Trunnel!, Speckled Wood, Sweet Wood, Small Spars, Oak-plank, Wainfcot, Lignum Mtx, or any other fort of Wood, Plank or Timber, vs rought or unwrought, or Lumber (except Malls, Yards, and Bowfprit'^) of the produft of the Briiijh plantations in America, may be imported diredly from thence into Great Britain, free of all Duties, until the 2gth of September, 177 1, and from thence to the end of the then next feflion of Parliament ■ 5'^^ z^d Rule of the Book of Rates, page 1 3, in the Second Part Deal Boards, Fir Vimber, Goods innuards, 6. -Deals, Planks, Boards and Timber, found and merchantable, im-'J ported diredlly from His Majefty's dominions in North America, * in (hips legally manned, the premium thereon to be paid on de- ! mand to the importer, by the collector at the port of importation, j out of the Cuftoms, or any Duties payable on Wood imported. )» The colledtor, not having money fufficient, is to certify the fame to the commiflioners of the Cuftoms, who are to caufe the fame to be paid by the receiver-general of the Culloms in England or Sror- /«?.'^ refpedively • ■ -Perfons importing fuch Deals, ^c. into Great Britain, fliall produce' to the chief officer of the port of importation, a certificate under the hand and feal of the governor, lieutenant-governor, colledlor of the Cuftoms, and naval-officer, or any two of them, refiding within any of His Majefty's dominions in iVs?/^ .<^/.7fr/Va, that, be- fore the departure of the Ihip, the perfons loading tlie fame had rnade oath before them, that the goods fo fuipped on board (ex- y pvefling the number, quantity, and fpecies of each fort) were of the growth and produce of His Majefty's faid dominions; likewifc oath to be made, at the port of arrival, by the mailer of the n.ip, that the faid goods were laden on board witliin fome of His Majerty's dominions in North America; and that he believes the fame were the produce of the faid dominions — — ■ A — Officers, before they make out fuch certificate, are to examine the" goods, by fhifting the fame, or fuch other means as they (hall think proper, to difcover whether fuch goods are lound and mer- chantable _____ __. ' — 5 _Ifnny difpute (hall arife between the officers of the Cuftoms, and the~ importers of fuch goods, in the port of Louden, touching the qua- lity, the commiflioners of the Cuftoms may call two or more per- fons, (killed ia the commodity, who fliail dtclare upon oath, if required, their opinion, and determine whether the goods are en- titled to the premium or not. And if any difpute (hall arae as to j the quality of fuch good: impoi ted into any of the out-ports of S- Rngland, proper defcriptions of the quality, attefttd by two perfons (killed in the commodity, at the port of i.nponation, (which at- tellaiioa (liall be upon oath, made before a juftice of the peace) ACTS. Year and Reign. Chap. 14 Car. IL I Rich. in. 8 Geo. T. 4 Geo. \\\, '9 12 Sea. I. 2 12 I I 5 Geo. in. 4; n APPENDIX. fhall be fent to the commiflioners of the Cuftoms in Lonc/on or Edinburgh refpeftively, in order that they may determine whether | the goods are entitled to the premium or not — — J WOOD— Officers of theCuftoms to take no fee, on forfeiture of office, and in- 6 capacity to execute any office under His Majefty, His Heirs or Su ceifors — — — ?uch Deals, t^c. exported from Great Bri/ai/t, the importer fhall, T before entry, pay to the colleftor of the port the full lum allowed S- by this AiS as a premium on fuch as he intends to export ) i —Perfons fraudulently exporting fuch goods, without paying the pre-"] tnium, (hall forfeit the goods and double the value thereof; one | moiety to His Majefty, and the other to the officer who fhall fue )■ for the fame. To be profecuted in any of His Majefty's courts of I record at It'ejlminjier, or court of Exchequer in Scotland J ^ If any difpute fhall a.-ife whether the goods fo to be exported are of) the produdl of Hii Majefty's dominions in North America, or of fo- i reign produce, the o««i/r«^a« I ' 12- IJ- 14- i(3- 17. -Coaftwife, defigned to be carried to any place on the fea-coarts, with" an intention to be conveyed to any other port or place on the fea- coalls, from v\hence it may be exported, inurt, before loaded, or carried within five miles of the place, be entered at the port from whence it is to be conveyed, mcniiooing the exac^ weight, marks and nunibrrs, upon forfeiture thereof, with ihe horfes, is'c. and perfop.i concerned in carrying, driving, i^c. ire liable to the for- ieitures inflifted on the exportation — — — See Jrt. 70, 71, 72,73. -But not to hinder the conveyance of Wool from the place of(heering to the proprietor's dwelling houfe, though within five miles or lefs of the fea ; provided that, within ten days after the (heering, and before the removal or difpofal, he certifies under his hand, to the officers of the next port, the number of fleeces, and whers lodged-; and does no' "~uveor aifpofe thereof, without certifying hi? in- tention, at leall three days before removal — — — -Such certificates are to be kept and regiftered by the officers — -A regiller of all Wool fent coaftwife, with the particular weights and number, the fhip-maller's name, owner's name, and to w configned, mull be liept at the Cuftotn-houfe, London s and T I'hom > -The Admiralty are to appoint one (hip of the jth rate, and two of"| the 6;h, and four armed floops, to cruize conliantly from off the North Forelatui to the IJle of Wight, with orders for feizing all vef- fels exporting Wool, or carrying or bringing prohibited goods, or any fufpefled perfons — — — — — ■ — -J ACTS. Ycir and Reign. Chap. Scfl 9 and 10 W. III. -The Admiralty are to appoint three fhips of the 6th rate, and eight' or more armed (loops, to cruize on the coall of Great Britain and Inland, \n fuch ftations as (hall be afligned them by the Admiralty, with orders to feize all velfels in which any Wool, Worded, Bay or Woollen Yarn, Cloth, Serges, Bays, Kerfeys, Says, Frizes, Druggets, Cloth Serges, Shalloons, or any other Drapery, Stuffs, or Woollen manufaftures whatfoever, (hall be exported, or laden to be exported from Inland to foreign parts. A lift of the fhips and floops, the names of the commanders, and copies of their in- Hruftions, aie to be fent to the commilhoners of the Cuftoms in Great Britain, and commiflioners of the Revenue in Ireland, within ten days after given — — — — — — -The commanders of fuch fliips may fearch any veffels within the li-" mits of their ftations ; and if any of the above-mentioned goods are found on board without a cocket or warrant licenfing the exporta- \ tion thereof, may carry them, with crew and cargo, into any port j in Great Britain or Ireland — — — — J -After feizure, the goods are to be fecured in the King's warehoufe ;' and when condemned, muft, together with the veffel, her guns, tackle and furniture, be f)id by inch of candle to the beft bidder, after t*enty-one days publick notice; one fourth of the produce of fuch fale to the commander, one fourth to the officers of the fliip or floop, one fourth to the mariners, and one fourth to the King, V cut of which the charges of profecution are to be paid, except the feizure be made upon information ; in which cafe the informer is to be indemnified from all penalties, iSc. and to be paid one fifth cf fuch fale, and the refidue to be divided into four parts, and ciftributed as above ■ i ■ .. •—— . ■ ■ I W. and M. 9 and i» \ W. \\\. \ I W. & M. 9 and 10 W. in. 7 & 8 W. III. lo&ii W. Ill, 5 Geo. II. 40 10 and 1 1 W. 111. ; Geo. II. 40 It- 40 28 10 21 10 21 2.3 I >4- 16 I 17 3 >8- *3- «4- «s- a6- 27- 18- «9- 30- APPENDIX. • Commanders negleftlng their duties, compounding for, or conniving at the exportation of Wool, are to forfeit all their pay due, tofuffer fix months impiilonraent, and be rendered incapable of any fervice in the navy — — — — — — ACTS. jg____Offenders againll any of the laws made for the preventing of the ex-*) portation of Wool, mav be prol'ecuted b» adion, Ujc. in any of j Kis Majefty's courts of record at Wcfimlnfter, and thereupon a ca- pias may ifTiie in the firft prccefs, fpecitying the fiim of the penalty \ fued for ; and fuch offenders be obliged to give bail to anfwer the fuit, and alfo, at appeaiance, to pay the penalties incurred, or to yield their bodies to prifon — — — — — _ ■ See Art. 79. Goods iifwards, 75. ao • Offenders in prifon for want of fufficient bail, for the unlawful expor-"' tation of Wool or Wool-fells, not pleading to a declaration or in- formation delivered by the fpace of one term, judgment may be entered againft them by default — — —^ — 10 and W. Ill ■'} 10 and W. Ill, 21 If judgment be obtained againll fuch offences, and they do not pay the fum recovered wiihin three months, the court may order tranf- portatiun for feven years, as for felony 22— —Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shortlings, Yarn made of Wool, Wool-flocks,") Fuller's Earth, Fulling-clay, and Tobacco-pipe-clay — — The cockets for the carriage thereof coaftwife muft be written upon paper, and not parchment, expreiling the exaft weights, marks and numbers, and be figned by at leaft three of the chief officers, in whofe prefence they are to be weighed — -~ — ■■} 10 4 Geo. I. 1 2 Geo. n. > -The return or certificate of landing the Wool muft be written on pa- per, not parchment, the quan.ity not obliterated, or interlined, and muft exprefs the exaft weights, marks and numbers, and be ffgned by at leaft three of the chief oflicers, in whofe prefence it mull be weighed -^— — ^-^ -Officers not performing their Dutiej, are to be deemed aiders and abettors of ihe tranfportation, and fhall fufPer the penalties co tained in 12 Car. II. cap. 32, and 14 Car. II. cap. 18. ndT \ W. & M. 7 & 8 W. III. 9& 10 W. Ill 5 Geo. I. I W. & M. 9i: 10 W. III. -Or Sheep, l^c. as above — P4ay not be exported, or packed, or") 12Car.lI. loaoed upon any horfe, l^c. nor laden en board anv ftip, with | L. Car. II. intent to be exported, unlefs as hereafter excepted, upon forfei- )>■ U 5^ 8 W. III. ture, and 20 j. for every Sheep, and 3 s. for every pound weight | g i 10 W. HI of the reft J S(e Art. 81. —^BuX. fee Fuller's earth, and Wool, i^c. 44. -Owners of the fhifs, knowing thereof, are to forfeit their intereft 1 therein — — — — J -And if they be aliens, or natural-born fubjefts not inhabiting with- 7 in this kingdom, fuch Ihips are forfeited wholly to His Majefty J -Maflers and mariners knowing thereof, and aflifting therein, are tol forfeit all their goods and chattels, and to fuffer three months im- s See S/:.'fs, I, 4. -The exporter, befides other penalties, is difabled to require any 1 -Owners, mailers or mariners, difcovering upon oath, wi;hin three"! oionths after knowledge oi offence, or after their return into Greet \ 283 Year and Re. jii. Chap. Seft. 12 Car. II. 12 12 40 32 18 28 40 3* 18 20 1 1 6 21 27 3^ 4 28 7 40 I 1 1 H ',2,3 2.3-4 I, 2 284 APPENDIX. Priiain, the number, quantity and quality of the goods exported, lic. arc to be difcharged of all penalties, and to have the benefit of an informer's part — — — — — — See Art. 82. V.'OOL, Sheep, Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shortlings, Yarn made of Wool, ji Wool-flocks, Fuller's Earth, Fulling-clay, or Tobacco pipe-clay ACTS 33- J4- the exportation declared a common and a publick nufance ■Offences may be tried and determined at the general quarter-feflions in the county where committed, or where the offenders fliall be apprehended, or the goods ox ihips taken — — Set Art. 69. (Tions T II beS- Year and Reijn. Chap. Seft -Offences mull be profecuted within three years < -Such goods (hipped, or found on the (hore, at or near the fea, or any navigable river, or packed or loaded on any horfe, t5fi-. with intent to be exported, may be feized by any perfons ; but fuch per- fons may not be evidence againft the offender — — — — 3) — Lamb-lkins ready drelTed and prepared for Furs or Linings •a c lings -\ intent to be imported into any port in Qrent Britain, and not ' otherwife; but Cloth, Serges, Bays, Kerfies, Says, Frizes, Drug- gets, Shalloons, Stuffs, Cloth-ferges, or any other Drspcry made of or mixed wiih Vv'ool, or Wool-fiocks, and manufaftured in In- land, may not be exported out of Irelai-.d, unlcfs they be (liipped in the ports oi Cork, Droghedo, Dubliu. Dundalk, Galivay, Kin/ale, Limerick, Ne-w Ro/s, Ncwry, Sligo, H'aterford, Wexford', Widlow, ACTS. 285 day-time, and at feafonablc hours ; that is to fiy, from tl-.c ift of ^ , March to the zpch of Seftember, between fou, in the i:io.ning an J eight in the evening, and afier the 25th of Sifti-ml-er to the ill of March, between fcven in the morning and five in the evening, up' forfeiture thereof, or the value _ •See Art. 69. WOOL, y^. --Such goods may not be loaded upon any horfe, l£c. or carried by' 43 land, within five miles ol the fea-coall, but between fun-rifing and fun-fetting, upon forfeiture thereof and the horfe, ^c. — Yearand Reign. Chap. %€l 14- Car. IL 7 & 8 w. in. iX 2S & 8 9 U 10- 7 & 8 & 8 7 i 14 Car. IL 40 28 II '3 286 APPENDIX. and Toti^hnll \n hehnd, nnd with intent to be imported into the ports of Banijfaplc, liidifon!., Bridgc-tvalir, B.'tjfo!, Chejler, Li'ver- fool, Milford-hii'vci:, and Mir.ebcad, in England snd Wales ; but notice muft he firft jriven to the commiflioners of the Culloms, or to the cullomer or colleftor of the port into which they are intended to be brought, of the quantity, quality, and package, witli the marks and numbers, the name of the iJiip and mailer, and the port of iniportalion ; and bond be entered into, with one or more fuf- ficient furcties, in treble the value of the goods, that they (hall be landed accordingly; and a licence be alfo granted under the hands of the comraiflioners, or any three of them, or bv thecuftomer, or the colledor of the port where bond is given, upon forfeiture of Ihip, goods, and 500/. by every offender — — See flantathns, 34. Wool, 66, 67, 68. WOOL— Mafiers, mariners, or others knowing of fuch offence, and affiHing r.j. therein, are to forfeit 40/. s>- 56- 57- -Aftions and informations may be tried in any of His Majefty's four courts at Dublin fee Arliek jy - -The f.rll three perfons afllftinjt, (not being owners) difcovering their ofiencc, are difchargcd of all penaltits -Acquiuala in Ireland, not to bar or delay profecutions in England -^J WOOL, Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shortlin.-'s, Wool-flocks, Worded, Bay or' r8 Wcollen Yarn, Cloili. Serges, Bays, Kerfies, Says, Frizes, Drug- gets, Shalloons, Stuffs, Clothferges, or any other Drapery made of or mixed with Wool, or Wool flock — l-or every fliip failing from Iiflund to Great Britain with any of the aforefaid goods, bond muft be (jiven befoie (hipping, to the chief officers of the port, by two fudicient perfons, in double the value of the goods, that they fliall be all brought to Great Britain, and there landed, and the Duties paid, upon forfeiture of the fliip ■ — 59- 6b- 61- 63- «4- -The penalties and forfeitures of fuch bonds, may not be granted or affigned over to any perfon ■ -The cockets or warrants for carrying of fuch goods from Ireland to' Greet Britain, muft be written upon paper, and not parchment, and fiijred by at leaft three of the chief otlicer':, with the exafl quantities, qualities, marks and numbers, indortcd thereon — — -The like indorfemcnt mud be upon the warrant for the landing the fame in England, and the goods mult be viewed and examined by , the furveyor or land-waiter ■ - — :— ' -The certificates of landing, granted for difcharging the bond taken in Ireland, muft be wrif.en on paper, and not parchment, figned by at leaft thrte of tiie chief oiiicers, with the exafl quantities, qua- lities, ir.arks and numbers, indorfed thereon, and not obliterated or iDierlined ' ■ ^ -A reg'ftcr of all fuch goods, with the particular quantities, qualities, weights and numbers, the (liip, mailer's name, owner's name, and > to whom configned, muft be kept at the Cuftom-houfe, London — 3 -The com mi.T. oners of the Cuftoms in Ireland, muft, every fix months,' cr within thirty days after, tranfmit to the commiflioners of the Cuftoms in England, duplicates of tl\e bonds taken for the lading, and a true account of all fuch goods exported, exprefting the quan- tity, quality, and weight, by whom and in what (hip exported, where corifiyned, the names of the officers certifying the landing in England, the dales of their certificates, where landed, and the ACTS. Year and Rcitin 1 W. & M. 7 &8 Will. III. lo&ii w.in. II &I2V/. Ill 4 Ann. 3 Geo. I. 5 Geo. I. 5 Geo. If. 26 Geo. II. lo&nW. III. 7 & 8 W. HI. lod^iiW. III. 1 W. k M. loicii W.III 7 & 8 W. III. lo&iiW.III Chap. 32 28 •3 7 21 1 1 2 I 1 1 10 28 10 32 10 28 to Scfl, 6 5 r > I ■ i 3 9 1 4. ■; 21 6 I, 2 J. IJ 7 7. 9 1 1 6 A P; J^.. E N D I X. quantity, quality, weight, marks and numbers contained in fuch | certificates -^^ . — ^— — J WOOL — The commlffioners appointed to execute ihe feveral Afts againrt the! 65 exportation thereof j WOOL, Wool-fclls, Mortling-s Shonlings,. WooJ-flocks, Worfted, Bay or' 66 Woollen Yarn, Cloth, Serges, Bays, Kerfie-, Says, Frizes, Drug- gets, Shalloons, Stud's, Cioth-ferges, or any other Drspery made of or mixed with Wool or Wool-fiocks, may not be put on board any vefl'cl or boat in Ireland, or importe ' from thence into this kingdom, but fuch as ar-e of the built oi Great Britain or Ireland. and wholly owned and manned by the fubiedts of this kingdom or Ireland, and regiftered as under, on forfeiture of the goods, or value thereof, as alfo of the veil'el or boat, with her guns, tackle, apparel, and furniture ' _ €7 -Oath muft be made by one of the owners, before the coUeftor and" comptroller of the Cuilomi at the port to which ihe belongs, as follows : Jurat. A. B. That the Jhip , of , luhireof —' is at prejcnt mijler, icing built, of tons, luas iuilt at , in the year , and that , cf , and , cf , are at prejent oiviiers thereof; and that no foreigner, direclly or indirectly, hath atiy Jhare, fart, or interejl therein. 63- A certificate of which oath, aite{l_-d by the colledor and comp- troller, under their hands and feal-, is (after having been regillered by them) to be deliveied to the roafter of the fnip for the fccurity j of her navigation ; and a duplicate of the regiller to be immediately tranfmitted to the commiGionersof the Culloms \n London, in order to be entered in a general rcgil'ter to be there kept for that purpofe_ -No Ihip's name, after regiftring, may be changed, or the property' transferred to another port, without regiilring her again, ana de- livering up the former regifter to be cancelled, under the fame pe nalties as before dircfted. And in cafe of any alteration of pro- )- pcrty in the fame port, by fale of any ftiare, fuch fale mult be ac kno'.vledged by indorfement on t:ic certilicate of the regiller befon J WOOL, Wool-fells, Mortling^, Shortlings, Wool-flocks, Worfted, Bay or' 69 Woollen Yarn, may not be packed i^p in Gre.-'t Britain, or Ireland, in any other package but packs or truffes of Leather, or pack cloth, and marked on the outlide with the refpeitive words Wool or Yarn )- in large letters, not lefs than three inches in length, on forfeiture of the goods and package, and 3;. }or every pound weight, to be paid by the owner or packer of it WOOL, Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shortlings, Combed Wool, Woollen or Bay" 70 Yam, Worfled, Yarn, Cruel, or Wool flighdy manufaftured, may not be laden on any ve.Ti.1 bound to parts heyopd the k-as; nor laden in order to be carried coaftwife, from one port of Great Britain or Ireland to another ; unlefs notice be firii given to the coramiCioners cf the Culloms, or to the cuHomer, or coUedtor and comptroller of the port, from which they are intended to be fent or exported, of the quantity, quality, and package, with the marks and numbers, the (hip and mailer's name, the name and place of abode of the owner of the goods, and the port into which they are intended to be imported, and to whom configned; and bond be entered into, in treble the value of the goods, that they (hall he landed accordingly, (notice whereof to be tranfmitted from the cuflomer or colleflor of the port from v.hence the fame is intended to be exported, to the cullomer, or colleclor and couiptiolier of ihc ACTS. ^%^ Year and Reign. Chap. Seft, I W. &M. gScioWill. in. 12 Geo. n. 32 40 2 of what is recovered by the officer ■ j %\ If any perfon who may become liable to the payment of the 3^. fer'^ pound weight, by thii or any former Afts, is not able to pay it, I the refpi'ftive ccmmiffioners may caufe \s. per pound weight of the ! goods, for which the offender is ccnvifted, to be paid to the in- former or profecutor, by their receiver-general, out of any publick money in his hands ■ — — f 2 Any mafter, mate, or mariners belonging to any (hip concerned in' the illegal exportation or importation of the goods aforefaid, from Great Britain or Inland, giving an account within fix month) after the (hipping the fame, to the commiffioners of the Culloms in England or Scotland, or the commiihoners of the Revenue in Ireland, of the name of the (hip, the fpecies and quantities of the goods, the name of the owner, exporter, or perfons who aft in their aid and alTillance, 10 as they may be convifted, is to be indemnified, difcharged of all penalties and forfeitures, and receive three-fourths of what is recovered, clear of all charges, the other one-fourth to be applied to the ufe of His Majefly, after dedufting the charge of profecution and condemnation 12 Geo. II. -Every perfon appointed by deputation, commiflion, or other in-"! (Irument, under th« hands and feals of the commi(JGoners of the J Cuftom;, Excife, or Salt, to aft as an officer or fervant under I them, in putting this or any Aft, againll the tranfportation of j Wool, in execution, is to be elleemed an officer of the Cuftoms, | Excife, or Salt, refpeftively — J -OfFering orpromifing to bribe an officer to connive at the faid illegal T praftices, the penalty is 300/. . . j 21 I'A I 2 3 Geo. Jli. 12 Geo. II. 12 iz 12 19 20 2 21 24- 293 APPENDIX. WOOL, WooI-fells, Wool- flocks, Mortlings, Shortlings, Cruel?, Worfted, 86 Woollen and Hay Yarn, Mattraffes, and Beds lluffed with combed Wool, or Wool fit for combing, exported from Greal Bnliin or •'1 — j^, _..j — — — _.-.-- _ - ., -.^. Ireland, and Woollen manufaftures exp-rted from Irtlanti, inlured % feas ; the perfoii infurlne, his aiders, abettors, ' to parts beyond the , .... ^ t, , , and alliltants, forfeit ;oo/. over and above all other forfeitures and penalties they are liable to; and the perfon infurcd forfeits 500/. to the ufe of the informer, or perfon who fues for the fame 87. —The infurer flrd making difcovery, within fix months after fuch" tranfaflion, fo as the perfons concerned with him, be convifted thereof, is to be acquitted of the offence, receive the whole for- feiture recovered, deducting charges of profecution, and likcwife retain the money given him for infurance. Or the perfon infured )>■ lirll making difcovery as aforefaid, is to receive back what was piid for the inlurunce, and alfo to have the whole forfeiture im- pofed on the infurer, deducing the charges of profecution, and to be difcharged of the forfeitures incurred 88 The faid penalties to be fued for in the name of the attorney-genera!, 7 or of any of the officers of Cuftoms, Excife, or Salt — j WOOL — Coverlids, Waddings, or other manufadures of Wool flightly worked, ' 8(j or put together, fo as they may be reduced to, or made ufe of as Wool again, or MattralTes or Beds (luffed with combed Wool, or V/ool fie for combing, may not be exported from Great Britain or 1 Ireland, under the like penalties and forfeitures as for being con- cerned in the exportation of Wool See Dominica^ 4, 7. WOOL, Spanlfi or foreign, may be exported only in Brilijh flipping, upon 90 pain of confifcation. Rule 5, Book of Rates, page 11, Second Part. -COTTON WOOL, fee Cotton Wool. WOOLLEN CLOTHS, or Old Drapery, May not be imported by any per- 1 fons, to he uttered cr fold\x\ Great Britain, upon forfeiture there- 1 of, as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to be fold, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon the' feas, or wrecked — - — — — — — — — — • <• -Broad Cloths and white Woollen Cloths made in Great Britain may" be exported by any perfon, any law, cuftom, vifion to the contrary notvvithllanding e in Great Britain may 1 1, prefcription, or pro- i -White, exported, or (hipped for exportation, before payment of the Duty, are forfeited, or their value — — — — :he1 -Cloths, Stuffs, Stockings, or other manufaiftures of Wool made in Great Britain, may be bought and exported by any perfons witho moleftation — — — — — — ^i -Manufaftures, Britifi, as Cloths, Kerfeys, Bays, Serges, Cottons,' Stuffs, .Stockings, Hats, Gaps, or any other manufadlures made of, or mixed with iheep or coney-wool, may be exported Duty free — — — — — — — . —See Plantations, 41. -Thrumbs or Woollen-yarn may not be exported, upon forfeiture of] double the value — — _.__«_ ^\ ACTS. Vcar and Reign. Chap. Sea. 12 Geo. IL 21 26 fz. 12 — ^9 L30 3' 32 9 ^^ 3 Edw. IV. 4 '.2,3 6 Ann. 9 1 6 8 2 I W. &M. 9 &10W. in. 32 40 12 I ii&izW.IIL 20 I 8 Hen. VI. 23 I APPENDIX. WOOLLEN CAPS, Woollen Cloths, Andirons, counterfeit Bafons, Bod-" kins, Bofles for bridles, Brufhes, Bufkins, Hanging Candlellicks, Cards for wool, playing Cards, CaDcets, Chaffing-dilhes, Chaffing-balls, Chefl'men, (a) Combs, Corles, Daggers, Dice, Dripping-pans, Ewers, Fire-tongs, t' .rcers. Fringes of filk and oftliread, any tawed Furs, Girdles, Gloves, Gridirons, Goloches or Corks, Hammers, Hats, Harnefs for girdles of iron, latten, Heel, tin, or of alkmine, any thing wrought of any tawed leather, Knives, wood Ktjives, Laces, Laces of thread, of gold, of filk or gold, Ladles, any manner of Locks, Pack-needles, Pattens, any Painted wares, Pinfons, Points, Purfes, Razors, Ribbons, Rings of copper, or of latten gilt. Rings for cur- tains. Saddles Sacring bells, Scummers, Scilfors, Sheers for tay- lors, Shoes, Stirrups or Harnefs pertaining to faddles, Silk twined. Silk in any wife embroidered. Spurs, Tennis-balls, May not be imported by any perfons, to be utcered or fold in Great Britain, upon forfeiture thereof, as often as they may be found in the hands of any perfon to be (old, except made and wrought in Ireland, or taken upon th; leas without fraud or coUufion, or wreck'd WRAPPERS, Sa Rtdes, 14, 15, 16, page 12, in the Second Part. WRECKS — Where a man, a dog, or a cat efcape quick out of any (hip, fuch") ihip, or any thing within it, is not to be adjudged Wrecks ; but | the goods are to be faved and kept by the fheriff, ^c and if claimed \ in a year and a day, mull be rellored, otherwife to remain to the | King, or fuch other perfon to whom Wrecks belong J '. ■ See Goods inwardi, 51, 53. Ships, 7 to 29. Wines, 12. -The King is to have Wrecks of the fea throughout the realm, whales 7 and great fturgeon, except in places privileged — j -Are not to be tried by the court of Admiralty, but by the laws of the 7 land — _______ 1 WRITS — Pleas or procefles, or any other proceedings upon any indiflment' 1 or information, at the fuit of the Crowr nued by the demife ofHis Majelly, or dings upon any indiflmentT own, are not to be difconti- C His Succeffbrs \ -Commiffions, procefles, or proceedings in, or iflued out of any court,' are not to be determined by the demife of His Majelly, or any King or Queen of this realm, but are to continue in full force for fix months, unlefs fuperfeded by the fucceffor . . -Of aflillants, yJ'^ Alamodes, 8, Officers, 9. -Of delivery, fee Seizures, 16. ACTS. Vcar and Reign. Chap 291 s.a. 3 Edvv. IV. 1,2.3 3 Edw. I, 4Edw.L 17 Edw. 11. ij Rich. n. I Ann. II Y. ' A'RDS, Mills, 'Bowfpnghls, fee Deal Boards. Fir Timber. Iron, 8, 9. Majls. Plantations, 21, 22, l^. Wood. 5.6 -For the regulations for the Bounty thereon, fee Naval Stores* VARN, Linen, /ee Ireland, 1 . (b) This Statute is in French, and the word is Efingks, which Ruffbedd has tMoflated Pim, 292 APPENDIX. ACTS. YARN — Brown or raw Linen Yarn made of Flax, may be imported in Britifi'^ Z fhips legally navigated, free of Duty, from the 24th of June 1756, for fifteen years, and to the end of the then next feflions of parlia- ment, if duly entered and landed, in the prefence of the proper officers — If any doubt arifes whether fuch Yarn is made of Flax or not, the onus probandi to lie on the importer or claimer — — -Mohair, fee Goods imuards, 9. •\Yoo\\en.or'QiY, fie Plantations, ■^4^. Wool, 54, tff. WoolUn,-]. -Worfted may not be exported, upon forfeiture of 40/, per fe — \ -*—'?« Plantations, 34. Wool, 54, bV. Year and Reign. Chnp Sea. 29 Geo. II. •5 1.3 124 3 Hen. VIII. lEdw.VI. 16 6 2 3 SUPPLEMENT [ 293 ] SUPPLEMENT; CONTAINING Abstracts of the Temporary Laws relative t?o the Importation and Exportation of Beef, Corn, ^r. B \COli, /ee Beef. BEEF — Salted Beef, Pork, Bacon and Butter, may be imported from Irtlaiitf,' and freely landed, without payment of any Duty whatfoever, and the importer, ijV. fhall not be liable to any penalty or forfeiture on account of fuch landing — — — -May be imported from the Britijh dominions in America, without j payment of any Subfidy or impofition whatfoever \ -Thefe laws to continue in force until ill Febrttary, 1770 — BUTTER, fee Beef. CATTLE, From the end of this Seffion of Parl'ament (25 May, 1765,) the free'J importation of a',1 forts of cntle into this kingdom from Inland, Ihall be permitted for feiep years, and from thence to the end of the then next SefTion cf t'a'liament: and all perfons (hall be ex- empted from payment of duty, and from penalty, on account of fuch importation ■ ' ■ — , CORN, Grain, Meal, Malt, Flour, Bread, Biscuit or Starch, may"^ li not be exported out of Great Britain or IretaiiJ, nor laden on board ' any veffel or boat for that purpofe, on forfeiture thereof, with the veffel, I5c. and furniture, and twenty fliillings for every bufhel of Corn, Malt, Meu!, cr Flour, and twelvepence for every pound of Bread, Bifcuit or Starch. — The mader or mariners knowing fuch offence, and willingly aiding, upon convidion, to fufFcr three months impiifonment — — J -Not to extend to prohibit the exportation of necefTary proviilons for' Ihips in their refpeftive voyages, nor the viftualling fliips ir Majefty'i fervice, or his Majelly's foices, forts or garri Tons ins fori in His V -Nor to prohibit the fhipping fuch goods coartwife, under fuch regu-T latidiis as are direfted by law for goods (liable to the Duties on ex- ^■ portation) carried coallwife -Nor to extend to fuch of the faid goods as fliall be exported from Great' Britain to Ireland, or from Ireland to Great Britain, or from Great Britain or Ireland \.o Gibraltar, or to any of the Britijh coloiiies in America, which have been ufuallv fupplied with the lame commo- 4D ACTS. 8 Geo. III. 9 Geo. III. 8 Geo. III. 9 Geo. III. Geo. 111. 9 Geo. \\\.\ fefl". 2. \ Chap. Sen. 9 2 9 I 9 4 9 1 I 10 1 1 I — 3 — 4 . \. U 2 -Nor to prohibit the tranfportation of Wheat, Flour, Malt, Barley, ~ Eread, Bifcuit or Peafe, from the port of Souii-arnpini to the iilands of Jerfey, Gucrnfey and Alderncy, for the ufe of the inha- bitants only, fo that the whole quantity does not exceed five hun- dred quarters, and that bonds are given, and certificates returned, as diiej^ed in Art. 4 . -Nor to prohibit the tranfportation of Wheat, Barley, Oats, Meal or" Flour, from the ports o{ Whiteha'ven or Lii/erpooi into the IJIe cf Man, for the ufe of the inhabitants only; fo tiiat the whole quan- tity do'.h not exceed two thoufand five hundred quarters, one moiety thereof from ll'hilehai'en, .Tnd the other from Li-uerpool ; )>• and fo as tlie exporters ftiall give fecurity in treble the value, that the fame fhall be landed in the Iffe of Man, and to return certifi- cates of the landing witliio fix calendar months after the date of JO No Corn, Grain, Meal, Malt, Flour, Bread, Bifcuit, or Starch,' fliall be entitled to any Drawback on exportation -^— — Tl:e commiffioners of the Cufloms are to lay before the two Houfes of Parliament (at the beginning of the next feflions) an accou all Corn, k^c. exported by virtue of this Ad oufes T nt of S- ihcic.f, to forfeit zzol. and the certificate to be void z ACTS. Yirir anJ Reign. Cha,> Sifl. ■ Certificates of landing the goods mud be returned to the officer who"^ tcok the fecurity, under the hands and feals of the col]ei:lt>r, I comptroller, or chief cfiicers of the Culloii s ; or if no fuch, of the I naval or other principal dritcr of the place wheie the goods iiie ] landed, •vix., from the colonies in America, within eighteen \ inoi.ths; irom Qitrdlar ot Minorca, wh\\\n twelve moiiihs; fioin j'crjfv, Guernfcy, AUtrnev, or Man, villiin fix month.'- ; from Great Britain to Irelotnrl, or froai Le'aui to Great Biituln, vuthin fix months after the dates of the refpedive bonds — ■ -Ofiicer granting a faUc certificate, forfciis :co/. and to lofe liii em-"1 ployriient, and be incapable of any office in the Culloms. — Coun- ( tcrl'citiug or erasing i'uch certificates, or knov/ingly publilhiiig ( 9 Geo. Iir. 10 '3 12 — J SUPPLEMENT, Corn '4 1? — Grain, Meal, Malt, Flour, Bread, Biscuit, or Starch — But" if the bonds in any cafe are not profecuted withi arc to be void — — T, or Starch — But! lin three years, they V -Officers of the Cuftoms, or perfons authorized by the ccmminioners"| of the Treafury, may feize any goods attempted to be exported I contrary to the true intent of thefe Afts, together with the veflels l" in which they fliall be found — — — — — J England — To be recovered in any court of record at Weft-' minftcr, or before juftices ofaflize, or at the great lef- Con in Wale;, or at any general quarter-feflion for the county or place where the offence is committed — ;:; C 3 -rl ^i; n -t3 S o Wl ^^ ^ r: = u tt: P- o < Scotland — In the court of Seflions or Exchequer 17- i8- Ireland — In the courts of Record in Duilin, or at the general quarter-felTions — — — — i, ^ America, or Bri- f In the high court of Admiralty, or I rZ/S dominions < otherchief court of civil or criminal -£ ^_ in Europe I jurifdidion — — — -O.ic moiety to the King, and the other to the profecutor . -All fuits to be commenced within fix calendar months -This Aft to continue until the twentieth day after the commence- 7 mentof the next feffion of Parliament — j -See Tallovt, GREASE •) HOGS-LARD i PORK, fee Beef. May be imported into Great Britain from any of His Majefty's nies in North America, without payment of any Duty, unt 'January, 177 RICE, I colo- " il ifi -Due entries thereof to be made at the Caiftomhoufe belonging to the 1 port of importation; and, in default, the Rice fubjeft to Duty as i before this Aft 3 -There Ihall be paid upon all Rice imported Duty free, by virtue of^ of this Aft, which ftiall be again exported, a fubfidy of poundage I of 6e Fini/lerre, in Ships built in and belonging to Great Britain, and navigated according to ' Law. And an Adl of 8 Geo. II. cap. 19, to extend the Liberty to Georgia, Continued by 7 Geo. III. cap. 35, to September zg, 1774, and to the end of the then next feflion of Parliament.. IV Geo. II. Cap. XXIX. An Adl for granting an Allowance upon the Exportation of Britijb-mndt Gunpowder. Continued by 4 Geo. III. cap. 11, fe^. 2, to September 29, 1771, and to the end of the then nextfeilion of Parliaments [ 299 ] V Geo. II. Cap. VI. An Ad for reviving the Duties on Salt, for the Term therein mentioned. Continued by 26 Geo. II. cap. 3, fedl. i, for ever. V Geo. II. Cap. XXIV. An A(fl for encouraging the Growth of Coffee in the BritiJJ: Plantations In America. Continued by 6 Geo. III. cap. 44, feft, 4, to June 24, 1774, and to the end of the then next feflion of Parliament. V Geo. II. Cap. XXVIII. 1 An A(St for encouraging the Greenland Fifhery. Continued by 8 Geo. III. cap. 27, fedl. i, to December 2;, 1770, and to the end of the then next feffion of Parliament. VI Geo. II. Cap. XXXIII. Sed. I, II, III. For the further Encouragement of the Whale-fifhery carried on by His Majefly's Subjeft?. Continued by 8 Geo. III. cap. 27, fe£t 2, to December 25, 1770, and to the end of the then next feffion L. of Parliament. ' XXII Geo. II. Cap. XLV. For the further Encouragement and Enlargement of the Whale-fifliery, and for continuing fuch Laws as are therein mentioned relating thereto, and for the Naturalization of fuch foreign Proteflants as fliall ferve, for the Time therein mentioned, on board fuch Ships as Ihall be fitted out for the Fiflhery. Continued by 8 Geo. III. cap. 27, feft. 3, to December 25, 1770, and to the end of the then next feffion of Parliament. [ 300 1 VI Geo. II. Cap. XIII. An Ad for the better fecuring and encouraging the Trade of His Majefty'g Su^ar Colonies in America. By 4 Geo. III. cap. i c, made perpetual 5 fubjcLl to alterations attd amtndmcnts therein contained. VII Geo. II. Cap. XVIII. An Ad for the Revival of an Adt made in the 13th Year of the Reign of His late Majefty King George the Firft, intitled. An Adt for the free Importation of Cochineal during the Time therein limited, and alfo for the free Im- portation of Indico. Continued by 7 Geo. III. cap. 36, feft. i, to Septemler 29, 17/4, and to the end of the then next feflion of Parliament. VIII Geo. II. Cap. XIX. An Ad to give liberty to carry Rice from Georgia to Europe, fouthward of Cape Fifi'i/lerre, Sec. See 3 Geo. II. cap, zS.^Page 298. IX Geo. li. Cap. XXXVII. An Ad for further Encouragement and regulating the Manufadure of BrifiJJi Sail-cloth, and for the more effedual fecuring the Duties now payable on foreign Sail-cloth imported into this Kingdom. Continued by 4 Geo. III. cap. it, feft. i, to September 29, 1771, and to the end of the then next feflion of Parliament. XII Geo. II. Cap. XXX. An Ad for granting Liberty to carry Sugars of the Growth and Produce of any of His Majefty's Sugar Colonies in America, from the faid Colonies diredly to foreign Parts, in Ships built in Great Britain, and navigated according to Law. Continued by 4 Geo. III. cap. 12, fed. ^, to September 29, 177 1, and to the end of the then next feflion pf Parliament. [ 3°J ] XII. Geo. II. Cap. XXXVI. Seft. I, 11. An A(5t for prohibiting the Importation of Books reprinted abroad, and firft compofed, and written, and printed in Great Britain. Continued by 7 Geo. III. cap. 35, feci. 4, to September 29, 1774, and to the end of the then next fcffion of Parliament. XIX Geo. II. Cap. XXVII. An Adt for the more effedtual fecuring the Duties now payable on foreign- made Sail-cloth imported into this Kingdom; and for charging all foreign- made Sails with a Duty; and for explaining a Doubt concerning Ships being obliged, at their firft letting out to Sea, to be furniflied with one complete Set of Sails, made of BritiJJi Sail-cloth. Continued by 6 Geo. III. cap. 44, fed. 5, to June 24, 1774, ^"^ 1° ite end of the then next feffion of Parliament. XIX Geo. II. Cap. XXXIV. An Aft for the further Puniihment of Perfons going armed or dTfguifed, in Defiance of the Laws of Customs or Excise; and for indemnifying Offenders againfl thofe Laws, upon the Terms in this Adt mentioned; and for relief of the Officers of the Customs in Informations upon Seizures. So much of this Aft as relates to the further puni(hment of perfons going armed or difguifed, in defiance of the laws of Cuiloms cr Excife, and to the relief of officers of the Culloms in informations upon feizures, continued by 4 Geo. III. cap. 12, feft, 3, to September 29, 1771, and to the end of the then • next feffion of Parliament. XXI Geo. IL Cap. XXX. An Adl to encourage the making of Indico in the Briti/h Plantations in America^. Continued by 3 Geo. III. cap. 25, feft. i, to March 25, 1770, and to the end of the then next feffion of' Parliament. XXIII Geo, II. Cap. XXIV. An A ^lOSANCEtfj-^ %a3AINIl-3\<^^ 5 1 !<"' ^ 5 ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^HIBRARYQ^ ^OFCA11FO% "^OAavaan^*^ ^\yEUNIV!R% ^lOSANCEl^^ - ' ^ >i,.OFCAIIF0/?^ .^WEUmVERjy/i ^lOSANCElEr^ o ^OAavaani^ , %a3AiNnii\v^ ^lOS|ANCEl£r^ o ■%a3AiNn-3ftv^ ^^•UBRARYO^ ivJ^tUBRARYO/r ^.!/03llV3-3O'^ ^OFCAllFOff^ ^OFCAIIFOR^ ^ICEI% ^VUBRARYQr^ .^ItimmOA. § c? UI I v/ia3AiNn)Viv %- -I ^lOSANCElfj>, g S _ „ -^HIBBARYO^ ^lllBRARYOc. ^OFCAllFOff^ ^^WE•UNIVER% Sa3AINIllftV^ ..OFCAllFOftj^ ^OFCAllFOfti^ >&Aava8ni'^ ^OAavaaii^^ ^sMllBRARYQ^^ AMEUNIVERy/A ^lOS'ANCElfj-^ ^.OFCAIIFOff^ <^5^EUNIVER% %a3AiNn-3\^^ ^lOSANCEt^^ >&Aavaanii'^ o "^/jaiAlNllWV^ ^^tUBRARYO/ -ijMUBRABYQr, ^OAavaanif^ ■5. i&Aavaan'^^' 5MEUNIVERy/A ^lOSAHCEltr* '^J'^JDNVSOl^ .5X\El)(JIVERS/A ■*^/S89AINn3AV^ ^lOSANCElCr^ C3 "^/iajAiNn 3WV AvlOSANCElfx> -< ^/SMAINniftV^ .jJI-UBRARY^?/'. ^lUBRARYQr ^1 irrS ^1 irri ^(JOJIlVDiO^ '^OJIIVDJO^ .^\\EUNIVERy/A. ^lOSANCEl^r^ '*J'/ja3AlN1H*^ ^lUBRARYO/^ ^,^l•llBRARY•0/ ^^^^ i^lUBRARYQr