ii!i ii ;iiil' ^^iiill ^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY A LIST OF BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 1909 CHICAGO PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1909 7T-— i ;jL PREFACE. The present list, the eighth of the Library's bibliographical publi- cations, is a new and revised edition of the first list, published in I goo. It is a catalogue of the books kept on open shelves in the general Reading Room, which are used b)' the public without any formality. The collection includes, besides general works of reference, significant books, both advanced and popular, on subjects coming within the scope of the Library and a few reference books on topics not directly within its field, because required by the demands of the reference work. It is not, how- ever, a collection of "best books." Many books that otherwise would have been included have of necessity been omitted on account of the limited space available. For obvious reasons very valuable books are not placed on the open shelves, nor handbooks for engineers and draftsmen, and similar publications. Books on the medical sciences have been omitted as they are shelved in the Senn Room and have been selected on a different basis. Because of this omission, certain non-medical subjects, such as Foods, are not well represented in the present list. On the other hand a number of books have been included mainly because of the fre- quent calls for them. Of almanacs, yearbooks, directories, and similar publications appearing periodically, as a rule, only the latest issues are kept in the Reading Room. The collection contains about four thousand volumes and undergoes constant revision. That it is not unsuccessful in securing its objects is shown by the fact that it and the collection in the Senn Room furnish about one-half the reading in the Library. The selection is made primarily by the Reference Librarian, and the revision for the present edition has been the work of Mr. C. H. Brown, for whose valuable services the thanks of the Library are due. (00) ERRATA. p. 32; Firovvn, J. D. 012.2 B81 read 010.2 B81. p. 40: New international yearbook. J^dited by Frank Colby Moore rtad Frank Moore Colby, p. 169 &: 170: Marginal notes 455 read i,2^. p. 176 p. 180 p. 182 p. 190 p. 191 p. 208 p. 284 p. 299: P- 305 p. 330: Velasquez de la Cadena, Mariano, i)i note Neuvo read Nuevo. Marginal note 509 should be opposite Buckley, Arabella Burton. Marginal note 510-I /v 73 French '74 Italian 176 Spanish — Portuguese 176 Latin and Greek >77 Physical sciences 178 Mathematics 182 Astronomy 1 87 Physics ■ 193 Electricity and magnetism 203 Molecular physics 209 Chemistry 210 Mineralogy 224 Geology 225 Meteorology 229 Paleontology 234 578 Natural sciences: General works— Ethnography— Microscopy.. . 235 Botany 248 Bacteriology 257 Zoology 259 Applied sciences 274 Engineering 281 Agriculture 303 Domestic economy 309 Business 313 Printing and the book trade 315 Transportation 318 Bookkeeping — Advertising 321 Chemical technology 323 Manufactures 338 Trades 345 Building 348 Fine ARTS 356 Landscape gardening 361 Architecture 363 Decorative arts 366 Painting and engraving 371 Photography 373 Music 375 Amusements 378 Literature 380 IIi.STORY 389 Geography 393 Atlases 398 Biography 402 Ancient history 414 Europe 417 Asia 429 Africa 431 North and Central America 433 Canada 434 Mexico. Central America. West Indies 435 United States of America 436 State directories of the United States 441 City directories of the United States 441 South America 451 Australasia. Oceanica 453 Arctic regions 456 b SPECIAL CARD INDEXES Concilium bibliographicum, Zurich. Bibliographia zoologica. Zurich, 1896-. Continued from 1896. H. H. Field, director. Card index arranged according to the Decimal classification; covers classes 560 (except 5611, 575, 590 and 611 Congres international de bibliographie des sciences '""'" mathematiques. Commission permanente dii repertoire. Repertoire bibliographique des sciences mathematiques. Con- tinued from no. i. Paris: Gauthiers-Villars, 1 894-. Card-index; filed in Reading Room. Fourtier, [H ]. ""^^ .... Le form ulaire classeurdu Photo-club de Paris. Formules, notes, renseignements pratiques, recueilUs et annotes, par MM. Fourtier, Bourgeois & Bucquet Paris, Gauthier-Villars & fils, i892-[i897]. First -second series, 1S92-1897. (Biblioth^que photographique.) Card-index; filed in Reading Room. Harvard University. Gray Herbarium. 18213 Card-index of genera, species, and varieties of plants. Cam- bridge, Mass., 1 885-. Continued from no. i, 18S5. Filed in Reading Room. Issue 1-20, by Josephine Adelaide Clark, published in Washington. Herbier Boissier, Chambesy. esoijs jjjjgx botanique universel des genres, especes et varietes de plantes parus depuis le l'^'' Janvier 1901 public par le Bulletin de I'Herbier Boissier .... Chambezy, Suisse, [1902-]. Continued from no. I, 1901. Card index. Continuation of Index Kewensis. Institut international de bibliographie. 016.01 159 33948 ^Bibliographia bibliographica.] [Bruxelles 1900-.] Continued from [no. i, 1897]. Card index. Previous to being issued in card form published in Bulletin de I'lnstitut international de bibliographie. viii SPECIAL CARD INDEXES Institut international de bibliographic. isoss Bibliographic de Belgique. Bruxelles, Institut international de bibliographic, 1906-. Continued from no. I, 1906. Card index. Torrey Botanical Club, .Vc-w York. 18S1! Bibliography of American Botany. Published monthly. Cam- bridge, Mass., 1 894-. Continued from vol. 1, i-, pa- leontology', petrology, and mineralogy for the years i892-[i905], inclusive, by Fred Boughton Weeks. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1 902- 1 906. 2 vol. 234'^°'. (Department of the Interior. Bulletin of the United States Geo- logical Survey. No. 188, 189, 301.) 1892-igoo title reads: Bibliography of North American geology; index published separately as Bulletin no. 189, but bound with Bibliography. Contents. — vol. I. 1892-1900. — vol. 2. 1901-1905. Another copy in the Bulletin has shelf number 557.3 8 V. 188-189, 301 BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 016.557 W41 016.55 Bibliogra- phies of geology Weeks, Fred Boughton. ""* ... . Bibliography and index of North American geology, pa- leontology, petrology, and mineralogy .... By Fred Boughton Weeks. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1896-. Continued from 1S92. 23^'="'. (AJJcJ t.-p.: Department of the Interior. Bulle- tin of the United States Geological Survey . . . ) 1900, 1905 not puljlished separately, but material is included in Bibliography and in- dex of North American geology, . . . , for the years 1S92-1900, 1901-1905, which have shelf number 016.557 W411 1892 and 1S93 published together. Another copy in the Bulletin has shelf number 557.3 8 Hay, Oliver Perry. 016.566 H32 oie.sePaiseontoiogy ^"•^'^ .... Bibliography and catalogue of the fossil vertebrata of North America, by Oliver Perry Hay. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1902. 868, iii p. 234'^"'. {Added t.-p.: Department of the Interior. Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey no. 179.) In three parts : "First, a bibliography which contains the titles [about 4,600] of all the books, memoirs, and papers, extended or brief, which the author has been able to consult . . . second, a systematically arranged list of all the species of fossil vertebrates which have been described . . . third, an index, alphabetically arranged, of all the sys- tematic names occurring in the volume." — Pref. Another copy in the Bulletin has shelf number 557.3 8 V.179 Keyes, Charles Rollin. 016.56 K5 2 23993 ^ bibliography of North American paleontology. 251 p. O. (U. S. A. Department of the Interior. Geological Sur- vey. Bulletin, no. 121.) Washington 1894. Another copy in the Bulletin has shelf number 557.3 8 Hasse, Adelaide Rosalia. 016.353 H271 18596 Reports of explorations printed in the documents of the United States government. (A contribution toward a bibliography.) 90 p. O. (U. S. A. Government Printing Office. Super- intendent of Documents.) Washington 1899. 016.57 Natural history 016.572 H661 016.572 Anthropol- , -r-. A • T- 1 1 • u oey and Ethnology List of publications of the Bureau of American Ethnology, with index to authors and titles. p. O. Washington 1897. Hodge, Frederick Webb. of the Bureau of American Ethi [New edition.] .... [2],ci-cxix Extract from the Sixteenth anmtat report of the Bureau of American Ethnology. Ripley, William Zebina. 016.572 R48 "'" A selected bibliography of the anthropology and ethnology of Europe. x,i6o p. O. Boston: published by the Trustees of the Public Library, 1899. Including the works on these subjects in the Boston Public Library. Also published as [vol. 2] of The races of Europe, by the same author, which has shelf number 572.94 P900 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 016.58 Bibliogra- phies of botany 016.59 Zoology Harvard University. Gray Herbarium. '""■" Card-index of genera, species, and varieties of plants. Cam- bridge, Mass., 1 885-. Continued from no. I, 1S85. Filed in Reading Room. Issue 1-20, by Josephine .Adelaide Clark, published in Washington. Herbier Boissier, Cliambcsy. 6350S in^jex botanique universel des genres, especes et varietes de plantes parus depuis le I^'' Janvier 1901 public par le Bulletin de I'Herbier Boissier .... Chambezy, Suisse, [1902-]. Continued from no. i, 1901. Card index. Continuation of Index Kewensis. Jackson, Benjamin Daydon. 016.5816 J13 62393 Veo-etable technology ; a contribution towards a bibliography of economic botany, with a comprehensive subject-index. By Ben- jamin Daydon Jackson. Founded upon the collections of George James Symons, F.R.S. London, published for the Index Society, by Longmans, Green & Co., [etc.], 1882. xii, 355 p. 224<'"'. (Index Society. Publications. XI.) Torrey Botanical Club, Nciv York. 1821! Bibliography of American Botany. Published monthly. Cam- bridge, Mass., 1894-. Continued from vol. i, 1894. Card index; filed in Reading Room. Vol. 1-6 published by Cambridge Botanical Supply Company. Reprinted from Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, vol. 21-. b Concilium bibliographicum, Zurich. Bibliographia zoologica. Zurich, 1 896-. Continued from 1S96. H. H. Field, director. Card index arranged according to the Decimal classification ; covers classes 560 (except 561), 575, 590 and 611 Carus, Julius Victor, >:> Engelmann, Wilhelm. 016.59 C25 '"* Bibliothcca zoologica. Verzeichniss der Schriftcn iiber Zoologie, welchc in den pcriodischcn Wcrkcn enthaltcn und votn Jahre 1846-1860 sclbstiindig crschienen sind. Mit Einschluss der allge- meinnaturgeschichtlichen, periodischen and palaeontologischen Schriftcn. 2 vol. O. [Bibliotheca historico-naturalis. Supple- ment-Band.] Leipzig: \V. Engelmann, 1861. Hagen, Hermann August. 016.5957 Hi 2 ""' Bibliotheca cntomologica. Die Litteratur iiber das ganze Gebiet der Entomologic bis zum Jahrc 1862. 2 vol. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1862-1863. BOOKS TN THE READING ROOM. 23 Taschenberg, Otto. 016.59 T18 016.59 Bibiiogra- ""^ Bibliotheca zoologica II. Verzeichniss der Schriften iiber Zoo- ^ " logic, welche in den periodischen Werken enthalten und vom Jahre 1861-1880 selbstandig erschienen sind. Mit Einschluss der allgemein-naturgeschichtlichen, periodischen und palaeontologi- schen Schriften. Vol. i-. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1887-. Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth,y>. 016.592 T37 »0LM8 j^ bibliography of protozoa, sponges, coelenterata, and worms, including also the polyzoa, brachiopoda and tunicata, for the years 1861-1883. By D'Arcy W. Thompson ... Edited for the syndics of the University Press. Cambridge, The University Press, 1885. viii, 284 p. 23=™. "It is meant to link on to the great bibliographical work of Carus and Engelmann, and to cover the time from the publication of their list to the close of 18S3." — Pref. U.S.A. Department of Agriciiltitre. 016.5957 U58 ^°^" Division of Entomology. Bibliography of the more important contributions to American economic entomology Vol. 1-7. O. Washington [1889]- 1901. Vol. 1-5, by Samuel Henshaw; vol. 6-7, by Nathan Banks. Vol. 1-3 published together. Galloupe, Francis Ellis. 016.6 G13 oie.e Technology °"^^ An index to engineering periodicals, 1883 to [1892], inclusive. Comprising engineering; railroads; science; manufactures and trade. 2 vol. O. Boston 1 888-1 893. Vol. 2 published under the title : Galloupe's general index to engineering periodicals. Engineering index. 016.6 E57 ""* The Engineering index Vol. i, Chicago, Association of Engineering Societies; vol. 2-4, New York, London, Engineering Magazine, ''1892-1906. Vol. 1-4. 24="". Vol. I title reads: Descriptive index of current engineering literature. Vol. 1-2 edited by J. B. Johnson; vol. 3, by Henry Harrison Suplee; vol. 4, Ijy H. H. Suplee, J. H. Cuntz and C. B. Going. Vol. 1-2 originally published in the Journal of the Association of Engineering Socie- ties; vol. 3 re-edited from The Engineering magazine. The current volumes of the monthly Engineering index, reprinted (on only one side of the leaves) from The Engineering magazine, are shelved with the above. "Succeeding volumes will be published annually." Contents. — vol. I index for 1884-1891; vol. 2, for 1892-1895; vol. 3, for 1896- 1900; vol. 4, for 1901-1905. Engineering index. 016.6 E571 66359 Engineering index annual .... Compiled from The Engineering index published monthly in The Engineering magazine .... New York and London, The Engineering magazine, 1907-. Continued from 1906. 24'^"". Continuation of The Engineering index, vol. 1-4, 1884-1905. 24 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 016.6 Bibliographies Haferkom, Henry Ernest. 016.6 Hii ecnoogy g^oje j^^^dy lists of technical literature. Reference catalogue ol books printed in English from 1880 to 1888 inclusive; to which is added a select list of books printed before 1880 and still kept on publishers' and jobbers' lists. Compiled by H. E. Haferkorn and Paul Heise. Partl-[vi] .... Milwaukee, National Pub- lishing and Printing Co.; [etc., etc.], 1889-1893. 6 vol. in I. 234 X 24='". Pts. 1-2 and 3 compiled by H. E. Haferkorn and Paul Heise; pts. 2a, 4-6, by H. E Haferkorn. Pts. 1-2: National Publishing and Printing Co.; pi. 3: Heise & Haferkorn; pts. 2a, 4-6: H. E. Haferkorn. Contents. — -pt. i. Useful arts in general, products and processes used in manufacture, technology and trades. 18S9. And Key [to publishers] . — pt. 2. Military and naval science . . . with list of non-technical books illustrating soldier and sailor life . . . 1890. And Key [to publishers]. — pt. 2a. Electricity and magnetism. 1890. And Key [to pubUshers]. — pt. 3. Engineering and mechanics. 1890. And Key [to pub- lishers]. — pt. 4. Mines and mining ... mineralogy, geology, etc. 1891. And Key [to publishers] . — • pts. 5-6. Fine arts and architecture. 1893. Prussia. K. Ministcrium dcr djfcutliclun Arbcitcn. 017.43 PQS **'* Katalog der Bibliothek des Konigl. Ministeriums der offentlichen Arbeiten. Berlin, J. Springer, 1897. xiv, [2], 666 p. 24'^'". Nachtrag .... Berlin, 1899-. .cni Continued from no. i, 1897-1898. 24"^' No. 2 has subtitle : Mit einem den Hauptkatalog und beide Nachtrage umfassenden alphahetischen Inhalts-Verzeichnis. Repertorium. L016.6R29 •""' Repertorium der technischen Literatur die Jahre 1823 bis cinschl. 1853 umfassend... . . . Bcarbcitet von Dr. Schubarth. Heraus- gegeben im Auftrage des Koniglichen Ministeriums fiir Handel, Gewerbe und offentliche Arbeiten. xvi,i049 p. O. Berlin: Deckersche Hofbuchdruckerei, 1856. Repertorium. L016.6 R291 ^"' Repertorium der technischen Journal-Litteratur. Herausgegeben im Kaiserlichcn Patcntamt. Continued from 1854. Q. Berlin 1871-. Continuation of Repertorium der technischen Literatur, 1S23-1S53. 1854-1881 edited by Bruno Kerl; 1882-1885, hy ^ud. Biedemiann; 18S6-, by Dr. Rieth. Contents: 1854-1868 in 2 vol.: vol. i, A-K; vol. 2, L-Z; 1869-1873 in 2 vol.: vol. I, A-K; vol. 2, L-Z; 1874- pubhshed annually. From 1854 to 1878 pul)hshed under the title: Repertorium der technischen Literatur. Neue Folge. Im Auftrage des Koniglich preussischen Ministeriums fiir Handel, Gewerbe, und (iffentliche Arbeiten ... ; from 187910 1894, Repertorium der technischen Journal- Literatur. Im Auftrage des Kaiserlichcn I'alentamtes herausgegeben. 1892- have also an English and French title-page. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. ^S U. S. A. IVar Department. Engineers. 016.627 U58 016.62 Bibliogra- .... ,, ^ ! ^\ 1-rr phies of engineering """ . . . Analytical and topical index to the reports of the chief of '^ engineers and officers of the Corps of Engineers, United States army, 1866-1900 .... Compiled under the direction of Lieut. Colonel C. W. Raymond ... by John McClure .... Wash- ington, Gov't Print. Off., 1902-1903. 3 vol. 23<'"'. (57th Congress, 2d session. House. Doc. no. 439) On verso of t.-p. : War Department, Document no. 165. Paged continuously; vol. i : 638 p.; vol. 2: 639-1371 p.; vol. 3: v, 1373-1788 p. Embraces a consolidation of the indexes to reports, 1S66-1892, published in 1881, 1889, and 1895. Contents. — i-ll. River and harbor works. — in. Fortifications, bridges, laws, mis- cellaneous, and topical index. Greathouse, Charles Howard. 016.63 G79 oie.es Agriculture "'" ... . Index to Farmers' bulletins. Nos. 1-250. Prepared by Charles H. Greathouse ... . Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1907. 148 p. 23'^"'. (U. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Publications. Bulletin 8.) Another copy in Bulletin has shelf number 630.51 32 Thompson, George Fayette. 016.636 T37 ="'■■' Index to literature relating to animal industry in the publications of the Department of Agriculture, 1837 to 1898. 6j6 p. O. (U. S. A. Department of Agriculture. Division of Publi- cations. Bulletin, no. 5.) Washington 1900. Another copy in Bulletin has shelf number 1,630.5 1 32 U. S. A. Department of Agriculture. ""' Card index to the publications of the Department. Continued from no. i. Washington 1899-. Filed in Reading Room. U.S.A. Department of Agriculture. 016.5957 U58 '°°'* Division of Entomology. ... . Bibliography of the more important contributions to American economic entomology Washington, Gov't Print. Off., [i889]-i905. Vol. 1-8. 23i™. Al heaii 0/ itile: \J. S. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Entomology. Vol. 1-5, by Samuel Henshaw; vol. 6-8 by Nathan Banks. Vol. 1-3 published together. Indexed in Card index to the publications of the Department. U. S. A. Department of Agriculture. 016.63 U5831 Office of Experiment Stations. .... List of publications of the agricultural experiment stations in the United States (to June 30, 1906). Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1907. 104 p. 23*^"'. (U. S. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Stations, Bulletin iSo.) 26 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 016.63 BibUogra- U.S.A. Department of Agriculture. phies of agriculture ,6!,o Qffice of Experiment Stations. " Subject index of literature of agricultural experiment stations and kindred institutions. Washington, 1 888-. Continued from no. i, i888. Card index; filed in Reading Room. Qassified Key has shelf number 016.63 U58 U. S. A. Department of Agriculture. 016.63 U583 "«" Office of Experiment Stations. Key to subject index of experiment station literature Re- vised April 25, 1902. [4] p. O. (Circular no. 23 revised.) [Washington 1902.] U. S. A. Department of Agriculture. Library. "*°° Card index for articles in : Annales de la science agronomique, 1 884-; Landwirthschaftliche Jahrblicher, 1872- ; Die landwirth- schaftlichen Versuchs-Stationen, 1859-. Washington, 1904-. Continued. U.S.A. Department of Agriculture. 016.63 U582 »<■"' Division of Publications. .... Index to the annual reports of the U. S. Department of Agriculture for the years 1837 to 1893, inclusive. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1896. 252 p. 23'^'". (/A Bulletin, no. I.) Compiled by George F. Thompson. Another copy in Bulletin has shelf number 630.51 32 U.S.A. Department of Agriculture. 016.63 U5823 '^'''^^ Division of Publications. . . . Inde.x to the yearbooks of the U. S. Department of Agricul- ture, 1 894-1900. Prepared by Charles H. Greathouse, ... . Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1902. 196 p. 234'^"'. (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Div-ision of Publications — Bulletin no. 7.) Another copy in Bulletin has shelf number 630.51 32 V.7 U. S. A. Government Printing Office. 016.63 ^5^5 Superintendent of Documents. .... List of publications of the Agriculture Department, 1862- 1902, with analytical index. Prepared in the Office of the Super- intendent of Documents, Governinent Printing Office. Washing- ton, Gov't Print. Off., 1904. 623 p. 23<^'". (Bibliography of United Slates public JocumenLs. Department list no. I.) Preface signed by William Leander Post. "Classification [of the pul.lic dciruments libr.iry] explained," p. 8-15. Another copy in 016.363 U5822 BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 27 Society of Chemical Industry. L016.66 S678 oie.ee Bibliography «,,„„ „ .... , 1 T 1 t ^1 <- • ^ r /-I -IT of chemical technol- 63699 Decennial index of the Journal of the Society of Chemical In- ^^y dustry. Vols. XV. to X.KIV. 1896- 1905. Part I. Authors' names. Part II. Subjects. This general collective inde.x: has been compiled by F. W. Renaut, under the supervision and control of a committee .... London, Vacher and Sons, [1907]- 1908. 2 vol. in I. 2yh™- Another copy shelved with set has shelf number 660.6282 1 V-O John Crerar Library. Loiy-TTS J614 016.7 Art '""'' .... A list of books on industrial arts, October, 1903. Chica- go, printed by order of the Board of Directors, 1904. 249 p. 28=". A/ head of title: The John Crerar Library. Contents. — Bibliography. — Technical education. — Bookbinding. — Art. — Sculp- ture. — Decoiative arts. — Painting. — Engraving. — Photography. Sturgis, Russell, &■ Krehbiel, Henry Edward. L016.7 S935 ""^^ Annotated bibliography of fine art. Painting, sculpture, architec- ture, arts of decoration and illustration, by Russell Sturgis. Mu- sic, by Henry Edward Krehbiel. Edited by George lies. [6], 89 P- Q- Boston : published for the American Library Associa- tion Publishing Section by the Library Bureau, 1897. American Institute of Architects. L016.72 A512 016.72 Architecture ""=** Quarterly bulletin, containing an index of literature from the publications of architectural societies and periodicals on architec- ture and allied subjects Continued from vol. I. 1900. Q. Washington, D. C. [1900-]. Edited by Glenn Brown. Title-page for each number. Baker, Ernest Albert. 016.8 B17 oie.s Literature 50197 p^ descriptive guide to the best fiction, British and American, including translations from foreign languages ; containing about 4500 references; with copious indexes and a historical appendi.x, by Ernest A. Baker .... London, S. Sonnenschein and Co., ltd. ; New York, The Macmillan Co., 1903. vii, 610 p. 2oi'=°'. Classified: A, English (by periods), Scottish, Irish, Colonial; B, American (by periods); C-L, translations (by languages); followed by an index of authors and titles, and one of subjects. Critical and descriptive notes; best or "representative" works are starred. Granger, Edith, ed. L016.82 G76 '"'^ An index to poetry and recitations; being a practical reference manual for the librarian, teacher, bookseller, elocutionist, etc. ; including over thirty thousand titles from three hundred and sixty-nine books, edited by Edith Granger, .... Chicago, A. C. McClurg & Co., 1904. 970 p. 27i"^"'. 28 THE TOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 016.9 Bibliographies Adams, Charles Kendall. 016.9 A211 of history 016.92 Biography and portraits 016.942 English history 016.97 American history A manual of historical literature, comprising brief descriptions of the most important histories in English, French, and German, together with practical suggestions as to methods and courses of historical study Third edition, revised .... xxxviii,[2], 720 p. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1889. Bourne, Henry Eldridge, i S62- 907 Q200 """' .... The teaching of history and civics in the elementary and the secondary school, by Henry E. Bourne . . . New York, Lon- don, [etc.], Longmans, Green, and Co., 1902. viii, [2], 3S5 p. zcj"™. (.American teachers series.) Bibliography at head of chapters. A. L. A. portrait index. 016.92 Am '*'"' ... A. L. A. portrait index. Index to portraits contained in printed books and periodicals, compiled with the cooperation of many librarians and others for the Publishing Board of the Ameri- can Library Association. Edited by William Coolidge Lane . . . and Nina E. Browne .... Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1906. Ixxiv, [2], 1600, [2] p. 25'^'". ,-// head of title: Lihrar)' of Congress. Pittsburg. Carnegie Library. 016.92 P685 '"'^^ Contemporary biography, references to books and magazine ar- ticles on prominent men and women of the time ; compiled by Agnes M. Elliott. Pittsburg, Carnegie Library, 1903. 171 p. 23"=". "Appeared first in the Monthly bulletin . . . from May, 1899, to November, 1900 . . . revised and brought down to Sept. I, 1902." Classed lists with index of names. Gross, Charles. 016.942 G91 «7602 -pi^g sources and literature of English history from the earliest times to about 1485. xx,6i8 p. O. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1900. Channing, Edward, £f Hart, Albert Bushnell. 016.973 C36 """ Guide to the study of American history. xvi,47i p. D. Boston, U. S. A.: Ginn& Co., 1896. Hart, Albert Bushnell, 1854- 016.973 H25 '""' Handbook of the history, diplomacy, and government of the United States, for class use, by Albert Bushnell Hart . .. Cam- bridge, [iMass.], printed for the University, 1901. [6], 449 p. 2l4<^">. Contents. — Preliminary suggestions. — Materials. — Lectures. — Parallel readings. — Weekly papers. — Special reports. — Examinations. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 29 International Bureau of the American Republics, 972 Q401 016.97 Bibiiogra- Washingtci, D. C. Efstory* '^'"'™*° .... Mexico. Geographical sketch, natural resources, laws, economic conditions, actual development, prospects of future growth. Edited and compiled by the International Bureau of the American Republics. 1904. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1904. 454 P- 24 pl- 23-4"^- At /lead of It lie: International Bureau of the American Republics, Washington, D. C. "Bibliography and cartography," p. 421-445. Literature. 016.97 1-32 00208 'Yh.e literature of American history. A bibliographical guide in which the scope, character, and comparative worth of books in selected lists are set forth in brief notes by critics of authority .... Edited for the American Library Association by J. N. Ear- ned. Boston, Published for the American Library Association by Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1902. [2], ix, 596, [2] p. (incl. 8 p. book advertisements, at end.) 25"™. (American Library Association annotated lists.) 4145 titles, closely classified under six main heads: I. Sources. 11. America at large. III. The United States, rv. The United States by sections, v. Canada, vi. Spanish and Portuguese America and the West Indies. Appendix: Books suggested for a good school library, for a town library, for a good working library; by Edward Channing, p. 463-471. "List of contributors," p. ix. "List of publishers," p. 473-477. Author and sub- ject index, p. 479-588. Literature. 016.97 ^1^ """ ... . Literature of American history. Supplement for 1900 and 1901 ; ed. by Philip P. Wells. Boston, published for the American Library Association by Houghton, Mififlin & Co., 1902. [^]> 37> [i] P- 25='". (American Library Association annotated lists.) An author alphabet; titles numbered 4146 to 4333. Winsor, Justin, 1831-1897. 016.9733 W73 374S2 -pj^g reader's handbook of the American revolution. 1 761-1783. By Justin Winsor .... Boston, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1880, ["1879]. V, 328 p. 18™. "Like a continuous foot-note to all histories of American revolution."^ — Pref. 017 CATALOGUES OF LIBRARIES Boston. Public Library. L017.744 B65 "*' A list of periodicals, newspapers, transactions, and other serial publications currently received in the principal libraries of Boston and vicinity. [43,143 p. Q. Boston 1897. 30 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 017 Catalogues of Chicago Library Club. oi7-773 ^4399 ^'^'■*"*^ '""^ A list of serials in public libraries of Chicago and Evanston. Corrected to January, 1901. Compiled by the Chicago Library Club. Chicago, 1901. X, 185 p. 25™. Prepared under direction of a committee, C. W. Andrews, chairman. Another copy, with Supplement corrected to April, 1903, has shelf number 017.773 04396 Another copy, with Supplement, second edition, corrected to November, 1905, has shelf number 017.773 C4397 John Crerar Library. L017.773 J613 '^^"^ A list of bibliographies of special subjects, July, 1902. 504 p. Q. Chicago 1902. John Crerar Library. L017.773 J61 22663 ^ jjgj qJ books in the reading room, January, 1900. 251 p. Q. Chicago 1900. John Crerar Library. L017.773 J612 ^""^ A list of current periodicals in the Reading Room, June, 1902. 97 p. O. Chicago 1902. John Crerar Library, Cliicago. L017.773 J615 '"" .... A list of cyclopedias and dictionaries, with A list of direc- tories, August, 1904. Chicago, printed by order of the Board of Directors, 1904. vi, 272 p. 274^^'". At head of title: The John Crerar Library. Philadelphia. Free Library. L017.748 P539 *"" .... A list of serials in the principal libraries of Philadelphia and its vicinity. Prepared b\' John P. Lamberton, .... Phila- delphia, 1908. xiv, 309 p. 264"^"'. (Bulletin of the Free Library of Philadelphia, number 8.) .'\nother copy in Bulletin has shelf number L010.51 16 v. 8 U. S. A. Library of Congress. Division of Bibliography. L017.753 I *""' A union list of periodicals, transactions and allied publications currently received in the principal libraries of the District of Columbia. Compiled under the direction of A. P. C. Griffin, Chief of Division of Bibliography, v p. 315 f. sq.Q. Washing- ton 1 90 1. Printed and numbered on only one side of the leaves. 020 LIBRARY ECONOMY American Library Association. Publisliiug Board. 020.6103 5 "'"' .... Printed catalog cards Revised list of periodicals and society publications for which jirintcd catalog cards are being issued. [Boston], 1904. 8 p. 24="'. Caption title. At head of title: A. L. A. Publishing Board. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 31 Brown, James Duff, 1862- 020.2 B813 020 Library econ- 6J.95 Manual of library economy. By James Duff Brown With """^ illustrations, forms, etc. Revised edition. London. The Libra- ry Supply Co., 1907. xii, 422 p. 152 illus. 22':'". "Reference list of authorities" accompanies'some chapters. Dana, John Cotton. 020.2 D191 tmn js^ library primer. 180, [10] p. il. D. Chicago: Library Bureau, 1899. Fletcher, William Isaac, 1844- 020.2 F631 "'" ... Public libraries in America. By William I. Fletcher, .... Illustrated. Second edition. Boston, Little, Brown, and Co., 1899. ['=i894]- [4], 169 p. front., 13 pi. 174'=™. (Columbian knowledge series. Number u.) Gamett, Richard. 020.4 G18 "*" Essays in librarianship and bibliography. xiv,343 p. D. [Li- brary series, vol. 5.] London: G. Allen, 1899. Contents : Address to the Library Association. Public libraries and their catalogues. The printing of the British Museum catalogue. The past, present, and future of the British Museum catalogue. The British Museum catalogue as the basis of a universal catalogue. Introduction of European printinginto the east. Paraguayan and Argentine bibliography. The early Italian book trade. Some book-hunters of the seventeenth century. Librarianship in the seventeenth century. The manufacture of fine paper in England in the eighteenth century. On some colophons of the early printers. On the system of classifying books on the shelves followed at the British Museum. Subject-in- dexes to transactions of learned societies. Photography in public libraries. The tele- graph in the library. On the protection of libraries from fire. The sliding-press at the British Museum. On the provision of additional space in libraries. Preface to Blades' "Enemies of books". Sir Anthony Panizzi, K.C. B. The late John Winter Jones, V. P. S. A. The late Henry Stevens, F. S. A. The late Sir Edward A. Bond, K. C. B. Graesel, Arnim, 1849- 020.2 G762 60233 Handbuch der Bibliothekslehre, von Dr. Arnim Graesel .... Zweite, voellig umgearbeitete Auflage der ,,Grundzuege der Bi- bliothekslehre, Neubearbeitung von Dr. Jul. Petzholdts Katechis- mus der Bibliothekslehre." Mit 125 Abbildungen und 22 Schrift- tafeln. Leipzig, J. J. Weber, 1902. "> 5S3, [l] p. illus., plates, plans. 24<="'. Contents. — -Einleitung: Begriff derBibliothekswissenschaft. Litteratur. — i.t. Von dem Gebaeude, den Beamten und Mitteln der Bibliothek. — 2. t. Vom Buecherschatz. — 3. t. Anhaenge, Nachtraege, Register, i. Anhang: Vombibliothekarischen Berufe. 2. Anhang: Bibliographische und biographische Litteratur. 3. Anhang: Wissenschaft- liche Systeme und Numerierungsmethoden. Greenwood, Thomas. 027.042 2 '"^ Public libraries : a history of the movement and a manual for the organization and management of rate-supportfcd libraries. Fourth edition, revised .... xx.xi,604 p. il. D. London: Cassell & Co., 1894. 32 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 020 Library econ- Macfarlane, John. 025 M16 •""y '"" Library administration. x,244 p. D. [Library series, vol. 3.] London: G. Allen. 1898. Plummer, Mary Wright. 020.2 P731 ""■ Hints to small libraries. Second edition revised and enlarged. 67, [i] p. 25 il. O. New York: Truslove & Comba, 1898. Wheatley, Henry Benjamin. 020.4 W56 "'' How to form a library. vii,248 p. D. [Book-lover's library.] London: E. Stock, 1886. 025.3 Cataloguing Brown, James Duff, 1862- 012.2 B81 63350 A manual of practical bibliography. By James Duff Brown .... London, G. Routledge & Sons, ltd., [1906]. [8], 175 p. IT"". Cutter, Charles Ammi, 1 837-1903. 025.3 C981 """ .... Rules for a dictionary catalog, by Charles A. Cutter .... Fourth edition, rewritten. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1904. ■73 P' 23"^"'. (U. S. Bureau of education. Special report on public libraries — pt. II.) First issued as pt. 2 of the 1876 Special report; second edition, 18S9; third edition, 1891. Edited by W. P. Cutter. "No liberties whatever have been taken with the manuscript left by the author .... The Appendix has been shortened by the omission of all rules [except those for imprint] and of the list of reference books. The articles on the cataloging of special material have been added [i. Manuscripts, by W. C. Ford. 2. Music, by O. G. Sonneck. 3. Maps and atlases, by P. Lee PhiUips]." 025.4 Classification Bibliographia sociologica. 016.3 B472 33566 Bibliographia sociologica. Sociologie et droit. Sozialwissen- schaft und Recht. Sociology and law. Sommaire methodique des traites et des revues, dresse conformement a la Classification decimale par H. La Fontaine and P. Otlet. (Publication patronnee par rOffice international de bibliographie.) [Part 1-3.] O. Bruxelles [1895]. No more published. Ojver reads: 1895. — 5" annee. Concilium bibliographicum, Zurich. 025.4 C745 """'^ .... Conspectus mcthodicus et alphabeticus numeroriim classi- ficationis bibliographici auctoritate Instituti bibliographici inter- nationalis Bruxellcnsis ampliatus a Concilio bibliographico. Palaeontologia — biologia gencralis — microscopia — zoologia, 56-57-59. (English edition.) .... Turici, sumptibus Con- cilii bibliographici ; Bruxelles, Ofiice international de biblio- graphie, [etc.], 1902. cover-title, 63, [i] p. 234'''". (OfTice international de bibliographie. Publica- tion no. 58 e. ) Founded on the Decimal classification of Melvil Dewey. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 33 Congres international de bibliographic des sciences L025.4 C76 025.4 classification ""*' math^matiques. Counnission pcmtam-utc du repertoire. Index du Repertoire bibliographique des sciences mathematiques. public par la Commission permanente du repertoire. Deuxieme edition. xiv,93,[2] p. Q. Paris: Gauthier-Villars & fils, 1898 Dewey, Melvil. 025.4 D513 ■"" Decimal classification and relativ index for libraries, clippings, notes, etc. Sixth edition. 612 p. O. Boston: Library Bureau, 1899. Flint, Robert, 1838- 112 Q400 61991 Philosophy as scientia scientiarum, and A history of classifica- tions of the sciences ; by Robert Flint .... Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood and Sons, 1904. X, 340 p. 234<^"». Richardson, Ernest Gushing. 025.4 R39 60300 Classification, theoretical and practical .... Together with an appendix containing an essay toward a bibliographical history of systems of classification. By Ernest Gushing Richardson .... New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1901. xiv, 248 p. \cf^. (The New York .State Library School Association alumni lec- tures, 1 900- 1 90 1.) Richet, Charles Robert, 1850- 025.49591 R39 ^^^^^ .... Conspectus methodicus et alphabeticus numerorum "Sys- tematis decimalis" ad usum bibliographiae physiologicae confectus auctoritate Instituti bibliographici intcrnationalis bru.xellensis- Editio nova, ampliata sub auspiciis Prof. Caroli Richet ab Dr. H. Jordan. (025.4:612). Zurich, Concilium bibliographicum, 1905. cover-title, 73 p. 23'^'". (Office Internationale debibhographie. Publication no. 72=.) U. S. A. Department of Agriculture. 016.63 U583 ^^"^ Office of Experiment Stations. Key to subject inde.x of experiment station literature Re- vised April 25, 1902. [4] p. O. (Circular no. 23 revised.) [Washington 1902.] U. S. A. Library of Congress. L025.4 U5852 ^"" .... Classification. Class O: Science. Preliminary, July i, 1905. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1905. 172 p. 26<^"'. Prefatory note signed: J. David Thompson, in charge. Science Section. Additions and corrections to May i, 1906, p. 171-172. Greenwood, Thomas. 027.0422 027 General libraries Public libraries : a history of the movement and a manual for the organization and management of rate-supported libraries. Fourth edition, revised .... xxxi,6o4 p. il. D. London: Cassell & Co., 1894. 1733 34 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 027 General libraries International directory. 655.41 i9i65 Yhe International directory of booksellers and bibliophile's manual. Including lists of the public libraries of the world, publishers, book collectors, learned societies and institutions, universities and colleges ; also bibliographies of book and library catalogues, con- cordances, bookplates, etc., etc. Rochdale, London, [etc.], 1 894-1906. Vol. 4-7, 1 894- 1 906. 1 84™. Edited by James Clegg. Subtitle varies. Ogle, John J. 027.042 3 seoo -pj^g jj.gg library. Its history and present condition. xix,344 p. D. [Library series, vol. i.] London: G.Allen, 1897. 027.07 Libraries of Chicago Library Club. 027.0773 C439 ^''^-^ Libraries of the city of Chicago. With an historical sketch of the Chicago Library Club. [Chicago], The Chicago Library Club, 1905. 109 p. 9 pi., 2 ports. 2o4™'. Fletcher, William Isaac, 1S44- 020.2 F631 "'" ... Public libraries in America. By William I. Fletcher, ... . Illustrated. Second edition. Boston, Little, Brown, and Co., 1899, [''1 894]- [4], 169 p. front., 13 pi. :74'^'". (Columbian knowledge series. Number n.) John Crerar Library. L027.0773 J61 ""^" ... Annual report. Continued from no. i. 1895. O. Chicago 1 897-. John Crerar Library, Cliicago. L027.0773 J610 '^"'^ ... . Handbook. 1907. Chicago, printed by order of the Board of Directors, 1907. [2], 15 p. 26"^"'. At head of title: The John Crerar Library. U.S.A. Department of tlic hitcrior. Bureau of Educatiott. 027.0739 sso-.'3 _ _ _ Public, society, and school libraries. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1904. cover-title, 759-1017 p. 23™'. Frp.n the Report of the Commissioner of Education for 1903. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 35 A. L. A. catalog. 016 A512 028 Reading and '"""' ... A. L. A. catalog. 8,000 volumes for a popular library, with ^' ^ notes. 1904. Prepared by the New York State Library and the Library of Congress, under the auspices of the American Li- brary Association Publishing Board. Editor, Mclvil Dewe}^ . . . associate editors, May Seymour . . . Mrs. H. L. Elmendorf .... Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1904. 2 vol. in I. 24-J"i. At head of title: Library of Congress. Contents. — Publisher's preface. Note of the A. L. A. Publishing Board. Editorial preface. Abbrenations. — pt. i. Class list: Synopsis of Decimal classification. Class list. Public documents. Subject index. — pt. 2. Dictionary catalog: Explanatory note. Synopsis of Expansive classification. Dictionary catalog. Also issued in two parts: Pt. i. Class list, with synopsis of Decimal classification and Subject index. — Pt. 2. Dictionary catalog, with synopsis of Decimal and Expansive classifications. Baker, Ernest Albert. 016.8 B17 00197 ^ descriptive guide to the best fiction, British and American, including translations from foreign languages; containing about 4500 references; with copious indexes and a historical appendi.x, by Ernest A. Baker .... London, S. Sonncnschein and Co., ltd. ; New York, The IMacinillan Co., 1903. vii, 610 p. 2oA'=". Classified: A, English (by periods), Scottish, Irish, Colonial; B, American (by periods); C-L, translations (by languages); followed by an index of authors and titles, and one of subjects. Critical and descriptive notes; best or "representative" works are starred. Baldwin, James, 1S41-. 032 P501 '•"- A guide to systematic readings in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. 316 p. O. Chicago: Werner Co., 1895. Counsel. 028 C83 '"■'' Counsel upon the reading of books With an introduction by Henry Van Dyke. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mif- flin & Co., 1 90 1, ["'igoo]. 306 p. 19™'. "Papers . . . based upon lectures arranged by the American Society for the Extension of University Teaching, and delivered in Philadelphia in the winter of 1 898-99. ' ' — Note . "References" preceding each essay. Contents. — Van Dyke, H. A preface on reading and books.- — Stephens, H. M. History. — Repplier, A. Memoirs and biographies. — Hadley, A. T. Sociology, eco- nomics, and politics. — Matthews, B. The study of fiction. — Perry, B. Poetr>-. — Ma- bie, H. \V. Essay and criticism. Book review. L016.005 B64 4961S 'YViQ Book review digest. (Annual cumulation.) .... Minne- apolis, The H. W. Wilson Company, [1905-]. Continued from vol. i, 1905. 25-i'^"'. Vol. I title reads: The Cumulative book review digest. Evaluation of literature. Published monthly. Koopman, Harry Lyman. 028 K83 "^^ The mastery of books. Hints on reading and the use of libraries. 214 p. D. New York: American Book Co., c. 1896. Contains a chapter : Classified list of books. 36 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 028 Reading and Kroeger, Alice Bertha. 016.028 K91 ^ °"''^ .... Guide to the study and use of reference books; a manual for librarians, teachers and students, by Alice Bertha Kroeger .... Issued by the Publishing Board of the American Library Association. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1902. viii, 104, [2] p. 25'="'. (A. L. A. annotated lists.) '^Limited to those of a strictly reference character, and to the most useful works in the English language, with some exceptions in other languages." Critical and bibliographical notes, "references," prices, etc. The section Bibliography (p. [65]-79) includes titles of works on Choice of books, Children's literature, and Library economy. "Books and articles on reference books and reference work," p. [6]-8. "Suggestive list of too reference books," p. [So]-82. New international encyclopzedia. L031 Q402 """"^ Courses of reading and study in The new international encyclo- paidia. Editors: Daniel Coit Oilman, LL.D., Harry Thurston Peck, PH.D., L.H.D., Frank Moore Colby, M..\. New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1906. [2], iv, [2], 275 p. 26'^ni. "The preparation of this volume, carried on under the superiision of the editors, h.is been in the direct charge of Mr. Simeon Strunsky, of the staff of The new international encyclopaedia." — Pref. Pitman and Sons, Sir Isaac, Londivi. 028 P68 654;» piti^^aii'g where to look, an easy guide to books of reference. London, Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, ltd., 1907. xviii, 151 p. i8<^"'. Sonnenschein, [William] Swan. L016S699 ^''' The best books. A reader's guide to the choice of the best available books (about 50,000) in every department of science, art and literature ; . . . . A contribution towards systematic bib- liography Second edition. [i8],cix,ioo9 p. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1894. Sonnenschein, [William] Swan. L016S6991 ■''"' A reader's guide to contemporary literature. Being the first sup- plement to The best books [i6],l.x.\iv,775 p. Q. Lon- don: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. 029 Literary [Medlicott, Mary.] 029.4 M46 '"**'"*^^ """ Abbreviations used in book catalogues .... Boston, Boston Book Company, 1906. 15 p. 21"^'". ( Verso of t.-p.: Bulletin of bibliography pamphlets, no. 15.) "Compiled from a list in the Library journal, vol. 12, 1887, as prepared by E. I' Woodruff ... with additions from publishers' catalogues and other sources." "Reprint- ed with additions from the Boston Book Company's Bulletin of bibliography, vol. 4, no. 6, January, 1906." Another copy in Bulletin of bibliography pamphlets has shelf number 010.51 26 V.15 BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 37 Smith, Adele Millicent. 655.2 Q200 029 Literary "'■"" Proof-reading and punctuation, by Adele Millicent Smith .... Philadelphia, The author, 1902. [2], xi, iSl p. frnnt., 9 pi. 20"^"'. 030 ENCYCLOPEDIAS 031 AMERICAN Americana. L031 Q303 53091 -j-j^g Americana. A univeisal reference library comprising the arts and sciences, literature, history, biography, geography, com- merce, etc., oi the world. Editor-in-chief Frederick Converse Beach ... , managing editor George Edwin Rines Issued under the editorial supervision of The Scientific American. Six- teen volumes. New York, Scientific American, Compiling De- partment, ["^^1903-1906]. 16 vol. iUus., plates (partly col.), ports., maps. 27"^". Second edition of the Encyclopedia .Americana. Century cyclopedia of names. L031 O901 ''^" The Century cyclopedia of names. A pronouncing and etymo- logical dictionary of names in geography, biography, mythology, history, ethnolog\-, art, archeology, fiction, etc., etc., etc. Ed- ited by Benjamin E. Smith. vii,io85p. F. New York : Century Co., c. 1894. Century dictionary. L031 O900 "■ The Century dictionary. An encyclopedic lexicon of the Eng- lish language. Prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney .... New York, The Century Co., ["1889- 1891]. 6 vol. in 24. 33°"". Encyclopaedia Britannica. L031 O302 ""' American supplement to Encyclopaedia Britannica. (Ninth edi- tion.) A dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature. 4 vol.il. pi. maps. O. Philadelphia: Hubbard Publishing Co., 1894. Binder's title: Encyclopaedia Americana. Encyclopaedia Britannica. L031 P700 '""" New American supplement to the latest edition of the Encyclo- paedia Britannica. A standard work of reference in art, literature, science, history Edited under the personal supervision of Day Otis Kellogg 5 vol. paged continuously; vol. i : i- 642 p.; vol. 2: [6] ,643-1 308 p.; vol. 3 : [6],i309-i974 p. ; vol. 4: [8], 1975-2632 p.; vol. 5: [6] ,2633-3269 p. il. O. New York: Werner Co., 1897. 38 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 031 American ency- Frey, Albert Romer. 031 O800 ^^ '^^ °°'' Sobriquets and nicknames. iii,482 p. O. London : Whittaker & Co., [1887]. Harper ' s book of facts . L03 1 P50 1 '"" Harper's book of facts: a classified history of the'world, embrac- ing science, literature, and a;-t. Compiled by Joseph H. Willsey, edited by Charlton T. Lewis. [4] ,954 p. il. Q. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1895. Hopkins, Albert A 031 Q401 ^"^^ Scientific American reference book, compiled by Albert A. Hop- kins and A. Russell Bond. New York, Munn & Co., 1905, [1904]. viii, 516 p. col. front., illus., col. plates. 204*^"^. Iconographic encyclopaedia. L031 O500 "■■ The Iconographic encyclopjedia of the arts and sciences. Trans- lated from the German of the Bilder-Atlas (Iconographische En- cyclopaedic), revised and enlarged by eminent American special- ists. Published by special arrangement with the proprietor, F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig, Germany. 7 vol. pi. maps. O. Phila- delphia: Iconographic Publishing Co., c. 1885-1890. Jewish encyclopedia. L296 Qiof 30533 -pj^g Jewish encj'clopedia. A descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day Isidore Singer, projector and managing editor Vol. i-. il. colored pi. facsim. Q. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1901-. Ja cobs, Joseph, 1854- L296 Q103 6i9.'4 ^Yhe Jewish encyclopedia ; a guide to its contents, an aid to its use, by Joseph Jacobs, D. LITT., revising editor. New York and Lon- don, Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1906. .sviii, 162 p. iSA''i". New international encyclopaedia. 1-031 Q200 "'" The new international encyclopaedia. Editors, Daniel Coit Gil- man, LL.D Harry Thurston Peck, Pll.D Frank Moore Colby, M.A Volume l-[xvn]. New York, Dodd, Mead and Co., 1902-1904. 17 vol. illus., plates (partly col.), ports., maps (panly fold.), diagrs. 26'^'". BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 39 Nineteenth century. 031 QlOI 031 American ency- 893U ji^g jgj[^ century; a review of progress during the past one hun- dred years in the chief departments of human activity. ix'.494 p- O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. Contents: I. Law and government: Nott.C. C. The immutability of the constitution. Moore, J. B. Progress of international law in the century. 2. History: Sedgwick, A. G. English political development in the century. Smith, M. Germany in the nineteenth century. Coolidge, A. C. The expansion of Russia in the nineteenth century. Bouri- not, SirJ.G. Canada in the nineteenth century. Lummis,C.F. Mexico. Griffis,W.E. The century's changes in China and Japan. 3. Sociology: Heilprin, L. Geographical conquests of the nineteenth century. White, H. The gold standard and gold production in the nineteenth century. Carnegie, A. Development of steel manufacture in the Uni- ted States. Cutter, C. A. Library development. Alexander, J. W. The phenomenon of American life assurance. Howe, J. W. Changes in the legal and political status of woman. Catt, C. C. Women in the industries and professions. 4. Literature and the fine arts: Trent, W. G. American literature in the nineteenth century. Gosse, E. Eng- lish literature in the nineteenth century. Towse, J. R. The American theatre in the nineteenth century. Finck, H. T. The musical century. Sturgis, R. Progress of .\merican architecture. Cox, K. Painting in the nineteenth century. 5. Education and science: Carter, F. The century's growth in higher education. Palmer, A. F. Higher education of women. Pierce, C. S. The century's great men in science. Newcomb, S. The century's advance in astronomical science. Billings, J. S. The progress of medicine in the nineteenth century. Lodge, O. Scope and tendencies of physics. Lang, A. Psychical research of the century. Stephen, L. Evolution and religious conceptions. 6. Applied science: De Vinne, T. L. Printing in the nineteenth century. Nicol, J. The birth and progress of photography. Trowbridge, J. Progress of electricity from iSoo to igoo. 7. Transportation: Chamberlain, E. T. Development of the merchant marine. Hadley, A. T. Railroad economy in the nineteenth century. Midgeley, J. W. Equip- ment, organisation, and operation of railroads. 8. The science of war: Maclay, E. S. Development of the navy. Wilcox, C. DeW. Changes in military science. Phyfe, William Henry Pinkney, 1855- 031 Q102 40890 jQQQ {jjj,^g 3,.,jj fancies ; a cyclopedia of important, curious, quaint, and unique information in history, literature, science, art and na- ture .... By William Henry P. Phyfe .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. vii, 816 p. 24"". Reddall, Henry Frederic. 031 O902 "' Fact, fancy, and fable : a new handbook for ready reference on subjects commonly omitted from cyclopaedias; .... 536 p. O. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1892. Smith, Henry Percy, editor. 031 P500 '■" A dictionary of terms, phrases, and quotations. The terms and phrases edited by the Rev. H. Percy Smith. The quotations com- piled for the American edition by Helen Kendrick Johnson, x, 724 p. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895. Thome, Robert, comp. 031 O903 """' Fugitive facts. A dictionary of rare and curious information. A .treasury of facts, legends, sayings and their explanation, obtained in large part from sources not generally accessible, and covering more than one thousand topics of general interest and frequent inquiry. Edited by Robert Thorne, M.A. New York, A. L. Burt, [<'i889]. 506 p. 194™. 40 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 031 American ency- Universal cyclopsdia. L031 P900 clopedias -.••m j^ie Universal cyclopsdia. A new edition prepared . . . under the direction of Charles Kendall Adams. 12 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1900. This is a new edition of Johnson's Universal Cyclopedia. Wheeler, William Adolphus, &■ Wheeler, Charles G. 031 O200 "'■ Familiar allusions: a hand-book of miscellaneous information, in- cluding the names of celebrated statues, paintings, palaces, countr\'-seats, ruins, churches, ships, streets, clubs, natural curi- osities, and the like. v,s84 p. O. Boston : J. R. Osgood & Co., 1882. 031 American alma- Canadian almanac. 031 i nacs and year books 1 .051 -pj.jg Canadian almanac and miscellaneous directory .... Con- taining full and authentic commercial, statistical, astronomical, departmental, ecclesiastical, educational, financial, and general information Continued from no. 50. 1897. ''• O. Toronto, c. 1 896-. Chicago daily news almanac. 031 5 10570 -j-j^g Chicago daily news almanac and year book Chica- go, [1892-]. Continued from vol. S, 1892. illiis. 20"^". Vol. 8-17 title reads: The Daily news almanac and political register; vol. 18, The Daily news almanac and book of facts. Vol. 1 1 wanting. New international. L031 15 ""' The New international year book. A compendium of the world's progress .... New York, Dodd, Mead and Co., 1908-. Continued from 1907. illus., plates, ports., maps. 26''"'. Edited by Frank Colby Moore. In order to connect the New international year book with the former series of Inter- national year Ijooks, 189S-1902, brief summaries covering 1903-1906 appear in the vol- ume for 1907. 1/. Pref. 1907. New York Tribune. 031 3 ""' Tribune almanac and political register .... Continued from [no. i]. 1838. D. New York [1854-]. The almanacs for 1838, 1843-1S55 are published under the title: The Whig almanac ... ; for 1839-41 : The Politician's register; for 1838-1854 they are photolithographic reproductions with a general title-page reading: The Tribune almanac . . . 1838-1868, . . . comprehending The Politician's register and The Whig almanac .... Vol. i. None published for 1842. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. World almanac. 031 8 \'ii3 -pi^j. World almanac and encyclopedia New York, Press Publishing Co., [1891-]. Continued from 1891. 19'^"'. -204°"'. 1 891 -1893 title reads: The World almanac. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 41 032 ENGLISH Adams, William Davenport. 032 N800 '^'" Dictionary of English literature: being a comprehensive guide to English authors and their works. Third edition. iv.JoS p. O. London: Cassell, Petter & Galpin, [188-]. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. 032 O400 *" A dictionary of miracles, imitative, realistic, and dogmatic, xliv, 582 p. il. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1889. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham, 18 10-1897. 032 P401 "'-'"' Dictionary of phrase and fable, giving the derivation, source, or origin of common phrases, allusions, and words that have a tale to tell, by the Rev. E. Cobham Brewer, LL.D. New edition, re- vised, corrected and enlarged, to which is added a concise bib- liography of English literature London, Cassell and Co., ltd., 1903. [4], 1440 p. front, (port.) I facsim. 2i.J="'. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. 032 Pioo ""* The historic note-book; with an appendix of battles. x, 997 p. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1894. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. 032 P800 27604 -pj^g reader's handbook of famous names in fiction, allusions, references, proverbs, plots, stories, and poems. A new edition revised throughout and greatly enlarged. viii,i243 p. O. Phila- delphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1900. Chambers' encyclopaedia. L032O800 "' Chambers' encyclopaedia. A dictionary of universal knowledge. New edition. 10 vol. il. pi. maps. O. London : "V\^ & R. Cham- bers, 1 888-1 892. Cox, Sir George William, Bart. 032O200 "•" The little cyclopaedia of common things. Tenth edition. [2], 660 p. il. O. London; Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1894. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1^032 N500 8099 -j-j^g Encyclopaedia Britannica. A dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature. Ninth edition. 24 vol. and index, il. pi. maps. sq.O. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1 875-1888. 42 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 032 English encycio- Encyclopaedia Britannica. L032 Q200 P^d'^s *^'" The new volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, constituting, in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition, the tenth edition of that work, and also supplying a new, dis- tinctive, and independent library of reference dealing with recent events and developments, the first- [eleventh] of the new volumes, being volume xxv-[xxxv] of the complete work. Edinburgh & London, A. & C. Black, 1902-1903. II vol. illus., plates, maps. 28.J':'".-3o4™. Vol. 10 has subtitle: Maps; vol. il, title reads: An index to the complete Encyclo- pjedia Britannica .... Haydn, Joseph Timothy, 17S6 or 7-1856. 032 Q400 61907 f^aytjii's dictionary of dates and universal information relating to all ages and nations. By the late Benjamin Vincent. Revised and brought up to date by eminent authorities. Twenty-third edition, containing the history of the world to the end of 1903. London, Ward, Lock & Co., ltd,, 1904. vi, [6], 1487 p. 244™. Progress of the century. 032 Qioo 27963 The progress of the century iii,[i],582,[2] p. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1901. Contents: Wallace, A. R. Evolution. Ramsay, \V. Chemistry. Petrie, W, M. F.-. Archaeology. Lockyer, Sir J. N. Astronomy. Caird, E. Philosophy. Osier, W. Medicine. Keen, W. W. Surgery. Thomson, E. Electricity. Mendenhall, T. C. Physics. Dilke, Sir C. W. War. Mahan, A. T. Naval ships. Lang, A. Literature. Clarke, T. C. Engineering. Religion: Gibbons, J., Cardinal. Catholicism. Allen, A. V. G. Protestantism. Gottheil, R. J. H. The Jews and Judaism. .Smith, G. Free- • thought. Walsh, William Shepard. 032 P300 ""' Handy-book of literary curiosities. Ii04p. O. London: Gib- bings & Co., 1894. 032 English alma Annual register. 032 i nacs and year books ,„,„ ^j^^^ Annual regi.ster. A review of public events at home and abroad .... London, Longmans, Green, and Co., I759-- 1 758-1S24, continued from 1897. 2o4™\-23™. 1758-1814, 1816-1824, title reads: the Annual register, or, A view of the history, politics and literature of the year ... ; 1815, The New annual register, or General repository of history, politics, and literature .... To which is prefixed the history of knowledge, Uterature, taste and science, in Great Britain, during the reign of George III. 1758-1824 binder's title: DodsIey"s Annual register. 1801-1810, 1897-, called new series. Index for 1758-1792, 1758-1819 puljlished separately in 3 vol. 1759, 1766: second edition. "The Annual register was commenced by K. Dodslcy and publislied by his house until 1790, when the stock and copyright were sold. The copyright was purchased by Messrs. Rivington, the stock by Otridge and others, and each party published a dis- tinct continuation of the Register." 1791-1S24 of this copy consist of the continuation Visued Ijy Rivington with the exception of 1800, 1813, which are of Otridge's set, 1815, puljlished by W. Stockdalc and 1814, 1S16-1819, by Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 43 Hazell's annual. 032 O600 032 English alma- '''' Hazell's annual .... A cyclopredic record of men and topics of "^"^ ^"^ ^^^^ ^°°^^ the day Continued from [\'ol. i]. 1886. maps. D. Lon- don 1 886-. Vol. 1-6, 1886-1891, edited by E. D. Price; vol. lo-, by Win. Palmer. Vol. 1-3 published under the title: Hazell's annual cyclopaedia. Statesman's year-book. 032 M400 5069 jj^g Statesman's year-book : statistical and historical annual of the states of the world .... Continued from [vol. 1]. 1864. D. London 1864-. Vol. 1-19 edited by Frederick Martin; vol. 20-, by J. Scott Keltie. Published with various subtitles. Whitaker, Joseph, editor. 032 M900 '"" An almanac .... Containing the usual astronomical and other phenomena. Also a large amount of information respecting the government, finances, population, commerce, and general statistics of the British Empire throughout the world, with some notice of other countries, &c., &c. Continued from [no. i :] 1869. D. London: J. Whitaker, pref. 1868-. 033-039 OTHER ENCYCLOPEDIAS Brockhaus' Konversations-Lexikon. L033 P200 033 German "^^ Brockhaus' Konversations-Le.xikon. 'Vierzehnte voUstiindig neu- bearbeitete Auflage. 17 vol. il. pi. maps, tables. Q. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1 892-1 898. Vol. 17 is Supplement and also called Revidierte Jubiliiums-Ausgabe. Meyers grosses Konversations-Lexikon. L033 Q200 36733 jvjeygrs grosses Konversations-Lexikon. Ein Nachschlagewerk des allgemeinen Wissens. Sechste, ganzlich ncubearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage. Vol. i-. il. pi. colored pi. maps. O. Leip- zig: Bibliographisches Institut, 1902-. Meyers Hand-Lexikon. 033 P300 Meyers Hand-Lexikon des allgemeinen Wissens. Fiinfte, giinz- lich umgearbeitete Aufiage. [2],! 702, [2] p. D. Leipzig: Bib- Hographisches Institut, 1893. Almanach. 034 I 034 French Almanach de Gotha. Annuaire gcnealogique, diplomatique et statistique. Gotha, J. Perthes, [pref. 1872-]. Continued from vol. no, 1S73. fronts., ports. 13"" .-15"". Vol. Ill, title-page, vol. H2, 113, 114, 118, 120, 124, 126, 134, wanting. S32I4 44 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 034 French encycio- Grande encyclopedie. L034 O500 pedias .siot ^^ grande encyclopedie, inventaire raisonne des sciences, des lettres et des aits, par une societe de savants et de gens de lettres ; sous la direction de MM. Berthelot ... Hartwig Derenbourg [etc.] .... Tome premier- [trente et unieme]. Paris, H. Lamirault et c'«, [ 1 886-1 902 , 31 vol. illus., col. plates, maps. Si"^"'. Secretaire general: vol. 1-18, F. Camille Dreyfus; vol. 23-31, Andre Berthelot. Vol. 23-31 published by Societe anonyme de La grande encyclopedie. Larousse, Pierre. L034M500 '"^ Grand dictionnaire universel du xix"" siecle fran?ais, histonque, geographique, biographique, mythologiqtie, bibliographique, lit- teraire, artistique, scientifique, etc 17 vol. il. i por. sq.F. Paris [ 1 864-1 876]. Vol. 1-2, 4-6, 8-14, published under the title; Grand dictionnaire universel frangais, Vol. 16 and 17 are supplements to the main work. Nouveau Larousse. ^034 P801 ""'' Notiveau Larousse illustre. Dictionnaire universel encyclopedique public sous la direction de Claude Auge. Tome premier- [sep- tieme] Paris, Librairie Larousse, [1898-1905]. 7 vol. illus., plates, maps. 32x24'^"'. Vol. I : added I. -p. engr. . Supplement. 2780 gravures. — 92 tableaux. — 15 cartes Paris, [1906]. [8], 646, [4] p. illus. 32x24'^ A"". 038 Swedish Nordisk familjebok. 1-038 Q400 6:,:s-i ^,JQ^Jj^)^ familjcbok, konversationslexikon och realencyklopcdi. Ny, reviderad och rikt illustrerad upplaga. Redaktionskommitte : Leche, V., ... , Meijer, B., ... , Nystrom, J. F., ... , Warburg, K., ... , Westrin, J. T Hufvudredaktor : Bernhard Mei- jer, .... Stockholm, Nordisk familjeboks forlags aktiebolag, [1904-]. Vol. I-. illus., plates. 2$^'"^. 040 GENERAL ESSAYS Caird, John. 042 C12 1810H University addresses: being addresses on subjects of academic study delivered to the University of Glasgow. [P2dited by Ed- ward Caird.] x,383 p. O. Glasgow: J. MacLchose & Son, 1898. Contents: The unity of the sciences. The progressivcness of the sciences. Erasmus. Galileo. The scientific character of Bacon. David Hume. Bishop Butler and his theology. The study of history. The science of history. The .study of art. The pro- gressivcness of art. The art of public speaking. The personal element in teaching. General and professional ctlucation. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 4S 050 JOURNALISM Bourne, Henry Richard Fox. 050.942 O700 "'" English newspapers. Chapters in the history of journalism. 2 vol. O. London: Chatto & Windus, 1887. Dana, Charles Anderson. 050.4 D19 '"*' The art of newspaper making. Three lectures. [4],! 14 p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. Given, John La Porte, 1871- 050.2 Q700 "^'^ Making a newspaper, by John L. Given, late of the New York "Evening sun." New York, H. Holt and Co., 1907. [2], iii, 325 p. 194="'. Hudson, Frederic, 1819-1875. 050.973 N200 * Journalism in the United States, from 1690 to 1872. By Frederic Hudson. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1873, [•'1872]. [4], xli, [431-789 P- 22<^'"- Jackson, Mason. 050.9 O500 '"^^ The pictorial press, its origin and progress. xii,363 p. 150 il. O. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1885. The Times, London. L052 37 "'" The annual index to The Times London, G. E. Wright, [1907-]. Continued from 1906. 254""". 060 SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES Becker, Bernard Henry. 062 4 '"'' Scientific London. viii,340 p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1875. Handbook. L060.9 Q800 63929 Handbook of learned societies and institutions. America. Wash- ington, D. C, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1908. viii, 592p, 26<^"". (<3« jwio ()//.-/>..■ Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publica- tion no. 39. ) Prepared under the supervision of the Librarian of Congress. The organization of the work was placed in charge of Mr. J. David Thompson of the Librarj' Staff, who has per- sonally edited this volume and seen it through the press, the material haNnng been com- piled under his direction by Mrs. Lucy C. Daniels Thompson, assisted by Miss Mar)- F. Griffin. Pending decision as to further publication, the remaining material relating to societies and institutions in the Old World will, for tlie present, be kept on file available for consultation at the Librarj' of Congress, if. Pref. 46 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 060 Scientific soci- Minerva. 37^ ^ * '^^ '"' Minerva. Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt Continued from vol. I. 1891-92. por. S. Strassburg 1892-. Vol. 1-5 edited by R. Kukula and K. Trubner; vol. 6-7, by K. Triibner; vol. 8-9, by K. Trubner and F. Mentz; vol. 10-, by K. Trubner. Vol. I published under the title; Minerva. Jahrbuch der Universitaten der Welt. Rhees, William Jones. 016.061 S6641 """ Catalogue of publications of the Smithsonian Institution, (1846- 1882,) with an alphabetical index of articles in the Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, miscellaneous collections, annual re- ports. Bulletins and Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum, and Report of the Bureau of Ethnology. xiv,328 p. O. (SMITH- SONIAN Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 27.) Washington 1882. Another copy in Smithsonian miscellaneous collections has shelf number 061.82 2 V.27 Smithsonian Institution. 016.061 S6642 '"■" .... List of publications of the Smithsonian Institution, 1846- 1903. Part I. Complete list. Part II. Available for distribu- tion. By William Jones Rhees. Washington City, 1903. [8], 99 p. 244™'. (Smithsonian miscellaneous collections.) Another copy in Smithsonian miscellaneous collections has shelf number 061.82 2 V.44 Smithsonian Institution. 016.061 S664 ^"' Publications of the Smithsonian Institution. May, 1896. I. Clas- sified list. II. Numerical list. III. Tables. IV. Index. By Wil- liam J. Rhees. iv,86 p. O. City of Washington 1896. 090 BOOK RARITIES Hazlitt, William Carew, 1 S34- 090.9 Q400 ""■'"'" The book-collector: a general survey of the pursuit and of those who have engaged in it at home and abroad from the earliest period to the present time. With an account of public and pri- vate libraries and anecdotes of their founders or owners and remarks on bookbinding and on special copies of books. By W. Carew Hazlitt. London, J. Grant, 1904. vii, 352 p. front., I pi. 20='". Caption and running title: History of book-collecting. Madan, Falconer. 091 P300 '*" Books in manuscript; a short introdtiction to their study and use. With a chapter on records. xv,iS8 p. ii. 8 pi. i facsim. O. [Books about books.] London: Kegan Paul, ... & Co., 1893, With an appendix: List of iirinted cataloj^ucs of manuscripts in European languages in the British Museum, the Bodleian Library at Oxford, the Camliridge University Libra- ry, etc. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 47 Pennell, Joseph. 655.53 P501 o.^s Book iUustra- ■"■'^ The illustration of books. A manual for the use of students, notes for a course of lectures at the Slade School, University College. xii,i68 p. D. New York: Century Co., prcf. 1895. Pollard, Alfred William. 096P300 '^'' Early illustrated books. A history of the decoration and illustra- tion of books in the 15th and i6th centuries. xvi,256 p. 58 il. I facsim. O. [Books about books.] London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trlibner & Co., 1893. Hardy^ William J. 097 P300 097 Book-piates "" Book-plates. xvi,i7S p. il. 34 pi. 3 por. O. [Books about books.] London: Kegan Paul, ... &Co., 1893. • Slater, John Herbert. 097 P801 ""* Book plates and their value. English and American plates. 241 p. I pi. O. London: H. Grant, 1898. Vinycomb, John. 097P400 6233 Qj^ ^pjg processes for the production of ex libris (book-plates). .... xii,96 p. il. 22 pi. D. London: A. & C. Black, 1894. Reprinted from the Journal of tlte Ex Libris Society with additional illustrations. 100 PHILOSOPHY Baldwin, James Mark, 1 86 1- cd. L103 Qioo ■'"'■•" Dictionary of philosophy and psychology. Including man)- of the principal conceptions of ethics, logic, aesthetics, philosophy of religion, mental pathology, anthropology, biology, neurolog}-, physiology, economics, political and social philosophy, philology, physical science, and education, and giving a terminology in English, French, German and Italian. Written by many hands and edited by James Mark Baldwin . . . with the co-operation and assistance of an international board of consulting editors. In threevolumes with illustrations and extensive bibliographies. .... New York, London, The Macmillan Co., 1901-1905. 3 vol. in 4. illus., 8 pi. (i col.) 27"°. Two of the plates have illustrations on both sides. Hyde, William DeWitt. 104 H99 "°" Practical idealism. xi,335 p. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. Contents: Part i. The natural world. I. The world of sense-perception. 2. The world of association. 3. The world of science. 4. The world of art. Part 2. The spiritual world. 5. The world of persons. 6. The world of institutions. 7. The world of morality. 8. The world of religion. 48 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 100 Philosophy Kulpe, Oswald. 102 P500 95e» Introduction to philosophy. A handbook for students of psychology, logic, ethics, sesthetics, and general philosophy. Translated from the German (1895) by W. B. Pillsbury and E. B. Titchener. x,256 p. D. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1897. Ladd, George TrumbulL 102 Pooi '"° Introduction to philosophy. An inquiry after a rational system of scientific principles in their relation to ultimate reality, xii, 426 p. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1890. Rand, Benjamin, 1856- ,conip. L103 Qioo v.3 50086 Bibliography of philosophy, psychology, and cognate subjects, compiled by Benjamin Rand Part l-[ll]. New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1905. 2 vol. 27'^™. (/« Dictionary of philosophy and psychology . . . edited by James Mark Baldwin, vol. Ill, pt. i-ii.) - Royce, Josiah. 104 R81 S1368 -j-j^g world and the individual. Gifford lectures delivered before the University of Aberdeen. First series. The four historical conceptions of being. xvi,588 p. O. New York: IMacmillan Co., 1900. Royce, Josiah. 104 R811 5U251 -pi-jg -^yorld and the individual ; Gifford lectures delivered before the University of Aberdeen. Second series; nature, man, and the moral order, by Josiah Royce .... New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1901. XX, [2], 4S0 p. 21"^'". Contents. — The recognition of facts. — The linkage of facts. — The temporal and the eternal. Physical and social reality. — The interpretation of nature. — The human self. — The place of the self in being. — The mor.il order. — The struggle with evil. — The union of God and man. 109 History of phi- Erdmann, Johann Eduard. 109 N600 '°^" A history of philosophy. English translation edited by Williston S. Hough 3 vol. O. [Library of philosophy.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1 897-1 899. Contents: Vol. I. Ancient and mediaeval philosophy. [Third edition.] xx,736 p. 1898. Vol. 2. Modern philosophy. [Fourth edition.] x\'i,7l9 p. 1S97. Vol. 3. German philosophy since I legel. [Fourth edition.] [4], 356 p. 1899. Bound with vol. 3: King, II. C. An outline of Erdmann's History of philosophy. .... 16 ]i. London 1899. Hoffding, Harald. 109 P500 23026 ^ history of modern philosophy. A sketch of the history of philosophy from the close of the Renaissance to our own day. Translated from the German edition by B. E. Meyer. Author-* ised translation. 2 vol. O. London: Macmillan & Co., igoc BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 49 Schwegler, Albert. 109K700 109 History of Phi- ''■'* Handbook of the history of philosophy. Translated and anno- "^"^ '' tated by James Hutchison Stirling. Seventh edition xviii, [2], 486 p. D. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Co., 1879. Ueberweg, Friedrich. 109N100 "" History of philosophy, from Thales to the present time. Trans- lated from the fourth German edition, by George S. Morris. With additions by Noah Porter. With a preface by the editors of the Philosophical and theological library. 2 vol. O. [Philo- sophical and theological library.] New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1887, c. 1871-1873. Vol. 2 contains an appendix on English and American philosophy, by Noah Porter, and an appendix on Italian philosophy, by Vincenzo Botta. Windelband, Wilhelm. 109 P801 ioiis ji^ history of philosophy ; with especial reference to the formation and development of its problems and conceptions, by Dr. W. Windelband . . . authorized translation b\- James H. Tufts Second edition, revised and enlarged. New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1901. XV, 726 p. 23i™'. Benn, Alfred William. 109.38 O200 109.3 History of an- '"" The Greek philosophers. 2 vol. O. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co., 1882. Windelband, Wilhelm. i09-3 P300 *"" History of ancient philosophy. Authorized translation by Her- bert Ernest Cushman. From the second German edition, xv, 393 P- O- New York: C. Scribner's Son's, 1899. "Bibliography,' p. 3S5-388. Zeller, Eduard. 109.38 Oooi A history of eclecticism in Greek philosophy. Translated from the German with the author's sanction by S. F. Alleyne. viii, 383 p. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1883. "This is a translation of the second section of Dr. Zeller's 'Philosophic der Griechen, DritterTheil, Erste .^btheilung.' " Bradley, Francis Herbert, 1846- 110.2 P700 no Metaphysics "'"'" Appearance and reality; a metaphysical essay, by F. H.Brad- ley .... Second edition (revised), with an appendix. London, S. Sonnenschein & Co., ltd. ; New York, The Macmillan Compa- ny, 1902. xxiv, 628, [2] p. 24™'. {Half-title: Library of philosophy ) Pearson, Karl. 110.2Q002 26903 'Y\\Q grammar of science. Second edition, revised and enlarged, xviii, 548 p. 33 il. O. London: A. & C. Black, 1900. "Literature" follows each chapter. 5° THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 112;Methodology 121 Theory of knowledge Flint, Robert, 1838- "2 Q400 61991 Philosophy as scientia scientiarum, and A history of classifica- tions of the sciences ; by Robert Flint .... Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood and Sons, 1904. X, 340 p. 23.i<^"'. Richardson, Ernest Gushing. 025.4 R39 °"'"" Classification, theoretical and practical .... Together with an appendix containing an essay toward a 'bibliographical history of systems of classification. By Ernest dishing Richardson .... New York, C. Scribncr's Sons, 1901. xiv, 24S p. ig"^'". (The New York State Library- School Association alumni lec- tures, I 900- I go I.) Hobhouse, Leonard Trelawney. 160.2 P602 =*"' The theory of knowledge. A contribution to some problems of logic and metaphysics. xx,627p. O. London : Methuen & Co., 1896. Locke, John. 153 E2 '*'"' An essay concerning human understanding. Collated and anno- tated, with prolegomena, biographical, critical, and historical, by Alexander Campbell Eraser. 2 vol. por. O. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1894. Ormond, Alexander Thomas. 121 Qooi '*"' Foundations of knowledge xxvii,528 p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1900. 130 MIND AND BODY Worcester, Elwood, 1862- 131 Q801 «4533 Religion and medicine, the moral control of nervous disorders; by Elwood Worcester, D.D., PH.D., Samuel McComb, M.A., D.D. ... Isador H. Coriat, M.D. New York, Moffat, Yard & Co., 1908. vii, [2], 427 p. igi'^'". ''The object of this book is to describe in plain temis the woik in behalf of nervous sufferers which has been undertaken in flmmanuel church, Boston." — Introd. "Sonie physical disorders having mental origin, by J. \\'arren Achorn," p. 389-41 1. 132 Mental derange Kerr, Norman. 132.7 P400 '"*°*^ ""' Inebriety or narcomania, its ctiolog)-, pathology, treatment and jurisprudence. Third edition. xxxix,78o p. O. London: H. K. Lewis, 1894. Mercier, Charles. 132.1O900 ''"' Sanity and insanity. xix,395 p. il. i pi. D. [Contemporary science series.] London: W. Scott, 1890. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 51 Drahms, August. 132.9 QOOI 132.9 Criminal an- 23656 flic criminal : his personnel and environment. A scientific study. ^ " With an introduction by Cesare Lombroso. xiv,[2],402 p. D. New York: Macmillan Co. 1900. "Alphabetical list of works upon criminology, in the English language," p. 391-394. Ellis, Havelock. 132.9 Qioi 31200 Thc.^ criminal. Third edition, revised and enlarged. xxii,4i9 p. il. 21 pi. 6 p. of pi. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 7.] London: W. Scott, 1901. Ferri, Enrico. 364 P300 **'"' Criminal sociology. xx,284 p. D. [Criminology series, vol. 2.] New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Morrison, William Douglas. 364 Pi 00 *"" Crime and its causes. x,[2],236 p. D. [Social science series, vol. 27.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1891. Morrison, William Douglas. 364 P600 6035 Juvenile offenders. xx,3i7p. O. [Criminology series, no. 3.] London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1896. Travis, Thomas. 132.9 Q800 63974 -pi^j, young malefactor; a study in juvenile delinquency, its causes and treatment, by Thomas Travis, PH. D. ; with an introduction by the Honorable Ben B. Lindsey .... New York, T. Y. Cro- well& Co., [1908]. [2], v-xxviii, 243, [2] p. XIII pi. on 7 1. 20.J":"'. Plates printed on both sides. "Bibliography," p. 233-235. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. 032 O400 i33 Delusions, etc. "" A dictionary of miracles, imitative, realistic, and dogmatic, xliv, 582 p. il. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1889. Lang, Andrew. 209.1 P800 13796 jYie making of religion. [8], 380 p. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1898. Parish, Edmund. 133.2 P700 "^'^ Hallucinations and illusions. A study of the fallacies of percep- tion. xiv,[2],390 p. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 32.] London: W. Scott, 1897. A thoroughly revised edition, brought up to date, of the author's "Ueber die Trug- wahrnehmungen," Leipzig 1894. Podmore, Frank, 1 856- i33-9 Q200 i-^3.9 Spiritualism """ Modern spiritualism; a history and a criticism, by Frank Pod- more .... London, Methuen & Co., 1902. 2 vol. 23''"'. Gintents. — I. Introduction, book i. The pedigree of spiritualism, book ii. Early American spiritualism, xviii, 307, [l] p. — II. book in. Spiritualism in England, book IV. Problems of mediumship. Summary and conclusion, xii, 374, [2] p. 52 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 135 Sleep and Scholz, Friediich, M. D. I35 P30«> •^"■^^""^ ■"* Sleep and dreams: a scientific-popular dissertation, from the German by H. M. Jewett; and The analogy of insanity to :!eep and dreams, by Milo A. Jewett I47 P- D. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co , 1893. 136.3 Heredity Ribot, Theodulc. 136-3 0^00 6U5I. Heredity: a psychological study of its phenomena, laws, causes, and consequences. From the French. x,393 p. O. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1S95. Thomson, John Arthur, 1861- 575-1 O701 62696 Hcredit}-. By J. Arthur Thomson, .... London, J. Murray, 1908. x\'i, 605 p. iUus., 10 pi. (partly col.), 5 diagr. si-i"^". {On cover: The pro- gressi%'e science series. ) "Bibliography," p. 539-596. 136.4 Racial charac- Ripley, William Zebina. 572-94 PQOO teristics ,9069 ^j^^ ^.^^^^ ^j Europe. A sociological study. Accompanied by a supplementary bibliography of the anthropology and ethnology of Europe, published by the Public Library of the City of Boston. [2 vol.] il. pi. of por. maps. O. (Lowell Institute lectures.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1899. [Vol. 2] is the bibliography, and has also been published separately under the title: A selected bibliography of the anthropology and ethnology of Europe; this has shelf number 016.572 R48 "Special list of authorities on acclimatization", [vol. i], p. 589-590. 138 Physiognomy Mantegazza, Paolo, 1 83 1- 138 P002 49o7i Physiognomy and expression. By Paolo Mantegazza Third edition. London and Newcastle-on-Tyne, The W. Scott Publi-shing Co., ltd., 1904. X, 327 p. incl. I diagr., viii pi. 19™'. {Half-title: The contemporarj- science series ) The VIII plates consist of 4 leaves with illustrations on both sides. 149.6 Pessimism SuUy, JamCS. 149.6 N7OO **°^ Pessimism; a history and a criticism. xv,4"7 p. O. London: H. S. King& Co., 1877. 150 PSYCHOLOGY Baldwin, James Mark. 150.2 Q200 Social and ethical interpretations in mental development; a study in social p.sychology, by James Mark Baldwin .... Third edi- tion, revised and enlarged. New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1902. xxiv, [2], 606 p. 22"". "Work crowned with the gold medal of the Koyal .Vcademy of Denmark." BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 53 Galton, Francis. 150.4 G13 150 Psychology ^""^ Inquiries into human faculty and its development. xii,[2] ,387 p. il. 5 pi. O. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1883. Harris, William Torrey. 150.2 P801 12857 Psychologic foundations of education. An attempt to show the genesis of the higher faculties of the mind. xxxv,400 p. D. (International education series, vol. 2,^.) New York: D. Apple- ton & Co., 1S98. Hoffding, Harald. 150.2 Pioi '■'"'" Outlines of psychology. Translated by Mary E. Lowndes, xi, 365 p. D. [Macmillan's manuals for students.] London: Mac- millan & Co., 1896. James, William. 150.2 Pooi '" The principles of psychology. 2 vol. 94 il. O. (American sci- ence series, advanced course.) New York : H. Holt & Co., 1890. Judd, Charles Hubbard, 1873- 150.2 Q300 *"""' .... Genetic psychology for teachers, by Charles Hubbard Judd .... New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1903. xiii, 329 p. illus. iSi"^". ( International education series [v. 55].) Kulpe, Oswald. 150-2 P300 '"" Outlines of psychology. Based upon the results of experimental investigation. Translated from the German (1893) by Edward Bradford Titchener. xi,462 p. 10 il. O. London: Swan Son- nenschein & Co., 1895. Ladd, George Trumbull. 150. i P501 I037S Philosophy of mind. An essa}"^ in the metaphysics of psychology. ■ xiv,4i4 p. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1895. Lotze, Hermann. 150.2 Oioo '"- Outlines of psychology. Dictated portions of the lectures of Her- mann Lotze. Translated and edited by George T. Ladd. ix,[2], 157 p. D. [Lotze, H. Outlines of philosophy, vol. 4.] Bos- ton, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., c. 1886. Ribot, Theodule. 150.9 O600 " German psychology of to-day : the empirical school. Translated from the second French edition by James Mark Baldwin. With a preface by James McCosh. xxi,3o7 p. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1886. Romanes, George John. 150.2 O801 ""° Mental evolution in man. Origin of human faculty. viii,[2], 452 p. il. I table. O. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., I 54 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 150 Psychology Spiller, Gustav. 150.2 Q204 50i'"4 jj^g j^^ji^j Qf man; a text-book of psychology, by Gustav Spiller. London, S. Sonnenschein & Co., ltd; New York, The Macmillan Company, 1902. xiv, [2], 552 p. 23.4"^'". (//rti^-//rfi'.- Ethical series.) "Index of publications," p. S32-5S2- Stout, George Frederick. 150.2 P604 *•■"■' Analytic psychology. 2 vol. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1896. Stout, George Frederick. 150.2 P807 S0-4S ^ manual of psychology. xvi,643 P- D. (University tutorial series.) London: W. B. Clive, 1899. Sully, James. 150.2 P201 ''°''' The human mind. A te.xt-book of psychology. 2 vol. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Sully, James. 150.4 S953 ™'" Sensation and intuition : studies in psychology and aesthetics, xi.x, 372 p. il. O. London: H. S. King & Co., 1874. Contents: I. The relation of the evolution hypothesis to human psychology. 2. New theories of emotional expression. 3. Recent German experiments with sensation. 4. Belief: its varieties and its conditions. 5. The genesis of the free-will doctrine. 6. On some elements of moral sell-culture. 7. The basis of musical sensation. 8. Aspects of beauty in musical form. 9. On the nature and limits of musical expression. 10. The Eesthetic aspects of character. 11. The representation of character in art. 12. Les- sing's Hamburg dramaturgj*. 13. On the possibility of a science of esthetics. Sully, James. 150.2 P707 86945 'Ylic teacher's handbook of psychology, on the basis of "Outlines of psychology". Fourth edition, rewritten and enlarged. xvi, 590 p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1900. Titchener, Edward Bradford. 150.2 P601 '^'^ An outline of psychology. xiv,352 p. 10 il. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1896. Titchener, Edward Bradford. 150.2 P805 '""'' A primer of psychology. .xvi,3i4p. O. New York : Macmillan Co., 1898. Wundt, Wilhelm. 150.2 P203 '""^ Lectures on human and animal psychology. Translated from the second German edition by J. E. Creighton & E. B. Titchener. [Second edition.] x, 459 p. 45 il. O. London: Swan Sonnen- schein & Co., 1896. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. SS Wundt, Wilhelm [Max], 1832- 150.2 Quo 150 Psychology 3»2t;i Outlines of psychology, by Wilhelm Wundt. Translated with the cooperation of the author by Charles Hubbard Judd, PH.D. (l^eipzig) .... Second revised English edition from the fourth revised German edition. Leipzig, W. Engelmann ; New York, G. E. Stechert, 1902. xxii, 390 p. 22'^'". Bastian, Henry Charlton. 150.2 Oooi 150.2 Physiological "'' The brain as an organ of the mind. xi./oS p. 184 il. U. New Psychology York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Carpenter, William Benjamin. 150.2 N600 9967 Principles of mental ph\-siology, with their applications to the training and discipline of the mind, and the study of its morbid conditions. Seventh edition. lxiii,737 p. 17 il. O. London: Kegan Paul, ... & Co., 1896. Ladd, George Trumbull. 150.2 O701 '"'^ Elements of physiological psychology. A treatise of the activi- ties and nature of the mind, from the physical and experimental point of view. xii,696 p. 114 il. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1887. Ziehen, Theodor. 150.2 P501 "'-' Introduction to physiological psychology. Translated by C. C. Van Liew and Otto W. Beyer. Second edition, enlarged and im- proved. xiv,305 p. 22 il. D. [Introductory science text-books.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. Baldwin, James Mark. 150.2 P403 150.2 Child study '■'"'■ Mental development in the child and the race. Methods and processes. Second edition, corrected. xvi,496 p. 17 il. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. Compayre, Gabriel i.t\ Jules Gabriel, 1843- 150.2 P607 *"'"'" ... . Development of the child in later infancy; being part II of The intellectual and moral development of the child, by Ga- briel Compayre . . . translated from the French by Mary E. Wilson .... New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1902. xx.\i, 300 p. iSi"^"'. {Half-title: International education series, edited by \V. T. Harris, vol. Liii.) Series title also at head of t.-p. Compayre, Gabriel. 150.2 P603 ""'" The intellectual and moral development of the child. Part I. Containing the chapters on perception, emotion, memory, imag- ination, and consciousness. Translated from the French by Mary E.Wilson. ix,[2],298 p. D. (International education series, vol. 35.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. S6 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 150.2 Child Study Oppenheim, Nathan. 150-2 P802 "'" The development of the child. viii,[2],296 p. D. New York • Macmillan Co., 1898. Perez, Bernard. 150.2 O201 156^4 The first three years of childhood. Edited and translated by Alice M. Christie. With an introduction by James Sully, xxiii, 295 p. D. (School bulletin publications.) Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen, 1894. Prayer, Wilhelm. 150.2 P002 "'" Mental development in the child. Translated from the German by H. W. Brown. xxvi,i70p. D. (International education series, vol. 24.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Preyer, Wilhelm. 150.2 O400 ''"' The mind of the child Translated from the original Ger- man by H. W. Brown. 2 \o!. il. D. (International education series, vol. 7, 9.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Contents: Vol. i. The senses and the will. Vol. 2. The development of tne intellect. Sully, James. ""■' Studies of childhood. viii,527 p. 52 il pleton & Co., 1896. Contains a bibliography of child study. 150.4 S953I O. New York : D. Ap 152 Sense percep- Bernstein, Julius. tions ujK. -Ti c I Ihe hve senses of man. 152 N500 xvii,304 p. 91 il. D. (International New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1893, scientific series, vol. 21.) pref. 1875. Mach, Ernst. 152P700 ''"'•' Contributions to the analysis of the sensations. Translated by C. M. Wiriams. viii,[4],2o8 p. 37 il. O. Chicago : Open Court Publishirg Co., 1897. Sanford, Edmund Clark. 152 P800 "-" A course in experimental psychology. Part I: Sensation and perception. [New edition.] viii,449 p. il. i pi. D. Boston, U. S. A.: D. C. Heath & Co., 1898. "Bibliography," at the end of each chapter. 153 Understanding Ladd, George TrumbuU. 153P700 739a Philosophy of knowledge. An inquiry into the nature, limits, and validity of human cognitive faculty. xv,6i4 p. O. New York: C Scribner's Sons, 1897. Locke, John. 153 E2 """^ An essay concerning human understanding. Collated and anno- tated, with prolegomena, biographical, critical, and historical, by Alexander Campbell Eraser. 2 vol. per. O. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1894. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 57 Kay, David. 154O80O 154 Memory "'"" Memory: what it is and how to improve it. xxvi,[2] ,340 p. D. (International education series, vol. 8.) New York: D. Apple- ton & Co., 1895, c. 1888. Bosanquet, Bernard. 157 P200 157 Aesthetics, ^"«-' A history of aesthetic. xxiii,502 p. O. [Library of philosophy.] ^™°''''°^ London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1892. "Bibliography", p. 494-49S. Darwin, Charles. 591.51 N300 '"' The expression of the emotions in man and animals. \',[2],374 p. il. 7 pi. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co.. 1873. Groos, KarL 157 P903 5STC0 Yhe play of man. Translated with the author's co-operation by Elizabeth L. Baldwin. With a preface by J. Mark Baldwin, ix, 412 p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1901. Gurney, Edmund. LiS? Oooi 10253 -phe power of sound. xi,[2],559 p. il. O. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1S80. Him, Yrjo. 157 Qooi 29169 -j-[^^ origins of art; a psychological & sociological inquiry, xi, 331 p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1900. "Authorities quoted," p. 307-322. Kedney, John Steinfort. 193-39 K23 16612 Hegel's /Esthetics. A critical exposition. xviii,302 p. D. [German philosophical classics for English readers and stu- dents.] Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co., 1885. Lotze, Hermann. 157 O400 "" Outlines of aesthetics. Dictated portions of the lectures of Her- mann Lotze. Translated and edited by George T. Ladd. \iii, [2], 1 13 p. D. [Lotze, H. Outlines of philosophy, vol. 5.] Boston, U. S. A, : Ginn & Co., c. 1885, Marshall, Henry Rutgers. 157P400 "'" Fain, pleasure, and Esthetics. An essay concerning the psychol- ogy of pain and pleasure, with special reference to aesthetics. xxi,364 p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1894. Mosso, Angelo. 157 O402 '■"■* Eear. Translated from the fifth edition of the Italian bj'E. Lough and F. Kiesow. Authorised translation. [6] ,278 p. 7 il. 2 pi. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1896. Ribot, Th^odule. 157 P602 The psychology of the emotions. xix,455 p. D. [Contempo- rary science series.] London: VV. Scott, 1897. S8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 157 Aesthetics, Santayana, George. 157 P600 *°"' The sense of beauty : being the outlines of aesthetic theory, ix, 275 p. D. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1896. * 160 LOGIC Bosanquet, Bernard. 160.2 O800 "'* Logic ; or, The morphology of knowledge. 2 vol. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, i888. Harris, William Torrey. 193-39 H24 1059S Hegel's Logic. A book on the genesis of the categories of the mind. A critical exposition. xxx,403 p. D. [German philo- sophical classics.] Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co., 1890. Hegel, [Georg Wilhelm Friedrich] . 160.2 Jooi 17436 -j-j^g logic of Hegel. Translated from the Encyclopaedia of the philosophical sciences by William Wallace. Second edition, re- vised and augmented. xxvi,439 p. D. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892. Hobhouse, Leonard Trelawney. 160.2 P602 *°°° The theory of knowledge. A contribution to so.me problems of logic and metaphysics. xx,627p. O. London : Methuen & Co., . 1896. Jevons, William Stanley. 160.2 N301 The principles of science : a treatise on logic and scientific meth- od. Second edition, revised. xliv,786 p. i il. D. London : Mac- millan & Co., 1877. Mill, John Stuart. 160.2 K300 ■'" A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive: being a connect- ed view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific investigation. Eighth edition. 659 p. O. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1874. Lotze, Hermann. 160.2 Oooi "'■'" Logic. In three books: of thought, of investigation, and of knowledge. English translation edited by Bernard Bosanquet. [Lotze's System of philosophy, part l.] xxiii,[i],538 p. O. (Clarendon Press series.) O.xford : Clarendon Press, 1884. Wallace, William. 160.2 P400 17436 Prolegomena to the study of Hegel's philosophy and especially of his logic. Second edition, revised and augmented. xix,477 p. D. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1894. 162 Deductive logic Jevons, William Stanley. 162O001 ■'"" Studies in deductive logic. A manual fur students. xxviii,304 p. il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1880. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 59 Sidgwick, Alfred. 165O3OO 1 65 Fallacies '^" Fallacies. A view of logic from the practical side. xvi,375 p. D. (International scientific series, vol. 47.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1884. Baker, George Pierce, 1 866- 168 Q500 1 68 Argumentation 61996 ^Yhe principles of argumentation (revised and augmented) by George Pierce Baker . . . and Henry Barrett Huntington .... Boston, New York, [etc.], Ginn & Co., [1905]. X, 677 p. 19™'. 170 ETHICS Addams, Jane. 304 A2221 """ .... Democracy and social ethics, by Jane Addams .... New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1902. ix, 281 p. I9i''°\ (The citizen's libiaiy of economics, politics, and sociolog)'.) Contents. — Introduction. — Charitable effort. ^ — Filial relations. — Household adjust- ment. — Industrial amelioration. — Educational methods. — Political reform. Hastings, James, ed. L203 Q800 64951 Encyclopaedia of religion and ethics. Edited by James Hastings, . . . , with the assistance of John A. Selbie, . . . and other scholars. .... New York, C. Scribner's Sons ; Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1908 Vol. I-. illus. 29":">. Ladd, Geor^ Trumbull, 1842- 170.2 Q200 60-256 Pliilosophy of conduct; a treatise of the facts, principles, and ideals of ethics, by George Trumbull Ladd .... New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1902. xxii, [2], 663 p. 2i™. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. i70-4 MQ 80469 ji^Q ,-,.,3p of life: conduct and character. xiv,353 p. D. New York: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1899. Mackenzie, John Stewart, i860- 170-2 P700 "'" .... A manual of ethics. By John S. Mackenzie, M.A. Third edition. Revised, enlarged, and in part rewritten. Uni- ♦ versity Correspondence College Press: London, W. B. Clive; New York, Hinds & Noble, 1899. xvi, 456 p. 174™'. (The University tutorial series.) Murray, John Clark. 170-2 Pioi """ An introduction to ethics. vii,407 p. D. Boston: De Wolfe. Fiske & Co., c. 1891. 6o THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 170 Ethics Royce, Josiah. 170.4 R8i '""" Studies of good and evil. A series of essays upon problems of philosophy and of life. xvii,384p. D. New York: D.Apple- ton & Co., 1898. Contents: i. The problem of Job. 2. The case of John Bunyan. 3. Tennyson and pessimism. 4. The knowledge of good and evil. 5. Natural law, ethics, and evolution. 6. The implications of self-consciousness. 7. Some observations on the anomalies of self-consciousness. 8. Self-consciousness, social consciousness and nature. 9. Origi- nality and consciousness, 10. Meister Eckhart. 1 1. An episode of early California life: the squatter riot of 1S50 in Sacramento. 12. Jean Marie Guyau. Ruskin, John. i70-4 R89 '■"" Sesame and lilies. Two lectures .... i . Of kings' treasuries. 2. Of queens' gardens. With an introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. Brantwood edition. xvii,i8op. D. New York : C. E. Merrill & Co., 1891. Sidgwick, Henry. 170.2 Pooi '"'"' The methods of ethics. Fourth edition. xxx,[2],523 p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890. Sidgwick, Henry. 170.4 S568 Practical ethics. A collection of addresses and essays. vi,[2], 260 p. D. [Ethical librar)'.] London : Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1898. i243S Spencer, Herbert. 170.2 P200 ""' The principles of ethics. 2 vol. O. [Spencer, H. Synthetic philosophy.] New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896-1897, pref. 1893. Stephen, Leslie. 170.2 O200 '"" The science of ethics. x.\viii,462 p. O. New York: G. P. Put- nam's Sons, 1882. Stephen, Leslie. 170.4 S828 '""^ Social rights and duties. Addresses to ethical societies. 2 vol. D. (Ethical library.) London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1896. Contents: Vol. i. The aims of ethical societies. Science and politics. The sphere of political economy. The morality of competition. Social equality. .Ethics and the struggle for existence. Vol. 2. Heredity. Punishment. Luxury. The duties of authors. The vanity of philosophising. Forgotten lienefactors. Wundt, Wilhelm. 170.2 P201 '''"''' lithics : an investigation of the facts and laws of the morallife. Translated from the second German edition (1892) by Edward Bradford Titchcner, Julia Henrietta Gulliver and Margaret Floy Washbtirn 3 vol. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1897-1901. Contents: Vol. i. The facts of the moral life. Translated by Julia Gulliver and Ed- ward Bradford Tilchener. xii,339 p. 1897. Vol. 2. Ethical systems. Translated by Margaret Kloy Washburn. viiijigCp. 1897. Vol. 3. The principles of morality and the departments of the moral life. Translated by Margaret Kloy Washburn. xii,3o8 p 1901. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 6i Adler, Felix. 377.2 P20O 170.7 Ethical In- ""^ The moral instruction of children. xiii,27op. D. (International education scries, vol. 21.) New York: D. Appleton& Co., 1895. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. 170.94 N700 170.9 History of **'* History of European morals from Augustus to Charlemagne. " "^^ Third edition, revised. 2 vol. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1887, prcf. 1877. Sidgwick, Henry. 170.9 O600 "" Outlines of the history of ethics, for English readers. xxiv,276 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1886. Clifford, William Kingdon. 504 C61 ni Theory of ethics "" Lectures and essays. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Frederick Pollock, with an introduction by F. Pollock. 2 vol. il. por. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1879. Contents: Vol. i. Introduction: Biographical. Selection from letters, etc. Biblio- graphical. — On some ni the conditions of mental development. On theories of the physical forces. On the aims and instruments of scientific thought. Atoms. The first and last catastrophe. The unseen universe. The philosophy of the pure sciences. \'oI. 2. Instruments used in measurement. Body and mind. On the nature of things-in- themselves. On the types of compound statement involving four classes. On the sci- entific basis of morals. Right and wrong: the scientific ground of their distinction. The ethics of belief. The ethics of rehgion. The influence upon morality of a decHne in religious belief. Cosmic emotion. Virchovv on the teaching of science. Evans, Edward Payson. 171.7P700 i6i96 EyQiutional ethics and animal psychology. v,386 p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1898. "Bibliography" p. 359-367- Green, Thomas Hill. 171 O300 lOTis Pi-olegomena to ethics. Edited by A. C. Bradley. xxxv,42 7 p. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1883. Kant, Immanuel. 171 Fi "'°" Kant's Critique of practical reason and other works on the theory of reason. Translated by Thornas Kingsmill Abbott. Being an enlarged edition of "Kant's Theory of ethics." With memoir. lxiv,438,[2] p. I por. D. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1879. Martineau, James. 171 O601 *■" Types of ethical theory. Second edition, revised. 2 vol. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1886. Morley, John. 171 N400 *°' On compromise. x,2!4p. O. London : Chapman & Hall, 1874. Muirhead, John Henry. 171 P200 '"" The elements of ethics. An introduction to moral philosophy. xiii,239 p. D. [University extension manuals.] New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1892. 62 THE TOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 171 Theory of ethics Ruskin, John. 330.1 Nioo "'"" Rlunera pulveris. Six essays on the elements of political econ- omy. With an introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. Brant- wood edition. xl.aij p. D. New York: C. E. Merrill & Co., 1891. Contents: i . Definitions. 2. Store-keeping. 3. Coin-lieeping. 4. Commerce. 5. Government. 6. Mastership. 172 State ethics MacCunn, John. 172. i P400 ""^ Ethics of citizenship. [Third edition.] x,[2],i48 p. D. Glas- gow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1896. Contains a chapter: "Some economic and moral aspects of luxury." M'Kechnie, William Sharp. 320.1 P601 ^'"" The state & the individual. An introduction to political science, with special reference to socialistic and individualistic theories. XV ,45 1 p. O. Glasgow, J. MacLehose & Sons, 1896. Nash, Henry Sylvester. 309.4 P700 *"" Genesis of the social conscience. The relation between the estab- lishment of Christianity in Europe and the social question, viii, 309 p. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. Willoughby, Westel Woodbury. 304 W68 '"" Social justice. A critical essay. xii,[2],38s p. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1900 173 Family ethics Keezer, Frank, 1866- 347.6 Q600 64984 -j-j.jg j^^ ^j marriage and divorce, giving the law in all the states and territories with approved forms, by Frank Keezer .... Boston, W. J. Nagel, 1906. xvii, 609 p. 2^i"". Smith, Nora Archibald. ■6533 -j-j^g children of the future. Mifflin &Co., 1898. [6], 1 65 p. D. Boston 372 P802 Houghton, 174 P400 The Carew lectures for 1894, Hartford 135 p. D. Hartford, Conn.: Hartford 174 Business ethics Andrews, Elisha Benjamin. ""'■ Wealth and moral law. Theological Seminary. Seminar}' Press, 1894. 177 Social ethics Philanthropy. 304 P53 ''°'" Phiianlliropy and social progress. Seven essays by Miss Jane Addams, Robert A. Woods, Father J. O. S. Himtington, Profes- sor Franklin H. Giddings, and Ikrnard Bosanquet. Delivered before the School of Applied Ethics at Pl)-nKnith, Mass. during the season of 1892. With introduction by Professor Henry C. Adams. New York, T. Y. Crowell & Co., [*'i893]. xi, 2C8p. jcfi"". Contents. — i. Adilanis, J. Tlic sul)jective necessity for social settlements. — 2. Sann-. The objective value of a social settlement. — 3. Woods, K. A. The university settlement idea.— 4. Huntington, J. O. S. Philanthropy — its success and failure. — 5. Same. Philanthropy and morality. — 6. Giddings, F. H. The ethics of social progress. — 7. Bosanquet, K. The principles and chief dangers of the administraliim of charity. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 6 J Calkins, Raymond. 178.04 C12 ns Liquor problem '"™' Substitutes for the saloon. An investigation made for the Com- mittee of Fifty under the direction of Francis G. Peabody, Elgin R. L. Gould, and William M. Sloanc. xvi,[2],397 p. il. D. Boston: Houghton, Miftiin & Co., 1901. Cyclopedia . L178.03P100 ''""' The Cyclopaedia of temperance and prohibition. A reference book of facts, statistics, and general information on all phases of the drink question, the temperance movement and the prohibition agitation. 671 p. Q. New York : Funk & Wagnalls, 1891. Koren, John. 178.04 K84 '""' Economic aspects of the liquor problem. An investigation made for the Committee of Fifty, under the direction of Henry W. Farnam. x,[2],327 p. D. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., c. 1899. "Bibliography," p. 313-322. Wines, Frederic Howard, 1838- 178.4 P801 dOL'ii jj^^ liquor problem in its legislative aspects, by Frederic H. Wines and John Koren ; an investigation made under the direc- tion of Charles W. Eliot, Seth Low, and James C. Carter, sub- committee of the Committee of Fifty to investigate the liquor problem. Second edition. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., [1898]. viii, [2], 425 p. 194™. 180-190 ANCIENT AND MODERN PHILOSOPHERS Aristoteles. 185. i i 10607 'j-j.jg politics and economics of Aristotle, translated, with notes, original and selected, and analyses. To which are prefixed, an introductory essay and a life of Aristotle, by Dr. Gillies. By Edward Walford. [6],lxxx,338,[2] p. D. [Bohn's classical library.] London: G. Bell & Sons, 1881. Grote, George. 185.1 G91 "^ Aristotle. Edited by Alexander Bain and G. Croom Robertson. Third edition. xvi,68i p. O. London: J. Murray, 1883. Platen. 320.1 A3 "'^^ The Republic of Plato translated into English with introduction, analysis, marginal analysis, and index by B. Jowett. The third edition, revised and corrected throughout. [6],ccxxxi,379 p. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1888. 64 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 189-190 Ancient and Zeller, Eduard. 185 Z3 modern philosophers ,3„ ^^jg^Q^j^ ^^j the earlier Peripatetics. Being a translation from Zeller's Philosophy of the Greeks. By B. F. C. Costelloe and J. H. Muirhead. 2 vol. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1897. Zeller, Eduard. 182 Z3 15105 ^ history of Greek philosophy from the earliest period to the time of Socrates. With a general introduction. Translated from the German . . . with the author's sanction by S. F. Alleync. 2 vol. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1881. Bacon, Francis, Baron Verulam. 192.061 ^^'" Bacon's Essays and Colours of good and evil, with notes and glossarial index by \V. Aldis Wright. [Third edition.] xx.xi,388 p. S. London: Macmillan & Co., 1892, prcf. 1865. Fowler, Thomas, J/..-:/. 192.06 F82 "" Bacon. vi,202 p. D. (English philosophers.) London: Samp- son Low, . . . , & Rivington, 1881. Cousin, Victor. I94-I9 i """ Lectures on the true, the beautiful, and the good. Increased by an appendix on French art. Translated, with the approbation of M. Cousin, by O. W. Wight. 391 p. O. New York: D. Apple- ton & Co., 1854. Mahaffy, John Pentland. 194.22 M27 10731 jQescartes. vi,2ii p. i por. S. [Philosophical classics lor Eng- lish readers.] Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1881. Everett, Charles Carroll. 193.28 E93 15611 pichte's Science of knowledge. A critical exposition. .x\m,287 p. D. [German philosophical classics for English readers and stu- dents.] Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co., 1884. Stirling, James Hutchison. 193-39 S861 34263 -pi^g secret of Hegel. Being the Hegelian system in origin, prin- ciple, form and matter. New edition, carefully revised. Ixiii, 751 p. O. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1898. Hoffding, Harald. 109 P500 53056 ^ history of modern philosophy. A sketch of the history of philosophy from the close of the Renaissance to our own day. Translated from the German edition by B. E. Meyer. Author iscd translation. 2 vol. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 190L Mill, John Stuart. 192.57 M59 *" Autobiography. vi,3i3p. O. New York : H. Holt & Co., 1873. 1500 BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 65 Muller, Friedrich Max. 401 ^Qi i^" Modern phiioso- '""' The science of thought. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i : x.xii, ^ ^ 1-326 p.; vol. 2: vii, 327-656 p. 1). New York; C. Scribner's Sons, 1887. Contents: Vol. i. i. The constituent elements of thought. 2. Thought and lan- guage. 3. On Kant's philosophy. 4. Language the barrier between man and beast. 5. The constituent elements of language. 6. On the origin of concepts and roots. Vol. 2. 7. The roots of Sanskrit. 8. Formation of words. 9. Propositions and syllogisms. 10. Conclusion. Watson, John, 1847-. 193-79 W33 16655 Schelling's Transcendental Idealism. A critical e.xposition. xv^ 251 p. D [German philosophical classics for English readers and students.] Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co., 1882. Farrer, James Anson. 192.82 F24 Adam Smith (1723-1790). [2] ,iv,20i ,[3] p. D. (English philosophers.) London : Sampson Low, ... , & Rivington, 1881. 200 RELIGION Abbott, Lyman, 1835- ,cd. L203 N400 40863 ^ dictionary of religious knowledge, for popular and professional use ; comprising full information on Biblical, theological, and eccle- siastical subjects. With several hundred inaps and illustrations. Edited by the Rev. Lyman Abbott, assisted by the Rev. T. J. Conant, D.D. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1885, [''1874]. XV, [i], 1074 p. incl. illus., maps, plans. 25.J<^"'. Brinton, Daniel Garrison. 209.1 P700 ""' Religions of primitive peoples. xiv,[2],264 p. O. [American lectures on the history of religions. Second series.] New York : G. P. Pittnam's Sons, 1897. Hastings, James, cd. L203 Q800 *"°'' Encyclopaedia of religion and ethics. Edited by James Hastings, . . . , with the assistance of John A. Selbie, . . . and other scholars. .... New York, C. Scribner's Sons ; Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1908 Vol. I-. illus. 29™. Jastrow, Morris, 1861- 207 Qioo M-m -j-j.|g study of religion. By Morris Jastrow, jun London, W. Scott, 1 90 1. xiv, [2], 451 p. 19'^"'. (The contemporary science series. [\"ol. 41].) Appendix i. Programme of the section for the history of religions at the Ecole des hautes etudes, Paris. — Appendix 11. Arrangement of the Musee Guiniet. Selected bib- liography: p. [399]-4i5- Lang, Andrew. 209.1 PSoo 13796 ^YX-xQ making of religion. [8], 380 p. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1898. 66 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 200 Religion Progress of the century, 032 Qioo 27963 The progress of the century iii,[i],s82,[2] p. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1901. Contents: Wallace, A. R. Evolution. Ramsay, W. Chemistry. Petrie, W. M. F.-. Archaeology. Lockyer, Sir J. N. Astronomy. Caird, E. Philosophy. Osier, W. Medicine. Keen, W. W. Surgery. Thomson, E. Electricity. Mendenhall, T. C, Physics. Dilke, Sir C. W. War. Mahan, A. T. Naval ships. Lang, A. Literature. Clarke, T. C. Engineering. Religion: Gibbons, J., Cardinal. Catholicism. Allen, A, V. G. Protestantism. Gottheil, R. J. H. The Jews and Judaism. Smith, G. Free- thought. Royce, Josiah. 170.4 R81 1S775 5(-^,£jigg qi good and evil. A series of essays upon problems of philosophy and of life. xvii,384 p. D. New York: D.Apple- ton & Co., 1898. Contents: i. The problem ol Job. 2. The case of John Bunyan. 3. Tennyson and pessimism. 4. The knowledge of good and evil. 5. Natural law, ethics, and evolution. 6. The implications of self-consciousness. 7. Some observations on the anomalies of self-consciousness. 8. Self-consciousness, social consciousness and nature. 9. Origi- nality and consciousness. 10. Meister Eckhart. 1 1 . An episode of early California life: the squatter riot of 1850 in Sacramento. 12. Jean Marie Guyau. Royce, Josiah. 104 R81 21368 j]^^ world and the individual. Gifford lectures delivered before the University of Aberdeen. First series. The four historical conceptions of being. xvi,588 p. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1900. Royce, Josiah. 104 R811 60281 -j-j^g world and the individual ; Gifford lectures delivered before the University of Aberdeen. Second series; nature, man, and the moral order, by Josiah Royce .... New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1901. XX, [2], 4S0 p. 21'''". Contents. — The recognition of facts. — The linkage of facts. — The temporal and the eternal. Physical and social reality. — The interpretation of nature. — The human sell. — The place of the self in being. — -The moral order. — The struggle with evil. — The union of God and man. Wars. L909 C14 V.3 61B20 _ _ fitQ wars of religion. New York, London, The Macmil- lan Company, 1905. xxvii, [2], 914 p. 25"^'". (/« Cambridge modern history, vol. 3.) "List of bibliographies," p. 771-873. "Chronological table of leading events," p. 874-880. Contents. — i. Butler, A.J. The wars of religion in France. — 2. Tilley, A. A. French humanism and Montaigne. — 3. Bain, R. N. The catholic reaction, and the Valois and Bathory elections, in Poland. — 4. Brosch, M. The height of the Ottoman power. — 5. Ward, A. W. The empire under Ferdinand I and Maximilian 11. — 6. Edmundson, G. The revolt of the Netherlands. — 7. snmc. W'illiam the Silent. — 8. Law, T. G. Mary Stewart. — 9. Laughton, J. K. The Elizabethan naval war with Spain. — 10. Lee, S. The last years of Elizabeth. — 11. same. The EHzabethan age of English literature. — 12. Armstrong, E. Tuscany and Savoy. — 13. Balzani, U., «?'«/. Rome under Sixtus v. — 14. Butler, A. J. The end of the Italian renaissance. — 15. Hume, M. Spain under Philip 11. — 16. siimr. Sjiain under Philip in. — 17. Gardiner, S. R. Britain under James i. — 18. Dunlop, R. Ireland to the settlement of Ulster. — 19. Edmundson, G. The Dutch Republic. ^ 20. Lcathes, S. Henry iv of France. — 21. Ward, A. W. The empire under Rudolf 11. — 22. Figgis, J. N. Political thought in the sixteenth century. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 67 Bible. L22O B2 220 Bible 7396 jj^^ parallel Bible. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, translated out of the original tongues : being the auth- orized version arranged in parallel columns with the revised ver- sion x,[2],i024,xii,3io p. Q. Oxford: University Press 1886. Cruden, Alexander. L220.2F1 "' A complete concordance to the Old and New Testament : or a dictionary and alphabetical index to the bible To which is added a concordance to the apocrypha. With a compendium of the bible, and a brief account of its history and excellency. With a sketch of the life and character of the author, by William Youngman. xii,[2],7i9,[i] p. i por. O. London: J. Dinnis, 1854. Encyclopsedia. L220.3 Pgco '*^" Encyclopaedia biblica. A critical dictionary of the literary, politi- cal and religious history, the archaeology and natural history of the Bible, edited by the Rev. T. K. Cheyne, M.A and J. Sutherland Black, M. A New York, The Macmillan Com- pany; London, A. and C. Black, 1899- 1903. 4 V illus., maps (partly fold.) 27''"'. Hastings, James, cd. L220.3 P800 """ A dictionary of the Bible dealing with its language, literature, and contents, including the biblical theology. Edited by James Has- tings, M.A with the assistance of John A. Selbie, M.A., ... and, chiefly in the revision of the proofs, of A. B. Davidson, D.D., ... S. R. Driver, D.D., ... H. B. Swcte, D.D New York, C. Scribner's Sons; Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1 898-1902. 4 vol. front., illus., fold, pi., 4 maps (partly fold.) 28"". . Extra volume containing articles, indexes, and maps. New York, 1904. xiii, 936 p. front., illus., 3 fold. maps. 28="'. Julian, John, 1839- , cd. 245 PlOO 215 Hymnology 44646 ^ dictionary of hymnology, setting forth the origin and history of Christian hymns of all ages and nations, with special ref- erence to those contained in the hymn books of English-speak- ing countries, and now in common use, together with biographical and critical notices of their authors and translators and historical articles on national and denominational hymnody, breviaries, missals, primers, psalters, sequences, &c. &c. &c. Edited by John Julian, M.A New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1892, [<=i89i]. xii, 1616 p. 24^=". 68 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 266 Missions 267.15 Salvation Army 290 Mythology Encyclopedia . L 2 66 Q40 1 61949 'YiiQ encyclopedia of missions. Descriptive, historical, biographi- cal, statistical. Second edition. Edited under the auspices of the Bureau of Missions by Rev. Henry Otis Dwight Rev. H. Allen Tupper, jr , and Rev. Edwin Munsell Bliss New York and London, Funk & VVagnalls Company, 1904. -xii, [2], 8; I p. 27*'="'. 339.942 Pool [6],285,.xxxi p. O. New Booth, William, 0/ f/if ''Salvation . .'/-w_y.' " In darkest England, and the way out. York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1890. Anderson, Rasmus Bjorn. 293 N500 ''"^' Norse mytholog>' ; or, The religion of our forefathers, containing all the myths of the Eddas, systematized and interpreted. With an introduction, vocabulary and index. 473 p. i pi. O. Chica- go : S. C. Griggs & Co., 1875. Bulfinch, Thomas, 1 796-1 867. 291 P802 61968 -j-[^g ^g^ ^j fable ; or, Beauties of mytholog>', by Thomas Bul- finch. A new revised and enlarged edition ; edited by Rev. J. Loughran Scott .... With a classical inde.x and dictionary, and nearly two hundred illustrations. Philadelphia, D. McKay, [1898]. xxiii, 501 p. front., illus., 17 pi., talile. 21^''"'. Clodd, Edward. ""■' Alyths and dreams. Second edition, London: Chatto & Windus, 1891. revised. 291 O5OC x,25i p. D. Cox, 5/;- George William, Bart. 291 Nooi S1196 j]^g mythology of the Aryan nations. 2 vol. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1870. Grimm, Jacob. 293 J500 "^"'^ Teutonic mythology. Translated from the fourth edition, with notes and appendix, by James Steven Stallybrass. 4 vol. paged continuously; vol. i: viii,i-437 p. ; vol. 2: [4], 439-898 p.; vol. 3: Iv, [2], 899-1276 p. ; vol. 4: iv,[2],i277-i887 p. O. London: vol. i: W. Swan Sonnenschcin & Allen ; vol 2-4 : G. Bell & Sons, 1 880-1 888. Hartland, Edwin Sidney. 398-4 H25 '"'* The science of fairy tales. An inquiry into fairy mythology. viii,372 p. D. [Contemporary science scries, \ol. 1 1 .] London: W. Scott, 1 89 1. "Bibliographical list ot some of the works referred to", p..353-365- BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 69 Smith, William, LL.D. 920.03 S664 290 Mythology '*'" Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. 3 vol. il. O. London: Taylor, Walton, & Maberly, i 849-1 8s i. Taylor, Isaac. 572.02 O900 '"■" The origin of the Aryans. An account of the prehistoric ethnol- ogy and civilisation of Europe. xi,339 p. 30 il. D. [Contempo- rary science series.] London: W. Scott, prcf. 1889. Contents: i. The Aryan controversy. 2. The prehistoric races of Europe. 3. The neolithic culture. 4. The Aryan race. 5. The evolution of Aryan speech. 6. Tlie Aryan mythology. * Jacobs, Joseph, 1854- L296 Q103 296 Judaism 61954 -pi^^ Jewish encyclopedia; a guide to its contents, an aid to its use, by Joseph Jacobs, l>. LlTT., revising editor. New York and Lon- don, Funk & Wagsalls Compan\-, 1 906. xviii, 162 p. l8i™'. Jewish encyclopedia. L296 Qio« 30533 Yhe Jewish encyclopedia. A descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day Isidore Singer, projector and managing editor Vol. i-. il. colored pi. facsim. O. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1901-. Brinton, Daniel Garrison. 398.1 B77 299 other religions "'* The myths of the new world. A treatise on the symbolism and mythology of the red race of America. Third edition, rev'.sed. 360 p. O. Philadelphia: D. McKay, 1896. Curtin, Jeremiah. 299.7 P800 16C91 (^i-eation myths of primitive America in relation to the religious history and mental developinent of mankind. .vxxix,530,[2] p. I pi. O. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1898. Lockyer, Sir Joseph Norman. 520.932 P300 "" The dawn of astronomy. A study of the temple-worship and mythology of the ancient Egyptians. xvi,433 p. il. i pi. i map. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. 300 SOCIAL SCIENCES Bagehot, Walter. 301 N2OO 301 Theory of soci- *'"" Physics and politics ; or, Thoughts on the application of the prin- ° °^^ ciples of 'natural selection' and 'inheritance' to political society. Second edition. [4], 224 p. D. [International scientific series, vol. 2.] London: H. S. King & Co., 1873. 70 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 301 Theory of soci- Baldwin, James Mark. 150.2 Q200 oloffv M-2M ggj-j^i a[^(^ ethical interpretations in mental development; a study in social psycholog>', by James Mark Baldwin .... Third edi- tion, revised and enlarged. New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1902. xxiv, [2], 606 p. 22*^'". *'\Vork crowned with the guld medal of the Royal Academy of Denmark." Giddings, Franklin Henry. 301 P605 ^'^""' The principles of sociology*. An analysis of the phenomena of association and of social organization. [Third edition.] xxvi, 476 p. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1896. "A partial list of the books and articles referred to in the te.xt". p. 423-442. Kidd, Benjamin. 301 P400 ""* Social evolution. New edition with a new preface. x,343 p. O. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1894. M'Kechnie, William Sharp. 320.1 P601 "" The state & the individual. An introduction to political science, with special reference to socialistic and individualistic theories. XV, 45 1 p. O. Glasgow, J. MacLehose & Sons, 1896. Mackenzie, John S. 301 P501 *'"' An introduction to social philosophy Second edition, revised and slightly enlarged. xv,454 p. D. New York : Macmillan & Co., 1895. Spencer, Herbert. 301 P200 '^"' Social statics, abridged and revised, together with, The man versus the state. [2], 420 p. D. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Veblen, Thorstein [B ]. 330.1 Pgo5 60911 -j-j^g theory of the leisure class. An economic study of institu- tions by Thorstein Veblen. New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1905, [''1899]. \-iii, 400 p. igA'''". Ward, Lester Frank, 1841- 301 Q600 "'" Applied sociolog)- ; a treati.se on the conscious improvement of society by society, by Lester F. Ward .... Boston, New York, [etc.], Ginn & Co., [''igoe]. x\-iii, 384 p. 4 maps (2 double) fold cliart. 24"''". Contents. — pt. i. Movement. — pt. 2. ,\chievement. — pt. 3. Improvement. — List of authors and titles of works, articles, and memoirs (juoted or cited, with critical and ex- planatory notes (p. 341-366). Ward, Lester Frank. 301 P301 11019 ^YhQ psychic factors of civilization. xxi,369 p. O. Boston, U. S. A.: Ginn & Co., 1893. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 71 Ward, Lester Frank, 1841- 301 Q300 301 Theory of soci 64518 p^r2 sociology ; a treatise on the origin and spontaneous develop- ° "^^ ment of society, by Lester F. Ward. New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1903. xii, 607 p. 234"'". Fairbanks, Arthur. 302 Qioo 302Compendsof so- 86679 Introduction to sociology. Third edition revised and in part re- '-'"'"Sy written. xvii,307 p. D. New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1901. "Bibliography," p. 295-307. Giddings, Franklin Henry. 302 P800 16993 -pi^g elements of sociology. A te.vt-book for colleges and schools. >^i'353 P- O- New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. Ross, Edward Alsworth, 1866- 302 Q500 "°" .... Foundations of sociology, by Edward Alsworth Ross .... New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1 905. xiv, 410 p. 19™'. (//i7^-//V/ Henry [James] Sumner, 1 822-1 888. 309 Midi '"'"'• Ancient law. Its connection with the early history of society and its relation to modern ideas. By Sir Henry Sumner Maine .... With introduction and notes by Sir Frederick Pollock, .... London, J. Murray, 1906. xxiv, 426 p. 22"^". Maine, Sir Henry Sumner. 309 O300 J00S7 Dissertations on early law and custom, chiefly selected from lec- tures delivered at Oxford. 6,[2],402 p. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1886. Contents: i. The sacred laws of the Hindus. 2. Religion and law. 3. Ancestor- worship. 4. Ancestor-worship and inheritance. 5. Royal succession and the Salic law. 6. The king, in his relation to early civil justice. 7. Theories of primitive society. 8. East European house communities. 9. The decay of feudal property in France and England. 10. Classifications of property. 11. Classifications of legal rules. Tylor, Edward Burnett. 573.02 Oioo "■' Anthropology. An introduction to the study of man and civil- ization. xv,448 p. 78 il. D. (International scientific series, vol. 62.) New York: D. Applcton & Co., 1896, pref. 1881. Viollet-le-Duc, Eugene [Emmanuel]. 720.9 V81 **"" The habitations of man in all ages. Translated by Benjamin Bucknall. xvi,394 p. il. 9 pi. O. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1S76. Yeats, John. 609 O700 Technical, industrial, and trade education. The technical hi.story of commerce; or, The progress of the usefid arts Third edition, revised and mtich enlarged. xxviii,527 p. i map in pocket. D. London: G. Philip & Son, [1887?] 309.1 Origin of civi- [Avebury] , John Lubbock, ist hni-on, 1834- 309.1 Nooi The origin of civilization antl the primitive condition of man. Mental and social condition of s:u-ages. By Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M.P., F.R.S New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1871. xvi, 380 p. front., 20 illus., IV pi. 20'^' 19802 lization inc"> BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 77 Avebury, [John Lubbock, / 5^ />«/(;«]. 571.02 M901 309.1 Origin of civi- 25954 Pi-e-historic times as illustrated by ancient remains and the man- ners and customs of modern savages. By the Rt. Hon. Lord Avebury. Sixth edition revised. .xxxii,6i6 p. il. 41 pi. i map. O. London: Williams & Norgate, 1900. Gummere, Francis Barton. 309.1 P200 IS807 Germanic origins. A study in primitive culture. viii,[2],490 p. O. New York: C. Scribner's ^ons, 1892. Keane, Augustus Henry. 572.02 P901 83520 jyjg^f, pj^j^t; and present. xii,584 p. il. 12 pi. O. [Cambridge geographical series.] Cambridge: University Press, 1899. Maine, Sir Henry Sumner. 309.1 N400 '"'"* Lectures on the early history of institutions. Seventh edition. viii,[2],4i2 p. O. London: J. Murray, 1897. Mason, Otis Tufton. 309.1 P400 *'" Woman's share in primitive culture. xiii,295 p. il. 18 pi. L). [Anthropological series.] New York: D. Appleton & Co., i .S94. Short, John Thomas. 572-97 N900 ""•' The North Americans of antiquity. Their origin, migrations, and type of civilization considered. 544p.il. O. New York : Harp- er & Brothers, 1880. Starr, Frederick. 571.02 P502 '"^'^ Some first steps in human progress. 305 p. ^} il. i pi. D. (Chautauqua Reading Circle literature.) Meadville, Penna. : Flood & Vincent, 1895. "Tylor, Edward Burnett. 309.1 N300 " Primitive culture. Researches into the development of mj'thol- ogy, philosophy, religion, language, art and custom. First Am- erican, from the second English edition. 2 vol. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1874. Riis, Jacob August, 1849- 309.274 R44 309.2 Biography of '""'' The making of an American, by Jacob A. Riis .... New York, nomologists London, The Macmillan Company, 1901. xiii, 443 p. front, (port.) illus., plates. 22'^'". "The papers which form this autobiography were originally published in the Outlook, the chapter telling of my going 'home to mother' in the Churchman, and parts of one or two others in the Century magazine." Cook, Edward Tyas. 709.276 C77 ""' Studies in Ruskin : some aspects of the work and teaching of John Ruskin. Second edition. xiv,304 p. il. 8 pi. i por. D. Orpington: G. Allen, 1891. 78 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 309.3 Ancient soci- Fustel de Coulanges, [Numa Denis]. 309.3 N400 ®*^ '*-■' The ancient city: a study on the religion, laws, and institutions of Greece and Rome. Translated from the latest French edition by Willard Small. 529 p. O. Boston: Lee & Shepard, 1874. Johnston, Harold Whetstone, 1859- 390-937 Q300 '""• .... The private life of the Romans, by Harold Whetstone Johnston .... Chicago, Scott, Foresman and Co., 1903. 344 p. illus. 20'^'". (The Lake classical series.) Reference Ijooks: p. 17-20. References at head of chapters. Mahaffy, John Pentland. 309.38 P601 19317 Qj-eei^ life ^f^^} thought from the death of Alexander to the Ro- man conquest. Second edition, corrected and considerably enlarged. xlii,669 p. D. [Social life of the Greeks, vol. 2.] London: Macmillan & Co., 1896. Mahaffy, John Pentland. 309.38 Pooi 2S006 yj^g Greek world under Roman sway from Polybius to Plutarch. xiii,[2],4i8 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890. Mahaffy, John Pentland. 309.38 N900 "" Social life in Greece from Homer to Menander. [Seventh edition.] xvi,495 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1894. Maspero, Gaston. L932 P700 14394 YiiQ dawn of civilization. Egypt and Chaldsea. Edited by A. H. Sayce. Translated by M. L. McClure. Third edition revised, and brought up to date by the author. xiv,8oo p. il. 3 pi. i map. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1S97. Masp6ro, Gaston. 309.3 P200 ""^ Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria. From the French. xv,376p. 188 il. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Morgan, Lewis Henry. 309.3 N700 U36d Ancient society ; or. Researches in the lines of human progress from savagery through barbarism to civilization. xvi,s6o p. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1878. Simcox, Edith J. 309.3 P400 °"°* Primitive civilizations; or. Outlines of the history of ownership in archaic communities. 2 vol. il. O. London : Swan Sonnen- schein & Co., 1894. Tsountas, Chrestos, &■ Manatt, J. Irving. 938 P700 """' The Mycenaean age. A study of the monuments and culture oi pre-Homcric Greece. With an introduction by Dr. Dorpfeld. xxxi,4i7 p. 169 11. 18 pi. 4 maps. O. Boston: Houghton, Mif- flin & Co., 1897. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 79 Adams, George Burton, 1851- 309.4 P400 309.4 European civi- 3M6e Civilization during the Middle Ages, especially in relation to I'^^^ion modern ci\ilization. By George Burton Adams, ... . New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1901. v-iii, 463 p. 21"^'". Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. 170.94 N700 """^ History of European morals from Augustus to Charlemagne. Third edition, revised. 2 vol. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1887, pref. 1877. May, Sir Thomas Erskine. 309.4 N700 "^ Democracy in Europe: a history. 2 vol. O. London: Long- mans, Green, & Co., 1877. Ripley, William Zebina. 572-94 PQ^o 19089 -j-jjg ^3^gg q( Europe. A sociological stud}-. Accompanied by a supplementary bibliography of the anthropology and ethnology of Europe, published by the Public Library of the City of Boston. [2 vol.] il. pi. of por. maps. O. (Lowell Institute lectures.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1899. [Vol. 2] is the bibliography, and has also been published separately under the title: A selected bibliography of the anthropology and ethnology of Europe; this has sheli number 016.572 R48 "Special list of authorities on acclimalization", [vol. l], p. 5S9-590. Rogers, James Edwin Thorold. 309.4 O800 °" The economic interpretation of history. (Lectures delivered in Worcester College Hall, Oxford, 1887-8.) xvii,[3],547 p. O. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1888. Booth, Charles, 1840- 331.8 Q300 .309.42 social hi;5- "'"' Life and labour of the people in London, by Charles Booth, as- ^OT o'" England sisted by Jesse Argyle, Ernest Aves, Geo. E. Arkell, Arthur L. Baxter, George H. Duckworth. Final volume. Notes on social influences and conclusion. London, New York, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1903. [6], 451 p. 2 charts (l fold.), fold, map in pocket. 22'^'". Folded map (63x92°"'.) of inner and east London, showing places of worship, schools and licensed houses, 1899-1900. Contents. — Some comparisons. — Halnts of the people. — Notes on administration. — Conclusion. — ■ Appendbc tables and notes. — Abstract of the complete work ( 1 7 vols. ) — Index to final volume. Boutmy, Emile Gaston, 1835- 309.42 Q401 64637 jj.|g English people ; a stud}- of their political psycholog}', by Emile Boutmy .... Translated from the French by E. English ; with an introduction by John Edward Courtenay Bodley .... London, T. F. Unwin, 1904. XXXvi, 332 p. 224''">. 8o THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 309.42 Social his- Cheyney, Edward Potts. 309.42 Qioo """ An introduction to the industrial and social history of England. x,[2],3i7 p. il. 13 pi. 3 maps, 2 facsim. i table. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1901. "Bibliography" at the end of each chapter except the first. Rogers, James Edwin Thorold. 331.2 O500 " Work and wages. Being a popular edition (abridged) of "Si.K centuries of work and wage.s." (Cobden Club edition.) [6] ,206 p. D. (Social science series, vol i.) London: Swan Sonnen- schein & Co., [1890]. Scudder, Vida Dutton. 309-42 P800 "°" Social ideals in English letters. [6] ,329 p. O. Boston : Hough- ton, Mifflin & Co., 1898. Contents: Part i. The England of our forefathers: i. William Langland and the Middle Ages. 2. The Utopia of Sir Thomas More. 3. The age of Jonathan Swif:. Part n. The England of our fathers: i. Outlines. 2. Social pictures: Dickens and Thackeray. 3. The awakening: "Sartor resartus". 4. The indictment. 5. The new intuition. 6. George Eliot and the social conscience. 7. A glimpse of America. 8. What to do: according to Carlyle. 9. What to do: according to Ruskin. 10. What to do: according to Arnold. 1 1. Toward democracy. 12. Toward authority. Con- clusion: Contemporary England. Traill, Henry Duff, 1842-1900,(7/. L309.42Q104 50594 5Q(~i^i England ; a record of the progress of the people in religion, laws, learning, arts, industry, commerce, science, literature and manners, from the earliest times to the present day; edited b\' H. D. Traill . . . and J. S. Mann .... [New illustrated edition.] London, New York, [etc.], Cassell and Co., ltd., [1901-1904]. 6 vol. 26.i''"'. "Authorities" at end of each chapter. Contents. — vol. i. From the earliest times to 1273. [1901.] xcri, 702 p. front., illus., I fold.map. — vol. 2. 1 274-1 509. [1902.] Hii,8oop. col., front., illus., 8col.pl., I fold. map. — vol. 3. 1509-1603. [1902.] liv, 800 p. front., illus., 5 col. pi., ports, on 2 1. — vol. 4. 1603-1714. [1903.] Iv, 864 p. front, illus., 6 col. pi., 2 ports. — vol. 5. 1714-1815. [1904.] Hi, 864 p. front., illus., 8 col. pi., I fold. map. — vol.6. From the battle of Waterloo to the general election of 1885. [1904.] In, 948 p. front., illus., 9 col. pi. Woods, Robert Archey. 309-42 Pioo 11379 English social movements. Third edition. vii,[2],277 p. D. New York: C. Scribncr's Sons, 1897, c. 1891. Contents: i. The labor movement. 2. Socialism. 3. The university settlements. 4. University extension. 5. The social work of the church. 6. Charity and philan- thropy. 7. M0r.1l .ind educational progress. 309.43 Social his- DawsoD, William Harbutt. 309.43 Qioo tory of Germany »9ao. Qerman life in town and country. viii,[2],323 p. 16 pi. D. [Our European neighbors.] New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1 90 1. Contents: i. What is the German's fatherland? 2. .Social divisions. 3. The "Arbei- ter." 4. Rural life and labour. 5. Military .service. 6. Public education. 7. Relig- ious Hfe and thought. 8. Woman and the hemic. 9. Pleasures and pastimes. 10. The Berliner. 1 1. Political life. 12. Local government. 13. The newspaper and its readers. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 8i Schierbrand, Wolf von. 309-43 Q200 309.43 Social his- °""' Germany; the welding of a world power, by Wolf von Schicr- to^y of Germany brand. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1903, ['=1902]. vii, 376 p. 234™. Palmer, Francis H E 309-436 O300 309.436 Austria 60269 Austro-Hungarian life in town and country, by I^'rancis H. E. Palmer .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1903. vii, 301 p. front., 15 pi. 19"". {Half-title: Our European neighbours . . . .) Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe, 1828-1893. 309.44 N500 309.44 France '*'* ... . The ancient regime. By Hippolyte Adolphe Taine Translated by John Durand. New York, H. Holt & Co., 1876. xvi, 421 11. 20.4"^"'. (The origins of contemporary France.) Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. 309.44 Pooi 19507 -pj^g modern regime. Translated by John Durand, 2 vol. O. (Les origines de la France contemporaine.) London: Sampson Low, ... & Rivington, 1 891-1894. Wendell, Barrett, 1S55- 309.44 Q700 623S6 -j-j^g France of to-day, by Barrett Wendell .... New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1907. [8], 379 p. 21™. "In this book my effort has been to set forth the impressions of France made on me during the year when I was a lecturer at French universities ... In substantially their present form the eight chapters were given as lectures at the Lowell Institute, Boston, in November and December, 1906, and four of them have been published in Scribner's magazine during 1907." — Note. Contents. — -The universities. — The structure of society. — The family. — The French temperament. — The relation of literature to life. — The question of religion. — The revolution and its effects. — The repuljlic and democracy. King, Bolton, & Okey, Thomas. 309.45 Qioo 309.45 itaiy '''" Italy to-day. xii,365 p. O. London : J. Nisbet & Co., '901. "Appendix — List of principal books," p. 353-357. Symonds, John Addington. 309.45 N500 """^ Renaissance in Italy. 5 parts in 7 vol. por. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1881-1887. Contents: Part i. The age of despots. Part 2. The revival of learning. Part 3. The fine arts. Part 4. Italian literature. Part 5. The Catholic reaction. Parts 3 and 5 are in Author's edition. Part 3 has pref. date 1877. Villari, Luigi. 309-45 Q203 °"'" Italian life in town and country, by Luigi Villari .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1904. ix, 327 p. 18 pi. (incl. front.) i84'^"". (//<;/y-////i'.- pur European neighbours. > Bibliocrraphy, p. v-vi. 82 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 309.46 Social his- Higgin, L 309.46 Q2OO ory pain 65300 gpji^jgj^ jjfg j^, town and country, by L. Higgin, with chapters on Portuguese Hfe in town and country, by Eugene E. Street. With twenty-seven illustrations. London, G. Newnes, ltd., 1902. xii, 2S9, [i] p. incl. front., illus., plates. iSA"'"'. 309.47 Russia Palmer, Francis H. E. 309-47 Qioo '"'"* Russian life in town and country. xi,[2] ,320 p. i 5 pi. D. [Our European neighbors.] New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. Contents: i. Russia behind the veil. 2. The landed proprietor's home. 3. Country life in summer. 4. Strada. 5. The peasant in serfage. 6. The country priest. 7. Life on a large estate. 8. Peasant characteristics. 9. Rural self-government. 10. A coun- try town. II. Jewish town life. 12. The Jewish trader. 13. The "Odnodvortsy." 14. The orthodox church and the clergy. 15. Religious thought and ritual. 16. The Russian dissenters. 17. Life in winter. 18. Town society. 19. The urban working classes. 20. Industrial co-operative associations. 21. Education and the army. Wallace, Sir Donald Mackenzie, 1841- 309.47 Qsg 62005 Russia, by Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace .... Entirely new and much enlarged edition, revised and in great part rewritten. With portrait of the author and two coloured maps. New York, H. Holt and Co., 1905. XX, 672 p. front, (port.), 2 fold. maps. 25''"'. 309.47 Finland Frederiksen, Nicls Christian, 1 840- 309.47 Q200 50244 pinland ; its public and private economy, by N. C. Frederiksen .. . London, E. Arnold, 1902. xi, 306 p. fold. maps. 21'^". "Authorities consulted," p. X-.XI. Appeared simultaneously in English, French and Danish. — Note [p. iv]. 309.485 Sweden Heidenstam, Oscar Gustaf von, 1 840- 309.485 Q400 "'"' Swedish life in town and country, by O. G. von Heidenstam .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1904. viii, [2], 2S6 p. front., 15 pi. 19"". {^Ualf-title: Our European neighbours, [vol. xii].) 309.489 Denmark Brochner, Jessie. 309.489 O300 ioi99 £)jj,-,jsi-j life j^ town and country, by Jessie Brochner .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1903. vii, 266 p. front., 15 pi. Kf^. (//i?/y-/'///tV Our European neighbors.) 309.493 Belgium Boulger, Demetrius Charles de Kavanagh, 1853- 309.493 Q400 '""'■' Belgian life in town and country, by Demetrius C. Boulger .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1904. X, [2], 321 p. front., 15 111. 19"'". (//,;^-/;//lic problems.) Series title also at head of t.-p. "Bibliography," p. 277-283. Meyer, Ernst Christopher. 324.2 Q200 '"""" Nominating systems: direct primaries versus conventions in the United States, by Ernst Christopher Meyer. Madison, Wis., The author, 1902. XX, 501 p. 224"'"'. With bibliographical n fcrences. Ostrogorskii, Moisei lakovlevich, 1854.-. 396.2 P300 10985 yj^ij, rights of women. A comparative study in history and legis- lation. Translated under the author's supervision. xv,232 p. D. [Social science scries, vol. 68.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1893. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 95 Ireland, Alleyne, 1871- 325.3 Q500 32s Colonization 619-9 -j-j^g p^j. Eastern tropics; studies in the administration of tropi- cal dependencies: Hong Kong, British North Borneo, Sarawak, Burma, the federated Malay states, the Straits Settlements, French Indo-China, Java, the Philippine Islands, by Alleyne Ireland .... Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1905. vii, [2], 339, [i] p. fold, map (in pocket). 2i<="'. "Bibliographical appendix," p. [303]-3i3. "The present volume is made up of two series of articles written during my absence in the Far East. One series appeared in 'the Times' (London), the other in 'the Out- look' (New York)." — Tref. Lewis, Sir George Cornewall. 325.3 Kioo 10091 p^^ essay on the government of dependencies. (Originally pub- lished in 1841.) Edited with an introduction by C. P. Lucas. lxviii,392 p. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1S91. Morris, Henry Crittenden. 325.3 Q002 87561 -pj^g history of colonization from the earliest times to the present day. 2 vol. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1900. "Bibliography," vol. 2, p. 325-355. Reinsch, Paul Samuel, 1869- 325.3 Q502 ""' .... Colonial administration, by Paul S. Reinsch .... New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1905. viii, 422 p. incl. diagrs. igi^"". (^Half-litk: The citizen's librarj- of economics, politics, and sociolog)'.) At head of t.-p. : The citizen's librarj*. "References" at end of chapters. Reinsch, Paul Samuel, 1869- 325.3 Q206 °"" .... Colonial government ; an introduction to the study of colo- nial institutions by Paul S. Reinsch ... . New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1902. X, 386 p. igA'^'". (^Half-title: The citizen's library of economics, politics and sociology. ) Series title also at head of t.-p. "References" at end of each chapter. Mommsen, Theodor. 937 Oioo 325.337 Roman coi- °"" The provinces of the Roman Empire from Caesar to Diocletian. °°'^^*'°° Translated with the author's sanction and additions, by William P. Dickson. With . . . maps by Professor Kiepert. 2 vol. maps. O. [History of Rome.] New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1887. Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth, Bart. 325.342 Pooi 325.342 English coi- "" Problems of Greater Britain. 2 vol. maps. O. London: Mac- ''°'^^'^'°° millan & Co., 1890. 96 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 325.342 English coi- Egcrton, Hugh Edward. 325.342 P700 onization u3i7 ^ gj^^^^ history of British colonial policy. xv,503 p. O. Lon- don : Methuen&Co., 1897. Great Britain. Eviigrants Infonnatiou Office. 908.42 I 48352 Handbook Issued by the Emigrants' Information Office. London, printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1904-. Continued from 1904. maps. 22"^™. Each year consists of fourteen parts: I.Canada. 2. New South Wales. 3. Victoria. 4. South Australia. 5. Queensland. 6. Western Australia. 7. Tasmania. 8. New Zealand. 9. CapeColony. 10. Natal. 11. Transvaal. 12. Orange River Colony. 13. Professional handbook. 14. Emigration statutes and general handbook. Lucas, Charles Prestwood, 1853- 908.42 O800 ^"'' A historical geography of the British colonies, by C. P. Lucas, B.A Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1888-. Vol. I-. maps, fold, diagr. 194="'. 325.343 German col- Langhans, Paul. L912 P700 onization „65s Qeutscher Kolonial- Atlas. Unpaged. 30 maps. F\ Gotha : J. Perthes, 1897. 325.373 American Willis, Henry Parker, 1 874- 325.914 Q500 CO oniza 1 n 64513 q^^ Philippine problem ; a study of American colonial policy by Henry Parker Willis .... New York, H. Holt and Co., 1905. xiii, 479 p. 2 maps. 194''"'. One map on end paper. Willoughby, William Franklin, 1867- 325-373 Q500 '"°^'' .... Territories and dependencies of the United States, their government and administration, by William Franklin Willoughby .... New York, The Century Co., 1905. xi, 334 p. 20*^'". (The American state series.) "Bibliographical note: Official publications regarding the tcnitories and dependencies of the United States," p. 325-330. 325.5 Colonization Colquhoun, Archibald Ross, 1848- 990 Q200 in Asi3 O02S3 -j-[.|g mastery of the Pacific, by Archibald R. Colquhoun .... New York, London, The Macmillan Company-, 1902. xvi, 440 p. front., illus., pi., maps. 23.4'''". Contents.- — Introduction. — The United States in the Pacific. — Creal Britain in the Pacific. — The Dutch in the Pacific. — Japan in the Pacific. — Other powers in the Pacific. — Conclusion. 325.6 Colonization Johnston, 5;> Harry Hamilton. 325.6 P900 80o3i p^ hi.story of the colonization of Africa by alien races. Stereo- type edition. xiii, 3 19 p. 8 maps. D. [Cambridge historical scries.] Cambridge : University Press, 1899. "Bibliography of the history of colonization of .Africa. Books specially useful," p. 300-302. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 97 Hall, Prescott Farnsworth, 1868- 325.73 Q600 325.73 immigration "'•* .... Immigration and its effects ■ upon the United States, by Prescott F. Hall .... New York, H. Holt and Co., 1906. xiii, 393 p. igA™'. (j%^-/jV/.?.' American public problems.) Series title also at head of t.-p. "Bibliography," p. 369-374. Contents. — Immigration and emigration. — The effects of immigration. — Immigra- tion legislation. — Chinese immigration. — Appendices. Steiner, Edward A ,1866- 325.73 Q604 645:5 Qj^ ^j-jg ^j.gjj p£ ^]^g immigrant [by] Edward A. Steiner .... New York, Chicago, [etc.], F. H. Revell Company, ['1906]. 375 p. front., 15 pi. 2ii<"". Partly repubUshed from the Outlook. U. S. A. Treasury Dcpartmeiit. 325-73 P500 "'■ hnmigration Investigating Commission. Immigration service. Report of the Immigration Investigating Commission .... 183 p. O. Washington 1895. Jenks, Edward, 1861- 993 P50O 325.93 Colonization '""' A history of the Australasian colonies (from their foundation to '° Australia the year 1893) by Edward Jenks, .... Stereotyped edition. Cambridge, University Press, 1896. xvi, 352 p. incl. pi. 2 fold maps. IQ^"". (^Half-title: Cambridge historical se- ries ) Douglas, Sir Robert Kennaway, 1838- 950 Q400 327 international *"'" Europe and the Far East, by Sir Robert K. Douglas .... Cam- "^e^a^ions bridge, University Press, 1904. vii, [l], 450 p. 5 fold. maps. igi""'. {Half-title: Cambridge historical series. Edited by G. W. Prothero.) Bibliography, p. [428]-438. Foster, John Watson, 1836- 327-73 Q301 "'"' American diplomacy in the Orient, by John W. Foster .... Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1903. xiv, [2], 498 p. 224™. Foster, John Watson. 327.73 Q002 56860 ^ century of American diplomacy. Being a brief review of the foreign relations of the United States, 1 776-1 876. .xiii,[2],497 p. S maps. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1901. Henderson, John Brooks. 327.73 Qioo "*" American diplomatic questions. ix,529p. O. New York :Mac- millan Co., 1901. Contents: I. The fur seals and Bering Sea award. 2. The interoceanic canal prob- lem. 3. The United States and Samoa. 4. The Monroe doctrine. 5. The northeast coast fisheries. 98 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 327 International relations Reddaway, William Fiddian. 327.73 P800 12481 ^Yhe Monroe doctrine. vii,i62 p. D. Cambridge: Universit)- Press, 1898. 328.429 Parliament Dickinson, G. Lowes. 328.429 P500 4505 ^Yhe development of Parliament during the nineteenth century. viii,i83 p. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1895. Skottowe, Britiffe Constable. 328.429 O600 '^^'' A short historj- of parliament. [Fourth edition.] xii,339 p. D. [Social science series, vol. 44.] London : Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. 328.73 Congress McConachie, Lauros Grant. 328.739 P800 16593 Congressional committees. A study of the origins and develop- ment of our national and local legislative methods. xiv,44i p. D. [Library of economics and politics.] New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1898. D. S. A. Coii^irss. 328.73 G900 '"" .... Official congressional director}-, for the use of the United States Congress Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1845-. 28th Congress, 2nd session, 1845; continued from 43d Congress, 1873. illus. , plates, plans. I9':m.-24<^™. 28th -49th Congress title reads: Congressional directory. Various editions. Of the 43d - 46th, 49th - 52d Congress, several editions are missing. 329 Political parties Macy , Jesse, I 842- 329 Q400 ^'°'' ... . Party organization and machinery, by Jesse Macy .... New York, The Century Co., 1904. x\-ii, 299 p. 20''" (The .American state series.) Ostrogorskil, MoiseT lakovlevich, 1854- 329 Q200 ''"'" Democracy and the organization of political parties, by M. Os- trogorski . . . translated from the French by Frederick Clarke ... with a preface by the Right Hon. James Bryce ... York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1902. Nc 2 vol. 224"^'". 330 POLITICAL ECONOMY 330.1 Theory of po- Bohm-Bawerk, Eugen von. 330.1 O802 e on my ,.;888 j^^^ positive theory of capital. Translated with a preface and analysis by William Smart. xl,428 p. O. London: RLicmillan & Co., 1891. Clark, John Bates. '"*'* The distribution of wealth. xxviii,[2],445 p. il. O. 330.1 P902 A theory of wages, interest and profits. New York: Macmillan Co., 1899. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 99 Davenport, Herbert Joseph, 1861- 330.1 Q702 330.1 Theory of po- "'-"* Value and distribution; a critical and constructive study, by Her- ' '" economy bert Joseph Davenport .... Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1908. .\i, 5S2 p. 23''"'. Hobson, John Atkinson, 1858- 330-i Qooi "'■"' ... . The economics of distribution, by John A. Hobson New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1900. ix, 361 p. igh'^'". (The citizen's library [of economics, politics, and sociology].) Contents; — I. The determination of a market-price. — 2. Producer's and consumer's rents. — 3. The determination of long-period prices and of v.-Uue. — 4. The laws of rent as the basis of coordination of the factors of production. — 5. The grading of labour and capital. Marginal and differential payments. — 6. The coordination of the factors of production. Effects on the theory of price and distribution. — 7. Bargains for the sale of labour-power. —8. Bargains for the use of capital. — 9. Bohm-Bawerk's positive theory of capital. — • 10. The theory of surplus value — its influence upon distribution. Laveleye, Emile de. 330-i O701 "'■ Luxury. Second edition. iv,i79p. D. [Social science series, vol. 24.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1891. Contains a bibliography of Laveleye's works. Contains also: Law and morals in poHtical economy. Ruskin, John. 330.1 Nioo *'"■* Munera pulveris. Six essays on the elements of political econ- omy. With an introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. Brant- wood edition. xl,2i7p. D. New York : C. E. Merrill & Co., 1891. Contents: i. Definitions. 2. Store-keeping. 3. Coin-keeping. 4. Commerce. 5. Government. 6. Mastership. Smart, William. 330.1 P102 "°" An introduction to the theory of value on the lines of Menger, Wieser, and Bohm-Bawerk. vi,88 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1891. Taussig, Frank William. 330.1 P600 "'■' Wages and capital: an examination of the wages fund doctrine. xviii,329 p. D. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Veblen, Thorstein [B ]. 330.1 P905 5IJ911 -j-[^g theory of the leisure class. An economic study of institu- tions by Thorstein Veblen. New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1905, [''1899]. viii, 400 p. loA'^'". Bullock, Charles Jesse. 330.2 Q004 330.2 compends of ""* Introduction to the study of economics. New edition, revised P° ' "^* economy and enlarged. 581 p. D. New York: Silver, Burdett & Co., c. 1900. "BibHography" following each chapter, collected on p. 553-571. "Limited to the works that possess importance for the general student." loo THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 330.21 Compends of Ely, Richard Theodorc. 330.2 Q105 political economy sii66 ^j^ introduction to political economy. New and revised edition. X, [2], 387 p. O. New York: Eaton & Mains, 1901. "Bibliography," p. 366-377. Ely, Richard Theodore. 330-2 P302 17940 Outlines of economics. xii,432 p. 6 il. O. New York : Hunt & Eaton, 1893. "Bibliography," p. 413-426. Hadley, Arthur Twining. 330-2 P6oi '"" Economics ; an account of the relations between private property and public welfare. xi,496 p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. Marshall, Alfred, 1842- 330.2 O706 6O430 Principles of economics. By Alfred Marshall Fifth edi- tion London, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1907-. Vol. I-. 224'^"'. Nicholson, Joseph Shield, 1850- 330.2 P301 17014 Principles of political economy. By J. Shield Nicholson, .... * Vol.I-[lll]. New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1 897- 190 1. 3 vol. 23"^™. Vol. I published in 189S, "^1893. Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson, 1861- 330.2 Q500 """ .... Principles of economics, with special reference to Ameri- can conditions, by Edwin R. A. Seligman .... New York, Lon- don, [etc.], Longmans, Green, and Co., 1 905. xlvi, 613 p. map, charts. 20<^'". {^Half-title: American citizen series. Edited byA.B. Hart.) Series title also at head of t.-p. "Suggestions for students and general references," p. xvii-xlvi. "References" at head of chapters. Smith, Adam, 1 723-1 790. 330-2 F8 65785 ^^ inquiry into the nature and cause of the wealth of nations, by Adam Smith. Edited, with an introduction, notes, marginal summary and an enlarged index, by Edwin Cannan .... Lon- don, Methucn & Co., [1904]. 2 vol. as'"'. "The text of the present edition is copied from that of the fifth." — Pref. Walker, Francis Amasa. 330-2 O701 Political economy. Third edition, revised and enlarged. vi,[2], 537 p. il. O. (American science series, advanced course.) New York: H. Holt & Co., 1888. 4^96 BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. loi Elster, Ludwig, ^fl'//^;-. L33O.3 P800 330.3 Dictionaries of "'" Worterbuch der Volkswirtschaft 2 vol. Q. Jena: Political economy G. Fischer, 1898. "Litteratur" with each subject. Biographical slcetches scattered through the work. Handworterbuch. 1*303 P800 S6783 Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. Herausgegeben von Dr. J. Conrad, Dr. L. Elster, Dr. W. Lexis, Dr. Edg. Loening. Zweite, ganzlich umgearbeitete Auflage. 7 vol. Q. Jena: G.Fischer, 1898-1901. Palgrave, Robert Harry Inglis, editor. 330-3 P400 *'*" Dictionary of political economy. 3 vol. O. London : Macmillan & Co., 1 894-1 899. Say, L^on, & Chailley-Bert, Joseph. ^330. 3 Pioo 18138 Nouveau dictionnaire d'economie politique .... 2 vol. and sup- plement. Q. Paris: Guillaumin et C'*', 1893-1897. "BibHographie", at the end of the most important articles and also in the Table analytique, vol. 2, p. 1265-1345. Andrews, Elisha Benjamin. 174 P400 330.4 Economic es- ""' Wealth and moral law. The Carew lectures for 1894, Hartford ^^^^ Theological Seminary. 135 p. D. Hartford, Conn.: Hartford Seminary Press, 1894. Hobson, John Atkinson. 304 H65 887S1 -pj^g social problem : life and work. x,[2],295 p. O. London: J. Nisbet & Co., 1901. Keynes, John Neville. 330.7 Pooi n935 -j-j^g scope and method of political economy. Second edition, revised. xiv,374 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1897, pref. 1890. Willoughby, Westel Woodbury. 304 W68 '"" Social justice. A critical essay. xii,[2],38s p. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1900 Biicher, Karl. 330.9 Q005 330.9 History of po- """" Industrial evolution. By Carl Biicher. Translated from the litical economy third German edition by S. Morley Wickett. xi,[2],393 p. O. New York: H. Holt & Co.. 1901. Contents: l. Primitive economic conditions. 2. The economic life of primitive peoples. 3. The rise of national economy. 4. A historical survey of industrial systems. 5. The decline of the handicrafts. 6. The genesis of journalism. 7. Union of labour and labour in common. 8. Division of labour. 9. Organization of work and the for- mation of social classes. 10. Internal migrations of population and the growth of towns considered historically. I02 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 330.9 History of po- Cohn, Gustav. 330-9 O500 liticaJ economy 3394 ^ history of political economy. Translated by Dr. Joseph Adna Hill. With an introductory note by Edmund J. James. 142 p. O. Philadelphia 1894. Published as supplement to \he Annals of /he American Academy of Political aiia Social Science, March, 1894. Cossa, Luigi. 330.9 P300 ^° An introduction to the study of political economy. Revised by the author and translated from the Italian by Louis Dyer, x, [2], 587 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1893. A history of the literature of political economy with bibliographical references. Gibbins, Henry de Beltgens. 380.94 Pioo 12744 The history of commerce in Europe. Second edition. viii,233 p. 9 maps. D. [Elementary commercial class-books.] London : Macmillan & Co., 1897. Ingram, John Kells. 330.9 O700 '"'"' A history of political economy. With preface by Prof. E. J. James. XV, [2], 250 p. D. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1894, c. 1887. Rogers, James Edwin Thorold. 309-4 O800 "" The economic interpretation of history. (Lectures delivered in Worcester College Hall, Oxford, 1887-8.) xi'ii,[3],547 p. O. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1888. Spahr, Charles Barzillai. 330.9 P601 ""' An essay on the present distribution of wealth in the United States. Second edition. viii,i84p. D. [Library of economics and politics, vol. 12.] New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1896. Wells, David Ames. 330.9 O900 '^^ Recent economic changes and their effect on the production and distribution of wealth and the well-being of society, xii, 493 p. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1890. 330.942 English eco- Ashley, William James. 330.942 O800 nomic conditions .„.„, ^ • .. , ^- ^ i- r 1 • 1 • .. j ..t An mtroduction to English economic history and theory Third edition. [Vol. i, part i]-2. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1894-1898. Contents: Part i. The Middle Ages. Part 2. The end of the Middle Ages. "Authorities," at the beginning of each chapter. Cheyney, Edward Potts. 309.42 Qioo 2HJ86 ^^ introduction to the industrial and social history of England, x, [23,317 p. il. 13 pi. 3 maps, 2 facsim. i table. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1901. "Bibliography" at the end of each chapter except the first. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 103 Cunningham, William, 1849- 330.942 P600 330.942 English eco- '"■'■' The growth of English industry and commerce .... By VV. "°™' '=°°^'t'°°^ Cunningham .... Cambridge, University Press, 1896-1903. 3 vol. 23"". Vol. 2-3 paged continuously; vol. 2: xxviii, 608 p.; vol. 3: xii, [609]-IO3g p. Vol. I : third edition; vol. 2-3 first published in 18S2. "List of authorities," [vol. i], p. [65i]-673; "Bibliographical index," [vol. 3]. p. 943-998- Contents. — [vol. i.] Early and middle ages. 1S96. xv,[i],7i4p. — [vol. 2-3.] Modern times. 1903. 2 vol. Toynbee, Arnold. 330.942 O400 ""^ Lectures on the industrial revohition of the 18th century in England. Popular addresses, notes and other fragments. To- gether with a short memoir by B. Jowett. [Edited by Alfred Milner.] Fifth edition — with appendix. xxxvii,3i9p. O. Lon- don: Longmans, Green & Co., 1896, pref., 1884. Contents: Ricardo and the old political economy. The industrial revolution. Popu- lar addresses: I. Wages and natural law. 2. Industry and democracy. 3. Are radicals socialists? The education of co-operators. The ideal relation of church and state. Notes and jottings. Bogart, Ernest Ludlow, 1870- 330-973 Q703 330.973 American "'''' The economic history of the United States, by Ernest Ludlow '"'"^"'^''^ conditions Bogart ... . New York, [etc.], Longmans, Green, and Co., 1908. XV, 522 p. incl. front., illus., tables, maps. 21""". {^Half-title: Longmans' com- mercial text-books, edited by G. M. Fisk . . . and E. D. Jones.) "Bibliography," p. 471-502. "Selected references" at end of chapters. Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre, 1871- 330.973 Q600 645L'9 -j-j-ij. United States in the twentieth century, by Pierre Leroy- Beaulieu; authorized translation by H. Addington Bruce. New York and London, P^unk & Wagnalls Co., 1906. xxvi, 396 p. 2.0^'^^. Wright, Carroll Davidson. 330.973 P500 12440 -pj^g industrial evolution of the United States. 362 p. il. i per. 4 maps. D. (Chautauqua reading circle literature.) Meadville, Penna. : Flood & Vincent, 1897. 331-331. 7 LABOR U.S.A. Laws, statutes, etc. 331.OO7 Q700 331.007 Labor laws . Laws relating to the employment of women and children in the United States. July, 1907. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1907. 150 p. 25="". At head of title: Department of Commerce and Labor. Bureau of Labor. 64670 104 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 331 01-331.08 Labor; Brooks, John Graham, 1846- 331-04 B79 enera wor -s ^oiss ^Yhc social unrest; studies in labor and socialist movements, by John Graham Brooks. New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1903. [8], 394 p. 20i™. Chapman, Sydney John, 1871- 33i'04 C36 js"3 YVork and wages. In continuation of Lord Brassey's 'Work and wages' and 'Foreign work and English wages'. . . . By Sydney J. Chapman, M.A. . . . with an introduction by Lord Brassey, K.C.B., .... London, New York, [etc.], Longmans, Green, and Co., 1904-. Vol. I-. 2ji™. Commons, John Rogers, 1862- , ed. 331.08 3 6SIS1 -prade unionism and labor problems; edited with an introduction, by John R. Commons .... Boston, New York, [etc.], Ginn & Co., ["1905]. [4], iii-xiv, 62Sp. 2i4'=™. {^Ilalf-titU: Selections and documents in economics.) Reprinted from various reports and periodicals. Contents. — Introduction (analysis of chapters). By J. R. Commons. — Trade agree- ments. By J. R. Commons. — The miners' union : its business management. By F. J. Warne. — The teamsters of Chicago. By J. R. Commons. — The New York building trades. By J. R. Commons. — The Chicago building trades dispute of 1900. By E. L. Bogart. — The incorporation of trade unions. Symposium. — Decisions of courts in labor disputes. — State arbitration and the minimumwagein Australasia. By H. W. Macrosty. — Labor conditions in slaughtering and meat packing. By J. R. Commons. — The in- troduction of the linotype. By G. E. Barnett. — The premium plan of paying for labor. By F. S. Halsey and J. Rowan. — The printing trades and the crisis in British industry (restriction of output). By G. B. Dibblee. — The system of apprenticeship at the Bald- win locomotive works. By S. M. Vauclain. — The sweating system in the clothing trade. By J. R. Commons. — Slavs in coal mining. By F. J. Warne and J. R. Commons. — The negro artisan. Symposium. — Women in the clothing trade. By M. H. Willett. — Women's wages in manual work. By M. B. Hammond. — Emplo)Tnent of girls in the textile industries of Pennsylvania. By P. Roberts. — Theprinter's health. By J. W. Sullivan. — Hours of labor. [By the] U. S. Industrial Commission. — Massachusetts labor legislation. By S. S. Whittelsey. — .State regulation of employment. Decisions of courts. — The benefit system of the Cigar Makers' Union. By H. L. Sumner. — Employers' liability and accident insurance. By A. F. Weber. — Workmen's insurance in Germany. By N. Pinkus. — Insurance against unemployment. By W. F. Willoughby. — Public employment offices in the United States and Germany. By E. L. Bogart. Drage, Geoffrey. 331.02 P6oo *"^ The labour problem. xv,424 p. il. O. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1896. Gilman, Nicholas Paine. 331.04 G42 """ A dividend to labor. A study of employers' welfare institutions. viii,40O p. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1899. Contents: Part i. The modern employer: i. An essential m.itter. 2. A realizable ideal. 3. Robert Owen the manufacturer. Part 2. An indirect dividend to labor : 4. Welfare-institutions in Germany. 5. Patronal institutions in France. 6. Patronage in Holland and Belgium. 7. British employers' institutions. 8. American liberality to workmen. Part 3. A direct dividend to labor: 9. Five ca.ses of profit sharing. 10. Profit sharing to-day. 1 1 . The reasonable way. "Bibliography," p. 389-392. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 105 Hobson, John Atkinson. 338.4 P401 331.01-331-08 Labor: , ■ , • ,• A , , , General works 10327 yi^g evolution of modern capitalism. A study of machine pro- duction. xiv,[2],388 p. il. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 25.] London: W. Scott, 1894. Hobson, John Atkinson. 331.02 Pioo ^^" Problems of poverty. An inquiry into the industrial condition of the poor. Third edition. vi,[2],232p. D. [Social questions of to-day.] London: Methuen & Co., 1896. Contains a list of authorities cited. Nicholson, Joseph Shield, 1850- 333.042 Q600 84876 -j-j^g relations of rents, wages and profits in agriculture, and their bearing on rural depopulation ; by J S. Nicholson .... Lon- don, S. Sonnenschein & Co., ltd. ; New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1906. viii, 176 p. 194'^". [Social science series.] Reformers' year book. 331.052 2 io!so 'Yhc Reformers' year book Formerly the Labour annual .... London, pref. 1894-. Continued from vol. I, rSgs. illus. 19™. Vol. 1-6 title reads : The Labour annual, with various subtitles; vol. 7, The Reformers' year book; being the Labor annual ... ; vol. 7-10 subtitle reads: The literary guide to the reform movements of the twentieth century. Vol. I is in second edition. Shadwell, Arthur, 1854?- 338 Q601 ""' Industrial efficiency; a comparative study of industrial life in England, Germany and America, by Arthur Shadwell .... In two volumes. London, New York and Bombay, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1906. 2 vol. 234"". Contents. — vol. I. General comparisons and national qualities. Industrial districts in England. Industrial districts in Germany. Industrial districts in America, xiii, 346, [2] p.— vol. 2. Factory laws. Factory conditions. Hours. Wages. Workmen's compensation and insurance. Benevolent institutions. Housing. Cost of living and physical conditions. Social conditions. Trade unions and industrial disputes. Pauper- ism and thrift. Elementary education. Technical education. Conclusion. Index, x, 488 p. Smart , William . 33 1 . o i P900 SS489 The distribution of income. xv,34i p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1899 A theoretical study of the nature of the national income, and its distribution among the several factors in production, namely: land, capital, and labour. Brabrook, Edward William. 334 4 331.0942 Labor con- 19275 Provident societies and industrial welfare. 224 p. D. [Victorian ' ' °^> °S era series.] London: Blackie & Son, 1898. Schulze-Gaevernitz, Gerhart von. 331.0942 Pool """ Social peace. A study of the trade union movement in England. Translated by C. M. Wicksteed, and edited by Graham Wallas. XX, 300 p. D. [Social science series, double vol. 5.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1893. io6 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 331.0942 Labor con- Woods, Robert Archey. 309-42 Pioo ditions, England ,,579 English social movements. Third edition. vii,[2],277 p. D. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1897, c. 1891. Contents: l. The labor movement. 2. Socialism. 3. The university settlements. 4. University extension. 5. The social work of the church. 6. Charity and philan- thropy. 7. Moral and educational progress. 331.0943 Germany Dawson, William Harbutt, i860- 331.0943 Q600 "*" The German workman; a study in national efficiency, b}- William Harbutt Dawson .... London, P. S. King & Son ; New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1906. xii, 304 p. 194™'. Contents. — Labour registries. — Munich labour bureau. — Insurance against work- lessness.- — The relief of wandering workers. — Labour colonies. ^ — Relief works for the unemployed. — Housing of the working classes. — Municipal house bureaux. — Shelters for the homeless. — The anti-consumption crusade. — The Berlin convalescent homes. — The doctor in the school. — Municipal pawnshops. — Industrial courts of arbitration. — The industrial insurance laws. — Workmen's secretariates. — Municipal information bureaux. — The German poor law. — The Elberfeld poor relief system. — The treatment of industrial malingering. — The Berlm workhouse. — Dresden municipal workhouse. 331.09494 switzer- Dawson, William Harbutt. 331.09494 P700 '"■" Social Switzerland. Studies of present-day social movements and legislation in the Swiss republic. x,30l,[3] p. D. London: Chapman & Hall, 1897. 331.0973 United Addams, Jane, 1 86o- 33i-0973 Q601 '""' .... Newer ideals of peace, by Jane Addams .... New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1907. xviii, 243 p. 19"^™. (^Half-title: The citizen's library of economics, politics, and sociology.) Series title also at head of t.-p. "Parts of two chapters have been published before in the form of addresses, and two others as articles in the North American re\-iew and in the American journal of sociology." — Prefatory note. Contents. — Introduction.- — Survivals of militarism in city government.- — Failure to utilize immigrants in city government. — Militarism and industrial legislation. — Group morality in the labour movement. — Protection of children for industrial efficiency. — Utilization of women in city government. — Passing of the war virtues. Ely, Richard Theodore, 1854- 331-0973 Q500 620U1 'Y\\Q labor movement in America, by Richard T. Ely .... New edition, revised and enlarged. New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1905. [8, v]-xn, [2], 399 p. igi"". (The citizen's library [of economics, politics, and sociology].) Hapgood, Hutchins, 1869- 331-09773 Q700 6<6BB The spirit of labor, by Hutchins Hapgood .... New York, Duf- field & Co., 1907. 410 p. 20"". BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 107 Eull-Eouse, C/iicaj;^o. 331-09773 P50O 331.0973 Labor con- '"" Hull-House maps and papers. A presentation of nationalities spates' "^"''^"^ and wages in a congested district of Chicago, together with com- ments and essays on problems growing out of the social conditions. By residents of Hull-House, a social settlement Chicago, 111. viii,230 p. 8 pi. 2 maps in pockets, 2 tables. O. [Library of economics and politics, vol. 5.] New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1895. Contents: Addams, J. Prefatory note. i. Flolbrook, A. S. Map notes and com- ments. 2. Kelley, F. The sweating-system. 3. Kelley, F. & Stevens, A. P. Wage- earning children. 4. Eaton, I. Receipts and expenditures of cloakmakers in Chicago. 5. Zeublin,C. The Chicago Ghetto. 6. Zeman,J.H. The Bohemian people in Chicago. 7. Mastro-Valerio, A. Remarks upon the Italian colony in Chicago. 8. Lathrop, J. C. The Cook County charities. 9. Starr, E. G. Art and labor. 10. Addams, J. The set- tlement as a factor in the labor movement. Appendix. Hull-House: a social settle- •7ient South End House, Boston. 309.744 P800 17658 -phe city wilderness. A settlement study by residents and asso- ciates of the South End House. Edited by Robert A. Woods, Head of the House. South End, Boston. vii,[4] ,3 19 p. 6 maps, I table. D. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1898. Contents: i. Cole, W. I. Introductory. 2. Haynes, F. E. Historical. 3. Bushee, F. A. Population. 4. Underhill, E. D. Public health. 5. Woods, R. A. Work and wages. 6. The roots of political power. 7. Cole, W. I. Criminal tendencies. 8. Haynes, F. E. Amusements. 9. Cole, W. I. The church and the people. 10. Strongholds of education. 11. Woods, R. A. Social recovery. 12. — . The total drift. Woods, Robert Archey, cd. 309-744 Q200 6oib; Americans in process; a settlement study by residents and as- sociates of the South End House; edited by Robert A. Woods .... North and West ends, Boston. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1902. ix, [4]. 389. [1] P- maps, plan. I9i™. Contents. — Woods, R. A. Metes and bounds. — Rutan, E. Y. Before the invasion. — Bushee, F. A. The invading host. —Chandler, E. H. City and slum. — Woods, R. A. Livelihood. — ^ Woods, R. A. Traffic in citizenship. — Cole, W. I. Law and order. — Beale, J. F. & Withington, A. Life's amenities. — Cole, W. I. Two ancient faiths. — Atherton, C. S. & Rutan, E. Y. The child of the stranger. — Cole, W. I. & Miles, R. E. Community of interest. — Woods, R. A. Assimilation: a two-edged sword. Gilman, Nicholas Paine, 1849- 331.1Q400 331.1 Capital and 81673 Methods of industrial peace, by Nicholas Paine Gilman .... Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Co. ; London, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1904. X, 436, [2] p. 20="". Meakin, Budgett i.e. James Edward Budgett, 1866- 331.17 Q500 «48" Model factories and villages: ideal conditions of labour and housing, by Budgett Meakin .... With 209 illustrations, many of them from the author's camera. London, T. F. Unwin, 1905. 480 p. incl. front., illus., plates, plans. 21'^'". Contents. — Introduction. — pt. I. Conditions of labour. — pt. 11. Industrial housing. io8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 331.2 Wages Nicholson, Joseph Shield. 338.4 P200 10921 -j-j^g effects of machinery on wages. New and revised edition. xi,i43 p. D. [Social science series, vol. 54.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1892. Rogers, James Edwin Thorold. 331.2 O500 " Work and wages. Being a popular edition (abridged) of "Six centuries of work and wages." ( Cobden Club edition.) [6] ,206 p. D. (Social science series, vol i.) London: Swan Sonnen- schein & Co., [1890]. Schloss, David Frederick. 33i'2 P801 U653 Methods of industrial remuneration. Third edition, revised and enlarged. xix,446 p. D. London : Williams and Norgate, 1898. 331.25 Industrial in- WiUoughby, William Franklin. 331.25 P800 ^"■^^^ '°°'^ Workingmen's insurance. xii,386 p. D. [Library of economics and politics.] New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1898. "Bibliographical note," p. 379-386. 331.4 Labor of wo- Cadbury, Edward. 33i>4 Q600 ""^ Women's work and wages. A phase of life in an industrial city. By Edward Cadbury, M. Cecile Matheson and George Shann, .... Illustrated. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1907. 368 p. incl. tables, front., i pi., I facsim. zo"^"". The "industrial city" is Birmingham, England. Campbell, Mrs. Helen (Stuart), 1S39- 331.4 P300 6»232 Women wage-earners : their past, their present and their future. By Helen Campbell . . . With an introduction by Richard T. Ely. Boston, Roberts Brothers, 1893. »i, [71-313 p- ig"""- "Authorities," p. [29i]-293. Bibliography of woman's labor and of the woman question, p. [294]-303. 331.8 LABORING CLASSES Booth, Charles, 1840- 331-8 Q300 '""'' Life and labour of the people in London, by Charles Booth, as- sisted by Jesse Argyle, Ernest Aves, Geo. E. Arkell, Arthur L. Baxter, George H. Duckworth. Final volume. Notes on social influences and conclusion. London, New York, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1903. [6], 451 p. 2 charts (i fold.), fold, map in pocket. 22<^"'. Folded map (63 x 92"=™. ) of inner and east London, showing places of worship, schools and licen.sed houses, 1899-1900. Contents. — .Some comparisons. — Habits of the people. — Notes on administration. — Conclusion. — Appendix tables and notes. — Abstract of the complete work (17 vols.) — Index to final volume. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 109 Drage, Geoffrey. 331.8 P400 331.8 Laboring '"' The unemployed, xiv, 277 p. 6 tables. D. London : Macmillan "^^^sses & Co., 1894. Gladden, Washington. 304 G45 '"■" Social facts and forces. The factory — the labor union — the corporation — the railway — the city — the church. iv,[2],235 p. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. Hobson, John Atkinson. 331.8 P600 '^" The problem of the unemployed. An enquiry and an economic policy. xvi,i62 p. D. [Social questions of to-day.] London: Methuen & Co., 1896. Rowntree, B Seebohm. 331.8 Qioi 64656 Poverty; a study of town life, by B. Seebohm Rowntree. Lon- don, New York, Macmillan and Co., 1901. xviii, 437 p. illus., 2 fold, maps (incl. front.), 3 fold, plans, 3 col. diagr. 23'^'". Salmon, Lucy May nard. 331.8 Qioo 28722 ]3omestic service. Second edition, with an additional chapter on domestic service in Europe. xxvii,338 p. O. New York: Mac- millan Co., 1901. "Bibliography. Full titles of works referred to in the text," p. 317-322. Robertson, John Mackinnon. 331.81 P300 331.81 Eight hours '"'" The eight hours question. vi,[2],i50p. D. London: Swan 1"^^*"'° Sonnenschein & Co., 1893. U.S.A. Department of Commerce and Labor. 331.823 Q800 331 823 Employers' Bureau of Labor. ''^'"'"y .... Laws regulating liability of employers for injuries to em- ployees .... Compilation of the laws of the states, territories, and United States .... Prepared by the United States Bureau of Labor .... [Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1908.] 61 p. 23"^™. (60th Congress, ist session. Senate. Doc. 207.) Presented by Mr. Burkett. Ordered printed Jan. 28, 1908. More, Mrs. Louise Bolard. 331.831 Q700 3321.331 Budgets "'" .... Wage-earners' budgets ; a study of standards and cost of living in New York city, by Louise Bolard More, with a preface by Franklin H. Giddings ... New York, H. Holt and Co., 1907. X, [2], 280 p. incl. tables. 22'^'". (Greenwich house series of social studies — no. I.) De Forest, Robert Weeks, I S48- , cd. 331.835 Q301 331.835 Housing 66378 -pjjg tenement house problem, including the report of the New York State Tenement House Commission of 1900, by various writers, edited by Robert W. De Forest and Lawrence Veiller ... New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1903. 2 vol. fronts., plates, port., maps (: fold.), plans, fold, tables, fold, chart. 234'^". "List of books important to a proper understanding of the tenement-house problem in the city of New York," vol. 1, p. 117-118. no THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 331.88 Trade unions Howell, George. 331.88 Pool "'"' The conflicts of capital and labour historically and economically considered. Being a history and review of the trade unions of Great Britain Second and revised edition, .... xxxvi, 536 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890. Webb, Sidney, 1859- 331.88 Q200 60223 -YiiQ history of trade unionism : by Sidney and Beatrice Webb. New edition. London, New York and Bombay, Longmans, Green and Co., 1902. xxxiv, 558 p. fold. map. 22'^"'. "Bibliography. Prepared by Robert Alec. Peddie," p. [49SJ-543. Webb, Sidney, & Webb, Beatrice. 331-88 Q201 ^"" Industrial democracy. New edition in two volumes bound in one. lxi,929 p. I table. O. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1902. Contents: i. Trade union structure. 2. Trade union function. 3. Trade union theory. "Supplement to the Bibliography of trade unions" [by R. A. Peddie in The history of trade unionism by the same authors], p. 878-900. 332 MONEY AND BANKING BoUes, Albert Sidney, 1846- 332.007 Q701 64666 ^ treatise on the modern law of banking, by Albert S. Bolles .... Philadelphia, The G. T. Bisel Company, 1907. 2 vol. 24™'. Paged continuously; vol. I : Ix.xix, 50S p.; vol. 2; [2], 509-1124 p. "The National bank act and amendments," vol. i, p. xi-lxxix. Conant, Charles Arthur, 1861- 332.02 Q502 64674 -pj^g principles of money and banking, by Charles A. Conant New York and London, Harper & Brothers, 1905. 2 vol. 21"^'". Partly reprinted from various periodicals. "List of authorities," vol. 2, p. 44i-[46o]. Hull, Walter Henry, c(f. 332.08 4 64669 Practical problems in banking and currency; being a ntimber of selected addresses delivered in recent years by prominent bank- ers, financiers and economists; edited by Walter Henry Hull, with an introduction by the Honorable Charles Francis Phillips .... New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1907. xxvi, 596 p. 23i':"'. Jevons, William Stanley. 332.02 N500 ''"' Money and the mechanism of exchange. xviii,349 p. il. D. (In- ternational scientific scries, vol. 17.) New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1896, prcf. 1875. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. m Monetary Convention, sd, Indianapolis, 1898. 332.0973 P800 332 Money and '"°" Report of the Monetary Commission of the IndianapoHs convcn- '"'° '°^ tion of boards of trade, chambers of commerce, commercial ckibs, and other similar bodies of the United States. [Chicago], The University of Chicago Press, 1898. XV, 60S p. incl. tables, xill diagr. (partly (old.) 24"=". Nicholson, Joseph Shield. 332-02 P700 10933 ^ treatise on money and Essays on monetary problems. Fourth edition. xviii,448 p. D. London: A. & C. Black, 1897. Smith, Howard Irving. 332.03 Q200 ■"*^' Smith's Financial dictionary, by Howard Irving Smith. New York, 1903, ['=1902]. 543 p. 2i-/°'. Walker, Francis Amasa. 332.02 N700 '■' Money. x-v,[2] ,550 p. O. New York : H. Holt & Co., i 878. Bagehot, Walter. 332.0942 N300 332.09 History of ^"'^ Lombard Street: a description of the money market. viii,359 p. "^°°®y an an ing D. New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Co., 1874. Burton, Theodore Elijah, 1 85 1- 380.9 Q200 65012 Financial crises and periods of industrial and commercial de- pression, by Theodore E. Burton .... New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1902. ix, 392 p. ilhis., I fold, diagr. 19'='". "Bibliography" by Hugh Williams, p. 347-377. Dewey, Davis Rich, 1858- 336-73 Q203 "'" .... Financial history of the United States, by Davis Rich Dewey .... New York, London, [etc.], Longmans, Green, and Co., 1903. XXXV, [2], 530 p. charts. 2oi<'"'. (American citizen series.) ".Suggestions for students, teachers, and readers," p. [ix]-xxviii. "References" at beginning of chapters. History. ^332- 09 P600 °°" A history of banking in all the leading nations ; .... Edited by the editor of The Journal of commerce and commercial bul- letin. 4 vol. il. table. Q. New York: Journal of commerce and commercial bulletin, 1896. Contents: Vol. i. Sumner, W. G. Banking in the United States. Vol. 2. MacLeod, H. D. Banking in Great Britain. Horn, A. E. Banking in the Russian Empire. Townsend, J. P. Savings-banks in the United States. Vol. 3. Des Essars, P. Banking in the Latin nations. Raffalovich, A. Banks of Alsace-Lorraine after the annexation. Walker, B. E. Banking in Canada. Vol. 4. Wirth, M. Banking in Germany and Austria-Hungary. Borght, R. van der. Banking in the Netherlands. Jensen, A. Banking in the Scandinavian nations. Soyeda, J. Banking in Japan. Jernigan, T. R. Banking in China. 112 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 332.09 History of White, Horace, 1834- 332-0973 Q200 money and banking ,„,,3 Money and banking illustrated by American history. Second edition, revised and continued to the year 1902. By Horace White. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1902. xiv, 474 p. 20™. "Bibliography," p. 461-467. 332.09 Directory of Bankers encyclopedia. L332.0976 banks and bankers ,,„,3 ^j^^ Bankers' encyclopedia. A new and original compilation of the banks, bankers, savings banks and loan and trust companies in the United States and Canada Continued from vol. 13. 1901. il. maps. O. Chicago c. 1901-. Edited by Charles R. Williams. Rand-McNally Bankers' directory. 332-097 i 1397 -pj^g Rand-McNally Bankers' directory and list of attorneys "blue book" Chicago, Rand, McNally & Co., <=i876-. July iS76-July 18S2, Jan. 1886, Jan. 1889, Jan. 1893; continued from July 1900. illus., plates, ports., facsims. 234'^'". -28"^". 1876-1881 title reads: Bankers' directory of the United States and Canada, ... ; 1882/93: Bankers' directory and list of bank attorneys; .... • Issued semi-annually. 332.1 Banking Conant, Charles Arthur. 332-1 P602 ""^' A history of modern banks of issue. With an account of the economic crises of the present century. Third edition, xv, 595 p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. Dunbar, Charles Franklin, 1 830-1900. 332.1 Q107 63769 Chapters on the theory and history of banking. By Charles F. Dunbar Second edition, enlarged. Edited by O. M. W. Sprague, .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1907. viii, [2], 252 p. igi'^'". Contents. — I. Introductory. — 2. Discount, deposit, and issue. — 3. Banking opera- tions and accounts. — 4. The check system. — 5. Bank notes. — 6. Redemption. — 7. Combined reserves. — 8. The Bank of Amsterdam. — 9. The Bank of France. — 10. The national banks of the United States. — II. The Bank of England. — 12. The Reichsbank of Germany. Index. Howarth, William. 332.1 O400 "" Our clearing system and clearing houses. 200 p. il. D. Lon- don : E. Wilson, 1884. 19569 332.42 Bimetallism Darwin, Leonard. 332.42 P704 Bimetallism. A summary and examination of the arguments for and against a bimetallic .system of currency, viii, 341 p. i il. D. London: J. Murray, 1897. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 113 Laughlin, James Laurence. 332.42 P701 332.42 Bimetallism 9000 'Yhe history of bimetallism in the United States. Fourth edition, with new appendices: a study on the fall of silver since 1885, and the experience of the United States with silver to 1893. xviii, 353 p. 20 tables. O. New York: D. Applcton & Co., 1897. Walker, Francis Amasa. 332-42 P607 10900 iiiternational bimetallism. v,297 p. D. New York : H. Holt & Co., 1896. Russell, Henry Benaiah. 332-44^800 332.44 international 16368 International monetary conferences. Their purposes, character, and results with a study of the conditions of currency and finance in Europe and America during intervening periods, and in their relations to international action. x,477 p. O. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1898. Clarke, Frank Wlgglesworth, 1847- , comp. 389 N500 332.45 Foreign ex- 6i97:i vVeights, measures, and money, of all nations. Compiled by '^ *°2^ W. F. Clarke .... New York D. Appleton & Co., 1900. 117 p. ig"^"". Goschen, George Joachim. 332-45 M400 """"^ The theory of the foreign exchanges. Ninth thousand. .x\M52 p. O. London: E.Wilson, 1896. Norman, John Henry. 332-45 P701 "981 Norman's universal cambist. A ready reckoner of the world's foreign and colonial exchanges of seven monetary and currency intermediaries. . . . , Being the second edition of the author's Ready reckoner of the exchanges of gold and silver issued in 1893. xxix,269 p. 3 tables. O. London: E. Wilson, 1897. Ridgeway, 'William. 389 P200 332.49 Coinage '"^ The origin of metallic currency and weight standards. .xii,4i7 p. 60 il. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1892. Chicago securities. 332.6 4 332.6 stocks and "'"-^ Chicago securities A digest of information relating to ^°°'^^ stocks, bonds, banks and financial institutions of Chicago. Con- tinued from [no. 1]. 1S91. O. Chicago [1891-]. Cromwell, John Howard. 658 P900 83121 -j-j^g American business woman. A guide for the investment, preservation, and accumulation of property; containing full ex- planations and illustrations of all necessary methods of business. xii,[2],428 p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1900. McLean & Co., J. L., AWw Vori. , 332.051 8 35831 American manual of values (annual). Continued from 1902. il. p. of pi. pi. maps. sq.O. New York c. 1902—. 114 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 332.6 Stocks and Manual. 332-6 i ^°°^^ »"= The Manual ot statistics. Stock exchange hand-book. Rail- roads, industrial securities. Grain and provisions ; cotton ; mining ; petroleum : banks and trust companies ; street railways, .... Continued from vol. 9. [1886]. maps. O. New York, c. 1 887-. Vol. 22- edited by Henry E. Wallace. Vol. 9 subtitle reads: Railroads, grain and produce, cotton, petroleum, nnning aivi- dends and production; other slight variations in subtitle. Vol. 10, 13-15, 17 missing. Moody's Manual. 332-051 7 "''' Moody's Manual of railroads and corporation securities. .... New York, *=f900-. Continued from vol. i, 1900. 23.^'^'". Vol. I title reads: Moody's Manual of industrial and miscellaneous securities; vol. 2-5, Moody's Manual of corporation securities. Edited by John Moody. Rollins, Montgomery. 332.6 Q702 ■s'ss? Money and investments; a reference book for the use of those desiring information in the handling of money or the investment thereof, by Montgomery Rollins .... Boston, D. Estes & Co.; [etc., etc., ''1907]. [6], v-xxxvi, 436 p. 23'"'. "Authorities consulted in the preparation of this work," p. xxxiii-xxxvi. Snyder, Carl. 385-973 Q702 60U13 ^nierican railways as investments; a detailed and comparative analysis of all the leading railways, from the investor's point of view; with an introductory chapter on the methods of estimating railway values, by Carl Snyder. New York, The Moody Corpo- ration; [etc., etc.], 1907. 762 p. incl. tables. I fold. map. 24'^'". 333 LAND Maine, Sir Henry Sumner. 309.1 N400 "'■'"' Lectures on the early history of institutions. Seventh edition. viii,[2],4i3 p. O. London: J. Murray, 1897. Maine, Sir Henry Sumner. 321.2 N600 10990 Village-communities in the East and West. Six lectures delivered at Oxford. Seventh edition. xii,4[3p. O. London : J. Murray, 1895. Contains also the following lectures: The ^-fleets of observation of India on modern European thought. Address to the University of Calcutta. The theory of evidence. Roman law and legal education. Nicholson, Joseph Shield, 1850- 333.042 Q600 64678 -pj^g relations of rents, wages and profits in agriculttire, and their bearing on rural depopulation ; by J S. Nicholson .... Lon- don, S. Sonncnschcin & Co., ltd.; New York, C. Scribncr's Sons, 1906. viii, 176 p. 194''"'. [.Social science series.] BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 115 Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. 333-07 i 333 Land 4L>4ij Polk's Real estate and financial register of the United Stales and Canada. Comprising lists of real estate agents — ... brokers — abstracters of title — ... surveyors — appraisers ... — agents for mineral, timber and pine lands — land companies — ... — commissioners of deeds — ... lawyers — ... — promoters — ... county clerks and county treasurers — ... also a digest of the statutes affecting real estate — U. S. public lands — popula- tion of incorporated cities, towns and villages — a descriptive sketch and map of each state and territory — etc., .... Chica- go, Baltimore, [etc.], R. L. Polk & Co., '^I904-<^I907. Vol. 2-3, 1904-1908. maps. 24'^'". Cox, Harold. 333.1 P2OO 333 Land nationali- *'°" Land nationalization. [6],i89p. D. [Social questions of to-day, nation no. 8.] London: Methuen & Co., 1893. George, Henry. 335-75 N900 "" Progress and poverty: an inquiry into the cause of industrial de- pressions, and of increase of want with increase of wealth. The remedy. xi,[2],viii,5 12 p. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1882. Fernow, Bernhard Edward, 1851- 333-7 Q200 333.7 Economics of 501B3 Economics of forestry; a reference book for students of political ""^^^ ""^ economy and professional and lay students of forestry, by Bern- hard E. Fernow .... New York, T. Y. Crowell & Co., [1902]. [2], xii, 520 p. ig.i*^". [Library of economics and polities.] "Bibliography," p. 491-507. 334 COOPERATION Brabrook, Edward William. 334 4 19275 Provident societies and industrial welfare. 224 p. D. [Victorian era series.] London: Blackie & Son, 1898. Co-operative Wholesale Societies. 334-052 i 566S -pj^g Co-operative Wholesale Societies, limited, England and Scot- land, annual Continued from 1897. il. pi. por. maps. O. Manchester, pref. 1896-. Gilman, Nicholas Paine. 331.04 G42 '"" A dividend to labor. A study of employers' welfare institutions. viii,400 p. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1899. Contents: Part i. The modern employer: i. An essential matter. 2. .A. realizable ideal. 3. Robert Owen the manufacturer. Part 2. An indirect dividend to labor: 4. Welfare-institutions in Germany. 5. Patronal institutions in France. 6. Patronage in Holland and Belgium. 7. British employers' institutions. 8. American liberality to workmen. Part 3. A direct dividend to labor: 9. Five cases of profit sharing. 10. Profit sharing to-day. 1 1 . The reasonable way. "Bibliography," p. 389-392. ii6 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 334 Cooperation Gilman, Nicholas Paine. 334-65 i "" Profit sharing between employer and employee. A study in the evolution of the wages system. x,46o p. O. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1889. "Bibliography", p. 446-44S. Holyoake, George Jacob, 1817-1906. 334.942 12 646M -phe histor}' of co-operation ; by George Jacob Holj-oake .... Revised and completed .... Volume I- [ll]. Second impres- sion. London, T. F. Unwin, 1906. 2 vol. 3 pi., 5 ports, (incl, fronts.) 22.^^°^. Paged continuously; vol. i : xviii, 335, [i] p.; vol. 2: x, 337-691 p. Hughes, Thomas, & Neale, Edward Vansittart, cdi/ors. 334 2 ""■ A manual for co-operators. Prepared at the request of the Co-operative Congress, held at Gloucester, in April, 1879; and revised 1888. Published for the Central Co-operative Board, .... Manchester. xvi,265 p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1888. Schloss, David Frederick. 331-2 P801 14653 ]\iethods of industrial remuneration. Third edition, revised and enlarged. xi.x,446 p. D. London : Williams and Norgate, 1898. 335 SOCIALISM Ely, Richard Theodore. 335-02 P400 '"' Socialism. An examination of its nature, its strength and its weakness, with suggestions for social reform. Sixth edition. xiii,449 p. i table. D. [Library of economics and politics, no. 3.] New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1894. "Bibliography", p. 399-442. Flint, Robert. 335-02 P500 "'"'* Socialism. 512 p. O. London: Isbister & Co., 1895. Mallock, William Hurrell. 335 -oi O200 '"' Social equality: a short study in a missing science. 212 p. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1882. Morris, William. 335-04 M83 10564 Signs of change. Seven lectures delivered on various occasions. New edition. viii,[2],202 p. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1896. Contents: How we live and how we might live. Whigs, democrats, and socialists. Feudal England. The hopes of civilisation. The aims of art. Useful work versus useless toil. Dawn of a new epoch. Spargo, John. 335-02 Q601 Socialism; a sinnniar)- and interpretation of socialist principles, by John Spargo .... New York, London, Tlie Macmillan Com- pany, 1906. xvi, [2], 257 p. 194<:n.. 61931 BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 117 Hillquit, Morris, 1869- 335-0973 Q301 335.09 History of °"" History of socialism in the United States, by Morris Hillquit. so^alism New York and London, Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1903. 371 p. 21™. ■ Kirkup, Thomas. 335.09 Qooi 55010 j^ history of socialism. New edition, revised and enlarged, vi, [2], 364 p. D. London: A. & C. Black, 1900. Rae, John. • 335.09 Qioo 28948 Contemporary socialism. [Third edition]. xii,5 56p. O. Lon- don: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1901. "This edition is a reprint of the second, with the addition of a new chapter, telling the history of the Socialist movement since that second edition was published. ' ' Preface. Sombart, Werner. 335-09 P800 '"-" Socialism and the social movement in the 19th century. With a chronicle of the social movement 1 750-1 896. Translated by Anson P. Atterbury, with an introduction by John B. Clark. xvii,i99 p. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. Woods, Robert Archey. 309.42 Pioo 11579 English social movements. Third edition. vii, [2], 277 p. D. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1897, c. 1891. Contents: i. The labor movement. 2. Socialism. 3. The university settlements. 4. University extension. 5. The social work of the church. 6. Charity and philan- thropy. 7. Moral and educational progress. Hinds, William Alfred, 1833- 335.29 Q80O 335.29 Communistic ""' American communities and co-operative colonies, by William Al- ^°'^'^*^'^^ fred Hinds, .... Second revision .... Chicago, C. H.Kerr & Co., 1908. 608 p. 19 pi., 14 ports. 20'^°'. Bibliographical notes at end of some of the chapters. Nordhoff, Charles. 335.29 N400 "*'' The communistic societies of the United States ; from personal visit and observation : . . . . 439 p. il. 1 5 pi. i por. i map. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1875. Contains a bibliography of communistic societies in the United States. Gronlund, Laurence. 335-3 Pooi 335.3 CoUectivism "'"^ The co-operative commonwealth. An exposition of socialism. Revised and enlarged edition. ix,304 p. il. D. Boston: Lee & Shepard, 1893. Marx, Karl, 1 8 18-1883. 335-3 0300 "* Capital : a critical analysis of capitalist production, by Karl Marx. Translated from the third German edition, by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling, and edited by Frederick Engels. New York, Appleton & Co.; London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1889. xxxi, 816 p. 22""'. ii8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 335.6 Anarchism Zenker, Ernst Victor. 335-^ P700 """ Anarchism. A criticism and history of the anarchist theory. xiii,323 p. D. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. 335.93 Catholic so- Nitti, Francesco Saverio. 335-93 P200 "*''^™ "'8 CathoHc socialism. Translated from the second Italian edition by Mary Mackintosh, with an introduction by David G. Ritchie, xx, 432 p. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. 336 FINANCE Adams, Henry Carter, 336-02 P800 "*"' The science of finance. An investigation of public expenditures and public revenues. xiii,573 p. O. (American science series -advanced course.) New York: H. Holt & Co., 1898. Bastable, Charles Francis, 1855- 336.02 Q300 '"-"' Public finance, by C. F. Bastable .... Third edition, revised and enlarged. London, New York, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1903. xxiv, 780 p. 2^'^'". First edition, 1892, second edition, 1S95. Bullock, Charles Jesse, 1869- , of. 336-o8 i ^'"^ Selected readings in public finance, by Charles J. Bullock .... Boston, New York, [etc.], Ginn & Co., [''1906]. [4], iii-viii, 671 p. fold, diagr. ai-i"^'". (//(/^-//V/i'.- Selections and documents in economics, ed. by William Z. Ripley.) 336.2 Taxation Ely, Richard Theodore. 336.2 O800 '"'" Taxation in American states and cities. By Richard T. Ely. Assisted by John H. Finley xx,544p. 2 tables. D. New York: T. Y. Crowcll & Co., c. 1888. National Conference on State and Local Taxation. 336.2 Q800 ""'"■ IS/, Columbus, 0., 1907. State and local taxation ; fust National Conference under the auspices of the National Ta.x Association, Columbus, Ohio, No- vember 12-15, 1907. Addresses and proceedings. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1908. [6, ix]-xx, O75 p. 224'''". Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson. 336.2 P500 i;.7.sii ]_rggay5 [,j ia.\ation. Second edition. x,434 p. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. '■liihlidgraphy of Americ.in reports on taxation," p. 422-424. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 119 Spahr, Charles Barzillai. 330.9 P601 335 2 Taxation '"' An essay on the present distribution of wealth in the United States. Second edition. viii,i84p. D. [Library of economics and pohtics, vol. 12.] New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co.,c. 1896. Adams, Henry Carter. 336.3 O700 336.3 PubUc debts *"■"' Public debts. An essay in the science of finance. xi,407 p. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895, c. 1887. Dewey, Davis Rich, 1S58- 336.73 Q203 336.73 American "•^^ .... Financial history of the United States, by Davis Rich ^°*°" Dewey .... New York, London, [etc.], Longmans, Green, and Co., 1903. XXXV, [2], 530 p. charts, zoi'^'". (American citizen series.) ".Suggestions for students, teachers, and readers," p. [ix]-xxviii. "References" at beginning of chapters. Noyes, Alexander Dana. 336-73 P800 i253o Thirty years of American finance. A short financial history of the government and people of the United States since the Civil War, 1 865-1 896. XV, 277 p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. Rabbeno, Ugo. 336-73 P403 """' The American commercial policy. Three historical essays. Second edition, partly re-written and entirely revised by the author. Translated at the Translations Bureau. xxiv,4i4p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. 337 PROTECTION AND FREE TRADE Bastable, Charles Francis, 1855- 382 P200 10314 jj^g commerce of nations, by C. F. Bastable London, Me- thuen & Co., 1892. viii, 2i6p. iS<''". ( //835 Q301 66378 -pj^g tenement house problem, including the report of the New York State Tenement House Commission of 1900, by various writers, edited by Robert W. De Forest and Lawrence Veiller . . . New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1903. 2 vol. fronts., plates, port., maps (i fold.), plans, fold, tables, fold, chart. 23.^'="'. "List of books important to a proper understanding of the tenement-house problem in the city of New York," vol. i, p. 117-118. Goodnow, Frank Johnson, 1859- 352.073 18 ""■" .... City government in the United States, by Frank J. Good- now .... New York, The Century Co., 1904. X, 315 p. ao"^". (The American state series.) Municipal year book. 352.073 12 "'°^ .... The Municipal yearbook. 1902. Giving the population, assessed valuation, principal officials, and ownership of public utilities ; also information regarding the water supply, sewerage, street cleaning, street sprinkling, garbage, fire and underground electric service in all the incorporated places in the United States, and in all the New England towns of 3,000 population and up- wards by the census of 1900. With summaries and editorial discussion New York, The Engineering News Publishing Company, 1902. I vol. 23i<^'". At head of tiltv: First issue. Edited by M. N. Kaker. Ceased publication. Wilcox, Delos Franklin, 1873- 352.073 16 "'"° . . . The American city : a problem in democracy, by Delos F. Wilcox, PH.D. New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1904. vii, 423 p. ig"^"". (The citizen's library [of economics, politics, and sociology].) BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 135 Zueblin, Charles, 1 866- 352.07311 352.073 American ^""^ .... American municipal progress; chapters in municipal sociolo- ""n'cipalities gy, by Charles Zueblin .... New York, London, The Macmil- lan Company, 1902. V, 380 p. ig*^'". (^Half-title: The citizen's lilirary of economics, politics, and sociology, ed. by R. T. Ely.) Series title also at head of t.-p. Contents. — Introduction: municipal sociolog)-. — Transportation. — Public works. — Sanitation. — Public schools. — Public libraries. — Public buildings. — Parks and boulevards. — Public recreation. — Public control, ownership, and operation. Chicago. City Council. 692.9773 Q500 352.0773 Municipal ''»" An ordinance relating to the Department of Buildings and gov- ^ag"'""^"' "* ^'"" erning the erection of buildings, etc. in the City of Chicago passed March 13, 1905. Chicago, Moorman & Geller, printers, 1905. 384 p. I fold. plan. iS™. Chicago. Ordinances, etc. 352.0773 C4393 58273 -j-[^g revised municipal code of Chicago of 1905. Passed March 20, 1905 . . . Containing all the general ordinances of the city in force March 20, A.D. 1905, together with an appendix contain- ing all prohibition and local option ordinances in force on said date, and the track elevation ordinance of February 23, 1893; also certain material provisions of the statutes of the state of Illinois relating to municipal governments. With a supplement containing all general ordinances passed by the City Council be- tween March 20, 1905, and September 25, 1905. Revised and codified by Edgar Bronson Tolman . . . assisted by William H. Arthur and'Roswell B. Mason ... Chicago, Rochester, N. Y., The Lawyers' Co-operative Publishing Company, 1905. vi, [2], 979 P- 24':'n. . Amendments . . . and new general ordinances passed by the City Council of the City of Chicago between March 20, 1905, and [Sept. i, 1907. ... Supplement no. I-II. Chicago, 1906- 1907.] 2 vol. 23'^'^\ No. I compiled by Edward J- Padden. Chicago. Bureau of Statistics and Municipal Library. 977.316 Q800 * ■""' The Chicago city manual, containing a list of the executive and other city officers, with descriptions of their duties ; lists of the Aldermen and of the committees of the City Council and the rules regulating that body and many other matters .... Compiled by Francis A. Eastman, city statistician. Chicago, Bureau of Sta- tistics and Municipal Library, 1908. 203, iv p. incl. tables. I pi., 2 port., I fold. plan. 234""". Cd.l8 2 Norton, Samuel Wilber. 388.9773 Q702 Chicago traction; a history, legislative and political, by Samuel Wilber Norton .... Chicago, 1907. 240 p. front., ports. 20'="'. 136 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY^ 352.0773 Muncicipai Winchell, Samuel Robertson. 977.316 Q500 government of Chi- e.s.a Chicago past and present; a manual for the citizen, the teacher and the student ; history, government, officials, their duties and salaries .... By S. R. Winchell .... Chicago, A. Flanagan Company, 1906. 247 p. illus. 20"^' ncm 352.12 Municipal Ely, Richard Theodore. 336.2 O800 ^^ """ """ Taxation in American states and cities. By Richard T. Ely. Assisted by John H. Finley xx,544p. 2 tables. D. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1888. National Conference on State and Local Taxation. 336.2 Q800 "*"* 1st, Columbus, 0., 1907. State and local taxation ; first National Conference under the auspices of the National Tax Association, Columbus, Ohio, No- vember 12-15, 1907. Addresses and proceedings. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1908. [6, i.'<]-xx, 675 p. 224'^"'. 352.5 Public build- Baker, Moses Nelson. 628.02 O104 ings and works soseo n/r • • \ • x t .... Municipal engineermg and sanitation by M. N. Baker ... New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1902, figoi]. viii, 3i7p. 194cm. CThe citizens library.") Bemis, Edward Webster, editor. 352-5 P900 '""■ Municipal nmnopolies. A collection of papers by American economists and specialists. ix,69i p. 3 tables. D. [Library of economics and politics.] New York: T. Crowell & Co., c. 1899. Robinson, Charles Mulford. 352.5 Qioo "'"^ The improvement of towns and cities ; or, The practical basis of civic aesthetics. xii,[2],309 p. D. New York : G.P.Putnam's Sons, 1901. Contents: A. Foundations of civic beauty: i. The site of the city. 2. The street plan. 3. The elementary construction. B. Beauty in the street: 4. Suppression and repression. 5. The advertisement problem. 6. Making utilities beautiful. 7. The tree's importance. 8. Possibilities of gardening. C. /Esthetic phase of social and philan- thropic effort : 9. Parks and drives. 10. "Squares" and playgrounds. 1 1 . .•\rchitectural development. :2. Architectural obligations. D. /Esthetic phase of educational effort : 13. Function and placing of sculpture. 14. Popular education in art. E. Means to secure civic esthetics: 15. Work of individuals and societies. 16. Work of officials. Robinson, Charles Mulford. 352-5 Q300 s«988 MqJci'h civic art; or. The city made beautiful, by Charles Mul- ford Robinson .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1903. iv, 3S1 p. 224'^'". 353 United States Fairlie, John Archibald, 1872- 353 Q500 government ^1992 -^1,^. national adiuinistration of the United States of America, by John A. Fairlie .... New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1 905. xi, 274 p. 23™. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 137 Gauss, Henry Colford, 1867- 353 O700 353 united states 63968 jj^g American government, organization and officials, with the government duties and powers of federal office holders ; an original summari- zation by H. C. Gauss, with a compilation of data from official sources. New York, L. R. Hatnersly & Co., 1908. xxiii, S71 p. 24™. Hart, Albert Bushnell, 1S54- 320.973 Q302 ^°"^ .... Actual government as applied under American conditions. By Albert Bushnell Hart .... New York, London, [etc.], Longmans, Green, and Co., 1903. xliv, 599 p. front., plates, maps, table. 20.^'^"'. (American citizen series.) "Select bibliography of American government," p. [xiii]-x.\xiv. U. S. A. Department of Commerce and Labor. ^'353 ^ '°^* Bureau of the Census. Official register. Persons in the civil, military, and naval service of the United States, and list of vessels Compiled by the Director of the Census. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1857-. Continued from 1S57. 23<^™.-3ox23'^'". 1857-1877 title reads: Register of officers and agents, civil, military, and naval in the service of the United States. Other slight variations. 1857-1859 compiled under the direction of the Secretary of State; 1869-1905, by the Secretary of the Interior. Published biennially. 1861, 1869, 1873, 1S83: part I, wanting. U. S. A. Post Office Department. 353-4 i United States official postal guide. Revised and published . . . by authority of the Post Office Department Second series, vol. 13. 1S91. Continued from vol. 17. 1895. O- [Washing- ton, D. C], c. 1891-. Vol. 13, no. 2-12; vol. 17, no. 2-12; vol. 22, no. 2-4, 6, 1 1 ; vol. 23, no. 8-10, missing. Illinois. Secretary of State. 353'9773 20 353.9 State govern- ''"' Blue book of the State of Illinois. Compiled and published by "^^"'^ . . . , [the] Secretary of State. Springfield, 111., Phillips Bros., state printers, 1899-. Continued from 1899. plates, maps. 23'^'". 1899-1901 title reads: List of state officers, .... Massachusetts. 974-4 2 :s66 Massachusetts year book Continued from vol. 2. 1896. il. pi. map. D. Worcester: V. S. Blanchard, c. 1896-. Vol. 2-4 compiled by Alfred S. Rue. With slight variations in subtitle. See also 320: Politics and government. 342: Constitutional history. 138 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 354 Foreign govern- Great Britain. Colonial Office. 314-2 2 ™^° ^ •'•"'^ The Colonial Office list : comprising historical and statistical in- formation respecting the colonial dependencies of Great Britain, .... Compiled from official records, .... Continued from no. 35. [1896.] maps, tables. O. London, pref. 1896-. No. 35-36 edited by John Anderson; no. 37-, by W. H. Mercer and A. E. Collins- Kurschners Staats-, Hof- und Kommunal-Handbuch. 354-43 5 33498 Kiirschners Staats-, Hof- und Kommunal-Handbuch des [Deut- schen] Reichs und der Einzelstaaten zugleich statistisches Jahr- buch Miinchen, E. Erztel, 1902-. Continued from vol. 17, 1902. illus., ports, igi'^"'. Vol. 17 title reads: Staats- Hof- und Kommunal-Handbuch .... Herausgegeben von Joseph Kurschner. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen'sche Verlagshandlung. Stockholm. K. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademien. 354-485 i ""* Sveriges statskalender ... . Utgifven after Kongl. Maj:ts nadigste forordnande af dess Vetenskaps-Akademi. Bihang: Utdrag ur Norges statskalender. Continued from 1898. O. Stockholm 1897-. See also 320: Politics and government. 342: Constitutional history. 355-359 MILITARY AND NAVAL SCIENCE Farrow, Edward S. ^355-03 P501 E1020 parrow's military encyclopedia. A dictionary of military knowl- edge. Second edition, revised and enlarged, with supplement. 3 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. New York : Military-Naval Publishing Co., 1895, c. 1884. Harbottle, Thomas Benfield, d. 1904. 355-03 Q400 6I9S8 j)ictionary of battles from the earliest date to the present time, by Thomas Benfield Harbottle .... London, S. Sonnenschein & Co., ltd., 1904. '[6], 298 p. 20-J'^'". [Sonnenschein's dictionaries of quotations. 10.] Oman, Charles [William Chadwick]. L355-09 P8oo 17780 ^ History of the art of war. The Middle Ages from the fourth to the fourteenth century, y.v.t^)'] p. 7 pi. 17 maps. O. Lon- don: A'cthuen & Co., 1898. 359 Naval science Maclay, Edg \r StantOD. 359-0973 Qioo A histf' ,• of the United States Navy from 1775 to 1901. With tech- .cal revision by Lieutenant Roy Campbell Smith. New and enlarged edition. 3 vol. il. pi. maps. O. New York : D. Apple- ton & Co., 1 90 1. \'oi J k not revised by Lieut. R. C. .Smith. 291. '.< BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. i,S9 Maclay, Edgar Stanton. 359-0973 Q200 359 Navai science •""' A history of the United States Navy from 1775 to 1902. New and enlarged edition. Vol. 3. xxii,537 p. il. 30 pi. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1902. Mahan, Alfred Thayer. 359-0973 P700 '""' The interest of America in sea power, present and future. vi,[4], 314 p. 2 maps. O. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1897. Naval annual. I'359-052 i 12650 jj^g Naval annual, .... Portsmouth, J. Griflfln and Co., 1898-. Continued from [vol. 12], 1S9S. fronts., illus., plates, plans, maps, tables. 25<=". Naval 3ncyclopaedia. LSSg-os Oooi 16267 j^ naval encyclopaedia: comprising a dictionary of nautical words and phrases ; biographical notices, and records of naval ofificers ; special articles on naval art and science, written ... by officers and others of recognized authority in the branches treated by them. Together with descriptions of the principal naval stations and seaports of the world. 1017 p. il. O. Philadelphia: L. R Hamersly S' Co., 18S1. Progress of the century, 032 Qioo 27E63 The progress of the century iii,[i],582,[2] p. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1901. Contents: Wallace, A. R. Evolution. Ramsay, W. Chemistry. Petrie, W. M. F.-. Archaeology. Lockyer, Sir J. N. Astronomy. Caird, E. Philosophy. Osier, W. Medicine. Keen, W. W. Surgery. Thomson, E. Electricity. Mendenhall, T. C. Physics. Dilke, Sir C. W. War. Mahan, A. T. Naval ships. Lang, A. Literature. Clarke, T. C. Engineering. Religion: Gibbons, J., Cardinal. Cathohcism. Allen, A. V. G. Protestantism. Gottheil, K. J. H. The Jews and Judaism. Smith, G. Free- thought. 360 CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS Philanthropy. 304 P53 ""^ Philanthropy and social progress. Seven essays by Miss Jane Addams, Robert A. Woods, Father J. O. S. Huntington, Profes- sor Franklin H. Giddings, and Bernard Bosanquet. Delivered before the School of Applied Ethics at Plymouth, Mass. during the season of 1892. With introduction by Professor Henry C. Adams. New York, T. Y. Crowcll & Co., [^^1893]. xi, 268 p. igAt^'". Contents. — I. Addams, J. The subjective necessity lor social settlements. — 2. Samf. The objective value of a social settlement. — 3. Woods, R. A. The university settlement idea. — 4. Huntington, |. O. S. Philanthropy — -its success and failure. — 5. Same, Philanthropy and morality. — 6. Giddings, F. H. The ethics of social progress. — 7. Bosanquet, B. The principles and chief dangers of the administration of charity. I40 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 360 Charities and Bosanquet, Bernard, editor. 304 B65 °" Aspects of the social problem, by various writers. x,334 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Contents: 1-2. Bosanquet, B. The duties of citizenship. 3. Dendy, H. The chil- dren of working London. 4. M'Callum, M. The protection of children. 5. Dendy, H. The position of women in industry. 6. Dendy, H. Marriage in East London. 7. Dendy, H. The industrial residuum. 8. Bosanquet, B. Character in its bearing on so- cial causation. 9. Dendy, H. Old pensioners. 10. Loch, C. S. Pauperism and old- age pensions. II. Dendy, H. The meaningand methods of true charily. 12. M'Cal- lum, M. Some aspects of reform. 13. Dendy, H. Origin and history of the English poor law. 14. Loch, C. S. Some controverted points in the administration of poor relief. 15. Loch, C. S. Returns as an instrument in social science. 16. Bosanquet, B. Social- ism and natural selection. 17. Bosanquet, B. The principle of private property. 18. Bosanquet, B. The reality of the general will. Chicago Charities Directory Association. 360.9773 3 60614 Chicago charities directory. A descriptive exhibit of the philan- thropic, social, and religious resources of the City of Chicago. Also an epitome of laws useful in the conduct of charitable and social work Published by the Chicago Charities Directory Association. [Chicago], 1905. 1906. 17-i'^'". Edited by Mrs. Ida Sonneboru. Devine, Edward Thomas, 1 867- 361 Q400 65006 -pj^g principles of relief, by Edward T. Devine .... New York, London, The Macinillan Company, 1904. vi, 495 p. 2oA'^'". Contents. — pt. i. Principles. — pt. 2. Typical relief problems. — pt. 3. Historical survey. — pt. 4. Relief in disasters. — Appendices: i. Draft of a constitution for a charity organization society. 2. Rules of the committee on charitable transportation. Henderson, Charles Richmond. 360.2 Qioo *""" Introduction to the study of the dependent, defective, and delin- quent classes, and of their social treattnent. Second edition, enlarged and rewritten. viii,397 p. i pi. O. Boston, U. S. A.: D. C. Heath & Co., 1901. "This volume is nominally the second edition of a book some time out of print, and it is almost entirely a new book. Since the first edition, a pioneer in this field, the matter and form have been tested and sifted by criticism, by wider reading and further practical experience in charity organization work, and by classroom instruction." Pre- face. Appendix [bibliographical and statistical], p. 349-394. Henderson, Charles Richmond, 1848- 361.9 Q400 '^'°*" Modern methods of charity ; an account of the systems of relief, public and private, in the principal countries having modern methods, by Charles Richmond Henderson, assisted by others. New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1904. xiv, 7i5p. 234=". Bibliography, p. 689-702. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. .41 Tolman, William Howe, <&- Hull, William I. 360.9747 P400 seo Charities and ,s8io Handbook of sociological information, with especial reference to corrections New York City. Prepared for the City Vigilance League, New York City. xi,257 p. O. New York 1894. Contains a bibliography of sociology. Warner, Amos Griswold. 360.973 P400 '"*"' American charities. A study in philanthropy and economics. Third thousand. viii,430 p. il. i map, 6 tables. D. [Library of economics and politics, vol. 4.] New York: T. Y. Crowell & 'Co., c. 1894. Woods, Robert Archey. 309.42 Pioo 11579 English social movements. Third edition. vii,[2],277 p. D. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1897, c. 1891. Contents: I. The labor movement. 2. Socialism. 3. The university settlements. 4. University extension. 5. The social work of the church. 6. Charity and philar- thropy. 7. Moral and educational progress. Burdett's hospitals. 362.942 I 362 Hospitals. In- '"" Burdett's hospitals and charities . . . being the year book of phil- s^""^- Defectives anthropy and the hospital annual, containing a review of the position and requirements, and chapters on the management, revenue and cost of the charities. An exhaustive record of hos- pital work for the [preceding] year London, The Scientific Press, ltd., [1895-]. Continued from vol. 6, 1895. iSi'^"'. Subtitle varies. Edited by Sir Henr>' Burdett. Vol. 7 wanting. Folks, Homer, 1867- 362.7 Q200 64961 -pj^g ^^^j.g q{ destitute, neglected, and delinquent children, by Ho- mer Folks .... New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1902. ix, 251 p. 18™. {flalf/i/k: American philanthropy of the nineteenth century.) References at the beginning of each chapter. Letchworth, William Pryor. 362.2 O901 ''"" The insane in foreign countries. Second edition. xvi,400,7 p. 19 pi. 2 maps. Q. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1889. Ochsner, Albert John, 1858- L725.5 O16 63985 -YY^Q organization, construction and management of hospitals, with numerous plans and details, by Albert J. Ochsner . . . and Meyer J.Sturm .... Chicago, Cleveland Press, 1 907. [4], [vii]-viii, [9]-6oo p. incl. illus., plans, diagrs. 284""'. 142 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 352 Hospitals. In- U.S.A. Department of Commerce and Labor. L362.973 2 sane. Defectives jos-s n r ^j /" "*■' Bureau of the Census. .... Benevolent institutions 1904. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1905. 335 P- 30x23'^'". ( Department of Commerce and Labor. Bureauof the Census. S. N. D. North, director. Special reports.) U. S. A. Department of Commerce and Labor. L362.4 Qooi "^*' Bureau of tlie Census. .... The Wind and the deaf 1900 .... Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1906. i\, 264 p. illus. 30'>™. At head of lilid: Department of Commerce and Labor. Bureau of the Census. S. N. D. North, director. Special reports. The preliminary data for this report were collected by the enumerators of the twelfth census. The compilation of the statistical tables was performed in the Division of ^'ital Statistics under the super\'ision of the late William A. King. The inquiry was initiated and the correspondence conducted under the direction of Dr. Alexander Graham Bell. He also prepared the text relating to the deaf. In arranging the classification of the causes of blindness. Dr. Bell was assisted by the late Dr. Swan M. Burnett. U. S. A. Department of Commerce and Labor. L362.2 Q401 ^''"''' Bureau of the Census. ... . Insane and feeble-minded in hospitals and institutions 1904 .... Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1906. V, 232 p. tables. 30<^"'. At head of title: Department of Commerce and Labor. Bureau of the Census. S. N. U. North, director. Special reports. Investigation made under the direction of John Koren. Data collected and compiled under the direction of the late William A. King, chief statistician for vital statistics. U. S. A. Department of Commerce and Labor. L362.973 3 '*'*' Bureau of the Census. .... Paupers in almsliouses 1904 .... Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1906. V, 210 p. 3ox23.i<:". ACheadoftitie: Department of Commerce and Labor. Bureau of the Census. S. N. D. North, director. Special reports. The inquiry was conducted under the direction of John Koren. The data were collected and compiled under the supervision of the late William A. King, chief statistician for vital statistics. 364 Criminal soci- Fcrri, Enrico. 364P300 ""^ '^"" Criminal sociology. xx,284 p. D. [Criminology series, vol. 2.] New York: D. Applcton & Co., 1896. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 143 International Prison Commission. 364-973 " 364 Criminal soci '"""' .... Children's courts in the United States. Their origin, "'^sy development, and results .... Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1904. xvii, 203 p. 23.i'''". ([U. S. .'\.] 5Sih Congress, 2d session. House of Repre- sentatives. Document no. 701.) Contents. — Introduction, by Samuel J. Barrows. — Illinois: Children's court in Chi- cago, by Richard S. Tuthill. Development of the juvenUe court idea, by T. D. Hurley. — New York: JuvenUe court of Buffalo, by Thomas Murphy. The child of the large city, by Julius M. Mayer. The Children's court of Brooklyn, by Robert J. Wilkin. — Colorado: The Juvenile court of Denver, by Ben B. Lindsey. Additional report on methods and results, by Ben B. Lindsey. — Pennsylvania : A campaign for childhood, by Hannah Kent Schoff. — Wisconsin: Juvenile court of Milwaukee, by Bert Hall. — New Jersey: Children's court in Newark, by Alfred F. Skinner. — Indiana: The mission of the Juvenile court of Indianapolis, by George W. -Stubbs. The probation system of the Juvenile court of Indianapolis, by Mrs. Helen W. Rogers. — Missouri: The change wrought by the juvenile probation system in St. Louis, by Charlotte C. Eliot. — Appendix : Juvenile court laws. Morrison, William Douglas. 364 Pioo *"*'' Crime and its causes. x,[2],236 p. D. [Social science series, vol. 27.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., i8qi. Morrison, William Douglas. 364 P600 6035 juyenile offenders. xx,3i7p. O. [Criminology series, no, 3] London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1896. Travis, Thomas. 132.9 Q800 ''''"* The young malefactor ; a study in juvenile delinquency, its causes and treatment, by Thomas Travis, PH. D. ; with an introduction ■by the Honorable Ben B. Lindsey .... New York, T. Y. Cro- well& Co., [1908]. [2], v-xxviii, 243, [2] p. xui pi. on 7 1. 2o4'^"'. Plates printed on both sides. "Bibliography," p. 233-235. Wines, Frederick Howard. 364 P500 '""' Punishment and reformation. An historical sketch of the rise of the penitentiary system. xi,339 p. il. 6 pi. [Librar}- of econom- ics and politics, vol. 6.] New York : T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1895. See also 132.9: Criminal anthropology. 343: Criminal law. Da'wson, Miles Menander, 1863- 368.3 Q506 368 insurance 68009 -j-j^g business of life insurance, by Miles Menander Dawson .... New York, A. S. Barnes & Co., 1905. viii, 404 p. 19"". 144 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 368 Insurance Harris, William A. 660.3 O900 '"*' A technological dictionary of insurance chemistry. xi,407 p. D. Liverpool : published by the author at the Phoenix Fire Office, 1890. Hendrick, Burton Jesse, 1870- 368.3 Q701 60310 -Yhe story ol life insurance, by Burton J. Hendrick. London, W. Heinemann, 1907. [10], 296 p. front, (port.) igi'^". "Articles . . . undertaken at the request of the editors of McClure's magazine, in which periodical they were first published." — Pub. note. Insurance yearbook. 368.973 4 32703 -j-j.jg Insurance yearbook New York, The Spectator Com- pany, 1881-. Vol. [9, 11], 25, pi. 2, 1SS1/2, 1883/4, 1897/8; continued from vol. 29, 1901. 244':"". Vol. 25-, published in two parts: I. Life and miscellaneous insurance; 2. Fire and marine. Willoughby, William Franklin. 331-25 P8oo '^93 Workingmen's insurance. xii,386 p. D. [Library of economics and politics.] New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1898. "Bibliographical note," p. 379-386. 370 EDUCATION 370.1 Theory Of edu- De Garmo, Charles, 1849- 370-i P502 cation ba89 Herbart and the Herbartians, by Charles de Garmo, PH.D. .... New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1896, ['iSgs']- ix, 268 p. 19"'". (The great educators ) "Bibliography of Ilerbartian literature," p. 257-268. Harris, William Torrey. 150.2 P801 12S37 Psychologic foundations of education. An attempt to show the genesis of the higher faculties of the mind. xxxv,400 p. D. (International education series, vol. 37.) New York : D. Apple- ton & Co., 1898. Herbart, [Johann Friedrich], 1 776- 1 84 1. 370.1 P602 *'*' .... Hcrbart's ABC of sense-perception and minor pedagogical works. Translated, with introduction, notes, and commentary, by William J. Eckoff New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1896. xxxi, 288 p. 10 diagr., 2 tables. iS.J"". (International .ducation series. [Vol- ume xxwi.]') Herbart, Johann Friedrich. 370.1 Kioo ?»39o Outlines of educational doctrine. By John Frederick Herbart. Translated by Alexis F. Lange. Annotated by Charles De Gar- mo. xi,334 p. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1901. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 145 Herbart, Johann Friedrich. 370.1 P700 370.1 Theory of edu- 7609 -jj-j^ science of education. Its general prmciples deduced from its aim and the aesthetic revelation of the world. Translated from the German with a biographical introduction by Henry M. and Emmie Felkin. And a preface by Oscar Browning. Second edition. xx,286 p. D. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1897. Judd, Charles Hubbard, 1873- 150.2 Q300 '°'°° .... Genetic psychology for teachers, by Charles Hubbard Judd .... New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1903. xiii, 329 p. illus. i8i<=™. (International education series [v. 55].) Parker, Francis Wayland. 370- 1 P401 12514 faij^s Qn pedagogics. An outline of the theory of concentration. [2],xvi,4gi p. I por. D. (Kellogg's teachers' library, vol. I.) New York: E. L. Kellogg & Co., c. 1894. Rosenkranz, Johann Karl Friedrich. 370- 1 K800 "" The philosophy of education. Translated from the German by Anna C. Brackctt. Second edition, revised, and accompanied with commentary and analysis. xxviii,286 p. D. (Internation- al education series, vol. i.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1886. Rousseau, [Jean Jacques] . 370.1 F2 "'^* Rousseau's Emile, or Treatise on education. Abridged, trans- lated, and annotated by William H. Payne. xlv,363 p. D. (In- ternational education series, vol. 20.) New York: D. Apple- ton & Co., 1899. Spencer, Herbert. 370.1 Mooi "'" Education: intellectual, moral, and ph}-sical. 283 p. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896, c. 1S60. Barnett, Percy Arthur, iy///or. 370.2 P701 370.2 Compends of ^""' Teaching and organisation. With special reference to secondary schools. A manual of practice. .xi.x,4i9 p. il. D. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1897. Contents: i. Barnell, P. A. The criteria in education. 2. Pollard, A. T. Organisa- tion and curricula. 3. Welldon, E. A. The kindergarten, 4. Burrell, A. Reading and speaking. 5. Morris,!. H. Writing. 6. — ■. Drawing. 7. Wormel!,R. Mathematics. 8. Abbott, E. A. On the teaching of English grammar. 9. Barnett, P. A. English litera- ture. 10. Somervell, R. Modern history. 11. Withers, H. L. Ancient history. 12. Conner, E. C. K. Geography. 13. Lyttelton, E. Classical teaching. 14. Miall, L. C. The teaching of science. 15. Storr, F. The teaching of modern languages. 16. Mc- Naught, W. G. Vocal music. i7..Sidgwick, A. Form management. 18. Buckle, G. E. Ineffectiveness in teaching. 19. Glazebrook, M. G. SpeciaHsation. 20. Martin, A. T. School libraries. 21. Dukes, C. Health and physical culture. 22. Hill, W. K. Furni- ture, apparatus and appliances. 23. Sandford, M. E. Organisation and curricula in girls' schools. education 146 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 370.2 compends of Fitch, Joshua Girling. 370.2 Oioo education stk Lectures on teaching, delivered in the University of Cambridge during the Lent term, 1880. New edition. xvii,[i],436 p. D. Cambridge : University Press, 1883. Laurie, Simon Somerville. 370-2 P202 ""' Institutes of education, comprising an introduction to rational psychology ix,272 p. D. Edinburgh : J. Thin, 1892. 370.3 Dictionaries of education 370.4 Educational essays Dictionnaire. L370-3 O700 ""' Dictionnaire de pedagogic et d'instruction primaire. Public sous la direction de V. Buisson, avcc Ic concours d'un grand nombre decoUaboratcurs. 2 parts and supplement in 4 vol. il. O. Paris: Hachettc & C"-, 1 887-1 888. Kiddle, Henry, & Schem, Alexander J., cdilors. L370.3O300 6210 -pj.,g Cyclopaedia of education : a dictionary of information for the use of teachers, school officers, parents, and others. Third edi- tion. With appendix. [2] ,v,868,xvii,[io] p. O. New York: E. Steiger& Co., 1883, c. 1876. Rein, Wilhelm, 1847- ^370.3 P500 ''" Encyklopadisches Handbuch der Padagogik, herausgegeben von W. Rein .... Erster- [siebenter] Band. Langensalza, H. Beyer & Sohne, 1 895-1 899. 7 vol. 26''"'. Sonnenschein's cyclopaedia of education. 370-3 P200 °'^^ Sonnenschein's cyclopaedia of education. A handbook of refer- ence on all subjects connected with education (its history, theory, and practice) t;dited by Alfred Evven Fletcher. Third edition. [6], 562 p. O. London: Swan Sonncnschein & Co., 1892. Contains also A select and systematic bibliography of pedagogy by William Swan Sonnenschcin. Eliot, Charles William. 370-4 E42 16512 Educational reform. Essays and addresses. ix,4i8p. O. New- York: Century Co., 1898. Contents; i. Inaugural address as president of Harvard College. 2. Address at the inauguration of Daniel C. Uilman. 3. Teachers' tenure of office. 4. On the education of ministers. 5. Wh.it is a liberal education? 6. Liberty in education. 7. Can school programmes be shortened and enriched? 8. .^n average Massachusetts grammar school. 9. The gap between common schools and colleges. 10. The aims of the higher educa- tion. II. Shortening and enriching the grammar-school course. 12. Undesirable and desirable uniformity in schools. 13. The grammar school of the future. 14. The unity of educational reform. 15. Medical education of the future. 16. A wider range of electives in college admission requirements. 17. .\n urban university. 18. The func- tion of education in democratic society. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 147 Locke, John. 370-4 ^79 370.4 Educational ""'^ Some thoughts concerning education. With introduction and *^^'y^ notes by the Rev. R. H. Quick. Second edition lxiv,240 p. S. (Pitt Press series.) Cambridge: University Press, 1889, prof. 1884. Payne, Joseph. 1S0S-1S76. 370.4 P29 ^'" Lectures on the science and art of education. With other lectures and essays. Reading Ckib edition By C. W. Bardeen. 281 p. D. (School bulletin publications.) Syracuse, N. Y. : C. W. Bardeen, 1885. Compayre, Gabriel. 37o-9 O300 370.9 History of ed- °'" The history of pedagogy. Translated, with an introduction, notes, "•=* '0° and an inde.x, by W. H. Payne. Third edition. xxvi.sgS p. D. London: Swan Sonncnschein & Co., 1895. Cubberley, Ell wood P ,1868- L370.9 Q401 619..J Syllabus of lectures on the history of education, with selected bibliographies and suggested readings, by EUvvood P. Cubberley .... Second edition, revised and enlarged. New York, Lon- don, The Macmillan Company, 1904. XV, 361 p. illus. 26A<^'". Paging irregular: many unnumbered blank pages. Painter, Franklin Verzelius Newton, 1852- 370.9 Q400 °""* .... A history of education, by F. V. N. Painter .... Revised, enlarged and largel\- rewritten. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1904. xix, 40S p. i8.i'="'. ( International education series. [\'ol. 2].) Ware, Fabian. 370-9 Q103 6aoo9 Educational foundations of trade and industry, by Fabian Ware .... London and New York, Harper & Brothers, 1901. xiii, 300 p. I fold, table. iS4<^">. Quick, Robert Hebert. 370.92 Q41 370.92 Educational ^''" Essays on educational reformers. Only authorized edition of the s P 7 work as rewritten in 1890. xxxiv,568 p. D. (International ed- ucation series, vol. 17.) New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1896, pref. 1890. Fitch, 5/;- Joshua [Girling]. 370.9204 F55 "" Thomas and Matthew Arnold and their influence on English edu- cation. ix,277 p. D. [Great educators.] New York : C. Scrib- ner's Sons, 1897. Laurie, Simon Somerville. • 370.9218 L37 ""* John Amos Comenius, Bishop of the Moravians: his life and ed- ucational works. Reading-circle edition, with a new bibliography .... 272p.il. I pi. D. (School bulletin publications.) Syra- cuse, N. Y. : C. W. Bardeen, 1892. 148 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 370.92 Educational Hughes, Thomas, .S'. J. 370.9252 H87 biography uios Loy^i^ ^nd the educational system of the Jesuits. ix,302 p. D. (Great educators.) New York: C. Scribner's Smis, 1892. Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. 370.9254 H59 1296S pjorace Mann and the common school revival in the United States. vii,326 p. D. (Great educators.) New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1898. Guimps, Roger de. 370.9267 G94 3093 Pestalozzi : his life and work. Authorized translation from the second French edition, by J. Russell xix,[3],438 p. D. (International education series, vol. 14.) New York : D. Apple- ton & Co., 1890. Davidson, Thomas. 370-9275 D28 '"^^' Rousseau and education according to nature. vii,253 p. D. (Great educators.) New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1898. 370.938 Education in Davidson, Thomas. 370.938 P400 ^'®*'^* *""* The education of the Greek people and its influence on civiliza- tion. xiv,[4],229 p. D. (International education series, vol. 28.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. 370.973 Education in Dexter, Edwin Grant, 1868- 370-973 Q400 the United states 6,9,, ^ history of education in the United States, by Edwin Grant Dexter .... New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1904. xxi, 656 p. 7 maps. 20.^'="'. "With acknowledgments to J. E. Miller, a.m., and to other members of my educa- tional seminar for valuable assistance in the preparation of material." Selected list of American periodicals, p. 636-637. "References" at end of chapters. Education. 370-973 Qooi 83895 £chicatiiMi in the United States. A series of monographs pre- pared for the United States exhibit at the Paris Exposition, 1900. Edited by Nicholas Murray Butler .... Albany, N. Y., J. B. Lyon Company, 1900. ' 2 vol. XXIV (!. i. 12) pi. (incl. plans), 2 maps, 3 tables, 5 diagr. 24i='". Paged continuously; vol. i : xviii, 464, [464a]-464e p.; vol. 2: [4], [465]-977 p. The plates consist of 12 leaves with illustrations on both sides. Title-pages for individual monographs read: Department of Education for the United States Commission to the Paris Exposition of 1900. Monographs on education in the United States For education in special countries, see also 378 Uni\ersity education ; 379 State education. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 149 American college. 370-973 5 370.973 Educational *""' American college & private school directory A complete •^'■'^'^to"^^ list of the colleges and private schools in the United States, with data concerning each institution. Compiled and edited by Harry J. Myers Chicago, New York, American Educational Association, [1907]. 1907. 22'">. American college. 370-973 i 14079 American college and public school directory St. Louis, Mo., C. H. Evans & Co., [1898-]. Vol. 21, 1898; continued from vol. 26, 1903. 214='". Patterson's college. 370.97 i 8S016 Patterson's college and school directory of the United States and Canada .... Chicago, American Educational Co., 1904-. Continued from vol. I, 1904. 22"^'". Compiled by Homer L. Patterson. 371 METHODS AND MANAGEMENT Baldwin, Joseph. 371 P700 '*"" School management and school methods. xix,395 p. il. D. (International education series, vol. 40.) New York: D. Apple- ton & Co., 1897. Barnett, Peicy Arthur. 371 Qooi 23569 Common sense in education and teaching. An introduction to practice. Second edition. ix,[3],32i p. D. London: Long- mans, Green, & Co., 1900. Contents: i. Instruction as discipline. 2. The discipline of character. 3. The phys- ical basis of education. 4. The genesis of curricula. 5* '^^^ manipulation of curricula. 6. Audible speech. 7. Literature and formal linguistic study. 8. Latin and Greek. 9. Mathematics and physical science. 10. Geography and history. 11. Warnings from history. 12. The making of the teacher. Caird, John. 042 C12 University addresses : being addresses on subjects of academic study delivered to the University of Glasgow. [Edited by Ed- ward Caird.] x,3S3 p. O. Glasgow: J. MacLehose & Son, 1898. Contents: The unity of the sciences. The progressiveness of the sciences. Erasmus. Galileo. The scientific character of Bacon. David Hume. Bishop Butler and his theology. The study of history. The science of history. The study of art. The pro- gressiveness of art. The art of public speaking. The personal element in teaching. General and professional education. ISO THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 371 Methods and Chancellor, William Estabrook, 1 867- 371 Q802 management ^j,g, ^^^ ^.^^ schools, their direction and management, by William Estabrook Chancellor .... Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1908. xvi, 338 p. incl. forms. 20'^'". "Bibliography," p. 334. Chancellor, William Estabrook. 379- 1 Q400 "'*' Our schools ; their administration and supervision, by William Estabrook Chancellor .... Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1904. xiii, 434 p. I9.J<^ k C'li McMurry, Charles Alexander, 1857- 371-4 Q300 65010 -j-j^g elements of general method, based on the principles of Her- bart, by Charles A. McMurray, .... New edition, revised aud enlarged. New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1903. [8], 331 p. 19'-'". Contents. — The chief aim of education. — Relative value of studies. — Interest. — Correlation. — Induction. — Apperception. — The will. — Herbart and his disciples. McMurry, Charles Alexander, 1857- 371-32 O300 501J9 -j-j^ig method of the recitation, by Charles A. ]\IcMurry . . . and Frank M. McMurry .... New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1903. M, 339 P- '9™- Perry, Arthur Cecil, 1873- 371 Q800 •6324 Yhe management of a city school, by Arthur C. Perry, jr New York, The Macmillan Company, 1908. viii, [2], 350 p. 20"^'". 371.42 Manual train- Ashbee, Charles Robert. 707 A819 ""^ "'"'° A few chapters in workshop re-construction and citizenship, by C. R. Ashbee, .... London, Guild and School of Handicraft, 1894. 165, [I] p. 23™. Contents. — I . Some definitions towards an ideal. — 2. On the need for the cultivation of the sense of beauty and the questionable wisdom of looking for this from the British middle class. — 3. How can we "run" art at our polytechnics. — 4. Decorative art from a workshop point of view. — 5. An industrial dialogue between Mr. Archibald Pushing- ton, M. P., and Mr. Thomas Trudge. — 6. The honest endeavour of Timothy Thumbs, teacher and humanist. — 7. On the higher aspects of technical education and the ele- mentary teacher. — 8. On the teaching of design and its bearing on workshop re-con- struction. — 9. University Extension and the workshop — a problem and a policy. — 10. The policy developed towards workshop reconstruction. — II. The relation of the archi- tect towards workshop reconstruction. — 12. On the possibility of a metropolitan school of architecture. — 13. Where is the builder of ideas ? — 14. The art and technical instructor of to-day and the little citizen of the future. — 15. On Jack's initiation into the citizen- ship. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 151 Salomon, Otto. 371.42 P4OO 371.42 Manual train- "*" The theory of educational sloyd. The only authorised edition of '"^ the lectures of Otto Salomon. Revised and edited for English and American students by an inspector of schools. Together with a resume of the history of manual training, and a biography of Herr Salomon Second edition. xii,i50 p. I pi. i por. D. London: G. Philip & Son, [1894]. Selden, Frank Henry. 37i'42 Q600 63079 Elementary woodwork for use in manual training classes, by Frank Henry Selden .... Chicago, New York, Rand, McNally & Co., ["1906]. [4], ii, 3-206 p. front., illus. iS<^"'. Woodward, Calvin Milton. 375.6 Pooi "*' Manual training in education. viii,3iO p. il. D. [Contemporary science scries.] London: W. Scott, 1896. Hughes, James Laughlin. 371.46 P700 37i.46Froebei'ssys- "'° Froebel's educational laws for all teachers. xiii,296 p. D. (In- ^^ ^ ternational education series.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. Posse, Nils. 371.73 Pool 371.73 Educational "" The Swedish system of educational gymnastics. Second edition, gymnastics enlarged. [10], 284 p. 264 il. O. Boston : Lee & Shepard, 189 1. 372 PRIMARY EDUCATION. CHILD STUDY Parker, Francis Wayland. 372O300 "" Talks on teaching. Reported by Lelia E. Patridge. Fifteenth edition 181 p. D. (Kellogg's teachers' library, vol. 3.) New York: E. L. Kellogg & Co., 1896. Smith, Nora Archibald. 372 P802 16533 The children of the future. [6], 165 p. D. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin &Co., 1898. Warner, Francis. 372 P703 17793 'YYiQ Study of children and their school training. .xix,264 p. 19 il. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. See also 150.2 child study. THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 372.2 Kindergarten Froebel, Friedrich. 372.2 MiOI '"" Friedrich Froebel's Education by development. The second part of the Pedagogics of the kindergarten. Translated by Jose- phine Jarvis. xxvi,347 p. il. D. (International education series, vol. 44.) New York: D. Applcton & Co., 1899. Froebel, Friedrich. 372.2 H600 """ The education of man. Translated from the German and anno- tated by W. N. Ilailmann. XXV, 332 p. D. (International edu- cation series, vol. 5.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., i8g6, c. 1887. Ji'roebel, [Friedrich] . 372.2 O700 ,=,573 Froebel's letters on the kindergarten. Translated from the Ger- man edition of 1887 by Hermann Poesche. Edited and annotat- ed by Emilie Michaelis and H. Keatle)' Moore. Authorized American edition. x,[2],33i p. D. Syracuse, N. Y. : C. W. Bardeen, 1896. Froebel, Friedrich. 372.2 P502 "'" The songs and music of Friedrich Froebel's Mother play (Mutter und Kose Lieder). Songs newly translated and furnished with new music. Prepared and arranged by Susan E. Blow. xv, 272 p. il. D. (International education series, vol. 32.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1898. Harrison, Elizabeth. 372.2 Pooi 1S808 ^ study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint. Six- teenth edition. 207 p. D. [Chicago:] Chicago Kindergarten College, 1895, c. 1890. Wiggin, Kate Douglas, 372.2 P500 ^'" \_lwni Smith, afterzvards Riggs], & Smith, Nora Archibald. Froebel's gifts. xi,[2],202 p. D. (Republic of childhood, vol. I.) Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1896. Wiggin, Kate Douglas, , 372.2 P600 '"' \born Smith, afterwards Riggs], & Smith, Nora Archibald. Froebel's occupations. [4] ,3 13 p. U. (Republic of childhood, vol. 2.) Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1897. Cannell, [Alice] Elizabeth Maud, &■ Wise, Margaret E. 372.3 P704 1S108 Outlines for kindergarten and primary classes in the study of nature and related subjects. Arranged bv months. 162 p. D. New York: E. L. Kellogg & Co., c. 1897. Howe, Edward Garunier. 372.3 P500 ^"" Systematic science teaching. A manual of inductive elementary work .... [2 vol.] il. D. (International education series, vol. 27 and 48.) New York: D. Ai)pleton & Co., 1895-1900. [Vol. 2] published under the title: Advanced elementary science, being part n of Systematic science teaching 372.3 Elementary science teaching BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 153 Jackman, Wilbur Samuel. 372.3 P600 372.3 Elementary '''' Nature stud\' and related subjects, for the common schools ^"^"" teaching 2 parts. Chicago: by the author, c. 1896. Part I in F; part 2 in D. Part I has shelf-mark L372.3 P600. McMurry, Charles Alexander, 1857- 372.3 Q402 64988 Special method in elementar\- science for the common school, by Charles A. McMurr}- New York, London, The Mac- niillan Company, 1904. ix, 275 p. 194'^™. "Bibliography," p. 252-275. Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. 372.6 P6oo 372.6 Language les- '"'" Teaching the language-arts: speech, reading, composition, x.xv, ^°°^' .205 p. D. (International education series, vol. 34.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Contains a bibliogr.iptiy. McLellan, James Alexander, 6- Dewey, John. 510.7 P500 372.7 EiemenUry 9096 -pi^g psychology of number and its applications to methods of teaching arithmetic. xiv,[2],309 p. D. (International education series, vol.. 33.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. 373-379 OTHER EDUCATIONAL TOPICS McMurry, Charles Alexander, 1S57- 375 Q600 375 Curriculum ''"" Course of study in the eight grades ... b\- Charles A. McMur- ry New York, London, The Macmillan Compan}', 1906. 2 vol. igi""". Contents. — vol. i. Grades i to rv. \'ii,236p. — vol.2. Gradesv to vm. v,226p. New England History Teachers' Association. 375-9 Q400 5016; ^ history syllabus for secondary schools, outlining the four years' course in history recommended by the Committee of Seven of the American Historical Association, by a special committee of the New England History Teachers' Association, Herbert Darling Foster, chairman .... Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1904. 375 p. i9"'\ Contains bibliographies. Contents. — pt. i. Ancient history' to 800 A. ti. — pt. 2. Mediaeval and modem European history, 800-1900 A. D. — pt. 3. English history to 1900 A. D. — pt. 4. American history and civil government to 1904 A. D. For special subjects, see class number of subject, form division 07. 154 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 376 Education of Lange, Helene. 376.94 1 ''^'""*'' '""' Higher education of women in Europe. Translated and accom- panied by comparative statistics by L. R. Klemm. xxxvi,i86 p. il. D. (International education series, vol. 16.) New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1890. 377.2 Ethical educa- Adler, Felix. 377.2 P200 ° ■ '^'"^ The moral instruction of children, xiii.ajop. D. (International education series, vol. 21.) New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1895. 378 University edu- Minerva. 378 I "*"'° "" Minerva. Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt Continued from vol. I. 1891-92. por. S. Strassburg 1892-. Vol. 1-5 edited by K. Kukula and K. Triibner; vol. 6-7, by K. Triibner; vol. S-9, by K. Trubner and F. Meniz; vol. 10-, by K. Triibner. Vol. I published under the title: Minerva. Jahrbuch der Universitaten der Welt. 378.43 German uni- Paulscn, Friedrich, 1S46- 378.43 21 ^*'^^' '^^ "'"'' The German universities and university study, by Friedrich Paul- sen . . . authorized translation by Frank Thilly . . . and William W. Elwang. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1906. [2], v-xvi, [2], 451 p. 23"". "Bibliography", p. 437-441. 378.73 American Gilman, Daniel Coit. 378.73 7 universities ■«"< Universit)' problems in the United States. [8],3i9p. O. New York: Century Co., 1898. Contents: The Johns Hopkins University in its beginning. The utility of universi- ties. The characteristics of a university. The Sheffield Scientific School of Vale Uni- versity, New Haven. The University of California in its infancy. Knowledge and charity. Modern progress in medicine. University libraries. The Teachers College of Columbia University. Washington and Lee University. Higher education in the United States. The proposals for a national university in Washington. Thwing, Charles Franklin. 378.73 6 14661 The American college in American life. iv,[2],3i3p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. Thwing, Charles Franklin, 1853- 378.73 15 66325 ^ history of higher education in America, b\' Charle.s I''. Thwing . . . New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1906. xiii, 501 p. 214=" 379 State education Bardeen, Charles William. 379.747 1 ^"'^ A manual of common school law. [New edition, enlarged and rewritten.] 276 p. D. Syracuse: C. W. Bardeen, 1896. Greenough, James Carruthers, 1829- 379.42 15 64990 _ _ 'J-[^^, evolution of the elementary schools of Great Britain, by James C. Greenough .... New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1903. xxxii, 265 p. iSi'^'". (International education series, [vol. Ivi].) Seeley, Levi. 379.43 i 10751 yj^g common-school system of Germany and its lessons to Amer- ica. 251 p. D. (Kellogg's pedagogical library.) New York : E. L. Kellogg & Co., 1896. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 155 380 COMMERCE AND COMMUNICATION Colange, Leo de. L603 Oooi 5361 jj^g American encyclopedia of commerce, manufactures, com- mercial law, and finance: .... 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i: vii, 1-622 p.; vol. 2: [2],623-ii4i p. 5021!. Q. Boston: Estes & Lauriat; vol. i.: pref. i88i,vol. 2: c. 1880. Farrer, Thomas Henry Farrer, ist baron, 1819-1899. 380.2 Q200 '"" The state in its relation to trade. By T. H. Farrer, with supple- mentary chapter by Sir Robert Giffen .... London, New York, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1902. xi, 7.rA p. I9icm_ Bureau of the American Republics. L603 P700 "" Commercial nomenclature. Published by recommendation of the International American Conference. August 1897. iii,670 p. F. Washington 1897. Bureau of the American Republics. L603 P703 18231 Nomenclatura comercial. Publicada por especial recomendacion de la Conferencia internacional. Abril de 1897. iii,645 p. F. Washington 1897. Bartholomew, John George, cd. L380.9 Q700 380.2 Commercial 66967 ^t;lJ^3 Qf ^-[^g world's commerce ; a new series of maps with descrip- S^ograp y tive text and diagrams showing products, imports, exports, commercial conditions and economic statistics of the countries of the world. Compiled from the latest ofificial returns at the Edin- burgh Geographical Institute and edited by J. G. Bartholomew, .... London, G. Newnes, ltd., [1907]. Ivi, viii (^i.e. xii), 42, 176 p. incl. maps, table, diagr. 39"^"'. Published in 22 pts., 1906-1907. Chisholm, George Goudie. 380.2 Q300 60286 Handbook of commercial geography, by Geo. G. Chisholm .... Fourth corrected edition, revised throughout and greatly extended. London, New York and Bombay, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1903. xhi, 639 p. incl. maps, charts, maps. 224'^"'. Gannett, Henry , 1 846- 380.9 Q500 esooe Commercial geography, by Henry Gannett . . . Carl L. Garrison ... and Edwin J. Houston .... New York, Cincinnati, [etc.], American Book Company, [''1905]. vi, 415, 30 p. illus. (incl. maps) 21*^ TCm iS6 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 380.5 Commercial yearbooks 380.9 Economic crises 380.9 History of commerce British trade year-book. L380.52 6 62022 jj^g British trade year-book, ... covering the twenty-five years, 1880 1904— and showing the course of trade .... With ... tables, each containing several sections of British or of inter- national trade . . . diagrams, and various abstract tables. Lon- don, J. Murray, 1905-. diatrrs. 26"^"'. Continued from vol. i, 1905 1905- by J. H. Schooling. Financial review. 16332 ^^^^ Financial re\'ic\v. Finance, L380.51 14 railroads. New commerce, York, W. B. Dana Company, ''1877-. 1877, 18S3-1SS5, 1S89-1890, 1892-1897; continued from 1905. illus. s^h™. With this, 1884-1897: The Investors' supplement of the Commercial and financial chronicle, for December, January or March; 1905-: Railway and industrial section of the Commercial and financial chronicle. Subtitle varies slightly. Burton, Theodore Elijah, 185 1- 380.9 Q200 65012 piiiancial crises and periods of industrial and commercial de- pression, by Theodore E. Burton .... New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1902. ix, 392 p. illus., I fold, diagr. 19"^'". "Bibliography" by Hugh Williams, p. 347-377. Jones, Edward David 26997 T7 Lcononiic 380.9 Qooi crises. v,25ip. D. (Citizen's library of economics, politics, and sociology.; New York: Macmillan Co., 1900. "Bibliography," p. 225-245. Chile. L380.983 20 60os4 Q\^^[\Q Qf to-day; its commerce, its production and its resources. National yearly publication of reference .... B\' Adolfo Ortii- zar New York, the author, 1907. \o\. I, 19078. 27-i<^"'. Conant, Charles Arthur. 332-1 P602 ""'" A history of modern banks of issue. With an account of the economic crises of the present century. Third edition, xv, 595 p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. Cunningham, William, 1849- 330.942 P600 62032 -pj^g growth of linglish industry and commerce .... B)- W. Cunningham .... Cambridge, University Press, 1896-1903. 3 vol. 23'^'". Vol. 2-3 paged continuously; vol. 2: xxviii, 608 p.; vol. 3: xii, [6o9]-i039 p. Vol. I : third edition; vol. 2-3 first published in 1882. "List of authorities," [vol. i], p. [65l]-673; "Bibliographical index," [vol. 3], P- 943-998. Contents. — [vol. i.] Karly and middle ages. 1896. xv, [i],7i4p. — [vol. 2-3.] Modern times. 1903. 2 vol. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 157 Day, Clive, 1871- 380.9 Q701 330.9 History of ..„„= . , . , 1 /-^i- T^ Nr \' 1 r .. T commerce =4998 A history of commerce, by Clive Day .... iNew vork, [etc. J, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1907. xliv, 626 p. illus.,4maps (i fold.). 21'^^'". {Haif-tUle: Longmans' commer- cial text-books.) "Bibliography" at end of most of the chapters. "Authorities," p. 579-622. Gibbins, Henry de Beltgens, 380.94 Pioo '"" The history of commerce in Europe. Second edition. viii,233 p. 9 maps. D. [Elementary commercial class-books.] London: Macmillan & Co., 1897. Philadelphia Commercial Museum. L380.98 Q600 t499a Foreign commercial guide. South America. Edited by Edward James Cattell assisted by H. S. Morrison and A. C. Kauffman. [Philadelphia], The Philadelphia Commercial Museum, ''1906 [2], 284, 22 p. incl. maps. 3i4<'"\ Yeats, John. 609 O700 19605 Technical, industrial, and trade education. The technical history of commerce ; or. The progress of the useful arts Third edition, revised and much enlarged. xxviii,527 p. 1 map in pocket. D. London: G. Philip & Son, [1887?] Bastable, Charles Francis, 1855- 382 P200 382 Foreign com- ni6rc6 103U -j-[.jg commerce of nations, by C. F. Bastable, .... London, Me- thuen & Co., 1892. viii, 216 p. i8>^™. {Half-lillc: .Social questions of to-day. [Vol. 5.]) Bastable, Charles Francis. 382 Q002 '"" The theory of international trade. With some of its applications to economic policy. Third edition, revised. xii,i92 p. D. Lon- don : Macmillan & Co., 1900. Haines, Henry Stevens. 385-973 Q706 385 Railroad eco- *"'"" Railway corporations as public servants, by Henry S. Hames . . . New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1907. ix, 233 p. 2o4™'. "This work contains the substance of a course of lectures delivered in May, 1907, at the Boston University School of Law. It is, to some extent, supplementary to a previous work on 'Restrictive railway legislation,' as it describes the development of such legisla- tion since the passage of the act to regulate interstate commerce." — Pref. Johnson, Emory Richard, 1864- 656.0973 Q401 *'°^'' American railway transportation, by Emory R. Johnson .... Revised edition. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1904. xvi, 434 p. illus., maps, fold, chart. 20"". (^Half-title: Appletons' business series. ) References at end of chapters. Contents. — Introduction: Definition and scope of transportation. — pt. i. The .Ameri- can railway system. — pt. 2. The railway service. — pt. 3. The railways and the public. — pt. 4. The railways and the state. 158 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 385 Railroad eco- Merritt, Albert Newton, 1S78- 385.973 Q704 °°°''" "<"" Federal regulation of railway rates by Albert N. Merritt. Bos- ton and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1907. xiip., I 1., 240p., I 1. 2I<'"'. (//<7^-////t'.- Hart, Schaffner&M?rx prize essays. IV.) Ripley, William Zebina, 1867- ,cd. 385.973 Q700 "^'^ Railwa}' problems; edited with an introduction, b}- William Z. Rip- ley .... Boston, New York, [etc.], Ginn & Co., [^'1907]. xxxii, 686 p. incl. tables, maps, chart, ai-i'^™. (//i'/y-///'(V.- Selections and docu- ments in economics, edited by William Z. Ripley.) Snyder, Carl. 385-973 Q702 6S013 ^^rnericjiii railways as investments; a detailed and comparative analysis of all the leading railways, from the investor's point of view; with an introductory chapter on the methods of estimating railway values, by Carl Snyder. New York, The Moody Corpo- ration ; [etc., etc.], 1907. 762 p. incl. t.ililes. I fold. map. 24'='". See also 656 Railroad transportation. 386 Waterways Jeans, James Stephen. 626P001 '"" Waterways and water transport in different countries: with a des- cription of the Panama, Suez, Manchester, Nicaraguan, and other canals. xx,507 p. il. 4 pi. O. London : E. & F. N. Spon, 1890. 387 Ocean and river Johnson, Emory Richard, 1864- 387Q600 transportation e.g^.o q^^^^ ^^^ inland water transportation, by Emory R. Johnson .... New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1906. xxii, 395p. illus., fold, map, forms. 20"". (//«^-////dV Appleton's business series.) "References for further reading" at end of most of the chapters. Marvin, Winthrop Lippitt. 387 Q201 6499) YXMi American merchant marine; its history and romance, from 1620 to T902, by Winthrop L. Marvin. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1902. xvi, [2], 444 p. 2I.i™. See also 656.9 Navigation. 388 City transporta- American street railway. L656.0973 3 tion American street railway investments. Published annuall}- by the publishers of the Electric railway journal for the use of bankers, brokers, capitalists, investors, and street and interurban railway companies. New York, McGraw Publishing Company, '1894-. Continued from vol. I, I S94. illus., maps. 33-J''"'. Subtitle varies. Published as supplement to The Electric railway journal (formerly The Street railway journal). BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 159 Norton, Samuel Wilber. 388.9773 Q702 388 City transporta- •'^'^ Chicago traction ; a history. legislative and political, by Samuel *'°° Wilber Norton .... Chicago, 1907. 240 p. front., ports. 20'^"'. See also 625.5 Street railways. Clark, Latimer. 389 Pioo 339 Weights and """' A dictionary of metric and other useful measures. 113 p. D. '"**s"''^^ London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1891. Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth, 1847- , comp. 389 N500 61973 Weights, measures, and money, of all nations. Compiled by W. F. Clarke .... New York D. Appleton & Co., 1900. 117 p. 19"=™. Ridgeway, William. 389 P200 7545 -j-j^g origin of metallic currency and weight standards. xii,4i7 p. 60 il. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1892. Thurston, Robert Henry. 389 O300 '"*' Conversion tables of metric and British or United States weights and measures. With an introduction. 83,xiip. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1883. Woolhouse, Wesley Stoker Barker. 389 Poor 66014 Measures, weights, & moneys of all nations, and an analysis of the Christian, Hebrew, and Mahometan calendars ; by W. S. B. Woolhouse ... Seventh edition, carefully revised and enlarged. London, C. Lockwood and Son, 1890. viii, 242 p. incl. tables. 17-4'^"'. ( 0« <-mr;-.' Weale's scientific & technical series.) 390 MANNERS AND CUSTOMS Folklore Starr, Frederick. 571.02 P502 "^" Some first steps in human progress. 305 p. 33 il. i pi. D. (Chautauqua Reading Circle literature.) Meadville, Fenna. : Flood & Vincent, 1895. Sumner, William Graham, 1840- 390.2 Q600 «<"'< Folkways ; a study of the sociological importance of usages, man- ners, customs, mores, and morals, by William Graham Sumner .... Boston, Ginn & Co., 1907. V, 692 p. ai-i':'". "List of books cited," p. 655-670. i6o THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 390 Manners and Walsh, William Shepard. 390.3 P800 customs 12483 Curiosities of popular customs and of rites, ceremonies, observ- ances, and miscellaneous antiquities. 1018 p. il. 3 pi. O. Phil- adelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1898. 390.937 Roman cus- JohnstoD, Harold Whetstone, 1859- 390-937 Q300 ^°"* '""'■■' .... riic private life of the Romans, by Harold Whetstone Johnston ... . Chicago, Scott, Foresman and Co., 1903. 344 p. illus. 20':"'. ( The Lake classical series. ) Reference books; p. 17-20. References at head of chapters. 390.942 English cus- Brand, John, 1744-1S06. 390.942 Kioo *'°'' Observations on the popular antiquities of Great Britain: chiefly illustrating the origin of our vulgar and provincial customs, cere- monies, and superstitions. By John Brand . . . Arranged, re- vised, and greatly enlarged, by Sir Henry Ellis .... London, G. Bell and Sons, 1900- 1902. 3 vol. fronts, (vol. I, 2.) igi^"". (//(;/^-////e-.- Bohn's antiquarian library.) Vol. I, "A new edition, with further additions," 1902; vol. 2, 1900; vol. 3, 1901. Brand, [John], 1 744-1 806. 390.942 Q400 *"'" Brand's Popular antiquities of Great Britain. Faiths and folklore. A dictionary of national beliefs, superstitions and popular cus- toms, past and current, with their classical and foreign analogues, described and illustrated. Forming a new edition of "The popu- lar antiquities of Great Britain" by Brand and Ellis, largely ex- tended, corrected, brought down to the present time, and now first alphabetically arranged. By VV. Carew Hazlitt. In two volumes — ... . London, Reeves & Turner; New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1905. 2 vol. fronts. 23"^. Paged continuously; vol.i: .s, [i]-334P-; ^"1. 2: [2], [3351-672 p. The present work made its first appearance under the auspices of the Rev. Henry Bourne in 1725, under the title of Antiquitates vulgares. A more complete edition, by Brand, was brought out in 1777. The latter collected a large amount of additional material which was published in 1S13 under the editorship of Sir Henry Ellis, c/. Pref. Chambers, Robert, 1 802-1 Sji. L808 C35 349K6 'YVd book of days. A miscellany of popular antiquities in con- nection with the calendar including anecdote, biography, & his- tory, curiosities of literature and oddities of human life and char- acter. 2 vol. il. O. Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1863- 1864. 392 Family relations Bosanquet, Helen (Dendy) '•JMn. Bernard Bosanquet." 392 Q600 *"" The family, by Helen Bosanquet. London, New "S'ork, Macmil- lan antl Co., ltd., 1906. ^•i'l 344 P- 234'''"- Contents. — Preface. — pt. i. The family history. — pt. n. The modern family. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. i6i Keezer, Frank, I 866- 347-6 Q60O 392 Family relations 64984 fYiQ ijj^y of marriage and divorce, giving the law in all the states and territories with approved forms, by Frank Keezer .... Boston, W. J. Nagel, 1906. xvii, 609 p. 234"^™. Morgan, Lewis Henry. 309-3 N700 15365 _/\|^i;ient society ; or, Researches in the lines of human progress from savagery through barbarism to civilization. xvi,56o p. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1878. Westermarck, Edward. 392.5 Pi 00 "* The history of human marriage. xix,[i] ,644 p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1891. Holt, Emily. 395 Qioo 395 Etiquette 89538 Encyclopaedia of etiquette. What to write, what to wear, what to do, what to say. A book of manners for everyday use. [6], 442 p. 9 pi. O. New York: McClure, Phillips & Co., 1901. Laughlin, Clara Elizabeth, 1873- , fi/. 640.2 Q600 ""■'^ ■ The complete hostess ; edited by Clara E'. Laughlin. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1906. xiii, 321 p. front., 15 pi. igi"". Contents. — Informal entertaining in the home, by C. E. Laughlin and P. Leonard. — Formal entertaining in the home, by C. E. Laughlin and P. Leonard. — Outdoor entertain- ments, by P. Leonard. — Children's parties, by E. K. Marble. — Entertainments for young people from twelve to seventeen years of age, by E. K. Marble. — Weddings, by C. E. Laughlin. — Wedding anniversaries, byE.K. Marble. — Cotillions and fancy-dress parties for adults and older young people, by .S. C. Rippey. — Church entertainments, by Mrs. J. F. Kirk, jr. — Large public entertainments, by E. Kendall. — Entertaining con- gresses, federated clubs, etc., by P. Leonard. — Clubs, by P. Leonard. — Hostess and guest, by C. E. Laughlin and E. K. Marble. — School exhibitions and exercises, by Mrs. J. F. Kirk, jr. — Call-;, cards, invitations, etc., by P. Leonard. Cadbury, Edward. 331.4 Q600 396 woman ^'"■■' Women's work and wages. A phase of life in an industrial city. By Edward Cadbury, M. Cecile Matheson and George Shann, .... Illustrated. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1907. 368 p. incl. tables, front., i pi., I facsim. 20''"'. The "industrial city" is Birmingham, England. Campbell, J/rs. Helen (Stuart), 1839- 33i-4 P300 ^"'"- Women wage-earners : their past, their present and their future. By Helen Campbell ... With an introduction by Richard T. Ely. Boston, Roberts Brothers, 1893. xii, [71-313 P- 19""- "Authorities," p. [29i]-293. Bibliography of woman's labor and of the woman question, p. [2g4]-303. i62 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 396 Woman CromwcU, John Howard. 658 P900 "■*" The American business woman. A guide for the investment, preservation, and accumulation of property; containing full ex- planations and illustrations of all necessary methods of business. xii,[2],428 p. O. New York; G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1900. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. 396-04 H53 '"■" Common sense about women. Fourth (stereotyped) edition. 270 p. D. [Social science series, vol. 20.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1897. Mason, Otis Tufton. 309-1 P400 e"6 Woman's share in primitive culture. xiii,295 p. il. 18 pi. D. [Anthropological series.] New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1 894. Mill, John Stuart. 304 M59 "' On liberty. The subjection of women, [2],394p. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1873. Miller, Fred. 704 M61 11413 -pj.^^ training of a craftsman. Illustrated by many workers in the art crafts. x,249 p. 161 il. O. New York : Truslove & Comba, 1898. Contenls: I. The craftsman and nature. 2. Design and craftsmanship. 3. Metal work. Repousse and fine metal-work. Wrought iron. 4. Jewellery. 5. Enamelling on metal. 6. Potters and painters. 7. Glass painters. 8. Wood carvers. 9. Book- binders. 10. Women workers in the art crafts. 11. Surface decoration. 12. Decora- tion in rehef. 13. Wall-papers and textiles. 14. The craftsman up-to-date and his outlook. Ostrogorskii, Moisei lakovlevich, iSj^-. 396.2 P300 1096J jYic rights of women. A comparative study in history and legis- lation. Translated under the author's supervision. xv,232 p. D. [Social science series, vol. 68.] London: S\\an Sonnenschein & Co., 1893. U.S.A. Department of Commerce and Labor. L396.5 Q002 "'" Bureau of the Census. .... Statistics of women at work, based on unpublished infor- mation derived from the schedules of the Twelfth census: 1900. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1907. 399 I'- 30"". At /lead of title: Department of Commerce and Labor. Bureau of the Census. S. N. D. North, director. Binder's title begins : Special reports of the Census Ofiice. "Prepared under the supervision of Dr. Joseph A. Mill, chief of the Division of Re- vision and Results." U. S. A. Laws, statutes, etc. 331. 007 O7OO *"'" ... . Laws relating to the employment of women and children in the United States. July, 1907. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1907. 150 p. 25""". At head of title: Department of Commerce and Labor. Bureau of Labor. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 163 Blake, John Frederick. 520.93 N700 398 Folklore '"" Astronomical myths, based on Flammarion's "History of the heavens." xvi,43i p. il. 6 pi. O. London: Macmillan & Co., . 1877. Brinton, Daniel Garrison. 398.1 B77 5S75 ji-jg myths of the new world. A treatise on the symbolism and mythology of the red race of America. Third edition, revised. 360 p. O. Philadelphia: D. McKay, 1896. Chamberlain, Alexander Francis. 39^-3 ^35 "" The child and childhood in folk-thought. (The child in primitive culture.) x,464 p. O. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1896. "Bibliography," p. 405-434- Clodd, Edward. 291 O500 ■"*■' M>-ths and dreams. Second edition, revised. x,25i p. D. London: Chatto & Windus, 1891. Gould, Sabine Baring-, 1834- 398.2 G73 ■29776 Curious myths of the Middle Ages. By S. Baring-Gould, .... New impression. London, New York, [etc.], Longmans, Green, and Co., 1901. X, 660 p. incl. front., illus., plates, i pi. ig"^'". Hartland, Edwin Sidney. 398.4 H25 '"" The science of faiiy tales. An inquiry into fairy mythology. viii,372 p. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 1 1.] London: W. Scott, 1 89 1. "Bibliographical hst of some of the works referred to", p. 353-365. Hulme, Frederic Edward. 398.35 H871 "'"" Myth-land. viii,243 p. il. D. London: Sampson Low, ... , & Rivington. 1886. See also 390 Manners and Customs. Christy, Robert. 398.9 C46 393.9 proverbs Proverbs, maxims and phrases of all ages. Classified subject- ively and arranged alphabetically. 2 vol. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. Oman, Charles [William Chadwick]. L355.09 P800 399 Customs of war """ A history of the art of war. The Middle Ages from the fourth to the fourteenth century. xv,667 p. 7 pi. 17 maps. O. Lon- don: Fethuen & Co., 1898. i64 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 400 LANGUAGE Lefevre, Andr^. 402 L52 ■"" Race and language. vi,424 p. D. (International scientific se- ries, vol. 72.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1894. Miiller, Friedrich Max. 402 M91 ■°" The science of language. Founded on lectures delivered at the Royal Institution in 1861 and 1863. 2 vol. D. London: Long- mans, Green, &Co., 1891. Miiller, Friedrich Max. 401 M91 10769 -pj.jg science of thought. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i : xxii, 1-326 p.; vol. 2: vii, 327-656 p. D. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1887. Contents: Vol. i. i. The constituent elements of thought. 2. Thought and lan- guage. 3. On Kanl's philosophy. 4. Language the barrier between man and beast. 5. The constituent elements of language. 6. On the origin of concepts and roots. Vol. 2. 7. The roots of .Sanskrit. 8. Formation of words. 9. Propositions and syllogisms. 10. Conclusion. Sayce, Archibald Henry. 402S274 2S64 Introduction to the science of language. Third edition. 2 vol. D. London : Kcgan Paul & Co., 1890. Whitney, William Dwight. 402W611 "' The life and growth of language- an outline of linguistic science. vii, [2], 326 p. D. (International scientific scries, vol. 16.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1882. 408.9 Esperanto Baker, Arthur. 408.9 B17 60337 -j-]^^ American Esperanto book ; a compendium of the international language Esperanto, compiled and edited by Arthur Baker .... Chicago, C. H. Kerr & Co., 1907. 1 86, 130 p. I7i'^'n. 409 History of Ian- Paul, Hermann. 409 P28 ^^2* "'"" Principles of the history of language. Translated from the second edition of the original by H. A. Strong. New and revised edi- tion (1890). xlviii,5ii p. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1 89 1. Strong, Herbert Augustus, Logeman, Willem S., 409S923 ""' & Wheeler, Benjamin Ide. Introduction to the study of the history of language. x,[2],435 p. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1891. 413 Polyglot diction- Deinhardt, Kurt. 603 Q601 Illustriertcs technischcs Worterbtich in scchs Sprachen : Deutsch, Englisch, Franzosisch, Russisch, Italicnisch, S])anisch. Nach besondercr Methodc bearbeitct von K. Ueinhardt imd A. Schlo- mann, ... . Miinchcn tind licrlin, R. Oldenbourg, 1906-. \'ol. I-. illus. 18™'. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 165 Bureau of the American Republics. L603 P703 413 Polyglot diction- 18231 Nomenclatura conicrcial. I'ublicada [)0!' especial recomcndacion de la Conferencia internacional. Abril de 1897. iii,645 p. F. Washington 1897. Kiirschner, Joseph, 1853-1902, ed. 413 K96 «os«6 Fiinf-Sprachen-Lexikon (Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch-Italic- nisch-Lateinisch). Herausgegeben von Joseph Kiirschner; mit einemfiinfsprachigenLexikongeographischeriind Fersonennamcn, einer Sammlung gefliigelter Worte, Sentenzen etc., einer Abhand- lung Uber Geschichte und Eigenart der Sprachen, Verzeichnissen der in den verschiedenen Sprachen gebrauchlichen Abkiirzungen sowie einem Fremdworterbuche und Briefsteller. Zweite verbcs- serte Auflage. Berlin [etc.], H. Hillger, [1900]. iv p. 3322, xiicol. 23.^ X 17"". Four columns to a page. The xii columns are divided between the front and back of book, including the second and third page of cover. Technologisches Worterbuch. 603 O600 "" Technologisches Worterbuch. Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch. .... Mit einem Vorwort von well. Karl Karmarsch. Vierte verbesserte und ... vermehrte Auflage. 3 vol. O. Wiesbaden: J. F. Bergmann, 1887-1891. Contents: Vol. I. Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch Herausgegeben von Dr. Ernst Rohrig. xii,879,[i] p. 1887. Vol. 2. English-German-French Pub- lished by C. Dill, E. von. Hoyer and E. Rdhrig. xii, 909 p. 1891. Vol. 3. Fran(;ais- allemand-anglais Public par Ernest Rohrig. Troisieme edition, revue, corrigee et considerablement augnientee. [io],783,[i] p. 1887. Contains also terms relating to the natural sciences. Tolhausen, Alexander. 603 P705 ■''""'' Technological dictionary in the English, German & French lan- guages revised by Louis Tolhausen Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, 1 897-1 898. 3 vol. i8<^"'. Contents. — [vol. i.] FranQais-allemaud-anglais. Quatrieme edition, augmentee d'un grand supplement. xii, 809, [2], 165 p. 189S. — [vol.2.] English-German-French. Fourth edition, with a large supplement. xiv, S37, [2], 117 p. 1897. — [vol. 3.] Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch. Dritte Stereotypautlage. xii, 948 p. 1897. . Grand supplement .... Leipzig, 1901-1902. 3 vol. i8=™. Contents. — [voli.] Fran^ais-allemand-anglais. Quatrieme edition. [2], 197 p. 1901. — [vol. 2.] English-German-French. Fourth edition. [2], l89p. 1902. — [vol.3.] Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch. [2], 67 p. 1902. Scripture, Edward Wheeler, 1864- 414 S434 414 Phonetics The elements of experimental phonetics, b\- Edward Wheeler Scripture .... New York, C. Scribner's Sons; London, E. Ar- nold, 1902. xvi, [2], 627 p. illus., XXVI diagr. 23=""- (Half-title.- Vale bicentennial publi- cations. ) References at end of chapters. 502fe i66 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 414 Phonetics Sweet, Henry, 1845- 4^4 S9741 ^'"' .... A primer of phonetics, by Henry Sweet, M.A Second edition, revised. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1902. viii, Ii9p. I7h""- (Clarendon Press series.) 420 ENGLISH LANGUAGE 421.9 Punctuation 422 Etymology Carpenter, George Rice, 1863- 420.7 C22 64996 . , . Xhe teaching of English in the elementary and the secon- dary school, by George R. Carpenter, A.B. and Franklin T. Baker . . . and Fred N. Scott .... New York, London, [etc.], Long- mans, Green, and Co., 1903. viii, 380, [2] p. 2o4<^"'. (American teachers series.) Contains bibliographies. Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford. 420.9 L93 "" History of the English language. Revised and enlarged edition. xiv,505 p. 2 maps. D. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1894. Marsh, George Perkins. 420.9 M35 ""^ The origin and history of the English language and of the early literature it embodies. Revised edition. xv,574 p. O. New York: C. Scribncr's Sons, 1892. White, Richard Grant. 420.2 W58 31713 Every-day English. A sequel to "Words and their uses." xxxi, 5x2 p. D. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1897, c. 1880. Smith, Adele Millicent. 655.2 Q200 654S0 Proof-reading and punctuation, by Adele Millicent Smith .... Philadelphia, The author, 1902. [2], xi, iSi p. front., 9 pi. 20'"'. Teall, Francis Horace, 1850- 421.9 T22 itoos Punctuation, with chapters on hyphenization, capitalization, and spelling, by F. Horace Teall . . . New York, D. Appleton& Co., 1898 ['=1897] \ii, 193 p. 16''"'. Wilson, John, 1S02-/S6S. 421.9 W69 21044 ^ treatise on English punctuation ; designed for letter-writers, authors, printers, and correctors of the press ; and for the use of schools .... With an appendix, containing rules on the use of capitals, a list of abbreviations, hints on the preparation of copy and on proof-reading, .... Thirty-first edition. xii,334 p. D. New York: American Book Co., [1899], c. 1871. Skeat, Walter William. 422 S627 '"" Principles of English etymology. First series : The native ele- ment. Second and revised edition. xNxiv,[2],547 p. O. (Chir- cndon Press .series.) Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 167 Skeat, Walter William. 422S6271 422 English etymoi- ■ '"" Principles of English etymology. Second series : The foreign ele- °^ ment. xxxi, 505 p. O. (Clarendon Press scries.) Oxford : Clar- endon Press, 1 89 1. White, Richard Grant. 422 W58 i"i» Words and their uses, past and present. A study of the English language. Twenty-seventh edition, revised and corrected. [2], vii,467 p. D. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., c. 1870. Century dictionary. L031 O900 423 Dictionaries "' The Century dictionary. An encyclopedic lexicon of the Eng- lish language. Prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney .... New York, The Century Co., [<=i889- 1891]. 6 vol. in 24. SS*^"'- Fennell, Charles Augustus Maude. L423F36 5160 The Stanford dictionary of anglicised words and phrases. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press. xv,[i],826p. sq. Q. Cambridge: University Press, 1892. March, Francis Andrew, 1825- L423M33 '"'"^ A thesaurus dictionary of the English language, designed to sug- gest immediately any desired word needed to express exactly a given idea. A dictionary, synonyms, antonyms, idioms, foreign phrases, pronunciations, a copious correlation of words, prepared under the supervision of Erancis Andrew March . . . and Francis Andrew March, jr Philadelphia, Historical Publishing Com- pany, [''1902]. [2], xvi, 1189, [3] p. front, (port.) illus., 8 pi. (partly col.) 2S.\2i"="'. Each plate has guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press. Murray, James Augustus Henry, i-difor. L423M96 ■'■''•' A new English dictionary on historical principles; founded main- ly on the materials collected by the Philological Society Continued from vol. i. sq. F\ Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1884—. Ogilvie, John, LL.B. L423O34 ""•^ The imperial dictionary of the English language: a complete en- cyclopedic lexicon, literary, scientific, and technological. New edition, . . . revised and . . . augmented. Edited by Charles An- nandale. 4 vol. il. O. London: Blackie&Son, [1882-1883]. Skeat, Walter William. L423S627 ""' An etymological dictionary of the English language. Second edition. xxxii,844 p. sq.Q. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1893. i68 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 423 English diction- Standard dictionary. L423 S7851 "'^^ 5U..U0 ^ standard dictionary of the English language .... A new- edition, revised and enlarged, prepared by more than two hun- dred specialists and other scholars under the supervision of Isaac K. Funk . . . editor-in-chief . . . also Abridged cyclopedia with atlas of the world .... New York and London, Funk & Wag- nails Company, 1904. [2], XX, 2441, xxi-xxiv, [4], xxv-cxl p. illus., plates (partly col.) ports., maps, tables. 32<==". The atlas has separate paging and special t.-p. : A standard atlas of the world . . . also a condensed cyclopedia. A universal calendar follows this. Stormonth, James. L423S885 °^" A dictionary of the English language, pronouncing, etymological, and e.xplnnatory, embracing scientific and other terms, numer- ous familiar terms, and a copious selection of old English words. The pronunciation revised b\' the Rev. P. H. Fhelp, with supplement by William Bayne. New edition. xvi,i288p. Q. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1895. Webster, [Noah]. 423 W391 ""' Webster's academic dictionary. A dictionary of the English language, giving the derivations, pronunciations, definitions and synonyms of a large vocabulary of the words in common use, with an appendi.x containing various useful tables. Abridged from Webster's international dictionary. x.x.xii,704 p. 11. O. New York: American Book Co., c. 1895. Webster, [Noah]. L423W392 27336 Webster's international dictionary of the English language. Being the authentic edition of Webster's unabridged dictionary, com- prising'the issues of 1864, 1879, and 1884 (new edition ...) thoroughly revised and much enlarged under the supervision of Noah Porter, with a voluminous appendix. To which is now added a supplement of twenty-five thousand words and phrases. W. T. Harris, editor in chief. cvi,20i i ,238 p. il. 8 p. of pi. i por. F. Springfield, Mass.: G. & C. Merriam Co., 1900. Worcester, Joseph Emerson. L423 W89 '^'*' .... A dictionary of the English language. With supplement .... And an appendix .... lxxii,2i68 p. il. 27 pi. 6 pi. of por. I por. sq.Q. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1897, c. 1886. For Gcrman-I'.nglish, French-English, Italian-Englisii dictionaries, &c., see 430-490. 423.1 Idioms Halliwell-[PhiIlipps], James Orchard. 423.1 H15 "" A dictionary of archaic anil provincial words, obsolete phrases, proverbs, and ancient customs from the fourteenth century. Eleventh edition. 2 vol. O. London: Reeves & Turner, 1889. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 169 Crabb, George, 1778-185 1. 424 C841 424 synonyms 67501 English synonymes explained in alphabetical order with copious illustrations and examples drawn from the best writers, to which is now added an index to the words ; by George Crabb .... New edition with additions and corrections .... New York and London, Harper & Brothers, [1904]. 856 p. 20.4':'". Davidson, William L. 424 1^28 "'" Leading and important English words : explained and exemplified. .... [Second edition.] viii,225 p. S. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1896. Fallows, Samuel. 424 F19 '^'" A complete dictionar}'of synonyms and antonyms, or. Synonyms and words of opposite meaning. With an appendix embracing a dictionary of Briticisms, Americanisms, colloquial phrases, ... ; a list of homonyms and homophonous words ; .... 512 p. D. Chicago: F. H. Rcvcll Co., c. 1898. Fernald, James Champlin. 424 ^39 ""' English synonyms and antonyms. With notes on the correct use of prepositions x, [2], 564 p. O. (Standard educational series.) New York : Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1897. Roget, Peter Mark. 424 R63 ^°'" Thesaurus of English words and phrases, classified and arranged so as to facilitate the expression of ideas and assist in literary composition. Enlarged and improved, partly from the author's notes, ... , by John Lewis Roget. New edition. xliv,[2],670 p. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1894. Smith, Charles John, J/. .^. 424S644 ^^'' Synonyms discriminated. A dictionary of synonymous words in the English language, illustrated with quotations from standard writers. With the author's latest corrections and additions. Ed- ited by the Rev. H. Percy Smith. Eighth edition. vi,78i p. O. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1895. Soule, Richard. 424 S7221 29S02 ^ dictionary of English synonymes and synonymous or parallel expressions, designed as a practical guide to aptness and variety of phraseology. New edition, revised and enlarged by George H. Howison. vi,[2],488 p. O. London: F. Warne & Co., 1 90 1. Abbott, Edwin Abbott. 425A131 455 Grammar '"' How to parse. An attempt to apply the principles of scholar- ship to English grammar. With appendixes on analysis, spelling, and punctuation. xxxi,343 p. S. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1892. I70 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 455 English gram- Carpenter, George Rice. 4^5 C22 mar uses Principles of English grammar. For the use of schools. x,254 p. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. Fernald, James Champlin, 1838- 425-2 F39 '"'"^ Connectives of English speech; the correct usage of prepositions, conjunctions, relative pronouns and adverbs e.xplained and illus- trated, by James C. Fernald .... New York and London, Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1904. xi, 324 p. 20™. Morris , Richard . 425-1 M83 ="" Historical outlines of English accidence, comprising chapters on the history and development of the language, and on word-forma- tion. Revised by L. Kellner, with the assistance of Henry Brad- ley. xiii,[3],463 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Sweet, Henry. 425 S974 "'""' A new English grammar, logical and historical 2 vol. D. (Clarendon Press series.) Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1 892-1 898. Contents: Vol. 1. Introduction, phonologj-, and accidence. xxiv,499 p. 1892. Vol. 2. .Syntax. ix,i37 p. 1898. Whitney, William Dwight. 425 W61 "^* Essentials of English grammar xi, 260, 16 p. D. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1889, c. 1S77. 427 Dialects. Barrere, Albert, & Leland, Charles Godfrey, editors. 427 B27 Slang so.o A dictionary of slang, jargon & cant. Embracing English, Amer- ican, and Anglo-Indian slang, pidgin English, g>-psies' jargon and other irregular phraseology. 2vol. O. London : G. Bell & Sons, 1897- Bartlett, John Russell. 427.95 B28 ' ■"• Dictionary of Americanisms : a glossary of words and phrases usu- ally regarded as peculiar to the United States. Fourth edition, ... improved and enlarged. xlvi,[2],8i3 p. O. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1896, c. 1877. English dialect dictionary. 1*427 W93 "'" The English dialect dictionary, being the complete vocabulary of all dialect words still in use, or known to have been in use during the last two hundred years. Founded on the publications of the English Dialect Society and on a large amount of material never before printed. Indited by Joseph Wright Vol. I-[vi]. .... London, Oxford, H. Frowde ; New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898-1905. 6 vol. 31x24='". **Bibliof;raphy," vol. 6, 62 p. . The I'3nglish dialect grainmar, comprising the dialects of England, .. . and of those parts of Scotland, Ireland and Wales where English is habitually spoken O.xford, London, 1905. X, 187 p. 31 X24''"'. With The English dialect dictionary, vol. 6. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 171 Maitland, James. L427.95 M28 427 English dia- s33io jj^g American slang dictionary, by James Maitland. Embodying '^'^*^' Slang all American and English slang phrases in current use, with their derivation and philology. Chicago, [R. J. Kittredge & Co.], 1891. 308 p. 25.ixi84="'. "Two hundred and fifty copies issued. No. 148." [Osmun, Thomas Embly.] 428.3 O83 428.3 Errors of "'" The verbalist. A manual devoted to brief discussions of the ^P^*'^'' right and the wrong use of words and to some other matters of interest to those who would speak and write with propriety. By Alfred Ayres. New and revised edition, much enlarged. vi,337 p. S. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Alfred Ayres is pseudonym of Thomas Embly Osmun. GERMAN Heyne, Moriz. * L433H51 ■"" Deutsches Worterbuch. 3 vol. Q. Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1890- 1895- Heyse, Johann Christian August. 433 H515 30684 j-jj.^ JqI^ Christ. Aug. Heyses Allgemeines verdeutschendes und erklarendes Fremdworterbuch mit Bezeichnung der Aussprache und Betonung der Worter nebst genauer Angabe ihrer Abstam- mung und Bildung. Siebzehnte einzig rechtmassige Original- Ausgabe. Unter Berlicksichtigung der amtlichen Erlasse iiber Verdeutschung der Fremdvvorter neu bearbeitet, vielfach berichtigt und vermehrt von Dr. Otto Lyon. xii,907,[i] p. O. Han- nover: Hahn'sche Buchhandlung, 1893. Kluge, Friedrich. 433^71 "" Etymologisches Worterbuch der deutschen Sprachc. Fiinfte ver- besserte Auf^age. x.xvi,49i p. O. Strassburg: K. J. Triibner, 1894. Fliigel, Felix. L433.2F67 433.2 German-Eng- "" Allgemeines englisch-deutsches und deutsch-englisches Worter- lish dictionaries buch. Zweiter . . . vermehrter Abdruck der vierten . . . Auflage von Dr. J. G. Fliigel's VollstUndigem Worterbuch der englischen und deutschen Sprache. 2 vol. in 3. O. Braunschweig: G. Westermann, 1894. 172 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 433.2 Gennan-Eng- Grieb, Christoph Friedrich. ^433-2 G87 lish dictionaries .,,,., ,-, „ _ . , , -,_^. . r ii t- !■ i, j /-^ 1 " Chr. Pr. Grieb s Dictionary of the English and Uerman languages. Tenth edition ; re-arranged, revised, and enlarged, with special regard to pronunciation and etymolog}', by Arnold SchroerPH.D. .... In two volumes Stuttgart, P. Neff, [pref. 1894- 1901]. 2 vol. 27™'. Added t.-p. in German. Contents. — Vul. I. English and German. [1894]. xxxiii, 1356, [2] p. — Vol. 2. German and English. [1901]. x.\ii, 1192, [2] p. Muret, Eduard. ^433-2 M94 '"' Encyklopadisches englisch-deutsches und deutsch-englisches Worterbuch. Ein Parallehverk zu Sachs-Villatte's franzosisch- deutschem und deutsch-franzosischem Worterbuchc. Mit Angabe der Aussprache nach dem phonetischen System der Methode Toussaint-Langenscheidt Grosse Ausgabe. 2 vol. in 3. il. 0. Berlin: Langenscheidtsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, [1901]. Vol. 2 is by I>aniel .Sanders, Immanuel Schmidt and Cornells Stoffel. Has also English title-page. 189I- Schmidt, Immanuel, &■ Tanger, G. I'433-2 S3511 ^''" FlUgel - Schmidt - Tanger, A dictionar}' of the English and German languages for home and school. With special reference to Dr. Felix Flligel's Universal English-German and German-English dictionary. Second edition. 2 vol. 0. New- York : Lemcke & Buechner, 1897. For German-French dictionaries, see 443. 434 Synonyms 435 Grammar Eberhard, Johann August. 434 E16 '""' Johann August Eberhards synonymisches Handworterbuch der deutschcn Sprache. Fiinfzehnte Auflage. Nach der von Fried- rich Rlickert besorgten 12. Ausgabe durchgangig umgearbeitet, vermehrt und verbesscrt von Dr. Otto Lyon. Mit Ubersetzung der VVorter in die englische, franzosische, italienische und rus- sischc Sprache .... [2],.\lfv,ioi i p. O. Leipzig: T. Grieben, 1896. Behaghel, Otto. 435 B39 A short historical grammar of the German language, translated and adapted from Professor Behaghel's "Deutsche Sprache", by Emil Trechmann. viii,i94 p. D. London: Mar^^.ilian & Co., 1891. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 173 Whitney, William Dwight. 435 W61 435 German gram- '■"" A compendious German grammar. Sixth edition, ... revised and with new exercises. xii,472 p. D. New York : H. HoU & Co., c. li mar 439 DUTCH — SCANDINAVIAN Ten Bruggencate, K. 439.332 T25 439-3 Dutch-English """ Engelsch woordenboek. 2 vol. O. Groningen : J. B. Wolters, '^''^"''""ies 1895-1896. Vol. I. Engelsch-Nederlandsch; vol. 2. Nederlandsch-Engelsch. Calisch, Isaac Marcus, 1 808-1 8S4. 439-332 C13 Bisno N(;\v complete dictionary of the English and Dutch languages ... by I. M. Calisch .... Second edition, revised by N. S. Calisch .... Tiel, H. C. A. Campagne & zoon, [pref. 1890- 1892]. 2 vol. 24'''". Added t.-p. in Dutch. Contents. ^ [vol. i.] Dutch- English. — [vol. 2.] P^nglish-Dutch. Bjorkman, C. G. 439.732 B55 439.7 Swedish Eng- '■»' Svensk-engelsk ordbok [61,i36op. O. Stockholm : P. A. ""'^"="°°*"" Norstedt & Soner, c. 1889. Wenstrom, Edmund, & Lindgren, Erik. 439.732 W52 """' Engelsk-svensk ordbog [6], 1758 p. O. Stockholm: P. A. Norstedt & Soner, 1889. Geelmuyden, Ivar Christian Sommerschild, 439.832 G27 439.8 Norwegian- boim o __ ,Q^r English dictionaries ... . Engelsk-norsk ordbog. Fjerde udgave ved H. Eitrem. Kristiania, Det Norske aktieforlag, 1901. [S],73ip. 2i<^'". At head of tilU: I. Geelmuyden. Larsen, Anton. 439-832 1-32 "=" Dansk-norsk-engelsk Ordbog. Anden forogede og omarbeidede Udgave. viii,695 p. O. Kjobenhavn : Gyldendalske Boghande!, 1888. Olson, Julius Emil. 439-85 O45 439.85 Norwegian n-'s Norwegian grammar and reader. With notes and vocabulary, grammar x,330 p. O. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1898. 174 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 440 FRENCH Brachet, Auguste. 443-2 B72 '"'" An etymological dictionary of the French language Trans- lated by G. W. Kitchin. Third edition. xii,c.xxviii,407 p. D. (Clarendon Press series.) Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1882. With an introduction on French etymology and phonetics. Deshumbert, Marius. 443-2 D45 ■'■'■' Deshumbert's dictionary of difficulties met with in reading, writ- ing, translating, and speaking French. Fifth edition. vii,[i],i32 p. D. London: D. Nutt, 1894. Hatzfeld, Adolphe, &■ Darmesteter, Arsene. L443 H28 '"" Dictionnaire generale de la langue frangaise du commencement du XVii'' siecle jusqu'a nos jours. Precede d'un traite de la for- mation de la langue .... Par MM. Adolphe Hatzfeld et Arsene Darmesteter avec le concours de M. Antoine Thomas. [2 vol.] Q. Paris: C. Delagrave, [1890-1900]. Littre, Emile. L443 L73 '™" Dictionnaire de la langue frangaise. Contenant . . . nomencla- ture : ... grammaire : ... signification des mots : ... partie his- torique : ... etymologic : . . . . 4 vol. sq. F. Paris : Hachette & c'^ 1882. Vol. 2, p. 1 569-1 592, missing. Scheler, Auguste. L443S322 Dictionnaire d'etymologie frangaise d'apres les resultats de la science moderne. Troisieme edition revue et augmentee. x, [2], 526, [2] p. O. Bruxelles: T. Falk, 1888. 443.2 French-Eng- Hamilton, Henry, (&- Legros, E. L443.2H18 lish dictionaries ,„„., t-,- • ■ • • , r • , • -nt ,, ^ ,• Dictionnaire international fran^ais-anglais Nouvelle edi- tion [6],903 p. O. Paris: A. Fouraut, 1896. James, W. 443.2 J23 """ Dictionary of the English and French languages by VV. James and A. Mole. Sixteenth, entirely new and modern edition, com- pletely rewritten and grcatlj' enlarged by Louis Tolhausen . . . and George Payn, assisted by E. He}'mann . . . Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, 1902. X, 564, 663 p. 194™. Has also title-page in French. Smith, Leon, &■ Hamilton, H. L443.2H181 ■™-' The international English and JM-cnch dictionary New edi- tion [CJ.jgSp. O. Paris: A. Fouraut, 1896. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 175 Spiers, Alexandre, 1 807-1 869. 443-28755443.2 French-Eng- '*"'' Dictionnaire general anglais-frangais [et frangais-anglais], Nou- ''sli dictionaries vellement redige d'apres Johnson, Webstej, Richardson, etc., les dictionnaires frangais de I'Academie, de Laveaux, de Boiste, de Bescherelle, etc., ... par A. Spiers, .... Vingt-huitieme edition. Paris, Baudry, 1882. 2 vol. 24i'="'. . Supplement renfermant un grand nombre de termes usuels et litteraires nouveaux, des termes scientifiques et techniques les plus recents, et des neologismes de tons genres et contenant la rectification de quelques donnees du dictionnaire et I'addition de sens nouveaux. Par Victor Spier.s .... Paris, G. Mesnil-Dramard, [1905]. 2 pts. in I vol. 27*^'". Cover-title. Villatte, Cesaire, &■ Sachs, Karl. 1-443.3 V71 443.3 French-Ger- "^^ Encyklopadischesfranzosisch-deutschcs unddeutsch-franzosisches ""^^ ic lonanes Worterbuch 2 \ol. O. Berlin: Langenscheidtsche Ver- lags-Buchhandlung, 1 894-1 895. Franzosisch-deutsches Supplcment-Lexikon viii, 329 p. O. Berlin: Langenscheidtsche Verlags-Buchhandlung, 1894. Vol. I : ninth edition; vol. 2: eighth edition. The supplement is bound with vol. I. Each volume has also a title-page in French. Laf aye, Benjamin. 444 L13 444 Synonyms "'" Dictionnaire des synonymes de la langue frangaise : avec une in- troduction sur la theorie des synonymes Sixieme edition, suivie d'un supplement. [4],lxxxiii,i io6,iv,336 p. O. Paris: Hachette & C'^ 1893. Brachet, AugUSte. 445 B72 445 Grammar '"'" A historical grammar of the French language, from the French of Auguste Brachet. Rewritten and enlarged by Paget Toynbee. xxii,[2],339 p. D. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1896. Otto, Emil. 445 O91 1.19.51 prench conversation-grammar. Revised b\' Ferdinand B6cher. With full vocabularies, by L. Pylodet. Third American edition. (The Bocher-Otto French course.) 489 p. D. New York: H. Holt & Co., c. 1884. 176 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 450 ITALIAN Davenport, John, &■ Comelati, Guglielmo. 453.2 D27 *■" A new dictionary of the Italian and English languages, based up- on that of Baretti, and containing, ... ; a copious list of geo- graphical and proper names, both ancient and modern. 2 vol. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1855. Grandgent, Charles Hall. 455 G76 """"' Italian grammar. Third edition, revised and enlarged. vii,i32 p. D. (Heath's modern language series.) Boston, U. S. A: D. C. Heath & Co., 1898, c. 1887. 460-469 SPANISH —PORTUGUESE Velazquez de la Cadena, Mariano. L463.2 V541 ifcsio ^ j^g^^, pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and English lan- guages. Revised and enlarged by Edward Gray and Juan L. Iribas 2 vol. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1900- 1902. Vol. 2: Neuvo tliccionario de pronunciacion de las lenguas inglesa y espanola. Velazquez de la Cadena, Mariano. L463.2V54 "■" A pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and English languages : composed from the Spanish dictionaries of the Spanish Academy, Terreros, and Salva. Upon the basis of Seoane's edition of Neu- man and Baretti 2 vol. O. London: Hirschfeld Bros., 1893, c. 1852. Vol. 2 has title-page in Spanish. Edgren, August Hjalmar, 1840- 1903. 465 E231 42452 j^ brief Spanish grammar with historical introductions and exer- cises, by A. Hjalmar Edgren, PH.D Boston, U. S. A., D. C. Heath & Co., 1901. vii, 165 p. i84="'. Original copyright, iSgi. Knapp, William Ireland. 465 K72 '"'' A grammar of the modern Spanish language as now written and spoken in the capital of Spain. Second edition, . . . revised by the author. x,488 p. D. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1896, c. 1882. 469 Portuguese Michaelis, Henriette. 469.32 M58 A new dictionary of the Portuguese and English languages, en- riched by a great number of technical terms u,sed in commerce and industry, in the arts and sciences, and including a great va- riety of expressions from the language of daily life. Based on a manuscript of Julius Cornet 2 vol. O. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1893. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 177 470-480 LATIN AND GREEK Lewis, Charlton Thomas, & Short, Charles. L473.2L58 473.2 Latin-Engiish '^'^ A Latin dictionary founded on Andrews' edition of Freund's Lat- in dictionary revised, enlarged and in great part rewritten, xiv, 2019 p. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1896. Smith, Sir William, L. L.B., & Hall, Theophilus D. 473.2 S664 '"-- A copious and critical English-Latin dictionary. Fifth edition. xi,[i],963,[i] p. O. London: J. Murray, 1888. Allen, Joseph Henry, & Greenough, James Bradstreet. 475 A427 475 Latin grammar ""' Allen and Greenough's Latin grammar founded on compar- ative grammar. Revised and enlarged by James Bradstreet Greenough, assisted by George L. Kittredge. xii,488 p. D. Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., 1 895 , c. 1 888. Bennett, Charles Edwin. 475 B43 23097 ^ Latin grammar. Complete edition. With appendix for teach- ers and advanced students. x,272,xiv,232 p. D. Boston : Allyn & Bacon, c. 1.S95. Harkness, Albert. 475 H25 '""* A complete Latin grammar. xiv,[2],44!; p. 0. New York: American Book Co., c. 1898. Mure, William. 880.9 M94 480 Greek language ""' A critical history of the language and literature of antient Greece. Second edition. 5 vol. map. O. London: Longman, ... ,& Longmans, 1854-1859. Vol. 5 is in first edition. Liddell, Henry George, & Scott, Robert. L483.2L61 483.2 Greek-English '■"■ A Greek-English lexicon. Seventh edition, revised and augment- ed ... . xvi,i776 p. F. O.xford : Clarendon Press, 1890. Yonge, Charles Duke. 483.2 Y8 ""■' An English-Greek lexicon. Abridged from the larger work. New edition. [4] ,481 p. D. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1893. Goodwin, William Watson. 485 G631 485 Greek grammar 27505 ^ Greek grammar. Revised and enlarged. xxxvi,45i p. D. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1900, c. 1892. 178 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 500 PHYSICAL SCIENCES 501 Philosophy of Flint, Robert, 1838- 112 Q400 ^'^'®°'^^ ^''^' Philosophy as scientia scientiarum, and A history of classifica- tions of the sciences ; by Robert Flint .... Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood and Sons, 1904. N, 340 P- 23i""- Jevons, William Stanley. 160.2 N301 '^'^ The principles of science : a treatise on logic and scientific meth- od. Second edition, re\-ised. xliv,786 p. i il. D. London : Mac- millan & Co., i 877. Pearson, Karl. 110.2Q002 88903 -j-j^g grammar of science. Second edition, revised and enlarged, xviii,548 p. 33 il. O. London: A. & C. Black, 1900. "Literature" follows each chapter. Poincare, Henri i.e. Jules Henri, 1854- 501 Q308 '"" Science and hypothesis, by H. Poincare .... With a preface by J. Larmor .... London and Newcastle-on-Tyne, The Wal- ter Scott Publishing Co., ltd., 1905. xxvii, 244 p. igA"^™. Translated by W.J. G. Contents. — i. Number and magnitude. — 2. Space. — 3. Force. — 4. Nature. U. S. A. Library of Congress. L025.4 U5852 .... Classification. Class O: Science. Preliminary, July i, 1905. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1905. 172 p. 26'^"'. Prefatory note signed: |. David Thompson, in charge, .Science Section. Ac^itions and corrections to May i, 1906, p. 171-172. 819J;: 502 Compends Duncan, Robert Kennedy. 502 Q500 61999 -j-jig j^g^y knowledge ; a popular account of the new physics and the new chemistry in their relation to the new theory of matter, by Robert Kennedy Duncan .... New York, A. S. Barnes & Co., 1905. xviii, [2], 263 p. 54 illus. incl. diagrs. 21'^". Contents. — Current conceptions. — The periodic law. — Gaseous ions. — Natural radio-activity: a new property of matter. — The resolution of the atom. — Inorganic evo- lution. — The new knowledge and old problems. Mill, Hugh Robert. 502 P200 "'• The realm of nature. An outline of physiography. xiii,366 p. 68 ii. 19 maps. D. [University extension mantials.] New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1892. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 179 Goodchild, G F , cd. L603 Q603 503 scientific die- 67996 ^ technological and scientific dictionary. Edited by G. F. Good- child ... and C. F. Tweney .... London, G. Newnes, ltd.; Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company, [1906]. viii, S75 p. illus., diagrs. 25'-'"'. • Issued in 14 pts. Lueger, Otto, cd. L603 Q401 "'°° Lexikon dcr gesamten Technik und ihrcr Hilfswissenschaften. Im Verein mit Fachgenossen herausgegeben von Otto Lueger. Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen. Zweite, voUstandig neu bear- beitete Auflage. Stuttgart und Leipzig, Deutsche Verlags-An- stalt, [1904-]. Pt. I-. illus. 28<:™. Rossiter, William. 503 O800 "° An illustrated dictionary of scientific terms. 3 50, [2] p. il. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, pref. 1878. Technologisches Worterbuch. 603 O600 ''" Technologisches Worterbuch. Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch. .... Mit einem Vorwort von well. Karl Karmarsch. Vierte verbesserte und ... vermehrte Auflage. 3 vol. O, Wiesbaden: J. F. Bergmann, 1 887-1 891. Contents: Vol. I. Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch Herausgegeben von Dr. Ernst Rohrig. xii,879,[i] p. 1887. Vol. 2. English-German- French Pub- lished by C. Dill, E. von. Hoyer and E. Rohrig. xii,909 p. i8gi. Vol. 3. Francjais- allemand-anglais Public par Ernest Rohrig. Troisieme edition, revue, corrigee et considerablement augmentee. [10], 783, [i] p. 1887. Contains also terms relating to the natural sciences. Caird, John. 042 Cl 2 504 Essays 18109 University addresses : being addresses on subjects of_ academic study delivered to the University of Glasgow. [Edited by Ed- ward Caird.] x,383 p. O. Glasgow: J. MacLehose & Son, 1898. Contents: The unity of the sciences. The progressiveness of the sciences. Erasmus. Galileo. The scientific character of Bacon. David Hume. Bishop Butler and his theology. The study of history. The science of history. The study of art. The pro- gressiveness of art. The art of public speaking. The personal element in teaching. General and professional education. Clifford, William Kingdon, 504 C61 "" Lectures and essays. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Frederick Pollock, with an introduction by F. Pollock. 2 vol. il. por. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1879. Contents: Vol. i. Introduction: Biographical. Selection from letters, etc. Biblio- graphical. — On some nf the conditions of mental development. On theories of the physical forces. On the aims and instruments of scientific thought. Atoms. The first and last catastrophe. The unseen universe. The philosophy of the pure sciences. Vol. 2. Instruments used in measurement. Body and mind. On the nature of things-in- themselves. On the types of compound statement involving four classes. On the sci- entific basis of morals. Right and wrong: the scientific ground of their distinction. The ethics of belief. The ethics of religion. The influence upon morality of a decline in religious belief. Cosmic emotion. Virchow on the teaching of science. i8o THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 504 Scientific essays [Kelvin] , William Thomson, [/5/ i)rt;w/]. 504 K29 12360 Popular lectures and addresses by Sir William Thomson 3 vol. il.pl. D. (Nature series.) London: Macmillan & Co., 1891-1894. Contents: Vol. i. Constitution of matter. Vol. 2. Geology and general physics. Vol. 3. Navigational affairs. Vol. I is in second edition, with additions and corrections. 506 Scientific soci- Bccker, Bernard Henry. 062 4 '""'" Scientific London. viii,340 p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1875. 507 Teaching of sci- Howe, Edward Garunier. 372.3 P500 ^•'" Systematic science teaching. A manual of inductive elementary work .... [2 vol.] il. D. (International education series, vol. 27 and 48.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895-1900. [Vol. 2] published under the title: Advanced elementary science, being part II 3$ Systematic science teaching ence 509 History of sci- Smith, Alexander, 1865- 507Q200 ^'"" .... The teaching of chemistry and physics in the secondary schools, by Alexander Smith . . . and Edwin H. Hall .... New York, London, [etc.], Longmans, Green, and Co., 1902. xiii, 377 p. illus., diagr. aoi"^". (American teachers series.) Contains short bibliographies. Buckley, Arabella Burton, [a/A-rwa n^s Fizher]. 570.9 O800 "'""' A short history of natural science and of the progress of discovery from the time of the Greeks to the present day Fifth edi- tion. xxix,509p. 74 il. I table. D. London: E.Stanford, 1894. Marmery, J. Villin. 509 P500 '''"' Progress of science. Its origin, course, promoters, and results. With an introduction by Samuel Laing. x.\xi,358 p. O. Lon- don : Chapman & Hall, 1895. Nineteenth century. 031 Qioi 89311 ^Yhc 19th century; a review of progress during the past one hun- dred years in the chief departments of human activity. ix,494p. O. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. Progress of the century. 032 Qioo 879C3 Jhe progress of the century iii,[ I ] ,582,[2] p. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1901. Contents: Wallace, A. R. Evolution. Ramsay, W. Chemistry. Petrie, W. M. F.-. Archaeology. Lockyer, Sir J. N. Astrononfiy. Caird, E. Philosophy. Osier, W. Medicine. Keen, W. W. Surgery. Thomson, E. Electricity. Mendenhall, T. C. Physics. Dilkc, Sir C. W. War. Mahan, A. T. Naval ships. Lang, A. Literature. Clarke, T. C. Engineering. Religion: Gibbons, J., Cardinal. Catholicism. Allen, A. V. C;. Protestantism. Gottheil, K. J. II. The Jews .and Judaism. Smith, G. Free- thought. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. i8i Routledge, Robert. 609 P902 409 History of sci- 25005 Discoveries and inventions of the nineteenth century. Thirteenth *'"^* edition. Revised and partly re-written, with additions. xiv,[2], 820 p. il. 17 pi. O. London: G. Routledge & Sons, 1900. Williams, Henry Smith. 509 Qooi 86269 Yhe story of nineteenth century science. vii,[3],474,[2] p. il. 12 pi. paged in, 2 pi. of por. paged in, 17 por. 16 paged in. O. New York: Harper & Bros., 1901. Contents: i. Science at the beginning of the century. 2. The century's progress in astronomy. 3. The century's progress in paleontology. 4. The century's progress in geology. 5. The century's progress in meteorology. 6. The century's progress in physics. The "Imponderables". 7. The ether and ponderable matter. 8. The cen- tury's progress in chemistry, g. The century's progress in biology. Theories of organic evolution. 10. The century's progress in anatomy and physiology. 11. The century's progress in scientific medicine. 12. The century's progress in experimental psychology. 13. Some unsolved scientific problems: i. Solar and telluric problems. 2. Physical problems. 3. Life problems. Cattell, James McKeen, i860- , ee/. L509.2 C29 509.2 Biographies 63864 American men of science ; a biographical directory, edited by J. McKeen Cattell. New York, The Science Press, 1906. vii, 364 p. 26™'. Poggendorff, Johann Christian, 1 796-1 877. L509.2 P75 111I2U Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte der exacten Wissenschaften. Enthaltend Nachweisungen iiber Le- bensverhaltnisse undLeistungen von Mathematikcrn, Astronomen, Physikern, Chemikern, Mineralogen, Geologen usw. aller Volker und Zeiten gesammelt von J. C. Poggendorff .... Erster— [viertcr] Band. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1863-1904. 4 vol. in 5. 26"^'". Vol. 3-4 title reads: J. C. Poggendorff "s Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch Vol. 3: (1858 bis 18S3.) Herausgegeben von Dr. B. \V. Feddersen und Prof. Dr. A. J. von Oettingen; vol. 4: (Diejahre 1883 bis zur Gegenwart umfassend.) Her- ausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Arthur von Oettingen. Youmans, William Jay, r^/itor. 509.2 Y8 Pioneers of science in America. Sketches of their lives and sci- entific work viii,508 p. 5 il. 49 por. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Reprinted with additions from the Popular Science Monthly. Grote, George. 185.1G91 "' Aristotle. Edited by Alexander Bain and G. Croom Robertson. Third edition. xvi,68i p. O. London: J. Murray, 1883. Brewster, Sir David. 509.262 B75 '** The life of Sir Isaac Newton. A new edition. Revised and ed- ited by W. T. Lynn. xii,346 p. il. i por. D. London : W. Tegg & Co., 1875. l82 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 510 MATHEMATICS 510-1 Classification Congres international de bibliographic des sciences L025.4 C76 mathematiques. Loimiiissioii pcrmancntc du repertoire. Index du Repertoire bibliographique des sciences mathematiqueS; public par la Commission permanente du repertoire. Deuxieme edition. xiv,93,[2] p. O. Paris: Gauthier-Villars & fils, 1898 510.2 Compends Carr, G. S. L510.2O002 .9396 t^ sjnopsis of elementary results in pure mathematics : containing propositions, formulae, and methods of analysis, with abridged demonstrations. Supplemented by an index to the papers on pure mathematics which are to be found in the principal journals and transactions of learned societies, both English and foreign of the present century. .vx,xvi,[2] ,935 p. il. 20 pi Q London; , F. Hodgson, 1886. Merriman, Mansfield, & Woodward, Robert S., editors. 510.2 P600 *'" Higher mathematics. A text-book for classical and engineering colleges. First edition xi,576 p. il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. Contents: i. Merriman, M. The solution of equations. 2. Weld, L. G. Determi- nants. 3. Halsted, G. B. Projective geometry. 4. McMahon, J. Projected geom- etry. 5. Byerly, W. E. Harmonic functions. 6. Fislie, T. S. Functions of a commonplace variable. 7. Johnson, W. W. Differential equations. 8. Hyde, E. W, Grassmann's space analysis, g. Macfarlane, A. Vector analysis and quaternions. 10. Woodward, R. S. Probability and theory of errors. 11. Smith, D. E. History of modern mathematics. 510.3 Dictionaries Davies, Charles, &■ Peck, William G. 510.3 L500 ''"" Mathematical dictionary and cyclopedia of mathematical science. .... 592 p. il. O. New York: A. S. Barnes & Co., c. 1883. 510.4 Graphics Turner, George Charles. 510.4 T85 """ Graphics applied to arithmetic, mensuration and statics. By G. C.Turner, .... London, Macmillan, and Co., ltd., 1908. viii, [2], 3S8 p. 316 diagr. 19C"'. 510.7 Teaching McLellan, James Alexander, & Dewey, John. 510.7 P500 909S -pj^j, psychology of ntimber and its applications to methods of teaching arithmetic. xiv,[2],309 p. D. (International education series, vol. 33.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. Young, Jacob William Albert, 1865- 510.7 Q600 .... 1 he teaching of mathematics in the elementary and the secondary school, by J. W. A. Young .... New York, London, [etc.], Longmans, Green, and Co., 1907. xviii, 351 p. di.agrs. 2o4"". (//<'{7'-/i/Av American teachers series, edited Ijy J. E. Russell.) Series title also at head of t.-p. Contains bibliographies, most of which are at beginning of chapters. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 183 Ball, Walter William Rouse, 1 85 1- 510.79 Q500 510.79 Mathemat- . 1 T. -117 -iir r> T) 11 i*^3l recreations 52509 Mathematical recreations and essays. By W. VV. Rouse ball Fourth edition. London, MacmiUan and Co., ltd.; New York, The Macmillan Company, 1905. x\-i, 402 p. diagrs. 19.J'''". Advertisements, p. 389-402. NeWCOmb, Simon. 510.83 SIO.S Logarithms 6975 Logarithmic and other mathematical tables, with examples of their use and hints on the aft of computation. [4], ii, 80, [2], 104 p. O. (Newcomb's mathematical course.) New York : H.Holt & Co., c, 1882. Vega, Georg Freiherr von. S^O-^ 49 25590 Logarithmic tables of numbers and trigonometrical functions. Translated from the fortieth or Dr. Bremiker's thoroughly revised and enlarged edition, by W. L. F. Fischer. Stereotyped. — 78. edition. xxviii,575 p. O. Berlin: Weidmanns, 1899. Ball, Walter William Rouse. 510.9 P301 510.9 History of ,,. ,.1 ,■ cr jj-..- mathematics ""* A short account of the history of mathematics. Second edition. xxiv,520 p. il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1893. McLellan, James Alexander, c^v Ames, A. F. 511 P700 511 Arithmetic -""^ The public school arithmetic. Based on McLellan and Dewey's "Psychology of number." x,346 p. il. D. New York: Macmil- lan Co., 1897. Wells, Horace Lemuel, 1855- 541-9 Qsoo 65354 p^ text-book of chemical arithmetic, by Horace L. Wells .... First edition .... New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chap- man & Hall, ltd., 1905. vii, 169 p. 19''"'. Wentworth, George Albert, &■ Hill, Thomas. 511 Oioo "" A high school arithmetic. (Wentworth & Hill's practical arith- metic) xv,[i],362 p. il. D. Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., 1890, c. 1 88 1. Hanus, Paul H. 512.83 O60O 512 Algebra 12S98 ^1^ elementary treatise on the theory of determinants. A text- book for colleges. viii,2i7p. O. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1888. Todhunter, Isaac. 512 P700 "" Algebra for beginners. With numerous examples. New edition, revised and enlarged by S. L. Loney. viii,428,xxxvi p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1897. i84 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 512 Algebra Todhunter, Isaac. 512 Nooi 19325 Algebra for the use of colleges and schools New edition. x,6o8 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1897. Key ... [4] ,244 p. D London: Macmillan & Co., 1894. Todhunter, Isaac. 512.82 Oooi 19370 j^^^ elementary treatise on the theory of equations, with a collec- tion of examples. vi,328 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. 513 Geometry Eukleides. 513 Pqos ='"'^ The elements of Euclid With notes, an appendix, and exercises by L Todhunter. New edition, revised and enlarged, by S. L. Loney. viii,332,cxxxii p. il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1899. Eukleides. 513 P702 ""'' Euclid : books l-iv. By Rupert Deakin. viii,309 p. il. D. (Uni- versity tutorial series.) London: W. B. Clive, pref. 1897. Evans, Thomas Jay, & Pullen, W. W. F. 513 P706 9J04 ^ treatise on practical plane and solid geometry. Containing solutions to the honours questions set at the examinations of the Science and Art Department (1887-1896) inclusive. vi,[2],400 p. il. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1897. Phillips, Andrew Wheeler, & Fisher, Irving. 513 P601 "'''^ Elements of geometr}'. viii,540 p. il. O. (Phillips-Loomis math- ematical series. ) New York : Harper & Brothers, 1896. 513.5 Geometry of Reye, Theodor, 1838- 513-5 O601 ^°^' '"^ ""^° Lectures on the geometry of position. By Theodor Reye .... Translated and edited by Thomas F. Holgate. Part I. New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1898. xix, 248 p. 82 diagrs. 23'"'. 514 Trigonometry Briggs, William, ,Sr Bryan, G. H. 514P700 The tutorial trigonometry. viii,326 p. 140 il. D. (University tutorial series.) London: VV. B. Clive, pref. 1897. Hobson, Ernest William. 514 Pioo A treatise on plane trigonometry. Second edition. xv,36o p. il. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1S97. Todhunter, Isaac. 514.5 n^qo '^"' Plane trigonometry for the use of colleges and schools, .... vi, 341 p. il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 185 Butterfill, Henry Holt-. 515P700 515 Descriptive ge- esKi First principles of mechanical and engineering drawing. A course °"^^ ^^ of study adapted to the self-instruction of students and apprentices to mechanical engineering in all its branches .... xii,2iip. 203 il. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1897. Moyer, James Ambrose. 515 Q501 651.10 Descriptive geometry for students of engineering, by James Am- brose Moyer .... Second edition .... New York, J.Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1965. viii, 198 p. front., illus., diagrs. 134"^"". Part of the pages are blank. Spanton, J. Humphrey. 5i5'6 P8oo """ Complete perspective course. Comprising the elementary and advanced stages of perspective, the projection of shadows and reflections, with exercises in theory and practice, also the practi- cal application of perspective. Designed to meet ... : the ex- aminations of the Science and Art Department, South Kensing- ton, and of the College of Preceptors ; the O.xford and Cambridge local examinations .... xvii,282 p. 191 il. O. ["Britannia" science series.] London: Macniillan & Co., 1898. Binder's title: Science and art drawing. Warn, Reuben Henry. 671 P604 12314 -j-j^g shect-inetal worker's instructor, comprising a selection of geometrical problems and practical rules for describing the vari- ous patterns required by zinc, sheet-iron, copper, and tin-plate workers. New edition, revised and greatly enlarged by Joseph G. Horner. vii,246 p. 429 il. D. London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1896. Bailey, Frederick Harold, & Woods, Frederick S. 516P700 516 Analytical ge- '"' Plane and solid analytic geometry, xii.j;: p. il. O. Boston, °™®*'T' U. S. A.: Ginn& Co., 1897. Lambert, Preston Albert. 516P701 ""' Analytic geometry for technical schools and colleges. .xi,2i6 p. 17911. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. Loney, Sidney Luxton. 516 P500 *"' The elements of coordinate geometry. By S. L. Loney, M.A., .... Second edition, revised. London, New York, Macmillan & Co., 1896. ix, 416, xiii p. diagrs. iSi"^™. i86 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 516 Analytical ge- Puckle, Gcorge Hale. 516.22 O400 ometry 516.8 Quaternions 517 Calculus 20736 ji^^ elementary treatise on conic sections and algebraic geometry, with numerous examples and hints for their solution. Especially designed for the use of beginners. [New edition.] vi,[2],379 p. il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1892. Scott, Charlotte Angas. 516.5 P400 "*''■' An introductory account of certain modern ideas and methods in plane analytical geometry. xii,288 p. 64 il. O. London: Mac- millan & Co., 1894. Smith, Charles. 516.22 O300 16883 ^j.| elementar}- treatise on conic sections. [Second edition, re- vised.] xi,352 p. il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1S98. 516.8 P600 x,ii3 p. il. D. New York: .Macmil- Hathaway, Arthur Stafford. *"''' A primer of quaternions. Ian & Co., 1896. Kelland, Philip, 1S0S-1879. 516.8 Q401 635-7 Introduction to quaternions, b}^ the late professors Philip Kelland ... and Peter Guthrie Tait .... Third edition. Prepared by C. G. Knott .... London, New York, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1904. xvii, 208 p. diagrs. 19'^'" Tait, Peter Guthrie. 516.8 Pooi 6368 ^j.| elementary treatise on quaternions. Third edition, much en- larged. xxvii,422 p. il. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1 890. Byerly, William Elwood. 517.2 N900 1S03S Elements of the differential calculus, with examples and applica- tions. A text book. xv,258 p. il. O. Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., 1895, c. I 879. Byerly, William Elwood. 517-3 O800 '■'"" Elements of the integral calculus, with a key to the solution of differential equations, and A short table of integrals [compiled by B. O. Peirce.] Second edition, revised and enlarged, xvi, 339,[2],65-76,32 p. il. O. Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., 1895, c. 1888. Gibson, George Alexander. 517.1 Q402 ""'■" An introduction to the calculus, based on graphical methods, by George A. Gibson London, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1904. xiii, 225 p. 43 diagrs. 19™. Graham, John. S^T-i Q003 "■"'"' An elementary treatise on the calculus for engineering students. With numerous examples and problems worked out. Second edition. xii,276 p. il. D. [Finsbury technical manuals.] Lon- don: E. & F. N. Spon, 1900. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 187 Johnson, William Woolsey, 1 841- 517.2 Q400 sivcaicuius 6S33S y^j^ elementary treatise on the differential calculus, founded on the method of rates, by William Woolsey Johnson .... First edition New York, J. Wiley & Sons ; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1904. xiv, 404 p. diagrs. ai"^™. Lamb, Horace. 5i7-i P703 '"" An elementary course of infinitesimal calculus. xx,6i6 p. 149 il. D. Cambridge: University Press, 1897. Byerly, William Elwood, 1 849- 517-35^300 517.35 Fourier's '*""" An elementary treatise on Fourier's series and spherical, cylin- ^"^^^ drical, and ellipsoidal harmonics, with applications to problems in mathematical physics. By William Elwood Byerly, PH.D., .... Boston, U. S. A., Ginn& Co., 1895. ix, 287 p. diagrs. 234"^". Forsyth, Andrew Russell, 1 858- 517-38 Q300 517.38 Differential "'"' A treatise on differential equations by Andrew Russell Forsyth ei^at'o^^ ... . Third edition. London, New York, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1903. xvi, 511 p. 23''">. "General examples of differential equations," p. [4^5]-5o8. Harkness, James, & Morley, F. 5i7-5 P800 517.5 Theory of '"'"* Introduction to the theory of analytic functions. xv,336 p. 74 il. f"°<^t'<"'= O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1898. Johnson, William Woolsey. 519P2OO 519 Theory of errors 10257 -Yhe theory of errors and method of least squares. First edition. x,iS2,[22] p. 5 il. D. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. 520 ASTRONOMY Ball, Sir Robert Stawell. 520.2 P601 520.2 compends '^'° Elements of astronomy. New edition, thoroughly revised, xiv, 469 p. 13011. D. [Text-books of science.] Longmans, Green, & Co., 1896. Chambers, George Frederick. 520.2 O900 ^'^° A handbook of descriptive and practical astronomy. Fourth edition. 3 vol. il. pi. O. [Clarendon press series.] Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1 889-1 890. Gierke, Agnes Mary, Fowler, A., & Gore, J. Ellard. 520.2 P700 u7!o -Tiic concise knowledge astronomy, xvi, 581 p. il. i pi. O. [Con- cise knowledge library.] London: Hutchinson & Co., 1898. i88 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 520.2 Compends of Howc, Herbert Alonzo. 520.2 P600 Astronomy ,6.: A Study of the sky. 340 p. 144 il. I pi. D. (Chautauqua Read- ing Circle Literature.) Meadville, Penna. : Flood & Vincent, 1896. Todd, David Peck. 520.2 P901 soois Stars and telescopes. A hand-book of popular astronomy, founded on the 9th edition of Lynn's Celestial motions. xvi, 419 p. il. 7 pi. 4 gr. of por. i per. 3 maps, i table. D. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1899. Bibliographical references at the end of each chapter. Young, Charles Augustus. 520.2 P800 ""' A text-book of general astronomy for colleges and scientific schools. Revised edition. ix,630 p. 246 il. i pi. O. Boston: Ginn & Co., ll 520.4 Essays Jacoby, Harold. 520.4 J15 65339 Practical talks by an astronomer, by Harold Jacoby .... New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1902. ix, 235 p. front., 7 pi. 194="". Contents. — Navigation at sea. — Th? Pleiades. — The pole-star. — Nebulse. — Tem- porary stars. — Galileo. — The planet of 1898. — How to make a sun dial. — Photography in astronomy. — Time standards of the world. — Motions of the earth's pole. — Saturn's rings. — The heliometer. — Occultations. — Mounting great telescopes. — The astrono- mer's pole. — The moon hoa,\. — The sun's destination. 520.9 History of as- Berry, Arthur. 520.9 P800 S019, A short history of astronomy. xxxi,440 p. il. 17 pi. 9 por. I map, 2 tables. D. [Universitj- extension manuals.] London: J. MuiTay, 1898. Gierke, Agnes Mary. 520.9 O700 "*' A popular history of astronomy during the nineteenth century. Second edition, xvi, 502 p. i pi. O. Edinburgh : A. & C. Black, 1887. 520.92 Biographies Ball, Sir Robert Stawell. 520.92 B21 7638 Qrcat astronomers. xii,372 p. il. i pi. O. London: Isbister & Co., 189s. Lodge, Oliver [Joseph]. 520.92 L82 •■"" Pioneers of science. xv,404 p. 120 il. i por. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1893. 520.93 Astronomy of Blake, John Frederick. 520.93 N700 the ancients ,„, Astronomical myths, based on Flammarion's "History of the heavens." xvi,43i p. il. 6 pi. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1877. Lockyer, Sir Joseph Norman. 520.932 P300 ""' The dawn of astronomy. A study of the temple-worship and mythology of the ancient Egyptians. xvi,432 p. il. 1 pi. i map. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 189 MoultOn, Forest Ray. 521 Q20O 521 Theoretical as- 6J57. ^,^ introduction to celestial mechanics, by I"". R. Moulton .... '■°°o'°y New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1902. XV, 384 p. 224'^'". "Historical sketch an 1 liibliography" at end of each chapter. Campbell, William Wallace. 522 P9OO 522 Practical astron- -.9558 -Y]]c elements of practical astrononi)'. Second edition, revised and 'enlarged. xii,264 p. 28 il. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1899. Fowler, A. 522P500 t-M.1 Popular telescopic astronomy. How to make a 2-inch telescope and what to see with it. vi,[2],77 p. il. 1 pi. D. New York: T. Whittaker, 1896. Lockyer, Su- Joseph Norman. 522 N700 "°" Stargazing: past and present xiv,[2],496 p. 217 il. i pi. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1878. Scheiner, Julius. 522.67 P4OO 552.6? Astronomical 7762 ^ treatise on astronomical spectroscopy. Being a translation of ^^^'^ ™^ **^ Die Spectralanalyse der Gestirne. Translated, revised and en- larged, with the cooperation of the author, by Edwin Brant Frost. xiii,482 p. 81 il. 2 pi. O. Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., 1894. "A bibliography of astronomical spectroscopy", p. 427-472. Newcomb, Simon, 1835- 522.7 Q600 522.7 spherical as- 6i3Jo i^ compendium of spherical astronomy with its applications to the determination and reduction of positions of the fixed stars, by Simon Newcomb. New York, London, The Alacmillan Com- pany, 1906. xviii, 444 p. incl. tables, diagrs. 22.^"". Bibliographical notes at end of most chapters. Ball, Sir Robert Stawell, 1S4O- 523 Q502 523 Descriptive as- *'''' A popular guide to the heavens. A series of eighty-three plates, t''°°°'"y with explanatory text & index. By Sir Robert Stawell Ball .... London, G. Philip & Son, ltd., [etc., etc.], 1905. xii, 96 p. 99 pi. (partly col.) incl. maps. 2iixi8i'="\ "In 1S92 I edited an .atlas of the celestial bodies which has long been out of print .... The question of a new issue of the work having arisen, it was deemed better to re- ca5rt the book completely, and the present volume is the result." — Pref. Ball, Sir Robert Stawell, 1840- 523 Qooi 66341 'Yhe story of the heavens .... New and revised edition. Lon- don, Paris, New York & Melbourne, Cassell and Co., ltd., 1900. xii, 568 p. illus., 24 pi. (incl. front, partly col.) 24'^". I go THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 523 Descriptive as- Newcomb, Simon, 1835- 523 Q200 "''' ... . Astronomy for everybody ; a popular exposition of the wonders of the heavens, by Simon Newcomb .... New York, McClure, Phillips & Co., 1902. XV, 333 p. incl. front., illus., diagr. 20^="'. (Science for everybody.) Serviss, Garrett Putman, 1851- 523 Q800 65591 Astronomy with the naked eye; a new geography of the heavens, with descriptions and charts of constellations, stars, and planets, by Garrett P. Serviss ... . New York and London, Harper & Brothers, 1908. xiii, [3], 246, [2] p. illus., xrv charts (12 double). 21'^"'. 523.1 Universe Ball, 5/;' Robert Stawell, 1 840- 523.12 Qioo 6534! -j-[^g earth's beginning, by Sir Robert Stawell Ball .... New York, London, [etc.], Cassell and Co., ltd., 1901. [8], xi-xii, 384 p. col. front., illus., 2 col. pi., i map. igj'^™. Royal Institution of Great Britain Christmas lectures, 1900. 553.2 Solar system 523.3 Moon Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1823- 523.13 Q400 44152 Man's place in the universe ; a study of the results of scientific research in relation to the unity or plurality of worlds, by Alfred R. Wallace, F.R.S., .... Fourth edition with a new chapter en- titled 'An additional argument dependent on the theory of evolu- tion'. London, Chapman and Hall, ltd., 1904. vi, [2], 341 p. I fold. map. 20.i'^'". Chambers, George Frederick. 523 P500 ■*■"'- The story of the solar system simply told for general readers. 188 p. il. I pi. S. [Library of useful stories.] New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Poor, Charles Lane, 1866- 523-2 QSoo 65326 jj^g gQJ^^ system; a study of recent observations, by Charles Lane Poor .... New York & London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1908. [4], iii-x, [2], 310 p. illus., 6 pi. (incl. front. ),diagrs. 2l4<^™. {Half-liHi.'XV^ science series; edited by E. 1.. Thorndike . . . and !•'. E. Beddard. [Vol. 17.]) "This work grew out of a series of lectures delivered at Columbia University." — Pref. Pickering, William Henry, 1S58- L523-3 Q200 65328 'pj^g moon; a summar_\- of the existing knowledge of our satellite, with a complete photographic atlas, by William H. Pickering One hundred & Co., 1903. viii, [4], 103 p. illus., 92 pi. (incl. fiont.), 8 niai Illustrations. New York, Doubleday, Page 32X284"". BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. igi Serviss, Garrett Putman, 1851- 523.3 Q700 523.3 Moon 65327 ji^ig nioon ; a popular treatise, b\' Garrett P. Serviss. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1907. xii, 248 p. front., illus., 26 pi. 20'^'". Lowell, Percival, 1855- 523.43 O601 523.43 Mars 65343 -^i^i-^ and its canals, by Percival Lowell .... New York, Lon- don, The Macmillan Company, 1906. XV, 393 p. front., illus., :o pi. (partly col.), 5 maps. 23"". AngOt, Alfred. 523.59 P50O 523.5 Meteors. Au- . ,. .. -- -1 ^ 1 T^ /T . »• 1 • rura borealis ""' The aurora borealis. xii,264p. il. 16 pi. D. (International sci- entific series, vol. JJ.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. Lockyer, Sir Joseph Norman. 523.5 Pooi ^'"'' The meteoritic h)-pothesis : a statement of the results of a spectro- scopic inquiry into the origin of cosmical systems. xvi,56o p. 101 il. 7 pi. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890. Ball, Sir Robert Stawell. 523.7 P300 423.7 Sun ""*' The story of the sun. xii, 376 p. 82 il. 11 pi. O. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1893. Gierke, Agnes Mary. 523.8 Pooi 423.8 stars ""'■ The system of the stars. xix,[i] ,424 p. 50 il. 6 pi. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1890. Newcomb, Simon, 1835- 523.8 Qioo 63i72 -j-]^^ Stars; a study of the universe. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons; London, J. Murray, 1901. [2],xi, 333p. front., illus. 2i.i''"\ (The science series, 9.) Ball, Sir Robert Stawell. 525.6 O900 525.6 Tides '"" Time and tide, a romance of the moon. Third edition, revised. .... 192 p. 5 il. I pi. S. (Romance of science.) London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1895. Darwin, George Howard. 525.6 P800 "'"' The tides and kindred phenomena in the solar system. The sub- stance of lectures delivered in 1897 at the Lowell Institute, Boston, Massachusetts. xviii,378 p. 43 il. O. Boston: Houghton, Mif- flin & Co., 1898. "Authorities," at the end of each chapter. Gore, James Howard. 526.09 Pioo 526 Geodesy '"^^ Geodesy. vi,[4],2i8 p. il. 2 pi. D. (Riverside science series.) - Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1891. 192 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 526 Geodesy WilsoD, Herbert Michael. 526.02 Qooi 23229 Topographic surveying. Including geographic, exploratory, and military mapping, with hints on camping, emergency surgery, and photography. First edition .xxx.gio p. il. 15 pi. 14 paged in, 16 maps, 13 paged in. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1900. "Reference works on topography," p. 490-494. "Reference works on geodesy," p. 809-Sio. Woodward, Robert Simpson. 526.08 i -"'" Smithsonian geographical tables. Second edition. cv,i82 p. 4 il. O. (Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscella- neous collections.) City of Washington 1897. 526.8 Map construe- Morrison, Gabriel James. 526.8 Q200 ""* ^'^^ Maps, their uses and construction ; a short popular treatise on the advantages and defects of maps on various projections, followed by an outline of the principles involved in their construction, by G. James Morrison .... Second edition, revised and enlarged. London, E. Stanford, 1902. xii, 152 p. incl. maps, tliagrs. 20'^^'. Nordenskiold, Adolf Erik. A910.9O900 ■"'* Facsimile-atlas to the early history of cartography, with repro- ductions of the most important maps printed in the xv and xvi centuries. Translated from the Swedish original by Johan Adolf Ekelof and Clements R. Markham. [2],iv,[4],i4i p. 84 il. 51 maps. F. Stockholm 1889. Nordenskiold, Adolf Erik, Frilierre. A910.9 P70i 22137 periplus. An essay on the early history of charts and sailing- directions. Translated from the Swedish original by Francis A. Bather. x,2o8 p. lOO il. 60 maps. F^ Stockholm: P. A. Nor- stedt & Soner, 1897. With bibliographical notes. 526.9 Surveying Flemer, John Adolphus, 1859- 526.91 Q600 ^"''' i\\\ elementary treatise on phototopographic methods and instru- ments, including a concise review of executed phototopographic surveys and of publications on this subject, b}' J. A. Flemer .... First edition .... New York, J. Wiley & Sons; [etc., etc.], 1906. xix, 438, [2] p. cix (?'. <•. 55) pi. (incl. diagrs.) 23.J™. Plates, with the exception of the last, printed on both sides. ddlH Gillespie, William Mitchell. 526.9 P600 A treatise on surveying, comprising the theory and the practice. Revised and enlarged by Cady Staley 2 vol. il. map. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1 896-1 897. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 193 Johnson, John Butler, I 850-1902. 526.9 Q204 526.9 Surveying 65S90 Yi^^ theory and practice of surveying. Designed for the use of surveyors and engineers generally. But especially for the use of students in engineering. By J. B. Johnson, ... . .Sixteenth edi- tion, revised and enlarged .... New York, j. Wiley & Sons ; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1907, [''1900]. xx.\, 838 p. incl. illus., tables, vi fold. pi. (maps, diagrs.) 21"-' 1 cm U.'iSl Rankine, William John Macquorn. 620.2 P700 A manual of civil engineering. Twentieth edition, thoroughly revised. By W. J. Millar, xvi, 8l8p.il. O. London : C. Griffin & Co., 1898. Smith, Richard Somers. 526.98 O500 '""'" A manual of topographical drawing. Revised and enlarged by Charles McMillan. Third edition .xi,ii2 p. 57 il. 16 pi. 4 maps, 3 tables. O. New York : J. Wiley & Sons, 1894, c. 1885. Martin, William Robert. L527 P900 527 Theory of navi- """■■' A treatise on navigation and nautical astronomy. Sanctioned 2^""° for use in the Royal Navy .... Third edition, thoroughly re- vised, xiii, [2], 429 p. 187 il. I pi. 3 maps, 4 tables. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1899. 530-536 PHYSICS Pearson, Karl. 110.2Q002 530.1 Theory of 88903 Yj.jg grammar of science. Second edition, revised and enlarged. xviii,548 p. 33 il. O. London: A. & C. Black, 1900. "Literature" follows each chapter. Poincare, Lucien. 530-i Q707 '"'■" .... The new physics and its evolution. By Lucien Poincare, .... Being the authorised translation of "La physique mo- derne, son evolution". London, K. Paid, Trench, Triibner, & Co., ltd., 1907. XV, 344 p. 19™'. {[[nlf-litU: International scientific series, vol. xc.) Series title also at head of t,-p. Contents. — I. The evolution of physics. — 2. Measurements. — 3. Principles. — 4. The various states of matt;r.- — 5. Solutions and electrolytic dissociation. — 6. The ethe . — 7. Wireless telegraphy. — 8. The conductivity of gases and the ions. — 9. Ci-thode rays and radioactive bodies. — 10. The ether and matter. — 11. The future of physics. 194 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 530.1 Theory of physics Poiacare, Henri i.e. Jules Henri, 1S54- 501 Q308 ''"^' Science and hypothesis, by H. Poincare .... With a preface by J. Larnior .... London and Newcastle-on-Tyne, The Wal- ter Scott Publishing Co., ltd., 1905. xxvii, 244 p. igi"^". Translated by W. J. G. Contents. — I. Number and magnitude. — 2. Space. — 3. Force. — 4. Nature. Tait, Peter Guthrie, 1831-1901. 530.1 Q708 616S6 Properties of matter. By P. G. Tait Fifth edition, edited by W. Peddie, .... London, A. and C. Black, 1907. ^! 353 P- 41 '""*• '°'^'- cliagrs. 19"^"". 530.2 Physical com- Ames, Joseph Sweetman. P^°^^ "'* Theory of physics. xviii,5l3 p. 283 il. O. & Brothers, 1897. 530.2 P600 New York : Harper 608 p. 473 il. D. 530.2 P500 New York : Sheldon Avery, Elroy McKendree ""' School physics. . . . & Co., c. 1895. Daniell, Alfred. ""' A text book of the principles of physics .XXV, 783 p. 257 il. O. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1895 "Bibliography", p. 75I-75''' 530.2 P503 Third edition Franklin, William Suddards, 1863- 530.2 Q800 6396; Practical ph}'sics ; a laboratory manual for colleges and technical schools, by W. S. Franklin, CM. Crawford and Barry Macnutt. Volume I - [ill] New York, London, The Macmillan Com- pany, 1908. 3 vol. 22<^™. Contents. — vol. I. Precise measurements ; measurementsin mechanics and heat. [8], 173 p. 75 iUus. — vol. 2. Elementary- and advanced measurements in electricity and magnetism, ^■i, [2], 160 p. illus.. — vol. 3. Photometry; experiments in light and sound, vi, [2], 80 p. illus.' Ganot, [Adolphe]. 530.2 P802 20596 jrienicntary treatise on physics, experimental and applied Translated and edited from Ganot's Elements de physique (with the author's sanction) by E. Atkinson. Fifteenth edition, revised and enlarged. xi,ii42 p. 1057 il. 2 pi. 6 maps, i table. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1898. Gray, Andrew. 530.2 Qioo 28947 A treatise on physics Vol. i-. il. O. London : J. & A. Churchill, 1901-. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 195 [Kelvin], William Thomson, ist Baron, 530.2 N900 530.2 Physical com- ^-'^' &■ Tait, Peter Guthrie. p^""^^ Treatise on natural philosophy. New edition. Vol. i in 2 parts. il. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1 879-1 883. No more published. Nichols, Edward Leamington, 1854- 530.2 Q400 jTi,,9 -j-j^g elements of physics; a college text-book, by Edward L. Nichols and William S. Franklin. In three volumes New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1904. 3 vol. illus., diagrs. 22"^"'. Contents. — vol. i. Mechanics and heat. Third edition, rewritten, with additions. X, 290 p. diagrs. — vol. 2. Electricity and magnetism. New edition. Entirely re- written, vii, 303 p. 196 diagrs. — .jol. 3. Light and sound. New edition, revised and rewritten, viii, 262 p. 209 diagrs. Privat-Deschanel, Augustin, 1S21-1S83. 530.2 Quo 39033 Deschanel's Natural philosoph}' Being the sixteenth, edi- tion of ... Everett's Deschanel, by J. D. Everett, M.A., ... . London, Glasgow and Dublin, Blackie & Son, ltd., 1901-1903. 4 vol. 22i'="'. Vol. 3 is in first edition, practically a new work, with title: Electricity. An expan- sion of Everett's Deschanel, part ui, on the lines of modern electrical theory, by J. D. Everett Contents. — Ist pt. JMechanics, hydrostatics, and pneumatics. ig02. viii, 256 p. front, (map), 180 illus. (diagrs.) — 2nd pt. Heat. 1902. vii,276p. i4odiagrs. — 3dpt. Electricity. 1901. xii, 358p. col. front., iSi diagrs. — 4lh pt. Sound and light. 1903. vii, 31S p. col. front. 219 diagrs. Watson, William, F.R.S. 530-8 55 6i.3j8 ^ text-book of practical physics, by William Watson .... Lon- don, New York and Bombay, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1906. x\-i, 626 p. illus., tables, diagrs. 20-i'^'". Tait, Peter Guthrie. 530-4 T13 530.4 physical es- 16060 Lectures on some recent advances in physical science, xii, 337 p. ^^^^ il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1876. Smith, Alexander, 1865- 507Q200 530.7 study and *"*" ... . The teaching of chemistry and physics in the secondary teacAtng schools, by Alexander Smith . . . and Edwin H. Hall .... New York, London, [etc.], Longmans, Green, and Co., 1902. xiii, 377 p. illus. , diagr. 2oi'"". (American teachers series.) Contains short bibliographies. Threlfall, Richard. • 542-2 P800 '""" On laboratory arts, xii, 338 p. 91 il. D. [Macmillan's manuals for students.] London: Macmillan & Co., 1898. Contents: I. Hints on the manipulation of glass and on glass-blowing for laboratory purposes. Appendix. On the preparation of vacuum tubes for the production of Pro- fessor Rbntgen's radiation. 2. Glass-grinding and opticians' work. 3. Miscellaneous processes. 4. Electroplating and allied arts. Appendix. Platinising glass. 196 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 530.8 Physical meas- Clark, Latimer. 389 Pioo A dictionary of metric and oth( London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1891. urements and tables ua^i \ i- .■ r •. • j 1.1 r 1 t, A dictionary of metric and other useful measures. 113 p. D. Everett, Joseph David. 530.8 35 ''"■ Illustrations of the C. G. S. system of units with tdbles of physical constants. By J. D. Everett London, New York, Mac- millan & Co., 1902. xxiii, 283 p. 18'="'. Gray, Thomas. 530.8 8 """ Smithsonian physical tables. Revised edition. [2],x.xxiv,30i p. O. (Smithsonia.M Institutiox. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections.) City of Washington 1897. Kohlrausch, Friedrich. 530.87 6006 j^^ introduction to ph\'sical measurements, with appendices on absolute electrical measurement, etc. Third edition. Translated from the seventh German edition by Thomas Hutchinson Waller and Henry Richardson Procter. xi.x,476 p. 91 il. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1894. Landolt, [Hans Heinrich] , 1831- L530.8 49 ""-' Landolt-Bornstein Physikalisch-chemische Tabellen. Dritte um- gearbeitete und vermehrte Aufiage . . . mit Unterstiitzung der Koniglich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften heraus- gegeben von Dr. Richard Bornstein, . . . und Dr. W'ilhelm Me)'er- hoffer, .... Berlin, J. Springer, 1905. xvi, 861, [i] p. 27.^'="'. 530.9 History of Cajori, Florlan. 530-9 P900 ^ ^^"^^ "*°** A history of physics in its elementary branches including the evolution of physical laboratories. \iii,322 p. 18 il. O. New York: Alacmillan Co., 1899. 530.92 Biographies Garnett, William. 530.92 G18 of physicists ,^g„ „ , . im • • . ■■ t^ t 1 Heroes of science. Physicists ^11,339 p. D. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, pref. 1885. 531 Mechanics CotteriU, James Henry. 531 Q005 S8S.06 Applied mechanics: an elementary general introduction to the theory of structures ant! machines. Fifth edition, revised and en- larged. .xxiv,647 p. 213 ''• 11 pl- O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1900. Glazebrook, Richard Tetley. 531 P501 Mechanics. An elementary text-book, theoretical and practical. .... 3 parts in i vol. il. D. (Cambridge natural science manuals. Physical scries.) Cambridge University Press, 1897. Contents: Dynamics. [2], 244 p. Statics. 176 p. Hydrostatics. [2], 208 p. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 197 Jamieson, Andrew. 621.02 Q508 531 Mechanics ''"'" A text-book of applied mechanics and mechanical engineering. Specially arranged for the use of engineers qualifying for the Institution of Civil Engineers, the diplomas and degrees of tech- nical colleges and universities, advanced science certificates of British and colonial boards of education, and honours certificates of the City and Guilds of London Institute, in mechanical en- gineering, and engineers generally. By Andrew Jamieson Volume I-[ll]. Fifth edition, revised. With numerous dia- grams, special plates, and examination questions. London, C. Griffin & Co., ltd., i905-[i9o6] 2 vol. fronts., iUus., 7 pi. (I fold.), i fold, table, I fold, diagr. 20™. Mach, Ernst, 1838- 53i Q206 "'■■* The science of mechanics; a critical and historical account of its development, by Ernst Mach, .... Translated from the Ger- man by Thomas J. McCormack. Second revised and enlarged edition. With 259 cuts and illustrations. Chicago, The Open Court Publishing Company; London, K. Paul, Trench, Triib- ner & Co., ltd., 1902. xix, [2], 605 p. 259 illus. incl. diagrs. ao"^™. "Chronological table of a few eminent inquirers and of their more important mechani- cal works," p. [589]-59I. Marey, Etienne Jules. 591.17 O900 '-" Movement. Translated by Eric Pritchard. xv,323 p. 204 il. D. (International scientific series, vol. 73.) New York : D. Apple- ton & Co., 1895. Maxwell, James Clerk. 53i N800 '"•■■ Matter and motion. Second American edition. viii,224 p. i S il. S. [Van Nostrand's science series, vol. 36.] New York: D. Van Nostrand Co.,- 1892. Rankine, William John Macquorn. 53i P500 """ A manual of applied mechanics. Fourteenth edition, thorough])- revised. By W. J. Millar. xiv.G/l p. il. O. London: C. Griffin & Co., 1895. Weisbach, Julius, 1806-1871. 621.02 N500 63595 Lehrbuch der Ingenieur- und Maschinen-Mechanik. Mit den nothigen Hiilfslehren aus der Analysis fiir den Unterricht an technischen Lehranstalten sowie zum Gebrauche fiir Techniker bearbeitet von Dr. phil. Julius Weisbach .... Fiinfte verbesserte und verv-oUstandigte Auflage bearbeitet von Gustav Herrmann, .... In drei Theilen. Mit gegen 4000 in den Text einge- druckten Holzstichen Braunschweig, F. Vieweg und Sohn, 1876-1901. 7 vol. illus., diagrs. 2I.i™'. Contents. — i.Th. Lehrbuch der iheoretischen Mechanik. Zweiter unverinderter Abdruck des i875erschienenen Werkes. 1S96. [4, xiii]-xxviii, 1319P. I034illus. — 2. Th. Die Stalik der Bauwerke und die Mechanik der Umtriebsmaschinen. 1882-1S87. 2 vol. illus. — 3. Th. Die Mechanik der Zwischen- und. '\rbeitsmaschinen. Zweite ver- besserte und vervollstandigte Aufiage. 1876-1901. 3 vol. in 4. illus. 198 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 531 Mechanics Ziwet, Alexander, 1853- 531 Q400 65347 Eig^^nts of theoretical mechanics, by Alexander Ziwet .... Revised edition of "An elementary treatise of theoretical me- chanics," especially designed for students of engineering. New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1904. ix, 494 p. diagrs. 22"^™. Contents. — pt. I. Geometr)- of motion : kinematics. — pt. 2. Introduction to dynamics; statics. — pt. 3. Kinetics. 531.2 Statics Routh, Edward John, /j'j/-. 531.2 P6oo 11159 A treatise on analytical statics. With numerous examples. Sec- ond edition. 2 vol. il. O. Cambridge : University Press, 1896- 1902. Vol. 2 has subtitle: With illustrations taken from the theories of electricity and m.ig- netism. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Todhunter, Isaac. 531.2 O700 193-27 ^ treatise on analytical statics, with numerous examples. Fifth edition. Edited by J. D. Everett. viii,364 p. il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1887. Turner, George Charles. 510.4 T85 63785 Qraphics applied to arithmetic, mensuration and statics. By G. C.Turner, .... London, Mactnillan, and Co., ltd., 1908. viii, [2], 3SS p. 3l6diagr. ig"'". 531.3 Dynamics Routh, Edward John, 1 83 1- 531-3 Q501 5S267 Yhc elementary part of a treatise on the dynamics of a system of rigid bodies. Being part I. of a treatise on the whole subject. With numerous examples. By Edward John Routh Sev- enth edition, revised and enlarged. London, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1905. XV, [i], 443 p. diagrs. 22-4'"". Williamson, Benjamin, & Tarleton, Francis A. 531-3 Q003 S9i»e Aj^ elementary treatise on dynamics, containing applications to thermodynamics, with numerous examples. Third edition, re- vised and enlarged. xvi,559 p. il. U. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1900. 531.8 Machines Hiscox, Gardner Dexter. 621.02 Q401 *"'■ Mechanical appliances, mechanical movements and novelties of construction .... For engineers, draughtsmen, inventors, patent attorneys, and all others interested in mechanical operations. In- cluding an explanatory chapter on the leading conceptions of perpetual motion existing during the past three centuries. By Gardner B. Hiscox .... Being a supplementary volume to the author's work entitled Mechanical movements, powers, and de- vices. New York, The N. W. Henley Publishing Company, 1904. 396 p. illus., diagrs. 24"". BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 199 Hiscox, Gardner Dexter. 621.02 P901 531.8 Machines '"■^ Mechanical movements. Powers, devices and appliances used in constructive and operative machinery and the mechanical arts. For the use of inventors, . . . and all others interested in any way in mechanics. [4] ,402 p. 1649 il. O. New York : Munn & Co., 1899. Robinson , Stillman Williams . 62 1 . 8 1 P600 '■"-' Principles of mechanism. A treatise on the modification of mo- tion by means of the elementary combinations of mechanism, or of the parts of machines First edition xv,309 p. 353 il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. Thurston, Robert Henry. 53i-8 P400 12236 'Yhc animal as a machine and a prime motor, and the laws of en- ergetics. First edition iv,97 p. 3 il. D. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1894. Blaine, Robert Gordon. • 621.2 Q501 532 Hydraulics 5!6oo j{y^i,-auiic machinery. With an introduction to hydraulics by Robert Gordon Blaine, .... Second edition, revised and en- larged. London, E. & F. N. Spon, ltd.; New York, Spon & Chamberlain, 1905. xii, 468 p. incl. front, (port.), illus., i fnlii. pL, i fold, plan, 4 fold, diagr. 22.i'^'". (^Half-title: Finsbury technical manuals ) Hiscox, Gardner Dexter. 627.02 Q801 «■»'" Hydraulic engineering ; a treatise on the properties, power and resourccsof water for all purposes ... by Gardner D. Hiscox .... 300 illustrations with 36 practical tables. New York, The N. W. Henley Publishing Company, 1908. [4], 3-315 p. illus., plates, diagrs. 24'^' ,cm Merriman, Mansfield, 184S- 532 Q300 6:ioii3 Treatise on hydraulics, by Mansfield Merriman ... . Eighth edition, rewritten and enlarged New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1903. viii, 5S5 p. diagr. 23i<^"'. Stone, Thomas William. 532.5 Oioo """ Simple hydraulic formulae. viii, 90 p. 9 pi. D. London: E.& F. N. Spon, 1 88 1. Unwin, William Cawthorne, 1S3S- 532 Q700 65793 ^ treatise on hydraulics ; by William Cawthorne Unwin .... London, A. and C. Black, 1907. vi, 327 p. incl. tables, diagrs. 22"^"". 200 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 5 "3 Hydraulics 533 Gases 533.2 Compressed air Williams, Gardner Stewart, i866- 532-9 Q500 6S3JS Hydraulic tables, showing the loss of head due to the friction of water flowing in pipes, aqueducts, sewers, etc. and the discharge over weirs, by Gardner S. Williams . . . and Allen Hazen .... First edition .... New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chap- man & Hall, ltd., 1905. iii, 75 p. diagrs. 234''"'. See also 626, 627, 628 Water engineering. Kimball, Arthur Lalanne. 533-1 Pooi ^'"' The physical properties of gases. viii,238 p. 39 il. D. (River- side science series, no. 2.) Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1890. Hiscox, Gardner Dexter. 621.5 Qioi '""" Compressed air. Its production, uses, and applications. Com- prising the physical properties of air from a vacuum to its liquid state, its thermodynamics, compression, transmission and uses as a motive power .... 822 p. 545 il. i pi. i por. O. New York: N. W. Henley & Co., 1901. "Patents. Issued by the United Stales Patent Office on compressed air and its appli- ances, from 1875 to July i, 1901," p. 805-817. Sloane, Thomas O'Conor. 536-42 P900 '"•' Liquid air and the liquefaction of gases. Theory, history, biog- raphy, practical applications, manufacture. [2], 365 p. il. O. New York: N. W. Henley & Co., 1899. 533.6 Aerodynamics Hildebrandt, Alfred. 533-6 Q601 CO.H9 ^.\;i-siiipg p^^j- mij present, together with chapters on the use of balloons in connection with meteorology, photography and the carrier pigeon, by A. Hildebrandt .... Translated by W. H. Story. New York, D. Van Nostrand Coinpany, 1908. x\H, 364 p. illus. (incl. ports., maps, facsims.), i fold. pi. 24"^'". Printed in Great Britain. Lanchester, F W 533-6 Q710 "■'■"' Aerodynamics: constituting the first volume of a complete work on aerial flight. By F. W. Lanchester. With appendices on the velocity and momentum of sound waves, and on the theory of soaring flight, etc. London, A. Constable & Co., ltd., 1907. xvi, 442 p. front., illus., I fold, diagr. 22.i"«. ( 0« cover: Aerial flight.) 533.9 Steam tables Peabody, Cecil Hobart, 1 85 $- 533-9 Q700 "■'■"'' Tables of the properties of steam and other \apois and tenipera- turc-cntropy table, by Cecil H. Pcabody .... Seventh edition. Rewritten. New York, J. Wilc_\- & Sons; [etc., etc.], 1908. V, 131 p. 234'^"'. "The actual work of ri'conipiiting the tables of properties of steam ami of constructing the temperaturc-entrtitle; vol. 6-7, no. 2, American electrical directory and buyer's manual. Ceased pul)lication in 1902: continued as Central station list and manual of electric lighting. Vol. 1-6 published in Chicago. No general title-page nor index. Vol. I, no. I, 3, 4; vol. 3, no. 3; vol. 4, wanting. Universal electrical directory. L537.09 i '■'" .... The Universal electrical directory (J. A. Berly's). Con- taining a complete record of all the industries directly or indirectly connected with electricity and magnetism, and the names and addresses of manufacturers in Great Britain, India, the colonies, America, the continent, &c. London, H. Alabaster, Gatehouse & Co., 1904. No. 23, 1904. 254™. 204 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 537.09 History of Mendenhall, Thomas Corwin. 537.09 O700 electricity 3907 A century of electricity. ' 229 p. il. D. Boston : Houghton, Mif- flin & Co., 1888. 537.1 Theory of eiec- Lodge, Oliver Joseph, 1851- 537.1 Q701 *""'y """ Modern views of electricity. By Sir Oliver Lodge Third edition revised. London, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1907. xiv, [2], 51S p. illus. incl. diagrs. iS-i™. Thomson, Joseph John, 1856- 537-1 Q410 '^""^ Elements of the mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism. By J. J. Thomson, .... Third edition. Cambridge, L^niversity Press, 1904. vi, [2], 544 ]i. 134 illus. incl diagrs. ig"^". Thomson, Joseph John. 537.1 P300 ^"^ Notes on recent researches in electricity and magnetism ; intend- ed as a sequel to Professor Clerk-Ma.xwell's treatise on electricity and magnetism. xvi.S/S p. 144 il.. O. [Clarendon Press series.] O.xford : Clarendon Press, 1893. Trowbridge, John. 537.1 P600 ""=' What is electricity? viii,3i5 p. 53 il. i pi. D. (International scientific series, vol. 75.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. 537.4 Lightning rods Lodge, Oliver Joseph. 537.4 P200 '°*" Lightning conductors and lightning guards. A treatise on the protection of buildings, of telegraph instruments and submarine cables, and of electric installations generall}', from damage by at- mospheric discharges. xii,544 p. il. 20 pi. D. [Specialists' se- ries.] London: Whittakcr & Co., 1892. 537.7 Electrical Gray, Andrew. 537-7 O801 measurements ^,,,- -ri .1 1 ^- r i_ 1 ^ ._ ■ 1 . ■ • 1 he theor}- and practice of absolute measurements in electncit}- and magnetism. 2 vol. in 3 ; vol. 2, parts i and 2 paged contin- uously ; part 1 : xxiii,[i ], 1-346 p.; part 2 : xx, 347-868 p. il. D London: Macmillan & Co., 1 888-1 893. Kempe, Harry Robert. 537-7 Q002 "°" A handbook of electrical testing. Sixth edition. viii,646 d. 238 il. I table. O. London: L. & F. N. Spon, 1900. 537.8 Electrical en- Cyclopedia. 620.2 Q201 fifinccriD? oTsso Cyclopedia of engineering; a complete m unial of stc;un and machine-shop practice . .. edited by a corps of distinguished en- gineers, technical experts and eminent authorities. Editor-in- chief, Louis Derr .... Boston, American Technical Society, 1902. 4 vol. col. front., illus., pi., diagr. 24.4'^'". Pt. 3-4 have title: Cyclopedia ul engineering; a co;ii;ilete unnuil of electricity, power and lighting. ".•\uthoritics consulted" at beginning of cicli volume. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 205 Karapetoff, Vladimir. 537.8 Q705 537.8 Electrical en- °"-' Experimental electrical engineering and manual for electrical g'°eering testing; for engineers and for students in engineering laborato- ries, by V. Karapetoff. First edition New York, J. Wiley & Sons ; [etc., etc.], 1908, ["1907]. xxxiv, 790 p. illus., diagrs. (l fold.) 234'^'". Slingo, W 537.8 Q301 crooo Electrical engineering for electric light artisans and students (em- bracing those branches prescribed in the syllabus issued by the City and Guilds Technical Institute) by W. Slingo and A. Brook- er. With 383 illustrations. New edition. London, New York, [etc.], Longmans, Green and Co., 1903. viii, [2], 814 p. illus., diagrs. (2 fold.) 20<'"'. U.S. A. Dcpar'tuiciit of Couuncrcc and Labor. L537.8 Q601 '•"'"' Bun an of tltc Census. ... Telephones and telegraphs 1902 [and Municipal electric fire alarm and police patrol systems]. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1906. xi, 172 p. illus., plates, diagrs. 31''"'. At head of title: Department of Comnierce and Labor. Piireau of the Census. S.N. D. North, director. Special reports. The statistics cover the calendar year 1902. CoUecled and compiled under the super- vision of W. M. Steuart. Text prepared by Thomas C. Martin, with the cooperation of A. V. Abbott, as to the telephone portion, and W. Maver, jr., as to the telegraph portion. The last of a series of reports on the generation and utilization of electric current. Former reports relate to street and electric railways and central electric light and power plants. The statistics for the telephone and telegraph systems were published on Pec. 15, 1904, as Bulletin 17, Bureau of the Census, and those for municipal electric fire alarm and patrol systems on May 31, 1904, as Bulletin 1 1. Walmsley, Robert MuUineux. 537-8 Q311 ""' Modern practical electricity, electricity in the service of man. A popular and practical treatise on the applications of electricity in modern life, by R. Mullineux Walmsley, F.R.S.E. With full-page plates and numerous illustrations. Volume l-[iv]. Chicago, W. T. Keener & Co., [1903-1904]. 4 vol. 25xi8i'^"'. Paged continuously: vol. I : viii, 288 p. front., diagr. 1-254, 2 pi., I port.; vol. 2: viii, [2891-592 p. front., diagr. 255-573, 3 pi.; vol. 3: viii, [593J-8S8 p. fold, front., diagr. 574-876, 3 pi.; vol. 4: viii, [889]-l2o8 p. front., diagr. 877-1208, 3 fold. pi. Fahie, J. J. 537-8l9 O4OO 537.8I Telegraphing '""' A history of electric telegraphy, to the year 1837. Chiefly com- piled from original sources, and hitherto unpublished documents. xix,542 p. 35 il. 2 pi. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1884. "Bibliography", p. 531-536. Field, Henry Martyn. 537.8i5 P200 The story of the Atlantic telegraph. ix,4i5 p. 4 il. i per. D. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1898, c. 1892. 206 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 537.81 Telegraphing Maver, William, yV. 537-8i Q303 6:)o6ii American telegraphy and encyclopedia of the telegraph : systems, apparatus, operation. Embracing electrical testing; primary and storage batteries ; dynamo machines ; Morse, duplex, quadruplex, multiplex, submarine, automatic, and wireless telegraphy ; burglar- alarm, fire-alarm, and police-alarm telegraphy ; printing telegra- phy; military and naval signaling; railway block systems ; tele- graph wires, cables, and conduits ; etc. by William Maver, jr 490 illustrations. [Fifth edition.] New York, Maver Publishing Company, 1903. xvi, 564 {i.e. 646), [7] p. illus., diagrs. 244='". With many extra numbered pages. 537.81 Wireless te- Fahie, J. J. 537-8i9 Qioo legraphy 3oo6» ^ history of wireless telegraphy. Including some bare-wire pro- posals for subaqueous telegraphs. Second edition, revised, xxi, 348 p. il. I pi. of por. D. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1 90 1. Maver, William,//-. 537-8i Q400 63565 Mayer's wireless telegraphy: theory and practice .. . by William Maver, jr 123 illustrations. New York, Maver Publishing Company, 1904. vi, 199, [6] p. illus., diagrs. 24''"'. Murray, James Erskine-. 537-8i Q701 60319 A handbook of wireless telegraphy, its theory and practice. For the use of electrical engineers, students, and operators. By James Erskine-Murray London, C. Lockwood and Son, 1907. xvi, 322 p. illus., I fold, diagr. 22*^"*. Miller, Kempster Blanchard, 1870- L537.82 Q500 c3o(,i j\rnerican telephone practice, by Kempster B. Miller. l-"ourth edition, enlarged and entirely rewritten. New York, McGraw Publishing Company, 1905. x\-i, 888 p. illus., diagrs. 264"^"'. Preece, William Henry, & Stubbs, Arthur J. 537-82 P300 113S3 y^ manual of tclcphdn)-. x\-iii,50S p. 333 il. D. (Specialists' series.) London : Whittaker & Co., 1893. Ruhmer, Ernst Walter, 1878- 537-82 Q703 '"'"■'' Wireless telephony, in theory and practice, by I'Lrnst Ruhmer. Translated from the German, by James Erskine-Murray ... With an appendix by the translator .... London, C. Lock- wood and Son, 1908. xiii, 224 p. illus., diagrs. 22"". "Bibliography," p. [2I5]-2I7. 537.82 Telephony 37.82 Wireless elephony BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 207 Crocker, Francis Bacon, 1861- 537-83 Q406 537.83 Elect™ '"'" Electric lighting ; a practical exposition of the art, for the use of ''2'^"°g engineers, students, and others interested in the installation or operation of electrical plants By Francis B. Crocker .... Sixth edition. — Entirely revised. New York, D. Van Nostrand Company; London, E. & F. N. Spon, ltd., 1904-. Vol. I-. ilkis., diagrs. 23.4'"'". U. S. A. Dcpartnicut of Coiinncrcc and Labor. L537.83 Q207 """" Bureau of tlic Census. . . . Central electric light and power stations 1902. Prepared un- der the supervision of William M. Steuart, chief statistician for manufactures .... Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1905. ix, 175 p. illus., 15 pi. i\"'\ .■It lu'ad of tide: Department of Commerce and Labor. Bureau ol the Census. .S. N. D. Norlh, director. Special reports. "The data for this report were collected by the regular clerical force of the otHce and published November 30, 1903, as Census bulletin 5." Text prepared by Thomas C. Martin. Urquhart, John W. . 537.83 P802 '"'" Electric light: its production and use. Embodying plain direc- tions for the treatment of dynamo-electric machines, batteries, accumulators, & electric lamps. Sixth edition, revised, with an additional chapter. xvi,428 p. 153 il. D. London: C. Lock- wood & Son, 1898. Hobart, Henry Metcalf, 1868- 537.835 Q802 537.835 Dynamo- o-,aa XT- 1 11 1 ^ • 1 ■ i_ IT i\/r TT u t J electric machinery High speed dynamo electric machiner}', by H. M. Hobart ... and A. G. Ellis .... First edition .... New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1908. XX, [2], 526 p. illus., 22 diagrs. (partly fold.) 23-^'"'. Lyndon, Lamar. 537-835 Q800 ^''*" Development and electrical distribution of water power, by La- mar Lyndon. First edition .... New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1908. \n, 317 p. illus. incl. diagrs. 23.^'='". Thompson, Silvanus Phillips, 185 1- 537-835 Q403 ''■'"'' .... Dynamo-electric machiner}- ; a manual for students of electrotechnics, bj- Silvanus P. Thompson .... Seventh edition. Volume I— [11] New York, Spon & Chamberlain; [etc., etc.], 1904-1905. 2 vol. 224"". {Half-title: I''insbury technical manuals.) At head of title, saX. i: Authorized edition. Contents. — vol. i. Continuous-current machines. 1904. xii, 984 p. 573 illus., x.xx fold. pi. (incl. diagrs.) — vol. 2. Alternating-current machinery. 1905. xix, [i], S4S p. front., 546 i'.lus., 15 ]il., XXIV fold, diagr. 2oS THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 537.837 AiterDating Houston, Edwin James, 1844- currents 537-837 Q603 537.839 Wiring "°" .... Alternating electric currents, by Edwin J. Houston, PH.D. and A. E. Kennelly, SC.D. Fourth edition, enlarged. New York, McGravv Publishing Company, 1906. viii, [5]-359 p. illus., diagrs. 17-i'^"'. (Elementary electro-technical series.) Steinmetz, Charles Proteus. 537-837 Qooi 2SS66 jh^iQry and calculation of alternating currents phenomena. By Charles Proteus Steinmetz, with the assistance of Ernst J. Berg. Third edition, revised and enlarged. xx,525 p. il. O. New York: Electrical World & Itngineer, 1900. Knox, Charles Edwin, 1871- 67983 Electric light wiring, by C. E. Kno.K Publishing Company, 1907. V, 219 p. illus., di.igrs. (partly fold.) 244"^". 537-839 Q7OO New York, McGraw 537-839 Q203 Perrine, Frederic Auten Combs, 1862- "°™ Conductors for electrical distribution; their materials and manu- facture, the calculation of circuits, pole-line construction, under- ground working, and other uses. By F. A. C. Perrine .... New York, D. Van Nostrand Company; London, Crosby, Lock- wood & Son, 1903. [2], vii, 2S7 p. illus., diagr. 24"="'. 5 fold, diagr. in pocket. Urquhart, John W. 537.839 P701 1969S £](,(-tric light fitting. A handb ik for w'orking electrical engi- neers, embodying practical notes on installation management. Third edition, revised, with further additions. xiii,3i6p. 95 il. I pi. I table. D. London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1898. 537.84 Power trans- Bell, Louis, I 864- 537.84 O606 mission . . . »/^» -r X 6,9«6 Elect' ic power transmission ; a practical treatise for practical men, by L 'uis Bell .... Fifth edition, revised and enlarged. New York, McGraw Publishing Co., 1907. fS], 723 p. incl. illus., lables, diagrs. x.\iv pi. (incl. front.) 23.4"^"'. 537.845 Electric furnaces 537.85 Electro-met- allurgy Wright, J 537-845 Q400 ""''" I'^lectric furnaces and their industrial applications. By J. Wright. With 57 illustrations. London, A. Constable & Co., lltl., 1904. ix, [i],2S.Sp. 57 illus. 22"^'". Blount, Bertram. 537.85 Q002 """' Practical electro-chemistry, xi, 373, [i] p. il. O. Westminster: A. Constable & Co., 1901. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. ' 209 Borchers, Wilhelm /.. . Johannes Albert Wilhelm, 537-85 Q401 537.85 Eiectro-met- 6352« 1856- allurgy Electric smelting and refining: the extraction and treatment of metals by means of the electric current. By Dr. W. Borchers. Translated from the third German edition, with additions, by Walter G. IWMillan .... Second English edition. With 4 plates and numerous illustrations in the text. London, C. Grifhn and Co., ltd., 1904. xxiii, 562 p. illus., iv pi. (partly fold.), diagrs. 22"="". Langbein, Georg. 537.85 Q400 "'" A complete treatise on the electro-deposition of metals : com- prising electro-plating and galvanoplastic operations, the deposi- tion of metals by the contact and immersion processes, the col- oring of metals, the methods of grinding and polishing .... Translated from the fifth German edition of Dr. George Lang- bein .... With additions by William T. Brannt .... Fifth edition, in great part re-written and much enlarged. Illustrated by one hundred and seventy engravings. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird & Co., 1905. xx,\iv, 660 p. front., illus. 24™'. McMillan. Walter G. 537-85 P901 "'" A treatise on electro-metallurgy: embracing the application of electrolysis to the plating, depositing, smelting, and refining of various metals, and to t e reproduction of printing surfaces and art-work, etc. Second edition. Revised and enlarged. .\ix, 440 p. 109 il. O. [Griffin's scientific text-books.] London: C. Grifhn & Co., 1899. Treadwell, Augustus. 537-86 P801 537.86 storage bat- 1771S Yl^e storage battery. A practical treatise on the construction, theory, and use of secondary batteries. .xi.x,[i],2 5 7 p. 117 il. I pi. I table. D. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1^98. Neumayer, Georg. L538.7 Pioo 533.7 Terrestiai '"'" Atlas des Erdmagnetismus. 20 p. il. 5 maps. F\ (Bergh.\us' "^S"^"^"* PHYSIKALISCHER Atl.\s. [Dritle Ausgabe.] Abteilung 4.) Gotha: J. Perthes, 1891. 539 MOLECULAR PHYSICS Risteen, Allan Douglas. 539- 1 P500 16683 Molecules and the molecular theory of matter. viii,2 2 3 p. 52 il. O. Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., 1896. 2IO THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 540 CHEMISTRY Attfield, John, 1835- 540.2 Q602 **"' Chemistry : general, medical, and pharmaceutical, including the chemistry of the U. S. pharmacopoeia. A manual on the science of chemistry, and its applications in medicine and pharmacy. By John Attfield . . . Edited by Leonard Dobbin .... Nineteenth edition. Philadelphia and New York, Lea Brothers & Co., 1906. xx, 17-756 p. illus., fold, tables. 21"^ rem Hartley, Elias Hudson. 540.2 P802 20650 Jext-book of medical and pharmaceutical chemistry. Fifth edi- tion, revised and enlarged. 738 p. 96 il. I table. O. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1899. Dammer, Otto. 660.2 P501 ""^ Handbuch der chemischen Technologie 5 vol. il. O. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1 895-1898. Graham, Thomas, 1 805-1 869. 540.2 M800 i3v.'7 Qraham-Otto's Ausfiihrliches Lehrbuch der Chemie. Erster- [fiinfter] Band Braunschweig, F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1868— 1898. 5 vol. in 10. 22.J<:"'. Contents. — i. Bd. Lehrbuch der physikalischen und theoretischen Chemie, von Dr. A. Horstmann, Dr. H. Landolt und Dr. A. Winkelmann. Dritte, ganzlich umgearbei- tete Auflage des in den friiheren Auflagen von Buff, Kopp und Zamminer bearbeiteten Werkes. In drei Abtheilungen. 1885-1898. 3 vol. illus. — 2. Bd. Ausfiihrliches Lehrbuch der anorganischen Chemie, von Dr. A. Michaelis. Auf Grund von Otto's Ausfiihrlichem Lehrbuch der Chemie neu bearbeitet. Fiinfte umgearbeitete Auflage. In vier Abtheilungen. 1S7S-1S89. 4 vol. illus., 9 diagr. (partly fold.) — 3-5. Bd. Aus- fiihrliches Lehr- und Handbuch der organischen Chemie, von Dr. Hermann Kolbe. Erster- [zweiter] Band: Zweite umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage von Dr. Ernst von Meyer. 1880-1S84. Dritter Band. Erste Abtheilung bearbeitet von Dr. E. von Meyer und Dr. A. Weddige. 1S7S. Zweite Abtheilung bearbeitet von H. von Fehling. 1868. 3 \q'- Mendelieev, DmitriT [Ivanovich], 1834- 540.2 Q501 4-216 -Yhc principles of chemistry, by D. Mendeleeff. Third English edition. Translated from the Russian (seventh edition) by George Kamcnsk}-, ... and edited by Thomas H. Pope, ... . In two volumes London, New York, [etc.], Longmans' Green, and Co., 1905. 2 vol. front, (port.), illus. incl. diagrs. 234"^°'. Remsen, Ira. 540.2 Q102 "'■"'' A college text-book of chemistry. By Ira Remsen .... New York, II. Ilolt and Co., 1901. XX, 689 p. illus. 20"^"'. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 211 Roscoe, 5/;- Henry Enfield, 1833- 540.2 Q505 540 Chemistry 63973 y^ treatise on chemistry, b\- Sir H. E. Roscoe, K.R.s.' and C. Schorlemmcr .... London, New York, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1905-. Vol. I-. front, (port.) illus., diagrs. 224"'". Vol. I : First edition, 1S77. Reprinted 1S7S, iSSi, 1S84, 1888, 1892; second edition, 1894; tliird edition, 1905. Vol. I: The non-metallic elements. New edition completely revised by Sir H. E. Roscoe assisted ly Drs. H. G. Colman and A. Harden. Wurtz, Adolphe. 540 2 P605 ""° Elements of modern chemistry. By Charles Adolphe Wurtz. Fifth American Edition. Revised and enlarged by Wm. H. Greene, and Harry F. Keller. 808 p. 136 il. i por. i tabic. D. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1896. Muir, Matthew Moncrieff Pattison, 540.3 O800 540.3 Chemical dic- &■ Morley, H. Forster, editors. tionaries Watts' dictionary of chemistry, revised and entirely rewritten .... [With addenda.] 4 vol. il. O. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1 890-1 894. Vol. I: second edition; vol. 3: new edition. Neues Handworterbuch. 540.3 Nioo '3192 Neues Handworterbuch der Chemie. Auf Grundlage des von Liebig, Poggendorff und Wohler, Kolbe und Fehling herausge- gebenen Handworterbuchs der reinen und angewandten Chemie und unter Mitwirkung von mehren Gelehrten bearbeitet ... . Vol. I-. il. O. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1874-. Vol. 1-3 edited by Herman von Fehling; vol. 4- by Carl Hell. Thorpe, Thomas Edward, editor. 660.3 Pioo '^'"' A dictionary of applied chemistry 3 vol. il. O. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1893— 1895. Vol. I : third edition, 1894. Vol. 2: second edition, 1895. Vol. 3: 1S93. Wurtz, Adolphe. L540.3M800 '"' Dictionnaire de chimie, pure et appliquee. Comprenant : la chimie organique et inorganique ; la chimie appliquee a I'industrie, a I'agriculture et aux arts : la chimie analytique, la chimie physique et la mineralogie. 3 vol. in 5. il. pi. 0. Paris: Hachette & C'^ 1 870-1 878. Wurtz, Adolphe. L540.3M800 ^^'^ Dictionnaire de chimie, pure ct appliquee Supplement. 2 vol. il. pi. Q. Paris: Hachette & C'«, [i 880-1886]. Wurtz, Adolphe. 1-540.3 M800 '"' Deuxieme supplement au Dictionnaire de chimie, pure et ap- pliquee. Public sous la direction de Ch. Friedel Vol. I-. il. Q. Paris: Hachette & c•^ 1892-. THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 540.5 Chemical year- Van Nostrand's Chemical annual. ^°''^^ '"■=' Van Nostrand's Chemical annual 540.51 5 . . A hand-book of useful data for analytical, manufacturing, and investigating chemists, and chemical students New York, D. Van Nostrand Com- pany, 1907-. Conlinued from vol. I, 1907. front, (port.) 19'="'. 540.7 Teaching of Smith, Alexander, 1865- chemistry s;9si 540.8 Chemical tables 540.9 History of chemistry 507 Q2OO "'*' .... The teaching of chemistry and physics in the secondary schools, by Alexander Smith . . . and Edwin H. Hall ... . New York, London, [etc.], Longmans, Green, and Co., 1902. xiii, 377 p. illus., diagr. 2o4'^'". (American teachers series. ) Contains short bibliographies. For chemical tables see 530.8 Physical-chemical tables. Meyer, Ernst [Sigismund Christian] von, 1 847- 540.9 Q602 66816 ^ history of chemistry from earliest times to the present day, being also an introduction to the study of the science. By Ernst von Meyer, .... Translated with the author's sanction by George McGowan Third English edition, translated from the third German edition, with various additions and alterations. London, New York, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1906. xxvii, 601 p. 22A*^"'. Tilden, William Augustus. 540.9 Pgoo ""■' A short history of the progress of scientific chemistry in our own times. x,276 p. il. pi. D. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1899. 540.92 Biographies Muir, Matthew Moncrieff Pattison. 540.92 M89 c emis s 1691b Heroes of science. Chemists vii,332 p. 8 il. D. Lon- don : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1883. Roscoe, Sir Henry Enfield. 540.9221 R71 "'^''' John Dalton and the rise of modern chemistry. 216 p. il. i por. 2 facsim. D. (Century science series.) London: Casscll & Co., 1895. 541 Theoretical and Berthelot, Marcelin Pierre Eugene, 1827- L541.16 P700 physical chemistry so--? -i-i i ■ ■ i ' , \ ■ ' ■ urn,, Ihermochimie ; tlonnees el lots numenqucs, par M. Berthelot ... . Tome l-[ll] Paris, Gauthier-Villars ct fils, 1897. 2 vol. 254"". Autliorilies cited for all data in vi>l. 2. Contents. — t. i. Ixs lois numericiiies. vii, 737 p. — t. 2. Les donnees cNperimentales. [4], 878, [2] p. Dobbin, Leonard, :,322 p. 82 11. 9 pi. ®'^ O. London: H. Renshaw, 1896. Stillman, Thomas Bliss, 1852- 543.02 Q500 """ Engineering chemistry; a manual of quantitative chemical analy- sis, for the use of students, chemists & engineers. Third edi- tion. By Thomas B. Stillman .... With one hundred & thirt)-- nine illustrations. Easton, Pa., Chemical Publishing Co., 1905. 6, [v]-xxii, 597 p. illiis., diagrs. 234"". Trotman, Samuel Russell. 543-02 Q8oi """ Leather trades chemistry. A practical manual on the analysis of materials and finished products. By S. R. Trotman With four plates and forty-eight illustrations. London, C. Griffin & Co., ltd., 1908. X, 290 p. 48 illus. incl. diagrs., iv pi., 3 fold, tables. 23"^"'. Ulzer, Ferdinand, <&■ Fraenkel, A. 543-02 P705 ies54 Introduction to chemical-technical analysis. (Authorized trans- lation), with appendix by the translator, Hermann Fleck, vii, 188 p. 13 il. O. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1898. Wiley, Harvey Washington, 1847- 543.02 Q603 61917 Principles and practice of agricultural analysis; a manual for the study of soils, fertilizers, and agricultural products ; for the use of analysts, teachers, and students of agricultural chemistry. Second edition, revised and enlarged By Harvey W. Wiley .... Easton, Pa., The Chemical Publishing Co., 1906—. Vol. I-. illus., plates, diagrs. 23'''". Wright, Charles Rowley Alder, 1 844-1 894. 665 Q300 *"" Animal and vegetable fixed oils, fats, butters, and waxes : their preparation and properties, and the manufacture therefrom of candles, soaps, and other products. By C. R. Alder Wright, .... Second edition, edited and partly re-written by C. Ains- worth Mitchell, .... With 2 plates and 154 illustrations. Lon- don, C. Grififin & Co., ltd., 1903. xvi, 804 p. front, (port.), 154 illus. incl. diagrs., i pi. 23™. {Oncovtr: Griffin's scientific text-books.) Cover-title ; Oils, fats, waxes, and their manufactured products. Cohn, Alfred Isaac. 543-o8 3 5« os Chem.cai "'" Tests and reagents chemical and microscopical known by their authors' names, together with an index of subjects. Compiled for the use of chemists, microscopists, pharmacists, students, etc., by Alfred I. Cohn, PH.G First edition. New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, limited, 1903. [4], 383 p. 234™. 2i8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 543.1 Food analysis Blyth, Alexander Wynter. 543.1 Q300 soi65 Poods : their composition and analysis. A manual for the use of analytical chemists and others. With an introductory essay on the history of adulteration. By Alexander Wynter Blyth . . . and Meredith Wynter Blyth .... Fifth edition, thoroughly revised, enlarged and rewritten. London, C. Griffin & Co., ltd., 1903. XXV, 616 p. incl. illus., tables, diagrs. 5 pi. (incl. front.), fold, table. 23'=' 7Cm Jago, "William. 641 P502 °'''" A text-book of the science and art of bread-making ; including the chemistry and analytic and practical testing of wheat, flour, and other materials employed in baking. 11,648 p. 81 il. 14 pi. O. London: Siinpkin, . . . , Kent & Co., 1895. Konig, Joseph. 643 Q300 ^°"'' Cheniie der menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. Von Dr. J. Konig, .... Vierte verbesserte Auflage. Mit in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen. Berlin, J. Springer, 1903-. Vol. I-. illus. 244<^'". Leach, Albert Ernest, 1864- L543.1 Q401 62397 PqqjJ inspection and analysis. For the use of public analysts, health officers, sanitary chemists, and food economists. By Al- bert E. Leach .... First edition New York, J. Wiley & Sons ; [etc., etc.], 1904. xiv, 787 p. illus., XL pi. 26='". "References" at end of each chapter. Richmond, Henry Droop. 637 P901 S2615 Dairy chemistry : a practical handbook for dairy chemists and others having control of dairies. xix,384 p. 22 il. 5 tables. O. London: C. Griffin & Co., 1899. 543.3 Water Anaiy- Rideal, Samuel, 1863- 628.16 Q102 "292 Wafgr and its purification ; a handbook for the use of local au- thorities, sanitary officers, and others interested in water supply ; by Samuel Rideal .... Second edition, revised and extended. London, C. Lockwood and Son, 1902 xvi, 346 p. illus., 2 fold, tables, 3 fold, diagr. ao"^™. Wanklyn, James Alfred, & Chapman, Ernest Theophron. 543.3 P600 '-"■ Water-analysis. A practical treatise on the examination of pota- ble water. Tenth edition. Revised and partly rewritten by J. Alfred Wanklyn. 205 p. il. D. London: Kcgan Paul, ... ,& Co., 1896. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 219 Hoffmann, Frederick, & Power, Frederick B. 543-4 O300 543.4 Analysis of 11386 j^ manual of chemical analysis as applied to the examination of "medicines medicinal chemicals. A guide for the determination of their identity and quality, and for the detection of impurities and adul- terations Third edition, thoroughly revised and greatly enlarged. 624 p. 179 il. O. Philadelphia: H. C. Lea's Son & Co., 1883. Blyth, Alexander Wynter. 543.5 Q600 543.5 Analysis of "■"' Poisons: their effects and detection. By Alexander Wynter P°'s°n^ Blyth, ... , and Meredith Wynter Blyth Fourth edition, thoroughly revised, enlarged, and rewritten. With tables and illustrations. London, C. Griffin and Co., ltd., 1906. xxxii, 772 p. illus. 23"". "Bibliography of the chief works on toxicology (nineteenth century)," p. 16-19. Blair, Andrew Alexander. 543-7 Qioo 543.7 Analysis of ">"' The chemical analysis of iron. A complete account of all the ^neral substances best known methods for the analysis of iron, steel, pig-iron, iron ore, limestone, slag, clay, sand, coal, coke, and furnace and pro- ducer gases. Fourth edition. 319 p. 1051!. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1901. Carnot, Adolphe /. <. Marie Adolphe, 1839- 1-543-7 P801 ubn jraij^ d'analyse dcs substances mincrales, par Adolphe Carnot ... . Tome premier- [second] Paris, V" C. Dunod, 1 898- 1 904. 2 vol. illus. 25"™. Contents. — vol. I. Methodes generates d'analyse qualitative et quantitative. 189S. [4], 992 p. 357 illus. — vol.2. Melalloides. 1904. [4], 821, [2] p. 81 illus. Matthews, Joseph Merritt, 1874- 677 Q700 543.8 Analysis of 639-3 -j-j^^ textile fibres ; their physical, microscopical and chemical l^^^l^g e su - properties, by J. Merritt Matthews .... Second edition, re- written New York, J. Wiley & Sons; [etc., etc.], 1907. \nii, 4S0 p. incl. illus., tables. 23^'^'". "Bibliography of the textile fibres," p. 431-438. Fresenius, Carl Remigius. 544 P400 544 Qualitative 12507 ]yjanual of qualitative chemical analysis. Authorized translation by Horace L. Wells. New edition, thoroughly revised from the sixteenth German edition xvii,748 p. 48 il. i table. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1897. Noyes, Arthur Amos. 544 P700 '"■"^ A detailed course of qualitative chemical analysis of inorganic substances, with explanatory notes. Third revised and enlarged edition. 89 p. O. New York : Macmillan Co., 1897. analysis 544.3 Blow-pipe analysis 545 Quantitative analysis 220 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Endlich, Frederick M. 544-3 P201 '^■" Manual of qualitative blowpipe analysis and determinative miner- alogy. Second edition. xv, 11-456 p. il. 1 table. O. New York: Scientific Publishing Co., 1895. Plattner, Karl Friedrich, 1 800-1 858. 544-3 Q200 68256 piattner's manual of qualitative and quantitative analysis with the blowpipe ; translated by Henry B. Cornwall, . . . assisted by John H. Caswell, .... Eighth edition revised after the sixth German edition, by Professor Friedrich Kolbeck, . . . with eighty-seven woodcuts. New York, D. Van Nostrand Company, 1902. .w-ii, 463 p. illus. 234'^'". See also 549-1 Determinative mineralogy. Cairns, Frederick Augustus. 545 P602 6300 ^ manual of quantitative chemical analysis for the use of students. Third edition, revised and enlarged by Elwyn Waller. xii,4i7p. il. I table. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1896. Classen, Alexander, 1843- 545-3 Q300 50295 Quantitati\'e chemical analysis by electrolysis, by Prof. Alexander Classen . . . authorized translation fourth English from the fourth German edition, revised and enlarged by Bertram B. Boltwood .... New York, J. Wiley & Sons ; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1903. vii, 315 p. illus., plates, diagr. 234'=°'. Contains short bibliographies. Fresenius, Carl Remigius. 545 Oioo '■'" A sj^stcm of instruction in quantitative chemical analysis. [Sec- ond American edition.] From the last English and German editions. Edited by O. D. Allen, with the cooperation of Sam- uel W. Johnson. xvi,883 p. 107 il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1897, c. 1881. Mohr, Friedrich. 545-5 P600 16254 priedrich Mohr's Lehrbuch der chemisch-analytischen Titrir- methode. Von Dr. Alexander Classen. Siebente umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage. xviii,9o6 p. 191 il. O. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1896. Neumann, Bernhard. 545-3 P702 20919 yj^g theory and practice of electrolytic methods of analysis. Translated by John B. C. Kershaw. x,254 p. t,^ il. D. [Spe- cialists' series.] London: Whittaker & Co., 1898. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 221 Sutton, Francis. 545-5 QOOI 545 Quantitative """ A systematic handbook of volumetric analysis ; or, The quanti- ^°^ ^^'^ tative estimation of chemical substances by measure, applied to liquids, solids, and gases Eighth edition, enlarged and improved. xi,[i],640 p. i 16 il. O. Philadelphia: P. Blakis- ton's Son & Co., 1900. Talbot, Henry Paul. 545 Pgoi """ An introductory course of quantitative chemical analysis, with explanatory notes and stoichiometrical problems. Third edition. Revised and enlarged. 153 p. il. O. New York : Macmillan Co., 1899. Gill, Augustus Herman, 1864- 545.7 Q2OO 545.7 Gas analysis 502J3 Qgj jji^ij jijgj analysis for engineers. A compend for those inte- rested in the economical application of fuel. Prepared especial- ly for the use of students at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. By Augustus H. Gill .... Third edition, revised and enlarged New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chap- man & Hall, ltd., 1902. V, [i], 109 p. illus., diagr. 19™'. Buchka, Karl von. L546 P2OO 546 inorganic chem- 10S15 physikalisch-chemische Tabellen der anorganischen Chemie. '^ ^ Erganzungsband zu "O. Dammer's Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie". viii,348 p. O. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1895. Dammer, Otto, aiitor. L546 P200 '""'' Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie 4 vol. in 5. il. O. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1892- 1903. Vol. 4 has subtitle: Die Fortschritle der .inorganischen Chemie in den Jahren 1892- 1902. Kaiser, Dr. — . Synchronistische Zusammenstellung der wichtigsten chemischen Zeit- schriften, vol. I, p. 735-745. Freer, Paul Caspar. 546P400 '""' Descriptive inorganic general chemistry Revised edition. ix,55o p. 54 il. O. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1894. Oswald, Wilhelm [Friedrich], 1853- 546Q415 49176 -j-j^g principles of inorganic chemistry. By Wilhelm Ostwald. Translated with the author's sanction, by Alex. Findlay, ... . With 126 figures in the text. Second edition. London, New York, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1904. xxxi, 799 p. 126 illus. incl. diagrs. 224"™. Ramsay, William, F. R. S. 546 Pioi "'" A system of inorganic chemistry. xv,700 p. 56 il. O. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1891. THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 546 Inorganic chem- Remsen, Ira. 546O900 ' y '=" Inorganic chemistry. Second edition, revised. xxi,827 p. 78 il. O. (American science series. Advanced course.) New York : H. Holt& Co., 1890. Thorpe, Thomas Edward. 546 P800 19318 ^ manual of inorganic chemistry New edition. 2 vol. il. D. London: W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1898. 547 Organic chem- Beilstein, Friedrich Konrad, 1838- L547.02 P301 istry Handbuch der organischen Chemie, von Dr. F. Beilstein .... Dritte, umgearbeitete Auflage. Erster- [vierter] Band. Ham- burg und Leipzig, L. Voss, 1 893-1 899. 4 vol. 264™. . Erganzungsbiinde .... Herausgegeben von der Deut- schen chemischen Gesellschaft, redigirt von Paul Jacobson. Erster- [flinfter] Erganzungsband Hamburg, 1 900-1 906. 5 vol. 27'^'". "Verzeichniss der Litteratur-Quellen mit ihren Abkurzungen fiir das Hauptwerk und die Erganzungsbande," vol. i, p. xxiii; vol. 2, p. [xiii]-xiv; vol. 3, p. [xvii]-xviii; vol. 4, p. [xv]-xvi. "Zeittafel der fiir die chemische Lilteratur wichtigsten Journale von 1850-1899," vol. I, p. 9. Bernthsen, August. 13016 ^ text-book of organic chemistry 547.02 P302 Translated by George M'Gowan. Third English edition revised and extended by au- thor and translator. xix,[i],596 p. il. D. London: Blackie & Son, 1896. Holleman, Arnold Frederik, 1859- 547-02 Q7Q2 65oia ^ text-book of organic chemistry. By A. F. Holleman .... Translated from the third Dutch edition by A. Jamieson Walker . . . assisted by Owen E. Mott . . . with the co-operation of the author. Second English edition, rewritten New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1907. xviii, 589 p. illus., diagrs. 234"^". Contents. — Introduction. — pt. i. The fatty compounds.- — pi. 2. The aromatic compounds and substances related to them. Meyer, Victor, &■ Jacobson, Paul. 137J7 Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie. Leipzig: Veit & Co., 1893-. Vol. I- 547.02 P303 •. il. table. O. 547.02 Oioo Pinner, Adolf. 16405 yYii introduction to the study of organic chemistry. Translated and revised from the fifth German edition by Peter T. Austen. Second revised edition xxi,403 p. 12 il. D. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1894. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 223 Richter, Victor von. 547-02 P705 547 Organic chem- S0805 Victor von Richter's Organic chemistry; or, Chemistry of the ^^^'^^ carbon compounds. Edited by Prof. R. Anschiitz. Authorized translation by Edgar F. Smith. Third American from the eighth German edition. 2 vol. il. O. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1899-1900. Vol. 2 edited with the assistance ol G. Schroeter. Schorlemmer, Carl. 547.09 P400 547.09 History of or- """ The rise and development of organic chemistry. Revised edition. g*°"^ <= ^■"'stry Edited by Arthur Smithells. x.xvii,28o p. il. i por. D. London: Macmillan &Co., 1894. "Bibliography," p. xxv-xxvii. Parry, Ernest John. 668.5 P901 547.8 Vegetable 22014 Yhe chemistry of essential oils and artificial perfumes. viii,4i i p. '^ ""'^ "^ 20 il. O. London: Scott, Greenwood & Co., 1899. Storer, Francis Humphreys. 630.2 P700 5906 Agriculture in some of its relations with chemistry. Seventh edition, revised and enlarged. 3 vol. O. New York: C. Scrib- ner's Sons, 1897. Zimmermann, Albrecht. 578-8 P300 12093 Botanical microtechnique. A hand-book of methods for the preparation, staining, and microscopical investigation of vegetable structures. Translated from the German by James Ellis J^um- phrey. xii,296 p. 63 il. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1893. "Literature", p. 265-2S3. Bunge, Gustav von, 1844- 547-9 P803 547.9 Physiological . clicmistrv 50539 Xext-book of physiological and pathological chemistry, by G. Bunge .... Second English edition ; translated from the fourth German edition, by Florence A. Starling and edited by Ernest H. Starling .... Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1902. xi, 447p. 23.i':"i. Halliburton, William Dobinson. 591.19 Pioo '"' A text-book of chemical physiology and pathology. xx,874 p. 104 il. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1891. Hammarsten, Olof, 1841- 547-9 Q603 °-°" A text-book of physiological chemistry. By Olof Hainmarsten Authorized translation from the author's enlarged and revised sixth German edition, by John A. Mandel . . . Fifth edition New York, J. Wiley & Sons; [etc., etc.], 1908. viii, 841; p. incl. tnbles. I pi. 23"^'". Lewis, William James. 548 P90O 548 Crystallography "'" A treatise on crystallography. xii,6i2 p. 553 il. O. [Cambridge natural science manuals. Geological series.] Cambridge: Uni- versity Press, 1899. 224 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 549 MINERALOGY Dana, Edward Salisbury. 549-02 P500 "'" Minerals and how to study them. A book for beginners in min- eralog>^ Second revised edition vi,38o p. 318 il. i pi. D. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1897. Dana, Edward Salisbury. 549.02 P802 18909 ^ text-book of mineralogy with an e.xtended treatise on crystal- lography and physical mineralogy. New edition, entirely re- written and enlarged. vii,593 p. 1008 il. i pi. O. New York : J. Wiley & Sons, 1899. "Literature," p. 2-4, and scattered through the book. Dana, James Dwight. L549.02 P200 ""' The system of mineralogy of James Dwight Dana, 1837-1868. Descriptive mineralogy. Sixth edition, by Edward Salisbury Dana, entirely rewritten and much enlarged. Ixiii,ii34 p. il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. Bibliographical references throughout the book. Dana, Edward Salisbury. L549.02 P900 '"''" First appendix to the si.xth edition of [J. D.] Dana's System of mineralogy. Completing the work to 1899. x,75 p. il. Q. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1899. Bibliographical references throughout the book. Davies, David Christopher. 553-6 P200 13-18 j^ treatise on earthy and other minerals and mining. By D. C. Davies. Third edition, thoroughly revised and enlarged by his son E. Henry Davies. .xviii,3g4 p. 76 il. D. London: C. Lock- wood & Son, 1892. 549.03 Mineraiogicai Chester, Albert Huntington. 549-03 P600 dictionaries ' ° "^^^ ^ '"^'' A dictionary of the names of minerals, including their history and etymology. First edition xxxvii,[i],320 p. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. With bibliographical references. Egleston, Thomas. L549.03 P200 ""' A catalogue of minerals and synonyms. Third edition, revised and enlarged. [2],iii,[4],379 p. Q. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1892. mfneraio**™'"*"''* Brush, George Jarvis. 549.1 P800 i»3uu ]y]2,^y^j (j( determinative mineralogy. With an introduction on blowpipe analysis. Revised and enlarged, with entirely new tables for the identification of minerals, by Samuel L. Penfield. Fifteenth edition. x,3i2 p. il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1899. Sec also 544-3 Blowjiipe analysis. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 225 550 GEOLOGY Berghaus, Hermann. L550.2 P201 '•"'" Atlas dcr Geologic. Unter beratender Mitwirkung von Prof. Dr. K. V. Zittel bearbeitet von Dr. Hermann Berghaus 7 p. 14 maps. F'. (Berghaus' physikalischer Atlas. [Dritte Ausgabe.] Abteilung i.) Gotha : J. Perthes, 1892. Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder, 1843- 550-2 Q400 "''"■"^ .... Geology, by Thomas C. Chamberlin and Rollin D. Salis- bury .... New York, H. Holland Co., 1904-1906. 3 vol. illus., maps, fold, tables, aa"^"". (American science series — Advanced course.) Contents. — vol. i. Geologic processes and their results, xix, 654 p. illus. — vol.2. Earth history ; genesis — Paleozoic. 1906. xxvi, [2], 692 p. 306 illus., i fold, map. — vol. 3. Earth history : Mesozoic, Cenozoic. 1906. xi, 624 p. 576 illus. Dana, James Dwight. 550.2 P401 '"'^' Manual of geology. Treating of the principles of the science with special reference to American geological history. Fourth edition. 1088 p. 1575 il. 2 maps. O. New York: American Book Co., c. 1S94. Geikie, 5/r Archibald, 1835- 550.2 Q302 """ Text-book of geology, by Sir Archibald Geikie . . .' . Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. London, New York, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1903. 2 vol. fold, front., illus. 234'^™. Paged continuously; vol. I : xxi, 702 p.; vol. 2: ix, [705]-l472 p. First edition, 1882. "Works of reference," p. 5-12. [Kelvin], William Thomson, [ist Baroit]. 504 K29 12360 Popular lectures and addresses by Sir William Thomson 3 vol. il.pl. D. (Nature series.) London: Macmillan & Co., 1891-1894. Contents: Vol. I. Constitution of matter. Vol. 2. Geology and general physics. Vol. 3. Navigational affairs. Vol. I is in second edition, with additions and corrections. Le Conte, Joseph, 1823-1901. 550.2 Q300 60S74 Eienients of geology ; a text-book for colleges and for the gene- ral reader, by Joseph Le Conte .... Revised and partly re- written by Herman Le Roy Fairchild .... Fifth edition, revised and enlarged, with new plates and illustrations. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1904, ["1903]. xii, 667 p. illus. (incl. maps, diagrs.) 23''"'. 226 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. S50.9 History of ge- Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. 550.2 O402 *'°sy =e-22 ^ fj^gj JjqqI^ Jj^ geology xvii,255 p. 127 il. D. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co.^ 1894, c. 1884. Contains also chapters on the organic life on the earth. Zittel, Karl Alfred, RitUr von, 1 839-1904. 550.9 P900 ^''^■" History of geology and paleontology to the end of the nineteenth century, by Karl Alfred von Zittel ... Translated by Maria M. Ogilvie-Gordon .... With thirteen portraits. London, W. Scott; New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1901. xiii, [2], 562 p. 13 port. (incl. front.) ig"^™. (^Half-tilU: The contemporary science series, edited by H. Ellis, [xlii].) 550.92 Biographies Gcikie, 5/> Archibald, 1835- 550.92 G271 jo;i6 jj^g founders of geology, by Sir Archibald Geikie .... Second edition. London and New York, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1905. xi, 4S6 p. 234="'. Bonney, Thomas George. 550.9252 B64 '-'""' Charles Lyell and modern geology. 224 p. i por. D. (Century science series.) London: Cassell & Co., 1895. 551 Physical geog- Gilbert, Grove Karl, 1843- 551.02 Q201 ^^^ ^ *"'■'" .... .An introduction to physical geography, by Grove Karl Gilbert . . . and Albert Perry Brigham .... New York, D. Ap- pleton and Co., 1902. xvi, 380 p. front., illus., maps. 20"™. {//a!/-tillv: Twentieth century text-books, ed. by A. F. Nightingale.) Series title also at head of t.-p. Mill, Hugh Robert, editor. 910.2 P900 2242J -j-[^g international geography. By seventy authors. xx,io89 p. 487 il. O. London: G. Newnes, 1899. Reclus, Elis^e. L551.02O600 '"^ A new physical geography. Edited by A. H. Keane. 2 \ol. il. pi. maps. O. New York: D. Applcton & Co., 1886. Contents: \n\. i. The earth. A descriptive history of the phenomena of the life of the globe. Vol. 2. The ocean, atmosphere, and life. Salisbury, RoUin D 5 1859- 551.02 Q700 *"" .... Ph\-siography, by Rollin D. Salisbury .... New York, H. Holt and Co., 1907. XX, 770 p. incl. illus., maps, charts, diagrs. xxvi col. pi. 224""". (American science series — Advanced course.) Part of plates printed on both sides. "References" at end of most of the chapters. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 227 Scobel, Albert. 910.2 P901 551 Physical geog- '"" Gcographisches Handbuch zu Andrecs Handatlas mit bcsondcrcr '"'' ^ Beriicksichtigung der politischen, wirtschaftlichen und statistischen Verhaltnisse. Unter Mitwirkung von R. Credner . . . heraus- gegeben von A. Scobel. Dritte, vollig neubearbeitete Auflage. xii,994 p. 171 il. O. Bielefeld: Velhagen & Klasing, 1899. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. 551.02 P800 16873 Outlines of the earth's histon'. A popular study in physiogra- phy. vii,4i7 p. 23 il. 10 pi. O. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1898. Suess, Eduard, 1831- L551.02 O502 58572 -pj^g jg^g qj |.[^g earth (Das Antlitz der Erde), by Eduard Suess ... . Translated by Hertha B. C. Sollas . . . under the direc- tion of W. J. Sollas .... Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1904-. Vol. I-. fronts, illus., plates, maps. 2^^'^'". Tarr, Ralph Stockman, 1864- 551.02 Q303 63568 ;f^e\v physical geography, by Ralph S. Tarr .... New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1904, [1903]. xiii, [2], 457 p. front., illus., plates, maps. 19"™. "Reference books," p. 442. Dana, James Dwight. 551.21 Pooi 551.21 Volcanoes ^'■'■' Characteristics of volcanoes, with contributions of facts and prin- ciples from the Hawaiian Islands, including a historical review of Hawaiian volcanic action for the past sixty-seven years, a discus- sion of the relations of volcanic islands to deep-sea topography, and a chapter on volcanic-island denudation. xvi,399 p. il. 4 maps. O. New York: Dodd, Mead, & Co., 1890. Russell, Israel Cook. 551.21 P700 *'" Volcanoes of North America. A reading lesson for students of geography and geology. xiv,346 p. 10 il. 12 pi. 4 maps. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. Dutton, Clarence Edward, 1841- 551.22 Q401 551.22 Earthquakes 63559 Earthquakes in the light of the new seismology, by Clarence Ed- ward Dutton .... New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons; London, J. Murray, 1904. [2], xxiii, 314 p. illus., plates, maps, diagrs. 2ii'''". {Half-title: The science series, [14].) Hobbs, William Herbert, 1864- 551-22 Q700 S3558 Earthquakes, an introduction to seismic geolog}', by William Her- bert Hobbs .... New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1907. XXX, [2], 336 p. illus., XXIV pi. (incl. front.) 20"^'". "References" at end of chapters. "Seismological journals," p. 311-312. 228 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 551.31 Glaciers RusscU, Israel Cook. 551.31 P700 ^-■" Glaciers of North America. A reading lesson for students of geography and geology. x,2io p. 10 il. 18 pi. 4 maps. O. Boston, U. S. A.: Ginn & Co., 1897. Tyndall, John. 551.31 N200 "' The forms of water in clouds & rivers, ice & glaciers. xxiii,[i] 196 p. 35 il- I por- D. (International scientific series, vol. i.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1882. 551.4 Surface feat- Berghaus, Hermann. L551.46P100 "'^^^ "'"^ Atlas der Hydrographie. 5 p. 1 1 maps. F'. (Berghaus' physi- kalischer Atlas. [Dritte Ausgabe.] Abteilung 2.) .... Gotha: J. Perthes, 1891. Darwin, George Howard. 525.6 P800 16879 The tides and kindred phenomena in the solar system. The sub- stance of lectures delivered in 1897 at the Lowell Institute, Boston, Massachusetts. xviii,378 p. 43 il. O. Boston: Houghton, Mif- flin & Co., 1898. "Authorities," at the end of each chapter. Geikie, James. 551.4 P800 17666 garth sculpture; or, The origin of land-forms. xvi,320 p. 89 il. 2 pi. O. [Progressive science series.] London: J. Murray, 1898. Prentiss, Henry Mellen. 998 P703 15576 'Yhe great polar current. Polar papers. De Long — Nansen — Peary. [6],i53p. D. New York: F. A. Stokes Co., c. 1897. Russell, Israel Cook. 551.48 P500 "' Lakes of North America. A reading lesson for students of geog- raphy and geology. x,[2],i25 p. 9 il. 13 pi. 10 maps. O. Boston: Ginn S: Co., 1895. Russell, Israel Cook. 551-48 P801 16394 j^iygj-g Qf North America. A reading lesson for students of geography and geology. xix,327 p. 23 il. 11 pi. 6 maps, i ta- ble. O. [Science series, vol. 3.] New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate, ct/i/or. L309.73P400 ■"" The United States of yVmerica. A study of the yVmcrican com- monwealth, its natural resources, people, industries, manufactures, commerce, and its work in literature, science, education, and self- government. 2 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1894. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 229 Wallace, Alfred Russel. 591.922 OOOI 551.4 Surface feat- ^"' Island life; or, The phenomena and causes of insular faunas and floras, including a revision and attempted solution of the problem of geological climates. xvii,[2],526 p. il. 3 maps. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1880. Abercromby, Ralph. 551.5 O70O 551.5 Meteorology ^"^ Weather. A popular exposition of the nature of weather changes from day to day. xix,472 p. 96 il. D. (International scientific series, vol. 58.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1887. Archibald, [Edmund] Douglas. , 551-5 P700 "" The story of the earth's atmosphere. 194 p. 43 il. i pi. S. [Li- brary of useful stories.] New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. Bartholomew, John George, & Herbertson, A. J. A551.5 P904 """ Atlas of meteorology. Edited by Alexr. Buchan [8], 40, [2],xiv p. il. 35 pi. of maps. F\ (Bartholomew's Physical atlas, vol. 3.) Westminster: A. Constable & Co., 1899. Davis, 'William Morris. 55i-5 P402 """ Elementary meteorology. xi,[i],355 p. 106 il. 6 maps. O. Boston, U. S. A.: Ginn & Co., 1894. Hann, Julius. L551.5O704 '"*' Atlas der Meteorologie. 12 p. 12 maps. F*. (Berghaus' PHYS- IKALISCHER Atlas. [Dritte Ausgabe.] Abteilung 3.) Gotha: J. Perthes, 1887. Knight, Austin Melvin. 656.9 Qioo 3"°s6 Modern seamanship. xii,428 p. 129 pi. 5 pi. of maps, 2 maps. O. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1901. "Weather and the laws of storms," p. 307-333. Russell, Thomas. 551-5 P403 "»»' Meteorology, weather, and methods of forecasting, description of meteorological instruments and river flood predictions in the United States. xxiii,277 P- ''■ ' pl- 45 maps. O. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Smithsonian Institution. 551-5 Q700 Smithsonian meteorological tables. (Based on Guyot's meteorological and physical tables.) Third revised edition. (Cor- rected to December, 1906) .... Washington, Smithsonian In- stitution, 1907. Ix, 280 p. 23^'="'. (Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. Part of volume xxxv. ) Publication 1032. "... Prepared ... by the cooperation of Professors Alexander McAdie, Charles F. Marvin, and Cleveland Abbe." — .Advertisement. 6825s 230 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 551.53 Altitudes 551.56 Climate 551.57 Clouds 551.79 Ice age Gannett, Henry, 1846- 551-53 Q^oo '"■" .... A dictionary of altitudes in the United States (fourth edi- tion) compiled by Henry Gannett. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1906. 1072, ii p. 23^'^"'. (U. S. Geological .Survey. Bulletin no. 274.) Subject series: F, Geography, 47. Issued also as House doc. no. 207, 59th Cong., 1st se-s. Another copy in Bulletin has shelf number 657.3 8 V.274 Hann, Julius, 1839- 551-56 Q300 ■*■"' Handbook of climatology, by Dr. Julius Hann ... Part 1. General climatology. Translated with the author's permission from the second revised and enlarged German edition, with additional references and notes, by Robert De Courcy Ward .... New York, London, The Macmiilan Company, 1903. xiv, [2], 437 p. table, diagr. 234d"'. "The first volume of the second German edition is the only one included in the pres- ent translation . . . and is a finished piece of work by itself. The last two volumes, which deal with special climatology, it has been found impracticable to translate . " — Pref . "Conversion tables," p. [4l5]-427. "Additional references, mostly of recent date," p. [42SJ-429. Ward, Robert De Courcy, 1867- 551-56 Q800 63788 Climate considered especially in relation to man. By Robert DeCourcy Ward, .... Illustrated. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons; London, J. Murray, 1908. [2], XV, 372 p. 34 diagr. 2i.i'^"". {//aif-litL-: The science series, [vol. 20].) Contents. — Introduction. — i. The cHmatic zones and their subdivisions. — 2.-3. The classification of climates.— 4.-6. The characteristics of the zones. — 7. The hygiene of the zones. — 8. The life of man in the tropics. — 9. The life of man in the temperate zones. — 10. The life of man in the polar zones. — 11. Changes of climate. Clayden, Arthur William, 1855- """ Cloud studies ; by Arthur W. Clayden Murray, 1905. )dii, 1S4 p. front., 6i pi. 2o4"'". "References," p. 181-182. , 551-57 Q500 London, J. 551.79 P500 551.9 Agents of geo- Darwin, Charles logical work ^^^^ Geikie, James. "'■" The great ice age and its relation to the antiquity of man. Third edition, largely rewritten. xxviii,850 p. 78 il. i pi. 18 maps. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895. 551.96 O900 The structure and distribution of coral reefs. Third edition, with an appcndi.x by Prof. T. G. Bonncy. xv,344 p. il. 3 maps. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1889. The appendix is entitled : Summary of the principal contributions to the history of cor.il reefs since the year 1874. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 231 Howorth, 5/r Henry Hoyle, 1842- 551-9 QS^o 551.9 Agents of geo- '"'" Ice or water. Another appeal to induction from the scholastic °^"^* ""^ methods of modern geology. By Sir Henry H. Howorth. In three volumes London, New York, [etc.], Longmans, Green, and Co., 1905-. Vol. I-. 22.i™'. Merrill, George Perkins. 552 P700 552 Lithoiogy *""' A treatise on rocks, rock-weathering and soils. xx,4ll p. 42 il. 25 pi. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. Foster, 5z> Clement Le Neve, 1 841-1904. 622.02 Q504 553 Economic geoi- 63516 js^ treatise on ore and stone mining. By Sir Clement Le Neve °^^ Foster .... Sixth edition, revised and enlarged by Bennett H. Brough .... London, C. Griffin & Co., ltd., 1905. XXX, 799 p. front., illus., diagrs. 22"™. "List of periodical publications dealing with ore and stone mining," p. xxix-xxx. Bibliographies interspersed. Mineral industry. 622.051 i ""* The Mineral industry, its statistics, technology and trade, in the United States and other countries, .... Founded by the late Richard P. Rothwell Continued from vol. i. 1892. il. pi. pi. of por. O. New York 1893-. Vol. 1-8 edited by Richard P. Rothwell; vol. 9, by Richard P. Rothwell and Joseph Struthers; vol. 10-, by Joseph Struthers. Vol. 1-5 published as Statistical supplement to Engineering and mining journal. Tarr, Ralph Stockman. 553 P300 ""* Economic geology of the United States, with briefer mention of foreign mineral products. [Second edition.] xx, [2], 525 p. 27 il. 2 pi. 2 tables. O. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1895. U. S. A. Dcpartnunt of Coiiuncrcc and Labor. L622.0973 Q2OO "°" Bureau of the Census. .. . Mines and quarries 1902. Prepared under the supervision of William M. Steuart, chief statistician for manufactures .... Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1905. xxix, 1 123 p. plates, diagrs. 30"="'. At head of title : Department of Commerce and Labor. Bureau of the Census, S. N. D. North, director. Special reports. Electricity in mining, by Thomas Commerford Martin, p. 145-161 . Reports on separate minerals: Iron ore, Manganese ore, by John Birkinbine. — Lead and zinc ore, Copper ore, Gold and silver, by Isaac A. Hourwich. — Precious metals re- covered by cyanide processes, by Charles E. Munroe. — Quicksilver, Borax, Phosphate rock, Sulphur and pyrite, Mineral pigments (crude), Asphaltuni and bituminous rock, Bauxite, Graphite, Magnesite, by Joseph Struthers. — Platinum, by David T. Day. — Coal, by Edward W. Parker. — Petroleum, Natural gas, by F. M. Oliphant. — Stone, by George P. Merrill. — Cement, Gj-psum, FUnt and feldspar, Fuller's earth. Marl, by Story B. Ladd. — Clay, by Jefferson Middleton. — Abrasive materials. Fluorspar, Barj-tes, Steel hardening metals. Asbestos, Lithium ore. Mica, Monasite, Talc and soapstone, by Joseph Hyde Pratt. — Precious stones, by George F. Kunz. — Mineral resources of Porto Rico, by William F. Willoughby. 232 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 553 Economic geol- U. S. A. Department of the Iiitc Geological Survey. 622.0973 2 Washington, "Sy »o!5 Mineral resources of the United States. .. Gov't Print. Off., 1S83-. Continued from [vol. I ], I S82. illus., plates, maps, tables. 23™. Al head of title: Department of the Interior. United States Geological Survey 1894-1899 published as part of the Annual report of the United States Geological Survey, no. 16-21, 1S94-1900, which has shelf number L557.3 2 553.1 Ore deposits Beck, Richard i.e. Carl Richard, 1858- 553-1 Q501 63ii79 -j-j.jg nature of ore deposits, by Dr. Richard Beck ... . Trans- lated and revised by Walter Harvey Weed .... With 272 figures and a map. First edition. In two volumes New York and London, The Engineering and Mining Journal, 1905. 2 vol. illus., fold, map, diagrs. 24"^"'. Bibliographical notes. Paged continuously; vol. I: xiv, 340 p.; vol. 2: [2], 341-685 p. Kemp, James Furman. 553-1 Qooi 2S694 -pi^g ^j.g (deposits of the United States and Canada. Third edition. Entirely rewritten and enlarged. xxiv,48i p. il. 14 p. of pi. 17 pi. O. New York : Scientific Publishing Co., 1900. "General references on ore deposits", p. 74-84; other references in foot notes. Phillips, John Arthur. 553.1 P600 "** A treatise on ore deposits. Second edition, rewritten and greatly enlarged by Henry Louis. xxii,[2],943 p. 128 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1896. 553.2 Coal deposits Martin, Edward Alfred. 553-2 P600 •<.i93 -j-j^^^ Story of a piece 01 coal. What it is, whence it comes, and whither it goes. 168 p. 38 il. i pi. S. [Library of useful stories.] New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. NicoUs, William Jasper. 1S200 -j-j^g stor}' of American coals. J. B. Lippincott Co., 1897. 405 p. I pi. O. 553-23 P700 Philadelphia: 553.2 N800 553.28 Petroleum Thorpe, [Thomas Edward], editor. "^'"* Coal : its history and uses. By Professors Green, Miall, Thorpe, Riicker, and Marshall. xii,363 p. il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1878. Contents: 1-2. The geology of coal. 3. Coal plants. 4. Animals of the coal meas- ures. 5-6. The chemistry of coal. 7. Coal as a source of warmth. 8. Coal as a source of power. 9-10. The coal question. Brannt, William Theodore. 665.5 P400 "'' Petroleum: its history, origin, occurrence, production, physical and chemical constitution, technology, examination and uses; together with the occurrence and uses of natural gas. Edited chiefly from the German of Prof. Hans Hoefer and Dr. Alexan- der Veith. xxvii,7i5 p. 284 il. I ])!. 2 maps. O. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1895. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 233 Redwood, 5/> Boverton, 1846- 665.5 Q60I 553.28 Petroleum ""'■ Petroleum: a treatise on the geographical distribution and geo- logical occurrence of petroleum and natural gas; the physical and chemical properties, production, and refining of petroleum and ozokerite; the characters and uses, testing, transport, and storage of petroleum products; and the legislative enactments re- lating thereto ; together with a description of the shale oil and allied industries ; and a full bibliography. By Sir Boverton Red- wood .... Second edition, thoroughly revised and enlarged. .... London, C. Grififin & Co., ltd., 1906. 2 vol. fronts. (I col.), iUus., 29 fold. pi. (incl. maps), fold, tables. 23™. Paged continuously; vol. i : xxxii, 52S p.; vol. 2: [2], 529-1064 p. "Bibliography. Compiled by W. H. Dalton and L. V. Dalton," vol. 2, p. 889-1001. Eissler, Manuel. 669.2 Q002 553.4 Metal ores 59215 -Yhe metallurgy of gold. A practical treatise on the metallurgical treatment of gold-bearing ores including the assaying, melting, and refining of gold. Fifth edition, enlarged and re-arranged. xxvi,638 p. 317 il. 46 pi. O. London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1900. Ingalls, Walter Rent on, 1S65- 669.0973 Q800 °"" Lead and zinc in the United States; comprising an economic his- tory of the mining and smelting of the metals and the conditions which have affected the developtnent of the industries, by Walter Renton Ingalls .... New York, London, Hill Publishing Com- pany, 1908. [4], iii-x, 368 p. incl. iUus., tables, diagrs. 3 pi. 24'^"'. Ingalls, Walter Renton. 669.5 Q200 ''"'" Production and properties of zinc ; a treatise on the occurrence and distribution of zinc ore, the commercial and technical condi- tions affecting the production of spelter, its chemical and physi- cal properties and uses in the arts, together with a historical and statistical review of the industry, by Walter Renton Ingalls. First edition. New York and London, The Engineering and Mining Journal, 1902. ix, 328 p. incl. illus., maps, diagr. pi. 23''™. Merrill, George Perkins, 1854- 553-5 Q300 553.5 Building "'°' Stones for building and decoration. By George P. Merrill .... Third edition, revised and enlarged New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1903. xi, 540 p. illus., XXXIII (;.<■. 34) pi. incl. front., 7 m.ips. 234''"'. "Bibliography of works on building stone," p. 528-530. 234 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 553.6 Earthy eco- Davies, David Christopher. 553-6 P200 nomic minerals ujis ^ treatise on earthy and other minerals and mining. By D. C. Davies. Third edition, thoroughly revised and enlarged by his son E. Henry Davies. xviii,394 p. 76 il. D. London: C. Lock- wood & Son, 1892. Ries, Heinrich, 553-6i Q600 "'" Clays, their occurrence, properties, and uses, with especial reference to those of the United States, by Heinrich Ries .... First edi- tion New York, J. Wiley & Sons ; [etc., etc.], 1906. xvi, 490 p. incl. illus., .\Liv pi., diagrs. 234<^"'. Contains "References." 557.3 United States U. S. A. Department of the Interior. Geological Survey. 016.5573 1158 geological survey e,™.4 _ _ j[^g United States Geological Survey : its origin, develop- ment, organization, and operations. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1904. 205, iii p. illus., IX pi. (incl. 6 maps) 234'^'". (/& Bulletin no. 227. series G, Miscellaneous, 27.) "Publications of the United States Geological Survey,'' p. iig-197. "Geological survey publications on Alaska," p. [igS]-202. Another copy in Bulletin has shelf number 557.3 8 V.227 560 PALEONTOLOGY Zittel, Karl Alfred, Rittcr von, 1839-1904. 550.9 P900 ^^~" History of geology and palaeontology to the end of the nineteenth century, by Karl Alfred von Zittel . . . Translated by Maria M. Ogilvie-Gordon .... With thirteen portraits. London, W. Scott; New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1901. xiii, [2], 562 p. 13 port. (incl. front.) 19™. (//a//'-////cV The contemporary science series, edited by H. Ellis, [xlii].) Hutchinson, Henry Neville. 566P400 ■" Creatures of other days. x.xiv,270 p. 79 il. 22 pi. 2 por. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1894. Hutchinson, Henry Neville. 566P300 ''"" Extinct monsters. A popular account of some of the larger forms of ancient animal life. With illustrations by J. Smit and others [Second edition.] x.xii,27o p. 59 il. 26 pi. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., pref. 1893. Scott, Dukinficld Henry. 561 Q002 ""' Studies in fossil botany, xiii, 533 p. il. I pi. O. London : A. & C. Black, 1900. Williams, Henry Shaler. 560.2 P500 '""* Geological biology. An introduction to the geological history of organisms. xix,395 p. 120 il. O. New York : II. llolt& Co., 1895. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 235 Woods, Henry. 562 Q200 560 Paleontology "'"'■ Palaeontology — Invertebrate. By Henry Woods .... Third edition. Cambridge, University Press, 1902. xiii, 360 p. illus. 19'^'". (^Half-title: Cambridge natural science manuals. Bio- logical series.) "List of palaeontological works," p. [329]-342. Zittel, Karl Alfred von. 560.2 P601 18669 Xext-book of paU-eontology. Translated and edited by Charles R. Eastman. English edition revised and enlarged by the author and editor in collaboration with numerous specialists. Vol. i-. il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1S96-. 570-572-578 NATURAL SCIENCES Ethnography — Microscopy Concilium bibliographicum, Zurich. 025.4 C745 570.1 Biological "^"" .... Conspectus methodicus et alphabeticus numerorum classi- classification ficationis bibliographici auctoritate Instituti bibliographici inter- nationalis Bruxellensis ampliatus a Concilio bibliographico. Palaeontologia — biologia generalis — microscopia — zoologia, 56-57-59. (English edition.) .... Turici, sumptibus Con- cilii bibliographici ; Bruxelles, Office international de biblio- graphie, [etc.], 1902. cover-title, (tT^^ [i] P* 23^"^'". (Ol^ce international de bibliographic. Publica- tion no. 58 e.) Founded on the Decimal classification of Melvil Dewey. Letourneau, Charles. 570-2 N600 570.2 General bioi- "'* Biology. Translated from the French. New edition. xi,48o p. "^^ 83 il. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1890. McAlpine, Darnel, & McAlpine, A. N. L570.2 Oooi ^'"' Biological atlas : a guide to the practical study of plants and ani- mals With accompanying text containing arrangement and explanation, equivalent terms, glossary and classification. ix,49 p. 24 pi. sq. F. Edinburgh: W. & A. K. Johnston, 1881. Parker, Thomas Jeffery. 570.2 P700 *'" Lessons in elementary biology. [Third edition.] xxiii,503 p. 127 il. D. [Macmillan's manuals for students.] London: Macmillan & Co., 1897. Sedgwick, William Thompson, &■ Wilson, Edmund B. 570.2 P500 '"" An introduction to general biology. Second edition, revised and enlarged. xii,23i p. 105 il. O. (American science series.) New York: H. Holt & Co., 1899. 236 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 570 2 General bioi- Spenccr, Herbert. 570.2 P8oo °°'' '""- The principles of biology. Revised and enlarged edition. 2 vol. il. O. [Spencer, H. A system of synthetic philosophy, vol. 2- 3.] New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1898-1900. 570.3 Biological die- Stormonth, James. 570-3^900 tionaries iom ^ manual of scientific terms : pronouncing, etymological, and ex- planatory ; chiefly comprising terms in botany, natural history, anatomy, medicine, and veterinary science : with an appendix of specific names Second edition. xi,488 p. D. Edin- burgh : J. Thin, 1894. 570.4 Essays. Na- Allen, Grant. 570-4 -^425 ture study ,,^5, pi^ghijghtg on nature. With 1 50 illustrations by Frederick Knock. viii,3i2 p. il. D. London: G. Newnes, 1899. Gibson, William Hamilton. 570.4 G353 12523 ^^y studio neighbors. x,245 p. il. i pi. O. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1898. Gibson, William Hamilton. ^570-4 G352 ■0095 Strolls by starlight and sunshine. I94p. il. ipl. O. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1891. Torrey, Bradford. 570.4 T63 16706 j<^ world of green hills. Observations of nature and human nature in the Blue Ridge. [4] ,285 p. D. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1898. Wallace, Alfred Russel. 570.4 W151 87090 Natural selection and Tropical nature. Essays on descriptive and theoretical biology. New edition with corrections and additions. xii,492 p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Contents : Natural selection : i . On the law which has regulated the introduction of new species. 2. On the tendency of varieties to depart indefinitely from the original type. 3. Mimicry, and other protective resemblances among animals. 4. On instinct in man and animals. 5. The philosophy of birds' nests. 6. A theory of birds' nests. 7. Creation by law. 8. The development of human races under the law of natural selec- tion. 9. The limits of natural selection as applied to man. Tropical nature and other essays: i. The climate and physical aspects of the equatorial zone. 2. Equatorial veg- etation. 3. Animal Hfe in the tropical forests. 4. Humming birds: as illustrating the luxuriance of tropical nature. 5. The colours of animals and sexual selection. 6. The colours of plants and the origin of the colour-sense. 7. The antiquity and origin of man. 8. The antiquity of man in North America. 9. The debt of science to Darwin. "The present volume consists mainly of a reprint of two volumes of essays — 'Contri- butions to the theory of natural selection', which appeared in 1870, .... and has now been many years out of print : and, 'Tropical nature and other essays', which appeared in 1878." Preface. 570.7 Teaching of Howe, Edward Garunier. 372.3 P500 '"°' Systematic science teaching. A manual of inductive elementary work .... [2 vol.] il. D. (International education series, vol. 27 and 48.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895-1900. [Vol. 2] published under the title: Advanced elementary science, being part II af Systematic science teaching BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 237 Jackman, Wilbur Samuel. 372.3 P600 570.7 Teaching of "'■•^ Nature study and related subjects, for the common schools wlogy 2 parts. Chicago: by the author, c. 1896. Part I in F; part 2 in D. Part I has shelf-mark L372.3 P600. McMurry, Charles Alexander, 1857- 372-3 Q402 ^"'^ Special method in elementary science for the common sclujol, by Charles A. McMurry, .... New York, London, The Mac- millan Company, 1904. ix, 275 p. igi'"". "Bibhography," p. 252-275. Buckley, Arabella Burton, [nf/crivanis Fisher]. 570.9 O800 570.9 History of bi- ''^^ A short history of natural science and of the progress of discovery ° °^'' from the time of the Greeks to the present day Fifth edi- tion. xxix,509 p. 74 il. I table. D. London: E. Stanford, 1894. Locy, William Albert, 1857- 570.9 Q800 ""' Biology and its makers, with portraits and other illustrations, by William A. Locy .... New York, H. Holt and Co., 1908. xxvi, 469 p. illus. (incl. port.) 22^"^™. "Reading list," p. 449-460. Contents. — An outhne of the rise of biology and of the epochs in its history. — Vesa- lius and the overthrow of authority in science. — William Harvey and experimental ob- servation. — The introduction of the microscope and the progress of independent observation. — The progress of minute anatomy. — Linn^us and scientific natural history. — Cuvier and the rise of comparative anatomy. — Bichat and the birth of histology. — The rise of physiology. Harvey. Haller. Johannes Miiller. — Von Baer and the rise of embryology. — The cell-theory. Schleiden. Schwann. Schultze. — Protoplasm the physical basis of life. — The work of Pasteur, Koch, and others. — Heredity and germi- nal continuity. — Mendel. Gallon. Weismann. — The science of fossil life. — What evolution is; the evidence upon which it rests, etc. — Theories of evolution. Lamarck. Darwin. — Theories continued. Weismann. De Vries. — -The rise of evolutionary thought. — Retrospect and prospect. Present tendencies in biology. Williams, Henry Smith. 509 Qooi 88269 -j-j^g story of nineteenth century science. vii,[3],474,[2] p. il. 12 pi. paged in, 2 pi. of por. paged in, 17 por. 16 paged in. O. New York : Harper & Bros., 1901. Contents: I. Science at the beginning of the century. 2. The century's progress in astronomy. 3. The century's progress in paleontology. 4. The century's progress in geology. 5. The century's progress in meteorology. 6. The century's progress in physics. The "Imponderables". 7. The ether and ponderable matter. 8. The cen- tury's progress in chemistry. 9. The century's progress in biology. Theories of organic evolution. 10. The century's progress in anatomy and physiology. 11. The century's progress in scientific medicine. 12. The century's progress in experimental psychology. 13. Some unsolved scientific problems: I. Solar and telluric problems. 2. Physical problems. 3. Life problems. Agassiz, Alexander. L570.91 Oooi 570.91 Scientific e.x- '" A contribution to American thalassography. Three cruises of ^ *"^* "'"^ the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey steamer "Blake" in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Caribbean Sea, and along the Atlantic coast of the United States, from 1877 to 1880. 2 vol. il. pi. maps, tables. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1888. 238 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 570 91 Scientific ex- Darwin, Charles. 570.91 J600 plorations ai Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the world, under the command of Capt. Fitz Roy. New edition, x, 519 p. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1878. Hasse, Adelaide Rosalia. 016.353 H271 18598 Reports of explorations printed in the documents of the United States government. (A contribution toward a bibliography.) 90 p. O. (U. S. A. Government Printing Office. Super- intendent OF Documents.) Washington 1899. Moseley, Henry Nottidge. S70-9i N604 "'"' Notes by a naturalist on the "Challenger", being an account of va- rious observations made during the voyage of H. M.S. "Challen- ger" round the world, in the years 1872-1876 xvi,620 p. il. 2 pi. I map. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1879. Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville. 570.91 N600 *' The voyage of the "Challenger." The Atlantic. A preliminary account of the general results of the exploring voyage of H. M. S. "Challenger" during the year 1873 and the early part of the year 1876. 2 vol. il. pi. por. maps, tables. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1878. 570.92 Biographies Naturalists' universal directory. 570.92 N21 10 ogis s ,3090 -j-j^g Naturalists' universal directory. Containing the names, ad- dresses and special subjects of study, of professional and amateur naturalists in all parts of the world Boston, S. E. Cassino, 1877-1905. [1S77], iSSo-[i8Si, 1883], 1898, 1904. 6vol. I9i'='n.-22i="'. [1S81-1SS3], 1SS5, 1SS8, title reads: The International scientists' directory. Con- taining the names, ... , of ... naturalists, ... , in America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceanica; 1892, 1894, 1896, The Scientists' international directory; 1S98, The Natural- ists' directory. Containing the names, addresses and special departments of study, etc., of ... naturalists, chemists, physicists, astronomers etc., etc., of the United States and Canada Compiled liy S. E. Cassino. Subtitle varies slightly. 1877 pubhshed in .Salem, Mass. 1887, 1889, 1897, never published. Poggendorff, Johann Christian, 1 796-1 877. L509.2 P75 '""' Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte der cxacten Wisscnschaften. Enthaltcnd Nachweisungen iiber Le- bensverhiiltnissc und Leistungen von Mathcmatikcrn, Astronomen, Physikern, Chcmikern, Mineralogen, Geologen usw. aller Vcilkcr und Zciten gesammclt von J. C. Poggendorff .... Erstcr— [vierter] Band. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1863-1904. 4 vol. ill 5. 26"^'". Vol. 3-4 title reads: J. C. Poggendorff's Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch Vol. 3: (1858 bis 1883.) Ilerausgegeben von Dr. B. W. Fcddersen und Prof. Dr. A. J. von Ocltingen; vol. 4: (Die Jahre 1883 bis zur Gegcnwart umfassend.) Her- ausgegebcn von Prof. Dr. Arthur von Octtingen. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 239 Youmans, William Jay, £Y///<7n 509.2 Y8 570.92 Biographies "" Pioneers of science in America. Sketches of their lives and sci- <>* '''olog'sts entific work viii,5o8 p. 5 il. 49 por. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Reprinted with additions from the Popular Science Montkly. Muir, John. 570-9794 P400 570.9794 Natural '"" The mountains of California. xiii,[2],38i p. il. i pi. D. New history - California York: Century Co., 1898. Rodway, James. 570.988 P500 570.988 Guiana io9!-.> ji^ jj.jg Guiana forest. Studies of nature in relation to the strug- gle for life. With introduction by Grant Allen. Second edition. xxiii,242 p. 16 pi. D. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1895. Forbes, Henry 0. 570.991 O300 570.991 Malaysia """ A naturalist's wanderings in the Eastern archipelago. A narra- tive of travel and exploration from 1878 to 1883. xi.x,[i],536 p. 65 il. 22 pi. 6 maps. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1885. Avebury, [John Lubbock, ist Baron']. 571.02 M901 571 Prehistoric arch- S6954 Pre-historic times as illustrated by ancient remains and the man- ners and customs of modern savages. By the Rt. Hon. Lord Avebury. Si.xth edition revised. x.x.xii,6i6 p. il. 41 pi. i map. O. London: Williams & Norgate, 1900. Haddon, Alfred Cort. 571-04 H12 16756 -pj-jg study of man. xxv,4iO p. 40 il. 8 pi. O. [Science series.] New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. Contents: l. Measurements and their importance in anthropology. 2. Hair and eye colour. 3. Value of head-form in anthropology. 4. The nose. 5. The ethnography of the Dordogne district. 6. The evolution of the cart. 7. The origin of the Irish jaunt- ing car. 8. Toys and games: cat's cradle and kites. 9. Toys and games: tops and the tug-of-war. 10. The bull-roarer. 11. The singing games of children. 12. "Lon- don Bridge": foundation sacrifice. 13. "Draw a pail of water": water worship. 14. Courting games. 15. Funeral games. 16. Practical suggestions for conducting ethnographical investigations in the British Islands. Hutchinson, Henry Neville. 57i-02 P6oo 7282 Prehistoric man and beast. .xxii,298 p. 10 pi. O. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1897. Starr, Frederick. 571.02 P502 Some first steps in human progress. 305 p. t,t, il. i pi. D. (Chautauqua Reading Circle literature.) Meadville, Penna. : Flood & Vincent, 1895. Windle, Bertram Coghill Alan. 571.0942 P700 571.09 Geographical *'" Life in early Britain. Being an account of the early inhabitants archaeology of this island and the memorials which they have left behind them. xv,244 p. 6j il. i map. D. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. 240 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 571.09 Geographical Munro, Robert. 571.09439 P500 archaeology jl-ss Raj^bles and studies in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Dalmatia. With an account of the proceedings of the Congress of Archaeologists and Anthropologists held in Sarajevo, August, 1894. xx,395 p. 144 il. 32 pi. O. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1895. Worsaae, Jens Jacob Asmussen. 571.0948 Oooi 12376 -pj^g pre-history of the North, based on contemporary memorials. Translated, with a brief memoir of the author, by H. F. Morland Simpson. xxx,2o6 p. 19 il. i map. D. London: Trlibner & Co., 1886. Worsaae, Jens Jacob Asmussen. 571.0948 O200 12462 'Yhe industrial arts of Denmark from the earliest times to the Dan- ish conquest of England. 2 parts in i. il. map. D. [SOUTH Kensington Museum. Art handbooks.] London : Chapman & Hall, 1882. Nadaillac, [Jean Francois Albert du Pouget,] 571.097 O400 '"' Marquis dc. Pre-historic America. Translated by N. dAnvers. Edited by W. H. Dall. [ix],566p. 21911. O. New York : G. P.Putnam's Sons, 1884. 571.6 Prehistoric in- MaSOn, Otis Tufton. 609.I P5OO ventions iin7 jj^j^, origins of invention: a study of industry among primitive peoples. 419 p. il. 9 pi. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 28.] London: W. Scott, 1895. 571.7 Prehistoric art Conway, Sir William Martin. 709.1 C76 '"" Dawn of art in the ancient world. An archaeological sketch. viii,i89 p. D. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1891. Grosse, Ernst. 571.7 P700 '"'' The beginnings of art. xiv,327 p. 32 il. 3 pi. D. [Anthropo- logical series.] New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1 897, pref. 1 893. Haddon, Alfred Cort. 571-7 P500 Evolution in art: as illustrated by the life-histories of designs. xviii,[2],364 p. il. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 30.] London: W. Scott, 1895. Conlcnls: Introduction. The decorative art of British New Guinea: as an example of the method of study. The material of which patterns are made. The reasons for which objects are decorated. The scientific method of studying decorative art. Perrot, Georges, £y Chipiez, Charles. L709.393 P42 "^" History of art in Phrygia, Lydia, Caria, and Lycia. From the French. xii,40S p. 283 il. 0. London: Chapman & Hall, 1892. Perrot, Georges, & Chipiez, Charles. L709.38 P42 History of art in primitive Greece. Myccnian art. JM-om the French. 2 vol. il. pi. Q. London: Chapman & Hall, 1894. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 241 Perrot, Georges, & Chipiez, Charles, L709.3 P42 571.7 Prehistoncart "°" History of art in Sardinia, Juda:a, Syria, and Asia Minor. From the French. Translated and edited by I. Gonino. 2 vol. il. pi. Q. London: Chapman & Hall, 1890. Wallaschek, Richard. 780.91 W15 11523 Primitive music. An inquiry into the origin and development of music, songs, instruments, dances, and pantomimes of savage races. With musical examples. xi,326 p. 9 p. of music. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1893. "Authorities quoted", p. 297-321. '■< Chapin, Frederick Hastings. 979 P200 571.84 Cliff dweii- '■»" The land of the Cliff-Dwellers. [2],! 88 p. 64 pi. 3 maps. D. '°ss Boston : W. B. Clarke & Co., 1892. Deniker, Joseph. 572.02 P900 572 Ethnology The races of man : an outline of anthropology and ethnography. xxiii,6ii p. il. i pi. D. [Contemporary science series.] Lon- don : W. Scott, 1900. Garland, Georg [Karl Cornelius]. L572.02P200 "" Atlas der Volkerkunde. 15 p. i 5 maps. F'. (Berghaus' Phy- SIKALISCHER Atlas. [Dritte Ausgabe.] Abteilung 7.) Gotha : J. Perthes, 1892. Keane, Augustus Henry. 572.02 P600 IS591 Ethnology. In two parts : I. Fundamental ethnical problems. II. The primary ethnical groups. Second edition revised, xxx, 442 p. il. O. [Cambridge geographical series.] Cambridge: University Press, 1896. Keane, Augustus Henry. 572.02 P901 83520 ]\,ja^ p3g(. grid present. xii,584 p. il. 12 pi. O. [Cambridge geographical series.] Cambridge: University Press, 1899. Keane, Augustus Henry, 1833- 572.02 Q800 "'''■' The world's peoples. A popular account of their bodily & men- tal characters, beliefs, traditions, political and social institutions. By A. H. Keane With 270 illustrations reproduced from original photographs. London, Hutchinson & Co., 1908. xii, 434 p. 271 illus. (incl. front.) 2oi™. Lefevre, Andr^. 402 L52 '"'' Race and language. vi,424 p. D. (International scientific se- ries, vol. 72.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1894. Peschel, Oscar. 572.02 N400 "" The races of man, and their geographical distribution. From the German. xiv,[2],528 p. il. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1876. 242 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 572^imoiogy __ Quatrefages [dc Breau] , Armand de. 572.02 N700 9465 The human species. x,498 p. D. (International scientific series, vol. 27.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895. Ratzel, Friedrich. L572.02 P400 "'"" The history of mankind. Translated from the second German edition by A. J. Butler. With an introduction by E. B. Tylor. 3 vol. il.pl. maps. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1896-1898. Taylor, Isaac. 572.02 O900 ■"*" The origin of the Aryans. An account of the prehistoric ethnol- ogy and civilisation of Europe. xi,339 p. 30 il. D. [Contempo- rary science series.] London: W. Scott, pref. 1889. Contents: i. The Aryan controversy. 2. The prehistoric races of Europe. 3. The neolithic culture. 4. The Aryan race. 5. The evolution of Aryan speech. 6. The Aryan mythology. 572.9 Special races Jhering, Rudolph von. 309 P401 10396 -j-j^j, evolution of the Aryan. B}- Rudolph von Ihering. Trans- lated from the German by A. Drucker. xviii,[2],4i2 p. O. New York; H. Hoh & Co., 1897. Ripley, William Zebina. 572-94 PQOO 19068 jj^g ,.^j,gs of Europe. A sociological study. Accompanied by a supplementary bibliography of the anthropology and ethnology of Europe, published by the Public Library of the City of Boston. [2 vol.] il. pi. of por. maps. O. (Lowell Institute lectures.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1899. [Vol. 2] is the bibliography, and has also been published separately under the title: A selected bibliography of the anthropology and ethnology of Europe; this has shelf number 016.572 R48 "Special list of authorities on acclimatization", [vol. l], p. 589-590. Shore, Thomas William, d. 1905. 572.942 Q500 63556 Qrigij., of the Anglo-Saxon race ; a study of the settlement of England and the tribal origin of the Old English people, by the late Thomas William Shore .... Edited by his sons, T. W. Shore and L. E. Shore. London, E. Stock, 1906. vii, 416 p. 234™. "The index of place-names and the general index have been made by Blanche Shore, the author's daughter," p. vi. 572,97 Indians Biart, Lucien. 309.72 O500 1579S j[.jg Aztecs. Their history, manners, and customs. From the French. Authorized translation b\- J. L. Garner. 343 p. 18 il. 2 maps. O. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1892, c. 1886. Brinton, Daniel Garrison. 572.97 Pico "" The American race : a linguistic classification and ethnographic description of the native tribes of North and South yVmerica. 392 p. O. New York: N. D. C. Hodges, 1891. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 243 Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel. 572-97 Q002 572.97 Indians J7ooa -phe North-Americans of yesterday. A comparative study of North-American Indian hfe, customs, and products, on the theory of the ethnic unity of the race. xxvi,[2],487 p. il. i pi. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. "List of stocks and sub-stocks. List of tribes," p. 461-478. Elliott, Henry Wood. 979.8 O600 """ Our Arctic province, Alaska, and the Seal Islands. xv,473 p. il. 49 pi. 3 maps. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1887. Im Thurn, Everard Ferdinand. 572.9881 O300 "*" Among the Indians of Guiana. Being sketches chiefly anthro- pologic from the interior of British Guiana. xvi,445 p. 43 il. 10 pi. I map. O. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co., 1883. Maclean, John. 970.1 P601 '""^ Canadian savage folk. The native tribes of Canada. 641 p. il. I por. O. Toronto: W. Briggs, 1896. Short, John Thomas. 572.97 N900 '"'' The North Americans of antiquity. Their origin, migrations, and type of civilization considered. 544p.il. O. New York : Harp- er & Brothers, 1880. Geikie, James. 551.79 P50O 573 Anthropology °'" The great ice age and its relation to the antiquity of man. Third edition, largely rewritten. xxviii,850 p. 78 il. i pi. 18 maps. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. 573.4 Pi 00 ^'" Nature and man in America. xiv,290 p. D. New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1891. Tylor, Edward Burnett. 573.02 Oioo ^^''^ Anthropology. An introduction to the study of man and civil- ization. xv,448 p. 78 il. D. (International scientific series, vol. 62.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896, pref. 1881. Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1823- 523.13 Q400 "'" Man's place in the universe; a study of the results of scientific research in relation to the unity or plurality of worlds, by Alfred R. Wallace, F.R.s. Fourth edition with a new chapter en- titled 'An additional argument dependent on the theory of evolu- tion'. London, Chapman and Hall, ltd., 1904. vi, [2], 341 p. I fold. map. 204=°'. 244 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 575 Evolution Bosanquct, Bernard, editor. 304 B65 "^ Aspects of the social problem, by various writers. x,334 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Contents: 1-2. Bosanquet, B. The duties of citizenship. 3. Dendy, H. The chil- dren of working London. 4. M'Callum, M. The protection of children. 5. Dendy, H. The position of women in industry. 6. Dendy, H. Marriage in East London. 7. Dendy, H. The industrial residuum. 8. Bosanquet, B. Character in its bearing on so- cial causation. 9. Dendy, H. Old pensioners. 10. Loch, C. S. Pauperism and old- age pensions. II. Dendy, H. The meaningand methods of true charity. 12. M'Cal- lum, M. Some aspects of reform. 13. Dendy, H. Origin and history of the English poor law. 14. Loch, C. S. Some controverted points in the administration of poor rehef. 15. Loch, C. S. Returns as an instrument in social science. 16. Bosanquet, B. Social- ism and natural selection. 17. Bosanquet, B. The principle of private property. 18. Bosanquet, B. The reality of the general will. Brooklyn Ethical Association. 575 Pioi '*'" Evolution in science, philosophy, and art. Popular lectures and discussions before the Brooklyn Ethical Association. i-x,475 P- 6 il. 3 por. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1891. "Collateral readings recommended", at the beginning of each paper. Clodd, Edward. 575P401 -•'' A primer of evolution. viii,l86 p. il. i pi. S. New York : Long- mans, Green, & Co., 1895. Conn, Herbert William. 575 P905 S839I jj^g method of evolution. A review of the present attitude of science toward the question of the laws and forces which have brought about the origin of species .... ix,4o8 p. 25 il. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1900. Eimer, Gustav Heinrich Theodor. , 575 O801 »'" Organic evolution as the result of the inheritance of acquired characters according to the laws of organic growth. Translated by J. T. Cunningham. xxviii,435 p. 6 il. O. London: Mac- millan & Co., 1890. Haeckel, Ernst. 575N900 "" The evolution of man : a popular exposition of the principal points of human ontogeny and phylogeny. From the German. 2 vol. il. pi. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1886. Haeckel, Ernst. 575 O901 136S4 j]^g history of creation ; or. The development of the earth and its inhabitants by the action of natural causes. A popular exposi- tion of the doctrine of evolution in general, and of that of Darwin, Goethe, and Lamarck in particular. From the eighth German edition. The translation revised by E. Ray Lankester. Fourth edition. 2 vol. il. pi. map. O. London : Kegan Paul, ... & Co., 1892. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 245 Jordan, David Starr, 1851- 575 Q700 57s Evolution "'"^ Evolution and animal life ; an elementary discussion of facts, processes, laws and theories relating to the life and evolution of animals, by David Starr Jordan . . . and Vernon L)^man Kellogg .... New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1907. xi, 489 p. col. front., 298 illus., 2 col. pi. 2i4'^"'. Pearson, Karl. 110.2 Q002 88903 -Yhe grammar of science. Second edition, revised and enlarged. xviii,548 p. 33 il. O. London: A. & C. Black, 1900. "Literature" follows each chapter. Romanes, George John. 575 P201 11314 j)ar^yin, and after Darwin. An exposition of the Darwinian theorj' and a discussion of post-Darwinian questions 3 vol. il.pl. por. facsim. O. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co., 1892- 1897. Contents: Vol. I. The Darwinian theory. Vol. 2. Post-Darwinian questions. Hered- ity and utility. Vol. 3. Post-Darwinian questions. Isolation and physiological selection. Vol. 2 and 3 edited by C. Lloyd Morgan. Romanes, George John. 150.2 O801 "*"' Mental evolution in man. Origin of human faculty. viii,[2], 452 p. il. I table. O. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1888. Weismann, August. 575 P102 "''■'' Essays upon heredit)- and kindred biological problems. Edited by Edward B. Poulton, Selmar Schonland, and Arthtir E. Shipley. Authorised translation. — Second edition. 2 vol. il. D. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1S91-1892. Vol. 2 is in first edition. Contents: Vol. I. i. The duration of life, l8Sl. 2. On heredity, 18S3. 3. Life and death, 1883. 4. The continuity of the germ-plasm as the foundation of a theory ol heredity, 1885. 5. The significance of sexual reproduction in the theory of natural selection, 1886. 6. On the number of polar bodies and their significance in heredity, 1887. 7. On the supposed botanical proofs of the transmission of acquired characters, 1888. 8. The supposed transmission of mutilations, 1888. Vol. 2. 9. Retrogressive development in nature, 1886. 10. Thoughts upon the musical sense in animals and man, 1889. 11. Remarks on certain problems of the day, 1890. 12. Amphimixis 01 the essential meaning of conjugation and sexual reproduction, 1S91. Davenport, Eugene, 1856- 636 Q701 575.1 Heredity 63539 Principles of breeding; a treatise on thremmatology or the principles and practices involved in the economic improvement of domesticated animals and plants, by E. Davenport . . . with appendix by H. L. Rietz .... Boston, New York, [etc.], Ginn &Co., ["^1907]. xiii, 727 p. incl. illus., tables, diagrs. 2l4'^'". (On cmier: Country Ufe education series.) Contains "References." 246 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 575.1 Heredity 575.1 O9OO London : Mac- 575.2 Variation Galton, Francis. ""■^ Natural inheritance. ix,[2],2 59 p. 16 ii. O. millan & Co., 1889. Ribot, Theodule. 136.3 O200 6U51J Heredity : a psychological study of its phenomena, laws, causes, and consequences. From the French. x,393 p. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1S95. Romanes, George John. 575- 1 O600 163U1 j^n examination of Weismannism. ix,22i p. i por. O. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co., 1893. Contents: i. Statement of Weismann's system up to the year 18S6. 2. Later addi- tions to Weismann's system up to the year 1S92. 3. Weismann's Theory of heredity (1S91). 4. Examination of Weismann's Theory of evolution. 5. Weismannism up to date (1893). Appendi.'i I. On germ-plasm. 2. On telegony. Thomson, John Arthur, 1861- 575-1 Q701 62696 Heredity. By J. Arthur Thomson London, J. Alurray, 1908. xvi, 605 p. illus., 10 pi. (partly col.), 5 diagr. 2i.i<'"". {On cover: The pro- gressive science series. ) "Bibliography," p. 539-596. Weismann, August. 575.1 N500 "■ Studies in the theory of descent. With notes and additions by the author. Translated and edited, with notes, by Raphael Mel- dola. With a prefatory notice by Charles Darwin. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i : xxxvi, 1-400 p.; vol. 2: 401—729 p.; pi. O. London: Sampson Low, ... , & Rivington, 1882. Contents: On the seasonal dimorphism of butterflies. — On the final causes of trans- formation: I. The origin of the markings of cat»rpillars. 2. On phyletic parallelism in metamorphic species. 3. The transformation of the Mexican axolotl into amblystoma. 4. On the mechanical conception of nature. Darwin, Charles. 575.2 N600 "* The variation of animals and plants under domestication. Sec- ond edition, revised 2 vol. il. O. New York : D.Apple- ton & Co., 1876. Contains a ch.apter: The provisional hypothesis of pangenesis. 575.4 Natural seiec- Wallace, Alfred Russel. tion 575.5 Sexual seiec- Darwin, Charles tion ' 575.4 O9OO Darwinism. An exposition of the theory of natural selection, with some of its applications, .xvi, 494 p. 37 il. i por. i map. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1889. 575.5 N400 The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. Second edition, revised .... xvi,688 p. 78 il. D. London : J. Murray, 1874. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 247 Davenport, Charles Benedict. 591.4 P600 576 Origin ot life "■■" Experimental morphology. 2 vol. paged continuously ; vol. i : i-xiv, 1-280 p.; vol. 2: [2],xa-xb,xv-xviii,28i-509 p. il. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897-1899. "Literature" at the end of each chapter. Contents: Vol. i. Effect of chemical and physical agents upon protoplasm. Vol. 2. Effect of chemical and physical agents upon growth. Hertwig, Oscar. 576.3 P200 576.3 Ceiis 1JSJ9 jYie cell. Outlines of general anatomy and physiology. Trans- lated by M. Campbell, and edited by Henry Johnstone Campbell. xvi,368 p. 168 il. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. "Literature," at the end of each chapter. Wilson, Edmund Beecher. 576.3 Qooi e342o -phe cell in development and inheritance. Second edition revised and enlarged. xxi,4S3 p. 194 il. O. (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Biological series, no. 4.) New York: Macmillan Co., 1900. "General hterature list", p. 449-469. "Literature", at the end of each chapter. Minot, Charles Sedgwick, 1852- 577 Q800 577 Life and death 68274 -Ylic problem of age, growth, and death ; a study of cytomorpho- sis, based on lectures at the Lowell Institute, March, 1907, by Charles S. Minot .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1908. [6], v-xxii, [2], 2S0 p. inch illus., tables, diagrs. 2i4<^". (^Half-title: The science series, edited by E. L. Thorndike .. . and F. E. Beddard . . . [vol. 21].) Bibliographical foot-notes. Carpenter, William Benjamin. 578.02 Q102 578 Microscopy 31773 -pj^g microscope and its revelations. Eighth edition in which the first seven and the twenty-third chapters have been entirely re- written, and the text throughout reconstructed, enlarged, and revised by the Rev. W. H. Dallinger. xx,ii8i p. il. 23 pi. 9 colored. O. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1901. Gage, Simon Henry, 185 1- 578.02 Q302 61960 -j-[^g microscope ; an introduction to microscopic methods and to histolog>% by Simon Henry Gage .... Ninth edition, revised, enlarged and illustrated by over two himdred figures. Ithaca, N. Y., Comstock Publishing Company, 1904. iv, [2], 299 [i.e. 311] p. illus., plates, diagrs. 24'^'". Paging irregular : p. 8a-b, 267a-h, and 288a-b inserted between p. 8-9, 267-268 and 288-289, respectively. "Bibliography," p. [282]-288, 288a-b. Table of metric and English measures and table of natural series on lining-papers. 248 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 578 Microscopy Griffith, John William, & Henfrey, Arthur. 578-03 O300 13691 -pj^g niicrographic dictionary; a guide to the examination and in- vestigation of the structure and nature of microscopic objects. Fourth edition. Edited by J. W. Griffith, assisted by the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, and T. Rupert Jones. 2 vol. in i. il. pi. O. London: J. Van Voorst, 1883. Vol. I, text; vol. 2, plates. Lee, Arthur BoUes. 578.9 Qooi 85284 -phe microtomist's vade-mecum. A handbook of the methods of microscopic anatomy. Fifth edition. xiv,532 p. il O. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1900. Migula, Walther. 589-95 P200 "^" An introduction to practical bacteriology for physicians, chemists and students. Translated by M. Campbell and edited by H. J. Campbell, viii, 247 p. il. D. [Introductory science text-books.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1893. Sternberg, George Miller, 1838- L589-95 Qi05 '*'" A text-book of bacteriology, by G. M. Sternberg .... Second revised edition. New York, W. Wood and Co., 1901. [2], xi, 708 p. illus., plates (partly col.) 254'^'". The plates are accompanied by descriptive letter press on separate leaves. Zimmermann, Albrecht. 578.8 P300 12093 Botanical microtechnique. A hand-book of methods for the preparation, staining, and microscopical investigation of vegetable structures. Translated from the German by James Ellis Hum- phrey. xii,296 p. 63 il. O. New York: H. Hoh & Co., 1893. "Literature", p. 265-283. 580 BOTANY Atkinson, George Francis, 1S54- 580.2 Q501 "*" A college text-book of botany; being an enlargement of the author's "Elementary botany," by George Francis Atkinson .... New York, H. Holt and Co., 1905. "vi, 737, [2] p. front., illus. 20™'. Behrens, Wilhelm Julius. 580.2 O200 ""■■' Te.xt-book of general botany. Translation from the second Gcr- inan edition. Rc\-ised by Patrick Geddes. viii, 374 p. 408 il. 4 tables. O. Edinburgh: Y.J. Pcntland, 1885. BOOKS, IN THE READING ROOM. 249 Gray, Asa. 580.2 O702 sso Botany 13UJ7 piei(j^ forest and garden botany. A simple introduction to ti:e common plants of the United States east of the lOOth meridian, both wild and cultivated. Revised and extended by L. H. Bailey. 519 p. O. New York: American Book Co., c. 1895. Published with Gray, .■\. Gray's Lessons in botany, under the title: Gray's school and field book of botany. Gray, Asa, 1 8 10-1888. 580.2 O702 ""'' Gray's Lessons in botany. Revised edition. The elements of botany for beginners and for schools by Asa Gray. New York, Chicago, [etc.], American Book Company, [•'1887]. [2], viii, [9]-226 p. 5S9 illus. 2i.J'^'". Published with /lis Field, forest, and garden botany, under half-title : Gray's school and field book of botany. Another copy, published with !iis Manual of the botany of the northern United States, under cover-title: Gray's lessons and manual of botany, has shelf number 580.2 O703 Gray, Asa. 580.2 N901 "'"'° Strtictural botany, or, Organography on the basis of morphology. To which is added the principles of taxonomy and phytography, and a glossary of botanical terms. (Si.xth edition.) .xii,442 p. 695 il. O. (Gray's botanical text-book, vol. i.) New York : American Book Co., c. 1879. Kerner, Anton Joseph Riitcrvon Marilaun, 1 83 i-i 898. L580.2 O700 S308 jj^g natural history of plants: their forms, growth, reproduction, * and distribution. From the German of Anton Kerner von Marilaun, .... Translated and edited by F. W. Oliver, . . . with the assis- tance of Marian Busk . . . and Mary F. Ewart, .... With about 2000 original woodcut illustrations and sixteen plates in colours. .... New York, H. Holt & Co., 1895. 2 vol. in 4. illus., xvi col. pi. (incl. fronts.) 28"^". Strasburger, Eduard, 1844- 580.2 Q800 65694 ^ text-book of botany. By Dr. Eduard Strasburger, . . . , Dr. Fritz Noll, . . . , Dr. Heinrich Schenck, . . . , Dr. George Kar- sten, .... Third English edition, revised with the eighth Ger- man edition by W. H. Lang, .... With 779 illustrations, in part coloured. London, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1908. X, 746 p. 779 illus. 23"". "Index of literature," p. 691-715. Bailey, Liberty Hyde, f^?/^r. L634Q001 580.3 Dictionaries "'"■' Cyclopedia of American horticulture. Comprising suggestions for cultivation of horticultural plants, descriptions of the species of fruits, vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants sold in the United States and Canada, together with geographical and bio- graphical sketches. By L. H. Bailey, assisted by Wilhelm Miller ... . 4 vol. il. Q. New York: Macmillan Co., 1900-1902. 2SO THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 580.3 Botanical die- Jackson, Benjamin Daydon. 580.3 Q501 tionanes iiiu9 .^ glossary of botanic terms with their derivation and accent. By Benjamin Daydon Jackson. Second edition, revised and enlarged. London, Duckworth & Co. ; Philadelphia, J. B. Lip- pincott Company, 1905. xi, [l], 371, [l] p. 20="'. Loudon, [John Claudius]. 580.3 L500 "'" Loudon's encyclopsdia of plants ; comprising the specific charac- ter, description, culture, histor)-, application in the arts, and every other desirable particular respecting all the plants indigenous to, or introduced into Britain. Edited by Mrs. Loudon, assisted by George Don and David Wooster xxii.i 574 p. il. O. Lon- don: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1880. Nicholson, George, editor. ^634 O400 15975 -YX-^Q illustrated dictionary of gardening, a practical and scientific encyclopaedia of horticulture for gardeners and botanists. Edited by George Nicholson, assisted by professor J. W. H. Trail, in the parts relating to insects, fungi, plant structure, horticultural chemistry, &c. ; and J. Garrett in the fruit, vegetable, and general garden work portions. 5 vol. in 6. il. colored pi. sq.O. Lon- don : L. U. Gill, [1884-1901]. Vol. 5, [part l] published under the title: The "igoo" supplement to The dictionary of gardening, ... : [part 2], The century supplement .... Robinson, William. ' 710.2 R56 16685 j[^g English flower garden. Design and arrangement shown by existing examples of gardens in Great Britain and Ireland followed by a description of the best plants for the open-air garden and their culture. Sixth edition. xii,832 p. il. O. London: J. Murray, 1898. 580.4 Essays Allen, Grant. 580.4 A425 *"" Flowers and their pedigrees. [6] ,266 p. 54 il. D. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1884. Robinson, William. 716 R56 16999 jj^g \\\\^ garden ; or. The naturalization and natural grouping of hardy exotic plants, with a chapter on the garden of British wild flowers. Fourth edition illustrated by Alfred Parsons. xx,304 p, il. II pi. paged in, i pi. O. London: J. Murray, 1894. 580.9 History of bot- any Hulme, Frederic Edward. 398.35 H871 ""'" Myth-land. viii,243 p. il. D. London: Sampson Low, ... , & Rivington, 1886. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 251 Sachs , Julius von . 580 . 9 N50O SSO.g History of bot- """ History of botany (i 530-1860). Authorised translation by ^°^ Henry E. F. Garnsey. Revised by Isaac Bayley Balfour, xv, [i],568p. D. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1890, Allen, Grant. 581 P60O SSl Physiological -- The story of the plants. 213 p. 49 il- S. [Library of useful 1^,^^;'^"""°^''^' stories.] New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Arthur, Joseph Charles, & MacDougal, Daniel Trembly. 581 P800 "''" Li\ing plants and their properties. A collection of essays, ix, 234 p. il. I pi. O. New York: Baker & Taylor, 1898. Bailey, Liberty Hyde. 634 P800 167G6 j[.|g pruning-book. A monograph of the pruning and training of plants as applied to American conditions. i.x,[2],537 p. 331 il. S. [Garden-craft series.] New York : i\Iacmillan Co., 1898. Coulter, John Merle. 581 P900 soo.™ pi^^j relations. A first book of botany. vii,264 p. 206 il. O. (Twentieth century text-book.) New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1899. Massee, George. 581 Pioi "'■* The evolution of plant life. Lower forms. viii,242 p. 38 il. D. [University e.xtension series.] London: Methuen & Co., 1891. Sachs, Julius von. 581 O200 10730 Outlines in classification and special morphology of plants. By Dr. K. Goebel. A new edition of Sachs' Text-book of botany, book II. Authorised English translation by Henry E. F. Garnsey. Revised by Isaac Bayley Balfour. xii,5i5 p. 407 il. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1887. Sachs, Julius von. 581 O201 1382^ Text-book of botany, morphological and physiological. Edited, with an appendix, by Sidney H. Vines. Second edition, xii, 980 p. 492 il. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1882. Darwin, Charles. 581.13N500 ss 1.1 Plant physici- '* Insectivorous plants. x,462 p. 30 il. O. New York : D. Apple- °^ ton & Co., 1875. 9196 Darwin, Francis, & Acton, E. Hamilton. 581. i P500 Practical physiology of plants. Second edition. xix,[3],340 p. 45 il. D. [Cambridge natural science manuals. Biological series.] Cambridge: University Press, 1895. 252 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 581.1 Plant Physiol- Detmer, Wilhelm. 581.1 P501 "^ '"'" Practical plant physiology. An introduction to original research for students and teachers of natural science, medicine, agriculture and forestry. Translated from the second German edition bj' S. A. Moor. xix,555 p. 184 il. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1898. Green, Joseph Reynolds. 581. i Qooi 30085 ^^ introduction to vegetable physiolog>'. xx,459 p. 184 il. O. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1900. Jost, Ludwig, 1865- 581. 1 Q602 ^"" Lectures on plant physiology, by Dr. Ludwig Jost .... Autho- rized English translation by R. J. Harvey Gibson .... With 172 illustrations. O.vford, Clarendon Press, 1907. xiv, 564 p. illus. 25"^"'. Bibliography at the end of each lecture. Pfeffer, Wilhelm Friedrich Philipp, 1845- 581. i P701 61920 -phe physiology of plants ; a treatise upon the metabolism and sources of energy in plants, by Dr. W. Pfeffer . . . Second fully revised edition, translated and edited by Alfred J. Ewart .... O.xford, Clarendon Press, 1900- 1906. 3 vol. illus. 25'''". 581.15 Plant breed- Bailey, Liberty Hyde. 634 P801 '°^ ""'' Sketch of the c\olution of our native fruits. xiii,472 p. 125 il. I por. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. "American grape literature", p. 117-126. Vries, Hugo de, 1S48 581.15 O700 65329 Plant-breeding; comments on the experiments of Nilsson and Bur- bank, by Hugo de Vries .... Chicago, The Open Court Pub- lishing Co.; [etc., etc.], 1907. [2], v-xiii, [2], 360 p. illus. (incl. ports.) 20"^'". 581.157 Color Allen, Grant. 581.157 O200 i75:u The colours of flowers as illustrated in the British flora. vi,i 19 p. 45 il. D. (Nature series.) London: Macmillan & Co., 1882. 581.17 Movement Darwin, Charles. 581.17 Oioo U559 ji.,g power of movement in plants. By Charles Darwin, assisted by Francis Darwin. x,592 p. 196 il. O. New York: D.Apple- ton & Co., 1897. 581.2 Plant diseases Ward, Harry Marshall. 581.2 Qioo 30916 ]3ig(.ase in jilants. xiv, [2] ,309 jx D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1901. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 253 Ward, Harry Marshall. 634.9O900 ssi. 2 Plant diseases '"*' Timber and some of its diseases. viii,295 p. 45 11. D. (Nature series.) London: Macmillan & Co., 1889. Rusby, Henry Hurd, & Jelliffe, Smith Ely. 581.4 P901 ssi. 4 Morphology 23015 Morphology and histology of plants designed especially as a guide to plant-analysis and classification, and as an introduction to pharmacognosy and vegetable physiology. Part I. The mor- phology of plants by Henry H. Rusby. Part 11. Plant histology by Smith Ely Jelliffe. .xi.sjS p. 693 il. O. New York : Published by the authors, 1899. A new and enlarged edition of their Essentials of pharmocognosy. Darwin, Charles. 581.5N600 ssi.s Habits of " The movements and habits of climbing plants. Second edition, P'*°*^ revised. viii,2o8 p. 13 il. O. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1876. Taylor, John Ellor. 581.5 O400 "" The sagacity & morality of plants. A sketch of the life & conduct of the vegetable kingdom. A new edition. xi,3ii p. 100 il. I pi. D. London: Chatto & VVindus, 1891. Boulger, George Simonds, 1853- 674 Q202 ssi.e Economic bot- s"-'-"- Wood ; a manual of the natural history and industrial applica- ^°^ tions of the timbers of commerce. By G. S. Boulger .... With 82 illustrations. London, E. Arnold, 1902. viii, 369 p. illus., 4 pi. 19"^"'. "Select bibliography," p. 351-352. CandoUe, Alphonse de. 581.61 O201 " Origin of cultivated plants, viii, [2] 468 p. D. (International scientific series, vol. 48.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1885. Freeman, William George. L581.64 Q600 569JO "YY^Q world's commercial products. A descriptive account of the economic plants of the world and of their commercial uses. By W. G. Freeman, . . . and S. E. Chandler, . . . , with contributions by T. A. Henry, ... , C. E. Jones, . . . and E. H. Wilson. Lon- don, Sir I. Pitman and Sons, ltd., 1907. [8], viii, 391 p. illus., xn col. pi. 28x2ii':™. Massart, Jean, &■ Vandervelde, Emile. 304 M38 '"""' Parasitism, organic and social. Translated by William Macdon- ald, revised by J. Arthur Thomson. With a preface by Prof. Patrick Geddes. xi,i24 p. D. [Social science series, vol. 86.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. "Works consulted," p. 123-124. 254 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 581.6 Economic bot- Matthews, Joseph Merritt, 1 874- 677 Q700 *°y "9-3 jj^g textile fibres ; their physical, microscopical and chemical properties, by J. Merritt Matthews .... Second edition, re- written New York, J. Wiley & Sons; [etc., etc.], 1907. \-iu, 4S0 p. incl. illus., tables. 23A™. "Bibliography of the textile fibres," p. 431-438. Smith, John. 581.61 O200 "'*" A dictionary of popular names of the plants which furnish the natural and acquired wants of man, in all matters of domestic and general economy. Their history, products, & uses. ix,457 p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1882. 581.8 Histology Strasburger, Eduard. - 581.8 Qooi ""'^ Handbook of practical botany .... Translated and edited from the German, with many additional notes by W. Hillhouse. Fifth edition. Rewritten and enlarged. xxxii,5 19 p. 160 il. O. Lon- don: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1900. 581.9 Plant geogra- Drude, Oscar. L581.9 O700 P"*^ '"'■ Atlas der Pflanzenverbrcitung. 6 p. 8 maps. F'. (BergHAUS' PHYSIKALISCHER Atl.\S. [Dritte Ausgabe.] Abteilung 5.) Gotha; J. Perthes, 1887. . Schimper, Andreas Franz Wilhelm, 1856-1901. 581.9 P801 s3i2o Plant-geography upon a physiological basis, by Dr. A. F. W. Schimper . . . the authorized English translation by William R. Fisher .... Revised and edited by Percy Groom . . . and Isaac Bayley Balfour .... With a photogravure portrait, five collo- types, four maps, and four hundred and ninety-seven other illus- trations. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1903. '"'X, [2], 839, [i] p. front., illiis. , plates, 4 fold. maps. as"^™. "Select literature" at end of chapters. Wallace, Alfred Russel. 570-4 W151 s-090 j^T^tural selection and Tropical nature. Essays on descriptive and theoretical biology. New edition with corrections and additions. xii,492 p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Contents : Natural selection : I . On the law which has regulated the introduction of new species. 2. On the tendency of varieties to depart indefinitely from the original type. 3. Mimicry, and other protective resemblances among animals. 4. On instinct in man and animals. 5. The philosophy of birds' nests. 6. A theory of birds' nests. 7. Creation by law. 8. The develojimcnt of human races under the law of natural selec- tion. 9. The limits of natural .selection as appHed to man. Tropical nature and other essays: i. The climate and physical aspects of the equatorial zone. 2. Equatorial veg- etation. 3. Animal life in the tropical forests. 4. Humming birds: as illustrating the luxuriance of tropical nature. 5. The colours of animals and sexual selection. 6. The colours of plants and the origin of the colour-sense. 7. The antiquity and origin of man. 8. The antiquity of man in North America. 9. The debt of science to Darwin. "The present volume consists mainly of a reprint of two volumes of essays — 'Contri- butions to the theorj' of natural selection', which appeared in 1870, . . . , and has now- been many years out of print : and, 'Tropical nature and other essays', which appeared in 1878." Preface. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 255 Britton, Nathaniel Lord, & Brown, Addison. L581.97P600 ssi. 97 North Ameri- ^^^^ An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada, and "° '^"^ the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean west- ward to the I02d meridian 3 vol. il. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1 896-1 898. Gray, Asa, & otiicrs. L581.97 P500 17628 Synoptical flora of North America: vol. I. — Parti. Fascicles I and II. Polypetala; from the ranunculacea; to the polygalacea;. (Thalamiflora; et disciflorae.) Edited by Benjamin Lincoln Rob- inson. 1895-1897. XV, 506 p. O. New York: American Book Co. c. 1895-1897. Newhall, Charles Stedman. 581.97 P300 6345 -pj^g shrubs of northeastern America. 249 p. il. O. New York ; G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895. Newhall, Charles Steadman. 581.97 P700 10S30 -pj^g vines of northeastern America. xxx,207 p. il. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. Britton, Nathaniel Lord, 1859- L582 Q800 5S2 Trees *"" .... North American trees, being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North Ameri- ca, north of Mexico and the West Indies. By Nathaniel Lord Britton, ... with the assistance of John Adolf Shafer, .... New York, H. Holt and Co., 1908. X, [2], 894 p. 781 illus. 26'^'". (American nature series. Group i. Classifica- tion of nature.) Newhall, Charles Stedman. 581.974 Pooi "**' The trees of northeastern America. Illustrations from original sketches. With an introductory note by Nath. L. Britton. xiv, 250 p. il. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895, c. 1890. Rogers, Julia Ellen. L582 Q505 63551 'j-j.jg ^|.gg book ; a popular guide to a knowledge of the trees of North America and to their uses and cultivation, by Julia Ellen Rogers; with sixteen plates in colour and one hundred and si.xt)- in black-and-white from photographs by A. Radclyffe Dugmore. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1905. XX, 5S9 p. plates (16 col., incl. front.) 26.J"^"'. Plates in black and white printed on both sides. 582 Trees 256 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Sargent, Charles Sprague, 1841- 582 Q500 ""* Manual of the trees of North America (exclusive of Mexico) by Charles Sprague Sargent . . . with six hundred and forty-four illustrations from drawings by Charles Edward Faxon. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1905. xxiii, 826, [2] p. front, (map), ilhis. 224':' A cm. Weathers, John. 716 W37 ^""' A practical guide to garden plants. Containing descriptions of the hardiest and most beautiful annuals and biennials ; hardy her- baceous and bulbous perennials; hardy water and bog plants; flowering and ornamental trees and shrubs ; conifers ; hardy ferns : hardy bamboos and other ornamental grasses. Also the best kinds of fruits and vegetables that may be grown in the open air in the British Islands, with full and practical instructions as to culture and propagation. xii,i 192 p. 163 il. O. London : Long- mans, Green & Co., 1901. 586-587 Mosses and Campbell, Douglas Houghton, 1 859- 586 Q500 *^°^ ^''"'' The structure and development of mosses and ferns (Arc/iegonia- tae) by Douglas Houghton Campbell ... . [Second edition.] New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1905. vii, 657 p. illus. 224cm. Bibliography, p. 607-630. Clute, Willard Nelson, 1869- 587 Q500 63551 ji^g jgj.j^ allies of North America north of Mexico, by Willard Nelson Clute . . . with more than one hundred and fifty illustra- tions by Ida Martin Clute. New York, F. A. Stokes Company, [1905]. xiv, 278 p. col. front., illus., plates (partly col.) 21c™. Waters, Campbell Easter. L587.3 Q300 63553 pg,-,^^ . 3 manual for the northeastern states, with analytical keys based on the stalks and on the fructification, with over two hun- dred illustrations from original drawings and photographs, by Campbell E. Waters .... New York, H. Holt and Co., 1903. xi, 362 p. incl. front., illus. 26™. 589.1 Lichens Schneider, Albert. 589.1 P8oo '"" A guide to the study of lichens. xii,[2],234 p. 11 pi. D. Bos- ton: B. Whidden, 1898. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 257 Atkinson, George Francis. 589.22 Qioi 589.2 Fungi '""" Studies of American fungi. Mushrooms, edible, poisonous, etc. [Second edition.] By G. F. Atkinson .... Recipes for cooking mushrooms, by Mrs. Sarah T. Rorer. Chemistry and toxicology of mushrooms, by J. F. Clark. With 230 photographs by the author, and colored plates by F. R. Rathbun. Ithaca, N. Y., Andrus & Church, 1901. W, 322 p. col. front., illus., plates (partly col.) 24'^'". Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. 589.2 N400 "° Fungi : their nature and uses. Edited by the Rev. M. J. Berke- ley. xii,299 p. 109 il. D. (International scientific series, vol. 15.) New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1880. Underwood, Lucien Marcus, 1S53- 589.2 P901 S0013 ]vioulds, mildews and mushrooms. A guide to the systematic study of the fungi and mycetozoa and their literature by Lucien Marcus Underwood .... New York, H. Holt & Co., 1899. V, 236 p. col. front., 9 pi. 1^'="'. "The geographic distribution of American fungi," with bibliographical references, p. 165-200; also bibHographical references for each order. 589.9 BACTERIOLOGY Conn, Herbert William, 1859- 589.9 Q300 '°*'* Bacteria, yeasts, and molds in the home, by H. W. Conn .... Boston and London, Ginn & Co., 1903. vi, 293 p. illus., diagrs. ig"^"". Conn, Herbert William. 589.95 P706 ^^"' The story of germ life. 199 p. 34 il. S. [Library of useful stories.] New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. Hansen, Emil Christian. 663.1 P500 "■' Practical studies in fermentation: being contributions to the life history of micro-organisms. Translated by Alex. K. Miller, and revised by the author. xiv,277 p. 19 il. O. London : E. & F. N. Spon, 1896. 2s8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 589.9 Bacteriology Hill, John Willmuth. 628.16 P8oi ""' The purification of public water supplies. xi,304 p. 32 il. O. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1898. Contents: i. Introduction. 2. Sources of public water supply. 3. Bacterial con- tents of various waters. 4. The typhoid bacillus and typhoid fever. 5. Classification of cities by typhoid fever statistics. 6. Pure and purified waters. 7. Citations on typhoid fever epidemics. 8. Sedimentation of polluted waters. 9. Sterilization of drinking-water. 10. Filtration of water supplies. 11. Types of sand filters. 12. Me- chanical filters. 13. Hamburg settling-basins and filters. 14. The filters of the Berlin water- works. 15. The Fischer filler and Anderson purifier. 16. Filters proposed for Cincinnati. 17. Cost of filters and filtration. Appendix A. Typhoid fever statistics from large cities of the world. Appendix B. The bacteria. Appendix C. The legal liability of cities and water companies for damages by sewage polluted water. "Authorities quoted or referred to," p. 290-293. Jorgensen, Alfred. 589.9 P801 ^""^ Micro-organisms and fermentation. Translated by Alex. K. Miller, & A. E. [sic i.i\ E. A.'\ Lennholm. Third edition. Com- pletely revised. xiii,[2],3i8 p. 83 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1900. "BibHography," p. 277-318. Migula, Walther. 589-95 P200 *'"" An introduction to practical bacteriology for physicians, chemists and students. Translated by M. Campbell and edited by H. J. Campbell, viii, 247 p. il. D. [Introductory science text-books.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1893. Newman, George, F. R. S. 589.95 Q002 30083 Bacteria, especially as they are related to the economy of nature, to industrial processes and to the public health. Second edition with additional matter, including new chapters on tropical diseases and the bacterial treatment of sewage. xvi,397 p. il. lO pi. I paged in. O. [Progressive science series.] London: J. Mur- ray, 1900. Smith, William Robert. 543-02 P602 "™ The laboratory te.xt-book of public health. .xx,322 p. 82 il. 9 pi. O. London: H. Renshaw, 1896. Sternberg, George Miller, 1838- L589.95 Q105 •""' A text-book of bacteriology, by G. M. Sternberg .... Second revised edition. New York, W. Wood and Co., 1901. [2], xi, 708 p. illus., plates (partly col.) 254""". The plates are accompanied by descriptive letter press on separate leaves, Sykes, Walter John.' 663.3 P701 17608 'j-[^^. principles antl practice of brewing. xix,5ii p. il. i pi. O. London: C. GrifTin & Co., 1897. 75 BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 259 Woodhead, German Sims. 589-95 Pioo 589.9 Bacteriology Bacteria and their products. With ... an appendix giving a short account of bacteriological methods, and a diagnostic de- scription of the common bacteria. xiii,459 p. 20 il. D. [Con- temporary science series.] New York : Scribner & VVelford, 1891. 590 ZOOLOGY AgaSSiz, Louis. 590.1 M30O 590.1 Theory and '""' Methods of study in natural history. Twenty-f^rst edition, viii, <:'assification 319 p. il. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1893. Brooks, William Keith. 590.1 P900 17885 jj^g foundations of zoology. [A course of lectures delivered at Columbia University on the principles of science as illustrated by zoology.] viii, 339 p. O. (Columbia UNIVERSITY. Biologi- cal series, vol. 5.) New York: Macmillan Co., 1899. Contents: i. Introductory. 2. Huxley, and the problem of the naturalist. 3. Na- ture and nurture. 4. Lamarck. 5. Migration in its bearings on Lamarckism. 6, parti. Zoology, and the philosophy of evolution. 6, part ii. A note on the views of Galton and Weisniann on inheritance. 7. Galton, and the statistical study of inheritance. 8. Darwin, and the origin of species. 9. Natural selection, and the antiquity of life. 10. Natural selection and natural theology. 11. Paley, and the argument from contri- vance. 12. The mechanism of nature. 13. Louis Agassiz and George Berkeley. Concilium bibliographicum, Zurich. 025.4 C745 °"°° .... Conspectus methodicus et alphabeticus numerorum ciassi- ficationis bibliographici auctoritate Instituti bibliographici inter- nationalis Bruxellensis ampliatus a Concilio bibliographico. Palaeontologia — biologia generalis — microscopia — zoologia, 56-57-59. (English edition.) .... Turici, sumptibus Con- cilii bibliographici ; Bru.xelles, Office international de biblio- graphie, [etc.], 1902. cover-title, 63, [i] p. 234''"'. (Office international de bibliographie. Publica- tion no. 58 e.) Founded on the Decimal classification of Melvil Dewey. Richet, Charles Robert, 1850- 025.49591 R3g ^^^™ .... Conspectus methodicus et alphabeticus numerorum "Sys- tematis decimalis" ad usum bibliographiae physiologicae confectus auctoritate Instituti bibliographici intcrnationalis bruxellensis- Editio nova, ampliata sub auspiciis Prof. Caroli Richet ab Dr. H. Jordan. {025.4:612). Zurich, Concilium bibliographicum, 1905. cover-title, 73 p. 23™'. (Office Internationale debibUographie. Publication no. 72*.) 26o THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 590.2 Zoological Brehm, Alfred Edmund. L590.2 Poor treatises '"" Brehms Tierleben. Allgemeine Kunde des Tierreichs. Dritte, ganzlich neubearbeitete Auflage. Von Prof. Dr. Pcchuel- Loesche 10 vol. and index, il. pi. por. maps. Q. Leip- zig: Bibliographisches Institut, i890-[i8g7]. Contents: Vol. 1-3. Brehm, A. E. Die Saugetiere. Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. Wilh. Haacke neubearbeitet von Professor Dr. Pechuel-Loesche. Vol. 4-6. Brehm, A. E. Die Vijgel. Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. Wilh. Haacke neubearbeitet von Professor Dr. Pechuel-Loesche. Vol. 7. Brehm, A. E. Die Kriechtiere und Lurche. Neubearbeitet von Professor Dr. O. Boettger und Professor Dr. Pechuel-Loesche. Vol. 8. Brehm, A. E. Die Fische. Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. Wilh. Haacke neubearbeitet von Pro- fessor Dr. Pechuel-Loesche. Vol. 9. Taschenberg, E. L. Die Insekten, Tausendfiisser und Spinnen. Vol. 10. Schmidt, O. Die niederen Tiere. Neubearbeitet von Professor Dr. W. Marshall. Claus, Carh 590.2 N900 *^" Elementary te.xt-book of zoology By Dr. C. Claus, .... Translated and edited by Adam Sedgwick, F.K.S With the assistance of F. G. Heathcote, M. A., .... Volume i-[2]. Lon- don, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1 892-1 897. 2 vol. 22'^'". Contents. — vol. I. General part and special part: protozoa to insecta. Fourth edition. With 491 woodcuts. 1892. 615 p. 491 illus. — vol. 2. Special part: molusca to man. [Sixth edition.] With 215 woodcuts. 1S97. 352 p. 215 illus. Harmer, Sidney Frederic, & Shipley, A. E., editors. 590.8 3 16572 Jhc Cambridge natural history. Vol. i-. il. maps. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895-. Vol. 3 published at New York. Jordan, David Starr, 185 1- 590.2 Q300 63660 _ _ Animal studies ; a text-book of elementary zoology for use in high schools and colleges, by David Starr Jordan . . . , Ver- non Lyman Kellogg . . . and Harold Heath .... New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1903. viii, 450 p. illus. 20"'"'. (Twentieth century text-books.) Living animals of the world. L590.2 Q103 3.137- 'Y\\^^,i(;g of practice in the United States Patent Ofificc. Revised July 17, 1907. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1907. 116 p. 25™. Beckmann, Johann. 609 K600 eog History 'of tech- *-" A history of inventions, discoveries, and origins. Translated from °° °2y the German, by William Johnston. Fourth edition, . . . revised and enlarged by William Francis and J. W. Griffith. 2 vol. por. D. [Bohn's standard library.] London: H. G. Bohn, 1846. Byrn, Edward Wright. 609 Qooi 26S4-.> -phe progress of invention in the nineteenth century. [2],viii, 476 p. 306 il. I pi. O. New York: Munn & Co., 1900. "Chronology of leading inventions of the nineteenth century," p. 7-14. Cochrane, Robert, editor. 609 P700 '''" The romance of industry and invention. 295 p. il. i pi. D. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1897. Marmery, J. Villin. 509 P500 '°'~' Progress of science. Its origin, course, promoters, and results. With an introduction by Samuel Laing. xxxi,358 p. O. Lon- don : Chapman & Hall, 1895. Nineteenth century. 031 Qioi S93U 'Y\\Q 19th century; a review of progress during the past one hun- dred years in the chief departments of human activity. i.x,494 p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, igor. Contents: i. Law and government : Nott,C. C. The immutabihly of the constitution. Moore, J. B. Progress of international law in the century. 2. History; Sedgwick, A. G. English political development in the century. Smith, M. Germany in the nineteenth century. Coolidge, K. C. The expansion of Russia in the nineteenth century. Bouri- notj.SirJ.G. Canada in the nineteenth century. Lummis,C.F. Mexico. Grififis,W. E. The century's changes in China and Japan. 3. Sociology: Heilprin, L. Geographical conquests of the nineteenth centur)'. White, H. The gold standard and gold production in the nineteenth century. Carnegie, A. Development of steel manufacture in the Uni- ted States. Cutter, C. A. Library development. Alexander, J. W. The phenomenon cf American Hfe assurance. Howe, J. W. Changes in the legal and political status of woman. Catt, C. C. Women iit the industries and professions. 4. Literature and the fine arts: Trent, W. G. American literature in the nineteenth century. Gosse, E. Eng- lish literature in the nineteenth century. Towse, J. R. The American theatre in the nineteenth century. Finck, H. T. The musical century. Sturgis, R. Progress of American architecture. Cox, K. Painting in the nineteenth century. 5. Education and science: Carter, F. The century's growth in higher education. Palmer, A. F. Higher education of women. Pierce, C. S. The century's great men in science. Newcomb, S. The century's advance in astronomical science. Billings, J, S. The progress of medicine in the nineteenth century. Lodge, O. Scope and tendencies of physics. Lang, A. Psychical research of the century. Stephen, L. Evolution and religious conceptions. 6. Applied science: De Vinne, T. L. Printing in the nineteenth century. Nicol, J. The birth and progress of photography. Trowbridge, J. Progress of electricity from 1800 to 1900. 7. Transportation: Chamberlain, E. T. Development of the merchant marine. Hadley, A. T. Railroad economy in the nineteenth century. Midgeley, J. W. Equip- ment, organisation, and operation of railroads. 8. The science of war: Maday, E. S. Development of the navy. Wilcox, C. DeW, Changes in military science. 28o THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 609 History of tech- Routledge, Robert. 609 P902 ^o^osY "005 Discoveries and inventions of the nineteenth century. Thirteenth edition. Revised and partly re-written, with additions. xiv,[2], 820 p. il. 17 pi. O. London: G. Routledge & Sons, 1900. Shadwell, Arthur, 1854?- 338 Q601 °"'* Industrial efficiency; a comparative study of industrial life in England, Germany and America, by Arthur Shadwell In two volumes. London, New York and Bombay, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1906. 2 vol. 234<^™. Contents. — vol. i. General comparisons and national qualities. Industrial districts in England. Industrial districts in Germany. Industrial districts in America, xiii, 346, [2] p. — vol. 2. Factory laws. Factory conditions. Hours. Wages. Workmen's compensation and insurance. Benevolent institutions. Housing. Cost of living and physical conditions. Social conditions. Trade unions and industrial disputes. Pauper- ism and thrift. Elementary education. Technical education. Conclusion. Index. Xj 488 p. 609 Qioo xvi,286 p. D. Sutherland, George. S85b6 'Pwentieth century inventions. A forecast. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1901. Contents: i. Inventive progress. 2. Natural power. 3. .Storage of power. 4. Arti- ficial power. 5. Road and rail. 6. Ships. 7. Agriculture. 8. Mining. 9. Domestic. 10. Electric messages, etc. 11. Warfare. 12. Music. 13. Art and news. 14. Inven- tion and collectivism. Taking up inventions made in the nineteenth century in various departments of science, the writer carries them out to their possible sequence in the twentieth century. Yeats, John. 609 O700 19802 Xechnical, industrial, and trade education. The technical history of commerce ; or. The progress of the useful arts Third edition, revised and. much enlarged.' xxviii,527 p. i map in pocket. D. London: G. Philip & Son, [1887?] 609.1 Origin of in- Mason, Otis Tufton. 609.1 P500 ■^*°*'°° '"" The origins of invention: a study of industry among primitive peoples. 419 p. il. 9 pi. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 28.] London: W. Scott, 1895. 609.2 Technical bi- Jones, Evan Rowland. 609.2 J71 ography 17260 Hgroes of industry. Biographical sketches. 324 p. 16 por. D. London: Sampson Low, ... & Rivington, 1886. Smith, George Barnett. 609.2 S648 '"*' Leaders of modern industry. Biographical sketches. vi,477 P- D. London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1894. Contents: The Stephensons. Charles Knight. Sir George Burns. Sir Josiah Mason. The Wedgwoods. Thomas Brassey. The Fairbairns. Sir William Siemens. The Ren- 609.4 Industries of Worsaae, Jens Jacob Asmussen. 571.0948 O200 "'^"'"^ '"'"' The industrial arts of Denmark from the earliest times to the Dan- ish conquest of England. 2 parts in i. il. map. D. [SoL'TH Kensington IVIuseum. Art handbooks.] London: Chapman & Hall, 1882. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 281 Seeger and Guernsey's cyclopaedia. L609.73 P90C 609.7 industries of '^^^' Seeger and Guernsey's cyclopaedia of the manufactures and ■^'"^"ca products of the United States, ccxl.i 1 16,[2] ,44 p. Q. New York: United States Industrial Publishing Co., c. 1899. "Buyers' inquiry form" pasted on inside of front cover. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate, editor. L309.73P400 ■"^ The United States of America. A study of the American com- monwealth, its natural resources, people, industries, manufactures, commerce, and its work in literature, science, education, and self- government. 2 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1894. Thomas Publishing Co., New York. 670.973 5 ''^^'^ .... Thomas' register of American manufacturers and first hands in all lines. The buyers guide Issued annually. .... New York, Thomas Publishing Co., '^1907. Vol. 3, 1907/8. 24x9™. Wright, Carroll Davidson. 330-973 P500 12440 -j-j^g industrial evolution of the United States. 362 p. il. i por. 4 maps. D. (Chautauqua reading circle literature.) Meadville, Penna. : Flood & Vincent, 1897. 620 ENGINEERING Appletons' cyclopsedia of technical drawing. ^744 A649 620.03 Contracts ""' Appletons' cyclopedia of technical drawing. Embracing the prin- *° ^^*'^' '^^ '°°^ ciples of construction as applied to practical design Edit- ed by W. E. Worthen. vii,[2],745,38 p. il. 15 pi. 5 maps. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1887. Johnson, John Butler, 1850-1902. 620.03 Q200 O0S70 Engineering contracts and specifications, including a brief synop- sis of the law of contracts and illustrative examples of the general and technical clauses of various kinds of engineering specifica- tions, designed for the use of students, engineers, and contractors by J. B.Johnson .... Third edition — revised New York, Engineering News Publishing Co., 1902. [2], 6, [2], vii. 7-566 p. front, (port.) 23<^"'. Cotterill, James Henry. 531 Q005 620.1 Theory Applied mechanics: an elementary general introduction to the theory of structures and machines. Fifth edition, revised and en- larged. xxiv,647 p. 213 il. 11 pi. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1900. Lanza, Gaetano. 620.1 Pooi 20404 y\^ppiig(j mechanics. Seventh edition, revised viii,929 p. 310 il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1899, c. 1885. 282 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 620.1 Theory Rankine, William John Macquorn. 531 P500 120U ^ nianual of applied mechanics. Fourteenth edition, thoroughly revised. By W. J. Millar. xiv,67i p. il. O. London: C. Griffin & Co., 1895. See also 531 Mechanics. 620.2 Handbooks of CyClOpCdia. 620.2 Q2OI engineering e798o Cyclopedia of engineering; a complete manual of steam and machine-shop practice ... edited by a corps of distinguished en- gineers, technical experts and eminent authorities. Editor-in- chief, Louis Derr .... Boston, American Technical Society, 1902. 4 vol. col. front., illus., pi., diagr. 24^'="'. Pt. 3-4 have title : Cyclopedia of engineering; a complete manual of electricity, power and lighting. "Au.horities consulted" at beginning of each volume. Handbuch. L620.2 O300 11804 Handbuch der Ingenieurwissenschaften Zweite vermehrte Auflage. Vol. i-. il. pi. maps, tables. Q. Leipzig: W. Engel- mann, 1885-. Vol. I published in 1S87. Various editions. Harcourt, Leveson Francis Vernon-, 1839- 620.2 Q200 **'■'* ... . Civil engineering as applied in construction, by Leveson Francis Vernon-Harcourt . . . with numerous illustrations of works in the text. London, New York [etc.], Longmans, Green, and Co., 1903. XV, [i ], 624 p. incl. diagr. 23*^"'. (Longmans' civil engineering series.) Rankine, William John Macquorn. 620.2 P700 14581 ^ manual of civil engineering. Twentieth edition, thoroughly revised. By W. J. Millar. xvi,8i8p. il. O. London : C. Grifhn & Co., 1898. 620.3 Dictionaries Byme, Oliver. L620.3 N400 '"' Spons' dictionary of engineering, civil, mechanical, military, and ^ naval ; with technical terms in French, German, Italian, and Span- ish. Edited by Byrne and Spon. London, New York, E. & F. N. Spon, 1874. 3 vol. illus., I fold, table. 254="". Paged continuously; vol. i: viii, 1040 p.; vol. 2: [4], io4i-2o8op.; vol. 3: [4], 2081-3131 p. . Supplement ... . Edited by Ernest Spon, .... Lon- don, New York, 1881. [8], 1 168 p. illus. 25i':"'. See also 603 Technical dictionaries. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 283 Burr, William Hubert, 185 i- 620.9 Q200 620.9 History of en- *"'"' Ancient and modern engineering and the Isthmian canal. ]5y 2'°^®'''°^ William H. Burr .... First edition New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1902. "V; 473 P- illus., plans, diagr. 234'^'". Contents. — Ancient civil-engineering works. — Bridges. — Water-works for cities and towns. — Some features of railroad engineering. — The Nicaragua route for a ship-canal. — The Panama route for a ship canal. Harcourt, Leveson Francis Vernon-. 620.9 Pioo *'^ Achievements in engineering dtiring the last half centiir\-. Sec- ond edition. vi,[2],3ii p. 10 il. 12 pi. i per. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1892. Hendricks' Commercial register. L620.973 2 620.973 Commercial ""° .... Hendricks' Commercial register of the United States for directory ^ buyers and sellers. Especially devoted to the interests of the architectural, mechanical, engineering, contracting, electrical, railroad, iron, steel, mining, mill, quarrying and kindred industries. .... New York, S. E. Hendricks Co., '■1899-'^ 1908. Vol. 9, 12, 15-17, 1S99, 1902, 1906-1908. 26j"^"'. Vol. 9 title reads: Hendricks' Architectural, engineering cS: mechanical directory of the United States; subtitle varies. Barber, Thomas Walter. 621.004 P700 621 Mechanical en- "•*'' The engineer's sketch-book of mechanical movements, devices, 8'°^®"''°? appliances, contrivances, and details employed in the design and construction of machinery for every purpose, classified & arranged for reference for the use of . . . all engaged in the mechanical arts. Third edition, considerably enlarged. 335 p. 2603 il. O. Lon- don : E. & F. N. Spon, 1897. Reid, John Simpson, &■ Reid, David. 621.004 Qt^oa ^"*' A text-book of mechanical drawing and elementary machine design. First edition viii,[2],389 p. 301 il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1900. Hutton, Frederick Remsen. 621.01 Pgoo 621.01 Heat engines ^'"' Heat and heat-engines. A study of the principles which underlie the mechanical engineering of a power plant. First edition xxi,553 p. 198 il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1899. "Bibliography," p. 528-530. Peabody, Cecil Hobart. 621.01 P8on '""' Thermodynamics of the steam-engine and other heat engines. Fourth edition, rewritten .... v,522 p. 97 il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1898. Barber, Thomas Walter. 621.02 P400 621.02 Manuals of 12699 -rt- ] • . ; 1 • A 1 ji, 1 < mechanical engin- 1 he repair and maintenance of machinery. A handbook of prac- eering tical notes and memoranda for engineers and machinery users. x,466 p. 417 il. O. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1895. eenng 284 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 621.02 Manuals of Carpenter, RoUa CHnton, 1852- 621.02 Q600 mechanical engin- ^1927 l£x;ncrimental en"irieerinCT and manual for testing. For engineers and for students in engineering laboratories. By Rolla C. Car- penter .... Sixth revised and enlarged edition New York, J. Wiley & Sons; [etc., etc.], 1906. xix, 843 p. front., illus., diagrs. 234™. Hiscox, Gardner Dexter. 621.02 Q401 67885 Mechanical appliances, mechanical movements and novelties of construction .... For engineers, draughtsmen, inventors, patent attorneys, and all others interested in mechanical operations. In- cluding an explanatory chapter on the leading conceptions of perpetual motion existing during the past three centuries. By Gardner B. Hiscox .... Being a supplementary volume to the author's work entitled Mechanical movements, powers, and de- vices. New York, The N. W. Henley Publishing Company, 1904 396 p. illus., diagrs. 24'^"^. Hiscox, Gardner Dexter. 621.02 P901 "''" Mechanical movements. Powers, devices and appliances used in constructive and operative machinery and the mechanical arts. For the use of inventors, . . . and all others interested in any way in mechanics. [4] ,402 p. 1649 il. O. New York : Munn & Co., 1899. Horner, Joseph G. 621.02 P301 "'•■" The principles of fitting. For apprentices, and students in tech- nical schools. By a foreman pattern maker. And including a number of useful shop notes and memoranda. x,3i3 p. il. 5 pi. D. [Whittaker's library of arts, sciences & industries.] London : Whittaker & Co., [1893]. Jamieson, Andrew. 621.02 Q508 67(j:iu (^ text-book of applied mechanics and mechanical engineering. Specially arranged for the use of engineers qualifying for the Institution of Civil Engineers, the diplomas and degrees of tech- nical colleges and universities, advanced science certificates of British and colonial boards of education, and honours certificates of the City and Guilds of London Institute, in mechanical en- gineering, and engineers generally. By Andrew Jamieson, .... Volume I-[ll]. Fifth edition, revised. With numerous dia- grams, special plates, and examination questions. London, C. Grififin & Co., ltd., i905-[i9o6] 2 vol. fronts., illus., 7 pi. (i fold.), I fold, table, i fold, diagr. 20"^". Rankine, William John Macquorn. 621.02 P300 "'^' A manual of machinery and millwork. Seventh edition, thor- oughly revised, by W. J. Millar. xvi,6oi p. il. O. London: C. Griffin & Co., 1893. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 285 Rankine, William John Macquorn. 621.02 P702 621.02 Manuals of "-'" A manual of the steam ensjinc and other prime movers. Four- ™e9'iaiiical engin- o r eenng teenth edition, revised. By VV. J. Millar. x.\xii,G38 p. il. 2 pi. 1 table. D. London: C. Griffin & Co., 1897. Unwin, William Cawthorne, 1838- 621.02 Q102 30969 jj^g elements of machine design. Part I-[ll] By W. Cawthorne Unwin, F.R.S New edition, revised and enlarged ... . London,New York, [etc.], Longmans, Green, & Co., 1901- 1902. 2 vol. iS^"". [Text-books of science.] Contents. — vol. I. General principles, fastenings, and transmissive machinery (Eighteenth impression.) 1901. xvi, 555 p. 345 diagr. — vol. 2. Chiefly on engim details. 1902. xiv, 431 p. 259 diagr. Weisbach, Julius, 1 806-1 871. 621.02 N500 63595 Lehrbuch der Ingenieur- und Maschinen-Mechanik. Mit den nothigen Hlilfslehren aus der Analysis fiir den Unterricht an technischen Lehranstalten sowie zum Gebrauche fiir Techniker bearbeitet von Dr. phil. Julius Weisbach .... Fiinfte verbesserte und vervollstandigte Auflage bearbeitet von Gustav Herrmann, .... In drei Theilen. Mit gegen 4000 in den Text einge- druckten Holzstichen Braunschweig, F. Vieweg und Sohn, 1876-1901. 7 vol. illus., diagrs. 2i.i"^"'. Contents. — i. Th. Lehrbuch der theoretischen Mechanik. Zweiter unverandertei Abdruck des l875erschienenen Werkes. 1896. [4, xiii]-xxviii, 1319P. I034illus. — 2. Th. Die Stalik der Bauwerke und die Mechanik der Umtriebsmaschinen. 1882-1887 2 vol. illus. — 3. Th. Die Mechanik der Zwischen- und Arbeitsmaschinen. Zweite ver- besserte und vervollstandigte Auflage. 1876-1901. 3 vol. in 4. illus. Horner, Joseph Gregory, fd. L62I.O3Q60O 621.03 Dictionaries .6753 Henley's encyclopaedia of practical engineering and alhed trades. A practical and indispensable work of reference for the mechani- cal engineer, designer, draftsman, shop superintendent, foreman and machinist Edited by Joseph G. Horner, . . . , assisted by a corps of practical men, each a specialist in the subject of which he writes. Profusely illustrated New York, N. W. Henley Publishing Company, 1906-. Vol. I-. illus., plates. 2sh'='". Horner, Joseph G., c^^itor. 621.03 Qioc '^"*" Lockwood's Dictionary of terms used in the practice of mechanical engineering, embracing those current in the drawing office, pattern shop, foundry, fitting, turning, smiths' and boiler shops Third edition, revised, with appendix. vi,452 p. D. London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1902. Thurston, Robert Henry. 531-8 P40C 621.04 Animal as a , . , . ,11/- machine 12236 jYiQ animal as a machine and a prime motor, and the laws of en- ergetics. First edition iv,97 p. 3 il. D. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1894. 286 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 621.07 Engineering Le^?5is, Myron H 62I.O71 Q60O examinations aasis ]y[^-inual of examinations for engineering positions in the service of the city of New York. Questions and answers in 3 volumes and 8 parts. Vol. I. Axeman, chainman and rodman, leveler, transitman and computer. Vol. II. Assistant engineer. Vol. III. Draftsman and inspector. To which are added appendixes giv- ing examination papers, etc. in the civil service of the federal government (including Panama Canal and United States navy), New York state, Boston, New Orleans, etc. By Myron H. Lewis . . . and Milton Kempner . . . New York, The Engineering News Publishing Co., 1906. 9 pts. in I vol. illus., diagrs. 22^'='". Blank leaves inserted. 621.09773 Station- Directory. 621.097731 CMcago'"^*'^ ° ""'* ••• • Directory of stationary engineers of Illinois. Contains ... ^ list of steam plants, with capacity and name of engineer in charge .... Alphabetical list of all engineers in Chicago and all steam plants in Illinois, arranged by towns, .... Classified directory of leading engineers' supply houses Chicago, Licensed Stationary Engineers Directory Company, ['i892]-<'i9o8. Vol. I, 17, 1S92, 1908. 23<^"'.-27x 20<^°'. Vol. I title reads: Directory of licensed stationary engineers of Chicago. 621.1 Steam engin- Gebhardt, George Fredrerick. 621. i Q802 g 66»97 5(^g2,^ power plant engineering, by G. F. Gebhardt .... First edition New York, J. Wiley & Sons ; [etc., etc.], 1908. xxix, 816 p. incl. illus., tables, diagrs. 234"=". "This book is the outcome of a series of lectures delivered to the senior class of the Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago, 111." ^Pref. "General bibliography — Power plant engineering. Description of power plants," P- 724-743- Jamieson, Andrew. 621. i Q402 47614 /^ text-book on steam and steam engines, including turbines and boilers. Specially arranged for the use of engineers qualifying for the Institution of Civil Engineers, . . . , and honours certificates of the City and Giiilds of London Institute, in mechanical engi- neering, and engineers gencralh'. By Andrew Jamieson, .... Fourteenth edition, revised. With nimierous diagrams, folding- plates, and examination questions. London, C. Griffin & Co., ltd., 1904. xxiv, 780 p. front., illus., 6 fold. pi. (l col.), 2 fold, diagis. 20'=™. 65319 Peabody, Cecil Hobart, 1855- 533.9 Q700 Tables of the properties of steam and other vapors and lenipcra- turc-cntropy table, by Cecil H. Peabody .... Seventh edition. Rewritten. New York, J. Wiley & Sons; [etc., etc.], 1908. V, 131 p. 234'="'. "The actual work of reconi])uting tlic tables of proiwrties of steam and of constructing the tcnipcraturc-entropy tabic has been done by Mr. Harold A. Everell." — Pref. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 287 Rose, Joshua. L6jl 1P303 621.1 steam engin- '"■"' Modern steam engines: an elementary treatise upon the steam **f'°2 engine, written in plain language, for use in the workshop as well as in the drawing office. Giving full explanations of the con- struction of modern steam engines ; including diagrams showing their actual operation ; together with complete but simple expla- nations of the operations of various kinds of valves, valve motions, and link motions, etc New edition, revised and improved. 357 p. il. I pi. sq.F. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1897. Sennett, Richard, &■ Oram, Henry J. 621.12 P902 2B875 -pj^g marine steam engine. A treatise for engineering students, . . . , and officers of the Royal Navy and mercantile marine. Fifth edition. xi,5 19 p. 414 il. O. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1900. Thurston, Robert Henry, 1S39-1903. 621. i P604 "'^"^ .... A history of the growth of the steam-engine, by Robert H. Thurston .... Fourth edition,, revised. New York, D. Ap- pleton and Co., 1901. xviii, 530 p. front., illus. (incl. ports., diagrs.) ig.J"^"'. (^Half-title; The inter- national scientific series, vol. xxiv.) Series title also at head of t.-p. Thurston, Robert Henry, 1 839-1903. 621. i Q004 27106 ^ manual of the steam-engine. For engineers and technical schools; advanced courses. By Robert H. Thurston, A.M Fifth revised edition New York, J. Wiley & Sons; Lon- don, Chapman & Hall, It'd., 1900-1902. 2 vol. 234™. Contents. — pt. i. Structure and theory. [2], xxi, 1017, xv p. front., illus. incl. diagrs., 5 pi., 4 fold, diagr. 1900. — pt. 2. Design, construction, and operation, xxiii, 960, xvi p. iUus. incl. diagrs., 2 pi., S diagr. (partly fold.), 2 fold, tables. 1902. White, Sir William Henry. L62^.8 P406 291-20 A 1 r 1 , . ^^ O -r A manual of naval architecture. For use of officers of the Royal Navy, officers of the mercantile marine, yachtsmen, shipowners, and shipbuilders. Fifth edition xx,73i p. 176 il. O. London: J. Murray, 1900. Contains also chapters on marine engineering and ship propulsion. Stevens, Theodore. 621.17 Q604 621.17 steam tur- '"" Steam turbine engineering; by T. Stevens ... and H. M. Hobart *''"" .... With 516 illustrations. London and New York, Whittaker and Co., 1906. X, 814 p. illus., fold, plates, fold, tables, diagrs. (partly fold.) 23.i'^"". (0« cover: The specialists' series.) Bibliography, p. 749-776. 288 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 621.17 Steam tur- Stodola, Aurel. 621.18 steam boilers 621.17 Q606 bines 88*44 gteam turbines, with an appendix on gas turbines and the future of heat engines, by Dr. A. Stodola .... Second revised edition of the authorized translation from the second enlarged and revised German edition, with mathematical supplement and aid by Dr. Louis C. Loewenstein ... with 241 cuts and 3 lithograph tables. New York, D. Van Nostrand Company; [etc., etc.], 1906. jdx, 490 p. illus., diagrs. (4 fold.) 234'='". 3 folded diagrams in pocket. "First published in tile Zeitschrift des Vereins deutscher Ingenieure, 1903."— Au- tlior's pref. to first edition. Kent, William. 621.18 Qioo '^'"^ Steam-boiler economy. A treatise on the theory and practice of fuel economy in the operation of steam-boilers. First edition. ... . xiv,4S8 p. 134 il. 2 maps. O. New York : J, Wiley & Sons, 1901. "Coal fields of tfie United States," p. 52-83. Peabody, Cecil flobart, 1855- 621.18 Q802 *'"' Steam-boilers. By Cecil H. Peabody ... and Edward F. Miller .... Second edition, revised and enlarged. New York, J. Wiley & Sons; [etc., etc.], 1908. viii, 434 p. incl. illus., tables, diagrs. (partly fold.) 234™. Poole, Herman. 662.6 Qooi 23274 jj^g calorific power of fuels. With a collection of auxiliary tables, and tables showing the heat of combustion of fuels, solid, liquid and gaseous. To which is appended the report of the Committee on Boiler Tests of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (December, 1899). Second edition, revised and enlarged xvii,269 p. 40 il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1900. Thurston, Robert Henry. 621.18 Qioi 6029:i yY niantial of steam-boilers : their design, construction, and opera- tion. For technical schools and engineers. By R. H. Thurston .... Seventh edition, revised and enlarged .... New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1901. xvi, 872, xiii p. front., illus., plates, tables. 234'''". 621.2 Hydraulic ma- Blaine, Robert Gordon. 621.2 Q501 ^°^^ '""" H}'draiilic machinery. With an introduction to hydraulics by Robert Gordon Blaine, .... Second edition, revised and en- larged. London, E. & F. N. Spon, ltd.; New York, Spon & Chamberlain, 1 905. xii, 468 p. incl. front, (port.), illus., I fold. ])1., i fold, plan, 4 fold, diagr. 224°°'. (^Half-title: Finsbury technical manuals ) BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 289 Church, Irving Porter, I 85 I- 621.2 Q5OO 621.2 Hydraulic ma- 63517 Hydraulic motors, witli related subjects, including centrifugal Ginnery pumps, pipes, and open channels, designed as a text-book for engineering schools, by Irving P. Church .... First edition. .... New York, J. Wiley & Sons; [etc., etc.], 1905. [2], vi, 269, [12], vii-ix p. front., illiis., plates, diagrs. 24™'. "Bibliography of hydraulic motors," p. iv. Lyndon, Lamar. 537-835 Q800 64644 development and electrical distribution of water power, by La- mar Lyndon. First edition .... New York, J. Wiley & Sons ; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 190S. "•"^i 3' 7 P- iUus. incl. diagrs. 23A':'". Marks, George Croydon. 621.2 Q502 s6»7c H\draulic power engineering. A practical manual on the con- centration and transmission of power b)' h_\'draulic machinery by G. Croj'don Marks Second edition, enlarged. With about two hundred and forty illustrations. London, C. Lockwood and Son, 1905. xvi, 38S p. front., diagrs., iS pi. (l fold.) 21"". "May be regarded as a successor to a smaller volume by the same author on 'Hy- draulic machinery,' published in 1S91." — Pref. to first edition. Merriman, Mansfield, 1848- 532 Q300 63ou:) Treatise on hydraulics, by Mansfield Merriman ... . Eighth edition, rewritten and enlarged New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1903. viii, 5S5 p. diagr. 23A<:'". Wood , De Volson. 62 1 . 24 P600 U59S Turbines, theoretical and practical, with numerical examples and experimental results. Second edition, revised and enlarged. [4], 152 p. il. 45 pi. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. See also 532 Hydraulics; 626-627 Canal and river engineering. Carpenter, RoUa Clinton, 1852- 621.43 Q804 621.4 Gas engines •^""^ Internal combustion engines, their theory, construction and ope- ration, by Rolla C. Carpenter ... and H. Diederichs .... New York, D. Van Nostrand Company, 1908. xiv, 597 p. incl. illus., tables, diagrs. 24A'''". Donkin, Bryan, 1835-1902. 621.4 QSOS 63549 ^ |.g^j. IjqqI^ q^ g^s^ Qil_ 3,i(] aj[. engines ; by Bryan Donkin .... With 165 illustrations and selected tables of trials. Fourth edi- tion, revised and enlarged. London, C. Grififin and Co., ltd., 1905. xxii, 568 p. illus., II tables. 23<:"'. "Bibliography up to 1905," p. 555-557. 290 THE TOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 621.4 Gas engines Giildner, HugO. L621.4 Q5OO "'" Das Entvverfen und Berechnen der Verbrennungsmotoren. Hand- buch fiir Konstruktcure und Erbauer von Gas- und Olkraftma- schinen. Von Hugo Giildner, .... Zweite, bedeutend enveiterte Auflage. Mit 800 Textfiguren und 30 Konstruktionstafeln. Berlin, J. Springer, 1905. x\-i. 626. [2] ]). illus., XXX fold, diagr. 2.^^<^'^. Hiscox, Gardner Dexter. 621.4 Q200 °""^ Gas, gasoline and oil engines; an up-to-date book on the sub- ject of explosive motor power ... by Gardner D. Hiscox .... Tenth edition, reset, revised and enlarged, with 312 illustrations. New York, N. W. Henley & Co., 1902. [4, vii]-viii, 411 p. illus., diagr. 234°™. 621.5 Compressed Hiscox, Gardner Dexter. 621.5 Qioi air. Refrigeration Ice. 49947 Compressed air. Its production, uses, and applications. Com- prising the physical properties of air from a vacuum to its liquid state, its thermodynamics, compression, transmisBion and uses as a motive power .... 822 p. 545 il. i pi. i por. O. New York: N. W. Henley & Co., 1901. "Patents. Issued by the United .Stales Patent Office on compressed air and its appli- ances, from 1875 to July i, 1901," p. 805-817. 621.5 Q5O2 Ice and cold storage trades' directory and handbook ... for all connected with the refrigerating industry & allied trades in Great Britain, the colonies, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the United States. London, The Ice and Cold Storage Publishing Compa- ny, ltd., 1905. Vol. 5, 1905. 23™. Tayler, Alexander James Wallis-. 621.5 Q201 ^'"■" Refrigeration, cold storage and ice-making; a practical treatise on the art and science of refrigeration, by A. J. Wallis-Tayler .... With three hundred and sixty-one illustrations. London, C. Lockwood and Son, 1902. x.Ki, 590 p. illus., plate, table, diagr. 23'°'. An elaboration of an earlier work, "Refrigerating and ice-making machinery." Appendix : Useful tables and memoranda. Bibliography of refrigeration. 621.64 Piunping ma- Barr, William Miller. chinery 621.64 Q80O Pumping machinery. A practical hand-book relating to the construction and management of steam and power pumping ma- chines. By William M. Barr Second edition. With two hundred and eighty-seven engravings, covering every essential detail in pump construction. Philadelphia and London, J. B. Lip- pincott Company, 1 908. 483 p. illus., 3 pi. (2 fold.), I di.igr. 24<^"'. I plate and diagram have illustratic ns on both sides. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 291 MacCord, Charles William. 621.81 O300 621.8I Principles of ""' Kinematics. A treatise on the modification of motion, as affected ""^'^'lanism by the forms and modes of connection of the moving parts of machines Fourth edition >^io3S P- ih O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1896, c. 1883. Robinson, Stillman Williams. 621.81 P600 S921 p,-inciples of mechanism. A treatise on tlie modification of mo- tion by means of the elementary combinations of mechanism, or of the parts of machines First edition xv,309 p. 353 il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. Horner, Joseph [Gregory] . 621.9 Q500 621.9 Machine shop. 47563 -pQQJg fQ^ engineers and woodworkers including modern instru- ments of measurement, by Joseph Horner With four hundred and fifty-six illustrations. London, C. Lockwood and Son, 1905. xii, 340 p. 456 diagrs. 21"". Rose, Joshua. L621.9P902 '"" Modern machine-shop practice. Operation, construction, and principles of shop machinery, steam engines, and electrical ma- chinery. Third edition, revised and enlarged. 2 vol. il. pi. por. sq. F. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1899. Vol. 2 is ill second edition, and has no subtitle. Smith, Oberlin. 671 P600 "" Press-working of metals. A treatise upon the principles and practice of shaping metals in dies by the action of presses First edition 276 p. 431 il. i pi. O. New York : J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. Horner, Joseph Gregory. 621.94 Q601 621.94 Metal turn- 635J8 Practical metal turning; a handbook for engineers, technical stu- '°^ dents, and amateurs (re-issue of "Engineers' turning") ... b)- Joseph G. Horner .... Illustrated by four hundred and eighty- five illustrations. London, C. Lockwood and Sons, 1906. [2], [v]-xii, 404 p. illus. 2i4°"'. Contents. — Preface. — Introduction: The relations of the turnery to the machine shop. — The lathe, its work, and the tools. — Turning between centres. — Work support- ed at one end. — Internal work. — Screw cutting and turret work. — Miscellaneous matters.— Steel makers' instructions. — Index. Lukin, James. 684.1 O800 '"' Turning lathes : a manual for technical schools and apprentices. A guide to turning, screw-cutting, metal-spinning, &c., S:c. vi, [2],i6op. il. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1888. 292 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 622 iMining engin- Copper handbook. 622.09 I eenng 2S9«» The Copper handbook. A manual of the copper industry of the world Houghton, Michigan, 1900-. Continued from [vol. i], 1900. 23"^'". [Vol. I ], subtitle reads: Giving fifty statistical tables, . . . , and much other informa- tion of value; it is "devoted mainly to Lake Superior copper mines"; vol. 2, A manual of the copper industry of the United States and foreign countries. Edited by Horace J. Stevens. Davies, David Christopher. 553-6 P200 1371S ^ treatise on earthy and other minerals and mining. By D. C. Davies. Third edition, thoroughly revised and enlarged by his son E. Henry Davies. xviii,394 p. 76 il. D. London: C. Lock- wood & Son, 1892. Foster, Sir Clement Le Neve, 1 841-1904. 622.02 Q504 63516 ^ treatise on ore and stone mining. By Sir Clement Le Neve Foster .... Sixth edition, revised and enlarged by Bennett H. Brough .... London, C. Grififin & Co., ltd., 1905. XXX, 799 p. front., illus., diagrs. 22"^™. "List of periodical publications dealing with ore and stone mining," p. xxix-xxx. Bibliographies interspersed. International mining manual. L622.0973 5 60315 International mining manual .... Embracing the principal operating metal mines, mills, smelting & refining plants of the United States, Mexico and Canada and coal mines of the western states, Mexico and Canada Denver, Colorado, Western Mining Directory Company, [1907]. Vol. 15, 1907. 27*'^"'. Edited by Alexander R. Dunbar. Mineral industry. 622.051 i "'° The Mineral industry, its statistics, technology and trade, in the United States and other countries Founded by the late Richard P. Rothwell Continued from vol. i. 1892. il. pi. pi. of por. O. New York 1893-. Vol. 1-8 edited by Richard P. Rothwell; vol. 9, by Richard V. Rothwell and Joseph Struthers; vol. 10-, by Joseph Struthers. Vol. 1-5 published as .Statistical supplement to Engineering and mining jou1n.1l. Mining manual. 622.052 2 The Mining manual .... A record of information concerning mining companies, arranged in four sections: Australasian, South African, West African & Miscellaneous ... . Continued from vol. [11]. 1897. O. London 1897-. Edited by Walter R. Skinner. Vol. [11-14] have subtitle : Separate sections are devoted to Australasian mining com- panies and South African mining companies; vol. 15 adds west African mining companies. Vol. [11-14] c-illed vol. 9-12. 987"* BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 293 Mining year-book. 622.052 5 622 Mining engin- 3H,i2 jj^g Mining year-book. "The busy man's book on minus." ^^""S .... London, The Financial Times, [1901-1906]. 1901, 1906. 2 vol. illus. (maps). 22"". 1901 edited by Neville Beeman and A. N. Jackman; 1906, by A. N. Jackman. Introductions and glossary by J. \V. Broomhead. National. 622.0973 4 ""' National iron and steel, coai and coke blue book. An authentic and concise list of firms, corporations and individuals, engaged in the production of iron and steel, coal and coke, in the United States. The plants or mines operated, their location, description, equipment, etc Pittsburg, Pa., R. L. Polk & Co., ["=1902- "1907] Vol. 1-3, 1902-1907. 2ii'^'".-24.i':"'. Vol. 1-2 edited by B. H. Morwood. U. S. A. Department of Coiiniieree and Labor. L622.0973 Q200 ''"'' Bureau of the Census. ... Mines and quarries 1902. Prepared under the supervision of William I\I. Steuart, chief statistician for manufactures .... Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1905. xxix, 1 123 p. plates, diagrs. 30"^"'. At liead of tide; Department of Commerce and Labor. Bureau of ihe Census, S. N. D. North, director. Special reports. Electricity in mining, by Thomas Commerford Martin, p. 145-161. Reports on separate minerals: Iron ore. Manganese ore, by John Birkinbine. — Lead and zinc ore. Copper ore. Gold and silver, by Isaac A. Hourwich. — Precious metals re- covered by cyanide processes, by Charles E. Munroe. — Quicksilver, Borax, Phosphate rock. Sulphur and pyrite. Mineral pigments (crude), Asphaltum and bituminous rock, Bauxite, Graphite, Magnesile, by Joseph Struthers. — Platinum, by David T. Day. — Coal, by Edward W. Parker. — Petroleum, Natural gas, by F. II. Oliphant. — Stone, by George P. Merrill. — Cement, Gypsum, Flint and feldspar, Fuller's earth, Marl, by Story B. Ladd. — Clay, by Jefferson Middleton. — Abrasive materials. Fluorspar, Barytes, Steel hardening metals. Asbestos, Lithium ore. Mica, Monazite, Talc and soapstone, by Joseph Hyde Pratt. — Precious stones, by George F. Kunz. — Mineral resources of Porto Rico, by \\'illiam F. Willoughby. U.S.A. Department of the Interior. Geological Survey. 622.09732 '"" .... Mineral resources of the United States Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1883-. Continued from [vol. 1], 18S2. illus., plates, maps, tables. 23<''". At head of title: Department of the Interior. United States Geological Survey 1894-1899 published as part of the Annual report of the United States Geological Survey, no. 16-21, 1894-1900, which has shelf number L557.3 2 Copp, Henry N., (v/Z/w. 622.007 P6oo 622.007 Mining laws *"" American mining code: embracing the United States, state, and territorial mining laws, the Land Office regulations, and a digest of federal and state court and land department decisions, iv, 214 p. O. Washington, D. C: published by the editor, 1896. 294 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 622.007 Mining laws Shamel, Charles H , 1867- 622.007 Q700 """ Mining, mineral and geological law; a treatise on the law of the United States involving geology, mineralogy and allied sciences as applied in mining, real estate, public land. United States cus- toms and other litigation ; also the acquisition and maintenance of mining rights in the public domain and obtaining patents for mineral land under the United States mining laws. By Charles H. Shamel .... London, New York, Hill Publishing Company, 1907. -NXx, 627 p. illus., fold, tables, diagrs. 24="". "Bibliography," p. 551-570. U. S. A. Latvs, statutes, etc. 622. 007 Q701 """" .... United States mining laws, and regulations thereunder. Approved May 21, 1907. [Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1907.] 66 p. 24i"". .// keaii of title; General Land Office. 622.33 Coal mining Gresley, William Stukeley. 622.33 O300 14090 ^ glossary of terms used in coal mining. x,[2],296 p. 138 il. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1883. Nicolls, William Jasper. 553-23 P700 12505 -pj^g Story of American coals. 405 p. i pi. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1897. 622.34 Copper min- Weed, Walter Harvey, 1862- 622.3419 Q700 '°^ """ The copper mines of the world, by Walter Harvey Weed .... New York and London, Hill Publishing Company, 1907. '''^> 375 P- illus., diagrs., maps (l fold.) 24"^™. Contains references. 623 Military and naval engineering Blue book. L656.0973 10 "■■^^ .... Blue book of American shipping. Marine [and] naval directory of the United States, . . . statistics of shipping and ship building in America .... Cleveland, Ohio, Chicago, [etc.], [« 1 899- 1 90s]. 1899, 1902, 1905. 3 vol. illus., plates. 26i'^'". Subtitle varies. 1905: Tenth annual edition. Farrow, Edward S. I^SSS-OS P501 81020 parrow's military encyclopedia. A dictionary of military knowl- edge. Second edition, revised and enlarged, with supplement. 3 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. New York: Military-Naval Publishing Co., 1895, c. 1884. Naval annual. I'359-052 i 12660 -j-j^g Naval annual Portsmouth, J. Grififin and Co., 189S-. Continued from [vol. 12], 189S. fronts., illus., plates, plans, maps, tables. 25™. liUOKS IN THE READING RUOM. 295 Naval encyclopasdia. L359.03 Oooi 623 Military and '"-'" A naval encyclopaedia: comprising a dictionary of nautical words "^^a' engineeiing and phrases ; biographical notices, and records of naval officers ; special articles on naval art and science, written ... by officers and others of recognized authority in the branches treated by them. Together with descriptions of the principal naval stations and seaports of the world. 1017 p. il. 0. Philadelphia: L. R Hamersly & Co., 1881. Patterson, Howard. L656.9 Qioi 3U459 Patterson's Illustrated nautical encyclopedia. From keel to truck. From stem to sternpost. From zenith to nadir. From bedplate to funnel. From torpedo boat to battle ship (Revised and enlarged edition.) 5i4p.500il. i por. paged in. O. Cleve- land, O. : Marine Review Pub. Co., c. 1901. White, Sir William Henry. L623.8 P406 623.8 Naval arcni- """ A manual of naval architecture. For use of officers of the Royal **'=*"'^* Navy, officers of the mercantile marine, yachtsmen, shipowners, and shipbuilders. Fifth edition -'3 Milk and its products. A treatise upon the nature and qualities of dairy milk and the manufacture of butter and cheese. Third edition, with additions. xiii,[i],3ii p. il. D. [Rural science series.] New York : Macmillan Co., 1900. "References to agricultural experiment station reports and bulletins," p. 289-297. Cheshire, Frank R. 638 O600 638 Bees '"-" Bees & bee-keeping; scientific and practical. A complete treat- ise on the anatomy, physiology, floral relations, and profitable management of the hive bee 2 vol. il. pi. D. London : L. U. Gill, 1 886-1 888. Contents: Vol. i. Scientific. Vol. 2. Practical. U. S. A. Coininission of Fish and Fisheries. 639.2 Qooi 639 Fish culture *^'"*' .... A manual of fish-culture, based on the methods of the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries, with chapters on the cultivation of oysters and frogs. Revised edition. Wash- ington, Gov't Print. Off., 1900. X, 340 p. col. front., illus., 79 pi. (l fold.), 3 fold, plans. 23.^'="'. At head of tillc: U. S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 640 DOMESTIC ECONOMY Campbell, Helen, [/w;// Stuart] . 640.2 P6oo '""' Household economics. A course of lectures in the School of Economics of the University of Wisconsin. xxi,286 p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 640 Domestic Econ- Conn, Herbert William, 1S59- S^Q-Q Q300 °"^y O"'' Bacteria, yeasts, and molds in the home, by H. W. Conn .... Boston and London, Ginn & Co., 1903. vi, 293 p. illus., diagrs. 19"'". Laughlin, Clara Elizabeth, 1873- , a/. 640.2 Q600 """= The complete hostess; edited by Clara E. Laughlin. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1906. xiii, 321 p. front., 15 pi. igi'^'". Contents. — Informal entertaining in the home, by C. E. Laughlin and P. Leonard. — Formal entertaining in the home, by C. E. Laughlin and P. Leonard . — Outdoor entertain- ments, by P. Leonard. — Children's parlies, by E. K. Marble. — Entertainments for young people from twelve to seventeen years of age, by E. K. Marble. — Weddings, by C. E. Laughhn. — Wedding anniversaries, byE. K. Marble. — Cotilhons and fancy-dress parties for adults and older young people, by S. C. Rippey. — Church entertainments, by Mrs. J. F. Kirk, jr. — Large public entertainments, by E. Kendall. — Entertaining con- gresses, federated clubs, etc., by P. Leonard. — Clubs, by P. Leonard. — Hostess and guest, by C. E. Laughlin and E. K. Marlile. — School exhibitions and exercises, by Mrs. J. F. Kirk, jr. — -Calls, cards, invitations, etc., by P. Leonard. Parloa, Maria, 1S43- 640.2 Q602 ^-"' . . . Home economics ; a guide to household management, incltid- ing the proper treatment of the materials entering into the con- struction and the furnishing of the house, by Maria Parloa .... [New and enlarged edition.] New York, The Century Co., 1906. xii, [2], 416 p. illus. 194'^'". Richards, Ellen Henrietta, [/wv/ Swallow], 640.2 P700 & Elliott, S. Maria. The chemistry of cooking and cleaning. A manual for hotise- keepers. Second edition, revised and rewritten. vi,[2],i58p. D. Boston: Home Science Publishing Co., 1897. 640.973 Hotels Official hotel red book. 640.973 i "'" The Ofificial hotel red book and directory. Containing a complete ^ and reliable list of the best hotels in the United States and Cana- da, including summer and winter resorts; also a list of hotels in London, and other foreign cities New York City, Official Hotel Red Book and Directory Co., ^^i896-*"i9o8. 1S96, 1900, 1904, 1908. 4 vol. illus. 24'^'". 1896, 1900 title reads: Hotel red book. United States official hotel directory 641 Cooking Abel, .Ifrs. Mary Hinman. 641 P004 Practical, sanitary and economic cooking adapted to persons of moderate and small means. The Lomb prize essay. Inscription : "The five food principles, illustrated by practical recipes." x, [2], 186 p. 1). Rochester: American Ptiblic Health Association, 1890. BOOKS L\ THE READING ROOM. 311 Atkinson, Edward. 641 P501 541 cooking "'*" The science of nutrition. Treatise upon the science of nutrition. The Aladdin oven, invented by Edward Atkinson Diet- aries carefully computed under the direction of Mrs. Ellen H. Richards Nutritive values of food materials, collated from the writings of Prof. W. O. Atwater [Fourth edition.] .... -246 p. il. I pi. sq.O. Boston: Damrell & Upham, 1896. Farmer, Fannie Merritt, 1S57- 641 Q415 623S3 -pj^g Boston cooking-school cook book. By Fannie Merritt Farmer .... Revised, with an appendix of three hundred reci- pes, and an addenda of one hundred recipes. Boston, Little, Brown, and Co., 1905, [1904]. XXX, 682 p. illus. 20"". Garrett, Theodore Francis, ci/itor. L641 P8oi 21996 -Y\\e encyclopaedia of practical cookery : a complete dictionary of all pertaining to the art of cookery and table service. Illustrated by Harold Furniss, George Cruikshank. W. Munn Andrew, and others. Edited by Theodore Francis Garrett. Assisted by William A. Rawson . . . and other distinguished chefs de cuisine .... 4 vol. il. pi. por. sq.Q. Hyde Park, Mass., U. S. A.: G. T. King. [1898]. Jago, William. ■ 641 P502 "''" A text-book of the science and art of bread-making ; incluiling the chemistry and analytic and practical testing of wheat, flour, and other materials employed in baking. 1 1,648 p. 81 il. 14 pi. O. London : Simpkin, ■.. . , Kent & Co., 1895. Ronald, Mary. 641 P500 '""' The Century cook book xiv,[2],s88 p. 60 pi. O. New York: Century Co., 1896. Blyth, Alexander Wynter. 543- 1 Q300 643,FQod 60265 pQQ(]g ■ their composition and analysis. A manual for the use of analytical chemists and others. With an introductory essay on the history of adulteration. By Alexander Wynter Blyth . . . and Meredith Wynter Blyth .... Fifth edition, thoroughly revised, enlarged and rewritten. London, C. Griffin & Co., ltd., 1903. XXV, 616 p. incl. illus., tables, diagrs. 5 pi. (incl. front.), fold, table. 23<^™. Konig, Joseph. 643 Q300 ^^"" Chemie der mcnschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. Von Dr. J. Konig Vierte verbesserte Auflage. Mit in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen. Berlin, J. Springer, 1903-. Vol. I-. illus. 24i="'. 312 THE' JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 643 Food Norton, Jfrs. Mary Alice (Peloubet). 643 Q704 *"" Food and dietetics, by Alice Peloubet Norton .... Chicago, American School of Home Economics, 1907. [i5]-227 (/.(■. 231) p. incl. illus., tables, front., 4 pi. 2o-i'^"'. {^AMeil l.-p.. The library of home economics .... [^'l].) Contains test questions. "Bibliography," p. 181-187. Richards, Ellen Henrietta (Swallow) 643 Qioo '-Mrs. R. H. Richards." The cost of food: a study in dietaries. By Ellen H. Richards .... First edition New York, J. Wiley & Sons ; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1901. [iii]-v, 161 p. \(f"^. "Bibliography," p. 155-158. Springsteed, Anne Frances. 643 P400 3560 -pj^g expert waitress : a manual for the pantry, kitchen, and dining- room. [8],i3i p. S. New York: Harper & Brothers, c. 1894. Wiley, Harvey Washington, 1 847- 643 Q700 6*756 Poods and their adulteration ; origin, manufacture, and composi- tion of food products ; description of common adulterations, food standards, and national food laws and regulations, by Harvey W. Wiley .... With eleven colored plates and eighty-si.x other illustrations. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1907. xii, 625 p. incl. illus., taViles. ii col. pi. 24.4"". 645 Furniture Cook, Clarence [Chatham]. 645 N700 13962 jj-jg house beautiful. Essays on beds and tables, stools and can- dlesticks. 336 p. 99 il. O. [New York] : C. Scribner's Sons, 1895,0. 1877. Eastlake, Charles Lock, Architect. 749 E13 ■"'■' Hints on household taste in furniture, upholstery and other de- tails. Third edition (revised). .xviii,3o6 p. il. 32 pi. O. Lon- don: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1872. French, Lillie Hamilton, 1854- 645 Q303 '"*'' Homes and their decoration, by Lillie Hamilton French ... . New York, Dodd, Mead and Co., 1903. xvi, 430 p. front., illus., 31 pi. 22'''". See also 749 Decorative arts. 646 Clothing Cole, George Snow. 677 Q004 '*"" Cole's ICncyclopedia of dry goods. A reference book for the wholesale and retail dry goods trade of the United States, con- taining a descriptive list of all the standard fabrics, . . . and a full description of the processes of carding, spinning, weaving, bleach- ing, dyeing and printing. New edition, revised and enlarged. 640 p. il. O. New York: Root Newspaper Association, 1900. BOOKS IN THE READINC; ROOM. 313 Davis, Jeanette E., & Holahan, Cora M. 646 P400 645 Clothing ■"'-" The elements of modern drcssmakin<; : for the amateur and pro- fessional dressmaker. xii,i93 p. 46 il- i pl- D. New York : Cas- sell Publishing Co.. c. 1S94. Dillmont, Therese de. 74^ D58 '•-'" Encyclopedia of needlework. English edition [4], 578 p. 890 il. O. [18 — ]. Ortner, Jessica. 646 P702 ''°''' Practical milliner)-, .xii.l "O p. 46 il. D. London: VVhittaker & Co., 1897. Steele, Frances Mary, &- 646 P200 '"" Adams, Elizabeth Livingston Steele. Beauty of form and grace of \esture. [2],\ii,23i p. il. 16 pl. paged in. D. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1894. Salmon, Lucy Maynard. 331-8 Qioo 64? servants S8722 j)omestic service. Second edition, with an additional chapter on domestic service in Europe. x.xvii,338 p. O. New York: Mac- millan Co., 1901. "Bibliography. Full titles of works referred to in the text," p. 317-322. Pope, Amy Elizabeth. 649 Q701 649 Pfursing *""" Home care of the sick, by Amy Elizabeth Pope .... Chicago, American School of Home Economics, 1 907. [14], 190 (/.<■. 196) p. illus. 20'='". {^Added t.-p.: The library of home eco- nomics . . . . [ ix] . ) Contains test questions. 650 BUSINESS American business and accounting encyclopaedia. L650.3 Qioo 30319 -pj^g American business and accounting encjxlopaedia. A stand- ard reference book for accountants and business men, .... Compiled by E. H. Beach and W. W. Thorne. Commercial law department by A. E. Rouech. Second edition. [2], 1090 p. il. I por. 8 tables. O. Detroit, Michigan: Book-keeper Publishing Co., c. 1901. Bryant, John Collins. 650.2 Pi 00 "" The business man's commercial law and business forms combined. A vade-mecum for the counting-house. Edited by the Hon. Geo. W. Clinton. Fourteenth edition. — Revised. 240, [2], 57 p. I por. O. Buffalo, N. Y. : J. C. Bryant, 1897, c. 1891. Colange, Leo de. L603 Oooi "*' The American encyclopedia of commerce, manufactures, com- mercial law, and finance : . . . . 2 vol. paged continuously ; vol. i: vii, 1-622 p.; vol. 2: [2],623-ii4i p. 502 il. O. Boston: Estes & Lauriat; vol. i.: pref. 1881, vol. 2: c. 1880. 314 THE -JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 650 Business Lewis, J. Slater. L670.2P600 '^'^ The commercial organisation of factories. A handbook for the use of manufacturers, directors, auditors, engineers, . . . , etc. xxxvi,540 p. il. 2 tables, 3 tables in pocket. 0. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1896. Spalding, Hugh Mortimer. 347.7 Q300 41617 Encyclopzedia of business law and forms .... Representing the study and decisions of most able lawyers and supreme judi- cial authorities. For all the states and Canada. With notes and authorities. By Hon. Hugh M. Spalding .... Revised edition. Philadelphia, Pa., P. W. Ziegler & Co., 1903. [4], 702 p. 24"^". Ware, Fabian. 370.9 Q103 6^009 Educational foundations of trade and industry, by Fabian Ware .... London and New York, Harper & Brothers, 1901. xiii, 300 p. I fold, table. iSi"^"". 650.9 Directories of Directory. 650.9773 ^ '""'^'^ Directory of directors in the city of Chicago. Chicago, The Audit Company of New York, 1904- 1906. Vol. 4, 6, iqo4, 1906. 20'^"'. 651 Office organiza- Dicksee, Lawrence Robert, 1864- 651 Q601 6JOJ9 Qffice organisation and management including secretarial work, by Lawrence R. Dicksee ... and Herbert E. Blain .... Lon- don, Sir L Pitman & Sons, ltd., 1906. vii, 298 p. incl. illus., tables, forms, forms (partly fold.) 22'^'". p. [ii], [iv], advertising matter. 653 Shorthand Munson, James Eugene. 653.62 P800 2633i -j-he art of phonography. A complete instructor in the best method of shorthand for all kinds of verbatim work, with the author's latest improvements. New, revised edition x.xii, 455 p. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1900. Pitman, Sir Isaac. 653.61 Qioo ''"^" Isaac Pitman's shorthand instructor. An exposition of Isaac Pit- man's system of phonography. (The standard system of the world.) Designed for class or self-instruction. Twentieth cen- tury edition. xiv,276 p. S. New York : I. Pitman & Sons, 1901. Torrey, Bates. 653.52 Q200 '"•" Instruction in practical shorthand ; a simple and progressive ar- rangement of the essentials of Graham phonography by Bates Torrey .... Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1902. 303 p. 20"="". "Preface to eighth edition," p. 3-4. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 315 655 PRINTING MacKellar, Thomas. 655.02 N800 '■" The American printer: a nianual of typography [Eight- eenth edition, ... enlarged.] xiv,384 p. il. i pov. O. Philadel- phia: MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan, 1893. [Pasko, Wesley Washington, i-t/i/or.] L655.03P400 American dictionary of printing and book-making, containing a history of these arts in Europe and America, with definitions of technical terms and biographical sketches. [2],iv,592 p. il. i por. sq. O. New York: H. Lockwood & Co., 1894. Putnam, George Haven & Putnam, J. B. 655.02 P700 1K752 Authors and publishers. A manual of suggestions for beginners in literature. Comprising a description of publishing methods and arrangements, directions for the preparation of mss. for the press, explanations of the details of book-manufacturing, instruc- tions for proof-reading, specimens of typography, the text of the United States copyright law and information concerning copy- rights, together with general hints for authors. By G. H. P. and J. B. P. Seventh edition, rewritten w"ith additional material, ix, [2], 292 p. I facsim. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. Southward, John, 1840-1902. L655.02 Qooi SUSJ6 Modern printing ; a treatise on the principles and practice of ty- pography and the auxiliary arts. By John Southward .... As- sisted by well-known experts. London, Raithby, Lawrence & Co., ltd., 1900. xiv, [vii]-viii, [2], S61, [15] p- front., illus., pi. (partly col.) port., diagr. (partly fold.) 25^="'. Bouchot, Henri. L655.09O60O 655.09 History of ''"' The printed book, its history, illustration, and adornment, from * "^ the days of Gutenberg to the present time. Translated and en- larged by Edward C. Bigmore. viii,3i2 p. 118 il. Q. London: H. Grevel & Co., 1887. Davenport, Cyril James H , 1848- 655.09 Q800 The book, its history and development. By Cyril Davenport .... Illustrated. New York, D. Van Nostrand Co., 1908. vi, [2],258p. front., illus., facsims. 2i'=">. (//rt^-ri/A-,- The "Westminster" series. ) 3i6 TKE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 655.09 History of PoUard, Alfred William. 096P300 * "° Early illustrated books. A history of the decoration and illustra- tion of books in the 15th and i6th centuries. .xvi,256 p. 58 il. I facsim. O. [Books about books.] London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., 1893. 655.0942 Directory Kelly 's directory. L655.0942 i '■■"' .... Kelly's director}- of stationers, printers, booksellers, pub- lishers, paper makers, &c., of England, Scotland and Wales, and the principal towns in Ireland, the Channel Islands and Isle of Man London, Kelly's Directories, ltd., 1908. ^■ol. 10, igcS. 26-U'". 655.1 History of printing De Vinne, Theodore Low. 655.11 N600 ""- The invention of printing. A collection of facts and opinions de- scriptive of early prints and playing cards, the block-books of the fifteenth ccntur\-, the legend of Lourens Janszoon Coster, of Haarlem, and the work of John Gutenberg and his associates. Second edition. 557 p. il. I pi. O. New-York: F. Hart & Co., 1878. Duff, Edward Gordon. 655.1 P300 ^'" Early printed books. xii,2i9p. 11 pi. O. [Books about books.] London: Kegan Paul, ... & Co., 1893. 655.2 Proof-reading Smith, Adcle MilUcent. 655.2 Q200 '''^''' Pioof-reading and punctuation, by Adele Millicent Smith .... Philadelphia, The author, 1902. [2], xi, iSi p. front., 9 pi. 20'"'. 655.3 Practical printing Jacobi, Charles Thomas, i.-om/>. 655.3 QS^o bam -j-j^g printers' handbook of trade receipts, hints, and suggestions relating to letterpress and lithographic printing, bookbinding, stationary process work, etc. compiled by Charles Thomas Jaco- bi .. . Third edition, revised and enlarged. London, Charles Thomas Jacobi, 1905. xi, 464 p. 19="'. Jenkins, Harry, 1868- 777 J411 68301 Amstutz' hand-book of photoengraving; being an enlargement and revision of Jenkins' Manual of photoengraving, by N. S. Ani- stutz .... With supplementary chapters on the thcor\- and prac- tice of half-tone coUn work, by Frederick E. Ives and Stephen H. Horgaii. Third etlilion. Chicago, The Inland Printer Company, 1907. 440 p. illus. (partly col.) iiicl. ports., tables, front, (port.) plates, (partly col.) 20'^'". BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 317 Directory. L655.47 2 655.2 Bookselling 66310 Directory of booksellers, newsdealers and stationers in the United States and Canada. Third edition. Minneapolis, The H. W. Wilson Company, igo6. [89] 1. 27='". Printed on one side of leaf only. International directory. 655.4 i ■ 9562 jYie International directory of booksellers and bibliophile's manual. Including lists of the public libraries of the world, publishers, book collectors, learned societies and institutions, universities and colleges; also bibliographies of book and library catalogues, con- cordances, bookplates, etc., etc. Rochdale, London, [etc ], 1894-1906. Vol. 4-7, 1894-1906. iS4™. Edited by James Clegg. Subtitle varies. Putnam, George Haven. 655.44 P600 '^•' Books and their makers during the Middle Ages. A study of the conditions of the production and distribtition of literature from the fall of the Roman Empire to the close of the seventeenth century. 2 vol. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1896-1897. Colles, William Morris, 1855- 655.6 Q601 655.6 Copyright 63i37 piayright and copyright in all countries, showing how to protect a play or a book throughout the world. By William Morris Colles ... and Harold Hardy ... . London, New York, Mac- millan and Co., ltd., 1906. XX, 275 p. 22™. "List of authorities," p. xix-xx. Macgillivray, Evan James. 655.642 Q200 50176 js^ treatise upon the law of copyright in the United Kingdom and the dominions of the crown, and in the United States of America; containing a full appendix of all Acts of Parliament, international conventions, Orders in council. Treasury minute and acts of Congress now in force; by E. J. Macgillivray, LL.B. .... London, J. Murray, 1902. xxxvi, 403 p. 24<'"'. "Table of English, Scotch, Irish, Indian, and Colonial cases," p. xix-xxx. "Table of cases in the United States," p. xxxi-xxxvi. Putnam, George Haven. 655.6 P600 '"' The question of copyright. Comprising the text of the copyright law of the United States, a summary of the copyright laws at present in force in the chief countries of the world Second edition, revised, and with additional material. xxiv,[2],486 p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1896. 3i8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 656 TRANSPORTATION Adams, Charles Francis, Jr. 656.0973 N800 ""^ Railroads : their origin and problems. [4],2i6p. U. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1878. American street railway. L656.0973 3 18573 Anierican street railway investments. Published annually by the " publishers of the Electric railway journal for the use of bankers, brokers, capitalists, investors, and street and interurban railway companies. New York, McGraw Publishing Company, "^1894-. Continued from vol. i, 1S94. illus., maps. 334™'. .Subtitle varies. Published as supplement to The Electric railway journal (fonnerly The Street railway journal). Biographical directory. 656.092 B96 4323 'pj.ig Biographical directory of the railway officials of America. .... Chicago, Railway Age Co., 1 885-1906. Vol. 1-6, 1885-1906. fronts., ports. 224"" .-244"^"'. 1885, 1887, edited by E. H. Talhott & H. R. Hobart; 1893, 1896, 1901, 1906, by T. A. Busbey. 1893, 1896, published by the Railway Age and Northwestern Railroader. Vol. 5, 1901, wanting. Byers, Morton Lewis, 1868- 656.02 Q700 ^"'^ Economics of railway operation, by M. L. Byers .... New York, The lingineering News Publishing Company ; [etc., etc.], 1908. ix, 672 p. tables (partly fold.) diagrs. 24"°. Cram, George F., Nczv York. A912 Q800 ""'*■" Cram's standard American railway system atlas of the world show- ing all the railway systems . . . , express companies . . . , and . . . banking towns .... Accompanied by a concise and original ready reference index of the United States, Canada, Mexico and Cuba, ac- curately locating all counties, county seats . . . , etc. Also giving the nearest post-office and railroad station for those towns that are neither a post-office nor a railroad station ; latest available census figures . . . telegraph station-; and steamboat lines and landings. .... New York, Chicago, G. F. Cram, 1 908. 610, [32] ji. incl. maps. 48x36"". Electric railway directory. 656.03 2 '"" P^lectric railway directory and buyers' manual New York, McGraw Publishing Company, c. 1899-. Continued from vol. 2, 1899. 23 x 1 14""'.-234"". Vol. 2, no. 1-2, title reads: American street railway directory and buyer's manual; vol. 2, no. 3 -vol. 6, no. 3, Powers' street railway directory and buyers' manual. A street railway list of the world for electrical, mechanical and financial reference. ... ; vol. 2, no. 3 -vol. 5, no. 2, has cover subtitle: A consolidation of the American street railway directory, "Railroad gazette's" electric railroad list of the world, John- ston's street railway directory, etc. Vol. 6, no. 4-, published as supplement to .Xmerican street railway investments in which no. 2 of each year is merged. Vol. 2-6, no. 3, published by the E. L. Powers Company. BOOKS IX THE READING ROOM. ,319 Hadley, Arthur Twining. 656.09 O500 ese Transportation ^°'" Railroad transportation : its history and its laws. i\-,[2] ,269 p. il. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1890, c. 1885. Johnson, Emory Richard, 1864- 656.0973 Q401 """ American railway transportation, by Emory R. Johnson .... Revised edition. New York, D. Applcton and Co., 1904. xvi, 434 p. illus., maps. (oKl. chart. 20"". {Half-title: Appletons' business series.) References at end of chapters. Contents. — Introduction : Definition and scope of transportation. — pt. i . The .Vmerl - can railway system. — pt. 2. The railway service. — pt. 3. The railways and the public. — pt. 4. The railways and the state. McCain, Charles Curtice, editor. 656.04 M13 ^■"■^ Compendium of transportation theories. A compilation of essa\'s upon transportation subjects b}' eminent experts. 295 p. O. (Kensington series, no. i .) Washington, D. C. : Kensington Pub- lishing Co., 1893. Poor's manual. 656.051 2 "" Poor's manual of the railroads of the United States, with an ap- pendix containing a full analysis of the debts of the United States, the several states, municipalities, etc. Also statements of street railway and traction companies, industrial corporations, etc. Con- tinued from vol. i. 1868. maps. O. New York [ 1 868-1. Vol. 1-26 are compiled by Henry V. Poor. Vol. 1-27 published under the title: Manual of the railroads of the United States. Vol. 21-27 contain Poor's directory of railway officials. Travelers', shippers' and mail guide. L656.051 12 38065 -j-j^g Travelers', shippers' and mail guide. Published every Mon- day .... Chicago, Collosky & Mattern. Current numbers only. 32''"'. With supplements. Universal directory. 656.092 U58 msoj The Universal directory of railway ofScials London, The Directory Publishing Company, ltd., I90i-[i907]. Vol. 7, 13, I90I, 1907. 21.^':'". Edited by S. Richardson Blundstone. See also 385, Economics of railroads; 625, Railroad engineering. Beeson's marine directory. L656.0977 i ese.g Navigation '^■^■^ Beeson's marine directory of the northwestern lakes Con- tinued from no. 11. 1898. il. pi. Q. Chicago c. 1898-. No. 11-12 published under the title: Beeson's marine directory. Blue book. L656.0973 10 . Blue book of American shipping. Marine [and] naval directory of the United States, . . . statistics of shipping and ship building in America .... Cleveland, Ohio, Chicago, [etc.], ["1899-1905]. 1899, 1902, 1905. 3 vol. illus., plates. 264''"'. Subtitle varies. 1905: Tenth annual edition. 904 93 320 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 656.9 Navigation Jeans, Jamcs Stephen. 626 Pooi "412 Waterways and water transport in different countries: with a des- cription of the Panama, Suez, Manchester, Nicaraguan, and other canals, xx.so; p. il. 4 pi. O. London: E. &F. N.Spon, 1890. Knight, Austin Melvin. 656.9 Qioo ^"•"^ Modern seamanship. xii,428 p. 129 pi. 5 pi. of maps, 2 maps. O. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1901. "Weather and the laws of storms," p. 307-333. Naval encyclopaedia. L359.03 Oooi 16267 ^ naval encyclopjedia : comprising a dictionary of nautical words and phrases ; biographical notices, and records of naval officers ; special articles on naval art and science, written ... by ofificers and others of recognized authority in the branches treated by them. Together with descriptions of the principal naval stations and seaports of the world. 1017 p. il. Q. Philadelphia: L. R Hamersly^'Co., 1881. Fordenskiold, Adolf Erik, Frilicrre. A910.9 P701 22137 Perjpl^,s y\ri essay on the early history of charts and sailing- directions. Translated from the Swedish original by Francis A. Bather. x,2o8 p. lOO il. 60 maps. F^ Stockholm: P. A. Nor- stedt & Soner, 1897. With bibhographical notes. Patterson, Howard. L656.9 Qioi 30459 Patterson's Illustrated nautical encyclopedia. From keel to truck. From stem to sternpost. From zenith to nadir. From bedplate to funnel. From torpedo boat to battle ship (Revised and enlarged edition.) 514P. 500il. i por. paged in. 0. Cleve- land, O. : Marine Review Pub. Co., c. 1901. Shipping world. 656.9 5 06432 "Phe "Shipping world" }-car book: a desk manual in trade, com- merce, and navigation London, "Shipping World" Office, 1907. Vol. 21, 1907. I (old. map in pocket. 19"". Edited by E. K. Jones. U. S. A. Xavy. Department. Bureau of Equipuiciit. L656.9 P905 '""' llydrographie Office. Division of Chart Construction. Tracks for full powered steam vessels with the shortest navigable distances in nautical miles. [Chart] no. 1262. 77x121 cm. O. Washington, D. C, 1900. Sec also 386-387, Plconomics of water transportation ; 626-627, Hydraulic engineering BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 321 057-659 BOOKKEEPING — ADVERTISING American business and accounting encyclopaedia. L650.3 Qioo esv Accounting 30319 -j-j^g American business and accounting encyclopaedia. A stand- ard reference book for accountants and business men, .... Compiled by E. H. Beach and W. W. Thorne. Commercial law department by A. E. Rouech. Second edition. [2], 1090 p. il. I por. 8 tables. O. Detroit, Michigan: Book-keeper Publishing Co., c. 1901. Arnold, Horace Lucian. 657.967 P900 566.12 'Yhc complete cost-keeper. Some original systems of shop cost- keeping or factory accounting together with an exposition of the advantages of account keeping by means of cards instead of books, and a description of various mechanical aids to factory accounting. Now compiled for the first time by Horace Lucian Arnold (Henry Boland). (Third edition.) New York and London, The Engineering Magazine Press, 1903. vii, 408, xi p. illus. 24''' , cm Card, Fred Wallace, 1863- 630.2 Q701 "°" ... . Farm management, including business accounts, sugges- tions for watching markets, time to market various products, adaptation to local conditions, etc., by Fred VV. Card .... New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1907. xiii, 270 p. front., plates. 23'="'. (The farm library.) Plates printed on both sides. Moore, John H 657 Q211 """" Accounting and business practice, for use in all schools where bookkeeping is taught, by John H. Moore ... and George W. Miner .... Boston, Ginn & Co., 1902. iii, 400 p. 24'^"'. Rahill, John Joseph. 338-7 Q504 "°'^ .... Corporation accounting and corporation law; a manual of corporate organization and management. Accounting in theory and practice. Banking, with special reference to the national banking system, and a treatise on stock exchanges, by J. J. Rahill ; . . . An appendix on the California examinations for C. P. A. certificates, with a full set of questions and answers, by Alfred G. Piatt .... [1906 edition. Revised and enlarged.] Fresno, Cal., The author, 1906. 443, [9] p. 234=". 322 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 657.1 Auditing Dicksec, Lawrencc Robert, 1 864- 657.02 Q501 62013 Auditing; a practical manual for auditors, by Lawrence R. Dick- see ... edited by Robert H. Montgomery .... Authorized American edition. New York, 1905. 385 p. 24™. 658 Business man- Cromwell, John Howard. J34S4 -rj^g American business woman. 659 Advertising 658 P9OO A guide for the investment, preservation, and accumulation of property; containing full ex- planations and illustrations of all necessary methods of business. xii,[2],428 p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1900. Norman, John Henry. 332-45 P701 '"»' Norman's universal cambist. A ready reckoner of the world's foreign and colonial exchanges of seven monetary and currency intermediaries Being the second edition of the author's Ready reckoner of the exchanges of gold and silver issued in 1893. xxix,269 p. 3 tables. O. London: E. Wilson, 1897. Parsons, Theophilus. 347-7 P300 '^^^' Laws of business for all the states and territories of the Union and the Dominion of Canada. With forms and directions for all transactions and abstracts of the laws of all the states and terri- tories on various topics. New revised edition. 864, [4] p. O. Syracuse, N. Y. : W. Gill, 1897. Roe, Edward Thomas- 658 Q401 Safe methods ; or. How to do business ; business law, facts and forms, penmanship and correspondence, tables, short cuts and ready reckoner, the essence of volumes in a nutshell, by E. T. Roe . . . assisted by noted specialists in every department. At- lanta, Chicago, [etc.], Hertel, Jenkins & Co., [1904]. 480 p. illus. 19'^"'. Scott, Walter DilL 659 Q300 The theory of advertising ; a simple exposition of the principles of psychology in their relation to successful advertising, by Wal- ter Dill Scott .... Boston, Small, Maynard & Co., 1903. xii, 240 p. illus., diagrs. 21"". BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 323 660 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY Allen, Alfred Henry, 1847- 1904. 543.02 P204 '"*" Commercial organic analysis. A treatise on the properties, proxi- mate analytical examination, and modes of assaying the various organic chemicals and products employed in the arts, manufac- tures, medicine, with concise methods for the detection and de- termination of their impurities, adulterations, and products of decomposition by Alfred H. Allen Volume I— [iv]. .... Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1892-1907. 4 vol. in 8. illus. 23'>"'. Contents. — vol. i. Introduction, alcohols, neutral alcoholic derivatives, sugars, starch and its isomers, vegetable acids, &c. Third edition, illustrated, with revisions and addenda by the author and Henrj' Leffmann. 1898. xii, 17-557 p. illus., i pi. — vol. 2. pt.i. FLxed oils, fats, waxes, glycerol, nitroglycerin and nitroglycerin explosives. Third edition, illustrated. With revisions and addenda by the author and Henry Leffmann. 1899. X, 17-3S7P. 15 illus. pt. 2. Hydrocarbons, petroleum, and coal-tar products, asphalt, phenols and creosotes. Third edition, illustrated. With revisions and additions by the author and Henry Leffmann. 1900. viii, 17-330 p. 17 illus. pt. 3. Acid derivatives of phenols, aromatic acids, resins, and essential oils. Third edition, revised by the author and Arnold Rowsby Tankard. 1907. xii, [2], 547 p. — vol. 3. pt. I. Tannins, dyes, and coloring matters, writing inks. Third edition, rewritten and enlarged. Revised and edited by J. Merritt Matthews. 1900. [4, xi]-xvi, 17-589P. 2 illus. pt. 2. Amines and ammonium bases, hydrazines, bases from tar, vegetable alkaloids. 1S92. Second edition, revised and enlarged, viii, 584 p. pt. 3. Vegetable alkaloids (concluded), non-basic vegetable bitter principles, animal bases, animal acids, cyanogen and its deriva- tives. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 1S96. xii, 508 p. 25 illus. — vol. 4. Proteids and albuminous principles, proteoids or albuminoids. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 189S. xi, [91-584 p. 35 illus., i fold, di.ier. Bersch, Wilhelm. 660.2 Qooi S8636 pjj, [j-,oderne Chemie. Eine Schilderung der chemischen Gross- industrie. viii,952 p. il. 34 pi. O. Wien : A. Hartleben, 1900. Blount, Bertram. 660.2 Q507 """ Chemistry for engineers and manufacturers. A practical text- book. By Bertram Blount, . . . and A. G. Bloxam, .... With illustrations. Volume I- [ll] London, C. Grififin and Co., ltd., 1896-1905. 2 vol. 2 1 4""" .-22'='". "BibUography," vol. 2, p. 467-470. Contents. — vol. I. Chemistry' of engineering, building, and metallurgy. 1896. x, 244 p. 35 illus. — vol. 2. Chemistry of manufacturing processes. Second edition. 1905. XV, 513 p. 46 illus. Bockmann, Friedrich, editor. 543-02 P300 '"'* Chemisch-technische Untersuchungsmethoden der Gross-Indus- trie, der Versuchsstationen und Handelslaboratorien Dritte vermehrte und umgearbeitete Auflage. 2 vol. il. O. Berlin: J. Springer, 1893. 324 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 660 Chemical tech Cohn, Lassar, 1858- 660.2 Q508 °°'''Sy '^'0^ Chemistry in daily life. Topular lectures by Dr. Lassar-Cohn .... Translated by M. M. Pattison Muir, .... With 22 wood- cuts in the text. Third edition, revised and augmented. Lon- don, H. Grevel & Co., 1905. xii, 340 p. 22 ilhis. 19"^'". Dammer, Otto. 660.2 P501 '"* Handbuch der chemischen Technologic 5 vol. il. O. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1 895-1 898. Fischer, Ferdinand. 660.2 Q003 26893 Handbuch der chemischen Technologic. Von Dr. Ferdinand Fischer .... 4. bez. i 5. umgearbeitete Auflage. i.-[2.]Band. .... Leipzig, O. Wigand, 1900-1902. 2 vol. 830 diagr. 24'^'". No. 2 title reads: 15. umgearbeitete Auflage. i. bis 11. Auflage von R. von Wagner. Groves, Charles Edward, ctf. L660.2 O900 '""^ Chemical technolog)- ; or, Chemistry in its applications to arts and manufactures, edited by Charles Edward Groves, F.R.S. . . . and William Thorp, B.SC. With which is incorporated Richard- son and Watts' Chemical technology' London, J. & A. Churchill, 1 889-. Vol. I-. 2$"". Vol. 4- edited by W. J. Dibdin. Johnston, James Finlay Weir. 660.2 N900 1308J -pj^g chemistry of common life. A new edition revised, and brought down to the present time by Arthur Herbert Church. xxvi,592 p. 102 il. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1898, pref. 1879. Lunge, Georg, 1839- , cd. 543.02 Q404 '""■' Chemisch-technische Untersuchungsmcthoden. Mit Benutzung der friihercn von Dr. Fricdrich Bockmann bearbeiteten Auflagen, und unter Mitwirkung von E. Adam, F. Barnstein, [u. a.] . . . herausgegeben von Dr. Georg Lunge . . . Fiinfte vollstandig um- gearbeitete und vermchrte Auflage. Berlin, J. Springer, 1904— 1905. 3 vol. illus., plates, tables. 24'='". ««'. xi,407 p. D. Liverpool: ■ published by the author at the Phoenix Fire Ofifice, 1890. Muir, Matthew Moncrieff Pattison, 540.3 O800 '"" & Morley, H. Forster, c\//fors. Watts' dictionarj- of chemistry, revised and entirely rewritten .... [With addenda.] 4 vol. il. O. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1 890-1 894. Vol. I: second edition; vol. 3: new edition. 326 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 660.3 Dictionaries of Neues Handworterbuch. S40.^ Nioo chemical technology ,,,... ,, tt ,••,>■ ^, . . -., .. Neues Handworterbuch der Chemie. Auf Grundlage des von Liebig, Poggendorff und Wohler, Kolbe und Fehling herausge- gebenen Handworterbuchs der reinen und angewandten Chemie und unter Mitwirkung von mehren Gelehrten bearbeitet ... . Vol. I-. il. O. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1874-. Vol. 1-3 edited by Herman von Fehling; vol. 4- by Carl Hell. Stohmann, Friedrich, & Kerl, Bruno, editors. L660.3 O800 Encyklopadisches Handbuch der technischen Chemie. Vierte Auflage Vol. i-. il. Q. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1888-. Has also a tide- page reading: Muspratt's theoretische, praktische und analytische Chemie in Anwendung auf Kunste und Gewerbe. Vol. 6- read: Begonnen von F. Stohmann und Bruno Kerl. . . . Herausgegeben von H. Bunte. Thorpe, Thomas Edward, editor. 660.3 Pioo "'"' A dictionary of applied chemistry 3 vol. il. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1 893-1 895. Vol. I : third edition, 1894. Vol. 2: second edition, 1895. Vol. 3: 1S93. Weidinger, G. 660.3 ^^01 '^^° G. Weidinger's Waarenlexikon der chemischen Industrie und der Pharmacia. Mit Beriicksichtigung der wichtigsten Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. Unter Mitwirkung der Herren Dr. Med. Joseph Moeller, Dr. Hermann Thoms, K. Thiimmel, herausgegeben von Dr. T. F. Hanausek. Zweite giinzlich umgearbeitete Auflage. ... . iv.iooo p. O. Leipzig: G. H. Meyer, 1896, prof. 1891. Wurtz, Adolphe. L540.3M800 "^' Dictionnaire de chimie, pure et appliquee. Comprenant: la chimie organique et inorganique ; la chimie appliquee a I'industrie, a I'agriculture et aux arts : la chimie analytique, la chimie physique et la mineralogie. 3 vol. in 5. il. pi. Q. Paris: Hachette & O", 1870-1878. Wurtz, Adolphe. L540.3M800 '"'''' Dictionnaire de chimie, pure et appliquee Supplement. 2 vol. il. pi. Q. Paris: Hachette & C'^ [1880-1886]. Wurtz, Adolphe. L540.3 M800 '"' Deuxieme supplement au Dictionnaire de chimie, pure et ap- pliquee. Public sous la direction dc Ch. Friedel Vol. i-. il. O. Paris: Hachette & c'«, 1892-. 660.6 Societies Society of Chemical Industry. L016.66 S678 6369S Decennial index of the Journal of the Society of Chemical In- dustry. Vols. XV. to XXIV. 1S96-1905. Part I. Authors' names. Part n. Subjects. This general collective inde.x has been compiled by F. W. Renaut, under the supervision and control of a committee .... London, Vacher and Sons, [1907]— 1908. 2 vol. in I. 274"^"'. Another copy shelved with set has shelf number 660.6282 1 y.O BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 327 Duncan, Robert Kennedy, 1868- 660.9 Q700 660.9 History of ^■'"' The chemistry of commerce ; simple interpretation of some new chemical technology chemistry in its relation to modern industry, by Robert Kennedy Duncan .... New York and London, Harper & Brothers, 1907. xii, [4], 3-262, [2] p. front., 2$ pi., 2 diagr. 2i4"". Miickenberger, Rudolf. 660.9 i °'"' .... Handbuch der chemischen Industrie dcr ausserdeutschen Lander Berlin, R. Miickenberger, [1905]. Vol. 3, 1905. 25™. At head of title : Rudolf Miickenberger. Added t.-p. in English and French. Lunge, Georg, 1839- 661 P500 661 Suiphunc acid 42659 p^ theoretical and practical treatise on the manufacture of sul- phuric acid and alkali, with the collateral branches. By George Lunge, PH.D., .... Second edition, revised and enlarged. Volume l-[lll]. London, Gurney and Jackson, 1895-1903. 3 vol. in 4. diagrs., I table, 33 fold, diagrs. 23'^"^ Vol. I is in third edition, published 1903. Munroe, Charles Edward. 016.662 M92 662.2 Explosives ""' Index to the literature of explosives. 2 parts in 1 vol. O. Bal- timore 1 886-1 893. Booth, William Henry. 628.53 Q400 662.6 Fuels '"" Smoke prevention and fuel economy (based on the German work of E. Schmatolla) by Wm. H. Booth . . . and John B. C. Ker- shaw, F. I. C. With seventy-five illustrations. Loudon, A. Con- stable & Co., ltd., 1904. ocm 194 p. illus. 22^^ Rauchplage und Brennstoffverschvvendung von Ernst Schmatolla, Hanover, 1902. Gill, Augustus Herman, 1S64- 545-7 Q200 '°°" Gas and fuel analysis for engineers. A compend for those inte- rested in the economical application of fuel. Prepared especial- ly for the use of students at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. By Augustus H. Gill .... Third edition, revised and enlarged New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chap- man & Hall, ltd., 1902. V, [i], 109 p. illus., diagr. 19'=". Kent, William. 621.18 Qioo 88709 Steam-boiler economy. A treatise on the theory and practice of fuel economy in the operation of steam-boilers. First edition. ... . xiv,458 p. 134 il. 2 maps. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1 90 1. "Coal fields of the United States," p. 52-83. 328 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 662.6 Fuels 662.7 Coke 663 Beverages. Fermentation Martin, Edward Alfred. 553-2 P6oo 8393 -pj^g story of a piece oi coal. What it is, whence it comes, and whither it goes. 1 68 p. 38 il. i pi. S. [Library of useful stories.] New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. NicoUs, William Jasper. 553-23 P700 1221JO jj^g Story of American coals. 405 p. I pi. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1897. Poole, Herman. 662.6 Qooi 83874 -phe calorific power of fuels. With a collection of auxiliary tables, and tables showing the heat of combustion of fuels, solid, liquid and gaseous. To which is appended the report of the Committee on Boiler Tests of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (December, 1899). Second edition, revised and enlarged xvii,269 p. 40 il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1900. Thorpe, [Thomas Edward], editor. 553.2 N800 '-'" Coal : its history and uses. By Professors Green, Miall, Thorpe, Riicker, and Marshall. xii,363 p. il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1878. Contents: 1-2. The geology of coal. 3. Coal plants. 4. .'Animals of the coal meas- ures. S-6. The chemistry of coal. 7. Coal as a source of warmth. 8. Coal as a source of power. 9-10. The coal question. Fulton, John, 1826- 662.7 Q500 68003 (3Q].g_ ^ treatise on the manufacture of coke and other pre- pared fuels and the saving of by-products, with special references to the methods and ovens best adapted to the production of good coke from the various American coals. By John Fulton .... Scranton, Pa., International Textbook Compan\-, 1905. xiv, 476, xv-xxii p. front, (port.) illus., diagrs. (partly fuld.; zj.J^'". National. 622.09734 National iron and steel, coai and coke blue book. An authentic and concise list of firms, corporations and individuals, engaged in the production of iron and steel, coal and coke, in the United States. The plants or mines operated, their location, description, equipment, etc Pittsburg, Pa., R. L. Polk & Co., ["^1902- "1907] Vol. 1-3, 1902-1907. 2l4'^'".-244™>. Vol. 1-2 edited by B. H. Moruood. Crole, David. 633.286 P700 ^^^* Tea. A text book of tea planting and manufacture. Compris- ing chapters on the history and development of the industry, the cultivation of the plant, the preparation of the leaf for the market, the botanv and chemistr\- of tea, etc., etc. With some account of the laws affecting labour in tea gardens in Assam and else- where. .\ii,242 p. il. 4 pi. O. London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1897. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 329 _ _,.,_.. 663 Beverage? Hansen, Emil Christian. 663.1 P500 Fermentation "■"" Practical studies in fermentation : being contributions to the life history of micro-organisms. Translated by Alex. K. Miller, and revised by the author. xiv,277p. 19 il. O. London: E. & F.N. Spon, 1896. Jorgensen, Alfred. 589.9 P801 """■' Micro-organisms and fermentation. Translated by j-\lex. K. Miller, & A. E. [.?/V /.(■. /f. ^'/.] Lcnnholm. Third edition. Com- pletely revised. xiii, [3],3 i 8 p. 83 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1900. "Bibliography," p. 277-318. Sulz, Charles Hermann. 663.6 O800 17593 ^ treatise on beverages ; or, The complete practical bottler. Full instructions for laboratory work with original practical recipes for all kinds of carbonated drinks, mineral waters, flavorings, extracts, syrups, etc. xxv,8i8 p. 428 il. O. New York: C. H. Sulz & Co., 1S88. Sykes, Walter John. 663.3 Q603 64550 -phe principles and practice of brewing, by Walter J. S}kes .... Third edition, thoroughly revised by the author and Arthur R. Ling .... London, C. Griffin and Co., ltd., 1907. xviii, 5S8 p. illus. 23'^^°'. Brannt, William Theodore. 664 Qooi 664 Foods ""'^ A practical treatise on the manufacture of vinegar, with special consideration of wood vinegar and other by-products obtained in the destructive distillation of wood ; the fabrication of acetates, cider, and fruit-wines ; preservation of fruits and vegetables by canning and evaporation ; preparation of fruit-butters, jellies, marmalades, pickles, mustards, etc. Preservation of meat, fish and eggs. Edited from various sources. Second edition. Re- vised, improved and enlarged. xxxi,5 55 p. 104 il. O. Phila- delphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1900. Ware, Lewis S ,1851- 664.1 Q5C0 *'"'■' Beet-sugar manufacture and refining By Lewis S. Ware .... First edition New York, J. Wiley & Sons ; [etc., etc.], 1905-. Vol. I-. illus., diagrs. 23i<^™. Wiley, Harvey Washington, 1847- 643 Q700 68756 pQQ(jg ^i,j their adulteration; origin, manufacture, and composi- tion of food products; description of common adulterations, food standards, and national food laws and regulations, by Harvey W. Wiley .... With eleven colored plates and eighty-six other illustrations. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1907. xii, 625 p. incl. illus., tables. 1 1 col. pi. 24^'^'". See also 543.1, Food analysis; 641-643, Domestic economy. 330 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 665 ous Andes, Louis Edgar. 655.2 P702 '°^'''' Animal fats and oils, their practical production, purification and uses for a great variety of purposes, their properties, falsification and examination. A handbook for manufacturers of oil- and fat- products, soap and candle makers, agriculturists, tanners, etc., etc. By Louis Edgar Andes. With 62 illustrations. Translated by Charles Salter. London, Scott, Greenwood & Co., 1898. xii, 240 p. front., illus. 224"^"'. And^s, Louis Edgar. 665.3 Qioi 39U87 ]3ryiiig oiis^ boiled oil, and solid and liquid driers. A practical work for manufacturers of oils, varnishes, printing inks, oil-cloth and linoleum, oil-cakes, paints, etc. By Louis Edgar Andes, .... 42 illustrations in the text. London, Scott, Greenwood & Co., 1901. xiv, 342 p. 42 diagrs. 22"^™. And^s, Louis Edgar. 665.3 P600 2036b Vegetable fats and oils. Their practical preparation, purification and employment for various purposes, their properties, adultera- tion and examination. A handbook for . . . the oil and fat indus- try in general. Translated by Charles Salter. .xv,3i6p. 94 il. O. London; Scott, Greenwood, & Co., 1897. Lewkowitsch, Julius. 543-02 Q406 """' Chemical technology and analysis of oils, fats, and waxes, by Dr. J. Lewkowitsch .... Third edition, entirely rewritten and en- larged. London, New York, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1904. 2 vol. illus., fold, tables. 23"^"". Paged conlinuously; vol. i : xvi, 427 p.; vol. II: xii, 429-1152 p. Lewkowitsch, Julius. 543-02 Q103 33398 -j-j^^ laboratory companion to fats and oils industries. xi,i47 p. O. London: Macmillan & -Co., 1901. Wright, Charles Rowley Alder, 1 844-1 894. 665 Q300 *""" Animal and vegetable fixed oils, fats, butters, and waxes : their preparation and properties, and the manufacture therefrom of candles, soaps, and other products. By C. R. Alder Wright, .... Second edition, edited and partly re-written by C. Ains- worth Mitchell, .... With 2 plates and i 54 illustrations. Lon- don, C. Grifhn & Co., ltd., 1903. xvi, 804 p. front, (port.), 154 illus. incl. diagrs., i pi. 23''"'. {Oncover: Grififin's scientific text-books.) Cover-title: Oils, fats, waxes, and their manufactured products. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 331 Richardson, Clifford, 1856- 665.4 Q801 665 4 Asphalt ^""' The modern asphalt pavement, by Clifford Richardson .... Second edition, revised and enlarged New York, J. Wiley & Sons; [etc., etc.], 1908. ix, 629 p. incl. illus., tables, diagrs. 234'=". Redwood, 5/;- Boverton, 1846- 665.5 Q601 ees. 5 Petroleum S3612 Petroleum: a treatise on the geographical distribution and geo- logical occurrence of petroleum and natural gas; the physical and chemical properties, production, and refining of petroleum and ozokerite ; the characters and uses, testing, transport, and storage of petroleum products; and the legislative enactments re- lating thereto ; together with a description of the shale oil and allied industries; and a full bibliography. By Sir Boverton Red- wood .... Second edition, thoroughly revised and enlarged. .... London, C. Grififin & Co., ltd., 1906. 2 vol. fronts, (i col.), iUus., 29 fold. pi. (incl. maps), fold, tables. 23'^". Paged continuously; vol. I : xxxii, 528 p.; vol. 2: [2], 529-1064 p. "Bibliography. Compiled by W. H. Dalton and L. V. Dalton," vol. 2, p. 8S9-1001. Brown, Ernest C , comp. L628.0973 i ees.v Gas 16309 Brown's Directory of American gas companies. Gas statistics. New York, press of "Progressive age", 1 899-. [1899]; continued from [1902]. 26=™. [1899] called no. 8. Butterfield, William John Atkinson. 665.7 Q401 46IS2 jj^g chemistry of gas manufacture. A practical handbook on the production, purification, and testing of illuminating and fuel gas, and on the bye-products of gas manufacture. By W. J. Atkinson Butterfield, F.I.C Third edition, w ith illustrations London, C. Grififin and Co., 1904-. Vol. I-. diagrs. 20™'. ( (9« troz/^/-.- GrifKn's scientific text-books.) Latta, Marion Nisbet-. 665.7 Q700 63535 Hand-book of American gas-engineering practice, b)- AI. Nisbet- Latta .... New York, D. Van Nostrand Company, 1907. xi, 466 p. incl. illus., tables, diagrs. 22.4=™. Newbigging, Thomas. 665.7 Q404 Handbook for gas engineers and managers. By Thomas New- bigging, .... Seventh edition, illustrated. London, W. King, 1904. xvi, 584 p. illus., I fukl. table, ao-i"^"'. 332 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 665.7 Gas 655.8 Acetylene 666.1 Glass 656.2 Enamel 666.3 Ceramics 666.4 Clays 656.7 Bricks Wyer, Samuels ,1879- 665.7 Q600 63536 /^ treatise on producer-gas and gas-producers, by Samuel S. Wyer .... New York, London, The Engineering and Mining Journal, 1906. 296 p. illus., diagrs. 24"". "Bibliography of gas-producers," p. 277-290. "Paris of chapters 24, 26 and 30 were presented by the author as papers at the Wash- ington, D. C, meeting of the A. I. M. E." — Pref. Lewes, Vivian B. 665.801 Q003 15133 Acetylene. A handbook for the student and manufacturer. x.Kvi, [2],977,[i] p. 228 11. O. Westminster: A. Constable & Co., 1900. Nesbitt, Alexander. 666.1 N800 '"" Glass. viii,i43 p. il. O. [SOUTH KENSINGTON Museum. Art handbooks.] New York: Scribner & Welford, 1879. Rosenhain, Walter, 666.1 Q800 ^"'^° Glass manufacture. By Walter Rosenhain, .... London, A. Constable & Co., ltd., 1908. x\-i, 264 p. 14 illus. 21'^'°. (//a^-/;V/£V The "Westminster" series.) "Bibliography," p. [253]-255. Cunynghame, Henry Hardinge. 738.26 C911 ^"'-^ On the theory and practice of art-enamelling upon metals. Sec- ond edition. xxiv,iS3,[i] p. il. 11 pi. paged in, 2 colored pi. D. Westminster: A. Constable & Co., 1901. Bourry, Emile. L666.3 P700 32001 -p^gjtigg Q,., ceramic industries. A complete manual for pottery, tile and brick works. Translated from the French by Wilton P. Rix. ix,[3],759 p. 323 il. O. London: Scott, Greenwood & Co., 1901. See also 738, Ceramics. Ries, Heinrich. 553.6i Q600 '^'^'"' Clays, their occurrence, properties, and uses, with especial reference to those of the United States, by Heinrich Ries .... First edi- tion New York, J. Wiley & Sons; [etc., etc.], 1906. xvi, 490 p. iucl. illus., .\LIV pi., diagrs. 23.i'^"'. Contains "References." Davis, Charles Thomas. 666.7 O900 ■"'''"' A practical treatise on the manufacture of bricks, tiles, terra-cotta, etc including full detailed descriptions of the most modern machines, tools, kilns, and kiln roofs used. Second edition, . . . revised. xxxi,50i p. & Co., 1889. il. 2 pi. O. Philadelphia: II. C. Baird BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 333 Directory. 666.9 i eae.g Cements "'" Directory of American cement industries Indianapolis, Ind., New York, N. Y., Municipal Engineering Company, 1901-. Continued from vol. I, 1 901. tables. 22"'". Vol. 1-2 title reads: Directory of American cement imlustries and Handbook for cement users. Vol. 3- published without the Handbook the third edition of which has shelf number 691.5 Q500 \'ol. 3 wanting. Eckel, Edwin Clarence, 1875- 666.9 Q500 62008 Cements, limes, and plasters; their materials, manufacture, and properties, by Edwin C. Eckel .... P'irst edition New York, J. Wiley & Sons; [etc., etc.], 1905. xxxiv, 712 p. illus., double maps, diagrs. (i double). 2^h"". Sec also 691.5, Building construction. Hummel, John James. 667.2 O500 667.2 Dyeing "" The dyeing of textile fabrics xii,534 p. 97 il. S. [Man- uals of technology.] London: Cassell & Co., 1S96, pref. 1885. Hurst, George H. L667.26P600 "" Dictionary of the coal tar colors. Second edition, revised and enlarged. [4],vii,2i2 p. Q. London: Heywood & Co., 1896. Rawson, Christopher. 667.25 Qioo 63534 y^ dictionary of dyes, mordants, and other compounds used in dyeing and calico printing. By Christopher Rawson . . . Walter M. Gardner . . . and W. F. Laycock .... London, C. Griffin & Co., ltd.; Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1901. [6], 372 p. 23=°>. Mitchell, Charles Ainsworth, 1867- 667.4 Q401 667.4 inks 63533 j[.,j^g. their composition and manufacture; including methods of examination and a full list of English patents ; by C. Ainsworth Mitchell ... andT. C. Hepworth. With 46 illustrations, including 4 plates. London, C. Griffin & Co., ltd., 1904. xiv, 251 p. lUus., 4 pi. (incl. front., facsims.) 20"^™. Hurst, George H. 667.6 QlOO 667.6 Paints »8953 Dictionary of chemicals and raw products used in the manufacture of paints, colours, varnishes and allied preparations. vi,[2], 382 p. O. London: Scott, Greenwood & Co., 1901. Paint. 667.6 Q404 "'" Paint and varnish facts and formula ; a hand book for the maker, dealer and user of paints and varnishes. Newark, N. J., Central Publishing Company, [1904]. [22], 179 p. 22<^'". 334 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 667.6 Paints 667.7 Varnishes 668 Glues 668.1 Soap Sabin, Alvah Horton, 185 1- 667.6 Q402 63580 -YYiQ industrial and artistic technology of paint and varnish. By Alvah Horton Sabin .... First edition New York, J, Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1904. vi, 372 p. front., illus., plates. 23.J'^'". Zerr, Georg. 667.6 Q800 66082 ^ treatise on colour manufacture. A guide to the preparation, examination, and application of all the pigment colours in prac- tical use. By George Zerr and Dr. R. Riibencamp. Authorized English edition by Dr. Charles Mayer. With numerous illustra- tions and tables. London, C. Grififin and Co., ltd. ; Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1908. xiii, [2], 605 p. incl. 106 illus., tables. 23'™. See also 698.1, Painting. Brannt, William Theodore. 667.7 P300 Varnishes, lacquers, printing inks and sealing-waxes: their raw materials and their manufacture. To which is added the art of varnishing and lacquering, including the preparation of putties and of stains for wood, ivory, bone, horn, and leather. xix,338 p. 39 il. O. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1893. Standage, H 668 Q700 Agglutinants of all kinds for all purposes required by architects. artists, builders, [etc.]. By H. C. Standage, Constable & Co., ltd., 1907. vi, 267 p. 22'^'". London, A. 668.1 P500 Carpenter, William Lant. sou ^ treatise on the manufacture of soap and candles, lubricants and glycerin. Second edition, revised and enlarged b}' Henry Leask. x,[2],446p. 104 il. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1895. Lamborn, Leebert Lloyd. 668.1 Q602 62o.'9 Modern soaps, candles and glycerin ; a practical manual of modern methods of utilization of fats and oils in the manufacture of soaps and candles, and of the recovery of glycerin, by Lee- bert Lloyd Lamborn .... New York, D. Van Nostrand Com- pany ; [etc., etc.], 1906. XX, 688 p. incl. front., illus., plates, diagrs. 24°™. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 335 Deite, Carl, 1S3S- 668.5 P203 ees.S Perfumery SS363 j!^ practical treatise on the manufacture of perfumer)' : comprising directions for making all kinds of perfumes, sachet powders, fumi- gating materials, dentifrices, cosmetics, etc., . . . , including the manufacture of fruit ethers, and tests of their purity. By Dr. C. Deite assisted by L. Borchert, F. Eichbaum, E. Kugler, 1 1. Toeff- ner From the German by William T. Brannt, .... Illus- trated by twenty-eight engravings. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird & Co., 1892. xx, [i7]-358p. 2Silliis. 19"'". Parry, Ernest John. 668.5 PQOi 22014 -j-j^g chemistry of essential oils and artificial perfumes. viii,4i i p. 20 11. O. London: Scott, Greenwood & Co., 1899. Piesse, Charles Henry. 668.5 Pioo *^" Piesse's art of perfumery and the methods of obtaining the odours of plants. The growth and general flower farm system of raising fragrant herbs Fifth edition. .xvii,498 p. il. i pi. O. London: Piesse & Lubin, 1 89 1. Lunge, Georg. 668.7 Qooi 668.7 coai tar *"°° Coal-tar and ammonia. Third and enlarged edition. xvi,929 p. 285 il. O. London; Gurney & Jackson, 1900. Blount, Bertram. 537.85 Q002 669 Metallurgy 88940 Practical electro-chemistry. xi,373,[i] p. il. O. Westminster: A. Constable & Co.. 1901. Borchers, Wilhelm /.r. Johannes Albert Wilhelm, 537-85 Q401 1856- Electric smelting and refining: the extraction and treatment of metals by means of the electric current. By Dr. W. Borchers. Translated from the third German edition, with additions, by Walter G. McMillan .... Second English edition. With 4 plates and numerous illustrations in the text. London, C. Grififin and Co., ltd., 1904. xxiii, 562 p. illus., IV pi. (partly fold.), diagrs. 22'^™. McMillan, Walter G. 537-85 P901 22711 y^ treatise on electro-metallurgy: embracing the application of electrolysis to the plating, depositing, smelting, and refining of various metals, and to the reproduction of printing surfaces and art-work, etc. Second edition. Revised and enlarged. .xix, 440 p. 109 il. O. [Griffin's scientific text-books.] London: C. Grififin & Co., 1899. 336 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 669Metaiurgy Roberts-Austen, Sir William Chandler, 1S43-1902. 669.02 Q201 '"'"* An introduction to the study of metallurgy. By Sir VV. C. Rob- erts-Austen .... Fifth edition, revised and enlarged London, C. Griffin and Co., ltd. ; Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1902. XV, 516 p. front., illus., fold, table, diagr. 22"^"". [Griffin's metallurgical series.] "One of a series of treatises written by associates of the Royal School of Mines." Bibliographies at end of chapters v, ix, and xi. Schnabel, Carl. 669.02 Q102 4992S Handbook of metallurgy, by Dr. Carl Schnabel, .... Translated ^ by Henry Louis Second edition. Vol. I-[ll] Lon- don, New York, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1905-1907. 2 vol. 23''"'. Contents. — vol. i. Copper, lead, silver, gold. 1905. xx, I123 p. 715 illus. incl. diagrs. — vol. 2. Zinc, cadmium, mercury, bismuth, tin, antimony, arsenic, nickel, cobalt, platinum, aluminum. IQ07. xvi, S67 p. 532 illus. incl. diagrs. 669.1 Metallurgy of American Iron and Steel Association. 669.1 i iron and steel ,,3 j);j.ectory to the iron and steel works of the United States To which is added a complete list of the iron and steel works of Canada and Me.xico. With supplements. Continued from [vol. 2. 1874.] O. Philadelphia 1874-. First edition published in 1859, under the title: The iron manufacturer's guide to the furnaces, forges, and rolling mills of the United States; vol. 2-3, The ironworks of the United States. A directory .... The Canadian and Mexican lists were first added in vol. II. Vol. 3 is called Centennial edition. Vol, 4 has no title-page. Campbell, Harry Huse, 1859- 669.1 Q700 69244 11-^Q manufacture and properties of iron and steel, by Harry Huse Campbell .... Fourth edition. New York and London, Hill Publishing Company, 1907. xx\i, 639 p. incl. illus., plates, maps, tables, diagrs. 24'^"'. Stoughton, Bradley, 1873- 669.1 Q800 63979 ^Yhc metallurgy of iron and steel, by Bradley Stoughton .... New York, London, Hill Ptiblishing Compan}-, 1908. viii, 509 p. incl. illus., tables, diagrs. 24"". 669.2 Metallurgy of Eissler, Manuel. 669.2 Q002 s9sii, -YiiQ metallurgy of gold. A practical treatise on the metallurgical treatment of gold-bearing ores including the assaying, melting, and refining of gold. Fifth edition, enlarged and re-arranged. xxvi,638 p. 317 il. 46 pi. O. London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1900. 669.3 MetaUurgy of Peters, Edward Dyer, 1849- 669.3 Q700 ""^^ The principles of copper smelting, by Pldward Dyer Peters .... New York, [etc.], Hill Publishing Company, 1907. ix, 612 p. incl. illus., tables, diagrs. 5 pi. (2 fold.) 24''"'. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 337 Collins, Henry Francis. 669.4 PQoo 669.4-.5 Metallurgy S2S53 -Yhe metallurgy of lead & silver Being one of a series of °* ^^^^ *°^ "°"= treatises on metallurgy written by associates of the Royal School of Mines. Edited by Sir W. C. Roberts-Austen. 2 vol. il. pi. O. [Griffin's metallurgical series.] London: C. Griffin & Co., 1 899-1900. Ingalls, Walter Renton, 1865- 669.0973 Q800 Lead and zinc in the United States; comprising an economic his- tory of the mining and smelting of the metals and the conditions which have affected the development of the industries, by Walter Renton Ingalls .... New York, London, Hill Publishing Com- pany, 1908. [4], iii-x, 368 p. incl. illus., tables, diagrs. 3 pi. 24'^'". Ingalls, Walter Renton, rd. 669.4 Q600 69.TO0 Lg.jj-] smelting and refining, with some notes on lead mining; edited by Walter Renton Ingalls. New York and London, The Engineering and Mining Journal, 1906. vii, 327 p. plates, diagrs. 24'^'". Chiefly reprinted from the Engineering and mining journal. Ingalls, Walter Renton. 669.5 Q200 soisi Production and properties of zinc; a treatise on the occurrence and distribution of zinc ore, the commercial and technical condi- tions affecting the production of spelter, its chemical and physi- cal properties and uses in the arts, together with a historical and statistical review of the industry, by Walter Renton Ingalls. First edition. New York and London, The Engineering and Mining Journal, 1902. ix, 328 p. incl. illus., maps, diagr. pi. 23'^'". Richards, Joseph William. 669.703 P500 669.7 Metallurgy of ..„„ Ai • • -.^ u- ^ ^- ^ u J aluminium Aluminium: its history, occurrence, properties, metallurgy and applications, including its alloys. Third edition, revised and enlarged. xv,666 p. 46 il. O. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1896. Beringer, C, & Beringer, J. J. 669.9 Qooi 669.9 Assaying 24661 ^ text-book of assaying: for the use of those connected with mines. Revised by J. J. Beringer. Sixth edition, revised and enlarged. xvi,456 p. il. D. [Griffin's metallurgical series.] London: C. Griffin & Co., 1900. Furman, Howard Van Fleet. 669.9 P600 A manual of practical assaying. Fourth edition, revised and en- larged vi,437p. il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. 338 THF JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 669.9 Assaying Plattner, Karl Friedrich, 1800-1 858. 544.3 Q200 86266 piattner's manual of qualitative and quantitative analysis with the blowpipe ; translated by Henry B. Cornwall, . . . assisted by John H. Caswell Eighth edition revised after the sixth German edition, b\- Professor Friedrich Kolbeck, . . . with eighty-seven . woodcuts. New York, D. Van Nostrand Company, 1902. xvii, 463 p. illus. 23.i"". 670 MANUFACTURES Lewis, J. Slater. L670.2P600 59i,3 -j-[.jg commercial organisation of factories. A handbook for the use of manufacturers, directors, auditors, engineers, . . . , etc. xxxvi,540 p. il. 2 tables, 3 tables in pocket. Q. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1896. Thomas Publishing Co., New York. 670.973 5 *'*"'■' .... Thomas' register of American manufacturers and first hands in all lines. The buyers guide Issued annually. .... New York, Thomas Publishing Co., ^^1907. Vol. 3, 1907,8. 24x9™. U. S. A. Department of Cojniiicrce and Labor. L670.973 QSOO "°'*' _ Bureau of the Census. .... Manufactures, 1905 .... Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1907. 2 vol. diagrs. 30"^"'. Al heaa of tille; Department of Commerce and Labor. Bureau of the Census. S. N. D. North, director. Binder's title: Special reports ol the Census Office. ' 'The first census of the United States in which the canvass was confined to establish- ments conducted under what is known as the factory system, thus excluding the neighbor- hood and mechanical industries." "The fieldwork . . . the completion of the statistics, and the preparation of the text have been done under the supervision of Mr. William M. Steuart, chief statistician for manufactures." Pt. I contains a summarization and an analysis of the statistics for the United States, by states, by industries, and by groups of industries. Pt. II, Manufactures by states and territories, was first published in form of "Bulletins". 671 Metal manufac- BoUand, Simpson. 671P400 *""■*' »»" The encyclopedia of founding and dictionary of foundry terms, used in the practice of moulding First edition iv,53 5 p. D. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1894. Brannt, William Theodore. 671 P004 iJoiB "YY^Q metal worker's handy-book of receipts and processes. Being a collection of chemical formulas and practical manipulations for the working of all the metals and alloys; including the decoration and beautifying of articles manufactured therefrom, as well as their preservation. Edited from various sources, .x.xiii, 33-538 p. 63 il. D. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1899, c. 1890. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 339 Brannt, William Theodore. 671 P605 571 Metal manufac- '""' The metallic alloys. A practical guide for the manufacture of all '•"''^ kinds of alloys, amalgams, and solders, used by metal-workers ; together with their chemical and physical properties and their application in the arts and the industries ; with an appendix on the coloring of alloys and the recovery of waste metals. A new, revised, and enlarged edition. xxvii,527 p. 34 il. O. Philadel- phia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1896. Compiled principally from the following: Thurston, R. H. A treatise on brasses, bronzes and other alloys: Krupp, A. Die Legirungen; Ledelxir, A. Die Metallverar- beitung auf chemischphysikalischem Wege; Muspratt, J. S. Theoretische, praktische und analytische Chemie. Chase, Isaac McKim, 183 7-1 903. 671 Q301 ''^''' The art of pattern-inaking. A comprehensive treatise. Nu- merous examples of all kinds of pattern work for green-sand, dry- sand, and loam moulding. Pattern work for marine engines and screw propellers. Also useful information and rules for the prac- tical use of pattern-makers and others. By I. McKim Chase .... First edition New York, J. Wiley & Sons ; London, Chap- m*an & Hall, ltd., 1903. vi, 254 p. illus., diagrs. 19°"". Fuller, John, Sr. 671.19P300 33J2 Art of coppersmithing. Apractical treatise on working sheet cop- per into all forms. [2],vii,327 p. 475 il. 2 pi. i por. O. New York: D. Williams, 1894. Iron age directory. 671 i 33203 -j-j^g Iron age directory. A classified index of goods manufac- tured by advertisers in the Iron age .... New York, D. Williams Company, 1902—. Continued from no. 6, [1902]. I7i<^"". Langbein, Georg. 537-85 Q400 63oi3 ^ complete treatise on the electro-deposition of metals : com- prising electro-plating and galvanoplastic operations, the deposi- tion of metals by the contact and immersion processes, the col- oring of metals, the methods of grinding and polishing .... Translated from the fifth German edition of Dr. George Lane- bein .... With additions by William T. Brannt .... Fifth edition, in great part re-written and much enlarged. Illustrated by one hundred and seventy engravings. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird & Co., 1905. xxxiv, 660 p. front., ilkis. 24™". Leland, Charles Godfrey. 739 L53 "^° Elementary metal work : a practical manual for amateurs and for use in schools, xvi.iii p. 124 il. 1 pi. sq. O. New York : Mac- millan & Co., 1894. 340 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 671 Metal manufac- Sharp, John. 671 Q002 * '"'^ Modern foundry practice, dealing with the green-sand, dry-sand and loam moulding processes ; the materials used ; also detailed descriptions of the machinery and other appliances employed, with practical examples and rules ^.759 P- i'- I4 pl- O. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1900. Smith, Oberlin. 671 P600 2927 Press-working of metals. A treatise upon the principles and practice of shaping metals in dies by the action of presses, .... First edition 276 p. 431 il. i pl. O. New York : J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. Warn, Reuben Henry. 671 Q606 60919 -pj^g sheet-metal worker's instructor, comprising a selection of geometrical problems and practical rules for describing the va- rious patterns required by zinc, sheet-iron, copper, and tin-plate workers. By Reuben Henry Warn, .... Third edition, revised and further enlarged by Joseph G. Horner, .... With 465 il- lustrations. London, C. Lockwood and Son, 1906. vii, 272 p. 465 illus. incl. diagrs. igj"^"". 671.45 Goidsmithing Wigley, Thomas B. 671.45 P800 '"'■' The art of the goldsmith and jeweller: a treatise on the manipu- lation of gold in the various processes of goldsmith's work, and the manufacture of personal ornaments, &c., &c. By Thomas B. Wigley, assisted by John H. Stansbie. xi,248 p. 144 il. O, Lon- don: C. Grif^n & Co., 1898. 671.81 Silversmith- Gee, George E. 671.81 O500 g 16522 ^Yhe silversmith's handbook. Containing full instructions for the alloying and working of silver Third edition. xxvi,22ip. 40 il. S. [Weale's scientific & technical series.] London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1890. Wilson, H. 739 W69 376B8 Silverwork and jewelry ; a text-book for students and workers in metal, by H. Wilson. With diagrams by the author and other illustrations. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1903. 346 p. incl. front., illus., pl., diagr. igi":"". I^Half-litk: The artistic crafts series of technical handbooks, [no. 11]) 671.97 Wire Smith, J. BucknaU. L671.97P100 ""'" A treatise upon wire, its manufacture and uses, embracing com- prehensive descriptions of the constructions and applications of wire ropes. xxii,[2],347 p. il. 2 pl. i table. Q. London: "Engi- neering," 1 89 1. See also 621.9, Tools and tool-making; 669, Metallurgy. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 34i Ede, George. 672M3OO 672 iron and steel ^^'^ The management of steel. Sixth edition. xii,204 p. D. Lon- don : E. & F. N. Spon, 1 891. Gardner, John Starkie. 672 P200 "*' Ironwork [2 vol.] il. D. [SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Art handbooks.] London: Chapman & Hall, 1 893-1 897. Contents: Vol. I. From the earliest time to the end of the Medisval period. Vol. 2. From the close of the Mediaeval period to the end of the eighteenth century, exclud- ing English work. Woodworth, Joseph Vincent, 1877- 672 Q300 fl398s Hardening, tempering, annealing and forging of steel ; a treatise on the practical treatment and working of high and low grade steel ... by Joseph V. Woodworth ... illustrated by 201 en- gravings. New York, N. W. Henley & Co., 1903. 288 p. illus., diagrs. 234™'. See also 669 i, Metallurgy of iron and steel. Boulger, George Simonds, 1853- 674 Q202 674 Lumber manu- 6»-"-' Wood ; a manual of the natural history and industrial applica- tions of the timbers of commerce. By G. S. Boulger .... With 82 illustrations. London, E. Arnold, 1902. viii, 369 p. illus., 4 pi. 19"^'". "Select bibliography," p. 351-352. Polk & Co., R. L., Dam't. 674 i ""' Polk's Lumber directory of the United States. Comprising list of agricultural implement manufacturers — boat builders — box manufacturers — car builders ... chair manufacturers — cooper- age stock — furniture manufacturers ... and special lists of of all allied interests. Also laws affecting the lumber interest — inspection, measurement and classification rules of different mar- kets — lumber associations, journals, etc Detroit, Chi- cago, [etc.], R. L. Polk & Co., <= 1902-'' 1907. Vol. 1-3, 1902-1908. 24"". Subtitle varies. Schlich, William. 634.9 P500 """ A manual of forestry 5 vol. il.pl. O. London : Bradbury, Agnew, & Co., 1895-1897. Vol. I and 2 are in second edition, revised, published in 1896 and 1897. Vol. 4-5 published under the title: Schlich's manual of forestry. Vol. 4 is an English adaptation, by W. R. Fisher, of Hess, Richard. Der Forstschutz; vol. 5 is a translation, by W. R. Fisher, of Gayer, Karl. Die Forstbenutzung. Vol. I contains a new part on The state in relation ,to forestry, and a general review of the timber requirements of the British Empire. 342 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 674 Lumber manu- Schlich, William, 1840- **''*"'*' """' Schlich's Manual of forestry edition, revised. . . , 1904-. Vol. I-. illus., plates. Vol. I : 1906. 634.9 Q4OI , . By W. Schlich Third London, Bradbury, Agncw, & Co., ltd., 224= 675 Leather manu- Davis, Charles Thomas. 675 P700 ^'^ ^^^ i-'367 -jj-jg manufacture of leather: being a description of all of the processes for the tanning and tawing . . . , and the currying, fin- ishing and dyeing of every kind of leather ; . . . , with special reference to the best American practice. To which are added lists of American patents (i 884-1 897) .... Second edition, revised and in great part rewritten. xxxii,68o p. 147 il. 2 pi. O. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1897. Leland, Charles Godfrey. 675 P200 Leather work. A practical manual for learners. xiii,96 p. 60 il. I pi. sq.O. London: Whittaker & Co., 1892. Shoe and leather reporter annual. 6563 'Yhe Shoe and leather reporter annual 1897. Q. New York [1897-]. L675.OO51 I Continued from Watt, Alexander, F.R.S.A. 675 Q600 ^"'^ Leather manufacture; a practical handbook of tanning, currying, and chrome leather dressing, by Alexander Watt .... Fifth edition, thoroughly revised and enlarged. New York, D. Van Nostrand Company; [etc., etc.], 1906. xvi, 4S4 p. illus. 20"'". 676 Paper manulac- And^S, Louls Edgar ture . ^ 676 Q704 69961 'Yhe treatment of paper for special purposes : A practical intro- duction to the preparation of paper products for a great variety of purposes ... by Louis Edgar Andes. Translated from the German, by Chas. Salter. With forty-eight illustrations. Lon- don, Scott, Greenwood & Son; New York, D. Van Nostrand Com- pany; [etc., etc.], 1907. xiii, 239 p. illus. 19'='". Cross, Charles Frederick, 1855- 676 Q703 6«92 ^ text-book of paper-making. By C. F. Cross and E. J. I3evan. Third edition, containing additional matter, and in part re-written, with collaboration of J. F. Briggs. London, E. & F. N. Spon, ltd.; New York, Spon & Chamberlain, 1907. X, 411 p. front., 97 illus., n fold, diagr. 19'"'. "Bibliography," p. 386-389. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 343 Lockwood Trade Journal Co., New York. 676 i 676 Paper manufac- -■"'" Lockvvood's directory of the paper, stationery and allied trades. ""^^ " .... New York, Lockwood Trade Journal Co., *^i883-[i907]. Vol. 9, 26, 33, 1S83, 1900-1901, 1908. 24"^' .cni Post's Paper mill directory. 676 2 ""' Post's Paper mill directory .... Containing a complete list of the paper, pulp, and chemical fibre mills in ... the United States and Canada, together with classified lists of mills by goods made, .... New York, L. D. Post, <■ 1903- 1906. 1903, 1906/7. 2 vol. 23i'='". Watt, Alexander. 676P001 3593 "Phe art of ■ paper-making: a practical handbook of the manufac- ture of paper . . . , including the manufacture of pulp from wood fibre. With a description of the machinery and appliances used. To which are added details of processes for recovering soda from waste liquors. xii,26o p. 86 il. D. London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1890, Bell, T. F. 677 P4OI 677 Textiles '^^'' Jacquard weaving and designing. vi,[2],303 p. 199 il. O. Lon- don: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1S95. Blue book. 677 5 46529 _ _ _ 'Y\\Q Blue book textile directory of the United States and * Canada comprising cotton, woolen, silk, jute, flax and linen man- ufacturers, dyers, bleachers and print works, commission mer- chants, converters and brokers, yarn dealers, cotton, wool, hair, waste and rag dealers, . . . silk dealers, dry goods jobbers, &c. with a full classified directory of cotton and woolen mills New York, Davison Publishing Co., ''1904-'' 1908. Vol. 17, 21, 1904/5, 1908/9. maps. 234"'". At head of title \iA. 17: World's Fair edition; vol. 21: Office edition. 1905 Supplement. 19 p., tipped in at end of vol. 17. Cole, George Snow. 677 Q004 "'"' Cole's Encyclopedia of dry goods. A reference book for the wholesale and retail dry goods trade of the United States, con- taining a descriptive list of all the standard fabrics, . . . and a full description of the processes of carding, spinning, weaving, bleach- ing, dyeing and printing. New edition, revised and enlarged. 640 p. il. O. New York: Root Newspaper Association, 1900. 344 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 677 Textiles Davison's Hosiery. 677 7 *"*•' .... Davison's Hosiery and knit goods trade. A directory of " the hosiery and knit goods manufacturers of the United States and Canada, and inchiding knitting yarns, jobbers, . . . buyers, large retailers, hosiery and knit goods dyers, manufacturers' agents, city offices and salesrooms of the various companies, with selling agents New York, Davison Publishing Co., * I 906- I 908. Vol. 16, 18, 1906/7, 190S9. fold. maps. 23''" Al head of title: Office edition. Matthews, Joseph Merritt, 1874- 677 Q700 639S3 -j-j^g textile fibrcb ; their physical, microscopical and chemical properties, by J. Merritt Matthews .... Second edition, re- written New York, J. Wiley & Sons ; [etc., etc.], 1907. viii, 480 p. incl. illus., tables. 23.^'^'". "Bibliography of the textile fibres," p. 431-438. Red book. 677 10 56847 'YX-xQ "Ret. 000k" textile supply directory. Everything for the " textile manufacturer in the line of chemicals and dyestuffs, yarns, braids, tapes, cotton, wool, shodd}', waste, rags, dyers, textile machinery and supplies New York, Davison Publishing Co., '=i9o6-<'i9o8. Vol. 22, 24, 1906, 1908. 2l4"". Textile world. 677 i *"' Textile world record, official directory of the textile industries, also the yarn trade index. Boston, New York, [etc.]. Lord & Nagle Co., ''1897-. Continued from 1897. illus. (incl. maps). 24'"'. Cover title; 1897 has title-page. 1897, title reads: Te.ttile world's director}' of the mill trade in the United States. . . . ; 1898-1899, Textile world's directory of the mill trade in the United States and of buyers of textile fabrics; 1900, The Textile world's official directory of the textile mills and of buyers of textile fabrics; 1901-1902, The Textile world's official directory of the textile industries .... igo2- include Canada. 1 897-1902 published by Guild & Lord. 677.14 Carpets Davlson's Carpet trade. 677.141 "*"" Davison's Carpet trade. American carpet directory ; a directory of the carpet and rug manufacturers of the United States and Canada .... New York, Davison Publishing Co., ''1906. No. 2, 1907. illus., I fold. plan. 184"". 677.19 Cotton Taggart, William Scott. ^•'■'^ Cotton spinning. ... & Co., 1 896-1 898. Vol. 2 reprinted from I'hf 'I'cxlilc merciiry. 3 vol. il. I pi. D. 677.19 P50I London : Macmillan BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 345 Davison's Silk trade. 677.81 i 677.81 Siik ''"-' .... Davison's Silk trade. A directory of the silk manufactu- * rers of the United States and Canada, and including jobbers, with name of buj'ers, importers, silk dyers, commission merchants, city offices and salesrooms of manufacturing companies, the silk "cutting up" trade of New York City, and a classified list of manu- facturers of the various kinds of silk goods New York, Davison Publishing Co., "^i 906-^1 909. Vol. II, 14, 1906, 1909. plans, ai"'". Ai head of title: Office edition. Beaumont, Roberts. 677.98 P900 677.98 wool "'"» Woollen and worsted cloth manufacture : being a practical treatise for the use of all persons employed in the manipulation of textile fabrics. Third edition, re-written. x.x,47i p. il. D. (Techno- logical handbooks.) London: G. Bell & Sons, 1899. Terry, Hubert L 678 Q701 678 Rubber ^"^'' India-rubber and its manufacture; with chapters on gutta-percha and balata, by Hubert L. Terry .... London, A. Constable & Co., ltd., 1907. viii, [2], 294 p. illus. 2i.i'^"'. (//a/)^-////ev The "Westminster" series.) "Bibliography," p. [289]. Weber, Carl Otto. 678 Q300 40S21 jj^g chemistry of India rubber, including the outlines of a theory on vulcanisation. By Carl Otto Weber, PH.D. With four plates and several illustrations in the text. London, C. Griffin and Co., ltd.; Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1903. X, [2], 314 p. front., illus., 3 pi. 23.4"^"'. Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. 679.00513 679 Flour S6315 PqIi^'j flour mill, grain and bakers' directory of the United States ... . Chicago, Baltimore, [etc.], R. L. Polk & Co., 1900-1905. No. I, 3, 19CX3, 1905. 234"='". No. I title reads: Polk's flour mill and grain directory of the United States and Canada. 680 TRADES Horner, Joseph Gregory. 621.94 Q^oi 6354B Practical metal turning; a handbook for engineers, technical stu- dents, and amateurs (re-issue of "Engineers' turning") ... by Joseph G. Horner .... Illustrated by four hundred and eighty- five illustrations. London, C. Lockwood and Sons, 1906. [2], [v]-xii, 404 p. illus. 2ii<:'". Contents. — Preface. — Introduction: The relations of the turnery to the machine shop. — The lathe, its work, and the tools. — Turning between centres. — Work support- ed at one end. — Internal work. — Screw cutting and turret work. — Miscellaneous matters. — Steel makers' instructions. — Index. 346 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 680 Trades Homer, Joseph G. 621.02 P301 nass -Yiic principles of fitting. For apprentices, and students in tech- nical schools. By a foreman pattern maker. And including a number of useful shop notes and memoranda. x,3i3 p. il. 5 pi. D. [Whittaker's library of arts, sciences & industries.] London : Whittaker & Co., [1893]. How. 680.3 Qooi ""'^ How to make and how to mend. By an amateur mechanic. [2], 288 p. il. D. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1900. Leland, Charles Godfrey. 680.2 P600 6063 ^ manual of mending and repairing. xxi,264 p. il. D. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1896. 681 Watch and clock Britten, Frederick James. 681 Q202 )oo63 11^^ watch & clock makers' handbook, dictionary and guide. By F. J. Britten. Tenth edition. London, E. & F. N. Spon, ltd.; New York, Spon & Chamberlain, 1902. 492 p. illus. incl. diagrs. 22'^'". making 682 Biacksmithing. Bacon, John Lord Forging e: 684 Woodworking 682 Q4OI 6^5" Forge-practice (elementary) by John Lord Bacon .... First edition New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1904. viii, 257 p. illus., diagrs. ig"^"'. "This little volume is tlie outgrowth of a series of notes given to the students at Lewis Institute." — • Pref. Richardson, Milton Thomas, a/uor. 682 Pooi 8938 Practical biacksmithing. A collection of articles contributed at different times by skilled workmen to the columns of "The Black- smith and wheelwright" .... 4 vol. il. D. New York : M. T. Richardson, 1 890-1 895. Goss, William Freeman Myrick, 1859- 684 Q501 ''""- Bench work in wood ; a course of study and practice designed for the use of schools and colleges, by W. F; M. Goss .... Re- vised edition. Boston, New York, [etc.], Ginn & Co., [Jigos]. xiv, 200 p. illus., diagrs. ig*^'". Hasluck, Paul Nooncree, 1854- , i-d. 684 Q300 63532 -^-jj^ handyman's book of tools, materials, and processes em- ployed in woodworking, edited by Paul N. Hasluck, with 2,545 illustrations and working drawings. London, New York, [etc.], Cassell and Co., ltd., 1903. viii, 760 p. illus. 24'^'". BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 347 Selden, Frank Henry. 684.1 Q700 684 woodworking 6930J Eienientaiy turning, for use in manual training classes, by Frank Henry Selden .... Chicago, New York, Rand, McNally & Co., ["1907]- 197 p. incl. front., illus. iS=™. Selden, Frank Henry. 371-42 Q600 63078 Elementary woodwork for use in manual training classes, by Frank Henry Selden .... Chicago, New York, Rand, McNally & Co., [01906]. [4], ii, 3-206 p. front., illus. i8™. Wheeler, Charles Gardner. 684 P900 2-''i9 Woodworking for beginners. A manual for amateurs. ix,55ip. 705 il. I pi. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1900. See also 694, Carpentry. Golding, Frank Y 685 Q200 ess shoes 63969 'Yhe manufacture of boots and shoes, being a modern treatise of all the processes of making and manufacturing footgear, by F. Y. Golding .... With over two hundred illustrations. London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1 902. ix, 294 p. illus., diagrs. 22i<^™. Bouchot, Henri. L655.09O600 ese Bookbinding '"' The printed book, its history, illustration, and adornment, from the days of Gutenberg to the present time. Translated and en- larged by Edward C. Bigmore. viii,3i2 p. 118 il. Q. London: H. Grevel & Co., 1887. Cockerell, Douglas. 686 Qioo ""* Bookbinding, and the care of books, a text-book for bookbind- ers and librarians, by Douglas Cockerell, with drawings by Noel Rooke, and other illustrations. London, J. Hogg, 1901. xvi, 17-341, [i] p. incl. front., illus., pi. 19™'. {Half-title: the artistic crafts series of technical hand books, no. I ) Horne, Herbert P. 686P401 ""* The binding of books. An essay in the history of gold-tooled bindings. xiii,[3],224 p. i il. 13 pi. O. [Books about books.] London : Kegan Paul, ^ . . , & Co., 1894. Prideaux, Sarah Treverbian. 686P300 An historical sketch of bookbinding, with a chapter on early stamped bindings by E. Gordon Duff. vi,[2],303 p. 3 pi. O. London: Lawrence & Bullen, 1893. Contains a bibliography of bookbinding. 348 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 686 Bookbinding 689 Packinghouse trades White, Gleeson, editor. 740.2 W58 11047 pj-ac,;,cal designing. A handbook on the preparation of working drawings [Second edition.] viii,327 p. il. 4 pi. D. Lon- don: G. Bell & Sons, 1894. Contents: Millar, A. Carpet designing. Silver, A. Woven fabrics. Rix, W. P. Pottery. Carter, O. Tiles. Rathbone, R. LI. B. Metal work. Image, S. Stained glass. White, G. Drawing for reproduction. Orrinsmith, H. Book-binding. Silver, A. Printed fabrics. — . Floorcloths. Haite, G. C. Wall papers. Zaehnsdorf, Joseph William. 686P001 '"■'^ The art of bookbinding. A practical treatise. Second edition, ... enlarged, xi.x.igo p. il. 8 pi. D. (Technological handbooks.) London: G. Bell & Sons, 1890. Douglas's encyclopaedia. L689.13 Q700 69720 Douglas's encyclopaedia. Second edition. A book of reference for bacon curers, bacon factory managers, bacon agents, meat purveyors, meat inspectors, meat salesmen, abattoir superinten- dents, city, county or local authority officers, cold store pioprie- tors and managers, sausage and pork pie makers, and all other industries associated with the meat, pork, provision and general food trades. London, VV. Douglas & Sons, ltd., [1907]. [4], 634 p. illus. 29x2:4'^"'. Ice. 621.5 Q502 ■''''■'' Ice and cold storage trades' directory and handbook . . . for all ■ connected with the refrigerating industry & allied trades in Great Britain, the colonies, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the United States. London, The Ice and Cold Storage Publishing Compa- ny, ltd., 1905. Vol. 5, 1905. 23''". Tayler, Alexander James Wallis-. 621.5 Q201 ^'"''' Refrigeration, cold storage and ice-making; a practical treatise on the art and science of refrigeration, by A. J. Wallis-Tayler .... With three hundred and sixty-one illustrations. London, C. Lockwood and Son, 1902. xxi, 590 p. illus., plate, table, diagr. 23'^™. An elaboration of an earlier work, "Refrigerating and ice-making machinery." Appendix : Useful tables and memoranda. Bibliography of refrigeration. 690 BUILDING Berg, Louis de Coppet. 690.2 O900 ^"" Safe building: a treatise giving ... the practical and theoretical rules and formulje used in the construction of buildings. 2 vol. il. pi. tables. O. Boston: Ticknor & Co., 1 892-1 894. Vol. I : fourth edition, revised, published in 1894, c. 1889. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 349 Freitag, Joseph Kendall. 721.9 F881 69o Building 5ujii3 Architectural engineering. With especial reference to high building construction, including many examples of prominent office buildings. By Joseph Kendall Freitag ... . Second edi- tion, rewritten New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1901. xiv, 407 p. incl. illus., pi. front. 23i"". Galton, Sir Douglas. 628.02 P600 "'*' Observations on the construction of healthy dwellings, namely : houses, hospitals, barracks, asylums, etc. Second edition, re- vised. xvi,3o6 p. 65 11. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1896. Hatfield, Robert Griffith. 690.2 O003 "'' The American house carpenter. A treatise on the art of build- ing. ... ; together with a compend of mathematics Eighth edition, rewritten and enlarged. Edited by O. P. Hatfield. Twelfth edition [2],685 p. 450 il. 16 pi. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1895, c. 1880. Johnson, John Butler, 1 850-1 902. L624.2 Q400 61961 -Yhe theory and practice of modern framed structures. De- signed for the use of schools, and for engineers in professional practice. By J. B. Johnson . . . C. W. Bryan and F. E. Tur- • neaure .... Eighth edition, partly rewritten New York, J. Wiley and Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1904. L\, 561 p. illus., plates (partly fold.) diagrs. (partly fold.) 28x22'='". Kidder, Frank Eugene, 1859-1905. 690.2 P600 '"^ Building construction and superintendence. By F. E. Kidder, .... New York, W. T. Comstock, 1896-. Vol. I-. illus. 244="". Various editions. Spon, E. & F. N., publishers. 690.2 O401 "•" Spons' mechanics' own book : a manual for handicraftsmen and amateurs. Third edition. xii,702 p. 1424 il. O. London 1889. Sturgis, Russell, 1836- L720.3 S935 40893 ^ dictionary of architecture and building, biographical, historical, and descriptive; by Russell Sturgis, PII.D and many archi- tects, painters, engineers, and other expert writers, American and foreign. In three volumes New York and London, The Macmillan Company, 1901. 3 vol. illus., 106 pi. incl. front. 27*^' 7cm 35° THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 690 Building Van Cleve, B. Frank. 602 Pool i»o7i -pj^g English and American mechanic : an every-day hand-book for the workshop and the factory. Containing several thousand receipts, rules and tables .... A new, revised, enlarged and improved edition edited by Emory Edwards. xxv,476 p. il. D. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1893. VioUet-le-Duc, Eugene Emmanuel. 721 V81 -°°' Rational building : being a translation of the article "Construction" in the Dictionnaire raisonne de I'architecture frangaise, of M. Eu- gene-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc, by George Martin Huss. xii, 367 p. 156 il. O. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1895. 691 Building mate- Thurston, Robert Henry. 691 O900 ^'*' .... Materials of engineering. 3 vol. il. pi. table. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1893-1898. Contents: Vol. i. A treatise on the non-metallic materials of engineering, stone, timber, fuel, lubricants, etc. Vol. 2. A treatise on iron and steel. Vol. 3. A treatise on brasses, bronzes, and other alloys, and their constituent metals. Vol. I is in fourth revised edition; vol. 2, in seventh revised edition; vol. 3, in third edition, revised. Unwin, William Cawthorne. 691 P900 21407 -pj.jg testing of materials of construction. A text-book for the engineering laboratory and a collection of the results of experi- ment. Second edition. vii,[4],455 p. 188 il. 5 pi. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1899. rials 691.2 Building stones 691.5 Cement Merrill, George Perkins, 1854- 553-5 Q300 ''^'■' Stones for building and decoration. By George P. Merrill .... Third edition, revised and enlarged New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1903. xi, 540 p. illus., xxxin (i.e. 34) pi. incl. front., 7 maps. 23.i<^"i. "Bibliography of works on building stone," p. 528-530. Directory. 666.9 i 58911 Directory of American cement industries Indianapolis, Ind., New York, N. Y., Municipal Engineering Company, 1901-. Continued from vol. i, 1901. tables. 22'="'. Vol. 1-2 title reads: Directory of American cement industries and Handbook for cement users. Vol. 3- published without the Handbook the third edition of which has shelf number 691.5 Q500 \'ol. 3 wanting. Spalding, Frederick Putnam, 1857- 691.5 Q600 """ Hydraulic cement. Its properties, testing, and use. By Frederick P.Spalding .... Second edition .... New York, J. Wiley & Sons; [etc., etc.], 1906. X, 300 p. illus., diagrs. 19'^'". Sec also 666.9, Cement manufacture. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 351 Birkmire, William Harvey. 721-9 ^53 691.7 iron and steel """ Architectural iron and steel, and its application in the construction <=°"'°^'°° of buildings. . . . , with specification of iron-work Third edition. [2],xiv,20i p. il. O. New York : J. Wiley & Sons, 1894. Newman, John. 691.7 P602 "^^ Metallic structures: corrosion and fouling, and their prevention. A practical aid-book to the safety of works in iron and steel, and of ships; and to the selection of paints for them. xi,374 p. il. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1896. Sabin, Alvah Horton, 1851- 667.6 Q402 6J58.I jj^g industrial and artistic technology of paint and varnish. By Alvah Horton Sabin .... First edition New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1904. vi, 372 p. front., illus., plates. 23.i'^"'. Byrne, Austin T. 692.6 P800 592 Contracts. '"" Inspection of the materials and workmanship employed in con- t.n'^en'JI ^ struction. A reference book . . . containing a collection of memoranda pertaining to the duty of inspectors; quality and de- fects of materials ; requisites for good construction ; methods of slighting work ; etc., etc. First edition xvi,539 p. nar. D. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1899. Clark, Theodore Minot, 1845- 692.6 Q300 50200 Building superintendence ; a manual for young architects, students and others interested in building operations as carried on at the present day, by T. M. Clark .... New edition. Revised and rewritten. New York, London, The MacmilUan Company, 1903. [8], 306 p. illus. 22-i<^'". Hodgson, Frederick Thomas, 1836- 692.5 Q402 69J30 Hodgson s estimator and contractor's guide for pricing builder's work, de-cribing reliable methods of pricing builder's quantities for competitive work, showing in brief and concise form the meth- ods generally employed by the most successful contractors. Giv- ing full details for estimating cost by cost per cubic foot of similar buildings, estimating by the square, estimating in rough quantities, estimating per unit of accommodation, estimating by accurate quantities, etc., with many tables, rules and useful memoranda, by Fred. T. Hodgson . . . Chicago, F. J. Drake & Co., 1904. 254 p. illus., fold, table. 20<^"'. Johnson, John Butler, 1850-1902. 620.03 Q200 M-!-o Engineering contracts and specifications, including a brief s}'nop- sis of the law of contracts and illustrative examples of the general and technical clauses of various kinds of engineering specifica- tions, designed for the use of students, engineers, and contractors by J. B.Johnson .... Third edition — revised New York, Engineering News Publishing Co., 1902. [2], 6, [2], vii, 7-566 p. front, (port.) 23"^°'. 352 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 692 Contracts. Leaning, John. 692.5 Q404 tendence ^"^*"°' ""' Quantity surveying, for the use of surveyors, architects, engineers and builders. By J. Leaning, .... Fifth edition, revised and enlarged. London, E. & F. N. Spon, ltd.; New York, Spon & Chamberlain, 1904. N-ii, [l], 936 p. diagrs. 224'^'". 692.9 Building laws ChicagO. City CoHUcil. 692.9773 Q50O 49857 _^j^ ordinance relating to the Department of Buildings and gov- erning the erection of buildings, etc. in the City of Chicago passed March 13, 1905. Chicago, Moorman & Geller, printers, 1905. 384 p. I fold. plan. 18™. Wait, John Cassan. 692.9 Qooi 26706 -pj^g jjj^y qJ operations preliminary to construction in engineering and architecture. Rights in real propert}-, boundaries, easements, and franchises. For engineers, architects, . . . , and attorneys at law. First edition. ... lxiii,638 p. O. New York: J.Wiley & Sons, 1900. 693 Construction Baker, Ira Osborn. 693 P900 V0032 ^ treatise on masonry construction. Ninth edition, revised and partially rewritten xiii,556 p. 160 il. 6 pi. O. New York : J. Wiley & Sons, 1899. 693.5 Concrete con- struction 693.6 Plastering Buel, Albert Wells, 1861 - 693.5 Q600 °""' Reinforced concrete. Part I. Methods of calculation, by Albert W. Buel ... . Part II. Representative structures. Part III. Methods of construction, by Charles S. Hill. Second edition. Revised and enlarged. New York, The Engineering News Pub- lishing Company, 1906. xii, 499 p. illus., tables (partly fold.) diagrs. (partly fold.) 24'^' Gillette, Halbert Powers, 1869- 691.3 Q802 °"^" Concrete construction, methods and cost, by Halbert P. Gillette . . . and Charles S. Hill .... New York and Chicago, The M. C. Clark Publishing Co., 1908. viii, 690 p. illus., diagrs. 234°"". Reid, Homer A 693.5 Q700 "^""^ Concrete and reinforced concrete construction, by Homer A. Reid .... New York, The M. C. Clark Publishing Co., 1907. xviii, 8S4 p. illus., diagrs. 24'='". Kemp, Wilfred. 693.6 P300 ■""' The practical plasterer: a compendium of plain and ornamental plaster work, with useful recii)es and a glossary of terms. vi,[2], 184 p. 52 il. nar. D. London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1893. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 353 Hasluck, Paul Nooncree, 1854- , cd. 694 Q800 694 Carpentry ""' Cassell's Carpentry and joinerj'. Comprising notes on materials, processes, principles, and practice, including 1,803 engravings and twelve coloured plates. Edited by Paul N. Hasluck .... Lon- don, New York, [etc.], Casscll and Co., ltd., 1908. [S], 567, [i] p. 1S03 illus., XII col. pi. incl. front. 24<''". Hodgson, Frederick Thomas, 1836- 694 Q600 "*'"' Modern carpentry and joinery. Vol. II. Advanced series ; be- ing a compilation of the very best things and most modern and practical methods known in the arts of carpentry and joinery. Prepared and edited by Fred T. Hodgson . . . over 400 practical illustrations. Chicago, F. J. Drake & Co., 1906. 3SS p. incl. front, (port.), illus., diagrs. 20"^™. Kilbon, George Baldwin. 694 P300 '"" Manual training. Elementary woodwork: a series of si.xteen les- sons taught in the senior grammar grade at Springfield, Mass., and designed to give fundamental instruction in use of all the principal tools needed in carpentry and joinery. [4] ,99 p. 207 11. D. Boston: Lee & Shepard, 1S93. Young, Francis Chilton-. 694P500 ^''■' Home carpentry for handy men : a book of practical instruction in ... constructive and decorative work in wood .... vii,772 p. 571 il. O. London: Ward, Lock & Bowden, 1895. See also 684, Woodworking. Davies, Philip John. 696 Q401 696 Plumbing '*'"' Standard practical plumbing ; being a complete encyclopjedia . . . and guide for architects, builders, gas fitters, hot water fitters, ironmongers, lead burners, sanitary engineers, zinc workers, recommended by the Worshipful Company of Plumbers as a te.xt book for registered plumbers, examinations, &c. In [three] volumes, illustrated with over 2,000 engravings. By Philip John Davies, .... London, E. & F. N. Spon, ltd.; New York, Spon & Chamberlain, [i904]-i905. 3 vol. fronts, (vol. 2, pi.; vol. 3, diagr.), illus., I port. 25 x i8i™. Paged continuously; vol. i: 356 p.; vol. 2: xiv, [2, 365]-So7 p.; vol. 3: x, [2, 8ll]-ioi6 p. Vol. I: Fifth edition. — Revised 1905; vol. 2: Second edition. — Revised 1905. Maguire, William R. 628.02 Qioi Domestic sanitary drainage ana plumbing. Lectures on practi- cal sanitation, delivered to plumbers, engineers, and others in the Central Technical Institution, South Kensington, London, under the auspices of the City and Guilds of London Institute for the Advancement of Technical Education. Third edition (revised and brought up to date). [4], 506 p. il. Q. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trlibner & Co., 1901. 354 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 697 Heating and ventilation 696 Plumbing Plumbing. 690.973 1 62020 Plumbing & heating directory, ... , of United States & Canada ; with list of manufacturers and jobbers of plumbing, heating and lighting goods, also master plumbers, steam and hot water fitters etc New York, Plumbing & Heating Publishing Co., [<^i905-]. Continued from vol. i, 1905. 2i4'^'°. Baldwin, William James St. John. 697.5 Qooi 60240 Baldwin on heating ; or, Steam heating for buildings revised. Being a description of steam heating apparatus for warming and ventilating large buildings and private houses, with remarks on steam, water, and air, in their relation to heating; to which are added useful miscellaneous tables. By William J. Baldwin . . . Fifteenth edition, revised and enlarged New York, J. Wi- ley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1900. [2], viii, 384 p. illus., diagr., 6 pi. incl. front, ig-i"^'". Baldwin, William James. 697-4 OQOt. 3367 Hot-water heating and fitting ; or. Warming buildings by hot-water. .... Third edition, .... [8], 392, [6] p. il. 2 pi. O. New York: Engineering Record, 1891. Carpenter, Rolla Clinton, 1852- 697 Q20i '*"' Heating and ventilating buildings. A manual for heating engi- neers and architects. By Rolla C. Carpenter, .... Fourth edition, revised and enlarged New York, J. Wiley & Sons ; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1907. xvi, 562 p. incl. 277 illus., tables, front. 23.4"". "Literature and references," p. 493-495- Hood, Charles. 697.4 P700 "■"■■' A practical treatise upon warming buildings by hot water and upon heat and heating appliances in general. With an enquiry respecting ventilation, the cause and action of draughts in chim- neys or flues, and the laws relating to combustion. Rewritten by Frederick Dye. Third new edition, fully revised to date, xvi, 593 P- 369 il- O. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1897. 698 Painting Paint. 667.6 ^404 61D7S x'aint and varnish facts and formulse ; a hand book for the maker,. dealer and user of paints and varnishes. Newark, N. J., Central Publishing Company, [1904]. [22], 179 p. 22"^"'. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 355 Painters magazine. L698.1 Q400 698 Painting 81974 ^,g paint questions answered ; a reference encyclopedia answering knotty problems that confront the painter, decorator, and paint manufacturer in their everyday work, with complete topical index. New York, The Painters magazine; London, The Trade papers Publishing Co., ltd., [1904]. 383 p. 26™. "Advertisements," p. [369]-383- Pearce, Walter John. 698 P700 1.M33 Painting and decorating. xvi,[2],3i2 p. 88 il. 34 pi. O. Lon- don: C. Grififin & Co., 1898. Standage, H C 698 Q800 66787 Decoration of metal, wood, glass, etc. ; a book for manufacturers, mechanics, painters, decorators, and all workmen in the fancy trades. Edited by H. C. Standage .... First edition .... New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1908. [2], 228 p. ig"". See also 667.6, Paint manufacture. Clarke, Thomas Curtis, &■ otiurs. 656.02 O900 699 Car building "" The American railway, its construction, development, manage- ment, and appliances. With an introduction by Thomas M. Coo- ley. xxviii,456 p. 264 il. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1892. Contents: Cooley, T. M. Introduction. Clarke, T. C. The building of a railway. Bogart, J. Feats of railway engineering. Forney, M. N. American locomotives and cars. Alexander, E. P. Railway management. Prout, H. G. Safety in railroad trav- el. Porter, H. Railway passenger travel. Voorhees, T. The freight-car service. Norton, B. How to feed a railway. James, T. L. The railway mail service. Had- ley, A. T. The railway in its business relations. Adams, C. F. The prevention of railway strikes. Adams, B. B., Jr. The every-day life of railroad men. Hewes, F. W. Statistical railway studies. 6395; Master Car Builders' Association. L699 Q600 The car builders' dictionary; an illustrated vocabulary of terms which designate American railroad cars, their parts, attachments, and details of construction, with definitions and illustrations of typical British practice in car construction. Six thousand three hundred and forty-four illustrations. 1906 edition. Compiled for the Master Car Builders' Association, by Rodney Hitt . . . under the supervision of ... C. A. Seley ... H. F. Ball ... J. E. Muhlfeld .... New York, Chicago, The Railroad Gazette ; [etc., etc.], 1906. [6], 166, [4], 568 p. illus. 30-J™. "The first edition of the Car builders'dictionary was published ... in 1879 ... it was revised and published ... ia 1SS4 ... in 1895 ... in 1903." 356 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 700 FINE ARTS 701 Theory of art Him, Yrjo. 157 QOOI 28169 -j-j^g origins of art; a psychological & sociological inquiry, xi, 331 p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1900. "Authorities quoted," p. 307-322. Kedney, John Steinfort. 193-39 K23 10612 Hegel's /Esthetics. A critical exposition. xviii,302 p. D. [German philosophical classics for English readers and stu- dents.] Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co., 1885. Lotze, Hermann. 157 O400 :9J3 Outlines of aesthetics. Dictated portions of the lectures of Her- mann Lotze. Translated and edited by George T. Ladd. viii, [2],! 13 p. D. [Lotze, H. Outlines of philosophy, vol. 5.] Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., c. 1885. Marshall, Henry Rutgers. 157P400 "■"" Pain, pleasure, and aesthetics. An essay concerning the psychol- ogy of pain and pleasure, with special reference to jesthetlcs. xxi,364 p. O. London: RLicmillan & Co., 1894. Morris, William. 335-04 M83 1U564 5[gfis of change. Seven lectures delivered on various occasions. New edition, viii, [2], 202 p. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1896. Contents: How we live and how we might live. Whigs, democrats, and socialists. Feudal England. The hopes of civilisation. The aims of art. Useful work versus useless toil. Dawn of a new epoch. Tolstoi, Lev Nikolaevich. 701 T581 '""' What is art? Translated from the Russian original by Aylmer Maude, embodying the author's last alterations and revisions. xvi,237 p. I por. D. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., pref. 1898. 703 Dictionaries Adeline, [ Jules] . 1703 A229 15408 Adeline's art dictionary. Containing a complete index of all terms used in art, architecture, heraldry, and archzeology. Trans- lated from the French, and enlarged. vii,422 p. il. O. New York D. Appleton & Co., 1891. Kronthal, Paul. L703 K92 '"'"" Lexikon dcr technischen Kiinste. 2 vol. paged continuously: vol. I : [2],xxii,[2],i-5i4 p. ; vol. 2 : [2],5i5-i02r p. 0. Ber- lin: G. Grotc'sche Verlagsbuchhandliing, 1 898-1 899. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 357 Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, London. 706.204 i 704 Essays on art 11366 ^j.^ ^i^j [jjg^ jji^j j_j^g building and decoration of cities: a series of lectures by members of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, delivered at the fifth exhibition of the society in 1896. [6], 260 p. D. London: Rivington, Percival, & Co., 1897. Contents: i. Sanderson, T. J. Cobden-. Of art and life. 2. Lethaby, W. R. Of beautiful cities. 3. Crane, W. Of the decoration of public buildings. 4. Blomfield, R. Of public spaces, parks and gardens. 5. Ricardo, H. Of colour in the architecture of cities Ashbee, Charles Robert. 707 A819 nooo p^ ^^^^, ciiapters in workshop rc-construction and citizenship, by C. R. Ashbee London, Guild and School of Handicraft, 1894. 165, [I] p. 23'^"'. Contents. — I . Some definitions towards an ideal. — 2. On the need for the cultivation of the sense of beauty and the questionable wisdom of looking for this from the British middle class. — 3. How can we "run" art at our polytechnics. — 4. Decorative art from a workshop point of view. —5. An industrial dialogue between Mr. Archibald Pushing- ton, M. P., and Mr. Thomas Trudge. — 6. The honest endeavour of Timothy Thumbs, teacher and humanist. — 7. On the higher aspects of technical education and the ele- mentary teacher. — -8. On the teaching of design and its bearing on workshop re-con- struction. — 9. University Extension and the workshop — a problem and a policy. — - 10. The policy developed towards workshop reconstruction. — 11. The relation of the archi- tect towards workshop reconstruction. — 12. On the possibility of a nietropoHtan school of architecture. — 13. Whereis the builder of ideas? — 14. The art and technical instructor of to-day and the little citizen of the future. — 15. On Jack's initiation into the citizen- shiji. Crane, Walter. 704 C85 '"^"' The claims of decorative art. vi,r2],i9i p. il. sq.O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, & Co., 1892. Contents : The claims of decorative art. The architecture of art. Figurative art. Sculpture: from a decorator's point of view. Painting at the present day: from a deco- rator's point of view. On the structure and evolution of decorative pattern. Art and labour. Art and handicraft. The prospects of art under socialism. On the teaching of art. Design in relation to use and material. The importance of the applied arts, and their relation to common life. Art and commercialism. Art and social democracy. Imitation and expression in art. Art and industry. Day, Lewis Foreman. 704 D33 '*" Some principles of every-day art: introductory chapters on the arts not fine. 2nd edition, revised. [6], 148 p. 70 il. i pi. D. London: B. T. Batsford, 1894. Miller, Fred. 704 M61 "^" The training of a craftsman. Illustrated by many.workers in the art crafts. x,249 p. 161 il. O. New York: Truslove & Comba, 1898. Contents: i.The craftsman and nature. 2. Design and craftsmanship. 3. Metal work. Repousse and fine metal-work. Wrought iron. 4. Jewellery. 5. Enamelling on metal. 6. Potters and painters. 7. Glass painters. 8. Wood carvers. 9. Book- binders. 10. Women workers in the art crafts. 11. Surface decoration. 12. Decora- tion in relief, 13. Wall-papers and textiles. 14. The craftsman up-to-date and his outlook. 358 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 704 Essays on art Morris, William. 704 M83 '"" Hopes and fears for art. Five lectures delivered in Birmingham, London, and Nottingliam 1878-1881. Fifth edition. [2], 218 p. I pi. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1898. Contents: The lesser arts. The art of the people. The beauty of life. Making the best of it. The prospects of architecture in civilisation. Robinson, Charles Mulford. 352-5 Q300 54966 ]\iodern civic art; or, The city made beautiful, by Charles j\lul- ford Robinson .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1903. iv, 3S1 p. 224"". Robinson, Charles Mulford. 352.5 Qioo 59374 -pj^g improvement of towns and cities ; or, The practical basis of civic aesthetics. xii,[2],309 p. D. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. Contents: A. Foundations of civic beauty: I. The site of the' city. 2. The street plan. 3. The elementary construction. B. Beauty in the street: 4. Suppression and repression. 5. The advertisement problem. 6. Making utilities beautiful. 7. The tree's importance. 8. Possibilities of gardening. C. jEsthetic phase of social and philan- thropic effort : 9. Parks and drives. 10. "Squares" and playgrounds. 11. Architectural development. 12. Architectural obligations. D. ^-Esthetic phase of educational effort : 13. Function and placing of sculpture. 14. Popular education in art. E. Means to secure civic esthetics: 15. Work of individuals and societies. 16. Work of officials. Ruskin, John. 704 R89 '"^^ The eagle's nest. Ten lectures on the relation of natural science to art, given before the University of Oxford ... , 1872. With an introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. Brantwood edition. xx,26o p. D New York: Maynard, Merrill & Co., 1893. Contents: i. Of wisdom and folly in art. 2. Of wisdom and folly in science. 3. The relation of wise art to wise science. 4. The power of modesty in science and art. 5. The power of contentment in science and art. 6. The relation to art of the science of light. 7. The relation to art of the sciences of inorganic form. 8. The relation to art of the sciences of organic form. 9. The story of the halcyon. 10. The heraldic ordinaries. Ruskin, John. 704 R891 ""' The two paths. Being lectures on art and its application to dec- oration and manufacture, delivered in 1838-9. With an intro- duction by Charles Eliot Norton. Brantwood edition. xvii,[2], 270 p. D. New York: Maynard, Merrill & Co., 1893. Contents : i . The deteriorative power of conventional art over nations. 2. The unity of art. 3. Modern manufacture and design. 4. Influence of imagination in architec- ture. 5. The work of iron, in nature, .art, and policy. 709 History of art Conway, Sir William Martin. 709.1 C76 '"" Dawn of art in the ancient world. An archaeological sketch. viii,i89 p. U. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1891. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 359 Dresser, Christopher. 709-52 D81 709 History of art "' Japan: its architecture, art, and art manufactures. .\i,467 p. 202 il. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1882. Grosse, Ernst. 571.7 P700 1639 ji^Q beginnings of art. xiv,327 p. 32 il. 3 pi. D. [Anthropo- logical series.] New York: D. Appleton& Co., 1897, prcf. i893- Haddon, Alfred Cort. 571.7 P500 """^ Evolution in art: as illustrated by the life-histories of designs. xviii,[2],364 p. il. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 30.] London: W. Scott, 1895. Contents: Introduction. The decorative art of British New Guinea: as an example of the method of study. The material of which p.itterns are made. The reasons for which objects are decorated. The scientific method of studying decorative art. Kingsley, Rose G. 709-44 K61 2.153.. A history of French art, 1100-1899. xiv,[2],5 17 p. O. Lon- don: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1899. Ltibke, Wilhelm, 1826- 1893. L709 L962 "'"" Outlines of the history of art, by Dr. Wilhelm Liibke .... Edi- ted, minutely revised and largely rewritten by Russell Sturgis .... New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1904. 2 vol. col. fronts., illus., plates. 25.J'''". "The basis of this English edition is the translation made under the supervision of Edward L. Burlingame and the editorship of Qarence Cook in 1877 from the seventh edition of Dr. Lubke's work." — Pref. Perrot, Georges, 1832- L709.32 P42 61972 j^ history of art in ancient Egypt, from the French of Georges Perrot . . . and Charles Chipiez. Illustrated with five hundred and ninety-eight engravings in the te.xt, and fourteen steel and coloured plates .... Translated and edited by Walter Ann- strong .... London, Chapman and Hall, ltd., 1883. 2 vol. illus., 14 pi. (partly ci)l.) 26.J"''". Perrot, Georges, &■ Chipiez, Charles. L709.35i P42 "*'■" A history of art in Chaldsea & Assyria. From the French. Translated and edited by Walter Armstrong. 2 vol. il. pi. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1884. Perrot, Georges, & Chipiez, Charles. I'709.355 P42 "^^' History of art in Persia. From the French. xii,5o8 p. 254 il. 12 pi. Q. London: Chapman & Hall, 1892. Perrot, Georges, & Chipiez, Charles. L709.39 P42 ""' History of art in Phoenicia and its dependencies. From the French. Translated and edited by Walter Armstrong. 2 vol. il. ' pi. Q. London: Chapman & Hall, 1885. 36o THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 709 History of art 709.2 Biographies of artists Perrot, Georges, Sr Chipiez, Charles. L709.392 P42 11991 History of art in Phrygia, Lydia, Caria, and L)-cia. From the French. xii,405 p. 283 il. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1892. Perrot, Georges, & Chipiez, Charles. ""•'' History of art in primitive Greece. French. 2 vol. il.pl. O. London: L709.38 P42 Mycenian art. From the Chapman & Hall, 1894. Perrot, Georges, £y Chipiez, Charles. 1-709.3 P42 """ History of art in Sardinia, Judaea, Syria, and Asia Minor. From the French. Translated and edited b)- \. Gonino. 2 vol. il. pi. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1890. Reber, Franz von. '"^' History of medijEval art. xxxi,743 p. 422 il. O. c. 1886. Symonds, John Addington. 709 R24 Translated b}- Joseph Thatcher Clarke. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1897, 309.45 N50P """ Renaissance in Italy. 5 parts in 7 vol. por. O. New York : H. Holt & Co., 1881-1887. Contents: Part i. The age of despots. Part 2. The revival of learning. Part 3. The fine arts. Part 4. Italian literature. Part 5. The Catholic reaction. Parts 3 and 5 are in Author's edition. Part 3 has pref. date 1S77. Bryan, Michael, 1757-1821. L750.92 B841 61994 Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers. New edition, re- vised and enlarged under the supervision of George C. William- son .... London, G. Bell and Sons, 1903-1905. 5 vol. fronts., plates, ports. 27-^™'. Cook, Edward Tyas. 709.276 C77 '*'*' Studies in Ruskin : some aspects of the work and teaching of John- Ruskin. Second edition. xiv,304 p. il. 8 pi. i por. D. Orpington: G. Allen, 1891. 920.159 M19 2 vol. pi. por. O. Mackail, John William. The life of William Morris. New impression. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899. Miiller, Hermann Alexander, 1814-1S94. 709.2 M88 ««'=« AUgemeines Kiinstler-Lexicon. Lcben und Werke der beriihm- testen bildenden Kiinstler. Dritte umgearbcitete und bis aiif die neuesteZeit ergiinzte Auflage .... Frankfurt a. M., LiterarLsche Anstalt, Riitten & Loening, i 895-1901. 5 vol. 24""". Vol. I: "Vorbereitct von Hermann Ale,\,ander Miiller; hcrausgegeben von Hans Wolfgang Singer." » Vol. 2-5: "ITerausgegeben von Hans Wolfgang Singer." . Nachtrage und Bcrichtigungen. Frankfurt a. M., 1906. [2], 295, [5] p. 24'^' BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 361 Thieme, Ulrich, 1865- , cd. L709.2 T34 709.2 Biographies o t 3.rt ists 60314 ^ilgenieines Lexikon der bildenden Kiinstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Unter Mitwirkung von 300 Fachgelehrten des In- und Auslandes herausgegeben von Dr. Ulrich Thieme iind Dr. Felix Becker Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1907-. Vol. I-. 27^^'". • [Waters], Clara, bom 'Erskine, foniwr/j Clement, 709.2 W311 """ & Hutton, Laurence. Artists of the nineteenth century and their works. A handbook containing two thousand and fifty biographical sketches. [Re- vised edition.] 2 vol. in i. D. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., c. 1884. Waters, Mrs. Clara (Erskine) Clement, 1834- 709.2 W31 639b6 Painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, and their works. A handbook. By Clara Erskine Clement .... With illustrations and monograms. Fifteenth impression. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1899. xlii, [2], 6S1 p. front., illus., 12 pi. ig-i™. 710 LANDSCAPE GARDENING Bailey, Liberty Hyde. 635 P800 '*"* Garden-making. Suggestions for the utilizing of home grounds. Third edition, revised. vii,4i7 p. 256 il. S. [Garden-craft se- ries.] New York: Macmillan Co., 1899. Parsons, Samuel. L710.2P25 '"" Landscape gardening. Notes and suggestions on lawns and lawn planting — laying out and arrangement of country places, large and small parks, cemetery plots, and railway-station lawns — de- ciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs — the hardy border — bedding plants — rockwork, etc. xxii,329 p. il. i pi. 0. New Yoi'k: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895. Robinson, William. 710.2 R56 '**"" The English flower garden. Design and arrangement shown by existing examples of gardens in Great Britain and Ireland followed by a description of the best plants for the open-air garden and their culture. Sixth edition. xii,832 p. il. O. London: J. Murray, 1898. Rose, Nils Jonsson-. L710.2 R72 Lawns and gardens. How to plant and beautify the home lot, the pleasure ground and garden. xi,4i4 p. 172 il. i pi. Q. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. 8768 362 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 716 Plants. Bailey, Liberty Hyde, editor. L634 Qooi Flowers ai^j Cyclopedia of American horticulture. Comprising suggestions for cultivation of horticultural plants, descriptions of the species of fruits, vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants sold in the United States and Canada, together with geographical and bio- graphical sketches. By L. H. Bailey, assisted by Wilhelm Miller .... 4 vol. il. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1900-1902. May, W. J. 716 M45 10049 Greenhouse management for amateurs : descriptions of the best greenhouses and frames, ... ; particulars of the various methods of heating; illustrated descriptions of the most suitable plants, with general and special cultural directions ; . . . . Second edition, revised and enlarged. [4] ,3/9 p. 128 il. D. London: L. U. Gill, [1897]. Nicholson, George, editor. 1-634 O400 15975 'w^Q^ illustrated dictionary of gardening, a practical and scientific encyclopaedia of horticulture for gardeners and botanists. Edited by George Nicholson, assisted by professor J. \\'. H. Trail, in the parts relating to insects, fungi, plant structure, horticultural chemistry, &c. ; and J. Garrett in the fruit, vegetable, and general garden work portions. 5 vol. in 6. il. colored pi. sq.O. Lon- don: L. U. Gill, [1884-1901]. Vol. 5, [part i] published under the title: The "1900" supplement to The dictionary of gardening, ... ; [part 2], The century supplement .... Robinson, William. 716 R56 16999 jj^g \\\\(^ garden; or. The naturalization and natural grouping of hardy e.xotic plants, with a chapter on the garden of British wild flowers. Fourth edition illustrated by Alfred Parsons. xx,304 p. il. II pi. paged in, i pi. O. London: J. Murray, 1894. Weathers, John. 1716 W37 """ A practical guide to garden plants. Containing descriptions of the hardiest and most beautiful annuals and biennials ; hardy her- baceous and bulbous perennials; hardy water and bog plants; flowering and ornamental trees and shrubs ; conifers ; hardy ferns : hardy bamboos and other ornamental grasses. Also the best kinds of fruits and vegetables that may be grown in the open air in the British Islands, with full and practical instructions as to culture and propagation, xii.i 192 p. 163 il. O. London : Long- mans, Green & Co., 1901. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 363 720 ARCHITECTURE Ruskin, John. 720.1 R89 16S96 'Yhe seven lamps of architecture. With illustrations drawn by the author, and an introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. Brantwood editon. xxiv,40i p. 14 pi. D. New York: C. E. Merrill & Co., 1892. Statham, Henry Heathcote. 720.2 S797 16=59 Architecture lor general readers. A short treatise on the princi- ples and motives of architectural design. With a historical sketch. Second edition, revised. xvi,332 p. il. 12 pi. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1896. Gwilt, Joseph. 720.3 G99 720.3 Dictionaries "'" An encyclopsedia of architecture, historical, theoretical, and prac- tical. Revised, portions re-written, and with additions (in 1888) by Wyatt Papworth. New impression. xiv,i443 p. il. i pi. O. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899. "A brief synoptical list of the principal architects, ancient and modern, with their chief works", p. 1129-1159. "Publications relating to architecture", p. 1160-1200. Longfellow, William Pitt Preble, editor. L720.3 L86 33378 ^ cyclopaedia of works of architecture in Italy, Greece, and the Levant. xxxii,[2],546 p. 256 il. 12 pi. sq.O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1895. The classical part of this book is the work of Mr. T. W. Ludlow, its bibliography is by H. N. Fowler; most of the articles on the mediaeval and later architecture are by C. A. Cummings; while some on the Gothic and Romanesque churches of middle Italy are by Prof. A. J. Frothingham, Jr. "This edition is limited to five hundred copies, .... This copy is No. 364." "Bibliography," p. xv-xxii. Sturgis, Russell, 1836- L720.3 S935 40893 j^ dictionary of architecture and building, biographical, historical, and descriptive; by Russell Sturgis, PH.D. . . . , and many archi- tects, painters, engineers, and other expert writers, American and foreign. In three volumes New York and London, The Macmillan Company, 1901. 3 vol. ilius., 106 pi. inc). front. 2y'"". VioUet-le-Duc, [Eugene Emmanuel]. 720.3 V81 Dictionnaire de I'architecture frangaise du XI'-' au XVI« siecle. 10 vol. il. por. O. Paris: vol. i, 9, V« A. Morel & C'<', vol. 2-8, 10, A. Morel, 1867-1873. Vol. 10 is index. "Henri Sabine. Table analytique et synthetique ... ", was published separately in 1889. Vol. I published in 1873. 16997 364 TFIE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 720.9 History of Fergussou, James, 1 808-1 886. 720.9 F41 ■""'' A history of architecture in all countries, from the earliest times to the present day. By James Fergusson, D.C.L., ... . In five volumes. — Vol. I— [ll]. Third edition. Edited by R. Phene Spiers, F.S. A., .... London, J. Murray, 1893. 2 vol. fronts., 1035 illus. incl. diagrs. 22.i'^"'. Contents. — vol. i. I. Ancient architecture. 2. Christian architecture. xxxi,634p. front., illus. — vol.2. 2. Christian architecture. (Continued.) 3. Saracenic and ancient American architecture, xiv, 642 p. front., illus., pi. Vol. 3 is his Historj' of Indian and eastern architecture which has shelf number 720.9 r411 Vol. 4-5 ate his History of the modern styles of architecture which has shelf number 720.9 F412 Fergusson, James, 1808-1886. 720.9F411 ■""" History of Indian and eastern architecture ; by James Fergusson, D.C.L., ... . Forming the third volume of the new edition of the 'History of architecture.' New impression. London, J. Mur- ray, 1899. xviii, 756 p. front., 394 illus. incl. diagrs., 2 fold. maps. 23'^'" Fergusson, James, 1S08-1886. 720.9F412 """' History of the modern styles of architecture: by James Fergusson, D.C.L., ... . Third edition, revised. By Robert Kerr, ... . In two volumes ... . With illustrations. London, J. Murray, 1891. 2 vol. fronts., 331 illus. incl. diagrs. 23'^™. These are vol. 4-5 of A history of architecture in all countries. Fletcher, Banister, 1833-1899. 720.9 F632 S669J ^ history of architecture on the comparative method, for the student, craftsman, and amateur, by Professor Banister Fletcher, ... and Banister F. Fletcher, .... Fifth edition, revised and enlarged by Banister F. Fletcher. With about two thousand illustrations. London, B. T. Batsford, 1905. li, [i], 738 p. incl. front., illus. 23™. "Reference books" at ends of chapters. Mathews, Charles Thompson. 720.9 M42 °^'^ The story of architecture: an outline of the st)'les in all countries. xvi,468p. I pi. 175 il. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Sturgis, Russell. 720.94 S935 ^"'' European architecture. A historical study. x.xviii.S/S p. 256 il. 10 pi. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1896. Sturgis, Russell, 1836- L720.9 8935 89428 A history of architecture, by Russell Sturgis .... New York, The Baker & Taylor Company, [1906-]. Vol. I-. front., illus., plates. 274'^'". BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 365 VioUet-le-Duc, Eugene [Emmanuel]. 720.9 V81 720.9 History of **" The habitations of man in all ages. Translated by Benjamin Bucknall. xvi,394 p. il. 9 pi. O. Boston : J. R. Osgood & Co., 1876. Architects' directory. L72O.973 A673 720.973 Directory of '"" The Architects' directory and specification index .... containing ^''^'^'tects a complete list of the architects in the United States and Canada .... Together with a specification index of prominent dealers and manufacturers of building materials and appliances Also a complete list of landscape and naval architects. ... A list of the building departments of the leading cities, .... Pub- lished annually .... New York, W. T. Comstock, 1904-1907. Vol. 6, 8, 1904/5, 1907. 25-J'"\ Subtitle varies slightly. Berg, Louis de Coppet. 690.2 O9OO 721 Architectural , , .... ^, i- 1 J .^1 i- 1 construction '"" Safe building : a treatise giving ... the practical and theoretical rules and formulas used in the construction of buildings. 2 vol. il. pi. tables. O. Boston: Ticknor & Co., 1 892-1 894. Vol. I : fourth edition, revised, published in icS94, c. 1889. Birkmire, William Harvey. 721.9B53 *'"- Architectural iron and steel, and its application in the construction of buildings. . . . , with specification of iron-work Third edition. [2],xiv,20i p. il. O. New York : J. Wiley & Sons, 1894. Clark, Theodore Minot, 1845- 692.6 Q300 50200 guiijifig superintendence ; a manual for young architects, students and others interested in building operations as carried on at the present day, by T. M. Clark .... New edition. Revised and rewritten. New York, London, The Macmilllan Company, 1903. [8], 306 p. illus. 22.i'="'. Freitag, Joseph Kendall. 721.9 F881 S0C63 Architectural engineering. With especial reference to high building construction, including many examples of prominent ofifice buildings. By Joseph Kendall Freitag ... . Second edi- tion, rewritten New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1901. xiv, 407 p. incl. illus., ) 1. front. 2^^""- Viollet-le-Duc, Eugetie Emmanuel. 721 VSi "" Rational building : being a translation of the article "Construction" in the Dictionnaire raisonne de I'architecture frangaise, of M. Eu- gene-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc, by George Martin Huss. xii,367 p. 156 il. O. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1895. 366 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 723.5 Gothic archi- Corroyer, Edouard. lecture 724 Modern archi- tecture 725.5 Hospitals 723.5 C81 18961 Gothic architecture. Edited by Walter Armstrong. [Translated by Florence Simmonds.] xvi,388 p. 236 il. i pi. D. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1893. Moore, Charles Herbert. 723-5 M78 "'"" Development & character of gothic architecture. Second edition, rewritten and enlarged. xxviii,454 p. 242 il. 10 pi. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1899. Statham, Henry Heathcote. 724 S797 """^ Modern architecture. A book for architects and the public. x,28i p. 145 il. I pi. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1897. Ochsner, Albert John, 1858- L725.5 O16 639S5 ii^Q organization, construction and management of hospitals, with numerous plans and details, by Albert J. Ochsner ... and Meyer J.Sturm .... Chicago, Cleveland Press, 1907. [4], [vii]-viii, [9]-6oo p. incl. illus., plans, diagrs. 28.J'^"'. 730-740 DECORATIVE ARTS 737 Coins 736 Wood-carving Jack, Georgc. 736.98 J12 5»2"3 Wood-carving: design and workmanship, by George Jack ; with drawings by the author and other illustrations. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1903. 311 p. incl. front., illus., xvi pi. 19^'^". (^Half-title: The artistic crafts series of technical handbooks . . . , [no. 3].) Humphreys, Henry Noel. 737 H881 ^^" The coin collector's manual, or Guide to the numismatic student in the formation of a cabinet of coins : comprising an historical and critical account of the origin and progress of coinage 2 vol. il. pi. D. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1876. Por- Barber, Edwin Atlee. 738 B231 37611 -j-j^g pottery and porcelain of the United States; an historical review of American ceramic art from the earliest times to the present day, by Edwin Atlce Barber ... PH.D. ... Second edition, revised and enlarged. With 277 illustrations. New York, London, G. P. Ptitnam's Sons, 1901. xxi, 539 p. front., illus. 23^'^"'. Cunynghame, Henry Hardinge. 738.26 C911 "'^'"' On the theory and practice of art-enatncUing upon metals. Sec- ond edition. x.xiv,i83,[i] p. il. II pi. paged in, 2 colored pi. D. Westminster: A. Constable & Co., 1901. 738 Pottery, celain BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 367 Fortnum, Charles Drury Edward. 738.54 F77 738 Pottery. Por- '"" Maiolica. vii,i92 p. 82 il. O. [SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Art handbooks.] London: Chapman & Hall, prcf. 1875. Jervis, William Percival, 185 1- , comp. L738 J481 37669 -j-j.jg encyclopedia of ceramics, compiled by W. P. Jervis, with much original matter now first published .. . New York [''1902] [4]. [91-673 P- front- (po"-'-) 'I'us. 25.J™. "Bibliographical," p. 48-51. Young, Jennie J. 738 Y8 ^°" The ceramic art. A compendium of the history and manufacture of pottery and porcelain. [2] ,499 p. 464 il. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1879. Fortnum, Charles Drury Edward. 739 F77 739 Metal work "" Bronzes. viii,i62 p. 28 ik O. [SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Art handbooks.] London: Chapman & Hall, pref. 1877. Leland, Charles Godfrey. 739 L53 "" Elementary metal work : a practical manual for amateurs and for use in schools. xvi,iii p. 12411. i pi. sq. O. New York : Mac- millan & Co., 1894. Wilson, H. 739 W69 37688 Silverwork and jewelry ; a text-book for students and workers in metal, by H. Wilson. With diagrams by the author and other illustrations. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1903. 346 p. incl. front., illus., pi., diagr. igj"^™. {//nlf-lille: The artistic crafts series of technical handliooks, [no. n]) Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, London. 740.8 4 740 Decoration. De- 12517 y^^j^g ^,^j crafts essays. By members of the Arts and Crafts Ex- ^ hibition Society, with a preface by William Morris. xvii,420 p. 6 il. O. New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1893. Birdwood, Sir George Christopher Molesworth. 740.954 B53 i957« -j-j^^ industrial arts of India. New edition. xvi,344 p. il. 92 pi. I map. O. London: Chapman & Hall, pref. 1880. "The Hindoo pantheon," p. 1-130. Day, Lewis Foreman. 740.2 D332 '""' The application of ornament. Fourth edition, further revised. xi,[i],76 p. il. 48 pi. D. (Text books of ornamental design, no. 3.) London: B. T. Batsford, 1896. Day, Lewis Foreman. 740.2 D33 Nature in ornament. xxiii,247 p. 192 il. 123 pi. D. (Text books of ornamental design.) London: B. T. Batsford, 1892. 99ly 368 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 740 Decoration. De- Day, Lewis Foreman, 1845- ■ 740-4 D331 sign. Ornament eiaea Pattern design ; a book for students treating in a practical way of the anatomy, planning & evolution of repeated ornament, by Lewis F. Day .... London, B. T. Batsford, 1903. XX, 267 p. illus., diagrs. 23"^'". "The present volume ... though it covers the ground of ... ['The anatomy ol pattern'] and answers much the same purpose, is not the same, but really a new book upon the foundations of the old one." • — Pref. Day, Lewis Foreman. 740.2 D331 ''-" The planning of ornament. Third edition, further revised, .... xi,49 p. 41 pi. D. (Text books of ornamental design, no. 2.) London: B. T. Batsford, 1893. Mayeux, Henri. 740-2 M45 ''"'" A manual of decorative composition. For designers, decorators, architects, and industrial artists. Translated by J. Gonino. ix, 310 p. 267 il. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1888. Meyer, Franz Sales, 1849- 740.2 M572 6191S Handbook of ornament; a grammar of art industrial and archi- tectural designing in all its branches, for practical as well as theo- retical use, by Franz Sales Meyer .... 300 plates and numerous illustrations in the text. Sixth edition. New York, B. Hess- Hng, [190-?]. xiv, 548 p. illus. 22.J'''". First published, iS88. Redgrave, Richard. 740.2 R24 '"" Manual of design, compiled from the writings and addresses of Richard Redgrave by Gilbert R. Redgrave. viii,i73p. 18 il. O. [South Kensington Museum. Art handbooks.] London : Chapman & Hall, pref. 1876. Rouaix, Paul. I'740.3 R75 17336 Dictionnaire des arts decoratifs a I'usage des artisans, des artistes, des amateurs et des ecoles. [2],vii,i042,[2] p. 541 il. I pi. Q. Paris: Librairie Illustree, [1885]. Ruskin, John. • 740.2 R89 ^"^ The elements of drawing in three letters to beginners. With an introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. Brantwood edition. xxxvi,[2],38o p. 48 il. D. New York : Maynard, Merrill, & Co., c, iSq?. Viollet-le-Duc, [Eugene Emmanuel] . 740.2 V81 Lcann'iig to draw ; oi', 'i'he stor)- vi a )'oung designer. Translat- ed from the French by Virginia Champlin v, [3], 324 p. no il. D. New \'nrk: G. 1'. I'litiiam's Sons, 18S8, c. 1880. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 369 Ward, James. 740.9 W21 740 Decoration. De- '"■" Historic ornament. Treatise on decorative art and architectural ^'^°' '■°^'"^'" ornament 2 vol. il. pi. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1897- Ward, James. 740-2 W21 "" The principles of ornament.' Edited by George Aitchison. New and enlarged edition. xix,207 p. 189,38 il. i pi. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1896. White, Gleeson, editor. 740.2 W58 11047 Practical designing. A handbook on the preparation of working drawings [Second edition.] viii,327 p. il. 4 pi. D. Lon- don: G. Bell & Sons, 1894. Contents: Millar, A. Carpet designing. Silver, A. Woven fabrics. Rix, W. P. Pottery. Carter, O. Tiles. Rathbone, R. LI. B. Metal work. Image, S. Stained glass. White, G. Drawing for reproduction. Orrinsmith, H. Book-binding. Silver, A. Printed fabrics. — , Floorcloths. Haite, G. C. Wall papers. Appletons' cyclopeedia of technical drawing. L744 A64g 741-744 Drawing '"' Appletons' cyclopedia of technical drawing. Embracing the prin- ciples of construction as applied to practical design Edit- ed by \V. E. Worthen. vii,[2],745,38 p. il. 15 pi. 5 maps. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1887. Butterfill, Henry Holt-. 515 P700 6513 pj^g^ principles of mechanical and engineering drawing. A course of study adapted to the self-instruction of students and apprentices to mechanical engineering in all its branches .... xii,2ii p. 203 il. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1897. Cuyer, Edouard. 59i-4 Q500 55734 Artistic anatomy of animals, by Edouard Cuyer .... Translated & edited by George Haywood .... London, Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 1905. XX, 314 p. illus., 2 fold, diagr. aa"^™. MacCord, Charles William. L744 M13 ""'' Mechanical drawing. Progressive exercises and practical hints. F"or the use of all who wish to acquire the art, with or without the aid of an instructor. [6], 148 p. 16411. sq.F. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1892. Bound with this: MacCord, C. W. Practical hints for draughtsmen. 1895. Maginnis, Charles Donagh. 741 M271 ""^ Pen drawing, an illustrated treatise by Charles D. Maginnis .... [Fourth edition.] Boston, Bates & Guild Company, 1903, ["1899]. X, [2], 121 p. 72 illus. \(f^. 37° THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 741-744 Drawing Reid, John Simpson, cV Reid, David. ^"*' A text-book of mechanical drawing and design. First edition viii,[2],389 York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1900. Spanton, J. Humphrey. 621.004 Q^03 elementary machine p. 301 il. O. New 515.6 P800 745 Rugs '*"" Complete perspective course. Comprising the elementary and advanced stages of perspective, the projection of shadows and reflections, with exercises in theory and practice, also the practi- cal application of perspective. Designed to meet ... : the ex- aminations of the Science and Art Department, South Kensing- ton, and of the College of Preceptors ; the Oxford and Cambridge local examinations .... xvii,282 p. 191 il. O. ["Britannia" science series.] London: Macmillan & Co., 1898. Binder's title : Science and art drawing. Mumford, John Kimberly. 1-745 M915 •"'* Oriental rugs. xv,[i],278 p. il. 32 pi. 2 maps, 2 tables. 0. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1900. Contents: I. Introduction. 2. History. 3. The rug-weaving peoples. 4. Mate- rials. 5. Dyers and dyes. 6. Design. 7. Weaving. 8. Classification. 9. Caucasian. 10. Tuikish. II. Persian, 12. Tuikjman. 13. Khilims. 14. Indian. 746 Art needlework DiUmont, Therese de. 746 D58 "■'■' Enc)-clopcdia of needlework. English edition [4],57Sp. 890 il. O. [18 — ]. Lef^bure, Ernest. 746 L52 °'""' Embroidery and lace: their manufacture and history from the remotest antiquity to the present day Translated and enlarged, with notes, by Alan S. Cole. x,326 p. 154 il. O. London: H. Grevel & Co., 1888. Miintz, Eugene. 746 M92 ^" A short history of tapestry. From the earliest times to the end of the 1 8th century. Translated by Miss Louisa J. Davis, xvi, 399 P- 94 il- D. [Fine-art library.] London: Cassell & Co., 1885. Edis, Robert William. 747 E23 '"'■' Decoration & furniture of town houses. A series of Cantor lec- tures delivered before the Society of Arts, 1880, amplified and enlarged, xvi, 292 p. il. 29 pi. O. New York : Scribner & Wel- ford, 1 88 1. French, Lillie Hamilton, 1854- 645 Q303 *""' Homes and their decoration, by Lillie Hamilton French ... . New York, Dodd, Mead and Co., 1903. xvi, 430 p. front., illus., 31 pi. 22''"'. 747 Interior decora tion BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 371 King, Pauline. 747 K58 747 interior decora- 6:i5oc Aniericaii mural painting ; a study of the important decorations ""^ by distinguished artists in the United States, by Pauline King. Boston, Noyes, Piatt & Co., 1902, [1901]. [4], vii-.xiii, 264 p. incl. illus., plates, front. 24'"". Day, Lewis Foreman. 748 D33 748 stained glass """ Windows. A book about stained & painted glass. x,4i5 p. il. O. London: B. T. Batsford, 1897. Holiday, Henry. L748 H71 '^'"' Stained glass as an art xx,l73 p. il. 21 pi. Q. London: Macmillan & Co., 1896. Cook, Clarence [Chatham]. 645 N700 749 Furniture 13962 jYie house beautiful. Essays on beds and tables, stools and can- dlesticks. 336 p. 99 il. O. [New York] : C. Scribner's Sons, 1895, c. 1877. Eastlake, Charles Lock, Arcliitcct. 749 E13 °''' Hints on household taste in furniture, upholstery and other de- tails. Third edition (revised). xviii,3o6 p. il. 32 pi. O. Lon- don: Longmans, Green, & Qo., 1S72. Jackson, Frederick Hamilton, 1848- 749 J13 ''^'" .... Intarsia and marquetry, by F. Hamilton Jackson .... With illustrations from photographs and from drawings and tra- cings by the author. London, Sands & Co., 1903. xix, 152 p. 55 {i.e. 43) pi. (partly fold.) 2o4°'". (Handbooks for the designer and craftsman.) Several of the plates have illustrations on both sides. Singleton, Esther. L749 S6171 63=jii prench and English furniture; distinctive styles and periods de- scribed and illustrated by Esther Singleton . . . illustrated from original sources by H. D. Nichols. New York, McClure, Phil- lips & Co., 1903. "'> [O. 395' [l] P- front., LXViii pi. 2S.i<^ Icm 750-760 PAINTING AND ENGRAVING Blanc, Charles. 750.2 B59 83942 -j-j^g grammar of painting and engraving. Translated from the French of Blanc's Grammaire des arts du dessin by Kate Newell Doggett. With the original illustrations. xx,330 p. il. 15 pi. paged in. i pi. O. New York: Hurd & Houghton, 1874. 372 THF JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 750.3 Dictionaries of Bryan, Michael, 1757-1821 painting 750.9 History of painting 760 Engraving L75O.92 B84I 61994 Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers. New edition, re- vised and enlarged under the supervision of George C. William- son .... London, G. Bell and Sons, 1903-1905. 5 vol. {roots., plates, ports. 2yi'^'", Champlin, John Denison, Jr., '"' & Perkins, Charles C, editors. Cyclopedia of painters and painting. 4 vol. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1 886-1 887. Large paper edition, in 500 copies. pi. por. sq.Q. 750.945 C88 Crowe, 5//- Joseph Archer, 1825-1896. 619J6 ^ history of painting in Italy, Umbria, Florence, and Siena, from the second to the sixteenth century, by J. A. Crowe & G.B. Caval- caselle ; edited by Langton Douglas assisted by S. Arthur Strong. [Second edition.] .... Landon, J. Murray, 1903-. Vol. I-. front., plates. 23™. Bouchot, Henri. L655.09O600 ""* The printed book, its history, illustration, and adornment, from the days of Gutenberg to the present time. Translated and en- larged by Edward C. Bigmore. viii,3i2 p. 118 il. Q. London: H. Grevel & Co.. 1887. Pennell, Joseph. 655.53 P5oi ^'" The illustration of books. A manual for the use of students, notes for a course of lectures at the Slade School, University College. xii,i68 p. D. New York : Century Co., pref. 1895. Ruskin, John. 760.4 R89 """ Ariadne Florentina. Six lectures on wood and metal engraving, with appendix, given before the University of Oxford ... , 1872- With an introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. Brantwood edi- tion, xviii, 298 p. 16 pi. I table. D. New York: C. E. Merrill & Co., 1892. Slater, John Herbert. 760.92 S631 '"" Engravings and their value: a guide for the print collector. Second edition. Revised and enlarged. [6], 572, [4] p. D. London: L. U. Gill, 1897. ".\ dictionary of engravers and their works. Being an alphabetical list of ihe prin- ci])al engravers, with the prices realised at auction for a selection of their works," p. 95-572- Vinycomb, John. 097 P400 "'" On the processes for the production of ex libris (book-plates). .... xii,96 p. il. 22 pi. D. London: A. & C. Black, 1894. Reprinted from the Journal of ilie Ex Libris Society with additional illustrations. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 373 770 PHOTOGRAPHY. Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie, 1844- 770-2 A1532 37648 ^ treatise on photography, by Sir VVilham de WivelesUe Abney, F.R.S. Tenth edition, thoroughly revised, with 134 illustra- tions. London. New York [etc.] Longmans, Green, and Co., 1 90 1. xvii, 425 p. illus. incl. diagrs. l8<:™. ( On cover : Text-books of science) Brothers, Alfred. 770.2 B79 19620 Photography : its history, processes, apparatus, and materials. Comprising working details of all the more important methods. xiii.364 p. 122 il. 24 pi. O. London: C. Griffin & Co., 1892. Burton, William Kinninmond, &■ Pringle, Andrew. 770.2 695 1S89 -pj^g processes of pure photography. 200, ix p. 27 il. O. New York: Scovill & Adams Co., 1889. Fourtier, [H ]. ""' .... Le form ulaire classeur dii Photo-club de Paris. Formules, notes, renseignements pratiques, recueillis et annotes, par MM. Fourtier, Bourgeois & Bucquet Paris, Gauthier-Villars & fils, i892-[i897]. First -second series, 1892-1897. (Bibliolheque photographique.) Card-index; filed in Reading Room. Mcintosh, J , i-iL 770.2 M18 48696 yj^g photographic reference book. Edited by J. Mcintosh. Second edition. Largely added to, and rewritten throughout. .... London, Iliffe & Sons, ltd., 1904. 344 p. illus., I fold. pi. l<)"". "Originally compiled by Mr. \V. A. Watts . . . and Mr. Henry Sturmey." — Pref, Marion & Co., London. 770.2 M33 ""' Practical guide to photography. Sixth edition . . . revised and enlarged. viii,288 p. 50 il. D. London 1898. Wall, E. J. 770.3 Wt5 770.3 Dictionaries 9198 -j-j^g dictionary of photography for the amateur and professional photographer. Revised and brought up to date by Thos Bolas. Seventh edition, enlarged. iv,632 p. 122 il. D. London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1897. Wilson, Edward Livingstone. 770.3 W69 *"' Wilson's cyclopaedic photography. A complete hand-book of the terms, processes, formulae and appliances available in photogra- phy, arranged in cyclopaedic form for ready reference. 453 p. 247 il. sq.O. London: Dawbarn & Ward, c. 1894. 374 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 770.5 Photographic American annual. 770.51 I annuals 770.9 History of photography 771.1 Chemistry of Meldola, Raphael. photography "'' The American annual of photography and Photographic times- bulletin almanac. New York, «i886-. Continued from vol. i, 1887. illus., plates. 23'^'". 1887-1902 title reads: The American annual of photography and Photographic times almanac. Index for 1 891 published separately. \'ol. I is in second edition. Yearbook. 770.52 2 6530 ji^g Yearbook of photography and amateur's guide Lon- don, [1871-]. 1S71, 18S2; continued from 1886. fronts., illus., plates, photos, ig"^™. 1871-1895 title reads: The Yearbook of photography and photographic news almanac. 1S91, 1S92, 1S94, i8g6, wanting. Werge, John. 770-9 W49 176.7 jy^Q evolution of photography. With a chronological record of discoveries, inventions, etc., contributions to photographic litera- ture, and personal reminiscences extending over forty years. viii,3i2 p. 4 pi. of por. D. London: Piper & Carter, 1890 771. 1 M48 '^ The chemistry of photography. xiv,[2],382 p. 14 il. D. (Na- ture series.) London: Macmillan & Co., 1S91. 771.12 Lenses Bcck, Conrad. 771.12 B38 """ Photographic lenses. A simple treatise. By Conrad Beck and Herbert Andrews. Second edition London, R. & J. Beck, ltd., [etc., 1903]. 320 p. illus. (incl. diagrs.), plates, igj"^"'. 774 Half-tone proc- Verfasser, Julius, /'5«/fl'. 774-11 V58 63656 -j-^^Q half-tone process. A practical mantial of photo-engraving in half-tone on zinc, copper and brass. With a chapter on three- colour work. By Julius Verfasser. Fourth edition. Fully re- vised London, Iliffe & Sons, ltd., 1907. 348, [4] p. incl. col. front., illus., ii pi. (i col., I fold.) 22"^"". 777 Photo-engraving Flemer, John Adolphus, 1859- 526.91 Q600 653JD y^j.| elementary treatise on phototopographic methods and instru- ments, including a concise review of executed phototopographic surveys and of publications on this subject, by J. A. Flemer .... First edition .... New York, J. Wiley & Sons; [etc., etc.], 1906. xix, 438, [2] p. Cix (/. I-. 55") pi. (incl. diagrs.) 23A'"". Plates, with the exception of the last, printed on both sides. BOOKS IX THE READING ROOM. 375 Jenkins, Harry, 1868- 777 J411 777 Photo-engraving 69301 Amstiitz' hand-book of photoengraving; being an enlargement and revision of Jenkins' Manual of photoengraving, by N. S. Am- stutz .... With supplementary chapters on the theor\- and prac- tice of half-tone colorwork, by Frederick E. Ives and Stephen H. Horgan. Third edition. Chicago, The Inland Printer Company, 1907. 440 p. illus. (partly col.) incl. ports., tables, front, (port.) plates, (partly col.) Walmsley, William Henry, I S30- 778.2578 W16 778.2578 Photo- 37681 -j-j.,g A B C of photo-micrography; a practical handbook for be- °""°£^*P ^ ginners, by W. H. Walmsley, F.R.M.s. ... New York, Tennant and Ward, 1902. viii, 155 p. front., illus., 28 tig. on 13 pi. iS-ii^"'. Dugmore, Arthur Radclyffe, 1870- 778.259 D87 778.258 Photogra- 63307 \ia)-i,re and the camera ; how to photograph live birds and their ^ ^ ° amma nests; animals, wild and tame; reptiles; insects; fish and other aquatic forms; flowers, trees, and fungi, by A. Radclyffe Dug- more ... illustrated from photographs by the author. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1902. [2], xiii, 126 p. front., illus., 39 pi. ai-i"^'". Herrick, Francis Hobart, 1858- 598.2 Q503 63970 'Yhe home life of wild birds ; a new method of the study and photography of birds, by Francis Hobart Herrick. Revised edi- tion. With 160 original illustrations from nature by the author. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1905. XXV, [l], 255 p. front., illus. 2l4'' Jcm^ Marey, Etienne Jules. 591.17 O900 '''■' Movement. Translated by Eric Pritchard. xv,323 p. 204 il. D. (International scientific series, vol. Jt,.) New York : D. Apple- ton & Co., 1895. 780 MUSIC Hughes, Rupert, 1872- , af. 780.2 H87 62399 -p].|g musical guide; containing a pronouncing and defining dic- tionary of terms, instruments, &c . . . an explanation of the con- struction of music for the uninitiated ; a pronouncing biographi- cal dictionary; the stories of the operas; and ntimeroiis bio- graphical and critical essays by distinguished authorities; edited by Rupert Hughes .... New York, McClurc, Phillips & Co., 1903. 2 vol. plates, tables, charts. 23'''". Paged continuously; vol. I : viii, [2], 378 p.: vol. 2: xiii, 379-807, [l] p. 376 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 780 Music 780.3 Dictionaries Lavignac, Albert. 780.2 L39 83088 jyjusic and musicians Translated by William Marchant. Edited, with additions on music in America by H. E. Krehbiel. Second edition, revised. viii,504 p. il. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1899. Contents: I. A study of musical sound. 2. The materials of sound. 3. Grammar of music. 4. Esthetics. 5. History of the art of music. Champlin, John Denison, Jr., **' &■ Apthorp, William Foster, editors. Cyclopedia of music and musicians. 3 vol. il. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1 888-1 890. Special edition, with etchings, in 50 copies. L780.3C35 por. table. Q. 780.3 G911 Grove, Sir George, 1820-1900, cii. esois Qrove's dictionary of music and musicians; edited by J. A. Ful- ler Maitland .... New York, London, The Macmillan Compa- ny, 1904-. Vol. I-. front., illus., plates, ports., facsims. 24.4"^'". Redman, Harry Newton. 780.3 R24 40898 ^ pronouncing dictionary of musical terms; compiled and edited by Harry Newton Redman. Boston, Knight and Millet, [''1901]. [6],vi, I39P i64<:'" Riemann, Hugo, 1849- 780.3 R442 839S8 Musik-Lexikon, von Hugo Riemann .. . . Sechste vollstandig um- gearbeitete Auflagc. Leipzig, M. Hesse, 1905. XX, 1508 p. 224'^'". Issued in 24 pts., 1904-05. Riemann, Hugo. 780.3 R44 ""^ Dictionary of music. New edition, with many additions by the author Translated by J. S. Shedlock. [2],895p. il. O. Lon- don: Augener & Co., [1893]. 780.7 Musical edu- Lavignac, Albert, 1S46- cation 6, 780.9 History of music 780.7 L39 °oi9» Musical education, by Albert Lavignac . . . translated from the French by Esther Singleton .... New York, U. Appleton and Co., 1903. vii, 447 p. 21""". i^IIalf-titU: Appleton's musical series.) Contents. — pt. i. General remarks upon musical education. — pt. 2. The study of instruments. — pt. 3. The study of singing. — pt. 4. The various studies necessary for composers. — pt. 5. Of the means of rectifying a musical education that has been ill- directed at I he beginning and how to remedy it. — -pt. 6. Various kinds of instruction; individual, cla.ss, and conservatory instruction. Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings. 780.9 P24 ""* The evolution of the art of nnisic. x,342 ]). I). (International scientific series, vol. 76.) New York: D. Ai)pleton & Co., 1896. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 377 Wallaschek, Richard. 780.91 W15 780.91 Primitive .... , . • 111 ,. i music 115-23 priniitive music. An inquiry into the origin and development ol music, songs, instruments, dances, and pantomimes of savage races. With musical examples. xi,326 p. 9 p. of music. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1893. "AiilhoriliL'S quoted", p. 297-321. Baker, Theodore, editor. 780.92 B17 780.92 Biographies , . . TiT-.i . ■. / of musicians 81045 ^ biographical dictionary of musicians. With portraits from drawings in pen and ink by Alex. Gribayedoff. vii,653 p. il. O. New York: G. Schirmer, 1900. Brown, James Duff, & Stratton, Stephen S. 780.92 B81 13587 British musical biography : a dictionary of musical artists, authors and composers, born in Britain and its colonies. [4],ii,[2],462, [3] p. O. Birmingham: S. S. Stratton, 1897. Paine, John Knowles, Thomas, Theodore, & L780.92 P16 '""' Klauser, Karl, editors. Famous composers and their works. 4 vol. paged continuously ; vol. I : xii, 1-242 p.; vol. 2: [4], 243-496 p. ; vol. 3: [4] ,497-732 p.; vol. 4: [4] ,733-976 p. il. pi. por. Q. Boston: J. B. Millet Co., c. 1891. Thomas, Theodore, editor. L780.92 P161 12351 pamous composers and their works. Musical compositions. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i : viii,i-240 p. ; vol. 2 : viii,24i- 472 p. por. Q. Boston: J. B. Millet Co., c. 1891. Published to accompany Paine, J. K., Thomas, T., & Klauser, K., cd. Famous composers and their work? Gurney, Edmund. L157 Oooi 78i Theory of music 10=53 j]-,^ power of sound. xi,[2],559 p. il. O. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1880. Helmholtz, Hermann von. ^534. 3 O500 *'^° On the sensations of tone as a physiological basis for the theory of music. Translated, thoroughly revised and corrected, rendered conformable to the fourth (and last) German edition of 1877, with numerous additional notes and a new additional appendix bringing down information to 1885 and especially adapted to the use of musical students, by Alexander J. Ellis. Third edition. xix,576 p. 70 il. Q. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1895. Sully, James. 150.4 S953 ™'° Sensation and intuition : studies in psychology, and aesthetics, xix, 372 p. il. O. London: H. S. King & Co., 1874. Contents: i. The relation of the evolution hypothesis to human psychology. 2. New theories of emotional expression. 3. Recent German experiments with sensation. 4. Belief: its varieties and its conditions. 5. The genesis of the free-will doctrine. 6. On some elements of moral self-culture. 7. The basis of musical sensation. 8. Aspects of beauty in musical form. 9. On the nature and limits of musical expression. 10. The testhetic aspects of character. II. The representation of character in art. 12. Les- sing's Hamburg dramaturgy. 13. On the possibility of a science of aesthetics. 378 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Vol Theory of music Zahm, John Augustine. 534.3 P200 "''" Sound and music. 45- P- il- i pi- O. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1892. 784 Voice Lunn, Charles, 1838- 784.9 L971 57240 -pj^g philosophy of voice showing the right and wrong action ol voice in speech and song, with laws for self-culture. By Charles Lunn Tenth (standard) edition. London, Bailliere, Tin- dall and Cox, 1906. xiv, 237 p. front., illus., 2 pi. 22™'. "The voice trainer's hbrary," p. 220. 785-787 Musical in- ElsoD, Arthur. 780.85 E49 truments „,,.,„ ^ , , . , , . . . , . . , bjo.a (jrchestral instruments and their use; giving a description of each instrument now emploj-ed by civilised nations, a brief ac- count of its history, an idea of the technical and acoustical prin- ciples illustrated by its perfonnance, and an explanation of its value and functions in the modern orchestra, by Arthur Elson .... Boston, L. C. Page & Co., 1903, [1902]. [8], 13-299 p. front., illus., port. 20™'. (Music lovers' series.) Hasluck, Paul Nooncree, 1854- ,cd. 787 H27 63559 Violins and other stringed instruments, how to make them; with numerous engravings and diagrams; edited by Paul N. Hasluck .... London, New York, [etc.], Cassell and Co., ltd., 1906. [4, 7]-i6op. illus., diagrs. 174x10"^"'. ( Oh fowr.- "Work" handbooks.) "A comprehensive digest of the knowledge of making violins and other stringed in- struments scattered over more than forty thousand columns of Work .... Contributions from the pens of Mr. David McSkimming and Mr. Robert Ford are incorporated in this work." — Pref. 790 AMUSEMENTS Beard, Daniel Carter, 1850- 796 B38 ''■■" New ideas for out of doors; the field and forest handy book, by D. C. Beard. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, [<=i9o6]. xiv, 428 p. illus., diagrs. 2o''"'. Encyclopaedia . L790.3 E56 30968 'phc cncyclopsedia of sport. Edited by the Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire, Hedley Peek and F. G. Aflalo. 2 vol. il. pi. Q. London: Lawrence & BuUen, 1897-1898. Groos, Karl. 157 P903 887SO ji^j, j_|]_.jy ^j m^w. Translated with the author's co-operation by Elizabeth L. Baldwin. With a preface by J. Mark Baldwin, ix, 412 p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1901. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 379 Haddon, Alfred Cort. 571.04 H12 790 Amusements '"'" The study <-)f man. xxv,4iO p. 40 il. 8 pi. O. [Science scries.] New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. Contents: i. Measurements and their importance in anthropology. 2. Hair and eye colour. 3. Value of head-form in anthropology. 4. The nose. 5. The ethnography of the Dordogne district. 6. The evolution of the cart. 7. The origin of the Irish jaunt- ing car. 8. Toys and games: cat's cradle and kites. 9. Toys and games: tops and the tug-of-war. 10. The bull-roarer. 11. The singing games of children. 12. "Lon- don Bridge": foundation sacrifice. 13. "Draw a pail of water": water worship. 14. Courting games. 15. Funeral games. i5. Practical suggestions for conducting ethnographical investigations in the British Islands. Hastings, Charles. 792 H27 '""'' The theatre, its development in France and England, and a his- tory of its Greek and Latin origins, by Charles Hastings, with an introductory letter from Monsieur Victorien Sardoti, of the French Academy. Authorised translation by Frances A. Welby. Lon- don, Duckworth and Co., 1901. xn, 368 p. 22'^'". "Bibliography", p. 342-346. Hopkins, Albert AUis. L793 H77 "^' Magic, stage illusions and scientific diversions, including trick photography. With an introduction by Henry Ridgely Evans. xii,5 56 p. 400 il. I pi. O. New York: Munn & Co., 1897. "Bibliography of natural magic and prestidigitation. Compiled, with notes, by Hen- ry Ridgely Evans", p. 537-550. International. L625.6 2 796 AutomobiUng 63790 International motor cyclopaedia, sport, industry and trade Year book . . . New York, E. E. Schwarzkopf, [1908]. 190S/9. illus. 2b"». Sloss, Robert Thompson, 1872- 625.6 Q505 ""'"' ■ The book of the automobile ; a practical volume devoted to the history, construction, use and care of motor cars and to the sub- ject of motoring in America, by R. T. Sloss; introduction by Dave H. Morris .... New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1905. .xxii, 372 p. front., ilhis., XV pi., fold, map, diagrs. 2li™'. Elliot, Daniel Giraud. 598.2 P500 799 Fishing and "" North American shore birds. A history of the snipes, sand- ^^^^^^^ pipers, plovers and their allies inhabiting the beaches and marshes of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, the prairies, and the shores of the inland lakes and rivers of the North American continent ; . . . , A reference book for the naturalist, sportsman and lover of birds. 268 p. 3 il. 71 pi. O. New York: F. P. Harper, 1895. 38o THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 799 Fishing and hunting Jordan, David Starr, 1851- L597 Q200 50238 American food and game fishes. A popular account of all the species found in America north of the equator, with keys for ready identification, life histories and methods of capture, by Da- vid Starr Jordan . . . and Barton Warren Evermann . . . illustra- ted with colored plates and text drawings, and with photographs from life by A. Radcl)-ffe Dugmore. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1902. 1, 573 p. col. front., illus., pLites (partly col.) 26i="'. 800 LITERATURE 803 Literary dic- tionaries Lotze, Hermann. 157 O400 "" Outlines of jesthetics. Dictated portions of the lectures of Her- mann Lotze. Translated and edited by George T. Ladd. viii, [2],! 13 p. D. [Lotze, H. Outlines of philosophy, vol. 5.] Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., c. 1885. Posnett, Hutcheson Macaulay. 801 P84 ^" Comparative literature. x,402 p. D. (International scientific series, vol. 54.) New York: D. Applcton & Co., 1886. Baker, Ernest Albert. 016.8 B17 50197 ^ descriptive guide to the best fiction, British and American, including translations from foreign languages; containing about 4500 references ; with copious indexes and a historical appendi.x, by Ernest A. Baker .... London, S. Sonnenschein and Co., ltd. ; New York, The Macmillan Co., 1903. vii, 610 p. aoi"^". Classified: A, English (by periods), Scottish, Irish, Colonial; B, American (by periods); C-L, translations (by languages); followed by an index of authors and titles, and one of subjects. Critical and descriptive notes; best or "representative" works are starred. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham, 18 10-1897. 032 P401 "'-'"" Dictionary of phrase and fable, giving the derivation, source, or origin of common phrases, allusions, and words that have a tale to tell, by the Rev. E. Cobham Brewer, LL.U. New edition, re- vised, corrected and enlarged, to which is added a concise bib- liography of English literature London, Cassell and Co., ltd., 1903. [4], 1440 ji, front, (port.) i tacsim. 2l4"". Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. 032 P800 J7604 f\^Q reader's handbook of famous names in fiction, allusions, references, proverbs, plots, stories, and poems. A new edition revised throughout and greatly enlarged, viii, 1243 p. O. Phila- delphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1900. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 381 Julian, John, 1839- ,ed. 245 PlOO 803 Literary dic- ""' A dictionary of hyninology, setting forth the origin and history t"""*"^^ of Christian hymns of all ages and nations, with special ref- erence to those contained in the hymn books of English-speak- ing countries, and now in common use, together with biographical and critical notices of their authors and translators and historical articles on national and denominational hymnody, breviaries, missals, primers, psalters, sequences, &c. &c. &c. Edited by John Julian, M.A New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1892, [•■1891]. xii, 1616 p. 24^'^"'. Vapereau, Gustave. L920.01 V411 "°" Dictionnaire universel dcs litteratures. Contenant, I, des notices sur les ecrivains de tous les temps et de tous les pays ... ; II, la theorie et I'historique des differents genres de poesie et de prose, .... 111,1a bibliographic generale et particuliere, .... Seconde edition, revue et augmentee d'un supplement. xvi,2096,2 5 p. Q. Paris: Hachette & c'^ 1884. Wheeler, William Adolphus, &■ Wheeler, Charles G. 031 O200 """ Familiar allusions: a hand-book of miscellaneous information, in- cluding the names of celebrated statues, paintings, palaces, country-seats, ruins, churches, ships, streets, clubs, natural curi- osities, and the like. v,584 p. O. Boston : J. R. Osgood & Co., 1882. Wheeler, William Adolphus. 010.3 W56 13272 YYjjQ wrote it? An index to the authorship of the more noted works in ancient and modern literature. Edited by Charles G.- Wheeler. [2], 174 p. sq. D. Boston: Lee & Shepard, 1882. Brand, [John], I 744-1 806. 390.942 Q4OO SOS Miscellany 16133 J5ra„j'g Popular antiquities of Great Britain. Faiths and folklore. A dictionary of national beliefs, superstitions and popular cus- toms, past and current, with their classical and foreign analogues, described and illustrated. Forming a new edition of "The popu- lar antiquities of Great Britain" by Brand and Ellis, largely ex- tended, corrected, brought down to the present time, and now first alphabetically arranged. By W. Carew Hazlitt. In two volumes — .... London, Reeves & Turner; New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1905. 2 vol. fronts. 23'''". Paged continuously; vol. I: x, [l]-334p.; vol. 2: [2], [335]-672 p. The present work made its first appearance under the auspices of the Rev. Henry Bourne in 1725, under the title of Antiquitates vulgares. A more complete edition, by Brand, was brought out in 1777. The latter collected a large amount of additional material which was published in 1813 under the editorship of Sir Henry Ellis, cf. Pref. 382 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 808 Miscellany 808 Rhetoric 808.8 Quotations Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. 032 O400 *" A dictionary of miracles, imitative, realistic, and dogmatic, xliv, 582 p. il. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1889. Chambers, Robert, 1S02-1871. L808 C35 349S6 -j-he book of days. A miscellany of popular antiquities in con- nection with the calendar including anecdote, biography, & his- tory, curiosities of literature and oddities of human life and char- acter. 2 vol. il. Q. Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1863- 1864. Christy, Robert. 398-9 C46 16404 Proverbs, maxims and phrases of all ages. Classified subject- ively and arranged alphabetically. 2 vol. O. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. White, Richard Grant. 422 W58 '""" Words and their uses, past and present. A study of the English language. Twenty-seventh edition, revised and corrected. [2], vii,467 p. D. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., c. 1870. Hill, Adams Sherman, 1S33- 808 H55 5019.1 Beginnings of rhetoric and composition, including practical ex- erciser in English, by Adams Sherman Hill .... New York, Cincinnati, [etc. J, American Book Company, [<^I902]. 522 p. lo.V '". Bartlett, John, 1S20-. 808.8 B28 °" Familiar quotations : a collection of passages, phrases, and prov- erbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature. Ninth edition. xv,ii58p. O. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1892. Benham, W Gurney, comp. 808.8 B43 '^"^ Cassell's Book of quotations, proverbs and household words. A collection of quotations from British and American authors, with many thousands of proverbs, familiar phrases and sa)-ings from all sources, including Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Latin, French, Ger- man, Spanish, Italian, and other languages. By W. Gurney Ben- ham. With full \-crbal index. London, New York, [etc.], Cas sell & Co., lid., 1907. [8], 1256, [S] ,.. 22<^n'. [8J blank page; at ernl, for *'nis. addenda and notes". Friswell, James Hain. 808.8 F91 '"" Familiar words. An index verborum or quotation handbook, with parallel passages, of phrases which have become imbedded in our English tongue. New edition, with supplement and ... new verbal index. vi,500 p. D. London: Sampson Low & Rivington, 1889. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 383 Harbottle, Thomas Benfield, ^/. 1904. 808.8 H21 sos. 3 Quotations 6IH6S ujctionary of quotations (French and Italian) by Thomas Ben- field Harbottle and Colonel Philip Hugh Dalbiac. With authors' and subjects' indexes. [Second edition.] London, S. Sonnen- schein & Co., ltd. ; New York, The Macmillan Company, 1904. [6], 565 p. 20.^="'. [Sonnenschein's dictionaries of quotations. 3.] Jones, Hugh Percy, ((/. 808.8 J71 "^'* A new dictionar}' of foreign phrases and classical quotations, com- prising extracts from the works of the great writers, idioms, pro- verbs, maxims, mottoes, technical words and terms, press allusions, etc., etc., from the Latin, Greek, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, with English translations or equivalents, edited with notes and introduction by Hugh Percy Jones ... . New and revised edition. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company; London, C. W. Deacon & Co., 1902. [6], [iN]-xx, 532 p. 21'^^'". "Authors quoted," p. [527]-532. Latham, Edward. 808.8 L34 ii»63 panious sayings and their authors. A collection of historical sayings in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, and Latin by Edward Latham .... London, S. Sonnenschein & Co., ltd., 1904. vii, [i], 269, [i] p. 20.i™'. [Sonnenschein's dictionaries of quotations. 7.] Smith, Henry Percy, editor. 031 P500 '■'° A dictionary of terms, phrases, and quotations. The terms and phrases edited by the Rev. H. Percy Smith. The quotations com- piled for the American edition by Helen Kendrick Johnson, x, 724 p. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895. Adams, Oscar Fay. 920.073 A2162 sio American Utera- '"^"'' A dictionary of American authors, by Oscar Fay Adams .... ^""^^ Fifth edition, revised and enlarged. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1905, [1904]. viii, [2], 587, [i] p. 2ii^'". BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 387 DalbiaC, Lilian. 838 D15 838 German quota- '■"" Dictionary of quotations (German). By Lilian Dalbiac. With *'°°^ authors' and subjects' indexes. London, S. Sonnenschein & Co., ltd.; New York, The Macmillan Company, 1906. vi, 485 p. aoi"^"". [.Sonnenschein's dictionaries of quotations. ] Anderson, Rasmus Bjorn. 293 N500 339 Scandinavian '""' Norse mythology ; or, The religion of our forefathers, containing literature all the myths of the Eddas, systematized and interpreted. With an introduction, vocabulary and index. 473 p. i pi. O. Chica- go : S. C. Griggs & Co., 1875. Horn, Frederik Winkel. 839 H78 2S005 j^istory of the literature of the Scandinavian North from the most ancient times to the present. Revised b\' the author, and trans- lated by Rasmus B. Anderson, with a bibliography of the impor- tant books in the English language, relating to the Scandinavian countries, prepared for the translator by Thorvald Solberg. ix, 507 p. O. Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co., 1895, c. 1883. "Bibliography of Scandinavia", p. 413-500. Brunetiere, Ferdinand. 840.9 B83 84o French utera- 'S02-1 Manual of the history of French literature. i\uthorized trans- lation by Ralph Derechef. xxvii,[2],569 p. 16 por. O. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1898. Saintsbury, George. 840.9 S157 '"""' A short history of French literature. Fifth edition, revised. (With the section on the nineteenth century greatly enlarged.) xv,636 p. D. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1897. Garnett, Richard. 850.9 G18 85o Italian iitera 220U7 ^ history of Italian literature. xii,43i p. D. [Short histories of the literatures of the world.] New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1900. "Bibliographical note", p. 419-424. Symonds, John Addington. 309.45 N500 '°"* Renaissance in Ital)-. 5 parts in 7 vol. por. O. New York : H. Holt & Co., 1881-1887. Contents: Part i. The age of despots. Part 2. The revival of learning. Part 3. The fine arts. Part 4. Italian literature. Part 5. The Catholic reaction. Parts 3 and 5 are in Author's edition. Part 3 has pref. date 1877. Kelly, James Fitzmaurice-. 860.9 K29 seo Spanish iitera- """ A history of Spanish literature. ix,433 p. D. New York : D. ^""^^ Appleton & Co., 1898. "Bibliographical note", p. 399-412. ^ 388 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 868 Spanish quota- Harbottle, Thomas Benfield, d. 1904. 868 H21 60057 Dictionary of quotations (Spanish). By T. B. Harbottle and Martin Hume, .... With subject and authors' index. Lon- don, S. Sonnenschein & Co., ltd.; New York, The Macmillan Co., 1907. vii, 462 p. 2o4'^°'. [Sonnenschein's dictionaries of quotations, no. ii.] 870 Roman and Mure, William. 880.9 M94 Greek literature i,,,, » -^^ , , • .. / ^t. i j i-.. ,. i ^- ^ r- A critical history of the language and literature of antient drcece. Second edition. 5 vol. map. O. London : Longman, ... , & Longmans, 1854-1859. Vol. 5 is in first edition. Peck, Harry Thurston, 1856- , ed. ^937 P700 42438 Harper's dictionary of classical literature and antiquities, edited by Harry Thurston Peck, M.A., ... . Illustrated. [Second edition.] New York, Cincinnati, [etc.], American Book Company, [pref. 1897, ''1896]. XV, 1 701 p. illus., 2 maps. 264'". Teuffel, Wilhelm Sigmund. 870.9X23 '^'"* History of Roman literature. Revised and enlarged by Ludwig Schwabe. Authorized translation from the fifth German edition, by George C. W. Warr. 2 vol. O. London : G. Bell & Sons, 1891-1892. 878 Classical quota- Harbottle, Thomas Benfield, d. 1904. 878 H21 "*'^' Dictionary of quotations (classical). By Thomas Benfield Har- bottle. With authors and subjects inde.xes. [Third edition.] London, S. Sonnenschein & Co., ltd. ; New York, The Macmillan Co., ltd., 1906. [6],6S4p. 204'^™. [Sonnenschein's dictionaries of quotations. 2.] 891 Indian litera- Frazer, Robert Watson. 891. i F86 *"'^* """ A literary history of India. xiii,[2],470 p. I pi. O. [Library of literary history, vol. i.] New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1898 "A short list of useful works recommended for further study," p. 451-455. 895 Chinese litera Giles, Herbert Allen. 895 639 smsi j^ history of Chinese literature. viii,448 p. D. (Short histories of the literatures of the world.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1 90 1. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 389 900 HISTORY Adams, Charles Kendall. 016.9 A211 '"* A manual of historical literature, comprising brief descriptions of the most important histories in English, French, and German, • together with practical suggestions as to methods and courses of historical study Third edition, revised ... . xxxviii,[2], 720 p. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1889. Haydn, Joseph Timothy, 1786 or 7-1856. 032 Q400 61907 Haydn's dictionary of dates and universal information relating to all ages and nations. By the late Benjamin Vincent. Revised and brought up to date by eminent authorities. Twenty-third edition, containing the history of the world to the end of 1903. London, Ward, Lock & Co., ltd., 1904. vi, [6], 1487 p. 24.ic"". Little, Charles Eugene. L902 P901 82782 Cyclopedia of classified dates. With an exhaustive index. ... Facts and events which relate to the histories of the various countries of the world, from the earliest recorded dates. vii,[i], 1454 p. O. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1900. Rand, McNally & Co., publishers. 902 P900 22031 jj^g Rand-McNally condensed history of the world for ready ref- erence. Containing a list of the rulers of the world, with dates of tlieir accessions arranged in chronological order, and a complete and comprehensive index. 272 p. 14 p. of maps. D. Chicago: c. 1899. Bouillet, Marie Nicolas. L903P3OI 903 Historical die- "•"' Dictionnaire universel d'histoire et de geographie. Contenant: 1°°*"*^ 1° I'histoire proprement dite : ... ; 2° la biographic universelle: ... ; 3° la mythologie : ... ; 4° la geographie ancienne et mo- derne Refondu sous la direction de L.-G. Gourraigne. Trente-et-unieme edition. x,2iOl p. O. Paris: Librairie Ha- chette &C'^ [1893]. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. 032 Pioo "° The historic note-book: with an appendix of battles. x, 997 p. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1894. Harbottle, Thomas Benfielo, d. 1904. 908 2 ""'"^ Dictionary of historical allusions, by Thomas Benfield Harbottle [Second edition.] London, S. Sonnenschein & Co., ltd. ; New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1904. [4], 306 p. 21'^™. (Sonnenschein's dictionaries of quotations, no. 9.) "First edition, November, 1903." 390 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 903 Historical die- Heilprin, Louis, 185 1- 903 P900 lonanes 50171 _ -piig historical reference book ; comprising a chronological table of universal history ; a chronological dictionary of universal history ; a biographical dictionary with geographical notes ; for the use of students, teachers and readers, by Louis Heilprin. Revised to 1899; sixth edition, with a supplement. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1902. [2], xi, [2], 592 p. 2o4'^"'. (The concise knowledge library. ) Lamed, Josephus Nelson. L903 P300 '^' History for ready reference from the best historians, biographers, and specialists. Their own words in a complete system of his- tory .... 6 vol. maps, tables. O. Springfield, Mass. : C. A. Nichols Co., 1S95-1901. Original work in 5 volumes. Vol. 6, revised and enlarged edition. Recent history (1894-5 to 1901). 907 Study and Boume, Henry Eldridge, 1 862- 907 Q200 teaching of history 60.07 _ -pj^^ teaching of history and civics in the elementary and the secondary school, by Henry E. Bourne ... New York, Lon- don, [etc.], Longmans, Green, and Co., 1902. viii, [2], 385 p. ao.J'^"'. (American teachers series.) Bibliography at head of chapters. Channing, Edward, £x Hart, Albert Bushnell. 016.973 C36 ^**^* Guide to the study of American history. xvi,47i p. D. Boston, U. S. A.: Ginn & Co., 1896. Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. 907 P400 *'^* How to study and teach history. With particular reference to the history of the United States. Revised edition, with additional matter, including a bibliographical index. xxiii,353 p. D. (In- ternational education series, vol. 25.) New York : D. Appleton &Co., 1894. New England History Teachers' Association. 375-9 Q400 60162 ^ history S3'llabus for secondary schools, outlining the four years' course in history recominended b}- the Committee of Seven of the American Historical Association, by a special cominittee of the New England History Teachers' Association, Herbert Darling Foster, chairman .... Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1904. 375 p- 19™- Contains bibliographies. Contents. — pt. i. Ancient history to 800 A. D. — pt. 2. Medireval and modem European history, 800-1900 A. D. — pt. 3. English history to 1900 A. D. — pt. 4- American history and civil government to 1904 A. D. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. . 391 Great Britain. Emigrants' Information Office. 908.42 I 908.42 History of 48352 Handbook Issued by the Emigrants' Information Office. London, printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1904-. Continued from 1904. maps. 22'^". Each year consists of fourteen parts: I. Can.ida. 2. New South Wales. 3. Victoria. 4. South AustraHa. 5. Queensland. 6. Western Australia. 7. Tasmania. 8. New Zealand. 9. Cape Colony. 10. Natal. 1 1. Transvaal. 12. Orange River Colony. 13. Professional handbook. 14. Emigration statutes and general handbook. Ireland, Alleyne, 1871- 325.3 Q500 S19S9 -pj^g p^j. gastern tropics'; studies in the administration of tropi- cal dependencies: Hong Kong, British North Borneo, Sarawak, Burma, the federated Malay states, the Straits Settlements, French Indo-China, Java, the Philippine Islands, by Alleyne Ireland .... Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1905. vii, [2], 339, [l] p. fold, map (in pocket). 21"^"'. "Bibliographical appendix," p. [303]-3i3. "The present volume is made up of two series of articles written during my absence in the Far East. One series appeared in 'the Times' (London), the other in 'the Out- look' (New York)." — Pref. Lucas, Charles Prestwood, 1853- 908.42 O800 3S90 ^ historical geography of the British colonies, by C. P. Lucas, B.A O.xford, Clarendon Press, 1888-. Vol. I-. maps, fold, diagr. ig.i"''". Cambridge modern history. L909 C14 909 Universal his &0161 The Cambridge modern history ; planned by the late Lord Acton ... edited by A. W. Ward, ... , G. W. Prothero, ... , Stanley Leathes New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1902-. Vol. I-. 2':,™. Bibliographies, vol. I, p. 693-792. Fisher, George Park. 909 F53 !9636 Outlines of universal history. Designed as a te.xt-book and for private reading. xvi,674 p. 28 maps, 2 pi. of maps. O. New York: American Book Co., c. 1885. Freeman, Edward Augustus. 909 F87 "" General sketch of history. Adapted for American students. New edition, revised xxxi,400 p. 16 maps. S. (Freeman's historical course for schools, vol. i.) New York: H. Holt& Co.. c. 1876- Fyfe, H. Hamilton. 909.8 A6131 Annals of our time. A record of events, social and political, home and foreign, .... Vol. 3, parts 1-2. O. London: Mac- millan & Co., 1891-1892. Contents: Part I. June 21, 1SS7, to January i, 1S91. Part 2. 1891. For preceding volumes see Irving, J. Annals of our time. tory 2103 392 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 909 Universal his- Helmolt, Hans Ferdinand, 18G5- , cd. L909 H361 *"^ '"^''' The history of the world ; a survey of man's record, edited by Dr. H. F. Helmolt, with an introductory essay by the Right Hon. James Bryce .... New York, Dodd, Mead and Co., 1902-1907. 8 vol. illus., plates (partly col., partly fold.) ports., maps (partly fold.) facsims. (partly col., partly dovible.) 28'^"'. "Published simultaneously in Germany, England, and the United States." — Pref. note. Contents. — I. Pre-historj'. America and the Pacific Ocean. — 11. Eastern Asia and Oceania. — The Indian Ocean. ^ — in. West Asia and Africa. — iv. The Mediterranean countries. — v. South eastern and eastern Eurcpe. — vi. Central and northern Europe. — VII. Western Europe, pt. i. — viil. Western Europe — The Atlantic Ocean. Irving, Joseph. 909.8 A613 ""■' The annals of our time: a diurnal of events, social and political, home and foreign, from the accession of Queen Victoria, June 20, 1837, to the Peace of Versailles, February 28, iS?'- ix,[6],i033, [i] p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890. From February 24, 1871, to the Jubilee, June 20, 1887, [6].987-i65i,[i] p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1889. For continuation see Fyfe, PI. 11. .Annals of our time. Latimer, Elizabeth, \_horii'] Wormeley. 909.8 L34 S8657 Yhe last years of the nineteenth century. A continuation of "France in the nineteenth century," "Russia and Turkey in the nineteenth century," "England in the nineteeth century," "Europe in Africa in the nineteenth century," "Italy in the nineteenth century," and "Spain in the nineteenth century". [2], 545 p. 25 por. O. Chicago : A. C. McClurg & Co., 1900. Nineteenth century. 031 Qioi "^'^ The 19th century; a review of progress during the past one hun- dred years in the chief departments of human activity. i.K,494 p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. Contents: i. Law and government : Nott,C. C. The immutabilily of the constitution. Moore, J. B. Progress of international law in the century. 2. History: Sedgwick, A. G. English political development in the century. Smith, M. Germany in the nineteenth century. Coolidge, A. C. The expansion of Russia in the nineteenth century. Bouri- not, SirJ.G. Canada in the nineteenth century. Lummis,C. F. Mexico. Griffis, W. E. The century's changes in China and Japan. 3. Sociology: Heilprin, L. Geographica conquests of the nineteenth century. White, H. The gold standard and gold production in the nineteenth century. Carnegie, A. Development of steel manufacture in the Uni- ted States. Cutter, C. A. Library development. Alexander, J. W. The phenomenon cf American life assurance. Mowe, J. W. Changes in the legal and political status of woman. Call, C. C. Women in the industries and professions. 4. Literature and the fine arts: Trent, W. G. American literature in the nineteenth century. Gosse, E. Eng- lish literature in the nineteenth century. Towse, J. R. The American theatre in the nineteenth century. Finck, H. T. The musical century. Sturgis, R. Progress of American architecture. Cox, K. Painting in the nineteenth century. 5. Education and science: Carter, F. The century's growth in higher education. Palmer, A. F. Higher education of women. Pierce, C. .S. The century's great men in science. Newcomb, S. The century's advance in astronomical science. Billings, J. S. The progress of medicine in the nineteenth century. Lodge, O. Scope and tendencies of physics. Lang, A. Psychical research of the century. Stephen, L. Evolution and rehglous conceptions. 6. Applied science: De Vinne, T. L. Printing in the nineteenth century. Nicol, J. The birth and progress of ]ihotography. Trowbridge, J. Progress of electricity from 1800 to 1900. 7. Transportation: Chamberlain, E. T. Development of the merchant marine. Hadley, .\. T. Railroad economy in the nineteenth century. Midgeley, J. W. Equip- ment, organisation, and operation of railroads. 8. The science of war: Maclay, E. S. Development of the navy. Wilcox, C. DeVV. Changes m niililary science. I BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 393 PloetZ, Karl, 1819-1881. 909 P72 909 universal his- 60272 Kpitome of ancient, medieval, and modern history, by Carl ^^ Ploetz. Translated with extensive additions by WiUiam H. Til- linghast. [Ninth edition, 23d impression.] Boston, New York, " Houghton, Mifflin and Co., [1898?]. [2], xii, 61S p. 20'^"'. Stokvis, A. M. H. J. L909 S874 "'" Manuel d'histoire, de gcnealogie ct de chronologic de tous Ics ctats du globe, depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours, ... . 3 vol. tables. Q. Leide : E. J. Brill, 1888-1893. 910 ' GEOGRAPHY Chisholm, George Goudie. 380.2 Q300 *"■"'"* Handbook of commercial geography, by Geo. G. Chisholm .... Fourth corrected edition, revised throughout and greatly extended. London, New York and Bombay, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1903. xl\-i, 639 p. incl. maps, charts, maps. 22^'^™. Gannett, Henry, 1846- 380.9 Q500 62006 Commercial geography, by Henry Gannett ... Carl L. Garrison ... and Edwin J. Houston .... New York, Cincinnati, [etc.], American Book Company, [''1905]. vi, 415, 30 p. illus. (incl. maps) 21'"'. Mill, Hugh Robert, editor. 910.2 P900 234J4 jj^g international geography. By seventy authors. xx,io89 p. 487 il. O. London: G. Newnes, 1899. Reclus, Elisee. L910.2 O302 '■" The earth and its inhabitants. Africa. Edited by A. H. Keane. 4 vol. il. pi. maps. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1886- 1889. Contents: Vol. i. North-east Africa. Vol. 2. North-west Africa. Vol. 3. West Africa. Vol. 4. South and east Africa. Reclus, Elis^e. L910.2O301 The earth and its inhabitants. Asia. Edited by E. G. Raven- stein and A. H. Keane. 4 vol. il. pi. maps. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1884-1885. Contents: Vol. i. Asiatic Russia : Caucasia, Aralo-Caspian basin, Siberia. Vol.2. East Asia: Chinese Empire, Corea, ami Japan. \o\. 3. India and Indo-China. Vol. 4. South-western Asia. Vol. 2-4 edited by A. H. Keane. 579:{ 394 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 910 Geography RccluS, EliseC. L9IO.2O3OO °"'- The earth and its inhabitants. Europe. Edited by E. G. Raven- stein. 5 vol. il. pi. maps. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1883. Contents: Vol. I. Greece, Turkey in Europe, Rumania, Servia, Montenegro, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Vol. 2. France and Switzerland. Vol. 3. Austria- Hungary, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Vol. 4. The British Isles. Vol. 5. The north-east Atlantic, islands of the north Atlantic, Scandinavia, European islands of the Arctic Ocean, Russia in Europe. Vol. 5 edited by E. G. Ravenstein and A. H. Keane. Reclus, Elisee. L910.2O303 °"" The earth and its inhabitants. North America. Edited by A. H. Keane. 3 vol. il. pi. maps. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1 890-1 893. Contents: \"ol. I. British North America. Vol.2. Mexico, Central America, West Indies. Vol. 3. The United States. Reclus, Elis^e. L910.2O305 °"' The earth and its inhabitants. Oceanica. Edited by A. H. Keane. vii,5i2 p. 226 il. 38 pi. 5 maps. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1890. Reclus, Elisee. L910.2O304 °''"' The earth and its inhabitants. South America. Edited by A. H. Keane. 2 vol. il. pi. maps. O. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1894-1895. Contents: Vol. I. The Andes regions. Vol. 2. Amazonia and La Plata. Scobel, Albert. 910.2 P90i ^'^'^ Geographisches Handbuch zu Andrees Handatlas mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der politischen, wirtschaftlichen und statistischen Verhaltnisse. Unter Mitwirkung von R. Credner ... heraus- gegeben von A. Scobel. Dritte, vdllig neubearbeitete Auflage. xii,994 p. 171 il. O. Bielefeld: Velhagen & Klasing, 1899. 910.3 Geographical Century cyclopedia of names. L031 O901 dictionaries and 4611 ^-l /- ^ 111 a • 1 .. gazetteers -^ ''"-' Century cyclopedia of names. A pronouncing and etymo- logical dictionary of names in geography, biography, mythology, history, ethnology, art, archaeology, fiction, etc., etc., etc. Ed- ited by Benjamin E. Smith. vii,io85 p. F. New York : Century Co., c. 1894. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 395 [DeschampS, Pierre.] 910.3 NOOI 910.3 Geographical "'•' Dictionnaire de geographic ancienne et moderne a I'usage du li- gazett°ee're ^ ^° braire et de I'amateur de livres, contenant : i" Les noms anciens, grecs et latins, de la decadence latine et de la renaissance, . . . , avec leur signification actuelle en langues vulgaires ; 2° Les re- cherches . . . sur les origines de la typographie dans toutes les villes, bourgs, abbayes d'Europe, jusqu'au XIX*^ siecle exclusive- ment; 3° Un dictionnaire frangais-latin des noms de lieux, des- tine a servir de table. Par Un Bibliophile, viii p. 796 col. O. Paris: Firmin Didot Freres, Fils & C'^ 1870. Published as supplement to Brunet, J. G. Manuel du lilwaire. Un Bibliophile is pseudonym for Pierre Deschamps. Lippincott's new gazetteer. L910.3 Q500 ""^ Lippincott's new gazetteer. A complete pronouncing gazetteer or geographical dictionary of the world, containing the most recent and authentic information respecting the countries, cities, towns, resorts, islands, rivers, mountains, seas, lakes, etc., in every por- tion of the globe ; edited by Angelo Heilprin . . . and Louis Heil- prin .... Philadelphia and London, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1905. X, 2053 p. 28"^™. First published 1855. The present publication, printed from new type from the title- page to cover, is a new work, embodying little more than the framework of its predeces- sor, together with its system of pronunciation. . U. S. A. Department of the Interior. Census Office. L317.3 Q008 *'"" .... Statistical atlas. Prepared under the supervision of Henry Gannett, geographer of the twelfth census .... Washington, United States Census Office, 1903. 91 p. 207 plates (partly col., incl. maps, statistical diagrs.) 30"^'". At head of title: Twelfth census of the United States, taken in the year 1900. William R. Merriam, director. tJ. S. A. Navy Department. Bureau of Equipment. L656.9 P905 ^'"'^ Hydrograpliic Office. Division of Chart Construction. Tracks for full powered steam vessels with the shortest navigable distances in nautical miles. [Chart] no. 1262. 77x121 cm. Q. Washington, D. C, 1900. Winsor, Justin. 973-2 P500 i7-.'42 -Yhe Mississippi basin. The struggle in America between Eng- land and France, 1697-1763. ix,484 p. il. O. Boston: Hough- ton, Mifflin & Co., 1895. Murphy, Richard J , comp. 977.316 Q404 912.773 Map of 46901 (^iiicago at a glance. A condensed and complete guide of the ^ western metropolis, containing a fine colored street number map, showing the new city limits : the grounds on which the W'orld's Columbian Exposition was held ; the location of streets, parks, boulevards, railroads, electric suburban railways and street car lines Compiled and revised to date by Richard J. Murphy. Chicago, E. R. Walsh, [1904?]. 122, [12] p. illus. 18™. Blank pages at end, for memoranda. Advertisements, p. [1-12]. . Blanchard's Map of Chicago with the new street names. [Chicago, 1904?] 96x60*""., bound 244'^"'. Ely, Talfourd. 913 PoOI 913 Archaeology ^""'^ Manual of archaeology xii,272 p. 113 il. i pi. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1890. "Books recommended", at the beginning ol each chapter. 402 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 920 BIOGRAPHY A. L. A. portrait index. 016.92 Am "'"" ... A. L. A. piirtrait index. Index to portraits contained in printed books and periodicals, compiled with the cooperation of many librarians and others for the Publishing Board of the Ameri- can Library Association. Edited by William Coolidge Lane . . . and Nina E. Browne .... Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1906. Ixxiv, [2], 1600, [2] p. 25'^'". At head of title: Library of Congress. Gates, William Leist Redwin. L920.01 C28 '" A dictionary of general biography. Third edition, . . . completed to the present time. viii,i484p. O. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1881. Century cyclopedia of names. L031 O901 '"*" The Century cyclopedia of names. A pronouncing and etymo- logical dictionary of names in geography, biography, mythology, history, ethnology, art, archaeology, fiction, etc., etc., etc. Ed- ited by Benjamin E. Smith. vii,io85 p. F. New York : Century Co., c. 1894. Chambers's biographical dictionary. 920.01 C35 15300 ciiambers's biographical dictionary. The great of all times and nations. Edited by David Patrick and Francis Hindes Groome. 1002 p. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1898. Gubernatis, Angelo de. L920.01 G93 *'" Dictionnaire international des ecrivains du jour. 3 vol. Q. Florence: L. Niccolai, 1 890-1 891. Vol. I published in 1891. Nouvelle biographic. 920.01 N85 """ Nouvelle biographic generale depuis Ics temps les plus recules * jusqu'a nos jours, avec les renseignements bibliographiques et I'in- dication des sources a consulter ; publiee par MM. Firmin Didot freres, sous la direction de M. le D''. Hoefer. Tome premier - [quarante-sixieme]. Paris, F. Didot freres, fils ct c'" , 1855-1885. 46 vol. in 23. 23<''". Vol. I published in 1862. Men and women. 920.01 M52 Men and women of the time. A dictionary of contemporaries. ... . Rcvi.sed and brought down to the present time ... . Vol. 14- 15. 1 895-1 899. O. London: G. Routledge& Sons, 1895 -1899. •'Vlited by \'iclor G. Plarr. 1736 BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 403 Michaud, [Joseph Francois, & Michaud, L. G.] , editors. L920.01 M58 920 Biography sooo Biographic universelle (Michaud) ancienne ct moderne Nouvelle edition, . . . revue, ... ; ouvrage redige par une societe de gens de lettres et de savants. 45 vol. Q. Paris: Madame C. Desplaces, i854-[i857]. Pittsburg. Carnegie Library. 016.92 P685 ^""^ Contemporary biography, references to books and magazine ar- ticles on prominent men and women of the time; compiled by Agnes M. Elliott. Pittsburg, Carnegie Library, 1903. 171 p. 23™. "Appeared first in the Monthly bulletin ... from May, 1S99, to November, 1900 . . , revised and brought down to Sept. i, 1902.'* Classed Usts with index of names. Pratt, Alfred T. Camden, editor. L920.01 P88 '*°" People of the period. Being a collection of the biographies of upwards of six thousand living celebrities. 2 vol. O. London : N. Beeman, i897-[i898]. Sanders, Lloyd Charles, editor. 920.01 S215 "' Celebrities of the century. Being a dictionary of men and women of the nineteenth century, vi, [2], 1077 p. O. London : Cassell & Co., 1887. Thomas, Joseph, 1811-1891. L920.01 T362 62000 Universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and mythology, by Joseph Thomas .... New third edition, thoroughly revised. .... Philadelphia, London, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1905. 2 vol. 50 port. 27.4™. Paged continuously; vol. i : [6], iii-xi, [3], 5-1278 p.: vol. 2: [2], 1279-2550 p. Vapereau, Gustave. L920.01V41 1050 XDictionnaire uni\-ersel des contemporains, contenant toutes les personnes notables de la France et des pays etrangers, .... Sixieme edition ... augmentee. [2],iii,[i ],i629 p. O. Paris: Librairie Hachette & C'*", 1893. Supplement .... [4], 103 p. O. Paris; Librairie Ha- chette & C'^ 1895. Bound together. Vapereau, Gustave. L920.01 V4H "'"■' Dictionnaire universel des litteratures. Contenant, I, des notices sur les ecrivains de tous les temps et de tous les pays ... ; II, la theorie et I'historique des differents genres de poesie et de prose, .... Ill, la bibliographic generale et partictiliere Seconde edition, revue et augmentee d'un supplement. xvi,2096,25 p. Q. Paris: Hachette & c*^ 1884. 404 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 920.03 Greek and Roman biography 920.041 Scottish biography 920.042 English bi- Boasc, Frederic. ography Smith, William, LL.D. 920.03 S664 5809 Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. 3 vol. il. O. London: Taylor, Walton, & Mabcrly, 1849-185 i. [rving, Joseph. 920.041 172 (2967 ji^g book of Scotsmen eminent for achievements in arms and arts, church and state, law, legislation, and literature, commerce, science, travel, and philanthropy. ix,573,[2] p. O. Paisley: A. Gard- ner, 1881. L920.042 B63 Modern English biography containing many thousand concise memoirs of persons who have died since the year 1850, with an inde.x of the most interesting matter. 3 vol. O. Truro: for the author, 1 892-1901. Only 250 copies printed. Dictionary. 920.042 D56 '"* Dictionary of national biography. Edited by Leslie Stephen [and Sidney Lee]. Vol. i-[63] New York, vol. 1-48, Macmillan and Co.; vol. 49-63, The Macmillan Company; Lon- don, Smith, Elder & Co., 1885-1901. 63 vol. front, (port.) 24='". "A list of writers" of the articles at beginning of each volume. Vol. 1-2 1 edited by Leslie Stephen; vol. 22-26, by L. .Stephen and Sidney Lee; vol. 27-63, by S. Lee. "The Dictionary of national biography. A statistical account," vol. 63, p. [v]-xxii. . Supplement .... (Edited by Sidney Lee.) New York, London, 1901. 3 vol. front, (port.) 24'^'". "Memoir of George Smith," vol. i, p. [ix]-xlix. . Index and epitome. Edited bv Sidney Lee. New York, London, 1903. vii, 1456 p. 24"^"'. . Errata. New York, London, 1 904. vi, 299, [ I ] p. 24'^"'. Sharp, Robert Farquharson, 1864- 920.042 S5311 *""■' A dictionary of English authors, biographical and bibliographi- cal, by R. Farquharson Sharp. Being a compendious account of the lives and writings of upwards of 800 British and American writers from the year 1400 to the present time. New edition (revised) with an appendix bringing the whole up to date and including a large amotint of new matter. London, K. Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., ltd., 1904. [6], 363 p. 20i'"". BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 405 Who's who. 920.01 W62 920.042 English bi- '"-'3 Who's who? An annual biographical dictionary. Continued ^Z^^P^V from vol. 50. 1898. D. London 1898-. Vol. 50-51 edited by Douglas Sladen. Vol. 50, with no sulititle, is also called New issue, vol. 2. Men and women of the time was incorporated with vol. 53. AUgemeine deutsche Biographic. 920.043 M92 920.043 German bi- '"' AUgemeine deutsche Biographic. Auf Veranlassung . . . seiner ^ P " Majestat des Kcinigs von Bayern . . . herausgegeben durch die Historische Commission bei dcr Konigl. Akadcniie der Wissen- schaften. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1S75-. Vol. I-. 24.4=°'. Vol. 1-42, edited by R. von Liliencron and F. X. Wegele; vol. 43-, by R. von Liliencron. Contents. — vol. 1-45. A-Z. 1875-igoo. 45 vol. — vol. 46-. Nachtrage bis 1S99: A-. 1902-. Dictionnaire nationaL L920.044 D56 920.044 French bi- "^"^ Dictionnaire national des contemporains. Contenant les notices "^rap y . . . de toutes les personnalites vivantes, frangaises ou demeurant en France, qui se sont fait connaitre .... Ouvrage redige et tenu a jour par un groupe d'ecrivains, savants, artistes et hommes politiques sous la direction de C.-E. Curinier. Vol. i-. sq.Q. Paris: B. Brunei & Co., [1900-]. Contains bibliographies of author biographees. Glaeser, Ernest, editor. L920.044G45 '^"' Biographic nationale des contemporains, redigee par une societe de gens de lettres. 4,834 p. Q. Paris: Glaeser & C'*^, 1878. Brussels. Academie royale des sciences, 920.0493 B83 920.0493 Belgian des lettres et des beaux-arts. '"^'^^^ ^ 2309 Biographic nationale, publiee par I'Academie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Vol. i-. O. Bru- xellcs 1 866-. Adams, Oscar Fay. 920.073 A2162 920.07 American bi- '""' A dictionary of American authors, by Oscar Fay Adams .... °g''*P''y Fifth edition, revised and enlarged. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1905, [1904]. viii, [2], 5S7, [I] p. 2I.icm. Appletons' cyclopaedia. L920.07 A649 "' Appletons' cyclopaedia of American biography. Edited by James Grant Wilson and John Fiske. 7 vol. il. por. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1 894-1900. Vol. 1-6 published in 1894: vol. 7 published in igoo as a supplementar)- volume, edited by James Grant Wilson. Lamb's biographical dictionary. L920.073 L16 "■*" Lamb's biographical dictionary of the United States. Edited by John Howard Brown. [University edition.] Vol. i— . il. por. O. Boston, Mass.: J. H. Lamb Co., 1900-. 4o6 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 920.07 American bi- ography 920.071 Canadian biography 920.0747 Who's who Who'S WhO. in New York « Men. 920.073 M52 68SJ8 Men of America. A biographical dictionary of contemporaries. Edited by John \V. Leonard. New York Cit)', L. R. Hamersly & Co., 1908, [''1907]. [4], 21SS p. 221;"'. National cyclopaedia. L920.073 N21 6J95J ^Yhe national cyclopedia of American biography, being the his- tory of the United States as illustrated in the lives of the founders, builders, and defenders of the republic, and of the men and women who are doing the work and moulding the thought of the present time ; edited by distinguished biographers, selected from each state, revised and approved by the most eminent historians, schol- ars, and statesmen of the day. Vol. i-[i4]. New York, J. T. White & Company, 1893-1907, ["^1891-1907]. 14 vol. fronts., illus., ports. 284'"". Vol. 1-5, 7, g, revised. Vol. 1 : 1898. Card index to topics has shelf number L920.073 N211 Who's who in America. 920.073 W62 '"»« Who's who in America. A biographical dictionary of notable living men and women of the United States Established, 1899, by Albert Nelson Marquis Chicago, A. N. Marquis & Co., ['=1899-]. Continued from vol. i, 1899-1900. 20"="'. Subtitle varies slightly. Edited by John W. Leonard. Canadian men and women. 920.071 M82 ioii9 -pj^g Canadian men and women of the time: a hand-book of Can- adian biography. Edited by Henry James Morgan. First edition. xii,iii7,[l] p. D. Toronto: VV. Briggs, 1898. Rose, George Maclean, editor. 920.071 R72 '""' A cyclopaedia of Canadian biography : being chiefly men of the time. A collection of persons distinguished in professional and political life ; leaders in the conmierce and industry of Canada, and successful pioneers. xvi,8i6 p. O. (Rose's National bio- graphical series, vol. 2.) Toronto: Rose Publishing Co., 1888. Cover title reads : Representative Canadians. 920.0747 W62 Who's who in New York city and state, containing authentic biographies of New Yorkers who are leaders and representatives in various departments of worthy htinian achievement .... First edition, 1904. New York, L. R. Hamersly Company, ['"1904]. I vol. 24'™. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 407 Book. 920.0773 B64 920.0773 Biography '""' The book of Chicagoans ; a biographical dictionary of leading °^ Chicagoans living men of the city of Chicago; .... Chicago, A. N. Mar- quis & Co., 1905-. Continued from vol. i. 244"^'". Edited by John \V. Leonard. Directory. 650.9773 i 45698 Directory of directors in tlic city of Cliicago. Chicago, The Audit Company of New York, 1904- 1906. Vol. 4, 6, 1904, igo6. 2o<'"'. Mackail, John William. 920.159 M19 920 159 Wm. Morris 17820 jj^g [jjg qj William Morris. New impression. 2 vol. pi. por. O. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899. Aristoteles. 185. 1 I 921 Biography of ... 1 1 • 1 philosophers 10607 jj^g politics and economics of Aristotle, translated, with notes, original and selected, and analyses. To which are prefixed, an introductory essay and a life of Aristotle, by Dr. Gillies. By Edward Walford. [6],lxxx,338,[2] p. D. [Bohn's classical library.] London: G. Bell & Sons, 1881. Grote , George . 1 85 . i G9 1 "* Aristotle. Edited by Alexander Bain and G. Croom Robertson. Third edition. xvi,68i p. O. London: J. Murray, 1883. Mahaffy, John Pentland. 194.22 M27 '°"' Descartes. vi,2ii p. i por. S. [Philosophical classics for Eng- lish readers.] Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1881. Kant, ImmanueL 171 Fi "'°'" Kant's Critique of practical reason and other works on the theory of reason. Translated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott. Being an enlarged edition of "Kant's Theory of ethics." With memoir. lxiv,438,[2] p. I por. D. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1879. Locke, John. 153 £2 An essay concerning human understanding. Collated and anno- tated, with prolegomena, biographical, critical, and historical, by Alexander Campbell Eraser. 2 vol. por. O. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1894. Mill, John Stuart. 192.57 M59 "' Autobiography. vi,3i3p. O. New York : H. Holt & Co., 1873. AlmanaCh. 034 1 923 Biography of ""* Almanach de Gotha. Annuaire g^nealogique, diplomatique et '^°"o>''g'^t^. «'=• statistique. Gotha, J. Perthes, [pref. 1872-]. --.. Continued from vol. no, 1873. fronts., ports. I3<>'".-I5'^™. Vol. Ill, title-page, vol. II2, 113, 114, 118, 120, 124, 126, 134, wanting. . 4o8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 923 Biography of Elster, Ludwig, editor. 1-330.3 P8oo sociologists, etc. 22,9, Worterbuch der Volkswirtschaft 2 vol. Q. Jena: G. Fischer. 1898. "Litteratur" with each subject. Biographical sketches scattered through the work. Farrer, James Anson. 343 Oooi ""' Crimes and punishments. Including a new translation of Bec- caria's 'Dei delitti e delle pene.' x, [23,251 p. D. London: Chatto & Windus, 1880. Contents: i. Beccaria's life and character. 2. The general influence of Beccaria on legislation. 3. The influence of Beccaria in England. 4. The problems of penology. Beccaria's 'Crimes and punishments,' translated. Say, L^on, &■ Chailley-Bert, Joseph. I'330.3 Pioo 1613S Nouveau dictionnaire d'economie politique .... 2 vol. and sup- plement. O. Paris: Guillaumin et C'*", 1 893-1 897. "Bibliographie", at the end of the most important articles and also in the Table analytique, vol. 2, p. 1 265-1 345. Wilson, James Grant, editor. 923.173 W6g 12239 jj^g presidents of the United States. 1 789-1 894. By John Fiske, ... , and others. xii,526 p. il. 23 por. 23 facsim. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1894. Reprinted from Applelon'' s cyclopadia of American biograpJiy. 'iii.i Biography of Fitch, 5/;- Joshua [Girling]. 370.9204 F55 Gdiic3.tors '*" Thomas and Matthew Arnold and their influence on English edu- cation. ix,277 p. D. [Great educators.] New York : C. Scrib- ner's Sons, 1897. Laurie, Simon Somerville. 370.9218 L37 ^■•^ John Amos Comenius, Bishop of the Moravians: his life and ed- ucational works. Reading-circle edition, with a new bibliography .... 272 p. il. I pi. D. (School bulletin publications.) Syra- cuse, N. Y. : C. W. Bardeen, 1892. Hughes, Thomas, 5. J. 370.9252 H87 Loyola and the educational system of the Jesuits. ix,302 p. D. (Great educators.) New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1892. Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. 370.9254 H59 Horace Mann and the common school revival in the United States. vii,326 p. D. (Great educators.) New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1898. Guimps, Roger de. 370.9267 G94 Pestalozzi : his life and work. Authorized translation from the second French edition, by J. Russell xix, [33,438 p. D. (International education scries, vol. 14.) New York : D.Apple- ton & Co., 1890. 339:1 BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 409 Davidson, Thomas. 370.9275 D28 923.7 Biography of 12961 Rousseau and education according to nature. vii,253 p. D. * ""^^ °" (Great educators.) New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1898. Greely, Adolphus Washington. 910.92 G81 923.9 Biography of '"'' Explorers and travellers. 373 p. il. 3 pi. 4 por. O. (Men of «'Plo''«rs achievement.) New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1893. Winsor, Justin. 910.9218 W73 "'"^ Christopher Columbus and how he received and imparted the spirit of discovery. xi,674 p. il. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1891. "The geographical results", p. 529-660. Cattell, James McKeen, i860- , r^. L509.2 C29 925 Biography of "■""■' American men of science; a biographical directory, edited by scientists J. McKeen Cattell. New York, The Science Press, 1906. vii, 364 p. 26™'. Garnett, William. 530.92 G18 "'"' Heroes of science. Physicists vii, 339 p. D. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, pref. 1885. Geikie, 5/r Archibald, 1S35- 550.92 G271 !02i6 jj^g founders of geology, by Sir Archibald Geikie .... Second edition. London and New York, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1905. xi, 486 p. 234<^"'. Muir, Matthew Moncrieff Pattison. 540.92 M89 16948 Heroes of science. Chemists vii, 332 p. 8 il. D. Lon- don : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1883. Naturalists' universal directory. 570.92 N21 13090 Yhc Naturalists' universal directory. Containing the names, ad- dresses and special subjects of study, of professional and amateur naturalists in all parts of the world Boston, S. E. Cassino, 1877-1905. [1877], iSSa-[i88i, 18S3], 1898, 1904. 6vol. I9i™'.-22.i™. [1S81-1883], 1885, 1888, title reads: The International scientists' directory. Con- taining the names, ... , of ... naturalists, ... , in America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceanica; 1892, 1894, 1896, The Scientists' international directory; 1898, The Natural- ists' directory. Containing the names, addresses and special departments of study, etc., of ... naturalists, chemists, physicists, astronomers etc., etc., of the United States and Canada Compiled by .S. E. Cassino. Subtitle varies slightly. 1S77 pubhshed in Salem, Mass. 1887, 1889, 1897, never published. 4IO THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 925 Biography of scientists Poggendorff, Johann Christian, 1 796-1 877. L509.2 P75 '""" Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte der exacten Wissenschaften. Enthaltend Nachweisungen iiber Le- bensverhaltnisse und Leistungen von Mathematikern, Astronomen, Physikern, Chemikern, Mineralogen, Geologen usw. aller Volker und Zeiten gesammelt von J. C. Poggendorff .... Erster- [vierter] Band. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1 863-1904. 4 vol. in 5. 26'^'". Vol. 3-4 title reads: J. C. Poggendorff's Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch Vol. 3: (1858 bis 1SS3.) Herausgegeben von Dr. B. W. Feddersen und Prof. Dr. A. J. von Oetlingen; vol.4: (Die Jahre 18S3 bis zur Gegenwart umfassend.) Her- ausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Arthur von Oettingen. Youmans, William Jay, cffitoi: 509.2 Y8 "^^ Pioneers of science in America. Sketches of their lives and sci- entific work viii,5o8 p. 5 il. 49 por. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Reprinted with additions from the Popular Science Monthly. Audubon, Maria R. 590.9205 A9161 "'" Audubon and his journals. With zoological and other notes by Elliott Coues. 2 vol. pi. por. facsim. O. New York: C. Scrib- ner's Sons, 1897. Roscoe, Sir Henry Enfield. 540.9221 R71 "'°'" John Dalton and the rise of modern chemistry. 216 p. il. i por. 2 facsim. D. (Century science series.) London: Cassell & Co., 1895- Bonney, Thomas George. 550.9252 B64 '""'' Charles Lyell and modern geology. 224 p. i por. D. (Century science series.) London: Cassell & Co., 1895. 926 Industrial biog- Biographical directory. 656.092 B96 »3."3 -pj^g Biographical directory of the railway officials of America. .... Chicago, Railway Age Co., 1 885-1906. .Vol. 1-6, 1885-1906. fronts., ports. 224='" .-24^':'". 1885, 1887, edited by E. H. Talbott & H. R. Hobart; 1893, 1S96, 1901, 1906, by T. A. Busbey. 1893, 1896, published by the Railway Age and Northwestern Railroader. Vol. 5, 1901, wanting. Jones, Evan Rowland. 609.2 J71 17260 Heroes of industry. Biographical sketches. 324 p. 16 por. D. London: Sampson Low, ... & Rivington, 1886. Smith, George Barnett. 609.2 S648 ""'° Leaders of modern industry. Biographical sketches. vi,477 p. D. London: W. H. Alien & Co., 1894. Contents: The Stephensons. Charles Knight. Sir George Burns. Sir Josiah Mason. The Wedgwoods. Thomas Brassey. The Fairbairns. Sir William Siemens. The Ren- BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 411 Universal directory. 656.092 D58 926 industrial Mog- '"'" The Universal directory of railway officials London, The '^^^^ Directory Publishing Company, ltd., I90i-[i907]. Vol. 7, 13, 1901, 1907. aii"^'". Ediied by S. Richardson Blundslone. Baker, Theodore, r^///^;-. 780.92 B17 927 Biography of ,.,,.. , . . ^\r■^\ .. -.^ I „ artists and musi- ""*'• A biographical dictionary of musicians. With portraits from ^^^^^ drawings in pen and ink by Alex. Gribayedoff. vii,653 p. il. O. New York: G. Schirmer, 1900. Brown, James Duff, & Stratton, Stephen S. 780.92 B81 13587 Brjt-ish musical biography: a dictionary of musical artists, authors and composers, born in Britain and its colonies. [4],ii,[2],462, [2] p. O. Birmingham: S. S. Stratton, 1897. Bryan, Michael, 1757-1821. L750.92 B841 61994 Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers. New edition, re- vised and enlarged under the supervision of George C. William- son .... London, G. Bell and Sons, 1903-1905. 5 vol. fronts., plates, ports. 274'''". Champlin, John Denison, Jr., ^750.3035 '"' & Perkins, Charles C, editors. Cyclopedia of painters and painting. 4 vol. il. pi. por. sq.Q. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1 886-1 887. Large paper edition, in 500 copies. Grove, Sir George, 1820- 1900, cd. 780.3 G911 6201S Qrove's dictionary of music and musicians; edited by J. A. Ful- ler Maitland .... New York, London, The Macmillan Compa- ny, 1904—. Vol. I-. front., illus., plates, ports., facsims. 244"^™. Gwilt, Joseph. 720.3 G99 """"' An encyclopaedia of architecture, historical, theoretical, and prac- tical. Revised, portions re-written, and with additions (in 1888) by Wyatt Papworth. New impression. xiv,i443 p. il. i pi. O. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899. "A brief synoptical list of the principal architects, ancient and modern, with their chief works", p. ii 29-1 159. "Publications relating to architecture", p. 1160-1200. Hughes, Rupert, 1872- ,cd. 780.2 H87 S2399 j[-|g musical guide; containing a pronouncing and defining dic- tionary of terms, instruments, &c ... an explanation of the con- struction of music for the uninitiated ; a pronouncing biographi- cal dictionary; the stories of the operas; and numerous bio- graphical and critical essays by distinguished authorities; edited by Rupert Hughes .... New York, McClure, Phillips & Co., 1903. 2 vol. plates, tables, charts. 23"^"'. Paged continuously; vol. I : viii, [2], 37S p.; vol. 2: xiii, 379-807, [l] p. 4i: THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 927 Biography of artists and musi cians Julian, John, 1839- , cd. 245 Pioo 44646 j^ dictionary of hymnology, setting forth the origin and history of Christian hymns of all ages and nations, with special ref- erence to those contained in the hymn books of English-speak- ing countries, and now in common use, together with biographical and critical notices of their authors and translators and historical articles on national and denominational hymnody, breviaries, missals, primers, psalters, sequences, &c. &c. &c. Edited by John Julian, M.A New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1892, ['=1891]. xii, 1616 p. 2441=™. Miiller, Hermann Alexander, 18 14-1894. 709.2 M88 *"■'■' Allgemcines KUnstler-Lexicon. Leben und VVerke der berlihm- testen bildenden Klinstler. Dritte umgearbeitete und bis auf die neueste Zeit erganzte Auflage .... Frankfurt a. M., Literarischa. Anstalt, Riitten & Loening, 1895-1901. 5 vol. 24<^™. Vol. I : "Vorbereitet von Hermann Alexander Miiller; herausgegeben von Hans Wolfgang Singer." Vol. 2-5: "Herausgegeben von Hans Wolfgang Singer." . Nachtriige und Berichtigungen. Frankfurt a. M., 1906. [2]- 295' [5] P- 24="'. Paine, John Knowles, Thomas, Theodore, & L780.92 P16 '"°° Klauser, Karl, editors. Famous composers and their works. 4 vol. paged continuously ; vol. I : xii, 1-242 p.; vol. 2: [4] ,243-496 p. ; vol. 3 : [4] ,497-732 p.; vol. 4: [4] ,733-976 p. il. pi. por. Q. Boston: J. B. Millet Co., c. 1891. Riemann, Hugo, 1849- 780.3 R442 "■*'*- Musik-Lexikon, von Hugo Riemann .... Sechste volLstiindig um- gearbeitete Auflage. Leipzig, M. Hesse, 1905. XX, I50S p. 22.J''"'. Issued in 24 pts., 1904-05. Riemann, Hugo. 780.3 R44 ""^ Dictionary of music. New edition, with many additions by the author. Translated b_\' J. S. Shedlock. [2],895p. il. O. Lon- don: Augencr & Co., [1893]. Thieme, Ulrich, 1865- , cJ. L709.2 T34 ""■'"'* Allgemcines Lcxikon der bildenden Kiinstlcr von der Antike bis zur Gcgcnwart. Untcr Mitwirkung von 300 Fachgelehrten des In- und Auslandes herausgegeben von Dr. Ulrich Thieme und Dr. Felix Becker Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1907-. Vol. I-. 27.J™'. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 413 [Waters], Clara, bom Erskine, /^rwc;-/)' Clement, 709.2 W311 927 Biography of '"'° i-r Hutton, Laurence. ^'^"^*^ ^"^ ""»' Artists of the nineteenth century and their works. A handbook containnig two thousand and fifty biographical sketches. [Re- vised edition.] 2 vol. in i. D. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., c. 1884. Waters, Mrs. Clara (Erskine) Clement, 1834- ^ 709.2 W31 ""-" Painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, and their works. A handbook. By Clara Erskine Clement .... With illustrations and monograms. Fifteenth impression. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1899. xlii, [2], 6S1 p. front., illus., 12 pi. iqA'''". Stone, Wilbur Macey. 097 Q205 ii)is6 j^y Chambers, his book-plates; with XXVII examples and an essay concerning them by Wilbur Macey Stone. New York, published for the Triptych by R. R. Beam, 1902. [20] p. 27 pi. 21'°'. "Of Jay Chambers, his book-plates, there have been made three hundred and fifty copies in November, 1902. Numbers i to 25 are on large paper and a portion of the plates hand-colored. Numbers 26 to 350 are on small paper. Thiscopyis number 70." AUibone, Samuel Austin. L015.42 A436 928 Biography of "' A critical dictionary of English literature, and British and Amer- ican authors, living and deceased, from the earliest accounts to the latter half of the nineteenth century 3 vol. Q. Phila- delphia : J. B. Lippincott Co., 1891. Kirk, John Foster. L015.42 A4361 "^ A supplement to AUibone's Critical dictionary of English litera- ture and British and American authors 2 vol. Q. Phila- delphia : J. B. Lippincott Co., 1892. Cook, Edward Tyas. 709.276 C77 "*"' Studies in Ruskin : some aspects of the work and teaching of John Ruskin. Second edition. xiv,304 p. il. 8 pi. i por. D. Orpington: G. Allen, 1891. Duyckinck, Evert Augustus, L810.92 D95 '" &f Duyckinck, George Long. Cyclopaedia of American literature : embracing personal and criti- cal notices of authors, and selections from their writings, from the earliest period to the present day. 4 vol. and suppl. il. por. Q. New York: C. Scribner & Co., 1866. Parkman, Francis. 970 P701 ^'^'^ Works. Champlain edition. 20 vol. pi. por. facsim. maps. O. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1897-1898. Fiske, J. Introductory essay, [biographical sketch of Parkman], vol. i, p. xi-lxxxvi. 414 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 929.4 Names Ffcy, Albeit Romer. 031 O800 ""' Sobriquets and nicknames. iii,482 p. O. London : Whittaker &Co., [1887]. Taylor, Isaac. 910.3 P503 ''" Names and their histories, alphabetically arranged as a handbook of historical geography and topographical nomenclature. v,[3], 392 p. D. London: Rivington, Percival & Co., 1896. 929.72 Heraldry Burkc, 5/;- John Bernard, 1 8 14-1892. L929.72 B912 esosa ^ genealogical and heraldic history of the landed gentry of Great Britain. By Sir Bernard Burke, . . . , and Ashworth P. Burke. Eleventh edition. London, Harrison & Sons, 1906. X, 1882 p. illus. 2-]h.™. Burke, Sir [John] Bernard. L929.72 B91 ""*" A genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronet- age, together with memoirs of the privy councillors and knights. By Sir Bernard Burke. Vol. 60,65. [1897,1902.] il. O. Lon- don 1898-1903. Vol. 60 edited by Henry Farnham Burke; vol. 65, by Ashworth P. Burke. 929.9 Flags Hulme, Frederic Edward. 929.9 H87 12430 'YX-^Q flags of the world : their history, blazonry, and associations. From the banner of the crusader to the burgee of the yachtsman; flags national, colonial, personal; the ensigns of mighty empires; the symbols of lost causes. v,i52 p. 26 pi. D. London: F. Warne & Co., [1897]. 930 ANCIENT HISTORY Masp^ro, Gaston. 309.3 P200 ''"' Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria. From the French. xv,376p. 188 il. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Maspero, Gaston. L930 P600 ''"" The struggle of the nations : Egypt, Syria, and Assyria. Edited by A. H. Sayce. Translated by M. L. McClure. xii,794 p. il. 3 colored pi. i map. O. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1896. Morgan, Lewis Henry. 309.3 N700 ii.360 Ancient society; or, Researches in the lines of human progress from savagery through barbarism to civilization. xvi,56o p. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1878. Simcox, Edith J. 309.3 P400 "'"' Primitive civilizations ; or. Outlines of the history of ownership in archaic communities. 2 vol. il. O. London: Swan Sonncn- schein & Co., 1894. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 415 Masp^ro, Gaston. ^932 P7OO 932 Ancient Egypt 14394 Thg (jawTi of civilization. Egypt and Chaldiea. Edited by A. H. Sayce. Translated by M. L. McClure. Third edition revised, and brought up to date by the author. xiv,8oo p. 11. 3 pi. i map. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. Maspero, Gaston Camille Charles, 1846- 932 Qioo 60'.'79 Manual of Egyptian archaeology and guide to the study of an- tiquities in Egypt. For the use of students and travellers. By G. Maspero Translated by Amelia B. Edwards. Eifth edi- tion, revised and enlarged by the author. With supplementary chapter by the English editor. With three hundred and thirty- six illustrations. London, H. Grevel and Co., 1902. xxviii, 391 p. illus. (incl. plans). 19'^"'. "Bibliography to tiie supplementarj' cliapter," p. 367-368. Petrie, William Matthew Flinders. 932 P600 16631 A history of Egypt [Vol. i-.] il. D. London : Methuen & Co., 1 897-. Various editions. Vol. I published in 1899. Smith, George Adam. 911.56 P6oo 933 judea 30910 j[^g historical geography of the Holy Land. Especially in rela- tion to the history of Israel and of the early church. Fourth edition. xxv,7i3 p. I il. 5 maps, I in pocket. O. New York: A. C. Armstrong & Son, 1898. Maspero, Gaston. L935 P9OI 935 Medo Persia ''^" The passing of the empires, 850 B. C. to 330 B. C. Edited by A. H. Sayce. Translated by M. L. McClure. xii,824 p. il. 3 pi. Q. London: Societ}' for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1900. Fustel de Coulanges, [Numa Denis]. 309.3 N400 937 Rome The ancient city : a study on the religion, laws, and institutions of Greece and Rome. Translated from the latest French edition by Willard Small. 529 p. O. Boston: Lee & Shepard, 1874. Johnston, Harold Whetstone, 1859- 390-937 Q300 """'' .... The private life of the Romans, by Harold Whetstone Johnston .... Chicago, Scott, Foresman and Co., 1903. 344 p. illus. 20<:". (The Lake classical series.) Reference books: p. 17-20. References at head of chapters. Maine, Sir Henry Sumner. 321.2 N600 Village-communities in the East and West. Six lectures dehvered at Oxford. Seventh edition. xii,4i3 p. O. London : J. Murray, 1895. Contains also the following lectures: The ^-ffects of observation of India on modern European thought. Address to the University of CalcuUa. The theory of evidence. Roman law and legal education. 4i6 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 937 Rome Mommsen, Theodor. 937 O800 21370 ■pj.jg history of Rome. Translated with the sanction of the author by WiUiam Purdie Dickson. A new edition revised throughout and embodying recent additions. 5 vol. map. O. New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1898. Mommsen, Theodor. 937 Oioo The provinces of the Roman Empire from Caesar to Diocletian. Translated with the author's sanction and additions, by William P. Dickson. With . . . maps by Professor Kiepcrt. 2 vol. maps. O. [History of Rome.] New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 18S7. Peck, Harry Thurston, 1856- , cd. L937 P700 42438 Harper's dictionary of classical literature and antiquities, edited by Harry Thurston Peck, M.A., ... . Illustrated. [Second edition.] New York, Cincinnati, [etc.], American Book Company, [pref. 1897, *i896]. XV, 1 701 p. illus., 2 maps. 264"^"'. Ramsay, William, 1 806-1 865. 937 P401 ''"* A manual of Roman antiquities. By William Ramsay . . . Revised or partly re-written by Rodolfo Lanciani .... Seven- teenth edition. London, C. Griffin and Co., ltd., 1901. "^'j 573 P- illus., 2 pi. (incl. front.) 2 fckl. plans. 20'^"'. Prefator)' note signed: C. L. H. Wedderbum Cgilvy. Edited by Lanciani with the assistance of T. Edmonston Charles. References at end of chapters II-XIV and at beginning of chapter i. Seyffert, Oskar. L937 P400 '^^'" A dictionary of classical antiquities, mythology, religion, litera- ture & art. From the German. Revised and edited, with addi- tions, by Henry Nettleship [and] J. E. Sandys. [Fifth edition.] vi,7i6 p. il. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1899. Smith,William, LL. D., Wayte,William, <5rMarindin, G. E. 937P001 3396 ^ dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. Third edition, ... enlarged. 2 vol. il. O. London: J. ]\[urray, 1S90-1891. 938 Ancient Greece Grote, George. 938 K600 '■"'" A history of Greece ; from the earliest period to the close of the generation contemporary with Alexander the Great. A new edi- tion. 10 vol. por. maps. D. London: J.Murray, 1888. Mahaffy, John Pentland, 3'>9.38 P60.T '""' Greek life and thought from the death of Alexander to the Ro- man conquest. Second edition, corrected and considerably enlarged. xlii,669 p. D. [Social life of the Greeks, vol. 2.] London: MacmiUan & Co., 1896. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 417 Mahaffy, John Pentland. 309.38 PoOI 938 Ancient Greece 82006 -j-j^g Greek world under Roman sway from Polybius to Plutarch, xiii, [23,418 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890. Mahaffy, John Pentland. 309.38 N900 "" Social life in Greece from Homer to Menander. [Seventh edition.] xvi,495 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1894. Tsountas, Chrestos, £r Manatt, J. Irving. 938 P700 17789 jj^g Mycenaean age. A study of the monuments and culture ol pre-Homeric "Greece. With an introduction by Dr. Dorpfeld. xxxi,4i7 p. 169 il. 18 pi. 4 maps. O. Boston: Houghton, Mif- flin & Co., 1897. 940 EUROPE Chisholm, George Goudie. 940 P900 20713 jr^rope. Vol. 1-2. il. pi. maps. D. (Stanford's compendium of geography and travel. New issue.) London: E. Stanford, 1899- 1902. Contents: Vol. i. The countries of the mainland (excluding the north-west), xx. 736 p. il. 2 pi. 30 maps. 1S99. Vol. 2. The north-west. xxviii,742 p. il. i pi, 13 maps. 1902. Reclus, Elisee. L910.2O300 "'■^ The earth and its inhabitants. Europe. Edited by E. G. Raven- stein. 5 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1883. Contents: Vol. i. Greece, Turkey in Europe, Rumania, Servia, Montenegro, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Vol. 2. France and Switzerland. Vol. 3. Austria-Hungary, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Vol. 4. The British Isles. Vol. 5. The north-east Atlantic, islands of the north Atlantic, Scandin.avia, European islands of the Arctic Ocean, Russia in Europe. Vol. 5 edited by E. G. Ravenstein and A. H. Keane. Adams, George Burton, 1851- 309.4 P400 940.1 Mediaeval 38465 Civilization during the Middle Ages, especially in relation to " modern civilization. By George Burton Adams, .... New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1901. viii, 463 p. 21"^"'. Bryce, James, 1838- 940.1 Q400 69617 ji-jg Holy Roman empire, by James Bryce .... A new edition, enlarged and revised throughout, with a chronological table of events and three maps. New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1905. Hi, [2], 575 p. 3 double maps. 21'^"'. "List of books on the history of the empire which may be consulted by the student,'* p. 543-544- 4i8 ' THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 940.6 Renaissance Renaissance. L909 C14 v.i °"^" .... The renaissance. New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1902. XXX, [2], 807 p. 25'^"'. {In Cambridge modern history, vol. i.) "Bibliographies," p. 693-792. Contents. — Creighton, M. Introductory note. — i. Payne, E.J. The age of discov- ery. — 2. same. Thenewworld. — 3. Bury, J. B. The Ottoman conquest. — 4. Leathes,S. Italy and her invaders. — 5- Armstrong, E. Florence (I) : Savonarola. — 6. Burd, L. A. Florence (11): Machiavelli. — 7. Garnett, R. Rome and the temporal power. — S.Brown, H. Venice. — 9. Tout, T. F. Germany and the empire. — 10. Reich, E. Hungary and the Slavonic kingdoms. — 11. ClarWe, H. B. The catholic kings. — :2. Leathes, S. France. — 13. Ward, A. W. The Netherlands. ^- 14. Gairdner, J. The early Tudors. — 15. Cunningham, W. Economic change. — 16. Jebb, Sir R. C. The classical renaissance. — 17. James, M. R. The Christian renaissance. — 18. Barry, W. Catholic Europe. — 19. Lea, H. C. The eve of the reformation. 940.7 Reformation. A.ge of Louis XIV. L909 C14 V.5 Religious wars .,^,,, ^^^^ ^^^ ^j ^^^^^ ^^^^ -^^^ Y^^j^^ .j-j^^ Macmillan Com- pany, 1908. xxxii, 971 p. 25'^'". (/« Cambridge modem history, vol. 5.) "List of bibliographies," p. 765-917. "Chronological table of leading events," p. 918-927. Contents. — I. Grant, A. J. The government of Louis Xiv. — 2. Hassall, A. The foreign poUcy of Louis xiv. — 3. Faguet, E. French seventeenth century literature and its European influence. — 4. St. Cyies, z'iscouii/. The GaUican church. — 5. Firth, C. H. The Stewart restoration. — 6. Child, H. H. The literature of the English restoration, includ- ing Milton. — 7. Edmundson, G. The administration of John De Witt and William of Orange. — 8. The Anglo-Dutch wars. (l) Tanner, J. R. Naval administration under Charles II and James II. (2) Atkinson, C. T. The wars (1664-74). — 9. Pollock, J. The policy of Charles 11 and James II. — 10. The revolution and the revolution settlement in Great Britain, (i) Temperley, H. W. V. England. (2) Brown, P. H. Scotland from the restoration to the union of the parliaments. (3) Durdop, R. Ireland from the restoration to the Act of resumption. — 11. Gwatkin, H. M. Religious toleration in England. — 12. Lodge, R. Austria, Poland, and Turkey. — 13. Michael, W. The treaties of partition and the Spanish succession. — 14. The war of the Spanish succes- sion, (i) Atkinson, C. T. Campaigns and negotiations. (2) Ward, A. W. The Peace of Utrecht and the supplementary pacifications. — 15. Temperley, H. W. V. Party gov- ernment under Queen Anne. — 16. Burt, J. B. Russia. — 17. Bain, R. N. Peter the Great and his pupils. — 18. Reddaway, W. F. The Scandinavian kingdoms. — 19. Bain, R. N. Charles xil and the great northern war. — 20. Ward, A. W. The origins of the kingdom of Prussia. — 21. same. The Great Elector and the first Prussian king. — 22. The colonies and India. (l) Benians, E. A. The colonies. (2) Roberts, P. E. India. — 23. European science in the seventeenth and earUer years of the eighteenth centuries, (l) Ball, W. W. R. Mathematical and physical science. (2) Foster, Sir M. Other branches of science. — 24. Kautmann, M. Latitudinarianism and pietism. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 419 Reformation. "'-" .... The reformation. Company, 1 904. New York, London, L909 C14 V.2 940.7 Reformation. The MacmiUan Religious wars "'"'i [3]> ^57 P- 25"^"". (/« Cambridge modern history, vol. 2.) "Bibliographies," p. 719-S28. "Chronological table of leading events," p. 829-834. Contents. — Kraus, F. X. Medicean Rome. — 2.-3. Leathes, .S. Ilabsburg and Valois. — 4. Lindsay, T. M. Luther. — 5. Pollard, A. F. National opposition to Rome in Ger- many. — 6. same. Social revolution and catholic reaction in Germany. — 7. saiitc. The conflict of creeds and parties in Germany. — 8. same. Religious war in Germany. — 9. Tilley, A. A. The reformation in France. — 10. Whitney, J. P. The Helvetic refor- mation. — II. Fairbairn, A. M. Calvin and the reformed church. — 12. Collins, W. E The catholic south. — 13. Gairdner, J. Henry viii. — 14. Pollard, A. F. The reforma- tion under Edward VI. — 15. Mullinger, J. B. Philip and Mary. — 16. Maitland, F. W The Anglican settlement and the Scottish reformation. — 17. Collins, W. E. The Scan dinavian north. — Leathes, S. Note on the reformation in Poland. — 18. Laurence, R V. The church and reform. — 19. Fairbairn, A. M. Tendencies of European thought in the age of the reformation. L9O9 C14 V.4 New York, The Macmillan Compa- Thirty years' war. ""'" .... The thirty years' war. ny, 1906. xxix, 1003 p. 25"". (/« Cambridge modern history, vol. 4.) "List of bililiographies," p. 801-953. "Chronological table of leading events," p. 954-961. Contents. — i. Ward, A. W. The outbreak of the thirty years' war. — 2. Brown, H. F. The ValteUine. — 3. same. The protestant collapse. — 4. Leathes, S. Richelieu. — 5. Reddaway, W. F. The Vasa in Sweden and Poland. — 6. Ward, A. W. Gustavus Adolphus. — 7. same. AUenstein and Bernard of Weimar. — 8. Prothero, G. W. The con- stitutional struggle in England. — 9. same. The first two years of the Long Parliament. — 10. same. The first civil war, 1642-7. — II. same & Lloyd, E. M. Presbyterians and inde- pendents. — 12. Shaw, W. A. The Westminster Assembly. — 13. Ward, A.W. The later yearsof the thirty years' war. — 14. same. The Peace of Westphalia. — 15. Shaw, W. A. The Commonwealth and the Protectorate. — 16. Tanner, J. R. The navy of the Common- wealth and the first Dutch war. — 17. Brown, P. H. Scotland from the accession of Charles i to the restoration. — 18. Dunlop, R. Ireland, from the plantation of Ulster to the Cromwellian settlement . — 19. Firth, C. H. Anarchy and the restoration. — 20. Redda- way, W. F. The Scandinavian north. — 21. Leathes, S. Mazarin. — 22. Hume, M. Spain and Spanish Italy under Philip iii and iv. — 23. Brosch, M. Papal policy, 159a- 1648. — 24. Edmundson, G. Frederick Henry, prince of Orange. — 25. Egerton, H. E. The transference of colonial power to the United Provinces and England. — 26. Brock, A. Glutton-. The fantastic school of English poetry. — 27. Boutroux, E. Descartes and Cartesianism. 420 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 940.7 Reformation. Wars. L909 C14 V.3 Religious wars ^'^^o _ _ _ The wars of religion. New York, London, The Macmil- lan Company, 1905. xxvii, [2], 914 p. 2^'^'". (/« Cambridge modern history, vol. 3.) "List of bibliographies," p. 771-873. ■•Chronological table of leading events," p. 874-880. Contents. — i. Butler, A.J. The wars of religion in France. — 2. Tilley.A.A. French humanism and Montaigne. — 3. Bain, R. N. The catholic reaction, and the Valois and Bathory elections, in Poland. — 4. Brosch, M. The height of the Ottoman power. — 5. Ward, A. W. The empire under Ferdinand i and Maximilian 11. — 6. Edmundson, G. The revolt of the Netherlands. — 7. same. WiUiam the Silent. — 8. Law, T. G. Mary Stewart. — 9. Laughton, J. K. The Elizabethan naval war with Spain.- — 10. Lee, S. The last years of Elizabeth. — 11. same. The Elizabethan age of English literature. — 12. Armstrong, E. Tuscany and Savoy. — 13. Balzani, U., ««"//. Rome under Sixtus v. — 14. Butler, A. J. The end of the Italian renaissance. — 15. Hume, M. Spain under Philip II. — 16. same. Spain under Philip in. — 17. Gardiner, S. R. Britain under James I. — 18. Dunlop, R. Ireland to the settlement of Ulster. — 19. Edmundson, G. The Dutch Republic. — 20. Leathes, S. Henrj' iv of France. — 21. Ward, A. W. The empire under Rudolf 11. • — 22. Figgis, J. N. Political thought in the sixteenth century. 940.8 French Rev- French revolution. L909 C14 v. 8 °'""°° "»=* .... The French revolution. New York, London, The Mac- millan Company, 1904. xxvii, 875 p. 25*^°^. (/« Cambridge modern history, vol. 8.) "Bibliographies," p. 791-850. "Chronological table of leading events," p. 851-858. Contents. — I. Willert, P. F. Philosophy and the revolution. — 2. Montague, F. C. The government of France. — 3. Higgs, H. Finance. — 4. Montague, F. C. Louis xvi. • — 5. same. The elections to the States General. — 6. same. The National Assembly, and the spread of anarchy. — 7. same. The constitution of 1791. — 8. Macdonald, J. R. M. The Legislative Assembly. — 9. same. The National Convention to'the fall of the Gironde. — 10. Browning, O. The foreign policy of Pitt to the outbreak of war with France. — 11. Lodge, R. The European powers and the eastern question. — 12. Mac- donald, J. R. M. The Terror. — 13. same. The thermidorian reaction and the end of the Convention. — 14. Pattison, R. P. Dunn-. The general war. — 15. Wilson, H. W. The naval war. — 16. Fortescue, G. K. The Directory. — 17. Lodge, R. The extinction of Poland, 178S-97. — 18. Rose, J. H. Bonaparte and the conquest of Italy. — 19. same. The Egyptian expedition. — 20. Wilson, H. W. The struggle for the Mediterranean. — 21. Rose, J. H. The second coalition. — 22. Fisher, II. .■\. L. Brumaire. — 23. Higgs, H. Revolutionary finance. — 24. VioUet, P. French law in the age of the revolution. — ■ 25. Gooch, G. P. Europe and the French revolution. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 421 Napoleon. L909 C14 V.9 940.8 French Revo- *"*" .... Napoleon. New York, London, The Macmillan Compa- '"''"" ny, 1906. xxviii, 946 p. 25'^'". (/« Cambridge modern history, vol. 9.) "Bibliographies," p. 773-893. "Chronological table of the principal events," p. S94-899. Contents. — i. Pariset, G. The Consulate, 1799-1804. — 2. Walker, T. A. & Wilson, H. W. The armed neutrality, 17S0-1801. — 3. Guilland, A. The pacification ol Europe, 1799-1802. — 4. same. France and her tributaries, 1801-3. — 5. Pariset, G. France under the Empire, 1S04-14. — 6. Fisher, H. A. L. The codes. — 7. Legg, L. G. Wickham-. The concordats. — 8. Wilson, H. W. The command of the sea, 1803- 15. — 9-10. Lloyd, E. M. The third coalition, 1805-7. — 11. Rose, J. H. The Na- poleonic empire at its height, 1807-9. — '2. Keim, A. The war of 1S09. — 13. Rose, J. H. The continental system, 1S09-14. — 14. The French. dependencies and Switzerland, 1800-14. (i) Fisher, H . A. L. The French dependencies. (2) Guilland, A. Switzer- land. — 15. Oman,C. W. The peninsular war, 1S0S-14. — 16. Stschepkin, E. Russia un- der Alexander!, and the invasion of 1812. — 17. Pflugk-Harttung, J. von. The war of libe- ration, 1813-4. — 18. Fisher, H. A. L. The first restoration, 1814-5. — 19. Ward, A. W. The Congress of Vienna. I. 1S14-5. — 20. Oman, C. W. The hundred days, 1815. — 21. Ward, A. W. The Congress of Vienna, ir. 1815. — 22. Gooch, G. P. Great Britain and Ireland, 1792-1815. — 23. The British Empire, 17S3-1815. (i) Hutton, W. H. India and Ceylon. (2) Egerton, H. E. The colonies. — 24. Fisher, H. A. L. St. Helena. Andrews, Charles McLean. . 940.9 P6oi 940.9 Modern '''" The historical development of modern Europe from the Congress ^"^"P* of Vienna to the present time Second edition. 2 vol. maps, table. O. London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1899. Fjrffe, Charles Alan. 940-9 Oooi ""* A history of modern Europe 3 vol. maps. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1890-1891, pref. 1883-1886. Vol. I in second edition, revised, published in 1891, pref. 18S3. Restoration. L909 C14 v. 10 61856 -pi^g restoration. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1907. xxix, 936 p. 25^"^ (/;/ Cambridge modern history, vol. lo.) "List of bibliographies," p. 785-892. "Chronological table of leading events," p. 893-S9S. Contents. — i. Phillips, W. A. The congresses, 1815-22. — 2. Blennerhasset, /a(/j'. The doctrinaires. ■ — 3. Bourgeois, E^. Reaction and revolution in France. — 4. Segr^, C. Italy. — 5. Blennerhasset, laJy. The papacy and the catholic church. — 6. Phillips, W. A. Greece and the Balkan peninsula. — 7. Altamira, R. Spain. — 8. Kirkpatrick, F. A. The Spanish dominions in America. — 9. same. The establishment of independence in Spanish America. — 10. Edmundson, G. Brazil and Portugal. — 11. Pollard, A. F. The Germanic federation. — 12. Robertson, J. G. Literature in Germany. — 13. Askenazy, S. Russia. — 14. same. Poland and the Polish revolution. — 15. Bourgeois, E. The Orleans monarchy. — 16. Edmundson, G. The Low Countries. — 17. Phillips, W. A. Mehemet Ali. — 18. Temperley, H.W. V. Great Britain. — 19. Davis, H. W. C. Catholic eman- cipation. — 20. Gooch, G. P. Great Britain and Ireland. — 21. Benians, E. A. Canada. — 22. Courthope, W. J. The revolution in English poetry and fiction. — ^23. Qapham, J. H. Economic change. — 24. Nicholson, J. S. The British economists. 422 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 940.9 Modeni Europe 941 Scotland 941.5 Ireland 942 Great Britain Rose, John Holland, 1855- 940.9 Q500 """ The development of the European nations, 1 870-1900, by J. Hol- land Rose .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1905 2 vol. front., maps ( I fold.) aj^"^". Lang, Andrew, 1844- 941 Qooi 29209 j^ history of Scotland from the Roman occupation. By Andrew Lang. In four volumes New York, Dodd, Mead & Co.; Edinburgh, etc., W. Blackwood and Sons, 1900-1907. 4 vol. fronts, (ports. ), tables. 22i<^"'. Vol. I : Second edition. "[Bibliographical] notes" at end of each chapter. Lawless, Emily. 941.5 O700 23414 Ireland. By the Hon. Emily Lawless with some additions by Mrs. Arthur Bronson. xxix,435 p. il. i pi. 2 maps, i paged in. D. (Story of the nations.) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898, c. 1887. Bartholomew, John George. L942 Q400 46018 -j-]^g survey gazetteer of the British Isles, topographical, statistical and commercial, compiled from the 1901 census and the latest official returns. Edited by J. G. Bartholomew, F.R.S.E., ... . With appendices and special maps. London, G. Newnes, ltd., 1904. ■[8], 928 p. 27*:°'. 64 (/.<•. 55) pi. (partly fold., incl. maps, plans, diagrs.) 27'^"'. Egerton, Hugh Edward. 325.342 P700 ''*'" A short history of British colonial policy. xv,503 p. O. Lon- don : Methuen & Co., 1897. Great Britain. Emigrants' Information Office. 908.42 i 48352 Handbook Issued by the Emigrants' Information Office. London, printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1904-. Continued from 1904. maps. 22^"". Each year consists of fourteen parts: I. Canada. 2. New South Wales. 3. Victoria. 4. South Australia. 5. Queensland. 6. Western Australia. 7. Tasmania. 8. New Zealand. 9. Cape Colony. 10. Natal. 11. Transvaal. 12. Orange River Colony. 13. Professional handbook. 14. Emigration statutes and general handbook. Green, John Richard. 942 N700 "^^ History of the English people. 4 vol. maps. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1 878-1 880. Gross, Charles. 016.942 G91 87602 Yj^g sources and literature of English history from the earliest tiines to about 1485. xx,6i8p. O. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1900. Low, Sidney James, cV Pulling, F. S., editors. 942 P704 10966 The dictionary of English history. Revised edition. vi,[2],viii, 1128 p. O. London: Casscll & Co., 1897. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 423 McCarthy, Justin, 1830- 942 Q501 942 Great Britain *'"" A history of our own times ... by Justin McCarthy .... New York and London, Harper and Brothers, [i 901]- 1905. 5 vol. ports, (incl. fronts.) acj'"". Contents. — vol. 1-2. From the accession of Queen Victoria to the general election of 18S0. 2 vol. — V(j1. 3. From 1S80 to the dianiond jubilee, vi, [2], 473 p. — vol. 4-5. F'rom the diamond jubilee, 1897, to the accession of King Edward vii. 2 vol. Thom & Co., Alex., Dublin. 942 I *'"" Thorn's Official directory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland : . . . . Comprising British, foreign, and colonial di- rectories. Parliamentary directory. Peerage, baronetage, and knightage directory. Naval and military directory. Statistics of Great Britain and Ireland. Government offices' directory. Uni- versity, scientific, and medical directory. Law directory. Eccle- siastical directory. Banking directory. Postal directory. County and borough directory. Lieutenancy and magistracy of Ireland. Post office Dublin city and county directory, with new coloured map of Dublin and its environs Dublin, A. Thom & Co., (ltd.) ; London, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., (ltd.), 1906. Vol. 63, 1906. map in pocket. 23 x 14'^"'. Trevelyan, JJ/r George Otto, hart., 1838- 973.3 P800 S3308 -j-j^g American revolution. Partl-[ll], ... , by the Right Hon. Sir George Otto Trevelyan, bart. .... Second edition. New York, London, etc., Longmans, Green, & Co., 1899— 1903. 2 vol. in 3. 4 fold. maps. 21'^'". Part 2 is in first edition. Becker, Bernard Henry. 062 4 942.51 London '"'" Scientific London. viii,340 p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1875. Booth, Charles, 1840- 33i>8 Q300 '""'^ Life and labour of the people in London, by Charles Booth, as- sisted by Jesse Argyle, Ernest Aves, Geo. E. Arkell, Arthur L. Baxter, George H. Duckworth. Final volume. Notes on social influences and conclusion. London, New York, Macmillan and Co., ltd., 1903. [6], 451 p. 2 charts (i fold.), fold, map in pocket. 22'^'". Folded map (63 x 92*^"'. ) of inner and east London, showing places of worship, schools and licensed houses, 1899— 1900. Contents. — Some comparisons. — Habits of the people. — Notes on administration. — Conclusion. — Appendix tables andnotes. — Abstract of the complete work (17 vols.) — Index to final volume. Post Office London directory. L942.51 i The Post Office London directory . . . , comprising . . . official, streets, commercial, trades, law, court, parliamentary, postal, city, municipal and clerical conveyance and banking directories. Lon- don, Kelly's Directories ltd., [pref. 1896-]. Vol. 98, 102, 105-; 1897, 1901, 1904-. maps. 27<^"'. Beginning with 1904 the Library has a copy of this directory for alternate years. 424 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 943 Germany Dawson, William Harbutt. 309.43 Qioo '""* German life in town and country. viii,[2],323 p. 16 pi. D. [Our European neighbors.] New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. Contents: i. What is the German's fatherland? 2. Social divisions. 3. The "Arbei- ter." 4. Rural Ufe and labour. 5. Military service. 6. Public education. 7. Relig- ious life and thought. 8. Woman and the home. 9. Pleasures and pastimes. 10. The BerUner. 11 . Political life. 12. Local government. 13. The newspaper and its readers. Menzel, Wolfgang. 943 M200 15B49 -j-j^g history of Germany, from the earliest period to 1842. Trans- lated from the fourth German edition by Mrs. George Horrocks. 3 vol. por. D. [Bohn's standard library.] London : G. Bell & Sons, 1 890-1 898. Vol. I published in 1892 Schierbrand, Wolf von. 309.43 Q200 501-9 Germany; the welding of a world power, by Wolf von Schier- brand. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1903, ["1902]. vii, 376 p. 234"^'". Kiirschners Staats-, Hof- und Kommunal-Handbuch. 354-43 5 ""^ Kiirschners Staats-, Hof- und Kommunal-lLindbuch des [Deut- schen] Reichs und der Einzelstaaten zugleich statistisches Jahr- buch Miinchen, E. Erztel, 1902-. Continued from vol. 17, 1902. illus., ports, igi'^'". Vol. 1 7 title reads : Staats- Hof- und Kommunal-Handbuch .... Herausgegeben von Joseph Kiirschner. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen'sche Verlagshandlung. 943.109 Berlin Scherl, August, j9rr//;/. L943.109 1 ""' Berliner Adressbuch .... Unter Benutzung amtlicher Quellen. Mit der Beigabe: Grosser Verkehrs-Plan von Berlin und Vororten Berlin, A. Scherl, pref. i896-[i907]. 1897,1901,1907. fold. maps. 29X 224<:".-3o4 x 23<:"'. With supplement. 1897-1901 title reads: Adressbuch fiir BerHn und seine Vororte. Maps are bound separately. 943.6 Austria- Munro, Robert. 571.09439 P500 ungary 3209 j^anibJcs and studies in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Dalmatia. With an account of the proceedings of the Congress of Archaeologists and Anthropologists held in Sarajevo, August, 1894. xx,395 p. 144 il. 32 pi. O. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1895. Palmer, Francis H E 309.436 Q300 60269 Austro-Htingarian life in town and country, by Francis H. E. Palmer .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1903. vii, 301 p. front., 15 pi. 19="'. (//a^-/iV/«.- Our European neighbours ... .) BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 425 Morfill, William Richard. 943-8 P300 943.8 Poland ""^ Poland. XV, [i], 389 p. il. i por. i map. D. (Story of the na- tions.) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898, c. 1893. Authorities for Polish historj', &c. p. 366-375. Bodley, John Edward Courtenay. 320.944 Pgoo 944 France 19270 Prance. New and revised edition. xxvii,676 p. O. London ; Macmillan & Co., 1899. Joanne, Paul, 1 847- , cd. 1-944 P004 ^^" Dictionnaire geographique et administratif de la France et de ses colonies Public sous la direction de Paul Joanne. Tome premier— [septieme et dernier] Paris, Hachette & c'", 1 890-1 905. 7 vol. illus., plates, maps. 334°"". Paged continuously; vol. i; [4], 664, [4] p.; vol. 2: [4], 665-1336, [4] p.; vol. 3: [4], 1337-2024 p.; vol. 4: [4], 2025-2900, [2] p.; vol. 5: [4], 2901-3748, [2] p.; vol. 6: [4], 3748-4516, [2] p.; vol. 7: [4], 4517-5469, [2] p. Vol. 5-7 have not the words "et de ses colonies." Kitchin, George William. 944 N304 "■' A history of France. Third edition, revised. 3 vol. maps, tables. D. (Clarendon Press series.) Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892- 1896. Latimer, Elizabeth, \boni\ Wormeley. 944 P201 12676 pi-ance in the nineteenth century, 1 830-1890. Sixth edition. 450 p. 22 por. O. Chicago : A. C. McClurg & Co., 1898, c. 1892. Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe, 1 828-1 893. 309-44 N500 "" ... . The ancient regime. By Hippolyte Adolphe Taine, .... Translated by John Durand. New York, H. Holt & Co., 1876. xvi, 421 p. 2oi<^"'. (The origins of contemporary France.) Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. 3^9-44 Pooi 19507 -j-j^g modern regime. Translated by John Durand. 2 vol. O. (Les origines de la France contemporaine.) London: Sampson Low, ... & Rivington, 1891-1894. Wendell, Barrett, 1855- 309.44 Q700 6«86 -j-j^g France of to-day, by Barrett Wendell .... New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1907. [8], 379 p. 21"". "In this book my effort has been to set forth the impressions ol France made on me during the year when I was a lecturer at French universities ... In substantially theii present form the eight chapters were given as lectures at the Lowell Institute, Boston, in November and December, 1906, and four of them have been published in Scribner's magazine during 1907." — Note. Contents. ^The universities. ^The structure of society. — The family. — The French temperament. — The relation of literature to Hfe. — The question of religion. — The revolution and its effects. — The republic and democracy. 426 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 944.65 Paris Annuaire-almanach. L944.65 i 8638 Annuaire-almanach du commerce, de I'industrie, de la magistra- ture et de I'adm.inistration, ou Almanach des i ,500,000 adresses de Paris, des departements, des colonies et des pays etrangers, Didot-Bottin Premiere partie. Paris. Departement de la Seine (arrond. cantons et communes) ... 1897,1902. maps. Q. Paris [1897]-! 902. Founded in 1 797 by Duverneuil and J. de La Tynna under the title: .\lmanach du commerce ... ; from 1819 to his death in 1853 continued by Sebastien Bottin and known as Almanach-Bottin ; in 1857 ceded by his widow to the firm of Firmin Didot freres and united with their Annuaire general du commerce. Since 1 88 1 published by a "societe anonyme". For further details of its history see the Preface by Paul Leroy-Beaulieu in 1897. .Slight variations in title. 1897 called "Edition du centenaire". 945iuiy Deecke, Wilhelm, 1 831-1900. L945 P8oo •""^ Italy; a popular account of the country, its people, and its insti- tutions (including Malta and Sardinia) by Professor W. Deecke .... Translated by H. A. Nesbitt, .... London, S. Sonnen- schein & Co., ltd.; New York, The Macmillan Company, 1904. xii, 485 p. illus., XXX pi. (inch front., maps.) 26"^. King, Bolton, &■ Okey, Thomas. 309.45 Qioo '"'** Italy to-day. xii, 365 p. O. London : J. Nisbet & Co., 1901. "Appendix — List of principal books," p. 353-357. Orsi, Pietro. 945 P900 ""' Modern Italy, 1748-1898. Translated by Mary Alice Vialls. xvii,404 p. il. I por. i map. D. (Story of the nations.) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1900. Symonds, John Addington. 309-45 N500 ""^ Renaissance in Italy. 5 parts in 7 vol. por. O. New York : H. Holt & Co., 1881-1887. Contents: Part i. The age of despots. Part 2. The revival of learning. Part 3. The fine arts. Part 4. Italian literature. Part 5. The Catholic reaction. Parts 3 and 5 .ire in Author's edition. Part 3 has pref. date 1877. Villari, Luigi. 309-45 Q203 6o-.-.'B Italian ijfe i,^ town and country, by Luigi Villari .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1904. ix, 327 p. 18 pi. (incl. front.) i8i"". (//(//y'-AV/c- Our European neighbours. ' Bibliooraphy, p. v-vi. 946 Spain Higgin, L 309.46 Q200 Spanish life in town and country, by L. Iliggin, with chapters on Portuguese life in town and country, by Eugene E. Street. With twenty-seven illustrations. London, G. Newncs, ltd., 1902. xii, 289, [l] p. incl. front., illus., plates. i84<''". BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 427 Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp. 946 P900 946 Spain ""' Modern Spain. 1788-1898. xxii,574 p. il. i por. i map. D. (Story of the nations.) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1900. Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp, 1847- 946 P801 "'" Spain. Its greatness and decay (1479-1788) by Martin A. S. Hume .... With an introduction by Edward Armstrong .... Second edition, revised and corrected. Cambridge, University Press, 1899. X, 460 p. 2 fold. maps. 19^'^'". (//«iy-/!V/f.- Cambridge historical series ) Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp, 1847- 946 Qioi 69649 -yi-^c Spanish people; their origin, growth, and influence, by Mar- tin A. S. Hume . . . with index and bibUography. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1901. xix, 535 p. ig-J"^"'. {^Hiilf-tillc: The great peoples series, edited by V. Powell.) Bibliography, p. 517-524. Stephens, Henry Morse. 946.9 Pioo 946.9 Portugal "'"' The story of Portugal. xxiv,448 p. il. i map. D. (Story of the nations.) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895. Palmer, Francis H. E. 309.47 Qioo 947 Russia ""'* Russian life in town and country. xi,[2],320 p. i 5 pi. D. [Our European neighbors.] New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. Contents: i. Russia behind the veil. 2. The landed proprietor's home. 3. Country life in summer. 4. Strada. 5. The peasant in serfage. 6. The country priest. 7. Life on a large estate. 8. Peasant characteristics. 9. Rural self-government. 10. A coun- try town. II. Jewish town life. 12. The Jewish trader. 13. The "Odnodvortsy." 14. The orthodox church and the clergy. 15. Rehgious thought and ritual. 16. The Russian dissenters. 17. Life in winter. 18. Town society. 19. The urban working classes. 20. Industrial co-operative associations. 21. Education and the army. Rambaud, Alfred [Nicolas]. 947N900 "" History of Russia, from the earliest times to 1882 Trans- lated by L. B. Lang. Edited and enlarged by Nathan Haskell Dole. Including, A history of the Turko-Russian war of 1877- 78, ... , by the editor. 3 vol. por. O. Boston : Estes & Lau- riat, c. 1 879-1 882. Wallace, Sir Donald Mackenzie, 1841- 309.47 Qsg 68002 Russia, by Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace .... Entirely new and much enlarged edition, revised and in great part rewritten. With portrait of the author and two coloured maps. New York, H. Holt and Co., 1905. XX, 672 p. front, (port.), 2 fold. maps. 25™'. Bain, Robert Nisbet, 1854- 948 Q50O 948 Scandinavia ' Scandinavia ; a political history of Denmark, Norway and Swe- den from 1 5 13 to 1900, by R. Nisbet Bain .... Cambridge, University Press, 1905. [8], vii-viii, [2], 46op. 5 fold. maps. I9.i':'". ( jVa^-rf//*-.- Cambridge historical series. Ed. by G. \V. Prothero [15].) Bibliography, p. [4441-448. 6 1 98 428 THF JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 948 Scandinavia 948.1 Norway 948.5 Sweden Woods, Francis Henry. 948O200 ^^'^ Sweden and Norway. x,[2],266 p. il. 7 pi. i por. 2 maps. D. [Foreign countries and British colonies.] London : Sampson Low & Rivington, 1882. Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth. 948.1 O600 "'" Norway. xxiii,556 p. il. i pi. 2 maps. D. (Story of the na- tions.) New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1S99, c. 1886. Heidenstam, Oscar Gustaf von, 1 840- 309.485 Q400 "'^^ Swedish life in town and country, by O. G. von Heidenstam .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1904. viii, [2], 286 p. front., 15 pi. 19"™. (^Half-ti/le: Our European neighbours, [vol. .\n].) 948.9 Denmark. Iceland 949.2 Holland 949.3 Belgium 949.4 Switzerland 949.5 Byzantine Empire Brochner, Jessie. 309.489 Q300 °°'^'' Danish life in town and country, by Jessie Brochner .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1903. vii, 266 p. front., 15 pi. 19="". {^Half-title: Our European neighbors.) 948.9 Oioo Denmark and Iceland. vii,[i ],267,[i] p. il. 12 pi. 2 maps. D. [Foreign countries and British Colonies.] London: Sampson Low, . . . , & Rivington, 1881. Otte, Elise C. 309.492 Qioo Hough .... New Hough, P M , pseud. **■"" Dutch life in town and country, by P. M York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. vii, 291 p. front., 15 pi. 19'^'". (^Half-title: Our European neighbours.) Boulger, Demetrius Charles de Kavanagh, 1853- 309-493 Q400 ""'" Belgian life in town and country, by Demetrius C. Boulger .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1904. .\, [2], 321 p. front., 15 pi. 19™'. (//rt^-Z/Av Our European neighbours.^ Baker, F. Grenfell. 949-4 P502 *°"" The model republic. A history of the rise and progress of the Swiss people. [6], 5 50 p. 2 maps. O. London: H. S. Nichols & Co., 1895. Dawson, William Harbutt. 331.09494 P700 ^^"* Social Switzerland. Studies of present-day social movements and legislation in the Swiss republic. x,30i,[3] p. D. London: Chapman & Hall, 1897. Story, Alfred Thomas, 1 842- 309-494 Q200 """' Swiss life in town and country, by Alfred Thomas Story ... . New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1902. viii, [2], 282 p. front., 19 pi. ig"^"". (//.j/y-rf/ZcV Our European neighlx)urs.) Oman, Charles William Chadwick. 949-5 P200 vauis 'Y\\Q Byzantine I^mpire. xviii,364 p. il. 2 pi. D. (Story of the nations.) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898, c. 1892. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 429 Garnett, Lucy Mary Jane. 309.496 Q400 949.6 Balkan Penin- 6i9i9 Xurkish life in town and country, by Lucy M. J. Garnett .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1904. viii, [2], 336 p. front., 15 pi. igi'"'. (//i;^-////c; Our European neighbors. ) Laveleye, Emile de. 949-6 O700 S036 Jhe Balkan peninsula. Translated by Mrs. Thorpe. Edited and revised for the English public by the author, with an introductory chapter upon the most recent events .... xxvi,384 p. i map. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1887. 950 ASIA Douglas, Sir Robert Kennaway, 1S38- 950 Q400 61990 Eyrope and the Far East, by Sir Robert K. Douglas .... Cam- bridge, University Press, 1904. vii, [i], 450 p. 5 fold. maps. 19.^"'". (^Half-lilli:: Cambridge historical series. Edited by G. W. Prothero.) Bibliography, p. [428]-438. Keane, Augustus Henry. 950P600 4333 ^gj^ (New issue.) 2 vol. il. pi. maps. D. (Stanford's compendium of geography and travel.) London: E.Stanford, 1896. Reclus, Elis^e. L910.2O301 °"'' The earth and its inhabitants. Asia. Edited by E. G. Raven- stein and A. H. Keane. 4 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1884-1885. Contents: Vol. I. Asiatic Russia: Caucasia, Aralo-Caspian basin, Siberia. Vol. 2. East Asia: Chinese Empire, Corea, and Japan. Vol. 3. India and Indo-China. Vol. 4. South-western .'Xsia. Vol. 2-4 edited by A. H. Keane. Ball, James Dyer. 951 Q006 951 China S93I3 "phings Chinese : being notes on various subjects connected with China. Third edition. Revised and enlarged. [6],8,666,xxv p. O. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co. Hongkong: Kelly & Walsh, 1900. Arranged alphabetically. Boulger, Demetrius Charles. 951 P801 19081 -pj^g history of China. New and revised edition. 2 vol. por. map. O. London: W. Thacker & Co., 1898. Colquhoun, Archibald Ross. 951 P800 17990 China in transformation. ix,[i],396,[2] p. il. i pi. i map, 3 maps in pocket. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1899. "List of books consulted", p. 386-3S8. 430 THF JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 951 China Colquhoun, Archibald Ross. 951 Qooi 23137 Overland to China. xi,[i],464,[2] p. il. 21 pi. paged in. i por. 5 maps, I paged in. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1900. "An attempt to interest the general reader and give him an idea of the ground by presenting, without elaboration, a series of impressions of the conditions, physical and political, under which the Trans-Siberian railway will shortly become an accomplished fact." Preface. Parker, Edward Harper. 951 Qioo ^""' China; her history, diplomacy and commerce, from the earliest times to the present day. x.x,332 p. i pi. 17 maps. O. London: J. Murray, 1901. Williams, Samuel Wells. 309-5i O200 '" ... The Middle Kingdom. A survey of the geography, gov- ernment, literature, social life, arts, and history of the Chinese empire and its inhabitants. Revised edition. 2 vol. il. pi. por. map in pocket. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1883. 952 Japan Chamberlain, Basil Hall. 95^ Q201 35900 Things Japanese. Being notes on various subjects connected with Japan for the use of travellers and others. Fourth edition revised & enlarged. vi,[2],S45 p. i map. O. London : J. Mur- ray, 1902. Griffis, William Elliot, 1 843- 952 Q301 50299 "phe Mikado's empire, by William Elliot Grififis .... Tenth edition, with six supplementary chapters, including history to beginning of 1903. New York and London, Harper & Brothers, 1903. 2 vol. front., ilhis., plates, ports., maps. 21'^'". Paged continuously. Contents. — vol. I. book i. History of Japan from 660 B. c. to 1872 A. D. lO, [5], 12-324 p. — vol. 2. IxKik II. Personal experiences, obser\'ations, and studies in Japan. 1870-1875. book III. .Supplementary chapters, including history to the beginning of 1903- [4' 327]-695 P- Japan. Imperial Japanese Commission to the Louisiana 952 Q402 "*'■' Pureliase Exposition. Japan in the beginning of the 20th century. Published by Impe- rial Japanese Commission to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition .... [Tokyo, Japan, printed at the "Japan times" Ofifice], 1904. [4], Viii, 828, [4] P- 23<:"'. Edited by Haruki \'amawaki. Murray, David. 952 P402 '°°" Japan. x,43i p. il. 2 pi. 2 maps. D. [Story of the nations.] New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1900. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 431 Hunter, S/r William Wilson. 954 P900 954 india 30865 ^ history of British India 2 vol. maps. O. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1 899-1 900. ■ ' Vol. 2 completed and edited by P. E. Roberts. Hunter, Sir William Wilson. 954 P200 "" The Indian Empire. Its peoples, history, and products. New and revised edition (the third). 852 p. i map. O. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., pref. 1892. Knight, Edward Frederick. 954P300 '^"^ Where three empires meet : a narrative of recent travel in Kashmir, western Tibet, Gilgit, and the adjoining countries. xvi,495 p. 27 il. 27 pi. I map. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1893. Poole, Stanley Lane-. 956 O800 955 Turkey S3365 -pi^g g^Q|.y qJ Turkey. By Stanley Lane-Poole assisted by E. J. W. Gibb and Arthur Gilman. xviii, 373 p. il. 32 pi. 31 paged in, 6 por. paged in, 4 maps, 2 paged in, 2 tables, i paged in. D. (Story of the nations.) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897, c. 1888. Wright, George Frederick, 1838- 957 Q200 957 Asiatic Russia 5U299 Asiatic Russia, by George Frederick Wright . . . New York, McClure, Phillips & Co., 1902. 2 vol. front., plates, maps (partly fold.) 23^'^'". Paged continuously. "Bibliography," vol. 2, p. 633-637. Fold, maps in pocket. Contents. — vol. i. pt. I. Physical geography, pt. 2. Russian occupation, xxii, 290 p. — vol.2. Russian occupation (continued), pt. 3. Political divisions, pt. 4. So- cial, economic, and political conditions, pt. 5. Natural history, xii, [2, 29i]-637 p. 960 AFRICA Johnston, Sir Harry Hamilton. 325.6 P900 S0O31 ^ history of the colonization of Africa by alien races. Stereo- type edition. xiii,3i9 p. 8 maps. D. [Cambridge historical series.] Cambridge: University Press, 1899. "Bibliography of the history of colonization of Africa. Books specially useful," p. 300-302. Keane, Augustus Henry, 1833- 960 Q400 ""= .... Africa. Vol. l-[ll]. By A. H. Keane Maps and * illustrations. Second edition, revised [and corrected]. London, E. Stanford, 1904- 1907. 2 vol. 20"^'". (Stanford's compendium of geography and travel, (new issue).) Contents. — vol. I. North Africa. 1907. xx, 640 p. incl. front., illus. 9 fold, maps. — vol. 2. South Africa. 1907. xvi, 672 p. incl. front., iUus. 11 fold. maps. 432 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 957 Asiatic Russia ReclUS, Elis^C. L91O.2 O302 ="* The earth and its inhabitants. Africa. Edited by A. H. Keane. 4 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1886- 1889. Contents: Vol. i. North-east Africa. Vol. 2. North-west .\frica. Vol. 3. West Africa. Vol. 4. South and east Africa. 962 Egypt Cromer, Evelyn Baring, ist carlo/, 1841- 962 Q800 63902 Modern Egj'pt. By the Earl of Cromer In two volumes. .... New York, The Macmillan Company, 1908. 2 vol. front, (port.), i fold. map. 22.i'^"'. 966 North Central Schweinfurth, Georg. 966 N 100 ^""^ The heart of Africa. Three years' travels and adventures in the unexplored regions of Central Africa, from 1868 to 1871. Trans- lated by Ellen E. Frewer. With an introduction by Winwood Reade. 2 vol. il. pi. maps. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1874. 967 South Central Stanley, Henry Morton. 9^7 '^ooi ■'^^™^ 3^^° In darkest Africa, or The quest, rescue, and retreat of Emin, Governor of Equatoria. 2 vol. il. pi. por. maps, maps in pockets. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1890. 968 South Africa Bryce, James. 968 P901 "">' Impressions of South Africa. Third edition, revised throughout, with a new prefatory chapter, and with the Transvaal conventions of 1 88 1 and 1884. lxiii,499 p. 3 maps. D. London: Mac- millan & Co., 1900. Edwards & Co., Dennis, publishers. L968 i 36421 'pj.jg general directory of South Africa . . . comprising separate directories for nearly 500 townships, cities and •districts of Cape Colony, Natal, Orange River Colony, the Transvaal, Basutoland, Mashonaland, Rhodesia, etc., etc., with a trade directory for the whole of South Africa under one alphabetical arrangement, .... 1903. il. map. O. Cape Town 1903. Theal, George McCall, 1837- 968 P703 ^°"° . . . South Africa (The Cape Colony, Natal, Orange Free State, South African Republic, Rhodesia and all other territories south of the Zambesi) by George M'Call Theal ... [Fifth edition.] New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons; London, T. F. Unwin, 1900. [2], XX, [2], 452 p. front., illus., map. 20"^"'. (The story of the nations. ■> I BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 433 970 NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA International bureau of the American Republics, L980 P700 """' Washingtoti, D. C. Commercial directory of the American republics, comprising the manufactures, merchants, shippers, and banks and bankers en- gaged in foreign trade ; together with the names of officials, maps, commercial statistics, industrial data, and other information con- cerning the countries of the international union of American repub- lics, the American colonies, and Hawaii .... Compiled by the Bureau of the American Republics . . . Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1 897-1 898. 2 vol. fronts., maps (partly fold.) 30"^"'. Vol. I and the greater part of vol. 2 compiled under the direction of J. P. Smith. English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French. Vol. 2 has t.-p. in each language. Contents. — vol. i. Argentine Republic. Bolivia. Brazil. Chile. Colombia. Costa Rica. Ecuador. Falkland Islands. Greater republic of Central America. Guatemala. The Guianas. Haiti. Hawaii. Honduras. British Honduras. 1S97. liv, io69p. — vol. 2. Mexico. Nicaragua. Paraguay. Peru. Salvador. Santo Domingo. United States. Utug'iiay. Venezuela. West Indian colonies. 1898. xxxviii, 1589 p. Parkman, Francis. 970 P701 *'*" Works. Champlain edition. 20 vol. pi. por. facsim. maps. O. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1 897-1 898. Fiske, J. Introductory essay, [biographical sketch of Parkman], vol. i, p. xi-lxxxvi, Reclus, Elis6e. L910.2O303 "'= The earth and its inhabitants. North America. Edited by A. H. Keane. 3 vol. il. pi. maps. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1 890-1 893. Contents: Vol. I. British North America. Vol.2. Mexico, Central America, West Indies. Vol. 3. The United States. Winsor, Justin, WzV<7r. L970O900 '"' Narrative and critical history of America. 8 vol. il. pi. por. maps. Q. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, & Co., 1 884-1 889. Vol. I printed in 1889. Vol. 2 copyrighted in 18S6. Contents: Vol. I. Aboriginal America. Vol. 2. Spanish explorations and settle- ments in America from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century. Vol. 3. English explorations and settlements in North America, 1497-1689. Vol. 4. French explora- tions and settlements in North America and those of the Portuguese, Dutch, and Swedes, 1500-1700. Vol. 5. The English and French in North America, 1689-1763. Vol. 6-7. The United States of North America. Part 1-2. Vol. 8. The later history of British, Spanish, and Portuguese America. Brinton, Daniel Garrison. 398.1 B77 970.1 Indians The myths of the new world. A treatise on the symbohsm and mythology of the red race of America. Third edition, revised. 360 p. O. Philadelphia: D. McKay, 1896. 5S75 434 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 970.1 Indians Jackson, Helen \born Wiske, formerly Hunt]. 970-5 O500 "'^'' A century of dishonor. A sketch of the United States Govern- ment's deahngs with some of the Indian tribes. New edition en- larged by the addition of the report of the needs of the Mission Indians of CaHfornia. x.SHp. D. Boston : Roberts Brothers, 1895, c. 1885. Maclean, John. 970.1 P601 ^"^ Canadian savage folk. The native tribes of Canada. 641 p. il. I por. O. Toronto: W. Briggs, 1896. See also 572.97, American anthropology and ethnology. 971 CANADA Bryce, George. 971 O700 16758 ^ short history of the Canadian people. vii,528 p. i map. D. London: Sampson Low, .. , & Rivington, 1887. Canada. Department of Agriculture. 971 Q403 ''"'°° .... Canada ; its history, productions and natural resources. Prepared by George Johnson . . . under the direction of . . . Syd- ney Fisher, minister of agriculture .... [Ottawa, 1904.] [6], 176 p. plates, 5 fold, maps, diagr. 22-i<^°'. Maps in pockets. At head of Utic: Louisiana purchase exposition 1904. Canadian annual review. 97 1 3 39351 Canadian annual review of public affairs Illustrated. To- ronto, The Annual Review Publishing Company, ltd., [1903-]. Continued from [no. i], 1902. fronts., plates, ports. 23'^°'. "In this work it is hoped, from year to year, to provide an adequate view of Canadian resources, progress, institutions and history. The record of important events in politics and parliament is combined with many statements, or tabulated statistics, of trade and commerce and industry and finance." — Pref. Dawson, Samuel Edward. 971 P700 ^^'* North America. Vol. I. Canada & Newfoundland. .\xiv,7i9 p. il. I pi. 12 maps. D. (Stanford's compendium of geography and travel. New issue.) London: E. Stanford, 1897. Lovell & Son, John, publishers. 97^ P500 Lovell's gazetteer of British North America: .... 671 p. O. Montreal 1895. 'i944 Lovell & Son, John, Montreal. 971.458 i '""" Lovell's Montreal director)- Containing an alphabetical and street directory of the citizens .... Montreal, J. Lovell & Son, 1905-. 1905-. 24'"'. Includes also the suburbs and ncighlxiring towns. The Librar}' has a copy of this directory for ever)' fourth year only. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 435 Might Directories, Toronto. L971.388 l 971 Canada 54504 Yj^^ Toronto city directory .... Also suburban directories of Bedford Park, Bracondale, Chester, Coleman, Davisville, Deer Park, Doncaster, East Toronto, Eglinton, Humber Bay, Little York, Mimico, New Toronto, North Dovercourt, North Toronto, Norway, Swansea, Todmorden and Toronto Junction Toronto, Ont., Might Directories, ltd., "1906. Vol. 31, 1906. 27i™. Might Directory Co., publishers. L971 5 ""' Dominion of Canada and colony of Newfoundland gazetteer and classified business directory Vol.2. 1899. Q. Toronto 1899. Morgan, Henry James, 1842- 309.71 Q500 """^ Canadian life in town & country, by Henry J. Morgan and Law- rence J. Burpee. With twenty-eight illustrations. London, G. Newnes, ltd., 1905. xii, 266, [i] p. 27 pi. (incl. front.) port. iSi"^". "Canadian bibliography," p. 248-263. 972 MEXICO. CENTRAL AMERICA. WEST INDIES Biart, Lucien. 309.72 O500 15798 -pj^g Aztecs. Their history, manners, and customs. From the French. Authorized translation by J. L. Garner. 343 p. 18 il. 2 maps. O. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1892, c. 1886. International Bureau of the American Republics, 972 Q401 Washington, D. C. .... Mexico. Geographical sketch, natural resources, laws, economic conditions, actual development, prospects of future growth. Edited and compiled by the International Bureau of the American Republics. 1904. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1904. 454 p. 24 pi. 23.^':'^. At head of title: International Bureau of the American Republics, Washington, D. C. "Bibliography and cartography," p. 421-445. Keane, Augustus Henry. 980 Qioo '"" Central and South America. Edited by Sir Clements Markham. 2 vol. il.pl. maps. O. (Stanford's compendium of geography and travel. New issue.) London: E. Stanford, 1901. Martin, Percy Falcke, 1861- 972 Q701 Mexico of the twentieth century, by Percy F. Martin .... Lon- don, E. Arnold, 1907. 2 vol. fronts., plates, ports., 2 fold. maps. 22="'. 436 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 972 Msxico. Cen- Perry, G..R., editor. 972.83 I Indii^*""*' ^*^* "'" Directorio nacional de Honduras, America Central 502 p. il. I map. O. New York, U. S. A. : Spanish-American Direc- tories Co., 1899. Has also English title-page. Romero, Matias. L972 P800 '^^" Coffee and india-rubber culture in Mexico. Preceded by Geo- graphical and statistical notes on Mexico. xxvi,[2],4i7 p. i pi. I map, I table. Q. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. Geographical and statistical notes on Mexico, p. 1-280. 972.9 West Indies. Dinwiddle, William. 972.95 P903 Cuba. Porto Rico ,,,,5, p^grto Rico. Its conditions and possibilities. vii,[i],293,[i] p. 48 pi. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1899. Fiske, Amos Kidder, 1S42- 972.9 P900 6US13 -phe West Indies; a history of the islands of the West Indian Archipelago, together with an account of their physical charac- teristics, natural resources, and present condition, by Amos Kidder Fiske .... New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1902. [2], xii, [2], 414 p. front., plates, ports., maps. 20"". (The story of the nations. ) Hill, Robert Thomas. 972.9 P800 '°'""' Cuba and Porto Rico, with the other islands of the West Indies. Their topography, climate, flora, products, industries, cities, peo- ple, political conditions, etc. .xxviii,429 p. "JJ pi. 2 maps. O. New York: Century Co., 1898. 973-979 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Baedeker, Karl, Leipzig. 973 Q401 62019 jj^g United States, with an excursion into Mexico ; handbook for travellers, by Karl Baedeker; with 25 maps and 35 plans. Third revised edition. Leipzig, K. Baedeker; New York, C. Scribner's Sons ; [etc., etc.], 1904. ciii, 660 p. fold, front., maps (partly fold.) plans (partly fold.) 16'^'". Prepared by J. F. Muirhead. . The Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis, 1904; gratis supplement to the 3rd edition of Baedeker's United States; with a plan of the exposition. Leipzig, K. Baedeker, 1904. cover-title, 9 p. double plan. isi"^"". Bryce, James. 309.73 P401 ""■ Tiic American commonwealth. Third edition, completely revised throughout, with additional chapters. 2 vol. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1896-1897. I BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 437 Channing, Edward, & Hart, Albert Bushnell. 016.973 C36 973-979 United ""' Guide to the study of American history. xvi,47i p. D. Boston, States of America U. S. A.: Ginn&Co., 1896. Gannett, Henry. 973P800 15053 j^Qrth America. Vol. II. The United States. xvi,466 p. il. i pi. 16 maps. D. (Stanford's compendium of geography and travel. New issue.) London: E. Stanford, 1898. Hart, Albert Bushnell, 1854- 016.973 H25 60251 Handbook of the history, diplomacy, and government of the United States, for class use, by Albert Bushnell Hart . . . Cam- bridge, [Mass.], printed for the University, 1901. [6],449P- 2i.i™. Contents. — Preliminary- suggestions. — Materials. — Lectures. — Parallel readings. — Weekly papers. — Special reports. — Examinations. Jameson, John Franklin. L973P500 "" Dictionary of United States history. 1492-1895. Four centuries of history. Written concisely and arranged alphabetically in dictionary form. [2], 733 p. I pi. 22 pi. of por. i facsim. Q. Boston, Mass.: Puritan Publishing Co., c. 1894. Lossing, Benson John, 1813-1891. 973 Q200 40988 Harper's encyclopaedia of United States history from 458 A. D. to 1902. Based upon the plan of Benson John Lossing LL.D. with special contributions covering every phase of American history and development by eminent authorities ... . With a preface on the study of American history by Woodrow Wilson, PH.D. With original documents, portraits, maps, plans, &c. Complete in ten volumes New York, London, Harper & Bros., 1902, ["1901]. 10 vol. col. fronts., illus., plates (partly col.), ports., maps, facsims. 24'"'". McMaster, John Bach. 973 O300 1J963 ^ history of the people of the United States, from the Revolution to the Civil War. Vol. i-. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897-, c. 1883-. Schouler, James, 1839- 9173 P401 '"" History of the United States of America under the constitution. By James Schouler. Revised edition. Vol. l-[vi]. i783-[i865]. New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., ["1894-'= 1899]. 6 vol. fronts, (fold. maps). 21'^"'. 438 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 973-979 United Shaler, Nathaniel Southgatc, r-'/zVor. L309.73P400 states of America 4i4 jhe United States of America. A study of the American com- monwealth, its natural resources, people, industries, manufactures, commerce, and its work in literature, science, education, and self- government. 2 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1894. United States. L909 C14 v. 7 ^'""^ .... The United States. New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1903. xxvii, S57 p. 25'^'". (/« Cambridge modern history, vol. 7.) "Bibliographies," p. 753-834- "Chronological table of leading events," p. 835-840. Contents. — i. Doyle, J. A. The first century of English colonisation (1607-1700). — 2. same. The English colonies T 1 700-1 763). — 3. Bateson, M. The French in America (1608-1744). — -4. Bradley, A. G. The conquest of Canada (1744-1761). — 5. Doyle, J. A. The quarrel with Great Britain ( 1 761-1776). — 6. Bigelow, M. M. The Declara- tion of Independence (i 761-1776). — 7. Doyle, J. R. The war of independence (1776- 1783. — 8. Bigelow, M. M. The constitution (i 776-1 789). — 9. McMaster, J. B. The struggle for commercial independence (1782-1812). — 10. Wilson, H. W. The war of 1812-1815. — II. McMaster, J. B. The growth of the nation (1815-1S2S). — 12. same. Commerce, expansion, and slavery (1828-1850). — 13. Wilson, W\ State rights ( I S50- 1860). — 14-16. Nicolay, J. G. The ciril war (1861-1S65). — 17. Wilson, H. W. Naval operations of the civil war (1S61-1865). — 18. Nicolay, J. G. The North during the war (1861-1865). — I9- Schwab, J. C. The South during the war ( 1 861-1865). — 20. Smith, T. C. Political reconstruction (1865-1885). — 21. Moore, J. B. The United States as a world-power (1885-1902). — 22. Emery, H. C. Economic development of the United States. — 23. Wendell, B. The American intellect. 973.1 Discovery of Winsor, Justin. 910.9218 W73 '""^ Christopher Columbus and how he received and imparted the spirit of discovery. xi,674 p. il. O. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1891. "The geographical results", p. 529-660. 973.2 Colonization Doyle, John Andrew, 1 844- 973.2 O201 P"'"*^ "" English colonies in America [Volume I-V.] By J. A. Doyle .... New York, H. Holt and Co., 1889-1907, [pref. 1882-1906]. 5 vol. 22.i<^'". Contents. — vol. i. Virginia, Maryland, and the Carolinas. 1889. xvi, 420 p. I fold. map. — vol. 2-3. The Puritan colonies. 1889. 2 vol. fold, fronts., i fold, map. — vol. 4. The middle colonies. 1907. xvi, 447 p. — vol. 5. The colonies under the House of Hanover. 1907. xvi, 497 p. front, (fold. map). Fiske, John. 973-2 P901 23148 ji^g Dutch and Quaker colonies in America. 2 vol. maps. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1899. Lodge, Henry Cabot. 973-2 Oioo '"^^ A short history of the English colonies in America. RcTiscd edi- tion. viii,56o p. I map. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, c. 1881. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 439 Winsor, Justin. 973-2 P5OO 973.2 Colonization 17242 j[^g Mississippi basin. The struggle in America between Eng- ^^^^° land and France, 1697-1763. 1x484 p. il. O. Boston: Hough- ton. Mifflin & Co., 1895. Trevelyan, 5//- George Otto, /w;/., 1838- 973.3 P80O 973.3 American Rev- """^ The American revolution. Partl-[ll], ... , by the Right Hon. °'"*'°° Sir George Otto Trevelyan, bart. .... Second edition. New York, London, etc., Longmans, Green, & Co., 1 899-1 903. 2 vol. in 3. 4 fold. maps. 2i™'. Part 2 is in first edition. Winsor, Justin, 1 831-1897. 016.9733 W73 37452 The reader's handbook of the American revolution. 1761-1783. By Justin Winsor .... Boston, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1880, ["=1879]. V, 328 p. i8=">. "Like a continuous foot-note to all histories of American revolution." — Pref. Winsor, Justin. 973.4 P700 973.4 constitution- ''""^ The westward movement : the colonies and the republic west of *' ^^™^ the AUeghanies, 1 763-1 798. With full cartographical illustra- tions from contemporary sources. viii,595 p. il. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1899. Rhodes, James Ford, 1848- 973.6 P2OO 973.6 Mexican and Civil iffcirs '""" History of the United States from the compromise of 1850 [to the final restoration of home rule at the South in 1877], by James Ford Rhodes. Vol. l-[vil] .... New York, London, vol. 1-4 : Harper & Brothers; vol. 5-7: The Macmillan Company, 1896- 1906, ["^1892-1906]. 7 vol. 13 maps (partly fold.) 22"". Fiske, John. 975 P700 975 Southern States """ Old Virginia and her neighbors. 2 vol. maps. O. London : Macmillan & Co., 1897. Blanchard, Rufus, 1821-1904. 977 P80O 977 Northwest. Cen- 83860 Discovery and conquests of the Northwest. With the history of Chicago. In two volumes By Rufus Blanchard. Chica- go, R. Blanchard & Co., 1898-1900. 2 vol. illus., 31 pi., 14 ports, incl. front., 8 maps. 23'-'™. Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. 977 O800 '"''' The old Northwest. With a view of the thirteen colonies as con- stituted by the royal charters. vi,[2],440 p. il. 10 maps. O. New York: T. Mac Coun, 1888. 44° THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 977 Northwest, Cen- Thwaites, Reuben Gold. tral Western States 977.3 History of Illuois 977.316 Chicago 977 P700 17993 _^float on the Ohio. An historical pilgrimage of a thousand miles in a skiff, from Redstone to Cairo. xiv,334 p. D. Chi- cago: Way & Williams, 1897. "Selected list of journals of previous travelers down the Ohio," p. 320-328. Moses, John. 977-3 O700 ^"^ Illinois, historical and statistical, comprising the essential facts of its planting and growth as a province, county territory, and state. .... 2 vol. paged continuously ; vol. i: 1-5 51 p.; vol.2: 553— 1 3 16 p. il. pi. por. facsim. maps. O. Chicago 1889— 1892. Parrish, Randall. 977-3 Q500 "^'^ Historic Illinois, the romance of the earlier days, by Randall Par- rish . . . with map and fifty illustrations. Second edition. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & Co., 1906. xiv, [2], 15-479 p. front., plates, ports., fold, map, facsim. 24'^'". Andreas, Alfred Theodore. L977.316 O400 "'"' History of Chicago. From the earliest period to the present time 3 vol. pi. por. maps. sq. F. Chicago : A. T. Andreas Co., 1884-1886. Chicago. Bureau of Statistics and Municipal Library. 977.316 Q800 65o?7 -pj^g Chicago city manual, containing a list of the executive and other city officers, with descriptions of their duties; lists of the Aldermen and of the committees of the City Council and the rules regulating that body and many other matters .... Compiled by Francis A. Eastman, city statistician. Chicago, Bureau of Sta- tistics and Municipal Library, 1908. 203, iv p. incl. t.ibles. i pi., 2 port., i fold. plan. 234^™. Moses, [John], cV Kirkland, [Joseph], editors. L977.316P501 "" Aboriginal to metropolitan. History of Chicago, Illinois. 2 vol. il. pi. por. pi. of por. maps. Q. Chicago: Munscll & Co., 1895. Murphy, Richard J Chicago at a glance comp. 977.316 Q404 A condensed and complete guide of the western metropolis, containing a fine colored street number map, showing the new city limits : the grounds on which the World's Columbian E.xposition was held ; the location of streets, parks, boulevards, railroads, electric suburban railways and street car lines Compiled and revised to date by Richard J. Murphy. Chicago, E. R. Walsh, [1904?]. 122, [12] p. ilKis. iS^'"'. filank pages at end, for memoranda. Advertisements, p. [1-12]. . Blanchard's Map of Chicago with tlic new street names. [Chicago, 1904?] 96x6o4""'., bound 244"^'". BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 441 Winchell, Samuel Robertson. 977-3i6 Q500 977.316 Chicago ""' Chicago past and present ; a manual for the citizen, the teacher and the student; history, government, officials, their duties and salaries .... By S. R. Winchell .... Chicago, A. Flanagan Company, 1906. 247 p. illus. 20"='". Roosevelt, Theodore. 978O900 978 western states "'' The winning of the West. 4 vol. maps. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1 894-1 896, c. 1 889-1 894. Contents: Vol. :. From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1769-1776. Vol. 2. 1777-1783- Vol. 3. The founding of the trans-Alleghany commonwealths, 1 784-1 790. Vol. 4. Louisiana and the Northwest, 1 791-1807. Chapin, Frederick Hastings. 979 P200 979 Pacific slope '=»" The land of the Cliff-Dwellers. [2], 188 p. 64 pi. 3 maps. D. Boston: W. B. Clarke & Co., 1892. Elliott, Henry Wood. 979-8 O600 979.8 979.9 Terri- ^'""' Our Arctic province, Alaska, and the Seal Islands. xv,473 p. il. dencfef of United 49 pi. 3 maps. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1887. States Willoughby, William Franklin, 1867- 325.373 Q500 6199S ^ Territories and dependencies of the United States, their government and administration, by V/illiam Franklin Willoughby .... New York, The Century Co., 1905. xi, 334 p. 20""". (The American state series.) "Bibliographical note: Official publications regarding the territories and dependencies of the United States," p. 325-330. Polk & Co., R. 1.. publishers. 979.8 I 974-979 State direc- ^'°'' R. L. Polk & Co.'s Alaska-Yukon gazetteer and business directory, states .... Seattle, Wash., St. Paul, Minn., 1903. (Arranged alphabet- ' ' ' i- J ically by statesi 1903. 24™. Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. 976-7 i 1S646 Polly's Arkansas state gazetteer and business directory .... Detroit, R. L. Polk & Co., [1898] -"1906. Vol. 4-5, 1898-1899, 1906-1907. 24'^"'. California state gazetteer. 979-4 i ""'" .... California state gazetteer and business directory San Francisco, Cal., Suits-Shuman Company, 1904. Vol. I, 1 904- 1 905. 24<^"'. Colorado. 978.8 i *'"'"' .... Colorado state business directory. With Colorado min- ing directory department Denver, Colorado, The Gazet- teer Publishing Co., 1904. Vol. 30, 1904. 24™'. 442 THE TOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 974-979 State direc- Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. 979-6 I g^"^gg ' *"" Idaho state gazetteer and business directory, ... . Issued bien- (Arranged alphabet- nially by R. L. Polk & Co., .... St. Paul, Minn., <^iq03. ically by states) ,. , ' ' \ ol. 2, I903-I9O4. 23"". Illinois state gazetteer. 977-33 "°" Illinois state gazetteer and business directory Chicago, R. L. Polk& Co., 1 882-1 893. Vol. 3, 7-8, 1882, 1890-1S93. 234'^'". Advertising matter interspersed. Indiana state gazetteer. 977.21 '"• Indiana state gazetteer and business directory. Seventh edition. 1895 1075 p. O. Indianapolis, Ind. : R. L. Polk & Co., [1896]. Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. 977-7 i 75S6 Polly's Iowa state gazetteer and business directory Pub- •* lished biennially. Des Moines, Chicago, [etc.], R. L. Polk & Co., <=i897-'=i9o8. Vol. 9, II-14, 1897-1898, 1901-190S. fronts, (fold, maps.) 24™'. Polk's Kansas state gazetteer. 978.1 i 21260 Poij-'g Kansas state gazetteer and business directory, including a ^ complete business directory of Kansas City, Mo Detroit, Chicago, [etc.], ''1904-'' 1908. Vol. lo-ii, 1904-1908. 24'^"'. Kentucky state gazetteer. 976.9 1 "" Kentucky state gazetteer and business directory. 1896 1296 p. O. Detroit: R. L. Polk & Co., c. 1895. Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. 975-2 5 '"" ... . Maryland, Delaware and District of Columbia state gazet- teer and business directory .... Published biennially . . . Baltimore, Md., R. L. Polk & Co., "=1906-. Vol. 22-, 1906/7-. front, (fold. map). 25'="'. Includes R. L. Polk & Co.'s Baltimore business director>-. The Library has a copy of this directory for every third issue only. Massachusetts. 974-4 2 S866 Massachusetts year book, .... Continued from vol. 2. 1896. il. pi. map. D. Worcester: F. S. Blanchard, c. 1896-. Vol. 2-4 compiled by Alfred S. Roe. With slight variations in sulititle. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 443 Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. 977-4 I 974 979 state direc- "" .... Michigan state gazetteer and business directory. Also con- todes of the United taining a business directory of Windsor and Walkerville, Ontario. (Arranged alphabet- .... Published biennially by R. L. Polk & Co Detroit, ''^^"'' ^^ '***^^^ «i 897-^1905. 1897, 1901, 1905-1906. 3 vol. fronts, (maps). 24™'. 1897, 1901 title reads: Michigan state gazetteer and business directory. Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. 978 i ■■'"^ ... . Minnesota, North and South Dakota and Montana gazet- teer and business directory St. Paul, Minn., R. L. Polk & Co., c. 1900-. Continued from vol. I2, 1900-1901. 24'="". At head 0/ tide ol vol. 13- : Established in 1870. Northwestern gazetteer. Published biennially. Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. 977'8 I is39a jviissouri state gazetteer and business directory. 1898-99. Twen- ty-third year Published biennially. 21329. O. St. Louis, Mo., c. 1898. Polk-McAvoy Directory Co., Omalia. 978.2 5 "'" Nebraska state gazetteer and business directory .... Issued every odd year. Omaha, Neb., Polk-McAvoy Directory Co., ^1907. Vol. II, 1907. 24'^". New England business directory. 974 i 37489 -pj^g jy[g^y England business directory and gazetteer no. XX. Con- taining lists of the merchants, manufactures, and professional men throughout Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Also court, state and county ofificers ... 1902. Boston, Mass., Sampson Murdock, & Co., •^1902. V. 20. I fold. map. 24'^". Gazetteer Publishing Company, Denver. 978.9 . '*'™ .... New Mexico business directory, including El Paso, Texas, with live stock department, wool growers' department, classified department Denver, Colorado, the Gazetteer Publishing Co., 1905. Vol. 2, 1905/6. 23.^':"'. Williams & Co., publishers. L977.1 i ■™' Williams' Ohio state directory .... 1896. 87i,[i],95 p. O. Cincinnati, c. 1895. ically by states) 444 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 974-979 state direc- Polk & Co,, R. L., Detroit. 976-5 1 States"* t'i^U°"ed ,,,,, j^ ^ p^jj^ ^ ^^,^ Oklahoma and Indian Territory gazetteer and (Arranged alphabet- business directory .... Published biennially Detroit, R. L. Polk & Co., i902-'^i907. 1902-1903, 1907-08. fronts, (fold, maps.) 24="°. Title varies. Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. 979-5 i 37319 Oregon and Washington gazetteer and business director)- 1903- 1904 ... [Portland] '^1903. 1903-04. 24'^'". Vol):., R. 1:, &, Co., publishers. 974-8 i 39459 Polk's Pennsylvania state gazetteer and business directory. ... Pittsburg, [etc.] R. L. Polk & Co., <^I903. Vol. 5, 1903-04. fold. map. 24-4'^"'. Utah state gazetteer. 979-2 i ''^"' Utah state gazetteer and business directory Salt Lake " City, Utah, R. L. Polk & Co., '■i900-<^i9o8. Vol. 1-3, 1900-1909. 24'^"'. Hill Directory Company, i'vzVAwciw;/, Va. L975.5 i 58534 Virginia business directory and gazetteer Containing the names of the merchants, manufacturers, professional men and farmers of the entire state; also a list of the post-offices, express and telegraph offices, map, constitution of Virginia and much other valuable information Richmond, Virginia, Hill Di- rectory Company, 1906. Vol. 8, 1906. map. 25.^"^™. Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. 975-4 i •■■'" West Virginia state gazetteer and business directory. Detroit, R. L. Polk & Co., '=I900-<'I908. 1900-1901, 1904-1905, 1908-1909. 3 vol. map. 244='". 1904-1905 t.-p. wanting. Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. 977.5 i "" .... Polk's Wisconsin state gazetteer and business directory. ... . Chicago, Detroit, <^i897-''i905. 1897-1898, 1901-1906. 4 vol. fold. maps. 24"^"". Published biennially. Wyoming state business directory. 978-7 i °"" .... Wyoming state business directory with live stock depart- ment, wool growers' department, classified department Denver, Colorado, The Gazetteer Publishing Co., 1908. Vol. 4, 1908-9. 24="". BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 445 Directory. 974.702 1 974-979 City direc- ""'^ Directory ... of the cities of Albany and Rensselaer Al- states a bany, N. Y., Sampson & Murdock Co., ' I905-"=I908. (Arranged alphabet- o , \, ,, , s i„„, ically by cities) 1905, 1908. fronts, (fold, plans). 234'="'. . ' ' '. McCoy Directory Co., Keokuk, In. 977 305 i 602S1 y\ui-ora city directory . . . including North Aurora and Mont- gomery Rockford, Illinois, McCoy Directory Co., [1908]. Vol. 3, 1907-1908. 24""'. Baltimore city directory. 975.206 i '"" Baltimore City directory .... Baltimore, R. L. Polk & Co., * "=1900-" 1 909. Vol. 14, 20, 23, 1900, 1906, 1909. 25'^". Boston directory. 974.410 i *'" The Boston directory, containing the city record, a directory of the citizens, business directory and street directory Boston, Sampson & Murdock Company, ''1896-. Vol. 92, 95, 98, 101-, 1S96, 1S99, 1902, 1905-. maps. 25™. Beginning with 1905 the Library has a copy, of this directory for alternate years. Upington, G., Brooklyn. L974.712 l ""' Upington's General directory of the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York New York, G. Upington, 1907-. Vol. 84-, 1907-. 27="'. The Library has a copy of this directory for every fourth year only. Buffalo directory. 974.7127 i !ii9i5 jj.|g Buffalo directory ... of the residents, etc. A complete street directory of the city of Buffalo, and a classified business directory Buffalo, Courier Company, 1901-. 1901-. 24™. The Library has a copy of this directory for every fourth year only. Lakeside. L977.316 2 '"' The Lakeside annual directory of the city of Chicago. Embrac- ing a complete general and business directory, miscellaneous information, and street guide Continued from [vol. i.] 1874. Q. Chicago c. 1874-. 1876-1886 compiled by Thomas Hutchinson; 1887-, by Reuben H. Donnelley. 1874-1891 are in O. For previous years see Chicago city directory which has shelf number 977.316 1 Chicago blue book. 977-3i63 ""* The Chicago blue book of selected names of Chicago and subur- ban towns. Containing the names and addresses of prominent residents Continued from [vol. 8]. 1897. D Chicago, c. 1 896-. 446 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 974-979 City direc Mensch Directory Company, Paul, Chicago. 977-3i6 5 tories of the United 22194 rhicacro central business and office building directory . . . with (Arranged alphabet- both correct telephone calls of all business houses. . . . ; also ically by cities) ^.^ ^^^ county officials; ... ; parks, theatres, libraries, halls, hospitals, etc. Chicago, The Paul Mensch Directory Company, ''1899-. .cm 1899, 1902, I905-. 24<= 1899 title reads: Directory of Chicago office buildings . . . ; other variations. Beginning with 1905 the Library has a copy of this directory for alternate years. Williams Directory Company, Cincinnati. 977.117 5 '"" Williams' Cincinnati directory ... , including Avondale, ... , Clifton, . . . , Linwood, Riverside, Westwood, .... Cincinnati, The Williams Directory Co., «i898-. Vol. 48, 53, 55, 57-, 1S98, 1903, 1905, 1907-. 24':'". Beginning with 1907 the Librarj' has a copy of this directory for every fourth year only. Cleveland Directory Company, Cleveland. 977.117 i 7i8d -j-j^g Cleveland directory ... : and complete street guide Cleveland, The Cleveland Directory Company, 1897-. Vol. 27, 30, 35-, 1S97, 1900, 1905-. maps. 24<^™. Beginning with 1905 the Library has a copy of this directory for every fourth year. Columbus city directory. 977.118 i *"" Columbus city directory .... Columbus, Ohio, R. L. Polk & a Co., ['=1905-1908]. Vol. 30, 32, 1905, 1907-190S. 24='". Ballenger & Richards, Denver. 978.822 i '*"' . . . Annual Denver city directory .... Denver, Colo., Ballenger & Richards, 1903-. Vol. 31-, 1903-. asi"". At head of title: Ballenger & Richards. The librar)' has a copy of this directory for every fourth year only. Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. gTj.^22 I ^*'" Detroit city directory .... Containing . . . also a classified busi- ness directory of Windsor, Walkerville and Sandwich, Ontario. Detroit, R. L. Polk & Co., "1896-. 1896, 1899, 1902, 1905, 1907-. maps. 24"^"'. Beginning with 1907 the Librar)- has a C(-'py of this directory for every fourth year only. Duluth Directory Co. 977.624 i ""' R. L. Polk & Co's Duluth directory Duluth, Minn., •^1902-. Vol. 21, 24, 26-, 1902, 1905, 1907-. 24'^'". Beginning with 1907 the Librarj' has a copy of this directory for ever)' fourth year only. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 447 Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. ^ll-MZ I 974 979 City direc- '="' R. L. Polk & Co.'s Indianapolis city directory .... [Indianapo- ^^{^^if ^^^ "°"*^ ^ lis], R. L. Polk & Co., ['^'IQOO-'^IQO/]. (Arranged alphabet- Vol. 46, 51, 53, 1900, 1905, 1907. map. 24™. ically by cities) Boyd's Jersey City. 974-945 i *""' Boyd's Jersey City and Hoboken directory .... Jersey City, ^ N. J., ''I905-''I908. 1905-1906, 1908-1909. 2 vol. 23 ? TCin i Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. 977-345 1 '"" R. L. Polk & Co.'s Joliet city directory Containing an alphabetical list of business firms and private citizens, a street and avenue guide, a directory of the city and county officers, . . . associations etc., and a complete classified business direc- tory of Joliet. Chicago, Springfield, [etc.], R. L. Polk & Co., "1908. 1 90S. 24=™. Hoye Directory Company, Kansas City. L978.146 i '^"" .... Hoye's Kansas City directory including Kansas City, Mo., Kansas City, Kan., Independence, Mo., Argentine, Kan., Rosedale, Kan Compiled ... by Hoye Directory Company. Kan- sas City, Mo., [1905-]. Vol. 35, 37-, 1905, 1907-- 28=">. Beginning with 1 907 the Library has a copy of this directory for everj- fourth year only. Caron's directory. 976.952 i 53848 (Aaron's directory of the city of Louisville .... Louisville, Caron * Directory Company, [1905] -'^^1908. Vol. 35, 38; 1905, 1908. 22'^'". Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. 976-856 I ■""-' R. L. Polk & Co.'s Memphis city directory .... Memphis, '^ Tenn., R. L. Polk & Co., «i899-'^i908. 1899, 1905, 1907-1908. 24="'. 1899, 1905 called vol. 8, 14. Wright, Alfred G., Milwaukee. 977-557 i ««" Wright's directory of Milwaukee .... Milwaukee, A. G. Wright, 1896-. 1896, 1899, 1902, 1906-. maps. 234"^"*. Beginning with 1906 the Librar)- has a copy of this directory for alternate years. 448 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 974-979 City direc- Davison's Minneapolis city directory. 977.658 i states"^ *''* ^°"*^ '"'" Davison's Minneapolis city directory .... [Minneapolis], Min- (Arranged alphabet- b neapolis Directory Company, *= 1 900-*^ I Q05. ically by cities) J, „ ^ / .„ ' Vol. 2S, 33-34, 1900, 1905-1906. maps. 23=™. Soards Directory Co., Nctu Orleans. 976.362 i ^"'^ .... Soards' New Orleans city directory, .... New Orleans, Soards Directory Co., ltd., [1897-]. Vol. 24, 29, 34-, 1897, 1902, 1907-. 24<:°'. Beginning with 1 907 the Library has a copy of this directory for every fourth year only. Price & Lee Company, Nczvark. 974.962 75 »"9s Ne^yark directory .... Containing a general directory of the citizens, classified business directory, street directory, new map, a record of the city government, its institutions, etc [Newark], The Price & Lee Company, "^igo/-. Vol. 72-, 1907-. front, (fold. map). 2z,™\ The library has a copy of this directory for every fourth year only. Trow Directory, Printing and Bookbinding Co., 974.762 3 ^»"" Nczv York. Trow business directory of Greater New York (five boroughs com- bined). Arranged by boroughs and containing the names of all business persons, firms and corporations classified under appro- priate heading which are fully indexed. Also street directories of the boroughs of Manhattan, Broiix and Brooklyn. New York, Trow Directory, Printing and Bookbinding Co., 1902-. Vol. 5, 8-, 1902, 1905-. 20'^'". Beginning with 1905 the Library has a copy of this directory for alternate years. Trow Directory, Printing and Bookbinding Co., L974.762 i New York. Trow's general directory of the boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx, City of New York New York, Trow Directory, Printing and Bookbinding Company, ''iS/j-. Vol. 91, no, 113-, 1877, 1896, 1899-. fold. maps. 23=" .-27'=". Previous to 1899, title reads: Trow's New York City directory. Beginning with 1899 the Library has a copy of this directory for alternate years. Oak Leaves Company, Oak Park, III. 977-364 1 ""■" Directory of the postal district of Oak Park, Illinois, including the villages of Oak Park, River Forest and Harlem .... Oak Park, Illinois, The Oak Leaves Company, "^1906. 1906. 2ii'^"'. Omaha Directory Company, Omaha. 978.264 i "'" .... McAvoy's Omaha city directory .... Also a complete classified business directory. Omaha, Omaha Directory Com- pany, ''igos- Vol. 31-, 1905-. 23"". The Library has a copy of this directory for every fourth year only. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 449 Franks' Peoria Directory Company, Peoria, III. 977-367 i 974-979 city direc- ""' Franks' Peoria city directory Directory of the citizens, states"* ^^^ ^°'*^^ business directory, numerical street directory and an appendix of (Arranged alphabet- useful information, with map. Peoria, 111., Franks' Peoria Di- '* ^ y ci les) rectory Company, [1905—]. Vol. 24-, 1905-. maps. 234'^". The Library has a copy of this directory for every fourth year only. Gopsill's Sons, James, Philadelphia. 974.868 i '"'■' Gopsill's Philadelphia city directory, .... (Published annually in March.) ... With a street guide .... Philadelphia, J. Gop- sill's Sons, 1 897-. 1897, 1901, 1905-. maps. 244=™. Beginning with 1905 the Library has a copy of this directory for alternate years. Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. 974.869 I '"" Pittsburgh and Allegheny ... directory [Pittsburgh], R. •* L. Polk & Co., & R. L. Dudley, -^^1900-'= 1907. Vol. 45, 50, 52, 1900, 1905, 1907. maps. 23'^"'.-27<^'". Vol. 50, title-page (p. 41-42) wanting. Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. 979-570 i 49438 Portland city directory . . . , embracing a complete alphabetical and classified directory, miscellaneous information and street and addition guide Portland, Oregon, R. L. Polk & Co., •=1905-. Vol. 43-, 1905-. 234™. The Library has a copy of this directory for every fourth year only. Sampson & Murdock Co., Boston. ^lA-ST^ i S4028 -j-j^g Providence directory and Rhode Island business directory .... Providence, Sampson & Murdock Co., "^1905. Vol. 65, 1905. front, (fold. map). 234™'. Drew AUis Company, Rochester. 974-775 i 54478 -j-j^g Rochester directory containing a general directory . . . and the city and county register ... for the year beginning July i, .... Rochester, The Drew Allis Company, 1903. Vol. 54, 1903. front, (fold. plan). 24'^'". McCoy Directory Co., Keokuk, la. ^11-Z1S i 49439 -pj^g Republic's Rockford and Winnebago County directory .... Containing an alphabetically arranged list . . . and a complete classified business directory Keokuk, Iowa, McCoy Di- rectory Co., [1905-]. Vol. 3-, 1905-. 24™. The Library has a copy of this directory for every sixth year only. 45° THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 974-979 City direc- Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. tories of the United States (Arranged alphabet- icaliy by cities) R. L. Polk & Co.'s St. Joseph city directory Mo., R. L. Polk & Co., [i904]-°i9o8. 1904, 1908. 24'^'". 1904 title reads: Combe Printing Co.'s County: called vol. 8. 977.877 20 St. Joseph, directory of St. Joseph and Buchanan Gould Directory Co., St. Louis. *"' Gould's St. Louis directory 977.877 I Being a complete inde.x of the residents of the entire city, and a classified business directory, .... St. Louis, 1 896-. Vol. 25, 28, 31, 34-, 1896, 1899, 1902, 1905-. 23.i'='»'. Beginning with 1 905 the Library has a copy of this directory for alternate years. Polk & Co., R. L 668S Detroit. 977.677 I R. L. Polk & Go's St. Paul city directory .... Comprising an alphabetically arranged list ... a miscellaneous directory, . . . and a complete classified business directory. St. Paul, Minn., R. L. Polk& Go., "1896-. Vol. 32, 35, 38, 41, 43-, 1896, 1899, 1902, 1905, 1907-. maps. 24"="'. Beginning wnth 1907 the Library has a copy of this directory for ever)- fourth year only. Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. 979-277 i °"" R. L. Polk & Go.'s Salt Lake Gity directory . . . including . . . the suburbs and suburban towns. Salt Lake City, R. L. Polk & Co., «>I905-. Vol. 14, 16-, 1905, 1907-. fronts, (fold, plans). 24"^'". Beginning with 1907 the Library has a copy of this directory for every fourth year only. 979.477 I San Francisco, Crocker Co., H. S., San Fraueiseo. ""' Crocker-Langley San Francisco directory . . . California, "1897-. 1897, 1900, 1905-. maps. 25™'. Beginning with 1905 the Library has a copy of this directory for every fourth year. Polk's Seattle Directory Co., Seattle. 979.780 i "*"' .... Polk's Seattle city directory .... ComfLrising an alpha- betically arranged list . . . and a complete business directory of Seattle. Seattle, Wash., Polk's Seattle Directory Co., •'1905-. Vol. 19-, 1905-. 234™. Includes a directory of Ballard, Wash. The Library has a copy of this directory for every fourth year only. Polk& Co., R. L., Detroit. 977.782 I "°" R. L. Polk & Co.'s Siou.K City directory .... Also a complete classified business directory Sioux City, Iowa, R. L. Polk & Co., •'1902-. Vol. 18, 21-, 1902/3, 1906-. 23.4"". Beginning with 1906 the Librarj' has a copy of this director)- for every sixth year only. Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. 977-383 i 6390- Pq1i^'>^ Springfield city directory for the year commencing Sep- tember 1st, .... Springfield, Illinois, R. L. Polk & Co., "^1905. 1905. 234™. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 451 Sampson & Murdock Co., Boston. 974.785 i 974 979 city direc- '^"'•'' The Syracuse directory . . . containing . . . city, county and state states"^ ^""^ "°"^'^ registers .... Syracuse, N. Y., Sampson & Murdock Co., (Arranged alphabet . ically by cities 1 ■=1905. ' ' Vol. 4S, 1905. front, (fold. plan). 24"^"". Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit. 977.188 i "'"'^ .... Polk's Toledo city directory .... Toledo, Ohio, The Toledo Directory Co., 1905. Vol. 40, 1905 6. front, (fold. plan). 24'^". Boyd, W Andrew, camp. 975-3 i S6940 Boyd's Directory of the District of Columbia, .... Embracing a compendium of the government of the United States, . . . and of the government of the District of Columbia and its institutions. .... Washington, D. C, R. L. Polk & Co., <^I90I-. 1901, 1906-. 24"". 1 90 1 published by W. H. Boyd. Beginning with 1906 the Library has a copy of this directory for alternate years. Wright, Alfred G., Milwaukee. 977-596 i *""" Wright's Directory of Waukesha . . . together with rural routes of Waukesha County .... Milwaukee, Wis., A. G. Wright, 1906. Vol. 7, 1906-1907. 22.4"^"". 980 SOUTH AMERICA Akers, Charles Edmond. 980 Q500 49918 ^ history of South America 1 854-1904. By Charles Edmond Akers. With illustrations. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1905. xxviii, 696 p. 5 pi., 97 ports, on 22 pi. incl. front., 7 maps (partly fold.) 23.^'^°'. International bureau of the American Republics, L980 P700 Washington, D. C. Commercial directory of the American republics, comprising the manufactures, merchants, shippers, and banks and bankers en- gaged in foreign trade ; together with the names of officials, maps, commercial statistics, industrial data, and other information con- cerning the countries of the international union of American repub- lics, the American colonies, and Hawaii .... Compiled by the Bureau of the American Republics . . . Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1 897-1 898. 2 vol. fronts., maps (partly fold.) 30'^°'. Vol. I and the greater part of vol. 2 compiled under the direction of J. P. Smith. English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French. Vol. 2 has t.-p. in each language. Contents. — vol. i. Argentine RepubHc. Bolivia. Brazil. Chile. Colombia. Costa Rica. Ecuador. Falkland Islands. Greater republic of Central America. Guatemala. The Guianas. Haiti. Hawaii. Honduras. British Honduras. 1897. liv, Io69p.— vol. 2. Mexico. Nicaragua. Paraguay. Peru. Salvador. Santo Domingo. United States. Uruguay. Venezuela. West Indian colonies. 1898. xxm-iii, 1589 p. 452 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 980 South America Keane, Augustus Henry. 980Q100 ""' Central and South America. Edited by Sir Clements Markham. 2 vol. il.pl. maps. O. (Stanford's compendium of geography and travel. New issue.) London: E.Stanford, 1901. Pepper, Charles Melville, 1859- 980 P600 63526 Panama to Patagonia ; the Isthmian canal and the west coast countries of South America, by Charles M. Pepper .... Chi- cago, A. C. McClurg & Co., 1906. XX, [2], 398, [2] p. front., 35 pi., 2 port., 4 fold. maps. 23'='°. Philadelphia Commercial Museum. L380.98 Q600 61992 Foreign commercial guide. South America. Edited by Edward James Cattell assisted by H. S. Morrison and A. C. Kauffman. [Philadelphia], The Philadelphia Commercial Museum, ''1906 [2], 284, 22 p. incl. maps. 314'"". Reclus, Elis^e. L910.2O304 ''^^ The earth and its inhabitants. South America. Edited by A. H. Keane. 2 vol. il. pi. maps. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1 894-1 895. Contents: Vol. I. Thu Andes regions. Vol. 2. Amazonia and La Plata. Scruggs, William Lindsay, 1836- 980 Q501 61965 Yhe Colombian and Venezuelan republics, with notes on other parts of Central and South America, by William L. Scruggs .... New edition, with a chapter on the Panama canal. Boston, Lit- tle, Brown, and Co., 1905. xii, [2], 380, [2] p. front., g pi., 3 fold. maps. 21'='". "The following pages contain a brief account of the Author's personal experiences, observations, and studies in Central and South America, and more particularly in the republics of Colombia and Venezuela, during the period of twerty-seven years, from 1872 to 1899." — Introd. Winsor, Justin, i-e/ilor. L970O900 '"'■^ Narrative and critical history of America. 8 vol. il. pi. por. maps. Q. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, & Co., 1 884-1 889. Vol. I printed in 1S89. Vol. 2 copyrighted in 18S6. Contents: Vol. I. Aboriginal America. Vol. 2. Spanish explorations and settle- ments in America from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century. Vol. 3. English explorations and settlements in North America, 1497-1689. Vol. 4. French explora- tions and settlements in North America and those of the Portuguese, Dutch, and Swedes, 1500-1700. Vol. 5. The English and French in North America, 1689-1763. Vol. 6-7. The United States of North America. Part 1-2. Vol. 8. The later history of British, Spanish, and Portuguese America. 60584 BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 453 Argentine year book. 982 2 932 Argentine Re- ""« The Argentine year book. . . . With which are incorporated the P""'*^ "Anuario pillado" and "John Grant's Argentine commercial guide" Buenos Aires, J. Grant & Son, [1903-]. 1902/3, I907,'8-. Ulus., maps. 22"''". Beginning with 1908 the Library has a copy of this annual for every third year. Chile. L380.983 20 983 Chile Chile of to-day; its commerce, its production and its resources. National yearly publication of reference .... By Adolfo Ortu- zar New York, the author, 1907. Vol. I, 19078. 274=°'. 990-997 AUSTRALASIA. OCEANICA Colquhoun, Archibald Ross, 1848- 990 Q200 50253 jj^g mastery of the Pacific, by Archibald R. Colquhoim .... New York, London, The Macmillan Compan)-, 1902. xvi, 440 p. front., illus. , pi., maps. 23^'^'". Contents. — Introduction. — The United .States in the Pacific. — Great Britain in the Pacific. — The Dutch in the Pacific. — Japan in the Pacific. — Other powers in the Pacific. — Conclusion. Reclus, Elis^e. L910.2O305 "'' The earth and its inhabitants. Oceanica. Edited by A. H. Keane. vii,5i2 p. 226 il. 38 pi. 5 maps. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1890. Wallace, Alfred Russel. 99° P300 '"' Australasia (New issue.) 2 vol. il. pi. maps. D. (Stan- ford's compendium of geography and travel.) London : E. Stan- ford, 1 893-1 894. Contents: Vol. I. Austr.ilia and New Zealand. Vol. 2. Malaysia and the Pacific archipelagoes. Vol. 2 edited and greatly extended by F. H. H. Guillemard. Foreman, John. 991.4 P900 991.4 Philippine 17924 ji^g Philippine Islands. A political, geographical, ethnographi- 1^'*°"^ cal, social and commercial history of the Philippine archipelago and its political dependencies, embracing the whole period of Spanish rule. Second edition, revised and enlarged. xvi,653 p. 17 pi. I pi. of por. 2 por. 2 maps, i map in pocket. O. Ne"' York: C. Scrlbner's Sons, [printed in London], 1899. 454 THE TOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 991.4 Philippine Islands 992.2 Java 993 Australasia Le Roy, James A 309-914 Q500 61914 Philippine life in town and country, by James A. Le Roy .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1906. [8], vii-x, [2], 311 p. front., 15 pi., fold. map. ig^"". ( Half-title: Out \s\3.\.\c neighbours. ) Partly reprinted from the Political science quarterly for December, 1903, and the Atlantic monthly for March, 1905. Sawyer, Frederic Henry. 991.4 Qooi SS642 'Y\xe inhabitants of the Philippines. xxviii,422 p. 36 pi. 2 por. 3 maps, I in pocket. O. London : Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1900. Worcester, Dean Conant. 991.4 P801 i39i9 -j-j.jg Philippine Islands and their people. A record of personal observation and experience, with a short summary of the more important facts in the history of the archipelago. xix,529 p. il. I pi. 2 maps. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. Contains a reproduction of the "Mapa de las yslas Phihpinas hecho por Pedro Murillo Velarde". Wright, Hamilton Mercer, 1875- 991 -4 Q700 S96ii A handbook of the Philippines, by Hamilton M. Wright; with three new maps, made especially for the book, and one hundred and fifty illustrations from photographs. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & Co., 1907. xvii, 431 p. incl. tables, front., plates, fold. maps. l<)h'^"'. Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah. 992.2 P700 '■''" Java the garden of the East. xiv,339 p. 2 il. 35 pi. paged in. 1 pi. D. New York: Century Co., 1898. Jenks, Edward, 1861- 993 P500 6SI92 j^ history of the Australasian colonies (from their foundation to the year 1893) by Edward Jenks Stereotyped edition. Cambridge, University Press, 1896. xvi, 352 p. incl. pi. 2 fold maps. 194=". (^Half-title: Cambridge historical se- •) RomiUy, Hugh Hastings. 993 O600 "" The western Pacific and New Guinea : notes on the natives. Chris- tian and cannibal, with some account of the old labour trade. Second edition. vi,[2],284 p. i map. D. London: J. Murray, 1887. 993.1 New Zealand New Zealand. Registrar-General's Office. ■""""^ The New Zealand official year-book tions from the . . . Premier by . . Wellington, Gov't Printer; London 1 892-. Continued from vol. I, 1892. fronts., plates, maps, tables. 21 -i™". Vol. I title reads: New Zealand official handlMok. 993-1 I . prepared under instruc- [thc] Registrar-General. Eyre and Spottiswoode, BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM. 455 Parsons, Frank, 1854- 309.931 Q300 993.1 New Zealand *"''* The story of New Zealand ; a history of New Zealand from the earliest times to the present, with special reference to the politi- cal, industrial and social development of the island common- wealth ; including the industrial evolution dating from 1870, the political revolution of 1890, the causes and consequences, and the general movement of events throughout the four periods of New Zealand history. By Prof. Frank Parsons. Edited ... by C. F. Taylor. Philadelphia, C. F. Taylor, 1904. xxii, [2], 836 p. incl. front., illus., maps. 24<^"\ (Equity series.) Bibliography, p. 804-S12. Guppy, Henry Brougham. L993.5 O700 993.5 Solomon 34o6 'Yhe Solomon Islands and their natives. xvi,384 p. il. 9 pi. i map, I pi. of music O. London: Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey & Co., 1887. Hutchinson's Australasian encyclopsedia. 994 P200 994 Australia '"'" Hutchinson's Australasian encyclopedia. Comprising a descrip- tion of all places in the Australasian colonies, an account of the events which have taken place in Australasia from its discovery to the present date, and the biographies of distinguished early colonists. By George Collins Levey. [4] ,437 p. i map. D. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1892. Tregarthen, Greville. 994 P301 *"" Australian commonwealth (New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, New Zealand) by Greville Tregarthen .... Third edition. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons; London, T. F. Unwin, 1903. xxiv, 444 p. incl. front., illus., ports., maps, diagr., fold. map. 20='". [The story of the nations.] Churchward, William B. 996-1 O700 996.i Samoa 11696 ^y consulate in Samoa. A record of four years' sojourn in the Navigators Islands, with personal experiences of King Malietoa Laupepa, his country, and his men. xii,[2],403 p. O. London: R. Bentley & Son, 1887. [Bishop], Isabella L. [/'om] Bird. 996.9 N500 996.9 Hawaii '''^ The Hawaiian Archipelago. Six months among the palm groves, coral reefs, and volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands. Seventh edi- tion. xv,[i],3i8 p. il. I pi. I map. D. New York : G. P. Put- nam's Sons. I S94, Blackman, William Fremont. 309.969 P900 "'*' The making of Hawaii. A study in social evolution. xii,266 p. I il. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1899. "Bibliography," p. 257-262. 4S6 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 998 ARCTIC REGIONS Greely, Adolphus Washington, 1844- 998 Q600 "'"' Handbook of polar discoveries, by A. W. Greely .... Third edition, revised and enlarged. Boston, Little, Brown, and Co., 1906. '^. [6, 3J-32S p. front, (ports.), I2 maps (4 fold.) 20"^"". Issued in 1896 under title: Handbook of Arctic discoveries. "Arctic bibliography," p. [264]-269. References at end of chapters. Hoare, J Douglas. 998 Q603 "'"• Arctic exploration ; by J. Douglas Hoare. London, Methuen & Co., [1906]. viii, 314 p. front., l8 pi., 4 maps. 224'^"'. Nansen, Fridtjof . .998 P601 73U3 pridtjof Nansen's "Farthest north." Being the record of a voy- age of exploration of the ship Pram, 1893-96, and of a fifteen months' sleigh journey by Dr. Nansen and Lieut. Johansen. With an appendix by Otto Sverdrup, captain of the Pram. 2 vol. il. pi. por. maps. O. Westminster: A. Constable & Co., 1897. INDEX A. L. A. catalog, 2 A. L. A. portrait index, 28 Abbe, C, 229 Abbott, A. v., 20s — E. A., 169 — L., 65 — T. K., 61 Abbreviations, 'i6 Abel, Mrs. M. H„ 310 Abercromby, R,, 229 Abney, Sir W. de W.. 373 Aboriginal to metropolitan, 440 Academic royale des sciences, des let- tres et des beaux-arts, Brussels, 405 Accounting, 321-322 Acetylene, 332 Acton, E. H., 251 Adams, C. F., jr., 318 — C. K., 28, 40 — E. L. S., 313 — Sir F. O., 126 — G. B., 79 — H. C, 73, 118, 119 — O. F., 405 — W. D., 41 Addams, J., 72, JZ^ 106 Adeline. J., 356 Adler, F., 154 Administration, 132-138 Advertising, 322 Aerodynamics, 200 Aesthetics, 54, 57-58 Aflalo, F. G., 378 Afloat on the Ohio, 440 Africa, 431-432 — colonization, 96 Agassiz, A., 237 — L., 259 Age of fable, 68 Agricultural experiment stations, 25-26 Agriculture, 303-309 — bibliography, 25-26 — economics. 105 — encyclopedias. 303 Air, 216 — engines, 289 Airships, 200 Aitken, T., 297 Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munich, Historische Kommission, 405 Akers. C. E.. 451 Aladdin oven. 311 Alaska. 441 Alaska- Yukon gazetteer, 441 Albany directory, 445 Algebra. 183-184 Alkali, 327 Allegheny directory, 449 Allen, A. H.. 215 — G., 236, 239. 250, 251, 252 — J. H., 177 — O. D., 220 Alleyne, S. F.. 49, 64 Allgemeine deutsche Biographic, 405 Allegemeines Kiinstler-Lexicon, 360 — • Lexikon der biklenden Kiinstler, 361 Allibone, S. A., 1-2 Alloys, 339 Allusions, 40, 41 Almanach de Gotha, 43 Almanacs, 40, 42-43 .Mternating currents, 208 Altitudes, 230 Aluminium, 337 America, biography, 405-406 — discovery, 438 — history. 433-453 bibliography, 28-29 — insects, 269 — myths, 69 American and English encyclopaedia of law, 125 — annual of photography, 374 — business and accounting encyclopsedia, 313 — college & private school directory, 149 — dictionary of printing and book-mak- ing. 315 — encyclopedia of commerce, 274 — Institute of Architects. 27 — Iron and Steel Association, 336 — ■ Library Association. 2. 7. 8. 27. 28, 29, 30 — literature, 383-384 bibliography, 1-2 — manual of values, 113 — Manual Training Association, 17 — mining code, 293 — newspaper annual. 8 — Ornithologists' Union. 272 — Society of Mechanical Engineers Committee on Boiler Tests, 328 — street railway investments, 31S — supplement to Encyclopaedia Britan- nica, 37 Americana, 37 Americanisms, 170 Americans in process, 85 Ames, A. F., 183 — J. G., 15 — J. S.. 194 Ammonia, 335 Amphioxus, 271 Amstutz, N. S., 375 Amusements. 378-380 Analytical chemistry'. 215-221 — geometry, 185-186 — ■ statics, 198 Anarchism, 118 Ancient city, 78 — • society, 414 Anderson, R. B., 68, 387 Andes, L. E., 330, 342 Andre, G. G., 275 Andreas, A. T., 44a Andree, R., 397, 398 457 45^ THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 26 Andrews, C. M., 421 — C. W., 9 — E. B., 62 — H., 374 Anglo-Saxon race, 242 Angot, A., 191 Animal as a machine, 199 — fats, 330 — habits. 266-267 — industry, bibliography, 25 — parasites, 268 — psychology-, 54. 267 — studies, 260 Annales de la science agronomique Annals of our time, 391, 392 Annandale, C, 167 Annealing, 341 Annuaire-almanach du commerce, 420 Annual library index, 3 — literary index, 3 — register, 42 Anson, Sir W. R., bart., 126 Anschtitz. R., 223 Anthropology, 239, 241-243 — bibliography, 21 Antonyms, 169 Ants, 270 Anuario pillado, 453 Anvers, N. d'., 240 Apgar, A. C, 272 Appearance, 49 Appleton & Co., D., 398 Appletons' cyclopedia of American bi- ography, 405 ^ ,. . , . — cyclopaedia of applied mechanics, 274 — cyclopaedia of technical drawing, 369 Applied sciences, 274-355 Apthorp, W. F., 376 Aquariums, 261-262 Arbitration, 107 Archaeology, 239-241, 401 Archibald, E. D., 229 Architects, 411, 413 Architects' directory, 365 x\rchitectural construction, 365 — engineering, 348 Architecture, 363-366 — bibliography, 27 Arctic regions. 456 Argentine Republic, 453 — year book, 453 Argumentation, 59 Aristoteles, 63, 64 Arithmetic, 153. 183 Arkansas gazetteer, 441 Armstrong, W., 359. 366 Arnold, H. L., 321 — M., 147 — T., 147 Arrhcnins, S. A., 214 Art, 356-378 — bibliography. 27 — mediaeval. 360 — municipal, 1,36 — needlework, 370 — prehistoric, 240-241 Art and life. 357 Arthur, J. C. 251 — W. H., 135 Artistic anatomy, 265 Artists, 360-361, 411-413 Arts and crafts essays, 367 Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, London, 357, 367 Aryan mythology, 68, 69 Aryans, 242 Ashbee, C. R., 357 Ashlev. R. L., 127 — w; J., 102 Asia, 429-431 — colonization. 96 Asia Minor, 360 Asiatic Russia, 431 Askew, J. B., 74 Aspects of the social problem, 72 Asphalt, 331 — pavement, 297 Assaying, 337-338 . . Association of Engineering Societies, Chicago, 23 Assyria, 414 — art, 359 — social life, 78 Astronomers, 188 Astronomy. 187-193 Atkinson, E., 194, 3" — G. F., 248, 257 Atlantic telegraph, 205 Atlas of meteorology, 229 — of the world's commerce, 155 Atlases. 398-401 Atlay, J. B., 125 Atmosphere, 229 Atoms, 178, 214 Attfield, J.. 210 Atwater, W. O., 311 Auditing, 322 Audubon, J. J., 262 — M. R., 262 Auge, C, 44 Aurora borealis, 191 Aurora, III, directory. 445 Austen. P. T., 222 Australasia, 453-455 Australia, 455 — colonization. 97 Austria, 81 Authors, 315, 413 Automobiles, 296-297 Automobiling, 379 Avebury, J. Lubbock, ist baron, 76, 239 267, 270 Aveling. E., 117 Avery, E. McK., 194 Ayer & Son, N. W., 8 Ayres, A., 171 Aztecs, 84, 242 B Bacon F., baron Verulam, 64 — J. L., 346 Bacteriology, 257-259 Baedeker, K., Leipzig, 436 Bagehot, W., 69. m Bailey. F. H., 185 — L. H., 303. 304. 305, 306, 307. 308 Bain, A., 63 — R. N., 427 Baird, S. F., 272 Baker, A., 164 — E. A., 27 INDEX 4S9 Baker, F. G., 428 — F. T., 166 — G. P., 59 — I. O., 297, 3S2 — M. N., 134, 299, 300, 302 — T., 377 Baldwin, E. L., 57, 267 — J-, 35, 149 — J. M., 47, 52, S3. 55 — S. E., 131 — W. J. S., 354 Balfour, F. M., 265 — I. B., 251, 254 Balkan Peninsula, 429 Ball, J. D., 429 — Sir R. S.. 187, 188, 189, 190, 191 — W. W. R., 183 Balloons, 200 Ballenger & Richards, Denver, 446 Baltimore directory, 445 Bancroft, G., 127 Bankers' directory. 112 — encyclopedia, 112 Banking, 110-114 Banks, N., 25 Banks of issue, 112 Barber, E. A., 366 — T. W. 283 Bardeen, C. W., 147, 154 Baretti, G., 176 Barnett, G. E., 13 — P. A., 145, 149 Barr, W. M., 290 Barrere, A., 170 Bartholomew, J. G., 155, 229, 399, 422 Bartlett, J., 382 — J. R., 170 Bartley, E. H., 210 Bastable, C. F., 118, 157 Bastian, H. C., 55 Bateman, G. C., 261 Bather, F. A.. 260, 397 Battles, 138 Baynes, R. E., 202 Beach, E. H. 313 — F. C. 37 Beagle, Ship, 238 Beard, D. C, 378 Beaumont, R., 345 Beazley, C. R., 396 Beccaria, C. B., marchese di., 128 Beck. C, 374 — R.. 232 Becker, B. H., 45 Beckmann. J., 279 Beddard, F. E., 268 Bedson, P. P., 213 Beeman, N., 293 Bees, 270-271, 309 Beeson's marine directory, 319 Beetles, 270 Beet-sugar, 329 Behaghel. O., 172 Behrens, W. J., 248 Beilstein, F. K., 222 Belgium, 428 — bibliography, 2 — biography, 405 — social life, 82 Bell, Sir J., bart., 134 — L., 208 — T. P., 343 Bemis, E. W., 136 Benham, W. G., 382 Benjamin, P., 274 Benn, A. W., 49 Bennett, C. E., 177 Berg, E. J., 208 — L. de C, 348 Berghaus, H., 225, 228 Beringer, C, 337 — J- J . 337 Berkeley, M. J., 248, 257 Berlin, 424 Bernard, H. M., 260, 265 — M., 265 Bernstein, J., 56 Bernthsen, A., 222 Berry, A., 188 Bersch, J., 325 — W., 323 Berthelot, M. P. E., 212 Bertillon, J., 86 Best books. 2-3 Bevan. E. J., 342 Beverages, 328-329 Bever, O. W., 55 Biart, L., 84 Bible, 67 Bibliographia bibliographica, 7 — economica universalis. 11 — sociologica, 11 — zoologica. 22 Bibliographic de Belgique, 2 — der Arbeiterfrage. 13 — der deutschen Zeitschriften-Littera- tur, 5 — der Sozialwissenschaften, 11 Bibliography, 1-30 — of bibliographies, 6-7 — of periodicals. 8-10 — of special subjects. 10-29 Bibliotheca entomologica, 22 — zoologica, 22, 23 Biedermann. R., 6, 24 Bigmore, E. C, 315 Billings, J. S., 302 Bimetallism. 112-113 Binder, R. M., 72 Binet, A.. 269 Biographical directory of the railway of- ficials of America, 318 Biographic nationale. 405 — nationale des contemporains, 405 — universelle, 403 Biography, 402-414 — bibliography, 28 Biologists. 237-239 Biology. 235-239 Birkmire. W. H., 365 Bird. I. L., 455 Birds, 272-273 Birdwood, Sir G. C. M., 367 Bishop. I. L. B., 455 Bjorkman, C. G., 173 Black. J. S., 67 Blackman. W. F., 86 Blacksmithing, 346 Blain. H. E., 314 Blaine, R. G., 288 Blair, A. A., 219 Blake, J. F., 188 Blake. Steamer, 237 Blanc, C., 371 460 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Blanchan, N., 272 Blanchard, R., 439 Blind, 142 Bliss, E. M., 68 — W. D. P., 72 Blount, B., 208, 323 Blow, S. E.. 152 Blow-pipe analysis, 220 Bloxam, A. G., 323 Blue book of American shipping, 319 — of the State of Illinois, 137 — ■ textile directory, 343 Bluntschli, J. K., 90 Blyth, A. VV., 218, 219 — M. W.. 218, 219 Boase, P., 404 Bockmann, F., 215, 216 Bodley, J. E. C, 92 Boettger, O., 260 Bogart, E. L., 103 Bohm-Bawerk, E. von, 98 Boilers, 288 Boland. H., 321 Bolland. S., 338 Bolles, A. S., no Bolton. H. C, 8, 19 Boltwood, B. B., 220 Bonds, 113-114 Bonney, T. G., 226 Bookbinding, 347-348 Bookcollecting, 46 Book illustration, 47 Bookkeeping, 321 Bookmaking, 315-317 Book of Chicagoans, 407 Book of days, 382 Book-plates, 47 Book review digest, 3 Book trade, 317 Booth, C., 108 — W., 124 — W. H., 302 Borchers, W., 209 Bornstein, R., 196 Bosanquet, B,, 57, 58, 72, 73, 89 — H. D., 160 Bosnia-Herzegovina, 240 Boston cooking-school cook book, 311 — directory, 445 — Public Library, 8, 21, 29 — South End House, 84, 85 Botany, 248-257 — bibliography, 22 Bouchot, H., 315 Bouillet, M. N., 389 Boulger, D. C, 429 — D. C. de K., 82 — G. S., 341 Bourne, H. E., 390 — H. R. F., 45 Bourry, E., 332 Boutmy, E. G., 79 Bowen, P., 84 Bowker, R. R., 3, 11 Bowley, A. L., 86 Boyd, W. A., 451 Boyd's Jersey City and Hoboken direc- tory, 447 Boyesen, H. H., 428 Brabrook, E. W., 115 Brachct, A., 174, 175 Brackett, A. C., 14s Bradley, A. C., 61 — P. H.. 49 — H., 170 Brand, J., 160 Brannt, W. T., 209, 329, 334. 335, 338, 339 Brassey, T., ist baron, 104 Bread-making, 311 Breeding, 252, 263-264, 308 Brehm, A. E., 260 Brewer, E. C., 41 — T. M., 272 Brewing, 329 Brewster, Sir D., 181 Bricks. 332 Bridges, 295 Briefs for debate, 74 — on public questions, 75 Briggs, J. P., 342 — W., 184 Brigham, A. P., 226 Brinton. D. G., 65, 163, 242 British parliamentary publications. 16 — trade vear-book, 156 Britten. P. J., 346 Britton, N. L., 255 Brochner, J., 82 Brockhaus' Konversations-Lexikon, 43 Bronson. Mrs. A., 422 Brooke, S. A., 385 Brooker, A., 205 Brookings, W. Du B., 74 Brooklyn directory. 445 — Ethical Association, 244 Brooks, J. G., 104 — R. C., 14 — W. K„ 259 Broomhead, J. W., 293 Brothers, A., 373 Brough, B. H.. 292 Brown, A., 255 — E. C, 300 — G., 27 — G. P., 300 — H. W., 56 — J. D., I, 31, 377 — J. H., 405 Browne, N. E., 28 Bruggencate, K. ten, 173 Brunetiere, F., 387 Brush. G. J.. 224 Brussels, Academie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts, 405 Brvan, C. W., 295 — 'G. H., 184 — M., 372 Bryant, J. C., 313 Bryce, G., 434 — J-, 84, 392, 417, 432 Buchan, A., 229 Biicher, K., loi Buchka, K. von, 221 Buckley, A. B., 237 Bucknall, B., 365 Budgets, 109 Buel, A. W., 352 Buffalo directory, 445 Building, 348-355 — laws, 352 — materials, 350 — ■ stones, 233, 350 — • superintendence, 351-352 INDEX 461 Buisson, F., 146 Bulfinch, T., 68 Bullock, C. J., 99. 118 Bunbury, E. H., 396 Bunge, G. von, 223 Bunte, H., 326 Burdett's hospitals and charities, 141 Bureau of the American Republics, 276, 435. 451 Burgess, J. W., 90 Burke, Sir, J. B., 414 Burr, W. H., 283 Burroughs, J., 272 Burton, T. E., 156 — W. K., 373 Busbey, T. A., 318 Business, 313-322 — ethics, 62 — forms, 313-314 — law, 130-131. 313-314 — manuals, 322 Busk, M., 249 Butler, A. J., 242 Butler, N. M.. 148 Butterfield. W. J. A., ^31 Butterfill, H. Holt, 185 Butterflies, 270 Byerly, W. E., 182, 186, 187 Byers, M. L., 318 Byrn, E. W., 279 Byrne, A. T., 297, 351 — O., 282 Byzantine Empire, 428 Cadbury, E., 108 Caird, E., 149 — J., 44, 149 Cairns, F. A., 220 Cajori. P., 196 Calculus, 186-187 Calico printing, 333 California gazetteer, 441 Calisch, I. M., 173 — N. S.. 173 Calkins, R., 63 Calorimetry, 202 Cambridge modern history, 391 — natural history, 260 Campbell, D. H., 256 — H. H., 336 — H. J., 247, 258 — Mrs. H. S., 108, 309 — M., 247, 2^8 — W. W., 189 Canada, 434-435 — biography, 406 — Department of Agriculture, 434 — social life, 83 Canadian almanac, 40 ■ — annual review, 434 — men and women, 406 Canal engineering, 298 Candles, 334 Candolle, A. de, 253 Cannan, E.. 100 Cannell, A. E. M., 152 Capital, 98, 99. 117 — and labor, 107 Capitalism, 105, 122 Car builders' dictionary, 355 Car building, 355 Card, F. W.,'303, 306 Card indexes, vii-viii Caria, art, 360 Carnegie Institution of Washington, 45 Carnot. A., 219 Caron Directory Company, 447 Carpenter, G. R., 166, 170 — R. C, 284, 289, 354 — W. B., 55. 247 — W. L., 334 Carpentry, 353 Carpets, 344 Carr, G. S., 182 Cartography, 192, 396 Cams. J. v.. 22 Cassell's book of quotations, 382 — carpentry and joinery, 353 — cyclopxdia of mechanics, 275 Cassino, S. E., 238 Caswell, J. H., 220 Cataloguing, 32 Gates, W. L. R., 402 Catholic socialism, 118 Cattell. E. J., 157 — J. McK., 181 Celestial mechanics, 189 Cells, 247 Cement, 350 Central Africa, 432 — America, 435-436 — ■ stations, 207 Century atlas, 399 — cook book, 311 — cyclopedia of names, 37 — dictionary, ^J — of dishonor, 434 Ceramics, 332, 366-367 Chailley-Bert, J., loi Chaldea, 415 — art, 359 — social life, 78 Challenger, ship, 238 Chamberlain, A. F., 163 — A. H., 17 — B. H., 430 — M., 273 Chamberlin. T. C, 225 Chambers, G. F., 187, 190 — R., 382, 38s Chambers's biographical dictionary, 402 — encyclopaedia, 41 Champlin, J. D., jr., 372, 376 Chancellor, W. E., 150 Chandler, S. E., 253 Channing, E.. 28 Chapin, F. H., 441 Chapman, E. T., 218 — F. M., 272 — S. J., 104 Charities, 139-142 Chase, I. M., 339 Chemical arithmetic, 183, 214 — solubilities, 214 — technology, 323-338 bibliography, 27 Chemisch-technische Untersuchungs- methoden, 216 Chemisch-technisches Lexikon, 325 Chemistry, 210-223 — bibliography, 19 — of commerce, 327 462 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Chemists, 212, 410 Cheshire, F. B., 309 Chester, A. H., 224 Cheyne, T. K., 67 Cheyney, E. P., 80 Chicago, 440-441 — - at a glance, 440 — biography, 407 — blue book, 445 — building laws, 352 — Bureau of Statistics and Municipal Library, 440 — • charities directory, 140 — City Council, 352 — city manual, 440 — daily news almanac, 40 — directories, 445-446 — drainage canal, 300 — • labor, 107 — libraries, 34 — Library Club, 9, 30, 34 — map. 401 — Municipal Court, 132 — municipal government, 135, 136 — ordinances, etc., 135 — Sanitary District, 300 — securities, 113 — street railways. 159 Child study, 55-56, 151-152 — — bibliography, 18 Children's courts, 143 Chile, 453 Chilton-Young, F., 353 Chimpanzees, 274 China, 429-430 — literature, 388 — social life, 83 Chipiez, C, 359, 360 Chisholm, G. G., 155, 395, 399, 417 Christian socialism, 118 Christy, R., 163 Chromatics, 201 Church, A. H., ^24 Church, I. P., 289 Churchward, W. B., 455 Cincinnati directory, 446 Citizen Bird, 273 Citizenship, 62 City directories, 445-451 See also names of cities — transportation, 158-159 — Vigilance League, New York City. 141 Civic art, 136, 358 Civil engineering, 193, 282 — service, 132-133 — service question book, 132 Civilization, history, 76-86 — primitive, 76-78 Clark, D. K., 296 — J. A., 22 — J. B., 98 — J- F., 257 — L, 159 — T. M., 351 Clarke, F., 98 — F. W., 159 Classen, A., 220 Classical quotations, 383, 388 Classification, 32 Claus, C, 260 Clayden, A. W., 230 Clays. 234, 332 Clearing houses, 112 Clegg, J.> 317 Clement, C. E., 361 Clerke, A. M., 187, 188, 191 Cleveland directory, 446 — Directory Company, Cleveland, 446 — Public Library, 3 Cliff dwellings, 241 Clifford, W. K, 179 Climate, 230 Clinton, G. W., 313 Clock making, 346 Clodd, E., 68, 244 Clothing, 312-313 Clouds. 228, 230 Clute, W. N.. 256 Coal, 232. 328 — mining. 293-294 — tar. 335 — tar colors, 333 Cochrane, R., 279 Cockcroft, J., 125 Cockerell, D., 347 Coffee, 305 Cohn, A. I., 217 — G., 102 — L., 324 Coinage. 113 Coins. 366 Coke. 328 Colange. L, de. 274 Colby, F. M., 38, 40 Cold storage, 200 ■ trades' directory, 290 Cole, A. S.. 370 — G. S., 343 Coler. B. S.. 133 Cole's Encyclopedia of dry goods, 343 Collectivism. 117 College directories, 149 — Settlements Association, 12 Colles, W. M., 317 Collins, H. F., 337 Colman, H. G, 211 Colombia. 452 Colonization, 95-97 Color, 201 — • of animals, 267 Colorado directory, 441 Colquhoun. A. R., 429, 430, 453 Columbus. C, 397 Columbus directory, 446 Comelati, G., 176 Comenius, J. A., 147 Comey, A. M., 214 Commerce, 155-159 Commercial geography, 155 — law, 130-131. 313-314 — nomenclature, 276 — year! looks, 156 Committee of Fifty, 63 Commons, J. R., 94. 104 Communication, 155-159 Communistic societies, 117 Comparative anatomy, 265-266 Compayre, G, 55, 147 Complete hostess, 310 Composition. 382 Compressed air, 200, 290 Comstock, A. B., 269, 270 — J. H., 269, 270 INDEX 463 Conant, C. A,, no, 112 — T-. )■■ 6S . . Concilium bibliographicum, Zurich, 22, Concise knowledge natural history, 260 Concordances, biblical, 67 Concrete construction, 352 Conductors, electrical, 208 Conference for Good Citv Government, Congres international de bibliographic des sciences mathematiques, 18 , Congressional directory, 98 Conic sections, 186 Conn, H. W., 244, 257 Conrad, J., 72 Conscience, 62 Constitutional law, 126-128 Construction, 352 Contracts, 281. 351-352 Conway. Sir W. M., 358 Conybeare, Mrs. F. C, 386 Cooic, C. C, 312 — E. T. 360 Cooke, M. C, 257 Cooking, 310-311 Coolev, A. J., 277 — T.'M., 127 Cooperation, 115-116 Co-operative Wholesale Societies, 115 Copp, H. N., 293 Copper, 336, 337 — handbook, 292 — • mining, 294 Copyright, 317 Coral reefs, 230 Coriat, I. H.. 50 Cornet, J.. 176 Cornish, C J., 266 Cornwall, H. B., 220 Corporation law. 123 Corporations. 122-123 Corrosion. 351 Corrover, fi., 366 Cosmetics. 335 Cossa, L., 102 Costelloe, B. F. C, 64 Cost-keeping, 321 Cotgreave, A., 2 Cotter, J. R., 202 Cotterill, J. H., 196 Cotton, 344 Coues, E., 262, 272, 273 Coulter, J. M., 251 Counsel upon the reading of books, 35 Courtney, L. H., 126 — W. P., 6 Cousin, v., 64 Cox, Sir G. W., Bart., 41, 68 — H., 115 Crabb, G., 169 Craig, A. H., 74 Cram, G. F., 399 Crane, W., 357 Crawford, C. M., 194 Crayfish, 269 Creation, 244 Credner, R.. 394 Creighton, J. E., 54 Criminal anthropology, 51 — law, 128-129 — sociology, 142-143 Crises, in, 156 Crocker, F. B., 207 Crocker Co., H. S., San Francisco, 450 Crole, D., 305 Cromer. E. B., ist earl of, 432 Cromwell, J. H., 322 Crookes, Sir W.. 215 Crops, 30s Cross, C. F., 342 Crowe, Sir J. A., 372 Cruden, A., 67 Crustacea, 269 Crystallography, 223-224 Cuba, 84, 436 Cubberly, E. P., 147 Cultivated plants, 253 Cumulative book review digest, 3 — index, 3, 5 Cunningham, C. D., 126 — W., 76. 103 Cuntz, J. H., 5 Cunynghame, H. H., 366 Curinier, C. E., 405 Curriculum. 153 Curtin, J., 69 Cushman. H. E., 49 Customs, 159-163 Cutter. C. A.. 32 Cuyer. £.. 265 Cyclopaedia of American literature, 383 — Canadian biography, 406 — education, 146 — political science. 72 — temperance and prohibition. 63 — works of architecture, 363 Cyclopedia of American agriculture. 303 — American horticulture, 305 — engineering. 282 — music and musicians, 376 — painters and painting, 372 D Dairy chemistry, 218 Dairying. 309 Dalbiac. L. 387 — P. H., 386 Dallinger, F. W., 94 — W. H., 247 Dalmatia. 240 Dalton, J., 212 Dammer, O., 221, 324 Dams, 299 Dana, C. A., 45 — E. S., 224 — J. C, 31 — J. D.. 224, 225, 227 Daniell, A., 194 Darmesteter. A., 174 Darton, N. H., 19 Darwin, C, 230, 238, 245, 246, 251. 252 253. 267, 269 — F., 251 — G. H., 191 — L.. 112 Darwinism, 246 Davenport. C. B., 265 — C. J. H., 3>S — E., 308 — H. J., 99 — J; 176 Davidson, T., 148 464 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Davidson, W. L., 169 Davies, C, 182 — D. C, 234 — E. H., 234 — P. J . 353 Davis, C. T., 332, 342 — J- E-, 313 — L. J., 370 — W. M., 229 Davison's carpet trade directory, 344 — • hosiery trade directory, 344 — • Minneapolis city directory, 448 — ■ silk trade directory, 345 Dawson, M. M., 143 — S. E.. 434 — W. H., 80, 106 Day, C, 157 — L- F., 357, 367, 368, 371 Deaf, 142 Deakin, R., 184 Dean, B., 271 Death, 247 Debates, outlines, 74-75 Debating, 59 Debts, public, 119 Decorating, 355 Decorative art, 357, 367-371 ■ Deecke, W., 426 Defectives, 140-142 DeForest, R. W., 109 DeGarmo, C, 144 Deinhardt, K., 27s Deite. C, 335 Delaware gazetteer, 442 Delinquents, 140-143 Dellenbaugh, F. S., 243 Delusions. 51 Demiker, J., 241 Deming, H. E., 133 Democracy and liberty, 93 — • and social ethics, 59 — in America, 84 Denmark, 427-428 — archjEology, 240 — social life, 82 Denver directory, 446 Dependents. 140, 142 Derechef, R., 387 Derr, L., 282 Descartes, R., 64 Descent of man, 246 Deschamps, P., 395 Descriptive astronomy, 189-190 — geometry, 185 Deshumbert, M., 174 Design, 367-371 Determinants, 182, 183 Detmer, W., 252 Detroit directory, 446 Devine, E. T., 140 DeVinne, T. L., 316 Dewey, D. R., 119 — J., 182 — M., 2. 33 Dexter, E. G., 148 Dialects, 170-171 Dickinson, G. L., 98 Dicksee, L. R., 314, 322 Dickson, W. P., 416 Dictionaries, agriculture, 303 — architecture, 363 — art, 3S6 Dictionaries, biology, 236 — botany, 249-250 — chemical technology, 325-326 — chemistry, 211 — electricity, 203 — engineering, 282 — English literature, 384-386 • — general literature, 380-381 — geography, 394-396 — language. 164-187 — mathematics, 182 — mineralogy, 224 — music, 376 — painting. 372 — photography, 373 — science, 179 — sport, 378 — • technology, 179, 274-276 — • zoology, 261 Dictionary of applied chemistry, 326 — of dates. 42 — of English history, 422 — of English literature, 41 — of foreign phrases and classical quo- tations. 383 — of hj'mnology, 67 — of miracles, 41 — of national biography, 404 — • of philosophy and psychology, 47 — of phrase and fable, 41 — of plants, 254 — of political economy, loi — of religious knowledge, 56 — of terms, phrases and quotations, 39 — of the Bible, 67 — of U. S. history, 437 Dictionaire de geographic ancienne et moderne. 395 — de pedagogic, 146 — geographique et administratif de la France, 425 — national des contemporains, 403 Didot freres. Firmin, Paris, 402 Diederichs, H., 289 Dietetics, 312 Dietrich, F., 5 Differential calculus. 186-187 — equations, 182, 187 Digestion, 262 Dilke, Sir C. W.. 95 Dill. C. 276 Dillniont. T. de, 370 Dinwiddle, W., 436 Diplomacy, 125 Directories, city and state, 441-451 — See also names of localities — trade. See names of trades Directory of American cement indus- tries, 333 — of American gas companies, 300 — of booksellers in the United States and Canada. 317 — of directors in the citv of Chicago, — of stationary engineers of Illinois, 286 — to the iron and steel works of the United States, 336 Distillation of wood. 329 Distribution of wealth, 98-99, 102 District of Columbia directory, 451 gazetteer, 442 INDEX 465 Ditmars. R. L., 271 Divorce, 130 Dixon, D. B., 274 Dobbin, L., 210, 212 Docks, 299 Doggett, K. N., 371 Dole, N. H„ 427 Domestic animals, 308-309 — economy, 309-313 — service, 109 Don, J., 250 Donkin, B., 289 Donnelley, R. H., 445 Doubleday, Mrs. N. B. D., (Blanchan, Neltje), 272 Douglas, Sir R. K., 429 Douglas's encyclopaedia, 348 Downing & Co.. R. F., New York, 119 Doyle, J. A., 438 Drage, G., 104, log, 124 Drahms, A., 51 Drawing, 368-370 Dreams, 52, 68, 163 Dresser, C., 359 Dressmaking. 313 Drew Allis Company, Rochester, 449 Droyseii, G., 397 Drude, O., 254 — P., 201 Dry Goods, 343 Duff, E, G., 316, 347 Dugmore, A. R., 255, 269, 271, 375 Duluth directory, 446 Dunbar, A. R., 292 — C. F., 112 Duncan, R. K.. 178, 327 Dunning. W. A,, 90, 91 Dust prevention. 297 Dutch-English dictionaries, 173 Dutton, C. E., 227 Duyckinck. E. A., 383 — G. L., 383 Dwight, H. O., 68 Dye, F., 354 Dyeing, 333 Dyer, H., 120 — L., 102 Dynamics, 198 Dynamo-electric machinery, 207 Eagle's nest, 358 Earthquakes, 227 Earth sculpture, 228 Eastern Manual Training Association, 17 Eastlake, C. L., 371 Eastman, C. R., 235 — F. A.. 440 Eaton, D. B., 133 Eberhard, J. A., 172 Eckel. E. C. 333 Eckoflf. W. J., 144 Eclecticism, 49 Economic botany, 253-254 — ■ — • bibliography, 22 — crises, 156 — geology, 231-234 — interpretation of histof}-. 79 — minerals. 234 Economics, 98-124 — of forestry, 115 Ede, G., 341 Edgren, A. H., 176 Edinburgh Geographical Institute, 155 Edis, R. W., 370 Education, 144-154 — bibliography, 17-18 Educational directories, 149 — review, 17 Educators, 147-148 Edwards, A. B., 415 Edwards & Co., Dennis, 432 Egerton, H. E., 96 Egleston, T., 224 Egypt, 414-415. 432 — art, 359 — social life, 78 Eight hours question, 109 Eiloart, A., 214 Eimer, G. H. T., 244 Eissler, M., 336 Ekelof, J. A., 396 Electric lighting, 207 — railway directory, 318 — railways, 296, 318 Electrical engineering, 204-209 — measurements, 204 Electricity, 203-209 — bibliographic, 19 Electro-chemistry, 208, 214 Electrolysis, 220 Electro-metallurgy, 208-209 Electroplating, 209, 215 Eliot, C. W., 146 Elizabethan literature, 385 Elliot, D. G., 272, 273 — H. W., 441 — S. M., 310 Ellis, A. G, 207 — A. J., 201 — Havelock, 51 — Sir Henry. 160 Elmendorf, Mrs. H. L., 2 Elson, A., 378 Elster, L.. 72, loi Elwang, W. W., 154 Ely. R. T., 100, 106, 116, 118, 123 — T., 401 Embroidery, 370 Embryology, 265 Emotions. 57-58. 267 Employers' liability, icy Enamelling. 366 Encyclopaedia biblica, 67 — Britannica. 35, 37. 41, 42 — of business law and forms, 131 — of etiquette, 161 — of practical cookery, 311 — of religion and ethics, 65 — of sport, 378 — of ceramics, 367 — of missions, 68 — of social reform, 72 Encyclopedias, 37-44 — bibliography, 8 Encyklopadisches Handbuch der Pa- dagogik, 146 — Handbuch der technischen Chemie, 336 Endlich, F. M., 220 Engelmann, W., 22 Engels, F., 117 Engineering, 281-303 — and mining journal. Statistical sup- plement, 292 — bibliography, 23-25 466 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Engineering chemistry, 217 — contracts, 351 — drawing, 369 — index, 5, 23 — index annua!, 5, 23 — magazine, 5. 23 — materials, 350-351 Engines, 202, 283, 286-290 England, See Great Britain English and American mechanic, 274 — biography, 404-405 — dialect dictionary, 170 — dialect grammar. 170 — Dialect Society, 170 — language, 166-171 — literature, 384-386 Engraving, 371-372 Entertaining, 310 Entomology, 269-271 — bibliography, 22-23 Equations, theory, 184 Erdmann, J. E., 48 Errors, theory, 182, 187 Erskine-Murray, J., 206 Esperanto. 164 Essays, general, 44 — index. 8 Essential oils, 335 Estimator's guide, 351 Ethical education, 154 Ethics, 59-63 Ethnography, 239 Ethnology, 241-243 — bibliography, 21 Etiquette, 161 Etymology-. 166-167 Euclid, 184 Euler. H„ 214 Europe, 394, 417-429 — civilization, 79-83 — commerce, 157 — government, 91 — industries, 280 — municipalities, 134 — races, 242 Evans. E. P., 61 — T. J., 184 Everett, C. C, 64 — H. A., 286 — J. D., 195. 196. Evolution, 244-245 Ewart, A. J., 252 — M. F., 249 Examinations, engineering, 286 Exchange, 113 Expert waitress. 312 Experimental zoology, 262 Explorations, scientific, 237-238 — bibliography, 21 Explorers, 409 Explosives, 327 Extinct monsters, 234 Fact, fancy, and fable. 39 Factories, organization, 338 Factory system, 122 Fahie, J. J., 205, 206 Fairbanks, A.. 71 Fairchild, H. L., 225 Fairlie, J. A., 133, 136 Fain,' tales, 163 Falkner, R. P., 87 Fallacies, 59 Fallows, S., 169 Familiar allusions, 40 — quotations, 382 — words. 382 Family, 62, 160-161 Famous composers, yj"] Farm management, 303 Farmer, F. M., 311 Farmers' bulletins, 25 Farms, 304 Farrer, J. A., 65, 128 — ■ T. H. F. ist baron, 155 Farrow, E. S., 138 Farthest north, 456 Fats, analysis, 216-217 Faxon. C. E., 256 — F. W„ 4 Fear, 57 Feddersen, B. W., 181 Fehling, H. von, 210 Felkin, E., 145 — H. M., 145 Fennell, C. A. M., 167 Fergusson, J., 364 Fermentation. 257-258, 329 Fernald, J, C, 169, 170 Fernow. B. E., 115 Ferns, 256 Ferri, E., 142 Fertilizers, 304 Fiber crops, 305 Fichte. J. G., 64 Field, H. H., 22 — H. M., 205 Field and forest handy book, 378 Finance, 118-119 — ■ bibliography, 13 Financial review, 156 Findlay, A., 221 Fine arts, 356-378 — bibliograpliy, 27 Finland, social life. 82 Fire alarm, 205 Fischer, F., 324, 325 — W. L. F., 183 Fish, 271 — culture, 309 Fisher, G. P., 391 — I., 184 — W. R., 254. 307 Fishing. 379-380 Fiske, A. K., 436 — J., 126, 127, 405. 408, 413. 438, 439 — T. S., 182 Fitch, Sir J. G.. 146, 147 Fitzmaurice-Kelly, J., 387 5000 facts and fancies, 39 Flags, 414 Flavoring extracts, 329 Flcmer, J. A., 192 Fleming. J. A., 203 Fletcher, A. E., 146 — B., .-^64 — B. R, 364 — S. -W., 304 — W. I., 3. 4, 8, 31 Flint, R., 50, 116 Flour, 345 Flower, Sir W. H., 274 INDEX 467 Flower garden, 361 Flowers, 250, 252, 362 Fliigel, F., 171, 172 Folklore, 163 Folks, H., 141 Folkways, 159 Folwell, A. P., 301 Food, 216, 311-312, 329 — analysis, 218 Forage crops. 305 Forbes, H. O., 239 Force, 178 Foreign commercial guide, 157 — exchange, 113 Foreman, J,, 453 Forestry, 115, 307 Forging, 346 Forsyth, A. R., 187 Fortnum, C. D., 367 Fossils, 234-235 Foster, Sir C. L., 292 — H. D., 153 — J. W., 97 — M., 265 Foundry, 338. 340 Fourier's series, 187 Fourtier, H., 373 Fowler, A., 187, 189 — T., 64 Fraenkel, A., 217 Fram, Ship, 456 France, 425-426 — architecture, 363 — art. 359 — biography, 405 — ■ government, 92 — social history, 81 Francis, W.. 279 Franklin, W. S., 194, 195 Franks' Peoria Directory Company, Peoria, III, 449 Fraser, A. C, 56 Frazer. R. W.. 388 Frederiksen, N. C, 82 Free trade. 1 19-120 Freeman, E. A., 391, 396 — W. G„ 253 Freer, P. C. 221 Freitag, P. K, 365 French. L. H., 312 French-English dictionaries, 174-175 French-German dictionaries, 175 French language, 174-175 — literature, 387 — Revolution. 420-421 Fresenius, C. R., 219, 220 Freund, W., 177 Frewer, E. E., 432 Frey, A. R., 38 Friswell. J. H., -?82 Frizell, J. P., 298 Froebel. F,, 151, 152 Froebel's gifts, 152 — occupations, 152 — system, 151 Frost, A. J.. 19 — E. B„ 189 — T. G.. 122 Fruits, 305-306 Fuel, 202. 327-328 — analysis, 216, 221 Fuertes, L. A., 273 Fugitive facts, 39 Fuller, J., 339 Fulton, J., 328 functions, 187 I'"ungi, 257 Funk, I. K., 168 Furman, H. V., 337 Furnaces, electric, 208 Furneaux, W. S., 262 Furniture, 312, 370-371 Fustel de Coulanges, N. D.. 78 Fyfe, H. H., 391 Fyffe, C. A.. 421 Gadow, H., 273 Gage, S. H., 247 Galloupe, F., 6, 23 Galton, Sir D., 299 — F., 53, 246 Games, 378-379 Gannett. H., 155, 230, 437 Gano, D. C., 130 Ganot, A., 194 Gardening, 306-308, 361-362 Gardner. J, S., 341 — "W. M., 333 Garland, D. S., 125 Garner, R. L., 274 Garnett. L. M. J., 83 — R.. 31. 387 — W.. 196 Garnsey, H. E. F., 251 Garrett, J., 306 — T. F., 311 Garrison, C. L., 155 Gas, 331-332 — analysis, 216, 221 — companies. 300 — engines. 289-290 — lighting, 303 Gases, 200 Gasoline engines, 290 Gauss, H. C. 137 Gayer. K. 307 Gazetteer Publishing Co.. Denver, 441, 443. 444 Gazetteers. 394-396. 399 Gebhardt. G. F., 286 Geddes, P., 73. 248 Gee, G. E., 340 Geelmuyden, I. C. S., 173 Geikie, Sir A., 225, 226, 396 — J., 228, 230 Geodesy. 191-192 — bibliography, 18 Geographical distribution of animals, 268 Geography, 393-401 — dictionaries, 394-396 — tables. 192 — teaching, 306 Geologists. 226 Geology, 225-234 — bibliography, 19-21 Geometry. 184-186 George. H. 115 Gerhard. W. P., 299, 303 Gerland, G. K. C, 241 German language, 171-173 — literature. 386-387 Germany, 424 468 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Germany, biography, 405 — colonies, 96, 400 — education, 154 — government handbook, 138 — labor, 106 — • mythology, 68 — K. Patentamt, 6, 24 — social history, 80-81 — statistics, 87 — universities. 154 Gibb, E. J. W., 431 Gibbins, H. de B., 157 Gibson, G. A., 186 — R. J. H, 252 — W. H., 236 Giddings, F. H., 70, 71, "jji Gifford lectures, 48 Gilbert, G. K., 226 — H. T., 132 Giles. H. A., 388 Gill, A. H., 221 Gillespie, A. L., 262 — W. M., 192 Gillette, H. P., 352 Gillies, J., 63 Gilman, A., 431 — D. C., 38, 154 — N. P., 104. 107, 116 Gintl, W.. 276 Given, J. LaP., 45 Glaciers, 228 Gladden, W., y^ Glaeser, E., 405 Glasgow, municipal government, 134 Glass, 215. 332 Glazebrook, R. T., 196 Glues, 334 Glycerin. 334 Godkin, E. L. 93 Goebel, K., 251 Going, C. B., 5 Gold, 233, 336 Golding, F. Y., 347 Goldsmithing. 340 Gonino, I., 360 Goodchild, D. F., 274 Goodnow, F. J., 133. 134 Goodwin, W. W., 177 Gopsiil's Sons, James, Philadelphia. 449 Gore, J. E.. 187 — J. H., 18, 191 Gorillas, 274 Goschen. G. J., 113 Goss, W. F. M.. 346 Gothic architecture, 366 Gould, S. Baring, 163 Gould Directory Co.. St. Louis, 450 Government, theory 89-90 Graesel, A., 31 Graham. J., 186 — T., 210 Grammar of science, 49 Grand dictionnaire universel, 44 Grande encyclopedic, 44 Grandgent, C. H.. 176 Granger, E., 27 Grant. J., 453 Graphics. 182 Grassmann, H. G., 182 Gray, Andrew. 194, 204 — Asa. 249, 255 — E.. 176 Gray, T., 196 Gray Herbarium, 22 Great Britain, 422-423 — archaeology, 239 — biography, 404-405 — Colonial Office, 87 — colonies, 95-96, 391 — commerce, 156 — constitutional history, 126 — copyright, 317 — customs, 160 — economic conditions, 102-103 — education, 154 — Emigrants' Information Office, 391 — government, 91-92 — heraldry, 414 — history, 422-423 bibliography, 28 — hospital. 141 — journalism, 45 — labor, 105-106 — municipal government, 134 bibliography, 14 — official directory, 423 — Parliament, 90 — parliamentary publications, cata- logues, 16 — social history, 79-80 — socialism, 117 — Stationery Office, 16 — statistic, 87 Greathouse, C. H., 25, 26 Greece, 416-417 — architecture, 363 — art, 360 — • biography, 404 — • education, 148 — mythology, 69 — philosopliy, 49. 64 — social life, 78 Greek language, 177 — literature, 388 Greek-English dictionaries, 177 Greely, A. W., 396, 456 Green, J. R., 252, 422 — T. H., 61 Greene, E. B., 128 — M. A., 125 — W. H., 211 Greenhouse management, 362 Greenough, J. B., 177 — J. C, 154 Greenwood. T., 33 Gresley. W. S., 294 Gribayedoff, A., 377 Grieb. C. F., 172 Griffin, M. F., 45 — W. H., 385 Griffis, W. E., 430 Griffith, J. W., 248, 279 Grimm, J.. 68 Gronlund, L., 117 Groom, P., 254 Groome, F. H., 402 Groos, K., 57, 267 Gross. C, 14. 28 Grosse, E., 240 Grote, G., d},. 416 Grove, Sir G., 376, 398 Groves, C. E., 324 Gubernatis. A. de, 402 Guiana, 239 INDEX 469 Guiana, Indians, 243 Guides to reading, 7 Guimps, R. de, 148 Giildner, H., 290 Gulliver, J. H.. 60 Gummere, F. B., "jj Giinther, A. C. L. G., 271 Guppy, H. B., 4SS Gurney. E., 57 Gwilt, J., 363 Gymnastics, 151 H Haacke, W., 260 Habits of animals, 266-267 — of plants, 253 Haddon, A. C., 239, 240 Hadley, A. T., 100, 319 Haeckel, E., 244, 265 Haferkorn, H. E., 24 Hagen, H. A., 22 Kallmann, W. N., 152 Haines, H. E., 3 — H. S., 157 Haldane, R., 277 Half-tone process, 374 Hall, E. H., 180 — G. S., 17 — P. F., 97 — T. D., 177 — W. E., 1 25 Halle, E. von, 123 Halliburton, W. D., 265 Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O., 168 Hallucinations, 51 Halsted, G. B., 182 Hamilton, H., 174 Hammarsten, O., 223 Hanausek, T. F., 326 Handbook of learned societies and in- stitutions, 45 Handbuch der anorganischen chemie. 221 — der Ingenieurwissenschaften, 282 Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaf- ten, 72 Handy-book of literary curiosities, 42 Hann, J.. 229, 230 Hansen, E. C., 329 Hanus, P. H., 183 Hapgood, H., 106 Harbors, 299 Harbottle, T. B., 138, 383. 388, 389 Harcourt, L. F. Vernon, 282, 283, 298. 299 Harden, A., 211 Hardy, H., 317 — W. J., 47 Hare, J. I. C., 127 Harkness, A., 177 — J., 187 Harmer, S. F., 260 Harmonic functions, 182 Harmonics, 187 Harper's book of facts, 38 — dictionary of classical literature and antiquities. 416 — encyclopaedia of United States his- tory, 437 Harris, W. A., 325 — W. T., 53. S8, 168 Harrison, E., 152 Hart, A. B., 28, 92 llartland, E. S., 163 Harvard University, Gray Herbarium, 22 Harwood, W. S., 304 Hasluck, P. N., 275, 346, 353, 378 Hasse, A. R., 21 Hastings, C., 379 — J., 65, 67 Haswell, W. A., 261 Hatfield, O. P., 349 — R, G., 349 Hathaway, A. S., 186 Hatzfeld, A., 174 Hawaii, 86, 451, 455 Hay, O. P., 2"i Hayden, F. V., 19 Haydn, J. T., 42 Haynes, G. H., 94 Hazell's annual, 43 Hazen, A., 200 Hazlitt, W. C.. 46, 160 Heape, W., 265 Heat, 202 — engines, 202, 283 Heath, H., 260 Heathcote, F. G., 260 Heating, 302. 354 Heeren, F.. 276 Hegel, G. W. F.. 57, 58, 64 Heidenstam, O. G. von, 82 Heider, K., 265 Heilprin, A., 395 — L., 390, 395 Heise. P., 24 Helmholtz. H. von. 20i Helmolt, H. F.. 392 Henderson, C. R., 140 — J. B.. 97 Hendrick, B. J.. 144 Hendricks' Commercial register, 283 Henfrey, A., 248 Henley's encyclopedia of practical en- gineering, 285 — twentieth century book of recipes. 277 Henry, T. A., 253 Henshaw, S., 25 Hepworth, T. C., 333 Heraldry, 414 Herbart, J. F.. 144. 145, 150 Herbertson, A. J., 229 Herbier Boissier. Chambesy, 22 Heredity. 52, 245-246 Herrick, F. H.. 273 Herrmann. G., 285 Hertwig, O.. 247 Hess. R.. 307 Hetherington, E., 4 Heyniann, E., 174 Heyne, M., 171 Hevse. J. C. A.. 171 Hickcox. J. H., 16 Higgin, L., 82 Higginson. T. W.. 162 Higher mathematics. 182 Hitdebrandt, A.. 200 Hill. A. S., 382 — C. S., 352 — D. J., 125 — J. A., 102. 162 470 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Hill J. W., 301 — R. T., 436 — T., 183 Hill Directory Company, Richmond, Va., 444 Hillhouse, W., 254 Hillquit, M., 117 Hinds, W. A., 117 Hinsdale. B. A., 148, 153, 390, 439 Hirn, Y.. 57 Hiscox. G. D., 277, 284, 290, 298 Histology of plants, 253-254 Historic Illinois, 440 Historic note-book, 41 History, 389-456 — ancient, 414-417 — bibliography, 28-29 — atlases, 397-398 — dictionaries, 389-390 — geography, 397-398 — teaching. 390 — of banking, in — universal, 391-393 Hitt, R., 355 Hoare, J. D.. 456 Hobart, H. M.. 207, 287, 296 — H. R.. 318 Hobbs. W. H., 227 Hobhouse, L. T., 58 Hoboken directory, 447 Hobson, E. W., 184 — J- A., 73, 83, 99, 105, 109. 122 Hodge, F. W.. 21 Hodgson, F. T., 351. 353 Hoefer, J. C. F., 402 Hoff, J. H., van 't, 214 Hoffding. H., 48, S3 Hoffmann. F., 219 Hofmann, E., 270 Holahan, C. M.. 313 Holder, C. F., 266 Holgate, T. F.. 184 Holiday, H., 371 Holland, 428 — T. E., 125 — W. J., 270 Holleman, A. F., 222 Hoist, H. von, 127 Holt, E., 161 Holy Roman Empire, 417 Hol'yoake, G. J., n6 Honduras, 436 Hood, C, 354 Hopkins, A. A., 38, 277, 379 Horgan, S. H., 375 Horn, F. W.. 387 Home. H. P., 347 Horner, J. B.. 284 — J. G.. 284. 285. 291, 340 Horrocks, Mrs. G., 424 Horstmann, A., 210 Horticulture. 305-306 Hosiery trade, 344 Hospitals, 14T-142, 366 Hotel red book, 310 Hotels, 310 Hough, W. S., 48 Hours of labor, 109 House decoration, 312, 370 — chemistry. 324 — economics. 309-313 Housing, 107, 109 Houssay, F., 266 Houston, E. J., 155, 203, 208 How to make and how to mend, 346 Howarth, W., 112 Howe, E. G., 152 — H. A., 188 Howell. G.. no Howorth. Sir H. H., 231 Hove Directory Company, Kansas City, 447 Hoyer, E. von, 276 Hudson, l''., 45 Hughes, J. L., 151 — R-, 375 — T., n6, 148 Hull, W. H., no — W. I., 141 Hull-House, Chicago, 107 Hulme, F. E., 163, 414 Hume, 1^1., 388 — M. A. S., 427 Hummel, J. J., 333 Humphreys, H. N., 366 Hungary, 81 Hunt, T. F., 304. 305 Hunter, R., 124 — Sir W. W., 431 Hunting, 379 Huntington, H. B., 59 — J. O. S., 73 Hurst, G. H., 333 Huss, G. M., 365 Hutchinson, H. N., 234. 239 — T.. 445 Hutchinson's Australasian encyclopaedia. 455 Hutton, F. R., 283 — L., 361 Huxley, T. H., 269 Hyde, E. W., 182 — W. DeW., 47 Hydraulic cement, 350 — engineering, 298 — machinery, 288-289 Hydraulics, 199-200, 207, 289, 298 Hymenoptera, 270 Hymnology, 67 I Ice, 228, 231 — age, 230 _ — and cold storage trades directory, 290 — making, 290 Iceland, 428 Iconographic encyclopaedia, 38 Idaho gazetteer, 442 Idealism, 65 Idioms, 168 lies, G., n, 27 Illinois, 440-441 — constitutional history, 128 — gazetteer, 442 — General Assembly. 130 — laws, statues, etc., 129-130 — Secretary of State, 137 Illusions, 51, 379 Illustrated dictionary of gardening, 306 Illustration of books, 47 Im Thurm, E. F., 243 Immigration, 97 INDEX 471 Imperial dictionary, 167 In darkest Africa, 432 In darkest England, 124 Income, 105 Index to essays, 8 Indexes to periodicals, 3-6 — to technical periodicals, 5-6 India, 431 — architecture, 364 — industrial art. 367 — ■ literature, 388 India rubber, 305, 345 Indian Territory gazetteer, 444 Indiana gazetteer, 442 Indianapolis directory, 447 Indians of North America, 163, 242-243. 433-434 Industrial arts, 366-371 — bibliography, 27 — biography. 410-41 1 — democracy, no — evolution. loi Industries of animals, 266 Inebriety, So Infinitesimal calculus, 187 Ingalls, W. R., 337 Ingram, J. K., 102 Initiative, 94 Injurious insects, 305 Ink. 333 Inland water transportation, 158 Inorganic chemistry, 221-222 Insane, 50, 141-142 Insects, 269-271, 305 Instinct, 267 Institut international de bibliographic, Brussels, 2, 7, n Institutions, history, 77 Insurance. 143-144 — chemistry, 144, 325 — industrial, 108 — • yearbook, 144 Intarsia, 371 Integral calculus, 186 Interior decoration, 370-371 Internal combustion engines, 289 International Bureau of the American Republics, Washington, D. C, 276, 435. 451 — directory of booksellers and biblio- phile's manual, 317 — geography, 393 — Institute of Social Bibliography, Ber- lin, II — law, 125 — mining manual, 292 — monetary conferences, 113 — motor cyclopaedia. 296 — Prison Commission, 143 ^ relations. 97-98 — trade, 157 Internationales Institut fiir Sozialbiblio- graphie, See International Institute of Social Bibliography, Berlin Intuition, 54 Inventions. 240. 279-280 Invertebrates, 268-271 Investments. 114 Ions. 178 Iowa gazetteer. 442 Ireland. A.. 95 Ireland. 422 Iribas, J. L., 176 Iron, 336, 341, 351 — age directory, 339 — analysis, 219 Irrigation, 305 Irving, J., 392, 404 Island life, 268 Italian language, 176 Italian-English dictionaries, 176 Italy, 426 — architecture, 363 — literature, 387 — ■ renaissance, 360 — social history, 81 Ives, F. E., 375 Jack, G., 366 Jackman, A, N., 293 — W. S., 153 Jackson, B. D., 22, 250 — F. H., 371 — H. F. H., 434 — M.. 45 Jacobi, C. T., 316 Jacobs, J., 69 Jacobson, P., 222 Jacoby, H., 188 — H. S., 295 Jacquard weaving, 343 Jago, W., 311 James, W., 53, 174 Jameson, J. A., 127 — J. F., 437 Jamieson, A., 284, 286 Japan, 430 — ^i"'- 359 . . . r, — Commission to the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition, 430 Jarvis, J., 152 Jastrow, M., 65 Java, 454 Jeans, J. S.. 298 Jelliffe, S. E., 253 Jenkins, H., 375 Jenks, E., 454 — J. W., 123 Jensen, C. O., 309 Jersey City directory, 447 Jervis, W. P., 367 Jevons, W. S., 58, no Jewelry, 340 Jewett, H. M., 52 — M. A., 52 Jewish encyclopedia, 69 Jhering, R. von, 76 Joanne, P., 425 John Crerar Library. Chicago, 7. 8, 9. 27. 30, 34 Johns Hopkins University. Economic Seminary. 13 Johnson. E. R., 158. 3i9 — H. K., 39 — J. B., 5. 193, 281. 295 — S. W.. 220 — W. W., 182, 187 Johnston, A., 93 — A K.. 400 — Sir H. H., 96 — H. W., 160 — J. F. W., 324 472 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Johnston, T. B., 400 — W., 279 Joinery, 353 Joliet directory, 447 Jones, C. E.. 253 — E. D., 156 — E. R., 2S0 — H. C. 213 — H. P., 383 — L. A., 14 — T. R., 248 Jonsson-Rose, N., 361 Jordan, D. S., 245, 260, 271 — H., 33 Jorgensen, A., 258 Jost, L., 252 Journalism, 45 Jowett, B.. 89, 103 Judaism, 69 Judd, C. H, 53, 55 Judea, 415 — art, 360 Judson, W. P., 297 Julian, J., 67 Jurisprudence, 125 Juvenile offenders, 51, 143 K Kamensky, G., 210 Kansas gazetteer, 442 Kansas City directory, 447 Kant, I., 61 Karapetoff, V., 205 Karmarsch, K., 276 Karsten, G., 249 Kauffman, A. C., 157 Kay, D., 57 Keane, A. H., 226, 241, 393, 394, 429, 431, 452 Kedney, J. S., 57 Keezer, F., 130 Kelland, P., 186 Keller, H. P., 211 Kellner, L., 170 Kellogg, D. O., 37 — V. L., 24s. 260, 269 Kelly, J. Fitzmaurice, 387 Kelly's customs tariffs, 119 — directory of merchants, 396 — • directory of stationers, printers, etc., 316 Kehie, J. S., 43 Kelvin, W. Thomson, 1st baron, 180, 195 Kemp, J. F., 232 — W., 352 Kempe, H. R., 204 Kempner, M., 286 Kennellv, A. E., 208 Kent, W., 288 Kentucky gazetteer, 442 Kerl, B., 6, 24, 326 Kerner. A. J. Ritter von Marilaun, 249 Kerr, N., 50 — R., 364 Kershaw, J. B. C., 216, 220, 302 Keyes, C. R.. 21 Keynes. J. N., loi Kick, F., 276 Kidd. B.. 70 Kidder, F. E., 349 Kiddle, H., 146 Kiepert, H., 397, 416 Kiesow, F., 57 Kilbon, G. B., 353 Kimball, A. L., 200 Kindergarten, 152 Kinematics, 291 King, B., 81 — C., ig — P., 371 — & Son, P. S., London, 16 Kingsley, R. G., 359 Kirby, W. E., 270 Kirk, J. F., 2 Kirkland. J., 440 Kirkup, T., 117 Kitchin, G. W., 174, 425 Kittredge, G. L., 177 Klauser, K., 377 Klemm, L. R., 154 Kluge, F., 171 Knapp, W. I., 176 Knight. A. M., 320 — E. F, 431 — E. H., 275 — G. H., 278 Knott, C. G., 186 Knowledge, 50. 56, 58 Knox, C. E., 208 Kohlrausch, F., 196 Kolbe, H., 210 Konig, J., 311 Koopman, H. L., 35 Koren, J., 63 Korschelt, E., 265 Krehbiel, H. E., 27, 376 Kroeger, A. B., 7 Kronthal, J., 356 Kukula. R., 154 Kiilpe, O., 48, 53 Kiirschner, J., 165 Kiirschners Staats-, Hof- und Kommu- nal-Handbuch, 138 L Labberton, R. H., 397 Labor, 1 03-1 10 — and capital, 107 bibliography, 13-14 — laws, 103 Laboratory chemistry, 215 Laboring classes, 108-110 Labour annual, 105 Lace, 370 Ladd, G. T., 48, 53. 55. 56, 57- 59 Lafaye. B.. 175 La Fontaine. H., 11, 32 Laing, S., 180 Lakes, 228 Lakeside annual directory of Chicago, 445 Lalor, J. J., 72, 127 Lamb. IL. 187 Lambert, P. A., 185 Lamberton. J. P., 9 Lamborn, L. L., 334 Lamb's biographical dictionary, 405 Lanchcster. F. W., 200 Lanciani, R., 416 Land, 114-115 Landauer, J., 202 Landolt, H. H., 196, 210 INDEX 473 Landscape gardening, 361-362 Landwirtlischaftliclie Jahrbiicher, 26 — Versuclis-Stationen, 26 Lane, V., 127 — W, C. 28 Lane-Poole, S., 431 Lang, A., 65, 265, 422 — L. B., 427 — W. H„ 249 Langbein, G., 209 Lange, A. F., 144 — H., 154 Langhans. P., 400 Langmead, T. P. Taswell, 126 Language. 153, 164-177 Lankester, E. R., 244 Lanza, G., 281 Larned, J. N,, 29, 390 Larousse. P., 44 Larsen, A., 173 Lassar-Cohn, 324 Latham, E., 383 Lathes, 291 Latimer, E. W., 392, 425 Latin-English dictionaries, 177 Latin language. 177 — literature. 388 Latta, M. Nisbet, 331 Langhlin, C. E. 310 — J. L., 113, 120 Laurie. S. S., 146, 147 Laveleye, E. de, 99, 429 Lavignac, A., 376 Law. 125-132 — ■ bibliography. 14 — primitive, 76 Lawless, E., 422 Laycock, W. F., 333 Leach, A. E., 218 ' Lead, 337 Leaning, J., 352 Leask, H., 334 Least squares, 187 Leather, 342 — trades chemistry, 217 Le Blanc. 1\T. J. L., 214 Lecky, W. E. H.. 59. 61, 93 ' Le Conte, J., 201, 225 Lee, A. B., 248 — S., 404 Leete, C. H., 399 Lefebure. E., 370 Lefevre. A., 164 Leffmann, H., 215 Legros. E.. 174 Leisure class, 99 Lei and, C. G., 170, 342, 346. 367 Lennholm. E. A.. 258 Lenses. 202. 374 Leonard. T. W.. 406 Le Roy. J. A.. 85 Leroy-Beaulieu. P., 103 Letchworth. W. P., 141 Letournean. C, 235 Leupp, F. E., 133' Lewes, V. B., 332 Lewis, C. T., 38. 177 — -Sir G. C., 95 — T. S . 3^8 ^ — M. H., 286 — W. J., 223 Lewkowitsch, J., 216 Lexikon dcr gesamten Technik, 275 Lexis, W., 72 Liberty, y^ Libraries, 33-,34 — catalogues, 29-30 Library atlas of modern geography, 398 — economy, 30-37 — of Congress. See U. S. Library of Congress — of literary criticism, 384 — ; reference atlas of world, 399 Lichens, 256 Liddell, H. G., 177 Life, 247 — and labour of the people in London. 108 — insurance, 143-144 Light, 201-202 Lighting, electric, 207 Lightning rods, 204 Liiiencron, R. von, 405 Limes, 333 Lindgren, E., 173 Ling. A. R., 329 Lippincott's new gazetteer, 395 Liquefaction of gases, 200 Liquid air, 200 Liquor problem. 63 bibliography, 10 Literary handbooks, I — ■ methods, 36-37 Literature, 380-388 — bibliography, 1-3, 27 — of American Iiistory, 29 Lithology, 231 Little, C. E., 389 Little cyclopredia of common things. 41 Littre, fi., 174 Living animals of the world, 260 Lloyd, H. D., 83 Lock, C. G. W., 275, 277 Locke, J., 56, 147 Lockwood Trade Journal Co., 343 Lockwood's Dictionary of terms, 285 Lockyer. Sir J. N., 188, 189, 191 Locv, W. A,, 237 Lodge, H. C. 4^8 — Sir O. J., 188, 204 Loening, E., 72 Logarithms, 183 Logeman, W. S., 164 Logic, 58-59 Lombard street, lii London, 423 — labor. 108 — scientific societies, 45 — social life. 79 Lonev. S. L.. 183, 184, 185 Longfellow. W. P. P., 363 Longmans, Green, & Co., 395 Longmans' new atlas, 399 Lossing, B. J., 437 Lotze, H., 53. 57, 58 Loudon, J. C, 250 — Mrs. J. W., 250 Lough, E., 57 Louis, H., 232 Louisville directnn,'. 447 Lounsbury. T. R.. 166 Lovell & Son. John, Montreal. 434 Low, S. J., 422 Lowell, A. L., 91-92 474 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Lowell, P., igi Lowndes, M, E., 53 Loyola. L, 148 Lubbock, Sir J., ist Baron Avebury, 76, 239, 267, 270 Liibke, W.. 359 Lucas, C. P., 391 Lueger, O., 275 Lumber manufacture, 341-342 Lunge, G., 216, 327^ 335 Lunn, C. 378 Luxurj'. 99 Lycia, art, 360 Lydekker, R., 260. 268, 273, 274 Lydia, art, 360 Lyell, C, 226 Lvndon. L., 207 Lynn, W. T., 181 Lyon. O. 171, 172 McAdie. A.. 229 McAlpine. A. N., 235 — D- 23s MacBride. E. W., 261 McCain, C. C, 319 McCarthy, J., 423 McClure, John, 25 — M. L., 414, 41S McComb, S., 50 McConachie, L. G., 98 MacCord. C. W.. 291, 369 AfcCormack, T. J., 197 MacCoun, T., 397 McCoy Directory Co., Keokuk, la., 445. 449 McCrae, J., 214 MacCunn. J.. 62 Macdonald, W.. 73, 127, 128 MncDougal, D. T., 251 Macfarlane, A., 182 — J- ,•^2 McGehee. L. P., 125 Macgillivray. E., J.. 317 McGowan. G., 212. 222 Mach, E., 56. 197 Machine design, 283, 285 — production, 105 — shop, 291 Machinery, 122. 283 — 291 — electrical, 207 Mcintosh, J., 373 Mackail. J. W., '407 l\rKechnie, W. S.. 89 MacKellar, T.. 315 M'Kendrick, J. G., 264 Mackenzie, J. S.. 59. 70 l\tcT-aughlin. A. C, 127 Maclay^ E. S., 138; 139 Maclean, J., 434 McLean & Co., J. L., New York, 113 McLellan, J. A.. 182, 183 McMahon, J., 182 McMaster, J. B., 437 McMillan, C., 193 — W. G.. 209 McMurrich. J. P., 268 McMurry, C. A., 150, 153 — F. M., 150 Macnutt, B., 194 Macy, J.. q8, 126 Madan, F., 46 Madison, J., 128 Magazine subject-index, 4 Magic, 379 Maginnis, C. D., 369 Magnetism, 203-209 Magnets, 203 Magnitude, 178 Maguire, W. R.. 300 Mahaffy, J. P., 64, 78 Mahan, A. T., 139 Maine, Sir H. J. S., 76, "JT, 93 Maiolica, 367 Maitland, J., 171 — J. A. F., 376 Making of an American, TJ Malacostraca, 269 Malaysia, 239 Mallick, W. H., 116 Mallory. J. A., 129 Mammals, 274 Manatt. J. L, 417 Mandel. J. A., 223 Mann, C. R., 201 — H.. 148 —J. S.. 80 Manners, 159-163 Man's place in the universe, igo Mansfield, J. M., 17 Mantegazza, P., 52 Manual for co-operators, 116 — of American water-works, 300 — of statistics, 114 Manual training, 150-151, 278. 353 bibliography, 17 AL-.nufactures, 338-345 — economics, 120-123 Manufacturers, 396 ]\Ianu5cripts, 46 Map construction, 192 — of life, 59 March, F. A.. 167 — F. A., jr., 167 Marchant, W., 376 Marey, E. J., 264 Marindin, G. E., 416 Marine engine, 287 Marion & Co., 373 Markham, C. R., 396 Marks, G. C. 289 Marmery. J. V., 180 Marot, H., 13 Marquetry, 371 Marriage, 161 — laws, 130 Mars, 191 Marsh. G. P.. 166 Marshall, A., 100 — H, R.. 57 — W., 260, 268 Martin, E. A., 232 — F., 43 — P. F., 435 — T. C, 205, 207, 293 — W. R., 193 Martineau, J., 61 Marvin. C. F., 229 — W. L., 158 Marx, K., 117 Maryland gazetteer, 442 Mason, O. T., 77, 280 — R. B., 135 — W. P., 301 Masonry construction, 352 Maspero, G., 78, 414, 415 INDEX 475 Massachusetts year book, 442 Massart, J., 73 Massee, G., 251 Master Car Builders' Association, 355 Materials of engineering, 350 Mathematical recreations, 183 — theory of electricity, 204 Mathematics, 182-187 — bibliography, 18 Matheson, M. C, 108 Mathews, C. T., 364 Matson, H., 2 Matter, 194, 197 Matthews, J. M., 215, 254, 344 Maude, A.. 356 Maver, W., jr., 205, 206 Maxwell. J. C, 197, 203 Mav. Sir T. E., 79 — W. J., 362 Mayer, C, 334 Mayeux, H., 368 Mead, D. W.. 298, 301 Meade, E. S.. 123 Meakin, B.. 107 Meat inspection. 348 Mechanical appliances, 198 — drawing, 369-370 — engineering, 283-291 — handbooks, 274 — movements, 199, 283-284 Mechanics, 196-199 — celestial, 189 Mechanism, 291 Media, 415 Medical chemistry, 210 Medicines, analysis, 219 Medlicott. M., 36 Meijer, B.. 44 Meitzen, A.. 87 Meldola, R.. 246, 374 Memory, 57 Memphis, directory. 447 Men and women of the time, 402 — of America. 406 Mendeleiev, D. I.. 210 Mendenhall, T. C, 204 Mending, 346 Menke, T.. 398 Mensch Directory Company, Paul. Chi cage. 446 Mental derangements. So — evolution in animals, 267 — evolution in man, 53 — healing, 50 Mentz. F., 154 Menzel. W.. 424 Merchant marine, 158 Merchants, 396 Mercier, C, 50 Merrill, G. P., 231, 233 Merriman, M.. 182, 199, 295 Merritt, A. N., 158 Metal engraving, 372 — manufacture, 338-340 — ores. 233 — turning, 291 — work, 357, 367 — worker's handy-book, 338 Metallic structures, 351 Metallurgy, 335-336 Metals, electro-deposition, 209 — press-working, 291 Metaphysics, 49-50 Meteorological tables, 229 Meteorology, 229-230 Meteors, 191 Methodology, 50 Metric system. 159 Mexico. 435-436 — social life, 84 Meyer, B. E., 48 — E. C, 94 — E. S. C. von, 210, 212 — F. S, 368 — L, Von, 213 — v., 222 Meyerhoffer. W.. 196 Meyers geographischer Hand-Atlas. 400 — grosses Konversations-Lexikon, 43 — Hand-Lexikon, 43 Michaelis, A., 210 — E., 152 — H., 176 Michaud, J. F., 403 — L. G., 403 Michigan gazetteer, 443 Micro-organisms, 257-258, 269, 329 Microscopy, 247-248 Middle Ages, 417 myths, 163 Might Directories, Toronto, 435 Migula, 'W., 258 Mildew, 257 Militarism, 106 Military engineering, 294-295 — science, 138 Milk, 309 Mill. H. R, 178. 393 — J. S., 58, 64, 7?, Millar, W. J., 197, 285 Miller, A. K., 329 — E. F.. 288 — F-. 357 — K. B.. 206 — 'W.. 305 Millikan, R. A., 201 Millinerv, 313 Mills, "W., 266 Millwork, 284 Milwaukee directory, 447 Mind and body, 50-52 Miner, G. W., 321 IVTineral industry, 292 Mineralogy, 244 IMinerals, economic, 234 — production, 121-122 Minerva, 154 Mining engineering, 292-294 — - laws, 293-294 — manual. 292 — products. 121-122 — year-book. 293 Minneapolis directory. 448 ^Tinnesota gazetteer, 443 Minot. C. S., 247 Miracles, 41 Missions, 68 Mississippi basin. 439 Missouri gazetteer, 443 Mitchell, C. A., 330, 333 Mivart, St. G., 261, 273 Modern mechanism, 274 Mohr, F., 220 Mole, A., 174 476 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Molecular physics, 209 MolUisks, 269 Mommsen, T., 416 Monetary conferences, 113 — convention, 2d, Indianapolis, 18 III Money, 110-114 Montgomery, C. W., 12 — H., 90 — R. H., 322 Monopolies, 123 Monroe. W. S., 17 Monroe doctrine, 98 Montana gazetteer, 443 Montreal directory, 434 Moody. J., 123 Moody's Manual, 114 Moon. 190-191 Moor. S. A., 252 Moore, C. H., 366 — E. C. S., 300 — H. K., 152 — J. H., 321 — S., 117 Morality of plants, 253 More. Mrs. L. B., 109 Morfill, W. R., 425 Morgan. C. L., 245, 266, 267 — H. J., 83 — J. L. R.. 214 — L. H., 78 — T. H., 262 Morley, F., 187 — H.. 38s — H. F., 211 — J., 61 Morphology, botanical, 251-254 — zoological, 262-268 Morris. G. S., 49 — H. C, 95 — R., 170 — W., 116. 358, 367, 407 Morrison, G. J., 192 — H. S., 157 — W. D., 143 Mortality statistics, 89 Moseley. H. N., 238 Moses, J.. 440 Mosses, 256 Mosso, A.. 57 Moths, 270 Motion. 197 Mott. O. E.. 222 Mould, 257. 269 Moulton. C. W., 384 — F. R.. 189 Monntains, 239 Movement, 264 — in plants, 252, 253 Moyer, J. A., 185 Miickenberger, R., 327 Miililbrecht, O., 11 Muir, J., 239 — M. M. P., 211, 212, 213, 324, 325 Muirhead, J. F., 436 — J. H, 61, 64 Mulhall, M. G., 87, 120 Miillcr, C., 398 — V. M., 164, 386 — H. A„ 360 Mumford, J. K., 370 Munera pulveris, 99 Municipal affairs, bibliography, 14 — engineering, 299 — government, 133-136 • bibliography, 14 — monopolies, 123, 136 — program, 133 — refuse, 302 — taxation. 136 — year book, 134 Munro, R., 240 Munson. J. E.. 314 Miintz. E., 370 Mural painting, 371 Mure, W., 388 Muret, E.. 172 Murphy, R. J., 440 Murray. D., 430 — J. A. H., 167 — J. C, 59 — J. E., 206 Mushrooms, 257 Music. 375-378 — education, 376 Musical guide, 375 — instruments, 378 — sound. 201 Musicians, 411-413 Myers, H. J., 149 Mythology, 68-69 Myths, 163 N Nadaillac. J. F. A. du Pouget, mar- quis de, 240 Names, 394-396. 414 Nansen, E., 456 Napoleon, 421 Narcomania, 50 Narrative and critical history of Amer- ica. 433 National bibliographies. 1-2 — Conference on State and Local Tax- ation, 118 — cyclopsedia of American biography, 406 — iron and steel, coal and coke blue book, 293 — Municipal League, 133 Nationalization of land, 115 Natural history, bibliography, 21-23 — inheritance, 246 — sciences, 225-274 — selection, 236. 246 Naturalists' universal directory, 238 Nature, 178 — study, 235-237 — teaching, elementary, 152-153 Nautical astronomy, 193 Naval annual. 139 — architecture. 295 — encyclopaedia. 139 — engineering, 294-295 — science. 138-139 Navigation. 193. 319-320 Naylor, W., 302 Neale, E. V., 116 Nebraska gazetteer. 443 Needlework. 313. 370 Negro problem. 85 INDEX 477 Nernst, W., 213 Nesbitt, A., 332 — H. A., 426 Nettleship, H., 416 Neues Handworterluich der Chemie, 211 Neuman. H., 176 Neumann, B., 220 Neumayer, G., 209 New American supplement to, Encyclo- pa:dia Britannia, 37 New encyclopaedia of social reform, ■J2 New England gazetteer, 443 New England History Teachers' Asso- ciation, 153 New international encyclopedia, 36, 38 New international year book, 40 New knowledge, 178 New Mexico directory, 443 New Orleans directory, 448 New physics and its evolution, 193 New York, biography, 406 — charities, 141 — city directory, 448 — housing, 109 — State Library, 2 — State Tenement House Commis- sion, 109 — tribune. 40 New Zealand, 454-455 — Registrar-General's Office, 454 Newark directory, 448 Newbigging, T., 331 Newcomb, S., 183, 189, 190, 191 Newell, F. H., 305 Newer ideals of peace, 106 Newfoundland, 434-435 Newhall, C. S., 255 Newman, G., 258 — J-, 351 Newsholme, A., 87 Newspaper annual, 8 — making, 45 Newth, G. S., 216 Newton, A., 273 — Sir I., 181 Nichols. E. L., 195 — H. D., 371 Nicholson. G., 306 — J. S., TOO, III, 114, 122 Nicolls, W. J., 232 Nineteenth century, 39 Nisbet-Latta, M., 331 Nitti. F. S.. 118 Noll, P., 249 Nomenclatura comercial, 276 Nominating systems, 93, 94 Nordenskinld, A. E., 396, 397 Nordhoff. C.. 117 Nordisk familjebok, 44 Norman, J. H., 113 Norse mythology, 68 North America. 394, 433-451 — birds, 272-273 — flora, 255-256 — geology, bibliography, 19-20 — Indians, 163, 242-243, 433-434 North Dakota gazetteer, 44^ Northwest, 439. 441 Northwestern gazetteer, 443 Norton, C. E., 60, 73, 99, 358, 363, 368, 372 — Mrs. M. A. P., 312 Norton, S. W., 159 Norway, 427-428 Norwegian-English dictionaries, 173 Norwegian grammar, 173 Nouveau Larousse, 44 Nouvelle biographic generale. 402 Noyes, A. A., 219 — A. D., 119 Nursing, 313 Nutrition, 311 Nuttall, T., 273 o Oak Leaves Company, Oak Park, 111., 448 Oak Park, 111., directory, 448 Oberholtzer, E. P., 94 Ocean transportation, 158 Oceanica, 453-455 Ochsner, A. J., 366 Oettingen, A. von, 181 — A. J. von, 181 Office international de bibliographie, 11 Office organization, 314 Official hotel red book, 310 — postal guide, 137 Ogilvie, J., 167 Ogilvie-Gordon, M. M., 226 Ogle, J. J., 34 Ohio directory, 443 — river, 440 Oil engines, 289-290 Oils, 330, 335 — analysis, 216-217 Okey, T., 81 Oklahoma gazetteer, 444 Old Northwest, 439 Oliver, F. W., 249 Olson, J. E.. 173 Omaha directory, 448 — Directory Company, Omaha, 448 Oman, C. W. C, 138, 428 Oppenheim, N., 56 Optical projection, 202 Optics, 201-202 Oram, H, J., 287 Orchestral instruments, 378 Ore deposits, 232 — mining. 292 Oregon gazetteer, 444 Organic anal3'sis, 215 — chemistry, 222-223 Oriental rugs. 370 Ormond, A. T,, 50 Ornament, 367-371 Ornithology, 272-273 Orsi, P.. 426 Ortner, J.. 313 Ortuzar, A., 156 Osmun, T. E., 171 Ostrogorskii, M. I., 98, 162 Ostwald, W. F., 221 Otlet. P.. II, 32 Otte. E. C, 428 Otto, E., 175 — F, J.. 210 Pacific slope, 441 Packard, A. S., 261, 270 478 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Packinghouse trades, 348 Page, T. N, 85 Pain, 57 Paine, J. K., 377 Paint and varnish facts and formulae, 333 Painter. F. V. N., 147 Painters, biography, 372 — magazine, 35s Painting. 354-355. 371-372 — mural, 371 Paints, 333-334 Paleontologv-. 234-235 — bibliography, 19-21 Palestine, 397 Palgrave. R. H. I., loi Palmer, F. H. E., 81, 82 — W., 43 Paper manufacture, 342-343 Panama to Patagonia, 452 Parasites, 268 Paris, 426 Parish, E., 51 Parker. E. H., 430 — F. W., 145. 151 — T. J., 235, 261 — W. N., 266 Parkman. F., 433 Parloa, M.. 310 Parrish. R., 440 Parry, C. H. H., 376 — E. J., 335 Parshall. H. F., 296 Parsons, F., 86 — H, de B., 302 — S., 361 — T., 322 Pasko. W. W., 315 Patent-Office manual, 278 Patents. 278-279 Pathological chemistry, 223 Paton. J., 134 Patrick. D.. 385, 402 Patridge, L. E., 151 Pattern design, 368 — making, 284, 339 Patterson, H., 320 Patterson's college and school directory, 149 Paul. H., 164 Paulsen, F., 154 Pauperism, 124 Paupers, 142 Pavements, 297 Payn, G., 174 Pavne, J., 147 — W. H., 145. 147 Peabodv. C. H., 200, 283, 288 Pearce, W. J., 354 Pearson, K., 49 — L., 309 „ ^ Pechuel-Locsche, E.. 260 Peck, H. T.. 38, 416 .— W. G., 182 Pedagogy, I44-I54 Peddie. W., 194 Peek, H„ 378 Peirce, B, O., 186 Pen drawing, 369 Pcniield, S. L.. 224 Pennsylvania gazetteer. 444 Pcnzler, J., 395 People of the period, 403 Peoria directory, 449 Pepper, C. M., 452 Perception, 56 Perez, B., 56 Perfumery, 335 Periodicals — bibliography, 8-10 — indexes, 3-6 Periplus, 397 Perkins, C. C.. 372 Perrine, !•". A. C.. 208 Perrot, G.. 359- 360 Perry, A. C. 150 — G. R., 436 Persia, 415 — art, 359 Perspective, 185 Peschel, A., 241 Pessimism, 52 Pestalozzi, J. H., 148 Peters, E. D., 336 Petrie. W. M. F., 415 Petroleum, 232-233, 331 Pfefifer, W. F. P., 252 Pharmaceutical chemistry, 210 Philadelphia Commercial Museum, 157 — directory, 449 — Free Library, 9, 30 Philanthropy and social progress, 73 Philippine Islands, 4S3-454 Phillips, A. W., 184 — J. A., 232 Philological Society, 167 Philosophers, 407 Philosophy, 47-65 — ancient, 49, 63-64 — bibliography, 10 — as scientia scientiarum. 50 — of conduct, 59 — of education. 144-145 — of science, 178 Phoenicia, art, 359 Phonetics. 165-166 Phonography. 314 Photo-engraving, 374-375 Photographic reference book, 373 Photography, 373-37S Photo-micrography, 375 Phototopographic surveys. 192 Phrygia. art. 360 Phyfe, W. H. P.. 39 Physical chemistry, 212-214 — geography, 226-231 — measurements, 196 — sciences, 178-274 — tables, 196 Physicists, 196 Physics. 193-209 — bibliography, 19 Physiognomy, 52 Physiography, 226, 288-229 Physiological botany, 251-254 — chemistry, 223, 265 — optics, 201 — psychology, 55 — • zoology, 262-265 Physiology of the senses, 264 Pickering. W. H., 190 Piesse, C. H.. 335 Pillsburv. W. B., 48 Pinchot. G.. 307 INDEX 479 Pinner, A., 222 Pioneers of science in America, 181 Pitman, Sir I., 314 Pitman and Sons, Sir Isaac, London, .36 Pittsbnrg, Carnegie Library, 28 — directory, 449 Plane geometry, 184 — trigonometry, 184 Plant breeding, 252 — diseases, 252-253 — geography, 254-255 — life, evolution. 251 — physiology, 25 1 -252 — relations, 251 Plants, 361-362 — classification, 251 — habits, 253 — movements, 252 — variation, 246 Plaster, 333 Plastering, 352 Platon, 89 Piatt. A. G., 123 Plattner, K. F., 220 Play of animals, 267 — of man, 57 Pleasure, 57 Ploetz, K, 393 Plumb, C. S., 308 Plumbing. 353-354 — & heating directory. 354 Plummer. M. W., 32 Podmore, F., 51 Poesche. H., 152 Poetry, index, 27 PoggendorfT, J. C, 181 Poincare, H., 178 — L., 193 Poisons, analysis, 219 Poland. 425 Polar explorations, 456 Political economy. 98-124 — bibliography, 12-14 — phrases, 90 — parties, 91, 98 — science, 89-98 Polk & Co., R. L., Detroit, 115, 341. 345. 441. 442, 443. 444. 446, 447, 449, 450. 451 Polk-McAvoy Directory Co., Omaha, 443 Polk's flour mill, grain and bakers' di- rectory of the United States, 345 — real estate and financial register, 115 — Seattle Directory Co., Seattle, 450 Pollard. A. F., 47 Pollock, Sir F., 76, 179 Polyglot dictionaries, 164-165 of technology, 275-276 Ponce de Leon, N., 276 Poole, F. O., 4 — H., 328 — M., 4 — R. L., 397 — S. Lane-, 431 — W. F., 4 Poole's Index, 4 Poor, C. L.. 190 Poore. B. P., 15 Poor's manual of the railroads of the United States. 319 Pope, A. E., 313 — T. H., 210 Porcelain. 366-367 Porter. N.. 49 Porterfield, C., 125 Portland, Ore., directory, 449 Porto Rico, 436 Portrait index, 28 Portugal. 427 Portuguese-English dictionaries, 176 Posnett, H. M., 380 Posse, N., 151 Post, J., 216 Post Office London directory, 423 Post's paper mill directory, 343 Potter, M. E., 2 Pottery, 366-367 Poulton, E. B., 245, 267 Poverty, 105, 109. 124 Powell, J. W., 19 Power, F. B., 219 Power plant engineering, 286 — stations, 207 — transmission, 208 Powers' central station directory, 203 Practical problems in banking and cur- rency, no Pratt, A. T. C, 403 Preece, W. H., 206 Prehistoric archaeology, 239-241 — art. 240-241 Press-working of metals, 291 Preston, T., 201, 202 Preyer. W.. 56 Price, E. D. 43 — and Lee Company, Newark, 448 Prideaux, S. T., 347 Primary education, 151-153 Primitive music, 377 — religion, 65 Prindle, E. J., 278 Pringle, A., 373 Printers, 316 Printing, 315-317 Pritchard, E., 264 Privat-Deschanel, A., 195 Probability, 182 Problems of poverty, 105 Producer-gas, 332 Production. 120-123 Profit sharing. 104. 108, 115-116 Profits, IDS Progress and poverty, 115 — of the century, 42 Prohibition, 63 Projective geometry, 182, 184 Proof-reading. 316 Properties of matter. 194 Proportional representation, 94 Pros and cons, 74 Protection, 119-120 Protozoans. 269 Proverbs, 163 Providence directory, 449 — Public Library. 7 Pruning. 306 Prussia. K. Ministerium fiir Handel. Gewerbe und oflfentliche Arbeiten, 6. 24 , . . . . Psychic factors of civilization. 70 Psychology. 52-58 — ■ bibhography. 10 48o THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Psychology, experimental, 269 Publishers, 315 Puckle, G. H., 186 Pullen. W. W. R, 184 Pulling, F. S., 422 Pumping machinery, 290 Punctuation, 166 Punishment and reformation, 143 Punishments, 128 Putnam, G. H., 315, 317 — J. B., 315 Pylodet, L., 175 Q Qualitative analysis, 219-220 Quantitative analysis, 220-221 Quaternions, 182, 186 Quatrefages de Breau, A de, 242 Quick, R. H., 147 Quotations, 382-383, 386-388 R Rabbeno. U., 119 Race and language, 164 Racial characteristics, 52 Races of man, 241-243 Radio-activity, 178 Rae, J., 117 Ratter. G. W., 302 Rahill, J. J., 123 Railroad economics, 157-158 — officials, directory 318 — rates, 158 — securities, 114 Railroads, 318-319 — bihliography, 18 Railway atlas, 399 — engineering, 295-296 — officials, 319, 410 — problems, 158 Rambaud, A. N., 427 Ramsay, W., 416 — W., FRS., 221 Rand. B,, 13, 48 — iSIcNally & Co., 389. 400 — McNally bankers' directory, 112 Rankine, W. J. M., 197, 282, 284, 285 Rare books, 46-47 Ratzel, F.. 242 Ravenstein, E. G., 393, 394 Rawson, C., 333 Raymond, C. W., 25 Reader's guide in economic, social and political science, 11 to contemporary literature, 3 -to periodical literature, 5 — handbook of famous names in fiction. 41 Reading and aids, 35-36 Ready reckoners. 322 Reagents, chemical, 217 Real estate directory, 115 Reality, 49 Reber. F. von, 360 Receipt books, 277 Receipts, printing. 316 Reciprocity, 120 Recitation, 150 Recitations, index, 27 Reclus, E., 226, 393, 394 Red book textile directory, 344 Reddall, H. F., 39 Reddaway, W. F., 98 Redgrave, G. R., 368 — R., 368 Redman, H. N., 376 Redwood, Sir B., 331 Reed, C. A., 272 Reeve, H., 84 Reference books, guides, 7, 36 References for literary workers, 2 Referendum, 94 Reformation, 419 Reformers' year book, 105 Refrigeration, 290 Reid, D., 283 — H. A., 352 — J. S., 283 Rein, W., 146 Reinsch, P. S., 95 Religion, 65-69 — bibliography, 10 Religious wars, 419-420 Remsen, I., 210, 213, 222 Renaissance, 418 — in Italy, 81 Renaut, F. W., 27 Rensselaer, N. Y., directory, 445 Rents, 105 Repairing, 346 Repertoire bibliographique des sciences mathematiques, 18, 33 Repertorium der technischen Journal- Litteratur, 24 — der technischen Literatur, 24 Reptiles, 271 Review of reviews, 4 Reye, T., 184 Rhees, W. J., 9. 10 Rhetoric. 382 Rhode Island directory, 449 Rhodes, J. F., 438 Ribot, T., 52, 53, 57 Rich, W. H., 273 Richards, Mrs. E. H. S., 216, 310, 311, 312 — J. W„ 337 Richardson, C. F., 384 — Charles, 133 — Clififord, 331 — E. C, 33 — M. T., 346 — T., 324 Richet, C. R., 33 Richmond. H. D., 309 Richter, V. von, 223 Rideal. S.. 301, 302 Ridgeway, W., 159 Ridgway, R.. 272. 273 Riemann, H., 376 Ries, H., 234 Rieth, Dr., 24 Rietz, H. L., 245, 308 Riis, J. A., 77 Rines, G. E., 37 Ringwalt, R. C, 74, 75 Ripley. W. Z., 21, 158, 242 Ri>tccn, A. D.. 209 Ritchie, D. G., 89 Ritter, C, 395 River transportation, 158 Rivers, 228, 298 INDEX 481 Rix, W. P., 332 Roads, 297 Roberts-Austen. Sir W. C, 336, 337 Robertson, G. C, 63 — J. M., 109 Robinson, B. L., 255 — C. M., 136 — S. W., 291 — W., 361, 362 Rochester directory, 449 Rockford, 111., directory, 449 Rocks, 231 Rodway, J., 239 Roe, E. T., 322 Rogers, J. E., 255, 269 — J. E. T., 79, 108 Roget, J. L. 169 — P. M., 169 Rohrig, E., 276 Rollins, M., 114 Roman literature, 388 Romance of industry, 279 Romanes, G. J., 53, 245, 246, 267 Rome, 415-416 — ■ biography, 404 — colonization, 95 — customs, 160 — empire. 416 — mythology-, 69 Romero, M., 436 Romilly, H. H., 454 Ronald, M., 311 Ronalds, Sir P., 19 Rood, O. N., 201 Roofs, 29s Roosevelt. T., 441 Rorer, Mrs. S. T., 257 Roscoe, Sir H. E., 211, 212 Rose, G. M., 406 — J., 287. 291 — J. H., 422 — N. Jonssow, 361 Rosenhain. W., 332 Rosenkranz, J. K. F., 145 Ross, E. A., 71 Rossiter, W., 179 Rothwell, R. P., 292 Rouaix, P., 368 Rouech, A. E., 313 Rousseau, J. J., 89, 145, 148 Routh, E. J.. 198 Routledge, R., 280 Rowe, L. S., 133 Rowntree, B. S., 109 Royce, J., 48. 60 Rubber. 345 Riibencamp, R., 334 Rugs, 370 Ruhmer, E. W., 206 Rusby, H. H., 253 Ruskin, J., 60, 73, 99, 358, 360, 363. 368, 372 Russell. H. B., 113 — H. L, 301 — I. C, 227, 228 — X, 148 — T., 229 Russia, 427 — social life, 82 Sabin, A. H., 334 Sachs, J. von, 251 — K., 175 St. Joseph, Mo., directory, 450 St. Louis directory, 450 St. Paul directory, 450 Saintsbury, G. E. B.. 385, 387 Salisbury, R. D., 225, 226 Salmon, L. M., 109 Salomon, O., 151 Salt Lake City directory, 450 Salter, C., 330, 342 Salvation Army, 68 Samoa, 455 Sampson & Murdock Co., Boston, 449, 451 Sanders, L. C, 403 Sandys, J. E., 416 Sanford, E. C., 56 San Francisco directory, 450 Sanitary engineering. 299-303 Sanitation, 299 Santayana, G., 58 Sardinia, art, 360 Sargent, C. S., 256 Saunders. W., 270 Sawyer. F. H., 454 Say, L.. loi Sayce, A. H., 164, 414, 415 Scandinavia, 427-428 Scandinavian literature, 387 Schafer, E. A., 263 Scheiner, J., 189 Scheler, A., 174 Schem, A. J., 146 Schenck, H., 249 Scherer, W., 386 Scherl, August, Berlin, 424 Schierbrand, W. von, 81 Schimper, A. F. W., 254 Schlick. W., 307 Schlomann, A., 275 Schloss, D. F., 108 Schmatolla, E.. 302 Schmeckebier. L. P., 19 Schmidt, L, 172 — O., 260 Schnabel, C, 336 Schneider, A., 256 Scholz, F., 52 Schonland, S., 245 School directories, 149 — law. 154 — management. 149-151 Schooling, J. H., 156 Schorlcmmer, C, 211, 223 Schouler, J., 128, 437 Schroer, A.. 172 Schubarth, E. L.. 24 Schulze-Gaevernitz, G. von, 105 Schwegler, A., 49 Schweinfurth, G., 432 Scidmore. E. R.. 454 Science, bibliography, 18-23 — history, 180-181 — ■ philosophy. 178 — teaching. 152-153, 180 Scientific American, 37 cyclc^Kdia. 277 referv-nce book, 38 482 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Scientific dictionaries, 179 — explorations, 237-238 — London, 45 — societies, 45-46 Scientists, 409-410 Scobel, A., 394, 398 Scotland, 422 — biography, 404 Scott, C. A.', 186 — D. H., 234 — E. H., 128 — F. N., 166 — R- 177 — W. D., 322 Scripture. E. W.. 165 Scruggs, W. L., 452 Scudder. V. D., 80 Sears, E. H., 91 Seattle directory, 450 Sedgwick, A.. 260, 261, 265 — W. T., 23s Seeger and Guernsey's cyclopaedia, 281 Seeley, L., 154 Seidell, A., 214 Seignobos, C, 91 Selbie, J. A., 65, 67 Selden, F. H., 151. 347 Select documents illustrative of the his- tory of the United States, 128 Selections and documents in economics. 118 Seligman, E. R. A., 100, 118 Senators, election, 94 Sennett, R.. 287 Sensation, 54 Sense perceptions, 56 Servants, 313 Serviss, G. P., 190, 191 Settlements, social. 73, 75 Severance, H. O., 9 Sewage, 301-302 Sexual selection. 246 Seyffert, O.. 416 Seymour, M.. 2 Shad well. A., 120 Shafer. J. A., 255 Shaler. N. S.. 84, 226, 227, 243 Shamel, C. H., 294 Shann. G.. 108 Sharp. J., 340 — R. F., 404 Shaw, A., 133, 134 — T.. 308 Sheet-metal. 340 Slicll liook, 269 Shipley, A. E., 245, 260, 261 Shipping world year book, 320 Shoe and leather reporter annual, 342 Shoes, 347 Shore. T. W., 242 Short. C, 177 — J- T., 243 Shorthand. 314 Shrubs, 255 Siberia. 431 Sidgwick, A., 59 — H., 60. 61, 90 Sight, 201 Silk. 34.1 Silver, 337 Silvcrsmithing. 340 Silverwork, 367 Simcox, E. J., 78 Simmonds, F., 366 Simpson. H. F. M., 240 Singer, L, 69 Single tax, 115 Singleton. E.. 371, 376 Sioux City directory. 450 Skeat. W. W., 166, '167 Skottowe, B. C., 98 Slang, 170-171 Slater. J. H., 47, 372 Sleep, 52 Slingo. \Y., 205 Sloane. T. O.. 202, 203 — W. M.. 93 Sloss. R. T.. 297 Smart. W.. 98, 99, 105 Smelting, electric, 2.09 Smith. A. M., 316 — Adam, 65, 100 — Alexander, 180 — B. E., Z-], 399 — C, 186 — C. B., 303, 309 — C. J.. 169 — D. E., 182 — E. F.. 223 — G. A., 307 — G. B., 280 ~ H. I., Ill — H. P., 39 — J-. 254 — J. Bucknall. 340 — John Bernhard. 270 — L., 174 — N. A., 151, 152 — O., 340 — R. Mayo, 87 — R. S., 193 — W., ,398, 404, 416 — Sir W., 177 — W. R., 217 Smithells, A., 223 Smithsonian Institution, 9. 10, 229 — Bureau of American Ethnology. 9. 21 — meteorological tables. 229 Smoke prevention, 302 Smythe. W. E., 305 Snodgra'^s, W.. 264 Snyder. C.. 158 Soap. 334 Soards Directory Co., New Orleans, 448 Social conscience, 62 — England, 80 — ethics, 59-63 — evolution. 70 — ideals in English letters. 80 — justice, 62-74 — progress, 74 — psychology, 52 — sciences, 69-163 — settlements, 73, 75 bibliography. 12 — statics, 70 — unrest, 104 — year book. 74 Socialism, 116-118 — bibliography. 13 .Socialist movements, 104 Societies, handbook. 45 Society, primitive. 76-78 — of Chemical Industry. 27 INDEX 483 Society of Telegraph Engineers, 19 Sociologists, 77. 407-408 Sociology, 69-163 — bibliography, 11-18 Soils, 231, 304-30S — analysis, 217 Solar system, 190, 228 Solberg. T., 387 Solid geometry. 184 Sollas, H. B. C., 227 — W. J., 227 Solomon Islands, 455 Solubility, 214 Sombart, W., 117 Sonnenschein, W. S., 3 Sonnenschein's cyclopedia of education. 146 Sonle. R., 169 Sound, 57, 201 South Africa, 432 South America, 451-453 commerce, 157 South Dakota gazetteer, 443 South End House, Boston, 84, 85 Southern States, 439 Southward, J., 315 Space, 178 — analysis. 182 Spahr, C. B., 102 Spain. 426-427 — social life, 82 Spalding, F. P., 350 — H. M.. 131 Spanish language, 176 — literature, 387-388 Spanton, J. H., 185 Spargo, J., 116 Specifications, 281, 351 Spectroscopy, i8g Spectrum analysis, 202 Spencer, H., 60, 70, 71, 145. 236 Spherical astronomy, 189 Spiers, A.. 17s — v., 175 Spiller, G., 54 Spiritualism, 51 Spon, E., 275, 277, 282 — F. N., 275 — E. & F. N.. 349 Spons' dictionary of engineering, 282 — • encyclopaedia of the industrial arts. 27s — mechanics' own book, 349 Sport, 378-380 Sprague, O. M. W., 112 Springfield, III. directory, 450 Springsteed, A'. F.. 312 Spruner von Merz, K., 398 Stained glass, 371 Stalev. C, 192 Stallybrass, J. S., 68 Stammhammer. J., 12, 13 Standage, H. C, 334, 355 Standard dictionary, 168 — Oil Company. 122 Stanford. E., 401 Stanford dictionary. 167 Stanford's compendium of geography and travel, 417 Stanley, H, M., 432 Stansbie, J. H.. 340 Stanwood, E., 120 Starling, E. H., 223 — F. A., 223 Starr, F., 239 Stars, 188, 191 State directories and gazetteers, 441- 444 See also names of states — ethics, 62 — form of, 93-94 — government, 137 — theory, 89-90 Statesman's year-book, 43 Statesmen. 91 Statham, H. H., 363, 366 Statics, 198 Stationary engineers of Chicago, 286 Statistical abstract of the United States, 88 Statistics, 86-89 — of women at work, 162 Statutes, 129-130 Steam. 286 — boilers, 288 — engine, 283, 285 ■> — engineering, 286-288 — tables, 200 — turbines, 287-288 Stebbing, T. R. R., 269 Steel. 336, 341, 351 — construction, 365 Steele, F. M., 313 Steiner, E. A., 97 Steinmetz, C. P., 208 Stephen, L., 60, 179, 404 Stephens, H. M., 427 Stereochemistry, 214 Sternberg, G. M., 258 Stevens, H. J., 292 — T., 287 Stewart, B., 202 Stielcr, A.. 401 Stillman, T. B,, 217 Stirling, J. H., 49, 64 Stocks and bonds, 113-114 Stodola, A., 288 Stohmann, F., 326 Stokvis, A. M. H. J., 393 Stone, T. W., 199 — mining, 292 Storage batteries, 209 Storer, F. H., 303 Stormonth, J., 168, 236 Story, A. T., 83 — W. H., 200 Stoughton, B., 336 Stout. G. F., 54 Strasburger, E., 249, 254 Stratton, S. S., 377 Street, E. E., 82 Street cleaning, 302 — pavements. 297 — railway investments, 158 — railways, 296, 318 Stringed instruments, 378 Strong, H. A., 164 Stroud, F., 125 Strunsky, S., 36 Struthers, J.. 292 Stubbs, A. J., 206 — W., 126 Stuckenberg, J. H. 'W., 71 Sturgis, R., 27. 359, 363. 364 484 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Sturm, M. J., 366 Suess, E., 227 Suffolk and Berkshire, H. C. Howard, i8th earl of, 378 Suffrage, 94 Sully, J., 52, 54, 56 Sulphuric acid. 327 Sulz, C. H., 329 Sumner, W. G., 159 Sun, igi Suplee, H. H., 5 Surface features of the earth, 228-229 Survey gazetteer of the British Isles, 422 Surveying. 192-193, 352 Sutherland, G., 280 Sutton, F., 221 Svenska vetenskaps-akademien, Stock- holm, 138 Sveriges statskalender, 138 Swan, H., 386 Sweden. 427-428 — social life, 82 ^— year book, 138 Swedish-English dictionaries. 173 Swedish gymnastics, 151 Sweet, H., 166, 170 Switzerland, 428 — constitutional history, 126 — government, 92 — labor, 106 — social life, 82-83 Sykes, W. J., 329 Symonds, J. A., 81 Synonyms, 169 — French, 175 — ■ German, 172 Synoptical flora of North America. 255 Syracuse directory, 451 Syria, 414 Taggart, W. S., 344 Taine, H. A., 81, 386 Tait, P. G., 186. 194, 195 Talbot, H. P., 221 Talbott, E. H., 318 Tanger. G., 172 Tankard, A. R., 215 Tapestry 370 Tarbell, I. M., 122 Tariff, 1 19-120 Tarleton, F. A., 198 Tarr, R. S.. 227, 231 Taschenberg, E. L., 260 — O., 23 Taussig, F. W., 99, 120 Taxation, 118-119 ■ — municipal, 136 Tavlor, A. J. Wallis, 290 Taylor. C. F.. 86 — I., 242, 396 — J- E.. 253 — R. W. C, 122 Tea, 30s Teaching. See Education Teall. F: II.. 166 Technical diction.iries, 274-276 — literature, indexes, 5-6 Technological and scientific dictionary 274 Technologisches Worterbuch. 276 Technologists, 280 Technology, 274-355 — bibliography. 23-27 Telegraph, 205-206 Telephone, 205 Telescopes, 188. 189 Temperance, 63 Temperature-entropy table, 286 Tenement house problem, log Tenements, 107, 109 Terrestrial magnetism, 209 Terry, H. L., 345 Tests, chemical, 217 Teuffel, W. S., 388 Teutonic mythology, 68 Textile fabrics, 333 — world record, 344 — w^orld's directory of the mill trade, 344 Textdes. 343-345 Theal, G. M., 432 Theatre, 379 Theory of equations, 184 — of functions, 187 Thermo-chemistry, 212 Thermodynamics, 198, 202, 213, 283 — bibliography. 19 Thesaurus dictionary of the English language, 167 — of English words and phrases, 169 Thieme. U., 361 Thilly, F., 154 Thom & Co., Alex., Dublin, 423 Thomas, A., 174 — J-- 403 — T., 377 Thomas Publishing Co., 338 Thomas' register of American manu- facturers, 338 Thompson, D'A. W., jr., 23 — G. F.. 25 — J- D-, 33. 45 — I-. C. D., 45 — S. P., 201, 203, 207 Thomson. J. A., 246 — J. J.. 204 — Sir C. W., 238 — W. See Kelvin, W. Thomson, 1st baron Thorne. R., 39 — W. W., 313 Thorp, F. H., 325 — W.. 324 Thorpe. M., 429 — T. E.. 222. 232, 326 Threlfall, R.. 215 Thurston. R. H., 159, 199, 287, 288, 350 Thwaites. R. G.. 440 Thwing. C. F., 154 Tides, 191 Tilden, W. A., 212 Tillinghast, W. H., 393 Tillson. G. W., 297 Timber, 307 Times, London, annual index. 45 Tingle. J. B., 202 Titchener, E. B.. 48. 54. 60 Tocqueville. A. de, 84 Todd, D. P.. 188 Todhunter, I., 183. 184, 198 Toledo directory. 451 Tolhausen, A., 276 INDEX 485 Tolhausen, L., 174, 276 Tolman. E. B., 135 — W. H., 141 Tolstoi. L. N., 356 Tools, 291 Topographical surveying, 192-193 Toronto directory, 435 Torrey, B., 236, 314 Torrey Botanical Club, New York, 22 Toynbee, A., 103 — P., 175 Tozer, H. J., 89 Trade, ISS-IS9 Trade-unions, 104-105. no — bibliography, 13 Trades, 345-348 — waste, 302 Trail, J. W. H., 306 Traill, H. D., 80 Transcendental idealism, 65 Transportation, 318-320 Tratman, E. E. R., 295 Travelers, 396 Travelers', shippers' and mail guide, 319 Travis, T., 51 Treadwell, A.. 209 Trechmann, E., 172 Trees, 255-256 Tregarthen. G., 45^ Trent, W. P., 384" Trevelyan, Sir G O.. bart., 439 Tribune almanac, 40 Tricks, 379 Trigonometry, 184 Trotman, S. R., 217 Trow Directory, Printing and Book- binding Co.. New York, 448 Trowbridge, J., 204 Triibner, K., 154 Trusts, 123 Tsountas, C, 417 Tuckerman, A., 19 Tufts. J. H., 49 Tupper, H. A., 68 Turbines, 287-289 Turkey, 429, 431 — social life, 83 Turneaure, F. E., 295. 301 Turner. G. C, 182 Turning lathes, 291 Tweney, C. P., 274 Two centuries' growth of American law, 132 Tyler, M. C, 384 Tylor, E. B., 77, 243 Tyndall, J.. 201, 202, 228 Typography, 315 U Ueberweg, P., 49 Ulzer, P., 217 Understanding, 56 Underwood. L. M., 257 Unemployed. 109 Unions See Trade-unions United States, 436-451 — agriculture, 304 — altitudes, 230 — annual industry, 308 — banking, 112 — biliography, 1-2 — biography, 405-407 United States booksellers, 317 — cement industry, 350 — census, 88 — ceramics, 366 — charities, 141 — civil war, 439 — colonial history, 438-439 — colonies, 96, 441 — commercial directory, 283 — communistic societies, 117 — constitutional history, 127-128 — copyright, 317 — economic conditions, 103 — education. 1487I49 — finance, 119 — flora, 255-256 — foreign relations, 97-98 — government, 92-93, 136-137 — historical geography, 397 — horticulture, 305-306 — hotels. 310 — irrigation, 305 — journalism, 45 — labor, 106-107 — law. 132 — libraries. 34 — manufactures. 281. 338 — merchant marine. 158 — Mexican war, 439 — mineral resources, 2CJ2-294 — mining law, 293-294 — monopolies, 123 — municipal government, 134-136 — navigation, 319 — navy, 138-139 — painting, 371 — physical geography, 228 — presidents, 408 — public documents, catalogues, 14-16 — railroads. 319, 399 — science, 181 — social life, 84-85 — socialism, 117 — statistics, 88-89 — statutes. 129 — street railways, 158-159, 318 — tariff history, 120 — taxation. 118 — universities, 154 United States (government bodies) — Civil Service Commission, 133 — Commission of Fish and Fisheries, 309 — Congress. 98, 129 — Constitittional Convention. 1787. 128 — Department of Agriculture, 25-26, 304 • Division of Entomology, 23, 25 Division of Publications, 25, 26 Library, 26 Office of Experiment Stations, 25-26 — Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Labor. 109 Bureau of Statistics, 88 Bureau of the Census. 88. 89. 137- 142. 162, 205. 207. 293, 296. 338 — Department of Labor. 14 — Department of the Interior. Bureau of Education. 17, 34 Census Office. 88 Geological Survey, 20-21, 234. 293 486 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY United States Patent Office, 278, 279 — Government Printing Office. Super- intendent of Documents, 14, 15, 16, — laws, statutes, etc., 103, 294 — Library of Congress, 2, 14, 33 Division of Bibliography, 9, 18. 30 — National Museum, 9 — Navy Department. Hydrographic Of- fice, Division of Chart Construction, 320 — Post Office Department, 137 — Treasury Department, Coast and Geodetic Survey, 18 — Immigration Investigating Commis- sion, 97 — War Department, Engineers, 25 United States catalog, 2 — official register, 137 — ■ textile directory, 343 Universal cyclopsdia, 40 — directory of railway officials, 319 — electrical directory, 203 Universe. 190 University education, 154 — settlements, 73, 75 Unvi'in, W. C, 199, 285, 350 Upington, G., Brooklyn, 445 Urquhart, J. W., 207, 208 Utah gazetteer, 444 V Value. 99 Van Beneden, P. J., 268 Van Cleve, B. F., 274 Vanderwelde, E., 73 Van Liew, C. C 55 Van Nostrand's Chemical annual, 212 Vapereau, G., 403 Varnishes. .333-334 Veblen, T. B., 99 Vector analysis, 182 Vega, G. Freiherr von, 183 Vegetable chemistry, 223 — fats, 330 — gardening, 308 — mould, 269 — physiology, 252 — sulistances. analysis, 219 Veiller, L., 109 Velasquez de la Cadena, M., 176 Venezuela, 452 Ventilation, 302, 354 Verbalist, 171 Verfasser. J., 374 Vernon-Harcourt, L. F., 282, 283, 298, 299 Vertebrates, 271-274 Verworn, M.. 263 Vetenskaps-akademien, Stockholm, 138 Vialls, M. A., 426 Village-communities, 93 Villari, Luigi, 81 Villatte, C, 175 Vincent, B., 42 — J. M., 92 Vinegar, 329 Vines, 255 Vines, S. H., 251 Vinycomb, J., 47 Violins, 378 Viollet-le-Duc E. E., 363, 365, 368 Virginia, 439 — directory, 444 Vivarium, 261 Vivian. A,, 304 Voice, 378 Volcanoes, 227 Volumetric analysis, 220-221 Vries, H. de, 252 w Wage-earners' budgets, 109 Wages, 99. 104- lOS, 108 Wagner, R. von, 324, 325 Wait, J. C, 352 Wale, W., -^86 Walford, E., 63 Walker, A. J., 222 — F. A., 100, III, 113 — J., 212, 213 — T. A., 125 Wall, E. J., 373 Wallace, A. R.. 190, 236, 246, 268, 453 — Sir D. M.. 82 — H. E.. 114 — W., 58 Wallas, G., 105 Wallaschek, R., 377 Waller. E., 220 Wallis-Tayler, A. J., 290 Walmslev, R. M., 205 — W. H., 375 Walsh, W. S.. 42, 160 Wanklyn, J. A., 218 War, 138-139 Ward, H. M., 252, 307 — J- 369 — L. F., 70, 71 — R. D., 230 Ware, F., 147 — L. S., 329 Waring, G. E., jr., 302 Warman, P. C, 20 Warn, R. H., 340 Warner, A. G., 141 — F., 151 Wars of religion, 419-420 Washburn, M. F., 60 Washington, B. T., 85 Washington (City) directory, 451 — (State) gazetteer, 444 Wasps, 270 Watch making. 346 Water. 216. 231 — analysis, 216, 218 — power, 199-200, 207, 289, 298 — purification, 301 Waters, C. E., 256 ^ C. E. C:, 361 Water-supply engineering, 301 Waterways, 158. 298 Water-works companies, 300 Watson, J., 65 — W., 195 Watt, A., 342, 343 Watts, H., 324 Waukesha directory, 451 Wayte, W., 416 Wealth, 08-102 — and moral law, 62 — of nations, lOO Weather. 229 INDEX 487 Weathers, J., 362 Weaving, 343 Webb, B., no ■ — S., no Weber, C. O., 345 Webster, N., 168 Weddige, A., 210 Weed. W. H., 232, 294 Weeks, F. B., 20-21 Wegele, F. X., 405 Wegmann, E., 299 Wegweiser durch die neuere Litteratur der Rechts-und Staatswissenschaften, II Weidinger, G., 326 Weights and measures, 159 Weisbach, J., 285 Weismann, A., 245, 246 Weiby, F. A., 379 Weld, L.G., 182 Welfare institutions, 104 Wellman, M., 269 Wells, D. A., 102 — H. L., 214, 219 — P. P., 29 Wendell, B., 81 Wenstrom, E., 173 Wentworth, G. A., 183 Werge, J., 374 Werner, A., 214 West Indies, 436 West Virginia gazetteer, 444 Westermarck, E., 161 Western States, 441 Wheatley, H. B., 32 Wheeler, B. I., 164 — C. G., 40, 347 — G^ M., 19 — W. A., I, 40 Where to look, 36 Whitaker, J., 43 White, G., 369 — H., 112 — R. G., 166, 167 — Sir W. H., 295 Whitney, W. D., 37, 164, 170, 173 Who's who, 405 Who's who in America, 406 Who's who in New York City and state, 406 Who wrote it? i Wickett. S. M., loi Wicksteed, C. M.. 105 Wiedersheim, R. E. E., 266 Wiggin, K. D., afterwards Riggs, 152 Wight, O. W., 64 Wigley, T. B., 340 Wilcox, D. F., 133, 134 — E. v., 303, 309 Wiley, H. W., 217, 312 Willey, A., 271 Williams, C. R., 112 — G. S.. 200 — H. Shaler, 234 — H. Smith, 181 — S. C., no — S. W., 83 — W. C., 213 Williams & Co., 443 Williams Directory Company, Cincin- nati, 446 Williamson, B., 198 Williamson, G. C, 372 Willis, H. P., 96, 120 Willoughby, W. F., 96, 108 — W. W., 74, 90 Wilson, E. B., 235, 247 — E. H., 253 — E. L., 373 — H., 367 — H. M., 192 — J., 166 — J. G., 405, 408 — L. N., 18 — M. E., 55 — W., 91 Wilson Company, H. W., Minneapolis, 2, 3, 5 Winchell, S. R. 441 Windelband, W., 49 Windle. B. C. A., 239 Wines. F. H., 63, 143 Wing, H. H., 309 Winkelmann, A., 210 Winnebago County, 111., directory, 449 Winning of the West, 441 Winsor, J., 29, 397, 433, 439 Wire. 340 Wireless telegraphy. 206 — telephony, 206 Wiring, 208 Wiscon<;in gazetteer, 444 Wise, M. E., 152 Woman, 73, 161-162 — education, 154 — employment, 103, 108 — suffrage. 94 Woman's share in primitive culture, yy Wood, D.. 289 Wood, 341 — carving, 366 — distillation, 329 — engraving, 372 Woodhead, G. S., 259 Woodman, A. G., 216 Woods. F. H., 428 — F. S., 185 — H., 235 — R. A., 73. 80. 84, 8s Woodward, M. F., 265 — R. S., 182. 192 Woodworking. 151, 346-347. 353 Woodworth, J. V., 341 Wool, 345 Woolhouse. W. S. B., 159 Woolsey. T. D., 90, 125 Wooster. D.. 250 Worcester, D. C, 454 — E., 50 — J. E., 168 Workingmen's insurance, 108 Workshop receipts, 277 — re-construction. 278 World almanac. 40 — and the individual. 48 Worms, 269 Worsaae. J. J. A., 240 Worterbuch der Volkswirtschaft. loi Worthen. W. E.. 369 Wright, A. G., Milwaukee, 447, 451 — C. D., 71, 103 — C. R. A., 330 — G. F., 431 — H. M., 454 488 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Wright, J., 208 — Joseph. 170 — L., 201, 202 — M. O., 273 — W. A., 64 Wundt, W.. 54, ss, 60 Wurtz, A., 211 Wyer, J. I., jr., 17 — S. S., 332 Wyoming directory, 444 Yale University. Law School. 132 Yearbook of photography, 374 Yeasts. 257 Yeats. J.. 280 Yonge. C. D., 177 Youmans. W. J.. 181 Young, C. A., 188 — F. Chilton, 353 Young. J. J., 367 — J. W. A., 182 Zaehnsdorf, J. W.. 348 Zahm, J. A., 201 Zeller, E., 49, 64 Zenker, E. V., 118 Zerr, G., 334 Ziegler, H. E., 261 Ziehen, T., 55 Zimmermann, A., 248 Zinc, 337 Zittel, K. A. Ritter von, 226, 235 Ziwet. A., 198 Zoogeography. 268 Zoologisches Worterbuch, 261 Zoology, 259-274 — - bibliography. 22-23 Zueblin. C, i-?5 // UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. i