UC-NRLF B ^ 7D3 IDS M:^! (( OF THE ^ (( \imymsiTt )) ^J^BAi?y SCHOOi USEFUL REFERENCE SERIES. NO. 14. TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN BIBLIOGRAPHIES AND BY THE BOOK AND PRINTING TRADES. TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN BIBLIOGRAPHIES AND BY THE BOOK AND PRINTING TRADES BY AXEL MOTH (FORMING A SUPPLEMENT TO F. K. WALTERS ABBREVIATIONS AND TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN BOOK CATALOGS AND IN BIBLIOGRAPHIES.) BOSTON THE BOSTON BOOK COMPANY 1915 LIBRABY SCHOOL 6 Portions of this Compilation have been published in The Bulletin of Bibliography during 1912 to 1916. The Riverdale Press, Brookline, Mass., U.S.A. PREFACE The present publication forms part of a more extensive unpublished piece of work undertaken a number of years ago, and will now serve as a supplement to F. K. Walter's "Abbreviations and Technical Terms used in Book Catalogues and Bibliographies," published in Boston in 1912. The original manuscript was planned somewhat differently, and included library terms, now published separately. Changes in the arrangement were made necessary in order to make it uniform with the work "it now supplements. Terms already in Mr. Walter's work, are, with a few exceptions, omitted here. In the compilation numerous works on bibliography, printing, and binding have been consulted, as well as periodicals relat- ing to these subjects. Several foreign librarians have given me their kind assistance in cases where I was unable to find the terms. Thus a number of Dutch terms were supplied by Dr. H. Greve and Mr. R. van der Meulen, Italian by Dr. Eugenio Rossi, Spanish by Mrs. Figarola Caneda, and Swedish by Dr. Isak Collijn. Mr. F. K. Walter, who is the compiler of the Latin list, a field left untouched by me, iviGC52227 has given valuable assistance in the final preparation of the work by contributions, especially of French and German abbrevia- tions and terms. To him and to the above mentioned librarians I hereby express my sincere thanks. Their contributions have added to what there is of value in the work. For its shortcomings I am solely responsible. VI CONTENTS PAGE Preface v English Terms with equivalents in Danish, Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish ... 1 Danish Terms 87 Dutch Terms 106 French Terms 126 German Terms 151 Italian Terms 176 Latin Terms 200 Spanish Terms 227 Swedish Terms 245 VI 1 Abbreviations Used . bibliography; — bb. bookbinding; — bo. book- trade; — e. engraving; — pa. paper; — pi. plural; — pr. printing; — Stand. Diet. Standard Dictionary of the English Language; — Webster. Webster's International Dictionary of the English Language. ENGLISH abstract or summary or synopsis. Dan. Kompendium ; Du. kort begrip, overzicht; compendium; Fr. abrege; sommaire; Ger. Kompendium; //. com- pendio, sommario; Sp. compendio, re- sumen; Sw. kompendium. acrostic. Dan. Navnedigt, Akrostichon; Du. naam- dicht; Fr. acrostiche; Ger. Namenge- dicht; //. acrostico; Sp. poema acros- tico; Sw. namndikt, akrostikon. act. Part of a play. Dan. Akt; Du. bedrijf; Fr. acte; Ger. Aufzug; //. atto; Sp. acto; Sw. akt. advance sheets or early copies, (bo.) Sample sheets of a book, issued in advance as an advertisement. Dan. Udhsengsark ; Du. schoone bladen; Fr. bonnes feuilles, feuilles d'auteur; Ger. Aushangebogen ; //. fogli impagi- nati; Sp. hojas de autor; Sw. rentryckt ark. advertisement. Dan. Avertissement ; Du. advertentie, aankondiging; Fr. annonce; Ger. In- serat, Anzeige, Annonce; //. annunzio; Sp. aviso; Sw. annons. 1 TECHNICAL TERMS all published or no more published, (b.) Dan. mere udkom ikke; Du. alles wat verscheen; Fr. tout ce qui a paru; Ger. soweit erschienen; //. fin qui; non si 6 pubblicato altro; Sp. todo publicado; Sw. allt utgifvet. alliteration. The repetition of the same letter at the beginning of two or more words immediately succeeding each other, or at short intervals. Webster. Dan. Bogstavrim; Du. stafrijm; Fr. alUte- ration; Ger. Stabreim; //. alHterazione; ' 5/). aliteracion ; 5w. stafrim, alliteration. also under the title, (b.) Dan. ogsaa med Titel; Dii. ook onder den titel; Fr. aussi sous le titre; Ger. auch unter dem Titel; //. anche sotto ii titolo; Sp. tambien con el titulo; Sw. ocksa med titel, afven med titel. annotation. A remark, note or commentary on some passage of a book, intended to illustrate its meaning. Webster. Dan. Anmaerkning; Dii. aanteekening; Fr. annotation; Ger. Anmerkung; //. annotazione; Sp. anotacion; Sw. an- markning. annotator or commentator. Dan. Kommentator, Fortolker; Die. aan- teekenaar; Fr. annotateur, commen- tateur; Ger. Erlauterer, Kommentator; It. annotatore, commentatore ; Sp. ano- tador. comentador; Sw. anmarkare, utlaggare, kommentator. 2 ENGLISH annual or yearly. Dan. aarlig; Du. jaarlijksch; Fr. annuel; Ger. jahrlich; //. annuale; Sp. anual; Sw. arlig. annual report. See report, annual. appendix or supplement. Dan. Bilag, Tillseg, Supplement; Du. aanhangsel, bijvoegsel; Fr. appendice, supplement; Ger. Anhang, Beilage, Er- ganzung, Nachtrag; //. appendice, sup- plemento; Sp. apendice, suplemento; Sw. bihang, supplement, tillagg. approval, on. (bo.) Dan. til Eftersyn; Du. op zicht, zichtzen- ding; Fr. a I'examen; sous condition; Ger. zur Ansicht, Ansichtssendung ; //. sotto condizione; Sp. condicionalmente, en comisi&n; Sw. till paseende, till benaget paseende. art of printing. Dan. Bogtrykkerkunst; Du. boekdruk- kunst; Fr. art typographique; Ger. Buchdruckerkunst ; //. arte dello stam- pare; Sp. arte de la imprenta; Siv. bok- tryckarkonst. at the author's expense or privately printed. (bo.) Dan. paa eget Forlag, trykt som Manu- skript ; Du. voor rekening van den schrij- ver, privaat uitgaaf; Fr. aux frais de I'auteur; Ger. Selbstverlag des Verfas- sers, Privatdruck; //. a spese dell' autore; Sp. por cuenta del autor; Sw. pa eget forlag. 3 TECHNICAL TERMS auction. See book auction, author. Dan. Forfatter; Du. auteur, schrijver; Fr. auteur; Ger. Verfasser, Schrift- steller; //. autore; Sp. autor; Sw. for- fattare. author's expense, at the. See at the author's expense, awarded a prize. Dan. prisbelonnet, Du. bekroond; Fr. couronne; Ger. gekront; //. premiato; Sp. premiado; Sw. prisbelont. B back, to. (bb.) To prepare the back of a book with glue, etc. Webster. Dan. saette Ryg i en Bog; Du. den rug van een boek maken; Fr. endosser; Ger. mit Riicken versehen; It. indossare; Sp. enlomar; Sw. forse med rygg. back of a book, (bb.) Dan. Bogryg; Du. rug van een boek; Fr. dos d'un livre ; Ger. Riicken eines Buches ; //. dorso; costola, schiena; Sp. lomo de un libro; Sw. bokrygg. back, loose, (bb.) Dan. los Ryg; Du. losse rug, vrije rug; Fr. dos brise, dos souple, reliure a I'alle- mande; Ger. loser Riicken; //. legatura flessibile; Sp. lomo hueco; Sw. los rygg. back, spring, (bb.) Dan. Knepryg; Du. veerende rug; Fr. dos k ressort; Ger. Sprungriicken; //. 4 ENGLISH dorso a scatto; Sp. lomo de resorte; Sw. fjaderrygg. back, tight, (bb.) Dan. fast Ryg; Du. vaste rug; Fr. dos rigide, dos adherent, dos ferme; Ger. fester Riicken; //. dorso rigido; Sp. lomo rigido; Sw. fast rygg. backing, (bb.) Preparing of the back of a book with glue, etc. Webster. Dan. Bogrygs Tildannelse; Du. het maken van den rug; Fr. endossure; Ger. Riickenbildung; //. indossatura; Sp. enlomado; Sw. bokryggs forfardigande. bands, raised, (bb.) The cords upon which the sheets of a volume are sewn. If the cords are not imbedded in the back of the sheets and thus show as ridges, they are called raised bands. Dan. ophojede Bind; Du. ribbenband; Fr. nerfs, nervures; Ger. erhabene Biinde; //. correggiuole ; Sp. nervios; Sw. upp- hojda bind, hoga bind. bastard-title or half-title or fly-title, (b.) A short title-page preceding the regular full title-page. Webster. Dan. Smudstitel, Halvtitel; Du. Fransche titel, voor-de-handsche titel; Fr. faux- titre; Ger. Schmutztitel, Vorsatztitel ; //. titolo falso, frontispizio falso, fron- tispizio morto, occhietto; Sp. falso frontis, falsa portada; Sw. smutstitel. battered letter, (pr.) See letter, battered. 5 TECHNICAL TERMS Bible. Dan. Bibel; Du. Bijbel; Fr. Bible; Ger. Bibel; //. Bibbia; Sp. Biblia; Sw. Bibel. bibliomaniac. Dan. Biblioman; Du. bibliomaan; boe- kengek; Fr. bibliomane; Ger. Biblioman, Biichernarr; //. bibliomano; Sp. bi- bliomane; Sw. biblioman. bibliophile. Dan. Bogelsker; Du. boekenlief hebber ; Fr. bibliophile; Ger. Biicherfreund; //. bibliofilo; Sp. bibliofilo; Sw. bibliofil. bid on a book. Dan. byde paa en Bog; Du. bieden op een boek; Fr. mettre une enchere sur un livre; Ger. fiir ein Buch offeriren; //. incantare su di un libro; Sp. ofrecer en un libro; Siv. bjuda pa en bok. bi-monthly. Occurring once in two months. Webster. Dan. hver anden Maaned; Du. tweemaan- delijksch; Fr. paraissant tons les deux mois; Ger. zweimonatlich ; //. bime- strale; Sp. bimestral; Sw. hvar annan manad. bind, to. (bb.) Dan. indbinde; Du. inbinden; Fr. relier; Ger. einbinden; //. legare; ^Z*. encuader- nar; Siu. binda in. binder or bookbinder. Dan. Bogbinder; Du. boekbinder; Fr. relieur; Ger. Buchbinder; //. legatore 6 ENGLISH di libri; Sp. encuadernador ; Sw. bok- bindare. binder's title. Dan. Rygtitel; Du. boekbinderstitel, rug- titel; Fr. titre du relieur; Ger. Riicken- titel; //. titolo del legatore; Sp. titulo del encuadernador; Sw. ryggtitel. bindery or bookbinder shop. Dan. Bogbinderi; Du. boekbinderij ; Fr. atelier de relieur; Ger. Buchbinderei; It. legatoria; Sp. taller de encuaderna- cion; Sw. bokbinderi. binding. Dan. Indbinding; Dti. band; Fr. reliure; Ger. Einband; //. legatura; Sp. encua- dernacion; Sw. inbindning. binding, worn. Dan. slidt Bind; Du. versleten band; Fr. reliure fatiguee; Ger. abgeniitzter Ein- band; //. legatura logora; Sp. encuader- naci&n muy usada; Sw. sliten inbind- ning. binding in boards. See boards, in. black letter, (pr.) The old English or modern Gothic letter in which the early Eng- lish books were printed. Dan. gammelt engelsk Frakturbogstav; Du. Duitsche letter; Fr. lettre de forme, lettre flamande ; Ger. altenglischer Buch- stabe; //. carattere gotico; Sp. letra de tortis; Sw. gammal engelsk frak- turstil. TECHNICAL TERMS blacks, (pr.) A space, quadrat or piece of furniture which rises and is imprinted on the sheet. Dan. Spis; Z)«. zwarte vlekken ; Fr. espace montee a Timpression; Ger. Spiess; //. spazi; Sw. spis. blank book. See book, blank. bleed, to. (bb.) To cut into the printed part of a book in trimming. Stand. Did. Dan. sksere en Bog ned saa meget at Teksten lider; Du. afsnijden met tekstverminking; Ger. mit Textverlust beschneiden; //. smarginare; Sp. cortar de modo que sufra lo impreso ; Sw. skara i stil. blind blocking. See blind tooling. blind tooling or blind blocking, (bb.) Dan. Bhndtryk; Du. bhnddruk op banden; Fr. fers a froid, ornements a froid; Ger. BHndpressung, BHnddruck; //. ornamenti a secco; Sp. estampadura en seco; Sw. bHndtryck. block-book, (b.) A book printed from en- graved blocks of wood. Webster. Dan. Blokbog; Du. houtblokdruk; Fr. Hvre xylographique ; Ger. Holztafel- druck, Blockbuch; //. Hbro xilografico; Sp. Hbro xilografico; Sw. blockbok. blotting paper. Dan. Klatpapir, Traekpapir; Du. vloei- papier; Fr. papier buvard; Ger. Losch- papier; //. carta sugante, carta asciu- gante; 5/>.papel secante; Sw. laskpapper. 8 ENGLISH boards, (bb.) Pasteboard sides for a book cover. Webster. Dan. Pappermer; Du. kartonnenband ; Fr. plats de carton; Ger. Pappdeckel; It. piatti in cartone ; Sp. tapas de cart&n ; Siv. papp-parmar. boards, in. (bb.) A book with pasteboard covers. Dan. stifthaeftet; Du. gecartonneerd ; Fr. cartonne; Ger. kartonniert, steif- broschiert; //. incartonato, cartonato; Sp. encartonado; Sw. styfhaftad, kar- tonnerad. boards, wooden, (bb.) Dan. Traebogpermer ; Du. houtband; Fr. plats de bois; Ger. Holzdeckel; //. piatti in legno; Sp. tapas de madera; Sw. traparmar. bodkin, (pr.) A sharp pointed instrument for picking type from a form in correct- ing. Stand. Diet. Dan. Aal; Du. correctie-els ; Fr. pointe; Ger. Ahle; It. lesina; Sp. punzon, punta; Sw. al. body type, (pr.) The type ordinarily used. Dan. Brodskrift, Vaerkskrift; Du. brood- letters; Fr. caracteres ordinaires; Ger. Brotschriften; //. tipi comuni; Sp. letra usual; Sw. vanlig tryckstil. bold faced t3rpe. See type, bold faced, book. Dan. Bog; Du. boek; Fr. livre; Ger. Buch; //. libro; Sp. libro; Sw. bok. 9 TECHNICAL TERMS book, blank. Dan. ubeskrevet Bog, Skrivebog; Du. onbeschreven boek; Fr.l ivre blanc; Ger. unbeschriebenes Buch; It. falso volume, libro bianco; Sp. libro en bianco; Siv. skrifbok. book, secondhand. Dan. brugt Bog; Du. tweedehandsch boek; Fr. livre d'occasion; Ger. antiquarisches Buch; //. libro d'occasione; Sp. libro de segunda mano; libro de ocasion, libro de lance ; Sw. an\ and bok. book of hours. A Roman Catholic prayer- book containing prayers to be repeated at stated times of the day. Webster. Dan. Tidebog; Dii. getijdenboek, getij- boek; Fr. livre d'heures, paire d'heures, heures; Ger. Stundengebete ; //. libro delle ore; Sp. libro de horas; Sw. hora- rium. book in quires. See book in sheets. book in sheets or book in quires, (bo.) A book not folded or bound. Amer. Diet, of Pr. Dan. Bog i Materie; Du. boek in Icsse bladen; Fr. livre en feuilles; Ger. rohes Exemplar; //. hbro in fogli; Sp. libro en rama; Sw. bok i exemplar, ohaftad bok. book-auction. Dan. Bogauktion; Du. openbare boek- verkooping, boekenveiling; Fr. vente publique de livres; Ger. Biicher-V'er- steigerung; //. asta libraria, vendita di 10 ENGLISH libri air asta; Sp. remate de libros, sub- asta de libros; Sw. bokauktion. bookbinder. See binder. bookbinder shop. See bindery. book collector. Dan. Bogsamler; Du. boekenverzamelaar; Fr. collectionneur de livres; Ger. Biicher- sammler; It. amatore di libri, coUettore di libri; Sp. colector de libros; Sw. boksamlare. book-compositor, (pr.) Dan. Varksaetter; Du. boekzetter; Fr. compositeur de livre; Ger. Werksetzer; //. compositore; Sp. cajista de libros. book-cover. See cover. bookdealer. See bookseller. book-fair. Dan. Boghandlermesse; Du. boekhandel- kermes; Fr. foire de librairie; Ger. Buch- handlermesse; //. fiera di libri; Sp. feriade libros; Sw. bokhandlaremessa. book-mark. Any object, as a ribbon, to be placed between or on the leaves of a book to mark a place for ready reference. Stand. Diet. Dan. Bogmaerke; Du. boekenlegger, leeswijzer; Fr. signet; Ger. Buchzeichen, Zeichenbandchen ; //. segno ; Sp. marca- dor; Sw. bokmarke. bookplate or ex-libris. An engraved label, placed on or in a book to indicate ownership or proper place in a library. Stand. Diet. 11 TECHNICAL TERMS Dan. Bogplade; Du. boekmerk, boek- merkteeken; Fr. ex libris; Ger. Biicher- zeichen, ex libris; //. ex libris; Sp. ex libris; Siv. bokagarmarke. bookseller or bookdealer. Dan. Boghandler; Du. boekhandelaar ; Fr. libraire; Gr. Buchhandler; //. libraio; Sp. librero; Sw. bokhandlare. bookseller, secondhand. Dan. Antikvarboghandler; Du. tweede- hands boekhandelaar; Fr. bouquiniste, antiquaire; Ger. Antiquar, Biicher- trodler ; //. venditore di libri vecchi ; Sp. vendedor de libros usados; Sw. anti- kvarbokhandlare. bookseller-catalogue. Dan. Boghandlerkatalog; Du. boekhande- laarscatalogus ; Fr. catalogue de librairie ; Ger. Buchhandlerkatalog; //. catalogo di libraio; Sp. catalogo de librero; Sw. bokhandlarekatalog. bookstore. Dan. Boghandel, Boglade; Du. boek- winkel; Fr. librairie; Ger. Buchhand- lung, Buchladen; //. libreria; Sp. libreria; Sw. bokhandel, boklada. booktrade. Dan. Boghandel; Du. boekhandel; Fr. commerce de livres; Ger. Buchhand- lung, Buchhandel; //. commercio di libri; Sp. comercio de libros; Siv. bok- handel. 12 ENGLISH book-work, (pr.) Work on books and pamphlets, as distinguished from job- work or newspaper work. Stand. Diet. Dan. Bogtryk, Vaerkarbejd; Du. boek- werk; Fr. composition de Hvre; Ger. Werksatz ; It. composizione di libri ; Sp. composicion de Hbros; Sw. boktryck. bookworm. The larva of an insect destruc- tive to books. Stand. Did. Dan. Bogorm; Du. boekworm; Fr. ptilin; Ger. Biicherwurm; It. tarlo, tignupla; Sp. polilla que roe los libros; Sw. bok- mal. border or margin. Dan. Rand, Margen; Du. rand; Fr. marge; Ger. Rand; //. margine; Sp. margen, orilla; Sw. rand. border, mourning. See mourning border. bosses. Protuberant metal ornaments on. the boards of a book. Dan. Metalbeslag; Du. metaalbeslag; Fr. ferrures; Ger. Metallbeschlage; //. fer- ratura suUa legatura; Sp. ornamentos metalicos en los costados de la pasta para resguardarla ; Sw. metallbeslag. bottom of a page. The blank space at the foot of a page. Dan. Underslag; Du. voet van een blad- zijde; Fr. bas d'une page; Ger. Unter- schlag; It. calce; Sp. pie de una pagina; Siv. underslag. bottom-line. Last line on the page, preceding the direction-line. 13 TECHNICAL TERMS Dan. Slutningslinie; Du. slotregel; Fr. ligne inferieure; Ger. Schlusslinie, Grundlinie; It. linea di fondo; Sp. linea del pie de la pagina; Sw. slutrad. bound. Dan. indbunden; Dii. gebonden; Fr. relie; Ger. eingebunden; It. legato; Sp. encuadernado ; Sw. inbunden. box in, to. (pr.) To place rules around a page. Dan. indramme med Linier; Du. omlijs- ten; Fr. encadrer avec des filets; Ger. einrahmen mit Linien; //. incorniciare, inquadrare; Sp. encuadrar con reglas, orlar; Sw. inrama med linjer. brackets or squares. [ ] Dan. Klammer; Du. haken; Fr. crochets carres; Ger. eckige Klammer; //. paren- tesi quadre; Sp. parentesis angulares, corchetes; Sw. klammer, vinkelparentes. broadside. A sheet of paper printed on one side only. Dan. Etbladstryk; Du. eenblad-druk; Fr. feuille de> papier imprimee d'un seul cote; Ger. Einblattdruck; //. foglio di carta stampato solamente da una parte; Sp. hoja suelta impresa en una sola cara; Siv. ettbladstryck. brushproof. Dan. Borsteaftrsek; Du. proefblad met den borstel getrokken; Fr. epreuve k la brosse; Ger. Biirstenabzug, Abklatsch; It. bozza col ruUo; Sp. prueba sacada con escobilla. 14 ENGLISH calendering, (pa.) Making paper smooth and glossy. Webster. Dan. Glitning; Du. satineering; Fr. sati- nage; Ger. Satinieren; //. satinatura; Sp. satinacion; Sw. satinering. calf leather. Dan. Kalveskind; Du. kalfsleer; Fr. peau de veau; Ger. Kalbleder; //. vitello; Sp. becerrillo, vitela; Sw. kalf- skinn. calico. Dan. KaHko, Bogbinderlaerred ; Du. katoen; Fr. percaline, calicot; Ger. Kaliko, Perkal; //. percaUina; Sp . percal, percalina; Sw. kalika. cancel. A leaf or part of any printed matter or work suppressed or stricken out, also any printed matter substituted for that stricken out. Dan. omtrykt Blad; Die. verbeterblad ; Fr. feuillet refait, carton refait, defet; Ger. Auswechselblatt, Answurfbogen, Karton, Umdruckblatt; //. foglietto ristampato a cagione di qualche errore; Sp. carton, cuartilla; Sw. kartong. canceled, (e.) crossed out or obliterated. Dan. overstroget; Du. doorgeschrapt; Fr. bifife; Ger. durchgestrichen ; //. biffato; Sp. borrado; Sw. utstruket. capital letter. See letter, capital. 15 TECHNICAL TERMS capitals, small, (pr.) Letters made in imita- tion of capitals, but of smaller size. Stand. Diet. Dan. Kapitelker, smaa Kapitaler; Dii. kleine kapitalen; Fr. petites capitales; Ger. Kapitalchen; //. maiuscoletti ; Sp. versalitas; Sw. kapitaler. case. Dan. Federal ; Du. foedraal; Fr. etui; Ger. Futteral; //. custodia, busta; Sp. caja; Sw. fodral. catchword. The word placed at the bottom of each page, under the last line, which is to be printed as the first word on the following page. Webster. Dan. Kustos; Dii. bladwachter, custode; Fr. reclame; Ger. Kustode, Eckwort- kustode, Blattweiser, Blatthiiter; //. richiamo; Sp. reclamo; Siv. kustod. cento. A composition formed by verses or passages from different authors, ar- ranged in a new order. Webster. Dan. Flikkevserk; Du. dichtstuk samen- gesteld uit de werken van andere dich- ters; Fr. centon; Ger. Flickgedicht; It. centone; Sp. cent&n; Sw. dikt sam- manplockad af verser frin flere for- fattare. chapbook. A small book carried about for sale by hawkers. Webster. Dan. Flyveskrift solgt of Kolportorer; Du. vlugschrift; Fr. brochure vendue par des colporteurs; Ger. kolportierte 16 ENGLISH Flugschrift; Sp. folleto vendido por un pacotillero; Sw. utkolporterad flyg- skrift. chapter. Dan. Kapitel; Du. hoofdstuk; Fr. chapitre; Ger. Kapitel; //. capitolo; Sp. capitulo; Sw. kapitel. character. See letter. chase, (pr.) An iron frame used by printers to confine types when set in columns or pages. Webster. Dan. Formramme; Dii. vormraam; Fr. chassis d'imprimerie; Ger. Rahmen; It. telaio di stamperia; Sp. rama; Sw. formram. cheap edition. See edition, cheap. chiaroscuro, (e.) A method of printing en- gravings, usually wood-engravings, from blocks representing lighter and darker shades, used especially in the 15th and 16th centuries. Dan. Halvskyggetryk; Du. clair-obscuur; Fr. impression clair-obscure; Ger. Hell- dunkeldruck; //. stampa a chiaro-scuro; Sp. claroscuro ; Sw. klarobskyr tryck. clasp. A small hook to hold together the covers of a book. Webster. Dan. Haegte; Du. klamp; Fr. fermoir; Ger. Schloss, Schliesse; //. borchia, fermaglio; Sp. broche para cerrar un libro; Siv. knappe. close matter, (pr.) See matter, close. 17 TECHNICAL TERMS cloth, (bb.) Dan. Shirting; Du. linnen; Fr. toile; Ger. Leinwand; //. tela; Sp. tela; Suk klot, linne. coat of arms. Originally a surcoat charged with heraldic devices, hence the armorial bearings of a person. Stand. Diet. Dan. Vaabenskjold; Dii. wapenschild; Fr. blason, amies; Ger. Wappen; //. stemma; Sp. escudo dearmas, escudete; Siv. vapenskjold. collected works. See works, collected, collection. Dan. Samling; Dn. verzameling, collectie; Fr. collection; Fr. recueil, collection; Ger. Sammlung; //. raccolta; Sp. colec- cion; Siv. samling. collective title. See title, collective, colon. Dan. Kolon; Du. dubbelpunt; Fr. deux points; Ger. Kolon, Doppelpunkt; //. due punti; Sp. colon; Sw. kolon. colophon. An inscription at the end of a book containing the place and year of publication, the printer's name, etc. A colophon is found only in early printed books. Dan. Kolofon; Du. slotschrift; Fr. sou- scription, colophon; Ger. Endschrift, Schlusschrift, Explicit, Rubrum, Kolo- phon; //. sottoscrizione; Sp. colofon; Sw. kolofon. 18 ENGLISH colored. Dan. koloreret, kulort; Dii. gekleurd; Fr. enlumine, en couleurs; Ger. koloriert, in Farben; //. miniato; Sp. miniado; Sw. fargad, kulort. colored work or polychromy. Dan. Farvetryk; Dii. kleurendruk; Fr. impression en couleurs; Ger. Mehrfar- bendruck; It. stampa a colori; Sp. estampa en colores; Sw. fargtryck. column, (pr.) One of two or more vertical series of lines, separated by a rule or blank space. Stand. Diet. Dan. Spalte; Du. kolom; Fr. colonne; Ger. Spalte, Kolonne; //. colonna; Sp. columna; Suk spalt. column rule, (pr.) A thin brass strip, type- high, used to mark the division of columns. Stand. Diet. Dan. Spaltelinie; Du. streep tusschen twee kolommen; Fr. colombelle, filet de milieu; Ger. Spaltenlinie; //. riga di colonna; Sp. raya de columna, corondel; Sw. spaltlinje. combed edges. See edges, combed. comma. Dan. Komma; Du. Komma; Fr. virgule; Ger. Komma; It. virgola; Sp. coma; Sw. komma. commence even or flush, (pr.) Dan. begynde uden Indrykning; Du. zonder inspringen beginnen; Fr. com- mencer sans renfoncement; Ger. stumpf 19 TECHNICAL TERMS anfangen; It. cominciare in riga, comin- ciare senza capoverso; Sp. comenzar igual; Siv. borja utan indrag. commentator. See annotator. compilation. Dan. Kompilation, Samling; Dii. com- pilatie; Fr. compilation; Ger. Samm- lung; //. compilamento, compilazione; Sp. compilacion; Sw. kompilation, sam- ling. compiler. Dan. Samler, Kompilator; Dii. verzame- laar; Fr. compilateur ; Ger. Sammler; //. compilatore; Sp. compilador; Sw. kom- pilator, samlare. complete. Dan. komplet; Du. complect; i^r. complet; Ger. vollstandig; //. eompiuto, per- fetto; Sp. completo, perfecto; Sw. kom- plett. complete edition. Dan. fuldstaendig Udgave; Du. volle- dige uitgaaf; Fr. edition des oeuvres completes; Ger. Gesamtausgabe ; //. opere complete, corpo; Sp. edicion de obras completas; Sw. fullstandig upp- laga. compose, to. (pr.) To set types or char- acters in a composing stick, arranging the letters in the proper order. Dan. saette; Dn. zetten; Fr. composer; Ger. setzen; //. comporre; Sp. componer; Sw. satta. 20 ENGLISH composing board or letter board, (pr.) Dan. Saettebraedt ; Du. letterplank, zet- plank der letterzetters; Fr. composoir; Ger. Setzbrett; It. bancone; Sp. ana- quel para tipos; Sw. sattbrade. composing machine or typesetting machine. (pr.) Dan. Saettemaskine; Du. zetmachine; Fr. machine a composer; Ger. Setz- maschine; //. macchina a comporre; Sp. maquina para componer las letras; Sw. sattmaskin. composing rule or setting rule, (pr.) A thin piece of type-high brass or steel rule, cut to a required measure, but with a beak left at one or both of the upper corners. Used in setting and handling type. Stand. Diet. Dan. Saettelinie; Dii. zetlijn; Fr. reglette; Ger. Setzlinie; //. filetto; Sp. regleta; Sw. sattlinje. composing stick, (pr.) A tray or receptacle, capable of adjustment, so as to vary the length of a line as required, which the compositor holds in his left hand, and in which he arranges in words and lines the type that he takes from the cases. Stand. Diet. Dan. Vinkelhage; Du. zethaak, winkel- haak; Fr. composteur; Ger. Winkel- haken; It. compositoio; Sp. com- ponedor; Sw. vinkeihake. 21 TECHNICAL TERMS composition, interlined or leaded matter. (pr.) Composition with leads between the lines. Dan. skudt Sats; Dii. zetsel met inter- linies; Fr. composition interlignee; Ger. durchschossener Satz; //. composizione interlineata; Sp. composicion regleteada Sw. mellanslagen sats. composition, spaced, (pr.) Dan. spaerret Sats; Du. gespatieerd zet- sel; Fr. composition espacee; Ger. ge- sperrter Satz, splendider Satz ; //. com- posizione spazieggiata ; Sp. composici&n espaciada; Sw. sparrad sats. compositor, (pr.) One who sets type. Dan. Saetter; Du. letterzetter; Fr. com- positeur; Ger. Setzer; //. compositore; Sp. cajista; Sw. sattare. condition, in good, (bo.) Dan. i god Tilstand; Du. in goeden toe- stand; Fr. en bon etat; Ger. in gutem Zustand; //. in buono stato; Sp. en buen estado, bien conservado; Sw. i godt stand. consecutive numbering of pages or continu- ous pagination. Dan. fortlobende Paginering; Du. door- loopende paginatuur; Fr. pagination continue; Ger. fortlaufcnde Numerie- rung; //. paginatura continua; Sp. paginacion continua; Sw. fortlopande paginering. 22 ENGLISH contents. Dan. Indhold; Dii. inhoud; Fr. contenu, matieres; Ger. Inhalt; //. contenuto; Sp. contenido; Siv. innehall. context. Dan. Sammenhaeng; Dti. samenhang; Fr. contexte; Ger. Zusammenhang; //. con- testo; Sp. contexto; Siv. sammanhang. continued, to be. Dan. fortsat, Fortssettelse folger; Du. wordt vervolgd; Fr. a suivre; Ger. Fort- setzung folgt; //. continua; Sp. continu- ara; Siu. fortsatt, fortsattning foljer. continuous pagination. See consecutive numbering of pages, copper-engraving. See copperplate-engrav- ing, copper-plate engraving, (e.) An impression from an engraved copper-plate. Stand. Diet. Dan. Kobberstik; Du. kopergravure ; Fr. gravure en taille douce; Ger. Kupfer- stich; //. incisione in rame; Sp. gra- bado en cobre; Sw. kopparstick. • copy. Duplicate of a manuscript. Dan. Genpart, Kopi; Du. kopij; Fr. copie; Ger. Kopie, Abschrift, Duplikat; It. copia; Sp. copia; Sw. kopia. copy. A single book or a set of books. Stand. Diet. Dan. Eksemplar; Du. exemplaar; Fr. exemplaire; Ger. Exemplar: //. esem- plare; Sp. ejemplar; Siv. exemplar, 23 TECHNICAL TERMS copy, fine, (bo.) Dan. smukt Eksemplar; Du. schoon ex- emplaar; Fr. bel exemplaire; Ger. schones Exemplar; It. bell' esemplare; Sp. ejemplar hermoso; Sw. felfritt ex- emplar. copyright. The exclusive right secured by law to authors to publish and dispose of their works for a limited time. Stand. Diet. Dan. Forlagsret; Du. kopijrecht, auteurs- recht; Fr. droit d'impression, droits d'auteur; Ger. Verlagsrecht ; //. pro- prieta letteraria ; Sp. propiedad de una obra literaria, derechos de autor; Sw. forlagsratt. corner of a book. Dan. Hjornet af en Bog; Dii. hoek van een boek; Fr. coin d'un livre; Ger. Ecke eines Buches; //. angolo di un libro, punta, cantone; Sp. cantonera; Siv. horn af en bok. correspondence. Dan. Breweksling; Du. briefwisseiing, correspondentie ; Fr. correspondance ; Ger. Briefwechsel, Korrespondenz ; //. carteggio; Sp. correspondencia ; Sw. brefvexling. cotton paper. Dan. Bomuldspapir; Dii. boomwolpapier; Fr. papier de coton; Ger. Baumwoll- papier; It. carta bambagina; Sp. papel de. algod&n ; Sw. bomuUspapper. 24 ENGLISH cover, (bb.) Dan. Omslag; Du. omslag; Fr. couverture; Ger. Umschlag, Deckel; It. copertina; Sp. cubierta; Siv. omslag. cover, publisher's, (bb.) Dan. Originalomslag; Du. oorspronkelij k omslag; Fr. couverture originale; Ger. Originalumschlag; //. copertina origi- nale ; Sp. cubierta original ; Sw. original- omslag. cropped. Trimmed close to the print. Stand. Diet. Dan. steerkt beskaaret; Du. kort afge- sneden; Fr. decoupe, trop rogne; Ger. stark beschnitten; //. smarginato; Sp. muy recortado ; Siv. kort afskuren. cul de lampe. See tail-piece. cuneiform characters. Wedge-shaped char- acters used by the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians. Stand. Diet. Dan. Kileskrift; Du. spijkerschrift; Fr. ecriture cuneiforme; Ger. Keilschrift; //. caratteri cuneiformi; Sp. caracteres cuneiformes; Sw. kilskrift. cursive characters. See Italics. cut. See engraving. cut down, (bb.) Dan. beskaaret; Du. gesnoeid; Fr. rogne; Ger. beschnitten ; //. rafifilato ; Sp. recor- tado; Sw. afskuren. D dagger or obelisk, (pr.) A reference mark [t], so named from its form. 25 TECHNICAL TERMS Dan. Obelisk, Daggert, Kors; Du. kruisje; Fr. croix; Ger. Kreuz; //. crocetta; Sp. cruz; Sw. kors. daily. Dan. daglig; Du. dagelijksch; Fr. quoti- dian; Ger. taglich; //. quotidian© ; Sp. cotidiano; Sw. daglig. dash. A mark or line in writing or printing, noting a break or stop in the sentence. Webster. Dan. Tankestreg; Du. streepje; Fr. trait suspensif; Ger. Gedankenstrich; //. tratto di penna; Sp. rasgo de pluma; Sw. tankstreck. dead heading. See heading, dead, dedication. An address or inscription to a patron or friend, prefixed or attached to a Hterary, musical, or artistic work, as a token of gratitude or respect. Stand. Diet. Dan. Tilegnelse; Du. opdracht, toewij- ding; dedicatie; Fr. dedicace; Ger. Widmung, Zueignung, Dedikation; //. dedica; Sp. dedicatoria; Sw. tilleg- nande. dentelle border, (bb.) A lace-like decora- tion. Stand. Diet. Dan. kniplingsdannet Forsiring; Du. ver- siering in kantvorm; Fr. dentelles; Ger. Spitzornament; //. merletto, pizzo, den- telle; Sw. spetsbordyr. deposit copy. A copy of a book delivered to certain libraries according to law. 26 ENGLISH Dan. Pligtexemplar; Dii. verplicht exem- plaar; Fr. depot legal; Ger. Pflicht- exemplar; //. deposito legale; Sp. de- posito legal; Siv. arstryck, pliktexem- plar. descending letters. See tail-type, design or drawing. Dan. Tegning; Dii. teekening; Fr. dessin; Ger. Zeichnung; //. disegno; 5^. dibujo; Sw. teckning. dictionary. Dan. Ordbog, Leksikon; Du. woorden- boek; Fr. dictionnaire; Ger. Worter- buch; //. dizionario; Sp. diccionario; Siv. ordbok. direction line. The abbreviated title of a book at the foot of the first page of each sheet. Dan. Norm; Du. titel-signatuur; Fr. sig- nature de titre; Ger. Norm; //. segna- tura; Sp. linea de reclamo; Sw. norm, directory. Dan. Vejviser; D^l. adresboek; Fr. al- manach des adresses; Ger. Adressbuch; //. elenco degl' indirizzi; Sp. directorio, anuario; Sxy. adresskalender. discontinued. Dan. ophort at udkomme; Du. uitgave gestaakt; Fr. cesse de paraitre; Ger. eingegangen; //. morto; Sp. ha dejado de publicarse; Siv. upphort at utkomma. dissertation or thesis. Dan. Disputats; Du. academisch proef- schrift, dissertatie; Fr. th^se; Ger. 27 TECHNICAL TERMS Thesis, Abhandlung; //. tesi ; Sp. diser- tacion; Sw. thes, afhandling. distribute the types, (pr.) Dan. laeggeaf; Du. distribueeren ; Fr. dis- tribuer les types; Ger. ablegen; //. scomporre; Sp. distribuir los tipos; Siv. lagga af. division or section. Dan. Afdeling, Afsnit; Du. afdeeling; Fr. division, section; Ger. Abteilung, Ab- schnitt; //. divisione, sezione; Sp. division, seccion, parrafo; Sw. afdel- ning. dog's ear. The corner of a book, turned Hke a dog's ear. Dan. iEselsore; Du. ezelsoor; Fr. corne, oreille d'ane;Ggr. Eselsohr; It. orecchio, canto ripiegato d'una pagina; Sp. hoja doblada de un Ubro; Sw. hundora. dotted prints, (e.) Engravings in which the design is brought out by white dots and lines, or sometimes by white dots only, or by white lines only, on a black ground. Fr. maniere criblee; Ger. Schrotblatt; Sp. grabado crible. dotted rule, (pr.) Dan. punkteret Linie; Du. gepunteerde regel; Fr. filet points ; Ger. punktierte Linie; //. linea punteggiata; Sp. linea de puntos; Sw. punkterad linje. 28 ENGLISH double, (pr.) Dan. Bryllup; Du. dubbel gezet woord; Fr. double; Ger. Doppelsatz, Hochzeit; //. duplicatura; Sp. duplicado; Sw. brollop. draft, rough. See sketch, drama. Dan. Skuespil; Du. tooneelspel ; Fr. drame; Ger. Schauspiel; //. dramma; Sp. drama; Sw. skadespel. drawing. See design, dry point, (e.) (1.) A fine etching-needle used to incise copperplate in fine lines without the use of acid or etching ground. (2.) Work thus engraved. Stand. Diet. Dan. kold Naal, kold Naal Radering; Du. droge naald, droge naald ets; Fr. pointe seche; Ger. Kaltnadelstich; //. punta secca; Sp. punta seca; Sw. torrnal, kall- nal, torrnal radering, kallnal radering. duck, (bb.) A strong untwilled linen or cotton fabric used in bookbinding. Stand. Diet. Dan. Sejldug; Du. zeildoek; Fr. canevas; Ger. Segeltuch; It. tela di vela; Sp. tela para velas ; Sw. segelduk. E early copies. See advance sheets. edge, lower or tail, (bb.) Dan. Undersnit; Du. staart, ondersnee; Fr. queue; Ger. Schwanz, unterer Schnitt; It. il disotto del libro; Sp. canto inferior; Sw. undersnitt. 29 TECHNICAL TERMS edges, (bb.) Dan. Snit; Du. snede, snee; Fr. tranches; Ger. Schnitt; It. taglio del libro; Sp. corte, canto; Siv. boksnitt. edges, combed, (bb.) Dan. Kammarmorsnit ; Dii. kammarmer- snee; i^r. tranches peignees; Ger. Kam- marmorschnitt; //. tagUo marmorizzato al pettine; Sp. cortes jaspeados, cantos jaspeados; Siv. marmorsnitt. edges, gilt, (bb.) Dan. Guldsnit; Du. verguld op snede; Fr. dore sur tranches, tranches dorees; Ger. mit Goldschnitt; It. dorato sui fogh, tagho dorato; Sp. cantos dorados, cortes dorados; Sw. forgyldt snitt. edges, marbled, (bb.) Da7i. Marmorsnit; Dii. gemarmerd op snede; Fr. tranches marbrees; Ger. Marmorschnitt; It. marmoreggiato sui fogli; Sp. cantos jaspeados; Sw. mar- morsnitt. edges, red. (bb.) Dan. rodt Snit; Du. roodgekleurd op snede; Fr. tranches rouges; Ger. Rot- schnitt; //. tagho rosso; Sp. cantos rojos, cantos encarnados; Siv. rodt snitt. edges, sprinkled, (bb.) Dan. spraengt Snit; Du. gespikkeld op snede; Fr. tranches jaspees; Ger. ge- sprenkelter Schnitt; Sp. cantos jaspea- dos; //. taglio spruzzato; Sw. spriingdt snitt. 30 ENGLISH edges, tooled, (bb.) Dan. ciseleret Snit; Dii. geciseleerde snede; Fr. tranches ciselees; Ger. zise- lierter Schnitt, gepunzter Schnitt; //. taglio cesellato; Sp. cantos cincelados; Sw. ciseleradt snitt. edited. Dan. bearbejdet; Du. bewerkt; Fr. edite; Ger. bearbeitet; //. edito; Sp. hecho, escrito, compuesto; Sw. bearbetad. edition. Dan. Udgave, Oplag; Dii. uitgaaf, oplaag, druk; Fr. edition, tirage; Ger. Ausgabe, Auflage; //. edizione, impressione ; Sp. edici6n, tirada; Sw. upplaga. edition, cheap. Dan. billig Udgave; Du. goedkoope uit- gaaf; Fr. edition a bon marche; Ger. billige Ausgabe; //. edizione economica; Sp. edicion barata; Sw. godtkopsupp- laga. edition, limited. Dan. lille Oplag; Dii. beperkte uitgaaf, kleine oplaag; Fr. tirage limite; tire a petit nombre; Ger. kleine Auflage; //. edizione limitata, tiratura di pochi esem- plari; Sp. edici&n de pocos ejemplares, corta edicion; Sw. liten upplaga. edition, popular. Dan. Folkeudgave; Du. volksuitgaaf ; Fr. edition populaire; It. edizione popolare; Sp. edici&n popular; Sw. folkupplaga. 31 TECHNICAL TERMS editor (of a book). Dan. Udgiver; Du. bewerker, uitgever; Fr. editeur; Ger. Herausgeber; It. edi- tore; Sp. editor; Sw. utgifvare. editor (of a newspaper). Dan. Redaktor; Du. redacteur; Fr. redac- teur, directeur; Ger. Schrif tleiter ; //. redattore; Sp. redactor, director; Sio. redaktor. editorial or leader. An article in a newspaper or magazine presumably written by the editor, and published as an official ex- pression of opinion. Stand. Diet. Dan. ledende Artikel; Du. hoofdartikel ; Fr. article de fond; Ger. Leitartikel; It. articolo di fondo; Sp. editorial; Sw. redaktors ledare. engraver. Dan. Gravor; Du. plaatsnijder, graveur; Fr. graveur; Ger. Graveur; It. intaglia- tore; Sp. grabador; Sw. gravor. engraving or cut. Dan. Stik; Du. plaat; Fr. gravure; Ger. Stich; //. incisione; Sp. grabado; Sw. gravyr. engraving, copper. See copper-plate engrav- ing. engraving, steel. See steel engraving. engraving, stipple. See stipple engraving. engraving, wood. See wood engraving. enlarged. Dan. foroget; Du. vermeerderd; Fr. aug- mente; Ger. vermehrt; //. accresciuto, 32 ENGLISH aumentato; Sp. aumentado; Sw. tillo- kad. entitled. Dan. med Titel; Dii. getiteld; Fr. intitule; Ger. mit Titel; /.'. intitolato; Sp. titu- lado; Siv. med titel. etching. Dan. Radering; Dii. ets, sterkwaterplaat ; Fr. eau-forte; Ger. Radierung; //. inci- sione coll' acqua forte, acqua forte; Sp. grabado al agua fuerte, agua fuerte; Sw. radering. etching ground, (e.) The coating of wax or varnish on a plate prepared for etching. Stand. Did. Dan. Radeergrund, ^Etsbund; Z)«. .ets- grond; Fr. vernis de graveur; Ger. Radiergrund; //. strato da incidere; Sp. barniz de grabadores; Sw. etsgrund. even page. See page, even, exclamation point. Dan. Udraabstegn ; Dii. uitroepingsteeken; Fr. point d 'exclamation; Ger. Ausrufs- zeichen; It. punto esclamativo; Sp. puntos de admiracion ; Sw. utropstecken. expense, at the author's. See at the author's expense, extract. Dan. Uddrag, Udtog; Dn. uittreksel; Fr. extrait; Ger. Auszug; //. estratto; Sp. extracto; Sw. utdrag. 33 TECHNICAL TERMS false line. See line, false, fancy letter. See letter, fancy, fascicle. Dan. Levering, Haefte; Dit. aflevering; Fr. livraison, fascicule; Ger. Lieferung, Heft; It. dispensa, fascicolo; Sp. en- trega, fascicule; Siv. hafte. fat. (pr.) Pieces of composition, for instance, running titles, that are kept for future use and are not taken apart till the whole work is finished. Dan. Svinesteg; Dii. spek; Fr. du bon; Ger. Speck; //. roba buona, composi- zione agevole; Sic. fortel. filleted. Dan. med Linieornamentering; Dti. gefiietteerd; Fr. orne d'un filet; Ger. mit einer Leiste dekoriert; //. filettato; Sp. fileteado; Sw. med linieornamen- tering. fine copy. See copy, fine, first form. See form, first, flush. See commence even, flyleaf. A blank leaf at the beginning or end of a book. Stand. Diet. Dan. Forssetsblad ; Du. blank blad, schut- blad; Fr. garde, feuille blanche, feuille de garde; Ger. Vorsatzblatt, Vorsatz ; It. foglio bianco, guardia; Sp. guarda; Sw. forsattspapper, forsattsblad. 34 ENGLISH flysheet. A small sheet of paper such as is used for printing hand bills, etc. Dan. Flyveblad; Du. los blad; Fr. feuille volante, piece volante; Ger. Flugblatt; //. foglio volante; Sp. hoja volante; Siv. flygblad. fly-title. See half-title. folded. Da7i. sammenfoldet; Du. gevouwen; Fr. plie; Ger. gefaltet; //. ripiegato; Sp. plegado; Sw. inviken, hopviken. foot-note (b.) A note at the foot of the page. Da7i. Note under Teksten; Du. noot; Fr. note de pied; Ger. Fussnote; //. nota in calce; Sp. nota al pie; Sw. anmark- ning nederst pa sidan. for press, (pr.) Dan. kan rentrykkes, fserdig til Trykken; Dii. voor de pers gereed; Fr. bon a tirer; Ger. druckfertig; //. si stampi, visto : si stampi ; Sp. listo para ponerle en prensa, puede imprimirse; Sw. tryck- fardig. fore-edge. Dari. Forsnit; Du. voorsnede; Fr. gout- tiere; Ger. Vorderschnitt, Schnauze; //. davanti del libro, gola del libro, canale del libro; Sp. media caiia; Sw. framsnitt. form or composition, (pr.) Dan. Sats; Du. zetsel; Fr. composition; Ger. Satz, Typenform; //. composi- zione; Sp. forma, composicion; Sw. sats. 35 TECHNICAL TERMS form, first, (pr.) Dan. Skontryksform, Primaform; Du. schoondruk; Fr. forme premiere, cote de premiere; Ger. Schondruck; //. bianca, stampa in bianca; Sp. bianco; Siv. primaform. form, second, (pr.) Dan. Gentrykform, Vidertrykform, Sekundaform; Dii. weerdruk; Fr. seconde forme, cote de seconde; Ger. Widerdruck; //. volta, stampa in volta; Sp. retiraci&n; Sw. sekundaform. fox-skin. Dan. Rceveskind; Dii. vossenleer; Fr. peau de renard; Ger. Fuchsleder; //. pelle di volpe; Sp. piel de zorra; Sw. rafskinn. fragment. Dan. Brudstykke; Dii. fragment; Fr. fragment; Ger. Bruchstiick; //. fram- mento; Sp. fragmento; Sw. fragment. frontispiece. A plate or illustration in the front of a book facing or preceding the title page. Dan. Titelkobber; Du. titelplaat, frontis- pice; Fr. frontispice; Ger. Titelkupfer; D.. antiporta figurata, antiporta ornata; Sp. frontis grabado; Sw. titelplansch. full face types. See types, bold face, furniture, (pr.) Wooden or metal strips of less than type-height, put around and between pages of type to make proper 36 ENGLISH margins, and fill the spaces between the pages and the chase. Stand. Diet. Dan. Forms Stege pi. ; Dn. houtblokjes pi. ; Fr. garniture ; Ger. Stege pi. ; It. margi- natura di legno o di piombo; Sp. forni- tura; Sw. steg. galley, (pr.) A flat oblong tray, commonly of brass, flanged on one or both sides and at one end, for holding composed type. Stand. Diet. Dan. Skib; Dii. galei, zetraam; It. galee; Ger. SetzschifT ; /^. vantaggio ; 5/>. galera; Siv. sattskepp. galley proof or slip-proof, (pr.) An impression taken from type on a galley. Stand. Diet. Dan. Korrekturaftryk i Strimler uden Paginering; Du. galei-proef; /^r. epreuve en placard; Ger. Fahnenabzug; //. bozza in colonnini; Sp. galerada; Siv. afdrag af forradssattning. gathering, (bb.) The collecting and plac- ing in consecutive order the signatures of folded sheets of a book or pamphlet. Dan. Arkenes Ordning; Dn. bijeenbren- gen, vergaren; Fr. assemblage; Ger. Lage; It. assembramento di fogli; Sp. alzado; Sw. laggens ordning. general-index. Dan. Generalregister; Du. verzamel- index; Fr. index general; Ger. Gesamt- 37 TECHNICAL TERMS register; //. indice generale; 5p. indice general; Sw. generalregister. gilt. Dan. forgyldt; Du. verguld; Fr. dore; Ger. vergoldet; It. dorato; Sp. dorado; Sw. forgyld. gilt edged. Da7i. med Guldsnit; Du. verguld op snede, met goudsnede; Fr. dore sur tranches, tranches dorees; Ger. mit Goldschnitt; //. dorato sui fogli; taglio dorato; Sp. cantos dorados, cortes dorados; Sw. for- gyldt snitt. gilt top. Dan. overste Snit forgyldt; Du. boven- snede verguld, kop verguld; Fr. t^te doree; Ger. oberer Schnitt vergoldet; It. dorato in testa, disopra dorato, ta- glio superiore dorato ; Sp. cabeza dorada ; Sw. forgyld topp. goatskin. Dan. Gedeskind; Du. geitenleer; Fr. peau de chevre; Ger. Ziegenhaut; //. pelle di capra; Sp. piel de cabra; Sw. getskinn. gold tooling, (bb.) Ornamentation with gold leaf by tooling. Stand. Did. Dan. Presseforgyldning ; Du. gouddruk; Fr. ornements en or; Ger. Goldpressung; li. ornamenti in oro; Sp. estampadura en oro; Stv. pressforgyllning. gothic letters. See letters, gothic. 38 ENGLISH guard, (bb.) One of the slips bound in at the back of an album, scrapbook, etc., to prevent its breaking when receiving an added illustration or leaf. Stand. Diet. Dan, Fals; Du. papierstrook ; Fr. onglet; Ger. Falz; //. brachetta; Sp. escarti- bana; Sw. fals. H half binding. A style of binding in which only the back and corners of a volume are covered with leather or cloth. Dan. Vaelskbind, Halvbind; Du. halfleeren band, halflinnen band; Fr. demi- reliure; Ger. Halbf ranzband ; It. mezza pelle, mezza tela; Sp. media pasta; Sw. halfband. half-title or bastard-title or fly-title. Dan. Smudstitel, Halvtitel; Du. Fransche titel, voor-de-handsche titel; Fr. faux- titre; Ger. Schmutztitel, Vorsatztitel; //. titolo falso, frontipizio falso, occhiet- to; Sp. falso frontis, falsa portada; Siu. smutstitel. hand-paper or hand-made paper. Dan. Bottepapir, Haandpapir; Du. ge- schept papier; Fr. papier verge, papier h. la cuve; Ger. Biittenpapier, Handpapier; It. carta a mano; Sp. papel trabajado a mano; Siv. dokument papper, hand- gjordt papper. head of a book, (bb.) Dan. overste Snit; Du. kop; Fr. tete; Ger. Kopf, oberer Schnitt; It. disopra 39 TECHNICAL TERMS del libro, taglio superiore, testa del libro; Sp. cabeza del libro; Szv. ofre snitt. headband, (bb.) A decorativ^e terminal cord or roll forming the end of the inner back of a book. Stand. Diet. Dan. Kapital paa en Bog, Kapitaltoj ; Du. kapitaalband ; Fr. tranchefile; Ger. Kapitalband; //. capitello, tranciafila; Sp. cabezada de libro; Su'. kapitaling. heading. Daft. Overskrift, Rubrik; Dii. hoofd, opschrift, bovenschrift, rubriek; Fr. rubrique; Ger. Uberschrift, Rubrik; //. intestazione, testata; Sp. encabe- zamiento; Szc. ofverskrift, rubrik. heading, dead or paginal number, (pr.) Dan. Kolumnetitel, Sidenummer; Du. doode kolommentitel, volgnummer der bladzijde; Fr. chififre de la page; Ger. toter Kolumnentitel, Kolumnenziflfer; //. numero d'una pagina; Sp. titulo con solo la paginaci&n; Siv. dod kolumntitel. heading, live or running title. Da7i. levende Kolumnetitel; Dit. verander- lijke koptitel, levende kolommentitel; Fr. titre courant; Ger. lebender Kolum- nentitel; It. titolo corrente; Sp. titulo con palabras, titulo de p&.gina; Sio. lef- vande kolumntitel. head-line, (pr.) A line of type set above the text to which it refers, in a book, news- paper, etc. Stand. Diet. 40 ENGLISH Dan. Titellinie; Du. bovenregel; Fr. ligne de tete; Ger. Hauptzeile; It. riga di testa; Sp. linea de cabeza; Sw. hufvud- linje, rubrikrad. head-margin. The blank space above the first line of the first page. Dan. Nedrykning paa den forste Side; Du. open vak op de eerste bladzijde; Fr. blanc du folio recto ; Ger. Vorschlag, Uberschlag; //. il bianco della prima pagina sopra la prima riga; Sp. espacio en bianco de la primera pagina sobre el primero renglon; Siv. nedryckning pa den forsta sida. head-piece. The decorative design at the top of a printed page or above a chap- ter-heading Stand. Diet. Dan. Begyndelsesvignet ; Du. kopvig- nette; vignette aan het begin van een hoofdstuk; Fr. en-tete, tete de chapitre; Ger. Kopfvignette; //. capopagina, tes- tata illustrata; Sp. cabeza de un capi- tulo; Siv. anfangsvignet. hogskin. See pigskin. hours. See book of hours. hyphen. Dan. Bindestreg; Du. koppelteeken ; Fr. tiret, trait d'union; Ger. Bindestrich; //. tratto d'unione; Sp. guion; Sw. bindestreck. I illumination. Embellishment of old manu- scripts with colors and gold. 41 TECHNICAL TERMS Dan. lUuminering; Du. verluchting; Fr. enluminure; Ger. Illuminierung; //. miniatura; Sp. iluminacion; Sw. il- luminering, farglagd prydnad. illuminator. Dan. Illuminator; Du. verluchter, kleur- der; Fr. enlumineur, miniaturiste; Ger. Illuminator; //. miniatore; Sp. ilumi- nador; Siu. illuminist. illustration. Dan. Afbildning, Illustration; Du. af- beelding, illustratie; Fr. figure, illustra- tion; Ger. Abbildung, Illustration; It. figura, illustrazione; Sp. ilustracion, figura; Siv. afbildning, illustration, imperfect or incomplete. Dan. defekt, ufuldstaendig; Du. geschon- den; Fr. imparfait; Ger. mangelhaft, unvollstandig; //. difettoso, imperfetto; Sp. defectuoso; Siv. ofullstandig. impression, (e.) A print struck off from an engraved plate or stone. Stand. Did. Dan. Aftryk; Du. afdruk; Fr. tirage; Ger. Abdruck; //. tiratura; Sp. impresion; Sw. aftryck. imprint. The section of the title-page which gives the name of the publisher, place and date of printing. Dan. Trykangivelse; Du. drukkersop- gaaf; Fr. adresse bibliographique; Ger. Erscheinungsvermerk; //. nota tipogra- fica; 5/?. piede imprenta; 5w. angif\else af tryckort och forlaggare. 42 ENGLISH imprint date or year of publication. Dan. Trykkeaar, Udgivelsesaar ; Dii. jaar van druk, jaar van uitgaaf; Fr. date d' impression, date de publication; Ger. Druckjahr, Erscheinungsjahr; It. data di stampa, data di pubblicazione; Sp. aiio de imprenta, aiio de la edicion; Sw. tryckar, utgifningsar. in a lot. Dan. under Et; Du. en bloc, in eens, ongeteld; Fr. a forfait, en bloc; Ger. im Ganzen; //. in blocco; Sp. sin contar, a granel ; Siv. en bloc. incomplete. See imperfect, incunabula, pi. Books printed before or shortly after A.d. 1500. Dan. Vuggetryk; Du. wiegedrukken ; eerstelingsdrukken ; Fr. incunables; Ger. Erstlingsdrucke, Wiegendrucke; //. incunaboli; Sp. libros incunables; Sw. inkunabler. indent, to. (pr.) Dan. indrykke; Du. inspringen; Fr. ren- foncer; Ger. einen Satz einziehen; It. indentare; Sp. sangrar; Siv. indraga. indention, (pr.) The setting in of a line or body of type by a blank space at the beginning or left hand, as in the first line of a paragraph. Stand. Diet. Dan. Indrykning; Du. inspringing; Fr. renfoncement ; Ger. Einzug des Satzes; D.. rientramento ; Sp. sangria; Sw. indrag. 43 TECHNICAL TERMS index or table of contents. Dan. Indholdsfortegnelse, Register; Dii. bladwijzer, inhoudsopgave ; Fr. table des matieres; Ger. Inhaltsverzeichnis, Register, Elenchus; It. indice, tavola delle materie; Sp. indice, tablade mate- rias; Sw. innehallsforteckning, register. index of names. Dan. Navnefortegnelse ; Dii. naamregister ; Fr. table des noms propres ; Ger. Namen- register; //. indice dei nomi proprii; Sp. tabla de los nombres; Siv. namn- forteckning. ink. Dan. Blsek; Du. inkt; Fr. encre;G^r. Tinte; //. inchiostro; Sp. tinta; Sw. black. ink, printer's. See printer's ink. inset. A printed leaf inserted in a book before binding. Dan. indsat Blad; Dii. ingestoken blad- zijde, insteek; Fr. encart; Ger. Einsteck- bogen; //. quartino, rincarto; Sp. encarte; Sw. inhaftadt blad. interleaf. A blank leaf inserted or bound between others, so as to permit written additions. Stand. Diet. Dan. indskudt Blad; Dii. doorgeschoten blad; Fr. feuillet blanc insere; Ger. Durchschussblatt; //. foglio bianco inserito; Sp. hoja intercalada; Sw. in- satt blankt papper. interleaved. Supplied with blank leaves in- serted between the other leaves. Stand. Diet. 44 ENGLISH Dan. gennemskudt med hvide Blade; Dii. doorschoten; Fr. interfolie; Ger. durch- schossen, interfoliiert; It. interfogliato; Sp. inter foliado; Sw. interfolierad. interrogation point. Dan. Sporgsmaalstegn ; Du. vraagteeken; Fr. point d'interrogation; Ger. Frage- zeichen; //. punto interrogative ; Sp. punto de interrogacion ; Sw. fragetecken. introduction. Dan. Inledning; Dii. inleiding; Fr. intro- duction; Ger. Einleitung; //. introdu- zione; Sp. introduccion; Sw. inledning. italics or cursive characters. Style of type in which the letters slope towards the right, invented in Italy about 1500, and now used for emphasis. Stand. Diet. Dan. Kursivskrift; Du. cursiefletters ; Fr. caracteres italiques; Ger. Kursivschrift, Italique; It. caratteri corsivi; Sp. letras cursivas, letras italianas, bastardillas, letras venecianas; 5^. kursivskrift. J job-printer. One who does miscellaneous printing, such as cards, posters, etc. Stand. Diet. Dan. Akcidenstrykker; Du. smoutdruk- ker; Fr. imprimeur des ouvrages de ville; Ger. Akzidenzdrucker; It. stam- patore in lavori di fantasia; Sp. im- presor de remiendos; Sw. accidenstryc- kare. 45 TECHNICAL TERMS job-printing. Miscellaneous printing, such as printing of cards, posters, handbills, etc. Stand. Diet. Dan. Akcidenstryk ; Du. smoutwerk; Fr. bilboquet, travail de ville; Ger. Akzi- denzdruck; It. lavori avventizi, lavori di fantasia ; Sp. remiendo ; Sw. accidens- tryck. justification, (pr.) Dan. Tilretning; Du. aankooiing; Fr. justification; Ger. Ausschliessung: //. giustezza dei caratteri; Sp. justifi- cacion; Siv. radutslutning. juvenile literature. Dan. Borneboger; Dii. kinderboeken ; Fr. ecrits pour I'enfance; Ger. Jugend- schriften; //. libri per I'infanzia; Sp. literatura para la juventud; Siv. ung- domsskrifter. label or lettering piece. Dan. Boglap; Du. rugschild; Fr. piece au dos; Ger. Riickenschild; It. cartello; cartellino; Sp. rotulo; Sw. boklapp. labeled. Dan. med Boglap; Du. met rugschild; Fr. avec etiquette; Ger. mit Etiquette versehen; //. cartellinato; 5/>. rotulado; Siv. med etikett. large paper. See paper, large, lead, (pr.) A thin strip of type-metal or brass, less than type-high, used in type 46 ENGLISH composition to separate lines. Stand. Diet. Dan. Skydelinie; Du. interlinie; Fr. inter- ligne; Ger. Durchschuss; //. interlinea; Sp. regleta, interlinea; Sw. mellanslag. leaded, (pr.) Type separated by leads. Stand. Diet. Dan. skudt; Dii. met interlinies; Fr. in- terligne; Ger. durchschossen ; //. interlineato; Sp. interlineado; Sw. mellanslagen. leaded matter. See composition, interlined, leader. See editorial. leaf. A single division of a folded sheet of paper. Stand. Diet. Dan. Blad; Du. blad; Fr. feuille, feuillet; Ger. Blatt; //. foglio; Sp. hoja, foja; Sw. blad. lean faced t3T)es. See tj^es, light faced, leather or skin. Dan. Laeder, Skind; Du. leder, leer, vel; Fr. peau, cuir; Ger. Leder, Haut; It. pelle, cuoio; Sp. piel, cuero; Sw. skinn. leaves, preliminary. Dan. indledende unumererede Blade; Du. voorwerk; Fr. feuilles preliminaires; Ger. einleitende unnumerierte Blatter; //. principi del libro; Sp. hojas pre- liminares; Sw. inledande onumrerade blad. letter. Dan. Brev; Du. brief; Fr. lettre; Ger. Brief; //. epistola; Sp. carta; Siv. bref. 47 TECHNICAL TERMS letter or character, (pr.) Dan. Bogstav, Skrifttegn; Du. letter; Fr. lettre; Ger. Buchstabe; //. lettera; Sp. letra, caracter; Sw. bokstaf. letter, battered, (pr.) Dan. Isederet Skriftegn; Dii. gekwetste letter; Fr. lettre usee, lettre fatiguee, lettre gatee; Ger. Defekt-Buchstabe; //. lettera guasta, lettera logora; Sp. letra machucada; Sw. defekt-bokstaf. letter, black, (pr.) See black letter. letter, capital, (pr.) Dan. stort Bogstav, Majuskel; D^i. hoofd- letter; Fr. lettre capitale, lettre majus- cule; Ger. Kapitalbuchstabe, Majuskel; It. lettera maiuscola; Sp. letra mayus- cula; Sw. stor bokstaf, versal, majuskel. letter, descending or tail type, (pr.) Dan. Bogstav som naar ned under Linien; D71. staartletter ; Fr. lettre a queue; Ger. geschwanzte Schrift; //. lettera dis- cendente, lettera con asta discendente; Sp. letra descendente; Sw. bokstaf som racker under linjen. letter, fancy, (pr.) Dan. forsiret Bogstav; Du. sierletter; Fr. lettre de fantaisie, lettre ornee; Ger. Zierbuchstabe ; //. lettera di fantasia; Sp. letra de adorno, letra de capricho, letra florida; Stv. utsirad bokstaf. letter, small, (pr.) Dan. lille Bogstav, Minuskel; Du. kleine letter; Fr. lettre minuscule; Ger. Minus- 48 ENGLISH kel; //. lettera minuscola; Sp. letra minuscula; Sw. liten bokstaf, minuskel. letter, turned, (pr.) Dan. blokeret Bogstav; Du. omgekeerde letter, geblokkeerde letter; Fr. lettre renversee, lettre bloquee; Ger. FHegen- kopf; //. lettera capovolta; Sp. letra revuelta ; Sw. upp och nedvand bokstaf. letter-board. See composing board. letter-head. Daw. Brevhoved; Dii. briefhoofd; Fr. tete de lettre; Ger. Briefkopf; It. intes- tazione di lettera; Sp. encabezamiento de carta; Stv. brefhufvud. lettering piece. See label. letters, German. See letters, Gothic. letters, Gothic or German letters, (pr.) Da7i. Fraktur, gotiske Bogstaver; Du. fractuur letters, Gothische letters; Fr. caracteres gotiques; Ger. Fraktur, gothische Typen; //. caratteri gotici; Sp. letras g&ticas; Sw. frakturstil. letters, Roman or antique, (pr.) Dan. Antiqua; Du. antiqua letters; Fr. caracteres romains; Ger. Antiqua, ro- mische Schrift; //. caratteri romani; Sp. letras romanas; Sw. antiqua. Ubel. Dan. Smaedeskrif t ; Du. schotschrift ; Fr. libelle; Ger. Schmahschrift; It. libello infamatorio ; Sp. libelo ; Sw. smadeskrift. light faced t)rpes. See types, light faced. limited edition. See edition, limited. 49 TECHNICAL TERMS line. Dan. Linie; Du. regel; Fr. ligne; Ger. Zeile; //. linea, riga; Sp. renglon; Sw. linje, rad. line, false, (pr.) End line of a paragraph at the beginning of a page. Dan. Horeunge; Du. halve regel aan het begin eener bladzijde of kolom; Fr. fausse-ligne; Ger. Hurenkind; //. ri- ghino in testa di colonna o di pagina; Sp. ultimo renglon de una alinea al comienzo de una pagina; Sw. utgangs- linje ofverst pa en sida. line engraving, (e.) Dan. Liniestik; Du. gravure in Hjnen- manier ; Fr. gravure au burin ; Ger. Grab- stichelmanier, Linienmanier; //. inta- glio di bulino; Sp. grabado al buril; Sw. gravering med grafstickel, buringravyr. list price or published price. Dan. Bogladepris; Du. prijs van uitgaaf; Fr. prix fort ; Ger. Ladenpreis ; //. prezzo lordo; Sp. precio de catalogo; Siv. bok- ladspris. lithograph. A print produced from a fiat litho- graphic stone on which a drawing, design or transfer has been made in a soapy ink or by other suitable process. Stand. Diet. Dan. Stentryk; Litografi; Du. steendruk- plaat; Fr. lithographic; Ger. Litho- graphic, Steindruck; //. litografia; Sp. litografia; Sw. stentryck, litografi. 50 ENGLISH live heading. See heading, live. loose back. See back, loose. lot, in a. See in a lot. lower case, (pr.) Dan. Typer tagne fra Skriftkassens neder- ste Del, som indeholder de smaa Bog- staver; Du. onderkast letters; Fr. bas de casse; Ger. Typen aus dem Unterka- sten; //. cassa bassa ; 5';^. caja baja; Sw. stilar tagna fran kastens nedersta fack, som innchaller de sma bokstafverna. lower edge. See edge, lower. M make up. (pr.) To arrange composed type into columns or pages. Stand. Diet. Dan. ombraekke; Du. opmaken; Fr. mettre en pages; Ger. umbrechen; //. impaginare; Sp. ajustar, ordenar la composicion por paginas de una obra; Siv. bryta om. maker up. (pr.) One who arranges composed type in columns or pages. Stand. Diet. Dan. Ombraekker; Du. metteur en pages; Fr. metteur en pages; Ger. metteur en pages; //. impaginatore; Sp. ajustador, compaginador ; Siv. ombrytare. manuscript. Dan. Haandskrift; Du. handschrift; Fr. manuscrit; Ger. Handschrift; //. mano- scritto; 5/?. manuscrito; 5u'. handskrift. manuscript note. Dan. haandskreven Anmaerkning; Du. 51 TECHNICAL TERMS manuscript noot; Fr. note a la main; Ger. Manuskript-Anmerkung; //. nota manoscritta; Sp. nota manuscrita; Siv. marginal notering. map. Dan. Landkort; Du. landkaart; Fr. carte geographique; Ger. Landkarte; //. carta geografica; Sp. mapa geografico; Sw. karta. map of the world. Dan. Verdenskort ; Dii. wereldkaart ; Fr. mappe-monde; G^r.Weltkarte; //. map- pamondo ; Sp. mapamundi ; Sw. verlds- karta. marble edged. See edged, marble, marble paper. See paper, marble, margin. The blank space on the edge of a printed sheet. Stand. Diet. Dan. Rand, Margin; Du. rand, kant, marge; Fr. marge; Ger. Rand; //. margine; Sp. margen; Sw. rand, margin border. Dan. Bort; Du. randlijst; Fr. bordure; Ger. Randleiste; //. orlatura di margine; Sp. orla de p^gina; Siv. bort. marginal notes. Dan. Randbemaerkninger ; Z)i<. marginalien, kantteekeningen ; Fr. notes marginales, manchettes; Ger. Randbemerkungen; //. note in margine; Sp. notas margi- nales; Sw. randanteckningar. mark of correction, (pr.) See proofmark. 52 ENGLISH mark the pages, to. Dan. paginere, numerere Siderne i en Bog; Dii. pagineeren; Fr. numeroter les pages; Ger. paginieren; //. paginate, cartolare; Sp. paginar; Sw. paginera. matter, close or solid matter, (pr.) Dan. kompres Sats; Du. gedrongen zetsel; Fr. composition serree; Ger. kompresser Satz; It. composizione serrata; Sp. composicion solida; Sw. kompres sats. matter, leaded or interlined composition, (pr.) Dan. skudt Sats ; Du. zetsel met interlinies ; Fr. composition interlignee; Ger. durch- schossener Satz; //. composizione inter- lineata; Sp. composicion regleteada; Siv. melianslagen sats. matter, solid. See matter, close. memoirs. Dan. Memoirer, Erindringer; Du. gedenk- schriften; Fr. memoires; Ger. Denk- schriften; It. memorie; Sp. memorias; Sw. memoarer. mezzotint, (e.) A method of copperplate engraving in which the entire surface of the plate is slightly roughened after which the drawing is traced, and then the portion intended to show high lights or middle lights are scraped and bur- nished while the shadows are strength- ened. Stand. Diet. Dan. Sortkunst, sort Maner; Du. zwarte kunst, schraapmanier; Fr. maniere noire; Ger. Schabmanier, schwarze Kunst; 53 TECHNICAL TERMS //. mezzotinto; Sp. estampa de humo, media tinta. Stv. svartkonstmaner. mildew or water stain. Dan. Fugtighedsplet ; Du. vochtvlek; Fr. tache de moisissure; Ger. Wasser- fleck; //. gora; Sp. mancha de agua; Stv. mogel flack. minutes. The official records of the pro- ceedings of any deliberative body. Dan. Protokoloptegnelser fra et Mode; Dii. notulen van eene bijeenkomst; Fr. proces verbaux d'une seance; Ger. Pro- tokoll; //. verbale di un' adunanza; Sp. minutas de un cuerpo deliberante; Siv. protokollanteckningar. misprint. Dan. Trykejl; Du. drukfout; Fr. faute typographique ; Ger. Druckfehler; //. errore di stampa; Sp. falta tipografica, errata tipografica; Sio. tryckfel. missal or mass-book. The book containing the service for the celebration of mass throughout the year. Dan. Messebog; Du. misboek; Fr. missel, livre d'office; Ger. Messbuch ; //. mes- sale; Sp. misal; Stv. massbok. moldy or mouldy. Dan. muggen; Du. beschimmeld; Fr. moisi; Ger. schimmelig; //. muffato; Sp. mohoso; Sw. moglad. monogram. Dan. Navnetraek; Du. naamcijfer; Fr. monogramme; Ger. M(jnogram; //. 54 ENGLISH monogramma ; Sp. monograma; Sw. monogram. monthly. Dan. maanedlig; Du. maandelijksch; Fr. mensuel; Ger. monatlich; //. mensuale, mensile, d'ogni mese; Sp. mensual; Sw. manatlig. monthly publication. Dan. Maanedsblad; Du. maandblad; Fr. publication mensuelle; Ger. Monats- blatt; It. pubblicazione mensile; Sp. publicaci&n mensual; Sw. manadsblad. monthly report. Z)ow.Maanedsberetning;Z)«. maandelijksch verslag; Fr. compte rendu mensuel; Ger. Monatsbericht; //. relazione men- sile; Sp. memoria mensual; Siu. manat- lig berattelse. morocco. Leather made from goatskins tanned with sumac, named after the city of Morocco. Dan. Maroquin; Du. marokijnleer; Fr. maroquin; Ger. Marokkoleder; //. mar- rocchino; Sp. tafilete; Sw. marokang. mouldy. See moldy. mounted. Attached to a backing. Dan. opklaebet; Du. opgeplakt, gemon- teerd; Fr. monte; Ger. aufgezogen; It. montato; Sp. pegado; Sw. uppklistrad. mourning border. Dafi. Sorgerand; Du. rouwrand; Fr. filet noir; Ger. Trauerrand; It. margine di lutto; Sp. raya de luto; Siv. sorgkant. 55 TECHNICAL TERMS mutilated. Dayi. beskadiget; Du. geschonden, be- schadigd; Fr. mutile, endommage; Ger. beschadigt; //. mutilato; Sp. muti- lado; Sw. skadadt. N newspaper. Dan. AV\s\Du. nieuwsblad, courant, krant ; Fr. journal; Ger. Zeitung; //. giornale; Sp. diario, periodico; Siv. tidning. newspaper, weekly. Dan. Ugeblad; Du. weekblad; Fr. jour- nal hebdomadaire ; Ger. Wochenblatt ; //. periodico ebdomadario; Sp. perio- dico semanal; Sw. veckoblad. newspaper clipping. Dan. Avisudklip; Du. courantenuitknip- sel; Fr. decoupure de journaux; Ger. Zeitungsausschnitt; //. taglio di gior- nale; Sp. recorte de periodico; Sw. tidningsurklip. no date. Dan. uden Aar; Du. zonder jaar; Fr. sans date, sans millesime; Ger. ohne Jahr; //. senz' anno, senza data, senza millesimo; Sp. sin data, sin fecha; Sw. utan ar. no more published. See all published, no place. Dan. uden Trykkested ; Du. zonder plaats ; Fr. sans lieu; Ger. ohne Ort; //. senza luogo; Sp. sin lugar; Sto. utan ort. 56 ENGLISH no title-page. Dan. uden Titelblad; Du. zonder titelblad; Fr. sans feuille de titre; Ger. ohne Titel- blatt; //. senza frontispizio; Sp. sin portada; Siv. utan titelblad. not for sale. Dan. ikke i Boghandelen; Dii. niet in den handel; Fr. non mis en vente, pas dans le commerce; Ger. nicht im Handel; //. fuori vendita, fuori commercio; Sp. no se vende; Siv. ej i bokhandeln. note. Dan. i\.nmaerkning; Du. aanmerking, noot; Fr. note; Ger. Anmerkung; It. nota; Sp. nota; Siv. anmarkning. novel. Dan. Roman; Du. roman, novelle; Fr. roman; Ger. Roman, Novelle; //. romanzo; Sp. novela; S%v. roman. now published. Dan. lige udkommen; Du. zoo juist ver- schenen; Fr. vient de paraitre; Ger. soeben erschienen ; //. novita ; Sp. acaba de publicarse; Siv. nyss utkommen. number the pages, to. See mark the pages. O oblong. Paw. aflang; D/^. dwars; Fr. oblong; Ger. langlich; //. oblungo; 5^. apaisado; 5a'. aflang. odd page. See page, odd. on approval, (bo.) See approval, on. 57 TECHNICAL TERMS out. (pr.) Omission of a word or phrase made by the compositor. Dan. Begravelse; Du. weggelaten zetsel; Fr. bourdon; Ger. Leiche; //. pesce, lasciato, lasciatura; Sp. olvido; Sii\ lik. out of print. Z)a«. udsolgt; Z)/^. uitverkocht; Fr. epuise; Ger. vergriffen; It. esaurito; Sp. ago- tado, vendido; Sw. utgangen ur bok- handeln. page. Dan. Side; Dii. bladzijde; Fr. page; Ger. Seite; //. pagina, faccia; Sp. pagina, plana; Siv. sida. page, even or verso. The left-hand page of a book. Dan. Bagside, Verso; Du. achterzijde, even bladzijde, verso; Fr. page paire, verso; Ger. Riickseite, gerade Ko- lumne, Verso; //. verso della pagina; Sp. pagina par, verso; Sw. vanster sida, verso, page, odd or recto. The right-hand page of a book. Dan. Forside, Recto; Du. oneven blad- zijde, voorzijde, recto; Fr. belle-page, page impaire, recto; Ger. Vorseite, un- gerade ' Kolumne, Recto; //. prima pagina, retto, recto; Sp. pagina impar, recto; Sw. hoger sida, recto. 58 ENGLISH page-cord. Twine used to tie around a page of type to keep it assembled. Stand. Diet. Dan. Kolumnesnor, Klummesnor; Da. pagina-touwtje; /^r. ficelle; Ger. Kolum- nenschnur; //. funicella, spago; Sp. cuerda, bramante; Sw. kolumnsnore. paginal number. See heading, dead, pagination. Dan. Paginering; Du. pagineering; Fr. pagination; Ger. Paginierung; It. pagi- natura; Sp. paginaci&n; Siv. paginering. pamphlet. Dan. Brochure, Flyveskrift, Pjece; Du. brochure, vlugschrift, pamflet; Fr. brochure; Ger. Broschiire, Flugschrift; //. opuscolo; Sp. folleto, librejo, pam- fleto, opusculo; Siv. broschyr, flygskrift, pamflett. panel, (bb.) A section of the back of a bound book, between two bands. Dan. Rygfelt; Du. paneel; Fr. comparti- ment, entre-nerfs ; Ger. Feld des Riickens ; It. distanza fra le carreggiuole; Sp. tejuelo; Sw. ryggfalt. paper. Dan. Papir; Du. papier; Fr. papier; Ger. Papier; //. carta; Sp. papel; Sw. papper. paper, blotting. Dan. Klatpapir, Traekpapir; Du. vloei- papier; Fr. papier buvard; Ger. Losch- papier; //. carta asciugante, carta 59 TECHNICAL TERMS sugante; Sp. papel secante; Sw. lask- papper. paper, large or tall copy. Du. groot papier; Fr. grand papier; Ger. Grosspapier; It. carta grande; Sp. gran papel. paper, marble. Dan. marmoreret Papir; Du. marmer- papier; Fr. papier marbre; Ger. marmoriertes Papier; //. carta marmo- reggiata; Sp. papel jaspeado; Sw. marmoreradt papper. paper cover or jacket. Dan. Papir-Omslag ; Du. papier-omslag; Fr. couverture de papier; Ger. Papier- Umschlag; //. copertina di carta; Sp. cubierta de papel ; Sic. pappersomslag. paper cover, in. Sec stitched. paper cutter or paper knife. Dan. Papirkniv; Du. papiermes; Fr. coupe- papier; Ger. Papiermesser; //. taglia- carte; Sp. corta-papeles; Siu. pappers- knif. paper knife. See paper cutter. paragraph. Dan. ny Linie; Dw. alinea; Fr. alinea; Ger. Absatz; //. capoverso, alinea; Sp. par- rafo nuevo; Sw. ny rad. parchment. The skin of sheep or goats pre- pared and polished with pumice stone for writing, engraving, etc. Dan. Pergament; Du. pcrkanient; Fr. parchemin; Ger. Pergament; //. per- 60 ENGLISH gamena; Sp. pergamino; Sia. perga- ment. part. Dan. Del; Du. gedeelte; Fr. partie; Ger. Teil; //. parte; Sp. parte; Siv. del. pasteboard. Dan. Pap; Du. stroobord, bordpapier; Fr. carton de collage; Ger. Pappe; It. car- tone; Sp. carton fuerte; Sw. papp. pastoral letter. Dan. Hyrdebrev; Du. herderlijke brief; Fr. lettre pastorale; Ger. Pastoralbrief ; It. lettera pastorale ; Sp. carta pastoral ; Sw. herdabref. period. Dan. Punktum; Du. punt; Fr. point; Ger. Punkt; //. punto; Sp. punto; Sw. punkt. periodical. Dan. Tidsskrift; Du. tijdschrift; Fr. ecrit periodique; Ger. Zeitschrift; //. opera periodica; Sp. periodico; Sw. tidskrift. picture book. Dan. Billedvferk; Du. prentenboek; Fr. livre d'images; Ger. Bilderbuch; It. libro d'imagini; Sp. libro de laminas; Sw. bilderbok. pie or pi. Type that has been upset or other- wise disarranged, so that it cannot be readily used until assorted. Stand. Diet. Dan. Svibelfisk; Du. pastei; Fr. pate; Ger. Eierkuchen, Zwibelfisch; //. pas- 61 TECHNICAI. TERMS ticcio di caratteri ; Sp. pastel ; Sw. svibel- fisk. pieced out or repaired. Dan. repareret, lappet; Du. hersteld, bij- geplakt; Fr. rapiece; Ger. ausgebessert; //. rattoppato; Sp. remendado, pegado; Sw. lagad. pigskin or hogskin. Dan. Svinelaeder; Z)^^. . varkensleer; Fr. peau de truie; Ger. Schweinsleder; //. pelle di porco; Sp. piel de cerdo; Sw. svinskinn. placard. See poster, place of printing. See printing, place of. place of publication. See publication, place of. plate. Dan. Stik; Du. plaat, snede; Fr. gravure, planche; Ger. Stich; It. incisione, inta- glio, tavola; Sp. grabado; Sw. gravyr, plansch. playing cards. Dan. Spillekort; Du. speelkaarten ; Fr. cartes a jouer; Ger. Spielkarten; //. carte da giuoco; Sp. barajas; Siv. spel- kort. pocket edition. Dan. Lommeudgave ; Du. zakuitgaaf; Fr. edition de poche, edition portative; Ger. Taschenausgabe ; //. edizione portatile; Sp. edicion de bolsillo; Sw. upplaga i fickformat. poem. Dan. D\gt; Du. gedlcht; Fr. po^me: Ger. 62 ENGLISH Gedicht; //. poema; Sp. poema; Sw. dikt. popular edition. See edition, popular, portrait. Dan. Portrset; Du. portret; Fr. portrait; Ger. Portrait; //. ritratto; Sp. retrato; 5^. portratt. poster or placard. An advertising sheet of considerable size, usually printed and often illustrated. Dan. Plakat, Opslag; Du. aanplakbiljet; Fr. affiche, placard; Ger. Plakat, Anschlag; //. avviso; Sp. cartel; Sw. anslag. posthumous works. See works, posthumous, prayer-book. Dan. Bonnebog; Du. gebedenboek; Fr. livre de prieres; Ger. Gebetbuch; It. libro di preghiere; Sp. devocionario, libro de devociones; Siv. bonbok. preface. Dan. Fortale, Forord; Du. voorrede, voor- bericht, voorwoord ; Fr. preface, avant- propos; Ger. Vorrede, Vorwort; //. pre- fazione; Sp. prefacion; Siu. fortal. prefix. Dan. Forstavelse; Du. voorvoegsel; Fr. prefixe; Ger. Vorsilbe; //. prefisso; Sp. prefijo; Sw. forestafvelse. preliminary leaves. See leaves, preliminary, prepared or edited. Dan. bearbejdet; Du. bewerkt; Fr. edite; Ger. bearbeitet; It. edito; Sp. com- puesto, hecho, escrito; Sw. bearbetad. 63 TECHNICAL TERMS presentation copy. Dan. Gaveeksemplar, Frieksemplar; Du. presentexemplaar ; Fr. exemplaire d'hom- mage, livre d'hommage, envoi d'auteur; Ger. Geschenkexemplar; //. esemplare di omaggio, invio dell' autore, omaggio dell' autore; Sp. ejemplar regalado; Sw. gafvo-exemplar, friexemplar. press, (pr.) Dan. Presse; Dii. drukpers; Fr. presse; Ger. Presse; //. torchio; Sp. prensa; Sw. press. press, in the. Dan. i Trykken; Du. ter perse; Fr. sous presse; Ger. im Druck; //. sotto il tor- chio; Sp. en prensa; Sw. under tryck- ning. press, revolving. Dan. Cylinderpresse ; Dii. cylinderpers; Fr. presse a cylindre; Ger. Cylinder- presse; It. torchio a cilindro; Sp. prensa de cilindro; Sw. cylinderpress. press-proof. Dan. sidste Korrektur; Du. persrevisie; Fr. derniere epreuve, tierce; Ger. Pressrevi- sion, Superrevision ; //. ultima bozza; Sp. ultima prueba, prueba de prensa; Sw. reviderark. price. Dan. Pris; Du. prijs; Fr. prix; Ger. Preis; //. prezzo; Sp. precio; Sw. pris. print, to. Z)c«. trykke; D^^drukkcn; Fr. imprimer; 64 ENGLISH Ger. drucken; //. stampare; Sp. im- primir, estampar; Sw. trycka. printer. Da 71. Bogtrykker; Du. boekdrukker; Fr. imprimeur; Ger. Drucker; //. stampa- tore; Sp. impresor; Sw. boktryckare. printer's ink. Dan. Bogtrykkersvserte ; Du. drukinkt; Fr. encre d'imprimeur; Ger. Druckfarbe; //. inchiostro da stampa; Sp. tinta de imprenta; Siv. trycksvarta. printer's mark. Da7i. Bogtrykkermaerke ; Du. drukkers- merk; Fr. marque d'imprimeur, marque typographique, devise; Ger. Drucker- marke, Druckerzeichen; Druckersignet; //. marca tipografica, insegna, segno; Sp. marca del impresor; Sw. boktryckares marke. printing, art of. See art of printing, printing, place of. Dan. Trykkested; Du. plaats van druk; Fr. lieu d'impression; Ger. Druckort; It. luogo di stampa; Sp. lugar de im- prenta; Sw. tryckort. printing office. Dan. Bogtrykkeri; Du. boekdrukkerij ; Fr. imprimerie; Ger. Druckerei; It. stamperia; Sp. imprenta; Sw. bok- tryckeri, tryckeri. privately printed. See at the author's expense. 65 TECHNICAL TERMS prize, awarded a. Dan. prisbelonnet ; Du. bekroond; Fr. couronne; Ger. gekront; It. premiato, coronato; Sp. premiado, coronado; Siv. prisbelont. prize-essay. Dan. Prisskrift; Du. prijsschrift; Fr. ouvrage couronne; Ger. Preisschrift; //. opera coronata; Sp. obra coronada; Siv. prisskrift. proceedings. The published record of the action taken, or the things done at a meeting of an association. Stand. Diet. Dan. Forhandlinger; Dii. verslagen; Fr. bulletins; Ger. Sitzungsberichte; It. atti, resoconti; Sp. actas; 5"^. forhandlingar. proof before letters, (e.) An impression taken before the title or inscription is engraved . Dan. for Skriften; Du. voor de letter; Fr. avant la lettre, epreuve d'artiste; Ger. Abdruck eines Stiches vor der Schrift; li. prova avanti lettera; Sp. prueba de artista; prueba antes de la letra; Sw. afdrag utan text. proofmark, or mark of correction. Dafi. Korrekturtegn ; Du. correctieteeken ; Fr. marque de correction; Ger. Korrek- turzeichen; It. segno di correzione ; Sp. signo de correccion; Siv. korrektur- tecken. proof-reader. One who reads and marks cor- rections in printer's proofs. 66 ENGLISH Dan. Korrekturlseser; Dii. proeflezer, cor- rector; Fr. correcteur; Ger. Korrektor; //. correttore; Sp. corrector de pruebas; Sw. korrekturlasare. proof-reading. Reading and making correc- tions in printer's proofs. Dan. Korrekturlaesning; Du. correctie van drukproeven; Fr. correction; Ger. Kor- rektur; //. correzione delle prove; Sp. correccion de pruebas; Sw. korrektur- lasning. proof-sheet. A sheet of paper on which a proof has been taken. The margin is wide for marking corrections. Dafi. Korrekturark; Z)«. drukproef, proef- blad; i^r. epreuve; G^r. Korrekturbogen, Probebogen; //. prova, bozza; Sp. prueba, pliego de prueba; Siv. kor- rekturark, profark. publication, place of. Dan. Udgivelsessted ; Du. plaats van uit- gaaf; Fr. lieu de publication; Ger. Er- scheinungsort; //. luogo di pubblica- zione, luogo dell' edizione; Sp. lugar de edicion; Siv. utgifningsort. publication, year of. See imprint date. punctuation. Dan. Interpunktion; Du. punctuatie; Fr. ponctuation; Ger. Interpunktion; It. punteggiatura; Sp. puntuacion; Sw. interpunktion. 67 TECHNICAL TERMS Q quadrat, (pr.) A piece of type metal lower than the letters, used in spacing between words and filling out blank lines. Stand. Diet. Dan. Kvadrat; Dii. kwadraat; Fr. cadrat; Ger. Gevierte; //. quadretto; Sp. cua- drado; Sw. kvadrat. quarterly. Dan. fjerdingaarlig; Du. driemaande- lijksch; Fr. trimestriel; Ger. vierteljahr- lich; //. trimestrale ; Sp. trimestral; Sw. utkommande kvartalvis. quire, (pa.) A collection of twenty-four sheets of paper of the same size and quality, either not folded or having a single fold. Dan. Bog Papir; Du. boek papier; Fr. main de papier; Ger. Buch Papier; //. quaderno di fogli; Sp. mano de papel; Sw. bok papper. quotation marks. Dan. Anforselstegn, Gaaseojne; Du. aan- spraakteeken, aanhalingsteeken ; Fr. guillemets; Ger. Anfuhrungszeichcn; //. virgolette; Sp. virgulillas; Szv. anforings- tecken, citationstecken. rare or scarce. Dan. sjcclden; Du. zeldzaam; Fr. rare; Ger. selten; //. raro; Sp. raro; Sw. sallsynt, rar. 68 ENGLISH ream, (pa.) A quantity of paper, usually twenty quires. Dan. Riis; Dn. riem; Fr. rame; Ger. Ries; //. risma; Sp. resma; Sw. ris. rebind, to. (bb.) Dan. inbinde paany; Du. herbinden; Fr. relier de nouveau; Ger. neubinden; //. legare di nuovo, rilegare; Sp. reencua- dernar; Sw. inbinda anyo. recto. See page, odd. red edged. See edged, red. reference book. Dan. Haandbog; Dii. handboek; Fr. livre de reference; Ger. Nachschlagebuch, Promptuarium, Handbuch; //. libro di consultazione, manuale; Sp. libro de referencia; Sxv. handbok, uppslagsbok. remainders, (bo.) Copies of a book remain- ing in the publisher's stock when sales have ceased. Dan. Restoplag; Du. oplage restanten; Fr. restant de I'edition; Ger. Auflagereste, Remittenden; It. copie invendute, il fondo; Sp. restante de la edicion; Sw. restupplaga. repaired. See pieced out. report. An official statement of facts, oral or written. Dan. Beretning; Du. verslag; Fr. compte- rendu; Ger. Bericht; //. rendiconto, resoconto; ^/j. memoria ; 5it'. berattelse, redogorelse. 69 TECHNICAL TERMS report, annual. Dan. Aarsberetning; Du. jaarverslag; Fr. compte-rendu annuel, rapport annuel; Ger. Jahresbericht; //. resoconto annuale, rendiconto annuale; Sp. memoria anual; Sw. arsbrattelse, arsredogo- relse. report, monthly. Dan. Maanedsberetning; Du. maan- delijksch verslag; Fr. compte rendu mensuel; Ger. Monatsbericht ; //. rendi- conto mensile, resoconto mensile; Sp. memoria mensual; Sw. manatlig berat- telse, manatlig redogorelse. reprint. Dan. Saertryk, Separataftryk; Du. over- druk, herdruk; Fr. reimpression, tirage a part; Ger. Neudruck, Sonderdruck, Separatabdruck; It. ristampa, tiratura a parte; Sp. reimpresi&n, tirada espe- cial; Sw. sartryck, separattryck. reprint (unauthorized). Dan. Eftertr>k; Du. nadruk; Fr. reim- pression illegale, contrefagon; Ger. Nach- druck; //. contraffazione tipografica, ris- tampa furtiva; Sp. reimpresion ilegal; Sw. eftertryck. review. Dan. Revue; Du. revue; Fr. rcxue; Ger. Revue; It. rivista; Sp. revista; Sw. revy. revolving press. See press, revolving. 70 ENGLISH rewritten. Dan. omarbejdet; Du. omgewerkt; Fr. refondu; Ger. umgearbeitet; //. riscritto; 5/?. refundido ; 5^. omarbetad. rounding, (bb.) The process of making the back of a book round. Dan. Ombankning; Du. rugrondingswerk; Fr. arrondissage ; Ger. Umklopfen; Sp. la accion de redondear un lomo de libro. rubricated. Marked with red. Dan. med Rodtryk; Du. gerubriceerd ; Fr. rubrique; Ger. rubriziert; It. mar- cato di rosso, rubricato; Sp. impreso en rojo; Siv. med rodtryck. running title. See heading, live. Russia leather. Fragrant goat- or sheep- leather, which is made by a special dressing-process and resists moisture and ravages of insects. Stand. Diet. Dan. Ruslaeder; Du. Russisch leer, jucht- leer; Fr. cuir de Russie; Ger. Juchten- leder; II. cuoio di Russia; Sp. cuero de Moscovia; Sw. rysslader. scarce. See rare. scrapbook. A blank book in which extracts or pictures cut from books and papers may be pasted. Dan. Udklipsalbum ; Du. uitknipselboek; Fr. album de decoupures; Ger. Exzerp- tenbuch; //. album di ritagli, estratti 71 TECHNICAL TERMS tagliati; Sp. album de recortes; Sw. utklippsalbum. second form, (pr.) See form, second, secondhand book. See book, secondhand, secondhand bookseller. See bookseller, secondhand, selected works. See works, selected, selection. Dan. Udvalg; Dii. keur; Fr. choix; Ger. Auswahl; //. scelta; Sp. selecci&n; Sw. urval. semicolon. Dan. Semikolon; Du. komma-punt; Fr. point et virgule; Ger. Semikolon; //. punto e virgola; Sp. punto y coma; Siu. semikolon. semi-monthly. Appearing every half month. Dan. to Gange om Maaneden; Du. half- maandelijksch; Fr. bimensuel; Ger. halbmonatlich; //. quindicinale; Sp. quincenal; Siv. tva ganger i manaden. series. Dan. Rajkke; Du. reeks; Fr. serie; Ger. Folge, Reihe; //. serie; Sp. serie; Siv. foljd. sermon. Dan. Prsediken; Da. preek; Ger. Predigt; //. sermone; Sp. sermon; Siv. predikan. setting rule. See composing rule, sewing board, (bb.) Dan. Haeftelade; Du. naaibank; Fr. cou- soir; Ger. Heftlade; //. tavolctta de' legatori di libri; Sp. telar; Siv. haft- l&da. 72 ENGLISH shagreen or chagrin. A kind of untanned leather prepared in Russia and the East from the skins of horses, asses, camels, etc., and covered with small round granulations produced by pressing small seeds into the skin when it is moist, shaving the skin down to the level of depressions thus made, and then making the compressed parts swell by soaking. Stand. Diet. Dan. Chagrinlaeder; Du. segrijnleer; Fr. chagrin; Ger. Chagrinleder; //. zigrino, pelle ruvida; Sp. chagren; piel de zapa; Sw. sjagrang. shank or body of a letter, (pr.) Dan. Kegle; Du. kegel; Fr. corps de lettre; Ger. Schriftkegel; It. corpo d'un carattere; Sp. cuerpo del tipo; Sw. kagel. sheepskin. Dan. Lammeskind; Du. schapenleer; Fr. peau d'agneau; Ger. Schafieder; It. pelle di pecora ; Sp. piel de carnero ; Sw. farskinn. sheet. Dan. Ark; Du. vel; Fr. feuille; Ger. Bogen; //. foglio; Sp. pliego; Siv. ark. signature. A letter or figure placed at the bottom of the first page of each sheet of a book as a direction to the binder in folding the sheets. Stand. Diet. Dan. Arksignatur; Du. signatuur; Fr. signature; Ger. Signatur; //. segnatura; Sp. signatura; Sw. arksignatur. 73 TECHNICAL TERMS size. Dan. Format; Du. formaat; Fr. format; Ger. Format; It. forma, formato, sesto; Sp. tamano; Siv. format, sketch or rough draft. Dan. Afrids, Skizze; Dii. schets; Fr. esquisse, croquis; Ger. Abriss, Skizze; //. schizzo,abbozzo; Sp. esquicio,esbozo; Sw. skiss. skin. See leather, slip-proof. See galley proof, slug, (pr.) A thick strip of metal less than type high. Dan. Udslutning; Du. sluitstuk; Fr. lingot; Ger. Ausschlusstiick; //. margine di piombo; Sp. lingote; Sw. utslutning. small caps. See capitals, small, small letter. See letter, small, small tools. See tools, small, society (learned) publications. Dan. Iserd Selskabs Skrifter; Dn. genoot- schapswerken ; Fr. publications des aca- demies; Ger. Gesellschaftsschriften; //. pubblicazioni delle accademie; Sp. trabajos de academias; Sw. lardt salls- kaps skrifter. solid matter, (pr.) See matter, close. spring back. See back, spring, sprinkled edges. See edges, sprinkled, squares. See brackets, stain. Dan. Smudsplet; Du. vlek; Fr. souiUurc; Ger. Schmutzfleck; It. macchia; Sp. mancha; Siv. smutsflack. 74 ENGLISH stained. Dan. plettet; Dit. gevlekt; Fr. souille; Ger. fleckig; It. macchiato; Sp. man- chado; Sw. nedsmutsad, nedflackad. stamped paper. Dan. Stempelpapir; Du. zegelpapier; Fr. papier timbre; Ger. Stempelpapier; //. carta bollata; Sp. papel sellado, papel estampado; Siv. stampelpapper. state, (e.) Dan. Stadium; Du. staat; Fr. etat; Ger. Zustand, Plattenzustand ; //. stato; Sp. estadio; Sw. stadium. steel-engraving. An impression taken from an engraved steel plate. Stand. Diet. Dan. Staalstik; Du. staalgravure ; Fr. gravure sur acier; Ger. Stahlstich; It. incisione in acciaio; Sp. grabado en acero; Sw. stalstick. stipple engraving, (e.) A method of en- graving in which the lights and shades are produced by dots instead of lines or hatchings. Stand. Diet. Dan. Punktmaner; Du. punteermanier; Fr. pointillage; Gg?'. Punktiermanier; //. punteggiatura; Sp. grabado a puntos; Siv. punktermaner. stitched. Leaves of pamphlets fastened with thread or wire drawn through previously pierced holes are called stitched. Dan. haeftet; Du. ingenaaid; Fr. broche; Ger. broschiert, geheftet; It. legato in rustico ; Sp. cosido a la rustica, en rustica ; Sw. haftad. 75 TECHNICAL TERMS subscriber. Dan. Abonnent; Du. inteakenaar; Fr. abonne; Ger. Subskribent ; //. abbonato; Sp. subscriptor; Sw. abonnent. subscription. Dan. Abonnement; Du. abonnement; inteekening; Fr. abonnement; Ger. Abonnement; It. abbonamento; Sp. suscripcion; Sw. abonnement. subtitle. A secondary or subordinate title of a book. Dan. Undertitel; Du. ondertitel; Fr . sous- titre; Get. Untertitel, Sondertitel; //. sottotitolo; Sp. sototitulo; Siv. under- titel. summary. See abstract, superiors, (p.) Type standing at the top of a line, often used as a sign of reference. Stand. Diet. Dan. Notetegn; Du. boven-letters; Fr. lettrines; Ger. Verweisungsbuchstaben ; //. letterine di chiamata; Sp. letras voladas, letras superiores; Siv. not- siffra. supplement. See appendix, suppressed. Dan. beskiglagt; Dti. in beslag genomen; Fr. saisi; Ger. mit Beschlag belegt; //. sequestra to; Sp. recogido por orden del gobierno 6 tribunal; Siv. beslaglagd. synopsis. See abstract. 76 ENGLISH table of contents. Dan. Indholdsfortegnelse; Dti. blad- wijzer; Fr. table des matieres; Ger. Inhaltsverzeichnis; //. indice, tavola delle materie; Sp. tabla de materias, indice; Siv. innehallsforteckning. table of errata. Dan. Trykfejlsliste; Du. lijst van druk- fouten; Fr. errata; Ger. Druckfehler- verzeichnis; //. tavola degli errori, errata; Sp. fe de erratas; Sw. tryckfels- forteckning. tail of a book or lower edge. Dan. Undersnit; Du. staart, ondersnee; Fr. queue ; Ger. unterer Schnitt, Schwanz ; //. il disotto; Sp. canto inferior de un libro; Siv. undersnitt. tail-piece or cul de lampe. An ornament at the bottom of a short page or at the end of a book. Stand. Diet. Dan. Finale; Du. vignette aan het slot van een hoofdstuk; Fr. fleuron, cul de lampe; Ger. Schlussvignette, Zierleiste; //. finale, fregio, vignetta; Sp. final; Sw. slutvignett. tail-type, (pr.) Dan. Bogstav som naar ned under Linien; Du. staartletter; Fr. lettre a queue; Ger. geschwanzte Schrift; //. lettera discendente; lettera con asta discen- 77 TECHNICAL TERMS dente; Sp. letra descendente ; Sw. bok- staf som racker under linjen. tale. Dan. Fortaelling; Du. verhaal, vertelling; Fr. conte; Ger. Erzahlung; It. novella; Sp. cuento; Sw. saga, tall copy. See paper, large, thesis. See dissertation, tie in, to. (bb.) Dan. hsefte Arkene; Du. kordeeren; Fr. fouetter; Ger. einschniiren; //. allacciare; Sp. encordelar; Sw. hafta ark. tight back. See back, tight, time table. Dan. Fartplan; Du. reisgids, spoorboekje; Fr. indicateur; Ger. Fahrplan; //. ora- rio; Sp. itinerario, cuadro de marcha de Irenes; Siv. tidtabell. tissue-paper. Dan. Silkepapir; Du. vloeipapier; Fr. papier Joseph, papier de soie; Ger. Seidenpapier ; //. carta velina; Sp. papel de seda, papel Jose; Siv. silkespapper. title. Dan. Titel; Du. titel; Fr. litre; Ger. Titel; It. titolo; Sp. titulo; Sw. titel. title, collective. Dan. Hovedtitel; Du. hoofdtitel; Fr. grand titre; Ger. Gesamttitel; Haupt- titel; //. titolo coUettivo; Sp. titulo general; 5w. gemensam titel. title, running. See heading, live. 78 ENGLISH title-page. Dan. Titelblad; Du. titelblad; Fr. feuille de titre; Ger. Titelblatt; //. frontis- pizio, titolo; Sp. caratula, portada; Siv. titelblad. title-page lacking. * Dan. Titelblad mangier; Du. titelblad ontbreekt; Fr. le titre manque; Ger. Titel fehlt; //. manca il f rontispizio ; Sp. falta de portada; Sw. titelblad sak- nas. tooled edges. See edges, tooled, tools, small, (bb.) Dan. Smaajern; Dii. kleine stempels; Fr. petits fers; Ger. feine Stempel; II. piccoli ferri; Sp. hierros pequefios; Sw. sma stamplar. top, gilt. Dan. overste Snit forgyldt; Du. boven- snede verguld, kop verguld; Fr. tite dor6e; Ger. oberer Schnitt vergoldet; //. dorato in testa, disopra dorato, ta- glio superiore dorato ; Sp. cabeza dorada ; Sw. forgyld topp. transactions. Dan. Forhandlinger; Du. handelingen ; Fr. travaux, transactions ; Ger. Abhand- lungen; /^. atti; 5p. trabajos; 5w. hand- lingar. translated. Dan. oversat; Du. overgezet, vertaald; /^r. traduit; Ger. iibersetzt; 7/. tradotto; Sp. traducido; Siv. ofversatt. 79 TECHNICAL TERMS translator. Dan. Oversaetter; Dii. vertaler; Fr. tra- ducteur ; G^r. Uebersetzer; //.tradutt ore; Sp. traductor; Sw. ofversattare. transliteration. Spelling in the characters of another alphabet. Dan. Omskrivning; Dti. omlettering; Fr. translitteration ; G^r. Umschreibung; //. traslitterazione ; Sp. representaci6n de las letras de una lengua por las letras de otra; Sw. omskrifning. turn over the leaves of a book. Dan. gennemblade ; Dii. doorbladeren ; Fr. feuilleter; Ger. durchblattern; //. carteggiare; Sp. hojear; Sw. genom- bladdra. turned letter. See letter, turned. type, (pr.) Daw. Type; Z)z<. drukletter; Fr. type; Ger. Typus; It. tipo; Sp. tipo; Sit', bok- stafstil, typ. type-case. A case containing type. Dan. Skriftkasse; Dn. letterkas, letterkast; Fr. casse ; Ger. Schrif tkasten ; //. cassa da caratteri; Sp. caja; Sw. kast. type-case, box in a. Dan. Afdeling i en Skriftkasse; Du. letter- kastvakje; Fr. cassetin; Ger. Schrift- kastenfach; //. cassettino; Sp. cajetin; Sw. kastfack. type-setting machine. See composing machine. 80 ENGLISH types, bold faced or black faced type or heavy faced type. Dan. fade Typer; Du. vette letters; Fr. caracteres gras; Ger. fette Schrift; //. caratteri pieni; Sp. letras negras, tipos negros; Sw. fet stil. types, light faced or lean faced types. Dan. tynd Skrift; Du. magere letters; Fr. caracteres maigres ; Ger. magere Schrift ; //. scrittura magra, caratteri magri; Sp. tipos delgados, tipos de poco cuerpo; Sw. mager stil. U unbound. Dan. uindbunden; Du. ongebonden; Fr. non relie; Ger. ungebunden; //. non rilegato; Sp. no encuadernado; Sw. obunden. uncut. Dan. ubeskaaret; Du. ongesneden; Fr. non rogne; Ger. unbeschnitten ; It. in- tonso; Sp. no cortado; Sw. ej afskuren. underlined. See underscored, underscored or underlined. Dan. understreget; Du. onderstreept; Fr. souligne; Ger. unterstrichen; //. sottolineato ; Sp. subrayado ; Sw. under- struken. underscoring or underlining. Dan. Understregning; Du. onderstreeping; Fr. soulignure; Ger. Unterstreichung; 81 TECHNICAL TERMS //. parola sottolineata; Sp. subrayado; Sw. understrykning. upper case, (pr.) Da7i. Typer tagne fra Skriftkassens overste Del; Du. bovenkast letters; Fr. haut de casse; Ger. Typen aus dem Kapitalkasten ; //. cassa alta; Sp. caja alta; Sw. stilar fran kastens ofversta fack. vellum paper or parchment paper. Da?i. Velinpapir; Du. velijnpapier, per- kamentpapier ; Fr. papier velin; Ger. Velinpapier; //. carta velina; Sp. papel avitelado; Sw. velinpapper. volume. Dan. Bind; Du. deel; Fr. tome, volume; Ger. Band; //. tomo, volume; Sp. tomo, volumen; Sw. band, volym. W waste-paper. Dan. Makulatur; Du. scheurpapier; Fr. maculature, rebut; Ger. Makulatur; //. fogliaccio; Sp. papel de embalaje; Sw. makulatur. waste-paper, (pr.) Dan. Udskudsark; Du. misdruk; Fr. braies;Ger. Makulaturbogen; //. brache; Sp. maculatura; Szu. makulaturark. water lines, (pa.) Lines in the paper about 25-30 millimeters apart which intersect 82 ENGLISH at right angles other very closely spaced lines, the so-called wiremarks. Dan. Vandlinier; Du. waterlijnen; Fr. pontuseaux; Ger. Wasserlinien ; //. colo- nelli; Sp. puntizones; Sw. vattenlinjer. water mark. A mark produced in paper by pressure of a projecting design on the dandy roll, in the mold, etc. Webster. Dan. Vandmaerke; Dii. watermerk; Fr. filigrane, marque d'eau; Ger. Wasser- zeichen; //. filigrana; Sp. marca de agua, filigrana; Sw. vattenstampel. water-stain or mildew. Dan. Fugtighedsplet; Du. vochtvlek; Fr. tache de moisissure; Ger. Wasserfleck, Moderfleck; //. gora; Sp. mancha de agua, mancha de humedad; Sw. mogel- flack, vattenflack. weekly. Dan. ugentlig; Du. wekelijksch; Fr. heb- domadaire; Ger. wochentlich; /^. d'ogni settimana, settimanale; Sp. semanal, hebdomadario; Sw. veckligen. weekly newspaper. See newspaper, weekly. wiremarks. (pa.) Very closely spaced lines in paper caused by the brass wires attached to the mold. They intersect the water lines at right angles. Dan. Tvaerstriber ; Du. vormdraden; Fr. vergeures; Ger. Formstreifen, Form- draht; //. vergature; Sp. lineas del ver- jurado; 5w. randing i papper. 83 TECHNICAL TERMS with explanatory notes. Dan. forklaret; Du. met toelichtingen; Fr. explique, elucide; Ger. erlautert; It. con note esplicative; Sp. con notas ex- plicativas; Sw. med forklaringar. witness. Leaves of a book left uncut by the binder to show that he has spared the margin as much as possible. Fr. temoin; Ger. Randzeuge; //. testi- monio. wood-engraving, (e.) JDaw. Traesnit; Pm. houtsnede; Fr. gravure sur bois; Ger. Holzschnitt; //. inci- sione in legno ; Sp. grabado en madera ; Sw. trasnitt. wooden boards. Dan. Trsebogpsermer ; Du. houtband; Fr. plats de bois; Ger. Holzdeckel; //. piatti in legno; Sp. tapas de madera; Sw. traparmar. word. Dan. Ord; Du. woord; Fr. mot; Ger. Wort; It. parola; Sp. palabra; Sw. ord. work. i^aw.Vserk; Z)7i. werk; Fr. oeuvre, ouvrage; Ger. Werk; //. opera; Sp. obra; Sw. verk. works, collected. Dan. samlede Vserker; Du. verzamelde werken, volledige werken; Fr. oeuvres completes; Ger. samlliche Werke; //. 84 ENGLISH opere complete, corpo; Sp. obras com- pletas; Szu. samlade arbeten. works, posthumous. Dan. efterladte Skrifter; Du. nagelaten werken; Fr. oeuvres posthumes; Ger. nachgelassene Werke; //. opere postume; Sp. obras postumas; Sw. efterlemnade skrifter. works, selected. Dan. udvalgte Vaerker; Du. uitgelezen werken; Fr. oeuvres choisies; Ger. aus- gewahlte Werke; //. opere scelte; Sp. obras escogidas; Sw. utvalda skrifter. wormhole. Dan. Ormehul; Du. wormgat; Fr. piqure; Ger. Wurmstich ; //. tarlatura ; Sp. pica- dura de polilla; Siv. maskhal. wormholed. Dan. ormstukken; Du. wormstekig; Fr. vermoulu, pique de vers; Ger. wurm- stichig; //. tarlato, tarmato; Sp. apolil- lado; Siv. maskstungen. worn binding. See binding, worn. wrapper or cover. Z)a«. Omslag; Du. omsXsig; Fr. couverture ; Ger. Umschlag; Deckel; It. copertina; Sp. cubierta; Sw. omslag. wriing. Dan. Skrift; Du. geschrift; Fr. ecriture; Ger. Schrift; //. scrittura; 5/?. escritura; Sw. skrift. wrong letter. See letter, wrong. 85 TECHNICAL TERMS year. Dan. Aargang; Dii. jaargang; Fr. annee; Ger. Jahrgang; It. annata, anno; Sp. ano; Siv. argang. yearly. See annual. 86 DANISH A. Aar. Aal. (pr.) bodkin. Aar. year. Aarboger. (b.) annals. Aarg. Aargang. Aargang. (b.) year, annual volume. aarlig. annual, yearly. Aarsberetning. annual report. Abonnent. subscriber. Adgangskort. card of admission. Afbildning. illustration. Afgangsark or Makulatur or Udskudsark. (pr.) waste sheets. Aflaegning. (pr.) distribution of type. aflang. (b.) oblong. Afrids or Skizze. sketch, rough draft. Afsnit. (b.) section. Aftryk. (pr.) impression. Aftryk, forste. (e.) plain prints. Aftryk for Skriften. (e.) proof before letters. Aftryk med Underskrift. (e.) proof with letters. aegte Bind or ophojede Tvserbind. (bb.) raised bands. Akcidenstryk. (pr.) job-printing. Akcidenstrykker. (pr.) job-printer. Akt. (b.) act. 87 TECHNICAL TERMS Anforselstegn. quotation marks. Anhang. (b.) appendix. Anmaerkning. (b.) annotation, note. Anmeldereksemplar. reviewer's copy. Annonce. See Avertissement. Antikvarboghandler. secondhand book- seller. Ark. (b.) sheet. Arkenes Ordning or Arkenes Optagning. (bb.) gathering. Arksignatur. (b.) signature. Artikel, ledende or Leder. editorial. .^selsore. (b.) dog's ear. .^tsbund or Radeergrund. (e.) etching ground. Avertissement or Annonce. advertisement. Avis, newspaper. Avisudklip. newspaper clipping. B Bagside. (b.) even page, verso. Balle Papir. ten reams of paper. Begravelse. (pr.) out, i.e., omission of a word or phrase by the compositor. Begyndelsesbogstav. initial. Begyndelsesvignet. (b.) head-piece. Beretning. report. beskaaret. cut down, beskaaret, staerkt. cropped, beskadiget. damaged, mutilated. beslaglagt. (bo.) suppressed. Bind, aegte or ophojede Tvaerbind. (bb.) raised bands. 88 DANISH Bind, slidt. worn binding. Bindestreg. hyphen. Blad, omtrykt. cancel. Blaek. ink. Blindtryk. (bb.) blind tooling. Blokbog. blockbook. blokeret Bogstav. (pr.) turned letter. Blyantstegning. penciling. Bog, brugt. secondhand book. Bog, ubeskreven. blank-book. Bog i Materie. (b.) book in sheets, book in quires. Bog Papir. quire. Bogbinder. binder. Bogbinderi. bookbinder-shop. Bogbinderlaerred. buckram. Bogelsker or Bibliofil. bibliophile. Boghandlermesse. (bo.) book-fair. Bogladepris. (bo.) list price, published price. Boglap. (bb.) lettering piece, label. B oglap , f orsynet med . labeled . Bogliste. catalogue, list of books. Bogmasrke. bookmark. Bogorm. bookworm. Bogplade or ex libris. (b.) bookplate. Bogryg. back of a book. BogryggensTildannelse. (bb.) backing. Bogsamler. book-collector. Bogsamling. library. Bogsnit. edges. Bogstav, blokeret. (pr.) turned letter. Bogstav, forsiret. (pr.) fancy letter. Bogstav, laederet. (pr.) battered letter. 89 TECHNICAL TERMS Bogstav, lille or Minuskel. small letter. Bogstav, stort or Majuskel. capital letter. Bogstavrim. alliteration. Bogtryk or Vaerksats. (pr.) bookwork. Bogtrykker. printer. Bogtrykkermaerke. printer's mark. Bogtrykkersvaerte. printer's ink. Bbnnebog. prayer-book. Bbrneboger. (pi.) juvenile literature. Bbrsteaftryk. brushproof. Bort. margin-border. Bottepapir. handmade paper. Brev. letter. Brevhoved. letter-head. Breweksling. correspondence. Brochure or Flyveskrift or Pjece. (b.) pam- phlet. Brodskrift or Vaerkskrift. (pr.) body type, ordinary type. Brokkasse. See Defektkasse. Brudstykke. fragment. brugt Bog. secondhand book. Bryllup. (pr.) double, i.e., words or sen- tences by mistake printed twice. byde paa en Bog. bid on a book. ciseleret Snit. (bb.) tooled edges. Cylinderpresse. (pr.) revolving press. Dagblad. daily newspaper. Daggert or Obelisk or Kors. (b.) dagger. 90 DANISH daglig. daily. Defektkasse or Brokkasse. (pr.) hell, i.e., a box into which a printer throws his broken types. Disputats or akademisk Afhandling. disser- tation, thesis. Divisorium. (pr.) visorium. Dobbeltnavn. compound name. Dublet. duplicate. E Eftersyn, til. (bo.) on approval. Eftertryk. unauthorized reprint. Eksemplar. copy. Eksemplar, smukt. (bo.) fine copy. Etbladstryk. (b.) broadside. Eventyr. fairy tale. Fals. (bb.) guard. Falseben. (bb.) folding stick. Falsning. (bb.) folding. faerdig til Trykken or kan rentrykkes. (pr.) for press. Fartplan. time-table. fast Ryg. (bb.) tight back, fede Typer. (pr.) bold face types, black face types. Fisk or Svibelfisk. (pr.) pie; i.e., types mixed. fjerdingaarlig. quarterly. Flikkevaerk. cento. Flyveblad. (b.) flysheet. 91 TECHNICAL TERMS Flyveskrift or Brochure or Pjece. (b.) pam- phlet. Federal, case. Folkeudgave. popular edition. for Skriften. (e.) See Aftryk for Skriften. Foren. Forening. Forening or Selskab. society. forgyldt. (bb.) gilt. Forhandlinger. proceedings. Forlag, paa eget. (bo.) at the author's expense, privately published. Forlaegger. publisher. Forlagsret. copyright. Format, (b.) size. Formramme. (pr.) chase. Forms Stege. (pr.) furniture. Formtraadsstriber. pi. (pa.) wiremarks. Forord or Fortale. preface. Forsaetsblad or Forsats. (b.) flyleaf. Forside. (b.) odd page, recto. forsiret Bogstav. fancy letter. Forsnit. (bb.) fore-edge. Forstavelse. prefix. Fortale or Forord- preface. fortlobende Paginering. (b.) continuous pagination. fortsat or Fortsaettelse folger. (b.) to be con- tinued. Fortsaettelse. continuation. Fortsaettelse folger. See fortsat. Fraktur. (pr.) gothic characters. Franskbind. (bb.) half binding with leather back and corners. Frieksemplar. See Gavceksemplar. 92 DANISH Gaaseojne or Anfdrselstegn. quotation marks. Gaveeksemplar or Frieksemplar. presenta- tion copy. Gedeskind. (bb.) goatskin. Generalregister. (b.) general index. gennemblade. turn over the leaves of a book. gennemset. revised. gennemskudt med hvide Blade, interleaved. Gentrykform or Vidertrykform or Sekunda- form. (pr.) second form. Glitning. (pa.) calendering. graveret. engraved. Graver, engraver. Gravstik. (e.) graver. Guldsnit. (bb.) gilt edges. H H. Heefte. Haandpresse. (pr.) hand-press. Haandskrift. handwriting. Haefte. fascicle. Haeftlade. (bb.) sewing-board. Haegte. (bb.) clasp. halvaarlig. semi-annual. Halvtitel or Smudstitel. half title, bastard title, fly title. Henvisningstegn. (b.) reference-sign. Hjornet af en Bog. corner of a book. 93 TECHNICAL TERMS Horeunge. (pr.) false line, i.e., end line of a paragraph at the beginning of a page. Hoved. heading. Hovedtitel. (b.) collective title. Huskorrektur. (pr.) first proof (read in the printing office.) hver anden Maaned. bi-monthly. i god Tilstand. (bo.) in good condition, indbinde. to bind. indbinde paany. to rebind. Indbinding. binding. Indholdsfortegnelse. index, table of con- tents. Indledning. introduction. indramme mad Linier (pr.) to box in. indrykke. (pr.) to indent. Indrykning. (pr.) indentation. indskudt Blad. (bb.) interleaf. Indskydning. insertion, interpolation. J Justering or Tilretning, (pr.) justification. K K. Kort. kaldt or med Tilnavn. called. Kalvelaeder. (bb). calf. Kammarmorsnit. (bb.) combed edges. kan rentrykkes or faerdig til Trykken. (pr.; for press. Kapital or Kapitalbaand. (bb.) headband. 94 DANISH Kapitaler, smaa or Kapitelker. (pr.) small capitals. Kapitel. chapter. Kapitelker. See Kapitaler, smaa. Kegle. (pr.) shank, body of a letter. Kileskrift. cuneiform letters. Kladde. draft. Klammer. brackets. Klatpapir or Traekpapir. blotting paper. Klumme or Kolumne or Spalte. (b.) column. Klummesnor or Kolumnesnor. (pr.) page- cord. Knepryg. (bb.) spring back. kniplingsdannet Forsiring. (bb.) dentelle border. Kobberstikkabinet. (e.) print-department, printroom. kold Naal. (e.) dry point. koloreret. colored. Kolumnesnor. See Klummesnor. Kolumnetitel or Sidenummer. (pr.) dead heading, page number. Kolumnetitel, levende. (pr.) live heading, running title. kompres Sats. (pr.) close matter, solid matter. Konversationsleksikon. encyclopedia. Korrekturaftryk i Strimler, uden Paginering. galley proof. Korrekturark. proof sheet. Korrekturlaeser. proof reader. Korrekturlaesning. proof reading. Kors or Obelisk or Daggert. (pr.) dagger. 95 TECHNICAL TERMS Kort or Landkort. map. Kridttegning. crayon. Kultegning. charcoal drawing. Kursivskrift. (pr.) italics. Kustos. (b.) catchword. Kvadrat. (pr.) quadrat, kvart. k\artalsvis. kvartalsvis. quarterly. Kvartant. quarto edition. Laeder or Skind. leather, skin. laederet Skrifttegn. (pr.) battered letter. laegge af. (pr.) distribute the type. Lammeskind. (bb.) sheepskin. Lammeskind, brunt, (bb.) basil, bazil. Landkort. See Kort. lappet or repareret, (bb.) reinforced, re- paired. ledende Artikel or Leder. (b.) editorial. Leder. See ledende Artikel. levende Kolumnetitel. See Kolumnetitel, levende. lige udkommen. (bo.) now published. Linie. (b.) line. Linie, ny, or Paragraf . (b.) paragraph, alinea. Linieornamentering. fillet. Liniestik. (e.) line engraving. Lobeseddel. handbill. Lommeudgave. pocket edition. los Ryg. (bb.) loose back. Luksusudgave or Pragtudgave. edition de luxe. 96 DANISH Lystryk. photolithography. Lystspil or Komedie. comedy. M maanedlig. monthly. Maanedsberetning. monthly report. Makulatur or Af gangsark or Udskudsark. (pr.) waste-paper. Maner, sort or Sortkunst. mezzotint. marmoreret Papir. marble paper. Marmorsnit. (bb.) marble edges. med Tilnavn. called. mere udkom ikke. (bo.) no more published, all published. Messebog. missal. Mskrpt. Manuskript. manuscript. muggen. (bo.) mouldy. Munk or blegt Tryk. (pr.) friar. Munkeskrift. monk's letters. N Navnedigt or Akrostichon. acrostic. Navnefortegnelse. index of names. Navnetraek. monogram. Nedrykning paa den forste Side, (pr.) head- margin. Note under Teksten. footnote. Notetegn. (pr.) superiors. Novelle. short story. ny Linie or Paragraf. paragraph, alinea. 97 TECHNICAL TERMS o O. A. Overseetterens Anmaerkning. Obelisk or Daggert or Kors. (b.) dagger. ogsaa med Titel. also under the title. Ombankning. (bb.) rounding. ombraekke. (pr.) make up, impose. Ombraekker. (pr.) impositor. omtrykt Blad. (pr.) cancel. ophojede Tvaerbind or aegte Bind, (bb.) raised bands. ophort at udkomme. (bo.) discontinued. Opl. Oplag. Oplag. edition. opskaaret. cut open. Opslag or Plakat. poster, placard. Ordbog or Leksikon. dictionary. Originalomslag. publisher's cover. Ormehul. wormhole. ormstukken. wormholed. Oversaetter. translator. Oversaetterens Anmaerkning. translator's note. Oversigt. synopsis, summary. Overskrift. heading. overstroget or erklaeret ugyldigt. (e). can- celed. P paa eget Forlag. (b.) at the author's ex- pense, privately published. Pap. pasteboard. Papirkniv. paper-cutter. Pergament. parchment. Pjece or Brochure or Flyveskrift. pamphlet. 98 DANISH Plakat or Opslag. poster, placard. plettet. stained. Pligteksemplar. deposit copy. Praediken. sermon. Pragtudgave or Luksusudgave. edition de luxe. Presseforgyldning. (bb.) gold tooling. Pris. price. prisbelonnet. awarded a prize. Prisskrift. prize essay. Progr. program. Protokoloptegnelser. minutes of a meeting. punkteret Linie. dotted rule. R Radeergrund or .^tsbund. (e.) etching ground. Radering. (e.) etching. Raemike. (pr.) frisket. Randbemaerkning. marginal note. Raeveskind. (bb.) fox-skin. Red. or Redakt. Redaktor. Red. Anm. Redaktorens Anmaerkning. Redaktor. editor. Redaktorens Anmaerkning. editor's note. Restoplag. (bo.) remainders. Ris Papir. ream. rodt Snit. (bb.) red edges. Rom. Roman. Roman, novel. Ruslaeder. (bb.) Russia leather. Ryg i en Bog, saette. (bb.) to back. Ryg, fast, (bb.) tight back. 99 TECHNICAL TERMS Ryg, lbs. (bb.) loose back. Rygfelt. (bb.) panel. S Sagregister. index. Samler. compiler. sammenfoldet. folded. Sammenhaeng. context. Saert. Scertryk. Saertryk or Separataftryk. reprint. Saetning. sentence. Sats. (pr.) form, composition. Sats, kompres. (pr.) close matter, solid matter. Sats, skudt. (pr.) leaded matter. Sats, spaerret. (pr.) spaced matter, Saettebraedt. (pr.) letter-board, composing board. Saettekasse or Skriftkasse. (pr.) type case. Saettelinie. (pr.) composing rule, setting rule. Saettemaskine. (pr.) composing machine. Saetter. (pr.) compositor, se. see. Sejldug. (bb.) duck. Sekundasignatur. (b.) signature with an asterisk. Selskabsskrifter. society publications. Sep.-Aftr. Separataftryk. Separataftryk. See Saertryk. Sidenummer or Kolumnetitel. (b.) dead heading, page number. Signaturlinie. (b.) signature line. Silkepapir. tissue paper, sjaelden. (bo.) rare. 100 DANISH Skib. (pr.) galley. Skind or Laeder. skin, leather. Skizze. sketch. Skonskrivning. calligraphy. Skontrykformoz-Primaform. first form, prime form. Skrift. writing, types. Skrift, tynd. (pr.) lightfaced types, leanfaced types. Skriftkasse or Saettekasse. (pr.) case, type- case. Skriftkasse, Afdeling i en. (pr.) box in a type-case. Skrivepapir. writing paper. Skrvp. Skrivepapir. skudt. (pr.) leaded. Skulder. (pr.) shoulder of a type. Skydelinie or Reglet. (pr.) lead. slidt Bind, worn binding. Slutningslinie. bottom line. Slutningsskrift or Kolofon. colophon. Smaajern. (bb.) small tools. Smaede skrift. libel. Smudsplet. stain. Smudstitel or Halvtitel. half-title, bastard- title, fly-title. smukt Eksemplar. (bo.) fine copy. Snit. edges. Snit, ciseleret. (bb.) tooled edges. Snit, overste. (bb.) head, top. Snit (overste), forgyldt. (bb.) gilt top. Snit, rbdt. (bb.) red edges. Snit, spraengt. (bb.) sprinkled edges. 101 TECHNICAL TERMS Sorgerand. mourning border. Sorgespil. tragedy. Sortkunst or sort Maner. (e.) mezzotint. spaerret Sats. (pr.) spaced composition. Spatie. (pr.) space. Speil. (bb.) paste-down, i.e., leaf that is pasted to the inside of the cover of a book. Spies, (pr.) blacks, i.e., a space, quadrat or piece of furniture that rises and is im- printed on the sheets. Spillekort. playing cards. Sporgsmaalstegn. interrogation point. spraengt Snit. See Snit, spraengt. Sproglaere. grammar. Staalstik. (e.) steel engraving. Stadium, (e.) state. Stavelse. syllable. Stempelpapir. stamped paper. Stik. (e.) cut, plate, engraving. Stjerne. (b.) asterisk. Svibelfisk or Fisk.(pr.) pie, i.e., types mixed. Svinelaeder. (bb.) pig-skin. Svinesteg. (pr.) fat, i.e., pieces of compo- sition, for instance, running titles that are kept for future use and not taken apart till the whole work is finished. Tab. Tabel. Tabel. table. Tankestreg. dash. Tavle. plate. Tb. Tabel. 102 DANISH Tidebog. book of hours. til Eftersyn. (bo.) on approval. Tilegnelse. dedication. Tilfojelse. note, addition. Tilnavn, med. called. Tilretning or Justering. (pr.) justification. Tilstand, i god. (bo.) in good condition. Titel, med. entitled. Titel, uden. anepigraphous, without title. Titelblad mangier, (bo.) title-page lacking. Titelkobber. frontispiece. Titellinie. headline. Titeludgave. a so-called new edition in every way unchanged, except for the title-page. to Gange om Maaneden. semi-monthly. Traebogpermer. pi. (bb.) wooden boards. Traekpapir. See Klatpapir. trefarvet Tryk. (pr.) three-color print. Tryk med ophojede Linier. (pr.) anastatic printing. Trykfejl. misprint. Trykfejlsliste. table of errata. Trykkeaar. imprint date. Trykken, i. in the press. Trykkested. place of printing. Trykkested, uden. no place. Tuschmaner. aquatint. Tvaerbind, ophojede or aBgte Bind, (bb.) raised bands. Tvaerfolio. oblong folio. Tvl. Tavle. tynd Skrift. (pr.) lightfaced types, lean- faced types. 103 TECHNICAL TERMS Typer, fede. (pr.) boldfaced types, heavy- faced types. U u. A. uden Aar, uden Aarstal. ubeskaaret. uncut. Uddrag or Udtog. extract, excerpt. uden Aar or uden Aarstal. no date. uden Trykkested and uden Udgivelsessted. no place. Udgangslinie. (pr.) last line of a paragraph. Udgivelsessted. place of publication. Udgivelsessted, uden. See uden Trykkested. Udhaengsark. advance-sheets. Udklipsalbum or Excerptebog. scrapbook. Udraabstegn. exclamation point. Udskudsark or Afgangsark or Makulatur. (pr.) waste-sheets. Udslutning. (pr.) slug. udsolgt. (bo.) out of print. Udtog or Uddrag. extract, excerpt. Udv. Udvalg, udvalgt. Udvalg. selection, udvalgt. selected. Ugeblad. weekly newspaper, ugentlig. weekly. uindbunden. unbound. under et. (bo.) by the lot. Underslag. (pr.) blank space at end of a page. Undersnit. (bb.) tail, i.e., lower edge of a book, understreget. underscored, undertegnet. signed. 104 DANISH VaBlskbind. (bb.) half-sheep. Vandlinier. pi. (pa.) waterlines. Vandmaerke. (pa.) watermark. Vaerksats or Bogtryk. (pr.) bookwork. Vaerksaetter. (pr.) book compositor. Vaerkskrift or Brodskrift. (pr.) body type, the usual type. Vejviser. directory. Verdenskort. map of the world. Vidertrykform or Gentrykform or Modtryk or Sekundaform. (pr.) second form. Vinkelhage. (pr.) composing stick. Vuggetryk. incunabula. 105 DUTCH aanhalingsteeken or aanspraakteeken. quo- tation mark. aanhangsel or bijvoegsel. appendix, supple- ment. aankooiing or verefifening der kolommen. (pr.) justification. aanplakbiljet. poster, placard. aanspraakteeken. See aanhalingsteeken. aanteekenaar. annotator, commentator. aanteekening. annotation. academisch proefschrift or dissertatie. dis- sertation, thesis. achterkant or achterzijde or even blad- zijde (b.) even page, verso. adresboek. directory. advertentie. advertisement. afbeelding. illustration. afdruk. impression. afdruk voor de letter, (e.) proof before letters. afgesneden, kort. cropped. afkappingsteeken. apostrophe. afsnijden met tekstverminking. bleed, antiquaarboekhandelaar. secondhand book seller. auteursrecht or kopijrecht. copyright. 106 DUTCH B baal papier, ten reams. band, binding, cover. band, versleten. worn binding. bedrijf. act. beginletter. initial. begrip, kort or overzicht. synopsis, sum- mary. bekroond. awarded a prize. beoordeelaar. critic. beperkte uitgaaf. limited edition. beschadigd. See geschonden. beschimmeld. mouldy. beschrijvende tekst. descriptive text. bewerker. editor. bewerkt. edited, prepared. bieden op een boek. bid on a book. bij vooruitbetaling. (bo.) prepaid. Eijbel. Bible. bijeenbrengen, vergaren (bb.) gathering. bijgeplakt or hersteld. repaired. bijvoegsel or aanhangsel. appendix, supple- ment. blad, Ids. fly-sheet. bladen, schoone. pi. (bo.) advance sheets. bladwachter or custode. (b.) catchword. bladz. bladzijde. bladzijde, oneven or voorzijde. odd page recto. bianco vellen. blank leaves, blijspel. comedy. blind druk op banden. (bb.) blind tooling. 107 TECHNICAL TERMS bloemlezing. anthology. boek, onbeschreven. blank book. boek, tweedehandsch. secondhand book. boek in losse bladen. book in sheets, book in quires. boek papier, quire. boekaankondiging. announcement of a book. boekbeocrdeeling or boekrecensie. book review. boekbinder. binder. boekbinderij. bookbinder shop. boekbinderstitel or rugtitel. binder's title. boekdrukkerij or drukkerij. printing office. boekengek or bibliomaan. bibliomaniac. boekenliefhebber. bibliophile. boekenveiling. See boekverkooping, open- bare. boekhandel. booktrade. boekje or boekske. small volume. boekmerk or boekmerkteeken. bookplate, ex libris. boekske. See boekje. boekverkooping, openbare or boekenveiling. book-auction, boekwerk fpr.) bookwork, boekwinkel. bookstore. bcekworm. bookworm. boekzetter. (pr.) book compositor. bont. vari-colored. boomwolpapier. cotton-paper. bordpapier or carton or stroobord. i^aste- board. bovengen. bovengenoemd. 108 DUTCH bovengenoemd. mentioned above, bovenkast-letters. (pr.) upper case, bovenletters. (pr.) superiors, bovenregel. headline. bovensnede verguld or kop verguld. (bb.) gilt top. briefhoofd. letter-head. briefwisseling. correspondence. broodletters. (pr.) body-type, ordinary type. coUectie or verzameling. collection. commissie-boekhandelaar. general book- seller. compilatie. compilation. correctie van drukproeven. proof reading. correctie-els. (pr.) bodkin. correctieteeken. marks of correction, proof- reading signs. courant or krant or nieuwsblad. newspaper, couranten uitknipsel. newspaper clipping. cursief letters, (pr.) italics. cylinder pers. (pr.) revolving press. D dagelijksch. daily. dagteekening or datum, date. dissertatie or akademisch proof schrift. thesis , dissertation. doorbladeren. turn over the leaves of a book. doorgeschrapt. canceled, crossed out. 109 TECHNICAL TERMS doorloopende paginatuur. continuous pagi- nation. doorschoten. interleaved. doortrek papier or kalkeer papier, tracing paper. draadhechtmachine. wire stitching machine. drie-kleuren druk. three-color print. driemaandelijksch. quarterly. droge naald, (e.) dry-point. druk, jaar van. imprint year. druk, plaats van. imprint place. drukfeil. See drukfout. drukfout or drukfeil. misprint. drukfouten, lijst van. list of errata. drukinkt. printer's ink. drukkersopgaaf. imprint. drukletter. type. drukpers. press. drukproef or proefdruk or proefblad. proof sheet. drukwerk. printed matter. dubbel gezet woord (pr.) double. dubbel punt, colon. Duitsche letter, (pr.) black letter. dwars. oblong. E eenblad-druk. broadside. eenkolommig. in one column. eerstelingsdrukken or wiegedrukken. in- cunabula, ets, weeke-grond. (e.) soft ground etching. 110 DUTCH etsgrond. (e.) etching ground. etsijzer or etsnaald. etching needle. etsnaald. See etsijzer. exemplaar, mooi. (bo.) fine copy. ezelsoor. (b.) dog's ear. F formaat. size. fractuurletters or Gothische letters. Gothic characters. Fransche titel or voor-de-handsche titel. half title, bastard title, fly title. gaaf. (bo.) in good condition. galei. (pr.) galley. galei-proef. galley-proof. gebedenboek. prayer-book. geblokkeerde letter or omgekeerde letter. (pr.) turned letter. gebrocheerd or ingenaaid. (bb.) stitched. gecartonneerd. (bb.) in boards. gecastigeerd or gedauphineerd. expurgated. geciseleerde snede. (bb.) tooled edges. gecompileerd. compiled, gedauphineerd. See gecastigeerd. gedenkschriften. memoirs. gedrongen tekstzetsel. (pr.) solid matter. gefiletteerd. filleted. gegraveerd. engraved. geitenleder. goat-skin. gekwetste letters, battered type. gemarmerd papier, marble paper. Ill TECHNICAL TERMS gemarmerd op snede. marble-edged. gemonteerd or opgeplakt. mounted. genaamd. called. genootschapswerken. society publications. gepunteerde regel. dotted rule. gerubriceerd. rubricated. geschept papier, hand-made paper. geschonden or verminkt or beschadigd. mutilated, damaged. geschrift. writing. gesnoeid. (bb.) cut down. gespikkeld op snede. sprinkled edges. getijboek. book of hours. getiteld. entitled. gevlekt. stained. gevouwen. folded. gewatteerd lederen band, padded leather binding. Gothische letters or fractuurletters. Gothic characters. gouddruk or vergulde ornamenteering. gold tooling. goudsnede or verguld op snede. gilt-edged. gravure in lijnenmanier. (e.) line engrav- ing. gravure in punteermanier or gepunteerde gravure. (e.) stipple engraving. H . haakjes. parentheses. haken. brackets. half Fransche band, half-calf binding, halfjaarlijksch. half yearly. 112 DUTCH halfmaandelijksch. semi-monthly. handboek. manual, handbook. handelingen. transactions. handleiding. guide. handpapier. handmade paper. handpers. (pr.) hand-press. hel. (pr.) hell, i.e., a box into which a printer throws his broken types. herbinden. rebind. hersteld or bijgeplakt. reinforced, repaired. herzien. revised. hoek van een boek. corner of a book. hoofdartikel. editorial. hoofdletter or kapitaal. capital letter, hoofdstuk or kapittel. chapter, hoofdtitel. collective title. houtband. wooden boards. houtblokdruk. (b.) blockbook. houtblokjes or loodblokjes. (pr.) furniture. in eens or ongeteld or en bloc, (bo.) by the lot. in beslag genomen. suppressed. incompleet. imperfect, incomplete. inhoud. contents, inhoudsopgaaf. table of contents. inleiding. introduction. inspringen. indentation. invoeging. insertion, interpolation. J jaar van druk. imprint year. jaarboeken or jaarboekjes. pi. annals. 113 TECHNICAL TERMS jaarboekjes. See jaarboeken. jaarverslag. annual report. jufferboek or mopje. 17th century book of songs or erotic poetry. kalfslederband. calf-binding. kalkeerpapier. See doortrek papier. kammarmersnede. combed edges. kantteekeningen or marginalien. pi. margi- nal notes. kapitaal or hoofdletter. (pr.) capital letter. kapitaalband. (bb.) head-band. kapitalen, kleine. (pr.) small capitals. kartonnenband. binding in boards. kegel. (pr.) shank, body of a letter. keur. selection. kinderboeken. juvenile literature. klamp. clasp. kleine kapitalen. (pr.) small capitals. kleine letter, (pr.) small letter, lower case. kleine stempels. (bb.) small tools. kolommentitel, doode, or volgnummer van de bladzijde. dead heading, page-number. kolommentitel, levende or veranderlijke koptitel. live heading, running title. komma-punt. semicolon. koorden or ribkoorden. (bb.) raised bands. kop. (bb.) head of a book. kop van een lettertype. (pr.) shoulder of a type. koper ets. (e.) copper etching. 114 DUTCH koperdrukplaat or kopergravure. (e.) copper- engraving. kopij. copy. kopijrecht or auteursrecht. copyright. koppelteeken. hyphen. koptitel, veranderlijke. See kolommentitel, levende. kopvignet or en-tete or vignet aan het begin van een hoofdstuk. headpiece. kordeeren. (bb.) tie in. krant or courant. newspaper. kruisje. dagger, cross. kwadraat (pr.) quadrat. lectuur voor kinderen. See kinderboeken. leder or leer, leather, skin. leerboek. textbook. leesboek. reading book. leeswijzer or boekenlegger. bookmark. letter, bovenkast. (pr.) upper case. letter, Duitsche. (pr.) black letter, letter, geblokkeerde. (pr.) turned letter, letter, gekwetste. (pr.) battered type. letter, onderkast. (pr.) lower case, letter, vreemde. (pr.) wrong font. lettergreep. syllable. letterkas or letterkast. (pr.) type-case. letterkast vakje. (pr.) box of a type case. letterkeer. anagram. letterplank or zetplank der letterzetters. (pr.) composing board. 115 TECHNICAL TERMS letters, magere. (pr.) lightfaced types, lean- faced types. letters, vette. (pr.) boldfaced types. letterspijs. (pr.) type metal. lettertypen, dubbele. (pr.) ligature. letterzetter. (pr.) compositor. levende kolommentitel. See kolommentitel, levende. lichtdruk. photolithography. lijst van drukfouten. list of errata. los blad. fly sheet. losse bladen. -See boek in losse bladen. losse rug. (bb.) loose back. luxe-uitgaaf or prachtuitgaaf. edition de luxe. M maandblad. monthly publication. maandelijksch. monthly. magere letters. See letters, magere. marmerpapier. marble paper. mededeelingen or verslagen. proceedings. m. met. met. with. met toelichtingen. with explanatory notes. metaalbeslag. (bb.) bosses. misdruk. (pr.) waste sheet. monnik. (pr.) friar, i.e., any part of the page which has not received the ink. monnikenschrift. monks' letters. mooi exemplaar. (bo.) fine copy. mopje. Sec jufferboek. IIG DUTCH N naaibank. (bb.) sewing-board. naamcijfer. monogram. naamdicht. acrostic. naamloos. anonymous. naamregister. index of names. nadruk. unauthorized reprint. nagelaten werken. posthumous works. narede or nawoord or slotwoord. epilogue. nieuwsblad. See courant. noot. note. notitieboek. note-book. notulen van eene bijeenkomst. minutes of a meeting. O omgekeerde letter or geblokkeerde letter. (pr.) turned letter. omlettering. transliteration. omlijsten. (pr.) box in. onafgesneden. uncut. onbeschreven boek. blank book, onderkast letters, (pr.) lower case. onderschot. (b.) the blank space at the end of a page. ondersnede or staart. lower edge of a book, tail. onderstreeping. underscoring. onderstreept. underscored. ondertitel. subtitle. oneven bladzijde or voorzijde. odd page recto. 117 TECHNICAL TERMS ongeteld or in eens or en bloc, (bo.) by the lot. ook onder den titel. also under the title. op zicht. (bo.) on approval. opdracht or toewijding. dedication, openbare verkooping. auction sale, opengesneden. cut. opgeplakt or gemonteerd. mounted, opmaken. (pr.) make up. ordenen or rangschikken. file, overgezet or vertaald. translated. overzicht or kort begrip. synopsis, summar\-. pagina touwtje. (bb.) page-cord. pagineering. pagination. palaeotypen or wiegedrukken or eerstelings- drukken. incunabula, pamflet or brochure, pamphlet. paneel. (bb.) panel. papier, geschept. handmade paper. papiermes. paper-cutter, pastei. fpr.) pie, i.e., types mixed. plaat, uitslaande or gevouwen plaat. folded plate. plaatsnijder or graveur. engraver, prachtuitgaaf or luxe-uitgaaf . edition de luxe, prentenboek. picture-book. presentexemplaar. presentation copy. prijs van uitgaaf. (bo.) published price, list price. prijscatalogus, priced catalogue, prijsschrift. j^rize essay. 118 DUTCH privaat uitgaaf. privately published. proefblad or drukproef or proefdruk. proof sheet. proefblad met den borstel getrokken. brush proof. proeflezer or corrector, proof reader. punt, period. R randlijst. margin border. rangschikken or ordenen. file. reisgids or spoorboekje. time-table. rekenboek. textbook of arithmetic. rekening. bill. rekening van den schrijver, voor. at the author's expense, privately published. ribbenband. (bb.) raised bands. riem. (pa.) ream. rij. row, file. roodgekleurd op snede. red-edged, rouwrand. (pr.) mourning border, rug, het maken van den (bb.) backing. rug, losse or vrije. (bb.) loose back, rug, vaste. (bb.) tight back. rug, veerende. (bb.) spring back. rugrondingswerk. (bb.) rounding, rugschild. (bb.) lettering piece. rugtitel or boekbinderstitel. binder's title. ruiling. exchange, ruim tekstzetsel or gespatieerd tekstzetsel. (pr.) spaced composition. Russisch leder. (bb.) Russia leather. 119 TECHNICAL TERMS schapenleder, gelooid. basil, bazil. schets. sketch. scheurpapier. waste paper. schoondruk. (pr.) first form. schoone bladen. pi. (bo.) advance sheets. schoonschrijven. calligraphy. schotschrift. lampoon. schraapmanier or zwarte kunst. (e.) mezzo- tint. schrijfboek. blank book. segrijnleder. shagreen. sierletter. (pr.) fancy letter. slap omslag. (bb.) flexible binding. sleutelboek or livre a clef, a book in which the proper names of persons or localities are disguised by the author. slotregel. bottom-line. slotschrift. colophon. slotwoord, See narede. sluitstuk. (pr.) slug. smaadschrift. libel. smetten or vlekken. (pr.) set off. smoutwerk. (pr.) job-printing. snede or snee or plaat. (en.) cut, engraving, plate, edges. snede, geciseleerde. (bb.) tooled edges. snede, gemarmerde. (bb.) marble-edged. snede, gespikkelde. (bb.) sprinkled edges. snede, roodgekleurd op. (bb.) red-edged. snee. See snede. snelpers. (pr.) fly-press. 120 DUTCH speelkaarten. playing cards. spelboek. spelling book. spijkerschrift. cuneiform letters. spoorboekje or reisgids. time-table. sprookje. fairy tale. staart or ondersnee. lower edge of a book, tail. staartletter. (pr.) tail-type, descending letter. staat. (e.) state. steendruk. (e.) lithograph, stempelband. ornamental stamped binding, stempeling. stamping. stempels, kleine. small tools. sterkwaterplaat, or ets. (e.) etching, sterretje. asterisk. stijflinnen. (bb.) buckram, streepje. dash, stroobord. See bordpapier. teekening. drawing. titel, Fransche or voor-de-handsche titel. half-title, bastard-title, fly-title. titelblad ontbreekt. title-page lacking, titel-signatuur. direction line. toestand, in goeden. in good condition. toewijding or opdracht. dedication. tooneel. scene. tooneelspel. drama. treurspel. tragedy. tusschenblad. interleaf. 121 TECHNICAL TERMS tweed ehandsch boek. secondhand book, tweemaandelijksch. bi-monthly. U uitgaaf, beperkte. limited edition. uitgelezen werken. selected works. uitknipselboek. scrapbook. uitroepingsteeken. exclamation point, uitsl. uitslaand. uitslaand. folded. uittreksel. extract. varkensleder. pigskin. veerende rug. (bb). spring back. veiling. See boekenveiling. verbeterblad. (pr.) cancel. verguld op snede or goudsnede. gilt-edged. verplaatsbaar. adjustable. verschoten. faded. vertaald or overgezet. translated. vertelling or verhaal. tale. vervolgd, wordt. to be continued. verzameling. See collectie. vette letters, (pr.) bold-faced type. vignet aan het begin van een hoofdstuk or kopvignet. head-piece. vignet aan het slot van een hoofdstuk. tail- piece. vlek. stain. vlekken or smetten. set off. vlekken, zwarte. (pr.) blacks. vloeipapier. tissue paper, blotting paper. 122 DUTCH vlugschrift or brochure or pamflet. pamphlet. volgnummer der bladzijde or doode kolom- mentitel. dead heading, page number. volksuitgaaf. popular edition. voor alle letters, (e.) plain prints. voor-de-handsche titel or Fransche titel. half-title, bastard-title, fly-title. voor de letter or afdruk voor de letter, (e.) proof before letters. voor de pers gereed. (pr.) for press. voor rekening van den schrijver. at the author's expense, privately published. voorbericht. See voorrede. voorkant. See voorzijde. voorrede or voorbericht or voorwoord. pref- ace. voorsnee or voorsnede. (bb.) fore-edge. vooruitbetaling, bij. (bo.) prepaid. voorvoegsel. prefix. voorwerk. preliminary leaves and pages. voorzijde or voorkant or oneven bladzijde. odd page, recto. vormdraden. (pa.) wire marks. vormraam. (pr.) chase. vossenleder. (bb.) foxskin. vouwbeen. folding stick. vouwen. (bb.) folding. vraagteeken. interrogation mark. W waterlijnen. (pa.) water lines. watermerk. (pa.) water mark. 123 ]^ TECHNICAL TERMS weekblad. weekly newspaper. weeke-grond ets. (e.) soft ground proof. weerdruk. (pr.) second form. wekelijksch. weekly. wereldkaart. map of the world. wiegedrukken or eerstelingsdrukken. in- cunabula. winkelhaak or zethaak. (pr.) composing stick. woordenboek. dictionary. wormgat. wormhole. wormstekig. wormholed. z. aid. zie aldaar. zegelpapier. stamped paper. zeildoek. duck. zethaak. See winkelhaak. zetlinie. (pr.) composing rule. zetmachine. (pr.) typesetting machine. zetplank or letterplank. (pr.) letterboard, composing board. zetsel. (pr.) form, composition, zetsel, gedrongen. (pr.) close matter, solid matter. zetsel, gespatieerd or ruim zetsel. (pr.) spaced matter. zetsel met interlinies. (pr.) leaded matter. zetsel weggelaten. (pr.) out. zicht, op. on approval, zichtzending. books sent on approval. zie. sec. zie aldaar. see there. 124 DUTCH zink ets. zinc etching. zoo juist verschenen. (bo.) now published. zwarte kunst or schraapmanier. (e.) mezzo- tint. zwarte vlekken. (pr.) blacks. 125 FRENCH a. armes. a I'examen or sous condition, (bo.) on approval. a forfait or en bloc, (bo.) by the lot. a. 1. avant la lettre. a plein dos. (bb.) tight back. a suivre. to be continued. a. t. 1. avant toute lettre. abonne. subscriber. accomp. d. n. accompagne de notes. accompagne de notes, with notes. acte. act. adr. adresse. adresse bibliographique. imprint. affiche. poster, placard. ajoute. (pr.) new matter. album de decoupures. scrap-book. almanach des adresses. directory. an. annee. anepigraphe. without title. annales. annals. annee. year. annonce. advertisement. anopistographe. manuscripts or books writ- ten and printed on the recto only. ant. antiqu6. antique, tooled. 126 FRENCH appel de note, (pr.) a number, letter or asterisk referring from the text to a foot- note. approche. (pr.) space between type. armes. coat of arms. armoriee. See reliure armoriee, arraphique. (bb.) See reliure arraphique. arrondissage. (bb.) rounding, article de fond, editorial. assemblage, (bb.) gathering. atelier de relieur. bindery. au comptant. cash payment. augm. augmente. augmente. enlarged. aussi sous le titre. also under the title. aut. auteur. auteur. author. aux frais de I'auteur. at the author's ex- pense, privately printed. av. let. avec lettre. avant la lettre or avant lettre or epreuve d'artiste. (e.) proof before letter. avant la retouche. (e.) before the retouch. avant toute lettre. (e.) plain prints. avec lettre. (e.) print with signature, title, etc. avec la lettre tracee. (e.) with etched letters. B bardeau. (pr.) hell, i.e., a receptacle for broken and battered type. bas. basane. bas de casse. (pr.) lower case. 127 TECHNICAL TERMS bas d'une page, bottom of a page. basane. basil, bazil. bavochure. (pr.) foul print. bavure. (e.) foul print. beauc. heaucoup. beaucoup. many. belle page or page impaire or page de droit or recto, odd page, recto. bifife. (e.) canceled, crossed out. bilboquet or travail de ville. (pr.) job printing. bimensuel. semi-monthly. bis. second part, e.g., tome 3 bis is v. 3, part 2. blanc du folio recto, (b.) head margin. blancs. (pr.) spaces, quadrats, etc. blason. coatof arms, emblazonry, heraldry. blocage. (pr.) letter intentionally turned up- side down and temporarily used in place of another letter. bois. (pr.) furniture. bois habille. (e.) See gravure habillee. bon, du. (pr.) fat, i.e., pieces of composition, for instance, running titles that are kept for future use and not taken apart till the whole work is finished. bon a tirer. (pr.) for press. bonnes feuilles. (bo.) advance sheets. bord. bordure. bordure. (b.) border, frame. bougran. buckram. bouquin. old book, book of small value sold second-hand. 128 FRENCH bourdon, (pr.) out, i.e., omission of a word or phrase by the compositor, braies. pi. (pr.) waste sheets. bulletins, pi. proceedings. burin, (e.) graver, i.e., a sharp instrument used for engraving on copper. c. com. cachet, seal. cadrat. (pr.) quadrat. capitale. (pr.) capital letter. capitales, petites. pi. small capitals. car. moyens. caracteres moyens. caracteres gras. (pr.) bold-faced type. caracteres maigres. (pr.) light-faced type. caracteres moyens. (pr.) medium-sized letters. caracteres ordinaires. (pr.) body type, ordi- nary type. carre. square. carte d'entree. card of admission. carte geographique. map. cartes a jouer. playing cards. carton de collage, paste-board. carton ref ait or feuillet refait or defet. cancel. casse. (pr.) type case. cassetin. (pr.) section of a type case. censure, censorship. cesse de paraitre. (bo.) discontinued. ch. chagrin. chagrin, shagreen. 129 TECHNICAL TERMS chapitre. chapter. charniere or mors, (bb.) joint. charte. chart, map. chasse. (pr.) excess of manuscript in propor- tion to a printed page. chasse. (bb.) projecting edge of cover. chassis d'imprimerie. (pr.) chase. chiffre. monogram, cipher. chiffre de la page, page number. choix. selection. clair-obscur. (e.) chiaroscuro. clous aux coins, studded metal corners. co-auteur. joint author. coin, corner. coUe. pasted, mounted. colle. (pa.) sized. colombelle or filet de milieu, (pr.) column rule. comete. (bb.) artificial headband. commencer sans renfoncement. (pr.) com- mence even. commerce de livres. book trade. comp. compartiment. compartiment or entre-nerfs or entre-ner- vures. (bb.) panel. complement or fascicule supplementaire. supplement number. completage. completing imperfect books. compositeur, (pr.) compositor. compositeur de livre. (pr.) book compositor. composition espacee. (pr.) spaced matter. composition interlignee. (pr.) leaded matter composition serree. (pr.) close matter. 130 FRENCH composoir. (pr.) composing board. composteur. (pr.) composing stick. comptant, au. (bo.) cash payment. compte-rendu. report. conte. tale, short story. contenu. contents. contre-epreuve. (e.) proof taken from fresh proof (by offset) giving reverse of first proof. contrefafon. unauthorized reprint. coquille. (pr.) wrong font. corne or oreille d'ane. (b.) dog's ear. corps de lettre. (pr.) type body, correcteur. proof-reader. correction, proof-reading. cote de premiere or forme premiere, (pr.) first form. cote de seconde or seconde forme, (pr.) second form. couchure. (bb.) the action of placing gold leaves on the back, the boards and the edges of a book. coupe, leaves cut. coupee au trait carre. (e.) cut to the square line. coupe-papier, paper-knife, court de marges, (b.) narrow margin. cousoir. (bb.) sewing-board. couture, (bb.) sewing. couture metallique. wire stitching. couverture muette. plain cover. couverture originale. publisher's cover. creux, gravure en. intaglio. 131 TECHNICAL TERMS crible, gravure au. See gravure en maniere criblee. crochets, pi. brackets. croix. (pr.) dagger. ct. cartonne. cuir cisele. designs cut in a flat surface of leather, background being sHghtly sunk and covered with minute punchings, so that the design appeared in rehef. D dactylographie. typewriting. date d'impression. imprint date. decor, decoration. decoupage. (bb.) cropping. decoupure d'un journal, newspaper clip- ping. decoupures, album de. scrapbook. ded. dedicace. dedicace. dedication. def et or carton ref ait or f euillet ref ait. cancel . defraichi. faded, shopworn. demi-reliure amateur, leather back and corners, paper or cloth sides, gilt top and trimmed edges. dentelle. (bb.) a lace-like decoration. departement des estampes. print depart- ment. dern. dernier, derniere. dernier, last. deteriore. damaged. deux points, colon. 132 FRENCH devise or marque d'imprimeur. printer's mark. distribuer les types, (pr.) distribute the type. dit. called. dos adherent or dos ferme. (bb.) stiff back. dos refait. (bb.) back repaired. dos a ressort. (bb.) spring back. dos souple or dos brise or reliure a I'alle- mande. (bb.) loose back. double, duplicate. doublon. (pr.) double, i.e., words or phrases printed twice by mistake. droit d'impression or droits d'auteur. copy- right. du bon. (pr.) See bon, du. E echange. exchange. ecrase. (bb.) crushed. ecrit periodique. periodical. ecrits pour I'enfance. juvenile literature. edition a bon marche. cheap edition. edition fausse. a so-called new edition un- changed except for the title-page. edition de poche or edition portative, pocket edition. elucide or explique. explained. email, (bb.) enamel. emboitage. (bb.) cased binding, i.e., not "laced in." en basane. bound in basil. 133 TECHNICAL TERMS en bloc or a forfait. (bo.) by the lot. encad. encadre. encadre. framed. encadrem. encadrement. encadrement. framing, frame. encadrer avec des filets, (pr.) to box in, to frame. encart. inset. encarter. insert a cancel. encoUage. (pa.) sizing. encre. ink. encre d'imprimeur. printer's ink. endommage. damaged. endosser, (bb.) to back, endossure. (bb.) backing, enfance, ecrits pour 1'. See ecrits pour I'enfance. enjolive. ornamented. enlumineur or miniaturiste. illuminator, entre-nerfs or entre-nervures or comparti- ment. (bb.) panel. envoi d'auteur. See exemplaire d'hommage. ep. epoque. epoque. period. epr, epreuve. epreuve. (pr.) proof-sheet. epreuve d'artiste or avant la lettre.(e.) artist's proof, proof before letter. epreuve avec la lettre. (e.) proof with letter. epreuve boueuse. (e.) excessively black proof from a too heavily inked plate, epreuve a la brosse. brush-proof. 134 FRENCH epreuve chargee. foul proof. epreuve d'essai, (e.) trial proof. epreuve neigeuse. (e.) cloudy, white-spotted proof. epreuve nonterminee. (e.) unfinished proof . epreuve en placard, (pr.) galley proof. epreuve peu chargee. (pr.) clean proof. epreuve terminee. (e.) finished proof. epure. expurgated. erreurs, avec. with a list of errata, escompte. discount. espace. (pr.) space. espace montee a rimpression. (pr.) blacks. espacer. (pr.) to space. estampille. mark, inscription or signature put on books to indicate to what library they belong. et. etat. etat. (e.) state. exemplaire d'hommage or envoi d'auteur. presentation copy. exemplaire numerote. numbered copy. exemplaire regie, copy with text underlined, usually with red lines. extrait. extract. F fausse-page or page blanche, blank page. faute typographique. misprint. faux verge, (pa.) machine made "laid" paper. ferrures. (bb.) bosses. feuille blanche or garde or feuille de garde. fly-leaf. 135 TECHNICAL TERMS feuille de garde. See feuille blanche. feuille de titre. title-page. feuilles d'auteur or bonnes feuilles. (bo.) advance sheets. feuilles preliminaires. (b.) preliminary leaves. feuillet refait or carton refait or defet. (b.) cancel. feuilleter. (bb.) to turn over the lea\-es of a book. ficelle, (pr.) page-cord, filet de milieu or colombelle. (pr.) column rule. filet noir. (pr.) mourning border, filet pointe. (pr.) dotted rule. foire de librairie. book-fair. fonce. dark. forfait, a. (bo.) by the lot. format Charpentier (i8-jesus). a common French book size, 11.7 x 18.3 cm. forme premiere or cote de premiere, (pr.) first form. forme seconde or cote de seconde. (pr.) second form. fouetter. (bb.) to tie in. frisquette. (pr.) frisket. froissee. (e.) rubbed. C galee. (pr.) galley. garde or feuille de garde or feuille blanche. fly-leaf. garniture, (pr.) furniture. 136 FRENCH gillotage. (e.) See gravure au trait. gouttiere. (bb.) fore-edge. grand format, any book over 35 cm. granite, (bb.) binding colored to resemble granite. gravure sur acier. (e.) steel engraving. gravure au burin, (e.) line engraving. gravure en creux. (e.) intaglio. gravure habillee or habillage or bois habille. (e.) illustration surrounded by text. gravure en maniere criblee or gravure au crible. (e.) dotted prints. gravure a pleine page, (e.) full page engrav- ing. gravure pliee or planche pliee. (e.) folded plate. gravure au pointille. (e.) stipple engraving. gravure en simili or similigravure. (e.) half tone. gravure au trait or gillotage or zincogravure. (e.) zinc etching. grecquer. (bb.) to make a track in the back of the assembled folded sections of a book to receive the bands that connect the sections and the covers, and to which the thread that holds the leaves is secured. grise. See lettre grise. guillemets. quotation marks. H habillage. See gravure habillee. haut de casse. (pr.) upper case. hebdomadaire. weekly. 137 TECHNICAL TERMS heures. See livre d'heures. imp. imprime, imprimeur. impr. imprime, imprimeur. impression anastatique. anastatic printing. impression clair-obscure. chiaroscuro. imprime. printed imprimeur des ouvrages de ville. job printer. inc. incise, inclusif, incomplet. incise, engraved. incun. incunables. incunables. incunabula. indicateur. time-table. in-plano. (b.) unfolded plate. interc. intercale. intercalation, insertion, interpolation. intercale. inserted, interpolated. interligne. (pr.) lead. interligne. (pr.) leaded. intitule, entitled. J jaunissure. fox mark. 1. lave. lave, cleaned, washed. lettre armoriee. letter in several colors, as if emblazoned. lettre blanche, (pr.) outline letter. lettre bloquee or lettre renversee. (pr.) turned letter. 138 FRENCH lettre capitale or lettre majuscule, (pr.) capi- tal letter. lettre de civilite. (pr.) type imitating written letters. lettre coulee, (pr.) script. lettre de fantaisie. (pr.) fancy letter. lettre fatiguee or lettre usee or lettre gatee. (pr.) battered letter. lettre flamande. See lettre de forme. lettre de forme or lettre flamande. (pr.) black letter. lettre gatee. See lettre fatiguee. lettre grise. (pr.) large initial letter at head of chapters and books. lettre majuscule. See lettre capitale. lettre minuscule or petit caractere. (pr.) small letter. lettre ornee. (pr.) ornate (florid) letter. lettre a queue, (pr.) tail type, descending letter. lettre renversee. See lettre bloquee. lettre de somme. (pr.) bastard Italian type, bastard Roman type. lettre tourneure. (pr.) ornamental initial used in the 15th century. lettre usee. See lettre fatiguee. lettrine. (pr.) (1) reference letter. (2) deco- rated initial letter. libelle. libel. libr. libraire. libraire d'assortiment or libraire de detail, general bookseller. lieu d'impression. place of printing. 139 TECHNICAL TERMS lieu de publication, place of publication, ligne fausse. false line, i.e., last line of a ' paragraph at the beginning of a page. ligne inferieure. See ligne de queue, ligne de pied, foot-line, i.e., the line con- taining only the signature and volume number, ligne de queue or ligne inferieure. last line of text on page, bottom line, ligne de tete. head-line, ligne a voleur. (pr.) a line too widely spaced. listel. fpr.) decorative line surrounding text. livre blanc. blank book, livre a clef, a book in which the proper names of persons or localities are disguised by the author. livre en feuilles. book in sheets. livre d'heures or paire d'heures or heures. book of hours. livre d'images. picture book, livre d'office or missel, missal. livre de prieres. prayer-book, livre de reference, reference book, livre xylographique. blockbook. livret. booklet. M machine a composer, (pr.) composing machine. machine typographique or presse mecanique. (pr.) fly-press. 140 FRENCH maculature or rebut, (pr.) waste sheets, off- setting of wet printed sheets. macular, (pr.) to set off. maison de reliure. bindery. majuscule. See lettre majuscule. maniere criblee. See gravure en maniere criblee. maniere noire, (e.) mezzotint. mappe-monde. map of the world. marbrure. (bb.) marbling. maroquin ecrase. (bb.) crushed morocco. maroquin fonce. (bb.) dark morocco. marque de correction, (pr.) proofreader's mark of correction. marque d'eau. (pa.) water mark. marque d'imprimeur or marque typogra- phique. printer's mark. marque de libraire. publisher's mark. mascaron. (bb.) grotesque ornament re- sembling a mask. matieres. pi. or contenu. contents. mauvais etat. (bo.) poor condition. mettre une enchere sur un livre. bid on a book. mettre en pages or remanier. (pr.) make up. milieu, (bb.) ornamental center. minuscule. See lettre minuscule. missel or livre d'office. missal. moine. (pr.) friar, i.e., any part of a page which has not received the ink. moisi. mouldy. monte. mounted. monte sur onglets. (bb.) guarded. 141 TECHNICAL TERMS mors. See chamiere. mosaique. See reliure mosaique. moyen format, from 25 to 35 cm. high. N n. c. non coupe. n. c. or n. ch. non chiffre. n. rog. non rogne. nerfs or nervures. (bb.) raised bands. nerfs postiches. (bb.) false bands. nom de plume or pseudonyme. pen-name, pseudonym. non mis en vente or pas dans le commerce. not for sale. not. ms. note manuscrite. note a la main or note manuscrite. manu- script note. note de pied, footnote. nouvelle or conte. short story. O oeuvres choisies. selected works, oeuvres posthumes. posthumous works. onglet. (bb.) guard. opusc. opuscule. opuscule, tract, treatise. oreille d'ane or come, dog's ear. ouv. cour. ouvrage couronne. ouvrage couronne. prize essay. p. partie, parties. p. d. port du. 142 FRENCH p. f. petit format. p. p. port paye. page blanche or fausse-page. blank page. page de droit. See page impaire. page impaire or belle page or page de droit or recto, odd page, recto. page paire. even page, verso. paire d'heures. See livre d'heures. panne, (bb.) old form of binding with pro- jecting ridge of leather, by which the book could be carried. papier buvard. blotting paper. papier de coton. cotton paper. papier a la cuve or papier a la forme. Hol- land paper, handmade paper. papier glace, glazed paper. papier Joseph, very fine tissue paper. papier leger comme la plume, feather- weight paper. papier marbre. marbled paper. papier satine. calendered paper. papier serpente. soft tissue paper used to protect illustrations. papier de sole, tissue paper. papier timbre, stamped paper. papillotage. (pr.) set off. paraissant tous les deux mois. bi-monthly. pas dans le commerce. See non mis en vente. pate, (pr.) pie, i.e., mixed type. peau d'agneau or peau de mouton. (bb.) sheepskin. peau de chevre. (bb.) goatskin. peau de mouton. (bb.) See peau d'agneau. 143 TECHNICAL TERMS peau de pore, (bb.) pigskin. peau de renard. (bb.) foxskin. peau de veau. (bb.) calfskin. pet. car. petits caract^res. petit format, below 25 cm. in height. petits caracteres or lettres minuscules, small letters. piece au dos or piece de titre. lettering piece. piece volante. fly-sheet. piq. d. V. piqure de ver. piqure de ver. wormhole. pi. plat, planche. planche. plate. plaq. plaquette. plaquette. Pamphlet of 1 to 24 pages. plat de dessous or plat inferieur or plat verso, (bb.) back cover, plat inferieur. See plat de dessous. plat recto or premier plat, (bb.) front cover. plat verso. See plat de dessous. plats de bois. (bb.) wooden boards, plein dos, a. (bb.) with tight back, plein-or. (bb.) gold tooling from large tools. pleine de barbes. (e.) full of burrs. pliage. folding. plie. folded. plus bas. see below, point, abhr. pointille. point, period. point d'exclamation. exclamation point. point d'interrogation. interrogation point. point et virgule. semicolon. 144 FRENCH pointe. (pr.) bodkin. pointe seche. (e.) dry point. pointille. See gravure au pointille. port du. (bo.) transportation charges extra. port paye. (bo.) transportation charges paid. premier tirage. (e.) early proof. presse a cylindre. (pr.) revolving press. presse manuelle. (pr.) hand-press. presse mecanique or machine typographique. (pr.) fly-press. proces-verbaux d'une seance, minutes of a meeting. ptilin. bookworm. public, edited, published. Q qqf. quelquefois. quelquefois. sometimes. queue d'un livre. lower edge, tail. quotidien. daily. r. n. r. rouge non rogne. racinage. (bb.) tree binding. rapiece or repare or restaure. repaired. rapport or compte-rendu. report. rature. erasure. rebut or maculature. (pr.) waste sheets. recueil factice or volume de melanges, pam- phlet volume. redacteur or directeur. editor of a periodical. refondu. re-written. 145 TECHNICAL TERMS registre. (1) in early books a table showing the signatures composing the book. (2) alphabetical table of 1st word of chapters. rel. et. br. relies et broches. relier de nouveau. to rebind. relies et broches. (bo.) some bound, some unbound. relieur, atelier de. bindery. reliure a I'allemande. See dos souple. reliure anglaise. flexible binding in full cloth or leather, with colored edges. reliure arraphique. binding without any sew- ing (case binding.) reliure d'art. art binding, de luxe binding. reliure a chamiere. old binding with wooden boards and hinged clasps. reliure a I'eventail. binding with fan-like tooling. reliure a la grecque. (bb.) binding without raised bands. reliure jumelle. (bb.) volumes or parts bound together front to back, fore-edge of first touching back of second and so on. reliure monastique. (bb.) stamped pig-skin or calf binding, ususally with ecclesiastical ornaments. reliure mosaique. (bb.) binding with back and sides decorated with inlaid or over- laid leathers of different colors. reliure parlante. (bb.) binding with design symbolic of contents of the book. reliure en portefeuille. (bb.) binding with flap, like a pocket-book. 146 FRENCH reliure a la salamandre. (bb.) binding style of the time of Francis I., with emblem of a salamander. reliure a la toison. (bb.) binding with small tool representing a sheep suspended by a band, applied at the corners and back of the book. remanier. (pr.) to remodel a page. renfoncement. (pr.) indentation. renfoncer. (pr.) to indent. renv. renvoi. renvoi, cross reference. rep. repare. repare or restaure or rapiece. repaired. repe. repetition. repetition, repetition. rest, restaure. restant de I'edition. (bo.) remainders. restaure. See repare. retiration. (pr.) printing of the second side. rouge, non rogne. red edges, uncut. rubrique. rubricated. s. sur. s. a. sans annee. s. b. sur bois. s. f. sans frais. s. parch, sur parchemin. s. t. sans titre. saisi. suppressed. salamandre, reliure a la. See reliure a la salamandre. 147 TECHNICAL TERMS sans annee. See sans millesime. sans feuille de titre. no title-page. sans frais. (bo.) gratis. sans millesime or sans annee or sans date. no date, sans titre. no title, satinage. (pa.) calendering. seconde forme. See cote de seconde. sigles. pi. abbreviations and contractions in manuscripts and early printed books. signature de titre. (b.) direction line. signe d'alinea. (pr.) sign indicating new paragraph. signet, bookmark, similigravure. (e.) half tone. soi-disant. calling himself. souille. stained. souillure. stain. souligne. underscored, soulignure. underscoring, sous condition, (bo.) on approval. souscription. colophon. suite. (1) continuation. (2) set of books. suiv. suivant. suivant. following, suivre, a. to be continued, sur parchemin. on parchment. suscription. the opening sentence of early printed books without title-page. "In- cipit." T t. s. V. pi. tournez s'il vous plait. 148 FRENCH table des matieres. table of contents. table des noms propres. index of names. tache de moisissure. water-stain. talus, (pr.) shoulder of a type. temoins. (bb.) pages which show by folded corners or edges how much the book has been trimmed in binding or rebinding. tete de chapitre or en-tete. head-piece. tete de lettre. letter-head. these, thesis. tierce, (pr.) final proof, page or plate proof. timbre d'une bibliotheque. library stamp. tirage limite. limited edition. tit. cou. titre courant. titre, grand, collective title. titre courant. running title. titre du relieur. binder's title. to. tome. toile a registre. (bb.) black bookcloth. toison, reliure a la . See reliure a la toison. tomaison. indication of volume number on each sheet. tome, volume. tr. ant. tranche antiquee. tr. eb. tranche ebarbee. tr. jasp. tranche jaspee. trad, traduit, traduction. traduction, translation. traduit. translated. trait d'union or tiret. hyphen. trait suspensif. dash. tranche antiquee. (bb.) tooled edges. tranche ebarbee. (bb.) trimmed edges. 149 TECHNICAL TERMS tranche jaspee. (bb.) sprinkled edges, tranchefile. (bb.) headband, travail de ville. See bilboquet. travaux or transactions, transactions, trimestriel. quarterly. V veau fauve. (bb.) calf leather which has retained its natural color. vente publique de livres. book-auction. vermoulu or pique de vers, wormholed. vernis de graveur. (e.) etching ground, virgule. comma. voyez. see. zincogravure or gravure au trait or gillotage. (e.) zinc etching. 150 GERMAN A. Auflage. Abdruck vor aller Schrift. (e.) plain prints. abgebraucht or gebraucht. (bo.) second- hand. abgedr. abgedruckt. abgedruckt. printed, reprinted. abgeniitzter Einband. See Einband, ab- geniitzter. abgesetzt. (bo.) sold. abgezogen. (e.) printed. ablegen. (pr.) distribute the type. Abriss. sketch, rough draft. Absatz or Paragraph, (b.) paragraph. Abschlag, auf. (bo.) See auf Abschlag. Abteilung. section, part. Abtlg. Abteilung. ahd. althochdeutsch. Akzidenzdruck. (pr.) job-printing. Akzidenzdrucker. (pr.) job-printer. althochdeutsch. Old High German, i.e., the German language in use from the seventh to the beginning of the twelfth century. Anfangsbuchstabe or Initiale. initial. Anfiihrungszeichen. quotation marks. angeb. angeboten, angebunden. angeboten. offered for sale. angebunden. bound with. 151 TECHNICAL TERMS Anh. Anhang. Anhang. appendix. anopistographisch. printed on one side only. Anschlag or Plakat. poster, placard. Anthologie or Blumenlese or Bliitenlese. anthology. Antiqua or romische Schrift. (pr.) Roman characters. Anz. Anzeige. Anzeige or Inserat. advertisement. Atlasband. satin binding. Atzzeichnung. (e.) etching. auf Abschlag. (bo.) on account. aufgeklebt. See aufgezogen. aufgeschnitten. cut open. aufgezogen or aufgeklebt. mounted. Auflage. edition. AuflageresteorRemittenden. (bo.) remain- ders. Aufschneidseite or Vorderschnitt or Schnauze. fore-edge. Aufzug or Akt. act. Auktion. See Biicher-Versteigerung. ausg. ausgewahlt. Ausgabe letzter Hand, (bo.) last edition revised by the author. ausgeb. ausgebessert. ausgebessert. (bb.) repaired. ausgeschn. ausgeschnitten. ausgeschnitten. cut out. ausgewahlte Werke. selected works. Aushangebogen. (bo.) advance sheets. Ausrufszeichen. exclamation point. 152 GERMAN Ausschliessung. (pr.) justification. Ausschlusstiick. (pr.) slug. Ausschn. Ausschnitt. Ausschnitt. clipping. Auswahl. selection. Auswechselblatt or Karton or Auswurfbogen or Umdnickblatt or Defektbogen. (b.) can- cel, i. e., a leaf or any part of printed matter omitted or suppressed, also any printed matter substituted for that stricken out. Auswechselblatt einfiigen. to insert a cancel. Auswurfbogen. See Auswechselblatt. Autotypie. (e.) half tone. B Bandangabe. volume number or other vol- ume indication. Baumwollpapier. cotton paper. bearbeitet. edited. Bearbeitung. edition. bed. verm, bedeutend vermehrt. bedeutend vermehrt. much enlarged. Beibl. Beiblatt. Beiblatt. supplement to a periodical. beigedr. beigedruckt. beigedruckt. printed with. Beistrich. comma. Bericht. report. Besatz. (bb.) border, beschadigt. mutilated. Beschlag. See mit Beschlag gelegt. 153 TECHNICAL TERMS beschn. beschnitten. cut down. beschnitten, stark, cropped. Besitzervermerk. bookplate. Bettelmantel. See Flickgedicht. bezgw., bezw. beziehungsweise. beziehungsweise. respectively. Bilderbuch. picture book. Bindestrich. hyphen. blasser Druck. (pr.) gray impression. blattgross. full page. Blatthiiter. See Blattweiser. Blattweiser or Blatthiiter or Eckwortkustode or Kustode. (b.) catchword. Blinddr. Blinddruck. Blinddruck or Blindpressung. (bb.) blind tooling. Blindpressung. See Blinddruck. Blockbuch. blockbook. Blumenlese. See Anthologie. Blumenzierat. fleuron. Bliitenlese. See Anthologie. Bogenbezeichnung. See Bogensignatur. Bogensignatur or Bogenbezeichnung. (b.) signature. Brief kopf. letter-head. Briefwechsel. correspondence. Broschiire or Flugschrift. pamphlet. Brotschriften. pi. (pr.) body type. Bruchstiick. fragment. Buch, antiquarisches. (bo.) secondhand book. Buch, -unbeschriebenes. blank book. Buch Papier, quire. 154 GERMAN Biicherfreund or Bibliophil. bibliophile. Biichernarr or Biblioman. bibliomaniac. Biichersammler. book collector. Biichertrodler. secondhand bookseller. Biicherversteigerung or Biicher-Auktion book auction. Biicherwurm. bookworm. Buchhandler. bookseller. Buchhandlermesse. book-fair. Buchladen or Buchhandlung. bookstore. Buchschnitt. edges of a book. Buchst. Buchstabe. Buchstabe. letter, character, type. Buchstabe, altenglischer. black letter. Buchumschlag. loose paper cover. Biinde, erhabene. (bb.) raised bands. Buntdruck or Mehrfarbendruck. polychromy . Biirstenabzug. (e.) brush proof. C Cimelien. (b.) precious, rare books. D d. R. W. (d. Rw.). deutsche Reichswahrung. Dam.-E. Damasteinband. Damasteinband. damask binding. Darst. Darstelluhg. Darstellung. description, explanation. Decke. board. Deckel, (pr.) tympan. Deckel or Umschlag. (bb.) cover. defekt. defective, damaged. Defektbogen. See Auswechselblatt. 155 TECHNICAL TERMS Defekt-Buchstabe. (pr.) battered letter. Dickdruckpapier. feather weight paper. Doppelsatz or Hochzeit. (pr.) double, i.e., words or sentences printed twice by mis- take. Doublette. duplicate. Dreifarbendruck. three-color print. dreispaltig. (b.) in three columns. Druck, im. in the press. drucken. to print. Druckermarke or Druckersignet or Dnicker- vermerk or Druckerzeichen. printer's mark. Druckersignet. See Druckermarke. Druckervermerk. See Druckermarke. Druckerzeichen. See Druckermarke. Druckfarbe. printer's ink. Druckf.-V. Druckfehlerverzeichnis. Druckfehler. misprint. Druckfehlerverzeichnis. table of errata. Druckfertig. (pr.) for press. durchblattern. turn over the leaves of a book. durchgestrichen. (e.) canceled. durchschossen or interfoliiert. (b.) inter- leaved. durchschossen. (pr.) leaded. Durchschuss or Reglette. (pr.) lead, reglct. Durchschussblatt. (b.) interleaf. eckige Klammer. See Klammer, eckige. Eckwortkustode. See Blattweiser. 156 GERMAN Eierkuchen or Zwiebelfisch. (pr.) pie, i. t. types mixed. Einband, abgeniitzter. worn binding. einbinden. to bind. Einfassung. border. eingebunden. bound. eingegangen. (bo.) out of print. einrahmen mit Linien. (pr.) to box in. Einschaltung. insertion, interpolation. einschl. einschliesslich. einschliesslich. inclusive. einschniiren. (bb.) to tie in. einspaltig. in one column. Einzbl. Einzelblatt. Einzelblatt. single sheet. einzig. single, unique. Einzug des Satzes. (pr.) indentation. Endschrift or Schlusschrift or Kolophon. (b.) colophon. Erg.-H. Erganzungsheft. Erganzungsheft. supplement. erhabene Biinde. (bb.) See Biinde, er- habene. erkl. erklart. erklart. explained, illustrated. Erscheinungsvermerk or Impressum. im- print. Erstlingsdrucke or Wiegendrucke, or In- kunabeln. (b.) incunabula. Eselsohr. dog's ear. Etui or Futteral or Papphiilse. case. Excerptenbuch. scrapbook. Exemplar, rohes. book in sheets. 157 TECHNICAL TERMS Fahnenabzug or Fahnen. (pr.) galley proof, slip-proof. Fahrplan. time-table. Faktur. invoice. falsche Signatur. (b.) See Signatur, falsche. Famosschrift or Schmahschrift. libel. Feld des Riickens. (bb.) panel. fester Riicken. See Riicken, fester. fette Schrift. See Schrift, fette. Ff. Fortsetzung folgt. fingerfleckig. with fingermarks. fi. fleckig. fleckig. stained. Flickgedicht or Bettelmantel. cento., i.e. a writing composed of selections from various authors. Fliegenkopf. (pr.) turned letter. Flugschrift or Broschiire. pamphlet. Folge or Reihe. series. Foliant. folio edition. foliieren. to page. Formstreifen. (pa.) wiremarks. fortlaufende Paginierung. consecutive num- bering of pages. Forts. Fortsetzung. Fortsetzung. continuation. Fortsetzung folgt. to be continued. Freiexemplar. free' copy. Fuchsleder. fox-skin. Furchenschrift. boustrophedon. Futt. Futteral. 158 GERMAN Futteral. See Etui. G Gansefiisschen or Anfiihrungszeichen. quo- tation marks. Ganzen, im. (bo.) by the lot. Ganzfranzband. full calf binding. ganzseitig. full page. Garnitur. (pr.) series of type. gbdn. gebunden. Gebetbuch. prayer-book. gebr. gebraucht. gebraucht. used, secondhand. gebunden. bound. Gedankenstrich. dash. Gedicht. poem. gefaltet. folded. gekront. awarded a prize. gepunzter Schnitt. (bb.) tooled edges. gereinigt or kastriert. expurgated. ges. gesammelt, gesucht. gesammelt. collected. Gesamttitel or Haupttitel. (b.) collective title. Gesellschaftsschriften. society publications. gesperrter Satz. See Satz, gesperrter. gesprenkelter Schnitt. See Schnitt, ges- prenkelter. gest. gestochen. gestochen. engraved. gesucht. in demand. Gevierte. (pr.) quadrat. gewidmet. dedicated. 159 TECHNICAL TERMS gez. gezeichnet. gezeichnet. drawn. goldgepragt. (bb.) stamped with gold. Goldschn. Goldschnitt. Goldschnitt. gilt edges. Grabstichel. (e.) graver. Grabstichelmanier or Linienmanier. (e.) line engraving. Graveur. engraver. Grosspapier. (b.) large paper. Grundlinie or Schlusslinie. bottom line. Grundriss. plan, outline. H Habilitationsschrift. dissertation submitted for the purpose of acquiring the right of lecturing at a university. halbmonatlich. semi-monthly. Halbsaffianband. half-morocco binding. handerzeugtes Papier. See Papier, hander- zeugtes. Handexemplar. "Marked copy" in which notes or alterations are made, often for basis of a new edition. handgeschopf tes Papier. See Papier, hander- zeugtes. Handschrift. manuscript. Haupttitel. See Gesamttitel. Hauptzeile. (b.) headline. Haut or Leder. leather, skin. Hds. Handschrift. Heftlade. (bb.) sewing-board. Helldunkeldruck. black-white printing. 160 GERMAN hinted, hinterlassen. hinterlassene Schriften. posthumous works. Hirschleder. (bb.) buckskin. Hlnw., Hlw., Hlwnd. Halbleinwand. Hlz. Holzband. Hochdeutsch. High German, i.e., the modern German language. Hochzeit or Doppelsatz. (pr.) double, i.e., words or sentences printed twice by mis- take. Holzfaserpapier. wood pulp paper. Holztafeldruck or Blockbuch. block-book. Hiilse. See Papphiilse. Hurenkind, or Bastard, "(pr.) false line, i.e. end line of a paragraph at the beginning of a page. I im Dnick. in the press. im Ganzen or nicht gezahlt. (bo.) by the lot. Imit. Imitation. Impressum. See Erscheinungsvermerk. Initiale. See Anfangsbuchstabe. Inkunabeln or Wiegendnicke or Erstlings- drucke. incunabula. Inserat or Anzeige or Annonce. advertise- ment. interfoliiert. See durchschossen. Interpunktion. punctuation. 161 TECHNICAL TERMS J Jchtbd., Jchtn., Jchtnb. Juchtenband. Jubilaumsausgabe. anniversary edition. Juchtenband. Russia leather binding. Jugendschriften. juvenile literature. K Kalbleder. calf leather. Kaliko or Perkal. (bb.) calico. Kaltnadelstich. (e.) dry point. Kammarmorschnitt. combed edges. Kante. corner. Kapitalband. (bb.) headband. Kapitalbuchstabe or Majuskel. (pr.) capital letter. Kapitalchen. (pr.) small capitals. Kapitalkasten, Typen aus dem. (pr.) upper case. Kapiteliiberschrift. chapter heading. Kartonnage. cardboard. kastriert. See gereinigt. Kattunband. cloth binding. Kegel. See Schriftkegel. Keilschrift. cuneiform letters. Klammer. parenthesis. Klammer, eckige. brackets, kol. koloriert. Kol. Kolumnc. Kolon 0/- Doppelpunkt. colon. Kolophon or Schlusschrift or Endschrift. colophon. 162 GERMAN koloriert. colored. Kolumne or Spalte. column. Kolumne, gerade or Riickseite. (pr.) even page, verso. Kolumnejungeradeo/- Vorderseite (pr.) odd page, recto. Kolumnenschnur. (pr.) page cord. Kolumnentitel, lebender or Kopftitel. run- ning title, live heading. Kolumnentitel, toter or Kolumnenziffer. (pr.) dead heading, page number. Kolumnenziffer. See Kolumnentitel, toter. komm. kommentiert. kommentiert. explained. komp. komplett. komplett. complete. kompresser Satz. See Satz, kompresser. Kopf or oberer Schnitt. (bb.) head, top. Kopftitel. See Kolumnentitel, lebender. Kopfvignette. (b.) headpiece. Korrektor or Faktor. proof reader. Korrekturbogen or Probebogen. proof sheets. Korrekturzeichen. proof reader's marks. Kreidezeichnungsstich. (e.) crayon. Kreuz. (pr.) dagger. Kttbd. Kattunband. Kustode. See Blattweiser. Lage. (b.) gathering. Lagenregister. (b.) register of signatures. 163 TECHNICAL TERMS lebender Kolumnentitel. See Kolumnen- titel, lebender. Lehrb. Lehrbuch. Lehrbuch. textbook. Leiche. (pr.) out, i.e., omission of a word or a phrase by the compositor. Leinenkartonnage. (bb.) cloth boards. Leiste auf dem Einbande. (bb.) fillet. Leitartikel. editorial. Lesezeichen. bookmark. Lexikon-Oktav. large octavo. Lichtkupferstich. heliogravure. Lief. Lieferung. lieferbar. available. Lieferung. fascicle. Linienmanier or Grabstichelmanier. (e.) line engraving. Loschpapier. blotting paper. loser Riicken. (bb.) See Riicken, loser. M magere Schrift. (pr.) See Schrift, magere. Mahr. Mahrchen. Mahrchen. See Marchen. Majuskel or Versalbuchstabe or Kapital- buchstabe. capital letter. marm, marmoriert. marmoriert. marbled. Makulaturbogen. (pr.) waste sheets. mangelhaft or defekt. incomplete, imper- fect. Marchen or Mahrchen. fairy tale. 1G4 GERMAN marmoriertes Papier. See Papier, mar- moriertes. Material, neues. (pr.) new matter. Mehrf arbendruck or Buntdruck. polychromy. Messbuch. missal. Messingbeschlag. (bb.) brass bosses. Messkatalog. old semi-annual booksellers' catalogue issued at Easter and Michael- mas. Minuskel or kleine Buchstabe. small letter. mit Beschlag gelegt. suppressed. mit vollem Rand, margin uncut. mitget. mitgeteilt. mitgeteilt. contributed. Mittelfeld. (bb.) central panel. mittelhochdeutsch. Middle High German, i.e., the German language in use from the twelfth to the fifteenth century. monatlich, monthly. Monatsbericht. monthly report. Monch. (pr.) friar, i.e., any part of the page which has not received the ink. Monchschrift. monk's letters. N n. gez. nicht gezahlt. n. i. H. nicht im Handel. Nachw. Nachwort. Nachwort. epilogue. Namengedicht or Akrostichon. acrostic. Namenszug. signature. Nebentitel. additional title. 165 TECHNICAL TERMS neubinden. to rebind. Neudnick. reprint. nicht gezahlt. (bo.) by the lot. nicht im Handel, (bo.) not for sale. Norm, (b.) direction line. Notenstemchen or Stem, (b.) asterisk. O 0. F. ohne Fortsetzung. 0. O., Dr. u. J. ohne Ort, Druckernamen und Jahr. 0. W. osterreichische Wahrung. offerieren (fiir ein Buch). bid on a book. ohne Fortsetzung. No more. ohne Titelblatt. no title-page. orn. ornamentirt. Originalumschlag. original paper-cover. osterreichische Wahrung. Austrian cur- rency. Papier, handerzeugtes or handgeschopftes Papier or Biittenpapier. hand-made paper. Papier, marmoriertes. marble paper. Papiermesser. paper-cutter. Pappe. pasteboard. Papphiilse or Futteral or Etui. case. Pasquill or Schmahschrift or Famosschrift. libel. Michtexemplar. deposit copy. Plattdeutsch. Low German, i.e., the collo- quial language of the northern part of Germany. 166 GERMAN Plattenzustand. See Zustand. Prachtex. Prachtexemplar. Prachtexemplar. (bo.) splendid copy. Pranumeration or Abonnement. subscrip- tion. Predigt. sermon. Preisschrift. prize essay. Privatdruck. private publication. Probebogen or Korrekturbogen. proof sheets. Protokoll. minutes of a meeting. Punkt. period. Punktiermanier. stipple engraving. punktierte Linie. dotted line. R Radierg. Radierung. Radiergrund. (e.) etching ground. Radierung. (e.) etching. Rahmchen. (pr.) frisket. ramponiert. damaged. Randbemerkungen or Marginalien, or Rand- glossen or Randnoten. marginal notes. Randglossen. See Randbemerkungen. Randleiste. (b.) margin border. Randnoten. See Randbemerkungen. Randzeuge. (b.) witness, i.e., leaf left uncut by the binder to show that the margin is not cut too much. Rdnot. Randnoten. Reglette or Durchschuss. (pr.) lead, reglet. Reihe or Folge. series. Remittenden. See Auflagereste. 167 TECHNICAL TERMS rest, restauriert. restauriert. repaired. Revision, erste or Autorkorrektur. author's proof. rh. W. rheinische Wahrung. rheinische Wahrung. Rhenish currency. Rm. (R.M.) Reichsmark. rohes Exemplar. See Exemplar, rohes. romische Schrift. See Antiqua. Rotschnitt. red edged. Rthr. Reichsthaler. Riicken, fester, (bb.) tight back. Riicken, loser, (bb.) loose back. Riickenbildung. (bb.) backing. Riickenschild. (bb.) label, lettering piece. Riickentitel. (b.) binder's title. Riicks. Riickseite. Riickseite. Verso. Runenschrift. runic characters. S. V. Selbst-Verlag. S. W. Siiddeutsche Wahrung. Satz or T3rpenform. (pr.) composition. Satz, durchschossener. (pr.) leaded matter. Satz, gesperrter. (pr.) spaced matter. Satz, kompresser. (pr.) close matter, solid matter. Satz, splendider. (pr.) widely spaced mat- ter. Schabmanier or schwarze Kunst. (e.) mezzotint. Schafleder. sheepskin. 168 GERMAN Schafleder, braunes. basil. scharf beschnitten or stark beschnitten. cropped. Schauspiel. drama. Schiff. See Setzschifif. schimmelig. mouldy. Schliesse. See Schloss. Schloss or Schliesse. clasp. Schlussbl. Schlussblatt. Schlussblatt. last leaf. Schlusslinie or Grundlinie. (b.) bottom line. Schluss-Vignette. (b.) tail-piece. Schmahschrift or Famosschrift or Pas- quill, libel. schmalrandig. with narrow margins. Schmitz or dublierter Druck. (pr.) set off, i.e., a smut transferred from a freshly printed surface to another sheet. Schmutzfleck. stain. Schnauze or Vorderschnitt. (b.) fore- edge. Schnitt, gepunzter. See Schnitt, ziselierter. Schnitt, gesprenkelter. (bb.) sprinkled edges. Schnitt (oberer) vergoldet. (bb.) gilt top. Schnitt, unterer or Schwanz. (bb.) tail, lower edge. Schnitt, ziselierter or gepunzter Schnitt. (bb.) tooled edges. Schondruck. (pr.) first form. Schonschreibekunst. calligraphy. Schrift, fette. (pr.) black faced type, bold faced type. 169 TECHNICAL TERMS Schrift, geschwanzte. (pr.) tail type, des- cending letters. Schrift, magere. (pr.) lightfaced type, lean- faced type. Schriftkasten. (pr.) type-case. Schriftkastenfach. (pr.) box in a type-case. Schriftkegel or Kegel, (pr.) shank, body of a letter. Schriftsetzer. See Setzer. Schriftsteller or Verfasser. author. Schrotblatt. (e.) dotted print. Schuster, (pr.) new paragraph at the end of a page. schw. u. r. gedr. schwarz und rot gedruckt. Schwanz or unterer Schnitt ernes Buches. (bb.) tail, lower-edge. schwarz und rot gedruckt. printed in black and red. schwarze Kunst or Schabmanier. mezzotint. Schweinsleder. pig skin. Schwnsl. Schweinsleder. Segeltuch. (bb.) canvas, duck. Seite, leere. blank page. Seiteniiberschrift. running title. Semikolon or Strichpunkt. semicolon. Separatabdruck. See Sonderdruck. Setzbrett. (pr.) letter-board, composing board. setzen. (pr.) compose. Setzer or Schriftsetzer. (pr.) compositor. Setzlinie. (pr.) composing rule, setting rule. Setzmaschine. (pr.) type-setting machine. Setzschiff or Schiff. (pr.) galley. 170 GERMAN Sgr. Silbergroschen. Signatur, falsche. (b.) signature with an asterisk. Silbe. syllable. Silbergroschen. old Prussian coin worth about 23^ cents. Sitzungsberichte. proceedings. soeben erschienen. (bo.) now published. sog. sogenannt. sogenannt. so-called. Sonderdruck or Separatabdruck. reprint. Sondertitel or Untertitel. subtitle. Spalte. See Kolumne. Spaltenlinie. (pr.) column rule. spationieren. (pr.) to space. Spatium or Ausschlussstiick. (pr.) slug. Spielkarten. playing cards. Spiess. (pr.) blacks, i.e., a space, quadrat or piece of furniture that rises and is imprinted on a sheet. Spitzenomament. (b.) dentelle border. Sprungriicken. (bb.) spring back. Stabreim. alliteration . Stege. pi. (pr.) furniture. Steifband or Pappband. binding in boards. steifbroschiert. (bb.) in boards. Steif-Leinwand. (bb.) buckram, stellenweise. here and there. Stempel, feine. (bb.) petitsfers, small tools. Stem or Notenstemchen. (b.) asterisk. Stich. cut, plate, engraving. Stich, gefalteter. folded plate, stumpf anf angen. (pr.) commence even, flush. 171 TECHNICAL TERMS Stundengebete. book of hours. Subskribent. subscriber. siiddeutsche Wahrung. South German cur- rcnc>'. Superrevision or Pressrevision. press proof. taglich. daily. teilw. or theilw. teilweise. teilweise. partly. Thr. Thaler. Tinte. ink. Titelblatt fehlt. title-page lacking. Trauerrand. mourning border. Typendruck. (pr.) letter-press. Typenform or Satz. (pr.) composition. Typus. (pr.) type. U tJberschlag or Vorschlag. (b.) head margin. Uberschrift or Rubrik. heading. tJbersicht or Synopse. synopsis. iibert. iibcrtragen. iibertragen. translated. umbrechen. (pr.) to make up. Umdnickblatt. See Auswechselblatt. Umklopfen. (bb.) rounding. Umschlag. cover. Umschreibung. transliteration, unaufg. unaufgeschnitten. unaufgeschnitten. not cut open. ungeb. ungebunden. ungebunden. imbound. 172 GERMAN Unterkasten, Typen aus dem. (pr.) lower case. Unterschlag. the blank space at the end of a page. Unterstreichung or Unterstreichen. under- scoring, underlining. Untertit. Untertitel. Untertitel or Sondertitel. subtitle. V. Verlag. V. A. Verlagsanstalt. V. B. Verlagsbuchhandlung. verd. verdeutscht. verdeutscht. translated into German. verg. vergoldet, vergriffen. vergoldet. gilt. vergriffen. suppressed. Verlagsanstalt or Verlagsbuchhandlung. publishing house. Verlagsort or Erscheinungsort. place of pub- lication. Verleger. publisher. verletzt. damaged. Versalbuchstabe or Kapitalbuchstabe or Majuskel. (pr.) capital letters. verstaubt. stained with dust. Versteigerung. See Biicherversteigerung. Verweisungsbuchstaben. pi. (pr.) superiors. Verweisungszeichen. (pr.) reference sign. vierteljahrlich. quarterly. vollem Rand, mit. margin uncut. Vorderdeckel. front cover. 173 TECHNICAL TERMS Vorderschnitt or Schnauze. (b.) fore-edge. Vorderseite or ungerade Kolumne. (b.) odd page, recto. vorh. vorhanden . vorhanden. in stock. vorm. vormals. vormals. formerly. Vorrede or Vorwort. preface. Vorsatztitel or Schmutztitel. (b.) half- title. Vorschlag or Uberschlag. (b.) head mar- gin. Vorsilbe. prefix. Vorwort. Sec Vorrede. W W. Wappen. w. weiss. Wahrung. currency. Wappen. coat of arms. Wasserlinien. (pr.) waterlines. weiss. white. Weltkarte. map of the world. Werke, ausgewahlte. selected works. Werke, sammtliche. collected works. Werksatz. (pr.) bookwork. Werksetzer. (pr.) book compositor. Widerdruck. (pr.) second form. Widm. Widmung. Widmungor Zueignung or Dedikation. dedi- cation. Wiedergabe. reproduction. Winkelhaken. (pr.) composing stick. 174 GERMAN wochentlich. weekly. wohlf. wohlfeil, wohlfeil. cheap. Zeichenbandchen or Lesezeichen. book- mark. Zeichnung. design, drawing. zerknittert. mussed, crumpled. Zeugkasten. (pr.) hell, i.e., receptacle for broken and battered type. Ziegenhaut. goatskin. Zierbuchstabe. fancy letter. ziselierter Schnitt. See Schnitt, ziselierter. Zueignung. See Widmung. zur Ansicht. (bo.) on approval. Zusammenhang. context. Zustand or Plattenzustand. (e.) state. zweispaltig. in two columns. Zwiebelfisch or Eierkuchen. (pr.) pie, i.e., mixed type. 175 ITALIAN a spese dell' autore. at the author's expense, abbicci. alphabet. abbonato. subscriber. abbozzo or schizzo. sketch, rough draft. accademie, pubblicazioni delle. publica- tions of learned societies. acciugajo. (b.) abookinvery poor condition. Literal translation: a book only fit for wrapping up anchovies. acqua forte or incisione coll' acqua forte. etching. adespota. (b.) author unknown. album di ritagli or estratti tagliati. scrap- book. allacciare. (bb.) to tie in. amatore di libri or coUettore di libri. book- collector. anche sotto il titolo. also under the title. anepigrafo or senza titolo. anepigraphous, without title. angolo or punta or cantone di un libro. corner of a book. annata or anno, (b.) year, annotazione. annotation. annunzio. advertisement. ant. (antip.) antiporta. 176 ITALIAN antiporta or occhietto or falso frontispizio. half-title. antiporta figurata or antiporta ornata. front- ispiece. apocrifo. not authentic. approvazione or licenza. ofificial sanction of a book. articolo. (bo.) item. articolo di fondo. editorial. asse or piatto in legno. (bb.) wooden board. assembramento di fogli. (bb.) gathering. asta libraria or vendita di libri all' asta. (bo.) book auction. asterisco. asterisk. atlante d'imagini. large picture book. atti. transactions. atto. (b.) act. avanti lettera or prova avanti lettera. (e.) proof before letter. avviso. poster, placard. B balla. (pa.) ten reams. bancone. (pr.) composing board. barbone. (bo.) book, or lot of books, diffi- cult to sell. bassa cassa. (pr.) lower case. bianca or stampa in bianca. (pr.) first form. Bibbia. Bible. biffato. (e.) canceled, i.e., crossed out. bimestrale. bimonthly, blocco, in, or in combutta or senza scelta. (bo.) by the lot. 177 TECHNICAL TERMS boUare. to stamp. boUatura. stamping. borchia or fermaglio. clasp. bottello or cartello or cartellino or etichetta. label, lettering piece. bozza or prova. (pr.) proof-sheet. bozza, ultima, (pr.) press-proof. bozza di autore. (pr.) author's proof. bozza in colonnini. (pr.) galley-proof, bozza col ruUo. brush-proof. brache. (pr.) waste-sheets. brachetta. (bb.) guard. bustrofedone. boustrophedon. c. con. c. {pi. cc.) carta, carte, carattere. C. t. con tavole. calce. bottom of a page. canale d'un libro or davanti d'un libro or gola. (bb.) fore-edge. cantone. See angolo. capitello or tranciafila. (bb.) head-band. capitolo. chapter. capopagina or testata illustrata. (b.) head- piece. capoverso or alinea. paragraph, alinea. car. carattere. carattere or lettera. letter, type. cart, (bb.) cartone. carta, paper, card, leaf. carta d'ammissione. card of admission. carta bambagina. cotton paper. 178 ITALIAN carta bollata. stamped paper. carta geografica. map. carta a mano. hand-made paper. carta marmorea. marbled paper. carta sugante or carta asciugante. blotting paper. cartata or faccia or pagina. page. cartatura or cartolatura. numbering of pages. carte da giuoco. pi. playing cards. carteggiare. to collate. carteggio. collating. cartellinato. labeled. cartellino. See cartello. cartello or cartellino or etichetta or bottello. (bb.) lettering piece, label. cartolare. to number the pages. cassa da caratteri. (pr.) type-case. cassettino. (pr.) section of a type-case. catalogo coi prezzi. priced catalogue. cattivo stato, in. in bad condition. cimelio. very rare old book. cod. codice. codice. codex. col. colonna. collana or raccolta. collection. coUettore di libri or amatore di libri. book- collector. colonna. column. com. commento. combutta, in, or in blocco or senza scelta. (bo.) by the lot. cominciare in riga or cominciare senza ca- poverso. (pr.) commence even. 179 TECHNICAL TERMS commento. commentary. commercio librario. book-trade. compiuto or perfetto. complete. comporre. (pr.) to compose. compositoio. (pr.) composing stick. compositore. (pr.) compositor. composizione. (pr.) form, composition. composizione agevole or roba buona. (pr.) fat, i.e., pieces of composition, for instance, running titles that are kept for future use and are not taken apart till the whole work is finished. composizione interlineata. (pr.) leaded matter. composizione serrata. (pr.) close matter. composizione spazieggiata. (pr.) spaced composition. comprare all' incanto. (bo.) to buy at auc- tion. con. with. con note esplicative. with explanatory notes. condizione, sotto. (bo.) on approval. conferenza. lecture. conferenziere. lecturer. contenuto. contents. contesto. context. contornato. (pr.) boxed in. contraflfazione. unauthorized or illegal re- print. copertina originale. publisher's cover. copie invendute or il fondo. (bo.) remainders. corpo or opere complete, (b.) collected works. 180 ITALIAN corpo d'un carattere. (pr.) shank. correggiuole. pi. (bb.) raised bands. correggiuole, distanza fra le. (bb.) panel. correttore. proofreader. costola or dorso d'un libro or schiena. back of a book. critica. criticism, critico. critic. crocetta. (pr.) dagger. cuoio or pelle. leather. cuoio di Russia. Russia leather. curiosita. a book of which a few copies only are printed. data di stampa. imprint year. davanti d'un libro or gola or canale d'un libro. (bb.) fore-edge. ded. dedica. dedica. dedication. dentelle. See pizzo. deposito legale or esemplari d'obbligo. (b.) deposit copies. deposito del rappezzi. (pr.) hell; i.e., a box into which a printer throws his broken type. descriz. descrizione. descrizione. description. detto. called. diario. diary. didascalia. title, chapter headings. difettoso or imperfetto. defective, imper- fect. 181 TECHNICAL TERMS disegnatore. designer. disegno. design, drawing. disopra dorato or dorato in testa or taglio superiore dorato. gilt top. disopra del libro. (bb.) top, head of a book. disotto del libro. (bb.) tail, lower edge. dispensa or fascicolo or puntata. fascicle, number, part. divisione or sezione. division, section. dizionario. dictionary. d'ogni settimana or ebdomadario. weekly. doppio or doppione or duplicato. (b.) dupli- cate. dorato sui fogli or taglio dorato. gilt edged. dorato in testa. See disopra dorato. dorso d'un libro or costola or schiena. back of a book. dorso rigido. (bb.) tight back. dorso a scatto. (bb.) spring back. due punti. colon. duerno. folio sheet. duplicato. See doppio. duplicatura. (pr.) double; i.e., matter set up a second time by mistake. E ebdomadario or d'ogni settimana. weekly. ecc. etcetera. edizione dell' ancora. Aldine edition. edizione di circostanza. work published for a special occasion, as a wedding, etc. edizione contraifatta. Sec contraffazione. edizione corretta. revised edition. 182 ITALIAN edizione economica. cheap edition. edizione limitata or edizione di pochi esem- plari. limited edition. edizione non venale or edizione fuori di com- mercio. (bo.) edition not for sale. edizione portatile. pocket edition. edizione principe. first edition. edizione purgata. expurgated edition. elenco degl' indirizzi. directory. ep. epistola. epistola. letter. errore di stampa. misprint. esemplare di omaggio or invio dell' autore or omaggio dell' autore. presentation copy. esemplare d'obbligo or deposito legale, de- posit copy. espurgato or purgato. expurgated. estr°. estratto. estratti tagliati or album di ritagli. scrap- book. estratto. extract. etichetta or cartello orbottello. label, letter- ing piece. f. foglio, figurato, figura. faccia or cartata or pagina. page. facciata or frontispizio. title-page. falso volume or finto volume or libro bianco. blank-book. ferm. fermaglio. fermaglio or borchia. clasp. ferratura sulla legatura. (bb.) bosses. 183 TECHNICAL TERMS ferri, piccoli. (bb.) small tools. fiera di libri. book-fair. figura. illustration. fila. file. filettato. (bb.) filleted. filettato in oro or filettatura d'oro. (bb.) gold tooling. filetto. (bb.) fillet. filetto. (pr.) composing rule, filoni della carta, (pa.) waterlines. fin qui or non si e pubblicato altro. (bo.) no more published. finale or fregio. (pr.) tail-piece. finestra. the opening in a leaf caused by the cutting out of an illustration, with the margins left intact. fogli impaginati. (bo.) advance sheets. fogliaccio. waste-paper. foglio. leaf. foglio bianco or guardia. fly-leaf, foglio bianco inserito. interleaf. foglio vergine. blank page, foglio volante. fly-sheet. fol. foglio. fondo, il or copie invendute. (bo.) re- mainders. forma or formato or sesto. dimensions of a book according to the folding of the leaves, formato. ^e^e forma, frammento. fragment. fraschetta. (pr.) frisket. frate. (pr.) friar, i.e., any part of a page which has not received the ink. 184 ITALIAN frontespizio. See frontispizio. frontispizio or facciata. title-page. frontispizio falso or frontispizio morto or titolo falso or occhietto. half-title. funicella or spago. (bb.) page-cord. fuori vendita or fuori commercio. (bo.) not for sale. geroglifici. hieroglyphics. ghiottornia. a very rare book of which only few copies were printed. giomale. newspaper. giornalista. journalist. giustezza dei caratteri. (pr.) justification. gola or davanti d'un libro or canale d'un libro. (bb.) fore-edge. gora. water-stain. got. gotico. gotico. Gothic. gr. grande. grande. large. guardia or foglio bianco, fly-leaf. imbrachettare or imbragare or imbracare. (bb.) to supply a book with guards. imbragare. See imbrachettare. imbrattatura. (pr.) set off, i.e., a smut transferred from a freshly printed surface to another sheet. imp. impressione, impressioni. impaginare or rifare. (pr.) to make up. 185 TECHNICAL TERMS imporrato. mouldy. impressione or edizione. impression, edi- tion. in blocco or in combutta or senza scelta. (bo.) by the lot. in combutta. See in blocco. incantare su di un libro. (bo.) bid on a book. incartonato. in boards. inchiostro. ink. inchiostro da stampa. printer's ink. incisione or intaglio, engraving. incisione in acciaio. steel engraving. incisione all' acqua forte, etching. incisione di bulino. line engraving. incisione a punteggiamenti. stipple engrav- ing. incorniciare or inquadrare. (pr.) to box in. incunaboli. pJ. incunabula. indice dei nomi proprii. index of names. indossare. (bb.) to back. indossatura. (bb.) backing. infanzia, libri per 1'. juvenile literature. iniz. iniziale. iniziale. See lettera iniziale. inquadrare. See incorniciare. insegna or marca tipografica. printer's mark. intagliatore. engraver. intaglio. See incisione. intercalazione. insertion, interpolation. interfogliato. (bb.) interleaved. interlineato. (pr.) leaded. intestazione or testata. heading. 186 ITALIAN intestazione di lettera. letterhead. intitolato. entitled. invio dell' autore or esemplare di omaggio or omaggio dell' autore. presentation copy. istoriato. with historical ornaments or illus- trations. lasciato or lasciatura or pesce or svarione. (pr.) out, i.e., omission of a word or phrase by the compositor. lavato. (b.) washed. lavori awentizi or lavori di fantasia, (pr.) job printing. legat. legatura. legato in rustico. stitched. legatore. binder. legatoria. bindery. legatura in cartone. (bb.) bound in boards. legatura flessibile. (bb.) loose back. legatura intera. (bb.) full binding. legatura logora. worn binding. legatura del tempo, (bb.) old original bind- ing. lesina. (pr.) bodkin. lett. lettera. lettera or carattere. (pr.) letter, type. lettera capovolta. (pr.) turned letter. lettera discendente or lettera con asta discendente. (pr.) tailtype. lettera di fantasia, (pr.) fancy letter. lettera guasta or lettera logora. (pr.) bat- tered letter. 187 TECHNICAL TERMS lettera iniziale or iniziale. (pr.) initial. lettera logora. Sec lettera guasta. lettera maiuscola. (pr.) capital letter. lettera minuscola. (pr.) small letter, lower case letter. lettera onciale. (pr.) uncial letter. lettere piene. pi. (pr.) bold-faced type. letterine di chiamata. (pr.) superiors. lettore. reader. libello. libel. libraio d'assortimento. general bookseller. libraio-editore. publisher. libri per I'infanzia. juvenile literature. libro con le barbe. book with rough edges. libro a chiave. (b.) a book in which the names of persons or localities are dis- guised by the author. libro in fogli. book in sheets. libro con fogli chiusi. book as good as new, with leaves uncut. libro alia macchia. a book printed secretly. libro d'occasione. secondhand book. libro di preghiere. prayer book. libro xilografico. blockbook. licenz. licenza. licenza or approvazione. official sanction of a book. lin. linea. linea or riga. line. linea di fondo. bottom-line. linea punteggiata. dotted line. luogo di stampa. place of imprint. 188 ITALIAN M m. mezzo. macchia. stain. macchina da comporre. (pr.) composing machine. maiuscoletti. pi. (pr.) small capitals. manca il frontispizio. title-page lacking. mappamondo. map of the world. marca tipografica or insegna. printer's mark. marezzato sui fogli. marble edges. marg. margine. marginatura di legno o di piombo. (pr.) furniture. \ margine allargato. wide margin. margine di lutto. mourning border. marrochino. (bb.) morocco. mbr. membr. membrana. membrana or pergamena. parchment. mensile or mensuale or d'ogni mese. monthly. merletto. See pizzo. messale. missal. mezzo, half. millesimo. (b.) date. miniato. illuminated. misc. miscellaneo. miscellaneo. miscellaneous. montato. mounted. morto. (b.) discontinued. mut. mutilato. mutilate, mutilated. 189 TECHNICAL TERMS N nome composto. compound name. non si e pubblicato altro or fin qui. (bo.) no more published. nota in calce. foot-note. nota della stampa or nota tipografica. im- print. nota tipografica. See nota della stampa. novella, tale, short story. novita dell' anno, the new books of the year. num. numer. numerate. numerate, numbered. O occhietto or falso frontispizio or antiporta. half-title. omaggio dell' autore. See invio dell' autore. opera, work. opera coronata or opera a corona, prize essay. opera periodica, periodical. opere complete, pi. or corpo. collected works. opere postume. pi. posthumous works. opere riunite sotto una sola coperta or volume miscellaneo. pamphlet volume. opere scelte. pi. selected works, opuscolo. pamphlet. orario. time-table. orecchio or canto ripiegato d'una pagina. (b.) dog's car. orig. originale. ornamenti a secco. (bb.) blind tooling. 190 ITALIAN ospedale. (b.) A book of which one or several leaves are missing. pagina prima or retto. odd page, recto. pagina rifatta. handwritten or photographed copy of a missing page. pagina vergine. blank page. paginatura continua. continuous pagina- tion. palinsesto. palimpsest. parentesi quadre. brackets. parentesi tonde. parenthesis. pasticcio di caratteri. (pr.) pie, i.e., printer's type mixed or unsorted. pel tipi di. . . printed by. . . . pelle di capra. goat skin. pelle di porco. pig-skin. pelle ruvida or zigrino. shagreen. pelle di volpe. fox-skin. perg. pergam. pergamena. pergamena. parchment, vellum. pesce or lasciato or lasciatura or svarione. (pr.) out, i.e., omission of a word or phrase by the compositor. piano. See piatto. piatto or piano or specchio. (bb.) board. piatto in legno or asse. wooden board. piccoli ferri. (bb.) small tools. piegatura. folding. pizzo or merletto or dentelle. (bb.) dentelle border. plagio. plagiarism. 191 TECHNICAL TERMS portafogli. portfolio. postilla. note. pr. (princ.) principi, principiamento. prefazione. preface. prefisso. prefix. premiato or coronato. awarded a prize. prezzo lordo. (bo.) list price, published price. prima facciata d'un folio stampato. (pr.) first form. principi del libro. (b.) preliminary leaves, principiamento. commencement. proprieta letteraria. copyright. prova or bozza. proof-sheet. prova avanti lettera. (e.) proof before letters. prova avanti qualunque lettera. (e.) plain prints, i.e., proof without title or name of the engraver. pubblicazione, data di, or data di stampa. imprint date. pubblicazione, luogo di. place of publica- tion. punta or angolo or cantone di un libro. corner of a book, punta secca. (e.) dry point. puntata or dispensa or fascicolo. fascicle, part. punteggiatura. punctuation, punto. period. punto esclamativo. exclamation point. punto interrogativo. interrogation point, punto e virgola. semicolon, purgato. See espurgato. 192 ITALIAN Q quad, quaderno. quaderno di fogli. (pa.) quire, quadretto. (pr.) quadrat, quartino. See rincarto. quindicinale. semi-monthly. quotidiano. daily. R r. rame. r. recto, retto. often printed as a superior character, e.g., 14"^. raffilato. (bb.) cut down. rame. copper. rattoppato. (bb.) reinforced. redatto. edited. refuse, (pr.) wrong font. reg. registro. registro. register. relazione or rendiconto or resoconto. report. rendiconto. See relazione. resoconti. pi. proceedings. resoconto. See relazione. retto or recto or prima pagina. odd page, recto. riassunto. summary. rich, richiamo. richiamo. (b.) catchword. ricop. ricoperto. ricoperto. (bb.) recovered. rifare or impaginare. (pr.) to make up. riga or linea. line. 193 TECHNICAL TERMS riga di colonna. (pr.) column rule. riga di testa, headline. rileg. rilegato. rilegato. rebound. rincarto or quartino. (b.) inset. ripiegato. folded. riproduzione vietata. reproduction forbidden. riscritto. re-written. riservati tutti i diritti. all rights reserved. rit. (ritr.) ritratto. ritagli, album di or estratti tagliati. scrap- book. ritratto. portrait. rivista. review, magazine. rob a buona or composizione agevole. (pr.) fat, i.e., pieces of composition, for instance, running titles that are kept for future use, and are not taken apart till after the whole work is finished. romanzo. novel, romance. S satinatura. (pa.) calendering. sbarbato or tondato or tagliato. (bb.) cut down, trimmed. scelta. selection. schiena or costola or dorso. (bb.) back of a l)()ok. schizzo or abbozzo. sketch, rough draft. sciup. sciupato. sciupato. torn, injured, scomporre. (pr.) to distribute the type, scritto or opera, (b.) work. 194 ITALIAN scrittura. writing. scrittura magra or caratteri magri. (pr.) light- faced type. sec. secolo. secolo. century. sedicente. calling himself. segn. segnat. segnatura. segnatura con asterisco. (b.) signature with asterisk. segno, bookmark. segno di correzione. mark of correction (in proofreading). senza millesimo. no date. sequestrato. suppressed. sesto or forma or formato. (b.) size. settimanale or d'ogni settimana or ebdoma- dario. weekly. sezione. section. si stampi or visto si stampi. for press. sillaba. syllable. slegato. binding lost. smacchiare. to remove spots. smarginato. (bb.) cropped. sotto condizione. (bo.) on approval. sotto 11 torchio. in the press. sottollneato. underlined. sottoscrlttore or abbonato. subscriber. sottoscrizlone. colophon. sottotltolo. subtitle. spago or funicella. (bb.) page cord. spalla. (pr.) shoulder of a type. spazi pi. (pr.) blacks, i.e., a space, quadrat, or piece of furniture that rises and is im- printed on the sheets. 195 TECHNICAL TERMS specchio or piatto or piano, board. spese dell' autore, a. at the author's ex- pense, privately printed. spezzato. incomplete. spezzatura. an odd volume of a set of books. spolverare. to dust. spurgo or tincone. a book of little value, difficult to sell. stampa a colori. colored prints. stampa in rilievo. anastatic printing. stampa in volta or volta. (pr.) second form. stampatore in lavori di fantasia, job printer. stato. (e.) state. stazzonato. crumpled. stemma. coat of arms. stoffa. (bb). cloth. strato da incidere. (e.) etching ground. stretto. oblong. svarione. See lasciato. tagliacarte. paper knife. tagliato or tondato or sbarbato. (bb.) cut down, trimmed. tagliato di un giornale. newspaper clipping, taglio cesellato. (bb.) tooled edges. taglio marmorizzato al pettine. (bb.) combed edges. taglio spruzzato. (bb.) sprinkled edges. taglio superiore dorato or disopra dorato. (bb.) gilt top. tarlo or tignuola or tarma. bookworm, tarma. See tarlo. 196 ITALIAN tarmato. worm-eaten. tav. tavola, tavole. tavola. table, plate. tavola degli errori or errata, list of errata. tavola delle materie or indice or elenco. table of contents. tavola ripiegata. folded plate. tavoletta de' legator! di libri. (bb.) sew- ing board. tela grossa or traliccio. (bb.) buckram. telaio di stamperia. (pr.) chase. tesi. dissertation, thesis. testata or intestazione. heading. testata illustrata or capopagina. headpiece. testimonio. witness, i.e., leaf left uncut by the binder to show that the margin is not cut too much. testo. text. tignuola. See tarlo. tincone. See spurgo. tipi comuni. (pr.) body type. tiratura. (pr.) impression. tiratura a parte, reprint. tiratura di pochi esemplari or edizione limi- tata. limited edition. titolo collettivo. collective title. titolo corrente. running title. titolo falso. half-title. titolo del legatore. binder's title. to mo. volume. tondato. See tagliato. torchio. press. torchio a cilindro. revolving press. 197 TECHNICAL TPJRMS torchio a mano. hand-press, torchio, sotto il. in the press, trad, traduttore, traduzione. tradurre. to translate, traduttore or traslatore. translator, traliccio or grossa tela, (bb.) buckram, tranciafila or capitello. (bb.) headband, tras. traslatore. traslatore. See traduttore. trasliterazione. transliteration, tratto di penna. dash. tratto d'unione. hyphen. V. verso, often printed as superior char- acter after the page number, e.g., 18^. V. o. vedi oltre. vaglia. money order. vantaggio. (pr.) galley. vedi. see. vedi oltre. see below. Literally, see for- ward. vendere all' incanto. (bo.) to sell at auction. vendita di libri all' asta or asta libraria. book auction. venditore di libri vecchi. secondhand book- seller. verbale di un' adunanza. minutes of a meet- ing. vergature pi. (pa.) wiremarks. vignetta con dicitura. (e.) engraving with text. virgola. comma. 198 ITALIAN virgolette. quotation marks. visto si stampi or si stampi. for press. vitelline, calf leather. volta or stampa di volta. (pr.) second form. volume, falso or finto volume or libro bianco, blank-book. volume miscellaneo or opere riunite sotto una sola coperta. pamphlet volume. volumetto. small volume. Z zigrino or pelle ruvida. shagreen. 199 LATIN SOME LATIN ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS OCCASIONALLY USED IN BOOK CATA- LOGS AND BIBLIOGRAPHIES By FRANK KELLER WALTER This list supplements the brief one in Abbreviations and Technical Terms Used in Book Catalogs and in Bibliographies (Boston Book Co., 1912). Like its predecessor, it is confined to abbreviations and terms used in the descriptions of books and again like its predecessor, it includes such expressions as actually are used, irrespective of their consistency or philo- logical propriety. The number of Latin terms which the beginner will find in the ordinary trade and national bibliographies and in current catalogs of modern books is relatively small. The cataloger, order clerk, or reference assistant whose work lies even occasionally with books, prints or manuscripts of the 18th century or earlier, will find a different state of affairs. Since Latin was the universal language of the educated man, the earlier general bibliographies and catalogs of libraries were usually written in Latin and a profusion of Latin terms was used in the cata- logs of booksellers. Even as late as 1838, Hain felt it advisable to use Latin throughout in his Reper- torium Bibliographicum . Unfortunately, there was lit- tle or no agreement as to exact connotation of terms or as to form of abbreviation, and in many cases the con- text offers little or no help. The same is true even today of many continental booksellers, some of whom take their entries directly or at second-hand from bibliographers like Hain or Bauer, while some strike out boldly into systems of abbreviations of their own. Both in the old and in modern bibliog- raphies the meanings as well as the spellings are post- classical and, in many cases, not to be found in any of the standard Latin dictionaries. The desire to avoid monotony by the use of synonyms of doubtful accu- racy and expressions of only slightly different mean- ings adds to the confusion. There is no attempt at completeness in this rough list and many terms have been included which may 200 LATIN seem unnecessary to the connoisseur while others have been excluded which may now and then con- front one in unexpected places. This has been un- avoidable since there could be no completeness short of a formal technical dictionary and the selection has been made to depend on actual difficulties likely to be met. Hain, as the source of many later works and of thousands of fugitive entries and references, has re- ceived rather more attention than many of the others and it is hoped that a fairly full list of terms frequently used by that indefatigable, though sometimes incon- sistent, bibliographer has been included. Many terms and abbreviations in books used in the former list like Cim, Kleemeier, Power, Rouveyre, though previously excluded as of little use in a beginner's list have been inserted here. Three cautions are necessary in the use of any list like this (1) There is no consistent principle followed in many bibliographies and though p. may be the usual abbreviation for pagina, one is quite as likely to find pag. used in the same work. (2) The plural is usually formed by doubling the final letter of the abbreviation, e.g., p. Page; pp. Pages. lit. litera. Letter; litt. literae, Letters. (3) The same abbreviation is often used indis- criminately for both singular and plural, e.g., s. for both signatura and signatures as in Hain. It is impracticable to list here all the books con- sulted. Among those from which considerable mate- rial was obtained are: Beck, C, Jahrhiich der Biicher- preise, v. 1—7, 1906-13 (Lpzg., 1907-14); Bauer, J. J., Bibliotheca Librorum Rariorum Universalis, 6 V. (Nurnberg, 1770-74); Caspar, C. N. Book trade bibliography and vocabulary of technical terms. (Milwaukee, 1892); Cim, Albert, LeLn're, 5 v. (Par., 1908); Copinger, W. A., Supplement to Hams Repertorium Bibliographicum, 2 v. (Lond., 1895- 1902); Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de feu M. J. D ecaisne {Pavis, 1883); Dobbs, A. E. Abbreviations, British and foreign, {Lond. 1911); Faulmann, Carl, Das Bitch der Schrift (Vienna, 1880) ; Hain, Ludovic, RepsrtoriumBibliographicum,2v. (Stuttgart, 1826-38); Pellechet, M., Catalogue General des Incunables des Bibliotheques Publiques de France, v. 1-2 (Paris, 1897) ; Rouveyre, Edouard, Connaissances Necessaires a un Bibliophile. 10 v. 5th ed. (Paris, 1899). Valuable aid both in the way of material and definition has been received from many of the more general treatises 201 TECHNICAL TERMS like Ames' Typographical Antiquities; Birt, T., Das antike Btichwesen; Blades' Pentateuch of Printing and his Biography and Typography of William Caxton; Brown's Venetian Printing Presses; Davenport's, The Book, its History and Development; Duff's Early Printed Books; Peignot, Dictionnaire Raisonne de Bibliologie, Reed's Old English Letter Foundries, Singer and Strang's Etching, engraving and other methods of printing pictures (Lond. 1907), and the excellent article by Hessels on Typography in the 11th edition of the Encyclopcedia Britannica. a. f. ad finem. a. f. anni futuri. Of the following year. a. h. V. ad hunc vocem. a. i. (init.) ad initium. a. p. (a. pr.). anni praesentis. Of the present year. a. V. ad verbum. absque. Without; — registro. Without register (of signatures, etc.) acced. accedit. "There follows." accuratus. Carefully prepared, accurate. acta. Acts, proceedings. ad. at, for; — extremum. At the end; — finem. At the end ; — initium. At the beginning; — litteram. Literally (litera- tim) ; ■ — marginem. At (or in) the mar- gin; — verbum (vocem). At the word — (used in textual references). addit.(t). additio ( — ones). Addition(s). adhaeret. {perf. part, adhaesus). (It) is joined with, fastened to or bound with; added at the end, appended. (Haiti.) adjunctus. Added to, bound with. 202 LATIN admodum. Very, quite, completely, e.g., Liber admodum rams, A very rare book. adornatus. Embellished, decorated. adp. See words beginning with app. adversaria. Miscellany, commonplace books. aen. aeneus. Copper, e.g., cum tabb. aen. tabulis aeneis. With copperplates. aet. aetat. Aged. affinit. ^adfinit.) Affinitas (adfinitas). See arbor. agendum (or plu. agenda). Calendar, ritual, code, book of rules, schedule. al. alia. Other (plu.). e.g. al. exempla. Other copies. (Hain.) al.l. alia lectio (alii legunt). Other reading(s). album amicorum. Autograph album. albus. Blank (literally "white"), e.g. c. duob. ff. albis. With two leaves blank. an. annus. anglice. In English (English version or translation). anni futuri. Of the following year, anni praesentis. Of the present year. annus, year. antiquaria. (a) Relics, second-hand books. (b) stock of old books or relics. apparatus. Prepared, edited, supplied. approbatus. Approved. Used to indicate approval by official censor. arbor. Tree. Used in phrases like arbor affinitatis (Chart or "tree" of relation- ships by marriage) and arbor consan- 203 TECHNICAL TERMS guinitatis (or consanguineus). (Chart or "tree" of blood relationships). art. (artt.) articulus(-i). Part(s), divi- sion(s), article(s). auct. (t). auctor(-es). Author(s). augenda. Additions, aux. auxilio. With the assistance [of]. B biblioth. bibliotheca. Library (often in sense of "series"). bibliothecarius. Librarian. breviarium. Breviary, abstract, abridg- ment, summary. C c. cum, custos, codex. c. cum. (c.c. cum custodibus) c. m. tab. aeri incisis, cum multis tabulis aeri incisis; c.n. cum numero; c.pp.n. cum paginis numeratis; C. S. cum signaluris. c. 1. citato loco, (usually written I. c, loco citato). In the place or passage cited. caetera desiderantur (caetera desunt). ihe rest lacking or missing. calx {Abl. calce). End, bottom (of page). e.g. in calce, a calce (ad calcem). At the end, from (atj the bottom (of the page). cap. caput, capitulum. capitulum. Chapter, section or division. capp. Capita. Plural of caput (chapter). caret (perf. caruit). It is lacking, e.g., f. 4 caret, "4ih folio lacking." 204 LATIN .carta. See charta. centesimo et vigesimo-octavo; 128 mo. A book composed of sections folded into 128 leaves each. See duodecimo. ch. (charact.) character (es). ch. goth. characteres gothici; — maj. characteres majores; — majusc. characteres majus- culi; — min. characteres minores; minim. characteres minimi ; — minusc. charac- teres minusculi; — minut. characteres min- uti ; — nitid. characteres nitidi ; — quadr. characteres quadrati ; — rabb. characteres rabbinici; — rudiusc. ch. rudiusculi; — semig. (semigoth). characteres semi- gothici. chalcographus. Printer. chalcotypus. Printer. cliaracter(es). Character (s), letter (s). — crassi. Bold-faced characters; — gothici. Gothic (black letter or "text") characters;^ — majores (majusculi). large characters, capitals; — minimi (minuti). Very small characters; — minores (min- usculi). Small (lower case) characters; — missali "Missal" characters;^ — -nitidi. Beautiful, well-shaped, clear characters; — quadrati. Square, rectangular characters; — rabbinici. Rabbinical (Hebrew) charac- ters ; — rudes. ' ' Rustic' ' characters {Brad- ley); "barbarous type" {Ames)\ crude, clumsy letters; — rudiores. (rudiusculi.) — :ype or characters with "rustic" charac- 205 TECHNICAL TERMS teristics; — semigothici, "Semigothic" char- acters, i.e., with- Gothic characteristics. charta. (1) Paper, (more rarely, parch- ment) . (2) Charter, letter or other writing. circa, (circiter, circum.) About, nearly. circumd., circumdat. circumdatus. Sur- rounded, e.g., circumd. omamento xyl. "Surrounded by wood -cut border." circumscr. circumscriptio. Encircling in- scription. clavis. Key, explanatory appendix. clericus. Sometimes applied to the rubri- cator of books and mss. cod. codex. Manuscript with leaves folded in book form ; — quadratus. Folio manuscript. cohaeret. {perf. part, cohaesus.) Belongs with, bound with. e.g., cohaeret cum libello. Bound with [another] pamphlet. cohaeret proprie c. num. 2294. Belongs properly with no 2294. coUatus. Collected, compiled. e.g. col- latis passim articulis. Here and there in the collected articles. collectio. Collection; — scriptorum. Col- lected writings. collectus. Collected, compiled. comm., comment, commentatio, commen- tator. commentatio. Treatise, dissertation, com- mentary. commentator. Commentator. commentum. Note, comment, e.g. c. com- mento ms. With manuscript note. 206 LATIN complectitur. [It includes, comprises, e.g., complectitur libb. X-XII. It comprises Bks. X-XII. concl. conclu., conclusio. Conclusion. conf. confer. (Rare. Usually cf.) consang. consanguinitas. See arbor. constat. Consists of, is composed of. e.g., Opus constat 54 capp. "The work con- sists of 54 chapters." contentorum, index — . Table of contents. corpus scriptorum. Complete writings. correct, correctio, correctus. correctio(-ones). Correction (s). correctus. Corrected. corrigendum (-a). Correction (s). crassus. Heavy, coarse. {Cf. character.) cum. With ; — custodibus. With catch- words; — gratia et privilegio. With favor and privilege (Official phrase cf authorization); — multis tabulis aeri [ligno] incisis. With many engra\ings in copperplate [or wood]; — numero (-is). With number (s) or numeral (s); — paginis numeratis. With numbered pages [or leaves] ; — privilegiis. W' ith privileges, or rights (of copyright, etc.) ; — signaturis. With signature numbers or symbols ; — tabulis. With tables or plates. cus. (cust.) custos (-todes). Catchword (s). D d. delinea(vi)t, dedica(vi)t, dona(vi)t. d. a. dicti anni. of the year cited. 207 TECHNICAL TERMS d.d. (dd). dono {or donum) dat {or dedit). d. q. s. de quo supra. Concerning the article or citation above. dedic. dedicatio. Dedication. dedicat. Dedicates. dedicatus. Dedicated. deest {plu. desunt). Is (are) lacking. e.g., haec ult. verba desunt. "These last words are lacking." del., delin. delineavit. "In old engravings . . . often indicated the man (not neces- sarily the original artist) who copied the design on the plate for the engraver." delenda. Things which should be can- celled. Frrata. desid. desiderata. Books or other articles desired. Desirable books or other articles. differt {plu. differunt). It differs. dir. direxit. Sometimes used in sense of excudit. q. V. donatus. The, "Ars grammatica" of ^4£lius Donatus was much used in the Middle Ages as a beginner's book in Latin. From this, the term donatus came to be applied to any introductory Latin grammar, and, by further license, to any introductory treatise. donee corrigatur. "Temporary or partial prohibition of a book not absolutely condemned. . . . Books so marked might be bought, sold and used, provided that in the existing edition the corrui)t ]ias- sages were either blotted out or corrected 208 LATIN by pen, and in all subsequent editions omitted or modified." — Broiun. Venetian Printing Presses, p. 12. done dedit. Given, donated. duodecimo. 12mo. (12°) A book between GJs and 7>^ in. (17.5-20 cm.) high. The older terminology, still in use in Europe, named books from the number of leaves into which a sheet was folded. Thus a duodecimo was composed of sheets folded into 12 leaves (24 p.) each; a quarto, one of sheets folded into 4 leaves each, etc. In such cases, the size of the unfolded sheet is usually also indicated by its trade name, e.g., Crown 8vo, an octavo printed on sheets of Crown paper (15 x 20 in.) In older books, fold only is generally indicated. E e. c. exempli causa. For example. More frequently e.g., exempli gratia. ed. {plu. edd.). edidit {plu. ediderunt). He has edited, published, issued; or editus. Edited, published, issued. ed. Editio;^ — opt. editio optima; — star, editio stereotypa; — ult. editio ultima. editio. Edition ; — aucta. Enlarged edition ; — emendata. Corrected edition; — op- tima. Best edition ; — ■ originalis. Original edition ; — • perrara. Very rare edition ; - rara. Rare edition. — stereotypa. stere- otyped edition; — ultima, last edition. 209 TECHNICAL TERMS eff. effigies. Portrait, illustration. ej., ejusd. ejusdem. Of the same. elenchus. Table of contents. emendatio (-ones) Correction (s), change (s). emendatus. Corrected, emended. empt. emptus. Bought. eod., eodem. In the same, at the same. ep.(p). Epistula(e). epilogus. Epilogue. epistula(e) (epistola(e) ). Letter(s), epis- tle (s). errator. collectio. erratorum collectio. List of errata. erTatum(a). Error (s). Also used for list of indicated or corrected errors. ex. From. ex-dono. Gift of — ; ex meis. From my library; ex museo (musaeo). From the library of — . exarata. writings, works. The better and earlier form is exaratio (ones). exc. excipe. except. ex., exc. excudit (excudebat). "In old en- gravings . . . often indicated prints exe- cuted by workmen under the supervision of the master engraver whose name is attached." {Singer & Strang) excitatus. Cited. (Hain.) excl. excludens, exclusus. Excluding, ex- cluded. excus. excusus. Composed, written. exempl. exemplum (-a). Copy (copies). exemplar (-ia). Copy (copies). exiguus. Small, thin. 210 LATIN expensa. Expense, ad expensas — , At the expense of — . Published (printed) for. expict. expictus. Illuminated, colored. expl., explic. explicit. The end. ("It is ended.") expr. expressus. Printed, portrayed. exsculptor librorum. Printer. (Uncommon.) extr. extremo. At the end. f. fecit, (q. V.) f. folium {pi. folia) ; — maj. folium maius (majus) — max. folium maximum; — min. folium minus. More commonly found in Italian form folio. f . 1. falsa lectio. Incorrect reading. fasc. fasciculus. Part, number, section of serial publication. fee, fecit. He did it. Attached to name of engraver to indicate his work. Often has added aq. fort, (aqua forte), "done in acid," i.e., etched. ff. folia. fin. finis. fior. (florent.) florens (-entes) , floruit. fiorens (fiorentes). With floral or other decorative designs, e.g., c. litt. initial, flor. "With decorated (ornamented) ini- tial letters, "Blooming letters." fiorilegium. Anthology, {cf. Eng. "Speak- er's Garland.") floruit. He flourished, or was prominent. 211 TECHNICAL TERMS fo. folio, fo. ro, folio recto; fo. vo. folio verso. folium (usually in Italian form folio). Book 30 cm. or more (llj^ in. high), (b) book composed of sheets folded into two lea\-es or four pages each. See also duodecimo. (c) the running numbers indicating the pages of a book. folium (folia). Leaf. Folio (book size or fold) ; — majus. Large folio ; — maxi- mum. Great folio; — minus. Small folio. foil, folia. Leaves. (Rare form used by Hain. Usual form, ff.) forellus. Parchment, forel. forte. Probably, g.g., forte Romae. "Prob- ably [printed] at Rome." fronte, in — . In the front; On the fly- leaf. g. gothici; g. ch. gothici characteres. gallice. In French; French version. germanice. In German; German version, glossa (-ae). Manuscript note(s) ; glossae interlin. (interlineares). Interlinear notes; glossae marginales. marginal notes. graece. In Greek; Greek version. H h. a. hoc anno. In this year. h. 1. hoc loco. In this place. h. m. huius mensis. Of this month. 212 LATIN hebr. hebraice. In Hebrew; Hebrew ver- sion. hispanice. In Spanish; Spanish version. i. e. Id est. That is. ic, icon. Figure, engraving, c. ic. cum iconibus. With engravings. impressor (librorum). Printer. impressus. Printed. impressum {noun). Imprint. in albis. blank. in extenso. Completely, fully, entirely. in limine. At the beginning. in manu. on hand, in stock, available. incipit. [It] begins. Here begins. inc., incis. incisus. Engraved. incl. inclus. inclusus. Included. ind. index; — libror. prohib. index librorum prohibitorum ; — ind. nom. index nominum. index. Index, list; — contentorum. Sub- ject index or table of contents; — expur- gatorum (expurgatorius). List of books condemned by the censor. (Usually applied to the list of books prohibited by the Roman Catholic church ; also termed index librorum prohibitorum.) — mate- riarum. Subject index or table of contents ; — nominum. Index of names, name list. indicatio errorum. List of errata. infrequens. Scarce. init., initial., initialis. Initial. inscr. inscriptio, inscriptus. 213 TECHNICAL TERMS inscriptio (-ones). Inscription(s), title (s). inscriptus. Inscribed, entitled. insertus. Inserted. insign. insigne. Mark, sign, device, e.g. insign. typogr., insigne typographi. "Print- er's mark." integer. Entire, complete, perfect. interpr. interpres. Translator. interscriptus. Written between. Interlined. introduct. introductio. Introduction. inv., invt. invenit. He designed it. inventu difficilis. Hard to find, scarce. it. item. Also, the same. 1. 1. loco laudato. la. litera. q. v. latus. Wide. e.g., lato margine. With wide margin. lect.(t). lector (es). Reader (s). leg. legit (legunt). He reads, they read. libellus. Small book, pamphlet. lib. (libr.). liber. Book. librarius. Bookseller, keeper of a circulating library; hence, librarian. Scribe, or copy- ist of manuscripts. lignus. Wood. e.g. ligno incisus {or sculp- tus). Engraved on wood. lin. linea (linia). Line. lit.(t.) litera (littera). Letter. For styles see also under character. Hain generally uses the form litera with abbreviations 214 LATIN lit. and litt. for singular and plural re- spectively. Others use the preferred classi- cal form littera with litt. for abbrevia- tion for singular or sometimes for both singular and plural. litera(e). (littera(e)). Letter(s). literae florentes. Decorated or ornamented let- ters; — literae initiales. Initial letters; — literae reclamantes. Catchwords. 11. libri. Books; lineae. Lines. loco laudato. In the place indicated. M m. m. pr. manu mea propria. m. pp. m. pr. manu propria. m. pr. mensis praeteriti. majus. Larger, folium — ; Large folio. majusc. majusculus(-i). Large or capi- tal letter(s). male. Badly, improperly, erroneously, e.g., male numeratus. Incorrectly numbered. manu. By hand, e.g., manu adscriptus. Added by hand, manuscript addition. — propria, with his own hand, i.e., auto- graph. mea propria, with my own hand. marginal, marginalia. Notes or other matter in the margin. max. maximus. Very large, largest, e.g., 4 max. Great quarto, very large quarto. med., in — in medio. In the middle. membrana. Parchment. 215 TECHNICAL TERMS menda (-ae). Fault (s), error (s). e.g., ab infinitis mendis purgatus. Freed from many errors. menis. Only, nothing but, e.g., men tex- tus 14 1. meri comment. 28 1. 14 lines, text only; 28 lines, notes only. minimus. Smallest, very small. In the form minimo. sometimes used to indicate books below 3 inches in height; i.e., from 64mo. to 128mo. minor. Small, {lit. smaller), rather small. e.g., f. minus. Small folio. The term minores is sometimes applied to small books {i.e. below 12mo) generally. See also minimus. minusc. minusculus (-i). Small, or lower- case letter (s). missal, missalis. Relating to a missal. e.g., litt. missal. Large letters like those used in missals. "Canon" (48 pt.) type, so-called because this sized letter was used in early missals. mp., mpp. manu propria, q.v. mut. mut. mutatis mutandis. After making necessary changes. mutato nomine. With changed name, mutato titulo. With changed title. mutilus. Mutilated. N n. nomen. Name. £'.g.,n. typ. nomen typo- graphy Name of the printer. n. {pill. nn.). numeratus (-i). Numbered. 210 LATIN n. (nn.) numerLis(i). Number(s). n. n. nomen nescio. ni. numeri. Numbers. nigro. In black. nihil obstat. "Nothing to prevent." Ap- proved. Formula of official approval by Catholic censor. nitidus. Beautiful, clear, neat, e.g., editio nitida. Handsome edition. nom. nomen. Name. — nescio. Author un- known, anonymous. nonagesimo sexto. 96mo. A book made of sheets folded into 96 leaves each. See also duodecimo. nota (ae). Note (s), mark, sign. notatio (-ones). Mark, cipher or sign. notitia (ae). Mark, or sign of identity, e.g., notitia typographi. Printer's mark (Ham) . numquam antea impressus. Never be- fore printed. O obvius. Met with, obtainable, e.g., non facile obvius. Not easily obtainable. occurrens. Met with, appearing, offering or presenting itself, e.g., non frequenter occurrens. Infrequently offered. oct. octavo. A book between 20 and 25 cm (yj/g-QJ/g iri-) high. A book composed of sheets folded into 8 leaves each. See also duodecimo. octo-decimo. 18mo. See duodecimo. omissus. Omitted. 217 TECHNICAL TERMS omnia quae supersunt (extant). All that remain. Used of "literary remains" and of complete extant works of an author. op. posth. opus posthumum. Posthumous work. opella. Small book, pamphlet, (libellus.) opus regale. Sumptuous, magnificent work, (literally "royal work"). opusculum. Small work or volume, part of a printed work. ord. ordo (ordines). Series, order, arrange- ment, e.g., ordo quarternorum. Ar- rangement in quaternions ("fours"). ordine. In series. p., pp., pag.(pagg.). pagina(ae). Page (s), leaf (leaves). Copinger uses pp. in the latter sense. Most use ff. (folia) in sense of "leaves" and pp. (paginae) for "pages." p. a. per annum. By the year. p. t. praetermisso titulo. pars (partes). Part (s), section (s). pegit. He made, or composed it. I. D. pegit. "lohn Day pegit." "John Day made it." plagula (ae). Sheet (s) [of paper]. piano, in — . in sheets. Sometimes used of unfolded prints, maps, broadsides, etc. pleno titulo. See titulo. plur. plurimus. Many, e.g., cum tabb. plu. With many tables. 218 LATIN post. After, subsequent to. e.g., post 1470. Later than 1470. post, posterior. Later. e.g., ed. post. Second, or later, edition. ppt.. praeparatus. Prepared, provided. pr. primus, principium. praeced. praecedens. Preceding. e.g., praeced. index. Index preceding, prae- ced. pr. p. tab. Table (or plate) preced- ing first page. praef. (praefat). praefatio. Preface, pro- logue. praemissus. Put before, preliminary, e.g., praemissa sunt 4fE in quorum pr. hie tit. "There are 4 preliminary leaves on the first of which is this title." praestans. Remarkable, excellent, super- ior. praetermisso titulo. omitting the title. pret. pretium. Price. pretiosus. Costly. primus. First, e.g., 42 ff. cum primo albo. 42 folios, the first blank. principiiun. Beginning. in principio. In the beginning, at the top. prohemium. See prooemium. prolog, prologium (prologus). Prologue, preface, introduction. prooem. prooemium. prooemium (prohemium). Introduction, preface, proem. punctus. Wormeaten. purgatus. Freed from errors, corrected. 219 TECHNICAL TERMS Q q. s. quid (quae) supra. The thing (s) noted above. qm. quondam. Formerly. (Used after changed title, name of author or firm name.) quad, (quadrat), quadratus. Square, rec- tangular. quadragesimo-octavo. 48mo. See also duo- decimo. quae supersunt. See omnia quae super- sunt. quarto. A book between 9% and ll'^'s in. (26-30 cm.) high. See also duodecimo. quatern. quaternio. quaternio (-ones). (a) Section of four sheets each folded once {i.e., 4 sheets, 8 leaves, or 16 pp.). A book made up of these sections is "in quaternions" or "in 4's." (4ns). (b) Webster defines qua- ternion as "A sheet of paper folded twice; also, a quire of 4 sheets thus folded." (a) is the customary bibliographic mean- ing. quintern. quinternio (-ones). Section of h\'e sheets each folded once, {i.e., 5 sheets, 10 leaves, or 20 pp.). "In quin- ternions" or "in 5's." (5ns). Cf. quaternio. R r. regalis. e.g., f. r. folium regale. r. ch. romani characteres. 220 LATIN r. r. reservatis reservandis. With due allowances. rabb. ch. rabbinici characteres. rabbinicus. rabbinical (Hebrew), litterae rabbinicae. Rabbinical letters. rar. rarus. rarescit. It is rare. rarior. Rather rare. rarissime. Very rarely. rarissimus. Very rare. raritas. Rarity, e.g., immensae raritatis. Of great rarity. rarus. Rare. recognitus. Reviewed, revised. Cura re- cognitus. Revised with care. red. redditus. Translated, repeated, de- livered. registr. registrum (-a). Alphabetical table of contents, etc. Register. rel., reliq. reliqua. The remainder, the rest. "Literary remains." repert. repertorium. Catalogue, system- atically arranged list or summary. retro. On the back, backward, "above" (vide retro, "See above"). rr. rarissime, rarissimus. rub. ruber. Red. rubro. In red. (From ruber, "Red") e.g., Insign. typogr. rubr. Red device of printer. rubro et nigro impressus. Printed in black and red. rubrum. Colophon ( Uncommon). 221 TECHNICAL TERMS rud. rudis. Crude, clumsy. See charac- ter, rudior. Rather crude or clumsy. s. sequens, signatura. s. sine. S. c. sine custodibus; s. pp. n. sine paginis numeratis; s. s. sine signa- turis. s. e. e. 0. Salvo errore et omissione. Errors and omissions excepted. Used also in plural form, s. s. n. Signato suo nomine. Signed with his own name. saec. saeculum (a). Century (-ies). scriptor (-es). Author (s), writer (s). sculpt, sculptus. Engraved, scutum impressoris. Printer's armorial device. sedecimo (sexto decimo.) 16mo. A hook between oj^ and GJ-^in. {\b-\l}/2 cm.) high or composed of sections of 16 leaves each. See duodecimo, semig. semigothicus (-i). Semi-Gothic. Applied to a type with modified Gothic characteristics. septuagesimo-secundo. 72mo. Book of sec- tions of 72 leaves each . See also duodecimo, seq., sq., sequ. Sequitur. It follows. seq., sequ., sequen. Sequens, sequentia. Following, sextern. sexternio (-nes) . Section of six sheets each folded once. Cf. quaternio. 222 LATIN sexagesimo-quarto. 64mo. See also duo- decimo. sic. "Thus." Indicates exact spelling, etc., of original, particularly when original is erroneous. siglae. Abbreviations or contractions of words or syllables, particularly in manu- scripts and incunabula. e.g., Nr for noster; Dns, for Dominus, etc. sine. Without; — custodibus. Without catchwords; — menda {plu. mendis). Without a fault (or faults), perfect; — nota (cr notis (plu.) ). Without place date, or name of printer ;^ — ^paginis num- eratis. Without page numbers. situ, in — . In its proper place or position. ss. scriptores. Writers, authors. ss. Semis. Half. subjunct. subjunctus. Appended, added to. subscr. (subscript.), subscriptio (-ones). Signature (s), superscription (s). subseq. subsequens. Following, subsequent. sup. superior. Upper, e.g., sup. marg. Upper margin. superiibros (superexlibris). "Owner's coats of arms impressed in gold upon the book's sides." Mark of ownership on cover of book, usually stamped or gilt device. T t. titulus. Title. t. (tom.). tomus. Volume. t. p. titulo pleno. 223 TECHNICAL TERMS t.t. titulo toto. tab. tabula. Table; — alphabetica. Al- phabetical table; — quaestionum. List of questions. term, terminat. Ends. e.g., term. lib. Septimus. "End of book 7." tern. ternio (-ones). Section of three sheets each folded once. Cf. quaternio. testamur. Testimonial [usually unofficial to the value of a work. titulus in extenso. Full title. titulo pleno. With full title, i.e., with all the titles of honor of the author, subject of a biography, etc. Sometimes less correctly used in place of titulo toto. titulo toto. With full title, i.e., Complete title of book given. tli. tituli pi. of titulus. tract. Tractatus. Treatise, tract. translatus. Translated. trib. tribus. (Abl. of tres. "three")- «•£-, in trib. lin. In three lines. trigesimo-secundo. 32mo. A book between 4 and 5 in. (10-12^ cm.) high or composed of sections of 32 leaves each. See also duo- decimo. trigesimo-sexto. 36mo. A book composed of sections of 36 leaves each. See also duo- decimo. typ., typogr. typographus. Printer. typus (-1). Type (s), letter (s), character (s). typi tornatissimi. Ornamental or deco- rated letters (literae florentes). 224 LATIN u u. i. (inf.) ut (ubi) infra. As below. In the book or passage cited below. ubi supra. Above. In the work or pas- sage cited above. ult. ultimus. The last. At the end. unicus. Unique, sole. V. verte. V. e. vide etiam. See also. V. 1. varia lectio. A different reading. vacat. Is blank, e.g., f. 80 vacat. Folio 80 blank. vacuus. Blank. vademecum. Small handbook. vba. verba. Words. vera effigies. True likeness, fac-simile. vero. Truly, certainly, e.g., vero omissae sunt. They have certainly been omitted.' versio (-ones). Version (s). verte. Turn over. vetustus. Old, ancient, e.g., g. ch. ve- tusti. Ancient Gothic characters. vie. (viz.) videlicet. Namely. vid. videtur. It seems, probably, e.g., Venetiis ut vid. Probably [printed] at Venice. vigesimo-quarto. 24mo. A book between 5 and 5>8 in. (123^-15cm.) high or com- posed of sections of 24 leaves each. See also duodecimo. 225 TECHNICAL TERMS vivum, ad — . From life, e.g., ad vivum del. Drawn from life, vulgo. Commonly, generally, e.g., Schwarz- erd, vulgo Melancthon. Schwarzerd, commonly called Melancthon. xyl. xylographicus, xylographum (-a). xylographum.(a). Early wood-cut(s), block- book (s), xylograph (s). xylographicus. Pertaining to wood- engraving, e.g., c. figg. xyl. With wood- cuts. 226 SPANISH a plana y renglon or a plana renglon. copied word for word. a la rustica or en rustica or cosido. (bb.) stitched. abrir las hojas. to cut the pages. acaba de publicarse. (bo.) now published. academias, trabajos de. society publica- tions. actas. proceedings. adorno tipografico. typographical ornament. agregado or anadido. (pr.) new matter. agua fuerte or grabado al agua fuerte. (e.) etching. aguatinta. (e.) aquatint. album de recortes. scrapbook. alzado. (bb.) gathering. anadido. See agregado. anales. annals. anaquel para tipos. (pr.) letter board. ano de imprenta. imprint date. anteport. anteportada. anteportada. page with half title. aparte. separately. apostill. apostillado. apostillado. with marginal notes. aprob. aprobacion. 227 TECHNICAL TERMS aprobacion. approbation, aviso, advertisement, B bala de papal, ten reams. balada. ballad. baraja. a pack of playing cards. barniz blando. (e.) soft etching ground. barniz de grabadores. (e.) etching ground. bastardillas. See letras bastardillas. bien conservado or en buen estado. (bo.) in good condition. bigote. (pr.) short rule, dash rule. bimestral. bi-monthly, bianco (pr.). first form. bocaran. (bb.) buckram. borrado. canceled, bramante or cuerda. (pr.) page-cord. broche para cerrar un libro. (bb.) clasp. brunidor. (bb.) burnisher. C cabezada de libro. (bb.) headband. caja. (bb.) case. caja alta. (pr.) upper case. caja baja. (pr.) lower case. caja de letras. (pr.) type case. cajetin. (pr.) section of a type case. cajista. (pr.) compositor. cajista de libros. (pr.) book compositor. canto inferior de un libro. (bb.) tail, lower edge, cantonera. (bb.) corner of a book. 228 SPANISH cantos cincelados. (bb.) tooled edges. cantos encamados or cantos rojos. (bb.) red edges. cantos jaspeados. (bb.) marble edges, cantos sin cortar. (bb.) rough edges. capitulo. chapter. caracter or letra. (pr.) character, letter. caratula or portada. title-page. carnero. (pr.) hell, i.e., a receptacle for broken types. carta, letter. cartel, poster, placard. cartel de comedia. play bill. cartera. portfolio. cartibana or escartibana or una. (bb.) guard. carton fuerte. pasteboard. centon. cento. cob. cobre. cobre. See grabado en cobre. colaborador. joint author. colacion. collation. colacionar or comparar. to collate. colector de libros. book-collector. coma, comma. comenzar igual. (pr.) to commence even. comercio de libros. booktrade. comido por el come j en. wormholed. comision, en or condicionalmente. (bo.) on approval. comparar. See colacionar. compartimiento. (bb.) panel. compilador. compiler. componedor. (pr.) composing stick. 229 TECHNICAL TERMS composicion or forma, (pr.) composition, form. composicion espaciada. (pr.) spaced com- position. composicion regleteada. (pr.) interlined composition, leaded matter. composicion solida. (pr.) close matter, compuesto or hecho. edited, prepared. con notas explicativas. with explanatory notes. condicionalmente. See comision, en. contenido. contents. continuara, continued. cordeles de lomo de un libro or nervios. (bb.) bands. corondel or raya de columna. (pr.) column rule. corondeles. pi. (pa.) wiremarks. correccion de pruebas. proof reading, corrector de pruebas. proof reader. corregido. revised. corta-papeles. paper-knife. cosido. (bb.) stitched. cosido entero. (bb.) stitched uncut. cotidiano or diario. daily. cruz. (pr.) dagger. cuad. cuaderno. cuaderno. composition book, cuadrado. (pr.) quadrat. cubierta deteriorada. worn binding. cubierta original, publisher's cover, cuenta del autor, por. (bo.) at the author's expense, privately published. 230 SPANISH cuento. tale. cuerda or bramante. (pr.) page-cord. cuero or piel. leather. cuero de Moscovia or cuero de Rusia. Russia leather. cuerpo del tipo. (pr.) shank, body of a type. D derechos de autor or propiedad literaria. copyright. desencuadernado. binding lost. devocionario. prayerbook. diario or periodico. newspaper. diccionario. dictionary. directorio or anuario. directory. disertacion. dissertation. div. fol. diversa foliacion. diversa foliacion. various pagings. division or guion. hyphen, dorso or lomo. (bb.) back. dos puntos. colon. duplicado. (pr.) double, i.e., matter set up a second time by mistake. e. del. i. escudete del impresor. edicion apocrifa or edicion fraudulenta. an edition in every way unchanged except for the title-page. edicion barata. cheap edition. ejemplar regalado. presentation copy. en buen estado. (bo.) in good condition. en prensa. in the press. 231 TECHNICAL TERMS en publicacion. current. en rustica. See a la rustica. encabezamiento. heading. encabezamiento de carta, letter head. encordelar. (bb.) to tie in. encuadernacion, taller de. bookbindery. encuademacion entera or pasta entera. (bb.) full binding. encuadernacion de lujo or encuadernacion a la real, (bb.) sumptuous binding. encuadernador. bookbinder. encuadrar con reglas. (pr.) to box in. enhilar. to file. enlomado. (bb.) backing. ensuciar. to soil. entrada, papeleta de. card of admission. entrega or fasciculo. part, fascicle. err. errata. errata tipografica or falta tipografica. mis- print. esbozo. See esquicio. escartibana or cartibana or una. (bb.) guard. escritor or autor. author. escritura. writing. escudete del impresor. printer's scutcheon. espacio. (pr.) space. esquicio or esbozo. sketch, rough draught. estampa en colores. color-print. estampa de humo ormedia tinta. (e.) mezzo- tint. estampa en madera. (e.) woodcut. estampadura en seco or fileteado en seco. (bb.) blind tooling. 232 SPANISH estampador or impresor. printer. etiqueta. (bb.) lettering piece, label. expurgado. expurgated. f. foja. falsa portada. See frontis, falso. falso frontis. See frontis, falso. falta la portada or falta de portada. title-page lacking. falta tipografica. See errata tipografica. fe de erratas. list of errata. feria de libros. (bo.) book-fair. fileteado. filleted. fileteado en oro. (bb.) gold tooling. fileteado en seco or estampadura en seco. (bb.) blind tooling. firma or signatura. (b.) signature. firma con asterisco. (b.) signature with an asterisk. floron. (b.) vignette. foja or hoja. leaf. forma or composicion. (pr.) form, compo- sition. fornitura. (pr.) furniture. fraile. (pr.) friar, i.e., any part of a page which has not received the ink. frasqueta. (pr.) frisket. frontis, falso or falsa portada. half title. G galera. (pr.) galley. galerada. (pr.) galley proof. 233 TECHNICAL TERMS grabado al agua fuerte. (e.) etching, grabado al buril. (e.) line engraving. grabado en cobre. (e.) copper plate en- graving, grabado crible. (e.) dotted print. grabado a puntos. (e.) stipple engraving. grabado a tres colores. three-color print. grabador. engraver. guarda. fly-leaf, end-paper. guia de f errocarriles or itinerario. time-table. guion or division, hyphen. H h. en. b. hoja en bianco. ha dejado de publicarse. discontinued. hebdomadario or semanal. weekly. hecho or compuesto. edited, prepared. hierros pequenos. (bb.) small tools. hilera. row, file. hoja en bianco, blank leaf. hoja doblada. dog's ear. hoja intercalada. (b.) interleaf. hoja volante. (bb.) fly-sheet. hojas de autor. pi. (bo.) advance sheets. hojas preliminares. pi. (b.) preliminary leaves. hojas sin cortar. uncut leaves. hojear un libro. turn over the leaves of a book. hombro. (pr.) shoulder of a type. I imp. impreso. imponer. (pr.) to make up. 234 SPANISH impr. imprenta. imprenta a claroscuro. (e.) chiaroscuro. impresion de relieve, anastatic print. impreso por un lado. printed on one side. impreso en rojo. rubricated. impresor or estampador. printer. impresor de trabajos menudos. job-printer. intercal. intercalado. intercalado. inserted, interpolated. interlinea or regleta. (pr.) lead. interlineado. (pr.) leaded. itinerario or guia de ferrocarriles. time-table. J jeroglificos. hieroglyphics. justificacion. (pr.) justification. juventud, literatura para la. juvenile litera- ture. 1. letra. l.g. letra gotica. lector, reader. letra or caracter. (pr.) letter, character, type. letra de adorno or letra de capricho or letra florida. (pr.) fancy letter, letra de capricho. See letra de adorno. letra descendente. (pr.) tail-type. letra florida. See letra de adorno. letra inicial. (pr.) initial. letra machucada. (pr.) battered letter. letra mayuscula. (pr.) capital letter. letra minuscula. (pr.) small letter. 235 TECHNICAL TERMS letra montante. (pr.) kerned letter. letra revuelta or letra empastelada. (pr.) turned letter, letra de tortis. (pr.) black letter, gothic letter. letra usual, (pr.) body type, letras bastardillas or letras cursivas or letras italianas or letras venecianas. (pr.) italics. letras cursivas. See letras bastardillas. letras italianas. See letras bastardillas. letras monacales. (pr.) monk's letters, letras negras. (pr.) bold faced types, letras venecianas. See letras bastardillas. letras voladas or letras superiores. (pr.) superiors. libelo. libel. librero-editor. publisher. libro auxiliar or libro de referenda, reference book. libro en bianco, blank book. libro de horas. book of hours. libro de laminas. picture book. libro de lance. See libro de segunda mano. libro a Have, a book in which the proper names of persons or localities are dis- guised by the author. libro en papel. unbound book. libro en rama. book in sheets, book in quires, libro de referenda. Sec libro auxiliar. libro de segunda mano or libro usado or libro de lance, (bo.) secondhand book. libro xilografico. blockbook. 230 SPANISH lie. licencia. licencia. permission, license. linea del pie de la pagina. bottom line. linea de puntos. dotted rule. linea de reclame, direction line. lingote. (pr.) slug. listo para ponerle en prensa or puede im- primirse. (pr.) for press. Uamadas. pi. (pr.) reference marks. llamado. called. lomo hueco. (bb.) loose back. lomo de resorte. (bb.) spring back. lomo rigido. (bb.) tight back. lugar, sin. no place. lugar de edicion. place of publication, lugar de imprenta. place of printing. M maculatura. (pr.) waste sheet. mad. madera. madera. wood. mano de papel. (pa.) quire. mapa geografico or carta geografica. map. mapamundi. map of the world. maquina de alimentacion. (pr.) feeding machine. maquina para componer las letras. (pr.) com- posing machine. maquina de copiar. copying machine. marca de agua. (pa.) water-mark. marca del impresor. printer's mark. marcador. book-mark. 237 TECHNICAL TERMS margen ancha. wide margin. materia muerta. (pr.) dead matter, media caiia. (bb.) fore-edge. media tinta or mezzo tinto or estampa de humo. (e.) mezzotint. memoria. report. memorias. pi. memoirs. mensual. monthly. mere, de libr. mercader de libros. mercader de libros. bookseller. mezzo tinto. See media tinta. minutas de un cuerpo deliberante. minutes of a meeting. misal. missal. mohoso. mouldy. muestras, primeras. (pr.) first proof. N nervios or cordeles de lomo de un libro. (bb.) bands, nervios falsos. (bb.) false bands, no cortado. (b.) uncut. no se ha puesto a la venta or no se vende. (bo.) not for sale. no se vende. See no se ha puesto a la venta. nombre compuesto. compound name, nota al pie. foot-note. no vela, novel. O obra coronada or obra premiada. prize- essay. obra premiada. See obra coronada. 238 SPANISH obras completas. collected works. obras escogidas. selected works. obras postumas. posthumous works. olvido. (pr.) out, i.e., omission of a word or phrase by the compositor. orl. orlado. orlado. (pr.) framed, boxed in. orlar or encuadrar con reglas. (pr.) box in. p. ej. por ejemplo. p. en b. pagina en bianco. pagina impar. (b.) odd page, recto. pagina par. (b.) even page, verso. paginacidn continua. (b.) continuous pag- ination. pal. palabra. palabra. word. pap. papel. papel de algodon. cotton paper. papel de calcar. tracing paper. papel pautado or papel reglado or papel rayado. ruled paper. papel secante. blotting paper. papel de seda or papel de culebrilla. tissue paper. papel sellado. stamped paper. papel trabajado a mano. hand made paper. papeleta de entrada. card of admission. parentesis angulares. (b.) pi. brackets. parrafo nuevo. paragraph. pasta entera or encuadernacion entera. full binding. 239 TECHNICAL TERMS pastel, (pr.) pie, i.e., mixed type. pautado or reglado or rayado. ruled. pegado. mounted. percalina. book muslin. perdido. missing. pergamino. parchment. periodico or diario. newspaper. pesofuerte. dollar. pf. peso fuerte. pie de imprenta. imprint. pie de mosca. (pr.) reference sign. pie de una pagina. bottom of a page. piel de cabra. goatskin. piel de carnero. sheepskin. piel de cerdo. pigskin. piel de zapa or chagren. (bb.) shagreen. piel de zorra. (bb.) fox-skin. plancha de componedor. (pr.) composing board. plana or pagina. page. plana y renglon, a. copied word for word. pno. pergamino. polilla. bookworm. por cuenta del autor. at the author's ex- pense. por ejemplo. for instance. portada, falsa. See frontis, falso. prec. precioso. precio de catalogo. published prize, list price. precioso. precious. premiado or coronado. awarded a prize. prensa. press. prensa, en. in the press. 240 SPANISH prensa de cilindro. (pr.) revolving press. prensa de dorar. (bb.) gilding press. prensa de mano. (pr.) hand-press. pro. proemio. proemio. introduction. prol. proiogo. prueba antes de la letra or prueba de artista. (e.) proof before letters. prueba sacada con escobilla. brush proof. pruebas. pi. proof sheets. publicado. published. puede imprimirse. (pr.) See listo para ponerle en prensa. punta seca. (e.) dry point. puntizones. (pa.) waterlines. punto de admiracion. exclamation point. punto y coma, semicolon. punto de interrogacion. interrogation point. punzon. (pr.) bodkin. que se llama, calling himself. quincenal or bimensual. semi-monthly r. y n. rojo y negro. rama. (pr.) chase. rasgo de pluma. dash. raya de columna or corondel. (pr.) column rule. raya de luto. (pr.) mourning border. reclamo. (b.) catchword. 241 TECHNICAL TERMS recogido por orden del gobierno 6 tribunal para impedir la circulacion 6 publica- cion. suppressed. recop. recopilacion. recopilacion. compendium, summary. recorte de periodico. newspaper clipping. recortes, album de. scrapbook. red. redondo, redonda. redondo. round. reencuademar. rebind. regleta. (pr.) composing rule, setting rule. reimp. reimpresion, reimpreso. reimpresion, reprint. reimpreso. reprinted. remate de libros. book auction. remendado. (bb.) repaired. remiendo, trabajos de. job printing. renglon or linea. line. repintar. (pr.) to set off, to double. resma. (pa.) ream. retiracion. (pr.) second form. revista. review, magazine. revista or segunda prueba. (pr.) second proof. rojo y negro, printed in red and black. rotulado. (bb.) labeled. nistica, a la or cosido. stitched. s. siglo. sangrar. (pr.) to indent. Sangria, (pr.) indentation, satinacion. (pa.) calendering. 242 SPANISH semanal or hebdomadario. weekly. seudonimo. pseudonym. signo de correccion. (pr.) mark of correction. silaba. syllable. sin contar. (bo.) by the lot. sin rayar. unruled. sototitulo. (b.) subtitle. subrayado. n. underscoring, underlining. subrayado. adj. underscored, underlined. sumario. summary. suscripcion. subscription. suscriptor. subscriber. tabla de nombres. index of names, taller de encuademacion. bindery. tambien con el titulo. also under the title. tapas de madera. (bb.) wooden boards. tejuelo or tejuelito. (bb.) lettering piece. tela para velas. (bb.) duck. telar. (bb.) sewing board. timbramiento or timbrado. stamping. tinta. ink. tinta de imprenta. printer's ink. tipo. type. tipos delgados or tipos de poco cuerpo. (pr.) lightfaced types. tir. tirado. tirado. printed, tit. titulo. titulado. entitled. titulo, title. titulo del encuademador. binder's title. 243 TECHNICAL TERMS titulo general, collective title. titulo de pagina or linea de cabeza or titulo con palabras. headline, live heading, running title. todo publicado. no more published. tomo de varias or coleccion ficticia. pamph- let volume. trabajos. transactions. traductor. translator. trimestral. quarterly. V. V. (v°.) verso. V. en b. verso en bianco. vendedor de libros usados. secondhand bookseller. versal or letra mayuscula. (pr.) capital letter. versalitas. pi. (pr.) small capitals, version or traduccion. translation, verso en bianco, (b.) verso blank, vifieta or floron. vignette, headpiece. virgulillas or comillas. quotation marks. vitela. (bb.) calf. Z zarzuela. musical comedy. 244 SWEDISH adresskalender. directory. afd. afdelning. afdelning. section. afdrag, forsta. (e.) plain print. afdrag af forradssattning. (pr.) galley proof. afdrag med text, (e.) proof with letters. afdrag utan text, (e.) proof before letters. afh. afhandling. afhandling. dissertation, paper, treatise. afskuren. (bb.) cut down. afskuren, kort. (bb.) cropped. afven under titel or ocksa under titel. (b.) also under the title. al. (pr.) bodkin. allt utgifvet. (b.) no more published. anfangsvignet. (b.) headpiece. anforingstecken or citationstecken. quota- tion marks. anmarkare or utlaggare or kommentator. annotator, commentator. anslag or plakat. poster, placard. &r. year. arbeten, samlade. collected works. irgang, Idpande. (b.) current publication. ark, r entry ckt or prof ark. (bp.) advance sheet. arkfoljd or laggens ordning. (bb.) gather- ing. 245 TECHNICAL TERMS &rlig. annual, yearly. arsbocker. pi. annals. irsredogorelse or arsberattelse. annual re- port. arstryck or pliktexemplar. (b.) deposit copies, i.e., copies which the printers are by law obliged to send to certain libraries. B bal af papper. ten reams. begynnelsebokstaf. (pr.) initial. belagdt med kvarstad or beslagtagen. suppressed. berattelse or redogorelse. report. beslagtagen. See belagdt med kvarstad. bilderbok. picture-book for children.. bind, hoga or upphojda bind, (bb.) raised bands. binda in. to bind, bindestreck. hyphen. bjuda pa en bok. (bo.) bid on a book. black, ink. t blindsida. (b.) blind sheet. blindstamplar. pi. See blindtryck. blindtryck, or med blindstamplar. (bb.) blind tooling. bok, ohaftad. See bok i exemplar, bok i exemplar or ohaftad bok. (bo.) book in sheets, book .in quires. bok papper. (pa.) quire, bokagarmarke. (b.) bookplate, ex libris. 246 SWEDISH bokanmalan. (bo.) booksellers' announce- ment of new books. bokauktion. book-auction. bokbindare. bookbinder. bokhandelspris or bokladspris, (bo.) pub- lished price, list price. bokladspris. See bokhandelspris. boklista or katalog. catalogue. bokmal. bookworm. bokmarknad. (bo.) book-market. bokrygg. back of a book. bokryggs forfardigande. (bb.) backing. boksnitt. See snitt. bokspanne orknappe. book-clasp. bokstaf. (pr.) character, letter. bokstaf, skadad or trasig bokstaf. (pr.) battered letter. bokstaf, stor or versa! or majuskel. (pr.) capital letter. bokstaf, upp- och nedvand. (pr.) turned letter. bokstaf, utsirad. (pr.) fancy letter. bokstafsfoljd. alphabetical order. bokstafstil or stil or typ. (pr.) type. boktryck. (pr.) bookwork. boktryckare. printer. boktryckargosse. (pr.) printer's devil. boktryckarkonst. art of printing. bonbok. prayer-book. bbrjautan indrag. (pr.) commence even. bred. wide. bref. letter. brefhufvud. letter-head. 247 TECHNICAL TERMS brefvexling. correspondence, broschyr. pamphlet, buringravyr. line engraving. bryta om. (pr.) to make up. byte, exchange. C ciseleradt snitt. (bb.) tooled edges. citationstecken or anforingstecken. quota- tion marks. daglig. daily. dod kolumntitel. (pr.) page number, dead heading. dubblett or duplikat. duplicate, duplikat. See dubblett. £ efterlemnade skrifter. posthumous works, efterskrift or post scriptum. postscript. eftertryck. (b.) unauthorized reprint. ej afskuren. uncut, etsgrund. (e.) etching ground. ettbladstryck. (b.) broadside. fals. (bb.) guard. falsa, (bb.) to fold. falsben. (bb.) folding stick. firskinn. (bb.) sheepskin, farskinn, brunt or basan. (bb.) basil, felfritt exemplar, (bo.) perfect copy. 248 SWEDISH fet stil. (pr.) blackfaced type, boldfaced type. fickformat. pocket edition. fileter i guldtryck. gilt fillets. fjaderrygg. (bb.) spring back. flygblad or stroskrift (b.) fly-sheet. flygskrift or broschyr. (b.) pamphlet. fodr. fodral. fodral. case. forbattr. forbattrad. forbattrad. improved. foreg. foregaende. foregaende. preceding, earlier. foretal. (b.) preface. forgyld. (bb.) gilt. forhandlingar. proceedings. forlag, pa eget. (bo.) privately published. forlaggare or forlagsbokhandlare. (bo.) pub- lisher. forlagsratt. copyright. formram.(pr.) chase. forradssattning, afdrag af. (pr.) galley proof. forsattsblad or forsattspapper. (b.) fly-leaf. forstafvelse. prefix. forstarkt. (bb.) reinforced. fortel. (pr.) fat, i.e., pieces of composition, for instance, running titles that are kept for future use and are not taken apart till the whole work is finished. fortlopande paginering. continuous pagi- nation. fortsattning. continuation. fortsattning foljer. to be continued. 249 TECHNICAL TERMS fragetecken. interrogation point, framsnitt. (bb.) fore-edge. friexemplar. See gafvoexemplar. gaffrerad. (bb.) goftered. gMvoexemplar or friexemplar. presentation copy. gemensam titel or hufvudtitel. collective title. genombladdra. turn over the leaves of a book. genoms. genomsedd. genomsedd. revised, getskinn. (bb.) goatskin, godtkopsupplaga. cheap edition, gotisk stil. (pr.) black letter, grafstickel. (e.) burin, graver. gravering med grafstickel or buringravyr. (e.) line engraving. gravyr. (e.) engraving. gravyr i punktmaner or gravyr i punkter- maner. (e.) stipple engraving. guldpressning. (bb.) gold tooling. H h. hliftad. hafta ark. (bb.) to tie in. haftad. stitched, sewed. haftlada. (bb.) sewing-board. haftning i pappband. (bb.) binding in boards. halfband. (bb.) half-binding. 250 SWEDISH halfklot. (bb.) half cloth. handlingar. transactions. hoga bind or upphojda bind, (bb.) raised bands. hoger sida. (b.) odd page, recto. hopviken plansch or inviken plansch. (b.) folded plate. horarium. book of hours. horn af en bok. corner of a book. hufvudlinje or rubrikrad. (b.) headline. hufvudtitel or gemensam titel. (b.) collec- tive title. hundora. dog's ear. hvar annan manad. bi-monthly. inbinda anyo. rebind. inbindning. binding. inbindning, sliten. worn binding. indrag. (pr.) indentation. indraga. (pr.) to indent. inledande onumrerade blad. (b.) prelimi- nary leaves. innehallsforteckning. (b.) table of con- tents, index. inrama med linjer. (pr.) to box in. inskjutning. (b.) insertion, interpolation. inviken or hopviken. folded. inviken plansch or hopviken plansch. folded plate. J jamn sida or vanster sida. (b.) verso, even page. juftlader or rysslader. (bb.) Russia leather. 251 TECHNICAL TERMS kagel. (pr.) shank, body of a letter. kallnal radering or torrnal radering. (e.) dry point. kapitaler. (pr.) small caps. kapitaling. (bb.) head-band. kart. kartonerad. kartonerad or styfhaftad. in boards. kartong. (b.) a cancel. kast. (pr.) type-case, kastfack. (pr.) box in a type-case. kilskrift. cuneiform letters. klb. (bb.) klotband. klot, styft. (bb.) buckram, klotband. cloth binding, klotryggsband. (bb.) binding with cloth back. kbrb. (bb.) klotryggsband. knappe. (b.) clasp. kolumnsnore. (pr.) page cord, kolumntitel, dod. (pr.) dead heading, page number. kolumntitel, lefvande. (pr.) live heading, running title. kopparstick. (e.) copperplate-engraving, korrekturlasare. proof-reader, korrekturtecken. mark of correction in proof-reading. kors. (pr.) dagger. kort afskuren. cropped, kritteckning. crayon. kursivstil. (pr.) italics. kustod. (b.) catchword. kvartalsvis, utkommande. (b.) quarterly. 252 SWEDISH lagga af. (pr.) distribute the types, laggens ordning or arkfoljd. (bb.) gathering. lardt sallskap. learned society, larftsband. heavy cloth binding. laskpapper. blotting paper. ledare or redaktionsartikel. editorial. lefvande kolumntitel. (pr.) running title, live heading. lik. out, i.e., omission of a word or phrase by the compositor. linjerad. ruled. lopande argang. current publication. Irftbd. larftsband. lustspel. comedy. lyxupplaga. edition de luxe. M mager stil. (pr.) lightfaced types, leanfaced types. makulaturark. waste sheets. makulerad. canceled, manadsskrift. monthly publication, manatlig. monthly. marginal, bred, wide margin. marmoreradt snitt. (bb.) marble edges. marokang. (bb.) morocco. maskaten or maskstungen. wormholed. maskhal. wormhole. maskstungen. See maskaten, massbok. missal, mellanslagen. (pr.) leaded. 253 TECHNICAL TERMS mjukt skinnband. limp leather. mogelflack or vattenflack. mildew, water stain. moglad. mouldy. munk. (pr.) friar, i.e., any part of the page which has not received the ink. munkstil. (pr.) monk's letters. N namndikt. acrostic. nedfiackad. stained. neds. nedsatt. nedsatt pris. reduced price. notsiffra. (pr.) superiors. nr. nummer. nummer. number. ny rad. (b.) paragraph. nyss utkommen. (bo.) now published. O obunden. unbound. ocksa under titel or afven under titel. also under the title, ofversatt. translated. ofversattare. translator. ofversattning. translation, ofversigt. synopsis. ofverskrift or rubrik. heading. oillustr. oillustrerat. oillustrerat. without illustrations. ombrytare. (pr.) impositor. omskrifning. transliteration. omtr. omtryck. 254 SWEDISH omtryck. reprint. ordbok or lexikon. dictionary. ort, utan. no place. pa eget forlag. privately published. paginering, fortlopande. (b.) continuous pagination. papp. pasteboard. papp-parmar. pi. boards. papper, marmoreradt. marble paper. papper, reffladt. ribbed paper. papper, tjockt. heavy paper. papper, tunnt. thin paper. pappersknif. paper-cutter. pappersomslag. paper jacket. parm. cover. paseende, till or till benaget paseende. (bo.) on approval. per stycke. (bo.) apiece. pergamentband. parchment binding. pgb. pergamentband. planschverk. book chiefly consisting of plates. pliktexemplar. See arstryck. portf. portfolj. portfblj. portfolio. ppr. papper. predikan. sermon. prenumeration or abonnement. subscrip- tion. pressad rygg. (bb.) decorated back. pressforgyllning. (bb.) gold tooling. 255 TECHNICAL TERMS presskorrektur or reviderkorrektur. (prj last proof, primaform. (pr.) first form. prisbelont. awarded a prize. profark or korrekturark. advance sheet, proof-sheet. protokoll. minutes of a meeting, punktermaner. See punktmaner. punktmaner, gravyri. (e.) stipple engraving. R rabatt, utan. no discount. rad. (b.) line. rad, ny. (b.) paragraph. radutslutning. (pr.) justification. rafskinn. (bb.) fox-skin. ram. border, frame. randen, inre. (b.) inside border. randning i papper. (pa.) wiremarks. randornamentering. decorated border. rar or sallsynt. rare. ratt. rattelser. rattelser. corrections, errata. rattelser saknas. list of errata missing. red., redig. redigerat. redigerat. edited. redaktionsartikel or ledare. editorial. redogorelse or berattelse. report. remmika. (pr.) frisket. ren sida. blank page. renskrifvet exemplar (pr.) fair copy. rentryckt ark. (pr.) advance sheet. restupplaga. (bo.) remainders. 25G SWEDISH reviderkorrektur or presskorrektur. (pr.) last proof. revy. review, rodt snitt. (bb.) red edges, rodtryck, med. rubricated. rubrikrad or hufvudlinie. headline, rygg, fast, (bb.) tight back, rygg, los. (bb.) loose back, rygg, pressad. (bb.) decorated back, ryggfalt. (bb.) panel, ryggtitel. binder's title. rysslader or juftlader. (bb.) Russia leather. saga. tale. saknas. missing. sakregister. (b.) index. sallskap, lardt. learned society. sallskapsskrifter. society publications. sallsynt or rar. scarce, rare. samlingsband. pamphlet volume. sammanbundet med. (b.) bound with. sammandrag. abstract. sammanhang. context. sats, mellanslagen. (pr.) leaded matter. sats, sparrad. (pr.) spaced composition. satta. (pr.) to compose. sattare. (pr.) compositor. sattbrade. (pr.) letter-board, composing board. sattlinje. (pr.) composing rule, sattskepp. (pr.) galley, se of van. see above. 257 TECHNICAL TERMS segelduk. (bb.) duck. sekundaform. (pr.) second form. sida, hoger. (b.) odd page, recto. sida, jamn or vanster sida. (b.) verso, even page, sida, ren. (b.) blank page. silkespapper. tissue paper. skadad bokstaf or trasig bokstaf. (pr.) battered letter. skadadt. mutilated. skadespel. drama. skara i stil. (bb.) to bleed. skb. skinnband. skinn. leather. skinnband. (bb.) leather binding, skinnryggsband. (bb.) binding with leather back. skiss. sketch, rough draft. skjuta ut en form, (pr.) impose, skonlitteratur. literature, i.e., fiction and poetry. skrb. (bb.) skinnryggsband. skrifbok. blank book, skrifter, efterlemnade. posthumous works, skrifter, utvalda. selected works. skriftstallare or fbrfattare. author, slaktad. binding lost. sliten inbindning. worn binding. slutrad. (b.) bottom-line. slut-underskrift. (b.) colophon. slutvignet. (b.) tailpiece, smadeskrift. libel, smutsflack. stain. 258 . SWEDISH smutstitel. (b.) half-title, bastard-title, fly-title. snitt. (bb.) edges. snitt, ciseleradt. (bb.) tooled edges. snitt, kammarmoreradt. (bb.) combed edges. snitt, marmoreradt. (bb.) marble edges. snitt, ofre. (bb.) head, top. snitt, rodt. (bb.) red edges. snitt, sprangdt. (bb.) sprinkled edges. sorgespel. tragedy. sorgkant. mourning border. spaltlinje. (pr.) column rule. spanne. ^^ebokspanne. sparra. (pr.) to space. sparrad sats. (pr.) spaced composition. spelkort. playing cards. spetsbordyr. (bb.) dentelle border. spis. (pr.) blacks, i.e., a space, quadrat or piece of furniture that rises and is im- printed on the sheets. sprangdt snitt. (bb.) sprinkled edges. St. stycke. stadium, (e.) state. Btafrim. alliteration. stafvelse. syllable. stalstick. (e.) steel-engraving. stampelpapper. stamped paper. stampla. to stamp. stamplar, sma. (bb.) petits fers, i.e., small tools. stand, i godt. in good condition. steg. (pr.) furniture. 259 TECHNICAL TERMS stentryck. lithography. stereot. (pr.) stereotyperad. stereotyperad. stereotyped. stil or bokstafstil or typ. (pr.) types. stil, fet. (pr.) boldfaced types. stil, gotisk. (pr.) black letter. stil, mager. (pr.) lightfaced types, lean- faced types. stilkast. (pr.) type-case. stjarna. asterisk. stroskrift or flygblad. fly-sheet. struket. expurgated. stycke. (bo.) piece. styfhaftad or kartonnerad. (bb.) in boards. subskribentsamlande. (bo.) canvassing booktrade. svarlast manuskript. (pr.) bad copy. svartkonstmaner. (e.) mezzotint. svibelfisk. (pr.) pi, i.e., types mixed. svinskinn. (bb.) pig skin. tankstreck. dash, tidning. newspaper. tidningsurklipp. newspaper clipping, tidtabell. time-table. till benaget paseende. (bo.) on approval. tillegnande. (b.) dedication, tills, tillsammans. tillsammans. (bo.) in all. titel, gemensam or hufvudtitel. (b.) collec- tive title, titel, utan. anepigraphous, without title. 260 SWEDISH titelbl. titelblad. titelblad saknas. title-page lacking. titelfalt. (bb.) lettering piece. titelplansch. (b.) frontispiece. titelupplaga. (b.) a so-called new edition in everyway unchanged, except for the title- page. tjockt papper. heavy paper. topp, forgyld. gilt top. torrnal radering or kallnal radering. (e.) dry point. traparmar pi. wooden boards. trasn. trasnitt. trasnitt. woodcut. trefargstryck. three color print. trespaltig. in three columns. tryck med upphojda linjer. (pr.) anastatic printing. trycka. (pr.) to print. tryckar or utgifningsar. (b.) imprint date, year of publication. tryckeri. (pr.) printing office. tryckfardig. (pr.) for press. tryckfel. misprint. tryckfelsforteckning. table of errata. tryckning or upplaga. impression, edition. trycksvarta. (pr.) printer's ink. tunnt papper. thin paper. tva gangar i manaden. semi-monthly. U under tryckning. (pr.) in the press. underslag. (b.) bottom of a page. 261 TECHNICAL TERMS understruken. underscored, understrykning. underscoring, undertecknadt. signed, undertitel. (b.) sub-title. ungdomsskrifter. juvenile literature, upphojda bind or hoga bind, (bb.) raised bands. upphort att utkomma. (b.) discontinued, uppklistrad. (b.) mounted, upplaga i fickformat. pocket edition. upplaga, godtkops. cheap edition, upplaga, liten. limited edition. uppskuren. cut open. uppslagsbok or handbok. reference book, urval. selection. utan rabatt. no discount, utgangen ur bokhandeln. (bo.) out of print. utgifningsar or tryckar. imprint date, date of publication, utgifningsort. place of publication, utklippsalbum. scrapbook. utlaggare or anmarkare. annotator. utropstecken. exclamation point. utsirad bokstaf. (pr.) fancy letter. utstruket. (e.) canceled, utvalda skrifter. selected works. V vanster sida or jamn sida. verso, even page. vapenskold. coat of arms. 262 SWEDISH vattenflack ormogelflack. waterstain, mil- dew, vattenlinjer pi. (pa.) waterlines. vattenstampel. (pa.) watermark. veckoblad. weekly newspaper, veckligen. weekly. verldskarta. map of the world, vinkelhake. (pr.) composing stick, vinkelparentes. brackets. 263 RETURN LIBRARY SCHOOL LIBRARY TO"^ 2 South Hall 642-2253 LOAN PERIOD 1 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW ^-r^ I^BO JUN 1 8 1982 r— » '. .; FORM NO. DD 18, 45m, 6'76 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720