1 Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 'f/ A TREATISE OF THE THREE EVILS OF The Last Times : I. The SwoRD^ II. The Pestilence^ III. The Famine ; And of their Natural and Moral Causes. As also of the ensuing Coming of ANTICHRIST; According to the Notion of the Ancient Fathers. Originally published in 171 ]. LONDON: Printed for Hatchard and Son, Piccadilly ; L. B. Seeley, Fleet-Street; and James Duncan, 37, Paternoster- Row, 1826. Price 8s. MERCHANT, PniNTKIt, INO RAM-COU RT, LONBON. THE CONTENTS. Page The Introduction 1 PART I. § 1. The SWORD the proper Punishment of the Lust of the Eye • 8 § 2. That this Judgment shall surely come 10 § 3. An Objection answered 17 § 4. A second Objection answered 18 § 5. The End or Design of those Desolations • • • • 21 § 6. The Region or Quarter where this Judgment shall begin 23 § 7. A Remnant saved 28 § 8. The Manner of their Preservation considered •• 32 § 9. A Recapitulation of this whole First Part..* • 37 PART II. The PESTILENCE 42 § 1. The Pride of Life 43 § 2. The Pride of Life further considered 44 § 3. That this Sin will be very rife in the last Days 47 § 4. That there shall be sore Diseases in the last Days 50 / THE CONTENTS. Page § 5. That these Diseases are the proper Punishments of the Pride of Life 54 § 6. The material or instrumental Causes of them • • 59 § 7. That there shall be a Concurrence of these Causes in the latter Days • QQ § 8. Who they are that shall escape this Evil • • • • 69 PART III. § 1. The FAMINE the proper Punishment of the Lust of the Flesh ' 73 § 2. This Branch of Sin more particularly considered 75 § 3. That this Sin does usually produce this Punish- ment • 77 § 4. That there shall be great and universal Famines 81 § 5. The Causes of this Evil excessive Heat. This proved from Scripture • 8(> BHghts, Mildews, &c. imputed to Heat 88 Devouring Insects produced by Heat 92 § 6. A Recapitulation of these three Evils ih. § 7. A Remnant saved 94 § 8. The Manner considered 97 § 9. An Address to those vpho are unqualified for Preservation 98 § 10. Of the other lesser Evils that shall prevail at that time • <>•> lOO PART IV. § 1. The Word ANTICHRIST considered 107 § 2. The State of the Controversy concerning a personal Antichrist 109 § 3. Of the mystical and natural Body of our Lord 110 § 4. Of the mystical and natural Body of Antichrist 111 § 5. That the Charge of Antichristianism cannot be appropriated to the Church of Rome 117 THE CONTENTS. Page § 6. The Authorities for the Proof of a personal Antichrist 119 I. From Scripture ih. Two Objections answered 121 II. From the ancient Fathers of the Church 123 III. From the Jews 124 § 7. The Types of Antichrist • • • ih. § 8. His Birth and Parentage 129 § 9. That he shall come out of the Tribe of Dan . • 132 § 10. Of his Infancy 133 § 11. Of the Region where he shall first appear • • 134 § 12. His first Appearance and Conquest of the Ten Kings 135 § 13. Of the Eastern Beast, or False Prophet • • • • 138 § 14. The Opposition that shall be made by the Church 140 § 15. A Digression concerning the Restitution of Spiritual Gifts and Miraculous Powers to the Church 143 I. From Scriptures 144 II. From the Ancients • 146 § 16. The Opposition between the Christian and Antichristian Characters 148 § 17. Antichrist's invading the East, and the Pro- phecy of Joel explained in this Sense • • • • 149 § 18. Of his taking Jerusalem • 155 § 19. Some Personal Characters attributed to Anti- christ in Scripture, viz. 158 His Blasphemy • ib. Not regarding the Desire of Women 159 His Worshipping the God Maozzim ih. His doing Wonders 160 § 20. The State of the World at that Time considered 163 § 21. Some Observations upon the preceding Quota- tions and concerning the Mark of the Beast 170 § 22. Of the Two Witnesses 174 viii THE CONTENTS. Page § 23. The Death of the Witnesses, and the End of the Beast's Reign 181 § 24. Places of Holy Scripture alluding to the Reign of Antichrist 184 § 25. The Destruction of Antichrist by the Effusion of the Seven Vials 188 The Seven Vials distinctly considered 190 The Seventh Vial more distinctly considered; as comprising under it Two great Events : viz. • I. The Great Earthquake which shall destroy Rome and Jerusalem 197 II. The Battle of Armageddon 198 § 2G. Antichrist and the False Prophet taken and cast into the Bottomless Pit ♦ 200 THE PREFACE. THE following Treatise, especially that Part of it which conceryieth The Antichrist, being founded on Priticiples entirely different from the Modern Opinions upon that Subject, must not be sent into the World without a short Preface, to engage the Favour and obviate the Prejudices of the generality of Readers ; ivho will be apt to condemn at first sight any thing, that shall contradict the current Opinions, though never so agreeable to the Traditions of the first and purest Ages of the Church. This is evident from the general Contempt thrown upon the Ancient Fathers and Lights of the Church, particularly as to their Notions of Catholic Communion, Church Censures, and the Holy Eucharist, concerning all which they delivered their Opinions as plain as Words could make them ; yet they are now forced to give way to the inconsistent Schemes of giddy Innovators. That most contemptibly dull Projector, the Author of The Rights of the Christian Church, has his Admirers, who set him up in opposition to the old fashioned Doctrines of Jesus Christ and his Apostles, as they were understood by Ignatius, Justin, Irenseus, Tertullian, Cyprian, and other Primitive Writers upoti those Sub- jects. xii THE PREFACE. I. FAR be it from ?ne that I should draw a Parallel hetivixt those a?id the Case in hand, or set those Controversies on the same foot with the Subject of this Discourse ; either side of this Question being at least Innocent, and having no relation to the Essentials of Christianity : Where- as, the Design of those is to destroy. Root and Branch, the very Principles of Revealed Reli- gion. JBut this, I must say, that I could never yet conceive what Service it could do to the Reformed Cause, to assert the Pope, or Church of Rome, to be The Great Antichrist, in Oppo- sition to the constant Doctrines of the Ancient Church ; ivhereas I think, as on the one hand, the acknowledging the Church of Rome to be a most corrupt Church, and by consequence in that Sense Antichristian, (as from my Heart I firmly believe it is,) is sufficient to justify our Separa- tion from her : So, on the other hand, the desert- ing the Traditions of the Ancient Church, with- out any Necessity Jor so doing, must needs have prejudiced many a Learned arid Judicious Man; who might thence be tempted to conclude, that the Reformers, in other Cases as well as that, despised the Doctrines of Antiquity, and were for setting up new Lights and 7iew Interpreta- tions of Scriptures, in Oppositio7i to those old ones, which the most primitive Ages had esteemed Orthodox. II. St. Paul writing to the Thessalonians, 2 Epist. Chap. 2. concerning this Man of Sin, or the Great Antichrist, gives them a special Charge, v. 15. Therefore, Brethren, stand fast, and hold the Traditions, which ye have been taught either by our Word or Epistle; meaning. THE PREFACE. xiii no doubt, especially the Traditions about the Personal Antichrist. For that this was St. Paul's Meaning, I have two very good Reasons to believe. 1 . I presume it will puzzle a Learned Man to explain that Chapter of the Pope or Church q/'Rome so consistently as to satisfy his own Mind. 2dly, Which is to me no contempti- ble Authority, that all the Writers upon that Subject, through every Age of the Church till the Times of the Reformation, (begimiing with the Waldenses and Albigenses,) understood it in the same Sense, applying it (if not, in the same that I do, to a Person yet to come) to some indi- vidual Person to whom those Characters should most properly belong. Atid how caji we other- wise account for the concurrent Testimonies of the Ancients about that matter, than by supposing that this was the Tradition of the Apostles, par- ticularly of St. Paul, to which he refers, v. 5. Remember ye not that when I was yet with vou, I told you these things. Arid that from !iim and the other Apostles this Tradition was conveyed down to after Ages ; particularly con- 'Idering that the most early Writers speak ex- pressly in this Sense. Jrenseus, who ivas the Disciple of Poly carp, and by consequence but one remove from the teaching of St. John, Hip- polytus the Disciple of Irenseus, Cyprian, Origen, and Cyril o/' Jerusalem, are no incompe- tent Wit7iesses of an Apostolical Tradition, and are so appealed to in other Cases ; and ivhy in this particular Case we should be iviser than they, I confess I am at a loss to explain. 111. AND here I cannot but take notice of an Objection raised by the Judicious and Learned xiv THE PREFACE. Mr. Mede, and since revived hy Mr. Wbiston in his Essay upon the Revelations, p. 239. That the Authority of the Fathers in this Case is not to be regarded, because the particular Time for the Explication of the Doctrines concerning Antichrist was not till these two last Centuries, so famous for the Improvements of Learning ; grounding their Opinion on those Words of the Angel to the Prophet Daniel, Chap. 12. v. 4. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the Words, and seal the Book, even to the time of the End. Many shall run to and fro, and Wisdom shall be increased. Unde consequitur, (saith Mr. Mede) Patrura Authoritatem in Negotio Anti- christi, et novissimorum temporum (utut in aliis multum iis tribuendum sit) omnino nullam esse, utpote quorum setate Mysterium illud juxta Angeli Prophetiam adhuc clausum et obsignatum foret. Non igitur esse cur hie Patrum opinationibus tantopere movearaur ut nonnulli solent. Vid. App. p. 733. TO this I ansiver, 1st. That it may very well bear a Question, whether The Increase of Know- ledge, mentioned by Daniel in this Place, be meant of the Improvements of Mathematical, Philosophical, and Philological Learning, for which these two last Centuries have been more re- markably famous ; which cannot very properly be supposed to co7itribute to the Understanding the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God. May not then the Words Knowledge and Wisdom, the increase ivhereof is foretold in this Prophecy, signify more emphatically a Divine, Extraordi- nary Light and Knowledge more fully to be cominmiicated in succeeding Times, whereof' that rational Leatming may be a Forerunner. THE PREFACE. xv 2clly, IF it prove that these 31ysteries could not be known till these last Centuries^ then it will follow that none of the Ancients kneiv them; and by consequence St. Paul and St. John, luho wrote professedly of these things, talked of ivhat they did not understand: for if they understood them, why might they not convey them down to after Ages ; as we have good reason to believe they did. 3dly, / am rather of the Opitiion of Mr. AVhiston in this Point, ivho makes the great Article of these Prophecies, whereof the Ancients were ignorant, to be the understanding of the Prophetical Numbers, and the adjusting the Times of their Completion; and then though ive grant that the Apostles and Ancient Fathers knew not the precise Time of their Completion, yet it does not thence follow, that they knew not whether Antichrist was to be a single Perso?i, or a collective Body. Let it then be grarited that the Ancients knew not the Time of the Completion of these Prophecies, because the Time was not yet com£ ; would not an unwary Reader be hence tempted to conclude, that the Time for the understanding of them is 7iot yet come, be- cause so many unsuccessful Attempts have been made to fix every Event to a particular Time ? And TYiay it not possibly happen that even Mr. Whiston himself may in time be convinced, that he knows as little of the Matter as St. Paul himself did? I know not what use Mr. Mede might make of the above-cited Observation. His singular Modesty and Humility, as well as great Judgment, persuade me that he could not Tumke a bad one ; but whether others who pretend THE PREFACE. to tread in his steps, may not hence be encouraged to desert the Doctrines, and despise the Fathers, of the Primitive Church, to set up new Opinions, and to be wise above that which is written, ought carefully to be consideied by those whom it may concern. IV. I do not here take upon me to censure the Learned Labours of the many Great Men, who have written in Defence of the contrary Doc- trine; much less am I able to unravel their Schemes of Apocalyptical Interpretation. My business in this place is only to revive the Ancient Doctrines of the Primitive Church, which I cannot easily part with, though I am not able to reconcile every part of the Apocalypse so as to draw a coherent System of Prophecy. JBut if' the Doctrine here contended for shall appear to the Learned World a true and justifiable Doc- trine, it may be improved and set in a clearer Light by some more able Hand. V. THE Reader, I hope, will not be offend- ed, if he find up and down in this Essay several Mystical Interpretations of Scripture, for most of which lam not without great and good Autho- rities. Hoiv justifiable such Allegorical Inter- pretations of Scripture are in general, to pass over the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles, may appear from St. Paul's Allegory of the two Covenants, answering to Mount Agar and Mount Sinai, Galatians 4. and in his Epistle to the Hebrews, wherein he expoundeth a great part of the Levitical Law in a Mystical and Spiritual Sense; 7iot to say that the Hellenestic Philoso- phy, ivhich ivas that of the New Testament, ivas THE PREFACE. xvii chiefly of this sort, ivhich ivas closely folloived by several of the most Aiicient Writers, as by Origen, Eusebius, and Athanasius, in their Commentaries on the Psalms a?id other Scrip- tures. Whereas I have also in several places offered at a 7nore particular Explication of the Modes of some Events. The Reader, I hope, will not censure me as Dogmatical, since I only propose them as things probable according to the Analogy of Scripture and Nature, not lay- ing any stress upon them, much less proposing them as undoubted Truths. VI. HOJV seasonable a Discourse of this nature may be at present, is but too evident to any one that ivill but observe the prodigious in- crease of Antichristian Principles, more parti- cularly in this siiful Nation. For ivhat are all those execrable Clubs and Societies, of Atheists, Deists, and Freethinkers, which noiv swarm amongst us, but Antichristian Spirits banded toget/ier in a Diabolical Confederacy, to propa- gate Infidelity, and subvert (if it be possible) the very Principles of Religion! For this is Antichrist (saith St. Jolm) that denieth the Father and the Son, and whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father. ] Ep. Chap. 2. V. 22, 23. And this is done without Fear or Restraint by the Scoffers of this Dege- nerate Age, who Elaspheme the God of Heaven, Contemn and Deride the Person and Doctrines of the Blessed Jesus, and that in such a manner, and ivith such Circumstances, as would not even in a Mahometan Coimtry be suffered with Im- punity. Rut because he is out of their reach they assault him in his Priests, and in his Spouse h xviii THE PREFACE. the Church, whom ivith the most implacable Malice they endeavour to Vilify and Destroy ; by despising and affronting her Governors and their Orders, and profaning her most Sacred Institutions. These being Contemners of Reli- gion, and owning no Obligations of ConsciencCy a?-e by consequence presumptuous, selfwilled, de- spise Government, and are not afraid to speak Evil of Dignities. But let them know, that though they speak great swelling Words against God, and their Superiors in Church and State, beguiling unstable Souls, and promising them Liberty from Priestcrcft and Slavery, they them- selves are but the wretched Slaves of Con^uption ; and the vilest Advocates and Propagators of the Antichristian Kingdom. And I pray God for- give me if I am uncharitable in thinking that these are the o» ^Airoxxif/.ivoi mentioned by St. Paul. A SERMON OR HOMILY CONCERNING ANTICHRIST, AND THE END OF THE WORLD. POSTSCRIPT. INCE this was ivritten, and just going to the Press, there is come to hand the Oxford Edition of I^phraim Syrns printed from the Greek Bodleian MSS. a Thing so much desired, and so long wished for by several Learned 31eny {particularly by our Learned Countryman Dr. Cave, that Great Assertor of Primitive Anti- quity) for which the Church and Learned World are indebted to Dr. Milles, a late eminent Orna- ment of that University ; whom for his Noble Work upon the JSew Testament, Posterity will knoiv how to honour: Ey luhose Copy left behind him after his Death, which he at his own Charge had caused to be transcribed with all Exactness from the said Manuscripts, this Impression is made. In which there is a Pathetic Homily or Discourse of the End of the World and the Coming of Antichrist, which I am encouraged by some Learned Friends who had the Revisal of these Papers, to translate into our oivn Language, and add to this Discourse as a most solemn and Authentic Testimony of the Oriental Church, (which ive are told had so high a Veneration for the Writings of this Holy Father, as even to read the same together ivith the Scriptures in their sacred Assemblies,) in Co?i/irmation of the Doctrines advanced, or rather revived, in this Essay. XXI A Sermon or Homily concerning Antichrist, and the E^id of the World, HOW shall I Ephraim the meanest of the Pag. 359. Servants of God, a Sinner laden with Iniquities ; How shall I be able to instruct you in Things that are above my Capacity. But as our Blessed Saviour was pleased in mere Mercy to instruct his illiterate Disciples in the Mysteries of Wisdom, and by them to con- vey Divine Light to all the Faithful : So he will without Grudging bless me with the Gift of Utterance, to the Comfort and Edification both of me who am to speak, and all you that are to hear. But I cannot preach to you with- out Sighs, nor speak without Tears of the approaching Consummation of all Things, and of that most blasphemous and terrible Serpent, who shall put the wliole Earth in Confusion, and shall infuse Cowardice, Negligence, and Infidelity into the Hearts of Men, and do Signs, work Wonders and dreadful Sights, * insomuch * Mat. 21. that if it tuere possible he should deceive the 24. very Electa and seduce all Mankind by lying Wonders and miraculous Appearances that shall be wrought by him. For by the Per- b2 xxii ^7: EPHREM SYRUS mission of the Righteous God he hath Power to deceive the World, because the Measure of their Iniquities is fdled up, and all Places are full of all Kinds of Abomination. And for this Cause the Holy God will suffer the World to be tempted by the Spirit of Error because of their Iniquities, because Men have forsaken the God of Truth, and loved a Lie. My Brethren, great will be the Tribulation of the last Days, especially to the Faithful. When Signs and Wonders shall be wrought by this Old Serpent with great Power. When he shall again show himself, as if he were God, in dreadful Operations, (a) flying to and fro in the Air with Legions of evil Spirits, accom- panying him as ministering Angels to this ter- rible Tyrant. For he roareth mightily, ap- (a) Even as Simon Magus, a' Type and Forerunner of hiuQ, is represented flying in the Air, and thereby op- posing- the Gospel of Ciirist, as preached by St. Peter : And as the same is' also reported concerning Apollonius, another Representative of him, and other dark Ma- gicians, Ancient and Modern. Whence one of our Modern Pseudo-Prophets was, it seems, not vpell ad- vised by the Spirit which acted him, not to content himself with the Power of walking upon the Water, as Christ; but to lay claim likewise to a Promise o( fly- ing in the Air, according to the express Characteristic of Antichrist and his Apostles. This is very agreeable to the Devil, being called in Scripture the Prince of the Air, and to his Transportation of our Blessed Lord, when tempted by him, from the Wilderness to the Pinacle of the Temple in Jerusalem; if that were a Real and External Transaction, as commonly is supposed, and not merely transacted in Spirit. OF THE END OF THE WOULD. xxiii pearing in Variety of Forms, to the unspeak- able Amazement of all Mankind. Who, my Brethren, will then be found standing bold and unshaken, having the (b) Seal in his Heart, (b) There is a twofold Seal : viz. The Seal in the Heart, and the Seal in the Forehead. The former pre- cedes the latter, and is the Cause of it. The latter follows this, and is the external visible Sign thereof; which is to be imprinted by an Angelical Power in the last Days upon ail the true Followers of Christ, to distinguish them, even outwardly, from the Follow- ers of Antichrist. Of the former St. Paul has made sufficient mention, 2 Cor. i. 22, saying, Who hath SEALED us, and given the Earnest of the Spirit in our Hearts : and again, Eph. i. 13. Iti whom (i. e. Christ) tje were SEALED ivith that holy Spirit of Promise. And iv. Grieve not the holy Spirit of God whereby ye are SEAL- ED, unto the Day of Redemption. And of the latter St. John has made like mention, calling it emphatically the Seal of the living God ; and that with a particular respect had to the Time of Antichrist. See Rev. vii. 2, 3-9, and ix, 4. Now as for the outward and visible Seal, where- with Baptized Christians were at Confirmation anciently sealed, and which was for a sensible Sign oi' the inward and invisible Seal of the Heart; it was certainly no other than the Sign itself of the Son of Man, or of Christ considered in his Humanity, being as a Coun- terpart to the said Seal of the living God, or of the same Christ considered in his Deity. Thus the First Sealing was to be chiefly into the Merit of Christ's Death ; but the Second is to be into the Power of his Resurrec- tion. Accordingly the visible '£(p^ct.yU of Cliristianity which was given in the Primitive Church, by the Ministry of the Ecclesiastical Angels, was the anoint- ing the Forehead with Oil, and making therewith the Sign of the Cross thereupon. Whence o-^p^ayifw and i7(p^a.y\^o^on are thus used in Ecclesiastical Authors; and even St. Paul himself may possibly allude hereto xxiv ST. EPHREM SYRUS the Holy Appearance of the Only Begotten Son of God ! When he shall see that mi- in that remarkable Passage, Rom. xv. 28. And it is very observable that Christ Himself is the First of the Sealed Ones, according to his own Word, TStoi/ y«p o Tlo[{n^ i(T(p^a,yKjiv, 0EO{, Joh. vi. 27. Whence by this Divine Sealing, and Powerful Inauguration, he may with respect even to his Mediatory Office, no less than to his Divine Nature, as He is the Only Begotten of the Father, be called Xa^otiilyip t?? vvocrlua-eu^ ocvtS : And it is the holy Appearance of this Only Begotten Son of God in the Heart, which is the Secret and Invisible Seal wherewith we first must be sealed ; that so we may be fitted for the second Sealing, viz. that on the Forehead, against his second Coming and glorious Ap- pearance from Heaven, Outwardly to all the World. Wherefore by the First we are Sealed to be as the express Image of His Person, even as He is of the Father's Person, through the impressed Character of his Nature and Life in us : And to as many as shall attain this, and thereby overcome the Power of Satan, it re- mains that Christ, whom they are made to represent, and of whom they are living Images, should fulfil the Promise which he has made to his conquering Saints, Rev. iii. 12. Which is to be effected by that Eastern Angel, to whom the i: