UC-NRLF BY SPECIAL ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE Of MAINE 1820 — -1895 \^^Mf7* COMPILED BY Jflarquts jfagrttr Hmg. 1901 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/changesinnamebysOOkingrich K vr\^Tfl\inc! CHAflQES [pi SHAPES BY SPECIAL ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE OF MAINE 1820-1895 W COMPILED BY fHarquis jfatfrttc Sing* 1901 INTRODUCTION. BY Sosialj partem ©rurnmonti, 3L3L 23. A history of the origin and growth of our system of family names ■would be in the highest degree in- teresting ' l/ut would oi. rf too great length to be given here. But sorao points will n. t be cut of place in connection with a list of names changed by legal enactment. It is probable that originally tames were, or were intended to be, significant It is certain that many cf the names now in use originated in the means adopted to distinguish one man from another bearing the same name. Within comparatively a few years no many Mclvors from Scotland settled in one neighborhood that they were designated by their occupation. Ore Mclvor was a ma- son and in a few years he was called and known by the Dame. JJason; and his children lined Masor. as their family name, but also using Mclvor as a middle name. In Bible times, especially among the Israelites, there was but one name, and what are now family names were unknown; the same was substantially true of the Greeks, Egyptians and other peoples. But the Romans had a regular and some- what complicated system; usually there were three names, the individ- ual or given name, the tribe name and the family name. Our present English and American system oC given and family names is cf com- paratively recent origin. At the bo- ginning of the twelfth century trio practice of giving a person two name:* and transmitting his second name to his children had not been fully estab- lished. As already stated many fam- ily names grew out of occupations, others out of localities; and circum- stances, almost infinite in variety, gave rise to names which were des- tined to be transmitted from genera- tion to generation for centuries. In this country foreign and Indian names have been Americanized, and while frequently something near the original pronunciation has been pre- served the written form would never be recognized as the original. Tbo use of middle names was quite rare in this country before 1800. It has been claimed that their use was greatly increased after the Revolution by naming children for George Wash- M212C INTRODUCTION. ington and other heroes of that time. Formerly, especially in England, the baptismal name, or the one orig- inally £iven a child followed him or her through life, except as a woman's name was changed by mar- riage. Many acts done by one under a false name were void, and, there- fore, the use of an assumed name came very near being a crime. It was therefore deemed necessary to have the sanction of the law if a man wished to change his name. While a full examination of the early statutes of our Mother Common- wealth has not been made, it is be- lieved that the earliest change of name in Massachusetts by legisla- tive act was in 1781. After that date changes were net infrequent, so that when Maine became a State the practise was in full operation and at almost every session of our legis- lature till 1S76, more or less names ■were changed by it. No other tribu- nal could give that authority, ex- cept that the court in granting a di- vorce could authorize a woman to resume her maiden name. In 1S76 Probate Courts w r ere au- thorized upon petition to change names, and since then the legislature has been relieved of that burden. One curious thing has been noticed. In very many cases the new name contains a middle letter with a period aiter it, indicating that the letter is the initial of a middle name. But the legal name is the one written in the statute just as it is there, and the only middle name is the letter! If a man has his name changed to John J. Smith, that is the whole of his name and the statute no rnoro authorizes him to call himself John Jones Smith than it does to call himself Jones John Smith. However, the strictness of the old law in relation to names has been very much relaxed. Any name that <*> man uses as his name in any transac- tion binds him as fully as if he used his real name. Even if a man changes bis name the law imposes no penalty and many cases are known in which a person, who was called by his mid- dle name as originally given, has re- versed his two names rather than "part his name in the middle." Still the use of an assumed name is right- ly held in the community to be evi- dence of an attempt to conceal iden- tity. The reprehensible practice of us- ing only initials in one's auto- graph may have had a similar origin, but in spite of that it has increased until it has become a nuisance not only to historians ami genealogists, but also to business men. Names cfja^eS bo Set* of tfje X^tslature, fHainc, 1820 — 1395, m BBOTT, David 3d of Rumford. ch. to David Wesley Abbott, 184L A ABBOTT, Mary Ann of Farmington, ch. surname to Plalsted, 1857 ABBOTT, Evvie B. ch. to Evvie Barker, 1869. ABBOTt! Jacob George Washington of Thomaston, ch. to George AT* bott, 1837. ADAMS, Benjamin of Bangor, ch. to Benjamin Franklin Adams. 1831. ADAMS, Lorin, see Adlay. ADAMS, Stephen Brown, see Johnson. ADAMS, Thomas, see DeLacazedar. ADLAY, Lorin Adams of Clinton, ih. to Lorin Adams, 1844. ADLE, Cornetius and Huldah Jane, see Turner. ALEXANDER, Octavia Frost of Mon mouth, oh. surname to Marstou, 1861. ALLEN, Abby W. see HeaW. ALLEN, Daniel Bardon, see Bar- don. ALLEN. George of Augusta, ch. to George Washington Allen, 1833. ALLEN, Henry A. of Deering, oh. to Frank H. Dexter, 1879. ALLEN, Huldah, see Page. ALLEN, Peter C. of Bowdoinham, ch. to Loren C. Allen, 1871. .ALLEN, Sellna V., see Mason. ALLEN. Thomas B. of Fortland, <*h. to Thomas A. Bowen, 1858. AMES, Gilbert, Jacob. William and others, see Eames. AMES, Willie Austin of Orland. ch. surname to Peavey, 1871. ANDERSON, Abraham 2d of Windham, ch. to Abraham Wendall An- derson, 1S29. ANDERSON, Weller P. and Lizzie G., see Royal. ANDREWS, Bathsheba of Paris, ch. to Abby Edla Andrews, 1853. ANDREWS, David, see Edwards. ANDREWS, Daniel W. of Saco. ch. to Esdras Andrews, 1850. ANDREWS, Daniel W. E. of Saco, ch. to James Madison Andrews, 1838. ANDREWS, Ebenezer of Lubec. ch. to John Andrews. 1831. ANDREWS, Herbert J., adopted son of Joseph Dunham, ch. surname to Dunham, 1855. ANDREWS, James of Saco. ch. to Daniel Webster Andrews, 1836. ANDREWS, James M. of Buxton, ch. to Esdras Andrews. 1834. CHANGES in NAMES. 4 ANDREWS, Jam?s M. of Saco, ch. to Jimnah Osee T. P. Andrews, 1848. ANBREV/S, Jimnah 0. T. P. of Saco, ch. to Taliaon H. Andrews, 1849. ANDREWS, Samson, see Cole. ANDREWS, Warren, see Heath. ANGEL, Erastus G., Lucy, Azro C. and Eurnell P. of Waldoborough, ch. surname to Kibbard. 185G. ANNIS, James Arveri of Hermon, ch. to Arven Annis, 1S51. ARGUIER, Fiancis of Portland, mariner, ch. to Francis A. Newton, 1821, ASPINWALL, George Riley of Augus- ta, ch. to George Riley, 1831. ATKINS, Frances and others, see Joachins. ATKINS, Nathaniel, see Bumpus. ATWELL, Milton and others, see Twitehell. AUSTIN, Delia May of Augusta, ch. surname to Stratton, 1870. AUSTIN, Edwin W., see Treworgy. AUSTIN, Job Winslow, of Pownal, ch. to Winslow Austin, 1830. AUSTIN, John 2d of Belgrade, ch. to Alanscn Austin, 1823. AVERILL, Edmund of Temple, ch. to Edmund Richards, 1838. AVERILL, Edwin Wallis of Jefferson, ch. to Edwin Wallis Boynton, 1857. AVERY, Edwin Wailice, adopted sou of Richard Boynton, of Jefferson, ch. surname to Boynton, 1859. AVERY, Edwin W. cf Mercer, ch. surname to Pressy, 1857. AYER, John A., see Hopkins. AYER, Nettie Maria of Atkinson, ch. surname to Farnham, 1SG2. J n ABCOCK, Lucy Ann of Clinton, ch. surname to Powell, 1861. ^ BABYLON, Cyprus, see Ingalls. BACKELDER, Mark William of Bradford, ch. to Andrew Jackson Maxfield, 1873. BACON, Mary Gilmer, see Cobb. EADGER, Melville Adelbert of Crystal Plantation, ch. to Ira Adelbert Barker, 1872. BAILEY, Charles and others, see Morang. BAILEY, James, adopted son of James Jenkins of Skowhegan, ch. to James Jenkins, 1852. BAKEMAN, Ruel, see Cunningham. BAKER, Franklin, see Turner. BALFOUR, Knaland, see Hilton. BALLOU, John and family, see Blue. BANGS, Eliza J. cf Jay, ch. surname to Gilmaa, 1857, CHANGES in NAMES. 5 BANKS, Elsie and Eva Cora, see Page BARBOUR, Amos Horn of Monson, ch. to Amary Hunting Tyler, 1828. BARDON, Daniel Sylvester of Blue hill, ch. to Daniel Bardon Allen, 1835. BARKER, Evvie B., see Abbott BARKER, Ira Adelbert, see Badger. BARKER, Jacob 2d of Lewiston, ch. to Jacob Leonard Barker, 1831. BARKER, Nellie A., see Brown. BARNARD, Alonzo of Brunswick, ch. to George Barnard Upham, 1S49. BARNES, Samuel of Greenwood, ch. to Samuel Perry Bryant, 1837. BARRETT, Isabella A., see Ray. BARRETT, Oliver, Jr., of Augusta, ch. to Alvin Loring Barrett, 1832. BARTLETT, Eliza A., of Augusta, ch. surname to Fowler, 1866. BARTLETT, Moses B., of Waterford, ch. to Allison B. Bartlett, 1855. BARTLETT, Thomas Spencer of Bethel, ch. to Spencer Thomas Bartlett, 1858. BASFORD, Charles H., of Portland, ch. to Charles H. Jones, 1846. BATES, George Washington, see Benjamin. BATES, Hannah and children, .see Yideto. BATES, Henry, 2d, of Eastport, ch. to Winslow Bates, 1831. BATES, Joseph, of Green, ch. sur name to Tyler, 1834. BATES, Nicholas, of Augusta, ch. to Charles Nicholas Bates, 1834. BAXTER, Ellen E., see Coburn. BEARCE, Martha, see Leavitt. BEARCE, Nathan Dexter, of Hebron, ch. to Josiah Dexter Bearce, 1843. BEAL, Mary E., of Hampden, ch. surname to Swett. 185G. BEALE, Oliver, Jr., of Augusta, ch. to Oliver Salem Beale. 1832. BEALE, Salem, of Read held, ch. to Oliver Beale, 1829. BEAN, Dudley Doe and wife Eliza Ann, of Camden, ch. to Daniel Dud ley Bently and Eliza Ann Bentiv, 1844. BEAN, Taylor, of Jay, ch. to Oliver Taylor Bean, 1S35. BECK, Fox, of Augusta, ch. to Thomas Fox Beck. 1834. BEDLE, Jeremiah, wife Abby and children Abby H. and Addington D., of Westbrcok, ch. surname to Bedell, 1846. BEDELL, Jeremiah and family, see Bedle. BEEDLE, James Franklin, of Rich mend, ch. to J. Frank Beedle, 1S52. BEEDLE, Wesley, of Richmond, ch. to Charles Wesley Eeedle, 1839. BEEMAN, Charles Hiram, see Judge. BEMIS, Mary V., see Besse. BENJAMIN, Ephriam Woods, of An Lhens, ch. to CLorge Washingto Bates, 1841. CHANGES in NAMES. BENNER, Javr.cz, 2d, of Waldobor ough. ch. to James J. Benner, 1855. BENNER, Susie E., ch. surname to Harkness, 1S71. BENNETT, George M., see Locke. BENSON, Arthur B., see Woodcock. •BENSON, Franklin, see Patch. BENSON. Mercy Burgess, see Griffith. BENSON, Sarah Frances, see Twit ckell. BENT, Martha J., see Washburn BENTLEY, Daniel Dudley ami wife, see Bean. BEE, Linn, of Camden, ch. to Or an S. Linn. 1346. BERRY, Jeremiah, of Thomaston, ch. to Jeremiah Brown.. 1S45 BERRY, Mary Jane, adopted child of John Hunneweli, of Scarborough, ch. surname to Hunneweli, L>52„ BESSE, Mary V., of Paris, ch. surname to Bemis. lSr>3 BESSEY, Warren Whitefield, of Paris, ch. to Warren Howard Vinton, 184G. BEVERLY, Smith O, see Pang. BICKFORD, Dodarah, of Brownfield, ch. to Ira Bickford, 1850. BlCKFORD, Juiiii C, ch. .surname to Garland, 1839. BIRSXIRK, Abraham, of Brownville, ch. to John Oilman. 1S28. BISHOP, Ann. see Whitney. EITHER, Eva Maria, see Doyle. BLACK, Bainbri«e, of Kclgecomb, ch. Thomas Bainbrldge Chesley, 1858, BLACK, Edward J., see Brown. BLACK, John A., of China, ch. surname to Snell. 1S67. BLACK, Prentiss N., of LimingLon, ua. surname to Chick, 18G6. BLAISDELL, Alice, of Augusta, ch. surname to Gray, 1S72. BLAKE, Andrew, Everett and Irene .iane, see Eriunjine. BLARE, Ktueiitte Lylord, of Atkinson, ch. surname to Cook, 1873. BLAKE, George C, of Readneld, ch. to George Blake Page, 1838. BLAKE, Job Nelson, of Brockvilie, ch. to Nelson Lxake, xd^i. ELACKEVvlELL, Thomas B. and family, see Gibbs. BLAN CHARD, ElmLa Ann, ch. surname to Chamberlain, 1233. BLANCHARD, Harriet P., ch. to Hat tie P. Dore, 1869. BLANCHARD, John M., of Brighton, wife and children, ch. surname to Carlton, 18: : i2. BLOOD, Elias Boyington, of Orrington, ch. to Elias Boyiugton, 1S3S. ELuB, John and Betsey, his wife, son John H. and daughter Agnes P., all of BlocniSald and Monmouth, ch. surname to Bailcu. 1840. BLUE, Mary Jane, see Storer. BLYTITER .Helen M., see Merrill. CTCT A V^.T'Cf '-> "NT A TUTCC! *r HiiiN 30. BROWNE, John Cotton, oi Purtlaim, ch. lo Horace Elliot Browne, 1S49. BRUCE, Charles Fisher, son of Charles, of Waldoborough, ch. sur- name to Hale, 1821. BRYANT, Gamaliel Smith, of Orneville, ch. to George Emery Smith Bry- ant, 18-i5. BRYANT, Mary C. of Biddeford, ch. to Mary Caroline Locke, 1840. BRYANT, Samuel Perry, see Barnes. BRYANT, Starr D. and others, see O'Brien. BUB1ER, Alpha, of Dead River settlement, ch. surname to Wither, 1S67. BUSIER, Benjamin, Jr., and Hannah J., of Dallas plantation, ch. surname to Thomas, 1867. BUSIER, Marcia, J., Edward F., Jesse E. and Josephine M., all or Dallas plantation, ch. surname to Thomas, 18C7. IBURIER, Orrin of Lisbon, ch. surname to Rose, 1858. E'"- : "R. Rufus Edwin, ch. surname to Donnell, 1878. CHANGES in NAMES. 10 BUSIER, SV wall M., Mehitable, Marshall T., Florida D. and Luther N., all of Dallas plantation, ch. surname to biagg, 1867. BUCK, Henry, of Portland, ch. surname to Gates, 1829. BUCK, Sonhia, of Woolwich, ch. to Lucinda Lilly, 1854. AUCKLAND, Samuel Parker. of Calais, ch. to Samuel Welock, 1853. BUDGE, John Nickels, of Corinth, ch. to John Budge Nickels, wife Martha take buiname Nickels, 1846. BUKER, James Sullivan, of Foseroft, ch. to James Sullivan, 1832. BUKER, Solomon Eaton, of Guilford, eh. to John Eaton, 1863. BULLOCK. Amelia and Adelia, of Deer I&le, ch. surname to "Webb, 187S. BUMP, Augustus W., of New Vinejaxd, ch. to Augustus Washington Morrill, 1865. BUMPS, Mary, of Belfast, ch. suname to Cilmore, 1855. ifUMPUS, Nathaniel Atkins, or Manchester, ch. to Nathaniel Atkins, 1856. BUNKER, Horace, cf Mattawamkeag. ch. to Horace Webber Eradeen, 1855. BURBANK, Harriet R., of Westbrook, ch. surname to Francis, 1832. BURBANK, Moody, see Boyington. BURGESS, Benjamin, of Wayne, ch. to Benjamin Burgess Bourn, wife and children ch. surname to Bourn, 1837. BURGESS, Mary Ann, see Woodcock. BURGESS, Saiah E., of Augusta, and her children, Horace B. and Lewis E., ch. surname to Clark, 18F>0. BURGESS, Sylvia M.. of Waterville. ch. surname to Parker, 1860. BURKE, George E. and Charles F., of Gardiner, ch, surname to Reed, 1872. BURNS, George J., of Rockland, ch. to Gorham J, Burns, 1856. BURNS, George J., of Rockland, ch. to G. James Burns, 1857. BURRiLL, Fannie O., see Patterson. BURRILL, Mary E., of Belfast, ch. to Mary Elizabeth Ellis, 1873. IBURRILL, Nathaniel Albert, see Nye. BURTON, Lemont, adopted son of Thomas Downing, of Ripley, ch. sur- name to Downing, 1853. BUSKIRK, Mary Ann, of Portland.ch. surname to Coffin. BUSWELL, Eleanor B., see Paine. BUTLAND, Ivory, of Wells, ch. surname to Goodwin, 1S35. BUTLER, Francis Wilson, see Swan. BUTLER, Hannah, of Hallowell, ch. surname to Hovey, 1847. BUTLER, Mariah, of Hallowell, ch. surname to Johnson, 1846. BUZZELL, Asher Hinds, of Monroe, ch. to Albert Stiles Buzzell, 1845. BUZZELL, Joseph, of Canaan, ch. to Joseph Crosby Buzzell, 1849. CHANGES in NAMES. \\ /P tLLVAY, George E., see McAIvy. "^CALOR, Addie Jane, Charles Herbert, Walter Edwin, Adeline E. and Sarah Jcnes, ail of Kittery, ch. surname to Eastman, 1872. CAMPBELL, Albina H., of Dover, ch. surname to Bray, 18G3. CAMPBELL, Patrick A., of Frankfort, ch. to Alexander P. Campbell, 1863. * CA>IPBELL, Vincent, of Calais, ch. to Vincent Campbell Livingstone, 1S37. CAMPBELL, William O. G., of Hallo well, ch. to William 0. Grant, 1870. •CAPERNAUM, James and Elizabetn, of Falmouth, and their children, ch. surname to Smellage, 1829. CARGIL, Jarvis, of Wiscasset, ch. to Thomas Melville Jarvis Cargill, 1834. CARLL, George, Jr., of Buxton, ch. to George Bonney Carll, 1855. CARLETON, Sarah B. and Alice F., both of Phipsburg, ch. surname to Wright, 1868. CARLTON, George and family, see Blanchard. CARNEY, Jasper, of Greenbush, en. to Sergeant Jasper Scott, 1844. CARPENTER, Mary Jane, of Cornville, ch. surname to Newbegin, 1840. CARPENTER, Samuel Jordan Hill, of Elennebunk, ch. to Samuel Jordan, 1838. CARjR, Andrew, of Acton, ch. to Andrew C. Bcdwell* 1855. CARR, Mary Almena, see Gilman. CARR, William P., of Bangor, ch. to James Elliot Carr, 1848. CARROLL, Mary, of Portland, ch. to Mary Carroll Mitchell, 1343. CARROL, Patrick, ch. to Lesley Carrol, 18C9. CARTER. Charles A., see Shaw. BARTER, Daniel B.. of BluehiJl, ch. surname to Hamilton, 1861. CARTLAND, Lydia Ann, see Hardy. GARY, Peter Whitney, see Waterhousc? CASHMAN, Samuel, of Alna, ch. to Samuel Davis, 1849. CASTELLOW, Wiiiiam White, of Richmond, ch. to Llewellyn White Castellow, 1345. CASTNER, Algernon E.. of Warren, ch. to Leslie Lannas, 1S59. CATON, James, of Swanviiie, ch. tu James Washington Yv T hite, 1847. CAUSINS, Joseph, of Ellsworth, ch. to Andrew P. Causins, 1S39. CHABIN, Abel, of Bangor, ch. to AbelW. Chabin, 183G. CHAEBOLTENE, Emily F., of Hiram, ch. to Emily Hatch, 1864. CHAMBERLAIN, Ebenezer, of Brew er, ch. to Ebenezer Mattoon Chamber- lain, 1830. CHAMBERLAIN, Elmira Ann, see Blanchard. CHAMBERLAIN, Henry, see Piper. CHANDLER, Carte r, of Lovell, ch. to Jchn Carter Chandler, 1S23. * CHANGES in NAMES. 12 CHANDLER, Jason, of New Sharon, ch. to Ja«on Sewall Chandler, 1845. CHAPLES, Nathaniel, of Rockland, ch. to George W. Watts, 1852. CHAPLIN, Osborn, see Ridlon. CHAPLIN, Lydia, of Waterford, ch. to Lydia Jane Chaplin, 1837. CHAPMAN, Benjamin Flint, of Thomaston, ch. to Benjamin Flint, 1835. CHASE, Benjamin, see Branscorab. CHASE, Laura Ann, see Cole. CHASE, Olive, of Foxcroft, eh. to Olive Fitzgerald, 1S54. CHASE, Victoria, see Feniascn. CHESLEY, Thomas Bambridge, see Blaci.. CHICK, Prentiss N.. see Black. CHICBIERING, John Newton, see Wilder. CHILD, Mary L., see Davis. CLAFP, Andrew Leonard Emerson, see Emerson. CLAPP, Silas Wilbur, minor son of Aaron Clapp, of Lincoln, ch. to Wil- bur Freemont Lovejoy, 1S57. CLARK, Belinda D., of Gorham, ch. to Binna D. McLellan, 1857. CLARK, Church, of China, ch. to Aimcnd Church Clark, 1836. CLARK, Emma A., of New Vineyard, ch. surname to Fuller, 15C8. CLARK, Emma Julia, see Knowles. CLARK, Francis A., see Shaw. CLARK, George, of Augusta, ch. to George Washington Snow, 1834, CLARK, Harriet, see Bragg. CLARK, Lizzie V., of Augusta, ch. surname to Brown, 1871. CLARK, Mary, of Winthioy, aUupLoU dau. of Benjamin P. Hight, ch. to Mary Clark Hight. 1&55. CLARK, Meiiissa J., see Brown. CLARK, Patncic, of Columbia, ch. to Charles P. Clark, 1847. CLARK, Samuel, of Portland, en. to Samuel Barnard Clark, 1831,. CLARK, Sarah E. and children, Key Burgess. CLARK, Sarah Elizabeth, of Portland, ch. surname to Sawyer, 1843. CLARK, Tileston B., of Browuvili«, Ca. to Luther Wiiiiam Clark, 1S57. CLAY, Oriingdon, of Gardiner, en. to James Oningdon Clay, li>"62. CLAYTON, Benjamin F., see Crofts. CLEMINT1NE, Percival, tee liail. CLERjv, Daniel, see Crockett. CLEVELAND, Aima, adopted child of Joseph Marston, of Lexington, ch. to Alma Ann Marston, 1858. CLEVELAND, Job Springer, ch. to Whitman Springer Cleveland, 18G0. CLEVELAND, Job S., of Embden, en. to Jtsre Cleveland, 1881. CLIFFORD, Claremcnd Cushman, see Ina^er. CHANGES in NAMES. 13 CLIFFORD, Thomaa Syiva.nus, see MeConlry. CLINTON, William and others, see Greenlaw. CLOSSON, Pneba Elizabeth, of Bluwhill, en. to Elisabeth Closaon Gray, 1342. CLOUGH, Benjamin, of Bin eh ill, ch. to George Washington Grindle, 1835. ' CLOTJTMAN, John Greenleaf, Jane, Elizabeth and Charles, all of Portland, LMERSON, Myrick, of Portland, ch. to James M. Emerson, 1856. fc.'MERSON, William, of Boothbay, ch. to William Shiiiaby Emerson, 1S24. EMERY, Arixene L. A., ch. surname to McClintock, 1869. JEMERY, Charlotte P., see Dunham. EMERY, Daniel, of Gorham, ch. to Daniel Clark Emery, 1828. &:MERY, Frederic Augustus and iam-ily, see Emerson. EMERY, Mary and others, see Swett. EMERY. Nathan and family, see Mad locks. EMERY, Nathaniel Davis, of Mercer, ch. surname to Smith, 1855. EMERY, William S., of Waterville, ch. surname to Elwiri, 1847. EMERTON, Nathan Billings, of Sedgwick, ch. to William Female Emerton, 1849. CHANGES in NAMES. 20 EMERSON, John, of Boothbay, ch. to John Brown Emerson, 1834. EtNNIS, Margaret, of Machiasport, eh. surname to Gates, 1831. ESLER, George Gowell, see Whitten. EVANS, William, of North Berwick, ch. to William Pitt Evans, 1858. EVERETT, Alexander, see Twambly. P ARNHAM, Edwin G., see Gallison. ' FARNHAM, Nettie Maria, see Aver. FARNHAM, Thomas, of Bath, eh. to Thomas L. Farnham, 1S48. FALES, Adriel Cox. see Cox. FANNON, Michael Robert, of New Gloucester, ch. to Henry Angelo Fan- non, 1840. FARROW, Dexter, Lucy A., and Re becca A., all of Northport, ch. sur- name to Farrar, 1863. FAKRAR, Andrew, see Jones. FARRAR, Calvin, of Waterford, ch. to Carles Calvin Farrar, 1829. FARRAR, Dexter and others, eee Farrow. FARRAR, John Rhoads, see Libby. FARRAR, John R., of Palmyra, ch. to John S. Libby. 1808. FARRINGTON, Anna Maria, of East Livermore, ch. to Anna Maria Far- rington Garland, 1855. FARRINGTON, Noyes, of Fryeburg, ch. to Noyes Knight Farrington, 1843. FAUNCE, Albion W., of Minot, ch. to Franklin W. Faunce, 1801. FAVOR, Hiram, of Eastport, ch. to Hiram Stevens Favor, 1831. FAWSET, Cummings A., and Juua M., see Brown. FELKER, Frances Etta, ch. to Etta Fiances Bro-wn, 1875. FELTON, Skelton, of Paris, ch. to Charles Feiton, 1846. FENALSON, Devereaux W., eee Stewart. FENDERSON, Edward, of Biddefcrd, ch. to Edward Jason Fenderson, lfcv.. FENALSON, Victoria, ch. surname to Chase, 1870. FENNO, Temperance Harding, of Ccrham, ch. to Charlotte Harding Fenno, 1839. FERNALD, Benjamin, see Man son. FERNALD, Loui&a Caroline, see Stevens. FERNALD Mai tin Lutner, of Dixmont, ch. surname to Emerson, 1S53. F1CKETT, Thomas J., of Portland, ch. to Henry Jewett Boyinion Hamil- ton, 1846. FIFE, Fred Royce, see Furbish. CHANGES in NAMES. 21 FTLLEBROWN, Cheever, of Sunkhaze, ch. to William Cheever Fille- brovrn,.1827. FlLLEBROWN, John, of R«adfield, ch. to John Eean Fillebrown, 1340. FILLMORE, Erta S., of Thomaston, ch. surname to Winslow, IS79. FINN, Patrick, of Whitefield. cb ( to William H. Finn. 1829. FISH, Albion Mansfield, of Veazie, and wife, Sophronia Kenada, ch. to Albion and Sonhrouia Morris, 1856. Th.ir children, Elizabeth Ellen and Isaac Liveimore, take surname Mor- ris. FISH, Caroline M., of Augusta, ch. surname to Plumraer, 1870. FISH, Esther M., of Fairfield, eh. to Etta M. Nowell, 1869. FISH, Samuel Lalne, of Veazie, wife. Adelaide C, minor children, John Fairfield, Francis N., George W., and Edward M., ch. surname to Morris, 1856. FISH, Sett of Leeds, wife, Abigail, minor children, Seth. Jr., Willard and Mary, ch. surname to Morris, 1856. FISH, Silas, of Leeds, wife, Susan, minor children, Edwin W. and Alvin D., ch. surname to Morris, 1856. FISH, Stephen, see Ccok. FISHER. Jennie Llla, ch. surname to Richards and adopted by Fra^cia Q, and Lucy J. Richard*. f7o9. FISHER, Waterborough B., of Lewis ton, ch. to Waterborough Fisher Col- lins. 1886. FIPKE, John, of Bangor, minor son of John B. Fiske, ch. to John Orr Fiske. 1831. FITZ, John Stanley and William, gee Fitzgerald. FITZGERALD, John Stanley, of Portland, ch. surname to Fitz, 1858. FITZGERALD, Olive, pee Chase. FITZGERALD, William, of Portland, ch. surname to Fitz, 1860. FI AGO. Sowall M., and others, see Bubier. FLANPEPS, DrwsPla o"d dan., see Fowdan. FLANDEI-S. Isabella White, of Bcl-'s.st, ch. to Isabella White, 1872. FLANDERS, William Henrv of Oldfown. ch. su^nprae to Edwards, 1850. FLETCHER, Ph*be R., of China, eh. surname to Doe, 1S72. FLINT. Benjamin, see Chapman. FLOOD, Daniel, of Portland, ch. surname to Floyd, 1846, same la 1847. FLOYD, Daniel, see Floofl FLY, Elizabeth and Eunice, see Wales. FLYE, Abraham S., of Sedgwick, ch. to Charles S. Flye, 1848. FLY'fi, Gaily S., of Sedgwick, ch. to Saran b. Flye, 1845. CHANGES in NAMES. 22 FOGG. John W., of Freeport, ch. to Charles Fogg, 1870. FOGG, Maurice R., see Wren. FOGG, Moses, of Wales, ch. to Cy.-us Moses Fogg, 1855. FOGG, Sarah E., of Montville, eh. to . Amelia Randall, 1865. FOGG, William, see Knight. FOLY, Augustus, of Camden, ch. to Augustus C. Ingraham, 1849. FORBES, Hannah, of Lincoln, ch. surname to Nute, 1854. FORBES ,Josiah, see Twitchell. FORD, Asia, of Waterford, ch to Charles Asia Ford, 1844. FORREST, Edgar, see Stevens. FORREST, George, see Keaser. FOREST, John T., and Angolia N., see Wormwood. FOSS, Ivory, of Hancock, ch. to Ivory Hovey Foss, 1842. FOSS, Levi Gillman ,see Hurd. FOSS, Olive G., and Mary, both of Lewiston, ch. surname to Davis, 1862. FOSTER, Benjamin Orrin, see Whit ten. FOSTER, Frederick; of Portland, minor son of John T., ch. to George Foster, 1847. FOSTER, Prudence, of Llvermore, eh. surname to Read, 1834. FOSTER, William, see Freeman. FOWLER, Cyrus True, of Prospect, ch. to Cyrus True, 1844. FOWLER, Eliza A., see Bartlett. FOWLE3. Daniel, of Vassalborough, ch. surname to Randolph, 1854. FOYE, Robert, of Montville, ch. to Robert F. Foye, 1854. FRANCIS, Harriet R., see Burbnnk. FRANKLIN, Benjamin, see Loud. FRANKLIN, Benjamin, wife and children, see Garland. FRA.NKLIN, Henry T. and Betsey, see Pride. FRAZER, William Warren of Ellsworth, ch. to William Warren, 1S43. FREEMAN, Albert Wallace, see Whitmore. FREEMAN, Jacob, see Toothaker. FREEMAN, William Llewellyn, adopted son of William C. Foster of Argile, ch. to William Foster, 1864. FREESE. Belinda M., of Orono, ch. surname to Merrill. 1891. FRC MONT, Thomas, see Brown. FRENCH, Abigail M., cb. to Abby Merrill Elkins. 1852. FRENCH, Helen Frances and Mary Frances, see Conner. FLENCH, Isaac and others, ^ee Mc Garrett. FRENCH, William, see Nash. CHANGES in NAMES. 23 FRIEND, Helen Rebecca, see Harvey. FRITZ. Pilsbury S., of Steuben, ch. to Pilsbury Haskell, 1347. FRIZZLE, Louisa and dau., of New Sharon, ch. surname to Works, 1832. FROST, Anna P., see Hobbs. FROST, Sophia D., of Corinna, ch. surname to Morse, 1871. FROST, William, of Norway, ch. to William Dayton Frost, 3 865. FRYE, Charles S., of Bowdoin, ch. surname to Willis, 1863. FRYE, Georgia A., of Fryeburg, ch. surname to Day, 1879. FRYE, Isaiah and John Warren, see Hanson. FULLER, Edward Warren, see Warren. FULLER, Emma A., see Ciark. FULLER, Johathan, 2d, of Freedom, ch. to Jonatan Hammond Fuller, 1835. FULSOM, Annie L., see Stevens. FULSOM, Susan, see Trask. FURBISH, Augustus Harmon Frank, of Portland, ch. to Herman Frank Furbish, 1863. FURBISH, Fred S., ch. to Fred Royee Fife, 1883. FURGUSON, Mary E., ch. surname to Loud. 1869. r^ AGE, Adalaide Elizabeth, see Wyman. ^GAMMON, William, see Ela. GALL1SON, Edwin, minor son of Sarah W., of Atkinson, ch. to Edwin G. Farnnam, 1S56. GANNON, Martin, of Brunswick, ch. to Frank Martin Hacker, 1872. GARDINER, David L., and iaaiily, see Uuptnl. GARDINER, Fan ay P. and others, see Mustard. GARDINER, Hannah Sterling, see Sterling. GARDiNER, R. Rophenie, ot Augusta, ch. surname to Stevens, 1865. GARLAND, Anna Maria Farrington, see Farington. GARLAND, Benjamin, 2d, wife, Marion, children, Benjamin, Ziba, Laban, Edwin, Addison, Mahaia and Hannah of Luswoith, ch. surname to Franklin. 1844. GARLAND, John C, see Bickford. GARRAT, Annie Lois, see Brawn. GATEHELL, Samuel, of Dixmont, ch. to Samuel P. Gatchell, 1834. GATES, Henrj, see Buck. GATES. Margaret, see Ennis. GATES, Thankful, of Thomaston, ch. surname to Robinson, 1853. GAY, Bud, of Thomaston, ch. to George Gay, 1841. GEER, Laurinda, of Lewiston, ch. surname to Stevens, 1S64. CHANGES in NAMES. 24 GEORGE, Flavilla. Jessie, see Green'eaf. GERALD, Eleanor S., and son, Evander H., ch. surname to Goodrich, 1RK9. GETCHELL, Darius, see Hall. GETCHELL, Eugene Augustus, of Bangor, ch. surname to Green, 1851. GETCHELL, Willis, of Appleton, ch. surname to Webster, 1853. GIBBS, Eliza E. r see West. GIBBS, Thomas B., wife. Sylva. children, Francis A., Sarah E. and Thomas B., Jr., of Waterville, ch. surname to Blake, 1829. GIBSON, Alvah, of Farmington. ch. to Charles Alvah Morrill. 1864. GIFFORD, Eliza F, adopted dau. of Abram Morrison, ch. to Eliza Morri- son. 1853. GILBERT, Benjamin Franklin, see McLoon. GILCHRIST, George, 2d, of St. George, ch. to George Washington, Gilchrist, 1846. OILMAN, Almena. of St. Albans, ch. to Mary Almena Carr, 1841. GILMAN. Caroline L. S., of Bangor, ch. to Caroline Langdon Storer Star- rttt, 1846. GILMAN, Deborah, of Portland, ch. to Mary Grant, 1839. GILMAN, Eliza J., see Bangs. GILMAN, Henry Harrison, of Jones-borough, ch. to William Harrison Shoppee, 1853. GILMAN, John, see Birsldrk. GILMAN, Jonathan, see Willey. OILMAN, Sylvanus Giles Light, of Dexter, ch. to Sylvester Giles Light Oilman, 18^... GILMORE. Helen Jane, see Little. GILMORE, Mary, see Bumps. GILMORF, Naomi, see Ordway. GILPATRIC. Emma, of Augusta, ch. to Emma G. Lyford, 1858. GLEASON, Jesse, see Merriam. GLEASON, Joseph Franklin, see Wentworth. GLOVER, Kesiah, of Hebron, ch. to Mary Glover, 1856. GODDARD, Caroline E. and George Edward, ch. surname to Hacker, 1869. GODDARD, Roscoe, see Greene. GOLDSMITH, Simon of Waldoborough ch. surname to Hermon, 1850. GOODALE, John and family, see Woodcock. GOODING, Charles, of Portland, en. to George Charles Gooding, 1824. CHANGES in NAMES. 25 GOODRICH, Eleanor S. and son, see Gerald. GOODRICH, Fred Herbert, of Fayette, eh. surname to White, 1873. GOODWIN, Ed-ward T., see Teal. GOODWIN, Ivory, see Rutland. GOODWIN, James, Jr., of South Berwick, eh. to Charles James Goodwin, 1831. GOODWIN, Nathaniel, 3d. of Blddevord, eh. to Nathaniel Hobbs Good- win. 1828. GOODWIN, Susan E. and Martha J., see Wentworth. GOODWIN, William, of Buxton, eh. to William Frederick Goodwin, 1847. GOOGTNS, Edward A., of Franklin county, ch. to Edward Lincoln, 1861. GORDAN, Eugene W., see Libby. GORDAN, Rowland Kittridge, of Raymond, minor son of Charlotte Gcr.'an. ch. to John Rowland Kittridge Gordan, 1856. COTT. Ira Witham, of Ellsworth, ch. to Ira Witham, 1834. GOWB, Emily B., see Marshall. GOUDY, Hannah, of Athens, ch. surname to Small, 1848. COULD, Aaron, see Crane. GOULD, Lydia Ann and Charles, of St. Albans, ch. surname to Wlggin, 1837. GOULD. Samuel, of Kennebunkport, eh. to Samuel H. Gould. 1836. GOULDING, Henriette, of Portland, ch. surname to Du Aubebut, 1S28. GOWELL, Ida M., see Dicker. GOWER, Mary Ann Brainard, see Brainard. COVE, Japb.pt, see Dnnton. GRAFFAM, Stcrer S., of Westbrook, ch. surname to Knight, 1S66. GRAHAM, James A. and Emily S., see Grimes. GRAHAM, John, see McLogan. GRANT, Gu- tarns AdoipUus and family, see Woodcock. CHANT, Mary, see Gilnian. GRANT, Moses, Jr., of South Berwick, ch. to Clinton Moses Grant, 1843. GRANT, William 0.. see Campbell. GRAY, Alice, see Blaisdell. CRAY, Annie E.. of Manchester, ch. surname to Kendrick, 1871. GRAY, Elizabeth Closson, see Closson. GRAY, Maria, adopted daughter of John W. Harriman, of Bucksport, ch. to Sarah Jane Harriman, I860. GRAY, Nathaniel, of Surry, ch. to George Washington Gray, 1836. GRAY, Samuel ,of Buxton, ch. to Charles C. Gray, 1855, OHANGrS in NAMES. 26 GPFEN. Charles, of Portland, ch. to Roscoe Goddard Green, 1825. GREEN, Daniel, of Waterford, ch. to Daniel W. Green. 1860. rpvFN, Eugene Augustus, see Getchell. GREEN, Jonas Bowen Clark, of South Berwick, ch. to Bowen C. GreeD, 1829. GREENLAW, E*win M., see Wals grovo. GREENLAW, William F., Jane M., De Witt, Sarah, Hannah and Living- ston, all of Charlotte, ch. surname to Clinton, 1S«2. GREENLEAF, Flavilla, of New Sharon, ch. to FlaV.na Jessie George, GREENLEAF, John anrl others, see Cloutman. GREFNLTEF, Freeman, of White field, ch. surnmre to Conner, 1836. GREER, Laurinda, of Lewiston. ch. surname to Stevens 1864. GRIFFIN, Reuben, of Augusta, ch. to Reuhen Ganelle Griffin, 1844. GRIFFIN. Timothy W.. ch. to Warren Varney. 1860. GRIFFITH, Merey Burgess, of Canton, ch. surname to Benson. 1835. GRIMES, James A. and Emily S., of Biddeford, ch. surname to Graham, 1853. GRINDLE, Abby Alma, see Leach. GRINDLE, George Washington, see Clough. GROSS, William B., ch. surname to Groves, 1S83. GROVER. Nahum M., of West Gardiner, ch. surname to Stone. 1856. GROVENER, Seth, of Minot. ch. to Seth Craige Grovener, 1836. GROVES, William B.. see Gross. GROVNOR, Francis, see Penley. GPOWS, James Waldron, see LeavUt. GUPTILL, David L. and Abbie A., of Hallowell. and their minor children, George Henry, Charles William, Henry Winslow, Abbie Inez, Frederick A. C. and Annie H.. ch. surname to Gardiner, 1854. GUPTILL, George W.. of Hallowell, ch. surname to Gardiner, 1853. GUPTILL, John, of Albion, ch. sur ame to Gardiner, 1854. GUPTILL, Nathaniel ^., of Albion, ch. surname to Gardiner, 1S46. Lj ACKER, Caroline E. and George Edward, see Goddard. J * HACKER, Frank Martin, see Gannon. HADDOCK, Albert Tracy, of Bangor, ch. to Albert Tracy, 1841. HAGENS, John, of Limington, ch. surname to Higgins, 1832. HAGER, Sewal, of Washington, ch. surname to Witt. 1841. HAGINS, Aaron, of Limington, ch. surname to Higgins, 1836. CHAN338 in NAMES. 27 HAINE3, Dudley, of Readfield, ch. to Dudley Livingston Haines, 1838. KAINES, Edward, of Portland, ch. to Edward Payson Haines, 1829. HAINES, Priscilla A., see K-i>or. HALE, Alphc-us Rosweil, see Harnlen. HALE, Calvin Henry ar.d family, see Hcald. HALE, Charles, see Bruce. HALE, Elizabeth and others, see Heald. HALE, Mary Jane, of Fayette, ch. to Mary Asenath Hale, 1842. HALEY, Christiana and Maud, see Stimpson. HALEY, Margaretta Jane, see Tre-fetken. HALL, Albert P., of Bath. ch. to Percival Clementine, 1846. HALL, Charles, see Record. HALL, Eben, of Naples, ch. to Eben P. Hall. 186 1 HALL, Mary Jane ,of Lewlston, ch. surname to Cole. 1848. HALL, Orange, of Jefferson, en. to Charles H. Linseott. 1848. HALL, Philip and Roxauna H., see Sylvester. HALL, Sarah Elizabeth of Bradford, ch. surname to Plummer, 1S71. HALL, William, see Haycock. Hallowell, Helen Viora, see Hanks. HAM, Andrew H., of Shapleigh, ch. To Andrew D. Mitchell, 1850. HAM, Yates Rogers, of Limerick, en. to Eugene Lane, 1873. HAMILTON, Daniel B., see Caiter. HAMILTON, Henry Jewett Boying ton, see Fickett. HAMLEN. Ann, see Hurd. HAMLIN, William, of Water ford, ch. to William Henry Hamlin, 1856. HAMOR, Frances Eilen, dau. of Daniel, of Eden, ch. to Ella Fiances Hamcr. 1885. HAMOR, James, 2d, of Eden. ch. to James E. Hamor, 1859. HANDY, Sumner Melville, see Mar en. HANKS, He. en Viora, adopted cniid 0i Josiah R. Hallowell, ch. surname to Hallowell, 1858. HANSON, Isaiah Frye and John Warren, both of Portland, ch. surname to Fry e, 1880. HARDY, Lydia Ann. of Vassalborough, ch. surname to Cartland, 18G2. HARKNESS, Susie E.. see Banner. HARLOW, Hoaea, of Minot, minor son of Jesse, ch. to Roscoe Lorenzo Har- low, 1850. HARMON, Ell. of Standlsh, ch. to Rodwell Carters Harmon, 1S32. HARNDEN, Alpheus Rosweil, of Wiu.Liop, cli. siunaiue to Hale, 1838. CHANGES in NAMES. 28 HARRIMAN, Andrew, see McLaughlin. HARRIMAN, Saiah Jane, see Gray. HARRIMAN, Viola. M„ see Varnum. HARRIS. Moses Titcomb, of Portland, ch. to Edward Harris, 1834. HARRISON, Samuel Byrcn, ch. to Samuel Watson Harrison, 1383. HARTSHORN, Charles, see Hodgkina. HARVEY, John W. E., of Atkinson, ch. to Emerson P. Harvey, 1848. HARVEY, Rebecca R., of Lagrange, ch. to Helen Rebecca Friend, 1848. HASKELL. Belle Stanley, see Perkins. HASKELL, Pilsbury, see Fritz. HASKELL, Ripley, minor son of Eli Set, of Dover, ch. to Lewis Ripley Kaskell, 1852. HASKELL. Solomon, of Portland., ch. to Lewellyn Solomon Haskell, 1826. HASKELL, William, 3d, of Harrison, ch. to William Bolton Haskell. 1837. H ASS ALTON, Mary Elizabeth, tee Kittridge. BASTINGS, Calvin, of Union, ch. surname to Hemenway, 1817. BATCH, , an adopted dau. of Charles Comery, of Waldoborough, vh. to Ida May Comery, 1860. HATCH, Eliza Ann, of Mercer, ch. to Lizzie A. Hatch, 1854. HATCH, Emily, sse Chaubourne. HATCH, Joseph, 3d, of Kennebunk, ch. to Joseph E. Hatch, 1839. HATCH. Rhoda Ellis, of Mercer, ch. to Abby Maria Hatch, 1S54. Hatch, Shearjashub, of Mercer, ch. to Francis Hatch, 1840. HAWK, Sophronia, of Auburn, ch. surname to Holbrook; her son Gran- ville Preble, to be Charles Holbrook: her son Albert Preble, to be Albeit Preble Holbroo...; her son Edwin Wait, to be Edwin Bird Holbrook, 1857. HAWKES, James, Jr., of Portland, ch. to James Robinson, 1835. BAW'KES, Lydia F., see Hussey. HAWKES, Margaret B., of Vassalbor >ueh, ch. surname to Nichols, 1850. HAYCOCK, William Jr., of Charleston, ch. to William Hall, 1835. HAYDEN, Davis, of Raymond, ch. to Mahlon D. Hayden, 1835. KAYDEN. John, of Bath. ch. to William Heddean, 1831. HAYDEN, John and William, see Hed lean. HAYNES, Isabell W. and Mabel, see Colpits. HAYNES, Joncthan M., of Parsons.'ield. ch. to John M. Haynes, 1858. HAYWOOD, EliKha, of Sidney, wife and children, ch. surname to Howard, 1836. HEARD, Abby W., of Augusta, ch. surname to Allen. 1850. HEARD, Calvin Henry, of Lincoln v Me, wife Waitstill and one child, ch. surname to }l&\e, 1845. CHANGES in NAMES. 29 REALD, Elizabeth L., Helen L., Caro"re A., John L. and Edward P., all of Winslow, ch. surname to Hale, 1354. HEALD, Florence M., of Pera, ch. suraaine to Dunn, 1870. HEARD, Stephen, of Lovell, ch. to Stephen Aver Bradley Heald, 1827. HT 3 ' TH, Joshua, Jr.. of Augusta, en. u. Joshua Leander Heath, 1831. &1RATH, Samuel A., of Gardiner, rn. ro Warren Andrews, 1S67. JHIEODEAN, John, of Bath, eh. surname to Haydea, 1831. HEDDEAN, William, of Bath, ch. to Jchn Hayden, 1830. HEDGE. Isaish, of Limerick, ch. to Isaiah Hallett Hedge, 1848. HEBMAN, Mary, of Portland, eh. to Mary Blanchard Hedman, 1836. HEMFNWAV, Calvin, see Hastings. HENDERSON, Ruby, ch. surname to McKenzie, 1852. KERMON, Simon, see Goldsmith. HERBICK, John Pratt, see Pratt. HERSOM, Joseph W., adopted son cf Jonas B. Lancester, of Corinna, ch. to Joseph K. Lancester, 1860. PJIBBARD, Erastus G. and others, see Angel. HIGHBORN, William D., see Devairst HICKS, Eliza Metcalf, of Winthrop, ch. to Eliza Metcalf, 1859. HIGGINS, Albion K. P., of East Thcmaston, ch. to Albion P. Higgins, HIGGINS, Jchn and Aaron, see Hagcns. HIGGINS, Robert, Jr., of Standish, en. to Robert Granville Higgles, 1833. HIGGINS, Samuel M., of Eden, ch. to John M. Higgins, 1857. HIGGINS, Stephen, Bridget ana Joseph, of Mount Desert, ch. surname to Troy, 1848. HIGGINS, Timothy, 3d, of Standish, eh. to Timothy Washington IliggiLS, 1828. • EIGHT,, Mary Clark, see Clark. HILL, Darius and wife, Deborah T., of Brunswick, ch. surname to Getchell, 1846. HILL, Ruth Ann, see Patterson. HILLING, Horatio Alfred, of Bath. ch. to John Hilling, 1S59. HILTON, Joseph and other?, see Brinttgeou. HILTON, Oil-am cf Augusta, ch. to Knaland Balfour, 1844. H INKLE Y, Ellen E. D., of Augusta, ch. surname to Norcross, I860. HINKI FY, Evic, of Mercer, ch. to r> ar wjn HinKey, 1840. H'ISOOCK, William and Joan, h ; s wife, Hathorn J., Sarah Elizabeth, Jem Cctavia, William Melvin, o"d ^°orge E^win. children of William and Joan. Augustus Hiscock and Mary J., his wife, Hasty Hiscock and CHANGES in NAMES. 30 Martha R. Hiscoek. Peres Hiscoek and Susan T., his wife, Martha K., Daniel C, William and Henry D., Cuiljren of Perez and Susan. Martha, Mary C, Joseph P., Charlotte P., Samuel P., Henry, Martha, Nancy, Clara, Augustus, Rufua, James P., Daniel, Mary, Clara, Frederick and William H. Hiscoek, all of Noblebor ough. ch. sur name to Hitchcock, 1846. HINCKLEY, Martha Washington, of Lewiston, ch. to Winnefred Martha Hinckley, 1873. HITCHCOCK, Hartley D., of Bath, ch. to Hartley D. Leonard, 1863. HITCHCOCK, Rufus William and Benjamin, of Portland, ch. surname to Thaxter, 1844. HICTHCOCK, William and others, see Hiscoek. HOAR, Luther, James H., Joseph J., Nancy A., Blanche E., Hannah B., and Joseph, all of Rangeley, ch. surname to Nile, 1862. HOAR, Nathaniel B., John L., Joan T., Isaac E., Dorcas and Geneva E., a!! of Rangeley, ch. surname to Nile, 1864. HOBBS, Anna P.. of Norway, ch. surname tc Frost, 1851. HOBBS, Betsey, see Packard. HOBBS, George Washington, of Mio, ch. to George Washington, 1852. HOBBS, Sabra, see Murry. HODGDON. Annie Frankie. see Lane. HOLGKIN, Abiah, of Lewiston, ch. to Sally Hodgkin, 1838. HODGKINS, Hartshorn, of Poland, ch. to Charles Hartshorn, 1841. HODKLSS. James, see Nac^o. HODSDON, Jesse D., of Greenwood, ch. to Dustin Hodsdon, 1848. HODSDON, John Littlefield, see Lit.leneid. HOSDON, Sabina P., see Pease. KOIT, Joseph and others, see Mo rang. HOLBROOK, Charles, of Auburn, ch. to Charles Preble Holbrook, 1872. HOLBROOK, Jonathan, Jr., of Nortn.jort, ch. to John Francis Holbrook, 1830. HOLBROOK, Sophronia and sons, see Hawk. HOLLAND, John and others, see Wagg. HOLMES, Hiram, of Portland, ch. to Hiram Holmes Dow, 1827. HOLMES, Jefferson, of Dearborn, and wile, Hannah, ch. surname to Kossrnan, 1836. HOLT, Charles, of Albany, ch. to Carles Leon Holt, 1859. HOLT, Hiram, 2d, of Bethel, ch. to Hiram H. Holt, 1848. HOLT. Jonathan, of Gardiner, ch. to John Holt, 1854. HOLT, Mahala C, of Augusta, ch. surname to Boynton, 1866. JTOLT, Malvina Seviah, of Kendual.eag, ch. to Maivina Thurston, 1S57. CHANGES in NAMES. 31 JJOLWAY, Frederick J., see Mitch 11. HOOK, Mcses, of Ca.-;tine, ch. to Frederick Augustus Hook, 1840. HOOPER, Julia, see Wormwood. HOPKINS, John A., of Bangor, en. to John Ayer, 1844. HOPK1NSON, Caroline E., of Chelsea, ch. to Elizabeth C. Wormwood, 1873. HOBAN, Elmina S., Edwin M., and Lizzie S., all of Readfield, ch. surname to Hutchinson, 1873. PORNE, Mary Sulema, see Petten^ill. JIOSSMAN, Jefferson, see Holmes. HOUSE, Jesse Avander, of Greene, ch. surname to Cummings, 1840. jHOVEY, Hannah, see Butler. HOWARD, Ann Dill. see Macom >er. HOWARD, Eiisha and family, s^e Hayward. HOWARD, James, see Prentice. HOWARD, Levi and others, see Wit ham. HOWE. Jeremiah Nelson, see Twitchell. HUBBARD, Nancy S., of Hiram, ch. surname to Pingree, 1S7S. ■BUSY, Nancy J., of Bristol, ch. to Name J. McClintock, 18G5. HULSON. Ira A., see Sidlenger. HUFF, Chauneey Kuowies, of Lexington, ch. to Chauncey Knowles, Lb 68. HUFF, Martha B.. of Lexington, ch. to Martha Barton Knowles, 1868. H .UN NEWELL, Mary Jane, see Berry. (HUNT, William Mooers, of Pitts „on, ch. to William Mooers, 1843. HUNTER, John L., see Larrabse. HUNTER, Linda M., see Richard -on. HUNTER, Lizzie M., see Coombs. HUNTOON, Louisa and Lorana, adopted children cf Ephraim Rand of Letter E, Franklin county, add Rand for surname, 1850. HURD, Ann, of Augusta, ch. surname to Hamlen, 1842. KURD, Cyrus, of Carmel, ch. to Cy us Edward Hurd, 1891. HURD, Levi Gillman, of St. Albans, a minor, adopted by Nathaniel G. Foss, ch. surname to Fcss. 1850. KUSSEY, Ann M., see Nute. HUSSEY, Eunice Ann. of Hampden, eh. to Ann Maria Smith, 1855. HUSSEY. Lydia F. and Sarah A., ch. surname to Hawkes, 18(59. HUSSEY, Stephen, Jr.. of Albion, i.n. to Stephen Wilson Hussey, 1828. HUSTON, Amelia Ann, of New Port and, ch. surname to Davis, 1843. HUTCHINS, Angelia B., see Wig in. CHANGES in NAMES. 32 JKUTCHINGS. Edward, see James. HTJTCHINS, William, 3d, of Kennebunkport, ch. to William Huff Hutch- ins. 1834. (HUTCHINSON, Elrrina S. and others.see Horan, (HUTCHINSON, John, Robert -•nd Mary, see Reeves. HYPE, Alice Collins, dau. of Elizabeth A. Wheelwright, of Portland, ch. -urnarne to Wheelwright, 1863. HYER, Martin, see O'Hayer. I! 1 SLEY, Henry, of Westbrook, rh. to Henry Jones Ilsley, 1S30. " INGALLS. Hannibal and others, see Kimball. INGALLS, Jefferson, of Denmark, ch. to George Ingalls, 1826. JN GALLS, William, of Brighton, en. to Cyprus Babylon, 1S33. INGRAHAM, Augustus C, see Foly. INGRAHAM, Jcsiah Albion, of Rockland, ch. to Albion Ingraham, 1867. IRICK, Lucy Ann, of Belgrade, r?n. surname to Leathers, 1861. JACK, Alfred, of Thorndike, ch. surname to Williamson, 1836. iACK, Augustus, of Belfast, ch. to Charles Augustus Brown, 1850. JPCK, John, of Thorndike, ch. surname to Williamson, 18-10. JACK, William W.. of Brooks, ch. surname to Williamson, 1845. JACKSON, Andrew, see Littieaeld. JACKSON, Charles, see Only. JACKSON, Joseph Andrew, see Patten. JACKSON, Martha, see Ladd. JACKSON, see Monk. JA.COES, Andrew, of Frankfort, ch. surname to Treat, 1848. JAMES, Edward, of Steuben, ch. surname to Hatchings, 1840. JAMESON, Winboin Adams Wiggins, of Saco, ch. to Charles Jameson, lfc'28. JASPER. John and family, see Jumper. JAYNE, John Altamont, of Hampden, ch. to John Clark Jayne, 1829. JELL1SON, Shimuel. of Trenton, ch. to Edwin S. Jellison, 1837. J ELLISON, 1'imut.hy, see yuim-^y. JENKINS, James, see Bailey. JEWELL, Emily, of Poland, ch. surname to Waterhouse, 1863. JEWETT, Albert of Alna, ch. to Ai-jeit G. Jewett. 1858. CONGES in NAMES. 33 JEWETT. Moses and family, see Mahoney. JEWETT, Ruth Parker, see Truett. JOACHINS, Frances, Harriet F., Mary W.. Daniel Bartlett. Francis Aionzo. Sarah Melissa and Lewis Kendall, all of Warren, ch. surname to At- kins. 1851. JOAK1NS, William J., of East Thomaston, ch. surname to Atkins, 18G0. JOHNSON, a child of Hattie, allowed to take the name of Stephen Brown Adams, 1880. JOHNSON, Daniel T., see Trickey. JOHNSON, Joseph, of Portland, bookseller, ch. to Samuel Johnson, 1822. JOHNSON, Mariah, see Butler. JOHNSON, Walter, of North Yarmouth, ch. to Walter Raleigh Johnson, 1848. JOHN-SON, Wilnam, of Gorham, ch. to William Lamb Johnson, 1854. JOHNSON. William E., and family, see Meaner. JOHNSTON, Jostph, ol Saco, ch. to Joseph Haley Johnston, 1852. JONES, Andrew Farrar, of Portland, ch. to Andrew Farrar, 1818. JONES, Charles H., see Basiord. JONES. Elizabeth Frances, of Miuot. ch. surname to Bridgham, 1839. *KjNES, Oeoige Franknn, of Bremen, ch. surname to Morton, 1854. JONES, James, ch. to James Hopkins Jones, 1852. JONES, Jonathan, of Houltou, ch. to Andrew Paul Jones, 1830. JONvES, Maifeixiei G., and Nettie Au, oi Jehert-ou, ch. sdiuame to Weeks, 1864. JONES, Samuel, of Bangor, ch. to Samuel Perry jones, 18G2. JONES, Samuel, ol iiiooks, ch. to iSumuel Hopkins Jones, ibo2. juNES, Thomas, of China, ch. to Augustine 1 nomas Jones, 1829. JORDAN, Eugene, of Brocklin. cm to Eugene Jordan Day 1867. JORDAN, Juu.es H., of Haimou, adopted by Stephen Dawson, and ch. surname to Dawson, 1864. JORDAN, Joseph, Jr., of Ellsworth, 54. KIRKPATRICK, Joseph S., eh. surname to Kirk, 1S52. KlRKPA^mrK. Lewis S. ( Mary A., Edwin D., Samuel B., Parker C., Fran- ces A., Martha B., Caroline D. and Charles E., all of Warren, ch. sur- name to Kirk, 1847. KIRKPATRICK, Thomas, of Cam len, eh. surname to Kirk, 1845. KITTREDGE, Joseph W., and family, see Simch. KITTR1DGE, Mary Elizabeth Frickett, ch. to Mary Elizabeth Hassalton, 1S69, KNIGHT, Charles, of Westbrook, ch, to Charles Carroll Knight, 1853. KNIGHT, Frederick William, ch. to William Fogg, 1883. KNIGHT, Joseph, 2d, of Garland, ch. to Joseph Thomas Knight, 1849. KNIGHT, Nellie Alfreda, of Freeport, ch. surname to Lunt, 1872. KNIGHT, Peter, see Crickett. KNIGHT, Peter Osgood, of Falmouth, ch. to Osgood Knight, 1844. KNIGHT, Storer S., see Graffam. KNIGHT, Willard, see Potter. KNOWLES, Chauncey ,see Huff. KNOWLES, Deidamia H. and dau., Diantha E., of Garland, ch. surname to Parkman. 1850. K..OWLES, Emma J., of Belfast, ch. to Emma Julia Clark, 1872. KNOWLES, Martha Barton, t,oe Huff. KNOWLES, Mary Ann, see Veazie KNOWLTON, Frank C. ,of Somerville, ch. to Elder Charles Bowler, 1880. KNOWLTON, Mary E. ,of Minot, rh. surname to Davis. 1854. KNOX, Henry Jackson, of Thomas ion, ch. to Henry Knox, 1823. KURCK, Adam Julian, of Bangor, ch. to Francis Williamson, 1839. I A BRETTERN, Mary C, see Underwood. *" LADD, Eldora, see Webster. LADD, Martha Jackson, of Hampden, ch. to Martha Jackson, 1851. LAFLIN, Abby H., of Calais, and her minor children, Ellen, Warren and Louisa Foster, ch. surname to Cutter, 1856. LAMB, Abner Sawyer, of Belfast, ch. to George Atkins Columbus, wife and children ch. surname to Columbus, 1^32. LAMB, Jabez, of Bangui, ch. to ileu.} J. Lamb, 1827. 0HAN33S in NAMES. 36 LAMEARD, Mary Allen, of Augusta, granddaughter of Allen Lambard, ch, id Frances Juhnsun Luuibard, IStJ'J. LANCASTER, Joseph H., see H^i ?om. LANIER, George Alden, of Fairfield, adopted son of Percival L. Wheeler, ch. to Gtoige Laforest Wneeier, lSbO -nu lfci>l. LANE, Eugene, see Ham. LANE, Hannah Frances, ch. to Annie Frankie Hodgdon, 1SH6. LANE, Hannah Merrill of Milhurn, eh. to Hannah Merrill, 1832. LANE, Living, 2d, of Brownfield, en. to William Henry Lane, 1828. LANE, Living, of Buxton, ch. to Benjamin Donnell Lane, 1S35. L ANGLE Y, John, see Leathers. LANGLEY, Myita Adelaide, see Rol .ins. LANNAS, Leslie, see Castner. LAROCHE, James H., see Roach. LAREABEE, Dar.iel ,see Shean. LAREABEE, Keziah Meseive. see Vcsmus. LAF.ABEE, William, of Strong, ch. to William Clark Larrabee, 1826. LARRABEE, Solomon, of Unity, eh. to John L. Hunter, 1850. LATIFF, George F., of Sidney, ch. surname to Wilson, 1868. I AAV. William II., of Calais, ch. 10 William R. Law Snow. 1845. LAW, Franklin, adopted sen of Jacob Cushman, of Waldoboiough, ch. to Frrr.k Gilbert Cushman, 185S. LAWRENCE. John D., see Dulin. LAURY, Melvin, see Marshall. LEACH, Alma, of Brooksville, eh. surname to Grimlle, 1873. LEACH, James, 3d, of Raymond, ch. to James M Leach, 1835. LEACH, Joseph and Lavina, of Ray mend, children of Henry, ch. to Joseph W., and Lavina G., 1847. J FATHERS. John, of Yoik, ch. to John Langley, 1S22. I EATHELS, Lucy Ann, see J rick. LEAV1TT, Jair.es W., of Brunswick, adopted by George W. and wife, Sa- i ah S. Grows, ch. to Georsre Waldrnn Grows, 1865. {LEAVITT, Martha, of Oldtown, ch. bumeme to Bearee, 1853. (L.EAVITT, Roxanna, of Portland, ch. surname to Sluddard, 1846. LEDYARD, James, see Crommett. LLE, Harriet S., see Wesion. LEE, John and family, see Rich ids. LEE, Samuel Cordis, of Winthrop, ch. to Samuel Cordis. 1829. LLEMAN, Mary Ellen, see Robins. LEIGH, ElizuLah, ot Atkinson, cb. surname to Lowell, 1833. CHANGES in NAMES. 37 LEIGHTON, John, sep Doore. LEIGHTON, Marcia Emily, child of Dora C, eh.'to Ma-rcia Ethlyn Robin- son and adopted by Samuel S. and .viary Ann Robinson of Readfield, 1873. LELAND, George, see Ott. LENFEST, Elizabeth A., see Brawn. LEONARD, Hartley D., see Hitchcock. LERMON, John Wilison. see Will son. LESLiE, Hanson Libby, see Libby. LESLIE, Maiy Elizabeth, see Patten. LIBBY, Eugene W., of Winn, ch. surname to Gordon, and adopted by William H. Gordon, 1870. LIBBY, Everett O., see Starker. LIBBY, Hanson, of Wales, ch. to Hanson Libby Leslie, 1848. LiBBY, Joel On ington, of Webster, ch. surname to Williams, 1867. LIBBY, John Crosby, see Maxy. LiBBY, John S.. see Fanar. LIBBY, John Samuel, of Harmony, ch. to John Rhoads Farrar, 1865. iLlBBY, William H., of Garland, ^n. surname to Piilsbury, 1887. LILLY, Lucinda, see Buck. LINCKF1ELD, Augusta A., Maria Louisa and Frances A., all of Skow- hegan, ch. surname to Stinehfieli, 1862. LINCOLN, Edward, see Googins. LINCOLN, Joshua T., of Cornish, ch. to Thompson Lincom, 1S49. LINN, On in S., see Ber. LINSCOTT, Charles H., see Hall. LISHERNESS, John R., of Vassalborough ch. to Ranlet Ness, 1820. LITHGOW, Alfred John Sylvester John Gardiner, of Dresden, ch. to Al- fred Gardiner Lithgow, 1827. LITTLE, Hellen Jane, of Newburg, minor dau. of Orrin O, ch. surname to Giln-ore. 1850. •LJTTLEFIELD, Bertha, of Belgrade, ch. to Clarrenda Frances Littlefleld, 1839. LITTLEFIELD. Dealing, of Wells, ch. to Horace Littlefleld, 1837. LJTTLEFIELD, Eliza S., see Snell. LITTLEFIFLD, George, see Rams le 11. LITTLEFIELD, Hiram Eames, see Eames. LITTLEFIELD, John, son of Jeremiah, late of Hallowell, ch. to John Littlefleld Hodsdon, 1821. LITTLEFIELD, Jonathan Farnham, of Belgrade, ch. to Andrew Jackson, 1836. CHANGES in NAMES. 38 LITTLEFIELD, Joseph, 5th, of Wells, ch. to Joseph Mason LittlefieM, n.]5. LITTLEFIELD, Samuel, 3d, of Frankfort, ch. to Edwin F. Littlefield, 1858. LITTLEFIELD, Wilmot Judson, see Quincy. LITTLEJOHN, George Nathaniel, see Doughty. LIVINGSTON. Vincent Campbell, see Campbell. LOCKS. Catharine F. of Farmington, ch. surname to Richards, 1871. LOCKE, Francis Y., and William, ree Ranslaw. LOCKE. George M., of Sweden, ch. surname to Bennett, 1855. LOCKE, Mary Caroline, see Br/ nt. LOGAN, Patrick, of Lubec, ch. to Samuel P. Logan, 1846. LONG. S. Lizzie, of Ga: diner, ch. surname to Rafter, 1872. LONCLEY. Eldad, of Sidney, ch. to Edward Lengley, 1848. LOFD, Darling, cf Cornish, ch. to Henry Lord, 1831. I.OED, Hiram, of Gardiner, ch. to .Hiram Archabald Lord, 1S37. LOEING, Jerome C, of Bath, ch. to Alexander Hamilton Loiing, 1832. LOPING, Maria M., to Colly. LORING, Rebecca Nash, ch. to Rebecca Loring Warren, 1851. LCLD, Benjamin, of Plymouth, ch. to Benjamin Franklin, 1847. I 01 D, Mary E. r see Furgerson. llOVEJOY, Wilbur Fremont, see Clapp. LOW, Thomas. Jr., of Kennebunk, :h. to Thomas Clark Low, 1860. LOWELL, Andrew Jackson, of Cheslei ville, ch. to Andrew Judson Lowell, 1841. LOWELL, Elizabeth, see Leigh. LOWELL, Elizabeth II., see McKemey. LOWELL, Levi, of Calais, ch. to Levi Lincoln Lowell, 1831. LOWELL, Sarah Tapiey, see Parks. LOWELL, Thomas, and others, see Trickey. I UCE, Sarah Jane, see Dillinghant. LUFKIN, Matilda Abba, see Thomas. a UFKIN, Sarah F., ch. to Sarah Fiances Nickerson, 1869. LUNT, Nellie Alfreda, see Knight. LY1 OLD, Emma G., see Giipatric. M ACE, Eliza Ann, of Hallowell. ch. surname to Wyman, 1847. '- J MAGINNIS, John, of Portland, ch. to John S. Maginnis, 1S33. MALLOCKS, David Menitt. oi iina ., w in, lLl. \.o i^.ia iVLerritt, 1840 CHANGES in NAMES. 39 MACOMBER, Ann Dill, of Abbott, adopted cbild of George L. Howard, ch. surname to Howard, 1856. MADDOCKS, Nathan, of Ellsworth, wife and two minor children, ch. sur- ni.o.e to Emery, 1841. MAKER, Patrick, see Meagher. MAHONEY, Moses Carlton, of Portland, wife Susan, children. Sarah Elizabeth, Charles Edward and George Henry, ch. surname to Jewett, 1844. MANSON, Benjamin F., of Kittery, ch. surname to Feinald, 1845. MANTER, Ellen C, of Brooks, ch. surname to Roberts, 1868. MANUEL, Harriet Emma, see Kockwood. MARDEN, Sumner Melville, Jr., of Palermo, adopted by Sumner Handy and ch. surname to Handy, 1873. MARINE, Richard, of Danville, ch. surname to Tarbox. 1822. MARKS, Galen, • of Bluehill, wife Hannah, children, Joseph Warren, Su- san Joanna, Albion Foster, Francis Marion, and Abigail Lurena, ch. sur- name to Preble, 1841. MARSH, Charles Sumner, see Dingley. MARSHALL, Charles Smith ami uthers, see Smith. MARSHALL, Draper, of Friendship, ch. to Melvin Lawry, 1887. MARSHALL, Emily B., of Dies len, ch. surname to Goud, 1857. MARSHALL, Enoch Smith and others, see Smith. MARSTON, Alma Ann, see Cleve and. MARSTOM, Charles E., see Welch. MARSTON, Cyrus H, see Boobier. MARSTON, Octavia Frost, see Alexander. MARTIN, Charles H., ch. surname to Davis, 1869. MARTIN, Patrick, of Jeffereson, ch.^to William Martin, 1865. MARTIN, Peter and his children, see Mink. MARTIN, Thomas Bodge, of New Gloucester, ch. to Addison Martin, 1823. MASERVE, William Henry, of Wins low, ch. surname to Watson, 1856. MASON, Clara H, see Timm. MASON, Pastora Elizabeth, see Dolph. MASON, Selina V., and Alice May, ch. surname to Allen, 1871. MATHEWS, James Franklin, of Boothbay, ch. to James Elbridge Mathews, 1864. MATHEWS, Joseph, 2d, of Prospect, ch. to Joseph Parker Mathews, 1835. MAVERICK, Charles, see Crowes. MAXEY, Sarah Maria, of Camden, rh. surname to Taylor, 1849. MAXF1ELD, Andrew Jackson, see Eachelder. CHANGES in NAMES. 40 MAXFIELD, Sarah Kinsman, see Vidito. MAXWELL, Eli, of Wells, ch. to George Eli Maxwell, 1838. MAXY, John Crosby Friend, of Carmel, a minor, ch. to John Crosby Libby, 1835. MAY, Ida ,of Norridgewock. ch. to Ida May Morton, 1871. MAYNARD, John Colby, see Stretch. McALVY, Patrick B. ( of Naples, ch. to George B. Calvay, 1849. McCARTEE, Ralph, of Porter, ch. to Stilman McCartee, 1834. McCARTY, Frederick T., of Dixmont, ch. surname to Tasker, 1873. McCLINTCCK, Arexene L. A., see Emery. McCLiNTOCK, Nancy J., see Huey. McCOBB, Martha Ann, see Sproul. McCONKEY, Thomas Sylvanus, of Portland, ch. surname to Clifford, 1857. McCORISON, John A., of Hampden, ch. surname to Washburn, 1889. McDANIEL, Og, of Coruville, ch. to George McDaniel, 1827. McDANIEL, Patrick, of Portland, ch. to Edward McDaniel. 1838. McDOUGALD, Edward and John B., ch. surname to Weston, 1852. McBOUGALD, Ida and Mary J., of Lewiston, ch. surname to Weston, 1872. McDUFFIE, Dulcine M., of Monmouth, ch. surname to Sinclair, 1865. McFADDEN, William, of Frankfort, ch. surname to Boyd, 1838. McFARLAND, John, of Swanvilie, ch. to John M. Nickerson, 1S59. McGARRETT, Isaac and Mary, of Waldoborough.ch. surname to French, 1840. McGARRET, Sarah, of Bangor, ch. surname to French, 1840. McKENNY, Elizabeth H., of Carroll, ch. surname to Lowell, 1858. McKENNEY, Patten, of Phipsburg, ch. to Charles Smith. wife Jane aud children, George William and Gorhara Lovell, ch. sin name to Smith, 1850. McKENNEY, William Henry, of Portland, ch. to Thomas McLellan, 1835. McKENZIE, Ruby, see Henderson. McKEY, Patrick, cf China, ch. to Charles Thompson, 1836. McKINNEY, Marilla, adopted by Horace and Eliza A. Prescott, ch. to Maiilla M. Prescott, 1869. McKusick, Frances A., s; j e Staples. McLAUGHLIN, Edward, of Isles borough, ch. to Edwird Parker, 1S55. McLAUGHLIN, Ira T., of Hallowell, ch. to Ira M. True, 1862. McLAUGHLIN, Jackson, of Buckspcrt, ch. to Andrew Harriman, 1842. CHANGES in NAMES. 41 MCLAUGHLIN, John, cf Augusta, ch. to John McLellan, 1849. McLAUGHLIN, Thankful, of China, ch. to Julia Ann McLaughlin, 1834. MCLAUGHLIN, Xoa, of Augusta, jh. to Ellen McLaughlin, 1S39. McLSLLAN, Binna D., see Clark. McLELLAN, John, see McLaughlin. McLELLAN, Thomas, see McKen ney. McLGGAN, John, of Carmcl, ch. sur aarue to Graham, 1849. McLOON, Franklin, of New Portland, ch. to Benjamin Franklin Gilbert, 1875. McFHETERS, Elmira, M., George L., Willis G., Edward M., and Eunice A., all of Surry, ch. surname to Rich, 1870. McFHETERS, Prentiss Rich, of Sur.y, ch. to Prestiss Rich, 1870. MEAEER, Jesse A., of Gardiner, ch. to William B. Johnson, wife Cathar- ine and son, Andrew Jackson, ch. surname to Jchnson, 1870. MEAGHER, Patrick, of Gardiner, ch. surname to Maher, 1835. MEGQUIER, John, of Portland, ch. to John Louville Megauier, 1821. MEHAN, Jane, ch. to Abby Robinson Wyman and adopted by William and Julia A. Wyman, 18G3. MEIGS, Helen M., see Keith. MELCHER, William H. M., of Bath, ch. to William H. Melcher. 1864. MERRIAM, Jesse Gleason. of Eastnort, ch. to Jesse Gleason. 1840. MERRICK, John and others, see My rick. MERRILL, Belinda M., see Freese. MERRILL, Elizabeth Jane, see Craig. MERRILL, Hannah, see Lane. MERRILL, Helen M., of Calais, ch. surname to Blytber, 1875. MERRILL, Joseph G., of Kennebunk, ch. to John J. Merrill, 18G8. MERRILL, Josian, Jr., jf Freeport, ch. to Josiah W. Merrill, 1865. MERRILL, Levi. 3d, cf Greene, ch. to Levi Waldo Merrill. 1821. MERRILL, Reuben and ethers, see Savage. MERRILL, Thomas, of Sedgewick, ch. to Thomas Ward Merrill, 1825. MERRILL. Wiggin, see Craven. /MERRITT, David, see Maddocks. MERRY, Mary E., of Madison, ch. surname to Dennis, 1865. MERRY, Mary E., of Embden, ch. surname to Dennis, 1867. METCALF, David, of Prospect, ,;h. to David Swett, Jr., 1835. METCALF, Eliza, see Hicks. MICHAELS, George, of Bath. ch. surname to Mitchell, 1S30. MILLER, Chn^es D., see Donahue. MILLER, Jeremiah, Jr., of Kenne uunkport, ch. to Jeremiah G. Miller, 1834. CHANGES in NAMES. 42 MILLER, Sevilia C., see Skinner. MILLIKEN, Samuel, ol Seville, ch. to Samuel Franklin Milliken, 1839. Mil T IT^FN, Simeon, Jr., of Mount Desert, ch. to Simeon Junivar Milli- ken, 1830. MILLS, Elizabeth Ann, of Dixmont, ch. to Frances Helen Randall, 1S46. MIT TON. Abijah, see Crane. MILTON, Nathan H., and wife, see Trickey. MINK, Newell H., of Waldoborough, ch. surname to Cushman. 1861. MINK, Peter, of Burnham, and his children, ch. surnames to Martin, 1831. MITCHELL, Andrew D., see Ham. MITCHELL. Cyprian and others, see Twitchell. MITCHELL, David Greenleaf, see Vidito. MITCHELL, James, ch. to Frederick J. Holway, 1883. MITCHELL, John Ammi, see Thompson. MITCHELL, Mary Carroll, see Car roll. MITCHELL, Rives Carpenter, ch. to Rives Mitchell, 1891. Mii^HELL, William Ammi, of Free port, ch*. to William Harrison Mitchell, 1851. MITCHELL. William H and Ann, see Doughty. MONK, Clarissa Rartlett, of Paris, and her cnildrpn, Clarissa Columbia, Jairus Jackson. Jefferson Freeborn, Hiram Hubbard, Samuel Carter, Charles Francis and Charlotte Willis, ch. surname to Jackson. 1S50. Cla- rissa Columbia to be Columbia Clarissa and Jarius Jackson to be Jairus Al- bert. MONTGOMERY, Elizabeth Jane, of Hallowell, ch. to Elizabeth Montgom- ery, 1848. MOODY, John E., of Searsmont, ch. surname to Woodcock, 1869, see Wood- cock. MOOERS, Hallie, see Wills. MO^^TfS. William, see Hunt. MOORE, Abel, of Bangor, ch. to George Abel Moore, 1831. MOORE, James, see Witherspoon. MOORE, John, 3d, of Ellsworth, ch. to John L. Moore, 1838. MOORE, Sebastian Streeter, of Hebron, ch. to Ellis Delmar Moore, 1845. MOORE, William, see Paine. MOORE. William, 2d, of Old Town, ch. to Edwin Moore. 1844. MORANG, Aaron and wife, Elizabeth, of Chelsea, ch. surname to Wln- throp, 1859. CHANGES in NAMES. 41 MORANG, Charles, of Whitefield. ch. surname to Bailey, 1852. MORANG, Cinderalla, of Eastport, ch. to Delia Morang, 1857. MORANG, Frederick William, of Gardiner, ch. surname to Winthrop, 1858. MORANG, Hannah F., and her children, Albert E. and Joseph A., ch. E.umame to Hoit, 1857. MORANG, Joseph, of Pittston, ch. to Joseph A. Hoyt, 1857. MORANG, William F., wife, Caroline Matilda, children, Emily Ellen and Clara, ch. surname to Bailey, 1852. M OPT: ELL, John and Lydia, adopted children of Nathan Whitten of Etna, ch. surname to Whitten, 1833. MORRELL, Robert William Francis, of Newfield, ch. to Isaac Morrell, 1828. MOP. RILL. Augustus Washington, see Bump. MORRILL, Benjamin, see Coltcn. MORRILL. Charles Alvah, see Gibson. MOPRILL, Nancy of Augusta, ch. to Ann W T right, 1841. MOP RILL, Peaslee, 3d, of Dearborn, ch. to Anson Peaslee Morrill, MORRIS, Adelaide O, see Fish. MORRIS, Albion Mansfield and others, see Fish. MORRIS, James, see Stevens. MORRISON, Christiana Fuller, see Severance. MORRISON, EMza, see Gifford. MORRISON, Hollis A., and Luella A., see Keene. MOPP'SON, Julia A., see Warner. MORRISON, Walter .see Brown. MOPSE, Alfred Jones Stone, of Brunswick, ch. to William Hunt Morse, Jr., 1839. MOPSE, Acgeline, ch. to Angle Nichols, 1S69. MORSE, Sophia D.. see Frost. MORSE, William, ch. surname to Perry, 1SG9. .V:OP.SE, William, and family, see Coffin. MORSE, William Reuel, see Joyce. M OP TON, Georgvs Franklin, see Jones. MORTON, Ida May, see May. MOSHER, Benjamin Taylor, of Farmington, ch. to Taylor Mosher, 1836. MOULSONBROWN, Carnes Coffin, see Brown. MOULTON, Daniel, 4th, of Scarborough, ch. to Daniel Dunlap Moulton, 1849. MOULTON, Isaac M., of Parsons field, ch. to Isaac Moulton, 1S63. CHANGES in NAMES. 42 MOULTON, John, of Lyman, a minor, ch. surname to Nason, 1856. MOWER, Flora Ellen, of Parkman, en. surname to Stevens, 1845. MUGFORD, Charles, of Westbrook, ch. surname to Norton, 1856. MURCH, Bowdoin, of Winthrop, ch. to James Bowdoin Murch, 1835. iMUPFHY, Alvin. of Jefferson, ch. surname to Piper, 1826. MURPHY, Ezekiel Leighton, of Calais, ch. to Lyman Leighton King, 1856. MURPHY, Jane, of Exeter, ch. surname to Murray, 1861. MURREY, Jane, see Murphy. MURRY, Abry, of Waterborough, ch. to Sabra Hobbs, 1830. MUSTARD, Fanny P., John L., James P. and Charles H., ch. surname to Gar- diner, 1869. MYRICK, John, Barnabas Palmer, David Copp and John Palmer, all of Warsaw, and their children, ch. sur name to Merrick. 1824. iv! ADO, James, of Albion, ch. surname to Hodkins, 1859. * NASH, William, 3d, of Waldoborough, ch. surname to French, 1848. NASON, John, see Moulton. NASON, John, of Hollis, ch. to Samuel S. Nason, 1832. NASON, Samuel, of Hollis, ch. to Sarruel S. Nason, 1833. NASON, Sarah Abigail, of Acton, ch. to Sarah A. N. Bodwell, 1855. NEAL, Charles, of Bremen, ch. to William Thompson, 1844. NEAL, Martha Caroline Willis, see Willis. NEAL. Peleg, of Hallowell, en. to Thomas Neal, 1849. NEAL, Stephen, see Shehan. NELSON, Eva Everett, see Cunningham. NELSON, James Henry, of Portland, ch. surname to Purington, 1867. NE1 SON, John, see Videto. NELSON, Marcellus, of Moscow, ch. suirame to Rowe. 1840. NEW'BEGIN, Mary Elizabeth, see Whitmore. NEW 7 BEGIN, Mary Jane, see Carpenter. NEWHALL, Nellie S.. see Webber. NEWMAN, Deborah L., see Keef. NEWMAN, Joseph H., of Weld, ch. to Holland Newman, 1870. NEWTON, Francis A., see Arguier. NICHOLS, Angie ,see Morse. NICHOLS, Asaph, of Winslow, ch. to Asaph Rice Nichols, 1820. NICHOLS, Margaret B., see Hawkes. NICHOLS. Mary Elizabeth, adopted child of Alvah and Hannah Sin- clair, ch. to Elizabeth Mary Sinclair, 1852. CHANGES in NAMES. 43 NICKELS, John Budge, see Buc'ge. NTOKERSON, John M.. see McFar land. NICKERSON. Sumh Frances, see Lufkin. NTT E. Luther and others, see |Hoar. NORRIS, Albert Homer, see Thorne. NORTHEY, Hosea, of Whitefield, ch. to Hiram H. Northey, 1847. NORTON, Charles, see Mugford. NORTON, Harriet, see Young. NORTON, Nirum, of Augusta, ch. to Charles Edward Norton. 1823. NORWOOD. John, of Camden, ch. to John Winslow Kent Norwood, 1826. NOWELL. Etta M.. see Fish. NOYES, Hannah, see Southard. >'OYES, Henry, of Deer Isle, ch. to Henry Augustus Noyes, 1835. NTTTE. Ann M., of Acton, ch. surname to Hussey, 1863. NUTE, Hannah, see Forbes. NUTT, William H., of Perry, ch. surname to Williams, 1847. NUTTER, George F., see Trefetheren. NYE, Nathaniel Albert, adopted son of Nathaniel Burrill of Newport, ch. surname to Burrill, 1857. Q, AK. Abbie C. see Smith. O'BRIEN, Dennis, of Berwick, ch. to John D. Bryant. 1857. OBEAR, Samuel, 3d, of Sedgwick, ch. to Samuel Freeman Obear, 1836. O'BRIEN. Dennis, of Berwick, ch. to Starr D. Bryant; wife, Mary Eliza- beth, dau., Mary Abbie, sons, Charles Franklin, John Dennis and James Melvin, ch. surname to Bryant, 1859. O'BRIEN, John, of Bath. ch. surname to Bryant. 1848. O'BRIEN, Patrick, of Orrington, ch. to William J. Bryant, 1867. O'BRIEN. William T., and Mathew, of Bath, ch. surname to Bryant, 1857. O'HAYER, Martin, ch. surname to Hyer, 1869. OLIVER, Charles Northam, of Bethel, ch. to Charles Lovejoy Oliver, 1840. OLIVER, Lafayette, see Perkins. ONLY, Ebenezer, of Jackson, ch. to Charles Jackson. 1847. ORDWAY, Naomi P., of Exeter, ch. surname to Gllmore, 1868. OSGOOD. Amos L.. see Thomas. OSGOOD, John, of BluebiU, ch. to Pyron Wavne Osgood, 1838. OSGOOD, Louis, of Fryeburg, ch. to Edward Lewis Osgood. 1824. OTT. Samuel Harrison, of Camden, ch. to George Leland, 1849. OWEN, James A., of Brewer, ch. surnamde to Weston. 1863. CHANGES in NAMES. 46 PACKARD, Betsey, of Harrison, ch. to Betsey Hcbbs 1859. PACKARD, Deiania Jane. see Bowtelle. PAGE, Ellen Eaton, of Brunswick, ch. to Ellen Webster Parshley, 1848. PAGE, Elsie and Eva Cora, of Orono, cli. surname to Banks, 1871. PAGE, Ezekiel H., of Garland, ch. to Ezekiel Page, 1835. PAGE, George Blake, see Blake. PAGE, Kuldah, of Vassalborough, ch. surname to Allen. 1862. PAGE, Jonathan 2d. of Burlington, ch. to Henry Hamlin Page, 1846. PAINE, Eleanor B., of Hallowell, ch. surname to Buswell, 1858. PAINE, Emily V., see Rogers. PAINE, Joseph, 3d, of Standish, ch. to Joseph Wallace Paine, 1824. PAINE, Joseph, 3d, of Standish, ch. to Joseph Ayer Paine, 1827. PAINE, Jott S., of Portland, ch. to John Stone Paine, 1833. PAINE, Otis, of Portland, ch. to Otis Holmes Paine. 1829. PAINE, Samuel S., of Anson, ch. to William Moore, 1835. PALMER, Albert and Almond, adopted children of Amasa Shepherd, of Jef- ferson, ch. surname to Shepherd, 1850. PALMER, George R., see Rhodes. PALMER, Va-hti H., see Bradley. PALMER, William and family, see Patch. PAFKER, Arnasa, of Bucksport, ch. to Amasa Willington Parker, 1S39. PARKER, Catherine Mary, see Sklensparker. PARKER, Edward, see McLaughlin. PARKER, Ellen S., see Steward. FARKER, John Wyllie, see Wyllie. PARKER, Leonard, of Kittery, ch. to Leonard Gunnison Parker, 1848. PARKER, Lewis, see Cross. PARKER, Nathaniel, of Portland, ch. to Charles N. Parker, 1848. PARKER, Sylvia M., see Burgess. PARKER, William Hanson, see William. PARKMAN, Deidamia H., see Kncwles. PARKS. Asa. see Coolbroth. PARKS, Sarah T., of Augusta, ch. to Sarah Tapley Low-ell. 1868. PARLIN, Harrison, of Winthrop, ch. to William Harrison Parlin, 1842. PARROTT, Sarah Ann, see Smith. PARSHLEY. Ellen Webster, see Page. PATCH. Elvin D., Sarah P. and Harris E., of Shapleigh, ch. surname to Rob- erts. 1871. PATCH, Frankl'n. of Shapleigh, ch. surname to Benson, 1856. PATCH, George W. of Shapleigh, ch. to George West, 1870. CHANGES in NAMES. 47 PATCH, William, of Newfield, wife Lucy Ann, and son Moses Alfred, ch. suiiii^me to Palmer, 1859. PATRICK, Charles Kirk, of Warren, ch. to Charles Kirk, 1846. 1 ATiviCK, Daniel Huubs and otiitsrs, see Kiilpatrick. PATTKJN, Charles Lyman, see Smith. l.-vTTEN, Joseph Andrew, of Hampden, ch. surname to Jackson, 1857. PATTEN, Mary Chase, of Blanchard, ch. to Mary Elizabeth Leslie, 1864. PATTEN, Silas, of Bangor, ch. to Sweden S. Patten, 1848. PATTENSON, Fannie O., of Gardiner, ch. surname to Burrill, 1873. PATTERSON, Harriet A., see Young. PATTERSON, James Howard, of Augusta, ch. surname to Prentice, 1860. PATTERSON, Ruth Ann, of New berg, ch. surname to Hill. 1846. PAUL. Abiel Palmer, of Wilton, ch. to Willia.m Palmer Bowles, 1851. PAYSON, Edward, see Coffin. PEASE, Lucy, of Bridgton, ch. to Lucy Frances Shepherd, 1844. PEASE. Salvina. of Bangor, ch. to Salvina P. Hodsdon, 1833. PEAVEY, Willie Austin, see Ames. PECKER, Mary Williams, of Cumber 'and, ch. to Mary Williams. 1872. PENLEY, Francis Grovnor, of Paris, ch. to Francis Grovnor, 1857. PFNNY. Nehemiah, Jr., of Orono. ch. to Nehemiah Tenney, 1835. PENNY, Nemiah. Jr.. of Hampden, ch. to Nemiah Tenney, 1836. PFPCY, Lewis, see Piccie. PERKINS. Belle Stanley, of East Llv^rmore, ch. surname to Haskell, 1873. PERKINS, Charles, Jr.. of Kennebunk-port, ch. to Charles C. Perkins, 1834. PERKINS, Daniel. 3d, of Kennebunk-port, ch. to Daniel S. Perkins. 1833. PERKINS, Frances Rebecca, adopted by Thomas and Rebecca Skolfield, of Brunswie, add Skolfield for surname, 1S64. PERKINS, Greenleaf. of Sanford, ch. to Frank G. Perkins. 1867. PEP KINS, Hiram, of Starks, ch. to Lafayette Oliver, 1849. PERKINS. John. 4, of Kennebunkport, ch. to John G. Perkins. 1824. PERKINS. Jonathan, of Kennebunk-port, ch. to Jott S. Perkins. 1834. PERKINS. Sharington. see Stackpole. PERLEY, Otis, see Pugsley. PERRY, Burt, of Sullivan, ch. to Au-ustus Burt Perry, 1828. PERRY. William, see Morse. ppyy ppt-t? Ephraim, of Unity, ch. to Charles Philbrick, 1842. PHILLIPS, Elbridge, of Wayne, ch. surname to Crocker, 1846. PHIPPS, Amelia Haven, of Paris, ch. surname to Robinson, 1857. PICCIE. Lewis, ch. surname to Percy, 1869. PICKET, Alonzo F., of Kittery, ch. to Adcnzo Forest Wilson, 1866. CHANGES in NAMES. 48 PIKE, Jabcz, 2d, cf Lubec, ch. to Jabez Marston Pike, 1852. PIKE, Snadrack, of Corniah, en. to Harrison Wallace Pike, 1830. I ILLS BURY, James, Jr., or Garland, ch. to James Loring Pillsbury, 1850. 1 ii.LbbURY, William H.. see Libby. 1 iNGPEE, Nacy S., see Hubbard. PiPER, Alvin, see Murphy. P.H ER, Henry H., of Mayfield, ch. surname to Chamberlain, 1870. P1AISTED, Mary Ann, see Abbott. PLUMMER, Abner, see Rollins. PLU1YLMER, Caroline M., see Fish. PLUMMER, Sarah Elizabeth, see Hall. POIND, Asa Alciis, Jr., of Ells*vorth, ch. to Henry Winthrop Pond, 1845. POOL, James, of Augusta, ch. to Thomas Russell Pool, 1843. POOL. Napoleon Bonaparte, of Minot, ch. to Charles Frederick Davis, 1S48. FCGLE, Mary, of Portland, ch. to Mary Richardson Poole, 1820. POOR, Louiza, of Chailestown, ch. to Hannah Sanborn, 1837. POOR. Nathaniel Deering, of Eastport, ch. to Nathaniel Fullerton Deering, 182i,. PuryiER, Eliza I., see Daniels. PORTER, Emerson Drinkwater, see Drinkwater. PORTER, Fiances, of Readrield, ch. to Fannie Porter, 1854. PORTER, James and family, see Porterfield. PORTER, Seward, of North Yarmouth, ch. to Seward Warren Porter, 1837. PORTERFIELD, James 2d, of Noble boiough, and wife, Mary, ch. surname to Porter 1841. POTTER, Scth Patten, of Lisbon, ch. to Frederick Clifford Potter, 18S7. POTTER, Willard, of Lee, ch. surname to Knight, 1866. POTTLE, Caleb, of Wiscasset, ch. to Charles C. Pottle, 1851. ■ POWELL, Lucy Ann, see Babcuck. PL ATT, Jchn Augustus, of Haimony, ch. to John Pratt Herrick, 1863. PRATT, Patrick Campbell, of Bangor, ch. to Walter Campbell Pratt, 1863. PREBLE, Galen and family, see Maiks. PREBLE, Susanna, see Smith. PRENTICE, James Howard, see Pat'erscn. TRENTICE, James Howard, of Augusta, ch. to James Howard, 1861. PEESCOTT, Ma; ilia M.. see MoKen ley. PRESSY, Edwin W.. see Avery. PRIDE, Cornelius I. S. B., of West'irook, ch. to Cornelius B. Pride, 1864. PRIYE, Henry T., and Betsey, of Pittston, ch. surname t-o Franklin, 1836. CHANGES in NAMES. 49 PFINOE, Joseph. 2d, of Portland, ch. to Joseph Brackett Prince, 1821. PROCTOR, Edward, of Raymond, ch. to Edward Ellsworth Proctor, 1887. ] J OCTOR, Eiisha, of Raymond, ch. to Elisha Lee Procter, 1S87. PROCTOR, William, of Portland, ch. to William Henry Proctor, 1837. FT7G3LF/Y, Otis, of Shapleigh, ch. surname to Perley, 1872. PUT T.FN. Clement, of Augusta, ch. to Clement Augustus Pullen, 1841. PFNG. Smith O, of Ellsworth, ch. surname to Beveily, 18G3. PUFIN^TDN. .Tame? Henrv. sec Nel-on. PITRINJGTON, Tobias ( of Brunswick, ch. surname to Purrington, 1836. PUP SSELL, Jsimes B., ch. surname to Russell. 1869. FPSHARD, Freeman Richardson and Daniel, of Bath, ch. surnames to Shaw, 1836. FT SH4PP, Jarre? Robert, of Bath. ch. purr?me to Sh?w, 1828. PUPHARD, John George, of Dresden, wife and children, ch. surname to SI: aw, 1836. Q TT IMBY. Timothv Jpllison. of York, ch. to Timothy Jellison, 1836. QUIMBY, Wilmct Judson, of Turner, ch. surname to Littlefield, 1S52. QUINCY, Jacob, Jr., of Portland, ch. to William Jacob Quincy, 1824. P *CKLIFF, Edward, of Portland, ch. surname to Radcliff, 1848. v RAFTER, S. Lizzie, see Long. iRAMSBELL, Charles Torry Yeaton, of Telmple, a minor, ch. to Charles Terry Ramsdell Yeaton, 1856. RA-VSDELL, Geoige, of York, ch. surname to Littlefield, 1824. RAMSDELL, Lydia L., of Readheld, ch. surname to Smith, 1873. RAMSDELL, Thomas, cf Hallowell, ch. to George Ramsdell, 1826. RAMSON, Meicy, of Pownal, ch. surname to Ransom, 1880 RAND, Aaron Morrill, of Parsoasneld, ch. to George Frank Rand, 1843. RAND, Louisa and Lorana, see Huu toon. RANDALL, Amelia, see Fogg. RANDALL, Cerena, see Titocmb. RANDALL, Frances Helen, see Mills. RANLET, John R.. see Lisherness. RANDOLPH, Daniel, see Fov/les. RANSLOW, Fn.ncis Y. and William, of Temple, ch. surname to Locke, 1835. RAY, Isabella A., of Lewiston, ch. surname to Bariett, i870. RAY, jonLthan, of Giecn, ch. tu Gieenitaf Ray, 1S30. CHANGES in NAMES. 50 RAY, Royal, adopted sen of Elijah Dix, of Wetmore Isle, ch. to Elijah R. Dix, 1852. RAYMOND, Paul, of Brunswick, ch. to Henry Clay Raymond, 1830. READ, Mary Eleanor, of Bath, ch. to Mary Tyler, 1S26. EEAD, Prudence, see Foster. READ, Thomas, see Sears. RECORD, Israel, of Paris, ch. to Charles Hall, 1839. REED. Emily A., see Brookings. FEED. George E., and Charles F., see Burke. REED, Harvey, of Houlton, ch. to Al bert Harvey Reed. 1845. REED, Jacob, Jr., of Dresden, ch. to Jacob Waters Reed, 1845. REED, William, of Hampden, ch. to William Francis Melville Reed, 1828. REEVES, John Robert and Mary, of Pittston, ch. surnames to Hutchinson, 1862. REMICK, Simon, of Fryeburg, ch. to Franklin Simon Remick, 1824. REYNOLDS, Zebedee Snell, of Lewis ten, ch. to Charles Reynolds, 1S23. RHODES, George, adopted son of James Palmer, of Camden, ch. to Geoige R. Palmer, 1857. RICE, Dorcas Howard, of Eastport, ch. to Isabella Howard Rice, 1S42. RICE, Oilman, see Scott. RICE. Julia Creighton, see Creishton. RICE, Lizzie Ripley, see Williams. RICH, Elmira M., see McPheters. PICK, Elvira K., see Briscall. RICH, Llewellyn A., of Harrison, ch. to Llewellyn Ambrose Trafton. 1866. RICHARDS, Abigail, Louisa, Maria. Sarah Ann, N. C. Francis and Abigail O, all cf Oxford, ch. surname to Lee, 1831. RICHARDS, Catharine F., see Locke. RICHARDS, Edmund, see Averill. RICHARDS, Jennie Lila, see Fisher. RICHARDS, John, of Hebron, ch. surname to Lee, 1829. RICHARDS, Joseph Warren, of Cam den. ch. to Joseph Henry Warren, 1852. RICHARDSON, Joshua, of Portland, ch. to Joshua Wingate Richardson, 1839. RICHARDSON, Lorinda, adopted dau. of George H. Hunter, of PittsSeld, ch. to Linda M. Hunter, 1863. RICARDSON, Mabel, of Brownville, ch. to Ellen Maria Mabel Richardson, 18? 6. RICHARDSON, William, Jr., of Bath, ch. to William Parker Richardson, 1835. CHANGES in NAMES. 51 RICKER, Ida Ellen, adopted by Edmund Currier, ch. surname to Currier, 1869. RIDLCN, Osborn, ch. surname to Chaplin, 1852. RILEY, George, see Aspinwall. RIPLEY, Abraham R., see Suckforth. RITCHIE. Lozier Valoms Torrey, of Winterport, ch. to Charles Edwin Ritchie, 1871. ROACH. James H., of Portland, ch. surname to Laroche, 1848. ROBBINS, Amariah M., adopted son of Almond Davis, of Appleton, ch. sur- name to Davis, 1855. ROBBINS, Calvin, of Topsham, ch. to Calvin Barker Robbins, 1828. ROBE1NS, John Manley, of Water ford, ch. to John Robbins, 1838. ROBINS, Mary Ellen, adopted dau. of William S. Leeman, of Augusta, ch. surname to Leeman, 1863. ROBERTS, Andrew, of Waterborough, ch. to Andrew Jackson Roberts, 1830. ROBERTS, Ellen C, see Manter. ROBERTS, Elvin D.. and others, see Patch. ROBTNSON. Amelia Haven, see Phipps. ROBINSON, Elizabeth and son, see Sylvester. ROBINSON, Ellen Augusta, of Portland, ch. to Helen Augusta Robinson, 1863. ROBINSON, Henry, of Brewer, ch. to Henry Kenny Robinson, 1836. ROBINSON, James, see Hawkes. ROBTNSON, Marcia Ethlyn, see Leigh ton. ROBINSON, Thankful, see Gates. ROBTNSON, William, see Schlecht wey. ROBINSON, William, of Gardiner, ch. to William Shaw Robinson. 1826. ROBY, John Dudley, of Augusta, ch. to Jrmes Dudley Roby, 1837. rOCKFOPD, John Anson, see RoeKwocd. ROCKWOOD. Harriet Emma, of Manchester, ch. surname to Manuel, 1857. POCKWOOD, John, Jr., of Belgrade, ch. to John Anson Rockford, 1835. ROGERS, Edmund Stephens, see Stephens. ROGERS. Emily V., of Guilford, ch. surname to Paine, 1854. ROGERS. George, 3d. of Phipsburg, ch. to G°crge Langdon Rogers, 1839. ROGERS, Msnassah. of Porttland, ch. to Charles M. Rogers. 1824. ROGERS. William, 3d. of Phipsburg, ch. to William R. Rogers. 1S36. ROLLINS, Ahner P., of Wiscassett, ch. to Abner Plummer, 1833. ROLLINS. Margaret, of Alna, ch. to Louisa Nancy Rollins, 1S20. ROLLINS. Mvrta Adelaide, of Solon, ch. surname to Langley, 1866. ROSE, Orrin, see Bubier. CHANGES in NAMES. 52 RCSS, Peter, see Bosoro. ROUNDLEY, Jennie, see Cookscn. ROUNDS, Angelia M., of Lisbon, ch. surname to Daniels, 1858. ROWE, Amelia B., adopied uuu. ol Samuel Waters, of Patten, ch. to Mary Isabel Waters, 1863. ROWE, Marcellus, see Nelson. ROYAL, Samuel W. and Martha G., of Hampden, ch. to Weller P. find Liz- zie G. Anderson, V6vi. RUN! LETT, Isabella, see Webber. RUNNELS, Content, of China, ch. to Clara C. Runnels, 1852. RUNNELS, Patience, of China, ch. to Alvina P. Runnels, 1852. RUSSELL, Betsey H., of Embden, ch. surname to Turner, 1867. RUSSELL, James B., see Pursell. g ABIN,,Almira Billings, see Cole. SALSBURY, Fennel, of Trenton, ch. to Newell SalsBury, 1860. SALSBURY, Reuben, of Eden, ch. to Reuben S. Salisbury, 1835. SAMPSON, Joseph, of Portland, ch. surname to Bradford, 1834. SANBORN, Hannah, see Poor. SANBORN, Lorenzo, of Standish, ch. to Lorenzo Quincy Sanborn, 1843. SANBORN, Moses, 3d, of Standish, ch. to Moses Lowell Sanborn, 1827. SARGENT, Harrison, see Sherman. SARGENT, Mary Ann, see Kidder. SAVAGE, Elizabeth P., of Solon, ch. eurnaire to Wilson, 1S66. SAVAGE, Helen Maria, of Portland, ch. surname to Merrill, 1868. SAVAGE, Merrill, of Portland, ch. to Henry Eaton Merrill, 1868. SAVAGE, Reuben Merrill, of Portland, ch. to Reuben Merrill, 1868. SAVAGE, Sarah B., of Portland, ch. to Sarah Boswell Merrill, 1868. SAWYER, Melville F., see Jordan. SAWYER. Prudence Snow, see Snow. SAWYER, Sarah Elizabeth, see Clark. SAWYER, Thorndike, of Portland, ch. to Thcrndike Homer Sawyer, 1845. SCAMMANS, John, 3d. of Saco, ch. to Frederick Scammans, 1821. SCHLECHTWEY, William, of Kennebunk, ch. surname to Robinson, 1856. SCOLLAY, Ephraim M., of Bath, ch. to Ephraim M. B. Scollay, 1887. SCOTT, Gilman, of Minot, ch. surname to Rice. 1859. SCOTT, Robert K., adopted son of Robert K. Thistleward, of Alexander, ch. surname to Thistleward, I860. SCOTT, Sergeant, see Carney. CHANGES in NAMES. 53 SCRIENER, Ruth, of Portland, ch. surname to Coffin, 1830. PEAL AND, Edward Coter, see Stiout. SEARS, Thomas, Jr., of Wellington, ch. surname to Read, 1852. SEAVY, Asa Heath of Poitland. ch. to Martian Seavy, 1S30. SESSIONS, Joseph, of Biunswick, ch. to Joseph Wasburn Sessions, 1829. SEVERANCE, Christiana Fuller, of Belfast, ch. surname to Morrison, 18GS. SEYMOUR, William Leroy, see Shurtleff. SHARZ, Louigi, ch. to Lewis Weeks, 1883. SHAW, Charles, of Portland, son of Alphevs, ch. to Benjamin Shaw, 1860. SHAW, Charles A., adopted son of Rufus Carter, of Scarborourgh, ch. surnaire to Carter, 1857. SHAW, Francis A., of New Sharon, ch. surname to Clark, 1S59. SHAW, Freeman and others, see Pushard. SHAW, John, of Orono, ch. to John Hammatt Shaw, 1837. THAW, Thomas D., of Portland, ch. to Thomas Shaw, 1837. SHAW, Willie Dean, see Cross. SHEA, James, of WLcasset, ch. to James William Crowell, 1829. SHEAN, Daniel Patrick, of Corinna, ch. to Daniel Larrabee, 1831. SHEHAN, Stephen, of Biddeford, ch. surname to Neal, 1S39. • SHEPHERD, Albert and Almond, see Palmer. SHEPHERD, Lucy Frances, see Pease. SHERMAN, Margaret Ellis, of Sidney, ch. to Eliza Abby Sherman, 1837. SHERMAN, Reuben and family, see Treworgy. SHERMAN, Samuel, of Wells, ch. to Harrison Sargent, 1837. SHOPPEE, William Harrison, see Gila: an. SHURTLEFF, W. L. S.. en. to Wil iam Leroy Seymour, 1869. SHUTE, Nancy Ellen, of Swanville, ch. to Ella Amelia Brown. 1870. S1DENSPARKER, Catherine, of Wal loborough, ch. to Catherine Mary Par- ker, 1834. SIDLINGER, Andrew, of Union, ch. surname to Wilmot, 1861. SIDLINGER, Ira A., of Union, ch. sur ^ame of Hudson, 1870. SIMPSON, Simon, of York, ch. to Joseph Simon Simpson, 1821. SINCLAIR, Dulcine M., see Mc Duffee. SINCLAIR, Elizabeth Mary, see Nichols. SKILLINS, Edward True, of Portland, ch. to Edward True, 1849. SKINNER, Sevilia C. of Warren, ch. surname to Miller, 1853. SKOT FIELD, Frances Rebecca, see Perkins. SLOAN, Jerathmel Cummings Pratt, of Portland, ch. to James Cummings Sloan, 1872. CHANGES in NAMES. 54 SMALL, Adaline Joy, of Topsham, ch. surname to Greenleaf, 1868. SMALL, Hannah, see G.>wdy. SMALL, Maria Louisa, of Portland, ch. to Louisa Adelaide Small, 1863. SMART, Geoige Reuel, see Sprague. SMELLAGE, James and family, see Capernaum. SMITH, Abbie C, of Exeter, ch. sur name to Oak, 1858. SMITH, Ann Maria, see Hussey. SMITH, Artemas, of Brunswick, ch. to Artemas Curtis Smith, 1830. SMiTH, Benjamin, of Raymond, ch. to Rufus Smith, I806. SMITH, Charles, of Fayette, ch. to Chailes Smith Marshall, 1836. SMITH, Charles, see McKcnney. SMITH, Charles Coatsworth Pickney, of Fassadumkeag, ch. to Charles Pickney Smith, 1843. SMITH, Daniel Talcott. of Eangor, ch. to Daniel Smith Talcott, wife, Sophia Hammond, children, Frances Sophia, Elizabeth and Rowland Mather, ch. surname to Talcott, 1863. SMITH, Edwin, of Ncwburg. ch. to Henry Edwin Smith. 1865. SMITH, Edwin Henry, of Biddeford, ch. to Henry Edwin Smith, 1872. SMITH, Enoch, of Fayette, ch. to Enoch Smith Marshall, 1836. SMITH, Esther Ann, of Fayette, ch. to Esther Ann Smith Marshall, 1836. Smith, Ezra, of Portland, ch. to Ezra Smith Bradlee, 1849. SMITH, Ezra St. John, of Rumford, ch. to St. john Smith, 1825. SMITH, George of Phillips, ch. to George Ward Smith, 1834. SMITH, Hannah Elizabeth Osgood, of Fayette, ch. to Elizabeth Smith Mar- shall, 1836. SMITH, John, of Freedom, ch. to John Warren Smith, 1S33. SMITH, John, of Cooper, ch. to John Haskell Smith, 1832. SMITH, John of Paris, ch. to William Peter Smith. 1856. SMITH, John, of No. 1, 4th range, west side of Kennebec river, ch. to John Bourne Smith, 1831. SMITH, John H., of Comvilie, ch. to Franklin H. Smith, 1S34. SMITH, John Tyng, of Portland, ch. to Francis Albert Smith, 1848. SMITH, Joseph Lyman, of Bianchard, ch. to Charles Lyman Patten, 1845. SMITH, Joseph W., wife Eliza and sons, Brackett and George, ch. sur- nan e to Kittredge, 1844. SMITH, Joshua Vincent, ch. to Ralph Arthur Vincent, 1869. SMITH, Lucetta, see Walker. SMITH, Lydia L., see Ramsdell. SMi'iH, Mary Fiench, of Fayette, ch. to Mary Smith Marshall, 1836. CHANGES in NAMES. 55 SMITH, Moses, of Fayette, ch. to Moses Smith Marshall, 1836. SMITH, Nathan, 2d, of Mt. Ve.non, ch. to Nathaii Scribner Smith, 1836. SMITH, Nathaniel Do vis, see Em „ry. SMITH, Octavia S., and son, see Webb. SMITH, Ptrsis Aimedia, of Norway, ch. surname to Bridgham, 1862. SMITH, Reuben, of Fayette, ch. to Reuben Smith Marshall, 1836. SivilTH, Samuel, of Fayette, ch. to Samuel Smith Marshall, 1836. SMITH, Sarah Ann, of Lubec, ch. surname to Parrott, 1846. SMITH, Susanna, of York, widow of Benjamin Smith, of Salem, ch. sur- name to Pieble, 1820. SMI1H, Thcmas, of Windham, ch. to Thcmas Laurens Smith, ioo8. SMITH, Thomas of Hiram, ch. to Thomas Irish Smith, 1826. SMITH, William, of Portland, ch. to Willam Webb Smith, lb38. SMITH, William, of Fayette, ch. to William Smith Marshall, 1836. SMITH, William, Jr., of Portland, ch. to William Henry Smith, 1822. SNELL, Eliza S., of Turner, ch. surname to Littleneld, 1663. SNELL, Jchn A., see Black. SXELL, Rebecca, see Darwin. SNOW, George Washington, see Clark. SNOW, Mary Fitts, of Portland, ch. to Mary Owen Elder, 1836. SNOW, Prudence, of Augusta, add Sawyer for surname, 1832. SNOW, William Henry Harrison, ch. to Kairison Snow, 1846. SNOW, William R. Law, see Law. SOULE, Andrew, of Freeport, ch. to Andrew Jackson Soule, 1839. SOUTHARD, Aramentia, of Bangor, ch. to Aramentia Lawrence Delong, 1852. SOUTHARD, Hannah, of Jefferson, ch. to Hannah Noyes, 1852. SOLTHERS, Saily, of South Berwick, ch. surname to Whitehouse, 1836. SOUTHGATE, Edna J., see Wis well. SOWDAN, Drusilla A., of Bangor, and dau. Priscilla J., ch. surname to Flanders, 1866. SPAULD1NG, Rachel, of Chesterville, ch. to Laura Rachel Spaulding, 1853. SPEAR, William H., of Waldobc rough, and wife, Clarissa M., ch. sur- names to Wilson, 1853. SPEARIN, Roxanna, of Bangor, ch. to Abba Frances Spearin, 1852. SPRAGUE, Eli, 3d, of Princeton, ch. to Eli Thornton Sprague, 1843. SPRAGUE, Joshua D., ch. to Herbert J. Sprague, 1869. SPRAGUE, George Reuel, of Etna, ch. surname to Smart, 1846 SPRING, Daniel Roberts, of Wins iOW, ch. to Daniel Spiing, 1S23. CHANGES in NAMES. 56 SPRINGER, William, 3d, of Hallo well, ch. to William Nelson Springer, 1826. SPROUL, Martha Ann McCobb, of Bristol, ch. to Martha Ann McCobb, 1834. SPROUL, William, 3d, of Bristol, ch. to William Henry Sproul, 1824. SPROUL, William, 4th, of Noblebc rough, ch. to William Miller Sproul, 1846. STACKPOLE, Sharingtcn, of Litcb leld, ch. surname to Perkins, 1829. STAHL, Mary C. adopted dau. of Isaac Welt, of Waldoborough, ch. sur- name to Welt, 1860. STANLEY, Washington, of Winthrop, ch. to George Washington Stanley, 1821. STAPLES, Abba T., of Montville, and dau. Caroline, ch. surname to True, 1852. ETAFI ES, Asia, of Minot, ch. to Ro? well Staples, 1843. STAPLES, Frances A., of Limerick, ch. sin name to McKusick, 1868. BTARBIRD, Ellen Maria, of Augusta, ch. surname to Cobb, 1866. STAREEY, Everett O., and Edward S., adopted children of Daniel Libby, of Albion, ch. surname to Libby, 1857. STARR. Mary, of Paris, ch. surname to Cummings, 1S44. STARRETT, Caroline Langdon Stor er, see Gilman. STEARNS, Thomas, of Paris, ch. to Thomas Eaton Stearns, 1870. B.TEINORTH, Anne Elizabeth, of Portland, ch. surname to White, 1S66. STEPHENS, Edmund, of Corinna, add Rogers for surname, 1838. STEPHENS, Joseph, of Saco, ch. to Joseph S. Stephens, 1849. STERLING, Hannah, of Union, add Gardner for surname, 1847. S'i ETSON. John B., and William C, see Voil. STETSON. Joseph, 2d, of Camden, ch. to Joseph C. Steteson ,1831, and to Joseph Cummings Stetson, 1832. (STETSON, John O'Brien, see Tup per. STEVENS, Annie L., of Monticello, ch. surname to Fulsom, 1871. STEVENS. Charles O. B.. of Rumford, ch. to Charles C. Stevens, 1848. STEVENS, Edmund, of Corinna, ch. to Stephen Rogers, 1836. STEVENS, Edward K., of Montville, ch. to Edgar Forrest. 1S66. STEVENS, Elizabeth Russell, of Fayette, ch. to Laura Holmes Stevens, ' 1841. STEVENS, Ephraim, Jr., of Montville, ch. to Ephraim Brown Stevens, 1841. STEVENS, George Albert, see Viles. STEVENS. lngall= Bragg, of An dover, ch. to Ingalls Bragg, 1873. CHANGES in NAMSS. 57 STEVENS, James, of Thoniaston, eh. surname to Morris, 1842. STEVENS, John Godfrey, of Frye burg, ch. to John Stevens Bradford, 1820. STEVENS, Laurinda, see Greer. STEVENS, Louisa Caroline, of Portland, ch. surname to Fernald, 1849. STEVENS, Melissa and Ellen, see Cross. STEVENS, R. Eophenie, see Gardiner. STEVENS, Varnum, of Bluehill, ch. to Edward Varnum Stevens, 1846. STEWARD, Ellen S., ch. surname to Paiker, 1869. STEWART, Devcreaux N., of Wesley, ch. to Fenalson, 1865. STIMF'ON, Christina and Maud, ch. surname to Haley, 1869. STINCHFIELD, Augusta, and otb crs. see Linckfisld. ST1NSON, John R., 2d, of Wool v.ich, ch. to John Robinson Carr Stin- son, 1835. STINSON, Henry Dyre, see Trundy. STINSON, Mary A., see Bowen. STODDARD, Rachel. Carter, of Guilford, ch. to Clara Rosabeth Stoddard, 1855. STODDARD, Roxanna, see Leavitt. STONE, Daniel. 2d. of Brunswick, ch. to Dariel Perkins Stone, 1820. STONE, Libby, of Cornish, ch. to John Stone, 1837. STONE, Nahum M., see Grover. STOKER. George, 3d. of Waldobor cv.gh, ch. to George A. Storer, 1855. STORER, Mary Jane, of Monmouth, ch. surname to Blue, 1846. "STRATTON, Delia May, see Austin. STREET, Robert Bruce and Martha F., see Kerr. STRETCH, John Colby, of Calais, ch. surname to Maynard. 1855. STROUT, Edward Coter, of Bradford, wL'e and children, Charles, Edwin, Jchn Seavey, Laura Aibina and Mar .ha Jane, ch. surname to Sealand, -1838. STROUT, Fred M., child of Elizabeth Harrington, adopted by John B. and Charlotte C. Britt, of Waterville, ch. surname to Britt, 1S70. STROUT, Ruby, of Monson, ch. to Ruby Nelson Tyler, 1850. STROUT, Sally, of Limington, ch. to Albion Peter Strout, 1834. •SUCEFORTH, Abram R., of Washington, ch. surname to Ripley, 1871. SULLIVAN, James, see Buker. SWAN, Francis W., of Farmington, ch. to Francis Wilson Butler, 1847. "SWANBACK, Ruth Ann, Emmie and Rosilla, all of Chelsea, ch. surname to Kennedy. Ib72. :S WAN BACK, Wilhemina Ruimah, of Chelsea, ch. to Ruiamah Kennedy, 1872. CHANGES in NAMES. 58 SWEETSER, William, of Portland, ch. to William Henry Sweetser, 1840. SWETT, Josiah. Jr., of Gorham, ch. 1o Josiah L'innel Swett, 1838. SWETT, Mary, Orlando C, Homer G. and Ester J., all of Howland, ch. sur- name to Emery, 1S71. SWETT, Mary E., see Beal. SYLVESTER, Daniel, 2d. of Etna, ch. to Daniel Webster Sylvester, 1846. SYLVESTER, Elizabeth, of Windham, and her son, Charles Henry, ch. sur- nsme to Robinson, 1858. SYLVESTER, Giimore S., ch. to Albert H. Sylvester, 1852. SYLVESTER, Job, 3d, of Durham, ch. to Job Phillips Sylvester, 1827. SYLVESTER, Philip, Jr., and Roxan aa H., both of Lincolnville, ch. sur- name to Hall, 1846. T ABER, John, 2d, of Vassalborough, ch. to John Chase Taber, 1831. J TALCOTT. Daniel Smith and family, see Smith. TALECT, Nathaniel Emmons, of Camaen, ch. to Nathaniel Tobey Talbot, IS 46. TAREOX, Richard, see Marine. "TASKER, Frederick T., see McCarty. TAYLOR, Angeletta, of Augusta, ch. surname to Wixson, 1873. TAYLOR, Moses Marriner, of Cumberland, ch. to George Edward Taylor, 1835. TAYLOR, Sarah Maria, see Maxey. TEAL, Edward, of South Berwick, ch. to Edward T. Goodwin, 1835. TENNEY, Nehemiah, see Penney. THAYER, Clarimmond Cusiiman, ch. surname to Clifford, 1860. THAYEK, James H., see Coombs. TH1STLEWARD, Robert K., see Scott. THOMAS, Abigail Matilda, adopted child of Benjamin Lufkin, of Deer ilsle, ch. to Matilda Abba Lui'kin, 1852. THOMAS, Amos L., of Portland, ch. surname to Osgood, 1846. THOMAS, Benjamin and others, see Bubier. THOMAS, Maranda H., ch. surname to Brown, 1852. THOMAS, Mary Suhan, see Coffin. THOMAS, Robert B., see Waterhouse. THOMAS, Thomas Wasgatt, of Eden, ch. to Eancroft Wasgatt Thomas, 1843. THOMBS, Ezia, see Brown. THOMPSON, Annie, see Dyer. THOMFSON, Benjamin, Jr., of Tops ham, son .of the late Alexander Thomp- son, ch. to Alpheus L. Tliompsun, lb2U. CHANGES in NAMES. 59 THOMPSON, Charles, see McKey. THOMPSON, William, ses Neal. THOMPSON, William John, of Free port, adopted child of Aram! Mitchell, r-h. to John Anunie Mitchell, 1S58. TKCRNE, Albert Homer, of Lewiston, ch. surname to Norris, 1880. THORN, Sarah R., of Paris, ch. surname to Cummings, 1871. THORP, Charles Pennell, of Portland, son of Stillman, ch. to Charles Lee Thcrp, 1847. THURSTON, Elisha T., of Surry, ch. to Eugene T. Thurston, 1856. THURSTON. Malvina, see Holt. TTBBKTTS, Eartha Elizabeth, of Au -usta, ch. surname to Brett, 1867. TIMM, Clara H., of Monmouth, ch. surname to Mason, 1857. T1NKHAM, Agnes, of Augusta, ch. to Catherine Woodman Tinkham, 1832. TIT COMB, Cerena, of Litchfield, ch. surname to Randall, 1843. TOEEY, Alice Gifford, of Portland, ch. to Alice Hall Davis, 1879. TOOTHAKER, Jacob, of Durham, ch. surname to Freeman, 1S35. 'TOWLE, Calvin T., and Zuriel, see Corson. TOWNSEND, Orlando, of Bradford, ch. to Orlando Jaquith Townsend, 1848. TOWNSEND, Walter, ch. surname to Tyler, 1887. TRACY, Albert, see Hadlock. TRACY, John, see Trickey. TFAFTON, Llewellyn Ambrose, see Rich. TTASK, Susan, of Hallowell, ch. surname to Fulsom, 1846. TREADWELL, Maria Elizabeth, of Waterford, ch. to Elizabeth Plummer Tieadwell, 183S. TREAT. Andrew, see Jacobs. TREFETHEREN, George, of Paler :no, ch. to George F. Nutter, 1834. TFFFETHEN, Mfrgarctta Jane, of, Bath, ch. surname to Haley, 1827. TREWORGY, Albert, Jr., ch. to Albert True, 1809. TRFWORGY. Edwin W., of Surry, ch. surname to Austin, 1870. TREWORGY. George W., of Surry, ch. surname to True, 1873. T~EWORGY, John, of Ellsworth, ch. -urnarr.e to True, 1839. TREWORGY, Reuben, of Ellsworth, wife, Harriet N., children, Alice. Ella Mana, Franklin, Charles L. and Emily Elida, ch. surname to Sherman, l?fi0. TRLEWCRTHY, Israel C, of Ellswoith, ch. to Charles Flenry True- werthv. 1848. TRICKEY, Daniel, of Bangor, ch. to Drui^l T. Johnson, 1838. TRICKEY, John, of Poland, ch. to John Tracy, 1832. CHANGES in NAMES. 60 TFICKFY, Lydia Maria, of Perry, ch. surname to Lowell, 1836. TFICKEY. Nathan H., of South Bei wick, and wife, Sarah, ch. surname to Milton, 1836. TFICKEY, Thomas, of Perry, wife and children, ch, surname to Lowell, 1836. TROWBRIDGE, Arthur, see Dodge. TROY, Stephen anrl others, see Kiggins, TRUE, Abba T. and daughter, see Staples. TFUE, Albert and others, see Tre worgy. TRUE, Charles, see Whitten. TRUE, Orus, see Fowler. TFFTE, Ebenezer, Jr.. of Pownal, ch. to Ebcn True, 1852. TRUE, Edward, see Shillings. TRUE, Ira M., see McLaughlin. TRUETT, Ruth, of Portland, ch. to Ruth Parker Jewett, 1838. TRUNDY, Henry Dyre, of Noble borough, ch. surname to Stinson, IS 4 5. TUCKER, Frederic E., of Skowhe ga