A GENEALOGICAL REGISTER DESCENDANTS OF JOHN SCRANTON GUILFORD, CONN., W II 1) 1 E I) I N T H E Y E A R 16 7 1 ( OMf'TT.ET) in Rev. ERASTUS SCR ANTON, A. M. O F I! I'K \. IM'.IOX, (.ON X HARTFORD: PRESS OF CASK, TIFFANY AM) COMPANY. 185o. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA BRIEF ACCOUNT FIRST SETTLEMENT OF GUILFORD. Tx order to refresh the memories of the descendants of John Seranton, now residing in various parts of North America, it may be needful and suitable to give a brief account of the settlers of Guilford and of their doings and hardships. Persons of intelligent and reflecting minds and of cultivated taste, take an interest in surveying events that transpired before their day. and especially those events that relate to the character and history of their forefathers. The primary and main object of the lirst settlers of New Haven Colony, (and also of all New England,) ought never to be forgotten. The New Haven Colony consisted, at first, of the three planta- tion-; of New Haven, Milford and Guilford. A. D. 1665, it was united to the Colony of Connecticut. The pious zeal and persevering efforts of our forefathers to establish civil, religious and literary institutions, and to have them transmitted to posterity, ought to awaken in our breasts devout veneration respecting them and supreme love to God. who aided and sustained them in all their various trials and privations, for year.-. Psalm xliv. 1—3. " We have heard with our ears, God, our fathers have told us, what work thou didst in their days, in 4 BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE the times of old. How thou didst drive out the heathen with thy hand, and plantedst them; how thou didst afflict the people, and east them out. For they got not the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them ; but thy right hand, and thine arm. and the light of thy countenance, because thou hadst a favor unto them." The firsl settlers of Guilford arrived at Boston dune 20, 1637. and from thence came to Xew Haven, in company with Mr. Davenport and Mr. Prudden and their congregations, and re- mained there and elsewhere, some time, seeking a place of settling themselves. Y\ hilst these three companies were in Massachusetts, they were urged to settle within its limits, with encouraging prospects, &c but as they had designed. Providence permitting, to form a dis- tinct colony where they could establish a government both civil and religion-, in accordance with their peculiar view-, and have none to control them, they declined the oiler. Having information from some, who had returned from an expedition against the Pequots, that there were fertile tracts of land on the sea-shore, along west of Connecticut river, and which were easy of cultivation, and some commodious harbors, they had a mind to remove and to settle in that region. Satisfied that Quinnipiack was an inviting place for a plantation. the three companies came there the next summer. Mr. Davenport. Mr. Eaton and their adherents, located in New Haven. A. 1). 1038 — (Quinnipiack.) Mr. Prudden and hi- company, the: next spring, settled in Mil- ford. 1G30, which the Indian- called Wapawauge. Mr. Whitfield and his company, settled in the autumn of 1C39. in Guilford, called by the Indian-, Mennnhutuc. In the course' of the summer. (1(139.) some of Mr. Whitfield's congregation weie employed in seeking a suitable place and good land tor settlement. They found a large tract of land, flut, moist and rich, which the Indian- had occupied for a long course of years, and which was readv for immediate cultivation, and for 7'ai-iiu_ r needful crop- lor their subsistence. This i- the laud in the Great Plain. South of the town plot. adjoining which i- a larire tract uf valuable -alt meadow. FIRST SETTLEMENT OF GUILFORD. I) Another similar tract is in the eastern section of the town, called Ilammonasset Fields, now in the town of Madison. Ad- joining this is also a large tract of valuable salt meadow. A title to these tracts and the adjacent upland lands and meadows, must needs be purchased of the Indians, the rightful proprietors. Accordingly, Rev. Henry Whitfield, Messrs. Robert Kitchel, William Leete and John Caffinge, bought, in behalf of the com- pany of pilgrims, all the land of a sachem squaw, Shaumpishuh and her subjects, bounded South by the sea, West and North by rather indefinite limits, and East by the East River, which is now the West boundary, in part, of Madison. This purchase was made the 10th of September, 1639, and the planters moved on to it the next month, October 10th, as nearly as can be ascertained. We see they had only a short time, before winter, to erect needful tenements. This sachem squaw and her subjects agreed at the time of the sale to move off the territory they had sold, and most of them did so, without much delay, probably to East Haven. Besides, they promised not to disturb, or to injure or terrify the English people in any of their interests or business. [Town Records, p. 52, and for West Bounds, p. 152.] The interpreter to the above purchase was probably Tho. Stanton, who interpreted for the purchasers of New Haven and Milford plantations. Other tracts of land were subsequently bought of the Indians, viz., one of Uneas. a Mohegan sachem. This tract is that part of Madison, which is situated between East River and Tuxis Pond, (Tuxisshoag,) which pond is about one-fourth of a mile east of the Congregational church in that place. Another large and valuable tract, (that which is situated be- tween Tuxis Pond and Ilammonasset River, which is the east- ern boundary of Madison,) was a gift to the town by Mr. Geo- Fenwick, of Saybrook, on condition they would accommodate his esteemed friend. Rev. H. Whitfield, witli land near or in the town-plot, to his satisfaction. It appears they did accommodate him. How soon after this gift, a settlement began in Ilammon- asset quarter, is not known, but within about thirty years. BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE Mr. Whitfield had expended a large property in the service of the church and planters whom he loved. The planters gave the name of the plantation. Guildford, after the name of the town in Surry, England, from which many of them emigrated. To this place they were endeared and bound by a thousand recollections. It is noted for its rich, productive and highly cultivated fields, (about thirty miles south-west of London. ) The number of adult males who first located on the land first bought of the natives, cannot be ascertained, as no record book can be found prior to A. D. H>4o. Re-port says it was burnt. The next year, or soon after the loss of the record, 1G4G, a list of the names of the planters was collected because of said loss by fire, and is entered in the second book, and contains forty-seven names. In lGf>0, the number was forty-nine: only two more than four years before: and the list, eleven years after the first settlement, contains only forty-six. Xor does it contain the name of Caffinge. who was one of four purchasers. Report says he died prior to 1 I'ioII. without issue. The names are. Rev. Henry Whitfield Mr. Sam Disborough Rev. .John I Lgginson Mr. Win Leete. Robert Kitchell tie,, Hubbard Wm Chittenden Tho Jordan .John Iloadley Tho. .lone Wm Dudley Tho. Cook I lenry Kingsnoth John Stun, Will Hall Richard Hue \\ in. Sunn I'., ill. W fiidit John Johnson Sam Blatchley Stephen Bishop \\ in Boreman ( !eo. 1 Iighland John Rarmelin Sen Tho. Betls Richard ( Juttridge Richard Bristol John j'arinelin Jim Jasper Stiliw ill ( leo Bartlett John Scranton John Fowler Edward Ronton Ahni Cruttenden John Evart- John Bishop Sen KIRST SETTLEMENT or GUILFORD. < Francis; Bushnell John Sheder Henry Doud Tho Frencli Geo Chatfield Thorn. Stephens, or Stevens .John Stephens Edward •John Bishop Jun Abm Cruttenden Jun The foregoing list contains names of men. who no doubt came from other settlements after 1639, viz., Fowler and Hubbard from Milford; Boreman, Benton and Betts, from Wethersfield. In 1656, the number capable of bearing arms was sixty-eight; and in 1672. one hundred and one gave in lists of taxable prop- erty. [Guilford Records, x.. pp. 1G. 4!> and 96.] The first planters were possessed of considerable property. Some of them were wealthy. The wealthiest of them was their minister, Rev. II. Whitfield, lie laid out and spent the most of his property for the benefit of the plantation, and may be consid- ered as the father of the plantation. A large stone house was built mostly at his expense, on land allotted to him. It is probably the oldest house in New Eng- land. Let it never be taken down. Its site is about half a mile south of the town plot, and about a quarter of a mile north of tin.' railroad depot, in a conspicuous place, and afford- a full view of Long Island Sound for many miles. The .-tones of which it is constructed were brought thither on hand or on wheel-barrows, the distance of half a mile, from an adjacent ledge. This was a laborious and rather a slow work : because, at that time, (1640.) the people were lacking ox team- to do this work. as also to aid them in their farming business and in erecting tenements for themselves. During the first winter and for two or more years after they had settled in Guilford, they had not a comfortable house for one family in five of their number. Think of a community of fort}' or more families, lacking, if not entirely destitute of ox team- to do their farming business, and of cows to furnish them with milk, for three or more year.-, and sur- rounded by Indian- who might become hostile to them, and burn their dwellings and -lav their little one- ! "Who can doubt their I5RIEF ACCOUXT OF TUT. privations iiml hardships wen: 1 both various and great ! How much tr$s arc the privations and hardships of our missionaries, at the west among the Indians, and in A-ia and the Pacific isles! It' any portion ot' people on earth are bound to acknowledge the kind and merciful hand of God to them and to their fathers, it is the people of Connecticut and Xew England. This obligation of gratitude to God i- enhanced from the fact that we arc the de- scendant- of those [dons pilgrims, who subjected themselves to all the danger:- of the ocean, and the privations incident to beginning a rr.-idence in a howling wilderness, to procure a peaceful re.-i- di nee I'm' their posterity, and to secure liberty of conscience and other right?, which were denied them at home. If the Guilford planter.- underwent less than most other planta- tion- in Connecticut, (which i- probably the case.) vet their pri- vations and hard-hip- were many and complicated : and if they were men of robust constitutions and of energy and vigor peculiar to the Anglo-Saxon race, as we believe, they deserve the com- mendation of u- their descendants. Tin v descended from a class of people who had their rise in Kngland in the reign of the persecuting Queen Mary. A. 1). 1555, whose meetings for prayer without a liturgy, were broken up, and -onie of them were burnt to death. Because of their zeal to avoid whatever their consciences. enlightened by the word of God. deemed unwarranted by his word and to produce greater purity in religious worship and in Christian discipline, than generally prevailed in the land they left, they were stigmatized as Puritans. An honorable name this! They professed to be true Christians, and judging from the tenor o'' their acts and live.-, we are (dearly warranted in the [)i li f. that thev were- what they professed to be. Their live? in Kngland were exposed to hatred and persecution (rem the < -::ddi-'n -d church and from men in office and power. All ihi-. '!.■"■' bon with Christian temper, not rendering evil ,-,',/■ >>■;/. Nor did thev rail to adhere, lirmly to their principle? ,,* faith, and to cxemplifv in their live-, the self-denial of the ( i . : i - ' ( .... thev were acting for the good of po.-terity, more than for tin ir individual benefit, thev hesitated not to leave their FIRST SETTLEMENT OF GUILFORD. !) pleasant homes for this land, but not without much consideration and prayerfulness. A strong purpose to walk with God and one another, in the enjoyment of divine ordinances and to guard their children against the corrupting customs and pernicious examples in En- gland, prompted them to embark for these shores, leaving behind them their pleasant homes and seats, their cultivated and produc- tive farms, and their profitable business. The public documents, and the records of the acts, by-laws, and institutions of the adult settlers of Guilford, evince that they were intelligent and public spirited persons — moreover, it is mani- fest that they were, with scarcely an exception, lovers of the truth and of good order in society, and were also eminent for prayer to God for the salvation of themselves and their fellow-men. pre- ferring '■'the kingdom of Christ above their chief joy." It is stated already that a number ot planters located them- selves in Ilammonasset quarter where was a large tract of excel, lent land ready for cultivation, and the Town Record states, that prior to 1<>72, John Scranton, Xoah Bradley, James Hill, Luke Hill, T. J land, E. Thompson, Seward and William Leete. (probably Jim.,) and John Meigs were residing in Ilammonasset. Report says, that women were accustomed to walk from this place, to Guilford (town plot) a distance of ^o.xcn and a half miles, to attend public worship on the Lord's day, and returned the same day ; afterward the families here may have attended religious worship in Killingworth, until the Gospel was firr-t preached in East Guilford, A. T). 1705- G. Prior to lOlWi. there was no bridge over Ilammonasset River where the public road now is. but one at Hayden's Quarter. From 1645 to 1658, Indians in Xew England were more or less troublesome to the people, and annoyed them in their farming business, and kept them constantly on their watch to their great weariness. Hence our ancestors had to go to their daily labors in their fields, with their tire arms by them. \n the meantime, their families were in houses fortified with palisadoes. Such precautionary measures were needful and taken for security, lest women and children should be killed or carried off captive.-, luit it i- a matte]' of gratitude to God, that judging from the records of the town, the Guilford Indian- who remained in the in I'.KIKI- ACCOUNT OF THE town, wore less troublesome and hostile, and did the people less mischief than was 'lone in other places and plantations. The foundation of the civil and religious polity, (constitution of government) of New Haven Colonv. was laid in a solemn manner, in Mr. Robert Newman's barn in New Haven. June 1, lt'o'.i. The three companies- were present. As Mr. John Scranton was a free burgess, it is more than probable, he was pre.-cnt and acted at the time of that agreement. One article of this fundamental agreement was. that church members and thev only. -! onld be free burgesses and have power or right to vote for and to elect from among themselves, magis- trates, deputies and other nece.-sarv officers who shall have the ole right and power of transacting all public and civil affairs of eaeli plantation. The church o! Ouilford wa> gathered or reorganized as before intimated. August 22. lbdS) at New Ilaveu. at the -ana- time the churches of New Haven and Milford were. \ K. L. p. oO.J lint there appears to have been, about four years after the plant- ation wa- begun, a sort of gathering of the church, or a formal renewing of covenant. The form of proceeding to gather a church was iir-i to -elect by vote, twelve principal church members, out of which seven were chosen. called the -even pillars, and thev solemnly covenanted with each other to be the church of the plantation. To this numb '.all other- were added or joined themselves : whatever of .fathering the took place il was only matter of form ari-ing ; in place and local distan '•■• on their emigration lither. T •e-s ami : v< i\\ :ct ot tin- church hi idv. wa- ul ot tin ir own personal pietv. and the increase ol i io.-pi ! faith ai d for the giorv of < iod. \ choi i of town oilicers was aunualiv made, for the well uTairs. in the following manner: the burge.-- ■ lei'tor. nut :: ma t'k to the name ot' the man he would havi Mr. Saw :■ ! hi -bo rough i- the 111'- 1 magistrate elected. Mr. V. i f • , vd t(J ring-land in i'Nl. and di< <1 then-. V\ le-ii la i . li lit- -on-in-law. Mr. .bum Iliggin.-on. to t r or -piritttal ieacln r. c i- i,o r.-crd „r irji litir.n tiial Ibv. U. Whitfield wa- FIRST SETTLEMENT OF GUTEFORD. 11 installed over the church here, or reordained, ho having been episeopally ordained in England. Tie exercised his ministerial rights in the same manner, and by the same authority he had done in England. Neither he nor his church ever formally separated from the Episcopal church, or were separatists, lie was a good scholar, an able divine and an excellent preacher of the Gospel. The labors and self-denial of the first settlers of Guilford, may well remind their descendants now living, of their obligations to imitate them in piety and zeal, and to strive to benefit their fami- lies in spiritual rather than in secular matters. Let every descendant of John Scranton, in whatever part of our country he may reside, dread sin ; value the blessings of tin; Gospel; remember the Sabbath, to keep it. and frequent the sanctuary; to study the word of God — and to pray daily to God for pardon and eternal life. The first settlers of Guilford were in general, pious, intelligent and industrious men, and most of them were farmers. The humane treatment that the few Indians remaining in the place received from tin; planters, saved the latter from much trouble and annoyance experienced by other new plantations. The Compiler of this family Register has intended to render it an interesting offering to the living, and to remind them of the obligation they are under, as the descendants of the first settlers of Xew Haven Colony, anil of our country, to cherish the virtues and intrepid, enterprizing spirit el' our Pilgrim ancestors, and to exert themselves to maintain the cause of freedom, of learning and of religion, which they have transmitted to us. The Register may lie found to contain some errors, which it was not easy to avoid, considering the difficulty of obtaining correct information from the various sources from which it has been gathered. Nof a tew who have answered tin; many letters of inquiry sent them, may have lacked accuracy in their state- ments, and some had scarcely any records of their ancestors. Some families have only defective records of their own chil- dren, and no record of their parents and grandparents. The law of Connecticut lately enacted is like'}' to remedy this defect in future. Where dates are wantimr.no further information could be 12 P.RIEF ACCOUNT OF THK FIRST SETTLEMENT OF OF I I.FORD. obtained, though no pains have been spared to procure full infor- mation and entire correctness. The Register will show very nearly how many have become head- of families, and the number in each family. The men who have been distinguished as military and civil and public officers, is nut large : but quite a number served in the revolutionary conflict, and in one case, two brothers served in it. and both received pension- : three other Seranton's received pen- sions. John Seranton. the first settler of the name, was a farmer, and his male descendant- have been, to a great extent, farmers, and have deemed the cultivation of the soil, for support, honorable business, as indeed it is. For aught that appear.-, they have been in general, useful, industrious and respectable citizens of those town- and counties and states, in which they have resided. In preparing the Genealogical Register, the Compiler has received much aid from Dr. Ah in Talcott, of Guilford: for which he would acknowledge his obligation to him. The Compiler of the Register hopes each person to whom a copy of it i- sent, will have the generosity to remit to him by mail (post paid., one dollar toward- remunerating him for labor and expense incurred in compiling the book. I. Where the State of one"- residence is not specified, the State of Connecticut i- always to be understood. LI. In the Register the letter h. i- used for the time of one's birth — d. for death — dr. for daughter — a. for age — m. for mar- riage — nut. for 2d or remarriag — .*. for unmarried or single life. III. Figures between brackets, e. g. | ) denote the No. where the children or family of the preceding parent- may be found record, d. IV. The la-t syllable of the name Seranton is. in town records. in -everal instance- written t<,m and tun,, but in the records ui the (iciieral Court, and when John Seranton was the delegate to - lid (leneral A--emblv in |t)r,!i and 1 f',7u. it \< uniformh written Out. I Se,- ( DESCENDANTS JOHN SCR ANTON FIRST GENERATION. JOHN SCRAXTOX, with the number of about twenty-five heads of families, made a settlement in Guilford on or about the 10th of October, 1039. They came from Guilford, and from the counties of Kent and Surry, in England. The year of John Scranton's birth is not known. It is proba- ble he was not over twenty-nine or thirty at the time of emigra- tion, and lived alter his arrival about thirty-one or thirty-two year-, and died 27th of August, 1G71, aged about sixty or sixty- one, and about two years before his son John was married. [Town Records, p. 08.] lie was twice married. First, to Joanna, (probably in England.) The name of her parents is not ascertained. She died July 22, 1601, about ten years before her husband. Married second time to Ada. or Adaline Hill, who was the widow of Robert, and had been the widow of Robert Johnson. May 22, 1000. She died April, 1085. Mr. R. Johnson died 1GG1. Mr. R. Hill, to whom she was remarried January 7. 10G2, died August ?>, 1G03. Mr. Scranton was a member of General Court in 1669 and 107U. rhUdr-,t. 1 - -J . >tiii, .Jan.. b. as eurh us i ii-1 1 , and d. September 2. 17u3, a. 02. 2 ^Thomas, I), about 1043. 3 'Sarah, b. Ma\ 10,104:.: m John Uuslmell. II DES C E X T) A X T S O V If they had more than three children, they died young, bef'on they came to this country. SECOND ( ; I". X I ". R A T I O X . 1. Cart. Joiix Scraxtox, Jitk., is the first of the name born in Guilford. lie located in East Guilford, now Madison. -within the limits of Hammonasset School District, and in the East Street, about half a mile west of said river. The year he settled there can not be ascertained ; but he and several other families were residing there in IG72. He was twice married. 1st. To .Mary Seward, March 12, 1G73-4, daughter of William. She was born February 28, 1G52. [Town Records, p. 77.] 2d. To Widow Elizabeth Clark, December 10. IG91, daughter of John Bishop, and died August, 1727. Farmer. lie died 1703.. aged (12. ( hildren. •t 'John, lid, b. in Hammonasset district, about 1(370; d. March 21, 1723. '• *Mary, b. about 1G7SJ; m, Joseph Stone, July i), 1699, who d, February 2, 174.'J. They had eight children. G "Mercy, b. about 1680; in. Sm. Cole or Oowles, of Chesliire, f)e eember 27, 1717. 7 -Mahitabel, b. about 1682 ! of first wife. Note. The planters of Guilford passed a by-law soon after the plantation was commenced, that each householder should annually clear up, at least halt an acre of land. This was a slow and laborious process, as they stubbed and duj; up the trees by the roots. This process was injurious to the soil. Mr Scrantuii was the first planter who ventured to try a different metho'd of clear ing up the ground, which was deemed rash and useless. He went cm; north- erly two or three miles, and alter clearing away the small undergrowth, he girdled the trees ni' about three-fourths of an acre, and sowed it with wheal incurring the ridicule of main. At the time of harvest, he reaped about twenty bushels of choice wheat. Hence all admitted his process was both wise and judicious, and adopted it, and accounted him idso courageous. So report sa\ s. The inwntory of his e.-tate is recorded in the Xew Haven Probate Llecords ; vol. iii., pp. :'.U-t-.'J()6, October 27, 1671 : amount of it, £410, l.'ls. No ii.. 1 l're\ inns (1662) to the union of New Haven and ( ' etieui (.'ol onie- into one colony, I 1667), J several n\ the Guilford planters hail plared them-cUe- uui.ler the eovcrnment and protection of Gonneeticul colony, which facilitated the union J O H X S C K ANTON. 15 8 *Elizabcth, I). November 4, 1692, probably of second -wife, and \va- ni. to William Rowlson, December 27, 1717. 9 *Anne, b. December 27, I 093 : m. Ebenezer Munger. 10 *Ebenezcr, b. March 16, 1696. 11 * Deborah, h. December ."5, 1697: in. Abel Chittenden, July 5, 1721. In his will he gave to each of his six daughters, besides personal property, from twenty-seven to thirty-two acres of land, except to Mary, (Mrs. Stone.) who. he says, had already received her share of land in Ilammonasset, third division. His widow, Elizabeth, as executrix, testified in probate court to the inventory, Nov. 9, 1703. The amount of it was £260, IBs. John, 3d, admitted in probate court that he had received ten acres of land, with the buildings thereon in Ilammonasset. at £40, and fifteen acres in Ilammonasset fields, at £31, and five and a half acres of meadow, at £9 ; also, twenty-five and three-quarter acre.-, at £25, and another lot at £4, 13s.. in all, £109, 13s. This, he says, lie had received of his father's estate, toward his -hare of it. in his life-time. Thomas Sckanton. son of John, the first settler. Farmer. lie married Deborah Thompson, widow of Ebenezer. and daugh- ter of "William Dudley. She died October, 1681. Remarried Elizabeth Goodrich (or Griswold.) He lived where his father resided. Children. 12 -''Samuel, d. March IS. 1750. ]."> -'Hannah. She was ni. to Joseph lb-arts, April 21. 171.". Note. John, Jan., was nominated in 1669, to lie made a burgess or free- man of Guilford, and at the next General Court he was privileged to take the freeman's oath : therefore he was, prior to this time, a member of the church- Thirty-three other- took the like oath at same time. Hi- brother Thomas was nominated October 23, 1676, to be a freeman, and at the next General Court, a vote was pa.-.-ed to admit him to take the oath. | Colony Records. ] Note. Thomas wrote or made his will, March 10, 1710. It was exhibited ju probate court, November 30, 1711, and December 1, 1711. The witnes-e,- to the will were Samuel E.varts and John Collins. He appo inted his son Sam- uel, executor. The amount of his estate is C132, Ss. Sd. Note. The compiler iinds a record of a Thomas Seranton, who died November 10, 1711. leaving a widow, Elizabeth, (as above.) and two son-, Thomas and John, and a daughter, Hannah ; and al-o two sons-in-law, John bee, who married Elizabeth Seranton. and John Evan-, who m. Sarah Scran- Hi I » 1: S C E X I) A X T ? O V Sarah Scraxtox, only daughter of John, wa.- married to John Bushnell, of Saybrook, .-on of one of the first settlers of that plantation. Mav 15. IM~>. He was a millwright. -.Inlin Bu-hm !1. h. March 5. lfiri.Vfi, in Saybrook. ■Sarah Ru-lniell. h. September 17. lfifiS, in 'Saybrook. •Hannah Busline!!, li. November in. lf>7H, in Savbrook. *Marv Bushnell. I.. Fehruarv 2(1, 1072. in Savbrook. 'Elizabeth B-u-hne]l. I.. December 2:i. 1074. in Saybrook. Tin' father of John Bushnell. the husband of Sarah S.. was Deacon Francis, born in England. lo'J'.b and died December 4. I6sl. It appears that Francis was a deacon of the church in Saybrook. and built the first l" tin planter, if they removed out of the colony, (or -rate.) to Rhode [-land or Ma--ael,u-ctt<, am! had i>-ue. then \vc can account for Scrantons, win Nos. 22.") to 24!. and No-, 242 to 247. See No. S2. No rn. The compiler iind- a record of a Dcnni< and Sarah Scranton, who had a -on named Thoma>, ] ■ ni Nov, I .">, I ft 72. Also a Dennis Scranti 1 . lilford. 'Ala' died .Ian nary 31 . I6s9. lea via;/- a widow named Elizabeth : but no child i- metnioiied. Ar hi- death he was in po--es-ion ot' seventy-two aen - o| Ian 1, ic., and ot laryi | ■, ipern . A Nathaniel Scranton, thirteen year- after tic death of Deuni-, admi-trated on hi- e-tate, the linal -ettlement of which war- mad'' November 0. 17".') til ■ _ to - i::-. s.-. The -inn of 'J27 v . I *».<. had hci : | n - ii a.-l\ ili-tril and. [New Haven Probate Record-, vol. ii.. p. 5H.| 'Idc pi'"' 'ate record- of Hartford, mention a Nathaniel Scranton. ,.i Wi.th- I Man-!, 1:5. IW-r*. He mad" hi- will February I'.., |tVj2-3. I'',i<_dit day- alter his death, it wa- exhibited in .-aid court, i. c. Mai'eh 21. |f.t»2 3. II '■.'•'■' : - ■ ' . ■ ever had an; : "i m atin d all hi- ] "| erty to Ids i tri '!id- in Wether-tield.. >■;-... \\ ' id '1 homa- I-'itel . Vol. \ .. 2J7 and p. ,Vt.| \ i. ,-: 22. IC!i2. h :_' ' ' : _' ' - ■ : . ■': ii \V tin '-ti ! . I R.. ■• W. 11- ■ Hartford town li:,-. [Town Record-, p. M:.2.i No-ri., TIa :•'■ i- - " iva-..ii to ,,,-„, P,.!,. that the above Denni- and Na- irn, i > ' i :. \: \< '.'..::: : ' :.-. J < » II N S C R A N T O X . 17 THIRD GENERATION. !. Capt. John Scranton, 13d, son of John, Jun. He was loca- ted in East Guilford, now Madison. His residence was about one-fourth of a mile east of Tuxis Pond. [See Letter on Rec- ord, and Dr. Elliott's Sermon, p. 29.] He was thrice married. 1st, to Mary Norton, Dec 1'2, L699* 2d. to Mary or Sarah Evarts, daughter of John. She died Octo- ber 8, 1749. 3d. Mary Bushnell, of Saybrook. daughter of Dea. Francis, whose son's wife was Sarah Scranton. His will is dated January 1, 1749—50 ; and his son Josiah hav- ing died, he made a codicil, January 4, 175 1 ; brought into pro- bate court April 4, 1758. He died March 21, 1758. Childmu 13i • .Marv, I). July G, 1701 : in. Benj. Bushnell, of Saybrook. It "John, I). April 14, 1703; drowned in Hammonassett River, just before sunset, after mowing sail grass during the da} about 1740, a. 37. His father saw him drowning, but was unable to rescue him. l :> s Josiah, I). July 10, 1705; d. several years before his father, Sept. S, 1751, a. 46. 1 6 ■ Sarah, b. November 25, 1707. 17 *Submit, b. June is, 1712. is *Noah, 1). Jan. 2D, 1714-15 : d. December 4, 1760, a. 46. 19 2: in. Jabtv. Benton. Joseph Stone, b. March 12, 1704. Thankful Stone, in. Joseph llotehkbs. Jedediab Stone, b, December 12, l7o- 18 [) F. S C E X D A N T S O V John Stone. h. August IS, 1710. Benjamin Stone, h. January 31, 1714. Mindwell Stone, l>. September 22, 1720; m. Jasper Griffinf Maiiitabel Scraxtox, daughter of John, Jun. ; we find no record of her being married, but there is one of her selling land to Capt. John Scranton. [P. 108, T. R.] 9. Axxe Scraxtox, married Ebenezer Munger, May 29, 1717. Children. * Ebenezer Munger, 1>. September 2, 1718. •Caleb Plunger, ' b. September 24, 1722. Reuben Munger, ) b Man . h ; Simeon Munger, \ IS, 1725. 10. Ef. i . x i : /. eh Scraxtox, .-on of John, Jan., settled in North Guilford, and his descendants are there, and in North Madison, (formerly North Bristol) and in Durham. He died October 6, 1774, aged 7. February 17, 1747 ; d. .January 2. 175.'), a. 8. 15 *Pieiv, Ii. Deceinher 3, 174s ; dnnvned September 30, 1751. 40 -Jill., ' Ii. Kchruarv 28, 1750 : (lot.) 47 * Hannah, h. ( tctober' 27, 1752. 48 * Luis, Ii. June 14. 1754. I'.i ■•■ i Hive, h. January 22, 1757. 50 ^Benjamin. I>. 1 751) ; d. in Sunderland, Vermont, s. Cai'T. Ichahod Scraxtox. of Madison, son of John. Farmer. His residence was about half a mile east of the church, in . aged 43, and was buried in the night on Clabbord Hill. privately, lie was ;i man of patriotism, enterprise and also strong and brave, and his death deemed a public loss. The place of his grave can not be ascertained. Several soldiers of his com- pany died during the campaign at the North. lie inarrricd Chloe Fowler, second daughter of Abraham, Esq., of Guilford. She was born March 3. 1723. (). S.. and died sud- denlv in usual health. December 3, 1701. aged (50. Sin? regarded Mr. Whitfield's preaching as the means of her conversion to ( hvist. 5i • t hi...'. :-. ,;. Miu 2t;, i;ss. 52 • Kli/.al,etli, I.. d. in Ber-ell, X. Y. 53 • Tln-nphilii , h. December I. 1751 : d. [-'ehruan l(i, 1827, (105.) ,i 1 ' Abraham. Ii. September 111, I 754 ; d. (1 10. | 55 [rlmUid. I>. December 10, 177)7: d. Ma\ 24. 1792, -.. a. 34. He wa> an nllieer nl' distinction in the Troop oi Null. A leu e\miI. 8, |i 325. I 1 ,..;\i:..; |.. i 1 . j .. i i, |rd I null, Ills. ; Bill' I'.l'l ladelul II I i I. '.'i '■ . : l ,1111. :;n : I'o.-I. i i i mnc.i ■ JOHN SCRANTON. 21 20. IIaxnah Scraxtox. daughter of John third, was married to Nathaniel Allis, of Madison. November 20. 17:39. She died January 10, 1783, aged 65. He died April 10, 1804. aged 87. Child. Nathaniel Alii-, Jan., I>. February 27, 1742 ; m. Hannah Norton, dr. of Reuben, October 2, 176G; she d. March 12, 1785, a. 39. Children. Rachel, b. July f>, 1767. Hannah, b. September 4, 1770. Chloe, b. February 9, 1773. Sarali, I). March ' 24, 177s. Rebecca, b. June 15, 1780. Pierce, I). November 3, 1783, drowned in Long Island Sound. 21. Axx Scraxtox, daughter of John third, was married to John Bushnell, brother of Benjamin. (Mary's husband) of Saybrook ; Gs. ; Six silver spoons, 54s.; Wheat, 4s. f>d. bushel; Indian corn, 2s. Gd. bushel : three pair oxen : one pair CI 7, another pair, .£14, 5s., third pair, .£12 ; G cows, £5, each ; Bull, U : 20 Sheep, 8s. each ; Dwelling house, .£70; Old house and bam, £25; Home lot, 40 acres, £7, acre: 9 acres Evans lot, 40s. acre : High hill lot, 54 acres, £3, 10s. ; 2 acres in planting field, .£24 ; Ham- inonasset long meadow, 12.1 acres, £f>, 10s. per acre ; Flax, G pence a pound ; cider, Ss. per barrel, &c, many other articles are omitted, &c. Amount of Estate, £1,096, 13s., a large estate lor that day. Note. Chloe Fowler, wife of Capt. Miabod Scranton, had live sisters and two brothers. 1 Mabel Fowler, who in. Dea. Benjamin Hart, of Madison, November 17. 175o; d. September 13, 1814, a. 87. 2 Rachel Fowler, in. Josiah Linsley, of Northford, February 4, 1757. .'! Anna Fowler, in. Jonathan Fowler, of Northford; a brother, Col. Noah, who had a large family, and Abraham. h w:h formerlv customary when a family moved to reside in a new house, to make an entertainment, called a house warming. Mrs. Chloe Scranton, relict of Capt. lehabod, whim she and her son Ichabod moved into tie house he had erected for them, -he wished to substitute therefor, religious exercises, and to invite Rev. A. Mansfield to preach on the occasion, &c. He selected for his discourse, the appropriate text, Joshua, 24: " As fir nu and toy Iwusr, m will s,-rn I hi: h.rd." N'ori;. Sarah Chittenden, daughter of Capt. David 3d, of North Guilford. married Aimer Benton, August 2S, IS37, son of Lot. She was born Febru- ary 1, ISIS. The\ removed to Mendon, Illinois, 2 children. Sarah Jane, b. Juh 17. IS3S Ruth Frances, h February It',, 1841 . 22 1) E S C E N D A NTS O F see Xo. 13J, about 1740. No account of their issue or death is found. Rebecca Scrantox, daughter of John third, was twice mar- ried. 1st to David Hoyt, of Madison, who died not long after marriage. 2d time to John Hill, of .Madison. She died May 5. 1798. aged 70. He died July 2:5, 17SG. Children by J. Hill. ♦John Hill, Jan., 1). Julv 1.3, 1758 : d. December 1, 1830, a tailor, •lehahod Hill. b. December 19, 1760. -Abm. Hill, !i. May 26, 17G3. 'Rebecca Hill, l>. she was m. to Sam. Aekcrly, June l.'i, 1780. Kbexezer Scraxtox. son of Ebene/er. emigrated as appears, to the eastern part of Connecticut or to Rhode Island, where he married about 1750, and had children, George, born 1751, see No. 82, Elnathan, bom about 175J, Stafford, born 1755. and Sam- uel born about 1 757. Ann Scraxtox, daughter of Kbenezer. married to John Dobell or Dibble, of Boston, about 1751. They had a son in Bos- ton, and also a daughter Abigail, whom their grandfather mentions in his last will. Son might be then IS or 19 years old. 20. Jared Scraxtox, of North Guilford, son of Ebenezer. (10) died November 12. 1S3G. Farmer. Married Lueretia Russell, January 1. 1700. daughter . died June 14. 1&13. fluid,, u. :,i, 'J, Am Ru-sell b. J.ilv 14. 1709 : d. December 21, 1820, a. 53. -,-, ••Jure.l. b. May 10. 1771 : il. .March 15. 1851, a. 81. > * I-'.i.i ihvit. b. Srjitember li, 177'): vva> drowned in Quannapaiiy I'uiid. ii. North (iuilford, Mav 21. 1794. a. 21. Ki.i/a I'.i.rii Scraxtox. daughter of Samuel, of Guilford, was marri.-d to FJi].lialel Hall. January 1. 17:15. She died April 15 1742. lb- il'n .1 March 10. 17*2. JOHN 5CKAXT O N . 23 Children. *Eliphalet Hall, b. September 29, 1737 ; d. November 22, 1739, a. 2. ^Elizabeth Hall, b. December 23, 1789; d. March 2, 1740, a. \. 28. Thomas Scraxtox, of Guilford, son of Samuel. Farmer. Married Mary Parmalee, daughter of Abraham. December 28, 1736. She was born July 27, 1718. Children. 59 *Thomas, 3d, h. December 7, 1737 ; d. single. 60 *Nathan, b. September 15, 1739; d. in West Sprinpfield, Mass. Hanxah Scraxtox, daughter of Samuel, married Eleazer Evarts, August 29, 1710, son of Samuel. lie died December 28, 1«04. She died August 11, 1791. Children. Hannah Evarts, b. January 20, 1741; in. Caleb Dudley, in 1764. Elizabeth Evarts, b. January 20, 1743; d. s. October 3L 1813. Abraham Evarts, b. March 30, 1745. Eleazer Evarts, b. May 5, 1748. Mary Evarts, b. September 4, 1750; m. Amos Dudley, 1771. Anna Evarts. b. November 4, 1753; m. Seth Stone, 1787. Huldah Evarts, b. October 3, 1757; m. Samuel Bristol, 1776. 30. Samuel Scraxtox, of Guilford, son of Samuel. Farmer. Married Mary Fitch, March 5, 1747. She died May 22, 1798, aged 78. Children. January 17, 1748 ; -1. May 27, 1772, s. a. 24. March V, 1750. (144) November 1 7, 1 752. February 11, 1760. November 25, 1762. b. October 7, 1766 ; d. October 2, 1767. Timothy Scraxtox. of North Madison, (.afterwards of ,) (-on of Samuel. Farmer. lie married Abigail Torrey, of Boston .Mass.. November 23. 1748. and died December 10, 1778. They had two sons who served in the Revolution. Remarried widow Anna Fields, December 15, 1779, and mar- ried third time, Comfort Richmond. Nov. 15. 1797; died 1834. 61 -Lucy, b 62 *Sam, b 63 *Mary, b 64 *Thomas, 1 65 '•-Anna, b 66 *Fitch, 1 24 I) K S C I. N D A X T S OF Child,;,,. 07 •Timothy, 1>. October 0, 1749: drowned June 11, 1752, a. 3. OS 'Sarah, li. January 20, 1751. 01) '-Timothy, h. November s, 17.').!: il. Sept. 23, 177)6, a. 4. 70 •TnmT,' I). April 0, 1750; .1. Doc. 17, 1840, aged 84. 71 ' T'.li/abcth, 1). Nov. 0, 1757; m. Jainl Hcetc, January 4, 1780, and had seven children. 72 ^Abigail, I>. .June 17, 17511. 7:t 'Timothy, I.. April 1. 17(11 ; d. February II, 1S48, a. 87. 71 "Catharine, li. February 20, 17('>.'(; in. Curtis Murray ; four children. 75 * Simeon, b. 1705. 70 v Fmorv, liap. May •"•, I 707. 77 Uoseph, 1). October 8* 1701). 7K •Alexander, 1>. Deceinher 10, 1772: d. 1832, a. 00; one account say.-, I 852, a. SO. and one tint named. Abraham Sokaxtox, ol' Durham, sou of Samuel, Jun. He was the first of the name ilial settled in Durliam. Married Beu- lali Seward, of Durham, daughter of Joseph, .Jun., and died about 17515, Remarried Klennor, about L7(>0. She died April 26,1797. Children. 711 - Al. 'in. .Inn., h. December.'!, 1741); d. .January 28, 1830, aged 81. 80 *David, li. October 27, 1751 : (2()0) d. March 5,1838. *Knos, li, 1753-4; d. a. ten inonflis. si ' lehabod, Ii. August 31, 1702, !>v second wile, and was a minor at the time of his father'.- death. I>\ his father's will, dated August 18, 1772, his half-brother, Ali'm, was constituted his guardian during his minority. The litial settlement of his estate, as by will, was com- pleted .lulv ;!, 1780, i.e., lehabod being then 18. j.Middletown Probate Records. | :53. Sarah Scuantox, daughter of Samuel, married to Deacon Thomas Stone, of Madison. June 17. 17-17; son of Nathaniel, of same place, lie was born March 11, 1720. Child,;,,. •Sarah Stone, b. June 4, 1748; d. .-. January 30, 1772. ■ Kli/al'cth Stone, b. .January 7, 1750, Dec 27, 1741). O. S,: m. John Shelley. 'Hannah Stone, b. ( )ctober'[(i, 1754; m. Flisha liassett. 4 Lucy Stone, b. .March <), 1757 ; in, Almi Scran ton, of Madison, November 20. 1 780. N'ori:. Timothy ]ictitioned the (ieneral Assembly, at a special session al ' I, i" l: i.t 1 1 1 him pa\ for nursing his son Ti mot liy, during his sick in — on furlough, and for providing for him in tinn of said sickness : and the A-scm- bl\ granted him -aid petition. His hi< i. Orrin, '). in Granville, Washington Co., X V. Dennis. !>. in Granville, Wa-Iiiuirtun Co., X. Y .; il. M-i\', 185:;, at Romeo, McC.iin'i Co., Michigan, leaving a son, ( ;,.,,;•; ... ;l . : ,j 1()Ui V. SciiAvrox, of Connecticut. Who were his parents the compiler could not ascertain. Married Hannah Guest, of Mary- land, (New York, probably,) about L78G, who was born January 17. 1701, and died, aged 82. One son, .Tame- A. 84 James A. Scranton. When lie was only two weeks old. his father died. July 2, 1788. The mother of James A. remarried James Robinson, March I, 1802. They emigrated to Chillicothe, Ohio. In this place, James A. was educated, mainly by his own efforts. She died August 5, 1i; i) 1; s ( ]. > i) a N T s o r 1 III II (, l.Xr.UA'l LOX. Sakaij Siiiantox, daughter of Josinh. of Madison, married Simeon Plunger, ot' the same place. July •">. 1751. She died December l."». 1 s] .".. age-d s. Fanner. I), ,1 -.i.j : in. Lois Lvon. of Uod- •• •:, ll.'Wil- a -ul.huul >ilver- .Jn-iaii. .!'• •. i ■»:> : in. A a Lee, : Mary, i.f Mmii-.. . SI e -nffeiv.l Inn- ami inili. ai it. midii alter ani- . - . 7 i ' . . 4-'! . -h-a l i i iu Marv, I,. \.... ::. I7.V. : in. Atnhvv.- L. St.. in'. Wilh-, ,. I', vi irv !t. 17''.] : in. L-tln / I! : . dr. of (.'apt. Daniel, of Maili-ni . Mai I. : .. Der-miLer 17. 17.;- : I (Ira v of .Madison. K.\< m.i. Si iiAXinN. daughter of Josiah. of Madison, marri( Fbenezer Field;, March 1. ! 700, who was born April s . 1 7 - J She died in New York, in 181G. aged 77. ./;■■ liar I. ;. .. .); . i .'in. I7n], Mar . Mai. el S.. I. I I. r..!..-r ■>. 17'',;i. . M; •>, 1 7 e. : i . ( ; . :■:-■:. ■•. ,. 1 » " !•".. 1771 JfiiiN Si canton, of Madison, son of Ju.-iah. Fanner. lie wa- a sfildii ' in tl e Revolutionary war and received a pen- -i..n : . 1 i - - ■ 1 August i'l\ I*.°r2. aged 'Jl. Married Anna Blatchley. daughter nf Mi.-e;. of Madison. January I'J, 17oG. and died December l'7. 1m"'. ng.-d 71. . .1 .77.' . . Maivli l'o. :-»e. a. ''7. -,' W -7 • 7 i W- !! - M v • [linen .!<'-] Nil Sckanto.v. son of dosiali. of Madison, married Abi JOHN S C 11 A X T O X 27 gail Blatchley, sister of his brother John's wife, and daughter of Moses. She was born December, 17-14, and died duly 21, 1790, aged 51. Farmer. Chi/dm,. 88 *IIuldiih, I). 1772, and tl. July 1-2, 1704, s. 89 *David, I). 1775; d. September I."), 183:5, a. 58. 1H) *Ahi-ail, I). d. October 27, 1802. '.H Malicl, I). March 30, 1781, s. 92 *Sallv, I). I78."i; il. March 29, 1850, a. 05, s. 93 *Josiah, I). 1787; il. April 12, 1849, a. 02. 94 ".Mary, li. in. to Benj. White, and d. May, 1797, a. 25. 40. Phkjjk Scraxtox, daughter of Josiah, married Arab Norton. of Madison, March 7. 1764. She died August 31, 1818, aged 72. ( "uildren. Josiah Norton, h. April 18, 1700. Hannah Norton, I). February •'!, 1709; in. Amos Ilotchkiu. Sarah Norton, !>. . January 25, 1771 : in. Jonathan Stokes, 1787. Malic] Norton, h, December 17, 1773: m. Justus Norton. Abel Norton, l>. October 3, 1777. Diadema Norton, b. November 17, 1785; in. Calvin Murrcv. 12. Nov u SciiAXTox, of Madison, son of Noah, Sen. lie made a voyage round the globe in Ins youth, so report says. Block- maker. He married Sally Bradley, of Madison, daughter of Timothy, about 1785; born about 1707. She died February 17, 1835, aired 07. in Saybrook. 95 -"Arthur. 90 Noah, 97 *S 98 l'ollv Antha- 99 - Wealthy. 100 F.-thcr. in Hudson, X. V., December 21, 1794. m. to Xath'l Bannore. of Ilorseneck : she d. 1840. Had 3 children. twice in., l-t, Skinner, 2d, S. Walurove : d. in N. V.. 1S43 : had 3 children, in. Charle< Chc-^'boro, of X. V. He d. 1S47; had 2 children. Jon Sckaxtox, of Madison, son of Noah, married Mahitabel , probably of Saybrook. Being a widow, she remarried Bushnell, of Saybrook, about 1790 or 92. i 1dm, '„/."/>/ Ilnshumi. lot *William, h. about 1770; went West or North-we-t. ii. September 18, 1773; he went to -ea a- seaman and wa- . a. about 20 or more, lie was hrouedit up bv Cap:, ii Dndlev, from bovh I i)2 *A1 1 ) K S C E X D A X T S O F ln.'i *Bet-ey, i). about I77.">, and removed with her brother Win., and to what part of our country they went can not be ascertained, but ino-t Iikelv to Washington ( 'o.. X. Y.. 17. Hannah Sckaxtox, daughter of Xoah, of Madison, died Marcli 2<>. l*vj:»: married 'Peuben Hill, of Madison, February. 177."). Pump and bloekmaker. ' It'th I ri a. 'Juliu- Hill, b. November 2'), 1774 : d. December Id, 1S52, a. 77. ■Kl.-cta Hill. !.. I) er S\, 17 75 : .1. «. August 2'.K isf>2. a. 7*;. • Wealth- Hill. b. .luh 17. 17-2 : d. Au-tt-t •!. 1-1- : in. ('apt. < - : - Wilcox, of Madison. Had several children. 48. 1,(1!- ScuAXTOX. daughter of Xoah. married to J. Treat Dem- iiiL r . of (iuilford. Xovember "2 f. 177-1. She died November 2o. l*:i.>. r// t7«//v/i . Jos i ah. 177-3. Sally. 1777. Polly, 17*<>. Bill, 17*1. Dan. 17*4. Tim. 17*7. Harry. 17*!h Panic, 1791. IP. Olivi: Si iiaxtox. daughter of Xoah. married Ezra Hill, son of Reuben. Sen. They removed to Sunderland. Vermont, 1813. 31. Chi. <><■:. ScKAXioN. ' Madison, daughter of Capt. Ichabod. man-h d to !»;;:. ; - I Meigs, or" -ame town. She died May 20. 17*8. M- v ' i. 1717. and died May 12. 1*22. aged 73. Ti ■ ' no; n! iii!- iir-t plante] •- of • ■■ ! rii into Hanunoj 1 Am iii.-i:i - 23. 177". and died Oeto- 11. ! - i 2. a wa- married to Daniel 1 laud. Esq. : [i ili - i Aultu-i 13. [s-2\. i .. M. n.. . \] ---- : : . :; W ■ . i. JOHN SCRA X TON. 20 2 Jonathan Meigs born September 14, 1771. First a promi- nent merchant in Savannah, and next in Augusta, Georgia; when about 76, he married widow Tabatha Anthony, May 27, 1847, who died March 25, 1853, in Mercer County, Alabama, after an illness of four days of Cholera, aged 59. Her maiden name was Clanton, daughter of Holt, of Virginia. 3 *Jehiel Meigs, born April 9, 1777, a merchant in Augusta, Georgia, died in Madison, at his fathers' residence, April 3,1812, single, aged 35. 4 "Daniel Meigs, born April 9, 1779. In 1802, he com- menced the business of a merchant in Augusta, Georgia, where. he died August 9, 1826, leaving a widow and three children; two daughters, Eliza and Mary, and a son born blind. The son died November 27, 1815. aged about 21. Daniel, married in St. Au- gustine, Florida. 1805, Eliza Saunders; time of her birth not ascertained; died November 2,1851. They lost two daughters in 1813. *Elizabetii Scrantox, daughter of Capt. Ichabod and Chloc Scranton, married to Edmund Wilcox, of Madison, son of Thomas, December 20, 17G9, and born October 7. 1718; died May 7, 1795, aged 47. She removed to Bergen, New York, to reside with her sons, and died there, August 26, 181-'!. aged GO. In Clnhlren, nil horn hi Madron. "Pitman "Wil k September 22, 1770, and d. July 13, 1828. . . ."■-. lie m. Klizabcth Wilcox, dr. of Jo- - -ki, and removed first to Riira. .May, 1810, : : \. V.. to \\ liieh all his : I-- and Meters (tlicn living,] except Anna ill An ■! in removed. [ le was one of ( 'onLrre^atiuiial church in licriivu, organized west of (iene- - ■ Uiver, computed mo-tlv of ] n t-< o i - from \ . . !. 17S2: drowned dune 4. 179',), a. is, in Samuel firiswoId*> mill pond, Kil- liimwonk f Anna Wilcox, k April 9, 17-4 : d. March 2, 1816, a. 32, in rlie houx I philus Scran- ton, in Madison. :;u I) K S C F. X DA X T S O I" -[.:. Hamilton Wilcox, h. Lehman 27, 17S6: was drafted into the war nt' 1-12. ami in the kittle uhh tin- British troops at Buffalo. I)e •emher .'in, 1 *1'J, wa- \vm 1 1 1 ' ' ■ . . w hiK' the arm \va- heni- :mi; aitate«i In- i-x- |i'nvil. .human 27 . 1-14. a. :H). -. • Lli/.ahcth A. Wilcox, I.. .March 21. A--: v.;,- in. to I!ev. Jo-iah Lier-on. i.f Ber-en. No\ emher 2. 1 -hi. who I. .1. uiii rv 1 1. 1-2A Tlicv ha.l :-, children. • Ihv. ILiinilton WiAo . a ■)>.. .. i ■ l.i .'-■ ii ■ . a .- - ; Mr-. I'irr-oll. .1. . h. Ain-il 2."). [T'.tl : . Mi :' ': I . I 7'.'4. a, ■'!. Rachel \V Thkopili's SctiAXTOx, of 3ladi.-on. sod of Capt. lehabod. ami Chloe (Fowler.) Fanner. Married Abigail Lee. '2i[ daughter of Jonathan and Mary Lee. of Madi>un. born July II. 1751. died Deeeniber A!. LAlA aged Hoi. lot; 1 .!'; I'ai i-ri:- Am .. M; n. 177 107 Mm is. I i In. 17 in.- ■ ln'.i 1 In ■ i ■ ( Tin re, ilns. Jin A. h. 1 >Ctl ... ■. A:, ■] i : 2. i 7 1 11 II . I. i. Ma-, 4. 17". i 12 - • Li i i ! 1" . 1 7'i'i i n : 111 • Ah i Mi ■ . 1 7:>7 ■ 1 d. An Mi . [■<. 1-1 Nil : I 'a,.:. An-titi WiAo.x. h in--. ' (Aari--i \ ::. Ton. i • Killii-wurth. March 27. hnj, 'I'l ,-. -, -i , .. W. -• .• . till .Mi ;. 2l. 1 tn Ii 11. X. V. : . • ■ " IS :-iuit 1 hi,,. . . Mi -■ • . I'..'! X.. M; 17. 1 -11-. . ' . ;•'.- . . A .-ii An- A 27, 1-14. Hi A 1 1 ! I. 1-17. \V / A' . 1: ■■.-:■.. , a June. -II. X< . vc - / /;.,■;. A. ) -4- : . M-- A. 1;. 1 '. I-'. M. t.. 1 ,.. MA \v \: X,,m 1 ' 2 '. ! ; , i; A • \V -■ K : r I) - : --. . .IOUN S C R A X T N . 31 f>4. Abraham Scraxtox, of Madison, son of Capt. Echabod and Chloe (Fowler.) When about sixteen, lie enlisted into the Revolu- tionary war and served to its close. lie received a pension, which was continued to his widow after Ids death. .Farmer. lie married Lucy Stone, daughter of Deacon Thomas, of Madi- son, November 2G, 1778; b. March 9, 17o7, and died April 3, 1854, acred ( .»7 ! ,. I Hi .l(>\ . I). April 23, 1 780. ... 117 Lu'ev, I). October 12, 178:2, -. 118 Comfort Olds, h. Marcli lo, I7s:>. 119 Alun Fowler, b. November Hi, 17S7. Fra-tu. Egbert, l>. April 21), Mav 2(5, 1845, in Wis. 1 ' ' ) * Erasmus Elbert, b. April 20, 1822 ; il. August a, 1823. ^Louisa Cennette, b. Septembers, 1824; m. S. W. [lent; d. January I, 184-8: had two children, that d. before their mother did. Not;:. Of Lee Family. Jonathan and Man (Bartlett) Lee, parents of Theo. Scranlou'. wife, lie d. February 17. 1803. She d. September 23, 1824. a. 91. I Subniii Lee, b. .June 14, 177)2: 111. I)a\id Hatch, of Norfolk, and after- wards of Jericho, Vt. 2 Abigail. 3 Anna, b. November 10, I 75G : m. ('apt. Jo-ia'n Manger, March 22, I 78 Jonathan, h. April 9, 1762: in. Mindwell Hill, b. September 17), 1769. G Selali, 1). Seidell! ber 7). I7f>8; in. Sally Dudley. lied. August 2:5, 1791. She d. Marcii 9. 187)4. a. 87.]. They had two children. Horace, d. in infancy, a. 7> years, and Sally . d. a. 37. 7 (.'bloc, in. Col. Jonathan Todd. M. I)., and Jonathan and Mindwell Lee, had ten children. I Julia, b. April 7, 1790 ; d. January 24, I79f>. 2 Anna, b. December 27. 179! : m. Jonathan Judd. :; Selali, b. September 21, 1794 : m. Electa liuslmell, dr. of Nathan. 4 Julia, li. September 2, !79C>, -. ."> Mary, b. November (i, 1798: d. September 24, 18110. (i Chloe M., b. April li. I SOI: m. Win. II. ISishop. 7 .Jonathan Trunibull, b. May 7>, ISO.'! : twice m., l-t lict-cy !>. Judd. and 2d S Timothy Hill. b. Decembers, [SO. r >; d. September 8, 1832, of Cholera : in. M. Chittenden. 9 Carlotte, in. A. Wilcox. 10 Henry, !.. August 2, 1810: twice m.: l-t 11. Smith, 2d Abigail Dudley. 11 Hamilton, li. August 28, I 813. Rev. Win. I'.. Lee, A. M., b. August 30, 1828, son of Jonathan T., was detailed pastor ol church in Fair Haven. He m. Elizabeth Fayson Howe, .'-. of Edward, June 7. 1854. Hue child. > 1) E S C i: N D A N T S O F 120 Betsey, li. July 14. 17'JU; in. Stephen Conklin, and have twi i Irs living — two drs have died. 121 Ichahod Heiii., !>. November 4. 17'j:S. 1-2-2 Sally, b. April -2$, 17:<7: in. Justin Griswold, of Guilford, and ha\ e six children. John Kissel Sckantov. son uf Jared, of North Guilford. Fanner. Married Zerviah Fowler. IT'.b'i. daughter of Ashur. horn ,lulv 21. 17f»s. 12.'! Lueretia SoloiiM', 124 Man Ann. 127) -Uct-ev F. or L, . lo, 1 7'.»4. a\ 2n. 17."'. I ■-. i 7 '.is : d. M ■ i - 2'.i, I S4.">, -.. at ( Ijipt. I", Lee' . no : -raided tn ileath, December 1, 1 SOI . 127 Rll-el ]'■■■ 12* John Wi! . .Jul\ 'i* win in fan t> d. An l; 11 -t 2<>, ! "-'''!. Asotin I. October HL IS07 Jaiied Sckanton, of 2s. Guilford, -on of Jared, was graduated A. B. at Yale College. 171)5. and died March 1.1, 1852. aged 81. Fanner. Married Rachel Fowler, daughter of Ashur, Dec, 1770. I2H FrcdericK Warner, (alia- Lee.) F-<|., .. Aue.n>t 17), 1 79t>. (.'UGJ l.;n K\ eh 11, li. An- u-t 'J, I 7i'S. I.'ll Fliza Ann, 1>. March 2. I SOU, -. iM2 ^Ashur Fowler, b. September 2(). I Sol : left home at 24, and lias not been heard from >inee. l.'i.'i Cynthia Kll--!'!. h. < letober 12. ISO.'!, s. I.'J4 Jiiliaitte, b, M;i\ 24, I so."), >. i:!7) Jared, ! .. April 20. 1m)7. I .'!(', ^Honieo, b. December 27. ISO!) : d. Mav 14, 1S27, a. 1^ |:;7 Flnathan. b. March 27. 1 > 1 4 . >. fill. X vniA \ Scua n i ox. of AYest Springfield, Mass., son of Thomas, and brother of Thomas, died in West Springlield. lie was twice married. 1st. to "Widow Mary Fields. Sept. 21, 1 7 < '■ 1 : she died October 17. 177* or 177'.b 2d. to Sarah Cramp- ton, daughter of Nathaniel, of Durham. She was burn Julv 5, 17-11. N. P>. Probably a son, Nathan, born about 17G2, or later. [ Si c Note aftei |:;s Deburah. b. about i 7i!7 or I 7>>S |.'i;i • IJae! . I. •>-. 17" l.}ii Will b. 17 Ma d. Jnl\ 27, 1S40, a. 1.7 1, I7-'| ; d. April 4. IS .) () H \ S C R, A N T O N . .).) I 12 Aaron C, li. about 1784. IIo went to Franklin, Delaware County, X. Y . No information from liim for many yeai>. 143 Sarah, I). June 22, 1790, by second wife. < hie died younjr. (>2. Samuel Sceaxtox, of Guilford, son of Samuel, died July v: . 1806. He married Lutlieua Bell, daughter of Elislia, November •1, 1792; born February 11, 177"». ChUdmi. Ill Samuel, Jun., !>. July 24, 179:?. 14.") Amanda, b. June I, 1795. 140 Julia, li. March 7, 1797. 147 \ Ham-, I). Atijrusl 15, 1801. 147 j *Ilarriet, h. August 15, 180] ; d. August I 1, L804. (M. Thomas Sceaxtox, of Guilford, son of Samuel, died Nov. 17. 183-1, aged 81. ■ Farmer, lie married Damans Seward. June 28, 1784. She died September 3, 183-1, aged 74. Children. I IS *Amos, b. 1785; d. June 20, 1805, a. 20, s. L49 'I'homas, b. October 27, 1780. 150 *IIannah, b. March. 1, 1790; d. January 20, 1852, s. 151 Henry, b. April 8, 1795. 70. ToRllEY SCRAXTOX, of Xorlli ( iuilford, sou of Timothy, married Rachel J Fall, daughter of Ebenezer, March, 1781. Born July o, 1759 ; died .January 10, 1831. Child,;,,. 152 *Klieiiezcr, b. neeember 15, 1782; J. March ;;o, 1788, a. 0. Abigail, b. June. -in, 1748; d. Julv 12, 1784. 15.". Abigail, 2d, I). Aim-iist 12, 1785, 151 Torrcy, b. Jul;, 9, 1787. 155 *Kheiie/.er. b. August 25, 1789; J. December 20, 1810, a. 21, 150 Rachel, ha]>. September s. 179:;. ! 57 Men in, b. a In mi 1 790. 158 -■ Ma:--,, b. 1801 ; d. April, 1847, a. -Mi. 159 *liarrv, bap. Sept. 8, I79.'i : J. March 2. ! Son. Timothy Scuanton, of Madison, son of Timothy, married Deborah Chittenden, of North Guilford, daughter of dared, Sep- tember !, 1 7 So. t hililrn,. 100 Jared, i . April I, !7s7. 101 i;u--cl, b. < Irtuber 18, I7SS. ' l'>2 • William, b. September 28, I 789. D i: s c i: x n a n r s u k !;■•■; :i; '•".■■ " 171':' : il. Sf| (I. itniiliL'i' is:;f,. •"') ' M it.:, A . |MI5. 1 .•,!■, !>,•!„, IV,] . I. June IS. 1-Il\ a. 5-1. ( v i ii akin;: Sciiantcn. daughter of Timothy, married C'urti: Murray, nt" Madison. They removed to Denmark. Lewi- Co. N. Y.. and baek lo Madison, and returned thither. He died the re, [■SIT. and >hedied. do.. 1*4*. ' A/,„. i. i7'.mi; , ■ a: ;... . x. v. ii, ' •. -. I mi:;. .!,■■ \ ' W; ' .) 111- Simkhx ScijANTON. of North Madison, son oi' Timothy, mar- ■ii.-d Zilia Ste\ ••ii-. I ;ied. 1 Sol. K'.i Si: ; . A] ril 2s, 17H4. ! 7" Da '■. January 1. 1 7 ' - 7 . rr, 7. . 174 Sarah. !,. I !<•:<> ■■• 17. 1 -it."). !77 -\ - . . Aima-: I 1. l*o. !7»1 Jam - ( 'uni-. . J; r, I . 1M4. I 77 A ; i. I Li- . ■• ■ ■ I u tweni v !7- "A-. i 7:> I..-..; . in S -;: : America . J«iSKi'ii S ranthn. o! North Madison, afterward of Ilamden. -on ■ Timotay. Fanner. lie married Iilioda Taleott, tlie ii i' of David, of Durham. X<> vcml.L-r 2'J. 17'.'-J. lie I la :• L'n. 1 -;_!". ;:-.-.! ."1. She rc-ided -with lier daugh- :<■!■ IiriAvm N . ! -7. i in X. V.. and di. Max 10, 177:.: d. in Manchester. Nova Scotia. l)c . 17-7. u -ore iii niie limb, a. I i . ;-,i; I) v. > c K n daxts o 1 il l-ra. I. >. Aj.ril 4. I77-. - -.(..v. !.. M; .-': 7. 17-1 : .1. A].ril 17. 1-17. •:; •( ,1; tnit. '-. Maivl, 1 1, 17-:; : ,1. Ma\ 2S. IS.'i'l, a. JO. it -' Amanda. I>. A]. HI !:*.. 17-:. : .1. S.-pti-inU-r, 1-4'.). a. 04. i."> ■ AIirahain-M. !', Mav :;, I 7-7 : d. St-i.ti-inlu-r s, l^i , in Xat<-lic-\ La. SO. David Souaxtox. of Xova Scotia, .son of Abraham, of Dur- ham, ilii-.-l in comfortable health in A. M . instantly, while dress- ing him-olf. March ■>. 1 s -'i'i. a^ed Si), First Alariner and then Farmer. Married l'hehe Curtis, of Durham. Remarried Loraine Strong, of Durham, daughter of Thomas and l'hehe. She 'lied in X. S.. November 8. I »s;J,S. I' :-.:..: 1 ) .::;. May I 1. 17.-2. Thi- dr. la' Lave Ju7 Sarah, i.v 2d v il'.-. . An-u-1 1 1 . 17-0. hi Sj.Hi _' i>t' 1 7-7. tla-y removed in Man- - ■ , ('n i r v 1 1 f ( i i i X ( i \" a Si'.iiia, iitt-il nil east side el" Miltin-il- 1 1; M'ii lib i-i . u'lii-n 1 tiny it— i. I< ■< I during' lite. _'n- '.. in Manrhr-t'T. X. S.. F.-i.rnary 20, !7--. . .Jllia- 17. I 7-.' : rt. i,t' Small L'oX. J;I1 . • •' I J Maivi, 7. |7'.U : I. ni - ar ; I'.-vrr. .Man-ii I-. I -114. .:. |;j. N..M :ii!. .■ 1 i. 17.' ; : ■ . S . ['. -.. Jan- . I -el. a. 7. Jul'v 12. I7'.m : -;. . ' .Irn].-v, Decemi.ei' 15, I -4l'l. I- in. I7'.i7. Au: -• no. I :.... : il. i f Sim ll-i d.n, ■): uiii.ai.Tiz. .1. Nov.- Ii iiiDuih !•'. i.niarv 2i 'I'll. .ma- ii X. 15. ( apt. Da\ id Seranton. of Manchester, was an esteemed ami a''ii\ <• member of the (.'one-relational church in that place, !ia\ imj' e.\ i] religion (hopefully) in a ;_i i . - .- 1 1 revhul there. a:'- before in'.- death. 1 le had ten children. i : ... I lildren. live of them not living : irem three ot' them not living. In all [>. -id 1 • nine in Durham : total, ninetv-three. -■ uaxt( he went first to reside with his son in Vincennes, in Indiana, and nexl to live with his daughter Sally, (Mrs. Welch,) in Terre Haute, and died there, 1S2'J. Children. 216 Sally, I), in Durham, Juno 18, 1787. 217 Klanor, i>. in Durham, January !), ITS'.). 218 Leauora, l>. in Durham, December 25, 1791. 219 *( iuerusov, I), in 1 )urli;iin, Mav 1 2, 1 7'.) I ; d. in Vineonnes, la. I 82.", s. 220 Maria, ' l>. in Westlicld, Ct, February 21, 1790. 221 * Charlotte, l>. in Newbury, X. Y., August 15, 1798; d. in Durham, a. 20, num. 222 Francos L., It. in Middleiield, Conn., perhaps August 15, 1800. 22." Charles ¥., h. in Durham, September 13, 1802. 22-1 |, vd !! R '' \ I,. April 3, 1807. Linelinc, $ ' A number of the name of Seranlon arc here inserted, the time of whose birth and death. Sec, could not be ascertained with cer- tainty; but the time thereof best agrees with those who were eotemporary with. them. Stutely Schaxton, son of in New London, and died at the residence of his sou Stephen, in Brighton, Ohio, about 1 788, of liver ail'eetion, aged about GO. Married Dorcas Hull, (or Dodge, according to one account.) born in New London. She died at her eldest son's residence in Indiana. 5 ( 'Idldren or m,m . ■■ William. • Joshua, ii. in New London. 22") *Stophen, I), in New London, October 14, 1770; d. December 17, 1842, a. 73. 22ti Daniel. I>. in New London. March 20, 1772. 227 *l>clinda, b. in New London; d. 1S54. 82". Stephen Sckaxtox, of Brighton, Ohio, son of Stutely, mar- ried Asseneth Wright, of Ludlow. Mass., daughter of Abel and Jernsha, 17! 10 ; born April 20, 1 77 1, in Windsor, and died of ehi 11 and billions lever, August S. 1837, aged ('»(]. C/iiidrrn. 227 Kunice, b. in Ludlow, Mass., October 9, 1791. 22S Joel, I), in Ik'lehertowu, Mass., April 5, 1793, 229 Lyman, It. in Iiurlinuton, N. V., April 20, 1798. 2-"0 Siej.lien, Jiiii.. It. in Kdmostoti, N. V., Ma\ 19, ISO-". :e;i '■ Ahel Wriii-ht, l>. in LMmesion. N. V., April I, Isos, and d. in ( 'le\ eland, ( >hio, of ( 'onsumption, Novendier I I) ]■: S C 1". N'DAXTS 1 X - . , :' li. : .:.: : . V X. V.. v \ : -'-■ I)ami:l S( i.wMiiv. of Wiiloborough, Ohio, son of Stately. • \ In >od. Ii\ ing away from hi- parent-. If never had much _■■ d! ill in. or of i in.-ir family. Married Charity \\ ait. South Iladlev. )I;l-.-.. (laughter of William. December lb. ). : . ■) - .Jir.u- ■>,; i-> . A :_ ■- ■ i.i. ;: v y- A . • : 1.".. 1- : In. 1-H7: . 1) |o. [-] . M ;r, .. . A.._-;- : oo, I -] :. (jv.nVJii: Sci:a\to\. was. more than probable, the son of Kb.-zo/.i-r. (No. -1 ;. born, about I Ton. an ,l ,];,,, 1 May. 1iau,2'hter of 1! v. i i . .min. : cl ise Bapti.-t. lb I.. 17-1. and .bed February. 1*34. aged 70. She was a very ; . '. :. livi Christian. He died May. 1^2-'J. aged 7.i. d'hev ivmoved to Grai ; . \\'a b b ton (' .. X. V. W . ( , X. V . ,i s : ■- X. \ I- JOHN ri C 11 A X X ON. .'ill 84. Jamks A. Scuaxtox, of Fremont, Ohio. Prior to 1820, lie removed from Chillieothe to Fremont, where he was employed as a book-keeper. In 1821, he was appointed clerk of the County Court, and also recorder of the County. He was sergeant al arms to the Senate of Ohio. (Columbus,) where he died March 1 1, lSol. Married Rachel Whittaker, of Fremont. .May 5, 1820. She was a native of Pennsylvania. Chlliln . Miiry It., I). .Juno 1 1, 1824. 248 James A., I). .Jantiarv 4, 1827. farmer. 24!l William K., I>. April 4, IS.'55; mariner on I,ake Iv Kilen, !). Ootol.cr l."), 18.'i!J : seamstress. Ilannali P. !>. September 11, 1841 : scam-tress. SIXTH i,K\EI!ATK)X. Hi) . John Scuaxtox, of Madison, son of John. Farmer. Mar- ried Julia Hull, daughter of Gurdon, of Ivillingworth. lie was a man of more than ordinary talent-, and did much public busi- ness in the town, in early part of life. t'luhh;,,. 2.">n t'reileriek Warn \>. Julv 20, 1 <\)-2, in Madison. :>:,] John, Jim., Ii. May :), 1803 or 4, in Madison. 252 •(;,•,,!■-!' Washington, M. I)., !.. lso'i;, iii Madi-on. 2.")') Norman (iurdon, 'i. in Madison. YVakukx Scuaxtox. son of John, of .Madison. A fanner, surveyor and Baptist clergyman. May 2'S. 1802, having obtained recommendations in favor of his character and of his oualifieations for surveying land, he -■•, out on loot for the West, (to seek his fortune.'; lie stopped a while in Riga and Herg u. N. Y.. and afterwards went farther West, seeking a residence to his liking, and eventually locate:! in Plymouth, Ohio. IL has preached the Gospel occasionally for .- vears. and for fifty, practiced, surveying land, us county s ur- vevor. lie ha- live limes built him a dwelling-house, and a- i sold and bought a farm. lie married IJetsey AVheloek. March '.), [Mi;), daughter of (apt. Ralph, of Sturbridge, Mass.. whosf,' grandfather was the lir.-t child born in that place. !) K - < K XHAXTS HI i Harriet. , vsn.,;™ r -. i, ,1. 1-1 ! : .' ily l>:> ii. I , Is: iiram !■_' : Hi Sin III'. i. Apr: i, -Amu. 1 '. Januarv 1'4. 1 sl.">, an 1 .1. Jllllr - ■"> . 1 s:ej ; mill! 17. 1-17. >', ' l.iiivl!;:. I'. < l.'tnl.i'l- '.I. Isl'.l : il. All-lb! iU. 1 -2-. 7 ' A . .laiiu::: I'.t. l-^i: .1. Aj.ril :i, l^:i. - -Julia I!.. '.. Sr],!nu"lii'i' 4. 1-2-1 : in. Ci'iii-r Klli-, Scpti in! 7.1-4-1, iiii-i -1. M:iv s, 1 -47. v it'iimi i— u . :- l!i ' l.. Jaiman IU. 1 -2-. David Si kantox, of /Madison. son of .lo.-iah. Fanner. Married Folk F-.-ter. of Madison, daughter oi' Saul. Sin- died April 7. Is is. aged 71. lie died September 10. lS'"'J. aged •>. :."■-<) Marv Ann L'til Willi; • i, - • ■. !_' A i-i- A li'Ll "A .- I li'tn '. ! - ' . l-|'i : -, ! -" .1 : -. 1-Yi.rtiar 2, I-i 1 : i'I. 1-:.p. a i:; : in, i~m-. 1-1.4 : in. n, Ii, iiiamiu S. F 'i!ii. ,.' ('. Maivli ■'!!. I-Hi: il. Mav l',». 1-4!-. a. :):>>, - 15. lihik.', '. ■. : S, ' n 'Aiii'-Aii. Sckantox. daughter of Josiah, of Madison. Mar- ried ' F/ra (.i-avi'-.-ini of Fbenexer. lie died August 17. 1*02. Slie died October 27. ls.",!. II- lid liiin- lb'1-i'V Stannard. -i.-ter of lir-i wife. 1 [i- di.'. e-i'd i;:i. !', ; -_ .JOHN S c K A N I O N . do. Noah Scranton. son of Noah. Rump and blockmaker' Kesided first in New York city, then in Chicago, Illinois. Mar- ried Betsey Reeves, of River Head, Long Island, October 30 1819. ('Idldroi. 207 Noah, I), Februarv 25, 1822, in N. V. citv. 268 Alfred L., b. June 8, 1824, in X. Y. city. 26S *Mary F., I.). December 2.'!, 1836, in N. Y. citv: '1. November 8. 1834. 268A Aimer K., b. February 13, 1 82<). 1)8. Polly Antiias Scranton*, born in Madison, live.- in Cannon street, New York. Married Richard H. Bishop, of Madison, son of Linas. She died in Chicago. ."> Children, tiro sunt and three daughters. Henry Bishop. Christopher Bishop, b. of X. Y. city, Cannon street. X" information of tin- other children obtained. 101. William Scranton, son of Job, of Madison. To what place he emigrated and resided, is unascertained. As no certain infor- mation has been received of him, if he had any issue, the follow- ing names are inserted as the most propable. 269 *Joshua, hi- a. and b. nut ascertained. Carpenter, m. *Mary Fajxe. 270 *Heman, b. in I'ownal, Vt., 1790, and .1. there, .Inly 2."). Isi-'i, a. 53. lie was a merchant and a Major of the Regiment in that region; m. Julia Xoblc, dr. of Roger, December, 1813; b.'in Shellicld, Ma-.. 1789 : she reside- in Brooklyn, X. V Chddren. ■j7I Olive \.. i. August 12. 1815, in I'ownal, Vt. 27^. Kli/a. b. May 17. 1817, in I'ownal, \'t. 273 Jane A.. b. March 4, 1 81 '.», in I'ownal. Vt. 273| *Henian M.. b. December 12. 1821 : d. in Brooklyn. X. V.. Feb- ruary 20. 1 -4!e Julia Annette.' b. 1*25. See ,\ii, e, to Edwin K., b. I -2-. ^Foster I!.. I>. 1-2'', ; d. 1-4-. See Xo, 041 Noble [{., b. April 17. 1831. Id;,. Lii;\. Ki:.\-n s Sciianton. A. M.. -mi of Theophilus, of Madi- -oii. wa- graduated at Vale College. Is'O^. Soon after gradua- tion he began to instruct a Grammar school in Rocky Hill, am! C 42 li K S C K X 1) A .N i S <) I continued ii six months. and then began the study of divinity with Rev. John Elliott. I). I). Receiving a unanimous call to become the first pastor of the ( ongregational church in North Mil- ford, (Milford.) afterwards ( )range: ho was ordained and installed, duly 1. 1S(I."». Being di-inissed a: hi- request, January 2. 1< S '_'7. be preaeheil in Woleott. a- -lated -apply about two year-. The Congregational tdmrch in Burlington. Conn.. ga\ e him a unani- mous call in lie their pa-;or. which be aecepted and was in-tailed over ii January 2. ls:in. and dismissed .May 27. 1 S4U. lie still reside- in Burlington, without charge, and occasionally preaches to neighboring congregation.-. lie a!-o labored a- an agent of ibe Connecticut Bible Societ v. about four vears. in the four North- ern Counties (if Connecticut. Married Marv Flizabeth Prudden. of Milford. daughter of Xewuin and Klizubeth iNorthrup.) April In. lfsui',. She i- :i descendant of Ue\. Peter Prudden. the first mini.-ier of Milford. ( 1 fio'J.) and of Uev. iiogcr Newton, si nil minister of tlie same church, born February >>. l7:). I^J'.i. 1'ai;m.i. >( uaxtux. daughter of Theophihis. Married. 1-;. to ('apt. William Whittlesey, of Saybrook. August 2 V . 18(>3. lie -e( sail from Guilford, July 27. l-mi. t'or the West Indies, in his own vessel (Brig.) and arrived at Dominica. August 24. Me -ailed for home September o. 1m.M>. from Gaudaloupe ; on the third or fourth day after he left. ;i severe hurricane came on. in which, it i - probable, ii •■ ves-el foundered, and he (master. , aged : :i. and i il the -ailor- - « re io-i : ue\ ;■ heard of'. Two brothers. ( )rrin I land, aged •"><•. and Le\ ret. mate, acred 2-">. of Madison : ' \] ■ - ■ l .) O II X S C R A N T O X. 43 John Brandykin, Handy Pai'melee, aged 10, Joel Fowler, aged 10, and John Mc Colly, were lost with him. They had only one child, William, born in Madison, March 21 . 1 80 I. Mrs. Whittle- sey was remarried to John Linsley, 31. 1)., of Woodbury. They first removed to White Lake, X. Y.. and next to Evans- ville, Indiana, where they now reside. William Whittlesey, Esq., only child of William and Parnel, went first to White Lake. N. Y., and next to Evansville. Indiana- with his parents. Married Catharine P. Gillespie, of White hake. Sullivan Co., December 8, 182J. ; born August 10. 1804. Merchant and land surveyor. riiildrrn. Parnal Seranton, ii. ;it White Luke. X. Y., February 22, 1625: in. tu Jonathan S. Jaques, December P.), 1^47. 3 Children, Mary Catharine, 1>. Sep- tember 21. 1 848 ; Elizabeth Racliel, I). May ii, 1850; Alfred Garrison, l>. April 30, ISTrl, They reside in Kvansville. He is a whole- -ale dry jrooils (Jobbing) Merchant, in com- pany witl'i Field-, Merrell & Co., N. V. city. Mary Van Riper, 1>. July 2.1820: in. to .Joseph 1'. Matthews. Julv -'ii. 1845. 4 Children, Catharine Fliza- h. Mav : I. 1S46 : Parnal Louisa, i». May 15, 1848; Alfred Harrison, I.. October lit, 185o; .John Thomas, h. November 23, ]■-.">".. J. P. Matthews, is a Tobacco factor and merchant, and resides at Steam Post, mi ( ireen Rh cr, Ken, Ann Elizabeth, b. March 25, L828: m. Thomas C, Jaqucs, Feb. 10, 1851. I Child, Mary P.. b. Nov. 2, 1851. John I.indey, . May 2. 18:50; in. Martha Ann Rlythe, June '.i. 1 851 : i iv us one-half and carries on a Steam saw-mill, near Orvcnsville, Gibsuii Co., India William Gillespie, b. February 29. IS32 : is clerk to J. .J. Jai|iie>. Azariah Theophilus. A. P.. b. Januarv lit, i 834 'Alfred Milton. b. June 23. 1 s3(", : d. November 8, 1 845. Pine,,- Amelia, k February !o. 1 s) ! . 107. Jonathan" Suraxtox. of Madison, son of Theophilus, died of erysipelas, July 27. 1*17. lie wa- ;i prominent member of the church in Madison. Constructor of breakwaters and wharfs, and a Farmer. Twice married. 1-i. Lo ivoxunnn Crampton. of Madi- son, daughter of Ashbel. January 27. I^m : horn May :>(>. 1781b and died December 27. L*:->3, aged 41. In her lite she exhibited the purity and excellency of the Gospel. He remarried Jemina Piatt, daughter of Daniel, October, 18d4. She remarried Ebene- /er Dudley. Esq., Madison, June 1-i. h-kbl. -II i > k s ( ' i : x it a \ t s or fluid, ■<-.„. ■_'M Kra-tus Clark. h. November 10, I-";. 275 Serenu Hamilton, I>. March I . ISM . ■r.W .ImsujiI] Hand, I., .June 2S, ISl.'i. ■j:>; '.Mary Roxanna. I.. Jam: S, LSI.'): <1. September 28, 1816, a. lj. 277 ".Jonathan (.'onicliu-, l>. ISIS: d. September 15. 1.-41, after a few hours illness, (if erysipelas, a. 23, s, 27s Mary Ruxanna, b. April 2, IS20. 27s Catharine Sarana. b. A]iril 1, 1-22. 27- "^Samuel Ridiar.l. : - .Iul\ 7. l-2t : il. .Inly 21, lS2f>, a. 2. His. ( 'haui.ottk S< i:antu.\. second daughter of Theophilus, died March •>. I s -!.'!. aged 40. She lived much respected, and died lamented by all her acquaintance. She married Nathan Clark. of Orange, son of Benjamin and Sarah (Rogers.) 1800. Farmer. Xo issue Hi- remarried Caroline Fowler, of fluilford. daughter of Har- vey. They removed to Mention, Illinois, and died there and two of their children, of tin- cholera, all within the same week. 18o0. lull. Ciii.ok Sen anion, third daughter of Theophilus, was twice married. 1st. to Reuben .ludson. of "Woodbury, November 2 1<. Imi."). Fanner. lie died November 1 v . 1808, of consumption. Thev had one daughter, living. Charlotte Matilda, born Decem- ber :;. 1800. and one that died in infancy. Charlotte M. married Timothy Vincent Meigs, Esq.. of Madison. Nov. 2!), 1832. They had a l" New Uavi.-n, .. W 15. . . .iiim :.. IS4'J: Walla. •■ V., ' l)e ; i. . 1 ■ ■ 15. 1 -5«i : Nathan < .. ' C ■■ ar 1 7. 1.-52 : ! I! .5 {■'<■'■ - I -51. \ •■ .■ : [',:.■ ... V II... Ma . • II JOHN S OB A N T OK. l-» 1 10. THKOIUIILUS SoBANTON, oi' .Madison, son of 'I'lu-o] >hi hi-. Farmer. He owned the line of stages that run and carried the mail between New Haven and Saybrook, for years. He was twice married. 1st. to Elizabeth Warner, of Guilford, (E. River.) daughter of Chapman, July 2. 1. May 2.'3, 1811. 280 Selden Thcophilus, I.. October 1.3, 1814. 281 *Amelia, b. April 10, 1818; d. March II, 1839; ii.2l. 282 Caroline E., 1). February 11, 1820. 283 Charles, I). June 23. 1822. 284 * William Lafayette, l». April 19, I S24 : d. of lockjaw, February 19, 1838. 28.") *Sarah Warner. k April 30, 1830; d. Nov. 10, 1845, at the res- idence of her brother Charles, Oxford Fur- nace, X. J., and interred at Bclvidere.a. 15. 111. Hubbabd Scbanton, of Madison, son of Theophilus. Farmer. He married Elizabeth II. Auger, daughter of Philemon, of East Haven, April 25, 1810 ; born January 10, 1792. Children. 28ii Philemon Augur, I). September 30, 1812. 287 Abigail, b. Febnuirv 2, 1815. 288 I'arnella, h. Julv 2, 1819. 289 Daniel Hubbard, l>. April 26, I82f>. 11:;. Col. Icri.vr.oi> Lee Scbanton, of New Haven, son of Theoph- ilus, He was first a merchant in Madison, and removed to New Haven, and is there" a dealer in coal and groceries. He was twice married. 1st, to Artemesia Hand, of Madison, daughter of Daniel Hand. Fsq.. and granddaughter of Daniel and m. Jane Grace Finch, daughter of Daniel, February 3, 1853: b. Jauuan In, 1833. They have one dr, Franco Grace, b. August 8, 1854. Cornelius S. IJuslmell. of New lla\eii. Grocer, merchant, lie in. Kniih Fowler (Mark, dr of Samuel and Enicline (Fowler ami now Mrs. lliobev.) duly 19, 1849 ; b. October 20, 1810. They have three children, Sereno Scran ■ Ion, b. duly 19, 1^50; Samuel Clark, b. March 9, 1852: Charlotte Needier b. Aii-ust 24. I 853. m ]) i; < c ]•; \ D a N T s o r Chloe Seranton; .Meigs, of Madison. 1*80; September 12. I.SU7, and died .June I- - !. 1*:>S. aged 80. 2d. In Lucy Ann Fa-ton. of New York citv. (laughter of diaries : horn in Ltica. -Y Y.. March 1. 1*0*. II'' wa« unaniinou-ly nominated, hv the brigade officers, in he appointed brigadier-i_"-neral. hut declined the honor. J'.H ^Arhim-ia M,-i. l''.<2 Anhiioia. _"•.. • Danirl Hami. 2:0 "Mai-v Au-ii-i 1. \I; : 21'. l-2'.i. April 14. 1-.41 : il. S<-]it.-niocr '..*, \s:)-j. |.i rlia] St|.u-iu! it 7. ls.'i:J. •Fail ...:". l ."). I -.4- : il. in iiii'ancN . : iv -rn mil witi'. 1 1. .Jilllr S. 1 -4- : il. ,Flll\ 1 - 1-. // U l^i-< -<^0 1 1 km; v Si. kami in. -on of Thco dbr r. Fanner. 1 li- dwelling- house is nearly on the old site, occupied by that of his great-grand- father. Cap;. John Scranton. of Mndi-on. lb- was thrice married. 1st. to Rachel Lin-ley. of Xorthford, ( X. l.ranford. , daughter of Jo-iah. Fsq.. May Lb 1823 : horn October 14. Lsfiii. and died April 2 X . 18 11. aged 41. much In-loved, and at death much lamented. / (fJA 2d. to Sally Lin-ley. of Northford, daughter of Col. H*J^ji. December 8. 18-14: died December •"•. 1*17. aged l~>. .".il. to Delia Fitch, of North Guilford, daughter of Dr. Fitch. Au-u-t 15. 1*18: horn March 28. l8<>7. April 22. l-e; ■SM\ ( ' : ll' n . i>. Marcli hi. iM'l'i. 2'.'7 Klieii Ait -ta. I.. !)<•. i-mli t L»'.. I - •- ICmih So] . .Fu '■ 12. ivil. 2!0 \L . . Am I in. i- :joo • II. -un I.' -!'■ - ■ A -' -• [o, 1-:; . : ■ il ■ ,/. Ha uii Hi ' .. !-;-. a. 14. .1 in :,. i-:,i ( ii.Minjri Olds, of Madbon. -on oi Abraham, of Madison. , ; v. ict-. 'l'liev uei ' ■ and the only dauiihli ii-r-on F\ari-. of Ma ! - . i; 2. 1 M7 : born ( Ictoher I *. 1 7 '.'3 : dh-d Mare], 1^21: born .liui'- 2 1. JOHN S C K A \ T N . I i Children. "02 Until Kli/.abeth, li. Atiji'iist 20, I s l > . .">():; Chloe Cornelia, 1). September 7, 1821, s. ."04 Cynthia Ann. b. Mareb 19, 1820, b\ second wife..-. .">o") Abraliani Fierson, !>. Nov. 28, 1827. ."(Hi *.Iuliette, li. January 5, 18.40; d. ( >ctober 2.'?. 1S5-I. .".(17 Sarah Aiu-elinc, b. December .'5, 18.41 . •"08 *Comt'ort Eihvard, b. December 1 7, 18.4.4 ; d. < )ciober 24, 1841, a il. .".()!» Lucy Stone, b. March 2, 18,4(5. :U0 (ieor»r Bvarts, b. March 5, 18">8. .".1 i Daniel. !i. June a, b. October IS, 1811 . .41." Hamilton Wilcox, b. January 24. 1-14. :;14 Horatio Lee, I). July ■(,' 1818. ",l."j John Hart, b. Xovember S. 1822. .'ilti .loci (iris-wold, b. September 9, 1825 ; re>idcnce in Vera Cruz. .", 17 Alonzo Fowler. b. February 22, 1828. ::is Thomas Stone, b. .January 20. ls".l. .",19 Joseph Samuel. b. J mi" IS. is:;;,. 120. 1 > k r s i; v Sgkaxtox, daughter of Abraham and Lues-, married Stephen Conkling, of Madison, son of Usher. Farmer. ■I (Wrlrrn—l Hrlmj. Mare.arel Lucy Cotiklinjr. li. .May 2"., 1820; m Levi (1. Kvart>. Antoinette ISetsev Conklimr. b. February 24, 182-4: in. John L. Seward. If ii v i*. < id L5k.ia.min Sckantox, of Madison, son of Abraham. Farmer, lie was thrice married. 1. to Laura Doud. daughter of Giles, of Madison. December 11,. 181 9 ; died August 14, 1822, a led 25. 2. to Fanny Antha \\ ilcox, daughter oi' Flijah, Decem- ber 11, 1823 ; born .'day 12. 18<»4: d. January 31, 1842, aged 38. 3, to Fhebe Kelsey. daughter of Eli. January I. 1850. .420 L;tura .li-uucin !>. Xov. 24, I 82U. "Ann Amelia, b. September S, 1 S25 ; d. October!!, 18-47. ."21 Cornelia- Aif'red, I b. June 12. 1-27. ."22 ■Cornelia Klleu. ) 1). June 12. 1S27: d. Feb. (i. 184.'!, a. I.",. .42-4 Deborah Ward. b. February 7. 18.44. :!24 'Tienianiin Wallace, b June 1. !S4I : d. Fehrnarv .'!. 1842. t~ li }. S C K N I) A N I O I- 122. Sai.i.v Sckantox. -econd daughter of Abraham, married .1 u-i in (Iris wold, of ( iuilfbnl, son of Thomas. ' nn'i/n u. ■ Ivlwai'd A.. ■>. < htolier ('., IslS: drowned Juno I!), livJK. Jiiliann I '.. i. \la\ Hi. 1S21 : d. Man-li 2. |S2l>. I 'ntharilir M.. li. Marcii !>, Iv.M. William 1'.. i !.. Mas •',, |-v;. Walter S.. \ k Ma\ li, 1S27; in. Kniiline Senniton. i uric- < 'litVunl,!.. April II, IS.'M): d. Nov. I I. |s.32. ! ■>'.',. !.! i i:i:ii\ Sai.omi: Si i;an tun. daughter of John Uussell Scrantoii, of North Guilford, horn December 10, 170 1. and \va.- married to Samuel Talmadire. of Cheshire. M\ky Axv Sc r a \to.n, daughter of .lolm K. Seranton, of \. ( iuilford. horn May 2". 1700. married to Fliab Hill, of Guilford, -on ot Noah, Augusi 2. 1*22. ' < nr, : . (ii'or-e Hi I. !•. Jnh -2-2. 1-21. Cliai ii. A].ril H, !>-'il. Iliifh.-I Henrietta, ii. June 23. 1 vi2. I !er-ev ( 'atluirine. I>. Mav S, 1 s.'STi. Marv'j, i li. Juh 14, lS.'J'.t. Ait-n-ta. n, Jnfv -. 1 -4 2. Ki --i:i. Fowl. Kit S( KAN ln\. -oil of .lolm K.. of X. Guilfon .Joiner, lb- married Ann Fowler. November o, 1825; died Ma II. I s ! I. aged :W<. ■ >,?.(},; . - l;. :-, ; ,|e i [te. . I leeelili.er I . I S20 : (1. Mil\ 20, I S4 .") , it. IS. '.In i 'liit.- !. . .! ih 3. I -2'.» : d. Juh- 5. 1S4S. a. I'.i. Dii-.id Fnv :■. >e dun- in. I-:;:'. _< - Mi ui n i Sniiili. : . A |iril, 1 -.in. (' ■ - : '.. \m !,, I-40. I.. June. I -42. \ hter. di, ■ IipUN \\ li. 1.1AM Si iiAXinx. r-oii of .John Ru-sell. of North Hranfonl. married Loi- Ann Hart, of Durham. < >etober 10. IS.'l I. .1 O II N SC R ANTON. 49 Children. 341 Henry, I). 1835. 342 Frances, b. 1839. 34.1 Elizabeth, b. June 10, 185(i. L29. Frederick W. Scranton, Esq., ox* Lee, of Madison, (adopted) son of Capt. Frederick Lee, (son of Jared, of N. Guilford, A. B.) Farmer. Capt. Lee made him his heir. He married Hannah Barker, of Branford. Children, 346 Charles Lec, (Scranton,) b. February 2, 1825, in Madison. 347 *IIarriet. b. in Madison, February 26, 1S20; d. Octo- ber 27, 1846, a. 20. 348 *JRomco. b. in Madison, .May 14, 1829; tl. March 4, 1832. n 3. 1.30. Evelyn Scranton, of North Madison, son of Jared, A. B., born April 9, 1780. Farmer. Married Susan Newkirk. Re- married Eunice Davis. Children. 350 Alfred, b. October 5, 1832, s. 351 *Ashur F., d. September 20, 1840, a. 1. 352 *Raehc1, bv 2d wife, b. 1820: (1. September, 1830. a. 10 months. 135. Jared Scranton, of Cromwell, son of dared, A. B. Married Lucy Ann Edwards, of Cromwell, July 18,1830; born March 0, 1808, in Warren, X. Y\, an adopted daughter of Edwards, of Cromwell. Children. 353 Eliza Amelia. b. September 23, 1831 ; in. Forest 1?. Ward, of North Haven : lost 1 child. 354 Romeo Edwards, b. Augusts, 1833. 355 Robert Emmet, b. September 10, 1835. 356 Lemuel, b. September 30, 183.7. 357 Edwin, b. June 10, 1840. 358 Arthur Fowler, !>. Julv 12, 1842. 359 Catharine. b. October 1, 1844. 360 Allice, b. January 18, 1847. 361 Han-iri !,. Januan 23. 1849. 138. Deborah Scranton, daughter of Nathan, of West Spring- field, Mass. Married to Reuben Johnson, DES C V. N D A N T S O V Children. Ada Johnson, b. February •">, 17S5. -. Naomi Johnson, l>. April 12, 1791, s. r>aac Johnson. 189. Rachel Sckantox. daughter of Nathan. She died February 22. 1826. Married Abraham Hubbard, who died February 24, 1800. Children. Joel Hubbard, b. 1788. Rachel Hubbard, b. March lilt. 1790; in. Jerry Norton. Sarah Hubbard, h. June 12, 1792; in. Amos Seward. Marv Hubbard, b. Julv, 1794 : ni. John Harrison. James Hubbard, b, July, I78li. I 10. "William Sckanton. of North Guilford, son of Nathan, of West Springfield, died in New Haven, duly 25, 1840. aged G7. Married Lydia Fuller, 1809 ; born aboul 177"'. and died in Ham- den. 1851. Children. :562 Jason, li. in Springfield, Mass., April 1-1, 1810, -. 3G3 Harriet, b. in Springfield, Mass., December I, 1811. ."Sfi-J Hannah M., b. November 28, 181. '3, in Hamden. ,'if>5 Lydia Ann, b, .July 22, 1816, in Hamden. of',!', Sarah S.. b. in North Guilford, May 2b, 1819. 111. Simeon Sckantox, son of Nathan, of West Springfield, Mas-. Fanner. He died April 1.182-'!. Married Abigail Bassett, of Madison, daughter of Nathan. February 12, 1810; born January 19, ITS.'). Being a widow, she married Fldail "Woleott. Sin died September 2 1. 1841, aged 58. Children. :Uu Ilarriei, b. N'ovember 29, 1810. :{i> Geonre I'... b. Februan 28, 1812. :jil9 Lewi'- \V., b. October 17, 1814, in New Haven. .".70 Fnnnv. b. N'ovember i :>. 1817. 071 Maria. b. in Meredith, N. V., Julv 2:5, 1819. :;72 ( dive I!.. b. in Meredith. N. V., June I, 182.':. Sakaii Scuaviox, daughter of Nathan. Married Dav Nun.. Simeon had two half brothers, /•/:. : William and Nathan, oldei an la Nathan wen I -omc \ ears ago, (perhaps aO, ) to ( 'auada or el sew here id hi- relation- eali ^i\c no information about him. See No. |.",s J O H N S C R ANTON. 1 Stone, November 11, 1793, son of Ezra, North Guilford; born November 28. 1762. 141. Samuel Scranton, of Guilford, son of Samuel and Luthera (.Bell.) His house is nearly on the site of the planter's, &c. Farmer. Married Orpha Stone, May 27, 1829. No issue. 1 15. Amanda. Scranton, daughter of Samuel, of Guilford. Mar- ried William Stewart Frisbie, of Guilford, who was born June I, I 795. Children. Susan Frisbie, m. George Darrow, of New Haven. Caroline Frisbie, m. Henry Kellogg, of Hartford. Stephen Nelson Frisbie. Elizabeth Frisbie, m. George Prindle, of New Haven. Charles Henry Frisbie. Julia Ann Frisbie, m. Samuel F. Griswold, Dennis Frisbie. Mary F. Frisbie. lit;. Julia Scranton. daughter of Samuel, of Guilford. Married Ira Benton, of Guilford, June 1, 1816, who died September 25, 1826. Issue, two daughters ; both died unmarried. 147. Harky Scranton, .-on of Samuel. He removed to Augusta. Oneida Co., N. Y. Married Eliza Ives, June 17, 1824. Farmer. Children. 376 Samuel Edward, b. April I, 1825. 377 William C, b. March G, 1827; in. Susan E. MeNeal, August 26. 1850. 37s Henrv A.. b. Mav 24, 182'.). .",7!) * Harriet E., b. July 23, 18.31 ; d. 1834. 380 Julia Ann, b. September 2 A X TS . < letober 24, 1815. .'{89 Richard < >\vcn. ; < August Id, 1 817. ".'.hi Het-ey, I.. March 0, igl'i. V.M "Xanc'v, k .lanuarv 14. 1-21 : il. Julv 20. 1-2: .'5!M Caroline K.. b. .Inly 0," 1,-22. .'!!<2 *Catharine. k March 20, 1-24: d. May 2. 1842. :5i*4 Charles, .. Dei-ember 8, 1823 ; i- in California, ■' >'.)."i Hiram. i, AiiLrnst I 'J, 1 -27. ■W, Nancy I.... i-a. >>. i b-tobc-r 17, I 829 ■'597 .lane Amanda, ii. March 15, ! -:;:: •"!'.» 8 .Jennette Amelia. k J une 25. l Soj Ukxky Sckantox. oi Guilford, .-on of Thoma-, and brother of Thomas. Farmer. Married Sarah Barnes, daughter ol Jacob; born Jinn- 22. 17%, and married December 8. 1823. V.O ~Marv Ann, h. 8jei.teTiil.er.'!. 1-27: il. Aha 20, 1-4- :;:•:.-, "Thoma-; Henry, b. June 1". i-:;i : ,1. December 7. Is:i2. lo.-;. Ai'.m.au. Sckaxton, daughter of Torre). Married Ira Kim- berly, of North Guilford. December 20, 1S24. lie died March »'<. 1843. aged 7s. . Kimbcrly, h. Ma\ 27. I -'7 : m. (.. ...-_■■ Hill, -oil of Kliab, of North (luilford, [about 184G.] Thev have three children, viz. : Ira iHill.j I.. October 2, 1S47. Ralph (Hill,) b. June 25, 18.")ii, and a -on k November "0, 187)4. i.'i !. TnKKi.t Si raxtox. of North Guilford, -on of Torrev, n-ho.-o father was a soldier of the Revolution and received a pen-ion. 11.- died December 17. 1.8 4u. aged 84. Blacksmith. Married Rebecca Crittenden, daughter of Salmon, of . November 1 H. 1815. bom dune 2-\ 17'.)^. ...ci ! . .Ul .e 2-,. I -1 . too H;,rr; . k O.-tol er 0. ] - : >. to] ■ ( Vlia A . .lanuarv 14, I--.;. M>2 .Jo— ph Arthui . . i > ■ ■ k r 21 >r 2k I -2 to.'; A!f '. Adoln! -. : Mm la, 182 >. an '!■:■] Aoril I'.i. I-:::; : ,\. (j.-toh M\Kii\ Sckaxtox. ot North Branford. sun of Torrev. Mar .1 o H N SC It A N T O X . 03 ried Surah Thomas, of Killingworth, May, 1819 ; born April 11, 1 80 1 . C/uliImi. M15 Sanili A., I). February I, 1820. 406 Partial V... b. May 30," 1822. Ki7 Thomas Marvin, I). August 15, 1824: resides in Branlbnl. 408 l'hebc Ann, h. March 8, 1827. 409 Charles A., 1». September 24, 1829; lost one leg by amputation. injured by railroad-car. ;i(i (ieorge W., b. January 26, 1832. 411 *Martin F.., !.. August 22, 1834; d. .May 12, 1836. 412 Frances S., b. December 6, 1836-7. 41.'! Edmund E., b. January 5, 1838-9. 414 Dayton Ti., b. January 22, 1840. 415 James II., b, February 23, 18-42. 416 Luther J J., b. January 29, 1840. 417 Ellsworth, .1. a. 2. Itill. Jaued Sckaxton, of Atwater, Portage Co., Ohio, son of Timothy and Deborah, (Chittenden.) Married Phebe Mattoon. April 23, 1807. Died August 13, 18.50, aged 64. Children. 418 Minerva, I). February 15, 1808 or 1810. 419 Pamela, It. February 20, 1810 or 1808. 420 Ralph, It. August 12, 1812. 421 *l)eborah. b. March 20, 1816; d. March 10, 1817. 421 Deborah, b. March 27, 1818. 422 Emeline, b, June 17, 1821. ll'.l. Russell SiuA.Niox, of Durham, son of Timothy. Builder and joiner. ' Married Abigail Maynard. May 4, 1800; born De- cember 17. 1 7 H"). Children. 423 Aiim.ui Chittenden, b. in Durham, March 18, 1810. 424 *Samttel X.. b. October 9, 1811 : d. August 24, 1824. 425 Russell, Jim., I>. April 2, 1813. 426 Ursula I'.. b. March 2, 1816. 427 Freelove M., b. June 26, 1819. 428 Worthin^ton '!'.. b. February 24, 1823. i2!> Abiirail A. b. Mav 1 1," 1S2S. William Sci;.\nto.n, of Middletown, >on of Timothy. Inven- tory of his estate, is in Middletown probate records, August '2i'\ 1838. Carman. Married Martha Bacon, daughter of John Davis, born October 10. 1788. o4 [i K S C K \ I) A N 1' S O I Children. t.'SO William, I). Julv 11,1810; resides in Mexico, il* living. 131 Martha, l>. December 2.'?, 1812. 132 Kdward, U. March 23, IS1R ; resides in I'hilmU-lphia. Ml Harriet, h. October 2. ISIS. VIA ^Caroline, I.. March 30, 1S23; d. April 7. 1824. 43j Albert. Ii. April 18, 1825, -. Joiner, in Middletown. 43C> Frederick, h. Januarv 5, 1828. Joiner, in Philadelphia. 437 Chauneev, l>. December 12. 182 ( .i, Joiner, in New York city. IG3. 1 1 ink v Si liANTON. of Hartford, son of Timothy, killed by accident, working in a sewer in Hartford, September 5, 1843 — \. Carpenter. Married Ann Hotchkiss, of Cheshire, March 20, 181;"). Hi- widow married James Riley, of Hartford. ' '.iltlrtn. 438 Meh ina. Ii. Manh 4. 1817. 139 Fmcline A., Ii. October 2'.i, 1 s-21 : in. CharU> Goodrich. 140 *( 'he>ter M.. h. Au^n-t 2, 1 823 ; killed l>\ accident, in a clay mill, a. 12. Max 20, I S3."5. 141 Jo-eph A., 1 1. < Ictohei' 2t>. 1S2."> : i- a dealer in Confectionery. 442 Mary , Jane, Ii. Januan 1. IS27. 143 Francis II.. I>. ( >etohe*r 14. 1832. U4 Henry ('.. I>. November 7. 1833. Tra\ e 1 i n _: Audit. it."i Henrietta II.. Ii. May 12. 1830: a-i-tant to 44 1 . 4 Hi •Harriet. I>. Au-u-t 12, 1837: d. fit' scarlet fever, a. 3. la i-t an infant 1 davs old, Li man ScnAXioN, of Northford, son of Timothy. He died aboul 183G. Married Cliarlotte Daniels, aboul 1820. She died about 1 83o. r/,,7, 1,-,-n U7 "Samuel. wcni I'roiii home and has noi returned. 1171 *Gcoriro II., h. 1830; d. in North Guilford, May 18. 1847. a. 17 111.). AiiKi. S< uam'On. ul .Undi.-on. -mi of Timothy. He was a member of the ( amend Assembly of Conn., in I S.jo. Tinner, dealer in stove>. lVc Married 1st. Hannah Wilmol (Jreen. .Tuly I 1. 1«:J1. daughter of .and died August iii». 1832. aged 10. Umnarried Leah Howard. December 2-1. I83H-7. - ( , ah V -' Ui-i -1 22. 1-32. I t!i ' Mar; / . 1 .*A|.ril \\. Is-.'K ;lll ,] ,|, M;i, -h ."■. I >4o l." n ' , ill l)i ! -in. !,.;_ : A . in .D -: 22. ! -12 ;->2 (icoi-'ialli Mad Janii r\ 2l'i. [SHI .1 O IT X SCR A X T () X. •>.) 166. Deborah Scuaxtox. Married Leverett W. Leach, Decem- ber 11. 1820, of Durham. KIT. Timothy Scuaxtox. of Durham, son of Timothy, of North .Madison, and grandson of Timothy, died June 18. 1842, aged 53. lie married Hannah Hotchkiss, of New Haven. Children. 456 Norman II.. h. February 24. 1814. 4."; 7 Maria. 458 *Jareil, il. in Sprinutield. 459 Eunice. 460 Samuel M., I), in Durham, 1826 : burnisher of metals in Wallingford. 461 *Charlotte, 1).: in. Elizar Trvon. Thev removed to Texas, where she il. 462 William. b. : lives in Vw Haven. 163 Mary Jane, b. 18.38. Lo»t four children, vmmu'. 169. Simf.ox S< kaxtox. of North .Madison, son of Simeon. He is a local Methodist Preacher and Farmer. He was twice married. 1st, to Nancy Loveland, daughter of Ezra. July 25, 1 -Si 6. She died April 8, 1*2"). Remarried Anna Fields, daughter of Ieha- Ijod, October. 1825. She was born December 25, 1800. i ■ 'Inn. 464 -Xaiicv M., Ii. Julv 9, I S 1 7 : d. March :). IS.V'i, 4G,"j John Nelson, '■•. October 23, 1818. t66 Simeon Sereno. Ii, Ajiril 2S, 1822. 467 1'armelia, b. in Iladdani, April 19, 1828, of second wife 46s David Emcrv, b. in FItiddam, Decembers, 1830. 46!) Christopher A, b. in X. Madison, July 14, 1839. I',,- X(,s, 47o to t7s, mi' next patre. i David Scraxtox. of N. Madison, son of Simeon. Farmer, He married Amanda Loveland. March 1". 1818 : (cousin to Sim- con'.-, first wife:) born November 22. 17 'JO. i 480 Eliza Ann, l>. Febrnarv If), 1819. 481 *Maria Antoinette, b, April 24. 1821 : d. October, 1833. 4<2 Iienrv Ellsworth, b. March K.i, 1>27. ts.i David Lewis. Jai lan 27, \<:;\. Clerk in Mobile, Ala 171. Clarissa Scraxtox, daughter of Simeon, married Zebuloi; Hale, of Xorth Madison, May 25. 1814. ;>••> 1) E S C E X D A N T 5i O V i Idldnut. Olive C, 1). 1S18; ni. Watson Davis. Rachel I).. m. William Wadsivorth. 172. Luis Scrantox, daughter of Simeon, married Enos Roger?, of X. Madi. November 29, 1828, in Madison. Cornelia Elizabeth, l>. November 9, 1832, in Madison. Georjre Washington, I). August 3, 183S, in Madison. William Henry! b August 30, 1840, in Mad'won. 175. Joseph Scrantox, of North Madison, son of Simeon. Farmer, lie married Susannn Cooper, daughter of Eli. She was born in 181."). C/iildmt. 47d < 'harlotte A., l>. < (etober 6, 1^30. 471 Frances Amelia, b. September 21, 1839, 472 • Marcus Anthony . 473 ^Joseph S.-ivnu.' Lost ( 1 1 ii i ■ children, yoiniu. I 7 1".. James Cirti- Scrantox, of Ivillingworth. son of Simeon, Farmer, lie married Margaret Dickinson, of lladdam, daughter of dame-. Remarried Rachel F. Stone, daughter id' Lu'.uan. - 17:. 'Margaret, b. ! >3t'., and d. September 21 . 1S42. :i i 47i", ( 'ornelia Maria, b. September :i ■177 Lozril !•' . !.. August 11. 1-4- 47S A-aliel Kd-ar, b. .luh II, 1-51. .) IT X S C R A XT O \ . :)t 171). Leoxard Scraxtox, of North Madison, son of Simeon, mar- ried Electa Stone, daughter of Lnman. of North Madison. She remarried Frederick W. Scranton, of Madison. Children, Ay Lumuii. 484 Emily Jane, l>. September 13, 1834 485 All. n/.... I). June 18, 1837. 486 Alum Adelia, 1). March 13, 1841. ■',87 Leonard, .Inn., h. September 14, 1S43. ISO. Axxa Scraxtox. daughter of Joseph, of Hamden, married Worcester "Walker, of North Haven, in 1 s 1 S . They reside in North Haven. Lpr^U^ c }f<. Jannan G, 182<>. He is a merchant in Xcw York city. The linn', ('in \. V.. Old Slip. \... 19.) is Scrantoii Tahnan X ('. David S( ra.ntox, oi' New Haven, son of Joseph, of Hamden. Business, Iron Casting and Manufactory, eve. He married Eli/- a'neth Granuis. of Fair Haven, April 1U. 1S2G; born June 2, 1 800. ;yn :'.. ■■. ■■■ i heshire, April ii, I -2'.. 491 William Talcott, k in Hamden, May 23, Is29. .;.:' Jane Au-u-ta, I.. in New Haven, April .">, IS.'!.'!. 193 Alon/.o (irannis, I.. in New Haven, September .">, 1 vi 194 Kmma lin.wne, k in New Ilavi n, March 9. Is'.i 53 [>ESC E X D A X T S OF 1*1. Km.ua Scraxtox, (laughter of Joseph, married 10 K. II. Ambler, 1821. and died Mareh 21. 1*48. Joseph Alo.vzo S«hanton, -on of Joseph, died March 1. 18.'5o. lie married Mar\ Ann Toomaeh, 1830. She died March 1. .« 180. Frederick Scraxtox. -nil of Joseph, lb emigrated to Hun-ton. Texas. No information received from him. Ki.ixa Talcott. dt' New York city, daughter of Joseph. She married Charles 1*. Browne, merchant, in New York city, May 1". 1821. Tiicv ld-i two daughters: one aged three years, and another aired -even months, and have m fourth child, a son. livimr. 1*8. Uaxiel T. >< raxtox. of Savannah, (.a., son of Joseph, mar- ied Marv Baker, I >-3*>. in Savamiah. Man Laviniii, I/. A ' l-'.liza. ; -. in I -!',>. Anna Je.vnette. born July 11. I81--1. She married A. S. Hull. August 21, Fs.-J.j, who died August 17. 18")]. leavin-j a -on. ( Sidnt'v. i w ho died September. ! v -" : >. William A. Scraxtox. of Paris. N. V.. -on of Alexander. v . i '. I .■• ro-oi\ oil in aeijuire an educal --ilile. Willi iniioii hnrd labor and diorl. he succeeded in earninu ihe i i t i l i g i 1 1 1 1 1 !.■ e \ i ■ i i i 1 1 g - . a n d f • o m - ii dav Mine while studying. . lie In I'.inii' a hoin in 1 -n I' divine i|o\ :i iireneiiei . a e. i le wa- ;i ,1 O II N S (J R A N T O N . 50 devoted .Baptist minister of the gospel, many years, in Rochester. IV. Y. Having purchased a farm in Brandon, Mich., as a perma- nent residence for his family, and just arrived there, lie sickened and died. May, 1841. lie married Electa Post, April 25, 1811), daughter of Titiir- and Rumah. She died in Brandon, Mich., Sept. 4, 1841; born in Paris, X. Y., January 25, 1801. Children. 50(3 Washington Clark, I), in Paris, X. Y., January 1, 1820. ."iDt; 1 , RumahNovilla, i>. in Rochester, N. Y., June 25, 1830 ; d. August 25, 1831, in Rochester. 507 Aaron Thurston, l>. in Rochester, X. Y., September 12, 1832. Fanner. In Clarkston, Mich, 508 Ilellen Eugenia, I>. in Rochester, November 7, 1835. School- Teaeher in Clarkston, Mich. 5oy Celestia Maria, b. in Rochester, December 1(3, 18.37. School- Teacher in Clarkston, Mich. 510 William Alton I, b. in Paris, X. Y., December 31, 1839. Fanner, in Clarkston. Mich. I'll. Polly M. Sceantox, (laughter of Alexander, of Paris, N. Y. Farmer. She was married to Granger Greenslit, August, 1828, of Paris. She died September, 188G, and he died November, 1830. They had a son, (Truman,) who is still living. 192. MERCi ScilAXTOX, daughter of Alexander. She married Reymond Weeks, of Paris, October, 1824. lie is a manufacturer of axes and scythes. She died in 1882, (four days after her father,) of the puerperal fever, and her infant at the same time. Thev lost two infants before, and had a son named David, still living. Mr. Weeks married again, and has several children by second wife. i ;>;;. ( ' vrn Aui\K Sckantox, daughter of Alexander, was married in Amos Moore, of Paris, January I. 1828, who died in 1880. She remarried Harvey Reynalds, of Ivinderhook, X. Y., in 1882, and bv him had one daughter, named Harriet, living with her lather. Airs. Reynalds died in 1842. IIKSf E X 1) A X T S <> F l'.»4. Alexandkk Scraxtox. K.-ij.. of' Brunswick. Ga.. the only -urviving child of Alexander, Sen.. ua> an infant when his pa- rents went to Pari-. X. "i . lie wa- thrice married. 1st. in Zilpha Mack, daughter of Jonathan, of -aid Paris. De- eemher lit, ]8"27. She wa- horn 1 «<">*. In the winter of 1S-U. thev renio\ed to Savannah. Ua. She died, of quick eonr-ump- lion. in tli'- atitiunii of I >:!•'■, whil" on a \ i-it to tie- home of hei parents in New "i or]-., a^i-d -1 !. 2d. to Ivstliei' Sh'i-on. u id"\\ n: 1 )aniri. :; merchant, of Piee- boroiudi, ( iu„ April 1'.'. h s '!7. If*-,- maiden name was K. Gennv. of Fair Ihnen, Mi,-. She died October H''. ltf-10. ;;,!. to Mar;. D. Mooiv. u ido , of .huno.-. and daughter of ( ;eori:e : and Man Ahboti. of < ilvn Co.. (ia.. January 2'2. 18 1"). [n IS.")',i. hi- -•■eoii'l wife ami family, removed to lirun-wick. lia. U<- !- |io-tmu-ier of Brunswick, and lias been for the hi -t fourteen year-; nl.-o. Clerk of the Superior. Inferior and Ordinary Probate court) Courts. Notary Public. Commis- sioner, and huld;- other oilices. \- e. lie i- moreover a merchant: a farmer, raising ,-ea-island eoitoii. ami own- lifty-two slaves. He is an acth e bu-ine- - m;i ;,1 l Su-an J iMiiii'tt . .. ' ii'ii'ii .' 22. i ^ :;-. ' ! i> • Man A' ' . ' !. l>:>2 . I ' :i. IMC . . :■ :■ her -re} i-inother. •>i:; Ai A1i-m y -21, !-■')- .->] i Ann Kl ■ i t' third wile, I h-cv\n\ivi : 2<. 1 - ;." Ai.o>/u 1-. S< i;\Me.s. -nil oi Alexander, married Mary Averv. of Pari-, -ister of Judge A\ery. .January. 1 v .'hh and died August. 1 >:; hi inpi ion. o th- after mar- riage. He remarried Maria Hadon. daughter rif Thoma-. Iv-.">. She died of consumption, in l s ll. at ather'- residence in Savannah: and he CAlon/u I.. > died in Kinderhook. X. V.. Decemher 1 i. 1* 1 1 . Thev had : \vu children : both died in infanc\ . a few dav- | '.\i \;i ,s - >. ,; \.\ i n\. M.n o!' Alexander, m-ver d, lb i- a forwarding and commi-.-ion merchant in Kinderhook. X'. V. JOHN S ('. K A N T O X . 61 and kept there a hotel. He whs killed in 1840, at Kirkville, by a fall. 197. Amy Sckantox, daughter of Alexander, married Fenn ('. Woodruff, of Clinton. X. Y., 1831. In 1885. they removed to Ohio, where -lie died of consumption, 1842, leaving a son. lie remarried in 1843, and died in 1844. 198. 11\i;i:ii;i M. Scuaxtox, daughter of Alexander, married Dr. Hrvin Fisk, of Kirkville, X. Y.. November 21, 1841, and died in forty days after marriage, January 1, 1842. After her death. Dr. Fisk removed to Clinton Co., 111., and died there in 1845. 199. Uamlkt Si raxtox. of Rochester, N. V., son of Abraham, of Durham. He was one of the firsl settlers of Rochester, to which place he went May 1, 1812, and began to fall the trees and erect a log house."' Previous to this he had resided a while in Turin, Lewi- Co. lie was there a justice of the peace, and a side judge of the County Court. He died of a second stroke of apoplexy, April. 1851, aged 78. a man of Puritan faith, much esteemed and respected. He married Hannah Dimmick, daughter of Daniel ami Thankful (Alerrimam.) August 20. 1774. She was born in Durham. May 22. 177-1. .->1N Deli; i'. ■)lll> •'I", IT')."). .")l'j ILnin . ' icroher •'in, 1 7'Jii. :,on Hamlet T., k March in, 17'JIJ : d. Decc-inhur I I, lsi)| .-)21 Kll IT! W . I.. Au-iim 21, I Si in. :>•!•> F.dwin, h. May H, lsu:i. (su7. :>s-\ Hamlet 1)., : >. -In lie 24. ISIlG, s. :>2! Hannah. k Jul\ ->. Isll ; in. Martin IJri--> -)2ti .lane. k May l.">. [Si:>. >. N'iitk. 'M ' amih >it' Alexander Scranton, Sen., it will ho -ecu thai Catharine, Amy. Harrier. Kmninn-, hoth the wives el' Alonzo I.. the lirsi isit'c :' Alexander, » .1" ( ia.. all died of conMimption : and thai M and M ' ltd their infants at the ■ ■ ■ \- i ' linehe>i had tour -on- and two i hum/liter.-. «ere all vmine.. and im one of them died until Fehrnary, Is5.">. The-. . u all re~idrd i;i Ii(iehe~tcr. and e-teetned. [) K S C K N" l-i A X ! S O I' Iskaki. Siiiaxtox. ( ,i' Dundee. Monroe Co.. Mich., -on of Abraham. K-i|.. of Durham, lie \va- twice married. 1st. to Ann Curtis, til' Durham. October 1 -". ISOo. 2d. to Clarissa i 'ardic. Feliruarv '.'. 1 v 1 '1. >.- II; n-i. : An !'.i " Mar; A ;u M ir\ A i! -ic : I) ,1 ■;:! a: ■;:. A ■■ > Km , . 1 ■■ . ill i )!ir! . ,J v :,. ] -n:;. . N.V.. Ma-. 12. I -or,. \. 1 .. !■•-■ 'niar\ V l-n- i:>. ]- i. . Can . N. I '., (I :..*-.. [:,, I «...:i. ■ I) . I' ■• i- c i-m. [I,-. .,;.. X. V.. A il 4. i-i.-s. X. Y X". ' - • >', ■• 2H. 1-1 i X. V.. \l;iiv: _■;. i-i*; 14, 1-17. ■ 24. 1-1.'. m. Si • ■ in !)••: . ! v 7. 1-21. Dili- a. J) : •- 21. 1-22. I) in. Mav 12. l-2."i : ■'. An-'ii ■; 1 - [-27. : Dur! 11 ,l)i 111'!.- 1-21. 1 -2-. I) . . \ ■ •• 2u. i-;ai. i>' : . I- -. 1-M2. ill c VI 2 1 rin '2 ni' 1 ■-■>-. I-rael. Sen., removed with his family to hinder. Monroe Co.. AI iehiiran. v ! ere lie now resides. ,Ko Si i;\.\||'X. i . - <>f Abraham. Married Dina ■ lio. ! 7>.">. Sli ! could not be found, nor le-ar ,:. \ ' r- ■• ' el one- i <:' a female \\ er . ( ri iin well, i and -uppo.-ed to \> ate of hi- brother dm Mi -. May IT. 1*17. .1 O II X S C R A N T O X 03 20:;. Context Scrantox, daughter of Abraham. Married to Wedworth Wadsworth, Esq., of Durham, May ■'>. 1802; born July (J, 1782. She was an exempary Christian. Childmi. b. April 19, 1803; wns u .- 1 1 < ■ c ■ i ■ - - r 1 1 i merchant in New 1 1 uvea ; d. :it Neva, West Indie-, December Lconada- Novcs, Ii. Decembi r 23. I SOt;. Wedworth, Ii. May 5, 1811. Abraham Seranton, b. November s. 1812. William, li. .Jul} 22. 1817 : is now town clerk of Durham, s. ■ hum-. A. M., I). August 25, lsi'j; was graduated at Vale Col- lege, 1841 : had extensive practice as a lawyer in Buffalo, N. V.; was Mayor of said Buffalo; is I'residcni of i-everal Railroad^, Ov: < ■ . . in New York. •Columbia, ii. September I. 1823. and d. Kebruan 28. 182-1. Amanda Scraxtox, daughter of Abraham, of Durham. Married to Robert ( r. Clark. They removed to Monroe Co.. Mich. She died September, 1819, aged 04. 200. Piikiik Scrantox, of Durham, daughter of David, of Nova Scotia. When her father emigrated to .Nova Scotia, he' gave her (being about live years old.) to her aunt, to be brought up, and it wa.s faithfully done. Married Jesse Smith, of Durham, Septem- ber 25, LSOU, who died May 20, 1 854, aged 72. lie was born November 10, 1 782. Children. 1'hebe, h. April 2, 180a David Seranton, b. Januan 14,1808; Joiner, Painter, ivc, Durham <■ Betsey M., b. Mareh'l8, 1810; d. October 22, 1818. ■ Ouernse\ 1!.. b. April 15, 1814: d. i > ruber 2S. 1818. Harriet I . I>. .1 innan it, 1817. Sarah Scra \tu\. (if Manehester, (Ceysborough Province,) Nova Scotia, on East side of Millbrd-llaven River, daughter of David. Married John McMasurs. of said Manehester. Septem- ber 20, lSoS, son of John and Ann (Ciimmings.) hoi'it in Scot- land. Fanner. ii'ire Henry, h, October lo. 1810: d. of rheumatism, August, lsl2 N"n\emher It). 1811; il oi' consumption Septcmhe I 1 . IS38, . >;i n i: S C E X D A X T S O I- Ann Charlotte, b. October 2G, 1814. .John, I). December i), I81G. Fanner Catharine, b. Xo\ ember 8, 1 -1 v . Da\ ill. b. April Hi, 1 820. Farmer. Samuel, b. February 25. 182.'!. Farmer. ( 'hristiana, b. .March 2t>, l S2ti. Margaret, b, June -2:',. I82'.t. All live in Manchoter, but Cat ha rine. vdln lives nil Sr John's Islam!. 0()S, Xaxcy Sokantox, daughter of David. Married Allen Liv- ingston. bom in Scotland, son of Malcolm. April 2. Malcom. lb i em'ber 28. I sit',. Angus, I,. June 17, 1818. FarnitT. Loraine Mari; . June 24, 1 -i"i. John. A iril "n, l>22 : .1. a. 24. Da\ ill, b. June 4, 1825 : d. July 28. I S:!4. ;i. H. 1 'hri>tina .Jane. ■. April 2-'!, IS2S. Ann Margaret, h. April. I S.'iO. Colin. b. February I, I srj.'l X. 1>. All these children, but Colin, reside in Antigonish. Colin lives in Maine 1 . S. Farmer. 21.1. Lois Kxi'ij;ii;\ii: Scuaxtox. of Nova Scotia, daughter of David. .Married George McMasters. brother of Sarah's husband. Time nut ascertained. / , . Ikulah, b. February ].'!. 1-14. Charlotte, b. December 12, 1810, Ale .. !>. 1 letober 24, 181H. Fame ■. John. m August in, 1 S21 . Fi»lierman Loraine Maigaret. b. August Hi, 1822. \nn Marg ■ ' b, Juh 'J, I -24 : tiana. b. April Id, 1 S2<>. • lennett, b. January 12. 182'.i : J. Septeinbei 14, i-l'.i Jc-iul. in Maria. b. ( d-tob r 17. IS-'Sl. 1 1 ••:_<■ Cuinminiis. b, March 2t>. [s.'j4. Carpenter, 'niouui- William. I. \b v i:», I-::- Fi-bcrmau David Sckaxton. dun., of Xova Scotia, son of David. Farmer. Married Lydia Ann Simpson, daughter of \\ illiam and Lvdia (Hart.) of Manchester. M-tivh '2'-). Is2l. JOHN S C R A N TON. Gf) Children. 550 Lydia Ann, h. January 9, 1825. 551 William Frederick, b. July 2, 1827. Joiner. 552 Henry Allen, b. November 10, 1838. Bloekmakcr. 55.'! Sophia Caroline, b. February 12, 1 8-10. | 554 David, 3d, b. September 17, 1842. [Supposed to be not liv- 555 Osbert, b. November 12, 1844. [ ing. 55G Sarah Maria, b. July 17, 1847. ) 215. Thomas Henry Scu.vxtox, of Manchester, son of David, Sen., of Nova Scotia. Farmer. Married Sophia Ann Porper, daughter of William Frederick, (a German,) and Mary Mitchel. an English woman, December 18, 1827. lie died March, 1838. Children. 557 David, 3d, b. November 4, 1828 ; s. Farmer. 558 Mary Jane, b. July 24, 1830; s. 559 William Frederick Forper, b. April 18, 1833; s. Fisherman. Notes. Grandchildren of David Seranton, of Nova Scotia, in the female line — and are, of third generation from him. Ann Charlotte, daughter of Sarah and McMasters ; m. Thomas MeLeough, son of John and Ruth, December 19, 1848. One child, William Ilefferman, b. September 22, 1849. John, son of Sarah, m. Catharine Cummings, daughter of George and Hannah (Henderson.) Children, Margaret Jane. b. November 2. 1847. George Francis, b. September 22,1849. Sarah Sophia, b. June 17, 1851. Hannah Josephine, l>. September 19. 1853. Catharine, daughter of Sarah and J. McMasters, in. A. Henry Partridge, son of Lbenezer and Submit (Feet.) of St. John Island. Children, Loraine Isabella, b. September 9, 1843. Sarah Maria, b. January 19. 1845. Nathan Strong, b. August 7, ls47. George Henry, b. Xovember 23, 1850. David, 1). April 15, 1852. Augusta, b. June 14, 1854, and d. June 21, 1851. Betilah, dr. of Lois F. (dr. of David) and George McMasters, m. David Forper, son of William S., and brother of David'- mother, February 2i', 1841. Children, William Frederick, b. January 2, 1S42. George, b. April 1,1845. Mary Jane, b. August 21, 1847. John Allen, b. May 7, 1S50. Caroline S., b, Jul; 3, 1853. Charlotte, dr. of Lois Experience and George McMa-ters, m. Alexander Cummings, son of Alexander, December 19, 1848. FLherman. Children, Experience Margaret, b. November 2, 1849. Dugald, b. January 1 1, 1851 . Alexander McLaughlin, b. January 10, 1852. All reside in Manchester. Loraine Margary, dr. of Lois Experience, oie., in, John Cummings, brother of Alexander. Children, Mary Labella, b. .May. 1S47. Robert Mallison, b. December 2. 1851. Cutler. Margary Christina, b. October 2-. I>53. Ann Margaret, dr. of" Lois Fxperience, m. Jame- S. Blacklock, son of Archibald, of Stevviack. Shoemaker. One child, David Frederick. 6G 1) E S C END ANT S O F 21(5. Sally Scraxtox, of Terre Haute, near York, daughter of Ichabod, of Durham. Married Ziba Hull Wolcott, of Walling- ford. December 15, 1S08. They first emigrated to (the West,) Lamol L'rairie, and last to Terre Haute, Indiana, where be died, December 27. 18dG\ His widow remarried Guy Carlton Welch, sun of Nathaniel. 217. Kleaxoi! Schaxtox, of Durham, daughter of Ichabod. Mar- ried to Horace Coodrich, of Durham, April 11), 1812, born .May (5, 1787. They removed to Speedsville, Tompkins Co., N < V. lie died when their children were young, July 8, 1829. She remarried some years after the death of her husband, to Artemas Walkei', duly. 1813. Farmer. She died April 1, 1804. Children. Dwiu-ht (ioodrich, b. Mav25, 1813. Merchant in Wellsville, Allegany Co.. X. V. : m. Mary A. Dim- ham, September 28, 1841, in Wellsville, X. V. Thi'ir children are, Sarah Fran- ces, I). June 16, 1842. Marv P., I). June 21, 1S4'J. L'liarles P., b. Febru- arv 3, IS52. Horace Butler (ioodrich, l>. Jiily 11, 1815; in. Penina II. Coburu, May 5, IS42. Their children are, Louisa M., I). January 27, 1848, and William II., I). ,lanuar\ 20, 1850. Resi- dence, Windsor, X. Y. ( iu.'i-n-cy S. (i Inch, h. February 11, 1818; m. November 14, 1847, to Xaney Blackmail. One child, Dwipht Lamot, b. July 5, 1850. Fann- er. Residence, Carolina, Tompkins Co., \. Y. feneha Charlotte (ioodrich, h. May 28, 1822, in Richford ; m. Benja- min Kriun, September 1, 1850, Chil- dren, Phineas and ( 'harles ( '•. Kmeliiie Maria (loodrirh, b. March 22, 1828, in Newark, Tioya Co., m. Bostiek Brinjiam, of Richford, X. V.. March 22, 1848. One child, Henrv C. b. October 15, 1853. William Smilh (ioodrich, b. October 2, 1825, in Richford, X, Y". ; m. Bloomv A. Hubbard, December, 1847. Thl-ir children are, Kllcn J., b. June 2(i, 184'.', and Mare Miranda, b. ( letober, 1854. 218. !!onoi:\ hi' Ij'.ANni: \ Scijaxtox, daughter of rdiabod. 'I i| .loci (Joule 1 , formerly of Boston. They removed to Lock port. N. Y.. ( near I he canal.) No informal ion since received ll'olll I helll. Iiv relative-:. .JOHN S (J II A N T (I N hi 219. 1. CrL'ERXSEY Sc It A NT< >\, SOU of lehabod, WL'llt to V ilicelllli '.-. la., about 1817, and died there. Unmarried. 221. Aw Makia Sckaxtox, daughter of lehabod. .Married. Oras- mus Dibble, at Moravia, X. Y., (is brother of Horace) They reside in Middleville, Barry Co., Mich. Children. Leonidas, one d. Alfred. Augusta. 222. Fraxces L. Sckaxtox, daughter of lehabod. Married F.li- zur Goodrich, in and of Durham, October 20, 1820. lie was born July 2-1, 1789. They removed to Speedsville, Tompkins Co., N. Y. Farmer. Children. Alfred V,. Goodrich, b. August 15, 1S21 : m. Eliza A. Patch, duly 4, 1343, h. April 0, 1825. Chil- dren, Eugene P>ertrand, b. July 31,1 S44, and d. December 24, 1 848. Almenus Butler, b. Marcli 10, 1846, and Frances Louisa, b. March 22, 1848. Barnabas S Goodrich, I). January 1, 1323; in. Emeline Edwards hi- cousin, June, 1852. Merchant, in Welbville, Allegany Co., X. V. Charles Frcd'k Goodrich, 1). October 30, L825; went to Sacramento, ( 'alifornia, uvu years since, had no word from him. Evalenc E. Goodrich. b. V 8, 1S27 ; m. J. Patch, brother oi Alfred B's wife, September, 1852. Farmer. lie was b. Is]!). Have a dr. Josephine Elizabeth, b. December. 1853. Residence, Bichford, Tio-a Co., X. Y. Elizur Edgar Goodrich, b. May 23, 1S3(). Residence, Homer, .\. V. Farmer. George Franklin Goodrich, b. April 2, 1833. Residence, Homer. X. Ee\ i Lev i ■ ( .: : . !l ' . 'I V. Carpenter. i. Juh 1. 1837. Residence, Homer, X. Y C 1 1 a k i . i : s F. Si raxtox, of Charleston, son of lehabod. He left home in August, 1 , he set out lor California, across the continent, driving an ex team all the way. He married Olivia lis [)ES C I". X D A X T S O F Sparks, of Grand Prairie, 111., November, 1824, daughter of John, an Englishman, and her mother from Dublin city, in Ireland. They arc both members of the Campbell church, and have been for twelve year.-. Joiner, carpenter and merchant. .">04 Fliza Jane. k Septenihcr 19, 1827>, mi Grand Prairie, III.: m. Thomas Handy, of Vork, III. Merchant ami -li'/riii'. TIu'\ have ii\ c children. .'>i>."j Fanny Louisa, k Septenihcr, 1827, on Grand Prairie, 111.: m. Rich- ard Pally, of York, III. Wairon maker and wheelwright. They have two children. Ii. in l v 2'.i. in Tcrre Haute, 111., and m. RihrelOs- linrn. II" i- superintendent of the Kvansville and Terre Haute canal. They have one child, h. in Is.'Jl : d. March 0, 1840, in Charleston, a. 14. ."jiiti Sarah. 507 Mo-ephiuc, About 1832, Charles, with his family, removed to Charleston, Coles Co.. III., where, after a few weeks, his wife died, May 7. L-Sul. After about six years, he remarried Louisana Stephens, formerly hinder, of Ilardinc Co.. Kv„ 1840. <-/ul,lrcn. 508 I 'harlcs Giiern-cy, I.. May In, 1841. ."ifV.i Puthanna, h. March 1 . 184-0. .V7(i -Thoma- Liny, h. March 30, 1845; killed I >y fall in- of a hrick- shed, June lit, 187)3, while at plav. 71 Mii-lnn I Al raham. 7 2 Lerov, !i. Septeniher 10, 1850 70 ' ' ar'lotte. I.. Julv 12. 187)4 221. Kmi.i.im: Si uaxtox, twin daughter of Ichabocl, was married to Horace- Dibble, of Homer, Cortland Co., February 2, 1831, They moved to Cortland Village. April, 1838. His business is cloth-dressing and wool-carding. - F valine Aih'lia Dihhle. h, April ."», 1832 : in. a son of her aunt Fanny. and lives near the railroad hetween Erie : i ' . Julv :n, [so.->. s . Dil.hle. h. Oct'ohcr 29, IMS, -. I) h. ( Ictohvr 2-. 184u, -. !•: ;-:;.-• Dc Lam ■. Dii : le, h. April 3. IS44. s. l')i!.l !i \oveinlier 4. 1840, - A ■ ■)-) ( MvKi.ivr. Si uaxtox. twin daughter of Ichabod, married Isaac Hdward.-. on (irand Prairie, HI.. November, 182-1. J O II X SCR A X T O X . 09 Children. Emcline Amelia Edwards, b. in Lafayette, [nd., August 25, 1829: in. a soi) of her aunt Fannv, Barnabas S. Goodrich, of Wcllsville. " Merchant. Maiy Edwards, !>. in Lafayette, December 5, 1831; now lives with her aunt Goodrich. He died when their youngest daughter was a babe. After about five years, his widow remarried Hiram Dunlap. They had one son, Hiram S.,b. September 10, 1837, in Lafayette. About a year after marriage, he died, and she removed to Lafayette, where, after about four years, she died, 1845. Eunice Scrantox, daughter of Stephen, of Brighton, Ohio, married Rev. Stephen William Taylor, LL. D., President of Mad- ison University, Hamilton, N. Y., October 2, 1817, in Edmeston. N. V. He was born in Adams, Mass.. October 23, 1791. (Her sister Harriet, unmarried, lives in their family.) Childrni. Benjamin Franklin Taylor, b. in Lowville, Lewis Co., X. Y., July IS, 1819. Benjamin F. was twice m. 1st, to Marv Elizabeth Bromley, Septem- ber 1, 1839. She died July 2, 1848, in Chicago. He remarried Lucy E. Learning, June 7, 1852. Children — John, !'. February 26, 1843, in Hamil- ton, X. Y. Porter Wood, b. October 26, 1844, in Norwich, Conn. *Murcenas Taylor, b. in Lowville, August 5, 1S22; d. Sep- tember 22, 1823. Alfred Taylor, !>. in Lowville, July 11, 1824. Emily Taylor, b. in Lowville, September 13, 1833. ■'■'S. Joel Scraxtox, son of Stephen, resides on Scranton Flats. He also owns choice bottom lands, with excellent hills of food land adjoining the liats. near Cleveland, Ohio. He is a member of the 2d Presbyterian Church in Cleveland. Farmer. He mar- ried Irene P. Hickox. daughter of David. She finished her education at Mrs. Pierce's Seminary, Litchfield, Conn., about 1829, and is a member of the Concrreaational Church in Cleveland. '0 I) !■: S C K X I) A N T h U F Chlblnn. 574 ■ I I.-l.-n Maria. I., I )>■(■, ii, I, , r i;. 1 -.'in ; ,1. March 22, 1837. 575 Man Jane, I.. < IctnbiT In. | .-.'li'. :>:*) •(,. in-.- llicknx, I.. October 12, fs.'H; (1. September 4, 1S;J5. .')77 Ktnilv Loi/.a, li. Jamiarv 15, ls.'?G. 57s '-Cliark^ Hickox, I.. January 1."), IS.'W; .1. March 10. 1849. 220. Lyman Scraxtox, of Ltica. X. Y.. son of Stephen, was born April 2<>. 1706, in Burlington. X. V. Carpenter and joiner. He married Matilda Mark-, daughter of Robert and Eunice, of Ldmeston, April 0. 181*. She was horn in Providence, K. I., December 20. 170*. I . Udr.n. 57'J William II.. k in KJim-tun. Mav 1-. mo. :.-n Maria (.'.. h. in Ivlim-tnn, June 'i. 1-21. 5-1 Marv Adaline. b in Ivlne-tun, September 10. 1S24. ."-1 '. S<>p!iia C, I', in I-Mim-ton, March -. 1-27. ami <1. Jamiarv 17, 1-20. :,-2 Am..- M.. li. in Edmomn. August 4. 1 -2'.'. :,-:; li. l.-n I.. I.. Mav 1-. 1-02. ;.-! All rt. k July 2:i. 1-07. 5-5 1' Jr., Ij. Jan mrv 25, 1S40. Matil !.. Au-u-t 0. 1-4:;. 230. SxKi'iir.N Scraxtox, Jim., of Brighton. Lorain C'u.. Ohio, son uf Stephen and < i. S.. of Stutely. Farmer, lie married Sophrona Stocking, in Dover. Ohio, daughter of Joseph and Jane in 18'JO. 5.-5 Ziipl a A.. k < mtnber 17. 1-:;1. 5-fi A!.. ! W.. h. Mark, u. l-J.'i. 5-7 I V.. !.. Juh 21. 1SM7. 5-s i ', '-•;,; A., 1.. iJc.'vmhcr 2. 1-41. 5- i AJ..1: !m- 15.. k Mav 10. 1-4-. 231. Sai.l") Scraxtox. daughter of Daniel, of "Willoughby, Ohio, married Stockwcll S. Ilillebert, a physician. They went to Michigan. She died dune 2i'>. l*2o\ aged '■)■>. i •Darin- . i III.. I-.' . .1 . 2- Mi-an Ni ' !- ■c, ].P i -in, two III. i-it, ::' [i JOHN SCRANTON. 71 235. Alsox Scraxtox, son of Daniel, married Wealthy Whitlock, daughter of Josiah, formerly of Yt., June 2.'!, 1823. She died January, 1844. lie died in the south part of Ohio, August 20, 1843. Children. 59.1 Warner. 594 Albert. 595 Edson. 590 Leroy. 597 Edwin. All residing in Ohio if alive. 230. Hiram Scranton, son of Daniel, died August 15, 1854. lie married Maryett Whitlock. Farmer. Childmi. GOO Carlos. lie is in California. GOl Westley. G02 Laura." t'.n:; Eugene. 604 Emma. 237. Harriet Scrantox, daughter of Daniel, married Sawyer Norton, son of Aaron, July 17. 1823. lie died January 2cS, 1 848. Sin- lives with her son. Charles F., in Mich. Farmer. Children, *Thiiena Norton, d. September "0, 1851, a. 25. Charles F. Norton. Cordelia S. Norton. Aaron Norton. Hanson Norton. 239. Pkrmf.lia Scraxtox, daughter of Daniel, married Oliver Campbell, son of Serenas, born in Rhode Island, July 17, 1832. Farmer. They reside in Indiana. Childrm. Maurice ( 'ampbell. I'hiletus Campbell. Susan Campbell. Harriet ( 'ampbidl. Sn lina ( 'ampbcll. i ■!■ I) E S C E N D A K T S O F 240. Daniel Scraxtox, son of Daniel, married Betsey B. Warner, born in Berkshire Co., Mass.. and daughter of Benjamin, Sep- tember 10, 1833. He was a fanner, and dealt in stock, or cattle. No issue. 2401. Charity Scraxtox, daughter of Daniel, married William B. Kingman, born in Northampton, Mass., October 1, 1833. They reside in Wisconsin. They have four children, three daughters and a son. The old- est daughter is a deal' mute, and is in the Asylum or Deaf and Dumb Institute, in Delavan, Wisconsin. 242. Elxathax Scraxtox, of Concord. Jackson Co., Mich., son of George, was born in Granville, N. Y., January 1, 17*-!. Fanner. lie was thrice married. 1st, to Lucretia Andrus, in lbi'i.5. She died March 2G. 1828. 2d, to Rebecca Hough, August, 1^28. She died in 1830, without issue. 3d, to Loiza Hough. October, 1830, half-sister of his second wife. lie had five daughters by his first wife, not named, and two sons. ■ 'dr,u. 0i)7 Don Carlos, Hi 13 (Jeorpj Station!, -.; lives near his father. Farmer. 0U • Ki hecca K., h. of thin! wife, 1--:!-. Olo Al!>en Ilouirh, 1). of third wife, May 2."), 1-4''. Julia. h\ lir-t wife, lives in St. Joseph, Mieh. IluMahj lives in Detroit, Mich. 243. Georoe W. Scraxtox, of Washington. Macomb Co., Mich. Sun of ( ieorge and Edee, CltiHrr-n. ON DeniMin. > hi 1 lioaiMman. All m. and live in MHi. ou \., ■:.. ■=. \ 244. ( >nniN L. Si ra.ntox, of Covington, Wyoming Co., N. V.. .-on uf ( ie.urge and Edee. Fanner and mason. He married Folly ( Li'htrr of Ethel and Kosanna, December 28, 1816 : hum December b\ 1T'." ,V . in Hartford, N. Y. J O II N S C KANTON. ( ■> Children. G12 Mortimer F., b. March 7, 1819. Dentist. M. Harriet S. Buck, ami lives near Covington. 013 Hugh M. h. December 24, 1820; resides in Wyoming Co., N. Y. ; in. Lucy 15. Hicks, and is a dentist. Lama Ann, h. February 13, 1823 ; m. William Rowe. Louisa, 1). March 9, 1825. *Jenncttc, b. November 1, 18:27; m. Mendol W. Marsh. Mariette, b. May lit, 1830. George C b. November 10, 18.34; m. Mary Mattcson. ■215. Louisa Scranton, daughter of George, married at the age of 44, John Willard, of Barre, Orleans Co. For several years she taught a high school for young females. She possessed estimable qualifications for teaching, and was much respected and beloved by her acquaintances, and was a mother indeed to his six children by his former wife. SEVENTH GENERATION. 250. Frederick W. Sceaxtox, of Madison, son of John. Farmer. Married Lucretia Stannard, of Westbrook, daughter of Nathan, February. L830, and died October 28, 1 S 1 ( > . aged -'!7. Remarried Electa Scranton, daughter of Luman Stone, and widow of Leon- ard Scranton, of North Madison. Children. 014 Mary Ann, 1). October 1, 1835. 015 Submit. I). May 20, 1839. 010 Reynolds Webb, b. June, L843. 251. John Scranton, of Madison, son of -John. Farmer. Mar- ried Julia Norton, of Guilford, daughter of Kbcr, born July 24. 1807. Children. 018 Marv Jane, I), dune IS. 1838. 019 Susan Clarissa, b. February 10, IS Id. 252. *George Washington Scranton, born in Madison, 1800. Studied Medicine and was graduated at Vale College. M. I).. 1834. After practicing medicine a few years in his native town. 10 74 D K S C E N D A N T S O F lie emigrated to Verraillionvillc, Parish of .Lafayette, La., and died there, March 1, 185o. Married Anaphalia Brewer, 1842. Left a family of three children in Louisiana. Norman (J. Scranton, of Madison, son of John. Farmer- Married Ann L. Stannard, of Westbrook, daughter of Uoger (>., January 2, LSM7; born February 11, 1811). Child. 0:25 IIuMali A., b. December 2.'!, 1845. Harriet Scranton, of Plymouth, Ohio, daughter of Warren. Married Hiram Sheldon. April 2d, 1821), and died duly 25, 1832> no issue. 255. Warren Scrantox, of Washington, near Lexington, Ohio, .-on of Warren, of Plymouth, Ohio. Married Sarah A. Fowler, September 14, 18.'J7. Children. i')i'7 Frances. (W.) Betsey. 259. Ualrij Scrantox, of Plymouth, Ohio, son of Warren, of that Iowa. Farmer. Married Flizabeth White, of Peun., daughter of Peter, April Id, 1850. Children, r.:;i Loretta, b. July, 1851. • ;:;•_' • Klizabetli, b. Ju'lv, 1S51 : d. Ausrust 3, 1S52. William Scrantox, of Madison, son of David. Farmer. Married Anna Wileox, of Madison, daughter of Joseph. No issue. 207. N'oaii Scrantox, of Chicago, 111., son of Noah. Married Flizabeth F razor, of Oeneva, X. Y.. December 2S, Isdd, in Chicago. Pump and block-maker. Have our child. JOHN S C U A N T O N . 7 5 2G8. Alfred L. Scraxtox, of Chicago, son of Noah. Born June 8, 1824. Married Mary Jane Lamb, of Chicago, September 3, 1818. Block, pump and spar-maker. Three children. 268*. Abner R. Scraxtox, of Chicago, 111., sun of Noah. Mar- ried Mary E. Hoit, of Chicago, November 8, 1852. Ship-chand- ler. Have one child. 271. Olive Noble Scraxtox, daughter of Major Heman, of Pow- nal, Vt. Married Hiram II. Chase, of Williamstown, Mass., 1844. He was a grocery merchant, in Brooklyn, N. Y., and died there, March 4, 1853, aged 41. His widow (Chase) resides in Brooklyn, N. Y., and also her daughter Joanna N. Chase. 272. Eliza Scraxtox, daughter of Heman. Married Seymour Washburn, of Yergennes, Vt., L844. They reside in that city. Leather currier. 2731. Jane A. Scraxtox, daughter of Heman. Married William P. Barker, of South Adams, Mass. ; died May, 1847, aged 27. Carriage or wagon-maker. Born March 1, 1819. 27:; : |. Julia Axxette Scraxtox, daughter of Heman. Married Stephen B. Davis, of Farmington, N. II., 1849. They reside in Brooklyn, X. Y. He is a sea-captain. Born 1825. (HO Emvix K. Scraxtox. son of Heman, of Pownal, N't. Is a grocery merchant, in Brooklyn. X. Y. Single. His mother, a widow, resides with him, or keeps house for him, and tor Mrs. Chase, Sec, (270.) Born 182G. (ill Noble R. Sckaxtox, son of Heman. He is mate of the ship Wizard, making voyages between New York and California, gone thence to China. See No.s. under 271. Born April i 7. 1831. [» K s C EN D ANT S O V Erastus Clark Scranton, of Madison, son of Jonathan. First a merchant in Augusta, Geo., and afterward and still en- gaged in commerce ; is an owner in a line of packet- running between Xew York and Liverpool, England, and in ships making voyage- elsewhere, lie has been thrice a member of the General Assembly of Conn.. 1845, is 1G, 1851. Married Lydia Stannard? of Westbrook, daughter of Ezra, November 1. 1829, born Octo- ber 8. 1808. rhihh-u,. 645 *K/.ra Krastus, b. September .".. 1831, in Madison; d. May 19, is:,:,. 646 - Man Eliza, l>. September 27, 1837, in Madison; d. Decem- ber 16, 18:39. 647 Man Kliza, I), in Augusta, Geo., September 23, 1840. 648 *Franen Rathborne, b. in Madison, March 14, 1851 ; d. of the croup, very suddenly, November 7, 1853. 275. Sereno II. Scranton, of Madison, son of Jonathan. Mar- ried Susan Roxanna Doud, daughter of Billy, September 29, 1833, b<,rn October 12, 1814. riuhh-a,. 649 Roxanna liebecca, li. in Madison, September 4. 1834. 650 '•'Samuel William, li. in Madison, December 30, 1836 ; d. April 8, 1841. 651 I'M ward Sereno, li. in Madison, June 26, 1840. 652 .lonathan Samuel, l>. in Madison. Fehruarv 22. 1S42. 653 William Doud, b. in Madison, April 18, 1844. 654 Charles Wolsey, b. in Madison, December 21, 1846. 655 Catharine Lydia. 1>. in Madison, February 17, 1849. 656 George Curtis, b. in Madison, March 13, 1851. 657 Sn-an Alice, b. in Madison, February 20, 1854. 270. Joseph Hand Scranton, of Scranton, l.'enn.. son of Jona- than, lie was formerly a merchant in Augusta, Geo., and now (ls;j5.) an agent and superintendent of some of the iron works of .-aid Scranton. He was twice married, 1st, Eliza Maria Wil- cox, of Madison, daughter of Col. J. Samuel, August 1, 1837; born February 22, 1823. and died August 3, 1841. at her father's re-idencr. mi a visit there from Georgia. Her husband being so -ick al ihe time thai he had no knowledge of her death. Re- married Cornelia Walker, of Lenox. Mass., daughter of Judge William P.. (jf Lenox. July 3, 1813. JOHN SCRAN TON. I i Children. 659 Joseph Augustine, It. in Augusta, Geo., April 4, IS38. G60 Eliza, I), in Madison, August, 1841. 661 William Walker, 1). (by 2d wife,) in Augusta, Geo., April 4, 1844. 662 Walter, h. in Seranton, Penn., August 12, 1849. 663 Frances, I), in Seranton, Penn., November 20, 1851. One, h. in Seranton, Penn., 1854. Mary Roxanna Scranton, daughter of Jonathan. Married Charles Doud, of Madison, son of Galen, October 6, 1S4J : born October 7, 1. July 10, 1842. Henry Charles Doud, 1>. August 21, 1845. Erastus Seranton Doud, 1). July 29, 1849. 278. Catharine S. Scranton, daughter of Jonathan. Married Joseph Curtis Platts. of Saybrook. April 2, 1814. a merchant in Fair Haven. They have removed to Scranton, Penn., where he pursues the mercantile business. Children. Joseph Curtis Plaits, It. .January 9, 1845. Ella Jemima Platts, It, January 26, 1849. 279. Col. George W. Scranton, of Scranton. Penn.. son of Theophilus, of Madison, Conn. He first carried on the business of manufacturing iron, in Belvidere, X. J. Having purchased a large tract of land in Luzerne Co., Penn., he, with his brother Selden T., commenced manufacturing iron, from the inexhausti- ble (quantities of coal and iron ore, existing in Scranton, and the region round about that place. Thus may they be accounted the originators of the great, if not the most extensive and complete iron work- in our country. Married Jane Hiles. of Belvidere, X. J., January 21, 1835, daughter of George and Jane; born 1811. Child nn, 666 Elizabeth Warner, b. March 17, 1838. 667 William Henry, h. June 13, I&40. 668 James Selden, h. November 3, 1841. 669 *Ellcn, h. May 19, 1-45: d. July 11. 1845. t s I) E S C K X I) A N T S O F 280. S KM) f.n T. Sck antox, of Scran ton, Pa., .-on of Theophilus. of .Madison, Conn., married Ellen Clari.-sa Henry, daughter of William, whose residence is near Nazareth, l'eiin.. September 3, 1831) : born March 2, 1821. No issue. Cakomnf E. Scrantox. of Madison, daughter of Theophilus, married Samuel 1). Hill, of Madison, duly 31, l8lo. Joiner. r /,;,>/,•.„. Charlc-. S--I.1.-H Hill. I.. .Mav, 1S40. Srl.len 15. Hill. 1,. Mn*v 21. ISIS. •lin.i-r WhinirM Hill. I.. March 17. LS.VS; .1. March 2f - ,, 1S53, \V lliam Ka-c Hill. h. April >. 1S54. Sarah Jane Hill. I.. April s. ls.Vl. I5v lir.-t wife he had a daughter. Authana. born Mav 8. 184. ■ 77. 1 .. ■ .... i ni, rhil.li ■ In lira v >k — Laura 1,-. ! : ,.!). 1*1 [U..H, h. 1) . .' 2d. is-!-. Ann.Ati. Si.KAN'inN. daughter of Hubbard, marrieil Austin .I' Madi-nn. son of liillv. October 2(1. l83.j : died Jauuarv .1 O II X S C II A X T O X ':• 5, 1854, aged 43 years and 5 months. lie was first a farmer for ten years or more ; since a ship-master. lie died January 5, 1855. No issue. 288. PARXELLA SCRAXTOX, daughter of Hubbard, married Richard E. Rice. A. M., who was graduated at Yale College. 1839, Sep- tember 1, 1845. He taught a select school for youth or lads, first in Madison, and now resides in Stamford, instructing youth and lads in his own house in the primary branches of education. The youth are boarded, and provided for in his family. Children. Richard Austin Rice, I). October 22, 1840. Anna Elizabeth Rice, 1>. September IG, L848. * Hubbard Scrantou llice, b. May 25, 1854, and d. August 2G, 1S54. 289. Daxiel Hubbard Scraxtox, of Madison, son of Hubbard- His present residence is part of the same house his great-grand- father occupied. Farmer. He married Phebe Ann Shelly, only child of Sylvanus, of Madison, September 22. 1847, born Novem- ber 20, 1825. Children. G7G *Rufus Henry, b. December 29, 184S ; d. January 18, 1849. i'.TT Klljcrt Newton, b. September IG, 1850. G78 Sylvanus Arthur, b. May 13, 1852. 290. Ichabod Lee Scraxtox, of Madison, son of Col. Ichabod, of New Haven. He is master ot his own vessel, doing coasting business, principally between Madison and New York. lie married Deborah Ward Scrantou. daughter of Ichabod Benjamin, May 18, 1853; born February 7. 1831. Child. G80 Wallace Lee, b. June 24. 1854. 297. Ellex Augusta Scraxtox, daughter of Henry, of Madison, married Frederick Fowler, of North Branford. Xorthford.) August 30, 1849. He was a member of the * b-neral Assembly of Connecticut one session. II<; died August 28, 185-1. Manufac- turer of Tin and -Japan ware. *0 D E S C E N D A X T S O F Children. Martha Jane Fowler. Frederick Fowler, !>. November 23, 1854 — posthumous. 298. Emily Sophia Scraxtox, daughter of Henry, of Madison, married Walter S. Griswold. of Guilford, son of Justin and Sally (Scranton.) April 17, 185-4. They removed to Birmingham. (Derby.) They have one child. 002. Ruth Elizabeth Scraxtox, daughter of Comfort Olds, of Madison, married Joseph 15. Wilcox. Removed to Saybrook. '.■;/,/, v„. Marv Elizabeth Wilcox, b. September 7, 1821. Cornelia Chloe Wilcox, b. March 10, 1826. llenrv Wilcox. Albert Ku;rene Wilcox, b. Max. 1-54. 305. Abraham Piersox Scraxtox. son of Comfort Olds. Mari- ner, lie married Lovisa C. Bradley, daughter of Talcott, of Madison, born December 28. 1825, and died August 22, 1851. aged 21. No issue. 30G. Jiliaette Scraxtox, daughter of Comfort Olds, married William Dill, of Ilamden. December 28, 1851. She died Octo- ber 2:J. 1854, aged 24. 307. Sarah Axgelixe Scraxtox, daughter of Comfort Olds, born December 3. 1831. She married Rhillip Talcott, of Walling- Ibrd, December 28. 1851. Child. S;!";. 1 ! I.. Talcott. 312. Harriet ScitAN'rox. of Fair Haven, only daughter of Abra- l-'owler. married Ali'red Doud. son of Giles, of Madison. No\ -ember 2-1, l- s 33. Ship-master, lie died January s . 1*53. UL'ed \'.\. J O II X S C R A N T O X . 81 Children. Laura Clarissa, b. June 5, 1835. Mary Jane, b. October 22, 1838. Catharine Maria, b. December 10, 1841. 313. Hamilton- Wilcox Scraxtox, of Fair Haven, son of Abra- ham Fowler, married Ann Maria Rowe, of Fair I Tavern daughter of Daniel, May 1G, 183S ; born January 29, 1817. Children. 6S3 Eugenia Maria, b. February 11, 1840. 684 Emily Augusta, b. January 25, 1841. 685 Charles Hamilton, b. September 27, 1846. 314. Horatio Lee Sckaxtox, formerly a druggist, in Fair Haven, son of Abraham Fowler, of Madison. He married Harriet Ann Grannis, of Fair Haven, October 1, 1838; born November 17, 1821. He went to California, where he made a large property in trade, Sec. Owner of Tontine, New Haven. Children. 6S8 Susan Permelia, b. July 3, 1841. 689 Alva Grannis, b. June 19, 1843. 315. Joiix Hart Sckaxtox, son of Abraham Fowler, is in Califor- nia, concerned in steamers running between San Francisco and Oregon, &c. 317. Aloxzo Fowler Sckaxtox, son of Abraham Fowler. He was a merchant in New Haven. He married Elizabeth Temple, daughter of Abraham. Child. 693 Libbia Hart, !>. April 16, 1852. 320. Laura Jexxette Scraxtox, daughter of Ichabod Benjamin, of Madison. She married Harvey Crittenden, son of Abraham, of Madison, October 31, 1842. Child. Catharine A. Crittenden, b. April 17, 1848. 11 82 D K S C E N D A NTS O F 353. Eliza Amelia Scraxtox, daughter of Jared, of Cromwell, married Forest R. Ward, of North Haven. Lost one child. 303. Harriet Scraxtox. of Hamden, daughter of William and Lydia. married Lewis Scranton, October 17, 1*42. Shoemaker. 3G4. Hawaii Sckaxtox, daughter of William and Lydia (Fuller.) married George W. Abbott. Removed to South Farms, (Litch- field. ) Painter. 365. Lydia Axx Scraxtox, daughter of William, married Daniel Dean. Removed to Griggsville, Pike Co., 111. Farmer. 300. Sally S. Sckaxtox. daughter of William, married Daniel Aggett, of New Haven. Blacksmith. Their residence is in Whalley Avenue. (Gardens.) Xew Haven. 307. Harriet Sckaxtox. daughter of Simeon and Abigail (Las- sett.) Madison. Married Lewis Warner, Esq., of Hamden, September 25, 1833. Farmer. Children. Julius Warner, h. July 24, 1834. Loraine B. Warner, h. June 27, 1836. Kleeta Maria Warner, 1). June 10, 1S33. Vimi- I!. Warner, 1>. Mav 20, 1840. Warner. li. December 15, 1842. Harriet Warm r, h, February 13, 1845. Caroline Warner, h. June 2, 1847. Sih ia Warner, li. July 2fi, 1850. 308. George P. Scraxtox, son of Simoon. Marrried Hannah L\ Stoliker, February 20. 1833. Shoemaker. cid t, 7m, Aan.n Hurr, I,. Aj.ril 3, Is34. 7"1 U'i , :, I! . I,. Maivli 2t',. 1.S30. :><2 A: .ir w, !., OctuU-r 3, 1838. JOHN SCKANTON. 83 70.3 ^Margaret A., b. July 13, 1841 ; d. July 21, 1846. 704 Eliza M., b. February 1, 1844. 705 George G., b. October 30, 1847. 706 Elizabeth A., b. February 5, 1853. 369. Lewis W. Scraxtox, Esq., of Ilamden, son of Simoon. Married Harriet Scranton, of Hamden, his half cousin, October 17, 1842. Shoemaker. ( 'It ildren . 70S Lucius P., 1). February 5, 1844. 709 William, b. February 19, 1846. 710 Levi W., 1). August 10, 1849. 711 Leonard L , b. February 20, 1851. 712 Lorrain L. b. February 20, 1851. 870. Fanny Scraxtox, daughter of Nathan. Married Lucius Peck, of New Haven, July 12, 183G. They removed to Bruns- wick, Medina Co., Ohio, 183G, and are members of the church of Christ, of the United Brethren. Farmer. Children. Lewis Ward Peek, b. April 12, 1837. Norman Edson Peck, b. November 15. 1839. Eliza Maria Peck, b. September 25, 1841. Wyllvs Miles Peck, b. December 24, 1S43. Olive" Abigail Peck, b. September 1, 1846; d. December 25, 1847. George Henry Peck, b. October 20, 1849. Frederick Bassett Peck, b. March 3, 1854. 871. Maria Scraxton, daughter of Nathan. Married to Nathan Howel, of Madison, November 23, 1848. Children. Erastus Erwin Howel. Lewis Warner Howel. Flisha Bassett Howel. 872. Olive B. Scraxtox, daughter of Nathan. Married to Henry Bassett, of Milford, May 17, 1848, who died in Milford, August 31, 1849. Her residence is New Haven. 87 G. Samuel Edward Scranton, son of Harry and Eliza (Ives.) Farmer. Married Mariette Green, of Augusta, N, Y., Decem- ber 20, 1828. 84 D E SCENDANTS OF Children. 714 Samuel E., !>. October 28, 1844. 715 Ellen E., 1). November 10, 1840. One d. in infancy, 378. Henry A. Scranton, son of Harry, of Augusta, N. Y. Married Margaret McMann, September 20, 1850. Child. 717 Henry A., b. December 20, 1851. 387. Amos Scranton, son of Thomas and Betsey (Parmelee.) Married Phebe Shepherd, March 20, 1840, daughter of Joseph and Fannie. She born in Bergen, New Jersey, January 28, 1822. They removed to Mendon, 111., and reside there. Farmer. Children. 723 Thomas, b. .March 2, 1841 ; d. May 22, 1841. 724 George Thomas, b. April 12, 1843. 725 Amos Henry, b. May 5, 1845. 72(5 Phebe Catharine, 1). November 25, 1847. 727 Jemrette Amelia, b. September 24, 1849. 728 William Levi, b, Januarv 2, 1852. 728 L V Joseph Shepherd, b. October 12, 1854. 388. George Hubbard Scranton, son of Thomas. Married Susan Hemingway, of Fast Haven, daughter of Ilaynes, Febru- ary, 1839. She died April 22, 1840. No issue. 389. RicriARD Owen Scranton, of Mendon. 111., son of Thomas. Married Nancy Louisa Kennedy, in Mendon, 111., daughter of Anson and Sarah (Davis,) of Guilford, September 15, 183D ; born October 8, 1820. Farmer. Children. 72'.) Richard Owen, b. September It',. 1840; d. September 26, 1840, a. 10 May-. 7.'5o Su. 1840. D wight Scraiiton Wheaton, I). 1848. 391. Caroline E. Scraxtox, daughter of Thomas, of Madison. Married Levi Denting, of Newington, (Wefhersfield,) September 21, 1842. Children. < Jeorge 1 )eming. Ivlward Levi Deming. (.'aniline Elizabeth Deming. 399. Emily Scraxtox, daughter of Torrey and Rebecca (Chitten- den.) Married George Goit, of Hartford. Keeper of Livery stable. Children. Emily Rebecca Goit, l>. May 10, 1849. Ellen' Mary Goit, 1). August 23, 1851. 400. Harry Scraxtox. son of Torrey, of North Guilford. Black- smith. Married Jane L. Ailing.- now of New Haven, July 3, 1842, daughter of Samuel, of llainden. born February 28, 1822. They first removed to Rock ford, 111., and returned. Child. 740 Warren Udell, I). July 25. 1-4'',. 401. Celia Axx Scraxtox, daughter of Torrey. Married Luther Woodford, of New Haven, September 29, 1845. Died April 5, 1849. Children. Edmund Woodford, I>. June 25, 1846. Lu-t an infant. 402. Joseph Arthur Scraxtox, of North Guilford, son of Tor- rey. Blacksmith. Married Elizabeth A. Fowler, of North Guilford, daughter of Stephen. P. M., -May 7, 1850. Childmi. 74.'! Arthur V ., h. Mav 2G, 1851 . Tit Child. 86 DESCENDANTS OF 403. Albert A. Scrantox, of North Guilford, son of Torrey. Married Ann Iloadley, of Branford, November 20, 1851, daugh- ter of Orrin of Branford. Children. 746 .Mary Scott, !>. May 7, 1852. 747 A son, b. March 30, 1855. 405. Sarah A. Scrantox, daughter of Martin, of North Branford. Married Charles Webster, of New Haven. They have removed to Ogle Co., 111. 40G. Parnel E. Scraxtox, 2nd daughter of Martin. Married George J. Merriman, of New Haven, June 23, 1844. Born February 21, 1820. Builder and Joiner. Children. Fanny S. Merriman, b. August 30, 1845. George IL Merriman, 1). January 11, 1S47 ; d. January 27, 1849. Emma Hart Merriman, b. November 1, 1849. George E. Merriman, b. September 19, 1850. 407. Thomas Marvin Scraxton, son of Marvin. Married Mary Gordon, daughter of John. 408. Piiebe Axx Scraxton, daughter of Marvin. Married Charles Blake, of New Haven. Joiner. They have removed to Illinois. No. 40G. 418. Minerva Scraxton, (called Mart, in Genealogical Begister of the Days,) daughter of Jared and Phebe, of Atwater, Ohio. She married Ilenian K. Day, of Deerfield, Portage Co., Ohio, son of Mini. April 12. 1830, and died July IS, 1838, aged 30. Children. Dudley M. Day, b. January in, 1831. Ivl-a/M. Dav] I.. October 2, 1834. Lucv A. Da\\ b. April 8. 1837. .TOHNSCRANTON. 87 419. Pamelia Scranton, daughter of Jared, of Atwater, Ohio, married Ralph G. Ely, of Deerlield, Ohio, October 20, 1828 ; b. Feb. 20, 1808. They removed to Mendon, 111. Children. Jared Ely, I). October 6, 1830. *Lewis Elv, I). June 30, 1832 ; d. April 15, 1850. *Edwin Ely, 1). August 6, 1834; d. March 5, 1838. Phebc Jane Ely, b. March 10, 1842. Emma Amelia Ely, b. September 8, 1844. Deborah Ely, b. June 8, 1848. 420. Ralph Scranton, of Lexington, Ohio, son of Jared, of At- water, Ohio, married Elizabeth Pickering, November 12, 1835. Children. 749 Lavina, b. June 8, 1836. 750 Irwin, b. March 23, 1838. 751 Edwin E., b. March 2, 1840. 752 Parmela, b. November 3, 1841. 753 Harrison, b. December 19, 1843. 754 Albert, b. December 29, 1845. 755 Lovisa, b. December 29, 1847. 756 Jared, b. September 17, 1850. 422. Emeline Scranton, daughter of Jared, of Atwater, Ohio, married Harry Goodman, of Atwater, November 1G, 1845. 423. Anson C. Scranton, son of Russell, lives in Fair Haven. He married Ziba R. Leete, daughter of Peter and Freelove, of Guilford, November 24, 1833; b. May 23, 1813. Ship Builder. Children. 758 Frances Maria, b. August 23, 1834. 759 Samuel Wilbcr, b. June 6, 1836. 7G() Mary Louisa, b. April 1, 1838. 761 James Andrew, b. April 19, 1840. 762 Freelove Augusta, b. March 4, 1842. 763 George Leete, I). June 24, 1844. 764 John Haden Kent, b. May 23, 1846. 425. Russel Scranton, Jr., of Durham, son of Russell, married Silvia Willard, of Madison, daughter of James, May -1, 1831 ; born March 12, 1815. Joiner. 88 DESCENDANTS OF Children. 7C") Lydia E., h. November 4. 18.'55; in. Henry A. Stevens, of New Huven, July •>, 1854. 70G Josephine E., 1). November 1, 1842. 7(57 An infant d. March . r i(>, 1837. 42(5. [ t ksula Scranton, daughter of Russell, married John Bailey, of Iladdam. They had four children — two living. ■127. Freelove M. Scranton, daughter of Russell, married Alonzo Clark, of Iladdam. 428. "Worthington T. Scranton, of Middletown, now of Essex, son of Russel, married Lydia Bailey, of Durham. He remarried Brown, of New Haven. Child. 7G8 Charles M., by second wife. 420. Abigail A. Scranton, daughter of Russell, married Leonidas Maynard. She died June 3, 1 852. Children. One living and one dead. 431. Martha Scranton, daughter of William, of Middletown, married Samuel Chamberlin, October, 1832, and died May 10, 1837, aged 24. One child. 433. Harriet Scraxton, daughter of William, married John Aides. lie died. Slie remarried John Kip. 438. Mf.i.vina Scranton, daughter of Henry and Ann, of Hart- ford, married Abraham Mason, residence first of Hartford, next of New Ha\ en, 1 ft.'! 1. .1 () II N S C K A N T O N . Si) Children. Alfred P. Mason, I). .lulv 27, 1838. .'Ann Eliza Mason, I). July 7, 183'.). Franklin Aliraham .Mason, l>. June If), 1841. F.mar Eliza Mason, I). March ;i(), 1843. Kdwin P. Mason, I). April I, 1840. Harriet A. Mason, 1). June 20, 1849. 142. Mary Jane Scranton, daughter of Henry, married llezekiali Munsel, of Winsted. Wo. Frances II. Scranton, daughter of Henry, married Henry Hamilton. 15 G. Norman il. Scranton, son of Timothy, married Sarah liar- vis, daughter of Eli ; born 181(5. Children. "'ri Sarah, !>. February 6, 1836 ; m. to Charles Brock, of Middletown, Julv 8, 1855. 773 J. Monroe, I). April 2'J, 1842. 774 George, ]>. September 16, 1844. 775 -John, l>. June <), 1851 . 157. 31 aim a Scran ion, daughter of Timothy, married Calvin Abhy. . Eunice Scranton, daughter of Timothy, married William Graham, of Branford. Three children. lf>5. John Nelson Scranton, of Bennington, Vt., son of Simeon, of North Madison. He is a dentist and M. 1). He married Mary Sloeum. No issue. P'>C.. Simeon Sereno Sci; \.nto\. son of Simeon, of North Madison, married Dorliska A. Rogers, lirst cousin, daughter of Enos, who was a merchant there, February 2s, IS4<\>; born May 17, 1822, 12 00 T> E - C END A X T S O F in North Madison. His house is in Durham, and store in New York city. lie is an agent for a book establishment, eVe. CIMrm. ~~< ()>car IVrrv. 1). in Durham. 77:i L'harle- L.,' h. in Durham, 1"49. 48t>. Eliza Ann Scraxtox, daughter of David and Amanda, of North Madison. Married Curtis Stone of North Madison, Jan- uary 20, 1830, born Juno 14, lSlo. ' 'Mr,,. Sherman W. Stone, I>. ( >ctoher 9. I -37. Samuel G. Stone, \>. March 19, IS39. 482. [IEXRY L\ SCRAXTOX, son of David. Married Sarah Crane. daughter of Rufus, of Killingworth. October 10, 183-3. Chl'd. 7-4 A daughter. 4S8. IIexry II. Scraxtox, son of Loyal. Married Catharine Williams, December, 18-31. 489. William B. Scraxtox, son of Loyal. Married Caroline Knapp, April 22, 18-32. 7-:. Klizal.eth Loval, 1.. XovemluT. I>.VJ. 7>c, Hunrv. k Duivmliu' i.V l-:>4. Ann Kluareth Scraxtox. daughter of David and Kli/a- In/tii (iranni-. , Married Levi B. Bradley, of 1 lartfurd. Novem- !,,.]• ;',ii, l.s.j.'J, now of New Haven: work- in her father's iron faetorv. \c. W •.. !.. A ;_ i-t :jn, I ■l:»l. Wjlliam Tah'i.'T'i Si; i; a xti »x. m >u of David. Mi hi- fatin-r"- iron munufael N«-w Haven. Married Marv J O II X S C It A X T X 91 T. Benton, daughter of Rev. Erastus, of North Bridgewater, 3 T ; i - s . . formerly of Belchertown, Mass., September 7, 1853, born December 9, 1833. 50G. "Washington - Clark Scranton, of Clarkston, Oakland Co., Mich. Married Charlotte Lapham, in Paris, daughter of Nathan- iel and Hannah, dune 30, 1842. Is a merchant in Clark-ton. 518. Delia Sckantom, daughter of Hamlet, of Rochester, N. V. Married dehiel Ihvrnerd. 519. Henry Scrantom, of Rochester, X. Y., son of Hamlet. Married Ardelia Moore, daughter of Eli, November 30, 1S23. Children. sot) *Ed\vard Henry, 1). September 21, 1825; d. June 20, 1S41, a. 15 vears and 9 months. SOI Frances Ardelia, b. July 2:3, 1827. 81)2 Theodore Elbert, I). January 22, 1830. Mi/i Ellen Lauretta, b. July 2:3, 184(3. 521. Elbert William Scraxtom, of Rochester. X. Y., son of Hamlet. lie died February 20, 1855, aged 54. He went with his parents to Rochester, forty years ago. lie was an active. business man. Married Klizabeth Child. Child. sot Henry. 522. Ed win Scraxtom, of Rochester, son of Hamlet. In his boyhood, (aged 12.) he went with his father and family to Roch- ester, there being only two or three log houses in that [dace. lie was educated to the printing business, in which he continued till aboul L835. since then he has been an auctioneer and com- mission merchant, and a general agent for collecting and remitting money. Ae.. to Fngland. Scotland. Ireland. France and Cermanv. For ten or more years past he has been an urtlre and influential elder in the second Presbvlerian brick) church in that citv. f!9 D E S C E X D A X T S OF Married Mary Ann Sibley, of "Walpole, N. II. , daughter of Asa and Irene, October 2t>, 1825, born December 18, 1804. [Edwin O. Hall, first a missionary at Sandwich Islands, and now one of the King's Cabinet, is nephew to Mrs. E. Scrantom.] Children. m)7 Stella IJeatce, I'. January \2. [ 827 ; m. (ialu-ha Phillips, h. in Ashlield, Ma-s., < U-tuliiT ••;. 1828, no child. -"v A' Irian (iconre. I.. I letolier 2ti, l^ 1 - : m. Mary Sheldon, dr. of Josiah, wliu was lmiu' a merchant in Rochester. -ii',) (.'ura Irene. b. .Innc 2-, I8.'5U; in. John E. Sabine, of Fulton. X. V., :] drs. *Kdwiiiii Jane, b. September 124, 1 >'Vl. -10 Bculah .Man , b. January I '>. Ls'l"). - 1 1 .- i 1 1 1 1 < • r Kd'win. li. Februan Hi. I8.'37. --Kilwin Lcsi, I). November 1 0, l84o -'Clifford Sillies , li. Januarv 27, IM-'!. ••"Melford Clark, b. November I. 1-4 l. -1 1 I5erth;i Sibley, k November l".i. [848. X. lb All the children burn in Rochester. The live children that died young, were four sons and a daughter, and were under one year old: f\ee]il Clifford S.. aged three year- and nine month-. IIauriet Amanda Sckantox, daughter of Israel, died in Rochester, January 21, 18-17. Married Jonathan King, of Koch- ester. X. V„ December 24. 1s2C>. Xo issue. r»28, Teeemai n i .- N. Sckantox, of Oberlin, Ohio, a dealer in Drugs and medicines, eve., son of Israel. Unmarried. Majiy Amelia Sckaxtox. daughter of Israel. Married Henry II. Dub. of I'.ergen. X. Y. "■).'!' < 1-itAi.i. S< [,'axto.v. of Monroe. .Mich., -mi of Israel. lie is a Conductor or engineer on Mad Uiver Railroad. Sandusky Cify. Married Lucv Ann Lawrence, of Monroe, dune 22. lSb'i. ' '1,1'dn a . h. in M.mree. Ma\ 2-. 1-1 1. -I i 1. \ b, ill Toledo. S. |.telll!ier !). 1-1- » 1 ."> M;ir_:;..:. i. in lliiuilee. Fehrttarv [o, I s.Vl ,T O II X S C R A N T O N 93 533. Alovzo Camp Scranton, of Dundee, Mich., son of Israel. Conductor or Engineer on the Mud River Railroad; Sandusky, Ohio. Married Jane K. McDowell, in Monroe, Midi., July (J, 1811. Children. si; Alouzo Camp, I). May 1, 1845. sis John Milton. 1). in Monroe, November 1, 184G. 534. Anna Curtis Scranton, daughter of Israel. Married James Kenyon. of Dundee, Mich., and died at Tecumseh, July 25, IS 111. Left one child. Abraham Scranton, of Minesota, son of Israel. Mar- ried Lavina Turwilger, of Blissfield, Mich., July 3, 1839. No issue. Farmer. 53(>. Hiram Scranton, son of Israel. Married Laura Pool, of Blissfield, Mich., July 27, 18-11, and died May 11, 1842, of puerperal fever. Remarried Ruba Anderson, of Dundee, October 2J, 1843. She died December 25, 1847. Mr. Hiram died March 13, 1848. Chikmn. 820 *,Toy, I), in Dundee, Midi., January 14, 1845; d. July 12, 184."). 821 Orp'ha, 1>. in Dundee, Midi., January 30, 1846. 537. Serina Scranton, daughter of Israel. Married William Van Pelt, of Dundee. Mich. Kmkro Scranton', son of Israel. Married Catharine Pulver, if Dundee, Mich., April L0, 1848. Children. -■1-1 Aim Cornelia, l>. Mareli 14. [849. s-j.'i Talliott Romeo, h. .January 14, I S r> 1 . s-j.i Clarence Kiuero. k December 21, IK52. :>■! I) E S C E X I > A N T S O V r,u. I'ii i.i'.i: Scuaxtox, daughter of .low »>f Durham. Married -lolni Robinson, of Durham, May 15, 1820. Five children. 5.10. Lydia Axx Scraxtox, eldest daughter of David, Jan., of Nova Scotia, married Mark J I art. of Margarie, Cape Breton, -mi of Irad Armenia, November 17. LSI'.!. Children. Henry S. Man, b. November 10, 184.']. Lvdin Adaline Hart. I). Julv 1(1, IS45. • Oavid Jolin Osbert llarr, 1). April 27. 1S47; . October 29, 1851. 8.'il Sarah Olivia, li. < letober 4. 1853. 579. William II. Scraxtox, of Utica, X. Y., son of Lyman. Dealer in tovs, birds, bird-cages, and manufacturer of toys and cages. J le married Flexey A. Bond, daughter of Isaac and Margaret, .Jan- uary 27. 18-11 : born October (5, 1821. Child,; u. 840 Sophia ( '.. it. November ■'!. 1841. 541 William Henry, b. November l.'i, 1845, ami d. October 8, 1847. 542 ( leor-r Harri- r on. b. Jui\ 12. : ^ Hi. a-MI. Maria Sckaxtox. daughter of Lyman, of Ltica, married Milo M. CaC Mary Hu-cnia, !>. NovunU-r 2'.), 1844. r, ( > 7 . Don Carlos Scraxtox, of Chicago, 111., son of Llnatluui, of Concord, Mich, lie was po> t master of Albion, .Mich., four rears. Merchant. He married Elizabeth Pines, of Monroe City, Mich. Aim-ust 15, 1*4!. '.><> |> K s C K S I) A N T S O I' C hi/da u. SH'i Frances Amies, b. July 10, 1845. Fdwin ami Edirar, twins, b. June 18, 1848. Fdwin d. August I, 1848. 012. Mortimer Scraxtox, son of Orrin. Dentist, lie married Harriet S. Duck. January I. 1847. G13. Ilron Scraxtox, son of Orrin. Dentist. Lie married Lucy 15. Hicks, May, 1852. child. 849 Frank 1L, It. June 1, lS. r >4. (J13. Gkorge C Scraxtox, son of Orrin, married Mary Matteson, April 15, 1855. G13. Laura Ann Sckantox, daughter of Orrin, married 'William 1). Howe, September 8, 18 17. Childrt,,. Franco A. Riiwi', Henry II. Rove. I>13. Jexnett Scraxtox, daughter of Orrin, married Mendoll W. Marsh, December G, I s 1G. She is a widow. C 'Ulna. Florence A. ( i in.', d. EIGHTH GENERATE »X. G 15. See No. < G. Fxi:\ Fkastus Sckantox. of Madison, -on of Frastus ('. Scranton. He died in Madison. May 15, [S~>~>, aged li-'i. Mer- chant, lb- married Sarah Fowler Todd, of Madison, daughter of Cant. Jonathan V. Todd, Juno 22. 1, ucv >■ : >u't\ I '.i, and was brought to Madison for interment. Tims both (iicd shortly alter marriage, much esteemed and lainenled — calm and peaceful in spirit. .) OHX S C K ,V X T O N 97 -SOl. Fkaxces Amelia Scraxtom, daughter of Henry, married Hiram True, April 10, 1845. Child a-n. 850 Frances Silk True, I). An-ii-t 24. 1846: d. September 8, 1848, a. 2. 551 Frances Seranton True, b. August 1(5, IS4t>. 552 Jessie Atlelia True, b. June (i, 185-2. 853 Riley True. b. July 15, ls54. 800. Cora [rkxe Scraxtom, daughter of Edwin and Mary Ami (Sibley.) married John E. Sabine, November 2s. ls4,s 7 -who died July 7. 1854, of cholera, at Chicago, after six hours illness, leav- ing two daughters, and has a posthumous son since his death. ("luhlfii. Cora Lovisa Serantom Sabine, b. January -in, 1850. Mary Irene Sabine, 1). Januarv 8, 1853. SiMy Phillips Sabine. b. December 23, 1854. 810. Bei i. ah M. Sckaxtom. daughter of Edwin. &c, married Isaac 11. Weaver, January 17. 1855. of Mount Vernon, Ohio. Merchant. 13 V KIIKATA. 16. 14th line of note, read C4.'S6, Ms. 2.S, ••}(! lino, read 17-'!'.) in-tead of 178' 46 No. 114. for " Henry Scrantou, Seranton, soti of Theophilu^ son of Theodore," road Henry INDEX TO CHRISTIAN NAMES OF SCRANTONS Born Name. Number. 1 Born Name. Number. I Born. Name. Number. Aaron C, 308 1818 Amelia, 281 ; 1835 Beulah, 810 1834 Aaron (■'., 1 1783 Amos, 148 Boardman, 01 1 1834 Aaron 1!., 700 1823 Amos, 387 1784 Aaron I!., 142 1829 Amos M„ 582 Camilla A„ 585 1832 Aaron T., 507 Amos, 725 1820 Caroline, 282 1811 Achsah, 204 1812 Amy. 197 | 1822 Caroline, 391 1173 Abel, 102, 1833 Andrew, 7 02 1703 Catharine, 74 180.") Abel, 105 1811 Angeline, 545 1 1702 Catharine, 731 1833 Abel W„ 58G 1731 Ann, 25 1804 Catharine, 193 17.-)!) Abigail, 72 1793 Ann. 9 1824 Catharine, 392 1797 Abigail, 115 1 7 fi 2 Ann. 05 1-19 Catharine, 055 178.3 Abigail, 153 : 17 20 Ann, 21 1822 Catharine 8„ 277 1814 Abisi'l 287 1827 Ann V... 490 1848 Catharine 515 1804 Abigail, 202 Vim, 87 1844 Catharine 359 18 2 8 Abigail. 120 1849 Ann ('.. .-22 1783 Charlotte, 108 Abigail, 90 1 8 1 5 Ann C, 255 1.-20 Charlotte, 290 17.") 4 Abraham, 5 1 18 4.-, Ann. 514 1830 Charlotte A.. 470 17411 .Abraham, 70 1 8 1 ti Ann ('.. 534 18 14 Charlotte, 359 1787 Abraham V. 119 1827 Ann, 395 Charlotte', 401 1787 Abraham, 205 1093 Anna. 9 1843 Cecelia, 1817 Abraham, 535 1814 Anna .1.. 189 1823 Chester M., 440 1827 Abraham P. 305 1810 Anna C, 534 1837 Celestia, 509 1724 Abraham. 32 1702 Anna, 05 1841 Celestia, 588 1828 Adrian I !., B08 1793 Anna. 180 1831 Celestia, 509 1848 Adolphus 11. ~)6\^ 1188 Anna, 87 1823 Celia A., 401 IS 2.1 Albert, 435 1810 Ansnn < '.. 423 1-13 Celia. 314 1843 Albert M.. 383 Arthur, 95 1804 Celia. 1829 Albert A., 103 1801 \rthnr V.. 132 18 14 Charity, 241 Albert, 59 1 1842 Arthur 1'.. 35 - 1803 Charles, 223 1845 Albert, 75 1 1800 Arthur '!'.. 120 1-22 Charles, 283 1772 Alexander, 78 1833 Artemesia. 292 1829 Charles A.. 409 180li Alexander. 19 1 Asa, 1 78 1839 Charles 11 . 578 1838 Alexander A 513 18.-, I Asahel P... 17- 1825 Charles L., 340 1830 Alfred, 350 1-00 Ashur 120 1825 Charles L., 394 1829 Alford, 403 1-:. I •Yshur 1', 1 13 1-19 Charles 1... 779 184 7 Allice, 300 18 32 \ugusta ('.. 5 1 3 18 12 Charles 1... 703 1841 Alma A., 185 1842 Charles. 340 1837 Alon/.o .1., 1-7 17 59 Benjamin, 5 1840 Charles, 085 1-1 1 Alon/.o ('.. 5. '13 1-11 Benjamin \Y 32 1 1840 Charles W.. 05 1 1828 Alon/.o I'.. 317 1848 Bertha S.. --11 18 15 Charles I... 1838 Alonzo «... 19 3 11 70 Betsey. 103 1854 Charlotte, 573 1808 Alon/.o 1... 195 1790 Betsey. 120 178 1 Chloe, 109 Alon/.o, 177 119- Betsey, 125 1788 Chloe, 51 1799 Alson, 235 1819 Betsev. 390 1821 Chloe C, 303 1843 Alva G., 089 1820 Betsey, 629 1-11 Chloe, 568 1795 Amanda, 145 1810 Beriaii, 531 1829 Chauncey, 137 1785 Amanda, 20) Belinda. 220: 1-52 Clarence, *24 100 INDEX. Born Name. 1-30 i . ■ 1 7-5 Comi'urt ' >., 1533 Comfort K. 1 T - 3 (' in. !ir. 1-17 (' inn lia. 1-27 L'on 1-40 ■ 13-7 Cornelius A mo Cor.-i .1., 1 -2- 1 on d m. ] 520 Cynthia A., 1-10 < '> ntlun A . i~03 Cynthia 11. I- 12 Daniel T.. l-'jt'j Daniel 11.. 1> .:.. ■-. II., 1772 itan ■ ■: ii., 1751 Davi I, 17 7.") ! 7 'J 7 Hv. :. 1-00 Da\ 1. 1-2- David. i-:io i).'.. i i:. i-3i David. 1-33 Davi : 1'. 1 - 2 5 7- 1-12 Davi i. i -:i- Dayton R., 1-1- 1). : -rah. 1-34 1 1) 1). u-ah, 179.") Di .... Dennis. D : -. u ■..- .. \™: 1 ■ Ehenezer, 1773 Ii: - :../.■ r. 17-11 Ii rn-zer, i. :_ r. 409 1 1- 30- 203 .vn 304 329 133 I-- 31 I I7n 1-3 •10- 4-3 ■-'49 5 5 1 li 1 1 1 4 2 1 i 5 j ].").") 4" 1 451 .Name, i: .;.-. A., Eliza. Eliza A.. Kliza A.. Ehza. i; . . Eliza T.. Eliza M.. Elean r. Elizabeth i. ■ tli Elizabeth elli, stl), -th, elli. Ellen \„ Kill n I... Kiien I. Y.\ . t.u Ev', 1750 Geome H'.. 243 71 1 -50 George \V., 028 3d 'J 1 - 5 1 George < '.. 050 OtjiJ 1 ■- 1 -J George Ii.. 368 3 1 3 1-3- G rse J:.. 3 1 032 1-47 George G., 705 :oo 1-30 Ge T-e J., 3-1 5 j i - 1 :> '. rge 11.. :>--: ■-".i7 i-ii i,. rgi IV., 27 9 71.3 1-53 George W\, 07 J 071 1 -00 Gi rge \V., 252 -03 1-30 1 ■ rge K.. -3 ] =30 George II., 447 i 2 4 -J 1- l-J Gi rge, 368 137 Gi rgi 5.. 724 2 2 4 1-32 Ge rge W. 410 422 1-34 '... rge, 570 4 3 9 1-4H Gerard. 450 399 17;: I •J 1 9 509 054 577 1-14 Hamilton W. 313 o i , _ 1773 Han,!--. 199 1-i 17 99 Ilamlel T. 5J0 1-1 Hannah. 13 004 17 1- Hannah, •JO 494 17 9U II .. :. ih. 150 5 3 - 1 7 5 -J Hannah. 47 190 1-13 Hannah M., 30 4 7 17 10 ii:.!,;..:,. •J 9 0-3 1-11 11 m :.. 524 10.) 1-3-J 11 ::.:.'... W., 443 ■J7 4 1-01 Harry. 147 100 1-19 Ilarrv. 400 1)1)3 1 -3 -J Harry \V.. '.' - 7 1-0] Han • 1 17 159 1-03 Han t, 5 2 7 •J 2 4 1 -il") Harm :. J. 17 130 ~ 17 Ha ■ : :a 1-11 303 ■J 5 4 5 1 'J 1-1- II irri if.'., 3 1 -J 1)0 1 - 1 - Han ■ ' 4 33 222 11 307 3 l-J 1-11 : • '■: Han ' 19.3 30 1 17 1 i - - . . , II irri. • IV [lii 379 1 l-J | -JO II .:. -. 347 - Ml i - 13 11 75 3 ;,,;;, [-39 Hi-:ii ii M .".7 4 0-J7 I7:"i 11. man. •J 7 1- 1 - . i II. ::. .:. M in i 13 -■l.i 1794 II. :.■ . t:a II.. Ii. :,!;,. ! 4 5 1 14 INDEX. 101 Born. Name. Number. Horn Name. Number. Born Name. Number. ITU.") Henry, 151 1711 John, 38 Luman, 1(54 1793 Henry, 103 17 79 John, 8 5 1840 Luther B., 4 10 1796 Henry, 5 1 9 1.804 John, 25 1 1-25 Lydia A., 550 1797 Henry, 1818 John X.. 405 18 10 I.ydia, 305 183.) Henry, 341 1-10 John \V„ 128 1,-35 Lydia <'., 705 177.") Henry, 2011 1829 John K . 320 1798 Lyman. 229 1827 Henry E., 482 185 1 John, 775 IS38 Henry A.. 552 1781 Jonathan, 107 1749 .Mabel. 41 )r."> l Henry A.. 717 1818 Jonathan (.'.. 275 178 1 Mabel, 91 18:27 Henry H., 183 1.8-12 Jonathan, 052 Mahitabel, 7 1829 Henry A., 378 1709 Joseph, 77 1817 Malvina, 438 1833 Henry 0., 114 1-2- Joseph, 059 1790 Maria, 220 1827 Hepheston, 540 1-2- Joseph, 473 1-2 1 Maria A., 481 Id 19 Hiram, 530 1-09 Joseph (' , 175 1821 Maria A., 580 1802 Hiram, 230 1804 Joseph A., 185 1819 Maria, 371 1827 Hiram, 395 1-25 Joseph A., 44 1 1849 Maria G., 580 1818 Horatio I.., 314 1825 Joseph A., 4 02 1841 Marcus A. 472 1788 Hubbard, 1 1 1 1-13 Joseph II., 27 3 18 30 Margaret, 475 1772 Huldah, 88 1.8 35 Joseph S., 319 1810 Margaret A., 703 llnldali, 207 1842 Josephine, 700 1853 Margaret, 815 1788 Huldah, i i 2 5 1-3 1 Josephine, 507 1 8 1 2 Mariha. 431 1818 Huldah, 205i 1705 Josiah 15 Mariette, 013 1820 Hush. 013 17 13 Josiah, 39 1790 Martin, 157 1843 Hugh, 2 17 1787 Josiah. 93 1809 Martin, 203 1828 Josiah. 200 1-2 1 Marvin. 17 1- lchabod. 1!) Joshua, 225 Mercy, 1737 lchabod, :>:> 1780 Joy, 110 [8(12 Mercy, 192 1702 lchabod, <-i 17-1 Jnv. 202 Mary' 5 1793 lchabod B„ 12 1 1-15 Joy, 8 -JO 1701 Mary. 13 1792 lchabod 1... 1 13 1797 Julia. 140 1730 Mary, 30 1829 lchabod J,., 290 1833 Julia A., 3-0 1752 Man. G3 1838 Irvin, 750 1-25 Julia A., 27 3 1752 Mary, 745 1839 Isaac I!.. 200 1 -05 Juliaette. 13- 1-44 Mary E., 845 177- Israel, 20 1 1-30 Juliaette. 1-21 Marv A., 581 1813 Israel, 522 1810 Justin J.. 205 1790 1835 Mary, Marv. 124 014 1- 12 .lames [I., 115 1-20 Laura .!.. 320 1801 Mary, 158 1814 James I7D3 John. 14 1- 1.8 Lory Ann, -la 1715 Noah. |8 lain John. 5 1 '■ 1-30 Lucy S„ 309 17 4 4 Noah. 42 I72ti John. 1794 1. , :re1 a L. 123 1744 Noah. 90 102 INDEX. lorn Name. 831 Noble R. -11 Norman H. -14 Norman (1.. 747 f)live, 823 Olive, 815 Olive N\, 757 Olive. 845 Orpha, Oscar, Orrin, -44 O-hert, 810 Pamelia, -2d Pamelia, -10 Permelia. I'ennelia, 779 Parnel, -22 Parnel E., -l!i Pamelia. -10 Pamelia, 746 Phebe, -04 Phebe, --'7 Phebe \.. 7--' Phel e. Phebe, -1 1 Philemon A -4- Pierce. r ... a . eoo Polly M„ 77U Rachi ' 7 39 Rachel. 703 Rachel. - 1 -J Ralph. -•J- Ralph. - 17 Richard O, Number. (',41 450 2 5 3 48 372 27 1 4 -■-'1 no 407 3 35 Robert E Rom, - Romeo r... Roxam K .: - Ruth. :i 1 i; !.«-( :. i: ,--■■, li i«. [.' 11 .:., .: 1. .', 1 4 108 15 101 130 13ii 35 1 Born. Name. Samuel, :-jii Samuel, 750 Samuel, 703 San -V5 Samuel. - 1 1 Samuel. 820 Samuel M.. -A4 Samuel E., Samuel. 045 Sarah. 707 Sarah. 720 Sarah. 7 3:! Sarah. 750 Saraii I... 7-0 Sarah [,.. 75 1 Sarah I... -05 Sarah I,. -•-'u Sarah II.. -29 Sarah. -J!' Sara!), -30 Saraii W.. -31 Sarah A.. -47 Sarah M.. 790 Sarah. -5 3 Saraii O., -US. Uen 'I'.. - 1 1 Sereno II.. -21 Serina II . 75-.' Simeon. 705 Simeon, 7-o Simeon. -22 Simeon S . "imeon, Sophia C. 77ii Stephen, -03 Stephen. Stafford. -27 Stella M 7 12 Submit. -2- .- i-nn .1 . -to Sue in, - II - . :.: -52 -.!■ • . -.", I Tal ,H R., -00 T, • mnchus :-<■ ti -:m Tin r, I 7 15 Thomas, 7 37 Thomas, T 70 1 -40 Number. Born. Name. Number 700 Thomas, 7-0 Thomas. 1-13 Thomas. -02 Thomas H. 540 Thomas, 1-24 Thomas M., 701 Thomas. i"22 Timothy. 149 Timothy, "131 Timothy. "32 Timothy. 75- Timothy, 750 Torrey, i-7 T irrev, 30 144 370 424 400 714 207 174 40' 5 1 (3 -•31 2-0 -07 17 -10 frsiila, -10 Waiter. -54 Wallace. -14 Walker W.. Wealthy. 77(i William, 7-0 William. -10 Wi -ol William. William H.. 830 William II.. -40 William II.. William. -10 William. -5 1 William. -33 William I'.. -1 I Willi; in !'.. William I'., William I'.. -■:: W liam <:., -■:', \\ i'. mi r -20 William T . -II William I)., -10 Wi liam II.. 770 Wiiliam II.. 70- Wil iam, -24 Will .:.. 1.. Wiiliam, -5 I V\ iam s . -30 W I'.iam. 7-2 W Wai . 1-17 Wane,,, Warn, r. 1-23 Worth ni-t u. Wi-st • .. l-2o Washington C, 1-31 Zilpha M„ 1-52 Zi: a. 64 140 2 1 5 390 107 73 31 09 107 154 420 002 680 001 09 101 102 4 30 201 4-0 700 -30 249 -1 4 55 1 491 I 411 190 2-1 - 1 I 511) 00 1 50 1 N I) E X I I MALES (NOT SCKANTOXS) WHO HA\ K MARRIED FEMALES OF THE .NAME OF SCR ANTON. Name. Nun. iev. Name. Number. Name. Nun her, Abbott, (;. W. lib 4 liimlap. Leete. 423 Abhy, C. 157 I.Ooto. 71 Aesett. 1). :n;c; Ellis, (,. j ,"i - I . i I ] ' 1 s 1 1 ■ V . 1011 Allis, N. •J(| Edmund. .72 Livingstone. 208 Ailing, Edwards 2 2 1 Ambler. !- 1 Evarls. .1. i:s Mumhi, A 4 Sri Andrus. Ely. R. C ■i in Monasters, Maynard, 211 129 Barker, W. 2 ', 1 1 Fish. E. 198 Meigs, .71 Bartholomew, -J<»7 Fenn. .Mile-. 433 liarmore, .1. 97 Fields. E. ;{7 Meriman, •.Ob Barnerd, .") 1 8 l'risbie, \V. 145 Morse, 233 Bacon. 11 '-"Jo Monger, 17 !) Bassett, 372 Goodrich, 11. -Ml Monger, 3d Bishop, it. 9ri Goodrich, 222 Mun-ol. f>~ Benton, 1. i it; Goodrich. \:>,1 Walsirove. Walker, W. Warner. Warren. Ward. 'J'. Washburn, Name. W.-.-ks. K. White, Welch, Whittlesey, Walkins, Wheaton. L. I'lJ Webster, < Wilcox. 2 Hi Wilcox, 101! Woli ot, Woodru.fi", iUO Woodford, Xumbi'i 10 :»oa '2 1 1) lil? 4UJ THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. 3 1205 00536 1173 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY I AA 000 145 357