University of California Berkeley : c* j? 1 -! . ok. M Decision uality Minding us success. GEO SPAULDING&CO PRINTERS 414CLAVST San Francisco V\/M. F>. F"II_MER RRESIDEIMT JOMtM F"II_MER VIOE-PRES. GEORGE F-IUM SECRETARY THE: FILMEIR BROTHEIRS COMPANV TVPOGRAPHEIRS EILEICTR OTVPE: RS STEIRE:OTVPE:RS BRIEF AND LAW NA/ORK BOOK AND JOB WORK ZINGOSIN l_l N E OR H AI_R TOM I-IMOTYPE WORK FOR THE TRADE No SANSOME: STREIET Cxvi __ TELEPMOINJE MAIIM "7"78 Hadwen Swain Manufacturing Co 215-217 Spear Street San Francisco, Cal. Headquarters New and Rebuilt Cylinder and Perfecting Presses Agents for the Huber Crank Movement, Direct Dieting Presses Face-up Delivery and Latest Improvements 1 10 and 1 1 2 Beale Street San Francisco Printers' Paper Knives Ground Saws of Every Description Made and Repaired Telephone Main $052 Phone South Bateman Contractor Banks, Stores, Offices and Dwellings Fitted Up. Jobbing Promptly Attended to Turning Tenpins and Balls Folsom Street San Francisco, California o Dealers in all kinds of Rin? Our special lines are too well known to require particular mention : : : : 40 1 -403 Sansome Street 500-508 Sacramento Street : : : Phone Main sum Pirsi]ifl(fl((Q) : California : : : : A. E. Shattuck, President W. F. Shattuck, Secretary Pacific States Type Foundry 508 Clay Street, San Francisco, California ~~ Manufacturers and Designers of Original and Novel Productions in Standard Line and Point-Set Type, Borders and Ornaments Sole Agents for Barnhart Bros. & Spindler, Babcock Optimus and Drum Cylinder Presses and Thompson Colt's ylrmory Press SET IN AULDIS ITALIC CON H. PETERSON Kntcred for Class 2. \ O o J. A. MORROAV, President JOHN W. HE1DT, Sec'y a\d Treas. PACIFIC METAL WORKS IMPORTERS Paper Ruling ^* Printing < Manufacturer of Malloye's Pat. Blank Books 422 SACRAMENTO ST. San Francisco, Cal. TELEPHONE MAIN 1681 The Dexter Jobbing, Book and Pamphlet Folding Ma- chine with Dexter Automatic Feeding Machine attached FOLDERS FOR ALL CLASSES OF WORK. FEEDERS FOR FOLDERS AND PRINTING PRESSES. WRITE FOR CATALOGUES AND FULL INFORMATION MAIN OFFICE AND FACTORY : PEARL RIVER, NEW YORK LONDON : 46 Farringdon Street . . . TORONTO : 26 Front Street, West DEXTER FOLDER CO, CHICAGO: 315 Dearborn Street . . . NEW YORK : 290 Broadway BOSTON : 12 Pearl Street George D. Graham CHAS. ENEU JOHNSON & CO. 'S Printing and I \ I J^ V Lithographic J. JL V -/V. ^J The largest and best equipped printers' 1 roller establishment on the Pacific Coast : : : : : The latest and best com- pressed-air system is used in casting, and making solid, per- fect rollers by the best formulas z 27 -<)2O Commercial Street TELEPHONE MAIN NO. Manufacturer of . . . . Printers' Rollers and Composition (iro. C. Alrxanfcer. iBattaijrr Ammratt (Enmpatuj 405 anl 40 7 STUDY IN STRAIGHT LINES DESIGNED AND EXECUTED BY THE TWENTIETH CENTURY PRESS, AT H4 UNION SQUARE AVENUE, SAN FRANCISCO, FOR THE AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY, AND REPRINTED BY PERMISSION FOR INSERTION IN PRINTERS' BASKET OUTING SOUVENIR, MAY 24, 1902. WORK CONSISTS OF 112 PIECES OF RULE REPRESENTING 224 MITERS IF 1 ^^^ r ^E ajipr maiiti- / "4 tarlurcft bu tliia ^FL (Ciuupami ia tlir ^^ onljj rrtuijttij rft atanttarii of rx- rrltrurr thnntnliuitt tlir taiirlb. JlrintrrB arr rr- quratrd to prrarrbr all afirrimrn ab.rrta fur tb.e tiljir biafilai} and iJiras in thr brat rampoaitinn. All tlir latrat iiraigna in shirk at >an JFrauciaru. I . J L INKS BRILLIANT PRINTING DEED S GOODMAN 513 SACRAMENTO STREET, SAN FRANCISCO TELEPHONE No. MAIN ONE-NINE-EIGHT-FOUR J I If you wish to drink some of the very best Rye Whiskey on Earth, ask for Castle Malt Whiskey at the "Club Bar" MALT WHISKEY THE F. CHEVALIER Co. PACIFIC COAST AGENTS 9, II, 13, 15 BEALE ST., S. F. Paper... W. G. RICHARDSON Pacific Coast Manager Graham Paper Co, 410 Sansome Street Hunter Baltimore Rye.*,* " THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN DRINK " CHRISTY & WISE COMMISSION CO. 223-225 California St., San Francisco ARTHUR KIDD, Secy. H. F. MARSH, Pres. Representing LOUIS DEJONGE & COMP'Y, New York Dealers in Bookbinders' Leathers, Cloth, Etc., and "Keratol," best substitute for leather .... 522 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. TELEPHONE MAIN 5368 WK MAKK THINGS HUM!!! THERE'S A TIME FOR WOHK, AND THKRK-S A TIMK FOR K['X| WHEN WE WORK, WE WORK TO MAKE THINGS HI'M, AND WE no THE SAME AT PLAY. QUIT OCR WORK SO WE CAN PT..AY, AND MAKE THINGS HUM, FOR THIS is PRINTERS DAY. SMILING AT THE INCREASE OF 1 OT7R BUSINESS. LIKE HIM WATCH TTS GROW. "OUR DEVIL' SPRINGER PRINTING Co. 240 PHONE JESSIE O21. STRKKT. SAN FR PUBLISHERS OF- THE CALIFORNIA HORSEMAN, IHA UAHKER DALZIEI.. EDITOR. Made Right Play Right Sound Right Sold Right ^&^.& Byron Maxizy ...Pianos... You are invited to inspect the FACTORY Factory and Salesrooms 3O8'3IO>312 POST STREET, Union Square. SoHmer Agency WE ARE MACHINISTS Webber CgL AicKer MacKine WorKs & PRINTING and BOOKBINDING MACHINERY Built, Repaired, Erected and Removed. Special Machinery Designed and Built. TelepHone Grant 172. 1O3 BEALE STREET. WK MAKK THINGS HUM!!! THERE'S A TIME FOR WORK, AND THERE'S A TIMF. FOR FUN| WHEN WE WORK, WE WORK TO MAKE TIIINOSi HUM, AND WE I>0 THE - VMI AT PLAY. WE PUT ODH TYPE AND KOI.l.KKS AWAY| QUIT OUR WORK SO WE CAN PLAY, FOR THIS is PRINTERS r>AY. SMIUNQ AT THE INCREASE OF OUR BUSINESS. LIKE HIM WATCH US GROW. "OUR DEVIL' SPRINGER PRINTING Co. 24O EI-.T..IS (STREET. PHONE .JESSIE O21. SAN KHANI-ISCO. I'UHI.ISHKRS OF THE CALIFORNIA HORSEMAN, IRA HARKF.K DAT.ZIEI-. EDITOR. Byron . .Pianos. Kou are invited to inspect the FACTORY Factory and Salesrooms 508'SW'Sn POST STREET, Sound Right Sold Right SoHmer Agency ^. ^ . ^. ^ . <^>>. ^ t;.^* <=:: ^ 't^^^'-^/) WE ARE MACHINISTS Webber (EL Aicher Machine WorKs J& PRINTING and BOOKBINDING MACHINERY Built, Repaired, Erected and Removed. Special Machinery Designed and Built. TelepKone Grant 172. 1O3 BEALE STREET. Printing for the Trade We are making a specialty of doing good presswork for the trade at prices that invite your consideration. We can do this because we have lately moved to our new building, and have largely increased the capacity of the plant. We have fast cylinders, printing sheets of the largest size. This means a saving on* long runs. In addition we assure secrecy and our word that we will not seek your business. A good guarantee, don't you think ? The Stanley -Taylor Company 656 Mission Street, San Francisco Use- the BEST LUBRICANTS ON THE MARKET Especially Adapted for Printers' Presses and Machinery R. N. Nason & Co. OIL AND PAINT MAN LJFACTURERS IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN GLASS, BRUSHES, VARNISHES, ETC. LUBRICATING OILS AND GREASES GRINDERS PURE COLORS & PAINTS 115 and 117 Front Street Telephone Main 5575 San Francisco, Cal. JOSEPH SCHNEILY & SON AND E. STREUBER PROPRIETORS Galli Machine Works Manufacturers of All Kinds of Modern Bookbinders' Presses Stereotyping Outfits Specialty: Printing Press Repairing Setting Up of Presses of Any Kind 512 Sacramento St., San Francisco, Cal. Telephone 761 Clay Meyer Printing' Company 415 MarKet Street, San Francisco, Cal. Not long in the field, but- in the STRIDE: American Printing Ink Com pany Pacific Coast Agency T. B. WILMETH J09 California Street San Francisco, California Phone Davis 22 J For Specimen Books, Samples or Confidential Price List, write the Chicago Office or the Pacific Coast Agency American Printing Ink Company Fine Printing and Litho Inks FACT O R Y ---891 to 899--- West Kinzie Street OFFICE 225 Randolph Street F. J. BAYLESS, President G. "W. BERKALEW, Vice-President GEO. F. LEWIS, Secretary F. C. LOWRY, Treasurer Thinking Printers ID YOU EVER STOP to think why it is that Ault & Wiborg's Inks are so universally used by the best printers ? Why do you suppose their inks are so popular and are used today in more printing-offices than any other make of inks ? Because the Ault & Wiborg Company manufacture from the raw materials all the dry colors and other ingredients used in the composition of their inks, and are thus enabled to intelligently compound same. These inks are backed by a reputation of twenty years, and the reliability of the Ault & Wiborg Company is known throughout the land. They own and operate the largest printing ink works in America. 'The Best Inks make the Best Printers Ault & Wiborg s 218 Sansome Street San Francisco, Cal. Telephone Main 424 Ev. E. CARRERAS, Pacific Coast Agent Ulrich Remensperger President Peter Windeler Secretary Enterprise Brewing Company 2015-2023 Folsom Street Telephone Mission 152 San Francisco, California U. S. A. 1 >KV rv^r -x fcs^ *2L) te a to It Ji**rr* v V iY r- * ** f: M] * '^ J ^^ fc i * T& ^ ^ /*^* ^1 fr S T J* *"** ^ lA^4pWl*j H. H. HJUL Efficient Service Proprietor Ho urs 6 A. M. to 8 P. M. Montgomery Street Coffee and Lunch House Telephone Main 1252 426 Montgomery St. SAN FRANCISCO CAL. A. FODERA Telephone Main 777 Wholesale and Retail Dealerin Poultry Game Butter and Cheese S. E. Corner Montgomery and Clay Sts SAN F C R A A L NCISCO E. D. BEATTIE QuicK Printer 3 | 1 THE FINEST GRADE OF CATALOGUE, BOOK AND COMMERCIAL PRINTING. HALF-TONE WORK A SPECIALTY. 32O Sansome Street San Francisco, Cal. I SS s i i 1 For Perfect Register, Superior Distribution, Unequaled Impression, and on all Classes of Work the Greatest Daily Output, the Printing Press to buy is CALIFORNIA AGENT: V. J. A. REV, 527 Commercial Street, San Francisco, Cal. MAIN OFFICE AND FACTORY: Clinton and Fulton Streets, Chicago, 111. The Fuchs & Lang Manufacturing Co, MANUFACTURERS OF Litho and Printing Inks Fine Dry Colors Bronze Powders, Etc. Photo-Engravers' Supplies 29 Warren .Street, NEW YORK 328 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO Factory: BROOKLYN, N. Y. P 2 H Z (J The Picturesque Route of California California NortH western R'y IS MORE THAW ATTRACTIVE FOR SHORT SUNDAY TRIPS On Sundays, Half Rates, or One Fare for tKe IVoxind Trip From SAN FRANCISCO to St. Vincent, Ignacio, Novato, Petaluma, Cotati, Santa Rosa, Fulton, Windsor, Healdsburg, Lytton, Geyserville, Asti, Cloverdale, Preston, Hopland, Guerne- ville, Schellville, Vineyard, Sonoma, Agua Caliente, Glen Ellen, Sebastopol, Ukiah B== TAttE BOAT AT TIBURON FERRY JL TICKET OFFICES: 65O Market St. (Chronicle Building) and Tiburon Ferry GEMERAL OFFICE: Mutual Life Bldg., Cor. California and Sansome Sts. San Francisco, Cal.= H. C. 'WHITING ^^ R. X- RYAN Gen' I Manager ^fir Gen' t Passenger Mgent S. D. VALENTINE President JOHN R. ROCHE Vice-President and Treasurer EUGENE HOEBER Secretary and Hanager Established 1858 'Phone Main 164 WM. R. PHILLIPS PHILLIPS BROTHERS Book Binders and Paper Rulers Blank Book Manufacturers 505 CLAY STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. DEPOT OF LEBANON & SOUTH COAST MILLS Jlanufacturers of the Celebrated STERLING MANILLA UNION PULP AND PAPER COMPANY Incorporated MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Paper Bags Twines Wrapping Paper Etc. 410=412=414 Sansome St. S. E. COR. COMMERCIAL Phone Exchange 352 San Francisco SECOND AND BRYANT STS. SAN FRANCISCO. Co. H.S. .CO. L/TH. S: E GROWS 2 n - d &Bryant5ts San Francisco, The Largest Paper Folding and Feeding Machine Manufactory in the World HE accompanying Illustration shows the factory of the Dexter Folder Company, Pearl River, Rockland County, New York. This plant is operated exclusively for the building of Folding Machines for book, pamphlet, periodical, news- paper and circular work ; and feeding machines for printing presses and fold- ing machines, and is today the largest and best-equipped plant of its kind in the world. All machines are built under the personal supervision of Mr. Talbot C. Dexter, who has spent many years experimenting and perfecting this class of machinery, and consequently all the latest and most improved devices for the accurate folding and feeding of paper and the easy and quick adjustments in chang- ing the machines from one size sheet to another are found on Dexter machines. The Dexter Automatic Feeding Machines, notwithstanding that they c> ' have been on the market but a comparatively short time, have proven by competitive test to be superior to any machine on the market. They are simple, durable, easily adjusted and accurate in operation. All devices are mechanically controlled, no suction or electricity being used. Catalogues fully describing and illustrating these feeders will be sent upon application. The DeXter Folding Machines need but little introduction They are in use by the o largest and best houses in this country and abroad, and give unqualified satisfaction. Machines for all classes of work, both in combination with pasting and wire stitching, form a list much larger than that of any other manufacturer. Many new and essen- tial patented devices are continually added to these machines, making them most complete in all respects. It is to the interest of all those needing folding and feed- ^ -\/-rp 77 r> /^ S~\ T\/T r> // 7\7'V* ing machinery to take up the subiect fully with the DtL^\. / JLI//Y O (J 1V1 l^rllvl GLASEIR BROS. I m porters Cigars Cigarettes & 'Tobacco Wholesale and Retail Box Trade a Specialty Telefhone Black 5371 e o i M OIMTC3OM EFJV ST- SAN F"RANOISCO P. Morales A. A. A. Old Bourbon Whiskey Carroll Rye Whiskey Louis Taussig ^ Co, S o I e Proprietors 28 Main Street San Francisco Telephone Private Exchange 52 Geo. W. Caswell Co, Importers ana Man u fa c tur er s Teas, Coffees, Spices, Extracts, Baking Powder and Olive Oil 412-414 Sacramento Street San Francisco ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS OF IMPORTANCE To Whom & GABRIEL PRINTING CO. INC. TO COMMIT TO MEMORY . . . . . Class of Work PRINT ANYTHING < Before r\i -.-- r acing vour Orders for Printing Address & A Ifl Sacramento QOA Sansomc 4 1 V Street .... O U street . . . 'Phone m = MAIN 5272 = Specialty > D/^CTPDC and Cylinder Press r\Jj 1 Ll\3 ^VorK fortHe Trade Not a Package in a 'Barrel of it M4RQVETTE RYE MELLOW AND MILD E. A. KOLB CO., inc. 417-419 Montgomery Street, California cHgents... SAN FRANCISCO Distilled by GROMMES & ULLRICH CHICAGO, ILL /. B. LEAVITT W. C. CULBERT GEO. R. HANSBROW GEO. M. LEAVITT J. B. LEAVITT CO. Telephone 1439 331-335 Jansome Street S ramen to San Francisco Brown & Power Company BOOKBINDERS ==and== * PRINTERS * Niar.tic Building Corner Clay & Sansome Streets. BROWN & POWER, Stationers 406 California Street. Electrotype and Stereotype Foundry DEALERS IN NEW AND SECOND-HAND - Machinery of Every Description W. F. CORNELL & Co. Pacific Coast Agen g en c y 5/ Califorina St., 2 Bottles Carte Blanche Champagne. F. CAVAGNARO, 544-46-48 Clay St., I Gallon California Port. TEMPLE WATSON, 527 Clay St., I Box Cigars. HOLTUM BROS. (Inc.), 551-3 Market St., I Bottle Belmont Whisky. GEO. D. GRAHAM, 529 Commercial St., 10 Ibs. Ink. PAYOT, UPHAM & Co., 204 Pine St., 3 Books. N. VAN BERGEN & Co., One Case Gold Dust Whisky. B. D. PIKE & Co., 213 Battery St., ^ doz. Maryland Pure Rye. B. D. PIKE & Co., 213 Battery St., ^ doz. Private Stock Bourbon. ROETHLISBERGER & GRASSHOFF, 309-1 i Front St., y> doz. Sardines. ROETHLISBERGER & GRASSHOFF, 309-11 Front St., I Or. Cream Cheese. ROETHLISBERGER & GRASSHOFF, 309-11 Front St., I box French Cream Cheese. VON RONN & LORSBACH Co., 313 Front St., i Y. A. Cheese. CHAS. F. THIERBACH & Co., 306 Battery St., 3 i-lb. tins Arab Coffee. CHAS. F. THIERBACH & Co., 306 Battery St., 3 i-lb. tins Arab Coffee. S. B. LEAVITT Co., 331-35 Sansome St., I M 16 Visiting Cards, i M 4*3 Bill Heads, i M 63 O Cards, i M 88 O. Cards, i M Folio Statements, i M Letter Heads, i M 052 6 XX Envelopes, i M 6j/{ XX Envelopes. A. ZELLERBACH & SONS, i Package Paper Napkins, i Doz. Tablets, i Package Napkins, 2 Boxes Pads, i Doz. Tablets, 2 Boxes Paper, i Box Visiting Cards, 2 Boxes Paper. NELLER & SCHIRMER, 409 Sansome St., I Case Assorted Wines. CHAS. F. THIERBACH & Co., 2 i-lb. tins Golden West Baking Powder. FISHER PACKING Co., i Keg Vinegar, 2 Cases Assorted Pickles. GEO. D. GRAHAM, 529 Commercial St., 5 Ibs. Ink. JOHN KITCHEN, JR., 5 i o Commercial St., 3 7x10 Burnt Leather Albums. PACIFIC STATES TYPE FOUNDRY, 508 Clay St., i Font Composing Rules. TILLMANN & BENDEL, 6 Boxes (25) King V Cigars. ADOLPH HROMADA Co., 224 Battery St. , i 4-lb. Box Candy. J^ROWN & POWER, 406 California St., 2 Ladies' Purses. J- A. DRINKHOUSE Co., Battery & Sacramento Sts., I Box Cigars. TMSCHBECK & GLOOT^, i Box Queen Lily Soap, i Box Borax Soap. F. E. SEIDEL, I Case Seidel's Blue Bleaching. CUNNINGHAM, CURTISS & WELCH, 321 Sansome St., i Purse, I Album. G., R. LUCY, i Package Victor Soap Powder, i Box Soap. H. S. CROCKER Co., i Fountain Pen, I Ladies' Purse, I Wallet. S. H. TYLER & SON, I 2^-lb. tin Tyler's Baking Powder, 4 tins Tyler's Extracts. OTTO LUHN, I case of Oriental Soap. LEVERS & OHRTLAND, 31 I Battery St., 3 Bottles Whisky. JOHN PARTRIDGE, 306 California St., 2 Purses. Reading Room San Francisco Typotheta-