Call upon me in the day of trouble, I will deliver thee, and thou shalt
glorify me."
' I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord."
Printed by Balfour and Clarke,
Edinburgh, 1825.
IN justice to the unpretending
Author of this volume, it is necessary
to notice that the idea of publishing it
in no respect originated with himself.
The circumstances which led to its
appearance may be very briefly stated.
On the Serjeant's arrival in this
country from India, he found himself
surrounded by an extensive circle of
relations, to which the excellence of
his own character soon added many
personal friends. As might be ex-
pected, the occurrences\>f his past life
and travels, frequently formed the
topics of conversation at their occa-
sional meetings ; and as he had from
an early period, for his own amuse-
ment and edification, been in the habit
of keeping an exact journal of all
" the providences that befel him," he
frequently had recourse to it for the
purpose of aiding his recollection,
and exhibiting more vividly the state
of his feelings at various periods, and
under the various incidents of his
life. Many passages of the Journal
excited a very pleasing and deep in-
terest in those to whom they were
communicated, and the desire of per-
using it gradually extended itself to
persons in a higher condition of life.
A clergyman particularly, underwhose
pastoral care he was for some time
placed, was so much struck with the
interesting, as well as the instructive
character of these "simple annals,"
that he urged the Author, in a very
kind but pressing manner, to collect
the more material passages in the ori-
ginal Journal into something like a
continued narrative ; and to transcribe
them in a connected and legible form,
for the private enjoymentof his particu-
lar friends. Our Author, to whom no-
thing is more agreeable than to have
his mind or hands usefully occupied,
undertook the task, and executed it
with a degree of neatness, which
would have done great credit to a more
practised scribe. The manuscript vo-
lume was, of course, in very great re-
quest in his own neighbourhood, and
was perused by none without peculiar
pleasure; but, for several years, no idea
of printing it presented itself to his
own mind, though it was frequently
suggested by those who had been per-
mitted to read it. It lately fell into the
hands of the writer of this notice, whose
feelings in perusing it certainly were
those of extreme delight ; and finding
that one or two friends, in whose
judgment he placed the highest confi-
dence, coincided with him in opinion,
he strongly recommended to the Au-
thor that it should be published. His
reluctance to this public appearance,
was only overcome through the influ-
ence of a suggestion rising up in his
own mind, that the work might not
only perhaps afford pleasure and in-
struction, but that, should any profits
arise from the sale, he would be en-
abled thereby to gratify his feelings,
by devoting them to the support of
Bible and Missionary Societies, or
other pious purposes.
The task of the Editor, while the
sheets were passing through the press,
has been of a very limited kind, being
chiefly confined to the correction of a
few glaring errors jn grammar or style,
which the writer's very imperfect edu-
cation necessarily occasioned. Though
the most perfect liberty was conceded
to him, the Editor felt no disposition
to make any changes affecting that
extreme naivete and simplicity of style
which appeared to form at least one
peculiar and novel charm in the ori-
ginal narrative.
The Editor abstains from any at-
tempt to characterize the volume, as
he feels that, from peculiar circum-
stances, he has become too much en-
amoured of the Author and his per-
formance, to possess the requisite cool-
ness for doing the work strict justice.
He now sends it into the world, hum-
bly trusting that the same kind Pro-
vidence that watched over the Author,
amid manifold perils, temptations, and
afflictions, will furnish him with fresh
motives of gratitude, by rendering
these his humble labours useful for
promoting the glory of God, as well
as profitable and acceptable to his
" dear readers" objects more pre-
cious, the Editor firmly believes, to
his soul, " than thousands of gold and
, 1823.
The Author's Birth and Education Sent to
Edinburgh Engaged to a Tobacco-Spinner
Hired by Mrs. C. Her Excellent Character
Death Goes to Mr. B. Hardships there
from Hunger Buys a fife, and becomes de-
voted to Music Put to the Weaving Scanty
Fare and small Wages Curious incident
Goes to Peebles Enlists in the Army of Re-
serve Is sent to Ireland l
Arrival at Belfast, Athlone, Dublin His Musi-
cal Enthusiasm Alarms of Conscience En-
lists into the Regulars Visits Scotland-
Courtship Melancholy Result of it Goes to
England Arrives at Portsmouth Dismal
scene of Drawing Lots for the Wives Mrs.
Allan permitted to accompany her Husband,
through the Author's influence with the Co-
lonel : 21
Embarks at Portsmouth Death of William
Troup of a Broken Heart Tremendous Storm
Ceremony at Crossing the Equinoctial
Loses his Watch Cape of Good Hope Suf-
ferings from want of Water ...., , 39
Arrival at Prince of Wales's Island Attacked
by Dysentery His deep Convictions in the
Hospital Is visited by Alexander Chevis, a
Pious Soldier Their profitable Intercourse
Colonel Stewart's kindness Sent to Madras... 50
Description of Madras The Thieving Bazaar
Wallajahbad Terrible Mortality Death of
his friend Allan Marries his Widow Her
Character Exploit of the Grenadier Company
Effects of HeatExpedient for Relief of
checked Perspiration Prayers read by the
Adjutant Colonel Stewart's return to Europe
Colonel Conran's Character His Kindness
Mutiny of the Company's Troops Mrs. B/s
Fortitude 73
March against the Rebels Tigers Wild Boars
Gutta Number and Description of the
Forces Hardships of the March Activity
and Usefulness of Mrs. B. Illustrations of
Scripture The Shadow of a Great Rock
New Wine in Old Bottles New Cloth sew-
ed to Old Cloth Glass of the East Submis-
sion of the Rebels Basket Boats Elephants
crossing Rivers Effects of Live Grass Anec-
dotes of Serpents Their Love of Music 94
Hydrabad Effects of Mad Dogs Mischiefs of
Liquor Affecting Death of Wilkins His re-
markable love of the Bible Account of Ser-
jeant Gray The Author's Happiness on find-
ing Doddridge's Rise and Progress ,,. 118
Marches to Masulipatam Finds Alex. Chevis
in the Hospital His Dying Address and
Death Wickedness of the Regiment Court-
ney Shoots two Men with one Ball His
Hardened Character A Singular Incident-
Suicide of a Nabob Increasing Profligacy of
the Army Causes thereof No Sabbath be-
yond the Line History of J. F. His Aver-
sion to Swearing Melancholy Change in his
Character His awful Death Account of W.
H. His Friendship with the Author Their
pleasant and profitable Intercourse Corrupt-
ed by his Comrades His Illness Last strik-
ing Words and Death 131
Leave Masulipatam Anecdotes of the Elephant
Its Revenge of an Injury on a Serjeant
The Author's Hardships and Illness Hurri-
cane Mrs. B. stands Godmother to Serjeant
Lee's Child Account of Mrs. Lee Her
Death The Child taken Home by Mrs. B
Remarkable Cases of Hydrophobia. 16S
Leave Trichinopoly Bangalore Melancholy
Death of Mrs Brown Another Orphan taken
charge of Affecting account of Leaves the
Regiment Summary of Casualties Happi-
ness in the Prospect of revisiting Scotland
Friends left in India Account of Mrs. Cop-
wick Her Marriage and unhappy Condition
Promising Piety Doddndge's Rise and
Progress presented to her Punamalee Paddy
L discharged Drowns Himself Death of
Mrs. Gray Letter from the Serjeant From
Mrs. Copwick Her Wicked Husband's Death,
and her own Comfortable Settlement The
Author bids adieu to India 189
Description of the Country Mode of watering
the Rice Fields Compared with the Scripture
account of the Land of EgyptManners and
Customs Dress Food Visits Dancing
Girls Mode of Drinking Houses Marriage
Ceremonies Burning Widows Religion
Brahmins Other Castes Temples Fakirs-
Ordeal Trials Abstract from the Vedas 202
The Author Embarks for Europe Kindness of
the Captain to the two Orphans Sabbath
Profanation, by his Scotch Comrades particu-
larly Storm Specimens of the Conversation
on Board Good-Friday strictly observed
St. Helena Extreme Distress on Board from
want of Tobacco Death of a Soldier Be-
haviour of his Comrades Buried ashore
Effects of this Attempt against the Author's
Life Account of the Shark Arrival at Lon-
don - 235
The Author's first Sabbath in London His
longing desires after the Public Ordinances
satisfied Arrival in Scotland Disposal of
the two Orphans with their Grandfathers
One of them returns to the Author at Peebles
Receives a letter from Colonel Stewart, who
procures a situation for him in a Militia Regi-
ment Greenock Comes to Edinburgh Dr.
B.'s Kindness Conclusion 278
I WAS born of poor but respectable parents,
in the town of Peebles, county of Tweed-
dale, upon the 3d day of April, 1784.
Under their nursing care I remained un-
til I was four years of age, when I was
sent to my grandfather in Darnick, from
whom I received any little education I
ever got. Being then too young for
school, my grandmother was very atten-
tive in giving me instruction as I was able
to bear it ; and before I was five years of
age, when I was sent to school, I could re-
peat various psalms, hymns, and passages
of Scripture. She employed herself fre-
quently in spinning on the lint wheel, at
which time I used to sit at her side, learn-
ing verses which she would rehearse to
me. I was placed here somewhat like
Timothy with his grandmother Lois ; for
from what I myself recollect, and especial-
ly from the testimony of some pious Christ-
ians yet living, she was a very eminent
character. She laboured much to give me
a high veneration for the Supreme Being,
in so much that, when I could read a lit-
tle, I was struck with a kind of reverential
dread at the words Lord or God, when I
saw them in the Bible ; but I could form
no kind of notion what this Great Being
could be. As I grew older, my wonder
was so far gratified by my worthy instruc-
tor telling me that God was a spirit, and
invisible, and that I could not speak, act,
or even think, but he was acquainted with
it all ; and that he saw me at all times and
in all places : but this I thought could
hardly be true, as I imagined God could
certainly not see me in the dark.
My grandfather being a very healthy
and pious man, no weather would prevent
him attending the church at Melrose, which
was about a mile distant ; but my grand-
mother being older, and not so robust in
her constitution, was often detained at
home in stormy weather, or during the
winter season ; but, though absent in body
from the ordinances, she was present in
spirit ; and it is to be desired that all
Christians would improve their time when
necessarily detained at home from church
as she did ; for it was her custom to make
family worship, I only being present,
during the time of divine service ; and
it was the greatest possible wonder to
me what pleasure she could have in it
when my grandfather was absent, and I
could take no active part in it, except
making an attempt to follow the psalm as
she was singing it. It was certainly how-
ever a great pleasure to her, though a real
weariness to me ; but although I could not
then see what advantage I could receive
B 2
from her praying to God to make me an
object of his special care, she saw it ; and
I trust I have reaped much benefit from
her prayers. Nor did she lose all the mi-
nister's labours, for there were two or three
pious neighbours who used to meet upon
the Sabbath evening, and talk over the
substance of what they had heard, their
" speech being with grace, seasoned with
salt." My grandfather being a man of su-
perior mental endowments, and having an
excellent memory, I was quite astonished
how they, and especially he, could remem-
ber so much, when, with all my attention,
I could scarcely bring home one sentence
of what had been preached. I was, how-
ever, very careful to learn my task, which
was a psalm, or a part of one, and a few
questions out of the Assembly's Shorter
Catechism ; and when I got through that
book, I used to answer the whole questions
on two Sabbath evenings, to keep them on
my memory. In short, I remained under
this friendly roof, having the great benefit
of precept and example, attending school
regularly, until I was eight years of age.
I was then, 1 may say, sent upon the wide
world, in which I have ever since been a
wanderer ; for, when I came to Edinburgh,
where my father and mother then lived, I
went to a Mr. -, in the capacity of a to-
bacco spinner's boy, where I had of course
to mix with many of those I would have
chosen to avoid ; but, being attentive to
my work, my master soon began to take
notice of me, and was wont to give me a
penny more upon Saturday night than the
rest, but this without their knowledge ;
and his kindness made me if any thing
more diligent. I found myself more com-
fortable here than at first I expected, and
I continued in this way until I was ten
years of age, when I was hired to a Mrs.
C. to wait at the table, run messages, &c.
for which I received my meat, clothes, and
one pound ten shillings in the half-year.
I was remarkaby well situated in her
service, partly through a very trifling cir-
cumstance, which was this : When out one
day airing, she dropped her gold watch
and some money, and I found them and
gave them to her in a very cheerful man-
ner, being happy to have it in my power to
relieve her uneasy mind ; and she took a
liking to me, as she said, for my apparent
honesty and attention. The first strong
proof I had of her attachment was as fol-
lows : The housekeeper desired me to
bring her a bottle of small beer, and it be-
ing somehow not to her mind, she abused
me so as to make me cry plentifully ; and
before I could get myself properly com-
posed, the bell rang, and I was obliged to
go up stairs, and, notwithstanding my care
not to be discovered, my mistress perceiv-
ed me in rather a confused state of mind,
and asked me the reason in a very kind
manner. I was afraid to tell a lie, and her
kind treatment emboldened me to ac-
knowledge the truth. After due inquiry,
finding the housekeeper in the wrong, and
me in the right, she ordered her to get
ready to leave the house, but with wages
and board wages till the term. Her regard
to me still increased, and I did all in my
power to please her. In a few weeks af-
ter, she sent for my mother, and told her
she intended to make a man of me, if we
both lived, meaning to give me an educa-
tion for a genteel business, and to put me
in a way to do for myself. My parents
were highly gratified with these proposals.
But, alas! how uncertain are all human
plans and prospects ; " For who saith, and
it cometh to pass, when the Lord com-
mandeth it not ?" The great leveller,
who pours contempt upon princes, laid my
kind benefactor, " with the hopes of the fa-
ther that begat me, and of the mother who
bare me, low in the dust ;" and shall I
say, in bitterness of soul, as Jacob did in
another case, " that all these things are
against me ?" Very far be this expression
from me ; but I have no cause to doubt
that, if Mrs. C. had thought herself so
near leaving our world, she would have
B 4}
made some provision for me ; for the day
on which she died, perceiving the approach
of the last enemy, she ordered the servant
girl who was in the room to ring the bell
for me ; but her sister-in-law, understand-
ing this, came out of the bed-room, and
prevented me entering, saying, I was not
wanted, and, as the girl afterwards told
me, said to Mrs. C. that I was not in the
house. Mrs. C.'s brother-in-law got near-
ly all her money, houses, and moveables,
and only gave me sixpence when I carried
his portmanteau to the coach on his leav-
ing Edinburgh. But I was not the only
one that sustained a loss by her death ; for
many poor creatures, who had been her
weekly pensioners, mourned their respect-
ive losses also. It was really mournful to
see these, and her trades-people, and others
who had been benefited by her, on the day
she was interred, many of them with droop-
ing heads and watery eyes, taking a view
of the last remains of their charitable
friend ; and they had just cause, for even
the woman who was her principal weekly
pensioner, and had been her nurse, was
struck oft 1 the list.
My time not being out, I served it out
with Mrs. C.'s sister-in-law, and was then
engaged with aMr.B , who had former-
ly been in better circumstances, but through
some affliction had now lost his sight. My
chief business was to go out with him when
he wanted an airing j but in this family I
experienced a great contrast from that of
my valuable friend formerly mentioned,
for in truth I was almost starved for want
of victuals. It would not become me to
tell about the shifts practised in the family,
but I remember well being so pinched in
my allowance, that I stood eagerly waiting
for the potato pot coming off, that I might
get the skins to eat, which I would devour
with greediness. The servant girl fared
no better than myself, and was unable to
afford me any relief as she could not even
give me a potato, they being all counted
out to her. How much better would it have
c 5
been for Mr. B 's two daughters to have
done the work of the house themselves, and
saved the meat and wages of a servant
maid, instead of appearing in public like
ladies, when their circumstances were so
indifferent ! But they had seen better days ;
" they could not work, and to beg they
were ashamed." So true is Solomon's re-
mark, at present as well as in his own day,
" There is that maketh himself rich, yet
hath nothing."
About this time my-^worthy grandmo-
ther died, (of whom I cannot think with-
out heartfelt emotion,) committing her soul
" to Him in whom she believed j" and, as
she was exemplary in her life, she was
no less so in her death. Although I had
not the satisfaction of seeing her on her
death-bed, I have since learned some very
comfortable particulars. Nothing else
worth mentioning happened while I was
in this family, but one circumstance ; which
was this : 1 happened to get a few half-
pence given me, with which I purchased
an old fife, and this cheering companion
beguiled many a hungry hour, for I was
remarkably fond of music. This was not
the first time I showed my attachment to
music ; for when I lived at Darnick with
my grandfather, there was a weaver in the
town, who was famous, far and near, as a
whistler, and he used to gratify my musi-
cal desire by whistling a tune to me, till I
had got it nearly correct, and then gave
me another, and so on ; but I was then
little aware what this was to lead to, for I
afterwards got enough of music, as you
shall see in the sequel of this book ; but it
may be seen from this early propensity in
me, that " even a child may be known by
his doings."
After leaving this family, I went to a
Mr. F. where also was a cousin of my own,
who paid me great attention : but I looked
upon her rather as an enemy than a friend ;
for I fell in with some bad companions,
with whom I got a habit of staying and
amusing myself, when I was sent a mes-
B 6
sage, and in order to screen myself I was
obliged to have recourse to falsehoods.
My cousin frequently expostulated with
me, but all to no effect ; at last my master,
discovering my negligent and disobedient
conduct, gave me a good drubbing, and
this was a mean of bringing me to my
senses ; so I was compelled to give up all
fellowship with my pitch-and-toss gentry,
and I became afterwards more attentive.
Nothing worth mentioning happened to
me while 1 remained here, but the death
of my grandfather, of an iliac passion, w r ho,
as was named after him, distinguished
me from the rest by leaving me his Bible
as a legacy, wishing the blessing of God
to accompany it.
1 was now fourteen years of age, and
went to learn the trade of a weaver in Dar-
nick ; and when you know that the great
dearth of 1799, 1800, came on, and that I
could only earn about fourteen pence a-day,
half of which went to my master, you will
see that I had much occasion for the prac-
tice of that abstinence which I had been
forced to learn at the B School. It would
be tedious and trifling to tell how I ma-
naged to make up my breakfast, dinner,
and supper ; I have been for months to-
gether, indeed, that I never could say my
hunger was once satisfied, even though I
had recourse to rather dishonest means to
help me, for I went out at night, and would
pull a turnip or two in the fields, when I
thought " no eye could see me." But it
is worthy of remark, that as far as I can
judge, I never knew so much of what con-
tentment was in all my life ; I thought
hardly any body so well oft* as myself, for
I got into such a rigid system of living,
that, through long habit, it became quite
natural to me, though I must say that I
was often so weak, as hardly to be able to
get off and on my loom.
Notwithstanding my very straitened cir-
cumstances, I found ways and means, up-
on the winter Sabbath evenings, to spare
a halfpenny for a candle, that I might be
able to read Mr. Boston's Fourfold State,
to which I had taken a great liking. I
delighted particularly to read and meditate
on the Fourth State, where the happiness
of saints in a future world is described ;
and the expression, " they shall hunger no
more," had in it an emphasis (though I
fear somewhat of a carnal kind) that put
more joy into my heart than worldly men
can have when their corn and wine are
During the time I was thus exposed to
many hardships, there is one thing I must
not omit, which is as follows : I was ra-
ther worse off, both for money and provi-
sions, than I had been for a long time.
No meal was to be had in Darnick, and I
went to Melrose on Monday morning for
a supply ; but the scarcity was so great
that I could find none. On Tuesday, after
working all the morning, I again went to
Melrose, though I was scarcely able to
reach it, through weakness, and succeeded
in getting a quarter stone at one shilling
and fourpence; and all the money I had
in the world, after paying this, was two-
pence. When I was on my way home,
walking along the Tweed, I took many a
wishful look at my scanty store of meal in
the corner of my bag; and taking the two-
pence out of my pocket, I said to myself,
" This is all the money and meal I have to
support me till I get my web finished, and
the price returned from Edinburgh ;" but,
to my utter astonishment, I pulled out a
shilling along with it. The joy of seeing the
shilling, and the unaccountable way of its
coming there, filled me alternately with
pleasure and pain, but, after recovering
from my ecstacy a little, it occurred to my
mind, that I must have got it from the
miller, through some oversight, in return-
ing me my last twopence in the change for
the meal. I resolved, therefore, to go back
and return the man his shilling, hungry
and weary as 1 was: but a sinful thought
struck me that this might be the hand of
Divine Providence, in giving me that mite
out of the miller's abundance, to supply
my present wants; but I stood and argued
with myself long before I could persuade
myself to go home and make my supper,
of which I stood in much need. In so
doing, I acted wrong, and still more so in
afterwards thinking that Providence had
given a blessing with that shilling, merely
because I have never wanted one since
my hardships, I may say, being henceforth
at a close.
Shortly after this, the Earlston Volun-
teers wanted an additional fifer; and as I
was still labouring to improve myself, from
the time I got the old fife, formerly men-
tioned, my name reached the ears of the
commanding officer, who sent for me, and,
with permission of my master, I went every
Wednesday afternoon to Earlston, which
was about five miles distant, and received
each time, one shilling and sixpence for
my trouble. My long habit of living mean-
ly, and this addition weekly, made me,
as I thought, quite a gentleman, and I saw
none that I would have changed conditions
with, every thing considered.
After I left Darnick, I went to a Mr.
W , near Dalkeith, and wrought
journeyman with him for one summer,
during which time, I attended church at
Dalkeith j and I well recollect, that on my
way home, having a mile or two of a re-
tired road to go, my mind would frequent-
ly be so full of the minister's sermon, and
such like topics, that I used to take off my
hat and walk bareheaded, as I thought
the seriousness of the subject called for
that mark of respect, especially as my
meditations were mixed with ejaculatory
I left Mr. W after the bleaching
work was over for the summer, and went
in search of work to Peebles, which, being
the place of my nativity, I had a great de-
sire to see. This was, I think, in the year
1802. On my arrival at Peebles I was
very fortunate, or rather the Lord made
my way prosperous, for I got a good mas-
ter and comfortable lodgings the very first
day. My master was serjeant-major of the
volunteers, and being much pleased with
my fife playing, he persuaded me to join
that corps as a fifer. But soon after the
Army of Reserve was raised, and I was
obliged, either to pay money into societies,
to insure me against it, or run the risk of
going for nothing, neither of which I liked.
The bounties given to substitutes were
very good, and, my excessive regard for
music still increasing, I resolved on taking
the bounty ; but then what excuse to give
to my parents I did not well know, for I
thought it would vex them much, as I had
a brother already in the artillery : so I re-
solved to say that it was the expense ne-
cessary for insuring me, that forced me to
go into the army ; but in truth it was nei-
ther that, nor yet the temptation of the
large bounty that made me enlist, but the
prospect of being a fifer in the army, where
I could get proper instructions in my fa-
vourite music. Having made up my mind
to this, I offered myself as a substitute for
a Mr. G. and received as bounty two and
twenty pounds. The report that I had
enlisted in the Army of Reserve quickly
went over the town, though few believed it,
as I was always so attentive to my work,
and I had just finished forty-five yards of
linen for shirts to myself; but although the
news seemed strange to many, it was no
more strange than true. So I gave all my
best clothes and the web, except as much
as made me three shirts, to my mother ; and
as I did not go to the army from neces-
sity, but choice, I left the whole of my
bounty in the hands of a respectable man
in Peebles. Along with other recruits, I
was marched to Edinburgh, and from
thence to Linlithgow, at which place in-
quiry was made if there was any lad in
our party who could play the fife; and the
fife-major hearing of me, he asked if I was
willing to play on that instrument ? I said
I had no objection, (for it was indeed the
very thing I wanted, as you will easily be-
lieve,) provided I was exempted from that
disagreeable part of their duty, viz. flogging
the men ; so he went to the commanding
officer, and got that matter settled to my
satisfaction. Shortly after this we receiv-
ed a route for Ireland, and marched on
the 5th December. We had snow, rain,
or hail every day of our march, which was
a fortnight ; but this did not discourage me,
for such hardships I had expected, and
laid my account with in my new way of
WE arrived at Belfast, and lay there about
six months, nothing extraordinary taking
place ; only I was truly happy and thank-
ful in having been excused from the dis-
agreeable duty of punishing the men. The
very sight of this, for some time, made me
ready to faint, until its frequency render-
ed it easier to my mind. From Belfast we
were marched to Athlone, the centre of
Ireland, by severe marches. This was in
June, 1804. At this place I was appoint-
ed leading fifer to the grenadier company
of the regiment. We had not been six
weeks at Athlone, when an order was issued
for forming an army on the plains of Kil-
dare, and our regiment, (the 26th, or Scots
Cameronians,) was among the number that
assembled at the formation of this camp.
When all collected, there were three regi-
ments of horse, sixteen of foot, and a bri-
gade of light infantry, the whole under the
command of Lord Cathcart. Here, truly,
I began to peel my wands, or, to speak more
plainly, to know something of the incon-
veniencies of a soldier's life.
The country being in a very troubled
state, we were ordered to encamp on the
Curragh, to be ready if wanted, and also
to inure us to the hardships of the field.
As I said before, I belonged to the grena-
diers, and there were twenty of us in a
small bell tent ; and you may easier con-
ceive than I can describe how such a num-
ber could take repose during the night on
so small a space, with nothing but straw
on the ground, and our camp blankets.
We were so jammed together that it was
impossible for .any one to change his
posture, at least without disturbing the
whole tent. Our field-days also were very
frequent and severe, the men being out
from five or six o'clock in the morning un-
til four or five in the afternoon, without
tasting a morsel of victuals, so that many
of the men fainted daily in the ranks from
want and fatigue.
After remaining on the Curragh for six
weeks, the country became quiet, and we
were ordered back to our old stations ; and
heartily glad we were again to see the bar-
racks of Athlone. After doing the duty
here a few months longer, we received a
route to Dublin, at which news I was very
greatly delighted, for there I expected to
get my musical mind much better enter-
tained than at Athlone. On my arrival at
Dublin I went to a music teacher, to whom
I paid half-a- guinea a month for getting
instructions on the violin and clarionet ;
but having already acquired considerable
execution on the German flute, I was en-
couraged myself to give instructions on
that instrument ; and the money I received
in this way enabled me to defray the ex-
pense of my own teacher, and of buying
instruments, music, &c. Here I breathed
my native air, I may say ; for what with
regimental practice, teaching my pupils,
attending my own instructions, writing my
own music, &c. I certainly had enough
of it, yet hardly could I ever say I was sa-
tiated. Even in the night the music was
passing before me in review ; and when I
did not perfectly comprehend my master's
lessons during the day, they were sure to
be cleared up to me when I awoke during
the night. There was no time here allow-
ed for the service of God ; no something
of more importance, as I thought, engross-
ed my mind, but I little thought that this
course was preparing me apace for falling
a victim before a temptation which was
not far distant. It may seem strange to
my readers, that I who seemed to show so
much piety, during my apprenticeship,
and for some time afterwards, should now
live so careless a life ; but I had my lashes
of conscience sometimes, I assure you, and
endeavoured to hush its clamours by say-
ing, I had no opportunity in a barrack-
room for prayer, reading my Bible, or se-
rious reflection, and I tried to believe that
God would take this for an excuse, parti-
cularly as I promised to become a good
Christian, when the Lord should deliver
me from this confusion. Truly, the heart
is deceitful and desperately wicked. The
truth is, my rnind was constantly going
after its vanities ; I found pleasure in
nothing but music and musicians.
Windham's plan, as it was called, now
came into action. This was for Militia and
Army of Reserve men, to volunteer into the
line for seven years, and great numbers in
our regiment were taking the bounty every
day. There was nothing but drumming and
fifeing to be heard in the very passages of
the barracks, and our commanding officer
gave five pounds to drink, night after night,
at the mess-house, in order to encourage
our men to extend * their service, and en-
ter into the first battalion of the regiment,
which consisted of what are called regulars;
and to add to the intoxicating effect of the
liquor, the whole corps of fifes and drums
were ordered to attend, and continued
there nightly, till we were all worn out
with fatigue. In spite of these tempta-
tions, I never once thought of volunteer-
ing, though the commanding officer labour-
ed hard to induce me to go with him into
the first battalion. I told him freely that
my mind did not lead me to the army j and
when he saw he could not prevail, he said,
" Very well, my man, if your heart does
not lie in the right bit, never volunteer."
But, alas ! the value of the Apostle's admo-
nition, " Let him that standeth take heed
lest he fall/' was soon after exemplified in
my experience. Shortly after this, up-
wards of one hundred of our men volun-
* The Reserve were enlisted for five years, or during
the war, and were not obliged to go out of the three
teered into the 2d battalion of the Scots
Royals, which was also a marching regi-
ment. Some of them were asked by
Lieutenant-Colonel Stewart if there was
any young man of the 26th corps of fifes,
that was qualified for fife-major. They all
answered, there was one B . The
Colonel hearing so much of me, sent a ser-
jeant to request me to call upon him. This
I promised to do next day, but I had truly
a miserable conflict in my mind that night,
considering whether I ought to accept or
refuse this offer. Sleep I could get none,
but walked about the passages of the bar-
racks all night, looking anxiously at both
sides of the question. My principal ob-
jection was the wickedness of the army,
for I easily got over that of the hardships
to which I would be exposed in a marching
regiment, either in the field or in a foreign
country. On the other hand, if I could
obtain the situation of serjeant and fife-
major, the pay would be very comfortable,
and I would have an opportunity of seeing
the world, which would gratify an inclina-
tion I had long entertained. I therefore
came to the resolution of going, if I receiv-
ed the above situation. To be short, I
went to Colonel Stewart, and after a few
words passing on both sides, he asked me if I
would take the ten guineas of bounty, and
fife-major, with the rank of serjeant, and
go with him into the 2d Battalion of the
Royals. I told him, if I received the pay,
with the rank of serjeant and fife-major,
I would, but not otherwise, for that I did
not care for the rank without the pay.
So he was honest enough to tell me, that
he did not know if the Duke of Kent
would allow a fife-major the pay of serjeant,
besides his perquisites as fife-major, but if
I would take his offer, he would give me
five guineas over and above my bounty,
as he had received a good character of me,
and liked my appearance, and, moreover,
that I would find a friend in him, and that
he would write the Duke of Kent, who
was our Colonel, for authority to give me
the Serjeant's pay; but as he could not as-
sure me of its being done, he would pro-
mise nothing but what he could perform.
This was very honest plain dealing, and
was truly attractive in my eyes, but it
would not do : so I thanked him for his
friendly offers, and so bade him farewell,
and walked away ; but he followed me to
the foot of the stair, where the major of the
regiment meeting us, said, " Well Stewart,
have you agreed with this young man ?"
He answered in the negative, and stated
to him the reason as above mentioned ; but
the major soon removed that obstacle, by
saying, " we can easily give him the dif-
ference of pay out of the fund of the regi-
ment, if the duke will not allow it ; and
to give me all satisfaction that the ser-
jeant's pay would be sure to me from
that date, he offered me his letter to that
effect.'* To this proposal I could no long-
er object, and in short I received the letter,
passed the Doctor, got my bounty, and a
furlough of two months to see my friends
in Scotland, before I returned to my bar-
racks. A few days after, along with other
volunteers, who had also obtained fur-
loughs, we sailed in a vessel for Saltcoats,
and, after a very pleasant passage of two
days, were safely landed there, and my
comrades each took his own road. One
young lad only went with me to Edin-
burgh ; and we were on the top of the
coach on the 7th day of August, 1806;
that dreadful day of thunder, lightning,
and rain, by which so much mischief
was done to men, beasts, and the fruits
of the earth. We were the only outside
passengers, and the company inside were
willing to incommode themselves consid-
erably, to give us shelter, which was kind
on their part, and tempting upon ours ;
and my comrade gave me the motion to
that effect ; but I refused, saying, that as
we had joined a marching regiment of the
line, we must lay our account with being
exposed frequently to such weather and
worse, and that I could not brook this sort
of effeminateness, but no doubt we got a
very complete ducking.
I arrived safe at Peebles amongst my old
friends, where I was warmly received after
an absence of three years ; but I did not
long remain there till I formed an intima-
cy with a young woman ; and our court-
ship, like that of many soldiers, was not
long ; but I would not marry till I return-
ed to the regiment and obtained my Co-
lonel's liberty, that so I might have a bet-
ter chance of getting her abroad with me,
should the regiment, as we expected, be
ordered on foreign service. My attach-
ment to this young woman was very sin-
cere ; and I gave instructions to the person
with whom I had left my bounty money,
as formerly mentioned, to give her ten
pounds to bear her expenses to the regi-
ment, then in England, when, after ob-
taining the Colonel's leave to marry her,
I should send him a letter to that effect.
All being thus settled between us, the time
drew nigh when I was to leave my native
c 4
spot, which was now doubly dear to me.
I left Peebles about two o'clock in the
morning, in fine moonlight, in the month
of September ; but it is easier for you, my
dear reader, to conceive than for me to
describe my situation. I cast many a long-
ing lingering look behind me, and dragged
myself by main force out of the view. I
was little short of being angry at my pre-
ciseness, that I did not marry off hand, and
bring the girl with me, whose situation was
still more pitiable than my own. We were
only two days in Edinburgh, then sailed
from Leith Roads for the regiment, which
was lying at Horsham, and I was not long
there when I had all settled in our favour,
and immediately wrote for the young wo-
man ; but, as I afterwards discovered, or at
least had great reason to suspect, a certain
evil-designing person kept up the letters.
I waited in anxious suspense for " the girl
I left behind me," but I waited in vain,
Days were as months, and brought me no
relief. At last, to crown my misery, I re-
ceived a letter from a friend in Peebles, who
knew of our agreement, stating, that Jean
had almost gone out of her mind about me,
and thinking, like too many of my coat, that
I was going to prove unfaithful, she went
to Edinburgh to inquire about me. There
she got no relief to her distracted mind,
but only the satisfaction that I had sailed
for the regiment at such and such a time.
She was now put to her wits end, and in
a kind of derangement she wandered to
Dumfries, where she had a brother resid-
ing, and remained with him for some time.
She saw herself like a castaway, for she
was ashamed to go back to her place at
Peebles, and it being between terms, she
could not get into service in a country
where she was a stranger : so, in a word,
the serjeant of a Highland regiment, an
acquaintance of her brother's, paid his ad-
dresses to her, and she married him ; but
scarcely was the festival over when the
contents of my letter, through the same
channel probably by which it was inter-
c 5
cepted originally, reached her ears ; and
if she was to be pitied before that time,
she was not less so then. This was, I may
say, my first courtship, (and I then thought
it would be my last,) for, during the three
years I was in Ireland, I never spent an
hour in a woman's company, good or bad,
although some of my companions often
tried to lead me astray. But I was always
so much taken up with my music, that I
had no time to spend in such courses :
Providence by this means preserving me
from at least a worse evil ; for these strange
women (as Solomon calls them) were the
occasion of hundreds of the regiment get-
ting themselves confined and flogged, be-
sides the other dreadful effects produced
by their company.
Nothing extraordinary happened till we
came to Hastings, which we left on the 15th
March, 1807, (on our route to Portsmouth
to be embarked for India,) and reached
Lewes on that day, where I, and thirty others
of our regiment, were billetted at the White
Hart. Shoreham is the next stage for sol-
diers, and here, intending to write my
friends in Scotland, I felt for my watch,
(which cast up the day of the month,) that
I might put the right date to my letter,
but, to my great mortification, my watch
was gone. After a little reflection, 1 re-
membered that I had, very stupidly indeed,
left it in my quarters at Lewes : so I im-
mediately went to Colonel Stewart to ask
his permission to return there, which he
readily granted. I left Shoreham about
four o'clock at night, and reached the inn
at Lewes about eleven. Happy was I to
find my watch safe in the possession of
Boots, and I immediately took the road
again, and was in Shoreham in good time
to march with the regiment in the morn-
ing. When Colonel Stewart saw me, he
inquired why I had not gone for my watch ;
and when I told him I had already been
at Lewes, he would scarcely believe me,
until I showed her to him. He then de-
sired me to get on one of the baggage wag-
c 6
gons ; but I said I was able enough for the
march ; but you may believe I was terri-
bly tired before we reached the next stage.
When we arrived at Portsmouth, the
Duke of Kent came in person to make ar-
rangements for the embarkation of the re-
giment ; but now came the tug of war for
the married people. There were between
two and three hundred women in the 2d
Battalion of the Royals, and there were on-
ly six women for every hundred men per-
mitted to go ; so that sixty women (our
battalion being 1000 strong) were the
whole number who could embark with
their husbands. The selection of these
was made by casting lots. Amongst the
married people, all was suspense and anx-
iety to know their destiny ; and you may
conceive what barrack-rooms we had after
it was over. I went into one of them, as
I was passing to the Colonel's quarters, to
see one of my musical friends, who had a
worthy woman to his wife, and to inquire
if she had got a prize, but all was dool
and sorrow. I thought with myself that I
would try what my interest with the Col-
onel could do for this sorrowful couple,
but durst not speak my mind lest I should
raise hopes that would never be realized,
and thus make things worse ; for " hope
deferred maketh the heart sick." So I
opened my mind freely to the Colonel,
and spoke much in favour of Mrs. Allan,
(for that was her name,) but nothing more
than she justly deserved. His answer to
me was, " Indeed B I wish the Duke
of Kent had stopped where he was. We
would have managed matters better with-
out him ; but I will try what I can do for
her on your account. Tell Mrs. Allan to
come to me." So I left him quite overjoy-
ed that I should have it in my power to
bring comfort to the disconsolate mourn-
ers. I returned to his quarters immedi-
ately along with Mrs. Allan. The Colonel
said, smiling, " Well, Mrs. Allan, are you
not afraid of your husband being jealous
of you and the Fife Major ?" She answer-
ed in the negative. " He speaks in very high
terms of your character." " I am very
much obliged to him, Sir, for his good opi-
nion.** " Is he any relation to you ?" " No,
Sir, but he has always been a very good
friend." " That is right ; give my compli-
ments to Captain Glover, and desire him
from me to put down your name to go with
his company." Take notice of this cir-
cumstance, for I will have occasion to men-
tion it again.
WE were embarked on board of our re-
spective ships on the 13th April, 1807,
and weighed anchor on the 18th. There
seems much to make one unhappy and
melancholy, when taking probably the last
view of the land which gave him birth j but,
notwithstanding, all seemed now festivity
and joy. Some of those who seemed so
full of joy, I have good reason to believe,
might, with justice, be called Solomon's
merry men in their laughter their hearts
were sad. Still more, perhaps, have their
relations who loved them cause of sorrow.
To them may the prophet's language be
truly directed, " Weep not for the dead,
neither bemoan him, but weep sore for
him that goeth away, for he shall return
no more, nor see his native country; but
he shall die in the place where they have
led him captive, and shall see this land no
At sea, Ship Coutts, May 1st. William
Troop departed this life. He was one of
those unhappy creatures who left his wife
behind, and died of a broken heart. They
had been lately married, and were like the
" loving hind and the pleasant roe," and
his feelings being unable to stand the se-
parating stroke, he sunk under this insur-
mountable load of sorrow.
May 6, Twelve o'clock noon. We had a
tremendous storm of wind, accompanied
with incessant falls of rain and vivid flashes
of lightning. All hands during night were
piped by the boatswain upon deck, to reefj
or rather to clue the sails, when a fine
looking young man, who had shipped him-
self at Portsmouth for ship's painter, being
ordered aloft by the boatswain, to bear a
hand in reefing the mizzen topsail, fell
from the yard into the sea and was drown-
ed. He pled hard with the boatswain to
allow him to remain and assist upon deck,
saying, that he never was aloft in his life,
and that in such a dreadful night he was
sure he would not be able to keep his feet ;
but all his entreaties were in vain.
June 12. This day we crossed the equi-
noctial line. The foolish but amusing ce-
remony (to bystanders) of shaving took
place on all those who had not before cross-
ed it ; but, lest it might lead to any
disturbance, the soldiers were exempted.
The form is as follows : A person goes to
the head of the ship, in the garb of Neptune,
the god of the sea, according to the hea-
thens, and another person, generally the
most dexterous at the harpoon, kills a fish
previously to this, and gives it to the Cap-
tain to be in readiness. Neptune, from the
bow of the vessel, hails it in these words,
" What ship, a hoy?" The officer whose
turn it is to be on watch, answers " Coutts/ 3
or whatever is the name. " Where bound ?"
Officer on watch. India." Neptune then
comes on board and enters his triumphal
car, which stands in waiting. He is drawn
aft by the sailors, and the fish is presented
to him by the captain. Then commences
the shaving operation. All the sailors who
have not formerly crossed the equinoctial
are kept below blindfolded until the large
tub is ready. Each of them is in this state
led upon deck, and placed on a plank laid
across the tub, filled with salt water. The
mock barber daubs his face all over with
tar and feathers.
For a razor he takes a piece of iron hoop
and commences his shaving. It requires
no common degree of patience to endure
this horrid operation; but if the person gets
refractory, he is instantly plunged over
head and ears in the watery element, by
one of the sailors pulling the plank from
under him ; and after he has scrambled out
of the tub, should he stand to expostulate
with his comrades on this treatment, two
or three of the sailors, each provided with
a bucket of salt water, standing on the
hammock railings, discharge the contents
upon him with such an overwhelming
dash as makes him glad to choose another
time and place to avenge his wrongs.
June 20. I lost my watch overboard,
which cost me upwards of four pounds, and
so much uneasiness and travel in England;
but I would not have mentioned the cir-
cumstance but for the loss of a seal attach-
ed to it, which I had received from my af-
fectionate comrade the drum-major of the
2d battalion, who was sent to another
battalion, and we got in his place an old
wicked creature, whom I may have occa-
sion to bring on the carpet again. We
were much attached to each other, and he
offered to his Royal Highness to go with
me to India in the capacity of a private
drummer, if he would not continue him in
his present situation ; but his petition was
not granted, so he gave me this seal as a
token of his remembrance.
June 22. We have seen a great many
flying fish lately. This is truly a wonder-
ful curiosity in nature, and is well cal-
culated to excite our admiration and sym-
pathy. These poor persecuted creatures
are about the size of a herring, with finny
wings, (as they may be called,) resembling
in size and shape the blade of a table
knife. When pursued by the dolphin,
they rise out of the water by the assistance
of these wings, and are able to fly as long
as they keep moist ; they then dip and
rise again, until they are quite exhausted,
and if they do not gain upon the dolphin,
which is not easy, on account of his amaz-
ing swiftness in swimming, they become
his prey. When out of the water, they
seem to be deprived of the use of their
eyes, which I suppose was the cause of
some of them flying on board of our ship.
I one day picked up one, and roasted it
upon the gelly fire, and found it to have
very much the flavour of a good herring.
They always go in shoals ; and it is really
very novel and beautiful, to see scores, or
I may say hundreds of these winged ten-
ants of the great deep, skimming the water
like so many swallows.
June 30. James Moor fell overboard
when in the act of shaking a rug for one
of the officers. He kept himself above
water a considerable time, but before the
boat which was lowered for his assistance
could reach him, he sunk like lead in the
mighty waters. The sea was running so
high that it was with no small difficulty the
boat and crew could reach the ship again.
July 17. We saw the Cape of Good
Hope on our larboard bow, but we were at
too great a distance to distinguish any ob-
jects on land. Signals were hoisted by the
, 50 gun ship, for the captains, or
rather pursers, to give an account of the
state of their respective ships with regard
to water. Being in general pretty well
supplied, except the Coutts, which was head
quarter ship, and had upwards of five hund-
red men on board, the commander of the
man-of-war would not put into the Cape for
her sake alone. Our expectations of see-
ing this country were therefore disappoint-
ed ; but that was nothing : dearly did we
pay for the want of this great blessing, with
which we could here have been supplied.
In about a month after we were put on
short allowance, which in these latitudes
is an English quart a-day ; this we thought
very hard, and it was so in some respects ;
but it would have been well if this al-
lowance had been continued, but from a
quart we were speedily reduced to a pint ;
and in this parched condition were we
kept till we reached the land, which was
three weeks.
The reader may be inclined to think that
this was no great hardship ; but I hope you
will not take it amiss, if I say that this shov* s
your entire ignorance of the matter. On y
consider for a moment, and you will, I
am persuaded, come to a very different
conclusion. Take for your dinner a salt
herring, or a piece of beef that has been
perhaps a twelvemonth in the brine, in a
very hot summer day, having ate no break-
fast beforehand, and try if you would find
an English pint of water sufficient even for
the afternoon ; but what is a single day
when the body is full of moisture ? Con-
tinue this experiment for three weeks or a
month, and I am fully satisfied you will
change your tone. Let me tell you, my
dear reader, that I never knew the mean-
ing of that passage of the Psalmist, " Let
my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth,"
before that time ; but after lying in my
hammock, in the hallop deck, a few
hours, (sleeping it could never be called,)
amongst two hundred men and upwards,
without, I may say, one breath of air, and
when the heat was such as to melt the
sealing wax I had in my chest I say,
after a person had remained in that state,
and in such a place for a few hours, it was
hardly possible to articulate a word. You
will allow we must have been ill indeed be-
fore we could have chosen to be without any
victuals cooked for us an entire fortnight
But this was literally the case in the mess to
which I belonged. Some of these miserable
creatures were so carried away by their
intolerable thirst, as to draw up the salt
water, in a tin pot, each anxiously waiting
his turn to swallow the nauseous draught.
This to be sure was making things worse.
The consequence of all this was, we had
at one time one hundred and thirty-two
men on the doctor's list, with sea-scurvy
and sores. You will think it strange that
we could live at all after so long wanting
victuals. I answer, we had a certain quan-
tity of biscuit served out to us, all the colours
of the rainbow ; and I am sure the pint of
water, which we had every day at twelve
o'clock, would, from taste and smell, have
turned the stomach of any person who had
never known any thing of this extremity.
A person possessed of the best eyes in the
ship could not see to the bottom of a tea-
cup full of it, had he got it to himself for
his trouble, which would have been the
greatest reward that could have been offer-
ed to him. You may think I am going
to say too much, but I say it with a clear
conscience, that in this state of torment I
would have cheerfully suffered the pain of
drowning, (but not to be drowned out-
right, mind ye,) for a bellyful of water j
and often, in my troubled slumbers, did I
imagine myself plunging and struggling in
the waters of the Tweed, and I " dreamed,
that behold I was drinking, but when I
! awoke, behold I was faint, and my soul
! had appetite." My dear reader, I pray to
God that you may never experience this
extremity, for the pain of hunger, which I
have often felt, was pleasure itself com-
pared with these sufferings.
DURING this voyage, which was five months
to a day, we observed land twice at a
great distance, viz. the Cape of Good Hope,
and the Island of Sumatra : we had six
men died, and two fell over board. But
the land which we so eagerly desired ap-
peared upon our starboard bow upon the
13th of September, 1807- This island was
formerly called Punang, but the modern
name is, Prince of Wales' Island, and is
situated at the straights of Malacca. The
land has a very fine appearance when tol-
erably near, having a gentle declivity to-
ward the sea, and mantled over with wood.
But it was the water which we longed for,
and the hope of which raised our spirits
more than the view of the truly welcome
scenery which we were approaching.
We remained on board of our respective
ships until the 18th, when all were order-
ed ashore ; the sick men (at least those
who were very bad) to the general hospital,
and the effective to the barracks. But we
sent more men to the general hospital than
all the rest of the fleet, which proves the
bad consequences produced by scarcity of
water; for all the rest of the ships had
three times our quantity, exclusive of their
having pease soup twice a week, which we
were deprived of, from the want of water.
We had to march about three miles before
we came to the barracks, at the back of
which there was a small rivulet; and you
may easily suppose that we were no soon-
er dismissed from the ranks, than it was
who to be first there, to enjoy once more
the unspeakable luxury of fresh water. But
this had none of the best effects, for the
water being impregnated with the juice of
the different kinds of sweet fruits that fell
from the trees of the plantation through
which it flowed, and our long abstinence,
contributed not a little to bring on a severe
flux, which cut off the men in great num-
bers. Our accommodation here was indeed
very indifferent, and not at all what we
expected from the idea of India which we
had formed to ourselves, from what w r e
were accustomed to hear when at home.
The barracks were very temporary,
being entirely made from the cocoa-nut
tree, and were divided into five rooms, or
rather houses, clear from end to end, and
containing each about one hundred and
eighty men. The walls, or rather sides of
these houses, were made by stakes driven
into the ground, and were about nine feet
high, and these stakes covered over with
cocoa-nut leaves, spitted like candlewicks,
and tied in horizontal rows, one over an-
other from top to bottom. The roof was
formed nearly as it is in this country, and
covered with the same materials as the
sides. And when it came to blow hard,
which it frequently did, and these leaves
gave way to the blast, the barracks had
the appearance of waving corn in harvest.
Our beds also were as temporary as our
barracks, being also stakes driven into the
ground, and spaked over from end to end
like a horse's hack for holding hay, with-
out any bedding whatever, even for the
sick in the regimental hospital ! It was
therefore a happy thing for the men that
brought their hammock and blanket ashore,
for those who sold them to the bum-boats
(that came along-side with fruit) were ob-
liged to lie with their body clothes, upon
these knotty bamboo spakes, which made
them any thing but a comfortable place
for repose.
We knew a great difference also of our
provisions from what we had been accus*
tomed to at home ; for we were served out
with buffalo beef, on which there was not
to be seen a shred of fat ; and rice was our
substitute for bread. This was very welt
for the natives, who knew nothing else;
but for men accustomed to the rich and
substantial food of Europe, and particular-
ly after the stomach had lost all relish by
a wasting dysentery, it was very sorry fare,
and made us incline to adopt the senti-
ments of the Israelites, and to long for
the flesh pots of that land we had left.
We were a very few days here when
the flux appeared amongst the men, and
made very rapid progress. I also took this
trouble, which increased upon me to a very
great degree. I acknowledge myself to
have acted a very imprudent part, in not
reporting myself to the doctor sooner; but
I was at last compelled to put my name
into the sick list, when I was well told of
my error ; and as I was found to be in a
dangerous condition, I was sent to the
general hospital, where all the worst of our
men were ; for the medical officers there
were better acquainted with the nature of
this disease, and the accommodation was
also much better for the men. The man-
ner in which the sick are conveyed in this
country, is as follows : The person is put
into what is called a doolie, which is near-
ly in the form of one of the small houses
or boxes used in Scotland for watch-dogs,
being about six feet long, and three deep.
In the middle of each side there is a door
to go out and in by, and upon the top, at
each end, there is a strong ring, through
which a pole is put, and borne by four na-
tives. I was therefore laid in one of these
doolies, and carried about halfway, when
the bearers stopt. I conjectured that they
were resting a little, as it was three miles
between the barrack and the hospital ; but
I was rather surprised when one of them
demanded some money from me. I told
him that I had nothing for him j but that
I would give him something when they
carried me to the hospital. This did not
at all satisfy him; and the other bear-
ers also became clamorous, and I began
to fear they intended me a mischief for
they might have done what they chose
with me, as I was unable to make any re-
sistance, being both feeble and unarmed ;
but I got them to proceed, by giving signs
to them that they should be rewarded for
their trouble afterward. But I never heard
a word about money when they set me
down ; and if I had reported them to the
general doctor, they would have been paid
for their trouble with a witness : but as
they made off when I left the doolie, I
said nothing about it.
When I entered the hospital, and looked
around me to view the place, and saw the
meagre and distressed features of the men
stretched upon the beds, and many of the
cots empty, as if death had been robbing
the place of its inhabitants, to replenish the
narrow house appointed for all living, some-
thing awfully solemn stole upon my mind,
which I could by no means shake off, and
which I am altogether unable to describe.
I had not remained here many days when
I thought my disorder was taking a turn
for the better j but T was deceived in this.
because it was only some temporary relief
I was receiving from the medicine, for it
returned upon me worse than ever. Here I
had wearisome nights appointed to me, for
in that season I was generally worst. The
ward in which I lay was very large, and
had a truly dismal appearance at night,
being lighted by two or three glimmering
lamps, while all around was solemn and
still, save the cries and groans of the suf-
ferers, that seemed to contend along the
echoing walls ; and night after night we
were visited by the king of terrors, to
many, I am afraid, in his awfulest form.
There were no less than six of his darts
struck the next cot to that on which I lay.
You may think that my state in these
circumstances was truly deplorable, and
you think rightly, for so it was ; but I have
not told you the worst, for " the spirit of
a man may sustain his infirmity/' and my
spirit was not easily subdued by affliction,
but " a wounded spirit who can bear ?" and
The arrows of the Almighty were with-
in me, the poison whereof drunk up my
spirits," for here I had time for serious
reflection, or rather here it was forced
upon me. Here I could not mix with jolly
companions to drive away melancholy,
and my favourite music could give me no
relief. Here too I was compelled to list-
en to the voice of conscience, and O!
how loudly did it expostulate with me
about the answers I formerly gave it in
Ireland, namely, that I had no opportuni-
ty in the confusion of a barrack-room for
reading my Bible, meditation, or prayer,
but that I would become a good Christ-
ian when I was out of the army. Here
I was indeed out of the confusion of a
barrack-room, but not only still in the ar-
my, but far, far from any minister of Christ
to give me wholesome counsel. O what
would 1 have given for the company of a
godly minister, or pious, well-informed
Christian ! but, alas ! " I looked upon the
right hand, but none would know me ; re-
fuge failed me, no man cared for my soul."
Surely the Lord frequently answers the
prayers of his people by " terrible things
in righteousness." Here, " in the multi-
tude of my thoughts within me," I could
entertain little hope of ever coming out of
this place again, far less of getting out
of the army, where I might have an op-
portunity of serving God ; for death seem-
ed to be making rapid strides towards me,
to take me down to the " bars of the pit."
But death seemed rather a relief from my
agonizing trouble, had it not been that I
knew that " after death there was a judg-
ment." And how was my soul to appear
before the holy and just Judge of the
earth? This was a question I could not
answer. I looked with anxious care to
see if any hope was to be entertained from
my past life, but, alas ! all seemed to be a
dreary waste. Some comfort, indeed, I had
from the view of my apprenticeship, and
some time afterward, which I formerly
mentioned ; but, alas ! even then I saw
myself to have been guilty of many a sin,
and all the rest of my life appeared to be
but one act of disobedience and rebellion j
and I saw myself condemned by the laws
of heaven, supposing I had lived all my
life in the apparently innocent manner
above stated ; for it is written, " Cursed
is every one that continueth not in all
things which are written in the book of
the law, to do them." I next looked to
the general mercy of God, but neither
could that give me any relief; and in this
state of torment I remain ed for several nights
and days with little intermission. At last
it pleased the Lord to send me relief in
the following manner :
One forenoon, when I was almost dis-
tracted with the agony of my soul, and
the pain of my body, that blessed passage
was given me, " Call upon me in the day
of trouble j I will deliver thee, and thou
shalt glorify me :" and never before did I
feel any thing come home with such divine
power and such healing comfort to my
afflicted soul. I tried to recollect if ever
I had read it in my Bible, or heard it any
time,, but in vain ; yet I was fully per-
suaded that it was the voice of God speak-
ing in his word, and accompanied by his
Holy Spirit. I will not attempt a de-
scription of my mind at this time, for it is
impossible, because it was indeed " a joy
unspeakable. 31 O what a flood of com-
fort did it impart to my helpless soul ! for
then I believed that God " had not in
anger shut up his tender mercy, but still
intended to be gracious." Now " the
Lord made my bed in my sickness," for
my couch, as I thought, became softer,
and every thing around me wore a differ-
ent aspect. I yet looked back with plea-
sure to the description of heaven given by
Mr. Boston in his Fourfold State, (which I
used to read when in Darnick,) and still
hoped to be an inhabitant of that happy
place. Here the Lord turned for me " my
mourning into dancing, he put off my
sackcloth, and girded me with gladness;"
here the Lord dealt with me as he did with
his ancient church, for " he allured me,
and brought me into the wilderness, that
he might speak comfortably unto me ;"
and here " he made me to sing, as in the
days of my youth." " Sing unto the
Lord, O ye saints of his, and give thanks
at the remembrance of his holiness : For
his anger endureth but a moment; in his
favour is life ; weeping may endure for a
night, but joy cometh in the morning."
My dear reader, if you are a stranger to
the comfortable sense of the favour of
God, you may think this is strange kind
of language ; and no wonder, for " the
natural man receiveth not the things of
the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness
unto him : neither can he know them, be-
cause they are spiritually discerned ;" but
believe me, this was true solid comfort,
arising from a view which I had just ob-
tained of a reconciled God in Christ, al-
though I acknowledge myself to have had
at this time a very imperfect knowledge
of the gospel-scheme of salvation.
Yet the Lord, who generally works by
rational means, left not his work half done,
for he sent me an instructor in the follow-
ing manner : The next day there was a
young man, who sailed out with me in the
same ship, came and sat down upon my
bed-side. He had been in the hospital for
some time, but I had never seen him, nor
even known that he was in the place, be-
cause he was in a different ward. I had even
a very slight acquaintance of him as a fel-
low-soldier, and none at all of his being an
eminent Christian. As I said, he sat down
upon my bed-side, and asked very kind-
ly how I was. My heart warmed to him
while he uttered the words, though I can-
not tell for what, but I formed somehow a
favourable opinion of him, and was free
enough to tell him how matters stood. I
began by informing him how my mind had
been exercised since I came to the hospi-
tal, nearly in the way above related, as I
wished to hear his mind upon the subject,
lest I should be deceiving myself. He
asked me, if I read my Bible. I said, that
I had sometimes read it when I could see,
but could derive very little comfort from
it, as I could not understand it; and now
my sight was so far gone as to be unable
to read it, but I would take it kind if he
would read a portion of it for me, which
he readily agreed to. But, oh ! the rays
of light that darted into my mind while he
read, and " opened to me the Scriptures!"
I then spoke to him of my former wicked,
unprofitable life. He said, " The blood
of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth from
all sin." I then said, the only comfort 1'
could derive from the many years I had
lived, was when a very young boy, as I have
formerly stated j but I saw that although I
had lived all my life in this comparatively
harmless way 1 was condemned ; for it is
written, " Cursed is every one that conti-
nueth not in all things written in the book
of the law, to do them. 5 ' He answered,
" That whatever the law saith, it saith to
them that are under the law, that every
mouth may be stopped, and all the world
become guilty before God;" but that
" Christ Jesus had redeemed us from the
curse of the law, by being made a curse for
them who walk not after the flesh, but after
the Spirit ;" and moreover, " it was not by
works of righteousness which we have
done, but according to his mercy he sav-
ed us, by the washing of regeneration, and
renewing of the Holy Ghost, shed on us
abundantly through Jesus Christ our Sa-
viour. 5 ' After some conversation of this
kind, we took leave of each other, he pro-
mising soon to come back and see me. I
need hardly tell you how we frequently
" took sweet counsel together," while he
remained in the hospital ; but his com-
plaint getting better, he was ordered to his
duty, which truly I was very sorry for.
But by God's kindness in sending me this
instructor, I was put into the way that
leads to everlasting life ; and my mind be-
ing led into " wisdom's ways, which
pleasantness and peace," my body began
gradually to recover.
The flux, however, still continuing, and
keeping me in a state of extreme weak-
ness, I was advised by one of my fifers to
take a dose of corks and wine without the
doctor's knowledge, since all his medicine
hitherto appeared ineffectual for stopping
the flow of blood. I was rather averse to
this prescription, which was a pint of wine,
made as warm as I could possibly drink it,
and a burnt cork reduced to a powder
and mixed with it, and this dose I was to
take for three nights ; and, to encourage
me, he said some of our former regiment
were cured by it when we were in Ireland.
I accordingly took this horse medicine with
great difficulty; and you may easily imagine
that it could not be otherwise, considering
that I had eaten nothing for about a fort-
night; and more particularly, that my
mouth was perfectly raw with the mercury
which is given in obstinate cases of this
disease, and the cork stuck in my throat,
so that it was hardly possible for me to get
it over; however, I got it managed for the
three nights ; but never would I advise a
friend of mine to try such an experiment,
for the pain of the flux was never so severe
as that produced by this savage dose.
After being a few days in this extreme
pain, the flux of blood disappeared, and I
got gradually better, but I have never en-
joyed my former health; and, I believe,
stopping the blood so suddenly was per-
manently unfavourable to my constitu-
I must not omit informing you, that my
good friend the Colonel, with whom I en-
listed in Dublin, used to pay me a visit fre-
quently; and finding me in better health
and spirits than formerly, he told the
doctor to let me want for nothing which
could be of service to me. The doctor
then inquired very particularly into my
case. I told him the blood had left me,
and that my mouth was rather better. He
ordered me a pint of wine every day,
and a bit of fowl for dinner. In a word,
by the blessing of God, I got a good
deal better, and left the hospital upon the
9th November; but I had not been at
my duty many days, when an order came
for seven companies to go to Madras, by
a frigate and two country ships, which
were ready for us in the bay. We embark-
ed upon the 25th November, the staff and
light company went on board of La De-
daigneuse, a frigate formerly taken from the
French j and the rest of the regiment (ex-
cept two companies left at the island) went
on board of the two country ships. We
had a very rough passage, having high
winds, swelling seas, and a leaky ship ; and
being exposed to the weather, as we took
our watch upon deck in turns, I was again
seized with a severe flux. The Colonel,
seeing me one day on deck, inquired very
kindly how I was? I told him the truth j
and he was very angry that I should ex*
pose myself in such weather, especially
after my late severe illness. I made the
best apology I could, but he was not satis-
fied, and desired me to go to the surgeon
and let my case be known. He likewise
asked me what liquor I received ? I told
him half a pint of arrack daily; but I said
that I did not think that it was agreeing
with me. So he spoke to the doctor, who
ordered me a pint of wine in place of it,
and to keep myself constantly below. The
frigate, as I have stated above, was very
| leaky j and having to encounter a dread-
I ful hurricane during four nights and days,
it was with difficulty that the crew, with
the assistance of the soldiers, could keep
her afloat. We were three weeks upon
this passage without any deaths, except
one man who fell overboard^ but it was in-
deed a very disagreeable voyage, for we
could not keep our .provisions from getting
wet by the sea rushing in between every
plank ! You may think it strange that one
of his Majesty's ships of war was suffered
to be in this leaky condition ; but it would
have taken a very tight vessel indeed to
have ridden this storm without making a
considerable quantity of water ; and, more-
over, she was ordered for dock as soon as
she reached the harbour.
The manner of landing persons on this
coast may not be unworthy of the reader's
attention. The best boats belonging to
his Majesty's navy dare not venture through
the prodigious surf that runs every where
on the beach, and you may often see the
captains of the Indiamen or Men-of-war,
obliged to leave their elegant boats and
fine-dressed crews outside the surf, and
get on board of what are called Massulah
boats, to be rowed ashore by natives.
These boats are constructed nearly like
our own, but are considerably deeper.
The planks are sewed together by small
cocoa-nut ropes, instead of being nailed,
and they are caulked by the cocoa-nut
hemp (if I may call it so) of which the
ropes are made.
When the passengers are all seated, the
boatmen begin their rowing, which they
accompany with a kind of song, until they
approach the breakers, when the boatswain
! gives the alarm, and all is activity among
the rowers j for if they did not pay great
attention to avoid the wave in the act of
breaking, the boat would run every risk of
being swamped. The most severe part of
the boat's usage is when she strikes the
beach the first time, which generally tum-
bles the passengers upon one another like
a heap. The boatmen must not attempt
to jump out and pull her ashore after the
first breaker, for the wave that makes her
strike runs past a considerable distance,
and then returns, rushing down the decli-
vity of the beach with irresistible force,
carrying her along with it ; but before the
next wave overtakes them the boat has
gained a little by rowitig, so that the se-
cond shock is less formidable ; and, on the
third, they jump out in a moment, and lay
hold on a rope fastened to the bow on pur-
pose, and thereby hold her fast till the
passengers get ashore. Were our boats to
get such usage it would knock them to
After our landing, we were encamped
upon the south esplanade, which divides
Fort St. George from the original town
of Madras.
I DO not here intend to give a particular
account of Madras ; but as your curiosity
may be somewhat excited, I will gratify it
a little, by giving you a kind of general
description. Madras, or Fort St. George,
(sometimes distinguished into Black Town
and White Town,) the principal settlement
of the British, on the coast of Coroman-
del, has a very beautiful appearance from
the sea ; and the first sight of this place
is not calculated to spoil the picture which
a sanguine imagination draws to itself. The
clear, blue, cloudless sky, and the polished
white buildings, of which there is a great
number, both in the Fort and along the
beach, present a combination entirely
new to the British traveller, which is well
fitted to give him a very exalted idea of
India, and lead him to imagine, after be-
ing so long out of the sight of land, that
he is entering a new world, something far
superior to that which he has left. But it
is with this as with the work of the paint-
er; for it looks best at a distance. That
part of the town which is within the fort-
ress can boast indeed of several fine
streets ; and the houses being covered with
a kind of stucco, called chunam, which
is capable of a polish little inferior to mar-
ble, have a very elegant and lively appear-
ance : but as to the houses of the original
town, sometimes called by the natives, Ma-
dras Patnam, (which signifies superior,} no
rule seems to have been followed but that j
of contrast ; for the fine white polished i
buildings of the European, the Persian,
or the Indian merchant, are promiscu-
ously interspersed with the most wretch-
ed mud-walled cocoa-nut covered huts of
the poorest native : and the confused, ir-
regular, unpaved streets, render it one of
the dirtiest places possible in wet weather.
There are a number of meeting-houses here
for the various religious professors ; but
that which has the most respectable appear-
ance, (the protestant church of Fort St.
George excepted,) belongs to the Armen-
ians. The appearances of the natives also
are extremely varied ; and we find it
hold good here, as in other parts of the
world, " that the poor and the rich meet
together j" for we here see some carried
in palanquins shoulder high, and others
performing all the offices of drudgery;
while some are riding in their bullock
coaches, others are walking on foot, fol-
lowing their various employments ; while
some are riding upon horses, well clothed,
with ear-rings the circumference of a
large tea-cup, others are hardly able to
walk, but literally, " wretched, and mi-
serable, and poor, and blind, and nak-
ed/* That feature in the female cha-
E 2
racter which has been general in all ages,
is also very prominent in this place : for
we find many of the wealthy of that sex
adorned with all the varieties of toys men-
tioned by the prophet, " walking with
stretched forth necks, and wanton eyes ;
walking and mincing as they go, and mak-
ing a tinkling with their feet ;" but it is
the less to be wondered at, that these poor
creatures should take such a pride in show-
ing themselves off,, as they think, with these
butterfly ornaments; for they know no bet-
ter : but it is truly a pity, as well as a great
sin, that the daughters of Zion in our
own land should so far follow their exam-
,ple, and expose themselves to the judg-
ments of the Lord for the sake of a few
trinkets, as those women did in the days
of the prophet. Because it is very evident,
that it was the sin which these daughters
of Zion contracted, by setting their affec-
tions upon these vanities of ornaments,
that was the cause of God denouncing his
judgments against them. It would surely
be infinitely better, to adorn themselves
according to the direction of the apostle ;
c whose adorning," said he, "let it not be
that outward adorning of plaiting the hair,
and wearing of gold, or putting on of ap-
parel; but let it be the hidden man of the
( heart, in that which is not corruptible,
even the ornament of a meek and quiet
spirit, which is, in the sight of God, of
great price."
While our regiment lay at Madras, we
were infested by the natives offering them-
selves for servants, and many of them did
get into place; but, I believe those that
took them would have been much better
without servants, for they plundered them
of what they could get, and then went
their way*.
* Most of these fellows belonged to the thieving
bazaar, (a market here for receiving and selling stolen
goods,) and took this method of obtaining some booty.
I think it is a great shame (to say no worse of it) that
such a place should be protected by law ; for the goods
taken from us could not be gotten from thence unless
they were regularly paid for, in the same manner as
We lay in camp upon the south esplanade
until the 20th, when we got the route for
Wallajahbad. This being our first march
in the country, we had our provisions and
baggage carried free, but very few of us
thought much of the meat, and less of the
liquor ; for the arrack used to be standing
all night in cocoa-nut shells, and spilled
upon the ground in the morning when we
marched. It would have been well for the
far greater part of our regiment, had this
indifference to that liquor continued ; but,
alas ! it was far otherwise, as I yet may
have cause to observe.
We came to Wallajahbad upon the 24th
December, 1807- This place was to us ac-
if we had never seen them ; but if the thief was caught
before he reached the bounds assigned for the bazaar,
he could be prosecuted and punished. As a proof of
what I have stated, Captain M'Lean of our regiment
had his regimental coat stolen, and it was found there,
but he durst not toilch it without agreeing with the
bazaar man for a certain sum. However, before I left
the country, they were much restricted, no goods
being allowed to be publicly exposed until four
o'clock in the afternoon.
cording to its name, for it proved very bad
to our regiment; the men, women, and
children, dying almost every day. As fife-
major of the regiment, it was part of my
duty to warn a fifer for the funeral party
always upon evening parade, for the fol-
lowing day; and there were twelve days
successively that the fifer for the funeral
was wanted. Although there were none dead
at the time, I ordered him to be in readi-
ness j and for that space of time, we never
missed one day without having less or more
paying the debt of nature. If a man died
at night, he was buried in the morning ;
and if through the day, he was interred
in the evening. Amongst the many that
died at this time, my old musical friend
Allan was one. He was cut off by water in
the head; but the disorder that carried off
almost all the rest was the bloody flux, or
About this time the grenadier company
(which had parted with us upon our voyage
to get their ship refitted) joined us*, and
also the two companies from Prince of
Waies's Island. The grenadiers were, in
* The grenadiers who were on board of the East
India Company's ship, Surat Castle, had been obliged
to part with the fleet, in consequence of the leaky
state of that vessel, when we were near the latitudes
of South America, and with difficulty reached the
port of Rio Janeiro. But had it not been for the ex-
traordinary exertions of these able-bodied men, the
ship, and every soul on board, must, in all human pro-
bability have perished ; for they were under the abso-
lute necessity of working the pumps night and day
for a considerable time before they reached that
port, and, notwithstanding all their endeavours, the
water gained upon them to such a degree as to be
two or three feet deep upon the harlop deck; but in
spite of their excessive hardships and fatigues, that
company was the most healthy of any in the regi-
ment. For during the whole voyage they had very
little sickness, and none of their numbers diminished
by death, in a natural way. They had, indeed, one
struck dead by a thunderbolt, and another killed by
the natives of a certain island, where they touched for
a supply of fresh water. The way that this man came
into the power of these savages was as follows :
A party of the grenadiers were sent ashore with a few
water casks to get them filled, and while they were
performing this piece of duty, some misunderstanding
took place between them and the natives ; and the sol-
diers not being aware that they were going to get
general, envied by the rest of the regiment
for their healthy appearance; but, alas !
that did not long continue; for no less than
such rude treatment, were quite unprepared with
weapons offensive or defensive, so that some of them
were cut and mangled most dreadfully by their as-
sailants. But the man 1 allude to, whose name I do not
recollect, and another of the nam% of Campbell, with
whom I was very intimate, wrested each a weapon
from the blacks, and, as the saying is, (( made their
own sticks break their own heads ;" and, in this man-
ner fought their way, retreating backward toward the
boat, which some of their companions had reached ;
but before- they could attain their object, the poor
fellow sunk under the repeated blows of his over-
powering enemies, and Campbell received seven se-
vere wounds, several of which were in the head.
Those who had not the good fortune to reach the boat
were taken prisoners. No sooner did the news of
this disaster reach the ship than the officers were fired
with indignation at the treatment which their men
had received, and the soldiers, particularly, for losing
several of their comrades, while those who escaped
came on board streaming with blood. Such outrages
were not to be tamely submitted to by those who had
not only the name, but also the courage, of British
soldiers. Orders were immediately given for the
men to get ready their arms and ammunition, to go in
quest of their companions who were detained ashore,
and these orders were attended to with all the alert-
ness that could have been displayed had the ship been
E 5
twenty-one of these robust looking men
went the way of all living in the course of
one month.
March 3, 1808, I was married to Mrs.
on fire, and they themselves obliged to fly for their
lives to a safe and commodious shelter. No sooner
were the grenadiers landed than they marched steadi-
ly towards a town not far from the shore, where the
king lived, defying all opposition to their progress,
and striking terror into the hearts of every beholder.
And when they reached the place, the determined
countenances of the men, and the dazzling appear-
ance of their shining arms, so enervated the hearts
and arms of his majesty's loyal subjects, that they
could make little resistance until our party was in
the royal presence itself. One of the men, named
John Love, literally took the poor trembling Nabob
by the neck like a dog, and the royal suite, seeing his
majesty treated so unceremoniously, perceived well
what was to be their fate if they continued to hold
the soldiers in their place of confinement, and there-
fore prudently made all the haste in their power to
restore them to the embraces of their brave mess-
mates, who all returned to the ship in safety, and
were warmly received by those on board. My wife
has now the pillow that the Captain gave to Camp-
bell, to lay under his mangled head, after he went
on board. However, with proper medical atten-
dance, and kind treatment, he recovered, and was
raised to the rank and pay of Serjeant after the com-
pany joined in Wallajahbad.
Allan. This is the circumstance I told you
to mark before we left England, after I had
obtained liberty from Colonel Stewart for
her to go with her husband. But I had
then very little knowledge that I was tak-
ing out a wife for myself, and one too,
that was to be the means in the hand of
Divine Providence of prolonging my days,
for had it not been for her nursing care,
I must, in all human probability, have gone
thewayof hundreds of the regiment, asl had
much severe trouble after I was joined to
her. She had no children, save one daughter
that was left at home with her grandfather,
whom I may have occasion to speak of
afterwards. I was in a very poor state of
health when married to her; for the com-
plaint I caught in the frigate had never left
me, and I really had at that time more
need of a doctor than a wife; but I knew
her to be an excellent woman, and as she
had no objections to me as a husband, I
could have none against her as a wife; but
happily for me I found in her both a doc-
E 6
tor and a wife, and I daily recovered and
enjoyed a tolerable state of health for
some time.
May 22, The government at Madras
being informed by our returns that we were
in a very bad state of health, sent an or-
der for us to proceed to Sadras, a seaport,
for the benefit of our health. At this time
we could not muster five hundred effective
men in a regiment upwards of a thousand
strong ; but we were now doomed to still
more lamentable misfortunes, for more
than three hundred men fell sick the first
day's march ; chiefly of brain fevers, at-
tended with a dreadful discharge from
the bowels, and twelve men belonging to
the regiment died the same day : six of
whom marched to the ground with their
arms and accoutrements. The heat was in-
tense, with scarcely a breath of air, and
any that there was, was as hot as if it had
issued from a baker's oven. One of our
men who had formerly been in the coun-
try fourteen years, with the 74th regi-
ment, said that he never recollected of
having suffered so much in one day from
heat. Many of the men had recourse to
throwing water upon themselves, but they
could get no relief from this expedient,
because it was quite warm ; and what
added much to their distress, was the utter
\^ant of perspiration. My wife also suf-
fered much from a checked perspiration,
and I thought of a method that gave her
great relief, which was this ; I dipped a
hand towel in water, and gave it a slight
wring, and stood over her while she lay
upon the ground, waving it backward and
forward ; this, from the quick evaporation,
cooled her greatly, and gave her consider-
able relief. My comrades also, to whom I
mentioned it, derived similar benefit from
this plan. The men who were very bad, were
taken into marquees erected on purpose for
them ; but this expedient, which gave many
who were not very ill considerable relief
was of no use to them. All that the surgeon
(for we had only one with us) could do
for them, was to let blood at the temples,
and having filled two large marquees with
those who were worst, the rest had to assist
one another in their tents the best way they
could ; but at last the doctor falling ill
himself, had recourse to bleeding his own
temples by the assistance of a looking-
glass, and lay down amongst the rest of
the sick men. Thus, being deprived of all
medical assistance, and many of the men
running about mad, and others dying in
the marquees before the Colonel's eyes ; he
was so overcome by the sight that he could
not refrain from tears. The poor unhappy
creatures who were attacked with this
temporary derangement, had in general
some idea that they were not in their own
country. One of these runaways being
asked where he was going, said, that he
was going to Europe ; and added, that if
he was once there, he would soon be well
again. However, when the cool of the
evening arrived, a number of the men got
considerably better; about mid-day when
the men were in such an alarming state,
the Colonel had sent off an express to the
commandant of Wallajahbad, describingthe
melancholy situation of the regiment; and
we immediately received medical assist-
ance, and more doolies and waggons to
carry the sick, with an order to return to
our barracks. This was welcome news for
us ; and we accordingly returned to Walla-
jahbad the next day, carrying along with
us one hundred and fifty sick men who
were unable to march.
September 4. We had prayers read
for the first time since we came to this
country, by the adjutant, who had fifty
pagodas a-month for doing the duty of
chaplain. But this was, I think, little
short of making a mock of the divine or-
dinances ; for here was truly, " like people,
like priest." Oh for an opportunity of
hearing a good sermon, from the mouth
of a godly minister of Jesus Christ. " O
God, thou art my God ; early will I seek
thee : my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh
longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land,
where no water is ; to see thy power and
thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the
November 4. My good friend Colonel
Stewart left us, in consequence of liberty
received from the government, to return
to his native country for the benefit of his
health ; as he had long been labouring
under a severe liver complaint. I was
truly sorry for his departure, as I thought
his loss to me could never be repaired ;
but I was in this happily mistaken ; for he
recommended me to the particular notice
of Colonel Conran, his successor, who
treated me constantly with the greatest
kindness; although the men generally
formed a very bad opinion of him at first,
for he used to take out the triangles to
evening parade ; and if any of the men
were unsteady in the ranks, he tried them
by a drum-head court martial, and flogged
them upon the spot ; but this was not be-
cause he delighted in punishment, but to
make the regiment steady and attentive,
which they were not out of the need of.
He was, to give him his due, " a terror to
evil doers, and a praise to them that do
January 1 3, 1809. We left Wallajahbad,
in consequence of a route to proceed to
Bangalore. This w r as a very melancholy
day for many. We could not avoid think-
ing of the great number of our comrades
whom we left behind ; having, in little
more than one year, formed a grave-yard
of about two hundred men, women, and
children ! but after we had proceeded on
our march four days, we were counter-
manded, and sent again to Madras.
February 3. We took the duty of the
garrison from the 30th regiment, which
marched out, and we occupied their bar-
rack. Not long after we came here, I was
visited with a severe fever. I now found
a kind friend in Colonel Conran ; for he
paid great attention to me daring my ill-
ness ; sending me fowl, wines, sugar, and
even fruits, which he thought would be
beneficial in my disorder. He even came
in person frequently to see me, and order-
ed the Doctor to attend me in my own
room, which he appointed for me himself;
and, by the blessing of God upon the use
of means, I recovered in about three weeks.
While we lay in Madras, there arose a dis-
turbance among the Company's troops ;
and it being reported that they intended
to attack the fort, the artillery were order-
ed to provide a sufficient quantity of ammu-
nition for their reception, which was dis-
tributed proportionally to each gun ; but
it was never required, for they were wiser
than make such a foolish attempt. The
insurrection in the high country, however,
getting rather serious, an order was issued
for an army to be formed to suppress it.
This mutinous spirit was said to have been
excited by the Governor taking away the
staff situations of a number of the Com-
pany's officers, in different forts through
the country, making one do the duty of
two, and sending the other to his regiment
in his former situation. For instance, in
many of these forts there were (what is
called) a fort-adjutant and a quarter-mas-
ter of the fort : now, one of these had to
do the duty of both, for which he receiv-
ed no more than his former pay. The se-
poys (native soldiers) were not in much
better humour ; for they were dissatisfied
because they did not receive the pay of
European soldiers, saying, that as they did
the same duty, and were exposed to the
same hardships, they were entitled to the
same allowances. On the other hand, the
government stated, that European soldiers
had removed from their own country, and
should therefore be distinguished from na-
tives of this country, who besides could
live much cheaper. However, this state-
ment did not satisfy them ; and from less
to more, they proceeded so far as to take
some of the forts into their own posses-
sion, and were headed by Company's offi-
cers of the dissatisfied party. Things could
not remain long in this state of confusion ;
and to compel the mutineers to desist from
their purpose of destroying all order
amongst the forces, an army was formed
at three different stations, to proceed to the
high country in various directions. Our
Colonel being a man of great military skill,
was appointed to command the centre di-
vision of the army, which was formed at
St. Thomas's Mount, seven miles from
Madras, upon the 8th day of August,
1809. This division of the army consisted
often pieces of artillery, two regiments of
horse, the Royal Scots, 66th and 89th Eu-
ropeans, two hundred pioneers, and the
8th and 20th regiments of native infantry.
An order was also issued by our com-
manding officer for all the heavy baggage,
women, and boys, to be left at Madras.
This was sorrowful news for the married
people, and my wife was much grieved to
hear them, particularly as I was then but
weakly, and not very able to encounter
the hardships to which I would thus be
exposed. She was therefore eager to go
with the regiment, that she might know
the worst of it. I tried all I could to dis-
suade her from going, but in vain ; and, in
short, she being a stout healthy woman,
and having no children to incommode us,
she was permitted to go, to my great bene-
fit, as well as her satisfaction ; for truly,
had it not been for her, it would have
fared but badly with me upon the march,
as I will afterwards make appear.
August 27. We entered the territories
of the Poligars. At this pass we were met
by three of the Company's revenue collec-
tors flying for shelter to our army, having
been robbed of all their wealth by a party
of the rebels. We here see the dreadful
condition of a country, where all laws, di-
vine and human, are put at defiance. We
received a visit from the Nabob of this
district of country, who is tributary to our
government, accompanied with all his re-
tinue. He himself and suite, were mount-
ed on elephants, upon the back of which
was placed a square tower, covered with
crimson velvet; but the greater part of
his guards were upon horseback, and those
of them who were upon foot carried a kind
of pike twelve feet long, which they ma-
nage with great dexterity. When they
wish to strike an object, they place the
one end of the pike upon the right arm,
and after giving it a powerful throw, they
immediately pull it back by a coil of rope
which is held in their left hand, the one end
of which rope is of course fastened to the
pike. This country is very mountainous,
and abounds with tigers and wild boars,
(particularly the latter;) but there is a
species of dog here that is a mortal enemy
to the wild boar ; and but for these useful
creatures, the natives would often run
great dangers from their bold and feroci-
ous attacks. Our officers killed one at
this camp-ground, which I saw : it was
nearly equal in size to one of our middle-
sized hogs, but apparently much more
active, with terrible tusks.
September 21. For this some time past
we have been inarching through woods,
and jungles, and by impassable roads, until
our pioneers made them passable, by cut-
ting trees, and covering them with sods, so
that there might be a passage for the guns
and bandies* ; and it was very seldom that
we could get any victuals to buy for money;
because, as we advanced, the natives left
their villages, and retired to the hills, car-
rying all their cattle and effects with them,
not being quite sure whether we were
friends or foes.
September 22. The place we arrived at
this day is called Gutta, where there is a
very large garrison, built upon the top of
an immense rock, somewhat resembling
that of Edinburgh Castle, but much higher.
It was formerly one of Tippoo's towers of
refuge ; and was taken by the British with
great difficulty. We halted here until
we should get a reinforcement from Bom-
bay, which was ordered to join us before
we marched any farther. We were accord-
* These bandies are a kind of cart for the baggage,
drawn by two bullocks.
ingly joined by his Majesty's 34
I would here remark, by the way,
that there are many things in Scripture
that were cleared up to me in this coun-
try, which before were quite unintelligi-
ble, and that circumstance rendered me so
careless in reading my Bible. I shall
mention one or two, which may suffice :
for instance, our Saviour says, " No man
putteth new wine into, old bottles, if other-
wise, the bottles burst and the wine is
spilled ; but men put new wine into new
bottles, and both are preserved." Now, I
was wont to think that old bottles were
not worse than new ones, if they were pro-
perly cleansed ; but, when I saw the bot-
tles of the east, made of the skins of ani-
mals sewed together, and of various sizes,
I formed another opinion ; for I saw that
after these leathern bottles were in use for
some time, the seams were very apt to
give way, and our Saviour's words would
be realized.
Another expression which puzzled me
was this, " No man seweth a piece of new
doth upon an old garment, else the new
if 5
piece that filled it up, taketh away from
the old, and the rent is made worse."
With regard to this, 1 thought I had seen
the tailor, when I was with my grandfa-
ther, making a very good job of an old
coat, by mending it with new cloth ; but
when I saw the thin cotton garments of
India, worn to a cob-web, I w r as then
satisfied that he would be a clever artist
indeed, that could sew a piece of new cotton
cloth, however fine, to a spider's web,
without tearing it in pieces.
Once more, and I shall have done j the
apostle says, in the thirteenth of First Co-
rinthians, " Now we see through a glass
darkly, but then face to face :" Now, I could
not perceive the fitness of this figure, as
people use a glass, or glasses, to enable them
to see better j but when I saw the glass
of the east, (and I suppose in the country
and age of the apostle it was similar,) I
say, when I saw the glass here, made of
paste from rice-flour, blown and fired, my
opinion was entirely changed, as it is quite
dim, and full of white scales j so that, if
persons look through it, they observe ob-
jects as the blind man did, mentioned in
the gospel, who, when his sight was only
in part restored, said that he saw " men
like trees walking." I could bring for-
ward many other passages, but I give you
these as specimens j and, to deal plainly
with you, my dear reader, I must tell you
that I was very little short of a Deist be-
fore the Lord brought me here $ because,
as I could not see how this and the other
thing could be, I in a manner rejected
them as false, or at least gave myself very
little concern about them ; but when
such things as these were made out to
me, I then perceived that it was in conse-
quence of the blindness of my mind, and
not from the want of truth and evidence
in the Bible, that I was not able to un-
derstand such difficulties ; and, by the
blessing of God, I gradually conceived a
greater and a greater liking for that best
of books, which alone points out to sinful
men the way of salvation.
October 12. We encamped this day at
a place called Canool. This is a beautiful
country, and abounds with woods and
water, the river Tamboothera running
close by the town. We had here a visit of
the Nabob of Canool, with an equipage
nearly resembling that of the Nabob of
the Poligar country, formerly described.
While we were upon the banks of this
river, the artillery from Ceylon, his Ma-
jesty's 66th and 89th regiments left us, on
account of a general order received to that
effect. As the rebels had given up Ser-
ingapatam and other forts which they had
in possession, when they heard of such a
powerful army coming against themj and
Colonel Bell, with a number of other
European officers of different ranks in the
Company's service were taken into custody,
and sent prisoners to Madras ; this busi-
ness, therefore, terminated much more fav-
ourably than was expected ; for the 25th
light dragoons was, I may say, the only
European regiment that suffered any thing
by powder and shot; but although there
were comparatively few lives lost in this
way, yet during the march a great num-
ber indeed, both white and black, went to
their long homes. I dare say it, from my
own observation and inquiry, that there is
an average of ten men who die from the
fatigues and disorders incident to this
country, to one that dies by the fate of
October 16. We crossed the river
Tamboothera in what may be with justice
termed basket boats. These boats were
made by strong twigs interwoven with each
other, and covered externally with buffalo
hides. They were of a circular form, and
managed by short flat paddles, and with-
out any helm; each boat containing 12 or
14 men with their firelocks and knapsacks.
Our baggage and bandies were also carried
over in them, but the cattle of every kind
were obliged to swim. It was truly amus-
ing to see the elephants and bullocks get
across, for the elephants being driven to
the side of the river, entered and swam
over, holding up their trunks all the while
for the sake of air j but there was one of
them that would not take the water in spite
of all the efforts the keepers could use, and
at last they compelled him, by bringing
out two lusty ones of his kindred tribe,
who, at the command of their drivers, fair-
ly pushed him into the water by main force
with their heads. The bullocks were led
two and two by their driver, who went be-
fore them lying upon a plank previously
tied to his body, holding a rope which was
fastened at each end to the horns of his
cattle j one man thereby moving himself
and leading his bullocks by the motion of
his feet. We were two days in getting our-
selves, with the baggage and cattle, across
this river, and we pitched upon the right
bank for one night.
October 19 .We reached the left bank
of the Kistna. This river is larger than
the former, and the same boats were car-
ried from the Tamboothera by three coolies*
or labourers, to each boat, and we crossed
in the manner formerly described. Upon
this camp ground, I got (what is called in
English) a live grass in the fleshy part of
my leg. This grass has much the resem-
blance of a bear or barley awn, and is fur-
nished with a small barb at the one end,
like that of a fish hook j and when it once
enters the flesh, there is hardly a possibility
of extracting it. It takes its name from the
motion it exhibits when laid upon the hand,
because it is twisted, and when pulled from
the stalk the twist goes out and produces
a motion like a hard twisted cord. I have
heard many strange stories about this live
grass, as of its entering at the one side of
the foot or leg, and working its way to the
other, and in consequence of its poisonous
qualities that many have died thereby*
But I shall not affirm these things for truth,
as I never saw any such fatal effects pro-
duced by it; but this I know, that all I
received from the doctor did not cure it ;
and the wound in the course of a week
became quite black, and was attended with
a considerable degree of pain, which was
probably much aggravated by our severe
marches. But when we arrived at Hydra-
bad, and I was seized with the jungle fever,
the leg was totally neglected, I may say,
and when I recovered from this 'disorder,
we were quite surprised to find the wound
healed. For this I had great reason to be
thankful, as I have known instances of death
being indirectly produced by still more
trifling causes. Some of our men, for ex-
ample, may be said to have died of the bite
of a mosquito, for the bite of that little
insect occasioned a grievous itch, and the
part being constantly scratched, soon fes-
tered and mortified, so that it was neces-
sary to cut off the leg, after which the
poor men fevered and died.
I would remark, by the way, that there
are a great number of annoyances to the
poor soldier in this country, exclusive
of hard marching, bad provisions,, wet
camp ground, and the many bodily afflk>
tions arising from the climate : because
upon the march, they are liable to get bit-
ten by serpents, or stung with scorpions
and centipedes. And in all the barracks
in the country that I have seen, or heard
of, they are infested with bugs, in such a
degree as often compels the men to take to
the barrack square, and to sleep under
the canopy of heaven, by which means,
while seeking to avoid one evil, they ex-
pose themselves to a worse, for the heavy
dews during night are almost sure to
bring on the flux, the most fatal of all the
disorders of this country.
October 23. Upon this march one of our
sepoys was bitten by a green snake. This
poor man suffered the most agonizing pain
which I suppose is possible for a mortal to
endure, but his sufferings were soon termi-
nated in this world, for he expired in a few
hours. The green snake is thought to be
the most dangerous of all the serpent tribe
in this country. I have never known nor
ever heard of a person recovering that had
been bitten. It takes its name from its
green colour, and it generally frequents
fertile places, where it is not easily per-
ceived, which makes it still more danger-
ous. It will not, however, attack any
person unless he treads upon it, or ap-
proaches very near its young. It is af>
the length and thickness of a coachman's
whip. The influence which the Great
Enlivener of animal and vegetable life ex-
ercises upon this animal is most remark-
able, for while it is exposed to the sun's
rays, it seems almost impossible to deprive it
totally of life. I had this information from
a very intelligent native, who also showed
me one that he had been endeavouring to
kill, but to no purpose ; for after he had
bruised the head to pieces, it was still in
motion when I saw it, at which time the
sun was a little past his meridian, but this
glorious luminary had not finished his daily
course many minutes when all signs of life
and motion completely vanished.
Many of the serpent tribe here are per-
fectly harmless to man, and may even be
tamed so as to act the part of a cat in des-
troying vermin. The tanks, or ponds, are
full of water snakes, which, when bathing,
we often amused ourselves with endeavour-
ing to catch, and never received the least
injury from any of them. There is a land
snake, however, called the Hooded, or spec-
tacle snake, (from the appearance of a pair
of spectacles on the back part of the head,)
the bite of which is very deadly, but even
of these I have seen great numbers tamed,
and carried about in baskets through the
barracks, by the natives, for a kind of live-
lihood. No sooner was the basket un-
covered, and the owner commenced play-
ing on his simple instrument, than it rais-
ed its head and moved it about with all the
gestures of a coxcomb possessed of a new
suit of clothes and a silver-headed cane;
but when the charmer desisted from his
playing, the snake generally made a dart
at him, which he studiously avoided, and
pretended to be very much afraid of, but !
this was just a pretence for making us
wonder, for it could do no harm, being
previously deprived of the sting, or rather
the bag of poison, which lies within its
Although serpents generally love music,
yet here, as in most other cases, there are
exceptions to the general rule ; for I am
told there is one species, which, instead of
being allured by the charms of music, tes-
tifies a very remarkable aversion to it ; and
we need not wonder at this peculiarity,
for we know that, generally speaking, all
the human species, whether civilized or
savage, are fond of music : but we know
also that there are many individuals to
whom it is rather an annoyance than a
pleasure. The serpent I have alluded to
is probably the species which the Psalmist
had in his eye, when he compared wicked
men to it, in respect of their dislike and
antipathy to divine truth. It has been
said, indeed, that there is a serpent, or ad-
der, to which the Psalmist's comparison
literally applies ; that it actually covers one
ear with its tail, and applies the other close
upon the ground, to prevent itself being
overcome with the charms of music, so as
to run the hazard of being taken and kill-
ed. We know r certainly, both from Scrip-
ture and observation, that the serpent is
subtile above all beasts of the field, but
this surely is a piece of cunning which is
beyond its nature. It is surely much more
rational to think that the Psalmist re-
fers entirely to the utter dislike of the
charmer and his music, which this serpent
is characterized by ; and, moreover, we
have the words " stoppeth his ears," in
Isaiah xxxiii. 15, employed to express the
utmost disregard and abhorrence.
November 3. We marched past Hydra-
bad, the capital of the prince of Nizam's do-
minions, and pitched our camp at Secundra-
bad, which is six miles distant, where there
are barracks for European troops, which at
this time were occupied by his Majesty's 33d
regiment. The country being now tolerably
quiet, a general order came for our regiment
to take the duty of Secundrabad, and the
other regiments were appointed also to dif-
ferent stations : so the 33d marched out
to our camp ground, and we took posses-
sion of their barracks, after a march of
three months, halting days included. But
though our march was now over, its sad
effects were not over ; for a great propor-
tion of our men were seized with what is
called the jungle fever. This fever some
say is occasioned by an unwholesome mois-
ture exhaled by the sun out of the jungles
or bushes through which we had marched ;
others, that it is totally owing to the excessive
fatigues, and want of proper nourishment,
to which the soldiers were exposed in this
country ; but as I am no student of phy-
sic, I cannot say what the real causes were,
but this I know from experience, that its
effects were very deplorable ; for I also
was seized with it at this time, and was
despaired of by the doctor. It is attend-
ed with great pain in the head and exces-
sive vomiting, insomuch that a person
looking upon one labouring under this dis-
order would be apt to think he could not
live many minutes. My wife had a great
deal of fatigue with me while ill of this
fever, which lasted about a fortnight j
but, by the blessing of God on the use of
means, and particularly by the singular
care and attention of this most valuable I
partner in all my troubles, I recovered.
Had I been sent to the hospital, and re-
ceived no better attendance than it was
possible for the men to obtain there, I
would in all probability have shared their
While we lay here, some of our men were
bitten by a mad dog, two of whom died
shortly after ; but the doctors took rather
a strange method with the third. A cor-
poral was ordered to attend him from
morning to night, and to carry him out to
the fields and villages to amuse his mind,
and to give him as much liquor as would
keep him always in a kind of intoxicated
state. Now, whether it was the effect of
the liquor in preventing his mind from
dwelling upon his dangerous situation, or
whether the operation of the liquor des-
troyed the effect of the bite, or (what is as
likely perhaps) that the poison had not
been sufficiently strong in his body to pro-
duce fatal consequences, I will not attempt
to determine $ but I know he got perfect-
ly well, and returned to his duty, and I
never heard of him afterwards having any
symptoms of hydrophobia.
The provisions here were much better
than in any place where we had yet been
stationed ; but there was sad work with
liquor, there being a village not far dis-
tant where was to be had abundance of
paria arrack *, which the soldiers mixed
with the juice of the toddy tree. This
composition had most terrible effects on
our men ; it made them almost, if not al-
together, mad. The village being at some
distance from the barracks, the liquor had
time to operate, arid they came home like
men out of the tombs. The consequence
was, that we were flogging daily. Our
drum-major dying here, the duty of count-
ing the lashes devolved on me and a dis-
agreeable duty truly it was. This may
* Paria takes its name from a despised class of
persons in India, who, it is said, have sold or lost
caste, and signifies any thing base or contemptible,
appear a severe method of discipline, but
it is absolutely necessary for keeping good
order in the army.
While we lay at Secundrabad, one of my
fifers died, of the name of Wilkins. This
young lad came out with Colonel Conran in
Wallajahbad, and was given me by the Co-
lonel, to teach him the fife, with the worst
of characters. The Colonel, moreover,
told me that at any time when he misbe-
haved, I was not to vex myself with him,
but just to order one of the drummers to
flog him well with a cat. However, the
young lad's behaviour was not at all what
I might have expected from this very un-
favourable character ; for after my wife
had put to rights his shirts, trowsers, and
other clothes that had been served out to
him on board ship, and which were much
too large for him, and gave him a slovenly
and dirty appearance upon parade I say,
after this was done for him, and he got
some instructions how to keep himself trig
and clean I had not a finer boy in my
corps ; and this piece of voluntary atten-
tion on the part of my wife the poor fel-
low never could forget. Whatever he
could give her, or do for her, he seemed
to think all too little for her kindness; and
to me he was every thing that was tract-
able and attentive. But the reason of my
mentioning this boy more than any other
of my acquaintance who died at this time,
is, upon the account of the singular regard
he shewed for his Bible, and the extraor-
dinary circumstances by which it seems to
have been excited ; which I hope my reader
will not find fault with me for particularly
One day, about the commencement of his
fatal disorder, which was a flux, he was at
the common place for the men, and our
drum-major, and another young man of the
name of Gardiner,, happened to be there at
the same time. These two fell into a
strange and fearful discourse respecting
their trouble, and the likely termination
of it. Says the drum-major to Gardiner,
*' You are bad of the flux too, I see." To
which Gardiner replied, " D d bad,
drum-major." " Well, so am I, and we
will both die, and go to h 11, but you
will die first ; and, remember, you are to
come and meet me half way."
The poor lad came into our room, much
alarmed, and told us the woful story ; but
he was much more so when they both
died, and in the order predicted by the
drum-major; but whether they went to
hell, or whether the one met the other
half-way, is not my business to determine ;
but this I say, from the infallible word of
the Lord, " that the wicked shall be
turned into hell, and all they that forget
God." The trouble both of mind and body
of this boy still increasing, his love for his
Bible increased with it; for he was fully per-
suaded,-that his Bible alone could tell him
how to avoid that dreadful place of which
his fears had been awakened, and likewise
point out to him how he could be happy
after death. A day or two before he died,
I went to the hospital, to inquire how he
was. I found him drawing near the close
of life ; but his complaints were not so much
of his pain as of his being deprived of all
means of reading the Bible, on account of
the dimness of his sight, in consequence
of his trouble. His comrade being per-
mitted to be with him for some days before
his death, I proposed that he should read
to him sometimes ; but at these words,
Wilkins burst into tears, and being asked
the reason, said, that it was because his
comrade had never learned to read that
blessed book. He still continued to get
worse, until he died ; but he would never
part with his Bible, (although he returned
to me Mr. Boston's Fourfold State, which
I had lent him,) but kept it under his pil-
low, or hugged it in his bosom until he
A few months after we came to Secun-
drabad, an order came for four companies
of our regiment to proceed to Masulipa-
tam, to do the duty of that place, and,
amongst these was rny good hospital friend,
Alexander Chevis, for the which I was
very sorry ; but in a few months afterwards
we received a route for the same place, to
embark for foreign service, as every de-
parture from India, for any island or coun-
try under the British government is called.
There is just one circumstance, which I
will mention before I take my leave of this
place, which appears fully as important to
myself as any thing I have seen or expe-
rienced since I came to it ; and it is this :
I had frequently been in heaviness,
through manifold temptations, in conse-
quence of my remaining ignorance, and
corresponding want of faith, since my
blessed affliction in the Prince of Wales's
Island, and particularly after my kind in-
structor A, C. left the regiment with his
company for Masulipatam, for I then lost
him who had formerly " comforted me in
all my tribulations, with that comfort
wherewith he himself had been comforted
of God j" but here I again found, as I
had often formerly done, the loving kind-
ness of the Lord, in a gracious providence,
for he provided relief for me from a quar-
ter whence I could have very little ex-
pected it, as I shall now relate :
There was a person in the regiment, of
the name of Serjeant Gray, with whom I
had hitherto a very slender acquaintance. He
was a married man, and I had never seen
any thing but what led me to believe that
he and his wife were what are generally
called very decent, well-behaved people ;
though, whether they were at all concerned
about religion or not, was a matter I was
entirely ignorant of j but one day, when I
was in a very melancholy mood, I thought
I would go over to their barrack-room,
and get a little social converse with them,
to cheer me, which I accordingly did,
and found only Mrs. Gray at home, in-
dustriously engaged in sewing. After hav-
ing made inquiry for each other's welfare,
I said it was a pity that there was no such
thing as getting any good books, when a
person had a little spare time, to improve 1
his mind. She said it was, but immediate*
ly added, that she had at present the loan*
of what she thought a very excellent book,
belonging to one of the men. I, some-
what eagerly, expressed a desire to see
it, which she instantly complied with;
but how was my astonishment excited,
when I found it to be a book that my
grandfather highly respected, and express-
ed his esteem for it by saying, that if he
was condemned to spend the remainder of
his earthly pilgrimage in an uninhabited
island, like the Apostle John, and had it
in his power to choose a few books to take
along with him, the next he would select
after his Bible, would be Doddridge's Rise
and Progress of Religion in the Soul. In the
circumstances in which I was at that mo-
ment placed, I need scarcely give the
Christian reader any unnecessary informa-
tion, in saying, that " I rejoiced like one
who had found great spoil/* I then made so*
free with Mrs. Gray as to ask her to which of
the men it belonged, and if she would let
me have it for a day or two, that I might
peruse it? She said I was very welcome
to do that, and also told me who was the
proprietor ; but if I went to see her with
a heavy heart, I returned home with a
light one, for I was so overjoyed that I hard-
ly knew that my weak limbs had a body to
support, I had heard, as I have already
said, that there was such a book existing,
but I had never inquired after it when I
could have made it my own, nor ever had
seen it until this happy hour; and little
could I have expected to find it in this
wilderness, where, alas ! there were no
refreshing waters to satisfy the longing
desires of a thirsty soul ; and this book,
I think, of all other human compositions
I have yet known, was best adapted to my
condition ; neither is it necessary to add,
that I read it over again and again, until I
had almost the whole substance of those
parts of it by heart which more immedi-
ately corresponded with the present state of
G 5
my mind, and with my former experience.
I must be plain enough to say, that I did
not desire to keep this book altogether to
myself, but wished also that others might
derive benefit from its contents ; but this
I will also state, that I thought I would be
a man possessed of great wealth if I could
call it my own. I therefore inquired at the
person to whom it belonged if he was dispos-
ed to part with it, and if so, thatl would give
him whatever price he would ask. He said
that I was welcome to have it for sixteen
finams, (about three shillings.) I therefore
closed with him immediately for that small
sum. I was now blessed with ample means
of instruction, and I would indulge a hope
that I was not only made wiser by it, but
I trust also better, by the blessing of God
upon my search after truth, and that it has
not been to me the savour of death unto
death, but the savour of life unto life. I
shall add no more at present respecting
this excellent work, as I shall have occasion
to speak of it again.
WE left Secundrabad on the llth February,
1811, and proceeded, by forced marches, to
Masulipatam, where I had not long been
when I was again thrown into a very dis-
ordered state, in consequence of the hot
winds, being so ill with my breathing
that my wife was under the necessity of
fanning me during two whole days. After
I recovered, there being some of my fifers
in the hospital, I went in one day to see
how they were getting on ; and, to my
great astonishment, as I entered the hospi-
tal, whom did I see there but my dear
friend Alexander Chevis, lying like a
skeleton in one of the cots. I looked at
him for some time before I could believe
my own eyes ; and scarcely being yet sure,
I said to him, " Sandy, is this you?" He
answered in the affirmative. After having
inquired into all particulars, and conversed
a little with him, I immediately went home
and described to my wife the situation of
this good man ; and we set about concert-
ing measures that might in some degree
mitigate his distresses, for he was at this
time far gone in the complaint under which
I laboured, when he was " God's hand*'
in comforting and instructing me , and
truly I saw here a divine call, as well as
the call of a grateful heart, considering
what he had done for me in Prince of
Wales's Island.
Whenever my duty would permit, I was
consequently in the hospital, reading and
conversing with him ; and on the two Sab*
baths that he lived after this, I remained
with him nearly the whole day; but my
attendance on him was richly rewarded,
lor I learned more from this dying saint
of what is really worth learning, than I
had done all my life before.
A few nights before he died, he express-
ed a desire that I should bring my wife,
and Serjeant Gray with his wife, who had
formerly been friendly tahim, that he might
have the satisfaction of seeing us altogether
before he departed, the which I did ; and
he had saved some of his daily allowance
of wine, that we might all drink before
him, and appear comfortable. When we
were all seated, and had ate and drank to-
gether, he expressed himself in nearly the
following words : " My dear friends,, al-
though I may never again see you in this
world, I wish that the keeper of Israel may
keep you from falling before the many
temptations to which you are exposed, and
bless you, and preserve to his heavenly
kingdom ; and, although in all probability
we shall never behold each other in the
face, while here, I pray that the Lord may
seal you among his treasures, and make
you his, in the day when he maketh up
his jewels."
When I went next morning to inquire
how he had rested, he told me he had been
very much pained, and appeared to be
going very fast. I spent as much of the
day with him as my duty would permit,
and when I went at night with his drop of
punch, which we used to make for him,
and which he preferred to the hospital wine,
1 found him somewhat easier j but he said
to me, he felt he had but a very short time
to live ; so I took an affectionate farewell
of him, but in the morning he was still
living. He told me he had been much
worse during the night, and had suffered
great pain, and added, " that he had a de-
sire to depart from a sinful heart, a wicked
world, and a loathsome disease, and to be
with Christ, where holiness dwells, where
sin shall never enter, and where the inha-
bitants shall no more say, I am sick." So
the Lord granted his petition, for he died
that evening. " Lord enable me to live
the life, that I may die the death, of the
righteous, and that my last end may be
like his !"
We remained in Masulipatam about
four months, and I was very glad to hear
when the route came for us to leave it ; for
it was not only intolerably hot, but when
it blew, we were like to be suffocated with
clouds of sand ; and it was the worst place
for provisions we had yet seen. The
butcher meat was so very bad that we had
it only once within our door all that time*
But I would have been happy indeed had
this march been to embark for Europe ; for
the regiment was getting daily more and
more profligate and abominable! Here
the papists laid a plot for destroying the
protestants, but it was detected, and the
ringleaders punished j and here, too, the
men were shooting themselves, or one
another, whenever the freak took them.
We had a young fellow of the name of
Courtney, who shot two men with one ball
in the open barrack room ! one of them
was a man belonging to the regiment, and
the other a black man, who was in the
barrack selling cloth for a livelihood. The
white man had been impeaching Courtney
with stealing something from him, which
the other flatly denied, though falsely, (at
least he was a noted thief,) and threaten-
ed to make him repent it; and in the
course of a little time afterward, he took
down his firelock, and pretended to be
spunging her out, no one ever in the least
suspecting him to be putting in a ball-cart-
ridge out of his pouch ; so he levelled her
for the person whom he had just been
threatening, and sent the contents through
his body, and they lodged also in that of
the black man. Both of them died in a very
short time. He was immediately taken
into confinement, and in a short time was
sent to Madras, where he was tried, con-
victed, and executed. But, to show the
hardened character of this faithful servant
of Satan, I may mention, that one of the
soldier s asked him, before he left the
ment, "if he was not sorry for what he had
done ?" to which he replied, " that what
he was most sorry for was, that he could
not get an hour's fowling in the barracks
before he went away /" What think you of
this in a youth of nineteen years of age !
I doubt not but it will strike the mind of
the reader at once, what a contrast there
was between him and my dear deceased
friend just now mentioned j but the " tares
and the wheat must grow together until
the harvest," when an eternal separation
shall take place 5 for those of similar dis-
positions shall then come together, never,,
never more to be separated ! Oh ! com-
forting to think that there shall not be one
sinner in the vast congregation of the
righteous. For the righteous who have
here the image of God partially restored,
shall then " shine as the sun" in the king-
dom of their father.
As I have been speaking of shooting, I
must mention one other circumstance be-
fore I leave this bloody subject, which is
of the wonderful kind j for in the former
case, we see or hear of one man kill-
ing two of his fellow-creatures with one
ball ; now I am going to tell you of an-
other that had two balls through him and
yet lived !
Our men were in general very profligate
with the native women, and one of them
having a quarrel with his black concubine,
was resolved to give her the effectual cure
for a bad wife ; and, to accomplish his pur.
pose, he put two ball-cartridges into his fire-
lock, and laid her quietly out of the way,
until an opportunity would present itself
to shoot her ; and when she made her ap-
pearance, while he was in the act of rais-
ing the gun, one of his comrades, who
knew of his diabolical design, made an at-
tempt to wrest the firelock from him, but,
in the scuffle, some of their feet touching
the trigger, the firelock exploded, and both
of the balls went through his body. This
is the most wonderful accident of this kind
I have ever known, for this man was at his
duty in about six weeks afterwards ! And
the wonder lies chiefly in considering that
the balls entered his belly and came out
at his back.
There was a black nabob also made away
with himself here. He was sent down the
country to the charge of our regiment for
not paying his tribute ; but, laying this
treatment very much to heart, he fell into
a state of melancholy, and put an end to
his existence by means of a knife, having
given the guard that was over him a wedge
of gold the day before.
In giving this sad picture of the wicked-
ness of the regiment, some of my readers
may think I have been guilty of exaggera-
tion. They may say, we have heard of
soldiers being given to drinking and swear-
ing, and all manner of debauchery j but
surely when you tell us that they were
given to such things as shooting them-
selves, or one another, it must certainly be
one of those extraordinary stories that
travellers are so often accused of telling,
in order to excite one's astonishment. But
I can assure you I have related nothing
but facts, and many more I could give you
as horrible as those above mentioned.
Though I have little inclination for the
task, I will enter a little more into the
subject, pointing out some of the circum-
stances which brought about this deplor-
able state of things, and illustrate the pro-
gress of sin by one or two individual ex-
amples which came under my own notice.
Should any of my readers be touched to
the quick by any thing I shall write ; that
is, should they trace in the characters I
may bring forward any resemblance to
their own, let them not turn away from
comparing likenesses. If you are still un-
der the power of sin, you are the enemy
of God, and carry about with you the
same principle of depravity which operated
in these men, and produced such woful
effects. Therefore, " be not high-minded,
but fear." " For as in water face answers to
face, so does the heart of man to man."
On the other hand, if you have a
scriptural ground of hope that you are
turned from darkness to light, and from
the dominion of sin and Satan unto God ;
you may be led by a consideration of these
things to give him all the glory, for unto
him it belongs. " For who maketh thee
to differ from another, and what hast thou
which thou didst not receive? therefore,
glory not as thou hadst not received it."
But rather let you and I join with the
Psalmist, in a tribute of praise unto him
who has delivered us from becoming the
prey of the terrible, saying, "Not unto
us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy
name give the glory, for thy mercy, and
for thy truth's sake."
I have already said, that upon the march
we endured great fatigues, and also many
inconveniencies ; but, when in barracks, a
soldier's life in India is commonly very
easy. They have not unfrequently eight
or nine successive nights in bed ; and, as
the climate is generally very dry, they are
not liable to get their arms or accoutre-
ments often wet ; and many of them like-
wise keep black boys to clean their things,
take their victuals upon guard, and relieve
them of other labours. They had conse-
quently much spare time which they did
not know how to get rid off; " and an idle
man (says Mr. Bucke) is his own torment-
or, always full of wants and complaints;
while his inactivity often proves fatal both
to his body and his mind. The worst im-
portunities, the most embarrassing per-
plexities of business, are softness and lux-
ury, compared with the incessant cravings
of vacancy, and the unsatisfactory expedi-
ents of idleness." It is a saying among the
Turks, that a " busy man is troubled with
one devil, but the idle man with twenty/'
The want of exercise for both body and
mind therefore, and the natural conse-
quences of a sultry climate upon the con-
stitution, rendered a soldier's life in these
circumstances truly a burden, for he was
unable to walk abroad through the day
because of the intense heat, and, moreover,
the regiment was not unfrequently confin-
ed to barracks, on account of their mis-
conduct. Now, if you consider such
numbers of men as I formerly mentioned
Jiving together in one barrack-room, some
sleeping away their time*, and others loung-
ing about the piazzas, not knowing what to
do with themselves, you will not find much
difficulty in perceiving that these poor crea-
tures were eminently exposed to become
the prey of him that " walketh about as a
roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour*"
Those, on the other hand, who were
disposed to improve their time, by read-
ing their Biblesf , or conversing upon re-
ligious or useful subjects, were disturbed
* I would here remark, that sleeping in the day is
very dangerous in that country, for I have often
known men lying down upon their cots to take a nap
in perfect health, that would rise in the rage of a fever,
and were obliged to be taken to the hospital.
t Those who had not Bibles of their own, had ac-
cess to the Company's Bibles, which were served out
to us before embarking at Portsmouth,
by the devil's agents, even those who
" were led captive by him at his will ;"
for when these debauched beings, in their
rambles, observed any of their comrades
thus employed, they would make up a
plot to annoy them, by singing obscene
songs, cursing and swearing in their very
ears, or by tumbling one another in a riot-
ous manner upon these Sammy Hawks *,
as they were called. This species of perse-
cution being frequently repeated, we may
wonder the less that those who had not
the root of the matter in them, were dis-
couraged, and, in this time of temptation,
fell away ; and that, in process of time,
* The Sammy Hawk is a kind of brown bird
that frequently flies about the barracks, to pick up
any thing that it can find for its subsistence ; and it
has a kind of religious homage paid to it by some of
the poor, ignorant natives. The meaning this nick-
name was intended to convey was, that those to whom
it was applied were men of sober habits, who had not
the heart to spend their money in the same jovial
manner as their thoughtless comrades, who were de-
termined, therefore, if they saved their money, that
it should not be with both ease and honour.
instead of reading their Bibles, or convers-
ing upon religious subjects, they preferred
taking a cheerful glass together, which
would at once relieve them from such as-
saults, enliven that gloom which brooded
over their minds, transport them in imagi-
nation to Glasgow*, to see how the shuttle
was flying, and afterwards to close the scene
with their favourite song,
" Glasgow on the banks of the river Clyde."
In this way many of those who might be
called the sober and decent part of the regi-
ment, gradually fell from their steadfast-
ness, and became as dissipated as those
whom they had condemned. From the
miserable languor produced by idleness and
the climate, they now did not bethink them-
selves of any other refuge than liquor ; mus-
tering a fuddle as often as possible ; which
is by two or three of them clubbing toge-
* A great proportion of the regiment had been en*
listed in that city, and its neighbourhood*
ther for a rupee's worth of arrack* ; and it
was no uncommon thing to hear it said, on
these occasions, that it was of no use for
them to lay up money for others to spend ;
and as their comrades were dying so fast,
and they did not know how soon it would
be their turn, it was the best way to be
* Two drams of arrack were served out daily to
each of the men, and as there were at that time no
canteens in the regiment, the jovial fellows could not
obtain more than their allowance but by getting it
from the women, the Sammy Hawks, or from such of
their boon companions who h;id put in the pin or keg-
ged, which expressions signify to take an oath against
liquor till some given time, such as the new year's
day, the king's birth day, some particular fair in their
native place. From the regimental store nothing be-
yond the ordinary allowance could be obtained but
by drawing out a chit or line, and having it subscrib-
ed by the commanding officer, addressed to the keep-
er of the store, who delivered the quantity specified
upon receiving payment for it; but it required a very
sufficient reason indeed; such as a marriage, the bap-
tism of a child, or something of that nature, before
our Colonel would subscribe such an order. I under-
stand that canteens are now common in every barrack
in India, from the belief that the men will not be so
mad upon liquor when they have the power to spend
their money as they think proper.
merry when they had it in their power ;
saying in effect, " Let us eat and drink, for
to-morrow we die." In their drunken
rambles they would often have altercations
amongst themselves, or with the noncom-
missioned officers, when trying to keep
good order amongst them, which brought
them under one or more breaches of the
articles of war ; and this not unfrequently
terminated in their pain and dishonour, by
their being exposed to corporal punishment
in the front of the regiment. To those
who had any regard to their good name,
this was a severe trial, and the effect ge-
nerally was, that it either cast them into a
despondency of mind, or more commonly
rendered them utterly regardless of their
character ever afterwards.
I may also notice a circumstance which
had not a little influence in spreading this
evil contagion amongst us.
After we crossed the equinoctial line,
going to India, it was the notion of a num-
ber, even of the men who seemed to
H 2
have had something like religious instruc-
tion, that they were then under no obliga-
tions to keep the sabbath, saying, that
there was no sabbath beyond the line.
This sentiment became a matter of frequent
discussion amongst many of them, and seem-
ed to receive a very welcome reception.
1 could not suppose that they were in
earnest in this opinion, until they manifest-
ed by their conduct either that they really
believed it, or that they had succeeded in
silencing their conscience on the subject ;
for, after passing the line, they made no
scruple whatever of whistling and singing,
and passing the sabbath day in vain and
unprofitable discourse, if not in profane
talking and jesting. On their arrival in
India, their notions w r ere still farther con-
firmed by the irreligious and profane ex-
ample set before them by our countrymen
of all ranks. As they were in a land of
heathens they thought they had liberty to
live as heathens. The contagion spread
rapidly in the regiment, and cast down
many wounded ; and not a few of those
whom I thought to be strong men were
slain by it.
The Apostolic injunction against the
dangerous consequences of evil principle
and evil example is, " Be not deceived, evil
communications corrupt good manners."
I will now, as I promised, illustrate these re-
marks by one or two examples, and Oh! how
it pains me to think that ever I should have
it in my power to draw these illustrations
from the conduct of those whom I once
loved; but I hope my reader will not blame
me, as what 1 shall mention now cannot
disturb the mouldering ashes of my once
dear companions, and as their names shall
be concealed, lest it might give a wound
to the hearts of their relatives, if this little
work should come in their way, which
nothing could heal.
The reasons I select the following per-
sons in preference to many others are, first,
that I was intimately acquainted with them,
and am, therefore, under no hazard of be-
ing led into any mistake about what I am
going to write ; and the other is, that when
I see this, I may remember my former
dangerous situation, and have something
before me well calculated to excite my
thankfulness to that Power, who has pre-
served me from being wrecked upon those
rocks, which dashed them to pieces.
The reader may recollect that I was for-
merly a fifer in the grenadier company of
the 26th Regiment, and also that there
were a great number of the men took the
bounty from that corps and went to the
Royals. While I was in that company and
regiment I had a young man for my com-
rade, whom 1 shall call J. F. who was a
man of very sober habits, being given to
none of those vices for which soldiers are
remarkable ; nay, he was even so much
averse to swearing, that he used to reprove
me frequently for making use of what
are generally termed minced oaths, to
which I was then much addicted, but ; by
means of his repeated friendly and season-
able admonitions, I was at last enabled to
leave them off. After we came to India,
however, he attached himself to some of
those men who had imbibed the libertine
principles mentioned above, and with these
" evil men and seducers, he waxed worse and
worse, deceiving and being deceived." Solo-
mon's question is a pertinent one : " Can a
man carry fire in his bosom and his clothes
not be burnt ? Can a man walk upon hot
coals and his feet not be burnt ?" Alas, my
poor friend soon forgot his own admonitions
to me, about my swearing when in Dublin j
and when I reminded him of them, he only
laughed me to scorn ; for the oaths I made
use of at that time, when he acted so friend-
ly a part in pointing out to me the evil of the
practice, were to him now quite insignifi-
cant. Nothing, in regard to swearing, ap.
peared to satisfy him now but the great and
dreadful names of Jehovah, and those
glorious attributes by which he makes
himself known ; nor was this all, for he
became a mocker at every thing sacred,
making himself acquainted with the word of
God, for no other reason than as a store-
house whence he might amply supply him-
self with expressions which he could per-
vert to the purposes of buffoonery, and that
he might be able to pour down vollies of
raillery upon all those who had even but a
small form of godliness*. To show you
how far his wickedness carried him, I
may mention, that at one time he and an-
other of his lewd companions went at night
to the hospital where a woman's husband
was lying a corpse, and she sitting up with
the remains of him who was once loved but
now departed, each having a white sheet
about him, to make the poor affrighted and
rather superstitious female believe, that it
was the husband returned from the other
world, attended by some of his kindred
spirits to pay her a visit, which almost put
* This puts me in mind of the saying of good Mr.
Boston, with regard to people of this description.-
" Those who act such a part," says he, " behave as fool-
ishly, but more criminally, than that person who
would dig into a mine for metal to melt and pour
down his own and his neighbour's throat/'
the poor woman out of her mind. This
piece of barbarous conduct was made up,
else it would have probably cost them both
their Serjeants' coats.
The reader may easily suppose that I
had, long ere now, ceased to keep com-
pany with him; for all my attempts to
show him the inconsistency and criminality
of his conduct had long before this time
proved useless. I therefore saw it to be
my duty to keep at a distance from him,
for the admonition is, " from such with-
draw thyself/ 5
To be short, he was seized by the flux
in Trichinopoly, of which disorder he
died. I have said that he had been long
to me " as a heathen man and a publican ;"
but when I heard that he was dangerously
ill, I was certainly very sorry for the poor
lad, and went up as soon as I could find
it convenient to see him^ which was the
night before we marched for Bangalore. I
asked about his complaint, and if he thought.
H 5
he was getting any better. He said he was
very ill, and not likely to get better.
Fain would I have spoken to him about
his spiritual malady, which was my great,
est concern, but I was afraid to be rash,
lest he should take it .rather as a reproach
than as a friendly inquiry or salutary ad-
monition, and therefore waited a little to
see if he would break in upon the subject
first. He was not long in partly relieving
my anxiety, by saying, he had been a very
wicked man. This he acknowledged in
the general, and did not condescend to
particulars ; but in a very few words said
he was afraid he would soon die ; and, like
most men who have led a wicked life, he
added, that if he got better he would
never be what he had been, and that he
had been long J. F. but he would be so
no longer. To which I answered, I hope
you may not ; but without strength to
aid your resolutions, I am afraid there
will be little change for the better^ and
having pointed him to the only refuge for
sinners, even to him " who is able to save to
the very uttermost," I left him : but how did
it strike like a dart through my liver, when
we arrived at the first camp ground from
Trichinopoly, to hear that poor J. F. was
no longer in the land of the living, and in
the place of hope. This was truly a me-
lancholy case, but I will not say that it
was without hope, for he who saved one at
the last hour, was able also to save him.
But this is no encouragement for us " to
continue in sin, that grace may abound."
There is indeed one case mentioned in
Scripture of a person being saved at the
last hour, that none may despair, and but
one, that none may presume. Ah ! my
dear reader, let not you and I hazard our
eternal all on such an uncertainty, for these
are dreadful words : " Because I have calk
ed, and ye refused ; I have stretched out
my hand, and no man regarded ; but ye
have set at nought all my counsel, and
would none of my reproof; I also will
laugh at your calamity ; I will mock whe&
your fear cometh : when your fear cometh
as desolation, and your destruction cometh
as a whirlwind ; when distress and anguish
cometh upon you. Then shall they call
upon me, but I will not answer ; they shall
seek me early, but they shall not find me :
for that they hated knowledge, and did not
choose the fear of the Lord : they would
have none of my counsel ; they despised
all my reproof: therefore shall they eat of
the fruit of their own way, and be filled
with their own devices." Now, " consider
this, ye that forget God, lest he tear you in
pieces when there is none to deliver.*'
The other person whom I shall mention
was formerly a ploughman, and had enlist-
ed into the army upon account of some
love affair. While in the above capacity,
he had formed an intimacy with his mas-
ter's daughter; and, from what I could
learn, they were remarkably attached to
each other. But the father of the young
woman directly opposing his parental au-
thority to their union, the young man took
it so much to heart, that he went and join-
ed himself to a party of the Royal Scots
as a private soldier; and by this step, he,
like too many, punished himself for the
fault of another.
My first acquaintance with W. H. was
after we came to Wallajahbad ; and we
used to spend many a happy hour together
when in barracks, and even upon the
march, talking over old stories, and sing-
ing the songs of our native land, " which
softened our hardships, cheered our lone-
ly hearts, brought to our recollection the
images of those friends from whom we had
departed, while fond hope whispered that
we would yet revisit these scenes, con^
verse with these friends, and renew these
joys. In this sadly pleasing retrospect,
and joyful anticipation, we lost the sense
of our sorrows, and journeyed onward with
increased vigour/' Neither did the day of
the Lord pass by us altogether unimprov-
ed j for then we used to meet together for
religious conversation, and particularly up-
on the Sabbath evenings, when I was wait-
ing for tatoo-beating, in the front of the
barracks*. But, alas! poor man, he gra-
* The reader may quite naturally think that there
was a great inconsistency displayed here ; first talking
of the religion of Jesus, and then rushing immediate-
ly into a breach of that sacred command, " Remem-
ber the Sabbath day to keep it holy ;" now, was not
playing on a musical instrument directly opposed to
this precept ? I answer that it certainly was ; but you
may believe me that it was necessity, and not choice
on my part, that forced me to do it ; and the first time
I played the fife upon the Lord's day going to church,
after I joined the 26'th, I was in such a state of per-
turbation that I could not play a note, although I
kept the fife to my mouth, and moved my fingers as
if I was as busy as any of them. Thus we may see
that although any sin may, upon its first commission,
cause great pain to the conscience, yet the more fre-
quently it is repeated, the more natural it becomes, for
this uneasiness had left me long before the time 1 allude
to. We had therefore much need to guard against sin in
whatever form it appears, for it hath been justly said,
that " he who despiseth small things shall fall by little
and little;" but I am of opinion that the malignity of
my crime consisted principally in not weighing these
things, before I came into this state of subjection ;
for I was not ignorant that this was a part of a fifer's
duty in the army ; but although I will not attempt to
justify my conduct ; yet this I will say, that I could
earnestly wish that my mind had been always as well
dually lost the relish for divine things, by
forming a connexion with some debauched
characters ; and keeping company with
these jovial fellows, as they are called, he
soon became a very different man.
However, I never had reason to think,
neither did I ever hear, that he was guilty
of those enormities with which the other
person has been too justly charged ; and
when I expostulated with him about his
employed when I have professedly been worshipping
God, as it has been when engaged in this musical
employment, after my blessed affliction in the Prince
of Wales' s Island ; for I have often been so full of
the topics we had been conversing about, as to be un-
able to know whether I was playing or not, until the
rest of the corps, (as is common in these cases, after
the tune is played over two or three times,) waited
to hear if I was going to change it, and the sound
thus dying away, it would immediately strike me
that I was so engaged; and you may think it strange,
when I tell you, that I never recollect in one instance
of even making a mistake, for when I would come to
myself, I was playing with the greatest fluency, al-
though I acknowledge that I have been taken some*
times so short, that I was obliged to repeat the tune
once more than I perhaps would have done, not being
provided in my own mind with another in time..
conduct, he took it always apparently in
good part, and promised to do better ; but
after repeatedly repenting in a kind of a
way, and as often " returning like the dog
to his vomit," he avoided my company al-
together ; and at any time when I went to
see him, if he observed me coming in at one
barrack-room door, he would immediately
go out at another, being unable to answer
to me for his conduct ; and my presence
grieved him, as it called to his mind the
many happy hours of profitable and inno-
cent enjoyment we had spent in one an*
other's company. So true it is that guilt
is a coward, and that " the wicked flee
when no man pursueth."
At last he was seized by the flux, in
Trichinopoly, where, as I mentioned, J. F.
also died. He had been in the hospital a
considerable time before I knew of his ill-
ness ; and when I went up to see him, I
observed that he was drawing very near
his end. The agony he endured at that
time was pressing the sweat through every
pore of his body. Yet he was perfectly
sensible ; for when I spoke to him, he an-
swered me in a very rational manner. But
if the Lord be pleased to continue to me
my reason and memory, until I also depart
from this vale of tears, I think I will re-
member his last words until that hour. ,
After conversing a little with him, and
when about to take my leave, I said to him,
if it was the will of God that we should
never again see one another in this world,
I hoped we would meet in another and a
better world. He answered me in the few
following, but awfully important words, " /
know how I am, but I know not how I may
be ;" taking (as good Mr. Boston expresses
it) a leap in the dark, not knowing whether
he should land in heaven or in hell. Af-
ter making inquiry the next morning, I
learned that his spirit returned to God who
gave it about two hours after I left him.
Having gone from our world, we cannot,
we ought not, to follow him any farther j
only this I will say, that he has received
his sentence from him who can do him no
wrong ; for, " Shall not the Judge of all
the earth do right ?"
Now, from what we have seen of the life
and death of these poor men, we may just-
ly conclude that " the way of transgres-
sors is hard. 1 ' It was the saying of an old
divine, that it required a person much
harder labour to be damned than to be sav-
ed. We must acknowledge the idea to be
just, although it may appear to be strange-
ly expressed. But certain and true it is,
that although these ways may seem right
unto a man while he is walking in them,
yet the end thereof is death. Now, al-
though these persons whom I have just
mentioned did not shoot themselves nor
any of their comrades, yet the reader will
easily perceive, by their conduct, the bad
effects of evil principles and evil practices,
which evidently led to the commission of
such crimes as I have too justly charged
upon some of the regiment,
WE left Masulipatam to proceed towards
Madras, upon the 30th July, 1811, nothing
taking place upon the march that I shall
trouble you with. When we carae to St.
Thomas's Mount, (the place where the field
force was formed,) it was expected that
we were to take the duty of Fort St.
George again ; but, after being encamped,
and in suspense for eight days, we were
ordered to proceed to Trichinopoly.
This was a march of four weeks farther ;
so we left the Mount, and commenced our
route towards that place upon the lyth of
August, that day three years we left it, to
take the field with the centre division of
the army. I can hardly entertain you with
any new thing upon our march, but an
anecdote or two about the elephant. These
useful animals, as I said before, carry the
soldiers' tents upon the line of march, the
oldest in the service generally taking the
lead of the rest, carrying a white flag fast-
ened to his load, the rest falling in quite
naturally behind him : and I also stated
that they follow the regiment or the army ;
and at no time, that ever I knew of, go be.
fore them. And I also, upon the field force,
stated that the men frequently fall behind
when the journey is very long ; being un-
able many of them to sustain such fatigue.
So one day, when we were hard travelled,
a young lad who was scarcely able to draw
the one foot past the other, (as we say,)
was deliberating upon lying down up-
on the side of the road, and giving it up
for a bad job, the leader of the elephants
coming up with his white flag, before
he was aware, (as they make no noise
upon a sandy road,) quietly took the fire-
lock from his shoulder, and gave it to the
keeper, who was upon the neck of the animal,
where they always ride, as upon a horse's
back, carrying a small tomahawk, by which
they direct him ; but this is seldom needed,
as they know every thing almost by the
word of command. As I said, he took the
firelock from the poor wearied soldier, and
gave it to his keeper. The lad being much
frightened, not knowing but the elephant
intended knocking out his brains with it,
gave a fearful stare, and ran oft 1 as quickly
as his wearied limbs could carry him ;
but this alarm put fresh spirits into him,
and perceiving that the benevolent animal
meant him no harm but good, by easing
him of his principal load ; he came to the
camp ground in company with his new ac-
quaintance, whom he every now and then
eyed with a look of uncertain satisfaction.
I had this story from Serjeant Gray, who
commanded the rear guard, a man whom
I could believe as firmly as if I had wit-
nessed the whole scene myself. But this is
nothing very wonderful, in that truly won-
derful animal ; for the elephant attached to
my own company and I got so very intimate
upon the march, that he would not pass
the tent of which I had charge, unless I
came and spoke with him. Our friendship
originated in this way ; I used always to
keep a piece of rice cake for him, when
we could get it to ourselves for money ;
and while he was getting his morsel in the
morning, the men of the tent would be
packing the baggage on his back, and
thereby we were generally first ready for
the march, which was no small matter in
our favour.
I could tell you many such stories, which
I find more pleasure in, than telling you of
men shooting themselves and one another ;
but these may serve as specimens. Al-
though these creatures are possessed of
most wonderful patience, as well as saga-
city, yet they can be irritated, as I will
make appear. I intend just to state one
incident in proof of this, and then I have
done with them. It is customary in this
country to appoint a soldier of each Euro-
pean regiment to take care that the ele-
phants are attended to upon the march,
both with regard to work and provisions ; and
this person is generally a non-commissioned
officer, who receives the appellation of ele-
phant major. A serjeant who held this situa-
tion in the 30th regiment, one day loaded
a poor fatigued animal with abuse, which
lie thought he was not at ail entitled
to. The elephant, observe you, did not
immediately avenge himself of his adver-
sary ; but coolly waited his proper oppor-
;unity, and, in the course of the march,
seeing his friend the serjeant at a distance,
le embraced the moment when the wa-
;er of a rice field was flowing across the
road, filled his trunk with the sludge, and
making up to the serjeant, who happened
to have on a new suit of clothes, and of
which he seemed to be very vain, he lodg-
ed the contents of his trunk upon the proud
fellow's coat, and effectually spoiled its
new gloss.
Upon this march, which, being in the
rainy season, exposed us to constant wet,
we crossed four rivers in boats ; viz. two
branches of the Kistna, and two branches
of the Cauvery, which overflowed its banks
at the time. We were obliged to lie by
the side of the last mentioned river some
days before we durst venture over, as the
basket boats, formerly described, could not
withstand such a current ; but at last we
got over with a considerable degree of
difficulty and danger, though without any
material damage. I had frequently, upon
this march, taken up the resolution of the
young man just mentioned, to give it up
in despair ; and had it not been for that
kind of unconquerable spirit I seemed to be
possessed of, I certainly would have made
application for a doolie, which at this time
was hardly to be obtained. I was, indeed,
very near dying outright one day. The
faithful companion of my toils, who used
every means in her power for my benefit,
prepared always (if possible) a draught
for me when I came to the camp ground ;
but on this day it would not go down.
She entertained very unfavourable hopes of
me for some time, but, as the Lord would
have it, after I rested a little, I was some-
what recruited ; and being near the river
last mentioned, we had a respite for a day or
two, and being thereby something refresh-
ed, I made out the march, which was four
hundred and eighty-five miles, without the
help of a doolie. The reader would not
at all be surprised to hear of men dying,
and giving up, upon a march in this coun-
try, if he could form a just idea of their
hardships. On the very night before this,
there was such a dreadful hurricane, that we
could neither sit nor lie, but were obliged
to stand and hold the poles of our tents,
to keep the wind from carrying them away 5
and many of the tents were blown down,
notwithstanding all the efforts of their in-
mates to support them ; for the pins and
cords were no security against the irresist-
ible power of the airy element, but gave
way like stubble before the sweeping
blast. The ground, on which we had fre-
quently to lie, was so deluged with the
rain, that we were often up to the ancles
in mud. All we could do in this case was
to clear it away with a momatee, (a kind
of scraper;) but, after all, the wet ground
was a very unwholesome, uncomfortable
bed. Our provisions, as I have mentioned
before, were mutton and rice ; and, had
they been good, we would have had no just
cause to complain ; but, how couk^ the
sheep be in good condition in this coun-
try, when they live one half of the year up-
on the roots of grass, not a blade being to
be seen during that time, except what
grows by the sides of rivers or tanks ? and
marching them about with the army, you
may be sure, did not at all improve their
condition. I have looked at a chattie pot,
(all their cooking utensils are made of
earth, like our tiles or cans,) where half a
sheep has been boiled, and, I assure you,
there was not a vestige of fat to be seen :
and then, the rice being cleaned and cook-
ed in the open air, was always less or more
mixed with sand. The only refreshing
article we received was our two drams of
liquor, which was a very acceptable beve-
rage mixed with water ; but I need not
labour to make you enter into my feelings,
for that would be impossible, unless you
had experienced what I have done. How-
ever, I would not advise you to try the ex-
periment to gratify your curiosity, or you
may think it dear bought ; and, in all pro-
bability, never come home to tell the tid-
ings. I must say, indeed, that I was quite
overjoyed when we received the route to
go to India ; but if I had known before-
hand what I was to be subjected to in that
country, I think, and not without cause,
that I never would have been able to sup-
port the afflictions and hardships which
fell to my lot ; but the Lord, who is infi-
nitely wise and merciful, in the exercise
i 2
of that wisdom and mercy, has hid both
the pains and pleasures of his dependent
creatures from them, that " in the day of
prosperity they may be moderately joyful,
not knowing how soon afflictions may over-
take them, and that in the day of adver-
sity they may consider that the Lord may
yet have many even temporal blessings in
reserve for them ; and by thus " setting the
one over against the other," we may keep
an equal, humble, and dependent mind;
and thereby act under the injunction of
the apostle, namely, to " weep as though
we wept not, and rejoice as though
we rejoiced not ; and buy as though we
possessed not ; knowing that our time here
is short, and that the fashion of this world
passeth away/ 5
We reached Trichinopoly upon the 5th
October. This march, upon tfce whole, was
the most severe I experienced in India,
but it was the last I ever travelled upon
foot. I was not long in Trichinopoiy till
I found the effects of my former troubles ;
for I was seized with a liver complaint,
and a general debility of the nervous sys-
tem, which rendered me totally unfit for
duty. I lingered long in this delicate state,
and the doctor proposed sending me home,
but the commanding officer was unwilling
to part'with me, still hoping that my dis-
order would take a favourable turn. My
leading fifer was ordered to do my duty,
and I had full liberty to walk about when
able, wherever I pleased, and to amuse my-
self in any way I thought proper. In a
word, I continued in this weakly state for
about a twelvemonth, when it was found
necessary that I should be invalided.
While we lay here, I received an addi-
tion to my family, in consequence of my
wife having stood godmother for a child
belonging to a serjeant of the regiment.
But to enable you to understand the story
properly, it will be needful to give you an
outline of the mother's history, which I will
do in as few words as possible.
Nelly Stevenson, (which was her maiden
i 3
name,) was the daughter of Wm. Stevenson,
weaver in Anderston, Glasgow, with whom
she lived until she was twenty years of age,
at which time she was married to a young
man of the name of M'Dougal, who volun-
teered into the Royals from the 26th regi-
ment when in Dublin. This young man
was one of the many who died of the flux
when we lay in Wallajahbad. After his de-
cease, she married a serjeant Fleming of the
light company, by whom she had the child
for whom my wife was sponsor ; but this
man lived with her only two years, when
he also took the flux and died. In about six
weeks afterwards *, she married a serjeant
Lee of the grenadier company, by whom
she had one child, and he being visited
with the same disorder as her two former
husbands, died also while we lay at Trichi-
nopoly. She was now a widow the third
time in the course of six years, and left
* The reader will naturally enough think it was a
very strange thing of a woman to live so short time
in widowhood ; but if you consider the situation of
in a destitute state ; but she did not need
a fourth husband, because she was over-
taken by the same fatal disorder that laid
them in the dust, and died in about five
weeks' illness, in the twenty-sixth year of
her age. Now, in this case, it was plainly
our duty to look after the child for which
my wife stood, agreeably to the vows of
God which were upon her ; and a Serjeant
Brown of the regiment, and his wife, took
charge of Serjeant Lee's child, for whom
they had become accountable, after the
these poor women, you perhaps may not be so much
surprised at their apparently indelicate conduct ; for
they had no provision made for them whatever, except
one pagoda per month, (eight shillings of our cur-
rency) allowed by the East India Company; and a
reason fully as satisfactory as the former, was their
unprotected state ; for the barracks in this country are,
in general, divided into two wings, without any par-
titions whatever. Now, just think of these women,
without a guardian, day and night, in a room con-
taining between four or five hundred men ; and, alas !
too many of them very immoral characters, to whose
vile passions they presented a more tempting bait, from
the scarcity of white women in the country.
manner of the Church of England. But I
will say no more about this at present, as I
will have occasion to speak of the last men-
tioned child again.
In the course of the time we lay in Tri-
chinopoly, we had one Serjeant Clark af-
fected with that dreadful disorder called
hydrophobia, in rather a singular manner.
This man being afflicted for some time
with a very bad sore in his leg, and hear-
ing that the tongue of a dog licking a sore
of this kind had a very healing effect, he
had recourse to this expedient, and coax-
ed a small dog in the barracks, which he
took notice of sometimes, to do him, as he
thought, this good office ; but it would ap-
pear by the consequences that followed,
that the dog had been disordered before
it left off this practice, and before the ser-
jeant was taken to hospital. It may seem
strange to the reader, that this dog licking
a sore, should produce so alarming an ef-
fect ; but it was clearly proven, that the
man himself had never been bitten ; and
there was a consultation of the faculty held
upon this extraordinary case, who came to
the conclusion, that the disease must have
proceeded from this cause. The doctors
tried repeatedly, and by various methods,
to get him to swallow a little water, but
all to no purpose ; one of them attempted
to give some to him in a concealed man-
ner, putting it into what is called a hubble
bubble, (a kind of pipe with a long tube,
so that he could not see it) ; but whenever
it came near him, he immediately took one
of his shaking fits ; and they were compell-
ed to take it away without success.
Another extraordinary case of this ex-
traordinary disease occurred while we lay
in Masulipatam, which I shall just mention,
and no more. One of the Company's ar-
tillery men, in the warm season, was seized
with the disorder, but no person could tell
how he came to. be so affected, as there
was no appearance of any bite about his
body. This nonplussed the faculty com*
i 5
pletely, for they were sure enough that it
was the hydrophobia ; but how it had been
produced they could not tell. Inquiry
was made at his comrade, if he had
known of his being bitten at any former pe-
riod ; and he told them, that he recollected
perfectly of his being bitten about a twelve-
month ago ; so, after they had deliberated
for some time upon the accounts received,
they came to the conclusion, that it was
to the effects of this bite, though at such
a distance of time, that he owed his death.
Before I left the country, a kind of cure,
it is said, was discovered for this most
dreadful disorder. The cure seems quite
natural ; but as the way it was commonly
said to have been discovered is strange, I
shall give a very short account of it. One
of the native women being bitten by a dog,
and put into a place of confinement, con-
trived to make her escape, but when she
was in the act of running away, some per-
sons discovered her, and pursued her as
fast as possible, and the poor creature, in
her fright and trembling, fell all her length
upon a place covered with broken bottles,
and was no doubt cut and mangled dread-
fully; however, the great quantity of blood
that she lost was thought to have been
the means of delivering her from this
dreadful malady ; and I understand that,
since that time, bleeding a person almost
to death, has repeatedly been tried with
success in India, for this disease.
March 19, 1811. WE left Trichinopoly,
to proceed to Bangalore. I had upon this
march a doolie, for the first time since we
came to India ; and I had now travelled
about 1600 miles with the Royals, since
the regiment arrived in the country. We
reached Bangalore upon the 12th of April;
and, as I continued still very poorly,
the doctor told the commanding officer,
that it was in vain to keep me in India, in
the hopes of regaining my health ; for that
was a thing not in the least to be expected,
so I was ordered to be invalided. I ac-
cordingly passed the Board upon the 20th
of August, along with thirty-two more ;
but only eighteen of these were ordered
for Europe.
I now, according to promise, resume
my story of the little girl that went to
Serjeant Brown at Trichinopoly, when
we took home the orphan, to whom my
wife had been godmother. This Serjeant's
wife was attacked by the flux, after we
came to Bangalore, and being a woman
grievously addicted to liquor, she was for
some time abandoned by all the women
who wished well to their character ; but
my wife hearing of her deplorable state,
could not think of a countrywoman dying
amongst black people, without any Eu-
ropean woman paying the least attention
to her. She determined, therefore, to
render her what assistance was in her pow-
er ; and, accordingly, went one day to
her room, where she found her in a very
loathsome state, attended only by her black
female servant, and the child crying very
much. She asked the woman what made
the child cry so bitterly ? to which she re~
plied, choar elia, (that is, she has no meat ;
or rather, she is crying for hunger.) Af-
ter putting clean clothes upon Mrs. Brown's
bed, and doing all that she could do for
her immediate comfort ; she brought the
poor starved little creature into our hut *,
and said unto me, " O! Robert, if you will
not take it amiss, I will keep this poor ob-
ject, and see if I can do any thing for her."
I cheerfully agreed to her humane propo-
sal ; and could scarcely help crying, when
I saw the child crying ; and my wife also
bathed in tears. We accordingly kept the
child, and Mrs. Brown still getting worse,
died in a few days. My wife became much
attached to the little girl ; and the period
drawing near when I had to leave the re-
giment, we proposed to Serjeant Brown
to take her home to Scotland with us, but
he formally refused, saying that he would
get her brought up himself; but we could
not think of leaving her in the country,
as Serjeant Brown might soon be taken
* Some of the married people had liberty to build
small houses for themselves outside the barracks*
from her by death *; and, likewise, because
a man in his situation could not do his
duty to a child like this, when he had no
one but a black woman to look after his
domestic matters; and besides, we could
not think of taking her sister home, and
leaving her in the country ; so I spoke to
the adjutant of the regiment, and it was
soon settled that she was to accompany us.
This child was twenty months old when
we took her home, and she could not set
her foot upon the ground, more than if
she had not been twenty weeks ; she had
the appearance of a monkey, more than
any of the human species I ever saw ; she
was indeed nothing, I may say, but skin
and bone ; and was all covered over with
a kind of white hairy down, and her skin*
by being so much exposed to the sun with
the black woman, was like a duck's foot,
so that she was really a loathsome object ;
but by the time that she had been with us
* I have received word since I left the regiment of
this man's death.
a few weeks, she not only could stand;
but, to our great enjoyment, was able to
walk about holding by my hand ; but af-
ter she began to get a little flesh upon her,
she broke all out into boils ; many of them
of such a size, as to require to be lanced by
the doctor, and the scars of several of
them remain upon her until this day ; but
I shall have occasion to speak about the
children again ; and, therefore, will say no
more about them at present.
When I was upon the eve of leaving Ban-
galore, I thought if God spared me to return
home, I might expect to see some of the
friends and relatives of the men, who
would be inquiring after them ; I, there-
fore, wished to make myself acquainted as
well as possible with the state of the regi-
ment ; and, for this purpose went to the
orderly room, and received a statement of
the men who had died and gone home in-,
valids ; I shall merely mention the nuim
ber, as the names would be of no use to
the reader. Total strength of his Majes-
ty's 1st, or Royal Scots, after the grena-
dier company joined in Wallajahbad, 1006.
Joined at different periods since the regi-
ment came to India, 941 ; that is, a total
of 194*7 men, out of which number have
died, and been invalided unfit for further
service, eight hundred and forty-five.
Number of women that came to the coun-
try with the regiment, sixty-two ; joined
at different periods, twenty, out of which
died thirty-two. We had at this time only
two children in life that came out with the
regiment, and the total number of children
that died upon the passage, and since we
landed, fifty-seven ; that is a total of nine
hundred and thirty-four, including inva-
lids, in less than seven years. There were
also eight women who left their husbands
in the country, and went to officers of
different regiments, being " drawn away
of their own lust and enticed ;" that in-
satiable desire of " wearing of gold arid
putting on of apparel," displayed by too
many, was their ruin ; but before I left
the country, three of these poor wretches
died in great misery, arid four of them
became common prostitutes about Madras.
The remaining female of this unhappy
class, in consequence of some disease, was
reduced to such a state of decrepitude, as
to be drawn about in a small cart, being
unable to walk. What a pity, and a shame
it is, that ever such scenes should be ex-
hibited by those who bear the name of
Christians ; and, particularly, in a country
which we are labouring to Christianize.
Sure I am, that it operates greatly against
the success of these excellent missionaries,
whose labours are carried on near any of
our regiments ; for, when the natives see
the shamefully inconsistent conduct of the
soldiers and other Europeans, they cannot
but think that their own religion is better
than that of our countrymen, since, ge-
nerally speaking, these are much inferior
to them in point of sobriety, and some other
moral habits.
It is easier for the Christian reader to
conceive, than for me to describe, my feel-
ings for a few days previous to leaving the
regiment; but just place yourself as it were,
in my circumstances, and let the past and
the future be present to your mind : sup-
pose yourself to have been for seven years
absent from your native country, and from
all those who were near and dear to you
at home, and, above all, from the public
ordinances of divine grace, and to have
been travelling in that wilderness wherein
(both literally and figuratively) there was
often no way ; arid also to have been as
it were at the gates of death, when there
could be little rational hope entertained of
ever being brought up again, much less of
having the joyful anticipation of soon be-
ing restored to your native country, your
friends, and even perhaps to a health of
which you had long been deprived ; and, in
a word, to pure air, pure water, and, above
all, to a pure Gospel I say, suppose your-
self placed in these circumstances, and see
if you will wonder when I tell you my
joyful feelings were excited almost to rap-
ture upon this occasion. But you may be
ready to say, was there nothing I was leav-
ing behind me calculated to raise in my
mind feelings of an opposite kind ? No af-
fectionate friends with whom I had enjoy-
ed agreeable fellowship ? No doubt there
were such friends, and I bless God I can
say, that they were friends who had not
only travelled part of the weary way with
me in that wilderness, but whose society I
hope to enjoy again in the promised Jand;
and when I saw and thought on such friends,
my mind was no doubt agitated, and a
conflict of joy and grief was awakened in
my breast. I will just select one solitary
individual for my present purpose, as her
situation was peculiarly trying, and conse-
quently better calculated to touch the sym-
pathetic feelings, by way of illustrating what
I have stated; namely, that I was not with-
out friends from whose social and religious
fellowship I was about to be separated*
This person was a young woman, named
Mrs. Copwick, who came along with her
husband from his Majesty's 33d, when the
volunteers from that regiment joined us
before they embarked for Europe. Her
father and mother had been for a number
of years in the regiment, and she was born
and brought up in it; and when she at-
tained her 18th year, the old people en-
couraged her to keep company with the
drill serjeant of the corps, who was a man
of very depraved habits, and who, in point
of years, might have been her father, but
he knew how to manage their failings by
his own experience, and used to give
them many a hearty treat of liquor for her
sake, and to gratify his own insatiable de-
sire for drinking at the same time.
The consequence was, notwithstanding
the poor girl's disinclination, that her
parents got them joined together in a mar-
riage contract. Mrs. C. had been in our
regiment for some time before 1 was ac-
quainted with her, and our acquaintance
arose from my wife bringing her into our
hut shortly after we came to Bangalore.
We were several times in each other's com-
pany before we had any conversation of
a religious kind; and the first time that I
may say any of us had a favourable oppor-
tunity was, I think, one Sabbath forenoon,
when I was engaged reading Doddridge's
Rise and Progress. I happened to make
some observations on the subject, which
gave her a suitable opportunity of opening
her mind to me, which, it struck me, from
some previous circumstances, she had been
desirous of doing. I was truly delighted
with the simple, undisguised manner in
which she expressed her sentiments and
feelings, and happy that I had it partly in my
power to relieve the uneasiness of her mind,
and to assist her inquiries after divine truth.
From this time we endeavoured to make
it convenient frequently to have some dis-
course together in our hut ; the Sabbath,
in a particular manner, being devoted by
us for our mutual edification ; and she
found it a very severe trial indeed to be
compelled to exchange our company and
conversation for the company and unpro-
fitable conversation of the men, when she
went to her barrack-room at night, and,
above all, to face her brutal husband,
who perceived by her artless manner of
endeavouring to persuade him to leave
off his wicked courses, how she had
been employed. Her attempts to re-
claim him, alas ! were all in vain, for
the best answer that she would receive
from him for this kindest of all love,
was to keep her tongue to herself, and
not trouble him with her nonsense ;
and if she attempted, while he was de-
faming, to entreat, it was well if he did
not enforce his denunciations by the weight
of an unmerciful hand. Such was the mi-
serable situation of this poor female, who
.had, besides this, the care of two young
children, and was unwearied in her en-
deavours to make her husband and them
comfortable. Now, my dear reader, if you
have been placing yourself all along in my
circumstances, you will certainly partake,
in part, of my feelings ; but, after all, it
will only be in part; for although the power
of imagination is great, yet I am persuad-
ed you will come far short of the reality ;
still I am sure you will not wonder at my
being sorry to part with this truly amiable
young woman, who was earnestly desir-
ous to obtain the knowledge of that way
in which she might " escape the wrath to
come/' and in whom I felt the more
deeply interested from a consideration
of my former situation in the Prince of
Wales's Island, where I so earnestly
desired some person to assist me in in-
quiries of a similar kind. Now, all that I
could do for her in this case, (for parted
we must be,) was to give her my advice,
my best gift*, and my blessing with it,
* She had already a Bible of her o\vn.
namely, Doddridge's Rise and Progress of
Religion in the Soul, (which book I for-
merly mentioned having purchased from
one of the men in Hydrabad,) and which
had been of great use to myself; and I hope
the blessing of God has rendered it of
great service to her also. In a word, we
parted with very sorrowful hearts, but our
sorrow was not without hope, for that bless-
ed religion which had formerly supported
our minds, and cheered us in many a gloo-
my hour, left us not even now, when we
needed comfort; but told us that the suf-
ferings of the present time were not worthy
to be compared with the glory that should
be revealed in us at our meeting in Emman-
uel's land ; and that our light afflictions
which might intervene, were but for a
moment, and would, by the divine bless-
ing, work out for us a far more exceeding
and eternal weight of glory.
The invalids left Bangalore upon the
13th September, 1813, and proceeded to
Punamalee, a depot for recruits from Eu-
rope, and invalids from India, homeward
bound. We were ordered there to be in
readiness for the first Company's ship that
should touch at Madras. We arrived at
Punamalee upon the 1st of October, 1813.
I had in this place a severe attack of the
bile upon the stomach ; but it was not the
disorder generally called by that name in
this country; for it has nearly all the symp-
toms of the flux, being accompanied with
great pain in the bowels, which are general-
ly much swelled, along with a considerable
degree of sickness. I was so much exhaust-
ed by it in two days, that I could not turn
myself in the bed without assistance. I
continued about a week very ill, and had
more the appearance of getting a grave in
India, than of ever seeing my native coun-
try again ; but it was the wise saying of a
worthy divine, that man is immortal un-
til his day come ; for while there are more
days, there are means stirred up. But of-
ten, since I came to India, have I been in-
clined to take up the language of good
Hezekiah, " I have said in the cutting off
of my days, I shall go to the gates of the
grave ; I am deprived of the residue of my
years, I said I shall not see the Lord,
even the Lord, in the land of the living j
I shall behold man no more with the in-
habitants of the world/' But I can now
add, with the same good man, " O Lord,
thou hast in love to my soul delivered it
from the pit of corruption ; thou hast cast
all my sins behind thy back ; for the grave
cannot praise thee; death cannot celebrate
thee ; they that go down to the pit can-
not hope for thy truth : the living, the
living, he shall praise thee, as I do this
day." O that I may devote my spared
life unto thy service.
While we lay at Punamalee, Paddy L ,
of our regiment, drowned himself in a
tank, at the back of the barracks, upon a
Sabbath morning. This man was going
along ith us for Europe, with a bad dis-
charge, in consequence of having made
himself unfit for further service by shoot.
ing off his hand, for which dreadful out-
rage against the laws of both God and man,
as well as against his own body, he was
sentenced to receive corporal punishment ;
to be kept in confinement during his stay
with the regiment ; and to be sent home
with a blank discharge. He had also been
frequently confined, after we came here,
for different crimes; and once while he was
in the Cimgie -house,* having obtained a
light, on pretence of lighting his pipe, he
set fire to the place, attempting to burn
both it and himself; and it was with con-
siderable difficulty that his life, at that
time, was saved, being taken out half suf-
focated, and as black as a chimney-sweep.
I cannot inform the reader what were his
diabolical motives for drowning himself;
* The Cungie-house is intended to answer the same
purpose as the black-hole for soldiers in this country;
where the prisoners receive for subsistence boiled
rice, and the water with which it is made ready,
which kind of food is called Cnngie; and from which
also the place above mentioned receives the appella-
tion Cungie-house.
but we need not wonder much at it, when
he was so depraved as to commit such
crimes as I have mentioned, and indeed
many others which I decline noticing ; on-
ly this I will say, that " destruction and
misery are in the way of such people, and
the way of peace they have not known ;"
and no marvel that " their feet run into
evil, and make haste to shed blood, seeing
they have no fear of God before their
While here also I received a letter from
Serjeant Gray, giving us the melancholy
intelligence of his wife having had a severe
attack of the flux, and of that disorder ter-
minating in her dissolution, and earnestly
soliciting me to send him a word of con-
solation, and an advice suited to the par-
ticularly trying circumstances in which he
was placed ; to which request I most rea-
dily complied in the best way I was able.
My wife and I were much affected at the
unexpected news \ and no wonder, consi-
dering that great intimacy which had al-
ways subsisted between our families ever
since the time I received Doddridge's
Rise and Progress in Hydrabad. Our at-
tachment to one another was such, that dur-
ing the time the regiment was in Trichi-
nopoly, when our huts were at a consider-
able distance, we very seldom passed a
day, if duty would permit, without being
in one another's company, and frequently
we even dined together ; and this friend-
ship subsisted until we left the regiment,
Vnen we had truly a sorrowful parting j
but we then little imagined that one of us
was so near the'eternal world. Surely the lan-
guage of Divine Providence to us atthis time
was, " Be ye also ready, for at such an hour
as ye think not the Son of Man cometh,"
Surely this is an important, universal, and
perpetual admonition, " O that we were
wise, that we understood this, that we -
would consider our latter end." My letter
no sooner reached the regiment, than Mrs.
Copwick seeing it, wrote off immediately
to Punamalee, requesting me very kindly
" to send her also a word of advice before
our embarkation ; adding, that although she
had not forgotten my former counsels, yet
she had a great desire to have something
from me in writing, that would not only
refresh her memory, but also excite her
gratitude to her heavenly Father, who had
used me as an instrument, that Christ
might be formed in her soul, and that it
might also be a help to support her mind,
under her severe trials, and encourage her to
a continuance in well-doing, trusting that
at last she might receive the end of her
faith, even the salvation of her soul."
I need scarcely inform the Christian reader
with what joy I received this delightful let-
ter, and with what comfort and enlargement
of heart I answered it ; all that I shall say
is, that I wish God may bless every mean
which I have been enabled to use for her
eternal advantage, and that we may finally
meet again upon the right hand of the
judge, when he which soweth, and they
which reap, shall rejoice together.
I have since learned from good au-
thority, that Serjeant Gray has followed
his wife to the narrow house appointed
for all living, and that Mrs. C.'s wicked hus-
band is also gone from our world, dying as
he had lived, and that God, in his kind
providence, has provided a friend who
took an interest in the welfare of his wi-
dow, and obtained a place for her in the
family of a respectable clergyman in the
country, to take the superintendence of
his children, having made ample provision
both for her and the orphans. In their
happy experience, therefore, was that
promise fulfilled*, " Leave thy fatherless
children, I will preserve them alive, and
let your widows trust in me."
My dear reader, you may naturally
enough think that the writer of this lit-
tle work is very defective in his duty,
when he has travelled so many hun-
* Only, to be sure, in a certain sense ; but it would
have been verified strictly if the Serjeant had been
one of God's people.
dred miles in India, and has scarcely so
much as even dropped a hint of the ap-
pearance of the country, the customs and
manners of its inhabitants, their religion,
&c. ; but my reason for this is, that I may
make this work appear as regular and sa-
tisfactory as possible ; for I have design-
edly delayed entering upon these things
until I was just going to take farewell of
the country. And now, as I am going to
take a long, and, I hope, a last adieu of
that part of the world, where I have suf-
fered much, and, I bless God, have enjoy-
ed much, I will attempt a very brief ac-
count of these, in their regular order, be-
fore I step on board ship, and close my
bodily eyes for ever perhaps upon this
Country. I do not mean here to give
you a particular description of the various
parts of India through which I have tra-
velled, but rather attempt a very brief sort
of general representation of it : and I will
say that it is, comparatively, sandy and
barren ; for water, which is so essential
to the fertilizing of the soil, is in most places
very scarce ; and no wonder, when it is
generally six or seven months in the year
without a shower of rain. And were it not
for a plan adopted by the natives, where
there are no rivers, by far the greater part
of the country, now peopled, would be
uninhabitable ; but during the monsoon,
or rainy season,, the inhabitants, having
prepared large tanks for its reception,
get these amply stored during the heaw
rains ; which I have often seen fall in
such abundance as to inundate the coun-
try so that the communication betwixt
villages, (which are always built upon ris-
ing ground,) had to be carried on by boats
or canoes. I say, when these tanks are
filled, it secures to them, humanly speak-
ing, the succeeding harvest. The event is
celebrated with great rejoicings j but I
shall not waste your time and my own, in
attempting to describe these ostentatious
parades, but desire rather that you would
turn over your Bible, and look at Bel-
shazzar'smob of musicians, described in the
3d chapter of Daniel, for you will there
find the description of a similar band ; and it
is very easy to conceive, in your own mind,
a number of black people following them.
I will rather give you a gjketch of the man-
ner in which their crops are produced*
which will be more entertaining and in-
After, therefore, having these tanks well
replenished, and before they begin to
plough their rice-fields*, (which must be
always nearly level,) they flood them with
water for a day or two, to soften the ground ;
and, to effect this, they have recourse to
the following expedient: they erect a thick
post about twelve feet high, at the top of
which there is a strong lever, somewhat
like the handle of our pump wells, only
much longer, and to that end to which
you may suppose the sucker of the pump
attached, they fasten a rope or chain,
of a sufficient length to reach the water,
and, at the end of this rope or chain, they
have a large iron bucket, and a person
ready, at the side of the tank, to guide
and empty it into the furrows or ridges,
(Psalm Ixv. 9th verse and downward,)
which are formed in the rice-fields for
* Rice, in this country, may be called the staff of
the reception of the water, and also to
conduct it over the surface of the whole
plain that they intend to water. At the
other end of the lever another person is
appointed to tread on it, so as to raise up
or let down the bucket to the person,
as I said, who stands at the bottom to
guide and empty it ; and, to prevent the
feet of the drawer from slipping, there
are a number of knobs or blocks of wood
nailed upon that part of the handle which
he treads. These water-engines are fre-
quently erected by the side of a growing
tree ; but when this is not to be had,
there are two large uprights placed close
by the supposed pump, and spaked across,
so that the person may not only ascend
and descend upon this kind of ladder,
but also have a security from falling, while
he is following his employment. This
is the mode of watering fields, I may
say, universally adopted in India, where
I have travelled; but there is another kind
of water-engine, which I understand is
generally used in Egypt, and some other
countries, which is managed by the mo-
tion of a wheel. In this wheel there are a
number of steps, and the person treading
upon these turns the wheel round until
the rope or chain has elevated the bucket
to a level with the soil intended to be wa-
tered ; but whether the one or the other
plan be adopted, it is a laborious and scanty
manner of watering cultivated grounds of
any extent. If the inhabitants of these
parched countries were obliged to adopt
this mode for their gardens only, it would
be comparatively trifling labour; but when
a person takes a view of a very extensive
field, which must be kept two or three in-
ches deep all the time the rice is growing,
(and only when they wish the rice to har-
den is it taken off,) I say, if we consider
this, the reasoning of the inspired historian,
in showing the superiority of the land of
Canaan to that of Egypt, will be very evi-
Deuteronomy xi. 10. " For the land
whither thou goest to possess it, is not
like the land of Egypt, from whence ye
came out, where thou sowedst thy seed,
and wateredst it with thy foot, as a garden
of herbs : but the land whither ye go to
possess it, is a land of hills and valleys, and
drinketh water of the rain of heaven ; a
land which the Lord thy God careth for :
the eyes of the Lord thy God are always
upon it, from the beginning of the year
even to the end of the year."
Although I have said that the country
is comparatively sandy and barren, yet I
say, that many parts of it also, which are
situated on the banks of rivers, are very
fertile. The finest parts of India that I
have seen are near the Kisna and Tarn-
boothera ; these rivers supplying their
neighbourhood abundantly, give it a very
fresh and delightful appearance ^ and, O !
how it cheers the spirits, and invigorates
the eye of the " wayfaring man," to come
into the view of a considerable tract of
country, covered with woods and various
kinds of herbage, after having travelled
days, or even weeks, and scarcely ever seen
any object to relieve the fatigued eye; but,
on the contrary, every thing to offend and
hurt it ; nothing presenting itself on any
side but glistening sand, scraggy bushes,
the shining arms of the soldiery, and the
dazzling exhalations of the morning dews.
Surely, " Blessed is the man that trusteth
in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is :
for he shall be as a tree, planted by the
waters, and that spreadeth out her roots
by the river, and shall not see when heat
cometh ; but her leaf shall be green, and
shall not be careful in the year of drought,
neither shall cease from yielding fruit/'
The analogy of this figure is simple and
beautiful, and the application natural and
easy, from what I have been stating, to
the pious and reflective mind.
Manners, Customs, 8yc. The complex-
ion of the Hindoos is black ; their hair is
long j their persons in general are straight
and well-formed, and their countenances
open and pleasant. The dress of the men
amongst the higher ranks is a white vest
of silk, muslin, or cotton, girt with a sash ;
the sleeves are very long ; and the upper
part of the garment contrived to fit, so that
the wearer's shape may be seen ; their
trowsers descend so low as to cover their
legs ; they wear slippers down in the heel,
and peaked at the toes, into which they
put their naked feet. The dress of the
women amongst the higher or middle
ranks, is a piece of white calico tied about
the waist, which reaches to their knees ;
and 'the vest is thrown across their shoul-
ders, covering the breasts and part of the
back ; their hair, like that of the men, is
tied up in a roll, and adorned with jewels,
or toys ; they wear pendants in their ears,
and several strings of beads round their
necks ; they also wear rings upon their
fingers and toes, and bracelets upon their
wrists and ankles.
The Hindoos are, in general, very sober,
and abstain from all animal food. The
Brahmins, in particular, never eat any thing
that has had the breath of life : curees of
vegetables are their common diet; the
chief ingredients of which are turmeric,
spices, and the pulp of the cocoa-nut.
They esteem milk the purest food; and
venerate the cow almost as a divinity.
In manners, they are effeminate, lux-
urious, and taught to affect a grave de-
portment. This initiates them early in
the arts of dissimulation ; so that they can
caress those whom they hate, and even
behave with kindness to those whom they
intend to murder*. The common saluta-
* We had several of our regiment who attached
themselves to black women, by whom they were
poisoned ; one, in particular, suffered under a long
lingering illness. This young man was the Pay-
master's clerk, who had taken one of these women
(who had broken her caste) and kept her for a consi-
derable time, but, happening to have some words with
her one day, he threatened to put her away ; and she,
taking it for granted that he would be as good as his
tion is, by lifting one or both hands to the
head, according to the quality of the per-
son saluted ; but no person salutes with
the left hand singly.
On visiting amongst friends, the master
of the house never rises to receive his visi-
tor, but requests him to come and sit down
beside him on the carpet or floor ; and the
betle-nut-box is presented to him, as we
do our snuff-boxes. This betle-nut is used
in the same manner as we do tobacco ;
and both the men and the women take it
Dancing girls are generally engaged at
public entertainments to amuse the com-
pany. They adorn their necks with car-
canets, their arms with bracelets, and their
ankles with small gold or silver chains.
word, gave him a dose of poison ; but afterwards lived
with him for some time, with all the apparent affec-
tion that a wife should show for a husband ; nor did
she leave him until a suspicion arose that she was
the person who had done the wicked deed. This
young man died ; and his body having been opened
by the surgeon, he was found to have been poisoned.
The dance of these women is a cadenced
movement, performed to the sound of a
drum, (called a turn-turn,) which a person
beats upon with his fingers, and accompa-
nies with a song, that, to a person possessed
of any taste, is truly barbarous. The mode
of beating time is with a small bell, or
cymbal, which the dancing-master holds in
his hand. This bell, or cymbal, he beats
against the edge of another of the same
kind, which produces a brisk vibrating
sound, which animates the dancers, and gives
precision to their movements. They, how-
ever, display no elegant attitudes, but are
full of gesture ; and the motion of their
arms seems to occupy their whole attention.
The manner of drinking among the
Hindoos is remarkable. They religiously
avoid touching the vessel with their lips,
but pour it into their mouths, holding the
vessel at a distance. Their notion is, that
they would be polluted by drinking any
stagnant liquid. Thus, they will drink
from a pump, or any clear running stream,
but not out of a standing pool. On a
march, when any of the natives made their
appearance with their jimbos, (a small
vessel, generally of brass or earth,) we
were driven by thirst sometimes to leave
the ranks, and entreated them to permit us
to drink ; but it was always in vain ; and if
any of us took the vessel by force into our
hands, either to swallow its contents, or to
draw water for ourselves, they broke it to
pieces, and raised the hue and cry that
they were polluted and ruined ; and any
soldier so acting would expose himself to
a severe flogging. But I have known some
instances, wherein some of those people,
possessed of more generous minds and
liberal sentiments, have given us to drink,
when we held our hands at each side of
our mouth, while they poured the water
into them, holding the jimbo about half a
yard above our head ; but, in this case, we
were more satisfied externally than inter-
The houses in Hindostan are for the
most part very mean ; in front of these
houses are sheds on pillars, under which
the natives expose their goods for sale, and
entertain their friends. No windows open
towards the streets, and even the palaces
of their princes have not any external ele-
gance. The marriages of the wealthy
Hindoos are conducted with the utmost
splendour and extravagance. The little
bride and bridegroom, who are frequently
only three or four years of age, are for
several nights carried through the streets,
richly dressed, and adorned with the finest
jewels their parents can procure, preced-
ed by flags, music, and a multitude of
lights. The astrologer having fixed on a
fortunate hour, they are taken to the house
of the bride's father, and being seated
opposite to each other, with a table be-
tween them, they join their hands across
it, and the priest covers both their heads
with a kind of hood, which remains spread
over them about a quarter of an hour,
while he prays for their happiness, and
gives them the nuptial benediction ; after
which, their heads are uncovered, and all
the company are sprinkled with perfumes,
and the evening concludes \yith a magni-
ficent entertainment for the friends who
The Hindoo women, in general, treat
their husbands with great respect; and very
few are ever known to violate the marriage
bed. They begin to bear children at
twelve years of age, and sometimes young-
er; but they seldom have any after they
are thirty; and frequently before that time
they lose their bloom, and begin to fade.
With respect to the funerals of the Hindoos,
some of them bury the body, and others
burn it. The ceremony of burning is per-
formed in the following manner : Having
washed and dressed the corpse, the rela-
tions and friends carry it on a bier to a
small distance from the town. This is
usually done the next day ; but if a person
die in the morning, his body is always
burnt the same evening ; for, in this
country, a corpse will not keep long. The
funeral pile is usually made near some
river or tank; and if he be a person of
rank, great quantities of fragrant wood are
mixed with the fuel. As soon as the corpse
is placed upon the pile, and some prayers
muttered by the attending Brahmin, the
fire is applied at one of the corners, when
it soon blazes up, and consumes the body
to ashes.
The horrid practice of widows burning
themselves along with the corpse of their
deceased husbands is losing ground very
fast in India; and there is scarcely ever an
instance of it now known in our settle-
ments; and, as far as I could learn, when
performed at all, it is chiefly confined to
the Brahmin cast.
Religion, <%c. The religion of the Hin-
doos is all contained in the sacred books
called Vedas* These books are supposed to
have been the work, not of the supreme
God himself, but of an inferior deity call-
ed Brimha. They inform us that Brahma,
the supreme god, having created the world
by the word of 'his mouth, formed a female
deity, named Bawaney, who brought forth
three male deities, named Brimha, Vish-
nu, and Seeva. They say that Brimha
was endowed with the power of creating
all things, Vishnu with that of cherishing
them, and Seeva the power of restraining
them. They say also, that Brahma himself
endowed mankind with passions and un-
derstanding to regulate them; while Brim-
ha created the inferior beings, and after-
wards employed himself in writing the
Vedas, and gave these to the Brahmins to
be explained. These Brahmins are allowed
to be the most honourable tribe amongst
the Hindoos, and are alone appointed to
officiate in the priesthood, like the Levites
among the Jews. They alone are allowed
to read the Vedas or sacred books ; and to
them are committed the instruction of the
people. There are several orders of these
Brahmins : those who mix in society are
not unfrequently of depraved morals j and
we need not wonder that it should be the
case, when they are taught by their re-
ligion that the water of the Ganges will
effectually wash away all their sins. Those
Brahmins who live secluded from society,
are men of very weak minds, or enthu-
siasts, who give themselves up to indolence
and superstition. The Chehteree, or se-
cond caste, is next in rank to the Brahmins ;
and from this caste their Nabobs, or Prin-
ces, are always chosen.
The Bice, or Banians, who compose the
third class, are those people whose pro-
fession is trade and merchandise. They
have no particular religion, unless it be ad-
herence to truth in their words and deal-
ings. They are the great factors by
whom the trade of India is carried on ;
and, as they believe in the transmigration
of souls, they eat no living creature, nor
kill even noxious animals, but endeavour
to release them from the hands of others
who may be intending to destroy them.
I have seen them feeding the mice and
bandicauts with grain or rice in the hazaar.
The Soodera, or fourth class, is the
most numerous, and comprehends all la-
bourers and artists. These are divided in-
to as many orders as there are followers of
different arts ; all the children being inva-
riably brought up to the profession of their
The temples of the Hindoos (called by
them pagodas) are large, but disgusting
stone buildings, erected in every capital,
and are under the direction of the Brahmins*
The pagoda of Seringham, near the place
where we crossed the Cavery, and which
we passed on our way to Trichinopoly, is
allowed to be the most stupendous, and is
held the most sacred of any building of
the kind in India, that of Chillambraum
excepted. This pagoda is situated about
a mile from the western extremity of the
island of Seringham, formed by the divi-
sion of the great river Cavery into two
channels. It is composed of seven square
inclosures, one within the other, the walls
of which are twenty-five feet high, and
four thick. These inclosures have each
four large gates : the outer wall which sur-
rounds this pagoda is between three and
four miles in circumference, and its gate-
way to the south is ornamented with pil-
lars, several of which are single stones,
thirty-three feet long, and about four in
diameter. The walls of this building is
covered outside with the most hideous
figures, likenesses of which are to be found
neither " in heaven above, nor on the earth
beneath, nor in the waters under the
earth ;" so that persons would not literally
be guilty of a breach of the second com-
mand if they were to fall down and wor-
ship them, such as men with elephants'
heads, serpents with men's heads, bullocks
with women's head and breasts, &c. and
monsters which I have never before nor
since seen or heard off, and these painted
in the most glaring colours. Here also,
as in the other great pagodas of India, the
Brahmins live without subordination, and
slumber in a voluptuousness which knows
no wants. This pagoda is about four miles
from Trichinopoly.
There are several sects among the Hin-
doos, but their differences consist rather
in external forms than religious opinions.
They all believe in the immortality of the
soul; a state of future rewards and punish-
ments ; and transmigration of souls. The
virtues of charity and hospitality exist
amongst them, both in theory and practice,
towards those of their own caste. They
say that hospitality is commanded to be
exercised even towards an enemy ; and
they use this simile, " the tree doth not
withdraw its shade from the wood-cut-
ter, or water-drawer, nor doth the moon
withhold her light from the chandalah."
These pure doctrines, however, are inter-
mixed with many vile superstitions. The
Hindoos pray thrice in the day, at morn-
ing, noon, and evening, turning their faces
towards the east. Fruits, flowers, incense,
and money, are the usual offerings to their
idols ; but, for the dead, they offer a par-
ticular sort of cake called punda. They
all seem to pay an extraordinary venera-
tion to fire, and always wash before meals.
There is a religious order among the
Hindoos, called Fakirs : these are a kind
of begging friars, who make vows of po-
verty, and seem insensible both to plea-
sure and pain. They generally live upon
the bounty of the smaller kind of mer-
chants j and I have seen them often car-
rying a small copper jimbo, (vessel,) in the
form of a water-melon, when they were
begging through the bazaars. These Fa*
kirs, to obtain the favour of Brahma a&
they suppose, suffer the most dreadful tor-
tures ; and the austerities which some of
them undergo are incredible to those who
have not been eye-witnesses of them : some
of them stand for months upon one foot,
with their arms tied to the beam of a house,
by which means their arms settle in that
posture, and ever after become useless ;
some sit in the sun, with their faces look-
ing upwards, until they are incapable of
altering the position of their heads ; and
I even saw one in Bangalore, who had a
large sort of iron grating fixed upon his
neck, that had not stretched himself upon
a bed, or even upon the ground, for two
years. But the people, in all these cases,
deem it an act of piety to encourage and
support them.
The ordeal trials of melted lead, or boil-
ing oil, as practised in India, are consi-
dered by the Hindoos as a standing mi-
racle. The ceremony, which is in the fol-
lowing manner, is performed with great
solemnity : The party who has appealed
to this form of trial for his innocence, whe-
ther on suspicion of murder, theft, or un-
faithfulness to the marriage bed on the part
of women, is publicly brought to the side
of a fire, on which is placed a vessel of
boiling water or oil, but most commonly
melted lead j the magistrates of the coun-
try or city being present, his hand is wash-
L 4
ed clean, and the leaf of a particular tree,
with his accusation written upon it, is tied
about his waist; and then, on a solemn invo-
cation of the deity by the Brahmin, the per-
son plunges in his hand and scoops up the
boiling fluid ! and if he draws it out un-
hurt, he is absolved ; but if otherwise, he
receives the punishment due to the crime
charged against him.
The ceremonies of the Hindoos are dic-
tated by the Brahmins and the sacred books;
but to give you a detail of their 'number
and absurdity, is a task to which I am al-
together unequal, and which could neither
instruct nor entertain the reader. I will,
therefore, close this sketch with giving
you a few translations from their Vedas or
sacred books, which will give the reader
some idea both of the doctrines and style
of the Hindoos, as translated by a very
able pen.
" 1. By one Supreme Ruler is this uni-
verse pervaded, even every world in the
whole circle of nature j enjoy pure delights^
O man ! by abandoning all thoughts of
this perishable world - y and covet not the
wealth of any creature existing.
" 2. He who in this life continually per-
forms his religious duties, may desire to
live a hundred years ; but, even to the
end of this period, thou shouldst have no
other employment here below.
" 3. To those regions where evil spirits
dwell, and which utter darkness involve,
all such men go surely after death, as de-
stroy the purity of their own souls.
" 4, There is one supreme Spirit, which
nothing can shake, more swift than the
thought of man*
" 5. That supreme Spirit moves at plea-
sure, but in itself is immovable; it is distant
from us, yet very near us j it pervades this
whole system of worlds, yet is infinitely
beyond it* ,
" 6. The man who considers all beings as
existing even in the supreme Spirits, and
the supreme Spirit pervading all beings,.
henceforth views no creature with con-
" 7- In him who knows that all spiritual
beings are the same in kind with the Su-
preme Spirit, what room can there be for
delusion of mind ; or what room for sor-
row, when he reflects on the identity of
spirit ?
" 8. The pure enlightened soul assumes
a luminous form, w r ith no gross body, with
no perforation, with no veins nor tendons,
untainted by sin, itself being a ray from
the infinite Spirit, which knows the past
and the future, which pervades all, which
existed with no cause but itself which
created all things as they are in ages very
" 9. They who are ignorantly devoted to
the mere ceremonies of religion, are fallen
into thick darkness ; but they surely have
a thicker gloom around them who are sole-
ly given to speculation.
" 10. A distinct reward, they say, is re-
served for ceremonies, and a distinct re-
ward, they say, for divine knowledge ; add-
ing, this we have heard from sages who
declared it unto us.
"11. He alone is acquainted with the
nature of ceremonies, and with that of
speculative science, who is acquainted
with both at once ; by religious ceremo-
nies he passes the gulf of death, and,
by divine knowledge he attains immorta-
" 12. They who adore only the appear-
ances and forms of the Deity, are fallen
into thick darkness ; but they surely have
a thicker gloom around them, who are
solely devoted to the abstract existence
of the divine essence.
" IS. A distinct reward, they say, is ob-
tained by adoring the forms and attributes ;
and a distinct reward, they say, by ador-
ing the abstract essence; adding, this we
have heard from sages who declared it to
" 14. He only knows the forms and es-
sence of the Deity who adores both at
once; by adoring the appearance of the
Deity, he passes the gulf of death; and by
adoring his abstract essence, he attains
" 15. Unvail, O thou who givest susten-
ance to the world, the face of the true
sun, which is now hidden by a vase of gold-
en light ! so that we may love the truth,
and know our whole duty.
" 16. O thou, who givest sustenance to
the world ; thou sole mover of all ; thou
who restrainest sinners ; who pervadest yon
great luminary j who appearest as the sun
of the creator, hide thy dazzling beams,
and expand thy spiritual brightness, that
I may view thy most glorious, : real form !"
The following is translated from a Sans-
crit work, entitled, " The ignorant In-
" 1. Restrain, O ignorant man, thy desire
of wealth, and become a hater of it in
body, understanding, and mind ; let the
riches thou possesses! be acquired by thy
own good actions : with this gratify thy
" 2. The boy so long delights in his play ;
the youth so long pursues his beloved;
the old so long broods over melancholy
thoughts, that no man meditates on the
supreme Being.
" 3. Who is thy wife, and who is thy son ?
How great and wonderful is this world!
Whose thou art, and whence thou comest ?
Meditate on this, my brother j and again
on this.
" 4. Be not proud of wealth, and thy at-
tendants, and youth ; since time destroys
them all, in the twinkling of an eye : check
thy attachment to all these illusions, like
Moyra \ fix thy heart on the foot of Brah-
ma, and thou wilt soon know him*
" 5. As a drop of water on the leaf of the
lotus, thus, or more slippery,, is human
life: the company of the virtuous endures
here but for a moment ; that is the vehicle
to bear thee over land and ocean.
" 6. To dwell in the mansions of God, at
the foot of a tree ; to have the ground for
a bed, and a hide for a vesture ; to re-
nounce all ties of family or connections :
who would not receive delight from this
abhorrence of the world ?
" 7. Set not thy affections on foe or friend j
on a son or a relation ; in war or in peace,
bear an equal mind towards all : if thou
desiredst it, thou wilt soon be like Vishnu.
" 8. Day and night, evening and morn,
winter and spring, depart and return :
time sports, age passes on ; desire and the
wind continue unrestrained.
" 9. When the body is tottering, the head
grey, and the mouth toothless ; when the
smooth stick trembles in the hand it sup-
ports, yet the vessel of covetousness is un-
" 10. So soon born, so soon dead ; so long
lying in thy mother's womb, so great
crimes are committed in the world. How
then, O man ! canst thou live here below
with complacency ?
" 11. There are eight original mountains*
and seven seas : Brahma, Indra, the Sun,
and Kudra, these are permanent ; not
thou, not I, not this or that people ; what,
therefore, should occasion our sorrow?
" 12.. In thee, in me, in every other,
Vishnu resides ; in vain art thou angry with
me, not bearing my reproach : this is per-
fectly true, all must be esteemed equal;
be not proud of a magnificent palace."
When the reader takes a cursory view
of the principal doctrines and precepts of
the Hindoo Vedas, he may be very apt to
imagine that the writer, or writers, have
received their information from some other
source than the fragments of a broken law,
which are still imprinted upon the mind
of man, even in a state of nature; and he
may not unlikely suppose, that these men
had this knowledge although remote and
much corrupted, from our sacred volume;
particularly as that part, entitled " The
Ignorant Instructed," seems to partake of
the style of Solomon in the book of Eccle-
siastes. But if you make a more minute
investigation, you will see much wanting,
and much wrong ; and no marvel, for they
who are deprived of the great blessing of
revelation, or they who despise it, or wish
to be wise above what is written, are like
people groping in the dark ; and will cer-
tainly either fall short of the truth, or
stumble over it altogether. Those sages of
antiquity, to whom the writers seem to re-
fer, were perhaps distinguished for their
wisdom; yet by that very wisdom they
knew not God in his saving characters.
Man may know, to a certain extent, that
there is a God ; because " the heavens de-
clare his glory, and the firmament sheweth
his handy-works." And the apostle says,
in his epistle to the Romans, that " the
Gentiles, which have not the law, do by
nature the things contained ia the law,
these, having not the law, are a law unto
themselves : which shew the work of the
law written in their hearts; their conscience
also bearing witness, and their thoughts
the meanwhile accusing, or else excusing
one another/' I say, therefore, that by
the external and internal aid which man
is possessed of, even in a state of nature,
he may know by natural religion that there
is a God ; yet it is impossible that he should
come to the knowledge of God in refe-
rence to man, as a guilty, depraved, miser-
able captive, and yet a condemned slave,
redeemed by a price of infinite value. No j
it never has, it never will " enter into
the heart of man," unassisted by reve-
lation, to come to a saving knowledge of
God, " even that knowledge which is eter-
nal life." Let us, therefore, bless God
for our Bibles, and willingly give our pray-
ers, and our purses also, " according as.
God hath prospered us," to send the Gos-
pel to that country " where there is no vi~
sion, and where the people are perishing
for lack of this ^knowledge j" for, " How
can they believe in him of whom they have
not heard ? and how can they hear without
preachers ? and how can they preach ex*
cept they be sent ?" And, when we con-
sider that there are computed to be no
less than sixty millions even in India in
that lamentable condition, of "being with-
out the knowledge of the true God, and
Jesus Christ whom he hath sent," how
ought it to stir up our minds to sympa-
thise with their condition, and to give,
cheerfully and liberally, " not grudgingly,
or of necessity ; for the Lord loveth a cheer-
ful giver : and the liberal soul shall be
made fat ?"
January 29, 1814. The detachments
of invalids from Punamalee embarked at
Madras on board the Marquis Wellington
and Princess Charlotte of Wales. The
Marquis Wellington, of nine hundred tons,
wherein 1 was, received sixty of these in-
valids, viz. a party of the Royals, detach-
ments from the 30th, 69th, 80th, 89th,
and 25th light dragoons. We had very
bad accommodation on board of this ship,
having no less than sixteen sick men be-
tween each gun, many of whom could do
nothing for themselves.
We had a long and very disagreeable
passage ; but I could have submitted to
all the hardships attending the voyage
much better, had it not been the dreadful
wickedness that prevailed among us, as
I shall have occasion to exemplify : but, in-
deed, this was the principal objection I
had all along to the army ; and it was the
uncommon wickedness of my own regi-
ment which rendered my other troubles
less tolerable. But, to return to the chil-
dren : when we embarked, an exact list
of the names of the men was sent along
with us ; and when my name was called,
and the children given in as belonging to
me, the question was very naturally asked,
Why is one of these children named Fle-
ming, and the other Lee, when you are
Serjeant B. ? I related to them the story
of the children in as few words as possible,
all the time dreading lest they should not
be permitted to go home with us ; but the
Lord, who has the " hearts of all men in
his hand, and turns them as the rivers of
water/' gave us favour in the eyes of the
Captain, who not only allowed them to go,
but in a very short time after we sailed or-
dered his steward to give us regularly some
broken meat after dinner. In this, he not
only relieved the fatherless, but us also ;
for I generally received as much as sufficed
both for my wife and myself. This was a
great blessing ; for, had I been obliged to
take the ship's provisions, I certainly would
have been at a great loss, considering my
weak state of body, and the perpetual
thirst to which I was subject. Here I
thought I saw the blessing of God attend-
ing us for our kindness to the orphans.
Here the Lord proved himself to be " a
father to the fatherless," in putting it in-
to our hearts to have compassion upon
them ; and, " when father and mother (in
a certain sense) had forsaken them, then
the Lord had thus taken them up."
I shall omit the greater part of my
journal concerning this voyage ; as there
is a great variety of matter in which the
reader could take no interest ; such as our
progress, the latitudes the ship reached at
different dates the number of torn sails,
and broken yards the dates of men's
deaths, and to what regiments they be-
longed, &c, and notice a few circum-
stances which deeply interested me ; and
these I will state in nearly the same words
as those in which they are inserted in my
journal, that you may see how they affect-
ed me at the time, and to enable you bet-
ter to understand what was my situation,
and what sort of companions I had on
board. I have noted down part of their
discourse, just as it was uttered ; and al-
though you cannot be entertained, but
rather shocked at the wickedness of man,
and astonished at his depravity, yet the
perusal may answer one good purpose ; it
may, by the blessing of God, render you
more thankful that you are not compelled,
as I was, to live among such monsters ;
but that you have a home, be it never so
homely, and opportunity given you to
read, meditate, and pray ; that you have
your Sabbaths and your ordinances ; and,
in a word, " That you can sit under your
vines and fig trees, having none to make
you afraid."
It was considerably against my comfort,
while I was in this ship, that I was almost
totally deprived of my wife's company ; for
a Captain Gordon of our regiment, who
wished us both well, recommended her to
a lady, whom she attended during the
passage, and who paid her very handsome-
ly for her trouble. This lady being in
very delicate health, my wife was almost
constantly employed in her cabin. I there-
fore had neither the pleasure of her com-
pany, nor much of her assistance in look-
ing after the orphans ; so that, I may say,
I was both father and mother to them
during the voyage.
March 20. I see the Sabbath is always
particularly pitched vupon for wickedness
of various kinds. I have thought that it
was upon account of my taking more par-
ticular notice of what was going on, and
having a greater desire to get myself com-
posed for reading or serious reflection up-
on this day, that led me to think it worse
employed than any other ; but I perceive
that I have been mistaken, for I find, up-
on a more careful examination, that upon
the Lord's day these poor creatures seem
as it were to think it a kind of unneces-
sary, as well as a disagreeable restraint put
upon them ; and that they therefore de-
termine not to submit to it ; and are re-
solved to make it appear that they are such
brave fellows that God shall not restrain
them j but, by their words, as well as their
actions, say, " Our tongue is our own, who
is lord over us ? surely we will break his
bands asunder, and cast away his chords
from us.'*
This morning is introduced by swearing,
obscene songs, abusing God's holy ordi-
nances, and trampling upon his laws :
One man says, " Boys, get ready for drill j"
another makes answer, "Drill, d n !
drill upon a Sunday ;" a third begins an ob-
scene song, painful upon any day to a
modest ear ; while a fourth says, " Leary,
don't you know this is Sunday ?" to which
he makes answer, " Yes $ and that his
song was the text." This is certainly too
much for me : I will go upon deck, and
see if I can find any peace there ; but when
I went upon deck, there was one of our
fine Scotsmen singing the " Blue Bells of
Scotland," and the ship-officers pouring
out the most horrid oaths against the sea-
men; while they, in return, were nothing
behind, only in a lower tone, from fear of
being heard. Oh, where shall I fly from
these detestable beings, " whose throat is
an open sepulchre, and whose mouth is
full of cursing and bitterness !" This is my
company upon the Lord's day ; this is all
I get for a sermon, even cursing and
swearing, obscene songs, and filthy com-
munications. It is dreadful ! I think, were
there no other torments in hell but such
society, there is an infinite cause of grati-
tude due to that compassionate Saviour,
" who has delivered his people from it ;"
but exercise patience, O my soul ! consider
that "the Lord knoweth how to deliver
the godly out of temptations, as well as to
reserve the unjust until the day of judg-
ment, to be punished." I yet hope to have
my Sabbaths and my ordinances. I yet
hope to assemble with the people of God in
his house of prayer, and, from a real experi-
ence, to say, " How amiable are thy taber-
nacles, O Lord of Hosts ! my soul longeth,
yea, even fainteth, for the courts of the
Lord ; my heart and my flesh crieth out
for the living God," &c.
March 26. Ten o'clock, P. M. One of
the 30th Regiment departed this life. We
have had a most alarming night of it, hav-
ing a breeze right aft, and a sea running
mountains high. It was necessary to sup-
port the masts with strong hawsers, to keep
them from going over board. Upon the
upper deck two of the carronades broke
loose, with the smith's forge, and one of
the pig styes ; and upon the gun deck,
all-was a jumbled mass of confusion : the
eighteen pound shot, foul water buckets,
tins, tin-pots, salt beef, biscuit ; with hats,
knapsacks, red coats, and bags, knocking
about among the salt water that was ship-
ping down the hatchways. What with the
noise of wind and waves above, and the
rumbling and tumbling below, it was hardly
possible to hear one another speak ; and,
when you add to all this, our being in
pitch darkness *, you may see our situation
was by no means enviable, but, on the con-
trary, very alarming and dangerous ; yet
these men could not forbear cursing and
swearing, and flying in the face of him that
could have sent us all to the bottom in a
moment, (" and, O the infinite patience
and forbearance of that God who did not]")
1 say, had we at this time gotten a watery
grave, many of these hell-hardened crea-
tures must have gone into the presence of
their offended judge, blaspheming his holy
* We were allowed neither candle nor oil all the
time we were on board ; but we sometimes cut off a
piece of the fat pork served out to us, and burned
it in one of our iron canteen lids.
M 2
and reverend name. O what a dreadful
state is it to be hardened in such a manner
as to be unable to cease from this drudgery
even for a single hour when awake, but to
"be led captive by Satan at his will V 9 I
have often thought, and it appears to me
quite scriptural, that the wicked arrive at
a state of far greater perfection in sin, and
ripeness for hell in this world, than the
people of God do in holiness and meek-
ness for heaven, because they are the will-
ing " servants of sin, and free from right-
eousness;" but the people of God carry
about with them, while here, a " deceitful
heart," which often betrays them into that
" which their renewed natures abhor," and
makes them cry out, " O wretched man !"
But it is truly a happy consideration, that
when the " earthly house of this tabernacle
is dissolved," sin shall give us no more
annoyance, for " we shall behold his face
in righteousness, and shall be satisfied when
\ve awake with his likeness," and shall in-
habit that holy " house not made with
hands, eternal in the heavens."
March %Tf. The Psalmist says, in the
cvii. Psalm, " They that go down to the
sea in ships, and do business in the great
waters ; these see the works of the Lord,
and his wonders in the deep, for he corn-
mandeth, and raiseth the stormy wind,
which lifteth up the waves thereof j they
mount up to the heavens, they go down
again into the deep ; they reel to and fro,
and stagger like a drunken man." Surely
they that are in such a situation, see much
of the Almighty power of that glorious
Being, " who holds the wind in his fist,
and the waters in the hollow of his hand ;"
but in this ship, at least, we do not make
a right improvement of such striking calls
to heavenly contemplation ; for we are
this day viewing these wonderful displays
of omnipotence, but appear to be as in-
sensible to their language as the finny in-
habitants of the great deep.
We had prayers read this day upon the
quarter deck, which we heard with diffi-
culty ; but the sound was scarcely out of
M 3
our ears, when some of our fine Scotsmen
were at their old trade of cursing and
swearing, whistling and singing, regardless
both of the Lord's day, and the solemnity
of his ordinances. I do not say but the
men of other countries are fully as wicked ;
but I think it much more strange of Scots-
men ; because, generally speaking, they
receive better instruction, and have had a
better example set before them in their
youth ; and, consequently, their sin is at-
tended w 7 ith many aggravations. But I
hope the time will come, when I shall have
it in my power to hear the Gospel preach-
ed, and be free from such depraved society ;
for " as the hart panteth after the water
brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O
God ! My soul thirsteth for God, for the
living God ; when shall I come and appear
before God ?"
April 3. This is my birth-day ; and I
find it also to be the Sabbath, by the way
it has been introduced. I shall here note
down a specimen or two of the discourse
I am at present compelled to hear, that if
it please the Lord to spare me to get out
of this wicked place, where the works of
darkness are carried on, and where the
prince of darkness dwells, I may look at
this, and remember my situation, and bless
God for my deliverance. They are now
talking of the different situations they are
to hold when they go to h 11. One says,
he will be door-keeper ; another, that he
will be ferryman to row them over the
river Styx ; a third, that he is too bad for
God, and he is sure that the Devil will
have nothing to do with him ; and, there-
fore, he must stand fast like the Old Buffs !
But now they begin to blaspheme the
" great and terrible name of God !" I will
not write their awful expressions, but go
out of the way a little, and, perhaps their
discourse may be less shocking when I re-
turn ; but I cannot expect much improve-
ment while I am in this ship, because it is
quite natural for them to speak in this way.
For it is " out of the abundance of their
M 4
heart that their mouth speaketh ; lf and
they love to speak the language of hell,
because it is their native country ; and
people are generally fond of speaking about
the place they belong to.
April 8. This is Good Friday I under-
stand, by some of our strict religionists re-
fusing to eat flesh. Yes, poor creatures,
they are afraid of polluting themselves,
although they can vomit up a belly-full
of oaths without any remorse j and like-
wise trample upon every thing that is sa-
cred. They are surely a sad compound of
ignorance and superstition, for they do
not consider that it is not that which en-
tereth into a man that can defile him ; but
that which cometh out of him : these are
the things which defile the man.
Early in the morning of the 10th of
April we came in sight of the long- wished
for island of St. Helena. This was a place
which had been looked forward to with
great eagerness by many in the ship be-
sides myself although the objects we had
in view were, I doubt not, very different ;
for, so far as I am able to judge of my de-
ceitful heart, the principal motive with me
was the hope of seeing the Bengal and
China fleets forward, as was generally ex
pected, that we might not be detained
waiting for them, but steer straight onward
for Europe, arid thus, by a prosperous
voyage, I might be enabled sooner to leave
these wicked scenes, and arrive the sooner
at that happy country where the blessed
streams of divine ordinances that make glad
the city of our God flow in all their abun-
dance. This was what I believe I eager-
ly coveted ; my desires were, above all
things, going out towards God, and to-
wards the remembrance of his name ; but
I have every reason to believe the princi-
pal cause why many of my shipmates wish-
ed our arrival at St. Helena so intensely,
was on account of their not having had it
in their power, for a considerable time,
to gratify a certain very strong propensity,
produced by habit j or, in other words,
there had raged amongst us, for some
weeks, a famine of tobacco ; the men had
not counted on so tedious a passage to St.
Helena, and, from this fatal mistake, they
had not provided themselves with asufficient
stock before they came on board. The
condition of many of these poor, misera-
ble men, was indeed fitted to draw pity
from all who knew from experience any
thing of the amazing force of that desire,
and take into account the present impos-
sibility of getting it gratified, while, on the
other hand, those who are free men, and
not slaves to this lust, might be disposed
to treat such people with contempt rather
than sympathy, for being brought into
such a miserably restless condition for the
lack of an insignificant, unsightly leaf, and
might think, if they had been in their
circumstances, they would have thrown the
pipe overboard, and have resolved against
ever touching it again in their lives ; but
this is easier said than done, and this I
know was a sacrifice which my unhappy
shipmates found entirely too great to be ao
complished. No, to leave oft* smoking, and
to cast away the pipe as a nuisance, was al-
together out of the question ; for smoke
they must, although the appetite by which
they were held in bondage compelled
them to employ a strange and disgusting
substitute for tobacco ; for they had, for a
number of days, been under the necessity
of using a bit of tarry -rope yarn, in the
form of oakum, with which they filled
their pipes; and at that sickening stuff" they
would suck away until they were like per*
sons in the rage of a fever, occasioned by
the immoderate use of intoxicating liquors.
We here see the great need there is for
putting in practice the Apostle's resolution,
" to beat under the body and keep it in
subjection,'* that we may not be brought
under the power of habits and practices,
which, if not absolutely sinful in themselves,
are almost sure to lead to much evil.
This was, however, a great misery from
which I was exempted ; for although I had
M 6
used tobacco for a series of years, my pro*
pensity to it by this time was completely
abated. The reason of my giving up the
use of tobacco was this : Previously to our
leaving Punamalee, I went to the doctor
in charge of invalids, and told him I was
afraid that smoking was unfavourable to
my constitution, as it always excited a
great palpitation at my breast, and a con-
siderable desire to drink. He told me that
if it produced such effects as I had de-
scribed, it would be much better for me
to give it up if I possibly could ; but added
he was afraid that I would find it rather
difficult, as it was a habit not easily over-
come. However, I promised to take his
advice, and accordingly the moment I en-
tered the barracks, I gave all my sea-stock
of pipes and tobacco to one of the men j
and by this one act, and the putting in full
force the resolution I had formed, I was
soon delivered from the desire itself and
was exempted from the dreadful effects of
the present famine of that plant ; the want
of which has caused so much uneasiness to
individuals, and such great disturbances
and privations in families ; and which, in
no small degree, drove on our unprincipled
shipmates to curse father and mother, the
day of their birth, and even that provi-
dence that had placed them in circumstan-
ces wherein it was impossible for them to
obtain it. But although I was not in their
state with regard to that tormenting desire,
yet the intelligent Christian reader will
easily perceive some resemblance between
their condition and mine. The expedient
to which they had recourse in the absence
of tobacco, gave them considerably more
pain than pleasure, and rather mocked and
tantalized, than gratified their propensity.
In like manner, I may say, that in my
attempts to get any spiritual consolation,
I had more pain than profit ; for when I
set myself to read, meditate, or pray, I
was sure to meet with some miserable
opposition to distract my mind, which, per-
haps, proved as great a trial to me as it
would have been to one of these persons,
at that time, to have had a pipe full of
good tobacco snatched from his mouth,
when he was in the act of enjoy ing it after
his long abstinence. I use this similitude
as I cannot find one upon the whole more
suitable to represent my condition. They
however had, on our arrival at St. Helena,
considerably the advantage of me, for we
were hardly well anchored when the idol
of their hearts was presented to them ; but,
alas! it was far otherwise with me ; for, to
my great mortification, there seemed no
great likelihood of my soon enjoying that
happiness which " my soul was following
hard after ;" for, instead of the fleets being
forward, there was only one outward-bound
Indiaman lying in the bay. I see, therefore,
O my soul ! that there is nothing for it but
patience j and, O Lord, grant that patience
may have her perfect work, and let my
present state of tribulation work patience,
and a hope that will not make ashamed ;
and yet it is heart-breaking to think
that I may be in this ship, and among these
men, three months longer; but, O my soul,
wait thou upon the Lord in the best way
you can ; be of good courage and he shall
strengthen thine heart. Wait, I say, on the
Lord. Commit thy way unto the Lord,
trust also in him, and he shall bring it to
pass. He shall even give thee the desire
of thine heart.
April 20. I was sent ashore to St. He-
lena this day, to bring two of our invalids
on board. They received a pass until three
o'clock yesterday, but did not return until
I brought them from the main-guard, be-
ing confined for some misbehaviour ashore.
There was one of the 25th light dra-
goons died this day. We have had several
deaths; but I mention this because of some
circumstances attending it, as a further
illustration of the character of those people
amongst whom I dwell. I was amusing
myself with a tune upon my violin, to
drown the painful sound of that cursing
and swearing which abounds, when one of
the men interrupted me by saying, " Ser-
jeant B , don't you know that there is
a man dying ?" I answered, that " I did not
know that he had been so ill/' I went,
therefore, immediately to see irim, and
found one of his comrades standing by the
side of his hammock, attempting to comfort
him in his own way. Another of his com-
rades, with a horrid curse, said, " Let him
alone; let him skep away, can't you ?" But
while he was yet speaking, the spirit of the
dying man departed ; and now they are be-
ginning to enumerate all his good qualities,
which, alas for him, were very few. One
says he was a good fellow ; another,
he was a bloody good soldier; and a third,
he was a h h obliging fellow ; and a
fourth wished himself to be d d if he
should be thrown into the sea, for he would
collect money in the ship to bury him ashore;
while one of the former speakers declares,
that he had prayed to God for him, and
was sure he must now be happy. " Surely
even the tender mercies of the wicked are
cruel." " My soul, come not thou into
their secret, into their assembly mine ho-
nour be not thou united/ 5 I could have
wished to have spoken to them about the
absurdity, as well as the criminality of
such conduct ; but I knew that it would
have had a bad effect, as it " would, be
giving that which is holy to dogs, and
casting pearls before swine ; and, there-
fore, they would no doubt have trampled
them under their feet," and turned upon
me with abusive language, and thus have
sunk themselves deeper in guilt ; so, upon
a due consideration, I saw it to be my wis-
dom to keep " my mouth as with a bridle."
But while I am yet writing, their tempo-
rary feelings of grief are over, and now
they commence singing, and swearing, and
arguing. Now from words they are com-
ing to blows : I certainly must interfere,
as being a part of my duty; but al-
ready the fight is over, and they are be-
coming more quiet. There is some dis-
turbance upon deck : I will go and find
out what is the cause. I have just learned,
that the man who was talking so much
about his prayers for the person just de-
parted, was taken in the act of throwing
himself overboard ! Poor creature, you
are rescued from the jaws of death a little
longer. But what can I expect from such
men ? He who infallibly knew " what is
in man, and needed not that any should
testify unto him," says that " a corrupt
tree cannot bring forth good fruit."
April 23. The dead man was interred
this day upon the island ; but it certainly
would have been much better had he been
thrown overboard in the usual manner ;
for the men, embracing the opportunity of
getting ashore, where they could have
plenty of liquor, returned at night drunk,
and we had truly a dismal ship of it. It
was no doubt insufferable at all times to
a person who desired good order and
quietness ; but this night was by far the
most dreadful we have experienced, for
all the foul and detestable language that
the devil and themselves could invent was
brought forward ; every thing that was
horrid in cursing and swearing seemed to
have been collected on this occasion ; and
their obscenity went so far as to expose
their fathers and mothers in such a way
as was shocking beyond conception. Had
they really been begotten and born by
the worst men and women that ever lived,
it was impossible that they could have been
guilty of what their vile children now laid
to their charge. " But woe to the man
that saith unto his father, what begettest
thou ? and to the woman, what hast thou
brought forth ?"
This was not all : One of them openly
threatened to have blood for supper ! and
that lives should go for it before the morn-
ing, if the devil was alive, and as sure as
God Almighty was ! but I dare not
venture to pollute my paper, or shock my
readers, by reciting his expressions, which
were only fit for the ears of men already
in the place of everlasting torment, I had
too much reason to think that my wife and
I were the objects of his malice, and I did
not know how to act. I knew that to
confine him would only make matters
worse when he should be released again ;
for he would then have some shadow of
excuse for taking his revenge. His malice,
as far as I knew, was entirely unfounded,
for we had done him no harm, unless it was
by conducting ourselves in a manner some-
what like what we ought to do ; or because
he saw us taken favourable notice of by
the Captain, on account of the children. I
therefore thought it would be our duty to
remain upon deck, until the heat of his
rage, and the heat of the liquor, were a little
abated. But I found myself in too weak-
ly a state of body to expose myself so long
to the cold damp air, else I would have
been inclined to this measure j for I saw,
that to go below was attended with
danger. After some deliberation, I re-
solved to commit myself and family to the
care of the " keeper of Israel, who neither
slumbers nor sleeps ;" and we accordingly
went to our hammocks, yielding ourselves
wholly to the protection of our heavenly
Father, in language similar to that of the
Psalmist, when exposed to still more im-
minent dangers : " In thee, O Lord, do I
put my trust ; let me never be put to con-
fusion. Deliver me in thy righteousness,
and cause me to escape ; incline thine ear
unto me, and save me. Be thou my strong
habitation, whereunto I may continually
resort : thou hast given commandment to
save me ; for thou art my rock and my
fortress. Deliver me, O my God, out of
the hand of the wicked ; out of the hand
of the unrighteous and cruel man : for
thou art my hope, O Lord God : thou art
my trust from my youth. O Lord, be thou
our hiding place ; thou alone can pre-
serve us from trouble ;" and, in thy good
time, O our God, do thou " compass us
about with songs of deliverance/*
We therefore lay down and slept quiet-
ly, because " the Lord made us to dwell
in safety," even in the midst of danger.
But after my first sleep, which was sweet,
as my manner was, I arose to put the
children to rights; and the first thing I
laid my hand on, upon the top of my
chest, was a razor fixed into a piece of
wood, with a ring of lead round the handle;
but my astonishment and terror were much
increased, when I next found Mr. H., the
man who had used the threatening lan-
guage, lying upon the deck beside the
chest, fast asleep. You may be sure I was
not a little surprised to find matters in this
state ; for although I did suspect, and had
great reason to suspect, that he intended
us mischief, yet I partly persuaded myself,
that after he had worn himself out with
cursings, and threatenings of slaughter
and vengeance, he would have become
quiet, and forgotten us ; but I now saw it
to be otherwise : for here was a tolerably
clear proof that he intended to carry his
threats into execution against us when
asleep ; " but he that was for us, was
stronger than all that were against us."
Blessed be God, who delivered us from
this " bloody and deceitful man." I
thought it would be the best way to make
no noise about it ; and therefore threw the
razor overboard, without even telling my
wife the circumstance at the time, and re-
turned again to my hammock, until gun-
fire. But, as a proof that my suspicions
were well-founded, I must notice, that this
razor never was inquired after. Had it
belonged to any other of the men, there is
little doubt but that they would have made
a noise about it : and I would farther re-
mark, that this man's conduct towards us
was henceforth very different from what
it had formerly been, being much more
friendly during the time we remained in
the ship.
May 19- My mind was this day some-
what relieved, by the arrival of the China
and Bengal fleets, as my hopes were excit-
ed that W 7 e would soon get out of the sight
of these dreary rocks, which we had been
looking upon, with sorrowful eyes, for these
five weeks ; but, to my sore mortification,
I was again disappointed; for one of the
frigates had suffered shipwreck the night
before, by running against an India-
man. The way it took place was this :
The signal was given for the fleet to change
their course ; but the officer of the watch
belonging to the merchant ship had either
not been paying proper attention, or the
hands had not been active enough in wear-
ing their vessel round, and she still being
upon her old tack, and the man of war up-
on the new direction, they ran foul of each
other. The frigate had her boltsprit,
main-top, and top-gallant mast, fore-top, and
top-gallant mast, carried away, and sprung
her mizzen, so that she was altogether unma-
nageable ; she had consequently to be tow-
ad into St. Helena by thirty of the boats
belonging to the fleet, with her yards,
sails, and masts, all hanging overboard j
and was really in the worst state ever I
had seen a ship before. This was a bad
concern both for them and us at the time ;
for we were anxious to get away, and they
no doubt were very sorry for the damage
they had received ; but, upon account of
this, we were all ordered to remain un-
til she was refitted, which was in about a
May 27- One of the men belonging to
the 30th regiment died, and the last words
I heard him utter, were a very common,
but very dreadful imprecation ; yet some
of the survivors are saying, that it is well
for him that he is gone, as if a person had
no farther account to give ; not consider-
ing that after death there is a judgment.
Oh ! what a vast difference there is be.
tween the death of the wicked, and that
of the righteous; for "the wicked are dri-
ven away in their wickedness, but the righte-
ous have hope in their death," It is truly
lamentable to see men so hardened ; no-
thing, it would seem, will be a warning to
them ; for, although this is the Lord's day,
and one of their comrades is lying before
them lifeless, yet are they playing at
cards, whistling and singing, cursing and
swearing alternately* O Lord, make me
thankful for thy grace, make me thankful
that thou hast not left me to the full force
of my corruptions, to be carried away with
them as with a flood ; for what was I bet-
ter than they ? therefore I have nothing to
glory of, because I have nothing but
what I have received. " Not unto us, O
Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name be
the glory, for thy mercy and for thy truth's
June 2. This is a happy day for some of
us,forwe are nowmovingtowards home,and
looking forward to see old Scotland once
more. Thesefeelings, together with thebeau-
tiful prospect of the fleet, consisting of fifty-
one large ships, have an exhilarating effect
upon the spirits. We had a seijeant of our
regiment sent to the bottom this day in the
usual form : which is, to sew up the person
in his hammock, and to put a large shot
or two at the feet to make him sink,
When the corpse is prepared, it is carried
upon deck, laid upon a grating, and cover-
ed with the union jack flag, and, after
prayers are read over it in the English
form, it is committed to the waves. It does
not always sink immediately, for I have
seen a dead body thrown over, in this way,
move up and down like a bottle cast into
a tub, as long as it was within our view,
even when we were sailing at a very slow
June 1 2. We crossed the equinoctial line
this day. It is rather singular (as I found
by my journal) that we crossed it on that
very day seven years, on my voyage to In-
dia. If it please God, I hope I shall never
cross it again.
It is now nineteen weeks since we left
Madras. This Sabbath, as usual, is dread-
fully profaned. I have been trying to
read a little, to comfort myself, but I find
it to be impossible, because of the wicked-
N 2
ness by which I am surrounded ; but lest
I should become grievous to the reader by
repeating the same things so often, I will,
from this time, leave off any farther repre-
sentations of this kind; and the reader may
perhaps, from what I have already stated
since I came on board of this ship, say, that
I have been exhibiting an unfair and a too
melancholy picture of man's depravity, and
be apt also to say, or at least think, that
if 1 were possessed of that Christian cha-
rity which thinketh no evil, I would
hardly have said so much ; and conclude,
that I am some peevish, melancholy, un-
charitable man ; but judge not without
proper evidence, " lest ye also be judg-
ed j" and take care that in judging me
them dost not " condemn thyself/' Would
to God I had not been able to say so
much ; had there been but one A. Chevis
in the ship, how would it have cheered my
spirits and repressed my complaints! for we
could have borne one another's burdens;
and it would have been far, very far,
from me to have hid this " excellent one"
from your view ; but I have searched here
with as anxious care to find a good man,
as ever Solomon did to find a good wo-
man, and unless I should be guilty of a
lie, must declare, that I have not seen
an individual amongst all those with
whom I dwell, who does not habitually
take the name of God in vain ; and cer-
tainly you will not call these good men ;
for this is none of the spots of God's
children, whatever " iniquities may pre-
vail against them/' I have informed the
reader also that I had not the advantage of
my wife's company, as she was always engag-
ed in the cabin with her mistress. If he
will then take all these circumstances into
account, and attentively weigh them with an
unprejudiced mind, I have no doubt but
that he will be more disposed to pity than
condemn me, seeing that I was doomed to
six months of this dreadful society, which
was worse to me than all my other hard-
N 3
July 18. We have been becalmed for
this fortnight past, and attended by a shark
nearly all that time. It is rather singular,
that I have always observed, both in my
voyage to and from India, that we had al-
ways a death when this happened. I can
give no rational account of this phenome-
non, unless it be that the acute smell of
this animal enables him to find out when
there is sickness in a ship, and induces
him to follow it in the hope of prey, when
a body is thrown overboard. We have
had a corpse thrown over this day, and will
therefore soon be clear of our visitor. It
is surprising that the shark can do such
execution, if we consider the slenderness
of his teeth, which resemble that of a saw,
or rather a trap for catching rats ; and they
are generally provided with a double row
of these, solid all round the jaw ; but I
have seen them nearly as thin as the main
spring of a watch ; yet he can cut through
even bones with the utmost ease.
I shall give you an instance in proof of
this assertion, which is the following:
The soldiers in India generally keep boys
to carry their victuals, when on guard, or
wash a pair of trowsers, or a shirt for them,
if they run short before the washerman
comes with their clothes : and when we
lay in Madras, (where by the bye we could
get young sharks to buy in the bazaar, as we
do speldings in this country, at a halfpenny
each,) one of these boys, after having
washed his master's clothes, went in-
to the sea to bathe, while they were dry-
ing ; and, being a good swimmer, he ven-
tured beyond the surf, when a shark per-
ceiving him, whipt off his leg, in half the
time one of our anatomists would have
done it with his saw. But this is not the
most affecting part of the story; for al-
though the poor little fellow had lost his
leg, and with great difficulty reached the
shore, leaving the water, as he came along,
tinged with blood, he, in his dying mo-
ments, told his comrades who were upon
N 4
the beach with him, where his master's
clothes were lying, and desired that they
would take them safe to the barracks :
medical assistance was immediately called,
but before the surgeon could reach the
place, his spirit was fled. It is remarkable
that these fish, when they are in pursuit
of their prey, admit their young, in the
same manner as some species of the ser-
pent do, into a cavity of their belly, which
God, in his wonder-working providence,
has provided for their reception. In proof
hereof, when we were going to India, one
of the sailors, having out his shark line at
the stern of the vessel, which is generally
done when they observe this fish follow-
ing, he hooked a very large one, and haul-
ed it into the ship, by a tackle from the
end of the main-yard ; and after having the
fish fairly on board, one of the sailors took
a large hatchet, with which he cut off its
head; and to the no small alarm of the
bare-footed soldiers, who made the best
of their way off in all directions, out sprung
no less than eleven young sharks, tumb-
ling and gaping about the deck, to the
great danger of all feet and toes within
their reach. Some of these young ones
were three feet long. The sailors very
frequently eat this fish, on account of its
being fresh ; and this one was accordingly
cut into junks, (as they call it,) and divid-
ed among the crew. I tasted, through
curiosity, a little bit of it, which had a
very strong disagreeable flavour ; but the
very idea of them devouring human flesh,
is enough to make one shudder, although
their taste should excel that of the fin-
est turtle. I would further observe, that
the shark does not give his teeth much
trouble in chewing his food, for we took
another the same day, which had a six
pound piece of beef in his belly, not the
least macerated; and the tally* of the
* The tally is a piece of wood, with the number of
the mess to which it belongs marked upon it. These
are used on board a ship, to distinguish between the
pieces of meat, for without something of this kind,
it would be impossible for one mess to know its own,
mess to which the beef belonged, still tied
to it with a string.
July 24<. We saw one of the Western
Islands upon our starboard bowwe saw
also two strange sail, supposed to be Ame-
rican privateers ; our frigates and gun
brigs went in chace immediately, but they
have not returned to the fleet as yet. We
have a very stiff breeze, and a heavy sea,
and have shipped a wave just now which
has swept some of the men oft* the hatch-
July 29. We have had a heavy gale
these three days and nights, but the worst
of it is, the wind is almost right a-head ;
and we consequently have made very little
way. The children have been in their
hammock all that time without light, ex-
cept when the men occasionally lighted a
bit of fat pork (as I said they sometimes
did) to eat their victuals ; and when I took
them upon deck they were like new
started hares, and jumped and ran about
until I was obliged to restrain them from
fear of their driving themselves against
the sides of the ship.
Aug. 4. A large boat is come along
side of us from Torbay upon chance, to
take away certain goods from the pas-
sengers. I spoke to one of the boatmen,
who told me that we are about thirty miles
from land, and two of the sailors have
been sent to the mast head to look out
for it; we have also received our pilot, and
are running about nine knots an hour.
Truly this is delightful ; and I trust, that
he who has preserved us hitherto, will bring
us in " safety into the desired haven."
Aug. 11. We have had considerable
difficulty in getting up the river, on ac-
count of the wind being contrary ; but we
are now safe moored, and they are begin-
ning to take out the guns to lighten her,
that they may be able to get her up to
Blackwall. There is an order just come
for us to go ashore to-morrow. Joyful
news, to think of getting out of this miser-
ably wicked place ! how it enlivens my
spirits besides to view the fields of corn, and
the cattle feeding by the sides of the river,
particularly when it is, I may say, my na-
tive country ! O, what time brings about ;
for I have often almost despaired of ever
seeing it ; and, although I am now a poor
feeble creature, hardly able to crawl, yet
as Solomon says, " while we are joined to
all the living there is hope j for a living
dog is better than a dead lion ;" and I
bless God, that I am " the living, the living
to praise him/ 5 while hundreds of my com-
rades are rotting upon a foreign shore.
Aug. 12. We got all safe ashore at
Chelsea, which place was completely
crowded with invalids from the Continent,
besides those from India; they were in
all about four thousand. The Tower and
Chelsea being full, some hundreds were
billetted in the country. This promised
very badly with regard to pension, and
upon the 14th of September, 1814, the
day on which I passed, there were several
hundreds who did not get a penny. I,
however, received ninepence, which, af-
ter all, was but a small recompense for
all my hardships, and their bad effects up-
on my constitution, and a service of four-
teen years in the 26th, and Royals toge-
ther ; but had it not been that I was so
long Serjeant and Fife-Major of the latter
regiment, I would not have received more
than sixpence. I desire to be thankful,
however, for this allowance; although it be
small, it is always something to look to.
I SHALL not trouble the reader with a par-
ticular account of the various occurrences
that came under my notice while we lay
at Chelsea, which was about five weeks :
such as, the great difficulty we had in ob-
taining a lodging; the many wonderful
things to be seen about London ; the be-
haviour of the invalids ; to what regiments
they belonged, &c. But there is one thing
which I think it would certainly be wrong
to omit, because it is illustrative of the
loving-kindness of the Lord, whose glory
we ought to have in view in all that we do.
While I was in this place I found one
of my brothers working at Vauxhall bridge,
who was one of Mr. Fletcher of the Seces-
sion's hearers. My wife and I, therefore,
upon the first sabbath after we went ashore,
accompanied him to Miles's Lane Chapel,
and heard a Mr. M'Donald, I think, who
was officiating in the absence of Mr. F. at
this time in Scotland. Upon entering the
meeting house, a mixture of unutterable
reverence and joy thrilled through my soul,
while Ithought of the solemnity of the place,
and looked back on the long dreary period
during which I had been deprived of an op-
portunity of " assembling with the people
of God in his house of prayer." But how
was I struck with adoring wonder, when
the preacher gave out the 63d psalm,
" Lord, thee my God, I'll early seek:
My soul doth thirst for thee/' &c.
which he prefaced in a very pathetic man-
ner ; and during the whole of the explana-
tion, set forth the Psalmist's condition, so
exactly applicable to the feelings and cir-
cumstances of my past life, particularly in
India and in my voyage home; and the next
psalm which he gave out was the 122d,
" I joyed when to the house of God,
Go up, they said to me," &c.
which was equally applicable to my now
happy situation. I found it too much for
my feelings, for I thought my heart would
have burst with alternate joy and sorrow.
Joy, when I saw in this the answer of
many a longing desire, " and my prayers
returned into mine own bosom ;" and
sorrow, because of the many unbeliev-
ing and ungrateful thoughts I had for-
merly entertained, that " I should never
again see the Lord, even the Lord, in the
land of the living," until a flood of con-
cealed tears gave me some relief; and a
sweet believing tranquillity took the place
of these conflicting passions. The whole
of the services of the day corresponded
with its commencement, and all had a
tendency to refresh and satisfy my thirsty
soul, more than the vernal showers of
the east could cheer and invigorate the
face of languishing nature ; and I do trust
they " did not return to the Lord void,
but prospered in that thing whereunto
they were sent." Surely the Psalmist's
choice of spending his time was mine, for I
certainly esteemed " this day better than a
thousand," and found these comforts sweet-
er to my soul than honey to my mouth.
Surely on this happy day, if ever in my
life, I found out in a great measure the
truth and emphasis of these gracious
words: Blessed are they which do hun-
ger and thirst after righteousness, for they
shall be filled." But, I trust, my dear
reader, you will excuse me, when I tell you
that I am unable to describe my emo-
tions at this time. However, if you are
one of those persons spoken of by the
apostle, who " have their senses exercis-
ed to discern both good and evil/' you
can better enter into my state than I am
able to inform you ; although you cannot
be expected to feel to the same degree as
I have felt, unless you had suffered, to the
same extent, as I have suffered. But if
you are really one " of Christ's scholars,
and taught by his Holy Spirit, that Spirit
dwells in you," and " he will teach you in
some measure his own language/' and you
will know something of what is meant by
" the soul being satisfied with marrow and
fatness," of the Lord lifting upon his people
" the light of his countenance/' of causing
his face to shine upon them ;" and of " his
loving kindness being better than life. 5 '
You will know something of " the joy of
the Lord," the " joy of God's salvation,"
and " the joy of the Holy Ghost," " of
being filled with all joy and peace in be-
lieving j" &c. but if these, and the like
passages, be to you an unknown tongue,
or a language which you do not under-
stand, I am afraid that you have the al-
phabet of Christianity to learn yet, and
" have need that one teach you over again,
which be the first principles of the ora-
cles of God ; and are indeed among such as
have need of milk, and not of strong meat. 3 '
All that I shall say more upon this subject
is, that I found this place to be a Be-
thel, for surely the Lord was there, for it
was to me none other than the house of
God, surely it was to me the very gate of
heaven. O taste, and ye shall find also that
the Lord is good ; and that the man is tru-
ly blessed which trusteth in him.
You may be sure we did not remain
long in Chelsea, after I passed the board;
for I went immediately to Millar's whar
and found there a vessel bound for Leith.
I therefore took our passage in the steer-
age ; but I had cause afterwards to re-
pent that I did not take a cabin passage,
for the steerage was so completely stow-
ed with baggage, that all the passen-
gers were obliged to lie upon deck the
whole way ; this was a mischievous bath,
for us particularly, who had just come from
India, considering that it was in the month
of September.
On landing at Leith we put our bag-
gage into a cart, and went off to Penny-
cuick immediately, where we were joy-
fully received ; we remained there with
our friends a few days, after having
been nearly eleven years absent, and hav-
ing only seen them once during that peri-
od, when I visited them, on furlough, from
After we had recruited ourselves, we
were anxious to get the children set-
tled before I thought of settling my.
self; and we accordingly went \vith
them to Edinburgh, and took tickets
on the outside of the Glasgow coach.
When we arrived at that place, we im-
mediately went to Anderston, and found
out the dwelling of William Steven-
son, the grandfather, on the mother's side,
of Serjeant Lee's child. The old folks re-
ceived us with great expressions of grati-
tude, on account of what we had done for
the poor, destitute orphans of their de-
ceased daughter. The neighbours also
came flocking in, to behold the children
who were born in such a far distant land ;
and expressed their astonishment at the
way which the providence of God had ta-
ken to bring them home, considering that
we were in no wise related to any of them.
They wrote off to Serjeant Fleming's fa-
ther, who lived at Kilmarnock, and he no
sooner received the intelligence, than he
came off to Anderston, accompanied by
one of his sons, and when we were all as-
sembled, we spent a very happy day to-
After remaining some time in their
company, giving and receiving informa-
tion, we bethought ourselves of return-
ing home. So Mr. Fleming took the
child of his deceased son, and the little
girl of the deceased Serjeant Lee remain-
ed in Anderston : but Mr. Stevenson, and
his wife being old, and apparently very
infirm, we told them, that if it was the will
of God to remove either of them by death,
and in consequence thereof the child
should become burdensome to the survivor,
or might herself be neglected, that we
would still consider ourselves as parents
to the child, and do for her in every res-
pect as if she were our own ; and request-
ed them, moreover, to be sure to keep up
a correspondence with us by letters.
It was not many months after this
when I received the news of the old
man's death. According to promise, I
therefore went from Peebles to Anderston,
to bring home the little girl, who still re-
collected me, calling me daddy when ever
I entered the house, and attempted to wash
my feet, which were very sore by march-
ing a good way that morning. I stopped
a day to rest myself, and during that time
she would not allow me to be out of her
sight, neither could any of her uncles or
aunts induce her to go with them anywhere
unless I desired her. I thought it would
be my best plan, both for expedition and
on account of the child, to take a ticket
in the coach : so I acted accordingly.
When we reached Edinburgh, I went to a
house, head of the Candlemaker Row, and
found there a return-chaise for Peebles, at
which I was very happy, and we set off as
soon as the driver was ready, as I was
anxious to get home. We arrived safe at
Peebles about eleven o'clock at night ;
but, when I knocked at the door, which
my wife had just shut, preparing for bed,
she could hardly believe that I could have
so soon returned. But, when she saw her
poor little dear, as she called her, she took
her in her arms, and embraced her with all
the symptoms of an affectionate mother
who had been robbed of her innocent, that
was now again restored to her arms, her
bosom, and her affections.
Now, my dear reader, this is what be-
came of the orphans, and who knows but
God, whose " way is in the sea, and whose
path is in the great waters ;" may intend
this poor little Indian orphan to sooth our
dying bed, and to be our greatest earthly
friend, when a true friend is valuable.
While we were in Peebles, I tried my old
occupation of working at the loom ; but I
was compelled to leave it off, as this em-
ployment would not agree with my consti-
tution, being much afflicted with a pain
in the breast, and a giddiness in my head j
which were truly distressing.
We had not lived long in Peebles after
the child came to us, when I received a let-
ter directed, Serjeant B , Peebles, late
of the Royal Scots. When I looked at the
back of the letter, I could not understand
who was the writer, yet I thought the hand
familiar ; but when I opened it, to my
great astonishment I found it to be from
Colonel Stewart, saying that he had just
learned that I was returned from India in
a very bad state of health, which he was
veiy sorry for ; and said, moreover, that if
he could be of any service in procuring
any situation suitable for me, he would be
happy to do it, and likewise expressed
a desire to see me. I accordingly went to
his country seat near Stirling, where he
had just gone; and, after many kind in-
quiries upon both sides, he asked me if I
could point out any thing that he or his
interest could do for me. I expressed my
gratitude in the best way I could for his
kind offer, but told him that I could think
of nothing but a drum-major's situation in
alocal militia corps, though at the same time
I said, that I was afraid that it would be
difficult to be obtained; but it did not
appear so to him, and he hoped that he
would soon be able to procure it. He
desired me to remain all night, and gave
his servants particular charge to pay all
possible attention to my comfort.
I had not returned to Peebles above
three weeks, when I received a letter from
this kind friend, informing me that he had
obtained a situation for me in the Green-
ock Local Militia ; and I accordingly went
and took the charge of that corps the fol-
lowing week : but there is nothing in this
world to be depended on; for I had not
enjoyed my new situation, in which I re-
ceived half-a-guinea weekly, above six
months, when an order came for the staffs
of these regiments to be broke. But Colo-
uel Stewart again voluntarily befriended
me, for he recommended me, previous to
this taking place, to the notice of his bro-
ther, at this time bailie of Greenock, who
fell upon a plan for assisting me. The
gentlemen of Greenock had often express-
ed a wish for a billiard-table, that they
might amuse themselves at a vacant hour ;
and Mr. Stewart having a room suitable
for the purpose, agreed to fit it up as a
billiard-room, if I would take the situation
of marker to the billiard-table. I told him
I would be very happy to do it, but that
it was an affair with which I was entirely
unacquainted ; but he said that it was very
easily learned, and that I would soon be
master of the business. I accordingly
took the charge of this room ; for which I
received a very equitable reward.
I had not been long in my new situa-
tion, when I understood my duty pretty
well ; and observing that I would have
much spare time, I wished to turn it to
some good account. I therefore made in-
quiry at a very intelligent acquaintance, if
he could inform me where 1 could get a
book that contained portions of Scripture,
arranged under different heads, as I wish-
ed to write them out, and thereby get
better acquainted with the contents of my
Bible : and by this employment might at
once be both amused and instructed. So he
recommended Dr. Chalmers's " Scripture
References," telling me, that it was the
very kind of book I was seeking. I went
and procured it immediately; and I did
not let much time pass, until I com-
menced writing out, in full, the passages
referred to by the Doctor; but when I
came to that head, " Duties under Afflic-
tion," how agreeably was I surprised,
when I found, under it, that blessed pas-
sage which gave me so much relief and
comfort in the Prince of Wales' Island,
" Call upon me in the day of trouble ; I
\vill deliver thee : and thou shalt glorify
The reader may be rather surprised that
I never before this hour had seen these
precious words, and maybe apt to draw, not
unfairly, this conclusion, that "if Ihad read
my Bible much, I certainly would have seen
this delightful promise before now." I do
freely acknowledge that I have not read
my Bible with that attention and frequen-
cy I might have done, and ought to have
done, though I have, upon the whole, endea-
voured to make myself acquainted with it
by frequent reading; but, by not going re-
gularly through it, I had never happened
to meet with the above passage, although
it \vas now fully ten years since it was a
mean, in the hand of the spirit which dic-
tated it, of " turning for me my mourning
into dancing, and girding me with glad-
ness.'"' After I was finished, therefore, with
the scripture references, and not being yet
tired with this pleasant labour, I added
other three parts to my intended Pocket
Companion, viz. a Selection of Passages
from Mr. Henry's Method for Prayer ;
an Explanation of the Principal Religi-
ous Terms from Mr. Brown's Dictionary
of the Bible ; and Extracts from Mr.
M'Ewan's Essays. When these four parts
were finished, 1 had the whole bound
together into a pretty sizeable volume, the
substance of which I intended to commit
to memory. But I had not finished this
work many days, when Mr. W , our
minister, came to see us, as he frequently
did, and asked me what 1 had been doing
this long time, that I had never given him
a call. I told him how r I had been employ-
ed. He expressed a desire to see what I
had been writing, and I showed him the
book. After he had examined it a little,
he asked me if I would allow him to peruse
it for a few days ? I said, he was perfectly
welcome to do that. When he had done
so, he came back to our house with the
book, and expressed his satisfaction with
regard to the usefulness and conciseness of
o 3
the compilation ; and told me that it was
an excellent work, (if I could think of
publishing it,) for the instruction of ser-
vants, seamen, and even the greater part
of the labouring classes, who had little time
to peruse, or money to purchase books,
where those useful subjects were set forth
more at large, and above all, that it might
be unspeakably useful to assist or to pre-
pare people who were lately, or about to
be married, in their family devotions and
instructions. I at first could upon no ac-
count think of consenting to his request;
but I told him that I would consider about
it a few days. He returned in a short
time afterwards to know my determination.
I said that I would be very happy to pub-
lish the book, if I really thought it would
be useful to my fellow men, particularly
as I had as much money by me as would
pay for printing a few hundred copies; but
I said also, that I was ashamed of my name
being affixed to a printed book, even
though it was a compilation. This objec-
tion, however, he obviated, by stating,
that it might be published without a
name ; and, in short, having brought mat-
ters thus far, he went and made a bargain
with a printer ; and after the impression
was thrown off; he recommended it very
warmly from the pulpit, and not only he,
but two other clergymen, also recommended
it in strong language, particularly toservants
and seamen. In consequence of all this*
I either sold or gave away the whole im-
pression in little more than a twelvemonth.
We remained in Greenock until the
year 1820, at which time both duty and
inclination seemed to call us to Edin-
burgh, on account of my old parents, who
resided there, and were, at this period, in
a very poor state of health; that we might
try if we could do any thing for the com.
fort of them who could now scarcely do
any thing for themselves ; while their other
children were unable to afford them much
relief, on account of their numerous fami-
lies. Another weighty motive for my re-
moval was, that I would there have an op-
portunity of consulting a very able physi-
cian, with whom I was well acquainted, as
he had been assistant surgeon* in our re-
giment all the time I was in India, whom I
knew to understand perfectly my consti-
tution, and the many and severe attacks
it had sustained, from different dis~
orders, while in that country, which had
rendered a once healthy bodily frame, now
almost totally useless; for I had enjoyed a
very indifferent state of health ever since
my sore illness in Trichinopoly. The per-
son to whom I allude was Dr. B , a
gentleman whose indefatigable and suc-
cessful labours, in ascertaining the nature
and cure of the diseases of hot climates,
the benefit of the men under his charge,
are well known to every man in the regi-
* This medical officer left our regiment, being pro-
moted to the rank of head surgeon to his majesty's
33d regiment; and, at this time, was practising for
himself in Edinburgh.
I therefore left Greenock at the Whit-
sunday term, and finding myself still in the
same delicate state, I went to Dr. B ,
who received me with great expressions of
kindness. He inquired very particularly
into every circumstance with regard to my
health since I left India; which gave me
an opportunity of relating the various
modes of treatment which had been pre-
scribed to me by different medical men to
wht>m I had applied without finding any
permanent benefit After having satisfied
all his inquiries as well as I could, he said
that he was afraid that their mode of treat-
ment was calculated rather to do harm
than good, but^that he would call at my
lodgings in a day or two. He accordingly
came most punctually ; and, after having
made all due inquiry for ascertaining the
true nature of my complaint, he told me
that my liver was in a very bad state, and
that he w r ould strongly recommend me to
submit to a course of mercury, &c. With
this proposal I readily complied ; and,
having undergone thai course of treatment
which his superior skill thought proper to
administer, I derived unspeakable benefit
from it. A short time after I was able to
go abroad with safety, I went to his house,
at his desire, and called upon him, to let
him know how well I was coming on.
I was also, no doubt, anxious by this time
to know the amount of his bill, which, I
thought must be considerable, when I
took into the account his own personal at-
tendance, for about nine weeks ; but how
was my astonishment excited, when he
told me that, as I was an old fellow-travel-
ler, and brother soldier, the amount of my
bill was nothing ; but that I was perfectly
welcome to all that he had done for me ;
and, moreover, that he would be very
happy to serve me, or my family, at any
time when medical attendance was neces-
I confess I am unable, my dear reader,
to express, in words/a proper sense of
this gentleman's kindness ; I therefore
think it the best way of manifesting my
gratitude, by being silent, and desiring
that the generous reader would place him-
self, as it were, in my situation, and try
what he would think or feel upon such an
occasion : but this I will say, that 1 have,
since the time referred to, enjoyed a bet-
ter state of health than ever I have had
these nine years past, and I trust I will
carry the grateful remembrance of Dr. B/s
beneficial benevolence to my last hour.
There is just one other circumstance
that I will mention, as it is rather singu-
lar, and then come to a conclusion. After
I settled in Edinburgh, there was a meet-
ing of our family, consisting of eight chil-
dren, all being present on this occasion
but one, who was a mason in England.
Now it is somewhat remarkable, that of
these now present, four had been but a
little time before scattered very widely all
over the world. My oldest brother at
that time belonged to the artillery, and
was in America; I myself, who am next
in the order of time, was in India ; the
third was in Spain with the 91th, having
been engaged in all the actions to which
that gallant regiment was called ; the last
and youngest of the four, was in Ireland,
with the Renfrewshire militia ; yet, by the
kind providence of God, our aged parents
saw us now all under one roof; all out of
the army, each rewarded according to his
various services, and all settled in a way
of doing, in or near Edinburgh, each of
us according to our ability at this time
engaging to add to their future comfort,
which you cannot doubt made them a
happy couple, and you need not wonder
at them adopting language similar to that
of the ancient and venerable Patriarch,
when his son Joseph was restored to his
embraces in safety, after he had long lost
all hope of his being in life : " Now Lord
let us die in peace, since we have seen our
children's faces, and because that they are
yet alive."
My wife has still retained an excellent
state of health, notwithstanding all her
former hard marches, being blessed with
one of the best constitutions I have ever
known any woman possessed of; and the
poor little invalid that cost her so much
nursing, is also a very fine healthy child.
The other child, who went to Kil-
marnock, we have heard lately is also in
perfect good health. My wife's daughter,
who came to us in Greenock, is also quite
well, and still forms a part of our little fa-
mily. " Bless the Lord, O my soul, and
forget not all his benefits." And when I
consider all the way that the Lord our
God has led us, for so many years in the
wilderness, I am here disposed, with Jacob,
to set up my monument of gratitude
with this inscription
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