SCRIPTURE . REFERENCES; DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF SABBATH SCHOOLS AND PRIVATE CHRISTIANS. BY THOMAS CHALMERS, D.D. EIGHTEENTH EDITION. GLASGOW: PRINTED FOR WILLIAM COLLINS; OLIVER & BOYD, W. WHYTE & CO. AND W. OLtPHANT, EDINBURGH; W. F. WAKEMAN J AND \VM. CURRY, JUN. & CO. DUBLIN ; WHITTAKER, TREACHER, & ARNOTJ HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO, AND SIMPKIN & MARSHALL, LONDON. MDCCCXXXIII. ADVERTISEMENT. THE following Collection of SCRIPTURE REFERENCE* may be useful to private Christians ; but its chief design is to assist Parents and Teachers in the important work of instructing and examining the young. A few verses to be committed to memory, may be prescribed to each learner, as a weekly exer- cise. Suppose that a parent were to take the charge of twelve learners, a number which he might easily collect, by taking the children of some neighbour, along with the children and domestics of his own family, six verses given to each would exhaust the first subject taken up in these References, and enable him to exhibit, at one view, the chief passages of God's Word, which treated of the importance and utility of Revelation. By following the order of the References from week to week, he carries on a con- nected series of Scriptural examination. In this way topics will be suggested, on which a teacher of piety and feeling may expatiate with effect A bare repe- tition of verses from the Bible will, it is hoped, not be without its efficacy; and, in many cases, the teacher will have the talent of taking up the topics of examination, and urging them on the attention and consciences of his pupils. Without superseding the other exercises of a Religious School, it is conceived that the exercises now suggested may form a very useful and interesting addition to them. An Edition of the Scripture References is published, with the Passages printed in fully for the use of Parents and Teachers when hearing the Lessons of their Children or Scholars. 3s. bds. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES. 1. Scriptures. PSALM xix 7 8 10 11, cxix 9 98 99 103 105 114 130. Prov. xiii 13, xxx 5 6. Isaiah viif 20, Iv 10 11, Ixvi 2 5. Micah ii 7. Mark xii 24> xiii 31. Luke viii 11, xxiv 25 27 44 45. John v 39, xii 48, xvii820. Acts xvii 2 11, xviii 11 24, xxiv 14. Rom. Hi 1 2, x 17, xv 4. 1st Cor. x 1 1. Ephes. vi 17. Col. iii 16. 1st Thess. ii 13. 2d Thess. ii 15. 1st Tim. vi 3 4 5. 2d Tim. i 13, ii 15, iii 15 16 17. Heb. iv 12, v 13. James i 18 21. 1st Peter i 23 25, ii 2. 2d Peter iii 1 2 15 16. 1st John v 10 11. Jude 3 17. Rev. i 3, xxii 18 19. 2. God is One. Exod. xx 3. Deut. iv 35 39, vi 4* xxxii 39. Isaiah xxxvii 16, xliii lOt, xliv 6 8. John xvii 3. 1st Cor. viii 4 6. Ephes. iv 6. 1st Tim. ii 5. 3. God is a Spirit, and Invisible. , Exod. xxxiii 20. John i 18, iv 24, v 37, vi 46. Col. i 15. 1st Tim. i 17, vi 16. "4, -God is All-powerful. Gen. xvii '1, xviii 14. Deut. ni 4, xxxii 39. 1st Sam. xiv a 6 Job xtii 2. Psalm Ixxxix 8 13. Isaiah xj.v .24 &A, xl 138. D&H. iii c 17. Mark x 2V. Horn, i 20. Ephes/ iii 20 21. Rev. xix . 5. God knoweth all Things, and is every where Present. 1st Kings viii 39. Job xxviii 10 24, xxxiv 21 22. Psalm xliv 21, xciv 911, cxxxix 347. Prov. xv 3 1 1. Jer. xxiii 24. . Matth. vi 4 6 8. Acts xv 8 18. Heb. iv 13. 6. God is Wise. Job ix 4. Psalm civ 24, cxlvii 5. Isaiah xxviii 29, Jer. x 12. Rom. xi 33, xvi 27, Ephes. iii 10. Jude 25. 7. God is Holy. xjv. xi 44 45, xix 2. Josh, xxiv 19. 1st Sam. ii 2, vi 20, Isaiah vi 3. John xvii 11. Rev. iv 8. God is Just. Gen. xviii 25. Deut. xxxii 4. Job xxxiv 1217. Psalm Ixxxix 14. Isaiah xlv 21. Jer. ix 24. Zeph. iii 5. Acts xvii 31. Heb. vi 10. 1st John i 9. Rev. xv 3, xix 2. 9. God is Good and Merciful. Exod. xxxiv 6. Deut. to 31. 1st Chron. xvi 34. 2d Chron. xxx 9. Neh, ix 17 31. Psalm Ixxxvi 5 15, ciii 8 1 1 13 17, ex) r 8 9. Jer. iii 12. Lam. iii 22. Dan. ix 9. k>el ii 13. Jonah iv 2. Micah vii 1ft. 2d Cor. i 3. Ephes. ii 4 7, 2d Peter iii 9 15. 10. God is True and Faithful. Num. xxiii 19. Deut. vii 9. Josh, xxiii 14. 2d Sam. vii 28. Psalm Ixxxix 5 33, cxi 5 7 8, cxix 89 90, cxlvi 6. Lain, iii 23. 1st Cor. x 13. 1st Peter iv 19. 11. God is Unchangeable. Mai. iii 6. Heb. vi 17 18. James i 17. 12. God is Incomprehensible. Job v 9, ix 10, xi 7, xxxvi 26, xxxvii 5 23. Psalm Ixxvii 19, cxlv 3. Isaiah xl 28. Matth. xi 27. Rom. xi 33 34*. 13. God is Eternal. Deut. xxxiii 27. Psalm xc 2, cii 12 26 27, cxxxy 13. Isaiah Ivii 15. Jer. x 10. Rev. i 17. 14. God is the Creator and Governor of all Things. Gen. i 1. Neh. ix 6. Psalm xxxiii 6, cxxxv 6. cxlviii 5. Matth. x 29 30. 15. God disposeth of all Things at his Pleasure. 1st Chron. xxix 12. Job i 21, ix 12. Psalm Ixxv 7. Dan. iv 17. 16. Intimations respecting a Plurality of Persons in the Godhead. Gen. i 26, xi 6 7. 2d Sam. xxiii 2. Matth. iii 16. 8 Mark ii 7 8 9 10 II. Luke i 35. John i 1 2 10 14, ii 24 25, ix 38, x30, xii 44 45, xiv 26, xv 26, xri 13 14 15, xx 28. Acts v 3, vii 59, xx 28. Rom. ix 5. 1st Cor. ii 10 11, iii 16, vi 19, viii 6. 2d Cor. xiii 14. Philipp. ii 6. Col. i 19, ii 2 3 9. 1st Tim. i 1 2, iii 16. Titus ii 13. Heb. ix 14. 1st John v 20. Jude 25. Rev. i 8 11 13 17 18. 17. Man's First Estate, and Fall. Gen. i 26 27. Psalm viii 5. Eccles. vii 29. Rom. v 12 19. 2d Cor. xi 3. 18. Man, in his Fallen State, is Corrupt and Sinful. Gen. viii 21. Job xiv 4, xv 14 15 16. Psalm xiv 2 3, Ii 5, liii 2 3, Ixii 9. Prov. xx 9, xxi 2. Eccles. vii 20. Isaiah liii 6. Jer. x 23, xvii 9. John iii 6, vi 44 xv 5. Rom. iii 10 19 23, vi 6. vii 18, viii 7. 1st Cor. ii 14. Gal. v. 17. Ephes. iv 17 18 19 22. Col. i 21. Titus Ui 3. 1st Johikiii 8, v 19. 19. Man, in his Fallen State, is under the Dominion of a Wicked Spirit. Gen. iii 1. 1st Chron. xxi 1. Matth. xiii 38 39. Luke xi 21 22, xxii 3. John viii 44, xiii 2 27. Acts v 3. 1st Cor. vii 5. 2d Cor. ii 11, iv4. Ephes. ii 2. Col. i 13. 1st John iii 10. 20. Man, in his Fallen State, is Ignorant of God, and averse to Him and to his Ways. Job xxi 14 15, xxii 17. Psalm 1 21. Isaiah i a y Jer. iv 22, vi 10. John i 10 11, iii 19, vii 7, xir 17. 1st Cor. i 18 21. Ephes. v 8. 1st John iii 1. 21. The Guilt and Misery of Sin, 1st Sara, ii 25 30. Job xxi 30. Psalm xi 5 6, xxviii 5, xxxiv 16, 1 22. Prov. i 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31, xiv 12, xv 26. Isaiah xlviii 22. Ezek. xviii 4 20. Rom. i 18, Hi 16, v 12, vi 21 23, viii 6 13, ix 22. Gal iii 10 1 1, v 21. Ephes. ii 12, v 5 6. 2d Thess. ii 12. 22. Man cannot Save Himself. Job ix 2 3, xxxv 7. Psalm cxliii 2. Isaiah 1 11, Ixiv 6. Acts xiii 39. Rom. iii 20, iv 15, ix 31 32. Gal. ii 16 21, iii 21. Ephes. ii 89. Titus iii 5, 23. Salvation is from God only. Psalm Ixxix 9. Isaiah xxviii 16, xlii 567, xlv 22, lix 16. Hosea xiii 9. Luke i 68 78, ii 30 31 32. John iv 10, vi 38 39. Ephes. ii 4 5 6 7 8. Heb, vi 17 18. 1st Peter i 3. 1st John v 11. 24. Salvation is through Christ. Psalm Ixviii 18, Ixxx 17. Isaiah xi 10, xxxii 123, Ixi 123, Ixiii 1 2 3. Jer. xxiii 5 6. Zech. ix 9. Matth. i 21, xi 28. Luke xix 10. John i 29, iii 14 15 16 17, vi 51, x 9 11, xvii 4, xx 31. Acts iv 12, v 31, xiii 3839. Rom. iii 24 25, iv 25, vii 24 25. 1st Cor. iii 11. 2d Cor. v 18 19. Gal. i 3 4, iv 4 5. Ephes. ii 13 14. Col, i 19 20. 1st Thess. i 10. 1st Tim. i 15, ii 5. 2d Tim. i 10, ii 10. Heb. v 9. 1st John iv 9 14, v 12. Key. i 5 6. 10 25. Christ saves from the Punishment of Sin by the Atonement of his Sacrifice. Isaiah liii 4 5 6 10 11 12. Dan. ix 26. Mark x 45. John vi 51, xi 50, xv 13. Rom. viii 3. 1st Cor. v 7, xv 3. 2d Cor. v 21. Gal. ii 20, iii 13. Col. i 14. 1st Tim. ii 6. Heb. i 3, ii 9, vii 27, ix 12 14 24 28. 1st Peter i 19, ii 24* iii 18. 1st John ii 2, iv 10. Rev. v 9, xiii 8. 26. Christ furnishes Sinners with the Plea of his own Righteousness. Psalm Ixxi 16, Ixxxix 16. Isaiah xlv 24 26, liv 17. Jer. xxiii 6, xxxiii 16. Dan. ix 24. Rom. x 4. 1st Cor. i3031. Phil, iii 9. 27. Christ renews Sinners, and makes them Holy and Obedient. Ezek. xxxvi 26 27. Zech. xiii 1. John xiii 8. Rom. viii 1 29. 1st Cor. i 30, vi 11. Gal. iii 14. Ephes. v 26 27. Titus ii 14, iii 4 5 7. Heb. ii 11, ix 13 14> x 29, xiii 12. Col. i 22. 28. Men obtain the Benefits of the Gos- pel Salvation by Faith. Mark i 15, xvi 16. John i 12, iii 18 36, v 24> vi 40 47, xi 25 26, xx 29. Acts x 43, xiii 39, xvi 31. Rom. i 16, iii 22 28, iv 5, v 1 2, x 9 11. Gal. ii 16, iii 11 22 26. Ephes. ii 8. Heb. x 35 38 39, xi 6. 1st Peter i 5 9, ii 6. 1st John v 1 45. 11 29. The Objects of Faith. Job xix 25 26 27. Psalm xxvii 13. Dan. vi 23. Jonah iii 5. Matth. viii 8 9 10, ix 28 29, xv 28, xvi 16 17. Mark v 34, xi 22 23. Luke xxiv 25. John iii 33, vi 68 69, viii 56, ix 38, xi 27, xii 44, xvi 30, xvii 8 20, xx 31. Acts viii 37, xv 11, xx 21, xxvi 22 23. Rom. iv 18, vi 8, viii 24 25 3839. 2dCor. iv 13 14, v 1 6. Ephes. i 12 13, iii 12. 1st Tim. iv 10. Heb. iv 2, vi 18 19, xii 1 2. James i 6. 1st Peter i 3 8 21. 1st John ii 22, iii 2, iv 14 15 16. 30, The Spirit is given to them who Believe. Isaiah xliv 3 4. Ezek. xxxvi 27. Joel ii 28 29. Matth. iii 11. Luke ii 25 26, xi 13, xii 12, xvii 20 21. John iii 5 6, iv 10, vii 38 39, xiv 26, xvi 14. Acts i 4 5 8, ii 33 38 39, iv 31, v 32, vii 55, ix 17, x 41, xi 15, xv 8 9, xix 2 6. Horn, v 5, xv 13 16. 1st Cor. vi 11, xii 3 7. 2d Cor. i 22, iii 18. Gal. iii 14, iv 6. Ephes. i 13 14. 1st Thess. i 5 6. 2d Thess. ii 13. 2d Tim. i 14. Titus iii 5 6. Heb. ii 4. 2d Peter i 4. 1st John ii 27, iv 13, v 1. 31. The Fruits of Faith. Luke vii 38 42 43. Acts viii 39, xv 9. Rom. viii 25, xii 12, xv la 2d Cor. iv 13. Gal. v 6. 1st Thess. i 3. 2d Thess. iii 3. Heb. vi 18 19, xi 8 17 24. James ii 18 21 22. 1st Peter ii 7. 1st John iii 3. 32. The Fruits of the Spirit given to them who Believe. John iv 14> xvi 8. Acts vi 10. Rom. \-iii 9 15 Ifi* 1st Cor. ii 12. 2d Cor. iii 17. Gal. v 17 22 23. Ephes. iv 30, v 9. 2d Tim. i 7. 1st John iv 4. 33. The Danger of not Believing. . Gen. xix 14?. Exod. ix 20 21. Num. xiv 11 12. Deut. xxxii 20. 2d Kings vii 2 17. Psalm J-xxviii 21 22. Matth. xi 21 23, xiii 58, xiv 30 31. Mark xvi 14. Luke i 20. John viii 24, xii 48, xv 5 6, xvi 9. Acts xiii 41. Rom. xi 20, xiv 23. 2d Thess. ii 10 12. Heb. ii 3, iii 12 18 19, iv 6, x 38 39, xi 6, xii 25. James i 6 7. 1st Peter ii 7 8. 1st John v 10 12. Rev. xxi 8. 34. The Invitations to the Benefits of the Gospel are addressed to all. Isaiah xii 17 18, xiv 19 22. Ezek. xxxiii 1 1. Hosea xiii 9. Matth. v 6, vi 33, vii 7 8, ix 12 13, xi 28. Luke xix 10. John vii 37. 1st Tim. i 16, ii 4. James i 5 6. Rev. iii 20, xxi 6, xxii 17. 35. The Power and Excellence of the Saviour. Psalm Ixviii 18, Ixxii 8917, Ixxxix 25 27 29 36, ex 124, exviii 22. Isaiah ix 6 7, xi 1 2, xxii 22, xxviii 16, xlix 6 7, Iii 13 15. Micah v 2. Haggai ii 7. Zech. ix 9, xiii 7. Mai. iii 123. Matth. i 21 23, vii 29, ix 4 6, xi 27, xxi 9, xxviii 18. John i 3 9 27, v 23 26 27. Acts x 36. Rom. i 4, xiv 9. 1st Cor. xv 24 25. Ephes. i 20 21 22 23, iii 9 15. Phil, ii 11. Col. i 15 16 17 18 19, ii 9 10. Heb. i 3 8 10, iii 3 4, vii 26, xiii 8. 1st Peter i 19, ii 4 22, iii 21 22. 2d Peter i 16 17 Rev. i 5 G, v 12 13, xi 15. 13 36. The Relation between Christ and those who believe in Him. Psalm xxii 22. Isaiah viii 18. Hosea ii 14. John x 14, xiii 13, xiv 3, xv 9 10 12 14, xx 17. Rom. vii 4, xiv 7 8 9. 1st Cor. iii 22 23, xi 3. 2d Cor. v 14 15, xi 2. Ephes. i 22 23, iv 15 16, v 23 26 27. CoL U 19. Heb. ii 11 12, iii 6. 1st Peter i 7 8, ii 7. 37. On Repentance, from the Old Testa- ment. Deut. xxx 1238. 1st Sam. vii 3 4. 1st Kings viii 47 48, xxi 27 29. 2d Chron. xv 4, xxx 6 7 9, xxxiii 12. Psalm cxix 59. Isaiah i 16 17, xxxi 6 7, xliv 22, Iv 7, Iviii 567. Jer. iii 22, iv 1 4 14, vii 3, xxiv 7, xxxi 18, xxxvi 3 7. Lam. iii 40, v 21. Ezek. vi 9, xiv 6, xviii 21 23 30, xxxvi 31. Dan. iv 27. Hosea ii 7, vi 1, x 12, xiv 1 2. Joel ii 12 13. Jonah iii 5 8. Zech. xii 10. Mai. iii 7. 38. On Repentance, from the New Testa- ment. Matth. iii 2, iv 17, ix 13, xi 21, xii 41, xxi 31. Luke xiii 3, xv 7 10, xxiv 47. Acts ii 38, iii 19, v 31, viii 22, xi 18 21, xiv 15, xvii 30, xx 21, xxvi 20. Rom. ii 4, 2d Cor. vii 10. 1st Thess. i 9. 2d Tim. ii 25. Heb. iv 7. 1st Peter ii 25. 2d Peter iii 9. 39. Believers are upheld by the Power of Divine Grace in the Way of new Obedience. 1st Sam. ii 9. Psalm xxxvii 23 24> Ixxiii 24. Isaiah xiii 16. Luke ndi 31 32. John iv H vi 39, x 28. A3 14 Rom. viii 29 32 37, xiv 4 xvi 20. 1st Con i f *8 9, x 13. 2d Cor. i 21, xii 8 9. Phil, i 6, iv 13. 1st Thess. v 23 24. 2d Thess. iii 3. 2d Tim. i 12, iv 18. 1st Peter 15. 1st John iv 4-. 2dJohn2. Jude 24, 25. t 40. It is the Duty of Christians to de- vote themselves unto God. Num. xv 40. Psalm xciii 5. Prov. iii 6. Micah vi 8. Matth. vi 33. John xv 8. Acts x 35, xxiv 16. Rom. vi 13, vii 4, xii 1 2, xiv 7 8. 1st Cor. vi 19 20, x 31, xv 58. 2d Cor. v 9 17, vii 1. Ephes. i 4, iv 22 23 24, v 1. Phil, i 11. Col. i 10, iv 12. 1st Thess. ii 12, iv 1 3 7, v 23. 2d Tim. ii 22. Heb. xii 14. 1st Peter i 15, ii 9. 41. Our Duty to Obey God. Gen. xxii 1 2 3 17 18. Exod. xix 578, xx 6. Deut. v 27 29 31 32 33, vii 9, xxvi 16. Psalm cxix 4 6 32 97 127 167. Prov. iii 1, xxviii 9. Isaiah xlviii 18. Jer. vii 23, xi 3 4. Ezek. ii 7. Matth. vii 21 24, xii 50. Luke vi 46, xi 28. John viii 51, xiii 17, xiv 15 21 23, xv 10 14. Acts x 33. Rom. vii 12. 1st Cor. vii 19. Heb. v 9, xii 25. James i 21, iv 17. 1st John ii 3 4 5 17, iii 18 22, v 2 3. 2d John 6. Rev. xxii 14. 42. Our Duty to Love God. Exod. xx 6. Deut. vi 5, vii 9, x 12, xi 1 13 22, xii 3, xxx 6. Josh, xxiii 11. Matth. xxii 37. 1st Cor. viii 3. 2d Thess. iii 5. Heb, vi 10. 1st John iv 16 18> v 2. 15 43. Our Duty to long after God, and rejoice in Him. , Exod. xxxiii 15. 1st Sam. ii 1, vii 2. Job xxxiv 29. Psalm iv 6 7, ix 2, x 1, xiii 1, xvi 5 1 1, xxi 1, xxii 19, xxvii 1489, xxxii 7 11, xxxiii 20 21, xxxiv 2 8, xxxvi 7 9, xxxix 9, xlii 1 1, Ixiii 1 8, Ixxiii 25 26 28, Ixxxiv 2, Ixxxix 15 46, xciv 19, civ 34s cvii 9, cxvi 7, cxix 57 135, cxxx 6, cxlii 5. Isaiah xxvi 8 9, Ixi 10. Jer. ii 13, xiv 8 9. Lam. iii 24. Joel ii 21 23. Hab. iii 17 18. Rom. v 2 11, xv 13. Phil, iii 13, iv 4 7. 1st Peter i 8. 44. No trust to be put in any thing but God. Psalm xxxiii 16 17, xlix 679, Hi 7 8, Ix 11, cxlvi 3 4. Prov. xi 28, xxviii 26. Isaiah ii 22, xlvii 10. Jer. iii 23, xvii 5 6, xlviii 7. 2d Cor. i 9. 1st Tim. vi 17. 45. It is our Duty to trust in God. Num. xxiii 19. Josh, xxiii 14. 1st Sam. xiv 6, xxx 6. 2d Sam. xxii 3 31, xxiii 5. 2d Chron. xiii 18. Job xiii 15. Psalm ix 10, xviii 2 31, xr 7, xxii 4 5, xxviii 7, xxxi 119 24, xxxii 10, xxxvii 3 5 40, xl 4> Iii 8, Iv 22, Ivi 3 4 11, Ivii 1, Ixii 8, cxii 7, cxviii 8 9, cxxv 1. Prov. iii 5 6, xvi 3 9 20, xviii 10, xxix 25. Isaiah xii 2, xxvi 3 4, xxx 15, xliii 2, 1 10, Ivii 13. Jer. xvii 78, xxxix IS, xlix 11. Nahum i 7. Zeph. iii 12. Matth. vi 25 32. Luke i 45. John xiv 1. Rom. viii 31. 2d Cor. i 10. Ephes. iii 20. Phil, iv 6. 1st Tim. iv 10. Titus i 2. Heb. vi 17 18 19, xiii , 6 a James i 17. 1st Peter v 7. 16 46. None to be Feared but God. Gen. xv 1, xxvi 24. Exod. xx 20. Deut. vii 17 18.21, xxxi 6 a Psalm iii 6, xxiii 4, xxvu 1 $ xlvi 123, cxviii 6. Prov. iii 25 26, xxviii 1, xxix 25. Isaiah xxxv 4^ xli 14> xliv 2 8, li 7 12 13. Jer. i 8 17. Ezek. ii 6. Matth. x 26 28 31. Mark iv 40. Luke i 74> xii 32. John xiv 27. 1st Peter iii 14. 47. God is to be Feared and held in Reverence* Gen. xxii 12. Exod. i 17, xv 11. Deut. vi 13, x 17 20. Josh, iv 24, xxiv 14. 1st Sam. xii 24. Job i 1, xiii 11, xxiii ^15, xxviii 28. Psalm ii 11, v 7, xxv 12, xxix 9, xxxi 19, xxxiii 8 18, xxxiv 7 9 11, Ixxxvi 12, Ixxxix 7, xcv 6, xcvi 1 9, ciii 11 13 17, cxi5 10, cxiv7, cxlv 19, cxlvii 11. Prov. xiv 26 27, xv 16, xvi 6, xxiii 17. Eccles. iii 14 viii 12, xii 13. Isaiah viii 13. Jer. ii 19, x 7, xxxii 39 40. Hoseaiii5. Joel ii 11. Mai. i 6, iii 16 17, iv 2. Luke i 50. Acts ix 31, x 2 35. Heb. x 31. 1st Peter i 17. Rev. xv 3 4. 48. On the Praise of God. Psalm xxii 3, Ixvii 3y Ixix 34, cxix 164. Isaiah xxxviii 19. Acts ii 47, xvi 25. 49. Our obligation to Pray. 2d Chron. vii 14. Psalm cv 4*. Matth. vii 7. Luke xviii 1. Phil, iv 6. Col. iv 2. 1st Peter i 17. 50. A right Preparation for Prayer. Psalm Ixvi 18, cxlv 18. Prov. xv 8 29, xxviii 9. 17 Isaiah i 15, xxix 13, lix 2. Mark vii 6, xi 25* John ix 31. 1st Tim. ii 8. James i 6, iv 3. 51. Pray often, and earnestly. Psalm Iv 17, Ixxxvi 3, cxix 164. Dan. vi 10. Luke ii 37, vi 12, xi 8, xxi 36. Acts x 2. Rom. xii 12. Ephes. vi 18. 1st Thess. iii 10, v 17. 1st Tim. v 5. 2d Tim. i 3. 1st Peter iv 7. 52. Pray in the Name of Christ. John xiv 13 14* xv 16, xvi 23. Ephes. v 2(X Heb. xiii 15. 53. Pray without Ostentation, and in Private. Matth. vi 6, xiv 23. Luke xviii 11. Acts x 9. 54. Examples of Public Prayer. Luke i 10. Acts i 24^ ii 42, xxi 5. 55. Efficacy of Prayer. Psalm xxxiv 10 15, cxlv 18. Isaiah xxx 19. Jer. xxix 12. Luke xi 13. John xv 7, xvi 24. James i 5, v 14. 1st Peter iii 12. 1st John iii 22, v 14. 56. Prayer for Others. Gen. xx 17, xxv 21. 1st Sam. xii 23. Matth. T 44. Luke x 2, xxiii 34. Acts vii 60, xii 5. Rom. i 9, x 1, xv 30. 2d Cor. ill. Ephes. i 16. Col. iv a 1st Thess. v 25. 2d Thess. iii 1. 1st Tim. ii 1. Heb. xiii 18. 57. God's Hand is to be acknowledged in all the events of Life. Gen. xxiv 26 27, xxxv 3. Exod. xxi 13. 1st Sam; xxv 32 39. Job xxiii 4. Psalm xxxiv 7, Lxxr 6 7, 18 cv 14, cxiii 7, cxxvii 1, cxlvii 6. Prov. xvi 9, xix21, xx 24^ xxi 30. Eccles. ix 11. Jer* x 23. Matth. vi 26, x 29. John iii 27. 58. The Duty of Walking Humbly with God. Gen. xviii 27, xxxii 10, xli 16. Exod. x 3. Deut. ix 4 5 6. 2d Sam. xxii 28. 1st Kings xxi 29. 2d Kings xxii 19. 1st Chron. xxix 14. 2d Chron. xxxii 26. Job vii 17, xxii 29, xxv 6, xl 4. Psalm viii 3 4y ix 12, xxxiv 18, li 17, Ixxiii 22, cxxxviii 6, cxliv 3. Prov. iii 7 34, xv 33, xvi 2 5. Isaiah ii 11 12 17, v 21, x 15, Ivii 15, Ixvi 1 2. Jer. ix 23. Dan. iv 37. Micah vi 8. Hab. ii 4. Matth. v 3, viii 8, xviii 4. Luke v 8, xvii 10, xviii 13 14. Acts iii 12. Rom. vii 18, x 3. 1st Cor. i 27, iii 18, iv 7, viii 2, x 12, xv 10. 2d Cor. iii 5, iv 7, x 12 17 IS. Gal. ii 20, vi 3. Ephes. v 21. Phil, ii 12. James iv 6 7 10. 1st Peter i 5 6. 59. The Duty of Confessing our sins, and Mourning for them. Lev. xvi 21, xxvi 40 42. Num. v 5 6 7. 2d Sam, xii 13, xxiv 10. Neh. i 6 7. Job vii 20, xxxiii 27 28. Psalm xxxii 5, xxxviii 18, li 3 4 5, cvi 6, cxxx 3. Prov. xxviii 13. Isaiah lix 12, Ixiv 6. Jer. ii 35, iii 13, xiv 7 20. Lam. i 20, v 16. Ezek. xx 43. Hosea v 15. Joel ii 12 13. Matth. v 4. Luke xv 18 19. Acts xix 18. 2d Cor. vii 9 10 11. James iv 9 10. 1st John i 8 9 10. 60. The Duty of Watching against Sin, and its Temptations. Psalm iv 4, xxyi 5, ci 3, Prov. i 10, iv 14, xiv 16, 19 xvi 6, xxii 24 25. Jer. v 26. Matth. v 28, xxiv 42, xxv 13. Mark xiii 37. Luke xii 35, xxi 36. 1st Cor. xv 33. Ephes. v 15. 1st Thess. v 6. 1st Peter v 8. Rev. iii 2, xvi 15. 6L The Duty of giving ourselves fully and zealously to the Work of Obe- dience. Num. xiv 24. Deut. iv 9 29, v 29, xxvi 16. Josh, xxiii 8, xxiv 14. 1st Kings ix 4, xi 6, xviii 21. 1st Chron. xxix 17. 2d Chron. xxxi 21. Psalm xvi 8, cxix 6. Prov. iv 23, xxiii 26. Matth. vi 24, vii 14 21, xvi 24 26, xxviii 20. Luke v 11, ix 62, xiv 27 33. Acts xi 23. Rom. xii. 11. 1st Cor. ix 24. 2d Cor. i 12, vii 1. Gal. iv 18. Phil, iii 13 14. 2d Tim. ii 4. Heb. ii 1, vi 1 1 12. 2d Peter i 5 6 7 8 9 10, iii 14 18. Rev. iii 15 19. 62. The Duty of Persevering in Faith and Practice. Gen. v 24. Deut. iv 4^ xxxii 19. Josh, xxiv 15. 1st Chron. xvi 11. 2d Chron. xv 2. Psalm xxx vii 34, Ixxxv 8, cxxv 5. Prov. xiv 14, xvi 17. Isaiah xl 31. Hosea xii 6. Matth. x 22. John viii 31, xv 4 7. Acts xiii 43, xiv 22. Rom. ii 7, xi 22. 1st Cor. xv 58, xvi 13. Gal. vi 9. Ephes. vi 11 13. Phil, iii 16, iv 1. Col. i 23, ii 567. 1st Thess. iv 1 10, v 21. 2d Thess. ii 15, iii 13. 1st Tim. vi 14. 2d Tim. iii 14, iv 7 8. Heb. iv 14, x 23 36 39, xii 1 2 3 15 28. 1st Peter i 13. 1st John ii 24 28. 2d John d 9. Jude2021. Rev. iii 5 10 11 12. 20 63. Cautions against Backsliding. Exod. xxxiv 12. Deut. iv 9, vi 12. 2d Chron. xxxii SI. Psalm iv 4, xxxix 1, cxix 9. Prov. iv 23, xxviii 14. Mai. ii 16. Matth. xxiv 4, xxvi 41. Luke xi 35, xxi 34 36. John v 14. 1st Cor. x 12. 2d Cor. xi 3. Ephes. v 15. Col. ii 8. 2d Tim. iv 4 5. Heb. iii 12 13, iv 1 11. 1st Peter iv 7, v 8. 2d Peter iii 17. 2d John 8. Rev. iii 2 3, xvi 15. 64. Christians should love each other. Lev. xix 18. Psalm cxix 63. Matth. xxii 39 40. John xiii 34 35, xv 12 13 17. Rom. xii 5 9 10, xiii 8910. Gal. v 13 14. Ephes. iv 2, v 2. Phil, i 9, ii 2. Col. i 4, ii 2. 1st Thess. iii 12, iv 9 10. 2d Thess. i 3. Heb. vi 10, xiii 1. 1st Peter i 22, iv 8. 1st John ii 9 10 11, iii 10 11 14 16 18 1923, iv78 11 2021. 65. Christians should be kind to each other. Zt jh. vii 9. Matth. v 7, xxv 34 35 36 37 38 39 40. Mark ix 41. Luke xxii 32. Rom. xv 1 2. let Cor. ix 22, x 24 33, xii 25. 2d Cor. i 4. . Gal. vi 2 10. Ephes. iv 32. Col. iii 12. 1st Thess. v 14. Heb. xiii 2 3. 1st Peter iii 8. 1st John iii 17. 66. Christians should honour each other. Matth. xxiii 811. John xiii 14 15. Ephes. v 21. Phil, ii 3, iv 21 22. 67. Christians should be candid and for- bearing to each other. Exod. xxiii 1. Dent, xiii 12 13 14. Josh, xxii 12 13. 1st Kings xix 10 18. Psalm xv 1 3. Prov 21 x 12, xiv 17, xvii 4 9, xix 11, xxix 20. Matth. v 22, vi 14 15, vii 1 3 4, xviii 15 21 22 35. Luke xvii 3 4. John vii 24. 1st Cor. iv 5. GaL vi 1. Ephes. iv 32. Col. iii 8 12 13. James i 19 20, iv 11 12. 1st Peter iv 3. 68. Christians should live Peaceably. Gen. xiii 8 9. Psalm cxxxiii 1. Prov. vi 19, xvi 28, xvii 14, xx 3. xxvi 21. Matth. v 9 23 24. Mark ix 50. Rom. xiv 19. 1st Cor. iii 3 4. 2d Cor. xiii 11. GaL v 1526. Ephes. iv331. 1st Thess. iv 11, v 13. 2d Tim. ii 14 16 17 22 23. Titus iii 9. James Hi- 14 15 16 17 18, iv 1. 1st Peter ii 1, iii 3 4 9 10 11. 69. Christians should admonish each other. Lev. xix 17. Prov. xxv 9 12, xxviii 23. Matth. xviii 15. Luke xvii 3. Gal. vi 1. Col. iii 16. 1st Thess. v 11 14. 2d Thess. iii 14 15. 1st Tim. v 1 2 20. Heb. Mi 13, x 24 25. James v 19 20. Jude 22 23. 70. Christians should bear rebuke and admonition from each other. 2d Sam. xii 7 13. Psalm cxli 5. Prov. ix 8 9, x 17, xii 1 15, xiii 1 18, xv 5 10 12 31 32, xvii 10, xxv 12, xxix 1 15. Eccles. vii 5. Gal. iv 16. 1st Peter v 5. 71. Christians should be of one mind. Psalm cxxxiii 1 2. John xvii 1 1 22. Acts iv 32. Rom. xii 5, xv 6. 1st Cor. i 10. 2d Cor. xiii 11. Ephes. iv 3 4 5. Phil, i 27, ii 1 2, iii 16. 1st Peter iii 8. 72. Christians should walk in wisdom toward each other. Matth. xviii 6 7. Rom. xv 12. 1st Cor. iii 2, viii 9 H 12 13, ix 19, x 32 33. Phil, ii 4. 1st Thess. v 14. 73. Christians should relieve each other. Exod. xxii 25. Lev. xxv 35. Deut. xv 7 8 9 10 11. Job xxxi 16 17 18 19 20. Psalm xxxvii 21 26, xli 1, cxii 5 9. Prov. iii 9 28, xi 24 25, xiv 21 31,-xix 17, xxi 13, xxii 9, xxviii 27. Eccles. xi ] 2. Isaiah Iviii 6 7 8 10. Matth. vi 1 2 3, x 42. Luke xiv 13 14^ xviii 22. Acts x 2 4> xi 29, xx 35. Rom. xii 8 13, xv 26. 1st Cor. xvi 2. 2d Cor. viii 7 8 9 10 11 12, ix 6789. Ephes. iv 28. Phil, iv 14 15 16 17 18 19. 1st Tim. v 4 8 16. Heb. vi 10, xiii 2 16. James ii 5 15 16. 1st Peter iv 9 10 1 1. 1st John iii 1718. 74. General Duties of Christians to all men. Exod. xxii 21 22. Zech. vii 10. Matth. vii 12, xii 7. 1st Cor. x 32 33, xiii 4 5. 2d Cor. viii 21. Phil, ii 14 15, iv 5. Col. iv 5 6. 1st Thess. iv 12, v 15. Titus iii 1 2. James i 27. 1st Peter ii 12 15 17, iii 15 16. 75. It is our duty to be just to all men. Lev. xix 11 13 35 36. Dent, xvi 20. Prov. xi 1, xxi 3 15. Jer. xxii 13. Micah vi 8. Mai. ii 10. Luke iii 13 14, xvi 10. Rom. xiii 78. 1st Cor. vi 8 9. James v 4. 76. The duty of shunning all dissension. Psalm xxxiv 14. Matth. v 39. Rom. xii 18 1& 23 1st Cor. vii 15. 2d Thess. iii 11 IV. 1st Tim. v 13. Heb. xii 14. 1st Peter iv 16. 77. The duty of shunning all malice and Psalm xxxvii 1 2, Prov. iii 31, xxiii 17. Matth. vi 14 15, xxvi 51 52. Luke ix 55. let Cor. xiv 20. Gal. v 22 23. Ephes. iv 31. Phil, iv 5. Col. iii 12 13. 1st Thess. v 14. 2d Tim. ii 24, 25. Titus iii 2. James i 19 20. 78. The duty of being kind to all, even to strangers and enemios. Exod. xxiii 4-. Lev. xxv 35. Psalm xxxvii 26, xli 1 2 3. Prov. xii 10; xvii 5, xxv 2J 22. Mattii. v 44. Luke x 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G 37. Rom. xii 17. 1st Tliess. iii 12. 1st Tim. ii 1. James ii 13. 79. The duty of showing due respect to all men. Gen. xxiii 5 6 7 1 1 12, xxxiii 31415. Lev. xix 82. Isaiah iii 5. Matth. v 47. Luke xiv 8. 80. The duty of avoiding unnecessary society with the wicked. Exod. xxiii 33. Psalm i 1, ci 4 7, cxix 15, cxx 5 6 7. Prov. i 10 15, xiii 20, xiv 7, xxii 24 23, xxiv 1 2. 1st Cor. xv 33. 2d Cor. vi 14 15. 81. The duty of Husbands. Gen. ii 24. 1st Sam. i 8. Ezra ix 2, x 10. MattK xix 5 6. 1st Cor. vii 3 1 1. 2d Cor. vi 14. Ephes. v 28. Col. iii 19 Heb. xiii 4. U; Peter iii 7. 24 82. The Duty of Wives. Prov. xii 4*, xix 14, xxxi JO 31. Rom. vii 2 3. 1st Cor. vii 3, xiv 34 35. 2d Cor. vi 14. Ephes. v 22. Col. iii 18. Titus ii 45. Heb. xiii 4, 1st Peter iii 1 2 3 4 5 6. 83. The Duty of Parents. Gen. xviii 19, xlv 28. Exod. x 12. Josh, iv 21 22. Job i 5. Psalm Ixxviii 567. Prov. xiii 2224, xix 18, xxiiG 15, xxiii 13 14, xxix 15 17. 2d Cor. xii 14. Ephes. vi 4. Col. iii 21. 1st Tim. iii 4, v 8. Titus ii 4. 84. The Duty of Children. Gen. xlvi 28. Exod. xviii 7, xxi 15 17. Lev. xix 3. Deut. xxvii 16. 1st Kings ii 19. Prov. i 8, x 1, xx 20, xxviii 24., xxx 17. Mai. i 6. Matth. xv 4 5 6. Luke ii 51. Ephes. vi 1 2 3 1st Tim. v 4. 2d Tim. iii 2. 85. The Duty of Masters. Deut. xxiv 14 15. Job xxxi 13. Jer. xxii 13. Mai. iii 5. Ephes. vi 9. Col. iv 1. James v4. 86. The Duty of Servants. Gen. xxxi 6. Psalm cxxiii 2. Prov. xiv 35, xvii 2. Mai. i 6. Matth. x 24. Luke xvii 789. Ephes. vi 5 6 7 8. Col. iii 22 23 24 25. 1st Tim. vi 1 2. Titus ii 9 10. 1st Peter ii 18. 87. The Duty of Magistrates. Exod. xviii 21, xxiii 6 8. Lev. xix 15. Deut. i 13 16 17, xvi 18 19 20, xvii 19 20, xxv 1. 1st Sam. xii 3 4. 2d Sam. viii 15, xxiv IT. 1st Kings iii 25 789. 2d Kings iv 5 6. 2d Chron. xix 6 7, xx 3 5 6. Neh. v 18, vii 2. Job xxix 16 17. Psalm ii 10 11, xlix 20, Ixxxii 3 4 ci 6 7. Prov. xi 14, xvi 12 13, xviii 5, xx 8, xxv 2 5, xxviii 15 16, xxix 2 4 12 14-, xxxi 4 5. Eccles. iv 13, vii 7. Isaiah i 23 24-, iii 15, x 1 2, xxviii 6, xxxiii 15 16. Jer. xxii 3 15 16 17. Ezek. xlv 9. Dan. iv 30 31 32. Amos v 24 Micah iii 12 39 11. Hab. i 4. John vii 24. Acts v 38 39, xxiii 3, xxv 16 27. Rom. xiii 3 4 6. 1st Peter ii 14. 88. The duty of Subjects. Exod. i 17 20 21, xxii 28. Numb, xii 1 9 10 11. 1st Sam. xiv 43 45, xxiv 6 8 10. 1st Kings i 23 24. 2d Kings xviii 7. Prov. xx 2, xxv 6 7. Eccles. viii 2 34, x 4 20. Dan. iii 15 16 17 18, vi 21. Matth. xvii 24 25 26 27, xxii 21. Acts iv 18 19 20, v 27 28 29, xix 36 37 38 39 40, xxiii 2345. Rom. xiii 1234567. Titus iii 1. Heb. xi 23 27. 1st Peter ii 13 14 15 17. 2d Peter ii 10 1 1. 89. Duties under Affliction. Levit. xxvi41 42. 1st Sam. iii 18. 2d Sam. xxii 7. 2d Kings xx 1 2 3. Job i 21, ii 10, v 17, ix 2 4 15 32, xxxiii 12 13, xxxiv 23 31, xl 24. Psalm xxii 4 5 24, xxxiv 4 6 17, xxxix 9, xl 1 2 3, xiii 5 11, 1 15, Iv 22, Ixxi 20, Ixxvii 2, Ixxxvi 7, cxviii 5, cxli 8. Prov. iii 11 12, xxiv 10. Isaiah viii 17, xxv 9, xxvi 3, xli 10 13 14, xlv 9. Jer. xviii 6, xxxi 18 19. Lam. iii 22 25 27 39". Hosea v 15. Jonah iii 789. Micah vi 9, vii 9. Nahum i 7. Hab. Hi 17 18. Matth. xi 28, xiv 30 31. Luke xxi 19. Rom. v 3 4, xii J2. 1st Cor. x 10. 2d Cor. vi 10. Phil, iv 6 11. 2d Tim. ii 3. Heb. Xii 7, xiii 5 6. James i 2 3 12, iv 7, v 7 8 11 13. lit Peter v 6. 26 90. Duties under Persecution. Gen. xxxii 9 10 11. Exod. xv 23 24 25, xvii 4, xxii 23. Deut. iv 27 29. Judges iii 89. 1st Sam. xxx 6. 2d Sam. xv 31, xvi 12. 2d Kings xix II 15 16. 2d Chron. xiii 18, xiv 11, xvi 7, xx 3 15, xxxii 12 13. Job v 8, xxxiv 28. Psalm vii 1, xxxviii 20 21 22, xliv 22 23 24 25 26, Ixxi 2 3 4^ cxix 51 157 161, cxxxviii 7. Prov. xxix 25. Eccles. v 8. Isaiah 1 10, li 7 12 13. Jer. xxvi 11 12 13 14 15. Lam. iii 55 59. Dan. i 89 10 11 12 13. Matth. v 11 12, x 19 20 22 28 31 38 39. John xvi 33. Acts iv 24 29 30, v 40 41, xii 5 12, xvi 24 25, xx 24, xxi 13. 2d Cor. xii 10. Col. 1 23 24. 1st Thess. iii 3. 2d Thess. i 4. Heb. x 34, xi 25 26, xii 3. 1st Peter ii 20 21 23, iii 14, iv 12 13. Ilev. U 3 19. 91. On the observance of the Sabbath. Gen. ii 2 3. Exod. xvi 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30, xx 8 9 10 1 1, xxxi 14 15 16 17 18, xxxv 2. Num. xv 32 33 34 35 36, xxviii 9 10. Deut. v 12. Neh. x31, xiii 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23. Isaiah Iviii 13 14. Jer. xvii 21 22 24 27. Ezek. xx 12 20 21. Matth. xii 7 12. Mark ii 27 28. Luke iv 16 31. John vii 23, xx 19 26. Acts xviii 4^ xx 7. 1st Cor. xvi 2. Rev. i 9 10. 92. Against Impurity. Exod. xx 14, Levit. xx 10. Prov. v 3 4 8 11, vi 24 26 32, vii 7 10 13 21 22, xxii 14, xxxi 3. Jer. v 7 8 9, vii 9 10, xiii 27, xxix 23. Hosea iv 1 2 3. Matth. v 28, xv 19 20, xix 9. Rom. xiii 13. 1st Cor. iii 16 17, v 1 9 11, vi 9 10. * so I xxxiv 5 1 1, ex 3, cxix 32 35 36 1 1 7, cxlv 14. Prov. iii 25 26, iv 12, xvi 1, xx 24. Song of Solomon i 4, iv 16. Isaiah xxvi 3 12 13, xxvii 2 3, xxx 21, xxxii 2, xxxv 4 6, xl 28 29 30 31, xlii 16, xliii 1 2 3, xliv 3 4, xlviii 17, 1 4, liv 5 6 7 8 9 10, Ivii 15 16. Jer. xvii 7 8, xxxii 39 40. Hosea xiv 5 6 7 8. Micah vii 8 18 19. Haggai i 14. Zech. xii 10. Mai. iv 2. Luke xxii 31 32. John iv 10 14, vii 38 39, x 10 27 28 29, xv 1 4 5, xvii 11 12 15 20. Rom. vi 14, viii 35 37 38 39, xii 6, xiv 4, xvi 20 25. 1st Cor. i 7 8 9, iii 5 6 7 8 9 10, x 13. 2d Cor. i 21 22, iii 5, x 4 5, xii 8 9 10. Gal. ii 20. Ephes. iii 14 16 17 20, iv 15 16, ri 10 11. Phil. i 6, iv 12 13. Col. i 9 10 1 1, ii 19. 1st Thess. ii 13 14, v 23 24. 2d Thess. ii 16 17, iii 3. 2d Tim. i 12, iv 17 18. Heb. vi 10 11. 1st Peter i 5, Y 10. 1st John iii 9, iv 4. Jude 24 25. 103. Of Death. Gen. iii 19, xlvii 9. Numb, xxiii 10. Deut. xxxii 29. Joshua xxiii 14. 2d Sam. xii 22 23, xviii 33. 1st Chron. xxix 15. Job i 21, iv 18 19 21, vii 1 6. 9 10, viii 9, ix 25 26, xiv 1 2 5 7 10 12 14 20, xvi 22, xvii 13 14, xix 25 26, xxi 23 24 25 26, xxx 23, xxxiv 1415. Psalm vi 5, xxxix 4 5 13, xlix 679 10 17, Iv 23, Ixviii 20, Ixxii 6 7, Ixxxix 48, xc 3 5 6 10 12, ciii 4, civ 29, cxvi 15, cxliv 4, cxlvi 3 4. Prov. xi 7, xiv 32, xxvii 1. Eccles. ii 16, v 15 16, vii 1 2, viii 8, ix 3 4 5 10, xii 7. Isaiah xxv 8, xl 678, Ii 12, Ivii 1. Hosea xiii 14. Zech. i 5. Matth. x 28. Luke xii 37 38, xxiii 42 43 46. John ix 4, xi 33 35. Acts vii 59. Rom. xiv 8 9. 1st Cor. xv 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58. 2d Cor. v 1 2 6 7 8. Phil, i 21 23, iii 21. 1st Thess. iv 13, v 10. 1st Tim. vi 7. 2d Tim. iv 6 7. Heb. 11 14 15, ix27, xii 23, xiii 14. James iv 13 14. 2d Peter i 14. Rev. xiv 13. 31 104. On the Resurrection. Psalm xvii 15. Isaiah xxvi 19 Dan. xii 2 13. Matth, xxii 31 32. Luke xiv 14. John v 28 29, vi 39 40 44 54, xi 24 25 26, xii 24, xiv 19. Acts iv 2, xvii 32, xxiii 6 8, xxiv 15, xxvi 8. 1st Cor. vi 14, xv 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56. 2d Cor. i 9. Ephes. iv 30. Phil, iii 20 21. Col. i 18, iii 4. 1st Thess. iv 13 14 15 16 17. 2d Tim. ii 18. Heb. xi 35. Rev. xi 18, xx 4 5 6 12 13. 105. Of the Judgment. Gen. xviii 25. Job xxi 30. Psalm ix 17, Iviii 11, xcvi 13. Prov. xxiv 12. Eccles. xi 9, xii 14. Matth. vii 22 23, x 14 15, xii 36, xiii 40 41 42 43 49 50, xvi 27, xxii 11 12 13, xxiv 27 30 31 36 37 38 39 42 44, xxv 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 46, xxvi 64. Mark viii 38. John v 22 23 27 30, xii 48. Acts i 1 i, x 42, xvii 31, xxiv 25. Rom. ii 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 16, iii 5 6, xiv 10 11 12. 1st Cor. iv 5, vi 2 3. 2d Cor. v 10 11. Gal. vi 7 8. 1st Thess. iii 13, v 2 3 23. 2d Thess. i 6 7 8 9, ii 123. 2d Tim. iv 1 8. Titus ii 13. Heb. ix 27 28, x 27 31, xii 22 23. 1st Peter i 7 17, iv 5 17 18, v 4. 2d Peter ii 4 9, iii 4 7 8 10 11 12. 1st John ii 28, iv 17. Jude 6 14 15. Rev. i 7, ii 23, vi 14 15 16 17, xi 18, xx 1 1 12 15, xxii 12 20. 106. Of the Final Blessedness of true Christians. Job xix 26 27. Psalm xvi 1 1, Iviii 1 1. Isaiah Ixiv 4. Dan. xii 2 3. Matth. v 8, vi 20, xiii 43, xxii 30, xxv 34 46. Luke xii 32, xiv 14, xx 36, xxii 29 30, xxiii 43. John x 28, xiii 36, xiv 2 3 19. xvi 32 22, xvii 22 24. Rom. vi 22 23, viii 17 18 19 23 30. 1st Cor. ii 9 10, ix 25, xiii 9 10 12, xv 19. 2d Cor. iv 17 18, v 1. Phil, iii 21, Col. i 5, iii 4. 1st Thess. iv 17 18. 2d Thess. i 7 10, ii 14. 2d Tim. ii 10, iv 8. Heb. iv 9, x 34 35, xi 10 16 35. 1st Peter i 3 4 13, iii 9, v 4 10. 2d Peter iii 13. 1st John ii 17, iii 2. Rev. iii 5 12 21, vii 9 13 14, 151617, xx 4> xxil2345, xxii 5. THE END. Printed by IV. CoHSim & CoT SELECT CHRISTIAN AUTHORS, WITH PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM COLLINS, GLASGOW. 1. A Kempis' Imitation of Christ. 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