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Robert Owen, The Socialist,
1771— 1858.
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ROBERT OWEN, The Sociaust,
1771— 1858.
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Robert Owen, The Socialist,
1771— 1858.
Printed at the Press of the National, Library of Waives
March, 1914
Contents 5
Foreword 7
Sources of Information . . . . . . . . . . 9
Writings of Robert Owen . . . . . . . . ..11
tltl^e-index to the writings qf robert owen . . . . 21
PERIODICAI.S Conducted by Robert Owen 25
Books and Pamphi^ets rei^ating to Robert Owen . . . . 27
Artici^es IN Periodicai,s rei,ating to Owen . . . . 45
Books and Articindon ed.]
New York, 1825, i2mo.
7. [Another edition]. Edinburgh, 1826, i2mo.
8. [Another edition] : Essays on the formation of the
human character. Manchester, 1837, ^vo.
9. [Another edition]. Manchester, 1840, 8vo.
10. [Another edition]. London, [1840].
pp. 86. i2mo.
11. Observations on the effect of the manufacturing
SYSTEM ; etc. London, 1815, 8vo. pp. 20.
12. Second edition. London, 1817, 8vo.
13. Third edition. London, 1818, 8vo.
14. An Address delivered to the inhabitants of New Lanark,
on Jan. i, 1816. London, 1816, 8vo.
15. Second edition. London, 1816, 8vo.
16. Third edition. London, 1817, 8vo.
17. Fourth edition. London, 1819, Ryl. 8vo.
18. [Another edition]. London, 1841, 8vo.
19. Report of Committee on the state of chii.dren in
manufactories. Parliamentary papers, 1816, vol. III.
— ^Evidence by Robert Owen.
20. New state of society. Mr. Owen's second address,
delivered at the " City of London Tavern," on Thurs-
day, August 2ist, 1817 . . . etc. 1817.
pp. 4. 410x332.
21. A New view of society : extracted from the London
daily newspapers of July 30 and Aug. 9 and 11, 1817
. . . etc. Broadside, folio, 1817.
22. New view of society. Mr. Owen's Report to the
Committee of the Association for the Relief of the
manufacturing and labouring poor . . . etc. Broad-
side, folio, 1817.
23. Peace on earth — good wii.1, towards men: develop-
ment of the plan for the relief of the poor, and the
emancipation of mankind. London, [1817], 8vo.
24. RepIvY on behalf of the London proprietors to the
address of the inhabitants of New Lanark. London,
25. Two MEMORIAE^ on behalf of the working classes ; etc.
London, 1818, 8vo.
26. Report to the county of Lanark of a plan for re-
lieving public distress and removing discontent . . .
Glasgow : pr. at the University Press, etc., 1821.
Publ. on the i^th Jan., 182 1.
PP- [iv], 74. 250x195. folding plan.
27. * [Another edition]. London : The Committee. 1832.
pp.76. 207x135-
28. An Bxpi,anation of the cause of the distress which
pervades the civilized parts of the world . . . etc.
London : 1823, i2mo.
29. Report of the proceedings at the several public
meetings, held in Dublin, ... on the i8th March,
I2th April, 19th April and 3rd May . . . etc., etc.
Dublin, 1823, 8vo.
30. A Diagram illustrative of the formation of the human
character suggested by Mr. Owen's Development of a
new Society. London, 1824, 4^^'
31. Address to the National Association for the promotion
of Social Science, on its second annual meeting. [Broad-
side, 1825].
32. Owen's American discourses : Two discourses on a
new system of society; as delivered in the Hall of
Representatives of the United States, etc. l/ouis-
ville, 1825, 8vo.
33. [Another edition]. London: pr. by Whiting & Bran-
ston, 1825.
pp. 36. 210x135. wrappers.
34. First discourse on a new system of Society, as delivered
in the Hall of Representatives at Washington. . . . 25th
Feb., 1825. Manchester : A. Heywood, [1825 ?].
pp. 16. 165x106.
35. Speech by R. O. at New Harmony, April 27, 1825.
36. Address delivered by R. O., at a public meeting . . .
in . . . Philadelphia . . . June 25, 1827. Etc.
Philadelphia : M. T. C. Gould, 1827.
8vo. pp. 39.
37. An Address to the agriculturalists, mechanics, and
manufacturers of Great Britain and Ireland, both
masters and operatives. Bury : pr. by John Kay, 1827.
pp. 16. 178x112.
Also published in the Sphynx newspaper, September,
38. Memoriai, ... to the Mexican Repubi^ic and to the
Government . . . of Coahuila and Texas. Philadelphia,
1827, 8vo.
39. Robert Owen's opening speech and his repi,y to
the Rev. Alex. Campbell in the recent public discussion
in Cincinnati . . . also Mr. Owen's Memorial to the
Republic of Mexico . . . etc. Cincinnati, 1829, 8vo.
See also No. 40.
OWEN, Robert and CAMPBELL, (Ai with his last
legacy . . . London, 1854, 8vo.
115. Address delivered at the meeting in St. Martin's Hall,
Lone [sic\ Acre, London, i Jan., 1855. 1855, Svo.
116. Address on Spiritual Manifestations. (July). 1855.
117. Inauguration of the Mii^i^enium. 1855.
118. The M11.1.ENIUM IN PRACTICE. (Aug.), 1855.
119. Report of the general preliminary meeting on the
coming Millenium, i Jan., 1855.
120. Tracts on the Coming Millenium. (Two series, id.
each series). 1855.
121. PROC1.AMAT10N BY Robert Owen re Congress of the
Reformers of the World . . . London : May 14, 1856.
122. The Life of R. O., written by himself, with selections
from his writings and correspondence. Vol. I. Lon-
don : Effingham Wilson, 1857, ^^o.
123. SUPPI.EMENTARY APPENDIX to the first volume of the
life of R. O., etc. Vol. Ia. London; Effins:ham
Wilson, 1858, 8vo.
No more published.
124. Notice to ai,i,. [A broadside, re public meeting, Lon-
don, May 14th, 1857, "^^ new-form man and new-
form society," etc.]
125. Papers sent to the National Association for promoting
Social Science at the first meeting, 1857. Ivondon, 1857.
pp. 30. 8vo.
126. Robert Owen's Congress of advanced minds . . .
May 14th, [1857]. Addresses of Robert Owen on
opening the Congress, etc. [Two broadsides. London,
127. [Another broadside.] R. Owen's opening address,
Tuesday 19th May, 1857, etc. [London, 1857].
128. The Royai. Consort's Schooi^s for all classes, &c. . . .
Broadside. London, 1857.
129. Association for the rei^ief of the manufacturing
AND 1.ABOURING POOR. Report to the Committee of
the Association . . . laid before the Committee of the
House of Commons on the Poor Laws [bv R. O.]
8vo., pp. 24, folding plate.
To THE Writings of Robert Owen.
Address delivered at . . . St. Martin's Hall . . . . . . 115
Address delivered ... in Philadelphia . . . . . . 36
Address delivered to the inhabitants of New I^anark . . 14
Address of R. O. ... at the National Equitable Labour
Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Address on Spiritual Manifestations .. .. .. .. 116
Address to all classes . . . from the Governor, Directors, and
Committee of the Association for removing the causes
of ignorance . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 53
Address to the agriculturalists, mechanics and manufacturers
of Great Britain ... . . . . . . . . . . 27
Address to the human race on his 84th birthday .. .. 114
Address to the ministers of all religions . . . . . . 102
Address to the National Association for the promotion of
Social Science .. .. .. ,. .. .. 31
Address to the Socialists 93
Addresses of R. O. . . . Congress of Advanced Minds . . 126
Addresses of R. O. ... of a practical plan for the relief of
all classes, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
American discourses . . . . . . . . . . • • 32, 33
Association for removing the causes of ignorance . . . . 53
Association for the relief of the manufacturing and labouring
poor .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 129
Book of the New Moral World 61-68
Brindley, John. Discussion . . . . . . . . 99, 100
Campbell, Alex. Debate 40-43
Campbell, Alex. Public discussion . . . . . . . . 41
Catechism of the New Moral World . . . . . . 74, etc.
Congress of Advanced Minds ; Addresses . . . . . . 126
Debate on the evidences of Christianity . . . . . . 40
Deuxi^me dialogue sur le Syst^me Social . . . . . . 105
Development of the origin and effects of moral evil . . 77
Development of the principles and plans on which to estab-
lish self-supporting home colonies . . . . . . 94
Diagram illustrative of the formation of the human character 30
Dialogue . . . between the founder of " The Association of
all classes . . . . . . . . . . 78
Dialogue sur le Syst^e Social de R. O , . 104
Discourse on a new system of society . . . Washington . . 34
Bssays on the formation of the human character . . . . 69
j^xplanation of the cause of the distress which pervades the
civilised parts of the world . . . . . . . . 28
Exposition of Mr. Owen's views on the marriage question . . 79
First discourse on a new system of society . . . Washington 34
Future of the human race .. .. .. .. ..112
Human nature, or the moral science . . 63
Inauguration oJE the Millenium . . . . . . . . 117
Lecture . . . Mechanic's Institute, I^ondon, 1840 .. ..86,87
lycctures on an entire new state of society . . . . . . 45
Lectures on charity . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Lectures on the marriages of the priesthood . . . . • • 57, 58
Lectures on the rational system of society .. .. ..95,96
Legg, William. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . 85
Letters on education . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Letters on government . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10
n Libro del nuovo mondo morale . . . . . . . . 64
Life of R. O., written by himself . . . . . . 122, 123
Le Livre du noveau monde morale . . . . . . . . 68
Manifesto . . . addressed to all governments . . . . 10 1
Manifesto of R. 88-91
Manual of " The Association of all classes of all nations." . . 59, 60
Marriage system of the New Moral World . . . . . . 80-8 1
Memorial ... to the Mexican Republic . . . . . . 38
Millenium in practice .. .. ,. .. .. ..118
New existence of man upon the earth .. .. .. 113
New Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 47
New State of Society . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
New View of Society . . . . . . . . . . 2-10, 21, 22
Notice to all . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
O'Brien, James Bronterre . . . . . . . . . . 109
Observations on the effect of the manufacturing system . .11-13
Outline of the rational system of society . . . . . .48-52
Owen's American discourses . . . . . . . . • .32, 33
Papers sent to the National Association for promoting Social
Science . . . . . . . . 125
Peace on earth — good will towards men . . . . . . 23
Proclamation by R. O. re Congress of the Reformers of the
World .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 121
Public discussion [with J. Brindley] 99
Public discussion [with J. H. Roebuck] 72, 73
Report of the discussion [with W. Legg] 85
Report of the general preliminary meeting on the coming
Millenium .. .. .. .. .. ., ..119.
Report of the proceedings at several public meetings, ....
Dublin . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 29
Reply on behalf of the London proprietors to . . . the in-
habitants of New Lanark 24
Report ... on the state of children in manufactories . . 19
Report to the County of I^anark of a plan for relieving
public distress .. .. .. .. .. ..26,27
Revolution in the mind ... of the human race . . 107, 108
Robert Owen's Address . . . on his 84th birthday 114
Robert Owen's Address to the ministers of all religions . . 102
Robert Owen's Congress of Advanced Minds. Addresses. . . 126
Robert Owen's letter to the Senate . . . . . . . . 103
Robert Owen on marriage, religion, and private property . . 83
R. Owen's opening address, Congress of Advanced Minds . . 127
Robert Owen's opening speech and his reply to the Rev.
Alex. Campbell ... in Cincinnati . . . . . . 39
Robert Owen's tracts for the World's Pair . . . . . . 1 1 1
Roebuck, J. H. Discussion .. .. .. .. .-72, 73
Royal Consort's schools for all classes . . . . . . 128
Signs of the times . . . . . . . . . . . • 97, 98
Six lectures delivered in Manchester . . . . . . . . 70, 71
Six lectures on charity . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Social Bible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Speech by R. O. at New Harmony . . . . . . . . 35
State Socialism ! 1 By J. B. O'B. and R. O. . . . . 109
Statement regarding the New Lanark establishment . . i
Synopsis of a course of four lectures . . . . . . . . 82
Temple of Free Enquiry . . . . . . . . . . 84
Tracts on the coming Millenium . . . . . . ..120
Two memorials on behalf of the working classes . . . . 25
Two discourses on a new system of society . . . . • • 32, 33
What is Socialism ? Discussion with J. Brindley . . . . 100
Edited and maini^y written by R. O.
131. The Crisis . . . [ed. succ. by R. O., Robt. Dale Owen,
and J. B. Smith]. 4 vols. London, 1832-1834. 4to.
Supp. title altered after No. 15, vol. 2. Vol. i is in the
132. Robert Owen's Journai., explanatory of the means
to well-place, well-employ, and well-educate, the
population of the world. 4 vols. lyondon, Nov. 2,
1851— Oct. 23, 1852, 8vo.
133. Robert Owen's Mii.i.enniai< Gazette. Nos. 1-16
(March, 1856— July, 1858). lyondon, v.d., 8vo.
No more published.
134. SUPPI.EMENT TO No. 10. lyondon : 1857, 8vo.
135. *MiivLENNiAi, Gazette . . .No. 11. 2nd ed. London :
Effingham Wilson. 1857.
pp. 150. 21 mm. cloth, 5s.
136. The Morai, Wori.d . . . [James Hill's continuation
of the New Moral World]. Nos. i-ii. London :
Aug. 30 — Nov. 8, 1845. la. folio.
No more published.
137. *The New Morai, Wori.d : a London weekly publi-
cation, developing the principles of the rational system
of society ; conducted by R. O. and his disciples.
Vols. I and 2. London, 1835, 4to.
continued as :
138. *The New Moral Wori.d and Manuac of Science,
vols. 3 and 4. London, Manchester (Nos. 138-188),
and Birmingham, 1836-38. 4to.
continued as :
139. *The New Morai, Wori.d, or Gazette of the Universal
Community Society of Rational Religionists . . .
new series, vols. 5-10. Birmingham (Nos. 1-37) and
Leeds. Oct., 1838, to June, 1842. folio.
[Ed. from 1836 by G. A. Fleming ; The N.L.W. wants
vol. 9].
140. Robert Owen's Rationai, Quarteri^y Review and
Journal,. Vol I., containing the first 4 parts, Lon-
don, 1853, 8vo.
141. WEEKI No. 2, I Feb., 1834. i^- each. I^on-
don, 1834.
252D. PuBuc WARNINGS against Owen and others ; with an
account of the death of Henry H. Hudson, Esq.,
[Containing monthly nos. complete, 3d.] 1834.
" PUBLICOLA." pseud.
253. SociAUSM EXPOSED, with its baneful tendency and
pernicious effects . . . and a brief history of Robert
Owen, its founder. By Publicola. I/ondon, 1844, 8vo.
PUGH, (Thomas), Manchester.
254. NoDiADAU HANESYDDOi. A BEiRNiADOi. ar fywyd a
gwaith Robert Owen, o'r Drefnewydd. Treffynnon
[Holywell] : W. Williams a'i fab. 1907.
pp. 116. 183x121.
REDFORD, (George), D.D.
255. A Sermon, in refutation of the doctrines of Robert
Owen. ... To which is appended a reply by the Rev.
J. B. Smith. lK)ndon, 1834.
pp. 58. 12 mo.
RBY, (Joseph)
255A. Lettres sur le systeme de la co-operation mutuelle,
et apres le plan de M. Owen. Paris, 1828, i8mo.
REYBAUD, (M. R. I,.)
256. Etudes sur i.es reformateurs contemporaires,
ou Socialists modernes, Saint-Simon, Ch. Fourier,
Robert Owen, etc. . . . Paris, 1840, 8vo.
257. Deuxieme edition. 2 tom. Paris, 1841.
258. Troisieme edition. 2 tom. Paris, 1842-43, Svo.
261. NouvEi.i