I I Frank Murray, Murray. I c^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/dictionaryofkashOOknowrich DICTIONARY OF KASHMIRI PROVERBS & SAYINGS Explained and Illustrated from the rich and interesting Folklore of the Valley. BY THE Rkv. J ^INTON\kNO WLES, F.R.G.S., M.R.A.S., Ac, (a M. s.) MISSIONARY TO THK KASHMIRIS. A wise man will endeavour "to understand a proverb and the interpretation.*' — Prov. I. w. 5, 6. BOMBAY : Education Society's Press. CALCUTTA :—Th ACKER, Spink A Co. LONDON :— Trubnkr & Co. 1885. [All rights reserved.'] t « Cf € . • C ',« C^L y-/.-.M.U-^. KG PREFACE. That moment when an author dots the last period to his manuscript, and then rises up from the study-chair to shake its many and bulky pages together is almost as exciting an occasion as when he takes a quire or so of foolscap and sits down to write the 6rst Uoe of it. Many and mingled feelings pervade his mind, and hope and fear vie with one another and alternately overcome one another, until at length the author finds some slight relief for his feelings and a kind of excuse for his book, by writing a preface, in which he states briefly the nature and character of the work, and begs the pardon of the reader for his presomption in undertaking it. A winter in Kashmir must be experienced to be realised. The air is most inyigorating, and the quiet is sublime. Even an ordinarily busy missionary enjoys much leisure through such a season in this beautiful country. I have now spent two long quiet winters here, and this '* Dictionary of Kashmiri Proverbs and Sayings" is the result of many hours of labour, study, and anxiety, during these leisurable months. As a missionary, on arriving in the Valley, I at once devoted my attention to the study of the language ; and believing that Proverbs taught " the real people's speech," discovered "the genius, wit and spirit of a nation," and embodied its ** current and practical philosophy,'* IV PREFACE. I quickly began to make a collection of them.* This hook, I believe, contains nearly all the Proverbs and Proverbial sayings now extant among the Kashmiri people. They have been gathered from various sources. Sometimes the great and learned Pandit instinctively uttered a proverb in my hearing; sometimes I got the barber to tell me a thing or two, as he polled my head ; and sometimes the poor coolie said something worth knowing, as carrying my load he tramped along before me. A few learned Muhammadan and Hindu friends also, have very materially helped me in this collection and its arrangement ; and here I again heartily acknowledge their kind and ready service. Actum est. It is done ; and now the manuscript has to be sent to the publishers, and notices have to be posted to the different papers and journals interested to advertise the work as *' in the press." "What will the little world say, into whose hands it may chance to arrive ? How will the philologist, the ethnologist, the antiquarian, the student of folklore, and the general reader regard this which has cost some considerable time and study. Dear reader, in order that your criticism may not be so hard as it might, perhaps, otherwise be, please permit me to remind you that Kashmir proper is but a small country, a little vale surrounded by snow-capped mountain ranges, about eighty-four miles long from north-west to south-east, and from twenty to twenty-five miles in width, with an area of about 1,850 square miles ; that the Kashmiri * " The genius, wit and spirit of a nation are discovered in its proverbs. " — Bacon. " Proverbs embody the current and practical philosophy of an age or nation."— Fleming. " Proverbs teach the real people's speech, and open up the hitherto sealed book of the native mind." — John Beames. PREFACE. V language is virtually minus a Dictionary and Grammar, and that besides one or two very unimportant works* written in the Persian character, all true Kashmiri books are printed in a kind of mongrel- Devanagari character called Shiirada, which only a very small proportion of the population can properly read ; that the Kashmiri language itself is very difficult, and is spoken differently by different persons — the Hindiis and Muhammadans, especially, speaking distinct dialects; that information from books of travel, &c., like Vigne's, Hugers, Knight's, Drew's, Bellew's and others, is very crude, scanty, and contradictory, concerning the manners and customs of the Kashmiri ; and that this individual is not naturally so com- municative as mi[^ht be expected from his cheery look and humorous disposition. Horace says somewhere " Nonum prematur in annum ; " and perhaps it would have been better to have kept by me what I have written, for nine years before publishing it. But other work demands much of my leisure time, — the prepara- tion of a Kashmiri Dictionary, of which these proverbs, and the words that contain them, form but a stepping-stone, and the translations of the ** Psalms of David** and ** Proverbs of Solomon,'* which have been deferred only because of the non- appearance as yet of the revised edition of the Old Testament, However, I trust the reader will accept my various excuses and forgive any error, whether in the romanizing, or the style, or the information, as the case may be. The Proverbs and Sayings have all been translated as liter- ally as possible ; and with a fairly-trained ear I have honestly tried hard to render correctly in the Roman character what * A short interesting account of the origin of this character is given in Dr. Klmslie's Kashmiri Vocabulary, p. 149. VI PREFACE. I heard ; but the different dialects made this very confasing work ; and there were some sounds which could not possibly be written like Roroan-Urdd, except with the following addi- tional vowels : — An o as the German o, but short. An o as the German o, but long and drawling. These two vowels, I believe, exist in Hungarian. An u as the German u. An M as the German m, but long and drawling. In addition to these there is a sound which is something like a very short i, to which I have given the name of Miydli zer ; it is frequently the sign of the instrumental case as ktcriy a dog, huni by a dog, &c. This sound, I believe, is to be found in Russian, and is in that language written as j. In the Roman character this sound will be represented by the simple letter «, and in order that this i may always appear, I have always written the final Ae {hd,e mukhtaji). With the exception of this i or hhiydli zer^ 1 have, however, avoided introducing any diacritical points. The following is the Roman- Kashmiri alphabet with the powers of the letters : — A a pronounced as a in woman. P d pronounced as d in barf — A i a in art. the point of the Ai ai ai in aisle. tongue is struck An au au in our. back on the palate. B b b in hwt. E e „ e in there. Chch ch in church E e „ e in pet. D d point d in both having fore-teeth. a power be- T t „ ^injfuh,the tween the point of the English V tongue is press- and w. ed back on the Y y J? y in year. palate* Z z >» z in zeal. Note. — Bh, chh, gh, kh, ph, th, th and tsh are respec- tively the aspirates of ch, g, k, p, t and t, and ts, and are pro- nounced as one letter. With regard to the '* point" of the different proverbs and sayings, I have been through them all, as here written, with a little council of learned Muhamraadan and Hindu Kashmiri friends, and not allowed one to pass, until I got their full and undivided sanction to my explanation of it. The notes and facetiae, &c., are such as cropped-up in the course of writing, and have been jotted down in the hope that they will be interesting to some readers. And lastly, but by no means of the last importance, I trust that if any reader is pleased with this book, and thinks fit, he will kindly recommend it to others, as the whole profits of the work are to be devoted to the sorely-strained funds of the *' Medical Mssion Hospital," Kashmir. J. HINTON KNOWLES. Kashmir, February 1th, 1885. KASHMIRI PROVERBS, Ab tih ioth bab iih toth. I love myself and I love my father. The reply of a very covetous man to a friend, when that friend said that he would give him only one oat of the two thingi which be coveted. A grasping disposition. Abah tali shrdk, A knife in the water. A traitor in the camp. Ab is the word generally nsed by Uobammedani ia the valley. The Hind6s invariably say pint or poni. Abas andar krand. A hig basket in the water. A man, who ex officio is a person of some position and influence, is like a krand in tho water. So long as he retains his employment, he retains his authority, but as soon as he is dismissed, he loses that authority and hononr. The basket as long as it floats in the stream is filled with water, but inunodiately yon take it out of the stream it is emptied. Achh kdnijdn tah wat kdni nak. Better that the eye be blind than that the way be blind. He that goes a*borrowing goes a-sorrowing. Achh waUhah tah ffdshah raUhah. May your eyes be opened but see nothing. A Kashmiri curse. Achhin ungujeh thukanih. To strike the eyes with the fingen. To tease, to bother. 1 /.■.;;/i,v:0 •:;..;, ^' ' Achhuv andarah riyih surmah kadit. He'll take the fvery) antimony out of your eyes (and you'll not know it). A sharp fellow, Beware ! . . . Surmah is black sulphuret of antimony, used for pencilling the eyes. jidal tah wadal zandnah chhai pashich zadal Uhai. A contrary woman is like bad grass on the roof. Grass not fitted for thatching does not set well, but lets the rain through the roof. Cf. Prov. xxvii. 15. Adi dadi yeUhih tah adi dadi reUhih. Half (the people) are burnt with wishing and half are burnt with scandal. The struggle for popularity and place. Adi Ldr tah adi Dor. v Half at Lar and half at Dar. A man of large and scattered property ; but who cannot get at it or obtain anything from it. Adin khash tah adin ash. To half (the people) wretchedness and to half happiness, Admi bastan andar chhtih sir. ~'--J . (■ ^^ ft Z^ "^ A secret is (concealed) under the skin of man.(;u^/^^^ \^^A^ Man is a make-up of mystery. Adui umr tah badui baUi. Half-life and great misfortune (be to you). A Kashmiri curse. Adyav kheyih chinih adyav khhjih idki. Half (the people) ate from the large dishes and half from the small dishes. A badly-arranged dinner. Affah bod paharas nnukar bod icaharas. The master is great in three hours, the servant is great in a year. Some people earn as much in three hours as others do in twelve months. Agah Icardn nethar tah varzun nah m/indn. The master gets married, but the servant does not agree to it, A contrary servant. Agar Khdn tjuyov ffagar to'iji^ talih no mijis kum-t/jt. Agar Khin entered into a rat's hole, and there he did not get, even, a bran-cake. In ertremis. Once Agar Kli&u wm rodacod to such distress that he was glad to take shelter in a little broken-down hut and sleep there. Agar Khunitn hustti luslu tih lustu; lust a nah tah khiUlu. Should Agar Kh in's elephant live, it lives ; and if it does not live, then never mind. Some people arc so little respected, that it does not mnch matter whether they live or die. Agar Khfiti was one of the old Pathdn governors of Kashmir. In his time attiiirs arrived at a crisis. The army had robolled, and the treasury was nofactor. 8 Akhi latik khasih nah gvris, beyih lalih pakih nah piyudah. At one time he will ride on a horse, at another time he will go on foot. Diruit cedificat miitat quadrdta rotundis» Akhi waktah prdnah'Ttuj tah heyih waktah pranah-dyal. At one time the onion-plant, and at another time the onion- skin. Good and bad times. Ahi sund dazih ub tah heyih sund dazih nah til. One man can burn water, where another cannot even burn oil. A matter of luck. AH sund dyurah chandah beyih sund hata. One man's pocketful of money (is no more than) another man's word. Ahi tsat sum tah sas gav hulih. One man cut the bridge, and a thousand people fell into the river. Ptmishment visited upon many because of the iniquity of one. This is a saying derived from a true story (so a native friend says). A very long time ago a large crowd of people were travelling toge- ther; — perhaps they were going on a visit to some popular shrine. In the midst of the crowd there was a very wicked man who did not seem to be able to think, or say, or do, anything except that which was evil. On seeing a swift and deep stream in front, this wicked man ran on ahead and crossed the ordinary plank bridge built over it ; and no sooner had he himself crossed over, than with his big hatchet he hacked and hewed away at the supporting beam of the bridge, until it broke into two pieces and the whole structure fell down, and was soon carried away by the angry waters. Now what were the people to do ? — go they must to this place, concerning which they had been making preparations many-a-long-day before. At length two or three of the bolder spirits among them determined to wade the stream ; and the others encouraged by their example resolved to venture also. They all started together, but, alas ! when they reached the middle of the water the swiftness and depth proving too much for them they all lost heart, gave themselves to be carried away by the waters, and were drowned. AM tsond dunyd tah beyih ahi imdn ; dunyd tah imdn chhih nah donawai athih yiwdn. One man sought the world and another sought for faith ; the world and faith both do not come into the same hand. '* Ye cannot serve God and mammon. " 9 uihis ehhiik daz&n ddr tah byak ekhus tovshanawun athah. One man's beard is on fire, and another man warms his hands by it. To be glad at another's misfortune. P&njibi. — Kini ki ghar jale, koi tape. Akia gom zah ; ffHthar gdm ihethar ; knwas gdyam kukil. One became two ; friends became enemies ; the crow became a dove. An old man's answer to a friend, who had sent to enquire how he was. The meaning is that a staff was now "part and parcel " of him ; that his teeth had deterted him ; and that hia raven-black hair had tnrned grey Aklah chhuni gara Mm tah garu mynni, Aklnh, the carpenter's wife, sometimes yours, and sometimes mine. A stupid, g&rmloas, onfaithfal woman. Akut abur tah J\Ug san; leunui phuiah tah drug tan. A single cloud, and it is as the month of January ; a single fast, and it is as though a famine. Au jour le jonr. Al Kashmir murdah-pasand. The Kashmiri people are fond of the dead. To •' never speak evil of the dead " is a prominent good feature in the Kashmiri's character. Alagadih buddn tah malagndih wotalan ; Witha hukhan; hhiar grasan ; filiht hd tnuliht ds% wundur rt'.j. The great man will sink; the base man will rise; the river will dry up ; the sewer will roar (by reason of the much water); then, O Father, will be the monkey rule {i.e., a time of utter irreligion and great oppression). A saying of Shekh NOr-nd-din, who wasa very famous Muhammedan aaint in Kashmir about six hundred years ag^. His shrine is at Tsrir, a village about fifteen miles from Srinagar; and every October there is a great mel& there in his honour. Wetha is the Jholum river in its course through Kashmir. Hind 6 priests call it Yetasta. Alah kulis tulah kul, A mulberry tree from a pumpkin plant A mountain from a mole>hilI. 1 10 Alak ruwuni w&ngan Icaduni. To sow pumpkins, and reap egg-plants. To begin a thing and not finish it. Wdngun is known in Hindustan by the name of brinj41 ( solO' nurn melongena), the egg-plant. The Kashmiris dry it, and eat it during the winter. Alan chhuh phal tah nindan chhuh donih. There is fruit to the plough, and rice for the raking. Thrift brings its own reward. j/ilbailas nah chhas akl tah nah maut. Neither understanding nor death to a fat man. " Fat paunches have lean pates. " — Shaks. All ('ngun samMle ; fakir auye damule. O All, prepare your garden ; the fakir has come to dance. Quoted as a warning to prepare for any person's coming. ^'FaTiir has come to dance" Fakirs stamp upon the ground, gesticulate, and in other ways annoy people, if their demands for largesse are not quickly complied with. Ali dits'jv talih gyav zuwav kurus lyav tah lyav. All oiled her head with ghi, and the lice licked and licked it all up. Money in the hands of a worthless person. Alih drds tah talih logum tsel. In the moment of birth my head was squeezed. Man commences his troublous career as soon as he is bom. Alikmini dandah hatoar ; ale nah atsan garah, tah hy&k nah neran barah. One-eyed 'All's yoke of oxen, — one will not enter the house^ and the other will not come out of it. A poor man with a refractory family. Most people in the valley will remember one-eyed 'A15 and hia two troublesome bullocks. Alond U/mdun Seeking to get at a thing which is hanging out of reach. Clavam Hercule extorqu^re. Amal gav gulih mat. Employment is like dirt upon the wrist. Employment is uncertain ; like dirt upon the wrist, it quioklf comes and goes. 11 Am^inalas khiydnat. To embezzle a deposit (is a tremeDdous sin). The height of dishonour. Amanuk tot, Aman's pony, A bad, lazy fellow who requires a lot of uiifing before he will do anything, Aman is a small Kashmiri village. A man once porohased a pony from this place, and was setting forth on his way home, when the beast suddenly stopped, and nearly threw the rider over his head. Any little ditch or such like place caused the pony to thus stop. Eventually the purchaser got off the animal, and adced a passer-by to mount it. The other man being a good horseman was not afraid to hit the pony ; and so for the rest of the journey, and ever after- words, the pony went splendidly. Amas suet har gayih khumas 9uet garah karun. To Quarrel with the common people is like keeping house mth a stupid, untaught person (which is misery). Ami phukah chhuh dazdn Uong tah ami phukak chhuh gatjMn pati. With this blow of the breath the lamp is lit, and with this blow it is extinguished. " Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing." Am{ y&rahalan ehhih kntiy^ih naii pkuiar^vamati 1 How many water-pots this ghat has broken ! A source of much evil. Amin gogalan til tan phenin. Like mixing oil with raw turnips. Treasured wrath. The oil will not settle, but runs all over and about the turnips. In this way anger spreads over the breast of an unforgiving man. Amin natun mdl. A desire for raw flesh (is it ?) Cited to a man who is impatient for his food, &0t Amis dudas suet dabadab. To wrestle with uncooked milk. To strive with the weak. Amis panas darah dar. To pull raw thread. To fight, or bully, a weak fellow. 12 An mana, karfana; rachhun chhui bod gunah. Bring a maund, and spend it. It is a great sin to store. Jogis sometimes quote these words, An Wetky dis dam, adah budin garni gam. Bring the Jhelum, drink it, and then let the whole Tillage be drowned. An unprincipled man who has no care for others, as long as he can accomplish his own selfish ends. Anawune, zenawune, Ranih hinde madano. ThakamutCy losamute, Mdjih hinde gubaro. At the time of earning and bringing, A wife's friend you are ; But when you're tired and weary, A mother's son you are. Anchdr-nut aim khut tah beyis hut. A pickle-pot, — one man's (pickle) turned out splendidly, another man's (pickle) went bad. The same concern, &c-, may turn out well for one, but adrerte for another man, Andah kanih manzbdg. Being outside or on the edge, to sit in the midst. The monkey, who would fain use the cat's paw to pull th© chestnuts out of the fire. Andarah daznn panah tah nebarah dazdn lok. Inside he himself bums, and outside the people burn. The genteel poor man. Poverty and cold are burning him within, whilst outside, owing to his wearing nice clean clothes, the people burn with envy, supposing that he has money. Andarah gom wirih hund dudur tah nebarah rodum tserik hund rang. "Within me is the rottenness of the willow, but without continues the colour of the apricot. Andarah tshunihas thukah tah nebarah dupun " Gumah dm." Inside somebody spat upon him. Outside he said, ** It is perspiration." Salvd dignitate. 13 Andarit andariy wot Tsandari gom. Secretly, secretly, he reached the village of Tsandar. " In truth, he is in great distress." Andarim dddi no tnashinam marit N^barim shudi kyah barah wuini buk ? I shall never forget the pains of my heart, even after death. Shall I wish then for outside happiness ? Refusing to be comforted. Andarim nah tutj iah nebaritn nahpafj. No strength within, and no respect without. Anetis at yiyih ladanah tah mantis wdtis. If the cover be filled then it holds one pound and a half. Think before yon leap. Anhaharin arm&n tah haharimuti pashemdn. The bachelor wishes (to get married) , the married man regrets (that he got married). Marry in haste, and repent at loisore. Ani chhur lam tal tah h'lhsih dyuthus nah. A blind man sat down behind a pile of stones, and thought that nobody had seen him. The osti-ioh hides his head in the sand, Ac. Ani 9un2 kulai Khud&yas hawulah. A blind man's wife is in God*8 keeping. Anigatih guli alawuni. To show affection in the darkness. Kind to the unthankful. Anim sui, toavum auU lajum sui, panasui, I brought the nettle, I sowed the nettle, and then the nettle stung me. Ingratitude. In olden times there was a famous fakir in Kashmir, who punished himself in the following way. He uprooted a nettle, and fixing soma mud upon the palm of his hand, planted the nettle therein. All the day and all the night for several years he held out his hand with the palm uppermost, and the nettle in it. The plant grew and was strong and by reason of this, thousands of Hindis used to visit the fakir, and give him alms. The fakir had a disciple, who eventually became very jealous of the honour which his master received ; and one day in a fit of anger, he hit the n«ttle, earth and all, oat of his master's hand. The fakir 14 then spoke the above saying concerning both the nettle and hxa disciple, whom he had brought up and nourished from his infancy. The sting-nettle is a plant sacred to Shiva, who is said to have first planted it. Hindiis pluck the leaves, and throw them over the god's favourite symbol, the lingam. Anin manz kdni sundar. An one-eyed woman is beautiful among blind women. Anis hdwun sari wat he-aklas nah Itahh, All men show the blind man the way ; nobody can show the man without understanding. Anis musht Mwuni, nah chheh gunahi nnh sawuh. To show the thumb to a blind man is neither a sin nor a virtue. Advice is lost on some people. " To show the thumb" is a vulgar act amongst children and stupid people in Kashmir. Anis rat tah doh hehui. Night and day are the same to the blind man. Anit natsandwuni ! (Enough) to make a cover dance ! A great trouble or surprise. Anhdr tah mal, nakar tah Tcasam. Confess and property, refuse and oath. One man charges another man with a debt. The other man denies. Then the matter is carried into court, where the judge and people sometimes cite the above proverb, which means " Confess and pay, or refuse and swear to it." Ant an tah hdwanai. Bring it to me and I'll show it to you. An angry retort when a man expresses surprise that his friend has not seen, or heard of, a certain person or thing. Aporih sanduk ; yapdrih sanduk ; duhuli khawas yad banduk. On that side a bo.^ ; on this side a box ; and a gun to the stomach of him, who breaks the fast (of Ramazan). Apdrih thrum gudih han, yaparih hurmas ras, sal kurum Mdkkah Madinas. From the other bank of the river I brought a small fish, and here I made soup, and then invited all Mecca and Medina. 15 Ap6rimav mun ddnih yaparimin gayih athan halk, A man on that side pressed the grain, but to a man on thii side a gall became. One does the scath, another has the harm. Apih hund gyav, A foolish woman's ghi. A foppish person. A']g^h is a term applied only to a woman, whose one care is dress, he. Kashmiri people, both wealthy and others, mb their hair with fresh ghi. Scented oil is never used. Apuzis god kyah T A lie has no beginning. Art di auri tah ur gav nak kanh. All people came (t>., were born) in good health, but not ont became (i.e., continued) healthy. Arimi kadih nah miij tah phakiran dAra$ kisht. The gardener had not dug out the radish, when the fakir held the alms-bowls in front of him. Aris p/mas drakah. A leech to a healthy body. Soifering for others. Aian ai tah lasah kit ah pAlhi T If I laugh not how can 1 live ? R\d9 si sapia. Asat gaUhih phulai dauniy adah gayih phulai teuchhuni. One's mouth must blossom before he goes to see the flower-' blossoms. The different pleasore^gardens around the Dal Lake are constantly and largely visited by the natives, and especially, when the plum* trees and roses and lilacs arc in full bloom. They take their diimer with them, and spend the greater part of the day on the excursion. The expression ** ane's mouth must blossom" refers to eating and drinking. The natives have also got a proverb in Persian with the same meaning. — Ah i Dal dtash numdyad chuh na hdshad tabbdkh. Asas kuUh Uuiyo dh'i woddh drdiyo. When food had entered your mouth, blessing came forth therefrom. The gueet flatters and blesaea his host. m Asas mazah tdh yad dazah-dazah. A taste in the mouth and a burning in the stomach. Just enough to wbet the appetite. Asawai tah gindawai koryav^ khyun chyun chhuh yih. Let us laugh and play girls. This (thumb) is eating and drinking. Some people are very mild in speech and witty in manner, but they are not very liberal in their dinner arrangements, or in the matter of largesse. ' This thumb" refers to the vulgar Kashmiri custom of holding up the thumb as an answer in the negative, when asked if there is anything in the house." Ashnav gav 'pasTimv. An acquaintance (or kinsman) is like a dung and refuse boat, (z.e., a nuisance). " Save me from my friends." Ashraf gav sui yas ashrafih asan. The man with the gold is the gentleman. Another version of this proverb cited by those, who are of another way of thinking, is : — Ashrdf gav sui yas ashrafi asih» He, who is gentle, is a gentleman. Asmdnah pyav tah zaimnih logus dab. He fell from heaven to earth and is wounded. High towers fall to the ground with greater crash. Asmdnah waUh balai tah khana i gharib kujdst ? Misfortune descends from heaven, and where is the poor man's house. From hand to mouth. Atun chhuh hechhimiwan nah usun chhuh mandachhdwun. To be (wealthy) teaches, not to be (wealthy) makes ashamed. Asun chhuh hharas khasun. It is a shame to laugh (immoderately). '' And the laugh that spoke the vacant mind." — Goldsmith. Kharaf khasun, lit, to mount an ass, which, according to the natives, is infra dig. 17 Atti Muhammad Khunin gndik beguri. Impress for the work of Ata Muhammad Khan's (fort). The present fort of Uari Parbat was built by ktk Muhammad Khan about sixty years ago. On Fridays, until the work was com- pleted, every citizen, whether rich or poor, young or old, was forced to take up one stone to the top of the hill. Oppression. Ath gai sheth gai, Yiin pi'.htsh pet/i got. Eight gone, sixty gone. These five besides gone (what are they ?). What is a little more trouble to a man already overwhelmed with itP Persian — Abe ki at aar guztuht ehi yak nexa o chi haxdr neua. Alh shubih eu kut lubih ? Will the ftoul desire this beautiful thing T No. " It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer. " — Prov. xx. 14. Ath'ichan puntshan ungajan andar kit lukut ; mnhr ckhik meUn kisi. The little finger is the smallest of the five fingers of the hand ; and yet the signet-ring is worn upon the little finger. Vhe humble shall be exalted. Athah chhuk balih tah katkah ehhuk halih nah. A wound in the hand is well, but to be wounded by (unkind) words is not well. Athah ehhui tah mi^trut tjul. As soon as the hands were washed friendship ran away. After a native tlttmer an ewer of water is brought round, in which the gvests wash their hands. Athah ditam brokthah yitam. Give me your hand and come in front of me. To lend a hand. Athan waryan puck nad shtthan waryan puk sr^h. For eight years the river ran, and for sixty years (after the waters had disappeared) the ground remained damp. Men die but their deeds live. Panj&bi — Admi nahin rahindd, par ddmi d< alrdhjdndi hai. At hi bimat khyun tah at hi bunas chharun. To eat out of a vessel and then defile it. To receive a man's hospitality and then slander him. 3 18 Afyuv bulah-haf- An iniBge made from flour. A weak man. Bulah-hat are the little images, horses, &c., which children play with. A sugar toy. And Jvht'ki and phuki. Half dust, half blowing. A fool and his money are soon parted. Audur talh mudur. Wet and sweet. Spoken concerning bazar food. Ant gaUhih nerun yd talimih Uakajih yd peihimih. The flour must come out either by the lower or by the upper stone. By hook or by crook. Av ai tall yeruv, gav ai tah gdsuv. If it has come then it is like wool, but if it has gone then it is as grass. Indifference. Av tah jiv chhus haruhar. Coming and going are alike to him. A happy-go-lucky individual. *' Awah, " layih p/'hts'h tah ** Nah " layih lachh. '* Yes" is worth Rs. 50 and '* No" is worth a lakh. No of some people is more esteemed than the Yes of others. — " Oraculo Manual," Balthasar Gracian. Ayas wate tah gay as tih wate j Shnanz suthe losiim doh ; Wuchhum chandas tah hur nah athe. Ndivah to? as kyah dimah huh ? I came by a way (i.e., I was born) and I also went by a way (i.e., I died). When I was in the middle of the way (ie., when my spirit was between the two worlds) the day failed. I looked in my pocket, but not a cowrie came to hand. What shall I give for crossing the ferry ? A saying of Lai D6d, who was a very holy Hindu woman. The Kashmiri Hindu belief is that during the sixth month after death the spirit of the deceased has to cross the waters of the Vaitaraiii; but it is impossible to get to the other side of the river 19 except by special means, as the waters arc so deep and stormy and the op[)osiii^ powers, preta, yamadat, matsya, and kumia arc so strong. Acconlingly about this time the bereaved rehitions call the family Braliman, who repeats to them the portions appointed to bo road on this occasion. Among other things the departed spirit is reprosonted as standing on the brink of the river and crying " Where is my father ? Where is my mother ? Where are my relations and my frieuds ? Is there no one to help me over this river. ?" This is sometimes recited with much feeling, and great are the lamentations of the bereaved, who now with sobs and tears present a little boat and paddle, made of gold, or silver, or copper, according to their position, to tho Brail man ; and in the boat they place ghk milk, butter, and rice. Tho boat is for the conveyance of the spirit across Vaitarahi, and tho provisions are for the appeasement of the contrary powers preta, matsya, and others, who will try to turn back tho boat, but who on having these, ghi and rice, Ac, thrown to them, will at once depart tliuir own way. The HindAs believe that if this ceremony is performed in a right manner, a boat will bo at once present upon tho waters, close to that portion of the bank of the river, wliere the spirit is waiting and praying for it, and that tho spirit getting into it will be s^ifi^ly convoyed to the opposite side. The gift-boat, however, is taken home by the BHkhroan, and generally tamed into money as soon as possible. At the moment of death amongst other things a pais& is placed within the mouth of the corpse, wherewith to pay tho ferry. The belief hero expressed ia common in one shape or another to all nations and peoples, bat e«pectally to all Indo-Kuroiiean nations. In Grecian mythology it was the rirer Styx, Acheron, or Cocytus ; and Charon rowed tho shades across in his little boat. A small piece of money, too, was placed in the mouth of the dt-ad, to pay the fare to the Stygian ferryman. In Scan ferried over the river. At first six monks get into the boat, but no sooner is it started than u great company press in, to the great iucouvenieiice of the boatman. 20 With xnnch diflBcnlty the river is crossed ; and the passengers having disembarked, the boat is immediately carried back by a strong wind to the place whence it started. More passengers are waiting there, and they, too, embark directly the boat touches the bank ; and as they enter the foremost of the strange company puts the fare into the ferryman's hands with his icy-cold fingers. Some readers may not know that the Germans in olden times thoroughly believed that our own little island was the island of souls, and that to this day remnants of this belief are still to be found among them." For more particulars concerning traditions about the dead, their world, and the way to it, &c., cf . Kelly's most interesting book on " Curiosi- ties of Indo-European Traditions," Ch. IV. Ayih wonis gayih h'ndris- She came to the baniya's but arrived at the baker's. To miss the mark. This saying has its origin in a story well-known in Kashmir. Lai Ded, whose name has been mentioned before, used to peregrinate in an almost nude condition, and was constantly saying that " He only was a man, who feared God, and there were very few such men about." One day Shdh Hamadan, after whom the famous mosque in Srinagar is called, met her, and she at once ran away. This was a strange thing for Lai DM, to do ; but it was soon explained. *' I have seen a man," she said, to the astonished baniyi, into whose shop she had fled for refuge. The baniyi. however, turned her out. Then Lai Dcd rushed to the baker's house and jumped into the oven, which at that time was fully heated for baking the bread. When the baker saw this he fell down in a swoon thinking that, for certain, the king would hear of this and punish him. However, there was no need of fear, as Lai Ded presently appeared from the mouth of the oven clad in clothes of gold, and hastened after Shah Hamadan. Cf . Note 743, Part XX of " Panjab Notes and Queries.'^ The Kashmiri Muhammedan will tell as many and long stories concerning this Shah Hamadan, or Saiyid 'Ali as the Kashmiri Pandit will tell about Lai Ded — how that when Timur Lung slew all the saiyids in his country, he accxised that monarch of impiety and said that he would not stay in his country, but by virtue of his holiness would transport himself through the air to Kashmir ; and how that he alighted in the very spot, where now the famous mosque stands in the midst of Srinagar, and within a few days after his arrival here converted so many Hindus to Islam that two-and-a-half JCharwars of Yonis or Brahmanical threads were delivered up to him. Sh5h Hamad^n's mosque is one of the most beautiful as well as one of the most famous in the Valley. Over and beside the entrance and upon the wall of the first of the five divisions of the building axe these three Persian inscriptions ; — 21 At dil (igarat matlah i faiz e diZ jahan cut. Rav bar dar i shahansfiah i Shdh e Hamaddn att. Makrun i ijdhat ast ti dare aust du'd rd. *Arsh ast dar ash halki azii,* 'arsh nishdn ast. • • • • Har faiz ki dar sdfyikay e hnr-dH jahdn ast. l)ar pairaine hnzrat i Shdh e Hamaddn, ast. Shdh e Hamaddn ahki Shahanshuh e jahdn ast Ai Khdk bardh d{da ki dar raib o gumdn ast. ^ • • • • In Hamaddn Hamaddni dihad. Ma'rifat e sirr i nihdni dihad. Ya*ne agar b^ishidat in tirru ; Az dar i Shiih e Hanuiddni hi jo, Az gov beguh wuini tculah paguh. To-day is not the time. Now (is not the time). Come to-morrow. Ad Gracas Kalendat, Az nah tah, adah har. Not to day, — when then ? To-morrow is no day. 22 B Bubah Adamas zui zdh gabar, aki rat uwareni beyih ratlcabr. Father Adam had two sous. One was burnt and the other was buried (i.e., one became a Hindu and the other became a Muhammedan). Bobah, budatham iah hhidmatak hartam. O father, become old and serve me. The old parents are very often the slaves of the family. Bubah matyov tah ded tih mateyih. The father has became mad and the mother also has become mad. A kingdom or city in a wretched plight. During a certain king's reign the gods determined that the people should become mad from drinking the ordinary water. Now the king's wazir being versed in astrology discovered this matter and at once told the kiug of it privately. "0, king," said he, " after one month all your subjects will lose their reason from drinking the water of the country." " What shall we do ?" said the king, " that we two, at all events, may be saved." " Procure water at once," replied the wazir, "and store it up in skins." The king did so, and the result was that at the time appointed, when all the people were raving mad, he and the wazir were perfectly sane. It happened, however, that the whole country being quite beyond governing, the people were murdering one another and doing the most strange acts. At length some determined to slay the king and his wazir, and so in order to save themselves these two also drank of the diseased water and became mad. Then it was that the father and mother wei*e mad, and the above saying was fii'st spoken. Persian — Ab-i-diwdnarji. Babah nethar zih hamin s''>at. O father, let me be married thi moment. Impatience. Bnbam Rishin kati. Babam Rishi's child (i.e., disciple). A stupid fellow. This good saint's followera were most ignorant and stupid people. People gave alms to them only for the sake of their saint and leader, Biiham Rishi died about the year 1474 a. d. His shrine, and a convent attached to it, lie on the road from Baramula to Gulmarg, and are amongst the richest, as well as the most frequented, places of pilgrimage in the vaUey. 23 The Bifihfs must not be confoanded with the Rishis, a sect of Muhammedan peasants, nor with the seven Rishis (also Rikhis), or ancient llindft sagos, Vashishta and others. They are Muhammodans, and did not many or cat meat, or show themselves to men as Rishis; but nsed to wander about the jungles, and by the highways, and livo on whatsoever they might tind. Now, however, customs have changed with the times, and the true Muhammedan tells you with sorrowful countenance, that there is not one real Rishi in the country, and has not been since Akbar's days, when largo land and hoQso property wore given to these people, and they became spoiled and got worse and worse, until now they are so degenerated as to some- times marry and oat flesh and amass money, and do other things equally, and even more, contrary to the spirit and pattern of their predecessors in olden days. Abii'l Fazl in his book remarks that in Akbar's time " the most respectable people of Kashmir were the Rishis, who though they did not suffer themselves to be fettered with trailitions, were doubtless worshippers of God. They did not revile any sect, or ask anything of any one. Xhey planted the roads with fniit trees to furnish the traveller with refreshment," Ac The Aliihammodans believe that it was in response to these holy Eishia' intt^rccssions :hat Akbar was thrice defeated by the Chak klogg, when he attempted to take the country. According to their account, also, a fakir called Khwaja Uwys was the founder of this sect ; and ho lived during Muhammed's life time at Kurun, a little village of Yemen in Arabia; and that the Prophet would never march to this place because a savour of holiness went up tbenoo on aoooont of this holy fakir's residing there with his mother. There were about two thonsnnd Rishis in Kashmir during Akbar'* time. Now-a>days there are perhape five thousand, but they are not revered by the more educated and respectable Muhammedans in the valley. Cf. Col. Yule's "Travels ©f Marco Polo," VoL I., p. 179. Bachhih f'aih animah h'.Uah machhih Urunaa ! If there should be a little rice-water on the edge of the fire- place how many flies will congregate to it ! Vbi mel, ihi apM. Bnchih dod chhuh lachih dod. A child's pain is a hundred thousand pains. Badas sir buwun chhuh b^bih andar saruf raehhun. A wicked man may as well place a snake in his bosom as tell out his secrets ; (he dare not do it). Badit chhai badui nazar. High looks to a great man (but not to a maimikin). 24 Badis Jchor tal marun ji'm tah lukis nah shmdas pefh. It is better to die under the foot of a great man, than upon the shoulder of a man of small degree. Better to be an earl's slave than to go partner with a small shop- keeper. Bugih bog tah nonih tok. (After receiving his) share in the distribution of the dinner (he asked for) a dish for his grandmother. A greedy, unsatisfied, fellow. BahloU jandahi tah kashkul, Bahlol, a ragged habit, and an alms-bowl, A very poor man. Bahlol was a genuine fakir. According to my informant, he was a brother of Ali Mardan Khm. governor of Kashmir under Sh^h Jahan, about 1650 a.d., but he did not care for the pomp and show of palace life, and so laid aside the court dress for the jandah and kashkiil. This voluntary fakir life of one so high in learning and position was not pleasing to the governor, or to his ministers and attendants ; and various devices were resorted to for getting Bahlol to accept some distinguished office in the service of the State. At last they succeeded, and Bahlol was appointed Deputy-Inspector. All things went happily for a while, until one day it happened that in the course of his office Bahlol had to ascertain whether the bankers', baniyas', and others' weights were correct or not ; and while fulfilling this duty he discovered so much distress and fraud and trickery, &c., that he determined to know no more of it, went back quickly to his house, and doffed the grand dress of a Deputy-Inspector for the jandah kashkul and the fakir life again. " Bajih mashidih hindyav thamavt yut Mlhavpiith wUiwah?^* ** Pananih sezarah." " How did the pillars of the great mosque get here V* " By their own straightness." The way to accomplish a difficult work. The roof of the cloister surrounding the open square in the centre of the great mosque in Srinagar is supported by wooden pillars, each formed of a single deodar tree about thirty feet high, and resting upon a plain stone base. There are three rows upon the north, south and west sides, but only two on the east side. Bajih mashidih tjali/a kunj nerit ? " Will the corner of the great mosque tumble out ?" The whole country or concern is not going to ruin, simply becanao " So and-So" has died. There are plenty as good and clever as he to prosecute the work. 25 BaliJitai bnd chhih khidmatg^r. Understanding is butler to success. liolak korih wulanai. Dishonour to a beloved daughter A torriblo wrong. Baldi dur tah khair kahui. May misfortune be far from you and prosperity nigh. A Kaahmiri blessing. Bali wuehkithai zuli w&kkah dt'tdi dithmak kundalui. O woman, you have plaited your hair very nicely, but I see you always a kundal. Fine olothoa do not make the lady. Kundal is the inner earthenware part of a k&ngar, the Kashmir portable fire-place. The outer part is generally of. very pretty basket-work, which conceals the knndal's faults. Bi'inah hatas dizih fhttnah hat tah usah hatas kyah dizih ? A hundred covers for a hundred vessels, but what shall be given (to stop) a hundred mouths. Banas andar nar tah danaa andar har. Arm in the pot (for serving out food) and wood under the oven (for cooking it). Panjabi.— ifii» tan tuhddd gkio hich ramha hai. Band bandas mmnffih, Agah hedur tah namkar shungih. For one acquaintance, or relation, to ask from another, is like a master awake, whilst his servant sleeps (i.r, the one is as much a matter of shame as the other). Band kus ? Zih chandah. Who is (your) friend ? (Your) pocket. Bdngis chheh hang dapun. It is the work of the bangih to cry the bdng. Another version is :— Bangis ehhud bung dapuni matih kih nah neh anini ? Is the bangih to call the bang, or to bring the people (to prayer) ? Every man to his own work. Banq IB the Muhammedau call to prayers. 4 26 Bf'tparich kut chhai sudarah kdiiz pov hisky yut tsunakas tyut kadahas. A tradesman's shop is like an earthenware vessel, as much as is put into it, so much is got out of it. Tradesmen are frequently bankers, also, in Kashmir. Bar dit aohh tovranih. To shut the door and put on a terrifying look. A coward. Bar dit hhar natsan. The ass shuts the door and dances. A man very spirited and full of words in his own house, but out- side he does nothing. This is also a Kashmiri riddle, of which the answer is, a mill-stone. Bastah tshunit ndl Jckahardyih mandachkun. To wear sheep's skin and be ashamed of its rustling. Don't be ashamed of your real position. Bastih s6n daher. Three sers with the skin. (The swindler had weighed the skin in as well). A swindle. Batah badyos chdnih tah garah zunai nah wath. I am the better because of your dinner, but I do not know the way to your house. Hopes unfulfilled. In hope of receiving something from you I have contracted a debt here and there, but now I perceive that I hoped in vain ; so hence- forth I shall not know the way to your house (i.e., will not see you). ** Batah, batah, " tah piyadah patah. Having no food and a peon after you (because of some debt) . Great distress. Batah dag chhai K/irtikin surah dag. Earning one's living is (as hard to bear) as the pain of hoar- frost in the month of October. Natives suffer terribly in their feet from walking out early on a frosty October morning. Batah gajih ruhun. As garlic upon the hearth of a Pandit (so your presence is to me). 27 Hindus of the valley will not toach garlic (or onions). These are eaten only by the Mohaminodans- Hindus say that their ancestora would not eat them because of their aphrodisiac effects, which they did not wish to experience, as they had devoted themselves to religion. Batak gardan. To behead another with hospitality. To heap coals of fire on an enemy's head. Baiah gav grattah. The Hindu is a mill. Muhammedans quote this jestingly of their Hindof, where its flaming tail ignited the thatch, and sot the whole houMe on fire. The Hames 8pr«ad to the other houses, until after a short time the whole village was in one mighty blaze. The news R)>ri>ad far and wide, and the governor of the city sent the soldiers ; but they only increased the damage by shouting and in other ways exciting the |>oople, so that they ran about* wihlly. n«)t knowing what they were doing; and many received very seriinis burns. The governor, who now had reached the village, seeing these poor snfferers, at the advice of the doi'tor, oniororl the soldiers to march at once for the jungle and kill as many bears as they could, and bring their fat to him ; for the doctor had said, that if for tho space of two days bear's grease were applied to tho bums, they would perfectly heal. Tho soldiers were rather afraid to veniuru their lives in this work, and not a few of thom ran away, when thoy saw the boiirs. The score or vo who kept their ground were slain ; and ono poor fellow, whilst dnng, spoke tho above words, which liave long since pa^^sed into a proverb. Eventually many beai-s were slain. Hence tho boars an well as tho |>oor soldiers were killed, and all because of the quarrel between the old woman and the cat. Bulchik kaldl tah hi'r han'm. Buiuilc lawful, but cowrie prohibited. Straining at a gnat, but swallowing a camel. Bnlih'ri gayih w'sur-i-lchi'.na. The fire-place is the ulcer of the house {i.e., cats up the expenses, and souietimcs burns the whole place down). 38 BuTchdri, a fire-place in shape like our English stove, built of dried mud, and used only by the few wealthier classes for warming the house, but never for cooking purposes. Wood only is burnt in the bukhari. Bumasinui zdnih satuti sunz dig. The worm will know the pecking of the lapwing. Bun lam wuchhit Uun him nazar. (Apparently) looking below, but (really) seeing in every direction. A slirewd, careful master. Buth wuchhit bog tah Ualdj wuchhit ts/hgij. The face sees the dinner and the backside sees the tsangij. Suu>}i' cuique tribuito. Tsdhgij is a round piece of matting for squatting upon. Buzi busi gudah ItUewun osm('inas suet. He cooks his fish by the sun and eats. A man so full of himself, that he listens to nobody. Buzun bror kdmuni, kahan garan kuni thov, buzun bror h'.muni. A cat for roasting is obtained with difficulty; only one frying- pan for eleven houses; a cat for roasting is obtained with difficulty. Hard times. These words are said to have been first spoken in the time of 'Azim Khan, one of the old Path.'in conquerors, whose reign of terror and oppression will long be remembered in the valley. The Hindus are especially bitter against his raeinorv, as he used to fine them so much a head, and so much extra for the tiki, the I'eligious mark, which they wear on their foreheads. 39 C Chiu ham yn y'ii± lekin tatj. It does not mutter whether the tea is less or more, but it nriust he hot. Two kinds of tea, aiul two ways of preparing it, aro mot with in the valley. Thcro is the Surati chiU, something liko our Engliuh tea, which is imported from the Panji'ib and Latl^k ; and the Sabz chiU, the cek>brated bnck toa, which n>aches Kashmir vid Iiad6k. The first way of pre(>anition is called tho Mughal method, Mugul eluU, Hero is the receipt : — For every tola or rupee's weight of tea in the pot put five cups of cold water, boil for half-an-hour, then add more cold water together with sugar and condiments, and allow to boil fbr another half-an-hour. Then add milk, stir well, and serve rount together with a little soda and cold water and boil for half-an-hour. Then add milk, salt, and butter, nnd allow to boil for another half-an-hour, when it is ready for drink- ing. The salt used in the infusion of tea is called phul. It is found in the Nubra valley in Ladak, and contains the oarbonato aud sulphate of soh dimih h'-jat. There is no need to cook your cabbage. " Now, don't talk nonsense. 1 am certain you can not, and will not, do what you say ?" Chdyih tah Uyih gatshih augun usun. A flame is necessary for cooking (both) tea and Indian corn. Tea here stands for the great man and Indian corn for the man of small degree. Flame here mesms money, which all classes need according to their rank. The Kashmiris say " Turuni chdi tah Idi chheh nah khenas Idik, '* i.e.y Tea and roasted Indian com are not worth eating cold. Chhalanah mat chhud atsdn hih nah nerdn ? Does dirt come or go by washing 1 Does knowledge come from studying or not, &c. ? 41 Chhi'-nah leij. The carpenter's wooden nail. A carj)enter was once in very straitened circumstances and obliged to sell his little hoase. After he had disposed of it. and althoujjrh the buyer was living in it, the carpenter went every evening when his work was over, and hanged his wrap npon a wooden peg, which was fixed over the front door. He did this for ten days, when the owner of the house remonstrated, saying that the house was his. The carpenter replied : '* Yes, the house is yours, but not this wooden uail." Accordingly the owner had to settle the matter by giving a few more rupees to the man. Carpenters are constantly omitting a nail here or some other work there, in order that they may be recalled, and be able to make a two or three days more job of it. When the master detects some fault in the work and sends again for the carpenter, he invariably says to the man, *' Look hero ; what is this? ' Chh&nali k{j,' you rascal. '* C/ihdnfih thiik chhnk nah hattih rozdn. The sound of the carpenter does not remain secret. Truth will out. Chhdnah thukas chhul rat tailor. Soup is ready at the sound of the carpenter. Honoured men get well treated whereror tbej go. A good carpenter is much flattered and pamperad by the people in whose employ he is working— of ooarae with a special Chh'inaa tah huzitfaraa tah thahsawtiras chhai audui nmr. A carpenter, tumbler, and horse-breaker (these three) only live out half their days. Ckhunat yUih piioun pt',neu pM ylkiHk kanik i'gun woafak- fy'ikah nal. When the carpenter has to do anything for himself, he uses a cabbage-stalk instead of a large beam (i e., he docs work at the smallest expense possible). Chhuc ifit batik tak di'v yit katkak. When it boils dinner is ready, and when opportunity offeri speak and act. A word or work in season. Chkeli ckkeli zun zi'lun. He washes the wood before he bums it (because it may be unclean). A particularly scrupulous conscience. a 42 . Chheni mut chheh waz&n. Empty vessels sound. Hindustani. — Adhjal g., he got whacked for it). Conseqaonoe of ovil deeds. Dandun mugov tah dupuk ** Amn chhuh" A man with projecting incisors was about to die, aud the people said *' lie is laughing." Ddndih suat wagan dohalih. Ddndih rust Wigiin rtUalih. The owner of an ox ploughs in the day. The man who hasn't an ox ploughs at night (i.e., he plans things in his bed, but forgets them with the morning light). Dangi suh. A tiger in the stable. A tyrant in his house. Dapaha8 ai />ba8 gaUhun gatjthih Jchushhas. Dapahas ai khushkas gatjhun gatjhih abas. If I tell him to go to the water he will go to the land. If I tell him to go to the land he will go to the water. A good-naturod follow, but who invariably misuudeiDtaudB any- thing and ciucutea it accordingly. 7 50 Dapayai hur, hih nahpari rdhat-i-jon ckhahamai Mngri. O kangri, what shall 1 call thee, a celestial virgin or a fairy ! You are the balm of my life. Persian. — Ai Mngri, ai hdngri, qurhdni tu h'&r o pari, harchand wasfat mikunam Icaz wasaf azdn hdld tari. Tu az pari ndzuli tari o az harg i gul ra^nd tari. Haqqd ajd'ih dil tari. Dur yelih dudareh yur gaUhih panas, miUiwis hanas mitsik ialjdi. When the body (lit. wood) becomes old (lit. dry and rotten) the spirit (lit. friend) goes his own way. The place of this earthen pot is under the earth. Daram Ddsini hotri, Daram Das's chamber. A small room. Daram Dds was a very celebrated character among Kashmiri Jogis. He lived in Srinagar near to the entrance of the Lake, and died in 1877 A. d. He built several small houses, the biggest of which was sufficient for only two persons, Darbdr garih ai til melih tah halam gaUMh durun. If from the master's house some oil be given, then one must hold up the skirt, wherein to take it. Although the present may be a mean present, and of as much benefit to the recipient as oil in a cloth, which all runs out and is spoilt, yet it is' the duty of the servant to take it humbly- and readily. Kashmiri beggars receive alms in this way. Dard chheh gard. Love is as dust {i.e.y must show itself), Daryawik malkh ganzrani. To count the waves of the river. An impossible task. Persian. — Mauj i daryd shv/inardmu 'All Mard^n Khdn (cir. 1650 a. d) was a governor under the Emperor of Kashmir Shcih Jahan. He had two especial servants, one a Muhammedan and the other a Hindu. The Muhammedan worked all the day, but the Pandit, who worked only for one hour, received more salary than the Muhammedan. The latter petitioned the king, that he would at least give him an equal salary. The king promised that he would do so if the Muhammedan would go and count the waves of the river and tell him how many they were. The Muhammedan went away at once, but soon found that he could not oblige the king. On his return, when the king asked him how many waves there were, he replied, " I have forgotten." Then the king ordered the Pandit to go and count the waves. The Pandit con- 51 sentml on tho condition that the king would allow him two thousand rniwes and one hundred soldiers for this purpose. Tho king gave him what he asked for, and a%vay went tho Pandit to his task. At every turn or passage of tho river he placed four soldiers and a toll house, and ordered them to take four rupees from each boat which went up or down. The excuse to tho boatmen, when they demurred, was that they had hindered the Pandit in counting the waves of the river, and therefore they were thus fined. In this way he obtained a Idkh of rupees, and then went to the king. In reply to the king's question how many waves there were, the Pandit threw down the bags of rupees at tho ruler's feet, saying " One 14kb, your Majesty." This Pandit was promoted to a very high post, whilst tho Moham- medan was debased. The natives say that *Ali Mard^ Kh&n introdnoed ciistom*hoiiBe0 into Kashmir at this Pandit's advice. Dashtam, dushtam chhuh nah hakar ; durctm^ diram chhuh bahtr. liVhat I had, what I had, is not wanted; but what I have, what I have, is necessary. Quoted to the man who is constantly speaking of his groat rela- tions, or previous wealthier state. Ddsfur chhih gandtm izzatah kMtirah wushnerah hhUirah nah. Men bind on their turbans for honoor's sake, not for warmth. VasUrak badalah chhas kalas p^th ras. In place of a turban rope is on his head. A disreputable person. Dasturan chhuh nah mul, darb>'ran chhuh. No worth is attached to turbans, but to professions. Not what a man seomsi bat what he is. Dastaras dab tah nulaa trit chhtth mulis tah m^jih pifth maranih wizih p'n. To dash one's turban upon the ground, and to tear one's cloak into two pieces at the time of a father's or mother's death is good. This is principally a Hindu custom. They remain thns with uncovered head and torn cloak for ton day 6 after their parent's death ; and if they are rich they then give the turbau and cloak away, but if they are poor they keep them. 52- Daulat jama haruni chkai eallat. Hdr hun s6r nah hunsik hanz. Amassing riches is destruction. A piebald dog is not faithful to any one- The Kashmiri calls many things hdr h-An, but especially these three, viz., the world, health, and money. A certain wealthy merchant, famed for his goodness and alms- giving, died, and his immense wealth was distributed among all his sons, except the eldest, who did not get a cowrie of it. There was great lamentation in the city, and especially among the poor and sick people when they heard of this good man's death. What were they to do ? To whom should they go now ? " Perhaps," said some, '* the sons will continue their deceased father's liberality, that their name may live and be great in the land." So crowds of the poor and distressed wended their way to the sons' houses. The sons, however, who had come into their father's property were not good men, but selfish and hard-hearted ; and so when they saw the crowds of beggars entering their compound, they at once gave orders that they should be turned out and told not to come again, but to go to the eldest son's quarters, as he was more interested in their cases than they were. Therefore they went to the house of the eldest son, who, following the example of his father, did what he could for the relief of their necessities. Now it happened that one day some holy men visited this eldest son and asked for alms. They came at a bad time, when he had only two loaves within the vessel. However, he told them to wait, while ho took these two loaves and sold them in the b^ar. The few paisas, which he received for them, he gave to the holy men. When he gave the money to them, they knowing that it was the price of the two loaves, enquired why he, the son of such a wealthy and good man, was in such reduced circumstances. He told them that his brothers had appropriated all the money, and that he did not care sufficiently for it to go to law concerning his portion. The holy men were very pleased, and much desired to compensate this un- earthly-minded son. Accordingly they told him to prepare one of the rooms in his house and sleep in it ; and it would come to pass that one night a woman, Daulat by name, would enter his house ; and when he heard the sound of her footsteps ascending the stairs he was to open the door of his room, let her come m, and then chain the door ; and on her asking to be let out again, he was to say to her : " Daulat jama haruni chhai zallat. Hdr hun sdr nah Tcdhsih hanz" which means, '' I have not got any money. I think it a sin to amass wealth ; and so you will not be faithful to me." " But," continued the holy men, "she will promise never to go away; and then you can open the door." Saying this, they blessed him and left. According to the instructions of his saintly visitors, the eldest son thoroughly cleaned one of his rooms and arranged it as if for a 53 wedtlinji^-cliaTnbor, atnl at nii^'lit laid down in it to rest. Tic had not Ix^eii asleep for more than two honre, when ho was awakened by a creaking on the stairs. It was the woman coming up. So he opened the door to let her enter. No sooner had he opened the door then a little flame came floating along in the air until it settled upon his forehead, but ho did not feol the heat of the flame, nor did it leave any mark behind. In a minute or two ho returned to the room, but not seeing the woman who talked with him (for she had been turned into the little flame) ho laid down again upon his bed and slept. On rising in the morning ho heard that the king hail ordered his troops to march to a distant country against another king who had unlawfully seized some certain lands and villages ; and the king paid the soldiers their wages beforehand in gold mohurs. The soldiers, however, did not like this arrangement, they were afraid that they would lose them either through thieves, or in some other manner ; and so they returned them to the king with the request that ho would send them to the late rich merchant's sons and got them exchanged for paper money, which they might cash at the merchants in the country whither they were going. The king complioil with their request and sent the gold mohnrs to the lato merchant's sons, but they replied that they were not able to fulfll the king's wishes, as they had no transactions with the merchants of that country ; and, moreover, they were not known by thorn, and ■o their letters would not bo respected. In the midst of this difficulty the oldest son of the late merchant came to the king, and said that he would arrange for the payment of the troops if his Majesty would trust him. The king said, *' Yes, you are a gootl man ; I will send you the money." Whon the eldest son got tho money ho put it into a big earthen vessel, and in the midst of the gold ho put a letter for one of tho merchants of that country whither the soldiers were going, asking him please to distribute the money amongst them according to tho orders of the king. He then closed up the mouth of tho vessel with a piece of ordinary oil-skin, and gave it to one of the soldiers, tolling him to give it to a certain merchant on arrival at the journey's end ; ■ •' I should bo so thankful," he said, "if you would please take this jar of pickles. My friend will bo so glad to get them." The soldier readily promised to take the greatest care of the jar, indeed many offered to take it, so grateful were tliey one and all for this man's convenient arrangement concerning the money. On arriving in that country tho pot was handed over to the merchant named, who at once openeart some of tho money as a present for their benefactor, while tho king made him his private secretary and banker. Eventually he became as wealthy aiul as great as his lato father ; and in the time of Lis greatness he did not forget the sick and the poor. 54 Dayih sund pmvur, yemi yetih tiwur. Wheresoever, whosoever has taken possession, that is the place of the Deity. A man's house and lands are sacred j no person can take them from him. I)a,i the Deity, destiny (Sanskrit) . Dawudnras Jcorak zoyih; muddaud'Was huguni ayih. An only daughter was born to the plaintiff ; she came in marriage to the defendant. Quoted when an unlikely event happens. Dazah-wunih narah gajih ai dizen durit tatih tih yijih nah put phirit. If he is cast into the burning fire-place, he will not return thence (before fulfilling his work). A goodi sharp servant. Dazanas dod. There is pain from a burn. To lose anything is not pleasant. Dazihniatskik wulinjih zulahbuk. Clawing the burnt liver. Unguis in ulcere. Dedi hawah difsthas nodf'nas ? Tawah khutah diziham wozah-ganas. Aniham dagah dagah hhhnahah pnnas ; jDidagani dimahah manz maidonas. O mother, why did you marry me to a foolish man ? Better that you had given me to a prostitute's cook. He would have brought me scraps of dinner in his wrap and I would have eaten them ; And I would have lolled the whole day upon the grass. T)edi talai char as dazun. At the king's porch charas burns. Cheeky without shame, and before his master ! Charas is the exudation of the flowers of hemp collected with the dew and prepared for use as an intoxicating drug. Deg chheh teg. » The pot is a sword (i.e., makes ravage with one's income). 55 Dehh ku bi'nkti rmmh chahkm pet khtUi. The Delhi swell has got a jolly face, but his stomach is empty. A Delhi Pandit determined to pay Kashmfr a visit. When ho rca<-he(l Vcm6g he engaged a man as cook, with whom ho hod tho following conversation : — Pandit.—" Cook." Cook.^" Yes." Pandit.—" Bring aboat threo-qnarten of a pound of floor from the market, and make tliirty-throo loaves. Ton gnests will bo present at dinner this evening. So that there will then bo two loaves for each guest, and something for each to take home with him, if he shoald wish to do so." Cook.—" I do not understand you." Pandit. — " Never mind. Do as I tell you. Tho first day, when wo entertain strangers, we do so." Tlie cook brought a vessel full of a water and placed it in front of tho Pandit. Pandit.—" Wliero is tho food P" Cook. — '* It is the custom in this country not to give any food to the stranger on the first day — only a vessel-full of water." Pandit. — " No ! I am sure you must bo miMtaken. Cook. — " I also think that it cannot be the custom in your country to feed ten men with tliree-qnarters of a pound of llour." (Tho Pand.it in a rage. Etit, Cook.) • V^minen Icong. Saffron with sheep*B paunch. Not worth the candlo. 8a£frou is used as a condiment, and is eaton only with the bost meat. Dewas tah drathdyihas dizih til tak tahar, ddmi sanziA bad- nazarih nah hehh. Oil and rice can be given to (appease the anger oQ tho ghosts and demons, but nothing can save us from the evil-eye of man. Cf. '' MSh chham," ^c J)%giimih diwai Nadifftttnih penjih iewai. The great mela is at Digam, but the washing of the mound is at Nadigam. Dig^m is a village near to Shupiyon. There is a great mold there in tho month of July ; and people, whose little children have died , during the year, go to tho place and offer clothes and food in tho names of their deceased children. 56 On the same clay there are festivals also at Mangdm and Trigam, which are a great distance from one another, and both of them very far from Digam. It is written that **He who visits each of these places in one day, shall ascend to eternal bliss." One man did so, riding upon a swift horse, and afterwards man, horse, and every- thing went up into the clouds out of sight. Another man by the name of Krishna Saraf also succeeded in visiting these three villages in one day; but for some reason or other ho was not taken up. Digih puhtshuv tah dugih Mr. A small paisci for a peck and a cowrie for a blow. The over-liberal person. T)ih thap tah nih dastur. Seize him and take his pagri. A respectable vagrant, who lives by " sponging" on others. J)ik n& tah manati dab Tchet ? You will not give ? (of course you will) ; but it will be after much wrangling and quarrelling. Threatening " distress for rent." Manaii dah, lit., a strike of a stone, but here it means going to law, or giving a man a good thrashing. Dik nd tah paizar khet ? You will give I know, but you will eat your shoes (first). "Putting on the screw " to get a debt. " Eating shoes " is an expression for being beaten with a shoe. Dil ba dil gav uhiah ; yut wuehham, tyut louchhai. Your heart and mine are like a looking-glass ; as you see me, so I shall appear to you. Be friendly and I will be friendly, and vice versa. Vilah nah tah hilah di di. Not willingly but with a little shoving and pushing. "Dilas phulai gatshih asuni, gulich phulai ley ah yiyih bahdr ? There must be blossoming of the heart, and then the flower- blossom will not be needed. Cf. " Asas gatsiy' $-c. Bilikis bugas dur har gdsil. Adah dewah phuli yemhurzal bag Marit manganai uinrih hanz hosil. Maut chhui patah patah tahsil-dur. 57 Keep away dirt from the garden of your heart* Theu perhaps the Narcissus garden will blossom. After death you will be asked for the results of your life. Death is after you hke a tahsildar, A saying of Lai Dtd's. Diluk khur-khurah mehy Malih, Mstam, manaike kotar mare, Narih iosam iukah hnnzai larih ladtm. Yelih pdnah inyunuv kadit ninanai panane gate. Pat ah pat ah neri Iukah susa narih u/awan. Trt'ivit yininai manz maidunas s^wit dachhane tare. Make far from me proudaess of heart, O Father, — from the pigeon-hole of my heart. My arm is wearied from making people's houses {i.e., from helping others, giving alms, &c). When, O my body, you are turned out from your house. Afterwards, afterwards, a thousand people will come waving their hands. They will come and set you in a field, laying yon to sleep on your right side. A verso of Lai DM's constantly quoted in part, or in toto^ in time of troublo. Hindtis bam the bodies laying them upon the right tide, with their head towards the south, because the gods and goo The washerman's house will be known on the great feast-day. The washerman's family wear the clothes which are sent to them to be washed ; but on the day of the feast everybody takes all their clothes, and so the poor washerman and his family are left almost naked. (This is not true of every washerman). Persian. — Khdna i gdzur ba, roz i 'id ma'lum shawad. Dobi sund hun, nah garuJc tahnah gdthuk. The washerman's dog is not of the house or of the ghat. Expectations unfulfilled. The washerman's dog fares very badly as a rule. He is always following his master to and fro from the house to the ghdt in hope of getting, some scraps, but it is very seldom that anything is thrown to the poor animal. Hindustani. — Dhobi M kuttd na ghar fed Tia ghdt kd. JDod gdtid. A philosopher and a half. A wiseacre. JDod nah tah dag nai kawah yiyam ushye ? I have neither pain nor smart, why should I cry ? Let every man bear his own burden. Dog dit tih burav ; dog hat tih barav. Strike a man and he complains (before the magistrate), and strike him a hundred times and he complains (and no greater punishment ensues to the striker). A variant of this both in words and meaning is :— 59 Dog dit tih Urav ; dog het iih hdrav. Whether he strikes another, or whether he himself is struck, it's all the same— he grumbles. Doh chhuh diw&n Uhoh ; doh chhuh hhySwun goh. (One) day gives rest, (another) day causes to eat manure. It is not always sunshine. Voholih hhotit'n tak rAtalih mandachMn. Fearing by day and being ashamed at night. An altogether wretched and bad character. Don botjan hum har gayih toahr&tn hund rdd. Strife between husband and wife is like the monsoon rains. Although Kashmir is out of the tropics it is visited by periodical rains, which finish about the last week in July. Don kulai batch w/iwah. The wife of two persons, because of food. •' The bitter cry." Anything for bread. Don salnh tran wAhwelA, Agreement with two people, lamentation with three. Two are company, three are not. A Pir once sent hit horse to a oertain village, that it might graze upon the beautiful grass there. He po^icnlarly told the servant to lead the animal and not to ride it. When the servant had gone some distance the Pir sent another servant to look after the first servant, and, especially, to see that he was not rilling it. He went and found the man leading the horse, but being both of them tired, and the horse also tired, they rested awhile, and then set forth again, both of them riding the horse. The Fir was still suspicious about the horse, thinking that the two servants would perhaps agree together, and both of them mount him at the same time. So he sent a third servant to look after them. The third servant came and found them both astride the horse. " I will tell the Fir," he said, *' I will explain the whole matter to him." " Don't, don't," they replied, '* but yon come also and ride, and we shall have a jolly time." The man consented. They all rode the horse at one time, and arrived at their destination. But the next morning the animal died, and gfeat was the distress of the three servants ! ! Don ungajan chhuh nerun tia. One snaps with two fingers (not with one). It takes two to make a quarrel. 60 poni kulis hojih-waf. A pestle to the walnut-tree. A sharp fellow in their midst, of whom they are afraid. Vosti khutah chheh rusti jcm. Truth is better than friendship. Dostas seztnani tah dushmanas wukarmani, A straight open countenance to your friend ; a downcast look to your enemy. Most frequently cited by the mother, when her son wishes her " good-bye " before going to his day's work. Doyih athah cheh tsar wazun. Clapping is with both hands. It takes two to make a quarrel. Hindustani. — Elc hath se tali nahih lajti. Drag Ualih tah dag tjalih nah. The famine will disappear, but the stains will not disappear. During one of the terrible famines that have now and again visited Kashmir, a brother was nearly dead from want of food, when he sud- denly remembered a long-forgotten sister, and determined to go to her and see whether she could help him. On his arrival his sister happened to be making bread ; but she was too sharp for him. She had seen his coming, and guessing the reason of his long-deferred visit, took up the burning hot bread and hid it under her arm. Her bosom was very much scorched by this, and she retained the marks of the bum up to the time of her death. Kashmir has suffered very much in morals from famines. Driven to extremities the people seem to have lost all sense of self-respect. A little knowledge of the people and their language quickly con- vinces one too forcibly of the truth of the above words. Drag as zi chhai goya hik Mogas narak j)hah. Employment in time of famine is like the warmth of a fire in the month of January. Dralah hunar chhai hyakhui. An agent's profession is another matter. There's nothing that he is not up to. Merchants keep such men by them. At the time of bargaining they come in as if unawares and try to make a bargain for the sahib, or intending buyer, out of pure good-heartedness. The Dr4l gets a commission on the sale. He is a good-for-nothing, unprincipled fellow. There are two or three kind of Drdl 16k. Those who lend out money at interest, those who hire out their daughters for evil, and the merchants' agents. 61 Droti not ah. Like a sickle to cut meat with. A stupid workman. Du-zang khas^m tju-zangis. A two-legged mounting a four-legged. A man of inferior rank promoted, and " lording it " over otbera. Dud a 8 kandi tjurani. Picking thorns or bones out of the milk. An ovorscrupnlons firihman. J)m/ chhui daz&n. The end of (your) garment is burning (with enry). Extreme envy and jealousy. • Vum-duviah tah Jumah Bat. Jumah Bat and his drum. A very poor man. Juinah Bat was a town.crier for some time. He was a roan of good family, and had seen better days. — Vid« " (TocbH driv" ^c pumaias runz. (Like) a marble against a dumaU A dvice to a fool. These dumcUa are very big conical stones (li^gims). and according to the Pandits as old as the Pindavas. They are supposed to be the petrified bodies of wicked man, whom some good people in olden times cursed, becaose they were troabled by them, and so they became stones. Golist&n of Sa'df. — Tarhiyat nd ahl rd chun girdgdn bar gutnhad ast. Dumb tah Uap hunsih mah dap, *' Stomach and bowels. Don't tell anyone." When a father forbears to beat his child, and another person blames him for his leniency, he thus replies. *' Dumbo, Jajir '* '* Taiydr, 5«6o.'* " O dumb, Hukka." " Ready, Sahib " A sharp, willing servant. Dumbah shurinax TehuTcarbdti hdw^n. Showing a thing (mask, &c.,) to frighten the Dumb*s children. *• Don't suppose that you're frightening me." The Dumhs are a plucky lot of fellows. They carry the letters at night through the jungle and over desolate hill and plain. 62 i)unyii chhuh nah dki danjih rozan, puhUh doh sdkh tahpahUh doh dokh. The world does not continue in the same state ; but there are five days of happiness and five days of sorrow. Dunyu tah dyur. The world and wealth (go together). Duragi hanz Duragi lur ; yits m',j tits hiir. Durag's stick (according to her height) ; and as mother, so daughter. Durikt dunk chhuh manats methun ; nakhah, nakhah chhuh hand iethan. From a distance black pepper is sweet ; near at hand sugar is bitter. Distance lends enchantment to the view. Familiarity breeds contempt. Dushmanahsandih lagih nah hanih Uanjih ; dostah sandih lagih jposhih Uanjih. The slap of the hand from an enemy will not hurt, but the angry touch, even with a flower, from a friend, will wound- A king sentenced a man to death by stoning. The order was that every man in the city should throw a stone at the prisoner. A friend of the man heard of the stern order, and said within himself, " What shall I do ? How can I throw a stone upon my friend ? I must not, and can not, hurt my dear and kind friend." Accordingly he plucked a flower, and determined to throw that when the time came, and to throw it so skilfully that the people would think that he had thrown a stone. He went to the place of execution and flung the flower at his friend, who then spoke the above proverb. Dyarahwol cJihuh nah hod ; batahwol chhuh hod Not the rich man, but the man who gives dinners, is great. Dyutmut 'khairut hyutnam phirit, shukrani majih tsul iup nirit ! What was given to me was taken away again, Shukr's mother lost a hair or two (that is all) ! 63 G Gabar chhiu lubar sih gai guris nishih tah ani ? Are children like manure, which people go and buy from the milkman ? Children are not so easily obtained, that they can be so easily spared. Gabik hutkih rumak-hun. A sheep in appearance, but a wolf at heart. A wolf in sheep's clothing. Gabih tih touUh laf. A sheep also can lift his tail. The smallest worm will turn being trodden npon. G/id chh^h daryuvas andar trethih bupal marin. The fish dies from thirst in the river. Every opportunity, yet ho did not succeed. Gud yUih chhek kh^iotin handrert tah adah chheh lagdn buth* When the fish feels the icy-cold it leaps upon the bank. Affliction is a hard, but a good, teacher. Gddak tasbih tah thukah tah&rat. (To carry) rosary (in one's hand) for loaves (and fishes) is as if to (perform) tah&rat (with one's) spittle. Tahdrat is the Muhammedan's ablations before prayers. Gddah tolil piWaang. Seeing whether the scales were correct, after the fish had been weighed. Without premeditation. Gadav hechhih wufah tah hunzuv h^chhih zul. The fishes learnt to jump and the boatmen learnt to use the net. An asylum for the maniac — a prison for the blackguard — a net for the fish. Gagar-mirani gang. The hole of Sir Rat. " He has well feathered his nest for somn time." The rat is always laying up stores. A Pandit dug out the hole of a rat the other day and found pieces of cloth, iron, little piles of rice, apples, &c., enough for several months' provisions. 64 Gagarik hanz hhetsarih lej. The mouse's khetsarih lej. Khefsarih lej is a saacepan in which spiced rice is cooked. Thd mouse is very fond of this rice, and as it does not remain very long when the mice are by, so money does not continue long in the hands of a man in debt. Gagur chhuh hardn hraris mat. The rat nonplasses the cat. Cited when anyone or anything small has escaped the oppression of a greater, and also caused him a little trouble. Gagur tsdv haMrih banih. Het hyah tsuv zih Ichet druv ? A rat entered a stock of wood. What did he take with him going in, and what did he eat coming out ? Nothing. In stdtu quo. Gagur wetsih nah pananih wi'j, patah het mdj ! The rat himself cannot get into his nest properly, and yet he takes his mother after him ! Hardly enough for one, and yet two or three people are to share in it ! Gajih 8ur kudum, pajih sur lodum tah trowuM gayim trek humih. Ltilah wuzanowum, dudahan cho wum tah sowum^ gayim sheh hdmih. I took out the ashes from the fire-place, I put them into a basket ,and;then threw them away. I have done three works. I woke up the baby and gave him a little milk, and then I put him to sleep again. I have done six works. As busy as a hen with one chicken. Gam chhuh Jchdm ; shahr chhuh mnnindi hahar. The village is kachcha {i.e.y not the place to get anything) ; the city is like a river (there everything goes on swimmingly). Gamas garah Tcaryd wad ? Shall one house give answer to the whole village ? " What can I say ? You are all against me." Gumuk suh tah shahruk him chhuh bardbar. A village tiger and a city dog are equal. A stupid man from the city is eqaal to the great man of the village. 65 Gani Indim tah yindar Jcatan. When the prostitute becomes old she spins the wheel. G&hih kawah zanih ptiz sund shihur f How can the kite know the prey of the hawk ? Guhth kyah zanih bachah dod tah hdhth hyah z&nih putrah dod? Does the kite know anything of the pain of his prey ? Does the barren woman consider the child's pain ? Cited by tho beggar as he tarns away onhclped from the rich man's door. Gunth nah kunih tah gahtah aul ? No kite anywhere, but the kite's nest ready. Building a stable before the horse is parchased. Gahz Uul gdmah tah gaiia phakah nishih mukale. The tanner has run away trom the village and the people are relieved of the tanner s smell. Bid of tho offending party. Gar gundah. The fat man of the house. A lazy master of a hoose. Gar manz Gangd. Ganges in the house. Hiudustduf.— .4hZ i hismat itpns ghar haithe hi daulat pdenge Ydr ghar djdegd to dhnndhne kyun jdenge. Gxah Ninak to Angad. Gar na h'thad hehih andar wirah phuhj jdn i tUrin mibar6yad khwf'ih ma khwuh. If there is not the warmth of fire in one's bosom, the precious life will certainly come out. " Warmth of fire in one's bosom" refers to the k&ngar. Gar peth ztimuthur bar pith hun. A son-in-law who lives always in his father-in-law's house, ifl like a dog at the door. Hindus are so very fond of their children, male or female, that they cannot bear the idea of a separation, and so the sons-in-law are invited to come and dwell under the same roof. Nearly every wealthy family has its quantum of sons-in-law, who generally spend their time in eating, drinking, smoking and sleeping at tho expense of their fathers-in-law. In this way they contract the most demo- 9 66 ralizing habits, and are a scorn and reproach to all right-minded people. Such are called Gar Zamuthur. In Bengal they are called Ghar Jam6'i. — Vide " Hindus as they are," p. 73, f. n. Garah gav Uakah-ndv, dakah dalmh pakanav. The house is like a manure-boat, (only) by constant shoving and pushing (does) it makes progress. Tsakah-ndv is a large barge generally stuffed full of vegetable manure gathered from the Dal lake. These boats are so loaded that only an inch or so appears above water ; consequently a little stop- page might cause it to sink. They are towed and pushed along to their destination, and are at once unloaded on their arrival. Garah hur anih tah hanih, gardh rov mimmunih. A bUnd woman and a one-eyed woman tried to keep house together, but they disagreed and brought the place to ruin. Disagreement means ruination. Garah wandai garah sosu garah nerahah nah zah, O home, I offer you a thousand houses, and I will never go out from you. No place like home. Garazmand chhuh dewdnah. A selfish man is mad (so grasping is he, and so incessant in his solicitations). Gari nun til. Salt and oil in the house. Cited against a man, who makes money on purchases for his father, but does not take up any special work for himself. Gari gojih. (Like) the kernel of a water-chestnut (singh^rah). A Kashmiri curse, meaning " May your eyes start out of your head through trouble and sorrow." Also when a person is not sharp at finding any thing, another person will sometimes say, " You, gari gojih, can't you see it?" Gari warih dagan. Pounding spices in the house. A coward. ^' Pounding spices in the house" here means living indoors and afraid to stir out. Garibas tjuge tsur tah mandinen turn kurhas jashnah. A thief entered the house of a poor man, and they feasted themselves until mid-day. 67 It 18 of no use for a poor man to complain. The police only vet him more, until ho is obliged to bribe thom to keep quiet. Again these words are often quoted when more than the invited people are present at the wedding-feast. Hearing the sound of music passers-by go in, are lost in the company, and eat, drink, and steal to their hearts' content till mid>day. Garth chhukahy hik nah yazmanah handih ? Are you in your own house, or in your disciple's house? Brdhmans and other holy men do not eat much in their own houses, but save the money. When they visit their disciples' houses, they eat their fill. Oited to a child who is going beyond boonds at the dinner. Garih diyin tah znmin mah aUin, Better to give something from the house than to become surety for anyone. " He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it.*' — Prov. zi. 15. Garih gafah tah maahidih tjohg. Darkness in the home, but a light in tho mosque. Miserable and miserly at home, bnt pleasant enough and liberal abroad. A frequent answer to the Mullahs, when they become im- portunate in their demands for contributions towards the support of the mosqaes. Garih manz ehhuh garyul ; dam ganiniat asl. The bell-striker at the hour ; breath is as spoil. A man, Azftn KhAn by name, becuTno mad fn)m nmch reading, and went about the city shouting these wor ing. " When a person is stung on the arm or leg, a ligature is applied between the heart and the wound, which is besmeared with foam. The patient has 'arak and conserve of roses given him to eat, while music is played to cheer him up." Ldr is a parganah of the Kamria district. 80 Haiah Matin wasamat. Hasah the madman s wealth, A spendthrift's money. Hash tih had tah nosh tih bad lej duz tah walih Jcus ? The mother-in-law is great, the daughter-in-law is also great ; the pot is burnt, who will take it off the fire ? Somebody must do the work. Ma^h gayih tah noshih kur drum. Grandmother (on husband's side) died and the daughter-in- law got peace. These old dames have great authority over the entire household.— Vide " Hindus as they are," Chap I., pp. 3, 4. nasti dareyi nah wavah tah hujih had Jcapas, The elephants couldn't stand because of the wind, but the old woman went out and gathered the cotton from the plant. A poor, insignificant man can often accomplish what kings and others in authority have utterly failed to do. Hasti yad gasah gyad, A handful of grass for an elephant's stomach. A mere drop in a bucket. Hastis yad phat tah hangih delih wuth ! The elephant's stomach burst open and they mended it with hemp-skin ! Imperfect repairs. Hatah dedi ruhana man dui, tah hheni sum nah ok Tcuj ! •* O, mother, two and half maunds of onions will be given to you ; " and she has not got a plant to eat ! Promise of help, but no means of fulfilling it. Hatah JMwah puhtshu meh tih hetah manz. Hie, sir, here's a puntshii. Take me into your company. A man who forces himself upon people who do not particularly care for him. PuntshU is the twentieth part of an dn5, a small coin, not in use now, but to be obtained in the bdzdr. Hatah mur haldm. The doctor killed a hundred men. A doctor of some experience. 81 Hatih gav zih mafih gov, A promise is a charge to keep. Workmen who have promised to do some work, and on that promise have received some rupees in advance, often repeat those words as they walk away from the person's house. Ilatis khash tah hangani mithi. Kisses for the chin and an axe for the throat. A traitor. Huziras bog naztras chob, A share of the dmner to each of those present, but a beating for the cook. Sic V08 non I'obis, Heh yahUk, dih panUh haMar. To take five or give five — all the same to him. Poco curanie. Ilrllah karo, ILtjOy pallaht chhui dur. Be encouraged, O pilgrim, though your destination is far oif. Encouraging a man in a difficult work. Uemdyat dtin tah hi'unmi mahp^yin hdhtih. Patronize and be patronized, but do not tell any one, lest there should be harm (to the person patronized). Keep your own counsel. W^xi hemi. Like an insect to the pod (so is sin to a man). Sin brings its own punishment with it. Henah as tah meh nah ruh. Involved in difficulty, or taken prisoner, but for no fault of mine. The guiltless punished for the guilty. neng us nah tah wafjhanti chhch ! She has not got horns yet, she is only a calf! Cited concerning a woman who bears her first child late in life. A beardless man. An elderly person without a grey hair. Herat uyih toanduni hah nah tah nah kniih. "When Herat came eleven days of winter, or nothing, re- mained. Heral (Shiva-rdtri) is a IIind6 festival held on the fourteenth of tho dark fortnight iu the month Phaguu (Feb. — March). 11 82 Berih wuUhas anigatihy but chhulum haritih natih yet garaa yii waiih. I came down stairs in the dark and washed my face in a waterpot filled with water. This must be done in this house. If you go to Rome you must do as Uome does. Hisub horih tah baMiskish hharwurih. To take account of every cowrie, but to give away money by the maund (80 lbs). Careful but generous. Honav raUhui id. A festival vrithout dogs. Pleasui-e without difficulty. Hond maran kih nah hat, Lalih nalawat Ualih nan khurai ajih dusih tun. Vaharih piU'djh gaz j)at pdwah n^iwai; hdwai garah karun k''ho gav, Sutih width gov pdktjh aah tih nov chuwai ; umrih thtiwai gursah tamann/i Kaiih peih watihpeth bunah phutarutoi ; huwai garah karun keho gav. Stint t khct chU pingah thoh Mwai ; huwai garah karun keho gov. Lej pashpf'wai mt'j mashrdwai ; hnwai garah karun keho gav. Going to 'Id gah what shall we cook? Let us take counsel on the road, where we shall make the fire-place. Sitting at my wheel I will show you my wisdom. I . will stretch the bad cotton to half the height of the wall. I will get a five-yard than for you out of six pounds of wool ; I'll show you the manner of my house. I will never get the milk at early morning from five cows j but I will keep you all your life waiting for milk. 88 At a word upon the road I will break the pot ; I'll show you the manner of my house. I will eat and drink with my friends, but keep the millet-seed and straw for you. I'll show you the manner of my house. I will give you the strainings of the pot ; and you will forget your mother. I'll show you the manner of my house. A lazy, ill-tempered woman. The author of these words is unknown, but everybody knows them and quotes them, in whole or in pait, and sometimes in song, against that woman, through whose bad temper, indiscretion, or extrava,- gance, the husband has been brought to ruin. 'Id gdh, 'Id., Arab., (the place of sacrifice), is a beautiful park-like plain lying just outside the right of Srinagar. At its northern end there is a fine old wooden mosque overshadowed by some lofty ohinar trees. The mosque is called the 'Ali Masjid, and was built in the time of Sultdn Husain Badshah by Khwdja Hasti, Sonar, about 1471 A. D, No Muhammedan observes the fast of the Eamazan with greater strictness than the Kashmiri. TMn is a piece of cloth. A five-yard thdn would be an extremely small one ; and six pounds of wool, if properly spun, &c., should make a full thdn of ten yards or more. Illat galih tah udai galih nah. The ill may go, but the habit will stick. Ilm he-amal goya hik an sindis atlias mashal. Knowledge unused is like a torch in the hand of a blind man. Persian — ^Ilm % he 'amal zamhur i he-'asal. Ilmas gatshih amal usuni. Knowledge should be brought into use. Insun cJihuh poshik Ichulah uwel tah hanik Ichutah dur, Man is more fragile than a flower, and yet harder than a stone. A man's own pain or trouble affects him, but not he tears and pain of another. Insanak sund kimat clihui satowuh-shat rupayih. The price of a man is Rs. 2,700. Two men get angry with one another and fight. The above saying is generally quoted by the man who is getting the worst of the scrimmage, and wishes to end it. Two reasons have been told me why this sum especially has been set as the price of a man. One reason is, that in the days of the Mughals Kupees 2,700 was the fine imposed upon every murderer in lieu of Lis life. Another reaaon is, that Akbar, like other equally 89 great and envied monarch^, was accustomed to sleep in secret places. Sometimes he would disguise himself as a faqfr, or as a shopkeoiier and sleep by the roadside or in a shop. One night ho wandered a little farther than nsoal and found himself in a foreign and uncul* tivated country. Strange to say, his favorite minister, Blr Bal, had also strayed to the same place. They met, and while they were engaged in conversation, an one-eyed man came up to them, and said to the king, " You have taken out my eye, which I think to bo worth the sum of Rupees 1,200. Give mo this money, or restore to me my other eye." Akbar was nonplussed by the man's sudden appearance and audacious request ; but B{r Bal was equal to the occasion, and replied, '* Yes, it is quite true. Wo have your eye ; and if you will come to-morrow morning, we will return it to you." The man agreed and left. Bfr Bal immediately sent off to the butchers for some sheep's eyes. After some time they arrived, and he had them put each one separately into a little wooden box by itself. In the morning the man came again ; and when ho arrived he was informed that the king had several eyes by him, and that it was impossible to tell which particular one belonged to this man. Would ho kindly allow his other eye to be taken out, so that it might bo weighed and measured ; in that way they would bo able to tell which of the number of eyes lielongi'd to him. The man was bliii(lelovon months, lie had not faith in God to supply his wants here- after. The consequence was that the man and wife and all the family died just before the fast was over, and left eleven months' rice iu the house ! Kahan garan hunt tdv ; himmat rdv tah wanav has ? Only one frying-pan for eleven houses ; courage gone ; and to whom shall we spec endureheaded son called Sultdu U&ji, or SultAn liyder. One day as this Toiith was goiog down the river Jhelum, when the boat reached 'AM Kadal (the fifth bridge), ho shot an rrow at a water-)X)t, which a little Panditdni girl was carrying on • »r head on the bank close by. The pot was broken to pieces, but (he water was not spilt owing to its having been instantly tume much enraged with the young prince's conduct, that then and iliero he cursed him, saying, "May his hand be paralysed." It happened according to the Kishi's word. From that moment the l>rinee was unable to move hift right hand. When Zainu'ldbadin heard what had come to pass he was much grieved, and at once went to his son's house to enquire further of the matter. Said the prince, " I fired an arrow and broke a little I'anditdnf 8 water-pot, and soon afterwards I felt that my right arm was utterly powerless." The king then summoned his ministers and bade them enquire where the little girl's parents lived, and when after some time they had discovered the abode, he himself went to bog the Kishi's pardon, and to beseech him to invoke the 'jTods that they might restore the hand of the prince. The Rishi heard the king's request and prayed, and then turning to Zainu'l- dbadin said, " The prayer will be answered, if you will take ouei 13 98 bi my daughter's grass shoes and bum it, and then rub the ashes thereof over the prince's hand." The king thanked the Sishi for his kindness, went away with a glad heart, and did as he had been directed ; and no sooner was the prince's hand rubbed with the ashes of the burnt shoe, then its former use and strength returned. There was great joy in the court that day. When the king ^aw this, he perceived that these Hindus were a very holy people ; for none but the good and righteous could thus afflict and recover again by their curses and prayers. Accordingly, he at once began to think of a plan for rendering them unholy. Persian teachers were introduced into the valley, and the Hindus were ordered to learn that language ; and they were also commanded to eat yesterday's foOd and pickles under penalty of the king's great displeasm-e. A band of officers called Tsrali were appointed to see that this latter ord^r was carried out. Tsrdl is the ancient name for the functionary called Mahalladdr, for which see note to " Khauf kahund chhui, Sfc. ; cf. also note to " Ifoi gov tsrol," ^c. At length through threatenings and b^ribes all but eleven families complied with the king's order. (Another story says that all but eleven families refused to obey, and so were killed or obliged to flee the country.) In consequence of this the Hindfts became unholy ; therefore their prayers and curses were of no avail, and they remain so to this day, eating yesterday's food and studying Persian. However, the gods could not lightly pass over this matter, and therefore a Jogi went to the king and predicted that he would soon be ill, which prediction was fulfilled. On a certain day the king became very sick and the next day he was worse, and so he continued until all hope of his recovery had quite gone. While in this state the Jogi with his disciple was walking about outside the palacej and telling every one that he could divine ; and that by virtue of his art he was quite cei-tain that there was no other remedy for the king but the following : — " The Jogi must take out his own soul from his body and place it within the lifeless body of the king." Presently Zainu'ldbadin died, and the Jogi with his attendant was admitted within the palace and conducted to the corpse. In a minute or two the Jogi and his disciple were left alone in the death chamber. Turning to the latter the Jogi said " I am about to take out my spirit, and put it within this corpse. Take care of my body after death, and put it in some secret place." It was so done ; and when the king's wazirs and servants came into the room afterwards they beheld Zainu'Mbadin sitting up in his bed well and strong. Great were the rejoicings of the people and great the gratitude of the king, who lived for many, many, years after this. These accounts are most perplexing. Eentan Shah, the son of Kaki, has perhaps been mistaken for Ratan Sh^h, the successor of Raja Ven or Vend of Ventipiir, concerning whom the people say that a famous faqir named Bulbul Shdh flew over from Baghddd in a night and converted him ajid all his stibjects to the Muhammedan 99 faith on the following morning. But again this Rentan may have been Runjun, son of the king of Tibet, who invaded Kashmir in the time of Sana Deva, 1315 A. d., assumed the mle of the country, and became a Muhammedan under the name of Shams-ad-din (the san of the faith). A story just crops up, in which RAji Ven is called Ratan ShAh ! Then in the second story Zainu'ldbadin has certainly been credit* ed with the evil deeds of his father, Sikandar Batshikan, of whom it is related, that he did put to death all Hindus who refused to embrace Isl&m. (Cf. latter part of story attached to " ifoitanufc hatah," Ac ) Zainu'ldbadin is generally repreiented as a good and merciful king. " Tawdrikb-i Birbal" says : " B,e wa^ gopd and kind to every one, whether Musalm&n or Hind(i, and he brought back again to the Valley the Brdhnians, who had been compelled to leave it during the oppressive reign of Sikandar." A few notes frum a Persian work by the late Dlwdn Kirpd Kikin^ and entitlei." Kdwah, hdwah, kdioah, hat. A crow, (another) crow, (a third) crow, a hundred crows. A lie increases as it goes. Cf . " The Three Black Crows —Byron. K''ioah yanihiool. A crow's wedding company. A bad wedding arrangement ; everything npside down. These words are the first line of a little verse sung, or rather shrieked forth, by littla children, who gather together in different parts of the city at evening time to play, and watch the crows come home to roost. I have seen thousands upon thousands of crows, a procession, at least, half-a-mile in length, returning past my house ; and a tremendous noise they make during the five minutes or so they are passing. This is the song the little children shout : — Kii^oah yanihwol. Murddan mol. Diham nai ras han. Kadai mulah aul. Of which the translation is : — O company of crows. Keen after your own interest. If you don't give me. a little wine. I will pull out your nest by the roots. The crow, on account of its bold and gelfish chai'^t^r, is called in Kashmir " The father of Matlab. 101 K''wtn gojih tjhar. A big basket of kernels for crows (soon gone). Citetl to a man who gobbles up his food quickly. Kawan hichhi'v hthJctt »und pahm. Pananui pahin mittut, A crow learnt to walk like a cuckoo; and forgot his own walk. Si k&ndar-n&msk—Kuld^e tage kahak rd goith kard. Tage khiceshtan rd fardmoah kard, Kdwan nith nitih^han, A small piece of meat in a crow's claws. A bad debt. Kd'ci kur hdv zih fjheHwoni trdv. The crow has cawed ; throw away the tshetiwon (i.^., the water in which II indies wash their hnnds after a meal) ; and be off to your work. One of the divisions of the city of Srinaf^^ is lo far removed from the Sher Garl (or Sher Gadf J whore all the state apartments and govf>rnmont offices are sitaate medans. Nearly all of them live in T^shawAn, Srinagar ; and arc employed in marriages to make amusement, or at funerals to join in the lamentations. Kf'kkih chhuh dun knnin peth, trek man ranun tah sheh man thek'ii. Krhkih's fire-place is in the top storey ; she cooks three maunds and boasts six maunds. A lying braggart. 102 Kehh mah "idh "ditcerfi tuh Icdnr tali nit am. Doa't give me anything but let me have your ear. A patronising look from those in authority is worth a large sum . Kehhahlachi'k chhuh pewun^ ddyih garih yud. A Hzard remembers a matter one hour afterwards. Natives believe that this aniinal treasures up enmity against % man and bites him afterwards, when he can do so safely. Kehtsah chon tah hehUah myon, sui gav wisah-pon. A httle for you and a little for me, this is friendship. A friend is one not merely in word, but also in deed. Kentsan ditlham guUlah yetsui ; Kentsan zontham nah dinas wur ; Kentsan Uhunitham noli brahma-hatmi. Bayawonah chunih gafs namaskdr. To some you gave many poppies (i.e., sons) ; And some you haltered (with a daughter) for murdering a Brihman (in some former existence). O Bhagawant, (the Deity, the Most High,) I adore your greatness. KenUan dyuttham aurai ulav, hentsav racheyih mUah W^eth, Kentsan achh lajih mas chet talav, hmh gai wunan phUan dit. Some Thou (O God) called from Thy heaven » some held the Jhelum in their bosom. Some have drunk wine and lift their eyes upwards ; some have gone and closed their shops. Whom God will, God blesses. Kentsan dyuttham yut Mho tut, henf_san yut nah tah tut hyah ? God has given to some (blessing) here and there {i. e., in both worlds), and He has given to some nothing either here or there. Kentmn rani chhai shihij bum, nerav nebar shuhul harav. Kentsan rani chhai bar pet h hunt, nerav nebar tah zang hheyiwo. Kentsan rani chhai adal tah wadal ; hentjan rani chhai zadal tshai. 103 Some have wives like a shady chiiiar, let ns go under it and cool ourselves. Some have wives like the bitch at the door, let us go and get our legs bitten. Some have wives always in confusion, and some have wives like bad thatch upon the roof. Lai Dt'd's sayinjfs. Ketah haUi tah b/tzarjosh. False coin and bazar noise. The consequence of proing into the hixSar, It is better to have things made at hunio. Thon one may be sore of no deception. Khairah nah hog tah sharah. No share in the good, but in the evil. A roal friend. Khairas tujil iah nyi'yaB tutiL Quick to do good, but slow to quarrel. Good advice. KhainiJc gom tasalli chunih sharah nishih rachnam KhuflU. I have got the comfort of having done good ; God will bless me from your wickedness. Khaish'i-zan p'fh hani^ hhaUh-i-mard tar-gardon. A woman^s relations are honoured, but a man's relatious are despised. Khi'im tama huchhimaijih holih. An avaricious man goes to a dried-up stream (t. f., gets no profit). Avarice is always poor, but poor by his own fault. Khfitn tama tah apazyor. An avaricious man is a liar. Khan badn hhon hadi'ty manzhug chhes hum tjuf add ! A big tray, a big tray, and in the middle of it half a loaf of chaff! Ostentation. Khanabalah Khndani Tor. From Khanbal to Khadan YAr (i.e.y as far as one can go in a boat in Kashmir). Dan to Beersheba. Land's End to John O' Groat's. 104 Kkunamilen nah hoj iah parzanan mimuz. No breakfast for the sod, but a luncheon for the meaner domestics. Khandawuv hor. A shawl-weaver's load, (i.e., a little light load). ■^'Shawl- weavers are in general a sickly class. If tliey get five traks instead of six traks of paddy, the proper measure now-a-daya for one rupee, they will not notice they have short weight ; on the contrary, they wiU think that they have seven traks. (A trak is 4f sers.) Khandawdv herrutyaU Defending a shawl-weaver. Eajd Kak, who died about eighteen years ago, was over the shawl trade in Kashmir. If any person in those days took upon himself to order or harm a shawl-weaver, he was immediately summoned before KAjdK^k and severely punished. Consequently these weakly^ ill-paid people then enjoyed such immunity from petty tyranny, as they do not experience now. My servant (I am sorry to say) is constantly striking and cona- manding others '* as good as himself." He thinks that being the servant of the s^ihib he is infinitely superior to ordinary folk, and has a licence to do so. Frequently he receives the above reply, " Who are you, a shawl-weaver, to do such an act ?" Khar bud tsalinai tah ved bud laginai May bad knowledge (lit. an ass's understanding) flee from you and good knowledge (lit. that derived from a study of the Vedas) stick to you. A Kashmiri Pandit's prayer before teaching his child, or before sending him to the Brahman to be ta,ught. Khar khenai Jihar-hMv, (Called an) ass-eater before he has eaten the ass. Undeserved blame ; a false charge. " Khar Icir/.yih. Ashnoi kyah .^" " Worked like an ass. What is friendship ?" Work is work, whether done for a relation or friend, or not ; and the labourer is worthy of his hire. Don't be afraid to ask for the money. Khar putis guri put lonahwani. Asking a colt as a gift after buying a young ass. It is the custom in Kashmir to give " a trifle in " with the pur- chase. This i?- called dast6ri. 105 Kharas gor yi'j A big sugar- biscuit for the donkey. Instmctioii is wasted apon the stupid man. Kharas kharJcharah. A comb for the donkey. Honour given to one not worthy of it. ^ Kharas hhasit tah huth path kun harit. Mounting the ass with his face towards the tail. A brazen-faced fellow. The whole saying is — Kharas hhasit tah buth path kun harit ; Knlahchan mattjanak kharahan phirit ! He mounted the ass with his face towards the tail ; And at night he asked the ass from them ! During the role of the PalhAns, debtors wore sometimes ponished by beiug maclu to sit apon an ass in this way and driven through the kizdr. A certain Pandit was onoo thos treated, and was sach I shameless man as to ask the government for the an, when his : iile was over. Kharis roj ddyanui garin. A wicked man's reign is of one hour's daration. KhatL dii tah ehh''h daptm^ zih fUiem chhih bar wathi. Giving a bill of divorcement, and the woman saying, ** The door is open to me** Some hope of re-iustalment. Khavfkahund chhui ? zih pananis mahalladurah sund. Whom do you fear ? My Mahalladiir. A mdhallaCLxr is an officer in cliargo of a division of the city. His principle duty seems to be to spy over the people in his district. He is always fee'd by the people, and generally hated by them, which is no very great matter for surprise. Kh^y kht'y gomut gh'is mautich chhas nnh khahar, £ating, eating, he has become lustful, and there is no care of death to him. Khfh gi'tvi gdsah dharmakih pdsah. O cow, eat some grass for the sake of dharma. Come let us bo friends again. Dharma is a Sanskrit word, and means the duties of the masses of the Hindu people. Sometimes these are called Abhi-dharma. 14 106 ■Should the family cow be sick, the owner will often stroke her neck and face, 'saying the above words. Great is the love of all Hindis, and especially of the Kashmiri Hindfi, for the cow. It is gratitude that prompts this affection, and has lead the Hindus to regard the cow as sacred — gratitude to the beast for sustaining them during their wandering southwards over barren mountain sand through treeless deserts. If it had not been for the cow's milk then, pro- bably hundreds upon hundreds of them would have perished ; and BO in gratitude to the cow, which furnished them with sustenance and carried their burdens, the Hindus magnified her into a god, and worship and honour her accordingly, Khemas hhdr iah horas nah Mr, I will eat his kharwar and not pay Jiim a cowrie. A bad debtor. Khenah hhewun tah mdshihwit. Eating dinner, but as if he did not want it. A very nice, prim, proud fellow. Khenah hhewdn tah wenah tsdri Udri. Eating his dinner, as though he were picking the wenah plant, Wenah is a plant like mint in shape of leaf and flavour. It is a favourite of Shiva's, in whose worship it is much used. Khenah khush hid tah humih dilgir. Happy enough at your dinner, but sorrowful when at work. " If any would not work neither should he eat." — II. Thess. iii. 10. Khenah manzah wukus. Separate from eating. A quarrel in the house j father and son will not eat together. Khenah myuth tah horanah tyuth. Sweet to the taste but bitter to pay for. Fly the pleasure that bites to-morrow. Khetah, mallah, Tcehtshdh. 'A'uzu di'llah. Ditah, mallah, hehtshah. Na'uzu bi^llah, O mullah, eat something. (Ans.) Let me fly to God. O mullah, give something. (Ans.) God defend us. Kheomut pdnsah wdpas dyun chhuh dandas bardbar. To give back a paisa that has been eaten, is equal to losing it. An " eaten paisa" means a spent pais^. Persian. — Zar dadan hardhar jdn dddan. 107 Kheti nii'ilik suett. The field must be always under the eye of the master {i.e., needs constant looking after.) Mind your shop and yoor shop will mind you. Khewm pdnas tah theh'in jahAnoi, He eats to himself, and then makes a boast (of his grand dinner) to the world. A selfish braggart. Kheyilieh Tnrnlia horiheh nah mAlif. lie would eat a Tsrol's money, but would not pay (even) his father. A man who will make money any way, but will not pay any onoi even, his own father. For T»rol, cf. note " Kakhiri \aha% garah" Khidmat harizih nah Batah gunas hali wakari dapU ner punas. Never serve a vile Pandit, for after a hundred years (servicel he will tell you to go away. Khizmat chheh asamat. Service is groatness. Khojah byuth w»n tah degUav sdn. The Khojah sat in his shop among the pots. Carpenter with tools, but no work, Ac. Shopkee{)ers make a groat display of pots, although aomeiimes there is nothing in them. A very poor Khojah is here supposed, all of whoso pots are empty. Kh ojah chhuh Jchushi haran hih nechuv ehhum gAtul ; nechuv chhus pdmah diio'in kih molui ohhum be-dkl. The Khojah is happy in the thought that his son is wise ; the son is reproaching his father for his foolishness. GulistcLn, chap. VI. — Khicdja $hddi kundh ki farzandam *dqil cut o pisar ta'na zandn ki padaram fartut ast, Khojah chhuh pathui tah fdv wot broiith, rhe Khojah is behind, but news of him has come on before. News beforehand. Khojah Hfiji Bundiyas suet mujih Hjioat, i'o go shares in a radish with Khojah U^ji Bandi. Little people cannot afford to speculate, though there may b« every chance of making a lot of money quickly. 108 Khojah Hdji Bdndi was a great man in Srinagar. One day he saw his son playing with the greengrocer's son, and noticing that the other boy had a nice shawl on, he went off straight to the greengrocer and said, " Look here. I see that your business is thriving, and so would like to do something in ' your hue' for myself. Will you go partners with me ? Will you give me rupees 1,000, and allow me to spend the money in radishes ? I also will give rupees 1,000. and we will share the profits half and half alike. — You know how these vegetables pay for growing." The greengrocer agreed and paid the money. Radishes were purchased to the extent of rupees 2,000 and planted. When the month of February came round, the two partners determined to take up their radishes, but, alas ! they were every one a failure. The poor greengrocer was ruined, whilst the wealthy Khojah simply lost a little money. Khojah Momuni fhul, hah heni tah hah hanani. Khojah Mom's egg ; buy at the rate of eleven and sell at the rate of twelve. A non-paying concern, Khojah Mom once brought up eleven melons with him from Bdramula direction, to sell in Srinagar. On reaching the custom- house he was obliged to g^ve twelve melons as a tax for his eleven melons. He gave the eleven melons and then went and sold his blanket to purchase another melon to give the toll-taker. Things were, carried on in a very loose way in Kashmir in those days. Khojah Mom then went and sat down by a cemetery and would not allow the people to bury their dead without first giving him some money. In the course of a few days the king's son died and a great company, including the king, went to bury him. When the crowd reached the burial-ground, the Khojah went forward and said, " I cannot allow you to bury the body." The king enquired, " Who are you to speak thus ? " The Khojah answered, " I am the queen's brother-in-law," " Buh chhus Rani hund hahar." When the king heard that, he begged the Khojah to permit the burial of the body, and gave him a large present in money. On the king's return to his palace he told his wife about the relation whom he had met in the cemetery, and she replied, ' ' king, how stupid you are ! Did you not know that men only have hahars — not women ?" A wealthy man, the Khojah now began trading again, and used to buy eggs at the rate of eleven and sell them at the rate of twelve. Cf. " story of the villager who, going to sell his eight brinjala in a village where there were nine headmen, returns minus vegetables and basket, because he had to conciliate the headmen with a brinjal apiece, and the ninth with the basket," given in " Notes on some Sinhalese Proverbs and Stories in the Atita-V^kya-Dipaniya," by A. M, Sendndyaka. Hahar is Kashmiri for the Hindustdni sdld. 109 Khojah, nun til Tcaht ? Khojah, what's your salt and oil ? Cited by people'when asked to do something beyond their power. A Kh(jjah through change in the prices of things lost all that he possossed. For some time, however, until his case was thoronghly known, the people came as usual to enquire the prices of his goods. The poor old man would sit at the back of his shop and cry, ' Humph ! What's your salt and oil ?" *' KhiOJah s/t ghwah han niyihawahy ** Asi trov pi'nai.** **0 K^oj"^* you were tumed out of your little village." "(Oh, no,) I left it of my own accord." Salvd dignitate. Khnjah tih inod tah Uds tih baUyih. TJie Khojah died and got relief from his cough. Death puts an end to all troubles. Khojah, Uah tih yik nah^ tah bnh tih samakhai nah zah, O Khojah, you will not come to me, and I shall never see you again. I^montatton over a oorpae. Khojah wagavi h*'yih mukimi'nah, tah Khojah wagavi kanih tah mukivit'nah. U the Khojah buys a mat, it is a fee, and if the Khojah sells a mat, it is a fee. Khojahs are very sharp in striking a bargain. Khojah^ wufhti tjhun tah sudah kamih. O Khojah, take a leap. What's the good ' Look before you leap. ** Khojahy wulash.^* "jSuA tultinponah pathrah.** O Khojah, (give me) the remains of your dinner. (Another man replies. What is the good of asking him ?) lie him- self even picks up (a piece, if it falls upon) the ground. A stingy person. Khokhar Mirun bror. Khokhar Mir's cat. Too lazy to do it himself. It is said concerning this cat that it would scratch the ground immediately on seeing a mouse, as if to inform its master that there was a mouse about, if he liked to try and catch it. 110 Khoran nah huhsh tah Pushi nuv. No shoes for her feet, and yet her name is Push. Kuhsh — a kind of shoe having high iron heels, and the uppers lessening towardsthe heels, worn only by the very respectable class. Push is a grand name. Khoran nah Tchrdv tah Padmuni nov. Not a patten even for her foot, yet called Padmdn. Padmdn is a Hindu female name of great honour. The Pad- mani or Padmini (Sanskrit) are the most excellent of the four grades into which womankind is divided by the Hind6s. Abu'l Fazl thus describes her :^" Padmini, an incomparable beauty, with a good disposition ; she is tall and well proportioned, has a melodious tone of voice, talks little, her breath resembles arose, she is chaste and obedient to her husband," &c. The name Pdmpur (chief town of the "Wihu parganah, Kashmir,) is supposed to be derived from padma, a lotus, and pur, city, hence, " the city of the lotus " or " the place of beauty," from the beauty of its inhabitants ; which must have very much degenerated of late years. Khosah hhen. Khosah's dinner. When a lot of men are hired for one work, so that the work may be quickly accompHshed, people say " Khosah khen " style. A certain king made a great feast for all his subjects, and com- manded them all to appear on a certain day, except the one-eyed people and those who had not beards (i.e., big beards, the Khosah folk). Everybody obeyed, and each had placed before him a great tray of food of about six sers in weight. The order was that each man was to finish his trayful on pain of punishment. This was a difficult matter. A Khosah, however, who had made up for his deficiency by an addition of a little goat's hair, was equal to the occasion. He suggested that they should all gather in small companies around the trays and eat their contents one after another. In this way the royal order was fulfilled. A variant of this story is as follows •• — A great man had married his daughter, and as is customary oi> such an occasion, he made an immense feast. He invited one hundred people, but ordered that only men who had beards should attend. However, a Khosah, sticking goat's hair upon his chin and face, determined to go. Now the bride's father, being very anxious that his wish should be carried out, himself stood at the entrance door and tried the beards of the guests as they passed in. The Khosah feared the examination ; so when the time came for him to have his beard pulled, he begged that that appendage might be left alone, as nearly one hundred people had passed in and were found to be thorough bearded men. The host, supposing him to be some great man Ill — perhaps the father of the bridegroom — allowed him to go bj Tvithout a trial. '^rwent J large dishes of food were provided for the gaests, and as a good dinner such as this, was not to be obtained every day, the Khosah suggested that they should finish the dishee; and the only way to finish them, was for them all to stick at one dish until they had got through it, and then go on to the next, and so forth, until the whole twenty dishes were completed. The plan succeeded. The Hev. A. W. Burman, in a most interesting article contribute*! to the "Church Missionary Intelligencer" for October, 1883, and ' iititled "Notes on the Sioux Indians," thus writes :— > " During their sacred feasts a curious law is enforced. Each perscm is compelled to eat whatever may be net before him, no matter h ow great a portion he may receive, or eUe pay eome one of the eom- pa/ny to do $o for him. Not a scrap of food m^mt remain uneaten tehen the company brenks up. As no invitation to such a meeting can be refused, and there may be occasionally, two or throe in a night, at each of which a bountiful help will be served, this most prove a somewliat formidable rule." lyhotan lontj pulan tah hohshih badai ehhes ati, Khotan had arrived to grass shoes, but a little shoe was in her walk and manner. A person considerably reduced pecuniarily, but who still con* tinues the same high manner and extravagant way of living. Khudd chhuh fhulas zu diwdn. (led makes the egg to Kve. Have faith in God. Khitddi ehhuh diwan ijhali yd bafi^ nah tah zttniinih tali. Ciod gives without our knowing or working, or else from out of the ground. Khudt'iyih sund pdwur, yami y^tih dwur, God dwells, where he has taken possession. Khuduyih sunz hhar tah m'twidah 9undj)hath. God's scab, and the barber's rubbing. To trouble 'a man, whom God has terribly afflicted. Kashmiris suffer very much from a disease called scald-head (favus). Khuntis peth Mvnf. Misfortune after misfortune. Khur ai 6sih bilTcuU suf totih asanas hat phepharah. If a scabby head be perfectly clean, still there remains a hundred pimples upon it. A great man who bears traces of liis previous mean estate. 112 Khuri tih zogun tah wdlah-wdshih tih, A fishing-net, a lying-in-wait, and a net spread for the bird. Per fas et nefas, Khru, Shar, tah Manddk Pal ; manzhog chhus Ludawis nar. Khrii, Shar, and Mandak Pal ; in the middle of them Ludu is burnt by fire. Shekh Nur-ud-din cursed the village of Lndu, because the inhabi- tants were once rather uncivil to him. In consequence of his curse* every year some houses in this village are destroyed by fire. The natives, both Muhammedans and Hindfis, are terribly afraid of the curses of their saints and religious leaders. Only a few- months since I witnessed the burning-down of a house at Pdmp6r, which had been cursed the previous evening by a Jogi, because the owner would not give him some wood for a fiire. The Jogi was present at the time, and from his manner and a few hints which I picked up on the occasion, I am almost convinced that the Jogi was the incendiary. Khyun dyunjpuUiv tah athah chhalun grumit. Giving pulav to eat and cow's urine to wash the hands in. To nullify the good done by abuse of word or look. Khyun gaUhih teuthui yuih heyis hhush yiyih. Dinner must be eaten in a manner pleasing to the other. Kibras chhuh nash. Destruction to pride. Pride goes before destmction. Kijih peth hdjuvaf ; welinjih pefh wvkhvl. A pestle upon a peg, and a mortar upon a clothes-line (will not hold, but will tumble). A man appointed to a work for which he is in every way unfit- ted. A weak man thrust into temptation. Prendre la lune avec les dents. " Kisar Uridyl dalis dul deny " The barley stained the hem of the garment. Clean it." Shiva Kak was a Pandit of very high family and great learning. In course of time he was appointed overseer of the village of Wutrus in the Kotahdr district. His duty was to collect H. H. the Mah^djah's share of the grain in that village. Once when the harvest was over and the grain all gathered in he invited the 113 villagers to como to him to tho granary, whore he would give t horn each one his share of tho produceof tho season. When the distri- bution was over, and while he was returning to his house, someboily noticed tliat his clothes had been stained by tho dirty grain and tiild him to shake it off (" A'isar Idridyi dalin dul den"). On this remark the thought struck tho Pandit, what an unprofitable business this was, and thence his mind took flight into loftier regions. '* Behold," said he, as though to liimself. " Behold, O heart, the state of affairs. Here am I, who all this day have been giving away, returning, as I came, empty-handed, nay, worse than empty-handed, for my garments have become stained. Listen, O heart, thus will it ho with you. When you die you cannot take any thing with you. Kmpty- handed you arrived and empty. hantled you will return ; moreover, you will repent your birth, because in this life there is naught bub sorrow and pain." Therewith he tore his clothes from off his back, and went to live in tho jungle near his village, there to give liimself up entirely to a religious life. Attracted by his devotions tho riKldess Umd (PdJn'ati) appeared unto him in a dream, and said how pleased she was with him, anautiful female dancers from the Court of Indra), came and sang to him and played some heavenly music. It was some time after this that a famine arose in the country; and great wjeis tho distress of tho people. There was no rain ; and harvest-timo came, but there was no grain to gather in. ThouMands upon thousands of tho p, or more. Uo brought a parrot with him; that was sutUciout. From tho moment that this was known everybody called him Toti HAji. Nearly every person I liavo met with has a krdm, with which tho majority are not at all pleased. I can only account for the extreme frequency of these nicknames from the fact, that there are so many people of one and tho same name, and a difference some- times must be made. Kranjilih, kranjUih^ poni s'run. To take up water in a basket. To draw water in a sieve. Krayih hhutah chhuh inadf. Justice is better than worship. 116 Kruhun batah tah chhut Bum tah wazul Musalm6n. A black Pandit, a white Dum, and a red Musulmiin (are wicked, deceitful, characters). Kruhun uhur gar g.ar l^are ; chhut ubur dare nah zah, Susniur mar hare ; wad hare nah zah. The black cloud will only thunder, the white cloud will never stop raining. The malicious man will fight, but without giving an answer (z, e., he will not smite openly, not just at once, he will not retaliate at the time, but will wait until he gets a quiet opportunity). Persian. — Az dbr i safed hilars o az ddam i narm. Az dbr-i-siydh matars o az ddam i garm. Kub-hul Tius ? Mufih liund tulah hul. "Which is the crooked tree ? Mut's mulberry-tree. Who is the fag ? The badly-paid, hard-worked Junior servant. Gopdl Mut had a garden, in which was a stumpy and crooked mul- berry tree. AH the boys and girls of the neighbourhood were wont to come and annoy Gopal very much by climbing his tree. It would sometimes be filled with children, singing and shouting, and making a great noise. In short this tree was a source of nuisance to Gopdl and everybody around. The regular reply to the ques- tion, " Where shall we play to-day ?" was at " Gopal Mu^'s mulberry- tree." Every little boy or girl could climb it, it was so small ; and nearly every child in the neighbourhood did. The above saying is frequently cited by the under-servant in any establishment, who is constantly imposed upon by the other servants. They are so small in years and inferior in position, that everybody feels a perfect right to send them there, or command them here, or to tell them to do this, that, or the other thing. Kubis lat daicdh. A kick is as medicine to the crooked old man. 'Tis false mercy to try and patch up an old, decrepid man. Kucheh-hdnz Tcanz hyuh. Like a kucheh — boatman's mortar. A fat man. Kucheh-hdnz, a class of boatmen who pound rice at so much the kharwar for the great folk in the city. They keep boats to carry about the rice in. 117 ** Kudaris mshih doh kethah hudut /*** '* Vn dvpnam tih tii " How do you manage to spend your days with this pas- sionate man?" *' Whatever he says to me I do.** AiiytUiiig for peace and quietness. Kukaran mulch tah chhakuti. To scatter pearls for the fowls. Casting pearls before Hwiiw. Kukaras kunui zany. But one leg to the fowl. A certain master-in-trado Rave a fowl to one of his apprentices t ) kill for him. The yomig fellow killed it and cooked it ; but being \:<;eedingly hun^jry he was tempted to break off one of its legs and t it. When the fowl was placed before the master, he cn(|uired 'o reason of there being only one leg. The apprentice replied I. it the bird mast have been bom so. The master became yerj igry and went about the room botiting the joung man and sayingi VVhere is the leg ? ^Vliere is the log ?" One day, when there was a great storm and the wind blew fierce ltd cold, a cock belonging to the master was observed to be stand- i^ on one leg only. The apprentice was delighted to see this, and ■nt at once and called his master: "Sir, sir, there's anr)ther fowl t yours ^vith only one leg." The master went outside, picked up a ttlo stone, threw it at the cock, and cried •* hish-h-h-h," and tho >ck at once put down tho other leg. " There, you fool," said ho to iitj apprentice. "Ah," replied the young man, **you didn't throw t stone at that other fowl." The Kashmfri Pandit who told me this tale docs not know a word of English and extremely little Hindustani. I particularly asked hint where ho had heard it. He said tlmt he didn't know, but that ho had hoard it when he was a little boy, about thirty years ago. KuknT dapdn '* Meh kyah rdh ! liatak thulan di/uttuvi phdK^* The hen says what a wrong I have dgne! I have given heat to ducks* eggs. An ungrateful protege. Kuker kariheh nd mdn tali put en kyah karih ? Of course the hen would have self-respect (if she could); but what would the chickens do ? A good and respectable man overwhelmed with a large family, or rather degraded by it, i.e., he has to seek some inferior situation r tho boys, because he cannot afford to teach them a profession, c, or else he has to steal, ami lio, and take bribes. 118 Kiiher tackhan tah putt hechhnn. The hen scratches and the chickens learn. As the old cock crows the young ones learn. Kukp.rih hinzih latih chhih nah puti marun. Chickens do not die from the hen's kick. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Kukerih hinde batak thulo Uah kawah zdnah " titi ti T^ O duck's egg, hatched by a fowl, when will you know " titi ti ?" Don't interfere in matters unknown to you. lUti ti is the call to fowls at feeding-time. Kuhur ai Mieyi hhdrj totih sajpadih nah hhar. If a fowl eats a kharwar, it does not appear (in the bird be- coming bigger). If a man of low birth becomes rich, he does not become great. Kuhur ai thawizenmuktah deras manz taiili tih Iwyih tacliliun. If the fowl should deposit a pearl in a heap, there even will it be scratching. The man who, for his purse, or his stomach, will do any meanness. Kukur ffatsihah bah trak 1 Could a fowl become 12 traks in weight ? Can such a man ever become great ? No. Kukur yak kas half du kas. A fowl is enough for one man, but for two it is nothing. Kulah peihai zulm dafd. From the very beginning oppression is overcome. God is the beginning of the world ; the king is the beginning of the kingdom ; the husband is the beginning of the house — if any- thing goes wrong, these and nobody else can right it. Kulis khasit gudah rah. To climb a tree and spread mud over the trunk. To promote a man and afterwards dogi-ade liim. It is a favourite amusement among the villagers to climb a tree and then get the trunk plastered with mud. This causes them to como down with a run, and not unfrequently they are hurt by the sadden shock. 119 Kuni hat chheh nah gajih tih dazdn. A single stick upon the hearth does not burn. A mail is no good alone. Kunih gabih mufhi lej. \ vessel of muth for the one ewe. A spoilt only child. Muth is a species of legominoos plant. Kunih gabih shdl. The jackal (attacks) a single ewe. Au only child will die. Kunni Idt phentane ; akui phash tah rentmie ! Just enough to go round once and yet he fastens it like a grand pagri ; only just one stroke (in the water would clean it), but he wants soap-nut for it ! A poor man with great ideas and oxponsive withea. Kunui tang pup jdn^ phut hharit Jchdm nai ; garah andarich sun jdn, gdinah andarich zdm nai ; wuparah suns lek jdn, piturih sum pdminai. A single ri}>e pear is bettor than a whole basketful of unripe pears ; a second wife in the house is better than a z^un iu the vill/ige ; a stranger's abuse is b«ttcr than a cousin's curse. ZAm is a daaghtoi^s hasband's sister. Knr hadanas tah ijer papanai ehhuh nah kinh tih lagdn. In a girl's growing and in an apricot's ripening there is no delay. Kashmfrfs say that girls grow foster than boys. Tho growth of the latter is hindered very much by anxieties, &c. Kur chheh dsanas chhenrdwdn tah nah dsanas manda- chhdwdn. A daughter lessens the wealth of the rich man, and is a cause of shame to the poor man (i.e., it costs a lot of money to get her married into a suitable family). Khr chheh Jshur. \ daughter is as a heel (i.e., a great hindrance). 120 Kur dizih nah Ishibare. Tatih hur buchhih mare^ Siriyihhhases nawih gare. Do not give your daughter to a man from Ishibari ; Because there she will die from hunger. There the sun rises after nine garis. Gari is a space of time equal to our twenty-four minutes. The mountains hide the sun from the village until a late hour. There is a very famous spring in Ishibar, called Gupta Gangd, after Guptanat^ari, a rikhi, a very holy Hindu. He was so holy that he frequently visited Gangd, and Gangd was so pleased with the trouble which he underwent to see her frequently, that she one day said to him, " You sniffer much to see me ; now I will go and visit your village." Guptanatsari asked when she would come and where he should meet her. She- replied, " Tln'owyour cup into me and get to your house. Wherever you see this cup again I shall be there." The man threw his cup into the water and went his way. On reaching his village the following day he saw his cup floating about in a little spring, wherein he at once bathed. There is a great festival in honour of this spring every April. H. H. the Mahardjah has just issued an order for six temples to be built in Ishibari for the priests, &c., in connection with this spring. ^ur gayih lorih rus jjiyddah. A daughter is like a runner without his stick. These piyadahs or chobddrs give their orders showing their sticks, and then the demands, &c., are paid. The chobdar is of little authority without his stick. KuVy htr^ hardn pananih garih tah ihul trdtcdn Ivikah handili garih. Crying "kur kur" in your own house, but laying eggs in the house of another. Kit/r kur is the chuckling of a hen. Kuri, difpnak gori gdman^ tdri hkanjik losai hanjili Udpdn. O girl, I gave you to singhara villages, but your jaws are tired with chewing the shells. Apparently a good marriage, but it turned out to be a most unfor- tunate one. Singhdrd villages. — Villages wherein those people live who gather this water-chestnut. The Singhara is found in the lakes of Kashmir. It ripens in the month of October, when it is gathered by the people 121 in enormous qnantiiios. (Cf. "The Abode of Snow," p. 377 ) These people are called gAri-hdnz. The nats are sometimes fried with batter, and oaten with Bait and popper; but generally they are crushed into a flour or meal, of which cakes are made. These cakfM are eaten with f^i and salt, &c. To the girf-hAnz these water-oheit- nuts serve as a substitute for rioe. Kuti Jcuhur, The room fowl. An eavcs-dropper. KuUamut km hpuh rud darydvas manz hud pdndh Jehut bufk tah hariH luk. Like a wet dog if he remained in the middle of the river ho got drowned ; and if he climbed the bank he wetted the people. A man who is doing no good for himself or for others. Kutjuri hhyos huddk huni sandih hasah. The pup bit the man at the old dog's incitation. A great, respectable, man never boats a refractory sorvantj bat ilways gets another servant to do it for him. Ha8, an exclamation for stirring up a dog to fight. *« Kutui gaijhah, giliye V* " Berih, berth, hhudh:' " Kihai harinih, giliye ?'* *• Thulan dinih phCth,'* *' Kdtiydh chhii, giliye r "JCa/t kih nah bah." *♦ MMh ditai, giliye ?" " Putrah mdz haiih.** " Kihai goh, giliye r* " Khudui luduk nih.** "Where are you going, O water-fowl?*' ** Along the path to the field." ** What are you going for, O water-fowl ?" " (Going for) — to sit on my eggs.** " Uow many are they, O water-fowl V* ** Eleven, or twelve (they may be).'* " Give one to me, O water-fowl/* ** By my son's life, I have none." ** Wliat's become of them, water-fowl?" ** God has destroyed them." Distress. A woman bereft of her children — any person at all miserable— is often heard chanting these lines in a most melancholy tone. 122 Kyali gav Harih Tsandar Rdeanih rane ! JLutush thawunpeih hane ; Topih mudus bozagune, Sofiah funk chhih hewdn zdldhwune. "What has happened to Hari Chandar, the Eijd's wife ! She has placed Lutdsh (her son) upon a stone ; And he has died from the hite of a snake. And the ** kawij liik " are taking golden paisds for the hum- ing. Chanted in a most melancholy tone by the Hindus in time of great trouble. Most Brdhmans can tell folio upon folios of stories concern- ing this Harischandra, who was once ruler over the whole world ; and then by way of alms parted with his wife and child and king- dom. It was after his separation from his wife, that the poor woman, now obliged to go into the jungle and cut her own wood, once laid her child upon a big stone, while she clomb a tree to cut off some of its branches, that a snake came forth from the grass and bit the boy, so that he died. Shevya was the wife's name, and the child's name was Lutash or Eohitdswa. Great was the grief of the woman, who somehow got back to her first husband Harischan- dra and told him what had occurred. Harischandra became over- whelmed with sorrow, and caring no longer to live, he at once went and sold himself for '* sonah tunk, t. e., the golden paisas wherewith to pay the " kdwij luk (or burners of tho dead) to bum his son's body. 123 Lahah Icolanih hanadarih. The tassel on the roof of Labah Kol's house. This man built a house bo high, that a man on the roof of it could not hoar any one in the court below, lot that man shout as loudly as he was able. It is a KashmiH custom to affix wooden tasspls to each comer of the roof by way of ornamentation. Cited when a man does not hear or accept Ldl shindsui sdnih Idlach hadr, A ruby-dealer will know the worth of a ruby. A bon chat, bon rat. Ldlan mulah mul. Price upon price (i.e., a great price) for rubies (but not for this article) . It is to the interoBt of the bnyer to depredate the goods in qnes- tion. Ldhtsli huddn tah pulaltarx phtrdn. The eunuch gets old and weaves grass shoes. Hard times for the old people who have not boon able to save for thoir old age. Grass shoes, or rather Handalw, are worn by the poorer clanea in Kashmir. LdhUhah garth sutuk. Sutuk in the house of an eunuch. An extreme improbability. The sixth day after a Biudii child's birth birch- wood is burnt in the house, and a lighted piece of it is passed around the head of the child and of all the persons present. This is the work of the mid- wife, and the custom is called sutuk in Kashmiri. After this puri- ficatory act the motlier is allowed to leave the room for a short time, Ac. Cf. Sanskrit word " sdtak." Laiitshas mdl halih tah ndl. An eunuch's property consists in his (jewelled) throat and (embroidered) garment. These eunuchs, who are all Muhammedans, are hired to sing at weddings or weep at funerals. They get a lot of money sometimes, but generally spend it all in jewels and embroidery work- They 124 are very particnlar about the work around the " ndl,'* literairy, the border of the garment, called the ' ' knrtah," round the neck and down the breast. Most extravagant work is lavished upon this part of their apparel. Ld-ph gaUinam mdph I God forgive my boasting ! Often cited by the Kashmiri, when he has promised to do any work. He is afraid lest God should become angry at his pride and check him. Lctr hJiewdn pdnas tah ddkar trdwdn beyis- He himself eats the cucumber, and belches in the face of the other man. An extremely selfish man. Jjar lorit tah hut. To pull down a house for a room. Cited when a thing costs more than it is worth. Ldri hini Ldhur. To go to Ldhor by way of Ldr. A roundabout way, on journey, or in work, Ldr is on the Ladak road. ' There is a tale in Kashmir about a man who was once asked where his nose was. He did not reply by at once putting his finger on that organ and saying *' Here it is ;" but he pulled up the right sleeve of his long cloak, and passing his right hand around his head, eventually and with great difficutly, touched his nose with it. Laren bats tah bafsan batah. A family is needed for the house and food is needed for the family. - An empty, desolate house, or a poverty-stricken familyj or a man without knowledge, &c. Zatah liwan* (Like a) spade for the feet to kick (and shove). A butt for the master's anger, &c. Laiih luanih laUhul. A besom instead of a tail. Turning good into bad. Jjatiye wethranih matiye di. O woman, you have come in a poor wretched state. Natives are great swells when they visit their relatives. This is quoted when any person docs not aiteud to this cufitom. 125 lAv hud gayih s/tv. A young intellect is rich. Lav — a boy between the ago of twelve ycare,— free from caro, and able to deyoto hinuielf entirely to study. Lazan mazdkh pazan. Unworthy people deserve to ho played jokes upon. Lej tah fehur chheh hunt ; manzbdg zdldn prtjih tul pdn, A Icj and ttkur are the same {i.e.y both are made from earth, both are employed in tho same work, both are heated in the same furnace, &c.), and the grass bums itself in the midst. Be oarofol not to separate friends, lest in so doing thoa destroy thyself. L^j and T^JIcur are two earthenware vowoli used in oookiiig ; one is a little bigger than tho other. L'j tih Uur^ gag tih tjur. The pot a thief, the fireplace, also, a thief. All of them thieves together. Lejih milawan. A sharer in the pot. Close friendship. Lt'Jeh chheh nah rek exh dalU Idrih. Abuse is not bird>lime that it will stain the hem of the garment. Lclispharufi ehhuh phaJc. To steal a pot is like a smell (certain to be detected). Lochih hanih bud han, A great matter from a little matter. An angry word sometimes causes murder. Log nah tah jog dv put phirit. Couldn't do the work — the lazy stupid fellow ; and so he returned. A man begins a work and is not able to finish it. LokachAr chhnh b^bih ndr. Childhood is without care. Behih ndr, lit., fire in the bosom. Eashmfris whilst squatting on the ground in the winter time place their kdngars under their long cloak next their skin. Give a Kashmiri a kdngar and ho is perfectly happy. UoQCO the words '* bcbih n^' come to mean without care. 126 Lokachdr chhui andahhdr. Childhood is darkness (i.e., the time for sowing wild oats), LdkacJidr chhui mdkahj&r. Childhood is freedom. Lokah hund Jcatit nethanun p&n ; Loikah handih rachhit neputrah pan. Spinning for others, and one's own back bare ; Nourishing other people's children, and oneself childless. Lokah hundih Widndarah methar dradani. To make one's friends happy at the people's wedding feast. De aUeno corio liberdlis. » Lokah hunzi mdje putrah dag peyiyai. O, mother of the people, the pains of travail will come upon thee. Cited to a lazy fellow, who eats the bread of another's labours. Lokah sunz har chheh lokas diwai. The wrangling of the people is the people's pleasure. Not a few quarrels in Kashmir are excited purely and simply for the sake of a tamdshd. Lokan kiU wdnti gdv, meh kits shdnti g^fo. For the people a cow with milk, but for me a cow that doe& not give milk. " Everybody seems prosperous and happy except me." Lonchih lamun. To pull the garment. Asking a man to " pay up.'' Shopkeepers, and. especially, hawkers, frequently lay hold of a man's " phgran "until he pays for the goods just purchased. A mis- sion servant brought me a *' tsd,dar " or wrap the other day, saying that he had seized it as the owner had not paid for a book bought from our city book-shop. Lorih kutanis dastdr gandun. To bind a turban on the top of a small stick. To give work to a man who is unfitted for it. 127 Lorih minii put. Measuring pattii with a stict. A suspicious arrongomeHt, becaase a properly marked yard mea- Buro is tho proper thing. Pattu is a course woollen doth manufactured in Kashmir. The cloth is washed like blankets are waahed in Scotland, by trampling thorn under foet* Lorih piihi aantf pilwun. To extend a snake towards a man by means of a stick. Any mean false trick played by a friend. Lotiimanah $und fhap. The seal of Lotilman. A man careless of his aoconnts. Lotdman was a Kashmiri banker of great fame and reepeotability, but most careless concerning his books. He would pnt his seal to any ))aper presented to him . The consequence was that he suddenly found himself bankrupt, and ended his days most sorrowfully Luh nai dtih tah bud halih gaUhih paidah ? If there were no Cyoung) people, whence would the old peo- ple be bom ? " Toung and old, this and t'other, Cannot do without each other." Lusamatis Idyun, To beat a tired man. A sick man ordered to work, or a tired man asked to go a fresh journey. Luias tah huaas bdjbat. A partnership with plunder and uproar. 128 M MacJih Jcf/ah z&nih pdmpuri gat ? Will the fly understand the revolutions of the moth (around the light) ? A place for every man and every man in his place. Madav BUawani shoht han. Madav Bilav's little piece of ginger. A sprat to catch a mackerel. Mddav Bilav was accustomed to sqnat down beside any man he might see cooking his food ; and to give the man a little piece of ginger, expecting a good share of the meal in retnm. Mag aum drdg wuthui, Kdngri, Phdgun auwi zdgun tsoi, Kdngri. Tsithar auwi muthar piyoi, Kdngri, Wahek auwi ralieh Tcati, Kdngri. Zet auwi bret gayak, Kungri. Mdr auwi Idr laji, Kdngri. Shrdwun auwi ydwun surui, Kangri, Bddarpet auwi wddar peyi, Kdngri, Ashid auwi hdsid suzmait Kdngri. Kdrtik auvn ndrah-fih lazmai, Kdngri, Manjhor auwi konjih lajai, Kdngri, Poh auwi toh ludmai, Kdngri. January came and there was a famine for you, O Kdngrf.' February came and a plot was laid against you, O Kangn. March came and you were put to a mean use, O Kangri.. April came and where will you abide now, O Kdngri. May came and you were thought a senseless thing, O Kdngri. June came and you were pursued, O Kangri. July came and your youth was numbered, O Kdngri. August came and sickness fell to you, O Kangri. September came and I sent a messenger for you, Kdngri. October came and I placed a bit of fire in you, O Kdngri. November came and you were a matter of anxiety, O Kangri. December came and I burnt, even chaff in you, O Kangri. 129 Tho Kdngri or Kdngar, as it is generally called, is the KashmfH portable fire-place. It generally consists of two parts, tho inner earthouwaro vessel called kumlal (somewhat like tho oharooal-bumor of Italy), whortnn the fire is placed, and its encasement of wicker work, sometimes very pretty, being tastefully ornamented with rings and brilliantly coloured ; a little wootlen or silver spoon (tsdian) tied to the handle (kdnjih) completes this oriental brazier, which may bo purchased in any Kashmiri bdzdr for the sum of ono dnA and upwards according to tho make and size. Should tho kdngar consist merely of an earthenware vessel a little ornamented, it is then called a manan. These arc principally used, I believe, in the Leh and LatUk direction. The l)c8t kAngara are said to be made in Zainager, a big village in the Kamrdz di.strict. IsUmAb&d, Shihib&d and Sop&r are also noted for good kangars, which arc very ofton called aftgr the places where they are made, e. g., IftUbnAUUli Kingar or Tsriri Kingar, Ac An onlinary peasant's kingar, Tory rudely made, is called Grfsti K&ngar, from gmst, which in Kashmiri means a husbandman, while a finely-worked, highly coloured kdngar osed by the wealthier class is called Khojah kingar from the Persian Kh ajah, which means a master, a gentleman, or man of some distinction. K&ngars aro also to bo met with in tho bAs&rs of those cities and villages, whither oppression and famine have driven the Kashmiri. I liave heard of them at Badrawih. Kashtawir, RAm-Nagar, Disanli, Niirp&r, Kdngrd, Amritsar, LndidnA and other places ; but the kAngars manufactured outside " the Happy Valley** always seem to bo of a very inferior pattern and quality, and to be used by a very limited class iudood outside the Kashmiri emigrants. The Kashmiri is very fond of his kingar, and wherovor ho goes A henever you soo him, whether asleep or awake, at work or at pUiy, . ittingdown or walking, he lias this little fire-place held in one hand underneath his loose, long, night gown-like garment called pheran, and in immediate contact with his stomach and thighs. As will i >o expected this very close familiarity generally proves very dan- porous ; a person is trip|)cd up by a stone in tho way and tumbles upon his red-hot k&ngar fire, or a child rolls in her sleep and upsets the tire-place, and bums herself, the b<3d Kiizi (QazO was a Mnhammedan jndge in all cases of law, whether religious, moral, civil, or criminaL The ofBoe ifl now virtually extinct under the British Government. Mol pdnur, nechuv Murdd Beg, Father — a water-carrier, and son — Murdd Beg. An upstart. 3furdd Beg was the head of the ohobdirs in Gnl&b Singh's time. These people carried a staff, and besides the ordinary work of a chaprdsi, they ezeonted the state punishments, such as serving a sum- mons, flogging, &o. Panjibi. — B^ip im tmCre HiaH pi&lur 9ol-anoyond all dispute, and he was very severely punished. Krishna, the deputy-inspector, was promoted to much honour. Pkatah Matin batah. Mad Fatab'j" dinners. This man was a groat spendthrift. Quoted at an extravagant *1 inner, ic. Phati Bat tah yaktanai, Phati Bat and alone. '• Mo and myself ociaIIy on Fridays, and with late or guitar play, sing, and loll away the livelong day. Ponfuikan chhuh vmnamut " Tdh kartam ahiih karat.^' The garnnents said, *' Take care of me and I will make you a king." Td/i kartam is literally " Fold mo up." Prhidn jahdnas tah wunCn pdnns. He finds fault with the world and forgets that he himself is in the wrong. Preyuguch buni nah tknddn nah lokun nah baddn. The chindr of Prey^g neither becomes taller, nor shorter, nor bigj;er. A puor sickly child, who does not grow or boootno fat. This chin&r tree is in the middlo uf a little island just big onoagh to pitch your tont uu, in the midst of the Jhelam river by the village of Shadipur. Iho Hindus have consecrated the place, and a UrAhninn is to be seen twice every day paddling himself along in a little boat to the spot, to worship and to make his ofFeringa Pujis purutjhuk adijih konak pachai ax dupnak, **PanuH dm nah kanh.** The people asked the butcher why his bones were not sold to-day. He replied, because none of my relations have been to me (to buy meat). PmA- ai dsih tah tokui jan. If it is cooked, then a little even is good (i.^., worth having). If ho is clever, &o., then loam something from him; a httle good, oven, is not to bo despised. Punz ai ptyih shethih gazak iotih chhuh punzui. If a monkey fall sixty yards below, still he is a monkey. Change of position does not chaugo the man. Purmut ehhuh yurmui, A well-read man is like a nicely cut stone. Pwhuk tih nai Uutuk tih nd ? If you have not got the victory, why do you not escape ? If you cannot stand your ground, thon give it up. 174 Fut chhukah thani. Butter from the last turn (or last beat) of the stick. A man fishing all day catches his first and only fisli just as he is going away. A man, who has been struggling to find out, or do something all day, discovers, or does it just as he is about to give it up in despair. Put mandit ; tut khasit ; zandnah prasit ; hut parit ; henda- wend t^atit ; tah insan phufit. Pattu must be pressed in the washing-tub ; a pony must be ridden on ; a woman must be in travail ; a son (must know the hardships of) learning ; a water-melon must be cut (before its sale) ; and a man must be broken {i.e., humbled). All things must be more or less tried by the rod of affliction, and are generally the better for having passed under it. Hendav:end fsatit. — The purchaser makes the baniyd cut the water-melon before he pays for it, as it may not be red and ripe. One cannot tell what it is from the outside. Put J soputy tah hoput A son like his father; a 'son greater than his father ; and a son less than his father. The Kashmiiis say that there are three kinds of sons. Put put chheh pddshnhas gaibat. Slander behind the king. Abuse always follows the high and great. Putrah buchhih hun liochhih. Hungering after a son she folds a dog to her bosom. Putrah diidih muri im'mgai. She holds out her skirt begging for a son. It is quite a commonplace event for a barren woman to go to a person with a large family and beg for a son. " Putrah, Jihar tjul." *' Babah, panah ratun tah khasit is.** *' O son, the ass has run away." O father, catch him and ride him back. A variant is : — Babah. Khar t_sul, hhar tsul. Gobrah. Khas walah, hhas walah. Father. " The ass has got away; the ass has got away." Son. " Go and ride him back; go and ride him back.'* A rude, disobedient child. 175 Puz tvanun chhuh achh haduni. A man may as well take out his eyes as tell the truth. Puz wananah pan zan naian ; apuz loananah lagan ras. Tell the truth and you'll tremble like a leaf ; tell a he, and you '11 get relief and pleasure. Pyav nah pyav ; zih Yaman khyav. In the act of falling the angel of death ate him. A quick death. Yarna or Yam. — " To great King Tama homage pay, Who was tho first of men that c1io = Just before daybreak. Hindfis) ) Nyuk, njruk, gdsh (Unedu- \ cated Kashmiris.) f ^ Daybreak. Sunat (Muhammedans) ( ^ Prabhdt (Educated Hindus) ) Subh = Sunrise. Ad koj = about 2^ hrs. after sunrise Koj = about 4.J hrs. after sunrise Khandawav Koj = about 11 o'clock A. m. Dd pahar Mandeni (especially Hin- ^ ^ Midday dus). Sanskrit. Madhyan- dena Peshin (Pcshi in the Panj4b) = about 2 o'clock P. M. Seh pahar = about 3 o'clock p. m. Nimuz (Muhammedans) | _ ^^^^^ 3,30^ ^,^^^^ p Mimuz (Hindus) M. (At this time during the long days the schoolmaster shuts his school for half-an-hour or so, that his pui)ils 177 may have time to go and eat a little food. If yon asked a lad on coming from the school at snch a time where ho was going, he would invariably reply. To Mimuz or Nimuz, i.e., to hia afternoon meal.) Digar (Digar in the Panjib) = about 4 o'clock p. m. (Tliis ia aometimes distinguished as bod digar and lukut digar, referring respectively to a little time before and after the period.) Ad digar = Sunset. Sham = Evening. Khuphtan = Night. Bedtime, about 0-30 o'clock p. M. Sometimes the Sanskrit word veli is added thus : — " Ad rdtuk vola" " Kuknr bingih handih vel4" ; but this is more a Panjdbi than a Kashmiri form of expression. — Vide Note 714, Vol I., " Panjdb Notes and Queries" ; also Note 1011, Vol. II. Rangari wdnuk hhum akis khut tah beyis hut. The dyer's vessel was a success to one and a failure to another. The dyers have great earthen pots in which they prepare many gallons of dye at a time — sometimes they prepare as much as will last for six months. When the dye is ready for standing a cover ia placed upon it and it is left perfectly still for twenty days. During these days should the weather be too hot or too cold the colour will nut properly settle, and so much of the half-year'a work will be Rpoilt. Rangari wursah. A dyer's story (therefore not to be believed), Ranijur. Dyers in the valley are generally Muhammedans. They have an ancient custom of agreeing beforehand amongst themselves that if the dye doea not mix properly with the water, and after a time give forth a bad smell, (because it must corrupt before it is fit for use) they will go out and tell as many, and as great, lies as they can, until the dye-water does begin to stink. Some of the lying stories which they invent are very clever and interesting, and are believed in by not a few of the over-credulous people of Srinagar. I speak experimentally, having myself been the subject of one of these dyer's stories. Ras laginam tah das Ualinam. May I get ease and be free from laziness. A Kashmiri prayer frequently ejaculated at the commencement of any work. 23 178 Rasak rust halah gav thasah rust chhan. Rice without soup is like a carpenter without sound. Rdsti bagair gatshih surisui hadd rachhun. Besides (having) righteousness we must put a limit upon everything, {i. e., have moderation). Rat myuni kdngar tah wuchh myini tuk ! Take my kangar and see my paces ! A man with a proud walk. Rat wandai tah puj-wdnuk. I will offer to you the blood of the butcher's shop. Kind at the expense of another. Rdt wuttm Gangahbal tah pagah nah yurahbal. At night he arrives (in his thoughts and plans) at Gangdbal, but on the morrow he does not even get to the landing place. Always planning and never doing. Gangahal is a stream tributary to the Sindh river ; a holy lake near the top of Mount Haramuk. Rdtas waninas Lail ; pagah dupnas " Suh ley ah wdtiheh Majnunas "? In the night the story of Lail was told to him, and on the morrow he said, "What relation will she be to Majnun?'* A dullard. Lail or Lail6. is the name of a lady frequently alluded to in the East. The loves of Laila and Majnun are celebrated in a fine Persian poem by Nizami. Rdtuk wddah sor nai rud ** Wulai gdsah grakaney Last night's promise was not kept, ** Come, O grass-cutter." Promises are like pie-crust, made to be broken. Rawah zat thawah katih ? A ragged rawah, where shall I spread it ? A poor braggart. Rawah is a covering made from the fur of some animal, generally black, and imported from the Panjdb. Raz daz tah wuthini chlies aii. The rope is burnt (coal-black), but the twist is there (plain enough) . A man deposed or injured, but still harbouring bad thoughts. 179 Razi gas tah sotn mi'tr. A yard of rope and a stick — strike. Strict and swift justioo. Thoro is a talo concerning Avantivarman, eUtas Wainadat alia9 RAjd Vcn, ono of the ancient kings of Kashmir, in which a piece of rope and a small stick are represented as falfilling the duties of detective, police-officer, chaprdsf, Ac If any man or boast or birtl had done wrong, the stick and the rc^)0 would at onco hasten to thorny the stick would beat the offender, and the rope would bind him and bring him, her, or it, before the king for justioo. Cf. *' Indian Fairy Tales," the story of " The Riji's Son and the Princess LabAm/' p. 156. " Hero the BdjA's son found four faqlrs, whose teacher and master had died, and had loft four things, — a bod, wliich carried,, whoever sat on it, whithersoever he wished to go ; a bag, that gave its owner as much water as ho wanted, no matter how far ho might bo from a tank ; and a stick and a rope, to which its owner had only to say, if any one came to make war on him, ' Stick, beat oa many men and soldiers as aro here,' and the stick would boat them and the ropo would tie them up." Cf. also " Folk-tales of Bengal," th& story of '• the boy whom seven mothers suckled," p. 131. " The boy took down the cage from the ceiling, as well as the club and rope. Having well secured the bird, he addressed the club and ro))e- thus : — " O, stout club ! O, strong ropo ! Take me at onco to the other side." In the twinkling of an eye the boy was put on that side of the ooean. Similar quotations also might bo mado fn>m *' Wide-awake Stories," p. 294, •* Old Deccan Days," pp. 174-175, •• Fairy Tales from Brentano," pp. 146-154. Cf. also Wolf, Beitrago zor Doutschen Mythologie, 1., p. IS. ** A lad sets out on a journey, having in his possession three wonderful things, — a buok-goat that spits gold, a hen that lays golden eggs, and a table that covors itself, without anybody's help, with the choicest food. A rascally innkeeper steals these treasures from the lad, and puts worthless trash in their place; but a stick that jumps out of a bag in wfiich it is usually concealed, goes to work of its own accord upon tho innkeeper's back, and with such effect that the lad gets his own again. The stick then returns of itself to its owner's hand." Mr. Walter K. Kelly, in his most interesting book, "Curiosities of Indo-European Tradition and Folk-lore," oommonting upon this last quotation, writes : — *' The tablo in this story is the all-nourish- ing cloud. The buck-goat is another emblem of tho clouds, and the gold it spits is the golden light of tho sun that streams through the fleecy coverings of the sky. Tho hen's golden ogj^ is the sun itself. Tho demon of darkness has stolen these things ;. tho cloud gives no rain, but hangs dusky in tbo sky, veiling the light of tho sun. Then the lightning spear of the ancient 8torm« god Odin leaps out from thu bag that concealed it, tho robber falls, the rain patters down, tho sun shines onco more." " This sponr of Odin," tho learuod writer goes on to say, " is an equivalent of the 180 afivattha rod of the Atharva-veda incantation, and both are "wish- rods" especially adapted for bringing victory to their possessor. They have also another comic counterpart in a sort of wish-rod, which serves for administering a drubbing at a distance. With such a hazel implement, cut and prepared wish the proper for- malities, one has only to lay an old garment on a molehill or on a threshold, name the person intended, and whack away. That person will feel every blow as sorely as though he were actually under the stick, and if the old garment is beaten into holes so will it be with the skin of the absent sufEerer." " Popular tradition is tough !'* Reh razih. A flame to a rope. A red flag to a bull. Retakdlik guUhum poUh tdh wandas guUhum lockh. In summer I need a cotton pheran and in winter I need a woollen pheran. Everything in season. Pheran is the chief garment of the Kashmiri, both male and female, and in shape not unlike a big nightgown with sleeves " a mile long." Sometimes the colour of these garments is red and other times blue. When made from wool they are called lochli, and when made from cotton, potsh. " Probably" the pheran comes from the word pairfihan, the Persian for " garment." Beyih chhuh shabnamai tufdn. The dew is like a flood to the ant. Panjabi. — KiH nun tuthd darid- Risk gayov pardesh dewah neriam Rishih n6v tatih kuthioa tamih niskih. Nd-hahhahy Rishe, gari drak. A Rishi went to another country, to try and get his name famous there as a Rishi, but he got less celebrated than before (in his own country). O Rishi, you left your home without a cause. An emigre. Risk (Rishi and Rikhi) is a Hindu sage or saint. Rognn o zdfardn az Tampur. S/ig as Letapur brinj az Nipur ; Barrah az Nandapur. Pufiu o viuhi az Sopur , Mo iig az Krulap ur, Arad az Kh dmp ur. Shir az Shddip ur. Angur az Repur. Pampur (the place) for ghi and saffron. Letapdr for vege- tables. Nipur for rice. Nandapur for lamb. Sopdr for 181 pattu and fish. Krdlapur for di\. KhampiSr for flour. Shkdipur for milk. And grapes from Repur. Ropeyih katas knngar hand. A kaugar as a pledge for Rs. 100. A kdugar is worth a moro trifle. Rovmut gur chhuh skethah mohur. A lost horse is valued at GO sovereigns. Ruchkmakho luchk tak Uutmakho kachh. I trained you (at very great expense), a Ukh of rupees ; but I turned you off at a trifle. Losing a good servant on aocoont of some trifle. Rud petkui chhtk rab wutMn, Mud comes from a fall of rain. Pnnishment follows sin. Budd peyihe, kapad bowihe, Wurah iru'ijih karihah, korah potjah. If it rains and cotton grows, I will make for my stepmother a ** bran new " ph^ran. A conditional promise, as " When my ship comes home." A certain man was in debt and went to a friend for the loan of some money wherewith to pay it. He urged his request in the following words : — " O, my friend, please lend mo the money. For God's saJce help me to satisfy this impatient creditor. Deliver ma from this great trouble. After a little while I shall be able to repay yon with interest. The spring has come and the grass will grow over my land, and the people will send their flocks and herds to graze thereon, and then the wool of the sheep will catch itself in the brambles and thorn bushes, and I will go and collect the wool, and will spin it ; and when it is ready I will give it to the weaver, and he will make a blanket out of it, which I will sell, and buy a mare with the price thereof ; and when the mare has foaled, I will sell the foal for moro than one hundred rupees — if a man offers me only one hundred rupees I will not accept it ; and then I shall be able, and shall bo glad, to pay you.'* The friend laughed aloud on the con- clusion of this harangue. " Why do you laugh ?" said the debtor, " do you not think that it will bo as I say ?" Riihan pir chhih Jchush-hdl, The plrs are glad when people die (or over the dead). Cited when any one speaks evil of the dead, or takes pleasure in another's miafortune. There arc two ways of understanding the 182 Baying with respect to the p{rs,— either that they really are pleased because of the largesse and feast which generally accompany a funeral, or that they pray for the dead as though they loved them. The one way of interpreting it is as general as the other. Rut manivzen nah zah kdnih gatshanas Mt pdnai harih dhi pat. Do not pander to a sulky angry person ; and in a little while his sides will become weary, and he will come and beg for forgiveness. Rutnun tas, Ratun's dal. A stupid, extravagant servant. Gagar Wol, a collector, had a very stupid servant called Katun. One day when the master was visiting a certain village with his servant he told the chief farmer of the village to be so kind as to give some ddl, a kind of pulse, to his servant for his dinner. The far- mer, anxious like all other people, to ingratiate himself in the favour of the collector, gave the servant one kharw^r, or 192 pounds, of ddl. Eatun went and cooked the whole of this, — a mightly feast, some thirty or more big earthen pots full of steaming ddl ! As soon as Gagar Wol returned to his quarters he was terribly surprised to find that his servant had been so stupid as to cook the whole kharwar of dal. RynOy ryno ! hhdtir eJihm, benih chhai r&ntas rani chhai hii, O husband, husband ! Your idea is that a sister is a giant- ess and a wife is as jasmine. 183 S Sahur chliui sunnh sund fur. Patience is as a dish of gold. Tur is tho dish out of which tho PanditAnfa oat; a big roand deep brazen dish. Snfah khutah 8&f kyah ? Bekah. Zuyulih khutah zdyulhyah? Baldi, What is cleaner than the clean ? The forehead. What is finer than the fine ? Misfortune. The qnestions were Akbor's and the answers BIr Bal's. Undonbt- en, and ordered them to tell this girl to make .some broad on the morrow. The big oven was to bo heated, and when the girl had finished making the loaf, and was putting it into the oven somebody standing by was to ike her up and fling her headlong into the oven. This was done, id when they opened the oven some hoars afterwards to see wliat I Hid become of the girl, they found only a stone about half-a-ponnd iti weight, which was carnoyih prdnah ddndah-jiiri den tah rdt wdi ; Kumbake kurah Morah timanui Idi ; Hilah kar bihit yut nah rozih ak ril. Santoshih biydlih bowih dnanduk phal. Lolachih yatahpurih datah phutrdv, Wairuk srSh yut nah rotis tal. Santoshih biydlih bowih dnanduk phal. Ton shonld sow the seeds of destiny in the soil of Dharma (i.e., virtue, religion, duty, law, moral and religious truth according to the Yedas and the law). From the seed of contentment a harvest of peace will be reaped. Plough with the two oxen of the two breaths day and night, Strike them hard with the whip of extreme meditation ; Endeavour so that not a spot of ground will remain unploughed. From the seed of contentment a harvest of peace is reaped. Break the clods with the staff of love, That the damp of envy may not remain beneath : From the seed of contentment a harvest of peace is reaped. Sar eheyih sarddr, tawah patah bdlah-ydr, tawah patah tub- ahdur. First the master of the feast will drink, after that the dear friend, and then the officer of rank. 188 Affection goes before rank. Cooks on tasting the dishes previous to sending them to the master are accustomed to quote these words. Sard diinthum, sard dunthum, sarav khutah bud tel phul wdtis nah and. I saw a tank, I saw a tank, — it was larger thfln other tanks, but it would not contain a half of the sesame flower. {Sesa- Tnum orieniale.) A big, fat man, but no brains. This is also a riddle, and the answer is, a nipple, an udder. Sara/ah sunzah sat zewah. A snake has seven tongues. A man who speaks whichever way fancy or company -wind blows. Hindustani. — Samp ke sat zuhdn. Some devtds or gods ascended to heaven to get some amrit (water of life), and when they descended to earth again they put it into an earthenware vessel, which they placed on the top of a tree. The Kakshasas, huge giants, or rather ogres, wished to possess them- selves of this amrit. So one took upon himself the form of a crow, and flew, and perched upon the top of that tree and jerked off that eai'thenware vessel. On seeing this Vdsak Nag (Vasnki or Basak Nag), a king of the snakes, with all his host came and drank up the amrit, and while they were drinking it, the rakshasa from the top of the tree cursed them. " Have I not taken all this trouble to obtain this water of life, and now you have consumed it. Henceforth let there be to you seven tongues." Saras sarposh. A basket-cover for a pond. Much need but little cash. Sari jpetJii saildb. One's head even deluged. Head and ears in trouble. Sarrdf ganzardn diydr tah atrdf rdwardn doTi. The banker counts the money and the spendthrift wastes the day. Saruf chhuh palcan hul hult wdj tal wdlii syud. The snake goes crookedly, yet it arrives straight within its hole. A man who is of a different disposition out-of-doors and among strangers to what he is in his own house. 189 Sas chhuh nah zdh iikhaa khaadn. Ddl never rises to the spit. A low man will never bo promoted. Saa (or dUil), a kind of kidney bean {Phaseolus Max or Radiatus), Sas vnyut bafaSj mufk wyut hatas, nindar mii drAlUl katas. Ddl is sweet to the Panir own prnifcs. Before, however, giving utterance to a wonl they sometimes pniy that Satan's oars may be closed, in order that he may not hear thom, and, becom- ing offended, corse them. Shakar ai chhui miU gaUhanai : Mitj ai chhai shakar gaUhanai. It' it is sugar then may it become earth to you ; If it is earth then may it become sugar to you. Cited against the man who lies just to escape giving, or on some other trifling account. Hiud6st^nl — Allah kare shakar howe. Allah kare mitti hotce. A fakir was wandering by the riverside one afternoon, when ho saw a barge approaching. He enquired, as he was wont to do. what was in the barge. The man replied " Only earth." The fakir sus- pecting that the man had lied unto him, prayed that God would grant this man's answer to be correct. God heard the prayer, and the whole cargo of sugar was changed into earth. Soon after thia another barge came along. '' What cargo have you P " said the 192 fakir. " Earth," answered the man. This reply wag true, and the fakir prayed again that if it were true, that God would turn it all into sugar. This prayer also was granted. (Cf. " Indian Fairy Tales," pp. 96, 97, 272, 273.) Shakar mekruz. Scissors of sugar (but none the less sharp and cutting for all that). Shdl gav hulik zih diam gav 'kidili. A jackal got into the river, and it was as though the whole world had got in. Panjiibi. — Ap moe jag parlo. Shdl gub tah hdkah-tsar bardbar. A jackal, ewe, and string of vegetables are equal. Justice. This saying dates back to the days of Noshirwiln, a king of Persia in whose reign Muhammed was born (a. d. 578). Noshirw^n is the Persian for just, and the king called by this name is said to have been so just that perfect peace reigned in the land both among men and beasts. Noshirwan kept a jackal, a ewe, and a string of vegetables in one and the same place; but the jackal did not harm the ewe, and the ewe did not touch the vegetables ; — to such an extent did peace reign ! The jackal, ewe, and string of vegetables may also be taken figura- tively as representing different grades of people, every one of whom the just king esteemed equally worthy of attention and protection. Shdl Ualit bafhen chob. The jackal escapes and the man smites the ground. Crying over spilt milk. Shdlah sunz tung. The howling of a jackal. Lupus pilum mutat, non mentem. A jackal in the course of its nightly peregrinations visited the house of a certain dyer and tumbled into the blue dye-pot, and its fur became as blue as blue can be. In this ridiculous state it went away, but was afraid to return to its companions. Eventually it took up its abode on the top of a very high rock. In the course of time the news spread that a new beast was to be fonnd in a certain place every night at such a time. The bear, the tiger, the lion, all were informed of this new animal, and a big coiincil was held in which it was decided to invite the stranger and to make him their king and head. The blue jackal came and was duly crowned by the lion ; but at evening-time when all the other jackals began as usual to scream and to howl, this blue jackal, also, instinctively screamed and howled. Now the mystery was discovered. This kiug was only 193 a painted jackal ! When the lion and bear and tiger heard this they went at once and^ killed the blue jackal. (This story slightly changed is in the Panca-tantra.) Shdlih tdrak hdwuni. To show stars to a (sharp) woman, (in order to try and frighten her). She knows well enough what you are up to, you will have to try some other plan. Shdlin hyol chhuh hihvi. Shol seed is like shol. Like father like son. Shol is millet-seed {Pennisetum itcHieum), Shdmah gat ah tah rot or of ah. The evening darkness is the vigil of the night*8 festival. Quoted when any one pushes on work into the late hours of t he night in order that little or none may be left to be done on the morrow. Shdmah (mtur tah mandini hehwdl. Sharp (enough) at evening, but lazy and sleepy at noon. Quoted against vrives and unemployed sons, kc. ShanuUui ial chheh gatah. There is a darkness under the candle. A good king, but bad ministers ; a good master, but bad servants. Hindi. — Chirdgh ke tale andherd. ShardTcuU hanz deg chheh khemuU honev. The dogs ate up the partnership saucepan. Two partners quarrel and go to law, and lose everything. Persian. — Du morg Jang kunand /a'idti-i-tirgar, SJtarahas tharmm hyah ! • What, is there shame in " The Law!" Right as the Bible. Shayih dstan tah lukanui toshtan. Live thou and do good to others. This is a line from one of the verses composed by the clever wife of the celebrated Munshi Bahwani D4s, who lived in the time of Akbar. He was a Kashmiri, a great poet, and some of his works remain in the Pei-sian language ; but there is no trace of his house or family. 194 For some reason Bahwini Das separated from his first wife an(J married another. This second wife became very devoted to him, and one day in a fit of jealousy she composed the following lines : — Tanahdai vesie sunah chham asdn. Tanah ydri travanam karni hath. Sheydh dstan tah lukanui toshtan. Totih chham dilasui sat. Chhamah Iddan akih latih yiyih nd ! Wandahsui hatikui rat. When my husband does not speak to me ; Then, O friend, the other wife laughs at me. let him live and do good to others ! And there will be comfort to my mind. If he would but come to me once. 1 would offer unto him the sacrifice of my throat's blood f Wes is a woman's female friend. (Hindustani — saheli.) Sun, a rival wife. (Polygamy is not very common among Kasb' miri Hindus). Shek tah treh tah nav tah hah. Six and three and nine and eleven. " Black crows have been thrown up, Three, Two and One ; And Jiere I find all comes at last to none " ! " The Three Black Crows."— Byrom. Shekhah hahi Jci'lah sahih, paffdh nahin. The Shekh's custom is *'Yes" to-day, and "No'' to- morrow. A fickle person. Shekh Tmdm-ud-din was the last of the ten Sikh governors, whc tyrannised over the valley for about twenty-seven years (1819 to 1846 A. D.) Report represents him to have been a very fickle monarch, and tells the following anecdote concerning him : — One day the Shekh appointed a Pandit to some office and soon after his appointment the Pandit appeared in the palace-yard riding upon a horse with his face towards the beast's tail. The Shekh happened to be there with his retinue, and seeing this ludicrous character laughed loudly. Great was his surprise to find that the man was the very Pandit, to whom he had just given an appoint- ment. "Why are you making such a fool of yourself?" said he. " I am riding thus," replied the Pandit, "in order that I may see quickly who is to be appointed in my place ! " Afterwards Shekh Imam-ud-din did not change his servants so frequently. Shekhah royih Shaitdn^ A Shekh in appearance, but a devil in truth. Appearances are not always to be trusted. 195 ShenJcaruni mdkuz, nah phaldn tah nah galdn, Shenkar's axe, neither wears away, nor melts. Cited concerning a hale and hearty, old wicked person. Shenkar (Sanskrit, Shan-kara) was a very famous HindO fakir oT the grand style. — His dresa was of pashmina, (a very fine silky cloth), and he always rode upon a handsome horse. He lived at Ghhatsah- Bal, where there*i8 a small temple erected to his memory. He died aboat two years ago, at the age of sixty. Shenkar used every day to climb the Takbt-i-SulaimAn (a big hill ovorlooking Srinagar), to perform his devotions in the ancient t tmple there. Another name for this hill is Shenkaritsari, an ancient Hind(i philosopher, after whom this Shenkar was called. (Cf. 6ankardcarya. Monier William's Dicty.) Shenkar's popularity waa chiefly derived from hii celebrated < harmed axe. It was so, that whenever he heard that any one wa« i trouble or sickness, he would visit them, and after saying a few words, would wave the axe above and aroimd the distressed person's liead and body, and should he be indisposed, or the weather be inclement, he used to send the axe with especial directions how to manage it. Beport says that large numbers were thus healed and comforted. The axe was a very strong and handsome one. Shonkar's family are still living in Srinagar, and are very much respected. Kim Chand seems to be the principal member of this family now alive. He is a very clever manahf, and in receipt of about Ks 200 per n%en$em. Every year, on the anniversary of Shenkar's eware of man. Ho did not care for their forwardness, nor was he charmed by their " caw-caw "; but on the contrary, he would certain- ly kill them, if he had the chance. " Now, listen ," said the old crow. " When you see a man bending his body down to the ground, and putting forth a hand, take heed; because the man is about to pick up a stone wherewith to strike and maim you." "Very well, very well," said the young crows, and there was a general *' caw-caw'* of approval. But one of the young ones, who was sharper than the rest, did not quite agree. '' Suppose," enquired he, '* that the man 196 has already a stone under Ms arm, what shall we do in that case ?" Cf. •' Folktales from the Upper Panjdb." Eev. C. Swynnerton, J. B. A. S.J 1884. Sheyav pirav hhuiah chhuli be-pirui jdn. Better to follow no saint than (to try) to follow six saints. A man cannot serve many masters. SJieyih manih ndh slidhdsJi, wupasas nah laz. No praise if one cooks six maunds of food, and no shame if there is nothing cooked A too lenient, indifferent, father or master. If the child, or the servant does well, he has no praise for him ; and if the child or the servant neglects or spoils his work, he has not a word of blame for him. Shikasfah, ndv Shad f Broken-hearted yet called Gladness ! Shin dishit yih gagur karih ti chhvh rupeyih disliit hardn. What the rat will do when it sees the snow, that you are doing when you see rupis. The Kashmiri says that rats can tell from the quantity and cha- racter of the snow upon the mountains whether the winter will be a very severe one or not. Should it augur badly, then each rat will gather for himself as much as six sers of rice-grain. Shi nah peto ! bayih yito ! Fall, O snow ! Come, O brother ! Yearning for the absent one's return. A bird called Shinah-pipin was going away much to the sorrow of his brother- Shinah-pipin, who asked him with tears in his eyes, when he intended to come back again. " When the snow falls I shall be here again," he replied. Time passed, the snow fell heavily, but no Shinah-pipin came back. Shinah shart. A snow concern (or arrangement). No practical jokes, please. This is not Shfnah shart (or " April fool's day.") The Kashmiris are very glad to see the snow ; and they have a custom which allows them to play jokes upon one another with impunity on that day, when the snow first falls. Sometimes they will take a piece of the new snow and wrapping it up in paper givff it to a friend as if tobacco, or snuff, &c. 197 Should this friend take and open it, then he is veiy mnoh laughed at, and has to pay a forfeit. Amongst the educated it is customary to write the following Persian couplet upon paper, and give it to their friend as if it were an important letter or parw4n% Ac. Barfi nau aftdd sad mubdrak hdd^ An chi shart ant ziid hdyad ddd ? The new snow has fallen, a hundred congratulations to you. "What is the agreement — ( but a trifle ! ) — so you must pay up quickly. Should the friend read only one word of this, he ia caught and has to pay a trifling forfeit. A Pandit has just remarked that the animals, too, are rejoiced to 8i>o the snow, but especially the dogs. On being asked " Why ?'* li(' said, *' Because all tlio dotjs look upon the snow falling as their iimtomal undo coming from Hoayen to visit them," On farther cniiuii-y :ix t(j where ho hoard this, ho replied that. " All childron in Kusliniir woro so taught, lie did not know anv reason for thus thiuking." Shir-i-mfitlar chhui. A mother's milk to you. A proper arintngomont, &c. Shtrahpurih pirah yenlwol dv. The wedcling-compnny of samts from Shirapur has come. The arrival of any great man. Shirapur is a little village about two miles from Isl&mib&d, and abounds in Muhammodan saints, who marry their daughters in grand style. HorscM and music, and sometimes as many as a hundred singers, attend the wedding-company. Shislarah sueti ehhuh shistar phaldn. Iron is cut by iron. Set a thiof to catch a thief. Persian. — Ki dhan ba dhan towdh Icard ntirm, Shtytu shiyn tah Miyas Miyd. Shias with Shias and Miyiis with Miyds. Caste with caste ; like with like. Shiyd — Mi'jd, (Shfa and Miy^) the one is a Muhammedan and the other a Hindu sect. Shodah tanz halali hir, yutdn dazvik, Tutdn karuh nah pdnahwdni hat. Until the head of the Shodah is burnt, They will not speak to one another. Five friends chanced to meet, and all having leisure they decided to go to the bazar and purchase a hir, and have a groat feast in the 198 house of one of the party, each of whom subscribed four dnSs. The hir was bought, but while they were returning to the house it was remembered that there was not any butter. On this one of the five proposed, by way of having some fun, that the first of them, who should break the silence by speaking, should go for the butter. Now it was no light matter to have to retrace one's steps back ta the butter-shop, as the way was long and the day was very hot. So they all five kept strict silence. Pots were cleaned, the fire was prepared and the hir laid thereon ; now and then somebody cough- ed and another groaned, and one even was so filled with a sense of the ridiculous as to laugh aloud, but never a tongue uttered a word, although the fire was fast going out, and the hir was getting burnt, owing to there being no fat or butter wherewith to grease the pot. Thus matters proceeded until at last a policeman passed by, and attracted by the smell of cooking, he looked in at the window and saw these five men perfectly silent and sitting around a burnt hir. Not knowing the arrangement he supposed that either these people were mad, or else they must be thieves ; and so he enquired how they came there ? and how did they obtain the hir ? Not a word was uttered in reply. " Why are you squatting around the burnt hir in that stupid fashion ?" shouted the polir-eman. Still no reply. Then the policeman full of rage that these wretched men should have thus mocked at his authority took them all off straight to the Police Inspector's office. On arrival the Inspector asked them the reason of their strange behaviour, but he also got no reply. This rather tried the patience and temper of this man of authority, who was generally feared and flattered and bribed. He ordered one of the five Shodahs to be immediately flogged. The poor Shodah bore it bravely and never a sound he uttered ; but when the lashes fell thick and fast, and whipped the already whipped and wounded places, so that the blood appeared, he could endure no longer, and so shouted, " Oh, oh, why do you beat me ? Enough, enough. Oh, is it not enough that the hir has been spoilt ? " His four associates now cried out, " Go to the bazar and fetch the butter. Go." The Police Inspector was still more surprised and atmoyed when he heard of this further contempt of the court, and ordered a thorough investigation of the whole matter. Everything was now, of course^ fully and clearly explained, and great was the amusement of every body, not excepting the Police Inspector. Cf. *' Story of the Twenty- five Idiots" in " The Orientalist," Yol. I., p. 136. Hir is the head of any animal used for food. Sliolvh tail punalisund. Happiness and more (children) to you. A Kashmiri blessing. When the piece of flaming birch- wood is being passed around the head of the child and company present, the midwife repeats the 199 above words. Cf. cnstom " sutuk" in note to " LdnhTmh garth sutuk.** There ia a division of opinion regarding the meaning of these words, oven among the highest class of Brdhmans. The balance of favour seems to be for the above rendering, deriving Sholch from the Persian and pu/nahsund from the Sanskrit to": " again," and sund from ^pH", " may these be." Slirdkih tah mdzas clihud wddl What answer will the meat give to the knife ? The tyrant will not receive any reply. Shukrt zdt-i'-jydAaht nah dyam yad nah luffum phdkah. Thanks, O holy one, neither was my stomach filled, nor had I to fast. '* Give me neither poverty nor richee ; feed me with food con- venient for me."— Prov. zxz. 8. Shun ff it bdng dapuni. To cry the bj'ing when asleep. A lazy, dilatorj', fellow. Bdng is the Mnhammodan call to prayers. Shupi h'nih icachhas sari ndl. A golden nAl over a fan-like bony breast. A gaudily-clressed ngly person. Shup is a flat basket used for winnowing grain. Ndl is the border of the garment called the knrtah, round the neck and down the breast. Shur gav bror ; wulah wulah kurus tah yiyih, A child is a cat, tell it to come and it will come. A child cries and runs for food. Shur nyuv pdzan tah shisfar Tchyav gagaran. The hawk took the child and the rat ate the iron. Tit for tat. Persian.— ir» mosh dhan Tthorad Ttodak harad Idz. A man about to start on a journey entrusted several maonds of iron to the care of a merchant-friend. After several years he return- ed and sent to this friend for the iron. The merchant, in whoso charge it was, being a rogue had sold the iron ; and now sent to say how sorry he was that the iron had been eaten by rats. This reply somewhat astonished the other merchant, he could not understand how the iron could possibly have been broken and masticated by rats. However, he did not argue the matter in words, bat went straight 200 off to the place where the lying-merchant's child was playing, and decoyed the little fellow away to a very secret place. The merchant on discovering the loss of his child, became almost frantic with grief. He went tearing his hair and shi-ieking everywhere, " My child, where is my child ?" The other merchant seeing him in such distress enquired what was the matter, and was told that the little boy has either strayed or been stolen. " Alas," said he, " I observed a great hawk hovering over the head of your boy. The bird must have flown away with him." *' You mock me in my sorrow," said the bereaved merchant. " How could a hawk carry off my boy ?" " As easily as rats could devour iron," said the other merchant. The result was the exchange of the lost boy for the lost iron. This proverb and story is evidently translated from a Persian work, " Chihil qissa," {i. e., Forty stories,) but it is very well known among the common folk of Kashmir. Shuri cliliur hutJiis. — Sliur mdronah kih nah Jcuth Uaion ? The infant wetted the lap. What shall be done ? Shall the infant be killed ? or shall the knee be cut off. ? Parents in doubt as to whether they shall, or shall not, help a profligate son out of his difficulties. ShusTias tihpushi. Not enough even for a lung. A small income. Sikah nilu idh hdndah begdri. Like a Sikh obliging one to buy what they have to sell, and compelling the musician to play without hire. Oppression. A Muhammedan saying. The Muhammedana tell dreadful tales of the oppression which they suffered during the rule of the Sikhs in Kashmir. Silvh till bajd tah Tcahdh till bajd. If the spit is right then the meat is right. Sikandar-Nama. — Miydn-ji chindh hun harde sawdh. Ki ham sikh har jd huwad ham Icahdh. Shias tdmat sJiinas gdi, ; sudd Tcyah zdniov toe Jcariov. We got breast deep in the snow ; whatever inducement vras there to get married on such a day as this (lit., what taste did you feel that you made a feast). A very clever Hindu Persian scholar was once invited to a wed- ding feast in a certain village during winter-time. It happened that much snow fell just about the time of the wedding, and those guests who lived at a distance experienced much difficulty in attend- 201 injjf. On arrival this Hindfi was heard thus to remonstrate with the parents of the wedding-party. Notice the play upon the names of the four Persian letters sin, shin, 8&t1, and toe. Sina, (Persian) breast. 8Mn, (Kashmiri) snow. Sudd, (Kashmiri) taste, flavour, &o. Toe, (Persian) feast, festival, &o. Sir gav tirdan ; ad sir gov guzrdn ; pdv ekheh pdwdn. One ser is enough ; half a ser a man can live upon ; but a quarter of a ser prostrates a man. Sir ah 8dn pi rah mahdrdzah dv. The wedding- company of saints came along secretly. A groat man travelling in a humble way. The very respectable people have their marriage processions at night. Only the poor and uuoducatod classes have large demonstration-processions by day. Sini muhimah Muhal tah rani muhivnah khandahwdv. If there is not a plate of meat and rice there is a mallow, and if a husband is wanting, one can get a shawl-weaver. Anything is better than nothing. Shawl. weavers (Mnhammedami) are to be found in abundance all over the valley. They are a sickly, immoral, ill-paid race. Siryas hyuh nah prokash kune ; Gangih hyuh nah tirt kahh ; Bhyis hyuh nah bundav kune ; Ranih hyuh nah sukh kahh ; Aohhin hyuh nah prahdsh kune ; Kuthen hyuh nah tirt kahh ; Chandas hyuh nah bdndav kun Khanih hyuh nah sukh kahh ; Mayas hyuh nah prakdsh kune lAtyih hyuh nah tirt kaiih ; Dayas hyuh nah bnndav kune ; Bayas hyuh nah sukh kaiih ; 202 Sed Bayii was one day sitting down with his famous female disciple, Lai Ded, when the following questions crop- ped-up : — "Which was the greatest of all hghts ?" " Which was the most famous of all pilgrimages ?'* '* Which was the best of all relations ?" " Which was the best of all manner of ease V* Lai was the first to reply : — " There is no light like that of the sun ; *' There is no pilgrimage like Gang^ ; " There is no relation like a brother ; *' There is no ease like that of a wife." But Sed did not quite agree. *' No," said he — " There is no light like that of the eyes ; *' There is no pilgrimage like that of the knees ; *' There is no relation like one's pocket ; " There is no ease like that of the mendicant's cloak." Then Lai Ded, determining not to be outwitted by her master, again replied : — *' There is no light like that of the knowledge of God ; " There is no pilgrimage like that of an ardent love ; " There is no relation to be compared with the Deity ; " There is no ease like that got from the fear of God." I have seen something like a part of the above lines in Eev. C. Swynnerton's "Adventures of Kaja Rasalu," but not having the book at hand I cannot say in what connection they occur there. Gangd or Gangahal is one of the great Hindu places of pilgrimage. Hither go all those Pandits, who have had relations die during the year, carrying some small bones, which they had picked from the ashes at the time of the burning of the dead bodies. These bones are thrown into the sacred waters of Gangabal with money and sweet- meats. The pilgrimage takes place about the 8th day of the Hindu month Badarpet (August 20th dr.) Cf. " Vigne's Travels in Kash- mir," Ac, Vol. II., pp. 151, 152. So zan bozih ishdrah sueti. Ko zan bozih damdlih sueti, A hint and a good man hears. Threatening and fuss before a bad man hears. Gulistan. — Anchi ddnd Tiunad Jcunad ndddn. Lek ha'd az Jcahul i ruswa^i. Sonawdri sdban. The soap of Sonawar (e.e., the washing of the people of Sonawar). 203 Something wrong in the arrangement. Sonawdr is a little village close to the Takht-i-Snlaim&n, Srfnagar. The inhabitants have got a name for wearing cither a clean pagri and dirty garment, or else a clean garment and dirty pagrL Soht chhuh tjhali tah harud chhuh bait. Spring is a matter of inclination, but the Autumn is whether he will or not. H. H. the Mahirdjah gives a certain amount of seed to each zamfnddr about seetl-time, the sowing of this seed depends very much upon the will of the zamCnddr. But when the seed has been sown, the harvest ripens and the crops are ready to bo gathered, then, nolens volen», the zamlnd&r must oat it and give the usual State allowance. Sopur-i-mdzarat. An invitation from a SoptSr man. Nearly all the Sop6r people are most inhoflpitable. Ananta>n&g {i.e., laikvaihid) and P4mp6r folk have got ai name in the valley for hospitality. Sorah rag melih tah wordh rag melih nah. There may be a yein of affection in a pig, but not in a step- child. About fourteen years ago Hindds were permitted to koop swine. Since then the city has been entirely cleared of them by tho order of the present Mah&rAjah. His Highness' late father, tho Muh&r^jah Gul&b Singh, is said to have introduood swine into the valley. Sorah sanzih tcudih morah sund tdj. A peacock's crest upon a pig's crown. A place for every man and every man in his place» Sarm chhuh dur tah marun chhuh nazdtk. All things are far-ofT, but death is nigh. In the midst of life we are in death. Sorui chhuh wm/i, hath chheh mufl. All things are at a price, but conversation is gratis. Srandah srandah tsuw^m har ; yutdn nah ok chhuh marun, tuton chhih nah path rozun. A buffalo quarrels with another buffalo ; until one of them dies the fight is not over. When Greek meets Greek then comes the tug of war. 204 Srug, sift, tah pandhdnr. Cheap, nice, and broad. Hot, sweet, and strong. Srugui chhuh drug tah drugui ohhuh srug. Cheap is dear and dear is cheap. It is better to pay a little more and have a really good arfciole than to buy an extraordinarily cheap (?) article, and presently discover that it is not worth having. Subhuoh ckilam chhai til chardgas; Subhuck chilam ohhai bugas Mi ; Subhuch chilam chhai ndrah phah Mdgas ,« Subhuch chilam chhai dragas. zii. The morning pipe is hke oil to the lamp ; The morning pipe is as jessamine in the garden ; The morning pipe is as the heat of a fire in January ; The morning pipe is as employment in the time of famine. Chilam is that part of the hukkah which hc^ds the tobacco and the charcoal-ball. Subhuk balah ai nuhurah jyyos doh neris pandi; Pheran ai ndkdrah gos wahr'i np.ris pandi ; Zandnah ai nuMrah peyas umr neris pundi. If the breakfast is bad then all the day will go wrong ; If the dress is bad then all the year will go wrong ; If the wife is bad then all the life-time will go wrong. Suchhuh gariuol tah mnh-i-ramazdnik nemuzi. A householder (only) in time of abundance, and prayers only during the month of Ramazan. An unreliable character. Ramazdn is the name of the ninth Mnhammedan month, during which every orthodox follower of that religion abstains from eating, drinking, &C., between the morning dawn and the appearance of the stars at night. On the 27th day of this month the Quran began to descend from heaven, and every prayer offered up on that night (called lailatu'-l-qadr) will he answered. Also prayers offered up on the 19th, 21 st and 23rd days of Bamazan are thought to avail much. Suddmun hum bus. Sudam's handful of chaff. A rupi to a poor man is as much as one thoasand rdpis to a rich man. 205 8uddm was a great friend of Krishna. He at one time was in such groat distress, that only a handful of chaff was left to him, which he purposed to eat and then die. However he thought the I'ottor of this and wont to the RAjd instead with the handful of . Imff . R6j& Krishna was so touched with the man's poverty and simplicity, that he himself ate the chaff and gave the Brdhman Suddm whatsoever his heart wished for. Suh tih dohd Nasaro. i'hat day also passed, O Nasar. Come good, come evil, there is an end. A. quotation from a list of conversation between Shekh Nfir-nd-dfn and his favourite disciple Nasar. Gonvorsation between these two uainta often took the form of poetry aooording as they were inspired. Hero is the piece of poetry : — Maiddn wdwas tjakuj nani ; guh tih dohd Natoro. Tun tougarah tah sSni pnni ; suh tih dohd Naacuro, Nishi rani tah tourani khani ; auh tih dohd Naaaro, Wurah batah tah gd4ah gani ; suh tih dohd Nasaro, When the back was bare upon the bleak plains ; that day also passed, O Nasar. When we had wet rioe and dry r^^tablos only to eat ; that day too, has gone, O Nasar. When the wife was near one and warm clothing ooverod the bod ; that day, too, went by, O Nasar. When boiled rioe and sliced fish were provided for ns ; tliat day also passed, O Nasar. Thoro is something similar to this in Persian, bat who is the author of it, or where it ih to bo found, is not known :<— Ifunam ki kabdh mehhorad : Meguxrad, War hdda % ndh mekhorad ; Meguxrad. Daryozah ha kashkol % gaddi nan rdt Tar kardah ha db mekhorad j Meguxrad, The wealthy man eats roasted flesh : Passing away. Should ho drink pure wine ; Passing away. The beggar eats the alms-bread, After having soaked it in water ; Passing away. These lines were probably known in the days of Akbar, for when that monarch asked his favourite minister Bir-Bal to do something for him, which would be a source of happiness to him in time of ad- versity as well in the time of prosperity, Bir-Bal replied by sending 206 to the emperor a few days afterwards a beantifnl ringstotie upon which he had caused to be engraved in Persian character the word " Meguzrad" ; he also sent a nice letter with it adrising the king to look upon the ring whenever he was tempted to be over-elated by prosperity, or over-depressed by misfortune. Another Persian saying from another unknown source is frequent- ly quoted by the Persian- speaking Kashmiri : — Shah e samur guzashto ; Shab e tanur guzasht. That night, when we had fur to cover us, has gone ; That night, when we had the fixe to warm us, has gone. Sukhas des. A stick to peace (or striking his peace). A man, who really has nothing to complain of — ^he has health and^ wealth and friends, but he says that he is never well, not rich, and that every body is against him. Sumis sum niiimat tah he-sum hiydmat. Like with like is bles&ing, but unUke is confusion^ Birds of a feather flock together ; Birds of a different feather tear one another. Sh{rin-o-Khusrau. — Kunad ham-jins hd ham-jins parwdz Kab'Atar hd hahutar hdz hd hdz. Sun ckkuk punai hahwachik j>etk malum sapurtdn hhuf chhud yd hhur. Gold is known upon the stone, whether it is alloyed or pure.. A man is known by his work and walk and conversation. Kahwat is a touchstone. (Persian. — Mihakk-i-zarrln.) GvLHat^n.—MihakJc ddnad zar chist. CrCbdd ddnad mumsik hist Sunah sunz shrdk, nah ivdr thawanas tah nah wnr trdivanasi^ A golden knife is neither fit to keep, nor to throw away. Sunas gayam sartal kanas chhas nah batah ladun. To me gold has become as brass. I do not load my ear with food {i. e., and I am not such a fool as not to know it). Cf. "Kanas chhas" ^c. My position is altered and I know it. Sunas mul Tcanas tal. The worth of the gold is in the ear. Possession is everything. 207 Sundari Uah pari mat trdv hukai ; t9^h hdli ion ohikah chdo. O pretty woman, don't step so haughtily, you will lose your youthful pride in time. A silly, conceited, young woman. This is evidently a line from one of the Kashmiri songs, bat it cannot be traced as yet. Sunur nai simah tjur harih tah hats ffatjhes. If the goldsmith did not steal the gold he would get kdts (i. <•., a subtle disease, hectic fever). The suspicion with which the goldsmith is looked npon is not peculiar to the people of Kashmir. Cf . Kalila o Damna ; the story of the Brdhman Thephasavdmi in Herr Adolf Bastian's German collection of Siamese tales ; '* The Orientalist," Ceylon, VoL I., p. 180 ; the Rev. C. Swynnerton'a appendix of folk-tales of the Panj&b to his book on RAjd Ras&l^ ; and the Tamil story told in p. 184, Vol. I. of ** The Orientialist," Bat in " The Book of Were-wolres," by S, Baring-Gould, it is stated on the authority of a gentleman who resided in Abyssinia for ten years, and published an account of his experiences afterwards, "that in Abyssinia the gold and silversmiths are highly regarded, bat the iron-workers are looked upon with contempt as an inferior grade of beings. Their kinsmen even ascribe to them the power of trans- forming themselves into hynnas, or other savage beasts. All convulsions and hysterical disorders are attributed to the efFeot of their evil eye. " Sur vialit tjurah jamdat. Rubbing ashes over his hody (like a saint) and yet helong- ing to a company of thieves. Surah banih wuth nah Mv, The crow did not rise from the dust-heap (although stones were thrown at it). A man taken into court, but bribes were paid and so the matter was kept secret. Surah phalih balai dur. From a speck of dust misfortune flies. A word, and the thing is done. Suranai ffatjhih w&yini, gait gatshanas nah Ichasuni. The lute should he played, but the checks need not be hlown out. When a man does a good work there is no necessity to send some- one with a trumpet to advertise it. 208 Sutt dug ah bah traJc. Slowly, slowly, twelve traks (i.e.y 114 pounds) will be pounded. Borne was not built in a day. ** Sutsal kami rani ? " ** Ami chdnih pranih." ** Mithut chheh gamuts'' " Mydnih hhalani sueti" " Who cooked the mallow ? " " That old woman of yours." " Ah ! it is very nice." *• Yes — I stirred it." Anxious to avoid the blame, but to get the praise. Sutsalih manzah gushtdbah nerun. Soup comes forth from the mallow. " Despise not the day of small things." Qushtdbah is a rich soup composed of mince-meat, &c. Sufjan dapdn panahdiiwih ^^ Sdri chhih gumuti ahi ndwih.** The needle says to the piece of thread " We are all in the same boat " (7.e., where you go I go, for we are fastened together). AH the people appear to know this saying, but no one could tell me its origin. It is very strange to meet with such a peculiar expres- sion in this country, and to find that it has the same meaning which it has in England, viz., Both treated alike ; both placed in the same conditions. The reference in England is, as is well-known, to the boat launched when a ship is a-wreck. Suwun tah gewun tagih prat kansih, magar suwun chhuh suwunui tah gewuriy chhuh gewanuL Everybody can sew and sing, but let him sing who can sing (properly), and him sew who can sew (nicely). Suyih suet mandul chhalun. To wash the back with a nettle. The harm of keeping bad company. Syud sadah chhuh shdhzddah. A plain, simple man is a prince. 209 Tubah Tusal nah mandaehhdn nah chhuh mdndackhanah flitoi'n, Tabah Tdsal is not ashamed nor does he put any one to shame. A shameloss person. Tdbah Tdsal was i. Pandit, who, contsary to all role and cnstom, hired himself out for weddings and other entertainments. He was a good singer and jester, and used to accompany his songs with a-clap- ping of hands. He struck them together in such a peculiar way that it is said the sound could be heard one mile off (?) Uo would visit all sects and sexes, and would sit by the hour in all society, never feeling any qualms of conscience, or noticing any wickedness in others. T&bah waa surnamed T4sal from the word tus, whioh means clapping of hands. Tal tali taUv khandn ptidshdh gar as lut har^n. Apparently digging a very deep well ; but, really, robbing the king's house. A traitor. A GosAj'n once visited a king and said that he had a matter for him. " Would his Majesty listen to it, and give his servant one hundred rupls for it ?" The king consented ; and this proverb was told him, which ho was to repeat aloud every night throe times in succession before going to sleep. Now it happened that this king, like most other kings, had his enemies — and enemies, too, in his own household. One of his ministers hated him intensely, and was ready to do and bear anything, so that he might bring about the king'8 death. Amongst other plans ho had a subterranean pas- sage made from his house to the king's, and one night, when the work was almost completed and but a foot more remained to be dug, he himself went along this passage, which communicated directly with the king's bed-chamber, with the intention, if possible, of removing the little earth that remained, and getting close enough to murder the king in his bed. On such a dreadful errand, and in such a dark dangerous place, we cannot imagine this wicked minister's feelings when he heard the king with a loud and distinct voice say, three times in succession, the words which the Go86,in had taught him. " I am discovered, " said he, and hastened back. This saying has also been turned into a riddle, of which the answer is a rat. 27 210 Talah, dadi talah pati pefak daz tdl ; Tu Bi'r Sdhibo rudci ivctl. Below the sole of the foot is burnt, above the crown of the head is burnt ; O Great God, let it rain. A favourite prayer for rain. Yd Bdr Sdhiho.— Great God. {Bar, participle of hdridan.) Talah, talah palah bah shel. Down, down, twelve hundred rocks down. A Stoic — hard, deep, and mysterious. TcUnwas dah lurih tah jangah wizeh nah ah tih. (Usually) ten sticks in the roof, but not even one there ^ in time of fighting. Abundance of servants, rupis, &c., but not one at hand when especially wanted. Tamil' chhuh h'r-i-amir. Building is the work of nobles. The wealthy build houses and poor men buy them. Tanuras nohhah Imndal. A little earthen pot beside the oven. A little man in the company of the great. Kundal is the inner earthenware part of the kangri. Tas chhuh nah gdtid wazir. He has not got a wise minister (i.e., a good wife to advise and help him). A certain king was one day sitting with his wife in the verandah of the palace, when -a poor miserable -looking and almost nude pea- sant passed by, carrying a big load of wood for sale in the city. " My dear," said the king to his wife, " how sad it is to see a man in that wretched condition, and in this cold weather too. What a sor- rowful existence he must eke out from the pittance which he receives from his wood every day ! " *• He has not got a wise minister," re- plied the queen. The king did not understand this remark ; he thought that, perhaps, it was meant as a sort of side-hint for himself ; hence it would have been a reflection upon his own chosen ministers, and so upon the arrangement of his country. He brooded over these words, until he became in a furious rage, and going to his wife ordered her to prepare to leave the palace at once and be that poor wood-seller's servant. The queen obeyed, though with a sorrowful heart. However, she did not despair, but determined that through her wise counsel and management this poor man should prosper and become great, and then she had a conviction that by some means or other she would again be united to the king her husband, and that both would derive pcofit from, and be happier for, this temporaiy separation. 211 On arrivinpf at the wood-seller's hut she made her sal&ms, and explained the reason of her visit. " I have come to serve you," she said, " but let me sometimes advise you, and you will be the better for my counsel." The wood-cutter was so surprised at the humble demeanour of the queen, that ho fell upon his knees and stammered out something to this effect : '* That although the king had given her to him to be his servant, yet he felt himself to be her slave, and that whatever she commanded, that he would try to perform." The days pa8seon it is almrist impossible to got milk in Kashmir, as it is gonemlly all sold by that time. Persian. — An kada bishkast o (in »dM na mdnd, Tifjhui tjitwai har yul matlnai Ichar ; tah luh wuchhanai tnmiUhih. I will have such a row with you, that it will be as if the asses had gone mad ; and the people will come out to see the sight. If I do quarrel with you, I will (inarrol. Tot marit tah hot iaiydr. The dear one dies and the gallows are ready. Bettor to die. for the world is as a gallows set np, constantly troubling and d(>8troying. Viifno and others of his day speak of having seen bodies ' >\. ;!..:i lt" from the bridfres, &c., as they passevill thus address thoir eldest brother, " W/ilah, sah, Anand Kdk." And any very respected person outsido the family may thus sometimes be addressed, " Boziv, sah, Nardyan Kdk." Notice that only the father is called simply K6k. Kdk is also the name of a Hindfi soot in Kashmir. Tsalanas lak. Running instead of fleeing. Trying to overcome a diflBcnlty in a *• half-and-half " sort of way. Tfalawun^n bohth tah IdrawunH path. In front of the runners-away, but the last of the pursuers. A coward. T^am tah nam ivuthit ruhhsat. Alter wearing one's skin and nails away in hard work to be dismissed (without pay)! A tyrannical master. Tsar chheh aki phnlih bdpat hairdn. A sparrow is m distress about one grain. A poor man's need, just a mite will relieve. T^arcn zuwan tuphui hyah ? Tsaris gamas gamid kyah ? What is a httle more irritation to a woman whose head is full of lice 1 What is grief to a person already overwhelmed with it ? This proverb is sometimes also thus interpreted : — When there are many lico where is the sting ? When there is much grief where is the grief ? (e. jr., A famine, a war, or any other general calamity.) Sikandar-NAma. — Ki vuirge ba ambuh rd jashan hhund. 28 218 Tsarih chhuh handi-tharih pethui rdhat. There is rest for the sparrow upon the thorn-bush. Each man finds rest in his own proper state and station. Tsarih hund wunthui Jtyah chhuh ? What is inside the paunch of a sparrow ? No help from a helpless man, and no mercy from a merciless fellow. Tsarih Tiashanah chhuh rat yiwun. Blood comes from much scratching. From much teasing, a quarrel ; from much work, exhaustion ; from much reading, madness, &c. Tsaris gat as chhuh tsur hhur. The wiser the man, the greater the blame (if he errs). Tsatit hendaivand Uahit soda. Cutting a water-melon, and tasting the things (before purchase). Advice on going to the b^ar. TsachamaUih ungajih nunah phei. A pinch of salt to a cut finger. A sharp word, a mean trick. Tsei hishih gabih chhid nt/ur Jchasan ! What a ewe like you climbing up to the meadow ! An expression of contempt for another person's powers. Tsentah Dewahnih wadiwih. Tsentah Dev's congratulations. Tsentah Dev was a very poor man with a very large family. Children were born so quickly that it seemed as if the people were always coming to congratulate him on the introduction of another member into his already numerous family. He got very angry and unhappy about affairs ; but still his family so increased that now his numerous household and constant congratulations have passed into a proverb. Tshalas tal chhui hust tih hand. The elephant also is caught in the trap. A great many things that are left undone as being impossible might easily be accomplished if people would only think a Httlc. t r 219 Txhenimutj yeni hish. Like broken warp. A weak, useless fellow. Txhofui chhuh mut. A little is good {i.e., a little dinner, pride, money &c.) T^huche Uhuche hdnine, zyufhut waharum hdk ; Vufhui ausum karamah Ion tithui pyem gruk, I spread out my fine vegetables under the roof; And as was my lot so the buyer fell to me. A bad day's basinoss. Txhun ^taijumak khas larih peth, tjhun huhsh tah har thas, ihas. Put on trowsers, climb the house, put on the kilhsh and tap on the ground as you go. A boasting fop. K^hsh is a kind of shoe worn by women in Kashmir, having high iron hools, and the uppers lessening towards the heels. T^kitpih chhtii lyut ph/ndak yut sinis pdkah auet. As much profit from silence as there is profit to the dinner from cooking. Tshupah chkai wupah-kdr. Silence is profitable. Tshupah chheh rupah sunz. Silence is silvern. Tftkupul gupun gudiimi khdv ; Ddndai ednih, yas pihun ij'iv. The silent heifer eats the tether ; That ox will know who has to bear the yoke. Experience teaches. Tshur at hah chhuh nah atjon dsas tih. An empty hand does not even enter the mouth. Bo liberal and generous wherever you go, and into whosoever's house you enter ; if there is nothing in your hand you do not think of putting it to your mouth as though to oat, &c. Tshurui phar tah gontshan war. Empty boasting and twirling of moustaches. You may take his price from the worth of his clothes. Three Kashmiris on account of their i)ovorty went to Delhi, to see what they could do for themselves there. They do not, iowever, 220 seem to have bettered themselves very much, for after some years when they had paid all their bills, and the expenses of a return journey to their own country, they found that they all three together were only worth one gold ring, a gold tooth, and a gold- worked turban tail. One day in the course of their perambulations they stopped out- side a butcher's shop in the village of Drugjan with the intention of buying something. The man with the ring pointed with his jewelled finger to a piece of goat's flesh, and asked the price, *' Yeta bakha ketci kdwe ?" " What is the price of this goat's flesh ?" The man with the gold tooth, lifting his upper lip in speaking, said, " Das tdkke, das takke." Two anas, two anas. The man with the grand turban, shaking his head, said, " Pdwe, pdwe " i. e., " You'll get it, you'll get it." All this time the butcher was silent ; but now seeing that th^y had finished, he quoted the above proverb, " Empty boasting and twirling the moustaches." The language of these three men is supposed to be bad Panjabi. Tshui ai Jchemah kami lubah ? If I eat the remnants of the dinner, with what desire shall I eat it ? Supposing I do this thing, what profit will it be to me ? Tsithur ai dushih waharas poshihy wahrdt ai dushih tah paharas poshili nah. Should it rain in March- April, then there will be quite enough for a year, but if during August it rains, then it will not be enough for a watch {ie., a space of three hours). Tsrtirah Breswur, Tsrar Thursday. Any great gathering is so called. Tsrdr is a village about one march from Srinagar. It is the burial-place of Shekh Nfir-ud-din, and hundreds flock there on Thursday afternoons, so as to be present at the Friday's prayers and sermon. Tsuchih'warih andarah neryd anz ? Will a goose come out from the bread ? Not enough for you and me and everybody else. Tsunih machih huluf tah Tcunih maehih banah hut. A lock for the charcoal-pot and a store-room for the pot. Unnecessary carefulness. Tsuht chhuh tsuhtis wuchhit rang ratan. An apple gets colour from seeing an apple. Iron sharpeneth iron ; so a man sliarpeneth the countenance of his friend. — Prov. xxvii. 17. 221 Tsur chhuh he-nur. Thieves are without light (i, e., they love darkness because their deeds are evil, they are without understanding in their heart, or light of expression in their eyes). Tsur chheh phaJc. Theft is like a bad smell (certain to be detected). Tsur gayih nangah hangah-tahmangah. The theft became known by chance (i. e., somehow or other it was made manifest). Tsur gov zik kkur gav. Too much is despised. Tsur mah Jcar tah tsrtiHa mah khots. DoiiH steal and don't fear the mahalladdr. " Balers aro not a terror to good works." Tsrol is tho ancient name of mahalladiLr, the watchman or spy appointed over every village in the valley. 'Vsur tjwatizuh hhurd u raft o man shudam ambdrdur. Fifty-four thieves ate and went, and I became the man in charge. A man is appointed over a work rather '* against tho grain," and loses by it. A saying of Shiva K&k's concoming whom a story is given. Cf. " A war Idriiiyi,'* ^c. Tsur ah kapras dunguv gan. A walking-stick is the yard-measure for stolen cloth (i.e., a thief cannot expect to get the full price for his stolen goods ; sometimes he loses a part of it ; sometimes he has to bribe to keep the matter quiet ; and generally he has to dispose of the things quickly from danger of discovery, taking whatever receivers may offer him). '^urah kukur, A stolen cock. A forbidden work. Tsuran niyih zandnah, thagan khyav mukhtahdr. Thieves took away the wife, and sharpers ate the necklace. Thag, a class of thieves and sharpers who prowl about the city by day and by night, and are especially on the qxd vive on Fridays, tho day when crowds of country people come into Srinagar for trading, and worship in the different mosques. 222 Tsuras nai mnr iisih, san Vethah puih shrapes. If the thief is not sharp, how will he digest his theft. Tsuras phut khor tah piras mdroh murid. The thief broke his foot and the pir's disciple was killed (for it). The innocent punished and the guilty acquitted. Once upon a time when unjust rule, tyranny, and all manner of wickedness reigned in the valley, a thief clambered up the high wall of a house with the intention of stealing whatever he could lay his hands upon. Now it chanced that the wall, being old, and perhaps loosened a little, also, by heavy and continuous rain, had become very weak, and so tumbled down breaking the thief's foot in its fall. The thief was very much annoyed at this interruption of his purpose, and at once limped along to the house of the Deputy- Inspector of Police., and took out a summons against the owner of the tumbled- down wall. The man accordingly appeared in court and pleaded his entire ignorance of the fragile nature of the wall, saying, that he had not built it, and that the bricklayer should be summoned. Ac- cordingly the bricklayer was brought into the court and ordered to show reason why he had built the wall in such a way as that it had fallen down with a very slight knock. He, too, pleaded "Not guilty," saying that there were many coolies there at the time, and that they prepared and gave him the plastering. If any one, surely these coolies ought to be summoned. Accordingly the coolies, who had prepared the mud for plastering, were sent for ; and duly pre- sented themselves at court. They also said that they had not done any wrong, but that perhaps the fault lay with the water-carrier, who might have poured too much water over the earth, so that the plastering became thin. Undoubtedly the water-carrier was the man to be punished. And so the water-carrier was summoned. Poor man ! The downcast, hopeless, expression of his countenance as he entered the court betokened his case. " Why did you pour such a profusion of water, " said the Deputy-Inspector, " as that the mud for the plastering of the wall was thin and feeble?" "I acknow- ledge my fault," said the water-carrier, " and am very sorry. The reason of it all was, that when I was pouring the water out of the skin upon the earth, it happened that a pretty woman passed by an'd I took a look at her, and was so enraptured with the sight, that I forgot for the moment what I was doing. I do trust that you will have mercy upon me and forgive me, because it was not my fault, that that beautiful woman just then went by." The beautiful woman was then sought out and brought into the court, — and truly she was very beautiful, but her good looks failed to impress the hard hearted Deputy-Inspector, who charged her with passing by that way at the time of the erection of the wall, and finding that she had nothing to say in defence, ordered her to be hanged with the greatest possible speed. Dumbfounded with fear aud 223 astonishmont the woman suffered herself to be led along to the place of execution without saying a word. Thither the Deputy- Inspector and many others (for the matter was quickly blazed abroad over the city) were already assembled. On seeing the man who had issued the dread and unjust order for her death tho woman begged to be allowed to ask one favour before the deed was don^ " lHX)k," said she, *' at that large heavy beam (the gallows), and look at me so thin and feebl& The two are not compatible. Better that you seek for one fatter and stronger than I am ; and lot me go free." The Deputy-Inspector touched with the humour of the request, and not really caring so long as somebody was executed by way of a tamdshd, granted it. Search was at once made for a strong, corpulent, person. In those days there was a very famous plr in Kashmir, who used to reside in the jungle with no other companion than a faithful, loving, disciple. Now this disciple frequently had occasion to visit the city for the purpose of purchasing little articles, which he him- self and his master required. One day this disciple returned to his jtmgle-home with the alarming news that there was hebuj in the dty, ve., bad government had commenced, and that every one and everything were in a state of rampant confusion. On hearing this tho pir advised his disciple not to go again to the city until order and rule were re-established there; otherwise he would cer- tainly get into trouble. The disciple, however, made light of this counsel ; and on the very next opportunity went to the city. Sorry time for him ! Ho found the place and neighbourhood in tho greatest state of anarchy, and had not proceeded far along the noisy, crowdedt bizdr, when he, being a fine, strong, stout, young fellow, was accosted by the Deputy-Inspector's messengers and informed of his fate. A short time after this he was a corpse ; a victim to his own rash curiosity. Very, very sad was the p{r when he heard of his disciple's death. ■ A thief broke his foot and my faithful follower got killed for it," :.o cried. " Henceforth alone and friendless I shall have to wander in the woods and desert places." First, however, he determined to go to tho Deputy-Inspector and avenge his disciple's unjust death. Immediately on reaching the city he commenced to distribute alms and pretended to bo most happy. On the way he met the Deputy- Inspector and told him who he was. The Deputy-Inspector was astonished to find him so glad and joyful, and asked the reason of it. *• My disciple," replied the pir, •' has reached heaven more quickly through this cruel execution ; why should I not be happy and glad ?" Hearing this the miserable Deputy -Inspector said within himself, " I, also, will be executed, that I, too, may arrive at bliss (luickly. This certainly is the better way." And so he executed himself, and there was an end of the matter. 224 Tsuras (ah tsrdlis hdjwat. A partnership between the thief and the watchman. " Can two walk together except they be agreed." — Amos iii. 3. Tsrol. For their origin, vide note " Kashirih kahai garah." Tsut gayih holih tah ruh-i-padar. The bread has tumbled into the river and **for the father's sake." A man does not give anything to God willingly, but if he loses any money, &c. ; he professes not to mind — " May God bless it to my deceased father, " says he. Tsutal shahras trek pal pav. In the sodomitish city three pals to a pav. A badly-managed city. Pdv, a weight of half -a -pound, in which are five pals. Tsyap laj tah tiraSy poniah gayih tah gristis. The sheep got a wound and the farmer got a piece of wool. To harm another person by stealing that which is of the greatest importance to him, but of not the slightest use to the thief. Tuhas dug dim tah puni 7nandun» To pound chaff and churn water. To plough the seashore. The Kashmiri has a very ingenious way of making butter. When the milk is ready for churning, it is placed into a big vessel, in the cover of which there is a hole. In this hole a stick is placed. The part of the stick which is inside the vessel is thick, and the part outside the cover is thin ; to this thin part a piece of string is attached, and the ends of it the man or the woman holds in their hands, and putting one foot upon the cover to steady it, twirls about the stick with the string, first pulling one end and then the other until the butter is prepared. I believe a slightly different custom prevails in India. Tul Jcheni honin suet. To eat mulberries with dogs. To degrade oneself. Tul palav wuth tsalav. Gird up the clothes, rise, and away. A wandering life. 225 Tumalah siris yctih shihmas andar hatuh sharpi kat wcpi mi ? When the ser of rice is digested iu the stomach does the mat- ter remain ? Scaudul at tho dinnor is blazod abroad as soon as the moal is over. Turah ba kadr-i-^Um. Tlie length of the tail of a man's turban according to his knowledge. A very wise and learned man called Shokh Clmlll visited Kashmir, greatly desiring to know to what extent tho people hod been* odDcatod, and whether they were a clever and thriving class. Tho KashmfHs got wind of this visit and gathered a council to consider how they might entrap this inquisitive foreigner in his speech. Tho result of their deliberations was, that they sent a most Uneducated man named Malah l)upiy6z to meet tho learned Shokh at Udramula, a town at the north-west end of tho valley. Malah Dupiydz went in very grand style; he was boautifnlly attired and looked of a most serious and meditative disposition, whilst to complete the deception, a man walked behind him with a plate upon which was rolled in a coil the end of his turban. The Shokh was much surprised at meeting so loamed a Kashmfri as this man appeared to be. In the course of conversation he asked him why he wore such a long tail to his turban. The Kashmiri replied, as he had parrot-like learnt, *' Turah ba kadr-i-'ilm" Then the following dialc^^e in Persiuu and another ouknown tongue passed between them : — BwodUuShekh. KabkehM? Sutodl-i-Malah. Mahk chUt f Jaiodh-i-Shekh. Kabk dar kohtdr sang-retah mekhcrad. Jaimib i'Malah. Mabk dar mohsdr monQrezah memorad. Question, Shckh. What is the meaning of " kabk f" Question, Malah. What is the meaning of *' mabk ?" Answer, Shekh. " Kabk " is the name of an animal which eats gravel upon tho hillside. Answer, Malah. (Cannot be translated, as it is a language made up for the occasion, in order to non-plus the Shekh.) Mabk also was a word coined for the moment and moans nothing. In this way Malah Dupiydz thoroughly frightened away the Shekh, so that he did not venture any further into the country. Kashmiris are very fond of carrying on these conversations in imaginary tongues. No outertainmout is complete without them. 20 226 U Vnglas peih hungalali. A bungalow upon an inch of ground, A good bargain j a cheap concern. Tin d/ind rovjarih susas dundas wat. One blind ox will lead a thousand oxen astray. One fool makes many. GulistSn, Ch. II. — lHa rrehini hi gdwe dar *alafzdir Biydldyad hama gdwdn i dih rd. Un ley ah zanih prun bat ah ? Will a blind man know white rice ? A fool knows nothing. There are fotirteen varieties of rice grown in the vallejr^ XJn hhutsih nah anigatihj Kani phatih nah vedrih zah, Hunis adij rotih nah hatih, Nihi Icarit rdwih nah zah. A blind man will not fear the darkness ; A stone will never be broken by the ice ; A bone will not stick in a dog's throat ; A good deed will never be lost. i/r mah gaUh tah yuri wulah. Don't go there but come here. Do not interfere in a quarrel or aaxj wickedneBS*^ 227 W IVahuhas Kalimak nah dar hunih tak nah dewdr. The Kalima in time of plague is neither a door anywhere nor a wall (i.e., is no protection ; you should have repeated it before). Pray betimes. Knlimah is the Mahammodan confession of faitlu La, ilAha Ula 'llih, ica Mukammad Iia$ Worn : — Dixi ie pet nahik ehkuptd. Wdrini prasun hechhimwun. Teaching the midwife how to deliver a child. Teaching one's grandmother how to suok eggs. Teaching a shopkeeper his tables, &c Wast chhih dubi sandih tiikah talah a/if gaUh'tn. The clothes become clean beneath the washerman's stick. " There is a great want in thoeo peoplo who have not suffered.'' McChcyno. Wat ah welai tah jorah juddi. May you miss the way and be separated from one another. A Kashmiri curse. Wdtal Batwurah. A sweeper's Saturday (t.^., no time — I shall never get it). There are several classes of watul or mihtar log. Some who mako wimiowing fans and are called shupi-wdtnl, somo who do regular mihtar's work and arc generally called duwanwol : and others who mako boots and shfxjs and are called simply wdtul. Like people of other crafts the bootmaker invariably wants something in advance, and promises tho boots on tho following Saturday, which promise is renewed for two or three Saturdays, uutil the order is fulfilled, llonce tho proverb. 232 Wf'tal Bi'aswdrah. The sweepers' Thursday. Vide supra. Wutalan iir. The sweeper's sheep. Money or property in the hands of a man of low degree. Watan hund mdz latan tak latan liund fndz watan. The flesh of the road to the sole of the foot and the flesh of the soles of the feet to the road. A man who earns his living with great difficulty. Some work so hard, and walk so far, that the skin comes off from their hands and feet, and the dust of the ground cornea in its Btead> and cannot be washed off again. Watih wati chhuh db pah an. The water flows its straight regular course. No humbug about that man or that arrangement. Wafshen vjahrahvmd. A birthday to calves ! (there is no need to commemorate their natal day). Cited when an unworthy man has been honoured, &c. Wafskis gyad tah dundas lov ; Insi'if rov tah wanav has? Kahan gar an Imni tov, Hemmat ruv tah wanav has ? Six wisps of grass to the calf and only one to the ox ; Justice lost and to whom shall we speak ? Only one frying-pan between eleven houses. Courage gone and to whom shall we speak ? The reign of injustice. Cf. note to " Kashirih kahai garah.'* Wav, bdy wav, zih Ion, hd, Ion. Sow, brother sow, that you may reap, brother, reap, Wdv kas zih yes patah dv ? Who has such trouble that he should lag behind ? Wdv wuchhit gatshih m'lv trdwuni. Look at the wind before you loose the boat. Consider before you act . 233 Wi'was ni'wah sail. To take out the boat when a strong wind is blowing. An ansuitable time for aiiy work. Welinjik peth icukhul, A mortar upon the clothes-line. I mpossiblo. Natives tie lines of string right across their rooms and hang clothes, vegetables, &o., apon it. JVeshumitntn surug. Wt'shamitar's heaven. To (iio on tho completion of any great object. Wethamitar was a rikhis. or arch-saint, among the Hindus. Ho mado a hoavon fur himself, and when ho had Gnished it and had just sot foot on the doorstop to enter therein, ho died. Wnth poshih nah at hah chhalanas- The river-water will not be enough for washing his hands. A wasteful, extravagant, man. WSth is the Jhelam river in its course through Kashmir. TFeth fjhenid zih panun tjhenih ? Will the dividing of the river be as if any of your own relations were going to be hurt ? Your own is your own, another's is another's. fVt'.thi kati chhdk grazan zih ugarah ? O Wcth, whence are you roaring? From the spring. The spring of a woman's happinosd is tier husband's love, tho spring of a man's prosperity is a friend's help, the spring of a nation's distress is tho ruler's mismanagement. W^thih nt'ibad pkul. Some sugar-candy for the river. A little gift lost in the vastness of the receiver's need. TFetjur-Nf'gai marutjah n'-bad. (Eating) the sugar and pepper at Wetsnr-Nag. To break one's journey for rest and food, or to eat at home tho food which was prepared for the journey. Gangabal is a stream tributary to the Sindh river. Hither go those Pandits bearing the ashes of dead relations who died during the previous year, which they throw into the sacred stream with great reverence. Cf. note " Siryas hyuh na/j," .^c. When going tothis place, while ascending the Barut mountain they sometimes fall sick either 30 234 from the effects of the rarified atmosphere, or else from overtired- ness ; and so the pilgrims are advised to take some sugar and pepper with them and eat these as medicines, if they should feel ill. These sngar and pepper are not on any account to be eaten at Wetsar-Nag. On one occasion a little boy about six years old, not having been well instructed in the manners of the pilgrimage, began to eat some of his sugar-candy at Wetsar Nag, a march or so too early. IVoni hudih tah pavm/mah thurih. The shopkeeper will grow old and throw ahout the scales. A useless, old servant. Woni cJikui poni Jcisarih tali. Hurih hastis hewdn muli. The shopkeeper is like water below rice-chaff. He buys an elephant for a cowrie ; — (sharp, cunning fellow !) Woni gav sut yus pum's bozih hisob. He is a shopkeeper, who understands (even) the worth (of a drop) of water, (so that he does not waste a trifle of any- thing). Woni gav sui yus machh Uahih. A shopkeeper is he who will hck up a fly (i.e., will not waste a scrap). A shopkeeper married his daughter in very grand style. During the ceremony he placed some very valuable pearls upon her veil. Everywhere his name became distinguished because of this splendid wedding. Some days after the wedding was concluded two merchants came to him bringing some honey for sale. He bought it, and while he was storing it away in his shop he noticed a fly in one of the pots, which he extricated, licked the honey off from it, and then threw away. His daughter chanced to see him do this dirty trick and despised him for it. " Father," said she, " how could you be so vulgar after having spent so much money over my wedding and appeared so grand ! " The girl was so upset by this act of her father's that she got ill, and only became well again ,vhen it was proved to her that this extreme care, which her father manifested, had alone enabled him to spend such an enormous sum of money over the wedding. Wuchhit un tah bdzit zur. Seeing, yet blind, and hearing, yet deaf. See all and hear all, but say nothing. 235 Wuchhlo "kyahpyav husnas iv&v ; runtasih hinih Sh^ih Mul n^iv. Look, what a misfortune has happened to beauty ; people have given the ugly woman the name of Shah Mai. 8hdh Mdl is the uamo of a great and beautiful woman. Wudah-Puruk be^garaz. The independent, lazy people of Wudapur. Wudapilr is a village in the Utar pargana. The people areas they are proverbially represented. No person, if thoy can help it, wiU take a servant from the village. Wufawane rafanih. Catching (birds or) things as they fly. " Credulous f ools ."— Shaks. ** fTuhld khasun kuthu zih wasun?** " Har-du Idnat." " O camel, how do you going up and coming down hills V* '*0h, both are a curse.'* There is a touch of the curse about everything down here. Wunth budyov tak mutkar harun heehhun nah. The camel has become aged and has not learned how to help himself. Old age is second childhood. Persian. — Bhutwr jAr shud shdshidan na amolcht, Wuhtah natjun tah khar dhang chhch mashhur. A camel's dancing and an ass's braying are well-known. A work out of time and oat of place. A camel and an ass were gracing in the same meadow together, when suddenly the ass brayed very loud. * Be quiet," said the camel, *' you will disturb the whole neighbourhood and the people will come out, and catch as and bind ns, and we shall henceforth have to carry burdens. Be not so foolish, I pray you." But the ass did not desist; on the contrary he brayed the louder, and the consequence was that some men hearing the noise came forth and caught both the animals. The camel was filled with rage, but kept his counsel, determining to revenge himself upon the ass at the earliest opportunity. One day both the camel and the ass were walking together carry- ing loads, when they arrired at a bridge, upon which the camel began to dance with all his power. *' Steady, steady," cried the ass, " you will break the bridge and we both shall bo precipitated into the deep river." But the camel did not hear ; on the contrary he seemed to dance more clumsily and with greater vigour, until presently the beams of the bridge snapped into two pieces and they both fell into the water and were killed. Cf. Journal, Asiatic Society, Bengal, Vol. LII., Part 1, p. 90, the Rev. C. Swyunerton's tale of " The Four Associates." 236 TFunuh tnm thuktam suzaharih sun chhum ; Ajih hurih hanahuKij druyi no. Wunuk tdm thuktam mdlin kronui ; Az nai dkn fshutsah-konui droi. Up to this day you boast about the gold in your purse ; But never so much as an earring of half-a-cowrie's worth has appeared. Up to this day you boast about your father's house and people ; But to the present day not an empty walnut even has come out of it. Empty boasting. Wupar mahalluk gav kukar Uur. A man from another district is a thiever of fowls. Srinagar is divided into several mahallas. People of one mahalla dislike very mucli to have anything to do with the people of another mahalla. The people of the one will not receive the people of the other ; the children of the one will beat and abuse the children from the other ; and the very dogs also will not recognise one another in a friendly way. It is a constant occurrence to lose fowls, &c., as a natural consequence of this estrangement. Wupasladas chhuh hurt pat ai. A dog following after a fasting man. One trouble after another. Wurah-gahar chhih sorah khyuL Wurah-molis torih dab zangih. Wurah-mdlis khorah rut. Step-sons are like a herd of swine. A stroke with the chisel upon the feet of the step-father, A chain for the feet of the step-father. Wurun wuchhit gaUhih khor waharun. A man should stretch out his feet after looking at the bed- clothes. Marathi. — Hdtrun pdhun pdya pasardve. '* Wushini benit yuharin wulah,^^ '* turuni beni uharin gafsh.'* " O warm (i.e., rich) sister, come here. O cold sister, go there.'* Cupboard love. In Kashmir a wealthy man is called a warm man, ak garm mdhynuv j a rich tomb (place of pilgrimage,) is called alt garm zidrat. 237 Wufshneras hhal khish ; turneras mal mish. To a warm (j.e., a wealthy) man, his heart's desire; but to a cold man {i.e.y poverty), filth aud repulsion. Khal khish, lit., elaughter of boasts. Mish is a general word said with a drawl for urging cattle along, Ac. *'fFuth nush hut khasr *' Ayas kyah karanih ?" *'Ilise, O daughter-in-law, aud get up to your room." " What else have I come for?" One's duty. People are married very early in the country of Kashmfr, if their parents can afford it. The custom of Hindis at the first marriage is to make the bride and bridegroom sleep together in the husband's house for one day only. After which they are separated until the bride attains the age of puberty. Among Muhammedans the couple sleep together for a whole week, and then are separated. In the saying above the bride is supposed to have reached her mother-in-law'a dwelling, and immediately on arrival she is told to go to her room . •' For this very purpose I have come," says the girl. *' Wuth nikah kdm kar." ** Nikah chhus tah hekah nah." '• Wuth nikah batah kheh.** Vul imjon katih chhuh ?'* *' Get up, youngster, and work.'* ** I am weak and cannot." ** Get up, youngster, and eat something." "Where is my big pot?" Wuthiv kothev bihiv kothev kheyiv ihikt'r mdz. Wuihiv nai bihiv nai tah kheyiv panun nUz. Get up knees and sit down knees and eat the flesh of the prey ; If you wont get up and sit down then eat your own flesh. Work is health and life. Tf^utih wulah, madano. Come, O friend, and be tempted j (not I, I know better). Wutini baliiyih tut. ^ Another gets his punishment. The wrong man. U'^uvur matyd tih wunah Uur karih bcyih ? Is the weaver so mad that he will again steal wool ? A bnmt child dreads the fire. PanjabS. — A^ di\ jalid titdne te dardd hat. 238 Wuvuri sundi tJydran dah sets, A weaver's wealth is ten anas, A stupid man with a little money who wishes to be thought a ^eat personage. There was a poor wretched weaver who had only ten anas, which he hid in the dust under his feet. He put five ^nas under one foot and five ^u5s under the other foot, and while he was weaving he used to work his feet up and down (as if at a treadmill) and say " Is phallih pdnch, us phallih pdnch," which translated is " Five in this place and five in that place." News of this got wind, and one day the poor weaver lost all his ten ^nas. He then continued to say, *' Is phallih toh, us phallih toh" of which the interpretation is, " On this side chaff and on that side chaff." — It appears that the thief had put some chaff in the place of the money stolen. Wuzalih h'lnih tsup hadun. To bite oa the red side (of an apple, &c.) A gaint share in the partnership. " Wuzamui, naU naU tai ai panziai.^' ** O monkey, dance upon loan." A debtor's reply to a hard creditor. Some of the natives earn their living by training monkeys to dance and do other tricks. They take them about, as they do in England, to the people's houses, and some of the people give them money, while others promise to give on the morrow. " Wuzamj/o kutu guk ?'* " Sorer rdwaramh." *♦ O debt, whither gone ?" *' To increase the debt." Keep out of the clutches of the money-lender. 239 Yn pur nah tah dur. Either altogether, or else be at a distance. The whole hog or none. Yd iai haj nah tah laj " Huri " wanane. At first she was dumb, but afterwards she began to saj "Uuri." Time will make mention. Hurt is a sound for driving away cows. Yi'i tjalun nah tah tjt'lun. Either flee or else suffer. Yd turav nah tah burav. Either suffer or else go. {Vide mpra.) ** Go, you rascal, or I will smite you." Yad chhani tdh chhit nani. The stomach empty but the dress displayed to view. Stinting the stomach to support tho back. Yad chhuh nah wuehhun hahh tah tanih ehhuh wuchlUm parat kahh. No one sees the stomach but everybody sees the body. JLn argument for dress. Yad dag chheh bod dag. The stomach pain is a great pain. " In the sweat of thy face shalt thou oat broad.** Yad Uhana tah gontnan diioAn tdv. An empty stomach, yet twirling his moustache. The would-be gentleman. Yadal chhui be-imdn, A fat man has no religion. " Jeshurun waxed fat and kicked." Yojih ai phuchhih tah kuchih chhes ati. If the biscuit is broken, the pieces are here. Here are the items of the account, we will add up the total again. 240 Talc tan tah du leas. One body and two persons. A married couple. Yahar chhdnuni kukar pachih-baran. Yakar, the carpenter's fowl-house. An unfinished work. Fowl -houses, garden-walls, &c., in Kashmir are frequently made of a loose rough kind of wooden railing called pachah-haran. Yakar, a carpenter, is said to have built a fowl-house for some person, which tumbled down directly one of the fowls flew upon it. TaJcur murit aihan phak. Lay hold of (lit., kill) the yakur plant and your hand will smell. You cannot touch pitch without being defiled. Yamah, yitam tah nitam. O angel of death, come and take me. Quoted in a most piteous tone when any person begs to be let off anj difficult or unpleasant work. Yapf'rih hid bahar tah aparih hid lahar. On this side of the hill (he promised to give me) a goat, but (when he had reached) the other side (by my help, he gave me) the stick, i.e.y he beat me. Yar hyah layih zih tsarih bachih. What is the worth of a friend that you will not give him the young sparrow. A request refused. Yur gai hatah-mar. Friends are rice-stores. " Make to yourselves friends." A king had three sons, to each of whom when they were grown up he gave a lakh of rfipis to profit with as they each thought right. One of them tried trade and became exceedingly rich, another went and founded many caravanserais for pilgrims and travellers; and the third travelled everywhere lavishing gifts upon the people and entertaining them in large numbers, and in grand style. In course of time they all met together again and recounted their several experiences. When the king had heard these he praised the first two sons ; but was angry with, and despised, the youngest. 241 The king's country was in a state of great confusion ; an enemy with a very strong force behind him had appeared against it. What was the king to do ? He was weak and friendless. He called his wise ministers, but they could not help him out of his diflBculties. At length he sought the advice of his sons. The first son advised yielding in the most honourable way possible ; the second son said that he could not help his father ; but the third — who had been sent for, it was true, but without any expectation of real help or wise counsel from him — he saidi " king, my father, command me to go Against this enemy and I will overcome him." The king consented. ''Go and do better with your men when you get them, than you did with your money when you had it." The youngest son went forth with a glad and hopeful heart calling together his friends on the way. The people remembered his generosity and amiability and answered readily to his call, until at last ho had with him a very large force of most enthusiastic followers, by whose help he thoroughly routed the enemy, so that they returted no more to trouble the laud. The king had a different opinion of his youngest son after this. Instead of despising him he esteemed him the most worthy of all his sons, and appointed him to the greatest honour. Ydr z/ignn tjkalas tamt'ki chilim chat tah Ualaa. The friend lies in wait to deceive ; after smoking the pipe he will run away. A heartless servant or friend, &o. Turas moj mut/ih (ah luhah saat'iht ynr mud tah Icunih nah hahh. If a friend's mother dies a thousand people remain (because the friend is alive), but if the friend is dead, then there is nobody left. •' All the wealth of the world could not buy you a friend, nor pay you for the loss of one." Yaa gov hund dud tah gurus Ichezih tasund petjhur tih gatjhih tjulun. One must take the cow*8 kick as well as her milk and butter. We cannot afford to quarrel with a good servant or good horse, Ac. Fas korih nethar soh kur lubaran ! A daughter about to be married gathering dung ! A person who is everywhere and doing everything except in th« right place and doing the right thing. Tas lug **harah karah" suh karih ; Yaa lug ** marah marah " suh marih. He who says " I will do, 1 will do,'* he will do ; He who cries '* I shall die, I shall die," he will die. Where there's a will there's a way. 31 242 Yas mahnyvis heyih sund had yiyih tas gatjhih panun hdmuni. He who wishes evil to another man, will suffer his own loss. Harm hatch, harm catch. Yas nak waUh nar tas gayi garasui andar phar. He whose arm is not raised (in labour), to him a dried fish has become in the house. Industry begets wealth. Phar. — Durmg the winter months the fishermen go out with their boats in companies of ten or twelve after these little fish, which they catch in a cast-net. Half-a-dozen boats will spread themselves across the river sideways and beat the water with their paddles, to frighten the fish into the half-a-dozen nets, which have been thrown for them by the other boats a little way ahead. In this way some- times a mile of the river is scoured in an evening, and maunds upon maunds of fish are frequently caught by one company. When it begins to get dark the fishermen fasten their boats to the bank and collect all their fish together into one place. Then they spread a layer of leaves or grass, and over this a layer of fish and a sprinkling of salt, then another layer of leaves or grass and so on, until a great mound is raised. Everything ready they now light big fires on all four sides of this mound to dry the fish, and sit by and watch, until the fires go out. On the following morning the fish are taken out and strung upon sticks ready for sale. Only the poorer classes purchase them, as they are not very savoury or wholesome. Yas ivandas hammdm tah retakkdiih gdv, sui hd-viAlih dunyahas uv. That man has come into the world, O father, who has got a warm bath for the winter and a cow for the summer. Blessed is the man who has everything in its season. A saying of Shekh Nur-ud-din. Yas wat rawih tas hawan dah ; Yas kaih rowih tas howih nah hanh. Him, who loses his way ten men will direct ; But he who loses a word, — who will direct him ? " Each sacred accent bears eternal weight, And each irrevocable word is fate." — Pope. Yas waUh nar tami hheyih luhah hanz lar. He who raised his arm (i.e., in labour) ate the house of the people. Industry begets wealth. 243 Tm yu8 ffafshih snh tas gaUhih mnkari dtt. Let that man who wants anything give a golcUmohur (as a bri be) for it. Money commands even the gods. Tat hatoah-saras uyai Icahti ! Kahk nai dyulhum kansih sueli. How many people came to this lake-like world I Bat I have not seen anyone (going away) with anyone (i.e., we die separately and alone). This world is called lake, or sea like, beoanso it is so diflRcult to cross over it with safety^ Fufe note *• Samandaras manz,'* Ac. Tat nam atjih, tat ahistar kyah Ugun, Where a finger-nail will enter (will do it), there is no necessity for iron. When ono can accomplish the matter easily, what is the good of creating a noise. When it can be done very economically, what profit is there in spending much money over it, &c. Tath gainas nah gatjhun ^sih, iamih gdmuh nuwui hyun Ityah chhuh f Is it necessary to ask the man of that Tillage whether you have to go, or not ? Useless speech. TaiK nurah butisul ntai di nxaruye, J)ur nai latiye rozih samsur, JVuohhtai Pdndawan hund dih duruye ; Tim krdlah garanui chhapane tjui! Timanui kyah aus lyukhmut Hariye, Dur nai latiye rozih »am»tr. Don't hide your light face in your sleeve, dear. The world will not always remain. See how firm were the bodies of the Pandus ; Yet they had to hide themselves in a potter's house ! According as Hari had written in their lot. My dear, the world will not always remain. " Nothing in this world can last." The above is the poetry of a very holy fakfr woman (neither Mn- hammcdan nor Hindu) named Habbah Khotan, who used to live •t a village called P^dachhuk, where there is a wooden mosque, 244 which she erected from the savings of her spinning-wheel earnings. The people say that she was accustomed to cross the river upon a lion, which beast God gave her as a special present. Pdndus. Yudhishthira, and four other princes, sons of Pandn, a sovereign of ancient Delhi. For a full account of these demigods and of their great enemies the Kurus, cf. any classical Dictionary of India. Here I will only explain the above lines. Yudhishthira, the eldest son, was installed as heir-apparent, and soon became renowned for his "justice, calm passionless composure; chivalrous honour and cold heroism." The people wished Yudhishthira to be crowned king at once, but the Kurus tried hard to prevent it. First of all the Pdndus and their mother were sent to a house built of combustible materials, with the intention of burning the whole family ia it. The Pdndus, however, were informed of this, trick and escaped to a potter's house in another city, &c., &c. Hari or Hari is a name of Yishnu. Kashmiri Hindis believe that he inscribes upon the foreheads of human beings their several desti- nies. The following is a quotation from the Eitopadesa (with Johnson's translation) : — " Since even the moon sporting in the sky, destroying sin, possess- ing ten hundred beams, marching in the midst of the stars ; from the influence of destiny is swallowed by the dragon : — who then is able to avoid what is written on his forehead by the finger of destiny." CL " 8dfah khutah," ^c Tath tilawdn zachih, yih phyur tih. Let this drop also fall upon. the oilman's dirty clothes, (what difference will it make ?) A little more trouble to a man already overwhelmed with it. Some oilmen have been known to wear the same long smocklike gar- ment for the space of three years without once having it washed or changed all that time. The quantity of grease which collects within a few months, even, is almost incredible. Tath tuinbis tih hugddai. This piece of wool also for dried fish. "On the verge of bankruptcy — what can matter a shilling or so more." Persian. — in laTcad ham ha gor i Hdtam i Tax. 245 Yatjan gaffaWij/an rtulnahy ijaren kathan sud nah There is not rain from much thundering, and there is not profit from much speaking. ** Tatsarih, raneyih hhetjarih metak.** " Wulo Mntarah.^^ ** Boh dai lugut wdlah-bari.^' Tseh dai mutmi ** tah ati kheh,** *' O zealous woman, you have cooked a handful of curry." ** Come, O cock sparrow." " I am fastened, O woman, in a net." " It is left over for you ; eat it there." llisfortano. Telanjel tah mawusan khalat. A prison for the royal and obedient, and a robe of honour for the rebellious. Khalat (Khil'at in Arabic) is generally a robe of honour with which princes confer dignity on subjects, and visitors of distinction. Some- times a sword or a dagger, or a rare jewel, or some other valuable, is given together with a turban and shawl. Telih ausum lukachAr tclih ausum nah mukajnr. When I was a child then I had not any leisure. Time hangs heavily upon an old man. Telih dai danvuzah wut gatjhun, telih ohhuh nah h'hsih hund bozun. When the flood-gates of the lake open, then they do not listen to any one. The word of the ruler — no alternative. Pal dartodtah, lit., the door of the lake. The Dal is a lai^e lake close to the city of Srfnagar. When the river is low the gates, called "Dal dancdzah," remain open ; but when the river rises to a certain height, they close of themselves, thus preventing inundation of the land around the lake. Telih diwdn Khudd telih Icatas nun zan ; Telih niwdn Khudd telih Icatas mun zan. When God gives then it is as salt for the sheep ; When God takes then it is as wool from the sheep. (». e., when God gives, he gives to profit — the gift is as salt, which preserves and fattens the beast ; and when God takes, he takes but His own — what He himself has given, i. e., as wool from the sheep, which fattened from the salt, which God gave it). 246 Telik piran ?iisnb mangan^ huiah piran nat aUih zangan. When the pirs' accounts will be taken, counterfeit pirs will tremble. A wicked steward, a dishonest servant. Gulistdn of Sd'di, Chap. I. — Bar hi Ithyanat warzad dastash dar hisdh bilarzad. Telik sun telik nah lean, yelik lean telik nah sun. When there is gold (for the earring), then there is not an ear ; and when there is the ear, then there is not the gold. A wife and expense, or no wife and save j a son and expense, &c. Telik tsak asak padshdh telik dsak huh wazir. When you become king then I will be minister. " I'll be up with you." Telik yih skubik telik iik Icar. When it is proper then do it. A time for everything. Yemi daulat jama T^ar.yaniyas Uiir yardiois zaminik iaU nak hkvon pdnas nah nyun athik nah ditun beyis. He who gathered together riches, either a thief will take them from him, or they will be lost under the ground ; the gatherer neither partakes of them himself, nor does he take them with him, nor does he give them to another. Temi difj noskik sui dapdn " Garak bigaryov." He who commits incest with his daughter-in-law says : *' The house has become bad." Every bad man suspects every other person of being bad likewise. Temi ditj wani las sui wani, yemi tjat wani tas sui want. He who plants a grove of trees, may God do so to him ; and he who cuts the grove may God do bo to him. •'Whose end shall be according to their works." Temi kerik TxhaUos tami kerih ai wasakak, yemi iapah ai lasahak tah lejik wasahah nak zak, I came up by this ladder and if I get down again by it and am free of this misfortune I will never steal from the pot again. Poor people's children are constantly pilfering from the pot. One day a little child was seen in the very act, and was caught at the 247 top of tho ladder, which generally runs np outside a Kashmiri hnt, and by which she sought to escape, perhaps, over the roof. While her mother was boating lier on tho top round of tho ladder, she shrieked out these words, which have passed into a proverb, and are now constantly cited by other and bigger children, when they are discovered doing anything forbidden. Temi hov tami nyov ; yemi Tchut tami rut lie who made the thing manifest caused it to be taken away, and he who concealed the matter, held it. Keep your own coonsel. Yhni hyut suh hut. He who took grief (into his heart) rotted away. Yhni hhani gang tas gayih tali andar panuni zang. He who dug a pit for others has got his own legs into it. Persian. — Chdh kan r^ ehdh dar peak kardah i khesh dyad pe$h. Yemi Jcur or suh gav Jchwar. He who does shame comes to shame. Yrmi hur gungul tami Icur hruv. Luhah hanzih Idganaiyih peth mo bar chi'v. Ho who began the harvest reaped the end of it. Do not be covetous over other people's fields. Yemi Tcur lawah hat suh tih tutu{ ; Yhni zol lawah hat suh tih tutui. He who made a hundred bundles of grass, to him so much ; He who burnt a hundred bundles of grass, to him so much. A master who does not praise the good servant and reprove tho bad, but serves all the servants alike. People gather the long lank water grass which grows by the river- side in the Autumn, tie it up into bundles, and sell them during tho Winter at the rate of sixty bandies for an 4n4. Yemi liikah hanzan michan tah tuJeran peth nazar ihav auh gav hairon. He who keeps his eyes upon the pieces of rice and bread of other people is in a wretched state. A loaliug, wandering, fellow. 248 Temi Sdhihan us ditus suh diyas mi hhos tih Ithyun Icyut ? Whom God has given a mouth, to him will not He, the same God, give a httle pot for his dinner ? Bustan of Sa'dl^Fafee tifal danddn hardwurda hud, Pidar sar ha fikrash faro hurdah hud. Mulchor gam hard e mun ai he "khirad-^ Har dnkas hi danddn dihad nan dihad. Temi shuli chhih wuchhmati yiti Icahtycih rudl This jackal has seen plenty of rain like this ! An old experienced man. Yhni wuchh naris tah dalis suh gav hhwor ; Yemi tshun aJds khoras pulahur^ beyis paizar. Suh chhuh barkhurddr. He who paid attention to the sleeve and border (of his gar- ment) was ruined ; He who wore a grass shoe on one foot and a leather shoe on the other, he was prosperous. The man who wishes to succeed must not mind a little dirt some- times. Yemis ** NannawuriK^ nov druv tas tsalih nah zah. If a man has got nicknamed ''Bare-footed,'* the name will never leave him. In olden times there lived in Kashmir a, very great man named Khwajah Karim Dm. He once visited the 'Id gih in time of snow. On arriving at the common he noticed the nice level ground and said to his attendant '* Take off my shoes. I "wish to run on the grass for a few minutes with naked feet." His servant obeyed, and Karim Dm ran about for a long time to his heart's content. From that hour the people called him Karim Nannawor. Of course he was very angry at this, and tried every means in his power to check it ; but all to no purpose. To the very hour of his death, and since, whenever his name has been mentioned, people ha*^e spoken of him as Karim Ndnnawor (i.e., bare-footed Karim). Yemuhui dor tah tamukui pun. "Whence the timber, thence the wedge. Set a thief to catch a thief. Yenan wenah tah wanan hi ; suh hami chhawai hapali. Wenah upon the river-bank and jasmine in the wood ; anc who plucked the jasmine ? The bear. Good things in the hands of the bad. Winah is a non-edible plant with a smell like mint. 249 Teni nah leunih, wonun nah kunih tah l-aU gats yerav ? Warp not to be found anywhere, woof (also) not (to be found) anywhere, and how many yards shall we sort ? An order but not all the requisites for fulfilling it. YUi behi Nogi Arzun tati behu Bugi Parzun ? Will B% Parzun (a poor, ignorant, fellow) sit in the same place with N^g Arzun (the great)? People should know their rank. Yeti pahali8 khyul tnti sahan guph. Where the shepherd's flock there the leopard's lair. Where riohee there thief, whore glass there stone, where a man of high position there envious, covetous persons. Y^tih ai dsih mengun su?i iih heyih Uengun. If there were a little boy here he also would be amused. Cited to a forward, impertinent, little fellow. Mengun, lit., sheep and goats' ordure, which being small, a little boy has been likened to it and called after it. TUih ib tatih dp. Where there is water, there is a god. Hindu8t4n(. — Ja/iiin a6 truVin dp. Rivers and springs as sources of fertility and purification, were at an early date invested with a sacred character by the Hindus, who are thoroughly in their glory, living in this land of Kashmir, a laud of riTers and fountains and lakes, kc. The Mnhammedans are constantly twitting their Hiud6 neighbours concerning the number of their water-gods. THih kon tatih nah hi'jat wyon. Where there is a one-eyed man there is no necessity for my presence. The natives declare that the Devil said thia. HindnstdnC — Kiin<\ terhd had-fiald. Persian. — Yak ehctshm gul, dvjar na hillcMll. PanjAbt — Kind kdchrd hoch-gardand : yeh Hnoh kamzdt ! Jahlag has apnd ehale, to ko{ tuk puchhe hat. T^tih nah balaioir tati^i wugarah tir ? Where that great man is not able, there will that poor, weak fellow be able, to do anything ? Wugarah tir, lit., a h&ndful of cooked-rice, but here means a poor, weak man. 32 250 Yetih Raja Bhoj tatih Gangd Tili. Where Raja Bhoj there Ganga Till. Money is oftentimes the only patent of nobility besides lofty pretensions. Raja Bhoj was the celebrated sovereign of Ujjain, the great patron of learned men, and to whose era the nine gems or poets are often ascribed ; the " Singhdsan battisi " describes his virtues. But Gangd Till was an oil-merchant whose only claim to sit in the great Rdja's presence was his great wealth and a little kind- ness once shown by him to Raja Bhoj's predecessor, RajaVikramSditya. Yetih top tatih shuhul. Where sunshine there shade. " There is compensation in this world even." Yets gov zih mefj gav. More than enough is as dirt (no use to a man). Yet^an zanunan poni Tidmuni, tah Uarcn mardan batah Icdmuni. Many women, Httle water ; and many men, little rice. It is the custom both among the Muhammedans and the Hindus for the women to fetch the water from the river. If there should be more then one woman in the household, there will probably be frequent quarrelling as to who shall perform this duty, and sometimes both having refused to go for the water, the members of the household will " run short " of this necessary commodity. On the other hand, if there should happen to be more than one husband or man in the house, there will probably be constant wrangling amongst them as to who shall pay the baniya's bill. " Yi bandah yaUh',:^)uV5^BV REC D LD ,jAN?7'B5-4PM MAY 2 2 1987 t? ■, 1 1 195 L ty^UfQ. ptSQ . 30Mai''57J! FFR 2 1998 ntLao LD U. C. BERKELEY JUN 8 Ido/ LD 21-100m-7,'39(402s) N|.Ci^3859 "C. BERKELEY LfBBARJES B0D30lbasi