■■Hi UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY Supplement to "The Edinburgh Academy Chronicle," February 1895. THE EDINBURGH ACADEMY BAR LIST— 1824-1894. f THE EDINBURGH ACADEMY BAR LIST FEBRUARY 1895 INTRODUCTORY I HE preparation of the following Bar List was suggested by the appearance of the Army List last year. It was designed to contain the names of all old Academy boys who have come to the Bar, or have practised at it, in England, Scotland, Ireland, India, and the Colonies. How sadly it falls short of completeness the compiler is well aware. But it appeared to him that, some one hundred and thirty names being ready for the printer, it would be useless to delay their publication in the hope of information turning up about other names as to which, probably, that publication itself would afford the best chance of eliciting the necessary facts. Of many even of the names of Barristers which ought to appear below, he confesses his ignorance ; and it may be that a few Advocates have escaped his observation. While, therefore, he acknowledges with gratitude the assistance he has received — in particular from his brethren — he would venture earnestly to solicit a great deal more. If the Army List was such that no old Academy boy could look at it without pride and gratification, it is hoped that the present one may, in its humbler way, be found apt to excite the same emotions. Among the men whose careers are here briefly recorded are one Lord of Appeal in Ordinary, four Deans of Faculty, three Lords Advocate, one Lord Justice Clerk, seven Professors in various Universities, six Judges of the Court of Session, no fewer than ten Members of Parliament, a large number of Sheriffs of Counties, and innumerable Sheriff-Substitutes. It is to note, moreover, that many, if not most, of those who have attained to these positions of dignity and emolument have adorned them by talents much out of the common run. Nor is it less interesting to consider the mass of Academic distinction which the succeeding pages disclose. Fourteen of those whose names are there printed graduated at Cambridge, and thirty-one at Oxford — numbers which testify (if it be lawful to say so) to an unmistakable and laudable preference on the part of Academy boys and masters for Athens before Thebes. And it must not be forgotten that twenty-seven are graduates in Arts of Edinburgh, to say nothing of those who studied there before it became customary to take a degree. Upon a closer investigation it will appear that not a few 779953 THE EDINBURGH ACADEMY BAR LIST of these graduates won celebrated prizes, and took high honours. The University record of men like Mr. Robert Berry and Mr. Campbell at Cambridge, or like Sir Charles Pearson and Mr. Raleigh at Oxford, is not unique. What they and many others did in the past, there is every reason to believe that other Academy boys may do in the future. A noteworthy feature in this chronicle is the part played therein by literature of sorts. There are men in it who have discharged the indispensable function of the legal reporter ; there are others who have learned much law in the composition of text-books for the instruction of others ; there is not only one of the greatest golfers of the age, but also the author of a truly admirable treatise on the game ; and there are two who may perhaps be mentioned without prejudice to the claims of the rest as having achieved something in what used to be called the belles lettres. The one is Professor Aytoun, whose fugitive pieces are perhaps the very best of their kind, the other is Mr. Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson, whose loss is so fresh in our minds that we cannot attempt with any hope of success to forecast the place he is to hold in the estimation of posterity. But those lawyers and those laymen who have the true taste of literature, who value style for its own sake, and who welcome every effort to escape from the slovenly and the commonplace which do so dog our footsteps in everyday life, will doubtless not be indisposed to think that this Academy Bar List contains no greater name than his. Readers will very much oblige by communicating any additions and corrections that may occur to them to Mr. J. H. Millar, Advocate, 10 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh. The names of all known to be dead are printed in italics. The dates at the right hand side in heavy type indicate approximately the time during which the advocate or barrister was at the Academy. The abbreviations hereafter used speak for themselves. English readers may care to know that A.-D. stands for Advocate-Depute. THE EDINBURGH ACADEMY BAR LIST Adam, Edwin; b. 1S62; M.A., LL.B. Edin. ; Academical Club Exhibitioner 1879-81; Advocate 1885; Justiciary Reporter from 1S93. 1871-78. „ James, Lord Adam; b. 1824; Advocate 1849; A.-D. 1858-59, 1866-68, and 1874; Sheriff of Perthshire 1S74-76 ; Judge of Court of Session and of High Court of Justiciary from 1876. 1833-40. Arkley, Patrick, of Duninald ; b. 1815 ; Dux of School 1834; Advocate 1838; Sheriff-Substitute of Midlothian 1848-6S; d. 186S. 1829-34. Aytoun, William Edmondstone ; b. 1S13; Studied at Edin. and Aschaffenburg ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxon. 1853; W.S. 1835; Advocate 1840; Professor of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres in the University of Edinburgh 1845-65; Sheriff of Orkney and Zetland 1852-65; Author of " Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers," " Firmilian," " Norman Sinclair," etc., besides numerous short pieces; Joint-Author with Sir T. Martin of the "Bon Gaultier Ballads;" d. 1865. 1824-28. .Anderson, Archibald; b. 1836; M.A. Oxon. (Exeter Coll. 1855-59); Advocate i860; Registrar of Friendly Societies 1874-79. 1847-53. Balfour, The Right Hon. John Blair; b. 1S37 ; Dux of School 1855; LL.D. Edin. and St. Andrews; Advocate 1861 ; A.-D. 1870-74; Solicitor-General for Scotland 1880-81 ; Lord Advocate for Scotland 1881-85, 1886, and from 1892; Dean of Faculty 18S5-86, and again 1889-92; P.C. 1883; M.P. for Clackmannan and Kinross from 1880; D.L. City of Edin. 1851-55. Bell, Andrew Beatson ; b. 1831 ; Dux of School 1848; Advocate 1854; Sheriff-Substitute of Fife at Dunfermline 1865-70, and at Cupar 1870-80; Chairman of Prison Commissioners for Scotland from 1880; Secretary to the Directors of the Academy from 1S57-62; Joint- Editor of " Digest of Cases in the Supreme Courts of Scotland," 1869. 1841-48. „ Robert; b. 1815 ; Advocate 1S36; Sheriff-Substitute of Zetland at Lerwick 18 -65, of Stirlingshire at Falkirk 1S65-87; d. 1887. 1824-30. Berry, John, of Tayfield ; b. 1824; Advocate 1849; d. 1877. 1833-40. „ Robert; b. 1825; M.A. Cantab. (Scholar of Trin. Coll. 1S46-50); First Class in Classical Tripos and 30th Wrangler 1848; Fellow of Trinity 1850-58; Hon. LL.D. Edin. 1883; Inner Temple 1S53 ; Advocate 1863 ; Secretary to the Commissioners under the Universities (Scotland) Act 1858, 1858-63; Secretary to Royal Commission on Hypothec 1864-65 ; Secretary to the Royal Commission on the Scottish Universities 1876-78 ; Professor of Roman and Scots Law in the University of Glasgow 1S67-87 ; Sheriff of Lanarkshire from 1S86. 1833-40. Blackburn, The Right Hon. Colin, Lord Blackburn, of Killearn; b. 1813; M.A. Cantab. (Trin. Coll. 1832-35); Inner Temple 1838; Judge in the Court of Queen's Bench, 1859; P.C. 1S76; Lord of Appeal in Ordinary 1876-87; Peerage for Life 1876. 1824-25. it Bogle; b. 1821; M.A. Cantab. (Trin. Coll. 1S39-43); Advocate 1846; A.-D. i85S-59and 1866-68; Sheriff of Stirlingshire 186S-75 ; d. 1S75. 1829-34. THE EDINBURGH ACADEMY l'.AR LIST Blair, Alexander; b. 1S34; M.A. Oxon. (Exeter Coll. 1852-56); Advocate i860; A.-D. 1877-80 and 1S85-88; Sheriff of Chancery 1888-89; Sheriff of Stirlingshire, etc. 1889-91; Sheriff of the Lothians and Peebles from 1S91. 1844-51. Boyle, Archibald Thomas; b. 1S22; Advocate 1843; d. 1863. 1830-37. Broun, Tohn Crawford Caldwell; b. 1863; M.A., LL.B. Edin. ; Advocate 1886; Author of a work on "-Naisance." 1871-75. Buchan, William; b. 1S62 ; M.A. Edin.; Advocate 1885. 1873-77. Buntine, James R ; b. 1S41 ; M.A. Edin.; Advocate 1S65; Sheriff-Substitute of Stirlingshire from 1S77. 1856-58. Burns, Alan; b. 1S68; B.A. Cantab. (Trin. Coll. 1886-89); Advocate 1S93. 1879-82. Cameron, John Sproat Taylor; b. 1866 ; M.A., LL.B. Edin.; Vans Dunlop Scholar (Civil Law, etc.) 1892; Advocate 1893. 1881-85. Campbell, Robert ; b. 1S32; M.A. Cantab. (Trinity Hall 1850-54); 14th Wrangler, 1854; Eellow of Trinity Hall 1855-66; Advocate 1856; Lincoln's Inn 1867; Author of "The Law of Sale and Agency " and other legal works ; Editor of " Ruling Cases," etc. 1842-50. Campbell, William, of Skerrington ; b. 1855; M.A. Edin.; Advocate 1878. 1864-69. Chevne, John; b. 1841 ; Dux of School 1857 ; M.A. Oxon. (Scholar Trin. Coll. 1859-63); 1st cl. Mods. 1861 ; 1st cl. Grts. 1S63; Advocate 1865; Sheriff-Substitute of Forfarshire at Dundee 1870-S5 : Sheriff of Roxburgh, etc. 1885, of Ross, etc. 1S86, of Renfrew and Bute from 1889; Chairman of Boundary Commissioners 1890-92 ; Procurator of Church of Scotland from 1S91 ; Vice-Dean of Faculty from 1S92. 1850-57. Clark, Francis William, of Ulva ; b. 1827; Advocate 1S51; Sheriff- Substitute of Lanarkshire at Glasgow 1867-76; Sheriff of Lanarkshire 1876-86; Author of a treatise on the law of " Partnership and Joint-Stock Companies " ; d. 1886. 1837-40. Cleghorn, Thomas; b. 1818; Advocate 1839; A.-D. 1S50-52, and 1853-55; Sheriff of Argyllshire 1855-74; d. 1874. 1826-33. Clyde, James Avon ; b. 1863 ; Dux of School 1SS0 ; M.A., LL.B. Edin. ; 1st cl. honours Classics 1884; Gray Scholar ; Advocate 18S7. 1873-80. Cook, John James; b. 1864; M.A., LL.B. Edin.; Dickson Travelling Scholar 1888; Grierson Bursar 1886 and 1887; Advocate 1889; Secretary to Boundary Commissioners for Scotland 1891-93. 1876-80. Cowan, Hugh ; b. 1833 ; Advocate 1S56 ; Sheriff-Substitute at Paisley from 1865 ; Author of a treatise on "The Land Rights of Scotland.'' 1842-48. Crawford, Donald; b. [837; 1 >ux of School 1854; Glasgow University 1854-56 ; Cowan Gold Medal ; Blackstone Latin and Greek Gold Medals, etc.; M.A. Oxon. (Ball. Coll. 1856-60) 1st. cl. Mods. 1858; 2nd cl. Grts. 1S60 ; Fellow oi Lincoln 1861-83; Advocate 1862; Legal tary to the Lord Advocate 1880-85 ; M.P. for Lanarkshire N.E. Division from 1885 ; Member of the S< ottish Universities Commission from 1889. 1847-54. exander Neilson; I), i860; M.A. Glasg. ; B.A. Omul (Snell Exhibitionei Ball. Coll. 1 79 1. ind cl. Mods. 1880; 2nd cl. Law 1882; Cobden Club Prize 1880; Middle I 1 1870 71. Georgi b. [867 ; B. \. Oxon. (B.N.C. 1886-1889); Advocate 1892. 1877-78. Davidson, Ai ■ fair; b. 1865; M.A., LL.B. Edin.; Advocate 1889. 1879-82. /> . / , 1,. 1 [862; Author of a work on " Railways "; d. 1874. 185056. /1 b [829; Advocate 1852; Sheriff- Substitute of Berwickshire al Dun-. Gallon 1839-46. G 1847; Sheriff-Substitute ol Berwickshire at Duns 1863-85, of 1832-39. THE EDINBUROII ACADEMY BAR LIST Dickson, Waltj r Seton; b. 1S65; M.A. Edin.; Advocate 1889. 1876-82. Douglas, / /' : 1 . b. 1814; Advocate 1837; Lord Provost of Edinburgh 1859-62; d. 1885. 1824-25. Douglas, Francis Archibald Brown; b. 1854; M.A. Cantab. (Trin. Coll. 1872-76); Senior Optimc Math. Tup. [876; Advocate 1879. 1865-68. Gloag, William Murray; b. 1S65 ; B.A. Oxon. (Ball. Coll. 1883-87); 1st cl. History 1887; Advocate 1889. 1876-82. Dundas, David; b. 1S54; Dux of School 1871; B.A. Oxon. (Ball. Coll. 1872-76); 1st cl. Mods. 1S73; 2nd cl. Grts. 1876; Advocate 1878; A.-D. 1890-92. 1864-71. Finlay, Robert Bannatyne ; b. 1841 ; Dux of School 1858; Middle Temple 1867; Q.C. 1882; M.P. Inverness Burghs 1885-92. 1851-58. Fraser, Hugh John Edward; b. 1851 ; M.A. Edin. ; Advocate 1879; a reporter on the "Session Cases" from i88r. 1861-67. Gillespie, George Robertson ; b. 1851; B.A. Oxon. (Ball. Coll. 186S-72); 2nd cl. Mods. 1870; 2nd cl. Grts. 1872; Advocate 1875; d - lS 9 2 - 1859-66. Gordon, Huntly D ; b. 1867 ; Advocate 1S93. 1877. „ John Thomson; b. 1813 ; Advocate 1835; A.-D. 1846-47 ; Sheriff of Aberdeenshire 1847-49 5 of Midlothian 1S49-65 ; d. 1S65. 1825-28. Haldane, Richard Burdon ; b. 1856; M.A. Edin.; First Class Honours; Ferguson and Gray Scholar- ships; Lincoln's Inn 1879; M.P. East Lothian from 1885; Author of a"." Life of Adam Smith"; Joint Editor of "Essays in Philosophical Criticism"; Joint Translator of Schopenhauer's "World as Will and Idea"; Q.C. 1890. 1866-72. Hamilton, Hubert; b. 1834; M.A. Oxon. (Snell Exhibitioner Ball. Coll. 1853-63); Advocate i860; Sheriff-Substitute of the Lothians and Peebles at Edinburgh since 1868. 1843-51. Harvey, John; b. 1865; B.A. Oxon. (Ball. Coll. 1883-87); 2nd cl. Mods. 1885; 2nd cl. Grts. 1887; LL.B. Glasg. ; Advocate 1892. 1879-82. „ William; b. 1859; B.A. Cantab. (Scholar of King's Coll. 1879-83); 22nd Wrangler Parts I. and II. Math. Trip. 1S82 ; Div. 1, Part III. Math. Trip. 1883; LL.B. Edin ; Advocate- 1SS6. 1870-77. Henderson, Alexander Edward; b. 1844; M.A. St. Andrews; Advocate 1868; Extra Advocate- Depute 1873, ar >d from 1880 to 1884; a reporter on the "Scottish Jurist," and afterwards on the "Session Cases" 1873-84; Sheriff-Substitute of Fife and Kinross at Cupar from 1884. 1855-61. Heriot, Frederick Lewis Maitland- ; b. 1818; Advocate 1839; A.-D. 1857 and 1859-62; Sheriff of Forfarshire 1 S62-8 1 ; d. iSSi. 1827-31. Herries, Alexander Young, ofSpottes; b. 1827; Advocate 1850. 1837-43. Hope, David Boyle; b. 1833; Advocate 185S ; Sheriff- Substitute of Dumfriesshire 1867-90; Sheriff of Dumfries and Galloway 1890, of Roxburgh, etc. from 1890 ; J. P. Dumfriesshire. 1843-47. Horn, William; b. 1S49; M.A. Oxon. (Oriel Coll. 1868-7-2); Advocate 1874. 1858-65. Howden, Charles Robert Andrew; b. 1S62 ; M.A. Edin. ; Advocate 1886; Author of a work on "Trusts." 1873-77, 1880. Hunter, John ; b. 1S34; Advocate 1857; Sheriff- Substitute of Peeblesshire at Peebles 1868-72; d. 1S72. 1843 49. „ William Frederick ; b. 1840; Advocate 1865; d. 18S3. 1850-57. Ivory, Thomas; b. 1S1S; M.A. Oxon. (Snell Exhibitioner Ball. Coll. 1S3S-42); 2nd cl. Grts. 1S42; Lincoln's Inn 1846; Advocate 185 1; Junior Counsel for H.M. Woods and Forests 1862-82 ; d. 18S2. 1826-33. THE EDINBURGH ACADEMY BAR LIST Ivory, William; b. 1S25 ; Advocate 1S49; A.-D. 1S59-62 ; Sheriff of Inverness, Elgin, and Nairn from 1862. 1834-40. Jameson-, Andrew; b. 1845; M.A. St. Andrews 1865; Advocate 1S70; Junior Counsel for H.M. Woods and Forests 1884-86; Sheriff of Roxburgh, etc., 1SS6-90 ;' Sheriff of Ross, etc., 1890-91; Sheriff of Perthshire from 1891. 1855-62. Jenkin, Austin Fleeming ; b. 1862; B.A. Cantab. (Trin. Coll. 18S1-84); Inner Temple 1887; Author of "The Law relating to Parish Councils," and other works. 1871-77. Kennedy, Neil James ; b. 1866; B.A. Cantab. (Trin. Coll. 1S84-87); LL.B. Edin. ; Advocate 1890. 1877-82. Kermack, Henry; b. 1853; M.A. Edin.; Advocate 1878. 1863-68. Kirk, Francis Hope; b. 1865 ; Advocate 1890. 1875-82. Lee, Robert, Lord Lee ; b. 1S30; Advocate 1853; A.-D. 1S67-68, and 1874-75; Sheriff of Stirling- shire 1S75-77, of Perthshire 1877-80; Procurator of the Church of Scotland 1869-80; Judge of Court of Session 18S0-90; d. 1890. 1839-42. Lees, John M'Kie; b. 1S43; M.A., LL.B. Edin.; Patrick Bursar 1861-64; Advocate 1867; Sheriff- Substitute of Lanarkshire at Airdrie 1872-75, at Glasgow 1875-91 ; Sheriff of Stirlingshire, etc. 1 89 1 ; Author of "Sheriff Court Styles," etc. 1859-60. Liddall, William John Norbray ; b. 1S53 ; Dux of School 1870; M.A. Edin.; B.A. Lond.; Greek Blackstone Medal, Glasgow, 1874; Greek Travelling Scholar 1879; Advocate 1879. 1863-70. Macdonald, Right Hon. John Hay Athole, Lord Kingsburgh ; b. 1836; Hon. LL.D. Edin.; F.R.S.; F.R.S.E. ; M.I.E.E. ; Advocate 1859; Sheriff of Ross, etc. 1874-76, of Perthshire 1880- 85; Sol.-Gen. for Scotland 1876-80; Q.C. 18S0; Dean of Faculty 1882-85; Lord Advocate 1885-86 and 1886-8S; P.C. 1885; M.P. Edin. and St. Andrews Universities 1885-88; Lord Justice Clerk from 1888; Col. Commandant Q.R.V.B. 1882-92 ; J.P. and D.L. Edinburgh; Author of a treatise on "The Criminal Law of Scotland." 1850-52. Macdonald, Norman Doran; b. 1S65; Advocate 188S. 1877-83. MacDocgall, James Patten; b. 1850; M.A. Oxon. (Ch. Ch. 186S-72); Inner Temple 1873; Advocate 1874; Legal Secretary to the Lord Advocate 1885-86 and 1892-94; Member of Local Government Board for Scotland from 1894. 1859-66. Mi 1. in, Robert Finnie, of Bardrochat ; b. 1S61 ; M.A. Edin.; B.A. Cantab. (Trin. Hall 1882-85). Advocate 1S88. 1873-78. Maciarlane, George Lewis; b. 1S54; B.A. Oxon. (St. John's Coll. 1872-76); Advocate 1S78. 1864-71 Mackay, /Eneas James George ; b. 1839 ; M.A. Oxon. (Univ. Coll. 1859-62); 2nd cl. Grts. 1862 ; Hon. Fellow King's College, London ; LL.B. Edin. ; Hon. LL.D. Edin. ; F.S.A. ; Advocate 1864; Professor of History in Edin. University 1S74-81 ; A.-D. 1881-85; Sheriff of Fife and Kinross from 1885 ; Chancellor's Assessor Edin. Univ. Court 1891 ; Author of "The Pra< tire of the Court of Session," "Manual of Practice," "Memoir of Lord Stair," "The Eight years before Flodden," etc. etc. 1848-55 Kinc \ii» ; I). 1X57; B.A. Oxon. (Univ. Coll. 1875-79); Advocate 1881. 1868-71. .I- 11, William, Lord Kyllachy; b. 1842; M.A. Edin.; First (lass Honours in Mental l'hil- [86o; Hon. LL.D. Edin.; Advocate 1865; Procurator of the Church of Scotland 1880-86; Sheriff of Ross, etc. 1881-86; Q.C. 1886; Dean of Faculty 1S86-89; Judge of 1 am from 1.S.S9; D.L. Inverness-shire and Edinburgh; Member of Scottish Universities Commission from 1889. 185456. hten, Sir Steuart, of Bittern Manor, Hants; 1>. 1815; Dux ol Scl I 1831 . Middle Temple reportei mil-. Lord! hancellor's Court ; Knighted 1890. 1826-31. 1 1 1 b. [858; l>u\ of School 1875; M.A. Edin.; Vans Dunlop s. holai cs i .... 1 - 1868 75. THE EDINBURGH ACADEMY BAR LIST Maitland, John, of Barcaple; b. 1841 ; M.A. Oxon. (Univ. Coll. 1860-64); Advocate 1866; M.P. Stewartry of Kirkcudbright 1874-80. 1851-57. „ John Gordon; b. 1848; Advocate 1873; Procurator-Fiscal of Berwickshire from 1879-84; d. 18S4. 1857-61. Makgii.l, Arthur; b. 1S42 ; M.A. Oxon. (Scholar Univ. Coll. 1861-65); 2n d cl. Mods. 1863; Advocate 1867. 1850-54. Marshall, John, Lord Curriehill; b. 1827; LL.D. Glasg. ; Advocate 185 1; Judge of Court of Session 1874-81 ; d. 1881. 1836-43. Martin, Thomas Johnstone; b. 1852; M.A. Edin. ; Advocate 1876; Sheriff-Substitute of Bute at Rothesay from 1891. 1864-69. Maxwell, Wellwood Herries, of Munches ; b. 1817 ; Advocate 1839 ; M.P. Stewartry of Kirkcudbright 1868-74; Convener of the Stewartry 1850-90. 1827-33. „ William Jardine, Younger of Munches; b. 1852; M.A. Oxon. (Exeter Coll. 1870-73); Advocate 1876; Convener of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright from 1890; M.P. Dumfriesshire from 1892. 1862-69. Melville, George Fisher; b. 1841 ; B.A. Oxon. (B.N.C. 1859-62); Advocate 1865; a reporter on the "Session Cases" 1872-82 ; Sheriff-Substitute of West Lothian from 1882. 1852-59. Millar, John Hepburn; b. 1S64 ; Dux of School 1881; B.A. Oxon. (Ball. Coll. 18S2-86); 1st cl. Mods. 1883; 1st cl. Grts. 1886; LL.B. Edin. ; Advocate 1889; Author of a "Handbook of Prescription." 1874-81. Moncreiff, The Hon. Henry James, Lord Wellwood; b. 1840; B.A., LL.B. Cantab. (Trin. Coll. 1858-61); Advocate 1863; A.-D. 1865-67, 1868-74, 1880; Sheriff of Renfrew and Bute 18S1-88 ; Judge of Court of Session from 1S88. 1849-55. „ The Hon. Frederick Charles; b. 1847; Middle Temple 1874; Author of a treatise on "Fraud and Misrepresentation," and other legal works. 1857-64. Morison, Alastair James Mitchell ; b. 1859; M.A. Edin.; Advocate 18S3. 1869-75. Mvirhead, James ; b. 1831 ; Advocate 1857; Inner Temple 1857; Professor of Civil Law in the University of Edinburgh 1862-89; A.-D. 1874-80; Sheriff of Chancery 1880-85; Sheriff of Stirlingshire, etc., 1885-89; d. 1S89. 1840-45. Murdoch, John Burn ; b. 1821 ; Advocate 1846. 1830-37. Murray, Alexander Erskine; b. 1831 ; Advocate 1S56; Sheriff-Substitute of Lanarkshire at Glasgow from 1 86 1. 1848^49. Charles David ; b. 1867; M.A., LL.B. Edin.; Advocate 1889. 1875-82. Patrick; b. 1813; Advocate 1836; d. 1889. 1824-28. Neaves, Charles; b. 1839; B.A. Oxon. (Ball. Coll. and Magdalen Hall 1858-62); Advocate 1864; d. 1S70. 1849-55. Omond, George William T ; b. 1846; Advocate 1871. 1857-64. Paterson, John Mf.lvin ; b. 1863; B.A., LL.B. Cantab. (Scholar of Trinity Hall 1882-S6) ; Honours Law Tripos 1886; 100 guinea and 30 guinea Scholarships, Middle Temple, in Equity; Middle Temple 1887. 1878-81. Pearson, The Right Hon. Sir Charles John; b. 1S43 ! M.A. Oxon. (Univ. Coll. and Scholar, C. C. C. 1861-65); 1st cl. Mods. 1863; 1st cl. Grts. 1865 ; Gaisford Prize (Prose) 1862, (Verse) 1863; Advocate 1870; Inner Temple 1870; Sheriff of Chancery 1885-88; Procurator of the Church of Scotland 1886-90; Knighted 1887; Sheriff of Renfrew and Bute 1888- 89, of Perthshire 1889-90; Solicitor-General for Scotland and Q.C. 1890; P.C. 1S91 ; Lord Advocate 1891-92; Dean of Faculty from 1892; M.P. Edin. and St. Andrews Universities from 1890. 1853-60. Peddie, Coventry Dick; b. 1863; M.A., LL.B. Edin.; Advocate 1889. 1874-75. THE EDINBURGH ACADEMY BAR LIST Penney, Scott Moncreiff; b. 1857; M.A. Edin. ; Sibbald Bursar 1877 ; Advocate 1881. 1871-75. Plummer, Charles Balfour Scott-, of Sunderland Hall; b. 1822; M.A. Oxon (Oriel Coll. 1839-43); Advocate 1846; d. 18S0. 1830-37. Prixgle, Alexander, of Whytbank ; b. 1837; Advocate 1862. 1847-53. Raleigh, Thomas; b. 1851; Dux of School 1867; M.A. Oxon. (Exhibitioner of Ball. Coll. 1871-75); 2nd cl. Mods. 1872; 1 st cl. Grts. 1875; Lothian Prize 1873; Fellow of All Souls from 1876; Lincoln's Inn 1877; Reader in English Law, Oxford, from 18S6. 1862-67. Rampini, Charles Joseph Galliari; b. 1840; Advocate 1865 ; Puisne Judge of Jamaica 1867-73, 0I " Demerara 1873-77; Sheriff-Substitute of Zetland at Lerwick 1878-85, of Morayshire at Elgin from 1885. 1850-54. Rankine, 'John ; b. 1846; M.A. Edin.; Hon. LL.D. Glasg. 1892; F.R.S.E. ; F.S.A. ; Advocate 1869; Advocate-Depute 18S5-86; Professor of Scots Law in Edinburgh University from 1888 ; Author of treatises on the " Law of Land Ownership " and " Leases." 1859-61. Robertson, Duncan; b. 1851 ; M.A. Edin.; Advocate 1873; A.-D. 1888-92; Sheriff-Substitute of Aberdeenshire at Aberdeen from 1S92. 1860-67. Thomas Shute ; b. 1845; Dux of School 1862; B.A. Oxon. (Ball. Coll. 1864-68); Lincoln's Inn 187 1. 1855-62. Rutherfurd, Andrew; b. 1835; Advocate 1857; Counsel for Board of Inland Revenue 1862-82; Counsel for Board of Trade 1S62-82; A.-D. 1872-74 and 18S0-82; Sheriff-Substitute of the Lothians from 1S82. 1844-49. Sellar, Alexander Craig; b. 1835; M.A. Oxon. (Ball. Coll. 1854-58); 1st cl. Grts. 1858; Advocate 1862; Legal Secretary to the Lord Advocate 1868-74 and 1881-82; M.P. Haddington Burghs 1882-S5 ; Partick Division of Lanarkshire 18S5-90; d. 1890. 1844 50. Shaxd,Johx A.VDREir; b. 1S43; Middle Temple 1S64 ; d. 1S75. 1852-59. Simson, David J. ; b. 1861 ; B.A. Oxon. (New Coll. 1880-S3) ; 2nd. cl. Mods. 1881 ; Advocate 1885. 1871-74. Simpson, Sir Walter Grindlay, Bart. ; b. 1843; B.A. Cantab.; Advocate 1S73 ; Author of "The Art of Golf." 1854-60. Smith, Robert Earle Monteith ; b. 1864; M.A., LL.B. Edin.; Advocate 1888; Author of "Smith on Expenses." 1876-81. Speirs, Sir George Home-, Bart., of Culcreugh ; b. 1832; Advocate 1855; Sheriff- Substitute of Argyllshire at Inveraray 1867-79; d. 18S7. 1841-47. SriTTAi., Charles Grey; b. 1836; Advocate i860; Sheriff-Substitute at Stornoway 1861-80, at Wick 1880-84, at Selkirk 1884-91 ; d. 1S91. 1846-52. Stem-art, Archibald Hepburni : b. 1S61 ; Middle Temple 18S5 ; d. 1894. 1873-77. Stuart, Alexander; b. 18583 P..A. Oxon. (Queen's Coll. 1S76-S0); Advocate 1S83. 1868-74. ,, Alexander Moody; b. 1844; Dux of School 1861 ; Advocate 1874; Professor of Roman and Scots Law in University of Glasgow 1887. 1854-61. „ Dudley; b. 1861 ; B.L. Edin.; Advocate 1886; Joint-Author of a "Manual of the Public II. alth A< 1 , ' and " Manual of the Roads and Bridges Act." 1875-79. Lo, B four; b. 1850; Advocate 1875; Author of "Treasure Island," " Kidnapped," "Catriona," and numerous other well-known works ; cl. 1894. 1861-63. ! 1 , of I immerghame; b. 1S10; Advocate 1833; Justiciary Reporter ; Profi "i "i I ivil Law in l niversitj ol Edinburgh 1842-62; d. 1891. 1826-27. Tait, Jo G i m M.A. Edin. 1880; Rhind Scholar 1881 and again in 1882; B.A. I antab. (Peterhouse 1880-83); 1st cl. Classical Tripos 1883; Foundation Fellowship at Peterhou e 1881 I In fnn 1S88; Professor of Classics and English Literature, ngalore. 1871-77. 'Ill-: EDINBURGH ACADEMY BAR LIST Thomson, John Comrie; b. 1839; Advocate 1861 ; Sheriff-Substitute of Aberdeenshire at Aberdeen. 1866-83; Sheriff of Ayrshire 1883-85, of Forfarshire from 1885. 1848-55. John Maitland; b. 1847; Advocate 1873. 1858-61 Thorburn, William David ; b. 1846; Advocate 1870; Author of '• The Banker's Handbook" and an edition of the Bills of Exchange Act 1882 ; d. 1888. 1856-63. Wallace, James ; b. 1848; M.A. Edin. ; First Class Honours in Classics 1870; Passed 14th in I.C.S. Examination 1868; Advocate 1873; Inner Temple 1875; A.-D. 1885-86, and again 1886-92; Sheriff of Chancery 1892. 1859 66. Watson, George; b. 1846; M.A. Edin.; Advocate 1871; Inner Temple 1884; Editor of Bell's "Dictionary"; Sheriff-Substitute of Galloway at Wigtown from 1890. , 1856 63. Williamson, Andrew Cochrane ; b. 1866; B.A. Oxon. (St. John's Coll. 1886-90); Advocate 1892. 1878-84. Wood, John Andrew ; b. 1819; Advocate 1842; d. 1890. 1827-32. Young, Arthur; b. 1866; Lincoln's Inn, 1888. 1879-82. SUPPLEMENT TO THE EDINBURGH ACADEMY BAR LIST Adam, Alfred, b. 1S56; Middle Temple, 1S92. 1866-71. Armour, Samuel Beveridoe ; b. 1857 ; M.A. Edin. 1877; Advocate 1880; Sheriff- Substitute of Orkney from 1887; Author of a treatise on " The Valuation of Property for Rating in Scotland." 1872 73. Baillie, Alexander William Mowbray; b. [843; Dux of School i860; B.A. Oxon. (Hall. Coll. 1862-66); 1st cl. Mods. 1864; istcl. Grts. 1S66; Inner Temple 1871. 1853-60. Boyle, John; b. 1S19; M.A. Oxon. (Ball. Coll. 1839-43); Inner Temple 1846. 1827 34. Brown, Douglas; b. 1820; M.A. Cantab. (Trim Coll. 1839-42); Lincoln's Inn 1847; Q.C. 1869; Bencher of his Inn 1S69; Recorder of King's Lynn 1869-85; J. P., D.-L. Yorkshire, N. Riding; d. 1892. 1831-36. „ John Crommelw; b. 1S49; M.A. Edin. 1870; Tyndal Bruce Bursar 1868; passed 7th in I.C.S. Examination 1869; Middle Temple 1873; held various appointments (including Deputy-Commissioner) in I.C.S. Punjaub; Sessions Judge, Delhi 1892 ; d. 1892. 1859-66. Campion, George; b. 1S46 ; B.A. Oxon. (Queen's Coll. 1865-69); Advocate 1872 ; Sheriff-Substitute of Argyllshire at Inveraray 1879-90; of Dumfriesshire from 1890. 1859-63. Christie, William; b. 1832 ; Dux of School 1850; M.A. Oxon. (Oriel Coll. 1851-55); Advocate 185S. 1845-50. ,, William Samuel, of Failford ; b. 1846; Advocate 1871 ; d. 1S84. 1856-62. (', mine, Alexander; b. 1S15; Advocate 1836; d. 1839. 1827-30. Dalyell, Sir Robert Alexander Osborn, Bart., of The Binns ; b. 1821 ; M.A. Cantab. (Trin. Coll. 1840-43); Inner Temple 1849; Acting Consul-General at Bucharest 1856-57 ; at Belgrade I S57-59 ; Consul at Erzeroum 1859-65; at Roustchouk 1865-74; d. 18S6. 1830-31. Dauney, Alexander; b. 1827 ; Middle Temple 1851 ; Bencher of his Inn 1884. 183944. Davidson, Harry ; b. 1S35 ; M.A. Oxon. (Oriel Coll. 1854-58) ; Advocate i860 ; Middle Temple 1S70; d. 1871. 1845-50. „ John Richard; b. 1S36; M.A. Edin.; Advocate 1861 ; Middle Temple 1S70; sometime Legal Adviser to the Japanese Government ; d. 1895. 1845-48. Dickson, James David ; b. 1848; Advocate 1873; d. 1878. 1860-65. Douglas, Adam Smith ; b. 18 16; Advocate 1838; d. 1S38. 1824-30. Dunbar, Sir William, of Mochrum, Bart. ; b. 1812 ; Advocate 1835 ; M.P. Wigtown Burghs 1S57-65 ; a Lord of the Treasury 1859-65 ; Chairman of the Audit Commission, and Comptroller- General of the Exchequer 1865-87 ; d. 18S9. 1824-28. Dunlop, Charles James Tennant ; b. 1846; Dux of School 1864; M.A. Oxon. (Merton Coll. 1864-6S); 1st cl. Mods. 1866 ; Lincoln's Inn 1874. 1857-64. John; b. 1837; Canadian Bar; Q.C. 1847-52. Forman, James ; b. 1812; Advocate 1S34; d. 1886. 1824-26. FRASER, Arthur Matheson ; b. 1S52 ; M.A., LL.B. Cantab. (Trin. Coll. 1S70-73); Lincoln's Inn 1S76. 1862-67. Gardner, James Alexander ; b. 1S57 ; M.A. Edin.; Advocate 1SS1 ; d. 1S87. 1869-71. Gilmouk, Allan, Vr. of Eaglesham, b. 1S51 ; LL.B. Cantab. (Trin. Hall, 1S70-73); 2nd cl. Law and History Tripos, 1873; Middle Temple, 1875. 1860-65. Greenoak, Robert; b. 1S37 ; Middle Temple 1S59; d. 1S73. 1847-48. 1824-31. :8 74 . 186568. 186671. nner Tem pie 1849; rell -known works on 1829-31. M.A. , B.C.L. Oxon. 872. 1858 63. 2 SUPPLEMENT TO THE EDINBURGH ACADEMY BAR LIST Iri-ixg, George Vere, of Newton ; b. 1816; Advocate 1837; d. 1869. Jones, Heighway; b. 1S49; LL.B. Cantab. (Trin. Coll. 1S69-72); Inner Temple Kemp, John; b. 1856; Lincoln's Inn 1888; Translator of Schopenhauer. Macleod, Henry Dunning; b. 1821; M.A. Cantab. (Trin. Coll. 1840-43); Ir Author of "The Theory and Practice of Banking," and other Political Economy. Maitland, Alexander Charles Richards; b. 1S46; Dux of School 1863; (Scholar of C. C. C. 1865-70); 1st cl. Mods. 1866; Inner Temple „ George Ferguson, of Hermand ; b. 18 18; Advocate 1843; d. 1876. 1829-36. Marshall, James; b. 1S50; LL.B. Cantab. (Trin. Coll. 1870-73); Advocate 1875; d. 1SS1. 1860 64. Mil lOY, William Mure; b. 1S41 ; M.A. Edin. ; Advocate 1868; d. 1877. 1855-59. Mitchell, Alexander J ; b. 1850; Advocate 1879. 1861-65. Moodie, Afleck ; b. 1837 ; Lincoln's Inn 1S64; practised at the Calcutta Bar; d. 1876. 1851-53. Morison, James Mitford ; b. 1S26; Dux of School 1S43; Matric. at Exeter Coll. Oxon. 1845; Advocate 1852; Sheriff-Substitute of Lanarkshire at Glasgow 1859-61 ; d. 1861. 1836-43. Morton, Thomas Charles; b. 1S13; Gold Medal (Latin) Edinburgh University 1832; Inner Temple 1S37, and Calcutta Bar; d. 1853. 1827-30. Murray, Fitzgerald Lockhart Ross: b. 1828; Middle Temple 1855. 1838-42. The Rev. John ; b. 1814; Dux of School 1S30; M.A. Cantab. (Trin. Coll. 1S32-35); Hulsean Prizeman 1837 ; Advocate 1836; sometime Curate of Halifax ; d. 1862. 1824 30. „ Robert D. ; b. 185 1 ; B.A. Trinity College, Dublin 1S71 ; M.A. 1874; Senior Moderator in History, Law, and Political Economy 1871 ; Irish Bar 1872. 1863-68. Mylne, George Francis ; b. 1S40; B.A. Oxon. (Ball. Coll. 1859-63); 2nd cl. Mods. 1861 ; Advocate 1865 ; d. 1889. 1850-57. Omond, Thomas Stewart, b. 1846; M.A. Oxon. (Exhibitioner Ball. Coll. 1S6S-72); 2nd cl. Grts. 1S72 ; Chancellor's English Prize Essay, 1872; Fellow of St. John's College, 1872-78; Inner Temple, 1874. 1856-63. Orr, Robert; b. 1824; Advocate 1850; Sheriff-Substitute of Bute at Rothesay 1861-92; d. 1895. 1833-40. , William; b. 1S1S; Advocate 1S53 ; Chief-Justice of Gold Coast 1S66-69; Chief-Justice of St. Helena 1869-75; Chief-Justice of British Honduras 1S75-81 ; d. 1886. 1828-35. P . William Paul Stothert ; b. 1S21 ; Advocate 1842; d. . 1829-36. . Ih mi Chancellor; b. 1S57; M.A.Cantab. (St. John's Coll. 1S75-78); 6th Wrangler 1878; Fellow of his College 1879; Middle Temple 1882. 1866-67. . C G \ . b. 1S14; Advocate 1836; Sheriff-Substitute of Orkney 1842-46; of Kincardine [846-62; d. 1874. 1824-28. Sauzier, Anatole; b. [849; Advocate 1873; practised at the Bar in Mauritius. 1866-67. Turner, Wilton; b. 181 1; ; practised at the Calcutta Bar ; d. . 1824-28. WlGHTMAN, JOHN Setonj b. 1846; B.A. Cantab. (Caius Coll. 1865-68); Advocate 1871. 1856-61. // A \nder ; b. 1810; Dux of School 1825; Advocate 1S34; Sheriff-Substitute of Berwickshire ins 1850-61 ; d. 1861. 1824-25. „ John Denni toun; b. 1829; Middle Temple 1852; Sol.-Gen. for the Colony of Victoria in 1857; Attornej General for the same 1859, and again 1869; Author of "The Laws of Australasian Colonies as to the Administration and Distribution of the Estate of Decea ed Persons," etc 1838-45. hibald; 1). [820; Advocate 1843. 1829-35. r, Robert; b 1 6i Du ofScl I1879; B. A Oxon. (Ball. ColL 1880-83); 2nd cl. Law 1883 j Inner Temple and Lincoln's Inn [884. 1874-79. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS TO ORIGINAL LIST Balfour, The Right Hon. John Blair; b. 1S37; Dux of School 1855; I.L.I). Edin. and St. Andrews; Advocate 1861 ; A.-I). 1870-74; Solicitor-General for Scotland 1880-81 ; Q.C. 1880; Lord Advocate for Scotland 1881-S5, 1886, and 1892-95; Dean of Faculty 1SS5-86, and again 1889-92; P.C. 1883; M.P. for Clackmannan and Kinross from 1S80 ; D.-L. City of Edin. 1851-55. Bell, Robert ; b. 1 Si 5 ; Advocate 1836; Sheriff-Substitute of Zetland at Lerwick 1843-65, of Stirlingshire at Falkirk 1S65-87 ; d. 1887. 1824-30. Blackburn, Colin, Lord, died 1896. Broun, James Crawford Caldwell ; b. 1863 ; M.A., LL.B. Edin. ; Advocate 1S86 ; Author of a work on "Nuisance." 1871-75. Buntine, James Robertson; b. 1S41 ; M.A. Edin.; Advocate 1865; Sheriff-Substitute of Stirling- shire from 1S77. 1856-58. Crawford, Donald ; b. 1837; Dux of School 1854; Glasgow University 1S54-56; Cowan Gold Medal; Blackstone Latin and Greek Gold Medals, etc.; M.A. Oxon. (Ball. Coll. 1856-60) 1st cl. Mods. 1858; 2nd cl. Grts. 1S60; Fellow of Lincoln 1861-83; Advocate 1862; Legal Secretary to the Lord Advocate 1880-85 > Boundary Commissioner for Scotland 1884-85 ; M.P. for Lanarkshire N.E. Division 1885-95 ; Member of the Scottish Universities Com- mission from 1889; Sheriff of Aberdeen, Kincardine and Banff from 1S95. 1847-54. Dick, Abercrombv Robert; b. 1829; Advocate 1852; Sheriff- Substitute of Berwickshire at Duns 1861-63; d- !863. 1839-46. Finlay, Sir Robert Bannatvne ; b. 1841 ; Dux of School 185S ; Middle Temple 1867; Q.C. 1882; M.P. Inverness Burghs 18S5-92, and from 1S95; Sol. -Gen. for England from 1895; Knighted 1S95. 1851-58. Gillespie, George Robertson ; b. 1S51; B.A. Oxon. (Ball. Coll. 1868-72); 2nd cl. Mods. 1870; 2nd cl. Grts. 1872; Advocate 1875; Secretary to the Endowed Schools Commission (Scotland); Labour Commissioner, and Sub-Commissioner on Agriculture ; d. 1892. 1859-66. Gordon, Huntly Douglas; b. 1866; Advocate 1893. 1877. Macdonald, Right Hon. John Hay Athole, C.B., Lord Kingsburgh ; b. 1836; Hon. LL.D. Edin.; F.R.S.; F.R.S.E. ; M.I.E.E.; Advocate 1859; Sheriff of Ross, etc., 1874-76, of Perthshire 1S80-85; Sol.-Gen. for Scotland 1876-S0; Q.C. 1880; Dean of Faculty 1882-85; Lord Advocate 1885-86 and 1886-88; P.C. 1885; M.P. Edin. and St. Andrews Universities 1885-88 ; Lord Justice-Clerk from 1888; Col. Commandant Q.R.V.B. 1882-92 ; Brigadier- General, Forth Infantry Brigade, from 1892; J. P. and D.-L. Edinburgh; Author of a treatise on "The Criminal Law of Scotland." 1845-52. Mackay, /Eneas James George; b. 1839 ; M.A. Oxon. (Univ. Coll. 1S59-62) ; 2nd cl. Grts. 1862 ; Hon. Fellow King's College, London ; LL.B. Edin. ; Hon. LL.D. Edin. ; F.S.A. ; Advocate 1S64; Professor of History in Edin. University 1S74-81 ; A.-D. 1881-85; Sheriff of Fife and Kinross from 1886 ; Chancellor's Assessor Edin. Univ. Court 1891 ; Author of "The Practice of the Court of Session," "Manual of Practice," "Memoir of Lord Stair/' "The Eight Years before Flodden," etc. etc. 1848-55. MacnaGHTEN, Sir Stevart, of Bittern Manor, Hants; b. 1815 ; Dux of School 1S31 ; Middle Temple 1839 ; sometime a reporter in the Lord Chancellor's Court ; Knighted 1890 ; d. 1895. 1826 31. 4 SUPPLEMENT TO THE EDINBURGH ACADEMY BAR LIST Martin, Thomas Johnstone ; b. 1852; M.A. Edin. ; Advocate 1876; Sheriff-Substitute of Bute at Rothesay from 1892. 1864-69. Maxwell, William Jardine, Younger of Munches; b. 1852; M.A. Oxon. (Exeter Coll. 1870-73); Advocate 1S76; Convener of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright from 1890; M.P. for Dumfriesshire 1S92-95. 1862-69. Murdoch, John Burn, of Gartincaber ; b. 1821 ; Advocate 1S46. 1830-37. Murray, Charles David; b. 1866; M.A., LL.B. Edin. ; Advocate 18S9. 1875-82. Omond, George William Thomson; b. 1846; Advocate 187 1; A.-D. 1886; Author of the "Lives of the Lord Advocates," etc. 1857-64. Pearson, The Right Hon. Sir Charles John; b. 1843 ; M.A Oxon. (Univ. Coll. and Scholar, C. C. C. 1861-65); 1st cl. Mods. 1863; 1st cl. Grts. 1865; Gaisford Prize (Prose) 1862, (Verse) 1S63; Advocate 1S70; Inner Temple 1870; Sheriff of Chancery 1885-88; Procurator of the Church of Scotland 1886-90; Knighted 1887; Sheriff of Renfrew and Bute 1888- 89, of Perthshire 1889-90; Solicitor-General for Scotland and Q.C. 1890; P.C. 1891; Lord Advocate 1S91-92 and from 1S95 ; Dean of Faculty 1892-95 ; M.P. Edin. and St. Andrews Universities from 1S90. 1853-60. Plummer, Charles Balfour Scott-, of Sunderland Hall; b. 1822; M.A. Oxon (Oriel Coll. 1839-43); Advocate 1846; Convener of the County of Selkirk ; d. 1880. 1830-37. Raleigh, Thomas; b. 1850; Dux of School 1867; M.A. Oxon. (Exhibitioner of Ball. Coll. 1871-75); 2nd cl. Mods. 1872; 1st cl. Grts. 1875 ; Lothian Prize 1873; Fellow of All Souls from 1876; Lincoln's Inn 1877 ; Reader in English Law, Oxford, from 18S6. 1862-67. Rampini, Charles Joseph Galliari ; b. 1840; Advocate 1S65 ; Puisne Judge of Jamaica 1867-73, °f Demerara 1873-77; Sheriff-Substitute of Zetland at Lerwick 1878-S5, of Morayshire at Elgin from 1885; LL.D. Aberdeen 1S91. 1850-54. Simpson, Sir Walter Grindlay, Bart. ; b. 1843 ; B.A. Cantab. (Caius Coll. 1868-71) ; Advocate 1S73 ; Author of "The Art of Golf." ' 1854-60. Spittal, Charles Grey; b. 1836; Advocate i860; Sheriff-Substitute at Stornoway 1S71-S0, at Wick 1880-84, at Selkirk 1884-91 ; d. 1891. 1846-52. Swinton, Archibald Campbell, of Kimmerghame ; b. 181 2; Advocate 1S33; Justiciary Reporter 1S35-41 ; Professor of Civil Law in University of Edinburgh 1S42-62; d. 1891. 1826-27. Tait, John Guthrie; b. 1861 ; M.A. Edin. 18S0; Rhind Scholar 1SS1 and again in 1882; B.A. Cantab. (Peterhouse 1S80-83); 1st cl. Classical Tripos 1883; Foundation Scholarship at Peterhouse 1881 ; Lincoln's Inn 1888; Professor of Classics and English Literature, Central College, Bangalore. 1871-77. '-•¥.»*