m THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID LIST SPECIMENS OF BIEDS THE COLLECTION BRITISH MUSEUM. SECOND EDITION. PART L ACCIPITRES. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. LONDON: 1848. LONDON : SPOTTISWOODE ard SHAW, New-s -reel-Square. / Q Li C INTRODUCTION. THE principal object of the present Catalogue has been to give a complete list of the specimens of Birds contained in the collection of the British Museum, indicating at the same time the peculiarities of each, as regards age, sex, habitation, and the source from whence it has been derived. With this view the different individuals of each species contained in the collection are indicated by the letters , b, c, &c., following the name of the species, and its synonyma. These particulars are followed by the habitat, which is given as particularly as the materials possessed by the Museum permit ; but, as many specimens have been pro- cured from dealers, it is often impossible to give the place from whence they are derived, except in the most general terms. When the age of the specimen is not stated, it is to be understood that it is supposed to be full-grown, or nearly so ; when otherwise, its state is marked ; and if there is any difference by which the sexes are readily distinguishable, or if the point be absolutely ascertained, the specimen is stated to be male or female. Those specimens which have been presented to the Mu- seum have the name of the donor ; and in general the col- lection from whence the specimen has been purchased, or procured in exchange, is also marked, as it often gives some authenticity to its history. M366942 IV INTRODUCTION. In the adoption of generic and specific names, it has been thought right to use, wherever it was possible, that which was first applied to the species. As far as regards the spe- cific names, there is comparatively little difficulty in the application of this simple rule ; but generic names have been used by different authors in senses so widely different, and the groups which they were meant to designate have been so variously extended and restricted, that it was no easy matter to determine, where several names had been used, which of them ought to be preferred. . Great attention has been paid in giving a reference to the work in which, and the date when, each genus and its synonyma were respectively published. Under each species there have been appended all the names under which the bird has been mentioned since the establish- ment of the Linnean system of Nomenclature, and references are given to the works in which these names were first used. These are followed by a reference to a few of the best original figures of the species. To assist in the determination of the arrangement and the distinction of the specimens, the skeletons and breast-bones contained in the collection are marked under each species. Great care has been taken by Mr. GEORGE ROBERT GRAY, the Senior Assistant in the department, in the determination of the species, the verification of their synonyma, and in examining the priority of the generic and specific names. The British Museum is fortunate in having received a large portion of its species (either in presents, or by way of exchange or purchase) from the several authors both in this country and abroad by whom the species to which they belong were originally described, or from the collections in which they first received their names. In such cases there can be no doubt of the specimens being ascertained repre- sentatives of the names they bear. INTRODUCTION. V Thus, among the collections which have been received as presents, those presented by The Hon. East India Company, are to be regarded as authentic examples of the species described by Dr. Horsfield, in his " Zoological Researches in Java," and in his papers in " TheLinnean Transactions," the " Zoo- logical Journal," and in the " Proceedings of the Zoolo- gical Society." The Hudson's Bay Company, as the types of the species described by Dr. Richardson in his " Fauna Boreali- Americana." The New Zealand Company, as the types of the species discovered by Dr. Dieffenbach, in New Zealand, and described by Mr. G. R. Gray, in the Appendix of that traveller's Journal. Capt. Sir George Back and Capt. Sir John Franklin, R.N., C. B., for the specimens described in the Appendices to the accounts of the Northern Voyages. Mr. George Barclay, as the types of the species collected during the voyage of H. M. S. Sulphur. Capt. Sir Edward Belcher, R.N., C.B., as the specimens collected during the voyage of H.M.S. Sulphur and Samarang. A. Bloxam, Esq., as the types of the species described in the Voyage of H.M.S. Blonde, and in Mr. J. E. Gray's " Zoological Miscellany." Sir William Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N., as the types of the species collected during Capt. Fitzroy's voyage, and described in Mr. Darwin's " Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle." Capt. William Chambers, R.N., as the types of the species from North West Australia, described in Mr. Gould's "Birds of Australia." VI INTBODUCTION. Capt. Clapperton, R.N., and Colonel Denham, as the types of the species described by Messrs. Children and Vigors, in the Appendix to their Travels in Central Africa. Charles Darwin, Esq., as the types of the species described in the " Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle." The Earl of Derby, Lieut.- Colonel Sir Thomas Mitchell* His Excell. Capt. George Grey, Capt. Sturt, and Mr. Jukes, as the types of species described by Mr. Gould in his " Birds of Australia." Major- General Thomas Hardwiche, as the types of the species described by him in the " Transactions of the Linnean Society," or described and figured in Mr. J. E. Gray's " Illustrations of Indian Zoology/' and other papers on the subject. Mrs. Capt. Heywood, as the types of the species discovered during the Niger expedition, and described by Mr. Frazer in the 6t Proceedings of the Zoological Society." Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq., as the types of the species de- scribed by him in his papers in the " Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal " in the " Asiatic Researches," and in the " Proceedings of the Zoological Society." T. C. Jerdon, Esq., as the types of the species described by him in his Catalogue of Indian Birds, published in the " Madras Journal of Literature and Science." William Elf or d Leach, M.D., as being the original speci- mens named or described by that zoologist in his various publications. John Reeve, Esq., and his son J. Russell Reeve, Esq., as the types of species figured in Mr. J. E. Gray's " Illustra- tions of Indian Zoology " and " Zoological Miscellany." John Richardson, M.D., as the types of the species de- scribed by that zoologist in the " Fauna Boreali- Americana." INTRODUCTION. Vll Copt. Sir James C. Ross, R.N., as the types of the species discovered during the 'Antarctic Expedition. Sir Robert Schomburgk, as the types of the species collected during his travels in British Guiana, and described by Mr. Gould. John Taylor, Esq., as the types of the species described by Mr. Swainson in his paper on the Birds of Mexico. J. R. W. Thompson, Esq., R.N., as the types of the species discovered during the voyage up the Niger, and de- scribed by Sir W. Jardine. &c., &c. Amongst the specimens or collections which have been procured by purchase or exchange, the following may be specially indicated : viz., those from The Frankfort Museum, as being the types of the species collected by Dr. Edward Riippell, in his travels in North Africa and Abyssinia, and described or figured in his " Zoologischen Atlas ; " " Fauna von Abyssinien ;" and in his papers in the " Transactions of the Senken- bergian Museum at Frankfort." The Leyden Museum, as authentic specimens of the species described by M. Temminck, the director of that in- stitution, in his " Planches Coloriees," and by M. Muller in his contributions to the Natural History of Borneo. The South African Museum, as being the specimens col- lected during Dr. Andrew Smith's expedition into the interior of South Africa, and described by that zoo- logist in the Report of the South African Association, his " Catalogue of the South African Museum," or figured in his " Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa." The Imperial Museum of St. Petersburgh, The Imperial Museum of Moscow, M. Brandt's Collection, and Vlll INTRODUCTION. M. Parrey's Collection, as having been determined by Russian naturalists, and authenticating the species described by Pallas, Brandt, Eversmann and others. M. Auduborfs Collection, as the types of the species figured in his large work on the " Birds of America." Mr. Cuming s Collection, as the individuals described by Mr. Frazer in the " Proceedings of the Zoological Society," and by Mr. G. R. Gray in the " Annals of Natural History." *Mr. GoulcPs Collection, as the originals of the species de- scribed by that author in the "Proceedings of the Zoological Society," and figured in the " Birds of Australia." Baron Laugiers Collection, as the types of species in his and M. Temminck's " Planches Coloriees," Colonel Montague's Collection, as the types of species de- scribed by that author in the " Ornithological Dic- tionary " and other works. Mr. RendalVs Collection, as the types of species described by Mr. Swainson in his " Birds of Western Africa." M. Verreautf Collection, as being the types of species de- scribed by Dr. A. Smith in his "Zoology of South Africa." &c., &c. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. British Museum, 12th February, 1848. LIST OF BIEDS. CLASS AVES. OBDEB!. ACCIPITRES. Accipitres Linn. Syst. Nat. (1735.) Raptatores III. Prodrom. p. 232. (1811.) Rapaces Temm. Man. tfOrn. (1815) p. 1. Raptores Vigors, Zool. Journ. ii. 392. (1826.) Suborder I. ACCIPITRES DIURNI. Fam. I. GYPAETID M. 1. GYPAETUS. Gypaetos Storr, Alpenreise, p. 69. (1781.) Gyptus Dum. Zool. Anal. p. 34. (1806.) Phene Sav. Descr. de lEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 18. (1809.) 1, GYPAETUS BARBATUS. The bearded Vulture. Gypaetos barbatus Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 308.; Brehm, Vdg. Deuts. i. p. 12. t. 1. f. 2. Vultur barbatus Linn. S. N. i. p. 123. ; Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 372. t. 13. Vultur barbarus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 250. Vultur niger Gmel. S. N. i. p. 248. Vultur aureus Briss. Orn. i. p. 458. Falco magnus S. G. Gmel. Voy. iii. p. 365. t. 38. Gypaetus grandis Storr, deg. Ucc. i. t. 11. 2 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. Gypaetus alpinus Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 25. Gypaetus castaneus Daud. Tr. dOrn. ii. p. 26. Gypaetus aureus Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 26. Gypaetus leucocephalus Meyer, Taschenb. Deut. i. p. 9. Gypaetus melanocephalus Meyer, Taschenb. Deut. i. p. 10. t. Gypaetus meridionals Brehm, Keys, und Bias. Wizbelth. Eur. p. xxviii. Phene ossifraga Sav. Descr. de TEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 78. Gypaetus barbatus Hutt. Journ. A. S. B. (1834) p. 522.; Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1835.) p. 454. Gypaetus hemachalanus Hutt. Journ. A. S. B. (1838) p. 22. Edwards' s Birds, pi. 106.; PL col. 431.; Gal. des Ois. t. 8.; Rupp. Syst. Uebers. Vdg. Nord-Ost-Afr. t. 1. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 4. ; Pall. Zoogr. i. t. 13. ; G. R. Gray and Mitch. Genera of Birds, pi. 1. ; Hardw. Icon. ined. 10980. 3. ; Hodg. Icon, ined. Accip. 1. cop. App. i. 1*. and Accip. v. 1. f. 1. (head.) a. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. b. Shoa, N. Africa. Presented by the Hon. E. Ind, Comp. c. China. Presented by J. Reeves, Esq. df. Nepal (Cachar regions). Presented by B. H. Hodg- son, Esq. g. Himalayan Mountains. h, i. Sterna, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. Fam. II. SAECOKAMPHID^E. 1. SARCORAMPHUS. Sarcoramphus Dum. Zool. Anal. p. 32. (1806.) Cathartes 111. Prod. Mam. et Av. p. 236. (1811.) Gypagus Vieill. Analyse, p. 21. (1816.) 1. SARCORAMPHUS GRYPHUS. The Condor Vulture. Sarcoramphus gryphus Goldf. Vultur gryphus Linn. S. N. i. p. 121. Vultur magellanicus Shaw, Lever. Mus. pi. 1. Sarcoramphus cuntur Dum. Sarcoramphus condor Less Tr. d"Orn. p. 25. Humb. Obs. Zool. t. 8.; PL col. 133. 408. 494. ; Voy. de la Bonite, Ois. t. 2. (young.) SARCORAMPHIDJE. 3 a. South America, male. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. South America, female. c. South America. Presented by G. R. Waterhouse, Esq. d. Skull. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 2. SARCORAMPHUS PAPA. The King Vulture. Sarcoramphus papa Dum. Vultur papa Linn. S. N. i. p. 122. ; Azara, No. 1. Cathartes papa III Prod. Mam. et Av. p. 236. PL enl. 428.; Gal des Ois. t. 3. ; Spix, Av. Bras. t. 1. ; Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. t. 13. a. Tropical America, adult. Presented by the Earl of Derby. b. Mexico, adult. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. c. British Guiana, female. From Sir R. Schomburgk's Col- lection. 2. CATHARISTA. Cathartes (pars) III. Prodrom. p. 236. (1811.) Catharista Vieill Analyse, p. 21. (1816.) 1. CATHARISTA IOTA. The black Vulture. Vultur iota Mol. Chil (1782) p. 265. Cathartes fcetens ///. Licht. Cat. Dupl. Berl. Mus. p. 63. Vultur iota Wils. Am. Orn. pi. 75. f. 2. Vultur urubu Vieill. Ois. de VAmer. Sept. t. 2. Catharista urubu Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xii. p. 401. Vultur atratus Bartr. Trav. 150. 285. ; Azara No. 2. Cathartes atratus Richard, and Sw. Faun. Bor. Amer. Birds, p. 6. Audul). B. of Amer. pi. 106. a, b. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. 2. CATHARISTA AURA. The Carrion Vulture. Cathartes aura HI. Prod. Mam. et Av. p. 236. Vultur aura Linn. N. S. i. p. 122. Catharista aura Vieill. N. Diet. dHist. Nat. xii. p. 400. ; Cathartes ruficollis, Spix, Av. Bras. i. p. 2. ; Catesb. Car. pi. 6. Wils. Am. Orn. pi. 75. f. 1. ; Vieill. Ois. de I" Amer. Septr. t. 2. bis. ; Gal. des Ois. t. 4.; Voy. dans VAmer. Her. Ois. t. 1. f. 1. ; Audul. B. of Amer. pi. 151. ; PL enl 187. a, b. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. c. North America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. d. \ Berkeley Sound, Falkland Islands. Presented by the Ad- e. J miralty. B 2 4 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. f. Jamaica, variety. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. g. Sternum, Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. 3. CATHARISTA CALIFORNIANUS. The Californian Vulture. Cathartes californianus Ranz. Elem. di Orn. vi. p. 23. Vultur californianus Shaw, Nat. Misc. pi. 301. Sarcoramphus californianus, Vig. Zool. Journ, ii. p. 375. Gypagus californianus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxxvi. p. 450. Cathartes vulturinus Temm.pl. col. 51. Berl. Trans. (1838), t. .; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 411. G. R. Gray and Mitch. Gen. of B. pi, 2. a. California, Presented by A. Menzies, Esq. The speci- men figured by Shaw and M. Temminck. Fam. III. VULTURIDJE. i. VULTURIN&. 1. VULTUR. Vultur Mcehr. Av. Gen. p. 50. (1752). ; Linn. S. N. (1756.) JEgypius, Sav. Descr. de VEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 73. (1809.) Polypteryx Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. 1. VULTUR MONACHUS. The Arabian Vulture. Vultur monachus Linn. S. N. i. p. 122. Vultur cinereus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 247. ; Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 8. t. 2. f. 1. ; And. Descr. de VEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 257. Vultur vulgaris Daud. Tr. $Orn. ii. p. 16. Vultur arrianus Lapeyr. Zool. des Pyren. Vultur cristatus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 250. Vultur niger Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 9. JEgypius niger Sav. Descr. de VEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 74. Vultur imperialis Temm. pi. col. 426. Polypteryx cupido, v. cinereus? Hodgs.-, Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Gould, B. ofEur. pi. 2. ; Gal. des Ois. t. i. ;" Gray, EL Ind. Zool. pi. 15. f. 2.; Descr. de VEgypte, Hist. Nat. Ois. t. 11.; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 7, 8. VULTUBID^. 5 a. Europe, adult female. From the Frankfort Musv. am. b, c. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. Nepal, young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. ? From Mr. Warwick's collection. /. Xanthus. Presented by Sir C. Fellowes. g, h. Skulls, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. i. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 2. VULTUR OCCIPITALIS. The occipital Vulture. Vultur occipitalis Burch. Trav. Int. S. Africa, ii. p. 310. 325. 329. Vultur galericulatus Temm. pi. col. 13. Hupp. Atlas, t. 22. ; Levaill. Ois. (TAfr. t. 12. a. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. b. Kurrichane, Cape of Good Hope, female. From M. Verreaux' Collection. 2. OTOGYPS. Otogyps G. R. Gray, List. Gen. of B. (1841) p. 2. Heniigyps Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc., (1844) p. 81. 1. OTOGYPS AURICULARIS. The sociable Vulture. Otogyps auricularis G. E. Gray, List. Gen. ofB. (1841) p. 2.. Vultur auricularis, Daud. Orn.ii. p. 10. Vultur aegyptius Temm. pi. col. 407. (young.) Vultur nubicus Ham. Smith, Griff. An. Kingd. i. pi. p. 64 Levaill. Ois. d*Afr. t. 9. a. Egypt, young. Presented by J. Burton, Jun., Esq. b. South Africa, adult. From the South African Museum. c. Shoa, N. E. Africa. Presented by the Hon. E. Ind. Comp. 2. OTOGYPS CALVUS. The Pondicherry Vulture. Otogyps calvus G. R. Gray, List B. Brit. Mus. i. p. 4. Vultur calvus Scop. Del. Flor. et Faun. Insub. p. 85.; Sonn. Voy. Ind. t. 104. Vultur ponticerianus Daud. Orn. ii. p. 11. Heniigyps ponticerianus Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. ; PL color. 2,; Shaw, Nat. Misc. pi. 941. ; Gray, HI. Ind. Zool. pi. 15. f. 1. ; Ann. du Mus. i. t. 20.; Hardw. Icon. ined. 10980. 2. f. 2. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 1. 9. a. India, adult. b. Northern India, adult. From Col. Cobb's Collection. c. Nepal, adult. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. Nepal, young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. B 3 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. 3. GYPS. Gyps Sao. Descr. de VEgypte, Hist Nat. i. p. 71. (1809.) 1. GYPS FULVUS. The fulvous Vulture. Gyps fulvus G. R. Gray, List. Gen. of B. (1840) p. 1. Vultur fulvus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 249, ; Yarrell, Brit. B. i. p. 1. pi. ; Brehm, Vdg. Deuts. i. p. 9. Vultur leucoceplialus Meyer, Taschenb. Deut. i. p. 7. Vultur percnopterus Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 13. Vultur trincalos Bechst. Naturg. Deut. ii. p. 479. Vultur vulgaris Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 16. Vultur persicus Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 377. Vultur indicus Temm. pi. col. 26; ; Sykes, Proc. Z. S. (1832) p. 77. Vultur Kolbii Daud. Tr. d'Orn. i. p. 15. ; Riipp. Atlas, t. 32. Vultur albicollis Linderm. Isis, (1843) p. 324. Gyps vulgaris Sav. Descr. de VEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 71. PI. enl. 426. ; Levaill. Ois. clAfr. t. 10. ; Hardw, Icon. ined. 10980. 2. f. 1. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 3. a. Europe. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. b. Dalmatia. From Mr. Parrie's Collection. cf. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. g. Central Africa. Presented by Major Denham. h. Shoa, N. E. Africa. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. t. Cape of Good Hope. From the South African Museum. j, k. ? From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. /. Orange River, Cape of Good Hope. From M. Verreaux* Collection. m. India, young. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. M, o. Two Skulls, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson. Esq. p. Skeleton, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson. Esq. q. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson. Esq. r. Sternum, Europe. From M. Lefevre's Collection. 2. GYPS BENGALENSIS. The Bengal Vulture. Gyps bengalensis G. R. Gray, List B. Brit. Mus. i. p. 3. Vultur bengalensis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 245. (young) ; Gray, III. Lid. ZooL pi. 15. ; Lath. Gen. Syn. i. pi. 1. Vultur changoun Daud. (adult) Tr. dOrn. ii. p. 14. Vultur leuconotus Gray, III Ind. Zool. pi. 14. (adult.) Vultur indicus Scop. Del. Flor.et Faun. p. 85.?; Sonn. Voy.t. 105. ?; LevailL Ois. d'Afr. t. 11.; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 4. 4*. 5. a. India, adult. Presented by Dr. Royle. b. India, adult. c. India, middle age. From the South African Museum. d. Nepal, adult. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. Nepal, middle age. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. f. Nepal, young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. g. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 3. GYPS TENUIROSTRIS. The slender-billed Vulture. Gyps tenuirostris G. R. Gray, List Birds, Brit. Mus. i. p. 4. Vultur tenuirostris Hodgs. MSS. Vultur tenuiceps Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. " Vultur indicus Scops" Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1844) p. 116. G. E. Gray and Mitch. Gen. of B. pi. 3.; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 6. a, b. India, young. c. Nepal, adult. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. ii. NEOPHRONIN&. 1. NEOPHRON. Neophron Sav. Descr. de VEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 77. (1809.) Percnopterus Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 307. 1. NEOPHRON PERCNOPTERUS. The Alpine Vulture. Neophron percnopterus Sav. Descr. de VEgypte, Hist. Nat.-, p. 16. ; Yarrell, Brit. B. i. p. 6. pi. Vultur percnopterus Linn. S. N. i. p. 123. Cathartes percnopterus Temm. Man. ffOm. (1815) p. 5. Vultur stercorarius Lapeyr. Neue Schwed. Abh. Vultur leucocephalus Briss. Orn. i. p. 466. Vultur fuscus Bodd. Table des PI. enl. de HAuben, p. 25. ; Gmel. S. N. i. p. 248. Vultur ginginianus Daud. Tr. a" Orn. ii. p. 20. Vultur albus Daud. Tr. cCOrn. ii. p. 20. Vultur meleagris Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 377. t. 14. Percnopterus aegyptiacus Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 2. p. 7. Cathartes percnopterus Brehm, Vdg. Deuts. i. p. 5. t. 1. f. 1. PL enl. 427. 429. ; Jard. and Selby, III Orn. pi. 33.; Lath. Hist, of B. pi. 5. ; Gal. des Ois. t. 2. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 3. ; Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. t. 14. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 2. B 4 8 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. a. Egypt, adult. b. Aries, adult. From Baron Laugier's Collection. c. Aries, in change. From Baron Laugier's Collection. d. e. Aries, young. From Baron Laugier's Collection. f. Africa, young. g. India, adult. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. h. Nepal, young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 2. NEOPHRON PILEATUS. The black Neophron. Neophron pileatus G. R. Gray, List Birds, Brit. Mus. i. p. 2. Vultur pileatus Burch. Trav. S. Afr. p. 194. Cathartes monachus Temm.pl. col. 222. Neophron carunculatus A. Smith, South Afr. Quart. Journ, ii. p. 253. Percnopterus niger Less. Tr. d'Ornith. p. 29. a. Western Africa. Presented by I. G. Children, Esq. b. South Africa, male. From the South African Museum. c. South Africa, female. From the South African Museum. d. South Africa, very young. From the South African Mu- seum. 2. GYPOHIERAX. Gypohierax, Rupp. Faun. Abyss, p. 45. (1835.) Racama Gray, G. R. Gray, List Gen. of B. p. 2. (1840.) 1. GYPOHIERAX ANGOLENSIS. The Angola Vulture. Gypohierax angolensis Rupp. Faun. Abyss, p. 45. Falco angolensis Gmel. S.N. i. p. 252. ; Shaw, Lev. Mus. pi. p. 153. Vultur angolensis Lath. Ind. Orn. p. 7. Gypaetus angolensis Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 27. Polyborus? hypoleucus Benn. Proc. Z. S. (1830) p. 13.; Jard. and Selby, III. Orn. S. N. pi. 13. Kacama angolensis, Gray, G. R. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1840) P . i. a. Congo Expedition. Presented by J. Cranch, Esq. b. Niger Expedition. Fernando Po, male. From Mr. Eraser's Collection. FALCONIDJE. Fam. IV. FALCONIDJE. i. AQUILINE. 1. AQUILA. Aquila Mcehr. Av. Gen. p. 49. (1752.) ; Briss. Orn. i. p. 419 (1760.) Aetos Nitzsch, Petrylog. p. 31. (1840.) Onychaetus Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 120. (1844.) Ictinaetus Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. p. 117. (1844.) Uroaetus Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 121. (1844.) Pteroaetus Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 120. (1844.) Hieraetus Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 120. (1844.) Heteropus Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1842) p. 881., Neopus Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Tolmaetus Blyth, Journ. A. S. B. (1845) p. 5. a. AQUILA. 1. AQUILA CHRYSAETOS. The golden Eagle. Aquila chrysaetos Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 341. ; Yarrell, Brit. B. i. p. 11. pi. . ; Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 21. Falco chrysaetos Linn. S. N. i. p. 125. Falco melanaetos Linn. S. N. i. p. 124. Falco fulvus Linn. S. N. i. p. 125. Falco canadensis Linn. S. N. Ed. 10. p. 88. Aquila nobilis Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 338. t. 8. Falco niger Gmel. S. N. i. p. 259. Falco ainericanus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 257. Falco melanonotus Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 16. Aquila fulva Meyer, Tascherib. Deuts. i. p. 14. ; Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 121. ; Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 29. Falco regalis Temm. Man. dOrn. (1815) p. 10. Aquila regia Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 36. Aquila daphaenia Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Aquila melanaetus Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 20. PI. enl. 409, 410. Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 55. fig. 1. ; Brown, Illust. pi. 2. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 6. ; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 81.; Edwards' s Birds, pi. 1.; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip.2. a, b. Orkney. From Mr. Bullock's Museum. B 5 10 ACC1PITRES BIUENl. c. Orkney, young. From Mr. Bullock's Museum. d, e. Chicks. From Mr. Bullock's Museum. f. North America. g. Nepal, male. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. h. North America, adult female ? Presented by the Hud- son's Bay Company. i. India, young. j. Tunis, young. From Mr. Fraser's Collection. k. ? Presented by M. Gen. Hardwicke. I. Trachea. England. m. Skeleton. England. 2. AQUILA MOGILNIK. The imperial Eagle. Aquila mogilnik S. G. Gmel. Nov. Comm. Petrop. xv. p. 445 t. 11. b. . Falco imperialis Bechst. Taschenb. Deuts. iii. p. 55. ; PL col. 151, 152. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 5. ; Gray, III Ind. Zool. ii. pi. 28. Aquila imperialis Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 325. ; Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 22. Aquila heliaca Sav. Descr. de VEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 22. t. 12. ; Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 247. Aquila chrysaetos Leisler, Ann. des Wetter, ii. pi. p. 170.; Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1839) p. 68. Aquila bifasciata Gray (nee Hornsch.), III. Ind. Zool. pi. 1 7. Aquila nipalensis Hodgs. As. Res. xviii. 13. pi. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 13. 17. v. 4. Aquila crassipes v. naevia Hodgs. Gray Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. a d. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e,f. Nepal, young ? Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. f. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. . India. From Mr. Williams's Collection. i. ? Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. j\ k. Sterna, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 3. AQUILA NJEVIA. The rough-footed Eagle. Aquila nsevia Meyer, Taschenb. Deuts. i. p. 19. ; Yarrell, Brit. B. i. p. 10. pi. ; Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 26. ; Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 249. Falco naevius, Gmel. S.N. i. p. 258. Falco maculatus Gmel. 8. N. i. p. 258. Aquila pomarina Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 27. Aquila planga Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p. 1190. Aquila bifasciata Hornsch. FALCONTDJE. 11 Aquila melanaetos Sav. Descr. de TEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 84 Aquila clanga Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 351. Aquila vittata Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Spizaetus fuscus Vieill. N. Diet, a" Hist. Nat. xxxii. p. 60. Sav. Descr. d'Egypte, Hist. Nat. Ois. t. 1. et t. 2. f. 1.; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 8.; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 16. a. North America. b. ? c, d. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. Xanthus. Presented by Sir C. Fellowes. f. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 4. AQUILA N^VIOIDES. The tawny Eagle. Aquila naevioides Cuv. Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 247. Falco naevioi'des Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 326. Falco rapax Temm. pi. col. 455. Aquila choka A. Smith, South Afr. Quart. Journ. i. p. 114* Falco albicans Hupp. Faun. Abyss, t. 13. Falco senegallus Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 326. Aquila fulvescens Gray, III. Ind. Zool. ii. pi. 29. Aquila fusca Gray, III. Ind. Zool. ii. pi. 27. Aquila punctata Gray, HI. Ind. Zool. pi. 16. Aquila Vindhiana Frankl. Proc. Zool. Soc. (1831) p. 11. a, b. Snewberg, Cape of Good Hope. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. c. South Africa. From the South African Museum. d. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. e. Senegal. From Baron Laugier's Collection. f. Abyssinia. Presented by the Hon. E. Ind. Comp. g. India. Presented by Dr. Burns. h. India. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. i. Madras. Presented by Walter Elliott, Esq, j. India. Presented by Dr. Royle. k. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. I. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq, m. Madras. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. 5. AQUILA BONELLH. Bonelli's Eagle. Aquila Bonellii Bonap. Geogr. and Comp. List Birds of Eur. and , N. Amer. p. 2. ; Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 250. Aquila intermedia Bonelli,Mem. de TAcad. Turin. Falco Bonellii Temm. pi. col. 288. Falco ducalis Licht. Nitesch, Petrylog. p. 85. B 6 12 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. Tolmaetus Bonellii Blyth, Journ. A. S. B. (1845) p. 5. Aquila bifasciata Viell. Encyc. Meth. p. 1192. Nisaetus grandis Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1836) p. 230. ; Jerd. Ill Ind. Orn. pi. 1. Nisaetus niveus Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1840) p. 69. ; Aquila nipalensis v. rubriventer Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Gould, B. ofEur. pi. 7. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 14, 20, 21. v. 5. 8. a. Italy. From Mr. Argent's Collection. b. Tangier. Presented by Warren, Esq. c. Tunis, young. From Mr. Fraser's Collection. d. Tunis, adult. From Mr. Fraser's Collection. e. i. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. j. India. Presented by J. K. Reeves, Esq. k. Nepal, young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. I, m. India. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. n. Tunis, young. From Mr. Fraser's Collection. o, q. Sterna, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. UROAETUS. 6. AQUILA AUDAX. The bold Eagle. Aquila audax G. R. Gray, Ann. Nat. Hist. (1842) p. 189. Vultur audax Lath. Ind. Suppl. p. ii. ; Lamb, Icon. ined. i. 43. Aquila fucosa Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) p. 326. t. 3, f. 1. ; Gould, Syn. of B. of. Austr.pt. i\\. p. . pi. Aquila albirostris Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. i. p. 229. Aquila cuneicaudata Brehm, Isis, (1845) p. 356. Aquila (Uroaetus) audax Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog.p. 12.; Temm. pi. col. 32. ; Gould, B. of Austr. pi. a. Australia. Presented by Lady Carrington. b. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. c. d. Male, Van piemen's Land (Antarct. Exp.). Presented by the Admiralty. e. Female, Van piemen's Land (Antarct. Exp.). Presented by the Admiralty. /. Interior of South Australia. Presented by Capt. Sturt. c. PTEROAETUS. 7. AQUILA VULTUBINA. The vulturine Eagle. Aquila vulturina G. R. Gray, List B. Brit. Mus. i. p. 5. FALCONID^I. 18 Falco vulturinus Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 53. Aquila Verreauxii Less. Cent. ZooL t. 38. Gypaetos cafer Temm. Ranz. Elem. di Orn. vii. p. 45.' Falco niger Jameson, New Philosop. Journ. Aquila (Pteroaetus) vulturina Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 120. Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. t. 6. a. Algoa Bay, South Africa. Presented by Messrs. Smith and Co. b. South Africa. From Dr. Smith's Collection. d. HIERAETUS. 8. AQUILA PENNATA. The booted Eagle. Aquila pennata Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) p. 325. ; Bream, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 28. Falco pennatus Gmel. S.N. i. p. 127. Aquila minuta Brehm, Vog. Deuts. 1. p. 29. t. 2. f. 2. Spizaetus milvoi'des Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1839) p. 75. Aquila (Hieraetus) pennata Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 120. PL col. 33. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 9. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 15. v. 6. a, Egypt. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. b, South Africa. From the South African Museum. c, d. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. Madras. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. e. HETEROPVS. 9. AQUILA MALAYENSIS. Reinwardt's Eagle. Faico malayensis Reinw. PL col. 117. Aquila malayensis G. R. Gray, List Birds, Brit. Mus. i. p. 7. Aquila malayana Less. Tr. d 'Orn. p. 39. Aquila (Heteropus) pernigra Hodgs. Journ. A. S.B. (1836) p. 227. (1842.) p. 881. Neopus pernigra Hodgs. Gray, ZooL Misc. (1844) p. 81. Nisaetus? ovivorus Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1841) p. 190. Ictinaetus malayensis Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1844) p. 117. 14 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. Onychaetus malayensis Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vdg. (1 844) p. 120. Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 18. v. 7. a. Indian Archipelago. Presented by Dr. Eoyle. b. Indian Archipelago. From the Leyden Museum. c. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. Indian Archipelago, young. From the Leyden Museum. 2. SPIZAETUS. Spizaetus Vieill Analyse, &c, p. 24. (1816.) Plumipeda Flem. Phil, of Zool ii. p. 234. (1822.) Harpyia Spix, Av. Bras. i. (1824.) Spizastur Less. Compl Buff. vii. p. 88. (1837.) Limnaetus Vigors, Mem. Raffl. App. p. 649. (1830.) Nisaetus Hodgs. Journ. A.S. B. (1836.) p. 227. Lophaetus Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 165. Pterura Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 259. a. SPIZAETUS. 1. SPIZAETUS ORNATUS. The crested Goshawk. Spizaetus ornatus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hisl Nat. xxxii p. 60. ; Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 166. Falco ornatus Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 77. Falco superbus Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 64. Falco coronatus Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 61. pi. 16. Falco Mauduytii Daud. Tr, ffOrn. ii. p. 73. Plumipeda superbus Flem. Phil, of Zool. ii. p. 234. Harpyia braccata Spix, Av. Bras. t. 3.; Azara No. 23. Aquila urutaurana Dum. Diet, des Sci. Nat. i. p. 358. Harpyia ornata Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 208. Levaill Ois. dAfr. t. 26. ; Gal des Ois. t. 21. a, b. Brazil. 2. SPIZAETUS BELLICOSUS. The martial Eagle. Aquila bellicosa Dum. Diet, des Sci. Nat. i. p. 347. Falco bellicosus, Daud. Tr. Orn. ii. p. 38. Falco armiger Shaw, Gen. Zool vii. p. 67. Spizaetus bellicosus Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 167. Levaill Ois. d'Afr. t. 1. ; Smith, III. S. Afr. Zool pi. 42. a. Snewberg, S. Afriea. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. b. Female, South Africa. From the South African Museum, FALCONIDJE. 15 3. SPIZAETUS CORONATUS. The crowned Eagle. Aquila coronata Smith, III. S. Afr. Zool. t. 41. Falco coronatus Linn. S. N. p. i. 124. Falco albescens Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 45. Spizaetus coronatus Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p. 1259. ; Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 167. Edwards" s Birds, pi. 224. ; Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. t. 3. a. South Africa, male. From the South African Museum. b. South Africa, young. From the South African Museum. c. South Africa. From Dr. Smith's Collection. b. SPIZASTUR. 4. SPIZAETUS MELANOLEUCU^S. The black and white Eagle. Butco melanoleucus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. iv. p. 482. Falco atricapillus Cuv. ; Temm. pi. col. 79. ; Gal. des Ois. t. 1 4. Spizastur,' atricapillus Less. Compl. Buff. vii. p. 88. Morphnus (Spizastur) atricapillus Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 259. Spizaetus (Spizastur) atricapillus Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 168. a. South America. C. LOPHAETUS. 5. SPIZAETUS OCCIPITALIS. Tke occipital Eagle. Spizaetus occipitalis Vieitt. Encyc. Meth. p. 1259. Falco occipitalis Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 40. Falco senegalensis Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 41. Morphnus occipitalis Cuv. Reg. An. (1816) i. p. 318. ; Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 259. Harpyia occipitalis Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 208. Spizaetus (Lophaetus) occipitalis Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 165. Ze- vaill Ois. d'Afr. t. 2. a. Snewberg, South Africa. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. b. Port Natal, South Africa. From Mr. Williams's Collection. d. PTERURA. 6. SPIZAETUS TTBANNUS. The tyrant Eagle. Falco tyrannus Pr. Max. Beitr. ii. p. 84. (1831) ; PI. col. 73. Spizaetus (Pterura) tyrannus Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 259. a. South America, Santa Fe de Bogota. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. b. Young. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 16 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. Q. LYMNAETUS. 7. SPIZAETUS CIRRHATUS. The crested Indian Eagle. Spizaetus cirrhatus Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 163 Falco cirrhatus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 274. Falco caligatus Raffl. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 278. Falco lyinnaetus Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 138. ; PL col. 134. Falco niveus Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 149 ? ; Temm.pl. col. 127. Falco cristatellus Temm. PL col. 282. Spizaetus cristatellus, Jard. and Selby, III. Orn. pi. 66. ? Nisaetus pallidus Hodgs. Joum. A. S. B. (1837) p. 361. Nisaetus alboniger Blyth, Madr. Journ. Art. and Sci., xxxi. p. 145. Spizaetus orientalis Temm. and Schl. Faun. Jap. t. 3. Nisaetus nipalensis Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1836) p. 229. pi. 7. Spizaetus lanceolatus Temm. and Schl. Faun. Jap. t. 7. Limnaetus Horsfieldii Vigors, Mem. Raffl. App. p. 649. Limnaetus caligatus Vigors, Mem. Raffl. App. p. 649. Falco ceylonensis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 275. Morphnus (Lymnaetus) caligatus Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 259. Nisaetus pulcher Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1837) p. 361.; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 23, 24. v. 9. App. 3. Hardw. Icon. ined. 10980. 7.; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 22. 25. a, b. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. India. d. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. India. Presented by East India Company. /. India. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. f. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. ,j. Madras. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. k. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. I. India. Presented by M. Gen. T. Hardwicke. m. India. Presented by J. Reeves, Esq. n q. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. r. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 8. SPIZAETUS BORNEONENSIS. The Crested Bornean Eagle, a. Borneo. From Mr. Low's Collection. 3. HERPETOTHERES. Physeta Vieill. Analyse &c., p. 24. (1816) ? ? Herpetotheres Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxiv. p. 102. (1818.) FALCONUXS:. 17 Cachinna Flem. Phil, of ZooL ii. p. 236. (1822.) MacaguaZess. Compl. Buff. (1837.) 1. HERPETOTHERES CACHINNANS. The laughing Falcon. Herpetotheres cachinnans Vieill. Gal. des Ois. t. 19. Cachinna herpetotheres G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Falco cachinnans Linn. S. N. i. p. 128. Astur cachinnans Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) p. i. p. 320. . Circaetus (Herpetotheres) cachinnans Kaup, MILS. Sencherib. (1845) p. 260. Spix, Av. Br. t. 3. ; Azara, No. 15. a. Mexico. From Mr. Argent's Collection. b. British Guiana. Presented by the Royal Geographical Society. 4. CIRCAETUS. Circaetus Vieill. Analyse, p. 23. (1816.) Haematornis Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1831) p. 170. Spilornis G. R. Gray, List. Gen. of B (1840) p. 3. Harpyhaliaetus Lafr. Rev. Zool. (1842) p. 173. a. CIRCAETUS. 1. CIRCAETUS GALLICUS. The Jean le blanc Eagle. Circaetus gallicus Boie, Isis, (1822) p. 549.; Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 122. Falco gallicus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 259. Aquila brachydactyla Meyer, Taschenb. Deuts. i. p. 21. Falco leucopsis Bechst. Naturg. Deut. ii. p. 572. Falco longipes Nils. Faun. Suec. Aquila leucamphomma Borkh. Deut. Orn. Hefl. 9. Aquila pygargus Briss. Orn. i. p. 443. Accipiter hypoleucus Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 354. ? Circaetus leucopsis Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 37, t. iii. f. 2. Circaetus anguium Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 37. PL enl. 413. ? ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 13. a. Montpelier. From Mr. Bonelli's Collection. b. Europe. c. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. India. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. ^ e. Italy, young. From Mr. Argent's Collection. 18 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. /. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. g, h. Madras. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. i. Senegal (variety). From Baron Laugier s Collection. ". Tunis, young. From Mr. Eraser's Collection. 2. CIRCAETUS THORACICTJS. The black-breasted Eagle. Circaetus thoracicus Cuv. Less. Tr. D'Orn. p. 48. ; Kaup, Classif der Saug. und Vog. p. 122. Circaetus pectoralis A. Smith, S. Afr. Quart. Journ. (1831) p. Aquila undulata Licht. ? a. Cape of Good Hope. From Baron Laugier's Collection. b. Snewburg, South Africa. From Mr. Warwick's Collection c. South Africa, young. From the South African Museum. d. South Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. e,f. Port Natal. From Mr. Argent's Collection. g. Port Natal. 3. CIRCAETUS FASCIOLATUS. The banded Falcon. Circaetus fasciolatus G. R. Gray, Kaup, Isis, (1847), p. a. Port Natal. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. b. SPILORNIS. 4. CIRCAETUS BACHA. The Bacha Eagle. Falco bacha Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 43. Falco bibo Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 137. Falco albidus Cuv. PL col. 19. Spilornis bacha G. E. Gray, List. Gen. ofB. (1840) p. 3. Circaetus bacha G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Circaetus (Spilornis) bacha Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 132. Levdill Ois. tfAfr. t. 15. a. Java, male. From Baron Laugier's Collection. b. Java, female. Presented by the Hon. East India Com- pany. d. Java, male. From Mr. Verreaux' Collection. e. Borneo. Presented by J. Brooke, Esq. 5. CIRCAETUS CHEELA. The Cheela Eagle. Falco cheela Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 44. Haematornis undulatus Vigors, Proc. Zool Soc. (1831) p. 170. 19 Circaetus nipalensis Hodgs. As. Res. xviii. p. 20. pi. 2. Circaetus mithilensis Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Circaetus tarayensis Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Circaetus maculatior Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Spilornis undulata G. R. Gray, List, Birds of Brit. Mus. i. p. 10. Circaetus? undulatus Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1839) p. 70. Buteo melanotis Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1841) p. 196. Buteo Bacba Frankl. Proc. Z. S. (1831) p. 114. Circaetus (Spilornis) undulatus Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845.) p. 260. Circaetus (Spilornis) cheela Kaup, Gould, Cent. pi. 1.; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 26, 27, 28, 29. v. 10, 11. a. Himalayan Mountains. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. b. Himalayan Mountains. c j. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. k, 1. Madras. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. m. India. Presented by M. Gen. Hardwicke. n. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 6. CIRCAETUS HOLOSPILUS. The spotted Bacha. Buteo holospilus Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1831) 96. Spilornis holospilus G. R. Gray, List, Birds of Brit. Mus. i. p. 10. Circaetus holospilus G. R. Gray, Gen. of Birds, i. p. Circaetus (Spilornis) holospilus Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 260.; G. R. Gray and Mitch. Gen. of B. pi. 7. a. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. b. Catuguan. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. c. Mindanao, young. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. c. HARPYHALIAETUS. 7. CIRCAETUS CORONATUS. The crowned Eagle. Circaetus coronatus Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 528. Harpyia coronata Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xiv. p. 237. Falco coronatus _ Temm. pi. col. 234. Harpyhaliaetus coronatus Lafr. Rev. Zool. (1842) p. 173. Asturina (Thrasaetus) Azarse Kaup, Isis, (1847; p. 209. a. South America. From M. Verreaux' Collection b. South America. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. 20 ACC1PITRES DIURNI. 5. THRASAETUS. Thrasaetus G. E. Gray, Proc. Z. S. (1837) p. 108. Harpia Vieill. Analyse, p. 24. (1816.) Harpyia Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 317. 1. THRASAETUS HARPYIA. The crested Eagle. Thrasaetus harpyia G. R. Gray, List Gen. ofB. (1840) p. 3. Vultur harpyia Linn. S. N.i.-p. 121. Falco harpyia Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 54. Morphmis Harpyia Cab. Faun. Per. p. 5. Harpyia destructor Cuv. Reg. ^.(1816) i. p. 317; PL col. 14. Falco destructor Daud. Tr. cTOrn. ii. p. 60. Falco imperialis Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 52. pi. 15. Falco calquin Shaw, Gen. Zool, vii. p. 55. Falco regalis Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 56. Falco Jacquini Gmel. S. N. i. p. 251. Falco cristatus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 20. ? Falco caracca Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 64. ? Harpyia ferox Less. Tr. dOrn. p. 50. t. 10. t. 11. f. 1. Harpyia maxima Vieill. Ency. Meth. p. 1249. Gypaetos harpyia Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 27. Gypaetos coronatus Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 28. Asturina (Thrasaetus) harpyia Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 260. a c. British Guiana. From Sir R. Schomburgk's Collection. 6. MORPHMJS. Morphmis Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 318. Morphnius Flem. Phil, of Zool. ii. p. 235. (1822.) Urubitinga Less. Rev. Zool. p. 132. (1839.) Asturina Kaup, Classif. der. Sdug. und Vog. p. 105. (1844.) Rupornis Kaup, (pars.) Jsis, (1847) p. 202. Spizogeranus Kaup, Classif. der. Sdug. und Vog.p. 120. (1844.) Hypomorphnus Cab. Faun. Per. p. 3. (1844.) 1. MORPHNUS GUIANENSIS. The Guiana Goshawk. Morphnus guianensis Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 318. Falco guianensis Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 78. Falco Sonnini Shaw, Gen. Zool. viii. p. 67. Morphnus cristatus Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 51. t. 11. f. 2. Spizaetus variegatus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxxii. p. 33. FALCONLLXS:. 21 Harpyia guianensis Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 208. Asturina (Thrasaetus) guianensis Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 260. Asturina (Morphnus) guianensis Kaup, Isis. (1847) p. 201. a. British Guiana. From Sir R. Schomburgk's Collection, 2. MORPHNUS URUBITINGA. The Brazilian Eagle. Morphnus urubitinga Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 318. Falco urubitinga Gmel. S. N. i. p. 265. Aquila picta Spix, Av. Br. i. i. ? Falco longipes III. Aquila brasiliensis Briss. Orn. i. p. 445. Pandion fulvus Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p. 1200. Spizaetus niger Vieill. N. Diet. ffHist. Nat. xxxii. p. 56. Spizaetus ater Vieill. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxxii. p. 57. Spizaetus maculatus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxxii. p. 58. Harpyia urubitinga Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 208. Hypomorphnus urubitinga Cab. Faun. Per. p. 3. Asturina (Rupornis) urubitinga Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 206. Temm. pi. eel 55. ? ; Azara, No. 17, 18. 20. a. Brazil. b. Cayenae, young. From Mr. Verreaux' Collection. c. West Indies, very old. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. d. South America, young. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collec- tion. 3. MORPHNUS MERIDIONALIS. The rufous-headed Falcon. Falco meridionalis Lath. Ind. Orn. p. 36. Falco rutilans Licht. Cat. Dupl. Berl. Mus. p. 60. ; PL col. 25. Aquila buson Spix, Av. Br. i. p. 6. Circus rufulus Vieill. N. Diet. dHist. Nat. iv. p. 466. Hypomorphnus rutilans Cab. Faun. Per. p. 4. Asturina (Rupornis) meridionalis Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 204.; Azara, No. 11. a. South America. From Baron Laugier's Collection. b, c. South America. d. Mexico. From Mr. Hartweg's Collection. 7. PANDION. Paadion Sav. Descr. de TEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 95. (1809.) Ickthyaetus Lafr. Rev Zool. (1839) p. 196. JPolioaetus Kaup. Isis, (1847) p. 270. 22 ACCIPITRES D1TJRNI. a. PANDION. 1. PANDION HALIAETUS. The Osprey. Pandion haliaetus Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 316.; Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 261. ; Yarrell, Brit. B. i. p. 25. Falco haliaetus Linn. S. N. i. p. 129. Pandion fluvialis Sav. Descr. de TEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 96. Aquila balbuzardus Bum. Diet, des Sci. Nat. i. p. 351. Pandion ichthyaetus Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 122. Pandion alticeps Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 33. Pandion planiceps Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 33. t. 2. f. 3. Accipiter haliaetus Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 355. Pandiou indicus Hodgs. Journ. A. S.B. (1837) p. 366. Falco carolinensis Gmel. S.N. i. p. 371. Falco cayanensis Gmel, S. N. i. p. 16,4. Falco arundinaceus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 263. Falco piscator Briss. Orn. i. p. 361. Aquila piscatrix Vieill. Ois. de I Amer. Septr. t. 4. Pandion americanus Vieill. Gal. des Ois. t. 11.; Swains. Class, of B. ii. p. 207. Aquila (Pandion) haliaeta Rich, and Sw. Faun. Bor. Amer. ii. p. 20. Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 81. ; PL enl. 414. ; Wils. Am. Orn. pi. 37. f. 1. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 31. a. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Lincolnshire. Presented by Hon. C. Pelham. c. d. Europe. From Baron Laugier's Collection. e.g. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. h. North America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. 1. Nootka Sound. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher. C.B. E.K. j. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. k. m. Sterna, Europe. From Mr. Lefevre's Collection. n. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 2. PANDION LEUCOCEPHALTJS. The white-headed Osprey. Pandion leucocephalus Gould, Proc. Zool. (1837) p. 138. ; Syn. B. of Austr. pt. iii. pi. . f . ; B. of Austr. pi. Pandion Gouldii Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 270. a. Port Essington. Presented by Captain W. Chambers, R. N. b. Port Essington. Presented by Dr. Sibbald, R.N. FALCONID^. 23 b. POLIO A ETUS. 3 PANDION ICHTHYAETUS. The marine Eagle. Falco ichthyaetus Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. 136. Haliaetus plumbeus Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1837) p. 367. Ichthyaetus bicolor G. R. Gray, List B. of Brit. Mus. i. p. 12. Ichthyaetus hucarius Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Pontaetus ichthyaetus G. R. Gray, List of Mam. and Birds of Nepal, p. 42. Pandion (Polioaetus) ichthyaetus Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 271. Horsf. Res. Zool. pi. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. v. 12. a. Java. Presented by the Hon. E. Ind. Comp. b. Java. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. c. Nepal, adult. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. Nepal, young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e g. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. h. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 4. PANDION HUMILIS. The small marine Eagle. Pandion humilis Temm. et Mull. Verh. over de Natur. Gesch. de< Nederl. t. 6. Ichthyaetus nanus Blyth. Journ. A. S. B. (1842) p. 202. Pandion (Ichthyaetus) humilis Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und VQg. p. 122. Pandion (Polioaetus) humilis Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 271. a. India. Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq. 8. CUNCUMA. Cuncuma Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1837) p. 367. Pontoaetus Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 122. (1844.) Geranoaetus Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 122. Heteroaetus Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 278. a. CUNCUMA. 1. CUNCUMA MACEI. Mace's Eagle. HaHaetus Macei Cuv. Eeg. An. (1829) i. p. 327. Falco Macei Temm.pl. col. 8. 223. Haliaetus fulviventer Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxxiii. p. 283. 24 ACCIPITEES DIURNI. Haliaetus unicolor Gray, III. Ind. Zool. t. 19. Falco leucoryphos Pall. Reise i. p. 454. ? Haliaetus (Cuncuma) albipes Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1836) p.228. (1837) p. 367. Haliaetus lanceolatus Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Pandion lineatus? Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1840) p. 64. (1841) p. 117. Haliaetus (Pontoaetus) Macei Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 122. Hardw. Icon. ined. 10980. 58, 59. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 34. v. 13. a. Nepal, young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. \ b. Nepal, adult. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. India. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. d. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. /, g. Sterna, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 2. CUNCUMA LEUCOGASTER. The white-bellied Eagle. Falco leucogaster Gmel. S. N. i. p. 257. Falco blagrus Daud. Tr. d'Orn. 11. p. 70. ; Levaill Ois. dAfr. t. 5. Haliaetus blagrus Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 316. Haliaetus leucogaster Gould, Syn. of B. Austr. pt. iii. p. . pi. . f. 1. Haliaetus sphenurus Gould, Proc. Z. S. (1837) p. 138. ; Syn. B. of Austr. pt. iii. p. . pi. . f. 2. Ichthyaetus cultrunguis Blyth, Journ. A. S. B. (1842) p. 110. Falco albicilla var. Lath. ? Haliaetus (Pontoaetus) leucogaster Kaup, Classif. Saug. und Vog. p. 122. PL col. 49. ; Gould, B. of Austr. pi. a. Lucon, Philippine Islands, young male. From Mr. Ver- reaux' Collection. b. Lucon, Philippine Islands, very young male. From Mr. Verreaux' Collection. c. Cape of Good Hope, male adult. From the South African Museum. d. Australia, adult. Presented by Lady Carrington. e. Australia, young. Presented by Lady Carrington. /. Port Essington, male in change. Presented by Captain W. Chambers, R. N. g. Madras. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. FALCONID^E. 25 3. CUNCUMA VOCIFER. The piscivorous Eagle. Haliaetus vocifer Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 316. Falco vocifer Daud. Tr. d 1 Orn. ii. p. 64. Aquila vocifera Dum. Diet, des Sci. Nat. i. p. 355. Haliaetus (Pontoaetus) vocifer Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 122. Levaill Ois. d'Afr. t. 4. a. Buffalo River, South Africa, young male. From Mr. Verreaux' Collection. b. South Africa, female. From Mr. Verreaux' Collection. c. Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, male. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. d. Port Natal, South Africa. From Mr. Williams's Collection. b. GERANOAETUS 4. CUNCUMA MELANOLEUCUS. The black and white Eagle. Spizaetus melanoleucos Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxxii. p. 57. Falco aguia Temm. pi. col. 302. Haliaetus aguia Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 327. Buteo aguia Cab. Faun. Per. p. 4. Spizaetus fuscescens Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxxii. p. 55. Haliaetus (Geranoaetus) aguia Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 122. Haliaetus (Heteroaetus) aguia Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 278. Azara, No. 8, 9. a. East Patagonia. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. b. Chili. From Mr. Brydges' Collection. 9. HALIAETUS. Haliaetus Sav. Deer, de VEgypte, Nat. Hist. i. p. 85. (1809.) 1. HALIAETUS ALBICILLA. The cinereous Eagle. Haliaetus albicilla Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 275.; Yarrett, Brit. B. i. p. 21. ; Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 14. t.iii. f. i. Vultur albicilla Linn. S. N. i.p. 123. Falco ossifraga Linn. S. N. i. p. 124. Falco melamie'tos Linn. S. N. i. p. 124. Aquila ossifraga Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 348. 26 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. Falco albicaudus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 258. Haliaetus nisus Sav. Descr. de lEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 86. Falco hinnularius Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 15. Aquila albicilla Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 345.; Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 207. Haliaetus orientalis Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 15. Haliaetus borealis Brehm, Vog. Dents, i. p. 15. Haliaetus islandicus Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 16. Haliaetus grcenlandicus Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 16. PL enl. 112.415.; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 10.; Kittl. Kupf. Nat. der Vog. t. 2. f. 2. a. Shropshire, male adult. From Mr. Bullock's Museum. b. Shropshire, young female. c. Kent, young. From Col. Montagu's Collection. d. Orkneys, very young. From Mr. Bullock's Museum. 2. HALIAETUS LEUCOCEPHALUS. The bald Eagle. Haliaetus leucocephalus Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 315.; Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 274.; Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 17. Falco leucocephalus Linn. S. N. i. p. 124. Falco pygargus Daud. Tr. d 1 Orn. ii. p. 62. Falco ossifragus Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 55. f. (young.) Aquila leucocephala Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 347. ; Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 207. Haliaetus Washingtonii Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 11. PL enl. 411. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 11. ; Vieill. Ois. de VAmer. Sept. t 3. ; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 31. 126. a. North America, male. Presented by the Earl of Derby. b. North America, male." Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. c. North America, female. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. d. North America. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 10. HELOTARSUS. Helotarsus Smith, S. Afr. Quart. Journ. (1830) p. . Terathopius Less. Tr. tfOrn. p. 46. (1830.) HELOTARSUS ECAUDATUS. The short-tailed Eagle. Helotarsus ecaudatus G R. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1840) p. 3. ; Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 253. FALCONED^. 27 Falco ecaudatus Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 54. Helotarsus typus A. Smith, S. Afr. Quart. Journ. (1830) p. . Lcvaill Ois. d'Afr. t. 7, 8. a. Cape of Good Hope, adult male. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. b. Snewberg, South Africa, young male. From Mr. War- wick's Collection. c. Snewberg, female. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. d. South Africa, very young. From Mr. Warwick's Col- lection. 11. HALIASTUR. Haliastur Selby, List. Gen. and Subg. &c. p. 3. (1840.) Ictinoaetus Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 122. (1844.) Dentiger Hodgs. Gray. Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. 1. HALIASTUR INDUS. The Pondicherry Eagle. Haliastur indus G. R. Gray, List Gen. of B. (1841) p. 4. Falco indus Bodd. Table des PL enl. de D'Auben. p. 25. Falco ponticerianus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 265. Haliastur ponticerianus Selby, List. Gen. and Subgen. &c. p. 3. Haliaetus girrenara Vieill. Gal. des Ois. t. 10. Haliaetus garuda Less. Tr. d 1 Orn. p. 44. Dentiger ponticerianus Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Milvus rotundicaudus Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Haliaetus (Ictinoaetus) ponticerianus Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 122. PL enl. 416. ; Hardw. Icon. ined. 10980. 10, 11. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. 59. v. 14. 16. a. India, adult. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. b. India, young. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. c. Philippine Islands, young. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. d. e. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. \ Nepal, very young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. f. 2. HALIASTUR LEUCOSTERNUS. The white-headed rufous Eagle. Haliastur leucosternus G. R. Gray, List. Birds, Brit. Mus. i. p. 13. Falco ponticerianus Shaw, Nat. Misc. pi. 389. c 2 28 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. Haliaetus leucosternus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soe. (1837) p. 138. ; Syn. of B. of Austr. pt. iii. p. . pi. f. 1. Haliaetus (Ictinoaetus) leucosternon Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 276. ; Gould, B. of Austr. pi. a. Australia. Presented by Lady Carrington. b. Australia. c. d. Port Essington. Presented by J, B. Jukes, Esq. 3. HALIASTUR SPHENURUS. The whistling Hawk. Milvus sphenurus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xx. p. 564. ; Gal. des Ois. t. 15. ; Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 211. Halaetus canorus Vigors and Horsf. Linn. Tr. xv. p. 187. ; Syn. ofB. of Austr, pt. iii. p. .pi. f. 2. Haliastur ? sphenurus Gould, B. of Austr. pi. Haliaetus (Ictinoaetus) canorus Kaup, Isis, (1847.) p. 277. a. Australia. Presented by Lady Carrington. b. South Australia $ . Presented by His Excellency Capt. Grey. c. Port Essington. Presented by Dr. Sibbald, R.N. d. Port Essington. Presented by J. Jukes, Esq. e. Interior of S. Australia. Presented by Capt. Sturt. /. North Eastern Australia. Presented by Sir T. M. Mitchell. ii. POLYBORIN^. 1. IBYCTER. Ibycter Vieill. Analyse &c. p. 22. (1816.) Daptrius Vieill. Analyse &c. p. 22. (1816.) Gymnops, Spix, Av. Bras. i. p. 10. (1824.) IBYCTER AMERTCANUS. The red-throated Falcon. Falco americanus Bodd. Table des PL enl. de D'Auben. p. 25. Falco aquilinus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 280. Falco nudicollis Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 79. Falco formosus Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 38. Ibycter leucogaster Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p. 1183. ; Gal. des Ois. t. 6. Polyborus (Daptrius) nudicollis Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vdg. p. 124. PL enl. 417. FALCONIDJE, '29 a, b. South America. c. South America. From Baron Laugier's Collection. 2. IBYCTER ATER. The black Caracara. Daptrius ater Vieill. N. Diet. tfHist. Nat. xvi. p. 387. Falco aterrimus Temm. pi. col. 37. 342. Ibycter ater Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 209. Ibycter (Daptrius) aterrimus Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 262. ; Gal. des Ois. t. 5. a. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 2. MILVAGO. Milvago Spix, Av. Bras. i. p. 12. (1824.) Senex Gray, (1839.) Phaicobaenus DOrb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. p. 2. (1837.) Parasifalco Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 38. (1837.) Aetotriorchis Kaup, Classif. der Sang und Vog. p. 124. (1844.) a. MILVAGO. 1. MLLVAGO CHIMACHIMA. The Chimachima Falcon. Milvago chimachima G. R. Gray, List. Gen. of B. p. 2. Polyborus chimachima Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. v. p. 259. Milvago ochrocephalus Spix, Av. Bras. t. 5. Polyborus crotophagus Pr. Max. Beilr. iii. p. 162. Falco degener Licht. Cat. Dupl. Berl. Mus. p. 61. Gymnops strigilatus Spix, Av. Bras. t. 4. Polyborus (Milvago) degener Kaup, Classif. der S'dug. und Vog. p. 124. Ibycter (Milvago) chimachima Kaup, Mus. Senckerib. (1845) p. 202. ; Jard. and Sclby, III. Orn. pi. 2. ; Azara No. 6. a. South America, adult. b. South America, young. c. South America. d. Bahia, adult male. From the Sudbury Museum. 2. MILVAGO CHIMANGO. The Chimango Caracara. Milvago chimango G. R. Gray, Voy. of Beagle, Birds, p. 14. Polyborus chimango Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. v. p. 260. c 3 30 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. Aquila pezoporos Meyen, Nov. Act. xvi. t. 6. Polyborus (Milvago) pezoporos Kaup, Classif. der Sang, und Vog. p. 124. Ibycter (Milvago) chimango Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 262. ; Azara No. 5. ; G. R. Gray and Mitch. Gen. of B. pi. 5. a, b. South America ? c. South America, Antarctic Expedition. Presented by the Admiralty. b. PHALCOBMXUS. 3. MILVAGO MEGALOPTERUS. The long-winged Caracara. Milvago megalopterus G. R. Gray, Voy. of Beagle, Birds, p. 21. Aquila megaloptera Meyen, Nov. Act. (1834) t. 8. Phalcobaenus montanus D'Orb. et Lafr. Voy. dans TAmer. Mer. Ois. t. 2. Ibycter (Phalcobaanus) montanus Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 354. a. Chili. Presented by C. Crawley, Esq. b. Cordillera. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. c. Chili. From Mr. Brydges' Collection. c. AETOTRIORCHIS. 4. MILVAGO AUSTRALIS. The southern Caracara. Falco australis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 259. Milvago leucurus G. R. Gray, Voy. of Beagle, Birds, p. 15. Falco leucurus Forst. Icon. ined. 34. Vultur plancus fern. Forst. Descr. An. p. 323. Falco novae zealandise Temm. Circaetus antarcticus Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 49. Falco ambustus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 252. ? Ibycter (Aetotriorchis) australis Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 124. Lath. Syn. i. pi. 4.; PI. col. 192. 224.; Jard. and Selby, 111 Orn. N. S. t. 24. a. South America, male adult. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. b. South America, female adult. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. c. Coast of South America, young. Presented by the Ad- miralty* FALCONHXaE. 31 d. Straits of Magellan, young. Presented by the Admiralty. e. Falkland Islands, young. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Captain Fitzroy, R. N. /. East Falkland, male, Antarctic Expedition. Presented by the Admiralty. g. Falkland Islands, female, Antarctic Expedition. Pre- sented by the Admiralty. h. Falkland Islands, young male, Antarctic Expedition. Presented by the Admiralty. 3. POLYBORUS. Polyborus Vieill. Analyse, &c. p. 22. (1816.) Caracara Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 316. 1. POLYBORUS BRASILIENSIS. The Brazilian Kite. Polyborus brasiliensis Swains. Zool. III. pi. 2. ; Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 349. Falco brasiliensis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 262. Polyborus vulgaris Vieill. N. Diet cTHist. Nat. v. p. 257. Vultur plancus Forst. Descr. An. p. 321. ; Icon. ined. 33. Falco plancus Mill. Cym. Ph. t. 17. Falco cheriway Jacq. Voeg. t. 4. Falco tharus Mol. Chil. p. 234. Azara, No. 4. ; Spix, Av. Br. t. 3. ; Gal. des Ois. t. 7. a. British Guiana, male. Presented by Sir R. Schomburgk. b. Island of Puna, male. Presented by Mr. George Barclay. c. d. Straits of Magellan, female. Presented by the Admi- ralty. e,f. South America, female. g. South America, variety. h. South America, chick. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R. N. i. Hermite Island, male, Antarctic Expedition. Presented by the Admiralty. iii. BUTEONINJE. 1. BUTEO. Buteo Cuv.Anat. Compar. i. Tab. Sec. Cl. des Ois. (17991800.) Buteogallus Less. Tr. cCOrn. p. 83. (1831.) c 4 32 ACCIPITBES DIURNI. Poecilopternis Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 329. Tachytriorchis Kaup, Classif. der Sang, und Vog. p. 123. (1844.) Ichthjoborus Kaup, Mm. Senckenb. (1845) p. 261. Leucopternis Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 210. a. BUTEO. 1. BUTEO VULGARIS. The common Buzzard. Buteo vulgaris Bechst. Taschenb. Deut. i. p. 15.; Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 338.; Yarrell, Brit. B. i. p. 82. pi. Falco buteo Linn. S. N. i. p. 127. Falco glaucopis Merr. Beitr. ii. t. 7. Buteo mutans Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. iv. p. 469. ; Faun. Franc. Ois. t. 8. f. 2. Buteo fasciatus Vieill. N. Diet. ffHist. Nat. iv. p. 474. ; Faun. Franc. Ois. t. 8. f. 1. Falco variegatus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 267. Falco versicolor, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 272. Falco cinereus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 267. Falco obsoletus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 268. Buteo albus Daud. Tr. dOrn.ii. p. 155. Accipiter buteo Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 362. Falco pogana Savi, Orn. Tosc. iii. p. 197. ; Stor. deg. Ucc. t. 38. Buteo septentrionalis Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 42. Buteo medius Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 43. t. 3. f. 3. Buteo murum Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 44. Buteo vulgaris, japonicus Temm. et Schl. Faun. Jap. t. 6. ? PL enl. t. 419. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 14. a. Devonshire, male. b. Devonshire, male. Presented by G-. Leach, Esq. c. Great Britain. d. e. Europe. From M. Baillon's Collection. f. Devonshire, chick. Presented by G. Leach, Esq. g. Europe. h. Sternum, England. i. Sternum, England. Presented by John Ray, Esq. j m. Sterna, Europe. From M. Lefevre's Collection. n. Sternum, Europe. From M. Lefevre's Collection. 2 ? BUTEO TACHABDUS. The African Buzzard. Buteo tachardus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. iv. p. 479. Falco tachardus, Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 164.; Levaill. Ois. d"Afr. 1. 19. FALCONID^. 33 a. South Africa. From Dr. Smith's Collection. b. South Africa. From the South African Museum. 3. BUTEO RUFINUS. The long-legged Buzzard. Buteo rufinus Kaup, Ms, (1847) p. 336. Circus rufinus Hupp. Zool. Atlas, t. 27. Buteo canescens Hodgs. Beng. Sport. Mag. (1836) p. 180. Buteo longipes Jerd. Madr. Journ. Liter, and Sci. (1839) 75. Buteo rufiventer Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci (1841) p. 195. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 10, 11. v. 2. 0, b. Nepal, male adult. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c, d. Nepal, male young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e,f. Nepal, female. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. g. Nepal, male very young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. hj. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. k, I. Himalayan Mountains. Presented by J. Reeves, Esq. m. Madras. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. n, o. Sterna, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 4. BUTEO JACKAL. The Jackal Falcon. Buteo jackal Cm. Reg. An. (1817) p. 324 ; Vieill N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. iv. p. 473. ; Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vdg. p. 123. Falco jackal Daud. Tr. dOrn. ii. p. 161. ; Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. t. 16. a, b. Cape of Good Hope . Presented by M. Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. Cape of Good Hope, young. d, e. South Africa, in change. From Mr. Verreaux' Col- lection. f. Swarte Land, South Africa, chick. From Mr. Ver- reaux' Collection. g. South Africa. From Mr. Verreaux' Collection. 5. BUTEO AUGUR. The North African Buzzard. Buteo augur Hupp. Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 261. Falco augur Riipp. Faun. Abyss, t. 16. Falco hydrophilus Riipp. Faun. Abyss, t. 17. a. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. b. Shoa, N. E. Africa. Presented by the Hon. E. Ind. Comp. c. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. c 5 34 ACCIPITRES BIUBNI. 6. BUTEO PLUMIPES. The half-booted Buzzard. Buteo plumipes Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. (1845) p. 37. Circus plumipes Hodgs. Sport. Mag. JBeng. (1836) p. 182. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 8. 28. a. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. PCECILOPTERNIS. 7. BUTEO BOREALIS. The American Buzzard. Buteo borealis Vieill. N. Diet d'Hist. Nat. iv. p. 478. ; Kaup, Mm. Senckenb. (1845) p. 261 . Falco borealis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 266. Falco Leverianus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 266. Falco ferrugineocauda Vieill. Ois. de VAmer. Septr. t. 6. Buteo americanus Vieill. N. Diet. tfHist. Nat. iv. p. 477. Falco jamaicensis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 266. Buteo fulvus Vieill N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. iv. p. 472. Accipiter ruficaudus Vieill. Ois. d'Amer. t. 14. bis. Buteo vulgaris Richard, and Swains. Faun. Bar. Amer. Birds, pi. 27. ; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 372. Buteo Swainsoni Bonap. Comp. List ofEur. and Amer. B. p. 2. Buteo montana Nutt. Man. of Ornith. i. p. 112. Buteo ventralis Gould, Proc. Z. S. (1837) p. 10. Falco Harlani Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 86. Buteo (Poecilopternis) borealis Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 332. Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 52. f. 1. (adult) et pi. 52. f. 2. (young) ; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 51. a. Northern Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir John Franklin, R.N. b. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. c-f. Delaware, N. America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. f. California. Presented by Mr. G. Barclay. . San Francesco, California. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B., R.N. i. St. Nevis, West Indies. Presented by W. Cottle, Esq. j. Jamaica. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. k. Mexico, adult. From Mr. Argent's Collection. I. Quebec. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. m. ? ? n. North America. Presented by J. Audubon, Esq. FALCON1DJE. 35 8. BUTEO LINEATUS. The barred-breasted Buzzard. Buteo lineatus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. iv. p. 478.; Kaup, Mas. Senckenb. (1845) p. 261. Falco lineatus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 268. ; Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 53. f. 3. Falco hyemalis Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 35. f. 1. Circus hyemalis Bonap. Syn. JB. of U. States^ p. 32. Falco buteoides Nutt. Buteo (Pcecilopternis) lineatus Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 330. Vieill. Ois. de I 1 Amer. Sept. t. 5. ; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 56. a, b. Delaware, North America. Presented by Edward Doubleday, Esq. c. California. Presented by Mr. G. Barclay. 9. BUTEO PENNSYLVANICUS. The broad-winged Falcon. Buteo pennsylvanicus Bonap. Syn. of B. of U. States, App. p. 434. Falco pennsylvanicus Wils. Am. Orn. t. 54. f. 1. Falco latissiinus Ord. Sparvius platypterus Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p. 1273. Falco Wilsoni Bonap., Buteo (Pcecilopternis) Wilsonii Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 330. Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 91. a. Quebec, nearly adult. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. b. Quebec, young. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. c. Poland, Ohio. Presented by Prof. J. P. Kirtland. d. Caraccas. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. c. TACHYTRIORCHIS. 10. BUTEO ERYTHRONOTUS. The red-backed Buzzard. Buteo erythronotus G. ~R. Gray, Voy. of Beagle, Birds, p. 26. Haliaetus erythronotus King, Zool Journ. iii. p. 424. Buteo tricolor U Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. p. 6. ; Voy. de fAmer. Mer. t. 3. f. 1, 2. Buteo varius Gould, Proc. Z. S. (1837) p. 10. Falco polysoma Quoy et Gaim. Voy. de TUranie, Ois. 1. 14. ? Aquila braccata Mey. Nov. Act. &c. (1833) t. 8. ? Buteo unicolor D' Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. p. 7. Buteo (Tachytriorchis) pterocles (pars) Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 261. Buteo (Poecilopternis) erythronotus Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 331. a. Straits of Magellan, male. Presented by the Admiralty. c 6 36 ACCIPITRE8 DIUBNI. b. Falkland Islands, middle-aged female. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R. N. c. Straits of Magellan, young female. Presented by the Ad- miralty. d. Falkland Islands, adult female, Antarctic Expedition. From Mr. Argent's Collection. e. East Falkland, male, Antarctic Expedition. Presented by the Admiralty. /. Falkland Islands, female, Antarctic Expedition. Pre- sented by the Admiralty. g. Cordillera, adult. From Mr. Brydges' Collection. Falkland Islands, male, Antarctic Expedition. Presented by the Admiralty. h. Berkeley Sound, Falklands Islands. Presented by the Ad- miralty. i. Port Louis. Presented by the Admiralty. j. Caraccas. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 11. BUTEO PTEROCLES. The banded-sided Hawk. Buteo pterocles Cuv. Reg. Ann. (1829) i. p. 337. Falco pterocles Temm. pi. col. 56. 139. Buteo (Tachytriorchis) pterocles Kaup, Classif. der Sang, und Vog. p. 123. Buteo aIbieaudatusFu?t#. N. Diet. cTHist. Nat- iv. p. 473. Buteo nigricollis Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. iv. p 477. Spizaetus leucurus Vieill. N. Diet, a* Hist. Nat. xxxii. p. 58. ; Azara, No. 10. Buteo albicauda Less. Tr. d'Orn. i. p. 81. 1. 15. f.2. ? a, b. South America. c. South America. Presented by M. Gen. T. Hardwicke. 12. BUTEO ALBONOTATUS. The white-spotted Buzzard. Buteo albonotatus G. R. Gray, List Birds, Brit. Mus. i. p. 17. Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 399. note. a. Mexico. Presented by John Taylor, Esq. 13. BUTEO LEUCOPS. The white-faced Buzzard. Buteo leucops G. R. Gray, Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. . a. Galapagos Archipelago. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R. N. FALCONIDJE. 37 d. BUTEOGALLUS. 14. BUTEO JEQUINOCTIALIS. The equinoctial Eagle. Falco aequinoctialis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 265. Falco buson Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 168. Buteogallus cathartoides Less. Tr. (TOrn. p. 83. Aquila urubutinga Spix, Av. Bras. t. 1. 1 ? Buteo (Buteogallus) buson Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. et Vog. p. 123. Buteo (Ichthyoborus) aequinoctialis (pars) Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 333. Azara, No. 14.; Levaill. Ois. dAfr. t.21. a. South America, adult. b. British Guiana, young. Presented by the Royal Geo- graphical Society. 15. BUTEO NIGRICOLLIS. The Pamena Eagle. Buteo nigricollis G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. p. (sp. 13.) Falco nigricollis, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 35. Aquila milvoi'des Spix, Av. Bras. 1. 1. d. Falco busarellus, Daud. Tr. a" Orn. ii. p. 168. Buteo busarellus D'Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. p. 6. Falco melanobronchos Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 167. Circus leucocephalus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. iv. p. 465. Buteo (Ichthyoborus) busarellus Kaup, Mus. Senchenb. (1845) p. 261. Buteo (Ichthyoborus) aequinoctialis (pars) Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 333. Azara, No. 13. ; Levaill. Ois. dAfr. t. 20. a. Brazil. Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq. b. Brazil. Presented by M. Gen. T. Hardwicke e. LEUCOPTERNIS. 16. BUTEO MELANOPS. The Streaked Falcon. Buteo melanops G. R. Gray, List of Birds, Brit. Mus. i. p. 17. Falco melanops Lath. Ind. Orn i. p. 37. Asturina (Leucopternis) melanops Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 210. PL col. 105. a, b. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. c. South America. 38 ACCIPITRES DIUENI. 17. BUTEO ALBICOLLIS. The white-necked Falcon. Buteo albicollis G. R. Gray, List Birds, Brit. Mm. p. 17. Falco albicollis Lath. Ind. Orn. p. 36. Falco picatus Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 167. Asturina (Leucopternis) albicollis Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 210. a. South America, young. From Mr. Turner's Collection. 18. BUTEO SCOTOPTERUS. The Brazilian Buzzard. Falco lacernulatus Temm. pi. col. 437. Falco scotopterus Pr. Max. Beitr. ii. p. 204. (1831.) Asturina (Leucopternis) scotopterus Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 211. a. Bogota. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. b. Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothsay. 19. BUTEO POLIONOTUS. The grey-backed Buzzard. Buteo polionotus G. R. Gray, List Birds, Brit. Mus. p. 17. ; Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 212. Buteo melanotus Vieitt. N. Diet, a" Hist. Nat. iv. p. 472. ? a. South America. b. South America. From Dr. Smith's Collection. c. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 2. ARCHIBUTEO. Archibuteo Brehm, Isis, (1828) p. 1269. Triorchis Kaup, Naturl. Syst Eur. Thier. p. 84. (1829.) Butaetes Less. Tr. dOrn. p. 83. (1831.) Butaquila Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. 1. ARCHIBUTEO LAGOPUS. The rough-legged Falcon. Archibuteo lagopus G. R. Gray, List Gen. of Birds, p. 3. ; Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 123. Falco lagopus Briln. Orn. Bor. p. 4. Falco plumipes Daud. Tr. a" Orn. ii. p. 163. Falco sclavonicus Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 26. Falco pennatus Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 323. Archibuteo planiceps Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 40. Archibuteo alticeps Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 40. t. iv. f. 2. FALCONID^E. O \ccipiter lagopus Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 360. t. x. Sutaetes buteo Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 83. Butaetes Lessonii A. Smith. Buteo lagopus Yarrell, Brit. B. i. p. 87. Levaill. Ois d'Afr. t. 18. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 15. a. Norfolk, female. b. Kent, female. Presented by Dr. Latham. c. Great Britain. d. Epping, male. Presented by H. Doubleday, Esq. e. Epping, female. Presented by H. Doubleday, Esq. /. Port Natal. From Dr. Smith's Collection. 2. ARCHIBUTEO SANCTI JOHANNIS. The St. John's Eagle. Archibuteo Sancti Johannis G. R. Gray, List Birds, Brit^ Mus. i. p. 19. ; Kaup. Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 123. Falco Sancti Johannis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 273. Falco niger Wils. Amer. Orn. t. 53. f. 1. (adult.) f. 2. (young,) Falco lagopus Wils. Amer. Orn. t. 33. f. 1. (young.) Buteo ater Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. iv. p. 482. Falco spadiceus Forst. Phil. Trans. Ixii. 383. Falco novae terras Gmel. S. N. i. p. 274. ; Arct. Zool. ii. pi. 9. ; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 166. 422. ; Rich. Faun. Bor. Amer. pi. 28. a. Delaware, North America. Presented by Edward Dou- bleday, Esq. 3. ARCHIBUTEO FERRUGINEUS. The cacique Buzzard, Falco (Buteo) ferrugineus Licht. Berl Trans. (1832) p. 428. Archibuteo regalis G. R. Gray, List Birds, Brit. Mus. i. p. 19. ; G. R. Gray and Mitch. Gen. of Birds, pi. 6. ; Kaup, Mus. Sen- ckenb. (1845) p. 261. Lagopus ferrugineus Fraser, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1844) p. 37. Buteo (Archibuteo) Sancti Johannis Kaup, Isis (1847) p. 327. a. Real del Monte, Mexico. Presented by John Phillips, Esq. 4. ARCHIBUTEO STROPHIATUS. The white-breasted Buzzard. Archibuteo strophiatus G. R. Gray, List An. and Birds of Nepal, &c., p. 39. " Falco asiaticus Lath. Ind. Orn. p. 14." Blyth. Aquila strophiata Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. (young.) Butaquila leucocephala Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. (adult.) 40 ACCIPITRES DITJRNI. Buteo leucocephalus Hodgs. Proc. Zool Soc. (1845) p. 37, Buteo aquilinus Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1845) p. 176. Falco hemilasius Temm. and Schl. Faun. Japon. t. 7. ? Buteo (Archibuteo) strophiatus, Kaup, Isis, (1 847) p. 328. Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 12. 19. v. 3. a. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. v. 1. BAZA. .Baza Hodgs. Journ. A. S.B. (1836) p. 777. Lophotes Less. Tr. cCOrn. i. p. 96. (1831.) Lepidogenys Gray. (1839.) Hyptiopus Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1841) p. 27. Lophastur Blyth, Journ. A. S. B. (1842) p. 463. Aviceda Swains. B. of W. Afr. i. p. 104. (1837.) a. AVICEDA. 1. BAZA cucuLoiDEs. The African Baza. Aviceda cuculoi'des Swains. B. of W. Afr. i. p. 104. pi. 1. Aviceda Verreauxii Lafr. Rev. Zool. (1846) p. 130. ? Aviceda buteoides Lafr. Rev. Zool. (1846) p. 133.? a. Port Natal. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. b. BAZA. 2. BAZA LOPHOTES. The Cohy Falcon. Baza lophotes G. R. Gray, List. Gen. of B. (1840) p. 4. Falco lophotes Cuv. Temm.pl. col. 10. Falco Lathami Gray, in Griff. An. Kingd. i. p. 30. Lepidogenys Lathami Gray. Buteo cristatus VieilL Encyc. Meth. p. 1221. Lophotes indicus Less. Tr. d*Orn. p. 96. Baza syama Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1836) p. 777. Pernis (Hyptiopus) lophotes Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 123. Hardw. Icon. ined. 10980. 15. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 54. FALCONID^. 41 a. Malacca. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. b d Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 3. BAZA SUBCRISTATA. The small-crested Baza. Baza subcristata G. R. Gray, List Birds, Brit. Mus. p. 19. Lepidogenys subcristatus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1837) p. 140. Syn. B. of Austr. pt. iii. p. .pi. . ; B. of Austr. pi. Pernis (Hyptiopus) subcristatus Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 343. . f a. Australia. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 4. BAZA MAGNIROSTRIS. The large-billed Baza. Baza inagnirostris G. R. Gray, List Birds, Brit. Mus. p. 19. Pernis (Hyptiopus) magnirostris Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 343. a, b. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 2. PERNIS. Pernis, Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 322. 1. PERNIS APIVORUS. The honey Buzzard. Pernis apivorus Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 323.',Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 123. ; Yarrell, Brit. Birds, i. p. 91. Falco apivorus Linn. S. N. i. p. 130. Falco poliorhynchos Bechst. Taschenb. Deuts. i. p. 19. Falco dubius Sparr, Mus. Carls, t. 26. Falco incertus Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 32. Accipiter lacertarius Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 359. Pernis apium Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 46. Pernis vesparum Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 47. t. iv. f. 3. Buteo apivorus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. iv. p. 479. PL enl. 420. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 16.; Jard. and Selby, III. Orn.N.S.pl.1. a. Yorkshire, female. b. Great Britain, male. c. Cornwall, female. d. Madagascar. From Dr. Smith's Collection. e. Sternum, Europe. From M. Lefevre's Collection. 42 ACCIPITRES DITJRNI. 2. PERNIS CRISTATA. The crested honey Buzzard. Pernis cristata Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 335. t. 3. f. 4. -, Kaup, Mm. Senckenb. (1845) p. 262. Falco ptilorhynchus Temm. pi. col. 44. Pernis Elliottii Jameson, New Philosop. Journ. Pernis maculosa Less. Voy. de Belang. Zool. i. p. 223. Pernis bharatensis, v. apivorus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 55.; Less. Tr. d'Orn. 1. 15. f. 1. a. India, in change ? b. Himalayan Mountains. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. c. d. Madras, very young. Presented by W. Elliott, Esq. ofWolflee. e,f. Nepal, adult. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. g i. Nepal, young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. j. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. k. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. I. Madras. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. m. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 3. MILVUS. Milvus, Cuv. Anat. Compar. i. Tab. Sec. Cl. des Ois. (17991800.) Hydroictinia, Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vdg. p. 115. (1844.) a. MILVUS. 1. MILVUS REGALIS. The Kite. Milvus regalis Briss. Orn. i. p. 414. t. 33. ; Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vdg. p. 114. ; Brehm, Vdg. Deuts. i. p. 49. Falco milvus Linn. S. N. i. p. 136. Falco austriacus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 262. Accipiter korschun S. G. Gmel. N. C. Petr. xv. p. 444. t. 11. a. Milvus ictinus Savig. Descr. de TEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 88. Milvus castaneus Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 146. Milvus russicus Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 188. Milvus jaicensis Lepech. Iter. ii. p. 180. t. 2. Accipiter regalis Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 358. Milvus vulgaris Flem. Brit. An. p. 51. ; Yarrell, Brit. Birds, i. p. 71. Milvus ruber Brehm, Vdg. Deuts. i. p. 50 PI. enl. 422. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 28, FALCONID^E. 43 a. Carmarthenshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. France. From Baron Laugier's Collection. c. Sternum, England. Presented by John Ray, Esq. d. Sternum, Europe. From M. Lefevre's Collection. b. HYDROICTINIA. 2. MILVUS GOVINDA. The Govinda Kite. Milvus govinda Sykes, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1832) p. 81. Falco cheela (Lath.) Modern Authors. Milvus cheele Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1839) p. 71. Milvus melanotis Temm. and SchL Faun. Japon. t. 5. Haliaetus lineatus Gray, III. Ind. Zool. pi. 18. Milvus indicus v. cheela, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Milvus (Hydroictinia) govinda Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 119. Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 58. v. 19. a. Gangoutra, Himalayan Mountains. b. India. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. cf. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. g. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. h. Japan. From the Leyden Museum. i. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 3. MILVUS NIGEE. The black Kite. Milvus niger Briss. Orn. i. p. 413. Milvus ater Daud. Tr. a" Orn. ii. p. 149. ; Brehm, Vdg. Deuts. i. p.51. Falco ater Gmel. S. N. i. p. 262. Milvus setolius Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p, 1203. Accipiter milvus Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 356. Falco cinereo-ferrugineus Forst. Faun. Arab. vi. p. 1. ? Falco migrans Bodd. Table des PL enl. de D'Auben. p. 28. Milvus fuscus Brehm, Vdg. Deuts. i. p. 53. t. iv. f. 1. Falco fusco-ater Meyer, Taschenb. Deuts. i. p. 27. Milvus (Hydroictinia) ater Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vdg. p. 115. PL enl. 472. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 29. a. Sweden. From Baron Laugier's Collection. 4. MILVUS AFFINIS. The Australian Kite. Milvus affinis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1837) p. 140. Milvus (Hydroictinia) affinis Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 118. Gould, B. ofAustr. pi. . 44 ACCIPITEES DIURNI. a, b. Australia. Presented by Lady Carrington. c. Australia. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. df. Interior of South Australia. Presented by Capt. Sturt. g. North Eastern Australia. Presented by Sir T. Mitchell. 5. MILVTJS ^EGYPTIUS. The Arabian Kite. Falco aegyptius Gmel. S. N. i p. 261. Falco Forskalii Gmel. S. N. i. p. 263. Falco parasitus Daud. Tr. dOrn. 11. p. 150. Falco parasiticus Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. v. Milvus (Hydroi'ctinia) parasiticus Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. ; Levaill. Ois. dAfr. t. 22. ; Hist, de TEgypte, Ois. i. 3. f. 1. a, b. Egypt. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. c. South Africa. From the South African Museum. d. Shoa. Presented by the Hon. East Ind. Comp. e. South Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. 4. ELANOIDES. Elanoi'des Vieill N. Diet. d'Hist Nat. xxvi. p. 101. (1818.) Nauclerus Vigors, Zool. Journ. (1825) p. 386. Chelidopteryx Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 112. (1844.) a. ELANOIDES. 1. ELANOIDES FURCATUS. The swallow-tailed Falcon. Elanoi'des furcatus Vieill. Encyc. Mefh. p. 1204. Elano'ides yetapa Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p. 1205. Nauclerus furcatus Vigors, Zool. Journ. (1825) p. 387. ; Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 258.; Yarrell, Brit. Birds, i. p. 77. Falco furcatus Linn. S. N. i. p. 129. Milvus carolinensis Briss. Orn. i. p. 418. Catesby, Car. t. 4.; Wils. Amer. Orn, pi. 51. f. 3.; Azara No. 38. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 30. a, b. Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothsay. c. South America. From Baron Laugier's Collection. b. CHELIDOPTERYX. 2. ELANOIDES RIOCOURI. The Riocour's Falcon. Elano'ides Riocouri Vieill. Gal. des Ois. i. t. 16. Nauclerus Riocouri Vigors, Zool. Journ. (1825) p. 386 FALCONIDJE. 45 Nauclerus (Chelldopteryx) Riocourii Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 112. TemmpL col. 85. a, b. Africa. Presented by Col. Sabine, R.A. 5. ELANUS. Elanus Sav. Descr. de VEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 97. (1809.) 1. ELANUS MELANOPTERUS. The black-winged Falcon. Elanus melanopterus Leach, Zool. Misc. pi. 122. ; Kaup, Classif, der Sang, und Vog. p. 114. Falco melanopterus Daud. Tr. d*Orn. ii. p. 152. Elanus caesius Sav. Descr. de VEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 98. 262. t. 2. f. 2. Falco sonninensis Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. xii. ? Falco vociferus Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 46.? Buteo vociferus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. iv. p. 472. Elanoi'des caesius Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p. 1206. Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. t. 36, 37.; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 31; Hardw. Icon. ined. 10980. 12, 13, 14. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 56, 57. a, b. Egypt. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. c. Egypt. Presented by John Bowring, Esq. d. Gambia, young. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. e. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. f. India. Presented by J. Inskipp, Esq. g. h. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. i. South Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. j. Elephant's River, very young. From Mr. Verreaux* Collection. k. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 2. ELANUS AXILLARIS. The axillary Falcon. Elanus axillaris G. R. Gray, List Birds, Brit. MILS. i. p. 22. ; Kaup, Classif. der Sang, und Vog. p. 114. Falco axillaris Lath. Ind. Suppl. p. ix. Elanus melanopterus Vig. and Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 185. Elanus notatus Gould, Proc. Z. S. (1837) p. 141. ; B. of Austr. pi. Circus axillaris Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. iv. p. 453. 46 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. a. Australia, young. Presented by Lady Carrington. b. South Australia, adult. Presented by his Excellency Capt. G. Grey. 3. ELANUS SCRIPTUS. The letter-winged Falcon. Elanus scriptus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1842) p. 80.; B. of Aust.pl.', Kaup,Isis, (1847) p. 112. a c. Interior of South Australia. Presented by Capt. Sturt. 4. ELANUS LEUCURUS. The white-tailed Hawk. Elanus leucurus G. R. Gray, List Birds, Brit. Mus. i. p. 22.; Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 258. Milvus leucurus Vieill N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xx. p. 563. Falco dispar Temm.pl. col. 319. Falco melanopterus Bonap. Amer. Orn. pi. 2. f. 1. Elanus dispar Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 114. Elanoi'des leucurus Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p. 1205. ; Azara, No. 36. a. Bahia, adult. From the Sudbury Museum. 6. GAMPSONYX. Gampsonyx Vigors, Zool. Journ. (1825) p. 69. 1. GAMPSONYX SWAINSONI. Falcon-like Hawk. Gampsonyx Swainsoni Vigors, Zool. Journ. (1825) p. 69. Elanus torquatus Cuv. Less. Tr. dOrn. p. 72. Falco rufifrons Pr. Max. Beitr. ii. p. 123. (1831.) Nertus rufifrons Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 314. Elanus (Gampsonyx) Swainsoni Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 258. G. RMray and Mitch. Gen. of B. pi. 9. a. Brazil. Presented by M. Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. Brazil. 7. ROSTRHAMUS. Rostrhamus Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 55. (1831.) FALCONIIXaE. 47 1. ROSTBHAMUS SOCIABILIS. The hook-billed Falcon. Herpetotheres sociabilis Vieill. N. Diet d'Hist. Nat. xviii. p. 318. Rostrhamus sociabilis U Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. p. 3. ; Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 352. Rostrhamus hamatus G. R. Gray, List Gen. of Birds, i. p. 6. Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 124. Falco hamatus III. Temm. pi. col. 61. 231. Pr. Max. Beitr. ii. p. 182. (1831.) Buteo hamatus Vieill. Ency. Meth. p. 1223. Falco leucopygus Spix, Av. Bras. t. 2. Rostrhamus niger Less. Tr. dOrn. p. 56. Mag. de Zool, (1835) ; Ois. t. 20. ; Azara ISTo. 16. a. South America, male in change. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. b. South America, young. From Mr. Leadbeater's Col- lection. c. South America, young. Presented by Sir R. Schom- burgk. d. Young, . From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 8. CYMINDIS. Cymindis Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 319. . Leptodon Sundev. Vet. Acad. Handl. p. . (1836.) Odontriorchis Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 124. (1844.) Regerhinus Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 262. a. CYMINDIS. 1. CYMINDIS CAYANENSIS. The Cayenne Falcon. Cymindis cayanensis Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 319. Falco cayanensis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 264. ; PI. enl. 473. Asturina cyanopus Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p, 1261. Falco palliatus Pr. Max. Beitr. ii. p. 148. (1831) ; PL col. 204. Cymindis buteonides Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 55. Sparvius monachus Vieill. N. Diet. dHist. Nat. x. p. 341. Sparvius cinereus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. x. p. 327. Sparvius bicolor Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hisl. Nat. x. p. 325. Sparvius griseus Vieill. Ency. Meth. p. 1267. Cymindis (Odontriorchis) cayanensis Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 124. 48 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. Pernis (Odontriorchis) cayanensis Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 262. PL enl 473. ; Spix, Av. Br. t. 8 C . (adult.) ; PL col 270. (young.); Mag. de'Zool. (1835), Ois. t. 22. a. Soutli America, adult. From Mr. Leadbeater's Col- lection. b. Para. Presented by R. Graham, Esq. c. ?. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. b. REGERHINUS. 2. CYMINDIS UNCINATUS. The crook-billed Falcon. Cymindis uncinatus Cuv. Keg. An. (1829) p. 331. ; Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 124. Falco uncinatus Illig. Temm.pl. col 103, 104. 115. Falco vitticaudus Pr. Max. Beitr, ii. p. 72. (1831.) Cymindis cuculoides Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 209. Pernis (Regerhinus) uncinatus Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 262. Mag. de Zool (1835) ; Ois. t. 21. a. South America, male in change. Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq. b. South America. Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq. c. d. South America. e. South America. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. /. Para. Presented by R Graham, Esq. 9. ICTINIA. Ictinia Vieill. Analyse, p. 24. (1816.) Nertus Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 314. Pcecilopteryx Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 112. (1844.) a. ICTINIA. 2. ICTINIA MISSISSIPPENSIS. The Mississippi Kite. Ictinia mississippensis Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 112. Falco mississippensis Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 25. f. 1. Ictinia ophiophaga Vieill. N. Diet. dHist. Nat. xvi. p. 108. ; Gal. des Ois. t. 17. 49 Nertus mississippensis Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 314. a. ? From Mr. Warwick's Collection. b. POECILOPTERYX. 2. ICTINIA PLUMBEA. The spotted-tailed Hobby. ictinia plumbea Vieill. N. Diet, de VHist. Nat. xvi. p. 76. Falco plumbea Gmel. S. N. i. p. 283. Milvus cenchris Vieill. Ois. de VAmer. Sept. t. 10. bis. Nertus plumbeus Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 314. Ictinia (Pcecilopteryx) plumbea Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 112. Spix, Av. Br.t.S. (adult); PL col 180. (young); Azara, No. 37. a. South America, female. b. North America, male. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. v. FALCONING. 1. FALCO. Falco Linn. Syst Nat. (1735.) Rhynchodon Nitsch, Pterylogr. p. 78. (1840.) Heirofalco Cuv. Reg. An. (1816) i. p. 312. Gennaia Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 69. a. HIEROFALCO. 1. FAXCO GYRFALCO. The Jerfalcon. Falco (Heirofalco) candicans Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 110. Falco (Heirofalco) gyrfalco Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 258. Falco (Heirofalco) islandicus Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 76. Falco gyrfalco Linn. S. N. i. p. 130. ; Yarrell, Brit. Birds, p. 31. Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 324. t. 3. Falco islandicus Brun. Faun. Grcenl. No. 8. Falco sacer Gmel. S. N. i. p. 275. Buteo cinereus Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 156. Falco fuscus Brim. Faun. Grcenl. p. 50. ? Falco candicans Gmel. S. N. i. p. 275. Falco grcenlandicus Hanc. Ann. Nat. Hist. (1839) p. 249. 50 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. Heirofalco candicans Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) p. 312. Heirofalco islandicus Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 55. Hierofalco grcenlandicus Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 56- t. v. f. 1. PL enl 210. 446. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. a. Iceland. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. b. Iceland, young. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. c. Great Britain ? d. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Comp. e. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. 2. FALCO SUBNIGER. The black Falcon. Falco subniger G. R. Gray, Ann. Nat. Hist. (1843) p. 371. ; G. R. Gray and Mitch. Gen. of Birds, pi. 8. Falco (Heirofalco) subniger Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 76. Gould, B. of Austr. pi. a. Australia. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 3. FALCO PEREGRINATOR. The Sultan Falcon. Falco peregrinator Sundev. Physiogr. Sellshapets Tidsk. (1837, 1838) ; Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 74. Falco shaheen Jerd. Madr. Journ, Liter, and Sci, (1839) p. 81.; III. Ind. Orn. pi. 12. Falco sultaneus Hodg. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Falco rhombeus Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 35. ? Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 5. 38. v. 18. a. Nepal, male. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b, c. Nepal, female. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. Nepal, young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e i. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 4. FALCO PEREGRINUS. The peregrine Falcon. Falco peregrinus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 272. ; Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 110. ; Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i, p. 63. ; Yarrell, Brit. Birds, i. p. 37.; Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1839) p. 79.; Pall. Zool. i. p. 327. t. 3, 4. Falco abietinus Bechst. Naturg. Deuts. ii. p. 759. Falco barbarus Linn. S. N. i. p. 125. Falco communis Briss. Orn. i. p. 321. Falco orientalis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 264. ? ; Ellis, Icon. Ined. 7. Falco puniceus Levaill. Explor. Sci. de V Algerie Ois. t. ? Falco peregrinus Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Falco micrurus Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. FALCONID^E. 51 Falco calidus Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 41. Falco cornicum Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 62. t. v. f. 2. PL enl 430. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 21. ; Hardw. Icon. ined. 10980. 16.; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 39, 40. ff, b. Devonshire, male. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c, d. Devonshire, female. From Col. Montagu's Collection. e. Bickham, Devon, male. /. Great Britain, female. g. ? ? h. Nepal, male. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. i. Nepal, female. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. / ? k m. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. n. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. o. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. p. Madras. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. q. Nepal, young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. r. Sternum, England. s. Sternum, England. Presented by T. Ingall, Esq. t. Sternum, England. Presented by John Ray, Esq. u x. Sterna, Europe. From M. Lefevre's Collection. y, z. Sterna, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 5.? FALCO MELANOGENYS. The black-cheeked Falcon. Falco melanogenys Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1837) p. 139.; Syn. B. of Austr. pt. iii. pi. f. 2. ; B. of Austr. pi. . ; Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 75. Falco peregrinus Vig. and Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 183.; Brehm, Isis, (1845) p. 356. Falco macropus Swains. Two Cent, and a Quart, p. 341. a. Australia. Presented by the Linnaean Society. b. New South Wales. From Mr. Gould's Collection. 6. ? FALCO ANATUM. The Duck Falcon. Falco anatum Bonap. Compar. List B. Eur. and N. Amer. p. 4. Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 75. and Correct. Falco peregrinus Wils. Am. Orn. pi. 76. ; Richard and Swains. Faun. Bor. Amer. ii. p. 23. ; Edward's Birds, t. 3, 4. a. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Com- pany. b. North America. Presented by Sir E. Parry, R.N. c. St. Nevis, West Indies. Presented by William Cottle, Esq. D 2 52 ACC1PITRES DIURNI. d. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Com- pany. e,f. Chili. From Mr. Cunning's Collection. 7. FALCO PEREGRINOIDES. The Latakoo Falcon. Falco peregrino'ides Temm. pi. col. 479. ; Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 110. a. South Africa. From M. Verreaux' Collection. b. Latakoo. From M. Verraux' Collection. c. South Africa. From M. Verreaux' Collection. b. GENNAIA. 8. FALCO CERVIALIS. The double-bearded Falcon. Falco biarmicus Temm. pi. col. 324. Falco chicqueroi'des A. Smith, S. Afr. Quart. Journ. (1830) p. Falco cervialis, Licht. Kaup, MILS. Senckenb. (1845) p. 257. Falco (Gennaia) cervialis, Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 69. a. Egypt, Presented by James Burton, Esq. b. Egypt. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. 9. FALCO LANARIUS. The Lanner Falcon. Falco lanarius Linn. S. N. i. p. 129. Falco cherrug Gray, III. Ind. Zool. pi. 25. Falco milvipes Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Falco (Gennaia) lanarius Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 73. Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 20. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 4. v. 17. a. Nepal, young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b e. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. /. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 10. FALCO JUGGER. The Jugger Falcon. Falco jugger Gray, III. Ind. Zool. pi. 26. Falco lugger Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1839) p. 80. Falco thermophilus Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Falco (Gennaia) jugger Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 71. Hardw. Icon. ined. 10980. 16. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 36, 37. v. 15. a. Nepal, male. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. Nepal, female. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. India. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. d. Nepal, young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. FALCONIDvE. 53 2. HYPOTRIORCHIS. Hypotriorchis Boie, Isis, (1826) p. 976. 2Esalon Kaup, Naturl. Syst. p. 40. (1829.) Dendrofalco G. R. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1840) p. 3. a. HYPOTRIORCHIS. 1. HYPOTRIORCHIS SUBBUTEO. The Hobby Falcon. Hypotriorchis subbuteo Boie, Isis, (1826) p. 976. Falco subbuteo Linn. S. N. i. p. 127. ; Yarrell, Brit. Birds, i. p. 45.; Frankl. Proc. Z. S. (1831) p. 114. ; Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 64, 65. Falco barletta Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 129. Falco subbuteo major Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. x. Faico pinetarius Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 195. ? Falco hirundinum Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 65. Falco (Hypotriorchis) subbuteo Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vdg.p."lll. PL enl. 432 ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 22. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip.41. v. 18. f. i. a. Devonshire, male. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Young male. Presented by J. Scales, Esq. c. d. Fontainbleau. e. Northern Asia, male. /. Northern Asia, female. g. China, adult male. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. h. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. i. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. j m. Chicks. Presented by Mr. L Baker. . Sternum, o. Skull, England. Presented by John Ray, Esq. 2. HYPOTRIORCHIS SEVERUS. The severe Falcon. Hypotriorchis severus G. R. Gray, Gen. of Birds, i. p. . Falco severus Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 135. Falco Aldrovandii Reinw. pi. col. 128. Falco runpedoi'des M'Clell. Calc. Journ. of Nat. Hist. (1844) p. . Falco guttatus G. R. Gray, Ann. Nat. Hist. (1843) p. 371. Falco (Hypotriorchis) severus Kaup, Classif. Sdug. und Vog. p. 111. Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 43. a. Nepal, male. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. Philippine Islands, female. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. D 3 54 . ACCIPITRES D1URNI. 3. HYPOTEIOECHIS RUFIGULARIS. The red-necked Falcon. Hypotriorchis rufigularis G. R. Gray, Gen. of Birds, i. p. Falco rufigularis Baud. Tr. ) Falco (Hypotriorchis) aurantius Kaup, Classif. der. Sdug. und Vdg. p. 257. Penn. Gen. of Birds, pi. 1. a. Brazil. Presented by M. Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. Brazil. c. British Guiana. Presented by the Royal Geographical Society. d. Bahia. 4. HYPOTRIORCHIS FRONTATUS. The Paramatta Falcon. Hypotriorchis frontatus G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Falco frontatus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1837) p. 139. ; Syn. B. of Au&tr. pt. iii. pi. . f. 1. Falco lunulatus Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. xiii. ? ; Lamb, Icon. ined. ii. 3. ? Sparvius lunulatus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. x, p. 324. Falco longipennis Swains. Two Cent, and a Quart, p. 341. Falco (Hypotriorchis) frontatus Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 65. Falco subbuteo Brehm, Isis, (1845) p. 347. ? a. Australia, male. Presented by the Linnaean Society. b. Australia, male. c. Australia, male. From Mr. Gould's Collection. d. Van Diemen's Land, male. From Mr. Gunn's Collection. e. Australia, young. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. /. Australia, adult female. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. g, h. Interior of South Australia. Presented by Capt. Sturt. i. South Australia. Presented by his Excellency Capt. G. Grey. b. JEsALON. 5. HYPOTRIORCHIS CONCOLOR. The uniform Falcon. Hypotriorchis concolor G. R. Gray, Gen. of Birds, i. p. . Falco concolor Temm. pi. col. 330. Falco ardosiacus Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p. 1238, FALCONID^E. 55 Falco unicolor Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 212. Falco tibialis (Daud.) var. Kaup, Isis, (1847) and Correct. ; Le- vaill Ois. tfAfr. t. 29. Falco (Hypotriorchis) concolor Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 111. Falcc (^Esalon) concolor Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 60. Swains. B. of W. Afr. i. pi. 3. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 25. a. Western Africa. Presented by Col. Sabine, R.A. b. Western Africa. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. 6. HYPOTRIORCHIS ^SSALON. The Merlin. Hypotriorchis aesalon G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. p. Falco agsalon Gmel. S. N. i. p. 284. ; Yarrell, Brit. Birds, i. p. 53. ; Brehm, Vog. Dents, i. p. 68. ; Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 336. t. 7. Falco caesius Meyer, Taschenb. Dents, i. p. 60. Falco lithofalco Gmel. S. N. i. p. 278.; Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 67. Falco regulus Pall. Iter. ii. p. 707. Falco sibiricus Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 207. Falco smirillus Sav. Descr. de TEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 100. ^Esalon lithofalco Kaup, Naturl Syst. (1829) p. 40. Falco (^Esalon) lithofalco Kaup, Mus. Senchenb. (1845) p. 258.; PL enl. 447. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 24. a. Devonshire, male. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Somersetshire, young female. From Col. Montagu's Col- lection. c. Europe, male. d. Europe, young male. e. Europe, female. f. Sternum, England. g. Sternum, England. Presented by T. Ingall, Esq. h. Sternum, England. Presented by John Ray, Esq. i,j. Sterna, Nepal. From Mr. Lefevre's Collection. 7. HYPOTRIORCHIS COLUMBARIUS. The Pigeon Hawk. Hypotriorchis columbarius G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Falco columbarius Linn. S. N. i. p. 128. Falco temerarius Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 92. Falco aesalon Sw. and Rich. Faun. Bor. Amer. ii. p. 37. Tinnunculus columbarius Vieill. Ois. de V Amer. Sept. t. 11. Accipiter carolinensis Briss. Orn. i. p. 378. Nisus columbarius Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 321. Astur columbarius Boie, Isis, (1826) p. 976. Falco intermix tus Bosc, Daud. Tr. d Orn. ii. p. 141. D 4 56 ACCIPITRES DIURXI. Falco (2Esalon) columbarius Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 111. Wils. Am. Orn. pi. 15. f. 3. ; Faun. Bor. Amer. pi. 25. ; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 75. a. Quebec, male. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. b. North America, young. Presented by Dr. Ridgeway. c. d. North America, female. Presented by Dr. Ridgeway. e. Sternum, Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. 8. HYPOTRIORCHIS CHICQUERA. The Chicquera Falcon. Hypotriorchis chicquera G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Falco chicquera Daud. Tr. d' Orn. ii. p. 121. ; Frank!. Proc. Z. S. (1831) p. 114. Falco ruficollis Swains. B. of W. Afr. p. 107. pi. 2. Falco macrodactylus Swains. Classif. of B, ii. p. 212. Falco (^Esalon) chicquera Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 111. Levaill Ois. tf Afr. t. 30. ; Gould, Cent. pi. 2. ; Hardw. Icon. ined. 10980. 23, 24, 25. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 50, 51. a. India. Presented by M. Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. India. Presented by Dr. Babington. c. Nepal, male. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. Nepal, female. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. Africa? 9. HYPOTRIORCHIS FEMORALIS. The red-thighed Hawk. Hypotriorchis femoralis Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 314. Falco femoralis Temm.pl col 121. 343. Falco aurantius, var. y. Lath. Ind. Orn. p. 48. Falco thoracicus III. Licht. Cat. Dupl. Berl. Mus. p. 62. Falco cyanescens Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xi. p. 90. Falco (^Esalon) femoralis Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 111. ; Azara, No. 39, 40. Falco elegans Swains. MSS. a. Mexico. Presented by John Taylor, Esq. b. South America. From Mr. Gould's Collection. c. East Patagonia. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. d. South America. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. 57 3. IERACIDEA. leracidea Gould, Proc. Z.S. (1837) p. 140. 1. IERACIDEA BERIGORA. The cream-bellied Falcon. leracidea berigora Gould, Proc. Z. S. (1837) p. 140.; Syn. B. of Austr. pt. iii. pi. , B. of Austr. pi. ; Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. wtd Vog. p. 112. Falco berigora Vig. and Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 1 84. leracidea occidentalis Gould, Proc. Z. S. (1844) p. 105. ; Gould, B. of Austr. pi. a. Australia, adult. Presented by Allan Cunningham, Esq. b. Australia, adult. Presented by Mrs. Mauger. c. Australia. Presented by Allan Cunningham, Esq. d. Perth, W. Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. e. Perth, W. Australia, male. From Mr. Gould's Collection. /. South Australia, male. Presented by His Excell. Capt. G. Grey. g. South Australia, female. h. Van Diemen's Land, male, Antarctic Expedition. Pre- sented by the Admiralty. i. Van Diemen's Land, female, Antarctic Expedition. Pre- sented by the Admiralty. j. South Australia. Presented by His Excell. Capt. G. Grey. k. North Eastern Australia. Presented by Sir Thomas Mitchell. /, m. Western Australia. Presented by His Excell. Capt. G. Grey. 2. IERACIDEA NOV^E ZEALANDLSE. The New Zealand Falcon. leracidea novae zealandiae Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 80. Falco novse seelandiae Gmel. S. N. i. p. 268. Falco brunnea Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. (1837) p. 139.; Syn. B. of Austr. pt. iii. pi. f. 3. Falco harpe Forst. Desc. Anim. p. 68. ; Icon. ined. 36, 37, 38. Falco australis Homb. et Jacq. Voy. au Pole Sud, Ois. t. i. f. 1 . Hypotriorchis novse zealandiae G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. a. New Zealand, male. Presented by Miss R. Stone. b. New Zealand, female. Presented by Miss R. Stone. c. Auckland Islands, male, Antarctic Expedition. Pre- sented by the Admiralty. d. Auckland Islands, female, Antarctic Expedition. Pre- sented by the Admiralty. D 5 58 ACCIPITRES DIUENI. e. Auckland Islands, young female, Antarctic Expedition. Presented by the Admiralty. /, g. South Island, K Z. From Mr. Earl's Collection. h k. New Zealand. Presented by His Excell. Capt. G. Grey. I. New Zealand. 4. Tinnunculus Vieill. Ois.de TAmer. Sept. i. p. 39. (1807.) Cerchneis Boie, Isis, (1826) p. 976. JEgypius Kaup, Naturl. Syst. p. 20. (1829.) Falcula Hodgs. Journ. A. S.B. (1837) p. 365. Erythropus Brehm, Isis, (1828) p. 1270. Pannychistes Kaup, Naturl. Syst. p. 57. (1829.) Poecilornis Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 108. (1844.) Tichornis Kaup, Classif. der Sdug und Vog. p. 108, (1844.) a. TINNUNCULUS. 1. TINNUNCULUS ALAUDARIUS. The Kestril Falcon. Tinnunculus alaudarius G. R. Gray, List Gen. of B. (1840) p. 3.; Kaup, Mm. Senckenb. (1845) p. 257. Falco tinnunculus Linn. S. N. i. p. 127. ; Yarrell, Brit. Birds, i. p. 57.; Frankl. Proc. Z.S. (1831) p. 114. Accipiter alaudarius Briss. Orn. i. p. 379. Falco brunneus Bechst. Naturg. Deuts. i. p. 38. Cerchneis tinnuncula Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 314. Falco fasciatus Retz. Faun. Suec. p. 70. Falco rufescens Swains. B. of W. Afr. i. p. 109. Falco interstinctus M c Clell. Proc. Zool. Soc. (1839) p. 154. Falco tinnunculus, japonicus Temm. et Schl. Faun. Jap. t. Cerchneis murum Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 70. Cerchneis media Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 72. Cerchneis tinnuncula Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 73. PL enl. 401. 471. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 26. ; Hardw. Icon. ined. 10980. 18, 19, 20, 21. ; Hodg. Icon. ined. Aceip. 44, 45, 46, 47. f. 3. 47. f. 1, 2. 49. tinnunculus Kaup, Naturl. Syst. p. 29. a. Devonshire, male. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Wiltshire, male. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Wiltshire, female. From Col. Montagu's Collection. d. Great Britain, female. Presented by A. Cooper, Esq., R.A. e. Cambridgeshire, male. From Mr. J. Clark's Collection. FALCONID.E. 59 f. Cambridgeshire, female. From Mr. J. Clark's Collection. g, h. Nest and chicks. Presented by M. Gen. T. Hardwicke. i. Northern Asia, male. j, k. Egypt, male and female. Presented by W. B. D. Turn- bull, Esq. /. ? male. m. ? female. n. Chick. From Mr. Bullock's Museum. o. India. p. r. Nepal, male. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 5 u. Nepal, female. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. w, x. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. y, z. Japan. From the Ley den Museum. a a. Nepal, male. Presented by H. B. Hodgson, Esq. bb. Nepal, female. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. cc, dd. India, male. From the South African Museum. ee. Sternum, England. Presented by T. Ingall, Esq. ff. Sternum, England. Presented by John Ray, Esq. gg. Sternum, Europe. From M. Lefevre's Collection. hh. Sternum, Egypt. Presented by Dr. Turnbull Christie. ii. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 2. TINNUNCULUS RUPICOLUS. The rufous-backed Kestril. Tinnunculus rupicolus G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. . ; Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 109. Falco rupicolus Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 135. Falco capensis Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 192. Cerchneis rupicola Boie, Isis, (1826) p. 976. (1828) p. 314. Cerchneis capensis Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 314. Levaill Ois. d'Afr. t. 35. a, b. Cape of Good Hope, male. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. c. South Africa, male. Presented by the Earl of Derby. d. South Africa, very young. From M. Verreaux' Col- lection. e. South Africa, female. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. 3. TINNUNCULUS RUPICOLOIDES. The Rock Falcon. Tinnunculus rupicoloides G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. . ; Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 109. Falco rupicoloides A. Smith, S. Afr. Quart. Journ. (1830) p. 238. ; 111. S. Afr. Zool. Birds, pi. 92. a. South Africa. From the South African Museum. b. Very young. From M. Verreaux' Collection. D 6 60 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. 4. TINNUNCULUS PUNCTATUS. The spotted Falcon. Tinnunculus punctatus G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. . ; Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 109. Falco punctatus Cuv.pl. col. 45. Cerchneis punctatus Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 314. a, b. Madagascar. From the South African Museum, b. TICHORNIS. 5. TINNUNCULUS CENCHBIS. The lesser Kestril. Tinnunculus cenchris Bonap. G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Falco cenchris Naum., Vog. Nacht. t. 29. Falco tinunculoi'des Schinz, Temm.Man. i. 31.; Storr. Ucc. t. 25. Falco tmnuncialarius Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xi. p. 93. Cerchneis cenchris Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 314. Falco xanthonyx Natt. Falco Naumanni Fleisch. Falco gracilis Less. Tr. tfOrn. p. 93. -ZEgypius cenchris Kaup, Natur. Syst. p. 29. Tinnunculus (Tichornis) cenchris Kaup, Classif. der Sang, und Vog. p. 108. Faun. Franc, t. 36.; Voy. de la Morea, Ois. t. 2, 3.; Gould, B. ofEur. pi. 27. a. Spain, male. Presented by Capt. Cook, R.N. b. ? Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. c. ? 6. TINNUNCULUS CENCHROIDES. The Nankin Hawk. Tinnunculus cenchroi'des G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. ; Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 109. Falco cenchroi'des Vig. et. Horsf. Linn. Tr. xiii. p. 183. Cerchnis immaculatus Brehm, Isis. Gould, B. of Austr. pi. . a. Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b, c. South Australia. Presented by C. D. E. Fortnum, Esq. d. South Australia. Presented by His Excell. Capt. G. Grey. e. f. Interior of South Australia. Presented by Capt. Sturt. g. Sternum, S. Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. c. ERYTHROPUS. 7. TINNUNCULUS VESPERTINUS. The Ingrian Falcon. Tinnunculus vespertinus G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. ; Cat. Mam. and Birds of Nepal, &c. p. 45. FALCONED^. 61 Falco vespertinus Linn. S. N. i. p. 129.; Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 334. t. 6. Falco rufipes Beseke, Vog. Kurlands, p. 13. t. 3, 4. ; Yarrell, Brit. Birds, i. p. 49. Cerchneis vespeitinus Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 314. Erythopus vespertinus Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 76. Fanny chistes rufipes Kaup, Naturl. Syst. p. 57. Tinnunculus (Erythropus) rufipes Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 108. Tinnunculus (Erythropus) vespertinus Kaup, Mm. Senckenb. (1845) p. 257. PL enl. 431. ; Pall. Zoogr. t. 6.; KittL Kupf. der Vog. t. 3. f. 1. ; Gould, B. ofEur. pi. 23. a. Europe, male. b. Athens, male. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. c. d. Athens, female. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. e,f. Egypt, female. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. g, h. Nepal, very young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. i. Tunis, in change. From Mr. Eraser's Collection. d. POSCILORNIS. 8. TINNUNCULUS SPARVERIUS. The little Falcon. Tinnunculus sparverius Vieill. Ois. de I Amer. Sept. i. p. 40. t. 12. Falco sparverius Linn. S. N. i. p. 128. Falco dominicensis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 285. Falco gracilis Swains. Two Cent, and a Quart, p. 281. Bidens sparverius Spix, Av. Bras. i. p. 16. Falco isabellinus Swains. Two Cent, and a Quart, p. 218. Cerchneis sparverius Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 314. Tinnunculus (Pcecilornis) sparverius Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. 108. Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 32. f. i. t. 16. f. 1. ; Faun. Bor. Amer. Birds, pi. 24.; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 42. a. North America, male. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. b. North America, female. c. Brazil, male. Presented by Lieut. Maw, R.N. d. e ? British Guiana, male. From Sir R. Schomburgk's Collection. /. Mexico, adult male. From Mr. Argent's Collection. f. Mexico, adult female. From Mr. Argent's Collection. . Mexico. From Mr. Hartweg's Collection. t L Brazil. Presented by M. Claussen. m o. Venezuela. From Mr Dyson's Collection. 62 ACCJPITRES DIURNI. 9. ? TINNUNCULUS CINNAMOMEUS. The cinnamon Falcon. Tinnunculus cinnamomeus G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Falco cinnamominus Swains. Two Cent, and a Quart, p. 281.; Vieill. Ois. d'Amer. t. 12, 13. ? a. Valparaiso, male. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. b. Straits of Magellan, young male. Presented by the Ad- miralty. c. Patagonia, female. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.K 5. HARPAGUS. Harpagus Vigors, Zool. Journ. (1829) p. 327. Bidens Spix, Av. Bras. i. p. 14. Diodon Less. Tr. $Orn. p. 95. (1831.) Diplodon Nitzsch, Peterolog. p. 93. (1840.) 1. HARPAGUS DIODON. The .two-toothed Falcon. Harpagus diodon Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 109. Falco diodon Temm.pl. col. 198. Bidens femoralis et B. cinerascens Spix, Av. Bras. t. 8. Diodon brasiliensis (pars) Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 95. a, b. South America. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 2. HARPAGUS BIDENTATUS. The notched Falcon. Harpagus bidentatus Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 109. Falco bidentatus Lath. Ind. Orn. i. 38.; PL col. 38. 228. Bidens rufiventris Spix, Av. Bras. i. t. 6. Bidens albiventer Spix, Av. Bras. i. t. 7. Diodon brasiliensis (pars) Less. Tr. rfOrn. p. 95. a, b. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 6. IERAX. lerax Vigors. Zool. Journ. (1824) p. 328. 1. IERAX CKERULESCENS. The Bengal Falcon. lerax coerulescens Vigors, Zool. Journ. i. p. 328. ; Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 109. Falco coerulescens Linn. S. N. i. p. 125. Edwards' Birds pi. 108. ; Gal. des Ois. t. 18. FALCONID^E. 63 a. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. b. Java. c. Java. Presented by Nightingale, Esq. d. Java. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. e. Borneo. From Mr. Low's Collection. f. Borneo. Presented by His Excell. J. Brooke. 2. IERAX EUTOLMUS. The white-naped Falcon. Hierax eutolmus Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Falco bengalensis Briss. Blyth, Cat. Mam. and Birds of Nepal p. 45. ; Hodgs. Icon, ined Accip. 53. 52. a c. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. Tanesserim. Presented by W. B. D. Packman, Esq. e,f. Sterna, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 3. IERAX SERICEUS. The silky Falcon. lerax sericeus G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Falco sericeus Kittl. Mem. de V Acad. Imp. St. Peter sb. (1835) t. 1. Falco Gironnierii Eyd. and Soul. Voy. de la Bonite, Ois. t. 1. a. Northern China. From Mr. Fortune's Collection. vi. ACCIPITRINJE. 1. ASTUR. Astur Lacep. Mem. de r Inst. iii. p. 506. (1800, 1801.) Dsedalion Sav. Descr. de VEgypte, Hist. Nat. p. 92. (1809.) Sparvius Vieill. Analyse, fyc. p. 24. (1816.) Leucospiza Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 118. (1844.) Lophospiea Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 118. (1844.) Asturina Vieill. Analyse, fyc. p. 24. (1816.) Rupornis Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 120. (1844.) a. ASTUR. 1. ASTUR PALUMBARIUS. The Goshawk. Astur palumbarius Bechst. Tascherib. Deuts. ii. p. 268. ; Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1840) p. 194. ; Bream, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 84. t. 6. f. 1. Falco palumbarius Linn. S. N. i. p. 130. ; PL enl. 418. Falco gallinarius Gmel. S. N. i. p. 266. ; PI. enl. 461. 423. Falco gentilis Linn. S. N. i. p. 126. 64 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. Falco albescens Bodd. Tab!. PI. Enl de D'Aub. p. 25. Accipiter astur Pall. Zoogr. t. 11. Astur gallinarum Brehm, Vdg. Deuts. i. p. 83. Falco atricapillus Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 52. f. 3. Sparvius atricapillus VieilL Ency. Meth. p. 1274. Falco regalis Temm. pi. col. 495. Dagdalion pictum Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 67. Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 17. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. 60. v. 21, 22. App. 7. ; Faun. Bor. Amer. pi. 26. ; Jard. and Selby, III. Orn. pi. 121. a. Great Britain, young. b, c. Europe, male. d. Nepal, male. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e, /. Nepal, female. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. g. Nepal, young female. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. h, i. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. j. Sternum, Europe. From M. Lefevre's Collection. k. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 2. ASTUR MELANOLEUCUS. The pied Goshawk. Astur melanoleucus A. Smith, III. S. Afr. Zool. pi. 18. Accipiter melanoleucus A. Smith, S. Afr. Quart. Journ. (1830) p. 229. Astur Smithii Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 196. a. South Africa, male. From the South African Museum. b. South Africa, female. From the South African Museum. c. South Africa, young. From the South African Museum. 3. ASTUR RADIATUS. The radiated Falcon. Astur radiatus G. R. Gray, Gen. of Birds, i. p. . ; Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 195. Falco radiatus Lath. Ind. Suppl. p. x. Gen. Syn. Supp. pi. 121. ex Lamb. Icon. ined. i. 38. ; Gould, B. of Austr. pi. Haliaetus Calei Vig. and Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 186. Accipiter radiatus G. R. Gray, List of Birds, Brit. Mus. p. 38. Astur testaceus (Ernest.) Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 367. a. Port Essington. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. b. SPIZAGERANUS. 4. ASTUR UNICINCTUS. The one-banded Hawk. Astur unicinctus Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 332. Falco unicinctus Temm.pl. col. 313. FALCONID^E. 65 Falco anthracinus Licht. Preis Verz. der Sang. Vog. $~c. von den Herr. Deppe und Schiede, (1831 ?) Buteo Harris!! Audub. B. of Am. pi. 392. Buteo unicinctus G. R. Gray, List of Birds, Brit Mus. i. p. 18. Polyborus taeniurus Tschudi (juv. Tsch.) Faun. Per. p. 8. t. 1. Asturina (Spizageranus) unicinctus Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 260. ; Azara, No. 19. a. Buenos Ay res. From M. Verreaux' Collection. b. Chili. From Mr. Bridge's Collection. c. Valparaiso. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. c. LEUCOSPIZA. 5. ASTUR ifov^E HOLLANDI^. The New Holland white Eagle. Astur novae hollandiae Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) p. 320.; Vig. and Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 179. ; Gould, Syn. B. of Austr. pt. iii. pi. f. 2, 3. Falco novae hollandiae Gmel. S. N. i. p. 264. Falco albus Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 92. ; White's Voy. pi. p. 250. Astur albus Swains. Classif, of. B. ii. p. 215. Sparvius niveus Vieill. N. *Dict. d'Hist. Nat. x. p. 338. Daedalion candidum Less. Tr. d"Orn. p. 66. Falco leucaetos Forst. Descr. Anim. p. 70. et Icon. ined. 35. Astur Rayii Vig. and Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 180. Falco clarus Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. xiii. ; Lamb. Icon. ined. ii. 5. Astur (Leucospiza) novae hollandiae Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 119. Jard. and Selbys III. Orn. i. pi. 1. ; Gould, B. of Austr. pi. a. Australia, male. Presented by M. Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. Australia, female. Presented by M. Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. Van Diemen's Land, female. Presented by Dr. Macbriare. d. e. New Holland, male. Presented by Lady Carrington. f. Australia, female. Presented by M. Gen. T. Hardwicke. g. New Holland, female. Presented by Lady Carrington. h. Australia. Presented by Sir E. Home, R.N. i. Red, Wallis's Island, Australia. Presented by the Earl of Derby. d. LOPHOSPIZA. 6. ASTUR TRIVIRGATUS. The three- streaked Hawk. Astur trivirgatus Cuv. Reg. An, (1829) i. p. 332. Falco trivirgatus Temm.pl. col. 303. Astur cristatus G. E. Gray, Ann. Nat. Hist. (1843) p. 371. 66 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. Astur palumbarius Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1839) p. 85. Astur indicus Hodgs. Betig. Sport. Mag. (1838) p. 177. Astur (Lophospiza) trivirgatus Kaup, Classif der Saug. und Vog. p. 118. Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 61, 62, 63. v. 23. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. I e. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. f. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. ASTURINA. 7. ASTUR NITIDUS. The plumbeous Falcon. Astur nitidus I? Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. i. p. 5. Falco nitidus Lath. Lid. Orn. i. p. 40. Asturina cinerea, VieilL Analyse, Sfc. p. 68. ; Gal. des Ois. i. 20. Falco striolata Temm. pi. col 87. 294. Asturina nitida Kaup, Classif. der Sang, und Vog. p. 120. ; Azara, No. 37. a. Bahia. From the Sudbury Museum. b. Mexico, young. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. c. Caraccas, in change. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. d. ? young. 8. ASTUR POLIOGASTER. The grey-bellied Falcon. Astur poliogaster Cuv. Reg. ^4w. (1829) i. p. 332. Falco poliogaster Temm. pi. col. 294, 225. Nisus pileatus Tschudi, Faun. Per. p. 5. Asturina poliogaster Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 198. . South America. 9. ASTUR LEUCORRHOUS. The spotted Falcon, Astur leucorrhous G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Falco leucorrhous Quoy. et Gaim. Voy. deVUranie, t. 13. Asturina leucorrhoa Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 192. a. Caraccas. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 10. ASTUR MAGNIROSTRIS. The great-billed Falcon. Astur magnirostris G. R. Gray, List of Birds, Brit. Mus. i. p. 32. Falco magnirostris Gmel. S. N. i. p. 282. Nisus magnirostris Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 321. Falco insectivorus Spix, Av. Br. t. 8. a. FALCONIDJE. 67 Asturina (Rupornis) magnirostris Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 120. PL enl. 464. ; PL col. 86. a. South America, male. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. b. South America, female. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. c. British Guiana, male. Presented by the Royal Geogra- phical Society. d. British Guiana, male. From Sir R. Schomburgk's Collec- tion. e. Brazil, young male. Presented by Lord Stuart de Roth- say. /. South America, female. From Mr Audubon's Collection. g. South America, young. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. hj. Brazil. Presented by M. Claussen. k. Caraccas. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. /. Bolivia. From Mr. Brydges' Collection. 2. POLIORNIS. Poliornis Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 122. (1844.) Butastur Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1843) p. 311. Valeria Boie, (MSS. ?) 1. POLIORNIS TEES A. The Teesa Hawk. Circus teesa Frankl Proc. Z. S. (1831) p. llo. Buteo teesa Gray, III. Ind. Zool. pi. 30. Astur hyder Sykes, Proc. Z. S. (1832) p. 79. Butastur teesa Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1843) p. 311. Poliornis teesa G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Circaetus (Poliornis) teesa Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 122. Uardw. Icon. ined. 10,980. 31, 32, 33. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip, 64. a. Gangoutra, Himalayan Mountains. b, c. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d, e. Behar, Hindostan. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. f. Nepal, young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. g. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 2. POLIORNIS LIVENTER. The pale Hawk. Falco li venter Temm. pi. col. 438. Buteo pallidus Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 82. Astur liventer G. R. Gray, List of Birds, Brit. Mus. i. p. 34. 68 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. Poliornis liventer G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p Circaetus (Poliornis) liventer Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 122. a, Indian Archipelago. From the Leyden Museum. 3. POLIORNIS INDICUS. The grey-cheeked Hawk. Falco poliogenys Temm. pi. col. 325. Buteo poliogenys Less. Tr< d'Orn. p. 78. ; Faun. Jap. p. 20. Circaetus (Poliornis) poliogenys Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 122. Circaetus (Poliornis) indicus (Gmel.*) Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 368. a, b. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. c. Japan. From the Leyden Museum. 4. POLIORNIS PYRRHOGENYS. The dark- cheeked Hawk. Astur barbatus Eyton, Ann. Nat. Hist. (1845) p. 227. Buteo pyrrhogenys Temm. and Schl. Faun. Japan, p. 21. a. Malacca. Presented by Capt. A. Charlton. 3. GERANOSPIZA. Ischnoscelis Strickl. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. (1844) p. 409. Geranospiza Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 183. 1. GERANOSPIZA GRACILIS. The slender Hawk. Ischnoscelis gracilis Strickl. Ann. and Mag. of Nat Hist. (1844) p. 409.; Kaup. Mm. Senckenb. (1845) p. 259. Falco gracilis Temm. pi. col. 91. Falco hemidactylus Temm. pi. col. 3. Nisus hemidactylus Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) p. 333. Falco Wiedii brasiliensis Griff. Ann. Kingd. i. pi. p. 238. ? Sparvius casrulescens Vieill. N. Diet d'Hist. Nat. x. p. 318. ; Kaup, Azara, No. 22. Geranospiza gracilis Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 183. a. Buenos Ayres, young. From M. Verreaux' Collection. b. Island of Puna. Presented by Mr. G. Barclay. 4. MICRASTUR. Micrastur G. R. Gray, List. Gen. of B. p. 6. (1841.) Brachypterus Less. Compl. Buff. vii. p. 113. (1837.) Climacocercus Cab. Txch. Consp. Av. (1844.) Herpetotheres (pars) Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 258. Carnifex Less. Rev. Zool. (1842) p. 378. ? 69 1. MICBASTUR BRACHYPTERUS. The pied Sparrow-Hawk. Micrastur brachypterus G. R. Gray, List Gen. of B. (1841) p. 6. Falco brachypterus Tcmm.pl. col. 141. 116. Nisus brachypterus Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) p. 334. Sparvius semitorquatus Vieill. N. Diet. (THisi. Nat. x. p. 322. Falco leucomelas ///. Licht. Cat. Dupl. Berl Mm. p. 62. Sparvius ruficollis Vicitt. N. Diet. cCHist. Nat. x. p. 322. ; Kaup. Sparvius melanoleucus Vieill. N. Diet. cTHist. Nat. x. p. 327. Kaup. Circaetus (Herpetotheres) melanoleucus Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 260. Circaetus (Herpetotheres) brachypterus Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 258. ; Azara, No. 28, 29. a. Bahia, adult. b. Bahia, female or young. c. Mexico, adult. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 2. MICRASTUR XANTHOTHORAX. The yellow-necked Hawk. Micrastur xanthothorax G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Falco xanthothorax Temm. pi. col. 92. Nisus xanthothorax Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) p. 334. Falco leucauchen Temm. pi. col. 306. Circaetus (Herpetotheres) xanthothorax Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 259. a. South America. b. South America. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. 3. MICRASTUR CONCENTRICUS. The concentrical Sparrow-Hawk. Micrastur concentricus G. R. Gray, Gen. of 13. p. Falco concentricus III. Mm. Berol. Nisus concentricus Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 60. Circaetus (Herpetotheres) concentricus Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 260. a. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. b. Mexico. From Mr. Argent's Collection. 5. ACCIPITER. Accipiter Briss. Orn. i. p. (1760.) Nisus Cuv. Anat. Compar. (17991800.) lerax Leach, Cat. Brit. Birds, (1816.) Hieraspiza Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 116. (1844.) Urospiza Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 259. 70 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. a. ACCIPITER. 1. ACCIPITER NISUS. The Sparrow -Hawk. Accipiter nisus Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 370. Falco nisus Linn. S. N. i. p. 130. Accipiter fringillarius Ray, Syn. p. 18. Nisus communis Cuv. Less. Tr. d Orn. p. 58. Accipiter maculatus Bris. Orn. i. p. 314. Falco lacteus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 281. Nisus elegans Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 86. t. 6. f. 2. Nisus fringillarum Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 87. Nisus peregrinus Brehin, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 88. Sparvius nisus- Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. x. p. 319. Nisus fringillarius Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 117, Accipiter nisosimilis Tick. Journ. A. S. B. (1833) p. 571. Accipiter subtypicus Hodgs. Gray, Zool.Misc. (1844) p. 81. PL enl. 467, 412.; Gould, B. of.Eur. pi. 18.: Hodgs. Icon, ined. Accip. 65, 66, 67, 68. a. Wiltshire, male. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Wiltshire, female. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Great Britain, male. Presented by A. Cooper, Esq. R.A. d. Saffron Walden, male. From Mr. J. Clarke's Collection. e. Cambridgeshire, young. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. /. Saffron Walden, female. From Mr. J. Clarke's Collection. g. Kiel, male. Presented by M. F. Boie. h. Female. Presented by M. Gen. T. Hardwicke. i. Egypt, female. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. j, k. Nepal, male. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. / n. Nepal, female. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. o. Cornwall. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. p s. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. t. Japan. From the Leyden Museum. u. Xanthus. Presented by Sir C. Fellowes. w. Sternum, England, male. Presented by T. Ingall, Esq. x. Sternum, England, female. Presented by T. Ingall, Esq. y. Sternum, England. z. Sternum, England. Presented by John Ray, Esq. aa. Sternum, Europe. From M. Lefevre's Collection. bb. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 2. ACCIPITER ERTTHRONEMIA. The red-thighed Sparrow-Hawk. Accipiter erythronemia G. R. Gray, Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. Falco nisoides Cuv. (MSS.) a. Chili ? male. From Mr. Brydges' Collection. b. Brazil, female. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. FALCONID.E. 71 3. ACCIPITER TACHIRO. The speckled Sparrow -Hawk. Accipiter tachiro G. R. Gray, List Birds, Brit. Mus. i. p. 36. Falco tachiro Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 90. Falco polyzonos Temm. MSS. Nisus polyzonos Less. Tr. D'Orn. p. 58. Falco unduliventur Rupp. Faun. Abyss, t. 18. f. 1. Nisus tachiro Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) p. 334.; Kaup, his, (1847) p. 176. Levaill. Ois. dAfr. t. 24. ; PL col. 337. 420. a. South Africa, young male. From M. Verreaux' Collection. b. South Africa, very young. From M. Verreaux' Collection. c. South Africa, male. From the South African Museum. d. South Africa, female. From the South African Museum. 4. ACCIPITER RUFIVENTRIS. The red-bellied Hawk. Accipiter rufiventris A. Smith, S. Afr. Quart. Journ. (1830) p. 231. ; III. Zool. S. Afr. Birds, pi. 93. Falco exilis Temm.pl. col. 496. Falco perspicillaris Rupp. Faun. Abyss, t. 18. f. 2. Nisus perspicillaris Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 259. a. Cat River, South Africa, male. From M. Verreaux' Col- lection. b. Knysma, South Africa, male. From M. Verreaux' Collec- tion. c. Shoa, N. E. Africa. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. 5. ACCIPITUR FUSCUS. The American brown Hawk. Accipiter fuscus G. R. Gray, List, of Birds, Brit. Mus. i. p. 38. Falco fuscus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 280. Accipiter striatus Vieill. Ois. de I Amer. Septr. t. 14. Nisus Malfini Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 58. Falco pennsylvanicus Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 46. f. 1. Nisus pennsylvanicus Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) p. 334. Accipiter pennsylvanicus Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 215. Falco velox Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 45. f. 1. Sparvius lineatus Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p. 1266. Falco dubius Gmel. S. N. i. p. 281. ? Falco obscurus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 281. ? Sparvius striatus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. x. p. 325. Sparvius ardosiaceus Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p. 1274. ; Kaup. Accipiter mexicanus Swains. Faun. Bor. Amer. ii. p. 45. ? 72 ACCIP1TRES DIURNI. Accipiter fringilloi'des Vigors, Zool. Journ. iii. p. 434. ? Mill. Ill pi. 18. ; PL col. 67. ; Less. Tr. d' Orn. t. 12. f. 2. a. North America. b. Quebec. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. c. Delaware. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 6. ACCIPITER PILEATUS. The hooded Falcon. Accipiter pileatus G. It. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Falco pileatus Pr. Max. Bietr. iii. p. 107. ; PL col. 205. Falco Beskei Licht. Falco Cooperi Bonap. Am. Orn. pi. 10. f. 1. Falco Stanleyi Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 36. Nisus Cooperi Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 259. Accipiter Cooperii G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Nisus pileatus Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) p. 334.; Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 178. Nisus variatus Cuv. Less. Tr. cTOrn. p. 61. ; Azara, 24. 26. Sparvius major Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. x. p. 324. Sparvius guttatus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. x. p. 327. Azara, Voy. iii. p. 74. t. 24. a. Strait of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. b. c. Chili. From Mr. Brydges' Collection. d. Chili. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. c. ? Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. /. Quebec. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. 7. ACCIPITER MADAGASCARIENSIS. The Madagascar Hawk. Accipiter madagascariensis Verr. S. Afr. Qua?*t. Journ, (1833) p. 80. ; G. R. Gray, List of B. Brit. Mus. i. p. 35. a. Madagascar, male. From the South African Museum. b. HIERASPIZA. 8. ACCIPITER TINUS. The tiny Falcon. Accipiter tinus G. R. Gray, List of B. of Brit. Mus. i. p. 38. Falco tinus Lath. 2nd. Orn. i. p. 50. Falco superciliosus Linn. S. N. i. p. 128.? Kaup, Sparvius minutus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. x. p. 319. ; Kaup. Sparvius subniger Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. x. p. 328. Nisus (Hieraspiza) tinus Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 169. G. R. Gray and Mitch. Gen. of Birds, pi. 10. a. South America. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. b. South America. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. FALCONUXZE. 73 9. ACCIPITER MINULLUS. The dwarf Falcon. Accipiter minullus G. R. Gray, List of B. Brit Mus. i. p. 35. Falco minullus Daud. Tr. tfOrn. ii. p. 88. Nisus minullus Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) p. 321. Nisus (Hieraspiza) minullus Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 171. ; Levaill. Ois. cCAfr. t. 34. a. Cape of Good Hope, young male. From M. Verreaux* Collection. b. Cape of Good Hope, young female. From M. Verreaux' Collection. c. South Africa, in change, male. From the South African Museum. d. South Africa, female. From the South African Museum. 10. ACCIPITER VIRGATUS. The streaked Hawk. Accipiter virgatus G. R. Gray, List, of B. Brit. MILS. i. p. 37. Falco virgatus Temm. pi. col. 109. (male.) Nisus virgatus Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) p. 334. Accipiter besra Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit and Sci. (1839) p. 84.; 111. Ind. Om. pi. 4. " Falco minutus Linn. S. N. i. p. 131. ? " Less. Falco Brissonianus Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 203. ? Nisus minutus Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. GO. Accipiter affinis Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Accipiter nisoi'des Blyth, Journ. A. S. B (1847) p. . ? Nisus (Hieraspiza) virgatus Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vdg. p. 116. Hardw. Icon. ined. 10980. 27, 28, 29, 30. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 69. f. 2. 71. f. a. Nepal, male. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. Madras. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. c /. Nepal. Presented'by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. g. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. c. UROSPJZA. 11. ACCIPITER CIRRHOCEPKALUS. Tire New Holland Sparrow- Hawk. Sparvius cirrhocephalus Vicill. N. Diet. tfHist. Nat. x. p. 328. Accipiter torquatus Vig. and Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 182. Falco torquatus Cuv. Temm. pi. col 43. 93. Falco nisus var. Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. xi. Sparvius tricolor Vieill. N. Diet. dHist. Nat. x. p. 329. Kaup. Nisus australis Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 6). E 74 ACCIPITRES DIURNI, Falco inelanops Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. xii. ? Sparvius melanops Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. x. p. 339. ? Astur (Micronisus) torquatus Kaup, Mm. Senckenb. (1845) p. 259. Nlsus (Urospiza) torquatus Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 181. Gould, B. of Austr. pi. a. South Australia, male. Presented by C. D. E. Fortnum, Esq. b. South Australia, female. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. c. South Australia, young female. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. d. Chick. From Mr. Harvey's Collection. e. Australia, male. /. Australia, female. Presented by A. Cunningham, Esq. g. Australia, female. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G- Grey. h k. Interior of South Australia. Presented by Capt. Sturt. L South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G-. Grey. 12. ACCIPITER APPROXIMATES. The Australian Goshawk. Astur approximans Vig. and Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 181.; Gould, Syn. B. of Austr. pt iii. pi. f. 1. Astur radiatus Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) p. 332. ; Vig. and Horsf, Linn. Trans, xv. p. 181. Astur fasciatus Vig. and Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 181. Falco radiatus (nee Lath ) Temm. pi. col. 123. Nisus (Urospiza) radiatus Kaup, Mus. Senckenb* (1845) p. 259. Nisus (Urospiza) approximans Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 182. Gould, B. of Austr. pi. a. South America, adult. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G, Grey. b. Adelaide, South Australia, young. Presented by C. D. E. Fortnum, Esq. c. Australia, male. Presented by the Linnasan Society. d. Australia, male. Presented by Lady Carrington. e. Australia, female. /, g. Gould's Island. Presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq. 6. MICRONISUS. Micronisus G. R. Gray, List of Gen. of B. p. 5. (1840.) Niastur Blyth. (1844.) 75 Tachyspiza Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 116. (1844.) Scelospiza Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 173. a. TACHYSPIZA. 1 . MICBONISUS SOLOENSIS. The Soolo Falcon. Falco soloensis Horsf. Linn. Tram. xiii. p. 137. Nisus soloensis Less. Tr. cTOrn. p. 61. Falco cuculoides Temm.pl. col. 110. 129. Nisus cuculoi'des Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 334. Nisus (Tachyspiza) soloensis Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 116. a. Northern parts of China. From Mr. Fortune's Collection. b. Java ? Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. b. SCELOSPIZA. 2. MICRONISUS FRANCESII. France's Sparrow-Hawk. Accipiter Francesii A. Smith. Nisus (Scelospiza) Francesii Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 173. a. Madagascar, male. From the South African Museum. b. Madagascar, young male. From M. Verreaux' Collection. c. ? Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. c. MICROXISUS. 3. MICRONISUS BADIUS, Brown's Hawk. Falco badius Gmel. S. N. \. p. 280. ; Browns El. t. 3. Falco Brownii Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 161. Falco Dussumieri Temm. pi. col. 308. 336.; Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1839) p. 84. Astur Dussumieri Cuv. Peg. An. (1829) i. p. 332. Nisus Dussumieri Less. Tr. dOrn. p. 59. Accipiter dukhunensis Sykes. Proc. Z. S. (1832) p. 79= Accipiter frin^illarius Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1839) p. 84. Accipiter scutarius Hodgs. Sport. Mag. (1836.) p. 180. Aceipiter fringillaroi'des Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Nisus manillensis Meyen, Nov. Act (1834) p, 69. Suppl. t. ix. Astur (Micronisus) badius Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 190. Jerd. 111. Ind. Ornith. pi. 4. ; Hardw. Icon. ined. 10980. 22. 26. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 69. f. 1. 70. f. 1. 3. v. 8. a. Nepal, female. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. Nepal, young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. E 2 76 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. c, d. Male. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. e,f. Madras, female. Presented by W. Elliott, Esq. g j. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. k. Tenasserim. Presented by I. D. C. Packman, Esq. M. D. I o. Behar, Hindostan. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. p. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B, H. Hodgson, Esq. 4. MICRONISUS SPHENURUS. The short-toed Sparrow-Hawk. Falco sphenurus Riipp. Faun. Abyss, p. 42. ; Syst. Uebers. von Nord-Ost-Afr. t. 2. Accipiter brachydactylus Swains. B. of West. Africa, i. p. 118. Aceipiter polyzorioi'des A. Smith, III. S. Afr. ZooL Birds, pi. 11. Astur (Micronisus) Ruppeilii Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 189. a. Gambia, male. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. b, c. Western Africa. From Dr. Smith's Collection. d. Western Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. e, South Africa. From the South African Museum. 5. MICRONISUS GABAR. The red-legged Falcon. 'OO Micronisus gaber G. R Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1840) p. 5. Falco gabar Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 87. Nisus gabar Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 321. Accipiter erythrorhyncus Swains. B. of West. Afr. i p. 121. Falco Banksii Temm. MSS. Sparvius niger Vieill. Gal. des Ois. t. 22. ; Encyc. Meth. p. 1269- Sparvius leucorrhous Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p. 1269. Kaup. Nisus niger Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 59. Accipiter niger Gould, Syn. B. of Austr. pt. iii. pi. f. 1. Astur (Micronisus) gabar Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vog. p. 119 Levaill Ois. d'Afr. t. 33. ; Gal des Ois. t. 22. ; PL col. 122. 140. a. Sunday River, South Africa ; young female. From M, Verreaux' Collection. b. Elephant River, female. From M. Verreaux' Collection. c. Latakoo, young male. From M. Verreaux' Collection. d. South Africa, adult female. e. South Africa, young. From the South African Museum. /. Senegal. g. South Africa. From the South African Museum. 6. MICRONISUS MONOGRAMMICUS. The single-streaked Hawk. Falco monogrammicus Temm. pi. col. 314. Astur monogrammicus Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 332. FALCON ID^. / Astur (Micronisus) monogrammicus Kaup, . 189. Birds of W. Afr. pi. 4. a, &. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. c. Senegal. Presented by the Earl of Derby. 7. MELIERAX. Melierax G. E. Gray, List Gen. of Birds, p. 5. (1840.) 1. MELIERAX MUSICUS. The chanting Falcon. Melierax musicus G. R. Gray, List Gen. of B. (1840) p. 5. Falco musicus Daud. Tr. cTOni. ii. p. 116. Nisus musicus Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 321. Nisus canorus Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 62. Falco polyzonus Riipp. Faun. Abyss, t. 15. f. 1. Nisus (Melierax) musicus Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 117. Astur (Melierax) cantans Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 192. Levaill Ois. a" Afr. t. 27. a, b. South Africa. c. South Africa. From Capt. Sir J. Alexander's Collection. d. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. e. Karee River, Cape of Good Hope, chick. From M. Ver- reaux' Collection. /. South Africa, female. From the South African Museum. vii. CIRC IN JE. 1. SERPENTARIUS. Serpentarius Cuv. Anat. Compar. (1799 1800.) Sagittarius Vosm. Descr. dun Ois. de Pr. p. . (1767.) Secretarius Dum. Zool. Anal. p. 34. (1806.) Gypogeranus Illig. Prod. Mam. et Av. p. 234. (1811.) Ophiotheres Vieill Analyse, &c. p. 59. (1816.) 1. SERPENTARIUS SECRETARIUS. The Secretary. Otis secretarius Scop. Del Fl. et Faun, insubr. ii. p. 93. ; Sonn. Voy. t. 50. ; Forst. Icon. ined. 32. Falco serpentarius Gmel. S. N. i. p. 251. Serpentarius reptilivorus Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 30. Serpentarius africanus Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 46. E 3 78 ACC1PITRES DIURNI. Ophiotheres cristatus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxx. p. 468. Gypogeranus africanus A. Smith. Gypogeranus capensis Ogilby, Proc. Z. S. (1835) p. 104. Gypogeranus gambensis Ogilby, Proc. Z. S. (1835) p. 102. Gypogeranus philippensis Ogilby, Proc. Z. S. (1835) p. 105. a. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. I. Cape of Good Hope. 2. POLYBOROIDES. Polyboroides A. Smith, S. Afr. Quart. Journ. (1830.) Gymnogenys Less. (1830.) 1. POLYBOROIDES RADIATUS. The Madagascar Falcon. Polyboro'ides radiatus G. R. Gray, List Gen of Birds, (1840) p. 5. Vultur radiatus Scop. Del Flor. et Faun, insubr. ii. p. 85. Falco madagascariensis Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 75. Sparvius madagascariensis Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. x. p. 339. Polyboroi'des typus A. Smith, S. Afr. Quart. Journ. (1830) p. Falco gymnogenys Temm. pi. col. 307. Gymnogenys madagascariensis Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 64. Circaetus (Gymnogenys) radiatus Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 121. Sonn. Voy. Ind. ii. t. 103. ; Hi S. Afr. Zool. pi. 81, 82. a. Africa, male. b. Western Africa, male. c. South Africa, female. From the South African Museum. d. South Africa, young. From the South African Museum. 3. CIRCUS. Circus Lacep. Mem. d'Inst. iii. p. 506. (1800 1801.) Pygargus Koch, Syst. der Baier. Zool. p. . (1816.) Strigiceps Bonap. (1831) Sagg. Distr. Meth. Anim. Vert. p. 37. Busarellus Lafr. Rev. Zool. (1839.) Glaucopteryx Kaup, Classif. der Sdug. und Vog. p. 113. (1844.) Spilocircus Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 101. Spizacircus Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 258. a. STRIGICEPS. 1. CIRCUS CYANEUS. The Hen Harrier. Circus cyaneus Boie, Isis, (1822) p. 549. Falco cyaneus Linn. S. N. i. p. 126. Falco pygargus Linn. S. N. i, p. 126. FALCONID.E. 79 Accipiter variabilis Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 364. Falco bohemicus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 279. Falco albicans Gmel. S.N. i. p. 276. Falco griseus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 276. Falco montanus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 276. Falco cinereus It. Poseg. p. 29. Falco rubiginosus It. Poseg. p.29. Circus gallinarius Sav. Descr. de VEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 92. Falco strigiceps Nils. Faun. Suec. i. p 21. Pygargus dispar Koch, Syst. der Baier. Zool. p. Circus pygar<*us Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 324. Circus (Strigiceps) cyaneus Bonap. Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 258. ; Edw. Birds, pi. 225. Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 74. v. 24, 25. ? Falco Hudsonius Linn. S. N. i. p. 128.; Edw. Birds, pi. 107. Circus Hudsonius Vieill. Ois. de I Amer. Sept. i. p. 36. t. 9. Falco uliginosus Gmel S. N. i. p. 278.; Edw. Birds, pi. 291. Circus uliginosus Vieill. Ois. de VAmer. Sept. i. p. 37. Circus (Strigiceps) uliginosus Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 258. Falco variegatus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 276. Falco albidus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 276. Circus variegatus Vieill. Ois. de VAmer. Sept. i. p. 37. Falco Buffonii Gmel. S. N. i. p. 277. Falco europogistus Bosc, Daud. Tr. cTOrn. ii. p. 110.; Vieill. Ois. de VAmer. Sept. t. 8. Buteo (Circus) cyaneus ? var. ? americanus Sw. and Rich. Faun. Bor. Amer. Birds, pi. 29. Edwards' Birds, pi. 8. ; Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 51. f. 2. young; Bonap. Amer. Orn. pi. 8. adult. a. Devonshire, male. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Great Britain, male. c. Norfolk, young female. Presented by J. Scales, Esq. d. Great Britain, young female. From Col. Montagu's Col- lection. e. Devonshire, young female. From Col. Montagu's Collec- tion. /. Great Britain, young female. Presented by Sir A. Moles- worth. ' g -j. Nepal, male. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. k. China, female. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. I. North America, female. Presented by Edw. Doubleday, Esq. m. North America, male. Presented by Dr. Ridgeway. n. Rio Sacramento, California. Presented by Mr. G. Bar- clay. 0. . Sterna, England. E 4 80 ACC1PITRES DIURNI. q. Sternum, England. Presented by John Ray, Esq. r. Sternum, Europe. From M. Lefevre's Collection. 5. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 2. CIRCUS MELANOLEUCUS. The black and white Indian Falcon. Circus melanoleucus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. iv. p. 465. Falco melanoleucus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 274. Circus (Strigiceps) melanoleucus Kaup,Mus.Senckerib. (1845) p. 258. Ind. Zool iv. f. 2. ; Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. t. 32. ; Hodgs. Icon, ined. Accip. 78. a. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. India. 3. CIRCUS ACOLI. The long-legged Falcon. Circus acoli Vieill. N. Diet. tfHist. Nat. iv. p. 453. Falco acoli Daud. Tr. dOrn. ii. p. 176. Circus (Strigiceps) acoli Kaup, MILS. Senckenb. (1845) p. 258. Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. t. 31. a. Karee River, South Africa, in change. From M. Ver- reaux' Collection. 4. CIRCUS CINEREUS. Quoy's Buzzard. Circus cinereus Vieill. N. Diet. tfHist. Nat. iv. p. 454. ; Kaup, Mm. Senckenb. (1845) p. 258. Falco histrionicus Quoy and Gaim. Voy. de Uranie, Ois. t. 15, 16. Circus campestris Vieill. N. Diet. tfHist. Nat. iv. p. 455. Kaup. (?) Falco frenatus III. Licht. Cat. Dupl. Berl. Mus. p. 62. ? Circus (Strigiceps) histrionicus Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 98. Azara, No. 32, 33. a. Chili, adult female. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. b. Chili, very young. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. c. Straits of Magellan, male. Presented by the Admiralty. d. Falkland Islands, male. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R. N. e. East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. /. Falkland Islands, youn<* male. (Antarctic Expedition.) Presented by the Admiralty. 5. CIRCUS ATER. The black Hen Harrier. Circus ater Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. iv. p. 459. Falco maurus Temm. pi. col. 461. FALCONED^. 81 Circus Lalandi A. Smith, S. Afr. Quart Journ. (1830) p. 383.; HI, S. Afr. Zool pi 58. Circus (Strigiceps) maurus Kaup, Mm. Senckenb. (1845) p. 258. a. Africa, young male. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. b. South Africa, male. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. c. South Africa. From the South African Museum. d. e. South Africa, female. From the South African Mu- seum. /. South Africa, chick. From the South African Museum. g. South Africa, young. From M. Verreaux' Collection. b. GLAUCOPTERYX. 6. CIRCUS CINERASCENS. The ash-coloured Falcon. Circus cinerascens Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 338. Falco cinerascens Mont. Linn. Trans, ix. p. 188. Circus Montagui Vieill. N. Diet. (THist. Nat. xxxi. p. 41L; Gat, des Ois. t. 13. Buteo cinerasceus Flem. Brit. Anim. p. 55. Circus cinerascens v. pallidus Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Circus nipalensis Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 81. Circus (Glaucopteryx) cineraceus Kaup, Classif. der Saug. und Vdg.p. 113. Orn. Diet. fig. . ; Gould, B. of JSur. pL 35.; Hodgs. Icon, ined. Accip. 75. f. 1, 2. 76. 79. v. 26. ? a. Devonshire, male. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Wiltshire, male. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Devonshire young male. From Col. Montagu's Collection, d. e. Oxfordshire, young male. Presented by Sliss Moreland. y. England. g. Europe, adult male. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. h. Nepal. Presented byB. H Hodgson, Esq. i. Madras. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. j. Nepal, female. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. /. Sternum, England. Presented by J. Hay, Esq. m. Sternum, Europe. From M. Lefevre's Collection. n. ? Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 7. CIRCUS SWAINSONI. The pale-chested Harrier. Circus Swainsoni Smith, S. Afr. Quart. Journ. (1830) p. 384.; III. of S. Afr. Zool. pi. 43, 44. Circus albescens Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 85. Falco sequipar Cuv. MSS. Circus pallidus Syke*, Proc. Z. S. (1832) p. 81. E 5 82 ACCIPITRES DIURNI. Circus dalmaticus Rupp. Mus. Senckenb. (1834) t. 11. Circus (Glaucopteryx) Swainsoni Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 258. Gould, B. ofEur. pi. 34. a. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. b. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. SPILOCIRCUS. 8. CIRCUS JARDINII. Jardine's Hen Harrier. Circus Jardinii Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1837) p. 141. ; Syn. B. of Austr. pt. iii. pi. Circus (Spilocircus) Jardinii Kaup, Isis, (1847) p. 102. Gould, B. of Austr. pi. a. Australia. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. b. New South Wales. From Mr. Gould's Collection. c. Australia. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. d. Australia, young. Presented by Lady Carrington. *>. North-eastern Australia. Presented byLt. Col. Sir Thomas L. Mitchell. d. SPIZACIRCUS. 9. CIRCUS MACROPTERUS. The Salvador Falcon. Circus macropterus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. iv. p. 458. Falco palustris Pr. Max. Beitr. (1831) ii. p. 224. Circus albicollis Vieill. N. Diet. tfHist Nat. iv. p. 456. ; Kemp. Circus superciliosus Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 87. t, 3. f. 1. Circus (Spizacircus) macropterus Kaup, Mus. Senckenb. (1845) p. 113. Temm.pl. col. 22. ; Azara, No. 31. 12. Afr. t. 284. a. South Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. b. South Africa. From the South African Museum. c. Western Africa. Presented by Major Ricketts. d. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. 17. ATHENE NANA. The dwarf Owl. Athene nana G. R. Gray, List of Birds, Brit. Mus. i. p. 51. Strix nana Vigors, Zool. Journ. iii. p. 426. Glaucidium nanum Boie, Isis, (1826) p. 976. G. R. Gray and Mitch. Gen. of B. pi. 12. a. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. b. South America 92 ACCIPITBES NOCTURNI. 18. ATHENE FERRUGINEA. The Cabure Owl. Athene ferruginea G. R. Gray, List of Birds, Brit. Mus. i. p. 51. Strix ferruginea Pr. Max. Beitr. (1831) ii. p. 234. Noctua ferruginea Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 346. PI. col. 199. a. Brazil. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. b. South America. Presented by M. Claussen. 19. ATHENE PASSERINOIDES. The little Columbian Owl. Athene passerino'ides G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Strix passerino'ides Temm. pi. col. 344. Surnia passerino'ides Audub. Syn. B. of Amer. p. 23. ; B. of Amer. pi. 432. ff. 4, 5. a. South America. 20. ATHENE PUMILA. The pygmy Owl. Athene pumila G. R. Gray, List of Birds, Brit. Mus. i. p. 5 1 . Strix pumila Licht. Cat. Dupl. Berl. Mus. p. 60. ; Temm. pi. col 39. Noctua pumila Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 346. Strix minutissima Pr. Max. Beitr. (1831) ii. p. 242. Strix verox VieilL N. Diet. tfHist. Nat. vii. p. 22. Azara, No. 49. a. South America. b. South America. c. Brazil. Presented by M. Claussen. d. South America. From Mr. Johnson's Collection. 21. ATHENE CUNICULARIA. The Coquimbo Owl. Athene cunicularia Bonap. Geogr. Comp. List B. of Eur. and N. Amer. p. 6. Strix cunicularia Mol. Chili, p. 233. Nyctipetes cunicularia Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 218. Noctua urucurea Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) p. 346. Noctua coquimbana Briss. Orn. i. p. 155. Strix grallaria Temm. pi. col. 146. Strix hypugasa Bonap. Amer. Orn. i. p. 72. .-Uhene socialis Garni. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. (1846) p. 47. ? Surnia cunicularia Audub. Syn. B. of. Amer. p. 22. Azara, No. 47. ; Bonap. Amer. Orn. pi. 7. f. 2. ; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 412. a. Mexico. Presented by John Taylor, Esq. b. Maldanado. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq. STRIGID^E. 93 c. St. Nevis, West Indies. Presented by W. Cottle, Esq. d. South America. From Mr. Johnson's Collection. b. C ICC ABA. 22. ATHENE HUHULA. The fasciated Owl. Strix huhula Daud. Tr. cCOrn. ii. p. 190. Strix lineata Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 280. pi. 36. Strix albomarginata Spix, Av. Bras. t. 10. a. Ciccaba huhula Wagl. Isis, (1832) p. 1222. Athene lineata G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Surnia lineata Less. Tr. cTOrn. p. 101. Noctua - Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 333. Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. t. 41. a. Cayenne. 23. ATHENE TORQUATA. The downy Owl. Athene torquata G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Strix torquata Daud. Tr. dfOm. ii. p. 193. Noctua torquata Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 333. Strix superciliosa Shaw, Gen. Zool. i. p. 250. pi. 32. Azara, No. 43. ; Levaill Ois. cTAfr. t. 42. a. South America. b. Sta. Crux, Bolivia. From Mr. Brydges' Collection. c. GLAUCIDIUM. 24. ATHENE PASSERINA. The little Owl. Athene passerina G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Strix passerina Linn. S.N.i. p. 133. Strix acadica Ternm. Man. d"Orn. (1815) p. 55. Strix pusilla Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 205. Strix pygmsea Bechst. Naturg. Deut. ii. p. 978. Athene acadica Boie, his, (1822) p. 549. Glaucidium passerinum Boie, Isis, (1826) p. 976. ; Brehm, V'og. Deut. i. p. 108. t. 8. f. 1. Levaill. Ois. tfAfr. t. 46. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 50. ; Nils. Shandinav. Faun. t. 3. a. Germany. b. Carniola, male. From M. Parrey's Collection. c. Carniola, female. From M. Parrey's Collection. ACCIPITRES NOCTURNI. 4. NYCTALE. Nyctale Brehm, Isis, (1828) p. 1271. JEgolius Kaup, Naturl Syst. der Eur. Thier. p. 34, (1829.) Scotophilus Swains. Classif. of B. ii, p. 217. (1837.) 1. NYCTALE TUNEREA. The Tengmalm's Owl. Nyctale funerea Bonap. Nyctale Tengmalmi Bonap. Geogr. Comp. List of B. Eur. and N. Amer. p. 7. Strix funerea Linn. Faun. Suec. p. 25. Strix passerina Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 323. Strix Tengmaltni Gmel. S. N. i. p. 291. ; Faun. Bor. Amer. Birds, p. 94. pi. 32. Nyctale pinetorum Brehm, Vog. Deut. i. p. 112. Nyctale abietum Brehm, Vog. Deut. p. 113. t. 8. f. 3. Nyctale planiceps Brehm, Vog. Deut. p. 113. Noctua Tengmalmi Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 345. ; YarrelL Brit. B. i. p. 153. Athene Tengmalmi Boie, Isis, (1822) p. 549. ^Egolius Tengmalmi Kaup, Naturl. Syst. der Eur. Thier. p. 34. Nyctale Richardsoni Bonap. Geogr. Comp. List of B. Eur. and N. Amer. p. 7. Ulula Tengmalmi Audub. Syn. B. of Amer. p. 24. Strix passerina Forst. Phil. Trans. Ixii. p. 385. Edwards' Birds, pi. 228. ; Faun. Bor. Amer. pi. 32. ? Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 49. ; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 380. a. Europe. b. Egypt. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. c. Northern Europe. From M. Schultz' Collection. 2. NYCTALE ACADICA. The Acadian Owl. Nyctale acadica Bonap. Geogr. Comp. List of B. Eur. and N. Amer. p. 7. Strix acadica Gmel. S. N. i. p. 296. ; Faun. Bor. Amer. Birds p. 97. Strix acadiensis Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 65. Strix (Noctua) acadica Richard, and Sw. Faun. Bor. Amer. Bird*. p. 97. Strix passerina Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 34. f. 1. Scotophilus acadica Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 217. TJlula acadica Audub. Syn. B. of Amer. p. 24. Lath. Gen. Syn. i. pi. 5. f. 2.; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 199. a. ? From Mr. Argent's Collection. STRIGIDJE. 95 ii. BUBONINJE. 1. EPHIALTES. Scops Sav. Descr. de VEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 105. (1809.) Ephialtes Keys and BL (1840.) Lophostrix Less. Compl. Buff. Ois. vii. p. 261. (1836.) a. EPHIALTES. 1. EPHIALTES SCOPS. The Scops eared Owl. Ephialtes scops G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Strix scops Linn. S. N. i. p. 129. ; Yarrell, Brit. B. i. p. 120. Strix zorca Cetti, Uc. di Sardegn. p. 60. Strix carniolica Gmel. S. N. i. p. 290. Scops zorca Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 217. Strix gui Scop. Ann. 1. No. 9. Scops Aldrovandi {Ray) Flem. Brit. An. p. 57. ; Yarrell, Brit. Birds, i. p. 120. Scops ephialtes Sav. Descr. de TEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 107. Scops europaeus Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 106. Bubo scops Boie, Isis, (1822) p. 549. Scops carniolica Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 126. t. 9. f. 3* Strix pulchella Pall Her. i. p. 456. Scops pennata Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1837) p. 369.; As. Res. xix. p. Scops sunia Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1837) p. 369. ; As. Res. xix. p. 175. Otus (Scops) japonicus Temm. et Schl. Fauna Jap. t. 9. Scops senegalensis Swains. B. of W. Afr. i. p. 127. Scops capensis A. Smith, Cat. S. Afr. Mus. p. Otus (Scops) africana Temm. et Schl. Fauna Jap. p. 27. PI. enl. 436. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 41. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 88. 85. 85*. a. Germany. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b, c. . ? d. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. e h. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. i. Madras. Presented by Rev. H. H. Baber. j. Madras. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. k. Malacca. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 1. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. m. Madras. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. n, o. Cape of Good Hope. From the South African Museum. p. Gambia. From Mr. Rendall's Collection. 96 ACCIPITRES NOCTURNI. q. India. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. r. Sternum, Europe. From M. Lefevre's Collection. s. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 2. EPHIALTES LEMPIJI. The Lempi-ji-Owl. Ephialtes lempiji G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Strix lempiji Horsf. Linn. Tr. xiii. p. 140. Strix rufescens, Horsf. Linn. Tr. xiii. p. 140. ? Strix noctula Reinw. pi. col. 99. Otus noctula Temm. et Sclil. Fauna Jap. p. 25. Strix bakkamuna Penn. Ind. Zool. ? Scops lettia Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1837) p. 369. ; As. Res. xix. p. 176. Scops javanicus Less. Tr. a" Orn. p. 107. ? Scops malabaricus Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1844) p. 119.? Scops griseus Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1844) p. 119. ? Scops lettoides Jerd. Blyth, Journ. A. S. B. xiv. p. 182.? Otus mantis Temm. et Schl. Fauna Jap. p. 25. ? Hodgs. Icon. ined. 86. 86*. 87. a c. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d, e. Madras. Presented by Rev. H. H. Baber. f. India. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. g. India. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. h. Borneo, young. From Mr. Low's Collection. i. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 3. EPHIALTES GYMNOPODUS. The bare-footed Scops-Owl. Scops gymnopodus G. R. Gray, List of B. Brit. Mus. p. 44. a. India. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. 4. EPHIALTES ATRICAPILLA. The black-headed Owl. Ephialtes atricapilla G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Strix atricapilla Natt.pl. col. 145. Scops atricapilla Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 347. a. South America. From Mr. Johnson's Collection. b. South America. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 5. EPHIALTES ASIO. The red eared Owl. Ephialtes asio G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Strix asio Linn. S. N. i. p. 132. Strix naevia Gmel. S. N. i. p. 289. ; Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 19= f. 1. Scops carolinensis Briss. Orn. i. p. 497. Otus nsevius Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 341. Scops asio Less. Tr. a" Orn. p. 107. STRIGID^E. 97 Bubo asio Audub. Syn. IB. of Amer. p. 29. Wils. Am. Orn. pi. 42. f. 1. ; Vieill. Ois. de I' Amer. Sept. t. 21. ; PL col. 80. ; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 97. a c. Delaware, North America. Presented by Edw. Dou- bleday, Esq. d. North America. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. 6. EPHIALTES CHOLIBA. The Choliba Scops -Owl. Ephialtes choliba G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Strix choliba Vieill. N. Diet. dHist. Nat. vii. p. 39. Strix decussata Licht. Cat. Dupl. Berl. Mus. p. 59. Strix crucigera Spix, Av. Bras. t. 9. Strix undulata Spix, (nee Lath.) Av. Bras. t. 10. (juv.) Otus brasiliensis Temm. et Schl. Fauna Japon. p. 25. ? Azara, No. 48. a. Caraccas. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. b, c. Caraccas, young. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. d. South America. e. ? South America. /. South America. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. g. Brazil. Presented by M. Claussen. h. South America. i. South America, adult. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. j. Brazil, adult. Presented by M. Claussen. 7. EPHIALTES ASSIMILIS. The allied Scops-Owl. a. South America. From Mr. Johnson's Collection. 8. EPHIALTES ALBOPUNCTATA. The white-spotted Owl. a. South America ? From Mr. Williams's Collection. 9. EPHIALTES GRAMMICUS. The dusky-eared Owl. Ephialtes grammicus Gosse, B. of Jam. p. 19. a, b. Jamaica, adult and young. From Mr, Gosse's Collec- tion. c. Sternum, Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. 10. EPHIALTES LEUCOTIS. The white-eared Scops. Ephialtes leucotis G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Strix leucotis Temm. pi. col. 16. r 98 ACCIPITRES NOCTURNI. Otus leucotis Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 341. Scops leucotis Swains. Classif. of B. ii. 217. , b. From Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. 11? EPHIALTES ? MEGALOTIS. The Manilla Scops. . Manilla, (young bird.) From Mr. Cuming's Collection. b. LOPHOSTRIX. 12. EPHIALTES CRIST AT A. The supercilious Owl. Ephialtes cristata G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. . Strix cristata Daud. Tr. (TOrn. ii. p. 207. Strix griseata Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. xv. Bubo griseatus Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 331. Sjrnium griseatum Less. Tr. d"Orn. p. 113. Levaill. Ois d?Afr. t. 48. a. Cayenne. From Mr. Argent's Collection. b. South America. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 2. BUBO. Bubo Sibb. Asio Briss. Orn. i. p. 477. (1760) ; Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 217. (1837.) Heliaptex Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 217. (1837.) Ascalaphia I. Geoffr. Mem. du Mm. (1830.) Urrua Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1837) p. 372. Mesomorpha Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1841) p. 28. Huhiia Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1837) p. 362. Etoglaux Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1841) p. 28. a. BUBO. 1. BUBO MAXIMUS. The great eared Owl. Bubo maxinms (Sibb.) Flem. Brit. An. p. 57. Strix bubo Linn: S. N. i. 131. ; Yarrell, Brit. B. i. p. 114. Asio bubo Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 217. Bubo atheniensis Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii, p. 209. Bubo europaeus Less. Tr. dOrn. p. 115. t. 17. f. 1. Strix scandiaca Linn. Faun. Suec. No. 70. Bubo albus Daud. Tr. dOrn. ii. p. 210. Bubo nudipes Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 209. ? STRIGID^E. 99 Bubo germanicus Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 119. Bubo septentrionalis Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 120. t. 9. f. 1. PL enl 435. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 37. ; Edwards, Birds, pi. 227. a. Europe? 2 ? BUBO SIBIRICUS. The Siberian eared Owl. Bubo sibiricus Eversm. G. R. Gray and Mitch. Gen. of Birds, pi. 13. (Bubo cinereus on plate by mistake.) 3. ? BUBO CAPENSIS. The Cape eared Owl. Bubo capensis Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. 209. Levaill. Ois. cCAfr. t. 40. ; El. S. Afr. Zool. pi. 70. a. South Africa. From the South African Museum. 4. BUBO VIRGINIANUS. The Virginian eared Owl. Bubo virginianus Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 115. Strix virginiana Gmel. S. N. i. p. 287. Strix (Bubo) virginiana Richard, and tfw. Faun. Bor. Amer. Birds, p. 82. Asio virginiana Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 217. Bubo pinicola VieilL Ois. de I'Amer. Septr. t. 19. Strix (Bubo) arcticus Swains.' Faun. Bor. Amer. Birds, pi. 30. Heliaptex arcticus Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 217. Strix magellanicus Gmel. S. N. i. p. . ; PI. enl. 385. Strix nacurutu VieilL N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. vii. p. 44. Bubo magellanicus Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 344. Edwards, Birds, pi. 60. ; Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 50. f. 1. ; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 61. ; Azara, No. 42. a. North America. b. Delaware, North America. Presented by Edw. Double- day, Esq. c. d. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. e. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. f. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. 5. BUBO LACTEUS. The pale eared Owl. Bubo lacteus Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 344. Strix lactea Temm. pi. col. 4. Otus lacteus Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 111. a. Cape of Good Hope, male. FromM. Verreaux' Collection. b. Cape of Good Hope, female. From M. Verreaux' Collection. F 2 100 ACCIPITRES NOCTUBNI. b. URRUA. 6. BUBO BENGALENSIS. The hole-haunting eared Owl. Bubo bengalensis G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Otus bengalensis FranJd. Proc. ZooL Soc. (1831) 115.; Gould, Cent. ofS.pl. 3. Bubo ? cavearius Hodgs. As. Res. xix. p. 169. Urrua cavearia Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1837) p. 372. Gould's Cent, of Birds, pi. 3. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 93, 94. v. 32, 33. a, b. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. Himalayan Mountains. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collec- tion. d. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. /, g. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 7. BUBO COROMANDER. The Coromandel eared Owl. Bubo coromander G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Strix coromandra Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 53. Urrua coromandra Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1837) p. Urrua umbrata Blyth, Ann. et Mag. Nat. Hist. (1844) p. 38. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. pi. 20. ; Hardw. Icon. ined. 10980. 37, 38. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 95. a, b. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. India. d. India. Presented by Dr. Royle. e. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. HUHUA. 8. BUBO ORIENTALTS. The Oriental Owl. Bubo orientalis G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Strix orientalis Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 174. Strix sumatrana Raffl. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. Strix strepitans Temm.pl. col. 174. 229. Bubo (Huhiia) nepalensis Hodgs. As. Res. xix. p. 172. Huhua nepalensis Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1837) p. 362. Bubo strepitans Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 344. Syrnium strepitans Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 114. Hodgs. Icon. ined. v. 31. App. 11. a c. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. STRIGID^E. 101 d. ASCALAPHIA. 9. BUBO ASCALAPHUS. The Egyptian eared Owl. Bubo ascalaphus Sav. Descr. de lEgypte, Hist Nat. i. p. 110. ; Ois. t. 3. f. 2. Strix (Bubo) ascalaphus And. Descr. de TEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 264. Otus ascalaphus Gun. Reg. An. (1817) i p. 328. Asealaphia Savignyi G. R. Gray, List of Gen. B. (1841) p. 7. PI col. 57. a. Egypt. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. 3. KETUPA. Ketupa Zess. Tr.dOrn. p. 114. (1831.) Cultrunguis Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1836) p. 364. 1. KETUPA CEYLONENSIS. The Ceylonese eared Owl. Ketupa ceylonensis G. R. Gray, List Gen. of B. (1840) p. Strix ceylonensis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 287. Strix Leschenaultii Temm. pi. col. 20. Ketupa Leschenaultii Less. Tr. d"Orn. p. 114. Strix Hardwickii Gray, HI. Lid. Zool. pi. 31. Cultrunguis nigripes Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1836) p. 364. Strix dumeticola Tick. Journ. A. S. B. ii. p. 571. Brown, III. pi. 4. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. v. 29. App. 13. a, b. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. Madras. Presented by the Rev. H. H. Baber. d. India. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. e. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. /. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 2. KETUPA JAVANENSIS. The Ketupa Owl. Ketupa javanensis Less. Tr. dOrn. p. 114. Strix ceylonensis Temm. pi. col, 74. Strix ketupa Hersf. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 141. Scops ketupa Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 347. a. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. 3. KETUPA FLAVIPES. The yellow-footed Ketupa. Ketupa flavipes G. R. Gray, List of B. Brit. Mus. i. p. 45. Cultrunguis flavipes Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc, Beng. (1836) p. 364. pi. 26. F 3 102 ACCIPITRES NOCTURNI. Hard. Icon. ined. 10980. 36. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. v. 30. App. 12. a c. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. ill. SYRNIINJE. * 1. SYRNIUM. Syrnium Sav. Descr. de VEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 112. (1809.) Aluco Cuv. Kaup, Syst. der Eur. Thier. p. 45. (1829.) Scotiaptex Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 216. (1837.) Ulula Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 329. Ptynx Blyth, (1840.) Bulaca Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1837) p. 372. Meseidus Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1841) p. 28. a. SYRNIUM. 1. SYRNIUM ALUCO. The brown Owl. Syrnium aluco Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 330.; Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 116. Strix aluco Linn. S. N. i. p. 130. Strix stridula Linn. S.N. i. p. 133. Strix soloniensis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 293. Strix sylvatica Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 253. Syrnium ululans Sav. Descr. de TEgypte, Hist. Nat. i. p. 112. Syrnium stridulum Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 117. Strix sylvestris Scop. Ann. i. No. 13. Strix alba Scop. Aim. i, No. 14. Strix noctua Scop. Ann. i. No. 15. Strix rufa Scop. Ann. i. No. 16. PI. enl. 441. 437. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 47. a. Wiltshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b, c. Carmarthenshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. d. Devonshire. Presented by Sir W. Leach, Bart. e. Chick. From Mr. Bullock's Museum. /. Europe. g. Sternum, England. Presented by T. Ingall, Esq. h. Sternum, England. Presented by John Ray, Esq. 2. SYRNIUM NIVICOLUM. The snow Owl. Syrnium nivicolum Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. xiv. p. 185. Urrua nivicola Hodgs. MSS. STRIGID^E. 103 Mesomorpha nivicola Hodgs. Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 96. a, b. Xepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 3. SYRNIUM PERSONATUM. The masked Owl. Strix personata Daud. Tr. (TOrn. ii. p. 192. Strix larvata Shaw, Nat. Misc. pi. 801. Levaill Ois. Afr. t. 44. . South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 4. SYRNIOM POLYGRAMMICUM. The many-banded Owl. a, b. Brazil. Presented by M. Claussen. c. ? Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. d. ? young. From Mr. Argent's Collection. 5. SYRNIUM ZONOCERCUS. The barred-tailed Owl. Strix fasciata Vieill N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. vii. p. 21. ? a. Caraccas. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 6. SYRNIUM HYLOPHILUM. The hylophile Owl. Syrnium hylophilum G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Strix hylophila Temm. pi. col. 373. a. Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothsay, 7. SYRNIUM ALBOTARSE. The white-legged Owl. a. South America. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. b. ULULA. 9. SYRNIUM CINEREUM. The cinereous Owl. Syrnium cinereum Bonap. Strix cinerea Gmel. S. N. i. p. 291.; Richard, and Sw. Faun. Bor. Amer. Birds, p. 77. pi. 31. Scotiaptex cinerea Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 217. Strix lapponica Retz. Faun. Suec. p. 79. ; Sparr. Mus. Carls, t. 5. Ulula lapponica Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 342. Strix barbata Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 318. t. 11. Strix acclamator Bartr. Trav. p. 285. F 4 104 ACCIPITBES NOCTURNI. Strix fuliginosa Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 244. Nils. Fauna Skandin. t. 71. ; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 351. a. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Com- pany. b. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. 10. SYRNIUM URALENSE. The Ural Owl. Syrnium uralensis Brehm, Isis, (1828) p. 1271. ; Kaup, Naturl. Syst. der Eur. Thier. p. 59. Strix uralensis Pall. lier. i. p. 455. ; PI. enl. 27. Scotiaptex uralensis Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 217. Ptynx uralensis Blyth. Noctua (Surnia) uralensis Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i p. 344. Strix liturata Retz. Faun. Suec. p. 79. ; PL col 27. Strix macroura Natt. Meyer, Taschenb. Deut. i. p. 84. Ulula litturata Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 329. Strix macrocephala Meisn. Vog. der Schweiz, p. 34. Syrnium macrocephalon Brehm, Vog. Deuts.i. p. 115. t. 8. f. 4. Lepech. It. ii. 187. t. 3. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 44. a. Sweden, female. From M. Wahlberg's Collection. &. Styria, female. From M. Parrey's Collection. 11. SYRNIUM NEBULOSUM, The barred Owl. Syrnium nebulosum Boie, Isis, (1822) p, 549. Ulula nebulosa Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) p. 329. Strix nebulosa Gmel. S. N. i. 291. ; Richard, and Siv. Faun. Bor. Amer. Birds, p. 81. Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 33. f. 2. ; Vieill. Ois. dAmer. t. 17. ; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 46. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 46. a. North America. b. ? C. BULACA. 12. SYRNIUM INDRANEE. The Nepal Owl. Strix indranee Syhes, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1832) p. 82. Ulula? newarensis Hodgs. As. Res. xix. p. 168. Bulaca newarensis Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1837) p. 372. Bulaca monticola Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1840) p. 197. ; Suppl. (1841) p. 197. and (1844) p. 119. G. R. Gray and Mitch. Gen. of B. pi. 14 ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 34. 97. STRIGID^E. 105 a. Nepal, male. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. Nepal, female. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. India. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. d. e. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 13. SYRNIUM SINENSE. The China Owl. Syrnium sinense G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Strix sinensis Lath. Jud. Orn. i. p. 53. Otus sinensis Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 58. Strix orientalis Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 257. Bulaca sinensis Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1839) p. 88. Gray, 111. Ind. Zool. pi. 21. a. Madras. Presented by the Rev. H. H. Baber. b, c. India. 14. SYRNIUM PHILIPPENSE. The Philippine Owl. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 2. OTUS. Otus Cuv. Comp. Anat. i. Sec. Tab. Classif. des Ois. (1797 1800.) Brachyotus Gould, Proc. Z. S. (1837) p. 10. Nyctalops Wagl. Isis, (1832) p. 1221. a. OTUS. 1. OTUS VULGARIS. The long-eared Owl. Otus vulgaris Flem. Brit. An. p. 60. ; Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1337) p. 369. ; Yarrell, Brit. B. i. p. 124. Strix otus Linn. S. N. i. p. 134. ; PI. enl. 22. Strix soloniensis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 293. Otus europseus Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 57. Bubo otus Boie, Isis, (1822) p. 549. Otus communis Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 110. Strix (Asio) otus Richard, and Sw. Faun. Bor. Amer. Birds, p. 72. Otus sylvestris Brehm, Vdg. Deuts. i. p. 121. Otus arboreus Brehm, Vdg. Deuts. i. p. 122. Otus gracilis Brehm, Vdg. Deuts. i. p. 123. t. 9. f. 2. Otus americanus Bonap. Geogr. Comp. List of B. Eur. and N. Amer. p. 7. Otus Wilsonianus Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 110. Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 51. f. 3. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 39.; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 383. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 89, 90. F 5 106 ACCIPITRES NOCTURNI. a. Oxfordshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Great Britain. Presented by J. Warniford, Esq. c. Great Britain. d. Great Britain, variety. e. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. f. Sternum, England. Presented by T. Ingall, Esq. g. Sternum, England. Presented by John Ray, Esq. 2. OTUS MACULOSUS. The spotted eared Owl. Otus maculosus Less. Tr. tfOrn. p. 109. Strix maculosa Vieitt. N. Diet. dHist. Nat. vii. 44. Strix africana Temm. pi. col. 50. Otus africanus Cuv. Reg. An. (1822) i. p. 341. Bubo africana Boie, Isis, (1826) p. 976. Gal. des Ois. t. 23. a. South Africa, male. Presented by the Earl of Derby. b. South Africa. From the South African Museum. c. d. South Africa, very young. From the South African Museum. e. Western Africa. Presented by Capt. Sabine, R.A. 3. OTUS MADAGASCARIENSIS. The Madagascar eared Owl. Otus madagascariensis A. Smith, Cat. S. Afr. Mus. p. a. Madagascar. From Dr. Smith's Collection. 4. OTUS MEXICANUS. The American eared Owl. Otus mexicanus Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 328. Strix mexicana Gmel. S. N. i. p. 288. Strix americana Gmel. S. N. i. p. 288. Bubo clamator Vieill. Ois. d'Amer. Septr. i. 20. (female ?) Strix longirostris Spix, Av. Bras. t. 9. a. 1 Strix maculosa Pr. Max. Beitr. (1831) ii. p. 281. Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 412. a. South America. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 5. OTUS CRASSIROSTRIS. The thick-billed eared Owl. Otus crassirostris G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. . , Strix crassirostris Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. ii. p. 44. Strix macrorhyncha Temm. pi. col. 64. Otus macrorhynchus Cuv. Heg. An. (1829) i. p. 341. a. Chili. From Mr. Bridges' Collection. STRIGID^E. 107 b. BRACHYOTUS. 6. OTUS BRACHYOTUS. The short-eared Owl. Otus brachyotus Boie, Isis, (1822) p. 549. ; Yarrell, Brit B. i. p. 128. ; Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1837) p. 369. Strix brachyotus Gmel. S. N. i. 289. Otus ulula Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 328. Strix aegolius Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 309. Strix ulula Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 322. Strix accipitrina Pall. It. i. p. 455. Strix caspia Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 272. Otus palustris Brehm, Vdg. Deuts. i. p, 124. ; Gould, Voy. of Beagle, Birds, p. 33. Otus agrarius Brehm, Vdg. Deuts. i. p. 124. Brachyotus palustris Gould, Bonap. Geogr. Comp. List B. of Eur. and N. Amer. p. 7. Strix arctica Sparrm. Mus. Carls, t. 51. Strix tripennis Schranks* Faun. Boica, p. 112. Strix palustris Smies. Vdg. Strix brachyura Nils. Faun. Suec. i. p. 62. Strix (Asio) brachyotus Richard, and Sw. Faun. Bor. Amer. Birds, p. 75. PI. enl 438.; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 40. ; Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 33. f. 3.; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 410. ; Hardw. Icon. ined. 10980. 45. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 91, 92. a. Gloucestershire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Great Britain. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Great Britain. d. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Com- pany. e. Canada. Presented by J. P. Mauger, Esq. /. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. g. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. h. Northern Asia. i,j. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. k. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. /, 77i. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 72. Chili. (?) From Mr. Warwick's Collection. o. Trachea, England. p. Sternum, England. Presented by T. Ingall, Esq. q. Sternum, England. Presented by John Ray, Esq. r. Sternum, Europe. From M. Lefevre's Collection. F 6 108 ACCIPITRES KOCTUBKI. 7. OTUS GALAPAGOENSIS. The Galapagos Owl Otus (Brachyotus) galapagoensis Gould, Proc. ZooL Soc. (1837) p. 10. Voy. of Beagle, Birds, pi. 3. a. Galapagos. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. I. Falkland Islands. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. c. Falkland Islands (Antarctic Expedition), male. Presented by the Admiralty. d, e. East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition), female. Pre- sented by the Admiralty. 8. OTUS CAPENSIS. The Cape short-eared Owl. Otus capensis A. Smith, S. Afr. Quart. Journ. (1835) p. 306. ; III South Afr. ZooL pi. 67, Otus abyssinicus Guer. Rev. ZooL (1843) p. 321.? . South Africa. From the South African Museum. 5. South Africa. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. v. 1. STRIX. Strix Linn. Nat. Syst. (1735.) Aluco Flem. Phil, of ZooL ii. p. 236. (1822.) Hybris Nitzsch, Petrylog. p. 110. (1840.) Stridula Sel. Longch. (1842.) 1. STRIX FLAMMEA. The white Barn Owl. Strix flammea Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 133.; Yarrell, Brit. B. i. p. 133.; Brehm, Vog. Deut. i. p. 106. Strix guttata Brehm, Vog. Deut. i. p. 106. t. 7. f. 3. PL enl. 440. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 36. a. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Combe Wood. Presented by Mr. Leadbeater. c. Epping. Presented by Henry Doubleday, Esq. d. Cambridgeshire. From J. Clark's Collection. e. Devonshire, young. /, g. Cambridgeshire, young. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. h. South Africa. From the South African Museum. i. Western Africa. Presented by Rev. D. F. Morgan. STRIGID2E. 109 j. Egypt. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. k. Skull, Egypt. Presented by Dr. Turnbull Christie. 1. Sternum, England. Presented by T. Ingall, Esq. m. Sternum, England. Presented by John Ray, Esq. n. Sternum, Europe. From M. Lefevre's Collection. o Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 2. STBIX PERLATA. The American Barn Owl. Strix fiammea Wils. Am. Orn. pi. 50. f. 2. Strix perlata Licht. Cat. Dupl. Berl. Mus> p. 59. Strix furcata Temm. pi. col. 432. Strix americana Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 171. Strix pratincola Bonap. Geogr. Comp. List of B. Eur. and N. Amer. p. 7. Azara, No. 46. a. North America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b, c. Rio Sacramento, California. Presented by Capt. Sir E, Belcher, C.B. R.N. d, e. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. /. Sternum, Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. g, h. Mexico. From Mr. Argent's Collection. i. Brazil. Presented by M. Claussen. j. Bahia Blanca. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 3. STRIX JAVANICA. The stout-legged Owl. Strix flammea Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1837) p. 369. Strix javanica De Wurmb. Licht. Mag. iv. p. 2. ; Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. x. p. 85. Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 98, 99. ; G. R. Gray and Mitch. Gen. of Birds, pi. 15. a. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. b. India. Presented by Dr. Burns. c. India. Presented by Capt. Johnstone. d. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 4. STRIX DELICATULA. The Australian Barn Owl. Strix delicatula Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1836) p. 140. Strix flammea? Vig. and Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 190. Gould, B.ofAustr.^l. a. Australia. Presented by Lady Carrington. b, c. Port Essington. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. d. Interior of S. Australia. Presented by Capt, Sturt. e. Australia. From Mr. Argent's Collection. 110 ACCIPITEES NOCTURNI. /. ? Upolo Navigators Group. Presented by Rev. John B.. Stair. 5. STRIX CASTANOPS. The chestnut-faced Owl. Strix castanops Gould, Proc. ZooL Soc. (1836) p. 140. ; B. of Austr. pi. a. Australia. 6. STRIX PERSONATA. The ring- eyed Owl. Strix personata Vigors, Proc. ZooL Soc. (1831) p. 60. Strix cyclops Gould, Proc. ZooL Soc. (1836) p! 140. B. of Austr. pi. a, b. Australia. Presented by Lady Carrington. c. Tasmania (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Ad- miralty. 7. STRIX PUNCTATISSIMA. The Galapagos Barn Owl. Strix punctatissima G. R. Gray, Voy. of Beagle, Birds, p. 34. pi. 4. a. James Island, Galapagos. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, RJS". 8. STRIX CANDIDA. The jungle Owl. Strix candidus Tick. Journ. A. S. B. ii. p. 572. Strix longimembris Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1839) p. 86. a. Madras. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. 9. STRIX CAPENSIS. The Cape Barn Owl. Strix capensis A. Smith, S. Afr. Quart. Journ. N. S. (1836) p. . III. S. Afr. ZooL pi. 45. a, b. South Africa. From the South African Museum. c. South Africa, young. From the South African Museum. 2. PHODILUS. Phodilus /. Geoffr. Ann. des Sci. Nat. xxi. p. 201. 1. PHODILUS BADIUS. The bay Owl. Phodilus badius J. Geoffr. Ann. des Sci. Nat. xxi. p. 201. Strix badia Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 139. ; Hodgs. Gray, ZooL Misc. (1844) p. 82. ZooL Res. pi. ; PL col. 318. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Accip. 100. a. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. INDEX. A. ABIBTINUS. Falco, 50. abietum. Nyctale, 94. abyssinicus. Otus, 108. acadica. Athene, 93. ; Nyc- tale, 94. ; Scotophilus, 94.; Strix, 93, 94. ; Strix (Noctua), 94. ; Ulula,94. acadiensis. Strix, 94. Aecipiter, 69. Accipitres, 1. Accipitres. Diurni, 1. ; Nocturni, 85. accipitrina. Strix, 107. Accipitrinae, 63. acclamator. Strix, 103. acoli. Circus, 80. ; Circus ( Strigiceps), 80. ; Falco, SO. .Egolius, 94. aegolius. Strix, 107. JEgyplui, 4. 58. segyptiacus. Percnopterus, 7. aegyptius. Milvus, 44. ;Vul- tur, 5. jequinoctialis. Buteo, 37. ; Buteo (Ichthyoborus), 37. ; Falco, 37. aequipar. Falco, 81. aeruginosus. Buteo, 83. ; Circus, 82. .Esalon, 53, 54. zesalon. Falco, 55. ; Hypo- triorchis, 55. aetolius. Milvus, 43. Aetos, 9. Aetotriorchis, 29, 30. affinis. Aecipiter, 73. ; Mil- vus, 43.;, Milvus (Hydro- ictinia), 43. africana. Bubo, 106. ; Otus (Scops), 95. ; Strix, 106. africanus. Gypogeranus, 78.; Otus, 106.; Serpen- tarius, 77. agrarius. Otus, 107. aguia. Buteo, 25. ; Falco, 25. ; Haliaetus, 25. ; Hali- aetus (Geranoaetus), 25. ; Haliaetus (Heteroaetus, 25. alaudarius. Aecipiter, 58. : Tinnunculus, 58. alba. Strix, 102. albescens. Falco, 15. 64.; Circus, 81. albicans. Falco, 11. 79. albicauda. Buteo, 36. albicaudatus. Buteo, 36. albicaudus. Falco, 26. albicilla. Aquila, 26 ; Hali- aetus, 25. ; var. Falco, 24. ; Vultur, 25. albicollis. Asturina (Leu. copterniss, 38. ; Buteo, 38. ; Circus, 82. ; Falco, 38. ; Vultur, 6. albidus. Falco, 18. 79. albifacies. Athene, 90. albipes. Haliaetus (Cun- cuma), 24. albirostris. Aquila, 12. albiventer. Bidens, 62. albomarginata. Strix, 93. alboniger. Nisaetus, 16. albonotatus. Buteo, 36. albopunctata. Ephialtes, 97. albotarse. Syrnium, 103. albus. Astur, 65. ; Bubo, 98. ; Buteo, 32. ; Falco, 65. ; Vultur, 7. Aldrovandii. Falco, 53. ; Scops, 95. alpinus. Gypaetus, 2. alticeps. Archibuteo, 38. ; Pandion, 22. Aluco, 102. 188. aluco. Strix, 102. ; Syr- nium, 102. ambustus. Falco, 30. americana. Strix, 106.1109. americanus. Buteo, 34. ; Falco, 9. 28.; Ibycter,28.; Pandion, 22. ; Otus, 105. anatum. Falco, 51. angolensis. Falco, 8.; Gyp- aetus, 8. ; Gypohierax, 8. ; Racama, 8, ; Vultur, 8. anguium. Circaetus, 17. antarcticus. Circaetus, 30. anthracinus. Falco, 65. apium. Pernis, 41. apivorus. Buteo, 4 1.; Falco, 41.; Pernis, 41. approximans. Aecipiter, 74. ; Astur, 74. ; Nisus (Urospiza), 74. Aquila, 9. Aquilinae, 9. aquilinus. Buteo, 40. ; Falco, 28. arborous. Otus, 105. Archibuteo. 38. arctica. Strix, 85. 107. arcticus. Strix (Bubo), 'J'J ardosiaceus. Sparvius v 71. armiger. Falco, 14. arrianus. Vultur, 4. arundinaceus. Falco, 22. 83. ardosiacus. Falco, 54. Ascalaphia, 98. 101. ascalaphus. Bubo, 101 . ; Otus, 101.; Strix (Bubo), 101. asiaticus. Falco, 39. Asio, 98. asio. Bubo, 97. ; Ephialtes, 96. ; Scops, 96. ; Strix, 96. assimilis. Circus, 83. ; Ephialtes, 97. Astur, 63. astur. Aecipiter, 64. Asturina, 20. 63. 66. ater. Buteo, 39.; Circus, 80. ; Daptrius, 29.; Falco, 43. ; Ibycter, 29. ; Mil- vus, 43. ; Milvus (Hy- droictinia), 43.; Spizae- tus, 21. aterrimus. Falco, 29. ; Ibyc- ter (Daptrius), 29. Athene, 86. atheniensis. Bubo, 98. atratus. Cathartes, 3. ; Vultur, 3. atricapilla. Ephialtes, 96.; Scops, 96. ; Strix, 96. atricapillus. Falco, 15. 64. ; Morphnus (Spizastur), 15. ; Sparvius, 64. ; Spi- zastur, 15. ; Spizaetus (Spizastur), 15. audax. Aquila, 12.; Aquila 112 INDEX. (Uroaetus), 12.; Vultur, 12. augur. Buteo, 33. ; Falco, 33. aura. Catharisca, 3. ; Ca- thartes, 3. ; Vultur, 3. aurantius. Falco, 56. ; Falco (Hypotriorchis), 54. ; var. Falco, 54. aureus. Gypaetus, 2. ; Vul- tur, 1. auribarbis. Noctua, 87. auricularis. Otogyps, 5.; Vultur, 5. australis. Falco, 57 ; Ibyc- ter (Aetotriorchis), 30; Milvago, 30. ; Nisus, 73. austriacus. Falco, 42. Aviceda. 40. axillaris. Circus, 45. ; Ela- nus, 45. ; Falco, 45. Azarae. Asturina (Thras- aetus), 19. B. Bacha, Buteo, 19. ; Circ- aetus, 18. ; Circaetus (Spilornis), 18. ; Falco, 18. ; Spilornis, 18. Bacha. Spotted, 19. badia. Strix, 110. badius. Astur (Microni- sus, 75. ; Falco, 75. ; Mi- cronisus, 75. ; Phodilus, 110. bakkamuna. Strix, 96. balbuzardus. Aquila, 22. Banksii. Falco, 76. barbarus. Falco,, 51.; Vul- tur, i. barbata. Strix, 103. barbatus. Astur, 68.; Gyp- aetus, 1, 2. : Vultur, 1. barletta. Falco, 53. Baza, 40. baza, African, 40. ; Large- billed, 41.; Small-crest- ed, 41. bellicosa. Aquila, 14. bellicosus. Falco, 14. ; Spizaetus, 14. bengalensis. Bubo, 100. ; Falco, 63. ; Gyps, 6. ; Otus, 100. ; Vultur, 6. berigora. Falco, 57. ; lera- cidea, 57. Beskei. Falco, 72. besra. Accipiter, 73. bharatensis v. apivorus. Pernis, 42. biarmicus. Falco, 52. bibo. Falco, 18. bicolor. Ichthyaetus, 23.; Sparvius, 47. Bidens, 62. bidentatus. Falco, 62. ; Harpagus, 62. bifasciata. Aquila, 10 12. blagrus. Falco, 24. ; Hali- aetus, 24. bohemicus. Falco, 79 Bonellii. Aquila, 11.; Falco, 11. ; Tolmaetus, 12. boobook. Athene, 90. ; Strix, 90. ; Noctua, 90. borealis. Buteo, 34.; Buteo (Pcecilopternis) 34.; Fal- co, 34. ; Haliaetus, 26.; Surnia, 85. Borneonensis. Spizaetus, 16. braccata. Aquila, 35. ; Har- pyia, 14. brachydactyla. Aquila, 17. Accipiter, 76. Brachyotus, 105. 107. brachyotus. Otus, 107. ; Strix, 107.; Strix (Asio), 107, Brachypterus, 68. brachypterus. Circaetus (Herpetotheres), 69. ; Falco, 69. ; Micrastur, 69.; Nisus, 69. brachyura. Strix, 107- brama. Athene, 87. ; Noc- tua, 87. ; Strix, 87. brasiliensis. Aquila, 21. ; Diodon, 62. ; Falco, 31. ; Falco Wiedii, 68. ; Otus, 97.; Polyborus, 31. Brissonianus. Falco, 73. Brodiei. Athene, 88. ; Noc- tua, 88. Brownii. Falco, 75. brunnea. Falco, 57. brunneus. Falco, 58. Bubo, 98. bubo. Asio, 98.; Strix, 98. Bubonina?, 94. Buffoni. Falco, 79. Bulaca, 102. 104. Busarellus, 78. busarellus. Buteo, 37. ; Buteo (Ichthyoborus), 37. ; Falco, 37. buson. Aquila, 21 . ; Buteo, (Buteogallus), 37.; Falco, 37. Butaetes, 38. Butaquila, 38. Butastur, 67. Buteo, 31, 32. buteo. Accipiter, 32, , Bu- taetes, 39. ; Falco, 32. Buteogallus, 31. 37. buteoides. Aviceda, 40. , Falco, 35. ; Cymindis, 47. Buteonina?, 31. Buzzard. African, 32. ; Allied Moor, 83. ; Ame- rican, 34. ; Cacique, 39. ; Common, 32. ; Crested honey, 42. ; Barred- breasted, 35. ; Brazilian, 38. ; Grey-backed, 38. ; Half- booted, 34. ; Honey, 41.: Long-legged, 33.; Moor, 82. ; North Afri- can, 33. ; Quoy's, 80. ; Red-backed, 35.; White- breasted, 39. ; White- faced, 36.: White- spotted, 36. C. Cachina, 17. cachinnans Astur, 17. ; Circaetus (Herpetothe- res), 17. ; Falco, 17 ; Her- peto r heres, 17. cserulescens. Falco, 62. ; lerax, 62. ; Sparvius, 68. caesius. Elanoides,45.; Ela- nus, 45. ; Falco, 55. cafer. Gypaetos, 13. Calei. Haliaetus, 64. calidus. Falco, 54. californianus. Catharista, 4. ; Cathartes, 4. ; Gypa- gus, 4. ; Sarcoramphus, 4. ; Vultur, 4. caligatus. Falco, 16. ; Lim- naetus, 16 ; Morphnus (Limnaetus), 16. calqtiin. Falco, 20. calvus. Otogyps, 5. ; Vul- tur, 5. campestris. Circus, 80. canadensis. Falco, 9. ; Strix, 85. canescens. Buteo, 33. candicans. Falco, 49. ; Fal- co (Heirofalco), 49. ; Hei- roi'alco, 50. Candida. Nyctia, 86 ; Strix, 86. 110. candidum. Daedalion, 65. candidus. Strix, 110. canorus. Haliaetus, 28. Haliaetus (Ictinoaetus), 28. ; Nisus, 77. cantaas. Astur (Melierax), 77. capensis. Athene, 91. ; Bu- bo, 99. ; Cerchneis, 59. ; Falco, 59. ; Gypogeranus, 78.; Noctua, 91.; Otus, 108. ; Scops, 95. ; Strix, 110. Caracara, 31.; Black, 29.; Chimango, 29. ; Long- winged, 30.; Southern, 30. caracca. Falco, 20. Carine, 86. Carnifex, 68. carniolica. Scops, 95. ; Strix, 95. carolinensis. Accipiter, 55.; Falco, 22. ; Milvus, 44. ; Scops, 96. carunculatus. Neophron, 8. caspia. Strix, 107. INDEX. 113 castaneus. Gypaetus, 2. ; Milvus, 42. castanops. Strix, 110 castanoptera. Athene, 88. ; Noctua, 88. ; Strix, 88. Catharista, 3. catharista. Gypagus, 2. Cathartes, 2, 3. cathartoid.es. Buteogallus, 37. cavearia. Urrua, 100. cavearius. Bubo ? 100. cayanensis. Cymindis, 47. ; Cymindis (Odontrior- chis), 47. ; Falco, '22. 47. ; Pernis (Odontn- orchis), 48. cenchris. JSgypius, 60. ; Cerchneis, 60. ; Falco, 60.; Milvus, 49.; Tin- nunculus, 60. ; Tinnun- culus (Tichornis), 60. cenchroides. Falco, 60. ; Tinnunculus, 60. Cerchneis, 58. cervialis. Falco, 52. ; Fal- co (Gennaia), 52. ceylonensis. Falco, 16. ; Ketupa, 101. ; Strix, 101. changoun. Vultur, 6. cheela. Circaetus, 18. ; Cir- caetus (Spilornis), 19. ; Falco, 18, 43 ; Milvus, 43. Chelidopteryx, 44. cherrug. Falco, 52. cheriway. Falco, 31. chicquera. Falco, 56. ; Falco (.Esalon), 56. ; Hypotriprchis, 56. chicqueroides. Falco, 52. chimachirna. Ibycter(Mil- vago), 29. ; Milvago, 29. ; Polyborus, 29. chimango. Ibycter (Mil- vago), 30. ; Milvago, 29. ; Polyborus, 29. choka. Aquila, 11. choliba. Ephialtes, 97. ; Strix, 97. chrysaetos. Aquila, 9. ; Falco, 9. Ciccaba, 86. cineraceus. Buteo, 81. ; Circus (Glaucopterix), 81. cinerascens. Circus, 81.; v. pallidus. Circus, 81. ; Falco, 81. cinerea. Asturina, 66. ; Scotiaptex, 103. ; Strix, 103. cinereo-ferrugineus. Falco, 43. cinereus. Bubo, 98. ; Bu- teo, 49 ; Ci-cus, 80. ; Fal- co, 32. 79. ; Sparvius, 47. Vultur, 4. cinereum. Syrnium. 103. cinnamomeus. Tinnuncu- lus, 62. cinnamominus. Falco, 62. Circaetus, 17. Circinae, 77. Circus, 78. circus. Accipiter, 83. cirrhatus Falco, 16. ; Spi- zaetus, 16. cirrhocephalus. Accipiter, 73. clamator. Bubo, 106. clanga. Aquila, 11 clarus. Falco, 65. Climacocercus, 68. col'Miibarius. Astur, 55. ; Falco, 55. ; Falco, (JEsa- lon), 56. ; Hypotriorchis, 55. ; Nisus, 55. ; Tinnun- culus, 55. communis. Falco, 50.; Nisus, 70; Otus, 105. concentricus. Circaetus, (Herpetotheres),f>9.; Fal- co, 69. ; Micrastur, 69. ; Nisus, 69. concolor. Falco, 54. ; Fal- co (jEsalon), 55. ; Fal- co (Hypotriorchis), 55 ; Hypotriorchis, 54. condor. Sarcoramphus, 2. connivens. Athene, 90. ; Buteo, 90. ; Falco, 90. Cooperii. Accipiter, 72. ; Falco, 72. ; Nisus, 72. coquimbana. Noctua, 92. cornicum. Falco, 51. commander. Bubo, 100. coromandra. 'Strix, 100. ; Urrua,lCO. coronata. Aquila, 15. ; Har- pyia, 19. coronatus. Circaetus, 19. ; Falco, 14. 15. 19.; Gy- pae'tos, 20.; Harpyhaliae- tus, 19.; Spizaetus, 15. crassipes v. naevia. Aquila, crassirostris. Otus, 106. ; Strix, 106. cristata. Ephialtes, 98. ; Pernis, 42. ; Strix, 98. cristatellus. Falco, 16. ; Spizaetus, 16. cristatus. Astur, 65. ; Bu- teo, 40. ; Falco, 20. ; Morphnus, 20. ; Ophio- theres, 78. ; Vultur, 4. crotophagus. Polyborus, 29. crucigera. Strix, 97. cucullatus. Falco, 54. cuculoides. Athene, 87. ; Aviceda, 40 ; Baza, 40. ; Cymindis, 48. ; Fal o, 75.; Nisus, 75. ; Noctua, 87. ; Strix, 88. Cultrunguis, 101. cultrunguis. Ichthyaetus, 24. Cuncuma. 23. cuneicaudata. Aquila, 12. cunicularia. Athene, 92, ; Nyctypetes, 92. ; Strix, 92. ; Surnia, 92. cuntur. Sarcoramphus, 2. ; cupido v. cinereus ? Po- lypteryx, 4. cyaneus Buteo (Circus), 79.; Circus, 78.; Circus (Strigiceps), 79. ; Falco, 78. cyanescens. Falco, 56. cvanopus. Asturina, 47. cyclops. Strix, 110. Cymindis, 47. D. Daedalion, 63. dalmaticus. Circus, 82. daphaenia. Aquila, 9. Daptrius, 28. decussata. Strix, 97. degener. Falco, 29. ; Poly- borus (Milvago), 29. deiroleiifus. Falco, 54. delicatula. Strix, 109. Dendrofalro, 53. Dentiger, 27. destructor. Falco, 20 ; Har- pyia, 20. Diodon, 62. diodon. Falco, 62. ; Har- pagus, 62. Diplodon, 62. dispar. Elanns, 46. ; Falco, 40. ; Pygargus, 79. doliata. Strix, 85. dominicensis. Falco, 61. dubius. Falco, 41.: Falco, 71. ducalis. Falco, 11. dukhunensis. Accipiter, 75. dumeticola. Strix, 101. Dussumieri. Astur, 75. ; Falco, 75. ; Nisus, 75. E. Eagle. Bacha, 18.; Bald, 26. ; Black and White, 15. 25. ; Black-breasted, 18. ; Bold, 12.; Bonellis, 11.; Booted, 13. ; Brazilian, 21.; Cheela, 18.; Cine- reous, 25. ; Crested, 20. ; Crested Bornean, 16. ; Crested Indian, 16. ; Crowned, 15. 19. ; Equi- noctial, 37. ; Golden, 9. ; Imperial, 10. ; Jean de blanc, 17. ; Mace's, 23. ; Marine, 23. ; Martial, 14.; New Holland white, 65. ; Occipital,15.;Pamena,37.; 114 INDEX. Piscivorous, 25.; Pondi- cherry, 27. ; Reinwardt's, 13. ; Rough-footed, 10. ; Short tailed, 26. ; Small marine, 23. ; St. John's, 39.; Tawny, 11.; Tyrant, 15. ; Vulturine, 12. ; White-bellied,24.; White- headed rufous, 27. Eared Owl. American, 106.; Cape, 99. ; Ceylonese, 101. ; Coromandel, 100. ; Dusky, 97, ; Egyptian, 100. ; Great, 98. ; Hole haunting, 99. ; Long, 105.; Madagascar, 106. ; Pale, 99. ; Short, 107. ; Sibe- rian, 98. ; Spotted, 106. ; Thick-billed, 106. ecaudatus. Falco, 27. ; He- lotarsus, 26. Elanoides, 44. Elanus, 45. elegans. Falco, 56. ; Nisus, 70. Elliotii. Pernis, 42. Ephialtes, 95. ephialtes. Scops, 95. erminea. Nyctea, 86. ; Strix, 86. erythronemia. Accipiter, 70. erythronotus. Buteo, 35. ; Buteo (Poecilopternis), 35. ; Haliaetus, 35. erythroptera. Athene, 88.; Strix, 88. Erythropus, 58. 60. erythrorhyncus. Accipiter, 76. Etoglaux, 98. europjeus. Bubo, 98.; Otus, 105. ; Scops, 95. europogistus. Falco, 79. eutolmus. Hierax, 63. exilis. Falco, 71. F. Falco, 49. Falcon. Ash coloured. 81. ; Axillary, 45.; Banded, 18. Bengal, G2. ; Black, 50. Black and White Indian 79. ; Black-cheeked, 51. Black-winged, 45.; Broad winged, 35. ; Cayenne 47. ; Chanting. 77. ;* Chic quera, 56. ; Chimachima 29.; Cinnamon, 62.; Cony 40., ; Cream-bellied, 57. Crook-billed,48.: Double bearded, 52. ; Duck, 51. Dwarf, 73.; Great-billed 66. ; Grey-bellied, 66. Hobby, 53. ; Hooded, 72. Hook -billed, 47.; Ingrian, 60. ; Jackal, 33. ; Jugger 52. ; Kestril, 58. ; Lan- ner, 52. ; Latakoo, 52. ; Laughing, 17. ; Letter- winged, 46 ; Little, 61. ; Long-legged, 80. ; Mada- gascar, 78., New Zealand, 57. ; Notched, 62. ; Para- matta, 54.; Peregrine, 50.; Plumbeous, 66. ; Radia- ted, 64. ; Ranivorous, 84.; Red-legged, 76. ; Red- necked, 54. ; Red throat- ed, 28. ; Riocour's, 44. ; Rock. 59.; Rough-legged, 38.; Rufous-headed, 21. ; Salvador, 82.; Severe, 53.; Silky, 63 ; Soolo, 75. ; Spotted, 60.; Spotted, 66.; Spotted, 66.; Streaked, 37. ; Sultan,50. ; Swallow- tailed, 44. ; Tiny, 72. ; Two-toothed, 62."; Uni- form, 54. ; White-naped, 63.; White-necked, 38. Falconidae, 9. Falconinae, 49. Falcula, 58. fasciatus. Astur, 74. ; Bu- teo, 32. ; Falco, 58. fasciolatus. Circaetus, 18. femoralis et^E. cinerascens, Bidens, 62. ; Falco, 56. ; Falco (JEsalon), 56.; Hypo- triorchis, 56. ferox. Harpy ia, 20 ferruginea. Athene, 92. ; Noctua, 92. ; Strix, 92. ferrugineo-cauda. Falco,34. ferrugineus. Archibuteo, 39.: Falco (Buteo), 39. ; Lagopus, 39. flammea. Strix, 108. ; 109. flavipes. Cultrunguis, 101. ; Ketupa, 101. fluvialis. Pandion, 22. fcetens. Cathartes, 3. formosus. Falco, 28. Forskalii. Falco, 44. fortis. Athene, 90. Francesii. Accipiter, 75. ; Nisus, (Scelospiza), 75. frenatus. Falco, 80. fringillarius. Accipiter, 70. 75. ; Nisus, 70. fringillaroides. Accipiter, 75. fringillarum. Nisus, 70. fringilloides. Accipiter, 72.; frontatus. Falco, 54. ; Fal- co (Hypotriorchis), 54.; Hypotriorchis, 54. fucosa. Aquila, 1 2. fuliginosa, Strix, 104. fulva. Aquila, 9. ; Strix, 89. fulvescens. Aquila, 11. fulviventer. Haliaetus, 23. fulvus. Buteo, 34. ; Falco, 9. ; Gyps, 6. ; Pandion, 21. ; Vultur, 6. funerea. Noctua (Surma), 85, ; Nyctale, 94. ; Strix, 85. 94. ; Surnia, 85. furcata. Strix. 109. furcatus. Falco, 44. : Ela- noides, 44.; Nauclerus, 44. fusca. Aquila, 11. fuscescens. Spizaetus, 25. fusco-ater. Falco, 43. fuscus. Accipiter, 71. ; Fal- co, 49. 71.; Milvus, 43.; Spizaetus, 11. ; Vultur, 7. G. gabar. Astur (Micronisus), 76. ; Falco, 76. ; Micro- nisus, 76. ; Nisus, 76. galapagoensis. Otus, 108. ; Otus (Brachyotus), 108. galericulatus. Vultur, 5. gallicus. Circaetus, 37. ; Falco, 17. gallinarius. Circus, 79. ; Falco, 63. gallinarum. Astur, 65. gambensis. Gypogeranus, 78. Gampsonyx,46. giruda. Haliaetus, 27. ennaia, 49. 52. gentilis. Falco, 63. Geranoaetus, 23. 25. Geranospiza, 68. germanicus. Bubo, 99. gingmianus. Vultur, 7. Gironnierii. Falco, 63. girrenara. Haliaetus, 27. Glaucidium, 86. 93. glaucopis. Falco, 32. Glaucopteryx, 78, 81. glaux. Noctua, 86. Goshawk, 63. ; Australian, 74.; Crested, 14.; Gui- ana, 20. ; Pied, 64. Gouldii. Pandion, 22. govinda. Milvus, 43. ; Mil- vus (Hydro'ictinia), 43. gracilis. Falco, fiO, 61. 68. ; Geranospiza, 68. ; Ischnoscelis, 68. ; Otus, 105. grcenlandicus. Falco, 49. ; Haliaetus, 26.; Heiro- falco, 50. grallaria, Strix, 92. grammicus. Ephialtes, 97. grandis. Gypaetus, 1. ; Ni- sae'tus, 12. griseata. Strix, 98. griseatum. Syrnium, 98. griseatus. Bubo, 98. griseus. Falco, 79. ; Scops, 96. ; Sparvius, 47. gryphus, Sarcoramphus, 2.; Vultur, 2. gui. Strix, 95. INDEX. 115 guianensis. Asturina (Mor- phnus), 21. ; Asturina (Thrasaetus), 21. ; Falco, 20.; Harpy ia, 21.; Mor- phnus, 20. guttata. Strix, 108. guttatus. Faico, 53. ; Spar- vius, 72. Gymnojenys, 78. ; gymnogenys. Falco, 78. gymnopocius. Ephialtes, 96.; Scops, 96. Gymnops, 28. gymnopus. Athene, 87. Gypaetidae, 1. Gypaetos, 1. Gypaetus, 1. Gypagus, 2. Gypogeranus, 77 . Gypohierax, 8. Gyps, 0. Gyptus, 1. gyrfalco. Falco. 49. ; Fal- co (Heirofalco), 49. H. Haematornis, 17. haliaeta. Aquila (Pandion), 22. Haliaetus, 25. haliaetus. Accipiter, 22. ; Falco, 22. ; Pandion, 22. Haliastur, 27. hamatus. Buteo, 47. ; Fal- co, 47. ; Rostrhamus, 47. Hardwickii. Strix, 101. Harlani. Falco, 34. Harpagus, (52. harpe. Falco, 57. Harpyhaliaetus, 17. 19. Harpyia, 14, 20. harpyia. Asturina (Thras- aetus), 20. ; Falco, 20. ; Gypaetos, 20.; Morphnus, 20. ; Thrasaetus, 20. ; Vultur, 20. Harrier. Black Hen, 80. ; Hen. 78.; Jardine's Hen, 82.; Pale-chested, 81. Harrisii. Buteo, 65. Hawk. American brown, 71. ; Banded-sided, 36. ; Brown's, 75. ; Concen- trical Sparrow,69.; Dark- cheeked, 68. ; Falcon- like, 46. ; France's Spar- row, 75. ; Grey-cheeked, 68. ; Madagascar, 72. ; Nankin, 60. ; One- banded, 64. ; Pale, 67. ; Pied Sparrow, 69. ; Pigeon, 55. ; Red-bellied, 71. ; Red-thighed, 56. ; Red-thighed Sparrow,70.; Short-toed sparrow, 76. ; single-streaked, 76.; slen- der, 68. ; Sparrow, 70. ; Speckled Sparrow, 71.; Streaked, 72. ; Teesa, 67.; Three-streaked, 65. ; Whistling, 28. ; White- tailed, 46. ; Yellow-neck- ed, 69. Heirofalco. 49. heliaca. Aquila, 10. lleliaptex. 98. Helotarsus, 26. hemachalanus. Gypaetus, 2. hemidactylus. Falco, 68. ; Nisus, 68. Hemigyps. 5. hemilasius. Falco, 40. Herpetotheres. 16. 68. herpetotheres. Cachinna, 17. Heteroaetus. 23. Heteropus. 9. 13. Hieraetus. 9 13. Hieraspiza. 69. hinnularius. Falco, 26. hirsuta. Strix, 89. hirundinum. Falco, 53. histrionicus. Circus (Stri- giceps), 80. ; Falco, 80. Hobby. Spotted-tailed, 49. holospilus. Buteo, 19. ; Circaetus, 19. ; Circaetus, (Spilornis), 19. ; Spilor- nis, 19. Horsfieldii. Limnaetus, 16. hucarius. Ichthyaetus, 23. Hudsonia. Strix, 85. Hudsonis, freti. Strix, 85. Hudsonius. Circus, 79. ; Falco, 79. Huhua. 98. 100. huhula. Athene, 93. ; Cic- caba, 93. ; Strix, 93. humilis. Pandion, 23.; Pan- dion (Ichthyaetus), 23. ; Pandion (Polioaetus), 23. Hybris. 108. hyder. Assur, 67. Hydroictinia. 42, 43. hydrophilus. Falco. 33. hyemalis. Circus, 35.; Fal- co, 35. hylophila. Strix, 103. hylophilum. Syrnium, 103. hypoleucus. Accipiter, 17.; Polyborus ? 8. Hypomorphnus. 20. Hypotriorchis. 53. Hyptiopus. 40. hypugaea. Strix, 92. Ibycter. 28. Ichthyaetus. 21. ichthyaetus. Falco, 23. ; Pandion, 22. ; Pandion (Polioaetus), 23.; Pont- aetus, 23. Ichthyoborus, 32. Ictinaetus, 9, Ictinia, 48. Ictinoaetus, 27. ictinus. Milvus, 42. leracidea, 57. lerax, 62. 69. immaculatus. Cerchnis, 60. imperialis. Aquila, 10. ; Falco, 10. 20. ; Vultur, 4. incertus. Falco, 41. indica. Strix, 87. intermedia. Aquila, 11. indicus. Astur, 66.; Athene, 87.; Circaetus (Polior- nis,) 68.; Lophotes, 40.; v. cheela." Milvus, 43. i Pandion, 22. j Poliornis, 68. ; Vultur, 6, 7. indranee. Strix, 104. ; Syrnium, 104. indus. Falco, 27. ; Halias- tur, 27. insectivorus. Falco, 66. intermixtus. Falco, 55. interstinctus. Falco, 58.J iota. Catharista, 3. ; Vul- tur, 3. isabellinus. Falco, 61. Ischnoscelis. 68. islandicus. Falco, 49. ; Falco (Heirofalco), 49. ; Haliaetus, 26.; Heiro- falco, 50. J. jackal. Buteo, 33. ; Falco, 33. Jacquini. Falco, 20. jaicensis. Milvus, 42. jamaicensis. Falco, 34. japonicus. Buteo, 32.; Otus (Scops), 95. Jardinii. Circus, 82.; Cir- cus (Spilocircus), 82. javanensis. Ketupa, 101. javanica. Strix, 109. javanicus. Scops, 96. Jerfalcon, 49. Jeridius. Ninox, 89. jugger. Falco, 52. ; Falco, (Gennaia), 52. K. Kestril. Lesser, 60. ; Ru- fous-backed, 59. Ketupa. 101.; Scops, 101.; Strix, 101. Ketupa. Yellow-footed, 1 01 . Kite, 42.; Arabian, 44.; Australian, 43. ; Black, 43.; Brazilian, 31.; Go- vinda, 43. ; Mississippi, 48. 116 INDEX. Kolbii. Vultur, 6. korschun. Accipiter, 42. Krameri. Falco, 83. L. lacernulatus. Falco, 38. lacertarius. Accipiter, 41. lactea. Strix, 99. lacteus. Bubo, 99. ; Falco, 70.; Otus, 99. lagopus. Accipiter, 39. ; Archibuteo, 38. : Buteo, 39. ; Falco, 38, 39. Lalandi. Circus, 81. lanarius. Falco, 52. ; Falco (Gennaia), 52. lanceolatus. Haliaetus, 24.; Spizaetus, 16. lapponica. Strix, 103. ; Ulula, 103. larvata. Strix, 103. Lathami. Falco, 40. ; Le- pidpgenys, 40. latissimus. Falco, 35. lempiji. Ephialtes, 96. ; Strix, 96- Lepidogenys, 40. Leptodon, 47. Leschenaultii. Ketupa,101.; Strix, 101. Lessonii. Butaetes, 39. lettia. Scops, 96. lettoides. Scops, 96. leucaetos. Falco, 65. leucamphomma. Aquila,l7. leucauchen. Falco, 69. leucocephala. Aquila, 26. ; Butaquila, 39. leucocephalus. Buteo, 40. ; Circus, 37. ; Falco, 26. ; Gypaetus, 2, ; Haliaetus, 26. : Pandion, 22, ; Vul- tur, 6, 7. leucogaster. Cuncuma, 24.; Falco, 24. ; Haliaetus, 24.; Haliaetus (Ponto- ae'tus), 24. leucogaster. Ibycter, 28. leucomelas. Falco, 69. leuconotus. Vultur, 6. Leucopternis, 32 37. leucops. Buteo, 36. leucopsis. Falco, 17.; Circ- aetus, 17. leucopygus. Falco, 47 leucorrhoa. Asturina, 66. leucorrhous. Astur. 66. ; Falco, 66. ; Sparvius, 76. leucoryphos. Falco, 23, 24. Leucospiza. 63. 65 leucosternus. Haliaetus, 28. ; Haliaetus ( Ictino- aetus),28. ; Haliastur, 27. leucotis. Ephialtes, 97. ; Otus, 98.; Scops, 98.; Strix, 97. leucurus. Elanoides, 46.; Elanus, 46 ; Falco, 30. ; Milvago, 30, ; Milvus, 46 ; Spizaetus, 36. Leverianus. Falco, 34. Limnaetus, 14. lineata. Athene, 93.; Strix, 93. ; Surnia, 93. lineatus. Buteo, 35. ; Buteo (Pcecilopternis), 35.; Fal- co, 35.; Haliaetus, 43.; Pandion, 24. ; Sparvius, 71. lithofalco. ^Esalon, 55. ; Falco, 55. ; Falco (^sa- lon), 55. liturata. Strix, 104.; Ulula, 104. liventer. Astur, 67.; Circ- aetus (Poliornis), 68. ; Falco, 67. ; Poliornis, 67. longimembris. Strix, 110. longipennes. Falco, 54. longipes. Buteo, 33.; Falco. 17. 21. longirostris. Strix, 106. Lophaetus, 14, 15. Lophastur, 40. Lophospiza, 63. 65. Lophostrix, 95. 98. Lophotes, 40. lophotes. Baza, 40.; Falco, 40. ; Pernis (Hyptiopus), 40. lugger. Falco, 52. lugubris. Ninox, 89.; Strix, 89. lunulatus. Falco, 54.; Spar- vius, 54. Lymnaetus. 16. lymnaetus. Falco, 16. M. Macaqua. 17, Macei. Cuncuma, 23. ; Fal- co, 23. ; Haliaetus, 23. ; Haliaetus (Pontoaetus), 24. macrocephala. Strix, 104. macrocephalum. Syrnium, 104. macrodactylus. Falco, 56. macropterus. Circus, 82. ; Circus (Spizacircus),82. macropus. Falco, 51. macrorhyncha. Strix, 106.; Otus, 106. macroura. Strix, 104. maculosa. Strix, 106. ; Per- nis, 42. maculosus. Otus, 106. maculata. Athene, 89. ; Noctua, 89. maculatior. Circaetus, 19. maculatus. Accipiter, 70. ; Falco, 10.; Spizaetus, 21. madagascariensis. Accipi- ter, 72. ; Falco, 78.; Gym- nogenys, 78. ; Otus, 106. ; Sparvius, 78. magellanicus. Bubo, 99, ; Strix, 99. ; Vultur, 2. magnirostris. Astur, 66. ; Asturina (Rupornis), 67. ; Baza, 41. ; Falco, 66. ; Nisus, 66. ; Pernis (Hyp- tiopus), 41. magnus. Falco, 1. major. Sparvius, 72. malabaricus. Athene, 88. ; Scops, 96. malayana. Aquila, 13. malayensis. Aquila, 13. ; Athene, 89. ; Falco, 13. ; Ictinaetus, 13. ; Onych- aetus, 14. Malfini. Nisus, 71. manillensis. Falco, 75. mantis. Otus, 96. Mauduytii. Falco, 14. maurus. Circus (Strigi- ceps), 81. ; Falco, 80. maximus. Bubo, 98. maxima. Harpyia, 20. media. Cerchneis, 58. medius. Buteo, 32. megaloptera. Aquila, 30. megalopterus. Milvago, 30. megalotis. Ephialtes ? 97. melanaetos. Aquila, 11. ; Falco, 9. 25 melanaetus. Aquila, 9. melanobronchos. Falco, 37. melanocephalus. Gypaetus, melanogenys. Falco, 51. melanoleucus. Accipiter, 64; Astur. 64 ; Buteo, 15.; Circaetus (Herpetothe- res;, 69.; Circus, 80., Cir- cus(Strigiceps),80.; Cun- cuma, 25.; Falco, 80.; Sparvius, 69. ; Spizaetus, 15. 25. melanonotus. Falco, 9. rnelanopterus. Elanus, 45.; Falco, 45, 46. melanops. Asturina (Leu- copternis), 37. ; Buteo, 37. ; Falco, 37. 74. ; Spar- vius, 74. melanotis. Buteo, 19. ; Mil- vus, 43. melanotus. Buteo, 38. ; meleagris. Vultur, 7. Melierax, 76. meridionalis. Asturina (Ru- pornis, 21.; Falco, 21.; Gypaetus, 2. ; Morphnus, 21. Merlin, 55. Meseidus, 102. Mesomorpha, 98. mexicana. Strix, 106. INDEX. 117 mexicanus. Accipiter, 71. ; Otus, 106. Micrastur, 68. Micronisus, 74, 75. micrurus. Falco, 50. migrans. Falco, 43. Milvago, 29. Milvinae, 40. milvipes. Falco, 52. milvoides. Aquila, 37. ; Spizaetus, 13. Milvus, 42. milvus. Accipiter, 43.'; Fal- co, 42. minullus. Accipiter, 73. ; Falco, 73.; Nisus, 73.; Nisus (Hieraspiza), 73. minuta. Aquila, 13 ; Falco, 73. ; Nisus, 73. ; Spar- vius, 72. minutissima. Strix, 92. mississippensis. Falco, 48. ; Ictinia, 48. : Nertus, 49. mithilensis. Circaetus, 19. mogilnik. Aquila, 10. raonachus. Cathartes, 8. ; Sparvius, 47. ; Vultur, 4. monogram micus. Astur, 76.; Astur (Micronisus), 77 ; Falco, 76. ; Micro- nisus, 76. Montagui. Circus, 81. montana. Buteo, 34. montanus. Falco, 79. ; Ibycter (Phalcobaenus), 30. ; Phalcobaemis, 30. monticola. Bulaca, 104. Morphnius, 20. Morphnus, 20. murum. Buteo, 32.; Cerch- neis, 58. musicus. Falco, 77. ; Me- lierax, 77. ; Nisus, 77. ; Nisus (Melierax), 77. mutans. Buteo, 32. N. nacurutu. Strix, 99. naevia. Aquila, 10. ; Strix, 96. naevioides. Aquila, 11. ; Falco, 11. naevius. Falco, 10. ; Otus, 96. nana. Athene, 91. ; Strix, 91. nanus Ichthyaetus, 23. nanum. Glaucidium, 91. Nauclerus, 44. Naumanni. Falco, 60. nebulosa. Strix, 104. ; Ulula, 104. nebulosum. Syrnium, 104. Neophron, 7. Neophron, Black, 8. Neophroninae, 7. Neopus, 9. Nertus, 48. newarensis. Bulaca, 104. ; Ulula, 104. Niastur, 74. niger. Accipiter, 76. ; &gjrpioi,4. ; Falco, 9. 13. 39. ; Milvus, 43. ; Nisus, 76. ; Percnopterus, 8. ; Rostrhamus, 47. ; Spar- vius, 76.; Spizaetus, 21.; Vultur, I. 4. nigripes. Cultrunguis, 101. nigricollis. Buteo, 36, 37. j Falco, 37. Ninox, 86. nipalensis. Aquila, 10. ; v. rubriventer. Aquila, 12. j Bubo (Huhua), 100. ; Circaetus, 19. ; Circus, 81.; Huhua, 100. ; Ninox, 89. ; Nisaetus, 14. 16. nisuides. Accipiter, 73. ; Falco, 70. nisoria. Strix, 85. ; Sur- ma, 85. ; Syrnium, 85, nisosimilis. Accipiter, 70. Nisus, 69. nisus. Accipiter, 70. ; Fal- co, 70. ; var. Falco, 73. ; Haliaetus, 26. ; Sparvius, 70 nitida. Asturina, 66. nitidus. Astur, 66. ; Falco, C6. nivea. Nvctea, 86. ; Strix, 86. niveus. Falco, 16. ; Nisa- etus, 12. ; Sparvius, 65. nivicola. Mesomorpha,103.; Urrua, 102. nivicolum. Syrnium, 102. nobilis. Aquila, 9. Noctua, 86. 93. noctua. Athene, 86. : Strix, 86. 102. noctula. Otus, 96. ; Strix, 96. notatus. Elanus, 45.' novae hollandiae. Astur, 65.; Astur (Leucospiza), 65. ; Falco, 65. novae seelandiae. Falco, 57.; Strix, 89. novae terrae. Falco, 39. novae zealandiae. Athene, 89. ; Falco, 30. ; Hypo- triorchis, 57. ; leracidea, 57. nubicus. Vultur, 5. nudicollis. Falco, 28. ; Po- lyborus (Daptrius), 28. nudipes aut psilodactyla. Bubo, 98. ; Strix, 87. Nyctale, 94. Nyctalops, 105. Nyctea, 86. nyctea. Noctua, 86. ; Strix, 86. ; Surnia, 86. ; Syrui- um, 86. Nyctipetes, 86. O. obscurus. Falco, 71. obsoletus. Falco, 32. occidentalis. leracidea, 57. occipitalis. Falco, 15. j Harpyia, 15. ; Morphnus, 15.; Noctua, 91.; Spiz- aetus, 15. ; Spizaetus (Lophaetus), 15. ; Strix, 91.; Vultur, 5. ochrocephalus. Milvago, 29. Odontriorchis, 47. Onychaetos, 9. Ophiotheres, 77. ophiophaga. Ictinia, 48. orientalis. Bubo, 100. ; Fal- co, 50 ; Haliaetus 26. ; Spizaetus, 16. ; Strix, 100. 105. ornata. Harpyia, 14. ornatus. Falco, 14; Spi- zaetus, 14. Osprey,22.; White-headed, 22. ossifragra. Aquila, 25. ; Falco, 25. ; Phene, 2. ossifragus. Falco, 26. Otogyps, 5. otus, 105. ; Bubo, 105. ; Strix, 105. ; Strix (Asio), 105. ovivorus. Nisaetus, 13. Owl. Acadian, 94.; Ameri- can Barn, 109. ; Austra- lian Barn, 109. ; Barred, 104. ; Barred-tailed, 103. ; Bay, 110. ; Black-headed, 96.; Boobook,90.; Brown, 102.; Cabure92; Canada, 85.; Cape Barn. 110; Cape Short-eared, 108. ; Chestnut-faced, 110, ; Chestnut-winged, 88. ; China, 105. ; Coquimbo, 92. ; Downy, 93. ; Dwarf, 91.; Fork-tailed, 109.; Fasciated,93.; Galapagos, 108 ; Galapagos Barn, 110; Hairy, 89.; Hima- layah,87.; Hylophile,103.; Indian, 87. ; Jungle, 110. ; Ketupa, 101. ; Large- eyed, 91.; Lempi-ji, 95. ; Little, 93 ; Many-banded, 103. ; Masked, 103. ; Ne- pal, 104. ; New Zealand, 89. ; Pearl, 91 . ; Philip- pine, 105. ; Pigmy, 92. ; Powerful, 91.; Red-eared, 96.; Ring-eyed, 110.; Scops eared, 95. ; Snow, 102.; Snowy, 86. ; Spot- ted, 89. ; Stout-legged, 109. ; Supercilious, 98. ; Tengmalm's, 94.; Ural, 104.; White-faced. 90. j White-legged, 103. ; 118 INDEX. White spotted,97.; Wink- ing, 90. Owlet. Austrian rufous, 86. ; Cape, 91.; Brodie's, 78.; Many-lined, 88. P. palliatus. Falco, 47. pallidus. Buteo, 67. ; Cir- cus, 81.; Nisaetus, 14. palumbarius. Astur, 63. 65i; Falco, 63. palustris. Brachyotus, 107.; Circus, 82. ; Falco, 82. ; Otus, 107. ; Strix, 107. Pandion, 21. Pannychistes, 58. papa. Cathartes, 3. ; Sar- coramphus, 3.; Vultur,3. Parasifalco, 29. parasiticus. Falco, 44. ; Milvus (Hydro'ictinia), 44. passerina." Athene, 87, 93. ; Carine, 87. ; Noctua, 86. ; Strix, 86. 93, 94. passerinoides. Athene, 92. ; Strix. 92. ; Surnia, 92. passerinum. Glaucidium, 93. pectoralis. Circaetus, 18. pennata. Aquila, 13. ; Aqui- la (Hieraetus), 13.; Scops, 95. pennatus. Falco, 13. 38. pennsylvanicus. Accipiter, 71. ; Buteo, 35. ; Falco, 35, 71.; Nisus, 71. Percnopterus, 7. percnopterus. Cathartes, 7. ; Neophron, 7. ; Vul- tur, 6, 7. peregrinator. Falco, 50, peregrino'ides. Falco, 52. peregrinus. Falco, 50, 51. ; Nisus, 70. perlata. Athene, 91. ; Strix, 91. 109. perlatus. Nyctipetes, 91. perlineata. Noctua, 88. pernigra. Aquila (Hetero- pus), 13. ; Neopus, 13. Pernis, 41. persicus. Vultur, 6. personata. Strix, 103. 110. personatum. Syrnium, 103. perspicillaris. Falco, 71.; Nisus, 71. pezoporos. Aquila, 30. ; Polyborus (Milvago), 30. Phalcobaenus, 29, 30. Phene, 1. philippense. Syrnium, 105 philippensis. Gypogera- nus, 78. Phodilus, 110. Physeta, 16. picatus. Falco, 38. picta. Aquila, 21. pictum. Daedalion, 64. pileatus. Accipiter, 72. ; Falco, 72. ; Neophron, 8.; Nisus, 66. 72. ; Vultur, 8. pinetarius. Falco, 53. pinetorum. Nyctale, 94. pinicola. Bubo, 99. piscator. Falco, 22. piscatrix. Aquila, 22. plancus. Falco, 31 ; Vul- tur, 31. planga. Aquila, 10. planiceps. Archibuteo, 38. ; Nyctale, 94.; Pandion, 22. platypterus. Sparvius, 35. plumbea. Falco, 49. ; Ic- tinia, 49. ; Ictinia (Pceci- lopteryx), 49. plumbeus. Haliaetus, 23. ; Nertus, 49. Plumipeda, 14. plumipes. Buteo, 34.; Cir- cus, 34. ; Falco, 38. Pcecilopternis, 32. 34. Pcecilopteryx, 49. Pcecilornis, 58. 61. pogana. Falco, 32. Polioaetus, 21. 23. poliogaster. Astur. 66. ; Asturina, 66. ; Falco, 66. poliogenys. Buteo, 68. ; Circaetus (Poliornis), 68.; Falco, 68. polionotus. Buteo, 38. poliorhynchos. Falco, 41. Poliornis, 67. Polyborinse, 28. Polyboroides, 78. Polyborus, 31. polvgrammicum. Syrnium, 103. Polypteryx, 4. polysoma. Falco, 35. polyzonoides. Accipiter, 76. polyzonos. Falco, 71,77. ; Nisus, 71- pomarina. Aquila, 10. ponticerianus. Dentiger, 27. ; Falco, 27. ; Haliae- tus (Ictinoaetus), 27 ; Haliastur, 27. ; Hemi- gyps, 5. ; Vultur, 5. Pontoaetus, 23. pratincola. Strix, 109. psilodactyla. Athene, 87. Pteroaetus, 9. 12. pterocles. Buteo, 36. ; Buteo (Tachytriorchis), 35, 36. ; Falco, 36. Pterura, 14, 15. ptilorhynchus. Falco, 42. Ptynx, 102. pulchella. Strix, 95. pulcher. Nisaetus, 16. pumila. Athene, 92. ; Noc- tua, 92. ; Strix, 92. punctata. Aquila, 11. punctatissima, Strix, 110. punctatus. Cerchneis, 60. ; Falco, 60. ; Tinnunculus, 60. puniceus. Falco, 50. pusilla. Strix, 93. Pygargus, 78. 82. pygargus. Aquila, 17. ; Cir- cus, 79. ; Falco, 26. 78. pygmaea. Strix, 93. pyrrhogenys. Buteo, 68. ; Poliornis, 68. R. radiata. Strix, 88. radiatus. Accipiter, 64. ; Astur, 64. 74. Circaetus (Gymnogenys), 78. ; Fal- co, 64. 74.; Nisus (Uros- ?iza).74. ; Polyporoides, 8. ; Vultur, 78. Racama, 8. ranivorus. Circus, 84. ; Falco, 84. ; Pygargus, 84. Rapaces, 1. rapax. Falco, 11. Raptatores, 1. Raptores, 1. Rayii. Astur, 65. regalis. Accipiter, 42. ; Archibuteo, 39.; Falco, 9. 20. 64. ; Milvus, 42. Regerhinus, 47, 48. regia. Aquila, 9. regulus. Falco, 55. reptilivorus. Serpentarius, 77. rhombeus. Falco, 50. Rhynchodon, 49. Richardsoni. Nyctale, 94. Riocouri. Elano'ides, 44. ; Nauclerus, 44. ; Naucle- rus (Chelidopteryx), 45. rotundicaudus. Milvus, 27. ruber. Milvus, 42. rubiginosus. Falco, 79.' rufa. Strix, 102. rufescens. Falco, 58.; Strix, . 96. ruficaudus. Accipiter, 34. ruficollis. Cathartes, 3. ; Falco, 56. ; Sparvius, 69. rufifrons. Falco, 46. ; Ner- tus, 46. rufigularis. Falco, 54. ; Hy- potriorchis, 54. rufinus. Buteo, 33.; Cir- cus, 33. rufipedoides. Falco, 53. rufipes. Falco, 61.; Pan- nychistes, 61.; Tinnun- culus (Erythropus), 61. INDEX. 119 rufiventer. Accipiter, 71 . ; Bidens,62. ; Buteo, 33. rufulus. Circus, 21. rufus. Circus, 83. ; Falco, 82. ; Pygargus, 83. rupicola. Cerchneis, 59. rupicoloides. Falco, 59. ; Tinnunculus, 59. rupicolus. Falco, 59. ; Tin. uunculas, 59. Rupornis, 20. 63. Ruppellii. Astur (Microni- sus), 76. russicus. Milvus, 42. rutilans. Falco, 21. , Hy- pomorphnus, 21. sacer. Falco, 49. Sagittarius, 77. Sancti Johaunis. Archibu- teo, 39. ; Buteo (Archi- buteo), 39. ; Falco, 39. Sarcoramphidse, 2. Sarcoramphus, 2. Savignyi. Ascalaphia, 101. scandiaca. Strix, -98. Scelospiza, 75. sclavonicus. Falco, 38. Scops, 95. Scops. Bubo, 95. ; Ephi- altes, 95. ; Strix, 95. Scops. Manilla, 98.; White eared. 97. Scops-Owl. Allied, 97.; Bare-footed, 96. ; Cho- liba, 97. Scotiaptex, 102. Scotophilus, 94. scotopterus. Asturina(Leu- copternis) 38. ; Buteo, 38. ; Falco, 38. scriptus. Elanus, 46. scutarius.' Accipiter, 75. scutellata. Athene, 89. ; Strix, 89. scutellatus. Ninox, 89. Secretarius, 77. secretarius, 77. ; Otis, 77. ; Secretary, 77. semitorquatus. Sparvius 69. senegallus. Falco, 11. Senegal en sis. Falco, 15. ; Scops, 95. Senex, 29. septentrionalis. Bubo, 99. ; Buteo, 32. sericeus. Falco. 63. ; le- rax, 63. Serpentarius, 77. serpentarius. Falco, 77. severus. Falco, 53. ; Hy- potriorchis, 53. shaheen. Falco, 50. sibiricus. Bubo, 98. ; Falco, 55. sinensis. Bulaca, 105. ; Otus, 105. ; Strix, 105. ; Syrnium, 105. smirillus Falco, 55. Smithii. Astur, 64. sociabilis. Athene, 92. ; Herpetotheres,47. Rost- r ham us, 47. soloensis. Micronisus, 75. ; Nisus, 75. ; Nisus (Ta- chyspiza), 75. soloniensis. Strix, 102. 105. sonninensis. Falco, 45. Sonnini. Falco, 20. spadicea. Strix, 88. spadiceus. Falco, 39. Sparrow Hawk. New Hol- land, 73. sparverius. Bidens, 61.; Cerchneis, 61.; Falco, 61.; Tinnunculus, 61. ; Tin- nunculus (Pcecilornis), 61. Sparvius, 63. sphenurus. Falco, 76. ; Haliastur, J28. ; Microni- sus, 76. ; Milvus, 28.; Ha- liaetus, 24. Spilocircus, 78. 82. Spilornis, 17, 18. Spizacircus, 78. 82. Spizaetus, 14. Spizageranus, 64. Spizastur, 14, 15. Spizogeranus, 20. Stanleyi. Falco, 72. stercorarius. Vultur, 7- strenua. Athene, 91. strepitans. Bubo, 100. ; Strix, 100.; Syrnium, 100. striatus. Accipiter, 71. ; Sparvius, 71. Stridula, 108. Stridula. Strix, 102. Strigiceps, 78. ; Falco, 79. Strigidae, 85. strigilatus Gymnops, 29. Striginae, 108. striolata. Falco, 66. Strix, 108. strophiata. Aquila, 39. strophiatus. Buteo (Archi- buteo), 40. subbuteo. Falco, 53, 54. ; Falco (Hypotriorchis), 53. ; Hypotriorchis, 53. ; major. Falco, 53. subcristata. Baza, 41. subcristatus. Lepidoge- nys, 41. ; Pernis (Hytio- pus), 41. subniger. Falco, 50. ; Fal- co (Hierofalco), 50. ; Sparvius, 72. subtypicus. Accipiter, 70. sultaneus. Falco, 50. sumatrana. Strix, 100. sunia. Scops, 95. superbus. Falco, 14. ; Plu- mipeda, 14. superciliosa. Strix, 93. superciliosus. Circus, 82. ; Falco, 72. Surnia, 85. Surninae, 85. Swainsoni. Buteo, 34. ; Circus,81.; Circus (Glau- copteryx), 82. ; Elanus (Gampsonyx),46.; Gamp- sonyx, 46. syama. Baza, 40. Sykesi. Circus, 83. sylvatica. Strix, 102. sylvestris. Otus, 105.: Strix, 102. Syrniinae, 102. Syrnium, 102. T. tachardus. Buteo, 32. ; Fal- co, 32. tachiro. Arcipiter, 71.; Fal- co, 71.; Nisus, 71. Tachyspiza, 71.75. Tachytriorchis, 32. 35. taeniurus. Polyborus, 65. tarayensis. , Athene, 87. ; Circaeius,19.; Noctua, 87. teesa. Butastur, 67. ; Bu- teo, 67.; Circaetus(Poli- ornis), 67. ; Circus, 67.; Poliornis, 67. temerarius. Falco, 55. Tengmalmi. Athene, 94. ; ^golius,94.; Noctua, 94.; Nyctale, 94. : Strix, 94.<; Ulula, 94. tenuiceps. Vultur, 7. tenuirostris . Gyps, 7. ; Vul - tur, 7. Terathopius, 26. testaceus Astur, 64. tharus. Falco, 31. thermophilus. Falco, 52. thoracicus. Circaetus, 18. ; Falco, 54. 56. Thrasaetus, 20. tibialis. Falco, 55. Tichornis, 58. 60. tinnuncula. Cerchneis, 58. tinnuncularius. Falco, 60. tinnunculo'ides. Falco, 60. Tinnunculus, 58. tinnunculus, ^gypius. 58. ; Falco, 58. ; japonicus, Falco, 58. tinus. Accipiter, 72.; Falco, 72. ; Nisus (Hieraspiza), 72. Tolmaetus, 9. torquata. Athene, 93.; Noc- tua, 93. ; Strix, 93. ; torquatus. Accipiter, 73. ; 120 INDEX. Astur (Micronisus), 74. ; Elanus, 46. ; Falco, 73. ; Nisus (Urospiza), 74. trincalos. Vultur, 6. tricolor. Buteo, 35.; Spar- vius, 73. Triorchis, 38. tripennis. Strix, 107. trivirgatus. Astur, 65. ; As- tur (Lophospiza), 66.; Falco, 65. tubiger. Noctua, 88. typus. Helotarsus, 27.; Polyboroides, 78. tyrannus. Falco, 15.; Spi- zaetus, 15. ; Spizaetus (Pterura), 15. U. uliginosus. Circus, 79. ; Circus (Strigiceps), 79. ; Falco, 79. Ulula, 102. 103. ulula. Otus, 107. ; Strix, 85. 107. ; Surnia, 85. ululans. Syrnium, 102. umbrata. Urrua, 100. uncinatus. Cymindis, 48. ; Falco, 48. ; Pernis (Re- gerbinus), 48. undulata. Aquila, 18. ; Spi- lornis, 19. ; Strix, 97. uudulatus. Athene, 88. ; Circaetus, 19. ; Circaetus (Spilornis), 19.; Haema- tornis, 18. unduliventer. Falco, 71. unicinctus. Astur, 64. ; Asturina (Spizageranus), 65. ; Buteo, 65. ; Falco, 64. unicolor. Buteo, 35.; Falco, 55. ; Haliaeius, 24. uralense. Syrnium, 104. uralensis. Noctua (Surnia), 104.; Ptynx, 104.; Sco- tiaptex, 104. ; Strix, 104. ; Syrnium, 104. Uroaetus, 9. 12. Urospiza, 69. 73. Urrua, 98, 99. urubitinga, 20., Aquila, 37.; Asturina (Rupornis) 21.; Falco, 21. ; Harpyia, 21.; Hypomorpbnus,21.; Morphnus, 21. urubu. Catharista, 3.; Vul- tur, 3. urucurea. Noctua, 92. urutaurana. Aquila, 14. V. Valeria, 67. ariabilis. Accipiter, 79. ariatus. Nisus, 72. ariegatus. Circus, 79. 82. ; Falco, 32. 79. ; Spi- zaetus, 20. arius. Buteo, 35- eJox. Falco, 71. entralis. Buteo, 34. erox. Strix, 92. esparum. Pernis, 41. espertinus. Cerchneis, 61.; Erythropus, 61. ; Falco, 61 ; Tinnunculus, 60.; Tinnunculus (Erythro- pus), 61. Verreauxii. Aquila, 13. ; Ayiceda, 40. versicolor. Falco, 32. veterum. Noctua, 87. Vindhiana. Aquila. 11. virgatus. Accipiter, 73. ; Falco, 73. ; Nisus, 73. ; Nisus (Hieraspiza), 73. virginiana. Asio, 99.; Strix, 99. virginianus. Bubo, 99. vittata. Aquila, 11. vitticaudus. Falco, 48. vocifer. Cuncuma, 25. ; Falco, 25. , Haliaetus (Pomoaetus), 25. vocifera. Aquila, 25. vociferus. Buteo, 45.; Falco, 45. vulgaris. Buteo, 32. 34.; Gyps, 6. ; Milvus, 42. ; Otus, 105. ; Polyborus, 31. ; Vultur, 4. 6. Vultur, 4. Vulture. Alpine, 7. ; An- gola, 8. ; Arabian, 4. ; Bearded, 1. ; Bengal, 6.; Black, 3. ; Californian, 4. ; Carrion, 3. ; Condor, 2. ; Fulvous, 6. , Occi- pital, 5. ; Pondicherry, 5. ; Slender-billed, 7. ; Sociable, 5. Vulturidae, 4. vulturina. Aquila, 12. ; Aquila (Pteroaetus), 13. Vulturinse, 4. vulturinus. Cathartes, 4. ; Falco, 13. W. Washingtonii. Haliaetus, 26. Wiedii brasiliensis. Falco, 68. Wilsonianus. Otus, 105. Wilsonii. Buteo (Pceci- lopternis, 35. , Falco, 35. Woodfordii. Athene, 91.; Noctua, 91. X. xanthothorax. Circaetus (Herpetotheres),69.; Fal- co, 69. ; Micrastur, 69 ; Nisus, 69. xanthonyx. Falco, 60. Y. yetapa. Elano'ides, 44. Z. zealandica. Noctua, 89. zonocercus. Syriiium, 103. zorca. Scops, 95. : Strix, 95. LONDO\ : SPOTTISWOODE and SHAW, New. street- Square. LIST SPECIMENS OF BIRDS BRITISH MUSEUM. PART II. LONDON : Si'OTTiswoooE and SHAW, New. street- Square. LIST SPECIMENS OF BIRDS THE COLLECTION BRITISH MUSEUM. PART II. SECTION I. FISSIROSTRES. PRINTED BY OEDER OF THE TRUSTEES. LONDON: 1848. LIST OF BIRDS. CLASS AVES. OKDER II. PASSERES. Passeres (pars) Linn. Syst. Nat. (1760) p. 85. ; Cuv. Tall. Elem. de VHist. Nat. des Anim. p. 199. (17971798). Pica? (pars) Linn. Syst. Nat. (1735). Ambulatores HI. Prod. Syst. Mam. et Av. p. 207. (1811). Chelidons, Alcyones, Anisodactyli, Insectivores, Omnivores, and Granivores, Temm. Anal, du Syst. Gen. d > Ornith. p. xlix. and Ixxxix. (1820). Insessores Vigors, Linn. Trans, xiv. p. 406. (1825). Tribe I. FISSIROSTRJBS. Subtribe I. Fissirostres Nocturnce. Fam. I. CAPRIMULGIDJE. ' i. PODARGINJE. 1. STEATORNIS. Steatornis Humb. Obs. de Zool. ii. p. 141. (1833). 1. STEATORNIS CARIPENSIS. The Trinidad Goatsucker. Caprimulgus steatornis Humb. Journ. Phys. (1800) p. Steatornis caripensis Humb. Obs. de Zool. ii. p. 141. t. 44.; Ann. du Mus. (1834) p. 319. t. 15. Nyctibius ? steatornis Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 91. B 2 FISSIROSTRES NOCTURNJE. a. S ta Fe de Bogota. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. I. Trinidad. c. Trinidad. Presented by Mrs. Wright. 2. PODAEGUS. Podargus Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1829) i. p. 398. 1. PODARGUS HUMERALIS. The tawny-shouldered Podargus. Podargus humeralis Vig. 8f Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 198. Podargus australis Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 92. ? Caprimulgus gracilis Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. Iviii. ? ; Lamb. Icon. ined. i. 69. Podargus ? gracilis Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 93. ? Podargus cinereus Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1829) t. 4. f. 1. ? Caprimulgus strigoides Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. Iviii. ? ; Lamb. Icon. ined. i. 67. Podargus strigoi'des G. R. Gray, Ann. of Nat. Hist. (1843) p. 194.? Jard. and Selby, 111 of Orn. pi. 88. (?) ; Gould, B. of Austr. ii. pi. 3. a. Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection- l. South Australia. Presented by His Excell. Capt. Sir G. Grey. . Australia. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. d. Australia. Presented by R. Butler, Esq. e. Skull. S. Australia. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 2. PODARGUS CUVIERI. Cuvier's Podargus. Podargus Cuvieri Vig. fy Horsf. Linn. Trans, xx. p. 200. Gould, B. of Austr. ii. pi. 4. a. Van Diemen's Land. From Mr. Gunn's Collection. b. Australia ? Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. Van Diemen's Land, male (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. d. Van Diemen's Land, female (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. e. Van Diemen's Land, female (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. /. Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. 3. PODARGUS PHAL^NOIDES. The Moth-plumaged Podargus. Podargus phalamoides Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1839) p. 142. Gould, B. of Austr. ii. pi. 5. CAPRIMULGnXE. 3 a. North-western Australia. Presented by His Excell. Capt. Sir G. Grey. b, c. Port Essington, Australia. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R. N. d, e. Port Essington, young. /. Cape Upstart, Australia, adult. g. Skeleton, Australia. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 3. BATRACHOSTOMUS. Batrachostomus Gould, Icones Avium, (1838). Bombycistomas Hay, Journ. A. S. B. (1841) p. 574., and (1842) p. 798. 1. BATRACHOSTOMUS JAVANENSIS. Horsfield's Goatsucker. Podargus javanensis Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 141. Podargus cornutus Temm. PL Col. 159. Batrachostomus javanensis Gould. Horsf. Zool. Res. pi. . ; Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii, p. 92. pi. 41. a, Indian Archipelago. From the Ley den Museum. 2. BATRACHOSTOMUS STELLATUS. The starry Batrachostomus. Podargus stellatus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1837) p. 43. a. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 3. BATRACHOSTOMUS AURITUS. The great-eared Goatsucker. Podargus auritus Vigors, Mem. Rqffl. App. p. 652. Bombycistomas Fullertonii Hay, Journ. A. S. B. (1841) p. 573. Podargus Fullertoni (?) Blyth, Journ. A. S. B. (1842) p. 798. Batrachostomus auritus Gould, Icon. Av. pi. Griff. An. Kingd., Birds, ii. pi. p. 114. a, b. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. c. Malacca. Presented by the Earl of Ellenborough. 4. JEGOTHELES. JSgotheles Vig. #* Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 194. (1826). 1. ^EGOTHELES NOV^ HOLLANDS. The New Holland Goatsucker. JSgotheles novae hollandiae Vig. fy Horsf. Linn. Trans, t. xv. p. 197. ; Mag. de Zool. (1837) Ois. t. 82. 4 FISSIROSTRES NOCTURNJE. Caprimulgus novse hollandige Lath. Ind. Orn. p. 588. CaprimulgttB vittatus Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. Iviii. ; Lamb. Icon. ined. i. 66. Caprimulgus cristatus Shaw, White's Voy. pi. 29. ^Egotheles cristatus G.E. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1840) p. 7. JDgotheles lunulatus Jard. 8f Selby, III. of Orn. pi. 149. ./Egotheles australis Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 338. Podargus ? nova? hollandiae Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 93. Phil. Bot. Bay, pi. in p. 270, ; Gould, B. of Austr. ii. pi. 1. a, b. Australia. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. Upper Hunter, New South Wales. From Mr. Gould's Collection. d. Australia. From Mr. Gould's collection. e. South Australia, male. Presented by His Excell. Capt. Sir G. Grey. f. South Australia, female. Presented by His Excell. Capt. Sir G. Grey. g. River Murray, S. Australia. Presented by His Excell. Capt. Sir G. Grey. h. Interior of South Australia. Presented by Capt. Sturt. i.j. Young. h. Sternum, South Australia. Presented by His Excell. Capt. Sir G. Grey. 2. ^EGOTHELES LEUCOGASTER. The white-bellied Nightjar. ^Egotheles leucogaster Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1844) p. 106. B. of Austr. ii. pi. 2. a, b. North-eastern Australia. Presented by Lt.-Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell. 5. NYCTIBIUS. Nyctibius Vieill. Analyse, p. 38. (1816). 1. NYCTIBIUS GRANDIS. The grand Goatsucker. Caprimulgus grandis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1029. Nyctibius grandis Vieill. Diet, a" Hist. Nat. xvi. p. 7.; Lafr. Mag. de Zool. (1837) Ois. p. 23. Caprimulgus maximus Shaw, Lev. J\fus. pi. 9. PL enl. 325. ; Jard. and Selby, III Orn. pi. 89. a. South America. b. Cayenne, very young. From M. Cuoy's Collection. CAPRIMULGIDJE. 2. NYCTIBIUS JAMAICENSIS. The Jamaica Goatsucker. Nyctibius jamaicensis Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 91. Caprimulgus jamaicensis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1029. Lath. Gen. Syn. pi. 75. a, b. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. 3. ? NYCTIBIUS PECTORALIS. The Cayenne Goatsucker. Nyctibius pectoralis Gould, Icones Avium, pi. a c. South America. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. d. Cayenne. Presented by H. C. Rothery, Esq. 4. NYCTIBIUS JETHEREUS. The great-tailed Goatsucker. Caprimulgus aethereus Pr. Max. Beitr. i. p. 204. Caprimulgus longicaudatus Spix, Av. Bras. ii. t. 2. Nyctibius aethereus G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Nyctibius longicaudatus Lafr. Mag. de Zool. (1837) Ois. p. 25. a. Brazil. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. ii. CAPRIMULGINJE. 1. CAPKIMULGUS. Caprimulgus Linn. S. N. (1756). Hirundo (pars) ZMWI. S.N. (1735). Nyctichelidon Renn. Mont. Orn. Diet. (1831) p. 342. Antrostomus Gould, Bonap. Comp. List of Birds. (1838). Hydropsalis Wagl. Isis, (1832) p. 1222. Psalurus Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 339. (1837). a. CAPRIMULGUS, 1. CAPRIMULGUS EUROP^US. The European Goatsucker. Caprimulgus europaeus Linn. S. N. i. p. 346. ; Yarrell, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 270. Caprimulgus punctatus Meyer, Tasch. Deut. i. p. 284. ; Brehm, Vog. Deut. i. p. 130. Caprimulgus maculatus Brehm, Vog. Dewt. i. p. 131. t. 10. f. 1. 6 FISSIROSTRES NOCTURNE. Nyctichelidon' europaeus Renn. Mont. Orn. Diet. p. 335. PL enl. 193. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 51. a. Devonshire, male. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Devonshire, female. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c e. Cambridgeshire, males. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. /. Cambridgeshire, female. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. g, h. Cambridgeshire, young. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. i. Europe, male. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. j. South Africa, female- From Dr. A. Smith's Collection. k. Sternum, England. Presented by John Kay, Esq. 2. CAPRIMULGTJS RUFICOLLIS. ; The rufous-necked Goatsucker. Caprimulgus ruficollis Temm. Man. d"Orn. (1820) i. p. 438. Caprimulgus rufitorquis Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p. 546. Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 52. a. Europe, male. From M. Parzudaski's Collection. b. Tunis, young. From Mr. Eraser's Collection. 3. CAPRIMULGUS RUFIGENA. The rufous-cheeked Goatsucker. Caprimulgus rufigena Smith, III. Zool. of S.Afr. Birds, pi. 100. a. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by Dr. Andrew Smith. 4. CAPRIMULGUS ISABELLINUS. The Isabella-coloured Goatsucker. Caprimulgus isabellinus Temm. PI. Col. 379. Caprimulgus aegyptius Licht, Cat. Dupl. Berl. Mus. p. 59. a. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. b. Egypt. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 5. CAPRIMULGUS NATALENSIS. The Port Natal Goatsucker. Caprimulgus natalensis Smith, III Zool. of S. Afr. Birds, pi. 99. a. Port Natal, South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. b. Port Natal, South Africa. From Mr. Argent's Collection. 6. CAPRIMULGUS LENTIGINOSUS. The South- African Goatsucker. Caprimulgus lentiginosus Smith, 111. Zool. of S. Afr. Birds, pi. 101. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. Andrew Smith. CAPEIMULGID^:. / 7. CAPEIMULGUS PECTOEALIS. The pectoral-banded Goatsucker. Capriinulgus pectoralis Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1817) i. p. 376. Caprimulgus africanus Steph. Gen. ZooL x. p. 157. Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. t. 49. a., b. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by F. Campbell, Esq. c. Cape of Good Hope. d. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by F. Campbell, Esq. 8. CAPEIMULGUS INDICUS. The Indian Goatsucker. Caprimulgus indicus Lath. (?) Ind. Orn. ii. p. 588. Caprimulgus cinerascens Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. x. p. 283. Caprimulgus saturior Hodgs. Gray, ZooL Misc. (1844) p. 82. Gray, EL Ind. ZooL pi. 34.; f. 1. Hodgs. Icon. ined. Pass. 1. f. 1.2. v. 42. f.2. a. Nepal, male. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. Madras, male, young. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. c. Nepal, female. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. Nepal, young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. Madras, young. Presented by the Rev. B. B. Baber. ' /. Madras, male, young. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. g. Madras, female, young. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. h-j. Himalayan Mountains. Presented J. R. Reeves, Esq. k. India. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. I. Java ? Presented by the Hon. East India Company. m. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 9. CAPEIMULGUS ASSIMILIS. The allied Goatsucker. . Borneo, male. Presented by His Excell. Sir J. Brooke. b. Indian Archipelago, female. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B.R.N. 10. CAPEIMULGUS SPILOCIECUS. The spotted-tailed Goatsucker. Caprimulgus macrourus Jerd. EL Orn. pi. 24. Caprimulgus mahrattensis (Syhes), Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. $ Scl (1840) p. 234., (1844) p. 143. a. Madras (Eastern Ghauts). Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. 11. CAPEIMULGUS MANILLENSIS. The Manilla Goatsucker. a, b. Manilla. From Mr. Cuming's collection. B 4 8 FISSIROSTRES NOCTURNE. 12. CAPRIMULGUS ALBONOTATUS. The Nepal Goatsucker. Caprimulgus albonotatus Tick. Journ. A. S. B. ii. p. 580. Caprimulgus nipalensis Hodgs. Gray's Zool. Misc. (1844), p. 82. Caprimulgus innotatus Hodgs Caprimulgus macrourus Blyth^ Journ. A. S. B. Hodgs. Icon. ined. Pass. 2. f. 1, 2, 3. v. 35. f. 1. 36. a i. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. j. Gangoutra, Himalayah Mountains. k. Darzeeling. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 1. Sternum, IsTepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 13. CAPRIMULGUS MONTICOLA. The bare-legged Goatsucker. Caprimulgus monticola Frankl. Proc. Zool. Soc. (1831) p. 116. Caprimulgus gymnopus Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 82. Hodgs. Icon. ined. Pass. 3. a. India. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. b. Sumatra. c. Himalayah Mountains. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. d. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson Esq. e. Madras, male. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. f. Madras, female. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. g. India, female Presented by W. W. Saunder, Esq. 14. CAPRIMULGUS ASIATICUS. The Bombay Goatsucker. Caprimulgus asiaticus Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 588. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. pi. 34. f. 2. a c. India. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. d. ? Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. 15. CAPRIMULGUS CAYANENSIS. The white-necked Goatsucker. Caprimulgus cayanensis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1031. Caprimulgus cayanus Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 587. Caprimulgus leucurus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. x. p. 246. Caprimulgus leopetes Jard. Sf Selby, III. of Orn. pi. 87. Azara, No. 314. a. Cayenne. 16. CAPRIMULGUS BIFASCIATUS. The bifasciated Goatsucker. Caprimulgus bifasciatus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1837) p. 22. ; Voy. of Beagle, Birds, p. 36. a d. Chili. From Mr. Brydges's Collection. CAPRIMULGID^E. 17. CAPRIMULGUS ? The ? Goatsucker. a. Bolivia. From Mr. Brydges's Collection. b. Caraccas, male. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. c. Caraccas, female. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 18. CAPRIMULGUS SEMITOEQUATUS. The white- collared Goatsucker . Caprimulgus semitorquatus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1031. PL enl 734. ; G. E. Gray and Mitch. Gen. of B. pi. 18. a. Para. Presented by R. Graham, Esq. 19. CAPRIMULGUS RETICULATUS. The reticulated Goatsucker. a. Brazil. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 20. CAPRIMULGUS ? The ? Goatsucker. a. ? Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. 21. CAPRIMULGUS OCELLATUS. The ocellated Goatsucker. Caprimulgus ocellatus Tschudi, Consp. Av. p. 8. 4to edit. t. 5. f. 2. Caprimulgus brasiliensis (Gmel.) Tschudi, Faun. Per. 4to edit, p. 20. a. Brazil ? Presented by J. Gould, Esq. b. South America. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. b. ANTROSTOMUS. 22. CAPRIMULGUS CAROLINENSIS. The Carolina Goatsucker. Caprimulgus carolinensis Briss. Ornith. ii. p. 475. Caprimulgus rufus Vieill. Ois. dAmer. t. 25. Anthrostomus carolinensis Goidd, Bonap. Geogr. Compar. List of Birds of Eur. and N. Amer. p. 8. Catesby, Carol, pi. 8. ^ Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 54. f. 2. ; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 52. a. North America. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. HYDROPSALIS. 23. CAPRIMULGUS FURCIFER, The scissor-tailed Goatsucker. Caprimulgus furcifer Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. x. p. 242. Caprimulgus psalurus Temm. PL col. 157. B 5 10 FISSIROSTRES NOCTURNJE. Hydropsalis Azarae Wagl. his, (1832) p. 1222. Hydropsalis furcifer G. E. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1840) p. 8, Psalurus macropterus Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 339. Caprimulgus fissicaudus Merr. Ersch. und Grub. Encyc. xii. p. 148. Azara, No. 309. a. Brazil, male. b. Brazil, female. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. c. Brazil, female. 24. CAPRIMULGUS BOLIVIETSSIS. The Bolivian Goatsucker. a. Bolivia, male. From Mr. Brydges's Collection. b. Bolivia, female. From Mr. Brydges's Collection. 25. CAPRIMULGUS CLIMACOCERCUS. The Guiana Goatsucker. Caprimulgus climacocercus Tschudi, Faun. Peruv. Av. Consp. No. 38. Fauna Peruana, t. 6. f. 1. a. British Guiana, male. Presented by Sir R. Schomburgk. b. British Guiana, female. Presented by Sir R. Schomburgk. c. British Guiana, . Presented by Sir R. Schomburgk. 26. CAPRIMULGUS MANURUS. The double-tailed Goatsucker. Caprimulgus manurus Vieill. N. Diet, a* Hist. Nat. x. p. 239. a. Bahia, male. From the Sunbury Museum. 2. ELEOTHREPTUS. Eleothreptus G. R. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1840) p. 7. Amblypterus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1837) p. 105. Amplypterus Weigm. Arch. (1838). 1. ELEOTHREPTUS ANOMALUS. The curved-quilled Goatsucker. Amblypterus anomalus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1837) p. 105. Icon. Av. pi. Eleothreptus anomalus G. E. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1840) p. 7. a. Demerara (?). Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq. CAPRIMULGID^. 1 1 3. NYCTIDROMUS. Nyctidromus Gould, Icon. Av. (1838). 1. NYCTIDROMUS DERBYANUS. Derby's Night-Runner. Nyctidromus Derbyanus Gould, Icones Avium, pi. a. Brazil. b. Brazil. Presented by Capt. Lord Byron, R.N. c. Para. Presented by R. Graham, Esq. 2. ? NYCTIDROMUS AFFINIS. The allied Night-Runner. a. Mexico. From Mr. Argent's Collection. b. Belize, Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. c. ? Mexico. From Mr. Argent's Collection. 4. EUROSTOPODUS. Eurostopodus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1837) p. 142. Lyncornis Gould, Icones Avium (1838). a. EUROSTOPODUS. 1. EUROSTOPODUS ALBOGULARIS. The white-throated Goatsucker. Caprimulgus albogularis Vig. fy Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 194. Eurostopodus albogularis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1837) p. 142. Caprimulgus mysticalis Temm. PL col. 410. Caprimulgus albomaculatus Cuv. Gould, B. ofAustr. ii. pi. 7. ; PL col. 410. a. Woody Wallis's Island. Presented by the Earl of Derby. b. Australia, young. 2. EUROSTOPODUS GUTTATUS. The spotted-winged Goatsucker. Caprimulgus guttatus Vig. $* Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 192. Eurostopodus guttatus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1837) p. 142. Gould, B. ofAustr. ii. pi. 7. a. Australia. Presented by Lady Carrington. b South Australia. Presented by His Excell. Capt. Sir G. Grey. B 6 12 FISSIROSTRES NOCTURN2E. c. Red Wallis's Island. Presented by the Earl of Derby. d. Australia. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. e. Interior of South Australia. Presented by Capt. Sturt. f. Victoria, North-western Australia. Presented by Capt, W. Chambers, R.K b. LYNCORNTS. 3. EUROSTOPODUS MACROTIS. The great-eared Goatsucker. Caprimulgus macrotis Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1831) p. 97. Lyncornis macrotis Gould, Icon. Av. pi. Eurostopodus macrotis G. R. Gray, Gen. ofB.Lp. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 4. EUROSTOPODUS ? The Goatsucker. a. North parts of China. From Mr. Fortune's Collection. 5. EUROSTOPODUS TEMMINCKII. Temminck's Goatsucker. Lyncornis Temminckii Gould, Icon. Av. pi. Caprimulgus pulcher A. Hay, Madr. Journ. Caprimulgus imberbis Temm. MSS. Eurostopodus Temminckii G.R. Gray, Gen. ofB. i. p. a, b. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. c. Indian Archipelago. iii. PODAGERIN&. 1. SCOTORNIS. Scotornis Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 339. (1837). 1. SCOTORNIS CLIMACURUS. The long-tailed Goatsucker. Caprimulgus climacurus Vieill. Gal. des Ois. t. 122. Caprimulgus longicaudus Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 89. Scotornis cliinacterus Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 339. Lath. Hist, of B. vii. pi. 114. a. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. I. Western Africa. From Mr. Gould's Collection. c. Western Africa. Presented by Col. Sabine, R. A. CAPRIMULGID^E. 1 3 2. MACRODIPTERYX. Macrodipteryx Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 339. (1837). SemeSophorus Gould, Icon. Av. ii. p. . (1838). Cosmetornis G. R. Gray, List of Gen ofB. (1840) p. 8. 1. MACRODIPTERYX LONGIPENNIS. The Leona Goatsucker. Macrodipteryx longipennis G. R. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1840) p. 8. Caprimulgus longipennis Shaw, Nat. Misc. pi. 265. Caprimulgus macrodipterus Afzel. Descr. Sierra Leona, Macrodipteryx africanus Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 339. a. Sierra Leona, male. Presented by Col. Sabine, R.A. b. Sierra Leona, female. Presented by Col. Sabine, R. A. 3. CHORDEILES. Chordeiles Swains. Faun. Bar. Amer. ii. p. 496. (1831). 1. CHORDEILES VIRGINIANUS. The Virginian Goatsucker. Caprimulgus virginianus Briss. Orn. ii. p. 477. Chordeiles virginianus Swains. Faun. Bor. Amer. ii. p, 337. 496. Caprimulgus (Chordeiles) virginianus Swains. Faun. Bor. Amer. ii. p. 337. Caprimulgus popetue Vieill. Ois. d'Amer. Sept. t. 24. Caprimulgus americanus Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 40. Edwards, Birds, pi. 63.; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 147. a. North America. Presented by M.-Gen. Hardwicke. b. Northern Land Exped. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. 2. CHORDEILES ? The Goatsucker. a. Lima, male. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. b. Cayenne, female. Presented by H. C. Rothery, Esq. c. ? ? d. South America. From Baron Laugier's Collection. 3. CHORDEILES RUPESTRIS. The Rock Goatsucker. Caprimulgus rupestris Spix, Av. Bras. ii. t. 2. Chordeiles rupestris G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. L p. a. Para. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 14 FISSIROSTRES NOCTURNJE. 4. PODAGER. Podager Wagl. Isis, (1832) p. 277. Proithera Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 339. (1837), 1. PODAGER NACUNDA. The Nacunda Goatsucker. Podager nacunda G. E. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1840) p. 10. Caprimulgus nacunda Vieill. N. Diet. (FHist. Nat. x. p. 240. Caprimulgus diurnus Pr. Max. Beitr. iii. p. 326. ; Temm. PL col, 182. Podager diurnus Wagl. Isis, (1832) p. 277. Caprimulgus campestris Licht. Cat. Dupl. Berl. Mus. p. 59. Proithera diurnus Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 339. Azara, No. 312. a, b. Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothesay. c. Brazil. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 2. PODAGER NATTERERII. Natterer's Goatsucker. Caprimulgus Nattererii Temm. PL col. 107. Podager Nattererii G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. a. Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothesay. b. Brazil. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. c. South America. 3. ? PODAGER GOULDII. Gould's Goatsucker. Podager Gouldii G. R. Gray and Mitch. Gen. of B. pi. 18. a Cayenne. Presented by H. C. Rothery, Esq. 15 Subtribe II. Fissirostres Diurnce. Fam. II. HIRUNDINID^E. i. CYPSELIN&. 1. ACANTHYLIS. Acanthylis Boie, Isis, (1826) p. 971. Chaetura Steph. Gen. Zool xiii. p. 76. (1825). Hemiprocne Nitzsch, Petrylog. p. 123. (1840). Pallene Less. Compl Buff. viii. p. 493. (1837). Hirund-apus Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1836) p. 780. 1. ACANTHYLIS CAUDACUTA. The Australian needle-tailed Swallow. Hirundo caudacuta Lath. Ind. Ornith. Suppl. p. Ivii. Acanthylis caudacuta G.R. Gray, Ann. of Nat. Hist. (1843) p. 194. Hirundo fusca Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 76. Chaetura australis Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 76. Chaetura macroptera Swains. Zool. Illustr. n. s. pi. 42. Pallene macroptera Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 168. Pallene caudacuta Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 168. Lamb. Icon. ined. if. 88.; Gould, B. of Austr. ii. pi. 10. a. Australia. b. Australia. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. c. Australia. Presented by R. Butler, Esq. 2. ACANTHYLIS NUDIPES. The naked-footed Acanthylis. Chaetura nudipes Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1836) p. 779. Acanthylis nudipes G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Cypselus leuconotus Deless. Mag. de Zool. (1840) Ois. t. 20. Souv. Voy. dans TInde, Ois. t. 9. Pallene leuconota Boie, Isis (1844) p. 168. Hodgs. Icon. ined. Pass. 5. ad. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. Sternum. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 3. ACANTHTLIS coLLAEis. The collared Acanthylis. Hirundo collaris Temm. Pr. Max. Beitr. (1831) ii. p. 344. Chaetura collaris Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 76. Acanthylis collaris G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Hemiprocne collaris Nitzsch, Petrylog. p. 123. 16 FISSIROSTRES DIURN.&. Apus (Pallene) collaris Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 493. Pallene collaris Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 168. Cypselus torquatus Licht. Hirundo albicollis Vieill. N. Diet. dHist. Nat. xiv. p. 524.' Hirundo zonaris Shaw, Cim. Phys. pi. 55. ? PL col. 195.; Vieill. Gal.des Ois. 1. 120. a, b. Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothesay. c. British Guiana. From Sir R. Schomburgk's Collection. d. Caraccas. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. e. Brazil. ? Presented by M.-Gen. Hardwicke. 4. ACANTHYLIS PELASGiA. The aculeated Swallow. Hirundo pelasgia Linn. S. N. i. p. 345. Acanthylis pelasgia G. R. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1840) p. 8. Chsetura pelasgia Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 76. Apus (Pallene) pelasgia Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 494. PL enl. 726. f. 2. ; Vieill. Ois. cTAmer. Sept. t. 33.; Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 39. f. 1. ; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 158. a. North America. Presented by J. Audubon, Esq. b. North America. Presented by Dr. Ridgeway. 5. ACANTHYLIS ? The Acanthylis. a. Caraccas. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 6. ACANTHYLIS POLIOURA. The grey- tailed Acanthylis. Cypselus poliourus Temm. PL enl. 726. f. 2. a. Cayenne. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 7. ACANTHYLIS SPINICAUDA. The grey-backed Acanthylis. Gypselus spinicaudus Temm. Acanthylis spinicauda Boie, Isis, (1826) p. 971. Hirundo pelasgia var. Lath. PL enl. 726. f. 1. a. Brazil. ? From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 8. ACANTHYLIS SABINI. The white-backed Acanthylis. Chaetura Sabini Gray, Griff. An. Kingd. ii. p. 70. Acanthylis Sabini G. E. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Chaetura bicolor Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 7. Pallene leucopygia Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 168. a, Western Africa. Presented by Col. Sabine, R. A. HIRUNDINID^E. 17 2. MACROPTERYX. Macropteryx Swains. Zool. Illustr. (1832). Macropterus Swains. Pallestre Less. Compl Buff. viii. p. 490. (1837). Dendrochelidon Boie, Isis, (1832 ?) 1844, p. 165. 1. MACROPTERYX KLECHO. The Klecho Swallow. Hirundo Klecho Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 143. Apus (Pallestre) Klecho Less. Compl. Buff, viii. p. 490. Macropteryx Klecho G. R. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1840) p. 8. Cypselus Klecho Steph. Gen Zool. xiii. p. 81. Dendrochelidon Klecho Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 166. Cypselus longipennis Temm. PI. col. 13. f. 1. Macropteryx longipennis Swains. Zool. Illustr. n. s. pi. 74. a, b. Indian Archipelago. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. c. Java, young. Presented by the Hon. East India Comp. d. Malacca, female. Presented by the Earl of Ellenborough. 2. MACROPTERYX CORONATA. The crested Macropteryx. Hirundo coronata Tick. Joum. A. S. B. (1833) p. 580. Macropteryx longipennis Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. 8f Sci. (1840) p. 236. Macropteryx coronatus Blyth, Journ. A. S. B. (1846) p. 21. a c. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. Madras. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. 3. MACROPTERYX COMATUS. The hooded Macropteryx. Macropteryx comatus Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 340. Cypselus comatus Temm. PL col. 268. Apus (Pallestre) comatus Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 491. Dendrochelidon comatus Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 166. a, b. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 4. MACROPTERYX MYSTACEUS. The bearded Macropteryx. Macropteryx mystaceus Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 340. Cypselus mystaceus Less. Voy. de la Coqu. Ois. t. 22. Apus (Pallestre) mystaceus Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 491. Dendrochelidon mystaceus Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 166. a. New Guinea, 18 FISSIROSTRES DIURN.E. 3. CYPSELUS. Cypselus 111 Prod. Mam. p. 229. (1811). Apus Scop. Introd Hist. Nat. p. 483. (1777). Micropus Meyer $ Wolf, Tasch. Deuts. Vog. i. p. 280. (1810). Brachypus Meyer. Tachornis Gosse, B. of Jam. p. 58. (1848). 1. CYPSELUS MELBA. The white-bellied Swift. Cypselus melba 111. Prod. Mam. 8f Av. p. 230. Apus melba Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1817) i. p. 373. Hirundo melba Linn. S. N. i. p. 345. Micropus melba Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 165. Hirundo alpina Scop. Ann. i. p. 166. Cypselus alpinus Temm. Man. d'Orn. (1815) p. 270.; Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 134. ; Yarrell, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 266. Micropus alpinus Meyer 8f Wolf, Tasch. Deut. i. p. 282. ; Edwards, Birds, pi. 27. Cypselus alpinus africanus Temm. Man. tfOm.. (1815) p. 270. Cypselus gutturalis Vieill. N. Diet. dHist. Nat. xix. p. 422, Hirundo gularis Steph. Gen. Zool. x. p. 99. Levaill. Ois. $Afr. t. 243. a. Europe. b. Cape of Good Hope. From the South African Museum. c. Madras. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. 2. CYPSELUS APUS. The common Swift. Hirundo apus Linn. S. N. i. p. 344. Apus ? Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 373. Cypselus apus III. Prod. Mamm. fy Av. p. 230. ; Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 136. ; Yarrell, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 260. Cypselus vulgaris Steph. Gen. Zool. x. p. 72. Micropus murarius Meyer 8f Wolf, Tasch. Deut. i. p. 281. Micropus apus Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 165. Cypselus murarius Temm. Man. dOrn. (1815) p. 271. Cypselus caffer Licht. Cat. Dupl. Berl. Mus. p. 68. PL enl. 242. f. 1. a. London. Presented by J. F. Stephens, Esq. b. Hampshire, female. Presented by Mr. G. L. Scott. c. Europe. Presented by M.-Gen. Hardwicke. d. Tunis. From Mr. Eraser's Collection. e. Cape of Good Hope. From the South African Museum. /. Sternum, England. Presented by T. Ingall, Esq. HIRUNDINID^B. 19 3. CYPSELUS AFFINIS. The allied Swift. Cypselus affinis Gray, Illustr. Ind. Zool. pi. 35. f. 2. Cypselus nipalensis Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1836) p. 780. Micropus affinis Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 165. Hodgs. Icon. ined. Pass. 4. 101. a. India. b. Madras. Presented by W. Elliot, Esq., of Wolflee. c -f. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. g. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 4. CYPSELUS PYGARGUS. The South African Swift. Cypselus pygargus Temm. PI. col. 460. f. 1. Atticora pygargus Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 172. Apus pygargus Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 490. a, I. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. c. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by the Earl of Derby. ~ 5. CYPSELUS BALASSIENSIS. The Balassian Swift. Cypselus balassiensis Gray, Griff. An. Kingd. ii. p. 60. Cypselus palmarum Gray, III. Ind. Zool. pi. 35. f. 1. Atticora palmarum Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 172. a. Tenasserhn. Presented by J. D. C. Packman, Esq. M. D. I. Madras. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. c, d. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 6. CYPSELUS UNICOLOR. The Madeira Swift. Cypselus unicolor Jard. Sf Selby, HI. Orn. pi. 83. Micropus unicolor Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 165. Apus unicolor Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 489. a . Madeira. Presented by A. Halley, Esq. M.D. 7. CYPSELUS AMBROSIACUS. The Ambergris Swallow. Hirundo ambrosiaca Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1021. Atticora ambrosiaca Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 172. Cypselus parvus Licht. Cat. Dupl. Berl. p. 58. PL col. 460. f. 2. a. Niger Expedition, adult. Presented by Mrs. Heywood and Capt. Allen, R. N. b. Fernando Po, young. From Mr. Eraser's Collection. 20 FISSIROSTRES DIURN.E. 8. CYPSELUS PHCENICOBIUS. The Palm Swift. Tachornis phcenicobia Gosse, B. of Jam. p. 58. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. b. Jamaica. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. c. Jamaica. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. d. Nest, Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. 9. CYPSELUS CAYANENSIS. The white-collared Swift. Hirundo cayanensis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1024. Cypselus cayanensis III. Prod. Mamm. fy Av. p. 230. Micropus cayanensis Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 165. PL enl. 725. f. 2. a. Bahia. From the Sudbury Museum. b. Brazil. From Mr. Argent's Collection. c. Bahia. From Warwick's Collection. 10. CYPSELUS ANDICOLUS. The Andesian Swift. Cypselus andicolus If Orb. $ Lafr. Syn. Av. Voy. dans VAmer. Mer. Ois. t. 42. f. 2. Micropus andicolus Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 165. Chelidon andicola Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 172. a. Bolivia. From Mr. Brydges's Collection. 11. CYPSELUS SENEX. ? The grey-headed Swift. Cypselus senex Temm. PL col. 397. ? , b. Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothesay. 12. CYPSELUS ? The Swift. a. ? 4. COLLOCALIA. Collocalia G. E. Gray, List. Gen. of B. (1840) p. 1. COLLOCALIA NIDIFICA. The esculent Swallow. Collocalia nidifica G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. p. Hirundo esculenta var. Lath. Hirundo esculenta Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 142. Lath. Gen. Syn. Supp. ii. pi. 135. a. ? b. Borneo. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. c. Borneo, young. From Mr. Cuming's Collection d. China Presented by J. Reeves, Esq. HIRUNDINID^E. 2] 2. COLLOCALIA FUCIPHAGA. The Linchi Swallow. Hirundo fuciphaga Act. Holm, xxxiii. p. 151. a. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Comp. 3. COLLOCAJLIA TROGLODYTES. The white-backed Swallow. Collocalia troglodytes G. R. Gray $ Mitch. Gen. of B. pi. 19. a, b. Malacca. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 4. COLLOCALTA FRAscicA. The grey-backed Swallow. Hirundo francica Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1017. a, b. Isle of France. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. ii. HlRUNDININJE. 1. ATTICORA. Atticora Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 172. 1. ATTICORA FASCIATA. The white-bellied Swallow. Atticora fasciata Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 172. Hirundo fasciata Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1022. Hirundo (Cecropis) fasciata Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 498. PL enl. 724. f. 2. ; Swains. Zool III. n. s. pi. . a. Cayenne. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. b. British Guiana. From Sir It. Schomburgk's Collection. 2. ATTICORA PRISTOPTERA. The white-sided Swallow. Atticora pristoptera G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Hirundo (Chelidon) pristoptera Hupp. Faun. Abyss, t. 39. f. 2. Atticora albiscapulata (Rupp.) Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 172. a. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. 3. ATTICORA LEUCOSTERNON. The white-breasted Swallow. Hirundo leucosternus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1840) p. 172. Atticora leucosternon Gould, B. of Austr. ii. pi. 12. a. Australia. 4. ATTICORA ? The Swallow ? a. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by F. Campbell, Esq. b. Cape of Good Hope. From Dr. Smith's Collection. c. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. 22 FISSIROSTRES DIURNJE. 2. HIRUNDO. Hirundo Linn. S. N. (1735). Cecropis Boie, Isis, (1826) p. 971. Herse Less. Compl Buff. viii. p. 496. (1837). 1. HIRUNDO RTJSTICA. The Chimney Swallow. Hirundo rustica Linn. S. N. i. p. 343. ; Yarrell, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 231. fig. Hirundo domestica Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 528. Cecropis rustica Boie, Isis, (1826) p. 971. ; Brehm, Vog. Deut. i. p. 138. Cecropis pagorum Brehm, Vog. Deut. i. p. 138. PL enl. 543. f. 1. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 54. a. Europe. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. Great Britain. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. Cambridgeshire. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. d. Europe. e. ? white variety. /. Hayling Island, white variety. Presented by Alfred Miller, Esq. g. Tunis, young. From Mr. Fraser's Collection. 2. ? HIRUNDO GUTTURALIS. The Panayan Swallow. Hirundo gutturalis Scop. Hirundo panayana Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1018. Hirundo jewan gybes, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1832) p. 83. Hirundo rustica Meyen, Nov. Acta (1834) Suppl. t. 10. f. 1. Hirundo javanica Sparr. Mus. Carls, t. 100. PL col. 83. f. 2. ; Sonn. Voy. t. 76. a. China, young. Presented by T. Lay, Esq. b. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. c. d, e. Nepal. Presented by B H. Hodgson, Esq. f. Tenasserim. Presented by J. D. C. Packman, Esq. g. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. h. India. i. Sumatra, male. k. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 3. HIRUNDO FRONT ALIS. The Australian Chimney Swallow. Hirundo javanica (Sparr.) Vig. $* Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 191. Hirundo frontalis Quoy 8f Gaim. Voy. de VAstrol. Ois. 1. 12. f. 1. Hirundo neoxena Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1842) p. 131. ; B. of Austr. ii. pi. 13. HIRUNDINIDJ3. 23 Hirundo pacifica (Lath. ?) Griff. An. Kingd. ii. p. 96. pi. Cecropis frontalis Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 174. Hirundo (Herse) frontalis Less. CompL Buff. viii. p. 497. a. Australia. b. South Australia, male. Presented by His Excellency Capt. Sir G. Grey. c. Van Diemen's Land, young. From Mr. Gunn's Collection. 4. HIRUNDO DAURICA. The Daurian Swallow. Hirundo daurica Linn. Mant. p. 528. Hirundo alpestris Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 534. t. 30. f. 2. Hirundo erythropygia Sykes, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1831) p. 83. Hirundo nipalensis Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1836) p. 780. Hirundo (Cecropis) daurica Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 498. Cecropis daurica Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 174. Hirundo rufula Temm. Man. a"Orn. iii. p. 298. ? a, b. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c, d. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. India. From Mr. Argent's Collection. f. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 5. HIRUNDO CUCULLATA. The Cape Swallow. Hirundo cucullata Bodd. Tabl. PL Enl d'Aub. p. 45. Hirundo capensis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1019. Hirundo (Cecropis) capensis Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 498. Cecropis capensis Boie, Isis, (1826) p. 971. PL enl. 723. f. 2. a. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. 6. HIRUNDO STRIOLATA. The streaked Swallow. Hirundo striolata Temm. Schl. Rev. crit. des Ois. Eur. p. 42 ? Cecropis striolata Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 174. ; Hupp. Syst. Uebers. Vog. Nord-Ost. Afr. t. 6. Hirundo abyssinica Guer. Rev. Zool. (1843) p 322. a. Abyssinia, male. From Dr. Riippell's Collection. 7. HIRUNDO SENEGALENSIS. The Senegal Swallow. Hirundo senegalensis Linn. S. N. i. p. 345. Hirundo (Cecropis) senegalensis Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 498. Cecropis senegalensis Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 174. Hirundo rufula (Temm.) Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 55. PL enl. 310. ; B. of West. Afr. ii. pi. 6. a. Gambia. From Mr Kendall's Collection. 24 FISSIROSTEES DIURKE. 8. HIRUNDO MELANOCRISSUS. The black-vented Swallow. Cecropis melanocrissus Hupp. Syst. Uebers. Vog. Nord-Ost. Afr. t. 5. Levaill Ois. tfAfr. t. 245. f. 1. ? a. Abyssinia. From Dr. Ruppell's Collection. 9. HIRUNDO LEUCOSOMA. The white-bodied Swallow. Hirundo leucosoma Swains. B. of West. Afr, ii. p. 74. Chelidon leucosoma Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 171. a. Western Africa. ? 10. HIRUNDO ERYTHROGASTER. The rufous-bellied Swallow. Hirundo erythrogaster Bodd. Tail, de PL enL (TAub. p. 45. Hirundo rufa Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1018. Hirundo (Cecropis) rufa Less. CompL Buff. viii. p. 498. Cecropis rufa Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 175. Hirundo americana Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 38. f. 1, 2. Cecropis americana Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 315. Hirundo (Cecropis) americana Less. CompL Buff. viii. p. 498. Hirundo rustica Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 173. Hirundo platensis StepJi. Gen. ZooL x. p. 126. PL enL 724. f. 1. ; Vieill. Ois. a" Amer, Sept. t. 30. a. North America. b. North America. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. c. ? Para. Presented by R. Graham, Esq. d? St. Nevis, ? West Indies, young. Presented by W. Cottle, Esq. 11. HIRUNDO FULVA. The rufous-necked Swallow. Hirundo fulva Vieill. Ois. tfAmer. Sept. t. 32. Cecropis fulva Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 315. Hirundo (Cecropis) fulva Less. CompL Buff. viii. p. 498. Hirundo poeciloma Gosse, B. of Jam. p. 64. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. b. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. 12. HIRUNDO NIGRICANS. The dun-rumped Swallow. Hirundo nigricans Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xiv. p. 523. Cecropis nigricans Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 175. Hirundo pyrrhonota Lath. MSS. Vigors fy Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 190. HIRUNDINID^E. 25 Cecropis pyrrhonota Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 175. Collocalia arborea Gould, B. of Austr. ii. pi. 14. Chelidon arborea Gould, Inlrod to B. of Austr. p. 29. Hirundo (Her^e) nigricans Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 497. Hirundo (Herse) pyrrhonota Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 497. Voy. de VAstrol. Ois. t. 12. f. 2. a. Australia. Presented by W. MacLeay, Esq. b d. Van Diemen's Land. From Mr. Gunn's Collection. e,f. South Australia. Presented by His Excell. Capt. Sir G. Grey. g. South Australia. Presented by C. D. E. Fortnum, Esq. h. Australia. Presented by R. Butler, Esq. 13. HIRUNDO ARIEL. The Fairy Martin. Collocalia Ariel Gould, Proc. Zool Soc. (1842) p. 132. Chelidon Ariel Gould, Introd. to B. of Austr. p. 29. Hirundo Ariel G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. B. of Austr. ii. pi. 15. a. Western Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. North-eastern Australia. Presented by Lt.-Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell. 14. HIRUNDO ERYTHROCEPHALA. The red-headed Swallow. Hirundo erythrocephala Gmel. S.N.'i. p. 1024. ? Hirundo indica Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1025. ? Lath. Gen. Syn. iv. pi. 56. a. Behar, adult male. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. Behar, young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 15. HIRUNDO FILIFERA. The wire -tailed Swallow. Hirundo ? filifera Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 78. Hirundo filicaudata Frankl. Proc. Zool. Soc. (1831) p. 115. Hirundo (Cecropis) filifera Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 499. Hirundo ruficeps Licht. Cat. Dupl. Berl. Mus. p. 58. Chelidon ruficeps Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 171. Lath. Hist.ofB.pl. 113. a. Madras, male. Presented by W. Elliot, Esq., of Wolflee. b. ? Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. d, e. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. /. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. 26 FISSIROSTRES DIURN^. 16. HIRUNDO THALASSINA. The violet-green Swallow. Hirundo thalassina Swains, Phil. Mag. (1827) p. 366. Hirundo (Cecropis) thalassina Less. Compl. Buff, viii. p. 499. Chelidon thalassina Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 171. Audub. B. ofAmer. pi. 385. f. 4, 5. a, b. Mexico. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 17. HIRUNDO EUCHRYSEA. The golden Swallow. Hirundo euchrysea Gosse, B. of Jam. p. 68. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. 18. HIRUNDO ALBIVENTER. The white-winged Swallow Hirundo albiventer Bodd. Tabl. PL enl. ffAub. p. 32. Hirundo leucoptera Gmel. S.N. i. p. 1022. Hirundo (Chelidon) leucoptera Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 494. Chelidon leucoptera Bole, Isis, (1828) p. 316. PL enl. 546. f. 2. a. South America. Presented by Lieut. Mawe, R. N". b. Para. Presented by R. Graham, Esq. c. Demerara. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 19. HIRUNDO MELANOLEUCA. The pied Swallow. Hirundo melanoleuca Pr. Max. Beitr. (1831) ii. p. 371. Hirundo (Cecropis) melanoleuca Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 498. Chelidon melanoleuca Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 172. PL col. 209. /. 2. a. Bahia. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq. b. Chili. From Mr. Brydges's Collection. 20. HIRUNDO BICOLOR. The Severn Swallow. Hirundo bicolor Vieill. Ois. cTAmer. Sept. t. 31. Hirundo (Chelidon) bicolor Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 494. Hirundo viridis Wils. Amer* Orn. pi. 38. f. 3. Chelidon viridis Boie, Isis, (1826) p. 971. Hirundo leucogaster Steph. Gen. Zool. x. p< 106. Chelidon leucogastra Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 171. Audub. B. ofAmer. pi. 98. a. North America. Presented by Dr. Ridgeway. b. North America. c. Mexico. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. HIRUNDINIDJE. 27 21. HIRUNDO NIGRITA. The West African Swallow. Hirundo nigrita G. R. Gray $ Mitch. Gen. of B. pi. 20. a. Niger Expedition. Presented by Mrs. Heywood and Capt. Allen. 22. HIRUNDO CYANOLEUCA. The blue and white Swallow. Hirundo cyanoleuca Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xiv. p. 509. Chelidon cyanoleuca Boie, Ms, (1826) p. 316. Hirundo melampyga Licht. Cat. Dupl. Bprl. Mus. p. 57. Hirundo minuta Pr. Max. Beitr. (1831) ii. p. 369. Azara, No. 303. ; PL col 209. f. 1. a. Para. Presented by R. Graham, Esq.^ b. Bolivia. From Mr. Brydges's Collection. c. ? From Mr. Johnston's Collection. d. Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothesay. e. Valley of Aragua. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 23. HIRUNDO- -? The ? Swallow. a. Sierra Leona. Presented by Col. Sabine, R. N. 24. HIRUNDO ? The ? Swallow. a. Cape of Good Hope, young. Presented by the Earl of Derby. 3. PROGNE. Progne Boie, Isis, (1826) p. 971. 1. PROGNE PURPUREA. The purple Swallow. Hirundo purpurea Linn. S. N. i. p. 344. ; Yarrell, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 257. fig. Hirundo violacea Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1026. Hirundo caerulea Vieill. Ois. d'Amer. Sept. t. 26, 27. Hirundo subis Linn. S. N. i. p 344. Progne purpurea Boie, Isis, (1826) p. 971. Hirundo versicolor Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. x. 509. Hirundo ludoviciana Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1817) p. 374. Hirundo (Cecropis) violacea Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 498. Catesby's Carol, pi. 51*; PI. enl 722.; Edwards' s Birds, pi, 120. ; Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 39. f. 1, 2. ; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 22. a. North America, adult. Presented by Dr. Ridgeway. b. North America, young. Presented by Dr. Ridgeway. 28 FISSIROSTRES DIURNJE. c. North America, young. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hard- wicke. d. North America. e. Bahia, adult. From the Sudbury Museum. f. Bahia, young. From the Sudbury Museum. 2. PROGNE MODESTA. The uniform-coloured Swallow. Hirundo concolor Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1837) p. 22. Progne modesta Gould, Voy. of Beagle, Birds, pi. 5. a. Chili. From Mr. Brydges's Collection. 3. PROGNE DOMESTICA. The Bolivian Swallow. Hirundo domestica Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xiv. p. 520. Progne domestica G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Azara, No. 300. a. Bolivia, adult. From Mr. Brydges's Collection. b. Bolivia, young. From Mr. Brydges's Collection. 4. PROGNE DOMINICENSIS. The St. Domingo Swallow. Progne dominicensis Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 178. Hirundo dominicensis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1025. Hirundo albiventris Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xiv. p. 533. Vieill Ois. tfAmer. Sept. t. 28, 29. ; PL enl 545. f. 1. a. Jamaica, adult. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. b. Para. Presented by R. Graham, Esq. c. Honduras, young. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 5. PROGNE CHALYBEA. The chalybeate Swallow. Hirundo chalybea Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1026. Progne chalybea Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 178. Hirundo cayanensis Briss. Orn. ii. p. 495. t. 46. f. 1. Cecropis chalybea Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 316. Hirundo (Cecropis) chalybea Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 498. PL enl. 545. f. 2. a. Para, adult. ? Presented by R. Graham, Esq. 6. ? PROGNE ruse A. The brown Swallow. Hirundo fusca Vieill. N. Diet. dHist. Nat. xiv. p. 510. Progne fusca G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. a. South America. b, c. Brazil. Presented by M. Claussen. HIRUNDINID^B. 29 4. COTYLE. Cotile Boie, Isis, (1822) p. 550. Biblis Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 495. (1837). 1. COTYLE RIP ARIA. The Sand-martin Swallow. Cotile riparia Boie, Ms, (1822) p. 550. ; Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 143. Hirundo riparia Linn. S. N. i. p. 344. Cotyle fluviatilis Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 142. t. x. f. 5. Cotyle microrhynchos Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 143. PL enl. 543. f. 2. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 58. ; Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 34. f. 4. ; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 385. f. 13. a. Wiltshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Persia. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. c. ? Mexico. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. d. ? Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. e. ? Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 2. COTYLE RUPESTRIS. The Crag Swallow. Hirundo rupestris Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1019. Cotyle rupestris Boie, Isis, (1826) p. 971.; Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 144. Chelidon rupestris Boie, Isis, (1822) p. 550. Hirundo (Biblis) rupestris Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 495. Hirundo montana Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1020. Hirundo rupicola Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1836) p. 781. Hirundo inornata Jerd. Madr. Lit. $ Sci. (1841) p. 201. Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 56. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Pass. 7. 101. f.9a. a. Piedmont, adult. Presented by M. Bonelli. b. Italy, young. From Mr. Argent's Collection. c. Egypt. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq, d. e. Nepal. Presented by B. H.- Hodgson, Esq. /, g. India. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. 3. COTYLE FULIGULA. The African Crag Swallow. Cotyle fuligula G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. . Hirundo fuligula Licht. Forst. Descr. Anim. p. 55. Hirundo rupestris, juv. Temm. Man. d* Orn. (1820) p. 431. Hirundo torquata (Gmel.} ? Steph. Gen. Zool. x. p. 124. Cecropis torquata Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 316. -30 FISSIROSTRES DIURN^E. Cotyle paludibula Hiipp. Syst. Uebers. Vdg. p. 22. Levaill. Ois. dAfr. t,246. f. 1. a. Cape of Good Hope. From Mr. Baker's Collection. b. Abyssinia. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. 4. COTYLE SINENSIS. The small Crag Swallow. Hirundo sinensis Gray, III. Ind. Zool. pi. 35. f. 3. Hirundo brevicaudata Me Clell $- Horsf. Proc. Zool. Soc. (1839) p. 159. Cotyle brevicaudata Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 170. Hirundo subsoccata Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 82. Hirundo minuta Hodgs. Gray, ZooL Misc. p. 82. Hodgs. Icon. ined. Pass. 9. f. 1, 2. 101. f. 1,2. a c. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. Madras. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. 5. COTYLE CONCOLOR. The brown Crag Swallow. Hirundo concolor Sykes, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1831) p. 83. Cotyle concolor Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 170. Hirundo (Biblis) concolor Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 495. a. Madras. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. b, c. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 6. COTYLE CINCTA. The brown-collared Swallow, Hirundo cincta Bodd. Tabl. des PI. enl. d'Aub. p. 45. Hirundo torquata Gmel S. N. i. p. 1022. Cotyle cincta G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Cotyle torquata Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 170. PL enl. 723. f. 1. a. Cape of Good Hope, young. From Mr. Baker's Collection. b. Abyssinia, adult. From the Frankfort Museum. c. Abyssinia. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 7. COTYLE FUCATA. The sooty Crag Swallow. Hirundo fucata Temm. PL col. 161. f. 1. Cotyle fucata Boie, Isis, (1826) p. 971. Hirundo (Herse) fucata Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 498. a. Brazil. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 8. COTYLE FLAVIGASTRA. The Garden Swallow. Hirundo flavigastra Vieill. N. Diet. tfHist. Nat. xiv. p. 534. Hirundo jugularis Pr. Max. Beitr. (1831) ii. p. 365. Hirundo (Herse) juguiaris Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 498. COBACIAD^. 31 Hirundo hortensis Frey, Licht. Cat. Dupl. BerL Mus. p. 57. Cotyle flavigastra Boie, Isis, (1844) p. 170. Cotyle jugularis G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Azara, No. 306. ; PL col. 161. f. 2. a. Bahia. From the Sudbury Museum. b. Brazil. Presented by M. Claussen. c. Caraccas. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 5. CHELIDOST. Chelidon Boie, Isis, (1822) p. 550. 1. CHELIDON URBICA. The Martin Swallow. Hirundo urbica Linn. S. N. i. p. 344. Chelidon urbica Boie, Isis, (1822) p. 550.; Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 139. t.x. f.4. Hirundo lagopoda Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 532. Chelidon fenestrarum Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 140. Chelidon rupestris Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 140. PL enl. 542. f. 2. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 57. a. Cambridgeshire. Presented by Mr. I. Baker. b. Cambridgeshire. c. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. d. India. ? Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. e. Devonshire, var. white. From CoL Montagu's Collection. Fam. III. COKACIAD.E. i. CORACIANJE. 1. EURYSTOMUS. Eurystomus Vieill. Analyse, p. 37. (1816). Colaris Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 401. 1. EURYSTOMUS ORIENTALIS. The Oriental Roller. Coracias orientalis Linn. S. N. i. p. 159. Eurystomus orientalis Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 99. Colaris orientalis Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1817) i. p. 401. 32 FISSIROSTRES DIURN^E. Eurystomus fuscicapillus Vieill. N. Diet. (FHist. Nat. xxix. p. 426. Eurystomus cyanicollis Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxix. p. 425. Eurystomus calornyx Hodgs. Pl.-enl. 619.; Levaill. Ois. de Parad. t. 36.; Gal des Ois. t. 111.; Hardw.Icon. ined. 10980. 82.; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Pass. 10. f. 1, 2.: 11. f. 1, 2. a. India. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. India. Presented by W. Elliott, Esq. c. d. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e,f. Nepal, young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. g. Tenasserim. Presented by J. D. C. Packman, Esq. M.D. h. ? Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C. B. R. N. i. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. k. Skeleton. From M. Frank's Collection. 2. EURYSTOMUS ? The ? Roller. , b. Northern parts of China. From Mr. Fortune's Collec- tion. 3. EURYSTOMUS PACIFICUS. The Australian Roller. Coracias pacifica Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. xxvii.; Lamb. Icon. ined. ii. 83. Eurystomus pacificus G. R. Gray, Ann. Nat. Hist (1843) p. 190. Eurystomus orientalis Vig. fy Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p 202. Eurystomus australis Swains. Two Cent, and a Quart, p. 326. f. 68. a. Coracias [Galgulus] pacifica Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxix. p. 435. Galgulus pacificus Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p. 870. Gould, B. o/Austr. ii. pi. 17. a. Port Bow en, Australia. Presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq. b. North-western Australia. Presented by Lt. Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell. ce. Australia, adults and young. From Mr. Warwick's Col- lection. 4. EURYSTOMUS AFER. The African Roller. Coracias afra Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 172. Eurystomus afer Steph. Gen. ZooL xiii. p. 97. Eurystomus purpurascens Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxix. p. 427 Eurystomus rubescens Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist Nat. xxix. p. 426. Colaris afra Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1817) i. p. 401. Shaw, Nat. Misc. pi. 401.; Levaill. Ois. de Parad. t. 35. a. Africa. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. b, c. Western Africa. Presented by Col. Sabine, R. A. CORACIAD-3E. 5. EURYSTOMUS GULARis. The blue- throated Roller. Eurystomus gularis Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxix. p. 426. Colaris gularis Wagl. Syst. Av. (sp. 3.) Levatil. Ois. de Farad, t. 56. a, New Guinea. From the Ley den Museum. 2. CORACIAS. Coracias Linn. S. N. (1735). Galgulus Briss. Orn. ii. p. 63. (1760). 1. CORACIAS GARRULA. The garrulous Roller. Coracias garrula Linn. S. N. i. p. 159.; Yarrell, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 211.; Brehm, Tog. Deuts. i. p. 160. t. xi. f. 5. Galgulus garrulus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxix. p. 428. Coracias germanicus Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 158. Coracias planiceps Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 159. PI. enl. 486.; Levaill. Ois. de Farad, t. 32, 33.; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 60. a. Great Britain. b, c. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. d. ? 2. CORACIAS TEMMINCKII. Temminck's Roller. Coracias Temminckii Wagl. Syst. Av. (sp. 5.) Garrulus [Galgulus] Temminckii Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxix. p. 435. Galgulus Temminckii Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p. 869. Coracias papuensis Quoy fy Gaim. Voy. de FAstrol. Ois. t. 16. Levaill. Ois. de Farad, t. 6. a. Celebes. From the Leyden Museum. 3. CORACIAS INDICA. The Indian Roller. Coracias indica Linn. S. N. i p. 159. Coracias bengalensis Linn. S. N. i. p.; Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1817) i. p. 401. Garrulus [Galgulus] naevius Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxix. p. 431. Galgulus naevius Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p. 868. Coracias naevia Wagl. Syst. Av. (sp. 3.) Coracias affinis M'Clell. Proc. Zool. Soc. (1839) p. 164. Edwards s Birds, pi. 326.; PL enl. 285.; Levaill. Ois. deParad. t. 27.; Hardw. Icon. ined. 10980. 82.; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Pass. 34 FISSIROSTRES 10. f. 1, 2 : 11. f. 1, 2.; G. R. Gray and Mitchell, Gen. of B. pi. 21. 0, b. India. Presented by M.-Gen. Hardwicke. c. India. d i. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. j. Himalayan Mountains. Presented by J. Reeves, Esq. k, 1. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. m. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 4. CORACIAS PILOSA. The hairy Roller. Coracias pilosa Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. xxxii. Coracias crinita Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 401. Coracias [Galgulus] pilosa Vieill. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxxix. p. 430, Galgulus pilosus Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p. 867. Coracias nuchalis Swains. B. W. Afr. ii. p. 110. Coracias Levaillantii Riipp. Levaill. Ois. de Parad. t. 28, 29. a. Africa. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. b. Western Africa. c. Northern Africa, young. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. 5. CORACIAS CAUDATA. The long-tailed Roller. Coracias caudata Linn. S. N. i. p. 160. Coracias abyssinica Gmel. ti.N.i.p. 379.; Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1817) i. p. 401. Coracias senegalensis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 379. Coracias senegala Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 169. Coracias albifrons Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 392. Coracias angolensis Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 394. pi. 51. Galgulus caudatus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxix. p. 433. Pl.enl. 88. 626.; Levaill. Ois. de Parad. t. 25.; Edwards s Birds, pi. 327. a, b. Africa. c. Northern Africa. Presented by the Hon. East India Com- pany. 6. CORACIAS CYANOG ASTER. The blue-bellied Roller. Coracias cyanogaster Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1817) i. p. 401. Garrulus [Galgulus] cyanogaster Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxix. p. 436. COEACIAD^J. 35 Galgulus cyanogaster Vieill. Encyc. Meth. p. 870. Levaill. Ois. de Parad. t. 26. ; Jard. and Selby^ III. Orn. pi. 123.; Swains. B. of W. Afr. ii. pi. 13. a. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. b. West Africa. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 3. BEACHYPTERACIAS. Brachypteracias Lafr. Mag. Zool. (1834) p. Chloropygia Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 333. (1837). Atelorms Lafr. Rev. Zool. (1846) p. 200. a. BRACHYPTERACIAS. 1 . BRACHYPTERACIAS LEPTOSOMUS. The Madagascar Brachy- pteracias. Colaris leptosomus Less, lllustr. de Zool. i. 20. Brachypteracias leptosomus Lafr. Mag. de Zool. (1834) Ois. t. 31. Chloropygia leptosomus Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 333. a. Madagascar. From M. Verreaux' Collection. b. ATELORNIS. 2. BRACHYPTERACIAS PITTOIDES The Pitta-like Brachypteracias, Brachypteracias pittoides Lafr. Mag. de Zool. (1834) t. 32. Atelornis pittoides Pucker, Rev. Zool. (1846) p. 200. a. Madagascar, young ? From M. Verreaux 5 Collection. ii. TODINJE. 1. TODUS. Todus Briss. Orn. iv. p. 528. (1760) ; Linn. S. N. (1766). 1. TODUS VIRIDIS. The green Tody. Todus viridis Linn. S. N. i. p. 178. Sloane, Jam. pi. 263. f. i.; Vieitt. Ois. tfAmer. t. 56.; Swains. Zool. III. n. s. pi. 96. a , p From Baron Laugier's Collection. b. Jamaica. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. c 6 36 FISSIROSTRES 2. TODUS MULTICOLOR. The many-coloured Tody, Todus multicolor Gould, Icones Avium, pi, Todus portcriensis Less. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1838) p. 167. Todus viridis Vigors, Zool. Journ. ii. p. 426- Voy. de rile de Cuba, Ois. t. 22. a. ? From Baron Laugier's Collection. 3. TODUS MEXICANUS. The Mexican Tody. Todus mexicanus Less. Ann. des Sci. (1838) p. 167. Todus viridis Vieill. Atlas de Diet, Sci. Nat. t. 32. f. 1. a. South America. From Mr. Turner's Collection. iii. EURYLAIMINJE. 1. EURYLAIMUS. Eurylaimus Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 170. (1820). Platyrhynchus Vieill. Gal. des Ois. (1825). Cory don Less. Man. d'Orn. (1828) i. p. 177. Serilophus Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 262. (1837). Raya Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1839) p. 35,, Slums Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1841) p. 27. Simornis Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 82. Psarisomus Swains. Classif. of. B. ii. p. 261. (1837). Crossodera Gould, Icon. Av. (1837). a. EURYLAIMUS. 1. EURYLAIMUS JAVANICUS. The Javan Tody. Eurylaimus javanicus Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 170. Eurylaimus Horsfieldii Temm. PL col. 130, 131. Horsf. Zool. Res. pi. 5.; Gal. des Ois. t. 125.; Swains, Nat. Libr. Flyc. x. pi. 30. a. Java. Presented by J. Inskipp, Esq. &. Java. Presented by J. Nightingale, Esq. c. Java, young. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 2. EURYLAIMUS OCHROMALUS. The collared Eurylaimus. Eurylaimus ochromalus Raffl. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 297. Eurylaimus cucullatus Temm. PL col. 261. Eurylaimus Rafflesii Less. CompL Buff. viii. p. 463. CORACIAD^E. 37 a. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Turners Collection. b, c. Indian Archipelago. Presented by J. Nightingale, Esq. d. Java. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. b. CORYDON. 3. EURYLAIMUS SUMATRANUS. The Sumatran Eurylaimus. Coracias'sumatranus Raffl. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 303. Eurylaimus sumatranus Vigors, Mem. Raffl. App. 653. Eurylaimus corydon Temm. PL col. 297. Corydon Temminckii Less. Man. d'Orn. i. p. 177. Corydon sumatranus Strickl. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 418. a, b. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Tucker's Collection. c. Indian Archipelago, young. From Mr. Turner's Collec- tion. d. Indian Archipelago, young. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. C. PSARISOMUS. 4. EURYLAIMUS DALHOUSI^E. Lady Dalhousie's Eurylaimus. Eurylaimus Dalhousise James. New Phil. Journ. xviii. p. 261. Eurylaimus psittacinus Mull. PL col. 598. Kaya sericeogula Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1839) p. 36. Raya nipalensis Hodgs. Simornis (Kaya) sericeogula Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 82. Psarisomus Dalhousiae Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 261. Crossodera Dalhousiae Gould, Icones Avium. Royle, 111. Bot. pi. 7. f. 2.; Gould, Icones Avium, pi.; Hodgs. Icones ined. Pass. 13. v. 37. f. 5. a. Himalayah Mountains. b, c. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson. Esq. d. Indian Archipelago. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. e. Sternum. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. SERILOPHUS. 5. EURYLAIMUS LUNATUS. The frilled Eurylaimus. Eurylaimus lunatus Gould, Trans. Zool. Soc. i. p. 176. pi. 25. Serilophus lunulatus Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 262. a. Indian Archipelago. From the Leyden Museum. 38 FISSIROSTRES DIURN.E. 6. EURYLAIMUS RUBROPYGIUS. The red-backed Eurylaimus. Raya rubropygia Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1839) p. 36. Simornis rubropygia Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 82. Serilophus rubropygius Hodgs. Cat. Mam. and Birds of Nepal, p. 56. App. p. 150. Eurylaimus rubropygius G. R. Gray, of Gen. B. i. p. Hodgs. Icon. ined. Pass. v. 37. f. 4.; G. R. Gray and Mitch. Gen. ofB. pi. 23. a c. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. Sternum. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 2. CYMBIRHYNCHUS. Cymbirhynchus Vigors, App. to Mem. of Raffl. p. 654. (1831). 1. CYMBIRHYNCHUS MACRORHYNCHUS. The great-billed Tody. Todus macrorhynchos Gmel. S, N. i. p. 446. Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchus G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Todus nasutus Lath. Ind. Orn. p. 268. Cymbirhynchus nasutus Vigors, App. Mem. of Raffl. p. 654.; Journ. A. S.B. (1846) p. 311. Platyrhynchus nasutus Desm. Eurylaimus nasutus Temm. PL col. 154. Eurylaimus lemniscatus Raffl. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 296. Erolla nasica Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 260. Cymbirhynchus affinis Blyth, Journ. A. S. B. (1846) p. 312. ? Lath. Gen. Syn. pi. 30. a, b. Indian Archipelago. Presented by M.-Gen. Hardwicke. c. Indian Archipelago. Presented by the Earl of Derby. d. Indian Archipelago. e. Indian Archipelago, very young. From Ml Verreaux' Col- lection. f h. Tenasserim Coast. Presented by J. D. C. Packman, Esq., M. D. i. Skeleton. From M. Frank's Collection. iv. MOMOTINJE. 1. MOMOTUS. Momotus, Briss. Orn. iv. p. 465. (1760). Prionites EL Prod. Mam. et Av. (1811). CORACIADJE. 39 Baryplionus Vieill. Analyse, p. 48. (1816). Crypticus Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 338. (1837). Hylomanes Licht. Abhandl. Akad. zu Berl (1838). a. MOMOTUS. 1. MOMOTUS BRASILIENSIS. The Brasilian Motmot. Momotus brasiliensis Lath. Ind. Orn. p. 140. Ramphastos momota Linn. S.N. i. p. 152. Baryphonus cyanocepbalus Vieill. N. Diet. a" Hist. Nat. xxi. p. 315. Prionites moinota III Prod. Mam. et Av. p. 224. ; PL enl. 370. a. South America. Presented by M. Gen. Hardwicke. b. South America. From Mr. Gould's Collection. c. ? Demerara. From Mr. I. Baker's Collection. 2. MOMOTUS BAHAMENSIS. The Bahama Motmot. Prionites bahamensis Swains. Two Cent, and a Quart, p. 332. Momotus bahamensis G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. . Jard. and Selby, HI. Orn. n. s. pi. 45. a. Trinidad. Presented by Major Finch. 3. MOMOTUS - ? The - Motmot. a. South America. Presented by J. Murray, Esq. b. Mexico ? From Mr. Gould's collection. 4. MOMOTUS C^RULICEPS. The blue-headed Motmot. Prionites caeruliceps Gould, Proc. Z. S. (1836) p. 18. Momotus ca?ruliceps G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. . Prionites caBruleocephalus Jard. fy Selby, III. Orn. n. s. pi. 42 a. Mexico. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. b. Mexico. From Mr. Argent's Collection. 5. MOMOTUS LEVAILLANTII. Levaillant's Motmot. Momotus Levaillantii Less. Man. d'Orn. p. 104. Baryphonus ruficapillus Vieill. Gal. des Ois. t. 190. Levaill. Hist. Nat. Prom. Suppl. t. B. a. South America. Presented by M.-Gen. Hardwicke. b. South America. 40 FISSIROSTRES 6. MOMOTUS MEXICANUS. The Mexican Motmot. Momotus mexicanus Swains. Ann. Phil. (1827) p. 442.; Zool. Illustr. n. s. pi. 81. Momotus Martii Jard. Sf Selby, III. Orn. pi. 23. a. Mexico. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B., R.N. b. HYLOMANES. 7. MOMOTUS SUPERCILIARIS. The azure-browed Motmot. Prionites (Crypticus) superciliaris Sandb. Jard. and Selby, Illustr. of Orn. n. s pi. 18. Crypticus superciliosus Swains. Two Cent, and a Quart, p. 358. Crypticus apiaster Less. Rev. Zool. (1842) p. 174. Momotus superciliaris G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. . a. Bay of Campeachy. From Mr. Turner's Collection. b. Bay of Campeachy. 8. MOMOTUS MOMOTULA. The white-browed Motmot. Hylomanes momotula Licht. AbhandL Akad. zu Berl. (1838) p. 444. t. 4. Momotus momotula G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. . G. R. Gray and Mitch. Gen. of B. pi. 24. a. Mexico. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. Earn. IV. TKOGONID^E. i. TROGONINJE. 1. TROGOX. Trogon Mcehr. Gen. Av. p. 85. (1752) ; Linn. S. N. (1766). 1. TROGON MASSENA. Prince Massena's Trogon. Trogon Massena Gould, Monogr. "frog. pi. 16. a, b. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. c. Mexico. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. TROGONLD^S. 41 2. TROGON MELANURUS. The black-tailed Trogon. Trogon curucui Linn. S. N. i. p. 167. ? Trogon melanurus Swains. Two Cent, and a Quart, p. 329. Gould, Monogr. Trog. pi. 18. ; LevailL Hist. Nat. Courc. t. 1 . 2. ; PL enl. 452. 737. a. Demerara. b. Para. Presented by R. Graham, Esq. 3. TROGON MACROURA. The large-tailed Trogon. Trogon macroura Gould, Monogr. Trog. pi. 17. a. South America, male. b. South America, female. 4. TROGON SURUCURA. The Surucura Trogon. Trogon surucura Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. p. Gould, Monogr. Trog. pi. 15. ; Azara, No. 270. a. South America. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke, 5. TROGON COLLARIS. The collared Trogon. Trogon collaris Vieill. N. Diet. Hist. Nat. viii. p. 320. ; Gould, Monogr. Trog. pi. 5. Trogon rosalba Cuv. Trogon auratus Swains. Two Cent, and a Quart, p. 329. LevailL Hist. Nat. Courc. t. 6. a. Caraccas, female. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. &. Mexico, male. From Mr. Argent's Collection. c. Mexico, male. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. d. Mexico, male. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. e. Demerara, male. f. South America, female. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. 6. TROGON MEXICANUS. The Mexican Trogon. Trogon mexicanus Swains. Ann. Phil. (1827) p. 440. Trogon glocitans Licht. Swains. Zool. Illustr. n. s. pi. 82, 83. ; Gould, Monogr. Trog. pi. 1, 2. a. Mexico. Presented by Sir E. Belcher, C.B. R.N. b, c. Mexico. From Mr. Mann's Collection. d. Mexico, male. From Mr. Mann's Collection. e. Mexico. /. Mexico, male. Presented by John Taylor, Esq. g. Mexico, young male. Presented by John Taylor, Esq. 42 FISSIROSTRES DIURN2E. 7. TROGON AURANTIUS. The orange-breasted Trogon. Trogon aurantius Spix, Av. Bras. t. 36. Gould, Monogr. Trog. pi. 14. a. Brazil. Presented by M. Claussen. b. Brazil, male. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. c. Brazil, female. From Baron Laugier's Collection. 8. TROGON VIRIDJS. The yellow-bellied Trogon. Trogon viridis Linn. S. N. p. 1. 167. Trogon violaceus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1 . 404. Trogon strigilatus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 1. 167. Trogon melanopterus Swains. Two Cent and a Quart, p. Gould, Monogr. of Trog. pi. 10, 11.; PI. enl. 765, 766.; Levaill. Hist. Nat. Courc. i. 3, 4. a. Brazil, male. b. Demerara, female. c. Demerara, young male ? 9. TROGON MELANOCEPHALUS. The black-headed Trogon. Trogon melanocephala Gould, Monogr. Trog. pi. 12. a. Honduras, male. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. b. Honduras, female. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. c. Mexico. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B. R.N. 10. TROGON SULPHUREUS. The little Trogon. Trogon sulphureus Spix, Av. Bras. t. 38. Trogon meridionals Swains. Two Cent, and a Quart, p. 332. Gould, Monogr. Trog. pi. 9. a. South America. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. 11. TROGON RUFUS. The rufous Trogon. Trogon rufus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 404. ; PL enl. 736. Trogon lepturus Swains. Two Cent, and a Quart, p. 331. ; PL enl. 195. Trogon atricollis Gould, Monogr. Trog. pi. 8. Levaill. Hist. Nat. Courc. t. 9. ; Lath. Gen. Syn. pi. 21. a. South America. From Baron Laugier's Collection. TROGONID^E. 43 12. TROGON CALIGATUS. The booted Trogon. Trogon caligatus Gould, Monogr. Trog. pi. 7. a. South America, female. From Baron Laugier's Collection. b. Mexico, male. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. c. Mexico, female. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. d. Mexico, male. From Mr. Argent's Collection. 13. TROGON ELEGANS. The graceful Trogon. Trogon elegans Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1834) p. 26. Monogr. Trog. pi. 3. a. Guatimala, young male. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collec- tion. b. South America, young male. From Baron Laugier's Col- lection. c. Mexico, female. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. d. Mexico, female. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 2. APALODERMA. Apalodenna Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 337. (1837). 1. APALODERMA NARINA. The Narina Trogon. Trogon narina Vieill N. Diet. tfHist. Nat. viii. p. 318. Apaloderma narina Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 337. Trogon (Apaloderma) narina Gould, Monogr. of Trog. pi. 26. Levaill Ois. d'Afr. t. 228, 229. ; Levaill Hist. Nat. Courc. t. 10. 11. a. South Africa, male. From M. Verreaux' Collection. b. South Africa, female. From M. Verreaux' Collection. 3. PRIOTELUS. Priotelus G. R. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1840) p. 337. Temnurus Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 337. (1837). 1. PRIOTELUS TEMNURUS. The Cuba Trogon. Trogon temnurus Temm. PL col. 326. Temnurus albicollis Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 337. Trogon (Temnurus) albicollis Gould, Monogr. Trog. pi. 19. Priotelus temnurus G. R. Gray, List Gen. of B. (1840) p. 10. a. Havannah. From Baron Laugier's Collection. b. Cuba. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 44 FISSIROSTRES DIURJOE. 4. HARPACTES. Harpactes Swains. Classif. ofB. ii. p. 337. (1837). 1. HARPACTES RUTILUS. Duvaucel's Trogon. Harpactes rutilus G R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Trogon rutilus Vieill N. Diet d'Hist. Nat. viii. p. 313. Trogon cinnamomeus Temm. Monogr. Trogon, PL col. Trogon Duvaucelii Temm. PL col. 291. Harpactes Duvaucelii Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 337. Trogon (Harpactes) Duvaucelii Gould, Monogr. Trog. pi. 32. Levaill. Hist. Nat. Cour. t. 14. a, b. Indian Archipelago. From Baron Laugier's Collection. c. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Turner's Collection. d. Indian Archipelago. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. e. Malacca. Presented by the Earl of Ellenborough. 2. HARPACTES DIARBII. Diard's Trogon. Harpactes Diardii Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 337. Trogon Diardii Temm. PL col. 541. Trogon (Harpactes) Diardii Gould, Monogr. of Trog. pi. 30. a, b. Sumatra. From Baron Laugier's Collection. c. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Turner's Collection. d. Indian Archipelago. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. 3. HARPACTES MALABARICUS. The Malabar Trogon. Trogon malabaricus Gould, Proc. Z. S. (1834) p. 26. Harpactes malabaricus Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 337. Trogon (Harpactes) malabaricus Gould, Monogr. Trog. pi. 31. a. India. From Baron Laugier's Collection. 4. HARPACTES ARDENS. The rosy-breasted Trogon. Trogon ardens Temm. PL col. 404. Trogon (Harpactes) ardens Gould, Monogr. Trog. pi. 35. a. Mindanao. From Baron Laugier's Collection. 5, c. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Curning's Collection. d. Sumatra. 5. HARPACTES TEMMINCKII. Temminck's Trogon. Trogon fasciatus Temm. PL col. 321. Harpactes Temminckii Swains. Classif. of B. p. 337. TROGONIDJE. 45 Trogon (Harpactes) Temminckii Gould^ Monogr. Trog. pi. 29. Trogon kasumba Raffl. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 282. Trogon flagrans Kuhl, Tydsch. Nat. Gesch. (1835) p. 336. a, b. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collec- tion. 6. HARPACTES ERYTHROCEPHALUS. Hodgson's Trogon. Trogon fasciatus var. A. Lath. Trogon erythrocephalus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1834) p. 25. Trogon (Harpactes) Hodgsoni Gould, Monogr. pi. 34. Trogon (Harpactes) erythrocephalus Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 337. ; Gould, Monogr. Trog. pi. 33. Hodgson. Icon. ined. Pass. 14. v. 38. a h. Nepal, adult and young. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. i,j. Sterna, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 7. HARPACTES ORESKIOS. The mountain Trogon. Trogon oreskios Temm. PL col. 131. Trogon (Harpactes) oreskios Gould, Monogr. of Trog. pi. 36. Harpactes Gouldii Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 337.? a. b. Borneo. From Baron Laugier's Collection. c. Tenasserim. Presented by J. D. C. Packman, Esq. M. D. 8. HARPACTES REINWARDTII. Reinwardt's Trogon. Trogon Reinwardtii Temm. PL col. 124. Apaloderma Reinwardtii Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 337. Trogon (Apaloderma) Reinwardtii Gould, Monogr. of Trog. pi. 29. r. Java. From Baron Laugier's Collection. b. Java. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. c. Java, young. d. Skeleton. From M. Frank's Collection. 5. CALURUS. Calurus Swains. CJassif. of B. ii. p. 337. (1837). 1. CALURUS RESPLENDENS. The resplendent Trogon. Trogon resplendens Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1835) p. 29. Trogon pavoninus Temm. PL col. 372. Calurus resplendens Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 338. Trogon paradiseus Pr. Bonap. 46 FISSIROSTRES a, b. Central America. Presented by Signer Zebadua. c. (Peru ?) Presented by M.-Gen. Hardwicke. d. (Peru ?) female. From Mr. Gould's Collection. 2. CALURTJS ANTISIANUS. The beautiful Trogon. Trogon antisianus D'Orb. Mag. de Zool. (1837) Ois. t. 85. Trogon (Calurus) pulchellus Gould, Monogr. Trog. pi. 22. Trogon peruvianus Gould, MSS. a. South America. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. b. S ta Fe de Bogota. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. c. South America* From Mr. Gould's Collection. 3. CALURUS FULGIDUS. The black and white-tailed Trogon. Trogon (Calurus) fulgidus Gould, Monogr. Trog. pi. 24. a. South America, male. From Mr. I. Baker's Collection. b. South America, female. From Mr. I. Baker's Collection. c. South America, male. From Mr. Argent's Collection. d. South America, female. From Mr. Argent's Collection. e. Venezuela, male. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. /. Venezuela, female. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 4. CALURUS AURICEPS. The golden-headed Calurus. Calurus auriceps Gould. G. R. Gray and Mitch. Gen. of B. pi. 25. ac. S ta Fe de Bogota. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. d. South America. 5. CALURUS NEOXENUS. The welcome Trogon. Trogon (Calurus) neoxenus Gould, Monogr. Trog. pi. 25. a. (Mexico ?) From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. Fam. V. ALGEDINID^E. 1. BUCCO. Bucco Linn. S. N. (1766). Tamatia Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1817) i. p. 429. ALCEDINID^i. 47 Chaunornis G. R. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1841) p. 13. Nyctactes Strickl. Ann. of Nat. Hist. (1841) p. 418. Capito Temm. Anal, du Syst. p. Ixxvii. (1820). Cyphos Spix, Av. Bras. i. p. 51. (1824). 1. Bucco COLLARIS. The collared Barbet. Bucco collaris Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 202. Bucco capensis Linn. S. N. i. p. 168. Tamatia collaris Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1817) p. 429. Capito collaris Temm. Anal, du Syst. p. Ixxvii. PL enl. 395.; Levaill. Ois. de Parad. t. 42. a. South America. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 2. Bucco MACRORHYNCHOS. The greater pied Barbet. Bucco macrorhynchos Gmel. S. N. i. p. 406.; Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. iii. p. 240. Tamatia macrorhynchos Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1817) i. p. 429. Capito macrorhynchos Temm. Anal, du Syst. p. Ixxvii. Cyphos macrorhynchos Strickl. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 418. PL enl. 689. ; Levaill. Ois. de Parad. t. 39. a. South America. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. b. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 3. Bucco SWAINSONI. Swainson's Barbet. Bucco Swainsoni G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. p. Tamatia macrorhynchus Swains. Zool. Illustr. pi. 99. , b. Brazil. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothesay. 4. Bucco PECTORALIS. The banded Barbet. Bucco pectoralis G. R. Gray 8f Mitch. Gen. of B. pi. 26. 5. Bucco TECTUS. The lesser pied Barbet. Bucco tectus Bodd. Tabl. des PL enl. tfAubent. p. 43. Bucco inelanoleucos Gmel. S. N. i. p. 406.; Vieill. N. Diet. dHist. Nat. iii. p. 241. Tamatia melanoleucos Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 429. Capito melanoleucos Wagl. Syst. Av. (sp. 2.) PL enl. 688. f. 2.; Levaill. Ois. de Parad. t. 40. a. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 48 FISSIROSTRES DIURN^J. 6. Bucco CHACURA. The black-eared Barbet. Bucco chacura Vieitt. N. Diet. cTHist. Nat. in. p. 239. Capito chacura Strickl. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 418. Capito melanotis Temm. PL col. 94.; Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. p. 156. pi. 18. Bucco strigilatus Licht. Cat. Dupl. Berl. Mus. p. 8. Tamatia melanotis Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1829) i. p. 458. , b. Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothesay. c. Brazil. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. 7. Bucco MACULATUS. The spotted Barbet. Alcedo maculata Gmel. S. N. i. p. 451. Bucco maculatus G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Bucco somnolentus Licht. Cat. Dupl. Berl. Mus. p. 8. Capito maculatus Temm. Anal, du Syst. p. Ixxvi. Capito somnolentus Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 334. Tamatia tamajac Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 168. Levaill. Ois. de Farad. Suppl. t. F. ; Swains. B. of Braz. pi. 9. a. Brazil. 8. Bucco TAMATIA. The spotted-bellied Barbet. Bucco tamatia Gmel. S. N. i. p. 405. Tamatia maculata Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1817) i. p. 429. Chaunornis tamatia G. R. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1841). Capito tamatia Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. p. 156. Nyctactes tamatia Strickl. Ann. and Mag. Nat Hist. vi. p. 418. PL enl. 746. f. 1.; Swains. Birds of Braz. pi. 11.; Levaill Ois. de Parad. t. 41. a, b. South America. 9. Bucco BTCINCTUS. The double-banded Barbet. Tamatia bicincta Gould, Proc. Z. S (1836) p. 80. Tamatia bitorquata Swains. Two Cent, and a Quart, p. 327. Bucco bicinctus G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's Collection. 2. MONASA. Monasa Vieill. Analyse. Sfc. p. 27. (1816). Lypornix Wagl. Syst. Av. (1827). Scotocharis Glog. (1827). ALCEDINID.E. 49 Monastes Nitzsch, Pterylogr. p. 135. (1840). Malacoptila G. R. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1841) p. 13. Barbacous (Vieill.) Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 426. 1. MONASA ATRA. The wax -billed Barbet. Cuculus ater Bodd. Tabl. des PL enl (FAubent. p. 30. Cuculus tranquillus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 417. Bucco cinereus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 409. Corvus australis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 377. Bucco calcaratus Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 206. Corvus affinis Shaw, Gen. Zool. vii. p. 381. Monasa atra G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Monasa tranquilla Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxi. p. 321. Lypornix tranquilla Wagl. Syst. Av. (sp. 1.). Capito calcaratus Temm. Anal, du Syst. p. Ixxvii. PL enl. 512. ; LevailL Ois. de Parad. t. 44. 45. a, b. South America. c e. British Guiana. Presented by Sir R. Schomburgk. 2. MONASA LEUCOPS. The white-faced Barbet. Bucco leucops Licht. Cat. Dupl. Berl. Mm. p. 8. Monasa leucops Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 334. Bucco albifrons Spix, Av. Bras. t. 41. f. 1. Monasa personata Vieill. Gal. des Ois. t. 36. Capito leucops Temm. Anal, du Syst. p. Ixxvii. Lypornix leucops Wagl. Syst. Av. (sp. 3.). Swains. B. of Braz. pi. 12. a. South America. b. South America. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. Brazil. Presented by M. Claussen. 3. MONASA NIGRIFRONS. The black- fronted Barbet. Bucco nigrifrons Spix, Av. Bras. t. 43. f. 2. Lypornix unicolor Wagl. Syst. Av. (sp. 2.). Monasa nigrifrons G. R. Gray, Gen. ofB. i. p. a. Brazil. Presented by M. Claussen. 4. MONASA FUSCA. The white-breasted Barbet. Monasa fusca G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Bucco fuscus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 408. Tamatia fusca Less. Tr. d'Orn. p 168. Monastes fuscus Nitzsch, Pterylogr. p. 135. Bucco torquatus Hahn. Ausl. Vog. heft 13. t. 5. 50 FISS1ROSTRES DITJRF -.. Bucco striatus Spix, Av. Bras. t. 40. f. 2. Lypornix torquata Wagl. Syst. Av. (sp. 4.). Lypornix striata Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 334. Levaill. Ois. de Farad, t. 43. ; Swains. B. of Braz. pi. 34. a. Brazil. b. Brazil. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. cf. Brazil. Presented by M. Claussen. 5. MONASA RUFA. The rufous Barbet. Bucco rufus Spix, Av. Bras. t. 40. f. 1. Lypornix rufa Wagl. Syst. Av. (sp. 5.). Monasa rufa G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. a. Brazil. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 6. MONASA RUBECULA. The red-breasted Barbet. Bucco rubecula Spix, Av. Bras. t. 39. f. 1. Monasa rubecula Less. Tr. d"Orn. p. 157. Monasa phaioleucos Temm. PI. col. 323. f. 2. Lypornix rubecula Wagl. Syst. Av. (sp. 6.). Swains. B. of Braz. pi. 35. a. Brazil. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 3. CHELIDOPTERA. Chelidoptera Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1836) p. 81. Brachypetes Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 334. (1837). 1. CHELIDOPTERA TENEBROSA. The white-backed Barbet. Cuculus tenebrosus Pall. n. nord Beytr. iii. p. 3. t. i. f. 1. Capito tenebrosus Temm. Anal, du Syst p. Ixxvii. Chelidoptera tenebrosa Gould, Proc. Z. S. (1836) p. 81. Brachypetes tenebrosa Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 334. Lypornix tenebrosa Wagl. Syst. Av. (sp. 7.). Monasa tenebrosa Vieill. N. Diet d'Hist. Nat. xxi. p. 321. PI. enl 505.; Levaill. Ois. de Parad. t. 46.; PI. col 323. f. 1. Swains. B. of Braz. pi. 36. a, I. British Guiana. Presented by Sir R. Schomburgk. c. South America. d. South America. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. e. Brazil. Presented by M. Claussen. ALCEDINIDJE. 51 ii. HALCYONINJE. 1. DACELO. Dacelo Leach, Zool. Misc. with pi. (1815). Paralcyon Gloger (1827). Choucalcyon Less. Tr. a" Orn. p. 248. (1831). Melidora Less. Tr. a"Orn. p. 249. (1831). 1. DACELO GIG AS. The great brown Kingfisher. Alcedo gigas Bodd. Tabl. des PL enl. (TAubent. p. 40. Alcedo undulata Scop. Del. Flor. et Faun. Insub. Alcedo fusca Gmel. S. N. i. p. 454. Dacelo gigas G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Alcedo gigantea Lath. Ind. Orn. p. 245. Dacelo gigantea Leach, Zool. Misc. pi. 106. Choucalcyon australe Less. Tr. a" Orn. p. 248. PL enl. 663.; Sonn. Voy. t. 106.; Gould, B. of Austr. ii. pi. 18. a. New Holland, young. b. New Holland. Presented by R. Brown, Esq. c. New Holland. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. d. North-western Australia. Presented by Lt.-Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell. e. South Australia, male. Presented by His Excellency Capt. Sir G. Grey. /. South Australia, female. Presented by His Excellency Capt. Sir G. Grey. 2. DACELO LEACHII. Leach's Dacelo. Dacelo Leachii (Lath.) Linn. Trans, xv. p. 205. Gould, B. of Austr. ii. pi. 19. a. Australia. 3. DACELO CERVINA. The buff Dacelo. Dacelo cervina Gould. Gould, B.. of Austr. ii. pi. 20. a. Gould's Island b. Port Essington, male. c. Port Essington, young. Presented by the Earl of Derby. d. Port Essington. Presented by Dr. Sibbald, R. N. e. New Holland. Presented by the Linnean Society. fh. Port Essington. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. 52 FISSIROSTRES 4. DACELO GAUDICHAUDII. Gaudichaud's Kingfisher. Alcedo Gaudichaudi QUOIJ $ Gaim. Voy. de TUranie, Ois. t. 21. Dacelo Gaudichaudi G. JR. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Choucalcyon Gaudichaudi Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 248. a. New Guinea. From Baron Laugier's Collection. 5. DACELO CYANOTIS. The blue-eared Dacelo. Dacelo cyanotis Temm. PL col 262. a. Skeleton. From M. Brandt's Collection. 2. HALCYON. Halcyon Swains. Zool. Ulustr. (1821). Entomothera Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 173. (note) (1820). Syma Less. Zool. Voy. de la Coqu. (1828). Todiramphus Less. Mem. de la Soc. dHist. Nat. iii. p. 420. (1828). Acteno'ides Homb. Sf Jacq. (1846 ?). Entomophila Leach, MSS. a. HALCYON. 1. HALCYON PULCHELLA. The beautiful Kingfisher. Dacelo pulchella Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 175. Halcyon pulchella G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Dacelo bucco'ides Temm. PI. col. 586. PL col. 277. a. Indian Archipelago, male. From Mr. Turner's Collection. b. Indian Archipelago, female. From Mr. Turner's Collec- tion. c. Indian Archipelago, female. Presented by J. Nightingale, Esq. 2. HALCYON CONCRETA. The Malayan Kingfisher. Dacelo concreta Temm. PL col. 346. Halcyon concreta G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. a. Indian Archipelago, adult. From Mr. Turner's Collec- tion. b. Malacca, young. From Mr. Cumin^'s Collection. c. Malacca, adult. Presented by J. Nightingale, Esq. 3. HALCYON LINDSAYI. Lindsay's Halcyon. Dacelo Lindsayi Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1831) p. 97. Halcyon Lindsayi G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. ALCEDINID^E. 53 Dacelo Lessoni Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1831) p. 97. Voy. de la Bonite, Ois. t. 7. ; G. R. Gray and Mitch. Gen. of B. pi. 27. a. Cataguan. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. b, c. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 4. HALCYON MONACHA. The hooded Kingfisher. Dacelo monacha Temm. Halcyon monacha G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. a. Ternate. From the Leyden Museum. 5. HALCYON SEMICJERULEA. The red-bellied Kingfisher. Alcedo semicaerulea Forsk. Alcedo senegalensis var. (3 et y. Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 249. Alcedo cancrophaga Forst. Defter. Mamm. p. 4. Alcedo erythrogaster Temm. Halcyon erythrogaster G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Halcyon Swainsoni A. Smith, Quart. Journ. S. Afr. (1836) p. 143. Halcyon erythrorhynchus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1837) p. 22. Dacelo acteon Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 247. PL enl. 356. f. 2. ; Forst. Icon. ined. 60. ; Voy. of Beagle, Birds, pi. a. Goree. Presented by Col. Sabine, R. A. b, c. Senegal. Presented by Major Ricketts. d. Port Bcesja, Western Africa. Presented by Mr. Mildrnay. e. ? Presented by Lieut. A. Smith. 6. HALCYON SENEGALENSIS. The Senegal Kingfisher. Alcedo senegalensis Linn. S. N. i. p. 180. Halcyon senegalensis Swains. ZooL Illustr. with pi. 27. Dacelo senegalensis Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 247. PI. enl. 594. a. Goree, Western Africa. Presented by Col. Sabine, R. A. b. Senegal. Presented by Major Ricketts. cf. Sierra Leone. Presented by Col. Sabine, R. A. 7. HALCYON CINEREIFRONS. The ashy-fronted Kingfisher. Alcedo cinereifrons Vieitt. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xix. p. 403. ; Gal. des Ois. t. 187. Halcyon torquatus Swains. B. of W. Afr. ii. p. 99. Halcyon cinereifrons G. R. Gray's Gen. of B. i. p. a. Western Africa. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. b. Fernando Po. Presented by W. R. Thomson, Esq. R.N. D 3 54 FISSIROSTRES 8. HALCYON FUSCICAPILLA. The brown-hooded Kingfisher. Dacelo fuscicapilla Lafr. Mag. de Zool. (1833) Ois. t. 18. Halcyon fuscicapilla G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. p. a, b. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hard- wicke. c. South Africa. From the South African Museum. d. ? e. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by the Earl of Derby. 9. HALCYON CHELICUTI. The Chelicuti Kingfisher. Alcedo Chelicuti Stanl. Salts Trav. App. p. Ivi. Alcedo variegata Vieill. Halcyon Chelicuti G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Dacelo pygmaea Cretschm. Eupp. Zool. Atlas, t. 28. b. a, b. Western Africa. Presented by Major Ricketts. c. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. d. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. 10. HALCYON STRIOLATA. The streaked Kingfisher. *' Alcedo striolata Licht. Cat. Dupl. Berl. Mus. p. 12. a, b. South Africa. From the South African Museum. 11. HALCYON PILEATA. The black-headed Kingfisher. Alcedo pileata Bodd. Tall, des PL enl. dAubent. p. 41. Halcyon pileatus G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Alcedo albiventris Scop. Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr. p. 90. Alcedo atricapilla Gmel. S. N. i. p. 453. Halcyon atricapillus Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 99. Dacelo atricapilla Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 246. Alcedo brama Less. Cent, de Zool. t. 8. PL enl. 673. a, b. China (?). Presented by J. Reeves, Esq. c e. Tenasserim. Presented by J. D. C. Packman, Esq. M. D. /. Borneo. Presented by His Excell. Sir J. Brookes. 12. HALCYON MELANOPTERA. The black -winged Kingfisher. Alcedo melanoptera Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 174. Halcyon melanopterus Steph. Gen. ZooL xiii. p. 100. ALCEDINUXE:. Alcedo onmicolor Temm. PL col. 135. Dacelo omnicolor Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 247. a. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. b. Java. From Baron Laugier's Collection. 13. HALCYON SMYRNENSIS. The Smyrna Kingfisher. Alcedo smyrnensis Linn. S. N. i. p. 181. Halcyon smyrnensis Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 99. Dacelo smyrnensis Less. Tr. (TOrn. p. 248. a. Xanthus, Asia Minor. Presented by Sir C. Fellowes. 14. HALCYON ruse A. The Indian Kingfisher. Alcedo fusca Bodd. Tall, des PL enl. tfAulent. p. 54. Alcedo smyrnensis var. y. Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 248. Alcedo smyrnensis var. albogularis Blyth, Journ. A. S. B. (1843) p. 998. (1844) p. 394. Halcyon fusca G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Hardw. Icon. ined. 10979. 101, 192. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Pass 17. f. 1. a. India. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. b, c. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d g. Madras. Presented by Rev. B. B. Baber. h. Behar, male. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. i. Tenasserim. Presented by J. D. C. Packman, Esq. M. D. j. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 15. HALCYON COROMANDELIANA. The Coromandel Kingfisher. Alcedo coromandeliana Scop. Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr. p. 90. Halcyon coromandeliana G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Alcedo corornanda Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 252. Halcyon coromandus Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 100. Dacelo coromanda Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 246. Halcyon coromandelicus Vigors, Mem. of Raffl. App. p. 654. Sonn. Voy. ii. t. 118.; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Pass. 16. a. India. b. Tenasserim. Presented by J. D. C. Packman, Esq. M. D. c. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 16. HALCYON LEUCOCEPHALA. The white-headed Kingfisher. Alcedo leucocephala Gmel. S. N. i. p. 456. Halcyon capensis (Gmel. f) Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1840) p. 231. D 4 56 FISSIROSTBES Alcedo javanica Shaw, Gen. Zool. viii. p. 67. Halcyon leucocephala Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 100. Halcyon gurial Pears. Journ. A. S. B. (1841) p. 633. Halcyon amauropterus Pears. Journ. A. S. B. (1841) p. 635. Halcyon brunniceps Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1844) p. 143. PL enl. 757. Hardw. Icon. ined. 10979. 100.; Hodgs. Icon, ined. Pass. 15. v. 39. a. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. b. Indian Archipelago. Presented by Capt, Sir E. Belcher, K.C.R.N. c. d. India, young. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. e,f. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. g, h. Madras. Presented by the Rev. B. B. Baber. i. Behar, male. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 17. HALCYON ALBICILLA. The saurophagous Halcyon. Alcedo albicilla Cuv. Diet, des Sci. Nat. xxix. p. 273. Dacelo albicilla Less. Tr. d'Orn. p 247. Halcyon albicilla G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Halcyon saurophaga Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1843) p. 103. Voy. of the Sulphur, Birds, pi. a. New Guinea. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. 18. HALCYON COLLARIS. The white- collared Halcyon. Alcedo collaris Scop. Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr. p. 90. Halcyon collaris Swains. Zool. Illustr. pi. 27. Sonn. Voy. t. 33.; Kittl. Kupf. der Vog. t. 14. f. 1. a. India. b. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. c. Manilla. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. d. India. Presented by J. Inskipp, Esq. e. Tenasserim. Presented by J. D. C. Packman, Esq. M.D. 19. HALCYON SUPERCILIOSA. The white-browed Halcyon. a d. Tongataboo. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Home, Bart. K.N. 20. HALCYON SANCTA. The Australian Kingfisher. Halcyon sanctus Vig. fy Horxf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 206. Halcyon sacra Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 98. 57 Dacelo chlorocephala var. #. Less. Tr. 6^ Orn. p. 246. Phill. Bot Bay, pi. in p. 156.; Jard. and Selby, III. Orn. pi. 96, 97.; Gould, B. of Austr. ii. pi. 21. a. Australia. Presented by A. Cunningham. Esq. b d. Port Essington. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. e,f. South Australia. Presented by His Excell. Capt. Sir G. Grey. g. Australia, From Mr. Warwick's Collection. h. Interior of South Australia. Presented by Capt. Sturt. i. Australia. Presented by Mr. F. G. Moore. j. Sunday Island. Presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq. k. Sternum, South Australia. Presented by His Excell. Capt. Sir G. Grey. 21. HALCYON VAGANS. The New Zealand Kingfisher. Alcedo sacra var. S. F. Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 251. Alcedo cyanea Forst. Descr. Mamm. p. 76. Alcedo vagans Less. Voy. de la Coqu. Zool. p. 694. Dacelo chlorocephala var. y Less. Tr. tfOrn. p. 246. Halcyon vagans G. R. Gray, Voy. of Ereb. and Terr. pi. i. ? Halcyon cinnamominus Swains. Zool. Illustr. pi. 67. a. New Zealand. Presented by the New Zealand Company. b. Bay of Islands, New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. c. d. New Zealand. From Mr. Earl's Collection. e,f. New Zealand. Presented by His Excell. Capt. Sir G. Grey. g. Sternum, New Zealand. h. Sternum, New Zealand. i. Upper mandible, New Zealand. Presented by the Ad- miralty. 22. HALCYON PYRRHOPYGIA. The red-backed Halcyon. Halcyon pyrrhopygia Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1840) p. 113. Gould, B. of Austr. ii. pi. 22. a. South Australia, male. Presented by His Excell. Capt. Sir G. Grey. b. South Australia, female. Presented by His Excell. Capt. Sir G. Grey. c. River Darling, South Australia. Presented by Capt. Sturt. 58 F1SSIROSTRES DITJRN^E. 23. HALCYON MACLEAYII. MacLeay's Kingfisher. Halcyon MacLeayii Jard. $ Selby, Illustr. of Orn. pi. 101. Halcyon incinctus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1837) p. 142. Gould, B. ofAustr. ii. pi. 24. a, b. Port Essington. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. c. Gould Island, Australia. Presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq. d. Port Essington. Presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq. b. TODIRAMPHUS. 24. HALCYON TUTU. The sacred Kingfisher. Alcedo sacra Gmel. S. N. i. 453. ? Alcedo collaris Forst. Descr. Anim. p. 162. Alcedo tutu Gmel. S. N. i. 453. Todiramphus sacer Less. Mem. de la Soc. cFHist. Nat. iii. p. 421. t. 11. Todiramphus divinus Less. Mem. de la Soc. d'Hist. Nat. iii. p. 422. t. 12. Forst. Icon. ined. 58. ; Ellis, Icon. ined. 22, 23. a, I. Otaheite, males. From M. Verreaux' Collection. c. Otaheite, male. From M. Verreaux' Collection. d, e. Otaheite. From Mr. Turner's Collection. /. Otaheite. From Mr. Turner's Collection. g. South Sea Islands, variety. 25. HALCYON PLATYROSTRIS. The fiat-billed Halcyon. Halcyon platyrostris Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1842) p. 72. Todiramphus recurvirostris Lafr. Rev. Zool. (1842) p. 135. a, b. Navigators' Islands. Presented by the Rev. J. B. Stair. 3. TANYSIPTERA, Tanysiptera Vigors, Linn. Trans, xiv. p. 433. (1825). 1. TANYSIPTERA DEA. The Ternate Kingfisher. Alcedo dea Linn. S. N. i. p. 181. Tanysiptera dea Vigors, Linn. Trans, xiv. p. 433. Pl.enl. 116. ALCEDINIDJE. 59 a. New Guinea. From Baron Laugier's Collection. b. New Guinea. From Mr. Turner's Collection. c. ? Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, K. C. UN. 2. TANYSIPTERA NYMPH A. The Nymph Kingfisher. Tanysiptera nympha G. R. Gray^ Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist (1841) p. 238. a. ? From Mr. Turner's Collection. 4. CEYX. Ceyx Lacep. Mem. de Tlnst. (1801) p. 511. (1800, 1801). 1 . CEYX TRIDACTYLA. The tridactylous Kingfisher. Alcedo tridactyla Linn. Mant. p. 524. Ceyx tridactyla Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) p. 417. Ceyx luzoniensis Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 106. a. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. b. Indian Archipelago. c. Borneo. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 2. CEYX RUBRA. The red Kingfisher. Alcedo rubra Bodd. Tabl. des PL enl. d'Aubent. p. 48. Alcedo purpurea Gmel. S. N. i. 449. PI. enl. 778. f. 2. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 3. CEYX MELANURA. The black-tailed Kingfisher. Ceyx melanura Kaup, Verhandl. Darmst. (1848) p. a. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 4. CEYX LEPIDA. The beautiful Kingfisher. Alcedo lepida Temm. PL col. a. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 60 FISSIROSTRES iii. ALCEDININ^. 1. CERYLE. Ceryle Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 316. Ispida Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 336. (1837). 1. CERYLE RUDIS. The black and white Kingfisher. Alcedo rudis Linn. S. N. i. p. 181. Ceryle rudis Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 316. Ispida bicincta Swains. B. of W. Afr. ii. p. 95. Ispida bitorquata Swains. Classif. of B. i. p. 336. Ceryle varia Strickl. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 418. Hardw. Icon. ined. 10979. 98, 99. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Pass. 18. f. 2. : 19. f. 2. ; Gould, B- of Eur. pi. 62. a. Egypt. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. b. c. Egypt. Presented by John Bowring, Esq. d. India. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. e h. Madras. Presented by the Rev. B. B. Baber. t. - ? j, k. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 1. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 2. CERYLE GUTTATA. The spotted Kingfisher. Aleedo guttata Vigors, Proc. Z. S. (1830) p. 22. Alcedo lugubris Temm. PL col. 548. Ceryle guttata G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Gould's Cent, of Birds, pi. ; Hardw. Icon. ined. 10979. 96, 97. ; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Pass. 18. f. 1. 19. f. 1. a, b. Himalayah Mountains. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. c e. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. /. Himalayah Mountains. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 3. CERYLE AMERICANA. The white and green Kingfisher. Alcedo americana Gmel. S. N. i. p. 451. Ceryle americana Boie, I.sis, (1828) p. 316. Alcedo viridis Vieill. N. Diet. dHist. Nat. xix. p. 413. PL enl. 591. ; Azara, No. 421. a, b. South America. c. South America. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. d. Island of Puna. Presented by Mr. G. Barclay. e. Brazil. Presented by M. Claussen. f _ p ALCEDINLD JE. 6 1 4. CEBYLE VIRIDIRUFA. The rufous and green Kingfisher. Alcedo viridirufa Bodd. Tall des PL enl. cCAubent, p 36. Ceryle viridirufa G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Alcedo bicolor Gmel. S. N. i. p. 451. Ceryle bicolor Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 316. PL enl. 592. 1, 2. a, b. Demerara. c. South America. d. South America. 5. CERYLE AMAZONA. The Amazonian Kingfisher. Alcedo amazona Lath. 2nd. Orn. i. p. 257. Ceryle amazona, Boie. Isis. (1828) p. 316. Alcedo rubescens Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xix. p. 408. Azara, No. 419, 420. a, b. British Guiana. Presented by Sir R. Schomburgk. c. South America. 6. CERYLE TORQUATA. The starry Kingfisher. Alcedo torquata Linn. S. N. i. p. 180. Ceryle torquata G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Alcedo cinerea Bonn. Encyc. Meth. p. 287. Alcedo cyanea Vieill. N. Diet, a" Hist. Nat. xix. p. 401. Alcedo stellata Meyen, Nova Acta Bonn. ii. p. 93. t. 14. Suppl. PL enl. 284.; Azara, No. 417, 418. a. South America. From Baron Laugier's Collection. b. South America. Presented by Lieut. Man, R. N. c. South America. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. d. e. British Guiana. Presented by Sir R. Schomburgk. f. Mexico. Presented by John Phillips, Esq. g. ? 7. CERYLE MAXIMA. The great African Kingfisher. Alcedo maxima Gmel. S. N. i. p. 455. Alcedo afra Shaw, Gen. Zool. viii. p. 55. Ceryle maxima G. E. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Ispida giirantea Swains. B. of W. Afr. ii. pi. 11. PL enl. 679. a. Congo Expedition. Presented by the Admiralty. b. Western Africa. Presented by . Salmon, Esq. 62 FISSIROSTRES DIURNJ2. 8. CERYLE ALCYON. The belted Kingfisher. Alcedo alcyon Linn. S. N. i. p. 180. Ceryle alcyon Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 316. Ispida alcyon Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 336. Alcedo guacu Vieill. N. Diet. dHist. Nat. xix. p. 406. ? Catesbys Carolina, pi. 96.; PL enl. 715.; Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 23. f. 1.; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 77. a. North America. Presented by Dr. Ridgeway. b. North America. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. North America. Presented by the Earl of Derby. 9. CERYLE SUPERCILIOSA. The supercilious Kingfisher. do superciliosa L le superciliosa G iwards's Birds, \ a, b. Demerara. Alcedo superciliosa Linn. S. N. i. p. 179. Ceryle superciliosa G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p Edwards' s Birds, pi. 245. 2. ALCEDO. Alcedo Linn. S. N. (1756). Ispida (pars) Linn. S. N. (1735). a. ALCEDO. 1. ALCEDO ISPIDA. The common Kingfisher. Alcedo ispida Linn, S. N. i. p. 179. ; Brehm, Vdg. Deuts. i. p. 148. ; Yarrell, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 223. Gracula Atthis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 398. Alcedo subispida Brehm, Vdg. Deuts. i. p. 149. Alcedo advena Brehm, Vdg. Deuts. i. p. 150. t. xi. f. 2. PI. enl 77.; Kittl. Kupf. Vdg. t. 29. f. 1.; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 61. a. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b, c. Great Britain. d, e. Europe. / h. Cambridgeshire, young. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. i. Northern Russia. j. Sternum, England. Presented by I. Ingall, Esq. k. Sternum, England, young. Presented by I. Ingall, Esq. 2. ALCEDO BENGALENSIS. The Indian Kingfisher. Alcedo bengalensis Gmel. S. N. i. p 450 Alcedo hispidioi'des Less. Compl. Buff. ix. p. 345. Edwards s Birds, pi. 11.; Kittl. Kiipf. Vog. t. 29. f. 2. a. India. Presented by Capt. Johnstone. b d. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e,f. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. f j. Madras. Presented by the Rev. B. B. Baber. . Tenasseriin. Presented by J. D. C. Packman, Esq. M. D. I. India. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. 7?z. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 3. ALCEDO EURYZONA. The broad-zoned Kingfisher. Alcedo euryzona Temm. PL col. a. Molucca. From the Leyden Museum." b. Molucca. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 4. ALCEDO MENINTING. The Meninting Kingfisher. Alcedo meninting Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 172. Ceyx meninting Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1829) p. 444. Alcedo asiatica Swains. ZooL Elustr. pi. 50. PL col. 239. f. 2. a. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. b. Singapore. Presented by His Excel!. Sir J. Brooke. 5. ALCEDO BIRU. The Biru Kingfisher. Alcedo biru Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 172. PL col 239. f. 1. a. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. 6. ALCEDO SEMITORQUATA. The half-collared Kingfisher. Alcedo semitorquata Swains. ZooL Elustr. pi. 151. Hupp. Syst. Uebers. Vog. t. 7. a. Northern Africa. Presented by Lord Mountnorris. b. Cape of Good Hope. From the South African Museum. c. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by . Campbell, Esq. d. Western Africa. Presented by Col. Sabine, Esq. R. A. 64 FISSIROSTRES DIURNJE. 7. ALCEDO LEUCOGASTRA. The white-bellied Kingfisher. Halcyon leucogaster Fras. Proc. Zool. Soc. (1843) p. 4. Alcedo leucogaster Kaup, Verhandl. Darmst. (1848) p. 75. Fras. Zool. Typica. pi. a. Fernando Po. From the Niger Expedition. b. CORYTHORNIS. 8. ALCEDO C^ERULEOCEPHALA. The blue-headed Kingfisher. Alcedo caeruleocephala Gmel. S. N. i. p. 449. Alcedo cyaneocephala Shaw, Gen Zool. viii. p. 100. Alcedo (Corythornis) cseruleocephala Kaup, Verhandl. Darmst. (1848) p. 73. ' PL enl. 356. f. 1. , b. North Africa. Presented by Lord Mountnorris. 9. ALCEDO NAIS. The Nais Kingfisher. Alcedo nais Kaup, MSS. Alcedo (Corythornis) nais Kaup, Verhandl. Darmst. (1848) p. 72. a. ? 10. ALCEDO CRIST ATA. The crested Kingfisher. Alcedo cristata Linn. S. N. i. p. 178. Alcedo (Corythornis) cristata Kaup, Verhandl. Darmst. (1848) p. 73. PL enl. 756. f. 1.; Kittl Kupf. Vog. t. 29. f. 3.; Briss. Orn. iv. t. 37. f. 3. a. North Africa. Presented by Lord Mountnorris. b. South Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. c. Abyssinia. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 11. ALCEDO CYANOSTIGMA. The blue-marked Kingfisher. Alcedo cyanostigma Hupp. Faun. Abyss. Ois. t. 24. f. 2. Alcedo (Corythornis) cyanostigma ./&/?, Verhandl. Darmst. (1848) p. 73. a. Africa. b. Cape ? Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. Africa. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. ALCEDLXID.ZE. 65 12. ALCEDO VINTSIOIDES. The Madagascar Kingfisher. Alcedo vintsio'ides Eydoux et Gerv. Voy. de la Favor. Mag. de Zool. (1836) Ois. t. 74.; Edwards s Birds, pi. 336. Alcedo (Corythornis) vintsioi'des Kaup, Verhandl. Darmst. (1848) p. 73. a. Madagascar. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. c. IPSIDINA. 13. ALCEDO PICTA. The rose-cheeked Kingfisher. Todus pictus Bodd. Tab. des PL enl d*Aubent. p. 49. Alcedo ca3rulea Gmel. S. N. i. p. 454. Alcedo capistrata Shaw, Gen. Zool. viii. p. 94. Alcedo ultraraarina Daud. Ann. du Mus. ii. p. 443.; Shaw, Nat Misc. pi. 901. Alcedo pusilla Shaw, Nat. Misc. pi. 159. Halcyon cyanotis Swains. B. of W. Afr. ii. p. 103. Alcedo (Ispidina) picta Kaup, Verhandl. Darmst. (1848) p. 72. Alcyone coronata Smith. PL enl. 783. f. 1.; G. R. Gray and Mitch. Gen. of B. pi. 28. a. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. b. Western Africa. Presented by Col. Sabine, E,. A. 14. ALCEDO NITIDA. The shining Kingfisher. Alcedo nitida Kaup, MSS. Alcedo (Ipsidina) nitida Kaup, Verhandl. Darmst. (1 848) p. 72. a. ? From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 3. ALCYONE. Alcyone Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 336. (1837). Halcyone Agass. 1. ALCYONE AZUREA. The azure Kingfisher. Alcedo azurea Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. xxxii. Ceyx azurea Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 106. Alcyone azurea G. R. Gray, List of Gen. B. (1840) p. 11. Alcyone australis Swains. Zool. Illustr. pi. 26. Alcedo tribrachys Shaw, Nat. Misc. pi. 681. Ceyx tribrachys Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 417. Ceyx cyanea Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 241. 66 F1SSIROSTRES DIURN.E. Alcyone pulchra Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1846) p. 19. Alcyone diemensis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1846) p. 19. Lewin, B. of N. H. pi. 1.; Jard. and Selby, Illustr. Ornith. pi. 55. f. 1. a. Australia. Presented by M.-Gen. Hardwicke. b. Van Diemen's Land. From Mr. Gunn's Collection. c. Port Essington, N. W. Austr. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. d. Skeleton, Port Essington. From Mr. Warwick's Col- lection. iv. GALBULIN&. 1. GALBULA. Galbula Mcehr. Av. Genera, p. 82. (1752). 1. GALBULA VIRIDIS. The green Jacamar. Alcedo galbula Linn. S. N. i. p. 181. Galbula viridis Lath. Lid. Orn. p. 244. Galbula viridicauda Swains. Two Cent, and a Quart, p. 327. Galbula rubricollis Shaw, Gen. Zool. ix. p. 224. ? Briss. Orn. iv. t. v. f. 1. ; Edwards 's Birds, pi. 334. ; PL enl. 238. ; Levaill. Hist. Nat. Jacam. t. 47, 48, 49. ; Vieill. Hist. Nat. Jacam. t. 1. (2.?) a, b. British Guiana. Presented by Sir R. Schomburgk. 2. GALBULA RUFICAUDA. The rufous-tailed Jacamar. Galbula ruficauda Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1829) i. p. 447. Levaill. Hist. Nat. Jacam. t. 50. a. South America. 3. GALBULA MACROURA. The short-billed Jacamar. Galbula macroura Vieill. Gal. des Ois. t. 29. a. South America. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. 4. GALBULA LEPTURA. The long-tailed Jacamar. Galbula leptura Swains. Two Cent, and a Quart, p. 327. Lath. Gen. Syn. ii. pi. 26. ; Less. Tr. d'Orn. t. 27. f. 1. a. South America. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. b. South America. Presented by J. Murray, Esq. c. South America. Presented by Lieut. Maw, R. N. ALCEDINID-aS. 67 5. GALBULA LEUCOGASTRA. The white-bellied Jacamar. Galbula leucogastra Vieill. N. Diet cCHist. Nat. xvi. p. 444. Galbula albiventer Cuv. Reg. Anim. i. (1829) p. 448. Galbula albiventris Less. Tr. a" Orn. p. 234. Levaill. Hist. Nat. Jacam. Suppl. t. H. a. South America. From Mr. Baker's Collection. 6. GALBULA ALBIROSTRIS. The white-billed Jacamar. Galbula albirostris Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 245. Galbula flavirostris Vieill. N. Diet. (THist. Nat. xvi. p. 443. Galbula flavirostra Swains. Two Cent, and a Quart, p. 328. Vieill. Ois. dor. t. 4. ; Levaill. Hist. Nat. Jacamar, t. 51. a, b. South America. From Mr. Baker's Collection. 7. GALBULA PARADISEA. The Paradise Jacamar. Galbula paradisea Lath. Ind. Orn. p. 245. Alcedo paradisea Linn. S. N. i. p. 181. Briss. Orn. i.v. t. 2. ; PI. enl. 271. ; Vieill. Ois. dor. t. 3. ; Levaill. Hist. Nat. Jacamar, t. 52. a. South America. . South America. From Mr. Baker's Collection. 2. JACAMARALCYOK Jacamaralcyon Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 448. 1. JACAMARALCYON TRIDACTYLA. The three- toed Jacamar. Galbula tridactyla Vieill. N. Diet. cCHist. Nat. xvi. p. 445. Galbula ceycoi'des Such, Zool. Journ. ii. p. 1 1 2. Galbula armata Swains. Two Cent, and a Quart, p. 328. Jacamaralcyon brasiliensis Less. Tr. a" Orn. p. 235. Jacamaralcyon tridactyla G. R. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1840) p. 11. Levaill. Hist. Nat. Guep. Suppl. t. L. ; Spix, Av. Bras. t. 57. f. 2. ; Jard. and Selby, III. Orn. pi. 22. a. Brazil. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. 2. JACAMARALCYON LUGUBRIS. The mournful Jacamar. Galbula lugubris Swains. Two Cent, and a Quart, p. 329. a. British Guiana. Presented by Sir R. Schomburgk. 68 FISSIROSTRES DIURNJE. 3. JACAMEROPS Jacamerops Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 420. Lamprotila Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 336. (1837). 1. JACAMEROPS GRANDIS. The great Jacamar. Jacamerops grandis Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 420. Alcedo grandis Gmel. S. N. i. p. 458. Galbula jacaniarici Shaw. Galbula grandis Shaw, Nat. Misc. pi. 833. Lamprotila platyrhyncha Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 336. Vieill. Ois. dor. t. 6. ; Levaill. Hist. Nat. Jacam. t. 54. a. South America. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. South America. From Mr. Tucker's Collection. c. South America. From Mr. J. Baker's Collection. Fam. VI. MEROPID^E. 1. MEROPS. Merops Linn. S. N. (1756) p. Ispida, (pars) Linn. S. N. (1735). Apiaster Briss. Orn. p. (1760). 1 . MEROPS APIASTER. The common Bee-eater. Merops apiaster Linn. S. N. i. p. 182. ; Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 147.; Yarrell, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 217. Merops chrysocephalus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 463. Merops schseghagha Forsk. Faun. Arab. 1. Merops hungarige Brehm, Vog. Deuts. i. p. 146. t. xi. f. 1. PI. enl. 938. ; Gould, B. of Eur. pi. 59. ; Levaill. Hist. Nat. Guep. t. i. 2. a. - ? Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. Devonshire. Presented by Addis Archer, Esq. c Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. MEROPIDJE. 69 d. Egypt. Presented by John Bowring, Esq. e. Asia Minor. Presented by Sir C. Fellows. /. Northern Asia. g. Sternum, Europe. From Mr. Lefevre's Collection. h. Skull, Egypt. Presented by Dr. Turnbull Christie. 2. MEROPS JEGYPTIUS. The Egyptian Bee-eater. Merops Eegyptius Forsk. Faun. Arab. i. No. 2. Merops persica Pall. Zoogr. i. p. 440. t. Merops Savi^nyi Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1829) i. p. 442. ; Swains. B. of W. Afr. ii. p. 77. pi. 7. Merops ruficollis Vieill. N. Diet dHist. Nat. xv. p. 22. Levaill. Guep. t 6. 6. 16.; Pr. Bonap. Faun. Ital. t. 25. f. I. ; Kittl Kupf. t. 7. f. 1. a, b. Egypt, young. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. d, e. Egypt, adult. Presented by J. Bowring, Esq. J. ? adult. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. 3. MEROPS PHILIPPINUS. The Philippine Bee-eater. Merops philippinus Linn. S. N. i. p. 183. Merops javanicus Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 171. Merops Daudini Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1829) i. p. 442. Merops typicus Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 82. PI. enl. 57. ; Levaill. Nat. Hut. Guep. t. 14. a, 5. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. c. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d, e. Indian Archipelago. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B.R.N. f. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. g. h. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. i. Malabar. Presented by Mrs. Spinks. 4. MEROPS VIRIDIS. The Indian Bee-eater. Merops viridis Linn. S. N. i. p. 182. Merops Lamarckii Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1829) i. p. 442. Merops torquatus Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 82. Merops ferrugeiceps Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 82. Merops indicus Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. and Sci. (1840) p. 227. Edwards, Birds, pi. 183.; Levaill. Hist. Nat. Guep. t. 10.; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Pass. 20, 21, 22. f. 2, 3, 4. a. Gangoutra, Himalayan Mountains. b d. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 70 FISSIROSTRES e. Madras. Presented by W. Elliott, Esq. f. Madras. Presented by the Rev. B. B. Baber. g. Darjeelan. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 5. MEROPS ORNATUS. The variegated Bee-eater. Merops ornatus Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. xxx. Philemon ornatus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat xvii. p. 423. Merops melanurus Lewin, B. of N. H. pi. 2. Levaill. Hist. Nat. Guep. t. 4. ; Gould, B. of Austr. ii. pi. a. Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. #, c. Port Essington. Presented by Capt W. Chambers, B,. N. J, e. Murray River, Australia. Presented by His Excell. Capt. Sir G. Grey. /, g. Cape Upstart, Australia. Presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq. 6. MEROPS ALBICOLLIS. The white-throated Bee-eater. Merops albicollis Vieill. N. Diet tfHist. Nat xiv. p. 15. Merops Cuvieri (Licht.) Reg. Anim. (1829) i. p. 442. Merops Savignii Swains. Zool. lllustr. pi. 76. Levaill. Hist. Nat -Guep. t. 9. a c. Western Africa. Presented by Col. Sabine, R. A. 7. MEROPS QUINTICOLOR. The Pirik Bee-eater. Merops quinticolor Vieill. N. Diet d'Hist. Nat. xiv. p. 20. Merops urica Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 172. Levaill. Hist. Nat. Guep. t. 15. ; Swains. Zool. lllustr. pi. 8. : Hodgs. Icon. ined. Pass. 22. f. 1. a. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. b. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. d. Madras. Presented by the Rev. B. B. Baber. e, /. Tenasserim. Presented by J. D. C. Packman, Esq. M. D. 8. MEROPS BADIUS. The chestnut Bee-eater. Merops badius Gmel. S. N. i. p. 462. Merops castaneus Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 273. Merops sumatranus Raffl. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 294. ? PL enl 252. ; Levaill. Hist Nat de Guep. t. 12. a. Isle of France, adult. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. b. Malacca, young. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. c. Indian Archipelago ? adult. From Mr. Warwick's Collec- tion. d. Indian Archipelago, young. From Mr. Warwick's Collec- tion. 71 9. MEROPS NUBICUS. The blue-headed Bee-eater. Merops nubicus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 464. Merops caeruleocephalus Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 274. Merops superbus Penn. Ind. Zool. Suppl. p. 33. PL enl. 649.; Nat. Misc. pi. 613.; Levaill. Hist. Nat. Guep. t. 3. ; Swains. B. of W. Afr. pi. 9. a. Western Africa Presented by Major Ricketts. b. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. 10. MEROPS NUBICOIDES. The black-eared Bee-eater. Merops nubicoides O. Des Murs, Rev. Zool. 1846. p. 243. a. (Africa ?). Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. 2. MELITTOPHAGUS. Melittophagus Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 316. 1. MELITTOPHAGUS ERYTHROPTERUS. The red-winged Bee-eater. Melittophagus erythropterus Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 316. Merops erythropterus Gmel. S. N. i. p. 464. Merops minutus Vieill. N. Diet. tfHist. Nat. xiv. p. 18. Merops minulus Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1829) p. 442. Levaill. Hist. Nat. Guep. t. 17. a. Western Africa. Presented by Col. Sabine, K. A. b. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. 2. MELITTOPHAGUS VARIEGATUS. The North African Bee-eater. Merops variegatus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xiv. p. 25. Melittophagus variegatus G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Kittl. Kilpf. der Vog. t. 7. f. 3. a. Abyssinia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. 3. MELITTOPHAGUS HIRUNDINACEUS. The swallow-tailed Bee- eater. Merops hirundinaceus Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xiv. p. 21. Merops taiva Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1829) i. p. 442. Merops chrysolaimus Jard. $* Selby, III. Orn. pi. 99. Merops furcatus Stanl. App. to Salt's Trav. p. Ivii. Melittophagus taiva Boie, Isis, (1828) p. 316. Levaill. Hist. Nat. Guep. t. 8. a. South Africa. From Mr. Gould's Collection. 72 FISSIROSTRES DIURN2E. 4. MELITTOPHAGUS BULLOCKII. Bullock's Bee-eater. Merops Bullockii Vieill. N. Diet. 6^ Hist. Nat. xiv. p. 13. Merops cyanogaster Swains. B. of W. Afr. pi. 8. Melittophagus Bullockii G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. Levaill. Hist. Nat. Guep t. 20.; Donov. Nat. Repos. pi. 45. a. South Africa. From the South African Museum. 5. MELITTOPHAGUS BULLOCKOIDES. The white-fronted Bee-eater. Merops Bullocko'ides A. Smith, South Afric. Quart. Journ. (1834) p. .; Illustr. Zool S. Afr. Birds, pi. 9. Melittophagus Bullocko'ides G. R. Gray, Gen, ofB.p. a. South Africa. From the South African Museum. 6. MELITTOPHAGUS GULARIS. The red-throated Bee-eater. Merops gularis Shaw, Nat. Misc. pi. 337. Melittophagus gularis G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. i. p. G R. Gray and Mitch. Gen. of B. pi. 30. a. Western Africa. From Mr. Argent's Collection. 3. NYCTIORNIS. Nyctiornis Swains. Zool. Illustr. N. S. (1831). Alcemerops J. Geoff. Mem. du Mus. (1832). Bucia Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B (1836) p. 360. Napophila Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1841) p. 29. 1. NYCTIORNIS ATHERTONI. The azure-throated Bee-eater. Nyctiornis caerulea Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 333. Merops Athertoni Jard. Sf Selly, 111. Orn. pi. 58. Nyctiornis Athertoni Hodgs. Cat. Mam. and Birds of Nepal, Brit. ^Mus. p. 58. Bucia nipalensis Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1836) p. 36. Napophila meropina Hodgs. Gray's Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 82. Bucia Athertonii Blyth, Journ. A. S. B. (1841) p. 922. Merops ? cyanogularis Jerd. Madr. J. Lit. and Sci. (1840) p. 229. Napophila Athertonii Blyth, Journ. A. S. B. (1842) p. 104. Nyctiornis Amherstianus Royle. Hardw. Icon. ined. 10979. 89. 91.; Hodgs. Icon. ined. Pass. 24. f. 1, 2. 25. a. India. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. b. Himalayah Mountains. c e. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. f. ? Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. g. Sternum, Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. MEROPID^E. 73 2. NYCTIORNIS AMICTA. The red-faced Nyctiornis. Merops amictus Temm. PL col. 310. Nyctiornis amicta Swains. Zool. HI. n. s. pi. 56. a. Malacca. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. &, c. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. Proc. ZooL Soc. 1832. 153. Trans. Zool. Soc. n. t. 2. a. b. Male. Madras. Presented by Walter Elliott, Esq., of Wolflee. c. d. Female. Madras. Presented by Walter Elliott, Esq., of Wolflee. The MOUNTAIN QUAIL. COTURNIX pentah, Syhes, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1832. 153. Trans. ZooL Soc. n. t. 3. a. Male. Madras. Presented by W. Elliott, Esq., of Wolflee. b. Female. Madras. Presented by W. Elliott, Esq., of Wolflee. c. Young. Madras. Presented by W. Elliott, Esq., of Wolflee. The CHINESE QUAIL. COTURNIX Chinensis. Tetrao Chi- nensis, Linn. S. N. i. 277. C. excalfactoria, Temm. C. Sinensis, Bonn. Edw. t. 247.- PL enL 126. f. 2. P. Manillensis, Gmel. Synoicus ? Chinensis, Gould. B. of Austr. t. . a. Male. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. Female. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. Male. China. Presented by G. R. Gray, Esq. d. Female. China Presented by the Hon. East India Company. e. Female. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. /. Male. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. g. Female. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. The NEW HOLLAND QUAIL. COTURNIX Australis, Temm. Perdix Australis, Lath. Ind. Suppl. xn. Vieill. Gal. Ois. t. 215. Synoicus Australis, Gould. B. of Austr. t. a. Male, Australia. b. c. Female. Australia. d. Male. Murray River, S. Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. 40 PERDICHXE. e. Female. Murray River, S. Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. f. Murray River, S. Australia. Presented by His Ex- cellency Capt. G. Grey. g. Variety. South Australia. Presented by C. D. E. Fortnum, Esq. The RED-BILLED QUAIL. COTURNIX erythrorhyncha, Sykes, Proc. ZooL Soc. 1832. 153. Trans. Zool. Soc. ii. t. 1. Gray, Illust. Ind. Zool. t. f. 2. a. Madras. Presented by W. Sotheby, Esq. The GORGET QUAIL. COTURNIX pectoralis, Gould. Proc. ZooL Soc. 1837. 8. Birds of Austr. t. a. Male. New Holland. Presented by Gen. T. Hard- wicke. b. Male. Van Diemen's Land.- Presented by Ronald Gunn, Esq. c. Female. New Holland. Presented by Gen. T. Hard- wicke. d. e. Males. Murray River, S. Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. /. Variety. South Australia. Presented by C. D. E. Fortnum, Esq. The ANDALUSIAN QUAIL. TURNIX Andalusica. Tetrao Andalusicus, Gmel. 8. N. i. 766. T. tachydromus, Temm. a. b. Spain. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. The FIGHTING QUAIL. TURNIX pugnax, Steph. Herni- podius pugnax, Temm. Pig. et Gall. in. 612. PL col. 60. f. 2. a. Male. Singapore ? From Mr. Warwick's Collection. b. Female. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. c. Male. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. e. Female. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. f. g. Male. India. PERDICID;E. 41 The CRESCENT QUAIL. TURNIX maculosa, Steph. He- mipodius maculosus, Temm. Pig. et Gall. in. 631. T. maculatus, VieilL Gall. Ois. t. 217. a. b. Male. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. d. Female. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The BLACK-NECKED QUAIL. TURNIX nigricollis. Tetrao nigricollis, Gmel. S. N. i. 767. Coturnix Madagascar! - ensis, Briss. PL enl. 171. a. Madagascar? Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B., R.N. DUSSUMIER'S TURNIX. TURNIX Dussumieri. Hemipo- dius Dussumieri, Temm. pL col. 454. f. 2. a. India. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. b. c. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. Young ? Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. India. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. The SOUTH AFRICAN TURNIX. TURNIX lepurana. Or- tygis lepurana. A. Smith, III. of Zool. of S. Afr. t. a. b. Kurichane, S. Africa. From the South African Museum. The LUZONIAN QUAIL. TURNIX ocellata. Oriolus ocel- latus, Scop. Del. Flor. et Faun. Sub. Tetrao Luzoni- ensis, Gmel. S. N. i. 767. Hemipodius thoracicus, Temm. Son. Voy. t. 23. a. b. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. The VARIED QUAIL. TURNIX varia, VieilL Perdix varia, Lath. Ind. Orn. LXIII. PL col. 454. f. 1. a. b. Australia. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. Chick. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. From Mr. Gould's Collection. d. e. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. 42 PERDICID.E. The CHESTNUT-BACKED TURNIX. TURNIX castanota, Gould. B. of Austr. t. a. Female. Port Essington, Australia. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. b. Young. Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. c. Australia. The SWIFT-FLYING TURNIX. TURNIX velox, Gould. B. of Austr. t. . Hemipodius velox, Gould. Proc. Zcol. Soc. 1840. 150. a. Male. Yarrundi, Australia. From Mr. Gould's Col- lection. b. c. Female. Yarrundi, Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. d. Female. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. e. Young. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. /. Young. Mokai, Australia. From Mr. Gould's Col- lection. g. Chick. Murray River, Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. The COLLARED PEDIONOMUS. PEDIONOMUS torquatus, tiouid. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1840. 114. Birds of Austr. t. P. microurus, Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1842. 20. a. b. Male. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. c. d. e. Female. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. f. Young. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. The CROWNED PARTRIDGE. ROLLULUS roulroul. Pha- sianus roulroul, Scop. Del. Flor. et Faun. Insul. Columba cristata, Gmel. S. N. i. 774. Tetrao por- phyrio, Shaw. Tetrao viridis, Gmel. female. Perdix coronata, Lath. PI. col. 350, 351. a. Male. Java. 6. Female. Java. c. Young. Java. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. PERDICHXE. 43 The BLACK ROLLULUS. ROLLULUS niger. Cryptonix niger, Vigors, Journ. Zool. iv. 349. male. C. fer- rugineus, Leadbeater^ Linn. Trans, xvi. 349. female. C. Dussumieri, Less. Belan. Voy. Ind. Or. t. 7. male. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. t. . f. 1. female. a. Male. Singapore. From Mr. Turner's Collection. b. Female. Singapore. Presented by Gen. Thomas Hardwicke. c. Female. Singapore. From Mr. Turner's Collection. The MALACCA PARTRIDGE. ROLLULUS ocellatus. Tetrao ocellatus, Raffl. Linn. Trans, xni. 322. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. t. . a. Malacca. Presented by the Hon. East India Com- pany. b. Malacca. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. The GUIANA PARTRIDGE. ODONTOPHORUS Guianensis. Tetrao Guianensis, Gmel. S. N. i. 767. Perdix den- tata, Temm. Odontophorus rufus, VieilL Gal. Ois. t. 211. a. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. The HARNESSED ORTYX. ODONTOPHORUS capistratus. Ortyx capistrata, Jard. and Selby's III. Orn. t. 38. a. Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothsay. b. Brazil. c. ? Young. Brazil. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. The STARRED MOUNTAIN PARTRIDGE. ODONTOPHORUS stellatus. Ortyx stellatus, Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1842. 183. Gould's Monogr. of Orty. t. . a. Male. Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothsay. b. Female. Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothsay. The MEXICAN MOUNTAIN PARTRIDGE. ODONTOPHORUS guttatus. a. Mexico. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 44 PERD1CIDJE. The VIRGINIAN PARTRIDGE. ORTYX Virginianus, Bonap. Tetrao Virginianus aut T. Marilandicus, Linn. S. N. i. 277. Perdix borealis, Temm. Wils. Am. Orn. vi. t. 47. f. 2. T. Mexicanus, Linn. pi. enL 149. Ortyx borealis, Steph. a. Male. North America. Presented by Gen. T.Hard- wicke. b. Female. North America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. Female. North America. The SMALL CRESTED ORTYX. ORTYX parvicristatus, Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1843. 106. a. Male. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Col- lection. 1. Female. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. The BLACK-NECKED ORTYX. ORTYX nigrogularis, Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1842. 181. a. Mexico. From Mr. Argent's Collection. SONINI'S QUAIL. ORTYX Sonnini. Perdix Sonnini, Temm. Pig. et. Gall. in. 451. PL col. 75. Ortyx Sonnini, Steph. Coturnix fronte, &c., Journ. de Phys. 1772. Or. neoxenus, Vigors ? i. t. 2. Ency. Meth. t. 237. f. 4. a. b. Male. British Guiana. From Mr. Schomburgk's Collection. c. d. e. Female. British Guiana. From Mr. Schom- burgk's Collection. The CRESTED QUAIL. ORTYX cristatus. Tetrao crista- tus, Linn. S. N. i. 277. PL enl. 126. f. i. Or. Tem- minckii, Steph. Or. affinis, Vigors. ? a. Male. South America. b. Female. South America. The CALIFORNIAN QUAIL. LOPHORTYX Californicus, Bo- nap. Tetrao Californicus, Shaw's Nat. Misc. t. 345. a. Male. California. Presented by A. Menzies, Esq. b. Female. California. Presented by A. Menzies, Esq. PERDICID^E, 45 c. Female. California. Presented by Mr. G. Barclay. J.Male. California. Presented by'Capt. Sir E. Bel- cher, R.N. e. Female. California. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Bel- cher, R.N. The MEXICAN CRESTED PARTRIDGE. LOPHORTYX elegans. Ortyx elegans,, Less. Cent, de ZooL t. 61. Or. spilo- gaster, Vigors, Proc. ZooL Soc. 1832 ? a. b. Mexico. Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq. b. TETRAONIN^:. The WOOD GROUS. TETRAO urogallus, Linn. S. N. i. 273. PL enl. 73, 74. a. b. c. Male. Norway. d. Female. Scotland. From Donovan's Museum. e. Female. Norway. The HYBRID GROUS. TETRAO hybridus, Linn. Faun. Suec. No. 201. T. medius, Temm. T. intermedius, Langsdorf. Mem. Peter sb. in. t. 14. T. urogalloides, Nils. Sparm. Mus. Carls, i. t. 15. a. Northern Europe. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. b. Northern Europe. From Mr. Bartlett's Collection. The SPOTTED GROUS. TETRAO Canadensis, Linn. S. N. i. 274. PL enl. 131, 132. T. canace, Linn, female. T. Franklinii, Dougl. Faun. Bor. Amer. t. 61, 62. Bonap. Am. Orn. t. 20, 21. f. 2. female. a. b. Male. North America. Presented by the Hud- son's Bay Company. c. Male. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Col- lection. d. Male. North America. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. e. Female. North America. Presented by the Hud- son's Bay Company. /. g. Female. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. h. Female. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. 46 PERDICID;E. The DUSKY GROUS. TETRAO obscurus, Say. Bonap. Am. Orn. t. 18. Faun. Bor. Am. Birds, t. 59, 60. T. Richardsonii, Dougl. a. Male. North America. Presented by J. Richardson, M.D. b. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. The COCK OF THE PLAINS. CENTROCERCUS urophasianus, Swains. Tetrao urophasianus, Bonap. Am. Orn. t. 21. f. 1. Faun. Bor. Amer. t. 58. a. Male. Rocky Mountains, North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. b. Female. Rocky Mountains, North America. Pre- sented by the Hudson's Bay Company. The LONG-TAILED GROUS. CENTROCERCUS phasianellus, Swains. Tetrao phasianellus, Linn. S. N. i. 273. Bonap. Am. Orn. t. 19. T. urophasianellus, Dougl. a. Hudson's Bay. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Com- pany. 6. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. The RUFFED GROUS. BONASA umbellus, Steph. Tetrao umbellus, Linn. S. N. i. 275. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 49. T. togatus, Linn. pL enl. 104. T. umbelloides, aut T. Sabinii, Dougl. a. b. Canada. Presented by Mrs, W. P. Mauger. c. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. The HAZEL GROUS. BONASA sylvestris, Brehm. Tetrao bonasia, Linn. pi. enl. 474, 475. T. canus? Gmel. B. rupestris, Brehm. B. betulina, Strickl. B. Europea, Gould. a. Male. Germany. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. b. Male. North America. c. Female. North America. PERDICHX&. 47 The BLACK COCK. LYRURUS tetrix, Swains. Tetrao tetrix, Linn. S. N. i. 274,, t. 172, 173. a. Male. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. 6. Male. Norway. Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. c. Female. Norway. Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. d. Alnwick. Hybrid between the Black Grous and Pheasant. Presented by His Grace the Duke of Northumberland, K.G., &c., &c. The RED GROUS. LAGOPUS Scoticus. Tetrao Scoticus, Lath. Ind. Orn. n. 641. a. Male. Scotland. From Col. Montagu's Collection. 6. Female. Scotland. From Col. Montagu's Collection. The WILLOW GROUS. LAGOPUS albus. Tetrao albus Gmel. S. N. i. 750. T. lagopus, Retz. T. subalpinus, Nils. T. lapponicus, Gmel. T. saliceti, Temm. a. Summer. Sweden. Presented by Sir H. Davy, Bart., P.R.S. b. Young, Summer. Sweden Presented by Sir H. Davy, Bart., P.R.S. c. Young, Summer. North Bothnia. From M. Wai- berg's Collection. d. August. North Bothnia. From M. Wai berg's Col- lection. e. Winter. North Bothnia. From M. Walberg's Col- lection. /. Summer. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. g. Young. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Col- lection. h. Winter. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. G. Back, R.N. t.^". North America, Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. k. Falkland Islands ? Presented by G. Bennett, Esq. The ICELAND GROUS. LAGOPUS Islandorum. Tetrao Islandorum, Faber. a. Winter. Iceland. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 6. Spring. Iceland. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 48 PERDICHWE. The PTARMIGAN GROUS. LAGOPUS mutus, Leach. Te- trao lagopus, Linn. S. N. 274. PL enl. 129. 494. L. alpinus, Nils. L. vulgaris, Vieill. T. rupestris, Lath. a. Spring. Scotland. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. b. In change. Scotland. From Col. Montagu's Col- lection. c. Winter. Scotland. From Col. Montagu's Collection. d. Northern Asia. e. Northern Europe. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. /. ? Winter. g. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. h. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. i. Winter. Port Bowen. Presented by Dr. P. Neill. k. In change. Falkland Islands ? Presented by G. Ben- nett, Esq. /. In change. Spitzbergen. Presented by the Lord High Admiral, K.G. m. Spring ? The KUNALEE GROUS. LAGOPUS Persicus. a. Kaipariah, Persia. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. c. PTEROCLIN;E. The PIN-TAILED GROUS. PTEROCLES alchata, Steph. Te- trao alchata, Linn. S. N. i. 276. T. caudacutus, Gmel. Pt. setarius, Temm. (Enas cata, Vieill. PL enl. 105, 106. Pt. caspius, Menetr. T. chata, Pall. a. Male. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. 6. Female, Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. Male. Spain. Presented by Capt. Widderington, R.N. d. Female. Spain. Presented by Capt. Widderington, R.N. e. Northern Asia. From the Frankfort Museum. PERDICIDiE. 49 The SAND GROUS. PTEROCLES arenarius, Temm. Tetrao arenarius, Pall. Reise, in. 699. Perdix aragonica, Lath. PL col. 52. 53. Bonasa pyrenaica, Briss. a. Spain. Presented by Capt. Widdrington, R.N. b. Gangoutra, Himalayan Mountains. c. d. Portugal. Presented by C. Braddyll, Esq. e. g. Male. Northern Asia. h. Female. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The NAMAQUA GROUS. PTEROCLES namaqua. Tetrao namaqua, Gmel. S. N. i. 754. Pt. tachypetes, Temm. a. Male. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. c. Female. South Africa. From the South African Museum. LICHTENSTEIN'S GROUS. PTEROCLES Lichtensteinii, Temm. pi. col. 355. 361. P. bicinctus, Licht. a. Male. North Africa. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. Female. North Africa. From Mr. Gould's Col- lection. The DOUBLE-BANDED GROUS. PTEROCLES bicinctus, Temm. Vieill. Gal. Ols. t. 220, male. Pt. tricinctus, Swains. B. of Afr. t. female. a. Male. Western Africa. Presented by Major Rickett. b. Male. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. c. Female. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. The INDIAN GROUS. PTEROCLES fasciatus. Tringa fas- ciata, Scop. Del. Flor. et Faun. Insub. Tetrao indicus, Gmel. S. N. i. 755. P. quadricinctus, Temm. Jerd. III. Ind. Orn. t. 10. a. Male.- India. b. Female. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. THE SINGED GROUS. PTEROCLES exustus, Temm. pi. col. 354. 360. Pt. Senegalensis, Licht. a. Male. North Africa. 6. c. Female. North Africa. 50 PERDICID^E. d. Young Male. North Africa. e. Male. Egypt. -Presented by J. Bowring, Esq. /. Male. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. g. Male. India. Presented by Dr. Burns. The VARIEGATED SAND GROUS. PTEROCLES variegatus, Burch. Tr. S. Afr. n. 345. A. Smith, III. S. Afr. ZooL B. t. a. Male. South Africa. From Mr. Leadbeater's Col- lection. I. Female. South Africa. From M. Verreaux' Col- lection. c. Young Male. South Africa. From M. Verreaux' Collection. The SENEGAL GROUS. PTEROCLES Senegalus. Tetrao Senegalus, Linn. Mant. 1771. 526. -PI. enl. 130. Pt. guttatus, Licht. pi. coL 345. Pt. simplex, Less. a. Female. b. Female. Egypt. Presented by John Bowring, Esq. The MASKED SAND GROUS. PTEROCLES personatus, Gould. Voy. Sulph. ZooL t. a. Male. Madagascar. Presented by Capt. Sir. E. Belcher, K.C., R.N. b. Female. Madagascar. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, K.C., R.N. The SOUTH AFRICAN SAND GROUS. PTEROCLES gutturalis, A. Smith, III. Zool. S. Afr. t. 3. 31. a. South Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. b. Male. South Africa. From the South African Mu- seum. c. Female. South Africa. From the South African Museum. The HETEROCLITE GROUS. SYRRHAPTES paradoxus, III. Tetrao paradoxus, Pall. III. n. 712, t. F. Syrr. Palla- sii, Temm. pi. col. 95. a. b. Northern Asia. c. d. Northern Asia. From M. Brandt's Collection. CHIONIDIDjE. 51 FAN. VI. CHIONIDIDjE. a. THINOCORIKE. SWAINSON'S THINOCORUS. THINOCORUS Swainsonii, Less. Ill de Zool. t. 16. a. Male? Andes ? From Mr. Bridges's Collection. b. Female ? Andes ? From Mr. Bridges's Collection. D'ORBIGNY'S THINOCORUS. THINOCORUS Orbignyianus, /. Geoff, et Less. Cent. Zool. t. 49, 50. a. Male. Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. b. Female. Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. The MALOUINE QUAIL. ATTAGIS Malouina. Tetrao Ma- louinus, Bodd. T. Falklandica, Gmel. S. N. i. 762. PL enl. 222. a. Straits of Magellan? Presented by the Admiralty. b. Straits of Magellan. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. c. d. Male. Hermit Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. b. CHIONIDIN.E. The WHITE SHEATHBILL. CHIONIS alba, Forst. C. ni- valis, Desm. C. necrophaga, Vieill. C. Novae Hol- landiae, Temm. pi. col. 509. Voy. de VUranie, Zool. t. 35. a. Straits of Magellan. Presented by Capt. P. P. King, R.N. b. Straits of Magellan. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. c. d. Berkeley's Sound (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. e. Lat. 64 S. Long. 56 W. (Antarctic Expedition). ~- Presented by the Admiralty. D 2 52 TTNAMID^E. The BLACK-BILLED SHEATHBILL. CHIONIS minor, Hartl. Rev. Zool. 1841.5. a. b. Adult. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by Lieut. A. Smith, R.N. c. Young. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition).-- Presented by Lieut. A. Smith, R.N. d. e. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. /. Male. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition) Presented by the Admiralty. g. Female. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. FAM. VII. TINAMIDJE. a. TINAMDSLE. The RUFESCENT TINAMOU. RHYNCHOTUS rufescens, WagL Tinamus rufescens, Temm. pi. col. 402. Cryptura guazu, VieilL R. fasciatus, Spix. a. b. c. South America. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothsay. d. Maldanado. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. The VARIEGATED TINAMOU. TINAMUS variegatus, Lath. Tetrao variegatus, Gmel. S. N. i. 768. PL enL 828. a. Brazil. 6. Brazil. Presented by John Edward Gray, Esq. The GREAT TINAMOU. TINAMUS Brasiliensis, Lath. Te- trao major, Gmel. Cryptura magoua, VieilL Pezus serratus, Spix, Av. Br. 76. a. 6. Cayenne. From M. Cuoyi's Collection. c. South America. d. South America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. The CINEREOUS TINAMOU. TINAMUS cinereus, Lath. Tetrao cinereus, Gmel. S. N. i. 768. a. Cayenne. From M. Cuoyi's Collection. b. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. TINAMHXflE. 53 The LITTLE TINAMOU. TINAMUS pileatus. T. pileata, Bodd. Tetrao soui, Gmel. S. N. i. 768. PI. enl. 829. a. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. The TAT AUPA TINAMOU. TINAMUS tataupa, Temm. Pig. et Gall. in. 500. PL col. 415. Pezus niambu, Spix. a. Brazil. The SMALL-BILLED TINAMOU. TINAMUS parvirostris, Wagl. Syst. Av. sp. 13. a. Brazil. 6. Brazil. Presented by John Edward Gray, Esq. The ? TINAMUS ? a. Young. South America From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. The SPOTTED TINAMOU. NOTHURA maculosa. Tinamus maculosus, Temm. Pig. et Gall. in. 557. T. medius, Spix. t. 81. a. South America. Presented by John Edward Gray, Esq. The CHILIAN TINAMOU. NOTHURA perdicaria, G. R. Gray. Crypturus perdicarius, Kittl. Vog. Chili, t. xu. a. Coquimbo. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. 6. Valparaiso. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. c. South America. Presented by Lieut. Maw, R.N. ORDER IV. ORALLY. FAM. I. STRUTHIONID^E. a. STRUTHIONIN^E. The BLACK OSTRICH. STRUTHIO camelus, Linn. S. N. i. 265. PL enl. 457. a. Cape of Good Hope. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. Half grown. Presented by the Zoological Society. c. Young. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. d. g. Very young. Cape of Good Hope. From Capt. Alexander's Collection. The GALEATED CASSOWARY. CASUARIUS emu, Lath, C. galeatus, Vieill. Struthio casuarius, Linn. S. N. i. 265. a. b. Indian Archipelago. The NEW HOLLAND CASSOWARY. DROMAIUS Novae Hol- landiae. Casuarius Novae Hollandise, Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 665. Dr. ater, Vieill. Dr. emu, Steph. Dr. Au- stralis, Swains. a. From Mr. Cross's Collection. b. c. Van Diemen's Land. Presented by Ronald Gunn, Esq. d. Very young. Zoological Society's Garden. Pre- sented by the Zoological Society. The AMERICAN EMU. RHEA Americana, Lath. Stru- thio rhea, Linn. S. N. i. 266. a. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 6. South America. From M. Parrey's Collection. c. d. Chicks. South America. From Mr. Argent's Col- lection. D'ORBIGNY'S RHEA. RHEA pennata, Z)'Or5. Rhea Dar- wini, Gould. Voy. Beagle, Zool. t. a. Dorsal portion of a skin. Chili. b. APTERYGIN^E. The NEW ZEALAND APTERYX. APTERYX Australis, Shaw. Nat. Misc. t. 1057, 1058. Dromiceius Novae Zea- landiae, Less. Apterous Penguin, Shaw. a. New Zealand. Presented by the Earl of Derby. 6, Male. New Zealand. Presented by Miss Rebecca Stone. c. Female. New Zealand. Presented by Miss Rebecca Stone. c. DIDIN^E. The HOODED DODO. DIDUS ineptus, Linn. S. N. i. 267. Nat. Misc. t. 143. 166. a. Foot. From Dr. Grew's Collection, presented by the Royal Society. b. Cast of the head in the Ashmolean Museum. Pre- sented by John Duncan, Esq. FAM. II. OTID.E. a. OTIN^E. The GREAT BUSTARD. OTIS tarda, Linn. S. N. i. 264. PL enl. 245. a. Young. Europe. From the Frankfort Museum. b. Wiltshire. From Col. Montagu's Collectio*n. c. Very young. Europe. From Mr. Tucker's Col- lection. The LITTLE BUSTARD. OTIS tetrax, Linn. S. N. i. 264. PL enl. 10. 25. a. Norfolk. From Mr. Bullock's Museum. b. Plymouth, Devon. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Italy. From Mr. Argent's Collection. The BLACK-BELLTED BUSTARD. OTIS melanogastra, Rupp. Faun. Abyss. Voy. t. 7. a. Male. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. b. Female. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. c. Female. Abyssinia. From Mr. Leadbeater's Col- lection. d. South ? Africa. From the South African Museum. 56 OTID^E. The INDIAN BUSTARD. OTIS Bengalensis, Gmel. S. N. i. 724. O. Himalayana, Vigors. Gould. Cent, of Birds, t. 73, 74, 75. O. deliciosa, Gray, III. Ind. Zool. t. Edwards, Birds, t. 250. O. atriceps, Gray ? in Griff. A J\. a. Himalayah Mountains. From Mr. Leadbeater's Col- lection. b. Male. Nepaul. Presented by B* H. Hodgson, Esq. c. Female. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. Male, Himalayah Mountains. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. e. Young male. Himalayah Mountains. /. Female. Himalayah Mountains. Presented by Dr. Royle. g. Female. Himalayah Mountains. The SENEGAL BUSTARD. OTIS Senegalensis, Vieill. Ency* Meth. 333. Ot. rhaad, Riipp. Monogr. t. (not Lath.) a. Africa. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. The BLUE-BELLIED BUSTARD. OTIS caerulescens, VieilL Ency. Meth. 334. Ot. ferox, A. Smith. Ot. cana, Licht. Mss. a. b. South Africa. From the South African Museum. c. d. South Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. VIGORS' BUSTARD. OTIS Vigorsii, A. Smith. Proc. Zool. 8oc. 1830. 11. Ot. scolopacea, Temm. pi. coL 576. a. b. South Africa. c. Young. South Africa. From M. Verreaux' Col- lection. The RUFOUS-CRESTED BUSTARD. OTIS ruficrista, A. Smith, III. Zool. S. Afr. t. 4. a. Male. South Africa. b. Male. South Africa. From the South African Mu- seum. c. Female. South Africa. From the South African Museum. OTID^E. 57 The WHITE-EARED BUSTARD. OTIS afra, Gmel. S. N. i. 724. O. atra, Linn. Lath. Hist. vm. t. 134. Forst. Icon. ined. t. 133, 134. a. Male. South Africa. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. Female. South Africa. From Mr. Gould's Collection. c. Male. South Africa. Presented by Gen. T. Hard- wicke. d. Female. South Africa. Presented by Gen. T. Hard- wicke. e. Male. South Africa. From Capt. Alexander's Col- lection. /. Male, in change. South Africa. From the South African Museum. The BANDED BUSTARD. OTIS afroides, A. Smith, HL Zoof. of S. Afr. t. 19. a. Male. South Africa From the South African Mu- seum. b. c. Female. South Africa. From the South African Museum. d. Male. South Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. The RUFFED BUSTARD. HOUBARA undulata. Psophia undulata, Jacq. Vog. t. 9. Otis houbara, Gmel. S. N. i. 725. Vieill. Gal. des O'is. t. 227. a. Young. Egypt. From Mr. Argent's Collection. 6. Egypt, c. Adult. Spain. From M. Parzudaki's Collection. The MACQUEEN'S BUSTARD. HOUBARA Macqueeni. Otis Macqueeni, J. E. Gray's III. Ind. Zool. t. a. Himalayan Mountains. From Mr. Macqueen's Col- lection. The PASSARAGE BUSTARD. SYPHEOTIDES auritus, Less. Otis auritus, Lath. Ind. Orn. n. 668. Jard. and Selby's III. Orn. t. 40. 92. Ot. fulva, Syhes. O. indica, Mill.? Belang. Voy. aux Ind. Orn. t. 10. a. Male. Nepaul. Presented by B, H. Hodgson, Esq. 6. Male, in change. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. D 3 c. Young male. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodg- son, Esq. d. Female. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. Male. India. Presented by Dr. Royle. /. g. Female. India. Presented by Gen. T. Hard- wicke. h. i. Male, in change. India. The KORI BUSTARD. EUPODOTIS Kori. Otis Kori, Burch* Trav. S. Afr. i. 393 and 402. Riipp. Monogr. in Mus< Senckenb. t. 13. a. South Africa. From Capt. Alexander's Collection. EDWARD'S BUSTARD. EUPODOTIS Edwardii. Otis Ed-* wardii, Gray, III. Ind. Zool. t. Ot. nigriceps, Vigors. Gould's Cent. Birds, t. Ot. lucx>niensis, Vieill. ? Sonn. N. Gum. t. 86 ? a, India. Presented by Walter Elliott, Esq., of Wolflee, The ARABIAN BUSTARD. EUPODOTIS Arabs, Less. Otis Arabs, Linn. S. N. i. 264. Edwards s Birds, t. 12. Riipp. Atlas, t. 16. O. Abyssinica, Grayl in Griff, A.K. a. Male. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. 6. Female. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. DENHAM'S BUSTARD. EUPODOTIS Denhami. Otis Den- hami, Childr* and Vigors, Griff. An. Kingd. t, a. Central Africa. Presented by Major Denham. LUDWIG'S BUSTARD. EUPODOTIS Ludwigii. Otis Lud-< wigii, Riipp. Monogr. in Mus. Senckenb. t. 14. O. Coleii. A. Smith. a. Female. South Africa. From the South African Museum. STANLEY'S BUSTARD. EUPODOTIS ruficollis. Otis rufi- collis, Cuv. Wagl. Ot. Caffra ? Licht. Ot. Stan- leyi, Gray. a. Male. Cape of Good Hope. OTI1XE. >59 b. (EDICNEMINjE. The THICK-KNEED BUSTARD. (EDICNEMUS crepitans. Charadrius oedicnemus, Linn. S. N. i. 255. PI. enl. 919. a. Wiltshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Young. Cambridgeshire. c. Young. Norfolk. Presented by J. Scales, Esq. Young. Quorra. (Niger Expedition). Presented by Mrs. Heywood and Capt. Allen, R.N. e. CHARADRINJE. The GREY SANDPIPER. SQUATAROLA helvetica, Cuv. Tringa helvetica aut T. squatarola, Linn. Vanellus melanogaster, Bechst. Charadrius hypomelas, PalL C. pardela, Pall. a. Male. Bristol. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Female, in winter. Bristol. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. In change. Great Britain. d. Winter. Bristol. e. Epping. Presented by H. Doubleday, Esq. /. India. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. g. Young Male. From Mr. Argent's Collection. h. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 63 D'URVILLE'S SANDPIPER. SQUATAROLA Urvillii. Trin^a Urvillii, Garn. Zool. Voy. de la Coqu. Vanellus cinctus, Less. Voy. de la Coqu. t. 45. Charadrius ru~ becola, Vigors, Jard. and Selby's III. t. 110. Ch. mo- destus, Wagl. a. South America. Presented by the Admiralty. b. Valparaiso. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. c. Maxwell's Harbour, Hermite Island. Presented by Lieut. A. Smith, R.N. d. Male. Maxwell's Harbour. (Antarctic Expedition.) Presented by the Admiralty. e. Berkeley Sound, East Falkland. (Antarctic Expedi- tion.) Presented by the Admiralty. /. Male. ? (Antarctic Expedition.) Pre- sented by the Admiralty. g. Female. Falkland Islands. (Antarctic Expedition.) Presented by the Admiralty. The LAPWING SANDPIPER. VANELLUS cristatus, Meyer. Tringa vanellus, Linn. S. N. i. 248. V. gavia, Leach, pi. enl. 242. a. Wiltshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. c. Europe. d. Young. Cambridgeshire. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. e.-g. Chicks. Cambridgeshire. Presented by Mr. J, Baker. h. Chicks. Europe. From Mr. Tucker's Collection, t. Male. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. j. Young. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The CAYENNE SANDPIPER. VANELLUS Cayanensis. Parra Cayanensis, Gmel. S. N. i. 706. Charadrius larnpro- notus, Wagl. pi. enl 836. a. Valparaiso. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. b. Maldonado. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. c. British Guiana. Presented by Chev. Schomburgk. 64 OTIDJE* The GREGARIOUS PLOVER. CHETTUSIA gregaria, Bonap* Charadrius gregarius, Pall. Reise, i. 456. T. kep- tuschka, Lepech. T. fasciata, Gmel. III. Ind. Zool. t. a. Male. Northern Asia. b. Altai Mountains. From M. Brandt's Collection. c. Gangoutra, Himalayah Mountains. The WREATHED PLOVER. CHETTUSIA ? coronata. Cha- radrius coronatus, Gmel. S. N. i. 691. PL enl. 800. C. atricapilla, Gmel. ? a. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by Gen. T. Hard- wicke. b. Cape of Good Hope. c. Young female. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Ver~ reaux' Collection. The BLACK-WINGED PLOVER. CHETTUSIA ? melanoptera, Vanellus melanopterus, Riipp. Atlas, t. 31. a. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. b. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by A. G. Campbell, Esq. The SPUR-WINGED PLOVER. HOPLOPTERUS spinosus, Bo- nap* Charadrius spinosus, Linn. S. N. i. 256. Va- nellus melasomus, Swains. C. cristatus ? Steph. a. b. Egypt. Presented by J. Bowring, Esq. c. d. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. e. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. The BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER. HOPLOPTERUS ventralis. Pluvialis Senegalensis armatus, Briss. Orn.v.t. 7,f.%. Charadrius ventralis, WagL Gray's III. Ind. Zool. t. Ch. Senegalensis, Steph. a* b. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The WHITE-HEADED PLOVER. HOPLOPTERUS armatus. Charadrius armatus, Burch. Jard. and Selby's III. Orn. t. 54. Ch. albiceps, Temm. pi. coL 526. a. Male. South Africa. From M. Verreaux' Col- lection. b. Young male. Latakoo, South Africa. From M. Ver- reaux' Collection. OTID.E. 65 The CAYENNE PLOVER. HOPLOPTERUS Cayanus. Cha- radrius Cayanus, Lath. Ind. u. 747. PL enl. 833. Ch. stolatus, WagL a. South America. 6. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. The GOA SANDPIPER. LOBIVANELLUS Goensis, Strickl. Parra Goensis, Gm. S. N. i. 706. Charadrius atrogu- laris, WagL PL enl. 807. a. b. India. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. India. Presented by Dr. Burns. d. e. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. f. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. The INDIAN PLOVER. LOBIVANELLUS tricolor. Vanellus macropterus, Cuv. V. tricolor, Horsf. Linn. Trans. xin. Ch. cucullatus, Temm. pi. col. 505. a. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. b. Indian Archipelago. From the Leyden Museum. The SENEGAL SANDPIPER. LOBIVANELLUS Senegalus. Parra Senegala, Linn. S. N. i. 259. PI. enl. 362. Vanellus albicapillus, Vieill. V. strigilatus, Swains. a. b. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. The BLACK-SIDED PLOVER. LOBIVANELLUS lateralis. Va- nellus lateralis, A. Smithy IlL Zool. S. Afr. t. a. Cape of Good Hope. From the South African Mu- The WATTLED SANDPIPER. LOBIVANELLUS lobatus. Tringa lobata, Lath. Ind. Suppl. Vanellus Novae Hollandiae, Steph. V. gallinaceus, Temm. Jard. and Selby IlL Orn. t. 84. Gould's B. of Austr. t. a. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. b. Female. Murray River, S. Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. c. South Australia. From Mr. Harvey's Collection. 66 OTUXE. The MASKED PLOVER. LOBIVANELLUS personatus, Gould's B. ofAustr. t. a. Male. Port Essington. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. 6. Female. Port Essington. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. The BLACK-HEADED PLOVER. LOBIVANELLUS melano- cephalus. Charadrius melanocephalus, Gmel. S. N. i. 692.-Pl.enl. 918. a. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. The HOODED PLOVER. SARCIOPHORUS pileatus, Strickl. Charadrius pileatus, Gm. S. N. i. 691. PI. enl. 834. a. Male. Abyssinia. From Dr. Riippell's Collection. b. Female. Abyssinia. From Dr. Riippell's Collection. The BILOBATE SANDPIPER. SARCIOPHORUS bilobus. Cha- radrius bilobus, Gmel. S. N. i. 691. PI. enl. 880. a. Indian Archipelago. Presented by Gen. T. Hard- wicke. b. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. The BLACK-BREASTED PEEWIT. SARCIOPHORUS pectoralis, Gould. B. of Austr. t. Charadrius pectoralis, Cuv. C. tricolor, Vieill. a. Male. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. b. Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. The BANDED RED-KNEE. ERYTHROGONYS cinctus, Gould. Birds of Austr. t. a. Female. Murray River, South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. b. New South Wales. From Mr. Gould's Collection, The GOLDEN PLOVER. CHARADRIUS pluvialis, Linn. S. N. i. 254. PL enl. 904. Pluvialis aurea, Macgill. Ch. apricarius, Gmel. Ch. auratus, Mey. and Wolf. a. Dartmoor. Presented by P. Ilbert, Esq. b. Great Britain. Presented by R. Scales, Esq. c. Young Male. Epping. Presented by H. Doubleday, Esq. d. Female. Epping. Presented by H. Doubleday, Esq. e. Cambridgeshire. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. OTIDJE. 67 The MARBLED PLOVER. CHARADRIUS Virginicus, Bechst. C. pluvialis, Wils. Am. Qrn. t. 59. f. 5. C. marmora- tus, Temm. Wagl. C. pectoralis, Vieill. a. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Com- pany. b. c. Northern Expedition. Presented by the Admiralty. d. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. e. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. /. Sumatra. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. g. India. h. Port Essington. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. i. Hobart Town, Van Diemen'sLand. From Mr. Gould's Collection. j. n. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. o. Northern Asia. p. New Zealand. Presented by Miss R. Stone. The DUSKY PLOVER. CHARADRIUS obscurus, GmeL S. N. i. 686. C. glareola, Forst. Icon. ined. t. 122. a. Mount Egmont, New Zealand. Presented by the New Zealand Company. The FULVOUS PLOVER. CHARADRIUS fulvus, GmeL S. N. i. 687. C. glaucopis, Forst. Icon. ined. t. 123. a. b. Bow Island, South Sea. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B., R.N. The DOTTEREL PLOVER. EUDROMIAS morinella, Boie. Charadrius morinellus, Linn. S. N. i. 254. PL col. 832. C. sibiricus, Lepech. C. tataricus, Pall. a. Male. Liverpool. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Male. Cambridgeshire. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. c. Lancashire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. d. Sussex. e. Great Britain ? f. Northern Asia. 68 OTID.E. The ASIATIC DOTTEREL. EUDROMIAS Asiaticus, Key and Bl. Charadrius Asiaticus et C. Caspius, Pall. Reise. ii. 715. C. jugularis. WagL a. Male. Northern Asia. b. Female. Northern Asia. c. Altai Mountains. From M. Brandt's Collection. The VAN DIEMEN'S LAND DOTTEREL. EUDROMIAS xan- thocheilus. Gharadrius xanthocheilus, WagL Syst. Av. Sp. 36. a. Female. Van Diemen's Land. Presented by R. Gunn, Esq. 6. Male. Van Diemen's Land. Presented by R. Gunn, Esq. c. Female. Van Diemen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The AUSTRALIAN DOTTEREL. EUDROMIAS Australia, Gould, Birds of Austr. t. a. South Australia. Presented by his Excellency Capt. G. Grey. The RINGED PLOVER. HIATICULA torquata. Charadrius hiaticula, Linn. S. N. i. 253. C. torquata, Leach. H. annulata, G. R. Gray. a. Male. Carmarthen. From Col. Montagu's Collec- tion. b. Female. Carmarthen. From Col. Montagu's Collec- tion. c. Carmarthen. From Col. Montagu's Collection. d. Great Britain. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Great Britain. /. Hayling Island. Presented by J. W. Tyndale, Esq. The CURONIAN PLOVER. HIATICULA curonica. Chara- drius minor, Mey. and W. C. curonica, Beseke, Schr. der Berl. Nat. Ges. vn. 463. C. fluviatilis, Bechst. C. hiaticula, Pall. C. intermedius, Menstr. C. zona- tus, Swains. a. Northern Asia. OTIDvE. 69 d. e. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. /. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The KENTISH PLOVER. HIATICULA Cantiana. Charadrius Cantianus, Lath. Ind. Suppl. LXVI. C. littoralis, Bechst. C. albifrons, Meyer and Wolf. C. Alexandrinus, Hasselq. a. c. Great Britain. d.f. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The SOUTH AFRICAN PLOVER. HIATICULA tricollaris. Charadrius tricollaris, Vieill. N. Diet. H. N. xxvu. 147. C. bitorquatus, Licht. C. indicus, Lath.? a. Cape of Good Hope. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by Dr. Lee. c. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by A. G. Campbell, Esq. The SOUTH AFRICAN PLOVER. HIATICULA marginata. Charadrius marginatus, Vieill. N. Diet. H. N. xxvu. 138. C. leucopolius, Wagl. a. South Africa. From Dr. Krauss's Collection. The ? HIATICULA ? a. (Niger Expedition). Presented by Mrs. Heywood and Capt. Allen, R.N. The MONGOLIAN PLOVER ? HIATICULA mongola. Cha- radrius mongolus ? Pall. Reise, in. 700. a. China Presented by j. Reeves, Esq. The- -? HIATICULA- ? a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. OKEN'S PLOVER. HIATICULA meloda. Charadrius hiati- cula, Wils. Am. Orn. t. 37. f. 3. C. melodus, Ord, Bonap. Am. Orn. t. 24. f. 3. C. Okeni, Wagl. a. North America. b. New Jersey. Presented by J. Audubon, Esq. c. Northern Land Expedition.- Presented by Capt Sir G. Back, R.N. 70 WILSON'S PLOVER. HIATICULA Wilsoni. Charadrius Wilsonius, Ord. Wilson. Am. Orn. t. 73. f. 5. C. crassirostris, Spix. a. North America. b. c. North America. Presented by J. Audubon, Esq. The AMERICAN RING PLOVER. HIATICULA semipalmata. Charadrius semipalmatus, Kaup, Isis. 1825. Bonap. Am. Orn. t. 25. f. 4. a. North America. b. South America. c. Rio Janeiro. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. The DOUBLE-BANDED PLOVER. HIATICULA bifasciata. Charadrius bifasciatus, Licht. C. trifasciatus, Wagl. a. Port St. Julian, South America. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. AZARA'S PLOVER. HIATICULA Azarae. Charadrius Azarse, Temm. pi. col. 184. C. collaris, Vieill. Mbatuitui a collier noir, Azara^ 392. a. South America. b. British Guiana. Presented by Chev. Schomburgk. The - ? HIATICULA ? a. South America, Chili ? From Mr. Bridges's Collec- tion. b. Female. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. c. South America, Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Collec- tion. The ? HIATICULA ? a. South America, Chili ? b. South America, Chili ? From Mr. Bridges's Collec- tion. The HOODED RING PLOVER. HIATICULA monacha. Cha- radrius monachus, Geoffr. C. cucullatus, Vieill. a. Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. Australia. From Mr. Turner's Collection. c. New Holland. Presented by R. Brown, Esq. OTIM. 71 The RED-HEADED PLOVER. HIATICULA ruficapilla. Cha- radrius ruficapillus, Temm. pi. col, 47. f. 2. C. mar- ginatus, Geoffr. a. Male. Van Diemen's Land. Presented by R. Gunn, Esq. The BLACK-FRONTED PLOVER. HIATICULA nigrifrons. Charadrius nigrifrons, Cuv. PL col. 47. f. 1. C. me- lanops, VieilL a. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. b. Female. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. c. d. Australia. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. e.f. Australia. Presented by Lady Carrington. The NOISY PLOVER. HIATICULA vocifera. Charadrius vociferus, Linn. S. N. i. 253. C. Jamaicensis, GmeL C. torquatus, Linn. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 59. f. 6. a. North America. Presented by J. Audubon, Esq. b. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. c. Nevis. Presented by W. Cottle, Esq. d. e. Jamaica. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. /. Mexico. Presented by John Taylor, Esq. The RUSTY-CROWNED PLOVER. HIATICULA Falklandica. Charadrius Falklandicus, Lath. Ind. n. 747. C. an- nuligerus, Wagl. Portl. Voy. t. at p. 36. C. pyrrho- cephalus, Less. a. St. Louis, East Falkland. Presented by Lieut. A. Smith, R.N. 6. c. Uranie Bay, East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. d. Male. Falkland Islands (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. e. Female. Falkland Islands (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. /. South America. Presented by the Admiralty. 72 /. TOWNSEND'S SURF BIRD. APHRIZA Townsendii, Aud. Syn. Am. Birds, p. 226. Birds of Am. t. 428. a. b. Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. The PIED OYSTER-CATCHER. H^EMATOPUS ostralegus, Linn. S. N. i. 257. H. hypoleuca, Pall. a. Great Britain. b. Great Britain. c. Young. Great Britain. d. Young. Northern Asia. The BROWN-BACKED OYSTER-CATCHER. H/EMATOPUS pal- liatus, Temm. Man, d'Orn. n. 532.* Jard. and Selby, III. Orn. n. s. t. 7. a. North West Coast of America. Presented by Capt. Sir E, Belcher, C.B., R.N. The WHITE-FOOTED OYSTER-CATCHER. H.EMATOPUS leu- copus, Garn. Ann. des Sci. Nat. 1825. H. luctuosa, Cut. a. South America. Presented by the Admiralty. 6. Terra del Fuego. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. The NEW-HOLLAND OYSTER-CATCHER. HEMATOPUS Ion- girostris, VieilL N. Diet. xv. p. 410. H. picatus, Vi- gor s^ King's Voy. Austr. App. H. Australasianus, Gould. a. Male. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. b. Australia. c. d. Port Essington. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. c. Young. Green Island, Bass's Strait. From Mr. Gould's Collection. /. New Zealand. Presented by the New Zealand Com- pany. ARDEID.E. 73 The BLACK OYSTER-CATCHER. H^EMATOPUS niger, Cuv. Voy. Uran. t. 34. H. ater, VieilL Gal. des Ois. 230. a. b. Cape of Good Hope. The UNIFORM OYSTER-CATCHER. H^EMATOPUS unicolor, For st. Mss. Wagl. I sis, 1832, p. 1230. a. New Zealand. Presented by the New Zealand Com- pany. /;. ? Very young. South Island. Houtman's Abrolhos. From Mr. Gould's Collection. FAM. 3. ARDEID.E. a. PSOPHINJE. The BRASILIAN CARIAMA. CARIAMA cristata, Cuv. Pa- lamedea cristata, Linn. S. N. i. 232. Microdactylos Marcgravii, Geoff. Dicholophus cristatus, III. Temm. pi. cot. 237. Lophorhynchus saurophagus, VieilL a. South America. Presented by Lieut. Maw, R.N. The GOLD-BREASTED TRUMPETER. PSOPHIA crepitans, Linn. S. N. i. 286. Grus Psophia, Pall. pi. enl. 169. , South America. b. British Guiana. Presented by Chev. Schomburgk. c. British Guiana. d. South America. The ABYSSINIAN ERODY. DROMAS ardeola, Payk. pi. col. 362. Erodia amphilensis, Salt. a. Male. India. From Mr. Pellerin's Collection. b. Male. India. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B., R.N. c. Male. India. d. Female. India. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. 74 ARDEHXE. b. GRUIN^E. The COMMON CRANE. GRUS cinerea, Bechst. Ardea Grus, Linn. S. N. i. 234. PL enl. 769. a. Europe. From Mr. Turner's Collection. The AMERICAN CRANE. GRUS Americana, Briss. Ar- dea Americana, Linn. S. N. i. 234. A. Canadensis, Linn, (young.) Grus Struthio et G. poliocephala, Wagl. Edw. t. 132, 133. a. Adult. North America. b. North America. c. Young. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Col- lection. d. e. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. G. Back, R.N. The SIBERIAN CRANE. GRUS leucogeranus, Pall. It. n. 714. 30. t. 1. Ardea gigantea, Gmel. a. Russia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. The WHITE-NAPED CRANE. GRUS leucauchen, Temm. pi. col. 449. a. Japan. From the Leyden Museum. The HOODED CRANE. GRUS monacha, Temm. pi. col. 555. a. Japan. From the Leyden Museum. The WATTLED HERON. GRUS carunculata, Vieill. Ar- dea carunculata, Gmel. S. N. i. 643. Lath. Hist. ix. t. 148. a. South Africa. From Dr. Krauss's Collection. The INDIAN CRANE. GRUS antigone. Ardea anti- gone, Linn. Edwards' s Birds, t. 45. Grus orientalis, Pall. ? a. Chick. India. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 6. India. ARDEID.E. 75 The RING-NECKED CRANE. GRUS torquata, Fieill. N. Diet, d' Hist. Nat.Gal. des Ois. t. 256. a. India. The DEMOISELLE HERON. ANTHROPOIDES virgo, Vieill. Ardea virgo, Linn. S. N. i. 234. Grus numidica, Briss. a. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. India. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. Northern India. From Col. Cobbs's Collection. d. Young. South Africa. From M. Verreaux' Collec- tion. STANLEY'S CRANE. ANTHROPOIDES paradisea. Ardea paradisea, Licht. Cat. 28. Anthr. Stanleyanus, Vigors, Zool. Journ. vi. t. 8. a. Male. South Africa. b. South Africa, Cape of Good Hope. From M. Ver- reaux' Collection. The CROWNED CRANE. BALEARICA pavonina, Vigors. Ardea pavonina, Linn. S. N. i. 233. PL enl. 265. Gal. des. Ois. t. 257. a. South Africa. The WATTLED CROWNED CRANE. BALEARICA regulorum. Grus regulorum, Licht. a. South Africa. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. South Africa. c. ARDEIN^E. The GREAT HERON. ARDEA Herodias, Linn. S. N. i. 237. Ardea Hudsonias, Linn, (female). Wils. Am. Orn. t. 65. f. 5.Edw. Birds, t. 135. (female.) a. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. b. Nootka Sound. Presented by Mr. G. Barclay. The LARGE WHITE HERON. ARDEA occidentals, And. Birds of Amer. t. a. Male. Florida. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. b. Female. Florida. Presented by H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex, K.G., &c., &c., &c. E 2 76 ARDEID^E. The Cocoi HERON. ARDEA cocoi, Linn. S. N. i. 237. A. palliata, ///. A. caerulescens et A. Soco, Fieill. A. maguari, Spix. Av. Br. t. 90. A. major, Mol. ? a. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. h. South America. Presented by Lieut. Maw, R.N. c. Young. Bay of St. Joseph, East Patagonia. Pre- sented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. d. Young. British Guiana. From Chev. Schomburgk's Collection. The GREAT INDIAN HERON. ARDEA nobilis, Blyth. Ann. of Nat. Hist. 1844, p. . A. insignis., Hodgs. Mss. A. typhon, Temm. ? pi. col. 475 ? a. b. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The COMMON HERON. ARDEA cinerea, Linn. S. N. i. 236. A. major, Gmel. A. cristata, Briss. A. rhenana, Sander. a. Male. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collec- tion. b. c. Female. England. c?. Young or female. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. India. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. /. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. g. Egypt. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. The BLACK-HEADED HERON. ARDEA melanocephala, Childr. et Vigors, in Denh. and Clapp. Nar. N. and C. Afr. App. 201. A. atricollis, Wagl. Smith's III. Zool. S. Afr. t. 86. a. b. South Africa. From the South African Museum. The CRESTED PURPLE HERON. ARDEA purpurea, Linn. S. N. i. 236. A. caspica, Gmel. A. botaurus aut A. rufa, Gmel. A. variegata, Scop. A. monticola, La Pey. A. purpurata, Gmel. A. rubiginosa, Gmel. ? a. b. England. c. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. d. Male ? Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. ARDEHX. 77 e. Young. India. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. f-8'1 h. Young. Western Africa. From Mr. Kendall's Col- lection. i. Cape of Good Hope. j. Young. South Africa. From the South African Museum. The PACIFIC HERON. ARDEA Pacifica, Lath. Ind. SuppL LXV. A. bullaragang, WagL Jard. and Selby's III. Orn. t. 90. a. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. b. Northam, Western Australia. From Mr. /Gould's Collection. c. King George's Sound. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. The AGAMI HERON. Ardea agami, Gmel. S. N. i. 629. PL enl. 859. A. fusca, Lath. PI. enl. 858. a. Cayenne. From Mr. Argent's Collection. b. British Guiana. Presented by Chev. Schomburgk. The GREAT WHITE HERON. HERODIAS alba. Ardea alba, Linn. S. N. i. 239. A. Candida, Briss. A. Egrettoides, Gmel. a. Male. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. The PURE WHITE HERON. HERODIAS modesta. Ardea modesta, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 19. III. Ind. Zool. t. a. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. c. India. ? The GREAT EGRETT. HERODIAS egretta. Ardea egretta, Gmel. S.N.i. 629. Wilson's Am. Orn. t. 61. f. 4. Le grand Heron blanc, Azara, No. 350. Ard. leuce, Illiger. A. galatea, Mol. ? a. North America. Presented by H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex, K.G., &c., &c. b. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. c. Brazil. Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq. 78 ARDEIDJE. d. East Patagonia. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. e. Chili. From Mr. Brydges's Collection. The YELLOW-BILLED HERON. HERODIAS flavirostris. Ar- dea flavirostris, Temm. Wagl. Syst. Av. sp. 9. a. b. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. c. India. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. d. China. Presented by J. Reeves, Esq. The HERODIAS ? a. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. The LITTLE EGRETT. HERODIAS garzetta. Ardea gar- zetta, Linn. S. N. i. 937. A. nivea, Gmel. A. xanthodactylos, Gmel. a. b. Egypt. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. c. Western Africa. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. d. e. Male. Cape of Good Hope. From the African Museum. /. g. ? h. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. The HERODIAS ? a. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. The INDIAN WHITE HERON. HERODIAS orientalis. Ar- dea orientalis, Gray, Zool. Misc. 20. ///. Ind. Zool. t. a. b. Male. Nepaul Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The HERODIAS . ? a. South Africa. From the South African Museum. The SNOWY HERON. HERODIAS candidissima. Ardea candidissima, Jacq. Vog. t. 18. A. nivea, Lath. a. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. b. c. ? British Guiana. Presented by Chev. Schomburgk. d. ? Central America. Presented by Mr. G. Barclay. ARDEID&. 79 The REDDISH EGRETT. HERODIAS rufescens. Ardea rufescens, Gmel. S. N. i. 628. A. Peali, Bonap. Am. Orn. t. 26. f. I. PL enl. 902. a. White. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Col- lection. 1. White. North America. Presented by H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex, K.G. c. Rufous. Mexico. From Mr. Argent's Collection. The SLATY EGRETT. HERODIAS schistacea. Ardea schis- tacea, Ehrenb. Sym. Phys. An. t. 6. a. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. The BLUE HERON. HERODIAS caerulea. Ardea caerulea, Linn. S. N. i. 238. A. caerulescens, Lath. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 62. f. 3. A. cyanopus, Gmel. A. plumbea, Brown. A. Thula, Mol. ? A. chalybea, Steph. a. Blue. North America. b. Blue. Island of Puna. Presented by Mr. G. Barclay. c. In change. North America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. d. White. North America. e. Central America ? Presented by Capt. Sir E. Bel- cher, C.B., R.N. The ALLIED BLUE EGRETT. HERODIAS affinis. a. Western Africa. From Mr. RendalPs Collection. The DEMI EGRETT. HERODIAS leucogaster. Ardea leuco- gaster, Gmel. S. N. i. 628. A. ludoviciana, Wils. Am. Orn. t. 64. f. 1. PL enl. 350. a. North America. Presented by H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex, K.G., &C., &c. b. Young. North America. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. 80 ARDEHXE. The WHITE-THROATED HERON. HERODIAS gularis. Ar- dea gularis, Bosc. Act. de la Soc. d'Hist. i. 4. t. 2. A. albicollis, Fieill. Gal. des Ois. t. 253. a. Bathurst, Africa. Presented by Capt. Sabine, R.N. 6. Western Africa. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. GREY'S EGRETT. HERODIAS Greyi. a. Dark colour. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. b. c. White. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. The NEW ZEALAND HERON. HERODIAS jugularis. Ar- dea jugularis, Forst. Icon. ined. t. 114. A. cserulea, var. Lath. A. Matook, Fieill. a. Young. Cape Egmont, New Zealand. Presented by the New Zealand Company. b. ? ? The WHITE-FRONTED HERON. HERODIAS Novae Hol- landise. Ardea Novae Hollandiae, Lath. Ind. n. 701. A. leucops, Wagl. a. b. River Murray, South Australia. Presented by C. D. E. Fortnum, Esq. c. Female. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- cellency Capt. G. Grey. d. Australia. Presented by Lady Carrington. e. Australia. Presented by A. Cunningham, Esq. The BLACK-CRESTED WHITE HERON. HERODIAS? pi- leata. Ardea pileata, Lath. Ind. n. 695. PL enl. 907. a. b. British Guiana. From Chev. Schomburgk's Col- lection. The BITTERN. BOTAURUS stellaris, Steph. Ardea stel- laris, Linn. S. N. i. 239. PL enl. 789. a. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection, b. India. Presented by J. B. Hillier, Esq. ARDEID/E. 81 The DARK-BACKED BITTERN. BOTAURUS melanotus, G. R. Gray, App. in Dieffenb. New Zealand, n. 196. Ardea Australis, Cuv. ? a. New Zealand. Presented by the New Zealand Com- pany. b. New Zealand. (Matuku.) Presented by Miss Rebecca Stone. c. River Murray, South Australia. Presented by C. D. E. Fortnum, Esq. (L South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. e. Male. New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. f. Bay of Islands, New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. g. Female. Van Diemen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The FRECKLED HERON. BOTAURUS lentiginosus. Ardea lentiginosa, Mont. Orn. Diet. Supp. A. mokoko, VieilL A. minor, Wils. Am. Orn. t. 65, f. 3. Botaurus freti Hudsonis, Briss. Edw. Birds, t. 136. a. Dorsetshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. c. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. d. North America. Presented by the Earl of Derby. e. North America. The BRAZILIAN BITTERN. TIGRISOMA Brasiliense. Ardea Brasiliensis, Linn. S. N. i. 239. A. lineata, Gmel. pi. enl. 860. A. Soco, WagL Azara, 354. Brown's III. t. 34. a. b. South America. c. British Guiana. Presented by Chev. Schomburgk. d. ? South America. From Mr. Turner's Collection. The TIGER BITTERN. TIGRISOMA tigrinum. Ardea ti- grina et A. flava, Gmel. A. marmorata, VieilL Azara, 353. PL enl. 790. a. South America. Presented by Lieut. Maw, R.N. b. British Guiana. Presented by Chev. Schomburgk. E 3 82 ARDEID^E. The ZIGZAG BITTERN. TIGRISOMA undulatum. Ardea undulata, Gmel. S. N. i. 637. PL enl. 763. . a. Adult. South America. From Mr. Warwick's Col- lection. b. Young. Cayenne, South America. From Mr. Ar- gent's Collection. The MALACCA HERON. ARDEOLA leucoptera. Ardea leucoptera. Bodd.pl. enl. 911. A. Malaccensis, Gmel. A. speciosa, Horsf. a. b. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. India. Presented by Dr. Burns. d. India. Presented by Hon. East India Company. e. India. Presented by Dr. Burns. The SQUACCO HERON. ARDEOLA comata. Ardea comata, Pall. Reise. n. 715. A. pumila, Lepech. A. ralloides, Scop. A. castanea, A. erythropus, A. squaiotta, A. Marsigli et A. Senegalensis, Gmel. A.botaurulus, Schrk. a. Conway, Denbighshire. 6. Germany. c. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. d. e. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. The CABOGA HERON. ARDEOLA bubulcus. A. bubulcus, Sav. Desc. de VEgypte, ZooL i. 298. t. 8. f. 1. Ar- dea russata, Temm. A. aequinoctialis. Mont. A. Veranyi, Roux. A. affinis, Horsf. A. Coromandelica, Licht. A. bicolor, Vieill. A. ruficapilla, Vieill. A. leucocephala, Cuv. A. caboga, Frankl. A. lucida, Rafm. A. Coromandelensis, Steph. a. Female. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Col- lection. 1. c. Egypt. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. d. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. e. Egypt. Presented by J. Bowring, Esq. f. South Africa. From the South African Museum. g. Young. South Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. h. Adult Male. India. Presented by J. Keeves, Esq. ARDEHXE. 8,3 i. Adult. Indian Archipelago. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. j. Young. ? k. ? /. India. m. n. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. THE LITTLE BITTERN. ARDETTA minuta. Ardea mi- nuta, Linn. S. N. i. 240. PL enl. 323. A. danu- bialis et A. soloniensis, Gmel. a. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. North Africa. Presented by D. Burton, Esq. c. South Africa. From the South African Museum. d g. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The MINUTE HERON. ARDETTA exilis. Ardea exilis, Gmel. S. N. i. 645. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 65, f. 4. A. erythromelas, Vieill. Azara, 360, 361. A. varie- gata, et A. involucris, Vieill. a. North America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. Mexico. Presented by G. F. Hay, Esq. The CINNAMON HERON. ARDETTA cinnamomea. Ardea cinnamomea, Gmel. S. N. i. 643. A. bilineata et A. Australis, Cuv. A. nebulosa, Horsf. a. b. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Com- pany, c. The LEPID HERON. ARDETTA Sinensis. Ardea Sinensis, Gmel. S. N. i. 642. A. lepida, Horsf. a. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. c. Java. d. e. Young. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. The SPOTTED LITTLE HERON. ARDETTA punctata. a. Australia. STURM'S EGRETT. ARDETTA Sturmii. Ardea Sturmii, Wagl. Syst. Av. sp. 37. Egretta plumbea, Srvains. a. Western Africa. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. 84 ARDEID^E. The YELLOW-NECKED HERON. ARDETTA flavicollis. Ar- dea flavicollis, Lett h. nee Wagl. III. Ind. Zool. t. a. North Western Australia. Presented by Capt. G. Grey. b. Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. The ARDETTA ? a. Male. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Col- lection. b. Female. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Col- lection. The GREEN HERON. ARDETTA virescens. Ardea vi- rescens, Linn. S. N. i. 238. PL enl. 909. 912. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 61. f. 1. A. torquata, Shaw. A. striata, Linn. A. virgata, Gmel. A. fuscicollis, Vieill. a. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. b. Jamaica. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. The CINEREOUS-NECKED HERON. ARDETTA scapularis. Ardea scapularis, Illig. A. cyanura, VieilL a. Adult. South America. Presented by Lieut. Maw, R.N. The WHITE-THROATED HERON. ARDETTA Javanica. Ar- dea Javanica, Horsf. Linn. Tr. xm. 326. a. b. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The GAMBIAN HERON. ARDETTA thalassina. Egretta thalassina, Swains. Two cent, and a quarter, 333. a. Adult. South Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. b. Young. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. c. d. Young. The NIGHT HERON. NYCTICORAX griseus, Strickl. Ar- dea nycticorax, Linn. S. N. i. 235. A. grisea, Linn. Nyct. Europaeus, Steph. ac. Great Britain. ARDEID^E. 85 d. India. Presented by Dr. Burns. e. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. /. g. Young. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. h. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. The GARDENIAN NIGHT HERON. NYCTICORAX Gardeni, Jardine. Nycticorax Americanus, Bonap. Ardea nycticorax, Wils. Am. Orn. t. 61. f. 2. A. Gardeni, Gmel. pi. enl. 939. A. Hoactli, Gmel. A. Tayazu- Guira, Vieill. Azara. 357. A. Jamaicensis, Gmel. A. maculata, Vieill. Azara, 355. A. cyanocephala, MoL? a. North America. 6. Chili. Presented by the Rev. W. Hennah. c. Valparaiso Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. d. Young. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Ad- miralty. e. Young. Falkland Islands. Presented by Sir W. Bur- nett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. f. Male. Falkland Islands (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. g. Female. Falkland Islands (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. h. In change. Berkeley Sound, East Falkland (Antarc- tic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. i. Young. Berkeley Sound, East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. j. Young. Falkland Islands (Antarctic Expedition.) Presented by the Admiralty. The CALEDONIAN NIGHT HERON. NYCTICORAX Cale- donicus, Steph. Ardea Caledonica, Forst. t. in. Gmel. S. N. i. 626. A. Sparmannii, Wagl. A. maculata, Lath. a. Male. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. b. Young. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. c. Australia. Presented by W. Hoskins, Esq. d. Australia. 86 ARDEIDJE. e. In change. Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collec- tion. /. Young. Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. The MANILLA NIGHT HERON. NYCTICORAX Manillensis, Vigors. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 89. a. Adult. Island of Manilla. From Mr. Cuming's Col- lection. b. Young. Mindanao. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. The GOISAGI NIGHT HERON. NYCTICORAX goisagi. Ar- dea goisagi, Temm. pi. col. 582. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection, b. Philippine Islands. c. Indian Archipelago. Presented by Capt Sir E. Bel- cher, C.B., R.N. The YELLOW-CRESTED NIGHT HERON. NYCTICORAX vio- laceus, Bonap. Ardea violacea, Linn. S. N. i. 238. A. Cavenensis, Gmel. A. sexsetacea, Vieill. A. cal- locephala, Wagl. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 65. f. 1 PI. enl. 899. a. North America. Presented by H. R. H. the Duke of Sussex, K.G., &c., &c. b. St. Nevis, West Indies. Presented by William Cot- tie, Esq. The TUFTED UMBRE. SCOPUS umbretta, Gmel. S. N. i. 618. PL enl. 796. Cepphus Scopus, Wagl. a. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. b. Cape of Good Hope. d. PLATALEIKflE. The WHITE SPOONBILL. PLATALEA leucorodia, Linn. S. jy. !. 231. PL enl. 405. a. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. India. Presented by Dr. Burns. ARDEID.E. 87 The LUZONIAN SPOONBILL. PLATALEA tenuirostris, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 12. Sonn. Voy. t. 51, 52. ? a. Gambia. Presented by Col. Sabine, R.A. 6. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. The YELLOW-LEGGED SPOONBILL. PLATALEA flavipes, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837, p. 106. Birds of Austr. t. a. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. The ROYAL SPOONBILL. PLATALEA regia, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837, p. 106. Birds of Austr. t. a. New South Wales. Presented by the Australian Mu- seum. b. Port Essington. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. The ROSEATE SPOONBILL. PLATALEA ajaja, Linn. S. N. i. 231. PL enl. 165. Platea rosea, Briss. Griff. An. Kingd. t. a. South America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. South America. Presented by Lady Hopetoun. c. d. British Guiana. From Chev. Schomburgk's Col- lection. e. CANCROMIN.E. The CINEREOUS BOATBILL. CANCROMA cochlearia, Linn. S. N. i. 233. PI. enl. 38. 869. Cymbops cochlearia, Wagl. Cancroma cancrophaga, Gmel. a. Adult. South America. Presented by Gen. T. Hard- wicke. b. In change. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. c. Young. South America. From Mr. Warwick's Col- lection. 88 ARDEtD^E. f. CICONIN.E. The WHITE STORK. CICONIA alba, Belon. Ardea ciconia, Linn. S. N. i. 235. PL enl. 866. a. Great Britain. b. Great Britain. From Mr. Turner's Collection. c. d. Europe. e. Egypt. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. The AMERICAN STORK. CICONIA Maguari, Temm. Ar- dea Maguari, Gmel. 8. N. i. 623. Ciconia Americana, Briss. C. jubura, Spix. Av. Br. t. 89. Tantalus pillus, Mol. ? a. British Guiana. From Chev. Schomburgk's Collec- tion. The BLACK STORK. CICONIA nigra, Belon. Ardea nigra, Linn. S. N. i. 235. PL enl. 399. A. chrysopelargus, Licht. Ciconia fusca, Briss. a. Somersetshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. d. Egypt. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. The ABYSSINIAN STORK. CICONIA Abdimi, Licht. Rilpp. Atl. t. 8. a. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. The VIOLET STORK. CICONIA leucocephala, Temm. Ar- dea leucocephala, Gmel. S. N. i. 642. C. umbellata, Wagl.PL enl. 906. a. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. India. c. Java. Presented by Dr. Prattinton. d. South Africa? From the South African Museum. The COROMANDEL HERON. ANASTOMus oscitans. Ardea oscitans, Bodd. A. Ponticeriana et A. Coromandelica, Gmel. An. typus, Temm. An. albus, Vieill. An. cinereus, FieilLPL enl. 932. a. India. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. Java. Presented by Dr. Prattinton. c. Northern India. From Col. Cobbs's Collection. ARDEID^E. 89 The MADAGASCAR ANASTOMUS. ANASTOMUS lamelligerus, Temm. pi. col. 236. Griff. An. Kingd. t. a. Male ? Madagascar. From M. Verreaux' Collection. The AMERICAN JABIRU. MYCTERIA Americana, Linn. S. N. i. 232. Ciconia Brasiliensis, Briss. C. mycteria, ///. a. South America. Presented by Lieut. Maw, R.N. The WHITE-BELLIED JABIRU. MYCTERIA Australis, Lath. SuppL 64. Nat. Misc. t. 601. ///. Ind. Zool. t. Ciconia leucoptera, Wagl. M. Asiatica, Lath. ? a. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. Adult. India. Presented by Dr. Royle. c. Young. India. Presented by Dr. Royle. The SENEGAL JABIRU. MYCTERIA Senegalensis, Lath. Suppl. Vieill. Gal. t. 255. C. ephippiorhyncha, Temm. Riipp. Atlas, t. 3. a. Adult. Western Africa. From Mr. Rendall's Col- lection. b. Young. Western Africa. From Mr. Rendall's Col- lection. The MARABOU STORK. LEPTOPTILOS crumenifera. Ci- conia crumenifera, Cuv. C. argala, Temm. pi. col. 301. a. Africa. The GIGANTIC CRANE. LEPTOPTILOS argala. Ardea ar- gala, Lath. C. Marabou, Temm. pi. col. 300. Ard. dubia, Gmel. a. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. India. c. Northern India. From Col. Cobbs's Collection. The JAVAN CRANE. LEPTOPTILOS Javanica. Ciconia Javanica, Horsf. Lin. Trans. C. capillata, Temm. pi. col. 312. C. calva, Jerd. a. Indian Archipelago. 90 ARDEID^E. g. TANTALISME. The WHITE-HEADED IBIS. TANTALUS leucoceplialus, Gmel. For st. Ind. Zool. t. 10. T. Gangeticus, Sham. a. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. Adult. Northern India. From Col. Cobbs's Collection. c. Young. Northern India. -From Col. Cobbs's Col- lection. The WOOD IBIS. TANTALUS loculator, Linn. S. N. i. 240. PI. enl. 868. Ibis nandapoa, Vieill. Azara, 344. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 66, f. 1. T. plumicollis, Spix. a. b. South America. The ETHIOPIAN IBIS. THRESKIORNIS ^Ethiopica. Tan- talus ^Rthiopicus, Lath. I. 0. n. 706. Ibis religiosa, Sav. Numenius Ibis, Cuv. Ann. Mus. H. N. iv. t. 53. a. Adult. Egypt. Presented by Major Denham. b. Young. Egypt. c. Young. South Africa. From the S. African Museum. d. Male. South Africa. Presented by the Earl of Derby. The BLACK-HEADED IBIS. THRESKIORNIS melanocephala. Tantalus melanocephalus, Lath. Ind. 709. Ibis Macei, WagL I. leucon, Temm. a. Adult. India. b. Young. India. The WARTY-HEADED IBIS. GERONTICUS papillosus. Ibis papillosa, Temm. pi. col. 304. I. papillata, Wagl. a. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. India. ? The BALD IBIS. GERONTICUS calvus. Tantalus calvus, Bodd. Gmel. S. N. i. 649. PL enl. 867. T. niger, Gmel. For st. Icon. ined. t. 116. a. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Verreaux' Collection. The HOODED IBIS. GERONTICUS comatus. Ibis comata, Licht. a. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. ARDEID^. 91 The JAPAN IBIS. GERONTICUS Nippon. Ibis nippon, Temm. pL col. 551. a. Japan. From the Leyden Museum. The NEW HOLLAND IBIS. GERONTICUS spinicollis. Ibis spimcollis, Jameson's N. Phil. Journ. No. 37, p. 213. I. Lathami, /. E. Gray. I. lamellicollis, Lafr. Mag. de Zool. 1836, t. 57. a. Australia. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. /;. Australia. The PLUMBEOUS IBIS. THERISTICUS cserulescens. Ibis caerulescens, Viell. N. Diet. Hist. Nat. xvi. 18. Azara, No. 363. I. plumbea, Temm. pi. col. t. 235. a. Mexico From M. Verreaux' Collection. The BLACK-FACED IBIS. THERISTICUS melanopis. Tan- talus melanopis, Gmel S. N. i. 653. PL enl. 976. Griff. An. Kingd. t. T. albicollis, Gmel. ? a. Interior of Africa. Presented by Major Denham. b. c. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. d. Chili. Presented by C. Crawley, Esq. The SCARLET IBIS. IBIS rubra. Tantalus ruber, Linn. S. N. i. 241. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 66. f. 1. T. fuscus, Linn. Catesb. Car. i. t. 83. T. minutus, Linn. Edw. t. 356. I. leucopyga, Spix, Av. t. 88. a. Adult. South America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. Adult. South America. From Mr. J. Baker's Col- lection. c. In change. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. d. Young. British Guiana. From Chev. Schomburgk's Collection. The WHITE IBIS. IBIS alba, Vieill. Tantalus albus, Linn. S. N. i. 242. Wils. Am. Orn. vm. t. 66. f. 3. T. coco, Jacq. Fog. t. 24. I. longirostris, Wagl. ? a. Mexico. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. 92 ARDEIM. The CAYENNE IBIS. HARPIPRION Cayanensis, Wagl. Tantalus Cayanensis, Gmel. S. N. i. 652. PL enl. 820. Ibis dentirostris, Wagl. I. sylvatica, Vieill. a. South America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. South America. The NAKED-FRONTED IBIS. HARPIPRION nudifrons. Ibis nudifrons, Spix. Av. Br. t. 86. I. infuscata, Licht. a. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. b. South America. From M. Verreaux' Collection. The SOUTH AFRICAN IBIS. HARPIPRION hagedasch. Tan- talus hagedasch, Sparr. T. Cafrensis, Licht. Ibis chalcoptera, Vieill. Gal. des Ols. t. 246. a. Male. South Africa. From Dr. A. Smith's Col- lection. b. Female. South Africa. From Dr. A. Smith's Col- lection. c. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. d. Western Africa. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. The CARUNCULATED IBIS. HARPIPRION carunculatus. Ibis carunculata, Riipp. Faun. t. 19. a. Male. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. The GLOSSY IBIS. FALCINELLUS igneus. Tantalus falci- nellus, Linn. S. N. i. 241. PL enl. 819. T. igneus et T. viridis, Gmel. I. sacra, Temm. a. b. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Young. Cape of Good Hope. From the South African Museum. d. Young. Western Africa. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. e. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. /. g. Adult. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. h. 1 Male. South Australia, From Mr. Gould's Col- lection. i. ? South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt, G. Grey. SCOLOPACID.E. 93 The BRAZILIAN CURLEW. FALCINELLUS guarauna. Scolo- pax guarauna, Linn. 8. N. i. 242. Shaw, Nat. Misc. t. 705. Tantalus Mexicanus, Gmel. Numenius chici, VieilL Tantalus chalcopterus, Temm. pi. col. 511. I. Ordi, Bonap. I. falcinellus, Bonap. Am. Orn. t. 23. f. 1 I. Mexicana, Vieill. a. Adult. Valparaiso. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. b. Young. Mexico. Presented by John Taylor, Esq. The SCOLOPACEOUS HERON. ARAMUS scolopaceus, Vieill. Ardea scolopacea, Gmel. S. N. i. 647. Rallus gua- rauna, ///. A. carua, Vieill. R. gigas, Licht. R. ardeoides, Spix, Av. Braz. t. 91. R. giganteus, Bonap. Nothorodius guarauna, Wagl. PL enl. 848. a. Brazil. Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq. b. British Guiana. From Chev. Schomburgk's Col- lection. FAM. 4. SCOLOPACID.E. a. LIMOSIN^E. The COMMON CURLEW. NUMENIUS arquatus, Lath. Scolopax arquata, Linn. S. N. i. 242. PI. enl. 818. a. Great Britain. 6. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Cambridgeshire. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. d. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. e.f. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. g. India. Presented by Major Johnstone. The AUSTRALIAN CURLEW. NUMENIUS cyanopus, Vieill. N. Diet. H. N. viii. 306. N. Australasianus et N. Australis, Gould. a. b. Port Essington, Australia. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. The MADAGASCAR CURLEW. NUMENIUS Madagascarien- sis, Lath. Scolopax Madagascariensis, Linn. S. N. i. 242. PI. enl. 198. a. South Africa. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. !)4 SCOLOPACIM. The LONG-BILLED CURLEW. NUMENIUS longirostris, Wih. Am. Orn. t. 64, f. 4. N. rufus, Vieill Gal des Ois. t. 245. N. melanops, VieilL a. b. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. c. North America. Presented by the Earl of Derby, K.G. The WHIMBREL. NUMENIUS phaeopus, Lath. Scolopax phaeopus, Linn. S. N. i. 243. N. minor, Briss. Scol. borealis, Gmel. a. b. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Kent. Presented by N. A. Vigors, Esq. d. Hayling's Island. Presented by J. W. Tyndale, Esq. e. Very young. f. Western Africa. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. g. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The AUSTRALIAN WHIMBREL. NUMENIUS uropygialis, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1840, p. 175. a. Port Essington, Australia. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. The HUDSONIAN CURLEW. NUMENIUS Hudsonicus, Lath. Ind. ii. 712. Scolopax borealis, Wils. Am. Orn. t. 56. f. 1. N. rufiventris, King. ? a. South America. Presented by the Admiralty. b. Brazil. c. Island of Chiloe. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. The ESKIMAUX CURLEW. NUMENIUS borealis, Lath. Scolopax borealis, Gmel. S. N. i. 654. Faun. Bor. Amer. Birds, t. 65. a. b. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. The LITTLE WHIMBREL. NUMENIUS minutus, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1840, 176. a. Port Essington, Australia. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. SCOLOPACID^E. 95 The STRUTHERS IBIDORHYNCHUS. IBIDORHYNCHUS Stru- thersii, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 174. Gould's Cent, of B. t. Clorhynchus strophiatus, Hodgs. a. b. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. Young. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. Himalayan Mountains. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. The COMMON GODWIT. LIMOSA aegocephala. Scolopax aegocephala, Linn. S. N. i. 246. S. limosa, Linn. S. belgica, Gmel. S. melanura, Leisl. a. Male, Summer. Great Britain. b. Female, Summer. Great Britain. c. Young. Europe. d. Winter. Sandgate, Kent. e. Summer. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. f. Young. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. g. Winter. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. //. Northern Asia. The SOUTHERN GODWIT. LIMOSA Australis. a. Female. St. Salvador Bay, East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The NEW ZEALAND GODWIT. LIMOSA brevipes. a. Female. New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. b. Bay of Islands, New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The AMERICAN GODWIT. LIMOSA fedoa, Vieill. Scolo- pax fedoa, Linn. S. N. i. 244. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 56. f. 1. a. Female. North America. Presented by the Hud- son's Bay Company. b. Female. North America. Presented by John Rich- ardson, M.D. c. Male. North-west Coast of America. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B., R.N. 96 SCOLOPACID^E. The RED GODWIT. LIMOSA lapponica. Scolopax lap- ponica, Linn. S. N. i. 246. S. leucophaea, Lath. L. rufus, Briss. L. ferruginea, Pall. Totanus gregarius, Bechst. a. Female, Summer. Somersetshire. From Col. Mon- tagu's Collection. b. Male, Summer. Kent. From Col. Montagu's Col- lection. c. Male, Summer. Great Britain. d. Male, Summer. Great Britain. e. Male, Winter. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. /. Male, Winter. Great Britain. From Col. Montagu's Collection. g. Female, Winter. Great Britain. h. Female, Winter. Western Africa. From Mr. Ken- dall's Collection. The AUSTRALIAN GODWIT. LIMOSA Australasiana. a. Winter. Port Essington, North Australia. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. The HUDSONIAN GODWIT. LIMOSA Hudsonica, Srvains. Scolopax Hudsonica, Lath. Ind. Orn. 720. Edrv. t. 138. a. Male. Falkland Islands. Presented by Sir W. Bur- nett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. h. Female. Falkland Islands. Presented by Sir W. Bur- nett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. The TEREK SNIPE. XENUS cinereus, Kaup. Scolopax cinerea, Guild. N. C. Petr. xix. 6. t. 19. Limosa re- cur virostra, Pall. Scolopax terek, Lath. L. Indiana, Less. Fedoa terekensis, Steph. Totanus Javanicus, Horsf. a. Port Essington, North Australia. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. SCOLOPACID.E. 97 b. RECURVIROSTRIN-S:. The SCOOPING AVOSET. RECURVIROSTRA avocetta, Linn. S. N. i. 256. -P/. enl. 353. a. South Wales. Prom Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. The AMERICAN AVOSET. RECURVIROSTRA Americana, Gmel. S. N. i. 693. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 63. f. 2. a. North America. Presented by John Richardson, M.D. b. North America. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. The RED-NECKED AVOSET. RECURVIROSTRA rubricollis, Temm. Man. n. 592. R. Novae Hollandiae, Vieill. a. Australia. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. Australia. Presented by Lady Carrington. c. Australia. The LONG-LEGGED PLOVER. HIMANTOPUS candidus., Bonn. Charadrius himantopus, Linn. S. N. i. 255. C. au- tumnalis, Hasselq. Himantopus vulgaris aut H. ru- fipes, Bechst. H. albicollis, Vieill. H. atropterus, Mey. pi. enl. 878. a. Male. Great Britain. From Mr. Turner's Collec- tion. b. Female. Great Britain.- From Mr. Turner's Collec- tion. c. Male, in change. Egypt. Presented by John Bow- ring, Esq. d. Female, in change. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. e. Young. Persia. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. e. h. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. Himantopus Asiaticus, Less. F 98 scoLOPAcnxaE. The WHITE-HEADED HIMANTOPUS. HIMANTOPUS leuco- cephalus, Gould. Proc. Zool. /Soc. 1839. 44. Birds of Austr. t. a. South Australia. Presented by C. D. E. Fortnum, Esq. b. Male. South Australia, Murray River. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. c. Female. Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. d. Male, in change. Australia. From Mr. Gould's Col- lection. e. Male. Mindanado. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. /. Female. Mindanado. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. The BLACK-NECKED HIMANTOPUS. HIMANTOPUS nigri- collis, VieilL Recurvirostra himantopus, Wils. Am. Orn. t. 58. f. 2. H. Mexicanus, Briss. Ord. H. leucurus, VieilL . b. Adult. British Guiana. From Chev. Schomburgk's Collection. c. In change. North America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. d. In change. Chili. Presented by the Rev. W. Hennah. e. Male. Valparaiso. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. /. Young Female. Maldanado. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. The NEW ZEALAND HIMANTOPUS. HIMANTOPUS Novae Zealandiae, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1841. 8. Birds of Austr. t. H. melas, Homb. fy Jacq. a. Male. New Zealand. Presented by the New Zea- land Company. b. Female. New Zealand. Presented by the New Zea- land Company. The AUSTRALIAN CLADORHYNCHUS. CLADORHYNCHUS pec- toralis. Leptorhynchus pectoralis, Dubus. Bull. Sc. Brux. 1836. t. 45. Himantopus palmatus, Gould's Birds of Austr. t. . Mag. de Zool. 1836, t. 45. a. b. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. SCOLOPACID.E. C. TOTANINJE. The GREENSHANK SNIPE. GLOTTIS canescens, StrickL Scolopax glottis, Linn. S. N. i. 245. Gould's Birds of Eur. t. . Sc. canescens, Gmel. T. Chloropus, Mey. T. fistulans, Bechst. Limosa grisea, Briss. L. totanus et L. glottis, Pall. Gl. natans, Koch. Gl. Chloropus, Nilss. a. Female. Kent. b. Male. Caermarthen. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. d. Male. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. e. Female. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. The GLOTTIS -- ? a. Port Essington, N. Australia. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. b. Tasmania (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The INDIAN GREENSHANK. GLOTTIS Vigorsii. Totanus glottoides, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 173. Gould's Cent, of Birds, t. a. g. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. h. India. i. India. Presented by Dr. Burns. HORSFIELD'S GREENSHANK. GLOTTIS Horsfieldii. Totanus Horsfieldii, Sykes, Proc. Z. S. 1832, p. 163. a. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. Gangoutra, Himalayan Mountains. c. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. d. India. Presented by Dr. Burns. The STONE SNIPE. GLOTTIS melanoleuca. Scolopax totanus, Forst. Scolopax melanoleuca, Gmel. S. N. i. 659. T. vociferus, Wils. Am. Orn. t. 58. f. 5. -. 6. c. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. d. e. Valparaiso. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. g. Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. h. Cleveland, North America. Presented by Professor J. P. Kirtland. 100 SCOLOPACID.E. The STAGNATILE SNIPE. TOTANUS stagnatilis, Bechst. Scolopax tetanus, Linn. S. N. i. 245. Gould's Birds of Eur, t. Tringa guinetta, Pall. a. Great Britain. b. Great Britain. c. Dalmatia. d. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. e. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. The DUSKY SNIPE. TOTANUS fuscus, LeisL Scolopax fusca, Linn. S. N. i. 243. Gould's Birds of Eur. t. S. nigra, Gmel. Tringa atra, Gmel. S. curonica, Besek. Totanus natans, Bechst. T. maculatus, Bechst. Limosa fusca, Briss. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. t. 53. a. Luscomb, Devon. From Col. Montagu's Collection, b. Somersetshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Sandgate, Kent. d. Kent. e. Dunwich, Suffolk. Presented by Mr. J. Leaman. /. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The YELLOW-SHANKED SNIPE. TOTANUS flavipes, Vieill. Scolopax flavipes, Gmel. S. N. i. 659. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 58. f. 4. a. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. The WOOD SANDPIPER. TOTANUS glareola. Tringa glareola, Linn. S. N. i. 250. Gould's Birds of Eur. t. Tr. litteralis, Linn. a. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Kent. c. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. T. affinis, Horsf. Linn. Tr. xm. p. 191. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. t. 51. f. 2. d. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. e. Indian Archipelago. The RED-SHANKED SNIPE. TOTANUS calidris, Bechst. Scolopax calidris, Linn. S. N. i. 245. Tringa gam- betta, Gmel. Tot. variegatus, Brunn. T. striatus et T. naevius, Briss. pi. enl. 845. a. b. Lincolnshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. SCOLOPACHXE. 101 c. Kent. d. Great Britain. e.f. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. g. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. The GREEN SANDPIPER. TOTANUS ochropus, Temm. Tringa ochropus, Linn. S. N. i. 250. Gould's Birds of Eur. t. T. leucurus, Gray, III. Ind. Zool. t. 51. f. 1 ? 0. b. Wiltshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. d. Epping. Presented by H. Doubleday, Esq. e. Egypt Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. f. Himalayan Mountains. g. India. h. j. North America ? Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. k. m. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The SOLITARY SANDPIPER. TOTANUS solitarius. Tringa solitaria, Wils. Am. Orn. t. 58. f. 3. T. chloropygius, Vieill. T. glareola, Ord. T. macroptera, Spix. Av. Bras. t. 93. a. North America. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. b. Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothsay. c. d. Bahia. e. Rockfort, North America. Presented by Professor J. P. Kirtland. The . TOTANUS ? a. Port Essington, North Australia. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. The SOOTY SANDPIPER. TOTANUS fuliginosus, Gould, Voy. Beagle, Zool. Birds, p. a. Galapagos Islands. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. The SEMIPALMATED SNIPE. CATOPTROPHORUS semipalma-. tus, Bonap. Scolopax semipalmata, Gmel. S. N. i. 650. T. crassirostris, Vieill. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 56. f. 3. a. Summer. North America. b. Winter. New Jersey, North America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. 102 SCOLOPACID.E. BARTRAM'S SANDPIPER. ACTITURUS Bartramius. Tringa Bartramia, Wils. Am. Orn. t. 59. f. 2. Tr. longicauda, Nilss. Totanus variegatus, Vieill. Gal. des Ois. t. 239. Bartramia laticauda, Less. a. b. ? From Mr. Baker's Collection. c. Mexico. From Mr. Argent's Collection. The COMMON SANDPIPER. TOTANUS hypoleucus. Trin- ga hypoleucus, Linn. S. N. i. 250. T. canutus, Eetz. T. leucoptera, Pall. a. Pembrokeshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. e. Great Britain. ? f. Egypt. Presented by J. Bowring, Esq. g. Egypt. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. h. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. L India. Presented by W. Sotheby, Esq. j. m. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The . TOTANUS ? a. Island of Puna. Presented by Mr. G. Barclay. The SPOTTED SANDPIPER. TOTANUS macularia. Tringa macularia, Linn. S. N. i. 24*9. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 59. f. 1. a. North America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. b. Spitzbergen. Presented by the Admiralty. c. Nova Scotia. d. ? The RUFF SANDPIPER. PHILOMACHUS pugnax. Tringa pugnax, Linn. S. N. i. 247. T. variegata, Brun. T. equestris, Lath. T. Grenovicensis, Lath. T. rufes- cens, Bechst.pl. enl. 300. 305, 306. 844. a.f. Male, summer. Lincolnshire. f. Male. Lincolnshire. . i. Lincolnshire. j. Female. Lincolnshire From Col. Montagu's Col- lection. k. Male. Lincolnshire. 1. m. Male, summer. Great Britain. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. w. Male, in change. Great Britain. SCOLOPACIRE. 103 0. Male, winter. Great Britain. p. Male, winter. Edinburgh. q. Male. ? r. u. Male, summer. Cambridgeshire. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. v. Young. Europe ? n>. Chick. Europe. x. y. Egypt. Presented by J. Burton, Esq. z. Egypt. Presented by J. Bowring, Esq. bb. cc. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. Totanus Indicus, Gray, III. Ind. Zool. t. 52. f. 1. Limosa Hardwickii, Gray 9 III. Ind. Zool. t. 52. f. 2. dd. Young. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. ee. ii. Male, in change. Himalayah Mountains. jj. India. Presented by Capt. Johnstone. kk. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. The KNOT SANDPIPER. TRINGA canutus, Linn. S. N. r. 251. T. cinerea, Brun. T. islandica, Linn. T. Australis, Gmel. Calidris naevia et C. grisea, Briss. T. rufa, Wils. T. glareola, Pall. T. ferruginea, Mey. $ Wolf. Edw. Birds, t. 276. Wils. Amer. Orn. t. 57. f. 2. 5. a. Summer. Great Britain. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Winter. Carmarthenshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Female, summer. Great Britain. Presented by the Rev. W. Whitear. d. Summer. Norfolk. e. Male, summer. Devonshire. Presented by W. Co- myns, Esq. /. Essex. Presented by F. F. Foljambe, Esq. f. Winter. Great Britain. . Winter. Gambia. From Mr. Rendall's Collection. 1. Summer. Northern Expedition. Presented by the Admiralty. j. Winter. Nova Scotia. . ? From Mr. Argent's Collection. 104 SCOLOPACID.E. The SELNINGER SANDPIPER. TRINGA maritima, Briin. Orn. Bor. No. 182. Gould's Birds of Eur. t. . T. arquatella, Pall. T. nigricans, Mont. Linn. Tr. iv. t. 2. f. 2. a. Somersetshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Great Britain. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Nova Scotia. d. Winter Island. e. Cornwall. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. The PURRE SANDPIPER. SCH^ENICLUS cinclus. Tringa cinclus, Linn. S. N. i. 251. T. variabilis, Meyer. T. alpina, Linn. Cinclus torquatus, Briss. T. ruficollis, Pall. Numenius variabilis, Bechst. T. Schinzii, Brehm.Pl. enl. 852. Wils. Amer. Orn. t. 56. f. 2. a. Male, summer. Caermarthenshire. From Col. Mon- tagu's Collection. b. Female, summer. Devonshire. c. In change. Great Britain. d. Great Britain. e. Female, summer. London Market. f. h. Hayling Island. Presented by J. W. Tyndale, Esq. i. Young Male. Cornwall. From Col. Montagu's Col- lection. j. Cambridgeshire. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. k. Great Britain. From Col. Montagu's Collection. /. North America. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. m. Winter. Great Britain. From Col. Montagu's Col- lection. n. q. Northern Expedition. Presented by the Admi- ralty. r. In change. Northern Expedition. Presented by the Admiralty. s. Summer. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The PECTORAL SANDPIPER. SCH^NICLUS pectoralis. Pe- lidna pectoralis, Say. in Long's Exp. i. 171. Trin- ga pectoralis, Bonap. Am. Orn. t. 23. f. 2. T. cam- pestris, Licht.t T. fuscicollis, VieillA Azara, 404? a. Islands of Scilly. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. SCOLOPACID^;. 105 b. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. The SOUTHERN SANDPIPER. SCH^ENICLUS Australis. Trin- ga Australis, Jard. and Selbys III. Orn. t. 91. a. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. b. Rottness Island, West Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. c. Male. Port Essington, North Australia. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. d. Australia. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. SCHINZ'S SANDPIPER. SCH^NICLUS Schinzii. Tringa Schinzii, Bonap. Am. Orn. t. 24. f. 2. T. cinclus, var. Say. a. Port St. Julian. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. b. West Indies. Presented by Major Finch. c. ? d. Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. The RED DUNLIN. SCH^NICLUS subarquatus. Scolopax subarquata, Gmel. S. N. i. 658. Tringa ferruginea, Brun. T. islandica, Retz. Sc. Africana, Gmel. T. falcinella, Pall. Sc. pygmaea, Gmel. Penn. Gen. Birds, t. 11. Boys's Sandw. t. . Numenius pygmseus, Lath. a. Summer. Isle of Grain. b. In change. Orkney. Presented by Dr. Edmonton. c. Epping. Presented by H. Doubleday, Esq. d. Winter. Norfolk. Presented by the Rev. W. Whit- ear. e. In change. Yarmouth. Presented by Mr. C. Hub- bard. /. g. Summer. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. A. In change. Gambia. From Mr. Rendall's Collec- tion. The CHINESE SANDPIPER. SCH^NICLUS Chinensis. Tringa (Pelidna) Chinensis, Gray, Zool. Misc. 2. a. b. Summer. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. 106 SCOLOPACmE. TEMMINCK'S SANDPIPER. SCELENICLUS Temminckii. Trin- ga Temminckii, Leisler, Nachtr. i. 65. T. pusilla, Bechst. Gould's Birds of Eur. t. a. Winter. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Colleo lection. b. c. d. Winter and summer. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The SCKLENICLUS ? a. North-West Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. The LITTLE STINT. SCH^ENICLUS minuta. Tringa mi- nuta, Leisler, Nachtr. i. 74. T. pusilla, Linn. Mey. fy Wolf. T. cinclus, Pall. a. Summer. Epping. Presented by H. Doubleday, Esq. b. Somersetshire. c. d. e. In change, Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Col- lection. /. Winter. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by A. G. Campbell, Esq. g. Winter. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by Dr. Lee. h. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The SCILENICLUS ? a. Freemantle, West Australia. From Mr. Gould's Col- lection. The NORTH AMERICAN STINT. SCH^NICLUS pusillus. Tringa pusilla, Wils. Am. Orn. t. 37. f. 4. T. Wilsoni, Mett. a. North America. Presented by the Admiralty. b. c. New Jersey, North America. Presented by J. Au- dubon, Esq. The WEST INDIAN STINT. SCH^NICLUS minutilla. Tringa minutilla, Vieill. N. Diet. H. N. 34. 466. a. West Indies. Presented by Major Finch. 6. Jamaica. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. SCOLOPACIDtfi. 107 The BROAD-BILLED LIMICOLA. LIMICOLA platyrhyncha. Tringa platyrhyncha, Temm. Man. u. 616. Tringa Eloroides, Vieill. Gould's Birds of Eur. t. a. b. India (Bengal?). From Mr. Bartlett's Collection. The DUSKY SANDPIPER. CALIDRIS arenaria. Charadrius calidris, Linn. S. N. i. 255. Gould's Birds of Eur. t. C. rubidus, Gmel. Arenaria grisea, Bechst. A. vul- garis, LeisL T. tridactyla, Pall. C. tringoides, Vieill. Wils. Amer. Orn. t. 59. f. 4. & t. 63. f. 3. a. Summer. Great Britain. b. Male, in change. Carmarthen. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. d. Winter. Great Britain. e. Winter. Great Britain. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. f. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. g. In change. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. h. Young, Winter. Cornwall From Col. Montagu's Collection. t. Young, Winter. Great Britain. j. Brazils ? From Mr. Gould's Collection. /. Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. d. PHALAROPODIN^E. The FLAT-BILLED PHALAROPE. PHALAROPUS fulicarius. Tringa fulicarius, Linn. S. N. i. 249. T. glacialis, Gmel. Phal. rufus, Bechst. P. rufescens, Br. P. pla- tyrhynchus, Temm. Edw. t. 142, 143. a. Winter. Wiltshire. From Col. Montagu's Collec- tion. b. Winter. Devonshire. From Mr. Bartlett's Collec- tion. c. In change. Devonshire. From Mr. Bartlett's Col- lection. d. In change. Brighton. Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq. e. Summer. Orkney. From Mr. Gould's Collection. 108 SCOLOPACID;. The RED PHALAROPE. LOBIPES hyperboreus, Cue. Tringa hyperborea et T. lobata, Linn. 8. N. i. 249. T. fusca, Gmel. Phal. cinereus, Brehm. P. angusti- rostris, Naum. pi. enl. 766. Bonap. Am. Orn. t. 25. f. 2. a. Orkney. b. Great Britain. c. ? d. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. e. Prince William Sound, Russian America. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, K.B., R.N. e. SCOLOPACIN^E. The LONG-TOED PAINTED SNIPE. RHYNCH.EA picta, Gray, Zool. Misc. 18. b. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. The SHORT-WINGED PAINTED SNIPE. RHYNCH^A Ben- galensis. Scolopax Bengalensis, Gmel. S. N. R. Indica, Hodgs. Mss. R. orientalis, Raffl. R. Capensis, Gray, Zool. Misc. 18. a. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. c. d. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. India. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. f. India? Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. f. Cape of Good Hope. . i. Gambia. From Mr. RendalFs Collection. j. Egypt. Presented by John Bowring, Esq. The SHORT-TOED PAINTED SNIPE. RHYNCH^A Australia, Gould. Proc. Zool. S. 1837. 155. Birds of Austr. t. a. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. 6. New South Wales. From Mr. Gould's Collection. SCOLOPACID.E. 109 The SOUTH AMERICAN PAINTED SNIPE. RHYNCH^A se- micollaris. Totanus semicollaris, VieilL N. Diet. H. N. vi. 402. Azara, No. 405. R. Hilarea, VaL R. occidentalis, King. a. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. b. Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. The BROWN SNIPE. MACRORAMPHUS griseus, Leach. Scolopax grisea, GmeL S. N. i. 658. S. Novebora- censis, Gmel. S. Paykullii, Nilss. S. leucophaea, VieilL Totanus ferrugineicollis, VieilL Limosa sco- lopacea, Say. Mont. Orn. Diet. Suppl. t. . Bonap. Am. Orn. t. 23. f. 3. a. Summer. North America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. Summer. Nova Scotia. c. Winter. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collec- tion. d. Bahia. The WOODCOCK. SCOLOPAX rusticola, Linn. S. N. i. 243. PI. enl. 885. a. Male. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Female. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collec- tion. c. Pale variety. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. d. Small variety. Trebartha, Cornwall. Presented by Francis Rodd, Esq. e. Young. Farrington. Presented by Sir J. Banks, Bart. f. g. Europe. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. h. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. Scolopax Indicus, Hodgs. i. India. j. India. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. k. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. The GREAT SNIPE. GALLINAGO major, Steph. Scolopax major, Gmel. S. N. i. 661. S. media, Frisch. t. 228. S. paludosa, Retz. S. palustris, Pall. Gal. Montagui, Bonap. S. gallinacea, Dumont. a . _? From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. b. c. Suffolk. From Col. Montagu's Collection. 110 SCOLOPACID^E. d. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by Gen. T. Hard- wicke. e. Cape of Good Hope. From Dr. Krauss' Collection. f % ? From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. g. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Verreaux' Collec- tion. The COMMON SNIPE. GALLINAGO scolopacinus, Bonap. Scolopax gallinago, Linn. S. N. i. 244. PL enl. 883. a. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Pale variety. Ireland. c. d. e. Chicks. Cambridgeshire. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. /. Young. Cambridgeshire. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. f. India. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. . Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. The NEPAUL SNIPE. GALLINAGO uniclavatus. Scolopax uniclavata, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837. 492. a. b. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. Gangoutra, Himalayan Mountains. d. India. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. e. India. HORSFIELD'S SNIPE. GALLINAGO Horsfieldii. S. Hors- fieldii, Gray III. Ind. Zool. n. t. 54. f. Zool. Misc. i. p. 2. S. stenura, Temm. Scolopax biclavata, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837. 491. S. gallinago, Horsf. a. b. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Warwick's Collec- tion. d. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Turner's Collection. The SOLITARY INDIAN SNIPE. GALLINAGO solitarius. Sco- lopax solitaria, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1836. 8. a. b. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. India. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. The WOOD HUNTING SNIPE. GALLINAGO nemoricola. Scolopax nemoricola, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1836. 8. Jerd. III. Ind. Ornith. i. t. 9. Nemoricola Nipalensis, Hodgs. a. b. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. SCOLOPACID^E. Ill c. India. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. d. e. India. /. India. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. The NEW HOLLAND SNIPE. GALLINAGO Australis. Sco- lopax Australis, Lath. Ind. SuppL LXIV. S. Hard- wickii, Gray ZooL Misc. i. p. 16. a. Van Diemen's Land. Presented by Gen. T. Hard- wicke. b. Van Diemen's Land. From Mr. Gould's Collection. c. Upper Hunter, Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collec- tion. The MAGELLANIC SNIPE. GALLINAGO Magellanicus. Sco- lopax Magellanica, King. Journ. ZooL iv. p. 93. a. b. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. c. Straits of Magellan (Cape Negro). Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. d. Falkland Islands. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. e. Berkeley Sound, East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. /. Male. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. g. Female. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The SOUTH AMERICAN SNIPE. GALLINAGO Paraguaiae. Scopax Paraguaiae, VieilL E. M. S. Brasiliensis, Swains. a. Valparaiso. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. b. Maldanado. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. c. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. The AMERICAN SNIPE. GALLINAGO Wilsoni. Scolopax gallinago? Wils. Am. Orn. t. 47. f. 1. S. Wilsoni, Temm. S. Brehmii, Bonap. a. b. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company, c. North America. 112 SCOLOPACID^E. d. St. Nevis, West Indies. Presented by W. Cottle, Esq. e.f. Nova Scotia. g. Bahia. h. Rio Janeiro. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. The WHITE-TAILED SNIPE. GALLINAGO leucurus. Sco- lopax leucura, Swains. Faun. Bor. Amer. 501. a. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. The JACK SNIPE. GALLINAGO gallinula, Bonap. Sco- lopax gallinula, Linn. S. N. i. 244. PL enl. 884. a. b. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. d. Epping. Presented by H. Doubleday, Esq. e. Wiltshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. /. Great Britain. The AUCKLAND SNIPE. GALLINAGO Aucklandicus, Zool. Ross' Voy. a. Male. Auckland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. b. Female. Auckland Island (Antarctic Expedition. Presented by the Admiralty. c. Auckland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The SOUTHERN SNIPE. GALLINAGO Stricklandii. Sco- lopax paludosa, Gmel. ? PL enl. 895 ? a. Terra del Fuego. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. b. Male. St. Martin's Cove, Hermite Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. c. Female. Hermite Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The LITTLE WOODCOCK. PHILOHELA minor. Scolopax minor, Gmel. S.N. i. 661, WHs. Amer. Orn. t. 48. f. 2. a. North America. b. Rockport, North America. Presented by J. P. Kirt- land. PALAMEDEHXE. 113 /. STREPSILINJE. The TURNSTONE SANDPIPER. STREPSILAS interpres. Tringa interpres, Linn. S. N. i. 248. PL enl. 856. T. morinella, Linn. Str. collaris, Temm. Gal. des Ois. t. '237. Str. melanocephala, Vigors ? a. Adult. Great Britain. b. Adult. - ? c. Adult. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. d. Adult. Winter Island. Presented by the Admiralty. e. In change. Abrolhos. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. /. Young. Guayaquil. Presented by Mr. G. Barclay. g. Adult. Bahia. The . STREPSILAS. - ? a. Male. South Island, Houtman's Abrolhos. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. Female. South Island, Houtman's Abrolhos. From Mr. Gould's Collection. FAM. 5. PALAMEDEID.E. The CHESTNUT JACANA. PARRA jacana, Linn. S. N* i. 259. PL enl. 322. a. Adult. South America. b. Adult. British Guiana. From Chev. Schomburgk's Collection. c. Young. British Guiana. Presented by Chev. R. Schomburgk. d. Very young. South America. e. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. /. Young. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. The BLACK JACANA. PARRA nigra, Gmel. S. N. i. 708. a. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. The BRONZE JACANA. METOPIDIUS Indicus. Parra In- dica, Lath. Ind. n. 765. P. melanochloris, Vieill. P. aenea, Cuv. P. superciliosa, Horsf. a. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 114 PALAMEDEIDJE. b. Young. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. India. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. d. India. Presented by the Earl of Derby. The WESTERN AFRICAN PARRA. METOPIDIUS Africanus. Parra Africana, GmeL S. N. i. 709. Swains. III. ZooL N. S. t. a. Young. Western Africa. Presented by Rev. D. F. Morgan. b. Adult. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. c. Young. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. The WHITE-NAPED JACANA. METOPIDIUS albinucha. Parra albinucha, Guerin, Mag. de ZooL 1832, t. 6. a. b. Madagascar. From M. Guerin's Collection. The GALLINACEOUS JACANA. METOPIDIUS gallinaceus. Parra gallinacea, Temm. pi. col. 464. a. Male. Celebes. From the Leyden Museum. b. Female. Celebes. From the Leyden Museum. The CHINESE JACANA. HYDROPHASIANUS Sinensis, Wagl. Parra Sinensis, GmeL S. N. i. 709. Gray, III. Ind. ZooL t. 55. a. b. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. Young. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. Adult. China. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. e. India. Presented by Dr. Burns. /. India. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. g. Young. India. Presented by Dr. Burns. b. PALAMEDEIN^E. The CHAJA SCREAMER. CHAUNA chavaria. Parra cha- varia, Linn. S. N. i. 260. a. Cayenne. b. Cayenne. From Mr. Turner's Collection. c. Young. Buenos Ayres. From M. Verreaux' Col- lection. The HORNED SCREAMER. PALAMEDEA cornuta, Linn. S.N. i. 232.-Pl.enl. 451. a. b. South America. RALLID^E. 115 FAM. 6. RALLID^E. a. RALLIN^E. The YPECAHA RAIL. RALLUS Ypecaha, Vieill. Ency. Meth. Crex melampyga, Licht. Gallinula gigas, Spix. Av. Bras. t. 99. a. Brazil. Presented by the Prince Massena. The RED-HEADED RAIL. RALLUS ruficeps. Gallinula ruficeps, Spix, Av. Bras. t. 96. a. Female. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. b. c. Females. South America. d. Male. Lima ? From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. e. Young. Peru ? From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. The MANGLE RAIL. RALLUS mangle. Gallinula man- gle, Spix, Av. Bras. t. 97. a. Young. South America. The BLOOD-SPOTTED RAIL. RALLUS sanguinolentus, Swains. Lard. Ency. Menag. 161.] a. Monte Video. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. b. Valparaiso. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. c. Albino variety. Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Col- lection. The HOARY RAIL. RALLUS caesius. Gallinula caesia, Spix. Av. Bras. t. 95. R. bicolor, Less. R. caesius, Swains. ? a. Brazil. Presented by Lieut. Maw, R.N. b. Peru. Presented by the Rev. W. Hennah. The WATER RAIL. RALLUS aquaticus, Linn. S. N. i. 262. a. b. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Great Britain. The SHORT-FOOTED RAIL. RALLUS brachipus, Swains. Lard. Ency. Menag. 336. R. Lewinii, Swains. a. Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. 116 RALLID^E. b. South Port Island, Van Diemen's Land. From Mr. Gould's Collection. The VIRGINIAN RAIL. RALLUS Virginianus, Linn. S. N. i. 263. Edw. t. 279. Wils. 4m. Orn. t. 62. f. 1. R. limicola, Vieill. a. b. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. The RUFOUS-WINGED RAIL. RALLUS rufopennis. a. Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. The CLAPPER RAIL. RALLUS crepitans, Gmel. S. N. i. 713. a. b. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. c. Jamaica. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. The GREAT RED-BREASTED RAIL. RALLUS elegans, Audubon, B. of Amer. t. a. b. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. The GREY-FACED RAIL. RALLUS poliocephalus. a. Male. North America ? From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. b. Female. 1 From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. The GULAR RAIL. RALLUS gularis, Horsf. Linn. Tr. xm. 196. a. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. The BLUE-NECKED RAIL. RALLUS caerulescens, Gmel. S. N. i. 716. a. Cape of Good Hope. From Mr. Baker's Collection. The BANDED RAIL. RALLUS torquatus, Linn. S. N. i. 262. Briss. Orn. v. t. 15. f. 1. Nova Acta, 1834, t. 19. R. lineatus, Cuv. Less, a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. The CELEBES RAIL. RALLUS Celebensis, Quoy. fy Gain. Voy. de VAstrol. Ois. p. 250. t. 24. f. 2. a. Celebes. From the Leyden Museum. The OBSCURE RAIL. RALLUS obscurus. a. Abyssinia. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. RALLID-E. 117 The RUFOUS BREAST RAIL. RALLUS rufopectus. a. Adult. Cape? or India? From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. b. Young. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, K.B., R.N. The GREY-BREASTED RAIL. RALLUS griseopectus. a. India. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. The BLACK-LINED RAIL. RALLUS nigrolineatus, Hodgs. Mss. a. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The PHILIPPINE RAIL. RALLUS Philippensis, Linn. S. N. i. 263. R. pectoralis, Cuv. a. b. Australia. Presented by A. Cunningham, Esq. c* Australia. Presented by Lady Carrington. d. e. Female. South Australia. Presented by C. D. E. Fortnum, Esq. /. g. Male. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. The ALLIED RAIL. RALLUS assimilis, G. R. Gray, Faun. N. Zeal. App. p. 197. a. New Zealand. Presented by Miss R. Stone. DIEFFENBACH'S RAIL. RALLUS DiefFenbachii, G. R. Gray, Faun. N. Zeal. App. p. 197. a. Chatham's Island. Presented by the New Zealand Company. The CRAKE GALLINULE. ORTYGOMETRA crex. Rallus crex, Linn. S. N. i. 261. Crex pratensis, Bechst. a. Carmarthenshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. c. Chicks. Cambridgeshire. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. d. Asia Minor. Presented by C. Fellowes, Esq. The RED-NECKED RAIL. ORTYGOMETRA eurizona. Gal- linula eurizona, Temm. pi. col. 417. Rallus fasciatus, Raffl. L. Tr. xm. 328 ? Rallus ruficeps, Cuv. Less. a. Singapore. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. b. India. Presented by W. Sotheby, Esq. c. Manilla. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 118 RALLTM. The BROWN RAIL. ORTYGOMETRA fusca. Rallus fuscus, Linn. S. N. i. 262. Gallinula rubiginosa, Temm. pi. col. 357. a. Male. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. Young Female. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodg- son, Esq. c. Female. Japan. From the Ley den Museum. d. e. Male. /. Tanesserim Coast. Presented by J. D. V. Pakeman, Esq. The WHITE-THROATED CRAKE. ORTYGOMETRA olivacea. Rallus olivaceus, Vieill. N. Diet. H. N. 28. 561. Crex gularis, Jard. and Selby's III. Orn. t. 39. a. South America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. The BLACK RAIL. ORTYGOMETRA nigra. Rallus niger, Gmel. S.N. i. 717. R. carinatus, Swains. Gallinula flavirostra, Swains. a. b. Adult. Western Africa. From Mr. Rendall's Collection. c. Young. Gambia. Presented by Major Ricketts. d. Young. Africa. The SPOTTED GALLINULE. ORTYGOMETRA porzana, Steph. Rallus porzana, Linn. S. N. i. 262. PL enl. 751. a. b. Great Britain. Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. c. Male. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. d. Female. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Col- lection. e. Europe. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. The RIVER RAIL. ORTYGOMETRA fluminea. Porzana flurninea, Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1842, p. 139. a. Male. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. The SOREE RAIL. ORTYGOMETRA Carolina. Rallus Carolinus, Linn. S. N. i. 263. Edw. t. 144. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 48. f. 1. a. Female. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. b. Rockport, North America. Presented by Professor J. P. Kirtland. RALLID^E. 119 The EARED RAIL. ORTYGOMETRA aurita. Crex aurita, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 13. a. b. South America. c. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. The BANDED CRAKE. ORTYGOMETRA lateralis. Crex lateralis, Licht. Griff. An. Kingd. Birds, t. p. 542. a. South America. The SMALL RAIL. ORTYGOMETRA pygmaea. Crex pyg- maea, Naum. Gallinula Bailloni, VieilL Jard. fy Selbtfs III. Orn. t. 15. a. Adult. Great Britain. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. Young ? c. Young, in change. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The AUSTRALIA SMALL RAIL. ORTYGOMETRA palustris. Porzana palustris, Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1842. 139. a. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. b. c. Male. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. The OLIVACEOUS GALLINULE. ORTYGOMETRA minuta. Rallus minutus, Pall. R. pusillus, GmeL R. Pey- rousei, VieilL a. Male. Ashburton. From Col. Montagu's Collection. The WHITE EYE-BROWED RAIL. ORTYGOMETRA ocularis. a. b. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. The GALAPAGOS RAIL. ORTYGOMETRA spilonota. Za- pornia spilonota, Gould. Voy. Beagle, Birds, p. 132. t. 49. a. Galapagos. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. The JAMAICA RAIL. ORTYGOMETRA Jamaicensis. Rallus Jamaicensis, Briss. Orn. Suppl. 140. Edw. Birds, t. 278. Audub. B. of Amer. t. . North America. From Mr. Turner's Collection, 120 RALLID^E. The PLUMBEOUS SMALL RAIL. ORTYGOMETRA plumbea. Crex plumbea, Gray, in Griff. An. Kingd. t. iii. p. 410. Rallus tabuensis, Gmel. ? b. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. The LINED RAIL. ORTYGOMETRA dimidiata. Gallinula dimidiata, Temm. Less. Tr. 537. Alecthelia lineata, Swains. a. South Africa. From the South African Museum, b. South Africa. From M. Verreaux' Collection. The CINNAMON-BANDED RAIL. ORTYGOMETRA cinnamo- mea. Rallus cinnamomeus Less. I Rev. Zool. 1840. 99. a. Young. Western Africa.- From Mr. Rendall's Col- lection. The RED-NECKED RAIL. ORTYGOMETRA ruficollis. Crex ruficollis, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 13. a. Cape of Good Hope. b.l Young. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Verreaux' Collection. The WHITE-SPOTTED RAIL. ORTYGOMETRA pulchra. Crex pulchra, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 13. Griff \ An. Kingd. in. t. p. 542. a. Africa? b. GALLINULIN^:. The VIOLET GALLINULE. PORPHYRIO antiquorum, Bonap. Fulica porphyrio, Pall. P. hyacinthinus, Temm. a. b. Egypt. Presented by John Bowring, Esq. The INDIAN PORPHYRIO. PORPHYRIO Indicus, Horsf. Linn. Tr. xin. p. 194. P. smaragdinis, Temm. pi. col. 421. a. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. Young. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. c. Madras. Presented by the Hon. East India Com- pany. d. India. RALLIDjE. 121 The MEALY PORPHYRIS. PORPHYRIO pulverulentus, Temm. pi. col. 405. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. b. Feejee. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, K.B., R.N. The GREEN-BACKED PORPHYRIO. PORPHYRIO smaragno- tus, Temm. Man. d'Orn. n. PL col. 421. -PL enl. 810 ? P. chlorynotus, VieilL ? a. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. The BLACK-BACKED PORPHYRIO. PORPHYRIO melanotus, Temm. Man. d'Orn. n. Fulica alba, Lath. White's Journ. t. 138. (albino variety.) P. bellus, Gould? a. b. New Zealand. Presented by the New Zealand Company. c. Van Diemen's Land. d. Bay of Islands, New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. e. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. ALLEN'S PORPHYRIO. PORPHYRIO Alleni. Gallinula Alleni, Thomp. Ann. of Nat. Hist. a. Idda, Western Africa. Presented by T. R. W. Thompson, Esq., R.N. b. Young. Idda, Western Africa. Presented by T. R. W. Thompson, Esq., R.N. c. Senegal. From Baron Laugier's Collection. The MARTINICO GALLINULE. PORPHYRIO Martinica, Temm. Fulica martinica, Linn. S. N. i. 259. Jacq. Vog. t. 2. P. tavoua, VieilL a. South America. 6. South America. Presented by Lieut. Maw, R.N. c. British Guiana. Presented by Chev. Schomburgk. d. Young. South America. -Presented by J. Gould, Esq. e. Young. South America. From Baron Laugier's Col- lection. 122 RALLIDJE. The FAVOURITE PORPHYRIO. PORPHYRIO flavirostra, Vieill. Fulica flavirostris, Gmel. S. N. i. 699.- PI. enl. 897. P. simplex, Gould ? a. South America. From Baron Laugier's Collection. The NEW HOLLAND GALLINULE. TRIBONYX Mortieri, Dubus. Bull. &c. Brux. vu. 215. t. . Brachyptral- lus ralloides, Lafr. ? a. Australia. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. Australia. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. The SPOTTED TRIBONYX. TRIBONYX ventralis. Galli- nula ventralis, Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1836, 85. a. South Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. 6, South Australia. Presented by C. D. E. Fortnum, Esq. c. Female. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. d. Male. South Australia. From Mr. Gould's Col- lection. e. Caught at sea, between Tasmania and Auckland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The COMMON GALLINULE. GALLINULA chloropus, Linn. Fulica chloropus, Linn. S. N. i. 258. G. fusca, Lath. a. Male. Great Britain. 6. Female. Great Britain. c. Male. Brome, Suffolk. Presented by the Rev. W. Kirby. d. Male. e. Female. /. ? Cape of Good Hope. g. h. Male and female. Cambridgeshire. Presented by Mr. J. Baker, t.^'. k. I. Chicks. Cambridgeshire. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. m. Chicks. Great Britain. n. o. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. G. parvifrons, Blyth.1 RALLIED. 123 The AMERICAN GALLINULE. GALLINULA galeata, Licht. Cat. 826,Bonap. Am. Orn. t. 27. f. 1. G. chloro- pus, Bonap. a. b. Jamaica. The INDIAN GAILINULE. GALLINULA orientalis, Horsf. Lin. Tr. xin. p. 195. Gallinula plumbea, Vieill. G. ardosiacea, VieilL Gal. Ois. t. 268. a. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. The THICK-BILLED GALLINULE. GALLINULA crassiros- tris. Fulica crassirostris, Gray, in Griff. An. Kingd. m. t. 542. a. South America. Presented by the Rev. W. Hennah. b. South America. Presented by Lieut. Maw, R.N. c. Patagonia ? Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. The MANILLA GALLINULE. GALLINULA olivacea, Meyer. Nova Act., &c., 1834, 109. t. 20. a. b. Manilla. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. The RED-TAILED GALLINULE. GALLINULA phoenicura. Rallus phcenicurus, Penn. Zool. Ind. 19. t. 9. PL enl. 896. Gallinula Javanica, Horsf. a. Adult. India. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. b. Young. India. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. c. Adult. Indian Archipelago. Presented by J. Night- ingale, Esq. d. Adult. Indian Archipelago. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, K.B., R.N. e. Adult. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The CRESTED GALLINULE. GALLINULA cristata, Lath. Fulica cinerea, Gmel. S. N. i. 702. G. gularis, et G. lugubris, Horsf. a. India. b. Island of Manilla. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. c. Young. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. d. Ypung. India. 124 The COMMON COOT. FULICA atra, Linn. S. N. i. 257.- PL enl. 197. F. aethiops, Sparr. Mus. Carls, i. t. 13. F. leucoryx, Sparr. Mus. Carls, i. t. 12. a. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Chick. Europe. c. Egypt. Presented by W. B, D. Turnbull, Esq. d.? e. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The . FULICA ? a. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. The CINEREOUS COOT. FULICA Americana, Gmel. S. N. i. 704. F. Wilsoni, Steph. a. North America. b. -? The FRONTAL COOT. FULICA frontata. a. Valparaiso. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. b. Chili ? Presented by the Rev. W. Hennah. The AMERICAN COOT. FULICA chloropoides, King, ZooL Journ. iv. p. 95. a. Valparaiso. Presented by Sir W* Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. The CRESTED COOT. FULICA cristata, Gmel S. N. i. 702. Gallinula cristata, Lath. pi. enl. 797. a. Cape of Good Hope. 6. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. c. South Africa. From Dr. Krauss' Collection. c. HELIORNIN^E. The AMERICAN FINFOOT. HELIORNIS Surinamensis. Plo- tus Surinamensis, Gmel. S. N. i. 581 PL enl. 898. a. c. South America. The AFRICAN FINFOOT. PODICA Senegalensis. Helior- nis Senegalensis, VieilL -N. Diet. H. N. xiv. 277. Gal. des Ois. t. 280. a. 6. Senegal. From Baron Laugier's Collection. ORDER V. NATATORES. FAM. 1. ANATID^R. a. PlLENICOPTERINjE. The RED FLAMINGO. PBLENICOPTERUS roseus, PalL Ph. ruber, Linn. S. N. i. Ph. antiquus, Temm. a. Europe. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. 6. Europe. The AMERICAN FLAMINGO. PH^NICOPTERUS ruber, Linn. S. N. i. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 66. f. 4. a. North America. 6. North America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. The CHILI FLAMINGO. PIL/ENICOPTERUS Chilensis, MoL Chil n. 214. Ph. ignipalliatus, J. Geoffr. et D'Orb. Mag. de Zool. 1832, t. 2. a. Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. The DWARF FLAMINGO. PH^ENICOPTERUS parvus, Vieill. Anal Elem. t. 69. P. minor, Geoff. Bull. Sci. Soc, Philom. i. 97. Gall, des Ois. t. 273. a. In change. Africa. From Mr. Gould's Collection. 6. Young. Africa. b. PLECTROPTERIN^EI. The BLACK AND WHITE GOOSE. ANSERANAS melano- leuca, Less. Anas melanoleuca, Lath. Ind. Suppl. 69. A. semipalmata, Lath. Mem. du Mus. xi. t. 19. a. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. 6. Australia. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. c. Male. Murray River, South Australia.^ Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. 126 ANATIDJE. The SPUR-WINGED GOOSE. PLECTROPTERUS Gambensis, Leach. Anas Gambensis, Linn. $. N. i. 195. Mag. de Zool. 1834, t, 29. Shaw's Lev. Mus. t. p. 231. a. Central Africa. Presented by Capt. Clapperton. b. Africa. c. Western Africa. Presented by Capt. Sabine, R.A. d. Cape of Good Hope. From the South African Mu- seum. The ROYAL DUCK. SARKIDIORNIS regia, Eyton. Anas regia, Mol. Hist. Chili, p. 212. Anas melanotus, Penn. PL enl. 937. a. India. b. Ceylon. The EGYPTIAN GOOSE. CHENALOPEX ^gyptiaca, Steph. Anas jEgyptiaca, Linn. S. N. i. 197. Anser varius, Schn.Pl. enl. 379. a. Egypt. b. Egypt. Presented by W. B. D. Turnbull, Esq. c. Cape of Good Hope. d. Very young.- From Mr. Bartlett's Collection. The MANED GOOSE. CHENALOPEX jubata, Wagl. Anas jubata, Spix Av. Br. n. t. 108. a. c. South America. c. ANSERINJE. The NEW HOLLAND CEREOPSIS. CEREOPSIS Novae Hol- landiae, Lath. Ind. Suppl. 67. Anser griseus, VieilL Cereopsis cinereus, Cuv. C. Australis, Sw. pi. col. 206.Jard. and Selby's 111 Orn. N. S. t. 33. a. Australia. The MAGELLANIC GOOSE. CHLOEPHAGA Magellanica, Eyton. Anas Magellanica, Gm. S. N. i. 505. Anas picta, etA. leucoptera, Gm. Forst. Dr. t. 65. Brown* 's III. Zool. t. 40. PI. enl. 1006. a. Island of Chiloe. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. 127 b. Falkland Island. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. c. (Surrey Zoological Gerden). Presented by Edward Cross, Esq. d. Male. Berkeley Sound, East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. e. Male. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. f. Female. Berkeley Sound, East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. g. Female. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The ASHY-HEADED GOOSE. CHLOEPHAGA polioce- phala. a. Island of Chiloe. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. 5. ? Presented by John Barrow, Esq. c. Male. St. Salvador, East Falkland (Antarctic Ex- pedition). Presented by the Admiralty. d. Female. St. Salvador, East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. e. Male. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. /. Female. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The ANTARCTIC GOOSE. BERNICLA Antarctica, Steph. Anas Antarctica, Gmel. S. N. i. 505. A. genta, Forst. Icon. ined. t. 66. Voy. de la Coqu. t. 50. fl . ? Presented by the Admiralty. b. Falkland Island. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. c. Male. Cape Horn (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. d. Young male. St. Salvador Bay, East Falkland (Ant- arctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. e. Female. Hermite Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. /. Female. East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. 128 ANATID.&. The HAWKESBURY DUCK. BERNICLA jubata. Anas jubata, Lath. Ind. Suppl. 69. a. Australia. b. Australia. Presented by Lady Carrington. c. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. d. Male. Murray River, South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. e. Female ? Murray River, South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. The BRENT GOOSE. BERNICLA brenta, Steph. Anas bernicla, Linn. S. N. i. 198. A. brenta, Pall. Anser torquatus, Fisch. PI. enl. 342. a. b. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. North America.- Presented by the Admiralty. The BERNICLE GOOSE. BERNICLA leucopsis, Steph. Anas erythropus, Gmel. S. N. i. A. leucopsis, Bechst. A. bernicla, Pall. a. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Week old. From Mr. Bartlett's Collection. The RED-BREASTED GOOSE. BERNICLA ruficollis, Steph. Anas ruficollis, Pall. Spic. vi. 21. A. torquata, Fabr. a. Berwick. From Mr. Bullock's Collection? The BLACK-WINGED GOOSE. BERNICLA melanoptera. Anser melanopterus, Eyton t Monogr. Anat. 93. Voy. of Beagle, Zool. t. a. Valparaiso. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. The MADAGASCAR TEAL. NETTAPUS auritus. Anas au- ritus, Bodd. Cat. pi. enl. Anas Madagascariensis, Gm. S. N. i. 522. PI. enl. 770. a. b. Western Africa. From Mr. Randall's Collection. ANAT1D.3E. 129 The COROMANDEL TEAL. NsxTAPUs Coromandelianus, Gould. Anas Coromandeliana, Gm. S. N. i. 522. A. girra, Gray, III. Ind. Zool. t. 68. PI. enl. 949, 950. a. b. India. c. India. Presented by Capt. Johnstone. d. e. Tanesserim Coast, India. Presented by J. D. V. Pakeman, Esq. The SNOW GOOSE. CHEN hyperborea, Bole. Anas hy- perborea, Gm. S. N. i. 504. A. cserulescens, Gm. A. nivalis, Forst. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 68. f. 5, and t. 69, f. 5. a. Adult. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Back, R.N. 6. Young. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. The GREY-LEGGED GOOSE. ANSER ferus, Steph. Anas anser, Linn. S. N. i. 197. Anser cinereus, Mey. Ans. palustris, Selby ? Ans. vulgaris, Pall. Naum. Vog. t. 41. f. 60. a. Great Britain (London Market). The BEAN GOOSE. ANSER segetum, Steph. Arias sege- tum, Gm. S. N. i. 512. Anser ferus, Selby. A. pa- lustris, Flem. pi. enl. 985. a. h. Great Britain. c. Four days old. From Mr. Bartlett's Collection. The WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE. ANSER erythropus, Flem. Anas erythropus, Linn. Faun. No. 116. A. albifrons, Gm. A. casarca, S. G. Gmel. Edwards' s Birds, t. 153. a. Wiltshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Wales. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Great Britain. d. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Back, R.N. e,f. India. -From Col. Cobb's Collection. The SHORT-BILLED GOOSE. ANSER brachyrhynchus, Baill. Mem. de Soc. d'Emul. d' Abbeville, 1833. Anser phaj- nicopus, Bartl. A. brevirostris, Thienem. A rufes- cens, Br. ? a. Europe (London Market). G 3 130 ANATID.E. The BARRED-HEADED GOOSE. ANSER Indicus, Steph. Anas Indica, Lath. Anser undulatus, Bonn. Gould's Cent, of Birds, t. a. Northern India. From Coll. Cobb's Collection. b. India. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The CANADA GOOSE. CYGNOPSIS Canadensis, Brandt. Anas Canadensis, Linn. S. N. i. 198. PI. enl. 346. a. b. North America. c. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. d. (From Egg.) From Mr. Bartlett's Collection. d. The MUTE SWAN. CYGNUS mansuetus, Ray. Anas olor, GmeL S. N. i. 501. C. sibilus, Pall. C. gibbus, Bechsl.PL enl. 913. a. Great Britain. 6. Great Britain. Presented by Dr. Dowler. The BLACK-NECKED SWAN. CYGNUS nigricollis, Steph, Anas nigricollis et A. melanocephala, GmeL S. N. i. 502. Azara, No. 425. A. melanocorypha, Molin. a. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. b. Straits of Magellan. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. The WHISTLING SWAN. OLOR musicus, IVagL Anas Cygnus ferus, Linn. S. N. i. 194. C. ferus, Ray. C. olor, Pall. C. melanorhynchos, Meij. C. xanthorhi- nus, Naum. Fog, t. 296. a. Wiltshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Hayling Island. Presented by J. B. Tyndale, Esq. c. Young. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. The LESSER SWAN. OLOR minor. Cygnus minor, var. & oloris, Pall. C. Bewickii, Yarr. Jard. and Selby's III. Orn. t. 95. C. musicus, Fab.? C. Islandicus, Br. C. melanorhinus, Naum. Fog. t. 297. a. Great Britain. Presented by W. Yarrell, Esq. b. Great Britain. From Mr. Bartlett's Collection. ANATHXE. 131 The COSCOROBA SWAN. OLOR coscoroba. Anas cosco- roba, Mol. Cygnus anatoi'des, King. Proc. ZooL Soc. 1830. 15. a. South America. Pres. by J. Robertson, M.D., R.N. The AMERICAN SWAN. OLOR Americana. Cygnus Americana, SharpL Amer. Journ. sc. v. xxn. a. Northern Expedition. Presented by the Admiralty. b. North America. Presented by J. Richardson, M.D. The BLACK SWAN. CHENOPIS atrata, WagL Anas atrata. Lath. Ind. n. 834. A. plutonia, Shaw, Nat. Misc. t.108. a. Australia. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. b. Australia. Presented by Lord Farnborough. c. Chick. South Port River, Van Diemen's Land. From Mr. Gould's Collection. e. The JA VAN DUCK. DENDROCYGNA arcuata, Swains. Anas arcuata, Cuv. Horsf. ZooL Res. t. A. Javanica, Horsf. Mareca awarea, Sykes. a. Interior of Africa. Presented by Major Denham. b. India. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. c. d. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The INDIAN WHISTLING DUCK. DENDROCYGNA major, Jerd. Madr. Journ. 1840, 218. a. Bengal. From Mr. Bartlett's Collection. The WANDERING DUCK. DENDROCYGNA vagans, Eyton\s Mss. a. b. Manilla. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. The BLACK-BILLED WHISTLING DUCK. DENDROCYGNA arborea. Anas arborea, Linn. S. N. i. 207. Edwards's Birds, t. 193. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. The RED-BILLED WHISTLING DUCK. DENDROCYGNA autumnalis. Anas autumnalis, Linn. S. N. i. 205. Edwards's Birds, t. 194. a. South America. b. c. British Guiana. From Chev. Schomburgk's Col- lection. 132 ANATID.E. The WHITE-MASKED DUCK. DENDROCYGNA viduata. Anas viduata, Linn. S. N. i. 205. Penn. Gen. of B. t. 13. Forst. Icon. ined. t. 76. . Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothsay. b. c. Interior of Africa. Presented by Major Denham. The BROWN SLENDERLEGS. DENDROCYGNA Eytoni. Leptotarsis Eytoni, Gould. Eyton's Monogr. Anat. 111. a. b. South Australia. Presented by C. D. E. Fortnum, Esq. The SHEILDRAKE. TADORNA vulpanser, Flem. Anas ta- dorna, Linn. S. N. i. 195. Tadorna familiaris, Boie. T. Bellonii, Steph. A. cornuta, Gmel.pl. enL 53, a. Scotland. From Col. Montagu's Collection. 6. Great Britain. c. Great Britain. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. d. e. Hayling Island. Presented by J. W. Tyndale, Esq. /. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The RADJAH SHEILDRAKE. TADORNA radjah, Eyton. Anas radjah, Gam. Voy. de la Coqu. Ois. t. 49. a. Australia. b. Australia. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. Australia. Presented by Lady Carrington. d. e. Australia, Port Essington. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. The FRECKLED DUCK. TADORNA naevosa. Anas naevosa, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1840, 177. Birds of Austr. t. a. b. Male. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. The RUDDY GOOSE. CASARCA rutila, Bonap. Anas casarca, Linn. Gmel. S. N. i. 511. A. rutila, Pall. A. cana. Gmel. ? Browns III. t. 41, 42 ? a. b. India. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. d. Northern India. From Col. Cobb's Collection. e. f. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. g. Northern Asia. ANATID.E. 133 The NEW HOLLAND SHEILDRAKE. CASARCA tadornoides, Eyton. Anas tadornoides, Jard. and Selby, III. Orn. t/62. a. Australia. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. Van Diemen's Land. From Mr. Gould's Collection. c. Male. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. The VARIEGATED GOOSE. CASARCA variegata. Anas variegata, Gmel. S. N. i. 505. A. cheneros, Forst. Icon. ined. t. 67. Casarka castanea, Ey ton's Monogr. Anat. 108. t. a. b. New Zealand. Presented by the New Zealand Company. The CHINESE TEAL. Aix galericulata, Boie. Anas galericulata, Linn. S. N. i. 206. PL enl. 805, 806. Querquedula Sinensis, Briss. A. Asitori, Temm. ? a. b. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. c. Japan. From the Leyden Museum. The SUMMER DUCK. Aix sponsa, Boie. Anas sponsa, Linn. S. N. i. 207. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 70. f. 3. PI. enl. 980, 981. A. aestiva, Briss. a. b. North America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. d. North America. e. Young. Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park. Pre^ sented by the Zoological Society. The WIDGEON. MARECA Penelope, Bonap. Anas Pene- lope, Linn. S. N. i. 202. A. fistularis, Briss. M. fistularis, Steph. pi. enl. 825. a. c. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. d. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. e. Nepaul, Northern India. Presented by B. H. Hodg- son, Esq. f. Northern Asia. 134 ANATIDJB. The CHILOE WIDGEON. MARECA Chiloensis, Eijton, Mo- nogr. t. Anas Chiloensis, King, Proc. Zool. 1831, 15. a. Island of Chiloe. Presented by the Admiralty. b. Female. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The AMERICAN WIDGEON. MARECA Americana, Steph. Anas Americana, Gmel. S. N. i. 526. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 69. f. 4. PL enl 955. a. b. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. c. North America. The SPOTTED WIDGEON. MARECA punctata. Anas punc- tata, Cuv. M. castanea, Eytorfs Monogr. 119, t. a. Australia. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. c. Van Diemen's Land. Presented by Ronald Gunn, Esq. d. Australia. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. The CRIMSON-BILLED DUCK. P^CILONITTA erythrorhyn- cha, Eyton. Anas erythroryncha, Gmel. S. N. i. 517. A. pyrrhorhyncha, Forst. Icon. med. t. 73. a. Abyssinia. From Dr. Riippell's Collection. The GEORGIAN DUCK. P^CILONITTA Georgica. Anas Georgica, Gmel. S. N. i. 516. A. xanthorhyncha, Forst. Icon. ined. t. 71. a. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Verreaux' Collection. The PINTAIL DUCK. DAFILA acuta, Bonap. Anas acuta, Linn. S. N. i. 202. A. caudacuta, Ray. A. longicauda, Briss. pi. enl. 954. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 68. f. 3. A. Ttsitzihoa, VieilL a. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. 6. Kent. c. Surrey. d. Jamaica. Presented by J. S. Redman, Esq. e. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. ANATID.E. /. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. g. -- k. NepauL Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The SLATHERA DUCK. DAFILA Bahamensis. Anas Bahamensis, Linn. S. N. i. 199. A. Urophasianus, King. Ey ton's Monogr. 112. t. Catesby's Car. t. 93. a. - ? Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. South America. Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq. c. Chili. Presented by C. Crawley, Esq. The MALLARD DUCK. ANAS boschas, Linn. S. N. i. 205. A. adunca, Linn. pi. enl. 776, 777. a. b. Devonshire From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Great Britain. From Col. Montagu's Collection. d. Europe. e. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. /. Variety. Lincolnshire. Presented by Dashwood, Esq. g. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. h. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The DUSKY DUCK. ANAS obscura, Gmel. S. N. i. 541. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 72. f. 5. a. North America. Presented by J. J. Audubon, Esq. b. c. North America. The SUPERCILIOUS DUCK. ANAS superciliosa, Gmel. S. N. i. 537. A. leucophrys, Forst. Icon. ined. t. 77. a. Australia. Presented by Lady Carrington. b. Van Diemen's Land. Presented by Ronald Gunn, Esq. c. Chatham's Island, Antarctic Seas. Presented by the New Zealand Company. d. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. e. f. New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. g. Female. New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition).- Presented by the Admiralty. 136 ANATID.E. h. Campbell's Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. i. Male. Van Diemen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The MANILLA DUCK. ANAS luzonica, Fraser, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1839, 113. a. c. Manilla. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. The SPOTTED-BILLED DUCK. ANAS paecilorhyncha, GmeL S. N. i. 535. Gray's III Ind. Zool. t. 67. a. Himalayan Mountains. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. b. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. c. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The CRESTED DUCK. ANAS cristata, GmeL S. N. i. 540. A. pyrogaster, Meyen, Nov. Acta, 1833, t. 25. A. lophyra, Forst. Icon. ined. t. 78. a. b. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. c. Male. Berkeley Sound, East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. d. Female. North Harbour, Hermite Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. e. Male. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition).- Presented by the Admiralty. /. Female. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition).- Presented by the Admiralty. The BRONZE-WINGED DUCK. Anas specularis, King, Zool. Journ. iv. 98.Jard. and Selbijs III. Orn. N. S. t. 40. A. specularoides, King. A. chalcoptera, Kittl. Vogels, t. a. b. Straits of Magellan ? Presented by the Admiralty. c. Straits of Magellan ? Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. The PINK-HEADED DUCK. ANAS caryophyllacea, Lath. Ind. ii. 866. Callichen caryophyllaceum, Eyton. a. Northern India. From Col. Cobb's Collection. b. Bhotan. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. c. Female? NepauL Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. ANATID;. 137 The YELLOW-BILLED DUCK. ANAS flavirostris, Smithy Cat. S. Afr. Mus. Eytorfs Monogr. Anat. 141. a. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Verreaux' Collection. The COMMON TEAL. QUERQUEDULA crecca, Steph. Anas crecca, Linn. S. N. i. 264. PI. enl. 947. a. Great Britain. Presented by W. Yarrell, Esq. b. China Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. c. Carmarthen. From Col. Montagu's Collection. d. Northern India.- Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The AMERICAN TEAL. QUERQUEDULA Carolinensis. Anas Carolinensis, Gmel. S. N. i. 533. A. crecca, Wils. Am. Orn. t. 70. f. 4t.Jard. and Selby's III. Orn. t. 146. a. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. b. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. c North America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. d. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. The BAIKAL TEAL. QUERQUEDULA Formosa, Steph. Anas Formosa, Gmel. S. N. i. 523. A. torquata, Mess. A. picta, Stell. A. glocitans, Pall. a. b. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. The FALCATED DUCK. QUERQUEDULA falcaria, Eyton. Anas falcaria, Pall, reise. HI. 701. a. b. China. Presented by J. Reeves, Esq. c. d. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. The GARGANEY TEAL. QUERQUEDULA circia, Steph. Anas circia, Linn. S. N. i. 204,. PI. enl. 946. A. querquedula, Linn. a. Somersetshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. c. India. d. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. c. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 138 The MOTTLED TEAL. QUERQUEDULA creccoides, Eyton. Anas creccoides, King's Zool. Journ. iv. 99. A. oxyptera, Meyen, Nov. Acta, fyc., 1833, t. 26. a. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. b. St. Salvador Bay, East Falkland (Antarctic Expe- dition). Presented by the Admiralty. c. Female. St. Martin Cove, Hermite Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. df. Male. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. e. Female. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The QUERQUEDULA ? a. Male. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. b. c. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition).- Pre- sented by the Admiralty. The FASCIATED TEAL. QUERQUEDULA maculirostris. Anas maculirostris, Licht. A. versicolor, Vieill. A. fretensis, King. Jard. and Selby, III. Orn. N. S. t. 29. Azara, No. 440. a. Straits of Magellan. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. b. Maldanado. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. c. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. d. (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The WHITE-FACED DUCK. QUERQUEDULA discors. Anas discors, Linn. S. N. i. 205. Querquedula Americana, Briss. Q. Virginiana, Briss. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 68. f. 4. a. South America. b. Brazil. Presented by the Rev. W. Hennah. c. d. Jamaica. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. RAFFLES'S TEAL. QUERQUEDULA caeruleata. Anas caeruleata, Licht. A. cyanopterus, ViellL A. Rafflesi, King. Jard. and Selby's III. Orn. N. S. t. 23. a. Chili. Presented by Capt. Lord Byron, R.N. ANATIDJE. 139 The RINGED TEAL. QUERQUEDULA torquata. Anas tor- quata, Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. v. 110. Azara, No. 441. a. South America. The IPECUTIRI TEAL. QUERQUEDULA ipecutiri. Anas ipecutiri, VieilL N. Diet. H. N. v. 120. A. paturi, Spix. Av. Br. t. 109. Q. erythrorhyncha, Eyton. L'Ipecutiri, Azara, No. 437. a. b. British Guiana. Presented by Chev. Schomburgk. The GADWAL DUCK. CHAULELASMUS streperus, G. R. Gray. Anas strepera, Linn. S. N. i. 200. PL enl. 958. Wits. Am. Orn. t. 71. f. 1. a. London Market. b. Kent. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Great Britain. d. North America. c t g, Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The MEMBRANACEOUS DUCK. MALACORHYNCHUS mem- branaceus, Swains. Anas membranacea, Lath. Ind. Orn. SuppL n. A. fasciata, Shaw, Nat. Misc. t. 697. a. Australia. Presented by Lady Carrington. b. Van Diemen's Land. Presented by Ronald Gunn, Esq. c. Male. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. d. Female. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. The SHOVELER DUCK. SPATULA clypeata, Boie. Anas clypeata, Linn. S. N. i. 200. PI. enl. 971, 972. a. Somersetshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. f. Lincolnshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. f. Great Britain. . i. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. j. Female. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Verreaux' Collection. k. Rockport, North America. Presented by Professor J. P. Kirtland. /. Fairport, North America. Presented by Professor J. P. Kirtland. 140 ANATID/T2. The NEW HOLLAND SHOVELER. SPATULA rhynchotis. Anas rhynchotis, Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. Rhynchaspis maculatus, Gould, (female,) Jard. and Selby's III. Orn. t. 147. a. Australia. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. b. Presented by Capt. Lord Byron, R.N. c. ? d. River Torrens, South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. The MUSCOVY DUCK. CAIRINA Moschata, Flem. Anas Moschata, Linn. S. N. i. 199. PL enl. 989. C. syl- vestris, Steph. a. Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothsay. b. British Guiana. Presented by Chev. Schomburgk. c. South America. d. South America. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. /. FULIGULINJS. The LOGGERHEAD GOOSE. MICROPTERUS cinereus. Anas cinereus, Gmel. S. N. i. 506. A. brachyptera, Lath. Oidemia patachonica, King, Voy. de I'Uranie, Ois. t. 39. A. pteneres, Forst. Icon. ined. t. 68. a. b. Straits of Magellan, Presented by the Admiralty. c. Male. Berkeley Sound, East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. d. Female. St. Salvador Bay, East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The SCOTER DUCK. OIDEMIA nigra, Flem. Anas nigra, Linn. #. N. i. 196. A. atra, Pall. pi. enl. 978. a. Somersetshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Wales. Presented by the Earl of Cawdor. c. Somersetshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. d. Somersetshire.- Presented by Hon. W. E. Fitzmau- rice. The AMERICAN SCOTER DUCK. OIDEMIA Americana, Rich, and Sw. Faun. Bor. Amer. n. p. 450. Anas nigra, Wils. Am. Orn. t. 72. f. 2. a. b. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. ANATID^E. 141 The VELVET DUCK. OIDEMIA fusca, Flem. Anas fusca, Linn. S. N. i. 196. A. carbo, Pall. pi. enl. 956. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 72. f. 3. a. b. Great Britain. c. -f. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. g. Abbeville. From M. Baillon's Collection. The BLACK DUCK. OIDEMIA perspicillata, Steph. Anas perspicillata, Linn. S. N. i. 201. pi. enl. 995. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 67. f. \.-Jard. and Selby's III Orn. t. 136. A. latirostris, Bodd. a. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. b. North America. The EIDER GOOSE. SOMATERIA molissima, Leach. Anas molissima, Linn. S. N. i. 198. PL enl. 209. 208. A. St. Cuthbertii, Ray. Anser lanuginosus, Briss. Wils. Amer. Orn. t. 72. f. 2. 3. a. Great Britain. 6. Orkney. c. North America. d. Spitzbergen. Presented by the Admiralty. e.f. North America. g. Chick. From Mr. J. Baker's Collection. h. Four or five days old. From Mr. Bartlett's Collec- tion. The KING DUCK. SOMATERIA spectabilis, Leach. Anas spectabilis, Linn. S. N. i. 195. Edw. Birds, t. 154. a. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. 6. c. Chicks. From Mr. Baker's Collection. The PIED DUCK. CAMPTOLAIMUS Labradorus. Anas Labradora, Gmel. S. N. i. 537. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 69. f. 6. a. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. 142 ANAT1D/E. The SOFT-BILLED DUCK. HYMENOLAIMUS malacorhyn- chus. Anas malacorhyncha, Gmel. S. N. i. 526. Forst. Icon. ined. 74. Malacorhynchus membranaceus, (male,) Eyton. a. b. New Zealand. Presented by the New Zealand Company. The RED-CRESTED DUCK. BRANTA rufina, Boie. Anas rufina, PalL Reise, n. 713. Callichen ruficeps, Brehm. pi. enl. 928. a. Milford Haven. Presented by the Earl of Cawdor. b. Great Britain. From Mr. Turner's Collection. c. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. d. Northern India. From Col. Cobb's Collection. e. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. /. Female. India. From Mr. Bartlett's Collection. The TUFTED DUCK. FULIGULA cristata, Steph. Anas fuligula, Linn. S. N. i. 207. A. colymbis, PalL A. cristata, Hay. A. scandiaca, Gmel. a. Great Britain. Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. b. c. Great Britain. From Mr. Turner's Collection. d. ? e.f. Egypt. Presented by John Bowring, Jun., Esq. g. h. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The RING-NECKED FULIGULA. FULIGULA collaris, Bonap. Anas collaris, Donovan's Brit. Birds, vi. pi. 147. F. rufi- torques, Bonap. A. fuligula, Wils. Am. Orn. t. 67. f. 5. a. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. b. North America. Presented by the Earl of Derby. c. Male. Rockport, North America. Presented by Pro- fessor J. P. Kirtland. d. Female. Rockport, North America. Presented by Professor J. P. Kirtland. The NEW ZEALAND DUCK. FULIGULA Novae Zealandiae. Anas Novae Zealandiae, Gmel. S. N. i. 541. A. atri- cilla, Forst. Icon. ined. t. 79. a. Bay of Islands, New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. ANATID^E. 143 b. Male. New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. c. Female. New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. The SCAUP DUCK. FULIGULA marila, Steph. Anas ma- rila, Linn. S. N. i. 196. PL enl. 1002. F. Gesneri, Ray. A. frenata, Sparr. Mas. Carls, t. 38. a. Hampshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Somersetshire. c. d. India. From Col. Cobb's Collection. e. Milford Haven. Presented by the Earl Cawdor. /. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. g. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Back, R.N. Anas mariloides, Vigors. F. affinis, Eyton. A. marila, mis. Am. Orn. t. 69. f. 3. h. Rocky River, North America. Presented by Profes- sor J. P. Kirtland. The GIBBOUS-BILLED FULIGULA. FULIGULA metopias. Anas metopias, Pceppmg, Froriep's Notzen, 1829, No. 529. a. Adult? From M. Verreaux' Collection. b. In change. Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. The POCHARD DUCK. NYROCA ferina, Flem. Anas fe- rina, Linn. S. N. i. 203. PI. enl. 803. A. rufa, Gmel. A. erythrocephala, Gmel. A. ruficollis, Scop. a. Kent. b. Somersetshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. d. Northern Asia. e. g. North America. Nyroca Americana, Bonap. Anas ferina, Rich, and Sw. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 70. f. 6. The CANVAS-BACKED DUCK. NYROCA valisneria. Anas valisneria, Wils. Am. Orn. t. 70. f. 5. a. b. North America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collec- tion. 144 ANATIDJE. The NYROCA DUCK. NYROCA Africana. Anas nyroca, Giild. N. C. Petr. xiv. 403. A. Africana et A. ferru- ginea, GmeL A. leucophthalmos, Bechst. A. glau- cion, Pall. pi. enl. 1000. a. c. Great Britain. d. Europe. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. e. Europe. f. h. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The AUSTRALIAN POCHARD. NYROCA Australis, Gould, B. of Austr. t. a. Australia. From Mr. Turner's Collection. b. Australia. Presented by Lady Carrington. c. Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. The GOLDEN-EYED DUCK. CLANGULA glaucion, Bole. Anas clangula et A. glaucion, Linn. S. N. i. 201. 401. pi. enl. 802. A. hyemalis, Pall. C. vulgaris, Flem. C. chrysophthalmos, Steph. a. Caermarthen. From Col. Montagu's Collection. 6. c. Wales. Presented by the Earl Cawdor. d. Great Britain. Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. e. Caermarthen. From Col. Montagu's Collection. f. Wales. Presented by the Earl Cawdor. g. h. Nova Scotia. Clangula Americana, Bonap. Anas clangula, Wils. Am. Orn. t. 67. f. 6. The SPIRIT DUCK. CLANGULA albeola, Jenyns. Anas albeola, Linn. S. N. i. 199, PI. enl. 948. A. buce- phala, Linn. A. rustica, Linn. A. hyberna, Briss. Querquedula ludoviciana, Briss. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 67. f. 2. 3. a. Nova Scotia. 6. North America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. d. Nova Scotia. e. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. /. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. ANATID.E. 145 The ICELAND DUCK. CLANGULA Islandica, Bonap. Anas Islandica, Gmel. S. N. i. 541. C. Barrovi, Rich, and Swains. Faun. Bor. Amer. t. 70. C. scapularis, Brehm. ? Briss. Orn. vi. t. 37. f. 2. a. Iceland? From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. The HARLEQUIN DUCK. CLANGULA histrionica, Steph. Anas histrionica et A. minuta, Linn. S. N. i. 204. PI. enl. 798, 799. A. torquata, Briss. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 72. f. 4. a. Hudson's Bay. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Com- pany. b. c. Iceland. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. d. e. Columbia River. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Bel- cher, K.C., R.N. The LONG-TAILED DUCK. HARELDA glacialis, Leach. Anas glacialis et A. hyemalis, Linn. S. N. i. 203. Edw. Birds, t. 280. A. longicauda Islandica et Querque- dula ferroensis, Briss. PL enl 999. 1008. Edw. t. 156. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 70. f. 1, 2. Anas miclonia, Bodd. a. Orkney. b. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c'. d. Great Britain. Presented by H. L. Meyer, Esq. e. Great Britain. Presented by Sir P. Grey Egerton, Bart., M.P. f. Northern Expedition. Presented by the Admiralty. g. i. Nova Scotia. g. ERISMATURIN^;. The LOBATED DUCK. BIZIURA lobata, Eyton. Anas lobata, Shaw, Nat. Misc. t. 255. B. Novae Hollandiae, Steph. PL col. 406. a. Australia. b. Australia. Presented by A. Cunningham, Esq. c. South Australia. Presented by C. D. E. Fortnum, Esq. d. South Australia (Adelaide). Presented by C. D. E. Fortnum, Esq. 146 ANATIDJE. e.f. Chick. South Australia. Presented by C. D. E. Fortnum, Esq. g. h. Young. From Mr. Harvey's Collection. The URAL DUCK. ERISMATURA leucocephala. Anas mersa, Pall. Reis. n. 713. t. H. A. leucocephala, Scop. a. Odessa. Presented by Dr. Dowler. ST. DOMINGO TEAL. ERISMATURA dominica, Eyton* Anas dominica, Linn. S. N. i. 201. PL enl. 968. A. spinosa, Gmel. PL enl. 967. Querquedula domini- censis, Briss. a. Jamaica. Presented by R. Redman, Esq. 6. Male. From Mr. Argent's Collection. c. d. Female. From Mr. Argent's Collection. The MACCOA DUCK. ERISMATURA rnaccoa, Eyton. Oxy- ura maccoa, A. Smith, III. Zool. S. Afr. t. a. South America. The FERRUGINEOUS DUCK. ERISMATURA ferruginea, Eyton. Monogr. Anat. t. 1 70. a. Male. Chili. Presented by C. Crawley, Esq. b. Female. Chili. Presented by C. Crawley, Esq. The RUBICUND DUCK. ERISMATURA rubida, Bonap. Anas rubida, Wils. Am. Orn. t. 71. f. 5, 6. a. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Com- pany. b. c. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. d. South America ? The AUSTRALIAN DUCK. ERISMATURA Australis, Eyton. Oxyura Australis, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1836, 85. a. b. Perth, Western Australia. From Mr. Argent's Collection. ANATIILE. 147 h. MERGIN/E. The GOOSANDER MERGANSER. MERGUS merganser, Linn. S. N. i. 208. PL enl. 951. M. castor, Linn. N. S. i. 209. PL enl. 953. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 68. f. 1. M. rubricapillus, Gmel. a. Great Britain. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Rendlesham Park, Suffolk. Presented by the Rev, W. Kirby. c. Norfolk. Presented by Joseph Sabine, Esq. d. Gloucestershire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. e.f. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. The RED-BREASTED MERGANSER. MERGUS serrator, Linn. S.N. i. 208.PLenl. 207. Merganser cristatus, Brehm. M. cristatus, Brun. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 69. f. 2. M. leucomelanus, Briss. a. b. Great Britain. c. Gloucestershire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. d. e. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. The HOODED MERGANSER. MERGUS cucullatus, Linn. S. N. i. 207. PL enl. 935, 936. M. fuscus, Lath. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 69. f. 1. a. b. North America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Com- pany. The SMEW MERGANSER. MERGELLUS albellus, Selby. Mergus albellus et M. minutus, Linn. S. N. i. 209. M. stellatus, Br. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 71. f. 4. M. glacialis, Brun. a. b. Gloucestershire. From Col. Montagu's Collection, c. d. e. Great Britain. Presented by H. L. Meyer, Esq. f. Devonshire. f. Great Britain. Presented by J. Sabine, Esq. . North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Com- pany. H 2 148 COLYMBUXE. The SPINY-WINGED MERGANETTA. MERGANETTA armata, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1841. p. 85. a. Male. Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. . b. Female. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. FAM. 2. COLYMBID.E. a. COLYMBIN^E. The NORTHERN DIVER. COLYMBUS glacialis, Linn. S. N. i. 221. PL enl. 952. C. immer, Gmel. C. torquatus, Brun. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 74. f. 3. a. Cornwall. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Great Britain. c. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. d. North America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. e. North America. Presented by Capt. Sir J. Franklin, R.N. /. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Com- pany. The RED-THROATED DIVER. COLYMBUS septentrionalis, Linn. S. N. i. 220. PI. enl. 308. C. lumme, Brun. C. stellatus, Gmel. PL enl. 992. C. striatus, Gmel. C. borealis, Brun. a. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Sussex. c. Abbeville. From M. Baillon' Collection. d. Cape Wilson, North America. e. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Com- pany. / The BLACK-THROATED DIVER. COLYMBUS Arcticus, Linn. S. N. i. 221. Edw. Birds, t. 146. C. ignotus et C. leucopus, Bechst. C. balthicus, Hornsch. ? a. Northumberland. 6. Great Britain. c. Winter Island, Arctic Sea. COLYMBIDJE. 149 d. ? e. Great Britain. From Mr. Turner's Collection. /. Fulham. Presented by W. J. Broderip, Esq. 6. PODICIPINJE. The CRESTED GREBE. PODICEPS cristatus, Lath. Co- lymbus cristatus, Linn. S. N. i. 222. PI. enl. 400. C. cornutus, Briss. C. urinator, Scop. PL enl. 944. 941. a. b. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Great Britain. Presented by W. Yarrell, Esq. d. e. Great Britain. The . PODICEPS a. Australia. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. 6. Australia From Mr. Turner's Collection. c. Australia (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The PODICEPS ? a. b. Male. Berkeley Sound, East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The WHITE-WINGED GREBE. PODICEPS leucopterus, King, Zool. Journ. n. 101. Jard. and Selbys III. Orn. t. 107. P. chilensis, Less. a. b. Strait of Magellan. The RED-NECKED GREBE. PODICEPS rubricollis, Lath. Colymbus rubricollis, Gmel. S. N. i. 592. PL enl. 931. C. subcristatus, Jacq. C. parotis, Sparr. Mus. Carls, t. 9. C. cucullatus et C. naevius, Pall. a. Great Britain. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. c. Yarmouth. From Mr. Gould's Collection. e. Abbeville. From M. Baillon' Collection. y*. Europe. g- 150 COLYMBIDjE. The HORNED GREBE. PODICEPS cornutus, Lath. Co- lymbus cornutus, Gmel. S. N. i. 591. Edn>. B. t. 145. C. obscurus, Gmel. C. caspicus, S. G. Gmel. PL enl. 942. C. nigricans, Scop. Briss. Orn. vi. t. 3. f. 2. a. Great Britain. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. e. Great Britain. f. Devonshire. f. North America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. . North America. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. i. North America. Presented by Master Lloyd. k. Northern Asia. The EARED GREBE. PODICEPS auritus, Lath. Colym- bus auritus, Linn. S. N. i. 222. Edw. Birds, t. 96. f. 2. a. Cornwall. From Col. Montagu's Collection. 6. Yarmouth. The SOUTH AMERICAN GREBE. PODICEPS kalipareus, Less. Voy. de la Coqu. Zool. 727. Ois. t. 45. a. Male. Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. b. Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. c. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. d. e. Female. St. Salvador Bay, East Falkland (Antarc- tic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. /. Male. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. g. Female. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. The NEW ZEALAND GREBE. PODICEPS rufopectus, G. R. Gray, Faun, of New Zealand, App. 198. a. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. A. Sinclair, R.N. b. Waimate, New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. COLYMBID^E. 151 The LITTLE GREBE. PODICEPS minor, Lath. Colymbus minor, Gmel. 8. N. i. 591. C. hebridicus, Gmel. S. N. i. 594. C. fluviatilis, Br. PI. enl. 905. a. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Great Britain. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. c. Chelsea. From Col. Montagu's Collection. d. Young. e.f. Very young. Great Britain. Presented by Mr. J. Baker. g. h. Very young. Great Britain. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. t. India. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. k. India. Presented by Dr. Burns. /. m. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The GREY-HEADED GREBE. PODICEPS poliocephalus, Jard. and Selby's III. Orn. t. 13. P. nestor, Gould. a. Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. Van Diemen's Land. From Mr. Gunn's Collection. c. d. Female. South Australia. Presented by His Ex- cellency Capt. G. Grey. e.? Very young. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. f. River Murray. Presented by C. D. JE. Fortnum, Esq. The BLACK-THROATED GREBE. PODICEPS gularis, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1836. p. 145. B. of Austr. t. a. New South Wales. Presented by Allan Cunningham, Esq. b. New South Wales. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. HOLLAND'S GREBE. PODICEPS Rollandi, Quoy et Gaim. Foy. de VUranie, Zool. t. 36. a. Straits of Magellan, Cape Negro. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. 6. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty, c. ? 152 ALCHXE. d. Chili? From Mr. Bridges's Collection. e. Berkeley Sound, East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The PODICEPS ? a. b. South America. The PODICEPS ? a. Jamaica. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. The PIED BILLED GREBE. PODILYMBUS Carolinensis, Less. Colymbus podiceps, Linn. S. N. i. 223. Podiceps Ca- rolinensis, Lath. Catesby's Carol, i. t. 91 ? Spix. Av. Bras. n. t. 100. a. Jamaica. Presented by R. S. Redman, Esq. 6. Young. North America. The PODILYMBUS ? a. b. Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. FAM. 3. ALCID^E. a. ALCIN^S. The TUFTED AUK. LUNDA cirrhata, Pall. Alca cirrhata, Gmel. S. N. i. 553. PL enl. 761. Pall. Spic. v. t. 1 & S.Isis, 1821. t. 7. f. 1. a. North-West Coast of America? Presented by G. Bennett, Esq. The PUFFIN AUK. FRATERCULA Arctica, Leach. Alca Arctica, Linn. S. N. i. 211. PL enL 275. Mormon fratercula, Temm. Isis, 1821. t. 7. f. 57. a. Pembrokeshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. 6. Great Britain. c. d. Scilly Islands. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. e. Young. Great Britain. f. Very young. Scilly Islands. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. f. Ferroe. Presented by T. Frank, Esq. . North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Com- pany, t. Greenland. From M. Moller's Collection. ALCID/E. 153 The NORTHERN PUFFIN. FRATERCULA glacialis, Leach, his, 1821, t. 7. f. 2. a. b. Spitzbergen. Presented by the Admiralty. The HORNED PUFFIN. FRATERCULA corniculata. Mor- mon corniculatum, Naum. Isis, 1821. 782, t. 7. f. 3, 4. a. North-West Coast of America? Presented by G. Bennett, Esq. The GREAT AUK. ALCA impennis, Linn. S. N. i. 210. PI. enl. 367. A. major, Briss. a. Papa Westra, Orkney. From Mr. Bullock's Museum. The RAZOR-BILLED AUK. UTAMANIA torda, Leach. Alca torda, Linn. S. N. i. 219. PL enl. 1004. A. pica, Linn. A. minor, Br. Orn. vi. t. 8. f. 2. A. unisulcata, Brun.Pl. enl. 1003. a. Pembrokeshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. I. Scotland. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. North of Scotland. d. Young. North of Scotland. c. Young. Orkney. /. Very young. North of Scotland. g. North America. h. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. b. PHALERIDIN.E. The CRESTED AUK. TYLORHAMPHUS cristatellus. Alca cristatella, Pall. Spic. Zool. t. 3. et t. 5. f. 7, 8, 9. Phaleris superciliosa, Bonap. Audub. B. of Amer. t. a. North-West Coast of America. Presented by G. Bennett, Esq. The PAPUAN PINGUIN. PYGOSCELIS papua, Wagl. Ap- tenodytes papua, Forst. Comm. Goett. in. 113. t. 3. Sonn. Voy. 181. t. 115. a. Falkland Island. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. 6. c. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. H 3 154 ALCWM* The ANTARCTIC PINGUIN. PYGOSCELIS Antarctica. Ap- tenodytes Antarctica, Forst. Comm. Gotting. 3. p. 141. tab. 4. Forst. Icon. ined. t. 82. a. Male. Lat. 64 9' S., Long. 56 W. (Antarctic Ex- pedition). Presented by the Admiralty. b. Female. Lat. 64 10' S., Long. 54 W. (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The ANTIPODES PINGUIN. PYGOSCELIS antipoda. Ca~ tarrhactes antipodes, Homb. et Jacq. Ann. des Sci. Nat. 1841. p. 320. a. Male. Auckland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. b. Male. Campbell's Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. c. Female. Auckland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The SHORT-BILLED PINGUIN. PYGOSCELIS brevirostris, G. R. Gray, ZooL Ereb. and Terr. t. a. Female. Ice off Louis Phillippe Land (Antarctic Ex- pedition). Presented by the Admiralty. b. Island, Lat. 71 56', Long. 171 6' (Antarctic Ex- pedition). Presented by the Admiralty. c. Female. Lat. 72 S. (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. d. Male. Lat, 64 S. (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. e. Female young. Lat. 72 S. South Pacific (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. f. Antarctic Seas (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. c. SPHENISCIN^. The CAPE PLNGUIN. SPHENISCUS demersus, Temm. Diomedea demersa, Linn. S. N. i. 214. Edw. B. t. 94. f. 2. a. Cape of Good Hope. 6. Cape of Good Hope* Presented by Gen. T. Hard- wicke. c. /. Young. Cape of Good Hope. From M* Verreaux* Collection* ALCIDJE. 155 The MAGELLANIC PINGUIN. SPHENISCUS Magellanicus. Aptenodytes Magellanica, Forst. Comm. Goett. in. 143* t. 5. Mill. III. t. 34. Forst. Icon. ined. t. 83. a. Cape of Good Hope ? b. Male. Maxwell's Harbour, Hermite Island (Ant- arctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The RED-FOOTED PINGUIN. EUDYPTES demersus. Phae- ton demersus, Linn. S. N. i. 219. Aptenodytes chrysocome, Forst. Comm. Goetting. in. 135. Forst. Icon. ined. t. 80. E. chrysolopha, Brandt. a. Male? b. Female ? Presented by the Admiralty. c. Male. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. d. ? (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. e. Berkeley Sound, East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. /. Female. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. g. Young? (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The LITTLE PINGUIN. EUDYPTES minor. Aptenodytes minor, Forst. Comm. Goett. in. 147. Forst. Icon. ined. t. 84, 85. a. Australia. 6. New Zealand. c. Half grown. South Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. d. Chick. South Australia. From Mr. Gould's Col- lection. e. Tasmania (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. /. Bay of Islands, New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition), Presented by the Admiralty. g. h. Male. New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. 156 ALCID&. The EMPEROR PINGUIN. APTENODYTES Forsteri, G. R. Gray, Ann. of Nat. Hist. 1844. Apt. patachonica, Forst. Comm. Goett. m. 137. Forst. Icon. ined. t. 81. Penn. Gen. Birds, t. 14. Mill. III. t. 20. a. Female. Antarctic Seas (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. 6. ? (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. c . ? (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. d. Female. Lat. 77 S., Long. 180 E. (Antarctic Ex- pedition). Presented by the Admiralty. e. Young. Antarctic Seas (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. /. Very young. Lat. 64 S. (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The KING PINGUIN. APTENODYTES Pennantii, G. R. Gray, Ann. of Nat. Hist. 1844. Patagonian Penguin, Penn. Phil. Tr. 58. t. Aptenodytes patachonica, Shaw, Nat. Misc. t. 409. a. b. Falkland Island. c . ? Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. d. Very young. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. e. Kerguelen's Land? (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. d. URIN.E. The FOOLISH GUILLEMOT. URIA Troile, Lath. Colym- bus troile, Linn. S. N. i. 220.- PL enl. 903. Cepphus lomvia, Pall. U. suarbag et lomvia, Brun. a. b. Great Britain. c. d. Great Britain. From Col. Montagu's Collection, e. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. f. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. The NORTHERN GUILLEMOT. URIA arra. U. troile, Brun. Orn. Bor, 109. U. Brunnichii, Sabine. Chloris, Voy. Pitt. Aut. du Monde, t. 21. U. Francsi, Leach. Alca pica, Fab. Cepphus arra, Pall, a. Greenland. Presented by the Admiralty. 6. Spitzbergen. Presented by the Admiralty. 157 The WHITE EYE-BROWED GUILLEMOT. URIA ringuia, Brunn. Orn. Bor. No. in. U. lachrymans, Lapy. Chloris, Voy. Pitt. Ant. du Monde, t. 23. U. leucoph- thalmos, Faber. U. leucopsis, Brehm. a. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. The BLACK GUILLEMOT. URIA grylle, Lath. Colymbus grylle, Linn. S. N. i. 220. Cepphus columba, Pall. Grylle scapularis, Steph. Columba Groenlandica, Briss. U. grylloides et U. balthica, Brunn. a. b. c. d. Orkney. e. Great Britain. From Col. Montagu's Collection. /. Young. Great Britain. g. Spitzbergen. Presented by the Admiralty. h. Greenland. Presented by the Admiralty. t. Northern Sea. Presented by the Admiralty. j. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. k. Fern Island. 1. Winter Island. Presented by the Admiralty. m. North Sea. The SLENDER-BILLED GUILLEMOT. URIA Townsendii, Audub. Orn. Biogr. v. 251. B. of Amer. t. 430. a. Columbia River. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, K.C., R.N. The ANCIENT AUK. BRACHYRAMPHUS antiquus, Brandt. Alca antiqua, Gmel. S. N. i. 554. Audub. B. of Amer. t. Uria senicula, Pall. a. Kamtschatka. From the Frankfort Museum. The LITTLE AUK. ARCTICA alle, Vleill. Alca alle, Linn. S. N. i. 211. Naum. Vog. Deut. t. 65. f. 102. Edw. B. t. 91. A. Uria minor, Briss. a. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Great Britain. Presented by J. Engleheart, Esq. c. d. Orkney. e.f. g. h. Northern Expedition. Presented by the Ad- miralty. t. ? 158 LARID.E. FAM. 4. LARID^E. a. PROCELLARIN^E. The DIVING PETREL. PELECANOIDES urinatrix, Cuv, Procellaria urinatrix, Gmel. S. N. i. 560. Proc. tri- dactylia, Forst. Icon. ined. t. 88, a. b. Auckland Island. Presented by Lieut. Alexander Smith, R.N. c. Auckland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. d. Very young. Auckland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. BERARD'S DIVING PETREL. PELECANOIDES Berardi, Quoy* et Gaim. Voy. de VUranie, Ois. t. 37. a. b. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. GARNOT'S DIVING PETREL. PELECANOIDES Garnotii, PufFunaria Garnotii, Less. Voy. de la Coqu, Ois. t. 46. a. b. Chili.- From Mr. Bridges's Collection. The SHEARWATER PETREL. PUFFINUS major, Faber. Procellaria puffinus, Linn. S. N. i. 213. PL enl. 962. Puff, fuliginosus, StrickL Proc. grisea, Gmel. Forst. Icon. ined. t. 94. Puffinus cinereus, A. Smith, III. S. Afr. Zool. t. 56. a. Adult. ? b. c. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. d. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by Dr. Andr. Smith. e. f. Female and young. Cape of Good Hope. From the South African Museum. g. Polperoo, Cornwall. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. h. Straits of Magellan. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. i.j. Adult. Italy. From Mr. Argent's Collection. LARIILE. 159 k. Male. South Seas (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. /. Female. South Seas (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. m. Auckland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The PUFFINUS ? a. South Atlantic Ocean (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. The SHORT-TAILED PETREL. PUFFINUS brevicaudus, Brandt. Mss. a. Male. Green Island, Bass's Straits. From Mr. Gould's Collection. The MANKS PETREL. PUFFINUS Anglorum, Ray. Pro- cellaria puffinus, Briin. Orn. Bor. Pr. arcticus, Fab. Edrv. B. t. 359. a. British Sea. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. c. Adult male and female. Scilly Islands. Pre- sented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. d. e. Young. Egypt. From Mr. Argent's Collection. The AUSTRALIAN PETREL. PUFFINUS assimilis, Gould, Proc. Zool. 8oc. 1837. 156. Nectris nugax, 8ol. Mss. a. b. Australia. Presented by Sir T. Mitchell. The CINEREOUS PETREL. PUFFINUS cinereus, Gmel. S. N. i. 563. Procellaria inexpectata, Forst. Icon. ined. t. 92. P. melanura, Bonn. a. ? b. Young female. Lat. S. 36 39', Long. E. 10 3'. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. The PUFFINUS ? a. Very young. South Island. Houtman's Abrolhos. From Mr. Gould's Collection. 160 The DUSKY PETREL. PUFFINUS obscurus. Procellaria obscurus, Gmel. S. N. i. 559. a t _ ? Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. The SLENDER-BILLED PETREL. PUFFINUS tenuirostris, Temm. PL col. (no plate.) a. Japan Seas. From the Leyden Museum. The WHITE and BLACK PETREL. PUFFINUS leucomelas. Procellaria leucomelas, Temm. pi. col. 587. a. Cataguan. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. The GREAT BLACK PETREL. PUFFINUS aequinoctialis. Procellaria aequinoctialis, Linn. S. N. i. 213. Edrv. B. t. 89. P. conspicillata, Gould. P. fuliginosa, Sol. Mss. Banks' s Icon. ined. 19. White's Journ. t. p. 252. a. Pacific Ocean. Presented by Sir Joseph Banks. b. ? c. Male. ? Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. d. Coast of New Zealand (Taiko of Natives). Presented by Miss Rebecca Stone. e. Variety, young ? Cape of Good Hope. From M. Verreaux' Collection. The STORMY PETREL. THALASSIDROMA pelagica, Fig. Procellaria pelagica, Linn. S. N. i. 212. Journ. Acad. Phil. 1824, t. 8. a. b. c. British Channel. d. British Channel. Presented by Mr. J. Gould. The LEACH'S PETREL. THALASSIDROMA Leachii, Bonap. Procellaria Leachii, Temm. Man. n. 812. P. Bul- locki, Selby. P. leucorrhea, VieilL ? a. St. Kilda. From Mr. Bullock's Collection. 6. Nova Scotia. LARHXffi. 161 The AMERICAN STORMY PETREL. THALASSIDROMA Ocean- ica, Kuhl. Monogr. t. 10. f. 1. T. Wilsoni, Bonap. Procellaria pelagica, Wils. Am. Orn. t. 59. f. 6. a. Atlantic Ocean, Presented by the Rev. W. Hennah. b. Adult male. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. c. Male. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. d. ? e. Ice off Louis Phillippe Land (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The WHITE-BELLIED STORMY PETREL. THALASSIDROMA Fregetta, Kuhl. Monogr. t. 10. f. 3. Banks' s Icon, ined. t. 14. Procellaria grallaria, Vieill. T. tropica et T. leucogaster, Gould, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1844, p. 365. a. Lat. 6 33' N., Long. 18 6' W. From Mr. J. Gould's Collection. b. Young. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. c. Adult male. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. The FORK-TAILED PETREL. THALASSIDROMA furcata. Procellaria furcata, Gmel. S. N. i. 561. P. orientalis, Pall. T. cinerea, Gould. a. b. Sitka (N. W. America). Presented by Mr. G. Barclay. c. Sitka (N. W. America). Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, K.B., R.N. d. Sitka (N. W. America). Presented by J. Gould, Esq. The FRIGATE PETREL. THALASSIDROMA marina. Pro- cellaria marina, Lath, 2nd. Orn. n. 826. Gal. des Ois. t. 292. P. aequorea, Sol. Mss. Banks's Icon. Ined. t. 13. P. hypoleuca, Webb, et Berth ? a. Male. Island off Cape Lewin, W. Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. Female. Island off Cape Lewin. From Mr. Gould's Collection. c. Young. Inlet south of Wallaby Island. Houtman's Abrolhos. From Mr. Gould's Collection. 162 LARID.E. d. Very young. Inlet south of Wallaby Island. From Mr. Gould's Collection. e. Auckland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The GIANT PETREL. PROCELLARIA gigantea, GmeL S. N. i. 563, Lath. Syn. t. 100. a. ? b. South Pacific Ocean ? c. South Pacific Ocean ? d. South Pacific Ocean ? From Mr. Gould's Collection. e. New Zealand. Presented by the New Zealand Com- pany. /. g. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. The FULMAR PETREL. PROCELLARIA glacialis, Linn. S. N. i. 213. PL enl. 59. P. cinerea, Briss. P. hie- malis, Brehm. a. St. Kilda. From Mr. Bullock's Collection. b. Young. Orkney. From Mr. Bullock's Collection. c. d. North Sea. e. ? /. g. Greenland. Presented by the Admiralty. h. Spitzbergen. Presented by the Admiralty. The SOUTHERN FULMAR. PROCELLARIA glacialoides, Smithy Zool. of South Afr. t. 51. Forst. Icon. ined. t. 91. P. tenuirostris, Audub. a. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. b. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. c. Cape of Good Hope. From the South African Mu- seum. d. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by Lieut. A. Smith, R.N. e. f. Male. Antarctic Expedition.^- Presented by the Admiralty. g. h. Female. Antarctic Expedition. Presented by the Admiralty. LARID.&. 163 The ANTARCTIC PETREL. PROCELLARIA antarctica, GmeL S. N. i. 565. Forst. Icon. ined. t. 95. a. Male. South Seas (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. b. Female. South Seas (Antarctic Expedition. Pre- sented by the Admiralty. c. Male. Lat. 77 49' S., Long. 181 10' E. (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. d. Female. Antarctic Expedition. Presented by the Admiralty. e. f. Antarctic Seas (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. LESSON'S PETREL. PROCELLARIA Lessonii, Garn. Ann. des Scl. Nat. vn. t. 4. P. leucocephala, Forst. Icon. ined. t. 98. P. vagabunda, Sol. Mss. a. Adult female. Lat. S. 36 39', Long. E. 10 3'. Pre- sented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. The SHORT-BILLED PETREL. PROCELLARIA brevirostris, Less. Manuel dOrnith. n. 611. P. lugens, Sol. Mss. Banks' s Icon. ined. t. 221 a. Tristan de Chusan. Presented by Capt. Carmichael, R.N. b. c. Kerguelen's Land. Presented by Lieut. A. Smith, R.N. d. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. e. f. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. The BLACK PETREL. PROCELLARIA fuliginosa, KuhL (nee Banks) Mon. t. x. f. 6. Forst. Icon. ined. t. 93. B. P. Atlantica, Gould. a. Adult female. Lat. S. 36, Long. E. 6 47 7 . Pre- sented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. b. South Sea. From Capt. Cook's Voyage. The ori- ginal of Kuhl's description. 164 LARID.E. The PINTADO PETREL. PROCELLARIA Capensis, Linn, S, N. i. 213. PL enl 964. Forst. Icon. ined. t. 96. a. Cape of Good Hope. b. Lat. 34 37', Long. 22 29'.- Presented by O. Blewitt, Esq. c. d. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. The BLACK-FOOTED PETREL. PROCELLARIA melanopus, Gmel. S. N. i. 562. P. crepidata, Sol. Mss. P. mol- lis, Gould. P. grisea, Kuhl. Monogr. t. 11. f. 9. a. ? b. Adult male. Lat. S. 35 7j', Long. E. 6 15 r . Pre- sented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. c. Very young male. Lat. S. 36 8', Long. E. 88 55'. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. d. ? Cape of Good Hope (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. The SNOWY PETREL. PROCELLARIA nivea, Gmel. S. N. i. 562. Forst. Icon. ined. t. 89, 90. a. Antarctic Regions (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by Lieut. A/Smith, R.N. b. Male. (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Ad- miralty. c. Male. Lat. 78 S. (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. (/.Female. (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. e. Female. Lat. 77 S. (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. /. ? (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. g. Antarctic Seas (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. COOK'S PETREL. PROCELLARIA Cookii, G. R. Gray. Faun, of N. Zeal. App. 199. Proc. velox, Sol. Mss. Bank's Icon. ined. t. 1 6 ? a. Coast of New Zealand. Presented by the New Zea- land Company. LARID^E. 165 The PIGEON PETREL. PROCELLARIA turtur, Sol. Mss. Banks's Icon. ined. t. 15. KuhVs Mon. t. xi. f. 8. A. Smith's III. S. Afr. Zool. Birds, t. 54. a. Cape of Good Hope. From the South African Mu- seum. The BLUE PETREL. PROCELLARIA cserulea, Gmel. S. N. i. 560. P. similis, Forst. Icon. ined. t. 86. P. Forsteri, A. Smith, III. Zool. S. Afr. Av. t. 54. a. Cape of Good Hope. From the South African Mu- The BROAD-BILLED PETREL. PRION vittatus, Cuv. Pro- cellaria vittata, Gmel. S. N. i. 560. P. Forsteri, Lath. P. latirostris (Sol. Mss.) Bonn. PL col. 528. Jard. and Selbtfs III. Orn. t. 47. Kuhl's Monogr. t. n. f. 13. a. Male adult. ? Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. b. Female adult. ? Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. c. Male young. Lat. S. 35 I', Long. E. 6 15' Pre- sented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. BANKS'S BROAD-BILLED PETREL. PRION Banksii. Pachyp- tila Banksii, A. Smith, III. S. Afr. Zool. Av. t. 55. a. Cape of Good Hope. From the South African Mu- seum. b. c. Coast of Australia ? Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. d. ? e. Auckland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. Ross's BROAD-BILLED PETREL. PRION Rossii, G. R. Gray, Zool. Ereb. and Terr. t. a. Male. (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. b. Female. (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. 166 LARID^E. The WANDERING ALBATROSS. DIOMEDEA exulans, Linn. S. N. i. 214. PL enl 237. Forst. Icon. med. t. 99. (adult.) D. epomophora, Less. ? D. spadicea, GmeL Banks' s Icon. med. t. 25. (young ?) a. ? o. ? Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. New Zealand. Presented by the New Zealand Com- pany. d. Coast of South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. 6t ? (Antarctic Expedition.) Presented by the Admiralty, y. ? (Antarctic Expedition.) Presented by the Admiralty. The YELLOW ALBATROSS. DIOMEDEA chlororhynchus, GmeL S. N. i. 568. Lath. Syn. t. 94. -PJ. col. 468. D. chrysostoma, Forst. Icon. med. t. 100, 101. D. prosuga, Banks' } s Icon. med. 27. a. South Sea. 6. Coast of South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. The BLACK EYE-BROWED ALBATROSS. DIOMEDEA mela- nophris, Boie, pi. col. 456. a. South Pacific Ocean. 6. Southern Ocean. c. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by Townsend, Esq. d. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. e. Young. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The SOOTY ALBATROSS. DIOMEDEA fuliginosa, Gmel. S. N. i. 568. PL col. 469. D. palpebrata, Forst. Icon, ined. t. 102. D. antarctica, Banks's Icon. ined. 26. D. fusca, Audub. B. of Amer. t. a. Southern Ocean. 6. South Sea. LARID.E. 167 c. North-West Coast of Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. d. Coast of Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. e. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. b. LARIKE. The ARCTIC GULL. STERCORARIUS parasiticus. Larus parasiticus, Linn. S. N. i. 226. Lestris Richardsoni, Swains. Faun. Bor. Amer. t. 73. a. Spitzbergen. Presented by the Admiralty. b. Northern Sea. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Com- pany. c. North America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. d. Young. Brighton, Sussex. The LONG-TAILED ARCTIC GULL. STERCORARIUS cephus. Catarractes cephus, Brun. Orn. No. 2. Lestris para- siticus, Swains. L. crepidata, Bonn. L. Buffoni, Boie, pi. enl. 762. a. Spitzbergen. Presented by the Admiralty. b. Northern Sea. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. c. Orkney. The POMARINE GULL. STERCORARIUS pomarinus. Les- tris pomarinus, Temm. Man. n. 514. Catarractes para- sitica, var. Camtschatica, Pall. Lestris sphaeriuros, Brm. a. North Britain. b. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Capt. Sir G. Back, R.N. The ANTARCTIC POMARINE GULL. STERCORARIUS Antarc- ticus, Less. Tr. Orn. 616. Lestris catarractes, Quoy et Gaim. Voy. de VUranie, t. 38. a. b. Campbell Island, South Pacific. Presented by Lieut. A. Smith, R.N. c. Campbell Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. 168 LARIDJE. d. e. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. /. Pack Ice, Antarctic Seas (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. g. Male. Antarctic Seas (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. h. Female. Antarctic Seas (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. The SKUA GULL. STERCORARIUS catarractes. Larus catarractes, Linn. S. N. i. 226. Catarractes skua, Br'dn. a. Great Britain. Presented by F. France, Esq. b. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Young. Orkney. The BLACK-BACKED GULL. LARUS marinus, Linn. S. N. i. 225. L. naevius, Gmel. L. maximus, L. Mulleri, L. Fabricii, Brm. PL enl. 260. 990. a. b. Wales. -From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. ? d. Chick. Scilly Islands. Presented by W. D. Mitchell, Esq. The GLAUCOUS GULL. LARUS glaucus, Gmel. S. N. i. 600. L. glacialis et L. giganteus, Benicke. L. consul, Boie, L. medius, Brm. ? a. Shetland. b. Orkney. c. Young. Great Britain. d. e. Northern Sea. f. Spitzbergen. Presented by the Admiralty. g. Lyon's Inlet, North Sea. Presented by the Admiralty. The HERRING GULL. LARUS fuscus, Linn. S. N. i. 225. L. flavipes, Mey. Naum. Vogels. t. 36. f. 51. B. a. Great Britain. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Great Britain. Presented by J. Sabine, Esq. c. Scilly Islands, Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. d. Very young. LARIM. 169 The SOUTH AMERICAN GULL. LARUS dominicanus, Licht. Cat. Dupl. Berl. Mus. No. 846. Azara, 409. a. East Patagonia. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. b. Valparaiso. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. c. ? Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. d. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. e. ? f.g. h. Antarctic Seas (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. i. Berkeley Sound, East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. j. k. Young. Antarctic Seas (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The NEW ZEALAND GULL. LARUS antipodus? a. b. Mount Egmont, New Zealand. Presented by the New Zealand Company. c. Auckland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. d. Young male. New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. e. Young female. New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The SILVERY GULL. LARUS argentatus, Brunn. Orn. Bor. No. 149. L. glaucus, Retz. Laroides major, L. argentatus, L. argenteus, L. argentatoides, et L. ar- gentaceus, Brm. PI. enl. 253. . Great Britain. Presented by J. Sabine, Esq. b. c. d. Great Britain. From Col. Montagu's Collec- tion. e. Great Britain. /. Chick. Shetland. g. Northern Land Expedition. Presented by Cant. Sir G. Back, R.N. i I/O LARHXE. The PACIFIC GULL. LARUS Pacificus, Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. L. leucomelas, Vieill. L. Georgi, Vigors. L. frontalis, Vieill.l a. Van Diemen's Land. From Mr. Gunn's Collection. b. Van Diemen's Land. c. Young. Van Diemen's Land. From Mr. Gunn's Col- lection. d. Very young. ? From Mr. Gould's Collec- tion. e. South Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. /. Young. South Australia. From Mr. Gould's Col- lection. g. ? h. Young. ? (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. AUDOUIN'S GULL. LARUS Audouini, Peyreaud, Ann. des Sti. Nat. PL col. 480. a. Straits of Bonifacio. The RED-BILLED GULL. LARUS haematorhynchus, King, Zool. Journ. xin. 103. Jard. et Selby's III. Orn. t. 106. Larus Scoresbii, Traill. a. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. 6. Berkeley Sound, East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition), Presented by the Admiralty. c. Male. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. d. Young male. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty, The FULIGINOUS GULL. LARUS fuliginosus, Gould, Voy. Beagle, Zool. L. Belcheri, Vigors 1 a. Adult. Galapagos Archipelago. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. 6. Young. Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. c. Very young. Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Collec- tion. LARID^E. 171 The COMMON GULL. LARUS canus, Linn. S. N. i. 224. PL enl. 977. L. hybridus, Gmel. L. cyanorhyn- chus, Mey. L. procellosus, Bechst. a. b. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. d. Thames. Presented by A. Cooper, Esq., R.A. e. Hayling's Island. Presented by J. B. Tyndale, Esq. The RING-BILLED MEW GULL. LARUS zonorhynchus, Rich, and Siv. Faun. Bor. Amer. 421. a. Northern Expedition. The CRIMSON-BILLED GULL. LARUS Jamesoni, Wils. III. of ZooL t. xxni. L. scopulinus, Forst. Icon. ined. t. 109. (Very young.) a. Adult. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. c. Young. Van Diemen's Land. From Mr. Gunn's Collection. d. Very young. Port Lincoln. From Mr. Harvey's Collection. e. Male. Auckland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. /. Female. Auckland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. g. Auckland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The FORK-TAILED GULL. XEMA Sabini, Leach. Larus Sabini, Leach. Linn. Trans, xn. 520. Wils. III. of ZooL t. 3. X. collaris, Leach. Jard. $ Selby's III. Orn. N. S. t. 35. a. b. Arctic Sea. The GREAT GULL. XEMA ichthyaetus. Larus ichthy- aetus, PalL Reise. n. 713. Ichthyaetus Pallasi, Kaup. Rupp. Atlas , t. 17. a. Caspian Sea. From M. Brandt's Collection. The WHITE-EYED GULL. XEMA leucophthalma. Larus leucophthalmus, Licht. PL col. 366. a. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. i 2 172 LAR1DJE. The BLACK-HEADED GULL. XEMA ridibunda. Larus ridibundus, Linn. S. N. i. 225. PL enl. 969. L. cinerarius et L. erythropus, GmeL L. atricilla et L. naevia, Pall. Sterna obscura, Lath. PL enl. 970. a. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. c. Carmarthen. From Col. Montagu's Collection. d. Orkney. e. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. f. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The INDIAN HOODED GULL. XEMA brunnicephala. Larus brunnicephalus, Jerd. Madr. Journ. 1840. 225. L. personatus, Natt. Mss. a. India. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The MASKED GULL. XEMA capistrata. Larus capis- tratus, Temm. Man. 785. Gould's B. of Eur. t. a. Scotland. The LAUGHING GULL. XEMA atricilla. Larus atricilla, Linn. S. N. i. 225. L. ridibundus, Wils. Am. Orn. t. 74. f. 4. L. major, Catesby's Car. t. 89. L. polio- cephalus, Temm. ? a. Winchelsea. b. Europe. From Mr. Gould's Collection. c. British Guiana. Presented by Chev. Schomburgk. d. St. Francisco, California. Presented by Mr. G. Bar~ clay. The ADRIATIC GULL. XEMA melanocephala. Larus melanocephalus, Natt. Temm. Man. n. 777. Stor. degl. ucc. t. 527. 526. 528. a. Adult. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. FRANKLIN'S ROSY GULL. XEMA Franklini. Larus Franklini, Rich, and Srv. Faun. Bor. Am. 424, t. 71. L. atricilla, Sabine. L. pipixcan, Wagl. Isis, 1831. 515. a. Valparaiso. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. LARID^. 173 The ASHY-HEADED GULL. XEMA cirrocephala. Larus cirrocephalus, Fieill. N. Diet. H. N. xxi. 502. Gal. des Ois. t. 289. L. maculipennis, Licht. L. polio- cephalus, Pr. Max. L. glaucotes, Meyen, Nov. Act. v. 1834, t. 24. L. albipennis, Licht. (Mss.) a. East Patagonia. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. b. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. c. Straits of Magellan Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. d. Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. e. Valparaiso. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. f. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. g. Adult. St. Salvador Bay, East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. h. Berkeley Sound, East Falkland (Antarctic Expe- dition). Presented by the Admiralty. t. Male. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. j. Female. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. k. Young female. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedi- tion). Presented by the Admiralty. The GREY-CAPPED GULL. XEMA poiocephala. Larus poiocephalus, Swains. B. of W. Afr. n. 245. t. 29. a. Gambia. From Mr. Rendall's Collection. 6. Cape of Good Hope. c. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. The XEMA ? a. Very young. Swan River, Western Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. The LITTLE GULL. XEMA minuta. Larus minutus, Pall. Reise. m. 704. L. atricilloides, Falk. Rets. t. 24. a. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. 174 LARID^E. The KITTIWAKE GULL. RISSA tridactyla, Leach. Larus tridactylus, Linn. S. N. i. 224>.Pl. enl 387. L. Rissa, Linn. L. torquatus, L. gavia, et L. canus, Pall. a. Scotland. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Great Britain. Presented by A. Cooper, Esq., R.A. c. Young. Yarmouth. d. Arctic Sea. e. West Greenland. Presented by the Admiralty. /. Spitzbergen. Presented by the Admiralty. The YELLOW-BILLED GULL. RISSA nivea. Larus niveus, Pall. Zoogr. ii. t. L. brachyrhynchus, Gould. Proc. Z. S. 184. a. North- West Coast of America? Presented by John Gould, Esq. The IVORY GULL. PAGOPHILA eburnea, Kaup. Larus eburneus, Gmel. S. N. i. 596. PL enl. 994. L. ni- veus, Mart. L. candidus, Fabr. a. Arctic Sea. b. Arctic Sea. Presented by the Admiralty. c. Greenland. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Parry, R.N. d. ? c. RHYNCHOPIN^E. The BLACK SKIMMER. RHYNCHOPS nigra, Linn. S. N. i. 228. PL enl. 357. Wils. Am. Orn. t. 60. f. 4. Azara, No. 408. R. cinerascens et R. brevirostris, Spix. Av. Braz. t. 102, 103. a. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. . ? Presented by Capt. Lord Byron, R.N. c. d. Chili. Presented by C. Crawley, Esq. e. ? British Guiana. Presented by the Royal Geogra- phical Society. The AFRICAN SKIMMER. RHYNCHOPS orientalis, Rupp. Faun. t. 24. a. b. Quorra (African Expedition). Presented by Mrs. Heywood. LARID^E. 175 d. STERNIN^. The CASPIAN TERN. SYLOCHELIDON Caspia, Brekm. Sterna Caspia, Pall. Nov. Com. Petr. xiv. 582. St. megarhyncha, Mey. Sparm. Mus. Carls, t. 62. St. Tschegrava, Lepech. a. British Channel. b. Sierra Leone. Presented by Capt. Sabine, R.N. c. Gambia. The GREAT-BILLED CRESTED TERN. SYLOCHELIDON mag- nirostris. Sterna magnirostris, Spix. Av. Braz. t. 104. a. British Guiana. Presented by Chev. Schomburgk. The CRESTED TERN. SYLOCHELIDON poliocerca. Sterna poliocerca, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837. p. 26. St. Caspia, var. Lath. Phill. Voy. p. 160. pi. p. 77. a. River Derwent, Australia. From Mr. Gould's Col- lection. b. Australia. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. c. Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. d. Young. Van Diemen's Land. From Mr. Gunn's Collection. e. Very young. Rottnest Island, Western Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. f. Port Bowen, Van Diemen's Land ? Presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq. The ORANGE-BILLED TERN. SYLOCHELIDON aurantia. Sterna aurantia, Gray, III. Ind. Zool. t. 69. f. 2. (adult.) S. brevirostris, Gray, III. Ind. Zool. t. 59. f. 1. (young.) a. India. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. 6. India. Presented by Capt. Johnson. c. d. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 1 76 LARID^E. The GULL-BILLED TERN. GELICHELIDON Anglica, Brm. Sterna Anglica, Mont. Diet. SuppL et t. S. aranea, Savi. ? S. affinis, Horsf. S. stubberica, Otto. a. Great Britain. From Mr. Bullock's Collection. b. Egypt. Presented by John Bowring, Esq. c. Athens. Presented by C. L. W. Merlin, Esq. The SANDWICH TERN. THALASSEUS cantiacus, Boie. Sterna cantiaca, Gmel. S. N. i. 606. S. striata, Gmel. S. columbina, Schrank. S. Boysii, Lath. S. canescens, Mey. Boy's Sandwich, t. p. S. nubilosa, Sparrm. ? Mus. Carls, t. 63. S. Africana, Gmel. ? a. Adult. Great Britain. Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. b. Kent. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. Adult. Scilly Islands. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. d. Young. ? e. Adult. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. /. Young. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. The TRUDEAU'S TERN. THALASSEUS Trudeaui. Sterna Trudeaui, Audub. B. of Amer. t. 49. f. a. Chili. From Mr. Bridges's Collection. The SWIFT TERN. STERNA velox, Rupp. Atlas, t. 1 3. a. Red Sea. From the Frankfort Museum. 6. ? The AFRICAN CRESTED TERN. STERNA cristata, Swains. B. of W. Afr. n. 247. t. 30. a. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. b. Cape Roni, West Africa. Presented by Col. Sabine, R.A. LARID.E. 177 The ALLIED TERN. STERNA affinis, Riipp. Atlas, t. 14. S. media, Horsf. S. Arabica, Ehrenb. a. Red Sea. From the Frankfort Museum. The SOOTY TERN. STERNA fuliginosa. Sterna fuliginosa, Gmel. S. N. i. 605. Onychoprion serratus, WagL S. serrata, Forst. Dr. t. 110. S. guttata, Forst. S. Oahuensis, Bloxam. a. North America. 6. c. North America. Presented by H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex, K.G. d. e. Australia. Presented by Sir Thomas Mitchell. f. Australia. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. g. Indian Archipelago. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. h. i. j. Young. South Island, Houtman's Abrolhos. From Mr. Gould's Collection. k. 1. Very young. South Island, Houtman's Abrolhos. From Mr. Gould's Collection. m. ? n. Oahu. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, K.B., R,N. The STERNA ? a. Male. South Island, Houtman's Abrolhos. From Mr. Gould's Collection. 6. ? Red Sea. Presented by J. Middleton, Esq. The COMMON TERN. STERNA hirundo, Linn. S. N. i. 227. PI. enl. 987. S. fluviatilis, Naum. a. Sussex. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Adult. -Presented by W. Yarrell, Esq. c. Adult. Sussex. Presented by W. Yarrell, Esq. d. Adult. Scilly Islands. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. e. Young. Great Britain. f. Young. Sussex. g. h. Spitzbergen. Presented by the Admiralty. i 3 178 LARUX&. The . STERNA ? a. Male. Lat. 66 S., Long. 157 W. (Antarctic Expe- dition). Presented by the Admiralty. b. Female. Lat. 66 S., Long. 157 W. (Antarctic Ex- pedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The . STERNA ? a. Male. Berkeley Sound, East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. b. Female. Berkeley Sound, East Falkland (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. c. Male. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. d. Female. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. e. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. f. Straits of Magellan. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. The ARCTIC TERN. STERNA rnacrura, Naum. S. Arc- tica, Temm. Man. n. 742. S. hirundo, Faber. S. argentata. Brehm. S. brachytarsa, Graba. ? Gould's B. of Eur. t. Audub. B. of Amer. t. 250. a. Yarmouth. 6. Scilly Islands. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. c. North America. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. d. Italy. From Mr. Argent's Collection. e. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. f. Male. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition), Presented by the Admiralty. g. Female. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The ROSEATE TERN. STERNA paradisea, Briinn. S. Douglasi, Mont. Diet. Orn. Suppl. S. Dougallii, Temm. a. Frith of Clyde. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Scilly Islands. Presented by James Griffin, Esq. c. d. Scilly Islands. Presented by D. W. Mitchell, Esq. LARHLE. 179 The STERNA ? a. Male. South Island, Houtman's Abrolhos. From Mr. Gould's Collection. The STERNA ? a. Female. South Island, Houtman's Abrolhos. From Mr. Gould's Collection. The BLACK-BELLIED TERN. STERNA melanogaster, Temm. pi. col. 434. S. acuticauda, Gray, III. Ind. Zool. t. 70. f. 3. a. Male. India. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. The MINUTE TERN. STERNA minuta, Linn. S. N. i. 228. S. parva, Penn. S. mepoleuca, Gmel. PI. enl. 996. a. Adult. Sussex. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Adult. Great Britain. c. Young. Weymouth. From Col. Montagu's Col- lection. d. ? Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. e. Adult. Niger Expedition. Presented by Mrs. Hey- wood and Capt. Allen, R.N. /. Young. Niger Expedition. Presented by Mrs. Hey- wood and Capt. Allen, R.N. The BLACK-NAPED TERN. STERNA melanauchen, Temm. pi. col. 427. S. minuta, Horsf. Linn. Trans, xm. 199. a. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. The STERNA ? a. South Island, Houtman's Abralhos. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. c. Cape Upstart. Presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq. The . STERNA ? a. Male. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Ad- miralty, j, ? Presented by J. Gould, Esq. 180 LARIOE. The BLACK-HEADED TERN. HYDROCHELIDON nigra. Sterna nigra, Linn. S. N. i. 227. S. leucoptera, Temm. S. fissipes, Pall PL enl. 333. S. neevia, Linn. PI. enl. 924. Rallus lariformis, Linn. ? a. Adult. Italy. b. ? Young. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. c. Italy. From Mr. Argent's Collection. The MUSTACHED TERN. HYDROCHELIDON hybrida. Sterna hybrida, Pall. S. leucopareia, Natt. a. India? Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. The BLACK TERN. HYDROCHELIDON fissipes. Sterna fissipes, Linn. S. N. i. 228. S. naevia, Br. S. nigra, Briss.Pl. enl. 924. a. Adult, summer. Kent. 6. Winter. Sussex. From Col. Montagu's Collection. c. The HOARY TERN. HYDROCHELIDON grisea. Sterna grisea, Horsf. Linn. Trans, xin. 199. a. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. The . HYDROCHELIDON ? a. India. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. The WHITE TERN. GYGIS Candida, Wagl. Sterna Can- dida, For st. Gmel. S. N. i. 607. S. alba, Sparr. Mus. Carls, i. t. 11. Egg bird, Banks, Icon. ined. t. 33. a. ? ft. ? From Mr. Warwick's Collection. The PELICAN-FOOTED TERN. PELECANOPUS pelecanoides, Wagl. Sterna pelecanoides, King y Nar. Voy. Austr. App. a. b. Australia. Presented by Sir T. Mitchell. The NODDY TERN. ANGUS stolidus. Sterna stolida, Linn. S. N. i. 227. PL enl. 997. Gavia fusca, Br. A. niger, Steph. a. North America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. PELECANHXffi. 181 I, - ? Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. c. St. Nevis, West Indies. Presented by W. Cottle, Esq. d. Coast of Mexico. Presented by Mr. G. Barclay. e. Jamaica. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. g, Africa. Presented by Lieut. Friend, R.N. h. The . ANGUS -- ? a. Male. South Island, Houtman's Abrolhos. From Mr. Gould's Collection. The SLENDER-BILLED ANGUS. ANGUS tenuirostris. Sterna tenuirostris, Temm. PL col. 202. fl . - ? Presented by Capt. Lord Byron, R.N. The BEARDED TERN. ANGUS inca. Sterna inca, Less. Voy. de la Coqu. ZooL t. 47. a. b. Chili. Presented by Capt. Lord Byron, R.N. FAM. 5. PELECANID.E. a. PLOT-IN*:. The WHITE -BELLIED DARTER. PLOTUS anhinga, Linn. S. N. i. 580. PL enl. 960. 959. a. Adult male. North America. b. Adult male. North America. -Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. Adult female. North America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. d. Young. North America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. The BLACK-BELLIED DARTER. PLOTUS melanogaster, GmeL S. N. i. 580. a. Male. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. b. Female. India. Presented by W. Elliott, Esq., of Wolflee. c. - -? d. Tenasserim Coast. Presented by J. D. C. Packman, Esq. 182 PELECAN1D.E. The RUFOUS-WINGED DARTER. PLOTUS Levaillantii, Temm.pl. col 380. PL enl. 107. a. b. South Africa. From the South African Museum. c. Young. South Africa. From the South African Mu- seum. d. Western Africa. Presented by Capt. Sabine, R.N. e. ? The NEW HOLLAND DARTER. PLOTUS ? a. New South Wales. From Mr. Gould's Collection, b. The COMMON TROPIC BIRD. PHOTON aethereus, Linn. *S'. N. i. 219. PL enl. 998. a. South Sea. The RED-TAILED TROPIC BIRD. PHAETON phaenicurus, Gmel. S. N. i. 583. PL enl. 979. P. erubescens, Banks, Icon. ined. t. 31. a. South of Australia. Presented by Gen. T. Hard- wicke. b. c. South of Australia. Presented by the Linnean Society. The WHITE TROPIC BIRD. PHAETON candidus. Lepturus candidus, Briss. Orn. vi. t. 42. f. 2. PL enL 369. a. b. Adult. South Sea. c. Young. South Sea. c. PELECANIN.E. The COMMON GANNET. SULA bassana, Briss. Pelecanus bassanus, Linn. 8. N. i. 217. P. maculatus, Gmel. S. alba, Temm.Pl. enl. 278. 986. P. punctata, Sparr. a. Adult. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Col- lection. b. Adult. Great Britain. PELECANIDJE. 183 C. Adult. ? d. In change. Great Britain. e. Young. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Col- lection. /. Coast of Africa. Presented by Rev. D. F. Morgan. g. Island of Ascension. Presented by J. D. C. Pack- man, Esq. The BLACK-TAILED GANNET. SULA Capensis, Licht. S. melanura, Temm. Man. d'Ornith. iv. 569. Gould's B. ofEur. t. a. Cape of Good Hope. The RED-FOOTED GANNET. SULA rubripes, Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837. p. 156. a. Jamaica. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. The AUSTRALIAN GANNET. SULA Australis, Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1840.177. Pelecanus serrator, Banks, Icon, ined. t. 30. a. New Zealand. Presented by the New Zealand Com- pany. b. Male. New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. c. Bay of Islands, New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. d. Port Arthur, Van Diemen's Land. Presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq. The BOOBY. SULA fiber. Pelecanus sula, Linn. S. N. i. 218. Cat. Car. t. 87. P. plotus, Forst. Icon. ined. t. 108? VieillGal. Ois. t. 277. P. fiber, Linn. Sula Brasiliensis, Spix. Av. Bras. t. 107. a. ? b. St. Nevis, West Indies. Presented by W. Cottle, Esq. c. Mindanao. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. d. Straits of Magellan ? Presented by the Admiralty. The . SULA ? a. Coast of Peru. Presented by the Rev. W. Hennah. b. Coast of Chili. Presented by C. Crawley, Esq. c . ?_ Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, K.B., 184 PELECANID^E. The RED-FACED SHAG. PHALACROCORAX urile. Pele- canus urile, Gmel. S. N. i. 575. Phal. pelagicus, Pall. Zoogr. n. 303. t. 76. Phal. bicristatus, Pall. Zoogr. n. 301. t. 75. f. 2. a. North- West Coast of America? (In very bad state.) Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, K.B., R.N. The COMMON CORMORANT. PHALACROCORAX carbo, Cuv. Pelecanus carbo, Linn. S. N. i. 216. PI. enl. 927. Audub. B. of Amer. t. 266. a. Adult male. Devonshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Young female. Great Britain. c. Male. North Africa. Presented by J. Burton, Esq. d. Young male ? ? The CHINESE SHAG. PHALACROCORAX Sinensis. Halieus leucogaster, Meijen, Nov. Acta, 1833. t. 22. Pele- canus Sinensis, Lath. Nat. Misc. t. 529. a. Male, middle age. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. Young. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson. c. Young male. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. The AUSTRALIAN SHAG. PHALACROCORAX carboides, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837. 156. a. New Zealand. Presented by the New Zealand Com- pany. The SHAG. PHALACROCORAX graculus, Cuv. Pelecanus graculus, Linn. S. N. i. 217. nee Temm. Carbo cris- tatus, Temm. a. Adult male. Pembrokeshire. From Col. Montagu's Collection. b. Adult male. Scotland. c. Female. Great Britain. d. Chick. Great Britain. The WHITE SHAG. PHALACROCORAX albus. a. ? PELECANID^E, 185 The CAPE SHAG. PHALACROCORAX Capensis. Pelecanus Capensis, Spar. Mus. Carl. t. 61. a. South Africa? The SULCATED BILLED SHAG. PHALACROCORAX sulciros- tris. Carbo sulcirostris, Brandt. Bull. Acad. Imp. Petersb. The BRAZILIAN SHAG. PHALACROCORAX Brazilianus. Procellaria Braziliana, Gmel. S. N. i. 564. Halieus Brazilianus, Licht. PI. enl. 974 ? Azara, 433. Spix, Av. Braz. n. t. 106. Pelecanus vigua, Vieill. Phal. niger, King. a. Middle age. Brazil ? Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq. b. Middle age. Valparaiso. Presented by Sir W. Bur- nett and Capt. Fitzroy, K.N. The . PHALACROCORAX ? Halieus gracilis, Meyer, Nova Acta, 1833. t. ? a. Adult male. Chili.- From Mr. Bridges's Collection. The . PHALACROCORAX ? a. Young male. Murray Scrubs, South Australia. Pre- sented by His Excellency Capt. G. Grey. b. ? The DOUBLE-CRESTED SHAG. PHALACROCORAX dilophus. Hydrocorax dilophus, Vieill. N. Diet. H. N. vm. 85. Gal. d'Ois. t. 275. Carbo auritus, Less. Audub. B. of Amer. t. 257. Carbo Mexicanus, Brandtl P. flori- danus, (middle age,) Audub. B. of Amer. t. 251. P. Townsendii, (young,) Audub. B. of Amer. t. 412. a. Adult. North America. b. Adult. South America. c. Young. St. Francista, California. Presented by Mr. G. Barclay. The CRESTED SHAG. PHALACROCORAX cristatus. Pele- canus cristatus, Faber. Orn. Bor. nee Temm. Carbo graculus, Temm. a. ? From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 186 PELECANHLE. The VIOLET SHAG. PHALACROCORAX violaceus. Pele- canus violaceus, Gmel. S. N. i. 575. P. resplendens, Aud. B. ofAmer. t. 422. f. 1. a. North-West Coast of America ? Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, K.B., R.N. The SPOTTED SHAG. PHALACROCORAX punctatus. Pele- canus punctatus, Gmel. S. N. i. 574. Forst. Icon, ined. t. 103. P. naevius, Gmel. a. New Zealand. Presented by the New Zealand Com- pany. b. New Zealand. From Mr. Turner's Collection. SOUTH AMERICAN SHAG. PHALACROCORAX Gaimardi. Carbo Gaimardi, Garn. Voy. Coqu. Ois. t. 48. Phal. cirriger, King. a. Port St. Julian, South America* Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. b. Peru. Presented by the Rev. W. Hennah. c. South America. Presented by the Admiralty. The MAGELLANIC SHAG. PHALACROCORAX Magellanicus. Pelecanus Magellanicus, Gmel. S. N. i. 576. Forst. Icon. ined. 105. Phalacrocorax erythrops, King. a. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. b. Adult male. Berkeley Sound, East Falkland (Antarc- tic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. c. Young. Berkeley Sound (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The TUFTED SHAG. PHALACROCORAX cirrhatus, Pele- canus cirrhatus, Gmel. S. N. i. 576. Phalacrocorax imperialis, King. Pel. carunculatus r Gmel. Forst. Icon, ined. 104. Phal. atriceps, Kmg.1 a. Straits of Magellan. Presented by the Admiralty. b. Adult male. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. c. Female. Falkland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. d. Male. (Antarctic Expedition), Presented by the Admiralty. PELECANHXE. 187 e. Female. (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. /. Male. (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. g. ? Young. Kerguelen's Land (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. h. Female, in change. New Zealand (Antarctic Expedi- tion). Presented by the Admiralty. . Port St. Julian. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. The WHITE-THROATED SHAG. PHALACROCORAX albigula. Carbo albigula, Brandt. Bull. 8c. Ac. Petersb. a. Valparaiso. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. The PIED SHAG. PHALACROCORAX varius. Pelecanus varius, GmeL S. N. i. 576. P. pica, Forst. Icon. ined. t. 106. Carbo albiventer, Less. ? Phal. hypoleucus, Gould's B. of Austr. t. a. Adult. New Zealand. Presented by the New Zea- land Company. b. Bay of Islands, New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. c. Young male. New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The WHITE-BELLIED SHAG. PHALACROCORAX leucogaster, Gould, Proc. ZooL Soc. 1837, 156. Gould's B. of Austr. t. . Carbo hypoleucus, Brandt. Bull, de VAcad. de St. Petersb. a. In change. Van Diemen's Land. From Mr. Gould's Collection. The PIED CORMORANT. PHALACROCORAX melanoleucus, Vieill. N. Diet. H. N. vin. 88. Phal. flavirhynchus, Gould. Pelecanus dimidiatus, Cuv. Less. Gould's B. of Austr. t. a. Adult. Australia. From Mr. Turner's Collection. b. Young. Australia. c. Adult. Celebes. From the Leyden Collection. d. Young. South Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. G. Grey. 188 PELECANIM. The SHORT-BILLED SHAG. PHALACROCORAX brevirostris, Gould, Proc. Zool Soc. 1837. 26. a. Adult. New Zealand. Presented by the New Zea- land Company. b. Bay of Islands, New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. The . PHALACROCORAX ? a. Female. New Zealand (Antarctic Expedition). Pre- sented by the Admiralty. The DWARF SHAG. PHALACROCORAX pygmaeus. Pele- canus pygmseus, Pall. Reise. n. 712. 16. Carbo me- lanognathus, Brandt. ? Gray, III. Ind. Zool. t. C. Javanicus, Horsf. P. niger, Vieill. a. Male adult. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. b. Female adult. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodg- son, Esq. c. d. Young. Nepaul, Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. Siam. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. /. India. Presented by Dr. Burn. The AFRICAN SHAG. PHALACROCORAX Africanus. Pele- canus Africanus, Gmel. S. N. i. 577. Carbo longi- caudus, Swains. B. of W. Afr. n. t. 31. a. Western Africa. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. b. c. Adult. Western Africa. Presented by Col. Sa- bine, R.A. d. Western Africa. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. e. Young. Western Africa. /. Western Africa. g. Female. Cape of Good Hope. From M. Verreaux' Collection. PELECANUXE. 189 The WHITE PELICAN. PELECANUS onocrotalus, Linn. S. N. i. 215. PL enl. 87. a. b. South Africa. From the South African Museum. c. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. The HOODED PELICAN. PELECANUS mitratus, Lie/it. Abhandl. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1839. 436. t. 3. f. 2. a. Moldavia. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. b. d. Abyssinia. From the Frankfort Museum. The RED-BACKED PELICAN. PELECANUS rufescens, Gmel. S. N. i. 571. Rilpp. Atlas, t. 21. a. 6. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection, c. Africa ? The NEW HOLLAND PELICAN. PELECANUS conspicillatus, Temm. pi. col. 276. a. Green's Island, Van Diemen's Land. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. Port Essington. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. MOLINA'S PELICAN. PELICANUS Molinae. Pelecanus thagus, Mol. Chili, p. 212? a, Chili. Presented by Charles Crawley, Esq. The BROWN PELICAN. PELECANUS fuscus, Linn. S. N. i. 215. PL enl. 957. P. Carolinensis, Gmel. Audub. B. of Amer. t. 251. 421. a. North America. Presented by H.R.H. the Duke pf Sussex, K.G. b. Nortb America. From Mr. Audubon's Collection. The ROUGH-BILLED PELICAN. PELECANUS trachyrhyn- chus, Lath. Ind. Orn. n. 884. P. erythrorhynchus, Gmel. P. Americanus, Audub. B. of Amer. t. 311. Lev. Mus. t. p. 209. a. North America. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. b. Cuyatraga River, United States. Presented by Pro- fessor J. P. Kirtland. 190 ADDITIONAL SPECIES. The GREATER FRIGATE PELICAN. FREGATA aquila, Cuv. Pelecanus aquilus, Linn. N. S. i. 216. PL enl. 961. Spix. Av. Br. t. 105. Banks, Icon. ined. t. 28. P. leucocephalus et P. Palmerstoni, Gmel. a. b. Coast of Africa. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Mor- gan. c. Adult. Coast of South America. d. Coast of North America. Presented by H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex, K.G. e. Coast of North America. From Mr. Audubon's Col- lection. The . FREGATA ? a. Male adult. Port Essington. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. ADDITIONAL SPECIES RECEIVED SINCE THE PRINTING OF THE CATALOGUE. The . CARPOPHAGA ? a. Tenasserim. Presented by J. D. C. Packman, Esq. FORSTER'S FRUIT PIGEON. CARPOPHAGA Forsteri. Co- lumba Forsteri, Temm. Knip. et Prev. Pig. a. Celebes. From the Leyden Museum. , The CINEREOUS FRUIT PIGEON. CARPOPHAGA cineracea. Columba cineracea, Temm. pi. col. 563. a. Timor.- From the Leyden Museum. The METALLIC FRUIT PIGEON. CARPOPHAGA metallica. Columba metallica, Temm. pi. col. 562. a. Copang, Timor. Presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq. ADDITIONAL SPECIES. 191 The WHITE-BELLIED TURTLE. TURTUR albiventris. Turtur semitorquatus, Swains. B. of W. Afr. n. 208. a. Western Africa. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. The GREAT-BILLED ESACUS. ESACUS magnirostris. CEdicnemus magnirostris, Temm. pi. col. 387. a. Cape Upstart, Australia. Presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq. The AUCKLAND ISLAND DUCK. NESONETTA Aucklandica. Mergus Australis, Homb. el Jacq. ? a. Auckland Island (Antarctic Expedition). Presented by the Admiralty. INDEX OF DONATIONS. Admiral (The Lord High), 48. Admiralty (The Lords of the), 6. 51, 52. 60. 63. 67, 68. 71, 72. 76. 81. 85. 91. 94, 95. 99. 102, 103, 104. Ill, 112. 127, 128. 131. 133. 135, 136. 138. 140, 141, 142, 143. 145. 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159. 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171. 173, 174. 177, 178, 179. 183. 186, 187, 188. Allen (Capt.), R.N., 59. 62. 69. 179. Atkins (J. P.), Esq., 29. Audubon (J.), Esq., 69, 70, 71. 106. 135. Baber (Rev. B.), 13. 18. Back (Capt. Sir G.), R.N., 45, 46,47, 48. 67- 69.71- 74.97- 100, 104. 108. 118. 129, 130. 134, 135. 137. 142, 143. 146. 150. 167. 169. Baker (Mr. Joseph), ^. 11. 24. 28, 29. 36, 37, 38. 59. 63. 66, 67- 79. 91. 93. 103, 104. 109. 122. 151. 162. Banks (Sir Joseph), Bart., 109. 160. Barclay (Mr. G.), 45. 7&- 78, 79. 102. 112. 161. 172. 181. 185. Barrow (John), Esq., 127- Beale (J.), Esq., 4. 25. 27. Belcher (Capt. Sir Edw.), R.N., 2. 4, 5. 11. 16. 18. 26.41.45. 50. 67- 72, 73. 79. 86. 95. 108. 116. 121. 123. 145. 157. 164. 177. 183, 184. 186. Bell (Mrs. Thos.), 1. Bennett (G.), Esq., 47, 48. 152, 153. Blewitt (O.), Esq., 164. Bowring (J.), Esq., 49. 60. 64. 82. 97. 102. 108. 120. 142. 176. Braddyll (C.), Esq., 49. Broderip (W. J.), Esq., 149. Brown (R.), Esq., 70. Burnett (Sir W.), 8. 14. 38. 51, 52, 53. 63. 70. 72. 76. 78. 85. 93, 94. 96. 98. 101. 105. 109. Ill, 112. 115. 119. 123, 124. 126, 127, 128. 130. 136. 138. 151. 153. 158. 169, 170. 173. 178. 181. 185. 187- Burns (Dr.), 13. 50. 59. 65. 82. 85, 86. 99. 114. 151. 153. 158. 169, 170. 173. 178. 181. 185. 187. Burton (D.), Esq., 83. Burton (J.), Esq., 60. 103. 184. Byron (Capt. Lord), 14. 138. 140. 174. 181. Campbell (A. G.), Esq., 11. 17- 64. 69. 106. Carmichael (Capt.), 163. Carrington (Lady), 5, 6. 11. 59. 71. 80. 97- 117- 128. 132. 135. 139. 144. INDEX OF DONATIONS. 193 Cawdor(Earlof), 140. 142, 143, 144. Chambers (Capt. W.), R.N., 2. 5. 10. 18. 22. 42. 66, 67- 72. 87. 93, 94. 96. 99. 105. 189, 190. Children (J. G.), Esq., 47. 118. 142. 144. 176. Christie (Dr. Turnbull), 13. Clapperton (Capt.), 33. 126. Cobbs (Col.), 75. Coble (Rev. T,), 23. Comyns(W.), Esq., 103. Cooper (A.), R.A., 171.174. Cottle(W.), Esq., 71- 86. 111. 181. 183. Crawley (C.), Esq., 9. 13. 60.91. 135. 146. 174. 183. 189. Cross (E.), Esq., 19. 21.24. 127- Cunningham (A.), Esq., 5. 18. 21. 80. 117-145. 151. Dashwood ( ), Esq., 135. Davy (Sir H.), Bart., 47. Denham (Major), 58. 90, 91. 131. 132. Derby (Earl of), 3. 8. 10. 21. 26. 55. 57- 61. 81, 82. 84.90. 94. 113. 142. Doubleday (H.), Esq., 62. 66. 101. 105, 106. 112. Dowler (Dr.), 22. 25. 146. Drummond (H.), Esq., 4. Duncan (John), Esq., 55. East India Company, 1.3, 4. 7- 10, 11. 13. 22. 26, 27. 38, 39. 43. 60. 62. 65, 66, 67. 76, 77, 78. 82, 83.95. 100. 108. 116. 120.123. 131. 136, 177- 180. 188. Edmonton (Dr.), 105. Egerton (Sir P. Grey), Bart., M.P., 145. Elliott (W.), Esq., 1. 6. 39. 58. 181. Englehart (J.), Esq., 157. Ewing (Rev. R.), 36. Farnborough (Lord), 131. Fellows (C.), Esq., 117- Ferguson (R.), Esq., M.P., 24, 25. 28. 30, 31. 35, 36. Finch (Major). 14. 105, 106- Fitzmaurice(Hon. W. E.), 140. Fitzroy (Capt.), R.N., 8. 14. 38. 51,52. 53.63. 70. 72. 76. 78.85.93, 109. Ill, 112.115- 119. 123. 124. 126, 127, 128. 130. 136. 138. 151. 153. 158. 169, 170. 173. 178. 181. 185. 187- Foljambe (F. F.), Esq., 10.'!. Fortnum (C. D. E .), Esq., 40. 80,81.98. 117-122.132. 145, 146. 151. France (F.), Esq., 168. Frank (T.), Esq., 152. Franklin (Sir J.), R.N., 148. Friend (Lieut.), R.N., 181. Geographical (Royal) Society, 19. 174. Gould (J.), Esq., 4. 7- 11. 20. 34. 43. 46. 48. 70, 71- 86. 93. 101. 104, 105. 107. 109. 113. 116. 118. 121. 124. 132. 136. 138. 144. 149. 151. 160, 161. 171. 173. 175, 17C, 177- 179. 183. Gray (G. R,), Esq., 39. Gray (J. E.), Esq., 8. 45. 52. 53. 77- 93. 107. 135. 185. Grey (His Excellency Capt. G.), 5. 10, 11. 13. 17. 21. 39, 40, 41, 42. 59. 65, 66. 68.71,72.77,78.80,81. 84, 85. 87- 92. 98. 105, 106. 108. 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122. 124, 125. 128. 133. 135, 136. 139, 140. 144. 151. 159, 160, 161. 163, 164, 165, 166, 167. 185. 187- Griffin (James), Esq., 178. Hardwicke (Gen. T.), 2. 8. 10, II. 13, 14.16, 17. 22.24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38. 40, 41. 43, 44. 48, 49. 52. 54. 56, 57- 61, 62. 64, 65, 66.73. 75.79.87, 88. 91, 92. 97, 98. 103. 108, 109, 110, III. 114. 122. 125. 130, 131, K 194 INDEX OF DONATIONS. 132, 133, 134, 135. 147, H8. 150, 151. 154. 156. 159, 160. 166, 167- 172. 179, 180, 181, 182. Hay (G. F.), Esq., 83. Hennah (Rev. W.), 85. 98. 115. 122. 124.138. 161. 186. Heywood (Mrs.), 59. 62. 69. 174. 179. Hillier(J. B.), Esq., 80. Hodges (T.), Esq., 23. Hodgson (B. H.), Esq., 2, 3, 4. 6.8. 9. 11,12. 13. 18. 24, 25. 27, 28. 30, 31. 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41. 49. 50. 56, 57, 58, 59, 60. 62, 63, 64, 65, 67. 69. 75, 76, 77- 82, 83, 84, 85. 88, 89, 90. 93, 94, 95. 97. 99. 100, 101, 102. 104. 106. 108. 110, 112, 113, 114. 117, 118, 119, 120. 122, 123, 124. 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137. 139. 142, 143, 144. 151. 172. 175. 184. 188, 189. Hoskins (W.), Esq., 85. Hubbard (Mr. C.), 105. Hudson's Bay Company, 10, 45, 46, 47.67.95. 111. 133. 140. 141. 145, 146, 147, 148. 152, 153. 156, 157, 158. 167- 177- Hunterian Collection (Trustees of), 25. Ilbert (P.), Esq., 66. Inskipp (J.), Esq., 3. Jarvis (G.), Esq , 10. Johnson (Capt.), 175. Johnstone (Major), 93. 103. 129. 175. Jukes (J. B.), Esq., 179. 190, 191. Kennaway (Mrs.), 28. 31. King (Capt. P. P.), 51. Kirby (Rev. W.), 122. 147. Kirtland (Prof. J. P.), 139. 142, 143. 189. Leaman (Mr. J.), 100. Lee (Dr.), 69. 106. Linnean Society, 62. 182, Lloyd (Master), 150. Massena (Prince), 114. Mauger (Mrs. W. P.), 30. 46. Maw (Lieut.), R.N., 53. 73. 76. 81. 83. 89. 115.121. 123. Merizies (A.), Esq., 44. Merlin (C. L. W.), Esq., 76. 78. 82, 83. 85. 92, 93. 9?. 100, 101. 105. 172. 175. Meyer (H. L.), Esq., 145. 147. Middleton (J.), Esq., 177. Mildmay (- ), Esq., 33. Mitchell (Sir T.), 10, 11. 13. 159. 177- 180. Mitchell (D.W.), Esq., 104.152. 158, 159. 168. 176, 177, 178. Morgan (Rev. D. F.), 92. 183. 190. Murray (J.), Esq., 19. Museum (Australian), 13. 87- Neill (Dr. P.), 48. New Zealand Company, 67- 72, 73.80,81.98. 117- 121. 133. 135. 141. 164. 166. 183, 184. 186, 187, 188. Nightingale (J.), Esq., 3. 23. 26. 123. Northumberland (H. G. the Duke of), 47. Packman (J. D. C.), Esq., 118. 129. 181. 183. 190. Parry (Capt. Sir E.), R.N., 174. Planta (J.), Esq., 37. Prattinton (Dr.), 88. Redman, (R.S.),Esq., 134. 146. 152. Reeves (J.), Esq., 18, 19. 28. 30. 69. 78. 82. 137- Reeves (J. R.), Esq., 10, 11. 17, 18, 19. 23, 24. 26, 2?. 31. 34. 36. 38, 39. 41. 63. 76. 99. 103. 105. 108, 109. 117- 133, 134, 135, 136, 137- 142. 172. 181. 184. Richardson (J.), M.D., 46. 95. 97- 131. INDEX OF DONATIONS. 195 Rickett (Major), 49. 118. Royal Society, 55. Royle(Dr-), 22. 56. 58. 89. Sabine (Col.), R.A., 3. 38. 80. 87. 126. 175, 176. Sabine (J.), Esq., 147- 168, 169. Scales ( J.), Esq., 59. 66. Schomburgk (Chev.), 9. 15. 63. 70.73. 77, 78. 81. 121. 139, 140. 172. 175. Sinclair (Dr. A.), 150. Smith (Dr.), 158. Smith, (Lieut. Alex.), R.N., 5. 63. 71. 158. 162, 163, 164. 167. Sotheby ( W. ), Esq., 38. 40. 102. 117- Spinks(Mrs.), 2, 3, 4. Stone (Miss Rebecca), 55. 67 81. 117. 160. Stuart de Rothsay (Lord), 15, 16. 20. 43. 52. 101. 132. 140. Sussex (H.R.H. the Duke of), E.G., 8. 75. 77- 79. 86. 177- 189, 190. Taylor (John), Esq., 71. 93. Thompson (T. R. W.), Esq., 121. Townsend ( ), Esq., 166. Tyndale (G. B.), Esq., 23. 94. "104. 130. 132. Turnbull (W. B. D.), Esq., 60. 64. 76. 78. 82. 88. 101, 102. 126. Vigors (N. A.), Esq., 94. Whitear (Rev. W.), 103. 105. Widdrington (Capt.), 48, 49. Wilkinson (Sir J. G.), 37. Yarrell (W.), Esq., 130. 137- 149. 177- Zoological Society of London. 54. 133. INDEX. ABDIMI (Cic.), 88. Aburri (Penel.), 19. Abyssinica(Col.),3; (Otis), 58; (Trer.),3. Actiturus, 102. Acuticauda (Ster.), 179. Acuta (Anas), 134; (Daf.), 134. Adansonii (Perd.), 33. Adspersus (Franc.), 34. ^Egocephala (Lim.), 95; (Scol.), 95. jEgyptiaca (Anas), 12G; (Chenal.),126; (Col.), 13. .5gyptius (Char.), 60; (Pluv.), 60. JEnea (Carpop.), 4 ; (Col.), 4; (Parra), 113. ^Equinoctialis (Ard.), 82; (Proc.), 160; (Puff.), 160. jEquorea (Procell.), 161. Estiva (Anas), 133. ^Ethereus (Phset.), 182. yEthiopica (Thresk.), 90. ^Ethiopicus (Tant.), 90. ^Ethiops (Ful.), 124. Afer( Franc.), 34; (Perd.), 34. Affinis (Ard.), 82; (He- rod.), 79; (Fulig.), 143; (CEdicn.), 59; (Ortyx), 44; (Ster.), 176, 177. Afra(Col.),17; (Otis), 57; (Perd.), 34; (Perist.), 17. Africana (Anas), 144 ; (Metop.), 113; (Nyr.), 144; (Scol.), 105; (Ster.), 176. Africanus (Pelec.), 188; (Phal.), 188. Afroides (Otis), 57. Agami (Ard.), 77. Aix, 133. Ajaja (Plat.), 87. Alba (Ard.), 77; (Chio- nis), 51; (Cic.), 88; (Col.), 4; (Ful.), 121; (Herod.), 77; (Ibis), 91; (Plat.) 87; (Ster.), 180; (Sula), 182. Albatros, 166. Albellus (Mergel.), 147; (Merg.), 147. Albeola (Anas), 144; (Clang.), 144. Albicapilla(Col.), 18. Albicapillus (Van.), 65. Albiceps (Char.), 64. Albicollis (Ard.), 80; Hi- mant.),97; (Tant), 91. Albifrons (Anas), 129; (Char.), 69. Albigula (Carbo), 187; (Phal.), 187- Albinucha (Metop.), 113; (Parra), 113. Albipennis (Lar.), 173; (Petrop.), 11. Albitorques (Col.), 9. Albiventer (Carbo), 187- Albiventris (Turt.),191. Albocristatus (Phas.), 25. Albogularis (Franc.), 35. Albotorquatus (Phas.), 23. Albus (Anast.), 88; (La- gop.), 47; (Phal.), 184; (Tant.), 91; (Tetr.), 47. Alca, 152. Alchata (Pteroc.), 48 ; (Te- trao), 48. Alcida?, 152. . Alcinae, 152. Aldrovandi (Pavo), 22. Alecthelia, 120. Alector (Crax), 20. Alectoris, 37. Alectrophasis, 26. Alectura, 21. Alexandrinus (Char.), 69. Alle (Alca), 157; (Arct.), 157. Alleni (Gall.), 121; (Por- phyr.), 121. Alpina (Trin.), 104. Alpinus (Lagop.), 48. Altaica (Perd.), 30. Altaicus (Tetraog.), 30. Amabilis (Zen.), 14. Amboinensis (Col.), 11; (Macrop.), 11. Americana (Anas), 134 ; (Ard.), 74; (Cic.), 88; (Clang.), 144; (Ful.), 124; (Grus), 74; (Ma- reca), 134; (Myct.), 89; (Nyr.), 144; (Oidem.), 140; (Olor), 131; (Quer- quedula), 138; (Recurv.), 97; (Rhea),54. Americanus (Cygn.), 131 ; (Nyct.), 85; ((Edicn.), 59; (Pelec.), 189. Amherstiae (Phas.), 24 ; (Thaum.), 24. Ammqptila, 60. Amphilensis (Erod.), 73. Anas, 135. Anastomus, 88. Anatidae, 125. Anatinee, 131. Anatoides (Cygn.), 131. Andalusica (Turn.), 40. Andalusicus (Tetr.), 40. Anglica (Geloch.), 176; (Ster.), 176. Anglorum (Puff.), 159. Angustirostris (Phalar.), 108. Anhinga (Plot.), 181. Annulata(Hiat.), 68. Annuligerus (Char.), 71- Anoiis, 180. Anser, 129; (Anas), 129. Anseranas, 125. Anserinae, 126. Antarctica (Anas), 127; (Aptenod.),154; (Bern.), 127; (Col.), 7; (Diom.), 166; (Procell.), 163; (Pygosc.),154. Antarcticus (Lophol.), 7; (Stercor.), 167. Anthropoides, 75. Antigone (Ardea), 74 (Grus), 74. Antipodes (Catarr.), 154; (Lar.), 169; (Pygosc.), 154. Antiqua (Alca), 157. Antiquorum (Porph.), 120. Antiquus (Brachyr.), 157; (Phoenic.), 125. Aphriza, 72. Apicauda (Trer.), 4; (Vi- nago), 4. Apricarius (Char.), 66. Apteryginae, 55. Apteryx, 55. Aquaticus (Rail.), 115. Aquila (Freg.), 190. Aquilus (Pelec.), 190. Arabica (Ster.), 177- Arabs (Eupod.), 58; (Otis), 58. Aragonica (Perd.), 49. Aramus, 93. Aranea (Ster.), 176. Araucana (Col.), 9. Araucuan (Ortal.), 20; (Penel.), 20. Arborea (Anas), 131 ; (Dendroc.), 131. Arborophila, 37. Arctica, 157 , (Alca), 152; (Fraterc.), 152 ; (Pro- cell.), 159; (Ster.), 178. INDEX. 197 Arcticus (Colym.), 148. Arcuata (Arias), 131; (Den- droc.). 131. Ardea, 75; (Grus), 74. Ardeidae, 73. Ardeinse, 75. Ardeoides (Rail.), 93. Ardeola, 82; (Drom.), 73. Ardetta, 83. Ardosiacea (Gall.), 123. Arenaria, 107; (Calid.), 107- Arenarius (Pteroc.) 49 ; (Tetr.), 49. Argala (Ard.), 8.0; (Cic.), 89; (Leptop.),89. Argentaceus (Laro'ides), 109. Argentata (Ster.), 178. Argentatoides (Laro'ides), 169. Argentatus (Lar.), 169; (Laroides),169; (Nyct.), 25. Argenteus (Laro'ides), 169. Argetrasa (Col.), 5. Argoondah (Cotur.), 39. Argus, 23; (Phas.), 23. Armata (Mergan.), 14H. Armatus(Char.),64; (Ho- plop.), 64. Armillaris (Col.), 18. Aromatica (Columba), 3 ; (Trer.i, 3. Arquata (Scol.), 93. Arquatella (Trin.), 104. Arquatrix (Col.), 8. Arquatus (Num.), 93. Arra (Cepp.), 156; (Uria), 156. Asiatica(Myct.),89. Asiaticus (Char.), 68; (Curs.), 60; (Eudrom.), 68; (Himant.), 97. Asitori (Anas), 133. Assimilis (Puffinus), 159; (Rail.), 117- Ater (Dromaius),54; (Hae- mat.), 73. Atlantica (Procell.), 163. Atra (Anas), 140; (Ful.), 124; (Otis), 57; (Trin.), 100. Atrata (Anas), 131; (Che- nopis), 131. Atricapilla (Char.), 64. Atricens (Otis),56; (Phal.), 186. Atricilla (Anas), 142; (Lar.), 172, 173; (Zema), 172. Atricilloides (Lar.), 174. Atricollis (Ard.), 76. Atrogularis (Char.), 65; (Col.), 10. Atropterus( Himant.), 97. Attagis, 51. Aucklandica (Gallin.), 112; (Nes.), 191. Audouini (Lar.), 170. Auk, 152. Aurantia (Ster.), 175 ; (Syloch.), 175. Auratus (Char.), 66. Aurea (Pluv.), 06. Aureus (Meleag.), 29. Aurita (Col.), 14; (Crex), 119; (Ortyg.), 119; (Ze- naida), 14. Auritus (Anas), 128; (Car- bo), 185; (Colym. ), 150; (Nett.), 128; (Otis), 57; (Podic.), 150; (Syph- eot.), 57; (Turt.), 11. Australasiana (Lim.), 96. Australasianus (Hsemat.), 72; (Num.), 03. Australis (Aptcryx), 55; (Ard.), 81. 83; (Ca- thet.), 21 ; (Cereop.), 126; (Cotur.), 39; (Co!.), 3; (Dromaicus),54; (Eu- drom.), 68; (Erism.), 146; (Gallin.), Ill; (Lim.), 95; (Merg.),191; (Myct.),89; (Num.), 93; (Nyr.), 144; (Oxyur.), 146; (Perdix), 39; (Rhynch.), 108; (Schae- nic.), 105; (Scol.), Ill; (Sula), 183; (Synoicus), 39; (Trer.), 3; (Trin.), 103. 105. Austriaca (Glar.),61. Autumnalis (Anas), 131 ; (Char.), 97; (Dendroc.), 131. Avocetta (Recurv.), 97- Avoset, 97. Awarea {Mareca), 131. Azarae (Char.), 70; (Hiat.), 70. BADIA (Carpophaga), 6; (Col.), (5. Bahamensis (Anas), 135; (Daf.), 135. Bailloni (Gall.), 119. Balearica, 75. Balthica (Uria), 157. Balthicus (Colym.), 148. Bankiva (Gall.), 27. Banksii (Pachyp.), 165; (Prion), 165. Barrovi (Clang.), 145. Bartramia, 102; (Trin.), 102. Bartramius (Actit.), 102. Bassana (Sula), 182. Bassanus, (Felec.), 182. Belcheri (Lar.), 1/0. Belgica (Scol.), 95. Bellonii (Tad.), 132. Bellus (Pqrph.), 121. Bengalensis (Otis), 56; (Rhync.), 108; (Scol.), 108. Berardi (Pelecanoides), 158. Bernicla, 127; (Anas), 128. Betulina (Bonasa), 46. Bewickii (Cygn.), 130. Bicalcaratum (Polypi.), 22. Bicalcaratus (Franc.), 33; (Pavo.), 22; (Tetr.), 33. Biclavata (Scol.), 110. Bicinctus (Cursorius), 61 ; (Perd.),49; (Pteroc.), 49. Bicolor (Ard.), 82; (Rail.). 115. Bicristatus (Phal.), 184. Bifasciata (Hiat.), 70. Bifasciatus (Char.), 70. BHineata (Ard.), 83. Bilobus (Char.), 66; (Sar- ciop.),66. Bistnatus (Char.), 59; ((Edicn.), 59. Bitorquata (Col.), 12. Bitorquatus (Char.), 69; (Turt.), 12. Bittern, 80. Biziura, 145. Boatbill, ,'{/. Boliviana (Col.), 13; (Co- lumbina), 13. Bonasa, 46. Bonasia (Tetr.), 46. Booby, 183. Borealis (Colym.), 148 ; (Num.), 94; (Ortyx), 44; (Perd.), 44; (Scol.), 94. Boschas (Anas), 135. Botaurulus (Ard.), 82. Botaurus, 80; (Ard.i, 76. Boy sii (Ster.), 176. Brachypus (Rail.), 115. Brachyptera (Anas), 140. Brachyramphus, 157. Brachyrhynchus (Anser), 129; (Lar.), 171. Brachytarsa (Ster.), 178. Branta, 142. Brasiliense (Tigris.), 81. Brasiliensis (Ard.), 81; (Cic.), 89; (Scol.), Ill; (Sula), 183; (Tinam.),52. Braziliana (Procell.', 185. Brazilianus (Halieus), 185; (Phal.), 185. Brehmii (Scol.), 111. Brenta (Anas), 128; (Bern.), 128. Brevicaudus (Puff.), 159. Brevipes (Lirn. , (t:>. Brevirostris (Anser), 129; (Phal.), 188; (Procell.), 163; (Pygoscelis), 174; (Rhync.)V 174; iSter.), 175. Brunnicephalus (Larus), 172; (Xema), 172. Brunnichii (Uria), 156. Bubulcus (Ard.), 82; (Ar- deola),82. Bucephala (Anas), 144. BufFoni (Lestr.), 107- Bullaragang (Ard.), 77 Bullocki (Procell.), 160. Burchellii (Tachydr.),61. Bustard, 55. CABOCOLA (Columbina), 14. 198 INDEX. Caboga (Ard.),82. Caccabis, 36. Caerulea (Ard.), 79, 80; (Herod.), 7.9; (Procell.), 165. Cacruleata (Anas), 138; (Querq.), 138. Cseruleocephala (Col.), 18. Caarulescens (Anas), 129; (Aid.), 76. 79; (Ibis), 91; (Otis), 56; (Rail.), 116; (Therist.), 91. Caesia (Gall.), 115. Caasius (Rail.), 115. Caffra (Otis), 58. Cafrensis (Tant.), 92. Cairina, 140. Caledonica (Ard.), 85. Caledonicus (Nyct.), 85. Calidris, 107; (Char.), 107, (ScoU, 100; (Tot.), 100. Californicus (Loph6rt), 44; (Tetr.),44. Callichen, 136. 142. Callocephala (Ard.), 86. Calaenas, 18. Calva (Cic.),89. Calvus (Geront.), 90; (Tant.), 90. Cambaiensis (Col.), 13; (Cotur.),38; (Perd.),38. Camelus (Strut.), 54. Campestris (Trin.), 104. Camptolaimus, 141. Camtschatica (Catarr.), 167. Cana (Anas), 132; (Otis), 56. Canace (Tetr.), 45. Canadensis (Anas), 130; (Ard.), 74; (Col.), 10; (Cygnop.),130; (Tetr.), 45. Cancroma, 87- Cancrominae, 87- Cancrophaga (Cancr.), 87. Candida (Ard.), 77; (Gy- gis), 180; (Phaet.), 182; (Ster.), 180. Candidissima (Ard.), 78; (Herod.), 78. Candidus (Himant.), 97; (Lar.), 174; (Lept.),182. Canescens (Glottis), 99; (Scol.),99; (Ster.), 176. Cantiaca (Ster.), 176. Cantiacus (Thall.), 176. Cantiana (Hiat.), 69. Cantianus (Char.), 69. Canus (Lar.), 171. 174; Tetr.), 46. Canutus (Trin.), 102, 103. Capellei(Col.),4; (Trer.), Capensis (Columba), 10; (Curs.), 61; (Franc.), 34; ((Efiicn.),59; (CEna), 10;(Pelec.),184;(Phal.), 184; (Procell.), 164; (Rhynchaea), 108; (Su- ]aM83; (Tachydr.), 61 ; (Tetr.), 34. Capillata(Cic.),89. Capistrata (Col.), 6; (Or- tyx), 43; (Xema), 172. Capistratus (Lar.), 172; (Odontop.) 43. Carbo, 184; (Anas), 141: (Pelec.), 184; (Phal.), 184. Carboides (Phal.), 184. Cariama, 73. Carinatus (Rail.), 118. Carolina (Ortyg.), 118. Carolinensis (Anas), 137; (Col.), 10; (Pelec.), 189; (Podic.), 152; (Podil.), 152; (Querq.), 137- Carolinus (Rail.), 118. Carpophaga, 4. Carua (Ard.), 93. Carunculata (Ard.), 74; (Grus), 74; (Ibis), 92. Carunculatus (Harpip.), 92; (Pelec.), 186. Carvanaca, 60. Caryophyllacea (Anas), Caryophyllaceum (Calli- chen), 136. Casarca, 132; (Anas), 129. 132. Caspia (Sylochelidon), 175; (Ster.), 175. Caspica (Ard.), 76. Caspicus (Colym.), 150. Caspius (Charadrius), 68; (Pteroc.), 48. Cassowary, 54. Castanea (Ard.), 82; (Ca- sar.),133; (Mareca), 134. Castanota (Turn.), 42. Castor (Mergus), 147. Casuarius, 54; (Struth.), 54. Cata (GEnas), 48. Catarractes, 167; (Lar.), 168; (Lestr.), 167; (Ster- cor.), 168. Catheturus, 21. Catoptrophorus, 101. Caudacuta (Anas), 134. Caudacutus (Tetr.), 48. Cayenensis (Ardea), 86; (Col.), 9; (Harpip.), 92; (Parra),63; (Tant.), 92; (Van.), 63. Cayanus(Char.),65; (Hop- lop.), 65. Celebensis (Rail.), 116. Centrocercus, 46. Cephus (Catarractes), 167 ; (Stercor.), 167. Cepphus, 156. Cepphus (Scopus), 86. Cereopsis, 126. Chacura, 36. Chalcophaps, 18. Chalcoptera (Anas), 136; (Col.), 17; (Ibis), 92; (Phaps), 17. Chalcopterus (Curs.), 61; (Tant.), 93. Chalcospilos (Col.), 17; (Perist.), 17 ; (Turt.), 17- Chalcurum (Polyp.), 22. Chalybea (Ard.), 79. Chamsepelia, 14. Charadrinae, 62. Charadrio'ides (Ammopt.), 60; (Curs.), 60. Charadrius, 66. Chata (Tetr.), 48. Chaulelasmus, 139. Chauna, 114. Chavaria (Chauna), 114; (Parra), 114. Chen, 129. Chenalopex, 126. Cheneros (Anas), 133. Chenopis, 131. Chettusia, 64. Chici (Num.), 93. Chilensis (Phoenic.), 125 ; (Podic.), 149. Chiloensis (Anas), 133; (Mareca), 133. Chinensis (Col.) 13; (Co- tur.), 39; (Pelid.), 105; (Schsen.), 105; (Synoi- cus), 39; (Tetr.), 39; (Trin.), 105; (Turt.), 13. Chionididae, 51. Chionidinas, 51. Chionis, 51. Chloephaga, 126. Chlorocephalus (Pluv.) 60. Chloropoides (Ful.), 124. Chloropus (Ful.), 122; (Gall.), 122; (Glott.),99; (Tot.), 99. Chloropygius (Tot), 101. Chlororhynchus (Diom.), 166. Chlorynotus (Porph.), 121. Chrysochlora (Chalcop.), 18; (Col.), 18. Chrysocome ( Aptenod.) , 155. Chrysolopha (Eudyptes), 155. Chrysolophus, 24. Chrysopelargus (Ard.), 88. Chrysophthalmos (Clan- gula), 144. Chrysostoma (Diom.), 166. Chukar (Cacc.), 36; (Per- dix), 36. Ciconia, 88; (Ard.), 88. Ciconina2, 88. Cinclus, 104. Cinclus (Schaen.), 104 ; (Trin.), 104, 105, 106. Cincta (Col.), 2. Cinctus (Erythrog.), 66; (Ptilon.), 2; (Van.), 63. Cineracea (Col.), 190; (Carp.), 190. Cinerarius (Lar.), 172. Cinerascens (Rhyne.), 174. Cinerea (Anas), 140; (Ard.), 76; (Col.), 16; (Ful.), 123; (Glar.), 62; (Grus), 74; (Perd.),37; (Perist.), 16; (Procellaria), 162; (Scol.), 96; (Star.), 37; 199 iThalass.), 161 ; (Trin.), 103. Cinereus (Anast.), 88; (Anser), 129; (Cereop.), 126; (Micropt.), 140; (Phalar.), 108; (Puff.), 158, 159; (Tetr.), 52; (Tinam.), 52; (Xenus), 96. Cinnamomea (Ard.), 83; (Ardetta), 83; (Cha- maep.), 14; (Col.), 3; (Ortyg.), 120. Cinnamomeus (Rail.), 120. Circia (Anas), 137; (Quer- quedula),137. Cirrhata (Alca), 152; (Lunda), 152. Cirrhatus (Pelec.), 186; (Phal.), 186. Cirriger (Phal.), 186. Cirrocephala (Xema), 173. Cirrocephalus (Lar.), 173. Cladorhynchus, 98. Clamator (Perd.), 34. Clangula, 144; (Anas), 144. Clappertoni (Franc.), 33; (Perd.), 33. Clorhynchus, 95. Cloroides (Trin.), 107. Clypeata (Anas), 139 ; (Spat.), 139. Cochlearia (Cancr.), 87; (Cymbops),87. Coco(Tant.),91. Cocoi (Ard.), 70. Colchicus(Phas.),23. Collaris (Anas), 142; (Cha- radrius), 70; (Fulig.), 142; (Tachyd.), 61; (Xema), 171. Columba, 7; (Cepph.), 157; (Colym.), 157. Columbidae, 1. Columbina, 13; (Ster.), 176. Columbinae, 4. Colymbidae, 148. Colymbinae, 148. Colymbis (Anas), 142. Colymbus, 148. Comata (Ard.), 82; (Ar- deola), 82. Comatus (Geront.), 90; (Ibis), 90. Communis (Cotur.), 38. Conspicillata (Procell.), 160; (Pelec.), 189. Consul (Lar.), 168. Cookii (Procell.) 164. Coqui(Perd.), 35. Corniculata (Fraterc.),153. Corniculatum (Mormon), 153. Cornuta (Anas), 132; (Pa- lam.), 114; (Satyra),28. Cornutus (Colym.), 149, 150; (Podic.), 150. Coromandelensis (Ard.), 82. Coromandeliana (Anas), 129. Coromandelianus (Nett.), 129. Corornandelica (Ard.), 82. 88; (Cotur.), 38. Coromandelicus (Char.), 60; (Curs.), 60; (Tetr.), 38. Coronata (Chett.), 64; (Col.), 19; (Goura), 19; (Numida), 29; (Perd.), 42. Coronatus (Char.), 64. Corvorant, 184. Coscoroba (Anas), 131 ; (Olor), 131. Coturnix, 38; (Tetr.), 38. Cracidae, 19. Cracinae, 20. Cranchii (Perdix), 32; (Ptern.),32. Crassirostris (Char.), 70; (Ful.), 123; (Gall.), 123; (Tot.), 101. Crax, 20. Crecca (Anas), 137 : (Quer- quedula), 137. Creccoides (Anas), 138; (Querq.), 138. Crepidata (Lestr.), 167; (Procell.), 164. Crepitans ((Edicn.), 59; (Psophia), 73; (Rail.), 116. Crex, 114; (Ortyg.), 117; (Rail.), 117. Cristata (Anas), 136. 142; (Ard.), 76; (Cariama), 73; (Col.), 42; (Ful.), 124; (Fulig.), 142; (Gall.), 123, 124; (Gutt.), 30; (Meleag.), 19; (Nu- mida), 30; (Palam.), 73; (Salp.), 19; (Ster.), 176. Cristatella (Alca), 153. Cristatellus (Tylorham- phus), 153. Cristatus (Carbo), 184; (Char.), 64; (Colym.), 149;(Dichol.),73; (Mer- gans.), 147; (Ortyx), 44; (Pavo), 22; (Pelec.), 185; (Phal.), 185; (Po- dic.), 149; (Tetr.), 44; (Van.), 63. Cruenta (Col.), 18. Cruentata (Perd.), 31. Cruentus (Ithaginus), 31 ; (Phas.), 31. Crumenifera (Cic.), 89; (Leptop.), 89. Cryptonix, 43. Cryptonyx, 38. Cryptura, 52. Cucullatus (Char.), 65.70; (Colym.), 149 ; (Mergus), Cuneata (Col.), 11 ; (Geo- pella), 11. Curlew, 93. Curonica (Char.), 68; (Hiat.),68; (Scol.),100. Cursor, 60. Cursorinse, 60. Cursorius, 60. Curvirostris (Tetrao), 31. Cuvieri (Taleg.),21. Cyanocephala (Ard.), 85; (Col.), 18. Cyanopileata (Col.), 18. Cyanoptera (Anas), 138. Cyanopus (Ardea), 79; (Num.), 93. Cyanorhynchus (Larus), 171. Cyanura (Ard.), 84. Cygninae, 130. Cygnopsis, 130. Cygnus, 130. Cymbops, 87- DACTYLISONANS (CoturJ, 38. Dafila, 134. Damascena (Perd.), 37- Danubialis (Ard.), 83. Darter, 181. Darwini (Rhea), 54. Deliciosa (Otis), 56. Demersa (Diom.), 154. Demersus (Eudyp.l, 155; (Phast.), 155; (Sphen.), 154. Dendrocygna, 131. Denhami (Eupod.), 58; (Otis), 58. Denisea (Col.), 9. Dentata (Perd.), 43. Dentirostris (Ibis), 92. Dicholophus, 73. Didinae, 55. Didus, 55. Dieffenbachii (Rallus), 117. Dilopha (Col.), 7. Dilophus (Hydroc.), 185; (Phal.), 185. Dimidiata (Gall.), 120; (Ortyg.), 120. Dimidiatus (Pelec.), 187- Diomedea, 166. Discors (Anas), 138; (Querq.), 138. Diver, 148. Dodo, 55. Dominica (Anas), 146; (Erism.), 146. Dominicanus (Lar.), 169. Dominicensis (Querq.), 146. Dominicus (Podic.), 152. Dorsalis (Col.), 9. Dotterel, 60. Dougallii (Ster.), 178. Douglasi (Ster.), 178. Dromaicus, 54. Dromas, 73. Dromiceius, 55. Dubia (Ard.), 89. Ducula, 5. Dussumieri (Crypt.), 43; (Hemipod.),41; (Turn.), 41. Duvaucellii (Tragop.),31. 200 INDEX. ECTOPISTES, 10. Falcaria (Anas), 137; 152. Eburnea (Pagoph.), 174. Eburneus (Lar.), 174. (Querq.), 137- Falcinella (Trin.), 105. Fregata, 190. Fregetta, (Thallass.), 161. Edwardii (Eupodotis), 58; Falcinellus, 92 ; (Ibis), 93; Frenata (Anas), 143. (Otis), 58. (Tant), 92. Frenatus (Char.), 59; Egg Bird, 180. Falklandica (Hiat), 71. (Curs.), 60. Egrett, 77- 83. Falklandicus (Char.), 71; Freti Hudsonis (Botaur.), Egretta, 83; (Ard.), 77; (Tetr.), 51. 81. (Herod.), 77. Familiaris (Tad.), 132. Fretensis (Anas), 138. Egrettoides (Ard.), 77- Fasciata (Anas), 139; Frontalis (Col.), 15; (Lar.), Elegans (Col.), 17; (Lo- (Col.), 9; (Trin.), 49. 64. 170. phort), 45; (Ortyx), 45; (Phaps), 17; (Rail.), 116. Fasciatus (Pteroc.), 49; (Rail.), 117; (Rhync.), Frontata (Ful.), 124. Fulica, 120. 124. Eloroides( Trin.), 107. 52. Fulicarius (Phalar.), 107; Emu (Casuar.), 54; (Dro- Fasciolata (Crax),20. (Trin.), 107- maius), 54. Fedoa (Lim.), 95; (Scol.), Fuliginosa (Diom.), 166; Enalius, 112. 95. (Procell.), 160. 163; Ephippiorhyncha (Cic.), Ferina (Anas), 143; (Nyr.), (Ster.), 177. 89. 143. Fuliginosus (Lar.), 170; Epomophora (Diom.), 166. Ferox (Otis), 56. (Puff.), 158; (Tot), 101. Equestris (Trin.), 102. Ferroensis (Querq.), 145. Fuligula, 142; (Anas), Erismatura, 145. Ferruginea (Anas), 144; 142. Erismaturinae, 145. (Erism.), 146; (Lim.), Fuligulinse, 140. Erkelii (Franc.), 33; (Per- 96; Trin.), 105. Fulva (Otis), 57. dix), 33. Ferrugineicollis (Tot), Fulvicollis (Columb.), 3; Erodia, 73. 109. (Trer.), 3. Erody, 73. Ferrugineus (Crypt), 43; Fulvus (Char.), 67. Erubescens (Phaeton), 182. (Tetr.), 27. Furcata (Procell.), 161; Erythrauchen (Col.), 10. Ferus (Anas), 130; (An- (Thallass.), 161. Erythrocephala (Anas), 143. ser), 129; (Cygn.), 130. Fiber (Pelec.), 183; (Sula), Furcatus (Gall.), 27. Fusca (Anas), 141 ; (Ard.), Erythrocephalus (Ptilon.), 183. 77; (Cic.), 88; (Diom.), 1. Finfoot, 124. 166; (Gall.), 122; (Ga- Erythrogonys, 66. Erythromelas (Ard.), 83. Erythrophrys (Col.), 12. Fissipes (Hydroch.), 180; (Ster.), 180. Fistulans (Tot.), 99. via), 180; (Lim.), 100, (Oidem.), 141; (Ortyg.), 117; (Perd.),31; (Scol.), Erythrops (Phal.), 86. Fistularis (Anas), 133 ; 100 ; (Trin.), 108. Erythroptera (Col.), 16; (Mareca), 133. Fuscicollis (Ard.), 84; (Perist), 16. Fitzroyii (Col.), 9. (Trin.), 104. Erythropthalmos (Eu- Flamingo, 125. Fuscus (Lar.), 168; (Mer- ploc.),26; (Phas.),26. Flava (Ard.), 81. gus), 147; (Pelec.), 189; Ery throrhyncha (Anas) , Flavicollis (Ard.), 84; (Ar- (Petrog.), 31; (Ptilop.), 134; (Cotur.), 40; (Pae- detta), 84. 31; (Rail.), 117; (Tant), cilon.), 134; (Querq.), Flavipes (Lar.), 168; (Pla- 91 ; (Tot), 100. 139. talea), 87; (Scol.), 100; Erythrorhynchus (Ou- (Tot), 100. GAIMARDI (Pelec.), 186 rax), 21; (Pelec.), 189; (Ptilop.), 31. Erythropus (Anas), 128, Flavirhynchus (Phal.), 187. Flavirostra (Gall.), 118; (Porph.), 122. (Phal.), 186. Galapagoensis (Zen.), 14. Galericulata (Aix), 133; . 129; (Anser.), 129; (Ar- Flavirostris (Anas), 137; (Anas), 133. dea),82; (Lar.),l72. (Ard.), 78; (Col.), 9; Galatea (Ard.), 77; (Crax), Erytkrothorax (Col.), 16. (Ful.), 122; (Herod.), 78. 21; (Gall.), 122; (Num.), Esacus, 60. Floridanus (Phal.), 185. 29. fiudromias, 67. Fluminea (Ortyg.), 118; Galeatus (Casuar.), 54. Eudyptes, 155. Euplocomus, 25. (Porz.), 118. Fluviatilis (Char.), 68; Gallicus (Curs.), 60. Gallinacea (Parra), 114. Eupodotis, 58. (Colym.), 151; (Ster.), Gallinaceus (Metop.),114; Eurizone (Gall.), 117; 177. (Van.), 65. (Ortyg.), 117. Formosa (Anas), 137 ; Gallinse, 1. Europea (Bonasa), 46. (Querq.), 137. Gallinago, 109; (Scol.), Europaeus (Cotur.), 38; Forsteri (Aptenod.), 156; 110, 111. (Curs.), 60; (Nyct), 84. Ewingii (Ptilon.), 2. (Carpop.), 190; (Col.), 2; (Procell.), 165. Gallinula, 114, 122; (Lym- nocr.)112; (Scol.), 112. Excalfactoria (Cotur.), 39. Fowat (Col.), 10. Gallinulinae, 120. Exilis (Ard.), 83; (Ardet- Francsi (Uria), 156. Gallopavo (Meleag.), 29. ta), 83. Francolin, 35. Gallus, 27; (Col.) 18; Bxulans (Diom.), 166. Francolinus, 33; (Tetr.), (Phas.), 27. Exustus (Pteroc.), 49. 35. Gambensis (Anas), 126 ; Eytoni (Dendroc.), 132; Franklini (Larus), 173; (Plectrop.), 126. Leptot), 132. (Tetr.), 45; (Xema), Gambetta (Trin.), 100. 173. Gangeticus (Tant), 90. FABRICII (Lar.), 168. Fratercula, 152; (Morm.), Gannet, 182. INDEX. 201 Garden! (Aid.), 85; (Nyct.), 85. Gardner! (Phas.), 31. Gariepensis (Franc.), 33. Garnotii (Pelec.), 158: (Puffinar.), 158. Garrula (Ortal.), 20. Garrulus (Phas.), 20. Garzetta (Ard.), 78; (He- rod.), 78. Gavia, 180; (Lar.), 174; (Van.), 63. Gelastis (Col.), 12. Gelichelidon, 176. Genta (Anas), 127. Geoffroyi (Col.), 16; (Pe- rist.), 16. Geopelia, 10. Geophaps, 18. Georgi (Lar.), 170. Georgica (Anas), 134; (Paecilon.), 134. Geronticus, !)(>. Gesneri (Fulig.), 143. Gibbus (Cygn.), 130. Gigantea (Ard.), 74. Giganteus (Argus), 23; (Gall.), 27; (Lar.), 168; (Procell.), 162; (Rail.), 93. Gigas (Gall.), 114; (Rail.), 93. Girra(Anas), 129. Glacialis (Anas), 145 ; (Co- lym.), 148; (Fraterc.), 152; (Harelda), 145; (Lar.), 168; (Mergus), 147; (Procell.), 152; (Trin.), 107- GlacialoYdes (Procell.), 162. Glareola, 61; (Char.), 67; (Tot.), 100; (Trin.), 100, 101. 103. Glareolinae, 61. Glaucion (Anas), 144; (Clang.), 144. Glaucopis (Char.), 67. Glaucotes (Lar.), 173. Glaucus (Lar.), 168, 169. Globicera (Crax.), 21. Globulosa (Crax.), 21. Glocitans (Anas), 137; (Querq.), 137. Glottis, 99; (Lim.), 99; (Scol.),99. Glottoides (Tot.), 99. God wit, 95. Goensis (Lobivan.), 65; (Parra), 65. Goisagi(Ard.),86; (Nyct.), 86. Goose, 125. Gouldiae (Calcenas), 19; (Col.), 19. Goura, 19. Gourinae, 13. Gracilis (Halieus), 185; (Phal.), 185. Graculus (Carbo), 185; (Pelec.), 184; (Phal.), 184. Grseca (Cacc,)> 36. Grallse, 54. Grallaria (Procell.), 161. Grallarius (Char.), 59; (CEdicn.), 59. Grallator (Char.), 61. Grebe, 149. Greenshank, 99. Gregaria (Chett.), 64. Gregarius (Char.), 64; (Tot.), 96. Grenovicensis(Trin.), 102. Greyi (Herod.), 80. Grisea(Ard.),84; (Arena.), 107; (Calid.), 103; (Car- pop.), 5; (Hydroch.), 180; (Lim.), 99; (Pro- cell.), 158. 164; (Pseu- dops), 60; (Scol.), 109; (Ster.), 180. Griseocapilla (Col.), 18. Griseola (Columbina), 15. Griseopectus (Rail.), 116. Griseus (Anser), 126; (Ma- cror.),109; (Nyct.), 84. Groenlandica (Col.), 157. Grouse, 45. Gruinse, 74. Grus, 74; (Ard.), 74. Grylle (Colym.), 157; (Uria), 157. Grylloides (Uria), 157. Guan, 19. Guarauna (Falcin.), 93; (Nothor.), 93; (Rail.), 93; (Scol.), 93. Guazu (Crypt.), 52. Guianensis (Odontop.),43; (Tetr.),43. Guillemot, 156. Guinea (Col.), 8. Guineensis (Col.), 8. Guinetta (Trin.), KM). Gularis(Ard.),80; (Crex), 118; (Franc.), 34; (Gal- lin.),123; (Herod.), 80; (Perd.), 34; (Podic.), 151; (Rail.), 116. Gull, 167. Guttata (Ster.), 177. Guttatus (Odontop.), 43; (Pteroc.), 50. Guttera, 29. Gutturalis (Pteroc.), 50. Gygis, 180. Gymnophthalmos (Col.), 8. HJEMATOPIN^E, 72. Hasmatopus, 72. Ha3matorhynchus (Lar.), 170. Hagedasch (Harpip.), 92; (Tant.), 92. Halieus, 184. Hamiltonii (Phas.), 25. Harelda, 145. Hardwickii (Col.), 2; (Lira.), 103; (Perd.), 32; (Plectrop.), 32; (Po- lypi.), 22; (Scol.), 111. Harpiprion, 92. Hastings!! (Tragopan), 28. Hebridicus (Colyra.), 151. Heliorninae, 124. Heliornis, 124. Helvetica (Squatar.), 62; (Trin.), 62. Hemipodius, 40. Hepburnii (Perd.), 35. Herodias, 77; (Ard.), 75. Heron, 75. Heyii(Cacc.),37; (Perd.), 37. Hiaticula, 68 ; (Char.), 68, 69. Hiemalis (Procell.), 162. Hilaria (Rhynch.), 109. Himalayana (Otis), 56. Himalayensis (Tetraog.), 30. Himantopus, 97; (Char.), 97; (Recurv.),98. Hirundo, 61 ; (Ster.), 177- Histrionica (Anas), 145; (Clang.), 145; (Col.), 17; (Perist.), 17; (Phaps), 17- Hoactli(Ard.),85. Hodgson! (Col.), 9. Hoplopterus, 64. Horsfieldii (Glott.), 99; (Scol.), 110; (Tot.), 99. Houbara, 57; (Otis), 57. Hudsonias (Aril.), 75. Hudsonica (Lim.), 96; (Scol.), 96. Hudsonicus (Num.), 94. Humeralis (Col.), 3. 10; (Geop.), 10. Humilis (Col.), 12; (Turt.), 12. Hyacinthinus (Porph.), 120. Hyberna (Anas), 144. Hybrida (Hydroch.), 180; (Ster.), 180. Hybridus (Lar.), 171 ; (Tetr.), 45. Hydrochelidon, 180. Hydrocorax, 185. Hydrophasianus, 114. Hyemalis (Anas), 144,145. Hymenolaimus, 142. Hyperborea (Anas), 129; (Chen), 129; (Trin.), 108. Hyperboreus (Lobipes), 108. Hypoleuca (Hsemat.), 72; (Procell.), 161. Hypoleucus (Phal.), 107; (Tot.), 102; (Trin.), 102. Hypomelas (Char.), 62. IBIDORHYNCHUS, 95. Ibis, 91 ; (Num.), 90. Ichthyaetus (Lar.), 171 ; (Xema), 171. Igneus (Falcin.), 92; (Tant.), 92. Ignipalliatus (Phaenic.), 125. Ignitus (Euploc.), 26; (Gall.), 26; (Phas.), 26. K 3 202 Ignotus (Colym.), 148. Immer (Colym.), 148. Impennis (Alca), 153. Imperialis (Phal.), 186. Impeyanus (Lophoph.), 30; (Phas.),30. Inca (Anous), 181 ; (Ster.), 181. Indiana (Lim.), 96. Indica, (Anas), 130; (Chal- cop.), 18; {Col.), 18; (Otis), 57; (Parra), 113; (Rhync.), 108. Indicus (Anser), 130; (Char.), 69; (Metop.), 113; (Porph.), 120; (Tetr.) 49; (Tot.), 103. Ineptus (Didus), 55. Jnexpectata (Procel].),159. Infuscata (Ibis), 92. Inocellatum (Polypi.), 22. Inornata (Columbina), 13. Insignis (Ard.), 76; (Car- pop.), 6; (Due.), 6. Intermedius (Char.), 68; (Tetr.), 45. Interpres (Streps.), 112; (Trin.), 112. Involucris (Ard.), 83. Ipecuteri (Anas), 139; (Querq.),139. Iris(Pavo),22. Isabellinus (Curs.), 60. Islandica (Anas), 145; (Clang.), 145; (Trin.), 103. 105. Islandicus (Cygn.), 130. Islandorum (Lagop.), 47; (Tetr.), 47. Ithaginis, 31. JABIRU,89. Jacana (Parra), 113. Jacatinga (Penel.), 19. Jacuacu (Salp.), 19. Jacu-caca (Penel.), 19; (Salp.), 19. Jacu-peba (Penel.), 19. Jacu-pemba (Penel.), 20. Jamaicensis (Ard.), 85; (Char.), 71; (Col.), 15; (Ortyg.), 119; (Perist.), 15; (Rail.), 119. Jambos (Col.), 2. Jambu(Col.),2; (Ptilon.), 2. Jamiesoni (Col.), 18; (Lar.), 171. Janthina (Carpop.), 6; (Col.), 6. Japonensis (Pavo), 22. Javanica (Anas), 131 ; (Arborop.), 38; (Ard.), 84; (Arcietta),84; (Cic.), 89; (Gall.), 123; (Lep- top.l, 89. Javanicus (Carbo), 188; (Gall.), 27; (Tetr.), 38; (Tot.), 96. Jubata (Anas), 126, 128; (Bern.), '28; (Chenal.), 126. Jubura (Cic.), 88. Jugularis (Ard.), 80; (Char.), 68; (Herod.), 80. KALIPAREUS (Podiceps), 150. Katraka (Ortalida), 20; (Phas.),20. Keptuschka (Trin.), 64. Kori(Eupod.),58; (Otis), 58. Korthalsii (Columba), 4; (Trer.), 4. Kurukuru (Col.), 2. LABRADORA (Anas), 141. Labradorus (Camptol,), 141. Lachrymans (Uria), 157- Lactea (Glar.), 62. Lagopus, 47; (Tetr.), 47, 48. Lamellicollis (Ibis), 91. Lamelligerus (Anast.), 89. Lamiginosus (Anser), 141. Lampronotus (Char.), 63. Lanuginosus (Anser), 141. Lapponica (Limosa), 96; (Scol.}, 96. Lapponicus (Tetr.), 47. Laridag, 158. Lanformis (Rail.), 180. Larinae, 167- Laroides, 169. Larus, 168. Larvata (Col.), 16; (Pe- rist.), 16. Lateralis (Crex), 119; (Lobivan.), 65; (Or- tyg.), 119; (Van.), 65. Lathami (Alect.), 21 ; (Ibis), 91; (Phas.), 25; (Satyra), 28; (Taleg.), 21. Laticauda (Bartr.), 102. Latirostris (Anas), 141 ; (Procell.), 165. Lawsonii (Col.), 17. Leachii (Procell.), 160; (Thalass.), 160. Lechoho (Franc.), 34. Leipoa, 21. Lentiginosa (Ard.), 81. Lentiginosus (Botaurus), 81. Lepida (Ard.), 83. Leptogrammica (Col.), 11 ; (Macrpp.), 11. Leptoptilos, 89. Leptorhynchus, 98. Leptotarsus, 132. Lepturus, 182. Lepurana (Turn.), 41 ; (Ortygis), 41. Lerwa, 36 ; (Perd.), 36. Lessonii (Procell.), 163. Leucauchen (Grus), 74. Leuce (Ard.), 77. Leucocephala (Anas), 146 ; (Ard.), 82. 88; (Cic.), 88; (Col.), 8; (Procell.) 163. Leucocephalus (Himant.), 98; (Pelec.), 190; (Pti- lon.), 2; (Taut.), 90. Leucogaster (Herod.), 79; (Ard.), 79; (Col.), 6; (Halieus), 184; (Phal.), 187; (Thalass.), 161. Leucogastra (Ortal.), 20; (Penel.), 20. Leucogeranus (Grus), 74. Leucolophus (Penel.), 19. Leucomela (Col.), 5. Leucomelanos (Euploc.), 25; (Phas.), 25. Leucomelanus (Mergan.), 147. Leucomelas (Lar.) 170; (Procell.), 160; (Puff.), 160. Leucon (Ibis), 90. Leuconota (Col.), 9. Leucopareia (Ster.), 180. Leucophaea (Scol.) , 96. 109. Leucophrys (Anas), 135; (Col.), 16. Leucopolius (Char.), 69. Leucophthalmos (Anas), 144; (Uria), 157. Leucophthalm u s ( Lar. ) , 172; (Xema),172. Leucops (Ard.), 80. Leucopsis (Anas), 128; (Bern.), 128; (Uria), 157. Leucoptera (Anas), 126; (Ard.), 82; (Ardeola), 82; (Cic.), 89; (Col.), 8. 14; (Ster.), 180; (Trin.), 102; (Zen.), 14. Leucopterus (Podic.), 149. Leucopus (Colym.), 148 ; (Ha?mat.), 72. Leucopyga (Ibis), 91. Leucorodia (Plat.), 86. Leucorrhea (Procell.), 160. Leucoryx (Ful.), 124. Leucosarcia, 18. Leucurus (Gallin.), Ill ; (Himant.), 98; (Scol.), Ill; (Trin.), 101. Levaillantii (Franc.), 33; (Perd.), 33; (Plot.), 182. Lewinii (Rail.), 115. Lichtensteinii (Pteroc.), 49. Limbata (Glar.), 61. Limicola, 107; (Rail.), 115. Limosa, 95; (Scol.), 95. Limosinae, 93. Lindsay i (Meleag.), 21. Lineata (Alecth.), 120; (Ard.), 81. Lineatus (Phas.), 25. 191; (Rail.), 116. Littoralis (Char.), 69; (Col.), 4; (Trin.), 100. Livia (Col.), 7. Lobata (Anas), 145; (Be- ziura), 145 ; (Trin.), 65. 108. Lobatus (Lobivan.), 65. Lobipes, 108. INDEX. 203 Lobivanellus, 65. Loculator (Tant.), 90. Locutrix (Col.), 9. Lomvia (Cepph.), 156; (Uria), 156. Longicauda (Anas), 134. 145; (Tring.), 102. Longicaudus (Carbo), 188. Longipes (GEdicn.), 59. Longirostris ( Haemat. ) , 72 ; (Ibis), 91; (Num.), 94; (Perci.), 31 ; (Rhizoth.), 31. Lopholaimus, 7 Lophophorinae, 30. Lophophorus, 30. Lophorhynchus, 73. Lophortyx, 44. Lophotes (Columb.), 13; (Ocyph.), 13. Lophyra (Anas), 13G. Loricata (Col.), 8. Lucida (Ard.),82. Luctuosa (Carpop.), 5; (Col.), 5; (Haemat.), 72. Ludoviciana (Ard.), 79; (Querq.), 144. Ludwigii (Eupod.), 58; (Otis), 58. Lugens (Col.), 12; (Pro- cell.), 163; (Turt.), 12. Lugubris (Gall.), 123. Lumme (Colym.), 148. Lunda, 152. Lunulata (Perd.), 32. Lunulatus (Ithag.), 32. Luzonica (Anas) , 136 ; (Ca- loenas), 18; (Col.), 18. Luconiensis (Otis), 58. Luzoniensis (Tetr.), 41. Lymnocryptes, 112. Lyrurus, 47- MABATUITUI, 70. Macartneyi (Gall.), 26. Maccoa (Erism.), 146; (Oxyur.), 146. Macei'(Ibis), 90. Macquarii (Col.), 11. Macqueeni (Houb.), 57; (Otis), 57. Macrolopha (Pucr.), 31 ; (Satyra), 31. Macrolophus (Euloph.), Macroptera (Trin.), 101. Macropterus (Van.), 65. Macropygia, 11. Macroramphus, 109. Macrura (Ster.), 178. Macularia (Tot.), 102; (Trin.), 102. Maculata (Ard.), 85; (Perd.), 36. Maculatus (Pelec.), 182; (Rhynch.), 140; (Tot.), 100; (Turn.), 41. Maculicollis (Col.), 13. Maculipennis (Lar.), 173; (Numida), 29. Maculirostris (Anas), 138; (Querq.), 138. Maculosa (Nothura), 53; (Turn.), 41. Maculosus (Hemipod.), 41 ; tCEdicn.), 59 ; (Ti- nam.), 53. Madagascariensis (Anas), 128; (Cotur.), 41; (Ithag.), 32; (Num.), 93; (ScoL), 93; (Tetr.), 32. Magellanica (Anas), 126; (Aptenodytes), 155; (Chlaeph.), 126; (Scol.), 111. Magellanicus (Gallin.), Ill; (Phal.), 186; (Sphen.), 155. Magnifica (Carpop.), 5; (Col.), 5. Magnirostris (Esac.), 191; ((Ed.), 191; (Ster.), 175; (Syloch.), 175. Magoua (Crypt.), 52. Maguari (Ard.), 76. 88; (Cic.),88. Major (Alca), 153; (Ard.), 76; (Dendroc.), 131; (Gallin.), 109; (Laro- ides), 169; (Lar.), 172; (Puff.), 158; (Scol.), 109; (Tetr.), 52. Malaccensis (Ard.), 82; (Col.), 10; (Pavo), 22. Malacorhynchus, 139 ; (Anas), 142; (Hyme- nol.), 142. Maleo (Megaceph.), 21. Malouina (Attag.), 51. Malouinus (Tetr.), 51. Mangle (Gall.), 115 ; (Rail.), 115. Manillensis (Nyct.), 86; (Perd.), 39. Mansuetus (Cygn.), 130. Marabou (Cic.),89. Marcgravii (Microd.), 73. Mareca, 131. 133. Marginata (Col.), 10; (Hiat.), 69. Marginatus (Char.), 69. 71 ; (Ectop.), 10. Marila (Anas), 143; (Fu- lig.), 143. Marilandicus (Tetr.)-, 44. Mariloides (Fulig.), 143. Marina (Procell.), 161 ; (Thalass.), 161. Marinus (Lar.), 168. Maritima (Trin.), 104. Marmorata (Ard.), 81. Marmoratus (Char.), 67. Marsigli (Ard.), 82. Martinica (Col.), 15; (Ful.), 121; (Porph.), Matook (Ard.), 80. Maximus (Lar.), 168. Media (Scol.), 109 ; (Ster.), 177. Medius (Larus), 168; (Tetr.), 45; (Tinam.), 53. Meena (Col.), 12; (Turt.), 12. Megacephalon, 21. Megapoda (Glar.), 62. Megapodia (Perd.), 37. MegapodidaD, 21. Megapodinse, 21. Megapodius, 21. Megarhyncha (Ster.), 175. Melampyga (Crex), 114. Melanaucnen (Ster.), 179. Melanocephala (Anas), 130; (Ard.), 76; (Col.), 1; (Satyra), 28; (Thresk.), 90; (Xema), 172. Melanocephalus (Char.), 60. 66; (Lar.), 172; (Lobivan.),66;(Ptilon.), 1; (Tant.), 90. Melanochinus (Cygnus), 130. Melanochloris (Parra), 113. Melanocorypha (Anas), 130. Melanogaster (Plot.), 181 ; (Ster.), 179; (Van.), 62. Melanogastra (Otis), 55. Melanognathus (Carbo), 188. Melanoleuca (Anas), 125; (Anseran.), 125; (Col.), 18; (Glott.),99; (Scol.), 99. Melanoleucus (Phal.), 187. Melanophris (Diom.), 166. Melanopis (Tant.), 91 ; (Therist.), 91. Melanops (Char.), 71 ; (Num.), 94. Melanoptera (Bern.), 128; (Chett.),64. Melanopterus (Anser.), 128; (Van.), 64. Melanopus (Procell.), 164. Melanorhinus (Cygn.), 130. Melanorhynchos (Cygn.), 130. Melanotus (Anas), 126; (Bot.),81; (Porph.), 121. Melanura (Procell.), 159; (Scol.), 95; (Sula), 183. Melas (Himant.), 98. Melasomus (Van.), 64. Meleagris, 9; (Numida), 29. Meloda (Hiat.), 69. Melodus (Char.), 69. Membranacea (Ana^s), 139. Membranaceus (Mala- corh.), 139. 142. Mepoleuca (Ster.), 179. Merganetta, 148. Merganser, 147; (Mergus), Mergellus, 147. Merginae, 147- Mergus, 147. Mersa (Anas), 146; (Erism.), 146. 204 INDEX. Metallica (Col.), 190; (Carp.), 190. Metopias (Anas), 143; (Fulig.), 143. i.Ietopodius, 113. Mexicana (Ibis), 93; (Pe- rist.), 15. Mexicanus (Carbo), 185; (Himant.), 98; (Tant.), 93; (Tetr.), 44. Microdactylos, 73. Micropterus, 140. Microurus (Pedion.), 42. Migratoria (Col.), 10. Migratorius (Ectop.), 10; (Turt.), 11. Militaris (Col.), 2. Minor (Alca), 153; (Ap- tenod.),155; (Ard.), 81; (Char.), 68; (Chionis), 52; (Colymbus), 151; (Cygn.), 130; (Eudyp.), 155; (Num.), 94; (Olor); 130; (Phamicop.), 125; (Philoh.), 112; (Podic.), 151; (Scol.),112; (Uria), 157. Minuta (Anas), 145; (Ard.), 83; (Ardetta), 83; (Chamaep.), 15; (Col.), 15; (Ortyg.),119; (Rail.), 119; (Schaen.), 106;(Ster.),179; (Trin.), 106; (Xema), 174. Minutilla (Trin.), 106; I Schaen.), 106. Minutus (Larus), 174; Mergus), 147; (Num.), 94; (Tant.), 91. Mitrata (Numida), 29. Mitratus (Pelec.), 189. Mitu, 21; (Ourax),21. Modesta (Ard.), 77; (He- rod.), 77- Modestus (Char.), 63. Mokoko(Ard.),81. Molina? (Pelec.), 189. Mollis (ProcelL), 164. Mollissima (Anas), 141; (Somat.), 141. Monacha (Grus), 74 ; (Hiat.),70. Monachus (Char.), 70. Mongola (Hiat.), 69. Mongolus (Char.), 69. Montagui (Gallin.), 109. Montana (Col.), 15; Pe- rist.),15; (Tetr.), 37. Monticola (Ard.), 76. Morinella (Eudrom.), 67- Morineilus (Char.), 67- Mormon, 152. Mortieri (Tribonyx), 122. Moschata (Anas), 140; (Cair.), 140. Motmot (Phas.), 20. Mulleri (Lar.), 168. Musicus (Cygn.), 130. Muticus (Pavo),22. Mutus (Lagop.), 48. Mycteria, 89 ; (Cic.), 89. Myristicivora (Carpop.), 4; (Col.), 4. N.^EVIA (Calid.), 103; (Glar.), 61; (Lar.), 172; (Ster.), 180. Naevius (Colym.), 149; (Lar.), 168; (Pelec.), 186; (Trin.), 100. Naevosa (Anas), 136; (Ta- dorna), 136. Namaqua (Pteroc.), 49; (Tetr.), 49. Nandapoa (Ibis), 90. Natalensis (Franc.), 34; (CEdicn.), 59. Natans (Glottis), 99; (Tot), 100. Natatores, 125. Nebulosa (Ard.), 83. Nectris, 159. Necrophaga (Chionis), 51. Nemoricola, 110; (Gall.), 110; (Scol.), 110. Neoxenus (Ortyx), 44. Nepalensis (Nemoric.), 110. Nestor (Podic.), 151. Nettapus, 128. Niambu (Pezus),53. Nicobarica (Calcenas), 18; (Col.), 18. Nigellii (Lophoph.), 30; (Tetraog.), 30. Niger (Anous), 180; (Crypt.), 43; (Hamat.), 73; (Pelec.), 188; (Phal.), 185; (Rail.), 118; (Roll.), 43; (Tant.), 90. Nigra (Anas), 140; (Ard.), 88; (Cic.), 88; (Hy- droch.), 180; (Oidem."), 140; (Ortyg.), 118; (Parra), 113; (Rhync.), 1/4; (Scol.), 100; (Ster.), 180, Nigricans (Colym.), 150; (Trin.), 104. Nigriceps (Otis), 58. Nigricollis (Anas), 130; (Cygn.), 130; (Himant.), 98; (Tetr.), 41; (Turn.), 41. Nigrifrons (Char.), 71 ; (Hiat.), 71. Nigrogularis (Ortyx), 44. Nigrolineatus (Rail.), 117. Nipalensis (Nemor.), 110; Satyra),28; (Toria), 3. Nippon (Geront.), 91 ; (Ibis), 91. Nivalis (Anas), 129; (Chi- onis), 51. Nivea (Ard.), 78; (Col.), 18; (Procell.), 164; (Rissa), 174. Niveus (Lar.), 174. Nivicola (Lerwa), 36. Nivosus (Franc.), 32. Nobilis (Ard.), 76. Nordmanni (Glar.), 61. Norfolciensis (Carpop.), 5; (Col.), 5. Northia? (Ithag.), 32; (Poly pi.), 32. Nothorodius, 93. Nothura, 53. Novse Hollandiae (Ard.), 80; (Biziura), 145; (Ca- suar.), 54; (Cereopsis), 126; (Chionis), 51; (Dro- maius), 54; (Herod.), 80; (Recurv.),97;(Van.), 65. Novae Zealandiae (Anas), 142; (Carpop.), 5; (Col.), 5; (Dromiceius), 55; (Ful.), 142; (HimanU), 98. Noveboracensis (Scol.), 109. Nubilosa (Ster.), 176. Nudicollis (Ptern.), 32; (Tetr.), 32. Nudifrons (Harpip.), 92; (Ibis), 92. Nudirostris (Vinago), 3. Nugax (Nectr.), 159. Numenius, 93. Numida, 29. Numidica (Grus), 75. Nycthemerus (Euploc.), 25; (Phas.), 25. Nycticorax, 84; (Ard.), 85. Nyroca, 143. OAHUENSIS (Ster.), 177. Obscura (Anas), 135; (Pro- cell.), 160; (Sterna), 172. Obscurus (Char.), 67; (Colym.), 150; (Puff.), 160; (Rail.), 116; (Te- trao),46. Occidentals (Ard.), 75 ; (Rhynch.), 109. Occipitalis (Ptilon.), 1. Oceanica (Thalass.), 161. Ocellata(Leip.),21; (Me- leag.), 29; (Turn.), 41. Ocellatus (Oriolus), 41 ; (Roll.), 43; (Tetr.), 43. Ochropus (Tot.), 101 ; (Trin.), 101. Ocularis (Ortyg.), 119. Ocyphaps, 13. Odbntophorus, 43. (Edicneminae, 59. (Edicnemus, 59; (Char.), 59. (Ena, 10. (Enas (Col.), 7. Okeni (Char.), 69. Oidemia, 140. Olax (Col.), 3; (Trer.), . Olivacea (Arborop.), 37; (Gall.), 123; (Ortyg.), 118; (Perd.),37. Olivaceus (Rail.), 118. Olor, 130; (Anas), 130; (Cygn.), 130. Onocrotalus (Pelec.), 189. Onychoprion, 177- Orbygnianus (Thinoc.), INDEX. 205 Oreophilus, 60. Orientalis (Ard.), 78 ; (Gal- lin.), 123; (Glar.), 62; (Grus,74; (Herod.) ,78; (Perd.), 35; (Procell.), 161; (Rhynch.), 108; (Rhynchops), 1/4; (Ta- chydr.) 60. Ortalida, 20. Ortygis, 41. Ortygometra, 117 Ortyx, (43. Oscitans (Anast.), 88 ; (Ar- dea), 88. Ostralegus (Hsemat.), 72. Ostrich, 54. Otidap, 55. Otinae, 55. Otis, 55. Ourax, 21. Oxyptera (Anas), 138. PACHYPTILA, 105. Pacifica (Ard.), 77. Pacificus (Lar), 170. Pagophila, 174. Palamedea, 73. Palamedeidae, 113. Palamedeinae, 114. Pallasi (Ichthya?.), 171- Pallasii (Syrrh.1,50. Palliata (Ard.), 76. Palliatus (Haemat.), 72. Palmatus (Himant.), 98. Palmerstoni (Pelec.), 190. Palpebrata (Diom.), 160. Paludosa (Scol.), 109. Palumbus (Col.), 7. Palustris (Anser), 129; (Ortyg.), 119; (Porz.), 119; (Scol.), 109. Papillata (Ibis), 90. Papillosa (Ibis), 90. Papillosus (Geront.), 90. Papua (Aptenod.), 153; (Pygosc.), 153. Paradisea (Anthrop.) 75; (Ard.), 75; (Ster.), 178. Paradoxus (Tetr.), 50 ; (Syrrh.), 50. Paraguaiae (Gallin.), ill; (Scol.), 111. Parasitica (Catar.), 167. Parasiticus (Lar.), 107; (Lestr.), 167; (Stercor.), 167. Pardela (Char.), 62. Parotis (Colym.), 149. Parra, 113. Parraqua (Phas.), 20. Parrinse, 113. Parva (Ster.), 179. Parvicristatus (Ortyx), 44. Parvifrons (Gall.), 122. Parvirostris (Tinam.), 53. Parvus (Phcenicop.), 125. Passerina (Chamcep.), 14; (Col.), 14. Patachonica (Aptenod.), 156; (Oidemia), 140. Paturi (Anas), 139. Pauxi (Crax), 21; (Ourax), 21. Pavo, 22. Pavonina (Ard.), 75 ; (Ba- lear.), 75. Pavoninae, 22. Pavoninus (Argus), 23. Paykullii (Scol.), 109. Peali (Ard.), 79. Pectoralis (Carpop.), 7; (Char.), 66. 67; (Cla- dorh.), 98 ; (Cotur.), 40 ; (Leptorh.),98; (Pelid.), 104; (Sarciop.), 66; (Trin.), 104; (Rail.), 117; (Schaen.), 104. Pedionomus, 42. Pelagica (Procell.), 160, 161; (Thalass.), 100. Pelagicus (Phal.), 184. Pelecanidae, 181. Pelecaninas, 1H2. Pelecanoides, 158; (Peleca- nopus), 18O; (Ster.), 180. Pelecanopus, 180. Pelecanus, 189. Pelidna, 104. Penelope, 19; (Anas), 133; (Mareca), 133. Penelopinae, 19. Pennantii (Aptenod.) , 156 ; (Satyra),28. Pennata (Rhea),54. Pentah (Cotur.), 39. Perdicaria (Noth.), 53. Perdicarius (Crypt.), 53. Perdicidae, 31. Perdicinae, 31. Perdicula, 38. Perdix, 37; (Tetr.), 37. Peristera, 15. Perlatus( Franc.), 36; (Te- trao), 36. Pcrsicus (Lagop.),48. Personatus (Lar.), 172; (Lobivan.), 66; (Pte- roc.), 50. Perspicillata (Anas), 141; (Carpop.), 6; (Col.), 6; (Oidem.), 141. Petrogallus, 31. Petrophassa, 11. Petrosa (Alectoris), 37; (Cacc.),37; (Perd.), 37. Petrosus (Tetrao), 37- Peyrousei (Rail.), 119. Pezus, 52. Phseopus (Num.), 94; (Scol.), 94. Phaeton, 182. Phsetoninae, 182. Phalacrocorax, 184. Phalaropodinas, 107- Phalaropus, 107. Phaleradina?, 153. Phaps, 17. Phasianidae, 22. Phasianella(Col.),ll. Phasianellus (Centroc.), 46; (Tetr.), 46. Phasianinse, 23. Phasianus, 23. Philippensis (Rail.), 117. Philohela, 112. Philomachus, 102. Phcenicoptera (Col.), 2. Phcenicopterinae, 125. Phcenicopterus, 125. Phcenicopus (Anser), 129. Phoenicura (Gall.), 123. Phoenicurus (Phaet.), 182; (Rail.), 123^ Pica (Alca), 153. 156; (Pe- lec.), 187. Picata (Phaps), 18; (Col.), 18; (Leucos.), 18. Picatus (Haemat. 1 , 72. Picazuro (Col.), 8. Picta (Anas), 126. 137; (Perd.), 36; (Rhynch.), 108; (Thaum.),24. Pictus (Chrysol.), 24; (Franc.), 36; (Phas.), 24. Pieui (Col.), 13; (Colum- bina), 13. Pileata (Ard.), 80; (Col.), 18; (Herod.), 80; (Pe- nel.), 19; (Sal.), 19; (Tetr.), 53. Pileatus (Charadrius), 66; (Franc.), 35; (Sarciop.), 06; (Tinarn.', 53. Pillus (Tant.), 88. Pinon (Carpop.), 6; (Col.), 6. Pipile(Crax),19; (Penel.), 19. Pipixcan (Lar.), 173. Placida (Geop.), 10. Platalea, 86. Plataleinse, 86. Platea, 87. Platyrhyncha (Lim.), 107; (Trin.), 107. Platyrhynchus (Phalar.), 107. Plectropterinas, 125. Plectropterus, 126. Plotinae, 181. Plotus, 181; (Pelec.), 183. Plumbea(Ard.),79; (Col.), 9; (Crex),120; (Egretta), 83; (Gall.), 123; (Ibis), 91; (Ortyg.), 120. Plumicollis (Tant.), 90. Plutonia (Anas), 131. Pluvialis (Char.), 66, 67- Pluvianus, 60. Podica, 124. Podiceps, 149. Podiceps (Colym.), 152. PodicipinaB, 149. Podilymbus, 152. Pcecilonitta, 134. Poecilorhyncha (Anas), 130. Poiocephala (Larus), 173 ; (Xema), 173. Poliocephala (Carpop.), 6; (Chloeph.), 127; (Grus), 74. Poliocephalus (Lar.), 172, 173; (Podiceps), 151; (Rail.), 116. 206 Poliocerca (Ster.), 175; (Syloch.), 175. Polyplectron, 22. Pomarinus (Lestr.), 167, (Stercor.), 167. Ponticeriana (Ard.), 88. Ponticerianus (Franc.), 35; (Tetr.), 35. Porphyrea (Col.), 1, 2. Porzana (Ortyg.), 118; (Rail.), 118. Porphyrio, 120; (Fulica), 120; (Tetr.), 42. Pratensis (Crex), 117. Pratincola (Glareola), 61 ; (Hir.), 61. Prion, 165. Procellaria, 163; (Puff.), 158. Procellarinae, 158. Procellosus (Lar.), 171. Prosuga (Diom.), 16& Pseudops, 60. Psithizhoa (Anas), 134, Psittacea (Col.), 3; (Tre- ron), 3. Psittacina (Col.), 3. Psophia, 73; (Grus), 73. Psophinae, 73. Pteneres (Anas), 140. Pternistes, 32. Pterocles, 48. Pteroclinse, 48. Ptilonopus, 1. Ptilopachus, 31. Ptilorhyncha (Numida), 30. Pucrasia, 31 ; (Phas.), 31. Puella (Carpop.), 5; (Col.), 5. Puffinaria, 158. Puffinus, 158; (Procell.), 159. Pugnax (Chacura), 36 ; (Hemipod.), 40; (Phi- lorn.), 102; (Trin.), 102; (Turn.), 40. Pulcherrimus (Ptilop.), I. Pulcherrima (Col.), 1. Pulchra (Crex), 120 ; (Or- tyg.), 120. Pulchricollis (Col.), 9. Pulverulentus (Porph.), 121. Pumila (Ard.), 82. Punctata (Anas), 134; (Ardetta),83; (Mareca), 134. Punctatus (Pelec.), 182. 186; (Phal.), 186. Punctulata (Perd.), 32. Purpurata (Ardea), 76 ; (Col.), 2. Purpuratus (Ptilon.), 2. Purpurea (Ardea), 76 ; (Col.), 3. Purpureus (Phas.), 26. Pusilla (Trin.), 106. Pusillus (Rail.), 119 ; (Schaen.),106. Pygmaga (Crex), 119; (Or- tyg.), 119. Pygmaeus (Num.), 105; (Pelec.), 188; (Phal.), 188; (Scol.), 105. Pygoscelis, 153. Pyrenaica (Bonasa), 49. Pyronota (Alectrop.), 26. Pyrrhocephalus (Char.), 71. Pyrrhorhyncha (Anas), Pyrogaster (Anas), 136. QUABRICINCTUS (Pteroc.), 49. Querquedula, 137; (Anas), 13/. RADJAH (Anas), 132; (Ta- dorna), 132. Rafflesi (Anas), 138. Rallidae, 114. Rallinae, 114. Ralloides (Ard.), 82; (Bra- chyptr.), 122. Rallus, 114. Recurvirostra, 97; (Lim.), 96. RecurvirostrinEe, 97. Recurvirostris (Esacus), 60 ; (CEdicn.), 60 ; (Phas.), 30. Reevesii (Phas.), 24; (Syr- mat.), 24. Refulgens (Lophoph.), 30. Regia (Anas), 126; (Plat.), 87; (Sarkid.), 126. Regulorum (Balear.), 75 ; (Grus), 75. Reinwardtii (Col.), 11; (Macrop.), 11. Rendallii (Numida), 29. Religiosa (Ibis), 90. Resplendens (Pelec.), 186. Rhaad (Otis), 56. Rhea, 54; (Struth.), 54. Rhenana (Ardea), 76. Rhizothera, 31. Rhynchoea, 108. Rhynchasnis, 140. Rhynchopinae, 174. Rhynchops, 174. Rhynchotis (Anas), 140; (Spat.), 140. Rhynchotus, 52. Richardsoni (Lestr.), 167; (Tetr.), 46. Ridibunda (Xema), 172. Ridibundus (Lar.), 172. Ringuia (Uria), 157- Risoria (Col.), 12. Risorius (Turt.), 12. Rissa, 174; (Lar.), 174. Rollandi (Podic.), 151. Rollulus, 42. Rosacea (Carpop.), 6; (Col.), 6. Rosea (Plat.), 87. Roseicollis (Col.), 1; (Pti- lon.), 1. Roseus (Phoenicop.), 125. Rossii (Prion), 165. Roulroul (Phas), 42; (Roll.), 42. Rubecola (Char.), 63. Ruber (Phaenicop.), 125; (Tant.), 91. Rubicola (Perdicula), 38. Rubida (Anas), 146; (Eris- matura), 146. Rubidus (Char.), 107. Rubiginosa (Ard.), 76; (Gall.), 118. Rubra (Ibis), 91. Rubricapilla (Col.), 1. Rubricapillus (Mergus), Rubricollis (Colym.), 149; (Perd.), 32; (Podic.), 149; (Ptern.), 32; (Re- cury.),97. Rubripes(Sula), 183. Rufa (Anas), 143; (Ard.), 76; (Cacc.), 36; (Lim.), 96; (Perd.), 36; (Trin.), 103. Rufaxilla (Col.), 15. Rufescens (Anser), 129; (Ard.), 79; (Herod.), 79; (Pelec.), 189; (Pha- lar.), 107; (Rhync.),52; (Tinamus), 52; (Trin.), 102. Ruficapilla (Ardea), 82; (Hiat.),71. Ruficapillus (Char.), 71. Ruficeps (Callichen), 142; (Gall.), 114; (Rail.), 114. 117. Ruficollis (Anas), 128. 143; (Bern.), 128; (Crex), 120; (Eupod.), 58; (Or- tyg.), 120; (Otis), 58; (Trin.), 104. Ruficrista (Otis), 56. Rufina (Anas), 142; (Bran- ta), 142; (Col.), 9; (Hi- man t.), 97. Rufipes (Himant.), 97; (Megap.), 21. Rufitorques (Fulig.), 142. Rufiventris (Num.), 94. Rufopectus (Podic.), 150; (Rail.), 116. Rufopennis (Rail.), 115. Rufus (Crypt.), 38; (Nu- menius), 94; (Odont.), 43; (Phalaropus), 107; (Phas.), 26; (Tetr.), 36. Rupestris (Bonasa), 46 ; (Tetr.), 48. Riippellii (Franc.), 33. Russata (Ard.), 82. Rustica (Anas), 144. Rusticola (Scol.), 109. Rutila (Anas), 132; (Ca- sar.), 132. SABINI (Lar.), 171 ; (Te- trao),46; (Xema), 171. Sacra (Ibis), 92. Saliceti(Tetr.),47. Salpiza, 19. Sandpiper, 62. 101 . Sanguinea (Col.), 18. INDEX. 207 Sanguinolentus (Rallus), 115. Sti. Cuthbertii (Anas), 141. Sti. Thomae (Col.), 2; (Trer.), 2. Sarciophorus, 66. Sarkidiornis, 126. Satyra, 28; (Meleag.), 28. Saurophagus (Lophorh.), 73. Saxatilis (Perd.), 36. Scandiaca (Anas), 142. Scapularis (Ard.), 84; (Ardetta), 84; (Clang.), 145; (Gryll.), 157- Schinzii (Schaen.), 105; (Trin.), 105. Schistacea (Ard.), 79; (He- rod.), 79. Schaeniculus, 104. Scolopacea (Ard.), 93; (Lim.), 100; (Otis), 56. Scolopaceus (Aram.), 93. Scolopacidae, 93. Scolopacinae, 108. Scolopacinus (Gallin.), 110. Scolopax, 93 ; 109. Scolopax (Glott.), 99. Scopulinus (Lar.), 171. Scopus, 86; (Cepphus),86. Scoresbii (Lar.), 170. Scoticus (Lagop.), 47; (Tetr.), 47. Screamer, 114. Segetum (Anas), 129; (An- ser), 129. Serr.icollaris (Rhynch.), 109; (Tot.), 109. Semipalmata (Anas), 125; (Hiat.), 70; (Scol.), 101. Semipalmatus (Catopt.), 101; (Char.), 70. Semitorquatus (Turt.), 191. Senegala (Parra), 65. Senegalensis (Ard.), 82; (Char.), 64; (Col.), 13; (Curs.), 60; (Glar.), 61; (Helior.), 124; (Myct.), 89; (GEdicn.), 59; (Otis), 56; (Podic.), 124; (Pteroc.),49; (Ta- chydr.), 60; (Turt.), Senegalus (Lobivan.), 65; (Pteroc.), 50; (Tetr.), 50. Senicula (Alca), 157. Sephaena (Perd.), 35. Septentrionalis (Colym.), 148. Serrata (Ster.), 177. Serrator (Mergus), 147; (Pelec.), 183. Serratus (Onychop.), 177; Pezus),52. Setarius (Pteroc.), 48. Sexsetacea (Ard.), 86. -Shag, 184. Sheathbill,51. Shieldrake, 132. Sibilus (Cygn.), 130. Sibiricus (Char.), 67- Sieboldii(Col.),4; (Trer.), 4. Similis (Procell.), 165. Simplex (Porph.), 122; (Pteroc.), 50. Sinensis (Ard.), 83; (Ar- detta), 83; (Cotur.), 39; (Hydroph.), 114; (Parra), 114; (Pavo), 22; (Pelec.), 184; (Phal.), 184 ; (Querq.), 133. Sinica(CoL), 10. Skimmer, 174. Skua (Catarr.), 168. Slenderlegs, 132. Smaragdinus (Porph.) , 120. Smaragnotus(Porph.),121. Smithii (Col.), 18; (Geo- phaps), 18. M Snipe, 99. 108./ Soco (Ard.), 76. 81. Scemmeringii (Phas.), 24. Solitaria (Gallin.), 110; (Scol.), 110; (Trin.), 101. Solitarius (Tot.), 101. Soloniensis (Ard.), 83. Somateria, 141. Sonnerati (Gall.), 27. Sonnini (Ortyx), 44; (Perd.), 44. Soui (Tetr.), 53. Spadicea (Carpop.), 6; (Col.), 6; (Diom.),166. Spadiceus (Tetr.), 32. Sparmannii (Ard.), 85. Spatula, 139. Speciosa(Ard.),82; (Col.), ft Spectabilis (Anas), 141 ; (Somat.), 141. Specularis (Anas), 136. Specularoi'des (Anas), 136. Sphaeriuros(Lestris), 167- Spheniscinas, 154. Spheniscus, 154. Sphenura (Arborop.), 38; (Perd.), 38; (Trer.), 4; (Vinago),4. Spiciferus(Pavo),22. Spilogaster (Ortyx), 45. Spilonota (Ortyg.), 119; (Zapor.), 119. Spinicollis (Geront.), 91 ; (Ibis), 91. Spinosa (Anas), 145. Spinosus (Charad.), 64; (Hoplopt.), 64. Sponsa(Aix),133; (Anas), 133. Spoonbill, 86. Squaiotta (Ard.), 82. Squamosa (Col.), 13; (Co- lumbina), 13. Squatarola, 62; (Trin.), 62. Stacei (Phas.), 24. Stagnatilis (Tot.), 100. Stanleyanus ( Anthrop. ) ,75. Stanleyi (Gall.), 27; (Otis), 58. Stellaris(Ard.),80; (Bot.), 80. Stellatus (Colymb.), 148; (Mergus), 147; (Odon- top.),43; (Ortyx 1,43. Stenurus (Gallin.), 110; (Scol.), 110. Stercorarius, 167- Sterna, 176. Sternina?, 175. Stolatus (Char.), 65. Stolida (Ster.), 180. Stolidus (AnoUs), 180. Stork, 88. Strepera (Anas), 139. Streperus (Chaulel.), 139. Strepsilas, 112. Strepsilinae, 112. Strophiatus(Clorhyn.), 95. Striata (Ard.), 84; (Col.), 10; (Geop.), 10; (Ster.), 176; (Trin.), 100. Striatus (Colym.), 148. Stricklandii (Gallin.), 112. Strigilatus (Van.), 65. Struthio, 54 ; (Grus), 74- Struthionidse, 54. Struthioninae, 54. Struthersii (Ibidorh.), 95. Stubberica (Ster.), 1/6. Sturmii (Ard.), 83; (Ar- detta), 83. Suarbag (Uria), 156. Subalp'inus (Tetr.), 47. Subarquata( Scol.), 105. Subarquatus (Schaen.), 105. Subcristatus (Colym.), 149. Subtorquatus (Franc.), 35. Sula, 182; (Pelec.), 183. Sulcirostris (Carbo), 185; (Phal.), 185. Superba(Col.),2. Superbus (Ptilon.), 2. Superciliaris (Col.), 18; (Penel.),20; Salp.),20. Super ciliosa (Anas), 135; (Parra), 113; (Phal.), 153. Suratensis(CoL), 13. Surf-bird, 72. Surinamensis (Helior.), 124; (Plot.), 124. Swainsoni (Perd.), 32; (Pternis.), 32 ; (Thi- noc.),51. Swan, 130. Sylochelidon, 175. Sylvatica(Ibis),92. Sylvestris (Bonasa), 46; (Cair.), 140; (Gallop.), 29; (Meleag.), 29. Synoicus, 39. Sypheotides, 57- Syrmaticus, 24. Syrrhaptes, 50. TABUENSIS (Rail.), 120. Tachydromus,60; (Tetr.), 40. Tachypetes (Pteroc.), 49. 208 INDEX. Tadorna, 132; (Anas), 132. Tadornoides (Anasj, 132; Townsendii (Aphriza), 72; (Phal.), 185; (Uria), Uropvgialis (Num.), 94. Urvil'lii (Squatar.), 63; (Casar.), 132. 157. I Trin.), 63. Talegallinse, 21. Trachyrhynchus (Pelec.), Utamania, 153. Talegallus, 21. 189. Talpicoti (Chamaep.), 14; Tragopan, 28. 31. VAGABUNDA (Proceil.), (Col.), 14. Tranquilla (Geop.), 10. 163. Tantalinse, 90. Treron, 2. Vagans (Dendroc.), 131. Tantalus, 90. Treromnse, 1. Valisneria (Anas), 143; Tarda(Otis),55. Tribonyx, 122. (Nyroca), 143. Tartaricus (Char.), 67- Tricinctus (Pteroc.), 49. Vanellus, 62; (Trin.), 63. Tataupa (Tinam.), 53. Tricollaris (Char.), 69; Varia(Perd.),41; (Turn.), Tavoua (Porph.), 121. (Hiat.), 69. 41. Tayazu Guira (Ard.), 85. Tricolor (Lobivan.), 65; Variabilis (Num.), 104. Temminckii (Curs.), 60, (Van.), 65. Variegata (Anas), 133; 61; (Ortyx), 44; (Saty- Tridactyla (Proceil.), 158; (Ard.), 76.83; (Casar.), ra), 28; (Schaen.), 106; (Rissa), 174; (Trin.), 133; (Trin.), 102. (Trin.), 106. 107- Variegatus (Pteroc.), 50; Tenuirostris ^Anous), 181; (Plat,), 87; (Proceil.), Tridactylus (Lar.), 174. Trifasciata (Char.), 70. (Tetr.), 52; (Tinam.), 52; (Tot.), 102; (Trin.), 162; (Puff.), 160; (Ster.), Trigonigera (Col.), 8. 100. 181. Tringa, 103. Varius( Anser), 126; (Gal!.), Terek (Scol.), 96. Tringoi'de^Calid.), 107. 27; (Pelec.), 187; (PhaL), Terekensis (Fed.), 96. Troile (Colymbus), 156; 187; (Phas.),27. Tetrao, 45; (Franc.), 35; (Uria), 156. Velox (Hemipod.), 42; (Perd.), 37. Tropica (Thallass.), 161. (Proceil.), 164; (Ster.), Tetraogallus, 30. Trudeaui (Sterna), 176; 176; (Turn.), 42. Tetraoninaa, 45. (Thallass.), 176. Veneratus (Phas.), 24. Tetrax (Otis), 55. Tschegrava (Ster.), 175. Ventralis (Charad.), 64; Tetrix (Lyrurus), 47; Ttsitzihoa (Anas), 134. (Gall.), 122; (Hoplopt.), (Tetr=), 47. Tuberosa (Crax), 21 ; 64; (Perd.), 31; (Tri- Textilis (Cotur.), 38. (Mitu),21. bonyx), 122. Thalasseus, 176. Tumulus (Megap.), 22. Venusta (Col.), 14; (Co- Thalassidroma, 160. Turnix, 40. lumbina), 14. Thalassina (Ardetta), 84; Turtur, 11; (Col.), 11; Veranyi (Ard.), 82. (Egretta),84. (Proceil.), 165. Vernans (Col.), 3; (Trer.), Thagus (Pelec.), 189. Tylorhamphus, 153. 3. Thaumalea, 24. Tympanistria (Col.), 16; Versicolor (Anas), 138. Theristicus, 91. (Perist), 16. Vetula (Ortal.), 20; (Pe- Thinocorinae, 51. Typhon (Ard.), 76. nel.), 20. Thinocorus, 51. Typus(Anast.),88. Viduata( Anas), 132; (Den- Thoracicus (Hemip.),4l. droc.), 132. Threskiornis, 90. UMBELLATA (Cic.), 88. Vieilioti (Euploc.), 26. Thula(Ard.),79. Tigrina (Ard.), 81 ; (Col.), Umbelloides (Tetr.), 46. Umbellus (Bonasa), 46; Vigorsii (Glot.),99; (Otis), 56. 13. (Tetr.), 46. Vigua (Pelec.), 185. Tigrinum (Tigris.), 81. Umbre, 86. Vinacea (Col.), 12. Tigrisoma, 81. Umbretta (Scopus), 86. Vinaceus (Turt.), 12. Tinamidae, 52. Unchall (Col.), 11 ; (Ma- Vinago, 3. Tinaminae, 52. crop.), 11. Violacea(Ard.),86;(Col.), Tinamou, 52. Undulata (Ardea), 82; 15; (Perist.), 15. Tinamus, 52. (Houb.),57; (Psop.),57. Violaceus (Nyct.) 86; Togatus (Tetr.), 46. Undulatum (Tigris.), 82. (Pelec.), 186; (Phal.), Torda (Alca), 153; Undulatus (Anser), 130. 186. (Utam.), 153. Uniclavata (Scol.), 110. Virescens (Ard.), 84; (Ar- Toria, 3. Uniclavatus (Gallin.), 110. detta), 84. Torquata (Anas), 128. 139. Unicolor (Haemat.), 73. Virgata (Ard,), 84. 145; (Ard.), 84; (Char.), Unisulcata (Alca), 153. Virginiana (Querq.), 138. 68; (Glar.), 61; (Grus), Uria, 156. Virginianus (Ortyx), 44: 75; (Hiat.), 68; (Querq.), Urile (Pelec.), 184; (Phal.), (Rail.), 115. 118; (Tetr.), 137. 139. 184. 44. Torquatus (Anser), 128; Urinae, 156. Virginicus (Char.), 67- (Char.), 71; (Cincl.), Urinator (Colym.), 149. Virgo (Anthrop.), 75; 104; (Colymbus), 148; Urinatrix (Pelecanoides), (Ard.), 75. (Lar.), 174; (Pedion.), 158; (Proceil.), 158. Viridis(Tant.),92; (Tetr.), 42; (Phas.),23; (Rail.), Urogalloides (Tetr.), 45, 42. 116. Urogallus (Tetr.), 45. Viridissima (Col.), 2. Totaninas, 99. Urophasianellus (Tetr.), Viridissimus (Ptilon.), 2. Totanirostris (Oreoph.), 46. Vittata (Proceil.), 165. 60. Urophasianus (Anas), 135; Vittatus (Prion), 165. Totanus, 100; (Lim.),99; (Centroc.), 46; t'Tetr.), Vocifer( GEdicn.;,59. (Scol.), 99. 101. 46. Vocifera (Hiat.), 71. INDEX. 209 Vociferus (Char.), 71; Williamsii (Phalar.), 108. Xanthorhyncha (Anas), (Tot.), 99. Wilsoni (Ful.), 124; (Gal- 134. Vulgaris (Anser), 129; lin.), Ill; (Hiat.), 70; Xema, 171. (Aren.), 107; (Clang.), (Scol.), Ill; (Thalass.), Xenus, 96. 144; (Coturnix), 38; 161. (Franc.), 35 ; (Himant.) "Wilsonius (Char.), 70. YPECAHA (Rail.), 114. 97; (Lagop.),48. Woodcock, 109. Vulpanser (Tadorna), 132. ZAPORNIA, 119. XANTHOCHEILUS (Char.), Zenaida, 14; (Col.), 114. WAALIA (Col.), 3. 68; (Eudrom.), 68. Zealandica (Col.), 5. Wallichii (Phas.), 24. Xanthodactylos (Ard.), 78. Zonatus (Char.), 68. Widgeon, 133. Xanthorhinus (Cygn.), Zonorhynchus (Lar.), 171. Whimbrel, 93. 130. Woodfall and Son, Printers, Angel Court, Skinner Street, Londofi, LIST SPECIMENS OF BIRDS THE COLLECTION BRITISH MUSEUM. BY G. R. GRAY, F.L.S. c. PART IV. COLUMBJE. FEINTED BY OEDEE OF THE TEUSTEES. LONDON: 1856. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. PREFACE. THE object of the present List has been to give a complete Catalogue of the specimens of the Order Columbee or Pigeons contained in the Collection of the British Museum, indicating the locality, and the source from whence each has been derived. With this view the different individuals of each contained in the Collection are indicated by the letters , b, c, &c. following the name of the species and its synonyms. The List of the Order Gallinse is in progress and will be published shortly. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. April 12, 1856. LIST OF BIRDS. CLASS AVES. ORDER IV. COLUMB^E, Lath. Passeres (pars), Linn. S. N. (1735). Columbae Struthiones (pars), Lath. Ind, Orn. ii. p. (1790). Gallinse (pars), Cuv. (1795-1796). Gallinse (pars) Alectrides (pars), Cuv. Anat. Comp. Tab. ii. (1799-1800). Columbini Inepti, Illig. Prod. Syst. Mam. et Av. p. 243 (1811). Columba, Temm. Man. d'Orn. (1815). Coiumbini, Vieill. Anal Syst. d'Orn. (1816). Gallinacees (pars), Cuv. Reg. Anim. i. p. 454 (1817). Columba Inertes (pars), Temm. Man. d'Orn. (1820). Rasores (pars), Vigors, Zool. Journ. ii. p. 392 (1826). Fam. I. COLUMBINE. i. TRERONIN&. 1. PTILONOPUS. Ptilinopus, Swains. Zool. Journ. (1825) p. 473. Ptilonopus, Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 347 (1837). COLUMB^E. Ptilopus, StricJcl. Ann. fy Mag. N. H. (1841) p. 36. Ptilotreron, Pr. B. in Hit. G. R. Gray, Cat. of Gen. $ Subgen. (1855) p. 97. Kurukuru, Des Murs, Chenu, Ency. d'H. Nat. Ois.vi. p. 30. Kurutreron, Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 139. Thouarsitreron, Pr.B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 16 (1854). Jotreron, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 24 (1854). Ramphiculus, Pr.B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 139. Jambotreron, Pr. B. in Hit. G. R. Gray, Cat. of Gen. fy Subgen. (1855) p. 97. Lamprotreron, Pr.B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 17 (1854). Leucotreron, Pr. B Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 139. Cyanotreron, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 23 (1854). Omeotreron, Pr. B. Consp. Syst, Av. ii. p. 27 (1854). Sylphidama, Pr. B. in litt. G. R. Gray, Cat. of Gen. fy Subgen. (1855) p. 97. Sylphitreron, Verr. in Pr. B. Compt. Rend. (1855) p. Chrysama, Pr. JB. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 139. Chrysceiia, Chrysoenas, et Chrysotreron, Pr. B. Compt. Rend. (1855) p. . Erythrcena et Erythrotreron, Pr. JB. Compt. Rend. (1855) p. . Erythrolsema, Pr. B. in litt. G. R. Gray, Cat. of Gen. fy Subgen. (1855) p. 98. Furningus* Des Murs, Chenu, Encyc. d'Hist. Nat. Ois. p. 32. Funingus, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 29 (1854). Alectramas, Pr. B.Ann, des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 139. Alectrcenas, G. R. Gray, List of Gen. ofB. (1840) p. 58. Alectroroenas, Agass. Chlamydsena, Pr.B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 139. Trygon (pars) et lanthoenas (pars), Reichenb. Syst. Av. pp. xxv, xxvi, 1853. a. PTILONOPUS. 1. PTILONOPUS SWAINSONI. Swainson's Fruit Pigeon. Columba purpurata (pars), Temm. Pig. p. 282 ? Columba purpurata, Jard. fy Selby, Illustr. Orn. pi. 70. Ptilinopus purpuratus, var. regina, Swains. Zool. Journ. i. p. 474. Ptilonopus Swainsoni, Gould, B. of Austr. pi. 55. Columba roseicapilla (pars), Less. Tr. Orn. p. 472. Columba porphyracea (pars), Temm. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 131. COLUMBID.E. 3 Ptilinopus fasciatus (pars), Peak, Zool. U.S. Expl. Exp. viii. p. 194. Trygon (Ptilinopus) Swainsoni, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Ptilopus Swainsoni, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 19. a. New South Wales. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. b. Australia. Presented by the Rev. Augustus Strong. c. Howick's Group. From the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattle- snake, collected by J. M c Gillivray, Esq. d. Cape York. From the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, collected by J. M c Gillivray, Esq. 2. PTILONOPUS EWINGII. Ewing's Fruit Pigeon. Ptilonopus Ewingii, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1842) p. 19. Trygon (Ptilinopus) Ewingii, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Ptilopus Ewingii, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 20. Gould, B. ofAustr. pi. 56. a, b. Port Essington, N. Australia. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. c. Port Essington. Presented by Dr. Sibbald, R.N. 3. PTILONOPUS FLAVOCOLLIS. The yellow-throated Fruit Pigeon. Ptilonopus flavocollis, G. R. Gray, MSS. Columba purpurata (pars), Temm. Pig. i. p. 283 ? Columba porphyrea (porphyracea), Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 31 ? Ptilopus flavicollis, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 20. a. Timor. From the Leyden Museum. 4. PTILONOPUS PORPHYRACEUS. The green-bellied Pigeon. Columba purpurata, p., Lath., Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 30 ; id. Isis (1829) p. 742. Columba purpurata, var., Temm. Pig. t. 35. Columba purpurata, Temm. Pig. Ind. p. 474. Columba porphyracea, Temm. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 131. Columba porphyracea (pars), Forst. Icon. Ined. t. 141. ? Columba Forsteri, Desm. Ptilinopus purpuratus, Swains. Zool. Journ. i. p. 475. Trygon (Ptilinopus) purpuratus, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi? Trygon (Ptilinopus) porphyreus, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Ptilopus porphyraceus, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 21. a. ? Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. B 2 4 COLUMBjE. 5. PTILONOPUS PURPUREOCINCTUS. The purple-banded Pigeon. Ptilonopus purpureocinctus, G. JR. Gray, Proc. Z. S. (1853) p. . Columba roseicapilla, Less. Tr. d'Orn. i. p. 472? Ptilopus roseicapillus, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 21 ? Ptilopus Mercieri, Pr. B. Compt. Rend. (1855) p. . a. ? Presented by Major-Gen. Hardwicke. 6. PTILONOPUS MARINE. Marie's Fruit Pigeon. Ptilonopus ?, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. iii. App. p. 23. Ptilonope de Marie, Homb. fy Jacq. Voy. au Pole Sud, t. 29. f. 2. Ptilonopus Perousii, Peale, Zool. U. S. ExpL Exp. viii. p. 195, pi. 54. Columba Kurukuru superba, Homb. fy Jacq. Ann. des Sci. Nat. xvi. p. 316. Trygon (Ptilinopus) Marise, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Ptilopus Mariae, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av, ii. p. 22. a. Navigator's Islands. Presented by the Rev. J. B. Stair. 7. PTILONOPUS FASCIATUS. The banded Fruit Pigeon. Ptilinopus fasciatus, Peale, Zool. U.S. Expl. Exp. viii. p. 193. pi. 53. Kurukuru samoensis, Flor. Prev. Zool. de la Venus, p. 247 ? Ptilopus apicalis, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. a. Navigator's Islands. (A young bird ?) Presented by the Rev. J. B. Stair. 8. PTILONOPUS GREYII. Grey's Fruit Pigeon. Ptilonopus Greyii, G. R. Gray, MSS. Ptilopus purpuratus, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 19 ? a, b. Loyalty Islands. Presented by his Excellency Sir George Grey, K.C.B. c. Isle of Pines. From the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, collected by J. M c Gillivray, ! b. KURUTRERON. 9. PTILONOPUS PURPURATUS, The purple-crowned Pigeon, Columba purpurata, Gmel. S. IV. i. p. 784. Columba Oopa, Wagl. Isis (1829) p. 742. COLUMBID^E. Columbe de Taiti, Neboux, Rev. de Zool. (1840) p. 289. Columba kurukuru, var. tai'tensis, Less. Voy. de la Coqu. i. p. 297. Kurukuru Du Petit houarsii, Voy. de la Venus, pi. 7. Ptilinopus furcatus, Peale, U.S. Expl. Exp. viii. p. 191. Ptilinopus Nebouxi, Des Murs, Pr. B. Trygon (Ptilinopus) taitensis, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Kurutreron oopa, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 26. a. Tahiti. Presented by M. E. Verreaux. b. ? From Mr. Turner's Collection. 10. PTILONOPUS CHRYSOGASTER. The golden-bellied Fruit Pigeon. Ptilonopus chrysogaster, G. R. Gray, Proc. Z. S. (1853) p. Kurutreron chrysogastra, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 26. a. Tahiti? From MM. Verreaux's Collection. b. Tongatabou. From MM. Verreaux's Collection. c. THOUARSITRERON. 11. PTILONOPUS DUPETITHOUARSII. Marquesas' Fruit Pigeon. Columba DuPetithouarsii, Nebousc, Rev. Zool. (1840) p. 289. Ptilonopus jEiniliaj, Less. Desc. Mam. et Ois. (1847) p. 209. Ptilonope de Petit Thouars, Voy. au Pole Sud, t. 29. f. 1. Ptilonopus DuPetithouarsii, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. iii. App. p. 23. Columba Kurukuru purpuroleucocephalis, Homb. fy Jacq. Ann. des Sci. Nat. xvi. p. 316. Ptilonopus leucocephaluSjG.il. Gray,ListofGallinceB.M. p. 2. Trygon (Ptilinopus) Du Petit Thouarsii, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Thouarsitreron leucocephala, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 16. a. Marquesas* Islands. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. ? From Mr. Turner's Collection. c. ? Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B.,R.N. 12. PTILONOPUS XANTHOGASTER. The white-crowned Fruit Pigeon. Columba xanthogaster, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 29. Ptilonopus purpuratus, ISteph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 1. p. 277- Columba purpurata ? , Temm. O COLUMB^E. Columba diademata, Temm. PL Col. 254. Ptilonopus flavigaster, Swains. Class, of B. ii. p. 347. Ptiloiiopus xanthogaster, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. ii. p. 466. Trygon (Ptilinopus) diadematus, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Thouarsitreron diademata, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 16. a. Mariana Islands. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. d. JOTRERON. 13. PTILONOPUS VIRIDIS. The green Pigeon. Columba viridis, Linn. S. N. i. p. 283. Ptilinopus viridis, Swains. Zool. Journ. i. p. 473. Trygon (Ptilinopus) viridis, Reichenb, Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Jotreron viridis, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 24. PI. Enl 142 ; Mag. de Zool. (1836) t. 76 ; Knip $ Prev. Pig.i.M. a. Amboyna. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. 14. PTILONOPUS EUGENIA. Eugenie's Pigeon. Ptilonopus (Jotreron) Eugeniae, Gould, Proc. Z. S. (1855) p. . a. Solomon Island. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. 15. PTILONOPUS MELANOCSPHALUS. The black-capped Pigeon. Columba melanocephala, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 781. Ptilonopus melanocephalus, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 1 . p, 279. Trygon (Ptilinopus) melanocephalus, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Jotreron melanocephala, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 24. PL Enl. 214 ; Penn. Ind. Zool. pi. 7 ; Temm. Pig. t. 30. a, b. Java. From Baron Laugier's Collection. c. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. d. Indian Archipelago. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B., R.N. 16. PTILONOPUS STROPHIUM. The white-banded Pigeon. Columba Rivolii, Knip fy Prev. Pig. t. 57 ? Ptilonopus Strophium, Gould, Jard. Contr. o/0r/i.(1850) p. 105. fig. on p. 102. Trygon (Ptilinopus) strophium, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. COLUMBID^S. / Jotreron Rivolii (pars), Pr.B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 25. Des Murs, Iconogr. Orn. t. 4. a. Louisiade Archipelago. From the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, collected by J. M c Gillivray, Esq. b. Louisiade Archipelago. From M. Verreaux's Collection. e. RAMPHICULUS. 17- PTILONOPUS OCCIPITALIS. The occipital Pigeon. Ptilonopus occipitalis, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 1. Trygon (Ptilinopus) occipitalis, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Ramphiculus occipitalis, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 1 7- G. R. Gray $ Mitch. Gen. of B. ii. p. 467. pi. 118. a, b. Philippine Islands, males. From Mr. Cuming's Col- lection. c. Philippine Islands, female. From Mr. Cuming's Col- lection. 18. PTILONOPUS JAMBU. The Jamboo Pigeon. Columba jambu, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 784. Columba jambos, Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 598. Ptilonopus jambu, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 2. Trygon (Ptilinopus) Jamboo, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Ramphiculus jambu, Pr. B. Compt. Rend. (1855) p. Jambotreron Jambu, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 17- Temm. Pig. t. 27, 28. a, b. Indian Archipelago. c. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Tucker's Collection. d. Singapore? Presented by the Earl of Ellenborough. f. LAMPROTRERON. 19. PTILONOPUS SUPERBUS. Temminck's Pigeon. Columba superba, Temm. Pig. t. 33. Ptilonopus superbus, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 1. p. 279. Trygon (Ptilinopus) superbus, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Lamprotreron superba, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 18. Gould, B. of Austr. pi. 57 ; Knip $ Prev. Pig. t. 42. a. Amboyna. From the Ley den Museum. b. Amboyna. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B., R.N. c. d. Australia. Presented by the Earl of Derby, K.G. COLUMB.E. 20. PTILONOPUS HOLOSERICEUS. The Vlouvlou Pigeon. Columba holosericea, Temm. Pig. t. 32. Ptilonopus holosericeus, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. ii. p. 467. Trygon (Ptilinopus) holosericeus, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Lamprotreron holosericeus, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. a. Isle of Pines. From the Voyage of H.M.S. Herald, collected by J. M c Gillivray, Esq. 21. PTILONOPUS ROSEICOLLIS. The rose-necked Pigeon. Columba porphyrea, Reinw. PL Col. 106. Columba roseicollis, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 27. Ptilinopus porphyreus, Swains. Zool. Journ. i. p. 473. Ptilonopus erythrocephalus, Swains. Class, of B. ii. p. 347- Ptilonopus roseicollis, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 1. Trygon (Ptilinopus) roseicollis, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Lamprotreron porphyrea, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 18, Knip 4* Prev. Pig. t. 4. a, b. Timor. From the Ley den Museum. c. Sumatra. From Baron Laugier's Collection. d. Indian Archipelago, Presented by W. Elliot, Esq., of Wolflee. g. LEUCOTRERON. 22. PTILONOPUS CINCTUS. The belted Pigeon. Columba cincta, Temm. Pig. t. 23. Ptilonopus cinctus, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 2. Trygon (Ptilinopus) cinctus, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvio Leucotreron cincta, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 15. a. Indian Archipelago. From the Leyden Museum. h. CYANOTRERON. 23. PTILONOPUS CYANOVIRENS. The spot-headed Fruit Pigeon. Columba cyanovirens, Less. Voy. de la Coqu. Ois. t. 42. f . 1 Ptilinopus cyanovirens, Selby, Nat. Libr.v. p. 109. pi. 5. Ptilonopus leucogaster, Swains. Class, of B. ii. p. 347. COLUMBID^S. Trygon (Ptilinopus) cyanovirens, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Cyanotreron cyanovirens, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii, p. 23. Knip 8f Prev. Pig. t. 9. a. Red Wallis' Island. Presented by the Earl of Derby, K.G. i. ERYTHRCENA. 24. PTILONOPUS PULCHERRIMUS. The red-crowned Pigeon. Columba pulcherrima, Scop. Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr. p. 94. Columba rubricapilla, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 784. Ptilonopus pulcherrimus, G. R. Gray, List of Gallina B.M. p. 1. Carpophaga (lanthoenas) rubricapilla, Reichenb. Syst. Av.p. xxv. Erythroena (vel Erythvotreron vel Erythrolaema) pulcherrima, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Ay. ii. p. 30. Sonn. Voy. N. Gain. t. 67 ; Temm. Pig. t. 20. f a. Island of Panay. Presented by Mrs. Thomas Bell. j. FURNINGUS. 25. PTILONOPUS MADAGASCARIENSIS. The Madagascar Pigeon. Columba madagascariensis, Linn. S. N. i. p. 283 ; Briss. Orn. i. p. 140. t. 14. f. 1. Columba phaenicura, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 23. Carpophaga? madagascariensis, G. R. Gray, Gen. ofB. ii. p. 469. Ptilonopus madagascariensis, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. iii. App. p. 23. Carpophaga (Alectroenas) madagascariensis, Reichenb. Syst. Av, p. xxv. Funingus madagascariensis, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 29. P/. Enl. 11 ; Temm. Pig. t. 17 ; Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. t. 266, a. South Africa. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. 2. TRERON. Treron, Vieill. Analyse, p. 49 (1816). Vinago, Cuv. Reg. Anim.l p. 457 (1817). Columba, Wagl. Syst. Av.(\S27). Toria, Hodgs. As. Res. (1836) xix. p. 164. 10 COLUMB^E. Romeris, Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1841) p. Osmotreron, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 12 (1854). Butreron, Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 139. Crocopus, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 11 (1854). Phalacrotreron, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p 6 (1854). Vinago, Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p, 139. Sphenocercus, G.R. Gray, List of Gen. ofB. (1840) p. 57. Sphenums, Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 348 (1837). Sphensena, Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 139. Sphencena, Sphenotreron et Sphenocercus, Pr. B. Compt. Rend. (1855) p. . Trygon, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. a. TRERON. 1. TRERON AROMATICA. The aromatic Pigeon. Columba aromatica, Gmel. S. N. i.p. 778 ; Briss. Orn. i. p. 145. t. 10. f. 2. Treron aromatica, G. R. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1840) p. 57. Vinago aromatica, Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) p. 457. Treron (Toria) aromatica, BL Cat. of B. p. 228. Trygon (Treron) aromatica, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Treron axillaris, G. R. Gray, MSS. ; Pr. B. Compt. Rend. (1855) p. Osmotreron axillaris, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 13. PI. Enl. 163 ! a. ? Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B., R.N. b. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cunning's Collection. 2. TRERON GRISEICAUDA. The grey-tailed Pigeon. Treron griseicauda, G. R. Gray, MSS. Treron aromatica, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 10. a. ? From Mr. Argent's Collection. b. TORIA. 3. TRERON NIPALENSIS. The Nepal aromatic Pigeon. Toria nipalensis, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. p. 164. Treron nipalensis, Bl. Drafts Fauna Ind. Col. p. 2. Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 10. Treron aromatica, Hodgs. List of An. fy Birds B.M. p. 121. COLUMBID^B. 11 Treron (Toria) aromatica, var., EL Cat. p. 228. Romeris (Toria) aromatica, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 85. a. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. C. OSMOTRERON. 4. TRERON MALABARICA. The Malabar Pigeon. Columba aromatica, Temm. Pig. t. 5 ? r? Vinago aromatica, Jerd. Madr. Journ. xii. p. 13. $ Vinago affinis, Jerd. Madr. Journ. xii. p. 13. Vinago malabarica, Jerd. Illustr. Ind. Orn. p. Treron malabarica, El. Drafts Fauna Ind. Col. p. 8. Osmotreron malabarica, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 13? a. Malabar. Presented by Mrs. Spinkes. b, c. Singapore. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. d, e. Madras. Presented by the Rev. B. Baber. 5. TRERON POMPADORA. The Pompadour Pigeon. Columba pompadora, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 775. Columba aromatica, var. b, Temm. Pig. Ind. p. 442. Columba phoenicoptera (pars), Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 1 . Treron St.Thomse (pars), G. R. Gray, Gen. ofE. ii. p. 467. Osmotreron pompadora, Pr. E. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 14. Brown, Zool. Illustr. pi. 19. a, b. Ceylon. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 6. TRERON FULVICOLLIS. The fulvous-necked Pigeon. Columba aromatica, var. d, Temm. Pig. 16. Columba cinnamomea, Temm. PL Col. Columba fulvicollis, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 8. Treron fulvicollis, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince E.M. p. 3. Treron tenuirostre, Eyton, Ann. fy Mag. Nat. Hist. xvi. p. 230. Trygon (Treron) fulvicollis, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Osmotreron fulvicollis, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 14. a. Borneo. From the Leyden Museum. b. Malacca. Presented by Major Charlton. 7. TRERON OLAX. The odoriferous Pigeon. Columba olax, Temm. PL Col. 241. Treron olax, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 1. p. 273. Vinago olax, Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 492. 12 COLUMBA. Trygon (Treron) olax, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Osmotreron olax, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 15. Knip fy Prev. Pig. t. 12. a. Indian Archipelago. b. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 8. TRERON PSITTACEA. The psittaceous Pigeon. Columba psittacea, Temm. Pig. t. 4. Columba psittacina, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 4. Vinago psittacea, Steph. Gen. Zool. xi. 1. p. 112. Treron psittacea, Steph. 1. c. xiv. 1. p. 2/4 ; Pr. B. Consp, Gen. Av. ii. p. 10. Trygon (Treron) psittacea, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. a. Timor. From the Leyden Museum. by c. Copang Timor. Presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq. 9. TRERON VIRIDIS. The Parrot Pigeon. Columba viridis, Scop. Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr. p. 94. Sonn. Voy. N. Gum. t. 64, 65. Columba vernans, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 789 ; Briss. Orn. i. p. 143. t. 11. f. 1. Columba vernans (pars), Temm. Pig. Ind. p. 443. Vinago vernans, Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 457- Treron vernans, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 1. p. 2/4. Treron viridis, El. Cat. ofB. p. 229. Trygon (Treron) vernans, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Osmotreron vernans, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 12. Columba purpurea, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 784; Brown, Ill.pl. 18. Treron purpurea, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. iii. App. p. 23. PL Enl. 138? , b. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. c. Java. Presented by J. Inskipp, Esq. d. Sumatra. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. e. Singapore. /. Indian Archipelago. Presented by Mr. Nightingale. g. Tenasserim. Presented by J. D. C. Packman, Esq. 10. TRERON BICINCTA. The double-banded Pigeon. Columba vernans, Temm. Pig. t. 10, 11. Columba vernans (pars), Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 9. Vinago bicincta, Jerd. Madr. Journ. xii. p. 13. Vinago unicolor, Jerd. Madr. Journ. xii. p. 14. COLUMBJDjE. 13 Treron bicincta, El. Cat, ofB.p. 229. Treron vernans (pars), G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. ii. p. 467. Trygon (Treron) bicincta, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Columba vernans, var., Less. Treron multicolor, Reichenb. Icon. t. 148. f. 1342. Osmotreron bicincta, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 12. Jerd. Illustr. Ind. Orn. pi. 21. a, b. Madras. Presented by the Rev. B. Baber. c, d. Madras. Presented by J. C. Jerdon, Esq. d. BUTRERON. 11. TRERON CAPELLEI. Capelle's Pigeon. Columba Capellei, Temm. PL Col. 143. Columba gigantea, Raffl. Vinago gigantea, Vig.Zool. App. Mem. Sir S. Raffles, p. 674. Treron Capellei, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 1. p. 276. pi. 32. Treron magnirostris, Strickl. Ann. fy Mag. N. H. (1844) p. 116. Vinago Capellei, Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 492. Treron (Toria) Capellei, Bl. Cat. of B. p. 228. Trygon (Treron) Capellei, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Butreron Capelli, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 9. Knip fy Prev. Pig. t. 38. a. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. b, c. Indian Archipelago. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Bel- cher, C.B., R.N. e. CROCOPUS. 12. TRERON PHCENICOPTERUS. The purple-shouldered Pigeon. Columba St. Thomse, Gmel. S. N. p. 778? Columba phoenicoptera, Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 597. Columba militaris, Temm. Pig. t. 1. Columba Hardwickii, Gray in Griff. An. Kingd. viii. p. 291. pi. . Vinago militaris, Steph. Gen. Zool. xi. p. 109. Treron militaris, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 1. p. 274. Treron phsenicoptera, Bl. Cat. of B. p. 229. Treron St. Thomse, G. R. Gray, List of GallincB B.M. p. 2. Trygon (Treron) St. Thomse, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Crocopus phcenicopterus, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av.ii. p. 11. Gould, Cent. ofB. pi. 58. ac. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 14 COLUMB^E. 13. TRERON CHLORIGASTER. The yellow-bellied Pigeon. Treron Jerdoni, Strickl. Ann. fy Mag. N. H. (1844) p. 167. Treron chlorigaster, Bl. Journ. A. S. B. (1843) xii. p. 167 ; xiv. p. 850. Vinago militaris ?, Jerd. Madr. Journ. xii. p. 12. Crocopus chlorogaster, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. . a. India. Presented by J. C, Jerdon, Esq. b, c. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. Malabar. Presented by Mrs. Spinkes. e. India. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. f,g. Madras. Presented by the Rev. B. Baber. f. PHALACROTRERON. 14. TRERON CALVA. The bald Pigeon. Columba calva, Temm. Pig. t. 7- Vinago calva, Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) p. 492. Treron? calva, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 1. p. 2/3. Treron calva, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. ii. p. 467. Trygon (Treron) calva, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Phalacrotreron calva, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 6. Vinago australis, Jard. fy Selby, lllustr. Orn. pi. 81. Vinago pityriopsis, Verr. Rev. et Mag. Zool. (1854) p. . a. West Africa. Presented by Col. Sabine, R.A. b. Gaboon, c. West Africa. From M. Verreaux's Col- lection. 15. TRERON DELALANDII. Delaland's Pigeon. Phalacrotreron Delalandii, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 6. Treron calva, Verr. Rev. et Mag. Zool. (1852) p. 423. Treron nudirostris, Lichl. a, b. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by the Earl of Derby. c. South Africa. From M. Verreaux's Collection. 16. TRERON NUDIROSTRIS. The naked-billed Pigeon. Vinago nudirostris, Swains. B. of W. Afr. ii. p. 205. Treron nudirostris, Reichenb. Phalacrotreron nudirostris, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 6. a. West Africa. From M. Verreaux's Collection, COLUMBID^E. 15 17- TRERON ABYSSINICA. The Waalia Pigeon. Columba Abyssinica, Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. 60. Columba humeralis, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 2. Columba Waalia, Rilpp. Vinago Abyssinica, Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1817) i. p. 457- Treron Abyssinica, G. JR. Gray, List of Gallina B.M. p. 3. Trygon (Treron) Abyssinica, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Phalacrotreron abyssinicus, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 7- Temm. Pig. t. 8, 9 ; Levaill. Ois. de VAfr. t. 276, 277- a. W. Africa. Presented by Col. Sabine, R.A. g. SPHENOCERCUS. 18. TRERON SPHENURA. The wedge-tailed Pigeon. Vinago sphenura, Vigors, P. Z. S. (1831) p. 173. Treron sphenura, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 4. Trygon (Treron) sphenurus, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Ptilonopus macronotus, Hodgs., Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 85. Treron (Sphenocircus) cantillans, Bl. Cat. of B. p. 230. Vinago cantillans, Bl. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xii. p. 166. Ptilonopus Turturo'ides, Hodgs. 1. c. p. 85. Sphenocercus sphenurus, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 8. Gould, Cent. ofB. pi. 57 ; Knip fy Prev. Pig. t. 49. a. Himalayan Mountains. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. b e. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. /. Young. Northern India. Presented by H. Drummond, Esq. g. Nepal (V. cantillans). Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. h, i. Nepal (P. turturoides). Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 19. TRERON SIEBOLDII. The white-booted Pigeon. Columba Sieboldii, Temm. PL Col 549. Treron Sieboldii, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 4. Trygon (Treron) Sieboldii, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Sphenocercus Sieboldi, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 9. Knip fy Prev. Pig. t. 10. a, b. Japan. From- the Leyden Museum. 16 COLUMB^E. 20. TRERON KORTHALSII. Korthals' Pigeon. Columba sphenura, Temm. Columba Korthalsii, Temm. Treron Korthalsii, G. R. Gray, List of Gallina BM. p. 4. Sphenocercus Korthalsi, Pr.B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 9. a, b. Sumatra. From the Ley den Museum, 21. TRERON APICAUDA. The pointed-tailed Pigeon. Vinago apicauda, Hodgs. MSS. Treron apicauda, G. R. Gray, List of Gallina B.M. p. 4. Vinago sphenura, Hodgs., Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 85. Treron (Sphenocercus) apicauda, Bl. Cat. of B. p. 230. Sphenocercus apicaudus, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 8. a e. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. ii. COLUMBINE. 1. CARPOPHAGA. Muscadivores, Less. Tr. d'Crn. p. 468 (1831). Carpophaga, Selby, Nat. Libr.v. p. 112 (1835). Globicera, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 30 (1854). Ducula, Hodgs. As. Res. (1836) xix. p. 162. Rinopus, Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1841) p. Rhinopus, Agass. Myristicivora, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi (1853). ? Craspedoenas, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv (1853). Craspedsenas, Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 140. Megaloprepia, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi (1853). Hemiphaga, Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 140. Ptilocolpa, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 34 (1854). Pterocolpa, Pr. B. in lilt. G. R. Gray, Cat. of Gen. 43 ; Ground, 49 ; Indian Ring, 26 ; Red-headed, 41 ; Ring, 26; Stock, 28; Turtle, 41. Dubusi. Leptoptila, 54. Ducula, 16, 19, Dufresnii. Columba, 42 DuPetithouarsii. Columba, 5 ; Kurukuru, 5; Ptilono- pus, 5 ; Trygon, 5. Dussumieri. Columba, 45 ; Streptopelia, 45 ; Turtur, 45. E. Ectopistes, 26, 35. elegans. Callcenas, 6l ; Co- lumba, 6l ; Phaps, 61. Elphinstonei. Palumbus, 27. Elphinstoni. Carpophaga, 27; Columba, 26; Den- drotreron, 27 ; Palumbus, 27- Elphinstonii. Ptilonopus, 26. Emiliana. Macropygia, 39. erythrauchen. Columba, 38. Erythrauchcena, 36, 38. erythrina. Columba, 34. erythrocephalus. Ptilono- pus, 8 ; Turtur, 41. Erythroena, 2, 9. Erythrolsema, 2. erythropareia. Peristera, 56. erythrophrys. Columba, 43. erythroptera. Catenas, 64 ; Columba, 64 ; Peristera, 64 ; Phlegoenas, 64. Erythrotreron, 2. Eugeniae. Jotreron, 6 ; Ptilonopus, 6. Ewingii. Ptilonopus, 3 ; Ptilopus, 3 ; Trygon, 3. F. fasciata. Chlorcenas, 34 ; Columba, 34 ; Patagice- nas, 34 ; Peristera ?, 34. f asciatus. Ptilinopus, 3 ; Ptilonopus, 4. ferrago. Columba, 41. Fitzroyi. Columba, 33. flavigaster. Ptilonopus, 6. flavirostris. Chlorcenas, 34 ; Columba, 34. flavocollis. Ptilonopus, 3 ; Ptilopus, 3. Forsteni. Carpophaga, 22 ; Hemiphaga, 22. Forsteri. Carpophaga, 22 ; Columba, 3. Forsterii. Columba, 22. frontalis. Columba, 54. INDEX. 69 fulvicollis. Columba, 1 1 ; Osmotreron, 11 ; Treron, 1 1 ; Trygon, 1 1 . Funingus, 2. furcatus. Ptilinopus, 5. Furningus, 2, 9- galapagoensis. Chamaepe- leia, 48 ; Columbi-gallina, 48; Zenaida, 48. Gallinacees, 1. Gallinae, l. gallus. Columba, 63. gelastes. Columba, 41. Geoffroyi. Chamaepelia, 52 ; Columba, 52 ; Peristera, 52. Geopeleia, 36. Geopelia, 36. Geophaps, 62. Geophilus, 25. Geotrygon, 52, 56. gigantea. Columba, 13 ; Vinago, 13. Globicera, 16, 18. globicera. Carpophaga, 18 ; Columba, 18. Gouldise. Caloenas, 63 ; Calloenas, 63 ; Columba, 63. Goura, 64. Gourinse, 45. gracilis. Columba, 46 ; Co- lumbina, 46. granatina. Chamoepelia, 49 . Greyii. Ptilonopus, 4. grisea. Carpophaga, 20 ; Myristicivora, 20. griseicauda. Treron, 10. griseocapilla. Columba, 59. griseola. Chamoepelia, 50 ; Choemepelia, 50 ; Colum- bina, 50. griseopectus. Carpophaga, 22 ; Ptilocolpa, 22. guinea. Columba, 32 ; Stict- oenas, 32. gymnocyclus. Columba, 28. gymnophtalmos. Columba, 49 ; Picazurus, 31. gymnophthalmus. Colum- ba, 31 ; Crossophthalmus, 31 ; Palumbus, 31. ?ymnops. Chaemepelia, 53. H. halmaheira. Janthoenas, .24. Hardwickii. Columba, 13, Hemiphaga, 16, 21. histrionica. Callcenas, 6l ; Columba, 6l ; Peristera, 6l ; Phaps, 61. Hodgsoni. Alsocomus, 27 ; Columba, 27 ; Dendrotre- ron, 27. holosericea. Columba, 8. holosericeus. Lamprotre- ron, 8 ; Ptilonopus, 8 ; Trygon, 8. humeralis. Columba, 15, 38 ; Erythrauchoena, 38 ; Geopelia, 38 ; Turtur, 38. humilis. Columba, 45 ; Streptopelia, 45 ; Turtur, 45. hypoinochroa. Carpophaga, 24 ; Janthoenas, 24. hypoleuca. Zenaida, 48. imbricate. Columba, 30. Inca. Chsemepelia, 51 ; Chamaepelia, 51 ; Scarda- fella, 51. indica. Calloenas, 59 ; Chal- cophaps, 59 ; Columba, 59. indicus. Lophyrus, 64. Inepti, 1. ineptus. Didus, 65 ; Goura, 65. Inertes, 1. infuscata. Carpophaga, 33 ; Columba, 33 ; Janthoenas, 33 ; Macropygia, 33. inornata. Chloroenas, 35 ; Columba, 34 ; Columbina, 53 ; Metriopelia, 53 ; Pe- ristera, 53. insignis. Carpophaga, 19 ; Ducula, 19 ; Rhinopus, 19- intermedia. Columba, 29. J. jamaicnsis. Columba, 53, 54 ; Goura, 53 ; Lepto- ptila, 53 ; Peristera, 53. jamboo. Trygon, 7. jambos. Columba, 7- Jambotreron, 2. jambu. Columba, 7 ; Jam- botreron, 7 ; Ptilonopus, 7 ; Ramphiculus, 7- Jamesoni. Columba, 62. Janthaenas, 16. janthina. Carpophaga, 23 ; Columba, 23; Janthoenas, 23. Janthoenaa, 2, 16, 23. javanica. Calloenas, 60 ; Chalcophaps, 60 ; Co- lumba, b'O. Jerdoni. Treron, 14. Johannte. Columba, 30. Jotreron, 2, 6. K. Korthalsii. Columba, 16 ; Sphenpcercus, 16 ; Tre- ron, 16. Kurukuru, 2. Kurutreron, 2, 4, L. lacernulata. Carpophaga, App., 66 ; Columba, App., 60 ; Ducula, App., 66. Lamprotreron, 2, 7. larvata. Aplopelia, 56 ; Co- lumba, 56 ; Leptoptila, 56 ; Peristera, 56. laurivora. Columba, 27 ; Trocaza, 27. Lawsonii. Columba, 6l. Leclancheri. Carpophaga, 21 ; Treroloema, 21. Lepidsenas, 26. Lepidoenas, 26, 32. leptogrammica. Columba, 39 ; Macropygia, 39 ; Tur- tur, 39. Leptoptila, 51. Leptotila, 51, 53. leucocephala. Columba, 29 ; Patagicenas, 29 ; Thou- arsitreron, 5. leucocephalus. Ptilonopus, 5. leucogaster. Columba, 22 ; Ptilonopus, 8. leucomela. Carpophaga, 24 ; Columba, 24. Leucomelaena, 16, 24. leucomelana. Columba, 24. leucomelas. Alsocomus, 24, Leucomelcena, 16. leuconota. Columba, 29. leucophrys. Columba, 64. leucoptera. Chamjepeleia, 48 ; Columba, 31, 48 j Me- lopelia, 49 ; Zenaida, 48. leucopterus. Turtur, 48. Leucosarcia, 60, 62. leucotis. Columba, 6l ; Goura?, 6l ; Oreopeleia, 61 ; Peristera, 6l ; Pha- pitreron, 6l ; Phaps, 6l. Leucotreron, 2, 8. Levaillantii. Columba, 4:? ; Turtur, 41. 70 INDEX linearis. Columbigallina, 56 ; Geotrygon, 56 ; Pe- ristera, 56. lineata. Geopelia, 36. Lithaenas, 25. Lithoenas, 25. littoralis. Carpophaga, 19 ; Columba, 1Q. Livia, 25. livia. Columba, 28, 29 . locutrix. Columba, 33 ; Peristera, 33. Lopholaemus, 24. Lopholaimus, 24. Lopholoemus, 24. Lophophaps, 62. Lophorhynchus, 24. lophotes. Calloenas, 58 ; Columba, 58 ; Ocyphaps, 58; Turtur?, 58. Lophyrus, 58, 64. loricata. Columba, 31. luctuosa. Carpophaga, 20 ; Columba, 20 ; Myristici- vora, 20. lugens. Columba, 43 ; Streptopelia, 43 ; Turtur, 43. lunigera. Columba, 30. lunulata. Columba, 37- luzonica. Caloenas, 63 ; Columba, 63; Phlegoe- nas, 63. M. Macquaric. Columba, 37. macrodactylus. Peristera, 54. macronotus. Ptilonopus,15. Macropygia, 38. Macropygia. Javanese, 39 ; Manado, 40 ; Many-band- ed, 39 ; Modest, 40 ; Ne- paulese, 40 ; Philippine, 39. maculata. Columba, 47 ; Zenaida, 47. maculicollis. Columba, 43. maculipennis. Columba, 31. maculosa. Columba, 31. madagascariensis. Alectroe- nas, 9 ; Carpophaga ?, 9 ; Columba, 9 ; Funingus, 9 ; Ptilonopus, 9. magnifica. Carpophaga, 20 ; Columba, 20 ; Megalo- prepia, 20. magnificus. Ptilonopus, 20. magnirostris. Treron, 13. malabarica. Osmotreron, 11 ; Treron, 11 ; Vinago, 11. malaccensis. Columba, 36. Malherbii. Columba, 30 ; Turtursena, 30. manadensis. Columba. 40 ; Macropygia, 40 ; Turac- cena, 40 ; Turtur, 40. marginata. Columba, 35. marginatus. Ectopistes, 35 ; Turtur, 35. Maria;. Ptilonopus, 4 ; Pti- lopus, 4 ; Trygon, 4. Marie, Ptilonope de, 4. martinica. Columba, 55. meena. Columba, 42 ; Tur- tur, 42. Megaloprepia, 16, 20. Megapelia, 64. melanocephala. Columba, 6 ; Jotreron, 6. melanocephalus. Ptilono- pus, 6 ; Trygon, 6. melanoleuca. Columba, 62. melanoptera. Columba, 52 ; Metriopelia, 53 ; Peris- tera, 52. Melopelia, 46, 48, Mercei. Ptilopus, 4. Metriopeleia, 51. Metriopelia, 51, 52. mexicana. Columba, 54 ; Peristera, 55. migratoria. Columba, 35. migratorius. Ectopistes, 35 ; Turtur, 35, 41. militaris. Columba, 13; Treron, 13, 14 ; Vinago, 13. minuta. Chamsepelia, 50 ; Chamcepelia, 50 ; Colum- ba, 50. modesta. Columba, 40 ; Blacropygia, 40 ; Turac- cena, 40 ; Turtur, 40. monilis. Chloroenas, 34 ; Columba, 34. Monornis, 59. montana. Columba, 55 ; Geotrygon, 55 ; Goura, 55 ; Oreopeleia, 55 ; Pe- ristera, 55 ; Zenaida, 55. monticola. Columba, 30. multicolor. Treron, 13. murvensis. CEna, 45. Muscadiyores, 16. Myristicivora, 16, 19- mystacea. Columba, 55 ; Geotrygon, 55 ; Peristera, N. Nebouxi. Ptilinopus, 5. nicobarica. Calloenas, 63 ; Caloenas, 63 ; Columba, 63 ; Geophilus,63 ; Goura, 63. nipalensis. Columba, 27 ; Toria, 10; Treron, 10. nivea. Columba, 63. norfolciensis. Carpophaga, 24 ; Columba, 24 ; Leu- comelrena, 24 ; Myristici- vora, 24. noronha. Zenaida, 47. novae seelandise. Columba, 21. novae zealandiae. Carpo- phaga, 21 ; Hemiphaga, 21. nudirostris. Phalacrotre- ron, 14 ; Treron, 14 ; Vi- nago, 14. O. occipitalis. Ptilonopus, 7 j Ramphiculus, 7 ; Trygon, 7- Ocyphaps, 58. Oena, 36. CEna, 36. cenadis. Columba, 29. cenas. Columba, 28 ; Pa- lumboenas,28; Palumbus, 28 ; var. rupestris, Co- lumba, 29. olax. Columba, 1 1 ; Osrno- treron, 12; Treron, 11; Trygon, 12 ; Vinago, 11. Omeotreron, 2. Oopa. Columba, 4 ; Kuru* treron, 5. Oreopeleia, 51, 55. orientalis. Columba, 41 ; Turtur, 42. Oropelia, 51. Osculatia, 52. Osmotreron, 10, 11. P. pacifica. Columba, 18, et App., 66 ; Carpophaga, App., 66 ; Globicera, 18 ; (pars) Columba, 56. pallida. Geopelia, 37. Palumboena,25, 28. Palumbus, 25, 26. palumbus. Columba, 26. Pampusana, 63. Passeres, 1. passerina. Chsemepelia, 49 ; Chamsepelia, 49 ; Cha- maepeleia, 49 ; Columba, 49 ; Columbina, 49 ; Goura, 49. Patagieenas, 25. INDEX. 71 Patagicenas, 25, 2Q. paulina. Carpophaga, 17 ; Columba, 17; Ducula, 17. pectoralis, Carpophaga, 22. pentheria. Zenaida, 48. Peristera, 41, 51, 52, 59, 60. Perousii. Ptilonopus, 4. perpulchra. Monornis, 59. perspicillata. Carpophaga, 18; Columba, 18. Petit Thouars. Ptilonope de, 5. Petrophasis, 58. phsenicura. Columba, Q. phzeonotus. Columba, 32. Phalacrotreron, 10, 14. Phapitreron, 60, 6l. Phaps, 60. phasianella. Columba, 38, 39 ; Macrojjygia, 38. Phlegsenas, 63. Phlegoenas, 63. phoenicoptera (pa^ 8 )* Co- lumba, 11. phcenicopterus. Columba, 13; Crocopus, 13; Tre- ron, 13. picata. Columba, 62 ; Leu- cosarcia, 62 ; Peristera, 62 ; Phaps, 63. picazuro. Columba, 31. Picazuros, 25, 31. Picazurus, 25. picturata. Columba, 42. picturatus. Turtur, 42. picui. Chamsepeleia, 46 ; Columba, 46 ; Columbina, 46 ; Columbula, 46 ; Goura, 46. Pigeon. Allied, 21 ; Ama- zilian, 50 ; Amethyst, 62 ; Aromatic, 10; Australian Ground, 6l ; Australian White, 20 ; Aymara, 53 ; Azure-spotted, 46 ; Bald, 14; Banded Fruit, 4; Bare-eyed, 53 ; Bay, 19 ; Belted, 8 ; Black and white spotted, 47 ; Black- capped, 6; Black-marked, 56 ; Black-spotted, 47 ; Blue-headed, 58; Boli- vian, 52 j Brazilian, 54 ; Bronze - spotted, 57 ; Bronze-winged, 60 ; Cape, 36; Capelle's, 13; Char- lotte's, 22 ; Chestnut- shouldered, 22 ; Chilian, 33, 46 ; Cinereous Fmit, 19 ; Columbian, 48 ; Cop- pery-naped, 30 ; Crested, 58 ; Crowned, 64 ; Cuban, 34 ; Daurian, 29 ; Dela- land's, 14 ; Delegorgue's 30; Double-banded, 12; Double-ringed, 44 ; Du- cula, 19 ; Emeraudine, 5/ ; Eugenie's, 6 ; Ewing's Fruit, 3 ; Fairy, 21 ; Fea- ther-footed, 29 ; Feejee, 23 ; Forsten's Fruit, 22 ; Fulvous-necked, 1 1 ; Ga- lapagos, 48 ; Garnet- banded, 46 ; Garnet- winged, 64 ; Geoffrey's, 52; Globe-bearing, 18; Glossy, 56 ; Great-footed, 54 ; Great Grey, 20 ; Green, 6 ; Green-bellied, 3 ; Green- winged, 59 ; Grey, 30; Grey-backed, 33; Grey-breasted, 22 ; Grey- fronted, 54 ; Grey-headed, 22 ; Grey-necked, 37 ; Grey-tailed, 10; Grey's Fruit,4; Half-collared, 44; Hodgson's, 27 ; Inca, 51; Indian Rock, 29 ; Isle of Pines, 24 ; Jamboo, 7 ; Japan, 23 ; Korthals', 16 ; Lesser-winged, 54 ; Ma- dagascar, 9 ; Malabar, 1 1 ; Malherbe's, 30 ; Mantled, App., 66 ; Marginated, 35; Marie's Fruit,4 ; Mar- quesas' Fruit, 5 ; Mourn- ful, 43 ; Mrs. Gould's, 63 ; Mexican, 55 ; Mustacho, 55 ; Naked-billed, 14 ; Naked-eyed, 31 ; Nepal, 26 ; Nepal Aromatic, 10 ; New Grenada, 48 ; New Guinea, 23 ; New Hol- land, 20 ; New Zealand, 21 ; Noisy, 45 ; Norfolk, 24 ; Noronha, 47 ; Occi- pital, 7 ; Odoriferous, 1 1 ; Opaline, 6l ; Pacific, App., 66; Painted, 42; Parrot, 12 ; Partridge, 55 ; Passenger, 35 ; Passerine, 50 ; Pauline's Nutmeg, 17 ; Pearl Island, 48 ; Pheasant-tailed, 38 ; Phi- lippine Nutmeg, 1 7 ; Pied, 62; Plain, 53; Plum- beous, 33 ; Pointed-tailed, 16 ; Pompadour, 11 ; Psittaceous, 12 ; Purple- banded, 4 ; Purple-crown- ed, 5 ; Purple-shouldered, 13 ; Red-breasted, 63 ; Red-cered, 18; Red- cheeked, 56 ; Red-crown- ed, 9 ; Reichenbach's, 31; Reinwardt's, 40 ; Rock, 28 ; Rose-necked, 8 ; Rosy, 17 ; Rousset, 34 ; Rufous- naped, 38 ; Rufous-tail- ed, 48 ; Rufous- winged, 51 ; Scallop-necked, 33 ; Scaly, 51 ; Schimper's, 29 ; " Short-winged, 54 ; Silvery-grey, 18 ; Spec- tacle, 18 ; Spot-headed Fruit, 8 ; Spotted Ring, 32 ; Stair's, 64 ; Sunde- val's Nutmeg, 18 ; Swain- son's Fruit, 2 ; Talpacoti, 50 ; Tambourine, 57 ; Temminck's, 7 ; Thick- billed, App., 66 ; Torring- ton's, 2/ ; Triangular Spotted, 32 ; Trocaz, 27 ; Varied, 52 ; Victoria's Crowned, 65 ; Vinaceous, 33 ; Violet -eared, 47 ; Violet-naped, 55; Vlou- vlou, 8 ; Yellow-bellied, 14; Yellow-bellied Fruit, 5 ; Yellow-billed, 34; Yel- low-throated, 3 ; Waalia, 15 ; Wedge-tailed, 15,39; Western African, 28 ; White-backed,29; White- banded, 6, 34; White- bellied, 53; White-boot- ed, 15; White-crowned, 29 ; White- eared, 6l ; White-fronted, 50; White- headed, 23 ; White-mark- ed, 34 ; White-masked, 56 ; White-naped, 31 ; White Nutmeg, 19 ; White - throated, 24 ; White-winged, 48, 58 ; Wood, 17; Zenaida, 47. pileata. Columba, 59. pinon. Carpophaga, 23 ; Columba, 23 ; Zonoenas, 23. pistrinaria. Carpophaga, 18 ; Ducula, 18. pityriopsis. Vinago, 14. placida. Geopelia, 37. plumbea. Chloroenas, 33 ; Columba, 33 ; Leptoptila, 33. plumipes. Columba, 29. poiciloptera. Columba, 31. poliocephala. Carpophaga, 22; Hemiphaga, 22 ; Zon- oenas, 22. pompadora. Columba, 1J ; Osmotreron, 11 ; Treron 11. porphyracea. Columba, 2, 3. porphyraceus. Ptilonopus, 3 ; Ptilopus, 3. porphyrea. Columba, 3, 8 ; Lamprotreron, 8. porphyreus. Ptilinopus, 8. portoricensis. Columba, 30. princeps. Carpophaga, 22 ; Columba, 22. T? 9 Kt INDEX. psittacea. Columba, 12 ; Treron, 12 ; Trygon, 12 ; Vinago, 12. psittacina. Columba, 12. Pterocolpa, 16. Ptilinopus, 1. Ptilocolpa, 16, 22. Ptilonopus, 1, 2. Ptilophyrus, 64. Ptilopus, 2. ' Ptilotreron, 2. puella. Carpophaga, 21 ; Columba, 2 1 ; Megalopre- pia, 21 . pulcherrima. Columba, 9 ; Erythraena, 9 ; Erythro- laema, 9 ; Erythrotreron, 9- pulcherrimus. Ptilonopus, 9. pulchrata. Columba, 42. pulchricollis. Columba ?, 26 ; Palumbus, 26. puniceus. Alsocomus, 23 ; Carpophaga, 23 ; Co- lumba, 23. purpurata. Columba, 2, 3, 4, 5. purpuratus. Ptilinopus, 2, 3, 5 ; Ptilonopus, 4 ; Pti- lopus, 4; Tr\gon, 3. purpurea. Columba, 12; Treron, 12. purpureocinctus. Ptilono- pus, 4. purpuroleucocephalis. Co- lumba, 5. pusilla. Carpophaga, 17, R. Ramphiculus, 2, 7- Rasores, 1. Reichenbachi. Crossoph- thalmus, 31. Reinwardtsenas, 38, 40. Reinwardtii . Columba, 40 ; Macropygia, 40 ; Turtur, 40. Reinwardtrena, 38. Rhinopus, 16. Rinopus, 16. risoria. Columba, 44 ; var. Columba, 42, 43. risorius. Streptopelia, 44 ; Turtur, 44. Rivolii ?. Columba, 6 ; Jo- treron, 7- Romeris, 10. rosacea. Carpophaga, 17 ; Columba, 17 ; Ducula, I/, roseicapilla. Columba, 2,4. roseicapillus. Ptilopus, 4. roseicollis. Columba, 8 ; Ptilonopus, 8 ; Trygon, 8. rubracera. Carpophaga, 18 ; Globicera, 18. rubricapilla. Carpophaga, 9 ; Columba, 9 ; lan- thoenas, 9. rufaxilla. Columba, 54 ; Leptotila, 54 ; Peristera, 54. ruficauda. Zenaida, 48. ruficeps. Columba, 39 ; Ma- cropygia, 39 ; Turtur, 39. rufina. Carpophaga, 34 j Chloroenas, 34 ; Columba, 34 ; lanthoenas, 34. rufinucha. Carpophaga, 17. rufipennis. Chaemepelia,51; Talpacotia, 51. rupestris. Columba, 2Q. rupicola. Columba, 41 ; Turtur, 41, 42. S. samoensis. Kurukuru, 4. sanguinea. Columba, 64. Scardafella, 49, 51. Schimperi. Columba, 29. semitorquatus. Streptope- lia, 44; Turtur, 44. senegalensis. Columba, 43 ; Turtur, 43. Sieboldii. Columba, 15 ; Sphenocercus, 15; Tre- ron, 15 ; Trygon, 15. sinica. Columba, 36. Smithii. Columba, 62; Geo- phaps, 62 ; Peristera, 62. spadicea. Carpophaga, 22 ; Columba, 21, 22 ; Hemi- phaga, 22. spadicea leucophsea. Co- lumba, 21. speciosa. Columba, 32 ; Ectopistes, 32 ; Lepidse- nas, 32 ; Lepidoenas, 32 ; Peristera, 32. Sphensena, 10. Sphenocercus, 10, 15. Sphenoena, 10. Sphenotreron, 10. Sphenura. Columba, 16 ; Treron, 15; Vinago, 15, 16. Sphenurus, 10. sphenurus. Sphenocercus, 15 ; Trygon, 15. spilodera. Chlorsenas, 33 ; Peristera, 33. spiloptera. Columba, 3/. squamosa. Chsemepelia, 51; Chamsepeleia, 51 ; Cha- maepelia, 51; Columba,51; Columbina, 51 ; Geopelia, 51; (Ena, 51; Scardafella, 51; Turtur, 51. Stairi. Caloenas, 64 . Starnsenas, 58. Starnrenas, 58. stenura. Zenaida, 48. Sternoenas, 58. Steursii. Goura, 65. Stictaenas, 26. Stictoenas, 25, 32. Stictopeleia, 36, 37. Stictopelia, 36. strepitans. Chamsepeleia, 45 ; Chamsepelia, 45 ; Co- lumba, 45 ; Columbina, 45 ; Columbula, 45. Streptopelia, 41, 43. strophium. Ptilonopus, 6 ; Trygon, 6. striata. Columba, 36 ; Geo- pelia, 36 ; Turtur, 37. Strictoerias, 26. Struthiones, 1. St. Thomse. Columba, 13 ; Treron, 11, 13; Trygon, 13. Sundevalli. Carpophaga, 18; Globicera, 18. superba. Columba, 4, 7 ; Lamprotreron, 7. superbus. Ptilonopus, 7 ; Trygon, 7. superciliaris. Columba, 59 ; Ptilonopus, 59. suratensis. Columba, 42 ; Turtur, 42. Swainsoni. Ptilonopus, 2 ; Ptilopus, 3 ; Trygon, 3. Sylphidaena, 2. Sylphitreron, 2. sylvatica. Carpophaga, 17 ; * Columba, I/; Geotrygon, 56. sylvestris. Columba, 56 ; 'Turtur, 41. Tsenisenas, 25. Taenioenas, 25, 31. taitensis. Columba, 5 ; Try- gon, 5. Taiti. Columbe de, 5. talpacoti. Chamsepeleia, 50; Chamsepelia, 50 ; Choe- mepelia, 50 ; Columba, 50; Goura, 50. Talpacotia, 49, 50. tenuirostre. Treron, 11. tenuirostris. Macropygia, 39. Thouarsitreron, 2, 5. tigrina. Columba. 42. INDEX. 73 Toenioenai, 25. Tomopeleia, 36. Toria, 9, 10. torquata. Columba, 26. torquatus. Palumbus, 26; var. Palumbus, 26. Torringtoni. Carpophaga, 27 ; Columba, 27 ; Palum- bus, 27. tranquilla. Geopelia, 37 ; Turtur, 37. Treroloerna, 21. Treron. 9, 10. Treroninae, 1. trifasciata. Peristera, 52. trigonigera. Columba, 32 ; Stictoenas, 32. Trocaz. Columba, 27. Trocaza, 25, 27. trochila. Chamsepelia, 50 ; Choemepelia, 50. Trudeaui. Chamaepeleia, 48 ; Columba, 48. Trygon, 2, 10. Turacffina, 38, 40. Turtle. Barred, 37; Cam- baian, 43 ; Collared, 44 ; Collared Senegal,43; Dus- sumier's, 45 ; Dwarf, 45 ; Indian, 4J ; Placid, 37 ; Surat, 42 ; Tranquil, 37. Turtur, 41. turtur. Columba, 41 ; Pe- ristera, 41 ; var. Columba, 42. Turturaena, 25, 30. Turturcena, 25. turturoides. Ptilonopus. 15. tusalia. Coccyzura, 40 ; Ma- cropygia, 40. Tympanistria, 52, 57. tympanistria. Columba, 57 ; Peristera, 57- typica. Reinwardtcena, 41. U. unchall. Columba, 39 ; Macropygia, 39. unicolor. Vinago, 12. Uropeleia, 45, 40. Uropelia, 45. ustulata. Columba, 52. V. venusta. Chamsepelia, 46; Columba, 46 ; Columbina, 46. vernans. Columba, 12 ; Os- motreron, 12 ; Treron, 12 ; (pars) Treron, 13 j Trygon, 12 ; Vinago, 12 ; var. Columba, 13. Verreauxi. Leptoptila, 54. Verrulia, 25. versicolor. Columbigallina, 56 ; Geophaps, 56 ; Tur- tur, 42. Victorias-. Goura, 65 ; Lo- phyrus, 65. vinacea. Chlorcenas, 33 ; Columba, 33, 43; Peris- tera, 33; Streptopelia, 44 ; Turtur, 44. vinaceus. Turtur, 43. Vinago, 9. violacea. Columba, 55 ; Geotrygon, 55 ; Peristera, 55. viridis. Columba, 6, 12 ; Jotreron, 6; Ptilonopus, 6 ; Treron, 12 ; Trygon, 6. vitiensis. Carpophaga, 23 ; Columba,23; Janthoenas, 23. vitticollis major. Columba, 42. vitticollis minor. Columba, 42. vulgaris. Turtur, 41. W. waalia. Columba, 15. X. xanthogaster. Columba, 5 ; Ptilonopus, 5, 6. Z. zealandica. Columba, 21. Zenaida, 46, 47- zenaida. Columba, 47- Zenairiura, 35. Zenoida, 46. Zonaenas, 16. Zonrenas, 16, 23. Printed by Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, London. CATALOGUES OF THE ZOOLOGICAL COLLECTION IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. I. VERTEBRATA. List of Mammalia. By Dr. J.E. GRAY,F.R.S. &c. 1843. 2s.6d. Catalogue of the Mammalia. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. &c. Part 1 . Cetacea. 12mo, 1850. 4s., with Plates. Part 2. Seals. 12mo, 1850. Is. 6d., with Woodcuts. Part 3. Hoofed Quadrupeds. Section I. (Ungulata furci- peda). 12mo. 1852, with Plates of Genera, 12s. This work contains the description of the genera and species, and figures of the chief characters of the genera. List of Mammalia and Birds of Nepaul, presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq., to the British Museum. By Dr. J. E. GRAY and G. R. GRAY. 12mo. 1846. 2s. List of Genera of Birds. By G. R. GRAY, F.L.S. 12mo, 1855. 4s. List of Birds. By G. R. GRAY, F.L.S. &c. Part 1. Raptorial. Edition 1, 1844; edition 2, 1848. 3s. Part 2. Passeres. Section I. Fissirostres. 1848. 2s. Part 3. Galling, Grallse and Anseres. 1844. 2s. (Out of Print.) List of British Birds. By G. R. GRAY, F,L;S. &c. 12mo. 1850. 4s. List of the Eggs of British Birds. By G. R. GRAY, F.L.S. &c. 12mo. 1852. 2s. 6d. Catalogue of Reptiles. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S., V.P.Z.S. &c. Parti. Tortoises, Crocodiles and Amphisbsenians. 1844. Is. Part 2. Lizards. 1845. 3s. 6d. Part 3. Snakes (Crotalidse, Viperidae, Hydridaeand Boidseu 12mo. 1849. 2s. 6d. Catalogue of Amphibia. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S., V.P.Z.S. Part 2. Batrachia Gradientia. I2mo, 1850. 2s. 6d. With Plates of the Skulls and Teeth. Catalogue of Fish. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S., V.P.Z.S, Parti. Cartilaginous Fish. 12mo, 1851. 3s. With two Plates. These Catalogues of Reptiles, Amphibia, and Fish, contain the characters of all the genera and species at present known ; the latter are illustrated with figures of the genera. Catalogue of Fish, collected and described by L. T, .GRONOVV, 12mo. 1854. 3s. 6d. List of British Fish ; with Synonyma. By A. WHITE, F.L.S. &c. 12mo. 1851. 3s. List of Osteological Specimens. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. &c. and G. R. GRAY, F.L.S. 12mo. 1847. 2s. II. ANNULOSA. Catalogue of Lepidoptera. By G. R. GRAY, F.L.S. Part 1. Papilionidse, with coloured figures of the new spe- cies. l:5s. 4to. 1852. List of Lepidopterous Insects. By E. DOUBLEDAY, F.L.S. Part 1. Papilionida3, &c. 12mo. 1844. 2s. 6d. (Out of Print.) Part 2. Erycinidfe, &c. 12mo. 1847. 9d. Part 3. Appendix to Papilionidae, Erycinidae, &c. 1848. 9d. List of Lepidopterous Insects, with descriptions of new species. By FRANCIS WALKER, F.L.S. Part 1. Lepidoptera Heterocera. 12mo. 1854. 4s. Part 2. 1854. 4s. Part 3. 1855. 3s. List of British Lepidoptera; with Synonyma. By J. F. STE- PHENS, F.L.S., and H. T. STAINTON, M.E.S. Part 1. 12mo. 1850. 5s. Part 3. 1853. 9d. Part 2. 1852. 2s. Part 4. 1854. 3s. List of Hymenopterous Insects. By F. WALKER, F.L.S. Parti. Chalcididse. 12mo. 1846. Is. 6d. Part 2. Additions to Chalcididse. 1848. 2s. Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects. By F. SMITH, M.E.S. Part 1. Andrenidse, &c. 12mo. 1853. 6s., with Plates. Part 2. Apidj. 1854. 6s., with Plates. Part 3. Mutillidae and Pompilidae. 1855. 6s., with PI ates. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera. By F. SMITH, M.E.S. Part 1. Apidee. 12mo. 1855. 6s. List of British Aculeate Hymenoptera ; with Synonyma, and the description of some new species. By F. SMITH. 1851. 2s. Catalogue of Dipterous Insects. By F. WALKER, F.L.S. Parti. 12mo. 1848. Part 4. 1849. 6s. 3s. 6d. Part 5. Supplement I. 1854. 4s. 6d. Part 2. 1849. 3s. 6d. Part 6. Supplement II. 1854. 3s. Part3. 1849. 3s. Part 7. Supplement HI. 1855. 3s.6d. Catalogue of Homopterous Insects. By F. WALKER, F.L.S. With Plates. Parti. 12mo. 1850. 3s. 6d. Part 3. 1851. 3s. 6^. Part 2. 1850. 5s. Part 4. 1852. 4s. Catalogue of Neuropterous Insects. By F. WALKER, F.L.S. Parti. 12mo. 1852. 2s. Gd. Part 3. 1853. Is. 6d. Part 2. 1853. 3s. 6d. Part 4. 1853. Is. Catalogue of Hemipterous Insects. Bv W. S. DALLAS, F.L.S. &c. With Plates, Part 1. 12mo. 1851. 7*. Part 2. 1852. 4s. The Catalogues of Hymenopterous.. Dipterous, Homopterous and Hemipterous Insects contain the description of the species in the Museum which appeared to be undescribed. Nomenclature of Coleopterous Insects (with characters of new species). Part 1. Cetoniadse. 12mo. 1847- Is. By A. WHITE, F.L.S. &c. Part 2. Hydrocanthari. 1847. 1*. 3d. By A. WHITE, F.L.S. Part 3. Buprestidse. 1848. Is. By A. WHITE, F.L.S. Part 4. Cleridse. 1849. Is. Sd. By A. WHITE, F.L.S. Part 5. Cucujidsj. 1851. 6d. By F. SMITH, M.E.S. Part 6. Passalidffi. 1852. Sd. By F. SMITH, M.E.S. Part 7. Longicornia. 1853. 2s. 6d. By A. WHITE, F.L.S. With Plates. List of Myriapoda. By G. NEWPORT, F.R.S. &c. 12mo. 1844. 4d. List of British Anoplura, or Parasitic Insects ; with Synonyma. By H. DENNY. 12mo. Is. List of Crustacea ; with Synonyma. By A. WHITE. 1847. 2s. List of British Crustacea ; with Synonyma. By A. WHITE, F.L.S. 12mo. 1850. 25. 6d. Catalogue of Entozoa ; with Plates. By W. BAIRD, M.D., F.L.S. 12mo. 1853. 2s. Catalogue of British Worms. By G. JOHNSTON, M.D. 8vo. III. MOLLUSCA. Catalogue of the Mollusca. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. &c. Parti. Cephalopoda Antepedia. 12mo. 1849. 45. Part 2. Pteropoda. 1850. Is. Catalogue of Bivalve Mollusca. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. &c. Parti. Placuniadae and Anomiadae. 12mo. 1850. 4d. Part 2. BrachiopodaAncylopoda. 1853.3s. Figures of genera. Containing the characters of the recent and fossil genera, and the descriptions of all the recent species at present known. Catalogue of Phaneropneumona or Operculated Terrestrial Mol- lusca. By Dr. Louis PFEIFFER and Dr. J. E.GRAY. 1852.5s. Catalogue of Conchifera. By M. DESHAYES. Part 1. Veneridse, &c. 12mo. 1853. 3s. Part 2. Petricolidse. List of British Mollusca and Shells; with Synonyma. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. Parti. Acephala and Brachiopoda. 12mo. 1851. 3s. 6d. Catalogue of Pulmonata. By Dr. Louis PFEIFFER and Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. Part 1. 12mo. 1855. 2s. 6d. List of the Shells of the Canaries, described by M. D'Orbigny. 1854. Is. List of the Shells of Cuba, described by M. D'Orbigny. 1854. Is. List of the Shells of South America, described bv M. D'Orbignv. 1854. 2s. List of the Mollusca and Shells collected and described by MM. Eydoux and Souleyet. 1855. 8d. Nomenclature of Mollusca. By Dr. W. BAIRD, F.L.S. &c. Part 1. Cyclophoridse. 1851. Is. 6d. IV. RADIATA. Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa. By G. BUSK, F.R.S. Part 1. Chilostoma. 1852. \7s. With Plates. Part 2. Chilostoma. 1854. 15*. With Plates. List of British Radiata; with Synonyma. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. 1848. 45. List of British Sponges ; with Synonvma. Bv Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. 1848. Wd. Catalogue of the Recent Echinida. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. Part 1. Echinida irregularia. 12mo. 3s. 6d., with plates. V. BRITISH ZOOLOGY. List of the British Animals ; with Synonyma and references to figures. Part 1. Radiata. By Dr. J. E. GRAY. 1848. 4s. Part 2. Sponges. By Dr. J. E. GRAY. 1848. Wd. Part 3. Birds. By G. R. GRAY. 1850. 4s. Part 4. Crustacea." By A. WHITE. 1850. 2s. 6d. Part 5. Lepidoptera. By J. F. STEPHENS. 1850. 5s. Part 6. Hymenoptera. By F. SMITH. 1851. 2s. Part 7- Mollusca Acephala and Brachiopoda. By Dr. J. E. GRAY. 1851. 3s. 6d. Part8. Fish. By A. WHITE. 1851. 3s. Part 9. Eggs of British Birds. By G. R. GRAY. 1852. 2s. 6d. Part 10. Lepidoptera (continued). By J. F. STEPHENS. 1852. 2s. Part 11. Anoplura or Parasitic Insects. By H.DENNY. Is. Part 12. Lepidoptera (continued). By J. F. STEPHENS. 1852. 9d. Part 13. Nomenclature of Hymenoptera. By F. SMITH. 1853. Is. 4d. Part 14. Nomenclature of Neuroptera. By A. WHITE. 1853. 6d. Part 15. Nomenclature of Diptera. By A. WHITE. 1853. Is. Part 16. Lepidoptera (completed). By H. T. STAINTON, M.E.S. 1854. 3s. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera (Bees). By F. SMITH. 1855. 6s., with plates. N.B, These Catalogues can be obtained at the Secretary's Office in the BRITISH MUSEUM ; or through any Bookseller. Jiinft 155. U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES