S j^JN LJBRARY-AGRiqULTURE DEFT. The Poultry man's Handbook A CONVENIENT REFERENCE BOOK For All Persons Interested in the Production of Eggs and Poultry for Market and the Breeding of Standard-Bred Poultry for Exhibition BY International Correspondence Schools SCRANTON, PA. 2nd Edition, 38th Thousand, 8th Impression SCRANTON, PA. INTERNATIONAL TEXTBOOK COMPANY 1920 (f>/ / COPYRIGHT, 1912, 1920, BY INTERNATIONAL TEXTBOOK COMPANY COPYRIGHT IN GREAT BRITAIN ALL RIGHTS RESERVED MAIN LIBRAE "^FNCULTURE: DEFT. PRESS OF INTERNATIONAL TEXTBOOK COMPANY SCRANTON, PA. 76519 PREFACE This handbook is intended as a book of refer- ence for poultrymen generally. The publishers have not attempted to produce a condensed cyclo- pedia covering the broad field of poultry hus- bandry, but they have aimed to present to the public a handy reference book convenient to carry in the pocket a pocketbook in reality and con- taining such information as is most often needed by poultrymen who handle fowls commercially in large numbers, by persons who keep a few fowls in the back yard, and by breeders who aim to produce poultry of the best quality for exhi- bition. -Although the treatment of some subjects is of necessity brief, it has been the aim so to distribute the space available that it would cover the more important subjects as fully as possible. The more important poultry foods are briefly described and discussed, and sample rations are given for the feeding of fowls, chicks, turkeys, guinea fowls, pheasants, ducks, geese, pigeons, etc. Much useful information in regard to incu- bation and brooding is given. Eggs and market poultry, the various methods of breeding, and the enemies and diseases of poultry are discussed, 469891 iv PREFACE and the insecticides and remedies for poultry are given. The various methods of poultry judging are explained and samples of the various score cards shown. The glossary of technical terms is a feature that will be appreciated by poultry fanciers, as it is one of the most complete that has ever been compiled. The book closes with several pages of miscellaneous information, which will be found of general interest. This handbook was prepared under the per- sonal supervision of Thomas F. McGrew, Prin- cipal of the School of Poultry Husbandry, as- sisted by A. F. Stokes and H. D. Boone. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS SCRANTON, PA. June, INDEX Age of fowls, How to as- certain, 241 Aid to the injured, First, . 330 Ailments and treatment, 186 Alfalfa, 53 American Poultry Associa- tion show rules, 203 standard of perfection, 208 Angles or arcs, Measures .of. 292 Animal foods for poultry, 54 Animals destructive of poultry, 177 Anniversaries, Names of wedding, 314 Apothecaries' fluid mea- sure, 290 weight, Table of, 289 Apples, 50 Arithmetic, 287 Artificial light to increase egg production, 150 respiration, 332, 341 Avoirdupois weight, Table of, 288 B Baffler, Cornell wind, 15 Bale, 299 Bands for marking poultry, Bantams, Houses for, 23 Barley, 44 Barrel, Cu. ft. in, 309 of flour, pork, or beef, Weight of, 290 Barron method of selecting layers, 149 Beans, -45 Beets, 48 Bins, Measurement of, 309 Birds and fish, Care of, 315 destructive to poultry, , 178 Birthday stone for each month in the year, 314 Black Orpington, Picture of, 121 Bleeding, Treatment of, 334 Board measure, 306 Boiling point of water, 298 Bone for poultry food, 55 Books, Size of, 299 Breeding, 160 Breeds and standard and non-standard varieties of poultry, 210 Brickwork estimations, 308 British thermal unit (B. T. U.), 296 Broilers and roasters, Classes of, 156 and roasters, Time re- quired to raise, 156 Feeding of chicks for, 7S Bronchitis, Treatment of, 187 Brooding of chicks, 108 Points in successful, 112 Broom corn. 44 B. T. U., 296 Buckwheat, 44 Bumblefoot, Treatment of. 190 Bundle, 299 Burns, Treatment of, 340 Bushel, Cu. in. in, 309 Legal weights of various commodities per, 245 pounds in, 290 Business, Rules of, 316 C Cabbage, 49 Calcimining estimations,302 vi INDEX Calendar for the poultry- man's year, 233 California, Housing prob- lems in, 31 Calorie, 296 Canary seed, 48 Capacities of bins, cisterns, etc., 309 Capacity, Measures of, 289 Metric measures of, 293 Care and preservation of eggs, 129 of birds and fish, 315 Carpeting estimations, 305 Carrots, 50 Casks, Gauging of, 310 Catching and holding pig- eons, Proper way of, 244 Cement floor, 12 Centigrade and Fahrenheit degrees, 297, 298 Certificate of deposit, 318 Charcoal, 57 Checks, 317 Chicken pox, Treatment of, 190 Chicks, Brooding of, 108 Feeding of young, 66 for broilers, Feeding of, 75 Circular measure, Table of, 292 Cisterns, Measurement of, 309 Classes of broilers and roasters, 156 of market poultry, 154 Cleansing mixture for hens, 78 Clover, 53 Coal, Volume of 1 ton, 310 Coins of the United States, 294 Color of eggshell, 114 Comparison of poultry and certain other foods, 153 score card, 196 Composition of eggs, 114 of eggs and certain other foods, 116 of foods, 34 Compound interest, Years at which a given amount will double, 322 Conversion of thermometer readings, 298 Cord of wood, 301 Corn, 42 Broom, 44 Kafir, 43 Cornell feeding schedule, method for judging fowls for egg production, 143 Correspondence, 326 Cottonseed meal, 47 Cross-breeding, 162 Cubic measure, Table of, 288 D Degrees, Centigrade and Fahrenheit, 297, 298 Diarrhea, Treatment of, 188 Difference of sun time be- tween New York City and other parts of the world, 300 Discount rates, 321 Diseases, 180 and enemies of poultry, 163 and treatment, 186 Fundamental principles of treatment of, 182 of legs and feet, Treat- ment of, 189 of the intestines, Treat- ment of, 187 Dislocations and sprains, 340 Distances and time by postal routes, 311 Measures of, 301 Dorking, Picture of, 152 Dozen, 298 Drafts, 320 Drawn-weight value com- pared with live and plucked weight, 159 Dressing fowls, Loss of weight in, 154 INDEX Drowned persons, Restpr- ing of apparently, 341 Dry mash, 71 Eggs, Testing fertility of, 95 Relation of weight of, to egg production, 119 measure, 290 Uses of, 114 Ducks, Feeding of, 80 Washing of, 118 Due bill, 320 Weight of, 115 Eggshells, Color of, 114 E Electric shock, Treatment Egg and fowl, Composition of, 64 of, 337 Embryo, Development of crop, Percentage of loss the, 95 of total, 118 Enemies and diseases of eating in fowls, Treat- poultry, 163 ment of, 190 English money, 295 prices, 140 production, Artificial English money, Equiva- lent of, in United light to increase, 150 States coinage, 295 production, Barron meth- od of selecting layers F for, 149 production in the United Fahrenheit and centigrade degrees, 297, 298 States, 3 production, Judging fowls for, by Cornell method, 143 Fainting, Treatment of, 331 Farm flocks, Judging, 197 Feeding mixtures, Special, 77 production, Monthly rec- of chicks for broilers, 75 ords of, 122 of ducks, 80 production, Relation of, of fowls,' 63 to season, 120 production, Selecting of fowls during molt, 74 of geese, 84 hens for, 142 of guinea fowls, 79 receipts in seven large of laying hens, 69 cities, 5 Eggs and certain other foods, Composition of, of pheasants, 79 of pigeons, 85 of turkeys, 78 116 of young chicks, 66 Care and preservation of, of wild water fowls, 85 129 Composition of, 114 schedule, Cornell, 67 the sitting hen, 92 Food value of, 114 for hatching, Care and Feedstuffs, Composition of, 37 selection of, 98, 99 Grades of, 123 Fertility of eggs, Testing, qc Judging, 138 Official score card for, 139 yj First aid to the injured, 330 Fish and birds, Care of, 315 Packages and packing of, 128 Flaxseed, 46 Floor space for fowls, 11 Preserving of, 134 Floors and their construc- Price of, 5 tion, 11 Quality of, 132 Food required by one hen Standards for, 123 in a year, 73" viii INDEX Foods for poultry, Animal. 54 Green, 51 per quart, Weight of, 65 Poisonous, 58 Poultry, 34 Foreign money, Equivalent of, in United States coinage, 296 Fowl and egg, Composition of, 64 Names of parts of, 144, 257 Fowls, Feeding of, 63 How to ascertain age of, 241 Internal organs of, 59 Marking of, 226 Fractures, 338 Freezing point of water, 298 Fumigating and cleansing poultry houses, 175 Gallon, Cu. in. in, 309 Gapes, Treatment of, 187 Gauging of casks, 310 Geese, Feeding of, 84 Glossary of technical terms used by poultrymen, 256 Grading of eggs, 123 Grains and seeds, Compo- sition of, 37 Green crops. Miscellaneous, 54 foods, 51 Grit, 57 Gross, 298 Guinea fowls, Feeding cf, 79 H Hatching, Rules for, 105 Hawks, 178 Hay, Bulk of 1 ton, 310 Heat, 296 exhaustion, Treatment of, 340 units, 296 Hemorrhage, Treatment of, 334 Hemp seed, 47 Hens, Feeding of laying, 69 for sitting, 89 Names of parts of, 144, 257 Hogshead, Cu. ft. in., 309 Holding of fowls, Proper way of, 242 of squabs, Proper way of, 243 Holidays, Legal, 323 Houdan, Picture of, 158 House, Method of ridding, of parasites, 175 Unit, 27 Houses and yards for dif- ferent varieties, 21 for bantams, 23 Form and arrangement of, 16 Position for poultry, 15 Poultry, 7 Housing problems in Cali- fornia, 31 Ice, Melting point of, 298 Inbreeding, 161 Incubation, 86 Artificial, 97 Factors that influence sucess in, 106 Natural, 87 Period of, 93 Incubators, 100 and brooders, Mammoth, 113 Indian Runner drake, Pic- ture of, 237 Insecticides, 165 Fume, 172 Instruments for apply- ing, 173 Instruments for applying insecticides, 173 Interest rules, Simple, 321 Years in which a given amount will double at, 322 Internal organs of fowls, 59 INDEX ix Judging eggs, 138 fowls for egg production, Cornell method of, 143 of farm flocks at fairs and shows, 197 of poultry, 191 K Kafir corn, 43 Killing and plucking of poultry, 157 of parasites, 174 Layers, Barron method of selecting, 149 Cornell method of judg- ing for, 143 Laying hens, Cleansing mixture for, 78 hens, Feeding of, 69 Legal holidays, 323 weights per bushel of various commodities, 245 Length, Measures of, 287 Metric measures of, 293 Letter ^writing, 326 Lice killers, 165 that attack domestic fowls, 164 Light Brahma male, Pic- ture of, 47 Linear measure, Table of, 287 Line breeding, 160 Linseed meal, 47 Liquid lice killer, 171 measure, 289 Live-weight value com- pared with plucked and drawn weight, 159 Long-ton table, 289 Loss in dressing fowls, 154 of total egg crop, Per- centage of, 118 M Maine ration, 72 Mammoth incubators and brooders, 113 Mangels, 48 Market poultry, 152 Marking of fowls for iden- tification, 226 of pigeons, 230 Mash, Dry, 71 Masonry estimations, 307 Mating, Methods of, 162 Measures of angles or arcs, 292 of capacity, 289 of distances, 301 of extension, 287 of money, 294 of time, 291 of volume, 301 Meat and meat products for poultry, 54 Tainted, 55 Metric equivalents of pounds, feet, etc., 299 system of measures, 292 Milk for poultry food, 56 Millet, 46 Mineral matter for poultry, Minorca, Picture of, 179 Miscellaneous information, 241 tables, 298 Missouri ration, 73 Moisture and temperature in incubators, 102 Molt, ^Feeding of fowls during, 74 Money, Equivalent of Eng- lish, in United States coinage, 295 Equivalent of foreign, in United States coinage, 296 Measures and tables of, 294 IV Nails, Weight of one keg, Names of parts of a fowl, 257 Nest box, 89 Notes, 319 INDEX O Oats, 41 Official score card for eggs, 139 Onions, 49 % Ontario ration, 73 Orpington, Picture of Black, 121 P Packages and packing of eggs, 128 Painting estimations, 302 Papering estimations, 302 Parasites, Killing of, 174 Method of ridding a house of, 175 that attack domestic fowls, 163, 164 Parts of a fowl, Names of, 144, 257 Peanut meal, 47 Peas, 45 Peck, Cu. in. in, 309 Perch of stone, 301 Petroleum, Weight of gal- lon, 290 Pheasants, Feeding of, 79 Pigeon fanciers, Terms used by, 283 Pigeons, Feeding of, 85 Marking of, 230 Proper way of catching and holding, 244 Varieties of, 280 Pint, Cu. in. in, 309 Plastering estimations, 302 Plucked-weight value com- pared with live and drawn weight, 159 Plucking and killing of poultry, 157 Plymouth Rock female, Picture of, 64 Rock male, White, Pic- ture of, 97 Poisonous foods, 58 Postaldistances andtime,311 Potatoes, 49 Poultry and certain other foods, Comparison of, 153 Poultry and poultry prod- ucts, Value of, 2 Animals destructive to, 177 Classes of market, 154 exports, 6 foods, 34 house, Method of ridding, of parasites, 175 houses, 7 houses. Adaptation of, to locality, 7 houses, Arrangement of, 16 houses, Position of, 15 judging, 191 Killing and plucking of, Market, 152 Marking of, 226 prices, 159 production, Rank of ten leading states in, 4 raising, 1 shows and associations, 202 Simple remedies for, 183 Standard and non-stand- ard varieties of, 209 Standard weights of, 221 Powder guns, 173 Preserving eggs, 134 Prevention of infestation by fowls from other flocks, 174 Prices, Egg, 140 of poultry, 159 Production, Monthly rec- ords of egg, 122 Pumpkins, 50 Q Quart, Cu. in. in, 309 Quintal of fish, Weight of, 290 Quire, 299 R Rape seed, 48 Rations for laying hens, 71 Ream, 299 Reaumur thermometer, 298 INDEX Records of egg production, Monthly, 122 Remedies for poultry, Simple, 183 Respiration, Artificial, 332, 341 Restoring of apparently drowned persons, 341 Rice, 46 Roup, Treatment of, 186 Rules, American Poultry Association, 203 for hatching, 105 of business, 316 Rye, 44 Score, 298 card, Comparison, 196 card, Decimal, 194 card for eggs, Official, 139 card for farm flocks, 198 card for judging hens by Cornell test, 148 card of American Poultry Association, 192 Season, Relation of egg production to, 120 Selecting hens for egg pro- duction, 142 Shade for poultry, 26 Shock, Treatment of elec- tric, 337 Treatment of, 333 Show rules, American Poultry Association, 203 Shows and associations, Poultry, 202 Sitting hens, 89 Scratch grain, 71 Sorghum seed, 46 Specific heats of metals, 296 Sprains, Treatment of, 340 Sprayers, 173 Squabs, Proper way to hold, 243 Square measure, Table of, 287 Standard and non-standard varieties of poultry, 2C9 Standard of perfection, American, 208 Standard weights of poul- try, 221 Standards for eggs, 123 Sterilizing, 331 Strain breeding, 161 Sun stroke, Treatment of, 341 Sunflower seed, 46 Surface, Metric measures of, 293 Surveyors' square measure, Table of, 288 Temperature, 298 and moisture in incuba- tors, 102 Terms used by pigeon fan- ciers, 283 used by poultrymen, Glossary of technical, 256 Testing fertility of eggs, 95 Thermometer readings, Con- version of, 298 Time and distances by postal routes, 311 Difference between that of New York City and other parts of the world, 300 Measures of, 291 required to raise broilers and roasters, 156 Toe markings, 226 Ton, Avoirdupois, 288 Long, 289 Metric, 293 Shipping, 311 Troy weight, Table of, 289 Turkeys, Feeding of, 78 Turnips, 48 tJ Unit house, 27 United States money, Table of, 294 Uses of eggs, 114 Utility score card, 201 INDEX Value of fowls live, plucked, or drawn, Rel- ative, 159 Varieties of poultry, Stand- ard and non-standard, 209 Volume, Measures of, 301 Metric measures of, 293 Vegetables for poultry food, 48 W Washing of eggs, 118 Water, Boiling point of, 298 Freezing point of, 298 glass for preserving eggs, Wedding anniversaries, Names of, 314 Weight, Metric measures of, 293 of eggs, Relation of, to egg production, 119 Weight, Loss of, in dress- ing fowls, 154 Measures of, 288 of eggs, 115 of poultry foods per quart, 65 Weights of poultry, Disqualifying, 221 per bushel of various commodities, Legal, 245 of poultry, Standard, 221 Wheat, 39 Wild water fowls, Feeding of, 85 Window construction, 12 Wounds, 338 Wyandotte, Picture of, 160 Y Yards and houses for dif- ferent varieties, 21 for poultry houses, 25 Years in which a given amount will double, at various rates of inter- est, 322 The Poultrymaii's Handbook POULTRY RAISING Poultry and poultry products add to the wealth of the country each year more than wheat, cotton, or gold. Poultry can be kept successfully in almost every part of the world and is the most profitable kind of live-stock that can be kept. A few fowls can be kept by the inten- sive system in very confined quarters, and enough to provide poultry and eggs for a small family can be raised profitably in a corner of a small town lot; more can be kept on a little additional space. An attractive feature of poultry raising is that fowls may be kept for pleasure as well as profit. A fancier may use the best of all the fowls he raises for exhibi- tion, sell a few of equal or almost equal quality to others for the same purpose, sell eggs from pens of mated fowls for hatching, and the culls of the flock will be the best of market poultry. At the same time the flock will fur- nish a large part of the egg and meat diet for a small family. Poultry farming can be followed by almost any one who has a small piece of ground and a few dollars to begin with. The business should be begun in a small way and built up gradually. Thousands of men and women are becoming independent each year from a beginning with a little piece of ground on which they raise poultry and vegetables. On a small town lot 50 ft.XlOO ft. almost enough vegetables may be raised to 2 VALUE OF POULTRY provide for a family for a year, and at the same time a small enclosure for poultry may be built on a corner of the lot. It will be an advantage in raising vegetables and poultry on a small piece of ground, to practice migratory yarding. This consists in moving the house and yard or simply in moving 'the fence to enclose a different spot of ground. In this way space occupied by the poul- try one year will be highly fertilized for the growing of vegetables the next year, and the fowls will be bene- fited in health and vigor from having new, sweet earth to travel over and scratch in. VALUE OF POULTRY AND POUL- TRY PRODUCTS The U. S. census of 1910 places the value of poultry and poultry products at $663,858,452. This amount is the value of these products from farms, and does not include poultry and eggs raised in towns and villages and on small farms by persons who made no returns. The census separates poultry into two classes, the mature fowls kept for egg production and the young ones raised each year. The figures for the value of each class as well as for the total value of poultry and eggs are as follows: Total value of mature fowls $154,663,220 Total value of young fowls raised in 1 year... 202,506,272 Total value of all eggs produced in 1 year 306,688,960 Total value of both poultry and eggs $663,858,452 The following table, taken from the U. S. Census, shows the number, total value, and average value of fowls and eggs as reported for 1910. The table also gives the number of farms reporting and per cent, of all farms reporting. AND POULTRY PRODUCTS 3 NUMBER OF FOWLS AND VALUE OF POULTRY AND EGGS IN THE UNITED STATES IN 1910 MH g .1 O M &0 Number Value 8-1 11 i! All fowls . . Chickens . . 295,880,190 280,345,133 $154,663 220 140,205,607 $ .52 .50 5,585,032 5,578,525 87.8 87.7 Turkeys.. . 3,688.708 6,605,818 1.79 871,123 13.7 Ducks 2,9-06,525 1,567,164 .54 503,704 7.9 Geese 4,431,980 3,194,507 .72 662,324 10.4 Eces 19,095,736,452 306,688,960 .016 5,634,780 88.5 In 1910 there were also reported 1,765,000 guinea fowls, valued at $613,000; 2,731,000 pigeons, valued at $762,000; and 6,458 peafowls, valued at $18,300. The total value of all poultry and eggs in the United States in 1910 is estimated to have been more than $750,000,000, and for the year ending June 30, 1912, the total value is estimated by the Department of Agricul- ture as approximately $950,000,000. The value of poultry and eggs in 1918 is estimated as over one billion dollars. On November 27, 1912, one of the large New York daily newspapers published the following figures giving the comparative value per annum of leading American farm products for a period of 5 yr. : Eggs (average price to farmer 22| c.). .$1,800,000,000 Corn 1,500,000,000 Wheat 625,000,000 Hay 720,000,000 Cotton 685,000,000 Oats 390,000,000 All kinds of farm products 8,000,000,000 Accepting this as a fair estimate, we cannot help realizing the immense value of poultry products in the United States. VALUE OF POULTRY and incr The rank of the ten leading states in the number and value of fowls produced is shown in the accompanying table. RANK OP THE TEN LEADING STATES IN THE NUMBER AND VALUE OF POULTRY PRODUCED 1 State Number ^i State Total Value 1 Iowa 23,482,880 1 Iowa $12,269,881 ?, Illinois. . . . 21,409,835 ? Missouri 11 870 972 3 Missouri .... 20,897,208 ft Illinois 11,696,650 4 Ohio 17,342,289 4 Ohio 9,532 672 f> 15,736,038 5 New York . . . 7,879,388 6 kidiana 13,789,109 6 Indiana 7,762,015 7 Texas 13 669,645 7 Pennsylvania 7,674 387 8 Pennsylvania . 12,728,341 8 Kansas 7,377,469 Q Minnesota . 10 697 075 q Texas . 4 806 642 10 New York.... 10,678,836 10 Minnesota. . . 4,646,960 This table shows that the wholesale price of poultry in the state of Missouri was greater than in the state of Illinois; that the price of Texas poultry was less than the price in Pennsylvania; that the price in New York was considerably greater than in other states. The census reports shows that the average wholesale value of live chickens in New England was 74 cents; in the Middle States, 68 cents; in the Southern States, from 38 to 44 cents; on the Pacific Coast and in the moun- tainous districts the price was from 62 to 82 cents each. These values indicate that the price of poultry increases as the population becomes denser. The following table shows the egg receipts by months ' for the years 1913 and 1916 in seven of the largest cities of the country and indicates the months of highest and lowest production. The highest prices are obtained, of course, when the yield is lowest. The seven cities in which the eggs were received were Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Milwaukee, New York, St. Louis, and San Francisco. AND POULTRY PRODUCTS 5 RECEIPTS OP EGGS IN SEVEN LARGE CITIES DURING EACH MONTH OF 1913 AND 1916 Months 1913 Cases 1916 Cases January 508,673 1,325,131 February 685,160 551,158 March 1,281,153 1,802,467 April . 2,218,638 2,844,042 May 2,390,427 2,549.954 June . 1,863,412 1,837,307 July 1,344,824 1,317,385 August . ... 1,000,157 1,070,635 September 841,684 814,533 October 667,834 777,954 November 403,146 531,355 December . 399,277 398,286 Total 13,604,385 15,820,207 In December, 1913, the total number of cases of eggs received at these seven stations was 399,277. The lowest price for eggs during that month was 35 cents and the highest price for the same month in New York was 63 cents. The lowest wholesale price for eggs in New York during 1913 was 20 cents, the highest wholesale price was 65 cents, which was received in November. The total importation of eggs into this country during 1913 was 1,367,224 dozens, which amounted to $205,632. Of egg yolks bought by the pound there were 228,305 pounds, which cost $36,892. Ostrich feathers were bought at a cost of $6,252,298; and other kinds of feathers for $1,985,084. There were exported from this country in the year 1913, 20,409,390 dozens of eggs, for which $4,391,653 was received, and egg yolks worth $57,854 were exported. The value of exported feathers was $690,612. The total number of eggs received during 1917 and 1918 in the seven cities mentioned is recorded in the follow- ing table. Only yearly totals are, given, the monthly 6 VALUE OF POULTRY records not having been compiled when this table was printed. RECEIPTS OF EGGS IN SEVEN OF THE LARGEST CITIES DURING 1917 AND 1918 City 1917 Cases 1918 Cases Boston . . . 1,501,956 1,604,289 Chicago 5 678 679 5 049,743 Milwaukee 134,625 180,616 St. Louis 1,373,120 934,668 San Francisco 715 768 666 845 Cincinnati 184,022 176,733 New York 4,357,061 5,026,548 Total 13,945 231 13,639,442 During the years 1917 and 1918 on acount of the world war, feed and grain of all kinds advanced so much in price as to have an influence on the keeping of poultry. Many who had been engaged in the production of poultry and eggs for market reduced their flocks considerably. Notwithstanding this the production of eggs was remark- ably good. The receipts in both these years were in excess of 1913, but not so good as in 1916, which was the banner year for egg production. The world has now returned to near a normal condition, and there is likely to be an increased production of both market poultry and eggs. It is difficult to state definitely the amount of poultry exports, as the records of these are kept as poultry and game and $1,303,379 worth was reported as having been exported from this country in 1913. The greater part of all the poultry and eggs put in storage and sent from this to other countries is grown in the Western States. They are gathered from many sections into the packing houses at Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, and Chicago, where the eggs are selected, candled, and graded for POULTRY HOUSES 7 quality. The best eggs are packed into new egg cases. The greater part of these selected eggs go into cold storage, only a small portion of them being sent abroad. Poultry for export is gathered from the West and Northwest into these same packing houses, where it is crate-fattened and made plump and tender. The packers know that to sell poultry in foreign countries it must be the very best, because it must compete with poultry from European countries where the growers have had years of experience in feeding for the London and Paris mar- kets. The packing houses have never been able to sup- ply enough of this quality to satisfy the foreign trade and for this reason very little, if any, has been offered for sale in this country. This should be a lesson in quality to all who grow poultry for the market. The highest prices for market poultry are paid only for the best. It costs but little more to produce the higher grades and the most profit, of course, will be made from growing and selling the best. POULTRY HOUSES ADAPTATION OF HOUSES TO LOCALITY The many changes and developments in poultry-house construction during the last few years make necessary a careful consideration of all plans, so as to be reason- ably certain of having a house that will be suitable for the locality where it is built. It is comparatively easy to designate the type of house best suited for any one locality but when we attempt to choose the style best suited to all localities the selection is difficult. In America alone we require protection from continual ice and snow on the north and from the burning heat of the tropics on the south. Between these two extremes will be found great variation in weather and temperature. During the months of February and March, it may be 8 POULTRY HOUSES so pleasant in Florida that little chicks can run about on the ground. At the same time it may be so cold in the Dakotas as to require unusual effort to keep larger animals sufficiently warm. Notwithstanding this, it is possible through care, management, and proper construc- tion of buildings to use about the same type of house in both localities. What is known as the open-front house, or some modi- fication of it, is best suited for all localities. In Florida and in lower California fully one-half of the front of the house should be open and there should be some arrangement in the rear and perhaps at both ends of the building to clear the house of hot air during the warmest months. Less open front will be needed in the temperate zones than farther south, and less from the Dakotas to Alaska than in the temperate zones. The greater the number of fowls kept in each house, the more open the front of the house should be, and the fewer kept in each house throughout the temperate and the northern zones, the less open front will be needed. All poultry houses used north of latitude 35 should have both glass windows and open- front or cotton-cloth windows in them. In recent years there has been a practice of putting a window in each end of a house. This is a good plan for the summer, but it is objectionable for the winter unless the windows can be closed so tightly that no cold drafts can enter around the edges. In temperate zones there should be about 1 sq. ft. of open or muslin-covered windows to each 10 sq. ft. of floor space and about three-fourths as much glass window as muslin window. In the far north, in Winnipeg and in Manitoba, about half as much muslin-covered windows with fully one-third more glass window will answer. The glass windows in all houses should extend from 18 to 24 in. above the floor to near the roof, to permit the sun- shine to get into the interior of the building. Although it is possible to use the same style of exterior construction in all localities, it is necessary to under- POULTRY HOUSES 9 stand climatic conditions where the house is built and follow the kind of construction that seems best suited to that locality. In sections where the winters are of long duration and very cold, there should be no hips or pockets in the roof nor any extra amount of overhead space. The ceiling should be straight and there should be some means of carrying away damp cold air and of keeping an even temperature and distribution of air throughout the entire house. Inside conditions as they exist in the coldest and dampest weather furnish the best means of determining proper housing. If the interior of the house is dry or nearly so when the weather is cold and the air is damp, the conditions inside the building are very nearly ideal for poultry. A sure test for dry- ness inside of the house is freedom from frost or mois- ture on the side walls and glass windows and the condi- tion of the litter on the floor. If the litter is damp, it indicates that the floor is damp and that the inside of the building is not as dry as it should be. Dryness inside the house is an absolute necessity for the health of fowls. One of the best types of house for a very cold climate is one that is not more than 6J ft. high to the eaves, has a gable roof, and a loft for storing straw overhead. The floor of the loft should be of strong boards to sustain the weight of the straw. It may be made of planks 2 in. thick and 6 in. wide, with the planks laid 4 in. apart. The filling of straw overhead makes the building warm in the winter and the straw will absorb whatever mois- ture may arise. It may be removed in the spring, thus giving more overhead ventilation and a cool house for summer. Both glass windows and cloth-covered windows should be used in every locality where the weather is cold. There should be a lining of boards from 1 ft. above the floor, behind the dropping-board and roosts of the back wall, and on the side walls next to the roost. This covering of boards should extend up over the dropping- board and about 2 ft. beyond it, thus affording a con- 10 POULTRY HOUSES tinuous current of air from the floor to the ceiling behind the lining and overhead between the lining and the rafters, making the roosting place much warmer in win- ter than it would be if there were no lining in that part of the house. This same lining assists in ventilating the house during hot weather. For this purpose openings are cut through the rear of the building so that the air will come in and flow up between the rafters overhead, driving the hot air out of the house through openings very close to the roof in front. FEATURES OF POULTRY HOUSES OF PROPER CONSTRUCTION Sufficient advantages are gained through proper con- struction to warrant some expenditure above what would be necessary if the buildings were less carefully erected. If the poultry houses are perfectly dry inside during the winter, properly ventilated, and kept in a sanitary con- dition, the hens that are raised in them will be healthy and vigorous, and they will produce more eggs than they would if housed in damp and unsanitary buildings. Per- fect health and vitality are of prime importance, and these depend upon proper shelter, ventilation, and care, without which the very best hens will not be profitable. The principal features of houses of proper construction are floor space sufficient for indoor exercise during in- clement weather, convenience of interior equipment for the keepers, window construction that will admit sun- shine to all parts of the house, and govern the tempera- ture inside of the house, thus preventing excessive heat in summer and intense cold in winter. The floor should be of a kind that will prevent the entrance of moisture from below and assure protection against the ravages of rats and mice; in addition to this there must be such ventilation and sanitation as to insure a dry interior. Careful practice of these rules will create and maintain vigor, vitality, and health in the fowls. POULTRY HOUSES 11 Floor Space for Fowls. The best results are obtained in houses where there is at least 4 sq. ft. of floor space for each fowl. One square foot less will answer for the Mediterranean varieties, provided the house is kept per- fectly clean; an extra square foot should be provided for the American and English varieties, because they are larger and require more space both for roosting and scratching than the Mediterranean varieties, with the exception of the Minorcas, which will need fully as much space as any of the American varieties. Poultry-House Floors and Their Construction. For poultry buildings an earth floor is satisfactory when it can be kept dry and sanitary. For general purposes, the board floor is better and is the cheapest one that can be laid. About the only objections that can be lodged against it are that perfect dryness is not always assured and that rodents can gnaw through it. The best floor, although the most expensive, is the cement floor, because it insures perfect dryness, keeps rodents from digging through, and can easily be kept -in a sanitary condition. A cement floor may be cold and rough for the feet, but these objections can be overcome, if desired, by laying a board on top of the cement. The floors of poultry buildings should be above the ground level. For the ground floor, the most satisfactory way is to lay a foundation of stone, brick, or cement 6 in. high all around, fill it in with dry earth, and pack it down solid. Board floors should be laid on 2"X4" joists and the spaces between them should be packed with any kind of filling. If the joists are set in a bed of concrete and concrete is filled in between them level with the top, a perfectly dry floor and the exclusion of rodents will be assured. When the board floor is laid a coating of hot tar should be spread on top of the concrete and covered with a layer of tar paper and on top of this another layer of hot tar. Such preparation makes a perfect underlay for a board floor. The flooring, which should be of grooved boards, should be laid on the tar while it is warm and 12 POULTRY HOUSES be nailed close together to prevent cracks in the floor. A floor made in this way is an ideal one for poultry. For a cement floor, the foundation should be laid all around at least 18 in. deep and extend at least 6 in. above the ground. The enclosed space should be filled in with dry sand or ashes to within 6 in. of the top and the material should be packed down solid. On top of this should be laid another concrete layer made of 2 parts of sand and 1 part of cement, troweled down very smooth and worked until the moisture comes to the top. A floor made in this way will be smooth and will not hurt the feet of the fowls if the work is carefully done. Conveniences of Management. A great saving of time and labor will come through having an interior equip- ment adequate for caring for the fowls. This equipment may consist of dropping-boards, with roosts and nests beneath them, all of modern construction. In addition to this there should be feed hoppers and watering pans placed up above the floor on platforms, out of the way of litter and dirt. Hopper feeding is.a convenient, eco- nomical, and labor-saving method that can be practiced by all who keep poultry either in small or large numbers. Window Construction. Window construction may well be considered as an interior equipment. When so con- structed that they can be opened or closed quickly and easily, they are a great convenience, but when heavy and cumbersome and hard to move, they will make more difficult the changes necessary for controlling temper- ature, windstorms, and ventilation. Window sash con- taining glass will be convenient if hung on pivots as in Fig. 1 (a). The cloth-covered windows are best when of small size so that the frames covered with cloth will be light and handled easily and quickly. When of small size, a part of- them can be open while the others are closed, thus providing the necessary amount of open front to meet the demands of different kinds of weather. There are several types of windows well suited to poultry houses. The one most convenient for a small POULTRY HOUSES 13 building is the sliding window, which is simple and cheap to construct. For a house o ft.XlO ft., a single sash should slide either to the right or the left. A frame made of wood of the same size as the sash can be covered with muslin and used, when needed, in place of the glass window. The outside of the opening should be covered with heavy i-in. galvanized wire cloth to prevent birds (f) *" FIG. 1 or fowls from going in or out through the window and to admit air and light when the windows are left open. The window sash or frame should slide in a groove, as shown in Fig. 1 (&). This is made by a 2"X4" or a 2"X2" strip, according to the size and needs of the build- ing. The frame for the sliding sash should be suffi- ciently long to permit the sash to be entirely open, and there should be provision made for replacing or chang- ing the sash by sliding the cloth-covered frame over the opening and leaving the glass-filled sash in the groove. 14 POULTRY HOUSES A sash hinged at the top and opening outwards, as shown in Fig. 1 (c), is a modern construction for venti- lation. When opened slightly, a window of this kind will give ventilation and yet turn rain or snow away from the opening. This kind of window serves best when used for the outer covering. Inner protection can be had by fastening a window frame to the inside of the window, this frame to be covered with heavy gal- vanized wire cloth with a mesh no larger than \ in. One of the very best types of glass window for pro- tection and ventilation is represented in Fig. 1 (a). The sash in this window is hung on pivots or sash centers. A glass window of this kind provides almost ideal venti- lation; it can be opened any distance from an inch to a foot. The air coming in is driven to the roof and is spread out there and distributed throughout the entire house. Proper ventilation and a dry interior result through the use of these windows without the use of open fronts or muslin windows. Where the open fronts, the muslin windows, and this type of glass window are used, the process of ventilation is simple. When the sashes are closed and the front open the sun shines bright and warm through the win- dows into the most remote part of the building. The admission of fresh air and sunshine through the open front dries and tempers the atmosphere. When the weather is cold or stormy or when the wind is blowing fast or cold, or snow is coming into the house, ventila- tion may be had by entirely closing the open front with muslin -covered frames, as shown in Fig. 1 (cO, and open- ing the glass window a few inches as may be needed. A wooden shutter or ventilator as a substitute for open windows has been used at the Missouri State Poultry Experiment Station. This ventilator is shown in Fig. 1 (e). It should contain 1 sq. ft. of surface for each 10 sq. ft. of floor space. The strips used in the construction should be 4 in. wide and set at an angle of about 45 degrees, leaving a space of 1| in. between the strips. Where the weather is extremely cold, thin muslin can POULTRY HOUSES 15 be tacked over the inside of the ventilator and removed as soon as the cold weather is gone. Considerable attention has been given to poultry-house ventilation, and hundreds of suggestions have been made for different kinds of ventilators. The most recent ven- tilator is the Cornell wind baffler, which differs materi- ally from the Missouri shutter ventilator. The construc- tion of the Cornell baffler is shown in Fig. 1 (f). This has L-shaped bafflers in place of the flat strips of wood used in the shutter ventilator. It would seem to be almost impossible for rain or snow to pass through the baffler. More glass windows are needed for light in houses where shutters or baffler is used than in houses that have cloth-covered windows. POSITION FOR POULTRY HOUSES Position for Poultry Houses. Houses for poultry should face toward the south; and to meet this condition con- siderable study in the arrangement and layout of the yard will be at times required. When poultry buildings are erected in the rear of the dwelling house and the front of the dwelling house faces the north, it is easy to have the poultry building in the rear face the south. If the dwelling faces the south, the poultry houses would have to be built facing south, at the rear end of the lot. In erecting a poultry house at the rear of the lot facing south, the rear of the building should be next to the back fence so that the watershed of the roof will be away from the center of the yard. To have the neces- sary amount of sunshine and ventilation in a house so placed requires that the south end and a portion of either the east or the west end be of glass and open front, with the roosting place for the hens at the north end of the building. A house so built is shown in Fig. 2. In this illustration the rear part of the poultry building is placed toward the east, the windows facing the south and the west. The reason for locating I':: 16 POULTRY HOUSES building on the east side is to gain the greatest amount of sunshine inside the house during the winter months. If the dwelling house faces the south, the poultry building placed at the rear end of the lot can face south. If the house faces the west, the rear of the poultry building can be against the fence on the north side; the same position should be used if the dwelling house faces the east. When the buildings are so arranged, good ventilation and the maximum of sunlight in winter will be assured. FORM AND ARRANGEMENT OF HOUSES The most efficient and economical style of poultry house is the straight-front, slant-roof building with open FIG. 2 front or with glass and cloth-covered windows in the front, constructed according to the needs of the locality where the house is erected. This type of house can be constructed with extreme simplicity, or it can be em- bellished according to the taste of the builder. Under no conditions, however, should it be built in a way that will detract from its usefulness. Wide houses are best suited to any locality where the laying hens must be kept inside for a considerable length of time during the winter months. Such houses are warmer, afford better protection from the cold, and are more satisfactory than narrow buildings. Houses from POULTRY HOUSES 17 18 to 20 ft. wide are generally favored, especially where several hundred hens are kept during the winter. The open-front house should be of close construction, with both ends, back, roof, and floor as nearly air-tight as they can be made, and with a front having the proper arrangement of open and glass windows. Such construc- tion is shown in Fig. 2, which shows a small house, well suited for the side of a city lot. The roosting apartment is to the left and the open runway to the right. This house allows 4 sq. ft. of floor space in the roosting apart- ment and 6 sq. ft. in the runway for each fowl. That would be 20 fowls for 80 sq. ft. in the roosting house and for 120 'sq. ft. in the runway. This house is intended for fowls that are kept shut in. When there is no danger of their injuring the crops, they may be permitted to run about in that portion of the yard used for a garden or for flowers. The runway can always be kept sanitary. When it needs cleaning, the fowls can be shut inside the roosting place, and with a hoe and a rake the filth can be scraped up, carried away, and replaced by fresh earth from the garden. Houses of this type can be built of almost any size required. If there is plenty of room in the yard, the runway may be made larger or an open runway added to the end of the closed run. A cover of canvas can be spread over the wire front to keep out heavy rains .and snow. When the weather is wet or cold the open front in the roosting place should be closed with a frame made of wood and covered with muslin. A covered runway affords dry footing for the fowls, and no opportunity for rain or snow to fall into the runway and make the ground unfit for the fowls to use. Such a runway can be kept sanitary if cleaned frequently, and such yards and houses will be a pleasure to the owner. For some reasons it may be better for the roof to slope away from the yard rather than toward it. In Fig. 2 a tin water spout is shown that conducts the rainwater to the left of the building down to a cistern from which the stored water may be taken for sprinkling the gar- 18 POULTRY HOUSES den. The water could be so stored even if the slope of the roof were toward the north. In that case, however, the heat of the southern sun would not serve to keep pipes from freezing or promptly to melt the snow on the sloping roof. The roosting place of the fowls should be located at the left in the rear of the building. The latticework shown between the open runway and the roosting place FIG. 3 affords better ventilation during the warm nights of summer, and it also allows free circulation of fresh air into the roosting place without causing drafts. It is possible to keep poultry in the most densely populated sections of a town without offense to the neighbors. A suggestion for a model backyard poultry run in shown in Fig. 3. This is taken in part from a photograph made of poultry runs at Cheltenham, Eng- land. Two flocks of hens without males can be kept in these runways. The roosting apartment in the rear end is equipped for two flocks; covered runways on each side POULTRY HOUSES 19 are attractive in appearance and furnish plenty of room for exercise out in the open yet afford protection from the rain and snow that makes conditions quite unsani- tary when permitted to fall in small runways that are in constant use. The walks on both sides of the flower garden are made of cement. The gutters a for drainage are laid along the front of the runways and next to the cement founda- tion. The cement extends beneath both the runways and the roosting place. A foot of closely packed earth is filled in on top of the cement making a dry ground floor for the runways. This earth can be dug out and replaced by fresh earth as frequently as necessary, thus keeping the house and yards sweet and clean and avoiding all chance of offensive odors or contamination of the soil. Where there is sufficient room, the runways can be extended and used for young chicks. Where there is not space enough for this, pullets for replenishing the flock must be raised elsewhere. This plan was intended only for the housing of hens kept for egg production, but the same construction could be adapted for breeding pens. The baseboards as shown in the illustration cover the cement foundation wall of the runways and the roosting place. Openings are cut through the rear wall of each runway; they are covered on the outside with heavy iron screen and are closed on the inside with shutters or doors hung on hinges. These doors can be turned up against the roof during warm weather. The free circu- lation of air through these openings will reduce the temperature inside the runways during the warmest weather. The same kind of ventilation can be applied to the rear of the roosting place. This would be neces- sary, however, only in tropical climates or where the nights are excessively hot. The front of the roosting house is 9 ft. high and the front of the runway is 8J ft. high, affording sufficient space overhead and better ventilation during hot weather than a lower house would give. Iron posts are attached 20 POULTRY HOUSES to the rear end of the roof both on the roosting house and the runways. Heavy barbed wire stretched between these posts prevents approach from the rear. The arrangement of house and yards shown in Fig. 4 was evolved in England to meet the food-shortage emer- gency. The house in the rear is an open-front, scratch- ing-shed house, in which the poultry can be confined in all kinds of weather, especially when it rains and the ground is wet outside. The interior of the house can be arranged to suit the convenience of the owner. The FIG. 4 roosts should be placed to the extreme right of the house and the nests to the left of the roosts, to make it convenient for those who go into the house through the door in the center to gather the eggs and to clean up without disturbing the poultry. The vegetable garden and poultry yard are alternated yearly. To make the change, the front fence and the line of fencing along the pathway should be moved over to enclose the garden patch for a poultry yard, the other side then being used as a garden plot. When this change is made, the front sections at the extreme right and left are changed so POULTRY HOUSES 21 as to transfer the small doorway through which the hens come out into the yard. At the same time, the roosts and the nests are moved from the right to the left end of the building. HOUSES AND YARDS FOR DIFFERENT VARIETIES Special arrangements must be made for housing and yarding several varieties of chickens on a limited space. FIG. 5 They must be kept separate, each variety by itself. To accomplish this, the fences around the enclosure and between the yards must be high enough and so well constructed that the fowls cannot get out of the yards alloted to them. The fences shown in Fig. 5 are 8 ft. high; these yards were used for Hamburgs and Bantams. The lower part of the fence is 2 ft. high, and is made of boards; the upper part is made of 6-ft. wire fencing. Fences 6 ft. high will do for Plymouth Rocks, Wyan- 22 POULTRY HOUSES dottes, Orpingtons, or fowls of equal or larger size. A fence of this height would have wire fencing 4 ft. wide above the boards. The building shown in Fig. 5 is 12 ft. wide and 100 ft. long, and is divided into twelve compartments. The yards are 8 ft. wide and 24 ft. long and can be made longer when space will permit. One male and six or eight females can be kept in each compartment; more may be kept, but when this is done there is danger of contamination, loss of vitality, and less fertility. The house is 9 ft. high in front and 5 ft. high in the rear; there is an opening close to the roof in front and one in the rear, which should be left open during hot weather. This permits circulation of air through the house and between the rafters, thus driving out the heat; the rear opening is closed tight when the weather is cool or cold. The one in front is closed in the cold seasons. The house can be built lower, or there can be a lower ceiling to make the house warmer in cold weather. The doors that lead from one division to another should be hung on self-closing double-acting hinges. The in- terior equipment of one apartment is shown in Fig. 6. POULTRY HOUSES 23 The nests are under the dropping-board. The coops for broody hens are to the right of the roosts, the feed hopper is fastened against the partition or hung on the uprights, and the shelf for the water pan is to the right of the hopper. The pan goes through or under an open- ing in the partition, thus providing for two pens of fowl. A house of this kind will be excellent for bantams, and if not more than five or six of them are kept in each yard, green stuff of some kind can be grown in the yards. Such pens can be used for a male and four or five female bantams of any breed or variety, and the hens should be permitted to hatch their own eggs and raise the brood of chicks in the same enclosure. HOUSES FOR BANTAMS A house of small size is most suitable for bantams. The higher the roof and the more extensive the space FIG. 7 inside, the colder and less comfortable will be their quarters during very cold nights. The box house illus- trated in Fig. 7 can be built out of packing cases that are 3 l / 2 ft. wide, A l / 2 ft. long, and of the average height, the front elevation of the building being 4^ ft. and the rear elevation Zy 2 ft. The floor of the house, which is made .first, is 4 ft. wide and 5 ft. long, and is elevated 12 in. above the ground by cleats nailed all around on the under side flush with the edge. The walls of the house are nailed to the edge of the floor; the boards in the rear and on the sides reach to the ground and close 24 POULTRY HOUSES the space under the floor on three sides. In front, the boards extend 6 in. below the floor and to within 6 in. of the ground, leaving an open space a of 12 in. under the floor. When the siding is in place the roof is put on and covered with roofing paper. One 8"X10" pane of glass in front admits all the light that is needed; the single-board door admits the ban- tams and permits the gathering of the eggs and the cleaning of the house. A round roost pole across the rear end and some small nest boxes complete the house. This house will provide quarters for ten or twelve ban- tams. It can be moved beneath the shelter of a tree during the summer months, placed under a shed or FIG. 8 moved to the basement during the severe cold weather, or left in the open throughout the entire year. It is, in fact, a comfortable house for bantams in all kinds of weather. The dust bath for the bantams is beneath the house. When the nights are cold the open space a in front should be closed. In localities where it is very cold, and where there are spells of severe weather, the outside of the box should be covered with tar paper to close the cracks against the wind. For Brahama or Cochin Bantams, a low, compact house is the best. These bantams can withstand the coldest weather if they are well protected as are other fowls. The house shown in Fig. 8 is 8 ft. long and 6 ft. wide; it is 6*/ 2 ft. high in front and 5 ft. high in the rear; the fence for the enclosure is 5 ft. high. If desired, this POULTRY HOUSES 25 house can be divided through the middle and be used for two separate lots of bantams. When this is done, a division fence should separate the two pens. The interior of the house may be arranged to suit the convenience of the poultryman. The building has a double door, the inner screen door a swinging to the inside and the board door swinging to the outside. The outer door should be left open during warm weather and on bright days dur- ing cold weather to prevent dampness. The house should have a board floor. YARDS FOR POULTRY HOUSES Purpose and Size pf Yards. Fowls are confined in yards to prevent them from trespassing and from going where they may do harm or where they may injure themselves. They are also confined when an effort is being made to secure a large egg yield by intensive methods, and when several varieties of fowls are kept for breeding purposes, in which case the flocks must be kept separate in order that each breed may remain pure. Yards cannot be too large and are frequently too small. Less than 100 sq. ft. of yard room per head is not enough to secure the best results in producing eggs; a yard 50 ft. wide and 100 ft. long will be sufficient for fifty hens, provided special care is taken to keep the soil in a sanitary condition. If the yard is 100 ft. square, the fifty hens will do much better. Two and one-half acres will answer much better for five hundred hens in 'one flock than the same space divided into ten yards for fifty hens each. The reason for this is that when the five hundred hens are confined in the space of 2 l / 2 A., each one has the free range of the entire area, and when the space is divided into ten yards, each fowl is confined to a space about equal in size to that of an ordinary town lot. Close confinement causes the flock to become discon- tented, and overcrowding the yard lessens the egg yield. If either one or both of these conditions is of 26 POULTRY HOUSES long duration, the health and vitality of the fowls is undermined and destroyed. Asiatic fowls can be kept in health and vigor in much less space than can the American varieties; Leghorns must have more than double the space that is necessary for other varieties. These remarks apply to the keeping of laying hens and not to forcing a few fowls to an early maturity for the market on a space so limited that they neither produce eggs nor maintain vitality. The more closely hens are confined, the greater the necessity for cleanliness, care, and proper feeding. SHADE FOR POULTRY There is a great need of shade for poultry kept in confined quarters during the summer months. Poultry houses should face toward the south, because the direct rays of the sun are needed inside of poultry buildings to assist in keeping the interior dry and free from germs. But shade of some kind must be provided so that the fowls can be sheltered during warm weather when they are in the yard the greater part of the day. Shade may be furnished in a way that will add attrac- tiveness to the poultry houses and yards. The fences about the poultry yard should be built straight and strong and attractive in appearance, and they may be overgrown with vines of some kind which will serve as a shade and protect the fowls from the direct rays of the sun. There are a number of kinds of vines that can be used for this purpose. Throughout Maryland, Virginia, and other states there are honeysuckles that grow profusely and can be trained over the fences and over frames built for the purpose. There are several varieties of the rambler roses which can be trained over the fences and which will beautify the surroundings as well as furnish shade. Sunflowers may be grown along the outside line of the fence. These grow rapidly and provide feed as well as shelter from the sun. POULTRY HOUSES 27 Another vine, commonly known as Dutchman's pipe, is a profuse grower, and is often used as shade for poul- try. Hop vines, gherkins, and morning glories also may be grown for the purpose of shelter. The use of Jerusalem artichokes for shade has been recommended because they grow quickly and come up year after year, affording shade in abundance. It is said that this plant can be grown inside of poultry yards if protected until it gets a good start, and that fowls will not eat the leaves even though no other green stuff is available. Castor-oil plants, where they can be pro- tected from disturbance until well started, will grow profusely and become very large, and will provide abun- dant shade beneath which the growing chicks may run and be protected during the warmest weather. Sweet corn makes a splendid shade for poultry. When fairly well up, the mother hens and young chicks may run through it without harming the plants or the ears of corn. When the corn is ready for the table the ears can be removed without breaking the stalks, which con- tinue to furnish shade. Corn fields on farms furnish a most attractive shelter from the direct rays of the sun and the fowls like to wander through them hunting bugs and worms. Some of the best exhibition fowls grown spend the first few months of their life in the corn fields. When no other shade can be provided, awnings of muslin should be stretched over frames and placed so as to prevent the sun from shining too directly inside of the poultry buildings. Frames made like tables, with the tops of muslin or cloth of some kind, can be placed here and there to protect the fowls from the sun. Tar paper or building paper can be used in place of muslin for the same purpose. UNIT HOUSE The demand for houses for large flocks has brought into use a style of house that is called the unit house. A house of this kind may be built in two or more sepa- 28 POULTRY HOUSES rate units 20 ft. long by 16 or 18 ft. deep or wide. This would be called a connected unit house, meaning that ^Dropping Board = I Removable = frames CCY- ^ I ere d with - ^ ffl Front Elevation FIG. 9 several units would be built at one time or at separate times and used as separate houses or as one connected house. Such houses are built where laying hens are kept in POULTRY HOUSES 29 large or small flocks. The rule is to build them in mul- tiples of 20 ft. by whatever width or depth may be pre- ferred. Some unit poultry houses have been built 24 ft. square, with a gable roof. Houses of this width answer -3 ply Rubberoid Roofing 2^6 Rafters^ 2-0" on < Wind Shield \ I " Matched^- Boards FIG. 10 Well for large flocks kept in California or in any other locality having like temperature. The best width for general use is 16 or 18 ft. The most modern type of a unit house is shown in Figs. 9 and 10. This house is 20 ft. long and 18 ft. wide and is 9 ft. high in front and 6 ft. high in the rear. 30 POULTRY HOUSES This house has 360 sq. ft. of floor space and will be large enough for 90 Leghorn hens kept for laying eggs during the winter months. This same house will be large enough for 75 laying hens of the larger kind. The house can be divided by partition into two pens 10 ft.XIS ft. The advantage of this kind of house is that it can be built section by section as needed. Two sections like t'-iese might be called a double connected unit house. Any number of sections can be added to such a house and all of them connected. When two or more sections are used for large floors, the wooden partition between each 20 ft. should extend about half way forward from the rear through the house. As shown in Fig. 9, this house has the modern style of windows, that is, two glass and three cotton-cloth windows, which are shown in the front elevation. These windows are properly proportioned for a front 9 ft. high and 20 ft. long. If two units of 20 ft. each are built, the cloth-covered windows can begin either to the right or to the left of the glass windows and thus give a con- tinuous line of glass and cloth windows or they may be as shown in the illustration. The house can be built 7 or 7/^2 ft. high in front and be either 4^ or 5 ft. high in the rear; the lower the roof or ceiling overhead, the warmer will the house be during both hot and cold weather. The two openings in the 'rear shown in Fig. 10, are for ventilation, and should be open continually dur- ing the warm weather. The air passing in through them will go over the roosts between the inner lining and the outer covering of the rear wall and the roof. This will cool the house by carrying the hot air out overhead. These openings must be closed during the winter. The inner lining can be nailed to the uprights; it may extend from near the floor up the rear and overhead in front of the roosts and dropping-board. This protects the fowls on the roost from the cold that might other- wise be deflected from the rear and overhead onto them. Such protection is worth much more than it costs. The best arrangement for the interior is shown in Fig. 6. POULTRY HOUSES 31 When houses like this are built for large flocks of laying hens, they can be built in sections 20 ft. long and 20 ft. wide. Five sections, or units, of this size, all connected, can be used either for one large open house, which will be 100 ft. long and 20 ft. wide, or it may be divided into five or more separate houses. Five units of this size will contain 2,000 sq. ft. of floor space, which is sufficient for 500 Leghorn hens; or they may be separated into five units, each house having 100 Leghorn hens. Leghorn hens will do very well with 4 sq. ft. of floor space for each hen. This will provide scratching place for the hens during the winter months. Fowls of larger sizes should have from 5 to 6 sq. ft. of floor space. HOUSING PROBLEMS IN CALIFORNIA When considering the climatic conditions of California it must be remembered that in that state, which extends from Oregon on the north to Mexico on the south, great variations in temperature are found. The northern lati- tude temperatures of California are about the same as those of Denver, Indianapolis, and Philadelphia. The conditions as they exist in California have been described in the following words by Prof. J. E. Dougherty of the College of Agriculture: "Abundant ventilation can and should be provided at all times of the year, because the climate is so mild that cold weather does not have to be considered, whereas the intensely hot days of summer represent the California poultryman's most unfavorable season just as the cold winter period is the worst season in other states. Where the temperature reaches the vicinity of 100 F., a house closed on three sides, even though the front is entirely open, becomes a veritable oven. Add to this the fact that a large number of our poultry farms are, under present conditions, supplied with very scant outdoor shade, And the fowls remain largely indoors out of the sun during the hot part of the day, and one can realize POULTRY HOUSES how they can be made to suffer from the heat in poorly built houses. "The hot summer sun dries up all vegetation not arti- ficially watered, the ground becomes hot and dry, and the fowls prefer to stay in and close to the houses where it is shady. They will not get out on the sun-baked ground, but live largely in the houses during hot weather. As a result, a good many fowls are lost every year from heat prostration. In fact, such mortality rep- resents a serious loss, and its prevention is a subject worthy of most careful consideration. "In order to obviate the hot-box condition, provision must be made to throw open the rear of the house on hot days, in addition to the open front, so that every breath of air may be caught and the air in the house be kept moving as much as possible. There is invariably at least a little breeze blowing from one direction or another, and by having at least two sides of the house open during the day these breezes circulate through the house and keep it quite cool.'* Very heavy rainfall accompanied with wind prevails during the winter in California. These storms are fre- quently so severe as to blow away cloth curtains, and for this reason they are not recommended as suitable for that locality. Mr. Dougherty says further that trees in the runs and about the houses are of great value in furnishing cool shade. Deciduous trees of heavy foliage are best, be- cause they furnish dense shade and shed their leaves in winter. Since evergreen trees do not shed their leaves, they ought not be located close to the houses, as they will cut off the sun from the houses in winter. Fig trees are especially fine for shade in the runs. The use of two-story houses also makes for coolness, for the upper story keeps the lower floor cooler than it would otherwise be, and by hanging windows on all sides of the lower floor the additional coolness resulting from free ventilation on all sides is secured. A good type of house for California is a square house, POULTRY HOUSES 33 say 24 ft. square, or one 48 ft. long by 24 ft. wide, accord- ing to the number of fowls to be kept in the house. This house should be 9 ft. high all around with a gable roof, and have glass windows on all four sides. All of these windows should be kept open when the days are very warm. If the wind blows, the windows should be shut tight on the side from which the wind conies. When it rains and blows very hard, all the windows in the house should be closed except those on one side against which the wind does not blow; that is, if the wind blows from the northeast the windows on the north, the east, and the west would be closed and the windows on the south left open. If the wind blows from the southwest, the windows on the north would be left open and the other windows be closed tight. When a house of this kind is used, the roosts should be placed in the middle of the room lengthwise, directly under the peak of the roof. The dropping-board should be built on legs like a low-set table, the roosts running lengthwise above the table, with the nest boxes beneath it. Such a house should have ventilators in the peak of the roof; those of galvanized iron with hoods over the top are well suited for this purpose. Such ventilators will work well during all kinds of weather. When it is warm and hot, the air will pass out through them. When the wind blows it causes a current around the hood and the pipe; when the rain falls hard the hood-shaped lid on top will prevent the rain from beating down through the ventilator. Through these ventilators the warm air comes out of the upper end of the pipe and passes through the open space between the top of the pipe and the lower side of the hood. 34 POULTRY FOODS POULTRY FOODS COMPOSITION OF FOOD Food is any substance that a plant or an animal may take into its body and use for building up wasted tissues and maintaining natural conditions. Besides water, which is present in all foods, the different com- pounds of which solid animal foods are composed have been grouped into four classes; carbohydrates, fats, pro- tein, and ash. All the compounds belonging to these classes of food elements, or principles, are not completely digestible, and the value of poultry food is determined largely by the amount of these food constituents that can be digested by the fowls. When food is digested it forms blood, which circulates throughout the body and sustains life. By means of the blood the nutritious portions of the food are assimi- lated, or incorporated into the body of the fowl for the purpose of nourishing it and for renewing wasted tissues. Eggs are composed largely of the same kind of materials that are utilized in the formation of blood and flesh. All foods contain water; dry grains, meals, and hays contain from 7 to 10%, and grasses, green plants, roots, and unripened grains contain from 60 to 70%. The flesh of fowls and their eggs are from 41 to 65% water, 1 doz. new-laid eggs containing almost 1 Ib. The greater portion of the solid part of poultry food is composed of carbohydrates, or nitrogen-free extracts, as they are sometimes called. Carbohydrates are made up largely of starch, sugar, gums, vegetable acids, and crude fiber. Carbohydrates are used by fowls to supply energy, to produce animal fats and oils, and to maintain the body heat. The food elements known as fats, or oils, differ from carbohydrates in being able to produce more heat. For this purpose, 1 part of fat is equal to 2^4 parts of carbo- POULTRY FOODS 35 hydrates. For this reason, when estimating the heating value of foods, it is customary to multiply the amount of fat in them by 2% in order to express its equivalent in carbohydrates. That portion of the food which contains nitrogen is known as protein. The lean meat of the fowl and the white of the egg are composed largely of this principle. As a source of heat and energy, protein is about equal to the carbohydrates, but animal heat obtained from protein is very expensive. Protein is much more costly than the carbohydrates and fats, and no more of it should be fed to fowls than is absolutely necessary to renew waste, make new growth, and furnish the needed quan- tity for egg formation. That part of food which would be left if the food were burned is called ash, or mineral matter, and it con- tains calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, and other elements. When assimilated by fowls, ash enters largely into the composition of bones and the shells of the eggs. There is not enough ash for egg and bone formation in the food usually fed to fowls, and for this reason it is necessary to supply them with such mate- rials as oyster shells, clam shells, limestone, grit, etc. Foods that contain a large proportion of crude fiber are spoken of as roughage, and those that contain little crude fiber and that are nearly all digestible are known as concentrates. Clover hay is an example of roughage; corn meal is an example of a concentrate. Although of little direct value as a food for poultry, roughage, or crude fiber, is important in a food because in passing through the digestive organs it distends them and serves as an irritant that stimulates their mechanical action and assists them in digesting their contents. When feeding fowls it is always best to have a suffi- cient quantity of ash, fiber, and roughage in their rations to extend the crop and to keep the gizzard actively employed in grinding. During the process of grinding the coarso foods become thoroughly mixed with the concentrated foods and all pass through the intes- 36 POULTRY FOODS tines in a manner that makes their assimilation much more natural and, therefore, of more real benefit to the fowls than would be the case without them. Clover and alfalfa hay and bran are very highly con- sidered as roughage for poultry, and they not only well serve the purposes mentioned but are also valuable as food. Clover and alfalfa contain a large percentage of ash and fiber and are among the best substitutes for green food as well; although but little of the bran is digested, it is most valuable as an intestinal irritant. When feeding clover or alfalfa hay it is well to throw bundles of it into the houses on the litter and permit the fowls to pick the leaves and scratch in the hay as they do in the litter. Uses of the Food Elements. After being digested and absorbed into the blood, the different food elements are used by the body for various purposes. From protein are formed the muscles, or lean meat, and this element also enters largely into the composition of the bones and feathers, and, most important of all, the egg. Protein can be more completely utilized than the other food elements and some hens seem to have the power to utilize practically all of the protein contained in the food they eat. Carbohydrates are mainly used to keep up the body temperature. The utilization of carbohydrates for this purpose is really a slow form of burning, which is just as necessary for the life of the fowl as the fire beneath the boiler is for the running of the steam engine. Car- bohydrates are also the source of much of the energy used when the fowl moves itself about and performs other work. The function of fats is similar to that of the carbo- hydrates. Fats, however, are a more concentrated fuel, 1 Ib. of fat being equal to about 2J4 lb. of carbohydrates. Fats can also be stored for future use in the fowl's body, a thing that cannot be done with carbohydrates. POULTRY FOODS COMPOSITION OF FEEDSTUFFS 37 Feedstuffs Water Per Cent. Ash Per Cent. i< *& Carbo- hydrates Fat Per Cent. Icj g l 8 ^V * m !*iE Grains and seeds: Barley 10.8 13.4 10.6 11.3 8.4 9.9 12.1 9.0 10.4 7.9 15.0 7.5 12.4 11.7 8.0 8.6 10.5 11.6 10.9 12.8 9.4 15.0 7.0 10.3 9.9 9.2 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 7.9 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.4 3.9 1.6 2.8 2.3 3.2 2.0 2.4 2.4 .4 4.8 3.9 2.6 1.8 2.9 5.7 5.0 1.2 1.4 6.6 5.9 2.6 2.0 1.5 2.7 5.5 5.5 2.0 12.0 10.8 10.3 10.5 11.5 11.2 10.9 10.7 11.4 14.7 23.7 27.9 7.4 33.5 11.5 16.3 11.9 12.5 23.2 26.7 11.2 9.2 45.3 19.7 18.0 25.0 33.8 10.5 37.5 33.9 14.7 4.2 11.7 2.2 1.7 11.1 2.7 8.1 3.0 10.8 .9 7.9 7.0 .2 4.5 11.5 29.9 1.8 4.9 3.8 4.4 11.9 1.9 6.3 14.4 3.0 6.8 2.0 4.9 8.9 7.3 .9 68.7 59.7 70.4 70.1 62.9 71.5 62.6 72.2 59.4 67.4 50.2 15.6 79.2 28.3 62.9 21.4 71.9 65.1 54.9 44.3 60.1 68.7 24.6 38.7 62.5 53.5 46.6 64.3 36.4 35.7 67.4 1.8 2.4 5.0 5.0 2.2 3.1 3.5 2.8 4.8 7.1 .8 39.6 .4 17.2 2.2 21.2 2.1 3.0 1.5 6.8 6.2 3.8 10.2 11.0 4.0 3.5 6.6 8.0 2.0 7.8 7.1 Buckwheat Corn, dent Corn, flint Emmer Kafir corn Millet seed . . ' Milo maize Oats in hulls Oats, hulled Peas, Canada Peanut kernels Rice Soybeans Spelt Sunflower seed. . Wheat, whole Wheat screenings Meals: Bean meal Buckwheat middlings. . Corn bran Corn meal Cottonseed meal . Coconut cake Flour, red dog Gluten feed Gluten meal Hominy feed, chop. . . . Linseed meal, new proc- ess Linseedmeal.old process Oatmeal 38 POULTRY FOODS COMPOSITION OF FEEDSTUFFS Continued Feedstuflte Water t Per Cent. Ash Per Cent. Protein Per Cent. Carbo- hydrates Fat Per Cent. t-. & 0 M ^^ H) M g c ^ 1? ococoosooq cococod-* w CO ^ ( o M H _^ <; c & c! r^ t>. t t^ oo t> >o W M < ( H M H fe 1 5 j o ^ o3 t>.00 OS OS O, P 5 "> ! : : :d : fc ! '. '. o ! O -^4 M H M : : :S : w *o i i o 04 1 a : jj|j u ll al " 6 b < MINERAL MATTER Grit. The food eaten by fowls goes first into the crop, where it is softened by water; it then passes into the gizzard, and by the action of small sharp stones, or grit, is there ground into a pasty mass. The best grit is sharp, ir- regular pieces of hard limestone about the size of corn kernels. Mineral matter is neces- sary for the good health of the fowls and for egg- shell-forming material. A deficiency of this in the regular ration may be sup- plied by grit, limestone, plaster, broken oyster shells, or shells of any kind. Granulated bone and bone meal serve the purpose fairly well, but the lime in shells is more quickly dissolved by the action of grit and gizzard, and hence is better than the bone. Charcoal. Charcoal is one of the necessities of poultry feeding and should be kept constantly before poultry; it assists diges- tion, sweetens the crop, gizzard, and intestines, and prevents ailments of the 58 POULTRY FOODS digestive tract. The charcoal, which should be broken into small pieces, should be supplied with the oyster shells and grit. Salt. The use of salt in poultry food is not a necessity; but when a forcing ration is fed to fowls either to produce broilers, to fatten fowls, or to produce eggs, some salt may be used to assist digestion; 8 oz of salt to 100 Ib. of meal is enough to use; much more than this will injure the digestion of grown fowls, and it is positively unsafe to feed more to young chicks. POISONOUS FOODS Fowls sometimes die from ptomaine poisoning. For this reason putrid meat, spoiled grain, and other fer- mented or spoiled foods should not be fed. Foods that are otherwise wholesome may be made unwholesome if exposed to dampness, due to the development of molds. Excessive quantities of salt, salt meat, or the brine from which the meat has been removed, salt fish, salt from ice-cream freezers, and in fact, salt of any kind consumed in large quantities is very destructive to poultry. Solutions of sulphate of iron or of sulphuric acid, carelessly used, are very destructive to poultry. Decayed vegetables or fruits, fermenting waste, waste from cider mills" or canning factories, and slops from distilleries are not suitable for feeding to laying hens, because they flavor the eggs. Tainted meat eaten by a fowl will also influence the flavor of eggs. Moldy bread is detrimental to poultry. It may be freed from mold by toasting or baking it dry and hard, but when so prepared it is not fit food for chicks under 6 wk. old. INTERNAL ORGANS OF FOWLS INTERNAL ORGANS OF FOWLS The process of digestion in poultry differs materially from that in animals that chew their food. Fowls have no teeth, the functions of the teeth being performed by the gizzard, in which, by the aid of grit, the food is FIG. 1 ground into pulp. The greater part of the food eaten by poultry is swallowed whole and passes in that condition to the crop, where it absorbs considerable moisture before it passes to the other digestive organs. A general view of the internal organs of a hen is shown in Fig. 1. After being picked up by the bill, the 60 INTERNAL ORGANS OF FOWLS food passes through the upper part of the esophagus a into the crop b; from the crop the food passes through the lower part of the esophagus into the gizzard c; and from there through the other organs of the digestive system. Crop. In fowls and other granivorous, or grain-eating, birds, the crop is relatively larger than the crop of birds that feed largely on grass. Within the crops are juices that moisten the food and hasten its passage into the gizzard. Gizzard. The gizzard c may be looked on as a power- ful grinding machine in which the whole grain and other foods of poultry are ground, oftentimes finer than they would be ground by the teeth of chewing animals. The grinding is accomplished by means of the powerful muscles of the gizzard, which keep the mixture of sand, grit, and food within it constantly in motion. In the gizzard the food is also acted on by digestive juices before being passed into the intestines. Intestines. The intestines as applied to fowls means all of the alimentary canal beyond the gizzard. The intestines of the fowls, although different in many respects from those of other animals, present a somewhat similar appearance and have functions nearly identical with those of the other domestic animals. In fowls, the intestines are made up of the duodenum, and the rest of the small intestines d, the caeca e, and the large intestines and the rectum g. Inside of the intestines the food is acted on by various digestive fluids, and digestible nutrients within the food are taken from it and eventually converted into blood. The inner walls of the intestines are covered with minute projections known as rilH, which absorb the digested material trom the contents of the intestines. The indigestible part of the food passes into the rectum g and out of the body through the vent h. Liver. The liver i is a large, two-lobed organ of peculiar cellular structure. It has two offices, one of them being to purify the digested material brought to INTERNAL ORGANS OF FOWLS 61 it by the capillaries, and the other to secrete the bile, an important digestive fluid. The liver must be kept in a healthy condition or the blood, and consequently the entire system, will speedily become poisoned. Gall Bladder. The gall bladder k serves as a reservoir for the bile secreted by the liver, to which it is closely attached. The bile is passed, as needed, from the gall bladder to the intestines, where its special office is to break up the vegetable fats and oils and convert them into soluble animal fat, which is readily made a part of the fowl's body. Spleen. The spleen s is located near the liver and is an organ whose use is not definitely known. It is thought, however, that it is useful in producing certain modifications in the blood. Pancreas. Situated among the folds of the small intestines is the pancreas /, a small organ of insig- nificant appearance. This organ is of vital importance, for in it is secreted the pancreatic juice, which flows from the pancreas into the intestines, where it acts directly on the starchy portions of food, and to a limited extent on protein; it also aids in the absorption of fat. The juice from the pancreas unites with the bile and they together flow over the foods as they come from the gizzard. Heart and Lungs. The heart m and the lungs n are vital organs. The work done by the latter, like that of the liver, consists in purifying the blood. The office of the heart, as is well known, is to pump the blood to all parts of the body. The heart, lungs, and liver may be considered as the most important organs of the body, and care should be taken to keep them in good working order, for when the action of one of these organs is faulty, the effect is soon apparent on the others. The air is supplied to the lungs through the windpipe w. Kidneys. The kidneys o are located in cavities in the pelvic bone. They act on the blood and separate from it liquid waste material, which is eventually passed from the body through the vent. 62 INTERNAL ORGANS OF FOWLS a Ovaries and Oviduct. The ovaries p and the oviduct q are shown enlarged in Fig. 2. The ovaries a (Fig. 2) are attached to the under side of the backbone, usually on the left. The ovaries and the oviduct are the female organs of repro- duction. The yolk of the egg attains its full size within the casing of the ovaries, which, in good laying hens, contain yolks varying in size from that of a small pin head to that of the full- grown yolk. As soon as the yolk has reached its -full development, the casing of the ovary, or ovisac, as it is sometimes called, opens and the yolk passes into the ovi- duct c. The yolk may or L may not be fertilized by ' the male element before or just after entering the oviduct. The oviduct varies in length, and in some cases it is nearly 2 ft. long. As the yolk passes through the oviduct it becomes covered with albumen, of which the white of the egg is composed, and with a double membrane, or the lining to the egg- shell. After the egg has reached its full size the shell is formed about it in the oviduct. The passage of the egg through the oviduct requires from 6 to 18 or 20 hr. FIG. 2 FEEDING OF FOWLS 63 FEEDING OF FOWLS In poultry feeding it is necessary not only to provide fowls with a ration properly balanced in the food elements, but the ration must also be of a character most suitable to the digestive organs of the fowls. In addition to this the fowls must be forced to take sufficient exercise so that their bodily functions will demand a plentiful supply of food, be in a condition to secure the best results from the food that is eaten, and be able to eliminate readily all waste materials. When fowls take sufficient exercise, the only secret of keeping their digestive organs in the best condition will be found in feeding them a plentiful supply of coarse feed like bran, or some of the succulent green foods, such as cut clover, cut grasses, vegetables, or fruits. These foods will distend the intestines and aid in dis- tributing the concentrated foods that are necessary for upbuilding the tissues of the body and for egg production. To induce fowls to take considerable exercise, a certain part of their grain food should be scattered in the litter of the houses and on the ground of the ranges so that they will be compelled to scratch to get it. When kept actively exercising, fowls will not eat more than their digestive organs will be able to handle easily, provided fattening foods are not fed in excess and the ration is well balanced for egg production. Despite the necessity of a certain quantity of coarse food to regulate their digestive organs, fowls must be fed as little indigestible matter as is consistent with the maintenance of their health and of a well-balanced ration. For instance, hens cannot thrive on a ration made up entirely of even the best grade of oats, and when oats are fed that are three-fourths husks, all the hens can possibly stuff themselves with will do little more than barely sustain life and will produce but few eggs. Chick feed and feed for full-grown fowls 64 FEEDING OF FOWLS that is largely indigestible will "seriously injure those that eat it. It is possible for chicks and full-grown fowls to dwindle away with their crops stuffed full of indigestible material. The fact that a fowl's crop is distended with food is no proof that it has been well fed. Hence, the only actual proof of the value of any particular feed for fowls lies in the results that are ob- tained from it. As a part of the daily ra- tion, water is equal in im- portance to grain. Without water, the food would not be softened in the crop and di- gestion would not go on. Blood, eggs, and meat are all largely water; even the bones and muscles are dependent on moisture for growth. Pure ROCK water is an absolute necessity for poultry; if the drinking water is tainted, putrid, or contaminated with germs, disease is sure to follow its use. A gallon of fresh water each day is not too much for 2 doz. hens. A plentiful supply of pure water from which they can help themselves must be constantly kept within reach of fowls. The composition of fowls and fresh eggs is shown in the accompanying table. The large percentage of water COMPOSITION OF FOWL AND EGG BARRED PLYMOUTH FEMALE Water Per Cent. Ash Per Cent. Protein Per Cent. Fat Per Cent. Hen... 55.8 3.8 21.6 17.0 Pullet 55.4 3.4 21.2 18.0 Capon 41.6 3.7 19.4 33.9 Fresh egg 65.7 12 2 11.4 8.9 FEEDING OF FOWLS 65 in them emphasizes the necessity for a plentiful supply of water. WEIGHT OF POULTRY FOODS PER QUART Food Alfalfa meal Barley, whole Barley meal Beans Beef Buckwheat Corn, whole Corn meal Corn bran Corn and oat food Cottonseed meal Gluten feed Gluten meal Hemp seed Hominy chop Kafir corn Linseed meal, new process. . . Linseed meal, old process Millet -. Oats, whole Oats, ground Peas Rice Rye, whole Rye, ground Sunflower seed Salt Shorts Wheat, whole Wheat, ground Wheat bran Wheat middlings (standard) . Wheat, middlings ( ilour) Weight of Poultry Foods per Quart. In the mixing of rations for poultry the weights of poultry foods per quart as given in the preceding table are useful. 66 FEEDING OF FOWLS FEEDING OF YOUNG CHICKS Xo food is given to young chicks for the first 48 hr., but grit of some kind is supplied to clean out their digestive organs. Beginning with the third day, they may have stale bread moistened with sweet milk and pressed until nearly dry. For the next 2 or 3 da. a mix- ture of stale bread crumbs and fine oatmeal makes a good ration, and is better fed in small quantities at frequent intervals. For chicks that are a week or more old, a simple ration can be made of 4 parts, by weight, of cracked corn, 2 parts of broken wheat, 2 parts of oatmeal, and 2 parts of granulated meat scrap. The corn should be broken into small pieces and the meat scrap must be of good quality, rich in protein, and of small size; meat s:rap that contains fat is not fit to use in this ration. After the chicks are 6 wk. old, a ration made of cracked corn, whole wheat, hulled oats, and meat scrap can be used. In addition to the grain and meat ration, grit, green food, broken sea shells, or bone meal are neces- sary for young chicks. All food fed to chicks should l)e in small particles to avoid disorders in the crop and digestive organs. Green stuff of some kind should be fed continually after the chicks are 3 or 4 da. old. Sprouted oats, lawn clippings, vegetable tops of any kind, and lettuce may all be fed. It is best to cut them into very small pieces before feeding. There is no danger of poultry of any age having too much green feed. Partly-grown chicks and older fowls will get a plentiful supply of this if given free range where it is abundant. When kept in confinement, they should have a plentiful supply of green stuff fresh every day. One of the most successful poultry growers and exhibi- tors of New England feeds his little chicks for the first day or two on a baked cake made of 2 parts of bran, 2 parts of corn meal, and 1 part of wheat middlings, with just enough sweet milk or water to make a dry, crumbly FEEDING OF FOWLS 67 mass. This is baked in the oven until thoroughly done. When cool, this cake is rubbed into crumbs and fed to the chicks, a little fine grit being sprinkled on the board where the cake is spread. This is fed to the chicks every 2 hr. ; they should have only as much as they will eat up clean. After the second day, hoppers containing a dry mash composed of 2 parts of wheat bran and 1 part of corn meal should be placed where the chicks can help themselves. A hopper filled with charcoal, grit, and very fine oyster shell is also used. After the first week the same feeding is continued, with the addition of some grain, chick feed being scat- tered in the litter for the chicks to scratch for. After the second week but one feed a day of the baked cake is given to them, the remainder of the ration being composed of the grain chick feed. After the second week some hard-boiled egg chopped up very fine and mixed with the cake is given to the chicks. This is fed once a day for 2 or 3 wk. After the third week the chicks are fed very small size cracked corn in place of the chick feed, and the baked cake is omitted, the hoppers of dry mash being kept before them all the time. In addition to this they should have sprouted oats fresh each morning. Sprouted oats is considered of equal importance with the other feeds. Until they are well grown the chicks are fed con- tinually with some broken grain composed of wheat, corn, and hulled oats, which is scattered in the litter to furnish plenty of exercise. As soon as the chicks can run out of doors there is less need of feeding the sprouted oats, provided they can get growing greens on the outside. CORNELL FEEDING SCHEDULE The Poultry Department of Cornell Agricultural College recommends that chicks be fed from the first to the fourth day with rolled oats, 8 parts; bread crumbs, 8 parts; sifted beef scrap, 2 parts; bone meal, 1 part. 68 FEEDING OF FOWLS This is moistened with sour skim-milk, and fed five times daily. Cracked grain mixture should be left before the chicks in a shallow tray containing a little dry mash like that given in later feeding. This grain mixture is composed of finely cracked wheat, 3 parts; finely cracked corn, 2 parts; pinhead oatmeal (steel-cut oatmeal), 1 part. Fine grit and charcoal mixed with grain, and a little finely shredded green food, should be scattered in the trays. Plenty of clean water should be supplied at all times. For subsequent feeding, the following mash moistened with skim-milk should be gradually substituted for the first mixture: Wheat bran, 3 parts; corn meal, 3 parts; wheat middlings, 3 parts; sifted beef scrap, 3 parts; bone meal, 1 part. The moist mash should be fed two or three times daily. Cracked grain should be given at least twice daily, scattered in light litter as soon as the chicks are able to find it. Mash in dry condition should be kept in shallow trays before the chicks. Grit, char- coal, and fine cracked bone shou!4 be fed in separate trays or hoppers. When 4 wk. old, the chicks should be receiving two meals of mash and three of grain. After 4 wk. the number of meals should be reduced, first to two of mash and two of grain, then to one of mash and two of grain; the grain should be fed morning and night and the dry mash should be constantly acces- sible. As soon as the chicks will eat larger grains, the wheat need not be cracked; hulled oats may be used in place of pinhead oatmeal, and the corn may be coarsely cracked. When the chicks are 8 wk. old, the grain ration may be changed to the following: Large cracked corn, 3 parts; wheat, 2 parts. If it is desired that the chicks shall develop slowly, the moist food may be gradually discontinued after 3 wk. Beef scrap may be fed in the mash up to one-fourth by weight, in quan- tity, or, after the chicks have become accustomed to it, may be kept constantly before them in hoppers. This method of feeding has been proved to be good where all feeds are to be purchased. Farmers having certain prod- FEEDING OF FOWLS 69 ucts of their own may modify it to advantage. Soured skim-milk and table scraps will largely replace beef scrap, particularly if chicks are on free range. Bread moistened with milk is a good food for the first day or two. Scalded clover leaves, either alone or mixed with other feeds form a valuable addition to the rations, and chicks a week old will eat wheat screenings. Buck- wheat, barley, or rye should not be fed to young chicks. FEEDING OF LAYING HENS There has been so much written relative to feeding laying hens that one is at a loss to know just where to begin and what method to adopt. However, it may be said that a ration for laying hens is not suitable unless it contains enough of the food principles to main- tain the bodily growth and to supply sufficient material for the production of eggs; that is, protein, fats, carbo- hydrates, ash, and water must be plentifully supplied and in the proper proportions. A few suggestions that might be followed as a guide for selecting a ration to be fed to hens are given here. Never feed a ration containing any considerable amount of fattening feed during the summer months, nor in a climate that is continually warm. An all-corn ration will not produce many eggs in winter, neither will a ration composed entirely of wheat and oats do much better. It is not necessary nor advisable to feed many different kinds of grain, and, above all, a grain mixture should not be fed unless its grain content is such as will produce eggs. The most rapid assimilation and transformation of feed into table products is accomplished by the hen and the cow; the former is most active and when in good producing condition transforms the food consumed into eggs even more quickly than the cow transforms her food into milk. Doctor Jordan, of the New York Agri- cultural Experiment Station, says: "If you will con- FEEDING OF FOWLS sider the dry matter of the hen and compare it with the dry matter of the eggs she lays in a year, there will be figured 5 l / 2 times as much dry matter in the eggs as in her whole body. The weight of the dry matter in a cow's body will be to the weight of the dry matter in the milk as 1 is to 2.9. In other words, based on the dry matter, the hen does twice as well as the cow." This indicates more activity and a greater amount of assimilating power by the hen than by the cow. The hen that lays 150 eggs per year will, if these eggs weigh 2 oz. each, have laid 300 oz. of eggs. Of this, approximately 10% is protein; that is, 30 oz. of protein is extracted from her feed. The hen will need more than three times as much protein as her egg yield con- tains to sustain her body during the year, which would be in all 120 oz. of protein, or 7*/2 lb. If the entire grain ration of the hen were composed of wheat, and if she should eat 100 lb., which is the average ration for a year, there would be only a little more than 9 lb. of digestible protein in her year's supply. If the hen should extract 7 lb. of protein from the 9 Jb. of protein contents in the wheat, she would be doing remarkably well. To accom- plish this she would need to gain 70% efficiency from the food consumed. Professor Patterson, of Missouri, has advanced the theory that the best egg yield will be secured from hens that are fed a ration that contains about equal propor- tions of yolk-forming material and white-forming mate- rial. He believes that if the hens are fed in this way they will produce more eggs than if fed otherwise. These suggestions might be called experimental. The only way of knowing to a certainty whether or not this is true will be through practical experience or from giving the suggestion a fair trial and noting the results. The grain ration suggested is a mixture of 150 lb. of cracked corn and 150 lb. of wheat. For a dry mash, 20 lb. each of wheat bran, wheat middlings, corn meal, ground oats, and gluten meal, with 30 lb. of beef scrap, 5 lb. of alfalfa meal, and 5 lb. of linseed meal, is recommended. FEEDING OF FOWLS 71 For a ration for laying hens that have free range, Professor Patterson suggests 150 Ib. of cracked corn, 150 Ib. of wheat, and 25 Ib. of beef scrap. The beef scrap, of course, would need to be fed from the hopper. Another suggestion for feeding laying hens that have free range is a mixture of 100 Ib. of wheat, 100 Ib. of corn, and 50 Ib. of oats or buckwheat. A dry mash to be used with this is composed of 20 Ib. of bran, 10 Ib. of corn meal, 10 Ib. of wheat middlings, 10 Ib. of beef scrap, and 10 Ib. of gluten meal. The difference between these two rations is that the grain ration contains 50 Ib. of buckwheat and the beef scrap is fed in the mash. This ration may be obtained in almost every locality, and the hens that are fed with it may do fairly well at egg production. MODERN METHODS OF FEEDING The most modern method of feeding laying hens has been established as a result of the egg-laying contests that have been held in several parts of the world. The information gained from these experiments has estab- lished the feeding of a double ration, of a ration com- posed partly of whole or broken grains and partly of a dry-mash mixture. In some cases, the grain mixture is fed from self-feeding hoppers; in other cases, the grain is hand fed into the litter. In all cases the dry mash should be fed from hoppers. An excellent ration for laying hens which can be fed in all localities north, south, east, and west for 12 months of the year, and which will produce a satisfactory egg yield, is as follows: Dry Mash Scratch Grain Wheat bran, 100 Ib. Cracked corn, 30 Ib. Corn meal, 50 Ib. Whole wheat, 30 Ib. Gluten feed, 50 Ib. Heavy white oats, 20 Ib. Ground oats, 50 Ib. Barley, 10 Ib. Wheat middlings, 35 Ib. Kafir corn, 10 Ib. Beef scraps, 35 Ib. Buckwheat, 10 Ib. Low-grade flour, 12 Ib. 72 FEEDING OF FOWLS Mix the beef scraps with the flour. After this has been thoroughly done mix them into the other meals. Put the dry mash in a self-feeding hopper, and keep it before the fowls constantly so that they can help themselves. Feed the scratch grain in deep litter so that the hens must scratch and dig for all they get; feed it twice a day, morning and afternoon, giving for each hen about 1 oz. of grain in the morning and 2 oz. in the afternoon. The hens must have a plentiful supply of green food, all they will eat of it; also grit, oyster shell, and plenty of water. Another method of feeding is to give no grain at all until after 2 o'clock in the afternoon, thus compelling the hens to eat freely of the dry mash from daylight; at 2 o'clock scatter in the litter 3 oz. of the grain mixture for each hen. Where self-feeding grain hoppers are used they can be locked at night so that no grain can be worked out, thus forcing the hens to eat dry mash all day until 2 o'clock, at which time the self-feeding grain hoppers can be released so that the hens can feed them- selves on grain from 2 o'clock until dark. The dry-mash mixture is a 1 to 3.1 nutritive ratio; the scratch-grain mixture is a 1 to 7.7 nutritive ratio. If the hens eat as much of one as they do of the other during the day they will have a ration the nutritive ratio of which is 1 to 5.4. Other rations recommended by experiment stations have been successfully used; the most prominent among them being what is known as the Maine ration. In this method, cracked corn is fed in the litter early in the morning. About noon a grain ration composed of equal parts of wheat and oats is fed at the rate of 2 qt. to each 50 hens. The dry mash, which is kept constantly before the hens in hoppers, is composed of wheat bran, 50 lb.; corn meal, 25 lb. ; gluten meal, 25 lb.; meat scraps, 25 lb.; linseed meal, 12 lb. ; low-grade flour, 25 lb. The meat scraps should always be mixed into the flour, when flour is used; this is done to coat the meat scraps and to separate them for feeding. A plentiful supply of green FEEDING OF FOWLS 73 feed with grit, oyster shell, and water is a prominent part of this ration. The Missouri ration, as it is called, is highly recom- mended by the Missouri poultry experimental farm. It is composed of a grain mixture of 200 Ib. of coarse cracked corn with 100 Ib. of wheat. For dry mash, ground oats is continually before the hens in open hoppers. When the ground oats cannot be obtained, a mixture composed of 50 Ib. of wheat bran, 25 Ib. of corn meal, and 25 Ib. of shorts or middlings is used. It is recommended that some of this dry-mash mixture be moistened with water or with sour milk or with buttermilk and fed to the hens during the afternoon of each day. A plentiful supply of green feed, shell, and grit has a prominent place in this ration. A ration recommended by the Ontario (Canada) Experi- ment Station is composed of whole wheat and whole corn. A liberal feeding of wheat is thrown into the litter morning and noon and a plentiful supply of whole corn fed at night. A dry mash is used with this grain mixture, the mash being composed of 100 Ib. each of wheat bran, low-grade flour, and barley chop or meal. Some of this dry-mash mixture is fed in the middle of the afternoon as a wet mash. Boiled vegetables, waste bread or kitchen scraps, and 10-per-cent. beef scrap are included in the afternoon mash feed. A plentiful supply of green feed of some kind with grit, oyster shell, and charcoal are considered as a prominent part of this ration. Quantity of Food Required by One Hen in a Year. The figures for the quantity of food required by one hen in a year given in the accompanying table were derived from careful records of the food eaten by several hun- dred hens in a year. They show a total average of about 4.86 oz., or a little less than 4 oz. of grain and meal and about %o oz. of other material per day for each hen. Another test of 4,800 hens shows a food consumption of 3.96 oz. of grain per day for each, besides green food and grit. 74 FEEDING OF FOWLS QUANTITY OF FOOD REQUIRED BY ONE HEN IN A YEAR Food Quantity Pounds Grain of all kinds and meal 900 Oyster shell and bone 64 Grit 2 Charcoal 2 4 Green food and clover hay 100 Total 1108 FEEDING OF FOWLS DURING MOLT Fowls that are molting should have good nourishing food in order properly to nourish their bodies while they are under the unusual strain of replenishing the plumage. Foods rich in fat and protein are best for the the purpose; hence, during molting, a mash that contains a large proportion of linseed-oil-cake meal and meat is particularly desirable. In the morning, molting fowls should have a moderate meal, composed of equal parts, by weight, of cracked corn and whole wheat. At noon they should have all they will eat of mash composed, by measure, of the following: Food Parts Wheat bran 4 Wheat middlings 3 Ground oats 3 Meat scrap 4 Corn meal 3 Linseed-oil-cake meal 4 Low-grade flour 1 Alfalfa meal 2 During the first week of the molting period this ration should contain only 1 part each of meat scrap and lin- FEEDING OF FOWLS 75 seed-oil-cake meal; after the first week the quantities of these materials should be increased at the rate of l / 2 part per day every other day until the quantities given in the table have been reached. In case such a ration proves to be too laxative, the quantity of meat and lin- seed meal is lessened and l /2 part of fine charcoal is added to the mixture. At night all the cracked corn and wheat they will eat is fed to the fowls. This method of feeding should be continued until the molt is complete, after which a laying ration is fed to the hens. Attempts to force molting are occasionally successful, but the advantages derived from the practice do not usually pay for the trouble caused. To force molting, fowls are confined in a small house for about 3 wk., are fed very sparingly, but all the fresh water they will drink is given to them. The quantity of food given should be gradually reduced until at the end of the first week they are receiving only about Yz of the usual food supply. During the second and third weeks not more than 1 oz. of grain, or J4 of a ration, should be fed per day to each fowl. This partial starvation will reduce flesh and fat and dry the oil from the feathers, causing them to drop very readily. At the end of the third week the fowls should be liberated and the food supply gradu- ally increased. By the end of the fourth week they should receive full rations. FEEDING OF CHICKS FOR BROILERS One of the most difficult problems in the rearing of poultry is the feeding of the cockerels for squab size and larger broilers. A good plan is to feed a bread made of meals, the meal mixture to contain 2 cups of wheat middlings, 2 cups of corn meal, 2 tablespoonfuls of meat meal, 1 raw egg, 1 tablespoonful of baking pow- der, and sufficient water or milk to give a proper con- 76 FEEDING OF FOWLS sistency to the baking. The mixture should be put into a pan the same as is corn bread and be baked until thoroughly done. This should be fed plentifully to the chicks for one week; thereafter, feed them all the wet mash they will eat. This mash should be composed of equal parts of ground oats, corn meal, and wheat mid- dlings, into which 1 pt. of beef scraps should be mixed for each 3 qt. of the meal mixture. The mash should be moistened with milk or water and the chicks should have all they will eat of it morning and noon. For night feeding they should have all the cracked corn they will eat. The main feature of importance is that the chicks shall have all they will eat three times a day without any being left to sour. If either sour milk or buttermilk can be used for moistening the mash, better results will be obtained than will come from feeding the mash moistened with water, yet water will do for the purpose when, milk is lacking. The English method of feeding broilers differs from the methods used in this country. One broiler plant in England feeds almost exclusively ground oats, boiled rice, and boiled wheat. The broilers are very fond of the boiled rice and wheat, and it is thought that such feeding is most profitable. The ground oats are mois- tened with milk and fed early in the morning. The second feed is composed of either cooked rice or cooked wheat; the third feeding is ground oats mixed with milk, and the fourth, either the cooked rice or the wheat. If the rice is fed in the morning, cooked wheat is used for the fourth feeding. For the last feeding at night they have all of the cooked rice and cooked wheat they will eat. While this method of feeding is very exacting, it is said that the best small size broilers sent to London market are fed in this way. -FEEDING OF FOWLS 77 SPECIAL FEEDING MIXTURES It not unusual to have in every flock some chicks that grow their feathers very slowly. This may come from lack of mineral elements in the system. Mineral matters compose about 5 per cent, of the body weight of birds, and for the most part they enter into the formation of bone and feathers. All feed rations should contain suffi- cient of these substances, which are largely lime, potash, and calcium phosphate. Calcium phosphate from bone is most beneficial, although both bone and meat scraps are necessary for a well-formed ration. A dry-mash mixture containing these elements can be made of wheat bran, 20 lb.; ground oats, 10 Ib. ; gluten meal, 5 lb.; corn meal, 5 lb.; alfalfa meal, 5 lb.; meat scraps, 3 lb.; low- grade flour, 1 lb. ; bone meal or granulated bone, 3 lb. Mix the meat scraps into the flour. This is for the purpose of coating them thoroughly so as to keep the particles separated for better mixing into the meals. The greater part of all the husks should be sifted out of the ground oats and the larger particles should be sifted out of the meat scraps. The alfalfa meal should be pure and ground fine. Meat scraps should be of excel- lent quality. This dry mash mixture is fine for growing chicks, as it hastens the growth of the feathers, bone, and muscle. It contains the elements that satisfy the growing chicks and to some extent prevents feather pulling and the eating of their toes. This same dry mash can be used for all fowls kept in confinement. It should be fed in hoppers. Bread-and-Milk Mixture. Moisten stale bread with milk, either sweet milk, sour milk, or buttermilk. The milk may be warmed a little, but not enough to boil or to set the curds. After the bread is thoroughly softened with the milk and mixed almost to a liquid, add ground oats and corn meal in equal parts, making the mixture into a crumbly mass. Add salt, not more than a stroked teaspoonful to 100 chickens. This mixture is excellent 78 FEEDING OF FOWLS for feeding to growing cockerels or pullets that are not doing well. It is equally fine for feeding to pullets within a month of laying. When fed plentifully to young stock it will fatten them quickly for market. When feeding for quick growth for market, feed all they will eat of it twice a day, with a heavy feeding of cracked corn at night. When feeding for growth of pul- lets, feed all they will eat of it at noon. This mash should be fed as an extra meal; in all cases feed all they will eat up clean. A plentiful supply of green feed must be fed with bread-and-milk mixture. Cleansing Mixture. Laying hens that are plentifully fed on concentrated feed should occasionally have a cleansing mixture of some kind fed in their ration. A mixture may be made of 8 oz. of Epsom salts and 8 oz. of flowers of sulphur mixed thoroughly; this should be added to 6 qt. of dry mash and all mixed thoroughly. Sufficient of this for one feeding should be moistened with milk or water and fed to the laying hens once every two or three weeks or after a spell of very hot or very wet weather. It will relieve the intestines and expel intestinal worms, if any are present. The mixture should not be fed oftener, nor should more be used, than is here recommended. FEEDING OF TURKEYS Poults should have nourishing food in small particles so that they will be able to digest it properly. No sour 3r fermented food, chopped green bone, raw meat, or large quantities of millet seed, cottage cheese, or wet or sloppy foods should ever be fed to poults. Poults require plenty of grit and fresh water. A ration of stale bread crumbs and a ration made up of equal parts of stale bread crumbs, finely chopped hard-boiled eggs, and dandelion leaves, fed alternately, is a good method of feeding poults. Turkeys on a range plentifully supplied with natural foods that they like will need much less feeding than FEEDING OF FOWLS 79 turkeys that are compelled to live on a range where the natural food supply is scanty. Turkeys should have plenty of corn, wheat, and some oats, the quantities and proportions varying with the character of the food on their range. FEEDING OF GUINEA FOWLS Like poults, young guinea fowls should be fed on finely divided foods, and water should be given to them in very shallow vessels to prevent the young birds from drowning in them. Grit "and plenty of fresh water should be supplied. A ration suitable for young guinea fowls is composed, by measure, as follows: Food Parts Very fine oatmeal 2 Finely cracked wheat 2 Rape seed 2 Canary seed 1 Ant's eggs, or very small particles of cooked meat, or finely chopped hard- boiled eggs 1 Guinea fowls for market can be fattened on milk curds, steamed hulled oats, and warm mash. If these feeds are not available, guinea fowls can be satisfac- torily fattened on a ration composed of equal parts of ground oats, barley meal, and table scraps. FEEDING OF PHEASANTS The first food of young pheasants should be composed, by measure, as follows: Food Parts Very small bread crumbs 1 Canary seed 1 Fine grit ... 1 Very fine corn grits 1 80 FEEDING OF FOWLS If the pheasants are 2 da. old, about 10% of cooked lean meat may be added. Stale bread softened in sweet milk and a custard of eggs and milk put together with enough stale bread crumbs to soak up the greater part of the moisture, are good foods for young pheasants. A certain quantity of meal worms may be fed to mature pheasants, although a ration composed by measure, as follows, is preferable: Food Parts Finely chopped hard-boiled eggs 1 Crushed hemp seed 1 Stale bread crumbs 1 Oatmeal 1 Finely chopped cooked lean meat l /i Finely chopped green food should also be fed. FEEDING OF DUCKS During the fall, in addition to green food, ducks should have twice a day as much as they will eat of a mash consisting, by measure, of the following: Food Parts Corn meal 4 Wheat bran 12 Low-grade wheat flour 1 Fine grit /4 A small quantity of meat scrap may be added to this ration if desired. During the winter, ducks should have a liberal supply of chopped green feed. Twice a day they should have all they will eat of a mash feed composed, by measure, as follows: Food Parts Wheat bran 5 Corn mtfal 6 Low-grade wheat flour 1 FEEDING OF FOWLS 81 A small quantity of meat scrap may be added to this ration if desired. During the laying season ducks will eat about 1 pt. of food each per day. Their food should always consist of at least 2 or 3% of grit, ground oyster shells, or some similar material. A suitable feed for laying ducks, when they have an ample supply of green food, is a mash food composed, by measure, as follows: Food Parts Wheat bran 3 Ground oats t 3 Corn meal 3 Low-grade wheat flour 1 Meat scrap 1 Many rations are used for fattening broiler ducks for market. A good one to use for the 10 da. or 2 wk. pre- vious to killing is composed, by measure, as follows: Food Parts Corn meal 10 Wheat bran 4 Wheat middlings 4 Meat scrap 3 Low-grade wheat flour 1 Green feed 2 Coarse sand 1 No green stuff should be fed during the last week of fattening, but a plentiful supply of water must always be furnished. Ducklings intended for breeders are fed on a ration composed, by measure, as follows: Food Parts Wheat bran 10 Wheat middlings 6 Corn meal 3 Low-grade wheat flour 1 Meat scrap 1 Sand 1 82 FEEDING OF FOWLS This is mixed into a crumbly state by the addition of milk or water and fed three times daily. In some cases, instead of wheat bran 6 parts of bran and 4 parts of ground oats are substituted. Another ration for ducklings intended for breeders is composed, by measure, as follows: Food Parts Corn meal 6 Wheat bran 6 Wheat middlings 6 Meat scrap' 1 All meal fed to ducks as a mash feed must be mois- tened with either water or milk, and must be mixed dry enough so that the ducks can shovel it up with their bills. They cannot do this well if the mash is sticky. FEEDING OF YOUNG DUCKLINGS There are several methods of feeding young ducklings; one is to give either a mixture of rolled oats and bread crumbs in equal parts with a little fine grit mixed into it, all moistened either with water or milk, preferably milk. The meals should be moistened slightly so that they will scatter about and not stick together. The little ducklings can shovel up this kind of a mixture from a flat board. Beginning on the third day, add some bran and corn meal in about equal parts by measure with the bread crumbs and rolled oats. When the ducklings are a week old, feed them with a mixture of equal parts of wheat bran, wheat middlings, ground oats, and corn meal, with some green stuff and some beef scraps mixed into the meal. The green stuff should always be cut into very small pieces and be mixed into the meal, which should be moistened with water or milk. Never moisten the feed for ducklings so that it will stick together or be sloppy; have it only slightly moistened so that it will be easily shoveled up by the ducks. One rule that must be observed when feeding duck- lings is to have drinking water continually before them FEEDING OF FOWLS 83 and yet not where they can run through it. It is a habit of ducklings to take a mouthful or two of feed, then some water. They will run backwards and for- wards from the feed trough to the water, eating and drinking alternately until they have finished. If duck- lings are fed on dry grain or dry food of any kind with- out plenty of water they will frequently choke, stagger, fall over, and in some cases die. Another good plan for feeding ducklings is to teach them to take from a trough cracked corn, whole wheat, and any other kind of grain without husks, these grains to be submerged in water. After being fed in this way for several weeks, they can be gradually taught to eat dry grain or even whole corn without injury, provided they have water to go to at will; but they cannot stand such feeding when very young. Dr. Prince T. Woods, of Massachusetts, recommends the following formula for feeding ducklings less than 4 da. old: Mix 4 qt. of wheat bran, 1 qt. of corn meal, 1 qt. of low-grade flour, 4 oz. of grit of small size; moisten some of this mixture with cold water and feed the ducklings four times a day all they will eat of it in a short period of time. After the ducklings are 4 da. old they may be fed from this same mixture of meals with 12 oz. of beef scraps of small size added to the mixture. When feeding beef scraps to young ducklings it is always a good plan to scald the beef scraps sepa- rately, stir them up, mix them into the meal; but when feeding, add sufficient cold water to moisten the whole of it slightly, so that it is of a proper consistency for the ducks. After the ducklings are a week old, green stuff of some kind should -be cut up very small and mixed in with the feed. After the ducklings are 3 wk. old, con- tinue to feed them from the same meal mixture, adding double the quantity of beef scrap and giving them more green feed. 84 FEEDING OF FOWLS FEEDING OF GEESE A simple ration for goslings is composed, by measure, of the following: Food Parts Corn meal 1 Wheat bran 1 Ground oats 1 Table scraps 1 This should be slightly moistened with either water or milk. Geese are by nature grazing birds, and the greater part of their living consists of green food. Because of their lack of a crop, geese should be fed on ground corn in the form of a slightly warmed mash. During the winter, in addition to green food, the matured geese should have once a day all they will eat of a ration composed, by measure, as follows: Food Parts Corn meal .- 3 Wheat bran 3 Ground bats 3 This should be moistened into a crumbly mass. During the winter this same ration with 4 parts of steamed clover added is suitable. The following rations are suitable for fattening geese for market: They should be fed liberally three times a day. The morning and noon feeds should consist, by measure, of the following: Food Parts Corn meal 6 Ground oats 6 Meat scrap 1 This mixture should be slightly moistened and mixed until it assumes a crumbly state. During the last 10 da. of feeding the quantity of meat in the ration should be doubled. FEEDING OF FOWLS 85 In the evening the geese should be fed all they will eat of a ration composed, by measure, as follows: Food Parts Cracked corn boiled until soft 1 Corn meal 1 Wheat middlings 1 FEEDING OF WILD WATER FOWLS Where wild water fowls have the freedom of a large enough pasture, they will graze the greater part of their living, but it is always advisable to keep near at hand covered hoppers where the fowls may help themselves at will. For mature ducks and geese, the hopper should be kept filled with a dry mixture composed, by measure, as follows: Food Parts Ground oats 1 Cracked corn 1 Wheat bran .... 1 FEEDING OF PIGEONS The grains most suitable for feeding to pigeons are wheat, corn, buckwheat, barley, peas, vetch seed, hulled oats, millet, rice, hemp seed, and canary seed. No large quantity of buckwheat, barley, hulled oats, or Kafir corn, should be fed to pigeons, because these grains contain a large percentage of crude fiber. Pigeons that are not feeding their young may con- sume as little as 2 oz. of grain each, per day, but those feeding their young will require perhaps as much as 4 oz. per day. A suitable ration for pigeons is composed, by measure, as follows: Food Parts Corn 2 Wheat 1 Peas 1 C6 INCUBATION During the fall and when the pigeons are molting, a good ration for them is composed, by measure, as follows: Food Parts Corn 4 Wheat 4 Peas 4 Millet 2 Vetch seed 1 Flaxseed 1 Hemp seed , ^ A ration for the hand feeding of pigeons, that is, for scattering on the floor of the house, is composed, by measure, as follows: Food Parts Canada peas , 3 Cracked corn 1 Wheat 1 Kafir corn 1 INCUBATION In poultry, the reproductive process is accomplished in two stages. The egg is first produced, developed, fertilized within the body of the hen, and laid. Then the egg is subjected to a certain temperature (100 F. or a little higher) for about 21 da., during which time the embryo develops and hatches out of the shell as a chick. The process of developing the embryo within the egg by means of heat is called incubation. When this is carried on by a hen, it is known as natural incubation; when incubation is accomplished by means of a machine, oven, or other device, it is known as artificial incubation. Man has little control over the reproductive process in its first stage except so far as the selection of the breeders is concerned; in the second stage, however, if artificial incubation is practiced, he INCUBATION 87 can, by his methods of conducting the process, greatly influence the development and future well-being of the chick. Fertilization of the Egg. In order that eggs shall hatch, the hen that lays them must have been mated with the male. The actual fertilization of the egg probably takes place as the yolk enters the oviduct. In the process of fertilization the germ from the male comes in contact with the germ cell, or blastoderm, and causes it to develop, provided that it is exposed to the right temperature. Hatchable eggs are those that are fertilized and have vitality enough to insure the produc- tion of a living chick. Eggs are usually fertile up to and including those laid the ninth day after the hens are separated from the males, and fertilization is impossible after the sexes have been separated for 12 da. or more. Eggs may safely be counted as fertile after the males have been with the hens for 9 da. or more. The eggs of all kinds of fowls are more apt to be fertile during the spring and early summer than at any other time. Fertility begins to decline with the com- mencement of molting, and during the fall and winter the production of fertile eggs is at the minimum. The average production occurs in January or soon after. NATURAL INCUBATION The poultryman very naturally prefers the incubator to the hen for hatching chicks. This preference has brought incubators into general use and so few chicks are hatched by hens as to have made this process nearly a lost art. Yet those who give the most thought to poultry culture know that the best chicks grown are hatched and reared by the mother hen. Chicks hatched and reared artificially do better during the cold weather than chicks hatched and reared naturally. As soon as spring arrives, a brood of chicks with the mother hen SS INCUBATION will do much better than chicks hovered tinder the heated brooders. Although incubators are so generally used, there are some farms where a large number of chicks are hatched and brooded by hens. Where but few chicks are reared, and where there is no necessity for early hatching, it would be quite as well and less troublesome to hatch and rear chicks with broody hens. The chicks so hatched and reared will, if properly cared for, be more vigorous than chicks hatched artificially. The question is frequently asked, "How do fanciers hatch and rear their chicks?" One of the most ardent fanciers says that fanciers unquestionably produce their best specimens by natural incubation. He says also that artificial incubation has absorbed the attention of our investigators and others to such an extent that little is written or taught of the old-fashioned but trustworthy, natural method. In view of the fact that most flocks raised by amateurs are hatched by hens, some instruc- tion bearing upon this particular method is necessary. To hatch eggs successfully it is well to follow the following precepts: "Select a quiet hen; discard one that uses her voice constantly. Have the nest ready before removing her from the laying coop. Set the hen in such a manner that she may walk on the nest and not be obliged to jump up or down to reach the eggs, for such a procedure means broken eggs or crushed chicks. Before setting and between hatches, paint all the wood- work with kerosene. This is particularly important in warm weather. Dust the hen thoroughly with insect or lice powder before placing her on the nest. Repeat this 4 da. before hatching time." Such words of encouragement for natural brooding might well be considered by all those who rear but a few chicks, and even by those who rear several hundred of them. Since it is always well to hatch part of the chicks and rear them with mother hens, these directions should be valuable to all persons engaged in raising poultry. INCUBATION 89 Box Nest. Nests for sitting hens can be made from boxes from 14 to 16 in. square. A box from 9 to 12 in. deep and from 15 to 18 in. wide and long has about the correct dimensions. Deep nests protect the eggs from the cold below. The entire box should be lined with hay, as shown in Fig. 1. The nest, shown in Fig. 2, should be sufficiently deep to incline the eggs slightly toward the middle and flat enough to avoid crowding or piling the eggs. Several nests like this can be placed on the floor of a room with each nest occupied by a sitting hen. When this is done, hens that are accus- tomed to being together should occupy the nests, other- FIG. 1 FIG. 2 wise, they will fight. If hens are strangers, their nests must be enclosed to keep them from coming together and the hens should be carefully watched when they leave their nests. Hens for Sitting. Broody hens that are quiet and tractable should be selected for hatching purposes. Those that are wild and unmanageable are not suitable for sitting or for mothers after the chicks are hatched. The use of hens with scaly legs should be avoided, as this ailment is liable to be transmitted to the chicks. Hens that are to be set in the same room should all come from the same flock. Before the hen is placed in posi- tion, the nest should be thoroughly dusted with 'insect powder and the body of the hen covered with it. The powder should be well worked in down to the skin and 90 INCUBATION the work should be done with especial care about the vent, under the wings, and around the neck. This operation should be repeated on the seventh and four- teenth days of the incubation period. In this way only are vermin kept from the hens and the chicks saved from their ravages. Non-fertile, or clear, eggs should be placed under the hen for 2 or 3 days to test her. If she is faithful and attentive to these she may be trusted with selected eggs. If she pushes them under her body with her head, it is a sign that she will be a good sitter and a good mother. Care of Nest and Hen. To dust the hen and nest with insect powder is fatal to body lice, and red mites may be kept away with kerosene oil or turpentine; 1 oz. of naphthalene flakes dissolved in 3 gills of kerosene oil makes an excellent application to keep the latter pest away from the nest boxes. If this solution is liberally used in cracks and crevices of nest boxes, there will be very little trouble from mites; and where mites are abundant this preparation should be freely used on all the woodwork of the nest every time a hatch is taken off. When the day of hatching arrives the nest is flat- tened out in order to make more room, for if the eggs are crowded too close together the chicks are liable to be smothered as they emerge from the shell. The hens and chicks should not be removed from the nest until the beginning of the second day after hatching, nor should the chicks be fed until the third day after the hatch begins. If the nest is to be used again, all the old nesting material should be removed and burned, and the nest box itself should be well cleaned before making another nest of new material. Number and Arrangement of Eggs. A setting of eggs should consist of an odd number. Thirteen eggs are generally considered as a setting, and they are arranged in the nest as shown in Fig. 2. The eggs should be uniform in size, for if some are small and others large the body of the hen will not come close to the smaller ones and the temperature of the eggs will not be uni- INCUBATION 91 form. Eggs of irregular size are unfit for incubation. Eggs of this kind seldom, if ever, produce perfect chicks. Eggs set under hens gain a smooth gloss from contact with the body of the hen. By this means, as the process of incubation advances, the pores of the eggshell are closed. Moving the Broody Hen. Broody hens of quiet dis- positions can be moved anywhere and may be actually placed on the nests if they are properly handled. To move a sitting hen, place the left hand gently under her breast bone, and take the shanks in the right hand with one finger between them. Clasp her firmly but gently; raise her from the nest, holding her against the body with the head toward you and the tail away from you. Do not carry her by the shanks, head hanging down. Place the hen gently on the nest, in which should be a few test eggs; settle her quietly with one hand on her back, the other smoothing her head just a little of this then remove the hands and cover or close the hen in the nest. If she settles down at once on the nest and turns the eggs with the motion of her body and wings, moving has been successful; if she is restless, shut her in the nest and do not disturb her until morning. It is always best to move broody hens at night. If the hen takes quietly to the nest and eggs, as she is apt to do during the night, let her remain undisturbed until an hour before sundown, then permit her to come from the nest for food and water. If she refuses to sit during the night and day, she had best be returned to the flock of hens. Care of Sitting Hens. If the hen is quiet and willing to sit, dust her body with insect powder as already described and let her stay the second day on the nest, permitting her to feed before noon of the second day. If she returns to the nest herself, all is well; if she does not, place her on the nest again. After 2 da. of proper behavior on the part of the hen, dust the nest and the hen's body again with the insect powder, and place an odd number of eggs in the nest. Some -hens can cover 13 eggs, others only 9 or 11. Do not crowd 92 INCUBATION too many eggs into the nest, for the best returns come from too few rather than from too many eggs in the nest. Broody or sitting hens must be kept quiet and undis- turbed, except at feeding time, which should occur at the same hour each day. This statement refers to hens that are confined to their nests. Hens that come and go at will should have food and water close at hand, from which they may help themselves at any time. Corn and wheat with grit and shell are perhaps the best foods for sitting hens. Fresh water should also be provided each day. A dust bath is a necessity for health and cleanliness. If any eggs are broken in the nest, they should be removed without delay, and the nest should be cleaned. If the eggs in the nest become soiled, they should, if possible, be cleaned without wash- ing them. This cleaning may be done by scraping them with a dull knife or with the thumb nail; if washing is indispensable, the eggs must be immersed in water the temperature of which is 90 F., or a little less not more; the dirty coating on the shell should be softened and removed with as little rubbing as possible. When the nest and eggs have been cleaned, the eggs should be replaced under the hen. Eggs that have been washed do not hatch as well as those that have not been so treated. Feeding the Sitting Hen. Hens that are sitting must be regularly fed on good, solid grain. They should have at each feeding grain enough to last 24 hr. Whole corn that is dry and hard, wheat, and some shell and grit must be supplied. Hens that cannot come from the nest at will should be liberated or taken from the nest to feed. Their crops should be felt each day. If they are not sufficiently fed, they will lose fat and their temper- ature will decrease, so that the eggs will not be properly warmed. When the hens come and go from the nest at will, food grit, and water must be placed where they can help themselves and at the same time be out of the reach of other hens. Looseness of bowels at this time should be avoided, as such a condition weakens the hens and lowers the temperature of the body. In returning INCUBATION 93 the hen to the nest she should be placed on the edge of the nest and be permitted to settle on the eggs as she will; she should never be forced or hurried. Period of Incubation. Fresh-laid eggs hatch in fewer hours than eggs that are kept 2 wk. or longer before incubation begins. After eggs are 4 wk. old, their vitality will probably be insufficient to produce chicks that will grow to maturity. In some instances, eggs more than 3 mo. old have produced chicks that grew to maturity. These eggs, however, were unusually strong in vitality and were cared for in the most careful man- ner prior to being placed under hens for hatching. Fresh-laid eggs, if placed for incubation within 24 or 48 hr. of laying, will hatch in from 8 to 12 hr. less time than eggs that were older when placed for incubation. Eggs for hatching may be safely kept for 2 wk., pro- vided they are kept where the temperature is even and about 55 F. Such eggs should be moved about a little each day. The more vigorous the hens that lay the eggs, the stronger will be the vitality of the eggs. Such eggs will keep longer for hatching and will produce stronger chicks than eggs laid by less vigorous hens. The aver- age period of incubation of eggs of several kinds is as follows: Days Fowls of medium and large-sized breeds.. 21 Bantams and other small breeds 19 to 20 Ducks 28 Muscovy duck 35 Muscovy duck crossed with Pekin or other drake 32 Geese 28 Turkeys 27 to 29 Guinea fowls 28 to 30 Pheasants 24 to 25 Peafowls 27 to 29 Pigeons 17 Swans 35 to 40 Ostriches 40 to 42 94 INCUBATION INCUBATION 95 The Best Sitter. Cochin, Orpington, Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, and Wyandotte hens are the best sitters. The quiet hen that will sit contented on the nest until her work is finished and will then care for her chicks properly is the kind to be depended on both for raising utility fowls and fowls for exhibition. The most unsatisfactory hen for hatching is the nervous hen that fusses and fights all who move about her; that will spring quickly from the nest when any one ap- proaches her, thus breaking her eggs and disturbing those left in the nest. A good motherly hen that will rear two broods in one season is the kind to be de- pended on. Testing Fertility of Eggs. After eggs have been incu- bated for some time, it is usually desirable that they be examined for fertility. This examination may be best made during the seventh day of incubation. The work of testing the eggs can be done in daylight. To do the work well, however, requires that it be done after dark or in a darkened room. An appliance called an egg tester is used for this purpose. Many kinds of egg testers are offered for sale. An "excellent one is the kind that has a bull's-eye lens like those used for bicycle lamps. A tester of this kind is shown in operation in Fig. 3. The tester is placed over the flame of any kerosene oil lamp, in a room that is dark. The eggs should be placed against the opening so that the light may shine through the egg; both live and dead germs may then be clearly seen. Development of the Embryo. To one well trained in the testing of eggs, the first material change will be visible in about 48 hr. after incubation begins. The head and the lines of the body can be seen by the trained observer. The stages of development of the embryo are shown in Fig. 4. To become expert in the testing of eggs, one should compare the successive steps in the development with the day on which it should occur as recorded in this chart, which includes all the phenomena from the first to the twenty-first day. INCUBATION FIG. 4 INCUBATION 97 ARTIFICIAL INCUBATION During recent years there has been a large increase of market poultry, resulting from the practice of arti- ficial incubation. The incubator operator can control production by artificial means, but with hens a desire to hatch cannot be hastened. The artificial methods of hatching and rearing chicks bring alike to the farmer and to the small grower the choice of the day of pro- duction and of the number of chicks produced. The results obtained from artificial incubation depend primarily on the vitality of the eggs; but the handling of the incubator, surrounding influences, and the gen- eral efficiency of the incubator itself are other condi- tions of fundamental importance. The vitality of eggs depends on the constitutional vigor of the fowls that pro- duce them; superior vigor must come through several generations of strong and healthy fowls. It follows therefore that, in order to have embryo chicks of marked vitality, eggs must be used that come from strong, vigorous, well-bred fowls. The per cent, fertility is an expression that is fre- quently misleading. More than 90% of the eggs may be fertile and yet no living chicks may come from WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK them, because the germ is MALE so lacking in vitality that it dies before incubation is completed. The per cent, fertility is increased by proper feeding and the vigor of both male and female is also increased, but there is a pronounced difference between fertility and vitality. The former may exist to a marked degree even though 98 INCUBATION the vitality of the germs or the egg be lacking, but the latter obviously cannot be present without the former. Chicks that are not strong and of abundant vitality when hatched should never be raised for breeders, but such fowls may be used for market poultry. There is a marked difference between the production of fowls for exhibition or for beauty and the production of those fitted for egg yielding and for table meat. Where exhibition fowls are desired, the producing stock must be yarded to avoid the mixing of breeds or varieties. This is necessary only during the breeding season. At other times the old and young stock may have free range. Where egg producers and market poul- try are desired, it is best to give the breeding stock all possible liberty. It is best to keep only one variety, and the flock should have free range if possible. The records of artificial incubation are derived from experiments with different makes of incubators. The hatch from hens ranged as high as 83.3% and as low as 50%, and that of the incubator from 77.1% to 32.5%. Selection of Eggs for Incubation. Eggs for hatching in an incubator should all be of one kind, size, and color; for only when eggs of such character are incu- bated together can uniform hatching be secured. Eggs from Leghorns and Brahmas do not hatch -well if both are together in the same incubator, for the eggs of the Leghorns usually hatch during the twentieth day, and the hatching of the Brahma eggs may be delayed to the end of the twenty-first day. If eggs from Leg- horns, Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes, and Brahmas are all together in the one incubator the hatch is irregular. Eggs but 1 da. old hatch a day sooner than eggs that are 2 wk. old. Leghorn eggs placed in an incubator on the day they are laid may hatch in 480 hr. ; eggs of Asiatic fowls placed in the same incubator when 2 wk. old may hatch for 516 hr., a difference in time that makes poor results inevitable if the eggs of both breeds are incubated together. The eggs of ducks and of chickens INCUBATION 99 cannot be successfully hatched together in the same incubator, nor do the eggs of any two or more kinds of fowls hatch well if placed together in the same incu- bator or under the same hen. If the eggs are of uniform size, the temperatures of all are equal or nearly so; if large and small eggs are in the same machine the temperature may not be the same in all. Eggs with white shells hatch in fewer hours than do the dark-shelled eggs, for white shells are thinner and transmit heat more freely to the germ within. Under the same conditions, eggs with white shells will have larger air cells than those with heavier shells. Only smooth and well-formed eggs should be used; eggs with uneven surfaces, bad form, rough shells, or mixed colors should be discarded, as well as eggs that are abnormally large or small. Care of Eggs for Hatching. The best hatch is obtained from eggs placed in the incubator the same day on which they are laid. Eggs keep in prime condition for hatch- ing up to the tenth day; if 2 wk. old they are safe for incubation; but if older than this they seldom hatch well, although some eggs that have been kept a month will hatch. Eggs keep the best in a uniform tempera- ture of about 55 F. in an atmosphere free from oil and other bad odors. The vitality of eggs that are exposed for any length of time to a temperature below 40 F. is impaired. Eggs for hatching are shifted at least every other day so that the yolks will not settle to one side, stick to the shell, and thus destroy the germ. Preferably, the eggs should be stored small end down, either in a regular packing crate or any suitable receptacle. Eggs for hatching are injured if they are washed; washing removes the natural glaze from the shell, and such eggs do not hatch well. Though it is not advisable to hatch dirty eggs, such eggs hatch better in soiled con- djtion than they would if. washed. 100 INCUBATION INCUBATORS An incubator is an apparatus by means of which eggs may be artificially kept at the proper temperature for hatching. Many different styles and sizes of incubators are now in use, some of them being adapted for all sizes of eggs from those of the bantam to those of an ostrich. Incubators range in size from those the capacity of which is limited to a few dozen eggs to those that are FIG. 5 capable of incubating many thousand eggs. The ma- chines most commonly used have capacities that range from 5 to 30 doz. hen's eggs or a smaller number of any eggs that are larger than hen's eggs. Though many different types of incubators are made, \vith but few exceptions in outward appearance they resemble the one shown in Fig. 5. The essential parts of an incubator consist of a heating apparatus that is controlled by a regulator, and an egg INCUBATTOX ;, 391 chamber that can be held' at tne* required ' temperature. Incubators are also supplied with thermometers and means of ventilation. In the various incubators heat is brought into contact with the eggs either by diffusion or radiation. In diffusion incubators, hot air is evenly distributed through- out the egg chamber. In radiation incubators, the heat is radiated from pipes or radiators that are heated either by hot air or by hot water. A large part of the incuba- tors in use are of the diffusion type, in which the air is heated by an oil lamp. In these machines the heated air passes directly into the egg chamber and throughout the interior of the machine. The eggs in the tray are thus surrounded with air at the required temperature. Incubators in which the heat is both radiated and diffused are also used. The more evenly the egg chamber is warmed the greater will be the success in hatching. The most satisfactory source of heat for incubators of all kinds is that obtained from oil lamps. Some incuba- tors are heated by circulating hot water. Some incu- bators require particular care and attention, and their efficiency depends on the proper circulation of the water, the distribution of the pipes, and the lasting qualities of the entire heating system. Illuminating gas, elec- tricity, and alcohol lamps are also used to some extent as sources of heat for incubators. Incubator manufacturers prefer thermometers specially made to suit each kind of machine. There is usually a reason for such preference, and the thermometer recommended by the manufacturers should be favored. If this instrument cannot be obtained, the best that is made must be selected. Incubator thermometers are scaled from 90 F. to 110 F., and are marked low at 100 F. and high at 105 F., and the scale is crossed at 103 F. by an arrow or a heavy line. It is thus easy to make an accurate reading between the low and the high marks, provided the thermometer is correctly graduated. Before being used, incubator thermometers are tested in the following manner: An instrument known to be 1 02 INCUBATION correct ia stirred about in warm water until the degree of heat is 105 F. or a little higher. Other thermometers are then held in the same hand with the one known to be correct and all are stirred about in the water so that the reading of all may be taken under like conditions. Any instruments that fail to mark the temperature cor- rectly are rejected. It is best to test all thermometers in use at least once a season. The printed directions that come with each incubator, giving instructions for its operation, also tell where the thermometer is to be placed in the machine, and to secure the best results such directions should be fol- lowed to the letter. The thermometer is usually placed in or near the center of the egg tray. Temperature and Moisture. An expert who has had more practical experience with the use of incubators than any other man has said: "Briefly stated, all that is required to hatch eggs artificially is a temperature of 100.5 F. at the center of the eggs, which is 101 F. to 103 F. by contact; at the same time, the eggs should be immersed in still air containing moisture of a relative humidity of from 45 to 70 per cent., this moisture to be changed sufficiently often to carry off the waste gases eliminated by the eggs. Any excess of ventilation be- yond this is deleterious." Professor Lamson, of the Connecticut State Agricul- tural College, has said that the chief factors in the arti- ficial incubation of good fertile eggs are "temperature, turning the eggs, moisture, and ventilation." The mean- ing of this would be that when eggs are hatched in the incubator, the temperature as usually taken by a ther- mometer should range from 101 F. to 103 F. and that when a thermometer is used that would indicate the temperature at the center of the egg the temperature of that position should be 100.5 F. The thermometer used for taking this particular test is known as the "In-Ova Thermometer." This is a thermometer the bulb of which is inside a celluloid egg, the bulb resting in the center of the egg. When such a thermometer is used it indi- INCUBATION 103 cates the temperature at the center of the egg, which should be 100.5 F. When the ordinary or regular type of thermometer is used, and when the bulb rests at or near the upper outside of the egg, the temperature should not go below 101 F. and not much above 103 F. The statement made that the atmosphere should be changed sufficiently often to carry off the waste gases refers to proper ventilation. In writing of this, Pro- fessor Lamson says that by the use of specially con- structed apparatus it was shown that the ventilation required in the incubator to secure the best results in living chicks consisted in a change of 5 cu. ft. per hr. for each 50 eggs. Where the change of air exceeded 10 cu. ft. per hr. for each 50 eggs, the hatch began to run down, and when the air change was reduced to y\ cu. ft. per hr., only a very small percentage of chicks were hatched. As a result of many experiments, it has been shown that hen-hatched chicks weigh 1.258 oz. ; that incubator- hatched chicks with maximum moisture weigh 1.184 oz. ; that chicks hatched in incubators with a medium amount of moisture weigh 1.159 oz.; and that chicks hatched in non-moisture machines weigh 1.072 oz. It has also been shown that the minimum moisture in the incubator might be 45%, while the maximum might be 70%. The weight of these chicks seems to indicate that to have the greatest possible vigor in chicks a greater quan- tity of moisture is required during incubation than is present in the average incubator. For these reasons, considerable effort has been made to find some means of introducing moisture into machines during the period of incubation. Among the devices used are pans of water or pans of sand moistened with water and placed under the egg tray. Another way is by sprinkling the eggs with water morning and evening during incubation as clothes are sprinkled with the hand or by means of sprays such as are used by druggists or florists. An excellent method of applying moisture is to have pads made of burlap or felt, and cut to fit under the 104 INCUBATION egg tray. These pads are saturated with hot water, v, rung out almost dry, and then placed under the egg tray. Pieces of outing cloth or cotton flannel of suffi- cient size to cover the top of all eggs may be soaked in hot water, wrung out until they are almost dry, placed on top of the eggs, and left there. This is an excellent method of providing moisture for the eggs from the twelfth to the eighteenth day. The rules sent out with each incubator should always be strictly followed; yet it must be remembered that in some latitudes the air is much drier than in others. Sometimes, therefore, it is necessary to supply moisture, a need indicated by the size of the air cell. If this cell is larger than normal, moisture must be supplied and the rate of air change must be reduced. The water pan, sand tray, or the moistened felt, or the wet outing flannel should be used when it is necessary to supply moisture. Turning and Cooling. It is necessary that the eggs in the incubator tray should be turned and cooled at reg- ular intervals. Turning every 12 hr. is practiced by some; turning once in 24 hr. when the eggs are cooled is practiced by others. Some experts insist that eggs will hatch better if turned and cooled more frequently. They advise that the trays of eggs be taken from the machine and cooled for a short time, three or four times a day, and each time the eggs are turned they will be cooled slightly. This practice has not yet been tested sufficiently to warrant its acceptance; however, it might be experimented with to advantage. Some operators of considerable experience insist that the cooling of eggs is useless. The common practice is to cool and turn the eggs twice a day, never turning them over entirely, but just moving them slightly in the egg tray so that each egg will be moved a little. When the weather is cool, the eggs need not be kept out of the egg chamber longer than 4 or 5 min.; when the weather is warm and the incubator room is at a temperature of 70 F. or more, the eggs should be cooled fully 30 min. INCUBATION 105 Chicks Dead in the Shell. The prevailing question as to artificial incubation is, "Why do chicks die in the shell?" In answer to this, one of the most expert in incubating says: "The best of incubators add nothing to the vitality of the developed embryo. When the vitality of the embryo is impaired or the eggs are old, the hen will not hatch a higher percentage than any incubator ever constructed, yet to find dead chicks in the shell is a very common experience, even when the most faithful hens are employed." This would indicate that we must look beyond the hatching machine for the cause of the dead chicks in the shell. The causes for chicks dying in the shell are several. The most prev- alent of all is inexperience in the handling of the incubator; another is lack of vitality in the eggs. This, being due to low vitality in the hen that laid the eggs, can be remedied only through several years of careful breeding of the parent stock for greater vigor. Another writer has said that a successful hatch begins with the fowls that lay the eggs. Immature pullets will not furnish eggs desirable for incubation. The best eggs for this purpose will be laid by hens in their second year that have great vigor and have been fed and cared for with the object of procuring eggs for hatching. There will be no dead chicks in the shell when the hens laying the eggs are full of vitality and when the person that handles the incubator has had sufficient experience to act quickly and properly as each emergency comes. Rules for Hatching. The manufacturers of incubators assume that the treatment of eggs during incubation is an exact science, and that the directions that they have formulated are faultless. One of the largest manufac- turers of incubators has printed a bulletin on the han- dling of incubators to get the best results. In this bulletin he says that the eggs should be turned every 12 hr. beginning on the third day and ending on the night of the eighteenth day. It is better, however, to keep on changing the position of the trays as usual until the eggs begin to pip. Never turn the eggs with oily 106 INCUBATION hands or with hands that have any substance on them which might adhere to the shells. Test the eggs on the sixth and the seventeenth days, but do not turn or cool them while testing them. Cool- ing and ventilating should be done according to the instructions given in the book of directions that accom- panies each machine. Cooling helps to soften eggs. Be sure that the thermometer is accurate. If your machine is supplied with a suspended thermometer, see that the bulb is just 2 in. above the wire of the egg tray. Do not allow the thermometer to go above 103 F., except when the chicks are coming out lively, at which time it may go as high as 105 F. without injury. Do not open the door of the incubator after the eggs begin to pip. Close the ventilator when the chicks begin to come out and keep it closed until the hatch is com- pleted, unless the hatch is very large and the chicks are crowded, in which case the ventilators may be opened when the hatch is two-thirds off. Open the venti- lator and wedge the door slightly ajar after the hatch is over and the trays containing the shells have been removed. Allow the chicks to remain in the incubator for from 24 to 36 hr. Do not feed or water the chicks while they are in the incubator. FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE SUCCESS IN INCUBATION The factor of prime importance in incubation is the vitality of the eggs, and this depends on the vitality of the fowls that produce them. Eggs for hatching should all be of one kind, size, and* color. Only smooth and well-formed eggs should be used for hatching. Eggs of bad form or with rough shells should be discarded. The best eggs for hatching are those that are placed in an incubator on the day they are laid; eggs are in good condition for hatching up to 10 da. after they are laid; after they are 2 wk, old they are unreliable. INCUBATION 107 Clean eggs are the best, but eggs should not be washed. Washed eggs do not hatch well. The incubator must be set up perfectly level and kept so for the best results. The directions given by the manufacturers for the operation of their machines must be closely followed. The thermometers recommended by the manufacturers of the incubators should be used, and they should be placed in the machine exactly where directed. Incubator eggs should not be handled with hands soiled by dirt or oil. Oil will kill the germ within the egg. Avoid jars of the incubator while hatching. This ruptures the egg and destroys the embryo. The incubator room should be kept free of drafts and bad odors of all kinds. Keep the flues of the incubator clean and free from soot. A coating of soot prevents the proper amount of heat from reaching the egg chamber. Keep the lamps clean and free from oil. Oil odors affect the eggs, and may even destroy the embryos. When the eggs are first placed in the incubator, they should be warmed gradually. If they are heated too fast the germs will be destroyed. Do not neglect to turn and air the eggs in an in- cubator. When the eggs are taken out of an incubator to air, the door should be closed so that the egg chamber will not cool off. The eggs should not be kept out of the chamber until they become chilled. This kills the embryos. Be sure to have the brooders prepared for the accom- modation of the chicks when they are ready to be taken from the incubator. When the incubator is not in use, keep it in a place where it will not become infested with vermin. When it is again put in use, it should be examined, thoroughly cleaned, and run for several days before the eggs are placed in it. 108 BROODING OF CHICKS BROODING OF CHICKS NATURAL BROODING The brood coop that will house three or four hens and their broods is quite convenient for natural brooding. FIG. 1 A coop for two hens and their chicks is shown in Fig. 1. Another coop well suited for wet, cold, or stormy weather is shown in Fig. 2. After the chicks are well dried off, FIG. 2 BROODING OF CHICKS 109 and have been in the nest with the mother hen for at least 12 hr., the hen and the brood, or two or more hens and their broods can be removed to the brood coops. Three or four hens that are remarkably quiet will brood their chicks in one large open coop. If they are quarrel- some, they should be placed with their broods in sepa- rate coops. The chief factors of caring for the mother hen and her chicks are cleanliness inside of and about the coop. The coops should be placed where the chicks can run out on the ground, and where they can have a dry spot under foot when the ground is damp. They should always be sheltered from wet and rain until they are 2 or 3 wk. old. ARTIFICIAL BROODING Chicks that are .hatched from eggs put in the incubator on Monday evening do not need to be removed until Wednesday morning of the third week thereafter. This leaves the chicks in the incubator two nights and one day after they should be hatched. If from any cause the hatch is completed 12 or more hours ahead of time, the chicks may be removed an equal number of hours earlier. Chicks that are hatched on Monday need not be fed until Wednesday; they may, however, if removed from the incubator, be fed 12 or 15 hr. earlier than this. When the chicks are removed from the incubator to the hover or brooder, they should be protected from the cool or cold air by being covered with woolen cloths that have been warmed for the purpose. Chicks in the Brooder. From 50 to 100 chicks may be placed under each hover, according to the kind of hover cr brooder used. The sizes of the brooders vary from a 50-chick size to a hover that will care for 500 or more. The most satisfactory results will be obtained through the use of hovers that will care for from 50 to 100 chicks. Considerable experience and natural ability are neces- sary to succeed with brooders and hovers of larger size. 110 BROODING OF CHICKS Management of Hover. Each separate kind of brooding appliance must be cared for according to its needs. The average heat required beneath the hover is from 80 F. to 95 F. These differences in temperature are necessary, not because the floor of the nursery needs to be any warmer or any cooler in one kind than in another, but because the placing of the thermometer is not alike in all of them. Each manufacturer recommends a heat basis suited to the placing of the thermometer in that brooding system. The chicks on the floor should be in a temperature ranging from 85 F. to 92 F. When the chicks are first placed in the hover, the temperature should be about 92 F. ; the presence of the chicks beneath the hover will raise the temperature to at least 95 F. After the chicks have been for 3 or 4 da. under the hover, the temperature can be gradually reduced. In winter it may be dropped to 90 F. and kept there until the chicks are fully 2 wk. old or more, at which time 1 or 2 less will answer. Always have sufficient heat under the nursery to satisfy the chicks and keep them contented. The one sure evidence of contentment of the chicks under the hover is the gentle peep of satisfaction which they give when properly brooded. Whenever there is not sufficient heat they will sound a cry of alarm or distress which every poultryman should learn. This call should be answered immediately and the cause of the cry dis- covered and remedied at once. Some authorities say that the temperature should regis- ter 95 F., running up fully to 100 F. when the chicks are placed in the brooder, and that this temperature should be maintained for the first week, after which it may be gradually reduced. This temperature may answer very well when the weather is cold, but in warm weather it is too high. The temperature should be kept as low as practicable, depending on the time of year and the age of the chicks. One safe rule is that the chicks should always have heat enough to obviate the danger of becoming chilled. BROODING OF CHICKS 111 No matter where the hover may be placed, whether in a coop made for the purpose, or in a box, a small house, or an outbuilding, the floor should be covered with dry sand over which should be scattered a coating of 2 or 3 in. of cut straw, hay, alfalfa, or chaff of some kind. There should be sufficient of this on the floor to protect the chicks from the cold during severe weather, and enough of it so that the curtain of the hover will rest FIG. 3 on it. Cleanliness, care, and proper, feeding are always necessary for success in the growing of chicks. A brooding coop well suited for one or two hovers is shown in Fig. 3. This coop was made from two piano boxes placed together, the roof being covered with ordi- nary roofing paper. There are two doors in front; one is a frame door covered with wire cloth, the other a glass door, which is kept open when the weather is warm and the sun shines bright; but on very cold days and at night it should be closed. A brood coop of this kind can be safely used during the winter months. It 112 BROODING OF CHICKS is not unusual to have one or two hovers each for fifty or a hundred chicks running inside of such a coop when the thermometer is nearly zero. POINTS IN SUCCESSFUL BROODING Brood coops should be perfectly sanitary and free from vermin, and should be painted with liquid insecticide at least a week before they are occupied. They should also be sprayed with insecticide every 2 wk. while in use, and the floors must be cleaned frequently. Brood coops should be ready a day in advance of the time when the chicks are to be placed in them, and the temperature should be about 90. This temperature should be maintained for 7 da., after which it should be gradually reduced to 80. If newly hatched chicks become chilled they will be seriously injured, and if they are overheated they will lose vitality. The proper heat must be maintained with regularity. The directions given by the manufacturers for the operation of brooders should be strictly followed, and the particular kind of thermometer recommended should be used. Temperature readings are taken at different heights, according to the construction of the brooder, and if the thermometers used are too long or too short the temperature readings will be misleading. Overcrowding in brooders should be avoided. When a brooder is overcrowded the air becomes impure, and this will result in a loss of vitality. As soon as chicks are able they should be allowed to run in the open, but they should be protected from predatory animals by covered runways. During inclement weather, chicks should be induced to take exercise by scattering small grains in the litter. After each meal, unconsumed food should be removed from the floor of the brooder. If it is left to be trampled over and becomes sour, it will cause bowel troubles. BROODING OF CHICKS 113 Chicks that contract ailments of any kind should be isolated immediately. A critical stage in the life of chicks is when they are feathering, and at this time they should be supplied with an abundance of nitrogenous foods. MAMMOTH INCUBATORS AND BROODERS The Mammoth system of incubating and brooding has been so well developed that it can now be used with perfect safety. Incubators are built in sections and have a capacity of from three thousand to many thousand eggs. It is not unusual to see one Mammoth machine containing 15,000 eggs in operation. These incubators are heated by self-regulating coal-burning furnaces, the heat from which is distributed by means of hot water that passes through a system of pipes so adjusted as to keep a continuous flow, or circulation, from the furnace, through the pipes, and back to the furnace again. The heat in the egg chamber is regulated through the raising and lowering of the egg trays and by an automatic or thermostatic regulator. In writing of this system, one familiar with it says that the simplicity, economy, and safety of this type of heater is now universally recognized. A system of hot-water heating is used with the Mam- moth brooder. This system can be used with either a single- or a double-row brooding house. The system for heating is much the same as has always been used in hot-water brooding systems. The one great difference is that by using the self-regulating coal-burning furnace better service can be obtained at less cost than when boilers are used. Complete information regarding this system of incubating and brooding can best be obtained from those who manufacture the apparatus. 114 EGGS EGGS Food Value of Eggs. Eggs are a cheap food. They are less costly than most meats. One dozen eggs will better serve a family of six than \ l / 2 Ib. of meat. The average value of these is about equal. Composition of Eggs. About 11% of hens' eggs consist of shell, 32% of yolk, and 57% of white. The white and yolk are made up of 72% of water. The table shown on pages 116 and 117, adapted frcm a bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture, gives the composition and fuel value of eggs of the common domestic poultry, and, for purpose of comparison, the composition and fuel value of some of the more common foods other than these. Uses of Eggs. In addition to their use as food, eggs are used to a limited extent for other purposes. The white of an egg is a remedy for burns, and if taken in time it is an effective antidote for poisoning by corrosive sublimate. Food or bones lodged in the throat can some- times be dislodged by swallowing a raw egg. The oil extracted from the yolk has healing properties, and the inner lining or membrane of the shell can be used as an adhesive plaster. Eggshells, on account of the purity of the carbonate lime of which they are largely com- posed, are used in compounding medicine and for several other purposes. There is a limited demand for rotten eggs for the finishing of some kinds of leather. They may be used as fertilizer, and in many instances they are used in the manufacture of calico. The supply, however, is much greater than the demand, and such eggs bring but a few cents a dozen. Often the price paid for them is not sufficient to cover the cost of transportation, which in most cases is paid by the shipper. Color of Eggshells. Fowls of European origin lay white-shelled eggs; those of Asiatic origin lay dark- shelled eggs, as a rule. The eggs of different varieties EGGS 115 of the same breed may differ slightly in color. For example, the eggs of dark-plumaged fowls have darker- colored shells than those of the lighter-plumaged fowls. A cross between two breeds, one of which lays brown- shelled eggs and the other white-shelled eggs, results in fowls that lay eggs of a color intermediate between the brown and the white. There is also considerable vari- ation in the color of eggs from different hens of the same variety. The color of the shell is more pronounced in the eggs first laid than in those laid later in the season. All fowls having the least amount of Asiatic blood show this influence in the tinted shells. The more of Asiatic blood a fowl has in its veins the darker will be the color of the eggshell. The eggs with the darkest color of shell are laid by the Langshans. The New York market pays the highest prices for white-shelled eggs, and the Boston market pays the high- est prices for brown-shelled eggs. In other markets the matter of color of shell is one of small importance. The color of shell produced by the most popular egg- producing breeds is given in the following list: Brown Shells White Shells Brahmas Anconas Cochins Adalusians Dorkings Crevecoeurs Dominiques Campines Faverolles Games (some have a tint) Indian Games Hamburgs Javas Houdans Langshans Leghorns Orpingtons La Fleche Plymouth Rocks Minorcas Rhode Island Reds Polish Wyandottes Redcaps Spanish Weight of Eggs. Marketable eggs should weigh not less than 2 oz. each. At this weight, a crate of 30 doz. eggs will weigh 45 lb., exclusive of the crate, and such eggs will bring much better prices in the market than eggs of smaller size. Eggs much larger than 2 oz. 116 EGGS Il4j ill| IS *OT W S O O CO r- 00 CO l> OOOCXXM OJO rH i 1 TH i 1 1-1 C/J J '! ^ H j^j> Ctf pj^ <1> O 'd ^ ts fe"a co w co 8 oo c3 SSow oo w ^^CJ O5O CO(MO'-H C^Tt< CO iH COHi-HiH t-li-l CO S3 .S O^COt-CNOOCD ^HCO^OO O5QO fc o ^ i-H CO O ^f 00 tN-i-Hr-l CIO OOCOC OOCOO OOOCCCOOO q; ^ o q CN I CJCO--Hl^ I-HCO'T-HO ^cdo6eQiHCOiHiHC4 corn loh-.b-co ioocqt>- (Nqosq^qqcceo C5rJH COCOCOOO O C^l CO Ci -^ Tj5 rH t>I CC CC C<5 -00^ CO O CC 00 I-H GC 1-1 CC i> oq C5 oq ^ q CO CD (N I-H O i-H T-H i-H 00 (N , a's ^d S-2 a a I. US EGGS are not profitable to sell, because they bring very little, if any, higher price in the general market, and hens do not lay so many. For a special market, however, it is sometimes possible to get a premium on eggs that average about 2 l /2 oz. The weight of eggs depend to a large extent on the breed of fowls that lay them and also on the peculi- arities of individual fowls. The following, however, gives the average weight of various eggs: Eggs Ounces 8 hen's eggs, average 16 11 guinea eggs 16 1 duck egg 3 1 turkey egg 4 1 goose egg 6 to 7 Washing of Eggs. Eggs that are so badly soiled as to need washing to fit them for market may be cleaned with a solution made up of 1 oz. of ammonia to 2 qt. of water. Soiled eggs may also be washed in warm water and rubbed dry with a piece of cotton cloth or flannel. Deep stains may be removed by rubbing with dry, coarse salt. When cleaned in this way they should be rinsed in lukewarm water. Stained eggs are sometimes cleaned in lukewarm water that contain .a small quantity of soap. After soiled eggs have been cleaned their appearance is improved by rubbing them with a cloth that has been moistened with a solution made up of 4 oz. of salt to 1 pt. of vinegar; this treatment, however, is not neces- sary for eggs that have been washed in a solution con- taining ammonia. Percentage of Loss of Total Egg Crop. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, about 17% of the total egg crop of the country is lost, because of improper handling, or because of unsanitary conditions where the eggs are laid. The following table shows the percentage of loss of the total egg crop due to various causes: EGGS 119 PERCENTAGE LOSS OF TOTAL EGG CROP Class Per Cent. Dirtv eggs 2 2 5 5 . 2* Broken eggs Chick development. Shrunken or held eg Rotten eggs Ejs Moldy and bad-flavc )red eggs Total 17 i Relation of Weight of Eggs to Egg Production. As a general rule, the larger the number of eggs laid by a RELATION OF WEIGHT OF EGGS TO EGG PRODUCTION Variety Number of Hens Number of. Eggs Laid Weight per Dozen Ounces Average Number of Eggs Andalusian 72 11 883 2685 162 26 Single-Comb Black Mi- norca . 156 23 910 26 72 146 85 Langshan 108 17 766 26 03 164 50 White Leghorn 984 173,939 26 00 176 75 Ancona 42 5 883 25 94 14000 Black Orpington 954 162 623 25 61 170 45 Buff Orpington Buff Wyandotte 234 66 35,199 10 479 25.25 24 71 150.42 157 85 Silver Wyandotte Brown Leghorn White Wyandotte Golden Wyandotte Rose-Comb White Leg- horn 834 180 90 108 66 139,694 32,593 14,066 16,902 11 578 24.50 24.47 24.45 24.38 24 31 167.49 181.08 156.25 156.50 173 90 Black Hamburg Rose-Comb Brown Leg- horn 30 72 5,554 13 155 24.19 2 74 185.00 182 70 Total, all varieties 4,362 732,082 25.28 167.50 120 EGGS fowl, the lighter in weight the eggs will average. This is shown in the table on page 119, which is a summary of the egg record of 4,362 hens of fifteen different varieties that laid a total of 732,082 eggs, the records of the different lots of fowls being taken over a period of 5 yr. In the table, the fowls are arranged with those laying the heaviest eggs per doz. at the top and those laying the lighter eggs coming in their proper order. The Black Hamburgs and the Rose-Comb Brown Leg- horns that produced the two highest average egg records produced the lightest-weight eggs, and though the results obtained are not all exactly in accordance with this statement, a careful inspection of the table will show that on an average hens with high egg records produced light-weight eggs, and that the hens with the lowest egg records produced somewhat heavier eggs. Since little attention is paid in the market to the weight of eggs, it is obvious that the best egg producers are the most profitable. Relation of Egg Production to Season. In spite of the many assertions that hens lay more prolifically at one time of the year than at another, an inspection of the egg records of a large number of fowls fails to show any uniformity in regard to this point, but rather tends to indicate that egg production is more a matter of individuality than of season. The egg records given in the table on page 122 have been taken from laying hens in America, England, and Australia. The records of some exceptionally high egg producers have been selected and also the average production of a large num- ber of fowls where it was possible to obtain authentic records of this character. It will be noted that the indi- vidual fowls that make high egg records lay consistently throughout almost every month in the year, and that the only time when they fall off in egg production is during the molting period or when they are broody. The single hens that do not make such high egg records usually lay very well for certain months in the year, but are unable to stand the strain of heavy EGGS 121 egg laying and fail, sometimes almost completely, in other months. When the average egg production of a large number of fowls is taken, it will be seen that there is a certain similarity between their rates of monthly production, but if the record of the 80 White Leghorn hens in America is compared with that of the 28 American Wyandottes and the 6,771 hens of assorted varieties in America, it will be seen that the egg production in the cold months was fully as large as in the spring months, and that the production declined only in the fall when the fowls were molting. Some hens that are prolific egg producers in their first year prove very unsatisfactory in their sub- sequent years, as for in- stance, the Australian Silver Wyandotte shown in the table. To be sure that no such hens are selected for breeders, it is necessary that careful egg records be kept. In all localities the fewest eggs are produced during the season of molt and the period immediately following that season. In the United States, the molt occurs during the months that intervene between July and Jan. Natur- ally, eggs will sell for the highest prices at this time. Hens should be encouraged to lay during these months. The greater profit will be made when a prolific yield of eggs during the winter months has been secured. Pullets that are hatched in the early spring lay at an earliei age than do late-hatched pullets. March-hatched pullets frequently lay in July, while those hatched in July seldom lay before the following March. BLACK ORPINGTON 122 fc "SOOTH r?h- N-HTH NtH EGGS S3 S N-S HCO t>-TH N b-OTH cOOi N b- 000 ^O OCO TH rt<00 COO OCO rf -tTH iH iH NTH rH rH iH N r-l i-H COC5bjj Orfj O CO OO OCO bO COCO N ON NCO TH NN NTH THTHTH NN TH TH N N THTH NTH COl>. CO I ' (U I (U : : : S : ^ : ^ ' .jj w oS^-i 03*0 oJ<4_i- t4_i vM tM M -S gfecfigaScaSScfi^feaJ ' EGGS 123 STANDARDS FOR EGGS Eggs are graded in many ways. The number of grades varies in different markets. In general, it may be said that eggs are graded according to their size, shape, color of shell, finish of shell, and general condition. The rules for the classification, grading, and packing of market eggs as adopted by the New York Mercantile Exchange are as follows: RULE 1 CLASSIFICATION AND GRADING 1. Eggs shall be classified as "fresh gathered," "held," "refrigerator," and "limed." 2. There shall be grades of "extras," "extra firsts," "firsts," "seconds," "thirds," "No. 1 and 2 dirties," and "checks." RULE 2 1. All sales of all grades of eggs shall be at mark. QUALITIES 2. Fresh gathered extras shall be free from dirty eggs, of good uniform size, and shall contain reasonably fresh, reasonably full, strong bodied, sweet eggs, at the discre- tion of the Egg Committee, as follows: A 90%. B 80%. C 65%. The balance other than the loss may be slightly defective in strength or fulness, but must be sweet. The maximum total average loss per case permitted in "extras" shall vary with the requirement of reasonably full, strong bodied eggs as follows: A 90% full, 1 doz. maximum loss. B 80% full, l l / 2 doz. maximum loss. C 65% full, 2 doz. maximum loss. When sold "storage packed," extras must not contain an average of more than 12 cracked or checked eggs per case. 3. Fresh gathered firsts (or extra firsts) shall be reasonably clean and of good average size, and shall con- tain reasonably fresh, reasonably full, strong bodied. 124 EGGS sweet eggs, at the discretion of the Egg Committee, as follows: A 75%. B 65%. C 50%. D 40%. The balance other than the loss may be defective in strength or fulness, but must be sweet. The maximum total average loss per case permitted in "firsts" or "extra firsts" shall vary with the requirements of reasonably full, strong bodied eggs as follows: A 75% full, 1^2 doz. maximum loss. B 65% full, 2 doz. maximum loss. C 50% full, 3 doz. maximum loss. D 40% full, 4 doz. maximum loss. When sold "storage packed," fresh gathered firsts (or extra firsts) must not contain an average of more than 18 cracked or checked eggs per case. 4. Fresh gathered seconds shall be reasonably clean and of fair average size, and shall contain reasonably fresh, reasonably full eggs, at the discretion of the Egg Com- mittee, as follows: A 65%. B_50%. C 40%. D 30%. The balance other than the loss may be defective in strength or fulness, but must be merchantable stock. The maximum total average loss per case permitted in "sec- onds" shall vary with the proportion of reasonably full eggs required, as follows: A 65% full, 2 doz. maximum loss. B 50% full, 3 doz. maximum loss. C 40% full, 4 doz. maximum loss. D 30% full, 5 doz. maximum loss. 5. Fresh gathered thirds shall be reasonably clean and of fair average size, and shall contain reasonably fresh, reasonably full, sweet eggs, at the discretion of the Egg Committee, as follows: EGGS 125 A 50%. B 30%. C 20%. The balance other than the loss may be defective in strength or fulness, but must be merchantable stock. The maximum total average loss per case permitted in ''thirds" shall vary with the requirements of reasonably full, sweet eggs, as follows: A 50% full, 4 doz. maximum loss. B 30% full, 5 doz. maximum loss. C 20% full, 6 doz. maximum loss. 6. Held firsts shall be reasonably clean, of good average size, and sweet. At least 40% shall be reason- ably full and strong. The balance may be defective in strength and fulness, but not badly shrunken, excepting the loss. There may be a total average loss of 2 doz. per case, but if the loss exceeds that by not more than 50% the eggs shall be a good delivery upon allowance of the excess. 7. Held seconds shall be reasonably clean and of fair average size. May be defective in fulness, strength, and flavor, but must be merchantable stock, not musty. There may be a total average loss of 4 doz. per case. 8. Refrigerator extras shall be free from dirty or small eggs, reasonably full, strong, sweet, and free from mildew or foreign taste or odor. The maximum loss shall be, at the discretion of the Egg Committee, as follows: A iy 2 doz. B 2 doz. Cases, fillers, and packing shall be as required for "storage packed." 9. Refrigerator firsts shall be reasonably clean and of good average size; they must be reasonably full, strong, and sweet, and free from mildew or foreign taste or odor. The maximum loss shall be, at the discretion of the Egg Committee, as follows: A 2 doz. B 3 doz. 126 EGGS Cases, fillers, and packing shall be as required for "storage packed." 10. Refrigerator seconds shall be reasonably clean and of fair average size; they must be reasonably full, strong, and sweet, and free from mildew or foreign taste or odor. The maximum loss shall be, at the discretion of the Egg Committee, as follows: A 3 doz. B 4 doz. Cases shall be substantial, and fillers and packing reasonably sweet. 11. Refrigerator thirds shall be of fair appearance and may be off-flavored to some extent. The maximum loss shall be, at the discretion of the Egg Committee, as follows: A 5 doz. B 6 doz. Cases shall be substantial. 12. Limed extras shall be of uniformly good size, well cleaned, strong bodied, and reasonably full and sweet. The maximum loss shall be, at the discretion of the Egg Committee, as follows: A \y 2 doz. B 2 doz. Cases, fillers, and packing shall be as required for *'storage packed." 13. Limed firsts shall be of good average size, well cleaned, of good strength, reasonably full and sweet. The maximum loss shall be, at the discretion of the Egg Committee, as follows: A 2 doz. B 3 doz. Cases, fillers, and packing shall be as required for "storage packed." 14. Limed seconds shall be of fair average size, well cleaned, of good strength, and reasonably full and sweet. The maximum loss shall be, at the discretion of the Egg Committee, as follows: EGGS 127 A 3 doz. B 4 doz. Cases shall be substantial, and fillers and packing reasonably sweet. 15. Limed thirds shall comprise stock which is rusty, weak, or shows hot weather defects, but must contain at least 50% of fairly useful quality. The maximum loss shall be, at the discretion of the Egg Committee, as follows: A 5 doz. B 6 doz. Cases shall be substantial. 16. No. i dirties may be offered in the classes of Fresh Gathered, Held, arid Refrigerator. They must be of good, useful quality, sweet in flavor. The maximum loss shall correspond with the require- ments for "firsts" in the class, at the time when offered. When sold "storage packed," No. 1 dirties must not contain more than 18 cracked or checked eggs per case. 17. No. 2 dirties may be offered in the classes of Fresh Gathered, Held, and Refrigerator. The quality, if fresh gathered, shall be the same as specified for No. 1 dirties. If held, or refrigerator, may be off-flavored, but not musty. The maximum loss shall correspond with the require- ments for "seconds" in the class, and at the time when offered. Checked eggs may consist of blind checks and cracked eggs (not leaking). They must be sweet in flavor, and the loss must not exceed 3 doz. per case. 18. Loss, as used in these rules, shall comprise all rotten, spotted, broken (leaking), broken-yolked, hatched (blood-veined), and sour eggs. Very small, very dirty, cracked (not leaking), badly heated, badly shrunken, and salt eggs shall be counted as half less in all grades ex- cepting dirties and checks. * * * 128 EGGS 19. At the discretion of the Egg Committee it may put in force two grades of firsts at the same time, one requiring a higher proportion of reasonably full, strong- bodied eggs than the other, and when this is done, the higher of the two grades shall be designated as "extra firsts." All requirements for grades determined upon by the Egg Committee must be chosen from those specified under Rule 2. 20. The classification provided in this rule shall apply equally to hen eggs, duck eggs and goose eggs, but in the case of duck and goose eggs the maximum loss shall be pro rata with the number of dozens contained in the packages. RULE 3. PACKAGES AND PACKING 1. All grades of eggs not storage packed, shall be in new or good second-hand substantial egg cases, of uni- form size. Fillers shall be of substantial quality, sweet and dry, with flats or other suitable substitutes under bottom layers and over tops, and sweet, dry excelsior or other suitable packing under bottom and over tops. Any grade of eggs not storage packed, which shall inspect in quality according to these rules, but be deficient, not to exceed 10% in flats or other suitable substitutes and tops and bottoms, shall be a good delivery. 2. Storage packed. When sold as "storage packed," all grades must be in new 30 doz. cases, well seasoned, smooth, clean, and substantial, fillers dry, sweet, medium, No. 1, or other good substantial straw board, flats under bottom layers and over tops. The packing shall be dry, sweet excelsior under bottoms and over tops, unless otherwise specified. 3. To be a good delivery, all eggs must be packed in 30 doz. cases except goose eggs, which may be packed in any style of packages containing not less than 10 doz. each, and duck eggs, which may be packed in any style of packages containing not less than 15 doz. each. EGGS 129 CARE AND PRESERVATION OF EGGS CARE OF EGGS The Bureau of Chemistry of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture has given marked attention to in- vestigations the results of which it is thought will add considerably to the value of egg products by saving many millions of dollars as the result of more care in handling them. Eggs contain a large percentage of moisture, which will evaporate through the shell. The evaporation is more rapid when the eggs are exposed to heat or vari- ations in temperature. Mr. Greenlee, of the Food Re- search Laboratory of the government, says that chemical analyses of eggs by various investigators are fairly numerous, But that little has been done to correlate the change in moisture content with the age or condition of the egg. One investigator, who has made an extensive study of eggs, has found that eggs kept for a year show a loss of weight equivalent to 10% of the total weight, which loss is largely water evaporated from the whites. He found also that when fresh eggs are boiled a loss in weight occurs, whereas storage eggs gain in boiling. Apparently the whites lose more water than the yolks, and consequently gain more in boiling. The boiled yolks, when fresh, contain less than 50% of water; when cold-stored, this percentage is increased, the figures reaching 64% in the last examination. This would indi- cate that the yolks of eggs in storage gather moisture from the whites and that the whites evaporate moisture through the shell. Other experiments made by the government chemists do not indicate definitely that water passes from the white to the yolk. The same results, they say, would be obtained if the white took up solids from the yolks. They say further that the phenomena of a transfer of water from the white to the yolk may easily be ex- 130 EGGS plained by the simple process of osmosis. The yolk, which contains a very high percentage of solids, is surrounded by a membraneous tissue called the vitelline membrane, which, in turn, is surrounded by the egg white, a liquid much more dilute than the yolk. By osmosis, the water passes through the membrane from the more dilute to the more concentrated solution until a constant equilibrium is obtained. This process con- tinues until the vitelline membrane becomes so weak that it breaks, when the white and the yolk begin to lose their identity. Professor Lamson writes that the egg is complex chemically, and, like milk, it is one of the best places for bacteria to multiply. The work of these organisms is to simplify or decompose the white and the yolk until the egg is seemingly worse than useless; though even rotten eggs find a place in the market for polishing leather, and are sold by the large packing houses for that purpose. Fresh-laid eggs will be contaminated if left even for a short time under unfavorable conditions. A case of eggs that are perfectly good may be taken from cold storage on a hot day in summer, hauled from the storage house in a wagon to the retail store, be opened imme- diately and the eggs placed in baskets for sale. The exposure of the eggs so quickly to a heated temperature causes moisture to gather on the surface of the shell. This is called sweating. The moisture that gathers on the egg- dissolves the coating of albumen that partly fills the pores of the egg; thus, the heated atmosphere works through into the interior of the shell and in a very few hours the eggs begin to change in quality. By the time they are carried home and prepared for the table, they are not nearly so good as they would have been if they had been properly cared for. When the eggs are taken from cold storage or from a refrigerator car they should be kept in the store or the storehouse away from the cold-storage room for from 12 to 24 hr. without opening the case. This will temper EGGS 131 the eggs and bring them to or near to the temperature of the room. When the case is opened after this wait, the eggs will be dry and will be much better for selling and for table use than they would be if treated in the other manner. The greater part of all the deterioration in eggs is directly blamable on careless handling. Eggs that are perfectly fresh when put in cold storage will, if packed in clean cases and properly stored, be quite as good as when removed from cold storage as they were when placed there. More cold-storage eggs are injured between the time they are removed from storage and are sold than are injured while in the cold- storage room. If low-grade or inferior eggs are placed in cold storage, they will be worse when taken out of storage than they were when placed in storage. Eggs that are fresh and good and poultry that is fresh, good, and properly dressed will, if carefully packed, keep in cold storage for many months, and be nearly or quite as good for food as they were when placed in storage. Eggs that have been heated in transit or that have not been cared for properly prior to being placed in storage, will have deteriorated when taken from storage. Such eggs are the kind that call down con- demnation on cold-storage eggs. The same is true of dressed poultry. If it is good when placed in storage, it will be good when it comes out; if it is inferior when placed in storage it will be less fit for food when taken out than it was when it was placed in storage. Most fresh-laid eggs are a typically perfect food, but they may be infected almost immediately after being laid. For example, the filth of nesting material may adhere to the moist surface of fresh-laid eggs and so infect them as to render them unfit for food. Such con- tamination will speedily spoil the eggs in spite of the most careful later handling. Eggs left in the nest for a few hours when the weather is very hot may be in- jured. It is not unusual for the temperature at noon to be 98 or 100 inside of some poultry houses. Eggs that are laid in infected nesting material and left there 132 EGGS a few hours in such a temperature will, within an hour or two, show blood spots and decomposition. Laying hens should be kept apart from the males during the summer months, because infertile eggs will keep good much longer at summer temperatures than fertile eggs. There is no reason whatever for the males to run with the hens at any other time than during the breeding season. Quality of Eggs. Eggs that are old and undesirable may be called stale, decomposed, or rotten, according to their condition. Any deterioration in eggs brings them and their vendor into disfavor. Consumers partial to eggs that are perfectly fresh will turn in disgust from eggs served in soiled shells. This is reason sufficient for the greatest care in safeguarding egg production by means of clean houses, clean nests, and clean and healthy hens. Eggs should be gathered frequently, at least three or four times daily, in both cold and warm weather. All eggs the shells of which are the least bit soiled or off- colored should be placed by themselves to be cleaned and sorted or graded before they are sent to market. No other food product will gain in price from proper grading so greatly as eggs. They can be graded in size, shape, color, and cleanliness, with the result of always enhancing the price. Freshness and internal conditions may be determined by -candling. The process of candling is simple. A lamp is placed inside a pasteboard box having a hole in the top through which the heat of the lamp may escape, and a hole two-thirds the diameter of the egg in the side of the box just opposite or even with the flame of the lamp. By placing the egg against the hole in the side of the box the interior of the egg can be plainly seen. If the contents are perfectly bright and clear, the egg is fresh and fit for food. If spots, shades, or lines are visible through the shell, 'the egg is more or less deteriorated. Eggs must be tested in a dark room. There are several kinds of egg testerg sold for very moderate prices. Persons who sell eggs should have one EGGS 133 of these testers and test all their eggs before sending them to market. Eggs differ considerably in size, shape, and color. When eggs are packed for market, either in dozen car- tons or in egg cases of large size, those of one size and one color should be packed by themselves. The standard size for market eggs is 24 oz. per doz., each egg averaging 2 oz. Eggs smaller than this are under size; those that are larger are over size. Over-sized eggs all of one color packed in clear cases will bring the highest prices in the markets. Eggs that vary in size, shape, and color, even though perfectly fresh, sell for lower prices. It is not unusual to see fresh-laid eggs all of one size, shape, and color selling for 25 to 40 per cent, higher than eggs equally fresh, but of miscel- laneous sizes, shapes, and colors. Eggs selected for hatching should be the finest obtain- able. Never hatch an egg that is small in size or inferior in shape and color. If this rule is closely adhered to for a few years, the egg product of a poultry farm will almost double in value. The same rigid selec- tion and grading should be followed and continued year after year, for both hatching and selling, until no poor eggs, or at least very few, are produced. The shells of all eggs should be smooth and free from, indentations and unevenness. The surface of the shell should be finished and have a polished appearance. If the shells are white, they should be perfectly white and free from any tint or shade whatever; if brown or tinted, they should have an even shade of color. When the shells are irregular in form or color they are classed as seconds, thirds, or miscellaneous in quality. No eggs of this kind should ever be found in the first selection, because they will lessen the value of the entire lot. Not all of the fowls of any one breed lay eggs of proper size, shape, and color, but some hens of all breeds and varieties lay such eggs. By p'roper selection of eggs for hatching, all breeds and varieties might within 10 or 134 EGGS 12 yr. be so developed as to produce eggs of the size and color proper for the various breeds. No one breed excels all others as layers; there are good layers in all breeds and varieties. The production of many eggs of proper size,, shape, and color may be accomplished with any breed by proper breeding, selection, and care. The color of the yolk may be influenced largely by feeding plenty of green stuff. Experiment has show that the eating of dried alfalfa leaves by the hens wil produce eggs of good yolk color. White beets or mangel eaten plentifully will produce eggs having a very pale yolk. Carrots, kale, spinach, green clover, and many other kinds of green feed will influence the color of the yolk. A plentiful supply of grass will always insure eggs with yolks of good, rich color and fine flavor. Green clover, alfalfa, rye, grass, or young corn are all good for feeding to laying hens, because they impart fine color and flavor to the eggs. The feeding of green rape, millet, or mustard is apt to make both the color and flavor undesirable. No kind of green stuff is better for feeding to hens in confinement during the summer months than short lawn clippings when perfectly fresh. Carefully selected feed of all kinds is most desirable, because of the tendency of the feed to flavor the eggs. PRESERVING EGGS It is quite as necessary to have eggs well selected as it is to have them properly preserved for keeping. That is, eggs that are to be kept should be fresh, infertile, if it is possible to have them so, and all of them should be laid in April, May, or the early part of June. No eggs should ever be stored that are laid when the maxi- mum temperature is above 60. When eggs are gathered they should be kept in a cool place where the temperature averages between 40 F. and 55 F. They should never be put in the preservative until they have been cooled thor- oughly. The eggs that are used for pickling or preserv- ing should have smooth, strong shells. Eggs with shells that are rough or porous are not well suited for storage. EGGS 135 The eggs should not be washed or exposed to the heat of the stove or sun. Never keep eggs, either in or out of storage, where they are in danger of contamination from potatoes, onions, kerosene oil, or anything that will impart an odor which may be absorbed by the eggs. The best method of keeping the eggs good for food for any length of time is that of cold storage. The ideal cold storage for eggs is that which has a temperature ranging between 32 F. and 36 F. The atmosphere should be dry or nearly so, yet there should be sufficient moisture in the air to prevent evaporation of the eggs. The requirements for success in keeping eggs are that they shall be protected from evaporation and that there shall be no penetration which makes possible the de- struction of the eggs through the presence of bacteria and molds. Eggs may be kept for a longer or shorter time, accord- ing to their condition and the method used to preserve them. Eggs packed in bran, oats, or perfectly dry sand will keep longer than eggs exposed to the air. Eggs packed in salt and kept in a temperature of 50 F. or 55 F. where it is perfectly dry will keep good for a number of months. Eggs coated with shellac, varnish, vaseline, or tallow, and stored in a dry cool place will keep for a number of weeks. The most successful method of storing eggs at home is by the use of liquid preparations made for the pur- pose. The use of lime water for this purpose has been general throughout the world. In France a solution with from 8 to 10% of unslaked lime or 20% of slaked lime in pure water is used. In the United States a solution containing both salt and lime is in common use. Eggs laid during the month of April should, if possi- ble, be selected for storing; they keep better than eggs laid at other times. Eggs laid in May and June are next best. The reason for this lies in the fact that April eggs are usually very choice, because the fowls can have a plentiful supply of fresh-grown green food, which adds a rich color to the yolk and a delicate flavor 136 EGGS to the egg. Some eggs do not keep well, however, no matter when they may be laid. Hens that have the free range of barnyards, cqw barns, and pig pens gather food that is liable to spoil the flavor of the eggs. Besides, such food may transmit properties to the eggs that will prove detrimental to their keeping. When eggs are perfectly fresh they will keep very well, provided they are gathered, as has been stated, during weather that is not warm and are put into the preservative as soon as the animal heat has left them. The success obtained from preserving eggs depends largely on the care in selecting them, the preparation of the preserving liquid, and the temperature of the place of storage. Eggs of bad flavor will not improve from this or any other method of preserving. Eggs with a bad odor before being put into the preserving liquid will deteriorate rather than improve. Eggs of poor quality will not be made better, but good eggs will remain good when they have been put away properly. Eggs may be preserved in lime water provided they are kept in tall vessels; either stone crocks or butter tubs can be used. The liquid for covering the eggs is made in the proportion of 3 gal. of water to 1 Ib. of salt and 1 qt. of finely slaked lime, the lime and salt to be mixed in the water. This is to be stirred frequently for a period of 1 to 2 (fa. Following this, the liquid should be permitted to settle. The crock or tub is then almost filled with eggs, placed, as far as possible, with the small end down. The clear liquid solution of lime and salt is poured over them until the surface of the water is fully an inch above the top of the eggs. The vessel should be kept in an out-of-the-way place, where the temperature will not exceed 50 F. A thin covering of lime will form on top of the liquid. If undisturbed, this covering will protect the contents from outer influences. A solution made of 1 gal. of sodium silicate, or water glass, and 9 gal. of water is an efficient preservative for eggs. The water glass must be diluted with warm water and be stirred until thoroughly mixed with the water. EGGS 137 When cool, this solution should be poured over eggs placed in vessels as described in the foregoing para- graph. Eggs will keep fairly fresh in this solution for 5 or 6 mo., and they have been kept in edible condition for a year. This can be accomplished, however, only when they are kept in cool places and in a temperature not above 45 F. Experiments have shown that under some conditions a solution of 5% of water glass and 95% of water will answer for the keeping of eggs; and they have kept fairly well in a 3% solution of the same material. The quantity used depends on the strength of the water glass, which is a chemical preparation that may be of several strengths. When the water glass used is of the highest grade, less is required than of the lower grades. It is of advantage to know the size of the receptacle needed for the eggs and the quantity of liquid needed to submerge them. A 5-gal. jar will hold about 16 doz. eggs. The best results in keeping eggs in water glass will be realized by placing them in a solution made of 1 part water glass and 9 parts water. This solution will evaporate more or less. For this reason water should be added to keep the solution properly balanced for pre- serving the eggs. If waste by evaporation is permitted, the solution will become thick and heavy. When this occurs, the eggs in the solution will not continue to be so good as they will be if the solution is kept of the proper consistency. Mr. Olsen, of the Washington Experiment Station, sug- gests the following as sufficient solution to cover the number of eggs indicated: Capacity of Number of Water-Glass Container Eggs Solution 1 gallon 40 &A pints 2 gallons 80 7 1 A pints 3 gallons 120 1&A pints 4 gallons 160 14^ pints 5 gallons 200 18 pints 10 gallons 400 36 pints 138 EGGS When the eggs are removed from the solution they should be rinsed so as to be entirely free from the lime water or the solution of water glass. To do this, the eggs can be placed either in a sieve or a colander, and a running stream of fresh water permitted to pass over them, or buckets of fresh water may be poured over them. After being thoroughly rinsed, and before they are packed for shipment, they should be laid out on a dry cloth or on boards until they have become thor- oughly dry. A sodium-silicate powder is now used to some extent for preserving eggs in place of liquid water glass. It has the same property and it is called water-glass powder. One pound of this powder mixed with 9 pints of warm water will make a solution that is fully equal to the solution made of the liquid water glass and warm water. Eggs will keep quite as well in this as in the liquid water-glass mixture. The powder form is more cleanly and less difficult to handle. It is used in the same way as the liquid water glass. When purchasing the powder be sure to get the true water-glass powder. Another substitute which is called a lime-water prepa- ration is known as Garantol. JUDGING EGGS The largest displays of dressed poultry and market eggs have been made in Boston. Efforts have been made with more or less success toward the holding of egg dis- plays in other parts of the country. The colleges at Lafayette, Ind., Mountain Grove, Mo., Ithaca, N. Y., and State College, Pa., have all held such displays. The score-card method of judging such displays has been used to a greater or less extent. The' first score card of which we have any knowledge was compiled by George Fletcher and used by him in judging egg dis- plays in Boston. EGGS 139 In the use of a score card an entry of eggs consists of one dozen, an exhibit consists of three dozen, and a display of six doten. Official Score Card for Eggs (Copyright 191S By The American Poultry Association) (Name of Show or Association) (Date, Month, Days and Year of Show) EXHIBITOR f ,..-.-./-. Address - Class ' Entry No Color./ .....n.... r ....... ...... Wright Oz. SCORE CARD FOR EXHIBITION AND FOR COMMERCIAL EGGS When judging an exhibit of eggs, the scores of the eggs forming each indi- vidual entry are to be added together; the total then being divided by the number of eggs comprising the entry; and the average so obtained shall be the score of the DISQUALIFICATIONS Exhibition Egg: Cracked shell; extremely dirty or stained shell; foreign shell- color; pronounced irregularity of shape; sign of incubation or germ-growth; decay, rot, mould, or mustiness; blood rings; foreign odor; or any condition that renders it unfit for food. Commercial Egg: Sign of incubation or germ growth ; decay, rot, mould, or mus- tiness ; blood ring ; or any condition that renders it unfit for food. Divisions and Score of a Perfect Egg T ^f Enty to Size or Weight (including uniformity) 15 Cleanliness .. ........ .' J5 Shape (including .uniformity) '5 Shell Color (including Uniformity) .,.' 5 Fullness (as indicated by air cell) ...... 15 Quality tad Frane of Wbjte. ........ 20 ..... Total Value.... 100 JUDGE ... SECRETARY ......k.. , , - ^ ' 140 EGGS Several of the poultry departments of colleges located in the eastern part of the United States have compiled score cards. One of the best of these was compiled by the committee of the American Poultry Association for use in the "American Poultry and Egg Standard," which had not been published up to 1919. This score card (shown on page 139) has been copyrighted by the Amer- ican -Poultry Association and can be obtained from the secretary of the association for general use. The color of the shell of all the eggs in any entry should be alike, that is, 1 doz. of white eggs should be all pure white, 1 doz. of brown eggs should be, all of them, one even shade of brown and all alike. A perfect egg should be oval in shape, about one and a half times as long as thick, and should taper evenly. Uniformity of shape should be demanded and color should have almost equal consideration with shape. All eggs must be perfectly clean and free from stains, and the surface of the shell must be firm, smooth, and free from uneven places. The size of the air cell is likely to be the best external test of age. An egg that is perfectly fresh should not show an air cell that is larger than a 10-cent piece. The albumen, or white, of the egg should be firm, and the shell should be almost entirely filled, leaving only the very small air cell visible to a strong light. All eggs should be candled, especially in keen competition. EGG PRICES The prices of eggs throughout the world are governed largely by the prices paid in the densely populated cen- ters. These prices for the United States are governed by the prices paid in Boston, Chicago, and New York. Toronto is the market center of Canada; London and Manchester make the prices for Europe. Eggs are quoted in the United States and Canada by the dozen, or by the crate, which^contains 30 doz. In London the quota- EGGS 141 tion is by the long hundred (120). Eggs are designated in the London market according to the locality from which they are sent, and as this is, to a certain extent, an indication of their freshness and quality, it has an influence on the quotations. The highest quotations are for the best English eggs, and they are usually fully equal to the prices asked in America for fancy hennery eggs. French, Danish, and Italian eggs will grade with what we call near-by eggs and eggs for storage in America. The best of the eggs that are sent from Ire- land over to London are sold for English eggs. Eggs from more distant countries are graded about the same as our second or third qualities in America. Prior to 1914, eggs like those sold in the New York market as fancy hennery for 25c. a dozen sold in London at about 22c. a dozen. During 1917 and 1918, eggs that sold in New York as fancy hennery at 70c. sold in London for $1.20. During the winter of 1918-1919 the best grade of fancy hennery eggs sold in New York for 90c. to $1.00 a dozen, while the same grade of eggs sold in England for $1.78 a dozen. Eggs have sold in New York prior to 1914 from as low as 17c. a. dozen in April to as high as 52c. in winter. The average price on the New York market during 1917 was 52c. Prior to 1912 there was published in this book a comparison of egg prices in the New York and London markets, a part of which we repeat. The following com- parison is made from the quotations given in the New York and London markets for the month of May, 1909. As an English shilling was then equivalent to 24^c. in American money, and an English penny was equivalent to 2c., the London quotations of 8/4 to 9/2 for 120 eggs is about equivalent to 20c. to 22c. a dozen. The quota- tions given cannot be accepted as a guide for the selling price of eggs, but they furnish an approximate indication of the relative selling prices in New York and London. Eggs sold in New York at that same date at from 23c. to 25c*. a dozen. The prices fluctuate considerably in both markets at different seasons of the year. During 142 SELECTING HENS FOR EGG PRODUCTION the years 1917 and 1918 eggs sold in the London market at about 20c. to 25c. a dozen more than they were sold for in the New York market. The indications are that eggs will continue to be very high in price throughout the world for several years. The prices paid for eggs in America during the winter and spring of 1918 and 1919 are some indication of what they are likely to sell for in the future. The grading of eggs is likely to be changed throughout the world, thus to standardize, if possible, all grades of eggs in all countries. There will be an effort to do the same as to price grading of market poultry. SELECTING HENS FOR EGG PRO- DUCTION RULES FOR JUDGING The poultry departments of agricultural colleges and of experiment stations have worked continually for several years to devise a plan or method which might be followed in the selecting of the best laying hens in flocks of poultry. The pelvic-bone system which is a part of the Hogan system has been used to a considerable extent. This system describes the best layers as having pelvic bones that are thin and so placed that four fingers may be held between the point of the breast bone and the end of the pelvic bone. This can be done only when the hen is a prolific layer and in full lay. Another test is that the points of the pelvic bone of a good layer stand wide apart. The disadvantage of this system is that if the best layers are examined when in full lay and examined again when not laying at all there will be a marked difference in the distances between both of these meas- urements. This is caused by a shrinkage in the abdomen when the hen is not laying. SELECTING HENS FOR EGG PRODUCTION 143 Poultrymen of New York, New Jersey, and parts of Connecticut and Pennsylvania are partial to White Leg- horns. The experts at the head of the poultry depart- ments of these states have devised a plan for judging the past record of laying hens; in other words, they have devised a set of rules which may best be applied to laying hens during the fall to make certain which of them have produced the most eggs during the past year. The work done along this line in these several states was presented to a large gathering of poultry experts, poultry judges, and college professors at Cornell Uni- versity early in July of 1918. All who had done work along this line presented the results obtained by them, and after considerable consultation a set of rules was adopted for judging fowls for good production. These rules are as follows: A METHOD OF JUDGING FOWLS FOR EGG PRODUCTION (Formulated at the Judging School held at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., July 1-6, 1918, and approved by the American Association of Instructors and Investi- gators in Poultry Husbandry.) In order to lay well a fowl must have a sound body. As a first consideration it must be vigorous and healthy if it is to be able to lay well. Vigor and health are shown by a bright, clear eye, a well-set body, a com- paratively active disposition, and a good circulation. Further, the fowl must be free from physical defects such as crooked beak, long toe nails, eyelids that over- hang so that it cannot see well, scaly leg, or anything that would keep it from seeing or getting an abundance of food. In the illustration on the following page the parts of a fowl that receive particular attention in judging fowls for egg production are numbered, and the names of the numbered parts are given. Loss of Fat Due to Laying. A laying fowl uses up the surplus fat in the body, especially that just under the skin. In yellow-skinned breeds this loss of fat can 144 SELECTING HENS FOR EGG PRODUCTION readily be seen by the loss of the yellow color. The different parts of the body tend to become white, accord- ing to the quantity of the fat stored in the body and the amount of circulation of blood through that part. The changes occur in the following order: The vent changes very quickly with egg production so that white or pink vent on a yellow-skinned fowl gener- NAMES OF NUMBERED PARTS Vent Eye ring Ear lobes Beak Shank Heel of shank 7. Abdomen 8. Pelvic arches 9. Sternal processes 10. Comb 11. Wattles ally indicates that it is laying; a yellow vent means the opposite. It should be recognized that all yellow color changes are dependent on the feed, coarseness of skin, and size of the fowl. A heavy fowl fed on an abundance of green feed or other material that will color the fat deep yellow will not bleach out nearly so quickly as one of a pale yellow color. SELECTING HENS FOR EGG PRODUCTION 145 The eye ring, that is, the inner edges of the eyelids, bleach out a trifle more slowly than the vent. The ear lobes on Leghorns and Anconas bleach out a little more slowly than the eye ring, so that a bleached ear lobe means a little longer or greater production than a bleached vent or eyelid. The color goes out of the beak beginning at the base, and gradually disappears until it finally leaves the front part of the upper beak. The lower beak bleaches faster than the upper but may be used where the upper is obscured by horn or black. On the average-colored, yellow-skinned bird, a bleached beak means heavy pro- duction for at least 4 to 6 wk. The shanks are the slowest to bleach out and hence indicate a much longer period of production than the other parts. The yellow goes out from the scales on the front of the shanks first and finally from the scales on the rear. The scales on the heel or rear of the hock joint of the shank are the last to bleach out and may generally be used as an index as to the natural depth of yellow color of the fowl. A bleached-out shank usually indicates fairly heavy production for at least 15 to 20 wk. The yellow color comes back into the vent, eye ring, ear lobes, beak, and shanks in the same order that it went out, only the color returns much more quickly than it goes out. A vacation or rest period can some- times be determined by the end of the beak being bleached and the base being yellow. Body Changes Due to Laying. A laying hen has a large, moist vent showing a dilated condition and loose- ness as compared with the hard, puckered vent of a non- laying hen. The whole abdomen is dilated as well as the vent, so that the pelvic arches are widespread and the keel is forced down, away from the pelvic arches so as to give large capacity. The more eggs a fowl is going to lay the following week the greater will be the size of the ab- domen. The actual size of the abdomen is, of course, 146 SELECTING HENS FOR EGG PRODUCTION influenced by the size of eggs laid and by the size of the fowl. Heavy production is shown by the quality of the skin and the thickness and stiffness of the pelvic arches. Fat goes out from the skin and body with production, so that the heavy producers have a soft, velvety skin that is not underlaid by layers of hard fat. The abdomen in par- ticular is soft and pliable. The sternal processes are very prominent and are gener- ally bent outward. The thicker and blunter the pelvic arches and the greater the amount of hard fat in the abdomen the less the production or the longer time since production. One of the finer indications, but yet one of the most valuable in picking a good layer is the fineness of the head and the closeness and dryness of feathering. The head of a high layer is fine. The wattles and ear lobes fit close to the beak and are not loose and flabby. The face is clean cut. The eye is full, round, and prominent, especially when seen from the front. The high layer is trimmer, that is, the feathers lie closer to the body, and after heavy production the oil does not keep the plumage relatively sleek and glossy but the plumage becomes worn and threadbare. Changes in Secondary Sexual Characters. The comb, wattles, and ear lobes enlarge or contract, depending on the ovary. If the comb, wattles, and ear lobes are large, full, and smooth, or hard and waxy, the bird is laying heavily. If the comb is limp, the bird is only laying slightly, and is not laying at all when the comb is dried down, especially at molting time. If the comb is warm, it is an indication that the fowl is coming back into pro- duction. Molting. When a fowl stops laying in the summer she usually begins to molt. The later a hen lays in the summer or the longer the period during which she lays, the greater will be her production, so that the high producer is the late layer and hence the late molter. The length of time that a hen has been molting or has SELECTING HENS FOR EGG PRODUCTION 147 stopped laying can be determined by the molting of the primary feathers. It takes about 6 wk. to renew com- pletely the primary feathers next to the axial feathers and an additional 2 wk. for each additional primary to be renewed. Temperament and Activity. A good layer is more active and nervous and yet more easily handled than a poor layer. A high layer shows more friendliness and yet elusiveness than a poor bird. A low producer is shy and stays on the edge of the flock and will squawk when caught. While the characters discussed have dealt specifically with the one year's production, it should be borne in mind that a high producer one year is, generally speak- ing, a high producer in all other years. .SCORE CARD The table on page 148 is a sample score of 15 White Leghorns that was made at Cornell University in July, 1918. The numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. refer to the grade in which the fowl is classed, 1 being the highest. The terms used are the same as those used in the preceding rules, as, for instance, vent, eye ring, etc. Abdomen and capacity are used quite like the ruling in the Hogan system. By studying carefully the rules for judging and this table you will have all the information relative to this work that has been evolved up to the time of the printing of this book. The number of eggs estimated and the number of actual eggs are shown in comparison. The estimate was made by the expert who examined the 15 White Leghorns and made this record card. The actual number of eggs laid, as shown in the last column, was obtained through the use of trap nests. In the table, x indicates a blank and the term capacity relates to capacity as an egg layer. 148 SELECTING HENS FOR EGG PRODUCTION *3 i-H^O^NC5i-'iOr^CO(NiCt^rt<^ < THrH if W S | - ^^:OTXiOCO^OOOO^- rH iO oq co q i> os 02 c* cq oiqoooioq TttC^IOOOi^fCCCOOOOOO t t>-t>-COOOO t> 00 IO 00 00 OJ 00 O 00 00 ^ l>^t>;lOO5CD COTtjq(NTlHq(N'-H(NCO CO (NOOCOrH^ CO 00 (N 00 iO 00 iO 00 * t>^ O T^OOCOr-i co i-H TJH O5 00 i-5 Tp 1^ Tj5 CO CO TjHrHCOl^rH 10 ri< co o cj -^ TJJ I-H p q q cjicqcoco IO CO ^ *& ^ iO ^O CO ^ iO *O COCOOOCOCO )i-liH rH *W *CO * GO w eo os IH co t>-w q S ^ 21 S rH rH 3 I il li il i| 5] il il iff 15 o L. l I 1 J^ 154 MARKET POULTRY Loss of Weight in Dressing Fowls. On an average, nearly one-third of the total weight of a fowl is lost in dressing and in preparing it for cooking. In the case of fowls thin in flesh, the loss is much greater than this. The least waste occurs in fowls that have been properly fattened. Excessively fat fowls and also those that are poor in flesh show a large proportion of waste on being dressed. The table showing the loss in dressing fowls is a summary of an investigation at the Storrs Experiment Station, Connecticut. In this experiment fowls in all conditions well-fattened, thin, and excessively fat were used, and their weights at different stages in the process of dressing were noted. Consequently the results given in the table may be considered as applicable to average conditions. LOSS IN DRESSING FOWLS Weight- Intes- Kind of Fowls Num- ber of Birds Live Weight Pounds Weight- Bled and Plucked Pounds Loss Per Cent. tines, Head, and Feet Re- Loss Per Cent. moved Pounds Cocks... 18 127.9 117.9 7.8 97.8 23.5 Cockerels . 278 1,773.0 1,577.5 11.0 1,312.0 26.0 Hens 201 1,195.0 1,103.4 7.7 906.3 24.2 Pullets.... 47 261.1 240.0 8.1 193.7 25.8 Total... 544 3,357.0 3,038.8 9.5 2,509.8 25.2 The per cent, loss in dressing fowls of different breeds is given in the following table. Classes of Market Poultry. There are two general classes of market poultry, the heavy-weight and the me- dium-weight. The heavy-weight class includes such fowls as the Brahmas, Cochins, Dorkings, and Orpingtons. MARKET POULTRY rH O >O t>; OS 10 l> M w CN G rt+i > *d a r s! ml* i Bree O5 O5 O5 O O 00 i O O Ol OS 00 Oi Ci O 00 O5 flilSsj 2 o^ OTJ-C! ' liliir sl^lal a I 155 156 MARKET POULTRY The medium-weight class includes such general-purpose fowls as the Wyandottes and Barred Plymouth Rocks. In addition to these fowls, broilers and other small market fowls are often made from Leghorns and crosses of Leghorns with some of the general-purpose fowls. Classes of Broilers and Roasters. Broilers are divided into three classes: squab broilers, spring broilers, and fryers or large broilers or small roasters. Squab broilers range in size from $4 to 1 Ib. each in weight. They are used by hotels and restaurants during the winter and early spring. Spring broilers are used a little later in the season. When plump they range in weight from 1 to V/2 Ib. The weight demanded increases as the season advances, until the 2-lb. size is most popular. Fryers, large broilers, or small roasters range in weight from 2 to 3 Ib. Roasters are generally of two kinds: plump, meaty roasters and soft roasters. The time required to produce broilers and roasters is shown in the accompanying table. The time required for a chick to grow to marketable size depends largely on the quality of the chick and its breed. Not all breeds mature alike, and the individuals of any one breed will not develop at a uniform rate, but when bred and fed as they ought to be the average is about as indicated in the table. TIME REQUIRED TO RAISE BROILERS AND ROASTERS g .2 .s _c .2 .2 Breeds of Fowls Growth, in Pounds 8 Wk. Growth, in Pounds 10 Wk. Growth in Pounds 12 Wk. Growth in Pounds 21 Wk. Growth in Pounds 26 Wk. Growth, in Pounds 30 Wk. Leghorns 1 1M American breeds English and Belgian breeds 1 1 1H i l A 2 2 4 4 6 6 7 7 Brahmas IK 2 2J4 5 7 9 _ 1 MARKET POULTRY 157 KILLING AND PLUCKING OF POULTRY, Killing. The most satisfactory methods of killing poultry are by dislocating the neck, and by sticking in the roof of the mouth and piercing the brain with a knife. In killing by dislocating the neck, the fowl is held in front of the operator with the head hanghig down; both shanks are firmly grasped with the left hand; the neck of the fowl at the base of the skull is taken between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, with the back of the hand toward the tail of the fowl and the head held firmly in the palm of the hand; the head is then pulled downwards to extend the neck to its full length; the final step in the operation is taken by pulling with a jerk the already taut neck and at the same time twisting the head upwards, This will dislocate the head from the backbone, paralyzing the fowl, snap the arteries in the neck, and pull the head away from the neck, leaving a cavity in the neck large enough to hold the blood of the fowl. In this operation no blood will escape from the body, and it is preferred by some as the best method of killing fowls intended for immediate sale. When such fowls are prepared for cooking, if the head is severed 1 or 2 in. back of where the blood has settled, all of the blood clot will be removed. Killing by sticking in the roof of the mouth may be done with a special killing knife or with a common pocket knife that has a sharp point and blade. Both shanks of the fowl are tied with a small piece of rope and the loose end of the rope is tied to some support so that the fowl will hang head downwards and at about the height of the operator's shoulder. The head of the fowl is grasped in the left hand, the mouth pressed open, and the blade of the knife thrust through the roof of the mouth and up into the brain almost in a line with the eye; a cross-cut is made to sever the arteries. This operation paralyzes the fowl instantly, and the cutting 158 MARKET POULTRY of the arteries allows the fowl to bleed freely from the mouth. To avoid being splashed with blood, the mouth of the fowl should be held away from the operator. This method of killing is commonly practiced in most market poultry establishments. Pluckmg. To make the best appearance when offered for sale in the market, a fowl must be plucked carefully so that the skin will not be torn. An experienced plucker will rub the feathers down the wrong way both on the back and breast, using the flat of his hand to press down and open up the plumage. When the feathers are separated in this way they may be quickly plucked from the body by holding the shanks and the tips of the feathers in the hand. The feathers should first be pulled from the back, then from the breast and body, leaving only the long, stiff feathers. These should be plucked and placed by them- selves. The best plan is to put the long feathers or those having heavy quills into a box or barrel separate from the smaller or lighter feathers. With some prac- tice the operator will soon learn to remove all of the feathers quickly from the body of the fowl. The process should begin immediately after the fowl has been killed. By whatever method it is killed, the feathers will come away easier immediately after killing than they will after the body of the fowl has cooled and become set. The practice of scalding before plucking is generally followed. The chief difficulty in this is that the fowls are dipped into water that is too hot and are frequently kept immersed so long that the skin is scalded and breaks and pulls from the body, leaving an ugly dark HOUDAN MARKET POULTRY 159 complexion. In scalding the fowls, the water should not be boiling when they are immersed, nor should boil- ing hot water be poured over them. They should be immersed in water not quite boiling, and as quickly as the feathers are thoroughly soaked they should be plucked gently from the body. Great care should be taken not to tear the flesh or skin. POULTRY PRICES A careful inspection of poultry prices over a period of years shows plainly that market poultry of good quality will sell at the highest prices from the middle of Dec. to the end of June. This is due, to a large extent, to the scarcity of farm-grown poultry in the market during these months. The condition in which poultry is offered for sale has an important influence on the price it will sell for. The relative selling price per pound live weight, plucked weight, and drawn weight of the same fowl is shown in the accompanying table. The plucked weight is the weight of the fowl with the feathers removed but with the head and feet left on. The drawn weight is the weight with the head, feet, and entrails removed and the fowl ready for cooking. It will be seen from this table that the selling price per pound, plucked weight, is about 33l/&% more than the live weight, and that the price per pound, drawn weight, is about 100% greater MARKET VALUE OF FOWLS AT DIFFERENT STAGES Live. Weight Cents per Pound Plucked Weight Cents per Pound Drawn Weight Cents per Pound 9 10 11 12 12 }i 13^ 1 4 6 H $* 22 23 M 160 BREEDING than for the live weight, and about 50% greater than for the plucked weight. This increase in the selling price is due, of course, to the removal of the waste parts and also to the labor entailed. The table furnishes a guide to decide the price to be fixed on the plucked or drawn weight of any grade of poultry. BREEDING The most important systems of breeding poultry for exhibition are line breeding, inbreeding, strain breeding, and cross-breeding. In any system of breeding, only the best breeding fowls obtainable should ever be used in the breeding pen. All fowls having defects should be promptly discarded, even if this leaves only two or three fowls in the breeding pen. Fully enough poor specimens come from the best matings, and so few good specimens come from matings in which either of the fowls are defective that time and money is wasted in such breeding. Only fowls having the proper size, shape, and color required for the variety can produce satisfactory offspring. The plan of mating fowls defective in one section | with other fowls having excel- lent quality in the correspond- ing section usually results in the production of offspring hav- ing not more than medium quality in that section. Line Breeding. Line breeding is a system of breeding from a limited number of original fowls, in which the fowls mated SILVER LACED WYANDOTTE ar e not so closely related as in inbreeding; line breeding is really a modified form of in- breeding. Line breeding is often continued for a number of years without the introduction of new blood into the BREEDING .161 flock, but in such cases great care is taken to breed from only the healthiest and most vigorous members of the flock. To maintain the vitality of the flock, only mature hens in their second or third year of laying are bred from. The success of any work in line breed- ing depends on the quality of the original fowls that are selected as breeders, and the judgment with which the later breeders are selected, both for their quality and for their vitality. Inbreeding. Inbreeding is a system of breeding in which the fowls mated are very closely related, being direct descendants of a very few original fowls. In- breeding differs materially from line breeding on account of the closeness of the relationship of the fowls. The best fowls produced each year are mated with breeders of the previous season and with each other, even to the extent of pairing brother with sister. Inbreeding is carried on chiefly with a view to improving color in a flock. Shape may be improved by this system of breed- ing, but this is not usually the case. Loss of size and deterioration of shape are undesirable features that usually attend inbreeding, and the maintenance of vitality is also a serious problem. The undesirable consequences of inbreeding can be avoided only by the most careful attention to the details of breeding and to the selection of the breeding fowls. In most cases, the introduction of new blood into the breeding stock will be necessary. Strain Breeding. Strain breeding is a system of breed- ing consisting in breeding fowls of one variety in line for a number of generations from a few original fowls; this breeding must also be conducted by one breeder, or his successors. A strain cannot be said to be estab- lished, even after three or four generations of breeding, unless the indications are plain that the original fowls selected for the foundation of the strain have been able to transmit their characters through the series of gen- erations, and also to cause the production of offspring of better quality than themselves. 162 BREEDING From the preceding statements, it is evident that a valuable strain can be produced only by the most careful selection of the foundation stock, and the most skilful breeding during the succeeding generations. Chance breed- ing cannot be relied on to produce satisfactory results. Cross-Breeding. Cross-breeding is of two kinds: breeding together of fowls of different breeds; and breeding together of fowls of the same variety but which come from different localities or from different strains. Most commonly, cross-breeding is understood to be the mating together of fowls of different breeds, such, for instance, as a Plymouth Rock to a Wyandotte, or a Rhode Island Red to an Indian Game. This form of cross-breeding is often utilized in the production of broilers and roasters for market, the offspring from such crosses be- ing useless for breeding to- gether. The other form of cross-breeding, or of breeding for an out-cross, is usually prac- ticed in the breeding of poultry for exhibition, and for the pur- WHITE WYANDOTTE pose O f introducing new blood into a strain to improve vitality. Methods of Mating. Mating is the act of pairing a male and a female for the purpose of producing offspring. The two general methods of mating are single mating and double mating. Single mating consists in mating together a male and a female. When fowls are mated for the production, from the same pair, of both male and female offspring fit for exhibition, the process is called single mating. This is the method of mating commonly practiced in the mating of fowls of most varieties. This method of mating does not, however, produce the best results when the production of the most delicately marked fowls of the varieties most difficult to produce is desired. ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY 163 The mating of one pair of fowls for the purpose of producing male offspring fit for exhibition and another pair for the production of female offspring fit for exhi- bition is called double mating. This is practiced to a great extent in the production of Barred Plymouth Rocks, Brown Leghorns, partridge-colored fowls of all breeds, and to some extent in producing fowls that have penciling or lacing in their plumage. In double mating, great care is taken to see that the male and the female blood lines are kept separate, for if blood lines are crossed, color will be injured. ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY ENEMIES GENERAL REMARKS A parasite is any creature that secures the whole or part of its living from another. The parasites that attack poultry are insects. Methods of Infestation by Parasites. Poultry become infested with parasites in many ways, and it is advis- able for the poultryman to keep a close watch to prevent such infestation. Some of the most common ways in which poultry becomes infested with parasites are: (1) by the introduction of an infested fowl into a flock; (2) by a hen infesting her chicks when they are incubated or brooded in a natural way; (3) by allowing infested fowls to roam at liberty; (4) by sparrows; (5) by the parasites crawling up on roosts that are not protected by safety appliances; (6) by the parasites dropping on the fowls from the ceilings of houses; (7) in nest boxes; (8) in dust baths. Effects of Parasites on Poultry. Parasites cause more disease, ill health, and death among poultry than all 164 ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY other causes combined. The following are the principal specific effects resulting from parasites: (1) They re- duce the vitality of poultry; (2) they lessen egg pro- duction; (3) they deduct from the table qualities of fowls intended for market poultry; (4) they interfere with the proper performance of the natural duties of incuba- ting and brooding; (5) they cause the loss of parts of a fowl's body; (6) they infest poultry with other and additional varieties of parasites; (7) they infect poultry with fungous and bacterial diseases, Rapidity of Reproduction of Poultry Parasites. The exact time required for poultry parasites to produce . new generations cannot be stated definitely. Under favorable conditions, however, all kinds of poultry para- sites are very prolific and will increase to an alarming extent. Salmon states that the third generation from a single louse may number more than 120,000, and all of these may be produced within a period of 8 wk. Such a rapid increase being possible, the result of intro- ducing into a flock a fowl that is thoroughly infested with parasites can readily be surmised. Such a fowl is sure to do injury. Poultry parasites multiply particularly fast in damp, filthy, unsanitary places surroundings that are unfavor- able to poultry even when not infested with parasites. Poultry parasites, however, will also develop rapidly in clean places if the air is allowed to remain hot and moist for any length of time. PARASITES ATTACKING DOMESTIC FOWLS The parasites that are found occasionally on domestic poultry are: Large chicken louse (Goniocotes abdomi- nalis) ; lesser chicken louse (Goniocotes hologaster). The Goniodes dissimilis and the Goniocotes burnettii are rarely found on fowls. A louse that is sometimes found on fowls and which does considerable damage to the feathers when present in large numbers is the variable chicken louse, or feather louse (Lipeurus variabilis) . ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY 165 The parasites that frequently infest domestic poultry are: Common hen louse (Menopon pallidum); red mite, chicken mite, or red spider louse (Dermanyssus gallinae) ; itch, or scab, mite (Cnemidocoptes laevis, var. gallinae), scaly leg mite (Cnemidocoptes mutans). The parasites infesting turkeys, peafowls, and guinea fowls, in addition to the common hen louse and the red mite are Lipeurus polytrapezius, Goniodes stylifcr, Gonio- cotes rectangulatus, Goniodes falcicornis, and similar ones. The parasites most commonly infesting water fowls are Trinoton luridum; Lipeurus squalidus, which is com- monly found on ducks; Trinoton lituratum; Ornithobius cygni, which is commonly found on geese; and Doco- phorus cygni, which is commonly found on swans. The parasites most commonly infesting pigeons are: Common pigeon louse (Goniocotes compar), Lipeurus bacu- lus, Goniodes danticornis, and two varieties of fleas. INSECTICIDES The substances that are used to kill insects are called insecticides. The three general classes of insecticides that are employed to kill the parasites that infest poul- try are powders, liquids, and fumes. The powders have to be dusted on the bodies of the parasites so that the fine particles of the material will be drawn into the breathing tubes of the insects. These tubes are thus clogged, and the insect dies of suffocation. The liquids kill because they are corrosive or because they get into the breathing tubes of the insects and suffocate. The fumes employed kill because they suffocate. All poultry parasites except mites can be kept under control, so far as their presence on the bodies of birds is concerned, by the use of insect powders. Insect powders, however, are not so efficient for destroying parasites about poultry buildings as liquid and fume insecticides. Insecticides containing arsenic, such as Paris green, or other deadly poisons, should never be used about poultry buildings, as they are likely to poison both poultry and attendants. 166 ENEMIES AND D7SEASES OF POULTRY Powder Insecticides. To be suitable for killing the parasites of poultry that can be destroyed by powders, a powder must be very fine at least as fine as ordinary road dust perfectly dry, and not possess any adhesive qualities. Many kinds of powders are used for destroy- ing the parasites of poultry. They consist of substances that range from the most deadly poisons to the most harmless materials, and from ill-smelling powders to those that have no odor. No advantage is gained by using either poisonous or offensive smelling powders to kill the parasites of poultry, and they are dangerous both to the poultry and the person applying them. Some of the many kinds of insect powders are men- tioned and briefly described here because one or more of them can be found in any locality. The powders described do not include those that are specially pre- pared and sold in packages under a trade name. Any of the following powders may safely be used for dusting on poultry of all kinds. Aniseed powder is made from the seed of the anise plant, which grows in many parts of Europe. This powder is suitable for use about young chicks, poults, ducklings, and goslings. Pyrethrum powder is also commonly known as Persian or Dalmatian insect powder and as Buhach. It is usually sold by the pound in drug stores. This powder is com- monly made from the dry flowers of certain species of chrysanthemums which are grown in Persia, Dalmatia, and neighboring lands, and in California. When pure, this powder is one of the very best powders that can be used for dusting into the plumage of fowls, both old and young. Fine tobacco dust, which is a refuse from tobacco facto- ries, is an effective insecticide. It is suitable for dusting into nests, and will destroy body lice. Tobacco dust has the disadvantage that it will stick to the skin of the fowls. It also has a disagreeable odor, which is intensified by the heat and moisture of the bodies of the birds. ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY 167 Stavesacre seed powder is made from the seed of a species of larkspur that grows in Southern Europe. It is a poisonous substance, and delphinin, a poisonous drug, is made from this seed. When fine, this powder is a good insecticide. Dry. air-slaked lime makes an effective insect powder on account of its extreme fineness. Road dust will answer as an insecticide when used alone, provided it is very fine. It is also used as a base to mix with finely ground powders to make insecti- cides. To make sure that road dust is fine enough to be valuable as an insecticide, it should be passed through a very fine sieve, similar to that used by druggists for separating the coarser from the finer par- ticles in a powder. Compound insect pow- ders composed as fol- lows will be found effective: 1. Fine road dust that has been care- fully sieved and mixed with an equal quan- LEGHORNS tity of Pyrethrum powder. This will be very effective provided the Pyreth- rum powder is pure and the road dust very fine. 2. Equal parts of air-slaked lime, tobacco dust, and fine dust from coal ashes. If very fine and dry, this mixture will be suitable for dusting into nest boxes or on the bodies of fowls. It may, however, adhere to the bodies of the fowls and cause irritation. Liquid Insecticides. Liquid insecticides are more ef- fective for application to the interior of poultry buildings than powder insecticides, for the reason that they can be sprayed into all the cracks and crevices. When thoroughly applied, a good liquid insecticide will rid 168 ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY a house of practically all the parasites that are in it. Some insects such as red mites can conveniently be exterminated only by the use of liquid insecticides. When liquid insecticides of any kind are used as either a spray or a- paint, on poultry buildings, they should be allowed to soak into the wood and dry thoroughly be- fore the fowls are permitted to go inside of the building. Liquid insecticides of some kinds may also be applied to the bodies of poultry. Some liquid insecticides are applied by themselves without dilution or combination with any other material; in the form of an emulsion with other liquids; or with other materials in solution in them. A description of the principal liquid insecticides in use at the present time follows: Creosote is widely used as an insecticide. It is also known in some localities as crude carbolic acid and as creosote stain. Creosote is a coal-tar product. It is not an expensive material and is usually sold in paint stores. In large quantities it can be purchased at from 40c. to 50c. per gal., and in small quantities at from 80c. to $1 per gal. Creosote is used for shingle stains and as a wood preservative for many other kinds of wood- work. If it is desired to color the inside or outside of the houses to which creosote is to be applied, dry paint can be added to it. Creosote is the best liquid insecticide for spraying on the interior of poultry houses. Two or three applications of this material will rid any building or coop of insect vermin of all kinds. Creosote bought at different times and in different places will not always be of the same viscosity or thickness. When very thick it may need to be diluted in the proportion of 1 part of creosote to from 3 to 4 parts of kerosene oil, in order to get it in the proper condition for spraying. Thinner samples of creosote may need to be diluted with only 2 parts of kerosene oil to make it suitable for spraying. For painting roost poles and nest boxes, the thinner kind of creosote is commonly used without any dilution; the thicker kind is usually ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY 169 diluted with 2 parts of kerosene oil when used for this purpose. Roost poles may also be satisfactorily painted with a wash made up of equal parts of creosote and hot water. When roost poles and nest boxes are treated with this mixture, they should be allowed to dry in the sun before being put back in the house; when the roost poles are put back in the house their ends should be painted with a coat of the undiluted thick creosote. A mixture of 2 l / 2 gal. of creosote, 2^ gal. of water, and 1 Ib. of washing soda will also make an effective wash for nests, roosts, and brood coops. If this is used hot and applied in a spray, its effectiveness will be increased. After a house has been thoroughly freed of parasites, the roost poles and the interior of the nest boxes should be coated with one of the above mixtures of creosote once a week for a month, and occasionally thereafter. This work should always be done before noon so that the creosote will have time to dry before night. Crude petroleum is an inflammable oily liquid from which a number of other oils that are used for com- mercial purposes are obtained by processes of refining. It is also called coal oil, earth oil, mineral oil, natural oil, rock oil, and Seneca oil. Crude petroleum is a dark brown to greenish liquid. Kerosene is an inflammable oil distilled from crude petroleum or any mineral hydrocarbon. Kerosene is suitable for spraying the interior of poultry houces, but is not well suited for applying to the bodies of fowls. Inflamed eyes, blisters, and sore spots on the skin will result when kerosone is applied direct. It is abso- lutely unfit to use on the bodies of young chicks. Benzine is a colorless, inflammable, and volatile liquid obtained from distillation of crude petroleum. While it is often used as an insecticide, it is dangerous to handle because of its inflammability. Gasoline is also a colorless, volatile, and inflammable liquid obtained from the distillation of crude petroleum. It is dangerous to handle for the same reason that benzine is dangerous. 170 ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY Turpentine is a product of such trees as the pine and other similar trees. It is much used in the making of paints and varnishes and also in medicine. It is in- flammable and will irritate the skin. Crcoline, a liquid manufactured especially for use as an insecticide, is effective in killing the insect enemies of poultry. Crecline may be used in the interior of poultry houses diluted in the proportion of 3 fluid oz. of creoline to 1 gal. of water. Carbolic acid is largely used in the destruction of poultry parasites. A solution made of V/z fluid oz. of carbolic acid to 1 gal. of water is strong enough for this purpose. Carbolic acid is sometimes added to white- wash so that sanitary conditions can be improved at the same time that an insecticide is applied. When used in this way, however, carbolic acid does not have as effective insecticidal properties as when it is used without whitewash. Milk emulsion is usually first made up in a concen- trated or stock solution, or cream solution as it is sometimes called, and then diluted just before it is applied. To make the stock solution, add 2 gal. of kerosene to 1 gal. of milk and churn or mix thoroughly with a force pump or other agitator. This stock solution should be diluted in the proportion of 1 gal. of the stock solution to 4 gal. of warm water. Crude petroleum, benzine, gasoline., or turpentine may be substituted for kerosene in this formula. Kerosene, however, can usu- ally be purchased cheaper than the other liquids except crude petroleum. Soap emulsion is also usually first made up in a stock solution and then diluted just before it is to be applied. To make a stock solution of soap emulsion, dissolve 1 Ib. of hard soap in 1 gal. of hot water; when the soap has all dissolved and while the solution is hot, add 2 gal. of kerosene; mix thoroughly with a force pump or an agitator of some kind. When to be used for spraying the interior of poultry houses, this stock solution should be diluted in the proportion of 1 gal. of the stock solution ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY 171 to 4 gal. of water. Crude petroleum, benzine, gasoline, or turpentine may be substituted for kerosene in this formula also. Liquid lice killer is a name frequently applied to an insecticide made from kerosene oil and powdered naph- thalene flakes or balls, in the proportion of 2 Ib. of naphthalene to 1 gal. of kerosene. The can containing this solution should be covered so that the liquid will not leak out of it, and the solution should be agitated frequently by shaking. The solution should be allowed to remain in this can about a week, when it should be poured into another receptacle, so that another batch can be mixed if necessary. If 2 fluid oz. of creoline or of creosote are added to the clear solution, the effective- ness of the solution will be improved. The cans con- taining this solution should be kept in a temperature that never goes below 40 F. or the naphthalene will go out of solution and appear in flakes. The solution should be kept for about 24 hr. in a warm place before it is used, so that it will be at about 70 to 80 F. when it is applied. This solution should never be kept close to a fire, nor should any attempt be made to heat it over or near a fire, as it is inflammable. This liquid lice killer may be used for either painting or spraying the interior of poultry houses and brood coops. Compound liquid insecticides made up according to the following formulas may be used with safety on the bodies of young chicks: 1 oz. of oil of sassafras to 2 or 3 oz. of sweet oil; 1 oz. of oil of aniseed to 3 oz. of sweet oil. Lard can also be rubbed on the heads and throats of young chicks for use as an insecticide. Whitewash is not effective as an insecticide unless it is mixed with carbolic acid in the proportion of V/t fluid oz. of carbolic acid to 1 gal. of whitewash. Even when containing carbolic acid, however, it cannot be depended on to kill mites. If applied hot, the effective- ness of this mixture will be increased. Whitewash applied by itself will not kill insects unless it happens 172 ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY to so completely cover them that the creatures will drown in it. Whitewash can be recommended to help maintain sanitary conditions about a poultry house, but unfortunately when it is used it often gives the poultryman a false sense of security against parasites and frequently causes him to neglect the proper measures to exterminate the insect enemies of his poultry. Fume Insecticides. Fume insecticides are produced by burning various substances. Fumes that are extremely poisonous should not be used for killing poultry para- sites, as there is no necessity for their use, and persons, animals, and the poultry may be accidentally exposed to them. The following can be recommended as effective on parasites, and not necessarily fatal to other creatures if inhaled in small quantities, though they will prove fatal to any person, animal, or bird if inhaled in suf- ficient quantities: Sulphur fumes can be produced by burning sulphur. Either lump sulphur, which is frequently called brim- stone, sulphur candles, or powdered sulphur can be used for this purpose. The powdered sulphur will produce fumes more rapidly than the lump sulphur. The sulphur should be placed in an iron pot or pan to avoid fire and should be moistened with some inflammable liquid to make it burn more freely. Tobacco fumes may be produced by burning any kind of tobacco. Such fumes are usually produced by burning the waste leaves or stems of the tobacco plant, as these can be purchased cheaply. The tobacco stems or leaves should be placed in an iron receptacle of some kind to avoid the danger from fire and should also be moist- ened with some inflammable liquid to make them burn quickly. Creosote fumes or liquid lice-killer fumes are sometimes used for killing the parasites on a few fowls confined in a small space. This treatment is difficult to perform and dangerous to use. ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY 173 INSTRUMENTS FOR APPLYING INSECTICIDES Powder Guns. Insect powders can be applied by hand, but they are more effectively applied by the use of powder guns. A small pow- der gun is shown in Fig. 1. This will answer when only a few fowls are to be dusted, but where there are a large number of fowls to dust, a larger powder gun will be required. A bellows powder gun is shown in Fig. 2. FIG. 1 With this it will be FIG. 2 possible to dust a large number of fowls in a short time. This can be used at night by going about amorig the fowls and quietly inserting the point of the gun among the feathers of the fowls while on the roost, and in this way dust them thoroughly. Sprayers. Liquid insecticides can be most effectively and economically applied in spray form. Where there is only a small surface to go over, a small hand-spraying outfit similar to that shown in Fig. 3 will answer. Where a large amount of surface has to be covered, a spraying outfit like that shown in Fig. 4 will be found more conve- p IG 3 nient. There are many makes of these com- pressed-air sprayers on the market. Those with gal- vanized-iron receptacles for the liquid will answer for 174 ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY spraying insecticides but will not prove satisfactory for spraying Bordeaux mixture on plants. By using spray pumps to apply insecticides, a large quantity of liquid is saved as compared with applying them by means of a brush, and the insecticide is ft!//////*. also applied more effectively. When applied in a fine spray, it penetrates into the cracks and crevices in the building and forms an even covering over the flat surfaces. KILLING OF PARASITES A constant watch must be kept for parasites, because from the moment chicks come from the shell they are menaced by insect p IG 4 vermin. The most practical way of meeting the problem is con- tinually to practice preventive measures. If poultry parasites are allowed to become numerous they will sap the vitality of the fowls, and although the parasites themselves may be gotten rid of, it will be impossible to restore the physical condition of the fowls. For application to poultry houses, liquid and fume in- secticides are most effective, but usually liquid insecti- cides are the more convenient to apply. Powder insecticides are ordinarily effective on the bodies of fowls, but it must be borne in mind that they will not kill all classes of parasites. Houses that are maintained in a cleanly condition, well lighted with sunlight, and free from dampness will never be badly infested with parasites, if they are given regular sprayings with some good liquid insecticide. Nothing can take the place of sanitary conditions as a preventive measure, but sanitary conditions combined with regular spraying is most effective. Prevention of Infestation by Fowls From Other Flocks. To avoid the chance of carrying parasites into a house ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY 175 or to a flock that is free from parasites, all fowls brought in from other flocks should be kept in a sort of quaran- tine by themselves and specially treated for a number of days. The place of quarantine should be a small coop or cage that is free from parasites. For a period of about 10 da. some effective powder insecticide should be frequently dusted into the feathers of such fowls. To do this, the fowl should be held in one hand by the shanks, with the head hanging down, and the insect powder should be worked into the feathers of every part of the body and down on to the skin with the fingers of the other hand. In especially bad cases, a thorough washing should follow this dusting. Method of Ridding a Poultry House of Parasites. The thorough cleaning of a poultry house that has become badly infested with parasites is a difficult problem and drastic measures are required. If the building is a cheap affair, like a small coop, it is often best to burn it, but burning would be too expensive in the case of a large poultry house. Before attempting to clean a poultry house, all the fowls should be removed to other quarters, dusted with insect powder and kept by them- selves until the house cleaning is completed. To get a badly infested poultry house in good sanitary condition and free from parasites will require several days. The following treatment will be found effective, but in exceptionally bad cases a repetition of the treatment may be necessary. 1. The house should be thoroughly fumigated. After removing the poultry, stop up every crack and crevice, so that the fumes will not escape. A number of sub- stances can be used for fumigation, but sulphur and tobacco are the ones that can be recommended. If either of these are used they should be burned in some metallic receptacle such as an iron pot or kettle, to avoid fire. If these substances are moistened with some inflammable material they will burn more freely. Whatever material is burned to produce the fumes, enough of it should be used so that the interior of the 176 ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY building will be filled with enough fumes to darken it. The building should be kept tightly closed for 24 hr. 2. The interior of the house should be dusted with dry air-slaked lime. To do this a person should take a bucket, bag, or pailful of the fine lime and start at the end of the house farthest from the door, and walk slowly backwards toward the door, scattering the lime with the right hand in the same way that seed is sown. The lime should be thrown against the ceiling, side walls, nest boxes, roosting places, etc. The air should be filled with a cloud of lime dust. This dust will settle gradually into every crack and crevice of the house. While the lime dust is being scattered, the house should be closed as tightly as possible. About a half bushel of lime dust will answer for a poultry house 20 ft. wide and 40 to 50 ft. long. A thin cloth that the operator can see through should be tied over the eyes, nose, and mouth to prevent the lime dust from getting into them. Any parasites that may have escaped the fumes of the sulphur or tobacco will more than likely be killed by the lime dust. The house should be closed again for 24 hr. to allow the lime dust to settle thoroughly. 3. The house should then be brushed or swept clean. The ceiling, walls, floor, and every appliance and fixture inside the house should be carefully brushed. No dust or dirt should be left. The straw from the nest boxes, and the straw and dirt from the floor should be taken outside, saturated with kerosene, and burned. After all that will burn has been burned, the rest should be buried deep in the ground. 4. The house should be thoroughly sprayed both inside and out with one of the liquid insecticides described. Creosote and liquid lice killer are to be preferred, in the order named. The liquid insecticide applied at this time should be allowed to dry thoroughly. 5. A second application of the liquid insecticide should be made to the interior of the house, the nest boxes, and roosting poles before the fowls are allowed ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY 177 to return. This application should be made on the morning of the day the fowls are to be returned to the house; after the liquid has dried sufficiently, fresh straw should be placed in the nest boxes. 6. The fowls should be thoroughly dusted with insect powder immediately before they are allowed to return to the house. They should be returned to the house at dusk with the powder in their feathers so that they can roost the first night without shaking out the powder. 7. Sanitary conditions must be maintained continually in the house and a strict watch must be kept for the appearance of parasites, both on the fowls and about the house. If this is not done the house is likely to be reinfested with parasites. If parasites appear the house should be thoroughly cleaned and sprayed again. To maintain cleanliness the interior of the buildings, the side walls, ceilings, roosting places, nest boxes, etc. should be brushed frequently with a stiff broom, and all filth should be systematically removed from the floor before it has a chance to accumulate in any quantity. ANIMALS DESTRUCTIVE TO POULTRY Nearly all flesh-eating animals attack poultry when the occasion offers. The animals that do the most harm to the average poultry flock are wildcats, raccoons, opos- sums, skunks, weasels, minks, rats, dogs, and cats. It is said that the tiger of India and the smaller mem- bers of the feline family hunt the peafowl and the pheasant. Where foxes are found in the neighborhood they will also attack poultry. The great proportion of animals destructive to poultry hunt by night, and hence if all openings in the poultry houses are closed with wire netting, practically all of the animals most likely to attack would be excluded. For the capture or destruction of animals destructive to poultry the usual spring and box traps are used. 178 ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY BIRDS DESTRUCTIVE TO POULTRY It is difficult to determine just which birds are de- structive to poultry, because many birds that live on rodents, such as field mice, rats, etc., will attack poultry when short of other food. As a general rule, however, birds are not very destructive to poultry, because even the birds that attack domestic fowls the most frequently come far from being the worst enemies of poultry. One rat, for instance, will often destroy more chicks in a single night than a pair of hawks will carry off in a month, and the insect enemies of poultry do more dam- age than all other agencies combined. Falcons, hawks, and owls are the principal birds of prey that attack poultry and may be separated into four classes, grading from the least destructive to the most destructive as follows: The hawks and owls least destructive to poultry are: 1. The large rough-legged hawk, the squirrel hawk, and the white-tailed, Mississippi, swallow-tailed, and English kites. These birds will not disturb or hunt for poultry so long as they can find a satisfactory supply of other food to supply their wants. They are generally considered as being entirely beneficial to mankind. 2. According to Dr. A. K. Fisher the majority of hawks and owls are usually beneficial to mankind, but will often kill poultry when the occasion offers. He names the fol- lowing as belonging to this class: Marsh hawk, Harris's hawk, red-tailed hawk, short-tailed hawk, white-tailed hawk, red-shouldered hawk. Swainson's hawk, short- winged hawk, broad-winged hawk, Mexican black hawk, Mexican goshawk, sparrow hawk, barn owl, long-eared and short-eared owls, great gray owl, western owl, Rich- ardson's owl, screech owl, snowy owl, hawk owl, and other smaller species. 3. Fisher also classes the following birds as doing about as much good by destroying other creatures as they do harm by destroying poultry: Golden eagle, bald eagle, pigeon hawk, Richardson's hawk, falcons, and the great horned owl. ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY 179 4. Birds that are very destructive to poultry and not of much benefit through destroying other creatures are: Gray falcon, duck hawk, sharp-shinned hawk, Cooper's hawk, and goshawk. The birds that are classed as least destructive to poultry subsist almost entirely on rodents that destroy field crops and trees, but notwithstanding the fact that they prefer this kind of food they cannot be trusted where young chicks are being raised. Under starv- ing conditions all of these birds will kill the young of chick- ens, turkeys, and wa- ter fowls. The spar- row hawk, the small- est and most beauti- ful of all the above birds, lives almost entirely on insects and field mice, but will, if tempted by their presence, kill young chicks. In addition to the above birds, ravens, blackbirds, and crows will destroy WHITE MINORCA young poultry. It is not unusual for the raven and the crow to fly away with chicks that, are 2 or 3 wk. old. This, however, will occur only where the poultry have the range of the farm near the nesting places of these birds. Well-built houses are a good protection against birds of prey. Scarecrows and hawk traps are also sometimes effective. The presence of a few guinea fowls and a well-trained dog will often keep a fair-sized farm free from birds of prey. Neither guinea fowls nor dogs will do any harm to birds of prey, but the guinea fowls will make a loud outcry whenever birds of prey appear, and 180 ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY the dog that is trained for the purpose will bark at the noise and will chase the birds of prey away. DISEASES GENERAL REMARKS A disease is any derangement of a living organism, but the term ailment is usually applied to slight disorders. Though there are many diseases of poultry, and some serious ones, comparatively few fowls are diseased, when the large numbers of fowls in the country are considered, and poultry that is kept in sanitary quarters and has proper food is the least likely to become diseased. Hence, the importance of preventive measures. Poultry in poor health will exhibit a dull, sluggish, and listless appearance, which is the strongest evidence of a lack of vitality, and will go to roost early and remain there in the morning until long after the other fowls are out looking for food. When they do leave the roosts they will walk about as if they were not strong enough to drag their legs and feet after them. Fowls in poor health will have a bloodless appearance, will have an absence of healthy brightness in their eyes, faces, combs, and wattles, and will show a general lack of condition, which is always accompanied by a lack of appetite and a failure to assimilate properly the food they eat. Hens in poor health will lay but few eggs. Whenever fowls have had their vitality reduced so that they exhibit the symptoms described they will be susceptible to the attacks of all kinds of diseases. There are few symptoms that are of practical value in the diagnosis of the diseases of poultry, for the reason that many symptoms are common to several different diseases. A few general symptoms are, however, of value. Fowls that are diseased become listless; they are inclined to stay apart from other fowls, and will stand in out-of-the-way places or beside a fence sunning themselves, their heads hanging and their feathers ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY 181 ruffled. It is natural for fowls to sun themselves, but there is a marked difference between the healthy fowl basking in the sun for recreation and the sick fowl standing there in the hope of warming its body. Dis- ease in poultry is always accompanied by a loss of appe- tite and generally by frequent voidance of the bowels. The temperature of normal fowls ranges from 106 to 107.5 F., but the temperature of fowls is rarely taken, chilliness being usually accepted as an indication of fever. The heart beat of fowls is quite rapid, varying from 110 to 140 per minute. The rapidity, however, is not of so much importance as the regularity. The normal breathing rate of fowls is from 50 to 60 respirations per minute. When the respiratory organs are diseased, the respirations are quickened. The regularity or irregular- ity of the heart beat or of respiration will be plainly heard if the ear is placed against the backbone or the ribs. Preventive measures are the best treatment for poultry troubles. The fowls should be handled in such a way that they will contract as few diseases as possible, and the slightest ailment should be treated before it has a chance to gain headway. This requires constant attention, but this is the only way to success. None but very simple treatment is ordinarily neces- sary for poultry, and any ailment that will not yield readily to simple treatment is usually so serious that even if a fowl is enabled to recover from it, the results will not be satisfactory, for the vitality of the fowl will be seriously impaired. Hence, the practical poultry- man, except in the case of particularly valuable fowls, usually kills any ailing fowls that do not recover quickly from simple treatment. Medicine is most satisfactorily administered to a flock of fowls by being fed mixed in a warm or slightly warm mash. Pills are usually the most convenient form in which to administer medicine to individual fowls. When liquids are poured down a fowl's throat care should be taken to avoid strangulation. 182 ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT There are a few fundamental principles of treatment that it would be well for every poultryman to have continually in his mind. Morse's maxims cover this ground so well that they are given here: "Clean out by means of Epsom salts, administered in an evening mash, estimating one-third of a teaspoonful to each adult bird. When disease is raging this may be practiced with the sick two or three times a week until there is an abatement of the outbreak. Even the well birds should receive one such dose at the beginning of an outbreak of disease. After disease has swept through a flock, until one is certain that it has been entirely eradicated, it is well to give the flock at least one dose monthly during the cooler weather and twice a month during the heated term. "Clean up the poultry houses by sprinkling powdered, air-slaked lime over the runs, dropping-boards, and floors. This should be practiced at the time of giving the salts, as the lime will destroy the parasites that are deposited in the droppings. "Clean the water supply by adding to the drinking water enough permanganate of potash to turn the water a claret red; that would ordinarily be as much as you can spread on a silver lOc. piece to the gallon of water. Instead of this, iron sulphate may be added in the proportion of 10 gr. to 1 gal. of water. Or, instead of either, 1 teaspoonful of strong carbolic acid (not crude) may be added to 1 gal. of water. This should be practiced constantly during the prevalence of disease. Healthy fowls not threatened with disease do not need it. "Clean eggs by dipping them in 90% alcohol, just before placing them in the incubator. Instead of the alcohol, a 3% solution of some good coal-tar disin- fectant may be used, with this exception, that instead of dipping, as in the use of alcohol, they should be wiped with the coal-tar disinfectant. The purpose of this rule is to remove from the shell of the egg the various ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY 183 contaminating microbes that are deposited on the shell in its passage through the cloaca. "By all means furnish your poultry with nothing but clean food. Moldy food is certain to produce disease and death. However, circumstances sometimes arise in which it appears impossible to avoid the use of food that has been exposed to the conditions favorable to the production of mold. In such circumstances, destroy the mold by the application of strong heat. Do not think that this suggestion is a happy thought to permit you to lessen your expenses by buying seconds, thirds, etc. in the feed line. If you practice it, it will be to your certain loss. An emergency suggestion is never a rule to be regularly carried out. "Clean incubators and brooders by thoroughly scrub- bing them with hot water and common soap. This practice, alone, has helped to cut down the cases of white diarrhea and brooder pneumonia. Having once used the incubators and brooders, remember that danger, dis- ease, and death lurk in them until they are disinfected. "Breed from the youngest females consistent with the needs of good breeding. Investigators have recently shown that there are fewer cases of egg infection by bacteria in the eggs that come from virgin pullets. A study of the anatomy of fowls and the physiology of fertilization makes plain at once how all kinds of bacteria may be introduced into the egg tube by the male bird in the act of copulation. Once in the egg tube it is not difficult for the bacteria to eventually reach the ovary and thus we may have infection of eggs in the ovary and in the upper part of the egg tube." SIMPLE REMEDIES FOR POULTRY Every poultryman should have at hand a few simple remedies that may be safely used in the treatment of poultry diseases and ailments. Many of the common remedies kept in the home for use with children will be valuable for poultry. The following materials are all convenient for the poultryman to have on hand: 184 ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY Epsom salts, called also bitter salt, is a white, hydrated, crystalline salt known chemically as magnesium sulphate. It is used as a purgative in doses of Ys teaspoonful to each fowl. Castor oil is a thick yellowish-white oil expressed from the castor bean. It is used as a purgative. Olive oil, called also sweet oil, is an oil expressed from the ripe fruit of the olive. It serves the purpose of butter in some countries, but in most parts of the civilized world is used chiefly in salad dressings. Olive oil is the most nearly perfect laxative for use with poultry, as it is both healing and nutritious, thus possessing an advantage over castor oil. A tablespoonful of olive oil can be safely administered. Camphor is a gumlike, translucent, crystalline com- pound with a penetrating, fragrant odor; it is distilled from the wood and bark of the camphor tree. It may be used as a medicine for poultry to allay irritation, as in colds and in cases of slight diarrhea. Copper sulphate, called also bluestone, is a blue crystal- line substance that is used as an astringent and stimu- lant, but not more than from % to % gr. should be administered more than once a day to any fowl. Iron sulphate, called also copperas, is a green, crystal- line substance that is used for the same purpose as copper sulphate and can be administered in doses of *A to y 2 gr. Douglas mixture is used as a tonic for both poultry and pigeons, and is made by mixing ^2 lb. of iron sulphate with 1 oz. of sulphuric acid dissolved in 2 gal. of water. This may be used in the drinking water 2 tablespoon- fuls of the mixture to each pint of water. Table salt is sparingly used to season mash foods for poultry. A large quantity of salt will kill poultry, and it is better to give them none than too much. Less salt should be used to season food for poultry than is needed for human beings. Rhinitis tablets, half strength, are an excellent remedy for a cold in its early stages. They are given to ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY 185 poultry that have slight colds two tablets two or three times a day for from 1 to 3 da. Homeopathic remedies are used by many poultrymen for their poultry with satisfactory results. Such remedies should be given to poultry in quantities about as recommended for children. Healing powders for applying to sores of any kind are useful to have on a poultry establishment. Equal parts of burnt alum and zinc oxide; or zinc oxide, powdered magnesia, and Venetian red are effective for this pur- pose. Burnt alum and the mixture of burnt alum and zinc oxide are excellent for use on any kind of sores. The zinc oxide and the powdered magnesia are very healing and painless. The Venetian red is slightly caustic and may be used where a light cauterization is needed. Hydrogen peroxide, a clear solution that looks like water, is useful for cleansing and disinfecting ulcers or other sores on poultry. Paraffin oil is a mineral oil derived from petroleum. It may be used for relief in cases of scaly leg and bumblefoot and may be applied to injuries of the shank, but should not be applied to the skin of the body or to the feathers. Ointments are sometimes needed for irritations of the skin. Fresh zinc-oxide ointment is useful for this pur- pose, but when it becomes rancid it is unfit for use. An ointment made of equal parts of glycerine and rose water mixed in a mortar with zinc oxide until the whole assumes a thick mass, may also be used. Iodine, turpentine, creollne, zenoleum, and tincture of iron are effective for destroying warts on poultry. Tonics for preventing illness should never be given to poultry. Fowls in good health do much better without them. A tonic for young or half-grown chicks that have been weakened from any cause may be given in pill form according to the following formula: 2 dr. of iron citrate and 30 gr. of quinine sulphate, mixed into a mass with sirup of gum arabic so as to make 186 ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY enough for 60 pills. One of these pills may be given night and morning for 3 da. AILMENTS AND TREATMENT Colds, Canker, Catarrh, and Roup. The most common ailments of fowls are colds, canker, catarrh, and roup. All of these troubles are likely to come from exposure to damp or cold at seasons of the year when the tem- perature rises and falls quickly. Fowls are just as likely to take a cold in July and Aug. as in midwin- ter; they are especially likely to take cold on rainy days in the summer when they go to roost with wet plumage. As a matter of fact, colds, canker, catarrh, and roup are often merely stages of the same disease. A cold may begin by a slight discharge from the nostrils, accompanied, perhaps, by watering of the eyes. Canker and catarrh, which are inflammations of the mucous mem- brane, are mild forms of diphtheria in which patches may grow on the inside of the throat and on the tongue or at the opening of the windpipe. These conditions follow one another quickly, unless prompt attention is given to the first symptoms of cold. The earlier forms of the disease do not seem to be contagious, but roup is contagious. So many remedies are used in the treatment of these diseases that it is difficult to choose between them. The best remedy of all, perhaps, is permanganate of potash administered in the drinking water. The bathing of the head, face, throat, and nostrils with warm water in which some antiseptic solution is mixed, and the maintenance of perfect cleanliness in their surroundings is also advisable. The giving of internal remedies is very unsatisfactory, and any attempt to cure fowls afflicted with roup by any such means is almost useless. Fowls badly affected with roup should be promptly killed, their bodies buried, and the premises cleaned and disinfected with creosote or some other similar material. Permanganate of potash should be given to ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY 187 the rest of the flock in their drinking water. A saturated solution may be made by placing 1 oz. of the crystals of permanganate of potash in a 2-oz. bottle of water. One teaspoonful of this saturated solution will be sufficient for 1 gal. of drinking water. A warm mash with a little ginger and red pepper added as a tonic may also be given with advantage. Gapes. Gapes is a disease caused by parasites or gape worms growing and adhering to the inner lining of the windpipe. This causes the chicks to gasp for breath; they open their mouths wide and sneeze or cough in an effort to throw the parasite out of the windpipe. Among the remedies used for this is the feeding of asafetida, garlic, or onion tops in soft food. A tea- spoonful of powdered asafetida to a pint of food will be plenty of this. Garlic and onion tops as much as they will eat will not injure them. Another means of relief is to introduce a feather down the throat and into the windpipe, the point of the feather being dipped in sweet oil before being introduced to the windpipe. Bronchitis. Bronchitis is a disease of the lining of the air tubes. Fowls that take cold are apt to have irritation of the bronchial tubes. When this becomes aggravated a rattling in the throat is apparent. Treat- ment is difficult. One drop of tincture of aconite may be given every hour until four or five doses have been administered. The fowl should be fed on warm bread and milk or a warm mash. When the rattling in the throat becomes aggravated there is but little chance for relief. The use of pills made of iron> quinine, and strychnine of the same strength that would be given to a lO-yr.-old child may be administered one each morning and evening. Diseases of the Intestines. Diseases of the intestines are caused by improper feeding, poorly kept or un- sanitary houses, yards, and buildings, or long-continued exposure to damp and cold. These intestinal irritations cause diarrhea, dysentery, and like ailments, which may bring about what is known as going light. The 188 ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY only safety against such ailments is perfect cleanliness, protection from cold and damp, and proper feeding. Fowls that are attacked with looseness of the bowels or diarrhea may be treated by separating them from the rest of the flock, cutting off their supply of green food, and giving them water to drink in which a tea- spoonful of tincture of iron has been mixed in each quart of water, feeding them warm mash composed of either stale bread, ground oats, and wheat bran equal parts, or of ground oats, wheat middlings, and wheat bran equal parts, either to be moistened with hot milk or hot water and seasoned with a teaspoonful of red pepper to each quart of mash. Of recent years the scourge of white diarrhea has spread throughout the world. Some persons claim that nearly one-half of all the little chicks hatched are lost through this ailment. Whether or not so large a per- centage of all chicks hatched die from this disease, it is a fact that entirely too many die in this way and that nearly all of the little chicks that die of looseness of the bowels have white diarrhea. The symptoms of white diarrhea are unmistakable. It usually attacks little chicks within the first week after they come from the shell. They shiver, hang down their wings, close their eyes, and stand about and peep in a most painful manner, and the discharges from their bowels is like a mixture of milk and lime. Other kinds of diarrhea and looseness of the bowels may be caused by cold, exposure to damp, or eating food that ferments in the bowels. Diarrhea from these causes does not make little chicks nearly so sick as does white diarrhea. The cure for all these troubles is care and manage- ment. If little chicks are exposed to too much heat under the brooder or are chilled at night under the brooder, if they run out in the damp and wet and take cold, or if any of them eat bad food they are almost certain to be afflicted with looseness of the bowels. This can be cured or prevented by avoiding the troubles that cause the ailment and by a system of perfect sanitation ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY 189 and cleanliness and the feeding of proper kinds of food. Looseness of the bowels of this kind can usually be cured by feeding equal parts of bread crumbs and rice boiled in milk. If there is sufficient moisture in the rice to moisten the bread, no more moisture is needed. If a little more moisture is needed use hot milk. This treatment can be safely given to all little chicks troubled with looseness of the bowels. It will not hurt the chicks with white diarrhea. There is, however, no known cure for little chicks that are afflicted with white diarrhea. Diseases of the Legs and Feet. Leg weakness, rheuma- tism, and gout are troubles that cause lameness in fowls. Lameness may also come from corns or bumblefoot. Rheumatism and gout are often called leg weakness, although the leg weakness may be due to any one of a number of causes, as for instance too high a temperature in the brooder, to the chicks being kept too long on board floors, to insufficient nutrition, or to a lack of bone-forming material in the food. In most cases die- tetic and hygienic treatment will prove sufficient. Rheumatism and gout are kindred diseases caused by the fowls being exposed to dampness and by being shut up in badly ventilated houses. In fact, nine-tenths of all poultry troubles come from damp and unsanitary houses; if the houses were kept perfectly clean, dry, and free from insects, fowls would have but few ail- ments. There is no cure for rheumatism and gout, and scarcely any relief. Scaly leg is a disease of the shanks caused by little mites that come from damp and filthy conditions. The mites get under the scales on the shanks and toes and cause swellings on these parts. Scaly leg may be quickly cured if treated at the beginning, but it is hard to eradicate at an advanced stage. It may be treated by rubbing the shanks thoroughly each day with an application of lard and kerosene until the growths are cleaned off. The most effective way of dealing with the trouble is to sell off the afflicted fowls for market 190 ENEMIES AND DISEASES OF POULTRY poultry and put the houses and surroundings in a sanitary condition. Bumblefoot is an ulcer on the bottom of the foot of a fowl and is usually caused by a bruise. It may be treated by applying some kind of ointment or healing salve or by cauterizing with strong iodine or a saturated solution of permanganate of potash. Chicken Pox. Chicken pox is an ailment that comes usually in the fall of the year. The first appearance is noticed from the little black specks growing on the face and eyes, usually of young fowls. These continue to grow until they close the eyes completely and the fowls die of starvation, because they cannot see to eat. This ailment is the most prevalent in warm or tropical cli- mates, where it is called sorehead. Frequently the entire head becomes raw, and when in this condition the fowl is so afflicted with flies, bugs, and mosquitoes that it is almost eaten up. The only treatment to be relied on is cleanliness and the bathing of the afflicted parts with a 5% or a 10% solution of creoline in water. Bad Habits. Egg eating and picking of sore places on the bodies of one another are bad habits acquired by fowls kept in confinement with nothing to do. There does not seem to be any remedy for these bad habits when they are once acquired. In some instances they may be checked by transferring the fowls from place to place or by giving them perfect freedom. POULTRY JUDGING 191 POULTRY JUDGING METHODS OF JUDGING In America there are three methods of judging: (1) By the official score card of the American Poultry Association; (2) by the decimal score card; and (3) by comparison. The practice of judging by score card was begun and has continued in the United States and Canada ever since the compilation of the first Standard by the Amer- ican Poultry Association. A few shows that are held during Nov. and a large number that are held between Dec. and April are judged by the score-card method. The shows that are held from April to Nov. are judge? by comparison. The score-card method of judging has been recognized by the American Poultry Association since its origin. The decimal score card was introduced by the late I, K. Felch in 1890, and since that time both the official and the decimal score cards have been used. Although the decimal score card has never been recognized by the American Poultry Association, its use continues to some extent, although its advocates are decreasing in number. Although comparison judging has been used for so long in the placing of awards, in fact, much longer than the score-card method, it did not have the sanction of the American Poultry Association until 1904. Judging by comparison is practiced each year at all shows held prior to Nov. 1 throughout the United States and Canada. Nearly all the larger exhibitions are judged under the comparison system. The advantages of each method of judging depend on the ability of the judges accurately to determine how nearly the fowls under consideration approach the re- OFFICIAL SCORE CARD OF THE Fancier's Poultry Association OWNER- _BAND NO. .WEIGHT Shape Colo; Symmetry Weight or Size_ Condition Head and Beak_ Eyes Wattles & Ear Lobes Neck Wings Back Tail Breast Body and Fluff Legs and Toes *Hardness of Feather. fCrest and Beard 'Applies to Games and Game Bai tApplies to Crested Breeds -Judge _ Secretary FlG.l 192 POULTRY JUDGING 193 quirements of the standard. The use of the score card is considered of the greatest advantage to the amateur, who gains knowledge by a careful study of his own fowls in comparing them with the decisions of the judge, which are shown in detail on the cards, which go to the exhibitors. Comparison judging, however, is equally beneficial, provided the exhibitor is present and can understand the reasons for the various awards and rejections. Comparison judging becomes of more gen- eral use in neighborhoods where poultry shows have been held annually for a considerable length of time. Score-card judging is in more common use in localities where the practice of holding poultry shows is in its infancy. More shows are judged by score cards through- out the United States and Canada than are judged by comparison. Comparison judging is really an advanced system of judging that can be employed by those who are familiar with the distinctions considered of the greatest importance. SCORE CARDS A copy of the official score card of the American Poultry Association is shown in Fig. 1. The only change needed to make this score card local is to print at the top in place of "Fancier's Poultry Association," the name of the local association using it. This card gives a list of the parts of a fowl in respect to which it is to be scored, and a space is provided for noting the score for each part. A definite number of points is assigned to each part, the total number of points indi- cating perfection in all parts being 100. The figures scored after each part indicate the degree to which it approaches perfection according to standard require- ments, and the total score shows how closely a fowl ap- proaches perfection in all respects, which is 100 points. This method is a mathematical analysis of the defects found in a fowl, and enables a judge to make a discount for each. THE DECIMAL SCORE CARD Bree Sex Coo d F ntry N Jo o. 3 No Ring 1 s Weight fe | LU 8 ft . c .2 1 c CONDITION WEIGHT or SIZE Pill COMB, or CREST AND COMB HEAD AND |YE K ADJUNCTS ^T L LE B S E NECK Shape INC THIS CARD. To cut for weight, comb, head, tures, defective and cut In the column. For shape, otted line. For color, below the line. Shape being or. cut in space for shape, but low enough to include r being the greater evil, commence the figure just md carry deep down into color space. Thu secures bitions. BACK Shape BREAST gg; BODY and Shape FLUFF Color WINGS Shape TAIL ggr LEGS and Shape TOES c 8 Total Defects Score -,, PrfjrJ-l If FIG. 3 POULTRY JUDGING 197 A convenient comparison-judging score card is shown in Fig. 3. Any number of lines needed to complete an entry may be added to this card. The comparison method of judging consists in a careful examination of every section of the fowl, and a determination of the quality by this means, the final placing of awards being decided without numerical estimates. In fact, to judge by comparison is to select the best, by applying, by means of sight estimates, the criteria of perfection es- tablished by the Standard. Comparison judging gives due credit to superior value in individual fowls. No other system gives considera- tion to unusual quality so equitably as does the com- parison system. When properly applied, comparison judging can be made more equitable in placing awards than any other system; for selecting the best fowls in the classes, no system is superior to it. The main objection, and, in fact, the only real objection that can be made against it, is that no record is made, nor is there any reason apparent to the absent exhibitor for the award of prizes. A record by scores and the results published conveys a numerical value for individual fowls to the mind of the absentee. In the score card he has comparative nu- merical values of the fowls that were outside the list of awards. JUDGING OF FARM FLOCKS AT FAIRS AND SHOWS When at Pennsylvania State College, Mr. Kilpatrick, then of the Bureau of Animal Industry, displayed a remarkable interest in having farmers show their poultry at county fairs. He suggested that the flocks to be exhibited should consist of 6 females and 1 male, that each lot be placed in a coop or runway, where they could be readily viewed, and he suggested that the accompany- ing score cards should be used to judge them. One score card is for judging the general -purpose type of fowls, the other for judging the egg-laying type. 198 POULTRY JUDGING Since then several systems for selecting poultry by outward appearance have been evolved. One, and per- haps the best of these, is the Cornell System, given under Selecting Hens for Egg Production. Another system that has attracted attention the world over is that of select- ing the physical characteristics of layers, as suggested by Mr. Barren. SCORE CARD FOR FARM FLOCK GENERAL-PURPOSE TYPE PERFECT JUDGE'S SCORE SCORE Head: Small, with small combs and wattles; beak, short, stiff, and strong; bright, full eye; face, comb and wattles bright in color and of fine texture 5 Neck: Rather short, neat, tapering -to head 2 Wings: Small and neat 2 Back: Of good length, rather broad 6 Breast: Large, full, rounding, well de- veloped 6 Body: Very deep, broad, and compact, well fleshed; keel straight and long, well rounded out with flesh; should resemble a parallelogram in shape 30 Skin: Smooth and of fine texture; yellow skin preferred 4 Flesh: Firm, evenly distributed; deep, especially in regions of desirable cuts; should give indication of tendency to fatten easily 10 Shanks: Short, stiff, and clean 3 Plumage: Abundant, bright, and well kept; free from dark pin feathers Disposition: Docile; quiet but active 2 Vitality: Strong; fowls should give evi- dence of perfect health, freedom from vermin, etc., and must be neat and clean in appearance 10 Size: Females shall weigh not less than 5 Ib. each, males not less than 7 Ib... 8 Uniformity: Flock to consist of 6 females and 1 male; females as uniform as possible in type, size, color of plum- age, etc.; male, same color as females 10 POULTRY JUDGING 199 PERFECT JUDGE'S SCORE SCORE Disqualifications: Any evidence of dis- ease, low vitality, scaly leg destroy- ing the natural color of the shank, roach back, crooked toe, or wry tail. Fowls badly infested with lice shall also be disqualified. Head: Bright in color, of moderate size, short, broad, and neat; beak, short, stiff, and strong; eye, bright, fully filling the socket, giving an impres- sion of alertness and brightness; comb well developed, medium to large in size, full of blood, and of fine tex- ture ...................................... 8 Neck: Of medium length, neat and trim 3 Back: Long and reasonably broad ........ 8 Body: Compact, broad, and deep, espe- cially in abdomen and fluff, giving plenty of room for vital organs; well rounded out with flesh; plump, yet not fat; good width between pelvic bones, 1J^ in. or better, with good distance between rear joint of keel bone and pelvic arch; wings of me- dium size ............................... 20 Breast: Shallower than rear, present- ing a wedge shape when viewed from above. Should be rounded, of medium size, giving good lung capacity ........ 8 Shanks and toes: Shanks, stocky, not rangy; of medium length. The fowl should stand up stiff and straight, with body well supported on the tops of the legs, the fowl standing firmly on the toes. Shanks to have full, highly colored skin, loose around the shanks; should carry some flesh. Toe- nails, short and straight ................ 5 Tail: Full and flowing, not pinched or stinted; a tendency to be carried high 2 Plumage: Glossy, flowing, abundant, bright, and well kept ................... 2 Disposition: Always busy, singing con- stantly, docile, elusive. The male should be courteous to the hens and exhibit great courage .................. 2 200 POULTRY JUDGING PERFECT JUDGE'S SCORE SCORE Flesh: Hard, firm, muscular, showing little tendency to lay on fat 5 Vitality: Strong, as evidenced by gen- eral appearance and condition of the fowl, giving evidence of perfect health, freedom from lice, etc. ; must be neat and clean in appearance 12 . Size: Of medium size, female ranging from 3^2 to 6 Ib. : male, from 454 to 7 Ib 5 Eggs: Eggs to be of good size, weighing not less than 26 oz. per doz. ; must be uniform in shape, size, and color; white eggs to have the preference over brown or tinted eggs, other things being equal; eggs not to be considered unless all flocks are laying during the competition 10 Uniformity: Flock is to consist of 6 females and 1 male; females should be as nearly alike as possible in type, size, plumage, etc.; male should be of same color as females 10 Disqualifications: Any evidence of dis- ease or low vitality, scaly leg de- . stroying the natural color of the shank, roach back, or wry tail. Fowls badly infested with lice shall also be disqualified. UTILITY SCORE CARD Another score card for judging layers at utility poul- try shows is shown in Fig. 4. It was compiled by Irving C. Lewis, of Ulysses, Pa., and is copyrighted. The card can be purchased from Mr. Lewis. UTILITY SCORE CARD All Varieties For Use in Utility Poultry Shows Type Date . Coop No Band No. . . . Breed Sex Weigh Condi Color Capac Prepo! Pelv EggT Judge t CUTS tion Comb ity ency Left Right Average Shape ype Total Cuts Score Show Secretary Copyright, 1914, by Irving C. Lewis, Ulysses, Pa 201 FIG. 4 202 POULTRY SHOWS AND ASSOCIATIONS POULTRY SHOWS AND ASSO- CIATIONS BEGINNING OF POULTRY SHOWS The first poultry exhibition is thought to have been the one held in the Zoological Gardens of London, Eng- land, in 1846; the first poultry show held in Birmingham, England, was in 1849. The first poultry exhibition held in America is credited to Boston in 1849. The first American poultry show to attract world-wide attention was held in the American Museum, New York City, in February, 1854, under the management of P. T. Barnum. The second show was held a year later at the same place. This show was really the beginning of live interest in the breeding of fowls for exhibition in America. From 1860 to 1865 but little interest was taken in poul- try exhibitions in America. From then to the present time they have increased so fast as to surprise the world. During the show season of 1911 and 1912 more than 700 poultry exhibitions were held in the United States and Canada, and more than 200 in England. The number of shows held in the United States and Canada during the years 1917 and 1918 were considerably less than prior to these dates. The same conditions prevailed in England. The great shows of England were the Dairy, the Birmingham, and the Crystal Palace shows. These were discontinued to some extent from 1914 to 1919. These shows were formerly held between the fifteenth of October and the first of December. The Crystal Palace show of London, England, was for many years the larg- est and most highly considered of all poultry shows, but within the last few years the New York, Boston, and Chicago shows have ranked very high. The New York and Boston shows have come to be considered Q f equal importance with the Crystal Palace exhibition. POULTRY SHOWS AND ASSOCIATIONS 203 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION The American Poultry Association, a national organi- zation of breeders of standard-bred poultry is the authoritative body of the United States and Canada. This organization owns the copyrights of the Standard of Perfection, issues show rules and regulates the han- dling of shows, and lends its best efforts to the general upbuilding of poultry culture. AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION SHOW RULES Poultry associations or societies, Associate Members of the American Poultry Association, giving poultry shows or exhibitions, governed by and subject to the Association's Rules and Regulations, must print in the premium lists or on their entry sheets in bold-faced type: "The (full name of the association) being a member of the American Poultry Association, their Annual Show (dates here), will Jbe governed by and run under the latest revised Official Poultry Show Rules of the American Poultry Association. All prizes will be awarded strictly in accordance with the American Stand- ard of Perfection." Section 1. Under normal conditions entries shall close the day advertised (entries bearing postmark of that date being eligible) and entry fees must be paid on or before that time, except when telegraphed, and in such cases remittance must follow by first mail. Sec. 2. Any person under disqualification by the American Poultry Association is ineligible to enter, to compete, or to act as judge or in any capacity. Sec. 3. All entries must be the bona-fide property of the exhibitor. Otherwise he forfeits all entry fees, all prize money, and all other premiums, as well as the right to have his birds remain in the show room. In cases of disqualifications under this rule other exhibits shall, if qualified, be moved up in the list of winners, subject to the disqualified exhibitor's right of appeal. 204 POULTRY SHOWS AND ASSOCIATIONS Sec. 4. In cases where it shall come to the knowledge of the management that disqualified parties have, un- known to them, succeeded in making an entry or entries, the right is reserved to cancel such entries, and such party shall forfeit his entry fee, prize money, and other premiums. The show management reserves the right to refuse entries from exhibitors whose conduct, in their opinion, makes it desirable for the welfare of the show that their birds be debarred from competition. Sec. 5. Each specimen regularly entered as provided by the rules of the local association will be judged in its order unless removed from its coop by written order of the secretary or marked "Not for competition" when the entry is made. Exhibitors will not be allowed to handle or interfere with any of the exhibits in any class after the judging of any variety has commenced. In cases where entries are made at shows where cata- logs are issued and exhibits are not sent, entry fees will not be returned. 'Associations that do not issue catalogs may use their discretion in this matter. Sec. 6. Exhibitors attempting to interfere with or in- fluence the judge or judges shall be dealt with as pro- vided in Section 3. Sec. 7. Judges shall be required to sign the judge's book or card provided by the show association. An official record of these awards shall be preserved by the secretary for 3 yr. for reference. Sec. 8. No specimen shall be removed from the show until after its close except upon the written consent of the show secretary or superintendent. Sec. 9. All entries are entered and shown at the risk of owners, and while associations are expected to exer- cise all reasonable care in the handling and protection of the exhibits, such associations will in no case be liable except as provided in Rule 10. Sec. 10. Birds must be returned promptly at the close of the show, and any lost in the reshipping through proved carelessness or negligence on the part of the POULTRY SHOWS AND ASSOCIATIONS 205 show association, are to be paid for by such association at a value not to exceed $10 per bird, as agreed liqui- dated damages, it being understood that in subscribing to this rule the exhibitor does not waive any rights he may have at law. Sec. 11. Any exhibitor disqualified for fraudulent practices shall have the right of appeal to the Executive Board of the American Poultry Association within 1 yr. from the date of his disqualification. Sec. 12. Notices of a disqualification -with a detailed statement shall be mailed, by the show association, within 10 da., to the secretary of the American Poultry Association and by registered mail to the disqualified party. Sec. 13. Protests are to be entertained by local asso- ciations only in cases of apparent dishonesty, ignorance, or carelessness on the part of the judge. In scoring the specimens in dispute, the judge, together with the presi- dent and secretary of the local association (or represen- tatives appointed by the management of the local asso- ciation), shall constitute a committee of three, and the majority decision of this committee shall be final. Score cards made out by the judge in deciding protested awards are to be retained by the local association. When protests are entertained, where judging has been done by score card, the specimens under dispute shall be rescored by the judge, he to act as a member of the committee of three, as provided, the rescoring to be done in the presence of the other two members of the com- mittee on protests. Protests a're not to be entertained except when made in writing, and the person making same shall deposit with the secretary of the local association the sum of five dollars, this money to be returned to the person making the protest if his protest be sustained; if protest be not sustained, the deposit becomes the property of the local association. Sec. 14. Notice of protests that are sustained shall be mailed within 10 da. to the Secretary of the American 206 POULTRY SHOWS AND ASSOCIATIONS Poultry Association, to be brought by him before the Executive Board, before whom an appeal may be taken by the judge within 1 yr. Sec. 15. No judge shall exhibit in any class which he is judging and he shall refuse to consider any bird that he may recognize as having been owned by him 6 mo. previous to the show, and no exhibitor or any one inter- ested in any exhibit that may be in the class shall act as assistant to the judge. Sec. 16. Associations shall have the right to reassign judges for cause or to add to the list of judges as occa- sion may require. Sec. 17. The placing of names, leg bands, or marks of any sort, not provided by the show, on birds or on or in the coops shall be left to the rules of the show associations. Sec. 18. Show managements shall have the right to refuse entry to the show room, or to remove from the same all diseased or unsightly birds, and are expected to avail themselves of this right. Entry fees on such birds shall be forfeited. Sec. 19. All specimens must be exhibited in their natural condition with the exception of Games and Game Bantams. Any violation of this rule shall exclude such specimens from competition and cause the withholding of all premiums awarded. Sec. 20. Any matter not provided for in the foregoing rules and regulations will be referred to the executive committee of the local show for decision. Sec. 21. Where Standard varieties of poultry that re- quire the double-mating system are exhibited, local asso- ciations are permitted to offer special prizes only for both single entries and pens containing specimens bred in accordance with the system of double mating practiced in such varieties. These specials must be plainly de- signated "Special Prizes" so as to be distinguished from the regular premiums offered for the Standard awards. Sec. 22. Every exhibitor hereby agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the American Poultry Association and POULTRY SHOWS AND ASSOCIATIONS 207 to abide by these rules whether he is a member of the Association or not. Sec. 23. Any show association may make additional rules or regulations provided they are not inconsistent with or in conflict with these rules. Sec. 24. All poultry associations that are members of the American Poultry Association shall be permitted to designate their exhibitions as official poultry shows, and to use the official entry books, entry blanks, judges' cards, ribbons, and other supplies furnished by the Amer- ican Poultry Association. Sec. 25. These Show Rules are official and are copy- righted and can be used only by poultry associations or societies that are associate members of the American Poultry Association. Sec, 26. Local associations must offer premiums on all varieties of Standard-Bred fowls. Sec. 27. Special for best display any one variety shall be made on the points, first prize to count 6; second, 4; third, 3; fourth, 2; fifth, 1; pens to count double. If more than five awards are placed in any class, all places below 5, shall receive one point for each such award in the single classes and two points for pens. Sec. 28. Premium ribbons shall be displayed only at the show, time, and place where the ribbons were awarded, and no other ribbons or special prizes shall be placed on exhibition at any other than the show at which they were awarded. Sec. 29. Exhibitors making charges of dishonest prac- tices or statements of a defamatory nature against any exhibitor or exhibitors, judge or judges, at any show that is an associate member of the American Poultry Asso- ciation, shall be required to appear before the board of directors or show committee of that show and prove that the charges so made are true, and if the said charges are not substantially true the exhibitor making the said charge shall forfeit back to the association all ribbons, medals, and awards of any and all kinds and nature, and the exhibit of the said exhibitor shall either be 208 POULTRY SHOWS AND ASSOCIATIONS treated as a display exhibit or removed from the show, at discretion of the management of the show. A report of the committee, together with a charge of conduct unbecoming a member of the American Poultry Association, must be made in regular form by the presi- dent or secretary of the associate member. In case such charges are not made as above provided, the member or members considering themselves defamed may make such charges direct to the President or Secretary of the Amer- ican Poultry Association. MEMBERSHIP IN AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION The rules governing membership in the American Poultry Association will be found in their publications. Those desirous of becoming members should send to the secretary of the association for the latest revised rules of organization and application for membership. The American Poultry Association has issued a book of rules for the holding of shows, and non-members may obtain a copy of the rules by application to the secre- tary of the association. THE AMERICAN STANDARD OF PERFECTION The American Standard of Perfection, the only guide for judging poultry in America, is issued by the Amer- ican Poultry Association. This book has been revised about every 5 yr., and the next revision will occur in 1923. Changes are made in the Standard of Perfection only after due consideration of written notices specify- ing word for word the proposed change or changes, and the written copy must be filed with the secretary of the Association fully 3 mo. before the annual meeting. Admission of New Breeds and Varieties to American Standard of Perfection. New breeds and varieties are POULTRY SHOWS AND ASSOCIATIONS 209 admitted to the American Standard of Perfection under the regulations given in the constitution and by-laws of the American Poultry Association, a copy of which can always be procured from the secretary of that Associa- tion. Any one who contemplates making application for such admission should study these rules very carefully, for there is no other way to obtain recognition except through a full and complete compliance with these rules. STANDARD AND NON-STANDARD VARI- ETIES OF POULTRY Show-room classifications are not the same in all countries or even in all parts of the same country. In America they are usually made to conform to the breeds and their varieties as listed in the American Standard of Perfection. But in addition to such varie- ties, some show-room classifications will include a few of the non-standard varieties, and the greater number of them will permit classes for any of the non-standard varieties, either of a particular breed or of many breeds. The list of breeds and varieties of poultry in the tables on pages 210 to 220 includes only those that are known to reproduce their kind of a settled type of form and color. In the column headed Standard Varieties are listed the varieties of fowls included in the American Standard of Perfection; in the column headed Non- Standard Varieties are listed the varieties not included in that publication, but which are bred in the United States and other countries, many of them being standard varieties in other countries. In this list, for convenience, the Antwerp Brahma is classed as an Asiatic fowl. This is not strictly correct, as it is not a true Brahma and might be classed as a Belgian fowl. 210 POULTRY SHOWS AND ASSOCIATIONS .S.2.2.S.S. 2. "S | S 43 '^3 "43 '43 '43 "43 '43 '43 '43 ".43 '43 '43 '43 '43 '43 '43 '43 '.J3 "43 '43 "43 "43 '43 |_lV-lt-ll-4l-ll-tl-lt-ll-ll-ll-lW4l-lt-ll-ll-ll-llHl-ll-ll-< iHlH ooooooooooooooooooooo oo I o s>. 8 .2 p POULTRY SHOWS AND ASSOCIATIONS 211 ssssb'o' c c c c c c 222228 P3P3PQP3PQP3 a a II PQPQ I l&li pqo SffiW 212 POULTRY SHOWS AND ASSOCIATIONS a a a * 33 "23333S .85555 B I 1 oo 51 & POULTRY SHOWS AND 'ASSOCIATIONS 213 . C C C C C C C 33 SI MIS! l<5 3 > o eg PQ PH 214 POULTRY SHOWS AND ASSOCIATIONS """"""""" aJ O I I ill POULTRY SHOWS AND ASSOCIATIONS 215 O <1> 4> O 4) tS4 a) ^-o I S .- !s|^lsS l^s^^E ^ m ^^^? Isl-gil illlja|^| S 1^| iS^ i i i i i-5 * W T PQ T^ PQ ljH!! q3 O .tj .tJ ^ 0, 'o jf* ;fs .S 1 U ^ CO CO 8 8 H M 3 a 8 H W oj .2 .2 '^ M 2 2^ tj JH o o jtf J? *S > 9 o o > > -5 ^ DARD c c o 111 llg | | 111 1 -8 1 g 1 333 3^3 3 2^ fe^ 55 ^ pq . O O ^ II .i 0) 3 {z;^ 'C W P fe i 4) 1 P 3 CO 1 P fe pqc>^ & ^Q^SpqcSlm S S POULTRY SHOWS:AND ASSOCIATIONS 217 J '** ^ <+ Q t& ^ O 7 llll & s 218 POULTRY SHOWS AND ASSOCIATIONS g ! ." > > > > *2 d d d S .!, o3 Sj., fc o> M -SSg-oEg-oft 1 -s J isi - eU : "- 1 >> G OOW POULTRY SHOWS AND ASSOCIATIONS 219 ....j.s.3 1111 8, ,,, C/2O2C/2CO Broken colors, Blue-white White Buff (female is penciled) Buff Partridge colored Buff colored Gray Pearl Vulturine White 1 ^ i|cs 5 6& 6 Gray Brown White Colored White Gray Gray, marked with black fc : i : ! i i| If :> |S : : ^ Ig-dl IfJel |||i ill 11 ffi; OPH^P^W J : ! ';$.. : d : oj^- 2 rf 0) "t^ "X3 O '*"*' ^l?l lel s I 220 - POULTRY SHOWS AND ASSOCIATIONS i> i^ ^ * M *S " *S *S " ^ 2 4J H w 'y4 'ty^ |ly[ 'lyj "l^j '^ ">y< o.S J O "o o o o o o o o 0) Of^foO III H 1 ^ c co-s p. g g fcl V rt en aJ S 2 Ss^ IP rt i^ " 'a! *S *>' ft ^> fc T3 *g ^ ^ *. .NDARD / 1 i-jjD N oj liiiiii of the same white or tir , grayish wh <; CO ||I *i "fl' 53 o ^ PQ Pt CO T3 pq ^ 1 6 L^ pa 1 fci 26 24 24 22 ^Minorca 30 26 26 24 * Nankin 30 26 26 24 *Rumpless 30 26 26 24 *Scotch Gray 3Silky 30 30 26 26 26 26 24 24 *Spanish 26 22 22 20 *Sultan * Yokohama 30 30 26 26 26 26 24 24 DUCKS Classes and Breeds . Adult Drake Pounds Adult Duck Pounds Young Drake Pounds Young Duck Pounds A ylesb ury 9 8 8 7 3Call 2 2 to 2 H Cayuga 8 7 7 6 Crested 7 6 6 5 East India 7 6 6 5 *Huttegem Indian Runner. . . 7 6 4 6 34 5 POULTRY SHOWS AND ASSOCIATIONS 225 TABLE (Continued) Classes and Breeds Adult Drake Pounds Adult Duck Pounds Young Drake Pounds Young Duck Pounds *Khaki 7 6 6 5 Muscovy 10 7 8 g *Orpington 7 6 6 5 *Part ridge Pekin 7 9 6 8 6 8 5 7 Rouen 9 8 8 7 Swedish ... 8 7 6 1 A &U GEESE Adult Adult Young Young Classes and Breeds Gander Goose Gander Goose Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds African 20 18 16 14 *Buff Chinese 12 10 10 8 Egyptian 10 8 8 6 Ernbden 20 18 18 16 Toulouse 25 20 20 16 Wild, or Canadian 12 10 10 8 TURKEYS, GUINEA FOWLS, AND PEAFOWLS Classes and Breeds Cock Pounds Hen Pounds Cockerel Pounds Pullet Pounds Turkeys: Black Bourbon Red. . . Bronze 27 30 17 36 18 18 20 18 22 25 12 14 16 Buff 27 18 18 12 *Cambridge Bronze J 18 to 24 2 12 to 16 *Fawn U8 to 20 212 to 16 *Gray 28 16 18 10 Narragansett . . . *Ronquieres Slate "30 30 27 18 18 18 20 20 18 12 12 12 White Guinea fowls: All varieties .... Peafowls: All varieties .... 28 14 to 6 U2 to 18 18 2 3 to 5 2 7 to 12 20 14 226 MARKING OF POULTRY MARKING OF POULTRY FOR IDEN- TIFICATION MARKING OF FOWLS To attain the greatest success in breeding poultry, whether for egg production, market purposes, or fancy stock, a poultryman must know the pedigree of the fowls mated, and in order to be able to identify each fowl, some system of marking chicks must be adopted. A system of toe markings that can be used for a limited number of fowls is shown in Fig. 1. As shown in the illustration, fifteen different combi- nations can be made by punching holes in the toes of chicks. A number of forms of punches are made for this purpose; several of these are shown in Fig. 2 (a), (fc), (c), "^r^^T (d), and (tf). Care must be exercised to "y^^T entirely remove the severed portion of the *^*^ web to prevent it from growing together ^x^* again. The wound will heal in a few days. O - ^'*^O I n building up a strain of good layers, 5'^v'^i? t* 16 beginning is usually made by marking iv-fi^^* chicks from the most prolific layers. The ^ J[s J?k same principle is applied in the establishment {^"ysv^Hj Q a good strain of market poultry. These /^^^* markings are used on the progeny of selected "l^"^* stock only and serve as a guide for the '^^^ selection of the pullets that should be saved -^/4^ for winter layers. Those that have toe jLjL markings should be kept, no matter what their appearance may be, for in this way ^p**^* only can a good start be made. FIG. 1 Records can be kept quite as readily with chicks artifically hatched as with hen-hatched chicks. The partitioned incubator egg tray can be used for holding the eggs from selected hens. The eggs are marked FOR IDENTIFICATION 227 with numbers before they are placed in the incubator for hatching. On the eighteenth day of incubation, the numbered eggs are transferred from the regular egg tray into the special tray. When hatched in this tray, the chicks cannot get out of it. After they have been marked, the chicks may be placed in a brooder with other chicks with no danger of their identity becoming lost. Separated trays can be used in any incubator. Partitions can be made of tin or wood, and they can be placed in the egg trays to separate the eggs as well as the chicks when they are hatched. When they are used, the unmarked chicks must not be allowed to drop into the nursery; if this is permitted, their identity will be lost. To keep a correct record of chicks hatched by hens, each hen should have eggs from only one hen given her for hatching. (d) FIG. 2 The toe-marking system is satisfactory for a small number of selected fowls, but when the breeding opera- tions are on an extensive scale some other system of marking must be adopted. Bands of some kind for attaching to the shanks, as shown in Fig. 3, are satis- factory for marking fowls and permit of sufficient 228 MARKING OF POULTRY variations. Several forms of aluminum bands are shown in Fig. 4. The small band shown in (a) is suitable FIG. 3 for placing around the shank of a chick, and later, when the shank grows too large for this band, it may be removed and fastened thorough the web of the wing. The band shown in (b) is used for chicks also, but is (a) (b) (c) FIG. 4 rather too wide to insert in the web of the wing. After a fowl reaches its full growth, a band like that shown in FOR IDENTIFICATION 229 (<:), which may be sealed, may be fastened about the shank. This band, fastened with a rivet, is shown in ( 11303 p3J9inp^ O O CO oo oo t^ IBCQ tautreo ^03 snomuin^ig 9 "- 00 t>- ^03 aiptaqiuv o o 00 t^ iieoo oo S P 99 S A0 10 Soo o ooooo COO co cococooco sinnWO T'BOOJ'BU3 MOiOiOiO *OO iQ iQ IQ iO ~~00 OOOOOOO0 iO O O O iO iO iO OOiO 00O>O O O O CO CO CC CO CD CO CD CO CO CO CO CD CO CO O iO O O kO O *O *O iO lO iO iO iO *O O >O lO O OO(N OO OOOOO O OOO O COCO iCiO ^ Ttf^ LEGAL WEIGHTS 1 PER BUSHEL OF VARIOUS COMMODITIES FOR WHICH BUSHEL WEIGHTS HAVE BEEN WIDELY ADOPTED (Continued) o MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION iuo3do d | JgRS lS B9 d |88 8 8 8 88 p91J9l{SUA 'SB9TO i 1 T suorao ^5 feS S^ fe^fe^f^ s^ ^^^^^S3^ ^^^^g?^^g VTOW S gg *Ii * oo^o N CO COCO CO 9unq parson o o oo 00 00 00 CO T 9unq foo o oot^ oo !fH OCD 3525 1 : : : :;:;:; : -:s : : : ; ; GO ^ N^^J^ ^;O : ; ^ ; .' ^ c tD<<5WW MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 251 CO (N O iO T* t~ ooooooooooco o > cCKOco;o<>o;o O 00 <> b- 1> t^ (N iO b- OO d CD b (N N. ir> 10 iO O ^ O O O O O iO O O O O O O iOO lOOiOiOO s CO iO iO S30UTOQ O iO >O OiO 80 oo o ooc O COCO CO CDcOCi * rf >. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 253 ooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooo CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CD CO CO CO CO CO CO CD CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO I ? ss 3 O CD >O CO CO CD O CO CD iO CO >O ^ *O O iO rt< O O >O 1/5 O iO iO iO iO *O iO O iO >O O O lO iO O lO W lO O U5 O O iO O iO Tf ^ O'l>(N(NOO O O O IO lO-tf^ OiO 10 O iO CD >O >O iO iO CD tf O iOiOOOOO 00 00 r5 iO iO O iO iO O iO iO O IO iO O iO iO O iO iO O iO iO O "O iO O S 1C *O iO iO O IO O IO S S? S 2 s 5 ^ o o 88 8888 8 8888 8 8 ggj g g^g^ S ^gg sg SS8 8 8S 8 88 254 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION NOTES RELATING TO PRECEDING TABLE !Not defined. 2Small white beans, 60 Ib. sGreen apples. [wurzels. 4 Sugar beets and mangel ^Shelled beans, 60 Ib.; vel- vet beans, 78 Ib. eWhite beans. 7 Wheat bran. sQreen unshelled beans, 56 Ib. ^English blue-grass seed, 22 Ib.; native blue-grass seed, 14 Ib. 10 Also castor seed. "Soybeans, 58 Ib. [30 Ib. 12 Green unshelled beans, "Soybeans. "Free from hulls. ^Commercially dry, for all hard woods. "Fifteen Ib. commercially dry, for all soft woods. 17 Standard weight in borough of Greensburg. 18 Dried beans. "Red and white. ^Corn in ear, 70 Ib. until Dec. 1 next after grown; 68 Ib. thereafter. 21 Sweet corn. 22 On the cob. ^Indian corn in ear. 24 Unwashed plastering hair, 8 Ib.; washed plastering hair, 4 Ib. ^Corn in ear, from Nov. 1 to May 1 following, 70 Ib.; 68 Ib. from May 1 to Nov. 1. ^Indian-corn meal. 27 Cracked corn. 23Shelled. ^Free from hulls. ^Standard weight bu. corn meal, bolted or unbolted, 48 Ib. 31 Except the seed of long staple cotton, of which the weight shall be 42 Ib. 32 Green unshelled corn, 100 Ib. 33 Green cucumbers. 34 See also "Pop corn," "Indian corn," and "Kafir corn." 35 Green peaches. 36 Green pears. 37 Malt rye. asTop sets; bottom sets, 32.1b. ^Shelled, 56 Ib. ^Shelled, dry. 41 Strike measure. 42 Bottom onion sets. ^German and American. 44 Shelled. ^Peaches (peeled); unpeeled, 32 Ib. 46 Cowpeas. 47 Roasted; green, 22 Ib. ^Not stated whether peeled or unpeeled. ^Top onion sets. ^Including split peas. 61 In the ear. ^Slaked lime, 40 Ib. "German, Missouri, and Ten- nessee millet seeds. "Matured onions. 65 Bottom onion sets, 32 Ib. 66 Matured. 67 Matured pears, 56 Ib.; dried pears, 26 Ib. ^Black-eyed peas. ^Barley malt. M Includes Rice corn. 61 Rice corn. 62 Sorghum saccharatum seed. ^Red top grass seed (chaff); fancy, 32 Ib. "Seed. 65 Irish potatoes. ^Free from hulls. "Ground salt, 70 Ib. ^India wheat, 46 Ib. 69 In some states herd's grass is a synonym for timothy; in other states for red top. The states of Idaho, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming have no standard for_bushel weights. . MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 255 LEGAL WEIGHTS PER BUSHEL (Continued from page 245) Cherries, 40 Ib. (Iowa); with stems, 56 Ib. (Tenn.) ; without stems, 64 Ib. (Tenn.). Chufa, 54 Ib. (Fla.). Cotton seed, staple, 42 Ib. (S. C.). Currants, 40 Ib. (Iowa and Minn.). Feed, 50 Ib. (Mass.). Fescue, seed of all the, except the Tall and Meadow fescue, 14 Ib. (N. C). Fescue seed, Tall and Meadow, 24 Ib. (N. C.). Grapes, 40 Ib. (Iowa) ; with stems, 48 Ib. (Tenn.) ; with- out stems, 60 Ib. (Tenn.). Guavas, 54 Ib. (Fla.). Hominy, 60 Ib. (Ohio); 62 Ib. (Tenn.). Horseradish, 50 Ib. (Tenn.). Italian rye-grass seed, 20 Ib. (Tenn.). Japan clover in hulls, 25 Ib. (N. C.). Johnson grass, 28 Ib. (Ark.); 25 Ib. (N. C.). Kale, 30 Ib. (Tenn.). Land plaster, 100 Ib. (Tenn.). Lentils, 60 Ib. (N. C.). Lucerne, 60 Ib. (N. C.). Lupines, 60 Ib. (N. C.). Meadow seed, tall, 14 Ib. (N. C.). Meal (?), 46 Ib. (Ala.); unbolted, 48 Ib. (Ala.). Middlings, fine, 40 Ib. (Ind.) ; coarse middlings, 30 Ib. (Ind.). Millet, Japanese barnyard, 35 Ib. (Mass, and N. H.). Mustard, 30 Ib. (Tenn.). Mustard seed, 58 Ib. (N. C.). Oat grass seed, 14 Ib. (N. C.). Plums, 40 Ib. (Fla.); 64 Ib. (Tenn.); dried, 28 Ib. (Mich.). Prunes, dried, 28 Ib. (Idaho) ; green, 45 Ib. (Idaho). Radish seed, 50 Ib. (Iowa). Raspberries, 32 Ib. (Iowa and Kan.); 48 Ib. (Tenn.). Rhubarb, 50 Ib. (Tenn.). 256 GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS Sage, 4 Ib. (Term.). Salads, 30 Ib. (Tenn.). Sand, 130 Ib. (Iowa). Seed of brome grasses, 14 Ib. (N. C.). Spinach, 30 Ib. (Tenn.). Strawberries, 32 Ib. (Iowa); 48 Ib. (Tenn.). Sugar cane seed (amber), 57 Ib. (N. J.). Sunflower seed, 24 Ib. (N. C.). Teosinte, 59 Ib. (N. C.). Velvet grass seed, 7 Ib. (Tenn.). Vetches, 60 Ib. (N. C.). GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS USED BY POULTRYMEN A clear understanding of the meaning of the technical terms used in the poultry world is necessary before any person can judge fowls according to Standard re- quirements or select them for breeding purposes or the show pen or even converse intelligently on the subject of poultry. In order to impart a clear understanding of the terms applied to the different parts of a fowl, a profile view of one is shown in Fig. 1, with the different parts numbered. Following this will be found a list of the names of the numbered parts. Farther on is a list of technical terms and expressions used by poultrymen. Some of the terms are peculiar to England and some to certain parts of the United States, but the meaning of each is fully explained and many are made clear by illustrations. Abdomen. The part of the body of a fowl that contains the viscera. See 32, Fig. 1. Albino. A fowl that is pure white 'in all parts except the eyes, due to the absence of coloring pigment; a sport from black or colored fowls. FIG. 1 NAMES OF NUMBERED PARTS i, Crest 21, Fourth toe 2, Comb 22, Fifth toe 3, Eye 23, Spur 4, Feathers covering the 24, Foot ear 25, Shank and toe feath- 5, Ear lobe ering 6, Muff 26, Back 7, Wattles 27, Saddle 8, Beard 28, Sickles 9, Beak 20, Lesser sickles 10, Face 30, Tail coverts ii, Hackle 31, Main tail 12, Neck 32, Abdomen 13, Breast 14, Breastbone, or keel 33, Wing bow 34, Shoulder 15, Thigh 16, Vulture nock 17, Hock joint 35, Wing bar 36, Wing bay, or second- ary feathers 18, Shank /9, Third toe 37, Primary, or flight, feathers 20, Middle toe 38, Primary coverts 257 258 GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS Amateur. A person not well informed about the art of poultry raising; a beginner; a novice. Antler Comb. A comb composed of two small prongs somewhat resembling antlers; a V-shaped comb; com- mon in Polish, La Fleche, and some strains of Houdans. Fig. 2. A. O. C. Any other color. A. O. V. Any other variety. Atavism. Recurrence to an an- cestral type or to a deformity or disease after its disappearance for several generations; reversion. Band. (1) A stripe or marking of any kind at the end of or across a feather. (2) A band of metal or other material, usually stamped with numbers or letters, or colored, for attaching to the shank of a fowl so that it can be identified. Bantam. A dwarf, or pigmy, fowl, usually about one- fifth the size of a large fowl of the variety to which it corresponds in every particular except size. Barb. One of the side branches of a feather, which collectively make up the web and fluff. See feather. Barring. Bands of alternate colors that extend across a feather. Fig. 3. Barred to the Skin. An expression ap- plied to fowls whose feathers are barred from the tip to the end of the fluff, as in Barred Plymouth Rocks. Bay. A reddish-brown color, approach- ing chestnut; also used to designate eyes in fowls that have an approach to blood-red color. Beak. As used by poultrymen, the beak is the bony formation extending from the front of the head of chickens and turkeys; it consists of the upper and lower mandibles. See p, Fig. 1. The corresponding part of water fowls is called the bill. FIG. 3 GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS 259 FIG. 4 Bean. A growth, resembling a thumbnail, on the point of the upper mandible of the bill of a duck, as shown at a, Fig. 4. A like growth of a smaller size is found on the bill of a goose. Beard. (1) A tuft of feathers under the beak and about the throat of such fowls as Polish, Houdans, etc. See 8, Fig. 1. (2) A tuft of hair growing on the breast of turkeys. Beefy. A term applied to coarse, overgrown combs; such combs are more commonly found on Mediterranean fowls than on those of other varieties. Beetle Brows. See brows. Bib. The English name for beard. Bill. The mandibles of water fowls, which correspond to the beak in other domestic fowls. Bird. Fowl was the term formerly applied to all winged creatures; modern usage restricts the name fowl to the larger domesticated fowls and designates the smaller wild fowls as birds. However, the term bird is frequently indiscriminatingly used instead of the term fowl. Blade. The rear part of a single comb, generally called the heel. See b, Fig. 25. Blocky.A term applied to a fowl that is of heavy and square build; said of a fowl that is broad, or wide, between the thighs. Compare with cobby, an English term that expresses the same meaning. Bloom. The gloss, sheen, or finish on the plumage of fowls. Body. Fanciers usually apply the term body to the trunk of a fowl only. Booted. Fowls that are feathered on the shanks and toes are said to be booted. Bouquet Crest. A crest that stands up from the head and to some extent resembles a bouquet of flowers ; found on crested ducks. At one time, a bad defect in Polish fowls. 260 GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS Brassiness. A term applied to a yellow or yellowish tint commonly found in the feathers of white fowls and sometimes in the feathers of dark-plumaged fowls. Breast. (1) A term applied to that part of the front of the body of live fowls that extends from the throat to the point of the breastbone. See 13, Fig. 1. (2) The term is applied also to the meat on both sides of the breast- bone of fowls prepared for the table. Breed. A. family of fowls all of which are of the same distinctive shape. A breed may include a number of varieties, the fowls of all the varieties having the same shape but being distinguished by different plumage colors and markings. Breeding Down. A term applied to the process of producing small, or bantam, fowls from larger fowls by selecting and breeding the smallest fowls obtainable a process usually involving breeding through a number of generations. Brick Color. A reddish-brown color occasionally found on fowls of black-red varieties. Broken Colored. See mottled and spangled. Brood. A. number of chicks that are mothered by one hen or kept in one brooder. Broody. When a hen shows a desire to sit, that is, to hatch eggs, she is said to be broody. Brows. The projection of the skull over the eyes of a fowl, as in Asiatic and Malay fowls; termed beetle brows in England. Fig. 5. Cap. The upper part of a fowl's skull or comb; a term used in England. Cape. The feathers between the shoulders and about the neck under- neath the hackle. FIG. 5 Capon. A castrated cock or cockerel; that is, a male from which the reproductive organs have been removed; a female from which the reproductive or- gans have been removed is called a poulard. Carriage. The general appearance, pose, or bearing of a fowl; the way in which a fowl carries itself when walking. GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS 261 Caruncles. Irregular growths of flesh such as occur on the head and neck of turkeys and Muscovy ducks. Fig. 6. Canmculated. Covered with carun- cles. Castrate. To remove the testicles, the organs of reproduction, from a male fowl. Cavernous. Said of nostrils that are prominent and deeply hollowed. Such nostrils are found on crested fowls. Fig. 7. Chain Armor. Faulty lacing on the claret-colored breast of a Rouen drake. Chick. One of the newly hatched young of fowls or birds. Chicken. Specifically, a fowl less than 1 yr. old; com- monly, a fowl of any age. Cinnamon Color. A dark reddish buff, formerly admissible on one va- ^} riety of Cochins. Claret Color. Descriptive of the breast color of a Rouen drake. Clean Legged. A term used in de- scribing a fowl that has no feathers on its shanks or toes. Close Feathered. See tight feathered. Cloudy. A. term applied to plumage that has irregular markings. See mossiness. Clutch. The number of eggs a domestic fowl incubates, or sits on, at one time, usually from 11 to 15. See sitting. Coat. The plumage of a fowl taken as a whole. Cob. A male swan. Cobby A. term applied in England to a fowl that is thick set, heavily built, and round in form. See blocky. Cock. A male fowl more than 1 yr. old; the term is commonly applied to pit game cocks of any age. Cockerel. A male fowl less than 1 yr. old. The practice in the show room is to allow males to be shown as FIG. 7 262 GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS cockerels during the entire show season that follows their hatching. Compare with pullet. Cockerel Bred. Bred in line from a mating made ex- pressly for producing cockerels for exhibition. Both males and females from such matings are said to be cockerel bred. Compare with pullet bred. Collar. A white ring around the neck, as in Rouen ducks and in pheasants. Color. A term applied to any one of the many hues that may be found on the feathers or on any other part of the body of a fowl. This term is used also in describing the coloring of the entire plumage. A fowl is said to have good color when each of its colors is of the proper tint and is found in its proper place, and to have bad color when the reverse is true. Comb. The fleshy growth on the top of the head of a fowl. See 2, Fig. 1, and Figs. 2, 5, 16, 20, 22, 25, and 30. Comb Over. An expression for lopped comb; used in England. Figs. 8 and 24. Comparison Judging. Judging fowls by comparing them with one another, and' without applying a score card. Concave Sweep. The continuous curve of the back from the shoulder to the tail; required in some breeds. Condition. The state of the health and plumage of a fowl; sometimes applied only to the finish, or appear- ance, of the plumage. Conditioning. The process of preparing a fowl for the show room. Coverts. Feathers that grow about the tail ; also the secondary quill feathers. See 30 and 38, Fig. 1, and wing and tail coverts and hangers. Cradle Comb. A term formerly applied to the Wyan- dotte comb; at present little used. Same as rocker comb. GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS 263 Creaminess. A term descriptive of white feathers that are tinged with a slight yellow or cream color. Crest. A tuft of feathers on top of the head. Figs. 9 and 16. Crop. An enlarged part of the gul- let, or pouch, in which food is stored and softened prior to passing into the gizzard. Crop Bound. A term applied to an unnatural condition of the crop, in which that organ is stopped up and food is prevented from passing through it. FlG - 9 Cross. A mating of fowls of different breeds. Cross-Bred. The offspring from two fowls of different breeds; as from mating a Plymouth Rock and a Rhode Island Red. Curl Feather. One of the set of curled feathers near the base of the back of a male duck. Curve. Any arched or concave line on the body of a fowl, such as the curve of the back, the curve formed by the flowing tail feathers, or the arched shape of the neck in water fowls. Cushion. A raised mass of plumage due to an excessive development of soft feathers about the tail of Cochins and some other fowls. Cushion Comb. The name applied in England to the comb of the Silky; a circular cushion of flesh with a number of small protuberances on it. Same as straw- berry comb. Cut. A deduction made from the score of a fowl; as a cut of 2 points. Cygnet. A young swan. Daw Eyed. A term used at one time to describe game fowls that had peculiar eyes resembling those of a jackdaw, which were of a pearl color; pigeons with eyes of the same kind are said to be pearl eyed. Deaf-Ear. The ear lobe. Debarred. Barred from competition. 264 GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS Deep Bodied. Said of fowls that have a good depth of body from the top of the back to the lower side of the breastbone. Defect. Any blemish, imperfection, fault, or lack of some feature or quality. Dewlap. A growth of loose skin below the beak or bill, as in Brahmas and water fowls. Fig. 5. Diamond. An expression formerly used in place of wing bay.- See 36, Fig. 1. Dished. When hollows or depressions appear in the bill of a water fowl, it is said to be dished. See b, Fig. 4. Disqualification. A defect that will debar a fowl from competition. Disqualified. Condemned ; unfit for exhibition. Double Comb. A term formerly applied to all combs except the single comb. Double Lacing. A double ring or penciling about the outer edge of a feather. Fig. 10. See sup- plementary lacing. Double Mating. A system of mating in which males fit for exhibition are produced from one pair of breeding fowls, and fe- males fit for exhibition are produced from another pair. Down. (1) The first downy covering of young chicks. (2) The soft cottonlike part of a feather below the web. See b, Fig. 12. (3) A rnosslike growth between the toes. FIG. 10 Drake. A male duck. Dubbing. The cutting off of the comb, wattles, and ear lobes of game fowls. Duck. A species of water fowl, including both sexes; also, a female of the species, as distinguished from the male. Duckling. A young duck. Duck Foot. See web foot. Duck Footed. A fowl is said to be duck footed when the back toe is carried close to the other toes, instead of being well spread out behind. Fig. 11. GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS 265 FIG. 11 Ear Lobe. The fleshy growth below the ear; this may be red, white, or other color, according to the variety. Same as deaf -ear. See 5, Fig. 1. Eggs for Hatching. Eggs that are suitable for incubation. Exhibition Fowls. A fowl suitable for exhibition in a show room. Face. On a fowl, the part of the head about the eyes that is bare of feathers. Faking A term equivalent in mean- < ing to deceiving; it is in frequent use by poultrymen. Faking consists in re- moving or dyeing objectionable feathers, in coloring shanks and feet, in removing side sprigs, or in the use of other unfair means to win a prize in a show room. Fancier. A breeder of poultry, pigeons, or pet stock. Fancy. A lax term for fanciers collectively. Feather. One of the appendages peculiar to and grow- ing out of the skin of a fowl or a bird, collectively forming the plumage. Fig. 12. A feather is commonly composed of the following principal parts: web a, in which the barbs are stuck together, forming a thin, smooth sheet; the fluff, or down b, in which the barbs arc not united; the shaft, quill, or barrel, which is composed of a lower hollow and tubular part c, and an upper part d, which is filled with pith. Feather Cell The cell in the body from which a feather grows. Feather Legged. Said of fowls that have feathers growing on the sides of the shanks and toes; booted. See 25, Fig. 1. Fillers. The small feathers that grow between the main tail feathers. Finish. Gloss on plumage. FIG. 12 2'S> GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS First-Cross Fowls. Fowls resulting from the first cross- ing of standard-bred males and females of different breeds. Flat Shin. A flat part on the shank of a game fowl. Flight Coverts. Short feathers that grow at the base of the flight feathers and partly cover them. See 38, Fig. 1. Flights, or Flight Feathers. The primary feathers on the wing of a fowl. See 37, Fig. 1. Flow. Said of feathers that hang loosely or sweep ingly. Fluff. (1) The downy or lower part of a feather; see b, Fig. 12. (2) The profuse soft feathering about the thighs and abdomen. See 32, Fig. 1. Fluffing. The act of bending or breaking the shafts and quills of the feathers in the fluff, cushion, and tail feathering of Asiatic Bantam and other Asiatic fowls, to build them out into unnatural size. This constitutes faking. Folded Comb. A comb that falls over to one side and folds back, forming a loop. Foreign Color. Any color found on a fowl that is not characteristic of or standard for the variety to which the fowl belongs. Form. As applied to fowls in the show room, form refers to their condition and finish. Foul Feathers. Feathers that are marked with foreign color. Fowl. A domestic cock, hen, cockerel, or pullet. Foxy. See rusty. Frizzle Feathers. Feathers that are crinkled or curled. Frosting. Irregular markings or lacing of a light color. Similar markings of a dark color give the appear- ance of mossiness. Furnished. A fowl is said to be furnished when it has a complete growth of tail, hackle, and saddle plumage, and a well-developed comb and other head points. Furnishings. Same as hangers. Gaff. A steel spur. GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS 267 Gamy. Like a game fowl; full of fight. Gay. A fowl is said to be gay when it has spangled, splashed, or colored plumage with an excessive amount of white on it. Gills. An improper name for the wattles. Gloss. The luster on the surface of feathers. Gobbler. A male turkey. Gray. A color produced by a mixture of black and white; it is of different shades, according to the pro- portions of black and white, as in the plumage of Dark Brahmas and Silver-Gray Dorkings. Ground Color. In fowls, the main, or principal, color in the plumage; for example, in a Buff Laced Polish fowl, the buff is the ground color. Gullet. The opening through which food passes. Gypsy Color. Purple color, as found on the face of some game fowls; also called mulberry color. Hackle Feathers. The long, flowing feathers that grow on the neck of a fowl; more plentiful in males than in females. See //, Fig. 1. See hackle. Hangers. An improper name for saddle feathers. Hatch. (1) To produce young from, that is, to cause young to develop in and come forth from an egg by either natural or artificial incubation. (2) A brood hatched at one sitting or one incubation. Hard Feathers. Firm, close feathering, such as is found on game fowls. Hen. A mature female domestic fowl. Hen Feathered. Said of a male fowl with a tail like a hen, as in the males of Sebrights and some varieties of game fowls. Hen Tailed. Same as hen feathered. Henny.A term applied to a male fowl, usually a game, that has tail or other plumage resembling that of a hen. High-in-Back. A term used in England to describe hump or roach back. Hock. The joint between the thigh and the shank. See J7, Fig. 1. 263 GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS Hollowed Place in Comb. A depression in the comb of a fowl; same as a thumb mark. Fig. 24. Hood. Neck feathers that curve forwards over the head. Horn Comb. Same as antler comb and V-shaped comb. Horseshoe Lacing. Lacing forming a orseshoe about the tip of a feather. Fig. 13. Hump Back. A fowl with a hump back is one that has a knob, lump, or prominence on the back. Hybrid. The offspring from two birds of different species; as from mating a gold- finch with a canary, or a turkey with a guinea. Ideal. Of a perfection that is seldom FIG. 13 realized. Inbred Fowl. An offspring from closely related fowls. Inbreeding. Breeding, or following a course of breed- ing, from nearly related fowls. Incubate. See hatch and sit. Irregular Lacing. Incomplete or imperfect lacing about the edge of a feather. Jaw. In a fowl, the jaw is that part of the head that supports the upper and lower mandibles. Keel. (1) The lower edge of the breastbone. (2) The loose flesh and feathers hanging below the breast in ducks and other poultry. Knee Joint. Same as hock joint. See r/% Fig. 1. Knob. The protuberance on a goose at the juncture of the head and the bill. FIG. 14 Knock Kneed. A malformation of the legs of a fowl, in which the hock joints come close together instead of being well apart as they should be. Fig. 14. Lacing. The edging along the margin of a feather; it is usually darker in color than the body of the feather. Fig. 15. GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS 269 FIG. 15 FIG. 16 Leader. The spike, or heel, on a rose comb the part that extends to the rear. See a, Fig. 22. Leaf Comb. A comb consisting of two small sections, each shaped like a leaf. Fig. 16. Leggy. A fowl is said to be leggy when it has too great length in legs. Leg and Toe Feathering. The feathering on both the shanks and feet; booting. See 25, Fig. 1. Lesser Sickles. The smaller tail feathers next to the full, flowing sickles. See 29, Fig. 1. Line Breeding. Breeding, or following a course of breeding, from a limited number of original fowls. In line breeding the fowls mated are not so closely related as those mated in inbreeding. Line breeding is really a modified form of inbreeding. Loop. A double fold in the comb, as in a Minorca female. Lopped Comb. A comb that falls over on either side. Same as comb over. Figs. 8 and 24. Low Built. Said of a fowl that is very short in the legs and hence carries its. body close to the ground. Lump Comb. Same as strawberry comb. Made Form. The form that may be produced in a fowl by training. Main Tail Feathers. The stiff feathers of the tail under and between the sickles and coverts. See 31, Fig. 1. Mandibles. The horny upper and lower parts of the beak or bill. Marbled. A term used to describe ticked or laced feathers on the breast of Pyle Game cocks. Markings. Striping, lacing, barring, or marks of any kind on the plumage. Mazarine. Deep-blue or purplish markings across a black feather. 270 GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS Mealy. A term used to describe plumage that should be one solid color but is covered with irregular dots of mixed or faulty color. Moon. A rounded spot of color tipping the feathers of fowls of some varieties. Mossiness. An effect produced by irregular dark mark- ings. Fig. 17. See frosting. Molt. (1) To cast off or shed the feathers of fowls. (2) The act or process of molting. (3) The season or period of molting. Mottled. Marked with spots or blotches of different colors. Mulberry Color. See gypsy color. Muff, Muffle, Muffling. A growth of feathers on either side of the head, usually seen on bearded fowls, and very marked in Faverolles. See 6, Fig. 1. Natural Form. The natural appearance of a fowl with- out training. Non-Sitter. A fowl that does not incubate eggs. Novice. A beginner; an inexperienced person. Open Barring. Barring in which the bars are wide apart. Fig. 18. Open Lacing. Narrow lacing about the edge of a feather and forming a ring around a spot of another color, giving the feather the appearance of having a large open center. Fig. 19. Overhang. A term used by poultrymen to describe the overhanging skull as found in Aseel Game, Malay Game, and Brahma FIG. 17 FIG. 18 FIG. 19 fowls. Some pigeons, also, have the same kind of a projection on the skull. GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS 271 Overlap. To lie partly over; said of the colors on plumage when they meet on a ragged edge, giving the appearance of one color overlapping another. Parti-Colored. Of several colors, like the Light Brahma or Houdan. Pea Comb. A small, low comb divided lengthwise into three parts, and having the appearance of three small single combs placed side by side, as on the Brahma and Aseel. Figs. 5 and 20. Pearl Eyed. See daw eyed. Pen. (1) An enclosure. (2) A fe- male swan. Penciling. Narrow lines or markings. The term penciling is applied to several kinds of markings on poultry: (1) The bars on the feathers of Penciled Ham- burgs. (2) The concentric lines that follow the outline of the feather in Dark Brahmas and Partridge Cochins. Fig. 21. (3) The fine gray markings on Rouen drakes. (4) The stippling as found on Leghorns and Black-Breasted Red Game females. Pen Manners. The behavior of fowls in pens in the show room. Pen of Fowls. In the show room, a pen of one male and four females. Peppered. Plumage is said to be pep- pered when it is dotted with spots. Pile. The spelling used in England for Pyle. Pinion. (1) The outermost section of the wing of a bird, bearing the pinion feathers. (2) To cut off the outer part of a bird's wing that bears a considerable proportion of the feathers used in flying, in order to prevent flying. Pit. An enclosed space in which fowls are pitted against each other; hence, a fighting place for fowls. Plumage. The feathers and down. Point. One of the tapering, sharp-ended serrations of the upper part of a single comb. See a, Fig. 25. 272 GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS Poulard. A female fowl, usually a pullet, in which the egg-producing organs have been destroyed. Poult. A young turkey. Poultry. All domestic fowls. Prepotency. The superiority of one parent over the other in transmitting characters to the offspring; that is, in stamping its individuality on the offspring. Primaries. The flight feathers. See 37, Fig. 1. Producer. A fowl that produces offspring better than itself. Pullet. A female fowl less than a year old. Show- room practice allows a fowl to be exhibited as a pullet during the entire show season that follows the hatching. Pullet Bred. Bred in line from a mating made ex- pressly for producing pullets for exhibition. Both males and females from such matings are called pullet bred. Compare with cockerel bred. Pure Bred. Fowls that have no alien blood in them are said to be pure bred. Purply.The effect produced by purple bars across a black feather. Quill. See feather, and c. Fig. 12. Quill Bound. A condition in which the feather is retained in its sheath, instead of the sheath cracking and falling off. Racy. A fowl that is slender, trim, active, alert, or tight feathered is said to be racy. Reachy. Said of fowls that have an upright carriage and are tall, such as game fowls. Ribbon. The bright-blue band across the wings of Rouen and other ducks. Roach Back. A back with a hump; same as hump back. . Rocker Comb. A term formerly applied to the Wyan- dotte comb; same as cradle comb. Rooster. Common name for a cock or a cockerel. Rose Comb. A broad, level comb, wide in front, taper- ing to a spike, or point, in the rear, and covered on GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS 273 the top with small projections, or points, as in Hamburgs and Rose-Comb Bantams. Fig. 22. At a is shown the spike. Rosy Wings. Wings of Pyle females, which are marked with salmon color; wings of the same color were formerly called foxy colored. Ruff. Same as muff. Rusty Color. The reddish-brown shadings on the outside of the wings ^IG. 22 of Black-Breasted Red Game and Brown Leghorn fe- males. In England, the same shading is called foxy. Saddle. That portion of the back of a male fowl between the middle of the back and the base of the tail. Saddle Feathers. The flowing feathers growing from the saddle of a fowl. Saddle Hackles. The long, flowing feathers that grow from the saddle of a male and hang down on both sides of the body; also called saddle hangers and saddle feathers. See 27, Fig. 1. Salmon. A reddish or pinkish orange color, like that found on the breast of Red Pyle Game females and Brown Leghorn females. Scales. Thin, horny growths covering the shanks and feet. Scaly Leg. A diseased condition of the shanks and feet, caused by the scaly-leg mite. Secondaries. The long quill feathers of the wings that grow on the second joint or next to and above the primaries. See 36, Fig. 1. Section. A distinctly defined part of a standard-bred fowl. Self-Color. A uniform color. Serrated. Notched along the edge like a saw. Serration. One of the points of a single comb. See a, Fig. 25. Shaft. See feather, and d, Fig. 12. Shafty. A term describing a dark-colored feather with a light shaft. Fig. 23. 274 GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS Shank. That part of the leg between the toes and the hock joint. See 18, Fig. 1. Shank Feathers. Feathers growing on the outside edge of the shank. See ^5, Fig. 1. Shank Line. A line that would be formed by drawing a straight line along the rear edge of the shank upwards through the body of a fowl. Sheath. The covering over a new feather; it splits and falls off as the feather develops. Sheen. The glistening brightness, or gloss, on plumage. Shoulder. The front or upper part of the wing; it is round or bow shaped and is hidden in fowls of some breeds by the breast plumage and hackle; in game fowls it stands out prominently. See 34, Fig. 1. Shoulder Butt. Same as shoulder. Show-Room Form. The form that a fowl has in the show room. Sickles. The top pair of curved feathers in the tail of male fowls. One or two pairs similar to these, but below them, are called the lesser sickles. See 28 and 29, Fig. 1. Side Spike. Same as side sprig. Side Sprig. An extra point, or growth, at the side or near the end of a single comb. Fig. 24. WHWf, Silvery. A term applied to the ap- pearance of the shoulders of barred fowls that are deficient in barring and that have light, or silvery mark- ings on these parts instead of the customary barring. Single Color. Same as whole color. Single Comb. A. thin, serrated, fleshy growth on the top of the head of a fowl, as in Plymouth Rocks and FIG. 24 GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS 275 Leghorns. Fig. 25. At a is one of the serrations, or points; at b, the blade. Single Mating. A mating from which both males and females fit for exhibition are produced from a single pair of breeding fowls.- See double mating. Sit. To cover eggs for hatching; | incubate. Sitters. Fowls that sit on and incu- 1 bate eggs. The sitting proclivities are stronger in some breeds than in others. Fowls in which the sitting proclivities are weak are said to be non-sitters. Sitting. The act of sitting to incu- FlG - 25 bate eggs; also, the number of eggs for a sitting, usually from 11 to 15. See clutch. Slipped Wing. A wing in which the light, or secondary, wing feathers hang loose or out of place. Fig. 26. Smooth Legs. Legs that have no feathers, stubs, or down on the shanks. Smut. A term applied to dark color overlying any section of a fowl. FIG. 26 Solid Color. Of one uniform color throughout; self-color. Spangle. A dark marking at the point, or tip, of a feather. Fig. 27. Spike. The rear point on a rose comb; also sometimes called a leader. See a, Fig. 22. Splashed Feathers. Feathers in which there is an uneven mixture of color. Split Crest. A rounded crest that is split and falls over on both sides. Sport. A fowl that varies from the normal type; a white offspring from black parents. FIG. 27 Spur. A horny growth on the inside of the shank of a cock. See 2,240 pounds / =lt n T ' oz. Ib. qr. cwt. 3T. 16= 1 448= 28= 1 1,792= 112= 4= 1 35,840 = 2,240 = 80 = 20 = 1 TROY WEIGHT 24 grains (gr.) =1 pennyweight pwt. 20 pennyweights =1 ounce oz. 12 ounces = 1 pound Ib. gr. pwt. oz. Ib. 24= 1 480= 20= 1 5,760 = 240=12 = 1 APOTHECARIES' WEIGHT 20 grains (gr.) =1 scruple sc. or 9 3 scruples =1 dram dr. or 5 8 drams =1 ounce oz. or % 12 ounces =1 pound Ib. or Ib. gr. 9 5 S Ib 20= 1 60= 3= 1 480= 24= 8= 1 5,760 = 288 = 96 = 12 = 1 MEASURES OF CAPACITY LIQUID MEASURE 4 gills (gi.) =1 pint pt. 2 pints =1 quart qt. 4 quarts =1 gallon gal. 3U gallons =1 barrel bbl. 2 barrels "I 63 gallons) -1 hogshead hhd. 290 ARITHMETIC gi. pt. qt. gal. bbl. hhd. 4 = 1 8= 2 = 1 32= 8= 4 = 1 1,008 = 252 = 126 = 3H = 1 2,016 = 504 = 252 = 63 =2 = 1 APOTHECARIES' FLUID MEASURE 60 minims, or drops (Vl\) . . . . = 1 fluid dram ........... 5 8 fluid drams .............. =1 fluid ounce .......... fS 16 fluid ounces ............. =1 pint ................ O. .8 pints ................... =1 gallon ............... Cong. DRY MEASURE 2 pints (pt.) ................ =1 quart 8 quarts ................... =1 peck 4 pecks .................... =1 bushel pt. qt. pk. bu. 2= 1 16= 8=1 64 = 32 = 4 = 1 AVOIRDUPOIS POUNDS IN A BUSHEL Commodities Lb. Commodities Lb. Barley 48 Malt 34 Beans 60 Oats 32 Buckwheat 48 Potatoes 60 Clover seed 60 Rye 56 Corn (shelled) 56 Timothy seed 45 Corn (in the ear) 70 Wheat 60 The follov/ing units are also in commercial use: 1 quintal of fish =100 Ib. 1 barrel of flour =196 Ib. 1 barrel of pork or beef =200 Ib. 1 gallon of petroleum 6f Ib. 1 keg of nails = 100 Ib. ARITHMETIC 291 MEASURES OF TIME 60 seconds (sec.) = 1 minute min. 60 minutes =1 hour hr. 24 hours =1 day da. 7 days =1 week wk. 4 weeks =1 month mo. 12 months =1 year yr. 100 years =1 century sec. min. hr. da wk. yr. 60= 1 3,600= 60= 1 86,400= 1,440= 24= 1 604,800= 10,080= 168= 7 = C. 31,556,936 = 525,948 = 8,765 = 365 = 1 52 = The following is a list of the months, in regular order, with the number of days each contains: Days 1. January (Jan.) 31 2. February (Feb) 28 3. March (Mar.) 31 4. April (Apr.) 30 5. May 31 6. June 30 Days 7. July 31 8. August (Aug.) 31 9. September (Sept.).. 30 10. October (Oct.) 31 11. November (Nov.) ..30 12. December (Dec.) ...31 In leap years, 1 da. is added to Feb., giving it 29 da. The following lines will assist in remembering the number of days in each month: "Thirty days have September, April, June, and November; All the rest have thirty-one, Except the second month alone, To which we twenty-eight assign, 'Till leap year gives it twenty-nine." In many business transactions, the year is regarded as 360 da., or 12 mo. of 30 da. each. 292 ARITHMETIC MEASURES OF ANGLES OR ARCS CIRCULAR MEASURE 60 seconds (*) =1 minute ' 60 minutes . = 1 degree 360 degrees =1 circle O 60"= 1' 3, 600"= 60'= 1 1,296,000" = 21 ,600' = 360 =1Q A quadrant is one-fourth of a circle, or 90; a sextant is one-sixth of a circle, or 60. A right angle (L) contains 90. The unit of measurement is the degree, or 3 | 5 of the circum- ference of a circle. Circular, or angular, measure is used principally by surveyors, navigators, astronomers, and by technical men generally, for measuring angles and arcs of circles. METRIC SYSTEM OF MEASURES The metric system is based on the meter, which, according to the U, S. Coast and Goedetic Survey Report of 1884, is equal to 39.370432 in. The value commonly used is 39.37 in. and is authorized by the U. S. government. There are three principal units the meter, the liter (pro- nounced 'lee-ter'), and the gram, the units of length, capacity, and weight, respectively. Multiples of these units are obtained by prefixing to the names of the principal units the Greek words deca (10), hecto (100), and kilo (1,000); the submultiples, or divisions, are obtained by prefixing the Latin words deci Cnj), centi (T&IT), and milt ( TsVo). These prefixes form the key to the entire system. The abbreviations of the principal units of these submultiples begin with a small letter, while those of the multiples begin with a capital letter. ARITHMETIC 293 MEASURES OF LENGTH 10 millimeters (mm.) =1 centimeter cm. 10 centimeters =1 decimeter dm. 10 decimeters =1 meter m. 10 meters =1 decameter Dm. 10 decameters =1 hectometer Hm. 10 hectometers =1 kilometer Km. MEASURES OF SURFACE (NOT LAND) 100 square millimeters (sq. mm.) =1 square centimeter . . .sq. cm. 100 square centimeters =1 square decimeter sq. dm. 100 square decimeters =1 square meter sq. m. MEASURES OF VOLUME 1,000 cubic millimeters (cu. mm.) =1 cubic centimeter .... cu. cm. 1,000 cubic centimeters =1 cubic decimeter cu. dm. 1,000 cubic decimeters =1 cubic meter cu. m. MEASURES OF CAPACITY 10 millimeters (ml.) =1 centileter cl. 10 centileters =1 decileter dl. 10 decileters =1 liter 1. 10 liters =1 decaliter DL 10 decaliters =1 hectoliter HI. 10 hectoliters =1 kiloliter Kl. The liter is equal to the volume occupied by 1 cu. dm. MEASURES OF WEIGHT 10 milligrams (mg.) =1 centigram eg. 10 centigrams =1 decigram dg. 10 decigrams =1 gram g. 10 grams =1 decagram Dg. 10 decagrams =1 hectogram Hg. 10 hectograms =1 kilogram Kg. 1,000 kilograms = 1 ton T. The gram is the weight of 1 cu. cm. of pure distilled water at a temperature of 39.2 P.; the kilogram is the weight of 1 liter of water; the ton is the weight of 1 cu. m. of water. 294 ARITHMETIC MEASURES OF MONEY UNITED STATES MONEY 10 mills (m.) =1 cent c. 10 cents =1 dime d. 10 dimes = 1 dollar $ 10 dollars =1 eagle E. m. ct. d. $ E. 10= 1 100= 10= 1 1,000= 100= 10= 1 10,000 = 1 ,000 = 100 = 10 = 1 The term legal tender is applied to money that may be legally offered in payment of debts. All gold coins are legal tender for their face value to any amount, pro- vided their weight has not diminished more than ^^ Silver dollars are also legal tender to any amount; but silver coins of lower denominations than $1 are legal tender only for sums not exceeding $10. Nickel and copper coins are legal tender for sums not exceeding 25c. The legal coins of the United States are: GOLD COINS Weight in Grains 1-dollar piece = 25.8 2|-dollar piece, or quarter eagle = 64.5 3-dollar piece = 77.4 5-dollar piece, or half eagle = 129.0 10-dollar piece, or eagle =258.0 20-dollar piece, or double eagle =516.0 SILVER COINS Weight Standard dollar =412.5 grains Half dollar, or 50-cent piece = 192.9 grains, or 12 grams Quarter dollar, or 25-cent piece ..= 96.45 grains, or 6 i grams Dime, or 10-cent piece = 38.58 grains, or 2| grams COPPER AND NICKEL COINS Weight 5-cent piece =77.16 grains, or 5 grams 3-cent piece = 30.00 grains 1-cent piece. =48.00 grains ARITHMETIC 295 ENGLISH MONEY 4 farthings (far.) =1 penny d. 12 pence =1 shilling s. 20 shillings =1 pound, or sovereign far. d. s. 4 = 1 48= 12= 1 960 = 240 = 20 = 1 The unit of English money is the pound sterling, the value of which in United States money is $4.8665. The fineness of English silver is .925; of the gold coins, .916|. What is called sterling silver when applied to solid-silver articles has the same fineness. Hence the name sterling silver. The other coins of Great Britain are the florin ( = 2 shillings), the crown ( = 5 shillings), the half crown ( = 2| shillings), and the guinea ( = 21 shillings). The largest silver coin is the crown, and the smallest the threepence ( shilling). The shilling is worth 25c. (24.3 +c.) i n United States money. The guinea is no longer coined. The abbreviation is written before the number, while s. and d. follow. Thus, 25 4s. 6d. = 25 pounds 4 shillings 6 pence. Rule. To reduce pounds, shillings, and pence to dollars and cents, reduce the pounds to shillings, add the shillings, if any, and multiply the sum by &4\; if any pence are given, increase this product by twice as many cents as there are pence. EXAMPLE. Reduce 4 7s. lid. to dollars and cents. SOLUTION. (4X20+7)X.24i+2X 11 = $2 1.39. Rule. To reduce pounds to dollars, and vice versa, exchange being at $4.8665: Multiply the number of pounds by 73, and divide the quotient by 15; the result will be the equivalent in dollars and cents. Or, multiplying the dollars by 15 and dividing the product by 73 will give its equivalent in pounds and decimals of a pound. EXAMPLE 1. Reduce 6 to dollars and cents. SOLUTION. 6 X 73 -M 5 = $29.20. EXAMPLE 2. Reduce $17 to pounds. SOLUTION. 17X15 -f- 73 = 3.493. 296 ARITHMETIC The monetary units of leading foreign nations and their equivalents in United States money are as follows. These rates are proclaimed each year by the Secretary of the Treasury. Country Monetary Unit Value in" U. S. Gold Canada Dollar 100 cents $1 00 Great Britain .... France 1 Belgium. ... > ... Switzerland I Italy Pound = 20 shillings Franc =100 centimes Lira = 100 centesimi .... 4.86| .193 .193 Spain Peseta = 100 centimes .193 German Empire. . Denmark 1 Norway > Sweden J Russia Mark =100 pfennigs Crown = 100 ore Ruble = 100 copecks .238 .268 .515 Yen = 100 sen .498 HEAT SPECIFIC HEATS OF METALS The specific heat of a substance is the number of heat units required to raise a unit mass of the substance one degree in temperature. The specific heat of water is very nearly constant for all temperatures, but that at its tempera- ture of maximum density (4 C. or 39.1 F.) is considered unity. The specific heats of most substances increase with increasing temperatures. HEAT UNITS One British thermal unit (B. T. U.) is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 Ib. of pure water 1 F. at or near its maximum density, 39.1 F. One calorie is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 Kg. of water 1 C. at or near 4 C. ARITHMETIC 297 1 B. T. U. = .252 calorie and 1 calorie = 3. 968 B. T. tJ. One small, or gram, calorie (a heat unit also in some use) is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 C. at or near 4 C. CENTIGRADE AND FAHRENHEIT DEGREES Deg. C. D F eg ' D ^- Deg. F. D 212 100 80 = 1 atmosphere J Melting point of ice 32 Absolute zero. i. e., the! total absence of heat; > -460 -273 -219 theoretical only J Between boiling point and freezing point = 180 F. = 100 C. = 80R. 9 9 Temp. F.=- Temp. C.-f32 =-Temp. R.+32 . 5 4 5 5 Temp. C. = - (Temp. F. - 32) = - Temp. R. (-9 4 4 4 Temp. R. = -(Temp. F. - 32) = -Temp. C. , y & MISCELLANEOUS TABLES The following table is used in counting certain articles: 12 of anything =1 dozen doz. 12 dozen =1 gross gr. 12 gross =1 great gross g. gr. 20 of anything = 1 score units doz. gr. g. gr. 12= 1 144= 12 = 1 1,728=144 = 12 = 1 ARITHMETIC 299 The following table is used in the paper trade: 24 sheets =1 quire qr. 20 quires =1 ream rm. 2 reams =1 bundle bdl. 5 bundles = 1 bale B. sheets qr. rm. bdl. B. 24= 1 480= 20= 1 960= 40= 2=1 4,800 = 200=10 = 5=1 It is now becoming customary to consider 500 sheets as a ream, and to discard the higher denominations. BOOKS The terms folio, quarto, octavo, etc., show the number of leaves into which a sheet of paper is folded. Folio = 2 leaves, or 4 pages Quarto = 4 leaves, or 8 pages Octavo = 8 leaves, or 16 pages Duodecimo =12 leaves, or 24 pages 16mo = 16 leaves, or 32 pages 18mo =18 leaves, or 36 pages 24mo =24 leaves, or 48 pages 32mo =32 leaves, or 64 pages METRIC EQUIVALENTS OF POUNDS, FEET, ETC. The government publishes the equivalents in pounds, etc., of the metric system, but the American shipper wants to know what the pounds, inches, feet, and gal- lons, to which he is accustomed, are in the metric system. The following is a convenient table showing the metric values of our measures. Some countries de- mand that the metric system should be used in the consular papers, and in most countries, especially in Latin-America, the consignees ask for the weights, etc., in the metric system. This table will be found valuable for reference by invoice clerks and shipping clerks in the export departments of manufacturing establishments. 300 ARITHMETIC Pounds 1 Kilos . . . = .4536 Pounds 60 Kilos . .=27.216 2 = .9072 70 . .=31.751 3 . . . = 1.3608 80 . . = 36.287 4 1 8144 90 = 40.823 5 = 2.2680 100 . . = 45.36 = 9072 6 2 7216 200 7 3.1751 300 . . = 136.08 8 = 3.6287 400 . . =181.44 9 - 4 0823 500 = 226.80 10 = 4.536 600 . . =272.16 20 . . . = 9.072 700 . . =317.51 30 13 608 800 . . =362.87 40 = 18.144 900 ..=408.23 = 453.60 50 22 680 1 000 1,000 kilos =1 1 inch metric ton (Tc Centimeters ... = 2.54 melada metrico). 7 feet Centimeters = 213.36 1 foot = 30.48 8 feet . . =243.84 1 yard = 91 44 9 feet = 274 32 2 feet . = 60.96 10 feet . . = 304.80 3 feet = 91.44 11 feet . . =335.28 4 feet 121 92 12 feet = 365 76 5 feet = 152.40 13 feet . . =396.24 6 feet = 182.88 14 feet . .=426.72 DIFFERENCE YORK CITY . When it is noc Buffalo Cincinnati Chicago St. Louis San Francisco. . New Orleans. . . Washington. . . . Charleston OF SUN AND OTHER >n at New Yor . .11:40 A.M. . .11:18 A. M. ..11:07 A.M. . . 10:55 A. M. . . 8:45 A. M. . .10:56 A.M. ..11:48 A.M. . .11:36 A. M. TIME BETWEEN NEW PARTS OF THE WORLD k, it is, at Boston 12r12 P M Quebec . . . .12:12 p. M. London 4*55 P M Paris Rome Constantinople . . Vienna St. Petersburg . . . Peking . 5:05 P. M. . 5:45 P. M. . 6:41 P. M. . 6:00 P. M. . 6:57 P. M. .12:40 A. M. Havana ..11:25 A.M. ARITHMETIC 301 TABLE OF DISTANCES 1 mile =5,280 ft.; 1,760 yd.; 320 rd.; 8 fur. 1 furlong =40 rd. 1 league =3 mi. 1 knot,* or nautical mile =6,080 ft., or 1| mi. 1 nautical league =3 naut. mi. 1 fathom =6 ft. . 1 meter = 3 ft. 3| in., nearly 1 hand = 4 in. 1 palm = 3 in. 1 span =9 in. 1 cable's length = 240 yd. MEASURES OF VOLUME 1 cubic foot = 1,728 cu. in. 1 ale gallon = 282 cu. in. 1 standard, or wine, gallon =231 cu. in. 1 dry gallon =268.8 cu. in. 1 bushel =2,150.4 cu. in. 1 British bushel =2,218.19 cu. in. 1 cord of wood = 128 cu. ft. 1 perch =24.75 cu. ft. 1 ton of round timber =40 cu. ft. 1 ton of hewn timber =50 cu. ft. A box 12yf in. long, wide, and deep contains 1 bu. A box 19 f in. long, wide, and deep contains 1 bbl. A box 8 1 in. long, wide, and deep contains 1 pk. A box 63^ in. long, wide, and deep contains | pk. A box 4jV in- long, wide, and deep contains 1 qt. Cylinders having the following dimensions, in inches, con- tain the measures stated, very closely; the diameters are given first: Gill =lfin.X3in. I Gallon = 7in.X 6 in. Pint =3in.X3in. 8 gallons = 14 in. X 12 in. Quart =3in.X6in. | 10 gallons =14in.X15in. *A knot is really a measure of speed and not of distance; when used in this sense, it is equivalent to 1 naut. mi. in 1 hr. Thus, a vessel traveling 20 naut. mi. per hr. has a speed of 20 knots. 302 ARITHMETIC PLASTERING, PAINTING, AND CALCIMINING Plastering, painting, and calcimining are usually estimated by the square yard. Allowances for doors, windows, etc. are not regulated by any established usage. Rule. Multiply the perimeter* of the room by the height of the ceiling for the area of the walls. To this add the area of the ceiling, and from the sum make such deductions as are specified. Reduce the results to square yards, and multiply the price per square yard by the number denoting the area in square yards. EXAMPLE. At 22c. per sq. yd., what will it cost to plaster a room 65 ft. long, 22 ft. wide, and IS ft. high, deducting in full for 8 doors 4 ft. 6 in. wide and 11 ft. 6 in. high, 10 windows 3 ft. 6 in. wide and 8 ft. high, and a baseboard 6% in. high extending around the room? SOLUTION. Perimeter of the room = 65X 2+22X2 = 174 ft. Area of walls = 174X 15 = 2610 sq. ft. Area of ceiling 65X22 = 1430 sq. ft. Total =4040 sq. ft. Area of doors =>4X1UX8= 414 sq. ft. Area of windows =3X 8X 10= 280 sq. ft. Area of baseboard = (perimeter less width of 8 doors) XY| = (174 -4XS)X^| = 74| sq.ft. Total, after deduction = 327H sq. ft. Area in square yards = 3271J-J-9 = 363Jg sq. yd. Cost = $.22X363*1 = $79.96 PAPERING Wallpaper as made in the United States, is 18 in. (Y2 yd.) wide, and is sold in single rolls and double rolls; a single roll is 8 yd. long, and a double roll is 16 yd. long. When cutting the paper, paper hangers divide the rolls into strips of sufficient length to reach *The perimeter is the sum of the lengths of the sides of the room. ARITHMETIC 303 from the baseboard to a short distance (say 6 in.) above the lower edge of the border. There is always con- siderable waste in cutting, owing to the matching of the figures forming the design, and the fact that there is a part of a strip left over after cutting up the roll. The parts of strips thus left over are used for the surface above doors and below windows, and other irregular places. Although double rolls are usually counted as 2 single rolls, there is a choice between them in certain cases. Thus, suppose the strips were required to be 9 ft. (3 yd.) long, only 2 strips could be cut from a single roll, or 4 strips from. 2 single rolls, while 5 strips could be cut from a double roll. The length of a Toll of border is the same as the length of a roll of paper. On account of the waste in cutting, the various sizes and shapes of rooms, the number of windows, doors, etc., it is difficult to estimate exactly the number of rolls required. Two rule's are given, both of which are used in practice: Rule. I. From the perimeter of the room, subtract the widths cf openings (windows and doors), and reduce the result to half yards; the number of half yards so obtained will be the total number of strips required. Find the number of strips that can be cut from a roll, and divide the first result by the second; the quotient will be the number of rolls required. II. Divide the number of half yards of the perimeter of the room by the number of strips that can be cut from a roll; the quotient will be the number of rolls required. If computed by the first rule, the number of rolls obtained may be too small, and if computed by the second rule, too large. But, since paper dealers will usually take back all rolls that are intact, the second rule will generally give the best results, as it will prevent the loss of time required to send to the dealer for extra rolls, in case they are needed. EXAMPLE. Find how much paper will be needed to cover the walls and ceiling of a room 15 ft. x 20 ft., the border for both walls and ceiling to be 18 in. wide. The ARITHMETIC baseboard is 8 in. high, and the height of walls from floor to ceiling is 9 ft. SOLUTION. Since the widths of the openings are not specified, it will be necessary to use rule II. Perimeter of room = 2 x 15 + 2 x 20 = 70 f t. = 23^ yd. = 46% half yards, or 47 strips. Assuming that the strips extend the height of the baseboard above the bottom edge of the border, the length of a strip is (since 18 in. = \ l / 2 ft.) 9-1^-7^ ft. = 2 l / 2 yd. Hence, the number of strips in a single roll is 8 T 2]/ 2 - 3 strips, and the number of rolls required is. 47 T 3 - lS 2 /s, or 16 rolls. In papering the ceiling, the direction in which the strips are to run must be considered. If the strips run lengthwise of the room, the distance between the edges of the border is 20 - 2 x \y 2 = 17 ft., and the length of the strips must be at least 18 ft., or 6 yd., long; hence, but 1 strip can be cut from a single roll, and but 2 strips from a double roll. The width of the room in half yards is (15 T 3) x2 = 10; hence, allowing for the border, 9 strips, or 9 single rolls, will be required. If the strips run crosswise of the room, the length of a strip between the edges of the border will be 15-2x1^ = 12 ft., and the length of a strip must be at least 13 ft., or 4 1 /fj yd.; hence, 1 strip may be obtained from a single roll, or 16-r4} = 3 strips from a double roll. The length of the room in half yards is (20 v 3) x 2 = 13^j; hence, allowing the paper to extend 6 in. beyond the inner edge of the border, at both ends of the room, 12 strips will be required. The number of double rolls required will be 12^3 = 4 double rolls. Consequently, in this case, there is less waste when the paper runs cross- wise than when it runs lengthwise. Since the perimeter of the room is 70 ft., or 23^ yd., 23^f8 = 3 single rolls of border for the walls, and the same amount for the ceiling will be required. Therefore, 16 single rolls of paper are required for the walls, 4 double rolls for the ceiling, 3 single rolls of border for the walls, and 3 single rolls for the ceiling. ARITHMETIC 305 CARPETING Carpet is made in various widths. Ingrain carpet is usually 36 in., or 1 yd., wide; Brussels carpet is 27 in., or f yd., wide. Carpet borders are 22 5 in., or f yd., wide. A linear yard of ingrain carpet contains 1 sq. yd., and a linear yard of Brussels carpet contains f sq. yd. Rule. To find the number of linear yards of carpet required for a room, if no allowance is made for cutting and matching the strips, divide the area of the room in square yards by the area of a linear yard of the carpet. EXAMPLE. How many yards of Brussels carpet will be required to cover a floor 36 ft. long and 21 ft. wide, making no allowance for cutting and matching? SOLUTION. Area of floor = 36X21 = 756 sq. ft. = ^ = 84 sq. yd. A linear yard of Brussels carpet has an area of | sq. yd. Hence, the number of linear yards required is 84 * f=112 yd. In practice, there is usually considerable loss due to cutting and matching. To find the number of yards re- quired for a room, when allowance is made for loss, the width of the room is divided by the width of a single strip. The quotient is the number of strips required, supposing them to run lengthwise of the room. The number of strips multiplied by the length in yards of a single strip, making allowance for the loss required for matching, is the number of linear yards required. EXAMPLE. How many yards of Brussels carpet will be required to cover a room 23 ft. long and 15 ft. wide, making an allowance of 1 ft. on each strip for matching? The carpet is supposed to run lengthwise. SOLUTION. Width of room =15 ft. = 180 in. Width of carpet = 27 in. Number of strips = 180 ^-27 = 6. Hence, 7 strips must be used, the excess, 9 in., being cut off or turned under. Allowing 1 ft. for matching, length of strip = 23 + 1 = 24 ft. = 8 yd. Number of linear yards required = 7X8 = 56 yd. 306 ARITHMETIC The number of linear yards of carpet border required for a room is equal to the perimeter of the room in yards. EXAMPLE. How many yards of border will be required in carpeting a room 42 ft. long and 26^2 ft. wide? SOLUTION. Perimeter of room = 42X2+26X2 = 137 ft. 137 =-3- = 45| yd. BOARD MEASURE In measuring" lumber, the unit is the board foot, which is a board 1 ft. long, 1 ft. wide, and 1 in. (or less) thick. One board foot is equal to ^ cu. ft. Rule. To find the number of board feet in any piece of lumber, multiply the length in feet by the breadth in feet, and this product by the thickness in inches, if it be more than 1 inch; or, otherwise, multiply the length in feet by the breadth in inches, and this product by the thickness in inches, and then divide by 12. EXAMPLE. How many board feet are contained in a joist 18 ft. long, 14 in. wide, and 12 in. thick? SOLUTION. 18*14X12 = ^ ^^ f ^ Lumber is sold by the thousand (M) feet, the term foot being always used instead of the longer term, board foot. Rule. To find the cost of lumber, divide the number of feet by 1,000 and multiply by the cost per M. EXAMPLE. What will be the cost of 19 boards 14 ft. long, 15 in. wide, and \y 2 in. thick, at $23.50 per M? SOLUTION. Number of thousand feet = =.498f. Hence, .498f X $23.50 = $11.72. Shingles are sold in bundles of 250 (J4 M). The lengths of all shingles in bundle are the same (usually 12 in., 14 in., or 16 in.), but their widths vary. The average width, however, is generally 4 in., the width of all bundles being alike. When laying shingles, 4 in. is usually exposed to the weather, the remaining portions being concealed by the other shingles. ARITHMETIC 307 Rule. To find the number of shingles required to cover a roof, compute the total area of the roof in square inches, and divide this area by the product of the average width of the shingles and the length that is exposed to the weather. EXAMPLE. What will it cost to shingle a roof, each side measuring 40 ft. x 16 ft., if the shingles cost $4.50 per M? SOLUTION. Since the size of the exposed portion is not stated, it will be assumed as 4 in.X4 in. Then, for one side, = 5,760 shingles will be required, and for both sides, 5,760X2 = 11,520 shingles. Therefore, the cost will be 1 1. 52 X $4.50 = $51. 84. Multiply by 144 in order to reduce the square feet (40X16) to square inches. Allowance should also be made for waste. MASONRY In estimating the cubical contents of stone walls, the perch of 24 1 cu. ft. is used. Rule. To find the number of perches of masonry in a wall, divide the volume of the wall in cubic feet by 24f . In estimating the contents of stone foundations for build- ings, the length of the wall is measured on the outside, thus counting each corner twice. If a wall 2 ft. thick measures 12 ft.X20 ft. on the outside, and the corners are assumed to be parts of the longer sides, there will be 2 walls each 20 ft. long, and 2 walls each 8 ft. long. The actual length is there- fore 2X20+2X8 = 56 ft. The length estimated on the out- side is 2X20+2X12=64 ft. To find the actual length of such a wall, subtract 4 times the thickness of the wall from the length measured on the outside. Thus, in the above case, actual length = 64 -4X2 = 56 ft. Usually, masons make no allowance for windows or doors in estimating their work. In estimating the quantity of stone required for the wall, such allowances should be made. EXAMPLE. (a) How many perches of stone will be re- quired to build the walls of a church 60 ft. long by 308 ARITHMETIC 32 ft. wide, the^ walls being 24 ft. high and 2 l /4 ft. thick? There are 8 windows, each 5 ft. wide and 11 ft. high, and 2 doors, each 6 ft. wide and 9 ft. high. (&) What will be the cost of laying the walls at $3.50 per perch? SOLUTION. Length of wall (outside) =2X60+2X32=184 ft. Actual length = 184-4X2*= 175 ft. Actual cubical contents = 175X24X2^ = 9,450 cu. ft. Allowance for windows = 5X 11X2^X8 = 990 cu. ft. Allowance for doors = 6X9X2^X2 = 243 cu. ft. Net contents = 9,450- (990+243) =8,217 cu. ft. (a) Perches required for wall = 8,217 *- 24 f = 332. (6) Since, in estimating the cost of the work, no alkro is made for corners, doors, and windows, Cubical contents = 184 X 24 X2i = 9,936 cu. ft. Perches of stonework = 9, 936 -i- 24 f = 401 &. Cost of laying walls = 401 1 ? T X $3.50 = $1,405.09. BRICKWORK Brickwork is generally estimated by the thousand bricks laid in the wall, but measurements by the cubic yard and by the perch are also used. To allow for mortar, *4 in- is added to the length and to the thickness in making calculations. The following data will be found useful in calculating the number of bricks in a wall. For each superficial foot of wall 4 in. in thickness (the width of 1 brick), allow 7 l / 2 bricks; for a 9-in. wall (the width of 2 bricks), allow 15 bricks; and so on, estimating 7^2 bricks for each additional 4 in. in thick- ness of wall. If brickwork is to be estimated by the cubic yard, allow 500 bricks to 1 cu. yd. This figure is based on the use of 8^4 in. x4 in. x2j4 in. bricks, with mortar joints not over Y% in. thick. If the joints are Y% in. thick, as in face brickwork, 1 cu. yd. will require about 575 bricks. In making calculations of the number cf bricks required, an allowance of, say, 5% should be made for waste in breakage, etc. ARITHMETIC 309 BINS, CISTERNS, ETC. It is frequently necessary to estimate the capacity of a bin, box, or vessel in bushels, barrels, or gallons. The volume of the bin or vessel in cubic feet or cubic inches is divided by the number of cubic feet or cubic inches in a bushel, barrel, or gallon, as the case may be. For convenience of reference, the following table of capacities is given: DRY MEASURE 1 heaped bushel =2,747.71 cu. in. = 1.59 cu. ft., nearly 1 stricken bushel ==2, 150.42 cu. in. = 1.25 cu. ft., nearly 1 peck = 537.6 cu. in. 1 quart = 67.2 cu. in. 1 pint = 33.6 cu. in. LIQUID MEASURE 1 hogshead = 8.422 cu. ft. 1 barrel =4.211 cu. ft. 1 gallon =231 cu. in. 1 quart = 57.75 cu. in. 1 pint = 28.875 cu. in. Rule. To find the capacity of a bin or other vessel in dry measure or in liquid measure, divide the volume of the bin or vessel in cubic inches by the number of cubic inches in the unit of measure. The following table of approximate capacities is very convenient in rough calculations: 1 cubic foot = .63 heaped bushel 1 cubic foot = .80 stricken bushel 1 cubic foot = 7.50 liquid gallons 1 cubic foot = i barrel The following short rules are approximate, but the results are sufficiently accurate for all practical purposes. Rule. To find the capacity of a bin in heaped bushels, multiply the volume in cubic feet by .63. Rule. To find the capacity of a bin in stricken bushels, multiply the volume in cubic feet by .8. Rule. To find the number of gallons in a cistern or other vessel, multiply the volume in cubic feet by 7.5. 310 ARITHMETIC Rule. To find the number of barrels in a cistern, multiply the volume in cubic feet by $. Rule. To find the number of gallons in a cylindrical vessel, multiply the square of the diameter in inches by the height in inches, and that product by .0034, GAUGING OF CASKS A cask resembles two frustums of cones with their larger bases placed together. The bung diameter of a cask is the diameter measured half way between the two ends; it is usually the greatest diameter. The mean diameter of a cask is the mean between the bung diameter and the head diameter. The mean diameter is found Dy adding together the head diameter and bung diameter and dividing the sum by 2. Rule. To find the number of gallons in a cask, multiply the square of the mean diameter in inches by the length in inches t and that product by .0034. EXAMPLE. The diameter of a cask is 27 in. at the head, 33 in. at the bung, and the cask is 3 ft. long; how many gallons will it hold? SOLUTION. Mean diameter = ^ = 30 in. Length = 3 ft. = 36 in. Capacity = 3Q2 X 36 X .0034 = 110.16 gal. To find the number of liters in the cask, multiply by .0129 instead of .0034. If the cask is partly filled, stand it on end, find the mean diameter of the part filled, multiply its square by the height, and that product by .0034. COAL AND HAY A ton (2,000 Ib.) of Lehigh coal, egg size, measures 34^s cu. ft. in the bin; Schuylkill coal, 35 cu. ft.; pink- gray and red-ash coal, 36 cu. ft. ; Wyoming coal, 31 cu. ft. The bulk of a ton of hay is dependent on the pressure to which it is subjected. Roughly speaking, a ton of POSTAL DISTANCES AND TIME 311 hay lying unpressed measures 500 cu. ft. ; when in a small stack, 400 cu. ft.; and in mows compressed with grain, or in well-settled stacks, 300 cu. ft. Shipping Ton. Freight on very light articles is usually estimated by the space occupied. f 1 United States shipping ton 40 cu. ft.= < 31.16 imperial bushels 132.143 United States bushels {1 British shipping ton 32.719 imperial bushels 33.75 United States bushels POSTAL DISTANCES AND TIME In the following list are given the approximate dis- tances by postal routes and the time by rail between New- York City and the points indicated. The times men- tioned are subject to changes due to varying conditions. Cities in the United States Miles Hours Albany, N. Y 142 V/ 2 Atlanta, Ga 882 2V/ 4 Baltimore, Md 188 6 Binghamton, N. Y 207 5^ Bismarck, N. Dak 1,738 60J4 Boise, Idaho 2,736 92*/ 2 Boston, Mass 217 Buffalo, N. Y 410 9^ Cape May, N. J 172 Carson City, Nev 3,036 109^ Charleston, S. C 804 21*4 Chattanooga, Tenn 853 32 Cheyenne, Wyo 1,899 54 Chicago, 111 900 23 Cincinnati, Ohio 744 23 312 POSTAL DISTANCES AND TIME Cities in the United States Miles Cleveland, Ohio 568 Columbus, Ohio 624 Concord, N. H 292 Deadwood, S. Dak 1,975 Denver, Colo 1,930 Des Moines, Iowa 1,257 Detroit, Mich 743 Galveston, Tex 1,789 Harrisburg, Pa 182 Hartford, Conn 112 Helena, Mont 2,423 Hot Springs, Ark 1,367 55 Indianapolis, Ind 808 23 Jacksonville^ Fla 1,077 32 Kansas City, Mo 1,302 38# Louisville, Ky 854 30 Memphis, Tenn 1,163 40 Milwaukee, Wis 985 29^ Montgomery, Ala 1,057 30^ Montpelier, Vt 327 10^ New Orleans, La 1,344 40 Omaha, Neb 1,383 43 Philadelphia, Pa 90 3 Pittsburg, Pa 431 13 Portland, Me 325 12 Portland, Ore 3,181 \W/ 2 Prescott, Ariz 2,724 94 Providence, R. 1 189 6 Richmond, Va 344 11J4 St. Louis, Mo 1,048 29 St. Paul, Minn 1,300 37 Salt Lake City, Utah 2,452 7V/ 2 San Francisco, Cal 3,250 106 Santa Fe, N. Mex 2,173 82 Savannah, Ga 905 26 Scranton, Pa 146 4y 2 Tacoma, Wash 3,209 102 Topeka, Kans 1,370 48 POSTAL DISTANCES AND TIME 313 Cities in the United States Miles Hours Trenton, N. J 57 2 Vicksburg, Miss 1,288 50 Vinita, Okla 1,412 42 Washington, D. C 228 6^ Wheeling, W. Va 496 14& Wilmington, Pel 117 5 Wilmington, N. C 593 20 The postal distances and time between New York and foreign cities are as follows: By Postal Route to Miles Days Adelaide, via Vancouver 12,845 31 Alexandria, via London 6,150 12 Amsterdam, via London '..... 3,985 8 Antwerp, via London 4,000 8 Athens, via London 5,655 11 Bahia, Brazil 5,870 14 Bangkok, Siam, via San Francisco 12,900 43 Batavia, Java, via London 12,800 34 Berlin, via London 4,385 Bombay, via London 9,765 22 Bremen, via London 4,235 8 Buenos Ayres 8,045 24 Calcutta via London 11,120 24 Cape Town, via London 11,245 25. Constantinople, via London 5,810 11 Florence, via London 4,800 9 Glasgow '.. 3,370 8 Greytown, via New Orleans 2,815 7 Halifax, N. S 645 Hamburg, via London 4,340 9 Hamburg, direct 4,820 9 Havana 1,366 3 Hong Kong, via San Francisco 10,590 27 Honolulu, via San Francisco 5,645 12 Liverpool 3,540 London, via Queenstown 3,740 London, via Southampton 3,760 Madrid, via London 4,925 9 314 INFORMATION OF INTEREST By Postal Route to Miles Days Melbourne, via Vancouver 12,265 30 Mexico City (railroad) 3,750 5 Panama 2,355 6 Paris 4,020 8 Rio de Janeiro 6,204 17 Rome, via London 5,030 9 Rotterdam, via London 3,935 8 St. Petersburg, via London 5,730 9 San Juan, Porto Rico 1,730 6 Shanghai, via San Francisco 9,920 25 Stockholm, via London 4,975 10 Sydney, via Vancouver 11,570 29 Valparaiso, via Panama 5,910 22 Vienna, -via London 4,740 9 Yokohama, via San Francisco 7,345 20 INFORMATION OF INTEREST Birthday Stone for Each Month of the Year. Stones of different kinds are often considered proper for birth- days coming in different months of the year. They are: Garnet for January, amethyst for February, bloodstone for March, diamond for April, emerald for May, pearl for June, ruby for July, sardonyx for August, sapphire for September, opal for October, topaz for November, and turquoise for December. Names of Wedding Anniversaries. Wedding anniver- saries are named according to the name of the article considered appropriate for anniversary presents at dif- ferent times. The names are: 1st year Cotton 15th year Crystal 2d year Paper 20th year China 3d year Leather 25th year Silver 5th year Wooden 30th year Pearl 7th year Woolen 40th year Ruby 10th year Tin 50th year Golden 12th year Silk and fine 75th year Diamond linen IXFORMATION OF INTEREST 315 Care of Birds and Fish. Caged birds, especially the canary, should always be kept in good cages that are perfectly clean and free from vermin. The greater part of all the cages now used have a hanger at the top of the cage, which can be removed. This should be sepa- rated from the cage at least once every month. Here is where the red .mites hide. The best kind of roosts or perches can be made from the smaller branches of the elder. The outer covering should be scraped and the pith removed from the center of the pieces of elder. The red mites crawl into these perches, which can be scalded once a week with hot water, thus destroying the mites. The best seed for canaries is Sicilian canary seed and a little German rape seed. A small portion of hemp seed may be added. Never mix the hemp seed with the other seed; if you do, the birds will throw the other seed out in their diligent search for the hemp seed. Hemp seed is too fattening for them to have much of it. Feed the hemp seed separate. Canaries must have some kind of green feed, and nothing is better for them than a few leaves of dandelion or lettuce. They should never be fed cabbage or heavy greens. It is a pleasure to have an aquarium in the house with fish and growing plants. The plants contained in the aquarium should be sufficiently numerous to throw off enough oxygen to supply the fish. The function of plant life in the water is to decompose the carbonic-acid gas under the action of sunlight, using the carbon to build up the structures and to liberate the oxygen which is necessary to the fish. Fish in breathing absorb the free oxygen in the water, and they also absorb it from the air. The proportion of oxygen or of air that water will contain varies with the temperature. Thus, for about every 16 drop in temperature water will take up and retain about double the volume of oxygen or of atmos- pheric air. Boiling the water expels the oxygen. When all of the oxygen is exhausted the water will no longer support the life of the fish. The cooler the water, the 316 RULES OF BUSINESS greater amount of oxygen will there be and the greater number of fish can be kept in it. The fewer fish, and the more space there is in the aquarium, the better will the fish prosper. An aquarium should be kept clean and free from slimy deposits. The water should be changed frequently enough to keep it pure. RULES OF BUSINESS There are a few rules or guides for good business that can be safely followed at all times. It is always best, however, to ask advice of your banker or a lawyer of experience relative to financial matters that may cause a loss. If a note is lost or stolen, it does not release the maker; he must pay it if the consideration for which it was given and the amount can be proved. Notes bear interest only when so stated. Principals are responsible for the acts of their agents. Each individual in a partnership is responsible for the whole amount of the debts of the firm, except in cases of a special partnership. The word "limited" in con- nection with a firm name indicates that a limitation of responsibility for each member is fixed. Ignorance of the law excuses no one. An agreement without consideration of value is void. A note made on a Sunday is void, also one dated ahead of its issue. It may be dated back at pleasure. Contracts made on Sunday cannot be enforced. A note by a minor is void in some states, and in others it is voidable on judicial decision. A contract made with a minor or a lunatic is void. A note obtained by fraud or from a person in a state of intoxication cannot be collected. It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. Signatures made with a lead pencil are good in law. The acts of one partner binds the rest. RULES OF BUSINESS 317 "Value received" is usually written in a note, and should be, but it is not necessary. If not written it is presumed by the law or may be supplied by proof. The maker of an "accommodation" bill or note (one for which he has received no consideration) having lent his name or credit for the benefit of the holder, is not bound to the person accommodated, but is bound to all other parties, precisely as if there were a good con- sideration. No consideration is sufficient in law if it be illegal in its nature. Checks or drafts must be presented for payment with- out unreasonable delay. An indorsee has a right of action against all whose names were on the bill when he received it. If the letter containing a protest of non-payment be put into the post office, any miscarriage does uot affect the party giving notice. Notice of protest may be sent either to the place of business or residence of the party notified. CHECKS How to Draw Checks. A check is merely an order for a bank to pay a stipulated sum of money to the person whose name appears on the check, from the funds of the drawer of the check. Checks may be made payable either to order or bearer. In the former case, the payee should be known to the proper bank officials, and must indorse the check before the money is paid. In case the check reads "pay to- bearer," any one holding the check should indorse it, and if he is known to the bank, he is entitled to present it and receive the money stipulated. Every person who writes a check should be very care- ful to protect himself against dishonest intentions of the person to whom the check is issued. A check should always be written with pen and ink. Never use a lead RULES OF BUSINESS when drawing a check. The amount which is stipulated on the check should be started as far to the left as possible so that no writing or figures could be inserted to increase the amount of the check. The space remain- ing should be filled in by a very heavy line so that nothing could be added after the amount inserted. The figures of a check should be plainly written and care should be taken that the figures correspond. Although a bank cannot be held responsible for the payment of a check made payable to bearer, or wrong person, if the circumstances warrant such action, a bank may refuse to cash it until they are satisfied that it is the right party. Checks Should Be Presented for Payment as Soon as Possible. The receiver of a check may avoid consider- able trouble or loss of money by presenting checks for payment as soon as possible after they are received. The drawer of a check usually prefers to have his checks paid as soon as possible, to avoid 'keeping track of out- standing checks. Should the holder of a check neglect to present it for payment at once and the bank should become insolvent, he cannot compel the bank to make good the loss he has sustained if more than the ordinary time has elapsed before he presents the check that is given him. Certified Checks. A certified check is a common check that has been certified by the cashier of the bank on which it is drawn ; that is, he has written or stamped across the face, usually with red ink, the word "certi- fied," the date, and his signature. The certifying of a check is the same as accepting a draft, and makes the bank responsible for its payment, and not the drawer. Remember, that when you have a check certified it is at once deducted from your account; therefore, if you do not use it, you must deposit it to your credit before it can again be added to your account. Certificate of Deposit. A certificate of deposit is a written acknowledgment of a bank that it has received from the person named a sum of money as a deposit, subject to withdrawal on demand and on surrender of RULES OF BUSINESS 319 the certificate. Generally, persons holding certificates of deposit are not allowed to draw a check for all or part of it. Receipt. A receipt is a written acknowledgment of having received a specified value, with the date, source of receipt, signature of the party that received the value, and such other particulars as may be necessary to make it plain and unquestionable. NOTES Note. A note is an absolute promise, in writing, to pay on a certain date, or on demand, a specified sum of money to a person named therein, or to his order, or to the bearer, and is signed by the maker. Joint Note. A joint note is one signed by two or more parties and reading, "We promise to pay." It is sup- posed that each party to the note has been equally benefited; therefore, only his proportionate share can be collected from each. A joint-and-several note reads, "We jointly and seve- rally promise to pay." In this form of note, the makers are united in the obligation, and the payee can collect from all the makers together, or the entire face of the note from any one of them, if he is worth that amount. Protests. Have all the notes in your favor made pay- able at a bank; then, a few days before they become due, if not previously discounted, deposit them for collec- tion. The bank will then see that they are properly presented when due, and will protest if not paid. Protesting is a formal statement made by a notary public that the paper was presented for payment and payment refused. A notice of protest is sent to the maker and to each indorser. If there are indorsers and no protest is made, the indorsers in some states, are released. When there are no indorsers, it is quite com- mon to waive protest by writing on the back of such paper "Protest Waived.** 320 RULES OF BUSINESS Unless inscribed with the words "with interest," notes do not draw interest until after maturity; but if not paid at maturity, they draw interest at the legal rate until paid. Due Bill. A due bill is a written acknowledgment of something due from one party to another. They are not usually made payable to order, are frequently with out date, and seldom mention the name of the plac or state. DRAFTS Sight Draft. A sight draft is a draft drawn by one person on another, and payable on presentation, or at sight. They are treated as cash by those receiving them. Time Draft. Time drafts are drawn payable a certain number of days after sight and to be of value must be accepted by the party on whom the'y are drawn. Accept- ance is shown by writing across the face, usually in red ink because of its prominence, the word "accepted," the date, and the signature of the acceptor. The due date is figured so many days after the date of acceptance, and not after the date on which it was drawn. Often there is seen attached to the end of a draft a slip reading, "No Protest." "Take this off before pre- senting." This informs the banker that the drawer does not wish the paper protested, and is done so that if the paper is not accepted, the drawer will not have to pay the protest fees. Bank Draft. For convenience and safety in making remittance from one part of the country to another, in funds that are at par, and yet without actually trans- ferring the cash, bank drafts are bought from local banks and forwarded, instead of using checks, etc. RULES OF BUSINESS 321 SIMPLE-INTEREST RULES 4%. Multiply the principal by the number of days to run, separate the right-hand figure from the product and divide by 9. 5%. Multiply by the number of days and divide by 72. 6%. Multiply by the number of days, separate the right-hand figure and divide by 6. 8%. Multiply by the number of days and divide by 45. 9%. Multiply by the number of days, separate the right-hand figure and divide by 4. 10%. Multiply by the number of days and divide by 36. 12%. Multiply by the number of days, separate the right-hand figure and divide by 3. The following method of computing interest for short terms is an accurate and speedy one: The interest on any sum for 60 days at 6 per cent, can be found by draw- ing a perpendicular line 2 places to the left of the deci- mal point of the principal. The result will be the interest in dollars and cents. Thus, the interest on $2,035.45 for 60 days at 6% will be $20.35. DISCOUNT RATES The following table of equivalent discounts will be found useful by those in whose business several dif- ferent rates of discount are allowed from list prices: 10 and 5 off- 14^% off IS and 5 off=19^% off 20 and 5 off=24% off 20 and 10 off=28% off 25 and 10 off=32H% off 30, 10, and 5 off =401/7% off 40, 10, and 5 off=48y 10 % off 50 and 10 off =55% off 60, 10, and 5 off=65%% off 70, 10, and 5 off=74%o% off 322 RULES OF BUSINESS YEARS AT WHICH A GIVEN AMOUNT WILL DOUBLE, AT SEVERAL RATES OF INTEREST At Compound Interest At Rate % Single Interest Compounded Yearly Compounded Semi- Annually Compounded Quarterly 1 100 69.666 69.487 69.400 11 66.66 46.556 46.382 46.298 2 50.00 35.004 34.830 34.743 2t 40.00 28.071 27.899 27.812 3 33.33 23.450 23.278 23.191 3* 28.57 20.150 19.977 19.890 4 25.00 17.673 17.502 17.415 4| 22.22 15.748 15.576 15.490 5 20.00 14.207 14.036 13.946 51 18.18 12.946 12.775 12.686 6 16.67 11.896 11.725 11.639 *i 15.38 11.007 10.836 10.750 7 14.29 10.245 10.075 9.989 n 13.33 9.585 9.914 9.328 8 12.50 9.006 8.837 8.751 8| 11.76 8.497 8.346 8.241 9 11.11 8.043 7.874 7.788 9* 10.52 7.638 7.468 7.383 10 10.00 7.273 7.121 7.026 12 8.34 6.110 LEGAL HOLIDAYS 323 LEGAL HOLIDAYS Legal holidays are days set apart by statute or by executive authority for fasting and prayer, or those given over to religious observance and amusements, or for political, moral, or social duties or anniversaries, or merely for popular recreation and amusement under such penalties and provisions alone as are expressed in positive legislative enactments. In the United States there are no established holidays of a religious character having a legal status without legislation. The days established by statutory or by executive authority, which are observed as legal holi- days, are given in the list that follows: January 1. New Year's Day: In all the states and territories except Massachusetts and New Hampshire. January 8. Anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans: In Louisiana. January 19. Lee's Birthday: In Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. February 12. Lincoln's Birthday: In Arizona, Connecti- cut, Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Wyoming. February 22. Washington's Birthday: In all the states and territories except Mississippi and New Mexico. March 2. Texas Independence Day: In Texas. April 6. Confederate Memorial Day: In Louisiana. April 19. Patriot's Day: In Massachusetts. April 21. Anniversary of the Battle of San Jacinto: In Texas. April 26. Confederate Memorial Day. In Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. May 10. Confederate Memorial Day. In North Caro- lina and South Carolina. 324 LEGAL HOLIDAYS May, Second Friday. Confederate Memorial Day: In Tennessee. May 20. Anniversary of the Signing of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence: In North Carolina. May 30. Decoration Day: In all the states and terri- tories except Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Caro- lina, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia. June 3. Jefferson Davis' s Birthday: In Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. July 4. Independence Day: In all states and territories. July 24. Pioneer's Day: In Utah. August 16. Bennington Battle Day: In Vermont. September, First Monday. Labor Day: In all the states and territories except Arkansas, Louisiana, Mis- sissippi, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Vermont. September 9. Admission Day: In California. October 12. Columbus Day: In California, Colorado, Connecticut, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. October 31. Admission Day: In Nevada. November 1. All Saints' Day: In Louisiana. November 25. Labor Day: In the parish of Orleans, Louisiana. November, Fourth Thursday. Thanksgiving Day: In all the states and territories. The exact day is fixed by the proclamation of the President of the United States and the governors of the states. December 25. Christmas Day: In all the states and territories. Shrove Tuesday. Mardi Gras: In Alabama and in the parish of Orleans, Louisiana. Good Friday: In Alabama, Louisiana, Maryland, Min- nesota, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee. Arbor Day: In Colorado, third Friday in April; Idaho, last Monday in April; in Nebraska, April 22; Utah, April 15. This day is observed in other states on dates appointed by the governors. ' LEGAL HOLIDAYS 325 General Election Day, being the Tuesday after the first Monday of November in every year when such elections are held is a holiday in Arizona, California, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ore- gon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Sundays are holidays, and also any day appointed by the governor in any of the several states as a fast day, or a day for prayer. There are no statutory holidays in Mississippi, but by common consent the Fourth of *July, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas are observed as such. In Kansas the only legal holidays by legislative enact- ment are February 22, May 30, first Monday of Septem- ber, and Thanksgiving Day, but by common consent New Year's Day, Fourth of July, and Christmas are also observed. Saturday, after 12 o'clock noon, is a legal holiday throughout the year in Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Washington; in Louisiana- and Missouri, in cities of 100,000 inhabitants and over; in Ohio and Vir- ginia, in cities of 50,000 inhabitants and over; in Dela- ware, in . the city of Wilmington and in Newcastle county, except St. George's Hundred, where Saturdays from June to September only are holidays; in South Carolina, in Charleston county; and in Colorado, in Denver during June, July, and August. Holidays falling on Sunday are 'observed the day be- fore in Kansas, Mississippi, Nevada, Vermont, and West Virginia, and on the same day in Louisiana; but else- where in the United States, on the following Monday. In Canada the following are legal holidays in all the provinces: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Mon- day, Christmas Day, the birthday of the reigning sov- ereign, any day appointed by proclamation for a public 326 CORRESPONDENCE holiday or a general fast or thanksgiving, and the day next following New Year's, Christmas, and the sov- ereign's birthday, when these days fall on Sunday. In Quebec, in addition to the above, the following are ob- served: The Epiphany, the Annunciation, the Ascension, Corpus Christi, St. Peter and St. Paul's Day, All Saints' Day, and Conception Day. In England and Ireland the bank holidays are: Good Friday, Easter Monday, the Monday in Whitsun week, the first Monday in August, sovereign's birthday, Christ- mas, and the 26th of December if a week day; in Scot- land, New Year's Day, Christmas (if either day fall on Sunday, then the following Monday), Good Friday, first Monday in May, first Monday in August, and the sov- ereign's birthday. In addition to the above, any day so proclaimed by the reigning sovereign is to be observed as a bank holiday throughout the United Kingdom, or in any part thereof. CORRESPONDENCE LETTER WRITING The importance of letter writing, both in business and as an educational accomplishment, cannot be overesti- mated. Business must, to a large extent, be transacted by means of correspondence; and one of the leading requisites of business success is the ability to dis- charge the important duties pertaining to correspondence in a manner satisfactory to all concerned. The essential parts of a letter are: 1. Heading, including date. 2. Address. 3. Salutation. 4. Body. 5. Complimentary close. 6. Subscription, or signature. 7. Superscription, or outside address. CORRESPONDENCE 327 The incidental parts are: 1. The postscript, with its continuations or iterations, paulo-postscript, post-paulo-postscript, and so on. 2. Nota bene. 3. Enclosure. 4. Stamp. 5. Return directions. The writing of the place and date at the lower left- hand corner of the paper, at the end of a letter, though quite admissible and somewhat customary in the matter of social letters, is, in the case of business letters, annoying to those that desire to note at once the date of the letter. It is better not to indulge in any eccen- tricities in such matters. For people that do not have anything else to do it may be allowable; but busy people do not have time to look in unusual places for headings, addresses, signatures, etc. The salutation is the greeting, as "Dear Sir," "Sir," "My dear George," and the like, tvith which it is usual to begin a letter. What the salutation shall be must be determined, of course, by the relation between the writer and the party addressed. The most formal, private, or unofficial salutations are "Sir" and "Madame." These are almost impersonal and belong to such persons as we may wish to accost with civility. "Sir" is the correct salu- tation in addressing officers of the government who have no special title inherent in the office they hold. When it is used the complimentary close should be "Yours respectfully," or something correspondingly distant. General Form. The following letter shows the usual arrangement of the various parts of an ordinary business letter. If the street address is given in the heading, the heading and date should be written in two lines; if the street address is not given, the heading and date should be written in one line. The address, if of more than two lines, should be neatly balanced. A colon should follow the salutation; a dash is often used after the colon, but this is unnecessary. 328 CORRESPONDENCE (Heading and Date) 540 Sewell St., PORTLAND, ME., (Address) February 22, 1912. MR. JOHN W. PLAYFAIR, President First National Bank, 558 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. (Salutation) DEAR SIR: (Body) Mr. George Williams of your city has called to interest me in the purchase of a large tract of timber and mining lands in Northern Wisconsin. Mr. Williams impresses me favorably, and his propositions appear quite reason- able on their face. I have, however, deferred giving him a final answer until I hear from you regarding his standing in business circles in Chicago. He speaks of you as an acquaintance, and since I claim you as a friend, your advice will be as welcome as it must be valuable. (Complimentary Close) I am, dear sir, Very sincerely yours, (Signature) WILLIAM HUTCHESON. The superscription is the outside address the one writ- ten on the envelope, and the one for the postmaster and Return in 5 days to 540 Sewell St., Portland, Me. Stamp MR. JOHN W. PLAYFAIR, President First National Bank, 558 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. CORRESPONDENCE 329 the letter carrier to note. Like the address, the super- scription consists of three parts: the name, the title, and the business address or residence. The accompanying illustration shows a specimen su- perscription. SUGGESTIONS The first and most important rule to be observed by a writer of a letter is to be courteous. Neatness. Always be careful, in the writing of a letter, to avoid blots, corrections, or erasures. Make the letter perfect as to neatness, even if it has to be re- written. An essential as important as neatness is correct spelling. Brevity. One of the essential qualities of business correspondence that cannot be too strongly dwelt upon is brevity, for business men have no time to waste, and appreciate conciseness of expression. Brevity of ex- pression, if combined with neatness, clearness, and courtesy always makes a good impression upon the true business man. One of the greatest helps to success in any walk of life is the ability to express ideas ac- curately and concisely. Deliberation. No one should write a letter when angry, nor, as a rule, when inclined to say severe things. If one receives a letter provoking him to anger, it is better to wait a little before answering; then probably the style of his reply will be entirely changed. Words hastily spoken, and letters written in haste or anger, one usually would like to recall. Hasty or vindictive words make enemies and endanger business, while kind words make and hold friends. Make it a rule never to write a letter when strongly excited. Many writers experience difficulty in the opening and closing sentences of a letter. The opening should be perfectly natural and should introduce the subject upper- most in the mind. Avoid in the opening such set phrases as "I now take my pen in hand to tell you that I am well, etc.," "I thought I would drop you a line to let you know, etc." A familiar letter usually ends 330 FIRST AID TO THE INJURED with an expression of compliment or affection in addition to the complimentary close. Promptness of Answers. From the standpoint of the recipient of the letter, correspondence demands close and courteous attention. Letters, especially business letters, should be answered with reasonable promptness. Date of Letter Answered. The answer to a business letter should contain a reference to the date of the letter answered; thus, "In answer to your letter of the 10th inst." Enclosing Stamp. A letter asking a favor or treating of business in which only the writer and not the re- cipient is interested, should have a stamp enclosed for an answer. Legibility. Do not write so that your correspondent will be unable to read your letter, or meet with great difficulty in so doing. Sign your name to the letter, so that there can be no possible doubt as to the spelling. Some business men cultivate a characteristic signature, which they use for checks and business papers. Such a signature is often purposely almost illegible, and obviously should not be used for a letter except to a well-known correspondent. ~~ FIRST AID TO THE INJURED PREPARATION In every place where a large number of persons are employed and where accidents are liable to occur, a supply of articles needed to render first aid should be available. These should include one or more stretchers, bandages, absorbent cotton, carron oil (equal parts of raw linseed oil and lime water), splints, soap, towels, blankets, aromatic spirits of ammonia, etc. The neces- sary quantity of any of these or other articles depends on the nature and size of the works. FIRST AID TO THE INJURED 331 Sterilizing. Many disease germs may be killed by heat; others by chemicals called disinfectants, such as bichloride of mercury, carbolic acid, etc. The solutions used in washing wounds should be made up of about the following strengths: Bichloride of mercury, 15 gr. to 1 qt. of water; or, liquid carbolic acid, 2 teaspoonfuls to 1 qt. of water. The substances should be thoroughly dissolved before the solution is used. ACCIDENTS AND INJURIES FAINTING Fainting, or swooning, with loss of sensation, motion, and consciousness, may result from a severe blow or wound, from loss of blood, from great emotion (extreme fear or joy), from electric shocks, etc. The patient be- comes pale, inanimate, and is in a condition of apparent death; if not soon relieved, death may result. The patient should be laid with the head lower than the feet, and ligatures or bands of some sort sho.uld be FIG. 1 tied around the arms and legs close to the body, so as to confine the circulation to the trunk and head. The tongue should be kept out of the throat, in order to allow free access of air, and the respiration may be 332 FIRST AID TO THE INJURED helped by pressing in and down on the ribs and chest and allowing the chest to expand by its own elasticity. Artificial Respiration. The process just described is one form of artificial respiration, and may in some cases be effective. If the desired results are not soon obtained, place the patient on his back with a pad (a roll of cloth- ing will do) under the back just below the shoulders, so as to raise the pit of the stomach. The patient's tongue should be drawn out and held by an assistant, or, it should be fastened against the lower teeth by a rubber band passing under the chin or clasped be- tween the patient's teeth, the lower jaw being held up by a bandage tied over the head. Grasp the forearms half way between the elbows and wrists, and draw the arms back rather quickly but steadily in vertical planes until they meet above the patient's head, as in Fig. 1, and hold them thus for 2 sec. This motion draws the ribs up, expands the chest, and air- enters. Now bring the arms back to the sides of the body, and press firmly FIG. 2 on the sides and front of the chest over the lower ribs, as in Fig. 2; the object of this movement is to contract the chest and force the air out ot the lungs. If enough assistants are present, one can stand astride the patient and press firmly against the sides and top of the chest FIRST AID TO THE INJURED while the arms are held down along the sides. This series of movements, constituting one inspiration and one expiration, should be repeated about once every 4 sec., or fifteen times per min., for \ l / 2 or 2 hr. if necessary, unless in the meantime a physician pro- nounces life extinct. While working over the patient prevent unnecessary crowding of persons, avoid rough usage, and do not allow the patient to remain on his back unless his tongue is secured. Under no circum- stances should the patient be held up by his feet, nor should he be placed in a warm bath unless under medical direction. TRAUMATIC SHOCK Severe injuries may sometimes result in traumatic shock (trauma meaning wound), in which the victim appears confused and listless and perhaps stupefied, but not unconscious. The pulses and respiration are per- ceptible, though feeble and irregular. Sometimes the bowels move involuntarily. Intelligence is not usually wholly lost, and the patient can be made to respond to questions if repeatedly urged. This condition may last a few moments or several hours, and may terminate in death. Place the patient in a horizontal position with head lowered, and warm him by rubbing and by using warm linen or blankets. Let him inhale the odor from dilute ammonia water. If he can swallow, give a little hot brandy and water with a few drops of ammonia water added; 1 teaspoonful of aromatic spirits of ammonia in a wineglassful of water is also good. From 2 to 4 tea- spoonfuls of turpentine in a quart of water, as hot as may be used without discomfort, may be injected into the bowels, often with good results. Wounds consisting of severe bruises are sometimes characterized by numbness, coldness, and absence of bleeding until reaction begins. In such cases, use stimulants and antiseptics and keep the injured part as quiet as possible and protected by warm dressing. 334 FIRST AID TO THE INJURED blood flows from the heart to 5 body, and the veins are the the blood returns to the heart. network of very minute tubes HEMORRHAGE, OR BLEEDING Hemorrhage, or bleeding, may come from the arteries, the veins, or the capillaries. The arteries are the channels through which blood flows from the heart to the various parts of the channels through which the The capillaries form the through which the blood passes from the arteries to the veins and by which all the tissues of the body are nourished. Arterial hemorrhage is usually distinguished by the bright red color of the blood and the regular pulsations with which it issues from the blood vessels; venous hemorrhage can be known by the dark-blue tint of the blood and the steadiness of its flow; in capillary hemor- rhage, the blood has a reddish tint and exudes from the tissues or wells up from the surface of the wound. Internal hemorrhage may exist without any external flow of blood. After excessive loss of blood, the patient's face and lips turn pale; he experiences chills, cold sweats, nausea, frequent vomiting, irregular respiration, feeble pulse, dizziness, buzzing in the ears, and finally unconscious- ness, terminating either in death or in cessation of the bleeding. In the latter case, consciousness may soon return, but very often the tendency to fainting fits persists for a time. Capillary hemorrhage is ar- rested by bathing the wounded part in cold steril- ized water and bandaging it with a pad, or compress of sterilized gauze or lint. Venous hemorrhage is more serious and cannot always be stopped by binding a pad over the wound; in this case, the limb must be bandaged on the side of the wound away from the heart. The limb should be raised and held above the FIG. 3 FIRST AID TO THE INJURED 335 rest of the body and the patient should be made to lie perfectly quiet. Arterial hemorrhage is more serious than either of the others. If a large artery or a number of small ones are ruptured, the blood may escape so rapidly that death occurs almost at once. Pressure enough to stop the flow should be applied to the artery where it passes over a bone between the wound and the heart. The location of the artery is revealed by the distinct pulsations. Pres- FIG. 4 sure applied with the fingers will answer temporarily, and this method affords a way of finding the proper spot on which to press. A knot or any hard substance, in a handkerchief or a bandage may then be placed on the spot, tied loosely around the limb, and twisted with a stick, as in Fig. 3, until bleeding ceases. The stick may be then be fastened with another bandage. The course of the main (brachial) artery in the arm is well indicated by the inner sleeve seam of a man's coat; this artery can be compressed by grasping the arm by 336 FIRST AID TO THE INJURED either method (a) or (6), Fig. 4. The pressure should always be downwards against the bone and not against FIG. 6 soft muscle. The subclavian artery supplying blood to the arm may be closed by applying pressure in the hol- low just above the collar bone, as shown in Fig. 5. The temporal artery runs up the side of the forehead, and may be closed by applying a pad, as in Fig. 6. The femoral artery runs from the groin down a little inside of the front of the leg about one-third the dis- tance to 'the knee, then passes through the muscles and approaches the surface again behind the knee. FIG. FIG. 8 Pressure applied as at P, Fig. 7, may stop bleeding from a wound above the knee, and a pad applied as in Fig. 8 is applicable for a wound below the knee. FIRST AID TO THE INJURED 337 ELECTRIC SHOCK Electric shock may produce severe burns, unconscious- ness, or death, depending on the strength of the current through the body as well as on its duration and flow. If the skin is thin and moist and the contacts with the conductors good, comparatively low voltage, 220 or pos- sibly less, may be sufficient to send considerable current through the body. On the other hand, a person with thick, dry skin, as on the palms of the hands, may sometimes make slight accidental contact with a circuit of several thousand volts without serious results. A very small current through the region of the heart may paralyze its action and cause death; currents of greater density stimulate the heart to increased action, but paralyze the nerve centers controlling respiration and may cause death by suffocation, the same as in drowning. Accidental contact with an electric conductor should be broken as quickly as possible; if maintained until heart action ceases, as a result of suffocation, death invariably results. In breaking the contact (provided, of course, the power cannot be immediately turned off the circuit), use the feet to push the victim and the conductor apart never the hands. Current passing from one foot through the legs and the other foot to ground does comparatively little injury, since the im- portant nerve centers and the heart are not in its path. As soon as the contact is broken, the victim, if he has not lost consciousness, soon recovers. If the victim is unconscious but has not ceased breathing, an effort should be made to revive him, the same as in an ordinary fainting fit. If respiration has ceased, artificial respiration should be tried and continued for some time, even though the heart action is so feeble as to be almost imperceptible. The first and most important requirement in producing respiration by artificial means is to hold the tongue so that it cannot obstruct the throat. Burns caused by contact with electric conductors should be protected with sterilized gauze. Such burns 338 FIRST AW TO THE INJURED are generally deep, sometimes even carbonizing the bones, especially those of the fingers. They heal quickly, however ordinarily in from 3 to 6 weeks. WOUNDS Before being used on a wound, all instruments, band- ages, etc., should be sterilized by heating in steam or boiling water or by baking or by treating with a germ- destroying solution. The water used in washing a wound should first be boiled, in fact nothing unsterilized should be permitted to come in contact with the wounded surface. The germs entering a wound from the skin of the patient or from the object that produced the wound may be removed by thoroughly washing with sterilized water, and the sterilized dressings will prevent further infection. The first treatment of a wound includes checking the bleeding; the removal of all foreign matter and a thorough washing; drawing the lips of the wound to- gether or gently straightening bruised or torn flesh; applying several layers of sterilized gauze, with absorb- ent cotton next the wound if it is likely to bleed or discharge, and holding all in place with a suitable bandage. Sterilized adhesive strips are sometimes nec- essary to hold the v/ound together. FRACTURES The signs of fracture are: (.1) Loss of power in the limb, or part, injured. (2) Pain and swelling at the seat of the injury. (3) Distortion of the injured limb it will be longer or shorter than the other or will lie in some unnatural position. By gentle pulling, the limb may be brought back to its natural shape, but on being released will immediately return to the distorted posi- tion. (4) On gently moving the limb, a grating sensation (crepitation) may be felt where the ends of the broken bone rub against each other. (5) If near the surface, the break may be felt from 'the outside. A fracture should be handled with extreme gentleness; rough usage may do much harm. FIRST AID TO THE INJURED 339 Before attempting to move a patient suffering from fracture, the injured part should be supported in a rigid FIG. 9 position by tying on splints. Almost any substance stiff enough to support the injured part will answer for a temporary splint; for example, a stocking leg or a coat sleeve filled with earth, sand, moss, hay, chaff, or paper and securely tied at each end, a barrel stave, a piece of board, a roll of paper, etc. If hard substances are used for splints, the leg should be padded. If feasible, the splints should extend past the nearest joints, and should be securely bandaged so that both the fracture and the joints are held rigid, as in Fig. 9. Until the physician comes, a fractured jaw should be held in place by a bandage passed under the chin and over the head. If the collar bone is broken, the arm should be raised gently, and a pad made by tightly roll- ing a handkerchief or a piece of cloth should be placed in the armpit; the forearm FIG. 10 should be supported horizontally across the chest by a large arm sling, and the arm and sling should be held firmly in position by a broad bandage placed around the 340 [ FIRST AID TO THE INJURED body and just above the elbow. Fractured ribs may be temporarily treated by fastening broad bandages around the body, tying the knot on the side opposite the frac- ture, as in Fig. 10. DISLOCATIONS AND SPRAINS A dislocation is the displacement of the bones of a joint. Ordinarily, a physician is needed, and little can be done before his arrival except to make the patient as com- fortable as possible. A sprain should be kept very quiet. If possible, keep the injured member in water as hot as can be borne for l l / 2 hr. or more; then bandage with moderate firmness in such a manner as to prevent any movement of the joint, using splints for this purpose if necessary. EFFECTS OF HEAT Burns. -The general treatment of a burn consists in relieving the pain, in combating the depression, and increasing the warmth of the patient. The pain may usually be relieved by excluding the air from the burned portion; stimulants should be given, if necessary, to relieve the depression. A covering of flour may be spread over the burned surface; or bicarbonate of soda, either in the form of paste or powder, can be used; any oil, such as sweet oil, raw linseed oil, or carron oil, or a dressing, such as vaseline, cold cream, etc., is effective. In removing the clothing from over a burn or in dressing it, the blisters should not be broken. If any clothing adheres, it should be saturated with oil and allowed to remain. The patient should not be exposed to cold. Heat exhaustion is generally accompanied by weakness, cool skin, pale face, weak voice, rapid and feeble pulse, increased respiration, dim vision, and possibly by un- consciousness. The patient should be placed in a horizontal position with the head low, and stimulants and hot applications should be administered. Occasional doses of brandy should be given, also a teaspoonful of FIRST AID TO THE INJURED 341 aromatic spirits of ammonia in a little hot milk or water every half hour. If the patient cannot swallow, these remedies may be injected into the rectum. Sunstroke, which may occur in any hot, moist tern perature, is accompanied by high fever. In a few cases, unconsciousness and death come very quickly; but usually the progressive symptoms are intense headache, dizziness, oppression, nausea, vomiting, occasionally diarrhea, and unconsciousness with delirium and rest- lessness. The face is flushed, the eyes bloodshot, the skin very hot and dry (temperature from 107 to 112 F.), the breathing labored and sometimes noisy, and the pulse frequent and full. Both the symptoms and the treatment are directly opposite those for heat exhaustion. In cases of sun- stroke, every effort should be made to reduce the excessive bodily temperature. Rubbing with ice, a cold bath, a cold pack, and cold rectal injections are all good. RESTORING OF APPARENTLY DROWNED PERSONS TREATMENT WHEN SEVERAL ASSIST- ANTS ARE AT HAND As soon as the patient is taken from the water, expose the face to the air, toward the wind if there is any, and wipe dry the mouth and nostrils; rip the clothing so as to expose the chest and waist, and give two or three quick, smarting slaps on the chest with the open hand. If the patient does not revive, proceed immediately to expel water from the stomach and chest, as follows: Separate the jaws and keep them apart by placing be- tween the teeth a cork or small bit of wood; turn the patient on his face, a large bundle of tightly rolled clothing being placed beneath the stomach (see Fig. 1); 342 FIRST AID TO THE INJURED press heavily on the back over the stomach for.J^ min., or as long as fluids flow freely from the mouth. To Produce Breathing. Clear the mouth and throat of mucus by introducing into the throat the corner of a handkerchief wrapped closely around the forefinger; turn the patient on the back, the roll of clothing being so placed as to raise the pit of the stomach above the level of the . rest of the body (see Fig. 2). Let an assistant, with a handkerchief or piece of dry cloth, draw the tip of the tongue out of one corner of the mouth (which prevents the tongue from falling back and FiG. 1 choking the entrance to the windpipe), and keep it projecting a little beyond the lips. Let another assistant grasp the arms just below the elbows and draw them steadily upwards by the side of the patient's head, and to the ground, the hands nearly meeting (which enlarges the capacity of the chest and induces inspiration). While this is being done, let a third assistant take a position astride the patient's hips, with his elbows rest- ing on his own knees, his hands extended ready for action. Next, let the assistant standing at the head turn down the patient's arms to the side of the body FIRST AID TO THE INJURED 343 (see Fig. 3), the assistant holding the tongue changing hands, if necessary, to let the arm pass. Just before the patient's hands reach the ground, the man astride the body will grasp the body with his hands, the balls of the thumbs resting on either side of the pit of the stomach, the fingers falling into grooves between the short ribs. Now, using his knees as a pivot, he will at the moment the patient's hands touch the ground throw (not. too suddenly) all his weight forwards on his hands, and at the same time squeeze the waist between them, as if he wished to force something in the chest upwards out of the mouth; he will increase FIG. 2 the pressure while he slowly counts one, two, three, four (about 5 sec.), then suddenly let go with a final push, which will spring him back to his first position. This completes expiration. 344 FIRST AW TO THE INJURED Repeat these movements, deliberately and persevef- ingly, 12 to 15 times in every minute thus imitating the natural motions of breathing. If natural breathing is not restored after a trial of the bellows movement for the space of about 4 then turn the pati< rolling the body which it was fir; the air passage from any remaining water. Continue the artificial respiration from 1 to 4 hr., or until the patient breathes, according to the preceding instructions; ^auiiiiig JLO inju itOUUlGU. dll-Cl a. Hldi Ul ivement for the space of about 4 min., patient a second time on the stomach, y in the opposite direction from that in first turned, for the purpose of freeing FIG. 3 and for a time, after the appearance of returning life, carefully aid the short gasps until deepened into full breaths. Continue the drying and rubbing, which should have been unceasingly practiced from the beginning by assistants, taking care not to interfere with the means used to produce breathing. Thus, the limbs of the patient should be rubbed, always in an upward direction toward the body with firm, grasping pressure and energy, using the bare hands, dry flannels, or handkerchiefs, and continuing the friction under the blankets or over the dry clothing. The warmth of the body can also be promoted by the application of hot flannels to the FIRST AID TO THE INJURED 345 stomach and armpits and bottles or bladders of hot wa- ter, heated bricks, etc. to the limbs and soles of the feet. After Treatment. When breathing has been estab- lished, let the patient be stripped of all wet clothing, wrapped in blankets only, put to bed comfortably warm, but with free circulation of fresh air, and left to perfect rest. Give whisky, or brandy, and hot water in doses of a teaspoonful, or a tablespoonful, according to the weight of the patient, or any other stimulant at hand, every 10 or 15 min. for the first hour, and as often thereafter as may seem expedient. After reaction is fully established, there is great danger of con- gestion of the lungs, and if perfect rest is not maintained for at least 48 hr. it sometimes occurs that the patient is seized with great difficulty of breathing, and death is liable to follow unless immediate relief is afforded. In such cases, apply a large mustard plaster over the breast. If the patient gasps for breath before the mustard takes effect, assist the breathing by carefully repeating the artificial respiration. The foregoing treatment should be persevered in for some hours, as it is an erroneous opinion that persons are irrecoverable because life does not soon make its appearance. MODIFICATION OF TREATMENT To Produce Respiration. If no assistant is at hand and one person must work alone, place the patient on his back with the shoulders slightly raised on a folded article of clothing; draw forward the tongue and keep it projecting just beyond the lips; if the lower jaw be lifted,, the teeth may be made to hold the tongue in place; it may be necessary to retain the tongue by pass- ing a handkerchief under the chin and tying it over the head. Grasp the arms just below the elbows and steadily draw them upwards by the sides of the patient's head to the ground, the hands nearly meeting, as shown 346 FIRST AID TO THE INJURED in Fig. 1. Next, lower the arms to the sides and press firmly downwards and inwards on the sides and. FIG. 1 front of the chest over the lower ribs, drawing toward the patient's head, as shown in Fig. 2. Repeat these movements 12 to 15 times every minute, etc. FIG. 2 Remarks. Prevent unnecessary crowding of persons round the body, especially if in an apartment. Under no circumstances hold the body up by the feet. On no account place the body in a warm bath, unless under medical direction, and even then it should be employed only as a momentary excitant. MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA Secured Through the POULTRY FARMING Poultry Breeding General Farming Soil Improvement Farm Crops LIVESTOCK AND DAIRYING COURSES OF INSTRUCTION OF THE International Correspondence Schools International Textbook Company, Proprietors SCRANTON, PA., U. S. A. SEE FOLLOWING PAGES a I e 03 G 3 M 1 ,G w e C be &2 5 1 s >> >, CO w S M o (A 3 2, s-i .S *""* G 1 U T? c -ir5O "d 1 1 1 J3 g t 8 CJ 15 O kioJCq^OSfSOO rt < ^.^ ^ H ~ 1 '^ 'd E T) G "8 CD -2 H 3 M 1 g G G o3 3 O J3 ^ iH oi i 6 S 1 t-, cu) G C O a .s u "G 0) ft HH 1 6 (M 3 ^ .2 (U S G 8 M ^3 ^ 1 ^ o '3 C ra t i i 0) .SP 'C 1 I co I AN I.C.S. COURSE TURNS FAILURE INTO SUCCESS S. R. EMERICK, 733 W. 2d St., Shelbyville, Ind.: "The day that the I.C.S. knocked at my door, I was not in any position to make money, in fact I was not fit for anything. The day I enrolled for my Poultry Farming Course was the best day of my life, for it has made a man of me. I am now my own employer, being the owner of "The Natural Poultry Yard," having taken up the breeding of utility birds and breeding for egg pro- duction. The Lesson Papers of my Course are my busi- ness guides. Any one who will follow the instructions as set forth in the Course cannot help but succeed, for the Lesson Papers are easy to understand and to remember. Any one who thinks of going into the poultry business should first let the I.C.S. prepare him for success." AN I.C.S. COURSE IS BEST A. E. EASTMAN, 47-51 Birch St., Manchester, N. H.: "Your Course in Poultry Farming treats the subject thor- oughly in all its branches. Although I have read many poultry books and am a subscriber to several poultry papers, I received many valuable suggestions from the Course that I have been unable to obtain from any other source. I can cheerfully recommend your Course of in- struction to any one desiring a full knowledge of poultry raising." GAINED $1.50 PER BIRD JOHN CLARK, Box 8, Norman Place, Tenafly, N. J.: "I have found your Poultry Farming Course very bene- ficial to me. Before I took up the Course I was losing money on my birds, but this past year I have gained an average of $1.50 per bird. This I would not have been able to do if I had not taken your Course." A GRADUATE'S SUCCESS W. A. SLATER, Box 115, Jamestown, N. Y.: "Your I.C.S. Poultry Course I found very practical and a benefit to me in many ways. When I started into the chicken business, the second year I lost 50 per cent, of my stock. After graduating from your Course, I have this year raised 95 per cent, of the chicks hatched and have suc- ceeded in getting more eggs from my flocks than ever before. I am now manager of Slater's Poultry Farm." Failed Repeatedly Now Successful I cannot recommend your Course in Poultry Husbandry too highly, as it has made me a suc- cess after repeated failures. It is the most complete Course in Poultry Husbandry that has ever come to my notice. It covers every branch and detail of poultry farming. I have bought about every book advertised, the writers of which gave an outline of how they ran their farms but stopped at the gate, but your Course taught me how to raise my own poultry and run my little farm. Your Course taught me what to do and why to do it. I am no longer in the dark concerning poultry. My hens laid 70 per cent, more eggs in the first half of this year than they ever laid in a whole year before. Your lessons on diseases of poultry have saved many a growing chick for me this season. My loss of young chicks this season through natural causes has been less than 7 per cent, of all chicks hatched. Last season my loss from natural causes was about 60 per cent. Every person that contemplates going into the poultry business, or those who have failed, should enroll in your Schools, for it will make one a success from the start, and it will make a success out of a failure. WM. T. SCHEIDE, R. F. D. 1, Lima, Ohio. AN I.C.S. COURSE WOULD HAVE SAVED HIM $5,000 WALTER B. DAVIS, Davis Poultry Farm, Kings Highway and E. 23d St., Brooklyn, N. Y. : "I have about com- pleted your Course on Poultry Farming and I beg to state that I consider it the greatest asset a poultry farmer can have to begin with. It covers the details in every way. From my own personal experience I can safely say that had I been familiar with this Course a year ago I would have saved $5,000 on my poultry farm. (This figure is a conservative estimate.)" DOUBLES HIS SALARY PAUL GELUK, c/o Patterson Ranch, Oxnard, Calif.: "I was a foreman in the Dundee Chemical Works when I decided to enroll for the Complete Poultry Course. At the present time I have charge of the Poultry Depart- ment for the Patterson Ranch Company at Oxnard, Calif. My salary since the time of enrolment has been doubled. While I did not have much education before enrolling, I experienced no difficulty, as your Lesson Papers are easy to learn. All the advancement I have made is en- tirely through my I.C.S. Course, as I never handled any poultry before I took charge here." A CITY MAN'S SUCCESS J. K. SHAUGHNESSY, Federal St., Agawam, Mass.: "I had always hankered for country life and chickens. If any man will invest in the I.C.S. Poultry Farming Course he will have no trouble to make a success of the busi- ness. My present position, secured through your Stu- dents' Aid Department, is that of manager and half owner of the Sanitary Poultry Yards. We have a ca- pacity of 1,600 layers and expect to increase each year. I am dry picking all my market stock and am getting ten cents more per pound than any man around this section and also top prices for my eggs." GAINED A POSITION AS MANAGER C. W. LARSON, R. F. D. No. 3, Box 40- A, St. Paul, Minn.: "I was working as a clerk when I enrolled with the I.C.S. for the Poultry Farming Course. I would strongly advise any one who contemplates going into the poultry industry to take up this Course which will assure him all success. It was because I was known to be a student of your Course that I was aJble to secure a posi- tion as manager of the Victoria Poultry Farm, an up-to- date plant, at a good salary. You are at liberty to refer prospective students to me." 5 The I. C. S. a Public Benefactor I have just received my Diploma in your Agricultural Course, and am much pleased with the painstaking manner in which my Instruction Papers were handled by your people. The proposition, in a nutshell, is that, if the student does his (or her) part, the I. C. S. will do theirs. The benefits to be derived from a Course in Agriculture in the I. C. S. are manifold; the most important, perhaps, is that it teaches the tiller of the soil to grow not only a better crop, but realize a greater production, as well as to do it with a great deal less of labor and expense, thereby making the tilling of the soil more of a pleasure than a drudge. Farmers, as well as others, are waking up to the truth that scientific farming is the otily proper method to pursue, especially in these days of worn-out land, problems of drainage, and other things too numerous to mention. In this connection, your instruction on manures is worth the price of the whole Course. I might say the same of your instruction on drainage, etc. I have endeavored to make my letter brief, but, on account of the great scope or mag- nitude of your Agricultural Course, it would be difficult to say it all upon a hundred sheets of paper of this size. Any one who can show how two plants can be grown where but one could be made to grow before, and with less labor, expense, etc., is no less than a public benefactor, and this you do in your Agricultural Course. WAYNE CANFIELD ' City Hall, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. PAID FOR HIS COURSE WITH 15 HENS WILBUR H. DRESHER, Jeddo, Pa., writes that he has been able, through the knowledge gained from our Poultry Farming Course, to make 15 hens pay the price of his Course in less than 1 year. He praises the Schools for teaching him how to reduce his feed bills through scien- tific feeding, and for showing him how to take care of the health of his flock. LABORER BECOMES SUPERINTENDENT F. B. OLIVER, Smithville Flats, N. Y: "I have been employed in the poultry business nearly the entire time since I enrolled in the I.C.S. for the Poultry Farming Course and my monthly salary has been substantially increased. I have likewise advanced from a farm laborer to superintendent of a poultry plant. My Course has been so very beneficial to me that I intend to enroll for the Agricultural Course." PRAISES COURSE H. S. FERGUSON, Manager, Deep Fork Dairy, Okmulgee, Okla.: "I have taken a Course in Soil Improvement, Farm Crops, Livestock and Dairying with the Interna- tional Correspondence Schools and can truly recommend same to any one who wishes to take up such a Course. I owe what I am to the Course and am sure any one may be benefited the same as myself. It does not require a college education to take a Course with this School, as they are willing to help you with anything you do not fully understand. Give them a trial and be convinced." NOW PROPRIETOR RAY L. CHAMBERLIN, South Road, Orange, Mass., was earning a small salary when he enrolled for the Com- plete Poultry Course. Since receiving his Diploma he has become manager and half owner of the Wyolette Poultry Yards. He declares that the lessons on diseases and enemies of poultry are worth the price of the whole Course; also, that the lesson on poultry feeding has made a big increase in his egg yields. NOW MANAGER WM. M. FRESHLEY, Madison, Ohio, declares that he has gained considerable help from his I.C.S. Poultry Farming Course. He is now proprietor of the Silver Campine Farm. He recommends the Course to poultrymen as well as to beginners. Salary More Than Doubled . A. BAKER, Proprietor F.W. EASTMAN, Manager P. O. Box, 2898 Greensboro Boston, Mass. Vermont BAKER FARM, GREENSBORO, VERMONT Pure Bred Holstein Cattle At the time I enrolled with the I.C.S. I was working as a farm hand. In two years' time my present position came to me at a salary more than twice what I was earning when I enrolled and a share in the profits besides. I cannot recommend the I.C.S. too highly. I have two students of the School in my employ and both, I feel sure, will succeed. F. W. EASTMAN HIS COURSE BROUGHT SUCCESS OBLETON R. REID, Lothair, Ky. : "I have been en- gaged in the poultry business for some years, without much success at first. Every year I would lose from 200 to 300 young chickens. I was just stumbling along in the dark. Then I enrolled for yqiir Complete Poultry Course. I consider this the best investment I ever made and advise any person who enters the poultry business to take a Course from the I.C.S. first. The knowledge that I have gained from your instruction has put me on the road to success. Instead of heavy losses I have this year, up to this time, lost only eight or ten chicks, and I have now (June 9th) about four Hundred broilers ready for market." FOUND COURSE A MONEY SAVER ERNEST STARTUP, 840 Whitney Ave., New Haven, Conn., began his I.C.S. studies while employed as a butler. He writes: "Having kept a small flock of fowls as a side line with some degree of success, I became determined to start a poultry farm of my own. In order to obtain more knowledge on the subject I enrolled for the Special Poultry Course. Now, although only half through the Course, I am more than delighted that I had sense enough to enroll. I find the Instruction Papers full of the very things one wants to know and they clearly show that the secret of success is nothing more than common sense and right methods. I honestly believe that had I started a poultry farm without taking this Course, I would have lost more money in the first week than I have paid for the Course." ADDED $500 PROFIT T. E. CASTLE, Virginia City, Mont.: "At the time I enrolled with the International Correspondence Schools for the Poultry Farming Course, I was conducting a small poultry plant as a side issue to my business of editing and managing a country newspaper. I had been handling poultry for a number of years and thought I was pretty well versed in the intricacies of the profes- sion, until I took up the study of my Course. I have learned more than I ever thought I knew before and have added $500 to my profits as proprietor of the Castle Hennery. It makes no difference how much one may know of the poultry business, if he will study your Course and apply its teachings he must necessarily make his business a success." 9 Found His Course Profitable HARRY L. GOODWIN, Farmington, Me., was a printer 43 years old when he enrolled with the I. C. S. for the Poultry Farming Course. At that time he was interested in poultry and had been for years a writer for the press. He says that his Course has enabled him to secure much better results with Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, and Indian Runner Ducks than he had formerly been able to attain. During the past year he has written 61 articles for publication in farming and poultry jour- nals, for which he is receiving payment, thereby considerably increasing his income. He feels that his Course has already paid for itself in more ways than one, and that it has been a very profitable investment. 10 HIS MOST SATISFACTORY INVESTMENT MARTIN J. ROONEY, 408 S. Ohio St., Butte, Mont.: "The I.C.S. Course in Poultry Farming is thorough in every particular. I can honestly say that I consider the price I paid for the Course one of the most satisfactory investments I ever made." WORTH FIVE TIMES ITS COST GEORGE A. VAN VLECK, Hollis, L. I., N. Y.: "If I had faid five times the price of your Poultry Farming Course, would consider it one of my best investments, since it has enabled me to get such results from my flock. I am now part owner of the Hillside Poultry Yards. No one needs, to make mistakes for lack of knowledge who has "mastered your Course." NOW MANAGER ALBERT E. EDWARDS, c/o The Davidson Farm, R. F. D. No. 1, Jermyn, Pa.: "Although I left school at the age of eleven to work in a grocery store, I had no difficulty in mastering your Poultry Farming Course. Without the knowledge I have obtained from it, I could not have taken the responsibility of handling 6,000 chicks at one time, ranging from two days to three months, in a colony system. Any one who is in the business, or intends to go into it, should take the Course, since he could save enough from his feed bill in a year to pay for it, besides producing better stock for better prices. I was employed as a carpet weaver on piece work. I am now the baby-chick man- ager on the C. P. Davidson farm." THE BEST MONEY HE EVER SPENT CHAS. H. CARROLL, 71 Clark St., Auburn, N. Y.: "Al- though I was raised on a large farm where we kept fowls, I felt the need of your Poultry Farming Course. Since receiving my Diploma I can truly say that it was the best money I ever spent, as I can now manage any poultry farm with assurance of success." WORTH MORE THAN SEVEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE FRED. BUSSE, Carlstadt, N. J.: "I have had seven years' experience in the raising of poultry and I find that I have learned more in three months from your Poultry Farming Course than I found out in the whole seven years pre- vious. I recommend the Course as a great help to any one raising poultry whether on a large or small scale." 11 The Man Who Raised the $100,000 Hen Greensboro, Caroline County, Maryland EGLANTINE FARM PRODUCTS (Trade Mark) I am glad to say that it was my good fortune to have enrolled three years ago as a student in your Poultry Farming Course. The education gained from this study fitted me for the position of head poultry- man at Eglantine Farm. Since coming here I have had charge at all times of the poultry department. I have looked after the mating of the fowls, the incubating of the eggs, and the rearing of the chicks. It was my good fortune to select the pul- lets of our own breeding that have done so remarkably well in the North American Egg-Laying Contest. FRANK VADAKIN, Head Poultryman, Eglantine Farms, Greensboro, Md. 12 The Best Source BROOKVALE FARM The Home of Burr's WHITE ORPINGTONS G. M. BURR, Proprietor MESHOPPEN, PA. It gives me pleasure to acknowledge the great assistance your thorough Course of Instruction in Poultry Farming has been to me. I had made several attempts to establish a poultry business, but met with many discouragements, and it was not until I had mastered the underlying prin- ciples of poultry raising that I met with any gratifying degree of success. I have now a well-established and successful poultry business, and was the winner of a sixth prize in the Cyphers Company's first annual contest of successful poultry grow- ers. I am using on my plant the Inter- national Sanitary Hover. I have had ex- cellent success with it, and, in my opinion, it is superior to any other brooder made. As a breeder of single-comb White Orping- tons, I find my I.C.S. Course full of valu- able information and practical instruction for all phases of the work. I know that any one going into the poultry business needs such instruction to make a success of it, as in my own case. G. M. BURR 13 Considers Course a Valu- able Investment I wish to express my appreciation not only for the value of your Poultry Course but also of the interest and personal at- tention given the student. For several years I have considered myself a compe- tent poultryman, well grounded in the business from incubation to the show- room, the market, or the laying house. After a year's study I find my knowledge on every subject broader and more prac- tical. From each lesson I have learned something of value and consider that any lesson, taken alone, would be well worth the money price of the entire Course. As a result of my year's application of the Poultry Course to my business, I find in- creased egg production, marked improve- ment in my laying stock and breeders from feeding correctly. I am breeding higher-quality stock and on the whole my plant is much improved. I know the Course to be practical and workable. It's scientific, yet easily understood by a plain man like myself. By my own experience I know it can be applied to any kind of plant with benefit. I believe it to be equally valuable to the beginner and the experienced. It has made and saved me many times its cost. I wish the I.C.S. all prosperity. JACK GORDON, 571 Natoma St., San Francisco, Calif. 14 CANNOT FAIL TO SUCCEED BERT WHITE, Box 477, Burlingame, Kans. : "Any one interested in poultry should invest in the Poultry Farm- ing Course with the I.C.S. From personal experience I can say that any one that will study the Course cannot fail to succeed. Each subject is well explained and easily understood. Since I began to study my Course the profits of my flock are rapidly increasing." WORTH MANY TIMES ITS COST WILLIAM F. HALLOWAY, River Side Farm, Newark, Md. : "I wish to express my gratitude to the faculty of the International Correspondence Schools for the assis- tance they have rendered me and the interest they have taken in my progress and success since I enlisted for a Course in Soil Improvement and Farm Crops. The In- struction Papers are very lucid and cover every point of importance with the utmost care, thereby making it easy for the person to grasp the meaning of what is taught. I think any one who contemplates making farm- ing his life vocation will find an International Corre- spondence Schools' Course in Agriculture worth many times the cost." HIS COURSE PROFITABLE J. C. THRENHAUSER, Fair Haven, Pa.: "I cannot ex- press my appreciation of the value of your Poultry Farm- ing Course, since the benefits derived are far beyond my anticipation. Since taking your Course I have spent some time at the government experiment station. Their course in some respects is quite like yours, but it is not so extensive or so complete. I have been offered two Positions to take charge of poultry farms, both of which declined, because I can do much better by caring for my own poultry." PUTS PRICELESS VALUE ON COURSE RALPH W. WESTON, Box 26, Honolulu, Hawaii : "I can say in all faith that the methods and instruction set forth in the I.C.S. Poultry Farming Course are of price- less value. I have applied these methods in a small way and find the results as stated. The Course is worth many times the expenditure of time and money." EARNINGS INCREASED HEALTH IMPROVED ERNEST BROWETT, R. F. D. 4, Pitt Poultry Farm, McDonald, Pa.: "When enrolling I was a coal miner. Now I am managing the poultry farm of F. A. Thomassy. The Course has brought me better health and earnings. No one should try to raise a small or large flock of poultry without an I.C.S. Course." 15 Dollars and Cents Knowledge Having been a subscriber to your Mechan- ical Course in former years, I was pleased to learn that you were issuing a Course in Poultry Farming. Knowing the need of information on this subject, I subscribed for the Course. In reading and studying the first Instruction Papers, I began to realize the greatness and perfection of the Course. Step by step the student is led to proficiency and also I find that each step has been carefully examined before- hand from one standpoint the question of dol- lars and cents. In this lies the crux of the mat- ter, the secret of success. THOMAS H. POLLARD 916 Eighth Ave., Brooklyn, N, Y, 16 I.C.S. Course a Necessity Not a Luxury Secretary, Twin Valley Poultry Association and American Partridge Rock Club Breeder of IMPERIAL PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCKS In speaking of your Poultry Course, will say that it has no equal. It is not "Can you afford it?" but "Can you afford to do without it?" No one will make a mistake in taking an I.C.S. Poultry Course. I owe my success to your Poultry Course. ROBERT H. RAMSEY, Lewisburg, Ohio 17 Praise From Farm Owner Permit me to express my gratefulness to you for the I.C.S. chemical analysis of my soil. In keeping with the knowledge that I gained from the studies of the I.C.S. Agricultural Courses, the analysis of my soil has made it more clear to me that my soil is lacking in the plant foods nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magne- sium, and organic matter, and also gave me the quantity of these foods that should be added to the acre for profitable results. In addition to these, it proved that my soil is not acid, and saved me of the ex- penditure for 30 tons of lime, which I thought my soil needed. I left the farm in 1900 after working 5 years as a farm hand, but returned again 3 years ago, taking up farming for myself. It was then, seeing my deficiency, I immediately enrolled for the Agricultural Course of the I.C.S. I greatly appreciate the time spent in and the understanding received by studying these Courses. I am sure half of my suc- cess would have been lost had I done other than studying. JAS. H. DOUGLAS, 1511 Laurel St., N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. 18 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. 3 1934 469891 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY