THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Imprimatur, Qftoler 4. ROGER LEST RANGE. STATUS ECCLESUE GALLICAN^E: OR THE Ecclefiafticai Hiftory OF FRAN 'C : 'E. From the firft Plantation of CHRISTIANITY there, unto this Time : Defcribing the moft notable CHURCH- MATTERS: the fe-veral Councils holden in FRANCA with their principal CANONS: The moft Famoas Men, and moft LEARNED WRITERS, and the Books they have written, with many Eminent French Popes Cardinals,Prclates, Paftours, and Law- yers. A defcription of their UNIVERSITIES with their FOUNDERS. An impartial account of the State of the Reformed C H U R C H E S in F K A N C E i and the Civil Wars there for Re- ligion : With an exa& fucceffion of the F E NC H K I N G S. By the Antbour of the late Hijiery of t]x Church of GREAT BRITAIN. Wjlori* eft hmtn Veritatis, vita Ant i quit at is. LONDON, Printed for -ilona TafingcrK. the Three Bibles on London* "Bridget and"j^/^^f/Y/&attheSigaof the Bible uh* der d-.-/ jazz*et the Royal ExchaHgcin Cornhill. 1676. it ill \ Am^liffimis y & Admodwn Keverendis in Cbnfto Patribusac Doming HENRICO, Providentia Divina Epifeopo Londinenfi: & Joanni eadem Provideritia Efijcofo Roffenfi ) necnon Decano W^fLrnonafterr- enfi., Salutem in Chrifto femgitemam, Venerandi Fat res, & Domini Cokndffimi ! A, qua par eft, fubmiffione, Hiftoricum hocce K&^KIOV, ex antiquis &: rccenci* bus AuthoribusGolledum 5 vobis of- fero, nuncupo, dedico : ut fplendore clarorum veftrorum nominuin lux a- liqua opufculo huic per viamafFulgeret,omnifquc finiftra obmurmurantium fcaeva propitio veftro fa- voreproctil amoveatur. Flofculus eft, quem Ego pauperculus, humilif- queGhrifti Hortulanus vobis prcefento : non il!e quidem Leftiffimus, fed is tamen qui in veftris pri- 6514 E Epiftola Dedicatoria. mum facratis manibus cupiat fua qualiacunque folia explicare.Carpent ilium e veftris manibus alii quo- que, & delibabunt. Si enim veftro olfa&ui faga dffiino non ingratus fuerit ; fi veiir* gratiz calo- rcm/ fcnferit V non diibito, quin Piis omnibus bo- iium ' piiblicae aedificationis odorem captantibus , gratus&jncundusfitfuturus. Hoc mihi folamcn eft, qiiod viri praeftantifllmi, &Honore& Doflrina proecelfcntcs, non tarn mu- neris oblati dignitatem, quam gratum offerentis animum perpendere foleanc. Sihunclibrum ac- ciperc, & diligenter perlegere dignemrni, hon'efta- tior & gra tia meis laboribus optima refcretur . DC Materia& MethodohujusHiftoriae^odum an fa- tis fervarim, Vos pro veftris accrrimis Judiciis ae- fiimabitis. lllam fiquando forte infpexcritis , & in ea aliquid obfervabitis, de quo me admonendum putabitis, illud rogo fignificetis : & quicquid ege- ritis, meam non modo voluntatem, fed etiam fen- tentiam cum veftraconjungam: hoc etiam Bent- ficium, & quidem fuuimumaccipiatri, qo ifhWripff & melior 8c doclior eyadam. Deus Amplitudil nemveftrarft, in Ecclefix fux> noftrasque u'tjlitatem, quamdiutiflimefervet incolume ' i ' ' frfoA Reverenti* . THE .W* '. ' ' THE PREFACE T O T H E RT* A TT\ T* TT : tL A JJ H K. e D*/Zg o/ this Treatife is to fit forth the? Slate of the Galilean Chnrches^both of the Popifh, and the Keformed. At to the Popifli Church in France, it it holder* to be the heft Privileged of all the Churches in Chriftendom nn+ der the Pope. As touching their fon>cr\ the Galilean Clergy ftands more jtontly to their Natnral Rights againft the Encroachments and 'Usurpations of the See of Rome, than any other that livetb under the Pope's Authority , which they acknowledge fofar only, as is conjiftent with their own Privileges, and the Rights of their Soveraign : for it was long ere they could fnbmit to the Decrees of the Council of TRENT, nor have they yet admitted of the Inquifition. 'the Do&ors of the Sorbon, are accounted toge- ther with the Parliament of Paris, the principal PiUars of the French Liberty ^ whereof they are ex* ceedtngjealoHf)aswett in matters Ecclefiaflical as Civil. When The Preface When Gcrfon Chancellour of Paris , had publi- feed a Boek^ in approbation of the Council of Con- ftance , where it was Enabled that the Authority of the Council wot greater than that of the Pope, the Sorbon Do&ors declared that alfo to be their Do- Brine. For John Gerfon in his defence of the Decree of that Council, fpeatyng of the Adverfaries faith , Perniciofos efle admodum adulatores,qui Tyranni- dcra iftam in Ecclefianvmvexcre, quafi nullis Re- gum teneatur vinculis : quafi iieque parere debea t Conctlio Pontifex, nee abeo judicari queat. The Kings them f elves alfo befriend their Clergy, in the caufe, and therefore tmt only protefted againft the Council of Trent, wherein the SpiritttalTyran- ny wo* generally confented to by the Fopifh faction \ but Henry the fecond King of France, would not acknowledge them to he a Council, calling it in his- Letters by no other name than Conventus Tridenti- i\u$An indignity which the Fathers took^grievoufly. Moreover, when King Lewes X/. to gratifie Pope Pius the fecond,pnrpo.fedto abolijh the jPragmatick Sanflion, the Sorbonnifts in behalf of the Church Gallican, and the Vniverfity of Paris, Magnis ob- fiftcbaot aniinis (faith Sleidan in his Commentary) & a Papa proyocabant ad Concilium. The Council unto which they appealed > was that of Bafil , where that San&ion war made : fo that by this Appeal they verified their former/Thcfis^ that the Council was above, the Pope. And before the Pragmatick Sanction was ordain- . ed y the Pope htd yearly drained the State of a Mil- liw to the Reader. lion of Crowns, at the Court of Parliament manifeft* ed to King Lewes the eleventh. Since which time the Kings of France have fome* times omitted the vigour of the Sanction, and fome- times alfo exaSled it ^according as their affairs with the Pope flood : therefore it was called Froenum Pontificum. And in the Year 1613. -caf natty meeting with a written by Becanus, entituled Controverfia Anglicana de poteftate Regis & Papaej the French catted an Affembly^ and condemned it. For , al- though the Main of it was apainft the Power and Su~ fremacy of the King of England, yet did it reflect alfo on the Authority of the Pope ovtr the Chriftians by the By 5 which occafionedthe Sentence. So jealous 1 are they of the leafl circumftances^ in which any of their immunities may be endangered* The Pope hath no power in France to pardon cri- LeRefcrfpt? titittals. The very faculties of the Legates hereto- 9 de P r<> fore fent into that Kingdom-) make not any mention fl/f it) but of the Remiffion of Sins proceeding fromcw.2$. crimes. And though there jhould be any fuch thing) yet they are jtitt curbed in with this Bridle. To ufe it in fuch things as are not contrary^ dero- gatory, nor prejudicial to the Rights and Preroga- tives of the King and Kingdom, nor againjl the fa- cred Councils ) the Laws of the 'Univerfities , the Liberties of the Galilean Church^ and the Ordinan- ces Royal. The Clergy of France do not hold their Eccleji- n of the Pope, but of the King (a) a. The Preface Bellarm. a lone, hdwfoever the Jefuits teach the contrary, when (pntrov.V *b e y d not H f e ^ as they oti^ht : when they connive li.4-ca.24. at-.the punijbment of crimes, whereof they, have the Cognisance, the Courts of Parliaments may inter- pofe by means of an Appeal, as from Abufe* , efpe- f tally considering, it is it that grants them Jurifdi- 8ion over Spirituals. And if the Queflion be of granting par den to a Prieft , or other Ecclefiaftick^, not only inapriviledgedcafe,bnta If 9 in a common crime by him committed, it belongs to the King only to grant it, not to the Pope, nor the Eifhop. And fo it hath been always accnflomed to be done in France. Moreover, the Pope cannot there reftore Clergy- P& men to *h e * r f arm er State , fo as to free them from 15. & 16. the infamy which they have incurred', nor Lay-men Hnlefiit beto receive them into Orders, Offices , and ' Ecdefiaftical ARs, not othetwife* As alfo that with- in this Realm, he carinot pardoner remit the Hauo- rary Amends, adjndgedby a Layman, albeit the con- demnation wtrc paffedby anEcclefiattical Judge, and that againSl a Clerk^, at making fuch Honorary con- demnation a part of the civil fatiffa&tQn. The Pope cannot makg any ^Unions-) or annexations of the livings in France, during the life of the In- cumbents, nor at other times : but he may grant out Writs of Delegation concerning unions , which *4 conccivedto be done, according to the form prefcri- bed in the Council of 'Gonftance, and with the con- fent of the Patron, and not otherwife. The Kings of France have always refetved this authority and prerogative t& thtwfelvesjo determine of to the Reader. of tie Refidence of Bijh&pt^ to compel them to feed their Flock^^and wait upon their Churches when need required^and that by felling upon theirTemporalsyo call them from Rome to return /f 0France 5 f difpenfe with them-) and approve the caufef of their abfence. The Pope, cannot in France difpenfe for any caufe whatfoeveri with that which it of the Law of Cod or Nature, or with that wherein the Councils' do not allow him to difpenfe. And the Ordinances of the French Kings do exprefly forbid all the Judges of the Land to have any regard to difpenfations grant- ed contrary to the facred Decrees and Councils, upon pain of lofing their places : And declare fur- thermore, That &ch as procure the faid Provifo's and difpenfations, fliall not make ufe of them , un- lefs they get leave and permiflion from his Majefty. The Gallican (Church is alfo more free from pay- ments to the Pope than the Church of Spain , as alfo to the King. 'the Clergy ef France pay only the Difme , whereas in Spain the King hath his Terti- a's, Subfidio, Pyla, Eicufado ; in att a moiety of the Church-livings. As to the French Churches feparatingfrom Com- munion with the Church of Rome, they have often been brought very low by the Popifli party. Sad was the condition of the Church of Merin- dol, which was cruelly rooted out by vertue of an Ar* rett of the Parliament of htKjAenjyomen andChil- dren being destroyed. And yet (I doubt not} but fome fmaU remainder of them was preferred. For fo the ftory faith exprefly, pauci quidem profugi Ge- ( a 2 ) nevam The Preface ofiand.Ec- ne vam & alia loca Vicinia pervenerunt. Some few of them efcaped by flight to Geneva , and other Neighbouring places. What Perfections did the Waldcnfes^r Albigen- fcsfufer, when the Pope fent about hit Fry an in Ft&nce(itfeeweth^to preach Crjtfado's,vh.1hatwho- fiever would tafy the Badge of the Crofi upon his Garment , and ferve the Pope forty days in his Wars againfl thofe Chriftians who denyed him obedience^ and oppofed his Pride and Tyranny , Jhould have full pardon of all his fins , and if be dyt din the Wars Jlouldprefently go to Heaven^ and efcape the flames of Purgatory: and by this means (as I re member) he had at one time about an hundredthojifandof the filly -people in Arms, whom he ufed againft the mo$t faith- fnlChriflians/feek^g utterly to extirpate them^and by this means mnch Blood was Jbed. Itwafeafie for . him in thofe times ofdarfyefs to draw multitudes of poor blind Souls to DeftrH&ion* And Reimond, Earl of Tholoufe, a, great Prince, and Peer of France, wa* ruined, the Pope f citing on his Eftate and hold- ing it unto this day. A French Hiftorian fpeafyng of the bloody mtffa- Tiiuan.Hift. re in t fa R e jg n ^Charles 7X faith, that many wife, men that were Papifls them] "elves, did thinly that in. *]l Antiquity there could not be found an example of lil(e cruelty. But even then remarkable was God's* Providence towards thofe of the Reformed Religion in France. In the timeof that cruel maffacre at Paris thef toizfants being iv great fear /lifted far them- fflves here and there. Among the reft many of them fled, to the Reader. fledt+V certain honourable Lady for protetion y wh& being near of kin to the King, was the more bold: but being a faithful Chriftian^fbe was alfo milling to re~ ceivethew. Hereof complaint being made, the King in great difpleafure commands her to difmifi them ally which fie could not withftand : fo that in one day about 300 Waggons (for the M oft part filled with Women and young Children) were conftrained to diflodge^ and without a guard to go. to a ftrong Town for the fafe- ty of their lives. In this Journey they were to paft' through their bloody enemies flragling up and down in Armes, and ready to fei%e on fuch a booty. But by the fpecial providence of God, a certain Troop of Armed Gentlemen on Horfe-back^ hapned to meet them-who foon perceiving and pitying their d&nger, conduced them along in faftty y and often rtpulfed their enemies that were ready to affail them. < And though the French Kings (have all of them) pro* feffedthe Roman Religion, yet the Lord hath had many Instruments^ who with the hazard of their* lives -, and outward Eftates, have flood for the de~ fence of his Church^ divers Princes of the Blood*, Nobles, Gentlemen and others ^ and did ftrangely raifer his Church again after that horrid maffacre^ by. which it feemed to havebeen\extinguifhed< And King James of happy Memory ^fpeafyth thu& tf'thofe worthy Patriots whom God raifed up farther defence of his Church at that time> in his bool^ of the. defence of the right of Kings JL never fyaewyet( faith? ie) that the French Proteftaats toaj^ Arms: againfti tbeirr The Preface their King. In the firft troubles they flood *nly on their defence. Before they took drrns they were burnt and ma jf acred every where. And the quarrel did not begin for Religion : but becaufe when King Francis the fecond was under Age^ they had been the Refuge of the Princes of the Blood expelled f row the Court, even of the Grandfather of the King now reigning^ and of that of the Prince tf Conde , who knew not where to taty San&uary, it jhall not be found that they made any other War. Nay is it not trne(asa lear- ned Divine of ours hath well obferved) that King Henry lll.fent Armies againft them to deflroy them, and yet they ran to hit help as foon as they faw him in danger** Is it not true^ that they faved his Life &t Tours ; and delivered him from extream danger ? And in the Tear 1617. they had the 'tefttmony of their fidelity from their own King Lewes X///. written to their Deputies ajjembled in a Synod at Vitre in thefe terms .We have received with good fa- tisfa&ion the new affurances and proteftations which yon have made unto us of your fidelity &* obedience^ in the which if yoHperfift^atye ought , and as ye have done before^ yon may alfo'be ajfiired, that we (ball al- ways have a care to maintain and preferve yon in all the advantages which have been granted unto you. A Reverend Divine on the Revelation, fpeal\ing of the French Churches faithy God hath made the Church of France a wonder (to me) in his proceed- ing toward them front firft to loft, and therefore to me great and f pec ial honour- would feem to be refer* vedfor them yrt-at the laft. For the-frft light of the Gofpely to the Reader. Coffel, thefirft andftcond Angels preaching, (Rev. 14.) which laid the Foundation ofAntichritysruine^ was from them, namely thofe of Lyons , and other places in France : and they bare the heat of perfecu* tion y which was of great a* any fince^ if not greater; Moreover) the Churches of France have ever ftnce had M great a (bare in perfections , yea greater than any of the Protefbnt Churches. And although it be well nigh five hundred years fence they began to fe- parate firft from Antickrift, yet they never had the great honour andpriviledge (which other Churches have been fo bleft withy w to have a fupream Magi- flrate-) profejfing their Religion, except one^ who alfo continued not therein. Pareus in his Commentary on the Revelation 5 ?r/- ttng concerning the deftru&ion p^Rome, inserts a Pam.Com, Prophecy, tafynout of an Antient Mannfcript found vif. 7 and an 'Eagles' mfe. He JbaU gather a great Army-> and destroy alt the Jy rants of his Kingdom > and flay all that fl^and hide themf elves in the Mountains and Caves from'' his face. For Rigbteoufnefi Jlall be joy ned unto him of the Bridegroom to the Bride : with them He /ball wage War, even to the forty eth year , bringing into n the Iflanders ; Spaniards, and Italians:.- Rome. The Preface, Rome and Florence he (ball deftroy and burn with jf re 5 fa as fait may be fowed on that Land. The greateft Clergy who have invaded St, Peter's feat^he fkall pntto death, and in the fame year obtain a don~ ble Crown: and at laft going over Sea with a great Army^hefball enter Greece, may find it among the vulgar Revelations. Whether this Prophecy hath any height in it, 1 refer my felf to other Mens Judgements : When God hath ap- pointed it to be done 3 he will touch their hearts that ft all do it. . JP.G. THE THE Ecclefiaftical HISTORY O F FRANCE. Century I. Eing about to write theHiftory of the GatiicanCburcb, ^ pa ft I (ball begin with the firft Plantation of the Gofpel chriftiinogr. Some Writers tell us, that Philip the Apoftle, of the City of Betbfaida, firft preached the Gofpel in France j and having afterwards preached in Tbry- gia, he was honourably buried with his Daughters at Hierapolis. Others fay, that the Chriftian Faith was firft planted Heylin'* cof- among the Gauls by fome of St. Peter's Difciples, fent thither by him mogr< Li6il * at his firft coming to Rome, Xyftw^ Front 0, and Julianus, the firft Pa- itors of Rbemes, Peregort and Matttz, being faid to be of his Ordaining in the Marty rologies. The like may be affirmed, (but on furer grounds) of frapbimut, faid to be the firft paftor, or Bithop of Aries. For, afterwards in a con- troverfie betwixt the Ar.chbi(hops of Vienna in France and Aries -, for the Dignity of Metropolitan, in the time of Pope Leo the firft, it was thus pleaded in behalf of the Bi(hop of Arles^ i&od prim* inter Gal- B /; _j! 3$c cccieftaftfcai ^ifto?? Cent, i. //jf , &c. That Aries of all rhe Cities of Gattl^ did firft obtain the hap- pinefs of having *frofbimus ordained BiOiop thereof by the hands of St. Peter. Tropbimus was a partaker with St. Paul in all his afflictions, and his daily companion. Zofimus writeth, that out of his Spiritual Fountain all the Rivers and Brooks of France were filled. Neither is St. Paul to be denied the honour of fending feme of his Djfciples thi- ther alfo to preach th^ Gofpel. Eufeb. Ecdcf. Crefiens, a companion of St. Paul, mentioned by him in his fecond Hift.Lib.j.cap.4. Epjftk unto ?j Mot ljy^ isfaid to have departed into Galatia^ 2 lim. 4. 10- which Eufebius faith was France. That he was the firft Bifhep of Vienna forementioned, not only the Martyrologies, but alfo Ado Vi- ennenfu^ an ancient \Vritcr of that Church doth exprefly fay. And that it was into this Countrey that he fent Crefiens at that time, and not into Galatia'm Afi* Minor^ the teftimonies of Epiphanim and 7'be- Doroth. de LXX odoret, which affirm the fame, may fufficiently confirm. Dorotheas faith, that- Crefcens preached the Gofpel in France, and was there martyred and buried in the time of Trajan the Emperour. In the Hiirory of Lazims and Maximtnus^ we find, that they with friary Magdalen, and her fifter Martha came to Marfeitief. Maximinus was-oncot" the feveiity Difciples- of Chrilt, as divers Authors tell us. The French Antiquities tell us, That after the Afcenfion of our Lord, Anno 14. the Jews raifed fo horrible a pcifecution againii theChriitians, that the moft part fled whither they could : That Maximinur accom- panied with Laoaws^ tool^ Mary Mogdalen^ Martba^ Marcelia her hand- maid, and fome others, and committing themfelves to the Sea to avoid the fury of the Jews, they arrive at Marfeilles^ where the Prince of Mar- feilles was baptized. Lazarus became firft Paftor of.M<*r/>;'V/, and Maximinus of Aqttens. They were ordained to thofe Churches in the Year of.Chtift, 46. in which Year thefe Authors tell u$, that Simon the Leper (whom our Saviour cured of th^finrirrDity) was Ordained to be Miridcr of Mentz, Cc rtowanenfrtm in the Latin. IL the Year following, Martial was fcnt into France^ who Cwivert- ed divers Provinces and people, as the Annals of France do plainly te- ftifie. In the Year of Chrift 48. Apberdifatf, by birth an Egyptian , and Governcur of all E^t, at the time when our Saviour being driven hue Egypt* tlie Idols of the Temples thert fell down, being the Difci- ple of St. Peter at A)ttich, was Conftituted Paftor of Ecttrges in France, Alter he had preached there fix years he died, and Vrpnus (whom feme call Natbanael) fucceeded him Anno Cbrilh 54. faxlus Sergius _ was alfo Conftituted Pafior of the Chuich of Narhon. Anton, dfr MO- A'bcut this time Clement Sir named Flavins, with Celeftuf 2nd Felix, charez. ub. 2. c'e and ouxC.QUDttty man Minfitetus^ camealio into France^ and preached the Gofpel there : b did Amator'vtith others, Eifingre- Cent 2. Of PRANCE. .3 'Eifmgrfniitr out of divers Authors proveth- that S.*vitu*tius, or Sa- tiwtt.j oiie of the LXXII D'ifciples of Chrift, was by St. Fe of Tledtrnption, Ffatf. Grace and Glory from Cod the father^ arid Chriji Jefuf-otiP Lord^ b( nwlttylys'd. Having premifed certain things by way of preamble, they proceed in thefe words. Thegreatnefs of this our Tribulation, the furious rage of tke Gentiles againft-the Saints, and what things the bJefled Martyrs naive differed, we are able exactly neither to exprefs by word, r.orccni- pyehend- in writing, &c. Then "they (hew, how (he^fec manfully all fuch Vexations as the cluttered multitude laid upon them, viz. Excla- mations, Scourgings, Draggings, Spoyling, Fettering, Stoning, Impri- fonn-jnt, and that being brought before the Prefident, who had exer- cifcd all kind 'of extreme cruelty againft them, Vegctius Epagatbut, a young Noble Man, being full of fervent Zeal for God, \vith vehement motion required that Audience might be given him to plead for the Brethren, affirming, that they had committed no impiety : Which was denied him i the Prefident demanding whether he were a Chriftian, he B 2 con felled Ct)c ccciefiafttcai %ifto?? Gent. 2. confefled it with a loud voice, and fo was received into the fellowfhip of the Martyrs, and called the Advocate of the Chriftians. Then they declare, that Ten weak Chriftians, not able to bear the burden of fo weighty a combate fell in time of Perfecution, to their great heavinefs, and forrowful lamentation. They add, that out of both thefe Churches as many as ruled ancPbare the greateft fway, were taken and executed. Great was the whole rage both of Pretident, People, and Soldiers a- gainft Santtus^ Deacon of the Church of Vienna^ and againft Maturut, lately Baptized, yet a notable warriour, and againft Attains a man of Tergamus, who was a Pillar of the Faith, and againft filandina, who at the time of her anfwer warfo replenished with Grace from Above, that the Executioners which tormented her by turns from morning to night, fainted for wearinefs, and ceafed, confeffing themfelves over- come, marvelling that as yet (he drew breath, having her whole body rent in pieces, and the wounds open , they confeffing withal^ that one of thefe Torments was of force fufficient to coft Her her life, much more fo many and fo great -fufferings : But this Blefled Woman like a Noble Wreftler, was renewed at her Confeffion > for as oft as (he pro- nounced, I am a Chilian, neither have we committed any evil : She was refrefhed, and felt no pain of her punifament. And fuch was the conftancy of SanSw, that in the rnidft of his Torments, he uttered neither his own Name, neither his Kindred, nor the Countrey whence he was, but unto every Queftion he anfwered in the Roman Tongue, lam a Chriftian : Thus confefled he often, neither could the Gentiles get any other Language of him. When the wicked Tormentors a few dayes after had brought him to the place of Torment, and well hoped, that if they punifhed him now (having his whole body pufft up with fwellingand feftered wounds, fo fore that it might not be touched, no not with the leaft ringer) they (hould d(fccpme. him, or that if he diedlti torment, they (hould terrific the reft j none of all thefe happened unto him, but beyond all mens expectation, his body was releafed of the pain, recovered it's former fhape, and the members were reftored to . their former ufe. Then Bi/ir, a Woman, was grievoufly tormented, who in the midft of her Torments, cryed out unto the Tormentors, and faid, How could they devour Infants, which were not fuffered to fuck the blood of brute Beafts ? Then She confeffing her felf a Chriftian, was brought to Execution. They (hew, that P&0f/^Bi(hop of Lions after great Torments was caft into prifon, being about ninety years old, being weak of body, fcarce able to draw breath, creeping on apace, and being ftrengthened in Spirit for the conceived joy of Martyrdom which he defired : He was carried by the Soldiers, and laid before the Tribunal- Seat, accom- panied with the Potentates of the City, and. the whole Multitudei and being, Cent. a. Of FRANCE. being demanded of the Prefident, who is the God of the Chriftians > Anfwered, If thou become worthy thou (halt underftand : After this Anfwer, fuch as were neareft to him pricked at him with "the hand, and fpurned him with the foot, reverencing his years nothing at all > and thofe that flood afar off threw at his head whatfoever they had in their hands : He almoft breathlefs is thrown into prifon, where after two dayes he departed this Life. Maturuf^ Santtw, Elandina and Attalus , were led unto the brute beafts in the publick fpe&acle of the Heathens. Matum and SanUus were diverfly Tormented with all kinds of punimmcnts, as if they had fuffered nothing before : At length, after they had endured this grie- vous Tryal, they were beheaded. Tttandina was hanged in chains on a Gibbet fo low, that the wild beafts might reach her : after that (he had hung a long while, and no Beaft touched her, (he was taken down, caft into prifon, and referved for further Torment.- Attalut alfo a Famous Man, and notably exercifed in the Chriftian Profeffion, was led within compafs of the Theatre with a Scroll be* fore him, wherein was written in the Roman Tongue, This K Attains the Ckriftiatf* The Prefident knowing that he was a Roman, com- manded him to be imprifoned, and clofely kept with the other prifo* ners, concerning whom he had written unto C and expedied an , Anfwer. Alexander, a Phrygian born, and a Phyfician, having dwelt in France many years, a man well known for his great Zeal towards God, and boldnefs of fpeech, flood hard by the Tribunal-Seat, and comforted and encouraged many Martyrs at their Examination ; When the peo- ple that flood by took in evil part that they which before had recant- ed, did now confefs Chrift, with one confent they cry out againft Alex- ander as Author thereof : Then the Prefident demanding of him what he was, he Anfwered, I am a Chriftian > for which Anfwer he was al* lotted to be torn in pieces by the wild Eeafts. Attains was fryed to death in a fcalding Iron Chair, fo that the fa- vour of his broiled body filled their noflrils i who being demanded what Name God. had, Anfwered, Cod is not called after the manner of Mett. Blandina, together with Ponticus (a youth of fifteen years of Age) was brought forth, whom they would have compelled to fwear by their Idol's Name : But they contemning their Idol, the multitude were enraged againft them, tormenting them with all manner of pu- ni(hments, Pontictts being comforted and confirmed "by Blandina in piefence of the Pagans, after he had fuffered moft exquifite -Torments yielded up the Ghoft. . Laft of all, Blandixa like a noble Mother, hav- ing,exhbrted her Children, and fent them before as Conquerours unto the King,; pondering with herfelf allthe punifliments of -her Children, haitened 6 %$t CCClefiaftiCai ^tftOJP Cent. a. bartered after them, joying and triumphing at her end,, as if (he had been invited, and going to a wedding dinner : After fcourging, after combating with wild Beafts, after the broiling cf her body as it were in a frying-pan, at length (he was wrapped in a Net, and tumbled before a wild Bull, which fanned and tolled her on his horns to and fro, yet had (he no feeling thereof, in the end (he was beheaded , the Pagans themfelves pronouncing, That never any Wcman among them \Vas heard to have fuffered io many, and fo great Torments. As many as were choked with the noifom flench of theprifon, were thrown to be devoured of Dogs, the Pagans keeping a watch day and night, that none of them might be buried by their Friends. To be (hort, after that the bodies of the blotted Saints had been every kind of way fpitefully and fcornfully entreated, lying fix whole dayes uribu- ried, at length they were burned to afnes, the ames alfo they gather- ed to'gethcr, and fcattered in the River T\bod*nus which patted by, fo that no jot or relique thereof (hc'uld any longer remain upon the earth. This they did, that there might (as they faid; be no further hope of their Refurre&ion, Irenus f after Thotixus) was Bifhop of Liont, he floflfifhed in the dayes of the Emperour Commodity his meek difpofition, and peaceable carriage, anfwefed to his Name 'Efgsflw', -that is, -Peaceable, and made his Name to be in great account among Chriftians. a/&. Eccicf. The Martyrs forementioned did highly cc Irentus unto E- Hift.Lib. 4 . lextlwrius Bithop of 'Rome, as their own words do declare in man- ners Father Eleutherius, voe n>ijhyo* health in all thingf, and alwayet in God. We have requeued Irenaeus cur Brother and Fellow-labourer, to deliver yo:t thffe Letters, rvhom we pray you to accept ef, as a zealotis follower of the WiU tf C/;r/jf. For if rye underload that any mam degree yielded forth, and delivered 'Kighteaufnef -unto the. Graduate, namely, M being biinifter of the Church which this matt if, roe would have chiefly commended this in him. iren Lib.? cap.?. 'E-nfibiuf hath fet down out of Irentw a Catalogue of the Roman Bi- ' (hips unto his time. iren.Lib.a.cap. IrenUf '(heweth, how unto his time Miracles were wrought by the faithful : fome (faith he) do foundly and truly caft out Devils, others have the foreknowledge of things to come, they fee Divine Dreams, and Prophetical Viiions i others cure the difeafed, and reftore them to health by their laying on of hands. The dead were raifed to life (faith he) and lived together with us many years. Again, in another place, Iren.ens thus writcth, We have heard of many Brethren in the Church which had the gift of prophefying, which were able through the Holy irea. Lib. 5. Ghoft to fpeak with fundry Tongues, which could re veil the fecrets of men where it fo behoved, and expound the dark myfteries of God. Then arofe a Controverfie about the keeping of Eajlcr j for the Church Cent. 2. Of F R A N C E. Church of the Weft, and part of that of the Eaft did Celebrate the Feaft of Eafier upon the Lord's day : but part of the Church of the Eaft did Celebrate it upon the fourteenth day of the Moon of March-, not looking for the Lord's day. Towards the end of this fecond Cen- tury, Vifttfr^ the fucceflbur of Eleutberius Bifnop of Rome took that bu- fincfs in hand with eagernefs, and for thatcaufe feparated the Oriental Churches from his Communion. Polycrates BUhop of Epbefies refitted him > ViUvr being ir.cenfed with that refinance, excommunicateth all the Eaftern Churches. Eufebiuf faith, That this did not pleafe all the Bilhops, wherefore alfo they made him a contrary Command, that he (hould keep Peace, Union and Charity with his Neighbours. Among other Examples he brings forth theEpiftle of Irentus toViftor -, where- by he accufeth him to have violated Charity, and to have departed from the Example of his Anceft ors. Rxjfinus relateth the fame. Eufebiuf makes mention of what Irenxus wrote concerning the Holy Canonical Scriptures, and the tranflation of the Septuagint. Ireneus wrote divers Epiftles to confute fuch as at Rome corrupted the iincere Rites of the Church : He wrote one to Blaftus of Schifm, another to Florinus of Monarchy, or (hewing that God is not the Author of Evil, which Opinion Florintts feemed to be of, but afterwards he was fedu- ced with the Errour of Valeminus. ' Irevtus in his Epiftle to Florinus; Reporteth, that he had converfed with Polycarpus^ fo that he remem- bred the place where Polycarpttf fate when he taught, his courfe of Life, the figure and proportion of his body, the Sermons he made unto the Multitude, the report he made of his Converfation with St. John the Apoftle, and others which faw the Lord '> how he remernbred their fayings, and what he heard out of their mouths touching the Lord, of his Power and Dodhine. Thefe things (faith he) I diligently marked and printed them in my heart : And I am able to teftifie, if that Holy and Apoftolick Elder had. heard any fuch thing, he would have prefently flopped his ears, and reclaimed it. To be ftort, this may be reported for true oat of the Epiftles which he wrote for the Confirma- tion of the bordering Churches, or out of the Epitiles which he wrote to certain Brethren for Admonition or Exhortation- fake. Thus far Irenxus. There are but few of the Fathers but have fome particular Opinion which the Church of Rome difalloweth as well as we. The Learned Dr. P 'Moulin mcnti^neth many of the Ancieiits, and among them Irentus^ who faiih, tr:t Jefus Cbrift Taught until the Age of forty or contr rifty years. Fevardent, who hath Commented upon the Book hath L2 *? written in the Margin, Nivitf fie er hjs Father in Law. Car'mus was flain by a C Tribunej 10 %\yt eceieftaftf&tl $tfto;p Tribune, whofe Wife he had defloured : Viocltfian fucceedcd him. T)hdefian upon his Eftablilhment, aflfociatcd unto him M*ximianttt Hercules in the Government of the Empire, and they both chofe Con- ftant'ms Chlortts and Cdlemis to be their Colleagues, and they were Created Ctfars. In the time before the Tenth Perfecution, the Church of Chrift hav- ing had above forty years of outward reft and peace through the con- nivance and indulgence of fome Emperours (viz. from the death of Valerian until the nineteenth year of Dioclefiati) this profperity being abufed by the Clergy, and other Chriftians unto idknefs, contentions, &c. moved the Lord to fcourge them , whereupon followed that fharp and cruel Perfecution under Dicclefian : Maximianxs in the Weft, and T>i?clefian"m the Eaft bent all their Forces to root out the profellion i of Chriftian Religion i Vioclefian endeavoured to den'roy all the Churches and Temples of the Chriftians, that they might not Aflfemble together to Pray, and to ufe Divine Service j he />r/ (which is a City fituated by the River cui. ub. 12. frfafella) onsfiJetionariuf exercifed fo great cruelty^ that the River was red with the blord of the Chriftians that were flain. In France like- wife he fcnt Pofts up and down hither and thither with Decrees, and exprcfs Commulions to this end, that in whatfoever place any Chri- ftian was found, heihould prefently be put todeath. But thefe two bloody Emperours, fceiqg the number of the Chri- ftians rather to encreafe thaivto diminith, notwithstanding all the cru- elty that they could (hew, and having now (as it were) their fill of blood, they ceafed at laft of their own accord to put any more Chri- ftians to death i and finding themfelves not able to deftroy the Church^ they gave over the Empire, and became privafe men. CoHjiantius Cbloms^ and t&ax'nniiws Galenus fuccceded in the Em- pire. Conftantiur parted the Empire with Galeriut^ and would Rule but in P-r!tain J Spain and France. cl-ofe to him his two Sons, MaxirainHs and S events , and Conftantius took Coiti-antir.e his Son .Ce- far under him. Cottftantittf was a great fupporter of tl.c ( hriftians -, And when in the other Jurifdi&ions of the Empire the Congregations of the Chriitians weremolefted with Pcrfecutions, Cvqlantius gave li- berty to the Chriftians. C L N T. IV, Cent. . Of FRANCE, Century IV. COnftatititts dying at fork^ Conflowing his Son fucceeded him in ANNO J0 &- the Empire : Covftantiw who Ruled France, did not only ab- Itain from (bedding Chriftian blood, but alfo had the Chri- (tians in great eftcem : Nazarius and Patera were elieemed rare Ora- tours in France, living at that time. The Hiftories of thole Times make mention of one Sebaftian a Mar- FOX Act. ft MO-. tyr, he being barn in that part of Trance called GaVia Narbonenfif, was nu a Chriftian^ and a Lieutenant General in the Army of Vieclefian, who alfo encouraged many Martyrs of rhrilt by his Exhortations unto Con- fiancy, ar.d kept them in the Faith He being therefore accufed to Diockfian, was apprehended, and brought into the open field, where of his own Soldiers he was thruft through the body with innumerable arrows, and after that his body was thrown into a jakes or fink. St. Ambrofe makes mention of this Sebajlian the Martyr in his Com- mentary upon the u 8. Pfalm. Conftant'me reftored Peace unto the Church, Anno 311. he Reigned thirty and two years j great Tnnquility enjoyed the Church under this good Emperour. Before he had fubdued Lichiins, he fet forth many Ed ids for the reftitution of the Goods of the- Church, for the revo- king the Chriftians out of Exile, for taking away the Diffemions of the Dodors out of the Church, for the fetting of them free from pub- lick charges : A Copy of his ConfHtutions may be feerun Eufibiut his Ecclefiaftical Hiltory, in his tenth Book and-fifth Chapter. In the fourteenth Year of Cottftantinf there was hoklefi a Council at Nice, for the debating of the Controverfie about the Feaft of.Ealler, and for the rooting out the Herefie of Arm. There was like wife a Council holden at Aries under CoKftantine's Reign. Cori,iantine left three Sons, whom he had by F*(?<*, Maximian's Daughter, Heirs of the Empire, who alfo divided the Empire among thetmfelves. A fudden' Sedition after their Father's -death embroiled them all in blood and wars, by the commotion and diffimulation of the Errperour Conftatttiitf. In his Time the Arr/an Herefie, which for fear of Co(lantine had been fupprcifcd, began now again to lift up it's head, for Conftantitff propagates that Herefie. Hilary BHhc.p of Peitiiers in France, lived under the Reign of Con- ilawiut, a man in Religion conftant, in Manners meek and courteous \ he wrote fliarply againft ihe-Arians \ he was banilhed immediately af- Knffin.ub. T. C s ter csp ' 51 * Ccclcfiamcal %ttto?p Cent. 4. ter the Council of Milan into Tbrygia, as fome fuppofe. Among di- vers others, he dedicated his Book, t>e Synodis fidei Catholic* contra Arianos, to the Bithops of the Provinces of Britain, during his Exile for the Orthodox Faith, commending them for their conftancy in the profertion of that Faith. Theodor.Lib. 3. Tbeodoret writeth, 'that he was banifhed to TfbebaiJa, and recalled cap. 4. from Exile again under Julian : But k is more apparent that he re- mained in Pbrygia until the Council of Seleucia, unto which Council he was brought from banimment i not by any fpecial Commandment from the Emperour, but by a general command given to his Deputy JJJ' Ma * 3 *; Leonis, to aflemble together the Bifhops of the Eatt, under pretence of t0 ' executing the command of the Emperour, Hillary being banifhed in the Eaft, was brought to the Council of Seleucia i from thence he went to Conjlatttinople : The Emperour refufed to hear him difpute with the Arians in matters of Faith, but gave him liberty to return to his own Countrey again. He took great pains to purge the Countrey of France from the Arian Herefie v and he prevailed fo far , that Jerome com- pares him to DeucAlicon, who both faw the flood of waters overflow- ing Ibeflal'a, and the abating of them alfo i even fo Hillary faw both Hilar. Lib. 10. tne growth and decay of Arianifm in France. Yet even this Father dc Trink. had his Errours, for in his Tenth Book of the 'trinity, and upon P/Ii/ 138, and 53, he maintaineth, That Jcfus Chrift in his death fuftered no pain, but that only he would make us believe that he fuffered, and that the blows did not give him any pain, no more than if an arrow pierced the water, or prickt the fire, or hurt the air, and that the vh> tue of the body of Chrift received the violence of pains without feel- ing : The fame Father faith, That Chrift did eat and drink, not out of any neceffity, but to comply with Cuftom, for which Opinion he Du Moulin cent. ' s re P rove< ^ by Claudiw Bifhop of Vienna, in the Book of the State of Perron Lib. i. the Soul. That Errour fo grofs, hath brought him to another, that in thefe words of the Lord [Father, let this Cup pafi from me. ] Jefus Chrift defired his Father, that his Difciples alfo might fuffer in the like manner : fo that by his account St. Teter fclt no pain in fuflfering mar* tyrdom. It is alfo one of his Opinions, that Souls are Corporal. Re- lived fix years after his return from baniftiment, and died under the Reign of Valentinian. Stepbanus Pafchafas hath thefe Verfes of him in his Icones^ Et ms exbilarM Hilari fanttijfime Trtfitl, Et monitis vifta eft Arria feQa ttds. Jerome, although he was born in a Town of Dalmalla called Stri- don, and was intruded in rudiments of Learning at Rome j yet from Rome he went into France. ot purpofe to increafe his Knowledge, and to divers other places* Cent. 4 - Of FRANCE. Conllantiw being cfead, Julian his Coufin German alone governed the Empire, Anno 361. having before obtained of Confrantitts the Ti- tle of C firft, the Kogxtiftf, focal- led from Rcgatus their Teacher, to whom St. Augufiiite beareth wit- nefs, That they had zeal^ but not according to knowledge. Thefe were people of good lives, hating bloody practices, though erroneous in theif Doctrine. But there was another fort whom they called Clrcttmcel- lions^ though as little Reafon can be given of their Names as of their Opinions. Their number in fhort time grew to be confiderable : Their Te- net was plaufible and winning, and that Faith is eafily wrought that tcacheth men to think well of themfelves.- From Numidia, where Q?od a^d !tn they began, they overfpread Africa^ Spain^ France^ Italy , and Rome it foium juftida felf : Their greateft increafe was under Julian the Emperour. This Sj^JSj!* Apoftate, next to no Religion, loved the worft Religion belli they fled to this Bramble for fuccour, extolling him for fuch a Godly man, with whom alone juftice did remain i and he reftored them their Churches again, and armed them with many privileges againft Chri- (Hans : Hereupon they killed many men in the very Churches, mur- thering Women and Infants, and raviftiing Virgins, &c. The Donatijh were oppofed by the Learned Writings of private Fathers, Oftatef Milevitanus, and St. Angu^ine^ and by two Councils, one at Casthage, v ;j. Auft,- another at Aries in France. Pope Miltiadet was by the Emperour E ? ift> 1 ^ 2 made Judge between the Catholicks and Donatifis, and after him the Bifhcp of Arler. This Herefie continued till about the iix hundrcth year of Chrid i and that which put a period to this Herefie, was part- Jy their cwndiflentions: but chiefly, they were fupprefTedby the Civil MagilUatc : for H?//0r/#; ; the Emperour i>y punilhmintS;, inixt ivith Inftru&ions ; I 4 %ty CCCleftalif Cal $tftO# Cent. 5. viJeBJron ^n i lis 'from the Church, converted and reclaimed very many. nai. LI inn'o ' He caufed the Patent of Privilege which Julian granted the J)on^tiftf 9 '- >;U:P "* Pub'licvi locis aff.gendum in ludibr'nim^ *t& be affixed to fublick^places for a reproach unto them, Julian was ilain in battel againft the Yerfiarts^ having governed the Empire after the death of Conftantittt one year, and feven months. Then Jovian was faluted Emperour, who being a profeiTorof the Chriilian Faith, rejeded theArians , but he died of a furfeit in the eighth month of his Reign. Then Valentinian was Elected Emperour, a man con- tiant in the Chriftian Faith -, but he died of an Apoplexy in the twelfth year of his Government, leaving his Son Gratian to fucceed him in the Empire =, who after the death of Vale,u his Uncle, had the Govern- ment both of feaft and Weft : his Brother Valentin* an was his Col- league in the Government of the Weft. Gratian in the beginning of his Reign reduced from banifhment thofe BiOiops whom Valens that Arian Perfecutor had baniflicd : Gratian was ilain by Andragathius^ Captain of the Army of Maximits , who ufurped the Empire of the Weft, by fraud and treachery near Lions in Trance^ where he made his abode. Rutlheodojius^ a man of Noble Parentage in Spain, to whom Gratian had committed the Government of theEaft, being mindful of the kindnefs of Gratian toward him, led an Army againft Maximus : The Captains of Mjxm//'s Army hereupon delivered him bound to ybeodofius, who put him to death : Avdragathiuf.,' \vhoflcw Cratian, feeing no way to efcape threw himfelf head-long into the Sea, and fo perifhed. Not long after, T.ugeniut by the Power of the Earl Arbogaftes^ U- furped the Government, Anno 35?!. And the year following, the faid Arbogaftes flew Valentinian at Vienna in Traxce : 'Epifhanixs faith, he was ftrangled in his Palace. Century V. IN the Year 401. died St. Martin, Bifhop of 7W/X who following Hillary into France from his banifhment, having there lived an auftere and retired life, was Created Bilnop ot T'ttrin, almoft at that time that St. Ambrofewzs cllablilhed Biuicp of Mitan^ viz. in the Year 375. A man to be admired above all his PredecefTdrs for Piety, whom the Emperours thcmfelvcs have had in great efteem , and a- morg Cent.?. 0f FRANCE. 15 meng the reft Maximw^ who feafted him Anno 386. in a fcaft that his Wife the Emprefs had prepared, who ftipplyed the place of a Waiter and Attendant at the Table herfelf. Sttlpitius Sfvetus in the life of St. Martin meweth, that when he was to be chofen Bifliop, one of the people "having taken the Pfalter in the place of the Reader then abfenr, began to read the eighth Pfalm, where there was, Vt Jejlrttas inim\~ cum & 1 dcfenfirrm > at which word $efenforf>m. ) the people cryed out againft one Vefenfor, who oppcfcd Martin's Eledion to the Epifcopa- cy. About this time the Monafiical Profeilion came into Europe, to which Jerome at Rome, and. St. Martin in France did much contribute. In the Year 446. the Pelagian Her ell e having fpread over all Bri- tain^ the Wni\\) Churches bring infedted therewith, King Vonigern Cent for Germtwu Bi(bop of Attxtrret, and Lupus Bifliop of Tiroyes in Champagne out of France, men eminent for their Counfd and Doctrine, who confuting the Pelagians, gained to themfelves great efteem among the Britafts. After the return of Germatms and Lupus into their own Countrey, Pelagianifm began to fprout forth again in Britain : But after three years, Germanus returning back again into Britiin, brought with him Severn* , and the Pelagian Herefie was again condemned in a fecond Synod. "Britain being thus fettled in good order, Cermanm went again into France, and died foon after his return. In this Century flourifhcd other worthy Biftops and Preachers in Frame :, Eucberiw Bifiiop of Lions \vas then eminent, fome of whofe writings arc yet extant. About this time Baroniia fpeaks of a Synod Baron. . of Anjou, which faith, Let none be Ordained Priefts or Deacons, but 453 * fuch as have one Wife only, who married Virgins. Hillary firft Bilhop of Aries, and afterward (as appeareth) vlVienna^ flouriftiecl about the year 45.8. he oppofed himfelf directly to Leo Bi- ihop of Rome, and would acknowledge no Jurifdidlion nor Domina- tion of the Bifhop of. Row? over the. Churches of France. Hilary cal- led himfdf Primate of the Churches of Gauls fubjecl: to the Roman Empire, thai is, of Pro-.-ence and, Ttaxlphine : for the refi of the Gauh was then held by the Vifigotbs and by the Franckj. The quarrel was, that Hilary, conferred the degree of Bifnop in his Diocefs, not expect- ing the conf.nt ?.nd approbation of the Bifhop of l\om? : but Leo \vruld oblige him- t,; j-jqusir.t ti'e Roman See .with it,' and to get his approbation. l - -Upon that J* exceffive commendations, as if all the Graces of Jerome^ Auguftine^ tlef Hift< Bafil, Nazianzen, and many other Fathers had been incorporated irt him. He wrote three Books De S tat ft Anim^ Of the State of the Soul^ to the fame Sidonius, with two Epiftles. How much the Popith Bifhops differ from thofe Famous Bimops that flouriQSed in thofe dayes, the Reader may underftand by this following Epitaph of Claudianus Mam- merttts made by Hoc dat cefyite membra Claudianus^ triplex Bibliotheca quo Magijiro Romana, Attica^ Chriftiana fulfit : Quam totam Monacbw virente in &vo D Secret* %tfto?p Cent. 5 Secret* bibit tnftruftione, Orator. Dialettictts, Poeta, yra&ator, Geometry Mufic^ Dotiw Cohere vincla qurfionum, Et verbi gladio fecare feftas, Vi qit Catbolicam fidem laceffunt. Tandem Concludit : At ttt quifqtM doles, amice leQdr, De tanto quaji viro nihil fuperfit, "Undvt parcegettis rigare m armor : Mem & gloria non qucnnt bumari. PauUttut lived about this time, he was BUhop of No/*, born in France, a man of a great wit, and an excellent Orator and Poet. Of both Teftaments he writeth thus to Severn i Paulin. Epift. ad Nam qttia latorem dtto "feft amenta per unum Patta Deum in Chrifto copulat una fides. Lex anliqua, novam firmat, veterem nova complet i In veteri ftes e^ in novitate fides, Sed vetus atque novttm conjttngit gratia Cbrifti. And upon the Supper of the Lord, I will add thefe myftical Verfes out of the fame Epiftle, In crttce pxa caro eft, quit pafcor, de cruet fangtus lUe fluit, vitam quo bibo, arda lavo. Came tua vivet, turn illi pocula fanguvs Preheat, in verbo vivat agatque ttto, The next I (hall mention is John Caflian, the Scholar of Cbryfcftome, and made Deacon by him at CoHftantinople, afterwards he was a Pref- byter of the Church of Marfeiues* Vincentitts Lirinenfa a French man, fpent the firft part of his life in Secular and Military employments, but afterwards he led a folitary and contemplative life, and became a Presbyter, as the Catalogue of Gennadius relateth -, he wrote againft the felagiaw ard Ncliurians^ and againft prophane novelties. In the Year of Chrift 485. Chi-it the firft of that Name, and the fifth King of France, began his Reign, being about the Age of fifteen years i a Prince of fingular Hope, born for the eftabliftment of the French Monarchy ; He had the. honou* to be the faft Chriftian King Cent. 5. Of FRANCE. of France. Although Clow was a Pagan before by Profeflion, yet was he no enemy to the Chrftians, fitting himfelf to the humour of the G**/s, who generally followed the Chriftian Religion. He fuffered his Wife likewife to Baptize her Children. Clotilda defired nothing more caufins Holy than the Converfion of her Husband, which happened in this fort: Courl p ""' a ' The Suevi, a people of Germany, pafled the Rhine with great Forces, Commanded by many Kings, who were personally in the Army, and came to ru(h on the Ganls, with intentions to cleftroy the bt. innings of the French Monarchy : Clovtt fpeedily oppofeth them with good Troops, for he likewife had drawn together to his Aid the Riharoh, . people near bordering on the Rhine, who were Allied to the French, and had firft of all given notice of the Enterprize of the Suevi, who in a near degree threatned them. The encounter of the two Armies was near Colen, which was one of the moft defperate that we rind in Hiitories. The King undertook the Conduct of the Cavalry, and had given unto Prince Sigebert his Kinfman, the Infantry : There was nothing but fire, tempeits, deaths, and (laughters, fo great was the refiftance on either fide : In the end Sigebert valiantly fighting, was wounded with an arrow, and born all bloody out of the battel by his Son. The Infantry (through the ab- fcnce of their Colonel) was defeated and put to rout. All the burden of the battel fell upon the Cavalry, which did great exploits, righting before the eyes of their King > but in the end, the fhock of their ene- mies was fo impetuous , that it brake through and fcattered them. Clovis covered with blood and duft, performed the duty both of a great Captain and valiant Soldier > but notwithstanding all his endeavours, terrour had fo feized on thefe flying men, that his affairs grew defpe- rate : Hereupon Awelianm, the Kings great Favourite, perfwadeth him to make a vow unto God to be Baptized, if he returned victori- ous from this battel , which he did, calling aloud upon the God of his Wife, and promifing an abfolute Converfion to the Chriftian Faith. The word was no fooner fpoken, but that his Troops rallied them- felves up, made head againft their enemies, purfued them, ran through and routed them with fo great a maffacre, that the fields were all co- vered with dead bodies : The difcomfiture fo terrified them on the o- ther fide of the Rhine, that the Almavs which furvived yielded them- felves tributaries to his Majefty. Clotilda hearing the news of this victory, and of the King's pious Refolution, went out to meet him as far as Champagne, accompanied with Rfmigiw Biftiop of Rhemes, a man of great Piety and Eloquence to inftrud: him in the true Do&rine, wherein he was very ignorant. De Serm HIft ^ It was necelTary he (hould be inftructed by a difcreet man, that in invit. clodw* leaving the vanity of Pagans, he might not be infected wirh the Arian Herefie, which then was difperfed in divers places > and even his own Sifter Lantielde was infected therewith. D 2 The CDe ecflefia&ical $tfto# cent. ?. The preaching of Remigius was effectual with Clovif, and the Ex- ample of Clovi* with his men of war : When he came to the Church of Rhemes to be Baptized, Remigius' fpake to hina thefe words, Bend thy necl{, to the ynkg in mildnefl, worship that which thou haft burnt, and ': burn that which thou hail worshipped : He Anfwered , J worjhip the true God, which u the Father, Son and Holy Ghof, the Creator of He a- ^ ven and Earth. The King being Baptized, exhorted his men to the fame belief^ they cry all joyntly, We leave our Mortal Gods, and are ready to follow the Immortal. So Clow was baptized at Rhemes by Re- tnigius, and with him three thoufand of his Soldiers, to the incredi- dible joy of the Gauls, greatly affected to Chriftian Religion and this perfected the union betwixt them and the French, making their yoke eafie, and them tractable. The firft War he undertook after his Baptifm, was againft Gombaut King of Burgundy, who being vanquiftied became Tributary to Clovif Gombaut was an Arian, and this his Herefie drew upon him the ven- geance of God. Afterwards Clovvs encountred with the Forces of Al<*~ ricus in Aquitain, difcomfiteth them, and kills Alaricus. The hand of God thundred and lightened at that time upon many Diadems of He- retical Kings, viz. Gombaut, Godemar , Chilperic, Godegijilw , Alari- cus, and in the end on Iheodorick^ himfelf. Remigius was a man of moft holy Converfation, and befides his ad- mirable fanctity, acknowledged throughout all France, he had the re- putation to be one of the moft able and eloquent men of his time* witnefs Sidoniuf Apollinarim, who fpeaking of his eloquence with ad^- miration, faith, He thought there was not a man living upon the face of the earth, whom Remigiut furpaffeth not, without any elaborate ftudy at all, through the experience he had acquired of well- fpeaking: his conceptions were unimitable, his language fo fweet and polite, that it refembled a very fmooth piece of ice, whereon nothing might be feen unequal : His fentences were full of weight, his arguments forci- ble, and his words glided along like a river, and ever bare in them (bme flafties of lightning at the end of his periods : He was a very learned man, as by the Commentaries which he wrote upon the Old and New Teftament evidently appeareth. Among the Collections of Aventinus, there is an Epiftle with this rit. ' Title, The Epiftle of the Bijhops of Germany and France to Pope Anafta* Gus :. This was written in the time of King Clovif. Leporius a French Monk made a flourifh of the Nejiorian Hcrefie, but being refuted by Attgii\line, he asked pardon of his Errour. Fauftuf of an Abbot was made Bifliop of. Rhegium in France, ^as Gennadiits writeth in his Catalogue : He wrote againft the Pelagians and Epicureans. A contention arofe in France about the Doctrine of IfrfdelUnation which had it's rife out of the B^oks of St, Attgujline, being Cent. 6. Of FRANCE. 3-1 being ill underftood, Lttcidus made oppofition, Fattens chaftifed him, and brought him to his Opinion : Eleven Bifhops fubfcribed to the E- piftje of Fauftus in the Council of Aries i by which FaMJlus himfelf af- tirmeth, that an hard piece of work was put upon him, of difputing concerning Grace and Free-Will. About the fame time alfo was fo lemnized at Lions an. AfTembly of twenty feven Biftiops. Vittarinits of Aquitain, at the requeft of Hillary fet forth an Eaftei- Circle of 532 years, in the year 563. Century VI. THe Province of Narbon, which was called the firft Province of France, remained in the Gotbs fubjedion, and thence it began to be called Gotbia-i for Amalarictts (his Father Alaricw be* ing dead) haftily flying into Spain, he retained under his Power Sp*ht 3 with that part of France, which we have mentioned before. The Divine Providence gave to Clsws , above all other Princes in the world, fuch happy fuccefs, as oftentimes his wars were miraculoufly confirmed to be guided of God > among which is that remarkable thing, That haftening againft Alarictts-, having encamped near the Ri- ver Vigenna^ he found a (hallow place by the diredion of an Hind that patted over the River before him, through which he tranfported his Army to the other fide '> and after this victory, preparing to befiege Angoulefm^ the walls of the City falling down of their own accord, gave him an eafie entrance into the City : Which things being known, the Emperour Anaflafms-the year following the victory of Vodes fen-t a Standard to Cblodoveus or Clow : And he went in Proceffion in St. Martin's Church at 7r/#, with his Belt, his Purple-gown, and his Diadem-, then coming to Paris ^ there he eftabli(hed his Throne Anm 507, with fo happy fuccefles. Proeopiia faith, that the Franks made a League oifenfive with King ybeodorick^ againft the ~Burgundians^ and that the Goths delaying the time purpofely, at length arrived when the fight was ended '> and fo without receiving any lofs, they divided the fpoil with the Franckj^ equally (baring the Kingdom, which it is like came to pafs about the year 508, it being after the Vifyotbt great defeat, although at that time the Btergundian Kingdom was not utterly extinct in France i for Gun* debaut being. defeated, and dead, Sigifmond his Son kept ftill what re- mained, 31 eccrteftafttcaitfto Cent. 6. mained, who barkening to Avitus BHhop of Vienna, changed his Aria* Hercfie into the Orthodox Faith. After this Clodoveus raging againft his neareft Friends, put them al- moft all to death, and at laft, in the year 511. died in Paris. Cloiit convoked the firft Synod at Orleans. Then flourimed in France Ctfarius Bifhop of Aries (whom we read to have been one of the Council of Agatbm, held in the year of Chrift 505.) and lived unto the time of Vigilm^ of whom he received a Let- ter, Anno 538. Alfo Avitiu Biftiop of Vienna, by whom the ~Burgundians received the Chriftian Faith. Remigius Biftiop of Rbeme /, called the Apoftleof the Franckj, died Anno 534. In the fame Year was held a Council at Avergnes, wherein was Flo- vius Bifhop of Rbemes : Then are Hincmarus and Fhdoardus miftaken, in faying, that he officiated in the Biftioprick 74 years, and lived $6 years. In France Lattnomarm of Chartres, and Maximinas of Orleans were renowned Friars, Maximw builded the Micians Monaftery near unto the City, he was Nephew to Eufticius. Clovif, as he went n"rft to Or- leans, brought them both thither along with him. Si^ebert calleth that Monaftery of the Micians Maximus's Monaftery , alfo Avittu and Carilefw, Maximtts's Difciples : But Clovi* being dead, his four Sons divide the Realm into four Kingdoms. Cbildebert was King of Parif t and under this Realm was comprehended the Provinces of Poittou y Main, lourain, Cbampaigne , Anjou^ Guyenne^ and Atfvergne , Clotaire was King of SoiJJons> and the dependance of this Realm were Ver- mandois^ ficardy, F launders and Normandy. Clodamir was King of Or- leans, and the JEftates of this Realm were all the Dutchy of Orleans , "Burgundy, Lionevs, Daulphine and Provence. Ihierri was King of Metz, and to his Realm was fubjecT: the Country of Lorain, and all the Coun- tries from Rhewes unto the Ttbine, and beyond it all Germany, which De Sews in vit. W as the Ancient Patrimony of the Kings of France : He was received in this Royal Partition with his Brethren, though he were a Baftard, the which hath been likewife pradtifed by others in thefirfl Line : And as every one of thefe four Kings called themfelves Kings of France, fo they alfo added the name of their Principal City, where they held their Court. But there was a Civil DifTention betwixt the Brethren, thev Leavy Forces with intent to ruine one another : They Reigned fort\ .J two years together as Kings of France, yet with a particular T ; under this general, as hath been faid : But in the end Clotaire rem .,cd King alone. At this time were frequent meetings of Bifhops in Aurtlia, or Or- leans , Cent, 6. Of FRANCE. 23 Jean/i many fuperftitious Conftitutions were hatched among them, symfcn's church efpecially about prohibition of marriage, for this Do&rine had now got Ji'JSit/^ *" the upper hand in the Weft. In the fecond Council Simony is condemned, and the receiving of money for the admitting' a tnan to a Spiritual Office is condemned. In the third Council Perjury is abhorred in a man having a Spiritual Calling, but foftly punifhed by two years, excluding him from the Communion. In the fourth Council it is Ordained, That in the offering of the T j ieB ; ffiopsmrt . Holy Chalice, nothing (hall be prefentcd but Wine only unmixed with in the synod at water, becaufe it is a facrilegious thing to tranfgrefs the holy mandate ^eiritttcJs^us and inftitution of our Saviour Chrift. to the King, T O In the fifth Council it is condefcended, that no man (hall be Or- SftJ&Hw dained Biftop without confent of King, Clergy and People, according King c//r, the to the Ancient Constitution of the Church, and that no Spiritual Of- JhoiSchSh,. n'ce (hall be bought by money. an the clergy There was an heap of Conftitutions about the keeping of Lent and manedtocomc Eafter, about the prohibition of Marriage betwixt Chriftians and un- JJjJ 1 ^* 8 Coun ' converted Jews, abeut Servants not to be admitted to Ecclefiaftical Andit'isfiid in- Orders > about Aflemblies to be (at the leaft) yearly Convocated by Btthops, about Ecclefiaftical Rents not to be dilapidated. Under the Reign of Theodebert King of Lorattt, burgundy and ?u- finge, the Fathers who were prefent at the Councils of Orleans^ con- command our vened alfo in the Council of Overnie, and ordained, that no man (hould Jj^^fJiJ 1 *' arrive to the Office of a Biftiop by the favour of men in Authority, eit*of0rfeoi% but by the merits of an honeft and unreprovable life. That the dead body of aBifhopin time of his Funeral, (hould not be covered with the Pall (otherwife called Opertorium Dominid cor- poris) left the honour done to the body, ftiould be a polluting of the Altar, with many other Conftitutions. Under the Reign of Cberebert King of France, a Council was Aflem- bled at Tomt. In this Council it was Ordained, that the Clergy and People in every Congregation (hould provide relief for their own poor, and not permit them to wander up and down. It was alfo Ordained, that a Bithop {hould count his Wife as his Si- fter, and that he {hould no manner of way company with her, and fo this caufe fhould have Presby ters and Deacons fo familiarly converfant with him, that they might bear teftimony of his honeft behaviour, w'. that he nevr i companied with his Wife. The Papifts themfelves could not overpafs this Canon without a cenfure. Moreover it was Ordained, That no Prieft or Monk (hould receive hi bed with Mm another Prieft or Monk, to the end they might be fo unreprovable, that the y would abftain from all appearance of evil. In this Council were fet down very ft rift prohibitions, that no man (hould) 24 3CDceccieftafticai$ffto# Cent. 6. (hould opprefs the Church, and convert to his ownufe any thing duly .belonging to them, left he incurr the malediction of /<#, who was a Thief, and kept the bag, and converted to his own ufe a part of that mony which belonged to the poor. A Council likewife was holden at P<*w, wherein order was taken concerning admitting of Bifhops to their Offices, That no man (hould be admitted Bi(hop without the full confent of Clergy and People, and that no man (hould prefume by favour of Princes only, without the confents aforefaid, to become Bifhop in any place. Now Clotaire remained alone King of France, his Brethren being dead, their Children alfo were dead, and Cbildebert the eldeft died without Iflue. The Reign of Clotaire was (hort and wretched ; He fought to extort the thirds of all EcclefialUcal Things to his private Affairs : but the Clergy oppofed theiufelves againft him, fo as threats prevailed not. He dies Anno 5^7. Before that he Rules as King alone, he Erected the little Realm of Yvetot upon this occafion. Upon good Fryday he flew Gawter of Tve- tot his Servant in the Chappel where he heard Service. It is faid, that the King had raviftied his Wife lodging in his houfe, fo as he that was beaten faifered the puntthment. Pope Eugenius difpleafed with this infamous murther, condemned him to repair the fault upon pain of Excommunication : Clotaire for fatisfadion Ordaineth, That from thenceforth the Lords of Yvet&t (hould be tree from all homage, fer- vice, and obedience to the King for the Land of Tvett in the Countrey of Normandy : And fo this fmall feigneury hath continued long with the Title and Prerogative of a Realm, until that this Title of a Realm was changed into a Principality, the which the houfe of Belay doth now enjoy. Clotairt had by two Wives five Sons and one Daughter i four furvived him, viz. Cherebert, Cbilperic y Sigebert , Gontbran and Clofindehis Daughter. Cberebert was King of France, Chilperic King of Soiflons, Gontbran King of Orleans, Sigibert King of Metz or Lorain, although each of them called himfelf King of France, and commanded absolutely over the Countries under their obedience : All of them Reigned together Hfteen years. The fecond Council otMatifcan was convened in the twenty fourth year of King Guntbran : In it complaint was made, that Baptifm ufu- ally was miniftred on every holy day, infomuch that upon Eafter day fcarce were two or three found to be prefented to Baptifm : This they Ordained to be amended, and that no man (except upon occafion of infirmity) prefume to prefent his Child to Baptifm, but to attend up- on the B'eftival dayes prefcribed of old, that is, Eafter and Whitfunday. Alfo it was Appointed and Ordained, that the Sacrament of the Al- tar (hould be Adminiilred before any of the Communicants had tafted of meat or drink. That Cent,*?. Of FRANCE. 05 That no pcrfon who fleeth to the Church, as to a City of Refuge, flhould be drawn back again by violence from the bofome of the Church, or be harmed in that holy place. That a Btthop (hall not be attached before a Sectilar Judge. That the Houfes of Bi(hops (hall be kept holy with exercifes of piayer and fmging of Pfalms, and (hall not be defiled with the bark- ing of dogs, and muting of Hawks. Tint Secular men (hall do reverence to thofe of the Clergy, even uatc trie lowed degree of them i in fuch fort, that if the Secular Man do meet any of the Clergy walking on foot, he (hall honour him by uncovering his head : But if the Secular man be riding on horfeback, and the Clergy- man on foot, then the Secular man (hall light down from his horfe, and (hall do reverence to the Church-man. In the third Council at Matifion, we read of nothing but a conten- tious difputation between two BHhops, Palladia and 'Bertram ,. and foolHh queftions fcarce fit to be difputed in Grammar- Schools. Chilperic, a crafty man, feizeth on his Father's Treafure, and labour- eth to become Mafter of the City of Parts, but was not able to ef- feft it. Cberebert having caft off his Lawful Wife, and being Excommuni- cated by German Bi(hop of Paris , dieth at Blavia in SanQen in the ninth year of his Kingdom about the year 570, whofe Kingdom his Brothers divide among themfelves. Chilperic and Sigebert waged War one againft the other : Cbilperic enters the Countrey of Sigebert , and takes from him the City oiRbemes: Hereupon Sigebert purfues his Revenge, and takes from Cbilperic Soif- , /*/, the Capital City of his Realm, with his Son Ibeodobert^ forcing him to retire to Tournay. Sigebert comes a Conquerour to Paris, where he is received by common confent j and fo all the Cities belonging un- to Cberebert yield him obedience. But as he thought himfelf fettled, tehold two young foldiers Cfuborned by Yredegund an harlot of Cbil- perifs) came to his Court, enter freely into his Hall, and getting near unto him, each of them ftabs him with his dagger, and he falls down dead in the place : Thefe murtherers were fuddcnly torn in pieces, foas they could not be known, nor declare by whofe inftigation they had committed this murther : Yet was it generally thought, it was the practice pf Tredegttnd to free Cbilperic, and to make her way the more fmooth by the death of Sigebert who croiTed her moft. Now is Cbil- peric received King of France in the place of his elder Brother, Anrto 578. and Reigned fourteen years at Paris and SoiQius, while that Cbildebtrt the Son of Sigebert Reigned in Auftrapa or Lorain, and Gon- tbran at Orleans and Burgongne. He found Brttnbanlt the widow of Si- gebert at P*w, a fubtil and audacious woman, whom he confined to whither be likewife fent his Son Merovee to take polfelfion o E the* CCClCftaftlCal ^tftOJ Cent. 6. the City but there he was furprifed by the beauty of Emnebanlt : She fo infinuated into the Bifaop, that he allowed of this Marriage, al- though (he was his Aunt : Cbilperic moved herewith came tn Roven^ degraded and bani(hed the Bifhop, and puts Merovee into a Cloyfter. Merovee fleeing, is purfued, taken, and flain by his Father's command j and left Audovere his. Mother, (a virtuous Princefs) and Clovis her o- ther Son, (hould feek means of revenge, he rejects his Wife, and cau- feth Clovit his other Son to be ilain. For thefe diforders the Nobility complain againft Fredegunde > here- upon Cbilperic takes Galfonde to Wife, the Daughter of Athanagild King of Spain j but by the inftigation of Fredegonde Cbilperic ftran- gleth his fecond Wife, and publickly marrieth Fredegonde. Cbilperic when he had feen Clotbarius born to him of Fredegonde^ the fourth moneth after, a little before night, returning from hunting, is by privy murtherers killed Anno 584. That murther was hatched by Fredegonde^ and committed by LMbfertft^ftH Adulterer of hers : thus died this deteftable Chilperic. Hiftorians make him guilty of im- piety, as well as of -execrable wickednefs > for he denied the truth of the three perfons in one Deity, and the Incarnation of the Son of Godv-.: .:> ' Guntbran dieth in the year of Clirift 593. having left a good me- morial behind him of Piety and other Virtues, the which being com- mitted to Church- Tables, is repeated every year on the 28 th of March. His Kingdom came to Childebert. Cbildebert^ Anno 596. is taken away by poifon, together with his -Wife, whom Hheodoric and 'fbeodebert his Sons fucceed , under the tuition of their Grandmother Bruaebault. They fight againft Clotba- riut, and being overcome in battel, they force him to part with the greateft part of his Kingdom. Sagittarius BUhop of Ebreduna, and Salonius Bithop of Vopinga in France^ for their wickednefTes, and alfo becaufe being armed they fought in manner of foldiers, in the Aflembly of Lions were before this deprived of their Epifcopacy in the fixth year of Guntbran i but they appealing to Pope Jobn^ were reftored by his command. At laft, be- caufe they continued in hainous offences, they were again by the Ca+ bitionian Council deprived of all Dignity. At Attguftoritiim died Radegund , Anno 587. in whofe Monaftery were fome Virgins fprung from a Royal Stock, who being lifted up in pride againft Leubovera , the Governefs of the Nunnery, firft of all depaifed from her : The Guardians beirg fent into the Monaftery, and all things taken away, they drew out Leubovera by force from thence. At length by the command of Cbildebert a Council of Bifhops being gathered together in Viftavia^ they were ExcomdsUnicated, and Lett- bovera r-eftof ed unto her former place,^ About Cent. 6. 0f F R AN C E. K _ 27 About the year 5^0. Serenus Bi(bop ofMarfeilles feeing his people fal- ling to the adoration of Statues, brake them, and caft them out of the Church : About which Pope Gregory the firft reproveth him in two Epiftles, faying, That Images indeed ought not to be worfiipped, but that they ought not te be broken neither^ becattfe they are injtead ofBookj unto the ignorant. But it was not long before the Popes became the great Patrons of the adoratio'n of Images, and made it a means of their rifing-, for when the Greek Emperours fell to the breaking of Images, Gregory the fe- cond took thence occafion to (hake off the yoke of the Emperours, as enemies of the Saints, and made Rome and part of Italy to revolt.from sigon. Lib. j.dt the Obedience of their Soveraign : And he made himfelf a Temporal regnoitai. Prince, under colour of defending Images, as Sigonius relateth. Venantius^ Honorius, Clementianw, Fortunatus, by Nation an Italian, came into France , feating himfelf firft at T0rr, afterwards at Poittiers j he was firft made a Presbyter, then he became BHhop of that place. He is reported to have reduced the French to a more gentle kind of life, by his writings and example. IllyricM make's mention of one Alcimw, of the Ancient Family of cataL Teft. ve the Aviti, whofe Great Grandfather, Grandfather, Father, Uncle, Bro- rit> Ltb * 6 ' ther, were famous and eminent for Ecclefiaftical Dignities : His Fa- ther fucceeded Mammertus in the Bifhoprick ofVienna^AIcimM fucceed- ed his Father : Many excellent Verfes of his are extant unto this day. Concerning the rirft fin of Man, and the Grace of Chrift, you may read what he faith in thefe following Verfes : vor'ri evenittitt hutnana in gente Vnde brevem capiunt mortalia tempora vitam : Vel quod potiuti vitiantur origine mores, uos aliena premttnt prifcorum fata Parentttm : Addatur quanqttam noftra. de parte reattts^ Quodqtte etiam amijjo dudum peccatur honere, Adfcribam tibi, prime Pater : qui femine morfk Tollis fuccidtt* vitalia germina proli. Et licet hoc totnm Chrijiu* perjoherit in fe, Contraxit quantum percujfa in ftirpe propago : Attamen Auttoris vitio, qtti debita lethi Inftituit, morbofque fax ac funera .tnifit. Vivit peccati moribunda in carne cicatrix. And fpeaking unto Chrift, he addeth, NuKttm aliitd^ prater te mum, folamen habemiu* E 2 Then Cent. 6. Then fpeakingof Chrift the Mediator, whofe Figure was that Bow in the Heaven after the flood, and of the klvation of thofe that believe in him, he faith, Nttnc qttifqtw fetnel aliatam fervare falittem OptM, fignatum potiks figno injpice Chrijlum : Verw enim atque unut firmati federvs arcus JHe dettm atque homines inter, qtti virgine carne Virgineo ex utero fttmpta^ jam munere facet Mttltiplici in ctlo Varm, fed fnlgidiu omni- y Vitalem menftrat facrati pignorit < arcum, Hunc coram ajpicies^ quifquw baptifmate tin&w Ad cxlum liber culpis pereuntibw ibif. And of the water flowing out of the Rock, he thus fpeakethj Nee portentific* aepit me eblivio virg^ Quo ftgno fummus percufia rape facerdof, Protttlit irriguos poculif fitientibus hauftus. InfinuaHf Cbrijlttm Jlabilem confijiere petrant, Percttflitf jacttlo larg and demanding the caufe of it, he was anfwered, That he thould, as Paftor, feed the Lords Flock belonging to that Church. Not long after the Btthop of Paris dying, he was Conftitu- ted Bithop thereby King Cbildebert. with fingular zeal he provoked the People to Godlinefs j great was his gravity in preaching, and his words were weighty and powerful j he was liberal towards the poor, and redeemed many. Captives. King Cbilperic after his death (who was wont to deride and contemn other Minifters) wrote this honour* able Epitaph upon him, which I thought fit to fet down : Ecclefa fieculum, patri* vigor , ara reorttm : Et pater^ & medicat, pajior amorque gregit, Germanus virtute, fide, corde, ore beatus, Came tenet turnulum, mentis bonore pvlttm. The Hiftories of this Age make mention of one Etitts Arch-Deacon of the Church of Paris, who when he underftood that Innocent Pr*~ textatuf Bifhopof ~R.bothomagttm (accufed of Treafon againft the King) was in danger to be condemned in a Synod at P. - ties ; who were punifhed of God for their flagitious pra&ices with moft grievous judgements. Here I {hall make mention of the various fortune of Tbeodorw Bi- fhop of Marfeilles in the Reign of Cbildebert^ Divamm (a moft wicked man) being Governour of that Province : This man hated Tbeodoruf, and Jaid divers fnares to entrap him. And when Tbeodoru* was going to King Cbildebert to implore his help, he was feized on by "Divamius in the midft of the City of MarfeiUes^ and injurioufly dealt with, and fo clifmifTed. In his journey Theodora, by the inftigation of I>ivamiuf s is taken by Guntbran King of Orleans : then the Clergy of Marfeilles being no better than D'rvamm^ being very joyful at the news of it, do immediately invade and plunder all the fubftance and treafures of the Church, and load Theodoras with divers calumnies. King Chilperic fet- teth Theodoras at liberty, and fendeth him back with Gundulpbus the Governour to Marfeiles, that there he might be reftored to his former dignity. At the coming of GundtttyhiK and Theodoras, "Divamius and the Clergy do (hut the gates, and drive them back reproachfully. But Gundxlpbus by Art getting into the City with his Soldiers, foon brake the power of Divamitts , and fharply rebuked himi yet Gundulphut being appeafed with deprecations and gifts, Divamius having taken an oath that he would reftore Tbeodorut to his Bifhoprick, and for the fu- ture be faithful to the King, he returned to his houfe. But Divamius defpifmg his Oath, fignifieth the reftitution of They- dorus to King GuntbraH, adding, That while Theodoras held his Go- vernment , King Guntbran could never enjoy the City of MarfeiUes. Guntbran being angry fendeth Soldiers to take Ibeodortts^ who feizing upon the Bifliop unexpectedly, they carry him on horfeback bound with chains moft ignominioufly to their King : But King Guntbran knowing the innocency of Theodorus , without doing him any harm fufFers him to return to his charge, beftowing many gifts upon him. Upon this occafion great enmity grew between King Guntbran and Cbildeben : Many other calumnies, and grievous indignities did this innocent BUhop fuffer from other of his wicked and malicious ene- mies. About that time Mmttkricus, Epifcopus Ternoderenfis^ being by force taken away from his Church, is thruft into a clofe and ftrong Tower built upon the bank of the River Rbodanus, and there was detained almoft two years, and moft grievoufly handled. Under the Jurifdi&ion of Gregory Biflhop of Tours, there was a cer- tain Presbyter who denied the Refurredion of the Body. The fore- faid (jn?g de Gloria Confefforum , de viw quorundam Patrutn. Cent. 7. Of FRANCE. 31 Tatrum. I find him by a certain Writer thus ftiled , Antiqttif- ofiand. Cent. 6. fimut & fideliflimxf Francorum fcriptor. He wrote fharply again ft the ' 4< "*' * 7 ' jfemr and Ariant \ yet there are divers errours found in his writings, which are mentioned by Ofiander. He was very intimate with Gregory the Great, Bifhop of Rome, flourUhing at that time. Century VII. THe Author of the Book, called the Catbolick.. 'tradition^ firft in French, and then Tranflated into Englifh, fearcheth the dif- ference of all Churches, and except in Rites or Ceremonies hath not marked any great difference of the Aby fines and Jacobites, from our Reformed Churches. And in his Preface, he faith , They pretend to have their name \_Jacobites~\ from Jacob the Old Patriarch, and the name \_Cophtes~] becaufe they are circumcifed i and in git. 5. he faith, They call themfelves Chriftians of the firft Converfion. PbocM^ a mean Captain in "fbracia, in a fedition of the people did kill his Soveraign Mauritius the Emperour, ufurped the Crown, and held the Empire feven years. He gave unto Pope Boniface the Title of Univerfal Bifhop, which Title Gregory his PredecefFour had difclaim- cd. Gregory devifed many new Rites, yet tied not others to follow them : For when Auguftine (whom he fent into Britain) demanded of him, feeing the Faith is one, why are the cuftomes of the Church divers > and why is one fort of Mafs in R0rae, and another in France ? Gregory anfvvereth , Thy Brotherhood knows the cuftome of the Roman Church, in which thou haft been nourifned but it pleafeth me, whe- ther in the Church of Rome, or of France, or in any other, thou haft feen any thing that may pleafe the Almighty God, that thou diligent- ly follow it. In France the two Sons of Cbildebert , T^eodorick^ and Ibeodebert (their Grandmother Erunehault working that thing) reigned with per- petual difagreement among themfelves> and with Clotbaritts. Ibeo- debert being overcome by his Brother in Battel, Anno 612. is ilain by his own Soldiers at Colonia : T^heodoric]^ dieth the year following t. Brunebault being hated of the French^ Anno 613. Clotbarius having obtained the whole Kingdom of tfc Frencb^ bound ftmnebault with a Cable rope 5 M her about with wild Horfes, and tare her to pieces. Thus 3 a 5O)e cecieftaftical $tfto# Cent. 7 . Thus by God's judgement She died mod juftly, who had cruelly caufed many others to die. Thus died Brunebault, only commended in Hi- ftories to have built many Temples, and given great revenues for the DC Serres Hift. maintenance thereof, whilft (he wallowed in her pleafures. St. Gre- gory hath fet down certain Letters of his to Brunehault^ wherein he commends her highly (though bafely flattering her) for her Piety and fingular Wifdom. Chtbaritu feeing himfelf King of fo great a Monarchy, after a long and horrible confufion of inteftine wars, ufed all diligence to pacific the Realm. He augmented the great Authority of the Maires of the Palace, who controlled Kings, and in the end ufutped the Royalty, whereas they were before but Controllers of the King's Houfe, not of the Realm. He had one only Son, whofe name was Vagobert : He committed him to Armtlfb Bifhop of Metz t a learned and good man to 'be intruded by him. 'Petries church- Agreftin who had been Clerk to King Ibeodoricl^ entred the Abby Hift. laCent. 7. Lexoviett with all his wealth,, but he foon became weary of the fuper- fUtious Rites, and left the Abby :, Then went-heto Aquileia^ (which then was not under the Romilh yoke) and from thence he wrote unto JLujlafittf Abbot of Lexovien againft the Rites of the Monks, exhort- ing him to reje& thofe Rites. Euftafw and his Convent exclude him out of their Society. For removing this Controverfie was AfTembled the fourth Council at Matifcon in Burgundy -, there Agreftin accufeth Euftafmt of many fuperftitious Ceremonies, contrary to Canonical In- ftitution, viz. That they did ufe to lick a Cockle marked with a Crofs, Teft. ve- and ufed Hallowings when they went in or out of an houfe > they fttf multiplied Prayers and Collects in the Mafs > they ridiculoufly cut off Abb. their hair, and abftained from the company of men : but the Bimops .condemned Agreftin. Hence we fee, that fome perfons did not allow the Rites creeping in, and thelnventers of them were but private per- fons, and the Abetters were pleafed with the leaft ihadow of Reafon. Clotharius dieth in the year 631. having Governed 44 years from his cradle, and patted happily through many perillous difficulties : He left his Son Vagobert for his Succeflbur. Ttagoben at his coming to the Crown found great difficulties among his Subje&s, being bred up without Juftice, under the long licentioui- ntfs of Civil Wars, and the lenity of Clotbaire , whereto he provided wifely, reducing Ju-ftice, fortifying it by his Authority, with fo good a moderation, as no man was offended at his feverity, neither durft any man attempt any thing againft the Laws, feeing both the reign and the rod in the hands of their Lawful Prince : To this good Order he pro- feffed to love holy things i and the better to confirm this Opinion in the minds of his Subjects, he builj and enriched many Temples, efpe- cialy that of St. Venti, the which hath fince been theSqpulchre of the French Kings. This Cent. 7- Of FRANCE. This King was much ruled by the forenamcd Arnulpb Bifhop of , and by Pepin Major of the King's Palace : This Pepin was Grandfather to that Pepin, who was the firft King of the fecond Race of the French Kings, and began to deal abfolutely in the Government Fabian's chron. of the Realm. Vagobert and all his Realm were in great honour and ran -s* tranquillity, till the death of Arnulpb, after which the King began to change his conditions to the hurt of his whole Realm. There were at this time great numbers of Jews in Frame, the which were hurtful to the Realm : Vagobert banifhed them by a perpetual Edift out of the Territories under his obedience. But this Zeal of Re- ligion was blemilhed with the foul Wot of Adultery, which made him infamous both to his Subjects and to Strangers. Amandut BUhop of Paris reproved him for his fault i but Vagobert impatient thereof ba- nifhed him : Yet by the earned perfwafion of Pepin, he yielded to Reafon, and having difmiffed many of his lewd followers, he calleth home Amandm again from banimment. Amandw was a man famous for Holinefs in thofe dayes. At that time Auftregefil was Bifhop of Bi- tures, Lttput Bithop of Sent, Bavo was converted from a robber by Amandus. Columban likewife being much vexed by Brttnebattlt, lived under Clotbariut, and his Scholar Galuf. Projetius was a Martyr in Aquitain, he was fucceflbur to Serenw Bi- fhop of MarfeiEes. Vagobert having Affembled the Eftates of France in great folemnity at Bygttage, he made his Tefiament, and Ordained, that he made his younger Son Clovis King of France, and his elder Son Sigebert King of Fabian's chro- Ateftrafia or Lorain. His Teftamen.t he had caufed before to be written nic - in ifour fundry skins, endented to be read, and then lealed with cer- tain feals i whereof the one he willed to be kept in the Treafury of St. Denis , the fecond in the Treafury of the City of Lions ; the third in the Treafury of Me tz, in Lorain i and the fourth in the Kings Trea- fury. Vagobert died having Reigned fourteen years, and was buried in the forefaid Monaftery. To maintain the invocation of Saints, the Papifts fay, that at that time the foul of Vagobert King of France was delivered out of the hands of the Devil by Vionyfm and Maurice Martyrs, and Martin jhc Confeflbr, whom Vagobert had Adored. A Council was Aflembled in a Town of France, called in Latin Al- Symfon'schurch- tijidormn, vulgarly Aitxerre, in which were met a number of Abbots fc^*' 4> and Presbyter's, w^h one Bi(hop, and three Deacons. In this Council they condemned Sorcery, and the confulting with Sorcerers, in the firft, third, fourth and fifth Canons, whereby it ap- peareth, that Sorcery hath been in frequent ufe in France. Many fuperftitious Conftitutions were fct down in this Synod con- cerning the number of Maffcs j prohibition of tafting meat before Mais, F concerning 34 %De ccciefiaftical ^tfto?v cent. 7. concerning burial -, prohibition of Baptifm before the Fetfivity of Ea- fter, except upon neceffity, and fear .of approaching death ; prohibiti- on of Matrimonial copulation with their own Wives to Presbyters and Deacons after their Blelfing and ConfecratioiK, with prohibition of Marriage alfo to the Widows of the defundV Presbyters, Deacons, or. Sub-deacons Brothers and Sifters Children are forbidden to marry. They Ordained, that it is not lawful for a Presbyter to fit in judge- ment, when any man is condemned to death. That it is not lawful for a Clergy- man to cite another of the Cler- gy before a Secular Judge. That it is not lawful for a Woman with a naked hand to touch the Holy Eucharift. That it is not lawful to take refrefhment of meat with an excom- municate perfon. If any of the Clergy receive an excommunicate perfon, without the knowledge of him who did excommunicate him, he (hall receive the like fentence, that is, he (hall be likewifc excommunicated. That it is not lawful for a Presbyter in Banquetting-time to fing or dance. Many Canons, to the number of 45^ were concluded in this Coun- cil : But I (hall not trouble you with an heap of unprofitable, unne- ceflary and fuperftitious Canons. Another Council was afterwards called at Cabition, vulgarly called Cb'alon, which is a Town in Burgundy , not far diftant from Matifcon. In this Town, by the Commandment of Clovif King of France, con- vened 44 Bifhops : Gandericus Bi(hop of Lions was Prefident , and Laudilenus Bithop of Vienna, fbeodomi Bi(hop of Aries, becaufe he refufcd to appear before the Council, was fufpended from his Office until the next Council. In this Synod the Canons of the Council of Nice had great allow- ance. . It was forbidden that two Bi(hops (hould be Ordained in one Town > that no man {hould fell a Chriftian Servant to a Jew and . that two Abbots (hould not be chofen to govern one Monaftery. That no labouring of the ground, or other fecular work (hall be done on the Lord's day i with many other Canons coincident with the Canons of other Councils. Clovif the fecond married a Gentlewoman of Saxony , named Baudour, a Lady of good life, and much given to Devotion, as the Abby otSbel* les, St. Baudour^ with other Foundations do witnefe. Whilft (he bu fied her fell in her Devotion , and to build Monafteries, Clwis ad- dicted himfelfto fenfuality : Yet one memorable thing is recorded of him, In a time of great dearth, to relieve the poor people, he fuffered them to take the Silver wherewith the Temple of St, Pfw* had been covered by. Dageberti Aintc Cent. 7- Of FRANCE. 35 Aimo faith, that two years after, a famous AiTembly of Bifliops be- ing had, he appointed the Monaftery of T>ionyfiuf^ which his Father had built nigh unto the City, to be free from the Jurifdi&iorrof all Bifliops , Landeric^ the Chief Ruler of Paris agreeing to it. Cloivt died Anno 660. of his Reign 17. At the fame time Ercbenwald Ma- jor of the Palace dying, Ebruin fucceedeth him : From which time the French Kings being let loofe into floth and riot, the Government of the Affairs of State came to the Majors of the Palace : The Kings being contented only, with the Name or Title, contained themfelves in their Palace, neither came they but once every year (viz. in the Ka- lends of May) into open view of the r^bple. Clotbarius^ the ddeft Son of Clow fucceeded his Father, but hav- ing Reigned four years he died, Anno 66^ Ibeodonc]^ his Brother for. a (hort fpace was Chief \ but the French being weary of this man, (hut up Theodorick^'m a Monaftery, being (haven at St. Dems in Paris^ and Ebruin at Luxovien : Then Cbilde- r/'d^ was made King, who after three years Reign was flain by fiodil'e a Noble French man, whom he had commanded, being bound to the (lump of a tree, to be whipped with rods. His Queen alfo being great with Child, was killed by the fame Bodille. Ebruin fecretly breaking out of the Monaftery , again invadeth the Petav.Hift Lieutenantthip of the Palace, and killeth Leudefms the Son of Erchen- Llb ' *' wald Major of the Palace, and Leodegar Chief Ruler of Augttj}odunum t whom after he had been tortured with divers torments, and in an AfTembly of Bifhops fpoiled of his Dignity, he commanded to be fmit- ten with a fword. In thofe times there were many in France flourifhing in Holinefs, among whom Eligius Bifliop of Noviomutn, and Audoentts Bi(hop of Roven are mentioned. Eligittt died in the feventieth year of his Age. Audoenus died being ninety years old, in the 44 year of his BHhoprick. Private perfons alfo graced France with an exact holinefs of Life, viz. Furfeus, FoftatMs^ Vltan^ who having come out of Ireland built Mo* nafteries in France. Thierri the firft is now made King of France, a King in ftew, who is a fpe&ator of divers Tragedies. Ibierri dieth having reigned 19 years. Ebrttin in the third year after the death of Leodegar was thruft tho- row by Hermenfrid j then Pepin governeth the Kingdom. Clovis the third, the eldeft Son of Tbierri reigned four years, an//;, befides his Lawful Wife called Plettrtide^ held a woman named Alptid, for the which the forenamed Lambert reproved him. Of this Alfaid he had a Son whom he named Charles j which Charles was after firnamed Martel^ and was very profitable to the Realm of France. Alfa id can fed Bifhop Lambert to be flain by her Brother P0- dm, who foon after felt the pumthment of this blood > for being djf- eafed with Worms, not able to endure his own ftench, he caft hirafelf headlong into the River Meuze. Pepinupou his death- bed Ordained Charles his Baftard to fucceed him in the Government of the Realm. But Plettrude after the death of Pepin caufeth Charles to be imprifoned at Colen, and advanceth 7l&/- 1 katild to the Government, although in effecl: She under. his Name go- verned all the Affairs of State. T>agobert dying at this time, the French took a Prince of the blcod, called !><*/?/, out of a Cloyfter : Him they called King, under the Name of Cbilperic the fecond } and they give him a Noble Man of France, called Raivfroy to be his Major, who DC Serm hift. having lea vied an Army, defeated Ihibauld^ and his Grandmother Pie* Srude in battel. But Charles Martel getting out of prifon aflifteth Pie- nrude, gathereth Forces, and overcpmeth the new King and Krf/'- frey. Charles is now received and inftalled -Major of Frifttce, and having afCurcd himfelf of the Children of King Dagobert^ he caufcd them to he gently brought up in a Monattery. . At Coleu he feizeth on Pleftrude and Ihibauld, and infli&s no o- ther punimment upon them, but enjoyns thenj to live quiet, and to attempt nothing without his liking. He pardons Rahifioy, and gives him the Government of Anji^u. He tiegradcth Cbilperic^ being ad- vanced againft Law, and caufeth theddeft Son of . Dagobe rt to be cho- fen Cent. 8. Of FRANCE. 37 fen King, named Cbilperic- the third. Cbilperic dies having reigneck five years, and in his place his Brother Tbierri was crowned King : He reigned ten years, and dying left his Son Cbilderick^ the laft King of ihis firft race of t\\e$erwtgiens. Charles Martd from Major of the Palace, is chofen Duke or Prince of the French. Eudo, Prince of the Gafcoigns, to whom Rainfroy -joyned himfelf, called in the Saracens with their King Abdiram out of Spain, Anno 725. whom Charles met, and killed them with an univerfal llaughter: there were (lain in one day three hundred feventy and five thoufand,and of the Frencb fifteen hundred, among which were many of the Nobi- lity and men of Note. And having recovered Burgundy and Lions, in the year following Eudo dying^ he invaded Aquitain, and overthrew the S-aracens in great numbers invading France in the year 731, and regained Avignon taken by them, and forceth them to abandon Narbon, and the whole Country to his mercy. At that time divers devout Monks lived in France, viz. Vandegrifil of Fontinel, a builder of Mo- nafteries, of whom Sigebert makes mention : Vrfmar of Lobia, a Founder of a Monaftery : Bertine, Abbot of Sithiena, and holy JLgi- dins. Childeric was King in (hew nine years, five under the Authority of Anno 744. Agra Charles MarteL and four under Pepin the Son of Charles whodifpof* . thc ' i , m , c , of * King Childenc, ICfledhim.. called a Council Charles Martel having governed the Kingdom five and twenty years "^^affifted dieth : He had four Sons, Carloman, Pepin, Giles and Grypbo : Giles in pcrfon, rogc* was made Bifhop of Rbotomaum, and lift his Government affigned g h r e, t Tft Pwrs of hicn by his Father unto Carloman and Pepiit, and they two divide the the Land; Kingdom, and Govern each one his own part under the Title of their Father, as is apparent by the firft words of the Council under Carlo- man : In the Name of our Lord Jefus Chrifi^ I Carloman, P% and Prince of the French, in the year from the inoarnation of Cbrijl 742, on the i i th of the Kalends of March, by the advice of the fervants of God, and of my Nobes, I have Aflembled the Ei/hops in -my Kingdom, &c. Within (even years after this Synod, he laid allde his Princely Autho-r rity, faith BeVarmine, and entred into a Clnyfter, becomes a-Monk, and fo dieth at Vienna^ and. then all the Authority was in Pepix alone. Grypbo had rebelled again ft Carloman., but at laft F/wrtook him in Italy, and caufed him to- be beheaded. Atino 753. Pepin having the Government alone aimed at an higher Title.. 'Bhndus and others, who have written .the Ads of the French^ fay, that the Nobility and Ccmmonult^ of th-c Nation, duly confidering the worthintfs of Tepin, and fottifbneG of Childeric, confulted with Zacbary Bi(hop of Koff v whether :thcy Ou-uld tolerate fo foolifh a King any longer, and defraud Pepin of his dtlcrvcd Princely honour. 3 8 3D&e ecclefiaftical $itto# Cent. 8. 'And when the Pope anfwered,That he was moft worthy to bcaKing, Hift Je ?c >ardl " W ^ C U '^ ^ eft ^(charge the Office of a King, the French, with the publick confent of the whole Nation, did pronounce Pepin for their King, and Childeric^ was fhaven, and made a Monk. Then the Pope wrote unto Boniface Bifhop of Mentz to Anoint Pepin King of France, and declare all his Subjeds free from their Oath of Allegiance unto their lazy Soveraign. The Pope was chiefly moved hereunto, with JauvoSS. " hope to draw help from P?/>/' againft the Lumbards, his mortal ene- mies. Pepin, Anno 755. called almort all the G*//ic and that alwayes in Lent he give an account of his Miniftry, whether of Baptifm, or Catholick Faith, and prayers and order of Maffes. Then he forbiddeth facrirtce to the dead, and other profane Rites of the Hea- then. He appointeth punifhments againft the Fornications and Adul- teries of Monks. It was alfo decreed, that Monks and Nuns fhould live within their Abbies and Cloyfters, according to the Rule of their Father Benedict. Pope Stephen confirmed Pepin and his Heirs for Kings of France, and of him asked aid to withftand the Power of Aijittlphus then King of Lontbardy, who then had exadted Tribute from certain Lands be- longing to the-BHhop of Rome, and becaufe it was refufed, took up Arms. The Pope wrote a Letter, direfted to the Kings of France, and to all Biihpps, Abbots, Priefts and Monks, and to the Glorious Dukes and Counts, and unto the whole Army of the Kingdom of France : Stephen, Cent. 8. Of FRANCE. 39 Stephen, Tope, and all the "Bijkofs, Pr ie ft s and T)e aeons, T)ukf.s, Counts , "People and Army of the Romans, all being in aaguijh, with how doleful and bitter grief we are entompajfed OH every fide , with how great per- plexity and doxbtfulnefi we are drjirejfed, and bow many tears our eyes do foed, becaufe of the continual troubles which are multiplyed upon us, we tbink^ that the fmaHeft part of all the elements do declare : for who be* holding our tribulations will not mourn? who bearing of our calamities wiUnot lament? Ajfli&ion is on every fide, and we know not what to do ! Oye Chriftians ! behold the dayes of trouble, the dayes of mourning and bitternefS are come upon w i It is come (as we feared) from the Lombards, fir we are afflifted, diftrejjed, and befieged on every fide by their moft un- godly King Aiftulph, and that Nation : Iherefore with the Prophet, we pray the Lord^ faying, Help uf God of our Salvation, and for the bo- nmr of thy Name deliver us, &c. And now becaufe Aiftulphus with an Army hath pitched his "Tents, and encamped againji M, and hath often faid ^tnto us, Open unto me the Gate of Salaria, that I may enter into your City, and give me your High Prieft, and I will foew Clemency unto you : If not, beware, left when I have battered down your walls, I kjttyou al- together with the fword \ and let me fee, who can deliver you out of mine hand : Wherefore our Beloved, I befeech you, and (of if I were prefent) I adjure you by the tnyfteries before the true and living God, and before St. Peter the- Prince of the Apoftles, that with great freed you help us, left we perijh feeing tinder God roc have committed all our lives into your- hands, forfake us not. After this the Pope fent another Letter in the Name of St. Peter, A Letter nt fa as if it had been written from Heaven, which beginneth thus : Peter the njroe of St. ^ called an Apoftle, Grace, Peace, and Power, to deliver the Holy Church of God, and the People of Rome committed to me from the hands of their enemies, be fully given from the Lord God unto you moft ex- cellent men Pepin, &c. and to the moft holy Bifliops, Abbots, Presby- ters, and all Religious Monks, &c. I Peter, the Apofle of God, who have yon my adopted Children, to deliver from the enemies band tbii Ro~ man City, and the people committed of God unto me , provoking ati your Love, do exhort, and protecting do admonijhyou to deliver the Church j>f God, which by Divine Power is commended to me, feeing they fujfer very great ajfliftions and oppreflion by the moft wicked Nation of the Lombards. "Ibink^ not otherwife, but certainly believe it, that I my felf am ftanding alive m the flefh before you i and our Lady, the Mother ef God, the Vir- gin Mary , with w, doth adjure you with the greateft Obligations , and Prote(ietb,Admonifheth,andCommandetb,8cc. Behold, herewith what fooleries and impieties they would bewitch the world. But Pcpin did not leavy an Army until Pope Stephen came into France : And when he took his journey, he commended himfelf to St. M*ry, and his flock unto St. Peter : Pepin hearing of his coming, fent 40 3CDe cccleftattical $ffio?p Cent. 8 . fcnt his Son Charles an hundred miles to meet him, and when he came within three leagues of Carifiac, Pepin went forth unto him, and re- turned on foot, and the Pope on horfeback : Then Pepin was crown- ed again by the Pope for the greater pomp. Pepin went into Italy t and forceth Aiftulpb to give hoftages to render unto the Pope all due Right : But after the return of Pepin into France., Aiftulph with new Forces doth more mifchief to Rowf. Then Pope Stephen wrote ano- ther Supplication to Pepin, who made no delay, but forceth Aiftulph to perform the former conditions, and to give unto the Pope the ex- archate of Ravenna. Within a year Aifiulph dieth, then a divifion arifeth between Racbu and Vefideriitf for the Kingdom. Then Ste- phen wrote his fourth Epiftle unto Pepin, giving him thanks for his aid, wifl^ing many bleflings unto him, and (hewing, that Aijiulph was ftricken by the hand of God, and drowned in the bottom of Hell, and that by the hands of Peter Prince of the Apoftles, and by thy moft powerful arm [fpeaking unto Pepin~\ Defiderittf, a moft mild man, was Ordained King of the Lombards, who had fworn to reftore unto St. Peter the Cities, Faventia, Infitbres and Ferrara, with all their Terri- tories i and alfo Aufimo, Aucona, Humana, Eona, with all their Terri- tories i and he had fworn to keep peace with the Church of St. Peter , and to be Loyal unto the Crown of France, and entreated Pepin to ap- prove the Coronation of Defiderixf upon thefe conditions. Henceforth the Pope began to lift up his head, and having large Territories given unto him, will not reft until he be Monarch of the world. When Stephen had peace he began to repair the Churches which Aiflulpb had caufed to be thrown down 3 and died in the fixth year of his Pa- pacy. SJ'J' 8 Chronl ' Tlien Ga 'f er Duke of Gttienne impofed a Tribute upon the Lands of the Clergy in his Dukedom without their cnnfent > wherefore the Bi- {hops for a redrefs complained unto King Pepin thereof i Pep'm repro- ved tl> Duke for it : but the Duke not regarding the Kings Admoni- tion, Pepin foon after with an Army entred the Territory of Guienne, wafting and fpoiling the Countrey. Hereupon the Duke hearkened to him, and bound himfelf to reftore unto the Clergy what he had ex- torted from them. But the. King being returned into France, the Duke gathering Forces together, fent them to the City of Chahurs in Bar- gundy, and did much hurt to that Town and Countrey. The King being forely difcontented at it, returned with his People into Gttien, and therein beat down many ftrong holds and Caftles, and took or won Burbon, Cancarvile and Cleremont, and wafted the Coun- try with fire and fword till he came to Limoger. The winter coming on, the King having ftrengthened the forefaid Cities, Towns and ftjrong Holds that he had won, and then rode to a place called Cans, there kept his Chriftmafs and Eafter. In the next Spring he re-entred the forefaid Cent. 8. flf FRANCE, 41 forefaid Dutchy, and took by force the Cities of Bourges and The People of that Countrcy confidering the obftinacy of their Duke, murthered thefaid Duke, and after yielded themfelves and their Country to the King, with all fuch Treafure and Jewels as to the faid Duke belonged i whereof King Pepin offered a great part unto St. De- MS. Then this victorious Prince was vexed with grievous ficknefs i wherefore in all haft hefped him to St. Martin's^ where he made cer- tain Prayers and Oblations : And from thence (his ficknefs increafing) he was conveyed unto P*ra, where he (hortly after died, when he had reigned as King there by the fpace of eighteen years. After the death of Pepiu the Eftates of France Aflemble, and by their confents Charles and Carloman his Sons divide the Realm between them by equal portions. Charles was Crowned at Wormes^ Carloman. at SoiJJoHS : But by the death of Carloman the whole Realm came to Charles within three years after the death of his Father. Charles was endued with fingular gifts both of body and mind i he had the inftrudHons of a virtuous Converfation, and was bred up in Learning and Arms : He was Religious, and reverenced the Churches and Paftors , he was a great Juftitiary, a reliever of the poor, and kept his Faith both to friend and foe i he was a lover of Learning and learned men : Paul of Pifa inftru&ed him in the Greek and Latin Tongues, and Aimon in Philofophy and the Mathematickes : He de- lighted in Poetry, but efpecially in Hiftory, in which he was well read. The Univerfity of Paris built (or enriched) by him, doth witnefs the love and honour he bare to learning. A valiant man, none command- ed with more obedience, nor performed any thing with greater for- tune, nor ufed his Victories with more mildnefs and judgement. Ne- ver did King reign with more Authority, nor was more reverently obeyed than Charlemagne, About the Year 7^6 Charles King of France made a league with Archaius King of Scots : Arcbaius fent unto him Albinu^ or Aku'inw^ John Melrofe (fo named from the Abby Melrofe) Claudiuf^ Clemens and Anthony, all very devout and learned men. John Melrofe became Abbot of the Auguftinians at 'ficino^ and Clax- Btleincv&r. >* dins was Bithop of Attxerre-: They wrote fcveral works, as John Bale , fheweth. Alcuinus had good knowledge of the Latin and Greek Languages : BibHoth.rfeia . Charles calleth him his Mafter, in an Epiftle written unto him, T>eSe~ Bi e ne > 7 ' 7 ptuagef. & Sexagef. He hath many excellent things in divers of his Books and Writings. T)efideriM began to make War firft againft the City of Ravenna^ and the Marches thereof, and took the Cities of Ferrara , Faventia^ and other Towns. The Pope fent to Charles the Great for aid, who came into Italy with great Forces : "Deftderius fled to P*via 9 and was there G befieged : ccrttftaftical $tfto?p Cent. 8. befieged : Charles leaving an Unkk of his at the fiege of Pavia, went againlt Verona, which he took without any great difficulty : From thence he went to Rome to kifs the Pope's Foot, and to hold the Feafr of Eafter, where he was received with great Solemnity. After this his .coming thither, he confirmed to the Church and Popes of Rome, the Donation which his Father Pepin-hzd made of Ravenna, and other Lands, and made another of many other places, among which is reckoned the Ifle of Corfica, and all the Coaft of Genoua, with the Cities of Parma, Ancona, Vrbin, and many other Towns, befides Rome and the Territories thereof, which the Popes had already in pof- fellion i fo as to the Emperours remained only that part of Italy, which is part of Calabria, and of Pnglia, and a great part of that which now is the Kingdom of Naples Charles having been eight dayes in Rome, returned againft T>e- jideriw, who after fix moneths befieging in Pavia, yielded upon compe- tition, and Charles carried him with him, and banifhed both him and his Sons into a certain Illand, and then took Milan, and all the other Cities in Lombardy, which is the Ancient Galiia Cifatyina, where he placed French men for Dukes and Governours : So Italy remained in his Obedience, excepting thofe Lands and Provinces which were left to the Church of Rome : fo ended the Kingdom of the Lombards, which had continued 204 years in Italy. In the Year 787, Charles being departed from Rome to come into France, as foon as he was arrived at Wormet (faith Rhegno) he called a Synod, and declared the Reafons of his journey to the Clergy and Princes of his Realm. We find the French Synods in thofe dayes oftentimes to have con- lifted both of Lay-men and Clergy-men, joyntly to determine of mat* ters, as well Ecclefiaftical as Civil. Charles the Great did the like in the Council of Franckford, where he difcourfed points $f Faith, and made them deliver their Opinions upon fuch as himfdf ; propofed. The Canons and Decrees alfo run in hi* Name, the Emperour (faith he) hath Ordained with the confent of the Synod, &c. In the Year 794 Charles Affembled this Council at Franckford, partly in regard of the Heretick Fcelix, who called Chrift, The Adoptive Son of God in humane nature, and was condemned in a Council AfTem- bled at Ratisbon. But he was returned to his vomit again, and there- fore was now again condemned as a notable Heretick in the Coun- cil of Franckfor d i partly alfo in refpeftof the great contention which arofe every where concerning the worshipping of Images, difallowed in the Council of CoHjlantmtfle, and allowed in the fecond Council of Rfiegno. Sub. AnnHm 787. Vide AftaCon- cil. Francf. in libcllo facro. T t . ;., Not only the Bifnops of f ranee , but alfo of Germany and Lombardy (as Cent. 8. Of FRANCE. 43 f (as Provinces fubjed: to the King of France) were prefent at this Coun- cil : The Pope fent his AmbaflTadors, Iheopbilatt and Stephanus to the Council, King Charlet himfelf alfo was prefent thereat. Alcninw wrote again ft the Heretic of Foelix, and Elipandrus BKhop Akuin. contr. of Toledo, and in his fecond Book faith, Shew us any Nation, Town Fc or Church, either Roman or Confiantinopolitan, or of Jerufalem (which was Dedicated by the prefence of the Lord himfelO or of Antiocb, where firft the Name of Chriftianity is read to have been, or of Alex- andria, or of any other Church, either in Italy, or Germany^ or in France, or in Aquitain, or in 'Britain, which agreeth with you in your aflertion. Here he acknowledgeth all thefe to be true Churches at that time, and diftinguiiheth them one from another. Fcelix continued in his errour till Alcumw wrote againft him, and then he became Zealous of the Truth, and wrote a Recantation unto the Presbyters and Deacons of his Church, That as he had been a fcandal unto them, fo by his means they may be brought again from Errour unto the Truth, as he himfelf writeth : And this Recantati- on is printed among the Works of Alcuimts. But Eli f ant Arch-Bifhop of Toledo, having read the feven Books of Alcuinw, wrote very fliarp- ly for maintaining the fame Errour. ft. Hoveden writeth, that Charles the Great fent over into England R.Hovwfcnfh the Ads of a Synod fent him from Constantinople, for the Adoration of co Images : Againft this Adoration (faith he) Akuinws wrote an Epiftle well-grounded on Divine Scriptuies, and carried it with fome Sy no- dical Ads in the names of the Englijh Princes and Biftiops to the King of France. All Italy being now in peace under the protection of King Charles, two Cardinal Priefts of great account, called Pafcal and Capulw, con- fpired againft Pope Leo, who with their complices apprehended him on a day as he was going in Proceffion : Some fay they put out his eyes, and cut out his tongue, committing him prifoner to the Mona- ftery of St. TLrafnm, publifting abroad, that they did it for the crimes by him committed, and the Errours by him maintained. Some Au- thors affirm, that he was miraculoufly reftored to his light and fpeech. Hereupon King Charles cometh to 'Rome , accompanied with many great Dukes, and other Princes, his Subjects : To him came out of Italy, and from many other parts, many Bifhops and Prelates. After eight dayes abode there, he commanded all the Princes and Prelates which then were in the City to be AfTembled ', and the Pope himfelf, and all the reft being together, there were fome that accufed the Pope to the Emperour. Then the Emperour openly asked every mans opi- nion concerning thofe accufations i all anfwered, That no man ought to judge the Head of the Church : which the King obferving, he ask- ed no more queftions. G 2 The 44 3Efle ccrlcfiattical %tfto?y Cent. 8. The next day all being Re-afTembled, the Pope went up into the Eulpit, and taking i Book of the Holy Evangelifts in his hands, faid with a loud voice, That he fwareby God, and thofe Holy Evangelifts, That all that which his Adverfaries had laid to his charge, was falfe and untrue i and that he had neither committed, nor thought any fuclv matter as they objected j but that they had of malice and envy flan- dered himi and that he therefore publickly made this Proteftation, and confirmed it by his Oath, feeing that to them all the manner of hi* Life and Government was well known. His Oath was allowed, and himfelf commended, and the King com- manded his Accufers, Pafcal and Capulus to be fought out, and put to death : But the Pope was content their lives (hould be (pared, fo as* they might be committed to prifon, and thence be condemned to per- petual exile. Eight dayes after, the Pope having confidered, firft, how much the- Greek Emperours envied his Greatnefs, together with the fmall affe- ction they bare to the wor(hipping of Images, and other points, where- in they were oppofite to the Church of Rome j and then how requi- iite it was to have an Emperour which might maintain the Provinces of Italy in peace, which were often difturbed i but chiefly to (hew himfelf grateful for the benefits, which he and the Church of Rome had received from him and the Houfe of France : But above all, for ac- cepting his Proteftation in his own defence, for a proof of his Inte- grity, he refolved to make Charles the Great Emperour, and to Tran- flate the Head of the Empire into the Weft. And having ruminated hereupon, againft the day of the Nativity of Chrift, he commanded . all the Prieits, Cardinals, and all the other Prelates to come to a Mafs, whither Charles was alfo invited, and came j together with all the o- ther Princes, and fo about the midft of the. Mats, the Pope then fay- ing it, he turned about from the Altar to the People, and with a loud voice faid, That he did there Ele&, Create and publifli Charles the, Great, the moft Mighty and Victorious King of Italy , of the Germans^ and of the Frenchmen^ Emperour and ever Atfgttjlus. Which being. done, he fet the Imperial Crown upon his head, and all thofe which were prefent confented thereunto, with acclamations and applaufes, . faying, 70 the moji Godly , ever Auguft us, Great and moft Viftorigus Em~ perottr Charles, God grant long life and vittory. This acclamation being ended, the Pope anointed him, and then . and there alfo. anointed and entituled his Son. Pepin (with the good' liking and content of his Father) King of Italy. Which Coronations were penformed with great Feaftings and Solemnity, upon Chriftmafs . day, Anno 800. So Charles remained Emperour ? and the Empire was tranfported .: from the Greekj to the Germans* Cent. 9. Of FRANCE. Pope Adrian with his whole Synod (which confifted of one hun- dred tifty three Biftiops, Abbots, and Religious perfons) had given bi- fore the right and power of Electing the Pope unto Charles the Great, and further Ordained, That the Arch-BHhops and Btthops of all the Provinces (hould receive their inveftiture from him, in fuch fort as- no BUhop can be Confecrated by any man, unlefs he be approved and inverted by the King, pronouncing, an Anathema againft fuch as fhall do otherwife, Century IX. CHarles having left his Son Pepin in Italy, vifiteth Germany, fub~ dueth the Saxons^ and reduceth them to the Chriftian Faith. He had Wars with them for the fpace of thirty years > he of- tentimes fubdued them, and gave them their Liberty upon condition- they would embrace the Chriftian Religion : but on every occafion their Duke Wedekjnd caft off both Loyalty and Chriftianity. At feveral - times when Charles had obtained a Victory he erected a new Bifhop- rick : He founded feven Epifcopal Cities in that Province, giving ..*** them Princely Power, becaufe he judged that thofe fierce people might be tamed by Religion rather than by Arms. Thefe were Bremen, Ver- da, Minda, Padeburn, Ofnaburg, Hildefiein, Halberjladt. The Hiftorian (aith, Although Charles gave unto the Bifhops power of Governing,. yet the Nobles did not altogether lofe their Power : whence it came to pafs, that when the War was ended, the Secular Power beyond the Vefer, was acknowledged by them all to belong unto him. At laft, becaufe the Saxons had fo often revolted, he removed ten thoufand of - them, with their Wives and Children into Brabant and Flanders, and fent and fettled fome French in that Province, and left his Son Charles. there with an Army to keep them in obedience. Charles understood that the Latin Tranflation of the Bible was much Baro* Annit. corrupted through the of Writers, and gave it in charge Tc $ 9> ad "''"" unto Alcuiwt* to amend the Tranflation i who did Correct both the-* Old and New Teftameat, as 'Baronm teftifieth. . Alcuinus was Governour of the Monaftery of St. Martin at fourf j . yet was he neither a Monk, nor a Prieft, but contented himfelf with the Order of a Deacon : He died on Whitfunday, Anno 804. Pfpin King of Italy and Charles, two Sons of Charles the Great died before him, . when- 46 3C|)e ttlefta(Hcai$tftoM? cent. 9. When Charles the Emperour was now Aged, and faw many abufes in the Church, he endeavoured by all means poffible to procure Refor- mation of the lewd manners of Churchmen : therefore he appointed Symfon'schurch- at onetime, (namely in the year 813.) five National Councils, to be Hift. CM, 9, Convened in divers places for the Reformation of the Clergy and Peo- ple- : One was Convened at Mentz, a fecond at 'Rkemer, the third at 7W/, the fourth at Cabition or Cbalon, and the fifth at Arks. In all thefe Councils no oppofition was made to the Council of Frankjord; neither was the adoration of Images avowed in any of the Councils : So available is the Authority of a Prince for fnppreffing of falfe Do- drine and Herefie. In the Council of Mentz were Aflembled thirty Bifhops, twenty five Abbots, with a great number of Priefts, Monks and Judges. After three dayes abftinence and failing, joyned with Litanies, publick pray- e*s, and imploring Gods affiftance, they divided themfelves into three Companies. fn the firft were the Bifhops with fome Scribes, reading the Hiftory of theGofpel, and the EpHHes, and Ads of the Apoftles , together with the Canons and Works of the Ancients, and the Paftoral Book of Gregory, to the end, that by the Precepts contained in thofe Books, the enormity of mens lives might be corrected. In the fecond Company were Abbots and Monks, reading the Rules of St. Eenedift) for the reformation of the lives of Monks. In the third Company were Lords and Judges, pondering the caufes of all men, who came to complain that wrong was done unto them. The firft, fecond and third Canons of this Council , entreat con- cerning Faith, Hope and Charity. The fourth concerning the Sacraments to be miniftred, chiefly at Eafterand Whitfunday, &c. The fifth, that unity and concord (hall be kept in the Church, be- caufe we have one common Father in Heaven, one Mother, viz. the Church on Earth, one Faith, one Baptifm, and one Celeftial inheri- tance prepared for us, &c. The fixth and feventh Canons entreat of Orphanes and poor Peo- ple, whofe weaknefs is to be fupported. The eighth Canon recommendeth unity to be kept betwixt men in fpiritual Offices, and Civil Judges. The ninth and tenth Canons prefcribe to the Clergy Precepts of a modeft and fober life, with abftinence from the delicate pleafures of the world, from theatrical fpe&acles, from pomps and unhoneft ban- quets : Ufury, Avarice and Ambition, Deceit and Conjurations, and many other fins were alfo reftrained. I'pafs by the Precepts concerning the behaviour of Monks and Nuns, and the fabrick of their dwelling places. In Cent. 9. Of FRANCE. 47 * In the 32 Canon, the difference bet ween TUTSCV^OC and is fet down. In the 33 th , the great Litany, or Rogations to be obferved three dayes by all Chriftians, with fafting, fack cloth, a(hes, walking bare- footed, and all kind of humble carriage. In the 34, 35, and 3x5, publick faftings, anetkeeping of feftival dayes is commanded. In the 37, That the Sabbath-day be "kept holy, that in it no Mer- chants wares be fold, and no criminal caufe be judged. In 38 and 39, That Tithes be precifely paid, and men fleeing to Churches for fafeguard, are not to be violently drawn out from thence. In the 40, In Churches and the porches thereof, let no fecular judge- ment be exercifed. In the 41, That no Ancient Church be fpoiled of Tithes andPof- fe/Iions for the building of new Oratories. In the 42 concerning Church-rents beftowed for reparation and up- holding of Churches. In 44, That no Prieft fay Mafs himfelf alone, for if he have none but himfelf, how can he fay, T>ominus vobifcum^ or, furfum corda, or other fuch paflages ? All frequent offering of the facrifice of the Mafs, and prefenting of the Paxe is recommended to Chriftian people. In 45, That every perfon be acquainted with the Creed, and the Lord's Prayer > and that every one (at leaft) learn them in their own vulgar language. In 4$, That they who continue in drunkennefs be excommunica- ted. In 47, That Godfathers (hall fee that their Tpiritual Children be brought up in the true Faith. In 48, That lafcivious fongs be not fung in Churches. In 4$>, The cohabitation with Women is forbidden to all the Cler- gy- In 50, That all Bifhops, Abbots -and Church-men, have fuch Agents in their affairs, who are men that fear God, and hate all unrighteous- dealing. In 51, That the dead bodies bf the Saints be not tranfported from place to place, without the advice of the Prince of the Countrey^ or the Bifhop and Synod. In 52, That no dead body (hall be buried within the Church, ex? cept the body of a Bi&op, or of an Abbot, or of a worthy Presbyter, or of a faithful Laick perfon. In 53, That inceftuous perfons be Separated from the fellowfhip of the Church, except they be penitent,. In 54, 55 and 56, Marriage in the fourth degree of confanguinity is forbidden v and that no man (hall marry his God-daughter., nor fpiri- tual 3CDeeceleftafticai$io# Cent. 9. tual Sifter , neither the Woman, whofe Son or Daughter he hath led to the Sacrament of confirmation : And in cafe they be found to be mar- ried, they (hall be feparated again. And no man (hall take in marriage his Wives Sifter j neither (hall a woman marry her Husband's Brother. -Of the Cornell of Rhemes. A Council was alfo AlTembled at TUoemes, by the Commandment of Charles the Great, Anno 813. In this Council Wulfarius the Arch- Biftiop was Prefident : forty four Canons are rehearfed in the fecond *jLome of Councils, made in this Council. In the i. Canon it was concluded, That every man (hould diligent- ly acquaint himldf with the Articles of his Faith. 2. That he learn the Lords Prayer, and underftand the meaning of it. 3. That every man in holy Orders (hall walk worthily according to his Calling. 4. The Epiftles of St. faul were read to give inftru&ions to S*b- "Deacohs, how they (hould behave themfelves. 5. The Gofpel was read to give inftru&ion to Deacons, to Minifter worthily in their Office. 6. Ignorant Piiefts are inftru&ed to celebrate the Service with un- derftanding. 7. They are alfo inftru&ed how to prepare the Catecbumeni to the Sacrament of Baptifm. 8. The holy Canons were read out of the Decretal of Innocent vw, for ordering the lives of Cbanont. 9. The Rule of St. 'Benedin was read to reduce Abbots and their Convents to a remembrance of their Order. 10. The Paftoral Book of Gregory was read, to admonith Paftors of their Duty. 1 1. Divers Sentences of the Ancients were read, to admonifli both Prelates and People to a holy life. 12. Then they fet down a form of receiving confeffions, and pre- fcribing of penance, according to the Canonical inftitutions. 13. They reafoned about the eight principal vices, that everyone might know what vices to efchew, and teach others to beware of the fame. 14. That BKhops (hould take heed to the reading of the Books of Canonical Scripture, and the Books of Fathers, and (hould attend up-, on the preaching of the Word of God, 1 5. That Bithops (hould preach the Sermons and Homilies of the Holy Fathers, fo as the People might underftand them. itf. The fixteenth Canon is coincident with the twelfth. 17, That Cent. 9. Of FRANCE. 49 17. That Bifhops and Abbots permit no man to folace the compa- ny with filthy jefting in their prefence : but that the poor be refrefted at their Tables with Ledures of Divine Scripture, and praifing of God. 1 8. In the i8 th Gluttony and Drunkennefs is forbidden to the Mi- nifters of God. i p. That no Bifhop judge raftly in things fecret, which are to be referred to the judgement of God. 20. Presbyters (hall cot tranfport themfelves from a low place to a greater. si. Whofoever by giving money procureth a preferment in the Church, (hall be depofed. 22. No Church- man (hall cohabit with a Woman, except it be with his Mother or Sifter, or fuch like perfon, by whofe company no fufpi- cion of uncleannefs can arife. 35. That the Sabbath-day be kept holy, and no fervile work be done in it. 36. That no man beftow upon the Church that thing which he hath fraudulently taken from others. 37. Nor yet by lies and deceit withdraw any thing duly belonging to the Church. 38. That Tithes be precifely paid. 3 ?. That no man receive rewards for his Decree and Sentence. 40. That Prayers be made for the Emperour and his Noble Race. 41. In the 41 Canon mention is made of a certain Rent left by King Pepin, which they wifh the Emperour Charles mould not alter, nor transfer into another fumm, left many perjuries and falfe teftimo- nies might enfue. 42. That no man (hould be removed from his Manfion, to whom the Emperour's Almes is diftributed. 43. That the Statute may be confirmed by his Highnefs's allowance, whereby all contentions are Ordained to have an end. 44. That the Statute made in 'Bononia concerning falfe witnefles may be ratified ; with augmentation if need require, for cfchewing of per- juries, falfe teftimonies, and many other inconveniences. Of the Council of Tours. In the fame Year 813, at the Commandment of the Emperour Charles the Great, a Council of many Bifhops and Abbots was AfTen> bled there about eftablKhing Ecclefiaftical Difcipline. 1. In the firft Canon, all men are admoniftied to be obedient to the Emperour Charles, and to keep the Oath of Allegiance made unto him, and to make prayers for his profperity. 2. All Birfiops (hall frequently read all the Books of holy Scripture, H together 50 %ty ecrtefiaftfcftl $ftQ? Cent. 9 . together with the Books of Ancient Fathers written thereupon. 3. It is not lawful for any Bifhop to be ignorant of the Canons of the Church, and of the Paftoral Book of Gregory, 4. Let every Bifhop feed the Flock committed to him, not only with Doctrine, but alfo with an holy Example. 5. That a Biftopbe content with a moderate diet, that holy Le- &ures be read at his Table, rather than the idle words of Parafites. 6. Let (hangers and poor people be at Bifhops Tables, whom they may refrefh both with corporal and fpiritual repaft. 7. That the delicate pleafure of the eye and ear be efchewed, left the mind be enchanted therewith. 8. Let not the Lords Servants delight in vain jefting, rtor in hunt' fng and hawking. p.. Let Presbyters and Deacons follow the footfieps of their Biftiops in leading a pious life. 10. Let Bifhops take care of the poor, and faithfully difpenfe Church-goods. 11. That Bifhops may, with confent of Presbyters and Deacons, be- ftow fomewhat out of the Church-treafure to fupport needy people of that fame Church. 12. A Presbyter is not to be Ordained till he is thirty years old. 13. Let the Bifhop fee, that in his own Parifh Church, no Presbyter coming from any other parts do Service in his Church without Letters of Recommendation. 1 4. Let a Presbyter leaving a low place,and prefuming to an higher, incurr that fame punifhrrient which a Bifhop taken in the like fault fliould incurr. 15. A Presbyter who gettetha Church, by giving money for it, kt him be depofed. 1 6. Let Tithes beftowed upon Churches by advice of Bifhops, be faithfully difhibuted to the poor by the Presbyters. 17. The Families of the Bifhops fhall be inftru&ed in the fumm of the true Faith, in the knowledge of the retribution to be given to good men, and the condemnation of evil people, and of the refurre&ion and - laft judgement, eh:. 1 8. That the Bifliop inftrinU his Presbyters concerning the Sacra- ment of Baptifm, what it is they (hould deftre thebaptned people to renounce. 19. That Presbyters when they fay Mafs,- and do communicate, do not diftribute the Lord's body indifcreetly, to children, and to all per- fons who happen to be prefent, &c. Then Reader, take notice, that private Mattes had no place in thofe dayes, but they who were duly prepared did communicate with the Pritft. 20. Presbyters (hall not fufftr the holy Chrifm to be touched by any 2-i, Presbyteis Cent. p. Of FRANCE. 21. Presbyters (hall not haunt Taverns. 22. BHhops and Presbyters (hall prefcribe to finners, who have con- feffed their fins, penance difcreetly according to the nature of their fault. 23. Chanons, who dwell in one City (hall eat in one Cloyfkr, and fleep under one roof, that they may be ready to Celebrate their Cauo meal hours. 24. From the 24 to the 32 Canon, are Constitutions concerning Monks and Nuns, which I overpafs with filence. 32. AllChrii*!ins are exhorted to peace and concord. 33. Lords and Judges (hould hearken to the good admonitions or* their Bifhops i and Biftiops on the other fide {hould reverently regard them. 34. Lords and Judges are not to admit vile perfons to bear witnefs in their Judicatories. 35. Let no man for his Decree receive a reward. 3 6. Let every one be careful to fupport indigent perfons of his own kindred. 37. That Chriftians do bow their knees in prayer, except upon the Lord's Day, and other Solemn dayes, on the which the Univerfal Church keepeth a memorial of the Lord's Refurredion. At fuch times they ufe to ftand and pray. 38. That none enter into the Church with noife and tumult , and irt time of prayer and celebration of the Mafs not to be bufied in vain confabulations j but even to abftain from idle thoughts. 39. Let not the Confiftories of Secular Judges be in the Church, or porches thereof in any time to come, becaufe the Houfe of God (hould be an houfe of prayer. 40. That Merchandize be forbidden on the Lord's Day : that the whole day be fpent in God's fervice. 41. That paricides, murtherers, and incefmous perfons to Order, by the difcipline of the fecular power. 42. That all people abftain from Magical Arts, which are the deceit- full fnares of the Devil. 43. A frequent cuftom of fwearing is forbidden. 44. That the caufes of many Free Subjects, brought to poverty by oppreffion, be examined by the Emperour. 45. That falfe weights and meafures are an abomination to the Lord. 46. The 46 Canon bewaileth, that Tithes were not duly paid to the Church, (hewing the ill effects thereof. 47. When general Faftings are appointed for any impendent Cala- mity, let no man negledfc the fellowthip of the humble Church, &c. 48. Drunkennefs and furfeiting are forbidden, &c, H 2 4p. Lords ccrteftattteal $tftotf _Cem. 9 . 4p. Lords and Matters are to be admonifhed, not to deal cruelly with their fubjects j yea, and not to feek that which is due unto them- felves, with excellive rigour. 50. Let Laick people communicate at leaft thrice in a year, unlefs they be hindered by feme great fins committed by them. 51. In the laft Canon mention is made, that they diligently exa- mined the caufe of them who complained to the Emperour, that they were dif-inherited by the donation of Lands, which their Fathers and Friends had beftowed on the Church \ and in their bounds they found no man who did complain : yet in that matter, if any thing was done *amifs, they humbly (ubmitted themfelves to be corrected by their So- veraign Lord and King. Of the Council of Chalons. This Council was Convened in the fame year of our Lord 813, by the Commandment of Chirks the Great, for the Reformation of the Ecclefiaft'ical Eftate. Many of the Canons of this Council are co-incident with the Ca- nons of the former, which I (hall overpafs, and mention only fome of the other. Can. 3. LetBUhops Conftitute Schools, wherein Learning may be encreafcd, and men brought up in them, that may be the fait of the earth, to feafon the corrupt manners of the people, and to flop the mouths of Hereticks. 4. Let Church- men (hew humility, in word, deed, habit and coun- tenance. 5. Let Priefts be unreproveable, adorned with good manners, and not given to filthy lucre. 7. Bifhops and Abbots" who have circumvented fimple men, and *en their heads, and by fuch means do poflfefs their goods, let them abjed: to Canonical or Regular Repentance. 8. If Church- men lay up provitlon of Corn in Victualling- ho ufes., let it not be to keep them to a dearth, but therewith to fupport the poor in a time of need. it. The Bifhop or Abbot muft not refort to Civil Judicatures to plead their own Caufe, except it be to fupport the poor and opprelTed. Presbyters, Deacons and Monks having obtained Licence from the Bi- fliops may appear in Civil Judgement-feats, accompanied with theLt Advocate. 1 2. Let no Presbyters, Deacons or Monks be Farmers or Tillers of the ground. 13. An Oath ufed by feme in the time of Ordination inhibited.. 1 4. Bifcops in vifiting of their Pariftoners, not to be chargeable unto them. 15. This Cent. 9. Of FRANCE. 53 1 5. This Canon was againft the Tyranny of Arch-Deacons. 1 6. That BUhops provide Balm and Chrifm for the Lights of the - Church. 17. That Presbyters pay no Tribute to the Bimop. 18. Againft.. taking of pawns from inceftuous perfons, and from thofe who pay not their Tithes, and from negligent Presbyters. i p. Let people give their Tithes to thofe Churches wherein their Children are baptized, and whereto they refort all the year long to hear Church- fervice. 23. The Ordination of Presbyters and Deacons is to be made at cer- tain prefcribed times. 24. Concerning Presbyters, Deacons and Monks, who (hall happen to be (lain, let the Emperour determine to whom the fatisfa&ion of blood (hall belong. 25. That the Emperour be entreated, that the Ancient Difcipline may be reftored again, and they who fin publickly, may be brought to publick repentance j and every man according as he deferveth, may either be excommunicated or reconciled. 27. Neither the Sacrament of Baptifm, nor the Sacrament of Con- firmation (hould be re-iterated. 28. Concerning the aegrces of Affinity, and in what degree Marri- age may be bound up, every one is to go to the Canons of the Church to be refolved. 30. Rules concerning the Marriage of Servants. 31. That fuch Women as either-negligently, or fraud ulentfy prefent their own.Children to Confirmation, fhallbe forced to do penance all the dayes of their life > neither (hall they be feparated from their Hus- bands. 32. Let a finner confefs unto his Father- CbnfefTor, alt his fins which he hath committed either in thought, word or deed. 34. In prefcribing of" penance, let favour and hatred of any perfon ~be laid afide, and let the In junctions be given according to the Rule of Holy Scripture, and according to the Canons and Cuftoms of the "Church. 3<5. Let no man fin of purpofe, to the end he may abolifh his fins By Alms-deeds > for that is all one, as if a man (hould hire God to grant unto him a liberty to fin. 37. That fuch Canons of Councils are efpecially to be read, as ap- pertain unto Faith, and reformation of Manners. 38. Books called Libelli Poemtentiales, are to be aboli(hed. 3P. In the Solemnities of the Mafs, prayers are to be made for the Souls of them who are departed, as well as for them who are alive. 40. Degraded Presbyters, lemaining impenitent, are to Be excom- municated. 41, No $ 4 %ty ecrteftaftical ^ttto?p Cent. p. - 41. No Presbyters to be admitted in ftrange places, without the te- ftimony of the Biftiop, and other fufficient witnefles. 42. Let no Church be committed to a Presbyter without content of the Bifhop. 43. In fome places are found Scotch men, who call themfelves Bi- {hops, and they Ordain Presbyters and Deacons, whofe Ordination we difallow. 45. Againft the going of the Clergy and Laicks to holy places, fuch as Rowe, 7n?, &c. men imagining, that by the fight of thefe places their fins are remitted. 46 and 47, That the receiving the Sacrament be not long deferred i and none to come to it without due preparation : That when the Sa- crament is to be univerfally received in one day, none do neglect to receive it , except fome grievous crime do hinder him from receiv- ing it. 48. According to the Precept of St. James , that weak perfons fhould be anointed with oyl by the Elders, which oyl is bleffed by the Bifhop. From Canon 52 unto the 66 are contained Precepts of chaft and honeft living prefadbed to PriorefTes and Nuns. Of the Council of Aries. The Canons of this Council were in number 26. i . They fet down a confeilion of their Faith. The five following Canons are fome of thofe mentioned in the for- mer Councils. The 7 and 8 Canons belong to the ordering of Monks and Nuns. The p 1 * 1 pertaineth to the payment of Tithes, and Firft-fruits. 10. That Presbyters (hall preach the Word of God, not only in Cities, but alfo in every Pari(h. From thence to the 17 th are fome of the Canons of the other Councils. 17. Let every BUhop Vifit his Bounds once every year, and fupport the oppreffed. 18. Let Presbyters keep the Chrifm, and give it to no man under pretenfe of Medicine. ip. Parents and WitnefTes {hall bring up baptized Children in the knowledge of God. 20. Ancient Churches (hall not be deprived of Tithes, nor of any other pofleflion. 21. That the Conftitution of the Ancients (hall be kept concerning burial in Churches. 22. That Civil Judgement-feats (hall not be in Churches. 23. If goods belonging to the poor be bought, let it be done open- ly Cent. p. Of FRANCE. 55 ly in fight of the Nobles and Judges of the City. 24. Let fugitive Church-men be fought out, and fent back again unto the BiShop. 25. He who hath a Benefice beftowed upon him, for helping the fa- brick of Churches, let him fupport the building of them. 2d. They who fin publickty, let them make their publick repen* ranee according to the Canons. AH thefe Canons were prefented unto the Emperour, to be correct- ed by the wifdom of his Highnefs. Charles at the requeft of Pope Adrian, i. Banimed the Ambrofian Service out of his Kingdom, and againft the will of the French Cler- gy, by force eftablilhed the Gregorian or Reman Office. By this change the Latin Tongue in the Publick Service was fully eftabliShed. Here I mall make mention of one notable paflage written in the Life of Charles the Great, namely when he made war againft the Saracens of Spain. Agoiland one of the Saracen Kings made Shew of friend- ship with Charlemagne, and open hatred of the other Saracen Kings, with whom notwithstanding he had a moft ftrict correfpondence j to betray Charles, Agoiland feemed to encline to peace ; After many Mef- fengers fent on either part, they refolve to parley : So upon Charle- tnagnfs Faith, Agoiland cometh to the Camp of the French. - Charles told the Pagan he Should have his Friendship, if he would be baptized, and become a Chriftian : Agoiland anfwered, That he was not yet fo Abject, nor his Forces fo weak as to refufe the battel : But becaufe it would be an infinite lofs to hazzard fo many men, he defired to make tryal of the Right by fome Troops j and he that van- quished Should have the Right, and True Religion on his fide, prote- ftingtoyield'to that Religion which {hould appear to be the beft by that Tryal. The condition was accepted by Charlemagne : The Corn- bate being made, the Chriftian Troop vanquished the Saracen. Now Agoiland protefteth openly to be a Chriftian, but in heart ht meant otherwife, and takes this occafion to break the Treaty. One day he finds Charlemagne at Table, well acccompanied with his Chief Followers, (for then it was the cuftom of the French Kings not to eat alone) and feeth twelve poor men ill- apparel led, fitting by upon the ground near to the Table of the Noblemen : He demanded what thofe poor miferable Creatures were that did feed .apart : One anfwer- ed, They were the MefTengers and Servants of God : He then faid, Their God was of fmall account, feeing his Meflengers and Servants were fo miferable and contemptible, and thereupon retired himfelf > having by tiiis Treaty qualified the Force of Charles, viewed his Train, and made Shew of his Courage, even without an Ambafladour. let Refulv^d to avenge this affront of the.*r*ce#, He raifeth an Cent. 9 . an Army of an hundred and thirty thoufand men, He returneth into Sfain^ at the firft encounter he defeated Agoiland's Army near to Pom- pelona, and for a feal of his Vi&ory carrieth away the Head of Agoi~ land, flain by the hand of Arnold of 'Belange^ a Noble and Valiant Knight. Charles wrote divers Books : He began a Grammar of the German Language, but ended it not. He changed the names of the Winds and Months from the Heathenifh manner. In the Epiftle to Alcuinus before his Books DeDivims Officw, he faith, when (thrift was at fup- per with his Difciples, he brake the bread, anjd gave the cup to them in figure of his body and blood, and left a great Sacrament, which is profitable unto us- L:.-.t He faith dfewhere, The Miracles which they fay have appeared in Images, if they did not appear truly (as no Authentick Hiftory (hew- eth) were but lies. If by fome imaginary over-(hadowing they did appear to deceive mens minds, it is moft dangerous, left that Old Ene- my by his fubtilty, through (hew of wonders perfwade to do unlaw- full things. But if thefe things did verily appear, we (hould under- ftand, that when many wondrous things are done at the pleafure of Lib. j, cap. 25. God by fome Creatures, or in whatfoever Creatures they be done, yet thefe things are not to be worfhipped, by which, or in which thefe wonders are made i becaufe God, who (heweth many figns unto men by vifibleand palpable things, to mollifie the hardnefs of mens hearts by thefe vifible things, worketh not thefe (jgns to confirm the worthip of any Creature for he hath commanded to worfhip himfelf alone. Becaufe. God fpake out of a bu(h to Mofes, fnould the bu(h therefore be worshipped > Becaufe a Woman was healed by touching the hem of Chrift's garment, {hould hems, therefore be worfliipped ? The Ca- tholick Church profefleth to ferve God, not by Images, -not by men, nor ethereal powers, but by Chrift our Lord. Charier the Emperoui made many Laws and Ecclefiaftical Conftitu- tions, which Angifw, Abbot of Lobien^ and then Arch-Bilhopof Se- non gathered together, with the Conftitutions of his Son Lmif, and divided them into feven Books. Sinderus teftifieth, that they were in the Abby of St. Gattitt , and were not long fince printed at Pa- rti. Aicui.n. cont. Alcuinus faith thus of him, Ckarlet was a King in Power, a Catho- EUpant. iick in Faith, an High-Prieft in Teaching, a Judge in Equity, a Phi- lofopher in Liberal Studies, famous in Manners, and excellent in all Honefty. He was never ferved at Table with more than four dirties at once j his Recreations were hunting, and reading of Hiftories. He Pedro Mexia died in February , Anno 814, .and was interred at Aix la CbapeVf, where he was born, and his Memory honoured with a goodly Epi taph. The greatnefs of his Monarchy is admirable , for he quietly enjoyed Cent. p. Of FRANCE. 57 enjoyed all France, Germany, and the greateft part of Hungary, all Ita- ly, and a part of Spain. He left his Son Lewes fole Heir of his great Kingdoms, who was the weakeft of all his Sons. The French Monarchy being come to the height of it's Greatnefs, not long after the death of Charlemagne it began to decline. The fooli(h lenity of Lewes was the beginning, the which was continued by the difordered confufions of his SucceiTors, who (in fpite one to another) haftened the ruine of their Houfe, making way thereunto by their Vices and Misfortunes. Lewes (more fit to be a Monk than a King) was fo given to Devotion, and of fo foft a fpirit, that he made his Authority contemptible both within and without the Realm : This made divers Nations fubjedt to the Crown, to fall from their obe- dience. .. v Bernard King of Italy, an ambitious your/"* nan, was perfwaded by the Bithops of Orleans and Milan, to feize upon the Realm of France. But being in field to go into France againft his Unckle,with an ima- ginary favour of the French to be proclaimed King, both he and all his Counfellours were taken by Leaves his Subjects. Lewes having both his Nephew and Counfellors in his Power, de- fpoils him of all his Realm of Italy, confines him to perpetual prifon, and puts out his eyes : the like he doth to all the Biftiops and Noble Men he could get, and after a few dayes caufeth them to be beheaded. This ad from Lewes, and committed againft fuch perfons, began to breed a general diflike, the which was aggravated by a domeftical dif- fention. After the death of Bernard, Lewes gave Italy to his eldeft Son Lo- tloariM, and atfbciattd him in the Empire. To his Son Pepin he gave Aquitain, to Lewes Bavaria, and would have them all bear the name of Kings. Lewes had a Son by Judith his fecond Wife, an ambitious Woman, called Charles. This Woman play'd the Emprefs and Queen over all, which caufed Lewes to be hated and contemned. His Sons, Lothario*, Pepiu and Lewes, by the Advice of the Bifliops (who were incenfed a- gainft the Emperour by reafon of the death of thofe Church-men) re- folve to feize upon their Father.Mother, and younger Brother,to dif- poflefs them of all Authority , and then to govern the States after their own wills, wherein they muft ufe force, and a publick confent. Lotbarius lieves a great Army, and calleth a National Council of the French Church at Lions, fuppofing fooner to fupprefs Lewes by this means than by a Parliament. Lewes appeareth, and yieldeth to the cen- fure of the Prelates, which was to retire himfelf into a Monaftery, there to attend his Devotion, and to reiign the Empire and the Realm to his Children. So Lewes was conveyed to Soijjons, to the Monaftery of St. Medard\ his Wife and her Son Charles were committed to other I places. 5 8 3D&e ctrteftafttcal $ifto?p Cent. 9. places, and the whole Government committed to Lotbarius and his Brethren. And the greateft of the Church- men were guilty of this Out-rage, feeking to maintain their Decrees. Lewes continued in pri- fon five years > viz,, from the year 829, unto the year 834. Then Lotbarm being forced to yield to his Father, goes to field, fakes him prifoner again, ad leads him back to the Convent at Soif- fws, where he flayed net long, for the French did bandy openly a- gainlt Lotharios, and his Brethren abandoned him, ib as he was forced to yield unto his Father,and to crave pardon. Then Lewes gives por- tions to his Children, to Lotbarius he leaves the Realm of Attjirafa, from the River of Metis unto Hungary, with the Title of Emperour i unto Lewes Bavaria, and unto Cbmrles Trance \ Vefin enjoyed Aq*i- tain without contradiction. Lewes not content with Bavaria, levies an Army, and palTeth the Rhine. The miferable Father prepares an Army to go againft him, tut he falls fick and dieth, Anno 840. There was a Council held at Paris by the Command of Lewes^ and his Son Lutbariw^ Anno 829, and three others at the fame time in o- ther places, as is collected from the Preface. It was Ordained, that Synods ihould then be Aflembled in four feveral places of their Em- pire. In bis Reign, in France was ufed of Priefts and Church- men preci- ous and (hining Veftures, and golden and rich flaring Girdles, with Fab^s chron. Rings and other Ornaments of Gold : \\herefore the faid Lewes pro- cured of the Pope a correction for all fuch as ufed fuch ftrange apparel, caufing them to wear brown and fad colours. After the death of the Emperour Lewes^ Lotbarius his eldeft Son, and Emperour by his Fathers Teftament, would force his Brethren to a new divifion. He quarrelleth with Cbjrles King of France ,and Lewes Duke of Bavaria > but the two Brethren unite together, and joyn their Forces to oppofe Lotbarius. Lotbarius finding himfelf the ihonger, refufeth t'ne Conditions of Peace offered by his Brethren : Then Lewes and Charles charging the Army of l.vtbartus, overthrew it with a notable (laughter. Lotbarius atkr this defeat changeth his humour with his eftatei he enjoyed the titulary mask or the Empirt with s'ui'trafia, y;t much curtailed and di- vided to his three Sons, LewesjCbarles and Lotbarins. Then Lotbariuf having remorfe of Cor.lcience for attempting againft his Father and Brethren, profcifcth hh felt a Mor.k in the Ai>by of Pluviers t and dies a Monk in the Year ^5. Charles and Len>es after the Vid r^l the Biftops to take their Advice upon Occurrents, who beinf, 1 ten :, , ^nt them to Concord ; They hearken to the, 1 , . n ih< d ccme to 1*- r M - * At the Council at Meaux held about this time, it was Decreed, that the Capitular Laws concerning the Church, made by Charlemagne, and his Son Lt>f/,(hould be ftridtly obferved. The fame Council entreats King Charles the Younger, to grant the BKhops a freer liberty for the execution of their Minifteries in their Parifhes. Charles called the Bald, began his Reign, Anno 841. He caufed himfelf to be proclaimed Emperour after the death of Lewes, who fur- council vived Lothariuf, without contradiction : He went to Rome, and Was ^iljin Crowned Emperour by the Pope, with the Imperial Diadem i then railing his Spirit .very high, after the cuftomofthe Grecians, he walk- eth with a Surplice. name. This King Charles the Bald, relying on the Popes help, favoured the Pope with all his Power, and brought the French Clergy to the fubje&ion of the Roman See, as much as he could : Then began the Popes Legates to come to the Councils of France, and there to pre- iide. Then alfo the French Kings began to tremble under the thun- derbolts of the Vatican, and to fear the Excommunications of the Pope. The firft Pope that made tryal of his Excommunications againft them was Pope Nicholas the firft, who threatned Lethary to Excom- municate him , unlefs he recalled Tietberga his Wife, whom he had put away, to take Waldrada whom he loved, which alfo this Pope did Excommunicate : whereupon there was great 'murmuring of the Prelates and People of France againft the Pope, being difpleafed both at the Pope's Ufurpations, and the pufillanimity of their Kings. Thefc things happened from the Year 863 to %66. After that Nicholas, came Adrian the fecond, who favouring Lewes, D U Moulin tont. Grand-child to L?a>et the Gentle,againft Charles the Bald his Unckle, c fent peremptory Letters into France, whereby he declared, That if any prefumed to make an enterpriie upon the Kingdom of Lewes, not only . he would make void by his Authority all that he (hould do i but alfo s. that fuch a man being bound with the bonds of Anathema, and dc- initedcoant prived of the name of Chriftian, {hould be lodged altogether with the count ^"Lr, Devil. and fome other* * This is feen in the Epiftle which Hincmarw ArchBifhop tfRbemes n^w^\S" Italy, came in- toFre.4m>87o, where he called a Synod at Trojet, eonfifting of the Biflwpi of that Kingdom, to defire the'U Confeuttothit Excommunication j wWcb they accordingly granted him, I 2 writes 6o 3D0e eedeftattical ^ttto?? Cent. 9 . writes to the faid Adrian upon the faid fubjed:, where he faith, That both Ecclefiaftical and Secular men being AlTembled at Rhemes^ would fay in a reproachful way, That never any fuch Mandate was fent from that See to any of the Kings PredeceiTors : Adding, That the Bifhops of Rome had never withdrawn themfelves from the obedience of He- retical Emperours : Wherefore (faid they) we will not believe, that we cannot otherwife attain to the Kingdom of Heaven, but by receiv- ing him for a Temporal King, whom this Apotf olical Lord recom- rnendeth to us. It was in this ninth Age, that the Decretals were forged by Rzcttlpbiu Biftiop of Metz, as is fuppofed, who published them under a falfe Title. And at that time, and a long time after the Arch-Bi(hops of Mentz were the rirft promoters of Papal Authority in Germany. And nothing hath helped more to the eftablimment of the Papal Empire, than thefe Epiftles, which have for a long time been held for Ora- cles in the Weft , by them the Father ot lies hath wrought very pow- erfully. Thefe Decretals were forged under the Reign of Charlemagne, and of his Son Lewes the Gentle, being unknown before, and never men- tioned in all Antiquity, bearing on the front the name of Ifidorus Tec- eator j and in fome Copies Ifidorw Mercator, a man unknown, and a name forged at will. That Collt&ion of Decretals began to go about in France in the be- ginning of the Reign of Charles the Bald. The firft that ufed them,' was Hincfynar Bi(hop of Laon upon this occation : Hinctynar Arch- Bifhopof Rbemes had promoted to the Bifhoprick of Laon another Hinctynar his Nephew, who having excommunicated his Clergy, and hindered the Divine Service, and the Baptifm of Children in his own BUhoprick, and committed divers crimes and exceffes, was cited to appear before his Unckle, who was his Metropolitan : But he would not obey nor appear. Upon that Hinckjnar of Rbemet difanulled all the A&s of Hinc^nar of Laon, and would fynodically proceed againft him. Hereupon Cbarlet the Bald Convocated a Council in France at Ac- ciitiacum, confifting of ten Bimops i the Bifhops of lions ^ Vafon and' 'friers were Chief Prefidents in the Council. HtnckptarM Bithop of Rbemes propofed unto the Council fifty Canons, which he defired to be read in the Synod. Hwcfynar of Laen to defend himfelf brought forth the Collection of the Decretals, of the ancient Popes made by Ifidorw, where by the Popes Decrees fuch caufes are re&rved to the Apoftolick See. Hinck>nar of Rhemts being not learned enough to know the forgery - of the Author of thefe Decretals, and not-daring to rejed them open- ly, brought divers things to invalid their. Authority, He faid, that Gent, . Of FRANCE. of Laon was miftaken, if he thought that he was the only man that had thofe Epiftles -, that the Countrcy was full of them, and that Riculfa Bifhop of Mentz had publHhed the Book of Epiftles col- Je&ed by Ifidorur^ which was brought to him out of Spain. Hinckmar alfo (to defend himfelf againft thofe EpiiUesj faid, that they had been good in their time, but that the Fathers AfTembled in Council had altered thofe things, and made Qanons of greater Autho- rity, which are to remain perpetually > and that thofe Decretals were never put in among the Canons of the Church. That ftrife between the two Hinckmars happened Anno 870. The Synod forenamed, accufed Hincfyiar Bifhop of Laon o( petu- lancy, and compelled him to fubfcribe obedience to King Charles, and to his Metropolitan : He was alfo deprived of his Office, and both his eyes wer^e thruft out. But Pope John IX, under the Reign of Charles Hift. the Grofs, reftored him to his Office again, being the more affeclion- Ce ed to him, becaufe he had appealed from his own Bifliop, and from a Decree of a Synod in his own Countrey to be judged by the Chair of "Rome. Pope Nicholas beftirred himfelf with violence againft Hinckmarof Rbemes, complaining that he defpifed the Decretals collected by Z/I- dorut. Hinckjnar refifted him ftifly, neither did he ever fuffer the caufes which he had judged to be revifed at Rome, nor any man that had been depofed by the Synods of France^ to be reftored by the Pope. And all his life time he maintained with great conftancy fo much liberty as remained to the GaUican Church, which liberty fuffered by his death a great diminution. The Popes durft not touch him becaufe he was the King's Unckle. - Baronius writing of this Hincfynar of Rb'emes, notably abufeth him, for he faith, That upon the teftimony of Fredoard, Hinckjnar had ob- tained of Pope Leo IV,by the mediation of the|Emperour Lothary^ Pal- littm^ or Archiepifcopal Cloak, with a privilege to ufe it every day. But Hinckjnar himfelf in the Book of the fifty five Chapters, faith the contrary, fpeaking in this manner, Leo IV, and Benedittw did confer upon me fome privileges, which I did not ask for. For the privileges which are conferred upon every Metropolitan by the facred Canons, are fufficient for me. It was a generous part of H/#efywr, to declare that he had no need of the Pope's privileges, and that he held. his dig- nity from the Canons, not from the 'Roman Prelate. As for the writings of this Hincfyn*?, there are his Opufiula &Epi- floU : Admonitio de poteftate Regia & Pontificia. We find this chara- cter given of him : Fuit vir dottw, & pietatij fludiofur ftib Carolo fe* cundo Ludot'ici pii flio circa 870 , 'Domini annum > tametfi & 'magni Caroli tempora adolefcens Is dum corrigere vitia morbofque Cle- olefiarum a ^erdiu -vitae C/w, eorttrnqxe ' <5i 3E3)eecciefiafttcai$tao?p cent. 9. ad Papatn appelJationibttf, imo & a Pafe ifftftijiinuit, Illyr. Catal. Tcft. verit.lib.?. In this Century Claudius Bifliop of Twin, was defamed as an He- Petrie* church- retick by Tbeodomire an Abbot, who did accufe him unto the Pope. Hift. CM. 9. jj e wrote his own Apology, that it might appear wherefore he was accuted, and to (hew how Godly men have been traduced from time to time. Agobard Bifliop of Lions took part with Lotbariuf againft Lewes his Father,and therefore was depofed : after their reconciliation he was re- ftored,and being a man of wifdom and knowledge, was employed about the great Affairs of the Kingdom. His Works were printed at Paw, Anno 1605. from which ImpreiHon thefe paflfages are extradred, fag. 52. There is one immovable Foundation, one Rock of Faith, which Peter confefleth, 7hou art the Son of the Living God. And fag. 128, The uncleannefs of our time deferves a fountain of tears, when fo un- godly a cuftom is become fo frequent, that there is none almoft afpi- ring to temporal honour, who hath not a Prieft at home, not whom he obeyeth, but of whom he exað all manner of obedience incef- fently, not in Divine, but in worldly things > fo that many of them do fcrve at Table, or mix wine, and lead dogs, feed horfes, or attend Hu bandry j neither regard they what manner of Clerks thefe be, but only that they may have Priefts of their own \ and fo they leave Churches and Sermons, and publick Service : it is clear, that they feek them, not for honour of Religion, becaufe they have them not in honour, and fpeak difdainfully of them. He is large againft the worthip of Images. Bettarm. dc Cri- ~Betiarmine faith, that jfojur , and other Bifhops of Fr ace in that Age, jtorib. EccieH were overt aken with Agob ard's errour. By the Jefuites confeffioji then many Bifhops of France^ were againft the prefent errours of Rome. .catai. Teft. vc- Then Angelom^ a Monk of Luxovia^ a man of great reading, at the but he would not : He abode with Letves the Emperour, until Orgar Biihop vtMentz died, and then fucceeded. 2&*- mx Wilde* in the Ads of Pope Martin V. reckoned him, and Here- bald, or Reginbald^ BHhop of Awene, among Hereticks, becaufe they favoured Bertram. At Cent. he was whipt with rods, and call vid.pctries C6* into priibn. The Church of Lions after fight of thefe four Articles,>, fent forth their cenfure of them. Remiziut, was a man of a moft holy Converfation, and very learn- ed, as appearcth by the Comments which he wrote upon the Old and New fertaments. At this time was publifhed a Commentary on the thirteen Epiftles of the Apoftle St. P*K/, which was lately printed at Rome^ under the name of Rtmigiw of Rhtmef. Ln;>&, Abbot of the Monaftery of Ferraria^ by the water Lupa run- ning into S*, at the fame time wrote fcveral Epiftlcs unto King Lew- e;, ar.d ro HiHctynar, which were primed <. Pari*^ Anno \ 588. He cpnifortcth his Mafter Einbard after the dea^ of his wife : Hefpeaks honourably ot" Marriage, and c,nioitabl\ ft of the Godly after tb,is life, without any mcncion 01 pu .tor) . ox Mai$ ior thede- , fund. At the fame time alfo was a in the end he dyed, neither pitied nor lamented of any, in a corner unknown, but to have been the Theatre of fo extraordinary a Tragedy, that one of the greateft Monarchs in the World, mould dye without Houfe,without Bread, without Mourn- ing, and without Memory, but the note of this end fo prodigioufly me* morable. Century X. CHarles the Third , called the Simple , was Crowned in the Year po2. Eudes governing with him eight Years from his Coronation. Charles remaining alone after the Death of his Regent, Reigned 2 7 Years. His Reign was miferable through- out. Now begins a notable league againft the King. Robert Duke of Anjou becomes the Head of this League, accompanied with many great Men of France. This Robert- was Govtrnour by the Death of his Brother Ettdet. K They 66 They caufed Charles to quit the Crown, difcharging him with the name of tlmple or foolifh , and declaring him incapable of fo great a charge. "Robert arms boldly againft Charles^ to difpoflefs him of his Eftate. Charles flees to Henry the third Emperour, and laboureth to calm this ftorm. At the approach of their Armies , Robert (to have fome Title to make a War) caufeth himfelf to be Crowned King at Rhemes , by Have the Arch Bifhop, who died three days alter this unlawful Coronation. As the Armies approach near Soiflons^ ftriving (in the view of Paris) they joyn, the combate is cruel , but Robert fighting in the Front is flain, leaving for that time the vi&ory to King Charles , who feeks a Treaty of Peace, out of an unfeafonable fear. Hebert , Earl of Ve r* mandois , Son-in-law' to Robert, befeecheth Charles to come to St. gxintins to confer together. Charles cometfi thither without Hofta- ges. Hebert there takes him Prifoner, and conveys him to SoiJJotu^ where he had aflembled the chief of the Realm, chofen after his own humour, where he makes him to refign the Crown to Raoul his God-fon, the firft Prince of the Blood by his Mother Hermingrade,. Daughter to Letves^ and Wife of Bofon King of Burgundy. So this poor Prince is led from Prifon to Prifon for rive years and dyeth of a< languiflning melancholy. He had by his Wife Ogin a the Daughter of Edward King of Eng- land^z Son named Lewes. She takes her Son Lewes , and flees into JLngland^ to her Brother Atbeljlan who then Reigned. But the Reign of Raoul was unfortunate, who Reigned thirteen years during Charleslns imprifonment, and after his Death. But Raoul after many broils dyeth at Compiegne ^ Anno 936* Now are great confutions in France^ there is nothing facred i all is violated for Rule, all refpedt is laid afide, every one plays the King within him- felf i for one King there are many i and where there are many Ma- fters, there are none at all. In this confuiion there were many Kings, Dukes and Earls, although thefe Titles were but temporary , having no other Title butthe Sword.. There was no Governour of any Province throughout the Realm, which held not proper to himfelf and his Heirs, thofe things which were given to them but as Offices. From hence fprang fo many Dukedoms, Earldoms, Baronies, and Seignories, which for the molt part are returned to their begin-nings. Italy ("given to an Infant of France ) was now poffefled by divers Princes. Germany (withdrawn from the Crown) was banded into divers fadions, fo as the Empire of the Weft, confirmed in the perfon of Charlemaigne^ continued fcarceone hundred years in his Race : for Lewes the Son of Arnulpb^ was the laft Emperour of this Blood. In his place the Gfm*/ erefted Ccwnwfc , Duk&of Eaft Franconia t Anm P20. Cent. 10. Of FRANCE. .920. the Empire being then very weak. After Conrade was chofen Henry tbefotvler, Duke of Saxony ', and after him his Son Otbo, Princes adorned with fmgular virtues fit for the time to preferve the Weft. For the Emperoursof theEaftdid run headlong to their ruine, who were men either of no valour , or altogether wicked , attending the laft blow by the hand of the Mabttmftansjwhcfe power they ftrength- ned by their vitious lives, until they had lodged them upon their own heads. In thefe confufions of State the power of the Pope of Rome en- creafed daily, by the ruines of the Empire. Thedefign of the Popes was to ere& a Monarchy in the Church , by Power and Authority, Seignories, civil Diflentions,, Arms, Revenues, and Treafon : And foon after they grew to that greatnefs, as they fought to prefcribe Laws to Emperours and Kings, who refufing it , and dlfputing this primacy, many d iffentions arofe, and were difperfed among the people. After the Death of Raottl , Atheljian King of England ( having .drawn unto him William Duke of Normandy} fends an honourable AmbafTage to the States of France, entreating them to reftore his Ne- phew Lewes , to his lawful and Hereditary Dignity. The French .content to it ^ So Levees^ the Son of Charley is called home by the E- ftates of France, being accompanied with a great Troop of Englifh-mtn and Normans. Lewes hegan to Reign, Anna?^, and Reigned 27 years. About this time, Ambrofe Ansbert, a French-man, wrote Commen- taries on the Pfalms and Canticles, and part of the Revelation. In this tenth Century there was little ftudy of liberal Sciences , the Schools were few, and empty of Languages. The Popifh Priefts and Clergy (having forfaken their old Difcipline) were given to filthy lu- cre, nor were they refpeded by their flocks i only Monks were noted to have fome Eloquence. And fuch was the corruption of the times, that none durft fcarce fpeak of the Corruptions, Idolatries, Superftiti- ons,and wickedneffes of that Age,whrch at that time were fo luxuriant. Divers Signs were feen in Heaven : and great changes happened almoft in every Kingdom, The Hungarians opprefs Italy and Germany , bc- fides many other broils in both thofe Nations. France will (hortly have another Race of Kings:great were the Wars in Spain between the Moors and the old Inhabitants, and the Saracens fuffered neither Greece nor Afi* to reft in peace. Bellarmine fpeaking of this Century, faith, Behold an unhappy Age, in which are no famous Writers, few or no Councils, bad Emperours, and no good Popes. Baroninf on the beginning of this Century, faith, Anew Age be- f Q r 's?*. ? ginneth, which for rudenefs, and barrennefs of goodnefs may be called fhe Iron Age ^ and for deformity of evil abounding, Ibc Leaden K 2 Age, 68 3EDe ccdefiawcai $tfto# cent. .10 . . Age, and for, want of Writers is calkd , The DarJ^ Age. Under the Reign of Charles the .Simple, King of France, a Council was called at Rhemes, for correcting the abufe of Church- rents : for Noble-men in. Court, fuch as Hugo, and his Brother Robert, Matter of the King'/ Horfes, and Vincmariw with divers others , under pretence of fuftaining the King'/ Honourable Eftate, and paying wages to Souldicrs, had converted to their own ufe a great part of Church- rents, efpecially belonging to Abbeys. Fulco, Arch-BKhopof Rheme? uttered his mind freely in the Council. Vincmarius one of the nota- ble oppreffours in the Court, defiled the Council with Blood, and kil=- led Fttlco Bi(hop of Rhemes. The Fathers of the Council returned- unto their own Churches with great feai: .for the like of this was not heard fince the fecond Council of Ephcfus , in which Flavians Bifhop of Constantinople was flain. Da. Hainan in A Council alfo was held in France, in which it was permitted Priefts* to marry Virgins. At this time there was a great 'Famine in France. The People had been much given to Gluttony and Drunkennefs,and God punithed them with penury and fcarcity of Viduals. Lewes dyeth Annop^'y.atRbemes, hated of the French $ leaving- to Lotbair, his Son, a Crown near the ruine, and to Charles the young- eft, the favour of his eldeft Brother. La*6detefted of :all men, died Anno 964. .leaving behind him an execrable memory of his adions, and Lewet, his Son, for a final con- clufidn of ..his.race, as an out-caft of great Charlemagne. Lewes V. reigned one year only, and dyed without Heir , leaving his place void in troubles of State, and confufion of times horribly corrupted, untotheHQufeof Hugh le grand^acA of Parti^ God had' prepared the means,- both for the Father to lay the foundation, and for. his Son Hugh Capet ^ (appointed for the Regal Dignity ) to finifli thi& goodly building. . Now cometh in the third race of the Kings of France > called Capets y of the name of Hugh Capet. Charles Duke of Lorrain^ was firft Prince of the Blood- royal, he was Son to Lewes IV. Brother to Lotbair, Unckle to Levees V. the laft King, to whom the fundamental Laws of France did adjudge the Crown. But Hugh Capet was chofen King by the French aflembled in Parliament, and Charles Duke ofLorrain was rejected from- the Crown* This change happened in Jttly,Anno #87. This new King ..was fir- named Capet^ or Capitofa, either for that he had a great Head,, or that (being young) he wasaccuftomed to catch at his Companions caps , as a prelate of that he (hould do unto Kings, Otho and Henry two other Sons of Hugh le grand^ were Dukes of Burgundy , one after another * his other Sons were advanced to. Ecckfiaftical DigniticSjtheone Cent. io. Of FRANCE. BUhop of fholoufe, the other of R0p<*#,and another dyed young. Charles of Lorrain gathered an Army, and cntring France came to the City of Laon, within which City he by the Treafon of Anfilm the Bilhop of that City, was- taken and delivered with his Wife and Chil- dren into the hands of his Enemies. Hugh being crowned King, caufeth his Son Robert to be crowned King at Rhemes, Anno $$o. three years after his Father's election. Hugh ' decreeth, that the elder Son (hould reign alone among his Brethren : - and fuppreffeth the Majors of the Palace. He likewife decreed, that hereafter Baftards (hould not be only re- jected from the Crown, but alfo from the fir-name of France, the : which before was allowed them. To him likewife are due the good- ly Ordinances of Juftice. arit was the chief place of Hughes red-' dence , which City was greatly augmented and beautified in his' Reign. Amttlpb, Baftard to Lothair, was* the only Man which had favoured Charles of Lorrain, againft Hngb Capet* This Man was both perverfe and dilloyal, having deceived both Charles of Lorrain, and Hugh Ca-- pet, who had given him the Arch-bi(hoprick of Rovan, in recompence- of theiervicehe promifed him againft Charles, to whom (notwith- ftandingj contrary to his Faith, he gave means to feize upon the Cities of Rbemes,Laon and SoiJJons. Hugh therefore refolves to fupprefs- Arnttlph: but refpeding his quality, he aflembled a National Council of the French Church in the City of Rhemes. This Aflfembly depofed- Arttttlph, as guilty of Treachery, and a troubler of the publick qukti' and they fubftitute Gilbert in his place, who had been School-matter- unto Robert. Afterwards Hugh confines him to Orleans \vithCharler^ of Lorrain, there to end his days in reft. The Prelates of France in this Synod, made a Declaration, that the- Popes have nothing to do to ufurp the power and authority of Kings. 1 Arnalt, Bifhopof 0/-/v*/*.f,maintained in that Synod, that the Popes have no power at all over the Bimops of France, fo as to have any cog- nizance of Cafes belonging to them: and he declaimed moft ftoutly againft the avarice and corruption of the Court of Rome. Segttin, Arch-Bi(hopof Sent, was fent alfo to Orleans ^ to be im~ prifoned,^becaufe he confented not freely to thedepofition of Arnttlph. - Pope John 12.. being difpleafed with Hugh, fox that he had not ap-' pealed to him for his confirmation in this new Royalty , difanulledv this Decree of the Council of Rhemes , excommunicates the Biftiops- which had-aflifted, reftores Arnttlph, and deprives Gilbert of the Arch-- biihoprick of Rovan, and to temper 'this (harp and rough pro- ceeding with fome lenity , he doth invert G//*r*"with che Arch- bifhoprick of Ravenna* And this was a means to raife him to the dig^i nityofpope. . TFlfi 70 3Ee ecceaa $to# Cent. 10. The A&s of this Council of Rbemes under Hg& C*/**, have thefe words ' Poor Kome ! what clear H & hts of F at "s haft thou brought forth in the time of our Predeceflbrs > What horrible darknefs haft thou poured out upon our times, which will redound to our (hame and dimonour in future Ages > The Pope threatens his curfe againft Hitgh , and his Son Hole rt^ The King returned Anfwer,that he had done nothing in contempt, but that he was willingto juftifie what He or his Bifliops had done,if it plea- fed the Pope to meet him at Gratianople, on the Frontiers of Italy and France, or, if rather he would come into France, he promifed to receive him with the higheft honour. The Pope fent his Legates into France. Gerebert, Arch-Bi(hop of Rbemes, fent an Epiftle unto Stguin fore- Morn. inMyft. mentioned (who was faid to favour the depofed Arnulpb) the tenour feiqu. whereof is. It became your worthinefs , to efchew the craftinefs of deceitful men, and to hear the voice of the Lord, faying, Herew -flirt. Magdeb. in C/f , or there if Cbrifl, follow not. -One is faid to be in Rome , who Aftit Synod?, juftifieth thofe things which ye condemn, and condemneth thofe things which ye think juft. God faith, If thy Brother of end againft tbee , go aHdrtbukfbim. How then fay fome , that in the deposition of Ar- wflph, we (hould have waited the determination of the 'R.omijb Bifhop? can they fay, that the Judgement of the Bifliop of Rome is greater than the Judgement of God > But the Prince of the Apoftles faith, We muft obey Cod rather than Man. St. Paul alfo cryeth , If any Matt Preach unto you otberteife than what you have received: although bt were an Angel from Heaven^ let him be accurfed. Becaufe Pope Marcel- linus offered Incenfe unto Idols, (hould therefore all Bifhops offer In- cenfe ? I fay boldly, that if the Biftopof Rome himfelf fin againft a Brother, and being often admonilhed will not hear the Church j even theRoman Bifhop according to the command of Chrift, (hould be cfteemed as an Heathen and a Publican, for the higheft rife hath the j loweftfall. And if he think us unworthy of him, becaufe none of us affenteth to him, when he judgeth contrary to the Gofpel , he cannot therefore feparate us from the Communion of Chrift , feeing even a "Presbyter, unlefs he confefe, or be convift, (hould not be removed from his Office, &c. The Priviledges of St. Peter (faith Leo the Great) are not, where Judgement is not exercifed according to Righteoufnefs. Wherefore occafion (hould not be given unto thefe our envyers , that the Priefthood, which is one every where, as theCatholick Church is one, (hould be fubjed unto one Man, that if he be corrupt with Mo- ney, favour, fear or ignorance, none can be a Prieft, except whom thefe virtues recommend unto him. Let the Law of the Catholick Church be common. Farewel, and fufpend not your felves from the facred Myfteries. Pope Jobn had intelligence of this Letter, and fummoned the Bi- fliops Cent. ic. Of FRANCE. 71 (hops of frame unto a Synod, rirft at Rowf, then at Akfn. The Bi- (hops anfwered , They were not obliged to go out of their own Country. At laft he named Mttnfon on the borders of France: where only Gerebert appeared, and boldly maintained the caufe of the French Church : fo that the Legate Leo could do nothing without new in- (tru&ions from the Pope, fave only that he appoiatcd another Synod at Rhemef) and in the mean time he fufpends Gerebert , who wrote the Apology of the French Church, as his Epiftle unto Wilderodon Bi- fhop of Argentine, tefUfieth. Gerebert excelled in Learning , and came afterward to the Roman Chair, and called by the name of Sihe\\er the fecond : he was promoted to that dignity by the EmperourO/^. tittgb Capet having reigned peaceably nine years , died Novemb. 22. 996. leaving his Son Robert his fucceflbur > a Prince wife , refolute, peaceable and continent : he is faid to have been Learned , a lover of Divinity and humanity. They fing Hymns of his Invention, the which thus beginneth. Conftznti* Martyrum mirabilv , the which bearing refemblance with the name of his Wife Conjlance, he was won- derfully pleafed with the humour (he had to be honoured with his wri- tings, being then greatly efteemed throughout the World. He preferred virtue before the prerogative of primogeniture , and caufed Henry, his younger Son, to be Crowned in his life time, decree- ing by his Will that his eldcft Son JLobf n (hould content himfelf with the Dutchy of burgundy , doing homage for it to the Crown of Trance* Century XI. IN the beginning of this Century, Ar nold Earl of Sens , ufed great Tyranny among the Bi(hops and Minifters of theChurch. Here- upon LeofrictK^ Bifhop of that See, -through the ad vice and aid of Keg/tf^Bifliopof P^w,put out the faid Arnold , and delivered^ the City unto King Rekrf. But the Brother of the faid Arnold , with divers of his Knights, fled to the Caftle, and held it by force. Then the King befieged the faid Caftle, and took both it and Dromond , the Brother 7 Clje CCCleftattical $fftO?y Cent. 1 1. Brother of Arnold, and fent him to Orleans, where being imprifoned ,he dyed (hortly after. This Robert builded the Caftle of Mwntfort : He founded alfo di- f < vers Monasteries and Temples, at Orleans the Temple of St. Avian, at Stamps a Church dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and many other in di- vers places of his Realm. And he endowed the Church of St. Dealt with many great- pi iviledges, and had fpecial devotion to St. Hypolite, above all other Saints. At this time flouri{hedF/&frf, Bifliopof Cbartre/^ a very learned Man : Sundry Sermons and Treatifes that are amongft the works of St. Auftin are faid to be his. He wrote an Epiftle to Adeodatus, where- in he firft reproveth a grofs opinion of fome Men, who held that Bap- tifm and the Eucharift were naked figns. Then he proveth that thefe mould not be confidered as nicer and outward figns , but by Faith ac- cording to the invifiblevertue of Myfteries. The Myftery of Faith .it is, called,, faith he, becaufe it mould be efteemed by Faith , and -not by fight, to be looked into fpiritually, not corporally > the fight of Faith only beholdeth this powerful Myftery, &c. Then he illuftrates the fame by comparifon of a baptized Man, who albeit outwardly he r.-~- be the fame he was before, yet inwardly he is another, being made greater than himfelf, by encreafe of invisible quantity , that is , of fa- ring grace, #*c. Here is no word of fubftantial change of the Ele- ments , ftill Bread : But we rind two other changes , the Faithful are tranfpofed into the body of Chrift , and Chrift is infufed into the habitation of a faithful Soul , yet fo, that ChriftV body xe- maineth in the Heavens ; and by the Revelation of the Spirit faith be- :$5briotb.j>art Je holdeth Chrift prefect, or lying in his Mothei'/ bofom, and dying, ri- having before his departure commanded the Lords of Norman- dy, and fworn them, and Robert Arch-Bifhop of "Rovatt , to perform their Allegiance unto his Son William, and to take him for their Lord and Duke, if he return not again. When King Henry had fettled his Land in quietnefs, he then builded the Monaftery of St. Martin, called Des Champs, betides Paris, and fet therein fecular Priefts. King Henry after he had reigned 3 1 years dy- ed, and was buried at St. Dems. Anno 1046. Gregory VI. created Odilo Abbot of Clmy, Arch-Bifhop of Lyont, fending him the Pall and the Ring, which he received , yet without accepting the dignity, faying, he would referve it for him that fhould be chofen Arch-Biftiop. 'Berengariw a French-man, Deacon of St. Maurice in Anjon , was the Difciple of Fulbert. He was the firft that was accounted an Heretick for denying of Tranfubftantiation,and troubled for the fame. In his days it was broached, that the Bread of the Eucharift was the very body of Chrift , and the Wine his Blood, fubftantially or properly. ~Berengariw on the contrary , taught that the Body of Chrift is only in the Heavens, and thefe Elements are the Sacraments of his Body and Blood. Adelman BUhop of Brixia wrote unto him. In the beginning he faluteth him as his holy and beloved Brother, and Con-difciple under Fulbert Bifhop of Cbartre s. Then he(heweth,he heard it reported, that Berengariw did teach, that the Body and Blood of Chrift , which are offered upon the Altar throughout the Earth , are not the very Body and Blood of Chrift , but only a figure or certain fimilitude, howbeit indeed Eerengarius had faid nothing fo. To the intent Adel- man may bring his Brother from this opinion, he entreateth him not to depart from the Dodhine of their Mailer Fulbert, and of the Catholick Church. Then he appealed! to the teftimony of Ambroje , Augulfine andHierome [who never taught the Doctrine of Tranfubfiantiation.] He writeth alfo, that the very Flefti and Blood of Chrift, was given unto the Apoftles at the firft Inftitution , and are ftill given unto faithful Communicants. Adelman enlarged much on this fubjeft. W hat anfwer "Berengarw did return to him, we find not. But he wrote anEpiftle to Lanfran^ declaring the abufes of the Sacrament, and commending the Book of John Scctw upon thatqueftion. And he wrote exprefly, that the Body of Chrift is not in the Sacrament, but as in a fign, figure or myftery. He fpake alfo in his Preachings a* L gainft 74 f& ccciefiafttcai $ffto# Gent. 1 1 . t- ; = . gainft the Romi/h Church in the Dodrine of Marriage , and neceffity of Baptifm. And Eellarmine witnefleth, that "Berengariw called the Church of Rome the malignant Church, the Council of vanity, and the feat of Satan* and he called the Pope, not PoKtrpctm, vflEpifcopum^fed pompificem, & Tulpificem. It happened, that 'Lanfranl^ was -not at home, and the Convent o- pened the Letter of "Beren^arins ^ and fent it with a Clerk of Rbemes^ unto Pope Leo IX. The Popefummoned a Synod at Vercdet. Eeren- gar'iw wasadvifed not to go himfelf to the Synod, but fend fomc Clerks in his name to anfwer for him. The two Clerks were clapt in Prifon. 5c0*Mrwas condemned 200 years after his death, and the Dodtrineof EerengariM was condemned, yet nothing done againft his Perfon at that time, becaufe many favoured him. Lanfrank^ pleaded for him: but he was commanded by the Pope to anfwer him , under Pttfies. ch.Hift. no lefs pain than to be reputed as great an Herettck as he. Lattfranl^,. following the fway of the World ( for afterwards he was made Arch-Bithop of Canterbury by Wltiliam the Conquerour) performed the charge. Guitmnndt Bimop of Averfa, wrote more bitterly, and lefs truly, againft Berengariw. Neverthelefs Eerengar'w abode conftant, and was in great efteem both with the Nobility and People : And therefore Pope ViSor the . fecond, gave direction to the Bifhops of France ^ to take order with him* The Pope's Arabafladours were prefent at the Council, and B*- rtHgariiK anfwered, that he adhered to no particular opinion of his own, but he followed the common Dodrine of the Univerfal Church, that is, faith he, as the Fathers, Primitive Church, and Scriptures have . taught. This gentle anfwer mitigated the fury of his Adverfaries : yet he perfifted in his own opinion i and for this caufe Lanfranl^ obje&- ed againft him, that he deluded the Council of 'fours with general and doubtful words. Dn Moot con- Afterwards, Pope Nicholas the fceond hearing that he was honour-^ tr/Pcrronii.1. . ed of many, aflembled a great Council againft him at Rome, of 115 Eiftops, where it was declared and pronounced, That the Bread and Wine which is put upon the Altar, after the Confecration is not only the Sacrament, but alfo the true Body of our Lord Jcfus Chrift, * it'feems they And that not only the Sacrament, but the Body of the Lord is * fenfu- mcantfenubiy. a]ly and in truth? handled by the hands of the Prieft, broken and brui- fcd by the teeth of the faithful. When Eerengarm with many Arguments defended, that the Sacra- ment Cto fpeak properly) was the figure of ChriftV body, and CardK nal AlbertctU;Vi}\Q was nominated to difpute againft him,could not by g . , voice reiift him \ and neither of the two would yield unto the other, taki!. ?. rei " -^%'^K fought the fpace of feyen days to anfwer in writing. And at; tf BRANCH. 75 y--.^._J. ,- . - - - -.'j^ at laft when difputation could not prevail againft him , he was com- manded to recant, or elfe he muft exped to be burnt. They prefcri- _ it r r f* r i I 111- --i OrJtun aC C0n j bed to him a form ot Recantation of his errour as they called it. The fecrau dift. 2. Recantation was penned by Cardinal Humbert, and is regiftred by Gratian. Neverthelefs the words of the Recantation are far from Tranfubftantiation. Thefe are the words fo far as they concern our prefent purpofe, Maffons Annrf.*. faithfully tranflated. / Berengarius, do confent to the Apoftolick^ and Fl Reman See, and with my Mouth and Heart confefi, that tie Bread and Wine laid OH the Altar , after the Ccnfecration , are not only the Sacra- ment^ but the very body and blood of our Lord Jefus^ andfenfibly, not only in Sacrament but in truth, are handled with the hands of the Priefi, broken and chewed with the hands and Teeth of the faithful. JohnSemeca, the deflator of the Decrees, exprefly condemneth the words of this Recantation, and faith, If thou underftandeft not the words of Berengarius foundly , thou (halt fall into a greater Herefie than he did ; for we break not Chrift'-r body into pieces, nifi in fpeciebuf. ufler dc focctflf, Eerengarius returning home, returned alfo to his former Doftrine, Ecclef * and wrote in defence of it. Some have written, that Berengariitr de- nyed the Baptifm of Infants : But Arch-BHhop Vfhcr faith, that in fo many Synods held againft him, we never find any fuch thing laid to his charge. ItiyricM gives this Character of him , Tempore Leonis noni , circa lO4p. Berengarius, Vir pietate&eruditione Clartif, Andegavenfis Eccle- fa Viaconw^ qunm videret Fontificios Do&ores quam plttrimof ingenti faftu ftanfubjiantiationu fundament a fternere, quod mentem Augujlini & alio- rumVeterum non inteHigerent , fed Sacrament ales & Hyper bolicas non- vid.Thwrtvfw ttitUas locutiones ad novum fenfum inducendttm detorquerent , veram fen- \^ c ^^ tentiam ex Orthodoxo confenfu repetitam his corrupted fppofuit , & verbo DeiTeftimottiifqtVeterHmTheologorttMrefeVereconatiu ejl , fcr/ptw etiam & evnlgatit libris^ ut fii in vera Voftrina confrmarentur. Catal. Teji. Verit.lib.22. 'Berengarius dyed (holding his firft Doctrine) at 7or/, in the Ide of St. Cofina^ and was buried at St. Martins^ where his Tomb was reared : and Hildebert Bilhop of Cwomxn^ and then of Tours , and made his Epitaph, which William of Malmesbury hath fet down. And this is a part of it. >ue m tnodb mlratttr^ femper mirabitttr orbh, Ille Berengarius non obiturus obit. Gull. Quern facr* fidti-ve{ligia fumma tenentem, Httic jam qttinta dies abllulit^ an fa nefai. lla diesdamnofa dies, &j>erfda mundo, >ua dolor & mum fumma ruina fittt y L 2 Cent. 11. ?latn. io vit. loaoa. 15. Mith.PamH.ft. Angler. Math- Wcftm. Sigeb; Gcmblac. (Chtoni. Thuan. Hift. in Epift. Dedicat. tlfttr ca. 3. Auguft. 3710 jotuo,. tatus Ecclefit, qua fpet t qua gloria Cltri, Quo. cultor j*ris, jure ruente rttit. foft obttum fecttmvfaam, precor ac requiefcam^ Nee fiat meliar fort mtd farte ftta. TIatina callcth "BerengxriM^ famous for learning and holinefs. He was a great friend to learning, and bred many Studeatsof Divinity at his proper charge , and by means of them his Do&rine was fowed through all France , and the Countries adjacent. This was matter unto his adverfaries to envy him the more. Arbeit he did waver as Peter did > and although his Dodrine was fo often condemned by the Popes, yet it could not be rooted out of the minds of men : for Mat- then? Paris writeth, that all France was affe&ed with this Doctrine, and Matthew of Weftminfter at the fame time faith, That the Doctrine ofBerengariuf had corrupted all the Englifajtalian and French Nations: So that the Eerengarianr, that is, the Preachers of the true Faith, (which the Romanics call HerefieJ againft the rifing errours did not lurk in a Corner. And Sigebert in his Chronicle faith, that there mere many difputati- ons among diversperfons, both for him and againft him, both by word and by writing. Thttanus alfo hath noted, that in Germany were many of the fame Doctrine > and that "Bruno Bifhop of Tivpfrx, baniflied them all out of his Diocefs, but fparing their Blood. And John 'tojington a Fran- cifcan, in his confellion fet forth Anno 1380. faith thus. The Heretical fcntence which is raifed of the dreams of Berengarius affirmeth openly, that all the Fathers of the Church, and Do&ors of the fecond thou- fand years (as they fpeak) that is, who have been within 380 years have been after the loofmg of Satan, and the Doctrine which we (faith he) hold to be the Faith of the Church s concerning the blefled Eu charift, they fay it is not right, but an errour and herelie , and the tares of Satan being let looe. To defend the words of the former Recantation, which was given in the Synod at La-teran unto Bf rtfg/ and Robert with their Mother Richilde. Then their Unckle Robert the Frifon, pretended the Inheritance to belong to him , and fupplanting his Nephews, feizeth on the Earldom of Flanders : and King Philip forfakes Baldwin's Children at their need, forgetting the good Offices he had received from their Father. Now Wftiam Duke of Normandy is received King of England., and Crowned in afolemn AlTembly of the Englifh 3 and homage is done unto him as their lawful Lord, Anno 1066. He had encountred King- Harold and overcome his Hoft, in that place where afterward was buil- ded the Abbey of Battle in Suffex. The day after the Battle very early in the morning, Odo Bifhop of IBaiettx fung Mafs for thofe that were departed, being flain in the Battle. Before this time Priefts were forbidden to marry , but could not be re/trained from their liberty. In the Year 1074. Pope Gregory VII. otherwife Hildebrand in a Sy- Eod at Rome, condemned all married Priefts as Nicolaitans. He di reded his Bulls (as they called them) to Bifhops , Dukes , and other Powers, declaring every one to be no Prieft , that had a Wife. His Bull was fent into Italy and Germany. This Decree being proclaimed through all /* */y, he fent many Letters unto the French Bifhops , com- manding that they (hould upon pain of an everlafting curfe, put away all the Women from the Houfes of Priefts. But the refidue of the Clergy ftoutjy withftood the Pope'/ decree, and would not agree thereunto. Then there arofe fuch a Schifm in the Church , that the people would not fend their Priefts unto the Bi(hops> but did elecl: them a* tnongthemfelves, and put them in Office without the knowledge of the Bifhops, And ^*^{|w&ith, that both Jfriefts and people did pppofe Cent, 1 1. oppofe the PopeV decree, and that not only in Germany, but in France alfe. Yea Gebuiler, a late Papift, teftifieth, that hi thofe times 24 Bi- (hops in Germany and Franc*, with their Clergy, did conftantly main- tain the- liberty of Priefts marriage. If other Nations had followed the like concord and conftancy of thefe German and French Minifters, the devilifh decree of this Hildebrandhzd been avoided. About this time at Nantes , a Letter was prefented unto a Clerk , as directed from Hell ; in it Satan and all that fry, gave thanks unto all Math Paris Hift- tne PP^ Clergy, becaufe they were not wanting to do their wills ' and pleafures, and becaufe by negligence of preaching they had fent fo many fouls to Hell, as no Age preceding had fceri fo many. \ After the death of Hildebrattd, ViUor the third, Abbot of Cafla, was made Pope, not by the Election of the Romans or Cardinals, but was thruft in by the aid of his Harlot Mathilda, and the Normans that were of his faction. He being eftablUhed, began to defend Gregorie's pranks, againft the Emperour and others. But the haftinefs of his death , (hortned his malice. When Gregory and Vi8or were dead, the Bifhops of Germany and Fnitfce, conlidering the calamities of the Church, by that unhappy fchifm, met at Gurftung, to end the controverfie. There Conrade Bi jucntAn (hop of fctowfc* made a long Oration in the Aflembly. The Papal party had chofen Gebhard Bithop of Salisburgk, to fpeak in their jiame, but. when he heard the Oration of Cvnrade , he would not open his mouth to fpeak on the contrary. : At length a Synod was convocated at Mentz , whither came the Emperour, the Electors, and many Dukes, Peter BHhop of Portua. and Legate of Clemens , and many Bifliops of Germany and raticc y There the faftion of Hildcbrand by common fuffrage was condemned, as contrary unto Chriftian piety, and a decree was publifiSed , that all Chrifiians (hould (hun the company of thofe accurfed pcrfons. Hildebert Arch-Bilhop of Tours, lived under Philip the firft King of France. At that time the Kings of France furnifhed the Churches with Paftors after the death of the Incumbent. Then Hildebert ap- proved the prefentation made by the King to a certain BUhoprick of his Realm, commending him in this manner. 1 congratulate with ver* Review of the 9tte * *^ at ^ at ^ ^ er ren>ar ^ under our King. He hath found that the COUIK. of Trent power of a King Jhines more bright by gifts and liberality, than by the p>a ' 5 ' Scepter, and that it is not fxfficient for a Prince to flir up his Sftbje&s, to well-doing by Examples, unlefithey be alfo provoked by rewards. Hence it is, that your good manners were honoured by a great Pricfthood. The difpofition of the King was found and prudent, confidering, it could not better provide for the Church than by placing you in it. AC Cent. M. Of FRANCE. 79 At this time Iw Arch-BUhopof Cha rtres in France , after he was elected by the Clergy, wasprefented to the fame KingP^////? the firrt, and received his'Inveftiture, and paftoral ftaff from him , upon the refufal of the Arch-Biftopof Sw, he was confecrated by the Pope i whereat the faid Arch-BKhop was highly offended, infomuch that He with othet Bifhops at the Synod of Eftampes^ were upon the point of revoking the faid con'fecration made by the Pope, as prejudicial to the Ring'/ Authority. Sec here what the fame Bithopfaith of it in a Let- ter unto Pope Urban. Moreover,! give your Holinejs to wit , that the Arch-1>i(hop of Sens being infatuated by the Counfel of the %ijbop of Paris, having fitmmonedthe faid'Bijbop of Paris, and two others of the fame humour (viz. be of Meaux and He of Troycs) did very indiscreetly accufe me this prefent Year, becaufe of the confecration which I had re- ceived from you > faying that I had offended againfl the King's Majefty^ by attempting to receive my confecration from the See Apcftolick^ .. This Urban the fecond , forbade the Bifhops of France to Crown ivaEpifti IH. King ?&////>, whom he had excommunicated : but they were readier to obey their King'/ commands, than his prohibition. In the Council of C/ermont'm France (faith Matthew Paris) held Anno 10^4. Pope Urban wSihz!" 1 * * excommunicated Philip Ring of France. And another Englijh Authour faith, In this Council the Pope ex- will. Malmsb, ' communicated Ring Philip of Trance^ and all fuch as (hould call him It4 ' their King or their Lord, and which mould obey him , or fpeak unto him. In like manner Ivo Bifliop of Chartres fpeaks of them botho By reafonof this accufation King Philip was excommunicated by VoycVrbatt at the Council of Clermont , and having refumed the fame Wife after he was divorfed from her, he was afterwards ex- communicated at the Council of Poiftiers by the two Cardinals. John and Rennet. Notwithftanding which Excommunication he was Crowned by the Arch-Bimop of 'tours in a full Affembly of o- ther Bifliops. . Know you therefore (faith the fame Bilhop of Ghartres in a Letter ivoEpift.a&al of his to Pope Urban) that contrary to the prohibition of your Legate^ Urban, fecund, the drch-Bifhop of Tours hath fet the Crown upon the Head of the King. He fpeaks afterwards of the Election of a Bifliop, made at the fame time by thofe who were aflembled with the faid Arch- Bimop. In another Epiftle written to the fame Vrban, he (heweth him how Philip had fent Ambafladours unto him with prayers in one hand, and threats in the other, fuch as thefe, that the King and Kingdom would relinquijh their obedience to him, unlefske did reftore the King unto hit Crown^ and abfelve him from the fentence of Excommunication. And attecwardshe advertifeth him, How the Arch-BiJbop o/Rhemes, Sens and Tours, had by injunction, from the King ? a fflJHt f 4. i^^ r f u ff ra g a * t ' 8o gOjc Ccclcfiaaical %rttoa? Cent. a. Troyes, the firjl Sunday after All-Saints day , after be Jho*ld have returned his Attfiver. Whence we colled two things, i. That the BHhops of Franctdld not ceafe to acknowledge their King, nor to obey him , and commu- nicate with him, notwkhftanding the prohibition from the Council of Clermont. 2. That they were very ready to put in Execution thole threats which the Ambafladours went to make unto the Pope, in cafe he did not condefcend unto the King's pleafure. The fame ho complains of the Pope's Legate , becaufe he had chofen the City of Phyes, there to decide the caufe of the Clergy of Chartres, who could not repair thither with fafety by reafon of the populoufnefs of that City. The fame Bifhop having a controverfie with forne of his Clergy, depending before the Arch-Biftiop of Sens, his Metropolitan, intreats him to appoint a place for Judgement, whither they might go and come in fafety. The Legate fore-mentioned, having appointed a Council 5 confifting of French Bifhopsto meet at Sens, for the abfolution of King Philip s' the iirft, from the Excommunication which was darted out againft him by the Pope, by reafon of his unlawful marriage , he gives him notice that he might have done better, to have proceeded to jvo Epiit. r*6. that abfolution in another place than Sens^ that fo every one might have had means to fpeak his opinion freely. The fame Bi(hop of Chartres continuing his devotion to Pope Vrban^ km.Ep.ft.ii6. uponl heEledioiiof an Arch-Bi(hop of Rhemes , affureth the Pope that one was chofen, who was very zealous for the See Apoftofick, ad- ding afterwards, Nowkow neceffary is it for the Church of Rome , to place in that See a Minifter, which is devout and affeftionate unto her , it is not for me to inform your IPifdom, which kpows very well ^ that this See wears the Royal Diadem, and fervesfor a pattern to ati other Churches ef France, either of Ruine or Refitrre&ion. This Ivo of Chartres^ although he had received his Invefiiture from ViingPhilipi yet inasmuch as he had gotten his confirmation from Pope Urban, he was always affectionate to him , and the Roman See, even to the prejudice of the King and Kingdom , as may be collected from fome of his Epiftles. tu E ift c ^ n tne c ntrar y becaufe Lupw had gotten the Abbey of St. Peter ds Ferriers in the Diocefs of Sens^ by the donation of Charles the bald, he was always loyal, and even brags of it in one of his Epiftles. It happened, that there came a French Pilgrim tojerufalem, called Tho.Fuiier.Hift. ?eter an Hermit, born at Amiens in Trance ; one of a contemptible of the holy war pcrfon, yet a man of a quick apprehenfion, and eloquent Tongue, and hl>. t . ca. 8. one t k at was countec j ver y Religious. With him Simon the Patriarch of Jerufajem often treated , concerning the prefent miferies of the Chriftians Cent. ii. Of FRANCE. 81 Chriftians under the Turks, what hope of amendment, and how the matter might be fecretly contrived, that the Princes in Europe might aflift and relieve them. Peter moved with the Patriarch'/ perfwaii- ons, the equity and honourablenefs of the caufe , and chkfly with a Vifion(as they fay) from Heaven, took the whole bufinefs upon him, and travelled to R0we, to confult with Pope Urban the fecond , about the advancing fo pious a defign. Some think, that the Pope firft fecretly employed this Hermit to be his Fador, and to go to Jerujalem to fet on foot fo beneficial a Trade for the Church of Rome , becaufe the Pope alone was the gainer by this great adventure, and all other Princes of Europe came off lofers. Pope Urban had called the Council of Clermont in France foremen- tioned, where met many Princes and Prelates to - whom he made a long oration : which was to this effed. Firft, he bemoaned the mi- feries of the Chriftians in Afia, and the vaftation of thofe holy places. Next, he encouraged the Princes in the Council to take Arms againft T)ruisli.i,c,i$. thofe Infidels', and to break their bonds in fundcr, and to caft their cords far from them (as it is Written) to caft ottt the Handmaid and her Children. Otherwife,if they would not help to quench their neighbours hou- fes, they muft expert the fpeedy burning of their own, and that thefe barbarous Nations would quickly over-run all Europe. Now to fet an edge to their courage, he promifed to all that went this Voyage, a full remiflion of their fins, and pennances here, and the enjoying Heaven hereafter. Laftly , he thus concluded , Gird your Swords to your Thighs, O ye men of might: It is our parts to pray, yours to fight : ours with Mofes to hold up unwearied hands to God, yours to ftretch forth the Sword againft thefe Children of Atnaleck; Amen. This motion wasmoft chearfully entertained, fo that the whole Affembly cryed out , God rvfteth it : A fpeech which was afterward ^ e ||- An - 9 ufed as a fortunate Watch- word in their moft dangerous detigns. Then many took a crofs of red cloth on their right (boulder , as a badge of their devotion : And to gain the favourable affiftance of the Virgin Mary to make this War the more happy, her Office was inftitu- ted, containing certain prayers, which at Canonical hours were to be made unto her. On eobferveth, that it is enough to make it fufpicious, that there were fome finifter ends in this War , becaufe Gregory VII. otherwife racr t beS called Hildebrand (and by Luther in his Chronology , Larva Diaboli.} the worft of all that fate in the Papal Chair, firft began it : but death preventing him, Vrban the fecond fwhom Cardinal Benno called Tr- &w, for troubling the whole world) effected it. M Now Si 3U)eeccleftafticai$ifto# Now a great controverfie was in Chriftendom about the iuvefti- ture of Biihops, whether the right lay in the Pope, or in fecular Princes. Now the Pope diverted this queftion out of Princes Heads, by opening an i(Tue another way, and gave vent to the a&ivity of their fpirits in this Martial employment , and in the mean time quietly went away without any corrival. concluding the controverfie for his own profit. Moreover, he got a Mafs of Money by it. He had the office to bear the bag, and what was put into it, as contributed to this action from pious people, and expended but fome few drops of the (howers he received. As the Pope, fo moft of the Clergy improved their Eftates by this W^*' For the fecular Princes who went this Voyage, fold or morga- ged moft of their Eftates (idling for Gold, to purchafe with Steel and Iron) and the Clergy were generally their Chapmen. Godfrey Duke of Bowlto,fold that Dukedom to the Bi(hop of Liege , and the Caftle of Sartenfy and Monfa to the Bilhop of Verdun. Baldwin his Brother Daniel in HCH- fold him the City of Verdun. Yea by thefe Tales the third part of the Feoffs in France^ came to be poflcffed by the Clergy, who made, good bargains for themfelves, and had the confcience to buy Earth cheap, and Heaven dear. Many Prelates and Fryarsleft their paftoral Charges and Covents to, follow this bufinefs. The total fum of thofe pilgrim Souldiers amounted to three hun- dred thoufand. The French^ Utttcb^ Italian and Englijk, were the four Elemental Nations , whereof this Army was compounded. But France contributed more Souldiers to this Army than all Chriftendom befides. The (ignal men were Hugh, firnamed le Grand , Brother to the King of France. Godfrey Duke of 'BoviHon , Baldwin and Euftace his younger Brochers i Stephen Earl of Bloys^ Father to Stephen after- wards King of England, j Keymund Earl of Iholoufr* Robert Earl of Flanders , Hugh Earl of St. Paul , ~B*ldvem de Burge^ with many more : . befides of the Clergy Aimar Bifhop of Ptty^ and Legate to the Pope, and WiHiam Bilhop of Orange. Out of the fartheft parts of Italy , Boemund Prince of farentHm, and Ttancred his Nephew, (both of the Norman feed, though growing on the^tt/wtffoylj led an Army of twelve thoufand Men. Many Souldiers alfo went out of Lombardy. England alfo (the Pope's pack-horfe in that Age) fcnt many brave wen under Robert Duke of Normandy^ Brother to WftiamTOifto (now King of England after the Death of his Father, as Stattcbatnp and o- thers whofe names are loft. All thefe Princes being called ap by Pope Z^8. by Robert , Abbot of ^ as Sigcbert faith. Godfrey of Bovillon d*yed , having reigned one year , wanting five days. After his death, the Chriftians with a joynt confent fent to "Baldwin his Brother, Count of Edejfa , ( a City in Arabia , the Lord whereof had adopted this 'Baldrvin to be his Heir) and entreated him to accept of the Kingdom, which honourable offer he courteoufly em- braced, Anno noo. He was a Prince of the largeft file, higher by the Head than his Subjects i Bred he was a Scholar, entred into Orders , anal was Pre- bendary in the Churches of Rbemes, Liege, and Cambray , but after- wards turned fecular Prince, but Baldwin put not off his Scholar-lhip with his habit, but made good ufe thereof in his Reign. M 2 Cent 1 2. ccrteftaftical $tfto# Century XII. A Nno 1107. Pope Tafcal the fecond, gathered a Council at Iroyes in France, to throw out of the hands of the Empe- rour Henry V. the right of Inveftiture of Bifliops. In the beginning of this Century, Great Hugh of France was buried at larfus in Cilkia, Duke Guelpbo at Paphos in Cyprus. Diemo the Arch-Bi(hopof Saltzbttrgbfavrhis own Heart cut out, and Martyred by theTr^/at Cborazin, fo many thoufand Souldiers were confumed with Plague, Famine and the Sword, that Conrade^ Abbot of 10 8 Vrfpurg, who went and wrote this Voyage, faith, God manifefted by- ' the event, that this War was not pleafing to him. Rabbi Solomon Jarchi^ a learned French Jew, who hath commented on the whole Bible, to whom Lyra is beholden for the Hebrew , dyed Anno 1105. Philip King of France having refigned his Crown to his Son Lewes at Orleans , and caufed him to be Crowned King, dyeth at Melun, Anno 1 1 op. Calixttts the fecond, before called Guido of Burgundy, defcended of the Kings of England and France^ fucceeded Pope Gelafw. He was chofen Pope at Clugny in France by a few Cardinals, whom Gflafiw had brought with him, yet was Pope Gregory alive , whom the Emperour himfelf had created. Calixtits betiegeth Satrium, a Town where Gregory was, and having taken the Town, and his fellow Pope, he caufed feimto be fet upon a Camel, with his Face to the Camel's Tail , fo he was brought through the ftreets of Rome, holding the Tail in his hand inftead of a Bridle: and afterwards being (horn he was thruft into a Mo- naftery. This Pope Calixtw was the firft that eftablifhed the decrees of the Papal See, againft the Emperour. He held a general Council at Rhemes, and decreed that Priefts, Deacons and Sub-Deacons fhould put away their Concubines and Wives : and whofoever was found to keep his Wife r (houTd be deprived of Benefice, and all other Ecclefiaftical li- ving , whereupon a certain English Writer made thefe Verfes following. Cent. il. Of FRANCE. 8* btne Calixte, nunc omnis Clem odit te, * Quondam Presbyteri poterant Vxoribw ttti. Hoc defirnxifti, pojiquam tu Papa fuifti, Ergo titum merit nomen habent odio. He fate five years, and ten months. "Honoring the fecond fucceeded him. In the time of this Honoriw , Armtlpb a fingular preacher of Chriftian Religion flouriflied. Hugo , Platina and Sabellicuf by , he was Bifnop of Lions in France. Trithemius faith he was a Prieft, whofe Hiftory I will briefly fet down. Arnulph, was a devout , and zealous Man, a worthy preacher; Coming to Row?, he rebuked in his- preaching the diflblutenefs, incontinency , avarice , and pride of the fiomijk Clergy, provoking all to follow Chrirt and his Apoftles , rather in their poverty and purenefs of Life : by reafon whereof this man was well accepted and liked of the Nobility of Row?, for a true Di fciple of Chrift : but of the Cardinals and Clergy he was no lefs ha- ted, than favoured of the other -, infomuch that privily in the night feafon they took him and deftroyed him. This his Martyrdom Cfaith hejl was revealed unto him before by an Angel, he being in the defert " when he was fent forth to preach. ' Whereupon he thus fpake unto them publickly. I know (faith he) ye feek my Life, and will deftroy me privily, bccaufe I preach to you the truth, and blame your pride, avarice, incontinency, with your unfatiable greedinefs in getting and heaping up riches, therefore you are difpleafed with me. I take here Heaven and Earth to witnefs, that I have preached un- to you that which I was commanded of the Lord, but you contemn me and your Creator, who by his only Son hath redeemed youi And no marvel, if you feek my death, being a finful man preaching to you the truth, whereas if St. Peter were here this day, and rebuked your vices, which do fo multiply above meafure, you would not fpare him neither. And as he was faying this with a load voice, he added, for my part I am not afraid to fuffer death for the truth's fake,but this I fay unto you, that God will look upon your iniquities, and be avenged df you. You being full of all impurity , play the blind guides to the people committed to you, leading them the way to Hell. Thus the hatred of the Popifh Clergy being incehfed againfthim for psyching, they confpired againft him and killed him. Sabellicus and Platina fay, Fox Aft that they hanged him, and others that they drowned him. All num. ada .the Clergy were defamed for. his death the Pope took it ill, but he U3 '*' revenged it not. H&^t forementioned, Arch*Bi(hop of Iwrs, about this time wrote many Epiftles : in one unto an Earl going in Pilgrimage , he eoHdemneth Pilgrims fot vifittng. of Monuments. And fpeaking of the- s<5 e^cdefiatttcattfto cent. the Romtnijts, he faith their bnfinefs is in eafe, their prey is in peace > their fighting is in fleeing, and vi&ory in cups : they regard no man, nor order, nor time : they are in Judgement Scythians, in Chamber vi- pers, at Feafts peafants-, in undemanding ftones , in refpedfc of anger tire, to forgive iron, in difcretion pratling Daws > in friendship Pan- thers, in deceit Foxes, in pride Bulls , to devour Minorants. He wrote to HonoriiK II. refuting appellations to Rome , becaufe it was a novelty contrary to the Scripture, and very hurtful to the Church. He fheweth the condition of Rome briefly in two Verfes. Morn, in Myft. - ^^ f x a x ^ fi ve l Vomim urbs ilia care ret, Ve I Vomin'tf effet turpe carere fide. He was apprehended, and imprifoned at Rome. King Lewes called a Council of the Lords and Bifhops of ^France, at the City of Orleans , where, of the BUhop of the fame place, he was folemnly anointed and Crowned, but not without the grudging of the Arch-BUhop of Rhemes. The French begin to fall from their obedi- ence, and rebellions are kindled in divers places of his Realm : and the places near unto Paris began theie firft revolts ; his Reign was very troublefome. He had crowned his eldeft Son Philip, who going to take the Air on Horfe-back, an Hog patted under the Belly of his Horfe, which being feared threw him down, and bruifed him fo, that within few days after he dyed. Then King Lerves marrieth his Son Lewes to the Heir of Cuienne. He made Henry, his third Son, Bimop ofBeavois, another Philip Arch- Deacon of Preux t and married his only Daughter Conjlance to Reimund Earl of 'fbohufe and St. Giles. Letves the grofs having thus fettled his Chil- dren, dyed Anno 1137. His Son Lewes VII. fucceeded him , and reigned three and forty years, his long reign was nothing happy, and contains in it nothing that was memorable, but that the foundation was laid for a long cala- ipaity for France. After the death of Baldwitt, King of Jerufalem, ''Baldwin de Bttrgo his Kinfman, was chofen King. This Baldwin was a proper Perfonage, and of able body, born nigh Rhemes in France^ Son to Httgb Count of Rojler. He was very charita- ble to the poor, and pious toward God i witnefs the brawn on his hands and knees made with continual praying , valiant alfo, and ex- cellently well feen in martial affairs. After the death of Arntilfb^ Patriarch of Jgrufalem, Gttarimond born in France fucceeded him. About this time the two great orders of Tonplefs and Teutonics appear- Cent. 12. Of FRANCE. 87 appeared in the World, The former under Hugh de Paganif, and G*- fred of St. Ome r their nrft Founders. They agreed in profefiion with the Hofpitallers, and performed it alike, vowing poverty , chaftity and obedience, and to defend Pilgrims coming to the Sepulchre. It is falfly fathered on St. 'Bernard , that he appointed them their rule, who prefcribeth not what they (hould do, but only defcribeth what- they did. At the fame time began the 'teutonic]^ Order, confifting only of Dutch-men well defcended, living at Jerufalem in an houfe, which one of that Nation bequeathed to his Country- men that came thither on Pilgrimage. King Baldwin was afterwards taken prifoner , and Euflace Gremer^ chofen Vice-Roy while the King was in durance, ftoutly defended the Gountrey. Baldwins, little before his death renounced the World , and took on him a religious habit. He dyed not long after, viz, in the thirteenth year of his Reign, and was buried with his predeceffours in. the Temple of the Sepulchre. Fw/co, Earl of I'ours^ Mam and Anjou^ coming fome three years be* fore on Pilgrimage to Jernfalem, there married the KingV Daughter, he was chofen the fourth King of Jerufalem. He was well nigh do years old. By his firft Wife he had a Son, Geoffery of flantagenet, Earl of Anjon, to whom he left his Lands in France^znd from whom our Kings of England are defcended. Fulco having reigned eleven years with.much care and induftry, was Tyrius flain as he followed hisfport-in hunting. Thomas Fuller brings him in ca< ulr% thus fpeaking his Epitaph. A Hare Ibtinted, and Death bunted me. The more my fpeed vpat^.tvas tbe worfe my fpeed : For as weH-mounted I away did flee^ J)f4tb caught andkjIPd me falling from my Steed. let this, mijhap an happy mifs I count \ That fill frm Horfe^ that I to Heaven might fucceeded hisFather. He was well learned , e- fpeciallyin Hi iiory, liberal, witty and facetious. His mother Mitie- fent continued a Widow, and as for Children's- fake fhe married once, fo for her Children's-fake (he married no more. St. Bernard and (he often converfed together by Letters : H extolled her (ingle Life. This St. Bernard Abbot of Clarevaux, or Clareval, was famous in thai time. He often complains of the defection of the Church. He (harply rebuked the vitious lives of BiQiops and Abbots. Yea, -he did not fpare the Popes, as appeareth partly by what he wrote unto ss 3CJ)t ccciefiaftieal ^tftojp Cent. it. unto Pope Eugeniiif, and unto Innocent the fecond. And for his liberty Epift.i78. ADO. in fpeaking againft the errours of his time, he was reproached, fo that A b g ba t dWllIerm 'he was conftrained to publi(h Apologies, where he faith, that they called him the moft miferable of Men , one who prefumed to judge the World, and by the (hadowof his bafcnefs infult over the lights of the World. And he faith there, that he was like to be killed every day, and was judged as a Iheep for the (laughter i yet neverthelefs he was not afraid to fpeak of their vices, becaufe (faid hej meliw e(l ut fcandalunt oria #r, quam veritaf relinquatttr : It is better that a fcandal Jkould arrfe^ than truth* faottld be relinquifbed. who at the beginning when the order of Monks began (faith he.) could think that Monks would be- come fo naughty ? Oh how unlike are we to thpfe in the days of An- thony > did Macariw live in fuch a manner ? did Bafil teach fo > did Anthony ordain fo ? did the Fathers in Egypt carry themfelves fo > how is the light of the World become darknefs? how is the fait of the Earth become unfavoury ? I am a Lyar C faith he) if I have not feen an Abbot having above fixty horfes in his train: when ye faw them riding, ye might fay, Thefe were not Fathers of Monafteries,but Lords of Gaftles > not feeders pf Souls,' bur Princes of Provinces. They have carried after them their Table-Cloths, Cups, Bafons, Candle^icks, and Portmantua's fluffed not with ftraw , but ornaments of Beds, fcarce will any of them go four miles from his houfe , but f he'muft have all things with him, as if he were going into a leaguer, or through a Wildernefs, where neceflaries- could not be had. O va^ nityof vanities ! the walls of Churches are glorious, and poor* folks are in neceffity. Yet may it befaid, that 'Bernard was a follower of the Popes. I an- fwer, ycsi he gave them "all the Titles that others gave them : , but fee what blows he gave them, as appeareth by what he wrote to Innocen- */*, and Eugennu^ he lays on them the blame of all the wickednefs in the Church, In rites he was carried with the fway of the times , but hisppjdhine was far different from the Tenets of the Church of .Rome. Bern. Epift. 91. In one of his ^piftles he writes thus. I would be in that Council, co^rcg. 1 " ' :f$ where the Traditions of Men are not obftinately defended, nor fuper- ftitioufly obferved, but where they fearch diligently and humbly, what is the good, perfect and acceptable will of God : thither am I carried with all my dearer and there would I abide devoutly. in prz- And elfewhere he faith, many things were devifed and ordainedi tpt.&Difptnf. not becaufe they might not be otherwife, but becaufe it was fo expe- dient, and certainly but for confer ving charity: therefore fo long as the things do ferve charity , let them ftand without change ; nor can they be changed without offence, no not by the Rulers. But contrarily, if they be contrary unto charity, in the judgement of Cent. il. Of FRANCE. 89 of fuch only unto whom it is granted to overfee, is it not clearly moft juft,that what things were devifed for charity, (hould alfo be omitted, or intermitted for charity, when it is fo expedient? or (at leaft) that they be another thing more expedient : as on the other tide, certainly it were unjuft, if thefe things that were ordained for charity, be held againft charity. Let them therefore hold faft that which is immoveable. The fame Bernard informs us , that then was held a Council at Bern< de conft- Rhemes, wherein the Pope was prefident. And faith he , Brethren I where we muft aHftand, and there will God judge all the World. Here (on earth) unrighteoufnefs is (hut up in a bag i but in that Judgement God will judge righteoufly : and there we muft all appear whether he be a Pope, or a Cardinal, or an Arch- Bifhop, or a Bifhop, or poorer rich, or learned or unlearned, that evy one may receive according to what he hath done in the body, whether good or ill. Moreover, he faid unto the Council , that the Impefthume -was fpread through all the body of the Church, from the fole of the Foot to the Head, the Bride was fpoiled,and even they that were called the Bridegrooms of the Church, were not the friends of the Bridegroom? And the Council fe far took with this rebuke , that fome A&s were made for Reformation, though no reformation followed. About that time had been ftarted that opinion concerning the Vir- gin Mary,viz. of Univerfal freedom from original fin : which opinion had been in the minds only of fome private per/ons, but yet was not come among the ceremonies of the Church, nor into the minds of the learned. About the year 1135. the Chanons of Lyons durft firft bring it into the fervice of the Church. St. Eernard flourifhing at that time for piety and learning, before all the Divines of that Agei and fo im- moderate in the praifes of the bleffed Virgin, that he calleth her, the neck^of the Church > as if by her all Grace did flow from the Head i neverthelefs he (harply writeth againft thefe Chanons , that without reafon, and without example of former times, they had brought in fo dangerous a novelty. He confefleth, that they had matter enough to commend the bleffed Virgin > but fuch ambitious novelty (which is the mother of fondnefs, the fifter of fuperftition , and daughter of levity ) he faith, could notpleafe her. Receniiifimui eft Em/W dyed in the 63. year of his Age, Anno 1153. From erring vixUqu'e "Joft* Bernard that frequent proverb of writers erring drew it's Original, fi r " E; T> i -I- i i r * a -n j P'""P ! Romani Eernaraus non ndit otonia : neither is it a wonder, iceing he nounihed Tyra.ini.fcm. in the darkeft midnight (as it were) of Popery. He is much commen- po a n ^' ecum * ded by divers learned Proteftants : as by Btthop M0rfo,Bi(hop Carleton, Car!er Confeni; Voffivs and others. He hath folidly difputed concerng the chief Heads E ccicf OMT. * of Faith, of the Scriptures of the Church, of the mifery of man , of Jfj^jj 6 ' 1L N free ca'.i'j. 90 %\)t CcrlctoRlCilt %tftO# Cent. Vi.. free juftification, of grace , of new obedience, with the Catholick Church againft the Tridentine Fables, to that nothing can be found more foiid. In the Council of: Rbemef forementioned (where were aflembled 434 Prelats) thefe five principal adts were concluded. 1. That no Man (hould, or fell any Biftopikk, Abbot- (hip, Deanry, Arch- Deaconfhip, Priefthooxl , Prebendftip, Altar, or ou any Ecclefiaftical promotion, or Benefice, Orders, Confecratfon, Church-hallowing, Seat or Stall within the Q^ire , or any Office Ecclefiaftical, under pain of Excommunication, if he did perfift. 2. That no Lay-perfon (hould give Inveftiture, or any Ecclefiaftical; poiTeflion^nd that no fpiritual man {hould receive any any Lay* man's hand under pain of deprivation. 3. That no man (hould invade, take away, or detain the goods or pofleflions of the.Church, but that they Ihould remain firm and perpe- tual, under pain of perpetual curfe. 4. That no Bi(hop or Prieft (hould have any Ecclefiaftical Dignity or benefice to any, by way of inheritance. Adding moreover, that for Baptifm, Chrifm, Anointing, Burial, no Money mould be exacted. 5. Item, That all Priefts, Deacons, and Sub-Deacons, mould be ut- terly debarred and fequeftred from company of* their wives and Concubines , .under pain of excluding from , all Chriftian Com- munion. The A&s thus determined were fent foon after to.Hettry the Empe- rour, to try (before t|ie breaking up of the Council) whether he would agree to the Canonical Elections, free confecration,and invert- ing of fpiritual perfons j and to other Ads of the faidCouncil. The Emperour maketh anfwer, that he would lofe nothing of that Anti- ent Cuitom, which his Progenitors had given him : Yet becaufe of the authority of the general Council, he was content to confent to the refidue,fave only the inverting of Ecclefiaftical function to be taken from him, unto that he would never agree. Upon this, at the next return of the Pope to the Council, Henry the Emperour was excom- municated. In the Year 1142. Pope Enrgwu'iircame to. P and all his Court were deprived of the Communion. This lafted three whole years till St. Bernard came to the King, and perfwaded him to receive the faid Arch-Bifhop. But becaufe by fo doing, the King brake his Oath made upon the HcJy Relicks,,he was enjoyned for fatisfa&ion to take a Journey to the Holy Sepulchre .in Syria t to fight againft the Saracens. In which Journey the King loft the flower of the French Nobility, and re- turned affli&ed and full of confufion , as you (hall fee more hereafter. Peter Biihop of Clnqny was in great account with Pope Eugeniut. Bernard wrote many JELpiftks to him : in one EpiiJle he calleth him a Veffel of Honour, full of Grace and Truth, and endued with marty gifts. Thelofsof Edeffa (wherein Chrifi&anity had flourifhed ever fince the Apoftles times) moved Conrade Emperour of the Weft, and Levees VII. fir- named the young, King of France, to undertake a Voyage to the Holy Land. Pope Eugeniw III. beftirred himfelf in the matter , and made St. "Bernard ftis folicitour to advance the defign. The Emperour's Army contained two hundred thoufand foot, befides fifty thoufand Horfe : nor was the Army of King Lerve s much inferiour in number. In Plul ^ mi , . France they fent a Diftaff and a Spindle to all thofe that went not with them, as upbraiding their effeminatenefs. But by the way, the Grecian Emperour did them all poffible mifchief, by mingling lime with their meal, by killing of ftraglers, by holding intelligence with the "furkf their enemies, by corrupting his Coyn , fo that the Dutch fold good Wares for bad NAoney, and bought bad Wares with good Money, by giving them falfe conductors, which trained them into danger, fo that there was more fear of the guides than of the way. The King of France followed after the Emperoui, and drank of the fame Cup at the Grecians hands, though cot fo deeply, till at laft, find- ing that thofe who marched through the Continent, met with an O- cean of mifery, he thought better to truft the wind and the Sea than the Greekj) and taking (hipping, fafely arrived in ? airline , where he was welcomed by Reimitnd Prince of Antiocb. Some weeks were fpent in entertainment, and vifiting holy pb.ccs, till at laft, Elianor The.Fuiicr holy "Wife to the King of France, who accompanied her Husband , made War - ubt 2 ' Religion her Pander, and plaid Bankrupt ot her honour,under pretence of Pilgrimage, keeping company with a baic Saracen- Jefter, whom (he preferred before a King. The Emperour and the French Kingbehege Vamafius : but feme of the Chriftiaiis corrupted with Zr'/$fc Money., perfwadedthe King of N 2 franco France to remove his Camp to aftronger part of the Walls > which they long beficged in vain, and returned home at laft, leaving the Ci- ty and their honours behind t'hem. The French Proverb was verified of this Voyage : Much brnit, and little fruit. Many thoufand Chrifti* ans perifhed in this adventure. The French King coming homeward , was taken prffoner by the Fleet of the Grecian Emperour, and refcued again by Gregory, Admiral to 'Roger King of Sicily, when he was arrived in France, his Wife was in open Parliament divorfed from him. He gave her back again all the Lands in France which he had received with her in portion. Herein he did nobly, but not politickly, to part with the Dukedoms of Peifiott and Aqttitain, which he enjoyed in her right : for hereby he difmembred his own Kingdom, and gave a torch into the hands of Henry II. King of England ( who afterwards married her) to fet Franc* on tire. St. Bernard was condemned among the vulgar fort for the murtherer of thofe that went this Voyage , and it was an heavy Brn. de confi- affliction for his aged back, to bear the reproach of many people. In ' *' "' '* his book of Confederation he maketh a modeft defence of himfelf, whr- ther we refer the Reader. Upon the departure of the Emperour Conrade , and King Lewes, Noradine the 'fttrl^ much prevailed in Palefline. Peter de Brms, a'prieft at Tholottje, preached in fundry places againft the Popes, and the Doctrine of Rome, calling the Pope the Prince of Sodom,ar\d 'Rome he called Babylon , the mother of whoredoms and confufion. He preached againft the corporal pretence of Chrift in the Worn. myft. *- Sg eramen t 5 againft the facrifice of the Mate, he condemned the worfhip of Images, prayers to Saintsi fmgle life of priefts, pilgrimages, multi- tude of Holy-days, &o. The fore- named Peter, Abbot of Clugny wrote againft him. This Peter de Bruif began to preach about the year 1126. After him, his Difciple Henry, a Monk, continued preaching the fame Dodhine. Gttilerm, an Abbot, writing the life of St. Bernard faith of this Henry, That he denied the grace of Baptifm unte Infants*, he defpifcd the prayers and oblations for the Dead j the excommuni* cation of Priefts s the pilgrimage of Believers i the fumptuous buil- dings of Churches s the idknefs of Feftival-days j the confecration of chrifm and oyl, and all the ordinances of the Church. He (heweth them that the people fent for Bernard to come againft him, but he refufed until Albericitf Bifhop of Oiiia was fent Legate againft him, and he pcrfwadcth Bernard to go with him to 'Iboloufe. And then Bernard wrote his 240. Epiftle unto Hildefonfw, Count of St. Giles a- gainft this Henry. Certain it is (as the proverb is) Bernard faw not ^U things, and howbeit he wrote bitterly againft him, yet he commendeth him as a learned, man , and he was fo reverenced, that the people did follow Cent. il. Of F R A N C E> 93 follow him. ~E>e EraV was burnt at Iholoufe , and Albericut canied Henry into Jf*/y. Their Books were burnt. In Paleftine King Baldwin was poifoned by a Jeveify Phyficjan. And /#wm'cJ^Brother to King Baldwin, fucceeded t6 the Crowe. In the Church of Jerufalcjtn one Almericl^. was Patriarch, a French-man born, though little fit for the place. King Almerick^ againft his promifeinvadeth Egypt, but his perjury was punifhed with the future ruine of the Kingdom of Jerufalem, and himfelf dies of a bloody- rlux. Baldwin his Son, the fourth bf that name, fucceedeth. This Bald- iJV. had excellent Education under William Arch-Bi(hop of Tyn?, a pious man, and excellent Scholar, skilled in all the Oriental Tongues, betides the Dutch, and the French his Native Language, a moderate Tho> Fdlers and faithful Writer : Fo-r in the la,ttter part of his Hiftory of the holy Hift.*Hoi y wan- War, his eye guided tys hand, till at laft the taking of the City of Je~ u< 3tC8 ' &- rtffalem fo (hook his hand that he wrote no more. Treafurerhe was of all the Money's contributed to the holy Wary Chancellour of this Kingdom, employed in feveral Embaffies in the IPeft-y pretent at the Later an Council, the A&s whereof he did record. Cardinal he might have been but refuted it. Le tvej the French King caufed his Son fJnltp to be crowned at Rhemes, at the Age of 14 years, Anno 1 179. He betroth ed him to Ifa- bel the Daughter of Baldwin Earl of Henault. King Le wes having thus difpofed of his aifairs, died Anno 1 180. The Title of Attguftus. was given to Philip his Son and fucce(Tour> In the beginning of his Reign he purged the corruptions that were then prevalent among the people, viz. Blafphemies, Plays, Dicing- houfes, publick diflblutenefs in infamous places, Taverns and Tipling- houfes. He expelled the Jews (ditperfed throughout his Kingdom, and given to griping ufury ) and albeit they obtained a return for Money , yet in the end he baniuhed them out of all the Territories of Trance.. The Patriarch of Jerufalem being arrived in France, Anno 1184*- with the Prior ef the Hofpital of Outremer, and the Grand Matter of Rigordas d^- the templars, to demand fuccour of King Philip AvgrftM ag_ainft the Saracens, he fent out a Mandamus to call a general. Council of all the Arch- Bifliops, Bi(hops, and Princes of the Realm, which was holden in the City of Paris. Philip alfo calls a Parliament at Paw : they difwade him from the Voyage, but he fighteth againit all difficult- ties. Great charges were impofed upon fuch as went not the Voyage, to pay the tenth of all their revenues, both Temporal and Spiritual, called for this occafion, *fo Saladines Tenths. Richard I. King of England,, and King Philip of France, laying afide. their private diilentions, unite their forces a&ainft the Turk/-, King,, 94 % CCCleCaP^tO?V Cerit. v accompanied with Fi/^iu'Arch-Bifhop of < terbury, HK&T* BKhop of S*w#m3',KcrKtL2il6f Leicejhr , Ralph etc il^ late Chief- Juftice of England^ Ricksrd de Clare , Walter de famej&c. His Navy he Cent about by Sfw . and with a competent number took his own Journey through Franc?. ' Roger Hovedon At fours he took his Pilgrim's Staff and Scrip from the Aich- URkard.i. Biftop. His Staff at 'the fame time' cafually brake in pieces', which Come conftrued a token of ill Tuccefs. L ikewife when He and the Trench King parted over the Bridge of.Lyon /, oh the fall of the Bridge this conceit was built, That there would be a falling out betwixt thefe two Kings, which accordingly came to pafs. A< Vyons, thefe two Kings parted their Trains ,' and went. feveral ways irifo Sicify. ktMefTana'm Sicily, thefe two 'Kings meet again, where King Richard beheld his Navy fafely arrived. Tankred , a Baftard born, was at this time King of Sicily, who fecrdtly applyeth himfelf to the French, which King Richard eafily difcov'ered. Mean time the Citizens of M^i^did theEngli/h much wrong: wherefore King Rrcbardtook Mfffanaky sftault, ieized on moft Forts in the I- -ftand. Tanked gave to our King what rich conditions foever he de- manded, to pacirie him. Worfe diicords daily encreafed betwixt the Kings of England and france^ King , Richard (lighting the King of France his Sifter , whom he had promifed to marry. King Philip hafted prefently to Ptolemav, Richard followed with more leifure, and took Cyprus in his way. Cur- fdc reigned then in Cy/>r/,who killed the Englijh that landed there. But King Richardfyeedily over- ran the I (land , bound Curfac with filver fetters. The Ifland he pawned to the Templars for ready money -, and there took to Wife his beloved Lady 'Beringaria^ Daugh- ter to the King of Nararr. The City of Ph.'emais was taken, the Houfes which were left, with the fpoil and Prifoners , were equally divided betwixt Philip and Richard. Here the Englijh caft down the Enfigns of Leopold Duke of Aufiria, who had fought fo longin affaulting this City , till his Ar- motir was all over gore- blood, (ave the place covered with his belt. Bat King Richard afterward paid dearly for it. King Richard cau- fed feven thonfand of his Tirrlg/B; Prifoners to be put to death , and Saladinc in revenge, put as many of our Captives to death. But the French King refer ving his Prifoners alive, exchanged then, to ranfom. fo many Chriftians. Philip the French King , Qfo Duke of Rurgtti-.Jy Duke Leonid ; ITK ft of the Dutch , all the Genoans and Templars > fide wnh King Conrade. . King Richard, Henry Count tf Cbatr^ai^f^ the ?.? -.& : talers 9 Venetians^ and Pifa/ts, take part with King with fire and water , and by famine > for the Ears of Wheat turned into Worms : A Gangreen feized on the Duke's body , who cut off his ^ Leg with his own hand, and dyed thereof : who by his Will ciufed fome thoufand Crowns to be reftored again to King Richard. Soon after* Henry King of Jerpfalem, as he was walkingin his Palace, fell down out of a Window, an4 broke his peck. Roger HoveJett tells us, that near about this time , there was in the. (Eity of Tbolattfe agjreat number. of Men and Women whom the Pope's - Conimillioncrs,(wx. Peter Cardinal of St. Chryfogon , and the Pope's Legate, with the Arch- BiHiops of Nsrban^ and Biturium , Reginald Bifhopoif Bathe, ^)i&Buhop .oi" -fffiai-ia , Henry Al^bpt of -Ctareval, c^c.)-jdid -pcifecute and'condemn for Hcrakks : of. whom fome were, fcourgcd naked, fome chaicd awayj (bme, compelled to abjure, . How-. 33)e emeftaftfcal $ffi$? Cent. n. Now fprang up the Do&rine and name of them, which were then called Panperfs de Lugduno^ which of one Waldur^ a chief Senator in lyont^ were named IValdenfis i they were alfo called Lcomjlt, & In- fabbatati^ about the year of our Lord 1 170. It happened on a day as divers of the principal men of the City afTembled together, conful ted upon divers matters, that one of the company' fell down and dyed fuddenly, the reft of the company look- ing on. This Walditt being terrified at the fight of it, was converted, and prefently reformed his Life. He miniftred of his Goods large Alms to the Poor, he purchafed a Bible, ftudied the Scriptures,inftru&- ed himfelf, and his Family with the true knowledge of God's word. He admoniflied all that reforted to him to repentance and amendment of Life. He gave out to them that were ready to learn certain rudi- ments of the Scripture, which himfelf had tranflated into the French Tongue, for he was both Wealthy and Learned. The Popijh Prelates threatned to excommunicate him : but he neg- le&ing their threatnings,faid,G0^w/f/>fcM. en Bimops, Abbots, together with the principal Lords of his Kingdom.. In this Council they treated of all things Temporal and Spiritual. Whence that appears to be true, which a learned French, manhzth writ- ten long ago, 7 hat antiently the affairs of France, were managed by the Clergy^ and Lay-men joyntly. King Pbiltp had put away Qaeen Ifebel his Wife, and married Alix the Daughter of the King of Hungary^ who lived not long with him. She being dead, he took Jxgerberga, Sitter to the King of T)enmar^ whom likewife he put away , and in her place married Mary the Daughter of the Duke of Moravia, yet after a long and bitter contro- verfie upon the repudiation of Jugerberga, he received her again , and ended his days with her. The King of Denmark^ vehemently purfued Philip in the Court of Rome^Pbiiip prepares his Advocates to (hew thereafons why he had put her away. The caufe was to be pleaded before the Pope's Legate,in the great Hall of the Bifliop's Palace at oe. SerrHi(V Parif, faith , de Serres. In this great Aflembly Thilip's Advocates AugSl I>hiUp> pltadcd well for him againft his Wife, but HO Man appeared for her. As the Crycr had demanded thrice, if there were any to fpeak for Ju- gerbcrga^ and that lilence (hould beheld fora confent, loe , a young man unknown, fleps forth ot the prefle, and demands audience, it was granted him with great attention. Every man's cars were open to hear this Advocate , but efpecially Philip's, who was fo touch't and ravitVt, with the free and plain dif- courfe of this ycung Advocate , that they might perceive him to charge his countenance. This Advocate having ended his difcourfe, returns into the prcflfe again, and v^s never feen more, neither could they learn what he was, who fent him, nor whence he came. The Judges Of FRANCE. 99 Judges wereamaied, and the caufe was remitted to the Council. Phi- lip prefently takes Horfe, and rides to Boil de Vincennts , whither he had confined Jugerberga : having embraced her , he receives her into favour , and paffeth the reft of his days with her in Nuptial Love. An antient Hiftorian faith , that there was a Council holden at Ripord. degft. Soiffons, in which King Philip was affiftent, with the Arch Bifhops, Phi!ip< Auguft * Bilhops, and chief Lords of his Realm, where the point of the di- vorcc or confirmation of the King's Marriage with Jugerberga was difcufled. After the death of King Richard I. of England, Philip Auguftns ha- ving fome difference with King J^hn of England , concerning the Dukedom of Guyen, and Earldom ofPoiciiers, which Philip fuppofed to belong to him, becaufe homage was not done for them > and con- cerning the Dukedom of Britain, which was conrifcated unto him by the murther of Arthur, King John's Nephew, whom he had killed* he was fummoned to Rome by Innocent III. upon the information made by John, fuppofing that the Pope ought to have the determi- ning of their controvertie, by reafon of an Oath upon the fettling of the Lands formerly made between the two Kings , and the violation thereof: concerning which, he writ at large to the Bifhops of France, that they would approve of his proceedings, which was fo well liked by his Succeffours, that they Canonized his Decretal , which neverthelefs hath been difliked by fome Divines. And for the Cam- //Ps, fome of them have faid, that the protection which he makes 75. at the beginning of it, contradicts the A&itfelf-, inasmuch as he de- clares he will not meddle with the jurifdiftion of France , which ne- verthelefs he did : for the feudal differences being determined by the Peers of France, betwixt Philip the Lord, and John the VafTal, yet the Pope would have his Legates to take cognizance of them : fur heark- en how he fpeaks. That Philip would patiently fuffer the Abbot-of Cafemar, and the Arch-Bifhop of Bottrges,to have the full hearing, whether the complaint put up againft him be juft, or his exception legal. See what learned Cujaciw obferveth upon that Chapter. He protefteth ( faith he) doing one thing, and pretending another , not to intermeddle, nor ufurp the cognizance of the Feoffs belonging to the King, which he knoweth to appertain to the King and the Peers of France, but only to have the cognizance of the perjury. And he afterwards adds. All this he wrote to appeafe the Peers of France, "!, and bear them in hand that he proceeded juftly againft their King, and extr. put all his Kingdom into an Interdict upon this occcafion, yet for all that he gained nothing by it. In this Century, William Arch-Btthop of Senon , wrote unto the Pope thus. Let your Excellency , moft Holy Father^ hear patiently what 6 2 nt too 3CUe eccieftatttcai $tao# Cent. u. * f<*y,forourS9ttl it in bitternefs , and fo if your devoted Son , f&? AJej/f Chriftian King of France, how all the Church of France w troubled with fcandali flowing in time of your Apojlle-Jhip , from the Apoftelical See; feeing (ll{> ' ** things, of which much is loft. Peter Lombard Bimop of Paris, at this time followed the footfteps of his Brother Gratian, arrd gathered the fum of Divinity into four Books of Sentences, out of the writings of the Fathers, and he :is cal- led, T'hs. Majler of the Sentences. Gratian compiled the Pope's xJeciees, or the Canon- Law. Thefe two Brethren were the greateft doers in finding out, and efta- blifhing the blind opinion of the Sacrament, that the only fimilitude of Bread and Wine remained, but not the fubftance of them, and this they call die fpiritualunderftanding of the myftery. Lombard's Sentences were authorized as the Text in all Schools, and to the end that no man from thenceforth fhould fearch antiquity and truth any more from Fathers or Councils, under no lefs danger thanguiltinefs of Herefie. Hear what Cornelius Agrippa faith of this Scholaftick Theology. It is (faith hejof the kind ot Centattres, a two-fold Discipline blown .up by the Sorbw of Taris^ with a kind of mixture of Divine Oracles, de vanit, and Philofophical reafon ings, written aft era new form, and far diffe- "' 97 ' rent from the Antient Cuftoms, by queftions and fly fyllogifmes, with- out all ornament of Language, &c. He addeth that the faculty of Scholaftick Divinity is not free from errour and wickednefs. Thefe curfed Hypocrites and Igold Sophifts have brought in fo many Here- fies, which preach Chrift,not of good will (as St. Paul faith } but of c-cntention > .fo that thereds more agreement among Philofophers than among., io i %ty ccciefiaortaa %tfto?g Cent, i $. among thefe Divines, who have extinguifhed antient Divinity with humane opinions, and new errours. Bartholomew Graviw, a Printer at Lovain^ in his Preface before his Edition of thefe Sentences telleth us, that he had a purpofe to re- duce all the Teftimonies unto the firft Fountains fincerely : but to his great admiration he was told by the Mafters there it could not be fo i becaufealbeit in their Editions, innumerable places were corrected, yet many errours were as yet remaining and thefe not little ones. And not a few things in the Edition at Paris were changed : not according to the truth of the old Books, but in conjecture -, yea, and oft-times the old words were corrupted through an immoderate dcfire of a- mending, and in many places the worfe was put for the better, &c. And feeing thefe Books have been fo often changed, little credit can be given to any of their late Editions , and that even the Mafter himfelf had not written foundly according to the Fathers which he citeth. Century XIII. ALegat came into France^ and commanded King Philip upon pain of Interdiction , to deliver one Peter out of Prifon, that was Elected to a Biflhoprrck , and thereupon he was delivered. In the Year 1203. John King of England, loft all his holds and pof- feflions in Normandy through the force of the Trench King. The Pope had Excommunicated King j^tf,not only tor the pari- cideof his Nephew Arthur , but alfo for the ill ufage of his Clergy. King John fends confiding men in all haft to Pope Innocent IV. be- feeching him, to protect him againft the King of France , promifing thereupon to bind the Realm of England, and Seigniory of Ireland^ to hold of him and his fucceffours, and in iign of obedience to pay him a yearly tribute of a thoufand marks of filver. Innocent fends his Legal prefently to abfolve him, to pafs the contract , and receive the homages of Fealty, as well of himtelf as of his Subjects. John is ab- folved,and having laid down his Crown, Scepter, Cloak, Sword and Ring, Cent, i J. Of F R A N C E. 103 Ring, at the Legats feet, he doth him homage for the Realm of Eng- land^ kifling his Feet as his Tributary, and binds the Englijb to the like duty by afolemnOath. He was willing alfo to difcharge what he had taken from his Clergy. This was done, Anno 1215. Then the Legat returning into France, requireth Philip in the Pope's name, that he fnould fuffer John to enjoy his Realm of England in peace, and freely to poflefs the Lands which he held by homage of the Crown of France. Moreover that he mould fatisHe the great com- plahus which the Clergy of his Realm had made againft him,reftoring that which he had exaded from them during the Wars, upon pain of Excommunication if he did not obey prefently. Philip promifeth to fubmit himfelfi and before the Legat's departure, he frees the Clergy of his Realm of the Tenths which he had exacted for the charge of the Wars, according to the decree of a National Council held at Soiffbnr. King John being freed by the Pope, and prefled by him to perform his command , opprefleth his Subjects by extraordinary impotiti- ons ; and Tyrannical exactions. The Engli(h Nobility there- fore rejedt John , and offer the Realm to King Philip , who fendeth his Son Levees , giving him a train fit for his perfon in fo great an exploit. Le w s having taken Hoftages of the Englijh, for affurance of their Faith, paffeth into England^ and fo to London^ where he is joyfully Mitfc.Weftnj.ifc. received. In the mean time complaints come to Philip from Pope *.fi* " 1215. Innocent^ who in a general Council held at Rome\ did Ex- communicate Levees the eldeft Son of Philip Auguftus with all his adherents. King jMwdyeth, and the English receive Henry the Son of Jobnjm&. difmifs Lewes of France. King Philip inftituted the Provoft of Merchants, and the Sheriffs at P and to be diftributed among the poor Commons of his Land he gave XX. M. pounds. But a pound of Paris Money was'then but two (hillings fix pence fterling. King Phi- lip dyed and was buried with great pomp in the Monaftery of St. 'Dennis^ Anno 1 223. and Lem's VIII. his Son fucceeded him , who was crowned at Rhemes. Pope Innocent III, havii gathered together an Army of one hun- dred; 104 3CDeccleftaft Provence, Narbott, Tholoufe, and other parts of France. Their commiilion alfo extended to the rooting out of all their friends and favourers, whether deteded, or only fufpe&ed > fuch as were Reimttud Earl of ybvloufe, Keymund Earl of Foix, the Vice- Count of Beficrs, Gajlon Lord of Bern> the Earl of Bigorre , the Lady of la Vaur, with divers others- The firft piece of fervice thefe Souldiers performed, was in facking the City of Befiers, and Burronghof Carcaffbhe, in which many of the Papiftf dwelt, and promifcuoully were flain with the Albigenfet. Yea, Priefts themfelves were cut in pieces in their Prieftly Ornaments , and under the banner- of theCrof?. As for the City of Carcajfine, which was not far from the Burrough, whilft the City was befieged , they efcaped out by the benefit of a Vault under-ground, and fo (hifted abroad for themfelves. Hitherto this War was managed by the Pope's Legat. Simon Earl'of Montfort is now chofen Captain of this Army, who fwears to vex the Lord's enemies. After he was ieized of the Vice- County of Befierf, he took many other Caftles and Cities. When the Quarantine, or forty days fervice of this Army was ex- pired (the time the Pope fet them to merit Paradice in) they would not Hayany longer^but ran away. And though the Bifhops perfwaded fome few to (lay, yet could they little prevail, which was no fmall ad- vantage to the Albigeafes. The Earls of Tholottfe, Foix, zndCftntninge^ and Prince of Bern, (hel- tred themielves under Peur King of Arragon, whofe homagers they were, receiving inveftiture from him, though their Dominions lay on this iide the Pyrenean Hills. This King fufpecl:ed the greatnefs of the Earl of Montfort, therefore lie fomented a fadJion in them againft the Holy Army : he charged Earl Simon for feizing on the Lands of good Catholicks, for fuppofed He- reticks, and complained that the Vice-Cpunt of Befiers, who lived and .dyed firm in the Rornijb Faith,was lately' trained into the Legat's hand, and againft Oaths and promifes of his fafe return,was kept Prifoner till his death, and his Lands feized on by Earl Simon, A Cent. 1 3. Of FRANCE. 105 Apitcht Battle was fought near the Caftle of Motet ^ where the King of Arragon being wounded to death fell from his Horfe , and immediately his Army ran all away. Simon purfued them to the Gates of T&0/0K/?, and killed many thoufands. The Fryars imputed this Victory to the Bifliop's Benedi&ion, and adoring a piece of the Crofs, together with the fervency of the Clergyes prayers, that remain- ed behind in the Caftle of Moret. Yet within few years, the face of this War began to alter, for young Tteimitnd^ Earl of "iholoufe^ exceed ing his Father in valour and fuc- cefs, fo teftirred himfelf, that in few months he regained what Earl Simon was many years in getting. And at laft, Earl- Simon befieging yfbolotife, with a ftone which a Woman kt fly out of an Engine , had his Head parted from his body : Some conceived, they faw God's rin- ger in the Womans hand, that becaufe the greater part of his cruelty lighted on the weaker Sex (for he had buried the Lady La Vaur alive, refpeding neither her Sex nor Nobility) a Woman was chofen out to be his Executioner. He dyed even then when the Pope and three Councils, of Vaur^Lateran^znAMontpelier^ had pronounced him Son, Servant, favourite of the Faith, the invincible defender thereof. A- mong other of his (Hies, he was Earl of Leicester in England^ and Fa- ther to Simon Moutfort the Cataline of this Kingdom, who under pre- s Camdcn tence of curing this Land of fome grievances, had killed it with his aife iJ Phyfick, had he not been killed himfelf in the battle of Evefiam in the "-(hire. Reign of King Henry the third. Here ended the ftorraof open War againft the Albigenfes , though fome great drops fell afterward. And the Pope grew fenfible of ma- ny mifehiefs in profecuting this people with the Holy War. Three P [J J%**' hundred thoufand of thefe croifed Pilgrims loft their lives in this ex- 8 pedition within the fpace of fifteen years , fo that there was neither City, nor Village in France^ but by reafon hereof had Widows and Orphans, curfing this expedition. The Pope therefore now refolves upon a privater way, namely to profecute them by way of Inquifition. The chief promoter of that War was Dominic^ the Authour of the Order of the Dominicans. His Mother being with child of him, dreamed , that (he had a dog vomiting fire in her Womb. This ignivomus Cur (as one calleth him) Du> Molll Corp; did bark at and deeply bite the poor Albigenfes^ who put above two tr. Perron, i. j* hundred thoufand of them to death. Almerick^ for his lazinefs was depofed by the Pope , and John Bren was made King of Jerufalem. In the beginning of his Reign, this accident fell out : In Fr<*#ce a Boy for his years went about finging in his own Tongue. io5 3CJ)eccleftafttcai$ift0# cent. I efits Lord >rt fair ourlofs, eftore to w thy Holy Croft. Numberlefs Children ran after him, and followed the fame tune their Captain and chanter did fet them. No bolts, no bars, no fear of Fathers, nor love of Mothers could hold them back, but they would to the Holy Land to work wonders there, but this merry mufick had a fad clofe, all either periling on Land, or being drown'd by Sea. Matkew fans faith, it was done by the inftincl of the Devil. King Levees VIII. having compounded with Almery , the Son of Simon Earl of Montfort^ for Langucdoc^ refolves to unite this rich Pro* vince to the Crown. ' To this end he levies a great Army, fortified with cruel Edifts a- gainft the Albigenfis as Here ticks, and Rebels. Count Rcymimd fub- mits himfelf to Pope Honorius^ and yieldeth to Lerver, and perf wades the Earl of Cominges to the like obedience. Thus both of them a- bandon the people, and go to Rome, leaving the poor Albigenfes to the mercy of Lewes, who prefently fubdues all Lengucdoc and Provence. TheHoufe of Monthr, one of the greateft in the County of Vivaret^ having followed the Albigenfes party makes his peace, by means of the Town ofArgetttiere, given to the Biftiop of Vivien^ who enjoyeth it to this day. Many Families were made defolate : Thefe poor mifera- ble people were difperfed here and there > and fuch as remained in the Country were forced to acknowledge the Pope's Authority. Letvef ordered the Marlhal Foy, of the houfe of Mirepois to command his Forces, leaving the Lord of BeaHJetf, for Governour and Lieutenant- General of Languedcc. All this mifchief was contrived by the Pope, who had ftnt his Le- Foi. A-a.& mo- gat into Yrance^ to fummon a Council at Eitttre , whither the King * urav 1 ' 1 ' with fix Arch-Biftops, and the BUhopsand Suffragans of nine Pro- vinces repaired, to the number of an hundred, befides the Abbots, Priors, and Pro&ors of all the Covents of France . Having difpatch'd t thebufinefs of Earl Ryt** y ind the Albigenfes , the- event whereof hath been before declared i Romans the Pope's Legate gave leave to all Prodtors of Covents, and Chapters t return home, only retaining with him the Arch-Bi(hops, Bi(hops, Abbots, to whom he opened a- nother part of his Commiilion s which was to obtain 01 every Cathe- dral Church two Prebend- (hips one fcr the Biflicp, tbe other for the Chapter. And in Monattaies alfo after the like fort , where the Ab* bot and Covent had divers and feveral portions, to require two Chur- ches, one for the Abbot, the other for the Covent, keeping this pro- portion, that how much (hould fuftkc for the living of one Monk, fo Gent. 13. Of FRANCE. 107 fo much the whole Covent (hould find for their part, and as much the Abbot for his likewife. The Clergy of France anfwerech, that the thing he enterprized could not be brought to cfFed without great offence taken, and incftimable damage to the Church of Frauce. Inconclulion, whe_n the matter came to debating with the Legat, the objections of the inferiour Clergy were thefe following. 1. They Pledged the great damages and expences, which they were ,. p .,, like to fuftain thereby, by reafon of the continual procurators of the Pope, which in every Diocefs muft live, not of their own, but muft be (uftained upon the charges of the Cathredral Churches, and other Churches alfo i and many times they being but procurators will be found as Legats. 2. By that means (they faid) great perturbations might enfue to the Covents and Chapters of Cathedral Churches in their elections : Forafmuch as the Pope's Agents and Fa&ors, being in every Cathe* dral Church and Chapter- houfe, perchance the Pope would command him in his perfon to be prefent at their elections, and fo might trouble the fame by delaying and deferring , till it might fall to the Court of Rome to give , and fo mould be placed more of the Pope's Clien- tele in the Churches of France , than of the proper Inhabitants of the Land. 3. By this means they affirmed, that all they in the Court of itfi a little. 6. They added, that great riches would caufe fadions among the <<*/,. and taking of fides and parties, fo that by great pofleffions fe- dition might follow to the ruine of the City. 7. That though they would oblige themfelves to that contributi- on, yet- their fo bound, nor yet ratifie that bond'of theiis. 8. They defired the Legat, that the zeal of the Univerfal Church, and of the Church of Rome would move him : for if this oppreflion of the Church (hould be Univerfal, it were to be doubted , left an UnK verfal departing might follow from the Church of Rome, which God forbid ffaid they) (hould happen. The Legat hereat excufed himfelf, that he being in the Court never agreed to thisexadion > and that the Letters came not to him before he was in France^ and as for him foe would ftir no more- in the mat- ter, before it were proved what other Countries would fay and do therein. Ring Le rves pafling with a great Hoft by Eourger and Nhw/ 5 march- ed to Lyons; and from Lyons to Avignon^ which for difobedience to the Church of Rome hadftood accurfed by the Pope for feven years; The Citizens of Avignon , (hut their gates againft the King and his Army, not furTering them to come within the City. Wherefore the Ring a jt; au ] te a the City, and loft there many of his Men, among which Guy Earl of St, P*/, and the Bi(hopof Lcmeric^ and others to the number of two and twenty thoufand there were flain. In the end they fuhmitting to the King's pleafure, and the correction of the Pope, an agreement was made i and the King and his Army were received'into the City, and the Citizens received abfolution from the Pope's Legate. King Lewes to avoid the peftilence that was in his Camp, went into an Abbey not far off, where fhortly after, he dyed, and was carried to JR<*m, where he was interred, Anno 1226. Near unto this time , Gulielmw de Aha. Petra , Bifliop of P^rff, wrote a Book de Clero, wherein he thus fpeakerh of the Clergy of his time. No god linefs or -Learning is feen in them, but rather all devilifh filthinefs, and monftrous vices i they are not the Church, but Babylon < and Ey/*, and Sodom : the Popifh Prelats build not the Church but deftroyif, they.mockGod, and they and their Priefts do prophane ** the. Cent, i $. Of F R A N C E. 109 the body of Chrift > they lift up to the Heavens with all manner of Ecclefiaftical honour the limbs of the Devil: in a word i they bring Lucifer into the Church of Chrift. He taught alfo that there is no Law belonging to the falvation of man, buttheGofpelof Chrifb King Lewes Ix. Galled St. Lewes ^ fucceedeth his Father in the King<- dom of France, being but twelve years old, and was Crowned at Rbemes. There is extant a coeiftitution of this King Lewes, bearing date, Ann& 1228, jul>. lit. de'falM, wherein he regrateth the Avarice of Pope?, faying, that cxadHons, and grievous burthens of Moneys are laid on the Churches of our Kingdorus by the Court of Rome , whereby the Kingdom is miferably exhauftcd. We will therefore , that thefe be levied upon no condition, nor gathered, except only for a reafonable, pious , and moft urgent neceflity , and by our exprefs and willing confent , and with the conf purpofe > and having protefted at length againft the Bull, he appeakth > from the iniquity thereof to the next CounciL The Pope's Legate having raifed an immenfe fam of Money in Trance^ Lewes prohibited that tlie Money ( which was yet in Frame) mould be delivered to the Pope's Afligns, or traufported out of the Kingdom. King John Ere refigneth the Kingdom of Jemfalem to Fre derk\ , thefecond Emperour. There was alfo a Peace with the Turkj con- cluded for eight years. John got now more in a twelve- month than in feven- years before, P. ' going from Country to Country. In France^ befides rich gifts left phiu 2> so himfelfjhe had the managing, of toy thoufand Cjowns, the^ Le- cent. gacy which Philip Attgttftus the King on his Death- bed bequeathed to the Templars, and the Holy War. In 'Eatfand he received many pre- fents from King HexryllL though afterward he proved but unthank- Math. Paris, p. ful for them. In SpJ i he got a rich Wife, marrying Berijjgari* , the ^7. Daughter of the King of Cajtile : In Italy he tafted largely of the Pope's bounty v but at]aft perfidicu%:iaifed rebellions againft Frfit\\e firft, Earl of flattders. 2. Henry his Brother. 3. Peter, Count of Attxerre in France, Henry's Son- in- Law. 4, Robert. *. Baldwin the fifth and laft. At this time the Tartarian* over-rim the North of djia, and many Nations fled from their own Countries for fear of them. Among other, the Corafmfs, a fierce and Warlike people, were forced to for- fake their Land. Being thus unkennelled, they have recourfe to the Sultan of Baby. Ion, who beftows on them all the Lands the Chriftians held in Paleflie. They march to Jerufalem, and take it without refinance. Soon after the Corafwes elated herewith, fell out with the Suit a n himfelf , who in anger rooted out their Nation, fo thatnone remained. The French-men make War againft Jx.w7/^,Earl of Iholottfa and think to enclofe him in his Gallic of Saracene: but the Earl lying in A mbum for them in Woods, flew many of them, and 500 ot the French Souldiers were taken i and of their Servitors to the number of 2co men in armour were taken , or whom foine loft their eyes, fome their ears, fome their tegs, and fo were fent hctr.c : the reft were carried away Pijfoncrs into the Caftle. Thrice that Summer were the Gent, 1 3. Of FRANCE. in the French-men difcosnfited by the aforefaid Reymunel. King 2>v.rputsa flop to the persecution of the Albigenfes, faying, that they muft perfwade them by reafon, and not conftrain them by force, whereby many Families were preferved in thofe Provinces. In thofe times lived Gulidmw de fantto amore, a Doftor of Parti r and Chanon of "Beattvois^ exclaiming againft the abufes of the Church- of Rome. He wrote againft the Fryars and their hypocrifie, but efpe- cially againft the begging Fryars, In his days there was a moft deteftable and blafphemous book fet forth by the Fryars, which they called , Evangelium JEternttm^ or E- oangelium fpiriths fanfti \ Ibe EverlaitingGoffel, or,1bf Gofpel of the- Holy Gbof. Wherein it is faid, That the Gofpel of Chrift Was not to 1 be compared to it,nomore than darknefs to light, That the Gofpel of Chrift (hould be preached but fifty years, -and then this everlafting Gofpel (hould ruk the Church. He mightily impugned this peftiferous Book. He was by the Pope Fox Aa condemned for an Heretick, exiled, and his Books were burnt. His Monum. ftory and Arguments may be read in Mr. Faxhis firft Volumn. Pope Alexander armed Ib&ntM Aqulms^ and 'BenAventitre ( men of violent fpirits) againft him, but he was too hard forthefe reprovers : his fol- lowers were called Amor#i. Pope Gregory fucceedeth Innocent, and is a great Enemy to Frederic!^ theEmperour, who had entred Italy with a great Army. After his Eledrton he fends his Nuncio intoFr^w, to exhort Lewes to fuccour him. The Pope comes into France, and calls a Council at Lyons^ whither he cites Frederick^ ^ but yet upon fo mort a warning as he-. could not appear. Frederick^ (having fent his AmbafTadours to re- quire a lawful time, and to advertifethe Pope of his coming^) begins' his Journey to perform his promife. Being arrived at T^b^rin , he hath intelligence given him, that the Pope had condemned him as ; Contnma'x, excommunicated him, and degraded him' of the Empire.- But this was not without the confent of the Princes Electors of the; Empire, who after mature deliberation proceeded to anew Eledion.- Thcy chufeHipwy Landgrave of 'fhuring for.Emperour > but he befie- gingeheCkyof'^/wpj-, was-wounded with an Arrow whereof he: dyed Qiortly after. Fm&T/c writes toiheFrencb King,againft thefentence againft him-, at Lyons. Then the Electors chofe flfilliam, Earl of Holland for Empejour^ In all the chief Cities, theGttetptfs Faction was the ftronger, .through the Authority of the Council of Lyons. Frederic^ with- giief, dycth, leaving Italy and Germany in great combuftion. The'Pope having Canonized Edntond Arch-Bi(hop of Ctnterbury, foon after .Blanv, Queen Regent ofFHWcrj came, into England to 5Cl)e CCCltftafttCal . $1&0?? Cent. 13. worfliip that Saint, reprefenting to him, that he had found refuge for his Exile in France^ and befeeching him not to be ungrateful. She faid, my Lord, moft Holy Father, confirm the Kingdom of Franc f in a peaceable folidity, and remember what we have done to tbee. Now Lewes IX. came to affift the Chriftians in Paleftine. His no- hility difwaded from that defign. Lewes takes up the Crofs, and voweth to eat no Bread, until he was recognized with the Pilgrim's Badge. Their went along with him, his two Brothers, Charles Earl of Anjou, Robert Earl of. Artois , his own Queen, and their Ladies, Odo the Pope's Legat, Hugh Duke of Burgundy, WilliamEzr] of Flan* ders, Hugh Earl of St. P<*/, and William Longspatb Earl of Sar'wbury^ with a band of valiant Englifi-men, The Pope gave to this King Lewes for his charges, the tenth of the Clergy's re venues through France for three years , and the King em- ployed the Pope's Collectors to gather it j whereupon the Eftates of the Clergy were (haven as bare as their crowns ; and a poor Prie(t,who had but twenty (hillings annual penfion, was forced to pay .two yearly to the King. Having at Lyons took hisleavt of the Pope, and a blef- Cng from him, he marched toward Avignon* Where fome of the city wronged his Souldiers, efpecially with foul Language. His Nobles delired him to befiege the city , the rather , becaufe it was fufpe&ed, that therein his Father was poifoncd. To whom Levees moft chriftianly faid, I come not out of France to revenge mine own quarrels, or thofe of my Father, or Mother, but injuries offered to Je- fusChrift. Hence he went without delay to his Navy, and fo com- mitted himfclf to the Sea. Levees arrives in Cyprus > where the peftilence raging , two hundred and forty Gentlemen of note dyed of the infection. Hither came the AmbafTadours from a great Tartarian prince , invited by the fame of King Levee s his piety, profefiing to him, that he had renounced his Pa ganifm, and embraced Chriftianity, and that he intended to fend Mef- (engcrs to the Pope to be further inftru&ed in his Religion: but fome Chriftians which were in Tartary difwaded him from going to Rome. King Lewes received thefe AmbalTadours cuurteoufly, difmifling them with .bounteous gifts. And by them he fent to their Matter a Tent, wherein the Hiftory of the Bible was as richly, as curioufly depicted in Needle- work, hoping thus to catch his Eyes, and both in his prefenti pictures then being accounted Lay-mens books. The French land in Egypt , and Vamiata is taken by them. Difcords grew bet ween the Fr^c^and Engli(h, the caufe was, for that the Earl of Sarisbury in facking a Fort got more fpoil therein than the Englifh. Then dyed Meladine, the Egyptian King. Robert Earl o(Artois, Bro- ther to King Levees^ righting with the Egyptians, contrary to the Counfel of the T.C mplars } is overthrown. In his flight he cryed to the Cent. ij. Of FRANCE. 113 - the Earl of Saritbnry^ flee, flee, for God fighteth againft us. To whom our Earl, God forbid my Father's Son fhould flee from the face of a Saracen. The other feeding to fave himfelf by the fwiftnefs of his Horfe, and eroding the River was drowned. The Earl of Sariibury flew many a 7W^, arid though unhorfed and wounded in his Legs, flood on his Honour, when he could not fland on his Feet i and refu- fingall quarter, upon his knees laid about him like a defperate man. He fought till at laft he breathed forth his Soul in the mid ft of his E- nemies. Of all the Chriftians there efcaped no more than two 'tem- plars, one Hofpitaller, and one common Souldier , the Meflengers of this heavy news. The Plague fwept away many thoufands of the French ; daily. Mean time King Lewes lent many of the weakeft of the peo- ple down the River to Damiata, Melechfala King of Egypt ^ meeting them by the way, either burned or drowned them all , fave one Eng- Itjh-man^ Alexander Giffard (whofe antient Family flourifheth to this day at Cbcllington in Staferd-fhice) who wounded in hve places of his body, efcaped to the French , and reported what had happened to the reft. Melecbfala came upon the reft with an infinite multitude, and put them all ("being few and feeble J to the Sword, taking King Lewet ( with his two Brethren, Alpkonfe and Charles prifoners. Then was there a general Lamentation over all Chriftendom , chiefly in France, where all were forrowful. ; Melechfala is ilain by 'fargwminuf, a fturdy Mattwtaittkf , who fuc- ceeded him in the Egyptian Kingdom. Leaves at laft was reftored to his Liberty upon condition, that the Chrifrians (hould furrender Ua- miata, and healfo pay back to the Turkj many thoufand pounds, both for ranfom of Chriftian Captives, and in fatisfa&ion of the vaftatipns they had committed in Egypt. Lewes for the fecurity of this Money pawned to the TurJ^, the Pyx and Hoft Cthat is the body of Chrift Tranfubftantiated in the Eu- charift; as his chicfeft Jewel , which he (hould be moft careful to re- pu. srw Hifc deem. Hence in perpetual memory of this conqueft, we may fee a in Ludt ' Wafer- cake and a box, always wrought in the borders of that Tape- dry which is brought out of Egypt. Hence Leaves failed to Ttolema'u^ being forfaken of the Pope,Fricnds, Subjects, Brothers. Alpbonfe and Charles, though fent into France to (blicite his fuit, and to advance his ranfom withfpeed, yet being arri- ved forgot the affliction of Jofepb. Blanch, the King's Mother, ha- ving gathered a considerable fum of money, and (hipped it for Palejiine, a Tempeft in a moment caft that away, which her care and thrift was many months in getting. His Queen Margaret was with him, which foanewhat mitigated' his grief. Here the bore him a child , which be- caufe another "Benoni, or (on of forrow, was called T'riftram. King Lewet being an excellent Antiquary, and Critick on facred Mo- Monuments, much employed himfelf in redeeming of old facred pla- ces from the tyranny of Time and Oblivion. Mean- time, in his Kingdom of France., hapned this ftrange accident. An Hungarian Peafant, who is faid to bean Apoftate to Mahomet^ and well learned, gathered together many thoufands of people v pretending they had intelligence from Heaven to march to the Holy Land. Thefe took on them the name and habit of Paparetii, poor Shepherds, in i- mitation be like, of thofe in the Gofpel, who were warned by Angels in a Vifion to go to Bethlehem. Being to (hape their courfe into Paleftine , they went into France. . cent. They pillaged and killed the poor Jews as they went. But at laft j.cai'tf.coi. r ear 'Bardemtx ilxty thoufand of them were (lain, and the reft difper- fed. A Rhimer of that Age made this Epitaph on them. M. femel, & bi*C. L. I. Conjttngere difce^ t)ttxit Pajforum fxva Megtra Chorum. Learn to pttt together What MC C L 1. do fpeV. When fome Dei'ilty Fiend in France, Did teach the Shepherds how to dance. Anno 1254. Lewes returneth into France^ being loaden with Debts- to his !*//'* Creditors. He made an ordinance for the banifliment of common Whores out of all Cities and Towns, to be done by his Judges and Officers, and their goods to be feized by them. After fourteen years Interregnum Pope Vrban IV. appointed Charles. Duke of An]n, younger Brother to King Lewes of France > King of Sicily and Je mfalem. Charles fubdued Mattfrid , and Conradin his Nephew, and poffefled Sicily, but for the gaining of Jerufalem, he ne- ver regarded it, nor came thither at all. Hugh King of Cyprus 9 was crowned King of Jernfalem. In the Year 1253. was great contention between the Matters of SorboH in Paris, and the preaching Fryars , who were fo increafed in number and honour, becoming the Confefforsand counfellors of Kingv that they would not be- fubjeve a year, and was the fecond occafion <>f the tedioufncfs of the Election, and that is, that the Cardinals were divided into two Factions, one of them Italians the other French. Thefe wouk* Have a Pope of their own Natio* , and the Ltaliant .would have him of theirs > neither of ttern complying with the o- ther, and the number of the French being equal tc the Italians , there being no way to gain the two thirds of their Votes, they remained divers weeks obftinate } and doing nothing but the heaping diflention -upon diflention. The other reafon was, that this delay growing tedious to the Prin- ces, and particular to Philip King of France , and Charles King of Si- ci/y, thefe two Princes refolved to come in p erfon to Viterbo, and foli- cite the Cardinals to expedite the creation of the Pope. Upon this occafion the Cardinals which were adherents to thefe two Crowns, having notice of their Refolutions, would do nothing till they were .arrived : who when they did come, ferved for nothing but to protract the election, though their defire was to haften it > each of them re- 'Cominending different perfons. The Princes finding all their inter- "Ceffions ineffectual, returned as they came, leaving the whole bufinefs to the Cardinals. In the firft affembly after the Kings were departed, John Cardinaljof Porto, obferving the pertinacity of the Cardinals, whilft they were to- gether invocating the Holy Ghoft, cryed out publickly , and with a loud voice. My Lords ! let tts uncover the Roof of this Chamber, per- Jjaps the Holy Spirit will not come where we are thorow fo many Roofs. It would be neceffary t Jupe a Holy Ghofi for every one , feeing there is no two witt agree : T^bttloly Ghoft descended upon the Apoftles, becaufe they were met together rvith one mind: . but bow can we expect him that are fo firangely divided ? At length the Cardinals being weary of going up and -down to the places jof their Aflemblies, and doubting by their delay to bring in fome new fchifm into the Church, two thirds of the Cardinals agreed in the Election, of libaldo Vtfconte^ a Milanefe^ Arch-Deacon of Lodi^ who was called Gregory the tenth, not yet return'd from his Voyage into Afitj whither he wasfent by Innocent IV. upon whofe Election, Cardinal Giovanni del Porto made thefe Verfes. PapatUs muriKS tulit Archidiaconw unus, eacon Tibald was created Pope. Gregory endeavouring to make peace between the Gcnoanr, and Venttiant, Cent.!?. gf FRANCE. Venetians^ who had been at Wars one with . another for feveral. years together, went into France in the year 1 2^3. where he gave beginnirJg to the Council of Lyons; Philip King of France was prefect at that Council, with an infinite number of Noble and Learned perfons, -both French and JLnglijh. He called four Bifhops from Germany , fou from England, four from France, two from Spain: from S/cz/y:, from the Kingdom of the Church, Hungary, Dacia^ Eabemia, Poland, Sweden^ Norway and Scotland^ from each of thefe one. There were two Pa- Hift.of CB triarchs, fifteen Cardinals, five hundred Biftiops , and one thoufand. Sc< mitred Prelates, befides the King of France^ the Emperour of Greece^ and many other Princes. . 1. In this Council the firft propofition was fortheHoly War, and for it they decree, that a tenth part of all Benefices in Chriftendorfi- (the priviledged Churches not excepted) mould be paid for fix years. That all Penitentiaries, or Confeflbrs {hould urge offenders to afliit that holy bufinefs with their wealth and' riches: and that every Chrifti- an, without exception of Sex or Quality, (hould pay a penny yearly during that fpace, under pain of Excommunication. 2. For remedying abufes in the Church, it was ordained, i. That no procurations to Bi(hops,rior Arch- Deacons mould be paid , unlefs H they do vifit the Churches in their own perfons. 2. No Church- man (hould poffefs more Benefices than one, and (hould refideatthe Church he retair.eth. 3. None of the Clergy (hall without the Pope's licenfe, anfwer the impofitions which (hall he laid upon them by any Prince or State. 4. The mendicant Fryars (hall be reduced to four Orders, the Minor ites^ Predicant /, Carnftlites, and Hermit escf St. Augu\\ine, who (hall continue in their prefent Eftate, until the Pope (hail otherwife. think good. 5. A prohibition was made, to admit or advife any new order, beiides thefe named. Here alfo was decreed the Union of the Greek and Latin Church, and the peace betwixt the Princes of ChrU flendom. But many of thefe Statutes in a fhort time turned into fmoak , pli** ralltks being of new difpenfed, with the claufe of nou objlante , whicft then hift came in ufe. The Orders of Fryars and Monks were reftored one by one. ICheCJftertiaHs redeemed their liberty, by payment of 5occco Marks. The Bcrnardinet paid 600000 Crowns, and other Orders made: their compofitiori.. appeareth, that the Statutes which were enacled, were only deviied to raife fums of Money , and not of- any purpofe to redrefs their abufes. This Pope advanced the Ddminr* cans highly, even to the wearing of red hats. fa that .Council of JM/J Canons were jpade for. the manner of; electing,; i 20 3U)c Cccleftafticai $ffto# Cent. 1 3. ele&ing the Pope : for from Sylvetie r's time, unto this Gregory's Pope- dom, they were not ufed to be (hut up in a conclave ; but if they were ia Row?, the Electors met, either in tlfe Church of St. John Latera* t or of St. Prt*r, or in fome other place as occafion offered : if they were out of Rome, they met in the Cathedral of the place where they were, or in fome other Church more convenient. But the Electors !ft.ofcdlnals man Y times regarded not expedition in their Elections of the Pope, whilft they had liberty to command, to go and come as they thought fit, therefore the invention of the conclave by Gregory , was rationally thought very good and neceffary. There were like wife eftabliihed by the faid Gregory, feveral Laws and Orders for the conclave, which were afterwards by feveral Popes reduced into better form, till that in procefs of time they were redu- ced into that which I (hall infert in this place. The principal Larvt which are ufitally obferved in the Creation of the Pope. 1. That the Election be made in a proper and convenient place, and ordinarily there where the laft Pope dyed. If that cannot com- modioufly be done, let it be made in that City, to whofe jurisdiction that place doth belong, provided it be not under interdiction : for in that cafe they are to chue another City in the fame Diocefs, or at leaft not far off, &c. 2. That after the death of the Pope, there (lull be no difcourfe of the Election of a SuccefTour, till ten days be patt, in which time the abfent Cardinals are to be expededv and the"r.ine days obfequies for the deceafed Pope be celebrated with due refpeft, by all the Cardinals that are prefentin the place. 3. That no abfent Cardinal (hall fend his Vote in any manner what- foever : by which it is intended, they (hall be deprived of their Voice as often as they are abfent from the Election. 4. That the nine days ceremony for the death of the Pope being over, the Mafs T)ello Spirits fanto folemnly faid , and the prayer de eligendo Pontiftce recited, let all the Cardinals which are prefent in the palace, which (hall be called, the Conclave^ (which is to be in afecure place, clofe in all parts, and well guarded) be (hut in, with two or three fervants only, for their neceilities. Let it net be lawful for any to enter after the conclave is (hut up, nor for any to come forth, except in the cafe of infirmity. And if any be obliged to go in or out, let it be by confent of the whole Colledge. Nor is this conclave to have any Wall or partition , to diftinguifti one chamber from another : but let there be certain traverfes of Linnen or cloath, to divide their Lodgings, and they to be given to the Cardi- nals Cent. ij. Of FRANCE. nals by lot , to prevent all controverfies for place. 5. That it be not only unlawful to Elect thofe that are abfent, but that it be not permitted to the Cardinals to chufe any but one out of their own Order, and of thofe that are prefent in the conclave. 6. If the Election be made in Rome, the place, tke Gates and Doors of the conclave (hall be well guarded. The firft Guards are to be kept by the Souldiers of the Pope's ordinary guards. After them by the Barons of Rome, and the Ambafladours of Princes, who are all to be fworn in the conclave it felf before it be (hut up, That they will keep the faid guards faithfully and diligently and laft of all in the neareft places to the door of the conclave, by the Bifliops and Confer- vators of the City. If the Election be made out of Rotne^ the guard of the conclave is to be made by the Temporal Lords of that place, with the fame formality and Oath as in Rome. The Guards are to pre- rent any violence (hall be offered to the freedom of the Cardinals Votes > to obferve what provifions come in , that there be no Letters conveyed in them : and if any fuch be found, leathern be confign'd to the Marihal, to be kept till the conclave be finiflied. That they take care that the Cardinals be not incommoded , that they be all ready at their beck > and in cafe of delay, that they force them ftirft with entreaties, and afterwards with threats) to haften the Election. Thofe who are appointed to guard the conclave, are to preferve it from all violence and disturbance. 7. That the Cardinals may not go out of the conclave , or ad- journ their Afferably to any other place for any perfon whatfoever, the Election being ended, then they may go forth \ if otherwife they (hould go out, let them be forced back again by the guards of the conclave. 8. That thofe Cardinals who come after the conclave is (hut, and before the Election of the Pope, may enter and give their Voices as the reft. And that no Cardinal can upon any occafion or pretence whatfoever (although he be excommunicated ) avoid being prefent at the Election, and giving his vote. But all this is to be done by the eonfent of the whole Colledge , and not of the Governour of the conclave only. p. That three days being paft after their entrance into the conclave, if in that time the Pope be not chofen , the Prelates and Barons of Rome, and fuch others as are deputed guards to the conclave, may re- quire an account of the Cardinals tranfadtions within,and reftrain them of their variety of difhes, reducing and lefTening them by degrees, ao> cording as they find the Election delayed. 10. That in the time of the Election, no perfon whatfoever, whether Secular or Ecclefiaftick, is to give, promife, or en- R treat, i ^z 3C|ie ectfeftafttcai ^tflo?p Cent. i$. tteat, thereby to encline the hearts of the Cardinals to their priva te defires, under pain of the Pope's Excommunication,^. n. That noperfon be declared or elected Pope, if he hath not firft two whole parts in three of the Voices of the Cardinals which are prefent in the conclave, which Votes are to be given in fecret, and after wards read publickly, that all perfons may take notice who is chofen. 12. That after the death .ef the Pope all Magiftrates and Ecclefi- aftical Offices are te ceafe, except fuch as are in the perfons of the Cardinals, which are perpetual. Which Offices are to remain unexe- cuted > all but the Office of the chief Penitentiary , and the Cham* berlain. 13. That there be a Governour of the conclave, thatiie be a wor- thy perfon, and of good qualifications > that he be chofen by the body of the Cardinals before they enter into the conclaves whofc Office rt (hal! be to give feafonable orders, that things may go within as they ought to do , and that the Cardinals may not want any thing con- venient.. "iio? 14. That an Oath be given to the Cardinals, to keep fecret all the tranfa&ions and argumentations of the conclave, relating to the E- kdion i that it be not permitted to any body to bear Arms in fo fa- cred a place, nor to revenge any injury whatsoever, either with words or deeds, but that they bear all things patiently , and endeavour to a- void that mifchief. Thus Gregory being pleafed with the Introduction of this form into the conclave, difmiffed the Council of Lyons. Then he began his journey, in order to his journey into Italy: and refufing to pafs by Florence (left he mould be obliged to take off the interdiction ) he took his way towards Ares&zo^ in which place he arrived y fell fick 3 and dyed,/4o 1276. Afterwards when the Emperour Paleologufdyed, the Grecian Priefts would not that he mould be buried in any confecrated pVice , becaufe he had confenfed in the Council ef Lyont,tom Union of the Greek and Latin Churches. de We read in an ordinance made by King Thilip the thitdj Ams 1 274, a n rt that if one Lay-man fell unto another. Lay-man, the Tythes which he c a de hath bought of a Clerk, and there arife a fuk about the price, the Eifincs ait 9- cognifance thereof doth not belong ro the Ecclefiaftical Judge. And ft is one of thepriviledgesof the C-a- 'can Church, that the Pope cannot by any Prop's about Bone ttccs orothcrwife, derogate from, or prejudice Lay- foundations^ and the Rights of the' Lay*patrons of the Realm. There is alfo a decree of this fciiig P/^% dated Amo 1 274, which pro* Cent. 13. Of FRANCE. 12} prohibits a BKhop the granting the feizure of the moveable goods of a certain Clerk, condemned in a perfonal A&ion , confidering that thofe Goods were not within his Epifcopal Jurifdi&ion. There is alfo a prohibition to Ecclefiaftical Judges to caufe any execution to be made of the immoveable goods of any Clerk condemn'd in a perfo- nal A&ion, becaufe the immoveable goods are out of his Epifcopal jurifcli&ion. According hereunto a certain Bilhop of Parti was decla- red not to be admitted into the Court, in apretenciure which he made of the power of arrefting certain Moneys belonging 10 a Clerk inhabi- ting in certain Lands, fubje& to the jurifdi&ion Royal , and he was caft for attempting it by an Arreft of Parif. Lewv-r , the eldelt Sonof King P&/7//> dyeth, with apparent figns of poyfon. Queen Mary , his Mother-in-Law, and Peter de la Broche Cchief Chamberlain to the King, and his Treafurer, being the Queens favourite) is accufed for this Fa& : and being imprifoned he confeffeth the crime, and accufeth the Queen, as having poifoned Lewes by her command. La troche alfo is found guilty of Treafon, by his Letters having given Intelligence to the King of Caftile of the Eftate of f 'ranee , being then no friend to the Crown: for which he was hanged. Mary denies the Fad by Oath. The King tor want of proof fends a Bi(hop and an Abbot to a Witch in Holland. They at their return abfolve the Queen by her report, but they free her not from the jealou> fie of the French, nor in the King's conceit. Thornx AquinM and Bonaventure , two learned School- men , dyed Anno 1274. Levee /, Bithop of T'holottfe , Son to Charles the fecond, King of Sicily, and Apttlia, dyed alfo. After the death of Pope Gregory X. the firft conclave was in Arexzo^ where the Pope dyed. The Guards lafted but one night : for the fame night the Cardinals entred, they agreed to chufe Pietro Farantapo (a Bttrgttndian and Dominican FryarJ Pope , who took upon him the name of Innocent V. Innocent was crown'd in Rome forty days after his Election. After the death of Innocent, which happened in the year 1276. fix months exactly after his Eledion, Alexander V. who fucceeded him, being created in Rome, with all the formalites of the conclave , revo- ked the order eftablKhed by Gregory, concerning the affairs of the con- clave, though in due form it had the approbation of a general Council. Divers other fucceed ing Popes were all created according to the order obferved before the time of Gregory X. King Philip the third dysth, having reigned fifteen years, and lived forty, of his tirft Wife Ifabel, he had Philip and Charles remaining. Thtlip, his eldeft Son was King of France after him. Charles was Earl of Valw^ pf Alanfon * and of Pe rche , Father to that Philip R 2 Of if^ who in his courfe (hall fuccced to the Crown; Fryar John of Paw, a DoSor in Divinity, of the Order of pre- dicants, wrote about the year 1280. joann. Paris in In his Tra<3 of the Royal and Papal power, he faith, I am of opini- i'& paa n * on > tnat trut ^ lt ^ hath mac * e a m *A* um nere namely , that it is ' ig& papa in pro. ' not utterly impoflible, that Clergy-men have Dominion and JurisdidH* on in Temporal matters i but yet it belongs not unto them by reafon of their profeflion, and as Chrift's Vicars, and the Apoftles fucceflbrs, but is convenient for them to have it by the grant and permiilion of Princes, if fo be they have beftowed it upon them out of devotion, or if they have got it by other means. And in the eighth Chapter he fets down this conclufion. "Whence it appears, that feeing Chrift as Man, had no power nor jurifdidrion in Temporal matters, the Prieft (" be what he will) hath not received any power over them from Chrift i inasmuch as he did not give unto them what he had not in himfelf. Philip the fair, now King of France was advifed by the Princes and French Barons, not to fuffer the Pope to make any Ordinances belong- * n 8 unto his Kingdom, without the Council of him and his, nor any egHfe new and unwonted thing to be brought in thither. So faith Mr. John caiiicane p- 5. du TiUet in his advice concerning the Liberties of the Gallican Church. And it is the very counfel which EttdtM Duke of 'Burgundy gave him, which is yet to be feen in the Treafury of Chartres. This King loved Juftice and Learning, wherein he was well irr- ftru&ed for that Age. His Wife Joan buildedin her name that good- ly Colledge of Navarr. Peter Moronezn Hermit, was chofen Pope , and affumed the name of Ccl((iine V. a Pope little praftifed in politick or Ecclefiaftick affairs. The Cardinals in fhort time (by reafon of the many errours that he fell into by his infuffictency for the Popedom) made feveral Inftances to him, that he would fpontaneoufly be pleafed to renounce the Papacy, and-not cxpofe the Church to fc many perils. Hereunto th^y were ftirred up by the inftigation of Benedetto Gaeta- no (who was afterwards 'Boniface VIII.J Who wasa Cardinal of great Learning and Experience, but fo extrearnly ambitious of the Papacy, that he left no Stone unturn'd tocompafs his defigns. And becaufe he faw he might eafily bring it about, if Celeftine would renounce, he perU-aded Celejline to reiign, laying it to him as a fcruple of confci- cncc, telling him, that at the day of Judgement it would be imputed to him, if any ill did happen to the Church. Gaetano like wife fuborn- ed ibme of Celejline's friends, to make an hole , correfponding with that pait of the chamber in wh ; ch the Pope's bed ftood , from whence they crycd all i ; ht long with a mod difmal voice , as if it had been the Cent. 13. Of FRANCE. 135 the Judgement of Heaven , Celeftine, Celeftine, lay down the Popedom for it is a charge too great for your abilities. Celeftine hereupon re- figneth the Papacy in the fixth Month after his creation, and returned to the Cell from whence he came. The fame day in which Celeftine renounced, the Cardinals without the form of the conclave, chofe the faid Gaetan with open Votes. He being dcchred Pope, and having affumed the name of Boniface VIII. began his Reign with fo much infolence and Tyranny, that in a (horc time he gain'd the Title of Nero II. A great Aflembly meet in the City of Gramont, Anno 1296. where ^//>HheEmperour,E^a>,and many other great Perfonages. Twelve hundred Gentlemen were flain by this enraged Multitude. All Flanders now revolted from the French. This happened in the Year, 1302. on July n. John of N amour is their Governour in the abfence of their impri- foned Earl. All the threats of the King of England, and the Emperour now va- nifecd away: only Pope Boniface had. Excommunicated KingP&/7/p, and interdi&ed his Realm in the hotteft of thefe Flftnmifh arTairs,upon this occafion. TheChriftiansEftate was lamentable in the Eafi , the T'artarianf encreafed daily. The Pope, Anno 1301 fent Boniface Bilhop of Apa- mt a unto King Philip, requiring him to go into the Holy Land. When theBifhop faw no appearance of obedience, he threatned the King, that the Pope would deprive him of his Kingdom. Whereupon the Biihop being charged of Anogancy and Treafop, and Cent. 14. Of FRANCE. and caft into Prifon, the Pope fends to him again one Pettr , a Roman born fArch Bilhop of Narbon) commanding him to let the Bifliop at liberty, and to take a Voyage againft the Infidels, and not to med- dle with the Tenths of the Clergy. P hit if> anfwered , his troubles at home hindred him from going into the^,and cetaftrained him to impofe a Subfidy upon the Clergy : and he Was willing to difmifs the Bifhop. The Arch- Bifhop replyed,thathe was ignorant of the Pope's As* thority, who was not only the Father of Chriftian Souls, but alfo So* veraign Lord in Temporal things. And therefore by that Authority he did excommunicate him , de- claring him unworthy to reign, and his Realm forfeited to the Pope, to invert whom he pleafed. Moreover, he brought another Bull directed to the Prelates aftdi NO- blemen of France^ whereby he acquitted all French-men , and difpen- fed with them as to their Oath of Allegiance to Philip. And cited aft the Prelates and Divines of the French Church to appear before him at S.owe,difanullingaU indulgences and priviledges granted to the Ytevdk by any Popes his pcedeceflburs. The Earl of Artois difdaining this affront, takes the Bull and cafts it into the fire. Philip was fo born out by the Peers of France, that when he demanded their ad vice, how he {hould demean himfelf, and whether he (hould put up that wrong i they anfwered, That they were ready not only to fpend their goods (which they there wholly offered unto him for thaf end,) but alfo to expofe their perfons evert to death for him, not refuting any torments. Adding further, and that more plainly by word of mouth, That if the King ( which God forbid 3 would fuffer it,or connive at it, yet for their parts they would never endure it. Mr. JohnliVet BUhop of Taw -(peaking of this Fad: in his French Chronicle, The impudence of C faith he of Boniface) wafe wonderful, who durft affirm, that the Realm of Frartce was a Benefice of the Papal Majefty. But I think them (faith hej) the greater fools who difpute the point, whether the Pope hath this power or no : he put our France under an Interdift for the time, bfut the Bifliops took, the King's part. King Philip appealed from the ufurpationsand infolencies of B0#*- f*ce.V}\\\ to the c Apoftolick then vacant '(as he faidj and to a fu- ture Council as , it fain his Life. The States of Frame difa- mulled B we judge thy gift to be void, and do revoke, all. that bqh been done. And Cent. 14. Of FRANCE. rvbofoevtr believeth other wife , ZPV 7^g' *^J Heretickj. Given at Lateran, the fourth of the Now/ of December, in the fixth year of our Popedom. Unto this Letter of the Pope, King Philip makes Anfwer in manner as followeth. Philip, by the Grace of God, King of France , to Boniface , calling him/elf the Soveraign Bifhsp , little or no health. Let thy foolijhnefc know, that in temporal things we are fubjeR to no Man , and that the Gifts of Prebends and Benefices made, and to be made by Vs , mere and {ball be good, both in time pop and to come : and that We will defend manfully the pojjeffbur of the faid Benefices, and We thinly them that be- Hfve or think^ otherwife, fools and mad-men. Given at Paw the Wed- nefday after Candlemas, Anno 1301. After thefe and other Writings had pafled to and fro , between the Trench King and the Pope, within a year and an half after , the King fummoneth a Parliament, fending down his Letters to his Sheriffs and other Officers, tofummon the Prelates and Barons of the Realm unto the faid Court of Parliament according to the Tenour of the King's Letters Patents. Then William Nagaretta, Knight and profeflbur of the Laws, made vid Fox a large Declaration and appeal againtt Pope Boni/ace VIII. at Paris be- Monum. Tom.i. fore the King and his Council. p>4+8> He taxeth Boniface to bean Intruder into the Papacy, that entring not in at the door, he is to be judged a Thief and a Robber. He de- clares him to be guilty of many Heretics, and to be an horrible Sirno*- niack. He chargeth him with curfing and b1afphemy,a blood-thirfty man,adeftroyerof the Churches, one that is very greedy after gold, and rooted in all fins, that he is the Abomination of Vefolation^ de- fcribed by Daniel the Prophet. Then he thus fpeaks to King Philip, I befeech yott,my Lord and King, that you would declare thus much to the Prelates , Doftors , People and Princes, your Brethren in Cbrift) and chiefly to the Cardinals and all Pre- lates, and call a Council. In the which, when the aforefaid Boniface vs condemned by the worthy Cardinals , the Church may be provided of A Pajlor. And I befeech and require the faid Cardinals by you , and Ire- quire them and the Church of God, that this voiced Man being put in prifon, the Church of Rome may be provided of a Vicar, which may mi- nifter thofe things that frail appertain, until the Church of God be pro- vided of a Bijhop, utterly to takg away all occapon of Scbifm. After this proteftation of Nagaretta^ immediately enfued the Ap- S peal 30 3D&e eccieftafttcal ttfto?? cent. 1 4 . peal ef the King, pronounced and publiftied againft the faid Boniface. The manner and form is fet down at large by Mr. Fox, Aft & Monum. lorn. 1.^.449.450. This was done, Anno. 1303. Inditii one f>rima, June 13. on the 14^- day of the fame Month of June^ the aforefaid King Philip being prefent , and alfo the Lords, Arch-Bi(hops, Bithops, Abbots, Priors, and many witnefles .being pre- fent, William of Plefiano Knight, objected, propounded, affirmed, and read out of a certain paper which he held in his hand divers Articles againft Pope Eoniface^ to the number of thirty , charging him with denying the immortality of the Soul, with averting that whore- dom is no fin, charging him with Witch-craft, Simony , Sodomy, Murther, Oppreffion, Bribery, Adultery , -and many other deteftable fins. Thefe things being thus read and done, King Philip anfwered, and his Appeal isasfolloweth. We Philip by the Grace of God^hearivg and undemanding the Objecri- QMS propounded by our beloved and faithful /C?i/^6/,W.o/Nagaretta,d you, our Lords, Earls, and William, thai (the Hmtur aud . *f the lloly Romifli Cburcb faked in al! points) we agree /,; yj;-r due Fequefi ?* //?;'/ behalf for the calling of the Ccnncil^ and a >fi} to the callnig together ef the faid Council y according to tbfTecrcer rf'ibe Ho- ly Fathers, and to the lawful Orders ofil. ding by any. Cent. 14. Of FRANCE. any menus to make parties of tbit matter, not to Jlic^ to any that maketh parties. And left we (hould be kindred by Any means by the faid Boni- face, by "Excommunication, fufpenpon, interdiction, depofing 9 deprivation^ occ. And that we may fit in the fame Council to judge and do all other things that belong to the Office of Prelates j tbat We , our friends, our fubjefts^arifh'Cburches^&c. may remain fafe. We provokg , and Ap- peal in Writing to the afore faid Council that is to be gathered, and to him that foallbe the true and lawful higbeji Bijhop , and to him or them to whom of right we Jhould Appeal, and do earnestly require our Appellati- ons: committing us, our Parijh-Cburcbes, and them that flick,. to M > our ftate and theirs, &c. to the godly defense of the afore faid Council, and of him that Jhall be true and lawful bigbejl Bifhop. And we proteft to renew this Appellation , where , when , and before whom it frail be thought meet. This was done at Parit, at Lupara, in the Chamber of the King, many Lords, and Earls, Knights and Clerks, and others being Witnefles. After thefe things thus in the Parliament decreed, and agreed the Prelates confulting with themfelves what to do in fo doubtful a mat- ter, and dreading the Pope's difpleafure for what was now done, to clear themfelves to the Pope, partly to ccrtitie him what was done, and partly alfo to admonifh him what he (hculd do, fent this enfuing Let- ter to him, thus directed. To their moft Holy Father, and deareft beloved Lord, Boniface, the chief BKhop of the Holy Romijb Church , and the Univerfal Church : his humble and devout Arch-Bifhops , Abbots, Priors, Conventuals , Deans, Provofts, Chapters, Covents, and Col- ledges, of the Cathedral and Collegiat Churches , Regular and Secular, of all the Realm of France, being gathered together, do offer moft devout kiffings of your blefTed Feet. We are compelled with f arrow to fignifie unto your Holinefs , tbat our tnoft dear Lord Philip by the Grace of God the noble King of France, when F vee faw the Letters fealed and fent to him of late on your behalf by the num. Tom. up. Cardinal of Nzibo, your Notary, and by him were presented to him, and 4 > >4 5 4 * certain others of his Barons, upon the perufing of theje bloody Letters^ being'read unto them fitting by him, both our Lord the King, and the Barons were highly incenfed. 'then the King commanded to be c tiled be- fore him the other Barons then abfent, and w alf& to appear perfonaHy, &c. Being all thus called, and come together, we flood before the King this Wednefday being the tenth of this prefent April , in St. Mary V Cbttrch in Paris. Ibere our Lord the King told us ^ that it WM fignified S 2 to Cent. to him ( among othe r things) by the aforefaid Cardinal and Letters, that for bu Kingdom (which be and bit Anceftors hitherto do acknowledge they bold of God only) now ought in 'temporal things to be fuhjeft unto you, and hold of you. And ye baie called to appear before you the Prelates and Clergy of the faid Realm, for the correQing of fuch ' wrongs 07 ye pretend to be done to Ecclefiaftical perfons, both Regular and Secular abiding within the Realm andelfewhere, &c. Te are charged alfo for referving, and wilful ordering of Arch -Bi" (hoprickj, Bijbopricks,andbsflowing of great Benefices of the Realm upon Strangers, whereby the decay of God's Worfoip hath enfued, the pious wills of the godly Founders, are defrauded of their godly pttrpofe , the poor of tb'x Realm are without their accuftomed Alms^ the Realm v impoverished, and the Church M in danger of Ruine , the Churches being unferved^ wbiljl the Prophets are ta^en away, the fruits of thofe that ferve them being given unto grangers. Alfo He complained of new 'taxes laid upon the Churches^ with utp- meafurable exactions, by which the general State of the Church vt chan- ged, &c. Tiber e fore he re quired us all, both Prelates and Barons to ordain whole- fame things, for the eafmg of the aforejaid grievances , and for redreflini the Realm and the French Church : and therefore we Jhould regard to be ready with counfel to help in feafon (as we are bound by the duty of fide- lity) in thefe things. Then the Barons having debated together on thefe matters , coming to ur Lord the King, and thanking him for his laudable purpofe 9 anfaered with one voice, that for thofe things they were not only ready to offer to fpend their goods, but al fo to yield their perfons unto death: adding, that if the King would fuffer thefe things, yet they would not. Ihen our anfwer being demanded, we faid , that we would not offend againft the liberty of the Realm, nor by any means innovate things con- trary to the King's honour in that behalf. We exhorted him to keep the bond of Unity, which hath continued until now, betwixt the Holy Romifh Church, and his predeceffours , but when we were told, that if any Man were of a contrary mind , from thenceforth Ixflould be manifeftly counted an Enemy of the King and the Realm } we anfwered, that we would help our Lord the King with due counfel and Aid, for the preferving of hit per/on, and of the Laws and Liberties of the faid Realm, like as we are (certain of us} by the duty of Allegiance bound to him, which hold of him Dukedoms , Earldoms, Baronies, Fees, &c. by the form of the Oath as all others do. let we requeued the King that feeingwe were bound to obey your Holinefs, he would fuffer us to go according to the Tsnour of your aforejaid calling. Then it was anfwered on the behalf of tbeKittg and Barons, that in m cafe they, would fuffer w to go ont of the Realm. Cent. 14. Of FRANCE. 133 then we considering of fo great an anger, and trouble fo jeopardow: and olfo what things are attempted againft Churches and Church- men, to fpoil their Goods and Riches^ with jeopardy of ltf&> feeing that the Laity do now abhor the obedience of Clerkf^ and have takfn courage to condemn the EC- clefiajiical cenfitrc andprocefs^ Sec- V/e thought good in th'n point of great" eft neceflity to run with figbs and tears to the Wisdom of your Holinefs^ befeeching your fatherly mildnefs, that fame wholefome remedy may be provided in the premiffes, by which the found profitable agreement , and mutual love^ which hath continued fo long a time betwixt the Church , the King and the Realm,, may be maintained in that old fjyeet Concord , the State of the French Church may continue in godly and quiet peace , and that ye would vouchfafe toforefeehowtowithflandthe dangers and offen- ces aforefaid^tbat we and our States may be provided for by the afore- faid Commandement of your calling , by the jlttdy of your Apoftolical Wifdom^and fatherly Love, 'fbs Almighty preferve yottr Holinefl to bis Holy Church a long time. In the next year, viz. 1304. about the Nativity of our Lady, came a number of Hamefled Souldiers well appointed, fent partly by the Trench King, partly by the Cardinals of Columna f whom the Pope before had depofedj unto the Gates of Arvagium, or Anagni^ where the Pope had hid himfelf There Sciarra Colonna^ Brother to the aforefaid Cardinals, after many affronts done to his perfon and thofe that were about him, and the plundering him of all his Wealth and Riches,. carryed him to Rome, where at the end of 3 5 days he dyed of Anger,in the ninth year of his Pontificate : fo that Ibme took occation to fay, he entred like a Fox, governed like a Lyon., and dyed like a Dog, he dyed 0ffofr u. The Cardinals went into the conclave the 21 of the fame Month, and the next morning, they eleded the Cardinal d* Oftia , called Fra. Nicholas di Trevifo, of the order of the preachers, who took upon him the name of Benedict l\. but he dyed in Perttgia, in the eighth month of his Pontificate, in which City the whole Court being at that time, it was refolved a new Pope (hould be chofen: but they trifled away their time in difputes and clamours for two months. The reafon was, the Cardinals were divided into three factions: one ftuck clofe to Charles King of Naples^ who would have a Pope accor- ding to his way : another was for the principal Barons of Rome , and a third flood firm to the intereft of Philip King of France, who had fent no fmall fums of Money and other prefents to Cardinal Pietra Colonna^ to the end, that with James his Uncle,a Cardinal of the fame name, they might keep up the intereft of France. At length Cardinal P^r-corrupted fuch with his gold, as he knew were covetous of it; feeding them on with pxomifes befides, fo that part ij 4 ffifre ecciefiattical foifto?? c e . 14. _. . . ; part of the Cardinals being faft in thofe Chains, and part of them in- titriidated with the threats of the Verugians now in Arms, Cardinal Colonna propofing the Bifhop of Ettrdeaax^ho was a great lover of the King of France, he was chofen by common confent, and a Courier fentporttohim (who was then at his Bifhoprick ) to know what name he would carry : he replyed, he would not change the name he was baptized with, which was Clement, and fo he was published accor- dingly to the people, and called Clement the fifth. After publication in the ufual place, the Cardinals difpatched feve- ral meflengersto the new Pope, to entreat him to hafkn his Journey into Italy. But the Pope being intruded by the King of Frame , made anfwer, that the Flock was to follow the Shepherd, and not the Shepherd the Flock, commanding the Cardinals immediately to repair to him in Frame, and particularly in the City of foifliers, as they alfo did. This Clemext was thefirft of feven French Popes , which held the See one after another, untoVrban VI. under whom the Italians recove- red it again with much trouble. Thefe feven Popes were Clement V. John XXII. Senedift XII. Clement VI. Innocent VI. Vrban V. Gregory XI. Clement V. being chofen Pope, he came to Lyons, where King Philip received him, accompanied with the Kings of England and Arragon in great pomp. The Pope was on Horfeback, and the King with his two Brethren on Foot, holding the Reigns of his Horfe. He was crowned in the Temple of St. Juftw, where they had built a great Theatre for fo goodly a fpedhcle. Buttheprefs of people was fo great , that the Scaffold brake , fo that the multitude fell one upon another. The Popei King, Princes and Noble men were all on an heap, and the Scaf- fold faflned to an old Wall pulled it down. The King was hurt in the Head, the Pope in the Foot, and the Duke of Britain flain, with many Noble- men, and 'multitudes of the common people, that were (mothered under thefe ruines. The Pope's Crown fell from his Head into the prefs, where he loft a Carbuncle, valued at fix thoufand florins of Gold. Thus thisfeaft gave no cajfeof joy , but was famous to pofterity by this notable accident , and by th tranflation of the Pope's feat from Rome to Avignon, Anno 1 305. unto the year 137^. under Vrban VL viz. the fpace of fcventy four years. This unlucky pomp being ended , Clement created many French Cardinals (and not one Italian) and removed the Court prefently to Avignon. He avouched openly to keep a Concubine, the Daughter of Tuxa-, he fent three Cardinals with Senatorial power to Cent.14. Of FRANCE. 13$ to govern Rome and Italy. He ordained , that none fhould ufe the Title, or exercife the power of Emperour, until he were confirmed by the Pope. In the year 1307. a Parliament was fummoned againft Pope Clement by King Philip, touching temporal jurifdiction belonging to Princes,. and Ecclefiatfical belonging to the Church. Forafmuch , as Pope Clement V. extolled himfeU above all Princes, as in other Countries, fo alfo in France he extended his ufurped jurifdidion above the Princely Authority of the King, claiming to himfelf full government of both the. States, as well Secular as Ecckfiaftical '> the King there- fore diredteth his Letters mandatory to the Prelates and Barons of the Realm of France, to alfcmblethemfelves together at Paris in the Year afore- mentioned in the beginning of December. At the day fpecified in thofe Letters the Prelates and Clergy aflem- ^^^ bled themfelves before the King at his palace in Paris, where after due "JlVa. reverence done unto the King, there fitting in his own perfon with his Barons and Council about him, a certain wife and noble Lord , Teter de Cugtie r//V, one of the King's Council, (lands up, and makes an Ora- tion before the Parliament in the King's behalf. His Oration is divi- ded into two parts. i, He (heweth, that obedience and reverence is due unto the King. 2. That there ought to be a difference betwixt the jurifdiclion of the Clergy and Laity , fo that fpiritual matters (hould be defined and ordered by the Prelates and fpiritual men , and Temporal caufes ruled and determined by the King, his Barons , and Temporal men. All which he proved by many reafons,bothof Fad and Law. His Ar tfci Oration being ended, he repeated certain words in the Trench Tongue, the clergy of which imported, that the King's Will and pleafure was in feme points Fr to renew the Temporal State and jurifdi&ion : and therewith he exhi- bited a certain Bill in French, whereof alfo he gave a Copy to the Prelates, containing fixty five Articles, which may be read at large in Mr. Fox his Acts qnd Monument s^Vol. i. p. 462. 463. 464. 465. After he had fpoken, the Prelates required to have time to anfwer thereunto : whereupon the Friday next enfuing was appointed for the fame, on the which day the Eiftiop E^itf#,and the Arch-Bi;r.op of Se non Eleft, in the name of the whole Clergy, anfwercd for them all be- before the King, holding his Parliament on that day at Vkenis. They endeavour to prove, that both the Temporal apd Spiritual jurisdi&ions- are compatible, notwithfianding the diftindion of them one from the other. Then they proceed, to prove that a perfon Ecclellaftical, which hat':, J.'rifoiction Spiritual, may alfo have Temporal juriuiicrion , and that the Jurifdidtton Temporal may be in an Ecckfiaftical perfon, they- nllcdgc for this the example of hfelchifedec}^, who was both King and l?rieft i .and of. S0muel,\vhQ was both Pxidt and Picghet, and for a long; Cent. H- long time appointed Judge over the people in Temporal matters. They affert alfo that Chrift by his humane nature had both powers, (hewing that he was a Prieft after the order of Melchifedeck^: and that he had both in hisvefture, and on his Thigh written, Khtg of Kings , and Lord of Lords. Many other places they cite out of the new Teftament. Then they offer to prove it by the Civil Law, and by reafon , and many places in the Canon LAW : they {hew, what priviledges of this nature Had been granted to the Clergy by Charles the Great , King of Trance , by Lewes fhefecond,and by other Kings of France , which priviledges they offered to (hew. Moreover they affert, that whatfo- ever things be offered up to the Church, and are converted to the do- minion and property of the fame, be God's, and appertain unto him, forasmuch as they be faid to be dedicated and fandih'ed by him. But this jurifdi6Hon which is diverfly converted to the Dominion and pro- perty of the French Church, is God's , and therefore to be referved to and for him. They urge the King to confider, that at what time he was crowned htfware only thefe things following. i. That he would defend and maintain the Canonical Law, privi- ledge and Juftice granted to the Biftiops, and the Church, and (as much as in him layj to enlarge and amplifie the fame. 2. Alfo that by his Arbitriment all Chriftian people at all times (hould keep the true peace of God and his Church. 3. That he (hould forbid to all Na- tions, all kinds of facriledges, fppilings and iniquities, and that in all kind f Judgements he (hould will and command equity and mercy. 4. That throughout his whole Territory and jurifdi&ion, he (hould labour to exterminate and cut off from the Church 3 the noted Hereticks. They argue alfo, that by the poffeflions of the Church , many Bre- thren and Kinfmen of the French Nobility be maintained : Ergo, fuch poffeflions are not to be grudged at. And becaufe a Bill of many Articles was exhibited, whereof part did infringe the whole Ecclefiaftical jurifdidion, to the defence thereof f they faidj they would ftand to the death. On the next Friday following, being Decemb. 29. the Prelates affembled themfelves again together at the King's Palace in P#w, where the Lord Peter TSertrand, Biftiop of Eduen, fpake openly before the King, fitting with his Counfellours, and Barons about him. In his fpeech he extolled the King's perfon, and his miraculous attaining to the Crown of France, adding, that he ought to be the Champion and Defender of the Faith, all which he proved in few words by many xea- Cent. 14. Of F R A N C E. 137 reafons and Authorities. Afterwards he touched thofe proportions which were propounded by theaforefaid Lord, Peter de Gugneriif. He befought the King for his Souls health to maintain the rights and liberties of the Church i defiring him to confidef what commo- dities he daily received! by the Church: and that his Church never failed him yet when he had need of the Laity i (hewing the dangers and examples of them who did to 'the contrary. Further, he en- treated the King, to weigh how entirely his Lord the Pope doth love his perfon and Realm. After this, in the faid Seffion, the aforefaid Bifhop of ILdven, an- fwered particularly to the Articles exhibited by the Lord Peter in writing, to the King and Parliament. Which becaufe they touch ^ more the fubtilty of the Law, and ftiles of the Courts, than are ne- cdfary to this our Hiftory : and becaufe I would not burthen this Treatife with them, little profit being contained in them, I have here purpofely for brevities fake omitted them. The next Friday after thisj the Prelates affembled at Vicenas before the King to hear their anfwer : Where the aforefaid Peter de Cug- ner'M (being Prolucutor for the King) faid that their King was to keep the rights of the Church and Prelates, which they had by Law , and by good and reafonable cuftom : ' where between the firft and fecond conclufion he went about to prove, that the cognition of civil caufes ought not to appertain to the Church '> for that fuch things were Temporal, and ought to pertain to the Temporally, as Spiritual things to the Spiritualty. And befides his other reafons, he alledged the 8tf. Dijlinft. declaring, that for this intent, the Clerks Crowns were firit {haven, in fign that they (hould be free from all worldlinefs, and for- fake all Temporal things. He added, that their Lord and King was ready to hear them, who would iatirudr him of any cuftom, and thofe cuftoms which were good and reafonable he would obferve. The Bimop Edven anfwered for all the Prelates , faying that the words of the Lord Peter engendred darknefsand obfcurity, and might give occafion to the Temporal Lords to break and infringe the Rites and Cuftoms of the Church. As to that which was fpoken , con- cerning the (having of the crown, it was anfwered, that the crown did betoken rule and excellency i and the (having did lignifie, that they ought not to heap up Temporal things -, fo as to apply their hearts thereunto i but that the Temporal things ought to be fubjecl: to them, and not they to the Temporalty. After divers other fpeeches, the faid Bimop concluded, and befought the King, that it would pleafe his Grace to give them a more plain and comfortable Anfwer , and that they might not go away fad and peniiveout of his prefence , whexeby occafion might be given to the Laity to impugn the Rites and Liberties of the Church. In the end it was anfwered to them in the behalf of T the Cent. 14. the King, that his mind and intent was not to impugn the Cuftoms of the Church. The Sunday folio wing theBifhopsaflenri bled themfelves again before the King at Vkenas, where the Bid) op of Senon in the name of all the Prelates gave humble thanks for it : and he befought that fueh Pro- clamations as were made to the prejudice of the Ecclefiaftical jurif- didion might be revoked and repealed. Hereunto the King himfelf anfvvered with his own mouth, that they were not publifted at his commandement, neither did he know of them, nor ratifie them. Moreover, the Bifhop propofed, that thofeabufes which the Tem- porally complained of, fhould be fo ordered and reformed, that every man (hould be content therewith. Finally he befought the King, that he would give them a fuller and more comfortable anfwer. Then anfwered the Lord Peter in the name of the King. That if the Pre- lates and Biftiops would fee reformation of thofe things which were to be amended Cabout which he would take refpite betwixt this and Chriftm.x next following^) his Majefty would innovate nothing in the mean time. And if in the aforefaid fpace they would not correct and reform what was amifs,his Majefty would appoint fuch order and re- medy, that fnould be acceptable both to God and his Subjefts. Then the Prelates had leave of the King to depart and went home. A brief recapitulation of Bifliop Edvetfs anfwer, with certain notes in anfwer to his Popijk reafons, may be read in the A5s and -Monument* of the Church, p. 476. 477. The Ecclefiaftical Judges have (ince that time attempted to ufurp this jurifdiftipn over the Laity in cafe of Adultery , &c. but the complaint which was made of it by Peter de Cngnenv , on the behalf f the King's Judges f which we may read at this day extant) did put later, an end to that trouble. And always whatfoever the Clergy attempted to meddle in fuch matters, they have been prohibited by the Parlia- ments upon Appeals, as from abufes, which have been put in againft their decrees. Pope Clement had promifed unto King Philip to abolifti the memory of PopeBo//^VIII. and to anull all his Ads, but by advice of Cardinal Pratenfis, he delayed unto a general Council , and this he Saucier, p. 872. fummoned to be held at Vienna in France , where the King required from the Pope the performance of his promife. The Council did ac- knowledge Boniface to have been a lawful Pope: but they did de- clare all his A#s againft the King to have been unjuft, and that none of them mould be prejudicial to the King, or to his Succeflburs. In this Council the Pope propounded the aid of the ChrifHans in Syria, the punifhment of the Templar* , and the reformation of the Church: Wars were proclaimed, and Indulgences were offered in thefe words. We Will^ that the pHttijhment of Hell, beno-tray laidnpon him , who Cent. 14. Of FRANCE. fynrd with the Crofs, grant ing alfo unto every fyned person power to ptill three or four Souls out of Purgatory at their pleafure. Hereat the Di- vines of Paw were offended, becaufe it waswritten in the fame Bull, We command the Angels to carry the abfifoed Soul into Paradife. It. was then a received Article, that th^Pop'e may command the Angels as his Serjeants. Pope Clement granted great Indulgences to fuch as could not go, but cpuld find Money for that ufe i ib as he that gave a Out of tn oia penny, was to have one year's pardon: he that gave twelve pence trench chront- twelve year's pardon : and he that would give as much as would cle * maintain a man going over Seas, a plenary pardon for all. The Pope appointed certain men whom he put in truft for the receiving of this Money. Unfpeakable were the fums of Money that were given for the purchafing thefe pardons for five years together. ' At the end whereof, when the good men were ready to go, and perform what they had promifed and vowed, the bufinefs was broke off, but the Pope kept the Money, the Marquefs his Nephew had a (hare of it, and King Philip the fair, and his three Sons, who had taken up the crofs to go thither in perfon, E^w as facrificing of Men to an Idol they worftipped > reading of a Templars Baftard , ard drinking his Blood, fpitting upon the crofs of Chrift, confpiring with Turkj and Saracens againft Chriftianity,they were charged with Sodomy, Beftia- lity, with many other Villanies out of the Road of humane corruption, and as far from Man's Nature as God's Law. The fole witnefs againft them was one of their own Order, a noto- rious Malefa to prove his Innocency, by charging all his own Order to be guilty. And he fwore moft heartily to whatfoever was objected againft their Order. Befides, many of the Templars being brought upon the rack, confeflfed theaccufations to be true, wherewith they were charged. Hereupon all the Templars were moft cruelly burned to death at a ftake through all France , with James, the Grand- Mafter of their Order. * Many men accounted not the Templars Malefactors, but Martyrs. Firft,becaufc the witnefs was unfufficient , a Malefaftor againft his Judge-, and Secondly, they bring tortured men againft themfelves. And a confcllion extorted upon the Rack ( fay fome ) is of no validity. But being burned at the ftake, they denycd it at their death,though formerly they had confefled it. A> Templar being to be burned at "Bordeaux, and feeing the Pope and orig. King fhilip looking out of a Window, cryed unto them, Clement thou Monarh. ca. 18, cruel Tyrant, feeing there is no other among mortal men, to whom I (hould appeal for my unjuft Death, I cite Thee together with King * Philip to the Tribunal of Chrift, the juft Judge who redeemed me, there both to appear within one year and a ominican, the other a Yrancifcau, toafTert ajod maintain the- fame Herefie, But one "Ibma^ an Egf$r Preaches, withfiocd thePope^ and the 144 1O)eecciefiaftitai$tfto# Cent. 14. pope threw him into prifon. Hereup m the French King fummoned a Council unto his palace in Vintiana Sy ha, the whole Aflembly fub- fcribed againli the Pope. Immediately the King fent to Pope John to reform his errour, and to fet the Preacher at liberty, which he did. Seme fay, that the Divines of Parit made him to re- cant his errour publickly. This John XXII. ereded the Church of Jholoufe in France to an jMnri n 'fub Arch-Bithoprick, divided the Diocefs of Iholeuje into fix Bithopricks, 'Ana! 1 * 317. U ' the Bifaops whereof (hould be fuffragans to the Arch- Bifhop of Tbo- ioufe* and turned fix Villages into Cities , viz. Montauban , Riettx, Lornbez Abbey, St. Papoxl, Lavnur^ and Mirepoix. He created two Bifaopricksi within the Arch Bifaoprick of Narbon : the rirft at Li mottx whofe Seat he tranflated to Alet not long after : the fecond in the A%ey of St. Pans, fetting out their Diocefles. He divided alfo the Btthoprick of Alby into two, and created one at Caftres. He ere&ed divers others befides, which are reckoned up in parti- cular by the Authour of the continuation to Martinw Polonitf. Clement V. predeceffour to this Pope, had ordained, that Emperours by the German Princes eleded, might be called Kings of the Romans, but might not enjoy the Title or right of the Empire to be nomina* ted Emperours, without their confirmation given by the Pope. Wherefore becaufe Levees of Bavaria being chofen Emperour ufed the Imperial dignity in Italy, before he was authorized by the Pope, the faid Pope John therefore Excommunicated the Emperour, who ofteadefiredof him a Treaty of peace , which the Pope refufed to hearken to. At the fame time divers learned Men difallowed the do- ings of the Pope, as William Ocham , whofe tranfa&ions were after- ward condemned by the Pope for writing againft that See : and Marfi- lius PativiniK, who wrote the Book entituled , Vefeufor fads , whieh was put into the hands of the faid Emperour i wherein the controvcr- fie of the Pope's unlawful jurifdicltion in things Temporal is largely difputed,and the ufurped Authority of that See is fet forth to the uttermoft. Some Writers fay, that a great caufe of the variance was, for that one of the Emperour 's Secretaries (unknown to the Empe- rour) had likened in fdivers of his LettersJ the Papal See to the Beaft rifing out of the Sea in the Apocalypfe. At length when the Empe- rour, after much fuit made to the Pope at Avignon , could not obtain his Coronation from him, he went to Rome, where he was receired with great honour , and both he and his Wife were botk crowned by the confent of all the Lords and Cardinals there i and another Pope was there fet up, called Nicholas V. Not long after Pope John dyeth at Avignon, after whom fucceedeth Zenedift-xiLAnno 1335. This Man was as uncourteous to the Emperour as John had been, he Cent. t4. Of F R A N C E. 145 lie renewed the curfes againft him, bereft him of all Regal Dignity, and by his fentence deprived him of the Dukedom of Bavaria. Here- upon the Emperour cometh into Germany , and aflembleth the Prin- ces, Dukes, Nobles 5 Biftiops , and other learned men in a Council at Franck^ford, where he caufed an injun&ion to be difpatched , wherein he affirmed the fentence pronounced againft him un juft , and that his Excommunication did no way bind him. Wherefore he commanded upon great penalties, that no man fhould obey his cenfures and interdictions in that behalf, which in- junction caufed great alterations in Germany , efpecially among the Clergy , fome holding with the Emperour , others with the Pope. Dantes, a man of profound Learning, at that time wrote a Book, called , the Monarchy, wherein he favoured the Emperour j for which he was afterward condemned, and his Book held for Herefie. And other great men wrote Books and Treatifes, defending the Pope's fu- pream Authority. Charles IV. Brother to Philip the long, fucceeded in the Kingdom of France, being the laft Son of Philip the Fair. He dyed Anno 1328. having reigned fix years> leaving the Crown to the fecond royal Bnnch of Capet /, whereunto the order of the fundamental Law did lawfully call them. Philip the Hardy had left two Sons, Philip the fair, and Charles Earl of Valoif j of whom it is faid, that he was the Son of a King, Brother to a King, Unckle to a King, Father to a King, and yet no King. Pfo- lip the Son of Charles oiValois is faluted and proclaimed King of France, and anointed and crowned at KJbemes according to the ufual cuftom. Near the beginning of his Reign, the Courts of Parliament and all pe Serro HI the Sovereign Judges (aflembled from all the Provinces) made a gene- |j a j^ s ral complaint againft the Ckrgy of France, accufing them of fundry abufes,and namely that againft the right of their charges they inter- meddled with the politick jurifdi&ion. The fuit was vehement , and famous for the greatnefs of the par ties. The King to reconcile this quarrel, calls a general Aflembly of his whole Realm at Paris. The caufe was pleaded before him with great liberty by Peter de Cugneriii (this is He whom in derinon they call M. Peter Cttgnet, who is in the great Temple in Par//, noted with a little Monkey's head , placed be- twixt two pillars to put out the Candles , being odious by reafoa of his pleading) and as coldly defended by Peter Eertrand , both famous Advocates in thofe times. The iffue was doubtful , and Philip feri- oufly exhorted the Prelates to reform themfelves i and in reforming the abufe to avoid thefe popular complaints, refering the matter to a further hearing, V This 146 This Pope Beneditt took from the Emperour. the Senatourfhip of Rome : he firft took upon him to ufurp the preferments of all Bi- fliopricks. He abridged many unlearned men of Priefthood : He re- formed many Seds of Monks : He commanded that all his Chap- lains (hould lye in one Dormitory together, and {hould have no other Revenues than for Dyet and Apparel : He publiftied certain Ads a- gainft the Dominicans \ he kept divers Concubines. And leaving great (lore of Treafure to the Church, he dyed -Anna 1 3 4.2 . of whom theft verfes were made. Jjk fuit vtroJLaicit mors,vipera Clero, TJeviw a vero, turba Rep I eta mero. in Lcmonia, by profeffion a T>enedi8ine , called be- fore Peter Rogert, being Abbot of Fifca, fuccecded Benedift at Avigntn. This-Man Excommunicated all the Princes, Lords , and Bifhops that confented to the doings of Lewes the Emperour. He made -Avignon part of St. Peters patrimony. He ordained, that the Jubilee {hould be kept every fifty^th year, after the manner of the Jews , and fo it was kept at Rome, Anm j 3 50. Now there were great Wars in France^ between Edward HI. King of Ewjg/ unlefs that deceive thee which is written in her Fore-head, Great Babylon, and thou art little Babylon : little indeed in compafs of Wails, but in vices and compafs of infinite luftsand paffions, and multitude of all evils thou art great- eft. And what followeth, agreeth unto thce and no of her,Bty/ the Woman drunken nith the Bhod of the Saints, and with the Blood of the Witness of Je- fa. Why art thou iilent? either (hew another drunken with this Blood, or deny that thou art drunken, if thou canft for the Vifion muft be true. The life of Petrarch is written by Tapiriw Maffbnuf, Many reforted to him from France, and all Italy. About this time Hayabad a Francifcan, preached in Avignon before pope Clement, that he was commanded by God to declare , that the. ^V *** '* Church of Rome is the whore of Babylon, and that the Pope and his Cardinals are the very Antichrift, and that his predeceflburs Bent- ' ditt and John are condemned. When the'Pope challenged him,he faid he was commanded in a Villon to fpeak fo, and therefore he durft not fail to fpeak it. John Rochet alada , another Francifcan , preached the fame , and is (aid to be one of them who were burnt at Avignon. Anno J 353- At the fame time Gregory de Arimino oppofed the Doctors in the Articles of ]uftification by works, and of free will. At Paris he taught that man hath free will to do evil, but no good without fpecial grace : and that we are juftified by Faith only. And he faid the Schoolmen deferve to be called Setnipelagians. Andreas de Callro, and John Buridan , two famous Men at that time , agreed with him. Then ILudo Duke of 'Burgundy, perfwaded the French King that he (hould not receive into his Realm the new Decretals and Extravagants. His fage advice is extant among the Records of France. A new War arofe between King John of Frame, and Edward the third, King of England. ThePope fent the Cardinal of teregort^ to thefe two Princes (being ready to fight) to calm this ftorm. John being the ftronger, demanded that Edward (hould give him four He- (hges i and as one vanquithed, (hould remain at his mercy and dif- crction. Edward was content to yield up all that he had taken from V 2 him 148 3Cpc ccflefiaOfra! %ffto?i? Cent. 14. hi m, but without any blemifh to his honour. Edward encourageth lymfelf, and prepares to fight the French , and vanquifheth them at Poiftiers. King John is taken prifoner, and his Son Philip, by Edward: the Black Prince, Son to Edward the third , King of England , they are brought to Eurdeaux, and from thence fent into England , where they are lodged in the City of London, in the Duke of Lattcajier's houfe, under a fure Guard. Many others of the Nobles of France were alfo taken Captive. 1700 Gentlemen were flain in this Battle, a- mong which were 52 Lords. King jfotacontinued five years a pri- foner, for he was taken in September^ Anno 1 3 56. and delivered in May, Ann* 1361. There hapned in France a certain contention, between the French Prelates, and the Fryars of Part*. The French Prelates aflembling in the City of Paris , caufed by the Bedles to be called together all the Students, Matters and Batchellors of every faculty , with the chief heads of all the Religious Houfes andFryars of the Univerfity of Pa- - rjf. Who being all congregated in the Bifhop of Paris his* houfe, where there were prefent four Arch-BUhops , and twenty Bifhops, the Biftiop of "Bitterc preached to the Students of Paris againft the Fryars.. He told them that true charity would compel them to provide for their flocks, to withfland errours ; that they were bound to give their lives for the flock committed to their charge. That 'no Man ought tobufie himfelf with what belonged not to his Office. For thereby (faith hej all Ecclefiaftical Order is difTolved. He (hewed how the Dominican and Francifean Fryars did ufurp what belonged to the Prelates. They charged the Fryars for preaching againfl their wills throughout all their DiocefTes , and for hearing confcilions , faying, that they have the Pope's priviledge to bear them, out therein. Then flood up another in the publick place , and read the privi- ledges of both the orders, and afterwards read the conflitution of Pope Innocent III. written in the fifth of the Decretals, which conftitution was repugnant and contrary to the aforefaid priviledges. Then rofe up the Bifhopof Ambian^ a great Lawyer, who difcourfmgfrom Ar- ticle to Article, there proved by good Law, that the faid conftitution flood in it's full force and vigour,and ought not to be infringed by the Fryars priviledges in any part : and therefore by vertuc of that con- flitution, the Fryars ought not fo miforderly to hear confeffions , en- joynpennance,and preach in Churches without fpecial licence of the Bifhop of the Diocefs, and leave from the Curate of the Parifti : unto whofe words none of the Fryars replyed at that time. So the Bifhop proceeding to the conclufion,defired the Univerfity to affift them in that cafe, wherein they were all determined to ftand firmly to the (hed- Cent. 14- Of FRANCE. 149 ding of their blood in refiiUng that intrufion of the Fryars. This hapned on Vecemb. 6. The next day being Sunday, one of the Order of the Minoriter , or Frawifcans, went to the Church of the Majorites, or preaching Fryars, where he made a Sermon (which was never feen before, for the one Order to come and refort to the other) beginning in the aforefaid mat- ter to reply, and to expound in order through every Article , adding moreover, that they went not fo far in their priviledges as they law- fully might. And faid, that when they obtained thofc priviledges in Rome, the BUhopof Ambianwas there prefent himfelf, refitting the fame with all his power : yea all the Prelates of France fent and wrote up to the Court againft the fame, and yet did not prevail. For when the Fryars there declared to the Pope how far they had ufed their pri- viledges, the Pope at the fame time faid, Placet, mewing that he agreed uato the fame. And now (faith he^) the Prelates demand of us to fend up our pri- viledges fo the Court, which were great folly in us > for in fo doing we mould give way to the revoking the Authority which is given into our hands already. Moreover, our Warden and Matter, is now lately dead, and the Matter of the Dominican Fryars here is not now prefent : wherefore we dare not determine in fo weighty a caufe (touching the priviledges of eur order) without the prefenceof them. And therefore we defire you of the Univerfity to hold us excufed, who are not the worft part of the Univerfity. The next day being the eighth of the fame month it was determi- ned that one of the 'Dominic}^ Fryars mould preach Jn the Church of the Francifcan, or Gray- Fryars, and fohe did, going the fame way as the other Fryar had done before in the other Church. All the Heads of the Univerfity met together on the Vigil of St.- 'fbomas^s day in St. Bernard's Church at the fame time. A Sermon was preached by a Divine of the Univerfity, wherein he with many words and great Authorities , argued againft them that would not be obedient to their Prelates. The Bimop of Ambian Cthe Sermon being ended) profecuted the fame Argument. And in conclufion the Fryars priviledges were in difputation confuted at Parti. Certain Articles had formerly been given out againft the Fryars by the Students of Paw , why they fhould not be admitted to their Society. r, Say they, our Society ought not to be Co-a&ive, but free and vo-^ luntary. 2. Becaufe we have often proved their community many ways to be hurtful and incornodious,, , Seeing 3. Seeing they are of a diverfe profeflion from us f for they are cal- led Regular, and not Scholajlical) we ought not therefore to aflbciate together in one Scholaftical Office. 4. Becaufe they work difTentions and offences, therefore we ought to avoid them. 5. Becaufe they devour Mens houfes , fearching and facking the Ethtes and Confciences of all perfons , circumventing thofe whom they find eatie to be fed need, and leading them from the Couu- fel of their Prelates. 6. They faggeft , that the Fryars are falfe Prophets , who being neither Bithops, nor Parifli-priefis, nor yet their Vicars, nor fent by them, yet they preach (not fent) againft the mind of the Apoftle Rom. 10. 7. Becaufe they are fo curious in fearching and enquiring out' other Mens doings and fpiritual demeanour : Wherefore feeing them in no order, we are by the fentence of the Apoftle commanded to a- void them. Befides thefe Articles above rehearfed , certain propofitions were propofed in the Schools of Paris, folemnly to be difputed and defen- ded againft the Fryars, which were thefe. 1. That the begging Fryars were not in a ftate of Salvation. 2. That they were bound to labour with their hands that could, and not to beg. 3. That they ought not to preach, or hear the confeflions of any, although they be Licenfed thereunto by the Pope, or by the Dioceflan, forasmuch as the fame is prejudicial to the Minifters and Priefts of the Parishes. All thofe aforefaid Articles and conclufions, Pope Alexander IV. had condemned to be abolifhed and burnt, writing his precepts to the Trench King, and the Univerfity of Paris in favour of the Fryars, com- maadingall Liberties and priviledgesto be reftored tothefaid Fryars. Another priviledge was given to the Fryars by Pope Clement IV. who fucceeded Alexander IV. Anno 1263. But in the year 1281. Pope Martin IV. renewed again the Canon in behalf of the Curates againft the Fryars. In the year I2p4. Eomfacc VIII. granted to the Fryars , that with- out licence of Vicars of Churches , they (hall firft prefent jthemfelves to the Prelates to be admitted i by whom if they be refufed the fecond time, then they upon fpecial Authority of this Pope (ball be privi- ledged without either Bilhop or Curate, to preach, to bury, and to hear confeffions from any that (hall come unto them ; fo revoking all that Cent. 14- Of FRANCE. that was decreed by his predeceffoursto the contrary. Anno 1303. Pope Benedift II. revoked the conftitution of Boniface his predeceffour. Then followed Pope Clement V. who in his gene- ral Council holden -at View* revoked the confutation of Be- nedict his predeceffour, and renewed again the former, decree of Bo,- niface. Upon this variable diverfity of the Popes (one diffenting from and repugning another) arofe among the Divines and Schoolmen in Vlni- verfities great matter of contention , in the Univerfities of Oxford and Paris about the begging Fryars, fome holding one way fome a- nother. Five principal opinions be noted of learned men, who then difpu- ting againft the Fryars, were condemned for Hereticks, and their affer- tions reproved. The firft was the opinion of them which defended that the Fryars* might not by the licence of the Pope and of the Prelates , preach in Parishes, and hear confellion. Ot this opinion vtttWilliam de fanfto amore with his fellows, who had been condemned. Thefecond opinion was, that Fryars, although not by their own au- thority, yet by priviledgeof the Pope, and of the Bifhop, might preach and hearconfeflions in Pari(hes,but yet not without licence of the Pa- riuVpriefts. Of this opinion was*St. Bernard. The third opinion was, that Fryars might preach and hear confeili- ons without Licence of the ParifiVprieftS ', but yet the faid Parifbio- nersnotwitnftanding were bound by the Canon [omnit ntritefgtte fex- ttr~] to repeat the fame fins again, if they had no other to their own proper Curate. And of this opinion were many,as Godfr. de familus: Henr. de Gandavo, Joannes, Monacb. Cardin. Joannes de Poliaco. Pope John. XXII. caused John de Poliaco, openly io retradt in Paris. The Affertions which he held were thefe. The firft was, they which were confeffed to. JFryars, -al* . . though having a general Licence to hear eonfafitbds, were Mo num . bound again to confefs their iins to their own #ari(h- prieft by the aforenamed Canon. The fecond was, that the fakl Canon, ftanding in force, ParKhioners were bound once, in a year to confefs their fins to their Prieft. . For the doing other wife importeth a contiadi&ion in it (elf. The third was, that the Pope could not give general licence to hear confeilions fo, but, that the Pariihoncr fo confeffed was bound to reiterate the fame a>nfcifiori made unto> 152 2$e Cccitftafttcai $ifto# Cent. 14. unto his own Curate. Which he proved by divers places of the Canon Law. The fourth opinion was, that the Fryars by the Licence of the Pope and of the Bifhops, might lawfully hear confeffions, and the people might be of them confefled and abfolved. But yet notwithstanding it was juft, neft, and profitable, that once in the year they mould be confefled to the Curates (although confefled before to the Fryars,) be- caufe of the admininiftration of the Sacraments, efpecially at Eafter, of which opinion was Wiliam de monte Landutto* The fifth opinion was. that albeit the Fryars might at all times, and at Eafler alfo hear confeilions, as the Curates did, yet it was fafer at the time of Eafier to contefs to the Curates than to the Fryars. And of this opinion was Richard of Armagh, Arch- Biftiop and Primate of Ireland, In the time of PopeClement Vl. John King of France , invented Eccfcf. the Sect and Order of thofe Monks, which are called Stetiati , whofe fift. P, 391. manner is always to wear a ftar upon their Breaft , fignifying thereby, that there is nothing in them but the light of perfection, and the clear (hining of good works : yea , that they themfelves are the light of the World. Iff w, That they (hall rife again at the laft day all (hi- ning and gliftering, as the moft clear and pleafant ftars , according as it is written, Dan. 12.3. *fbey that turn many unto Rigbteoufitefs 5 jhafl be M the ftars for ever and ever. After the death of Pope Clement VI. fucceeded Innocent Vl. before whom the aforefaid Richard of Armagh publifhed nine Articles againft the begging Fryars. This Pope builded Walls about Avignon^ and founded an houfe of Carthttfian Monks without the City. Popel/rban v. fucceeded him, Anno 1364. Nicholas Orem made a Sermon before the Pope and his Cardinals on Cbriftmas-evcn, in which he rebuketh the Prelates and Priefts of his lime , declaring their de- ftru&ion not to be far off, by certain figns taken of their wicked and corrupt life. He proveth the Popijb Clergy to be fo much worfe than the old Sjiflagogue of the Jeu>s,by how much it is worfe to fell the Church/ ahd Sacraments-: than to fuffer Doves to be fold in the Church. In the year 1370. Peter Kclfort of Lemottfm, who took the name of Gregory XI. was created likewife at Avignon , who thought good to transfer the Apoftolical Chair from Avignon back again to Rome , a thing almoft incredible: for fo many French Popes fucceeding one another,thcy had fo weakned the Italian party, that these were fcarce any Italian Cardinals among them all, and of the French there were more than twenty. Seve- Cent. 14. Of F R A N C E. Several reafons are alledged to have moved Gregory to this refoluti* on, but particularly thefe following. The firft was, that he faw all Italy in Arms, not only by the Wars betwixt Venice and Genoa , but by a refolution feveral Cities had taken to (hake off the yoke of their fervicude , and re-eftablKh themfelves in a fiate of Liberty, which he believing to be occafioned by the abfence of the pilot from the Veffel of Rome^ he began to think of refettling his pontifical refidence in Italy. The fecond was, That one day reprehending a cer- tain Bi(hop Chis familiar) that he left the BHhoprick to follow the Court, the BUhop confidently replyed. And you who are Pope of Rome, why are you in France ? Why are you fo long from the place where your Church doth lye? Others will have it, that a Letter from St. Bridget, (whom the Pope lookt upon as a true Saint^) contributed much,in which {he advifed him as from God,to return to Rome.He gave order for twenty Galleys to be ready in the Rhone, pretending to go fomewhither elfe with them,becaufe he fufpec1:ed,tnat the French(who had fo much advantage by the refidence of his Court in France) would obftrudt it,if they had the leaft notice of his removing the See to Rome. But indeed they took not the leaft Alarum at all the preparations which were made, as not imagining, that a French Pope would put fuch an affront upon his Nation. So that they had no notiee of it till the Pope was at Sea, being pafTed as far as Genoa, and from Genoa to C&rnetto, where, being weary of his Galleys, he made the reft of his Voyage by Land: and being arrived at Rome, he began to apply fit Medicines and fpecifical to the maladies of Italy. But he dyed Anno t 1280. of a great diftemper in his Bladder, after he had fate iix years in France, and five in Italy. It is reported, that at the hour of this Pope's Death, the palace of the Pope at Avignon wasfct on fire, and could not be quenched, till Bale's Pa the greateft part thereof was burnt. Afterwards enfued the greatcft o fchifm and divifion that ever hapned in the Popedom. King John dyed, Anno 1364. to whom fucceeded his Son Charley the fifth of that name. King John dyed in England : for the Trench King had an earneft defire to fee the King of Eg/*Wagain, becaufe he had fo honourably entertained him whilft he was his prifoner. So he went, and was entertained very Royally. But (hortly after , he fellfick, and dyed at London. His Body was conveyed over into France, and buried in the Town of St. Denis, the King of Cyprus being prefent at his Funerals. Charles V. called the Wife, was crowned at Rhemes , together with his Wife, the Daughter of Peter Duke of Bourbon. He made his youn- ger Brother Philip, Duke of Burgundy, who had been prifoner with his Father in England. Many Lords in Gafcoign revolted from Prince Edrvard X unto unto the French King. Prince Edward after his great victories , had carried himfelf roughly toward the Noble-men his Subje&s. But the French King beiides his excellent Wifdom , was alfo gentle and courteous, infinuating himfelf into the affections of all men. The Duke of Arijou marching with his forces from Iholoufe , eafily recovered all the Towns and holds that were pertaining to the EngHJh in thofe quarters. The King of England loft all his whole Seignc- ry of Gafcoign, the people partly rebelling--, and partly yielding them- felves willingly to his enemy. PoiSiers alfo yieldeth to the French. The men of Rochet yield alfo unto the French. King Charles dyed of poifon taken long before. He was a Prince chro- fo wife and politick, that fitting in his Gown at Paris in eafe and quietnefs, he recovered many things by counfel and policy, which his predeceffours had loft in the field to their Enemies. And among other vexations which hapned to King Edward at his laft Voyage that he intended into 'Britain for the refcue of his men befieged, when he \vasforcedbackbytheextremity of weather: this one thing trou- bled him above the reft, that he muft make war with fuch an enemy as never bare Arms} nor came into the field i it is reported that he faid, he never dealt with any enemy, which ufedfp little armour, and put himtofo much trouble. For King Charles , after he came to the Crown, never put on Armour himfelf, but managing all his affairs by Wifdom and policy , committed the execution thereof to his Brothers. In the time of Charles V. a Book was written in France, called, Ihe T ^ tr S srs Dream, firft in Latin, then tranflated in French by his command, In the feventh and eighth Chapter whereof the Clergy- man and the Knight confer together on this wife. I call (faith the Clerk ) and account the Decrees and Decretals of the Holy Fathers of Rome to be good Law, which oblige every true Chriftian at a. Subject and Son of a Holy Church our Mother. To whom the Knight replyeth, If the terms cf Rome he Decrees, or Decret als, Ordinals, or Conftitutions touching the Temporal affairs of Kings, Princes, or other Secular Lords , you Clerkj a*> mong your felves jhaH caV and account them Law , if you pleafe. But the truth is, That uo Man can eftablifh, or ordain any thing where he hath no power nor Authority. So as the King of France hath no power to make a Law or Ordinance to bind or tye the Empire i fo neither can the Laws of the Emperour bind the King of France and. his Subjects. And a little after. I hold it therefore a frivolous thing^ and very ridiculous, that the Holy Father (hoxld makf any Decree ^Decretal^ or constitution about Temporal matters. In the thirteenth years .of the aforefaid Charles V. Charles IV. Em- perc'jrof Germany came into France by Cambray- 9 to do certain pil- grimages at St. Vemi t and elfewhere , arsdfo was conveyed with ho- nour a-. Cent. 14. Of FRANCE, nourable men unto St. Quintin, and from thence to Parif. Matbijs, a Bohemian, abode a long time in Paris, and was called Pa- rienfts, he wrote a large Treatife of Antichrift, in which he proveth that the Pope is the Antichrift. He inveigheth againft the Clergy for neg- ligence in their callings, and calleth them the Locufts mentioned in the Revelation. He complains'that every City, and almoft each man had his proper Saint or Saviour, befides Chrift : the Images and Re- liques that are fet up in Churches to be adored, he calleth the Inventi- on of Antichrift. He faith, the worfhip of God is not tyed to per- fons, places, nor times i he rebuketh the Cloyfterers for contemning the Lay-men, and calling themfelves the only Religious^ he refuteth the merit of works, and calleth them the caufe of falvation , ftne qua non. In the end he prophefied, That God will once again fend Godly prea- a t taUTeft ' r * chers , who in the zeal of Elias, will openly difclofe Antichrift unto the eyes of all the world. After the death of Pope Gregory, the Church began to be miferably torn with new fcmlmes, which began to arife betwixt the Fwwfcand Italian Cardinals, each Nation choofing it's own Pope, and in it's own manner. The French not able to digeft the affront they received from Gregory, in tranfporting the See from France into Italy, departing pri- vately from Rome, they removed to Fondi; and being arrived there theyufed many inveftives aud Satyrs againft Vrban VI. whom they had already with the Italian Cardinals eleded in Rome. They pre- tended, that they were forced to it by the people of Rome, otherwife it was never their intention to make an Italian Pope. ope. For thefe reafons, the Chair (in their Judgements) being vacant e favour of Joan Queen of Sicily, who was their friend, they c by , , chofe another Pope, one Robert*, a Cardinal, with the Title of the Hoiy A- poftles. He was of Geneva, and particularly of theAntient Family of the Centi : in that City he took upon him the name of Clement VII From Fondi, Clement removed with his Cardinals to Avignon where he was obeyed by the Frm&and Spaniard.Thek difputes lafted long , the Legitimate Pope at Rome, and and the Anti-Pope at Avignon firing their Bulls upon one another, and fending them forth into all parts of the World. The adherents of both fides fet forth feveral fefittna- tory Libels, calling one another Scbifmatiek^ Heretic^ lyrant Ibief ?rayt 6 r,Wi c ^ed,Son>er f Sediticn,SonofVelial, and fuch like Stuff: of which there are two Treatifes extant at this day i one of them written by Dr. John de Ligni , in favour of Vrban againft Clement and the other by the Abbot of St. Vajl in favour of Clement asainli Vrban. Whilft Clement was contriving which way to remove the Pope who refided in Rome , he dyed, Anno 12. and was buried in X 2 He 3C|)e cccleftafttcal $tfto# cent. 14. He being dead Bsniface IX. who was Pope at that time in writ a Fatherly Letter to the French Cardinals exhorting them to de fift from their Schifm, and return to their obedience to the Holy Mo- ther the Church, of which he was (he faid) the lawful Head. But theFrench laughing (as it were) at fuch perfwafions, chofe a focceflbur to Clement, which was Pietro delta Luna, who took the name of Bexe- di3 XIII. who had argued very much in Clement's juftification > and that was the principal point upon which he was chofen by the Cardinals , who concluded, that he who defended another's caufe with fuch ardour , would doubtlefs more vehemently defend his own. Whilft this Ami- Pope had his refidence in Catalonia, in the Caftle of Panifiola, adminiftring the Sacramentss, and conferring of digni* ties, He was condemned together with the Cardinals which ele&ed him by the Authority of a general Council. After wards he afTembled a Council at Perpignan, where he created feveral Cardinals, and commanded them after his death to follow his orders, which were to choofe another Pope without lofing of time, which they did. For this Anti- Pope being dead at Panifcola -, the Cardinals chofe one Giles Mungot , a Chanon of Barcelona , in his place, calling him Clemently, who at the Inftance of King Alpbonfo created Cardinals forthwith, and began to Acl: in every thing as the true Popes ufe to do.. But afterwards upon Pope Martin the fifth's accomodation with King Alphonfo, Giles (being commanded ) renounced the rights of the Papacy, and was declared Bi(hop of Majorca : and the Cardinals which he had created, were likewife forced to renounce their Cardinalitiai dignity.. Charles VI. fucceeded his Father in the Kingdom of France at the Age of 12 years, he was crowned in the year 1380. married in 13-84. he. falls into a Phren fie, Anno 1393. and dyes, Anno 1422. Charles the Wife, left two Sons , viz. this Charles VI. and Lever- Duke of Orleans. And Charles VI. had three Sons, Levees, John and- Charles, ,and one Daughter named Katherine. Thefe three Sons were T>a*lphins one after another in their Father's Life. And Katherine was married to Hemy V. afterwards King of England, a mournful gage of an horrible confution for this Kealm, Cent i . Of FRANCE. 157 Century XV. CUarles VI. having called a Council at Paris to confult about the fchifm which then was in the Popedom, would not fuffer the Arch- Bithops and Bifliopsof Rbemes, Rboan,Se*s^ Paris, Beauvis, and fome others, to affift there , becaufe 1 they were 'Benedicts partizans, by reafon of the great courtefies they had received either from him or hispredecefTour. In a Decree made February 1 8. 1 406. we find a complaint by Charier VI. They take occasion to referve the Firjl-fruits in the vacancies , anil to extort great fums of Money , whereby the Kingdom is exbaufted i andfo thruft tbemfelves upon the Popedom, for to enrich both them and theirs. And when there is any queftion (faith he) of preferring men to elective dignities, they never ufedthofe ways which ought to be obferved, and which are appointed to examine and try them. Whence it comes topafs , that it being not poflible that the Pope Qiould tytow all Men , and the ft ate of the' Churches, he admit! divers into thofe dignities who are unworthy of them^ and fotnetimes fitch as are unknown to him hut by their money. He ad- deth, They infert divers claufes in their BuVs, which are fometimes inex- tricable : they make divers Rules befides the Law , or elfe quite agaiaft Law^ which they revokf at their pleafure j infomuch that the tnoft clear~ fjghted cannot difcern who hath beft right among divers pretenders. Hence arife infinite Suits in Law, which they mujl profecute out of the Kingdom with great expeuce and charges. In another Decree, made the fame year , he accounts this among other extortions, Impofing 'tenths, and other Subsidies at their pleafure^ without ever confulting the reft of the Eijhops about it , in the raifing whereof there vs no mean obferved either of Justice or equity : It was then ordained, that none (hould pay Tythes to Popes nor Cardinals. And in another Decree made in March , Anno 1408. mention is made of certain prefidents by Charles VI. eftabliflied at a Council at Xaris. Not long Ago ffaith he)i* was propofed and demanded by our Attor- ney-General at a Council holdea at Paris , confining of the Bifkops and Clergy, of the Churches within our Kingdom, and T>aulphiny , where our Coufin Lewes, King of Sicily j our eldeft Son Vukfof Aquitain and Vi- ennoisi the T>ttkg of Bourges ourVncfy by the Father's fide -, the T>ukf ef Burgundy. ourCoufin^ and the Z5% o/Burbon our Vncty by the Mothers 158 Cent. fide, for f, that the. Pope's exattions and other grie- vances formerly rehearfed might be utterly abolijked. We read of another Decree made afterwards, wherein complaint is made by the fame King Charles VI. that an infinite deal of Gold and Silver^ and Rents were transported out of the Kingdom and the Province of Daulphine^ to the prejudice of the antient Cuftoms^ and the undoing of the Realm j to the irreparable lofs and damage of the Common- wealth and the miferable defolation of the Churches^ as well fttcb as were of Roy- al Foundation as others. And elfewherehe complaineth,^^cfr^ Coflefiors, and other the Tope of Rome'/ Officers particularly for bvs Mo- neys have of late oppreffed the C.hmch and Chnrch-men of our Realm and "Province of Dattlphine, by an infijferable flavery , in feizing upon the Goods of the Bifoops and Clergy-men^ both Regulars and Seculars , prefent- ly upon their T>e ce afe j AnEdi&was made difcharging the payment of Annates. Pope Vrban VI. being dead in Rome after he had managed the Popedomfor eleven years, with little fttisfadtion either to the people or Clergy, the Cardinals created Boniface the ninth, in the 33. year of his Age, who (he wed much prudence in the whole courfe *>f his Papacy. He fate fourteen years, and nine months , and dyed Anno 1405. Koubri- - Kj ng Charles VI. beftirred himfelf to remove the fchifin which was ' between RenediS XIII. and Boniface IX. and to difpofe all the Princes of Chriftendom for the fame defign, according to the Teftimony of an English Hiftorian. He heard with patience (faith he) the Legates of either Pope: but by the advice of his Divines be would not fubmit him- felf^ neither to the one^ nor to the other. He rather thought on * means whereby he might relieve the Church^ by removing out of her all matter of diffention. Having therefore fent his Ambaffadours to the Emperour^ as alfo to the Kings of England, Bohemia, and Hungary , he conjured them not to be wanting to the public}^ good and tranquillity. He perfwa- ded Wenceflam the Emperour to come to Rfomes , where a general Council was held on that occafion. I find another Ordinance of the fame King Charles VI. made by tne c ounfel and affiftance of the Lords and Clergy of France , wherein p. 15, he faith, 'that the Royal power is ordained of God fer the prefervation of the Church^ and that the Kingdom of Heai'en increafeth by means of the Earthly Kingdom, when th&fe which dejlroy the Church are crushed by the rigour of Princes, "fhat the /acred Canons will have recourfe to be made unto Princes , when fucb things are committed by great men in the Church^ and that according to the opinion of Holy T)o8ours the Popf ought net-to be obeyed in fucb things wherein the Jlate of the Church if notoriety dijlnrbed. And in another Ordinance of April 17. 1410. Theft things being covfidered that it belongs unto ttf who are the Guardi- Cent. 1 5. Of FRANCE. an, Protector^ and Defender of the Churches of our Kingdom , and of T)aulpbirie, an&whi have ratified and approved the Statutes and Ordinan- ces aforefaid^ made in the Council afore faid^ to caufe all this, and all that followeth upon it to be kjpt invidlable^ &c. There is an Arrcft of the Parliament of Par'u toward the latter end of this King's Reign, wherein it is faid , that Pope Benedict and his Officers fhould from thenceforth give over and abftain from the ex- action of Annates in* the Kingdom of France , and the County of Vaulphine. ThefameC^r/f/VI. being excommunicated by Benedict the XIIL * put the bearers of his Bulls to the * Honourable Amends^ making them mire : so to be carried in Tumbrels, apparelled in painted Coats, with paper' Mitres upon their heads , ami the Pope's Bull reprefented in their hands, and his Arms reverfed. All which was done by the advice of his Princes, Lords, and the Prelates and other Ecclefiafticks of his Kingdom, together with the Parliament and Univerfity of Paris , as appeareth by the A&s publifhed concerning this particular. After the death of Pope Boxiface IX. the Cardinals created Cofmo di Sulmona Pope, who took the name of Innocent VII. he lived but two years after , and dyed ia a time when all Italy was in an ill condition. Whilft this fchifm continued, Three Princes in France ("who by reafon of the King's indifpofition did then govern that Kingdom) viz. the Dukes of Berry , of Burgundy , and of Orleans , went all of them together to Pietro di Luna (who was called Beneditl XIII.) to A' vignon, bcfeeching him to provide againft this diforder, by renouncing the Papacy j urging, that it was much better to have the publick inte- reft take place than the private > and the rather becaufe he had promi- fed in his Election to lay down, whenfoever things mould be adjufted with Rome. They alfo promifed him, That that Pope, which fliould be marie in Rome after Innocent fhould do the like, every one believing , that if thefe two favourites (one of France, the other of Italy) were difpoiTefT- ed of the power of the Keys, which they both exercifed at that time, a third ought to be created, who fhould be the certain and undoubted Pope. Beneeltft replyed, that he could not without offending God, confent to the counfels propofed for his renouncing the Church, and abando- ning the flock pfChrift, which by the common confent of fo many good and worthy perfons andEledrors, was committed to his cuftody, being unwilling to brjng a thing in quelHon which he had fo legally ob- tained.. And tor what refpedied the taking away the. fcjiifm, and re- fioring concord to the Church,it pleafed him very well, and he would ondefcnd to it with all his heart, provided a fecure place were cho- fcn,. 160 23)eeccieftafticai$tfto?p Cent. 15. fen, in which every one might fpeak his mind freely. For his own part he fwore, that in cafe the fchifm could not be taken away by any other means, that he would renounce the Papacy upon condition the other at Rome would do the fame j other wife it was to no purpofe to folicite it. The Princes underftood Benedict's mind, and how little he was dif- pofed to anaccomodation, and among themfelves confulted of fome way to bring him over to their defires. Benedift fearing fome violence, fortified himfelf in his palace, and wasbefieged there the fpace of five or fix months. But being weary of fo long and clofe a confinement, he imbarked in the Rhone upon certain Galleys ( which he had caufed to be put in order for fuch an enterprize , whilft be was befieged in his pa- lace) and in them he efcaped into Catalonia , which was his own Countrey. Some fay , that thefe three Princes difcourfed in this manner with Benedict at the importunity of the Trench Cardinals, who hated the faid Benedict , becaufe he was a Cataknian^ not a Trench-man. The Italian. Cardinals, and the Cardinals of other Nations which were prefent in Rome , after the death of Innocent , being entred into the conclave, in a place near St. Peters, they fwore all of them folemnly upon the Holy Evangelifts, which their Dean held in his hand , that they would every one renounce the Papacy if they were chofen , fo that the French or Catalonian Anti-Pope renounced his Anti-Papacy firft. The caufe of this Refolution was to fatisfie the Trench^ who having introduced the cuftom of creating of Popes according to their own mode, it feemed impofiible to turn them out of that way with reputa- tion, unlefs the Italians refolved to do the famei and the rather, be- c&uk'&enedift declared, it would be in vain to think of a remedy for the fcandal of the Church, without a renunciation of both the Popes i whereas if they renounced , another would be chofen out of the whole College of Cardinals , that would be true and undoubted Pope, whom the Princes and people would readily obey. Angela Corraro^^Venetian^^s chofen in Rome i he was Cardinal of St. Markka and aflumed the Name of Gregory XII. Before he came out of the conclave, they made him promife under the hand of the Notary in writing, to obferve what he had promifed and fubfcribed with his own hand j and at laft gave him an Oath. But the place where thefe two Popes were to meet being in difpute , and they not like to come to an agreement j both Gregory and Bencdift alledging a thoufand difficulties, the French Cardinals refolved to abandon Beue- &&> ad the Italians Gregory, and to declare them breakers of their Faith, The Cent. if. Of FRANCE. 161 The Cardinals both of Avignon and Ro/wf, being met at Pi fa , did by common confent deprive Gregory and Eenedift ^ all the reft of the Nations concurring with them, except Catalonia^ and the hither part of Spain,the King of Scotf, and the Count of Armignac , who wer,e favourers of fienedift. But in defpight of their contradictions, they chofe Pie tro F Hards, a Fryar Miser, and Arch- Bifhop of Milan, who took upon him the name of Alexander V, a name fuitable to his A&ions, for which reafon it was pleafantly faid by himfelf, that he was a rich Eijhop, a poor Car- dinal^ and a beggarly Pope. Gregory hearing that Alexander was created Pope^ and understanding what fentence the Cardinals had pafTed againft him and Benedict , fled towards Romagna, urging and infifting ( wherefoever he came) upon a general Council. He flayed at Rimini fora time, where he was mag- nificently entertained by Carlo Malatefte. Beneditt having held a Couucil in thc.City of Perpignan^ by the in- tervention of his own friends , retireth again for his greater fecu- rity into his Caftle of Panifcola , where he had been long before. But though thefe two Anti- Popes had been deprived by the Coun- cil of P//i,yet they defifted not from their Papal, and Ecclellaftical functions. They created Cardinals , and particularly Gabriel Cendolmtro was created Cardinal, who was afterwards Eugenia* IV. Alexander lived not above eight months Pope, he dyed in 'Bologna-* Then the Cardinals chofe Baltaftr Cofla fa Neapolitan) Pope, who would be called John XXIII. Chriftendom being weary to fee fo many fchifms on foot, was con- triving which way to put an end to it. Therefore by the orders of ali Nations, John was cited to appear at a general Council. Hefcnttwo Cardinals immediately to negotiate with the Princes of Germany and of France, about the choice of a fit pla<:e for the .celebra- tion of a Council. At kngth Conjiance was pitch t upon as the moft convenient City of all. At the time appointed, they met, and John among the reft, who carried along with him certain men very Learn- ed, with whom he held fhe Germans for a long time in variety of difputes. But the Emperour S/^//^W arriving at the fame time many great delinquencies were objected againft Jobn^ who being confcious of their truth, and fearing corporal punishment, as well as to be deprived of the Papacy, fled out of Conjl*nce 3 in the difguife of a Foot-man,and retired toSbajfafen^ City belonging to Frederic^ Duke of Auftria , whkhcr divers Cardinals of his creation fled alfo. John being recited by the Council, fled to Friburg , to be under the protection of the Duke of Ettrgundy. But he was taken, and by order Y of <5a P(C ecclefmftfeai $OtO Cent, j . of the Council imprifoned in the We of St. Mark^ near Conflance. Above fourty Articles were proved againft him ; and a!! the Fathers concurring in the fentence, John was legally depofed, and the fentence fent to .him to fubfcribe, which he willingly did. Then was he delivered unto Ljtdovico Ea^aro , to be kept in fafe. cuftody. Three years he continued a prifoner in thecaftlc of Haldel- bereV* M*rca, and went to his charge, but he dyed foon after at Ricznati of difcontenr. John and Gregory being removed-, there remained a third ftill, which was Berifditl XIII. who declared that he would never renounce. Hereupon Sigifmund the Empercur went in perfon to the Kings of Frame and of England, to advife with them about forcing "Benedict to a renouncing alfo: Si-, gifmttnd having received afatisfa&oryanfwcr from thefe two Princes, he went toNarhon, and difcourfedperfonally with Ferdinand King of Arraffon, whole Subjedh paid obedience to' Bined:3. Bnt Venedici frill alledged, that he was the true Vicar of Chrift, fay- ing, that Coxftance was not a place convenient for the liberty of an Ec- cletiaitical Council, feeing that JjhH'hzd been condemned and depofed from the Papacy, by thofe very perfons who had been formerly his FTiends,and received him to the Pontihcal dignity. The Princes of Spain obferving-the pertinacity of Bmofiflp, con- curred with the opinion of the Council, which was managed by five feveral Nations, viz, Italy, Germany^ England , France , and Spain. What thefe Nations had done was approved, and publimed by a Trum- pet, or a publick Notary. Then fynedffi's caufe being difcuffed , he was at laiidepofed, and declared void of the Papacy, no reckoning be- ing made of theabfent Scots ju\d Count d' Armignttc, who continued their rbcdience to him. About this time JobnHufs , arid Jerome of Prague , his Difciple , were condemned and burnt for He- reticks. On Novemb,%.Annj 1417. thirty two Cardiqalsentred the conclave, with thirty otherjfor the feveral Nations, which is fix a piece, and on the i !.'* of the fame Month, which was the Feaft of St. Martin, about three in the Morning, Cardinal di fanGregorio fcalled Oddo Colonna beforej was created Pope, with great fat*sfadion to the people. The Empcrour prefently went into the cor.chve, and having thanked the Cardinals, kitted the Pope's Feet. The Pope embraced him, and thanked him for his great induftry in that affair. This Pope would reeds be called Martin, beca^fe his Election hapned on that Saint's day. Then all the French Cardinals left Pfa^/tf, and came in unto Martin* the Cent. i$. Of FRANCE. 163 the Scots, and ,zndVendofme (the (trongeft pillars of the Orleans faction) with many other Noble-men and Gentlemen were taken pri- foners, and carried into England. Lerves the Uaalphindyeth foon af- ter this defeat. The Emperour Sigifmttnd cometh into France , making fhew of the great defire he had to make a peace betwixt the French and the English. - The English take all Normandy, and Taiwan is belieged and taken, and allthelfleof France yield eth to King Henry , even to the Gates of Paw. France was now ftrangely divided into divers factions. The King's Authority were for the Queen and the Ettrgnndian. Yiccardy^ "Bttrgun- dy, and many other Towns in ry, Champagne, and Beauffe , obeyed them abfolutely after the great maflacres that had been lately done in Paris. Only Sens adhered to the Vaittphin Charles. The Prince of Orange (of the Bttrgttnrlian Fadion) makes War in Dattlphine and Languedoc, to crofs the affairs of Charles, who notwith- ftanding had the greateft part of the Countrey at his devotion , with the friendfhip of Avigmn^ and the fcarldpm of Veriefi. The JLnglijh poiTefTcd all Normandy, and-a great part of Gitjenne. But Rochet, Poi- tiers, St. John de Angela, Angonlefm^ Fontenay, and fome other Towns acknowledged' the T>anlphin, fi\\Anjo?t was his, Avergne, Berry, Bttrboncis, Forreft and Lionou o- beyed him. He likewife took upon him the Name of Regent. The Djuke of Britain leaves the Englifo, and joyns with the Daxl- phin. The people grow in diflike with the Duke of Burgundy , and Y 2 the Gem, 15. the Parifians mutiny againft the Bttrguxdiay. fa&ion ,. and kill hi* Servants. At length a peace is made betwixt the Uaulpbin and the Ettrgundiax, Anno 1 41 p. but foon after the Uaulphin caufeth John Duke of *>v #^ to be murthered in his prefence. This John had flain Charles. Duke of Orleans traiteroufly, and now, he is treacheroufly flain by Charles the Vaulfbin. Philip Son to John Duke of Burgundy, furs up great troubles againft Charles the Dautybin in revenge of his Father 5 / death. By his means- Jfabel^ an uskind Mother, makes War againft Charles her Son , and peace with H*nry V. King of England^ then a Capital Enemy to the State. She gives him bier Daughter Katherine in Marriage,and procures King Charles VI. her Husband to declare Henryhis lawful Heir, and todifmherit his only Son Charles, from the Realm of France. But in the midft of thefe occurrences, Henry V. dyeth,in the vigour* of his age and fpirit on the laft day of AxgH^Anno 1422. and Charles VI. the French King, dyed fifty days after , on the 2 2. of .Otfober the fame year. After his Funerals, Henry VI. an Infant, Son to Henry V, is proclai- med King of Fr He was counted a fubtle difputer, and profound School-Doctor. One calleth iiim the learned and devout Chancellour of Farts. He was much acquainted with Temptations, and wrote a Book de variiStDiabeli tentationibw. He was lirnamed Dottor Cbriftianifitmnt. His works are Printed in four Volumes ; hi$ French works are mcntior d? c?c- ^d by Antoine du Verdier in hisBibliotbeque. , viro--. LC- la his Treatife fa. defefttt i-irornm &de$$Wtiwt) he fets down fuch things Gent. 15. Of FRANCE. things as oughtto be reformed in the Church, and among others, men- tions this, 'that known Mett^ and fuch as are mop fitting, be Elefted out of the fame Countrey : that grangers in manners^ language, and educati* on, be not fent and Jet oner Churches. And in his Book of Ecclefiaftical power, after he hath fpoken of the Gerfon lib . dfr . divers abufes of the Popes, he addeth, IVhat foall wetbink^ if to be faid cdC pote*. of an infinite number offucb likf things that are done , cafling afide all- care and regar-dof all Spiritual and Divine matters, which concern the Chrijlian Faith and Religion ? What thinly yon ? What fid! we fay for tbeprcfent f that fa eafie a difpenfatiott M they fyeaf^ of, granted by the Pope and the Prelates over lawful Oaths , reafonable Vows , for tbe exceflite plurality of Benefices , tbe general non obftantes of Councils, tbe privileges ifcifline j*- enfeebled, confamed, and quite annihilated ? He addetb tbe cunning and glazing flattery of Vp-ftarts^bifperingthe Clergy^ but efpecially the P^pe in the Ear. Ob bow great vs tbe btigbt of your Ecclefiajiical power ! f acred Clergy ! all fecular Authority is bttt ifo in comparifon of tbine, feeing that M all power is given to Cbrift, both in Heaven and Earth, jo Cbriji bath bequeathed all to St. Peter,' and bis Sttccejjours t Soth at Confantine gave nothing to Pope Silvefter, which was not eri* ginally hit own > but only reftoredunto him what he ttnjuftly detained from him. Again^ as there tf no power but if of God y fo there is nothing Temporal or Spiritual, Imperial or Regal, which is not of tbe Pope, upon whofe Ibigh God bath Writ, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. S* as todifputehis power it a kind of Sacrilege. 20 whom- no Man may fay, why do you fo? Although be foottld ex-* change, purloin, or fell all the 'temporals, the Goods, Lands and Lordjhips ef tbe Church. Let me be a Lyar if allthefe things be not written by fuch as feem to be wife men in their eyes j and if they have not been be* lieved alfo by fame Topes. Sttpbanw fafckafais in his Icones hath thefe Verfes of Gerfon, - Quid potuit Sorbona, daces meritiflime Gerfo-j - Itt magni Geifoluxque^eatfque Chart. . At the famttimeflourUhed Nicholas de ClemangM, a Mafter of P^ 1 - rk,and Arch-Deacon of Baton, a man pious and Learned, one calls him one of themoft Lcarr : and Eloquent Divines of his time. He wrote a Book of the mine art I reparation of the Church. Of which 1 detain. "&"" (hall fet down fome paiTagcs in general terms.- Firft, (faith he , let KS p fpeak.ofthe Head, upon -whom all the reft depends. He afterwards addcthjfor the (upream Biihops y who by. haw -much they fee - thenv felves > 166 3i)e cccleftaftical ^ifto?p Cent. 15. felves ranked above others in greatnefs, and -Authority , by fo much they labour the more to overthrow them, out of a domineering hu- mour for the enlarging of their primacy and fupreme power, confide- ring that the commodities of the Bifcoprick of Rome, which is very large, and above any Kingdom (though it hath been fufficiently cur- tail'd by their negligence; can noway fuffice to maintain- the great- nefs of their State, which they have purpofed to rajfe high .enough above all the Kingsand Emperours in the World , have caft them- felves into thofe flocks of others that abound in breeding , in Wool de and Milk. He afterwards fpecities the loofenefs, the luxury, vanities, .fapS& e reparat! worldlinefs, rapines, vexations, ufurpations, oppreffions , and other juft't. P- i. f uc j 1 like abufes and vices of the Popes and their Courts. In another Book of his he (heweth, that the Court o(Rome hath infefted France, ' by coming there, fpecifying all the vices and blemifhes that are com* tnunicated unto it, and thofe not a few. There was a time ( faith he) when the Apoftolick Bimop, being vex- ed with the Tyranny of the Italians, made choice of France for his feat, and for all the Court of Rome, fuppofing he could not find afTu- red refuge elfe- where : to whom I could with (faith ht) the ftrength of Francs had not proved a Staff of a Reed, as it was a long time be- fore fore-told that itmould. what was it elfe that brought France upon the fudden into thefe miferies, making her fall away from emi- nent glory which made her flourifa above all other Nations , but that degenerating from thofe Ancient vertues which adorned her with fuch an excellency of Honour, (he is changed from Valour to cowardife, from diligence to iloath, from honefty to ignominy, from gravity to a wanton lightnefs v from temperance to luxury i from courage to pre- fumption from liberality to covetoufnefs, and unrefirained fpoiling, from order to confufion, from zeal of the publick good to private gains, from corre&ion and difcipline to a general impunity and licenfe of all wickednefs and mif-demeanours, and from Juftice to all iniquity. And elfewhere he complaineth thus, So ike Church which Chrifi hath Traa. dc prz- takgn for hit Spoufe without blemijh disfigured by this horrible fd. p. 66 villany, if now the (hop of all Pride, of all grading , filching and jlealin& where the Sacraments are httng out for a fhcw, and all the orders , even the Priefthood it felf: where favours are fold for fifoer difpenfathns for not preaching licences for non-refidence : Where a 0;j CCT and Bene~ fees, yea even fins are bought and fold: LaiHy, where M-iJJes, and Admi- niftration of the Lord's body are fet to fale. Would any Man have a 'Bifljopricl^? let him provide hit Money, and that no fa. ill fum , but a great one for fo great a litle : and let him not ftand apon emptying his pftrfe, for the pztrcbafe of fitch a Dignity, feeing he will qvickly fill it a- gain, and that more fiundly than he could do by many fortf of hlerebaft- dize Cent. 1 5. Of FRANCE. \6j Doth any defire a Prebend, a Provofi*s place, or fame ether dignity ? it is no matter for \nowing his deferts, his Life and Conversation \ but fo many Cravens as he hath in fa Cbeji, fitch hopes may be conceive of com* pfjfiag bit deftre. For what fooztld I Jpeak^ of poor folks , who are ac- counted unprofitable in ali things , and unworthy of all charge or govern" nient, and rvbo have m other hopes but to rvax old, and pine away in mi- fery difrefpetied and defpifed ? What Jbould a poor Man go to Market for with an empty pouch , when he hath nothing t9 buy the JFares with ? And in another place fpeaking of the Popes, he faith , They have ar- x rotated unto themselves the right of difpofing of all Churches, in all places as farts the Chrijlian Religion reacbcth, of all Bifocprickj a nd Dignities^ which are conferred by election, voiding and difanulling the Decrees for- merly made by the Holy Fathers, with fo much care and commodity , that Co they may by ihitmeam fill their oven 'Budgets the better. And fines this cujiom was ufed, there have been none but Dunces, Worldlings , Mo- ney-men, and fi-tch ar rvere raifed to thofe Dignities by .Simony. And a- gain, To the end that the Rivers of Gold derived from all parts , may flaw nnto them in a fuller fireamftbcy have taken away the power of prefenta* tions, and th; liberty of becoming and difpofing of Benefices, by any means rvhaifoever^ fforriaU Diocefans , and lawful Matrons, forbidding them upon pain of Anathema, rajhly to prefit me (for fo their Writs run) to in* jiitute any perfon into a Benefice within their jurifdi&ion, till fuch time as fame one be prefented to />, to whom by their Authority they have granted it. And again f faith he) What gree dim fs is this (fpeaking of the Car- dinals) to hold fuch a number of repugnant and incompatible Benefices ? Ihey are hlnnkf and Cbanons, Regulars and Seculars. Under the fame habit they enjoy the Rights^ Degrees, Offices^ and 'Benefices of all Religi- ons^ ef all Orders, of all Frofeffiotts j not two er three^ but ten^ twenty^ an hundred, two hundred, yea fometimes five hundred , and upwards : and th ife no petty ones, nor contemptible, but of the bef and fattejL And bow great a number foever they have of them , they are never content, but dill would have more. Ihey are daily ftting for new Graces^ new Grants. T.hus they catch up all the Vacancies s and go away with all. Charles Vll. now King of France, was fo diftreffed, that he had only twoentire Provinces kit him^viz. Gafcoign and Languedoc , and his enemies were about them : and all the reft was poffefTed by the Englifa who f hcfidcs; had bcfieged the City of Orleans, and brought it to that pafs, that the higheft hopes of thofe therein , was to yield on good terms. Three French Noble- men conclude to fet up a Virgin , called Joaxof Arc^ to make her pretend that (he had a Revelation from Hea- ven, to drive all the Englijh out of France, By i <58 5C|)e Cccleftaftical $f(lojp Gent. i$ - jr By the mediation of the Lord of Eaudricourt,Q\c is brought to the prefence of King Charles, whom (he inftantly knew,though never feen before, and at that time of fetpurpofedifgaifed. To the King (he faith boldly, That this was the time wherein the fins of the Englijh, and the fuflfcringscf theErencb , were come to the height,, and (he appointed by the God of Heaven, to be the French Leader to conquer the Englijh. Ever after (he went in Man's cloaths, being armed Cap~a-pf, and mounted on a brave fteed. Nofword would pleafe her , but one ta- Poiid virgil in ^ e " out ^ theChurch of St. Katherine at Fireboir in Tourain. Her Henr.'vi.p.47i. firft fervicc was in twice victualling of Orleans, whilft iheEngli/h made no reiiftance. Under her conduct, the French drive away the Englijh from Orleans. Hence (lie marched on into other Countries, which intfantly revolted to the French Crown. The Englijh in many skirmifnes were worfted and defeated with few numbers. The French folio wing their blow in one twelve- month recovered the greateft part of that the Englijh did poflefs. This was done, Anno 142^. But this Joan of Arc after the Coronation of King Charles at Rbemes, feeking to fur prize St. Honories Ditch, near the City of St. Dents , (he was not only wounded her felf, but alfo loft a Troop of her ftouteft Souldiers, and not long after, nigh the City of Compiegne , was taken prifoner by the Baftard of Vendofme, who fold her to the Duke of Bed- ford, and by him (he was kept a prifoner a twelve-month, and burnt in Rhoan, being condemned by the Englijh for a Witch. The pragmatick Sanction of KmgCharles VII. was made in a Sy- nod aiTembled at 'Bonryes, confiding of Arch-Bi(hops, BHhops, Chap* ters, Abbots, Deans, Provofts, and other Ecclefiaftical perfons , toge- ther with Doctors of Law, Divine and humane , and other Learned Men of the Realm, and alfo of the chief Lords of France, and others of the King's Council, about receiving the Councils of Conflance and Bajil. The Sandion hath this complaint i The Prelates , and other ordinary difpenfers, as alfo the Patrons, are deprived of their right, the Hierarchy of the Church is confounded, and many other things are committed contrary to the Laws of God and Man, to the lofs of SouJs and the oppretlion of the Churches of our Realm. The Council of Eafil did provide a remedy againft this abufe, and the pragmatick after it, but foas the Popes have caft off the yoke of it, having difanulled jalmoit all the Decrees of that Council. The Popes for a long time branded all the French for Hereticks , by reafon of that pragmatick Sanction. P. J7- Pope Miwf/V. dyed, Anno 1431. whom EugemtttW. fucceded, who was depofed by the Council of *///, aflfdiobled by himfelf to reform the Church. IB the place of Eugenins 9 the Council chofe A- madeuc Cent.i?. Of FRANCE, 169 *f*cfc/ Duke of Savoy i who called himfelf Felix. But Ettgeniw brought againft Eafjl the T>aMlpb'm of France^ who was afterward Le&e t XI. who in all things oppofed his Father Charles VII. and his confe- derates. He brought four thoufand horfe againft Eafil to break the Council , which yet he could not have effe&ed, had not the peftiknce within Bafjl, forced the Fathers of the Council to feparatethemfelves, after they had condemned Eugeniw as an Heretick,and unworthy to* govern the Church. But Eugeniw took Arms, and being held up by Princes , maintained himfelf againft the Anti- Pope Fe //#, who after he had been five years Pope, retired to K/^/tV, a pleafant houfe in Savoy, there to lead a pri- vate Life. So the Popedom remained in the hands of a Man depo- fed by a Council affembled by the Pope himfelf, where Bifhops met out of all parts of the Roman Church. Note, that after this dcpofiti- on, he created many Cardinals and Bifhops, whofe Office was null, fmce they were created by an Usurper, who had by force maintained' himfelf in the Office of a Pope after his depofition. And yet thofe very Cardinals, created by this llfurper of the Popedom,are thofe very men that ele&ed the Succeflburs of Engenius, Nicholas and Tint the fecond, from \\hom isdefcended the fucceilion of the ' Popes of our time, as the learned Dr. P-M Aftand Rome, nine millions of Gold, which was gathered of the Bilhops and ^^"^ Prelates, befides innumerable fums of the poor Clergy, which daily without number ran unto the Court of fame, carrying with them all their whole fubftance. The Arch- Bifhop of furemte faid alfo at Btf/J/, that three millions of Gold came unto Rome in his time , within the fpace of fourteen years, from the Prelates and prelacies , whereof no account could be made, befides the poor Clergy, which daily ran to that Court. The Emperour Sigifmttnd required Peter de Aliaco, Chancellour of P*w,and Cardinal of Cambray, to put in form fome Articles con- cerning the Reformation of the Church, that might be propounded to the Council of Conftance aforementioned , which he did. In that Bopkheinfiftethonfour things, i. He propounded, that general and Provincial Councils be kept, efpecially General, for amending all perfons and eftates. 2. That for Reformation of the Roman Court, it Blufhcient that there be but one Cardinal out of every Province, be- caufe the Cardinals are the caufes of Schifms. 3. That Prelates be not chofen young, imprudent, nor ignorant. 4. He requireth the reformation of Monks, fpeaking againft their multitude and diverfity he taxeth the Romifh Court, that they defpife Divines, and advance on* ly fuchas can bring them in gain. He complaineth alfo of Pagan * abufes, 7 ^CDetfcdetacai^iOfl? Cent. 15. . ; ' 7 . abufes, and Diabolical fuperftitions at Rome. But (faith he) 'as there were feven thoufand who never bowed to Baal, fo we may be confi- dent , that there are fome who are defirous of the Churches Re- formation, Alanus otCbartres, Secretary to King Charles VII. wrote a Book in French, entituled the Courtier, in which he extolleth the fmgle life of Priefts. This King Charles VII. in the Ordinance made , Anns 1 422. thus Ette'f. GalS complaineth. T>i; ers of our Subjetts, and others by -venue of refynati- fcju/mate. p. 75- ons, or Apoftolic^ Bulls, da takf, and receive, and endeavour to get and ob- tain Benefices within this Realm, and take poffeffion of them, and labour to fummon, or caufe to be fummoned, our Liege-Subjects unto the Court of Rome, or before fome Commifiioners or Delegates appointed by our Holy Father, which is down-right to oppofe the Church and Clergy. The Council which was begun ^Ferrara, Anno 1438. and conti- Panormit. in nued at Florence, was never received and approved of in France. The B ^P f ?WMM-fiftb" the King of France did exprefly forbid upon great penalties, that any of his Dominions Oiould go to Ferrara, to ce- lebrate the oecumenical Council. Charles VII. tells fome Cardinals down-right fo, who were fent AmbafTadours from Ez/g that many things were there wifely determined, concerning Faith and Manners, and fuch as he liked well of: but for that of ferrar* , he. never did, and never would take it for a Council. .This Charles fa- voured Pope Eugenia*, but fo as that he profefleth he will ftand to the Decrees of the Council of Bafil. James de Paradifo^ of Cbartres, who wrote a little after the Council Jrob de Paradi- of B^j?/, faith. Seeing rvehald it pnfibleto proceed to a Reformation as "^ ? ^ ye Hetdas of the Member s^ by fuch as have Authority and Pre- fdency both Spiritual and'femporal^ it mxft be either by one Man or more, lhat it foould be by. one Man is againji all re afin , hpn> eminent foever he be for bit virtues, his Knowledge } /;/'/ worth, although he be renowned for his miracles, nay in my opinion not by the Pope bimfelf alone. For there are fa many Canons, Decretals and Conftitutions made by them already y at Jure good for nought but up Parchment to no parpofi ', witbwt- working any Reformation. Bdides, feeing it u evident^ th'at k'u own Court ftands in great need of Reformat isn^ as hath been well kflorvn by '!>;[ Common cries of the la$ General Councils j which Court of Hi if he either Cent. 15. Of FRANCE. 17 1 either cannot or will not reform, which he covers under his Wing, bow /> it credible that be fhottld reform the Church , which is of fa large an ex- tent ? Befides, it may beobje&ed to him, Apply the falve to your own fores firft as being the Bead j for when that if cured , yon may with lefs. difficulty cure the Members > wherefore Phyfician heal thy jelf. Vnfa- voury fait is not good for feafoning. Wherefore ( by the juft judgement of God) his "Decrees are fcarce well received yet, nor ever will be titt he have reformed himfelf and hit Dependents. And verily I think^the chief caufe of the deformation in the Chujrch is the wound in the Head , which hath need to bs cured in the firft place. And anon after, IVTocrefore it feemeth to me an incredible thing , that the Cathulick^ Church foottld be reformed, unlefs firft the Court of Rome be fo, but as the World goes worn, we may fee ryhat an hard thing that is. T'hofe who have the Presidency in Councils on the fope^s behalf, when they fee that matters in the Council ma!$e againft tJyeirlyfofters and them, what can be expefied from them, but that they will withftand the Decrees of fitch Councils with might and main, either by diffolving them., or /owing d/jfentions in them ; and fo the thing Jhall remain uttperfecfed, and we dri ven to return to the old WildernefS of Errour and Ignorance : Every body knows th'v to be true, unleft it be fome one haply who is not experienced in time paft. The 'tragedy which was attedin our Age at the Council of Bafil dvth fujficiently prove it, as they k$ew well who have laid down the fiory before our eyes. At this time flourished the Panormitan Abbot, the moft famous of all the Canonifts. In the Council of Bafil forenamed, Amadeas, Arch- Biftiop of Lyons, and Primate of all France, a Man of great Authori- ty, being toucht with the zeal of Faith, which he faw there to be fup- prefled, faid, Moft Reverend Fathers, I do fee here a new fort of Prelates come in, rvhich unto this prefent have kept filence, and now begin to Jj^ea^. Is not this. like to a Miracle ? I would to God they came to defend the truth, and not to impugn Juftice. The Cardinal of Aries required that the Concordat of the twelve men (hould be read > and many whifpered him in the Ear that he fliould go forward. Then Panormitan as foon as the Concordat began to be read, rifing up with his companions and other Arragons , cryed out with a loud voice, faying : Tnu Fathers do contemn our Requejis, you contemn Kings and princes anddefpife Prelates. It is net for yon to conclude: We are the major part of the Prelates , wemakg the Council, and it if our part to conclude, And I in the Name of all other Prelates do conclude that is to be deferred. Then there was fuch a rumour in the Council, as is wont to be in Battles with the found of Trumpets, and noife of Horfcmen, When two Armies joyn i fome cuffing that which Panormitan went about, others allowing thefame. Then Nicholts Amici^ a Divine of Paris, faid i Panormitan , I ap- 2 2 peal ;a Cent. peal from this your conclufion to the judgement of the Council here prefenti neither do I affirm any thing to be ratified which you have done, as I am ready to p,rove, if it (hall feem good. Many grave and Antient men exhorted Panormitan to give over his concluiion. But 'neither the Fathers of the Council were determined to depart without a conclufion, neither was Yanormitan minded to alter his intent and purpofe. Then T'bomas Rbedon^ a French Carmelite^ was a famous Preacher ; he preached in England^ France and Italy \ and in his Sermons faid, "Rome is the mother of Abomination*: the Church hath great need of -reformation i Prelates mould leave their pride and luxury, and fol- low the example of Chrifland his Apoftles. For fuch preaching he was burnt at Rome by the command of Pope Mantuan d< vit. E*gwiw. Baptifta Mantuan fpeaking of this man's Death, faith, beat. ca. ult. Ab mad envy, what doeft thott ? Thou baft not kjHedbim^ for bis Soul can- not dye : but by hurting bis Earthy body^be is the faanfr partakgr of E- ternal Life. , Stephen Brttlifer^ a Dodtor of Sorbon, and a Francifcan, taught in his Le&ures, and maintained in difputes, that neither the Pope nor Coun- Tafcicut. rerum cil can make any Statute or Article to bind the Confcience of a e*pet. .,164. Chriftiani that all their Authority confifts in urging of obedience un- to God's word, .in preaching it, and adminiftring the Sacraments. which he hath inftituted,fo that they bring nothing without his com- mand. He called juftification by merits a devilifa Dodrine fince the Lamb of God was facrificed T and hath fatisfied God's Juftice for us. The Doctors of Sorbon would not furTer him among them. But. he went to. T>iether Bifhop of Mentz, which had beendepofed for fpeaking againft the Avarice of Rome, and was rertored, Antonius de Rofettif, was a famous Reader of the Laws at that time, and writ feveral Treatifes againit the Pope. About this time lived alfo lyeffelus Gantsfort^ a Mafter innthc Univer- Pctries. church fityof Ftfm r who,for his free fpeaking and writing was forced tore- '' l *' turn to Groning, his Native Countrey. Then he lived in the Mona- fkry of St. Agnes Hill near Stvol, where he taught many young men, and had correfpondence with fundry Learned men. Charles VII. dyed July 2i>Anno 1461. Lfwe/XI. his eldeft Son fuc- ceedeth him in the Kingdom. / The late King Cb tries willing to follow the Council of Bafl^ had fummoned a Parliament at Bitures, where by the full confent of alt the States in France both Spiritual and Temporal, a certain conftituti-' on was decreed and published, called the Pragmatic^ Santtion, wherein was comprehended, briefly the pith of all the Canons and Decrees concluded in the Council of -B*///, of which conftitution I hinted be* lore. , -The fame the faid.KiBg.C&tfr/f/ commanded to be obferved a&d. Cent. 15. Of FRANCE. 173 and ratified inviolably throughout all his Realm, for the honour and increafe ofChriftian Religion for ever. Now King Lewes XI. fuc- ceflbur to Charles, had promifed before (being "Dattlphin) unto Pope F/W the fecond (called before JEtteas Sylviu*} that if ever he came to the Crown, the aforcfaid Pra not of the . fame qualities and conditions with the . Countrey : Whereupon would enfue queftions and controverfies betwixt the Church-men or Seculars, to the great hinderance of falvation of Souls, and irreverence - of the blefled Sacraments. The Parliament of Paris in the Remonftrance made .by Lewes XI, - touching the defence of the Pragmatick^SaqQion^ hath inferted this : Article j Item, It belongeth to our Sovereign Lord the King, wb is the principal Founder, Guardian, Proteftor of the Liberties of the Gallican Church, when Jhe fttffers in her Liberties, to affemble and call together the couTTe PreUtes, and other Clergy- tnen as well within this "Realm ., as of Daul- phine, and in the fame Affembly and Congregation of the Galliean Church fy called together,, there to prefide, and provide, a remedy agai.tyi fttcb 174 $%* CCCleftafttiCal $lftO?l> Cent, i J. fuch attempts at miy be prejudicial to the faid Liberties. "We find an Ordinance made, (relating to Abbeys, BiftHopricks and Benefices,) by the fame King, Anno 1464. which runs in this ftrain. Howbeit that by Priviledges Exprefs, and Ordinances Royal, no Man can have any Elective Benefice within our faid Kingdom, and Daulphine , it concerns us much, that the Bijkoprickj, Abbeys and other "Dignities , and e- leaive benefices, be fttrnifoed with able and kjto&n Men, fttch M witi com- ply with ut, and be frm and fure for w , efpecially fucb us bold the faid Benefices, and by reafoxof tbemdiiers places and Fortrejfes , for which divers duties and fervices belong unto us from them : Yet notwitbjlanding our late picas Father granted the faid favour and Patents fo plentifully, and to aUmannerofPerfonsof what Nation, Kingdom, or 'Religion feever they were, without diliiticiion i that many under fcadow and pretence of thefe Licences and Patents, have insinuated and intruded tbe;r'ph'es into the faid Dignities , and e leCiive Bf nefices of o.vr faid King'l>m 9 and do hold them -, Howbe it many of them are Strangers W&JWH^ and nat to be trulledby tK > and fttch as neither can nor oxgbt to perform thofe Dttties and Services, which they are bound to dottnto w by reafcn of tht faid Benefices. In this Century flourifhed Stephen Pafquier , a learned reuck*maH t cu d r? ftript?a! a notable moral Philofopher, a Man well skilled in the Creek,, and Latin .biion, , _'. . Tongues, and in all the liberal Sciences. He hath publiftied alfo Icones, Epigrams, and Epitaphs, and feveral other works. He hath writ- ten an excellent Treatife in French, ftikd , La Recherche de la France. After the death of Pope Nicholas V. which happned in the year, 1455. the Cardinals entring into the conclave made four factions, e- leven of them pretend ing to the Papacy themfelves , and yet there were but XV. for any one. After this there began ftrong practices in the behalf of Cardinal Eeffariou, zGrecian,o CoMftantinople, an oppo- fite to the Latin Church. He had difputed much againft purgatory unleavened bread, and againft the very perfon f the Holy Ghoft,who C he affertedj proceeded from the Father alone , and not from the Father and Son. Cardinal Eettone, Arch-Bifhopof Avignon, laboured tofruftrate that enterpriie, who thus exprefled himfelf. Moft iVuftriouf Lords, {hall we prefer a Grecian to the Latin Church, fl caribuiif-no. < eftablijb a Neophite in the bigheft place of the Vatican ? Who can part. j. lib. i. a jfure uf his converfwn is true ? Heterodox opinions in matter of ReL though renounced and altered with the'f ongae , do yet lejve a m*ddh:fs and difturbance upon the heart. Shall we give the Kf)S cf Heaven to $im,who for fo many years, and with fo many Arguments denyed that there was a purgatory ? Shall we maty him Bead cfthe CatholickjCbttrcb wbooppofeditwitbjomuckboldnefs? Is the Church of Rome fo poor and Cent. if. Of FRANCE. 175 and indigent^ that -there cannot be one perfon found out who was born in her bofom, and is worthy of the Government of the flock^ of Chrift ? What will the reft of the Nations fay, to fee us go up and down begging our Topes of this Ccuntrey^ and of that ? Roitze up your fehes moll noble Companions, and permit not a thing fo fiandalow in the Church of Cbril. 1 am fure of this, He which is a Friend to Cbriftianity , will not give hit vsice for fitch a Pope. Thefe words being fpoken with great energy, had fuch an effecl: upen the Cardinals, that they chofe Cardinal Alphonfo Borgia , of the City of Vatenz* in Spaitt t who took the name of Calixtw III. He lived three years, and dyed Auguft 6. 1458. and on the 20 th * of the fame Month, Cardinal Mneas ficcolomini of Siena , was created Pope by 1 8. Cardinals which were prefent in the conclave , in which there were but two competitors for the Papacy, viz. Cardinal Rotema.- genps and JEneas aforefaid : fo that for the four days time in which it was debated in the conclave, they had no other difficulty but to make choice of the one or the other of thefe two. It was ftrangetofee each of thefe two perfons driving on his owii promotion, magnifying his own virtues, and debating the qualificati- ons of his Adverfary. Rotomagenfis in this manner went from one Cardinal to another, faying, \vhat have ye to do with J.neas > How can ye think him wor- thy of the Papacy ? What pallion blinds you, fo as to confer an office of that import upon a gouty Beggar > where is his Knowledge > Where is his Learning ? -will ye make him a Popebecaufe he is a Poet ? It is not long fince he came out of Germany, and may he not be like- ly to transfer the See into Germany ? Iftiouldnot have ambition'd it, had I not feen a perfon ftand for it of much weaker parts than my felh Befides, I am the Ancienter Cardinal of the two. And I believe you think I have parts and Learning enough to govern the Church of Chrift. Moreover, I am of Royal extraction, and have weakh, friends, and faculties wherewithall to accommodate and alleviate theneceflities of the Church : and upon my Election , the many Benefices I hold will be divided among you. The Cardinal of Avignon purfued the intereft of Wftiam F,otoma* ?#///, not fo much as he was a French-man^ as becaufe upon the pro- motion the Church of thefaid Wttiam, he hoped, with his Palace and Chancery would fall to him. He aiTembled therefore certain Cardi- nals in an houfe of Office, as in a fecret place in the night, and agreed with them about the way how William fiiould be chofen. The Cardinal of Bologna difcovered the bufinefs to JEncas after midnight. In the mornirg early JEneas went to Cardinal RWmgo, a Spaniard, and one of the confpirators for Rotomagenfo) who had received a pro- rnife. Cent. mife in writing from the faid William^ and the Cardinal of Avignon^ that the Chancellour(hip (hould not be taken from him. He excufed himfelf to JEneas that he had concurred , becaufe he certainly believed he would be chofen, and he was unwilling to hang off, and lofe his Chanccllours place. Mneat anfwered, will you then fell your Vote, and by Simony run your felf into the difpleafurc of God > Do you take fo little care then to obtrude a youth upon the Vatican, and one that is arc enemy to your Nation? Know that the Chancellourfhip which ispromifed to you, is promifed like wife , and confirmed to the Cardinal of Avignon : and can you think that a French Pope will do more for a Spaniard^ than far one of his own Na- tion. ^But Roderigo Borgia gave him not a word. So #,neat departing found out the Cardinal of Pavia, who was one of the confpirators like wife, and accofted him in this manner. I hear you refol veto choofeRoftmugraftj Pope.: you ought to be alhamed to degenerate fo much from Cardinal "Brando your Uncle , who with fo much labour and fweat tyred himfelf out , to transfer the Pontifical court from Germany to Rome: and you that are his Nephew would tranfport it from Italy into France. Surely Rotomagexps will never give the Italians the precedence before the French y and yet you an Italian will confederate fooner with France than with your own Coun- trey. Can you have the heart to fee your felf a flave to the French, when it is in your power to make the French obedient to our Nation ? Cardinal Tavin replyed, that he did not believe that the French had any thoughts againft the profit of the Church, they having given with fo much generolity moftof the Provinces it pofleffed, and they would not probably take away that which they had fo lately given. To which JEneas replyed thus. But fuppofe that (hould be, ought it not to ftir up your heart againft Rotomagenfis^to confiderthe infamy of his manners, who is given to all lafcivioufnefs. You have often told me, you would fooner dye, than give your voice for Rotomagenfis. What is the reafon of fo great a change ? Is he in the twinkling of an eye become an Angel of a Devil > Or are you become a Devil of an Angel > Pavia was aftonifhed at thefe words, and wept, replying , All that you fay JEneas is true : But I have part my word to make Rotomagenfif Pope, and if I do not, I (hall be held infamous , and a Traytor. To which jEneas anfwered. Things ftand fo, that which way foever you turn you, you cannot avoid the blemifh of a Traytor : It is in. your power whether you will betray Italy and your Countrey, or betray him, and be faithful to your Countrey and Italy. With thefe words Pavia was overcome , and refol ves to betray Rotogamenfis. Then meeting with Cardinal Pittro di Santa Maria nova Cent.!?. Of F R A N C E. 177 nova, and other Italian Cardinals in the Cardinal of Genoa's chamber, they all refolved to prefer JEneas before any body elfe. Rdtomagenfis fearing things would not happen as he expected, feeing JE.neas going to ward the Schedule, he faid to him with an humble voice, Aneas^ I recommend my felf to thee : remember me 1 befeech thee, and have companion on me. JEneaf anfwered him only thus, Poor Worm, thote miftakfft in recommending thy felf to me. The Scruti- .ny being publiflned, it appeared, that ./Eneas had three voices more than RotomagenjjSj but they could not obtain their two thirds, this a- .ftonifhed the French Cardinals. The Cardinals Roderigo and Santa dnaftafia declared JEneas with a loud voice, which Cardinal Profper Colonna obferving, beingembitious to have the honour of making the Pope (Torasmuch as there wanted but one voice) arofe, took his way toward A'MSM^ and though he was reftrained by Cardinal Niceno^nd Rotomagenfis he cryed aloud, I joyn my felf to Cardinal JEneasjxnA do make him Pope.This being heard by the reft of the Cardinals, they all threw themfelvesdown ntJEneas's feet, faluted him Pope, and confirmed the election afterwards with the ufual fuffrages. Then Cardinal "Beffarinn apologized for himielf to the new Pope, and for all the reft of the Cardinals who had fa- voured Rotomagejtfir. To whom JH.neas , I allure you, you (hall be-all equally dear to me* for I acknowledge my Election, not from this perfon, or from that, but from God, and the whole body of the Colledge infpir'd by the Holy Ghoft, from whence all perfection cometh. The States affembled in the City of lows , in a bill which they prefented to King Lewes XL among other things, fay, That if the King do not undertake to defend them , confidering the quality of their perfons, the power and Authority of the Holy See Apoftolick , they (hall not be able to refift the ufurpations and impeachments which any Sub je& of the Realm, and others ambitious of preferment, will make againft the Electors, which have the right of Election, or ordi- nary Donation by Apoftolick cenfures. And by this means all this Kingdom (which is already at a low ebb, and very poor) (hall be ftrip- ped and difpoiled of that little Money which remains of the former Exactions. In one Ordinance of this King Lewes we find thefe words. It it a grange thing ( faith hej that the unjuft exaSiom of the Conn of Rome Jhould be fnffered ; fitch as their expettative Bulls, and other 10$ tytackf) their Money for vacancies , which vt levied contrary to the holy Canons and Decrees , and contrary to the determination ef the Catholic^ Church , and facred Councils^ that what is fo gotten may be employed iu pttrchafmg of Earldoms and Lordfhips , to bejlow upon people ef mean condition , and to prefer them without any precedent merit, with- Aa out 178 5CDeecclefiafttcaiiWfto?p cent. 15. out any fervice or ttfe which they can do to the Church, or for the defence of the Faith. At this time lived Philip de Commutes Knight, he was born ^t 'Corn- mines a Town in Flanders. In his youth he fer ved Charles Duke of Burgundy, and afterwards Levee s XI. King of France , who employed him in his moft fecret and weightyeft affairs. He hath written the Hiftory of France, under Lewes XI. and Charles VIII. his Son. He wrote fo plainly of the greateft affairs of State, that Queen Katherine de Medjces ufed to fay, that he had made as many Hereticks in State- po- licy, as Luther had done in Religion. Stephanas Pafcbajitu hath this. Epitaph of him. Galloruw, & nojlr Laus una & gloria gent is, Hie Commote jaces, ft modo forte jaces, Hiftoriz zitam potuifti reddere -vivM, Extintlo vitam reddidit Hiftoria. recueii. des We find certain provifo's made by King Letves'Xl. taken out of TI 3,auTItreDel' Lewes by the Grace of God King of France, to our welbeloved and faithful Counfellour the Bifliop of Limoges, and to our Trufty and welbeloved the Deaa and Chapter of Limoges afore- iaid, and to every one of you, as well joyntly as feverally, fendeth greeting. Whereas, our Trttjiy and beloved, the Cba*ceVottrf, Presents, Maft'.rs of Ordinary Requtps for our Houfiold, Counfellottrt, Refers, Notaries together with our Advocates , and Atttorney. General for our Conn of Parliament, evtryMan in his place and Office are appointed and ordained to wait continually upon the employment and administration of our faid Court, and the adminijlrjtion of Jujiice Supream and Capital for our faid Realm* which it a zery laudable thing , commendable and necejj'ary for uf , our Subjects, and the whole Common-wealth of ibis our Kingdom, in which our Court, the Rights and Liberties of the Church of France, whereof we ate the Guardian and Proteilor, are preferred. And far this reafon oar f*id Court doth cottfifl in part of CounfeVours awl Oficers, which are Clergy, men, and Ecclefiaftical Perfons. And in confideration of the great, and laudable fervices of the faid Cbancehur Presents, Makers of Requejis, Counfehrs, Regijlers, Notaries , Adio. caies and Attorney, they or others by their nomination, by means of the in- terceffion of our fr^deceffars to the Prelates, and other Patrons and eon- ferrers cf Eezejices, have been preferred unto , and generally provided of -Livings , which the faid Prelates, or others the Patrons , or beftow- ert Cent, 15. Of F R A N C E. 179 ers of the fame, have freely conferred upon them, or have prefented them unto the faid Patrons in favour and conjideration of w, and their own great and commendable fenices as aforefaid. Which faid Cbancelloitr, President , Mafter of Requefls, &c. face our coming f the Crown, nor a long time before, have not had any fuch preferment upon our entreaty and requejl to the faid Prelates, Patrons, and Collatonrs, as they were wont to have. And for this Reafon the faid Court hath with our leave and Li- cence, made a cer tain RoV, wherein every one of them are prefented and nominated, or have prefented and nominated others in their ftead, each one to fome other preferment belonging to you, or other the Collators and Patrons of the Benefices of our faid Realm. And whereas our Irufty and Welbeloved Counfellour, Mr. German l Chartclier, hath nominated hit Son*unto one of your Collations, and pre- fentations, We intreat and require yon, to give, prefect, and beftew upon the faid Mr. German Chartelier, the firft 'Benefice that /hall be void with- in your "Difpofal, Collation, or Prefentation, as our faid Connfel ! our fiall require, or canfe you to be required thereunto , hoping tb&t you will not make any denyal of this sur Reqaell, which 'w maft juft and reasonable, but will obey it : efpecially considering, that our faid Chancellour , Presidents, MaftersofRequefts, &c. are employed daily, and in continual trouble a- bout the maintenance and defence of the Rights and priviledges of the Churches of our faid Realm , and the adminiftration of Jullice to cur faid Subjefts : fignifying unto you, tbxt yon /hall herein do us fuch an acceptable favour, as nothing more, by means whereof we take you and your affairs into fpecial recommendation. Given at Mtfcon , Angx(l \ 8. in the fixth year of our Reign, thus fubfcribed. Bj the King. In the prefence of my Lord Cardinal D' Amboife Legat in France , and others. Robert et. Sealed with yellow Wax, with the King's broad Seal. There is in the fame Book an exemplification of the privy Letters, which the Court of Parliament writ to the Prelates about thefe no- minations, the Tenour whereof is this. Reverend father in God, We fend greeting to you, // hath pleafed the King to grant unto the Prefjdents, Connfellours and other Officers of this Court, hit Letters and nomination to fome Renefices, which are in the hands nf fome Collatours and Patrons of this Realm, and 'among others to our Brother , fuch a Coufellour of vur faid Scve- raign in thit Court, to the Benefices which are in your gift and difpofal. Wherefore we earnestly befeecb you, that in obedience to the faid Letters, and in consideration of the defertt of our faid Brother, you would befiow upon him the prjl Benefice that falls in your gift, being by him required A a 2 the re* i8o U3)e Cccleffettfcal $tfto# Cent. 15, thereunto. And in fo doing yon (hall do us a moft acceptable couttefie, for which roe (hall takf your affairs into fpecial Recommendation. Re- W rend Father in God, we befeecb the bleffed Sen of Godto grant you your. defvre. Written at Paris in the Parliament, under the Seafthereof, Septemb, 7. The Men celebrating the Parliament. And this Annotatioa is written in the Margin. Antiquities fiebant aliter. voyez k recueii The laid King Lewes XI. in an Ordinance of January 8. 1475.; Du Fontan. ics makes this Narration. When any Queftions or differences come upon ces. D Tom.4.Tit". *? as we ^ concerning the ftatc of the Church of our Kingdom , as other, our affairs, we that ought to have recourfi to them, cannot he aflijied, aid- td,or advifed therein by reafon of their abfence, where we and the Com- mNi~wealth are oftentimes much inter fjfed... Then after this Jie ordains in this manner. W'eiFiti, Ordain^ and declare by tbefe Prefents, that all Arcb-BiJhfpi r T&jhops, Abbots, Prelates ) and other s^that bold any Dignities within our Kingdom, and do re fide mt of the bounds thereof , and out of our Ohedi- ence: T>o Retttnt and Repair within five months after the publication of thefe Prefents^ unto their Benefices within our fald Realm , or unto fome one of them if they have any more, and there makf continual TLefidence, there to celebrate and continue divine Service as belongs unto them , antL af they are bound to do. As alfa to the end that they may ferve and ajfiji us in our Councils, and otherwife to the behoof of M , and the Common- wealth of our faid Kingdom when need foall be. And, tb'x upon- pain of being deprived. of the Temporals of their faid Benefices. dirqni. ^' n & Lewes falling into a long and and grievous ficknefs, gave much ' Alms : and in the Church of St. JobnBaptift in Paris, he founded certain Prieftstofmg MalTes for him perpetually, for whofe mainte- nance he gave of yearly Rent athoufand pounds of Paris Money : So he remained in, a languifhing condition three years before he dyed. , He dyed Auguft^o. 1483. and his Son, Charlet VIII. fucceeded him. in the Kingdom,C/^r/?/ being crowned at B-hemes, was from thence with pomp brought to Paris. A general Parliament was held at Tours, where the Pragmatic^ Sanftion was reftored to ufe it as they ,- had accuftomed. In the year, 14514. jhis King Charles VIII. carried an Army of fifty thoufand of Foot and Horfe out of France into Italy , and in two months fpacc, he became Lord of the whole Kingdom of Na- plet, except fome little/Towns on the Sea-iide, which held for King_ Ferdinand. The Pope feejng the fuccefs of King Charles , makes a League with ttje .Emperour frlaximilian, and IhsFfWlitntt Into this League, alfc entred : Cent if. Of FRANCE. i8r cntred Lewes Duke of Milan, notwithstanding that by his procure- ment King Charles took occailon to come into Italy. King Charier having Intelligence of this League, refolves to leave fwch forces in the Kingdom of Naples, as might be fufficient for the defence thereof, and with the reft of his Army to return into France j and marching to- ward Rome, he gave the Pope to underhand, that he came to do his duty to his Holinefs. Pope Alexander-Hot daring to abide his coming- departed from Rome, wherein, and in other of the Pope's Towns, the King's Troops did much harm. The Fnrc/;?King departing from Rome, continueth his journey to- ward France. Coming near to Parma , paffing the River T'arro, he met a great Army of his Enemies, whereof Francti Gonzaga, Marquefs of Manttt* was General, with whom they came to a Battle, in which there dyed a thoufand Men of both fides, Anno 140-5. But after fome Treaties between the two Armies, the French in a night went toward Afle, where the King remained certain days, and a Peace was concluded between him and the Duke of Milan > and Lewes E)uke of Orleans rendring Novarra, King Charles returned into France, and Per* di'nand King of Naples recovered that Kingdom. Concerning theabufesof the Court of Rome, among the Statutes of this King Charles VIII. I find in a Statute of February 18. I4ptf. this complaint. " Some years ago the Popes of Rome, in defpight and ''-contempt of the Decrees of Antient Fathers and General Councils, 1 have brought all Ecclefiaftical Dignities, Cathedral and Collegiate' 1 under their difpofal, and all other of greateft value next after Bi- cou * ftiopricks : they have granted Livings in reverfions upon the Vacan- !'. *ca.$. *'"cy to any that would fue for them , which hath been the occafion- 1 for one to third after the death of another. They have invented * abundance of tricks , whereby they have utterly annihilated the- 4 power and Authority of the Bi(hops, Chapters and Colledges,' tc infomuch that there is none now , that hath the power to prefect' " to a living. In the Year, 1498. King Charles VIM. dyed of an Apoplexy at Am- boife. In him failed the dire& Line of the Kings of France , defcen- ded from Philip of Valois, and the Crown fell to the collateral Line, of the which the neareft Prince of the Blood was Lewes Duke of Orleans' and Valois, who fucceedcd in the Kingdom of France. He was an- excellent Prince, of a liberal Nature, affable, temperate, and of great, moderation, and was happy in his Reign. Who fubdued under his obedience, Milan , with Lombardy, m&Genoa with her two Rivers, 1 Raft and Weft, together with the Illands of Corfica and Chio , re-- conquered and divided the Realm of Naples; with the King of' Spain ^ but in the end loft it by his Treachery , fupprelTed the^ Pope's infolency , and defeated the Venetians. - Be was crowned- in- i8a e ccclefialtfcal ifto Cent. in the Abbey ot Saint T*erivs in France , on the firft of July - following, and on the next day made his triumphant entry into Pant. Century XVI. L Ewes XII. after he had worthily performed the Funerals of his Predeceflbur, he firft purchafed the love of the Noble-men of his Court, maintaining every man in his State and Dignity, and the Magiftrates in their Office. He fought to cut off the tedioufnefs of Suits i he freed his Subjects from the third part of the Subfidies which oppreffed them : he put the Men at Arms into Garri- fons, reducing them to the Antient Difcipline of War. He made ma- ny good Laws againft the abufive charges in the purfuit of Juftice : neither did he ever publiflh any Edict before it was confirmed by the Judgement of Soveraign Courts. pe Serres Hi/t. His Decrees contained fome limitation of the priviledges granted in in^t. Ludovki. ]j t - me to univerfities, the which they abufed to the oppretlion of the people. Thellniverfity of Paris oppofeth againft the publicati- on thereof, and many infamous Libels were publifhed againft the King and theChancellourof Rocbefirt. The Scholars flock together, re- folding to abandon both ftudy and the exercife of Learning. John Cave being Rcdor , 'forbids the Regents to read any more, and the Preachers to preach, until the Univerlity had recovered her Antient priviledges. The King hereupon draws many Men at Arms into Paris, and in Parliament confirms the abovenamed ordinances by an Edict. The Rector fearing a check, keeps all the Scholars within their Lodgings, and revokes the commancteent he had given. John SfWo^aDoctorof Divinity, one of 'he chief of the Fadion,was banilhed the Realm. Ibomas Warnet of Cambray (who in preaching had railed againft the King's Authority ; banifhed himfelf. All things being thus fettled, Lewes takes upon him the Title of Duke of Milan. He Cent. 16. Of FRANCE. 183 He puts a way Joan his Wife, and marries with Ann 5 the \Viddow of the late King Charles. Our Ladies Bridge at Paris fell , threefcore houfes were ruined with it, and a great number of perfons were fwallowed up in the River. As touching the priviledges of the Kings of France, we find, when the Parliament of Paris gave their opinion, and all the Chambers met together about receiving the Cardinal of Ambo'ife , and the qualificati- ons that (hould be put to his faculties (which was on Decemb. u. 1501.) the Laws of the Land and the Liberties of the Gallican Church were reprefented at large, among which this was one , That the King of France cannot be excommunicated , that his Kingdom can- not be put under an Interdict , as is collected out of the Antient, Regifters. In the beginning of this Century , Mr. John le Maire one of the French Hittorians wrote his Book of Schifm, and therein gives us to underftand, that there were endeavours then for the Reformation of the Church. Every good Chriftian (faith he) ought to pray to God, that the two laft Councils of the Gallican Church, may engender one great, Univerfal, and general Council of all the Latin Church , to re- form that Church, as well in the Head as the Members -, fo as the ge- neral Councils ufe to do. And that if it be not kept at Lyons, it may- be kept in fome other place moft expedient and neceflary for the pub- lick good : which may be very well done at this prefent, confidering the great peace, amity and union which is betwixt the two greateft Potentates in Chrhkndom, the Emperour and the King, together with a third confederate in the League, the Catholick King Ferdinand of,. Arragon, who ought altogether to reform the abufes of the Church of Rome, \vhich Reformation muft of neceflity be made. Thus he fpeaks of the aforementioned Pragmatic!^ SanSion. Foras- much (faith he) as the Pope's are not content , that the Tragmatick^ Saj&ion be in force, although it be founded upon the Holy Canons, and Authorized by the Council of Bafil, but it derogates from the unfatiable covetoufnefs of the Court of Rome, therefore they fay it is a pure Heretic. In the time of this King Letve s XII. lived Robert Gsgrvin, who wrote the French Hitfory. Erafintt* his intimate Friend, calls him a rnoft difcreet Hiftoriographer : he compares him to Salitji and Livy, Au-ertf M for purity of fpeechand competition of his Hiftory. He was alfo a E 'e-Belg; good Poet, and an excellent Oratour,and a Man well skilled in all po* lite Learning. He was fent AmhafTadour by.,the King of France in- . to England, Italy, zr\& Germany. About this time flourished Jacabus Faber, skilled in all Learning, and efpecially in Divinity. Farel and Calvin were his. Scholars. Sleida* , 184 5C|)C CCCUftaftical $to# Cent. 1 6. Sleidan faith, he differed great perfecution for the truth , from the Matters at P*ri*. He was very low, of a modeft countenance, and a fweetdifpofition his mind wholly eftranged from all injaftice. I find him thus cha- racterized. Celebcrrimw nojhi feculi Philofopbw^ Eelg. quinine & to- tiufGafli* unum deem. Przmuf apud ^Gdlos (ut Cicero apud RomanosJ Pbilofopbiamrudem& impolitamcttm eloquentiajttnxit. Eft in dicendo fublimif, in fenteat'ris gravis, in attentions exquifitus^ in compofitionf di- ligent ac cHfiofus.T' Viris.Illutirib. Jodoctts Clicbtovetts, a moft learned Man of Paris , was contempo- .rary with Jacobus Faber. serm Hift. King Lftves and the Emperour being at variance, a Treaty was a- vit. Ludov. greed on, and for this Treaty the Cardinal of Amboife^ Lieutenant- * General for his Ma jefty at Milan, went to the Emperour to 'frent^ where firft they Treated of the marriage of Charles the eldeft Son to the Arch-Duke Philip of Aitftria, with Clattde^the, only Daughter of Lewfff XII. then about the calling a General Council to reform the Church, not only in the members, but even in the Head doubtlefs there is (mail aflurance in the friend (hip of Princes, who thirft after nothing but their own greatnefs. Moreover, feldom (hall we fee any thing fucceed well with them, who have coloured their paffions with the name of the Church , and the Reformation thereof, which they did not really intend. And likewife all the malitious practices, and School-tricks of a Cardinal, Cwhofe ambitious fpirit gaped after the Popedom.) what could they produce butfmoak for France , and combuftion for Italy > . The Arch- Duke Philip with his Wife, Daughter to Ferdinand King of Arragon^ and Ifabe I Queen of Caftile, paffcd through Paris Novemb. 2 5. and from thence to B/o;/, where the King and Queen remained, where they concluded the marriage of their children. But Man pttrpo-. Jetb^and God difpofetb. The Duke of Milan was foon after made Prifoner by the Treachery of the Suffers : Cardinal Afcanitts leaves Milan abandoned , but he is betraid, and led prifoner to Venice: but the French King fent for him to Venice^ and not only the perfon of the Cardinal was delivered to him, but alfo all thofe of Milan that were taken with him. The City of Milan 9 which had revolted from the Frtncb 3 fent fpcedy Am- bafladours to the Cardinal D 5 Amboife to folicit Cor pardon. He re- ceived them into grace, and pardoned the Rebellion in the name of the King, but under this bond, to pay three hundred thoufand Ducats, of * the which the King afterwards difcharged them in a great part. He pardoned alfo other Towns that had rebelled , which he taxed ac- cording to their Quality, making the Vi&ory profitable, and the tranf- greffions of the Offenders an increafe of the King's Treafure. Lndevi- Cental Of FRANCE. Ludovicus S/orza Duke of Milan was carried to Lyons , where the King was at that time : and entring the Town at noon- day, multi- G ? icci ? rd!n ' tudes of people flocked to fee a Prince who from fuch greatnefs and Hlft ' U ' 4 ' Majefty was fallen into fo great a mifery. And not obtaining leave to be brought into the King's prefence, which he much defired, he was conveyed within two days after to the Tower of Locbes, wherein he remained prifoner ten years, even to the end of his Life. The Car- dinal Afcanius followed him a little after , but he was both received with more honour and humanity, and gratioufly vifited by the Cardi- nal P' Amboife, by whofe interceflion he was fent to the great Tower at Eourges^ a prifon more honourable, wherein the King that ftnt him had before been reft rained two years in captivity. Pope Alexander VI. being dead, Anno 1503. Pi*f HI. was chofen, but he dyed within 27. days. Then was Julius II. chofen , a Man froward, cruel, factious and turbulent. Anno 1 506. the French King, albeit the year before he was much dif- contented with the Pope, for that he had difpofed and inducted the Benefices which were void by the death of Cardinal Afianius, and o- thersin the Dutchy of Milan , without his participation: and for that alfoin the creation of other Cardinals, he had rcfufcd to call the Bi(hopof Acbz, Nephew to the Cardinal D' Amboife-y and the Bifliop of Baietex, Nephew to Monfieur Irimovil'e ^ being earneftly folicited by the King, who in thofe regards had caufed to be fequeftred the fruits of the Benefices, which the Cardinal S. P. adVincula , and others of the Pope's Amity pofTcfled in the State of MiUn. Yet the King on the other fide judged it ncceflary to re-enter into reconcilement with the Pope, to whom after he had rdeafedall the fcqucftrations, he fent the Biihop of Stfteron, the Pope's Nuncio, to negotiate with him many plots againft the Venetians, to whom he knew the Pope could not but continue to bear an ill will, for the defire he had to recover the towns of Romania. TheBifhopof Sifter on being received and heard with gladnefs a- greeable to the nature of his deiire, was difpatched , and fent back a- gain with diligence, to folicit between them a re-union and amity: wherein the better to difpofe the mind of the King, and the Cardinal >' Amboife^ he promiftd by writ (which the faid Nuncio carried with him) the Dignity of Cardinal to the BUhops of Acbz and Kaieux. Yet notwithstanding in fo great an heat of torwardnefs, he entred of- tentimes into many doubts and difficulties, either, for a certain hate he had conceived againft the French King, at fuch time as himfelf fled into France to avoid the trains laid for him by Pope Alexander i or for that it much difcontented him to be as it were drawn by compul- fion by the power and importunity of the French King, to transfer to the Cardinal P' Amboife the Legation of the Kingdom of Frame : or Bb lirtly,. 8 ffije eCdCfiafflCal %tftp?p Cent. 1 6. laftly, for that he fufpeded left the faid Cardinal (who afpired to the PopedomJ not having patience to tarry for his Death, would feek to climb up to it by ways finifter and extraordinary. Thefe things made him often to waver in his Refolutions, determining not wholly to joyn with the French King > and yet without his conjunction , he knew it was impoffible, that at that time any thing of confcqucuce ftiould fucceed with him. Pope Ja/wrefolves to recover "Bblognia by force of Arms, for a hatred newly kindled againft John 'Bentivoglo , becaufe in the time of hisadvertity, when he durftnot abide in Rome\ and feeking fafety in Cento^ a Town of his Biftioprick in Bolognia^ he was driven to flee away by night, hearing a bruit publi(hed that he fhouldbe apprehended pri- fener at the inftance of Pope Alexander. The Pope tcok Cefena and Forolivfa, fiomCxfar Borgia^ the Son of Pope Alexander VI. He expelled the Family of Eentivogli out of 'Bononia: he excommunicated the Venetians^ and gave their Lands to the tirft that could take them. King Lewes XII. overthrew the Venetians at Abdita: and albeit he gave the greateft part of his pur- chafe unto Julius , yet he envyeth the profperity of Lerves, and combined again with the Venetians , to expell him out of Italy. Anno 1510. died the Cardinal P* Atnboife , Uncle to the Lord of O)^ a man of a great fpirit, and well experienced in affairs : but With thefervice of his Matter, he did not forget the content of his own private ambition. The Pope reneweth the War againft thofe of Ferrara , and feeing, himfelf unable to prevail with his Temporal Forces, he excom- municafes Alfiimfo of Efle , and all thofe who were or (hould come to his fuccour, namely Charles of Amboifc^ with all the chief of the Trench Army. rrcsH ift. This tuiious courfe made King Lewes toafTemble all the Prelates ' "cf his Realm ntTW/, with the moft famous Doctors of all his Uni- vcrlities, as we!! in Divinity, as in the Civil and Canon Laws, who refolveupon eight notable conclufions againft the Pope. Ei ht concinfi- ? ^ at ^ was not lawful for the Pope to aiTail any Temporal ons by the Princes by force in their Territories not belonging to rhe Church. Se^Poj^'at/ 2 - That it was lawful for any fuch Prince, for the defence of his *w*. Subjedsand Countrey, not only to repel this in jury by force , butalfo to invade the Territories of the Church poffeiTed by any fuch Pope, n t with an intent to hold them, but to the end (the Pope being difpof- ftiTcd thereof J he thould have no more means to moleft his Elh;r> fee- ing the Pope had ihrough the aid of the faid prince Recovered the fame panels ufurpcd before by certain Tyrants,. 3. That: Cent. 16. Of FRANCE. 187 g. That forfo manifeft a wrong and unjuft attempt, any fuch Prince might withdraw himfelf from the Pope's obedience, for the defence of his Temporal Eftate , feeing he had ftirred up many other Princes and Common-weals to invade the Domi- nions of the faid Prince, who deferved reward and love from the A- poftolical See. 4. That this fubftra&ion being made, they (hould obfcrve in France the common and Antient Law, and the Fragwatick^ SanSion enadred at the Council of KafiL 5. That any fuch Prince might by force defend another Prince , his confederate, and of whom he had lawfully taken the protection for thofe Seigneuries which he had long enjoyed with a juft Title , feeing this confederacy had been made with the confent of the faid Pope, who fas the chief J was comprehended therein : and that this Prince al- lyed according to the form of the League, had given aid for the reco- very of the patrimony of St. Peter. 6. That the Pope pretending any thing due for any Rights belong- ing to the Church of Rome, and the Prince on the other fide challenged to hold of the Empire, and (hould refer this controverfie to the cen- fure of indifferent Judges, as Equity required', that in this cafe it was not lawful for the Pope without further knowledge of the caufe, to make War againft any fuch Prince, which if he did, the faid Prince might oppofe his Forces with other Princes his confederates , fo as that right had not been poffefled by the Roman Church within an hundred years. 7. That if the Pope would not accept this honed and lawful offer, but contrary to order and right (hould give fentence againft any fuch Prince, maintaining his right not to depend upon the Church i neither he nor any other by oppoting (hould incur the cenfure of that fentence, feeing that Prince had no free accefs, neither to go nor fend to Rome to defend his Rights. 8. That if the Popeunjuftly (the due courfe of Law not ob- fervedj (hould by main force pronounce any cenfures againft any fuch Princes, their Allyes and Subjects, refifting in fuch a cafe, the fentence were of no force , neither could it be by any means binding. The King hereupon fent Ambafladours to Pope Julius in the name of the French Church, to admonim him, that leaving his defigns , he fhould attend to peace, and reconcile himfelf with the aforefaid Prin- ces, and upon refufal they (hould fummon him to call a Council ac- cording to the Decrees of the Holy Council of Eafil. But the Pope dcfpifethall. Then the Emperour's and the King of France his Deputies, affiftcd B b 2 by i88 , 3Cl)e CCCleflafftCai $lftO# Cent. 16. by the Cardinals of St. Crowe, St. Mah, Eaieux, Colenfe, Albret, and ma- ny others on May ip. i 5 1 1. publifli a general Council to be held at Pifa for the firft of September following, the which City was lately returned to the bedience of the Florentines. To crofs this Council, the Pope (following the ad vice ofAntbony dc Mont of St. Sanfovin, one of the eight- Cardinals newly created at Ravenna) appointed a general Council on May j. at St. Jobnde Late- ran'm Rome. And to keep the King's forces quiet, he colourably gave ear to a 'peace, which the Bifhopof livoli his Nuncio , and the King of Scof-r Ambafladour treated for him with the Ring, and the Cardinals of Nantes and Strigonium with the Pope. But Julius having been tick, and being freed from the fears of death, he makes a new League with the Senate of Venice , and the King of Arragnn againft the French : to maintain fas he faid ) the union of the Church, to defend it from apparent Schifm, and to recover all fuch places as depended either mediately or immediately upon the Church. The firft day of September being come, the Cardinals Attorneys in their names do celebrate the A&s appertaining to the opening of the Council at Pifa. The Pope being wroth, declared Florence and Pifa fubjedfr to the Etclefiaftical cenfure, by vertue of the Bull of the Council which he had caufed to be publifted : and he pronounced the aboveaamed Car- dinals void of the Dignity of Cardinals, and fubje<3 to the puniflvments of .Hereticks and Schifmaticks. The Florentines and Pifans appeal from this curfe to the Holy Council of the Univerfal Church. At the firft Seffion the Cardinals call the Clergy to affift in the Cathedral Church : but not one appear- eth : the Priefts deny their Ornaments to the Cardinals offering to ce- lebrate the Mafs, and fnut the Church doors*, fo that the Cardinals fearing they (hould not remain fafe in Pifa, decreed to have the Coun- cil tranfported to Milan. They found the like d ifficulties at Milan. The Clergy abftain from fay ing Service, as before accurfed perfons', the Commons curfe them s and openly deride them, efpecially the Cardinal of St. Creix , chofen Prefidcnt of the Council. This dealing of the Milanois, made them to tranfport the Council to Lyons, where Julius was fufpendcd from his Popedom : and prohibitions were made throughout all France^ not to fend any Money to Rome, nor to bring any Bulls from thence. Here- upon Pope Julius did not only excommunicate all the French, but al- fo granted Bulls of pardon to any one that (hould kill a Icrencb-man, giving the Realm of France, and that of Navarr (in hatred of John of Albret, allyed to the King, and at the perfwafion of Fm//?/WKing of Anagon) in prey to the iarft conquerour. But.: Cent. \ 6. Of FRANCE. 189 But King Lewes XII. beat the Pope in a Battle near Ravenua, which beating wrought this efTe&, that the King was fued to, and re- ceived with as many fpiritual graces as he was pleafed to have, and the Lewes in. fol. Kingdom of France was reconciled unto his Holinefs. But foon af- ter by Treachery the French King lofeth the whole Eftate of Milan. Maximilian, Grand- child to Lewes Sforza , is reftored , and named Duke of Milan. And Navar is ufurped by the King of Arragou. Pope Julius dyeth, February 2 1 . Anno 1513. and John Cardinal of Medick fucceeded him, who was called Leo the tenth. The fame year dyed Ann the French Queen, and the next year Lewes King of France mai> rieth the Lady Mary, fitter to Henry VIII. King of England. But as Lewes pleafed himfelf exceedingly in the excellent beau- ty of his new Spoufe , behold a Fever accompanied with a flux of blood frees him fjom the cares and troubles of this World. So Lewes dyed, on January i. 1514. greatly lamented of all his Subjedb. Francis, the firft of that name, fucceeded him in the Kingdom : he was before Duke of Valo'vs, and Earl of Angnlefin, Son to John Earl of Angolefm, who was the youngeft Son of Lewes Duke of Orleans^ (murthered by the Enrgundian at Paris, in the time of Charles VI. 1 ) who was alfo the youngeft Son of King Charles V. He was anointed at Rhemes being 22. years old. Wi^iam Budeus, born at Paris , was Secretary to King Francis the firft, and keeper of his Library, and afterwards his Counfelleur, and Mafter of Requefts. His Commentaries upon the Greek Tongue, his Epiftles, Philology, his Commentaries upon the Pandeds, and other of his works, (hew his great knowledge in the Greek and Latin Tongues. In thofe things which, he wrote before the preaching of Luther , he ' doth (harply and largely accufe the Pope, Prelates , and Popifli priefts, efpecially in his Book de AQe which was publifhed , Anno 1513. He Montacut . Anai - thusdefcribeth the State of the Church at that time \ faying,T^C/?r- i e a. cxercit. 5,. ay are worfe than the worft of the people in all kind ef Vice and wanton- $*&*. nefi : Prelates are ignorant^ and enemies of Learning , having no refpett to the filiation of Souls^bitt rather thrttjiing them down to Hell by their falfe ^teaching, and wicked example. . He was a Man of great Learning, and worthy to be had in perpetual memory: for this caufe efpecially, that He and Cardinal E<%, o^Sgln^d Bi(hop of Pe fbtmcum Lit. De Or bis Terr* Concordid. De Etruri where he puts in among t he reft expe&ative gra- ces or reverfions, fecret reservations, beftowing of Benefices upon the firft comer, uniting of many Benefices to one Chappel , Prebend , or other Benefice, Mandates, preventions, propinations, fmall or ordina- ry favices, conditional resignations, detaining of all the revenue in lieu of penfion,anda : number of fuch like things which were not heard of for a long time in the Church , and which would be Grange news to Peter andP' fo that to have a Licenfe and impu- nity for finning, there needs no more but to be' rich i to have a paf- porttoParadife,bothforaman'sfelf, and for his mifdeeds. But that which might make Rome Wtifti Cif there were any (hame in her brow) is, that pardons and indulgences are denyed to the poor and indigent, who are not of means Efficient to raife thefe criminal and incelluous impositions. It may fecm that the Bull of Pope Leo X. added at the end of the Concordat , and confirmed by the Letters of King Francis I. hath dero- gated from the Pragmatic^ Sanction. But that Bull was never recei- ptp. Rebuff in vcd and approved in France, as Mr. Peter Rebuffus doth teftifie. fbir fric^'mwdat. fi Kfti*u**o*-> (faith he) as being about a money-mater, was never received '.Apdftol. by the Inhabitants of tbir Kingdom. Nor if it comprehended within the CoHcordate , nor the King's Declaration concerning it verified in the Court of Parliament. In the year, i *> itf. Pope Leo X. under pretext of collecfring mo- ney to wage" War againft the TwrJ^ fent Indulgences through all Chri- tfendom, granting pardon of fins both for guilt and punishment unto all which would give Money, 'fecelius expofeth thefe Indulgences to >(ale in Germany, and Luther writeth againft the abufes of them , fome write againft Luther, md others defend him. Luther proceedeth, and writeth againft other corruptions of the Church of Rome, and many are enlightned by him. Charles V. being JEmperour, calleth a Dyet at IVormes, and thither is Luther fummoned AnHoi$2i. who ftoutly defendeth his Dodtrine, and many Priefts .began to preach, and even in Wormes after they had feen the conftan- cyof Luther, they receive the preachers of the Gofpeh and becaufe they could not have the liberty of the Churches, they fet up a portable pulpit, and heard the preachers in many places of the Town until the year 1525. The Gofpel was preached in Saxony, and embraced there, as alfo at Halberjiat, Hamburgh, Pomerania-> Liveland^ and many other places. Charles Duke of Savoy was defirous of truth and purity , Luther understanding it by Annemund Coot a French Knight, writes unto him a confelfion of Faith to confirm him in the zeal of piety. In the clofure he faith, IVetil Illusions Prince, ftir up that fpark^ which hath begun to kindle in tbee, and let fire come from the houfe of Savoy, M from the houfe of Jofeph, and let all France be kindhd by thee i yea, let that Holy fire burn and encreafe, that at lajl France m ay be truly ' called for the Goffers fake the mo\\ Chrijiian Kingdom. In the year 1 523. the Gofpel began to be openly preached in France at Gratianople in the Dsulphinatc by Peter Sebevilla. Zuingliw by wri- ting encouraged him to lift up his voice like a Trumpet , and found forth the Gofpel in France. AC Cent,i& Of FRANCE. 193 At the fame time in Meld* about ten miles from P<*w, was Bifhop WtVitm Brifonnet i he was a Lover of Truth and Light, he pafleth by the Monks, and fought learned Men to teach the Gofpel. So from Par//, he calleth Jacobus Faber, William Farel, Arnold, and Gerard Ked^ who did moll fervently inftrudt the people in the truth. But the Bi(hop' courage was fcon abated by terrible menaces of the Sorbonnifts, neverthekfs the word of God was planted in the hearts of many, and by the wondrous counfcl of God from the perfccution of that one Church many Churches through France were planted, for both the Teachers and hearers were fpread abroad. After Martin Luther had opened the way in Germany , John Calvin born at Noyon [R Piccardy, a Man of a great wit,marvellouily eloquent, and generally Learned , departing from the Faith then generally held, propofed in his Books which he publifced in Print, and in his Sermons which he preached in divers places in France^ one hun- dred twenty eight axiomes (fo he called them ) difagrccing from the Roman Church. The French Wits, curious by Nature, and defirous of Novelties, began at firft rather for paftime than through choice to read his wri- tings, and frequent his Sermons. But as Di*i>//tf,aPapirt , obfcrveth in his Hiftory of the civil Wars of France, as in all bufinefs of the World it ufeth often to fallout, that things beginning injeft, end in ear- nef, fo thefe opinions fowed in God's Church, fo crept up (faith he) Davila Hiftt ^ that they were greedily embraced and firmly believed by a great num- the civil war* ber of people and perfons of all qualities, infomuch that Calvin came of FrMee llb * r * to be reverenced of many in a (hort time, and believed for a new mira- culous Interpreter of Scripture, and (faith my Authourj as it were a certain infallible Teacher of the true Faith. The foundation ot this Dodrine was in the City of Geneva , fcitu- ate upon the Lake Antiently called Lacm Lemawts , upon the confines of Savoy \ which having rejected the Government of the Duke and Bimop, to whom formerly it paid obedience under the name of terra. Franca^ under pretext of liberty of confcience , reduced it felf into the form of a Common- wealth. From thence books coming out daily in print, and men furnifhed with Wit and eloquence infinua- ting themfelves into the Neighbour Provinces, who fecretly fowed the feeds of this new Doctrine, in progrefs of time, all the Cities and Pro- vinces of the Kingdom of France were filled with it , though fo covertly, that there appeared openly only fome few marks and conje- &ure.s of it. This began in the time of King Fn*<:/j thefirft, who though fome- times he made fevere refolutions againft the preachers and profeflTdbrs of this Doctrine, yetnotwithftanding being contiaually bufied in For- reign Wars took little notice thereof. C c feter 194 3O)tecrtdtafttcai$ifto?i? cent. 1 6 Teter Viret was an eloquent French Divine , whom Cj/Wtf defired for his Col league. His French Books are mentioned by Attoine d* Verdier'm his Bibliotheque. William Farel was alfo a learned Divine cf Geneva. He hath writ- ten ~De Vraj V/age de la Croix, and other Books. Upond/ww, F*r*7 3 and F/Vtf, there is this -Epigram of Beza. GaVica mirata etl Calvinttm Ecclefia nuper y Quo ntmodocuit doftiHS. Ejl quoque te nup:r mirata, Yartllejonantem, Quo nemo tenuit fortijtf. Et mtratur adhuc fundentem mel'a Virettem, Quo nemo fatur dulcriis. Scilicet ant tribuf his firvabere tejitbw olim^ Ant interibis Gallia. Stephoi Pafqu/er a French Writer and a Papift, doth much extol Cal- vlifs piety, wit, and learning. Recherch. de la France, li. 8. ca. 55. JobnClerk^ was apprehended at Meldenin Fra-nc* , Anno 1523. for fctting up upon the Church-door a certain Bill againft the Pope's par- dons lately Cent thither from Romf\ in which Bill he named the Pope to be Antichrift. For which he was three feveral days whipped , and afterwards had a mark imprinted in his Forehead, as a note of infamy. His mother being a good Chrifiian- woman fthough her Husband was- an Adverfary) when (he beheld her Son thus grievoufly fcourged, and ignominioully deformed in the face , did boldly encourage her Son, crying with a loud Voice, Elejftdbe Chriji, and welcome be tbefe prints and markj. After this execution and puni(hment fuftained, the faid John de- parted that Town, and went to Rofte in Br/>, and from thence to Metz^ where he was taken for calling down Images : and there his hand was hrftcutorf from his right Arm: then his Nofe with (harp pincers was violently pulled from his Face after that both his Arms and his paps were likewife pluckt and drawn with the fame Inthument. He qui- etly endured thefe Torments, in a manner tinging the Verfes of the 1 1 5 Pfalm, Their Idols be Silver twd Gold, the rr>ork^ only of Man's band: The reft of his body was committed to the fire, and therewith confumed. Anno I'ji'j.Do&oic JohnCafteVaH, after he was called to the know- ledge of God, he became a true preacher of his word in France at Ear- lednc^ alfo at Vitte ry inPartorfe,at Cbahu in Champagne, and in the Tfcwn of Vifa which is the Epifcopal Seat of the Bi&op of Metz in Lorrain. After he had 'laid-fome foundation of the Doctrine of the Gofpel in Mttz, in returning from thence he was taken prifoner by the Cent. i<5. Of FRANCE. 195 the Cardinal of terrain's fervants, and carried to the Caftle of Norn- menie : from thence he was carried to the Town and Caftle of Vikf, alwaysconflantly perfevering , in the fame Doctrine. He was degra- ded by the Bifhop of Nicopolu^ and condemned to be burnt quick : which Death he (uttered, jfo*ry 12. 1525. with that conftancy, that not only many ignorant people were thereby drawn to the knowledge of the truth, butalfo multitudes which had tafted thereof in fome meafure already were greatly confirmed by his conftancy in his Death. Then Wolfgangus Scbucb, coming to a certain Town in Lorrain^ called St. Bippolitus^ and being received in the Town for their Patlor, laboured by all means to root out of the hearts of the people Idola- try and fuperftition. Hereupon Duke Anthony Prince of Lorra'm^ threatens the Town of St. Wppolittts. Wolfgang humbly wrote to the Duke in defence both of his Doctrine and Miniftry , and of the whole caufe of the Gofpel : and having confuted the Fryars in dif- .putation, he was condemned to be burnt. Shortly after his death, the Commendator of St. Anthony of Vienna, , who fate as fpiritual Judge over him, and gave fentence of his condemnation, fell down fuddenly and dyed. In like manner his Fellow , which was Abbot of Clarilocus, fuddenly at the coming of the Dutchefs of Venmarkjnto the City of Nancy, being ftricken with fudden fear at the noife of Guns, fell down and dyed. In the beginning of the year, 1525. was the Battle of Tavia, where Francis I. the Drench King was taken Prifoner, and carried to Madrid in Spzin, but after many Months confinement he is enlarged, and retnrn- eth into France. The Pope underftanding the King was fet at Liberty , fent to con- gratulate with him, and to make a confederation againft the Empe- rour. The which being ratified in Cttgvac, May 22. 1526. between Him, that King, and the Princes of Italy, under the name of the raoft Holy League, the Pope abfolveth the French King from the Oath taken in Spain, fat the obfervation of the things agreed upon. Now followetb a Table of French J .- -. f Martyrs. Fox, M\ and i. VAtnes Pavane, School mafter at Paris, Anno 1524. being J taken by the Bi(hop of Meattx, was compelled by Dr. Ma firft Martial to recant. Afterwards returning again to his confeiiion, he was burnt at Varis^ Anno 1525. 2. "Dionysus de Rieux at Meld*, or Meaux , was burned at UeHa^ Cc 2 for 96 %\)t Crrlcftaffical %ifloa> Cent, for faying that the Mafs is aplaindenyal of the Death and Paflion of Chrift, Anno 1528. He had often in his mouth thefe words of Ghrift. He that denytth me before M!r, him rviU I alfo deny before my father. 3. Joannes de Cadttrco, Batchellourof the Civil Law, for making an exhortation to his Countreymen of Limofin, was accufed , . taken, degraded, and burnt. 4. JohnBurges Merchant, the receiver of Nantes, THarthohmew My- lenz lame Cripple, Henry Poiile of Cottberon, CateHa a School-Miftrefs, Stephen de la Fogge Merchant, were condemned and burned in Parit, .^tftfj 1 533. Henry of Couberon had his Tongue bored through, and. with an Iron wire tyed faft to one of his cheeks , and fo was burned with the other, as is aforefaid. 5. Alexander Canus a Prieft for the confeflion of the true Religion, was alfo burnt at Paris, Anno \ 533. 6. John Pointer, a Chyrurgeon, becaufe he would not do homage to a certain Idol at the commandment of a Fryar that came to con- fefs him , his Tongue was cut off, and then he was burned at Parti. ^. PettrGauJet, a Knight fometimeof Rhodes, after long torments was burnt for the defence of the Gofpel, Anna 1533. 8, gstttoqtiflaed was burnt for the Tellimony of Chrift's Gofpel at. "Bizanfon in Burgundy, Anna 1534. p. Nicholas Scrivener, John de Poix, Stephen Bttrlet, were burnt on the fame account in the City of Arras, Anno 1 534. 10. Mary Eecaudella was burnt at Fountains, for finding fault with the Dodrine of a Grey Fryar, in the City of Rachel , Anno i r. JohnCornon, an Husband- man of Mafcon, one of fuch wifdom T that he confounded his Judges 3 was condemned by them , and burnt, Anno 1535. 12. Martin Gonin in Dautyh lne\ being taken fora Spie in the &oi^ dersof France towards the Alpes, was committed to prifon. In his going out , his Gaoler cfpyed about him Letters of FareUut and Viret. \vherefore being examined of the King's procurator, and the Inquidtor touching his Faith, after he had rendred a fufficient reafon thereof , he was caft into the River and drowned. 13. Claudius Painttr,* Goldfmithat Parit, going about to convert his Kinsfolks^ was by the Parliament of Paris condemned to have his Tongue to be cut out, and then to beJDurned, Anno 1 540. 14. Stephen Brttne, an Husbandman at Rutiers, was condemned to be burnt at Planvol, where the wind arofe,and blew the fire fo from him, as he ftood exhorting the people, that he there continued an hour in a manner CenM6. 0f FRANCE. 197 manner unharmed i fo that all the Wood being confumed, they re- newed the fire with other Faggots, and VefTels of Oyl, and yet could he not with all this be burned, but flood fafe. Then the Hangman with his pike thruft him through the belly and the guts, and fo threw him. down into the fire, and burnt his body to AQres, throwing away bis A'fties afterwards into the Wind. 15. Conftantine, a Citizen of Rhoan, with four others , were con- demned to be burnt, and put in a Dung-cart, who rejoyced that they were reputed as excrements of this world : but yet their death was a fweet odour unto God, Anno 1 542. 1 6. John dtt Bec1{. Prieft, for the Do&rine of the Gofpel was degra-^ ded and burnt at froyts in Champagne^ Anno 1 543. 17. Aimond de Lavoy + a preacher of the Gofpel in Anjott, after- nine months imprifoncnent at Bourdeaux., being put to cruel tor* ments, he wastirft ftrangled, whofc body was afterwards confumed with fire. 1 8. Francis Bribard , Secretary to Cardinal Bel 'ay , was alfo burnt for the defence f the Gofpel, his Tongue being firft cut out,, Anno 1544. rp. William Huffbn an Apothecary, for fcattering Books concerning, Chriitian Dodhine, and the abufe of humane Traditions , had his Tongue cut out, and was afterwards burnt at Rboan. Delandaa Car- melite Fryar, one of his perfecutors, was afterwards converted , and - preached the Gofpel, Anno 1 544. 20. James Cobard^ a School-mafter in the City of St. Michael in Lorrain, was burnt for the Truth, Anno 1 544. 21. Pfter Clerk^ Brother to John Cler\ aforementioned, and 14.. more who dwelt at Mclda^ were burnt, Anno 1 546. 22. Peter Ckapot was ftrangled and burnt at Paris. Saintinus Nivet, and Stephen Polliot were alfo burned at Paris^ Anno 1 545. 23. John Englifo, was burnt at Sens in Burgundy , being condemned by the high Court of Paris, Anno 1 5 47. 24. Michael Michelot, was burnt at Warden by 1'ourney , Anno 1547- 2 5. Leonard de Prato, going from Diion to Bar in Burgundy with two falfe Brethren, and talking about Religion with them, was bewrayed of them, and afterwards was burnt, Anno 1 547. 26. John Taffington, Joan his Wife: Simon Marefchal^Joan his Wife: William Micbaut^ James Bottleratt, James Bretany. Thelefeven being of the City of Langres^ot the word of Chrift were committed to the fire, who dyed comfortably, Anno 1547. 27. Michael Marcjchal, John CatnM^ Great John Carntts y John Serar- phiv were burnt the fame year in Paris. 28^ Ofavi**-* 3E$e $edeftaCNcal $ffto?p Cent. 1 6. 28. O&avian Blundel^ a Merchant of precious Stones at Varis , was alfo burnt for his profeffion, Anno 1 548. 2p. Hubert Burre^ a young Man a Taylor of nineteen years was burned for the Gofpel at T>iion. 30. FlorentVcmte, aPriel't at P and laft of all was burnt in the place of Maulbert , Anno 31. Ann Aubeft^ a \\idow at Orleans, Anno 1549. going to Gene* va, was taken and brought to P, and by the Council there judged to be burnt at Orleans. 32. A poor Taylo* at ?ari*, dwelling in St. Antbonie's ftreet , who boldly defended the Gofpel before the King and his Nobles : he cvas burnt in the prefenceof the King, his ftrength and courage in '. De- ling did greatly aftonifh the King and others, Anno 1 549. 33. Claudius Thierry was apprehended coming from Geneva , and \?as burned at Orleans, Anna 1 54?. 34. Leonard Galimard was burnt at Paris the fame year. 3 5. Maccettt Morcox was burnt in 7r0y, Anno 1 549. 36. John Godeait , and Gabriet Beraitdinw were burnt at Chaw beriace. 37. Ihomas Sanpaulinufy after cruel wracking was burnt in 38. Maurice Sfcenate was burnt in Provence, Anno 1551. Joannes de teo^ { ir- named Medicus^ was alfo burnt at T/sfz in Prwence the fame year. 39. Claudius Monerius was burnt at Lyont, he was meek and learn- ed : fome of his Judges wept at his death, while he was in prifon he wrote certain Letters, but one efpecially very comfortable to all the faithful. He alfo wrote the queftions and interrogatories of the official with his anfwers likewife to the fame, which being fumma- rily contracted, you may read in Mr. Fox. A8. and Monument. Vol. 2. p.i37.- 40. Resale Poyet, Son of William Poyet, which was Chancellour of France, for the fincere profeffion of the Gofpel, was burnt at the City of S attlmure ^ Anno 1552. 41. John Joyer ^ and a young Man his Servant , were burnt at Ibolottfe. 42. Hugh Gravier a Sehool-mafier , and after Minifter of Cortillon, was burnt at Burge in Breffe , a days Journey from Lyons. Martiaf > Peter Scnba, Bernard Seguine , Charles Faber , Peter Navihere, five Cent. 16. Of FRANCE. five Students , -of the Univcrfity of Lattfanna were burnt a* Lyons, Anna i 553. feterBergerius, (hortly after fuffered the fame Martyrdom at Lyons. Stephen Pelcc/aine, and fijtoMtfifts Ptloqttine Brethren fuffe- red at Ville Franche about Lyons in the fame year. 43. Le n-es Marfacns, Michael Gerard, Stepbe n Granot^ fuffered alfo at Lyons, Anno 1553. Mtttbe&Vinttmet Merchant fuffered there alfo. At his burnirghe (pake much to the people, and was heard with great attention. 44. William Neele *n AultinFryar, fuffered 'at Eurettx in France. Simon Lake at ~Diion. The Executioner called Juftus Silvefter, feeing the faith and conftancy of Laloe^ was converted : and he with all his Family removed to the Church of Geneva. 45. Nicholas Ntyle, a Shoo- maker was burnt at Paris, and Peter Serre a Prieft, was burnt at 'I.boloufe^Anno 1553. 46. Stephen King , and Peter VeHecbeus were burnt at Cbartres 47. Anto'niHS Magnus was burnt at Paris, Anno i 554. 48. William Alemon, a Bookfeller, and a certain Clothwprker were burnt-at blontpeliters, Anno 1554. 4p. Pjr/V PawVr, a godly Lawyer for conftant profcilio of the Gofpel was beheaded at Do/*, /4>/o 1 554, 50. PfterditVall^ Shoo-makcr, after grievous wrackings was burnt at Nifmes^Anno 1554. 51. John Filieul, Carpenter: Jnlin le ville Point-maker, were burnt at Sanferre, Anno i 554. 52. Vyomfas Vayre, leaving his PopifhPriefthood went to Geneva^. where he learnt the Art of Book binding, and many times .brought Books into France. Afterwards in the ;Reign of Edtrard VI. King of England^ he preached the word in Jfrfey : but after his death , think- ing to return again to Geneva, he came with his Bocks into Norman* dy unto a Town called F#eitte , where he was taken w,ith hip Books, and after the fuffering moft cruel torments was Burnt at 'RbMn. 5 3 . 1'bemas Calbwgn Vtffttttntp was bu rn t, Anno 1554-, 54. Ri*c^rrf'F*riftf-aGoldfmith, born at ZU>;, after he had been in London, where he firft taftcd of the Gofpel , he went to Geneva^ where he remained nine or ten years. From' thence returning to tyons t he was apprehended, and condemned. Then he appealed to the High Court at Parrs*, 'where inthe way as he. was led fo ?arjs, he was met by certain whomheknew not, and by them taken from his Keepers, and fo fet ac liberty. Anno 1551. After that continuing at Gener* for the (pace of three years, he came into P<*/^/# that their requiring a Council was juft and holy, yea neceflary , not only for the affairs of Germany , but of the whole Church , that it was not neceflary to ufe Arms, where the controverfies may be ended with Treaties. The Emperour promifeth the calling of a Council within fix months. The pope refolveth to make an Alliance with France to be able to withftand the Emperour. After the AfTembly of the Proteftants at Smahald, the French King Treateth with the Landgrave of Haflia, at the Pope's requeft about the Council. The Pope is difpleafed for the propofal of Geneva, for the place of the Council. Anno 1534. Pope Clement VII. dyeth, and Cardinal Farnefe is created Pope, and named Patel III. He maketh a (hew that he defireth a Council : he perfwadeth the Cardinals to re- form themfelves. The cuftom is, that in the firft days the Cardinals obtain favours eafily of the new pope. Therefore the Cardinal of Lorrain, and o- ther Fre neb, in the name of the King, defired him to grant to the Duke of Lorrain the nomination of the Bifhopricks, and Abbacies of his Dominion. The Pope's Anfwer was, that in the Council which (hould be called (hortly, it was neceflary to take away the faculty of nomination from thofe Princes that already had it : which was fome blemi(h to the Popes his predeceflfours , \vho had granted them. A Bull is made for the convocation of the Council at Mantua, May 27. 1 537. The Pope prayeth the French King, and all other Kings and Princes to be there in perfon. The Proteftants approve not the Bull of convocation. The Duke of Mantua makes a Grant of his City , and afterwards recalleth it. The King of England oppofeth the Council by a pub- lick manifeft. Then the Pope fent out a Bull for the convocation of the Council at Vicenza. The Legates went to Ficenza at the time appointed > and the Pope to Nizza in Provence at the fame time , to fpeak perfon ally with the Emperour and the French King, which he gave out was only to make peace between thofe great Princes, though his principal end was to draw the Dukedom of Milan, to his own houfe, Anno 1 538. Dd The 30 2 %ty eccleftafttcal $fft#p cent, The Council intimated is fufpended during pleaffcre. The Emperour gave order for a Dyet to be held in Germ jy,where F*ft and commanded the Sorbonnitfs to be diligent Spks againft them. Afterwards underftanding the Emperour's cun- ning, who aflayed to incite the Pope againft him, he caufed the L- tberans to be really proceeded againft , and commanded that a form to difcover and accufe them mould be inftituted in Paris, propofing punifhments to the concealers of them , and rewards to the Delators. Tii is was done, Anno i 542. The Emperour gave divers orders to the Prelates of Spain, and the Love -Countries, and commanded that the Divines of Lovain mould aflemble together, to coniider of the Dodbrines which were to be pro- pofed> which they reduced to XX.1I. heads, without confirming them by any place of Scripture, but explicating Magifterially the conclufion only. The French King alfo Aflfembled at Mf/;/, the Parifian Divines, to confult of the necefTary poiitions of the Chriftian Faith, to be propo- fcd in the Council, where there was much contention. For fome de- fired to propofe the confirmation of whatfcever was conftituted in Con. fiance and Bafil, and the re-eilabli(hment of the Pragmatic}^ Sanfiion And others doubting that the King would be offended by de-* ftroying the Concordat , made between him and Leo ( which would neceflarily follow } gave counfel not to fet that difputation on foot. And afterwards, becaufe there were divers opinions in that School concerning the Sacramentsj unto which fome gave effective Minifte- rial vertue , and others not , every one defiring that his opinion (houkl be an Article of Faith, nothing could be concluded , but that they (hould keep themfelves within compafs of the XXV. heads publi- (hed two years before. The Council is appointed to be in Trent , and thither the Legates arefent. \\hile they meet in Trent to convince Hercfies by a Coun- cil, in France they did the iameby force of Arms, againft a fmall Cent. 16. > Of F R A N C E. remainder of the Waldtnfes, Inhabitants of the/%?jof Provence, who fas hath hath been faid before) maintained a feparation from the See of Rome, with divers Rites and Doctrine. Thefe Men after tfae Reformation of Zitingliiu , enlarged their Dodrine by his, and reduced their Rites unto fome form at the fame time when Geneva em-braced the Reformation. Sentence was pronounced again!! thefe many years before by the Parliament of Aix, which had never been executed. The King now commanded to execute the Sentence. The Prefident muttered together as many Souldiers as he could in the places bordering upon them } and in the Pope's State of Avignon, and went with an Army againft thcfe poor Creatures, who had nei- ther Weapon nor thought, otherwife than by flight to defend them- felves, thofe that could. They went not about to teach them , or by threats to make them leave their Rites and opinions -, but firft of all filling all the Countrey with Rapes, flew as many as ftood to their mercy, becaufe they could not fly , without fparing young or old. They rather razed the Countries of Carriers in Provence, and of Me- rindol in the County of Viinoifin belonging to the Pope, and all other places in thofe Precincts. More than 4000. perfons were llain. They that fled to the Woods and Mountains, partly were famifned , partly otherwife (lain, partly fent to the Galleys: twenty five perfons that- fled into a Cave near the Town of Muffy were fmothered to death with fmak. Certain of the He h etians fued unto the French King to favour the Waldenfes,\Mt no entreaty would ferve. But the bloody Tyrant Mineriw the Governour of Provence, efcaped not the juft Judgement of God : for God fmote him with a terrible Difeafe, and he felt as it were a fire burning him from the Navel upward, and the lower parts were rotten and confumed away with Vermine,with an extream (link, and profufion of Blood wi place of his Urine, and fo with great tor- ments he ended his wretched Life. Lewes deVaine, Brother-in-law to the faid Mineritu, the Prefident, and alfo the Brother , and the Son-in-law to Peter Dttrant, Matter Butcher of the Town of Aix, thefe three did flay one another upon a certain ftrife that fell between them. And upon the fanae day the Judge of Aix , who accompanied Minerins in the fame perfecu- tion, as he returned homewards going over the River of Durance was drowned. By an Ordinance of this King Francis I, dated January 1 5. 1 546. the Vifitation of the Hofpitalsand other charitable places, is commit- ted to the Judges Royl, Ordinaries of the place where fuch Hofpi- de tals are fcituate. All Governours and Admini\lrators of Hofpitals, or o- tber charitable Yotmdationfifhall be compelled by our Judges of the pfa- Dd 2 ces 204 3E|)C CCClCfiafttCal %JttO?P Cent, ig. - ces next adjoynixg to give up their accounts of the Revenues and Admini- Jiration of tbefaidHofpitals, by what title foever they hold them *, tge~ ther with the Charters and titles of their Foundation, if they have any^ within two months after the publication of thefe prejents. Whom we Command^ and exprefy enjoyn^ every one refpeSively within his Precintt* and Jttrifdittion, that immediately after the publication of thefe pre- Otontius FineiH fents, ity vift the faid Hofpitals and charitable Foundations, to enquire was profeflbr of O f t j }e Revenue, Eft ate, and reparation of the places., and the number of. !&at I*?* beds, and poer people whom they (ball find there, this time. . There were four Stevens, French- men, Henry (he Father , and Robert his Son, Henry, Robert's Son i arid Paul the Son of that Henry, all learned Men, and Printers. Robert Stevens, not only Printed, but made many excellent works himfclf. His Thefaurus Lingtt Latin is incomparable. Antoine du gelnec B$Ho Verdlef in his Bibliotheque commends him and this Work. Diftiona- rium feu Latin* Lingu* Ihefaurttf, non ftngulas- modo, Vifiiones conti- nent, fed integras quoque Lrtine & loquendi & fcribetdi formula , ex. optimis quibufque Latin* Li ague Scriptoribw. Opus excufum parifiis a- pud Authorem, divifum inTomos tref. Anno 1,542. He publifhed an Edition of the Latin Bible, wherein he had con- ferred the copies that were in ufe at that time with fome old Manu- fcripts, and according to them he amended fome errours. The Univer- fity took this ill, that he had attempted to change the Tranflation. He. defended himfelf that he had changed nothing , but had Printed ac- cording to old Copies which he had by him. His anfwer was tolera- ble in the Judgement of reafonable men. Neverthelefs, they purfue him before the Court of Paris , and do Tref on* Rob. Petition that he may be burnt. But their petition was burnt. Then . h. ad cento- he printeth the Bible, retaining the corrupt Tranflation: and in the. T .' Margin he addeth the words of the Manufcripts with Notes, (hewing. the Copies whenceJie had thefe words. Thefe do accufe him betore Kin g.Fr ancis and his Council, but were put to fliame and. filence. . Then he Printed the ten Commandements in great Letters, and. in fuch a form, that they might be Hxed upon Walls of Houfes for common ufe : and fo did he with a fum of the Bible. This did pro- voke them yet more , efpecially becaufe he had Printed the fecond C.ommandcmcnt, Ihou (halt not tnakg unto thy fe If any graven Image, &c. And they accufe him. But the King gave him a Warrant to re- print, both the Ten Commandements, and the fum of the Bible , both'and French. They fummoned him to appear before them,, fajing, that his work was worfe than the Teaching of Luther, Fif-. teen perfons drd approve him, and added their feals. unto his attefta- tiqn. So.the mqft of .them feeing the. King's Warrant, and .that at- tefta. Cent. 1 6. Of FRANCE. lo? reflation, wereafhamed, and their Deputies did aflbil him. vewdid firft diftinguifh the Verfes of the Bible with Arithmetical figures. Henry Stevens , his 'fhefattri Lingttf Grxct^ and his other works, fhew- his great abilities. Scjcvnla Samartbanus in his fecond Book of Epi- grams, hath thefe Verfes./a Gellii Noftes Atticas ad H. Stephanum. Qitis Stcpbanwn ejfc neget fbxbl de femine cretum ? Obfcuris adfert noftibus ille diem . Henry Sifvevs^ Roberts Son, macfe alfo the Greek Concordance, 's Works were Printed in three Tomes at Yarir^AnHo 1545. At this time flourished Francis Vatablus, Regius Prefeffir of the He* brew Tongue in Paris. King Francis ordered him to expound the old Teftamenf out of the Original, and his Hearers did write his ex* pofiiion and his Annotations. The King's Printer dealeth with the Hearers, and receives from them a new Tranflation, which he printeth- with the old Tranflation, and with the Annotations. This work be- ing perfected in the year, 1545. he (heweth it unto feme of the IU niverfify, entreating them to (hew him, if any part thereof had not been rightly obferved. by the Hearers, to the end if there be any thing* amifs, he may amend it. They do approve the work, and aflurehim, that no evil could proceed from the Ledures of Vatablus. But the Books being fold, fome obferved, that the Tranflation and the Anno- tations were contrary unto the prefent Doctrine of the Univerfity,and therefore the Books (hould not be fold feeing they were Printed with- out the knowledge of the Faculty. The Printer goeth unto the Court, and (heweth Peter Caflellax Bi- fliop of Mafcon, that the Univerfity was offended, and intend to hindei the felling of his Boeks. He feeing the BKhop doubtful what advice to give, faith, if the Divines will give him their cenfure, he is willing to Print it with the Bible, and he will neither be afhamed , nor take in ill part, to. advertife the Reader of whatfoever errour is in the Book. This overture did pleafe the Bifhcp , and he relates all unto the King, who willeth the Birtiop to write in his name unto the Univerfity ,> that they fhallrevife the Tranflation and the Annotations , and note what doth not pleafe them, and fubjoyn unto every faujt a reafon of their Judgement s and deliver their cenfure to be printed either .apart,- or with the Bible. Caftellan writes fo unto them, and they promife to obey. But they were often required to deliver their cenfure : They evade it > and fend : unto .the Divines of Lovaut, entreating them to -reckon that . Tranfla- 3O)e ecdefiaftfcai $ifto?y Cent. it. tion among the Heretical and forbidden Books. The King was informed of their (hifts, and of that Letter : Where- fore he ordereth the Bifhop to require them again. After divers exhor- tations to this purpofe, they fend fifteen places which they had marked. The Bifhop conferred! with their Deputy Gagneius upon thefe Inftanccs, and Writes a large Letter unto them commending the Annotations, and (hewing what courfe they fhould obfervem their cenfure. They were the more enraged at that commendation , and would" not go on in their cenfure, but would have she Book to be condensed which they had declared Heretical. Then the King fent his Letters patent, and fealed, charging them to proceed in their cenfure , and to deliver it unto his Printer. They do ft ill refufe, and at that time King Francis dyeth, viz. on March $ i. Anno 1^47. His Son King Henry II. who fucceeded him, fendeth the like charge unto them on Augufi 16. 1 547, They return Anfwer , that they (hall perfect their cenfure before November i. But then in place of the cen- fure they fend a fupplication, craving that the Books may be forbid- den, becaufe he is a Sacramentarian, and had written that mens Souls art mortal. The Printer is informed of it, and addreffeth himfelf to anfwer be- fore King and Council. Then they return unto Paris. But he (hews how folfe their calumnies were. At that time they fent unto the King forty fix Articles which they had collected. It was told unto their Deputies that they had fpoken of feme thoufands of Errours, and were thefe all turned to -forty fix ? They anfwered, the Univerfity had more, but had not as yet put them in form. The Printer returns to Tarit, chiding fomeof the Divines for ac- cufmg him falfly. The Printer craves of the King protection from the malice of his Enemies. The King grants it under his Seal. This ftorm being o- ver, he gathereth fifteen old Manufcripts of the new Teftament in Gree^ and printeth it with the divers ledions on the Margin, and gives the firft copy unto Caftetian. The Pope fends into France Jerome Boccaferrius a Roman, Cardinal of St.Gwrg*, in {hew to condole with the King for the death of his Fa- ther, and to give him joy of the beginning of his Kingdom, but with commillion to make confederation with him. The Pope , gave the Legate moft ample power to grant the King all his demands in matter of Benefices, without regarding the Decrees of the "frideatine Coun- cil : a ftrong Alliance is made between the Pope and the French King, and two Cardinals are created at the King's inftance , viz. Charles of Guife, Arch-Bimop of Rhemes , and Charles of Vand&fme , of the Blocd-RoyaL The Cent. i(5. Of F R A N C E. 207 The Cardinal of (?(/*, made an open difcourfe' in publick confifto- ry in the name of the Drench King, (hewing , that King Francis had Hift.condi. never fpared any coft or danger to maintain the liber ty of other Tridentt hl J * Princes. In conformity whereof Henry not degenerating from the vertue of his Anceftors, as fcon as he had left to mourn for his Father's death, was willing to declare his obfcrvance towards the See of Rome. That the merits of the Kings of France were famous , and exceedeth all thofe of other Nations. Eut this was above all which the King now doth, promifmg all his Forces to preferve the Papal Dignity , now when it is fo contemned. He prayed the Pope to receive the King for his Son, and to promife to himfelf all affiftance from him , and to take care that the Church fliould receive no damage nor (hame, in re- gard that from fmall beginnings great factions have rifcn, which have brought the Popes into great calamities. He exemplified in many Popes afflicted , who were defended and raifed by the Kings cf France, concluding , that the prefent King will not yield to his Anceftors in prefer ving the Dignity of the Apoftolick See. In the year 154^. The French King making his firft entry into Paris, canfed a folemn procefficn to be made, and published an Edict, wherein he fignifieth that he received the protection of the Catho- lick Religion, and of the See of Rome, and the care of the Ecclefiafti- cal Order, and that he abhorred the Novity of Religion , and teilified unto all his will to perfevere in the Dodhine of the Church of Rome, and to banifh the new Hereticks Cfo he called the Troteftants) out of all his Dominions. He caufed this Ed ict to be printed mFrencb, and fent it into all parts of his Kingdom. He gave leave alfo to his Prelates to make a Provincial Affembly to reform the Churches : Which being known at Rome, was thought to be a bad example , and might be a beginning to make the French Church independent of the Church of Rome. He caufed alfo many Lutherans to be put to death in Pans, him- felf being prefent at the Spectacle : and in the beginning of the next year, he renewed the Edict againft them, laying grievous punifh-- ments upon the Judges, who were not diligent in detcctiEg and pu- nifhing them. ' PopePrf/IH.dyeth, Anno 1549. the Cardinals were divided into three factions about the choice of a new Pope, Imperialifts, Fremb, and dependents ori the dead Pope, and by confeqacnce , on his Ne- Hjfr> oF . Ca ^ A phews. Thfy made. agreement among themfelves, that nine Cardi- part 3. li. 2. rials (hould be named, of tach Faction three : but that the nominati- on (hould be made by two only of the Faction of France, and that after? 2o8 3c|)c ecrtefiaftfeai $wf/',RzWj/,i, and T'rani. The Imperialifts refufed all the nine perfons which were named, which gave great offence to the other two Factions , infomuch that it was propofed by the French tb.the Farnefiant, to unite among themfelves, and to choofeaPcpeinfpite of the Imperialifts. . But they could not agree in the choice of their perfons, becaufe there were feveral Cardi- nal 1 ; among the Farnefiant, who were much obliged to the Emperour, and much afraid of his difpleafure. But after a tedious difcullion of the Cardinals for the fpace of three months, during the vacancy of the See,Or/0 Maria del Monte was crea- ted Pope on February t Anno 1 550. by the name of Julius the third. And now the Fadlion of the Nipotifme was introduced into the con- clave, having over- powred the Factions of the Emperour and King of France, with no fmall reputation. The Council having been tranflated toBolonia, the Emperour ha- ving protefted againft it, the Pope deliberates about the remitting of it to frent. The French King offered to the Pope whatsoever he was able to doforhim,promifed toaffift the Council, and to fend the Pre- lates of his Kingdom, and all favour and protection for the mainte- nance of the Papal Authority. The Book of Francis Dttranem a learned Lawyer, -entituled T>e Sa* uris Ecclefix Minifleriis came forth, Anno 1551. At this time a War was denounced againft King Henry the fecond by the Pope and the Emperour , and that upon an unjuft quarrel. He gave fome hopes (faith Onuphrius) of compofing the differences in Omiphr. i n Religion, when at the requeft of the Emperour, he declared by his Bull in the firft year of his Popedom, that the Council (hould be continu- ed at 'frent at the beginning of the next May. And prefently after he addeth, he unwittingly put himfelf upon the War of Parma jmd there- by fet all Italy, nay all Europe on fire. The firft Seffion of the Council on May i. 1551. and the fecond upon the firft of September were only for Ladies, for there was nothing done. King Henry II. fet forth an Edid at the fame time, dated the third day of September the fame year, containing a reftraint of tran- U fporting Gold and Silver to Rome : where he fets down at large the occafions of the War of Parma, begun by the Pope. And among o- ther things he faith. Which holy Father upon a fudden fit of Choler, badcaufed a certain company if MenofWar > both Horje and Foot to be Cent. t6. Dg FRANCE. f be Uvied and fet forth : and alfo enticed and perfwaded the Emperour (with whom we were in good 'forms of Peace and Amity} to take Arms, to aid hit forces in the defign of the recovery of Parma. And after he had haraffed and laid waft all things wh at f never he pleafedin the Conn- Edift du Ro trey of Parma, he cattfedhis faid forces to march toward the territories ^"p^K of Mirandula : which hath for a long time, even during the Life of our 155*. latemojl Honoured Lord andFather, been in the known protection of the Crown of France, which he beleagured, ufing mo{l incredible and inhumane cruelties towards the Inhabitants of the faid territory i yea fuch M bar- barians and Infidels would not have ufed the likf : giving the World to know very (lout ly tkat he meant them t o #f , who have not deferved any fitch things at his hands, or the Holy See. There were fix Seflions holden in the time of that War, thoifetwo foreroentioned, and four more: in two whereof the mod material points of Faith, of Manners and Church Difcipline , were difcufled and determined, as thofe of the Sacrament of the Eucharift, Tran- fubftantiation, Penance and extreme Undion '> as alfo about the Jurif- di&ion of Bifhops, where many blows were ftruck at the Liberties of the French Church, and the rights of the Crown. Another Edi& of King Henry II. was made at the Camp near Wei- ^dg^/,Mi)'2i.i552.andPrintedat Taw the fame year. From this time till the beginning of the year, 1560. the Council of Trent did nothing. What time Pope P/w IV. asfoon as he got into the Chair, fent forth a Declaration for the continuation of it againft Eafle r- day the next year. The French Ring makes preparation for a National Council, and protefteth againft the Council then aflembled in Trent. Jacobus Ami- HW. Condi. otttf, Abbot of BeUofana appeared in the nameof the Frvc&King, with Trident --4' Letters of his Majefty, which he prefented to the Legate, defiring they might be read, and his credency heard. The Legate receiving them, gave them to the Secretary to be read. The Superfcription was, Santtiflimis in Chrijlo Patribus Conventnt 'fridentmi. Much fault was found with the word Conventns. The BUhopof M^w^faid, if they would not receive a Letter from the King of France, who called them, Santtijimw Conventuf, how would they hearken to the Tr&t eft ants, who called them Convent us Malignant i- *m? Then the King's Letter was opened and read. The French King difmiffeth the Pope's Nuncio: but fearing that by his d indention with the Pope, thofe that defired change of Religion would make fome innovation, or that himfelf might come into the bad Qpinion of his. people, as if his mind were averfe from the Ca- tholick Faith, and perhaps to open a way for reconciliation with K00W, he made amoft fevere Edi& againft the Proteftants, confirming all the ether which he had publi(hed before , adding greater punifliments, E e more 210 3Cf}e ccclcftaCHral ^tftojp Cent. 16. more ways to difc over the guilty, and greater rewards to the promo- ters. Hereupon many were apprehended, condemned arc! burnt, as I have (hewed before in the Table of French Martyrs, concluding it at the year 1557. Onthehfth of September, 1557. in Paris, at night about two hun- dred perfons were affembled in an houfe to celebrate the Communion, which being difcovered by the common people, the houfe was aflault- ed, and fomcfTed,but the women and weaker fort were taken , and feven were burnt, and the greater part of the others referved for the fame pu'nifhment to be inflated when the complices were found out.The SttiJJes made interceffion for thefe, and the King gave order that the proceeding againft them fhould be moderate 3 but the Pope is angry with the French King,forufing any moderation. But the number of the Trcte)ants, being now increafed in France, their courage increafed alfo. And there being a cultom among the people of Paris in the Summer Evecings, to go out of the Subburbs of St. German in great multitudes, to take the Frefio , and to folace themfelves with divers kinds of fports, thofe of the new Relfgion in- ilead of doing fo, began to ling the Pfalras of"Dai'M in French Verfes. .*jfto 15.5?. The multitude firft laughed at the Novity V then leaving the fports joyned themfelves unto the lingers. And the Dumber of thefe who came to that place began to incrcafe more than ufually. The Pope's Nuncio told the King of this Novity, as of a thing pernicious and dangerous, becaufe faid he)theMinilteriesof Religion, ufually celebra- ted in the Church in the Latin Tongue by Religious men only , were put into the mouth of the common people in the vulgar Language, which was an indention (faid he ) of the Lutherans , telling him that if he did not refifi the beginnings, all Paris would be Lutheran. The King gave order that the principal Authours mould be proceeded a- gainil, wherein they went not very far, having found Anthony King of Navarand his Wife in that number. But for hereafter it was forbid upon pain of death. The King now under/landing that feme of the Parliament, were Troteilantf^ in a Mercurial (fo they call the Judicature inftituted to ex- amine and correct the adions of the Counftllours of Parliament , and Judges of the King) held in Parit, Jwt 15 1558, where they were- to treat of Religion, after the congregation was affembkd, entred. in perfon. Ar,d having commanded them to profecute the things begun, Claude Vide one of them, fpike n--uch againil the manners of the Court of Rome, and the bad cuiioms grown to be-pernicions errours, which have caufcd the new Seds. Therefore it was necdTary to mitigate the fcvete pnnifhmcr.ts, until the diffacnees of Region were rcmeved, and the Ecclcfiattkal' Difci- Cent. 16. Of FRANCE. an pline amended by Authority of a General Council, the only 4 re- mcdy for thefe evils , as the Councils of Canftance and fi'afil have judged, commanding that one fhould be celebrated every ten years. His opinion was followed by Lttdwicus F^r,and fome others, Anne dn fiourge, did add, that many villanies were committed condemned by the Laws, for punifhment whereof, the rope and fire were nor fuffi- cient, viz. trequent blafphemies againft God, perjuries , Adulteries, not only fecret, but even cherifhed with impudent licenfe i making himfelf to be plainly underftood, that -he fpake not only of the Gran- dees of the Court, but of the King himfelf alfo : adding that while men lived thus dHToIutely , divers Torments were prepared againft thofe who were guilty of nothing but of publifliing to the World the vices of the Church of Rome, and deliring an amendment of them. In oppofition of all this , -Egielitts Magifttr , the prime Prefident, fpake againft the new Sects, concluding that there was no other reme- dy, but that which was formerly ufed againft the Albigenfes^ of whom Ybilip Augitftus put to death iix hundred in one day, and againft the WaldettfeS) who were choaked in the caves, whither they retired to hide themfelves. All the voices being given, the King faid,hehad now heard with "his own Ears, that which before was fold him-, that the contagion of the Kingdom doth hence arife : that there are in the Parliament who* do defpife the Pope's Authority, and His : that he well knoweth they are but few , but the caufe of many evils. Therefore he exhorted thofe who are good Subjects to continue in doing their duty : and im- mediately gave order that Faber and dn 'Botfrg mould be imprifo- ned, and afterwards caufed four more to be apprehended in their houfes. Butat the fame time fas if there had been no danger at all), the Minifters of the Reformed (Tor fo the Protepantt are called in France) aflembled in Paris in the Suburbs of St. German, made a Synod, in which Francis AiorH/w ,the chief man among them was Prefident, or- daining divers conftitutions i of the manner of holding Councils, of removing the domination in the Church j of the Election and .Offices of Ministers i of cenfures; of Marriages, of Divorces, of de- grees of conftnguinity and affinity, that throughout all France they might not only have an Uniform Faith, but Difcipline alfo. And their courage did increafe, becaufe the fame of the feverity ufcd in France coming into Germany ,the three Electors , and other Prot^jut Princes, fent Ambafladours to the King to diilwade him from that ri- gour againft the profcftburs of their Religion. But the King ("though he gave them a courteous Anfwer, yet; remitted nothing cf the k- Ec 2 veriry, Cent, verity , but after the AmbafTadours were gone , he deputed four Judges, of the body of the Parliament , in the caufes of the prifo- ners , with the Bifhop of Paris ., and the Inquitltor An- tbHy df Mocares , commanding them to proceed with all exr pedition. Nicholas Clinet) one of the Elders of the Church at P^r/V, and TWw* GraveVe, a Lawyer, and Advocate in the Court of. Par//, and elder of the fame Church, were both burnt at Paris. Bartholomew He8or was burnt at 1 burin. Miftrifs Pbjlippa de Lttns was ftrangled at Paris ^ Anno 1558. after (he had a little felt the Flame with her Feet and Vifage. Of the fame company , was alfo Nicbolaf Gene* Phy fician , (Brother to Philip Cene above-mentioned and Martyred at Viion) and Peter Ga* fort, which two were brought forth to their execution, .08ob f 2. They were holden long in the Air, over a fmall fire , and their lower parts burnt off, before that the higher parts- were much harmed with the v fire.. Neverthelefs thefe Holy Men ceafed not in all thefe torments to turn up their eyes to Heaven, and to (hew forth infinite Testimonies of their Faith and conftancy.. In the fame fire many Bibles and Tefh- Hiems were burn.t^ Among divers young Scholars and Students that were in the little Caftle with Peter. Gaban^ there were thefe, two, ^iz* Trcderick^Dan- vfle, and.FraHcjf Rebeziet, ndthex of them being paft 20 years of Age. Haw valiantly .they, behaved themfelves in the caufeof Chrift What conflicts they had, difputing with the Do&orsof Sorbonne , what, cpnfeffions they made, their own Letters left in writing dp make Re- lation : thefe valiantly fuffered Martyrdom. Rftte Sfau^ and J1w Almerick^ , were almoft wracked to death m t otiii* P r ^ on - > an( ^ afterwards both of therrxdyed in prifon. John Bordel, ij|..& Matthew Vermeil^ Peter Bourdon, Andrew defott at the Countrey of Brffil^ weje alfo Martyrs. . ViVegaignon, Lieutenant to the Fre neb King, btought three of them to the top-, of a Rock., and. there being half ftrangled, without any Judgement, threw them into the Sea. The fourth, v IK, Andrew de Fott, he caufed by manifold allurements, fomer what to incline to hisfayings: fo he efcaped the danger, Hot with- out a- great, offence taken of a great part of the Frenchmen in tha,t Countrey. Bent* Rotnain^ a Mercer. a$ Vragttignan. in Provecf y was wracked antf burnt. Francvi Civattx^ who had been Secretary to the French Acnbafladour here in England in Queen Maries time, after being defirous to hear the word of God,.wentto.G*H/a.. Alfo he. was placed to be Secre- tary to the Senste of Geneva , where, he continued about the %3ce of .a year,.. H^ving.then certain, bufinefr , he . came to T>no*, where . Gent.t& Of FRANCE. 313 where he was betrayed by a Prieft, apprehended, and carried to prifon, and within feven days after was firft ftrangled , and then burnt. Peter Arondeau of Roche! was burnt quick at the place called St. Jcbn in Crete, at Paris. The Heroick conftancy which God gave him and wherein he endured victorious unto death, was a mirrour of pati* ence to Anne da B0#rg,Counfellour in the Parliament of Parti, and to divers other then prifoners, and wa$ to them a preparation toward the like death v which fhortly. after they futfered. Ihomas Moutard was burnt at Valenciennes, Divers others alfo fuffered Martyrdom at Park fox the. profeffion of the Gofpel. Philip the fecond, King of Spain, after the death of his Wife, Mary Queen of England, was married to Elizabeth eldeft Danghter to King Henry II. Pbttibert Emmanuel Duke of Savoy married wich Margqaritc the King's only Sifter : and Charles Duke of Lorrain, with Clande^ a : younger Daughter of France. The King yielded to Philip all that he had taken from him, as well on this fide, as beyond the Mountains.' To the. Savoyard he re* ilored BreQe , Savoy., and Piedmont: to the Genevan the Ifle of Corfe, and about four hundred, places cnore, conquered during the late fatal Wars , which had made fo many Provinces defolate, ruined fo many Caftles, Towns and Villages , drunk up fo much ChritUan blood, and (lain fo many millions of Men of all qualities, retaining, nothing but the Territories of . Boulleu and Calais. The prifons were now full of the Yroteftants : the Marriages of the .: King's Daughters and Sifter were folemnized with all the pleafures and fports that could be devifed. The Court exceeded in fumptuous - Flays, Masks, Dances, and Etonr fires : the people exprefled publicfc joy by reafon of the peace, with loud acclamations in thefe ceremo- nies. But this pleafant Comedy was "con verted by a fad Cataftrophe, . into a mournful Tragedy. The King.on June i o. Anno 1 558^ would i be one of the Challengers at the Tilt in St. Antbonie^s .flrect , being fe- conded by the Dukes of Guife and Ferrara. And to run his laft courfec in favour of the Queen his Wife, he fent a : Lance to the Earl off Montgomery. The Earl excufeth himfelf torun againft his Majefly. But having a fecond charge from the King to enter.the Lift, he runs, , and breaks his Lance upon the King's cuirafs, and with a.fplinter- thereof (his Bever being fomewhat open) (hikes him fo deep into the eye, as on July io.he dyed at his houfe of fournelles in the . 4? year off his Age. The King when he caufed paler and Awtedu IBourg, to be imprifo- ncd, vowed to fee them burnt within few days if they peififled ID opinion, but. he was. prevented by death. . 3*4 ^ey tailing the publick admini- ' flration out of their hands. Both Cent. 16. Of FRANCE, . ' Both thefe cloaked themfelves with the cover of Religion, to igairt more followers : and the better to confirm their minds, caufcd the principal Lawyers of Gfrmany.and France^ and the moft famous Pro* tenant Dfvmes to publidi in writing, that without violating the Ma- jeity of a Ring, and Dignity of the lawful Magiftr-are , they might 'oppofe vvith Arms, the violent Domination- of the houfe of Guifa. who offended true Religion and lawful Jufiice, and kept the young King as it were in prifon.- " Great tumults of the people wcreraifedinPrtt'mf.Lattgaft&c, and Poitou\ whither the preachers of Genev* were called, and came wil- lingly. By whofe Sermons the number of Protdiants did in- creafe. This general. combination made the Governours of the Kingdom refolve, that there was nees of fuch Abbeys or other Benefices to be feiied upon without diffrna- bling, a Month after they (hall have warned and required the Prelates, and other Titulars, to refide, or caufe fome to refide upon their Benefi- ces, and to fulfill the contents of this prefent Ordinance. Another Ordinance was to this effect, That a Prebend, cr the re- venues thereof, (hall be afligned for the maintenance of a School- mafter, who (hall be bound in the mean time, to teach all the youth of the City Gratis^ without any wages, which School- matter (hall be chofen by the Arch-Bi(hop, or Bi(hop of the place, calling in the Ca- nons of the Church, together with the Mayors, Sheriffs, Counfellours, or Capitons of the City, and to be put out by the faid Arch-Bi(hop or Ba(hops } with the advice of them ifcre&id. Here I will fet down the Indulgences granted to divers Churches, Brother-hoods and Hofpitals, granted by divers Popes , and Printed about this time at Cbartres, by Philip Hotot. I (hall tranfcribe the whole. j . The Statutes and Ordinances of the Worfhipful Fraternity of the moil bkflcd Body of our Lord JefusChrift, newly founded and erect- ed in the Church of St. Hilary of Cbartres^ together with a fummary of the Pardons and Indulgences given and granted by our Holy Fa- thers the Popes, and by our Holy Father Pope Paul the third of that Name, confirmed to the faid Fraternity, and all others of like denomi- nation, as well at KoTif, as out of Rome , erected or to be erected. Which Statutes and Ordinances, by vertue of taking out of thofe Bulls made thereupon by Authority of Pope Julius III. of that name. Given at ROOTP, May 6. 15 50. (hall beobferved , and kept in manner and form following. The Pardons, Indulgences, and Jubilee, and plenary Remiflions, granted to fuch as vifit the Altar , where the blefTed Sacrament and precious Body of Jefus Chrilr, is placed in the faid Church of St. H/- l&ty- upon the days in the year, and according to the manner and form here- Cent. i 6. Of FRANCE. hereafter declared and exprefled, to the end that every Chriftian ddi- rous of Ms Salvation, may purchafe and come by them. And firftof the Declaration of the Indulgences given and granted to the Brethren of the faid Fraternity found in the Church of St. Hilary of Cbartres, verified, approved and confirmed for ever 5 but made valid by our Holy Father, Pope Jnl'm III. The Indulgences granted to the Hofpital of St. James in dugufta. The Indulgences granted to the Church of St. John of Florence. ttld to the Company and Society of the faid Nation, and of St. Cof- m(K, and Vamiawtf of Rome. The Indulgences granted to the Sosiety of the Holy Camp of Rome. The Indulgences granted to the Brethren and Sifters of St. Saviour, adSan&a Sanftorum. The Indulgences granted to the Company of the Charity of Rome. The Indulgences of the great Hofpital of the Holy Ghoft in Saxix, of the Order of St. Auflin of Rome. The Indulgences of our Lady del Popolo of Rome . The Catalogue and Declaration of the Indulgences aforefaidj and the Names of the Pope t that grant- ed them, and the days nf on which they maybe had. Firft, our Holy Father Pope Leo, hath granted to all, and every ne of the faid Brethren, which (hafl be prefent at proceffions, and other Divine Service celebrated upon Corpw Chrifti day, remiffion of all their fins, provided they be confeffed and penitent, or have a full refoluti- on to confefs themfelves at the times appointed by our Holy Mother the Church. Plenary Pardon to tbofevf the Brethren that Jball name the name of Jefw at the foint of Death. Item y He hath granted a plenary Pardon to all fuch of the Brethren of the faid Fraternity, as (hall name the name of Jefus at the point of Death, and they (hall be partakers of all the good works of the whole Church Catholick. Xfteeccieftafticai^fto?? Cent. 16. Plenary Pardon upon all the Feaft-days of our upon All-Souls day 5 and upon St. Philip and James day. ^ He hath granted to every one of the faid Brothers and Sifters, who upon any of theFeaftsof our Lady, upon AU-Seuls day, and * upon Philip and James day, from the Vefpers of the Eves , until the Vefpers of the faid days, (hall, being confeflcd and penitent, vifit the great Altar of St. Hilary, upon which the moft precious blefled Sacra- ment is fet, plenary Pardon of all their fins upon every one of the faid- days, Plenary Pardon upon all the fecond days in June,. and upon the fixt tenth of July. ^ Pope Sixttu, hath given and granted to every Brother and Sifter that (hall vifit the faid Altar, upon the fecond day in June, and the fixteertfh day of July every ; year, for every of the faid daysa ple- nary remiflion of all their fins. Plenary Pardon t& the Dead. I/*w,Hehath granted to every Brother that (hall give any Alms, or offer any facrifice, according to his means and ability, by way of fuffrage for the Soul of any one deceafed, that he (hall obtain plenary, Pardon for the fins of him fo deceafed, Plenary Pardon upon our Ladies day in w/Wr which is the, Affumption. Item, Pope Gr^gory-hath given and granted to every Brother that fball vifit the Altar of the blefled Sacrament in the faid Churth of the faid St. Hilary upon, our, Ladies day in mid-^*g/i, &c. plenary remif- f\qn : of all hisiins, . Plenary Cent.itf. Of FRANCE. aal Plenary Pardon up on the Feajts of our Lady^ and the- Oftaves of them^ &c. Tte w, he hath given to all the Feftivals of our Lady, and the 0- Saves of them, and to every Feaft of the Apoftles , plenary pardon- of all their fins. Eajier-day, and eight days following. \ Item^ Pope Innocent hath granted to the faid Brothers and Sifters, upon E*ar ant tins, and remiflion of the. third part of al! their fins. Twelfth-day, and the O&aves of that Fejt~ival 9 and the Nativity of our Lady. Item, He hath granted to Tnt/ft^-day, and the Octaves thereof, five thoufand years : to the day of the Nativity of our Lady , and the- Q&aves of it thirty thcufand years of true pardon. Afcenfion-^5 and the O&aves thereof ^ ^ Pope Clement V. hath granted to the faid Brothers and Sifters upon ^jcew^ow-day, and the Odtaves thereof two thoufand years of true pardon. PopeBoniface VIII. hath gran ted to the faid Brothers and Sifters upon the faid ^/cf/w-day,and theO&aves thereof, two thoufand years of true pardon. All-Saints Day. Item^ Pope Btnne t XII. hath granted to the faid Brothers upon 'dti-Saints Day, three thoufand eight hundred ^ttarantatns of true>; pardon. Cent. Plenary Pardon upon all the Feftivals of our Lady, to thofe that JlalL vifit the Altar upon which the bleffed Sacrament ftandeth in the Church of St. Hilary. ^ Pope Stxtus IV. hath granted to the faid Brothers and Sifters that (hall vifit the faid Altar in the Church of St. Hilary, on which the bfcfled Sacrament of the Altar ftandeth, upon any of the Feftivals of our Lady, from the firft Vefpers to the fecond, plenary pardon of all their fms A, X All the Saturdays in Lent. Item, He hath granted to the faid Brothers, which (hall vifit the (aid Altar an the Saturdays in Lent, for every day a thoufand eight hundred years of true pardon. in Mid-Lent till Low-Sunday. Item, He hath granted to the faid Brothers and Sifters, Vifitingthe faid Altar as before, from ThurfdayinMid-LfHf, till Low-Sunday, for -tvery day athou&nd eight hundred years, and two thoufand Qtta- rantainsot true pardon. The day of enfr anc? into the f aid Fraternity. Over and above the faii ^ardqjis and Indulgences fo granted as abovefaid, our Holy Father Pope Paul III. doth give and grant, as appears by his Bull, plenary Indulgence and remiflion of all their fins in manner of Jubilee, to every, one that (hall enter into the faid Fra- ternity, and (hall be confeffed and penitent for his fins upon the day of his entrance, and (hall have received the moft blefled Body of our Lord Jefus Chrift. Plenary Pardon three times in their Life, Item, He giveth and granteth moreover to every one of the faid Brothers, and Sifters plenary pardon, and Indulgence of all their (ins thrice in their Life, upon what day and hour they pleafe, To Cent. 16. Of FRANCE. 223 To all that accompany the Body of our Lord, when it is carried to Item, He grants an hundred years of pardon to all that {hall accom- pany the blefled Sacrament of the Altar, when it (hall be carried to lick folks, and as much to thofe who cannot go themfelves, but (hall lend one of their Servants with a Candle and to thofe that can neither go nor fend, if they fay one ?<*/- Noffor, and an Ave- Maria ^ to every one an hundred years of true pardon. 7*0 thofe that flail vifit the Church of St. Hilary e w ry Friday, Item, He grants to the faid Brothers and Sifters, which (hall vifit the faid Church, and the faid Altar of St. Hilary every Friday , and- (hall devoutly fay one Pater-Nofter and an Aye-Maria , in honour of the moft bleffed Sacrament of the Altar, ten years , and ten uins of true pardon. ..- Of cboofmg their ConfeffoHr. hath given and doth give to every one of the faid Bro- thers and Sifters licence to choofe three times in their life, any Prieft, Secular or Regular for their ConfeiTour, who (hall abfolve them from all fins, how hainous foever j yea, though they be referved to the Ho- ly See, al ways excepted fuch as are contained in the .Bull which is read .- at Rome upon Maundy Iburfday. F or vifitingthe aforefaid Altar every day in Lent. Item, According to the priviledges granted in the Hofpital of the Holy Ghoft, and other places particularly mentioned , at which the ftations both within the City of Ko/?,and without the Walls of the. faid City are appointed to be, our faid Holy Father, doth give unto all the faid Brothers and Sifters which (hall vifit the faid Altar , upon which the blefled Sacrament of the Altar refteth in the Church of St. . Hilary aforefaid, upon the days following. Imprimis, The firft day ot Lent, three thoufand years of true pardon^ and plenary remiflion of his fins over and above. . fkitrfJayy 234 3Epe CCdtfiafttCal %lftO?g Cent. 16. 'fburfday, Ten thoufand years. Friday, Ten thoufand years. The firft Sunday in Lent, eighteen thoufand years of pardon, and ttmiffion of all fins to boot. Monday, Ten thoufand years, and a plenary Indulgence. , Twenty eight thoufand years, and as many Q*arantaint, and remiffion of the third part of their fins, and the delivery of one *Sbul out of purgatory. Wednesday , Twenty eight thoufand years, and as many >uarant*ins and remiffion of the third part of their fins. Iburfday, Ten thoufand years of true pardon, and remiffion of all their fins. Friday, Thirteen thoufand years of true pardon,and plenary remiffi- on of all their fins. Saturday, Twenty eight thoufand years, and as many ^uarantaint^ and beiidcs remiffion of all their fins* The fecond Sund'ay in Lent, twenty eight thoufand years , and as many Monday, Ten thoufand years of pardon, and remiffion of the third part of their fins. lueflay, Ten thoufand years. Ten thoufand years. 'fburfday, Friday, and Saturday , to each day ten thoufand years. And befides on Saturday remiffion of all their fins, with the deliye- ranee of one foul from the pains of purgatory. The third Sunday in Lent, Ten thoufand years, and twenty eight Quarantains of true pardon, and deliverance of one foul out of pur- gatory. Monday, 'fueflay, Wednefdsy, Ihurfday, Friday , on each day ten thoufand years. Satmday ten thoufand years, and plenary remiffion of all their fins. The Cent. i<5. Of FRANCE. 225 The fourth S*^*y,remiffion of all their fins, and deliverance of ojie foul from the pains of purgatory. Monday, Ten thoufand years, , Ten thoufand years, and remiflion of the third part of all their fins. Wednefday, Ten thoufand years , and remiffion of the third part of all their iins. . Tiburfday^ Friday^ and Saturday, on each day ten thoufand years. The fifth Sunday^ which is thepaffion Sunday of our Saviour, twen- ty feven thoufand years, and as many Qttarantains, with remiflion of the third part of all their fins : and thefe pardons they may get Uvice a day, vifiting the faid Altar as aforefaid. Monday^ 'fuefday^ Wediteflay^ and Thurfday ten thoufand years.. Friday^ Tlic deliverance of one foul from the pains of purgatory. Saturday^ Twelve thoufand years of pardon, and deliverance of one foul out of purgatory. The fixth Sunday being Palm-Sunday, twenty five thoufand years, and forty eight Quarantains of true pardon, and befides remiifion of all their fins. Upon this day they may get the faid pardons twice,, as was faid of the former Sunday. Monday, twenty five thoufand years, ^and remiffion of the fourth part of ail their fins, and befides plenary remiifion of all their fins. , twenty eight thoufand years, -and plenary pardon of all their fins, over and above. Wednefday^ Eighteen thoufand years.- Thurfday, Twelve thoufand years, and as many Q^ar ant aim , andie? million of all their fins. Good-Friday^ great number of Pardons and Indulgences, and ple- nary remiffion of all their fins. Cent. 16. Saturday before Eafter, two and twenty thoufand years, and forty eight Quarantaittf of pardon, and plenary remiffion of all their fins. E of the blefled Sacrament. grant unto the Brothers of the Fraternity of the blfffed Body of Jefut Chriti, in the Minerva of Rome , certain Indulges ces, plenary remiffion of fins, and other graces, the good devotion, and upon petition of the faithful Cbriftian Brothers. Which Indulgences and ple- nary rem}$od of Sins, our holy Father Julius HI. Pope, to the end that aU Christians might come devoutly, and honour the blefied Sacrament, of 'his own Authority hath willed and decreed, that they be of perpetual force and' efficacy. And thefe Indulgences and other graces aforefaid, at the inftance of the mojl noble Perfonage Mr. Chriftopher de Hcrovard, the Lieutenant General of the M<,-i ChriliianKing, within the Eailiw/ck^of Char tres, hath granted them to the Er others and S tiers of the Fraternity of the blefled Bo- oy f Jefut Cbrtt, heretofore erected and instituted in 'the Church of St. Hilary 0/Char.tres : always provided, that like grace and gift wx itotfor* merly granted to any other Church of the faid City of Chai tres. And for- aftnucb as we have viewed the contents of the faid Indulgence, in the pub- //4. Internment out of the Copy of Dominick Eifrop of Hoftia, Cardinal of theh,ly Church a/Rome, by Title Traven, Dean of the facred-Apoftoliczl College , ProteSottr and Patron of the Fraternity of the blefled Body of our Swiour, founded in tbe-Cb:ircb of our Lady of Minerva, / the order of Fry art Predicants in the City of Rome, in manner of an exemplifcatiov, p:!blifred,drjwn,figned and'fealedby Genefe Bulter Secretary to the faid Fraternity. Given at Rome, May 6. 1550. And furthermore, where^ by ^certain declaration made unto the Court of, by the command aned, and on Decemb. 5. he died. Charles )X. brother to Francu, and fecond Son to the Queen, fuc- ceeded to the Crown, being yet but about eleven years old : in .re- gard of his Minority the Government fell principally upon the King of Navarre as firft Prince of the Blood. Navarre did almoft openly favour thenew Religion^ and was wholly governed by the Counfelof Jafrer Coligni the old Admiral, who made profeffion of it : fo that the Proteftants were more confident to obcafn liberty of Religion, as theydefired. They afTemble^d almoft publickly. Hereupon the King;'s Mother and the chief of the Council, refolved to hold the States at Orleans, and begun to do it on the 13. of December, where the bufi- nefs of Religion was debated. The Chancellour (hewed, That there Aaa s was Cent. 16. \ was need of a Council, which the Pope had promifed : and that in the mean time it was not to be tolerated, that every one fhould fhapeout his own Religion, and bring in new rites at his pleafure. He faid, That it was necefTiry that the names of Lutherans, Httgonots and 'Papifts (no lefs fadious than thofe of the Guelphs and Gibilints} were to be taken away ^ and Arms to be taken againft thofe who co- ver their avarice, ambition, and defire of innovation with the cloak of Religion. John Angtlo^ Advocate in the Parliament of Burdeaux^ fpake much againft the bad manners and difcipline of the Clergy. James Earl of Rotchford faid, That all the prefent evils did arife from the large donations made by the King and other Grandees to the Churches, efpecially of jurifdidions : in the end he gave a Petition in the name of the Nobility, demanding to have publick Churches for their Religion. Jacobus Quintinut) a Bnrguntlian, (pake for the Clergy : he faid, The States were aiTembled to provide for the neceffities or the Kingdom, not to amend the Church which cannot err , though the Difcipline in fome fmall part may fomewhat need reformation. He faid, That they that demand Churches apart from the Catholicks , are to be pu- niflied as Hereticks -, and that the King ought to force all his Subjeds to believe and live according to the form prefcribed to the Church : that thofe who have forfaken the Kingdom for Religion, ought not to be fuffered to return : that thofe who are infeded with Herefy, ought to be proceeded againft Capitally : that the Ecclefiaftical Di- fcipline will eafily be reformed , if the Clergy be freed from payment of Tenths, &c. In the end he demanded, that all priviledges of the Clergy fhould be confirmed, and all grievances removed, The King ordained, That the Prelates fhould prepare to go to the Council of Trent : commanded , that all that were in prifon for Religion fhould be fet at liberty , their offences until that time par- doned,. and their goods reftored. The Pope fends a Nando to the Queen-Mother , praying her to be careful of the Religion in which fhe was born and bred, and not to fuffer Schifm to arife by too much licence, nor tofeek remedies elfe-wherefor the prefent and imminent evils, but from the Church of Rome, for which end the Council was imated. e ofConde was fet at liberty, and by an Edid in the Par- liament of Aim abfolved from the imputation laid upon him, and the Sentence declared null and irregular, which was pronounced againft him, by the Judges Delegates, as incapable of judging the Princes of the blood. In Franct^ though the Queen and Prelates did defire to fatisfie the Pope in referring the caufesof Religion to the Council, yet a Congre- gation of Prelates WAS put in order, at which the Pope is offended^ and Cent. 16. Of FRANCE. and fendeth for Legate the Cardinal of Ferrtra into France, giving him four particular Commifiions , viz,, to favour the Catholicks, and oppofe the Proteftaats : to divert the National Synod, and AfTerably of the Prelates : to folicite the going of the Prelates to the Council : and to caufe an abrogation of the Conftitutions made in matters Ecclefiaftical. Afterwards, it was ordained in France that the Bifh ops fhould meet in Poify onjfaguft 10. and that theProteftant Minifters fhould have a r/y fafe-condud to come thither. At the time prefixed rhe Prelates af- fembled in Poify , the Cardinals of Tournon, Lorain> Bourbon^ Ar- -* magnate, and Gnife t many Dodors of the Sorbon^ and other Divines fent for irom the moft famous Univerfities of the Kingdom. There appear- ed for the Proteftants, Theodore Ttezji, Peter Martyr , France de Saint Paul, John Rximond^ John Virel, with many other Preachers, which came, fome from Geneva^ fome out of Germany and other neighbour- ing places, in number fourteen. Thefe gave a Petition to the King, which had four parts, i. That the Bifhops might not be Judges in that bufinefs. 2. That the King with his Councellours would prefide. j. That the Controverfies might- be decided by the word of God. 4. That whatJhould be agreed on and decreed,, might be written by Notaries elecwii by both parties. The Queen would have one of the four Secretaries of the King to write, and granted that the King(hould prefide, butfo, that this fhould not be committed to writing, alledging that it was not fit for them, nor profitable/or. the King, considering the preCent times. Before the Parties were called to the combate, the Pre- lates made aProceffion, and did all Communicate, except the Cardinal. Chaftillon, and five Binhops. The others protefted one to another, that they meant not to handle points of Doctrine, nor matters of faith.. ' The fecond of September they began in prefence of the King VH^. Queen, Princes of the blood, and the King's Councellours, together triJei with fix Cardinals, and forty Bifhops* The King fpake, defiring them to labour tocompofethe differences of the Kingdom^ and not to depart till that were done. The Chancellour fpeaks more largely to the fame purpofe. The Queen commandeth Bez.a to begin. Who bavingnfcjHii4,pn his knee, jind recited the profertion of his Faithj com- plained^fea\^ they were ^counted feditious, and pertprbers of the pub- lick peace, though they hadnoother end than the glory of God, nor defired to afTemble themfelves but to ferve him, and obey the Magi- ftrates appointed by him. Then he declared in what the Proteftants agree with the Church of Rome, and in what they diflent : he fpake of faith,, of good works, of the authority of Councils, of fins, of Eccle* fiafticil pifcipline , obedience to Magiftrates, and of the Sacraments : and entring inta the muter of the Eucharift, he fpake with fuch heat, '/ . ljiat %\yt ccclefiaftical $ifto?p Cent. that he was commanded to conclude. Arid Having prefentec! the Con- fdiion of his Churches, and defiredit might be examined , he made an end. Cardinal Tinman dil'JaineJi &t Bez.** fpeech* The . ueen anfweredy* thai: nothing was done but by the advice of the Princes of the King's Council, and the Parliament of Paris , not to change or innovate any thing in Religion , but to compofe the difte- The Aflembly oeing diffolvtd , the Bifhops and Divines confulted what to do. The Congregation being again aflcmbled the 16. of the month, the Cardinal of Lor tin makes a long Oration for ihe Papifts, to -whom Bez.a : was willing to anfwer, hut was not fuffered . But on the 24; day in- another Aflembly Sez^i (pake of the Church, and of the conditions and authority thereof, Shewing they may err, and the digniryofthe Scripture. Efpcncem anfwered, he had alwaies defired a colloquy in matter of Religion; and abhorred the punifhments the Proteftants had endured : but he much wondred by what authority ihe Proteftants were called into the Ecckiiaftical Miniftery , who had laid hands on them to make them ordinary Miniikrs ? ^nd if they pretended an ex- traordinary vocation, where - were the miracles to demonftrate it ? Then he treated of Traditions, Shewing that many things are believ- ed by Tradition only, zstheConfubftantiaiityof the Son, the Baptizing oflofents, and the Virginity of the Mother of Chrift after his birch. He added, that no 'General Council was ever corrected by another in point of Doctrine. Divers Replies and Difputations pafled on both fides, fo the Colloquy vftas put offtiJl : ^he riext day. In which Bez.a, who began to fpeak, provoked the BiHiops. For having juftified his vocation to the Miniftery, he difcourfed of the vo- cation of thofe Prelates, fhewing what Simony was committed : and pafled from thence to the Article of the Eucharift. The parties not be- ing able to agree, aS/wz*/feJefuit having reproached the Proteftants, did reprehend the Queerv for meddling in matters which belonged not to her, but to the Pope, Cardinals, and Bifhops. Finally, not being able to conclude any thing by this manner of parly, it was orde- red, that two Bifhops and three Divines oUhe moft moderate, fhould confer with five of the Proteftant Minifters, to fee if they could find out a way to make an agreement. But this doth as Iktlegood as the former : fo an end was put to the Colloquy. The Pope was glad to hear that the Colloquy was difToIved without doing any thing, and much commended the Cardinal of Lorain, and Tournon more. The leal of the Jefuite pleafed him. He faid the Ora- tion of the Chancellour was heretical in many parts, and threatened to call him into the Inqmfawn. The Cent. 1 6. Of FRAN CE. , The Cardinal of.Ferrara had been received by the King and Qijeen with much honour, and acknowledged for Legate of the Apoflolick See. But the Parliament having difcovered, that among his Commif- fions, one was to defire a! revocation or moderation ( at the leaft ) of the things accorded in the States of Orleans concerning the diftribution of Benefices, and particularly the paying Rome^ and fend- ing money out of the Kingdom to obtain Benefices there, or other favours, did immediately publidi the Decrees, which had hot been publifhed until .that time, under the date ^September 13. that the Car- dinal might not obtain his purpofe, and did refolvenotto give the Le- gate lieve to ufe the faculties given him by the Pope. For the cuftom of that Kingdom is, that a Legate cannot exercife his office, if his faculties be not firft prefented, and examined in Parliament, and re- gulated by a Decree thereof, and confirmed in that form by the King's Brief : So that when the Bull of the Faculties of the Legation was pre- fented to be approved, it was refufed by the ChancelJour and Parlia- ment. Befides, Pafquins were made and fpread abroad, concerning the loves of Lucretia Bwgia his Mother, and Pope Alexander VI. his Grandfather by the Mother's fide, with repetition of iheobfcenities, divulged throughout all/ta/y, in the time of that Popedom, which made the Cardinal ridiculous to the people. The firft thing he undertook, was to hinder the preaching of the Reformatift?, who after the .Colloquy did pradife it more freely than before. To gain reputation he roade acquaintance with the Nobles of the Hugonots, and went to their feafts, and fometimes was prefent at their Sermons in the habit of a Gentleman. But this difpleafed the Court of Rtrne* The Queen-Moiher underftanding that the King of Spain took the Colloquy, in, iil parr, fen^eth -an Ambafladour into: Spain- ro ex- cufe it. ; . After the Colloquy.. was' ertded, and the Proteftants departed, the Prelates remained, and treated of the Communion ofrhe Cup the Bifhop of yalenw-viiih confent'of the Cardinal ol-Lorain, propofing, that if it were allowed, the increafe of the Proteftants would .be inter- rupted. But the major part would not confent itfhouldk: done, but by grant, orf at lead ) by favour o.f the Pope. Lieve is given :to the Legate by, the ;King's Brief, to exfrcitc.his fa- culties, which the Chancellour refufeth-to fubfcrfoe, according to the ftyle of the Kingdom Yet was -it fubfcribed by the Queen, the King of Navarre, and by the principal QfBcersofthe Kingdom. For this favour, he begin, to think well of the Comrnunion-of.ibe Cup, and to write thereof tvRome-. fn conclufion of the Affembly at Poify, the Pre- lates granted power to the King to ftll anthundred thou&nd crowns of the yearly rents of the Lands of the Church, fo that the Pope would allow ir, The. The Legate informcth the Pope, that there are but two ways to preferve Religion in France. One, to give fatisfadion to the King of Navarre, and to inrereft him in the defence of it : the other, to grant the people generally the Communion fuh utraque jpecie. And the French Ambafladour defireth the Pope to grant ihe Communion of the Cup to the French men. The Pope giveth a favourable anfwer, for which afterwards he was forry, and at length refolveth not to grant the Communion of the Cujx to the French. At the fame time when the Petition of the French Prelates was pub- lifted in Rome, News cameoutof(7m#*y, that the fame men had fent to the Proteftants there to perfwade them to perfevere in their Dodrine, promiiing to favour them in the Council of Trent, and to draw other Prelates to do the like, for which they are fufpeded in Trent and The Nuncio refident in France, returned to Rome, who having re- lated the (late of that Kingdom, the Pope wrote to the Legate, that he fhould reprefent to the King's Council, that the Council in Trent was to be celebrated for France only ^ becaufe neither Italy nor Spain had need of it, and Germany did refufe it, and tell them, that therefore it did concern them to promote it. But the bad conceit which the Court of Rome bad of the French, was i ncrea f e 4 by an advice fent from farts, that the Parliament had with much folemnity condemned to recant, one John Tancherel, a Bachelor of Divinity, becaufe with intelligence of fome Divines he bad propofed and defended publick queftions, That the Pope, Vicar of Chrift, is Monarch of the Church, and may deprive Princes who dif- obey his commands, of their Kingdoms, States and Dignities } who be- ing ac^ufed, cited, and having confefled the fad, did flie. And the Judges ( as in a Comedy ) caufvd the Bidel of the Univerfity to repre- fent his perfon, and to make a publick fatisfadion and recantation, forbidding the Divines to difpute fuch queftions hereafter, making them go to the King to ask pardon for having fuffered fo important a matter to be difputed on, and to promife to oppofe themfelves al- wayes againftthat Dodrine. For which the French men are much cenfured in Rome. The Pope promifeth a reformation in the Court, and hafteneth the opening of the Council. John Fernelitu was a learned French man and Phyfician to Henry the fecond King of France. Medicinam Vniverfiim dottiflimis & foli- tijfimis fcriptif corny lexut eft* Thuan* Hi ft. Tom. i. It. 21. About this time alfo flourifhed Andrew Tiraquel, an excellent Lawyer. He is ftyled by Conradus Ritterhufius y V'arro tile GalllctM. He hath written well upon Alexander ab Alexandro bis Book Gtniali- ttm dierum. What Alexander hath written briefly, and without men- tion of Authours, he hath illuftrated with his Commentary, and (hewed Cent id. Of FRANCE. p (hewed to whom he was beholden Tor what he had. Tks. tu thus ex- tols him. 'Cumvario liter ATHmgemre excttlttu^ rttnt cc'..' rriw^nQ- ftri At ate Jurif-confulttts. Julius C&far Scaliger died near this time at Agsn ->. */. HP was v >T.inftit. thirty years old before he fell to ftudy, yet was,afip.giiL.-. Jofopher, orat>L ' < 4' f ' J ' " and an excellent Greekjmd Latin Poei. Voftiu* OKI." hun ur& mi~ racnlnm y and faith thus, Vir itle nunqiidw fine landc dicey. vir ad unguem fattus. Lipfiw highly admires him. H^ was a. j xcellent Hiftorian, and great was his skill in Phyfick, andhisPraA.. erein was happy. A Noble and learned pen doih thus commend him. Non hunc fefelllt ulla vis recondite swh Eaetim Salnbrv herb*, ftltibvfqium uii* Ce lat nivofus CancaftM^ feu qu, was to be remitted in part, and the Proteftants tohavelieveto Preach. The Edift contained ma- ny Points. That the Proteftants fhould reftore the Churches PofTefii- ons, and other Ecdefiaftical goods ufurped. That they fhould for- B b b 2 bear cttteOaftical %ifto?? cent. 6. bear to beat down Crofies, Images and Churches upon pain of death. That theyfr.ould not Affemble themfelves to Preach, Pray, orAdmi- nifter the Sacraments in publick or in private, by day or by night with, in the City. That the Prohibitions and Punifhments of the Edid of July, and all o:hers made before, (hould be fufpended. That they (hall not be mokfted in their Sermon^ made out of the City, or hindered by the Magiftrates. That none (hall fcandalize another for Religion, or ufe contumelious words of Faftion. That the Magiftrates and Offi- cers may be prefent at the Sermons and Congregations. That they fhall not make Synods, Colloquies, or Confiftories, but with lieve, and in prefence of the Magiftrate. That they (hall obferve the Laws for Feafts, and Degrees prohibited for Marriage. That the Minifters fhall be bound to fwear to the Publick Officers, not to offend againft this Edid, nor to Preach any Dodrine contrary to the Nicene Council^ and the Books of the Old and New Teftament. This was Regiftred and published by way of Provifion, with this exprefs Claufe and Condition, Until fuch time as the General Council, or the King himfelf fhould order it otherwife. The Duke* ofGttife, the Conftable, and the Cardinals ( among which the Cardinal ofTottrnon was lately dead) with the Marflials of Brifac and St. Andre being difcontemed hereat left the Court, contriving how they might hinder the execution of the Edid, and oppofe the Prote- ftants. But becaufe they faw, that whilft the King of Navarre flood united \vith the Regent^ they had no right to intermeddle with the Government of the Kingdom, therefore they propofed to themfelves todiffolve that Union. Andknqwing, that the Queen intended to con- tinue with the fame power till her Son came of Age, they thought it tnore eafietogainihe King of Navarre, who was already much averfe to the Proteftaius Religion by reafon of the different opinions he found among them about: the Points in Controverfie. And now the King of Navarre joyns himfelf with the Duke of Guife and the Conftable. Thefe three the Hugonots called the Triumvirate. Queen Joan was highly difpleafed at this fo unexpected deliberation of her Husband, and leaving the Court, carriethwith her Prince Henry, and thePrin- cefs K*thtr;ut her Children ( whom fhe brought up in Culvinifm ) rto Bcarn^ K j ing determined to feparate her felf from the Counfelsand iiarion of h^r Husband. The Queen Regent was alfo terrified hei\37!tb, and in oppofition to the Triumvirate joyns wuh the Prince of fonde and the Admiral. The Prince otConde takes upon him openly to H -i : -.he H-ugGixts^ who ardently. defire to revenge his paft affronts up ^fe that were his chief perfecurours. 'His power and boldneis w?-- "iorated by the wife Counfcl of the Admiral of Chaftilion. -Tb-. ' vity led after them, being of the fame Faith, the Prince of/6 , the Count de URoch-foH-caut, Meffieurs de Cent. 16. Of FRANCE. Gentif, de Grammont, and Duras , the Count of ^Montgomery, the Baron des tsidrets, Mtfieurr de Bouchavane, and Sottbize, and ma- ny other the Principal in the Kingdom. Thus upon a fudden the King of Navarre went over to the Popifh party, and Queen Katherine (though diflfcmblingly ) took upon her the Protection oftheProte- fhnts. The King of Navarre flaying in Parit, laboureth to hinder the Afftmblies of the Proteftants, to dirainilh their force and credit, and finally to take away their -liberty of Religion. The Prince of Conde being likewife in Paris, on the contrary en- courageth the Preachers , and (as he could) enlargeth their licence and liberty. The King <>f Navarre deliberating to drive the Prince of Conde out of Paris, for this purpofe fends for the other Popifh Lords to Court. The Duke ofGnife makes a journey thither, and palling through Vajfy y his Servants heard a noife of Bells and having askt what was the reafon of it, anfwer was made, That it was the hour wherein the Hugonots ufed to Aflemble at their Sermons. The Pa- ges and Lacquies of the Duke that went before the reft of the Company, moved with the Novelty of the thing, and a curiofity to fee (for then thofe Congregations began firft to be kept in Pubiick ) wirh jefting fpeeches and a tumult went towards the place where the Hiiyonots were Affembled at their Devotion. Who underfhnding that the Duke of Guife, their great Perfecutour, was there, and feeing a great Troop come diredly toward them, incofifiderately fell prefently to gather npftones, and- began to drive back thofe that advanced firft to the place of. their Aflembly. By which injury the Popifh party rafhly betook -ihemfelves to Arms. The Duke putting himfelf in the midft of them, was hit with a blow of a ftone upon the left cheek, which bled much, which caufed him to withdraw from the hurly burly. His followers impa- tient of fuch an affront done to their Lord, with their fire-arms pre- fently aflaulted the houfe whither the Hngonots retired to fecurethem- felves, killed above fixty of them, and grievoufly wounded the Mini- fter -, who climbing over the Tyles faved himfelf in fome of the ad- joyning houfe?. The tumult being ended, the Duke of Guift called for the Officer of the place, fharply reproving him for fuffering fuch a pernicious Licence to the prejudice of PafTengers. He excufing him- felf as unable to hinder it, by reafon of the Edid of January, which tolerated the publick Aflemblies of the Hftgonots, the Duke no lefs offended at his anfwer thanst the thing it felr, laying his hand upon his Sword, replyed in choler, This fliatt foon cut the Bond of that Edi'd, though never fo binding. From which words many afterwards conclu- ded, that he was the Authour of the enfuing War. ' But the Hugonots incenfed by this Chance, now full of rage, ftirred up fuch horrible tumults and bloody Seditions, that (befides theflaugh- ter of men in many places) the Monafteries were fpoiled, Images thrown '%$tttltft%ftit$A%iftQw cent 16. thrown down, the Altars broken, and the Churches defiled. The peo- ple in all places ran headlong to take Arms ; and the Heads of the I adions went about gathering Forces, preparing themfelves forama- nifeft War. And now each Fadion defired to draw the King to their parry, and to poflefs the Perfons of the King- afid-Queen. But the Catholicks prevent the Hugonots, and kad them both to Paris from Ponntatnbleau. The Prince of Condt therefore pofTefleth Orleans, and prepareth for the War. The Popifh Lords under the King's name likewife raife an Army. Many writings are publifhed on each fide, and both Armies go into the Field. The Queen-Mother labours for a Peace. To this end fhe comes to a parley with the Prince, but with- out fuccefs : notwithftandjng fhe continues to Treat of an Agreement, which at length is concluded. But the Prince by the perfwafion of the reft, again rakes Arms, purpofeth to aflail the King's Camp by night, but miflech of hisdefign. Forces come to the King's aid out of Ger- many, and many thoufands of Swijfes, whereupon the Prince is forced to retire unto the Walls of Orleans, where being unable to keep the Army together, he divides it. He fendeth for fuccour horn Germany and England, confents to give Havre de Grace to the Englijh, and to receive their Garrifons into 1>eipe and Roven y to obtain aid from them. The King's Army takes Bloit, 'Poitticrs, Tours, and Bo urges, befieges Rouen and takes it, and facks it, where Antlaony King of Navarre received a Musket fhot in the left fhoulder -, which breaking the bone, and tearing the Nerves, he prefently fell down on the place as dead, and died fhortly after. Succours come to the Prince of Co nde out of Germany, with which being re-inforced he makes hafte toafTault Far it : The King and the pueen arrive there with the Army : and the Prince after many attempts is neceffitated to depart. Both Armies go into Normandy, and there follows the Batte! of Dreux, in which the Prince of Conde is taken Prifoneron the one fide, and the Conftable on the other. The Duke of Guifc being Vidorious , layes fiege to Orleans, and is ready to take it, and is treacheroufly (lain by Poltrot, Sieur de Mertborn, of a No- ble Family, near AngwUfmc. He feigns to forfake the Proteftant par- ty, leaves Orleans, infmuates himfelf into the Duke of Gttifes Court : and whilft the Duke gives order for an afTault, (hoots him in the fhoul- der, whereof he dieth. Poltrot aided by thefwiftnefs of his horfe, fa- ved himfelf in the neighbouring Woods, and the Duke being carried to his Lodging, died three dayes after of his hurr. Poltrot was ta- ken , and being taken , was by fentence of Parliament publickly quartered. After the death of the Duke of Guife an accommodation follow- ed : Conditions of Peace wereconluded at Orleans March. 18. 1563. viz* That all thofe that were free Lords over the Caftles or Lands that Cent. 16. Of FRANCE. that they poffefled , notholdingof any but the Crown, might within their jurifdidions freely excrcife the Reformed Religion ^ and that the. other Feaudatariesjwho had not fuch dominion, might do the fame in their own houfes, for their Families only, provided they lived not in any City or Town. That in every Province certain Cities fhall be appoin- ted, in the Faux-bourg whereof \hzHugonots might AfTtmble at their Devotion. That in all other Cities, Towns andCaftles, in the City of Tarts with the jurifdidion thereof, and all places whatfoever where the Court refided, the exercife of any other but theRomijh Religion (hould be prohibited. Yet every one to live free in his Confcience without any trouble or moleftation.That the ProfefTours of the Reformed Religion fhould obferve the Holy-dayes in the Roman Calender, and in their Marriages the Rites and Constitutions of the Civil Law. That all the Lords , Princes, Gentlemen, Souldiers and Captains fhould have a full Pardon for all Delinquencies committed during the time of the War, and every one to be reftored to his charges, goods, dignities, priviledges and prerogatives. That the Germans ftiould be fent away, and have fafe-condud out of the Kingdom : and that it (hould be in the King's power to recover aU his places, Towns and C aft les from any perfon that fhould with-hold them from him. This Capitulation being publifhed in the Camp;, and in the Court, on May 18, the Prine tiConde and theConftablf came out of Prifon j and Anddot delivered the City of Orleans into the Queen's hands : and the Kings Army recovereth Havre de Grace from the Englijh. The King cometh out of his Minority . The Queen ufeih divers artifices to work the difcontented Princes to her will. The King and Queen make a general vifitation of the whole Kingdom. And from Beam they went to Lions, in which the Hugonots had fo great aparty. Andcon- fidering the importance of the place, the neighbourhood of Geneva zndGermany, they refolved that a Citadel fliould be built between the Rkofne and the Saone ( two great Rivers that run through that Town ) whereby to bridle the people, and fecure it from the treachery of its neighbours. Which being then begun, was afterwards brought to per- fection by the diligence of Monfuur de Lojfe newly put into that Go- vernment. From Lions the King being come to faience in T>ol- fhine, he caufedthe City to be difmantled, and built there anewFor- trefs : that Town having ever been a receptacle for thofe that were in Rebellion. From Lions they went to the Caftle of Ron/illon t where there was an Interview between the King and the Duke of Savoy. From thence they went to Avignon^ where the King and Queen gave anfwer to the Pope's Arnbafly, Ihewing that they were ready to extirpate Calvinifv, and to caufe the Decrees of the Council of Trent to be obferved in their Dominions. Then they came to an Inteiview with the Queen of S/w.^ae 1 6 %ty ecClCfiafttCa! $tftO?p Cent. 16. x By an Ordinance of King Charles}^ Anno 1563. it was De- creed, That none fhould be admitted to Cue, by venue of the priviledgc of his Clergy, to be fent back to the Ecclefiaftical Judge in any Cafe whatfoever whetherCv.l ,r Criminal,unlefs he were a Sub-deacon at the hft: which is as much as to exclude fimple fhavclings , whether they be married or no. I find an ordinance of the f?.me King made at M.mte on Sep. 10. 1565. which fpcaks of defamatory Libels, placards, pafquils , and fuch like things in matter of Religion : and as for the point of jurifdi&ion ordains as lollowcih } Commanding all ptobliqite JMagiftrates, Commiffancs of the CoHmrey , and other our officers whom it way concern, to have regard hereunto ^ charging our Proftors in every place and Advocates to do their endevour herein ( all other bufinefs laid alide ) to the finding out and f unifying fuch fault s as they fiatt find concerning this particular. And afterwards they are commanded to obferve the faid Ordinance punctual- ly, and proceed againft the breakers hereot by the punifhments there af- figned, peremptorily without obferving the ordinary forms of Juftice. For as much as many large Indulgences are moft commonly granted to Fraternities, as appears by divers of the Pope's Bulls, King Charles IX. required in his demands of the Council of Trent ^ a reformation of iheabutes of fuch Fraternities. The Council found nothing to be cor- rected in them, but tacitly confirm 'd them, by ordaining, That the Ad- miniftrators of them fhall give account of their adminiftration every year unto the Ordinary. They were wary enough to touch upon that point, feeing it diredly concerns the Pope's authority. By means of thefe Indulgences, and the fuperftition which he ufeth in them, he gains milli- ons of men unto himfelf, who devote themfelves fo much unto him, for the fpecialfavour which they fuppofe they receive by the means of thefe Indulgences, that they do not acknowledge any other fuperi- our. The Ambafladours of this King Charles fent to the Council of Trent, had fuch Articles as thefe given them in their Inftrudions - y as concern- ing the reformation of the Court of Rome, Excommunications, there- ftoring of the Cup, marriage of Priefts, Prayers in a known tongue : and to demand that Pfalms might be fung, the Sacraments adminiftred, and a Catechifm made in the vulgar Tongue. And befides, to affift all fuch as fhould require a juft reformation in all other- matters. The originals of thefe inftrudions were figned by King Charles , the Queen- Nataii* comes Mother, the Chancellour of the Palace, and divers OLhers. Hereupon tncKin g * France his Oratour faid, when they propofcd thefe de- mands, That they did wonderfully agree with thofe of the Emperour, and for that reafon they had deferred the Propofal of them : fuppofing that if the other were afTented unto, ihey (hould alfo befausfied. But perceiving the lingrings and delays that were ufed in that behalf, and with- Cent. \6. - Of FRANCE. 17 withal prefled by the Letters of the King their Mafter, they were con- ftrained to make a motion of them. They required 1 further, that all Mandates of provifiun of Benefices, all Reverfions, Re-aflumptions, Refignatfons, holding of Livings in Truft, and Commendams might be quite taken away, as contrary to the Decrees, and that refignations in Favour might be banifhed the Court of Rome, as forbidden by the Sa- cred Canons. That acourfemighc be taken for inftruding the people what they ought to believe concerning the Worfhip of Images, and to clear it from all fuperftitions and errours, if any were crept into it. And the like Eflay to be made about Indulgences, Pilgrimages, Reliques of Saints, and Fraternities : that not only the ancient form of publick Penance might be reftored in the Church for hainous and publick offen- ders, but alfo publick Fafts for the appealing of God's wrath. That general Councils might be holden every ten years : that for abroga- ting of huts about Benefices, that diftindionof Petitory and Poffefory might be taken away : or rather for the utter extinguishing of fuch Suits, that Bifhops might be enjoyned to beftow them not upon fuch as feek after them, but on thofe that are worthy of them and avoid them : and for certain proof of their Merits to make them Preach fometimes ; and thofe fuch as have taken fome Degree in the Univerfi- ties, upon whom only Livings might be conferred by theconfent of the Bi/hop and people. Angnftine*JWarlorat, oneoftheMinifters of the Reformed Church at Rhoan in France, was taken by the Gni/ians, and hanged upon a Gib- bet there before our Ladies Church. He was a man excellently learn- ed, and of an unblameable Life, who had the teftimonyeven of the Pa- pifts themfelves, that in his Sermons he never uttered ought tending to Sedition or Rebellion. He hath written upon Genefis, Jfaiah, and the 'Pfalms, and an Ecclefiaftical Expofition upon the New Teftament, which hath been well efteem'dof. Clement Marotw&s a famous French Poet. He turned fifty of Da- p ., rqu> Re _ uids Pfalmsinto French Metre, which are read with admiration ot his la excellent Wit. He fct them forth at Geneva, for he might not FnI!lc' ; - 7>c fafely longer abide in France for fufpicion of Lutheranifm. Marctu Antonitu Muretiti was a very eloquent and diligent Wri- ter. Scarce hath he paffed by any Latine Authour, either Hiftorian, Oratour, or Poet, which he hath not explained, amended, and reftored to his purity, either with his Commentaries, Scholia, or Notes, Terence, ^etroniusy Tibttllns , Catfilhtf, Propertiui, Seneca, Salufl, Tacittu. His Book ofdivers readings fheweth how Learned he was. His excel- lent Orations (hew his great Eloquence. Gefner mentions his Latine works, and Antoine du Verdier his French. Thuanus ftyles him, Mag- num non [olum G alii A noftr* , fed ipfius Royta lumen: not only a great light of our F r^w^,butalfoof Rome it felf. Ccc About 18 3it)e ffcclefiafttcai cent. 16. About this time Father Edwond'm a Book of his Printed tt Paris by Sebaftian Nivette, and by him dedicated to King Charles IX. with this jie Pedagogue Infcription, The Pedagogue of Arms, to inftrutt a Chriflian Prince to tfAr.n,c./.S, Hn ^ rta \^ 4 ^ OQ ^ W ar well, and accomplifi it with fuccef, to bt footer t- ous over all the Enemies of his State, and of the Catholick^Church ~^ gives fuch Rules as thefe. That Wars have been alwaies accounted not only profitable, but neceffary. That the Pope u bound to take Arms againfl Heretick*. That to a Monarch undertaking fuch a War, a. man cannot urge any of hisformsr Edicts or Ordinances. That no man ( howPotent foever he be ) can Contract with an Infidel, or one that hath revolted from his Confciencf. He gives this reafon. For what King is there, how redoubted foever he be, that can ( without falftfy ing his Oath made to God} permit and give litve to the Enemies of all truth, and condemn d by the general fentence of all the world, to few hcfefus in his Countries, and allure fouls ? He adds further, That what conditi~ ons tf Peace foever he can grant unto his Rebels in this cafe, will not endure long* Rut it will behove him not to awake fuch flrong and Po- tent Enemies. That to make a Peace with them at lafl, he mufl refolve to make a good War* And anon : As of t as by the Articles of Peace licence is granted to every man to adhere to which of the two oppofitc Parties he pleafe without being offended at it, it is. all one, in my opini- on, M if one fhould cafl a man into the fire, and forbid him to burn himfelf. Jnthe feventh Chapter he faith, If fitch ptrfons were Inf 'dels or here- ticks I would never excufethe Monarch, that having ftifficient weans in his own hands fhould not affay by all waies, even of fatt, to reclaim fuch a Kennel, or drive them far out of his Country, out of the Terri- tories of Catholickj' And fo much the more roughly ought he to froceed againfl them, as he knows them perverfe in aH rejects, and of tamp, which fhould be accounted themoft pernicious, mo ft ufhildtrs of lies, that ever rofe up againfl the Church. Thus he. In this Age flourished Gulielmus Sallnfiiiis B -AE.\IU: Spain had made a League for the rooting out of the Proteftants, addref- feth himfelf to the King on the behalf of the Proteftants, complaining, that contrary to the Edid: of March they were injured and cruelly flain, demanding redrefs for the fore faid in juries, and that they might have liberty to enjoy their Religion without moleftation, The King hearing of the Prince's coming (being with four hundred Armed men) with all expedition and in great fear haftens to Paris, and caufed the Pa- rifiansto give thanks to God, as if he had been delivered from a great pe- ril and imminent danger. After this the fecond War for Religion brake forth. The Prince of fandc approached with an Army to Parit, and diftrefled it for w^c of food. The Parifians under the Condudt of the Conftable fally out of the Town, and come to Saint Denis where the Prince ofConde's Army lay. There the Admiral put the Partfian Souldiers to flight, and the Conftable was (hot by a Scotijh Souldier, of which wound he died fhort- ly after. Ccc z After Cent ; \6. After the Baud the Prince of Conde marched toward Lorain to joyn with the Gerrxan Army, which was to be fent for his fuccour from the Count Palatine of the Rheine, under the Condud efCtjfirvire's Son. This German Army joyned with the Forces of the Prince of Co nde at PontamonfoHy a Town in Lorain on the River sJWoJel. Being thus eonjoyned, they march to Chartrcs ^nd Ufiege it. The danger of Chartres brings on a newTreatife of Peace,which at laft is concluded. The Armies are disbanded, and the Towns by him fubdued are delivered in- to the King's hand, the German Souldiers were diftnifled, and every man returned to his own houfe. But this pacification was but a fubtil (hare to entangle the Proteftants withal : for the Proteftants were com- pelled to lay down their Armour when they entred into the Towns where they dwelt, and ftri&ly commanded to remain in their houfes, being not permitted to vifit one another. In all the parts of the Country great cruelty was ufed and many cruelly butchered, fothat within thefpace of three months moe than three thou- {and were/lain by the Sword. All means alfo were fought to intercept the Prince otConde^ the Admiral Andelot, and other principal Perfonages. The Prince ^ Conde and the ^w;/vz/ rlie with their Wives and young children to Rachel. God's Providence fo conducted them, that albeit all the Bridges and Paflages were ftridly kept, yet God provided a Foord in theRiverZ/ojre near unto Sanfer^ which was unknown before, neither was any pal&ge found to he there two daks after. By this way they patted fafely to Rochcl. The Prince of Co ride had fent letters to the King, greatly complain- ing of the Cardinal of Lorain y who abufed the King's Name and Au- thority, and fo malicioufly fought the lives of the King's innocent Sub- jeds for their Religion, expreflyagainftthe King's Edid of Pacification, which had been fealed wich the King's own hand-writ, and ratified with his Oath. To thofe Letters no anfwer was given, but all the Country was in \rrns, and the Duke of Anjou Brother to the King was made General Commander of the Army. The Queen of Navarre on the other parr, adjoyned herfelf and her Forces to the Prince of Conde -, and from "Britany came Anddot and his Forces, who paflcd the Loyre by a certain Foord not known be- fore, and unpayable afterwatd ; no lefs miraculoufly than the Prince of Conde and his Family had done in another place of the fame River be- fore. After whole commgAngolefne was befitged and taken by the Prince of ^j^r. Like wife Acitrim brought with him to the Prince cut of Delphi- re >H-(,ve nee and L\nguedoc twenty three thoufand men. The Duke of AJOU was come with his Army to Potttou, and piuhed his Camp at Cafte lie ranltnczr to the R'.ver Vienna. The Prince of Con- de and the Admiral daily provoke him to fight, but he politickly de- lay tth. The Duke of Anjou receiving ayd from Germany forceth the Prote- Cent. \6. Of FRANCE. Proteftants to fighr. A Battle was fought at Blanfac, wherein the Prince of Conde was taken and flain, and two hundred more of the Proteftants, and forty taken Prifoners. The Admiral led the reft of the Army back to Saint JojuU-Angcli* Soon after Andelot died at Sainetes, to the great grief of alhhe Array : his body being opened was found to be poifoned. The Qijeen of Navarre comfurted the Army of the Proteftantsr. And her Son the young King of Navarre, with the Prince of Conetc's Son took upon them the Government of the Army, and fent Count tJMontgomtry to relieve the Town of Angolefme, which was then ' befieged by the Duke's forces , at whole coming the fiege was raifed. Then the Duke of Bipont cometh from Germany to ayd the Pro- teftants, and takes the Town of la-Charity in Burgundy, and dieth with- in two daies after, having appointed Wolrod Count of Mansfelt to be General in his room.* In this Army were feven thoufand and five hun- dred horfe-mem, and fix thoufand loot-men, befides two thoufand French horfe- men, wh'o came in their company, and ten Enfigns of foot- men. The Prince of Orange with his Brothers Lodowick^ and He?iry were alfo in this Army. In the Country of Poiftoa the Princes had taken many Towns, and Peictiers was befiegedby them, but they were forced to raife the fiege. ^At length -both Armies met and joyned in a Battel near Montcowtre^ where the Duke oi<*/fnjou, had the Vidory. Hereupon all the Towns which the Proteftants had taken in Poitfou were recovered by their Enemies. St. Jan-Dangely was alfo befkged and furrendered. At the fiege of this Town AdartiQMSy Governour of Britany, was (lain. This Aiartiques perfwaded^/* Afatpinofa to yield the Town to the King: and defired the Town to remember the Battel of Momconvire, where- in their flrong God had for faken them, and did it was time for them to (Ing, Help ta now O God, for it is time. Not long after this proud Blafphemer felt that this ftrong God was living, able ^fhelp the weak, and confound the proud. The Princes' now refolve to make Langucdoc the fear of War, becaufe the Town of Nimes was lately, furprized by the Prvtcftanw, and many Towns in that Country favoured their Religion. This occafioneth a new Edid of Pacification to be fct forth, granting liberty of Religion to the Proteftants again, and for their further fecu- rity the keeping of four Towns during the fpace of "two years, viz,. Ra- chel, Cognack^ A4ontallAnjR& Caritea. Thus was an end put to the third. Civil war in France . About this time was a notable Suit of thofewho with aprefumptuous and partial Title termed themfelves, ffthe focietyofyefw^dd^d in the Court of Parliament, StephJ^fquier pleading againft them for thellniver-. fity. cent. \6. fry tfParis, amoft grave Advocate of fo rare a Caufe, and M. Peter Vcrfarif for their Company. Their pleadings are read, and their be- ginnings, and firft entry intoFr^w*, their advancement, and all that concerns their Se&, is fo learnedly expreffed in an Epiftle of the fourth Book of the faid P*/^w>r, and in his pleading, as it is needlefs to infcrr here. Then tffe King offereth his Sifter in Marriage to the King otNavarre, and parting to Bloyes fent for the Queen of Navarre, whom be received fo courteoufly, that the Queen was fully perfwaded, that this Marriage would be a more fure pledge and bond of conftant peace. The Admiral' alfo was fent for, and met the King at Bloyes, whom the Kingfeemed highly to honour. The Admiral and other Nobles are follicited to be prefent at the Marriage. The Queen of Navarre, as (he was bufied in making preparation for the Marriage, died haftily by the fcent of empoifoned Gloves, which fhe received from an Italian the King's tlnguentary. But the Marriage was celebrated notwithfta-nding on Anguft 1 8. Anno 1572. Soon after, viz,. Auguft 22. the Admiral, as he went from the Louvre to hbhoufe,wasihot with two or three bullets in his arm. This was taken in ill part by the King of Navarre and the Prince of Conde 9 defiring liberty to depart from Paris. But the King with lo many at- teftations protefted his diflike in that matter , and that he would diligent- ly fearch out andfeverely punifhthe Authours of that deed, that in fonie part he quieted the minds of the complainers. The King b'kewife came to vific the Admiral , pitifully lamenting ' the chance that was fallen out, affirming the di/honour to be done to him, although the Admiral had received the hurt. He would alfo have had the Admiral tranfported to the Lewvre for his better fecuri- ry, to which the Admiral feemed unwilling. Therefore the King ap- pointed fome of his own Guard to attend upon the Admiral's houfe, and the Proteftants were required to prepare their Lodgings near to the Admiral's houfe, to be a Guard unto him, in cafe any commotion fhould happen in the Town. The Maffacre of All this was done under deep diflimulation, to put the Proteftants 7if 24 * n ^ ecur * c yj tnat tne Y fhwiild not once imagine of the Tragedy that was to come. The night after was the appointed time for the horrible MafTacre of the Proteftants that were in Ptrii. The Duke ofgmfe went from Court, with order from the King to find PrefidentC/?. Count rfTcnde refufed openly 10 obey it, for which caufe being a while after at the City of Avignon^ he was fecretly made away, and( as it was believed )bytheKing'sCommiffion. The third day after the death of the Admiral, the} King accompa- nied by all the Princes and Lords olhis Court, went unto the Parliament, where he pretended, that he hadmiraculouily difcovered the confpiracy of the Admiral and his Complices to take away his life, and not his alone, but the lives of the Queen-Mother, and the Dukes ofy&yoHand jflan^on his Brothers, and even the King of Navarre's 3.\fo, who be- caufe he was alienated from their party, was efteemed no lefs their ene- my than all the reft. He gave order it fhould be recorded among the. ordinary Ads of that Court, that whatfoever had befallen the Admiral and the reft of his faftion, either in Paris or any other part of [he Kingdom , was done by his will, order, and exprefs Coramif- fion. Then he commanded them to proceed to the examination of Prifoners, to defame the memory of the dead by laying open their Rebellions, and by inflifting fuch punifhments upon them as the ftridtnefs of the Law required. And laftly, he caufed to be publiflied, not only in the Parliament, but likewife in all the Streets of Paris, that they ft ould defift from further effudon of blood. The Parliament condemned Bri- quemald^ CVr/^we/,twoProteftant Noble-men. They laboured by corturing them to extort from them a confefiion of the fore-alledged Confpiracy. But the Noble-men died conftant in the true Faith, with- out any confeflion of fuch Treafon as was alledged. They were pub- lickly torn with Pincers, and their bodies quartered. Notwithftanding they were not afhamed in their names after their death to publi/h a confeffion of horrible Treafon, which they never confeifed whilft they were yet alive. ^ e ^ n commanded alfo a Statue of the Admiral's to be broken t was in pieces, and burned, declaring him a Rebel, adifturber of theKiug- of Fnr.ce, i it. 5. dom, an Heretick, and an enemy to all good men. The Magistrates alfo fenrenced the Hope I de Ckaftitton to be razedtothc very ground, and all his Pofterity to be deprived of Nobility, and made incapable of bearing any Office or poffefling any goods in the Kingdom of France. The King therefore difpatched his Grand-Provoft, with all diligence to fcife upon his Wife and Children. But his eldeft Son, with the Widow- Lady his Mot her *in- Law, the Wife of Tetigni^ and Monfle ur de la val, the Son of Aadelot deceafed, were already fled fecretly to Geneva: and the better to avoid their danger, went to live among the 5n?///f -f in the Canton of Beam. The younger Children were condemned to death in their tender years, coming to {hat end, which in the variety of world- ly affairs accompanies the ruine of great Families. Ac Cent. 16. Of FRANCE. At the fame time this execuiion was done in Parii y laCharite, which was ftill held by the Pro;eftams, was furprized by the Gens d' Arms of the Duke of Never*. The Town of Rochel was the Town of greateft importance of afl the reft of the Towns, that were yet in the hands of the Proteftanes. The King with a mighty Army beheged it by Sea and Land, which fiege be- gan in the Month of December, and endured until the Month vijuly next following. The marvellous providence of God was feen in this "*' fiege, for God fent a number of Fi', caUed Surdonnc^ to the fupport of the poor, during the time of the fiege j and at the end of the fiege the Fifties were found no more in that coaft. Sanferre^ a Proteftant Town, after eight Months fiege was forced to lurrender toCaftriw, the King's Lieutenant in thofe parts. Upon the ninth day of M<*y 1572. Henry Duke of An\on^ was with a general confent chofen Ttingof Poland. Wherefore, he having long befieged Rochel, and feeking to come off from that fiege with fuch mode- ration, that his reputation might be fafe, and the minds ofhisnewfub- jefts not unfatisfied, from whom he endeavoured to remove all fufpici- on of his taking away their liberty of Confcience, he proceeded not fo violently agairift the Proteftams , who now being quite tyred out, defired peace. This was favoured by the Duke, and the City was yielded upon chefe conditions : That the King (hould declare the Inha- bitants of Rochel, Ntfmes, and Montnuban^ to be his faithful Subjects, pardoning all faults what foe ver had been committed by them during the Civil War. That in thofe three Cities he fhould allow the free and publick exercife of the Reformed Religion, they meeting together in fmall numbers, and without Arms, the Officers appointed for that pur- pofe being there among them. That in all other outward matters (except Baptifm and Matrimony ) they Iftould obferve the Rices and Ho- ly-daies obferved and commanded by the Church viRome. That the King fhould confirm all the liberties and priviledges of thofe three Towns, not permitting them to be in any pan diminiftied^ltered.or violated.That the Rochellers (hould receive a Governour of the King's appointment ( but without a Garrifon ) who might freely ftay there, inhabit, go, and return into the City at his pleafure-. That they fhould be governed by the Laws and Cuftoms with which they had been governed under the Kings of frame ever fince they were Subjects to that Crown. That they fliould not lend any aid to chofe which fhould continue up in Arms, though of the fame Religion. That the ufc and exercife of the Ca- tholique Religion fhould be reftored in thofe Cities whence it had been taken , leaving freely unto the Church-men, not only the Churches, Monafteries and Hospitals, but likewifc all the Profits and Revenues be- longing to them. That all Lords of free Manours through the King- dom might in their ownhoufes lawfully celebrate Baptifm andMatri- Ddd 2 mony a8 %ty CCCleCafttCal %lttO# Cent. 16. mony after the manner of the Proteftants, provided the Aflembly ex- ceeded not the number often perfons. That there fhould be no Inqui- fiiion upon mens conferences, and that thofe who would not dwell in the Kingdom might fell their Eftates and go live where they pleafed, provided it were not in places that were enemies to the Crown : And that for the observing thefe Articles, thefaid three Cities fhould give Hoftages, which fhould be changed every three Months, and alwayes fhould follow the Court. When thefe conditions were efta- blifhed, and the Hoftages given, which by the Duke were prefemly fent to the Court, tJWonfeur dc Byron, the Governour appointed by the King, entred Rochclwith one of thepublick Heraulds, tookpoflef- fion of the Government,and k caufed the Peace to be Proclaimed. Alter which the Duke of An']on \ now King of Poland} having difmifTed the Army, went with a Noble Train of Princes, Lords and Gentlemen, unto the City of Parts, where afluming the title of his new Kingdom, and having received the Polifli AmbaiTadours, he prepared tor his journey to go and take pofleffion of the Crown, All the Proteftants dwelling in Languedoc, Dolphins and Provence, were offered thofe conditions which the Rochetlerrnad embraced. But they craved liberty firft to aflemble themfelves together before they fliould give their anfwer. Which being granted, and the AfTembly convened at Miliald, they craved thefe Conditions, viz.* That in every Province of France two Towns might be granted unto the Proteftants for their further fecurity, and thofe Towns to be kept by the Guards of their own Souldiers, and have all their pay out of the King's Treafury : and that liberty fhould be granted to all that were of their Religion, to exercife the fame freely , without any exception of places. Alfo that all thofe that fhould be found guilty of the horrible Murthers com- mitted at Paris Auguftn. fhbuld be feverely punifhed. The Queen-Mother when fhe had read the Conditions which were re- quired, faid with great indignation, That if the Prince of fonde had been in the midft of France with twenty thoufand Horfe-men, and fifty thoufand Foot-men, yet would he not have required the half of thofe conditions. This great boldnefs of the Proteftants, put the Ene- mies in fufpicion that the Nobles of France were confederate with them. About the fame time Count Montgomery had returned out of En- gland and taken fome Towns in Normandy , but foon after he was befieged in Donfront, a Town of 'Normandy, where he is taken and fent to Paris, and condemned to death. This is that Noble man who had flain King Henry the fecond with a Spear, whom King Henry would not fuffer to be harmed for it. But when he came into the hands of this cruel woman he muft die. She caufed divers of the Nobility to be imprifoned, and fpared not her own Son the Duke of Alan f on. The Prince of Conde conveyed away himfelf fecrcjly into Germany. , In Cent. 1 6. Of FRANCE. In November following after the bloody Maflacre a new Star was " feen in the Conftellation ofCa/iopcia, which continued full fixteen Months, being carried abour with the daily motions of the Heaven. Theo- dore Be z*a wittily applyed it to that Star which (hone at the Birth of Chrift, and to the murthering of the Infants under Herod, and warn- ed Charles IX. King of France, who confefTed himfelf to be the Authour of that bloody Maflacre at Part* , to beware , in this Verfe. Tu vero Her odes fanguinolcntc cave. Camld en >s Rift. AnA than bloody Herod, lookjbon, to thyfelf. of 3*. EIM. And he was not wholly deceived in his belief, for in the fifth Month after the vanishing of this Star, King Charles died of a bloody Flix. As he had caufed much Proteftant blood to be fried, fo in his ficknefs before his death,great ftore of blood iffued out by vomiting, and by other ^ paflagesofhis body in the two laft weeks of his ficknefs, and in his bed ^ 5?. he could have little reft, but horribly Blafphemed the name of God, which he had accuftomed himfelf unto even from his Child-hood. Such was his unquietnefs and affrightments in the night, that he endeavoured to appeafeitby Mufick. .Andrew Melvin hath thefe Verfes to Charles IX. dying withanunufu- al Flux of blood. Naribttt, ore t oculis y atque auribus uydique & ano, Et fene erumpit qui tibi, Carle^ cruor : N&n tutu ifle cruor y S*wttorum at cade cruorem Quern ferw haitfifti, concoqttere kaud poteraf. In thofe Verfes are comprifed both the caufe and manner of his - death. He died May 30. 1574. before he was full five and twenty years ofAge. As foon as Henry King of Toland heard of his Brother's death, he returned privily and fpeedily , and was Crowned King of France. Michael H/}>:talittt, Chancellour of France under Charles IX. was T,:H*.TM removed from the Court, and made a Prifoner as it were, only becaufc '*4* he oppofed thofe wicked Counfels againft the Proteftants in the Maflacre at Parit. Beza mentions him in his Icones illuftrittm. virorum. And Cretins ftilcs him , Vnicnm 7e, Knight of the Noble Order of St. Mtchacl,and one of the Gentle- men in Ordinary to the French King [ Henry III. his Chamber. His elegant Books of Mifcellanies written in French, are by him modeftly ftyled Effayes, or 'tJtforal, Polttic'^znd Mtlitary Dtfcourfes. He huh thereby gotten a* great opinion of his Learning and Wif- dom, and Rome hath chofen and adopted him for one of her Ci- tizens. Charles, Cardinal ofL0r*/'/7,dieth December 23. 1574. of a Frenzy in the midft of a cruel tempdl, and violent whirl-wind which unco- vered the houfes, and loofened the bars of Iron in the Carthufans Covenc in the Suburbs of Avignon. According to the advice of the Qneen-Mother, the King afTaults the Proteftant Towns in Provence, Laugnedoc and 'Dolphins'* Lufgnan was befieged, and yielded upon Compofition. Pc//is~befieged, and taken : but the Town of Lihtro in Dolfhine.jhau$\ befieged, was not ta- ken. In Languedoc^ D'anville, although he was of the Roman Religi- on, yet hadjoyned himfelftothe Proteftants, and took AquessJMortes^ a Town of great importance in thofe Parts, with many other Towns. In Dolphive Mombriin was chief Commander, and had great fuccefs in his attempts. But in the end being fore wounded he was taken befide Tia a Town in 'Dolphtne, and by the Commandment of the King and Queen- Mother was carried to Cjrcnoble, and there was executed in the fight of the people. The Prince of Conde had required help of Cufmrt the Son of Count Palatine^ who had alfo condefcended to fuccour the Proteftants. The Conditions they agreed on were thefe. That they ftiquld not lay down their Arms until that liberty were obtained to the Prote- ftants fully to enjoy their own Religion. And likewife that Cafimirc fliould have the Towns of ejtf efts, Tuition, and Verdum\n his hand?, befides other Towns in all the Provinces of France^ which the Prote- ftants were to require for their further affurance, and as pledges of the King's fidelity and faichfulnefs to them. The Army of the Germans and French entered into France under the Prince of (bade and Cafmire, and came forward to Charoffiam, a Town in Bourbon, not far from Molins, where AUncon the King's Brother joyned with them : and the whole Army conjoyned, was found to be of horfe-men and foot-men thirty thoufar.d. The King of Uavarre at the fime time departeth from Court, and returneth into his own Country. The Army draws near to Paris, but at length was concluded upon certain Conditions. That Caftmire fhould receive from the King a great fumm of money inftead of thofe Towns which (hould have been put Cent 1(5. Of FRANCE. put in his hands : and that liberty fhould be granted to the Prore- ftants to exercife their own Religion openly and freely without excepti- on of places ; the Court and the City of Paris with a few leagues about only excepted. They were alfo declared to be capable of places in Par- liament, *nd Courts of Juftice: and all Judgements which were made againft them for any enrerprize whatfoever, were declared void , the cruel day of St. Bartholomew difavowed , and for better afiurance 2nd performance of thefe conditions, they had eight Towns delivered unto them, with the Conditions of their Governments. Aques Mortes, Benecairc, Perigneux, Le mat de Verdun, Ni*ns, Tiffure, L* grand tour. The Edid of Pacification was Proclaimed May 10. 1576. and an end was put to the fifth Civil War in France for Re- ligion. By the Bull of Pope Gregory XIII. fent into France Anno 1575. we may fee all the Judges Royal both fuperiour and inferiour utterly defpoiled of the Cognifance of criminal Caufes. The Sixteenth Arti- cle is this, We Excommunicate and anathematize all and every one the Mwiftrates, Counfellours, Prefidents, Auditors, and other Judges, by i r > I it i I f->i r i " . . what name foever they be called, the Chancellours, ^tce-Chancellours, pontif. in fine. Notaries, Regifters, and Executors, their fervants and others which f Jj^JjiJJfc mo have any thing to do, in what fort or manner foever, with Capital orCri- ruum proprio- minal Caufes againft JLcclefiafticaL ferfons, in baniflring or arrcfting rum * p * 5l6 ' them, faffing or pronouncing fentence againft them, and flitting them in Execution, even Mfider pretence of any yriviledges granted hy the See z^4poftolic\t-> upon what caufes, and in what tenoar and form foever, to Kings, Dukt f > Princes, Rcfnbliqnes, Monarchies , Cities, and other Potentates, by what name and title foever they be called, which we will not have to be ufeful to them in any thing,repealing them all from hence- forth and declaring them to be nullities. The twelfth Article fpeaks on this fort. We Excommunicate all and every the Chancettours, Vice-Chancellours, Counfe Hours, Ordinary and Extraordinary, of all Kings and Prince s, the Trefidents of Chanceries, Councils, and Parliaments, at alfo the A'torneys General of them and fthtr Secular Princes, though they be in Dignity Imperial, Royal, 'Du- cal, or any other, by what name foever it be catted -, and other 'Judges, At well Ordinary, at by Delegation as alfo the Arclabtjliofs, Bijhops, ^.ybots, ComrKendxtories, fccars, and Officers, who by thtmjehes e/r by any other , under pretence of Exemptions , Letters of Grgce, or other JApoftolical Letters do fummon before them our Auditors , Commif- farics and other Ecclefiaftical Judges, with the caufes Concerning Bf- nefices. Tithes, and ether jpir it uxl matters, or fuch at are Annexed to them and hinder the conrfe of them by any Lay-authority, andinterfofe them- felves 19 take Cognifance of them in the quality of 'judges, This 'ji %ty ccrtefiaftteai $tfto?p cent. 16. This is not all, for in the following Article he goes yet further, ftriking an heavy blow at ihe Ordinances of the French Kings. Thofc alfo Vfhich under pretence of their Office, or at the Inftance of any mart whatfoevir, draw before them to their ^Bench, Audience Chancery, Court- cil, or Parliament , Ecclefiaftical perfons , Chapters, Covents, and Colleges of all Churches ) or caufs them to be brought in qtteftto* before them, or procure them direttly or indirectly , under what colour foever, beyond the anointment of the Canon Lave : Thofe alfo which ordain and fet forth Statutes , Ordinances, Conflitutions, Pragmatiejues, or other Decrees whatfoever , in general or in fpecial , for any caufc or colour whatfoever y even under pretence of jfpoftolical Letters, not now in practice, or repealed - 9 or of any Cuftom or Priviledge, or any other manner wbatfoever : or that make ufe of them when they are made and ordained, when by them the Ecclefiaftical liberty is abolifhed y impaired, depreffed, or retrained in any manner whatfoever, or who do any prejudice to our Laws, and thofe of our Sec dircttly or indirectly, implicitely or explicit ely. See yet another which follows after this. Thofe likewije who do any ways hinder the jtrchbifoops, Bifhops, and other Prelates fuperiour and inferiour^ and aU other ordinary Ecclefiaftical Judges , in the exercife of thetr Ecclefiaftical jurifdiftion again ft any per/on , according as the Canons^ the facred Constitutions of the Church, the Decretals of General Councils, and principally that of Trent do or- dain. There is further in the fame Bull fome Excommunications againft thofe which appeal from the Pope's Sentence to General Coun- cils : Againft thofe that hinder Clergy or Lay-men from going to plead at Rome, which is a remarkable thing. Againft Kings and Princes which make the fruits of Ecclefiaftical Livings to be fequeftred upon any occafion whatfoever , which concerns the right of the Crown. Againft thofe which impofe any Tenths, Subfidies, or other Taxes. All this' was levelPd againft tfie rights of the King, and the liberties of the Gtllican Church. Rebuff, in praxi A Bull had been granted by Pope Alexander VL in the year 1500. union, for theunion of the Parifh-Church of Dow ay, with the Chapter of the bcnef. num. aS- Cathedral- Church of the fame place. But the Parliament of Paris upon the appeal , as from abufe, exhibited from the Curate oiDoway y a. toftopthe Execution of it, difannulled the union by an Arreft of the rlrft of May 1575. becaufe there wanted a Writ for Commiffion In Partibw. Divers other unions befides have been declared -to be abu- five, becaufe they were made without the cenfent of the Lay-Patrons -, and the Bulls have been annulled, as well by the Parliaments, as by the Grand Council. TtingCharles IX. in his demands of the Couicil of Trent, required a reformation oftheabufes of Fraternities. That Council found no- thing Cent. 1 6. Of FRANCE. thing to be corrected in them, but tacitely confirmed them, by ordain- ing, That the Adminiftrators of them (hall give account of their Admt- niftration every year unto the Ordinary. We read , that Leagues and Monopolies, and Confpiracies againft the State > have been hat- ched in fuch Fraternities as thefe, and that diforders and other unlaw- ful things have been committed among them. They have been prohi- bited in all well policied Kingdoms and Common-wealths and par- ticularly in France: where we muft obferve, That as they have been Inftruments of trouble anddiflblutenefs , fo they have been judged hurt- ful to peace and concord. And for thatreafon they are condemned by the Edicts and Declarations of the French Kings, as the Mothers, or (at lead ) the Companions of Confpiracies. For they are fo joyn- ed together by the fame Ordinances t as in that of King Henry III. of September 1577. And all Leagues^ Affociations y and Fraternities, made or to be. tnade^ under any pretence whatfoever, to the prejudice of this our Editt^ [hall be utterly void and of no effect. And in that of the fame Prince given the 20. of December in the fame year. We ex- prefly forbid all our faid Subjects, of what quality foever they be, to begin, make, or profecure any League, Aflbciation, or Fraternity among themfelves , to the prejudice of our faid Edict of Paci- fication. The forty fourth Article of the Conference of Flex faith in exprefs terms. All -the fore faid ( -m.. Provofts, Majors, Confuls, Sheriffs of Towns, &c. mentioned in the former Article ) and other Subjects whatsoever of this Realm, of what 'Condition foever, fliall depart from, and renounce all Leagues, AiTociations, 'Fraternities and Intelligences, as well within the Reahn as withour. Duke Cafmire had RO fooner turned his back from France^ but they began to find the Peace tobe counterfeit, being made only todifarm them, and to divide the Commanders. The Prince ofConde firft felt the breach of thefe Promifes. They deny him his Government of f Picardy. Peronne is feized upon. Divers enterprizes upon the Princes perfon, make him to leave the Duke of Alan^on^ and to retire into Gui- ennew the King of Navarre, ( who had before declared himfelf for the Proteftants, ) and whom thofe of Rachel received into their Town with much honour on June 28. All fudfof his Train as they fufpeded were excluded. Upon denial of Peronntfhe King granted to the Prince the Town ofS. Jean An^eli: but the Inhabitants had a Warchword,and a mutual Oath (after the manner of a private League, made by fixty Gentlemen of Poitou , who would have no exercife of any Religion but the. Catholick ) to maintain one another, and not to give' accefs to any one of what Re- ligion foever, to the end their quiet might not any way be di fturbed. The Prince-finding this repulfe, caufed fome Captains to enter fecretly, Eee and lO)e cccleflaflftal tifto?g Cent. and fo aflured himfelf of the place. But finding this place too weak for the aflurance of his Perfon, in the end of October he takes Brovage, a ftrong plaxre near unto Rochel. The Proreftants complain unto the King, that in divers places they are difturbed in the exercife of their Religion, granted by the EdiL That many Preachers move the people to Sedition. That the Cham- bers of both Religions are not ercded , and that juftice is denied them. That both great and fmall bandy againft them. And they pro- duce ample proofs of thefe complaints* Now thofe of the houfe of Gttife ftudied to difcover thofe terrible Projects which they had long hatched. Their chief defigns were to overthrow the fucceilion brought in by Hugh Capet in the full aflem- bly of the States, and to caufe the naming of a Succeflbur to be fubjed unto the (aid Eftates v to caufe the Princes of the blood that fhould op- pofe againft the Decrees of the Eftates, to be declared incapable to fucceed unto the Crown. And the refidue, of what qualities foever, Noble-men, Gentlemen, and others, to be degraded of their Digni- ties v the money growing of their Confifcations to be employed for the War, and their Bodies to be executed. To make the Eftates proteft to- live and die in the Faith fetdown by the late Council of Trent, to caufe it to be figned in the open Parliament. To revoke and difannul all pub- lick Edids, in favour of the Proteftants and their Aflbciates, and to purfue them to the death that fhould hinder the extirpation of Here- fies. To caufe the King to revoke the Promifes made unto the Prote- iavit./Jwrj'iii. ftants $ and to prefcribe a certain time unto their Aflbciates, in the which they fhould prefent themfelves before the Ecclefiaftical Judges to be abfofved , and then to be fent unto the King , to purchafe pardon of the Crimes committed againft his Majefty. To caufe the King to make the Duke ofGuife his Lieutenant General, a Perfon fit to encoun- ter the Rebellion of Princes, that fhould feek to hinder the effect of the precedent Articles. To caufe Judges to be appointed to examine the crime committed by the Duke of>4/.i } -o, declaring himfelf Chief of the Hereticks. To caufe the faid Duke to come to Court, wuh the King of Navarre, and the Prince of Conde, and to feize upon the faid Duke, King, and Prince, and all their Accomplices. That the Cap- tains that fhould be under the Duke of Guife, fhould put all Proreftants and adherents to the Sword, both in the Country and in Walled Towns, To fubdue the revolted Princes, To be Mafters of the Field : To block up the Towns that were oppofite , and to put all to fire and fword that (hould make head againft them. Then to take exemplary punifhment of the Duke of AUn t on ( now henceforth to be called the Duke ofjtojo/ty) and his Complices. Then by the Pope's confent to put the King and Queen into a Monaftery, as King Pipin in former time had done Cbilde- r/cvand in favour of thzRoman See to abolifh the liberties and priviledges ouhe,Fr*w&Church, Thefe Cent. id. Of FRANCE. 35 Thefe high projects were hearkened unto, received and favoured in the Court of Rome , The Articles of this Affociation were firft drawn ztPeronnein Picardy, but difguifed with goodly (hews to blind them that would examine them more exactly : which were , To maintain the Law of God y to reftore the holy fervice thereof. To preferve the King and* his Succeflours in the Eftate, Dignity , Service, and Obedi- ence due unto him by his Subjects. To rejlore unto theEftatesofthe Realm their Rights, Preheminencies and Ancient Liberties. And for rhe execution ofthefe Articles, a certain form of Oath was propound- ed, inflicting pains of eternal damnation to the AfTociates, that for any pretext whatfoever fhould withdraw themfelves from this League ; and a Bond for fuch fliould be enrolled, to employ therr goods, perfon?, and lives, to punifh, and by all means to ruine the enemies and pertur- bers thereof, and to punifhthem that fliould fail, or make any delays by the Authority of the Head, as he fhould think good. This being done, many Pofts went to and fro carrying the news of fhefe defigns. They caft many Libels through the Streets in many great Towns. They murmure that the Proteftants are too much fup- ported by the Edict. And under this plaufibie name of the Church, the people give ear to fuch as are ready to thruft them into Mutiny. The King was daily advenifed ofthefe things. But on the other fide he hated the Proteftants, and fought to ruine them by degrees, but not by any Inftruments without his. Authority. His Mother likewife hated them to the death. She caufeth the Duke her Son to come to the Court, and the King to be reconciled to him. The King calls an Aflembly of the States at Bloyes, where Peter d" jEy/uV/^cArch-Bifhop of Lions, and the Baron of Seuecey are Speakers, the one for the Clergy, the other for the Nobility : and both con- clude a publick Exercife of one only Religion in France. Peter Verforif^ Advocate in the Court of Parliament in Paris, Oratour for the third Eftate, infills on the Union of all the Kings Subjects in one Religion, but by mild means and without War. The King feemed to enclineonly to alter fome Articles in the laft Edicts of Pacification, and not to abolifh it quite. But at length the King confenteth to root out all other Religion but the Popiilv to banifh allMinifters, Deacons, and Overfeers of the Reform- ed Religion, and yet to take all his other Subjects of the faid Religi- on into his protection, attending that by better inftructions they might be brought into the bofome of the Church. But the King of Navarre, the Prince of Conde? the Marflial of tJWontmorency, d y Anville, and other Noble-men, both of the one and the other Religion, refufing to affift at this prefent Parliament, conclude a nullity of all that was Decreed to prejudice the Edict ot Pacification, .protefttng to maintain thtmfelves in the Rights, liberties and Freedoms which the laft Edict Eees had ccclefiaftical %tftD?? cent. had granted them. The King of Navarre befeecheth the Eftates by the Duke of Montpenfier (" who was fent unto him) not to infringe the Edid of Peace^ but to fuffer theProteftants to enjoy that which had been fo formerly granted. He defireth time to attend the opinion of an AfTembly ofthofe of his Religion, and of the Catholick-Affociates which was to be fhortly made at Montaubon. The Prince of fonde anfwers more fharply, That he doth not ac- knowledge the Aflembly at Bloys for the Eftates of the Realm, but a Conventicle ofperfons corrupted by the fworn enemies of the Crown, who have follicited the abolition of the Edict to the fubverfion of the Realm. That he hath alwaies honoured the Clergy and Nobility, but he pities the people, whom this Aflembly at Bloys fought to ruine. The chief of the Politicks declare, that they adhere not to any other Religion than that of their Fathers, but- they are againft the taking fiora the Proteftants the publick Exercife which had been fo folemnly allow- ed them. The Duke of tJlfontpenfier ( being returned) perfwaded to have the Edid confirmed. John Bedin , a man famous for Learn- ing and experience in State- affairs, one of the Deputies of the Com- mons of Verniandois, fheweth to the Aflembly how ruinous and fa- tal the new taking up of Arms would be, repeating from the beginning all the dangers and miferies of the late Wars, which made a deep im- prefllon on the minds of the third Eftate. But the other Orders being byaflfcd and pre-ingaged, it was determined by plurality of voices, thar requeft fhould be made unto the King, to eftablifh only the RomijJi Religion in the Kingdom, and to exclude for ever all Communion with the Hugonots. Neverthelefs Bodin procured certain words to be en- tred in the Records of the Order of Commons, to certifie their defire of unity in Religion without the noife of Arms, and the neceffity of War. This jW*was a man eminent as well among Proteftants as Papifts, though himfelf profeflfed the Romijb Religion. His Learning and skill in Politicks, appears ia his great Book de Republican TloHanus high- ly commendeth his writings. To/evinc diflikes his Mctkodiu Hiftori- ca, becaufe he makes fuch honourable mention of the Proteftants there. Some commend his Theatrum Nature, for a choice piece, a Book full of natural curiofities. The King gives notice to his Governours, and publifheth by his Let- ters Patents, that he is refolved to grant the ftates their requefts touching the Exercife of one only Religion. And thus the fixth Civil War begins in Cjiiienne. During the Parliament the Deputies of the Lew Countries demand fuccours of the King, and the Duke of Anjou for Proteftour of their Liberties againft the infolencies of the Spaniards. An}on is now decla- red Cent. 1 6. jrfFRANCE. red the King's Lieutenant General. They deliver him a mighty Ar my, with which ( contrary to the Oath taken by him in the obfervati- on of the accord, and promife pafTd with the Prince of Qmde and Duke fafimire ) he befiegeth and taketh La-Charite by Compofuion , and Tfoire in Avcrgnc by force, where the blood of the Inhabitants filed without pity bythe Duke of Anjou y confirmed the Proteftants in the bad opinion they had conceived of him . The Duke of Alaye nne fends forth a Navy to Sea under the Com- mand of Lanfac, which coming before the Ifle oiRe, retired, feeing the Iflanders refolved to fight if they approached. The Rochcllers Arm feven Ships, thofeof the lllands five, entreating aid from Holland and Zetland, to withftand the force of the Fleet. The Nobility invite all others to charge themfelves willingly for the maintenance of this Army, sjftfayenne aflaulteth Brovage , a little fquare Town built in a Marfh, recovered out of the Sea, fortified during the third Peace: and after the RocheUcrs had cut off fix hundred of his men, the Town: for want of Victuals entred into Capitulation, and departed A-.tgxft 28. 1 577-with their Arms and Baggage, leaving the place at the Duke's devotion. But a Peace was concluded at Peittters, and was in the end of September Proclaimed with great joy of either party. This laft Edt; '{ Hift. the terrible blow of that imminent fubverfion. He (hewed, that when ^FmcZ fometimes he had been conftrained to make War againft the King of Navtrrc, he employed the AfitrefckMl de Byron, who ( though a Ca- tholick in outward appearance ) was yet by many former proofs known to be a favourer of the Hugonots , and interefled in their Factions, that therefore he had lately taken (jeneva into his Proredion, (hewing clearly to all the world how little heefteemed the Catholick Religion, and how much he was inclined to the enemies of the Bilhop and See of Rome. That therefore he had excluded all the Catholick Lords from any accefs to the Court, or adm ; niftrarion in the Government ; par- ticularly thofe who had fpilt fo much blood for the prefervacion of the Kingdom and Religion ; and had brought in a new people that were privy to his defigns, and friends to the Houfe of Bourbon. Th.t therefore he deprived all the old Servants of the Crown of all their Oirkzs and Honours, of the mort Principal Governments, and- rnoft fufpeAtd FortrefTes, to put them into the hands of men that were Catholicks in (hew, but really partial to Hereticks, and inwardly adhe- rents to the King of Navarre. He added, that notwithftanding the King's publick (hews of Devotion, yet in his private Lodgings he gave himfelf over to the unbridled lulls of the fle(h, and to the pervcrfe fatisfying of his loofe depraved appetite. From which things let forth with many fpecious reafons, he concluded it was time tounirethemfdves for their own defence, and to deftroy thofe deiigns before they were brought unto perfection. Now the Duke of Gitife by mtans of the Preacher? and Friers in Pulpits Pulpits and other places of Pevotion, labours to infmuate the Catho" lick League into the People. Among thefe the chief were Cnilliattme de U Rofe, a man of great elo- quence, who came afterward to be Bilhop of Senli* ^ Jean Prevoft, chief Prieft -of S. Stverin, an eloquent and learned man -, Jehan Bon- ch(rby "birth a Partfian, and Curate of S.Benet's Parifh in the fame City-, one Ponee t , a Frier in the Abby ofS. Patrick,.** Me Inn -^ Dsn Chrijhn oiNiz.zjt t in Provence, and Jehan ftnceftre, all famous Prea- chers. And finally, moft part of the Jefuites. And as thefe profecu- ted the bufinefs of the League in Paris, the fame was done at Lions by Claude M*ttei, a Prieft of the fame Society at Soiffons, by Mat hew de Launoy Canon of that Cathedral : at Raven by Father Egide Blovin of the Order of the ifrtinims ^ at Orleans by Bourlate a very noted Divine at Tboui by Francois de Rofier , ArchrDeacon of that Church, and an infinite number of others difper fed through the feve- ral places of France^ who by their Credit and Eloquence, fometimes in their Pulpits, fometimes in the Congregations of the Penitents, fome- times in their fecret conferences at Confeftions ? did allure the people, and entice them to enter into that Combination j which it is likely very many did, out of a refped to Religion, believing that ther eby the Cahinifts would utterly be rooted out, and the Auchori- ty of the Church be reftored to its priftine greatnefs. But many entred into that League invited by other ends, and drawn to it by diffe- rent hopes, orelfe neceflicated by their particular interefts, though all ihrouded themfelves under the fame cloak of the prefervation and maintenance of Religion. Charles Cardinal of Bourbon, the third Bro- ther of Anthony King of Navarre, and Lottys Prince of Conde deceaf- ed, and Unkle to //fwrj the prefent King of Navarre, is defired for the Head of the League,a man alwaies moft obfervant ofthe-&w*/fc Religion, and an open enemy to the Hugonots. Then the Preachers did publick- ly in all places term the King a Tyrant, and favourer of Hereticks ; the people did applaud them, and from this deadly hatred which they had conceived againft the King, his Council and favourites, fprung that fury which foon after was difperfed over all the body of f 'ranee. On July 15. 1582. RerMuldofBeaitne) Archbifhopof Bourges^ and Primate of Aqaitain had then fpoken at Fountainbleau in this fort. The whole Church Chriftian and Catholick affiftcd by the Legates and Ambafladours of the Emperour, of this your Kingdom, and of all other Chriftian Princes ; Did cal), aflemble, and celebrate the Coun- cil otTrent, where many good and wholefome Conftitutions, ufeful for the Government of the Church, were ordained. To which Council all the Legates and Ambaffadours did folemnly fwear, in the behalf of i:hcii Matters, to obfcrve and keep ; and caufe it to be inviolably kepi by all their Cenc. 1 6. Of FRANCE. 4 their Subjects: yea even the AmbafiaJours of this your Kingdom fo- lemnly took that Oaih. Now it is received, and obferved by all Chri- ftian Gatholick Kings and Potentates, this Kingdom only excepted, which hath hitherto deferred the publication and receiving of it, to the great fcandal of the French Nation, and of the Title, MOST CHRI- STIAN, wherewith your Majefty and your Predeceflburs have been honoured j fo that under colour otfome Articles touching the liberty of the Gallican Church, the ftain of Schifm refteth upon your Kingdom among other Countries, Wherefore the Clergy doth now moft hum- bly befeech your Majefty, that you would be pleafed to hearken to this publication , and make an end of all to the glory of God, and the union of his Church. There was a Nuncio from the Pope who arrived in France in the be- ginning of the year 1583. who profecuted this matter with great vehe- mency : yet for all this he could not move King Henry III. at all, the King of Navarre having written to King He nry III. concerning ir, the King of France made him this anfwer. Brother, Thofc that told you, that I would caufe the Council o/T rent to be published, were not well-informed of my intentions, for J never fo much of thought it. Nay, I know well how fuch fublication would he prejudicial to my affairs, and I am not a little jealous of theprefervati- on of my Authority, the pnv Hedges of the Church of France, and alfo of the obfervation of my Editt of Peace. But it was only propofed unto me, to cull out fame cert din Art ides about Eccle (iaflical Difcipline y for the Reforming of fuch abn[es- a* reign in that State, to the glory of God, the edifying of my Sitbje&s,and withal the difchargenf my confci- ence : A thing which never toucheth in thofe Rules which I have fit down in my Editts for the Peace and tranquillity of my Kingdom, which I will have inviolably kept on both fides. On October 14. 1 585. the Bifhup and Earl of Noyon in the name of the Clergy afTembled in the Abbey of St. German near Paris, prefen- ted to the King a Book, written by the advice of the Prelates of the Council of Trent. They told him, They brought unto him the Book of the Law of God, which they humbly entreated him to receive. The Provincial Synod held at Roven made this inftance to the fame Prince. After that a good number of Bijhops and Proxies for thcfe th&t were abfent, together with Ecclefiaftical Per fen*, from all quarters of our Province of Normandy, were met in our ^^Metropolitan Church at Roan, they tendered nothing more than earneftly trfollicite the pub- liflring and promulgation of the Council of Trent within this Realm* Wherefore this otir A ffembly by common confent, have refolvedtoprefeni. their humble Petition to our moft Chriftian King in like manner as. WM formerly done by the. States of Bloys, and the Clergy conv'^t'Jai Fff Melun, 3C|)e ccclefiafttcai $ifto?p Cent. 16. Melun, that he wonldbe pleafedfor proof of his true Piety and Religion, to cnjoyn the publication of the fad Council^ w hereby the maintenance of the Church is well-provided for ^ vp.hich u obfcrved to be daily im paired and abated. And the Provincial Council of ^4ix in Trcvence y Anno 1585. Pe- tition the King at the beginning of the Afts, That he out of his fin- gular Piety, would command the Council of "Trent to be publiflied,which had fo exactly provided againft all dangers, wherein the Chriftian Com- mon-wealth was then impugned. We ruuft not think, that tbefe earneft felicitations which the French Ecclefiafticks here made, did proceed fo much from them as from the Pope. One argument hereof which may be alledged, is this, that they were not now interefTed herein -, formoftof the Decrees which con- cerned them, were admitted , and there was no default in the obferva- tion of them, unlefs it were on their part : and one company of them were inferted inthe Edid ofSloys, the reft in divers oiher Provincial Councils holden afterwards in France, the Canons whereof are to be feenin Print ^ ztRoven 1581. ttBonrges 1584. ziTeHrs 1585. and at Aix in Provence the fame year. The better to countenance the League forementioned, it is prefented to Pope Gregory XIII, that he might blefs it. The Pope was wcll- pleafed they ihould attempt any thing againft the ProLeftants, but he did not approve thofe Popular Rebellions which were made againft a moft Chriftian King, neither would he be the fire-brand of a War which he could not quench j and fo he fent the Deputies back without any anfwer. The King of Navarre caufeih the Deputies of the Proteftants to ak femble ttMontauban, to refolve of the means to maintain themfelves , if the League (abufing the King's name and authority ) llould feek IQ offend them. The Duke oiEfternon goeth alfo to the King of N+tvarre., to confer with him privately in the King's name, . The chief of the League prefutne, That the King- means to A-rm, and 10 employ the King of Navarre's Forces againft them. They fend forth many Commidions in the King's name, that what they did might be thought as done for his Majeftie's fervice. The King in the end of March . difavows then), and forbid* all Leavies of men of War. The King made no War but by writing, feeking firft by gentle means to pacific them, j Hedtdarcs the Zeal he hath alwaies born to the Catho- lick Religion, and the necefiity that forced him to a Peace.. Then ha- viug promifed to reftore the Church to her beauty, to content the Nu- bility, to eafe the people ^ he entreats, conjures, exhorts, and commands all Clergy- men, Gendemen, Parliaments, and Towns Corporate, to abandon all Leagues and Aflbciations, and to unite them/elves under his obedience. Tie Cent, 1 6. ' OFF RANG E~ "~4j The King ot Navarre likewife fets forth a Declaration : and where- as he was accufed of Herefy, he anfwereth, Thar he was born under the toleration of two Religions in Frarue : That he will leave that where- in he was bred, when by a Lawful Council they (hall (hew him another . truth than that which he believeth. He faith, he is notrelapfed, fee- ing he was not fallen from his firft Opinion. That he is no enemy to the Catholicks, for that when the Edicts had granted Liberty of Con- fcience , he prefemly laid down Arms. That in all places he maintains his Subjects in the fame Liberty as he found them after the deceafe of his Mother. That he harh requefted of the King a prolongation of the Towns which he holds for aflurance ofthelaft Edid, and will deliver them before the time, fo as the League lay afide Arms, and yield un- to the King the places they had feized. That whereas they declare him uncapable of the Crown, ittoucheth him very near^ yet doth he think leaft of it, hoping that God by his bounty will long preferve the King for the good of his Realm, and will give him iflue to the grief of all his enemies. The Queen-Mother ( accuftomed to fifli in troubled waters ) winkt at the Duke of Guife. She was contented the Duke fhould terrific the King, to make him abandon the Proteftants, and to force him to banifh his new Minions frcm Court, who had brought her in difgrace with the King her Son. Her ambition moved her hereunto, rather than any defirelhehad to adv-ance the Duke, and to bring diforderand con- fufion into the State, and to ftand alone in the midft of the fe furious tempefts. The Heads of the League march with an Army of 12000- men to Vtrdun, a City upon the Confines of the Duke of Lorain, which they take. And the Duke o^Guije being entred the City, drove out the Go- vern our with all his adherents, -and placed Guittald in his place. The City ofT/boH/drave out the King's Officers, and freely gave up it felf in- to the hands of the League. The City of Afirfei lies rifeth in favour of the League, buttheCon- fpirators are fupprefled by the reft of the Citizens. They call the Grand- Prior of France , Governour of that Province, who was then at Aix, at whofe coming (though with but 200 Horfej the Fort deUGxrde was taken , and in it the Conful Dories , and Captain Chabanes^ who rhe next morning were executed , by which feverity the City was kept under the King's obedience. The fame happens at the City of Bur- Lion$y Bourges, and many other places in the Kingdom, fide with the League. The King laboureth to difunite the League, by drawing many particular men from that party, as alfo the City or" Lions: but feeing his ckfign fucceedeth not to his mind. he refolves toTrear an agree- ment with the confederates. The Queen-Mother goes into Cbjmpagnc F f f 2 to 44 %!)e ccciefiafttcal%itto?? cent. 16. to confer about it with the Duke of Guife , and Cardinal of Bourbon. And after many Negotiations the Peace is concluded. The KingbyhisEdid of July 18. revokes all other Edids in favour of the Proteftants, he commands their Minifters to depart the Realm, and all his Subjects within fix Months to make profeffion oftheRomijh Religion, or to avoid the Country. He approves the Leaguers Arms, as Levied for his Service, allows of their pretexts, and by fecret Arti- c,les concluded at Nemours, contents them in all maters, only with this condition, to leave the League, andinftamly to lay down Arms* Yet would they have in their power the Towns of Ch^lon, Verdun^ Thoul, S. Dificr, Reims y Sotflons, the Caftle of Dijon, Be*wne y Rue in Ticardy^ Dinan and Coneq in Britain. They caufed the King to pay onethoufand two hundred and fix crowns, and two third parts for the Strangers which they had Levied. They had adifcharge forvaft fummes which they had taken upon the General Receipts. They ob- tained an hundred thoufand crowns to build a Citadel at Verdun, and entertainment for Guards on horfeback for all the Lords of the League. This Peace had made a great breach in the King's Authority. The King of Navarre, feeing this Cloud ready to break upon his party, complains that the King hath Armed his enemies with his own forces and Authority, againft his Eftate, his blood and himfelf. He layes open by a publick Declaration the caufcs which made the League to rake Arms, the vanity of their pretexts, the fruit which all France may exped by the Treaty of Nemours, &c. He protefteth by a Law- " ful and neceffary defence to maintain the fundamental Laws of Fami- lies , and the Eftate and liberty of the King and the Queen his Mother. Gregory XIII. being dead, Pope Sixtw V. his SuccefTcur, cafts out his lightning againft the King of Navarre, and the Prince of Con- de, he Excommunicates them, degrades them from all Dignities, efpe- cially their pretenfions to the Crown of France, expofeth their Perfons and Countries as a prey to fuch as fhould firft feize on them.TheCourt of Parliament declares the Pope's Bull to be void. The Princes likewife proteft againft it, and appeal from it as abufive and kandalous, unto the next free and General Council. The King of Navarre caufeth the Pope's Bull tobeanfwered, and his appeal to be pofted up in Rome it felf on November 6. in the nighr. He writes to all the States of the Kingdom of France, exhorting them not to fuffer the rights of the Succeffion of the Crown of France to be decided in the Confiftory of Rome. Many Volumes were written againft and in favour of this Bull by the chiefeft Wits of - rope. g King Cent. 16. Of FRANCE. King Henry the third caufed fome Orders to be cried down in the City ot Paris, becaufe he was certified of the Confpiracies which they made againft the State : it being notorioufly known , that the League was fworn in Tholoufe by the black Penitents, and that as many of thefe Orders as are in France, did all confpire to the like ends. The French Exiles, who dwelt at Momyelgan in the Dutchy of Wortemberg, &\& in the year 1586. firft follicue the Divines there, and then the Duke Frederick^, That there might be a publick Conference between the German and French Divines about fome Controverfies between them. They aflemble in to the Clergy^ even in that which concerned meerly Eccleliafti- cal. Discipline and Government of the Church. Tt> thefe complaints he gave them indeed avery gracious hearing, but it never wenr fur- thrthan a hearing, being never followed by redrefs. TheCoLtt.of ParlbmentJinew too well 'the ftrength of their own Authority : ani she King was Joth .to take fr8m -himfelf tbrefe -excellent advantages of binding Cent. 17. Of F R A N 'CE.' 107 binding to himfelf his Nobility , by the fpeedy preferring of their Children. So the Clergy departed with a great deal of envy, and a lit-, tleoffatisfadion. In the fame year the States of the United Provinces defired the Churches of England, (jermany, France, &c. to fend fome able Di- vines to the Synod of T)ort, whereupon the Churches of f 'ranee named 'four, viz,. Dr. Du Moulin, Chamier, Rivet, and Chaune. But when the Dodor was making ready for his journey, he was forbidden by a mefienger of the Council of State of France to go out of the Kingdom upon pain of death. The like prohibition was made to the three other. v Divines. 'Andrew Rivet was a Godly and Learned French Divine. He hath very well expounded Genefis, Exodw, the Prophetical Pfatms and Hofea, and wrote Learnedly againft the Papifts in his Catholics Or- thodox in, and againft Grotiw. Critictu facer, feu cenfura Patrum, 'Ifagoge in 'S. Script Hram, Synopps dottrin& de natura & gratia. He tiath publifhed other Learned Treatifes \nFrench and Latin. WiHtanr Rivet his Brother, hath alfo publifhed a Learned Treatifc De fufttfcatione , an exad French Treatife De invocatione & ttdora- tione Santtornm defunftorum. Epift. Afologet, Daniel Chamier was alfo a Learned French man, who in his Parr- firatia fatholic* hath fo Learnedly refuted the Papifts, that none of them hath made any anfwer to it. His EpiftoU Jefuiticx, and Cor- ptts Theologix alfo mew his great abilities. There is alfo a Work of tlis m'French, entitled, La confufion des Difputes Pstpiftes, Tar Dani- el Chamier. And another in anfwer to fome queft ions of Cotton the Jefuite. He was killed to. tfftontaubon with a Canon Bullet (which had a C. on it ) on the Lords day. Being asked by one before, whe- ther he Preached on that day ? he faid it was his day of repofe or reft : and fo it proved, though he meant it in another fenfe. In the year 1618. the Lords States and the Curators of the Uni- verfity of Ley'den renewed a former demand of theirs concerning Dr. DM Monlin to be their Divinity Reader. The Learned Erpenim was *^ fent twice into France on that errand. And when he could not be obtained from the Church of Paris, they demanded by the fame Erpe- nitu the famous 'Rivet, and had him. The Queen-Mother makes an efcape from the place of her confine- ment, and is received by the Duke of EJpernon, Anno 1619. And 'being arrived at Lockes, flie endeavours to juftifie her efcape. Cardinal Da Perron died Anno 1618. charging his friends, upon Vis death-bed, then about him, to fend a folemn Farewel by him to Monpe ur Dtt Pleflis, and tomanifeft his forrowfornot having made a ftrider League of friendship wich him, having fo high an efteem of his Conference and integrity. O o o 2 The i o 8 3C!)e CCCUflMtcal%lftO?p Cent 17. _ i The Queens affairs having ill fuccefs, all thofe who had engaged in . her party, were abandoned to the King's mercy : but as for her felf . '(he was permitted to come to Court. The Duke of Efpernonlyyts down his Arms } and the Martjuff de VMejte y by the Command of tb.e Duke his Father. f he Duke of M*ymne refufeth to accept the Peace, and endeavours . -to engage the Duke of Efytrnon in hisdifcontents : but he refufeth ^o ftir. In the yea? 1620. a National Synod of the Proteftancs. being cal- led at M*it ia Langnedoc., Dr. DH Moulin was fent Depuiy to V. and he made account in his return to go out of the w*y to. fes &- chel. A little before he rook that journey, the Lord Herbert qfC^r- bury then Ambuffirdour of England in France, urged him iq.wrke W the King his Mailer, to exhort him to undertake vigoroufly the de- fence of his Son in Law the King of Ti-ohtrnia. So the Doctor writ to the King, and delivered his Letters to the Lord Ambafladour's Secre- tary : then immediately he went to Alais, where he was chofen Pre- fiduit of the Synod. In the mean while his Letters to King Jawss were delivered to the Council ofStateinFr*w*, how or by whom the Doctor could ne- ter learn. Scarce was he in Langttedocy .when it was concluded at Prfrtfinthe ouncil of State, that he rtiould be apprehended, andcom.- mitted Prifoner, lor exhorting a foreign King to take Arms for the . de.ence ofihe Pro: eftant Churches.. And becaufe the Council was iq?. formed, that the Dodor would return by Rochtl (a place which then gave great jealoufies to the Court) they would not take him before he had been there ^ the informers againft him. intending to make his going to Rachel an Article of his indidment. The affairs of Beam were now of fuch a nature as that the King's prefence feemed to be very neceffary there -, therefore he determines to move that way, and goes to X^ntonge.^ and from thence paffeth over into (jnic.nne. He is magnificently entertained, by the Duke of Efpernon two dates at Cadillac, and departs from thence, to go into Btarv. He was made believe, that the Council of this little Country would fubmit to his Ro\'al pleafure, without obliging him to perform that voyage , but the King muft undergo that trouble. He went thither, where his prefence produced the fame effcd it had done in other places. He over-ran all this little Province, fcizing (as he pafled ) on Navarrcns the ftrongeflr place in it, as he did alfo of Ortez., and Olleron^ Principal Cities of that Country. He fubverted all iheir antient Cuftorne?, reftor'd the Biffiop and other Ecclefiafticks to their Eftates and Dignities ^ took away the Adminiflra^ion ofiifairs. of the Country from thofe of the Reformed Religion, andre-eftabliihed hjs own Authority : but he left the, Government of the Province in the hands Gene. 17. Of FRANCE. hands of the Maiquefs deU Force fince Marefchal of Prance who impatient to fee his Authority cut fofiiortby ihcfe alterations, could hardly forbear till the King was got back to Paris, from reducing things again to the fame pofture they were in before. He therefore Uboured all the Winter to drive out the Garrifons of Ortez. zn^OIle- ran^ fo that excepting Navarrcns, which was kept by the Marquefs of- Poianne^ whom the King had left Governour there, he overthrew whatever his Majefty had done,fhufHing. all things again into their for- mer coni uiion. During the Reign of Henry IV. who would not fee it, and the troublefora minority of Levee s XIII. who could hot moieft them, the Prot eftants had made themfelves Matters of Ninety nine Towns, well fortified and enabled for a liege. In the opinion of their Potency they call Aflemblies ( Parliaments as it were ) when and as often as they pleafed. There they confulted of the Common affairs of Religion, made new Laws of Government, removed and exchanged their gene- ral Officers, the King's leave all this while never fo much as formally asked. . In this licentious calling of Affemblies, theyabufed their Power ; intoa negled ; and in not diflblving them at his Ma-jefties command- ment, they encreafed their The AiTembly which principally caufed the War and their mine, was that ot" Roc htl, called by the Proteftants prefently upon the King's journey into Seam. This general meeting the King -prohibited by his fpecial Edifts, declaring all them to be guilty of Trcafon j which notwithftanding they wsuld not hearken unto, but refolutely went on in their purpofes. Being Affembled , they Tent the King a Remonflrance of their grie- vances, to which the Duke L' Efdeguicrs y in a Letter to them writ- ten, gives them, a very fair and plaufible anfwcr, wherein alfo he en- treats th^rn to obey the King's Edict, and break off the AfTembly. Upon the receipt of this Letter thofe ot the AfTembly publiflud a De- . claration, wherein they verified the meeting to be Lawful, and their - purpofenot to difmifs themfelves till their'defires were granted. . This rTront done to the King, made him g -ther together his Forces -^ yet at the Duke of Lefdiguier's requeft, he allowt-d them twenty four dales refpue before his Army fhould niarch towards them. He offered them alfo very fair and reafonable Conditions, fuch almoft as their Deputies had foliciied ; but far- better than thofe which they were glad toaccepr, when all the Towns were taken from them. In their Aflembly iluy made Laws and Orders, that no peace fhould be made without the confent of the general Convocation, about paying of the Souldiers wages, for the detaining of the Revenues of the King and the Clergy 7 and the like, 109 The Synod at ./4/d# being ended, Do&or Z># sjtfoulin hearing liow the the Proteftants would keep a Politick Afiemb4y at Rochet againft the King's will, judged that it was an ill conjuncture of time *for him to .go to ~Rochel, and took the way of Lions. In that refoluti- on he was guided by a good Providence ; for if he had gone to Rochtl, he (hould'have been apprehended not far from that Town after his corning out of it. At 'Lions lie received a Letter from Monftenr Dre<* lincourt Minifter of Paris., which gave "him notice of his danger. This warning mid e him baulk the high-way : yet he went to Parts, and entring the City in the night, went diredly to the Lord Herbert, who bad him to flie in hafte for his life, which was in danger by the inter- ception of his Letters to the King his Matter. That very night with- out going lo much as to his own houfe, he went out of Paris, with iiis Brother Captain John Du Moulin to Lumigni, a houfe of the Count de la Snae, ten Leagues from the City. Thither came two Elders of the' Church of Paris to ihim from the Confiftory, to defire him to remove himfelf out of the reach of thofe who waited for his life. Which he did, and the next night travelled toward Sedan, a place "then acknowledging the Old Duke of Bovillon (a Prottftant Prince ) for 'Sovereign. To Sedan he came fafe in the beginning of the year 1621. and was kindly received by the Duke to his houfe and -Table. This was hk parting with the Church of Paris, where he had lived one and twenty years. And although -great means were made to ap- p:afe the Court, and albeit many years after the indictment againft him was taken off, and leave was given him to liye in France, yet was it with that exception, that he fhould not live in Paris. At Sedan he was prefently defired to accept of the place of Minifter of that Church, and of the Chair of Divinity, then lately left by Tile- nut in difcontent, and by Andrew Mcfain by death. He accepted of thefe places, tut conditionally, in cafe, thathecoul'd not obtain his re- flitution to Parn. He found at Sedan much love and refpect from the Prince and the Academy, as alfo from the Church. Daniel Tilenui was a Learned man. He hath written Notes and Obfervations upon Bdlarmines Difputation, De 'Chrifto Capite -, And on his Book 'De Summo Pontifice., and his Book De Verbo Dei. Other .Works there are of his, as, ParAnefis adScetcs. Arnica, collatio 77- lent& Cameronis. De gratia ($ volnntxtis \nimam concurfn. Di- \ Afitichriflo. Conftderatio fer.t. j ac. Arminii dc Trtdcfti- natione, gratia Dei^ & libtro Arbitrio. Syntagma Difputationum in Academia Sedanenfi, I The Government of the Town and Caftle ofSauwur was continued unto 'Du-Pleffis, until this year 1621. whentheKing falling mto dif- and fufpicion of the Proteftants, by reafon of rfieir high de- port- Gent. 17. Of FRANCE. ponment in the AiTembly at Rochet, difplaced him at firft but for three* Months,, with a promife of reftoring him fo foonas affairs fhould bo quieted in fome meafure. But-thefe difcontents growing to anopea War, he could never procure a re-eftabli(hraent , though it were-con- tiaually folicited by him. Wherefore retiring himfelf to his Houfs in the Foreft upon Dayure, he continued there till the day of his death^ which followed in the year 1623. there applying himfelf to holy me- ditations and Exercifes of Patience. Dodor Du Moulin having had time and occafion whilft he was Prefident of thejSynod tfAlais^ and in his long journey to it and froo it, to know the evil pofture of affairs, he found himfelf preftin Spirit? to write to the AfTembly of Racket: and becaufe that Epiftle is a piece- that giveth-mucb light to the Hiftory of that time, and a good IdTcn- to. all that pretend Con fcience and .Religion for their refiftance to their Soveraign by force of Arms, I will give fome account of it in this- phce. . Gentlemen, / do not write to you to four tnyforrows intoyoitv bofom^ or totnttr^ ? f tain yon with my private crojfes^ &c. JL more [mar ting care hath ^"JtSs by '' moved jns to write to you, and forced me to go beyond my natHre, which 5^n. vcaf alwaics.awrfe, from medling with pitblick J hftfine]fes t ' and from moving out ofthefch.ere of my prefer calling. For feeing the general boldy of the Church in eminent danger , and upon the brink.' of 'a difnml . Precipice, it was not poffible for me to k^ep ftlence, &c. It me not indeed to takg upon me. to give Couvfel to an Affembly of Per fons chofen out of the whole Kingdom to bear tht burden of the pnblick^ rfffttirs in a time fo full of difficulty : yet I'lhink^it is ufcful for you to be truly informed what the fenfe, and what the dtfpofition if. of our Churchij^y by perfont that have a particular of it. The Queftion. then being whether you ought to feparafe your fembly to obey- hu.JMtjtJfy, or k? c p . together to give order to the affairs ofthf Churches ^ I am obliged totellyott, that the gineral defire of our Churches is, that it may pleaje God to continue our pc.icr in cur obedience to his Adajefty. And that feeing the King refolvcA to make himjelf obeyed by the force of his Asms^ they truft that you- wi/l do your be ft to avoid that ftortn, and rather .yield unto^ncceftity*. than to engage them in a Wmr^ which m aft -certainly will ruin* gre^t- part cfour Churches^ &CC. Ey obeying the- Kit)gyon fliall rake aw*? the pretence ujed by thoje that fet on his JMajefty to perfecutt M^ And ifw-emnftbe psrfecntedy all that fear (jod defir* tk.rt it may be for the. prof clfion of .the (jojfiel, and that our perfecxtxm may be the crofiofChr.ift, I Cx.n~.affiireyou.that. thegrw.iefl a?td-bctf xije ecclefiaflical %ifto?y cent. 17- of our Churches w* fret h for your fcparation, ifittnay i c with the fafe- ty of your perfons : yea that many of the Roman Church de fir mg the pub'iick. peace ^ are continually about Hi, befecching and exhorting us, that we do not by cafttng our felvcs headlong involve them in the fame mine. Generally our poor foe kf are frtghted *nd difmaied, cafting their eyes upon you as per fans that may procure their reft - % and by yielding to the prefent necejfityblow away the form hanging over their heads. Many already have for fake n the Land; many have for -fakgn their Religion -, whence you may judge what ttiffipxtiosis like tofottow^ if this exafperation go on further' No more do I need to recommend un- to you to have a tender care of the prefcrvation of our poor Churches, knowing that you would chufe death, rather than to draw that reproach upon you , that you have haflened the perfection of the Churchy and destroyed that which the x,eal of our Father shad pi anted, and put thii State in confufion, &c. finfider then whether the fubfiftence of your Affembly can heal all thefe fores : whether your fitting can give a flicker to our Churches^ provide all things neceffaryfor a War, where the parties arefo unequal -, raife Forces, and makf a flockof money to pay them ; whether all the good that your fitting can produce^ can countervail the difftpation of Jo many Churches that lie open to the wrath of their enemies ^ whether when they are fallen you can raife them again whether in the evi- dent divifion that u among *#, you are able to rally the fcattered parts of that divided body ^ which if it were well united, yet would bt too weakjoftand upon the defenfive part. Pardon me, Gentlemen, if I tell you, that you fidl not find all otrr Troteflants enclin'd alike to obey your resolutions-^ andthat the fire be- ing kindled all about, you fiall remain helplefi beholders of the ruine you have provoked. Neither can it be unknown to you, that many of the be ft quality among *#, and beft able to defend ut, do openly blame your aftions, prof effing that fuffering for this caufe u not fuferingfor the caufe of Cod. Thefe making no refiftance, and opening the Gates of their places, or joining their arms with the King' s> you may eafily judge what /ly art moft vehement in their votes, and to ft iw thcmfelves Zealom are alto- gether for violent waies, are very often they that fir ft revolt and be- tray their Brethren. They bring our diftreffed Churches tothehotteft danger and there leave them, going away after they have fet thehoufe onfire. Jf there be once fghting, or befieging of our Towns, whatfeever may the iffne be of the Cotnbatc or the fiege, all that while it will be hard the people animated tgainft M from falling *f on oar Churches, that Cent.>7. Of FRANCE that have neither retreat nor defence, And what order foever the Ma- giftrates of contrary Religion take about it 9 theyfiall never be able to compafi it, Certainly M flirring of yours is altogether unfeafonable, and yen fet fail again ft wind and tide* If Anything can help, it muft be the X,eai of Religion, &c. But in this caufe you fjatt fnd that zeal languishing, be caufe mo ft of cur people believe, that this evil might have been avoided without any breach to our Conscience, &c. When I call to mind ortr fever alh/fes, at that of Le&oure, Privas, car* to remedy cur faults, and join witb w to do ut harm. But hence it fellows not, that we mttftfetour houfe on fire our felves, becaufe others are refolved to burn i>. or take in hand to remedy particular loffesby means too weak, to redrefthem, but ftrong and certain to ruine the general. God who hath fo many times diverted the Counfels takgn for our ruine, hath neither lof his Tower, ,fior altcrcd'huWill, w cjhall find him the fame J}iR y if we have the grace to wait for his afjiftance, not cajling our /elves headlong by our impati* cnce, or fetttng our minds ebftinately upon impojfibilities. Certainly, tit hough our enemies feek^ our ruine, yet they wiU never undertake it openly without fome pretence, other and better than that of Religion, which we mitfl not give them. For if we kffp our [elves in the obedience which Subj efts owe to their Sovereign, you fliall fee that whilft our Enemies hope in vain that wefiattntaks our felves guilty byjome difobedience, Gadwillgive them fome other work^, and afford w occtfans to f jew to his Madefy, that we are a Body ufefnl to his State , and put him in mind ofthefignal fervicesthat our Churches have done to the late Kingof ghriotu memory. But if we are fo unfortunate, that whilft we kffp our /fives to our duty, the calumnies of our enemies prevail ^ at leaft we Jh^U get fo much, th*t we fall k^ep all the right on our fide , and maks ** appear that we love the peace of the Statt. Not with /landing att this, Gentlemen, you may and ought to tnkf rder for the fafety of your perfons. For whereas his Mayfly and his Council have [aid often, that if you feparate your felver, he mil let our Churches enjoy peace, and the benefit of hti ditts, &c. And whenfoever youTetition for your fafe diffoltttion, I truft it will be e*pe to obtain it, if you make poffible rcqitefts, andfuch as the miffry of the time and the prefent nccefiity can bear. And in the me an time you may advife before you part, what jhottla 1 be done, if notwithstanding your feparation we jliottld be 9ppreft. That order your prudence may find, *nd it it not my part tofuggtft it unto you* if Gent. Jf by propounding theft things twto you, Ikaruf exceeded the limits of discretion? / hope you will impute it to my, zsal for the good and pre- fervation of the Church. And if this advice of m' ratted > this comfort I Jhatthtve, that I have difch/trgcd my Confc tenet : and reti- ring wyfelf unto fome foreign Country , there I will end thofe few daics I haveyettolive^ lamenting the loft of the Church^ and the dtflruSion of the Temple, for the building whereof I have laboured with much mart courage And fidelity than Jitccef. The Lord turn away his wratk ., from w, dirclk your csfffembty., and yreferve your Perjans^ I; From Sedan I2 1 02 1 H.his Thefc men not only, gave Audience to Ambaffadours, and received to 206. ^ etters frornforreign Princes, bur alfo importuned his Majtfty to ha. a general liberty of going into any other Countries, and affinging in their Councils a matter of fpecial importance. And therefore the King upon a forefight of the dangers,wifely Prohibited them PO go to any AfTemblies without a particular Licence, upon pain to be declared Tray- tors.. Since that time growing into greater ftrength, whenfoever they bid occafion of bufincls with King Lewes ^ they would never Treat with him but by their AmbafTadours, and upon fpecial Articles. AD ambition above the, quality ofthofe that profefs themfelves S&rbonets^ and the only way, < as De Serres noteth ) to make an Eftate in the State, But the anfwers made unto the King by thofe oluilerack and tJftfontauban, are pregnant proofs of their intent and meaning in this kind.. The firft being fummoned by the King and Array July 2,2.. Anno 1621. returned thus, That the King fliould fiaSer them to enjoy their Liberties, and leave their fortifications as they were for them for their lives, and fo theywould declare themfelves to be his good Sub- jeds.. They of Montauban faid, That they were refolved to live and ; die in the Union of the Churches ; but faid not for the fervke of the* Xing. This Union and Confederacy of theirs, King Lent; ufed to call^. tfo Cotown-veealthoffachel: for the overthrow of which he alwaias protefted, that he had only taken Arms. On the fecondof A}ril before. Ire had as yet advanced into the Field, he published a Declaration in fa- vour^of all thofe of the Proteftant Religion^ which would contain themfelves within duty and obedienc* a And whereas fome of Tours at the beginning of ihe Wars had tumultuoufly molefted the Proteihnts, at the burial of one of their dead, five of them by the King's fpecial - Commandment were openly executed, When Cenc. 17. Of FRANCE. When the War was hotteft abroad^ thofe of the Reformed Religion at Parif lived fecurely, and had their accuftomed meetings at Chtrcn- ton-, fohadthofealfo of other places. Moreover when tidings came to Paris of the Duke otMaycnnes death, (lain before t&fontanb(w y and the French according to their hot-headed difpofition breathed out nothing but mine to the Hngonots - the Duke of Montbawn, Gp- vernour of the City, commanded their Houfcs and the Streets to be fafe- ly Guarded* And when this Rabble had burnt down their Temple at Charenton, the Court of Parliament on the day following ordained that it fhouldbe built up again in a more beautiful manner, and that at the King's charge. The foreraentioned Letters of Dr. Du Moulin being read in the Af- fembly at Rocbcl, raifed much conteftation. In the end the violent Party prevaling, it was refolved, i\nx. Monfitur dt U Mtllitiere flrould write to Dr. DH Moulin in the name of the Aflembly, to defire him that he would not impart the faid Letters unto any, and to tell him that his advice was not approved. Yet bis ad vice was fo relifhed byfome oftheAffembly, that they arofe, and prcfently left it, and never re- turned to it again. But the violent men in the Aflembly did good fer vice to the Conr't by their violence, and were feed by the Court to thruft their Brethren into a precipice, and give to the King the long defired occafion co take from the Proteftants the places granted to them by his Father's- Edid. The forenamed Millititre was one of thofe violent men, who after- wards forfook his party and his Religion and' by his working and unhappy wit he hath created much trouble unto the French Churches. The Duke of Effcrnon now .receives a Commifiion from the King to tnarch with an Army to reduce Bearn^ ( which the Marquefs de U force had. excited to new Commotions-) to their duty and obedience* The Marquefs having intelligence that the Duke was coming againfl him, fends to divert the Duke from coming into Beam : but that not taking effect, he fends oneC/wr/w, the principal Minifter of Beam unto him. Thisperfon in the quality of a Deputy from the Country, was fen to reprefent to him the fterility of the Country, the poverty cf the inhabitants , and difficulty of the waies, -and the refolution rf the people to make a fmar.t refiftancc,. (liould they (who were in a very good difpofition at prefent) be urged tothelaft extreains.. But the Duke having flatly told him, that the end of his Expedition w.astocaurc the King to be obeyed, and to chaftife all thofe that fliould rebel! againfl him, he was fent back very much aftonifhed at fo brisk a reply. The BtArmls now gave themfelves for loft : their high vaunts but a few daies before, that they would defend their Religion and their Coifn- Ppp z tries soQe ecciefiafttcai tries liberty to the laft man, were converted imo a pannick fear ^ fo that on a fudden whole Cities were left defolate , men of the beft qua- lity among them with their Wives and Children , feeking. their fafety in their flight, out of a juft apprehenfion ofaUthepunifhmems an offen- ded Prince might reasonably infl'idupon a ftubborn and mutinous peopfr. In this general confternation of thcBearnois the Duke drew near to Ortez,, the Caftle whereof was very ftrong, and had of late been for- tified, and furnifhed with all neceflaries of War, which alfo fhut up the pafsof the whole Country, and was of fo advantageous a fcituation, as was very eafic to be defended. But thofe wiihin no fooner heard that the Duke bud fent for Cannon from Navarrcns to force them, but they prefently furrendered without flaying till they could be brought up. The Marquefs dt U Force having intelligence of the furrender of Ortcz,, made hafte to begone : and the Duke immediately advanceth from Ortez. to OUeron y where fome Fortifications had lately been made, which were alto at his appearing deferted, without the leaft (hew of op- pofition. At length the fear of the Duke's feverity, that had before frighted every one from his habitation, being converted into an abfolute confi- dence in his' Clemency and goodnefs, every one retum'd to his own home. The Cities which at his coming had been almoft totally defert- ed, were on a fudden re-inhabited, infomuch that from thtt time for- ward all the Duke had to da, was only to receive the tenders teftations of their obedience, and to fet down Rules for their Civil Go- vernment, which were ordered with much wiWom and juftice. He tookfuch care to reconcile the interefts of Religion, that both parties ,were fatisfied with the equal fliarei he divided betwixt them in the .; publick adminiftration. And all this was performed in lefs than three weeks time -, his journey thither, his ftay there, and his return thence, being in all not two month '$ expedition. The Marquefs de U Force had fled from ?a* in fo great hafte, that he had left his Wardrobe, Cabinets, and Papers at random, of all which the Duke took care to have an Inventory taken, leaving them fafe, feal'dup, in the cuftody of a pcrfon in whom he knew the Marquefs repofed an eptire truft. Now the Duke retreats out of Beam to St. Jc*n d' AngtU, a Prote- ftant Town in France. In this Town, one Mr. Welfi a Scctc h man, was Preacher to the Proteftant Church, where his Ministry was blefled with mych fuccefe. That Town had been twice bcfieged : and God fo ordered things , that the .King did parley with the Town on favou- rable terms, and did only himfelf wiih his Court come into the Town Without doing any violence. On the following Lord's day fome of rtc Proteftaots iiuhat place fearing Mr. Wtfjh his hazard, earneiHy de-' i fired Cent. 17. Of FRANCE. n 7 fired him not to Preach, the Court being there : but he adventured to Preach the Word unto his people, and on that day had a great Audito- ry both of friends and others - t but in Sermon time a Great man of the Court, with fome of the King's own Guard, were fent to bring him forthwith before the King. Whilft he was entring the Church, wherein he found fome difficulty by reafon of the multitude, Mr.WV/Jfr turned himfelf towards that entry, and defired the people to give way to one of the great Peers of France, who wss coming in. But when he drew near the Pulpit to execute his Commifiion, by putting force up- on Mr. Wetfoj he did with great authority fpeajc to him before all the people, and in the name of his M after Jefut Ckrift charged him not to difturb the worfhip of God j whereat the Nobleman was fo ftartled, that he fate down and made no further trouble. The Sermon being ended, Mr. Weljh with much fubmifiion' went t the King, who was then greatly incenfed j and with a threatning coun- tenance asked what he was , and how he durft Preach Herefie fo near his Perfon, and with fuch contumacy carry himfclf. To which with due reverence bowing himfelf, he did aofwer^ I am ( Sir ) the Servant and Minifter oijcftu Ckrift, wfcofe Truth I Preached this day -, which if your Majefty rightly knew, ye would have judged it yout duty to have come and heard. And for my Dodrine, I did this day Preach thefe three Truths to your people, i . That man is fallen, and by nature in a loft condition - y ieaby his own power and abilities is not able to help hirafelf out of that eftate. 2. That there is no falvation, or deliverance from wrath by our own merits, but by Jefus Chrift and his merit alone. 3 . I did alfo Preach this day the juil liberties of the Kingdom of France that your Majefty oweth obedience to Chrift only, who is Head of the Church- and tha; the Pope , as he is an enemy to Chrift and his Truth, fo alfo to the Kings of the Earth, whom he keepeth under flavery to his ufurped power. Whereat the King for a time keeping filence, with great aftonifhment tamed to fome about him, and faid, Surely thts is 4 man of God. Yea, the King did afterwards commune with him, and with much refpedt difmifled him. The year following, whilft the differences between- the King and the Proteftant party did grow, the City was again befieged, taken, and in part facked, as Mr. Wcljb hadpublickly foretold-, at which time tie King paffed a find order, that none fhould in the teaft wrong Mr- FfWffr, or any thing that belonged to him, under higheft pain, ar,d did after give a fafe-condu& to him for. traufpoi ting himfelf into gUndy where de died. The Duke of Ejpernon having now received the Command of the Ar- my, fets down before Rochcl attheendof July : but the taking of this City was refeived for the King himfelf*. Whilft the Duke hy before Rochel, the King had with extraordinary vigour presented hisdefigns mCuienne^ where he had compell'dmoft of the places polTcfTed by the Protcftants in that Province tofubmitto his Power, He had reduced Bergcrac, St.-foy, Fuimirol y Tottrnon % Monfljnejuin, with feveral others: befieged and 16.22. had hitherto continued the affairs of the Kingdom in fome re- r ; " r ' 1 / >Iil pofe : and although thofe of the Reformed Religion expre&d fomcpj,,,.". difpofcions to a new Commotion, .there was as yet no manifcft breach. Soubiz.c y by an attempt made upon the King's Shipping at BUvet^ made the firft breach. All the reft of the party broke into Arms at the fame time, and the Duke of Rohan, who had long been known to be the Head of that party, ftirredthem into infurredion. A promptitude in his Partisans fo much the mere to be wondered at , as he com- manded a fort of people whofe obedience was only voluntary. MantMtban was one of the Cities not only of Cuitnne, but alfoof ' the whole Kjngdom, ifeu engaged the deepeft in ihis rsvolr, the Inha- bitants - no 3O)eeccleflaftteai$tfto?j? Cent. \?. bitants whereof by having had afiege raifed from before their Walls* and by having baffled a Royal Army, even when animated by the pre- fcnce of the King himfeif, began to think themfelves invincible, and their City a place not to be t^ken. The King therefore fent order to the Duke oi$ernm to take Arm?, which he did, and laid wafte the Country about Monttuban. Many fmart engagements' there were, with great lofs of men on the fide of the bcftegcd , who made a vigorous refinance. Many lamentable ob- jeds were every where to be feen i from Picq Hero s (* place famous for having been the King's quarter during the fiege vi MontAvbun^ and from whence the whole Plain betwixt the Rivers Tarn and Vtiran lay open to the view ) fo foon as the obfcurity of the night gave colour to the fire that had been kindled by day, one might have feen a thoufand fires at once : the Corn, Fruit-trees, Vines and houfes were the aliments that nourished this flame. Soubiz.c in the mean time endeavours to divert the Duke from his emerprize by Landing three thoufand five hundred Foot, and fome few Horfe in the lower Cajcony in the Country of iMedoc. This lit- tle Country ( which is almoft all the Duke's) environs a great part of the Metropolis of Bttrdcaux, extending it felf to the very Gates of the City : but Soubiz.e was fharaefully repulfed ; his Forces routed ; the fcw that efcaped the Victors hands with much ado recovered their Ships, leaving their dead, their Arms, Artillery and Baggage, as infallible tcfti- tnonies of a total defeat. About the year 1623. the famous Book of Cardinal 1)uTerron againft King James of famous memory, came forth. That Book was extolled by the Romanics with great brags and praifes. His Majefty be- ing efpecially interefTed and provoked by that Book, was pleafed to recommend the confutation of it to his old Champion Dr. Du Moulin^ who undertook it upon his Majefties Command. And that he might attend that work with more help and leifure, his Majefty invited fcim to come into England. And together being moved with companion by the adverfuies the Doftor had fuffcred for his fake, he offered him a refuge in England, promising to take care of him, and to employ him in one of his Univerfities. He accepted that Royal favour. He fet out of Sedtn in March 1624. and went to Sntxels and Antwcrfy and fo to Holland : whence afcer fome daies ftay at the HitgKc with his wor- thy Brother in law Dodor Rivet , he took Shipping for England. He wasgracioufly received by his Majefty. God vifited him with a grievous ficknefs, by an heavy oppreffionin his Hypochondries, with an inflammation of black choler,which feldom let him fleep, and kept him in perpetual agony. Yet even then he fpenc Biuch time in his great work againir Cardinal DM Perron, and preached often in the French Church. In the depth of his pain and anguifh he was 17. Of FRANCE. m was beyond raeafure afflicted with the perfections that ruined the Chur- ches of France, and the divifions then increafmg in the Churches of England. There was at London at that time the Marquefs ,d' Effiaf, extraordi- seethe Life of nary Ambafladour of 'France, a zealous Papift, who upon a falfe infor- Dr. ^ /"'*' " mation of Fijher and other Jefuites that were about him, that Doctor DM *JMoulin by his long watchings and other melancholy fumes, was decayed in nis Intellectuals, did malitiouily invite him to his houfe, to engage him in a Conference, and infult over his weaknefs. After dinner the Ambafladour defired him to hear a Scottif) man, who would tell him thereafons that made him leave the Proteftant Religion to em- brace the Catholick.The Scott iflj man then aflifted by Ft/he r,and others of his fort, made an elaborate Difcourfe half an hour long of the Church of St. Peter's Primacy, of fucceflion of Chairs, and the like. When he had done, the Doctor refumed all his points and allegations in the fame order, and anfwered them with his ordinary vigour, and pre- fence of wit. And becaufe the principal matter in queftion was about the Marks of the true Church, he maintained that the Profeffion of the true Doctrine was the Mark of the true Church : and thence took occafion to lay open the foulnefs of the errors of Popery with fo much pregnan- cy, that the Ambafladour a Cholerick man, rofe from his feat in great fury, and gave many foul words to the Doctor, who thereupon went out and returned home. But the Ambafladour fent his Coach to him the next day, and invited him to dinner. And after dinner the ScottiJJi man fpake again of the fame points : and when the Doctor in his anfwer had turned his Di- fpute againft the grofleft errours of Popery, incompatible with the true Church, Fifljc r would have taken the Scottiflt man's part .: but the Am- bafladoer's paffion gave him no time to anfwcr,but broke vehemeiulyouc, faying, that he could hear no longer that one fliould revile before him the Catholick Religion, and maintain to him that he did wilfully damn himfelr, his Wife and his Children. Then the Doctor went out of his houfe, Soon after King James fell fick of the Sicknefs whereof he dice?. That death of his Royal Patron, and the Plague raging in London, fooa perfwaded the Doctor to return to Sedan* The labour of the journey, and the intolerable heat ofthefeafon increafed his ficknefs: which to heal, the Phyfitians of Sedan made him drink Sfuw-waters, which were brought to him from S^H? to Sedan. Thefe waters brought him to a rr.oft violent Feaver, and the Fcaver confunaed all thofe humours and winds that oppreft him, and left him in health. So he re- turned to his former Function in the Church and Univerfity, ferving God with cheartulnefs and afliduity, and blefled with great fuccefs. He lived at Sedan thirty and three years from his reiurn mo Engirt untfc CCCltftaftitai ^tftOJV Cent. 17* umohis death, without any notable change in his condition, but one of puhlick concernment by the miferable change of the Duke of Ro- villon., Tiiat Dute being. Prince of Sedan, the Protedour of a flourifning Proteftant Church, and the refuge of many opprefled Proteftants in France^ was perverted by falling in love with a beautiful Lady, a Sub- ject born of the Sptwi.iril, and a Papift of the deeptft Jefuitifh dye, which feduccd and turned him both to the Romifj Religion, and to the Spatiift) Party. Soon after the Duke. declared himfelf a Papift, to the incredible lofsofthe Prorefbnt Party. Se4*tt was grown by the perfections in France. The greateft num- ber and the riche/l foit, confifted of the Pofterity of per Tons that had tranfporced their Families and their Eftates to S*dan, during the Wars* of Religion^ and that place was a refuge at hand for the Proteftams when any trouble arofe in France. This change therefore in the Prince wrought a great coniternadon in- the people of Sedan, and a great grief in the generality oi all the jFV^c/JProtefhnt?. Which the Duke of Be- i>//fcpercc!Ving-,and judg a Gite to the Spaniards and Vcne- ttans, to bring Forces out of Germany into Italy, as well to defend as to increafe their States. The Venetians were not ignorant of it, when fbcy were embroiled with Pope Pwl V. Awo 1603. They madea League -Cent. 17- Of FRANCE. League with the Cjrifonsy who are natural Lords of it, to have free paf- fage through it, as their occafions fhould require, though France had the only power to difpofeof it, according to the Treaty made with them by Lewes XII. and renewed by Henry IV. Anno 1602. du- ring the time of his own life, the life of Lewes XIII. and eight years after his deceafe. Which Alliance with them gives great offence to the Spaniards jn\\\d\ ciufed them to make another League with the Cjfifons y w whom the fame paflages were aflured for the fafeguard of Milan. But after a long Treaty made in the year 161 3.thefe two new Alliances were overthrown, and that of France re-fetled, which was not for any long time : for from the year 1617. to the year 1621. there were nine infurredions among them. Atiaft the Valtolints made a general revolt, and at the perfwafion of the Governourof Milan, maflacred all the Proteftants they met with. In July 1 620. the Governour of Milan fent them Soul- dicrs, and builded them Forts in their Valley. The French King then being engaged in re-taking thofe Towns which the Hngonots had gotten into their pofleflion, could not fuccour the. Grifons with his Armies, but fent the Marfhal de Baffompiere, exrra- ordinary Ambafiadour into Spain, in his name to demand that the V"al- toline might be reftored, and all things replaced into their former ftate. It was obtained , and accordingly it was figned at nJWadrid in May 1621. on condition that certain great liberties might be accord- ed to the Catholicks there ^ and with a Provifo, that the Cantons of the Swiffes and the falto lines ftiould encline theGrifonsio confent, to what had been agreed upon. But the Spaniards procured the Catholick Cantons to deny their con- fents, which being wanting they would put off the execution of the whole Treaty -, and moreover made one at Mila*n with the Deputies of the Gri/ons, and two others with the fame Grifons and the Arch-Duke Leo- pold, by which they got great advantages in thofe Countries,and fo kept to themfelves the power of paffing any Forces through that Country. France never made any difficulty of according to any thing which might contribute to the exercife of the Catholick Religion in the Val- taline, or for fecurity of all fuch as nude profeflion thereof. But they would never agree to thofe demands which the Spaniards made con- cerning thehaving of pafTjges, withfo much peremprorinefs. During which time Pope Gregory XV. died, and Vrban VIII. being fet-in his place, propofed new Articles of Accommodation, which comprifed as much a? could be of advantage for the Church and Catholicks, which were readily accepted of by France., but as ftoutly rejected by the Spaniards, for that it did not grant to them the enjoyment of the pafla- ges. Then Cardinal Richlieu advifed the King not to ftand dallying upon the means of a Treaty, as formerly, but forthwith to make ufe Q,qq 2 of 3l)e ccclefiafttcai %ifto?p Cent. \r of his Arms to reduce them to terms of jufticc. The King refblves to Tend the Marquefs de Coenurts to the Cantons of the Swjfis for the Grifons affairs, at the fame time that the Situr de JSethttnt was difpatch- ed toward Rome. His inftructions w^rc ; firft to rc-umte all the wife Cantons with his Majefty, to difpofe the Catholicks to give their aflent to the Treaty of ^iadrid^ andtoefpie, if in this re-unioir there might not feme way be found out, for to re-place the Garrifonsinto the Soveraigmy of the J^altoline., The fecond was to be kept private ifthefirft took effed ; el fe he was commanded to encourage the GW- fons to rife, who (hould receive afiiftance from his Majefty, offuch Troops as (bould be neceflary, according to fuch orders as ftiould be received. Then the French King, Duke of Savoy y and Common-wealth of Venice , made a League for the rcftitution - of the fttlto- line. The Marquefs deCaenurct takes the field: to make hirafelf Mafterof the Fons in the Vultoline, which were all taken in tht three firft Months of the following. year. New Orders are fent to the Marquefs to pro- fecuie his Conquefts there. The Pope feems to the Cardinal de U Valette and the Situr de BcthHne, to be very angry that the King fhould- attempt upon the Forts in the Vaholine which were in his keeping, and fends the Sieur Bernardino .RUry to his Majefty, tateftife to him his great difcontent at it ,. The King of Sfam. to break the League between the French 'King, the Puke ofS<*-z/0y,.andthe Venetians, negotiates another between himfelf and the Princes of Italy. The Spaniard fpreads abroad defaming Libels againft the League tfFrance y Venice^ and Savoy. Thofe great lofTes which the Proteftants had fuftained for fome pre- ceding years in Beam and Lmgusdoc.^ alwaies kept them waking, efpecially after the Peace of zJMqntyelier . they well perceiving, that thofe fmall Routs which they had fuffered,_dui threaten their Party witK an utter deftruction. The Spaniards therefore laboured very much to get the Situr deSoubiae undRohan (who were the only eminent perfonsjto Command their Arm$i Their defign took effed. Thefe two Brothers being met at Caftres, re- folved to raife thofe of tbeir Party ; the one by Sea at Guicnne, and the other in Langued&c,. The attempt upon the Fort of ^/^-yff fotherwife Port S. Lewes ) of which we havefpoken before, was an effeft of that cefolution, as alfo the endeavours of the Duke and Duchefs vtRokan be* gan at the fame time in L&nguedot to draw in more Towns in to their Party. But the Marqyefs <& &#y was fent inaU-haik 'wto&Mgue&c with certain to .oppofc the fir ft. Commotions . and" to employ avany perfons of difcretion to affure himUlf of the Cou&fds of th* chief- Cent. \7- Of FRANCE. chief Towns, and by this means moft of them kept within their duties. Soubizt piiblitht a Manifeft,which founded an Alarm to alltheProtei ftant Party, making them to believe that their utter ruine was concluded on in the King's Council. That the lofs of their Religion was inevi- table, if they did not defend themfelves by Arms : and that the raifing of Fort Saint Lews built by Rachel, was a fignof it. He fuggefted to- them, that the Catholicks were of opinion in moft or their Books, that they were not obliged to keep Faith with He* reticks. Moft were taken with thefe reafons, becaufe the -Duke of Rohan clapt into fome Towns certain Gentlemen and Captains of his own Re- ligion, to encourage them, and to ftir up the Popular Minifters, who after this looked for nothing but when to rife $ not confidering that the infarredions which they, were carried to,were contrived by the Spa- niards, who pretended not to make ufe of them, but only to divert and draw ofEthe King's Arms from Italy-. That fomentation which the Spaniard give to the Hugonots^ wherei by, to force the King to draw off his Army from fotValtoline, oblige^ the FrenchKing to do the like by the Spaniard in aflaulting theCommon- wcalth of Genoa. The Pope fends the Cardinal liarburino in the quality of a Legate irr- to France, to negotiate the Peace between the French King and the King of Spain. The Hugonots by the Spaniards inftigatron arm themfelves very potently againft the French King. The Duke of Rohan took tlte Command upon himfelf of thofe Forces in Langwdoc, Sw^/'&e thofe in Poittott* Although Sottbize had been repulfed from before the Port of Bktyet, yet by that means he made himfelf matter- of fix great Ships whick were the King's, and the Duke's of 'Nemours, which gave huh opportunity of doing very confiderable damages. He had formerly got together about eleven Ships of War, and ma- ny Shallops and fmall Boats, and with thefe roved up and dowa the Coafts of JV/tftw-and Guiennc , as hatlv been before hinr- ed ar. The Duke of Rohan got together about two thoufand men near Cafres u He gave out that the Rochcllers had taken Arms, and fworn a League with the Churches of his Party, that he might by this prerence get ?. like intereft in fome other Towns which he had ~an eye upon. And accordingly he went to Puilaurens^ Rkel, Soreae, Sr. Panlf, Leviate, and Mriffj&y and made the Confuls fwear to the Confederacy ; after- wards he came to the Gates Q Lavaur to furpr'f it, tut his defin took -ng, cent. The Count of Goverirour of Foix got into Rucl and Sorest, after the other had forfaken them, and fo dealt with the Confute, that they confefled their faults, and protefted nor to cake part wuh him any more. A' Procefs was made in the Parliament of Tholonfe againft him and all his Adherents. The Marquefs dc Cragny and the Count ofCarmain marched againft the Duke ; and whilft thofe who made [he firft Encounter were at it>; ! the reft got into'P/4, who were however fo clofely purfued by the Marshal's Forces, that the Regiment of Normandy was hard at their heels, entring into the Town with them. Thus he remained Mafter 1 of Peyrefqu.-idcj where there were about one hundred and fifty of the Rebels Souldiers killed and hurt ; all which the Duke of Rohan beheld from a Fort in Wanes where, he then was, from which time forwards "tie began to defpair of doing any great matters for the future, efpecial- ly fince he faw hirafelffo clofely followed and that the-Cardinal had taken fuch a courfe in Languedoc, that the King could have raifed 'more men in twenty four hours than the Duke in a whole ' month. Sonbize finding little aflurance on the main Land, had fortified himfelf in the liles of -Ret and Olleron : it was the more important to remove him thence, becaufe otherwise it would be impofiible to reduce 'Rocket unto its obedience, fo eafily -and abundantly might he recruit them with necefiaries from thofe fertile I (lands : but the Duke of Mont- morency the King's Admiral made himfelf Matter of the Ifle of Rec' 9 after a three daiesCombate with a great deal of obftinacy on both parts. The Duke of Montmortncy Landed at Olleron^ where he met with no refiftance. Tbe5**r de Soubize having withdrawn himfelf into England, lived at aHoufe called Burgate in Hampshire, near the New Foreft, fordi- v v:rs years after. The whole Province was now fetledin quiet both by Sea and Land, of all which King Levee s was informed, who received the news with much joy. Cardinal Barbarini Legate from the Pope arrived in France, and came to M^feitlt$, where he was received with great honour, as alfo at Lions according to the Orders fent by the King. He came to Paris on May 21. and entred in great pomp. He is bound by the Laws of the Kingdom, before he officiate the Function of a Legate, toprefent the Brief which the Pope hath given him for the employment to the Parliament of Paris. The Pope having omitted in this Brief to give the King the title of King of Navarre, the Parliament refufed to acknowledge it, and obliged him not to proceed any further in the bu- ilnefs till that were amended. The Legate coming to Paris, alighted at St. James de fattt-paj, where -the Clergy of the City, thcconcourfeofthe Court, and other Officers to Cent. 17. Of FRANCE. " u/ to the number of twelve thoufand, went to falute him, and receive InV~ Benediction, After this the Prelates of Paris came to pay their re. fpefts to him. There was a little difpute in what habit they fhculd ap- pear before him,the Legate defiring they ftiould be in their Rochets and Camail covered over with a Mantlet, as a mark that they had no power in his prefence. But the Prelates refufing to ftoop to this Order, ic be- ing contrary to the Rules of the French Church, took a middle courfe. They went fo habited to falute him, and accordingly accompanied him in the Cavalcade to Noftre* Lhime, whither being come, they took off their Mantlets : bat all was done under a Provifo, of Giving their ami- cnt right! He propofed to the King what the Pope had given him in charge,, He urged the King in general terms to peace to reftore things in the Valtoline to their former date, as they were before the Army of the Confederate Princes entred into ir, and defired him to grant a Cefla- tion of Arms in Ifaly. The King anfwered to the three Propofitions r That he was ever en- clin'd to Peace, and that he would ftill be induced to it, provided it were for the publick fafety, and honourable for him and his Allies, That as to what concern 'd the Faltoline, the late Treaty ^{^(adnd had made provifion for all thofe difficulties which have rifen ever fince, and that he dcfired the execution of it. As to the CefTaiion of Arms, that he could by no means hearken to it, becaufe of the great prejudice it would be to himfelr' and his Allies, and the great advantage thofe of the adverfe Party might' make out of it. Thereupon the Legate un- expededly departeth from the French Court , and goeth toward Rome. The Hugonofs now begged his Ma jeftie's pardon by their Deputies,' whom they fen.t unto him to teftifie^the fenfe they had of their fault, and to allure him of iheir future fidelity and obedience. His Majefty was well pleafed with it -,- and the Deputies coming to him at Fwntainbfe'an about the end of^n^ufl whilft the Legate was there, there was no kind of acknowledgements and fubmillions which they did not make, both in behalf of themfelves, asalfoofthe Diike of Rohan, and the Sieur de Sou* bizji) who fent to Tupplicaie him by their particular Deputies, that he would be pleafed to employ them in the War of Italy, that they might teftifie by their paftion to ferve him, that there was not any dan- i ger by Sea or Land, to which they would not cheerfully expofe them, {'elves, to contribute to his glory. Hiting made their fpeeches, they prefented the paper of their Complaints, which they faid were ground- ed upon feveral Graces which had been conferred upon them by the Edift of Nantes, and feveral other grants. The King received it, and appointed it to be examined* . After the paper of their grievances had been examined, tte-Frertfh King -confirmed to ihem whatever had been granted to them by the Edid of frantes, granting them free liberty for the exercife of their Religion in fjch Towns where they had-Churchesand Church-yards, and anAdof Oblivion for any thing done in the War : but he would not confent to^ the demolifhing of Fort Le we /, as being of great importance for the keeping of foc^/ in awe and obedience. Thefe favours were accepted by the general Deputies of the Prote- ftantsin the name of all their Towns, excepting thofe of Rechel^ Mon- tauban, Caftns, and MUhaud, who having been gained by the Duke of Rohan and Sieur de Snfeur and Madantoifellc de tJKontfenfar , and to bring on that of sJMadamotfelle de &wbo, which would more nearly engage Ma- . fteur to their Interefts ; or elfe to perfuade him to marry fome other ftranger Princefs, which might be a means to (belter and defend their defigns, by the forces and . affiftances, which they might reafonably expeftfrora fuch a Family. That this once eroded, they intended the Count de Sotffons fliouJd Marry M*damoifell< de Montpe^er^ that rfie Houfes of Gttife and Bourbon might be united together, and in this manner they would in a moment huddle up together all the leading po tent perfons of the Court. The Marfhal de Ornano is arrcfted at Fwntainbtea^ and carried,: Pnfoner to the Caftle s&BotsdtVincenncj^ where he died a few months after of a ftoppage in his Bladder. The Cardinal befeechetkthe King to permit his retirement from the Court. And the King caufeth the Duke deVedofm y and the6r*/7^ Prior of France, his^ Brother, to beimprifcned at Bloif. The Marriage of Monpeur w& Madamoifette de Monttenftty was celebrated foon after ro the quiet and content of the whole Kingdom. Cent. 17. Of FRANCE. ^ Chalait, the Matter of the King's Wardrobe, is arrefted from the Chamber of Juftices at Natites, who condemned him of Treafon, and fcmenced him to be beheaded ; which was done accordingly. Then was the Sieur de Bar ados removed from the Court, who had been much in favour with the King. About the end of this year great differences arofe between the Bifliop imdthe Officers of Verdun. This being a Frontier Town, was then lookt upon as considerable, in regard Monfieur de Lorrain (eemed to be active, and able to attempt fomcthing upon France, which obliged the King to go on with a defign which he had long before refolved of, the building a Citadel there. The Abbey otS.Vannes was ever reputed the moft fit place of aU the City for that purpofe : whence it happened, that in the Charter of the faid Abbey there had been divers Articles concluded between the Bi- (hop of Verdun and thofe to whom that place hath ever belonged, in which they bound themfelves to build their Church in fome other place, if it (hould be found neceflary to make ufe of fome part of it for the raifing of a Citadel. However the lines were fo contrived, that the Church was faved : but .that of the Capuchins was forced to be taken down, which was afterwards done, and rebuilt in another place. Now the Bifliop of Verdun being Lorrains kinfman, was wholly moved by him , fo that not confidering what dependence he had upon the King, he fuffcred himfelf to be engaged by the Duke, to prevent the building of the Citadel. On December 30. he publi&ed a Mom- torinmy fixed upon all publick places, againft all fuch as (hould Ubour about it. This proceeding was lookt on as a ftrange thing by the King's Officers* TheSieur CuiUet presently called a Council of his Ma jefties Officers of the Town, to confider of what was to be done, where it was conclu- ded to tear down fuch Papers as had been any where pofted up, and to fet otters in their places of a contrary tenour in the King's behalf, which was prefemly done. The Bifhop offended at it, thundered out an Excommunication the next day againjft Guillct, which he fattened in divers places : and having given order to his Vicars not to ad any thing in prejudice to bis pretended authority, he departed from Verdun^ and rode Poft to Cologne. In the meanwhile the Sieur Char Rentier his Majefties Prefident in Mctz,, Tkoid, and Verdiw, being acquainted with the whole proceeding, he declared the faid Monitorium to be ahifive and fcandalous, and commanded it to be torn and burnt by the Hangman. That the faid Bifhop {hould be fent Prifoner to Parus* That his Benefices in the mean timefhould remain in his Majefties hands, and that he fhould pay a fine of ten thoufand livres for his faid fault. This Judgement was put in execution with the ufual form, excepting only as to the Bifhop's being fent to Ptris ^ fo that he revolving not to Rrrz fuffer fqffer hirafelf to be thus defpoiled of his goods, thought it his beft ccurfe to fend to the King to pacific him, for.his raflinefs : healfogave order to one of his Vicars to abfolve the Situr Cnillet y and to licence the go* ing on of the Fortifications. Intheytar 1627. thofeof Rtchcl, could not endure to fee the Ar- ticles of Peace which the King had accorded to them, put. in executi- on : they could not permit that the Rules of Commerce .obferved over all France , fhould be taken, notice of. among them.. The cutting ofFof that abfolute authority which they had made life of in the Ifles of Ree and Olleron y and other places bordering upon their Ci- ty, was looked on as an outrage. The exercife of tire Catholick Re- ligion amongft the/n,was efteemed as a great flavery,and a rigorous con- ftraint impofed upon that whereof they made Profeffion.They complain* ed'.of thofe Souldiersin Fort Lewes, and the Ifles of e,and 0/kro,left there only to prevent their relapfinginto thejr, former infolencies, as a moft unfufferable Tyranny. They refenied his Majeftie's Coramiffaries A As in order to the execution ,of the Treaty, as fo many unjuft at- tempts up,on their Liberties. Wi.ih. thefe, complaints they filled their ManifefW They made ufe of thefe .Motive to perfwade the reft, of the Hugonot Tjpwns to revolt, to form themfelves into a Common-wealth, and to obtain that by force from the King, which with juftice they could not expeft. The DukeofR&^ difcontented for that he had made no, advantage by the Peace,did not a little foment thofeMutinies of the &>chcllers- t to which end he under-hand fowed divifions among theConfuIs of the chief Hn- gtnot Towns in Langucdoc y and fomc he made for his own Party, but his defign took little effeft in thofc parts* The French King animated by the fageCounfels of Cardinal Richlittt, refolves on the fiege ^of Rechd, and from that time forwards preparati- ons were made in all the adjacent. Provinces of Warlike Ammunitions, great ftore of Cannon were fent before-hand towards the place, that ihey might he inreadinefs when time (hould ferve. Divers, means were thought on, to block .up the Channel, and to begin with thofe of lefk charge to prevent greater expences, in cafe they might do the work. Private Computation was made of what Horfe and Foot would be requi- fite to inveft the place, and fecure the neighbouring Ifles. And eve-* ry thing was difpofed to ihe beft advantage for the carrying on of the fiege. The Duke of terrain comes to the, King at Paw, tocomplain of his Majefties adions towards the Bifhop of ^r^/ his Kinfman. He was anfwered,, that Bifhops being his Majeftie's Subjeds owerefped and dbedience to him. That when they fall off from their dutiet, it is the more )uftto puniflji their faults. That enjoy fog their Tempos! Siaxes ; only ^ Cent. 17. Of FRANCE in order to the Oath of AlJegiance, which they all fwear tohisMajefty, they do moft efpecially deferve to be deprived of them when they break their faid Oath. That his Majefty was more efpecially concern 'd to maintain his right it\yerdnn y which was a Frontier Town, andlike- wife becaufe the Bifhop had attempted againft his Royal Authority in hindering the building of the Citadel, though it were a thing only re- lating to the Soveraignty, and in which he was not at all concerned. But this was not .the chief end of his journey. He pretended to do homage in his own name to the King for theDutchy of Bar, as apper- taining to him in Fee, and not in right of his Wife. But he therein met with greater obftacies, than in that of the Bifhop of Verdun. The Duke obtained his-requeft for the Bifhop, upon condition he fhould re- voke the Cenfures againft the King's Officers, and for the future fhould comport himfelf with more moderation. The Duke willingly became bound for his performance, and the King difcharged the feizuresj and fetled all things in their former ftate , The Ertgtijb and others endeavour now to divert the French King from his refolution againft Rachel.- Qnjuly 28. 1627. the /*/& Fleet arriveth before Ree. They Landed ten thoufand men. The Sieur de Thoyrts was then Governour of the Citadel St. Martin in the Ifle of Ree' j Roflaincler v the Baron of Chatttail, Navdillet, and divers other Gentlemen and light Horfe, and about one hundred and fifty French Souldiers refitting the Engliff/j^ were (lain in the encounter, moft part of the Officers being wounded. Fifteen Officers of the Englifo Army were, faidalfo to be killed, befides divers Lieutenants and En- figns. They likewife loft one of their Colours, and had five or fix hur> dred killed and wounded. . The Duke of 'Buckingham ftormeth the Citadel of Sr. Martin, but could not take it.TheCardinal (ent toBayonne for fifteen flat Veflcls called Primaces, built both to (ail and row withal, and very fleet and able to en* dure a ftorm.In the end tfAuguft Captain BAflin who Cbmmanded thefe Primaces, came with them to the Sands of Olonne, where the Abbot of MAffillac received .him joyfully: and his Veflcls being well ftored with Victuals and Ammunition, he lent him Sixfcore men of the Regi- ment de Champany, with fome, Voluntiers. On September $ he fet fail in the head of his little Fleet about fix n clock at nighr. Soon after he knew that he was near the Englift Fleet, he fpread abroad his great Sails, and was eafily difcovercd. But the Primaces going very fwift could not be flopped by the Englifl} VefTels. They went with- out lofs"-, only fome Sails and one or two Mafts were fliattered, and one (hot through with a Bullet. Baflirt having thus pafled the Englif>-> fell upon the Barricado which they had made to hinder Relief . which confided of .great malts linked together with Iron Chains, and tied with Gables faftned to great Anchors, But many of the Primaces byreafon Cent. of their lightnefs and fwifaefs pafled over : the reft lighted on a cer- tain place, where the foregoing night a Tempeft'had broken part of their Warri&mloj through which they pafod without difficulty, fo that about two in the night they ran a fhorenear one of the JBaftilions of the Citadel, a place where the Engliflj could not hurt them. The Relief was great both for their reputation and affiftance. Ten other Pinna- ces were got from Bayonne^ which the Count de Grant-mont rigged out, and fent under the Command of Captain Audnm, Ottober 4.. they came on the Sands of Olonne, They werefoon laden, and accom- panied with twenty five other little Veflels. Three hundred Souldiers went aboard them, and fixty choice Gentlemen. 'Upon Ottobcr-$, they put off. Two daies pft ( the wind changing ) before they came to Rec 9 and that by day too. The Englift Fleet engaged them in a rough Tight. But their courage furmouming their danger, twenty nine of the Veflcls got clear to the Citadel, where they ran afliorc : on Friday morning Ottober1$. five of their Veflels were forced to give back. One only, in which were thcSieursdc Beanlieu and'&KJfy, was taken by the Englifi. Who were fo incenfed at it, that they made in twenty four hours above twothoufand great (hot upon the Port Saint JMartin^ fo that there were only five Pinnaces and one Traverfinin con- dition to fail. But the Veflcls were unladed, *nd the -Gentlemen and Souldiers fafeiy landed in the Citadel. Jhtfrtnch King having been fkk, after his rec6very comes to Ro- chel to drive the %agKjk out of Ree. The Duke of Buckingham re- folves to make his laft attempt upon the Citadel of St. Martin. The 'Engltfh began an aflault, but were repulfed. It is faid, that the befieged took all the Xadders of the -Englift^ fifty Prifohers, of which were di- vers Captains and Officers, that they had killed four or five hundred, without lofing above eighteen or twenty men, andfomefew wounded, among which were the Siettrs de Sfirdaigmes, and Gran foi, w ho being (hot through the bodies died within a few daies after. Tht-IDtf/^v doubting their Trenches would not fecure them, forfook the one naif of them, and fhordy after refolved to go back for England. The Marfhal de Schowhfrg fhortly after landeth there with fifty Barques about three in the morning, without beingdifcovered by the Enemy. Thefe being conjoyned with other Souldiers fell upon the 'EngUjfij and routed them. Their Horfe were loft in the Marifli* Their Cornet and twenty four Colours, and four Cannon were taken. About five hundred were killed on the place, befides thofe that were drowned in the Sea. Many Gentlemen of quality and Officers ^wcre killed. And r as the French Hiftory faith ) three thoufand Arms were taken in the Field, and above one thoufand five hundred Souldiers laden with the fpoils. Cent. 17. Of FRANCE. It is reported- that the ;//* (J> fcarce carried off onethoufend men the reft being . either dead with ficknefs, or killed: and moftof them alfo diedfoon after their return into England, by reafon of the difcom- modities they there endured. After the King, had obtained this fignal Vi&ory againft the Englijh, he bent all his thoughts toward the befieging of Rachel. The order of the whole Grcumvallation was prefcribed by his Majefty. He raifed thirteen Forts, and feveral Redoubts upon the Trenches, the Circuit of which were three Leagues or thereabout, all out of Musket or Falcon (hot, but not of Cannon. This Circumvallation being finUhed cut off all relief by Land, and fhortly after they, were blocked up by Sea too. . At this time the Duke of Rohan finds means to make an Afferably in tbeftlk d'Vfez^ where divers of their Deputies met together : and as he had no lefs Eloquence than Courage, he perfwaded them to what- ever he had a mind to. , They approved of thofe fuccours which he had negotiated in England as Juft and neceflary -, and they aflured him not to enter into any Treaty of Peace with bis Majefty, without the Con- fent of the #/i]k, and his own in particular. Whereupon they de- puted fome of the chief of their Party to go to the Towns of Langucdoc- and Gitiennc: they alfo wrote to thofe of Dauphin e and Vw&fe?^ to encourage theauo unite with them for the good of the Caufe. - Thty drew up the form of an Oath to be (worn by the Confuls, the Gover.- nours ofTowns, Lords, and Gentlemen, who would engage with them, An union very ftrange, which divided Members from the Headend lo feparated Subjeds from their Prince* After the Dukeof^* had ufed all his devices, and ken the - - gUffi Land at */, he took up Arms and appeared in the Field. He-, furamoned the Duke of Savoy to (end .thofe Forces which he hadpro- mifed : but he could not obtain them. All that he could draw from him was a promife of fifty thoufand crowns. Thofe Towns which were delivered up to him, were Nifaes, Vfes, St. Amkroft, Men, Andufr^ , IsVignany $t. Hippolfte, Sr. jcande Griel)Naves,JMaz.(ires,Pxmiers > CAftrfSj Soyon, and other Towns upon the Rhofere^ and in Vi-vwez. and more he had done if the .Cardinal under -the King's Authority had not pre- vented him. It cannot be imagined with how much care and trouble he kept thofe together who were engaged in his Party ; how low he was^faintoftooptowork upon* the meaner fort of people -, how many impertinencies he wasiorced to bear, how many inconfiderate difcour- fes he was necefiitated to hear, and to how much conftraint he was com- - pelled to fubjed himfelf. He hath fince protefted to divers of his friends, that ,there .is no care like that ofretaiaing a rautinous. people In that order, which is necefl^ry for him to make them follow, Who would raife any advantage to himfeli by their revolt. Then the King by the advice of- Cardinal Richlien, fent the Situr Gal- land, Privy CounfeUour to his Majefty, toward thofe Hugomt Towns which the Duke of Rohan had attempted to revolt, that he might confirm them in their obedience. This man was one of their own Religion, which gave the King reafon to hope they would be directed by him. Having received his Commifiion, he went diredlyto Montauban, the chief Town of their Party next unto Rochcl, and by which moft of the other Towns wouM be guided. Upon his firft arrival he called the Inhabitants together, he gave them his Letter of Credence writ by his Majefty to them, and began to confirm them in their obedience. He laid before them the duty of Subjects toward their Prince ; the mife- ries and calamities which they 'had fuffered whilft they feU off from their obedience : he represented to them the difaftcrs which would in- evitably fall upon them if they fhould revolt : 4ie informed them of the fm all reafon they had to believe the Duke of Rohan's promifes, or the aid of the Englijk Fleet, which ( he faid ) tould not hinder the relieving of the IJle otRee'. His words fo wrought on them, thatthey fubfcri- bed a Declaration which they delivered to him, in which they profeffed to live and die in that Loyalty which they owed unto his Majefty. And all the other Towns unengaged in the revolt did the like. And his Prudence was fo fuccefsful, that the Towns of Briatefe, Caftres, Pamicrsy Puylaurens, M*z*ares y St. Amand^ Cabarede, ^faz.ares 9 M*fdaz.ilt tsfrlat, and many others, made the like declarations under their hands and Seals. But the misfortune was, that having left divers Factious Spirits of *JMonpcttr de Rohan's Party in faflre j, Pawiers, and fome other of thofe Towns before named, they remained not firm to thofe refolutions he hadinfinuated to them, by which means the Duke of Rohan foon after became Matter of them, The King unable to ftop the D. of Rohan's proceedings by fair means, makes ufe of force. He commanded an Army to be raifed, and commit- ted the Conduct of it to the Prince of Conde, fending him a Commiflioft of Lieutenant General of his Forces mLttngttttbcj Danfhine y Guicnnc 9 and Lyonnois. He divided the Army into two parts, the Prince of Conde had the better half, the other being committed to the Duke of Montmorencie's care, then Governour ofLanguedoc. Svyon, aftrong place upon the Rhone, was aflaulted , and in two daies forced to fur- render. The Prince alfo ftormed another little Town near to Saint u4ubin^ and put all the Souldiers in it to the (word. Then they marched againft certain places which the Duke of 'Rohan had refolved to defend , but the fear which the Inhabitants and Souldiers apprehended on fight of the Army, made them open their Gates, fo they entred without re- fiftance. The* cent. 17. cf 'FRANC'S. Then they became Matters ^.Corconne and ^itbetta, Afontmoren* cy purfued the Duke of Rokan^ and conftrained him to flight : he maintained the fight about two hours, and faw about an hundred of his Souldiers killed, fifteen of his Guard, feven or eight Captains (lain, and divers others wounded. In fine he Taw at the years end, that he had ve- ry little advanced his defign. The Roehellers now fend to the King of England to demand fuccour. Order was given for the Rigging out a Fleet in behalf of the Roehellers^ and the Command to be given to the Earl of Denbigh. The King goes from Rachel to Part*, to diflipate thofe Factions, which began to rife thereabouts, by the Hugonots in Picardy, Cham- pagnie, and Brie. Richlieu Commandeth the Army in his Majeftie's ab- fence. The English Fleet being now ready to hoife fail for Rochet, the King refolveth to return thither. The Roehellers are fummoned by an Herauld to furrender to the King : but their minds and anfwers were full of infolency, fo that the King bent all his thoughts to prepare for the fighting with the Englifi Fleet at their firft coming. About the eleventh of May they were defcriedtwo Leagues off the point of CV- reille. An order was refolved on by the King, aflifted with his Gene* rals and Sea Captains, and fo delivered to the Commander of ^alencay^ who diftributed it among the Officers. The Englifj attempt t0 relieve Rochel,but in vain ^ and when thefo* chettcrs were embarqutd, after the exhortations of their Minifters, and their Captains had folemnly fworn to pafs the Bank in fpite of all oppofition, or die^in the attempt, they were ftruck with fuch faint-heart- cdnefs, thatjiot a man durft ftir his hand : and Vincent their Mini- fter could^no longer fpeak unto them, as himfelf confeflfed in a Letter to a friend of His. The Englifj Fleet now departeth, whereupon greatdifTentionsarifc among the Rechellert. Then the King fent another fummons to them to yield. Breton, Herauld at Arms, was commanded to do it in form, with his Coat of Arms, who went into the City, required them to lay down their Arms, afTured them of Pardon for their part Crime, rand rhreatning them with the contrary in cafe they fhould now refufe it. But they being animated by their Preachers, the Town continued obfti- uate in their in(olencies. After a feigned Treaty between the King and the Rocheilers, the Town was reduced by Famine to extream miferies. The Cardinal perfwaded his Majcfty to fettle.divcrs Catholick Prea- chers in the Hugonot Provinces, and wrought upon the Duke of Treme* vlllc to for fake the Proteftant Religion. The Roehellers when they faw there was no hopes of fuccour from the at they died by thoufands of the Famine t ^ade divers pro- S f f . pofais 5PfcCccU6aflftai3Utofl> cent . T. of accommodation. Since thelaft fix months there had died about ten thoufand of the Famine. The Cardinal declared to them, they muft not think of any other condition, than abfolutely to fubmit to his Matter's will.. At laft they chofe twelve of the principal among them, moft of which could hardly creep, to beg hisMajeftie's pardon, toaflure him that, they would live and die in the obedience which they owed to him,, without demanding any oihtr conditions, than what his Majefty (hould pleafe to give th.ra. The King granted them the pardon which they deiired, and theS/Vwr of Herbaut Secretary of State, read the Patent to them, by his Majdly pardoned their Rebellion, difchargcd them of all AdsofHoftility, ordained ihat they (hould be reftored to their goods, granted them the Exercife of their Religion in the City, and command- ed ha r . alhhe Souldiers in theCicy fl-.ould enjoy the fame Grace ; and tha. .he ehaf Captains and Gentlemen (hould go out with their fwords by their fides, and the Sotldiers with Cudgels in their hands ; but firft they were to fwear never to bear Arms againft his Majeftie's fervice. . Upon October 30. the Duke oi tsfngolefa, the Mar foal de Scom~ iog. berg, the S/V#rj de U Curte^ Vtgnolle^ H$llier^ St.Chaumont, and di- vers other Lords, fourteen Companies of the Regiments des Cjuardcf), and fix of Swiflrs^ began about fix in the morning to enter into Rochel. . The King placed himfelf upon the Fort de Beaulieit to fee the Forces march into the Town.. They who Commanded thefe Forces, feized on all the Gates of the Town, the Ramparts, Cannon,, and Munition, and fent away the Souldiers,. the Englifo by Sea, and the French by Land, who looked more 1 ike ghofts than men. There were as many Cita- dels as Gates, and as many Caftles as Towers, and this was it that made the City be efteemcd impregnable, efpecially feeing it had an outlet by Sea, which could never have been broken up, but by his Majeftie's extraordinary power and prudence j yet all ferved but as Trophies raif- ed to his Majeftie's glory. On November i. the King mside his entrance into the City. Thofe poor Creatures of the City proftrated themfelves as he rode by them, that they might the more acknowledge the mercy he had (hewed thera. He had his Arms on, and rode in on Horfe-back without any Ceremo- ny , only four Companies of his Guards, two of Swffes, his two Troops or Light Horfe Armed Cap-a-pc - 9 his Dragoons and the Life-guard mar- ched before him, all the Nobility following him, without any order, to avoid the difputes of Precedency. of The Inhabitants caft themfelves on their knees, as his Majefty paiTed Card.Kifr. a | on g t h e Streets, crying, Godfave the K'mg, veho hath becnfograciotu, nto HS. And he frequently faluted thofe who feemed to be of the bet-- ter fo$t among them. But thofe fubmiffions and acknowledgements- were Cenc. IT. Of FRANCE. , J9 were much more increafed, when they received the ten thoufand Loaves of Bread, which the King diftributed among them the fame day, toge- ther with divers other Alms. But when they faw, that there came three thoufand Carts laden with Wheat and other Provifions into the Town, with a proportionate number of Beafts and Cattle, which his Majefty commanded to be brought and fold at the ufual rates of the Army, they rhen confefled, that he knew how to pardon as well as to vanquifli. The King alighted at S.^rg*r*VsChurch,which had been Confecra- ted by theBifliop of Bordeaux, and where the Cardinal had with divers Ecclefiafticks that morning celebrated Ma/s by way of doxology for that happy Victory. He was received by the Archbifhop, affiftedby the Clergy and divers other Religious, who fung the Tt 'Deum , and the King himfelf alfo fang it with great devotion. About two daies after the King cauf.d theHoaftto be carried in Proceffion, which was per- formed with a pompous Devotion. He alfo wrote to the Archbifhop of Paris, that a publick than\fgiving m ght be made : and himfelf return- ing to Parts paflld by Nuftrc Dam des Ardilliers, that there he might pay his Vows : for to his Devotions there he alcribed his firft Victories, as that of the relieving & /, upon which the whole fuccefc depended. The King before he left Rachel, publifhed a Declaration, wherein was contained, that the Roman Catholick Religion fliould be freely Exercifed there, both in the City and Government of Aitlnu. That the Churches which had been lately deftroyed thereaboutSj fhould be re-edified, and reftored to them in whofe Pofleflion they formerly were, together with all their appurtenances. That afuffic ent main:e- nancc fhould be given tofuch Curates as had noc means LO live on, out of thofe lands which belonged to the Town-houfe. That the Reli ICHX delacharite & les Religicufcs fJojpitaliers, fliould be re-eftabl fhed in the Hofpitals of the Town, to attend upon all fic.<\ perfons. Tha^a Crofs fhould be raifed in the Caftle-yard, at the Foot of which an In* fcription of the taking the City fhould be inscribed ; and ^hat every firft of November a Proceflion general fhould be made, to give God thanks for his mercies. That the Church-yard Confecrated in the Lands of Coreille, where thofe of the Camp, who died dur ing th t fiwge, had been buried, fliould Mill beconfervedtothat ufe. That a Govern: of Religieux tJMinimes fhould be built there, who might pray unto God for them, and perpetuate the memory of the thing. The King took this courfe to keep Rochet in obedience. He depofed the Mayor, and difcharged the Shrievalty and Commonalty of the Town without hopes of refhuration. He ordained that the moft Se- ditious perfons of the City fhould forfake ir, and among o:hersG'x//0 JMayre, godefray, Salehret, and Deferbrieres, not fo much as except- ing the Dame de Rohan, who was carried to Niert, by the Sieur de Lannay Lieutenant dts Gardes des Corps. Next, he revoked all the S f f z Privi- 5LljeCcclefiafticaU^ifto?p Cent. -1.7". Priviledges and Charters heretofore granted to the.City. He com- manded the Walls, the Ramparts, and the reft of the Fortifications to. be razed, and the Ditches to be filled up, leavingonly the Towers^?. S. Nicholas ) dc la Chains, & de la, lantern (landing, with that part of , the Wall toward ihe Sea, to preferve the Town from Pirates. He. appointed alfo, thaj: no flranger (hould have an Houfe. or Family in. the Town, without his Maje^lie's permiffion had and, obtained : or. that any Hereticks (as the Proteftants,were called ) (hould return to their former dwellings. And for the better keeping them in their obe- dience, he ordained, that there (hould be anlntendenc of juftice in the City,Country, and Government; of Anting who fhould fee the Execu- tion of his Ordinances, and have an, eye to that, which concern 'd his fcrvice, ajl which wasinferted in thefaid Declaration; He then commanded the Inhabitants to be difarmed, and that certain Regiments fhould remain .in the Town until it were quite demolifhcd. Af- ter aU thefe things he returned to Pstiris, where he was magnificently re- ceived, the Companies of the City making Orations unto him. The expences of the Siege of Rochel, are faid to have amounted unto forty, millions of Livref, Then Monpeur the Prince, the Dukes of Montmorency and V^inta- dour, who Commanded his Majeftie's Forces \nLanguetloci became Mafters 6f the Field, and before the end, of the year repoflefTed them- felves of all thofe places in.a few.daies, which were capable of being, forced. 9. The King in the year following having rcfolved upon going into Italy, commits the Government of the State to the Queen his Mother. And before he goethjnto Piedmont, he compelleth the Hugonots ia Languedcc, to lay down their Arms,, and to declare in form before his Parliaments and. Judges, that they wiUlivein all duties and : obedience hereafter. His Majcfty caufed . his Declaration to this purpofe to be read in Parliament , himfelf being prefent, which put a (lop to all the Hufonots affairs, until after the taking of Suz^t. Whilft the King is in Italy.,, the Duke of Rohan takes. Ar,m$ in .the Seventies. And with the affiftance of the Cities of Montnuban, Ntfmes^ Millajit, Caftrcs, VY'VUM^ Vfetz., and fome others, had got fuch a body of an Army together, as therewith .he hoped. to maintain himfelf in that little angle of the. Kingdom ; and either prefently jo obtain Come advaotagious Conditions, or to exped a more favourable time for the re-eftabli(nment of his deprefled Party, In the mean time he treated fecretly with theKing of Sju/,from whom he had alfoobtain'd apromife of fome fupply of money. But the King who had intelligence of his praftice, returning wich the fame celerity QUC of Italy into France in the mod violent neats, of Summer, with which he had paired out QfEranct mo.Italy in the greateft extrem,ity Cent. 17. Of FRANCE. Winter, ,prfented himfelf before Privat (one of the Cities ) in June, which at his firft coming he cjrried by after which Alet^ another of the fame Principles, furrendered with- out refiftance. The Duke of Rohan obferving what a terrour the taking of thefe two places had infufed into his whole Faction, and knowing on the other fide that a Peace with Italy and England was already conclu- ed, began to apprehend atlaft hefhould be totally defertcd by all his Confederates and Friends, and lefc alone to bear the (hock of all his Majefties Victorious Arms ; which made him in time ferioufly apply himfelf to his mercy, to avoid the fevere effects of his juftice. A Peace was concluded in July 1629. with the Duke of Rohan, whicir all the other Cities of his Party likewife accepted , except Momauban, which for fome daies flood out, but afterwards, was furrendered to- Cardinal Richlieu, who fettled alhhings in peace, to the great happi- nefs of the King and the whole Kingdom. The next year the French King procured from the Pope the nals.Hat-s to be. beftowed, on the Archbi(hopofl/wj, and Bagni the Pope's Nuntio. , Now new ftirs are at Court qccafioned by ths difeontentsof the Queen'Mother and the cJMonfaur. The Queen- Mother profcflcth open hatred to the Cardinal : he directly oppofeth all his Counftls, which how well foever they fucceeded, fhe ftill found matter enough to render them fufpeded to the King, and to difcredit them by finifter in-- terpretations. The Duke of Savoy was grown by this time fenfible of the difho- nourable Peace he had concluded at Sttz.e ; to which the lofs of Mont~ ferrat ftuck mainly in his ftomach. The Duke therefore feizeth up- on all. the French in his Territories, not fo much as excepting the Mer- chants and Religious Orders. The Marfhal of C^qau hereupon ad- vanceth to ?igmrol with one thoufand Horfe, fix- thoufand Foot and fome Cannon, and reduced the Town and Citadel to the obedience of the French King. And the paflages from France to Piedmont were open after the, reducing of certain Towns of the Duke of Savoy* In Inort time the King makes hiojfelf Mafter of all Savoy. The Cardinal offered allfort&of fubmifiion to the Queen-M-other to reconcile himfelf to her favour, but all in vain,(he was ftill fo implacably^ bent againft him, that the Peace of Italy being now concluded, and the time come, wherein the King had promifed her to remove the Cardinal, (he was importunately inftant with- the King for the accomplishment of his Royal word. At laft the order, was iigned for the Cardinal's removal. The Cardinal withdrawes himfelf a little time from the Court,but' by tbe advke of the Cardinal dt la palette reSores himfelf again with ii the King i and fo the Queen-Mother no. only fell from her hopes, bur alfo from her credit with the King, whereupon (he departeth out of France , and goeth to 'Snivels, Monfaur the King's Brother requefteth the Parliament to indi& the Cardinal, fo doth the Queen-Mother. But the King juftifies&Vfc/>> by his Letters and Declarations. The Duke of Efternon ftops the progrefs of a new Infurre&ion by difmamling feveral ftroRg Cities of the Hugonot Party , as M&ant, St. Jlfrique, Pont de (awares, Saint -Rome, Tarn, and feveral other places. The King of Sweden having invaded Germany, the french King makes an Alliance with him- he eftai lifheth a Chamber of juftice in Paris , who give judgement againft feveral perfons. Then is the Cardi- nal Richtitxixtvxi Duke and Peer of France. The French Protefhnts had obtained permillion by the King's Bre- viate about the beginning of this year to make a National AlTembiy of their Minifters of France for the maintaining of their Order and * worfhip. The Cardinal was of opinion that his Majefty fhould require them to meet at Charfnton, becaufe being within his view, they would have the lefs freedom to renew fuch Cabals as they had formerly made imheir Afiemblies of Guienne and Langnedoc. This Order was fol- lowed, and the Sieur de Galland, CounfelJour to his Majefty, wasfent to be Prefident in the King's behalf his Loyalty was not to be fufpe- ded-, and they were obliged to accept of him in regard of divers au- thentiqirc teftimonies which made appear, that this Order was confor- mable to that cf Councils aflembled in the Primitive times, which they profefled to honour. The King efpecially commanded him to be care- ful, that no Proportion were made which did not concern their Faith or Difcipline : to filence them in his Majeftie's name, in cafe they fliould difcourfe of any other affairs, and to eftablifh fuch Rules as the Cardinal had propofed to keep that Party in fubmiflion. To this end he ufed his utmoft Prudence and Loyalty, he perfwaded them to enaft, that there fhould not any more National Aflemblies be made,but in the preknce of a Commiffary from the King, who might ( by teftifykg their obedience jbe a means of continuing them in quiet. Befides, he in cn> ced them to refolve upon the abfolute excluding of all StrangerMinifters, this being intended ot all that were not naturalfm^and to inhibite their Miniilers from leaving the Kingdom without his Majeftie's Licence, by this means to prevent all intelligences, aflociations, and correfpondcn- eies with the enemies of the State, according to the Laws of the King- dom, and his Majeftie's particular prohibitions. In fine he ufed fo much prudence, that they required their Minifters not to intermeddle in any affairs Politick or Military, and condemned a Book of Bcrrart Mmifter of }Aft8M*foi as erroneous, becaufe he maintained that Mi- nifters Cenc. 17. Of FRANCE. nifters bad a particular call from God to bear Arms. Divers Or- dioances were made there for the fubfiftence of their Party. The Emperour of Germany fendeth Cardinal Ptfma'n to Rorr.e , to 1652. endeavour to break the French King's Alliance with the King of Sweden. TheErench King having lately been in Lorrain, after his return the T!:C Adminit Cardinal undertook to compofe a difference between the Bifhops and : " carA * Llt ' / ' fcV ' Fjiers, which had made a great noifefor fundryages together. The Friers relying upon their priviiedges obtained from Rome, pretended to have power both to Preach and confefs , without permiliion from the Bimops. And the Bifhops unto whom all people within their Diocefs are fubjed by common right 7 did perpetually thwart that pre- tenfion. They could not down with the Friers Priviiedges, alledging; they ought to be declared void, as being repugnant to the Primitive Conftitutions of the Church. This quarrel had beenefpecially fomen- ted during the laft year, by reafon feme Books had been published in the name of the Ertgltjh Catholicks, which preferred the Monaflical life before thai of the Prelates, andfeernedto imply that Friers were more necefTasy, at leaft more ufeful, to the Church than the ordinary Eaftors, Was it probable that the whole Society of Friers would re- linquifh the Priviiedges they had obtained from the See of &me ? On the other fide, what reafon was there, that the Prelates fhould have fo little Authority over them in Admirtiftration of Sacraments, and the Word of God ; feeing of old Friers were only mixed among the Laity, and addrefled themfelves unto the Bifhops Congregations, to receive the Sacraments from their hands, or thole who executed their charge r- The Cardinal took upon himfelf to end this difference, though he was at that time employ'd in the moft important affairs of Chriftendom. He therefore caufed the Superiours of the Orders to come before him one by one, .well knowing, that to negotiate fuch abufinefsin a publick Aflembly would be a labour in vain. He was a perfon well verfedin all Antiquities, and accordingly he reprefented. to them, how that in the firft inftimtion of Monks they were Confecrated unto God by the mediation of Bifhops, who received their Vows, intruded them, and directed their He laid before them the Original of the whole affair, and (hewed them, how that the Son of God had fubjeded all thofe who fold their goods, and followed him, unto the Apoftles,- whofe SuccefTours the Bifhops are, whereupon they making a drift ' profeflion of leading an Evangelical life y were more particularly obli- - gedto obferve the Order eftablifhed in and by the Gofpel : not that lie would queftion the validity of thofe exemptions granted from the See of Rome, unto which he owed much more refped and obedience, than to debate the Ordinances thereof- yet that he muft needs inform , that they could not be diipenfed with frojn following the Or- 1 44 der eftablifhed by Jefus Chrift, or his Apoftles, in Adminiftringthe Sacraments and Word of God. That in fine, themfelves could not de- ny, but they were obliged to relinquifh fume part of their pretenfions for the avoiding of trouble to the Church, which was likely to enfue upon this account, and whereof the Hagonots difcourfed with much freedom. That this peace would be more acceptable to God, than all the advantages it could otherwife procure unto particular perfons. That k would tend unto their honours, by teftifying unto the world the moderation of their minds, and humility of their fpirits, and that the world would efteem the better of them. That he fhould not wil- lingly propofe, that the Bifhops fliould have ordinary jurifdidion over their perfons, or power to vifit their Monafteries -, but that leaving them fall liberty to execute their Monaftical Functions, 'it feemedfu unto him, that they (hould not refufe to be dependent upon them in matter of Adminimng the Sacraments, of Thankfgiving and Pe- nance ( as he called them )of Preaching the Word -, and to admit them to have ypwer to repeal this Priviledge which was derived from them, according as the Council of Trent had prefcribed. Accordingly each one addrefled himfelf to obfervc the Cardinals di- rections : and although fome unreafoeable perfons began at firft to create fome difficulties, yet his prudence foon prevailed over them, infomuch that they could riot be thought the fame men, who had fo lately and fo ftiffly maintained their Independence on their Ordina- ries. Hecaufed a Declaration to be drawn, wherein they acknowledg- ed themfelves uncapable to Preach without Examination, Licence, and Approbation from their Bifliops firft had and obtained, and that the hid Bi lops might at any time revoke the faid Licences : withal, that they neither could nor ought to hear the Confeflions of Secular men without approbation which the faid Bifliops might Hkewife repeal, in cafe of any incapacity, or publick fcandal. Every one fubfcribed thereunto. The Bifbops difpatched Copies thereof into all parts : and thus the Cardinal ended a difference which had made fuch a noife fo many Ages together. The Duke of Montmortncy having raifcd fome ftirs, was encoun- tred by the Mart jkal de Scomber , defeated and taken Prifoner. The Parliament ofTheloufe by the King's appointment having made pro- cefs againft him with ail legal proceeding, condemned him to be be- headed. The Cardinal dt I* Valette befought the King to allow him a Confeflbur. And the King gave order to the Marflial de rcz.c, to conduct Father drnoux fupcnour of the Jefuites, to aflift him. Ha- ving made his Confeffion, and communicated, he made his will he be- queathed unto Mn/itur the Cardinal one of the rareft PiAures of , representing Saint Stlrajlian dying. He was executed in the .Court 'Cent/I/. ofFR'ANCE. 145 Court of the Town-houfe, where the King commanded it to be per- formed. The Duke of Montmorency had acquired fo great credit in Langue- docj that he not only drew on divers men of quality from his Majeftie's fervice, but feveral Bifhops alfo, and perfwaded feven or eight to lubfcribe unto the Declaration of the States. Some recanted what they had done and became conformable to what the King had ordained in his Declaration but others ftood out in their Rebellion, among whom were thofe of Alby and Vfcz, who had delivered their Cities into Monfaur's hands, ofNifmcs, who would have done the like, of Alets? and S.P0r,welI-willers to the Rebellion, either by raifing of Forces, or Provifions to be fent to places already revolted. The Archbifliop of Narbott y Prefident of the States, had not been defective in endeavouring to divert them from their defigns, reprefen- ting to them how contrary it was to their Profeffion, which ten- ded to procure Peace , and to (hew examples of obedience unto others. The King finding them who fhould have prefer ved the people in obedience both by exhortation and example, to excite them to Rebel- lion, could not put up fuch diforders, but appointed Colledors in their feveral Bifliopricks to receive their Revenues, and to employ them in reparation of Religious houfes and Epifcopal Sees : and thinking it improper to intruft the care of Souls with fuch difloyal perfons, he procured a Breviate from the Pope, addreffed to the Archbifhop of Aries, the Bifhops of St.f/or, and St. Malo, to draw up their Pro- cefs againft them. The Bifhops of Alby and Nifafs were depofed, death preventing the Bifhop of Vfez. from receiving the like punifh- rnent. The reft were reftored to their Biilopricks, there being not evidences fufficient to condemn them. The Duke of Efpernon had been advertifed, that it was principally the Archbifhop of 'Burdeaux who had exafperared Cardinal Riihliete againft him, and who had rendred his vifit at Bourdeaux ( when he went to fee him attended by his Guards ) fufpeded te him. A thing, that had offended him to the bft degree, and he had publickly com- D^ plained of that proceeding ( for his pafiions were never concealed ) *-" Lit.. 10. which was alfo reported to the Archbifliop, who was at this time obliged to come into his Diocefs to make fome refidence there. He departed therefore from Court, and took the way of Gui~ enne. The Archbifliop being on his way toward Burdeaux^ turned a lit- tle out of the ordinary Road to go into a Territory belonging to his Bifhoprick, called Monrwel, where being arrived, he was informed, that one of the Dukes Guards had been afiifting in the Execution of fome Actsof juftice, wherein he was himfelf immediately concern 'd, Tt t and , 4 6 3EIje cdc(mftical$ifto?p cent. 17-. and which woul-d other wife perhaps have met with.forae oppofition. He therefore fent a Gentleman to the Duke, to return his thanks- for fo opportune a kindnefs. What ever thedefignofthis Complement might be, it wis very ill received.. The Duke made anfwer to th* Gentleman who came from the Archbifhop, thac thanks wereneiiher ne- ceffary nor, due toaperfon, who had no dcfign to .oblige^ That if any thing by his orders had been done to his Matter's advantage, ic had been done upon no oiher account than the meer consideration of jufticej without any refped to his friendship , and fodifmifled him. The Archbifhop fent to Court to acquaint the Cardinal what bad paffed between the Duke and him, and to receive inflruftions from him, how he was to behave hi mfelf, if nutters fhould grow to a greater height between them. To which the Cardinal's anfwer was, that he aflured him of a powerful Protection : whereupon the Archbifhop enga- ged in the Afluir to fuch an height, as even to be himfeif the Aggref- for , at the firft dafli giving him very fenfible and public* affronts. The Duke of Efernon had in Propriety, as Lord of the Mannour of FitiptiHliny the Royalty of the CKt of Bureaux ( which is the Fifn' Market there} fqas that he might lawfully forbid any to enter there* into xvhom tie had no mind to admit. He therefore commanded the Archbifhop's Officers one fifth day to be excluded, that they rwghc be conftraincd to take their fifh without the Bar, with the reft-of the people.. Thefe menrefufed to receive ic after that manner, and other- wife they could not have it. Tjie Duke alfo knowing it would b& brought in from other places,, caufed his Guards moreover to watch all the avenues to hinder it, by whom, fome were turned back that would have done the Archbifhop that fervice and in theend fomeofhisown Domeft'icks were very roughly handled. The Archbifhop bypublick declararions complain 'd of the violence had been offered to him by a. fort of men purpofcly fetontodoit, de- fcribing them by the name of the Rttffet Caffocks, which was the Duke's Livery,, demanding of the Magiftrate protection, and aid to oppofe them, and preceding .to retire with his Clergy if they would not provide for his fafety. Then the Duke commanded, the Lieutenant of his Guards, the nfxt day after the Archbifhop had exhibited this injurious Bill againfthis Guard, togowith alibis Souldiers to prefent himfeif before ^him, and- to ask of him, if among all thofe he knew any one man who was like- ly to commit an unhaadfom-adion ? The Lieutenant did as he was commanded, and waited neaj: to the Archbifhops Palace, his return from the City fi who feeing him come in his Coadvpreftnted hitn- felf to fpeak unto him. The Archbifhop feeing fo many Souldiers attending the Lieutenant, commanded his Coach-maa to drive 01?. The Pent. 17. Of FRANCE. ,47 The Lieutenant with his hat in his hand was urgent with theArch- bifliop to hear him, a/Turing him he had nothing to fay that could any way offend him. But all was in vain, the Coach-man was ftill called unto to drive on. The Lieutenant called in the end to one of his Companions to lay hold on the reins, and to flop the Horfes : which being accordingly done, the Archbifhop immediately went out of his Coach, crying out there was violence offered to his Perfon, and fo retired himfelf into his Houfe. The Archbifhop in the afternoon of the fame day, being Ottober 2p. fummoned in all the Orders and Societies ofEcdefiafticks in the City, he there expofed before them the open violence he pretended had been offered him. Moft of the Clergy fir'd by his Rhetorick, concluded upon an Excommunication : and upon Novcmb. i. he thun- dred out his Excommunication againft the Lieutenant of the Guards, and aK his Companions, and tacitly againft the Duke himfelf. Cardinal Ricklieu endeavours an Accommodation betwixt them, but in vain. The Duke of Efternon calls an AfTembly of feveral Learned Divines in his own houfe, and all the Profeflburs of the Canon Liw, to have their advice upon this Cenfure. The moftpart of them were of opi- nion, That there was fome Exception to be taken againft the Cenfure, and faid, that all the forms being not obferved, they thought that thofe againft whom it was pronounced, were not obliged by it. The Duke prefently publifhed their opinion by found of Trumpet; at whichrhe Archbifhop was fo incenfed, that he cited thefe men to appear be- fore him. The Doctors furprized at this Citation, flie to the Duke's Prote- ction , who iflued out an Ordinance , wherein he prohibited all fores cf perfons, of what quality or profeflipn foever, to meet in an extra- ordinary Affembly, either in the Archbifhop's Palace, or elfe-where, without his fpecial Licence, excepting neverthelefs the Religious and Ecclefiafticks immediately belonging to the Congregation of the Arch- bifhopj and whofe Counfels he cuftomarily made ufe of, for the bet- ter ordering the Diftipline of his Diocefs. The Archbifhop iflued out a fentence againft all thpfe who had been of that opinion which the Duke had publi/hed, whereby they were inter- did^djt^eir Charges and Ecclefiaflical Functions, prohibited to Preach the Word of God, to hear.Confeifions, to Adrainifter Sacraments in the Diocefs of Burdcaux , Commanding the fuperiour Provincial to chaftsfethem, and expell them out of the Governs of Bureaux. By the See of Rome all Prelates are inhibited to make any Cenfures agaiaft Religious Orders , upon penalty of drawing that Excommuni- cation on their own heads, which they intended to inflift open others. Ttt z The IHjc eccieftafticai l^iftojp Cent. \T* The Religious hereupon appealed from this fentence to the Pope, But the Archbifhop afTembled the Superiours of the Religious houfes in his Palace to condemn that opinion which they ha4 given in favour of Naugai the Lieutenant. The Duke hereupon placed the Archers of the Watch of the City up- on all the Avenues and Gates of the Archbifhop's Palace, to hinder fueh as would obey the Archbifhop's fummons. The Archbifhop ha- ving notice hereof, immediately puts on his Pontifical Robes, and cauling himfelf to be followed by fome Ecclefiafticks, together with what people he had about him, went on foot outoftheHoufe, crying out in the Streets as he pafled along, To me my>Pfofle, There is no wore- fiberty for the Church. In this pofture he went to feveral Religious Houfes of the City, gathering after him a great number of people (who ran from all parts to the novelty) as he went along, and ift- the end returned back towards his own Palace, without being able to raife any commotion in the City. Whilft thefe things were in doing, the Duke was at the Ctptttciats, in one of the remoteft parts of the City, and having news brought hin\ by two Prefidents. of the'Parliament what had patted, the Duke fpeedi- ly mounted, his Coach, following that way the Archbifhop was gone, . having in company with him the Count de t&faille^ and htCommenda- tor de U juftice. The Duke's Coach-man drave on through all tilth? came near the Archbi(hop's Palace, where he overtook him. The Archbifhop ftill continuecj on his pace ; the Duke demanded of him by what Authority he ftirred up this Commotion in his Govern- ment ? he was by the Archbifhop interrupted, who cried aloud, Strike Tyrant, thy blowes will be tomeFlovrers andRofes, Thou art Excom- municated, In this buftle the Duke catching him by the hand, lifted ; it up twice or thrice, and fet it againft his BreaiL But the Archbi- fhop with his hat on ftill provoking him with injurious language, the Duke with a Cane he had in his hand touched the brim of his hat and : thruft it off his head to the ground, telling him at the fame time, he did not know the refpeft he ought him. But if the Reverence to his profeffion did not reftrain him, he would make him know it. Then, the Duke being return'd to his own houfe, the Archbifhop forthwith repaired to hi* Church, and pronounced the fentence of Excommuni- cation againft him, and ail that were with him. The Archbifhop fends away a difpatch thereof to the Court, where- in he gives the Cardinal an account of the violence that had been offered to him, at which the Cardinal was highly incenfed. The Court fides with the Archbifhop, and the Parliament, of Bordeaux alfo, who draw up an information againft the Duke. The Duke likewife fern te the King informations of what had pafTed, whereupon the King fent Order to the Archbifhop, to takeaway the inter- Gent. 17. Of FRANCE. '49 interdidton ; and to the Duke to depart out of his Government, and retire to bis houfe of flaffacy which is out of the Diocefs of Bur- toexped the Pope's refoiution, to whom thedecifionofthat Gontroverfie belonged, feeing they had appealed to him, which hung in fufpence about five or fix months. After the Dukes retirement to Plaffac, the Archbifhop ofBurdeaux l goes to Parts, who being arrived in Court, all the Prelates who were then in Part*, affemblcd after an ufual manner, to deliberate among themfelves what was beft to be done in the Archbifhops behalf: Which convocation the Duke having notice of, hefentto them his ab- folute fubmiffion to the Church. . The Duke ds la Valett t, who was returned back to Court, demand- ed Audience in the Affembly in the name of the Duke his Father. . Which being granted, he there hid down fuch reafons before them, that of five and twenty Prelates which were there prefent, thirteen were of opinion to take upon them the quality of Judges under the good - pleafure of the Pope and the King, the Duke having abfolutely fubmit- ted himfelf to their determination. But this refoiution was not for the guft of the Court. They afTembled then again at the Palace of the Archbifhop of Burde- aux, and from thence fent a Deputation to the King, wherein the Archbifhop of Aries was to fpeak for the reft, . The Bifhop in his Ora- tion ufed all the odious terms he could invent, to poffefe the King with the higheft fenfe of -the Duke's mifdemeanour. Upon which occafion Cftjpian Bifhop of Nantes, one of the moft vertuous Prelates of his time, cried out, That if it were poffible for the Devil to fubmit him- ft If to Cod Almighty , tofuch a degree AS the Duke did, he would infallibly obtain pardon for a/I hi* offences : and that notwithstanding the Church deny'd this fardan to a Chriftiari) who had everferved God and his Church. Upon t,he Complaints of the Clergy prefer 'd to the King by the mouth of the Archbifhop of Arles^ the Cardinal who was prdent at the Council, was of opinion, That upon the Duke's fingle confefifion con- tained in his anfwer, he ousht to be reputed Excommunicate : and as fo, that the. King ought to declare himlapfed from all his Offices and Dignities, till by venue ofbisAbfolutionhe fhould be re-united to the Church. The Duke now fends his Secretary hota-Pta/fac to Rom to pro-- cure his Abfolution. But fo many rubs from France were laid in his way, that four whole months were laps'd before the Duke could receive his Abfolution. The Duke's Abfolution being refolved on, and order given to the Archbilhop to give it him, and the day for Abfolution being a-ppoin- ted , the Duke of E/frernoti atten&d by .the Duke ds la Palette, and cent. and fcveral perfons of quality, went loCctitras, whither beingcome, the Archbifhop who was already there, accompanied with his Eccle- fiafticks, went firii tothe Church, where the Duke folFowing alter, and prcfenting himfclf before him, kneeled down upon a Velvet Cufhion laid ready for that purpofe. In this pofture, and in the prefence of fiveCcunfellours of the Parliament cf'Burdeaux t \vho were by theXing's order to be aftifting at this Ceremony, the Archbifhop pronounced hii AbfoluJon in thefe words. Et E^o Author it-ate Ecclefaj & e"a qitafttn^or, ab/olvo te a vine*- lo -ExcommHHicationif, quam inwrrifti) qnia immunitatcm EccUfie we A Metropolitan* pcrjregifti , manum armatam miHtum, ut me cnr~ ritmque mewn in via fifterent, mififti : Statione diffofta Palatium no- flrum 'vallajti- J-urifdtttionem Ecclcfaflicam viola fit; eamque tibi ar- rogafti : Nos, Clcrumque mflrurn tnpgnibHty & indignis contwneliu fi/tctfti : In nomine Patris, & FHii, &c. Though the Duke was no: great Latinift, he had neverthelefs fo much, as to underftand many words of this Abfolution , by which he ob- ferved they wer not according to the ordinary ftile of the Church. The Duke after his return received by an exprefs Currier from Court, his Majefties orders to return into Cuienne to his former Government. And it happened well not to the Duke alone, but as much alfo to the Province, and to the whole Kingdom, that the Duke was at this time reftored to his Command. '1655. ^ oon ^ tcr a S reat Sedition was raifed in Bordeaux by reafon of ihe Excife upon Victuallers. The Duke oppofeth the Seditious, forceth divers Barricade's, wherein divers of his men are Jlain and wounded, and beateth down their Barricade's , and reduccth the Ci- ty to its obedience to the King. The whole Province ofCttien except Montauban, brake out into open Arms, committing every-where all the barbarous Ads of an inhumane fury. The Duke fends his orders into all parts of the Province , which a little quiets them, The commotions of the City were no fooner appeared, but that madnefs diffufed it felf into the Villages of the adjacent Country. The Boors in great numbers got into the Suburb of Bordeaux, called S. Surin^ "to which place the Duke's houfe was near enough for him to hear their Clamour?, and from his Chamber- window that looked into the fields to fee the fires they had kindled in feveral houfes, of which thegrea- ceft part were miferably confumed. The Duke being under great indif- pofition got out of his bed , mounted to horfe by night, and with forty or fi ty Gentlemen, his Guards, and fome of the Town-Companies, went out toward thefe Mutineers. They had fortified therafelves in feveral places of the Suburb, tnd Barricado'd the Church, and made afhew of defending tbemfclves. But at the Duke's arrival they almoft all disband- Cent, 17. Of FRANCE. disbanded and ran away, none fave thofe in the Church making any refirtance , who alfo at the firft Volley difcharged upon them fled after their fellows j forty or fifty of them werelUinby the Civalry purfaing them , at whofe death the Duke was greatly afflicted. The report of this execution difperfing it felf in a moment throughout the whole Province, caufed a aim every-where. Now the Cardinal de la Palette, Son to the Duke ofE/pcrnon, was fent at the head of a great Army inro Cjermany, the Command where- of was equally divided between him and Duke Weimar : The Duke oiEfrfrnon was diffatisfied that the Cardinal de In Palei;? advanced in- to the Church by his Learning, Birth, and Fortune, to fo eminent a degree of dignity and reputation, that (hould wholly have applied' himfdfto herfervice, that he (hould hazard his life in fo dangerous a profefsion. He ever apprehended it would be fatal to him, and' therefore had done all he could to diflwade him from it, employing alfo the endeavours of feveral his moft intimate friends and fervanrs, but alt in Vain. Either the humour of the time, the inclination ofhis Son, the neceflky of his deftiny, or all together (till prevailing with him above the fears or forelight of fo affectionate a Father. In the mean time the Duke of Rohan was fain from Lirrain into- Alfatia, where he took Ruffach by ftorm. Then CommifTary BuHion had private directions to go along with (Jffotiftcyr ds Lande Ambaf- fadour and Governour of the French Forces which were in Rhctia^ to the enterprize of the Valtoline. The French Forces marched to- ward the Mountain Sfluga^ and came to Chiavena,. advanced to Rha, and pafling over Saflocorbe, ( which is a Rock between the Mountai i and the Lake, by which way they are to pafs jwho will go from thence by Land into the Valley, which is averyftrait pa/Tage; they came to Traon, not meeting with any hindrance. For the State of Milan wanting neceflary Forces for maintaining it feif, was rather thinking upon felf defence, than how to fet upon another. Andbecaufe the French mensdefign was to (hut up all pafTages inro that State, in fucft fort as it (hould be impofiible for the Emperour to fend them any fuccour by the way of Tyrol, theDakeof Rohan came thither on^v'/ 24. with two Regiments of Switz.ers, and five Companies of Horfe, and made himfelf Mafter ofthe reft of the Valley. Bur after Rohan had ' held it divers months, the Grifon Colonels and Caprains laying claim to much money ; and others who were dcftined to have the Govern- ment, claiming the reftitution of the Valtoline according to promife, they mutiny *d, and betaking themfelves to Arms throughout all Rhetia^ they fecured the Duke of Rohan in the Fort of 'Adayxfclt , and enforced: the French to forfakc. them, ar.d to return to their own King's domiV- ruons.. Then the Grifors emred into this Valley, and recovered their liber ty. Rohan not being able to efcapc from oir* 9 whither he was brought from MaynfeLt as an Hoftage, remained there until, fuch time as his men were gone out ofRhctia. The d- a& rfthe Afterward Duke -Rohan wounded in theBattel ofRinfcUdiedi. Ke DukecfK.-*jT. was a Duke and Peer of France ^ being bred up in the Wars under King Henry IV. he attained to fuch experience, as following the opinion and Party of the Proteftants, he was by them chofen to be their Gene* ral, in which charge he alwaies ftoutly behaved hknfelf till fuch time as he got his Pardon from KingLrnw XIII. Of a civil and courte- ous deportment to all perfons : of a (harp wit, wary in his proceed- ings, and in his Counfels well advifed. He was free from pride and ambition, Noble in his expenfes, contemning an increafeof wealth and riches. He died to the great grief of Duke Weimar ^ and all the other Commanders, and of all the Proteftants. In the year 1617 .-Franc it C"ftf* a Doctor of50r&*, wasconvcrted to the Reformed Religion, whereupon the faculty of Theology pronoun- ced this rigid decree againft him. It is very propcrly,and with great reafon,that the Apoftle ranks Here- 6" among Crimes and carnal (ins, becaufe we often perceive that by a fecret judgement of God, thofe ufe to fall and tumble into them , who fwelling with the vanity and confidenceof their own fenfe, or walking according to the flefh, fuffer not themfelves to be led by the fpiritof God, nor believe that they are tyed to any rule, but they tafte nothingbut what pleafeth man as he is a fenfitive Animal. Whereof, Francis Cttpif of vdngrrs^ whom the facred Faculty had nourifhed before in her bofom, and at laft unhappily received into the number of herDoclors, to the great fcandal of all good men, and the applaufe of the enemies of the Crofs of Chrift, hath lately given an horrid and moft deplorable example. For according to the honour that was con- ferred upon him in our School, not minding the law he had received from fo good a Mother, which might have drawn down upon his head all graces from God and men; and having quite forgot the Oath he had made fo oft, and whereunto according to ancient inftitution all new Graduates, and all fuch who are promoted to the degreeofDo- ctorfhips are folemnly obliged ; He is miferably fallen (laid they ) from the holy Catholick Church, whereby he hath drawn uponhim- felf the lofs of his foul before God, fhame and infamy before men, and malediction from all parts - This imprudent Son is become the grief and fadnefs of his Mother, then, when by a perfidious prevarication abjuring the true Doctrine, he hath moft impudently turn'd Here- tick, giving up his name to impiety and falfhood. But whence can it proceed, that he fliould fo eafilyfall intofo fearful a precipice, but from the natural preemption of his own judgement, and from the ar- dour Cent. 17,' Of PRANCE." dour of unbridled pleafure, &c ? Whence it comes to pafs, that tcing blinded , and walking continually according to his own co- vetoufnefs, having fhaken off the fweet and light Yoak of Jefus Chrift, he is become a voluntary (lave to Herefie, which is the height of all fins. It being therefore true , that as the Chriftian Emperours faid, Whatfoever is attempted againft Divine Religion, becomes injurious to all : with greater reafon the Sacred Faculty of Theology hath believ'd, That the wrong which is done Jefus Chrift , and to the Catholick Faith by this degenerate Child, did concern her fo far as to pronounce a grave Cenfure according to the atrocity of the Crime, againft fuch a notorious infamy, and to feparate him totally from Her, and her Nurfery, though it be nothing at all to be fear'd that fuch Baftard Plants will take any deep roots. Curfed be thou degenerate Child, which goeft on after thine own Counfel, not according to mine, which warpeft a web, but not by my direction, which doft add fin to fin, which goeft down to Egyft, and to the Synagogue of Satan, andcon- fulteft not with me, nor remembreft my Precepts. Thou haft reje- fted my Difcipline, hoping for fuccour in the help otCalvin and his followers, and haft confidence in the fiiadowof Egyp, that is to fay, in the Conventicle of Hereticks : but this imaginary ftrength (hall be- come thy confufion -, and the confidence of this fhadow which thou followeft, in defpifing the Body of the Orthodoxal Church, fh all turn tothyfliame. So Anathema was pronounced, and publickly fix'd up againft him. The Queen of France was brought to bed of a Prince on September 5. 1638. at St. German de lay, he was born in the twenty third year after the Marriage of the King and Queen. 1 he King upon news there- of, threw himfelf upon his knees before a Crucifix, and returned bum- ble thanks and acknowledgements to God for his fo great goodnefs to- ward him. All France was full of jollity, as they exprefTed by their voices, ge- ftures, and actions. Yea this gladnefs difperfedit felfupand down all places of Chriftendom ( that were Friends to Fr*nce) and -(truck a kind of wonderment into the world* In Rome there were divers invention?, and curiofities. found cut toex- prefs a congratulation* Before thejFrrzc^ Ambafladour's Palace fwho was then the Marfml d' Eflre ) there was a triumphant Obelisk with the Arms ofFr^ffcr, and this Oftentous Infcription underneath. U u u %\yt cccIeQaftical%ifto# cent 17 Lttdovico XIII* Chriftianiffimo Gtttiarum & Navarrtfagi, Qul Pulluianttnt per avita regn* H*rtticnm Hydram Pctulantew in orbe Chriftiano novum Geryoncm HercHlca elava cemprejfit : per impetat Principes per Tyrannidem ietatt rcftituit Hcroit Jujliti* debitel . Dftphino, Inter aurtalilia nafcenti, Inter paternos Unros vagicnU, future fitturorum monftrorum Atcidiy In afflttt0r*mftibfaliHm 9 JsTyrannorum excidiMM 9 In liliorum aternttm germen^. In EcclepA invittHm colnwen, & calo in t err is ft upend a ratione f demiffo Y PLtuftu, acclamationes? Troph&a future gloria argument^ Prafenti* UtitU monuMent/i? jfatottit) tdjungit, erigit i Francifcw Hannibal Eftr&tt*) &c. For publick arguments of >oy, Prifoners and Galley-flaves were rer leafed. Two were ennobled in every Generally throughout the King- dom. And four Matters were created in every Trade throughout francs , with divers other priviledges afforded, to them of Paris. In the year 1640* a great combuftion happened in Catalonia, which grew fo furious, that the Viceroy with his Wife and fome of his Fami- ly were murthered, and his houfe burned to the ground. This tumult by degrees turned to an abfolute revolt from their Sovereign natural King, infomuch that they fled to France, The French quickly hearken unto sheen- fo there was a Treaty at Nttrbcn^ whither they fent twelve per- fons of quality for Hoftages - and an Order lifted out, That He fhould be branded with an hot Iron, who fpake of any accommodation with Ctftit. Cent. 17. Of FRANCE. ' t Caftile. It was agreed on, that upon putting therafelves under the Royal Protection of the moft Chriftian King, he fliould furni/h them witn an Army of fix thoufand Foot, and two thoufand Horfe,to be main- tained by the Catalans. Hereupon three Commiffioners were fcnc to Parity one for the Clergy ; another for the Nobility, and a third for the Gentry and Commonalty. The chiefeft Incendiaries were the Preaching Friers and Monks, who in lieu of obedience and conformity to Government, and compliance with the King, having fo many Irons in the fire, did teach, and obtrude to the people nothing more than common Priviledge, and refumption of Liberty, whereby the affection oftheVaflal was withdrawn from his Prince. There came a Meflenger of State to Paris, who brought news of the Great Turfy death in the flower of his youth, though of a robuft conftitution. He died by exeefs of drinking forae forts of Wine, wherewith he was ufed to be oft diftempered, not withftanding the ftrictLaw of Mahomet, who oftenjPreached this Doctrine, That there wot a Devil in every berry of the Grape ; and therefore absolutely in, terdicted the ufeof Wine in \\\sAlchoran. Soon after Don John of Braganfa was (upon a general revolt of the Portuguefes ) within lefs than a month fully fetled in the Kingdoms of Portugal and the Jlgarves, without any oppofition at all . This Re- volt of Portugal was no great news tomtPrtnch Cardinal, who had his fpirits walking there, as well as in Barcelona, and every where elfe. The Spanifh AmbafTadours negotiate at Rome, that the Duke of JBraganfa be Excommunicated for an Ufurper. If this had taken effect, it had made the King of France incapable to aflift him being an Excom- municated perfon. But France had fuch a powerful Faction in the Con- fiftoryj and the Pope was fuch a friend to the French, that the Catho- lique King could do little good in this point. Then was France blefTed with another Mafculine Royal OfFfpring, the Duke of Anjou. In the year 1642. Mary dc Me dices, Queen- Mother, and Dowager of France , expired at Colcn* She had been Regent of 'France rruny years, during which time ftie difcovered great abilities tranfcending her Sex. vShe was afterwards twice in Arms againft her Son , and (hi came at length to conceive fuch a Junonian indignation again/I the Cardinal Richlieu, who had been chief of her Counfel?, and her Creature afterwards in point of greatnefs ( for (he firft preferred him to the King) that the breach could never be made up between them. And (he was ufed to fay, that the worft thing flic ever did was the advancement of Richlicu. In the fenfe of this indignation flieforfook ' France, and drew a voluntary Exile upon her fdf. She firft retired Uuu 2 * to '55 !5 6 %ty CCClctatttCal %lO# Cent. 17, co Flanders , thence "(he removed to Holland^ thence to England ^ and her laft retirement was to Colen^ where (he died. The Cardinal of Richlicu wasfick that time that the Queen -Moiher died ztColen : yet he forced himfelf to creep to the Altar, and offici- ated many Church-duties for her foul. From that time he was never perfcdly 'recovered, and now more like a Skeleton than his Eminence, being carried upon the fhoulders of men, hathhoufes broken down to make him room to come in at, fo much French blood lo&at home, fo much (bed in the field, difquiets and deje&s his fpirit, now imprifon- ed in a languilhing body. Cinque-Marl the Grand Covftable, and de Thoithte Mafter of Requefts were apprehended at Narbon the very day that the King had but in the morning embraced and kifTed CtH^ar- . M*rs y and bad talked very courtcoufly to de Thou. The fame was done lode Bovillany ztCaJailles. The Prifoners are brought to Lions r where by chofen Judges they are condemned, and upon a Scaffold beheaded. DC Bouillon got off with the furrender of'Sedan. At lengih Cardinal Richlieu's fcarcely breathing Corpfe, nothing benefited by the Waters of Borhogne y is brought to Paris, he died in the end of the year 1 642. XicblieHWK no great Zealot in his own Religion, but as he made it fubfervient to his political ends : nor would he ever employ any Je- fuite : He had a moderate opinion of the Refprmifts, which made him to be called the Hugonot Cardinal. And he would have often in his mouth this faying, Mane at morale benevolcntia, inter difcordes fen- tentia. Yet he wrote a Book againft them, which is extant. He did them more mifchief by Complementing with them, than by com- bating. He was a great cherifher and promoter of vertuous men, and would find them out wherefoever they were, infomuch that he gave every year in Penfions little lefsthan an hundred thoufand Franks. He ere- cted two Academies, oneinP^r^, cs\\edf j4cadewie dc Beaux Eftrits, wriere the Prime Wits of the Kingdom met every Monday and ano- ther at Richlieu, where the Mathematiques and other Sciences were read in the French Language ; the difficulty of the Latine deter- ring many of them from ftudying other places. He did fo oblige all the Wits of the Kingdom, that they ftrove who fhould magnifie him moft : never were there fuch hyperbolical expreffions of any m^n, and not without fome mixture of profanenefs. Someblaf- shemoufiy faid, That God Almighty might put the Government of ths World into hU hand. That France in God> andthf Cardinal's hands were too ftrong. That, what the foul wot to the body, the fame: he WM iff France, Gent. 17. _ Of FRANCE. i ?7 . ' i " Siforet kicnullw, Calif a nttllaforet. Some appropriate the reduction of the Rochetters folely to him. Therefore to fdoth him, one French Chronicler impioufly writeth, that in the taking of that Town, Neither the King nor God Almighty him- felf had any (hare in the Aftion, but Cardinal Richlien, Thereupon Another made this Diftich, Rickelii etdventh port* patuere RupelU, Ckrifto infernalesut pat Here fores. The Gates o/Rochel opened to Richlieu, As thofe ofHctt to Chrift tfttnderfew. Divers other Latine Diftichs there were of like nature. And in the French Language there are abundance of fuch Hyperboles. I will in- fiance in fomc. Etfinowfaifons des ghirlandes, C' eft pour en couronner un.'Dieu^ jQuijoubs le nom de Richlieu Recoit not VCSHX> & nos ojfrandrts*- 'Another.' fferos a qnl la France crigt de: Attelsj teprevoit) & fjhifais lebon heurdes wertels, tifcaif mieux I' adventr^ tjue Its chofespaj/eef^ fenetre dans mon Ame> &c. Anpther, Si tjHelef un dans ces vers parle de Richlieu, jQuious I' habit d' un homme ilnow defcrive un-dieu ^ eftes point fact a I' httmaine impitiffancc, &c, . A Royal Chronologer attributes more to him than to his Mafter the King himfelf. He calls him the Grand Director, and moft puiflant Genius of France, the perfedeft of men, who doth penetrate things to come, and is ignorant of nothing : great and incomparable Cardinal, the moft eminent among mortals to whom the crabbed'ft and moft my- fterious affairs ofSrate are but paftimes : vifibieGod, and tutelar An- gel of t^ie Univerfe ^ a fpirit that moves the Heavens and and the Srars the ,5 8 Sftf CCCU'afttCal^iftog Cent, iy, ihe blifs of ihe world , the Supreme Intelligence, the Phpnix of the earth, who never had, nor ever (hall have his paralkl. As there were a number of fuch profane Sycophants among the Wits of France, that idolized fcm in that manner, fo there wanted not others that afperfed him by P. fquilsand Libels. One calleth the Capuchin, the Cardinal, and the Devil, the greesofComparifon. One hath made this Epitaphical invedive on hrtn viator ^ quo proper a* ? nufyuam videbis, ant audies. heic IcgitHr, Johannes de Plejfis Cardinal^ dc RichtieH, 1 Clarw Origins^ magnns ingenio^fortuna emiftentiffimttf, Qupdque mirere, Sacerdos in Cajiris, Theologw in AuU^ Epifcoptu fine plcbe^ Curdinalit fine tirnlo. Rex fine nomine , unw tamen amnia. NatHram habtiit innumerato^fortunam inconfilio, a Cardinal without a Title, a King without name, Yet one who was all thefe. He had nature in all her numbers, Fortune in his Counfels, The Royal Treafure in pofTeflion, (ecurity in War, Vidory under his Banner, He, kept his. Confederates in compafs, his^Countrey-men in ftr- vitude, His friends at a diftanre, his enemies in Prifon, In this only wretched that he made all men fo, . Being as well the torment, as the ornament of his time. He fubdu'd France, he fcarM Italy,. be fliook the Empire, He affilided Sp#jn t he Crown'd Braganza, he took Loxrain, He accepted of Catalonia, he fomented Sweden, he maim 'si Flanders, He troubled England^ he coufened afl Europe. A purpled Poet, Whofe Stage was the world^ glory his Curtain, the Exchequer his tyring houfe, His fubjed for the moft .part tragical, to which he put. anill Ca>, taftrophe.. Having turn'd the Kingdom to Legacies, bequeathed poverty, to. ihc. t people, Difibated the Prioces, exhaufted the Nobility with puni.fliraents, Bercfi Bereft the Parliament of power, deftroy ? d other Nations with fire and fword, Driven away peace by Sea and 'Land, .His body now fainting, his mind not recreablc for reftlefi thoughts, When it concern'd every one that he {hould five or die, Being in good part already mortifi'd , and living only in c;hcr$ death, He iuddenly ceas'd to breath, and to be feared. O the frail things of fnortalit yl What a fmall moment is there betwixt fomething and nothing ? The Corpfe were carried in a Chariot, Horfe and Foot followed in-great numbers, Pages carried Torches, none the Crofs, for the Chariot carried ike publick Crofs. In fine^ he hardly fill'd up his grave, Whom a 11 Europe could not fill. 'He lies among the Sorbonifts, Of Difpute a mighty Argument, Whither he is gone 'tis a Sacrament. Reader, this is all I would have with thee, Hereby meafure thy felf, and be gone. He died at Paris "December 4. 1642. in the 57. year, and third month of his Age. After the deceafe ofRicbUev, Cardinal Julitu M*tz.arin, a Gentleman of an ancient Roman Extraction, was put to fit at the Helm. He toge- ther with Leo iJouthiller Chavigni, and Soublet Noyer, both Secreta- ries of State, were the Cabinet Counfel to the King. Mazarin was a bofom friend, and a great intrinfick Confident of Ricklien before, who had imparted his deligns, infufed all his Maxims into him, and open- ed unto him all the Arcana Iwpcrii, He had been an aftive Politi- cal Inftrument employ 'd by the Pope before in fundry Treaties, and difficult traverfes of State, wherein he had good fuccefs , and in all his negotiations he was difcoveredtobea Perfon of excellent addrefs and rare endowments. Five months after the death of Cardinal Richlictt, the King fell fie k at S. German's, and died on May 14. 1643. the fame month, the fame day of the month, and about the fame hour of the day that his Father died thirty three years before, but with this mark of difference, that the one went out, the other was fent out of the world about the fame time. His bowels were prefently carried to be interred at Saint Den- nis y whither his Body followed after in the height of all folemnity an<4 Cent. 17. Of FRANCE. 161 and magnificence that his Queen could dcrife, whom he left Regent of the Realm. He was a great Zealot in the Religion and Ceremonies of the Church of Rome. When the Queen found her fclf quick, he caus'd a foleran Declaration to be publiflied, wherein-he made the blefled Vir- gin Proteftrefs under the holy Trinity of all his Eftates, all which he confecratcd to her 4 and for an immortal Mark of this Confecration, fee commanded the great Altar in the Cathedral Church of Part* to be built anew, with the Image of the Virgin, which fliould hold in her Arms that of our Saviour^ and the K. to lie proftrate before the Son and Mother, offering them his Crown and Scepter. The Archbifhop of farif was enjoyn'd to Commemorate this Declaration once every year upon Afiumpt ion-day at the Altar in the Morning ^ and that in the Eyening a general Proceffion fliould be made, wherein the Provoft of Paris, ind all the Sovereign Companies (hould be affiftant with the Court of Parliament. This Command extended to all other Archbi- fhops and Bifhops throughout Franc*, that they fhould in every Ca- thedral Church ered one fpecial Altar to the Virgin Mary for this end, and in commemoration of this Aft to pepetuity. One Inftance more I (hall add of his Zeal to the Romifi Religion. When the Old Marjhal de la Force a Proteftant, was admitted to fee him a little before he expired, he told him on his death-bed, That he thought God Almighty fuffer'd him ( meaning the Marfhal ) to live folong upon Earth expedinghisConverfion, as he had done that of Lcfdiguicrs. He put out fundry Proclamations againft Swearers, againft Pride in apparel ,as alfo againft Duels : and the laft was fo ftrid, That both the appellant and defendent whofoeverdid furvive, fhould fuffer death with- out mercy, and be deprived of Chriftian burial, but both rot upon the Gallows with their heels upwards. Here I (hall put down a Lift of divers Books that were Printed in France for fundry years paft. Francifti Garcia Evangeliciu concionator. Printed at Lions, Ann* 1622. Petri Damiani Cardintli* opera. Printed ViLions, 1623. Bibliothica Vtterum Patrum (jrxcorunt , Printed at: 1624. Dent , Natura^ & Gratia^ by Saint fara, Printed at Lions ,' 1625. PHteani fimmentari* in futttmam D. Thorn*, Printed at Tboloufc, 1627. Biblia, Scftuaginta cumCrfca Teftamcnto Gr;t. Lot. inthree Vo- kmies. Printed at Paris, 1628. Xxt Stilt* 6T"" Hffi ccclefmftical %ifto?p cent. 17. #//;* VidgAta, Printed 1628. Bibliothtca Ordini* Pr&monfrdtenps fer Job. le P*v*z>f, Printed at Prfrtf, 1633, Ludov. Dole de Concurfibtu Del & creatur Printed at Lionf^ 1634. Concilia, Generdia Gr&c. Lat. ten Volumes, Printed at Tar is. Franc. Lanovii Ckronican generals ordinis Minimorum, Printed at P,wtf, 1635. Didacw 'Bj.z.a de Ckrifto fgurato in Vet. Teftaw. Printed at Lion^ 1636. franc is Hallicr de .far is cletiionibui &> ordinrtionilfuSj at Paris, 1636. H 1 ' florin Ecclefa Gallic 'an '*,at Paris, 1636. Franc. Bouquet de PovtificibM Rvmanis I Gaflia oriundis. Jacobi Sirmondi propemptrion contra Eitcharift. CL SalmtfiL - Jac. Sirmimdt opufcula 'Dogmatum -veteritm Scriptornm. Andrew de Saitfy sJMs.rtyrologium Gallicanum^ at Pjris, 1637, JM* ap-ra cmnict^ Printed at Paris } 1633. Jacob i Saliani Ainales Ecclefaftici. Steph. Fagundez, in Decalog. at Lions, 1640. Thefts Theologies Proteft. ^cademin SalmHrienps, at- Saulmuy^ 3641. Hottingeri Hifloria Ecclefinftica, five Volumes compleat. ticttingeri Analefta Htftorico-Theologica,\ Oftavo. Afterwards Anno 1646. there was publifhed AnnaHum Ecclcfaftico- YMm pitome y at Rovcn. Noviffiwa GaHite Concilia a Tewporc CoKcilii Trident ini y ad Annum 1646,31 Paris. Lewes XIV. the prefent French King fucceeded his Father in the Kingdom, being about five years old. Mazarine cafting with himfelf what is hurtful and profitable, paft this fentence upon the Clergy. Thefe are his words counfelling the Queen Regent : The Sacred Order for thefe many years hath had but a thin harveft of excellent Perfons, however it come to pafs. Men follow after nice Queftions, live idly, do not embrace ferious Studies. All is done with pomp, nay if any Sermons be to be made, and the very venerable facrifice offered. Of their Office they lay claim to nothing but their Rents : the duty of Preaching, which is the principal dignity of a Bifhop, they quit to any one though never fa infufficienr. They think themfclves Bifhop enough, if they can but ride in fine Coaches with, their Arms fet on, out-vie one another- in rich Liveries and Lacquies, and punifh with ri- gour thofe that tranfgrefs in the lead matters. Perpetual haunters of ladies Couches, not without undervaluing the Paftoral fhff. This is for Cent. 17-. Of FRANCE. 163 for the moft paft,for there are Come that lead holy and unreprovable lives. Hethat fhall take offence, will own himfelf not to be oneof thefe, but thofc other. So much power hath Religion over the minds of men, that as often as among men in holy Orders any eminent vertue hath got up, and overcome the common attainments and the vices of mankind, it is adored like a Deity. At that time that company was of no weight nor moment in prance, faid Mazarine* There was Francis PaulGondy, by ^ extraction a Florentine, but born in France, Abbot of Rhetz,, afterwards Coadjutor to the Biftiop of Paris, Archbifhop of Corinth , one that if occafion had offered, would feate afpiredhigh, as Cardinal Mazarine confefied he was perfw^ded. Over and above an honourable Family, he had eloquence and learning friih prompmefs of fpirit. All vvas now profperous and quiet in France , whofe power reached over Almanit from the Maz.elin Brink beyond the Rhine.. By the Vidory at Norlingue, the parts confining on the Danube, were after- wards invaded, and terror ftruck on all fides. In Spain by feizing Tortofa and Flix the French got to the River Iber. Their Fleets ranged over the Mediterranean and Ocean. All Italy, from the Pope ( who then was Vrban VIII ) to the leaft Princes, bore reverence. The Dukes of Savoy, Mantua, and *JWo- dena, then rather Inftruments of French flavery, than free Princes. The Kings of Sweekn and Denmark^ boafted of their friendfhip : the Pole fued'for ir. The Eltfdors of Germany fougtit to intereft themfelves in their favour. Portugal rent from Spaifr, depended on the looks of France, whofe ' YoakCatalonia had put on.- being weary of the Spantft Dominion. The Low Countries ftuck clofe to them : Ml Europe with aftonifhment fto'odgazmgat fuch" afta'teofthe^m;^ affairs: nothing was then wanting to compleat their happinefs befide's moderation, and the art of en joy ing it. Paul Gondy defigned A? chbifhop of Tarts, is confecrated of Co- rinth ( it is tne Bifliop of Rome's practice, that fo the whole world may bethought depending <5n t neT^f ;'c-*b Oratle, to exercifc his au- thorhyeven upon the diffenting .parts.)' That day was firft occafion of much enfuing mifchief . Ferrario Pallavicini, a Canon Regular, a Parmefan, of a Noble houfe, fharply inveighing in libellous Pamphlets againft the practices of the Rowan Court, loft his Head' at Avignon \\\ France, and gave ir- ftance how unfafe a thing it is to touch upon the Kowaa State in writing, though never fo truly. The Divifions of Italy being clofed up, Pope Vrban VIII. died July 29. 1644. after he had fate twenty one years and fopac months. Xxx 2 .Then ,^ 4 3O)e ecc!cfiatttcau?tfto?p Cent. 17* Then do Battifta Pampbilio, a Noble Roman, was Proclaimed Pope, after the See had been vacant 45. daies. He alfumcd the name of Inno* cent the Tcmh. Ti*Hift.of Tnis Election was not at all difpleafing to the French, though they, cardinal's were not a little difpleafed at Cardinal Antonio, who for his own jun.j. itt. 2. p r j vat:c i nt ereft had by his reiterated inftances perfwaded that Crown co the exdufion of Pamphilio, and afterwards confented to it contrary, to the King's order ,, and without expecting the return of the Currier, which was difpatched to that Court, that they might confult upon the bufinefs. For which the French King thought fit to degrade Cardinal Antonio from the honour he poffeffed of.being Prote&or of Franc f,. and to take away his Royal favour from Teodoli, and the Marquefs of San Fit* his Brother, and torecal his AmbafTadour San Simon into France, torender an account of his proceedings -, yet in the mean time the moft Chriftian King fail'd not with aU aSions of goodnefsandge- nerofity to endeavour a correfpondence with the Perfon and Houfe of the new Pope, giving him to understand that the chaftifement of the afowefaid perfons, proceeded from the averfion they had to his Ele&t-i on : or at leaft for that they had^ per f waded that Crown to his exclufi-. on, with arguments much contrary to the truth. About the end of the year 1646. died Henry Bourbon Pjrince ofC0- dc, not yei fi&y years old. Nothing was more methodical than the whole courfe of hi* life : every action had its proper feafon, and each year they returned in their due Periods, as by a Kalendar.. The young King fell dangeroufly Tick of the fmall Pox, but he recove- red, and grew up under the inftruftions of Hardovin Ptrtfx Abbot of Beaumont, a man of a pleafant gravity and wifdom, afterwards Archbi- fhop of Paris , who might have been ftiled the King's Seneca, but that he hapned upon a Trajan. In the year 1647. Whores and Bawds of al] forts were banifhed out of Par is ; not by an Aft of Parliament, but by an Order of the Provoft Marefchaf.. A Writer of that ftory faitb, It was a ftameful thing to ftir thofe'mat^ tcrs, which having been ftirred would have ftunk filthily : and to be fierce agahift poor Whores, when Noble Ladies did proftitute them-* felves without punifhment. Now tstfazarinc furnifheda t-ibr-ary in fivour of the Studious witb Boofe to be read over in many ages. One might behold (helves raik ed up to the top oftheRoof, wherethrough a luxury of literature was fct up a learned Pile, not as Ornaments of a Palace, but as Inflruments, of Wifdom, not ranked for a fhsw, but for ufe, In the year 1648. a Civil War in France was* ", and ail France was fet in a combuftibn, Arthe fame time * malig-- Cent. i/ Of FRANCE. malignant Star did influence many Kingdoms, as England, Naples, Great commotions were in Par if. Peter Seguier Chancellour of France, is difpatched to the Parliament, to carry them the King's Or- ders,' or in truth, to try what was their intention. He was like to be torn in pieces by the Rabble. But t&fifcray en Horfcback with Dart, break through the Seditious crew, and having refcued the Chancellour from that imminent danger , convey him back fafe to the Queen in a Coach lialf-torn, the Guard being frighted 7 and fome of them (lain. The Sedition breaks out farther, andthemad- nefs of the people rifeth to higher exafpcration, f. Paul ^endy^y defigned Archbifliop of Parts, ( commonly ftyled Coadjutor ) in his Pontifical Robes, carrying with him a veneration as he pafled along the Streets , moderated the people with Language and gefture. Some there were that taxed Gondy, as if in his heart he bad been fomewhat favouring alterations. However the matters were in truth, that was the firft dayof(7r.f and Mcz.. Then was a Letter fent from the Court of Parliament at .JV#, to all Majors, Bailifs, Sheriffs, and other publick Officers in rhe Kingdom of france, craving of them to aid and aftift the City of Paris with fuch Provifions whereof it might ftand in need, and with fuppltesof men and other War-like necefTaries, to preferve the City for his Maje- ftie's fervice. They declared, that Mazarine as an utter enemy to the Kingdom, fought by all means, yea by open violence and force' of Arms, to fupprefs the King's Authority, that of their Court, with the publick liberty. And to that effect had caufed the City of Parit to be inverted, and the King to be conveyed from thence at two of the clock in the morning. Upon the news ofthefe combuftions in Paris at fame, Monfiexr M* wrote to his Son the Cardinal, telling him of his faults, and giving his Fatherly advice. The Court now between Paris and Rovtn (the two molt power-' ful Cities of the Kingdom ) was- diftrefTed wkh the want of all things, cfpecially of money, the Aids coming in but flowly from all parts. The City Militia grew every day more unwilling to fubmit to Orders : and all people were full of murmuring complaints. Thereupon the Arch- Cent. 17. Of FRANCE. Archbifliop of Corinth gets up into the Pulpit at St. "Pauls, and faith / tt'0/^ ^z/* fc^ you in fofety ^ / would have had you Victorious and thegoodncf of the caufe had acquitted you, itnlefl your repentance and tamencp did plead guilty. Then having inveighed much aainft the Government and Mtwrinc, be cometh down out of the Pulpit : and having put off his Mitre and Surplice, he puttethon his Armour. Often he Tallied out of the Town to charge the Enemy, without any re- gard to his Function. Great uproars and tumults followed j but at St.Cfermant the principal Lords of the King's Council did earneftly treat of Peace with the Parliaments Commillioners, A4jz.arim bein excluded, as already pre-conderaned by publick Ads, fome Courtiers driving way, that they might engrofs to themfelves the honour of having procured the quiet of the State. The Qu/en oppofed it ftrongly, and at length when he was taken in March"n. 1649. the Articles were agreed to the great joy of the Common people. That an Aft cf Oblivion for pafl mifcturriages be made. That all things be re flared to their former eftate. That the King be brought home a /rain, to Paris. Taxes tobe diminified. *A Treaty of "Peace \viththe "Spa- niard confented to : and fome Worfliipfxl Member of the Ho>tfe for Age and Experience, be ioyned in the tranfation^ to fee it concluded HV- on good and firm terms. The Sedition at Paris was fcarce quiet, but the Faction works in new Plots. There is a Rifing in Provence, and efpechlly in Guicnne againft their Governours, which Conde underhand abetteth. Condty. Conti^ and Longueville^ are imprifoned. Thrice they alter their Pri- fon in thirteen months. Various tranfaftions patted in the mean time in Normandy, Burgundy, and Guienne. Great conrefts there were cither about releafing or detaining the Prifoners. The Cardinal and the Slingers fell at odds, foas to betray one another, and treat with the Prifoners about Marriages, and in a manner fharing the who!e Kingdom. At length a Peace is concluded and published on v^;,;/? 2. 1650. and all things are fetled inGtiienne. The King cnrers The Ci- ty of Bordeaux with a Guard of four thoufand choice men. The Cardinal had- Lodgings with the King in the Arcbbiiliop's Pa'ace^ Efyernon the caufe of the Infurreftion, was excluded, who mi^hr K~ his (ingle vertue purchafe a Government. The Life-Guards weredi>- tnifTed, and the King trufled himfelf to the Guard of his Suhjrfts, Which took much with their Ambitious temper. The Court parted from thence. The King flayed at Fountainblsan, all being in an up- roar in ?ari& j at his fuccefs in Guienne , the Fadion were en- raged. On November 15. 165 Ok Conde, Conti, and LffngttfviBt, wrre conveyed in eleven daies journey through the mid^t of Norwandy to. Home de Grace, where they were kept in.clofe euRody. 1 68 1Oje cccieftaffreal ^iftojp Cent. \?. " ftcured the conveyance with four hundred Horfe, and the like number of Foot. On February 6. 1651. in a dark night the Cardinal Incognito, in a difguifed habit guarded by about 20O.*Horle, riding himfelf on horfeback, retired to St. Gvrm*ns> fdarcourt beating the way. He purfues his journey through the midft of Normandy to H*vre dc Grace with a pompous train , gazed at by all the people as he pafled along. M*z.arine having difpofed his Cavalry into the neighbouring Villages, enters into Havre de Grace with his retinue of menial fer- vants. He goes into the Caftle alone with only two others, he deli- vers the Queens Letters to the Governour for the releafing of the Princes, which was done accordingly. Longuevillc went out firft, then Contiy and both of them leaped mtoGrammont's Coach. Conde ftaid a little while after with the Cardinal in the Prifon Chamber, where they had Conference together. The enlarged Princes return to Parts y where the Souldiery at the fight of Conde weep for joy. Great was the concourfe of the City, and fo great was the joy, as though the Pillars were reftored to the Kingdom. fJtfazarMe withdraws from France, and comes in fafety to Srovel, the Palace of the Eledor of Cologn. Thence he writes to the Queen, and the Count dc Eriennc,\\\s Majeftie's Secretary. This Letter be- ing read with an audible voice in the Privy Council, brought fome to relent, but exafperated more. Mazarine is Voted in a fulJhoufe guil- ty of High Treafon, the difturber of the publick peace, and enemy of Prince. Strid prohibitions are made, that no French man fliould hold eorrefpendence with him, impofmg a fevere penalty on alJ that fhould prefume to tranfgrefs. Mazarine was in ill condition, againft whofe return were ftriA Or- dinances, to which the Queen Regent gave her affent : nay by A& of Parliament, not only foreign but home-born Cardinals and Eccleli- afticks, in what degree foever dignified, are rendred uncapable of be- ing admitted Members of the King's Council. No man can pay a di- vided Allegiance to his natural Sovereign, and the Bifhopof Rome. For Cardinals, if the account be rightly caft up, are but Curates in Purple. They fhould attend the-Confiftories, and over-fee ftieir Flock, the charge whereof cannot be negledcd without the hazard of fouls. Corinth drew againftthe Bill, that only foreigners fhould be excluded from the Government, left hi expe&ed Hat not being lined with that Miniftry to which he afpired, might be deprefied by his meaner contemplations. Obuffon, Archbiihop of Twrdon, in behalf of the Clergy made an eloquent Oration for the priviledges of the Church, but without fuc- cefs. Yet the reputation of Ob fan grew by this means higher, and paved C ent.17- Of FRANC E. paved him a path to future preferments. The main fcope of his Ora- tion lay in amplifying the obligations that Cardinals had laid upon France, whofe good fervices were confpicuous all over the World. The Parliament anfwered, that the fame Cardinals were infatiable in Ambition and Covetoufnefs. This ( faid they ) is incident to Ecclefi- dignities, a flighting of heavenly matters, and an affedation of domineering on earth, and eminency over great Princes, in all which they write after the Copy, and come as near as they can to the Roman Court, overcoming all the world in pride. They added, that they turn the greatnefs they have received againft their very benefadors, and aim at nothing lefs by their Canonifts and Emiflaries, than the total (uppreffion of the Secular power. That if their immoderate advance proceed, the Authority of Church-men will become Emprefs of the world, and the Secular power muft be its Lacquey, which is fcandalous. The Queen tolerated thefe and fuch like disorders, and others che- riflied them. The Parliament condemned them as prejudicial to their Authority. The Princes could not well digeft the hardinefs of the Parliament of Tarts. The Council of the Nobles flighted both Court and Parliament, and joyned with the Clergy. Conde removes divers Minifters of State. He takes the Government of Guiettne, rejedinghis prefent one of Burgundy. He withdraws from Court. The Civil commotions break out afrefh, and a third Bourdeaux war arifeth . Now Mazarine is revoked upon this ground, to fuccour the King, who was again diftrefled by the fadion. The day of the Kings Majority approached -, The King with the Queen Regent came into the Parliament on September?. 1651. with a folemn pomp. The Queen having made a fhort recital of her Regency, delivereth up her Government to her Son. Thefirft Adion of the new King was to fall on Conde's Forces at Marie, Guife and Vervain. They were partly routed,' and fome flain -, part under the command of Tavan recovered Stenay* From thence was the rife of the Civil War. Then did Comtf&conapafs that Hat fo often promifed, and fo often put by j which Pope Innocent granted, not fo much for gratifying the King, as the eclipfing Mazarine, by fetting up an equal to him in dig- nity. No longer is he called Corinth, but de Rbetz. fliall he be hereaf- ter called. The King leaving St. Germans, goes and falls upon Conde's Forces at Sflamfes,. They having barricadoed up the place, make a ftout de- fence, and elude the afTaults of Tkurenne, who upon the approach of the Lorraineris forced to draw off, and convey the King to Corheil. The Armies meet, and fight from five in the morning till five in the evening with great fury. There were flain on both (ides men of quality, befides an innumerable company of common fouldiers. The port of S. Anthony Y y y being X^c Cccleftaftica! l^tftozp cent. JLT. being clear, finde with his mangled Retinue comes into the City. Conde draws off into FUndtr*. And M*z*arint counterfeits a depar- ture into Spam, to divert the blame of the troubles upon Conde alone : The fadion declines : The King returneth to Paris. Orleans with- draweth without waiting on the Kmg. DeRhetzis impriSoned uFmcennes. He was brought to Nantes, and he efcapes from thence, and afterwards affifted at Rome at the ele- ction of Pope Alexander V II. Then returning to France, he volunta- rily laid down the Arch-biQioprick of Paris to gratifie the King : he lives quietly, in Splendour Suitable to his difpofition. Maz^arin after his return purfues nothing So eagerly as the peace,Set!eth France, makes a peace with Cromvce^ and reduceth his enemies to ex- tremities. 1656. Complaint was made unto the King againft the Proteftants of the Ci- ty of Montauban, accufing them for beating a Prieft, and making a tumult, to the breach of the Kings peace. The King upon the com- plaint of the Clergy appointed Monfieur Afelian mafter of Requefts, by fpecial commiffion to go and make enquiry at Momauloan, touching the truth of what paffed there between the Proteftants and the Catholicks, Whereof the Deputy of the Proteftants refiding at Paris being inform- ed, he addrefTed himfeif to Monfieur Mdian, and gave him an account of alJ paflages according to the teftimonies and depositions that had been already taken about 'the' bufineSs : as how that they were moft of them Papifts that were in the Tumult at the death of the Woman. And in cafe this were not true,, then he dcfired himSelf might Suffer the Same punifhraent that the offenders do deferve. In themean time he prayed the Said Commiffioner, that the Proteftants might have a full and fair hearing from him, when he fhould arrive at Montauban. In Auguft 1656. the Affembly of the Clergy fitting in Paru 7 ihey re- folved that the Deputies of the Province of Paris fhould go to Court, to reprefem to his Majefty theftate of the Church of Paritf* the great need that there was of his countenance and direction to put all things in order, The Deputies of the (aid Affembly having conferred with the Chan- eellour, and the other Minifters cf State there refiding, could not then come to any condufion upon thofe pretenfions which the Clergy alledged againft thofe of the Reformed Religion. And therefore the Arch-> bifhop of Sens, the Biihop of Movtftelier, and two Abbots, Spent Some time at Court to Sollieite the King to put forth Some Decla- ration in favour of the Clergy and Catholick Religion. Madam, theDutchefs of Orleans arrived at foartres to perform a Vow which he h d made, which was, that once every year fhe would vifit the Church of Chartres^ there to make her devotion* On Auguft 9. the Deputies of the AfTembly of the Clergy went with the Chancellour^ to confider of the differences and quarrels which they bad Cent. 17. Of FRANCE. 171 had againft thofc of the Reformed Religion, the King having deputed the Chancellour to joyn with them in the examination of that bufinefs. In the fame month the Bifliop of Wrwdiect at Pam. He had beenConfeflfour to Cardinal Richlitut It was then affirmed by letters fromT^x^, that the King bad con- fented to a declaration drawn up in favour of ihe Clergy and Carho- licks, to be prefented to the Parliament for their verifies' ",n ; revoking his declaration of the year 1652. which was made in favour of the Proteftants. The Abbot of Marolks was apprehended, and Cent prisoner to the 'Sajiille for words fpoken againft Cardinal Mazarine. Chriftiantt, late Queen of Sweden having renounced the Proteftanf Religion, and revolted to the Catholick Religion, came into France^ and on September 4.. 1656. lodged at fontambleau , where fhe was complemented with an Oration by the Sieur Hambrocui, the Kings Pro- feffbur extraordinary for the Hebrew, Syr lack, and Arabick Tongues, he being prefented to her by the Duke of (?/. On the fixth (he wai at the Houfe of Monfieur He filing who entertained her with all manner of divertifcments in that moft delicious place. On the feventh ihe was at Conflans in the houfe of the Duke of Richlien where (he was like- wife very nobly treated by the Duke arid DuchelV, who at night gave her a Comedy* On the eighth (he made her entrance into Paru on Horfeback, palling through ten thoufand Cftiz? ns j w^o flood in Armes to receive her. Before her went an hundred Swiraers of the Kings Guard, with drums beating. At the Gate of S. Anthony fhe bad a fpeech made her by the Sieur de Scve, Provoft of Merchants, in head of all the companies of the City. Then he nr rcficd on ( with a Ca- nopy carried over her, the great Guns being difchargecP, and tire Srrects all adorned wiih rich hangings ) towards the Church of NoftrttDame* At the entrance whereof (he was entertained wif'h an Oration by the Dean, all the Clergy giving attendance, and then pa/ling to the Qm're, they fang Te Deum with admirable rhufick -.after which fhe Was moft magnificently conducted to the Louvre. The Archbiftiop of Roven having moft unjuflly proftfcuted an Advo- cate of that Parliament, called Monfieur ^f Co^W, a : ProiefTdir of the Reformed Religion, for writing a Book by order and with apprdtati- onof the Synod of Normandy, \n anfwer to a book full of calumnia- tions and falfi:ies, written by a Phyfitian of that place, who from a Protefhnt had a little before turned P^pift : And, the {aid Archlrft p by liis violent perfecmi^n- having obliged the faid Coward to lehve this City r 'by -a juft judgement of Gbd, who life^n' ordir.nriiv to puniflr men in the very things wherein they have finned, He the fa id Arch- billiopfeU info the fame pit which he had digged for another, having at Rovcn publifhed a moft dangerous Pamphlet, containing this feditiou* Y y y 2 doctrine, 1 7 ^ lO)e ffcciefiatttcal %tfto?p cent, 17. dodrine, That in is lawful to fall on the Hereticks j and granting ei- ther by his Archiepifcopal authority or otherwife, an Indulgence or Par- don of an .hundred years to any one that .(hould fall on any pretended Heretick. This curfed doftrine coming to the knowledge of the Trench Court and the dangerous confluences of it having been there ferioufly weighed, the King fent order to the Duke of Longueville^ Governour of that Province, to apprehend the faid Archbifhop : but he timely hearing of it, ran away, and abfented himfeif from thence. An English man was imprifoned at Bourdeaxx, having been taken as he was endeavouring to feduce divers perfons to turn to the Sez//j7jand French, and put in* - to the hands of the Englijh, fiequi is fent Embafiador to 0. Cromwel, with tJMazarine's Nephew in his pompous train : Cromvrel died noc long after. Divers places in Flanders were furrendered ta the French : but amidftthefe profperous fuccefles thefrench King falls into a Fever at falais y judged to be mortal. Supplications were made for him at all Altars, and prayers for his recovery were publickly enjoyned. . e^/rf- zjurine day and night fate by his bed fide, to make him governable in taking Phyfick, which he would tafte himfelf, either to take off .the un-*. pleafantnefs, or to make proof of it. The eleventh day accounted Cri- tical, the King feemed at the point of death, could fcarcely.lift up his eyes, that now appeared almoft fet in his head. His Majefty having 1 Antimony with judgement given him by Geunault, recovered j and be^ ing conveyed to Paris, pay'd his Vows in Noftre-Dame Church. An heart of mafly Gold was hung upon the wall as an oblation : afterwards to confirm his health, he removed to fontainbleau, . Afa&aarint ftayed fome time behind to advance the fiege of (jraveling. The taking of Graveling was the laft Monument of the French glory before the conclu- fion of the peace. . At twenty *our Seffions the bufinefs -of the peace between France and Spain wascompkated, and at lengthen Novembe r 7. 1659, the Ankles agree u , 174 %l) CCCii ftafticai^lftD?? Cent. 17. agreed on by the two Minifters, were figned, and publifhed. The Cardinal at Tholoufe rendered the King and Queen an account of the peace concluded, whereat they received much fatisfaftion. From hence the Court made a Progrefs into Provence (. till the King of Spam fhouldcome with his daughter, who was to be married to the French King ) to compofe the di (orders at AdtirfeilUsj which had broken out about the Priviledges of their Confuls. Gafton Duke of Orleans, born of Henry IV. and MatJ tJW and the French King is married to Maria lerffe, daughter to the King of Spain. The Gofpeis were laid on Stands on both fides with a Crucifix. The Kings kneeling frcore upon them, that they would religioufly obferve the Articles of the peace concluded, which were at the fame moment read by the Se- cretaries. Thefe Kings having left the Ifland where they met, they were thus parted, never more to return to the fight of one another. Ar S r . John deLuz.^ next day a folemn Wedding was kept with unufual fplendor. Then without any fhy, that barren coaft and unhofpitable quarters are abandoned. The King and Queen ftaya while at Fontainblesn, there- by giving the Tc.rifinns refpue to provide for the pompous folemnity. The King with the Qneen Confort haftens his entry into Taris. The entry was next to a triumph. In a Domo fet up in the Suburb of S 1 . Anthony , both their Majefties were congratulated by the feveral Or- ders coming forth decently marshalled. Firft Came the Ecclefiafticks CTrying Images with them, and Antique Gods of rude workmanfhip. The Tradefmen followed in their feveral Companies. Then proceeded theMagiftrates^ and afterwards the Parliament in their Robes. Next the Chancellor laid over with Gold, the Maftersof the Requefts guard- ing the Royal Seal, charged upon an Horfe laden with trapping?. The ' Soldiers and the Heralds in rich Coars. All had fpotted Plumes in their Hats. The Captains marched in the Head of their Companies with the Knfigns. All forts of riches are difphyed, and the ornaments of the City are brought forth to grace the publick joy. A Coach embellifried with allthebadges'ofMnjefty is brought to the Q^een {Tie is fet in it abne. The King would not go in a Coach, but mounted on 3 gallant Steed, Cent. 17- Of FRANCE. Steed, rode before. The Princes on Horfeback followed immediately after. In the way all along as they came were Quires of excellent Mu- fitians, refound ing cheerful Airs in Conforts of Inftrurmntal and Vocal Melody. The new married Couple came amidrt this Pomp to the Ci- ty-Gare. At the entrance was fet up aloft an Image of Peace, holding forth divers Vcrfes in its right hand. They proceeded from the Port through the High-Streets- of the City unto the Louver even tired with joy. Scarce were fix months expired after the Entry of the King, when M*z.Arint was taken defperately with all the fymptoms of extreamcft pain. His Liver and Lungs diftempered, cauied a general feeblenefs in all his limbs. . The Phyfirians difcovering there was no hope of his re- covery, he retireth to Vincennes^ there to dye. The King commanded hefhouldbe left to his reft, and difturbed with no bufinefs. He is reported to have fuggefted many things of the~various Schemes of Po- licy to the King, who commonly fate by his bed fide. Many fecrets he iuftilled into the King, and wifely admonifhed him, That himfelf would undertake the Government of his State,and not create apublick jealoufie by ill-chofen Favouri.res. That he fhould have the fame Genius, and the fame Divine affiihnce of hiscounfel, as he had to obtain his Victo- ries. As they were thus difcourfing together, many times he fainted away : All hope being paft, the King departed. The fame fetled look which the Cardinal had when he was well, accompany^d him at his departure. He adopted Dit Port y the only Son of Mdlleray intorhe Priviledges of his blood, to whom he gave his Niece in marriage, and conveyed to him his Nime and Arms, being for his merits taken into equal dearnefs, as if he had been his own Son. He advanced his Nephew Mancini in- Lordfhips, Riches and Governments. Thefe were to (hare equally. Of his Attendants and Menial Servants, fcarce was any left without a Legacy. He ordered the building of a Colledge for the training up the you: h of the gained Provinces, to have this Matto, At^fonument of the Em- pire tnUrged. He particularly recommended John Bxptifta Colbert, whom he loved for bis many good qualities, unto the King, Having a vaft quantity of Jewels, he iiftributed them among divers perfon?. To the Prince of *Condt, in teftimony of injuries forgotten, he gave a Dhmond of no mean price. To the King he left eighteen that were ineftimable, ftyh d fj^faz.arinesj to propagate his Name and Renown to pofterity. He dyed on March 1 5 . in the year of his life 5 9. of his power 1 8. He was obfervantof the Romijli Religion, as to the Externals of it. B -ing near his end, he folemnly received the Eucharifty and with a de- vout Litany received Extreamllndion: and further requeffrd,that Mattes Blight be kid for him* All was diligently performed in the Temp U<, and tke 30&e cctlefiaftt'cal l?iao?p cent. \ 7 . the Hoaft expofed upon the Altars. Supplications were made before all the Saints. Zealous he was for the See of Rome beyond meafure j and at his earned rcqueft, the Pope's Nuntio bleft him. After the death of M^arine, the King's Cabinet Counfellers were MtchadTettier, Hugh Lyonne, both Secretaries of State, vnd'frhnBa- ptifta Colbert, Lord Treafurer, men of great fame and venue. Ac the end of the month of July 1 66 1 . Nicholas Fouquct was arreft- ,ed as he returned from the Kings Council. He was carried into the Caftle of singers, from thence to Vincennes, and at laft to the TZaftilc. His penalty at laft was banifliment. The French and Spaniard having fent their Minifters into England, there arofe a contention in London between Eftradc the French , and 'Battevitte the Spanifh AmbafTador, whofc Coach fhould take place in the proceeding. Batteville with his company falls violently upon the Attendants of Sftrade, and wounds his Coachman tnd Horfes, and fome of his Servants. Tht French King difchargeth his indignation upon ^Batteville, and banifheth Count Fuelfaldagrtc from the Verge of the Court, not refpeding his integrity, and that he had been Condudor of the Queen, who was the Pledge of Peace. He alfo denyed Caracene ( that was difcharged of the Government of the Low (,'ountreys ) a paf- fage through France-, moreover he orders the Archbifhop ofTvtrdon (who was then at Madrid upon ihe Kings account ) not only to de- mand of King Phi Up himfelf, that Battevitte might be punifhed accor- ding to the hainoufnefs of the offence : but to cut off all contention about precedency for the future, that the Spanifi Renunciation of all Priority might be eftablilhed by a publick Ad. The Marquefs Fuentes is now fent toParif with a great Train. The King caufeth the Popes Nuntio, the AmbafTadors of Venice^ Sweden, Sa- voy, the Vnited Province*, and all Forreign Minifters, to beprefent i as alfo the Peers of the Realm, the Chancellor, and four Secretaries, to regifter it. In this concourfe fuentes thus fpake to the King. There being nothing more upon the King my ^/H afters heart, than Re- ligioufly to obferve the Laws of Confanguinity , He hath fent me hither with a charge to confirm them, which At his Perfonal f re fence he efta- 'blijhed with his Royal month. His Perfon I fnftain this day, not re- frefenting aKing, that knows not to yield, but a Father, whofe fpirit only nature works to a complyance. He hath thought fit voluntarily to quit to you thofe "Tranfitory honours which he hath enjoyed fo long, fince Jlwrtly death is like to put a period to them : Thefe Gallantries may become your <*s4ge. Such youthful Ambition an old -man, and your Father-in-law envies not. The London outrage hath funk^ deeper into his, than your heart. He could not more effett if ally redrefs it, than, by punifoing the Author. The revocation of Batteville, is a public^ declaration of inflicting punifoment on him. Bat what could have been added wore to this., than w layftritt in]nn^ions , that his Embajfadors Cent. 17. "TofF RANGE. 177 for the future, do not contend with yours about precedency? This is the occafon of thjmbaffie, wtych 1 the rather perform, becaH/c the Peace latUy conduced, is her thy confirmed. May it fland in full force to all generations. The King receiving fatisfaction in his due honour, gave him a nod 1 when he had concluded his fpeech. He advifed the Embafiadors to be mindful of what had paired, and to report to their refpective Princes what they had feen and Jieard. Now Dunkirk. 1 ^ contract is delivered up by ^Englifh into the hands of the French. A Book had been publifhed, entituled, The Journal of Monfeur de St. Amour ,D. of Sorbonnc, containing a full account of all theTranfactions both in frame and at Rome, concerning the five famous Proportions contro- verted between the Janfenifls and ihtMolinifts, from the year 1646. till 1653. and an addition was made to this Journal in the year 1662. The fame year the King by Proclamation commanded the Tenets of the Javfsnifo condemned by Pope Innocent X. and Alexander V1L to be Fwnf .^,;, w abolifhed. The Janfenifls received their denomination from Cornelius wasc: Janfen Bifhop of Tpres, who about the fortieth year of his Age put out Jjjj a Book about Grace and Free-will. SSS/if fei About this time an affront is offered unto CrfgriK the French EmbafTk- fclSkaedfo . dor at Rome. The Corf ( the Soldiers that are the Popes Guard ) up- jjii, ^J^, on pretence of fome trivial quarrel with fiequi's Pages, flioot Piftolls affiSiiai intbe in at his windows, fet upon his Wives Coach as ftie is coming home, > ear l6 ^ and offer all forts of injuries, trampling upon the Sacrednefs of thcEmbafly. -Crequi departeth from Rome unfatisfied, and the Corf triumph. Hereupon the King his Mafter applyeth himfelf to the Colledge of Cardinals for redrefs> and his Letter was exactly as followeth. Coufin, THe aflault that was made the twentieth currant upon the perfon of my Coupn the Duke o/Crequi, my Embtffador xtraordinary, his Lady, and all the French the Corfi of Rome could meet with in the Streets that day^ is an envrmity fo great in a/I its circumstances, that perhaps in no time nor place, even among the Barbarians thenifclves^ can an inftance be found, in which the jus Gentium hath been with fo much inhumanity 'violated and abufed. And forafmuch as your Emi- nence is a member of that [acred body^ that is, the natural Council of the Popes, I have charged Monfignor Burlemont, Auditor of the Rota, lo wait upon you in this conjuncture , and acquaint you with my refent- mentof fo great an offence, to the end, that by your inter po/it ion (vrbiib / doubt not but you mil willingly undertake as farasyoufoall be able ) / Zzz may cccicftatttcai %tfto?p cent. may receive a fatisfattion adequate to ths quality , and extravagance of the affront. But if your Eminence* good offices Jbottl/i happen to be in- . fffethialj they frail not be imputed to me ( after t hit application ) what- . foever mifchiefs or calamities fraH happen , affuring my J'elf 1 frail be excuf able both to God, and to man, whatever the conferences be. ./#// thus referring the reft to what Monfignor Burlemont will prefent to you try word of nwuth t Jbefefch God) my good Confin^ to preferve you in his holy favour. S l . Germans en ley, Auguft. 20. 1662, J.EWIS, De Lorainie : This Letter was read, and deliberated in the Sacred Coiledge, and the Cardinals anfwerto the Kings Letter was as followeth 3 Moft Chriftian and moft Royal Sir, Am very fenfble of the, tranfccndent favour your JMajefty katb done we , in vouchsafing to impart to me your resentment for the unhappy accident between the Corfes And certain of the Dukf of Cre- qui'j train ^ bejtdes the honour you have done me by the benign confi- dence exprefled in your Letter , andby the mouth of Monfignor Burie- mont, your jMajefty alfo hath given me occasion with all reverence to reyrefent the great difyleafure conceived by our whole Court t .but wore efpecially his Holinefs^ in who fe he art there is already fo great anim- freflion of efteem y and fo tender an affection for your Mbtjefty, pro* duced and augmented by fo many glorious attions, Jo many perpetual te* ftimonies of your valour and piety , in demolifring the Garrifons of Hfretickjt and Abutting their Churches in places under their Command^ So that his Holinefs could not evidence with more paternal dinwnftra- tion y the difguft that aft ion hath given you, which he hath net only de~ dared publickly in his Brief j upon thut occafion^ bttt in the Confiflory al- fo y and in his private difcoiirje, but much more in his atlions^ bending all his thoughts to your Majeftie s fat is faction, as he hath alwayts de~ figned, 1 hope therefore your Afajefly^ with your WQVtedgexetvfoy will reflect upon the juft motives, and remain fatisfied even for the entire quiet and confolation of your fervants^ among which 1 being not infer i- our to any in point of obfervance, neither have failed^ nor will fail i;t my. obedience to your Majefty, nor in employ ing my [elf to the utmefiof my abilities in your Male flits fervice. On the other pdc iil'^wife I frail rejeyze, if in your Mayflies Resolutions^ your Makefiles Royal .Bounty and Prudence doth more and more appear,: So th& to make rr.c perfectly Cent. 17. Of FRAN G E. perfectly happy, there remains nothing fat your MAJefliesfrejk commands % which I moft cbfeqmoufly do beg of your Majefty, and make wy mo ft humble obeifance. 170 Rome, 24. 1662. The Count de Brienne was fent by the King of f ranee to the Popes Nuntio at t\\z French Court, to Command him to leave Paris, and to retire to Mcattx, and not to ftir from thence till further Order from his Majefty, pretending it as an expedient to fecure his perfon againft fome fuch tumult as hapned in Rome. Piccolomini replied with all poffible refped, that he would obey his Majefties Order, but he defired firft to be heard, and went therefore that very night to Court. But being heard by no body but Monpeur Lyon, he declared the fentimems of the Pope, the order he had ta- ken for the punifhment of the offendours, the demonftrations of kind- nefsthe Pope had made to the Ambafiadour, endeavouring with alhhe Art of Rhetorick to clear the bufinefs, and by contrary Relations to what came before, to let him underftand he could not receive a relega- tion. The next morning the Nuntio retired to St. (jermans, and ftirred not out of the Caftle, that he might not ftem to difobey the Orders of the King. Monfieur Tellicr came to fpeak with him by his Maje- fties permiffion. But being ftiff and inflexible to the requefts of the Nuntio, who by all his fabmifiions, by laying before him the reflection the ill ufage of his perfon would have upon the Church, not being able to prevail for the protraction of his departure, as foon as he was return- ed to his houfe, he Wrote thisJLetter to him. I Moft excellent Sir, Can by no means admit that the Kin^s relegation of me is a favour. If it befaid, that 'tis in order to my fecurity, how great a reflection, will it have ttpox the Grandeur of his IMajefty, when; an innocent perfon, and his Holinefi Nuntio could not befafe in Pa- ris ? Let it be Lawful therefore for me with all due reverence and Jubmifjlon to fay, that indeed it is at the Kings plea fur e to retain or command me whither he pleafeth. But it isnotin my power to confab without particular fimmijjion from his Holinefi, or at leaft an apparent neceffity for me to do it. His JMajefty cannot afcribe it to any want of profound obedience in me, which for ny part Jjhall alwaies flew with the greateft demo?ipration ef humility and fervice I am able : and Zz.z.2, there- 3ui)e ecciefiafticai $fftgp cent. 17. therefore I conceive he cannot in juftice impofc any penalty upon a. Nuntio, for fo contingent an accident t ejjpcidly his Holinefi having al- ready declared his resolution to chaftifc the ojfcndoHrs, and begun t execute that re faint ton. I hope your excettence will have fo much cotvpujfion , M in this cafe to endeavour the frottftioy vf t Yours, &c. The Nuntio perfifted , that there ought to be an apparent and pre- cife neceflky for his departure, and accordingly he received letters from Monficitr 4e Lien with reiterated orders from his Majefty, for bis- removal to Meaux : fo that all the Interceflion of foreign Minifters, w^io endeavoured to mitigate the bufinefs, being in vain, by their ad* vice he went out of Taris, but went ( infoad of Meaux ) to Saint' D.tnnis, that he might not feem to confent to his difmiffion : and by the mediation of the Minifters about the King, and the interpofiti- or* of foreign reprefentatives he obtain'd, that his resolution was allowed, at Court without further irritation to his Majefty. On September, 7,, the Nuntio found himfelf befet by a party of forty Souldiers on horfe-back, drawn by order out of his Majeftie's Mufquetoons, who guarded all the paflages into the Covent of the Dominicans, where he Lodged, and accompanied the Nuntio and all his fervants whenever they went forth. He complained to the Court of this A&ion , but he was anfwered^ that they knew nothing of 4r, The Nuntio diflembling .the bufinefs, pretended to take no notice of it, but gave Order that the Souldiers as ftrangers fhould be invited to dinner, and to what civilities the HoufecouUL afford. But they refufedthe in- vitation with reciprocal civility. The fame night there arrived a Courrier to the Nuntio from Rome with the Popes firft Breve written to the King, with more diftinft in. formation of what was paft againft the Delinquents thereby the Popes Orders,, as. the price that was fet upon their Heads,, the deputation of two Congregations^ the vifit Cardinal Chigi made to the- Duke of Cre~ qtti, and a long Letter of narration to Monfieur de Lion. Tbe next morning the Nuntio difpatchcd it to Monftcur Lion, with a> Sillet of his own, defiring him to prefent this Breve to his Majefty, to^ive him anaccount of the reft, and to prevail that the Nuntio might bft admitted to fpeak, with him himfelf. Mon fie ur. de Lion re- ceiving the Billet, carried both the one and the other to his Majefty, ^xpeding what he would command. After he had read the Breve to- his Majefty, he return 'd hinj this anfwer, That he (hould read the r-eftof the difpatch that day.totheKing. And accordingly fcs appoint- ed Cent. 17. Of FRANCE. 18 ed a Conference with the Nuntio at Turennc, whither the Nuntio paf- fed the fame night attended with forty Mufquetiers. The Conference was long, the Nuntio laying before him, whit upon the foundation of truth 5 reafonand the paternal inclination of hisHo- linefs,was like to appeafe his Majefty.TheSieur W* Lion aflured the Nun- tio> thauhe King at the reading of the Breve, exprefled much fatisfa- ction, to fee his Holinefs fo well difpofed to an Accommodation -, and at laft it was concluded, that on Sunday i o. of 'Decembtr, he fhould have an anfwer. The Nuntio had intelligence that the Breve being read in Council they began to beappeafed. But at the fame time a Gentleman arriving from the Duke ofCrtqui, with advice that he was Commanded out of the Popes Territories, incenfedhis Majefty fomuch, That as foonas he was gone out of th Council, Orders were difpatched immediately to the Nuntio to depart that Kingdom the next day. And albeit he fent another Breve from the Pope, and an anwer to de Lion from himfelf, thtre was no further Treaty to be had. The Letters from the Nuntio to Lion and Tc liter, were not open- ed at all. The Nuntio departed under the Conduct of fifty Mufque- tiers on Horfe-back, twenty five before his Coach, and as many be- hind, not fuffering him to difcourfe wich any body, forcing him to. march ten Leagues a day, and carrying him every nighc out of the Roady without acquainting him which way he was to pafs. In ten dales time he arrived in Savoy, and ftayed there for fome time in the Cbambery, till he could receive further Order from his Hnlincf?, to whom he had given particular advice of all that had paflTed. The King of France took into his power Avignon, a City of the Popes in France, threatens to ufe extremity, and prepares an Army againft Italy. After divers Treaties it was concluded at Pi fa, Thac for the appealing the Kings wrath, the Corf be perpetually banifhccf from Rome . That a Pyramid be built for an everlafting Monument of the Action. And that a Legate a Latere be fent alfo to the King in fubmiffive terms , to give fatisfaction for the hainoufnefs of the fact; Which was decently performed -by Cardinal Chigi, the Popes Nephew* At the time that accident happened to the Duke ofCrrqui in Rewe, among all the Cardinals there was none that ftuck fo zealoiifly ro the French party as the Cardinal d# Retz, : to the admira ion of every body, that a perfon that had been turn'd out of his Church, and other Benefices,, had been imprifoned, perfecuted, and banifhed, flioutd ap- pear with fuch ardour- in the defence of that intereftthat was the caufe of his troubles : and ( which is worfej refolved never to re-admir him to the Dignities-he had -k)ft. : The King or -France unwilling re jt the conftancy or generofity of de Retz., with which he maintained Cent. i?. the juft priviledges cf his Crown, to go unrewarded, he admitted him again into his favour , which he enjoyes to this day (if he be yet liv- ing ) but with fome conditional limitations, as retaining ftill in his mmd the prejudice he did formerly to the Crown, though he often declared, that all his defigns were againft Mazarine. Afterwards Carlo Robert i a Raman, was created Nontio, and fent into France. And though the grofs of the quarrel forementioned was compofed by the Treaty at Pi(a, yet there were certain reliques remaining, that without good managing might have unravelled all again. Therefore above all the Pope gave Roberti in charge,that he (hould (as much as in him lay ) redintegrate into the favour of hisMajefty, and the principal Officers in his Court the opinion that Cbigi had loft in France -, and that he (liould endeavour to make them appear inno- cent, and full of affedion for that Crown. Pope Alexander VII. in his laft promotion made him a Cardinal with the reft of the Nun- tio's, and fent him his Cap to Paris. Before his Nuntiature into France, this Prelate was much inclined to the Intereft of Spain : but when he began to be acquainted with the French Kings entertainment, and the civility of the F rench Court, he changed his mind, and followed the humour of the French. Afterwards certain Jefuites difobliged by fome check which they had received in Paris about the Jefuite Anthony Sancterelli's Book, de Hdrep, Schifmate, Apoftafia ( in which he fpake to the difparage- ment of the power of Princes, but magnified and exalted the power and Authority of the Pope ) fell publickly to maintain before the Kings lace the queftion of the Infallibility and inpeccahility of the Pope. The French Divines thought themfelves concern'd for the honour of the Crown , and confervation of the anticnt priviledges of their Church, to anfwer them with a moftjuft and well-grounded Cenfure, wherewith they rigorouily condemned thedodrine of the Jefuites, as too remote from the general opinion, and of great prejudice tothe Sove- *raignty of Princes. Pope Alexander VII. having notice of what pafied, certified to King Levees, his diilike of this proceeding. The King recommending the examination of the matter to the wifdom of the Parliament of Paris, they upon mature deliberation concluded , that the Popes Infallibility was not to be admitred in France, as being an innovation, andincon* iiftcnt with the ancient priviledgeofthe GallicAn Church : and there- fore they faw no reafon to admit a new opinion , known only to iuch as depended on the Court of Rome, and rejed that which was of greater antiquity, and had been owned by fo many Popes. Which determination fo netled his Holinefs, that he fell immediately to his Bulls, Cent. 17- Of FRANCE. 185 Bulls, and with great threatning and curfes forbad the Printing or read- ing of the abovefaid Cenfures. Among other expreflions in his Bull, there were thefe, Prfata< cenfnras>iui pr&fttt*ftnofa, temer -aria* atquc [candalofas. It was very well known, that thofe Cenfures were made by the Sotfarijhi the King's principal Divines, by the Parliament it felf ^ which is as much as to fay, by the Kinghimfdf. Notwithstanding the Pope fpiresno. any revilings v but throws forth peals of invedives indifcriminacely , as if from a Pope nothing is injurious. This is the refped the Popes bear to the moft Chriftian King, and to fuch a State as France. Lewes Duke of Pendojmt , a French man, is defcended from a Natu- ral Son of King Henry IV. who Marrying with Frances of Lorr*in 9 Dutchefs of Mercoeivr, had this Lswes by her. He had no great en- clination to the Ecdeflaiiical habit, his mind running more after Ma- trimony, and the affairs of the world. Accordingly when he arrived at a competent Age, he Married a Niece of Cardinal M*z.Arinc's,\\Q- ping by means of his favour to open away to fome honourable employ- ment. This Lady lived not many years with the Duke her Husband, to whom (he left two hopeful Sons. This Lord being a Widdower, changeth his mind, being now alto- gether for the EccUfiaftical habit -notinsmy penitential way, but only to capacitate him for the Cardinalfhip, which he alwaies aim'd ar. Fi- nally, the French King according to the Prerogative of his Crown, be- ing to nominate a pcrfon in the laft promotion of Pope Alexander, preCented this as a perfon of great Merit, and fit to be an Ornament both to the Cap and Colledge : and the rather becaufe in his Viceroy- ill ip in Catalonia, and in his Government of Provence, he had ihevved great diligence in his Majefties fervice. A few daies after he had received his Cap, the tidings of [he Popes languishing condition arrived : fo that with directions from the King, he parted immediately for Rome, to be prefent at the new Conclave, . where he met exadly with aU the reft of the French Car- dinals. In the year 1667. Pope Alexander Vlf. dieth, and Clement IX, , fucceedeth him. The Election being made, the Cardinal rfVtnfafm. ( who in this Conclave had behaved himfeif with great prudence, and perhaps more than was expected by the elder Cardinals, that had been a longtime acquainted with the Intrigues of the Conclaves ) pre- pared for his return into France : but firft he recommended to his Holinefs -the Intereftsofhis Mafter, particularly in the bufinefsofthe difcameration of Caftro, according to the Treaty at Ptfa, in which ic was Articled, that fiftro (hould be delivered. The Pope fenr a Bull to Cardinal Vendfffme, declaring him Legate .; Lot ere, and [hereby qua- lifying him for that Function. fart followeth a Delation oftlx Vrejent Eftate of the Re- formed Churches in France, tranjlated out of French, ' and fublijhed Anno 1668. T Shall only in brief relate the proceedings of theAdverfe party J[ againft them. The firft and moft confiderablc Meanufcd againft them by the Po* pifh Clergy is that of Commiffions. For under pretext of executing the Edict of N? And in the Declaration of pretended R'elapfes, it is Ordained, Thit . ihofe among the Hugonots^ who have once embraced the Popifb Religi- on, Hiall never again return unto them, under pain of perpetual banifhr rnent from the Kingdom. This is uttexly to deftroy all liberty of Coa- ^ A .. M , fc.ience. They feem alfoto forbid ttiem all hope of being heard 1 in their own defehce. And there is little hope of being heard at the Council it fcif, where all their Affairs have their 1 aft Appeal and audience. For it hath often come to pafs, that the Proteftant Deputies fent by the Provinces and Cities to plead their Caufe, have been exprefly corm- manded to return, without fo much as only liberty to appear. And fome have fpent fix months, fome a whole year to procure an hearing^ vvbilft the Afts fued againft them by the Catholick Clergy have been obtained in lefs thin twenty four hours ^ and in fine after a thoufand cares y they, have only had the grief to return to their Provinces, with the news of the lofs of the Caufe which they folicited. The Clergy alfo do.endeavour to intimidate and affright the Proteftant Minifters :.,fome they have violently filenced : others they feek to en- nare on every hand : fome they criminally indift for very trifles , &me. are . 'bjni/hed, others are tranfported whither their Adverfaries pleafe ;. Cent. 17. Of FRANCE. 187 pleafe : and they vex them fo, to the end no man may be willing to em- brace the calling of a Minifter. Thofe Cities where Proteftams for number are mod confide- rable, feera to be the principal Objed of their Enemies fury. Of thefe nJWontanban, Rochel, and MiUn^ ( formerly three flourishing Cities) are now brought very low, and expofed to fuffer ings of di- vcrs kinds. Their Adverfaries vex them alfo with Civil and Criminal Law- fuits, as well againft the Body of their Church, as particular perfons, fometimes in the name of the Kings General Atturneys, ortheir Subfti- tutes : fometime in the name oi'Diocefan, or Monaftick^ Attorneys, or their Chapters . and all this frequently for things utterly falfe . - 9 as that they have fpoken irreverently of the Sacraments, or fuch like grofs impoftures : for proving of aU which, they never want fubor- ners and falfe witnefTes. And if at any time the Forgery be discovered, the Judges feldom punifh the Authours : or if they inflid any punifh.. mem at all, it is but fuch as through the flighcnefs thereof, giveih greater liberty and encouragement to luch perfons ^ whereof there are many notorious Inftances. A liberty is alfo granted to Priefls and Monks ( whofe nature with- out encouragement is forward enough ) to infult over the Hugonots^ to commit all manner of violence without fear of punishment, yea and to execute theconciliary Ads againft them, as they have done in Poicioit^ where the Priefls have in divers places demolifned Churches, digged up and fearched the very lowed flones of the foundation, broke open Chefts, carried away the poors moneys, pulled down particular men* houfes, and the Caftles of the Proteftant Gentry, abufing them with injurious words and moft violent adion?. They alfo take ftrange waies to make Profclytes : fornegleding in- ftrudion and good example (which are the only proper and lawful means of gaining fouls to God) they only ufe promifes, thrcatnings, and labour to catch men by divers kindsof fnares. They alfo deprive the Hugonots of all means of acquiring a Liveli- hood, and all hopes of preferment, there being no admittance of them into any publick Office > except thofe of the Chambers oftheEdid) no, not fo much as to the petty Offices of a Notary, Attorney, or Serjeant, nor yet to learn Arts and Trade?. The Relator concludes thus ; Unlefs we be wilfully blind, we can- not but fee, that they defign to drive us ("by defpair) into forre In- furredion. But that we (hall never do ; preferring ra.her to fuffer the great eft extremity, and our very blood to be fhed, tban in the leaft to violate the refped which we o^ve to our Prince. And if they cannot overcome, our Patience (as afTuredly they n^ver Aaaa 2 ' fiialJ) Cem.i 7 . fhall ) then their Refolution is, by continual importunity to prevail with his Majefty to drive us out of the Kingdom. But we hope the King is fo good and juft, that he will never gratifie them infuchathing without a Parallel. And if we fhould be called to fuch a Trial, we hope God will give us fuch ftrength and courage, as without Regret to abandon our native Land, that we may ferve Him, where-ever his Providence fhall call us- And this in effed is the general refolution of all the P R O T E S T A N T S within the Kingdom. Since the writing the precedent Relation, which is but an Epitome of fome of the Principal matters tranflated out of French, and Printed by eX. *JMaxvpcUi Anno 1668. there lately came to my hands 2 Pamphlet, which containcth a Narrative of the prefent deplorable eftatc of the Proteftants in France, which declareth ( among divers other things ) the proceeding of the Parliament at Raven, againft the Lady $Mtrogtr and her Daughters, and Mr. Le Maine Paftor of the Prote- ftant Church at Raven, occafioned by the flight of MadamoifeUe Barques out of France into England. \ (hall refer the Reader for fuller fctistadion therein totheforefcid Narrative, lately Printed at London*. Here Ccnt.i7. Of FRANCE. 189 Here followed a Lift of the Trotcftant Qturdes that been clemolifred. B 1661* - St. Bonet de Salcndrengucs* Gaujac near Anduz.e. St. Jolon de 'Btuffcls. Candtac*. Bragaffarguet. 'Brouz^et. Rouret. S/. fallen de la Nef. Rcquedan. Coftrbes. Sendras. St. John da Pin* Marveols in Vatinagc. 'Boxrdie in the Diocefs of Ufez,. ' Concoules. S, John, of Cer argues. Vitkfort. Combos. Youfet. Me jane. St. ffippolite de Caton. faftclnatt. DeJ plane , Afontcils. tJWartinjrgues. Tone on the Luffan. St. 72 oi Vfez.. Brueys. Roubiac. Serignac. Ave)(in. faunfs* OZ.OH. S. Manin of Valgalges. ' Gadargues. zJMcgrane. Arlande. Verfevil. Move. Pogitadorefte. St. Vtftor of Malfap. St. Stephen of Fervent. Fotffac. Afonmiraille. Fefe, Miugteres. La Rovinierc. In the Diocefs of Mandc. Crifac. Caftelbove. Balmc JMonvaillam* jM*z.aribal. Time lac. Mandenaur of Rottjjes. Fraifnet of Fourgues. St. iz*arre. Ardaittors. Cros. Tallcyrac. Salargues. r Brea\v. Bjuviliargues. (jucyfargucs. Mar ign argues. Rodillan. S. fiz.aire. CoHrwfllic. Montrcdon. Lecques. S aline lies the leicr. Galarques. Afreres. argues, t'tllatelle. Colorges. Labours. Cruvieres. Gujane. Crcfpien. fto. Satinet. Rachegttde. Seynes. Dattmefargucs. Bov:J]ct. l Campelade. Cent. 17, Of FP.ANCE. 191 Anno 1664. Seyne by a Decree of *ftty 12. Landouzy. Gere if. Sernay. Ruedes'Boheins. Ltval. Septemb. 22 St . CW.v y a Decree of JBelabre. Chavigni. Exoitdne. St. Gclaif. Benay, oube.*JWarcillac. Puigni. Pefelechat. Parthen^y. Leyigean. St.'Benoir. ^nybeliart. Lucon. LaChaune. 'Belleville. Poire. St. Hermine* Le Bonfire. Chantaunay. St. Giles Survye. 'Talmont. Aidre r v'ille L>a Jtndoviniert. MwUleron. St. Fulgent. St. Jovin de Milli. Bsnet. La Brajftirdiere. Lachataigneray. Fan flay* L<* TZuardiere. Cenay. Aubanie. Gitire. LaBoucheticre. Lande Blanche. .La Aditliere. Boifrttgon. La Chape lie Temet. La Aforiniere*- Many Churches have been deftroyedfince 1666. yet few of theiraames arc come to our hands, unlefs In 1672. St. Andre of Beauffe> Decemb. 20. In 1673.- By a Decree, 5^. 3*. *Uhct. Galftpian.Favilict. Aimmet. ,. S.'jBarthelmyde la Bcrche*- 3D[)e Ccflefiaftjcal %tfto?p cent, i/. of t)ti later Councils of France, ctle* bratedfrom tbe time of the Council of Trent. e Heads of the Statutes of the Provincial Council of Rhe*rcs, Charles Archbifhop of Rhcmtt, Cardinal of Lor rain being Prcfident. Statute i . Of the Refidence of Curates. 2. Of the Office of a Curate in choofing and preaching found Do- 3 . Of ihe Office of Curates in the Adminiftration of the Sacra- ments. 4. For what ends fpiritual alliance (hall be thenceforth contracted by Baptifm. 5. Of the lawful times of Marriage. 6. Of the life and honefty of the Curates. 7. Of providing fit Clerks for the fupply of Vacant Churches, who are to be examined by fix Doftors, or Licentiates in Divinity, or in the Canon-law ; or other Clerks, either Secular or Regular. 8. Of promotion to holy Orders. 9. Of the firft Tonfure. No youths are to be admitted to the firft Tonfure, unlefs they have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, and the rudiments of faith, and (hall learn to read and write. 10. Of reftoring the offices of Minor orders by the Churches, from a Deacon to a door-keeper. 1 1 . Of the diftind collation of the things of the Orders, and the qualities of thofe that are to be ordained. 12. That all Clerks be appointed to fotne certain Church. 1 3 . Of the Age and quality of thofe that are to be promoted to the greater orders. None to be admitted to the Order of a Sub-deacon, till he be two and twenty years of age : none to the Order of a Deacon, till three and twenty years of age : nor of a Prieft till five and twenty years of age. 14. Of the Examination of thofe to be promoted to the greater Or- ders : concerning their perfons, age, education, manners, faith and dodtrine. 15. Of the Office of a Sub-deacon, and Deacon, and Prieft about the Church to which they are admitted. 16. All Orders arc to be conferred Gratis. 17. Of the Vifitation of Arch-deacons, and ihe office of Rural Dean?. 1 8. Of the reparation of Churches, and the ufe of Images. Thefe Cent. 17. Of FRANCE^ Thefe Afts of the Council were perfe&ed after nineteen feveral Congregations. Ifhall omit the names efthofe who were either pr'efent in this Pro- vincial Council of Rhemcs, orfem their Procurators. Some Decrees of the Synod concerning Marriages, and Ravifhers of Women, were approved, but not publilhed. I fhall alfo pafs over the proc carton? of the Archbifhop through the Cities, Diocefs, and Province of Rkcmcs. TbeConftitutions o f 'the Synod of 'Melum, Anno i. /Concerning the profcffion of the Catholick faith. \*j 2. Of the diligence to be ufed by Paftors againft Hereticks. j. Of the punifhing of rafh fwearers. 4. Of Magical Arts in general, and of divinations prohibited by Law. 5. Of the Vifitationof Churches. 6. Of the Celebration of Feftivals. 7. Of the Sacraments in general. 8. Of the Sacraments in fpecial. 9. Of Confirmation. 10. Of the holy Sacrament of the Eucharift. 1 1 . Of the things pertaining to the Celebration of the Mafs. 12. Of Penance* 13. Of fsfting. 14. Of Extream Undion. 15. Of Matrimony. 1 6. Of the Sacrament of Order. And firft,of the life and hcnefty of the Clergy in general. Of the caufes of the reproaches caft the Clergy. 17. Of promotion to Holy Orders. 1 8. Rules given to Bifhops to walk by. 19. Of Canonifts. 20. Of Parifh-priefts. 21. Of Refidency, 22. Of the reformation of Regulars. Bbbb f ? 4 Jffi cccleftaftical %ifto# cent \?> Tf:e Laws of & Seminary (j&^ge, mfczcfc is to be inftituted in every Dioccfs, according to the Decree of the Council of Trent, Seff 23. c. ij. Chap. i. /^"\F thofe that are to be admitted, and thofe that are to be V>/ difcharged. 2 . Of thofe things which refped piety. 3. Of the things which pertain to obedience* 4. Of the things which pertain to modefty. 5. Of the things which refped ftudies. 6. Of thofe who fhall have the charge of the fpiritual affairs of a Seminary, and things pertaining to learning, as alfo of temporal things. 7. Of Hofpitalsfor fick folks. Of a Procurator appointed for pi- ous caufes, whom fome call a Procurator of Souls. 8. Of the trimming and adorning of Churches, 9. Of the funerals and burials of Catholicks. 10. Of the prefervation of Church-goods. 11. Of the things that pertain to outward jurifdi&ion, R[pw concerning the Correction of fullick Crimts, 1 . Of Whores, Bawds, and Panders, 2. Of Concubinaries. 3- Of Ufuries. Here they pray and befeech all Prittces and Magiftrate^ tint they Would itfe their utmofl endeavours to remedy thefe evils. 12. Of the office of foraneous Vicars, and Arch-presbyters, 13. Of a Diocefan Synod, and of Synodal witne/Tes. 14.. Of School-mafters. 1-5.. Of the reftraining of immoderate charges* 16 f Of the Sealingsof Notaries* Cent. 17. Of FRANCE. '95 The Canons and Decrees of the Provincial Council of Cam- bray, Anno 1565. Chap. i. /^\F the fufpe&ed and prohibited books of Hereticks. V_x 2. Of Divinity-lectures in Chapters, and Monafteries, 3 . Of Schools, and of the books to be taught in them, and the man- ner of teaching youths. 4. Of a Seminary : and of the age of youths to be admitted into a Seminary. 5. Of Doctrine, and preaching the Word of God, 6. Of Worfhip, Ceremonies, and Divine Service, 7. OfEcclefiafticalMinifteries. 8. Of the life and honefty of the Clergy. 9. Of the Examination of Bifhops, and of the Examination of" Pa- ftours. 10. Of the Refidency of Bifhops and Curates. 11. Of the residency of Paftors and their Office. j 2. Of a Vifitation. 13. Of Ecclefiaftical power and jurifdiftion. 14. Of Matrimony. 15. Of Purgatory, and fuffrages for the dead, 1 6. Of the Monafteriesof Men and Women. 17. Of the Saints, of their Veneration, Worfhip, and Invocation. 18. Of Images : of thelmagesof Chriftand the Saints to be ufed in Temples : none of which are to be admitted without the confent and judgement of the Bifhop. 19. Of Indulgences : none are to be offered that are new and un- known, and fuch only as are approved by the Ordinary. The Decrees of tie Provincial Synod of Roven, An- no 1581. i. HpHat profefiion might be made of the faith of the one, holy, Ca- .1 tholick and Apoftolick Church, we excommunicate, and anathe*- matize, according to the Lateran Council i faid they ) all herefie exalt- ing it felf againft the Orthodox and Catholick Church : and all who do aflert, and belkve othcrwife than the Catholick, Apoftolick, and Ro- man Church doth believe and teach. 2. They fet down a form of Profefiion of faith. I A 7 , do with firm faith believe and profefs all and every thing which is contained in the iymbol of faith, which the holy Roman Church ufeth, &c. Concluding Bbbb 2 thus: ccclriiattical ^tflo?p Cent. \ 7 , thus : And I moft firmly believe and embrace the Apoftolick and Ecclefiaftical Traditions, and the reft of the obfervations and confti- turions of the fame Church. Item, I admit the holy Scripture, ac- cording to that fence which our holy Mother the Church hath held and holdeth, whofe right it is to judge of the true fence and interpre- tation of the holy Scriptures : neither will I ever receive and inter- pret, it but according to the unanimous confent of ths Fathers. I alfo profefs, that there are feven facraments of the new Law, inftituted by Jefus Chrift our Lord, viz.. Baptifm, Confirmation, the Eucharift, Penance, Extream Unftion, Order, and Matrimony, and that they do confer grace : and of thefe, that Baptifm, Confirmation, and. Order, cannot be reiterated without facriledge. And'l receive and ad- mit the received .and approved rites of the Catholick Church in the fo- lemn adminiftration of all the forefaid Sacraments. I embrace and. re- ceive all and every thing which have been defined and declared in the holy Council of Trent concerning Original lin and Juftification, Like- wife I profefs, that there is offered upum6 God in the Mafs, a true,. proper, and propitiatory Sacrifice for quick and dead, and that in the moft holy Sacrament of the Eucharift, there is truly, really, and fub- ilantially, the body and blood, together with the Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jefus Chrift, and that there is made a converfion of the whole fubftance of the Bread into the Body, and of the whole fubftance of the Wine into the Blood. Which converfion the Catholick Church calleth Tranfubftantiation. I confefs alfo that under one kind only whole Chrift, and the true Sacrament is received. I conftantly hold, that there is a Purgatory, and that the fouls detained there are helped by the fuf- iragesof the faithful. Like wife, that the Saints reigning together with Chrift, are to be Worfhipped and called upon, and that they do offer up prayers to God for us. And I aflert, that their Relicks are to be Worfhipped. That the Images of Chrift, and the Mother of God al- wayes a Virgin, and alfo of other Saints, are to be had and retained, and that due honour, and veneration is to be given to them. And I af-r firm thatihe power of Indulgences was left by Chrift in the Church, and that the ufe of them is very comfortable to Chriftian people. I 'ac- knowledge, that the holy Catholick, and Apoftolick Roman Church, is the Mother andMiftrefs of all Churches. And I freely promife and fwear true obedience to the Roman Biftiop, the Succeflbur of the bltfled Peter, the Prince of the Apoftles, the Succeflbur of Jefus Chrift. And I undoubtedly receive and profefs all other things deli- vered by the Sacred, Canonical, and Oecumenical Councils, and efpeci- ally the holy Council of Trent. Moreover I condemn, rejed, and anathematize all contrary things, and herefies whatfoever condemned, rejected, and anathematized by the Church. And this Catholick faith, wiihout which no man can befeved, which I freely profefs, and truly hold Cent. \7. Of FRANCE. "97 hold for the prefent, the fame I will retain, and profefs conftantly unto the end of my life by the help of God, &c. And this I promife, vow, and fwear, fo help me God, and his holy Gofpels. 3. The third Decree was concerning Divine Worfhip in general. 4. Concerning the Sacraments. As for the Sacrament of Confirma- tion, it was to be done frequently, and Gratisby the Bifhops through the Towns in their DiocefTes. 5. Concerning Bifhops, where diverfe qualifications are pre-requi&e before any one be admitted to the Office of a Bifhop. 6. Concerning the Offices of Bifhops. 7. Concerning the Offices of Curates, and other Presbyters and'PaT rifh-Priefts. 8. Concerning Monafteries, wherein divers Inftrudions and Rules art prefcribed to the Abbots and Priors, for the better governing themfelves, and their Monafteries. p. Concerning Ecclefiaftical Jurifdidton. There were alfo divers Statutes made in the fame Provincial Synod,, concerning the foundation of Schools and Seminaries, The Decrees of the ^Provincial- Council of Rhemes, Anno 1585. i . /Concerning the Catholick faith, and the reafon of profcffing-. \^J the fame. m 2. A Form of Confeflion is Tet down. 3 . Concerning Divine Worfhip. 4. Concerning the Breviary, MiiTal, and Manual. 5. Concerning Feftival Dayes. 6. Concerning Divination by lots, and other things contrary to Chri- ftian piety. 7. Concerning the Sacraments, i. Of Confirmation. 2. Of Pe- nance. 3. Of the Eucharift. 4. Of Order. 5. Of Matrimony. Whereunto is added the Decree oif the Council of Trent concerning the reformation of Matrimony, cxSeff.24. 6. Of. Excreaou Unftion. 8. Concerning Seminaries, 9. Of the Clergy in general. 10. Of Regulars, and their Monafteries, 1 1. Of Curates. 12. Of Chapters and Canons. 13. Concerning Bifhops. 14. Concerning Simoniacks and Fiduciaries, 15. Concerning Burials, 198 %ty ccleftaftfral%stto:p cent. t >. 1-6. Concerning Ufury. 17. Concerning Jurifdi&ion. 1 8. Concerning a Vifiration. 19. Concerning a Diocefan Synod. 20 Of a Provincial Synod. The Decrees of tfa Provincial Council of Bourdeaux ,' together with tfa laws of the Seminaries > Anno i j8j. all approved by the ( Pope. 3, /Concerning a Confelfion of Faith. \^t 2. Of thofe things which have refped to Divine Worfhip and Religion. 3. Of Ecclefiaftical Prayers, 4. Of the Breviary, Miflal, and other Books pertaining to Divine Offices. 5. Of thofe things which either are to be obferved, or to betaken heed of, in the holy Sacrifice of the Mafs ( as they caU it) and in Divine Offices. 6. O'i Feftival-dayes. 7. Of Magick Arts, and other things contrary to Cbriftian Reli- gion. 8. Of the Sacrament. 9. Of Baptifm. 10. Of Confirmation. li.Of theEucharift. 12. Of Penance. 13. Of Extream Unction. 14. Of Order. 15. Of Matrimony. 16. Of Bifhops. 17. Of Chapters and the Canons of Cathedral and Colkgiate Churches. 1 8. Of Parifh-Priefts. 19. Of the Residency of Paftors. 20. Of preaching the Word of God. 21. Of the life and manners of Clergy-men. 22. Of the Examination of thofe that are to be promoted to benefices with cure. 23. Of Simoniacks and Confidentiaries* 24. Of Monafteries. 2j . Of Seminaries. 26. Of Cent. 17. Of FRANCE. 199 26. Of the not alienating the things of the Church. 27. Of Schools, Printers, and Book-fellers. 28. Of Hofpitals. 29. Of Ufuries and unlawful Comrade 30. Of Burials. 31. Of Jurifdi&ion. 32. Of a Vifration. 33. Of a Diocefan Synod. 34. Of a Provincial Council, 35. Of Punifrrments. Of the Inftitution and Laws of the Seminaries of tbe Pro* vince of Bourdcaux. F tkcHoufes of a Seminary. ~] That they be built in a large and fpacious place, near unto the Cathedral Church. That there be a Chappel wherein the Clergy may meet at prayers. That the dor- mitory be open and common, in which every one may have his own bed, &c. That an Hofpital be appointed in an open place for lick folks, in which all things may be provided for the iick, with fingular piety and charity. 2. Of the manner of admitting Clerk* into Seminaries. 3 The ele- ction and admiffion of Clerks fhall be in the power of the Bifhop: or of thofe to whom this care (hall be committed by name. That out of all youths very fit youths may be choiYn, the Bifhop fhall caufe it to be proclaimed through all the Cities and Towns of theDiocefs ( efpeciaUy where there are Schools ) that if any be poor, and born of lawful Ma- trimony, whodefire to be promoted to the Priefthood, and who have attained to the age of twelve years, and have not exceeded the twentieth, and have madefome progrefs iiuhe Grammar, that they appear to be examined at the time and place which he fhall appoint them. The Bi- (hop (hall not admit any to be examined, whom he fhall behold to be maimed, or deformed. Then (hall he enquire diligently concerning the condition, eftate, manners, and religion of the Parents* And he (hall try what progrefs the youths have made in learning, he fhall alfohave regard to their wit, vertue, ar.d difpofition either to good or evil. And ' whom by manifeft conjedures he fhall judge to be unfit for learning, piety, and the Priefthood, he (hall by no means admit into tbe Seminary, Before any one be admitted into the Seminary, he is to be often admo- nifhed, that he may not be educated and nourished in the Seminary, if he propound to himfelf any other kind of life, than an Eccleihftica! life. Therefore let him by oaih, vow, and holily promife,. that he will aevsr depart te any other couxfe of life 3 but will alwayes faithfully ffnrtc ferve the Church of Chrift in that degree and Order which fhall be af- figned to him by the Bifhop. He fhall alfo proroife to obey the Cover- nour of the Seminary, and his Subftitutes in ail things, and that he will obferve all the Laws and Statutes of the Seminary, which (hall be read unto him, e^c. Let none be received till he be inftructed concerning his Bed, Gown, Cap, Wafkcoat, and other Garments, Surplice and Breviary. - Prefident, and Overfeers of a Seminary. ] None are to be ad t ;.. cd into any Office in a Seminary, uniefs lie be firft diligently examined and tryed by the Bifhop. Great care (ball be taken, that the Governours of a Seminary be men grave, prudent, and adorned with all kind of venue, who by their example and exhortations may provoke thole that are under their charge to the ftudy of Piety and Vertuc. Let all firft put the confeflion-of their faith, according to the form ex- prcfTtd in the Provincial Council, in the hands of the Buhop. In the Seminary there fhall be one Prefidentof venerable gravity, andaPrieft of fingular piety, whom all in the Seminary fhall obey, as well in Spi- rituals as Temporals. And to the Prefldent two other Priefts fhall be joyned, whereof one fhall be an Overfeer of all bufinefTes of the Se- minary ; the other fhall have the care of the houfhold affairs, and (hall be called the Under-Mafter of the Seminary. In the Seminary lhall be fo many fervants as the Bifhop, or thofe delegated by him fhalJ think fit. The Governours of the Seminary fhall diligently require of their Scholars a repetition of the Lecture , and direct them in their manners arid behaviour. And one of them fhall teach the Clerks an Ecclcfiaftical Song. Let the Prefident be daily in the Seminary, and with his prefence and care contain all in their duty : and to the Bifhop let him often give an account of the whole Seminary. Let the Prefi- dent have a Book in which he may fet down the names, firnames, con- dition, the day and year of the reception of all thofe who fhall be ad- mitted into the Seminary, and whacfoever houfhold-ftuff every one fhall bring. 4. Of the O economy i or Honfiold-Cjwernmem of the Seminary,^ A skilful Procurator fhall be fet over the houfe in temporal matters, who (i all take care of affairs at home and abroad : he fhall gather in time all the yearly rents and profits of the Seminary : and the moneys collected he fhall ftnightway deliver to the President to be kept in a cheft.And hefhallluve a Book,in which h* (1 all diligently and fauhfuU ly fet.down ; whatfoever profits and moneys he fhall receive,and of whom, and for what caufe, and lhall note the day, the month and the year. He fhall give an account to the Prefidcnt of what he receiveth and expend- cth every month 4 and (he Pr efident fhall fign the book of accounts with liis own hand: and the fame accounts fhall the BifLop examine every ihird month, &c. Heihat fhall buy in food and other things, fhall be one Cent. 17. Of FRANCE. 101 one that is found to be a man faithful and confcientious, who (hall every day receive fo much money as is neceflary from the Procurator, and every day give an account to the Procurator of what is received and ex- ; pended, and that particularly and by piece-meal. The hou hold-fturl,anj all the feveral Veflels and Inftruments of the Seminary , (hall the Procu- rator fet down in a Book, and (hail give an account of them co the Go- vernour in the fixth month. Moderate food, frugal, and not very deli- cate, fhall be defcribed by the Bi(hop and his Delegates. 5. Of the Difcipline of the Seminary ; and fir Jt of Piety. J Let the Clerks be excited to Piety and Religion. Let every one be raifcdup at four a clock in the morning,then let them come together in one place, and with bended knees apply themfelves to Prayer for tulf an hour , and they (hall rehearfe( one going before, others anfwering with a clear voice) the hourly prayers oftheblefled Virgin. They who (hall be ini- tiated to facred orders , (hall recite the Breviary in convenient time, and with great atcention. Before nine a clock in the evening, before they lye down to reft, they (hall all together rehearfe the Litanies, and by and by (hall fearch and examine their confciences &c. Every month (hall every one confefs his (ins to the Pried : and being prepared lee them receive the holy Eucharift with great devotion, unlefs their Gon- feflbr fee caufe to with-hold it from them. Every holy day going out two by two out of the Seminary, and putting on their Surplices, let them come together to the greater Mafs, and Vefpers, of the Cathe- dral-church of the City, in which the Seminary (hall be, and there let them (land and fit in places appointed for them, and ling with the Quire ; and. on thofe days they (hall beprefent at the publick Sermon in the fame Church, or another place. The Prefident alfo ihall diverfe times in every month give brief exhortations to the Clergy, concerning the dignity of Vertues, and the tilthinefs of Vices, with the remedies thereof, concerning bleffednefs, the pains of Hell, concerning death, the laft judgement. In the beginning of Dinner and Supper one of the Priefts fhall pray for a bleffing, and give thanks after Supper or Dinner, all modeftly anfwering the Prieft going before them . The Pfalm deyro- fundis^&c. is to be added, and ocher Collects for the Founder and Be- nefadors. In the time of Dinner and Supper let one read by fuggeftion fome Chapter out of the holy Bible, to which may be added the read- ing of fome pious Book, which they (hall ail diligently hear , that whilft the body is refrefried with focd, the mind may never be idle. Among other Writings of Pious and Learned men, let them often read privately and publickly that famous Epiftle of S. Hierom to Ntfotian^ de Vita Clericornm^ that unto that Rule every one may endeavour to dired himfelf. 6. Of obedience , and other duties of the Clerks of the Seminary. ~\ The Clerks of the Seminary are to be obedient to their Governours in C c c c all 202 ^l)t ercitaica! %io?p cent. - all things. Let none go out of the Golledge without leave, and a compa- nion joyned tobim, with whom let him alfo return back again into the Seminary. Let none fend or otherwife receive Letters, unlefs by the hind of ihe Prefident, who (hall diligently read them, &c. None (hall eat wiih any one whhout the Seminary, unlefs with his Parents and Kindred, and that very feldome, and with leave ^ neither (hall he deep our of the Seminary. If any go forth, and abide without, the Prefident being ignorant of ir, he may not be admitted without confulting theBi- (hop, whofe right it is to appoint, whether he be to be received into the Seminary or not. Let none touch another fo much as in jeft, but every where and among all preferve modefty and gravity. Let filence every where be kept religioufly, in the Temple, in the Schools, in the Chamber, between going to and returning from the School, and in all places let Ecclefiaftical modefty appear. They (hall not difcourfe with thofc they meet, except by decent andmodeft falutation, which may be done in palling by. As often as they (hall go either to the Temple or the School, they (hall proceed modeftly two by two, their Governour following them to whom they are committed. When they are at ftudy, let none {'peak with other, neither in the morning before , nor in the evening after prayer. AH (hall go to bed at nine a clock, and rife at four : all (hall lye (ingle in their beds , that they may preferve their health. Afcer Dinner, and after Supper, they (hall fpend one hour in honeft recreation, &c. Let them keep their clothes, chambers, beds, books, clean: let them make up their beds early in the morning. 7. Of their Learning. ] Let all firft learn the Compendium of the Caiholick Catechifm fo exadly, that by mutual interrogations concern- ing it, they may be able to render an account of the Catholick Faith to every one requiring it. And to that end a repetition of it (hall be made twice in a Week. And when they (hall be advanced herein, let the reading of the Roman Catechifm be diligently commended to them, that from thence they may learn the higher Doftrine of the Sacra- ments. Let them alwayes keep the Law of fpeaking Latin, and let them be diligent in learning their leflons, and getting them by heart in the time prefixed, &c . Let none be abfent from School in the appoint- ed time. In the School, let the Clerks who (hall be of the fame form, fit together , and endeavour to excel others with all modefty. Let them neither buy nor have any Books, but thofe whom the Prefident (hall judge to be profitable for them. Books that are condemned by the holy Apoltolical Chair, and immodeft Books , let them not fomuch as know them by name, much lefs let them dare ever to read them. They (hall be ezercifed in all kind of Difciplines, which do efpecially help to the knowledge of Divinity, and when they (hall learn more humane Learning and Philofophv, they are to be chiefly intruded in that part of Divinity which unfoidcth cafes of confcience.Let them alfo learnEcslefi- a&ical Cent. 17- Of FRANCE. aftical Books diligently,and thofe which they 'ill Rituairer all liTex- ercifed in their order in making Orations and Exhortations concerning the commandments of God and of the Church jConcerning the Articles ol' faith, Venues to be followed, and Vices to be fhunned , or fome oiher fentence of Scripture, &c. 8. OfCorrettion.~\ If any be wayward, and fiwcy, efpecially who infed and corrupt the manners of others, all endeavours are to be ufed, left they bring any detriment to the Seminary, if the Moderators are fomewhat indulgent toward them : neither are they who are of a crabbed nature long to be retained in the Seminary ,unleis they fhail reform them by words or correction. As they are not to be born in a Seminary, who are ignorant andflothful, fomuch lefs they whonegled piety, who vio- late the Statutes of the Seminary, who enter into fociety with diffolutc perfons, who are delighted in the difcourfes of thofe that are without, who are wont to whifper and backbite, &c. who art wont to lye, and excufe their own faults, who impatiently bear punifliraenrs injoyned, who fpeak or anfwer malapertly, undecently, or ironically. Thefe and the like Vices are firft of all to be ftopt by the whole Seminary, and fharply to be corrected, without excepting any. 9. Of the reafon of promoting Clerks, and difmifling them from the Seminary. As often as Orders (hall be celebrated, the Prefident (hall give to the Bifhop a Catalogue of thofe, who for their age, piety, and learning, may be promoted to fome Order. In examinations which fhall be had to vacant Benefices, the Seminary. Clerks if they be fit, let them be preferred before all others. They (hall be fent at the pleafurc of the Bifhop to Churches deftitute of Pi- ftors, or to govern Schools, or to undergo o:her Ecclefiaftical Offices, for the neceffuy of times and places. Whofocver Hull be fent away from the Sen.inary, (for whatcaufe foever ) let him render an accounc of his OiTict to the Prefident, which he hath exercifed at home, and re- ftore all things to its place which have been committed to him. Thofe who have been educated in the Seminary , and without the licence of the Bifhop have delivered up themfclves to any place or per- fon, or have fled out of the Diocefs in which they ought to ferve the Church, fhall be bound to make reftitution of that maintenance which they have received in the Seminary. They who depart, if they come to better preferment, yet are they to remember thar they ought to be beneficial and grateful to the Seminary. Departing , let them take their leave of the Lord Bifhop, if he be in the City, his Vicars , the Prefident, the Priefts, and the reft of their companions, and let them ear- neftly enireai tlxorali to pray for their profperity. C c c c 2 77* cent. \ 7 . The Decrees of another (Provincial Synod follow y made partly at Tours in the month o/May 1583. and part* ty at An jou in the month of September , I fiall only jet down an Index of the 1 itles. i. ~r~He Prologue of the Synod. 1 2. Supplications to the Pope, and the Mod Chriflian King* 3. Of the care of defending the ProfelTion of Faith. 4. A Form of Confedion of Faith is fet down* 5. Or the Extirpation of Simony. 6. Of the Sacraments and their ufe* 7. Of Bapnfm. 8. Of Confirmation. 9. Of the Eucharift, and Sacrifice of theMafs. 10. Of Matrimony. 11. Of Order. 12. Of the celebration of Feftivals , the Veneration of Reliques v , and of Images. 13. OfEcclefiafticalDifcipline : the Reformation of the Clergy, as well as the people. 14. Of Chapters, Dignities, and Canons. 1 5 . Of Parifli-Priefts, Presbyters, and other Clerks. 16. Of Chrifts frithful Laity. This Synod re"quireth Women not to go abroad, and efpecially not to come into the Church, without their heads and breafts veiled. In- dignum eft? &c+ It is an unworthy thing ( fay they ) that Chriftiaa women, whom it becomech to be adorned with modefty and fobriety, to profefs piety by good works, after a whorifh manner to expofe thtm- telves to the people with curled hair and naked breafts. They forbid all temporal bufwefTes to be done in the Church, where Prayers and Divine Offices are to be performed. They require all Chriftians not to eat without firft confecrating their Table, and not to depart from Table without pious and humble thankfgiving unto God.. If any one hath taken counterfeit money, though ignoramly,, and he know not the perfon from whom he received it, yet he (hall not pre- fume to put it away to another, becaufe it cannot be done without ap- pearance of evil. All Laicks are forbidden to walk in the Church ( efpecially during the time of Divine Offices; under pain of Excom- munication.. 1. or Cent,i7T" OfFRANClT 105 17. Of Monks,and Monifteries : of the manner of- the admiffion of No- vices into Abbies, Monafteries, and Convents. None is to be admitted to that profeffion before the year of probation, and before the fixteenth year of his age. Of the antient Ceremonies -and Cuftoms of the Mo- nafteries - y the habits of the Monks, and their fhaving their beards, and having a round ring of hair on their heads. The Laity are forbid- den to fie among the Monks, whilft the Divine Myfteries are celebrated. 1 8. Of Nuns and their j-Iabits. A Prohibition to men to enter into the Monafteries of the Women. 19. Of Burials. The bodies of Hereticksnot to have Chrifti:n bu- rial. Thofe who deny the Oblations or Legacies of the dead, or refufe to pay them, or conceal their Wills and Teftamtnts, or deceitfully re- tain them, are to be excommunicated. 20- Of Jurifdidion and Vifitation. 21. Of preferving Church-goods, and not alienating them. 22. Of Seminaries, Schools, and Univerfities. The Decrees of the (Provincial Council of Aquicain cele* brated at Bituriges in the month of September^ Anno 1584. IN the firft place there is a Form of Confeffion of Faith, by thofe who were prefent in this Provincial Council. The Index of the Titles. 1 . Concerning the Adoring, Worfhipping, and Calling upon God. 2. Concerning Faith. 3 . Of the Preaching and Expofition of the Word of God. 4. Of taking away the abui'e of the Scriptures. 5. Of avoiding Hereticks. 6. Of Invocation of Saints,, and of Feftival dayes. 7. Of Pilgrimageto holy places. No Clerk miy prefume to vific fuch places without having obtained a licence from his own Bifhop, or his Vicar in writing; and before he begirr his journey, he is firft to confefs all his fins, and to receive the holy Eucharift. None is to vific holy places out of curiofity , or out of pleafure, or to view divers Towns and places, but for the amendment of his life, and the fulfilling of Vows. 8. Of Vigils and Failings. 9. Of Churches and Temples. 10. Of the Reliques of Saints: The firft Canon was, that the B:- firops. cccltfiaftical %iftojt? cent >/. (hops take care, that the honour of Reliques be preached to the people of God. That Reliques are not to be (hewed out of the Box, except it be done out of a folemn manner and cuftom of feme Cburch, but they are to be kept with honour and reverence. The Reliques of Saints may not be tranfiated without the authority of the Pope, or the Bifhop, or a Council. They are to be carryed by Ecclefiaftical perfons in pub- lick prayers, not by Laicks, unlefs perhaps it be granted them out of an antient and laudable cuftome of Churches"and phces. u. Of Images* 12. Of the celebration of the Divine Oifice, of Canonical hours, and the Ecclefiaftical Hymn. 1 3. Of daily distributions. 14. Of Boy-Chorifters : of their age, manners, habit, and learning. 1 5. Of the Ornaments and Veflels of the Cfurch. 1 6. Of Ccemeteries, the care of the Dead, and of Purgatory. 17. Of Traditions. 15. Of the Sacraments in general. 1 9. Of Baptifro. 20. Of Confirmation. 21 . Of Penance, and the parts of it. 22. Of the Eucharift. 23.OftheMa&. 24. Of Order. 2 5. Of the Clergy. 26. Of Priefts. 27. Of Matrimony. 2.8. Of Extream Un&ion. 29. Of the greater and lefTer Seminaries, of Schools and Univer- fuies. 30. Of Jurifdidion. 3 1 . Of Excommunication. 32. Of Archbifliops and Bifliops. 3 3. Of a Vifitation, Procuration, and the perfons to whom the power of Vifiting is given. 34. Of Canons and Chapters. 35. Cf the Redors of Parifh Churches. 36. Of Benefices. 37. Of Monkeries and Religious Houfes. 38. Of things pertaining to the Church. 39. Of Blafphemies ; of an Oath, and of Perjury* 40. Of Divination by lots, Enchantments, Conjurations, and fuch like Superftitions. 41 . Of Simoniacks and Fiduciaries 42. Of Cent. 17. Of FRANCE. 107 42. Of Concubinaries. 43. OfHofpitals. 44. Of Confraternities, and Fellowships. I 45. Of Laicks. 46. Of Councils. This Council was concluded with acclamations to Pope Gregory XIII, to King Henry III, to the Patriarch of Bituriges , and to all the Bifhops that were prefent in that Council , wifhing them long life > and an happy return to their Churches. An Indulgence of fourty days was granted by the Patriarch to all who were prefent in this Synod, and to all people which favoured fo holy a work with their wifhes and prayers. . M Index of the Titles of the Decrees of the Provincial Council e/Aqucris, Anno 15 85. . i. /Concerning the Profeffion of the Catholick faith, \^J 2. A Form of confeflion of faith. 3. Of the Rudiments of faith, and the Schools of Chriftian do&rine , 4. Of prohibited Books. 5. Of the Sacrament?. 6. Of the Sacrament of Baptifm. 7. Of the holy Chrifme. 8. Of Confirmation. p.Of thofe things which pertain to the Sacrament of themofrholy Eucharift. 10. Of the celebration of the Mafs. i i. Ofr the Miffal and Breviary. 12. Of thofe things which pertain to the Sacrament of Penance. 13. Of Matrimony. 14. Of thofe things which pertain to the Sacrament of Extream Unftion. 15. Of thofe things which belong to the Sacrament of Order, r6. Of the Worfhip of Feftival dayes. 17. Of the life and honefly of Clerks. 1-8. Of Bifhops : of thofe things in which the Bifhop out of the Council o/iTrfnt^ as delegate of the Apoftolical Chair, may and ought to proceed. 19. Of a Visitation. 20. Of Sermons, and Preaching the Word of God~ 2i.. Of Canonifts- 22. Of Chapters.. %l)t etclcfiafttcai $ifto# Gem. 23. OfBeneficed perfons, or Manfionaries. 24. Of Parifh-Priefts, and Curates. 25. OfRefidency, 26. Of Churches and their Ordaining. 27. Ofthe Quire. 28. Of the Altar. '29. Of the Sacrift. 30. Of the Coemeteries, Bell, Obfequies, and Funerals. 31. OfProceffions. 32. Of Indulgences. 33. OfReliques. 34. Of Excommunication. 35. Of thofe things which pertain to the Collationof Benefices,and the preservation of rights and goods. 36. Of a Seminary. 37. Of&Diocefan Synod. 38. Of foraneous Vicars. 39. Of Monasteries. 40. Of Nuns, and their Vows of Chaftity. 41. Of thofe things which generally belong to thefe Conftitu- T7;e Titles of the Decrees of the (provincial Council of Tholoufe, Anno 1590. Part i. i . /Concerning a Profefllon of Faith. V_> 2. Concerning Bifhops. 3. Concerning Chapters. 4. Concerning Pariih-Priefts. 5 . Of Presbyters and Clerks. 6. OfPreachers. 7. Offoraneous Vicars. 8. Of Nuns. Part 2. 1. Of Sacraments, and things belonging to the Sacraments. 2. OfBaptifm. 3. Of Confirmation. 4. Of Penance, and Confeffion. S . Of Cent. 17. Of FRANCE. 209 5. Of the Eucharift, and the holy Communion. 6. Of the celebration of MafTes. 7. Of the Sacrament of Order. 8. Of Matrimony. 9. Of extreme Unftion. 10. Of care to be had for the dead, and of their Funerals and bu- rials. 1 1 . Of the Relicks, and Images of Saints. 12. Of Indulgences. 13. Of prohibited meats and a difpenfation of them. 14. Of Holy-daies and their veneration. 15. Of Vows, and Religious Pilgrimages. Part 3. 1. Of Churches , Chapels, Altars, and oiher things of like fort. 2. Of Oratories fcituate in the way. 3. Of Schools andFellowfhipsofChriftianDodrine. 4. Of Univerfities and Colledges. 5. Of Seminaries of Clerks. 6. Of Hofpitals, houfes for Lepers, and other pious places. 7. Of confraternities and fellowfhips. Part 4. 1. Of Excommunication. 2. Of Ecclefiaftical jurifdidion , and the judicial Court of a Bifliop. 3. Of letting to hire, or the Alienation of Benefices, and Ecclefi- aftical things. 4. Of Tenths and Oblations. 5. OfSimony. 6. OfProvifions, and renouncing of Benafices. 7. OfRefidency. 8. Of a vifitation. 9. Of the right of Patronage. 10. Of the holy Inquifition. 11. Of prohibited Books. 12. Of Hereticks, Magicians, Soothfaiers, and Aftrologen, 15. OfBlafphemy. 14. OfUfuries. 15. Of pious Teftaments and Legacies. Dddd 16. Of 210 16. Of exempt, and priviledged perfons. 17. Of the things which generally belong to thefc Decrees. The Admonitions of the Synod of the Clergy of France, Jjfemtied at Paris, in the year 159 5. and 1596. Jent into the Provinces of France, for reftoring the ftate of the Qwck The Index of the Tttks* i. TP\.& conchies Provinciatt.v, concerning Provincial Councils. JL-/ 2. "De la, Vtcance *ux Prematures t of Vacancy to Bi- Ihopricks. 3. Des Provifons abufives de ee temps? of the abufive Provifions e Benefices. 4. Of Simonies and Confidences* 5 .. Des Syndics Diocefains : of Diocefan Cojpmiffioners. Then follow tth, 'ddvisde /' ^4fem\>lee dit C LERGE de /' An. 1598. cnvoye aux. Tr evinces, centre Us Oecwomtts Jpirtfuels, & confutations des Jtcnfons aux ferfonnes fecnliers fur les Benefices.. The Admonition of the Afl[embly of the Clergy of France at Par if, *Anno 1 59&. fent into the Provinces of Franca, againft fpirituat Oeeo- aomies, and Pcnfions upon Bienefices granted to Lay perfons. The Statutes of the Affembly of the Qugy of France at Paris, Anno 1606. for the ddwintftration of Bale* pajlkal jurifditlion. Then fatten, THe Decrees of the Provincial Council of 2&rhit+. Which are of the fame nature with the Decrees of Divers of the former Council?. This Council aflembled Anno 1609* A Council AfTembled at Aquens, to cenfure a Book ~De Ecdefi- a/kca.& PoliticAfottftate, of Ecclefiaftical and Politick ; ovwr.. Ano- Of FRANCE. _ in Another AfTemblyof the Clergy of France met at Paris^Anno 1615. for the reception of the Council of Trent. A Provincial Council was congregated at Bordeaux, Anm 1624. in the month of September : the Decrees whereof were of the fame kind with fomeof the foregoing Councils. There wasalfo a General Council of the Clergy of France, AfTera- bled at Paris y Anno 1625. Divers Propositions were collected out of a Book fet forth in Englifo, Entitled , Apologia pro modo procedendi Santt* fcdi* Apoftolica, in regendis Catholici* Anglix, dnrante ferfecutionis temporc j cum dc- fen/tone Status Religiofi. Autlore Daniele a Jeftt. Then followeth an Epiftle of the Cardinals, Archbi/riops, and Bi- fhops, then adting at Paris, to the Cardinals, Archbifhops, and Bi- fhops through France, concerning the condemning of two Volumes, to which thefe Titles are prefixed, i . Traittez, des Droifts & Liber tez, de I' gtife GaKicane. 2. Pretlue da Libertez. de V Eglife Gallictne. February 14. 1639. The firft Council of the Province of Prfn>,under Francis de Cjondyjhz firft Archbifhop ofP<*m, in the time of Pope VrbanVlW. and King Levees XIII. was celebrated in the year 1640. againft a Book enti- tuled, Optati GaUi de cavendofckifmate, &c. Whofoever fliall defire to be fatisfied fully concerning the French Cardinals, I (hall refer him to a Book entituled, GalUa Pttrpurata. Of the Kriirverfities of France. PArit (the Metropolis ) is the firft, and mofl antient Univerfity of France. Era/mm faith,Thac Lutet ia Academiaruw omnium Reg ina y 'Paris is the Queen of all Univerfuies. The Emperour Charles the Great inftituted this famous Univerficy. Having made a League with Ar- cbaiws King of Scots, he entreated that King te fend unto him Pro- feflours of the Greek and Latin Tonguts, and of other Learning for his Univerficy of Paris. Arcbaiu* fent unto him the forementioned Alcttinus, wAlbintts, John Melrofe ( fo named irom the Abbey Mel- rofe) Claudiw, flemensy and Anthony. Fhrentiw reckoneth them among Hereticks, who followed the Greek Church, becaufe they op- pofed the Romift Rite?. The Kings of France have beautified this Univerfity from time to time, with many fumptuous Edifices, en- dowed it with many great Priviledges and Princely Revenues. The Dddd 2 princt- 211 %\y& ecrtefiafticai $ffittp principal Col! edges are the Scrborng 3 and the Colledge -of Na King Lewes IX. by the Counfel of Robert ofSorbon( which took his firname as they fay from the place of his Nativity ) his Almoner and Conft flour, erected a Colledge of Divines, which retains the name of Sorbon* Pupe Clement IV- confirmed the foundation of this Colledge. He that anfwereth there cominueth from morning to nigbr. The Colledge of Navtrre was founded by Joan Queen of France and N.warrf, Amo 130-}.. She like wife enriched this Colledge with an excellent Library. The greateft pa-rt of the young Princes, Lords, and Gentlemen irv Fnzwc^are cuftoraarily nourished andinftruded in this Colledge. Peter de _/4///<*a>Chancellour of Paris, hath beftowed fo much on this Colledge,, that he is eftcemed as a fecond founder. Poictiers is an Univerftty, efpeeially for the Civil Law, and a See Epifcopal. It was ereded under Charles VII. King of France, and confirmed by Pope Ettgenius IV. Scaliger in his Cities thus fpeaks efir, Si ftudiftmeftanimt, veniunt acovpore vires j Galliaquc ameritispejcit utrumqiLe fibi. H&c ftndiu^ alt* belli exercentur amore. Pickavium eft Animus ,. c&ttra corpus grunt v John Capaion, and Cbriftopborw Longclitu^ were Profeflburs here^ Liaas. Lions K pleafantly featedonthe confluence of the Soajne, and the. &kofne y anciently a Raman Colony (teltified by many old InfcriptionsJ* and honoured with a magnificent Temple, dedicated by the Cities of France to Jfrttuftu C&jar now the moft famous Mart of France, and an Univerfity, which is very ancient, being a feat of Learning in the time of Caiut C/tligula. For in thofe times before an Altar confecratetf to ^Hgnftm C Brother to King Charles IX. augmented the fame. He invited thither many very Learned Scholars, among the which was Francis Baldwin, who there- in eftablifhed the profefiion of the Civil Law. Out of this Univerfity came Johannes Bodinns. Avignon.. It is an ancient City otTrovence fcituated on the Bank afRhoelaniu, wherein is an Univerfity of long continuance. In this City arefaidto be feven Palaces } feven Parifh- Churches ; feven Monafteries , feven Nunneries : feven Inns, and feven Gates. Pope Clement y. tranf- ferred the Papal Seat from Rome- into this City, where it remained feventy four years. It was made an University at the time of the Pope's firft. fetling here, and fo it ftill continueth. Alciat the great Emblematift was here Profeflbr, and taught the Law. Pe t rw Caftrenfa a Lawyer, by fundry Learned Works he wrote, much ennobled this Univerfity. Orleans, It is a rich and plentiful City pi -ced on the Bank of the River Loir?, Some write, That the foundation of this City was laid by Akrelmn the Emperour, Anno 276. and from him was called Anrelia, which name it retaineth unto this day : In this City was ereded an Univer- fity by Philip the fair, King of France, Anno 1312. Here the Civil Law is Learnedly profetfed, and this Univerfity by divers Learned. Writers hath been often entitled the Nurfe or Mother thereof. Bo urges.. It is a famous Univerfity, called by Learned men the Ornament o* tetters, and habitation of the Mutes. It was long fince founded by a certain Duke ofBottrges, but afterwards in procefs of time falling to^ decay, and being almoft utterly extincl:, it was again reftored by fundry Kings of France. It was authorized and endowed with many great priviledges and high prerogatives by Pope Paul the fecond of that name.. Here Alci*te y Rebuff, Dnarenw y Hotoman, Ronellas, and. and Cnjaciw (famous Lawyers) lived and taught with great ap- plaufe. Caen. It is a City of Normandy^ featedupon the River Orne, fecond in re- putation of the whole Province, and famous for the Sepulchre of Willi- am the Conquerour. An Univerfity was erected here by Henry V. King of England, who after many glorious Conquefts atchieved againft the French King, heat laft bereaved him of Normandy^ Anno 1418. In token and memory of which Viftory, as a perpetual Trophy and Monument of his glory, hecaufedtobe hidinCaen the foundation of this Univerfity. The Archbifhop of Dublin was the firft Reader of Divinity there. In this Univerfity lately flourifhed Bochart that Learn- ed French Divine* Rbemes. It is the Metropolis of Champaigns, wherein not long fince was ere&ed an Univerfity by Charles Guife^ Cardinal of Lorrain, Arch- bifhop and Duke of Rhemes. In this Univerfity among other Colledges, there is one appointed for the education of young Englifj fugitives. The Archbifhop of this See is one of the twelve Peers of France. The French Kings are anointed at Rhemes (it is faid) with the oyl wherewith St. &m(giM had anointed Clovis the firft Chriilian King of France. Bourdeaux. It is the chief City QfAquitain, feated on the South Bank of the Ga- not far from the Sea, among the Marifhes. An Univerfity was founded hereby King Lewes ^1. and a large Cathedral. Here A*- fonius, that famous Poet, was born and educated. Tholoufe. It is the chief City of Languedcc, and one of the greateft in all France ; fo ancient that fome report it to be built when Deborah Judged Ifrael. It is the feat of an Archbifhop, and an Univerfity. Pops John XXII. firft inftituted the Univerfity, which enjoyeth the fame priviled- ges that heretofore have been granted unto Paris. Of FRANCE 115 It was amiendy a Colony of the Romans , now a Bifhops See, where there remain fome marks of the Roman greatnefs, efpecially the ruincs of a fpatious Palace built by the Emperour Adrian -, in it an Univer- ty was lately erected. Mont fc Her. It is a Cky in Languedoc, not far from the Mtditerranean Sea \ it is fcituate on a high Mountain, as the name imponeth. Here is an Univerfity for the Study ofPhyfick, and for that very commodioufly feated ^ the Country round about affording great variety of medicinal Herbs. Out of this Univerfity many famous Phyfitians have proceeded, viz.. Gentilis, infignti Avicenn& Comment 'at or, Falco, Argent erias,, ittSj Rondeletint, Valeriola, Jacobu* Fontantts, Laurentim- Andreas Laurentitu, inpgnis Anatomufcripor. Bifanfon* It is the Metropolis of Burgundy, feated between two Mountains oiv the Banks of the River Doux, by which it is almoft encompaflcd.. In the year 1540. a fmall Univerfity was founded here by the autho- rityofPope Julius III. and the Emperour Charles V. which hath fincer flourifhed exceedingly. Dole. It is a City in Burgundy. Anciently it was an Univerfity for the Study of the Civil Lawes ^ here Carolus Molinxm publickly taught the Law. But now the Univerfity is devoured by a Colledge of Je- fuites, who fearing left the Dodrineof the Reformed Churches might creep in among the people, not only have debarred them the ufe of the- Proteftants Books, but have exprefly forbid them to talk of God, ei- ther in a good fort or in a bad. Valence. It is a City mDaulfhine'^ the chief City heretofore of then a Roman Colony, now a Bifhops See, and an Univerfity for the. Civil Laws. The Table of the Firft Part. A. Page ABbeyof st.ftzdour. 34 Abbey of Lexovien. 3 2 Abbey of Shelles. 34 Abbey of St. Callus. 56 Agelom a Mon^ofLuxovia. 62 Agobard Bifiop of Lyons. 62 Agoiland/foSrfmm^ bis Treache- ry and Death. 5 6 Alcuinus, a Learned Man , in the time of Charles the Great, p. 41 Governour of the Monadery of St. Martin. 45 Alcimus Bijhbp of Vienna. 27 Amandus Bijhop of Bourdeaux. 13 Amandus Bijhop of Paris. 33 D'Amboife, and Afcanius Cardi- nals. 185 The Bifiop of Ambian, a great Law- yer, againft the Fryars hearing of ConfeffionS)&c. 148 The Bat t el at Agin- Court , where ten thoufand French were flain. 163 Alanus of Chartres 3 Secretary to King Charles VII. Antonius de Rofellis, a famous Reader of the Law. 172 Andoclus a Martyr. 8 Angifus Abbot of Lobien. 56 Ambrofe Ansbert * good Writer. 67 Page Anfelm Bijhop of Laon 3 betrayeth Charles -of Lorrain with hit Wife and Children unto his Ene- wies. 69 The Cardinal of Aries. 1 7 1 An AJfitnbly of the Prelates at Tours, called by King Lewes xrr. 1 36 AponiuSj a Writer of divers Book/. 38 Jacobus Amiotus, Abbot of Belle- fona. 209 Aphordifius 3 frft Paftor of Bour- ges in France. a A great Army againft the Albigen- fes. 104 Arnalt, Bijbop of Orleans, again & the Pope's power over the French Bifiops. 69 Arnulphj BJjbepofMtVt, a Learned and good Man. 3 2 Arnulph, a pngular Preacher. 85 George, Cardinal of Armignag. 214 Avitus, Btjhop of Vienna 5 he con- verted the Burgundians to the Faithof Chrijl. 22 Audoenus, Bifiop of Roven. 3 5 Auftregelil, Bzfiop of Bourdeaux, 33 Eeee Bavo The I able, Page B. BAvo, a Fibber 3 Converted Amandus. 33 Cardinal Bettone, Arch-Si/hop Avignon. 174 Peter Bertrand 3 Bijhop. of Edven his Speech. 1 36 Theodore Beza, a Learned Prote- ftant Divine, his Worlds. 216 frequent Meetings of Biftops at Or- leans. 22,23 Bertram., an Holy Mtn^ and Jingular Writer. 64 Berengarius,*e firftthtt was ac- counted an Heretic!^ for denying Tranfubftantiation.- 73 Bernard, a Monk^oj Clugny. 190 St. Bernard, Abbot of Qarevaux hisjlory. 87,88,89 Ann du Bourg 3 a famous Prote- ftant, burnt for the Truth. 214 William Briffanriet^ Godly French St/hop, 193 Peter de Bruce, he Preacheth a- gaivjl the Topes. 92 Pppe Boniface VIII. affrmeth that the Realm of France is a 'Bene- fice of the Papal Majejiy. p. 1 2 7. He put France under an Inter- djtf.ibld. Hsinvejlcth the Em* perour Albert, King of France. 128 Bruno, the Pounder of tt+e Order of the Canhufians. 83 orhjeth St* Ed- Page mond at Canterbury. 112 William Budseus 3 Secretary to King Francis I. his Library- Deeper, and afterwards his C oun fell our ^ his work*- 189 Cardinal Bellay. ibid William Bellay 9 a, Learned Noble- man. IQ C Stephen Brulifer 3 a Dotfor of Sor- 172 JOhn Calvin, hit Learning and Indtiftrioufnefs. 195 Dr. John Cartel Ian , a ftncere Preacher of the Word in France, and Martyr. 19^. the beginning of the Ciftercian 6V- der. 83 Clovis I. the firft Chritftan King of France, his jiory from 1 8 ad 22 Gefarius Eifoop of Aries. 22 Charles the Great made Ewperour of the Weft by the Pope. 44 He- fubdutih the Saxons, and redii- ceih them to the Chriftian Faith. 45 Claudius, Bifoop of Auxerre. 41 Jodocus Clichtoveus, a Learned Man of Paris. 184 Philip deComoiines, ** Hiftorio* grapher. i 7 8 King Charlts VIL redtcctb all to his obedience., which was fubdued to the Englilbj except Calais. 164 The Table. ^ Page When the Cardinals were frfl Jfjttt up in a Conclave at the Ekftion of the Pope. 120 Charles of Guife, Arch-ZiJhop of Pvhemes, and Charles*?/ Ven- dofme made Cardinals. 206 Crefcens one of ike frft Preachers in France. 2 Columban., an Holy Man. % 3 Councils at Matifcon. 24^25 A Council at Orleans. 23324 A Council at Poiftiers. 26 A Council at Auxerre. 3 3 Councils at Cabillon., or ChaloD 3 34 d* 52 A Council at Franckford. 42 A Council at Mentz. 46 Councils at Rhemes. 48, 68, 6 9> 84, 89 A Council at Clermont. 80 A Council at Tours. 49 A Council at Aries. 54 Councils at Lyons. 57.1 1 1 ^119 Councils at Paris. 58^93 A Council at Meaux. 59 A Council at Piftis. ibid A Council at Acciniacum. 60 A Council called by Pope John in France. 64 A Council at SohTons. 9 9 A Council at Bourges. 106 The Council of Conftance. There it was decreed , that a Council lawfully, affembled if above the Pope. 162 Charles the Great baniflnlh the Am- brofian fervice^ and cjlablifketh Page the Gregorian. 5 5 A general Complaint made againft the Clergy of France, by the Court of France., and all the Judges of France accujing them of many a" bufes. 145 D. King Dagobert built the Temple of St. Denis, which hathfince been the Sepulchre of the French ^ Kings. 32 Francis Duraneus., a Learned Law- yer. 208. Durandus, 'a fatftota Lawyer and Divine. 1423 145 Dionifius, Bijhop of Paris. 9 E. ELigias, a frfiop. 35 Claudius Efpencasus, DotJor of Sorbon 5 hff Learned Writings Eucherius, Ei/hop of Lyons. 1 5 Euftafius, Abbot of Lexovien. 32 Exuperius. Bifoopof Tholoule. 13 F. T Acobus Faber,* learned French- J man. Farel and Calvin wcrv his Scholars. 183 Fauftus, of an Abbot wade Biftop of Rhegium in France. 20 France divided into divers Eeee 2 ons The Table. Page ens in the time when King Hen- ry V. invaded it. 1 6% Fulco 5 Arch-Bifhop of Rhemes tnurthercd if* the Council of Rhemes. 68 Fulbertj Bijhop of Chartres 3 a lear- ned Max. 7 2 Furfius, Foilan^ and Ultan 3 built Alonatf cries in France. 35 King Francis the frft^ a Founder of Learning in Paris. 190 A contention between the Fry art of Patis, and the French Prelates. 148,149, 150 G. GAndericuj , Etfiop of Lyons. 34 Robert Gagwin,.* French Hijio- rian. i3% John Gerfon 3< <* famous l>ivie of Paris, his Learning and Works. 164, 165 Gereberr, Arch-Bifiop of Rhemes. wrote the Apology of the French Cburc b. 71 Gpttefchal k, lis opinions., 6% Godfrey of Bovillon, chofen King of Jerusalem. _ 83 Grati3n 5 a Preacher at Tours. 9 Gratian., the compiler of the. Pope's Decrees. 10 1 Gregory, Bifhop of Tours. 30 A ftrife between the Cry Fryars^ Prelates^ and Dotfors of Paris. Page Gregory de Arimino oppofeth tfo Parifian DoCtors in the Article of Juftjf cation. Pope Gregory XH. tranflates hit* Seat bacf^ again from Avignon to Rome. 152, 155 When the Gofpel began to be Preach- ed in France by Peter Sebevilla. 192 Gul. de Sto. Amore 9 a DoBor of Paris. , If Gul. de aha- Petra 3 Bijhop of Pa- ris- 108 Guilem, an Abbot 9 he wrote the Life of St. Bernard. 91 WeffelusGansfort, a bhfterin the Vnivcrfity of Paris. 172 H. HAyabad a Francifcan, Pre ach- ed in Avignon before Pope Clement, that the Church of Rome x the Whore of Babylon^ and the Pope and his Cardinals are Antickrift. 147 King Henry II. kjfrd by Earl Montgomery with a. Lance. King Charles VI. puts the bearer of the Pope's EnUs to thepnnijhment called the Honorary Amends* ibid King Henry V. of England warreth in France, anddyeth there. 164 Henry VI. an Infant, is Crowned K. at Paris. ibid Here- The Table. Page Herebald a Si/hop of Auxerre. 62 Hildebert, Arch-BiJhop of Tours. 78 Hinckmarus Arch-bijhop */Rheme 60, 6 1 Hinckmarus, Bijfjop of Laon. 60 Hilary 5 Bijhvp of Poitiers in France, 1 1 Hilary, frtt Bijhop of Aries. i $ I. T RencEUs, hff ftory. G 3 7, 8 I Jews banifhed out of France, by King Dagobert. p. 33. And by Philip Auguftus. 93 Ivo, drch'BifiopofChartres, a Vaf- fal to Tope Urban II. He wrote divers Epiftles to him. 79, 80 Joan of Arc, her Story > her Valour , Succefand Dettb. 1 68 Indulgences granted to divers Chur~ ches, Brother-hoods., andtiofpi- tals. 218,219,220 Pope John XXII. ercttedthe Church of Tholoufe into an Arch-Ei- jhoprick^ : and divided tkc Dio- cefsof Tholoufe into fix Bi- fiopricks. 144. King John and his Son Philip are taken Prifonens by Edward the Black^ Prince^ and carried into England. 148 James de Paradifo of Chartres, he wrote a little after the Council of Bafil. 170 Page IAndilenuSj Bijhop of Vienna. 34 Lazarus, frft Pajlor of Marfeilles. 2 Good LAWS ena&ed by King Lewes IX. 116 A League among the French Mobi- lity again ft the Pope. n^ Launmarus of Chartres, a renown- ed Fryar. 2 2 Leporius a French Mon^ a Nefto- rian. 20 A Letter fent in the name of St. Peter. 39 Vincentius Lirinenfis. He wrote a- gainft the Pelagian? and Nefto- rians. 18 The Emperonr Lewes imprisoned in the Monastery of St. Medard at SoifTons. 5 7 Lotharius becctneth a Mtnk^ in the Abbey of Pluviers. When the Pope's Legates came firft to the Councils of France. 59 tang Lewes \XJoft all his Arm) and Liwfelfj with hif two Brethren^ Alphonfo4Laudius Mammertus -Bijhop of , V_^ , Vienna. 17 i Margaret ^tteen of Navar, Sifter to King Francis i. her memoires^ and poetical workj. 191 A Table of French Martyrs. 175, ad 200 Martyr 3 at Lyons and Vienna 3, 4, &c. Ma u rice. Hi/hop of A n j ou . 13 Martial converted divers Provinces and People in France to the Faith. 2 Rabanus Maurus, famous in the V- mverfity of Paris. 62 St. Martin, Bijhop of Turin. 13 The Monaflery of St. Martin near Paris, called des Champs. 73 John le Mayre, a French Hiftorian 183 Miner ius 3 a cruel Perfectttor of the Albigenfes in the Town of Aix in Provence. 203 Maximus, builder of the Micians Aionatfcry, 2 2 N. William Nagaretta, Profcjfiur of the Laws , his Declara- tion and Appeal againfl Pope Bo- niface VIII. at Paris, before the King and his Council. 1 20 Nicholas de Clemangiis, a learned French-man, he wrote againft the abufes of the Popes., and Court of Rome. i 6.6 O. ODilo, Abbot of Clugny, made Arch-Bifhop of Lyons. 173 Odo, Bilhop of Baieux. 77 Nicholas Orem, he Preacheth before the Pope and hff Cardinals at A- Vignon. 152 M P. Athias Parifienfis 3 proveth that the Pope if Antichrijl. The Paftordli, and their on> 1 14 Pafcha- The Table. Page Pafchafius Rathbert, Mot of COT- bey. 64 Paul of Pifa, Tutor to Charles the Great. 4 c Peregrinus 5 when he flour ijhed. 1 7 Philaftrius, Bijlwpof Breux. 13 Philip f^e Apojile^ faid firft to have Preached the Gofpel in France. I PoftelluSj a learned French-man. 190 Peter Caftellan., Bifiop of Orleans. 191 Peter Abailard 3 <*# Antitrinitarian. 100 Peter 3 Bijhof of Clugny. 91 Peter, a Monk^ of Paris. loo Peter Cantor 3 he wrote aga'wft the Pope., and the Adafi-Priejls. io I Peter Lombard, Bijhop of Paris, the Majier of the Sentences. I o I Peter de Cugneriis his Oration. The Appeal of King Philip the Fair agAinft Pope Boniface VIII. at Pa- ns. " 130 Articles of William de Plefiano Knight^ read agaiujl Boniface VIII. At Paris. ' ibid. Peter de Aliaco., Cardinal of Cam bray., and Chancellottr of Paris. 169 The Pragmatic San&ion of King Charles VII. firft made in a Sy- nod affern'oled at Bourges. 168 An Arrcft of the Parliament of Pa- ris ? againfl the Popes exaffions Page of Annates in France. 1 59 Projeftus, Bijhop ^/Marfeilles. 33 The St&ry of Peteu the Hermit, a. French Pilgrim. 80, 8 r Profper of Aquitain D when he flour ified. 1 7 T. Quintiii; a Preacher and Mar- tyr. 9 D Emigius, Bijhop of Rhemes he **- baptized King Clovis 3 and 3000. of his SoMiers with him. 20 Remigius, Eijhopof Lyons, he de- fended the Dottrine of Gottef- cha4k. 63 Robert the Norman refnfith ths Kingdom of Jerufalem. 83 John Rochetalada Preacheth, that the Church of Rome // the Whore of Babilon, &c. and is burnt at Avignon. 147 Rufticus 5 a Mtrtjr. q Thomas Rhedon 3 a French Carme- lite. 1 7-2 S; QAIvianus, Bijfjop of Marfeilles.\ 17 Solonius a good Writer. ibid Salonius, Bffiop of Voptnga. 26 Sagitarius , The Table. Sagitarius, Bijhop of p Ebred age una. Saturninus 3 /e frft BiJJwp o/Tho- loufe. 9 Paulus Sergius, flrft Bijfwp of Nar- . bon/# France. 2 Sebaftian, a Martyr. 1 1 Sidonius ApolliBariSj^Fr/Z Brjhopof Clermont. 16 Henry Stevens,***/ Robert htf Sea, Henry, Robert's Son., and Paul the Son of that Henry 3 all learn- ed Men, and Printers. 204 Great contention between the Mt- Jlers of Sorbon in Paris a and the Preaching Frjars. 1 1 4 Serenus, Siftop ^/Marfeilles. 27 .The Setts **& Order of Movies cal- led Stellati , inftituted by King John. 152 The great Schifa between the French and Italian Cardinals^ After the Death of Pope Gregory XL about the choice of the Pope. 155 T. TRophimus , firft Bijhop of Aries. i Theodorus 5 Bijhop of Marfcilles. 30 page Thevet 3 v learned French-man. 190 V. Vl&orinus of Aquitain. 21. A Synod at Verceles againft Berengarius. 74 An Affembl} of Bijhops at Vicenas. A book Britten in France, called the Vergers Dream. 154 Peter Viret, an Eloquent French Divine. 194, Francis Vatablus, Regis Profe/or of the Hebrew Tongue in Paris, htiWorkf* 205 W. WUlfarius, Arch-bijhop of Rhemes. 48 William, Arch-bijhop IOD B T. EnediftTurretine, a learned? Frenck-man. 100 Francia The Table. T^Rancis Vieta, A learned French r Mathematician. IOO. Nicholas Vignerius, a Learn- ed French Hi&oriografher. 100 Page Page Nicholas Vignerws , Junior, 4 Learned French Divine, loo The &Jhop of Verdun imfrifoned. 131 FINIS. ERRATA, P Art I. Page i. Line 3 1. read Mantz. p. ij.l. t}. 14. r. circumceliiones,p.a8.1.i4.r. Avergne, p. |i. 1. i f . x r. Theodorick, p. $7. 1. j8. r. levies, p. 8). 1. 17. r. Cartivatians, p. yi. L 20. r. his, p. 109. 1. 27. r. and, p. 112. !. 8. r. There. Part II. p. 7. l.i i. r. leave, *ndl. }7.r.leav, p. H.I.J. r. Undiquaque, p. 3 o.L antepenult, r. peace was eo- eluded, p. j 4 . 1. Soiflbns, p. 7. 1. i?.r.Mar.p.io5,l, 3. r. Town*, p.ijo. 1. 19. r. the chief, p. 146. 1. *2. r . one Fifh-day, p. aog. 1, 8, r. Belli, 2929 ll This book is DUE on the last date stamped below um\ LOS AI <^ III 3 1 158 00798 3199 t PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK I. 5 o = a O I University Research Library I INI III A 000033846 7