B /^ WOOD LIBKARY CONSTITUTION MASSACHUSETTS CnARITABlE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION INSTITUTED MARCH 15, 1795 , i !./<*, INCORPORATED MARCH 8. 1806. BOSTON; PRESS OF CROCKER AND BREWSTER, 47 Washington-Street. 1855. ACT OF INCORPORATION. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six. An Act to incorporate Jonathan Hunewell, and others, into a Society by the name of the MASSACHUSETTS CHARITA- BLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives^ in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That Jonathan Hunewell, and all those who have, or may hereafter as- sociate with him, be, and they hereby are incorporated and made a body politic, by the Name of the " Massachusetts Charitable Afe- chanic Association,^^ and by that name shall be known in Lmw, and shall be capable of sueing and being sued, and shall have power to have and keep a common Seal, to make by-laws for the election of their Members and Officers, the collection of Assess- ments, the regulation of their Meetings, and the appropriation of their Funds for charitable uses ; but shall not have power to make by-laws and regulations for any other purposes whatsoever. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted , That the said Corporation shall have power, and shall be capable in Law to purchase, have, hold, use, take, possess, retain, and enjoy in fee-simple, or otherwise, any peri«onal or real Estate within this Commonwealth, not ex- ceeding the value of Forty Thou:^and Dollars in Real Estate, and Ten Thousand Dollars in Personal Estate, and the same to sell, alien, and dispose of at their pleasure. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the annual income of said Corporation shall only be employed for the purpose of relieving the distresses of unfortunate Mechanics and their families, to pro- mote inventions and improvements in the Mechanic Arts, by granting premiums f»r said inventions and improvements ; ainl to assist young Mechanics with loans of money. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said Corporation shall be and continue for and during the term of ten years, unless the Legislature shall within that time see fit to dissolve the same. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That Jonathan HuneweU, Benja- min Russell, and Francis Wright be, and they are hereby author- ized and empowered to call the first meeting of the said Corpora- tion, by gi%'ing notice of the time and place thereof in two of the Newspapers printed in Boston, thirty days at least before the time of such meeting. In the House of Representatives, March", 1S06. This Bill having had three several readings, passed to be enacted. TIMOTHY BIGELOW, Speaker. In Senate, March 8, 1806. This Bill having had two several readings, passed to be enacted. H. G. OTIS, President. March 8, 1906. By the Governor approved. CALEB STRONG. True copy.— Attest, JOHN AVERY, Secretary. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. An Act continuing the MASSACHUSETTS CHARITABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Gen- eral Court assembled, and by the authority of the same. That the " Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association,'' incorporated by an Act, entitled an Act to incorporate Jonathan Huneivell and others into a Society by the Name of the MASSACHUSETTS CHARITABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION, shall and may remain and continue a Corporation, with all the legal powers and privileges the same now enjoys, for and during the term of ten years, from and after the time limited for the duration of said Corporation by the act aforesaid. In the House of Representatives, February 2G, 1814. This Bill, having had three several readings, pastsed to be enacted. TIMOTHY BIGELOW, Speaiktr. In Senate^ February 23, 1814. This Bill, having had two several readings, passed to be enacted. JOHN PHILLIPS, President. February 28, 1814. By the Governor approved. CALEB STRONG. True copy.— Attest, JOHN AVERY, Secretary. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six. An Act continuing the MASSACHUSETTS CHARITABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Gen- eral Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the " Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association,^'' incorporated by an Act, entitled an Act to incorporate Jonathan Huncwtll and others, shall and may remain a Corporation during the pleasure of the Legislature from and after the time limited for the contin- uation of said Corporation by an Act, passed on the twenty-sixth day of February', one thousand eight hundred and fourteen ; with the same powers and privileges it now enjoys, excepting that its personal and real estate may amount to one hundred thoussnd dollars, and that it may establish schools and libraries for the use of apprentices and the improvement of the Arts. In tlie House of Representatives, February U,1S26. This Bill, having had three several readings, passelTto be enacted. TIMOTHY FULLER, Speaker, In Senate, February 14, 1826. This Bill, having had two several readings, passed to be enacted. NATH. SILSBEE, President. February 15, 1826. Approved. LEVI LINCOLN. A true copy.— Attest, EDWARD D. BANGS, Secretary. 1* In the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight. An Act in addition to an Act to incorporate the MASSACHU- SETTS CHARITABLE iMECHANIC ASSOCIATIOxN. Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Representatives in Gen- eral Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : The " Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association " are hereby authorized to hold real and personal estate of the value of one hundred thousand dollars, in addition to the amount they are now authorized to hold ; and the income of the same shall be applied to the same purposes as are specified in the former acts concern- ing said Association. House of Representatives, March 16, 1S43. Passed to be enacted. FRANCIS B. CROWNINSHIELD, Speaker. In Senate, March 18, 1848. Passed to be enacted. ZENO SCUDDER, President. iWarcA 18, 1S48. Approved. GEORGE N. BRIGGS. Secretary's Office, March 24, 1S43. I certify the within to be a Irue copy of the original acts. WILLIAM B CALHOUN, Secretary of the Commonwealth, CONSTITUTION PREAMBLE. It is universally admitted, that the combined operations of the Mechanic Powers have been the source of those useful inventions and scientific arts which have given to polished society its wealth, conveniences, respectability, and defence ; and which have ameliorated the condition of its citizens. Rational, then, is the inference, that the association of those who conduct these powers in their operations, will prove highly beneficial, in promoting mutual good offices and fellowship ', in assisting the necessitous, encouraging the ingen- ious, and in rewarding fidelity. To effect these desirable ends, the present associates agree to be governed, as a society, by the following Consti- tution : ARTICLE I. NAME AND QUALIFICATIONS. Sec 1. The name of this Association, as speci- fied in the Act of Incorporation, shall be " The Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Asso- ciation." 8 Sec. 2. This Association shall consist of Me- chanics, Manufacturers, and those practised in the Arts. If a Mechanic, he shall be a master work- man ; if a Manufacturer, he shall be either a man- aging proprietor, or a superintendent of a manu- factory ; if an Artist, he shall be in management of business on his own account ; except as pro- vided in Art. 2, Sec. 3. Sec. 3. Every person to become a member must be twenty-one years of age, of good moral character, be approved by the Government, receive two thirds of the votes of the members present at a regular meeting of the Association, pay to the Secretary such admission fees as the regulations may require, and within ninety days subscribe to the Constitution. Sec. 4. The officers of this Association shall be a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, twelve Trustees, and a Secretary ; and they shall consti- tute and be denominated " The Government of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association."' ARTICLE II. CONDITIONS OF MEMBERSHIP. Sec. 1. The amount of admission fee shall be according to the age of the person admitted, as follows : — From 21 to 35 years of age, fifteen dollars. From 35 to 50 years of age, twenty dollars. Fifty years and upwards, twenty-live dollars. Each member shall be subject to quarter-yearly assessments of fifty cents. Sec. 2. Any person possessing suitable qualifi- cations may become a life member, by paying forty dollars. Any member who has been such for thirty years uninterruptedlyj and has paid all assessments, shall be considered a life member. Any member who has been such for twenty years, and has paid all assessments, may become a life member on the payment of ten dollars. Any member who has been such for ten years, and has paid all assessments, may become a life member on the payment of twenty dollars. Any member who has paid all assessments may become a life member by paying thirty dollars. Life members shall be exempt from the quarterly assessments, but shall be subject to all other rules of the Asso- ciation. Sec. 3. Such persons of distinction, patrons of the arts, and friends to mechanics, as the Asso- ciation shall, from time to time, agree upon, may be admitted honorary members by a vote of two thirds of the members present at any regular meeting; but they shall not be entitled to any of the pecuniary, elective, or controlling privileges of the Association. ARTICLE III. MEETINGS. Sec 1. The Meetings of the Association shall be held on the first Wednesday of January, April, 10 July, and October, at such time and place, in Bos- ton, as the President shall direct. But should any- public event occur on the day appointed for either of said meetings, the President, with the advice of the Government, may call a meeting on a prior or subsequent day. Sec. 2. Every third year from 1821 there shall be a Public Festival, in October, unless the Asso- ciation at their meeting in January previous other- wise decide ; on which occasion an Address shall be pronounced by a member. The expenses of such Festivals shall be defrayed by an assessment on the members ; provided, nevertheless, that if any member be out of the State or be prevented by sickness from attending, or shall leave a notice in writing with the Secretary, fifteen days at least before the celebration of such Festival, that it is not his intention to partake of the same, he shall be excused from paying the assessment which shall be laid therefor. Sec. 3. The regular meetings of the Govern- ment shall be held monthly, and at such time and place as they may direct. ARTICLE lY. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Sec 1. The election of otficers shall be at the first meeting in January, annually, by written votes, a majority making a choice. The Presi- dent, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary, 11 shall be voted for separately; the Trustees may all be named on one ticket. In case the Asso- ciation should fail to elect all or either of its officers on the aforesaid day, the meeting may be adjourned from time to time, until such election is completed ; provided, however, that not more than ten days shall intervene from one adjournment to another. Sec. 2. The same person shall not be eligible to the office of President, Vice-President, or Trus- tee, more than three years successively. ARTICLE V. DUTY OF OFFICERS. Sec. 1. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Association and Government. He shall call special meetings whenever a majority of the Government shall deem it expedient. He shall sign all documents and certificates issued by the Association or Government. He may appoint such temporary subordinate officers, from time to time, as may be deemed necessary for the promo- tion of order, and the arrangement of processions. He shall read, or cause to be read, the journal of proceedings at the regular meetings of the Govern- ment and Association. Sec. 2. The Vice-President shall sign all of- ficial documents which require the signature of the President. In the absence of the President, he shall preside in the Association and Govern- 12 ment. In the absence of the President and Vice- President, a President pro tempore shall be chosen to preside. Sec. 3. The Treasurer shall be intrusted with all the property of the Association not otherwise provided for. He shall, from time to time, invest and dispose of the funds in such manner as, with the advice of the Committee of Finance, he shall deem most beneficial. He shall report annually, the amount and species of property in his care. He shall pay no money without a warrant from the Committee of Finance. He shall exhibit his accounts annually, for their inspection, and shall give them a bond with sufficient surety, for the faithful discharge of his trust. Sec. 4. The Secretary shall keep a fair and correct journal of the proceedings of the Associa- tion and Government. He shall collect all assess- .ments and other dues from members, and pay the amount over quarter-yearly to the Treasurer, tak- ing his receipt for the same. He shall notify each candidate of his admission, within ten days there- after. He shall notify each member of his dues to the Association. He shall issue notifications for all meetings of the Association and Govern- ment. He shall furnish the chairman of each committee with the vote of his appointment, and attend the meetings of committees when required. He shall furnish the Committee of Relief with the name of every person discharged from the Asso- ciation. He shall exhibit annually, to the Com- 13 mittee of Finance, a statement of his receipts and payments, and submit his accounts to their inspec- tion. He shall be exempt from assessments or periodical dues, and receive such compensation for his services as shall be designated by the Committee of Finance. ARTICLE VI. COMMON SEAL. The Association shall have a common seal, which shall be in tha care of the Secretary, and which shall be affixed to all its official documents and certificates which require the signature of the President. ARTICLE VII. GOVERNMENT. It shall be the duty of the Government to guard the interest, respectability, and prosperity of the Association. They shall superintend its pruden- tial concerns, and pursue such measures as, in their opinion, will best promote them. They may correspond with other Associations of Mechanics and Manufacturers, on such subjects as are calcu- lated to promote the general objects of this institu- tion, and shall submit such correspondence to the Association, for the information of its members. They shall have power to remit arrearages to un- fortunate members, and to grant such sums to in- 2. 14 digenl members, their widows, or orphans, as they shall think proper, not exceeding twenty dollars in any one instance. They shall report to the Asso- ciation, at every quarterly meeting, all remittances and donations made by them during the recess. They shall examine and approve the record of their last meeting, previous to reading the same at the quarterly meeting of the Association. They shall, annually, at their first meeting after the election of officers, appoint a Committee of Fi- nance, consisting of the President, (who shall be chairman ex officio.) the Vice-President, and three Trustees, the latter to be chosen by written votes. ARTICLE VIII. COMMITTEES. Sec. 1. A Committee of Relief, shall be chosen by nomination annually, on the day for and after the choice of officers, whose duty it shall be to seek out and relieve such indigent members of the Association, or their families, as may be proper objects of charity, and to receive and act on all petitions for relief. They shall report their doings quarterly to the Secretary, that he may lay them before the Government. They shall make an annual report in detail to the Government, pre- vious to the election of officers, which report shall not be recorded. Sec 2. The Committee of Finance shall super- intend the expenditures of the Association ; they 15 shall advise with the Treasurer respecting the in- vestment of funds, and shall have the general oversight of the fiscal concerns of the Association. They shall examine the records and accounts of the Treasurer and Secretary, at the close of the year, and report a statement of the property of the Association, previous to the election of officers. ARTICLE IX. GENERAL REGULATIONS. Sec. 1. Beneficence, and the promotion of the industrial Arts, are the main objects of this Asso- ciation, and to effect these, such appropriations shall be made as may be consistent with its funds. Sec 2. On the death of a member, the Treas- urer shall immediately present the sum of forty dollars to his widow, family, or legal representa- tive; but when there is no widow, family, nor legal representative, then the money shall be ap- propriated to defray his funeral expenses 5 first, in all cases, deducting therefrom his dues to the As- sociation. Sec. 3. As it is compatible with the act of in- corporation, and the good of society, the Associa- tion may, from time to time, when the state of its finances will warrant, grant such premiums for superior workmanship in the respective arts, as the Government shall deem expedient. 16 Sec. 4. Any member who shall suffer his dues to the Association to amount to six dollars, having been duly notified thereof by the Secretary, shall be liable to forfeit his membership, and it shall be the duty of the Government to report such mem- bers to the Association for discharge, unless, in their judgment, there be circumstances to excuse such delinquency. A member having been dis- charged for delinquency, shall not be again ad- mitted without having first paid his past dues, and been balloted for by the Association. Sec. 5. To reward industry, correct habits, and fidelity, the Association decrees, that when an ap- prentice of a member, on arriving at twenty-one years of age, shall produce a certificate from the person with whom he hath served his apprentice- ship, that he has behaved with fidelity and atten- tion, and has not violated any agreement made by him, it shall be the duty of the Government to direct that he be furnished with a certificate, sealed with the seal of the Association, signed by the President and Vice-President, and attested by the Secretary. Which Certificate shall be in the following terms : Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association. To all who shall see these presents, Greeting. Whereas , of , hath presented to us the Certificate of , of , setting forth, that the said hath duly discharged the duties, and fulfilled his engagements as a faithful api)rentice, and that he recommends him as worthy tlie countenance of the Association : Therefore, 17 We, the President and Vice-President, in behalf of said Asso- ciation, do grant him this Certificate of our approbation ; and do recommend him to the notice, encouragement, protection, and patronage of all persons, in all countries where he may sojourn. In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of our Associa- tion to be attached to these presents, and signed the same this day of , in the year of our Lord and in the year of our Institution. , President. Attest, , Vice-President. Secretary. Sec. 6. The Government shall have power at any meeting, by a unanimous vote of the members present, to expel any member who shall be ad- judged to be guilty of ungentlemanlike or dishon- orable conduct ; but the member so expelled may appeal to the Association at any time within one year from such expulsion. Sec. 7. It shall be considered dishonorable and ungentlemanly conduct for any member of this Association to employ the apprentice of another person, who shall have left his service without his consent, unless the consent of the Government of the Association that such apprentice may be so employed shall have been obtained. But no such subject shall be brought before the Government until the person aggrieved shall have applied to the offending member, and the latter shall have refused, or for an unreasonable length of time neg- lected, to give proper satisfaction. Sec 8. Every person becoming a member shall be entitled to an authenticated Certificate of his membership, and a copy of the Constitution. 18 Sec. 9. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in the Government, it shall be their duty to call a special meeting of the Association to fill the same. Sec 10. There shall be an appropriate Stand- ard for the Association, to be borne in general procession. ARTICLE X. RULES OF ORDER. Sec. 1. At all meetings of the Association or Government, the members shall be called to order within thirty minutes after the time named in the notification for the meeting, provided a quorum is present ; to form which, nine members shall be necessary in the Government, and twenty-one in the Association. Sec. 2. In all questions discussed in the Asso- ciation, the person speaking shall stand uncovered, and address the presiding officer; he shall not be interrupted while speaking, except to be called to order. These rules shall also be observed in the Government, except that the member may be seated while speaking. Sec. 3. No member shall speak more than twice to the same question, except for the purpose of explanation ; unless he obtains permission from the members present. Sec 4. The presiding officer shall have power, and it shall be his duty, to regulate the delibera- tive proceedings of the Association and Govern- ment, agreeably to legislative usage. 19 Sec. 5. No subject foreign to the purposes of the Association shall be introduced at any of its meetings for business. ARTICLE XI. Sec. 1. The foregoing Constitution may be amended or repealed whenever three quarters of the number present at any meeting shall so deter- mine ; but no such alteration shall be made unless the subject shall have been proposed at a previous meeting, and, in the mean time, referred to a com- mittee, and the same specified on the notification for the meeting at which it is to be considered. Sec. 2. All former rules and regulations of the Association inconsistent with this Constitution are hereby repealed. OFFICERS MASSACHUSETTS CHARITABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION, From its Institution, in 1795, to 1854. 1795. Paul Revere, President. Edward Tuckerman, Vice-President. Samuel Gore, Treasurer. John W. Folsom, Secretary. Trustees. Richard Faxon, Edmund Hart, Ben- jamin Russell, Thomas Clement, Benjamin Cal- lender, Samuel Bangs, Stephen Gore^ Giles Rich- ards, Jonathan Hunewell. 1796. Paul Revere, President. Edward Tuckerman, Vice-President. Samuel Gore, Treasurer. John W. Folsom, Secretary. Trustees. Richard Faxon, Edmund Hart, Ben- jamin Russell, Thomas Clement, Stephen Gore, Benjamin Callender, Giles Richards, Jonathan Hunewell, Samuel Emmons. 21 1797. Paul Revere, President. Edward Tuckerman,^ Vice-President. Samuel Gore, Treasurer. John W. Folsom, Secretary. Trustees. Richard Faxon, Edmund Hart, Ben- jamin Russell, Thomas Clement, Stephen Gore, Giles Richards, Jonathan Hunewell, Samuel Em- mons, James Eunson. 1798. Paul Revere, President. Edward Tuckerman, Vice-President. Samuel Gore, Treasurer. John W- Folsom, Secretary. Trustees. Benjamin Russell, Edmund Hart, Jonathan Hunewell, Samuel Emmons, James Eun- son, Thomas Patten, Zachariah Hicks, Humiphrey Clark, William Williams. 1799. Jonathan Hunewell, President. Benjamin Russell, Vice-President. David West, Treasurer. John W. Folsom, Secretary. Trustees. Edmund Hart, Samuel Emmons, Zachariah Hicks, Humphrey Clark, William Wil- liams, Ebenezer Larkin, John Bray, Moses Eayres, Solomon Cotton. 1800. Jonathan Hunewell, President Benjamin Russell, Vice-President. David West, Treasurer. James Phillips, Sccretaiy. Trustees. Solomon Cotton, William Williams, Humphrey Clark, Zachariah Hicks, F^benezer Lar- kin, Moses Eayres, Jonathan Balch, William Todd, Henry Purkitt. 22 1801. Jonathan Hunewell, President. Benjamin RusselL Vice-President. Francis Wright, Treasurer. James Phillips, Secretary. Trustees. William Todd. Jonathan Balch, Dan- iel Messinger, Jonathan Kilton, John Cotton, Jonas S. Bass, Gershom Spear, Joseph Lovering, Oliver Johonnot. 1802. Jonathan Hunewell, President. Benjamin Russell, Vice-President. Francis Wright, Treasurer. John Cotton, Secretary. Trustees. Daniel Messinger, Jonas S. Bass, Jonathan Kilton, Joseph Lovering, Gershom Spear, Oliver Johonnot, James Phillips, John M. Lane, Thomas W. Sumner. 1803. Jonathan Hunewell. President. Benjamin Russell, Vice-President. Francis Wright, Treasurer. William Andrews, Secretary. Trustees. Daniel Messinger, Jonas S. Bass, James Phillips, Oliver Johonnot, Thomas W. Sum- ner, John ]\I. Lane, Josiah Snelling, Lemuel Gardner, Samuel Perkins. 1804. Jonathan Hunewell, Pre'^ident. Benjamin Russell, Vice-President. Francis "Wright, Treasurer. John B. Hammatt, Secietary. Trustees. Daniel Messinger, James Phillips, Thomas W. Sumner, Josiah Snelling, Samuel Perkins, Lemuel Gardner, William Alexander, James Dawson, Daniel Tuttle. 23 1805. Jonathan Hunewell, President. Benjamin Russell, Vice-President. Francis Wright, Treasurer. Samuel Gilbert, Secretary. Trustees. Josiah Snelling, Lemuel Gardner, Samuel Perkins, William Alexander, James Daw- son, Daniel Tuttle, Samuel Todd, Charles Cle- . ment, David Cobb. 1806. Jonathan Hunewell, President. Benjamin Russell, Vice-President. Francis Wright, Treasurer. Thomas Wells, Secretary. Trustess. William Alexander, James Dawson, Daniel Tuttle, Samuel Todd, Charles Clement, David Cobb, James Barry, John Day Howard, John Cotton. 1807. Jonathan Hunewell, President. Benjamin Russell, Vice-President. Francis Wright, Treasurer. Thomas Wells, Secretary. Trustees. Samuel Todd, Charles Clement, Da- vid Cobb, James Barry, John D. Howard, John Cotton, Ephraim Thayer, Peter Osgood, Jonathan Kilham. 1808. Benjamin Russell, President. Daniel Messiiiger, Vice-President. Joseph Love ring, Treasurer. Thomas Wells, Secretary. Trustees. James Barry, John Cotton, Ephraim Thayer, Peter Osgood, Jonathan Kilham, Christo- pher Smith, Ashur Benjamin, Thomas Dean, Jere- miah Gardner. 24 1809. Benjamin Russell, President. Daniel Messinger, Vice-President. Joseph Lovering, Treasurer. Thomas Wells, Secretary. Trustees, Peter Osgood, Jonathan Kilham, Christopher Smith, Ashur Benjamin, Thomas Dean, Jeremiah Gardner, Samuel Curtis, Thomas Howe, John Pierce. 1810. Benjamin Russell, President. Daniel Messinger, Vice-President. Joseph Lovering, Treasurer. Thomas Wells, Secretary. Trustees. Ashur Benjamin, Thomas Dean, Jere- miah Gardner, Samuel Curtis, John Pierce, Henry- Hutchinson, Jonathan Loring, Jonathan Whitney^ Samuel Tuttle. 1811. Benjamin Russell, President Daniel Messinger, Vice-President. Joseph Lovering, Treasurer. Thomas Wells, Secretary. Trustees. Samuel Curtis, John Pierce, Henry Hutchinson, Jonathan Loring, Jonathan Whitney, Samuel Tuttle, Gedney King, Benjamin Clark, Jesse Mayo. 1812. Benjamin Russell, President. Daniel Messinger, Vice-President. Joseph Lovering, Treasurer. Edward Renouf, Secretary. Trustees. Jonathan Loring, Jonathan Whitney, Samuel Tuttle, Gedney King, Benjamin Clark, Jesse Mayo, Samuel Hichborn, Jr., Jonathan Har- rington, Gerry Fairbanks. 1813. Benjamin Russell, President. John Cotton, Vice-President. Joseph Lovering, Treasurer. Joseph T. Buckingham, Secretary. Trustees. Gedney King, Benjamin Clark, Jes'se Mayo, Samuel Hichborn, Jr., Jonathan Harrington, Gerry Fairbanks, John Doggett, John Tuckerman, James B. Marston. Committee of Relief. John Cotton, Gedney King, Gerry Fairbanks. 1814. Benjamin Russell, President. John Cotton, Vice-President. Joseph Lovering, Treasurer. Joseph T. Buckingham, Secretary. Trustees. Samuel Hichborn, Jr., Jonathan Har- rington, Gerry Fairbanks, John Doggett, John Tuckerman, James B. Marston, William Harris, David Francis, Isaiah Atkins. Committee of Relief. John Cotton, Gerry Fair- banks, Gedney King, Christopher Smith, Job Drew. 1815. Benjamin Russell, President. John Cotton, Vice-President. Joseph Lovering, Treasurer. Joseph T. Buckingham, Secretary. Trustees. John Doggett, John Tuckerman, James B. Marston, William Harris, David Francis, Isaiah Atkins, Joseph Jones, Isaac Harris, Wins- low^ Lev^^is. Committee of Relief. John Cotton, John Tuck- erman, Gedney King, Christopher Smith, Job 26 1816. Renjamin Russell, President. John Cotton, Vice-President. Joseph Lovering, Treasurer. Joseph T. Buckingham, Secretary. Trustees. William Harris, David Francis, Isaiah Atkins, Joseph Jones, Isaac Harris, Winslow Lewis, Elijah Mears, Joseph Miller, Edward Gray. Committee of Relief. John Cotton, Oliver Johon- not, Benjamin Clark, Christopher Smith, Job Drew. 1817. Renjamin Russell, President. John Cotton, Vice-President. Joseph Lovering, Treasurer. David Francis, Secretary. Trustees. Joseph Jones, Isaac Harris, Winslow Lewis, Elijah INIears, Joseph Milner, Edward Gray, Joab Hunt, Caleb Hartshorn, Benjamin T. Wells. Committee of Relief. John Cotton, Oliver Johon- not, Benjamin Clark, Christopher Smith. Job Drew, Peter jMackintosh. 1818. Benjamin Russell, President. John Cotton, Vice-President. Joseph Lovering, Treasurer. David Francis, Secretary. Trustees. Elijah jMears, Joseph Milner, Edward Gray, Joab Hunt, Caleb Hartshorn, Benjamin T. Wells, Jonathan Hunewell, John Andrews, Benja- min Comey. Committee of Relief. John Cotton, Oliver Johon- not, Benjamin Clark, Job Drew, Peter Mackin- tosh, Ephraim Thayer. 27 1819. Benjamin Russell, President, John Cotton, Vice-President. Joseph Lovering, Treasurer. David Francis, Secretary. Trustees. Joab Hunt, Caleb Hartshorn, Benja- min T. Wells, Jonathan Huneweli, John Andrews, Benjamin Comey, William Jackson, David Baker, Charles C. Nichols. Committee of Relief. John Cotton, Oliver Johon- not, Daniel Messinger, Benjamin Clark, Isaac Harris. 1820. Benjamin Russell, President. John Cotton, Vice-President. Joseph Lovering, Treasurer. David Francis, Secretary. Trustees. Jonathan Hunewell, John Andrews, Benjamin Comey, William Jackson^ Charles C. Nichols, David Baker, Thomas Hughes, Stephen Fairbanks, Benjamin Darling. Committee of Relief John Cotton, Oliver Johon- not, Benjamin Clark, Daniel Messinger, Isaac Harris, Jonathan Harrington. 1821. Benjamin Russell, President. John Cotton, Vice-President. Joseph Lovering, Treasurer. David Francis, Secretary. Trustees. William Jackson, David Baker, Chas. C. Nichols, Thomas Hughes, Stephen Fairbanks, Benjamin Darling, Ephraira Marsh, George Dar- racott, Nathaniel Faxon. Committee of Relief. John Cotton, Oliver Johon- not, Benjamin Clark, Daniel Messinger, I.saac Harris, Jonathan Harrington. 28 1822. John Cotton. President. John Dosrsrett, Vice-President. Joseph Lovering, Treasurer. David Francis. Secretary. Trustees. Thomas Huahes. Stephen Fairbanks, Benjamin Darlins". Ephraim jNIarsh. George Darra- cott, Nathaniel Faxon, Benjamin Russell, Joseph Jenkins, Francis Jackson. Committee of Relief. John Cotton, Oliver Johon- not, Benjamin Clark. Daniel Messinger, Isaac Harris, Jonathan Harrinston. 1823. John Cotton, President. Thomas W. Sumner. Vice-President. Joseph Lovering, Treasurer. David Francis, Secretary. Trustees. Ephraim Marsh. George Darracott, Nathaniel Faxon, Benjamin Russell, Joseph Jen- kins, Francis Jackson, Samuel T. Armstrong, George Domett. Francis Southack. Committee of Relief. Ephraim Marsh, Oliver Jo- honnot, Benjamin Clark. Daniel Messinger, Isaac Harris, Jonathan Harrington, Zephaniah Sampson. 1824. John Cotton, President. Samuel Perkins, Vice-President. Joseph Lovering. Treasurer. David Francis, Secretary. Trustees. Benjamin Russell, Samuel T. Arm- strong. Georire Domett. Francis Southack, Simon Wilkinson, Turell Tuttle, Joseph S. Read, John P. Thorndike. Committee of Rchef Ephraim Marsh, Daniel Messinirer. Oliver Johonnot, Benjamin Clark, Isaac Harris, Jonathan Harrington, Zephaniah Sampson, Francis Jackson. 29 1825. Samuel Perkins, President, Joseph Jenkins, Vice-President, Joseph Levering, Treasurer. David Francis, Secretary. Trustees. George Domett, Francis Southack, Simon Wilkinson, Joseph S. Read, John P. Thorn- dike, Enoch Hobart, John Winship, George W. Otis, John Rayner. Committee of Relief . Daniel Messinger, Oliver Johonnot, Benjamin Clark, Ephraim Marsh, Zeph- aniah Sampson, Isaac Harris, Jonathan Harring- ton, George Domett. 1826. Samuel Perkins, President. Joseph Jenkins, Vice' President. Joseph Lovering, Treasurer. David Francis, Secretary. Trustees. Simon Wilkinson, Joseph S. Read, John Winship, George W. Otis, John Rayner, Charles Wells, Turell Tuttle, Cushing Nichols, Frederick Lane. Committee of Relief. Daniel Messinger, Benja- min Clark, Zephaniah Sampson, George Domett, Oliver Johonnot, Ephraim Marsh, Isaac Harris, Simon Wilkinson. 1827. _ Charles Wells, President. David Francis, Vice-Vreaident. John Cotton, Treasurer. Charles C. Nichols, Secretary. Trustees. George W. Otis, John Rayner, Turell Tuttle, Cushing Nichols, Frederick Lane, Ezra Dyer, Seth Thaxter, John Wells, Joseph T. Buck- ingham. Committee of Relief George W. Otis, Daniel Messinger, Oliver Johonnot, Zephaniah Sampson, George Domett, Isaac Harris, Ephraim Marsh, Benj, Clark, Simon Wilkinson, Alpheus Cary. •3* so 1828. .rmstro George W. Otis, Vice-President. John Cotton, Treasurer. Joseph Lewis, Secretary. Trustees. Gushing Nichols, Frederick Lane, Seth Thaxter, Ezra Dyer, Joseph T. Buckingham, Alpheus Gary, Abraham Gall, Jacob Todd, Benja- min Loring. Committee of Relief. George W. Otis, Daniel Messinger, Isaac Harris, Benjamin G lark, Ephraim Marsh, George Domett, Simon Wilkinson, Zepha- niah Sampson. 1829. Samuel T. Armstrong, President. George W. Otis, Vice-President. John Gotten, Treasurer. Joseph Le^A'is, Secretary. Trustees. Seth Thaxter, Ezra Dyer, J. T. Buck- ingham, Abraham Gall, Jacob Todd, Benj. Loring, James M'Allaster, Edward D, Glark, John Kuhn. Committee of Relief. George W. Otis, Daniel Messinger, Isaac Harris, Simon Wilkinson, Fred- erick Lane, Gharles Wells, James Brown, David Francis, John Wells. 1830. Daniel Messinger, President. Joseph T. Buckingham, Vice-President. John Cotton, Treasurer. Joseph Lewis, Secretary. Trustees. Abraham Call, Jacob Todd, James McAllaster, Edward D. Glark. John Kuhn, Uriel Crocker, Thomas Whitmarsh, Martin Bates, Sam- uel S. Williams. Committee of Relief George W. Otis. Frederick Lane, Charles Wells. James Brown, David Francis, John B. Wells, George Darracott, John Rayner, James Barry, Jr. 31 1831. Daniel Messinger, President. Joseph T. Buckingham, Vice-President. John Cotton, Treasurer. Joseph Lewis, Secretary. Trustees. John Kuhn, Uriel Crocker, Thomas Whitmarsh, Martin Bates, Samuel. S. Williams, Charles A. Wells, Robert Bacon, James Spear, Isaac Davis. Committee of Relief. Charles Wells, Frederick Lane, John B. Wells, George Darracott, John Ray- ner, James Barry, Jr., Henry H. Barton, Ezra Dyer, Charles C. Nichols. 1832. Joseph T. Buckingham, President. 'Ezra. Dyer, Vice-President. John Cotton, Treasurer. Joseph Lewis, Secretary. Trustees. Uriel Crocker, Thomas Whitmarsh, Martin Bates, Charles A. Wells, Robert Bacon, Isaac Davis, James Davis, John K. Simpson, Ed- mund Monroe. Committee of Relief John B. Wells, George Darracott, John Rayner, James Barry, Jr., Charles C. Nichols, Henry H. Barton, Charles Leigh ton, Thomas J. Shelton, James Clark. 1883. Joseph T. Buckingham, President. Ezra Dyer, Vice-President. Uriel Crocker, Treasurer. Joseph Lewis, Secretary. Trustees. Chas. A. Wells, Robert Bacon, Isaac Davis, James Davis, John K, Simpson, Edmund Monroe, Jacob Amee, Samuel Curtis, Charles Leighton. Committee of Relief George Darracott, Henry H. Barton, Charles C. Nichols, Charles Leighton, James Clark, Thomas J. Shelton, Lewis Burckes, Joseph S. Read, John Green, Jr. 32 1834. Joseph T. Buckinijham, President. Ezra Dyer, Vice-President. Uriel Crocker, Treasurer. Joseph Lewis, Secretary. Trustees. James Davis, John K. Simpson, Edmund Monroe, Jacob Amee, Sam'i Curtis, Chas. Leighton, Samuel Aspinwall, James Clark, Thos. Edmands. Committee of Relief . Henry H. Barton, Thomas J. Shelton, Lewis Burckes, Joseph S. Read, John Green, Jr., William Dillaway, Job Turner, William S. Pendleton, Benjamin Beal. 1835. Stephen Fairbanks, President. John Rayner, Vice-President. Uriel Crocker, Treasurer. Joseph Lewis, Secretary. Trustees. Charles Lei^ihton, Jacob Amee, Sam- uel Curtis, James Clark, Thos. Edmands, Ephraim Harrington, William Adams, Samuel Aspinwall, James Barry. Committee of Relief. Thomas J. Shelton, Joseph S. Read, Lewis Barckes, John Green, Jr.. Benjamin Beal, Job Turner, William Dillaway, Wdliam S. Pendleton, Walter Frost. 1836. Stephen Faii banks, President. John Rayner, Vice- President. LTriel Crocker, Treasurer. Joseph Lewis, Secretary. Ti-ustees. James Clark. Thomas Edmands, Sam- uel Aspinwall, Ephraim Harrington, Wm. Adams, James Barry, Gardner Greenleaf, James L. Homer, Ezra Hawks. Committee of Relief. John Green, Jr., Wrn. S Pendleton, Benjamin Beal, Job Turner, William Dillaway, Walter Frost, Amasa G. Smith, Enoch H. Snelling, Theodore Washburn. 33 1837. Stephen Fairbanks, President, John Rayner, Vice-President. Uriel Crocker, Treasurer. J. Gorham Roijers, Secretary. Trustees. Ephraim Harrington, William Adams, James Barry, Gardner Greenleaf, James L. Homer, Joseph Lewis, Joseph Tilden, Thomas J. Shelton, Walter Frost. Committee of Relief. Wm. S. Pendleton, Wm. Dillaway, Amasa G. Smith, Theodore Washburn, Enoch H. Snelling, Lewis Dennis, Asa Swallow, Henry W. Button, Charles Stimpson, Jr. 1838. George Darracott, President. Joseph Lewis, Vice-President. Uriel Crocker, Treasurer. J. Gorham Rogers, Secretary. Trustees. James L. Homer, Thomas J. Shelton, Walter Frost, Nathaniel Hammond, Henry W. But- ton, Willard N. Fisher, Jonathan Loring, Elias Kingsley, Jonas Chickeiing. Committee of Relief. Enoch H. Snelling, Amasa G. Smith, Theodore Washburn, Chas. Stimpson, Jr., Louis Bennis, Asa Swallow, John G. Roberts, George G. Smith, Rael Baker. 1839. George Barracott, President. Joseph Lewis, Vice-President. Uriel Crocker, Treasurer. J. Gorham Rogers, Secretary. Trustees. Thomas J. Shelton, Jonas Chickering, Henry W. Button, Willard N. Fisher, Elias Kings- ley, Benjamin Beal, William Eaton, Theodore Washburn, John Wade. Committee of Relief. Asa Swallow, Charles Stimp- son, Jr.. Louis Bennis, Riiel Baker, John G. Roberts, John Boles, Jeremiah Washburn, Kimball Gibson, William Stearns. 34 18-10. Joseph Lewis, President. Charles Leighton, Vice-President. Uriel Crocker, Treasurer. Henry W. DiUton, Secretary. Trustees. Jonas Chickering, Willard N. Fisher, Benjamin Beal, Theodore Washburn, John Waile, William Eaton, J. Gorham Rogers, Enoch H. Snel- ling, Thomas Haviland, Committee of Relief. Ruel Baker, John G. Rob- erts, Kimball Gibson, Jeremiah Washburn, John Boles, William Stearns, James Wentworth, Josiah ]M. Harding, Jonathan Davis. 1841. Joseph Lewis, President. Charles Leighton, Vice-President. Uriel Crocker, Treasurer. Henry W. Dutton, Secretary. Trustees. Benjamin Beal, Theodore Washburn, William Eaton, J. Gorham Rogers, Enoch H. Snel- ling, Thomas Haviland, Jolm G. Roberts, Henry N. Hooper, Kimball Gibson. Committee of Relief . Jeremiah Washburn, John Boles, William Stearns, James Wentworth, Josiah M. Harding, Jonathan Davis, Isaac Cary, John Hunt, Job Taber. 1842. Joseph Lewis, President. Charles A. Wells, Vice-President. Osmyn Brewster, Treasurer. Henry W. Dutton, Secretary. Trustees. J. Goiham Rogers, Enoch H. Snelling, Thomas Haviland, John G. Roberts, Henry N. Hooper, Kimball Gibson, Henry K. Hancock, Ro- land Gushing, Ruel Baker. Committee of Relief James Wentworth, Josiah M. Harding. Jonathan Davis, Isaac Cary, John Hunt, Job Taber, Loyal Lovejoy, Slade Luther, Leopold Herman. 35 1843. James Clark, President. Jonas Chickering, Vice-President. Osmyn Brewster, Treasurer. Henry W. Button, Secretary. Trustees. John G. Roberts, Henry N. Hooper, Kimball Gibson, Henry K. Hancock, Roland Gush- ing, Ruel Baker, Billings Briggs, Job Turner, Asa Swallow. Committee of Relief. Isaac Gary, John Hunt, Job Taber, Loyal Lovejoy, Leopold Herman, Slade Lu- ther, Stephen Rhoades, Thomas Moulton, Charles Dupee. 1844. James Clark, President. William Eaton, Vice-President. Osmyn Brewster, Treasurer. Henry W. Button, Secretary. Trustees. Henry K. Hancock, Roland Gashing, Ruel Baker, Billings Briggs, Job Turner, Asa Swallow, Jonathan Preston, John Boles, William Stearns. Committee of Relief. Loyal Lovejoy, Slade Lu- ther, Leopold Herman, Stephen Rhoades, Charles Bupee, Thomas Moulton, Calvin W. Haven, John Sikes, Charles Bates. 1845. George G. Smith, President. William Eaton, Vice-President. Osmyn Brewster, Treasurer. John G. Rogers, Secretary. Trustees. Billings Briggs, Job Turner, Asa Swal- low, Jonathan Preston, John Boles, Wm. Stearns, John Green, Jr., James Wentworth, Seth Simmons. Committee of Relief. Stephen Rhoades, Charles Bupee, Thomas Moulton, John Sikes, Calvin W. Haven, Charles Bates, John H. Pitman, Aaron D. Webber, Charles W. Cummings. 3G 1846. George G. Smith, President. William Eaton, Vice-President. Osmyn Brewster, Treasurer. John G. Rogers, Secretary. Trustees. John Boles, Wm. Stearns, John Green, Jr., James Went worth, Wm. Washburn, Seth Sim- mons, Charles Bond, David Tillson, Loyal Lovejoy. Committee of Relief . John Sikes, Calvin W. Ha- ven, John H. Pitman, Charles W. Cummings, Aaron D. Webber, Walter Bryent, William R. Carnes, Greenleaf C. Sanborn, William Mitchell. 1847. George G. Smith, President. Henry N. Hooper, Vice-President. Osmyn Brewster, Treasurer. John Kuhn, Secretary. Trustees. John Green, Jr., James Wentworth, Seth Simmons, Charles Bond, David Tillson, Loyal Lovejoy, Isaac Cary, Leopold Herman, Joseph L. Bates. Committee of Relief . John H. Pitman, Charles W. Cummings, Aaron D. Webber, Walter Bryent, Greenleaf C.^Sanborn, William Mitchell, William R. Carnes, H. B. Crooker, Elias Kingsley. 1848. Henry N. Hooper, President. Billings Briggs, Vice-President. Osmyn Brewster, Treasurer. John Kuhn, Secretary. Trustees. Charles Bond, David Tillson, Loyal Lovejoy, Isaac Cary, Leopold Herman, Joseph L. Bates, John P. Ober, Nathaniel Francis, F. H. Stimpson. Committee of Relief. Walter Bryent, Greenleaf C. Sanborn, George Yendell, William Mitchell, H. B. Crooker, William B. Oliver, William R. Carnes, Elias Kingsley, Edward Maxwell. 37 1849. Henry N. Hooper, President. Billings Brjggs, Vice-President. Osmyn Brewster, Treasurer. John Kahn, Secretary. Trustees. Isaac Gary, Leopold Herman, Joseph L. Bates, Nathaniel Francis, F. H. Stimpson, John P. Ober, Robert Marsh, Joel Wheeler, Peter C. Jones. Committee of Relief . GreenleafC. Sanborn, George Yendell, H. B. Crooker, William B. Oliver, Elias Kinssley, Edward Maxwell, Charles G. King, Caleb S. Pratt, Willard Hawes. 1850. Henry N. Hooper, President. Billings Briggs, Vice-President. Osmyn Brewster, Treasurer. John Kuhn, Secretary. Trustees. Nathaniel Francis. Frederick H. Stimp- son, John P. Ober, Robert Marsh, Joel Wheeler, Peter C. Jones, Samuel Adams, Frederic W. Lin- coln, Jr., Theophilus R. Marvin, Granville Mears, Hiram Bosworih, Matthew Binney, Committee of Relief William B. Oliver, Caleb S. Pratt, Roland Gushing, Henry Hutchinson, George YendelL Charles G. King, Thomas Richard- son, Nathaniel N. Bates, Robert Ripley. 1851. Jonas Chickering, President. William Cranch Bond, Vice-President. Ostnyn Brewster, Treasurer. Frederick H. Stimpson, Secretary. TruUees. Robert Marsh, Joel Wheeler, Samuel Adams, Frederic W* Lincoln, Jr., Theophilus R, 4 38 Marvin, Hiram Bosworlh, Granville Mears, Mat- thew Binney, Joseph M. Wishtman, John Cowdin, Charles G. King, Elias W. Goddard. Committee of Relief. George Yendell, Roland Gushing, Nathaniel N. Bates, Thomas Richardson, Henry Hutchinson, Robert Ripley, Thomas Mair, Stephen Shelton, Simon G. Cheever. 1852. Jonas Chickering, President. William Cranch Bond, Vice-President. Osmyn Brewster, Treasurer. Frederick H. Stimpson, Secretary. Trustees. Theophilus R. Marvin, Frederic W. Lincoln, Jr., Hiram Bosworth, Granville Mears, Matthew Binney, John Cowdin, Charles G. King, Elias W. Goddard, George Yendell, VVilliam Blake, Joseph M. Wightman, Ebenezer H. Little. Committee of Relief. Nathaniel N. Bates, Thomas Richardson, Thomas Mair, James Tolman, Henry Hutchinson, Roland Gushing, Robert Ripley, Ste- phen Shelton, Simon G. Cheever. 185B. Jonas Chickering, President. Frederic W. Lincoln, Jr., Vice-President. Osmyn Brewster, Treasurer. Frederick H. Stimpson, Secretary. Trustees. Joseph M. Wightman, John Cowdin, Charles G. King, Elias W. Goddard, George Yen- dell, E. H. Little, William Blake, John H. Thorn- dike, Daniel Davies, Pelham Bonney, Calvin W. Haven, Albert G. Browne. Committee of Relief . Henry Hutchinson, Nathan- iel N. Bates, Roland Gushing, Thomas Mair, Simon G. Cheever, Stephen Shelton, Robert Ripley, Sam- uel H. Newman, James Tolman. 39 1854. Frederic W. Lincoln, Jr., President Joseph M. Wightrnan, Vice-Fresident. Osmyn BrewstePj Treasurer. Joseph L. Bates, Secretary. Trustees. George Yendell, Ebenezer H. Little, William Blake, John H. Thorndike, Daniel Davies, Pelham Bonney, Calvin VV. Haven, Albert G. Brou'ne, Frederick H. Stinipson, Henry Hutchin- son, Francis B. Winter, L. Miles Standish. Committee of Relief . Nathaniel N Bates, Thomas Mair, Simon G. Cheever, Robert Ripley, Stephen Shelton, Samuel H. Newman, James Tolman, Thomas Lyford, James S. Sweet. 1855. Frederic W. Lincoln, Jr.. President. Joseph M. Wightman, Vice-President. Osmyn Brewster, Treasurer. Joseph L. Bates, Secretary. Trustees. John H. Thorndike, Daniel Davies, Pelham Bonney, Calvin W. Haven, Albert G. Browne, Henry Hutchinson, Francis B. Winter, L. Miles Standish, Otis Tufts, Isaac H. Hazelton, Benjamin Bradley, Holmes Hinkley. Committee of Relief . James Tolman, Robert Rip- ley, Samuel H. Newman, Thomas L)forcl, James S. Sweet, Metcalf B. Clark, Swain Winkley, Thach- er Beal, Abraham 0. Bigelow. HONORARY MEMBERS. Admitted. *IIoN. JO FIN ADAMS. l&iO *NATHAMEL BOWDITCH, LL. D. 1S28 *Hox. JOHN BROOKS. 1820 *HoN. JOHN DAVJS. 1835 *BENJAMIN DEARBORN, Esq. 1827 *WILLIAI\I H. ELIOT, Esq. . lS-29 *HoN. CHRISTOPHER GORE. 1820 *HoN. WILLIAM GRAY. 1820 *noN. JOHN COFFIN JONES. 1822 *Ge.\eral LAFAYETTE. 1924 *HoN. JAMES LLOYD. 1822 *Ho?f. THEODORE LYMAN. 1835 *HoN. HARRISON G. OTIS. 1827 *Hox. THOMAS H. PERKINS. 1S39 *JAMES PERKINS, EsQ. 1822 *Hox. JOHN PHILLIPS. 1822 *Ho\. AVILLIAM PHILLIPS. 1820 *Hox. JOSEPH STORY. 1S39 *Hox. WILLIAM SULLIVAN. 18:30 *Hox. JAMES TALLMADGE, N. Y. 1839 *Hox. DANIEL WEBSTER. 1833 *Hox. THOMAS L. WINTHROP. 1827 Hon. WILLIAM APPLETON. 1854 Hon. JAMES T. AUSTIN. 1&39 Hon. GEORGE N. BRIGGS. 1844 Hon. EDWARD EVERETT. 1830 Hon. GEORGE S. HILLARD. 1355 Hon. ABBOTT LAWRENCE. 18:36 Hon. LEVI LINCOLN. 1827 Hon. CHARLES SUMNER. 1855 Hon. JOSIAH QUINCY. 1827 GEORGE R. RUSSELL, Esq. 1854 CHARLES SPRAGUE, Esq. 1827 WILLIAM STURGIS, E-q. ia30 Hon. SAMUEL H. WALLEY. 1855 Hon. EMORY AVASHBURN. 1855 Hon. MARSHALL P. WILDER. 1S52 Hon. ROBERT C. AVLNTHROP. 1850 *Deceased. MEMBERS' NAMES Tnrs Catalogue includes only the names of the present mem- bers, and of those who were members at the time of their decease. Those marked with an asterisk [*] are dead. Original members, so far as known, are marked O. M. Life members, L. M. NAMES. OCCUPATION. ADMITTED. Abrahams, Benjamin Cooper L. M. , 1821 *Adams, Edward Ropemaker 1815 Adams, George S. Mason 1854 *Adams, George W. Blacksmith 1832 Adams, Isaac Machinist 1838 Adams, Nathaniel Mason 1845 Adams, Samuel Tinplate worker l ,.M . 1815 Adams, Seth Machinist 1838 Adams, William Blacksmith l. M. . 1824 ^Alexander, Giles Cabinetmaker 1800 Alger, Cyrus Ironfounder h. M. 1818 *Allen, John Housewright 1820 ^AUen, Joseph Baker 1816 Allen, Stephen M. Grate manufacturer 1839 #Amee, Jacob Sailmaker 1824 Ames, Azell, Housewright 1837 Ames, Oakes Shovel manuPr l. M. 1853 Ames', Oliver, Jr. Shovel manuf'r l. , M. 1853 *Andem, Moses Ropemaker 1820 Anderson, Alexander Mason 1839 * Andrews, John Blacksmith 1802 ^Andrews, John B. Sailmaker 1801 Andrews, Robert Copperplate printer 1836 ^Andrews, William Bookbinder 0. IVI. 4# *Annin, William B. Engraver 1831 Archbald, George Cabinetmaker L. M. 1814 * Armstrong, Samuel T. Printer 1809 Aspinwall, Samuel Mastmaker L. M. 1827 ^AtkinSj Isaiah Tinplate worker 1801 *^ Austin, Richard Pewterer 1800 *x\ustin, Richard Baker 1830 Austin, Thomas Bricklayer 1829 Ayer, Thomas Housewright 1832 Babbittj Isaac Brassfounder 1841 Bacon, Jacob Bricklayer L. M. 1825 Bacon, John H. Felting'manuPr 1849 Bacon, Robert Hatter L. M. 1824 Badger, Daniel B. Tailor 1838 Badger, Joseph Block & Pumpmaker l. M, . 1800 Badger, William Shipsmith L. M .1827 ^Badger, William Brassfounder 1815 *B agnail, Thomas Block & Pumpmaker 1830 Baker, Richard M. Sailmaker 1839 =^Baker, Ruel Painter 1831 *Baker, William Painter 1818 Bailey, Edwin Housewright 1846 ^Bailey, Henry Hatter 1832 Bailey, Job F, Carpenter 1839 Bailey, Joseph T. Carpenter 1840 Baird^ Georee Plumber 1837 Balch. Edward L. Printer 1851 ^Balch. Jonathan Block & Pumpmaker o. m. ^Ballard, Daniel Shipwright 1828 *Bangs, James C. R. Painter 1818 Banister, John F. Cooper L. M. . 1818 ^Barker, James Cabinetmaker 1814 Barney, Christopher C. Bricklayer 1836 Barrett, Sumner F. Carpenter 1854 Barry, James Cooper L M. 1815 * Barry, James Cooper 1800 Bartlett, Hosea HouseAvright 1830 Bartlett, Louis D. INIachinist 1854 4'J * Barton, Augustus House Wright 1815 Barton, Henry H. Saddler , l. M. 1822 *Bass, Benjamin Cabinetmaker 1814 Bass, George Hatter l. M. 1831 ^Bass, Joseph Upholsterer 1801 *Bassett, Joseph Cooper 1818 *^Bates, Charles Housewright 1841 Bates, Ezekiel Carpenter 1827 Bates, James Mason 1847 Bates, John Painter 1837 Bates, Joseph L. Umbrella maker l .M.1829 Bates, J. Franklin Painter 1853 Bates, Levi Bricklayer 1834 Bates, Martin Hatter l. M. 1818 Bates, Nathaniel N. Joiner 1835 Bates, Samuel D. Painter 1841 Bazin, George W. Printer 1841 Beal, Benjamin Coppersmith l. M. 1830 *Beal, Caswell Tailor 1805 Beal, Thacher Mason 1847 ^Beals, Samuel Coppersmith 1804 Beals, William Printer 1827 ^Bell, Nathaniel E. Bricklayer 1821 ^Betteley, Andrew Bricklayer 1833 Bicelow, Abraham 0. Watchmaker 1847 Bigelow, E. B. Manufacturer 1851 Bigelow, John Watchmaker 1834 Binney, Matthew Umbrella makerL .M.1829 Bisbee,' Albert Machinist 1851 ^Bishop, William Gunsmith 1837 Blackmer, Holland Housewright 1837 Blackmore, William Japanner 1840 Blake, George T. Upholsterer 1848 ^Blake, George W. Bricklayer 1831 Blake, James Tallowchandler l .M.1829 Blake, William Founder l. , M. 1833 Blakmore, William Japanner 1840 ^'Blanchard, Noah Cordwainer 1836 Blanchard, Simon T. Cabinetmaker l. M. 1820 44 Blanchard, Thomas Block, A. F. Bogle, William Boles, John Boles, Levi *Bolter, James Bond, William C. Bond, Charles Bond, Joseph C. Bond, Richard F. Bonney, Pelham Borrowscale, John Bosworth, Hiram Bothamly, George *Bourne, Abner *Bo\ven, Abel Bowen, Henry *Bowen, James =^Bowker, Allen Boyd, James Boyd, Thomas *Boynton, John Bradford, Frederic A. Bradford, Lodovic H. ^'Bradlee, Joseph P. Bradley, Benjamin Bradlee, Nathaniel J. Bradley, Osgood Breed, Aaron Breed, Horace A. ^Breed, William Brewer, Clark * Brewer, James Brewster, Osmyn =5^Bridge, William Bridges, Albert *Briggs, Cornelius Briggs, Billings Briggs, George W. Machinist 1848 Manufacturer 1850 Wigmaker 1849 Housewright 1832 Carpenter 1839 Housewright 1800 Watchmaker 1832 Watchmaker l. m, , 1833 Watchmaker 1850 Watchmak er 1850 Housewright 1838 Slater 1840 Housewright 1827 Plumber 1849 Manufacturer 1835 Engraver 1827 Printer l. m. 1833 Slater 1827 Housewright 1809 Saddler l. m. 1833 Housewright l. m. , 1833 Painter 1840 Turner 1854 Engraver 1854 Tinplateworker 1827 Bookbinder 1836 Architect 1853 Carbuilder 1848 Math. inst. maker 1827 Painter l. m. 1833 Baker 1803 Tobacconist l. m. , 1814 Blacksmith 1801 Printer l. m. 1827 Blacksmith 1831 Carbuilder 1847 Cabinetmaker 1838 Housewright 1834 Bookbinder 1850 45 Briggs, Robert, Jr. ^Brintnall, Samuel Brown, Benjamin H. Brown, Charles W. Brown, Daniel J! Brown, Edwin, Brown, Elbridge Brown, George W. * Brown, James Brown, Joseph E. Brown, Luke Brown, Nathan *Brown, Samuel Brown, William P. Browne, Albert G. Bryant, Nathaniel Bryant, Southworth Bryent, Walter Buck, Silas B. * Buckingham, Edwin Buckingham, J. T. Buckingham, Joseph H. *Bugbee, Asa *Bugbee, Edward Bullard, Charles *Bullard, Jabez Burchstead, Benjamin ^Burckes, Lewis Burleigh, Ezra ^Burr, Robert Burr, Theophilus Butterfield, William P. Butts, Isaac R. Butts, Noah Civil Engineer 1850 Mastmaker 1800 Joiner L. M. 1832 Carpenter Carpenter l. m. Pianoforte manuf r 1847 1854 1837 Hatter 1837 Shipwright Cooper Carpenter Housewright L. M. 1841 1818 1854 1829 Carpenter Mastmaker L. M. . 1854 1832 Housewright 1835 Ropemaker L. M. , 1837 Cabinetmaker L. M. , 1824 Painter 1830 Sheetiron worker 1837 Carpenter Printer 1841 1831 Printer L. M, . 1811 Printer 1833 Painter and Glazier 1815 Hairdresser 1814 Leatherdresser L, M. , 1831 Housewright 1800 Shipwright 1835 Cabinetmaker 1821 HousewTight 1832 Trunkmaker 1837 Housewright 1835 Leatherdresser 1845 Printer L. , M, . 1827 Engineer L. M. , 1832 *^Cade, Peter ^Callender, Benjamin ^^Callender, Joseph Carlton, William Ropemaker o. m. Tailor o. m Engraver 1800 Tinplateworker l. m. 1824 46 Carnes, William R. Carpenter, Cyrus, Gary, Alpheus Gary, Isaac Cassell, Edmund D. *Cas\vell, Richard Gate, Samuel Chadbourn, Seth Ghamberlin. Edward Chamberlin, Thomas *Champney, John Y. Cheever, Simon G. Cheney, Joseph *Chickering, Jonas Chickering, Ghas. F. Chickering, Geo. H. Chickering, Thos. E. *Ghilds, Jonas Chilson, Gardner Chism, Samuel Ghoate. Charles *Choate, William T. ^Christie, Thomas ^Churchill Jesse *Clap, Daniel ^Clap. John Clapp, Benjamin Glapp, David Clapp, William W. Clapp, William W., J *Clark. Benjamin Clark, Bradley M. Clark, Edward D. *Clark, Humphrey Clark, James *Clark, John Clark, Metcalf B. Clark, William G. Clarke, John Cabinetmaker 1836 Tinplate worker 1850 Stonecutter l. m. 1821 Copperplatepr'r L. M. 1837 Painter 1840 Ropemaker o. m. Cooper 1837 Blacksmith 1838 Founder l. m. 1832 Coppersmith l. m. 1832 Housewright 1832 Saddler l. m. 1846 Harnessmaker 1828 Pianoforte manufr 1829 Pianoforte manufr l. m. 1854 Pianoforte manufr l. m. 1854 Pianoforte manufr l. m. 1854 Tailor 1799 Grate manufacturer 1837 Printer 1854 Cordwainer l. M- 1841 Shoemaker 1841 Housewrioht 1795 Silversmith 1809 Cooper 1816 Cabinetmaker 1818 Cooper 1838 Printer 1839 Printer 1^32 r. Printer 1854 Cooper 1800 Painter 1841 Coppersmith l. m. 1822 Tailor cm. Block & Pumpmaker 1828 Tobacconist 1801 Silversmith 1835 Pump&Blockmaker 1841 Plumber 1b39 47 ^Clarke, John, Jr. ^Clarke, Samuel ^Clement, Charles Clifford, Woodbury *Clouston, John C. *Cobb, David Coburn, Joseph W. Codman, John Comey, Benjamin Conn, Horace ^'•'Connig, Martin Conlev, Charles C. Cook, James M. *Cook, Justin *Cook, Levi Coolidge, George Cooper, Samuel Copeland, Charles Copeland, Robert M. Copeland, Thomas Copp, John G. Corthell, Hosea Cotting, Timothy ^Cotton, John Cotton, Nathaniel =^Cotton, Solomon ^Cotton, Solomon Cowdin, John Craft, Charles Cram, George W. Crajie, Edward Crawshaw, Joseph Crehore, Edward *Crehore, Thomas Crehore, William Crocker, Richard J. Crocker, Uriel Crocker, Hezekiah B. Crosby, Samuel T. Plumber 1844 Plumber 1843 Housewright 1802 Carpenter l. m. 1854 Carpenter 1840 Blacksmith 1795 Mason 1849 Machinist 1832 Mastmaker l. m. 1800 Leather manufr 1850 Baker 1801 Carpenter 1850 Painter & Glazier 1844 Housewright 1829 Bricklayer 1827 Printer 1844 Civil Engineer 1854 Confectioner 1845 Bookbinder 1840 Housewright 1834 Tinplatew^orker 1837 Housewright 1837 Baker l. m. 1833 Painter o. m. Housewright l. m. 1824 Blacksmith o. m. Painter 1821 Soapstone manuPr 1837 Saddler l. m. 1814 Housewright 1832 Manufacturer 1851 Carpet manuPr 1849 Paper & Cardm'fac'r 1847 Card manufacturer 1831 Housewright l. m. 1827 Sailmaker l. m. 1836 Printer l. m. 1824 Honsewright 1841 Silversmith 1850 48 CrowninshielJ, Alex. W. , Cabinetmaker 1847 Cudworth, Peter Housewright l. M. 1821 *Cummings, Charles W, . Blacksmith 1833 Cummings, John, Jr. Currier 1838 Cunningham, George H . Housewright 1834 Currier, Huijh ]\I. Upholsterer 1847 #Curry, William Jeweller 1838 Curtis, Allen C. Paper manufacturer 1833 Curtis, James 0. Shipwright 1838 Curtis, Samuel Clockdial maker i. . M, .1814 *Curtis, Samuel Leatherdresser 1800 =^Cushing, Benjamin Cooper 1818 Gushing, Isaac C. Mason 1854 Cushing, John JNIastmaker 1844 Cushing, Levi L. Carver 1836 Cushing, Perez Housewright 1831 =^Cushin2:, Roland Joiner 1827 Cushing,'^ Samuel T. Instrum't maker l . M .1844 Cushman, Freeman L. Housewright 1836 ^Cutler, James Printer 1800 Cutler, Micah Housewright l. M. 1828 Cutter, Ebenezer F. Moroccodresser 1841 Dalton, Michael Typefounder 1849 =^Darling, Samuel Housewright 1820 Darracott, Franklin Civil Engineer l. M. , 1854 Darracott, George Tinplateworker l . M .18ia Darracott, George, Jr. Machinist 1838 Darton, William Shipsmith 1841 Davenport, Charles Carbuilder 1846 Davenport, John Housewright l. M. 1831 =^David, John Whipmaker 1815 Davies, Daniel Housewright 1834 *Davis, Frederick W. Coppersmelter 1854 Davis, David P. Clock & Balance manufr • 1850 *Davis, Isaac Jeweller 1820 Davis, James Coppersmith l. M. 1818 Davis, Jonathan Pavier l. M. 1832 *Dawley, Augustus S. Machinist 1837 49 *^Dawson, James *Dean, Thomas ^Dennis, Enoch ^Denton, John Denton, Jonathan *Dewhurst, Thomas Dewhurst, Thomas Dexter, Anson *^Dickinson, Samuel N. Dillaway, William Dillon, James Ditson, Oliver Doe, Joseph M. Doggett, John Doggett, Samuel *Domett, Charles M. Domett, George Donnell, William E. *Dorety, James Dow, James B. Dow, Stephen =^Dow, William A. Downing, Oliver ^Drayton, John Drew, Joseph L. Driscoll, Cornelius Drury, Gardner P. "^Dudley, James Dunbar, Melzar Dupee, Charles ^Dupee, Horace *Dupee, Isaac Dutton, Henry W. Dyer, Ezra Dyer, James Eastburn, John H. Eaton, Ezra * Eaton, Thomas Tailor 1796 Printer 1801 Chaisemaker 1833 Blacksmith 0. M. Housewright 1830 Tinplateworker 1824 Capmaker 1854 Cap manufacturer 1839 Printer 1829 Shipwright L. M. 1828 Shipwright 1838 Printer l. m. 1839 Upholsterer l. m. 1847 Gilder l. m. 1804 Gilder l. m. 1818 Saddler 1824 Saddler l. m. 1812 Joiner 1841 Hairdresser 1829 Printer l. m. 1833 Tanner & Currier 1845 Cooper 1827 Housewright l. m. 1815 Housewright 1820 Goldbeater 1842 Tailor l. m. 1851 Machinist 1836 Housewright 1329 Housewright 1828 Housewright 1835 Painter & Glazier 1830 Block & Pumpmaker 1800 Printer 1832 Tailor l. m. 1821 Tailor 1843 Printer Tailor Saddler L. M. 1829 1849 1820 50 Eaton, Timothy Silverplater 1837 Eaton, William Housewright L. M. 1827 *Eayres, JNIoses Housewright 1796 Edmands, Ephraim W. Housewright 1831 Edmands, Gardner Painter & Glazier 1837 ^Edmands, Thomas Printer 1827 ^^Edwards, Abraham Painter 1801 Edwards, John F. Housewright 1834 Edwards, Oliver Machinist 1847 ^Edwards, William G. Slater 1937 *Ela, David H. Printer 1837 Eliars, Augustus Stairbuilder 1853 *Eliot, John Printer 1809 Emerson, Charles Millwright 1852 =^Emery, Thomas K. Silversmith 1806 Emmons, Thomas Cooper L. M . 1800 =^Eunson, James, Jr. Cooper 1804 =^Eunson, James Cooper O. M. Evans, John D. Printer 1839 ^Fairbanks, Gerry Hatter 1804 ^Fairbanks, John Watchmaker 1812 Fairbanks, John P. Bookbinder 1839 Fairbanks, Josiah L. Account book manuf r 1854 ^Fairbanks, Henry P. Manufacturer 1850 Fairbanks, Stephen Saddler L. M . 1804 *Farrar, Jefferson C. Painter & Glazier 1833 Farrie, John Cooper L. M . 1818 * Faxon, Caleb Edgetool mak er 1814 *Faxon, Josiah Sailmaker 1839 Faxon, Nathaniel Cordwainer L. M . 1809 ^Faxon, Richard Blacksmith 0. M. *Fay, Winsor Distiller 1814 *Fernald, Oliver Brassfounder 1820 *Fessenden, Stukely B. Cooper 1818 Fields, George A. Bookbinder 1851 *Fisher, Willard N. Hatter 1828 Fitch, Jonas Carpenter 1844 51 Flood, Edward Floyd, Andrew Folsom, Frederick Forster, Charles Foster, George B. Foster, Joshua T. ^Fowle, Josiah *Fox. Horace =^Francis, David Francis, Ebenezer Francis, Nathaniel *Francis, Simon Frost, Walter Frothingham. James K. Frye, Nathan ^Fuller, Seth *Fullick, James ^Gardner, Lemuel ^^Gardner, Simon Gates, James W. Gavett, Andrew J. *(jibson, Kimball ^Gilbert, Frederick Gilbert, Lemuel Gilbert, Samuel Gilbert, Timothy *Gill, Warren Glover, Lloyd Goddard, Elias W. Goddard, Thomas Coach Goddard, William * Godfrey, Thomas *GofF, Stephen Gooding, Thomas Goodrich, Ira Goodwin, Enoch Goodwin, Isaiah Hairdresser 1837 Coppersmith L. M. 1832 Cordwainer 1840 Cabinetmaker 1829 Watchmaker 1849 Shipbuilder L. M. 1854 Hairdresser 0. M. Stonecutter 1826 Printer 1810 Honsewright L. M. 1827 Pump &Blockmaker 1839 Cabinetmaker 1800 Chaisemaker L. M. 1828 Chaisepainter L. M. 1833 Manufacturer 1849 Housewright 1837 Bricklayer 1800 Sailmaker L. M. 1827 Cooper 0. M. Printer 1818 Chairpainter L. M. 1831 Brassfounder 1844 Painter & Glazier 1833 Baker 1801 Pianoforte manuf' 'r 1845 Printer L. M. , 1802 Pianoforte manuf 'r 1838 Painter 1840 Engraver 1852 Cooper 1834 & Chaisemaker l . M . 1834 Housewright L. M. , 1828 Baker 1800 Housewright 1800 Brassvvorker 1844 Tailor 1844 Cooper 1837 Carpenter 1854 52 Goodwin, William F. Painter 1850 Googins, Mark Blacksmith 1853 *Gore, Christopher Painter 1818 *Gore, Stephen Currier 0. M. Gould, James Tallowchandler 1847 * Gould, John R. Bookbinder 1803 Gould, John G. Housewright 1837 Gove, George C. Currier 1839 Gove, John Manufacturer L. M. 1854 Granger, David Surveyor 1844 Grant, Moses Upholsterer 1830 ^Grant, William Watchmaker 1832 *Gray, Harrison Bookbinder 1826 Green, John, Jr. Painter L. M. 1815 *Green, Timothy Pewterer 1800 Greene, Charles G. Printer 1833 Greenleaf, Gardner Bricklayer L. M. 1827 Gregory, Samuel H. Paperstainer L. M. 1852 Grover, Nathaniel Shipsmith L. M. 1821 Guild, Henry Manuf ring jeweller 1851 Gwynn, George F. Hairdresser 1834 Hadley, Thomas J. Housewright 1837 Hall, John B. Printer 1853 Hall, Milton Housewright 1827 Hall, Milton, Jr. Carpenter 1838 Hammond, Artemas Blacksmith 1834 * Hammond, John Housewright 1825 Hammond, Nathaniel Housewright 1831 *Hancock, Henry K. Harding, Edward Cabinetmaker 1818 Mastmaker 1837 Harding, Josiah M. Sailmaker 1837 Harding, Newell Silversmith L. M. 1828 =^ Harlow, Charles Stonecutter 1827 Harlow, Dexter Hatter 1836 * Harrington, Ephraim Bricklayer 1824 =^ Harrington, Jonathan Bricklayer 1802 Harrington, Wyman Bricklayer 1837 Harris. Isaac Mastmaker L. M. 1802 53 * Harris, William Mastmaker 1800 ^'Hart, Samuel Mason and Pavier 1818 =*Hart, Samuel, Jr. Bricklayer 1837 * Hartshorn, Caleb Hatter 1812 Hartshorn, Rolun Housewright 1832 Haskell, Calvin Blacksmith 1335 Haskell, Edward Typefounder 1832 ^^Haslings. Cyrus Painter 1835 * Hastings, Joseph Tallowchandler 1831 Hastings, Samuel Painter 1852 Hatchman, John Gilder 1851 Haven, Calvin W. Painter L. M. 1843 Haviland, Thomas Bricklayer 1826 Hawes, Willard Mason 1847 Hawkes, Ezra Tinplateworker 1825 Hayden, Josiah E. Bootmaker 1838 Hazelton, Isaac H. Mason 1835 Hazelton, J. E. Manufacturer l. m, . 1849 *Heard, Nathaniel Cordwainer 1811 *Heath, William Sailmaker 0. M. Hedrick, Uriah Cooper 1839 Henderson, Charles Painter 1830 Henderson, Frederick A. Tailor 1837 Hendley, James Tinplateworker L. m . 1814 Hennessy, Edward Chairpainter 1847 Herman, Ferdinand Basket manufacturer 1336 Herman, Leopold Stove manufacturer 1835 Hersey, Charles Housewright l. m . 1829 Hersey, Warren A. Mason 1841 Hews, George Pi anoforte manuPr l. m . 1842 Heywood, William Manufacturer 1848 =^Hichborn, Benjamin Housewright 1800 =^Hichborn, Samuel Sailmaker 1806 Hicks, Joseph G. Machinist 1839 *Hicks, Zachariah Saddler 0. M. ='^Hill, David W. Coppersmith 1832 Hill, Increase S. Machinist 1839 Hill, Samuel Blacksmith l. m . 1818 *Hill; Samuel Engraver 1799 5* 54 Hill, William H. Bookbinder l. m. 1851 *Hilliard, William Printer 1825 Hills, Geor2:e Housewright L. M. 1824 Hills, Henr> S. Chairpainter 1847 *Hills, Joseph Cordwainer 1828 Hinkley, Holmes Machinist l. m. 1831 Hitchcock, David K. Printer 1836 Hitchings, E. H. Paperhanger 1839 Hobart, Enoch Tailor l. m. 1816 Hobart! Peter, Jr., Housewright 1842 Hobbs; William J. Carver 1841 Hoffman, Monitz Printer 1850 Holbrook, Samuel F. Shipwright 1829 ^Holden, Joshua Painter 1842 ^Holland, Charles S. Copperplate printer 1838 Holman, Oliver Blankbook manuf r 1845 *Holmes, Almoran Rigger 1828 '^Holmes, Benjamin D. Coppersmith 1837 Holmes, William H. Harnessmaker 1851 Homer, Albert Painter l. M. , 1832 Hooper, Henry N. Brassfounder 1835 * Hooper, John Bookbinder 1837 Houseley, George Coppersmith 1832 Hovey, James G. Comb manufacturer 1839 Howard, Edward Clock & Balance maker 1850 Howard, William H. Ironfounder 1849 Howe, Jonathan Printer 1838 Howe, Joseph N. Glass manufacturer 1847 *Howe, Nathaniel Cooper 1818 ^Howe, Solomon Housewright 1828 *Howe, Thomas Baker 1801 ='^Howland Benjamin Housewright 1800 Hubbard, John C. Chairmaker 1837 Hughes, John A. Show case manuf r 1850 *Hunewell, Jonathan Bricklayer CM. *Hu newel r, Richard Bricklayer 1795 *Hunt, Joab Shipjoiner 1800 Hunt, John Housewright l. m, , 1831 Hunt, John Moroccodresser 1837 65 Hunt, Moses Machinist 1837 Hutchinson, Henry Sailmaker l. m, . 1837 Ingalls, Henry P. Housewright 1839 Ingalls, James P. Founder 1832 Jackson, George Tallowchandler l. m .1814 Jackson, William Tallowchandler l. m .1808 Jacobs, Charles S. Housewright 1841 Jacobs, Joshua Housewright 1833 James, Charles T. Manufacturer 1847 *James. Joshua Watchmaker 1812 Jameson, William H. Pianoforte manuPr l. m .1854 *Jenkins, Joseph Housewright 1810 Jennings, Alexander '. H. Blacksmith l. m, . 1810 ^Jennings, William Wheelwright 1800 Johnson, Abijah S. Stairbuilder 1831 Johnson, Ebenezer Bricklayer 1837 ^Johnson, Joseph G. Carpenter 1844 =^Johnson, Samuel R. Stonecutter 1837 *Johonnot, Oliver Tailor O. M. *^ Jones, Edward Sailmaker 1828 *Jones, Ezekiel Watchmaker 1814 Jones, James L. Tinplateworker 1842 =^Jones, JefFry A. Bookbinder 1837 *Jones, Joseph Sailmaker 1801 Jones, Peter C, Paper manufacturer 1833 Jordan, Alexander S. Combmaker 1839 Judson, Charles C. Carpenter 1844 Kelley, Philip StuccQworker, &c. 1846 =^Kendall, Enoch Hairdresser 1818 ^Kern, George F , Jr. Baker 1828 Kennard, Henry Tailor 1854 Kilham, Jonathan Tailor l. m . 1803 *Kilton, Jonathan Baker 0. M. King, Charles G, Math. inst. niaker 1837 #King, Gedney Math, inst, ni£|,ker 1804 56 *King, William Kinuman, Georg^e =^Kingsley, Elias =5^Kingsley, Nathan P. Kinsley, Lyman Knapp, Jesse * Knott, James Knott, .lames Lad Knott, Robert ^Kreuger, John Kuhn, John Lamson, Benjamin ^^Lancaster, William Lane. Frederick ^Lane. John M. Lane, Samuel Lang, John H. B. ^Larkin. Ebenezer Larkin, Israel J. ^Lathrop, Seth Laughton. Charles H. ^Lecompte. Francis Leighton, Charles ^Leman, John =*Leman. John * Lemon. William Lewis, Joseph Lewis, Seth =^ Lewis. Winslow *Libbey, J G. L. =^Lienow, Henry Lilley, John =^Lincoln, Charles ^Lincoln. Frederick Lincoln. Frederic W., Jr Lincoln, James L. Lincoln, Jared Lincoln, Joseph Lincoln, Heman Electrician 1838 Sailmaker 1841 Plasterer 1825 INIason 1836 L-on manufacturer 1839 Watchmaker L. M. 1833 Cordwainer 1831 lies" Shoemaker, , L. M. 1852 Cordwainer 1834 Harnessmaker 1813 Tailor I>. M. 1822 Cabinetmaker 1833 Bricklayer 1800 Turner L. M. . 1821 Hairdresser 1800 Housewright 1834 Cooper 1853 Bookbinder 0. M. Mast & Sparmaker 1843 Housewright 1806 Mason 1847 Confectioner 1839 Housewright L. M . 1828 Blacksmith 1820 Shipsmith 1833 Upholsterer 1809 Baker L M . 1808 Housewright 1837 Manufacturer 1814 Jeweller 1837 Tailor 1831 Umbrella maker i.. m .1818 Hatter 1836 Bricklayer 1825 •. Math, inst maker 1839 Machinist 1852 Housewright 1829 Carpenter 1825 Housewright L M ;. 1820 57 Lincoln, Warren Gilder l. m. 1833 Litchfield, Ward Bricklayer 1828 Little, Ebenezer H. Cooper L. M. , 1829 Little, Nicholas Blacksmith 1829 Little, William B. Chemist l. m. 1850 Livermore, John Soapboiler 1841 ^Locke, Delmont Coppersmith 1848 Lockwood, Job Plumber 1854 ^Lombard, Nathaniel K . Sailmaker 1820 Lord, Joshua Carpenter 1847 Loring, Abner B. Coppersmith 1845 Loring, Benjamin Bookbinder l. m, . 1814 *Loring, Henry Housewright 1825 Loring, James Sailmaker 1837 ^Loring, John Baker 1810 * Loring, John G. Coppersmith 1820 Loring, Jonathan Sailmaker l. m . 1818 ^Loring, Josiah Bookbinder 1814 Loring, Samuel H. Coppersmith 1845 Loring, Thomas B. Sailmaker l. m . 1833 Lothrop, Ansel Carpenter 1839 Lothrop, George B. Locksmith 1854 Lothrop, Eben W. Jeweller l. m . 1834 Lothrop, John Sailmaker 1830 *Loud, Solomon Cabinetmaker 1826 Lovejoy, Loyal Housewright l. m, . 1829 Lovell, John P. Gunsmith 1850 Lovell, Josiah G. Shipwright 1853 ^^Lovering, Joseph Tallowchandler 1799 Low, Francis Rigger 1837 Low, John J. Jeweller 1837 Luther, Slade Bricklayer l. m, . 1826 Lyford, Thomas Housewright 1836 Lynch, Stephen Upholsterer 1828 Lynes, Samuel Housewright 1830 ^'f'Mack, John Painter 1834 *Mackay, John Pianoforte manuf r 1826 *Mackay, William H. Pianoforte manuPr 1839 58 *]\Iackintosh, John ^Mackintosh, Peter Mair, Thomas Mallory, Richard P. ^Maloney. James =^Mann, Joseph ^^'Mann, Peleg *Maiden, David Mailand, John Marsh, Bela *Maish, Ephraim *Marsh, George *Marsh, John Marsh, Robert ^Marston. James B. ^Martin, Israel Marvin, Theophilus R. Mason, John W. *Mason, Mammy ^Maxwell, Edward *Mayo, Jesse ^McAllaster. James McBurney, Charles =^McCIennan. William McKay, William P. McKenney, Andrew Mears, Elijah Mears, Granville Mears, John, Jr. Meek, Samuel *jMenzies, William Merrifield, Francis ^JNIessinoer, Daniel Metcalf, Caleb Millard, Samuel Miller, David Miller, INloses *Milner, Joseph INlitchell, James Leatherdresser 1800 Blacksmith o. m. House Wright 1829 Engraver"^ 1837 Composit'n roof mak'r 1800 Boatbuilder 1828 Bricklayer 1826 Bricklayer 1837 Manufacturer 1847 Bookbinder l. m. 1831 Housewright 1800 Housewriiiht 1830 Bookbinder 1834 Mason 1837 Painter 1801 Tailor 1833 Printer l. m. 1827 Carver 1848 Baker o. m. Bricklayer 1835 Harnessmaker 1800 Housewright 1820 Saddler 1834 Rigger 1829 Watchmaker 1848 Bricklayer 1831 Tailor l. m. 1803 Tailor 1832 INlanufacturer 1847 Jeweller 1834 Coppersmith 1800 Baker 1826 Hatter o. m. Bricklayer 1827 Housewriirht l. m. 1830 Black & VVhitesmith 1843 Cooper 1833 Baker 1808 Plasterer 1839 59 Mitchell, Joseph W. Mitchell, Theodore JNIitchell, William *M'Kean, William ^Molineaux, John =^More, Charles Morris, Thomas D. Morse, Hazen Morse, Andrew J. Morse, Henry D. Morton, Ebenezer Moulton, Thomas *Mountfort, Joseph Mudge, Alfred *^Munn, Luther Munroe, Daniel *Munroe, Edmund Miinroe, Otis ^Murdock, Amasa *Nash, Joseph Nassau, William M. Neal, Samuel *Newcomb, Loring Newhall, Daniel B. Newman, Samuel H. Newmarch, Samuel ^Nichols, Charles C. Nichols, Gushing ^Nichols, Eleazar Nichols, George N. Nichols, Lawrence Nichols, Smith W. ^Nichols, Timothy S. Nichols, William Niles, Jesse Nottage, Samuel C. Shipbuilder L. M. 1853 Housewright 1836 Shoemaker 1842 Tobacconist 1800 Brassfounder 1822 Housewright 1795 Painter 1854 Engraver L. M, 1833 Brassfounder 1853 Jeweller 1854 Housewright 1837 Bricklayer L. M. 1832 Cooper 1818 Printer 1839 Stonecutter 1839 Watchmaker L. M. 1814 Printer 1814 Cordwainer 1835 Planemaker 1828 Sailmaker 1815 Hairdresser 1839 Housewright 1841 Housewright 1828 'ianoforte manuf'r l. m. 1854 Tailor 1834 Baker 1829 Tailor 1814 Bricklayer L. M. 1818 Housewright 1812 Tailor 1849 Confectioner L. M. 1836 Bricklayer 1833 Painter 1832 Printer 1825 Housewright 1833 Housewright L. M. 1834 60 Ober, John P. ^Oliver, Ebenezer ''f^ Oliver, Hubbard Oliver, William B. Oliver, William B., Jr. Orcutt, Ephraim Orcutt, John P. Osborn, Jesse Otis, George W. ^Owen, Benjamin Packer, Charles Parker, Carlton Page, John A. =^ Palmer, Joseph Palmer, Thomas Park, John =^Parker, Amos B. Parker, Eber *Parmenter, Ezra ■^farris, Alexander Parsons Ebenezer "^Parsons, Edmund ^Parsons, Josiah Passarow, George Patch, Franklin ^Patten, Thomas Paul, James Pay son, Edwin *Peak, Philip Pearce, William ^'Pearson, Simon Peck, T. R. Peirce, Jonathan Pendleton, William Perkins, James *Perkins, Nathaniel *Perkins, Samuel Perkins, Samuel S. Cooper L. M. 1841 Boatbuilder 1818 Tailor 1802 Tinman l. m. 1833 Tin & Sh't iron w^ker 1847 Mason 1837 Painter 1837 Wheelwright 1837 Housewright l. m. 1819 Cooper 1800 Morrocco manuPr 1845 Mason 1854 Bricklayer l. m. 1831 Hatter 1796 Mason 1837 Painter 1827 Bookbinder 1828 Blacksmith 1826 Blacksmith o. m. Architect 1818 Housewright 1837 Cabinetmaker 1825 Carpenter 1837 Painter 1835 Housewright 1845 Blacksmith o m. Upholsterer 1839 Carpenter & Builder l. m. 1854 Sailmaker 1837 Plumber 1849 Blacksmith 1833 Hatter 1839 Pump & Blockmaker 1841 S. Lithogr. printer l. m. 1828 Shipsmith 1850 Engraver 1837 Painter o. m. Housewright 1835 61 Pettingill, Samuel S. Pettes, Henry Peterson, Lorin ^Phelps, John B. Phelps, Sewall ^Phillips, James ^Pierce, Isaac =^ Pierce, John Pike, E. W. Pitman, John H. Pitman, Thomas S. *Pitts, Lendall Place, John B. Plympton, Henry Pollard, Abner W. Pond, Moses Pook, Samuel H. Pook, Samuel M. Poole, Alexis Pool, Benjamin C. Pool, Lot ^Porter, Christopher Porter. George E. Pratt, Caleb Pratt, Caleb I. * Pratt, Caleb S. Pratt, Ebenezer Pratt, Jairus Pratt, Joseph *Pratt, Samuel Pratt, T. Willis Pratt, William Prentiss, Henry Preston, Jonathan Prince, Nathan Prince, Samuel =^Prouty, Joel Prouty, Lorenzo *Purkitt, Henry 6 Shipjoiner 1838 Manufacturer l. m. 1850 Carpenter 1854 Cordwainer 1836 Printer 1835 Ropemaker o. m. Cooper 1818 Optician 1825 Housewright 1837 Cooper L. M. 1829 Baker 1837 Housewright 1821 Housewright 1836 Balance manuf'r 1837 Tailor 1835 Tinplateworker 1825 Naval Architect 1849 Naval Architect 1849 Housewright 1837 Mastmaker l. m. 1834 Housewright 1833 Hatter 1819 Watch & Clockmak'r 1851 Housewright 1825 Housewright l. m. 1837 Housewright 1832 Carpenter 1839 Shipwright 1834 Bricklayer 1832 Bricklayer 1830 Civil Engineer 1844 Watchmaker 1839 Umbrella manuPr 1838 Mason 1834 Bricklayer 1837 Sailmaker 1829 Painter 1826 Manufacturer 1841 Cooper 0. m. 62 Putnam, John Putnam, Mason ^^'Rachford, William *Rand, Aaron Rand, Georize C. Raymond, Freeman C. Rayner, John Rayner, John J. '^Read, Joseph S. Redding, Charles =^Redding, George ^Redman, John *Redman, Thomas Reed, George P. =*Reed, William C =^Regally, INIichael Renouf, Edward * Revere, Paul Reynolds, Samuel S. Rhoades, Stephen ^Rice. Alanson Richards, Wyatt ^Richardson, Luke Richardson, Thomas Ripley, Robert ^^'Roath, Andrew *Robbins, Edward H. Robbins, Josiah * Roberts. John Roberts. John G. Roberts, John L. Robeits, Thomas J. Robertson, Jolin A. Robinson, Euocli Robinson, George W. Robinson, Reuben T. ^Rogers, John Gorham Ross, Jeremiah Printer 1837 Bookbinder 1833 Blacksmith 1800 Cooper 1821 Printer 1853 Watchmaker 1844 Chaisemaker l. m. . 1818 Coachmaker 1850 Saddler 1814 Painter 1831 Painter 1825 Bricklayer 1827 Paperstainer 1800 Music Publisher, &c .1845 'oach & Harnessmaker 1833 Watchmaker 1841 Printer L. m. . 1809 Bell & Gunfounder O. M. Moroccodresser 1841 Hatter 1834 Biicklayer 1829 B ick layer 1828 Hairworker 1823 Founder 1833 Cooper L. M . 1821 Hairdresser 1799 Manufacturer 1828 ]\Ianufacturer 1828 Housewright 1836 Bookbinder l. m . 1829 INlason 1838 Mason 1849 Staii builder 1845 Whitesmith 1841 Machinist 1837 Painter 1831 Printer 1833 Tailor 1837 63 Ross, George Gilder 1850 ^'Roulstone, John Bookbinder 1802 *-Rundle, Thomas Housewright 1827 *Rassell, Renjamin Printer M. *Russell, John Printer 1796 SalTord, Daniel Blacksmith L. M. 1824 Sampson, Zephaniah Bricklayer L. M 1818 * Sanborn, Alfred S. Carpenter 1843 Sanborn, Amos C. Stonecutter 1835 Sanborn, Greenleaf C. Housewright L. M. 1833 Sanford, Philo Lead manufacturer 1849 =^ Sargent, Edward Cooper 1818 * Sargent, Loring Mason & Pavier 1818 Savage, Jacob S. Blacksmith 1837 Savage, James S. Mason 1827 =Jf^Saville, John Tailor 1821 Sawyer, Amos Baker L. M, . 1831 Schouler, William Printer 1847 Schoff, S. A. Engraver 1853 *Scott, Ebenezer Painter 1830 Scott, George Housewright 1838 *Scott, James Ropemaker 1803 Sears, Willard Carpenter 1844 =^Sellon, Samuel Farrier CM. Seymour, Friend Housewright 1838 ShaM', Jesse Housewright L. M . 1824 *Shaw, John A. Housewright 1824 *Shaw, Thomas Housewright 1837 Shelton, John Saddler L. M . 1833 Sheiton, Stephen Block & Pumpmaker 1832 *^ Shelton, Stephen BJockmaker 1818 Shelton, Thomas J. Block &Pumpmaki en .. M [.1827 Sherburne, Joseph M. Hatter 1832 ^Shipley, Simon G. Baker 1828 *Shute, Ebenezer Housewright 1818 *Sikes, John Housewright 1832 Simmons, Levi Housewright 1841 Simmons, Seth Housewright L. M . 1829 64 Simmons, Thomas Saddler 1839 ^'Simpson, John K. Upholsterer 1825 =^ Sinclair, Thomas Brassfounder 1841 * Singleton, George Cooper 1799 * Skerry, Georsre W. Silversmith 1827 *SkilIin. Sime^on Carver 1803 Slade, Robert Wheelwright 1839 Slade, William J. Housewright 1838 Sloan, Samuel W. Hatter 1854 Smallwood, Thomas Cabinetmaker 1847 =^Smink, Peter Silkdyer 1799 Smith, Albert W. Blacksmith 1837 * Smith, Amasa G. Housewright 1826 Smith, Charles A. Painter 1837 Smith, Charles A. Tailor 1839 Smith, Dennis Housewright 1837 Smith George G. Engraver l. m . 1831 * Smith, Isaac Cooper 1818 Smith, Jacob Cabinetmaker 1839 * Smith, Jeremiah P. Painter & Glazier 1814 Smith, Joseph B. Housewright 1828 ^Smith, Laban Hatter 1825 Smith, Lorenzo G. Gilder 1837 Smith, S. H. J. Pocket-bookmaker 1835 Smith, Stephen Cabinetmaker 1837 Snelling, Enoch H. Glazier 1829 =^Snelling, John Shipwright 1828 Somerby, Horatio G. Painter 1835 *Southack, Francis Baker 1810 =* Spear, Gershom Cooper 1796 * Spear, James Cooper 1821 * Spear, William Cooper 1818 Spencer, Hobart Bricklayer 1837 Spooner, Sherlock Cabinetmaker 1843 Springer, John Carpenter 1838 Staples, John Tailor 1831 Standish, James :Mason 1841 Standish, L. Miles. Mason l. m . 1842 ^Staibuck, Albert W. Cooper 1841 65 * Starr, Joseph Shipwright 1801 Stearns, Charles Mason 1848 Stearns, William Bricklayer l. m . 1825 *Stebbins, Samuel Pump&Blockmaker 1819 Stetson, Amos W. Bootmaker 1837 =^' Stetson, Clement Ho use Wright 1837 Stevens, Benjamin Distiller l. m . 1827 Stevens, Collins Lastmaker 1843 Stimpson, Charles Bookbinder l. m . 1821 Stimpson, Frederick H. Stove manufacturer 1837 Stimpson, George, Jr. Gold pen manuPr 1854 Stimpson, Heibert H. Stove manufacturer 1831 =^- Stokes, Joseph Carver & Gilder 1799 Stone, David Machinist 1847 Stowell, Caleb Bricklayer 1836 ^Stutson, Joseph House Wright 1799 ^'Sutton, Enoch Jeweller 1837 Sntton, William Leatherdresser 1837 Swallow, Asa Bricklayer l. m, . 1827 Sweet, James S. Watchmaker 1837 Sweet, John H. Jeweller 1838 Sweet, Nathaniel Bricklayer 1830 Sweet, Charles A. Chaisemaker 1839 Swift, William A. Carpenter 1847 Taber, Job Housewright l. m, , 1829 Taylor, John Shipwright 1851 Taylor, Eber Housewright 1836 =^Tay!or, Levi Wheelwright 1800 ''f^Tead. Edward L. Sailmaker 1835 Teel, Elbridge Wheelwright 1847 Templeton, John Stonecutter 1826 Thacher, George C. Ironfounder 1847 Thaxter, Adam W. Housewright l. m. 1837 Thaxter, Adam W., 3d Bookbinder l. m. 1839 *Thaxter, Samuel Math. inst. maker 1841 Thaxter, Seth Housewright l. m. 1818 ^Thaxter, Warren Cabinetmaker 1834 6* 66 ^Thayer, Ephraim *Thayer, Moses Thayer, Stephen =^Thayer, Zeba ^'^Thomas, Josiah Thomdike, John H. Thorndike, John P. Thurston, Lyman *Tilden, Joseph Tileston, Timothy Tileston, William Tillson, David Tirrell, Edward C. =^Tirrell, Thomas *Todd, Jacob Tolman, James Tolman, James P. Tohnan, Samuel P. Tompkins, Abel Tompkins, Isaac S. Torrey, Charles ^Tower, Nichols Tower, Samuel G. Towle, John D. Townsend, Thomas ^True, Benjamin *Tuckerman, Edward *Tuckerman, John Tufts, James Tufts, Otis Turner, Henry E. ^Turner, Job ^Turner, Jonathan Turner, Joshua Turner, Nathaniel W. Turner, Job A. Turner, Thomas =^Tuttle, Daniel =^-Tuttle, Jesse Enginebuilder 0. M. Tailor CM. Enginebuilder l. m. 1818 Blacksmith 1795 Cordwainer 1835 Architect 1839 Bricklayer l. m. 1818 Stereotype founder 1832 Bricklayer 1828 Planem'aker 1837 Varnisher & Polisher 1847 Slater 1829 Cordwainer 1832 Cordwainer 1821 Baker 1812 Tailor 1837 Goldbeater 1854 Stuccoworker 1854 Bookbinder 1841 Coppersmith 1832 IMarbleworker 1854 Bricklayer 1832 Patternmaker 1854 Architect & Builder 1845 Housewright 1827 Printer 1813 Baker M. Baker 1800 Mason l. m . 1853 INlachinist l. m . 1833 Tinplateworker 1850 Bricklayer 1832 Hairdresser 1802 Housewright 1834 Gasfitter 1853 Builder 1854 Cordwainer 1831 Bricklayer 1795 Cooper 1838 67 Tuttle, John Blacksmith 1826 *Tuttle, Samuel Tailor 1804 ^Tuttle, Turrell, Jr. Bricklayer 1809 ^Tyier, William Ropemaker CM. Underwood, William Manufacturer 1831 Urann, Joseph Cooper 1837 Vannevar, Alexander Cooper L. M. 1816 VannevaPj George Carpenter 1838 ^Vaughn, George Painter 1800 Vinton, Geoige W. Confectioner 1838 Vose, Edward A. Painter 1854 Wade, John Boatbuilder l. M. 1818 ^Wade, Jotham Mason 1837 Waitt, Isaac B. Cordwainer 1836 *Walker, Francis Cooper 1818 Walker, Samuel Printer 1845 Wallis, Mordecai L. Bricklayer 1834 Warner, Jonathan E. Cooper 1853 ^'Washburn, Jeremiah Housewright 1833 ^Washburn, Theodore Housewright 1829 Washburn, William Builder 1839 Waterman, Anthony Carpenter l. M. 1 850 ^Waterman, Josiah Housewright 1827 Waterman, Nathaniel Tinman 1837 ^Waters, Ebenezer Coppersmith 1829 Watson, John Watchmaker 1854 ^Weare, Mark Housewright 1832 Webber, Aaron D. Housewright l M. 1835 Webber, John Cordage manuf'r 1844 Webber, John, Jr. Cordage manufr 1844 ^^Wedger, John Baker 1829 Weed, John H. Tailor 1839 #Weeks, William A. Printer 1838 Weeman, Ebenezer Blacksmith 1836 Weld, James Baker l. M. 1820 =!f=Weller, George Tailor 0. M. 68 'S*^ Wells, Benjamin T. Wells, Charles Wells, Charles Allen Wells, John B. ''f^Wells, Thomas *Wells, Thomas G. Wentwoith. Arioch *Went\vorth, James Wenzell, Henry *West, David =J^Whall, William Whall, William Wheeler, Gilham B. Wheeler, Joel ^Wheeler, Jonathan =^ Wheeler, John H. Wheeler, William A. ^Wheelwright, Job Whieldon, W. W. White, Benjamin White, James A. White, Lyman White, Robert White, William Whiting, Oliver R. Whitmarsh, Thomas =^Whitmarsh, Thomas * Whitney, Jonathan Whiton, Ebed Whiton, Henry Whipple, John A. D Whittemore, James F. *VVhittridge, Daniel B. Wiijhtman, Joseph M, *Wllcutt, Joseph =^ Wilder, Martin *Wiley, John Willi ins, Levi *Willet, Joseph Coppersmith 1800 Bricklayer L. M. 1818 Bookbinder L. M. 1820 Cooper l; m. 1818 Bookbinder 1804 Printer 1837 Soapstone worker 1847 Piinter 1833 Shoe manufacturer 1853 Bookbinder 0. M, Gunsmith 1800 Gunsmith L. M. 1800 Carpenter 1838 Bricklayer L. M. 1829 Bricklayer 1802 Housewright 1827 Ironfounder 1838 Cooper 0. M. Printer 1839 Printer 1850 Rigger 1832 Chairpainter L. M. , 1837 Ho use Wright 1832 Sheet Iron worker 1851 Carpenter 1837 Tailor L. M, , 1821 Housewright 1802 Bricklayer 1800 Silversmith L. M, . 1834 Carriage manu fr 1849 laguerreian Artist l. m. . 1852 Machinist 1852 . Whitesmith 1837 Phil. inst. maker l. m .1842 Housewright 1830 Blacksmith 1829 Printer 1847 Pianoforte manuf r 1837 Housewright 1800 69 ^Williams, Horatio N. Printer 1830 *WilIiams, Jonathan Leatherdresser 1814 ^Williams, Samuel S. Gilder 1814 Williams, William A. Civil Engineer 1854 Willis, Clement Housewright 1831 Willis, George E. Tinplateworker l. m. 1847 Willis, Henry Typefounder L. m. 1829 Willson, John Patternmaker 1847 =^Wilson, James Brushmaker 1818 Wilson, John Tailor 1827 Wilson, John B. Carpenter 1851 Wilson, Stephen F. Housewright 1838 Wilson, William H. Tailor 1833 Winkley, Swain Tailor 1839 Winn, Moses F. Shoe manufacturer 1848 Winsor, Samuel L. Shipcarver 1847 Winter, Francis B. Bricklayer l. m . 1829 *Wis\vall, Oliver Housewright 1802 Wiswall, William Cordwainer l. m. , 1821 Woodberry, Charles Mason 1848 Woodbury, Charles Mason l. m . 1842 *Woods, William Baker CM. Wright, Albert J. Printer 1853 Wright, Edmund Printer 1825 * Wright, Francis Tobacconist 1800 Yale, Rufus M. Sailmaker 1852 Yendell, George Painter l. m . 1828 Yendell, Samuel Young, Ammi B. * Young, Andrew P. Boatbuilder l. m. 1816 Architect l. m. 1838 Painter 1837 MECHANIC APPRENTICES' LIBRARY. The Apprentices' Library was institulud by the Board of Government of the Massachusetts Charliable Mechanic Associa- tion, Feb. 22, 1S20. The present Association of Apprentices was formed Juae 19, 1S2S ; and the Lil>rary committed to thair entire control in 1832, by the Mechanic Association, subject to the fol- lowing PROVISOS. I. That the Library- shall be solely for the use of Apprentices of members of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Associa- tion, and other Apprentices of Mechanics and Manufactorers of Boston and vicinity. II. That the members of the Massachusetts Charitable Me- chanic Association shall have the right of visiting the Library, examining the Books, and of taking them for a reasonable period free of expense. III. That the Government of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, or a committee from them, shall retain the right of visiting and inquiring into the state of the Library from time to lime ; that they may witness its progress, and report its growth and situation to the Parent Association. IV. That in case the Library shall be enjoyed by any others than the persons mentioned in the first proviso, or that they shall grossly abuse the privileges here granted, — the Government of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association shall have the right to resume the management of the Library, and all the im- provements and additions shall revert to them, to be wholly under their control and disposal as heretofore. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY B 000 007 939 2