1. 1 R c\ 3 I J. I A Drnia al J EX Ex Lib r is C. K. OGDEN 5 THE MARVELS OF ROME MIRABILIA FRBIS ROMAE THE MARVELS OF ROME OR A PICTURE OF THE GOLDEN CITY AN ENGLISHVERSION OF THE MEDIEVAL GUIDE-BOOK WITH A SUPPLEMENT OF ILLUSTRATIVE MATTER AND NOTES BY FRANCIS MORGAN NICHOLS LONDON. ELLIS AND ELVEY ROME. SPITHOEVER 1889 PREFACE THE little book of which an Englilh verfion is here publifhed for the firft time was the ftandard guide-book of the more learned vifitors to Rome from the twelfth to the fifteenth century. Its ftatements were received with the refpect due to a work of authority, and their influence may be traced in the writin