LIBRARY OF CONGRESS A LIST OF BOOKS (WITH REFERENCES TO PERIODICALS; ON IMMIGRATION COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER THIRD ISSUE WITH ADDITIONS ^^' P *S^' tos' ^t 9 3 "i^ For sale by the SuperintenOent of Documents Government Printing Office WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1907 Price 26c LIBRARY OF CONGRESS A LIST OF BOOKS (WITH REFERENCES TO PERIODICALS^ IMMIGRATION COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER THIRD ISSUE AVITH ADDITIONS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1 1) U 7 L. C. card, 7-35001 .o 1301 PREFATORY NOTE TO THIRD ISSUE The present issue has been revised and brought to date. Some of the topics treated in the material added since the Second Issue of the List include: Restrietion of immigration. — The documents relating to the recent legislation which resulted in the passage of a law regulating the immi- gration of aliens to the United States, approved Feb. 10, 1907, are noted on pp. 111-112 of this List. Nature and tendencies of Immigration. — Among the new publica- tions are to be noted Hall's "Immigration and its effects on the United ^ States;" Grose's "Aliens or Americans?" "The Incoming millions." vj. The subject is also discussed by Wells in "The future in America." ^ Personal experiences among immigrants are Braun's "Immigration -I^P abuses;" Steiner's "On the trail of the immigrant." The subject of Japanese immigration^ which has recently occupied '^ public attention is treated in a number of magazine articles and in >s" speeches in Congress. These are noted on pp. 90-9-1 of this I^ist. "^ Leading articles on Italian immigration include Preziosi in " Rivista internazionale," vol. 38, pp. 358-370; vol. 42, pp. 199-214; Meade in 0" the "South Atlantic quarterly," vol. 4, pp. 217-223; Barker in the "Arena," vol. 34, pp. 174—176; Caracristi in the "Manufacturers' -^ record," vol. 48, pp. 63-65; Castiglione in the "American journal of P^ sociolog}'," vol. 11, pp. 183-206; article in the "American monthly review of reviews," vol. 32, pp. 361-363; Speranza, in "Charities," vol. 15, pp. 114-116; Stevenson in "Public opinion," vol. 39, pp. 453-456; Scott in the "Manufacturers' record," vol. 48, pp. 423—424; the article in "La Rassegnanazional," vol. 146, pp. 471-487; Gonnard; in "Questions diplomatiques et coloniales," vol. 21, pp. 36-45, 96-110, Mayor des Planches in " Nuova Antologia," in articles running through new series, vols. 121-124; Carr, in the "Outlook," vol. 82, pp. 419-431; Ghio in "Journal des economistes," 6th series, vol. 9, pp. 321-336; Casson in "Munsey's magazine," vol. 36, pp. 112-1K5; Schultze in "Zeitschrift fiir Socialwissenschaft," Jahrg. 9, pp. 642-662; Villari in "Nuova antologia," vol. 127, pp. 33-56; and Stone in the "American monthly review of reviews," vol. 35, pp. 209-213. Hcandinavian immigration is treated b}'^ Flom in "Iowa journal of history and politics," vol. 3, pp. 347-383, 583-615, vol. 4, pp. 220-244, 3 297152 4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 267-285; in tho article in the "World to-day," vol. 9, pp. 1293-1297; in the article in the ''American monthly review of reviews," vol. o-t, pp. 224-225; by Casson in "Munsey's magazine," vol. 35, pp. 613-618; and by Wisby in "North American review," vol. 183, pp. 213-223. German immigration is discussed bj' Casson in "Munsej-'s maga- zine," vol. 34, pp. 694-707; in the article in the "American monthly review of reviews." vol. 33, pp. 480-481; by Duncker in "Deutsche AVirtschafts-Zeitung," vol. 11, pp. 436-439," 492-496; and by Baron von Sternburg in "North American review," vol. 182, pp. 641-650. Hungarian imiaigration is considered by Mailath in "Kevue eco- nomique Internationale," vol. 2, pp. 486-511; DeLevajMn the "North American review," vol. 182, pp. 115-122; in the article in the "Ameri- can monthly review of reviews," vol. 33, pp. 354-356; and by Gonnard in "Questions diplomatiques et coloniales," vol. 23, pp. 26-33. Iinmigrationto the South is the subject of the following discussions: Fleming in the "Political science quarterly," vol. 20, pp. 276-297, review of Fleming's article in the "Manufacturers' record,'' vol. 47, pp. 575-576; Meade in the "South Atlantic quarterly," vol. 4, pp. 217-223; Caracristi in the " Manufacturers' record,'" vol. 48, pp. 63-65; Stevenson in "Public opinion," vol. 39, pp. 453-456; Ward in the "Athintic monthl}','" vol. 96, pp. 611-617; Scott, in the "Manufac- turers' record," vol. 48, pp. 423-424; Badenhoop, in the "Manufac- turers' record," vol. 48, pp. 514-515; Mayor des Planches in "Nuova Antologia," in articles running through new series vol. 121-124; Patten in "Business magazine," vol. 15, pp. 115-122; Leucht in "Charities and the Commons," vol, 16, pp. 275-277; articles in the "Manufac- turers' record," vol. 49, pp. 423-428, 515; Tilden in the "Nation," vol. 82, pp. 298-299; Gordon in "Manufacturers' record," vol. 49, pp. 578-579; McRae in the "Manufacturers' record," vol. 49, p. 694; Merry in "Railwa}- world," vol. 51, pp. 11-12; Stone in "American monthl}' review of reviews," vol. 35, pp. 209-213. The pamphlet issued b}- the National civic federation entitled "Facts about immigration " was received too late for entr}^ in the bod}^ of the List, and is here noted. The subject index with which this issue of the List is provided is a guide to specific phases of the immigration question. A. P. C. Griffin Chief Bibliographer Herbert Putnam Lihrai'ian of Congress Washington, D. 61, March 13^ 1907 PREFATORY NOTE TO THE SECOND ISSUE The present issue is mainl}- a reprint from the plates of the first. It has, however, been made to include the publications which have been added to the Library since the first issue by the substitution of recent titles for some of the early and less important works. The articles in periodicals, Congressional documents, consular reports, etc., have been brought to date. Among the new publications there are to be noted: Imvilgratlon in its general aspects in the prtiic'ijjal countries of the v)orld. — Whelpley's "The problem of the immigrant,'' in which are reprinted his articles in the ""Fortnightly review," vol. 77, pp. 317-32& and the "North American review," vol. 180, pp. 856-867. Restriction of immigration. — The publications of the Immigration restriction league, noted on pages 28 and 29 of this List; Ward's " The immigration problem" and the same author's essay in the "North American review," vol. 179, pp. 226-237, advocating an educational test; Whelpley in "World's work," vol. 8, pp. 5254-5259, the "Fort- nightly review," vol. 77, pp. 317-326, and the "North American review," vol. ]80, pp. 856-867, looking upon immigration as an international affair and an agreement among nations as desirable; Ernest Crosby in the "Arena," vol. 32, pp. 596-602 favorable to immigation; McLaugh- lin in a series of articles in "Popular science monthly," vol. ioany, 1907 . xviii., 2It3 pp>. 12°. {The citizen'' s library of economics., politics., and sociology., ed. hy R. T. My.) ' ' Failure to u tilize^ immigrant s iny cityj ^overnmenv ' pp. 62-92. The influence of immigrants upim sociological c<)nditions comes in for treatment under the various tuples. Altgeld, John Peter. The immigrant's answer. [In his Live questions, pp. 104-121. Chicago, 1890. 8°.) American social science association. Handbook for immigrants to the United States. Prepared by the American social science as.sociation. JVew York: For the Association^ hy Hurd and Houghton , 1871. vi, 117 pp. Folded maps. 1'2°. Amphlett, William. The emigrant's directory to the western states \/ of North America; including a voj^age out from Liverpool; the geography and topography of the whole western coun- try, according to its latest improvements; with instructions for descending the rivers Ohio and Mississippi; also, a brief account of a new British settlement on the head-waters of the Susquehanna, in Philadelphia [!] London: Longman., Hurst., Rees, Oy'nu\ and Broion., 1819. via, 208 pp. 8°. Andersen, R. Emigrantmissjonen, Kirkelig \'ejledning for Udvan- drere. Brooklyn: Svenska luth. foreningens Tryckei^i^ 1881^. 119, (1) pp. Illustrations. 8°. 13 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Anderson, A. S. Statement before the Senate committee on immi- gration. December 10-11, 1902. [WashingUm, I). C, 1902.] 32 pp. <9°. Running title: " Regulation of immigration." Reprinted from U. S. 57th Congress, 2(i session, Senate document no. 62, pp. 295-325. Apuzzo, Nicola. L' emigrazione nel diritto italiano: studio sistem- atico di legislazione sociale. Naples: Luigi Pier ro, 190 J^. 270 pp. 8^. Atchison, Rena Michaels. Un-American immigration; its present effects and future perils. A study from the census of 1890. With an introduction by Joseph Cook. Chicago; Charles H. Kerr cfc company^ 189j^. (2), 198 pp. 12^. Avery, Elizabeth H. The influence of French immigration on the y poUtioaJJbistory of the United States. r [nTdJield, S.J).: Journal- Observer print, 189-f] 75 pp. 8°. Bibliography, pp. 70-75. Barnard, Helen M. Report on emigration [steerage-passengers on emigrant vessels]. December 1, 18T3. {In United States. 43d Congress, 1st session. Senate executive document no. 23, pp. 145-155.) Bemheimer, Charles S[eligman], ed. The Russian Jew in the United States; studies of social conditions in New York, Phila- delphia, and Chicago, with a description of rural settle- ments. rhlladelphia: The J. C. Winston co..^ 1905. If26 pp. Maps. 12^. "Reading list:" pp. 416-420. \i 7/ Biddle, Cadwalader. The restriction of immigration. [In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1891, pp. 197-201. Boston, 1891. 8°.) Bodio, Luigi. Delia emigrazione Italiana nell' anno 1876. Roma: Tipograjia Eheviriana, 1877. Sip pp. 8°. "Estratto dall' Archiviodi Statistica." Vol. 1. Notes sur la legislation et la statistique comparees de I'emi- gration et de I'immigration. {In Revue economique internationale, vol. 2, May 15-20, 1905, pp. 345-371.) Give special attention to the laws of the United States and of the Argentine Republic as representing respectively restriction and encouragement of immigration. BOOKS OX IMMIGRATION 15 Bodio, Luigi. Statistica della emigrazione Italiana all' estero nel 1881. Roma: Alia sede della Societa^ 1882. xliii, (/), 269 pp. Folded sheets. 8°. {Societa geografica Italiana.^ , Bogen, Frederick W. The German in America, or Advice and/^ instruction for German emigrants in the United States of America. 2d ed. Boston: B. II. Greene; New- York: Koch dd co., [etc.] 1851. 177 pp. 12'-. Boutmy, Emile Gaston. The English people; a study of their politi- cal psychology , by Emile Boutm y . . . tr. from the French by E. English; with an introduction by John Edward Courtenay Bodle\\ London: T. F. Unvnn^ 190 1^. xxxvi., 332 pp. 8°. "The alien races," pp. 57-73. HBoyesen, Hjalmar H. Immigration. An address delivered before vV the Washington conference, December 7, 1887. New YorJc, 1888. 23 pp. 8°. Caption-title. Bradley, A. A. To what extent does unrestricted immigration coun- teract the influence of educational and charitable work? New York: The Charity organization society .,[1902]. ^J9j>. 5^. Cover- title. Reprint from Charities. Bradsha-w, Frederick, and Charles Emanuel. Alien immigration. Should restrictions be imposed^ Pro-Con. London: Isbister and company., 1901).. 'y^, 216 pp. 12°. {Tfiepro and con series., edited hy Henry Murray., vol. 3.) /k** "The case for restriction," by Frederick Bradshaw; " The case for the immigrant," by Charles Emanuel. Brandenburg, Broughton. "How shall we make our immigration laws more effective ? " (In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1906, pp. 299-303. Columbus, 1906. 8°.) Imported Americans; the stor}^ of the experiences of a dis- guised American and his wife stud34ng the immigration question. New York, F. A. Stokes company^ [1904-]' «»', 303pp. Plates. Portraits. 8^. A study of the character of Italian immigrants based on experiences in the Italian cjuarter of Is'ow York city, a residence witli a Sicilian peasant and a voyage under the guise of immigrants from Sicily. 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Braun, ]\Iarcus. Immigration abuses; glimpses of Hungary and Hungarians; a narrative of the experiences of an American immigrant inspector wliile on duty in Hungary, together with a brief review of that country's history and present troubles. New York: The Peamon advertising co. Y1906\ 136 jyp. 8^. Emigration miseries, legalized human barter; open letter to the parliamentary committee on matters of emigration, by G. Z. Budapest, 1905: pp. [79]-136. Report [concerning certain knowledge believed to be possessed b}' the Italian authorities as to emigration of undesirable aliens to the United States, and also in regard to inad- missible aliens to Vera Cruz en route to points in the United States]. {In United States. Bureau of immigration. Annual report of commissioner-general, 1903, pp. 86-96.) Brauns, Ernst Ludwig. Amerika und die moderne Volkerwande- rung. Nebst einer Darstellung der Gegenwartig zu Okono- mie — Economy — am Ohio angesiedelten Harmonie-gesell- schaft. Potsdam : H. Yogler, 1833. xvi, 4.00 pp. Portrait. 13^. Ideen fiber die Auswanderung nach Amerika. Gbttinqen: hei Bandenhoeck und Rttprecht., 1827. xxviii^ (j^), 880 2)p. 12°. Praktische Belehrungen und Rathschlilge fiir Keisende und Auswanderer nach Amerika. Braunschweig: H. Vogler, 1829. (4), J,92, {3) pp. 12'\ y/ Brom^vell, William J. History of immigration to the United States. Eedfield, New York, 1856. 225 pp. 8°. Brorup, Rasmus Peterson. Immigration. " {In his The struggle for America, pji. 76-93. Fitzgerald, Ga., 1904. 8°.) Biichele, C. Land und Yolk der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord- Amerika. Zur Belehrung fiir Jedermann, vorziiglich fiir Auswanderer. Sttittgart: Hallberger, 1855. viii, 622 pp. 8^. v/ Bureau of the American Republics. Laws of the American Repub- lics relating to immigration and the sale of public lands. [ Washingto7i, D. C. : Government priiiting office, 1893.] iv, 199 pp. 8°. (Bulletin no. 53.) Also reprinted as U. S. 52d Congress, 1st session. Senate ex. doc. 149, pt. 4. BOOKS OX IMMIGRATION 17 Busey, Samuel C. Immigration: its evils and consequences. JS'eto York: Be ivitt i.h Davenport, \mr,6\ 162 j)]). 10"^. Bushee, Frederick A. Ethnic factors in the population of Boston. N^e^o York: The Macmillan covipomy^ 190S. vi^ (2), 171 ^yp. 5°. {^American economic association. Puhlications^ 3d series^ vol. 4, i\(>. 2.) Buxton, Sj^dnej Charles. A handbook to political questions of the day and arguments on either side, with an introduction. 11th ed. London: J. Murraij., 1903. ««, Jf.j^2 pp. 8^. "The immigration of undesiraVjle alien?," pp. ;i27-341. Byrne, Stephen. Irish emigration to the United States: what it has been, and what it is. New York: The Catholic publication society^ 1873. 165 i)p. Folded map. 12°. Canada. The Immigration act, 1906. {In Canada. The Labour gazette, vol. 7, Sept., 1906, pp. 288-290.) Depart))ient of labour. The Roj^al commission appointed to inquire into the immigration of Italian labourers to Mon- treal and the alleged fraudulent practice of employment agencies. Report of commissioner and evidence. Ottawa: Printed by S. E. Dawson.^ 1905. xli., (-5), 173 pp. The Royal Commission in re the alleged employment of aliens by the Pere Marquette railwa}^ compan3'of Canada. Report of commissioners; Minutes of evidence. Ottawa: Printed for the Department of labour., 1905. 2 vols, in 1. 8^. Royal commission on Chinese and Japanese immigration. Report. Printed by order of Parliament. Ottawa: Printed by S. E. Dawson, 1902. sciv., {2), 1)30 pp. 8^. {Canada. Parlianient. Sessional paper no. 5 J^,. 1902.) Canstatt, Oscar. Die deutsche Auswanderung, Auswandererf iirsorge und Auswandcrerziele. Berlin — SchOneben/ : Ernst liahn Verlag, [1894]. ^i 34^ pp. 8°. "Literatur," pp. 847-349. 20807—07 2 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [Castro, Lorenzo.] Immigration from Alsace and Lorraine. A brief sketch of the history of Castro's colony in western Texas. Ntw Yorl-: G. ^t. Wheat c5 co., 1871. 8 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Chandeze, Gustave. De I'intervention des pouvoirs publics dans Temig-ration et Timmigration au xix^ siecle. Etude histo- rique. Paris: J*. Dupotit, 1898. {Jf)^ 385 pp. ^°. ( Oniversite de Paris. Faculte de droit.) Chelard, Raoul. Emigration hongroise et panslavisme americain. Comment les Hongrois deviennent Russes en Amerique. {Jn La Science sociale, vol. 34, pt. 5, Nov. 1902, pp. 448-465.) /. Chetwood, John, /;•. Immigration fallacies. Boston: Arena pvhUshing company, 1896. lJf.7 pp. 16^. Chickering, Jesse. Immigration into the United States. Boston: C. C. Little A J. Broion, 181^8. 9J(, pp. 8°. With his "Statistical view of the population of Massachusetts," 1846. Claghom, Kate Holladay. ^Agricultural distribution of immigrants. ( //I United States. Industrial commission. Reports, vol. 15, 1901, pp. 492-646.) The foreign immigrant in New York city. {In United States. Industrial commission. Reports, vol. 15, 1901, pp. 449-492. ) Cobbett, William. The emigrant's guide; in ten letters, addressed to the tax-payers of England; containing information of every kind, necessary to persons who are about to emigrate. Zondon: The author. 1830. 168 pp. m^. Collins, S. H. The emigrant's guide to and description of the United States of America; including several authentic and highly important letters from English emigrants now in America, to their friends in England. 4th ed. Hull: J. Nolle, 11830\ {6), 180 pp. Folded map. 16°. Colne, C. Report on immigration [steerage passengers on emigrant vessels]. October, 1873. {In United States. 4.Sd Congress, 1st session. Senate executive document no. 23, pp. 123-143.) Colton, Calv'n. Manual for emigrants to America. London: F. Westley and A. H. Davis, 1832. x,W3 pp. 16"^ ^ BOOKS ON IMMIGRATION 19 Commons, John R. Immigration and its economic effects. (in United States. Industrial commission. Reports, vol. 15, 1901, pp. 293-743. ) Contents.— Occupations of immigrants; Relation of immigration to other causes affecting wages and employment; Foreign-born I . ,. labor in the clothing trade; Effect of foreign-born on cigar- ^ (^^9 — making trade; The foreign-born in the coal mines; Miscellaneous trades; The padrone system and common labor; Immigration from Canada; The foreign immigrant in New York city; Agri- cultural distribution of immigrants; Immigration legislation and its workings; Legislation of foreign countries affecting emigration 1 and immigration. Immigration and labor problems. {In La Follette, Robert M. ed. The making of America, vol. 8, r/ pp. 236-261. Chicago, 1906. 8°.) Congres international de I'intervention des pouvoirs publics dans I'emigration et I'immigation tenu a Paris, les 12, 13 et 14 Aoiit, 1889. Paris: BiUiotheque des Annales economiques^ 1890. 1J^2 pp, Craig, B. F. Report [on sanitary considerations on emigrant-carrying steamships]. December 1, 1873. {In United States. 43d Congress, 1st session. Senate executive document no. 23, pp. 109-111.) ""fSe France, C. A.] The problem of foreign immigration: An affirma- tive discussion of the question, Shall foreign immigration cease ? St. Louis., Mo. : Slawson dc co. , 1888. 52 pp. 8^. Deutsche Gesellschaft der Stadt New York. Praktische Rathschlage und Mittheilungen fiirdeutscheEin wanderer. 1. Ausgabe. New York: [F. Steiger ik co.\ 1883. 51 pp- -Folded maps. 12°. Cover-title. Devine, Edward Thomas. The principles of relief. Nevj York, London: The MaciniUan company, lOOJf.. fi, 1^95 pp. 8°. "Immigration," i)p. 162-170. Dingley, F. L. European emigration. Studies in Europe of emigra- tion moving out of Europe.^ especially that flowing to (he/ United States. Washitigton: Government printing ojffict., 1890. 209-332 pp. 8'-'. {United States. Special considar reports, rol. 2.) / 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Dreifuss, J. Die Einwanderung-spolitik der Ver. Staaten von Ainerika und ihre Beziehung zur Au.swanderung aus der Schweiz. Bern: Scheitlin Sj>ring <& vie., 1903. HpP- S^. Cover-title. Durand, PI Duiui. General statistics of immigration and foreign-born I / population. ^ (/n United States. Industrial commission. Reports, vol. 15, 1901, pp. 257-291.) Duval, Jules. Histoire de Temigration europeenne, asiatique et africaine au xix" siecle. Ses causes, ses caracteres, .ses effets. Paris: Guillaiuiun et cie.^ 186'2. xvl, 1^06 pp. Folded taUe. 8'^. Eggerling, H. W. E. Beschreibung der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika nach ihren politischen, religiosen, burger- lichen und gesellschaftlichen Verbindungen, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung deutscher Ansiedelungen daselbst. 2. durchaus verm, und verb. Auflage. irtmnhehn: T. UfHer, 1833. 3U PJ>- 1^^- Ellena, V. Delia emigrazione e delle sue leggi. Roma: Tipografla Elzevir iana, 1876. 68 pp. ' 8^. "Estratto dall' Archivio di statistica, primo fascicolo del 1876." Cover-title. //Emigration, emigrants, and know-nothings. By a foreigner. Philadelphia: Published for the author., 185 Jf. 1^7 pp. W^. Emmet, Thomas Addis, Irish emigration during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. New York eity, 1899. 15 pp. 8^. I " Republished from Journal of the American-Irish historical ' society, vol. ii." >yEverett, Edward. The discovery and colonization of America, and immigration to the United States. A lecture delivered before the New York historical society ... on the 1st of June, 1853. Boston: Little, Brovmi& CO., 1853. 32pp. 5°. Same. {In his Orations and speeches, vol. 3, pp. 195-223. Boston, 1859. 8°.) > Effects of immigration. (In his Orations and speeches, vol. 3, pp. 103-111. Boston, 1859. " 8°.) BOOKS ON IMMIGRATION 21 — Fairbanks, Charles Warren. Restriction of iramioration. Speecli "" ... in the Senate . . . January 11, 1898. WashhigtoiK' [Government printing office], 1898. 20 pp. Table. 8-. F[ernagus] d[e] G[ clone] Manuel-guide des voyageurs aux £tats- . Unis de I'Amerique du Nord, oii Ton trouve tous les ren- i/ ^ -^ seignemens necessaires . . . poury commercer avecsurete et profit . . . Adresse particulierement aux comniervans, aux agriculteurs, et aux personnes de toute.s les piofessions et de tous les metiers sur le continent de I'Europe. Paris: Pillet, 1818. (6'), 196 pp. 12-. Fidler, Isaac. Observations on professions, literature, manners, and emigration, in the United States and Canada, made during a residence there in 1832. London: Whittaher., Treacher and co.., 18S3. viii, 4^4- PP- 12^. Fishberg, Maurice. Ethnic factors in immigration — a critical view, 'r (In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1906, pp. 304-314. Columbus, 1906. 8°.) Fleischinann, J. C. L. Wegweiser und Rathgeber nach und in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Stuttgart \etc.]: C. P. Scheitlin, 1852. it\ 500 pp. llluf>- trations. Folded map. 16°. Florenzano, Giovanni. Delia emigrazione italiana in America, com- parata alle altre emigrazioni europee. Napoli: FranceHCO Glannlni^ 1874. <^"- *'"•> '^67., {11) j>p). Folded tables. 8°. Frobel, Julius. Die deutsche Auswantlerung und ihre culturhistorisclx^ ' Bedeutung. Fiinfzehn Briefe an den Herausgeber der Allgemeinen Auswanderungs-Zeitung. Leipzig: Franz Wagner, 1858. (6'), lOS pp. 8°. Grail, Ludwig. Meine Auswanderung nach den Vereinigten-Staaten in Nord-Amerika, im Friihjahr 1819 und meine Ruckkehr nach der Heimath im Winter 1820. Trier: F. A. Gall, 1822. 2 vols. Folded plate. Folded maps. 8°. ^arrett, Philip C. Inunigration: its objects and objections. {In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1899, pp. 158-162. Bo^^ton, 1900. 8°.) // 22 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS '^' G-arrett, Philip C. Immioration to the United States. (/n National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1888, pp. 185-102. Boston, 1888. 8°.) The proper remed}' for defects in our immigration system. (/n National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1887, pp. 206-211. Boston, 1887. 8°.) Grates, W. A, Alien and non-resident dependants in Minnesota. ( In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1898, pp. 276-282. Boston, 1899. 8°.) GS-eneral hints to emigrants containing notices of the various fields for emigration. 2d ed., carefully revised and corrected. London: Lockimod &co.^ 1875. viii., 219 pp. Folded map. 12°. George, Henry. Social progress. Chicago and Neio York: Belford, Clarke cfc c<>., 1883. jj 367 pp. 12"". "Coming increase of social pressure," pp. 86-48; "Dumping gfirbage," pp. 147-162. // Grordon, W. Evans-. The alien immigrant. London: WllUani Heinemann; New York: C/ias. Scrlhne7''s sons, 1903. xii, 323 pp. Plates. Map. 12'\ "In America," pp. 192-224. "The Royal Commission, that of last year, for there have been sev- eral, of which i\Iajor Evans-Gordon wa8 a member, described a plan of legislation and recommended it." Grreat Britain. Board of trade. Alien immigration. Reports to the Board of Trade on alien immigration. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. London: Printed for Her Majesty's stationery office., 1893. viii, 383 pp. <9°. Contents. — General report; Report by Mr. Schloss: American leg- islation and practice. Appendix; Report by Mr. Burnett: Nature and effects of alien immigration into America, Appendix. The appendices to the report by Mr. Schloss include: Note on the state of opinion in the United States with reference to restrictions on immigration and summary of proposals on the subject recently before Congress; Statistical tables; Letters of instruction; Text of principal laws and regulations affecting the immigration into, and exclusion of foreigners from, the United States; Notes on the principal decisions of the courts in the United States with respect to the construction of laws restricting immigration. The appendices to the report by Mr. Burnett are partly statistical, relating to the United States, and are f)artly concerned with labor legislation in New York, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. A "List of books, &c., bearing on the question of immigration into the United States" is given on pp. 373-383. BOOKS OX IMMIGRATION 23 G-reat Britain. Board of trade. Emigration and immigration. Copy of statistical tables relating to emigration and immigration from and into the United Kingdom in the jear 1905, and report of the Board of trade thereon. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 1 May, 1906. 75 pp. F. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional pape7'ii., 1906. IJffJ.) Beginning with 1877 the annual reports have been published in the Britis^h ParHamentary papers. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. Miscellan- eous series., 1898, no. IfSG. Report on immigration into the United States. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by •* command of Her Majesty, May, 1898. London, 1898. W j}P' 8°. Home department. Aliens act, 1905. Regulations, &c., made by the secretary of state for the Home department with regard to the administration of the Aliens act, 1905. London: Printed for H. M. stationery off., hy Darling cfe son, ltd., 1906. 52 pj). <§°. {Great Britain. Parlia- ment. Sessional papers, 1906. Cd. 2879.) Aliens act, 1905. A return of alien passengers brought to the United Kingdom from ports in Europe or within the Mediterranean Sea during the three months ending March 31, 1906; together with the number of expulsion orders made during that period requiring aliens to leave theUnited Kingdom. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. 1906. 8 pp. F^. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional j)ap>ers, 1906. Cd. 296If.) Return showing the names of all aliens to whom certi- ficates of naturalization have been issued and who have taken the oath of allegiance between the 1st day of Jaiuiary, 1903, and the 31st day of December, 1903, giving the countr}' and place of residence of the person naturalized. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 13 April, 1904^ Londo7i, 190Jf. 16pp. F^. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 190 If.. l^If,.) Ihvrliament. Aliens bill. [As amended in Committee.] Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 11 July, 1905. 8 pp. F^. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papei's, 1905. Bill 271.) 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS G-reat Britain. Parliament. Emigration statistics of Ireland for the year 1904. Report and tables showing the number, ages, conjugal condition, and destinations of the emigrants from each county and province in Ireland during the year 1904; also the occupations of the emigrants, and the number of emigrants who left each port in each month of the 3'ear. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. Dublin : Printed for Ills Majesty's stationery office., 1905. lJt.,{T)pp. F^. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1905. Cd. 24.67.) REPORTS OF ROYAL COMMISSIONS AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES (ARRANGED CHRONOLOGICALLY) Great Britain. Report from the Select committee on emigration from the United Kingdom. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 26 May, 1826. 377 pp. Folded map. F^. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1826, vol. 4.) Report from the Select committee on emigration in 1826; with a brief analysis of the evidence and appendix. London: John Murray, 1827. {6), 177 py. 5=. Report from the Select committee on emigration and immi- gration (foreigners), together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 27 July, 1888. 356 pp. F'-. (7n Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1888, vol. 11.) Report from the Select committee on emigration and immi- gration, together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 8 August, 1889. 113 pp. F°. (7u Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1889, vol. 10.) Report of the Royal commission on alien immigration, with minutes of evidence and appendix. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Maiest3\ London : Printed for His Majesty'' s stationery office, 1903 -190 J/ . Jt.vols.lnl. F'^. {Great Britain. Parliarnerit. Sessional papers, 1901,. Cd. 171,1, 171,2, 171,3.) The contents of the Report include: Part I. — Character and extent of the evil; Part II. — Measures adopted for the restriction and control of alien immigration in foreign countries and in British' colonies. "Law of the United States," pp. 32-35. BOOKS ON IMMIGRATION 25 Great Britain. Report and special report from the Standing committee on law, and courts of justice, and legal procedure, on the aliens bill; with the proceedings of the conmiittee. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 7 July 1904. London^ 190 Ji.. IS pp. F^^.' {Great Britain. Parliament. Se$sio7ial papers, 190 J^. 2Jf.2.) Grreeley, Horace. Immigration. 4/^^ [In his Essays of political economy, pp. 806-322.>n, 1870. 1 2°. ) Grose, Howard Benjamin. Aliens or Americans? AVith introduction b}^ Josiah Strong, New York, Toronto: Young people's ynisslonary rnxjvement^ \1906\ 337 pp. Illustrations {maps, charts). Plates. Folded clmrt. 12°. {Foricard niission stiidy co nibses.) Bibliography: pp. 321-323. The incoming millions. New York, Chicago \etc.'\: F. H. Revell company, \190G\. 212pp. Plates. 12°. {Home raission study course — Liter- denoinin at lonal. ) Bibliography: pp. 210-212. Grand, Francis J[oseph]. Handbuch und Wegweiser f iir Auswanderer nach den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika und Texas. 2. Auflage. Stxdtgart\_ete.\: J. G. Cotta,18Ji.6. lv,278pp. Map. 12°. Guenther, Richard. United States legislation respecting immigration. ^ (Ju National conference of charities an4 correction. Proceedings, 1896, pp. 302-307. Boston, 1896. 8°.) Hale, Edward Everett. Letters on Irish emigration. Boston: Phillips, Sampson c& company, 1852. f)]i.pp. 8°. "First published in the Boston Daily Advertiser." Hall, Pre.scott F. Immigration and its effects upon the United States. ^ New York: Henry Holt <& company, 1906. xlli, (i), 393 pp. 12°. {American puhlicprohlems, edited hy Ralph Curtis Pingwalt.) Contents. — Parti. Immigration andeniigration: History of immi- gration and emigration; The causes of immigration; Racial con- ditions of immigration; Economic conditions of immigration; Social conditions of immigration. Part II. The effects of immi- gration: Racial effects; Economic effects; Social effects; PoHtical effects. Part III. Immigration legislation: History of immigra- tion legislation; Effect of tiie present laws and theneedof furtlier restriction; Proposed legislation; Other proposed remedies for immigration evils; Considerations with respect to further rcstric- ion. Part IV. Chinese immigration: History of Chinese immi- gration and of the exclusion acts. Appendices: I. Statistical tables. II. Resolutions adopted by the National Immigration conference, called by the National civic federation, December 8,1905. III. United States immigration laws. IV. Bibliography. 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Hall, Prescott F. Selection of immigration. [Philadelphia] 1901^. 169-18 If, j>P- 8^. Cover-title. Reprinted from The Annals of the American academy of political and social science for July, 1904. y^ Hart, Hastings H. Immigration and crime. {Li National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1896, pp. 307-313. Boston, 1896. 8°.) Herter, August. Im zweiten Vaterland. ' Briefe aus Amerika fiir Auswanderer. Bern: K. J. Wyi^s, 1886. iv, 327, {1) pp. Folded map. m^. Heurtier, [N. J. eJ. F.]. Rapport fait au nom de la Commission chargee d'etudier les ditterentes questions qui se rattachent a I'emigration europeenne. Paris: Imp. hnperlale., 185 If,. 390 pp. 8^. Report made to "Le Ministre de I'agriculture, du commerce et des travaux publics." /y Higginson, Thomas AVentworth. The alphabet as a barrier. {In his Book and heart, pp. 160^164. New York, 1897. 8°. ) Hill, Hamilton Andrews. Immigration and head-money taxes. A series of papers and reports. Boston, 1877. 8 jMinphlets i?i 1 vol. 8°. Holditch, Robert. The emigrant's guide to the United States of America; containing the best advice and directions respect- ing the voyage — preservation of health, choice of settle- ment, &c. Londmi: Printed for W. Ilone. 1818. iv, 123 [1) pp. 8^. A Hopkins, C. T. Common sense applied to the immigrant question: showing wh}' the '"'California immigrant union'" was founded and what it expects to do. [San Pnmcisco: Turnbidl <& Smith, 1869.] 6Jf., xii pp. 8^. Hoppe, A. Der Ansiedler in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord- Amerika. Chicago, Illinois: Druck von C. M. Staiger, 1880. 68 p>P' nixLstrations {wood cuts). 8^. Hovrell, Alfred. Naturalization and nationality in Canada; expatria- tion and repatriation of British subjects: aliens, their disa- bilities and their privileges in Canada. TP' Folded map. Folded table. 12°. -^ Jones, Thomas Jesse. The sociology of a New York city block. New Yark: The Columbia university press, The Macmillan company., agents; London: P. 8. King & son., 190 1^.. 133pp. 8°. {Studies in history., economics and puhlic law., ed. hy the faculty of political science of Columbia university., vol. XXI, no. 2.) v., Kapp, Friedrich. Immigration and the commissioners of emigration of the state of New York. Ne^o York: Douglas Taylor^ 1870. (^), Hi, 2Ji.l pp. Plates. Portrait. 8°. J Immigration. (7n Journal of social science, vol. 2, pp. 1-30. New York, 1870. 8°.) Kingdom, William, jr. America and the British colonies. . . . Ex- hibiting at one view the comparative advantages and disad- vantages each country oifers for emigration. London: Printed for G. and IF. B. WJiittaker, 1820. vii^ {1), 359 pp. 8°'. Kingsbury, Harmon. The immigrant's good Samaritan. Puhlished by Daniel Fanshaw, New York, [ISIiS]. 117 2W' 211?. Knight, John. The emigrant's best instructor, or, The most recent and important information respecting the United States of America, selected from the works of the latest travellers in that country: particularly Bradbury, Hulme, Brown, Birk- beck, &c. Manchester: Printed by M. Wilson, and may be had of all booksellers, and of J. Knight, 1818. 72 pp. 8°. Kort overzicht en handeliding voor landverhuizers naar Noord- Amerika. Zutphen: W. C. Wansleven, [1872]. 62 pp. 12°. Kuczynski, Robert. Die Einwanderungspolitik und die Bevolke- rungsfrage der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Berlin: L. Simion, 1903. 35 pp. 8°. ( Yolkswirthschaft- liche Zeltfragen, Yortrcige und Abhandlungen, hrsg. von der volkswirthscJiaftlichen Gesellschaft in Berlin, lift. 19 J^..) BOOKS ON IMMIGRATION 31 Lee, Joseph. Immigration. Report of the Committee. {In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1906, pp. 279-285. Columbus, 1906. 8°. ) Discussion on immigration, pp. 591-594. Legoyt, Alfred. L'emigration europeenne; son importance, ses causes, ses effets. Guillaumin et cie.^ Paris, 1861. {If), Iv, 333 pp. 8°. Lehmann, Emil. Die deutsche Auswanderung. Berlm: Verlag von Georg Reimer, 1861. 103 pp. 8°. Levassei^, Emile. Emigration in the nineteenth century. {In United States. Bureau of foreign i-ommerce. Emigration and v immigration, pp. 720-734. Washington, J887, 8°. ) "Translated from ' I'Economiste franrais,' Sepfember 27 and October 4, 1884." Liberal immigration league, JVeiv York. The immigrant Jew in r America, by Edmund J. James, Oscar R. Flynn, J, R. Paulding, Mrs. Simon N. Patton (Charlotte Kimball), Walter Scott Andrews. JVew York: B. F. Buck tfe company, 1906. JfiS pp. Illus- trations. Platex. 12^ Lindsay, R. C. Report on immigration into the United States. r London: Harrison and sons, 1906. 29 pp. 8^. {Great Britain. Diplomatic and consvlar reports. Miscellaneous series, no. 655.) Livingston, [Edward]. Discurso de Mr. Livingston, contra la ley de expulsion de extranjeros, dada en los Estados-Unidos de America. Acompanado de un prologo y de un comentario del traductor. Mexico, 1873. Imprenta dela'"'' Yoz de Mexico. " v, 31 pp. 12"- The speech of Edward Livingston, Esq., on the third reading of the Alien bill. Philadelphia: Printed hy James Carey, [1798]. 16pp. 8'^. Longstaff, George Blundell. Studies in statistics, social, political, and medical. London: E. Stanford, 1891. xvi,JfS5pp. Maps. Tahles. JfP. "The migrations of the people in the 19th century," pp. 34-51; "The growth of new nations: The United States," pp. 54-112; "Canada," pp. 11.3-127; "South America," pp. 128-136; "Suutli Africa and Australasia," pp. 137-155. / 32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Lord, Eliot. The Italian in America, by Eliot Lord, John J. D. Trenor, Samuel J. Barrows. ^-—^ NewYor'k: B.F. Buch(&co7npany^(l905j ix^^GSpjy. Plates. Portraits. 8^. Contents. — The flow of emigration, by E. Lord; The inheritance and progress of united Italy, by E. Lord; The causes and regula- tion of Italian emigration, by E. Lord; Italian settlement in American cities, by ¥j. Lord; In competition and association, by J. .J. D. Trenor; In the ndning fields, by J. J. D. Trenor; On farm and plantation, by E. Lord; Rising demand for Italian immigrant labor, by E. Lord; The call for better distribution, by E. Lord; Pauperism, disease and crime, by S. J. Barrows; Progressive education and assimilation, by E. Lord; Privileges and duties of Italian-American citizenship, by J. J. D. Trenor. Louisiana. Bureau of immigration. An invitation to immio^rants. Louisiana: its products, soil>«4^climate. Baton Rouge: The Advocate, {189 I^.j 180pp. 8^. Lude^vig, Hermann E. Das Auswanderungswesen in Deutschland. Bericht an den Deutschen Volksverein zu New -York. Neic York: Gedruckthei Jacob Uhl, [18 J,8\ 18 j^l^- 8-. M. * * * Voyage au Kentoukey, et sur les bords du Genesee, precede de conseils aux liberaux, et a tous ceux qui se proposent de passer aux Etats-Unis. Paris: 31. Sollier, 1821. {2), 2Ji3, {l)pj). Folded map. 8^. Mackenzie, Eneas. An historical, topographical, and descriptive ^ view of the United States of America, and of Upper and Lower Canada. 2d ed. Neincastle upon Tyne: Mackenzie and Dent, 1819. xv, (i), [9y712pp. Plates. Folded map. <9°. McLanahan, Samuel. Our people of foreign speech: a handbook distinguishing and describing those in the United States whose native tongue is other than English, with particular reference to religious work among them. JS^eio York, Chicago, [etc.^ F. 11. Rcvell company, \1901t\. I 105, {6) pp. Diagrams. 8°. V McLaughlin, Allan J. Immigration and the public health. {In La Follette, Robert M., ed. The making of America, vol. 10, pp. 119-127. Chicago, (90p 8°.) ^ Marcus, Moses. Address on the subject of^emigration. IVew York: J. T. Crowell d; co.,(^^J J^O pp. 12"". Marsh, William. Wegweiser fiir Auswanderer nach den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. 2. vergrosserte Ausg. \Alto7ia: Druck von II. W. Kohner (& co.], 1866. 28 pp. 8°. Cover-title. BOOKS ON IMMIGRATION 33 / Marshall, L. C. Race effects of immigration. {In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1906, pp. 314-324, 626-629. Columbus, tf9^/ 8°. ) Maryland. Bureau of immigration. Second report. Baltimore, Md., 1899. 53 pp. 8^. Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics of lahor. Race in industry', from the Thirty-fourth annual report of the Massachusetts y/ Bureau of statistics of labor, paj^es 1 to 130, and Labor bulletin of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, no 27, August, 1903, containing Aliens in industry, immigration act of the United States, and statistical abstracts. [^Washington: Government 2^^ ^^^^f^ng office., d90^.'\ 131 pp. 8°. (U. S. 58th Congress., 1st sesssion. K^mate document no. 27.) Maury, Sarah Mytton (Hughes) ''^Mrs. William ]Maury." An English woman in America. London [etc.]: T. Richardson and so7i,{184^. {4) cxviii, (2), 204 pp. 1^'^- Melish, John. Information and advice to emigrants to the United States: and from the eastern to the western states. Philadelphia: J. Melish, 1819. viii,144l>P' Folded maps. Mesnaud de Saint-Paul, Jean. De I'immigration etrangere en Fra^nce consideree au point de vue economique. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1902. viii, 14-3 pp. 8^. " Index bibliographique " : pp. [vii]-viii. Meyers, John Frederic. Report on immigration, and the proper transportation of immigrants to and within the United States. Made to the Secretary of the Treasury. Novem- ber 1, 1871. Washington: Government printing office, 1871. 7 pp. 8^. Same. [German translation.] [Washington. D. a, 1871.] 8pp. 8^. / Report on protection to immigrants. 1873. [In United States. 43d Congress, 1st session. Senate executive document no. 23, pp. 157-192. ) Mejo^ck, A. S. Immigration and the labor problem. y {In New Jersey. Bureau oi statistics of labor and industries. 7th annual report, (l884Jpp. 282-296. Trenton, N. J. 1885. 8°.) 20807—07 3 34 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Miller, Bernhard. Hand- imd Keisebuch fiir die Ver. Staaten von Nordamerika, herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung von C. Hiebl. Nexv York: B. Miller und Hiebl, 1873. [iii]-^iii, (^), 3U pp. Folded map. 16°. Millis, HaiT}' A. The law affecting immigrants and tramps. {LiJi^\ona\ conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, i897,'pp. 355-361. Boston, 1898. 8°.) ^Missouri immigration convention. Official^upceedings. Held in ^ St. Louis, April 13th, 14th, 15th, ^SSO) {St. Louis: Times printing house., 188u7\ Jt.6 pp. 8°. Mooney, Thomas, Nine years in America: in a series of letters to his cousin, Patrick Mooney, a farmer in Ireland. 2d ed. Dublin: J. McGlashan, <[83d7 151^ pp. 16°. New Jersey. Bivreau of statistics of labor and industries. 7th / annual report, 1884. Trenton^ N. J.: John L. Murphy^ (l885). 8°. " Importation of foreign labor under contract," pp. 274-281; "Im- migration and the labor problem," pp. 282-296. Ne-w York. State. Commissioners of emigration. Annual reports, 1847 to 1860, 1861, 1863, 1865-1869, 1870-1873, 1877-1890. Weio York: John F. Trow., printer \etc.\ 1861-1891. 39 vols, in 9. 8°. Bulletin of the Department of labor of the state of New York. Vol. 1-7, June, 1899-Dec., 1905. Albany: J. B. Lyon company., 1899-1905. 7 vols. 8°. Title varies. Contain the statistics of alien arrivals at the port of New York. Bureau of labor statistics. Tenth annual report for the year 1892. Albany: James B. Lyo?i, 1893. 2 vols. Immigration, vol. 1, pp. 170-195. 16th annual report, 1898. Wev} York and Albany: Wynkoop Ilallenheck Crawford co., 1899. Plates. 8°. Part II. Immigration, its progress, extent, and effect, pp. 954-1150. Part 111. Investigation of alien labor employed on state contract work, pp. 1151-1158. La Nuova Icgislazione sulla emigrazione e sul rilascio dei passaporti per Tcstero. Como: Tipografia editrice ostinelU di Bertolini Hani e th ed. London [etc.]: J. Johnmn, 1850. (2), vi, 217 pp. I\>rtniH. Folded map. 16^. 36 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS Rauschenbusch, August. Einige Anweisungen fiir Auswanderer luicli den westlichen Staaten von Nordamerika, und Reise- bilder. 3. Auflage. KJherfeldund herlohn: J. BddeJcer, mS. 120 pp. 12^. Ravenstein, E. G. The laws of migration. {In Royal statistical society. Journal, vol. 48 (1885), pp. 167-227; vol. 52 (1889), pp. 2-41-301. London, 1885-1889. 8°.) Richter, Dmitrij J. Die Auswanderung aus Rus.sland und Finland. {In Jahrbiieher fiir Nationalokonomie und Statistik, ?>. Folge, 29. Band, pp. 69-77. Jena, 1905. 8°.) Riis, Jacob August. The battle with the slum. Neiv Yo7'l\ London: The Macm Ulan compaynj^ 1902. .r?', Jf.65 pp. Illustrations. Plates. 8'^. "The battle vv'ith the slum" is properly the sequel to "How the other half lives. " How the other half lives; studies among the tenements of New York. New Yoi'l': C. 8crlhne'r''s so7is, 1903. a-v, (i), SOJf. j^p. Illus- trations. Plans. 12''^. ^ Roberts, Peter. Anthracite coal communities; a study of thedemo- graph}', the social, educational and moral life of the anthra- cite i-egions. New York, London: The Macmillan company .^ 190 Jf.. xiii, 387 pp. Maps. Plates. 8°. Bibliography : pp. xi-xiii. Roberts, William K. The Mongolian problem in America; a dis- cussion of the possibilities of the yellow peril, with notes upon American diplomac}^ in its relation to the boycott. San Prancisco: Organized labor print., 1906. GO j'P- 8^. Sanborn, F. B. Insanity and immigration. {In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1898, pp. 268-275. Boston, 1899. 8°.) Migration and immigration. {In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1886, pp. 2.53-259. Boston, 1886. 8°.) Regulation of emigration. {In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1887, pp. 212-214. Boston, 1887. 8°.) Sanders, Thomas B. Report, relative to the alterations in existing laws necessary to secure effectual protection to steerage- passengers on emigrant-vessels. 1874. January 1, 1873. {In United States 43d Congress, 1st session. Senate executive doc- ument no. 23, pp. 49-107. ) BOOKS ON IMMIGRATION 37 Sanderson, John P. Republican landmarks. The views and opin- ions of American stetesmen on foreign immigration. Pluladdphia: J. B. Lijyplncott cfc co., 18oU. 307 pp. S°. Santa- Anna Nery, Frederico Jose de. L'emigration et rimmigiation pendant les dernieres annees. Genoca: Tipo. del R. Istituto Sordo-Mutl^ ISOJf.. (JO pp. JfP. Sargent, Frank P. Problems of immigration. {In La Follette, Robert M. ed. The making of America, vol. 2, pp. 437-442. Chicago, 1906. 8°. ) Sartori, Francesco. Accordi internazionali sulT emigrazione. {In Rivista internazionale, vol. 42, November, 1906, pp. 328-442.) Schade, Louis. The immigration into the United States of America, from a statistical and national-economical point of view. Washmgto7i: Printed at the Union office ., 18o6. 15 pp. 8^. The United States of North America and the immigration since 1790. A statistical essay. Washi7}gton, D.C:,[1855.] 8 pp. 5°. Caption-title. Schomerus, Friedrich. Die Einwanderung in die Vereinigten Staaten und ihre Folgen. {In Jahrbvicher fiir Nationalokonomie und Statistik, in. Folge, 31. Band, Jan., 1906, pp. 76-90.) Schulteis, Herman J. Report on European immigration to the United States of America, and the causes which incite the same; with recommendations for the further restriction of undesirable immigration and the establishment of a national quarantine. Wa^liington: Government printing office^ 1893. 61 pj). 8°. Mr. Shulteis was appointed Member of a Special Commission to investigate in Europe the subject of immigration to the United States. Sch-wegel, H. Die Einwanderung in die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Osterreichisch- ungarische Auswanderung. {Ill Zeitschrift fiir Volkswirtschaft, Sozialpolitik und Verwaltnng, vol. 13, pp. 160-207. Wien, 1904. 4°.) Shamrock society of Nevr York. Emigration to America. Hints to emigrants from Europe, who intend to make a permanent residence in the United States, on subjects economical and political, affecting their welfare; drawn up especially for their use, in July last. London: W. Hone, 1817. 29pp. 8°. Also issued with title: "Flints to Irishmen," etc. Dultliii, 1817. 38 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Shamrock society of New York. Hints to Irishmen; who intend, with their families to make a permanent residence in America. DuUin: Printed ly R. ConoUy, 1817. 22 pp. 12"^. Also issued under title "Emigration to America. Hints to emigrants from Europe ..." London, 1817. Sherard, Robert 11. At the closed door; being the true and faithful account of an experiment in jn'opr'm persona of the treat- ment accorded to pauper emigrants in New York harbour by the officials of the American democracy. London: Dighy, Long (& CO.., 1902. 18G jyp. 12^. Smith, Richmond Maj^o-. Emigration and immigration: a study in social science. New York: Charles Scribne7'\s so7is, 1890. xiv, 316 j?p. 12^. Contents. — 1. Introduction: The nature of the question to be dis- cussed and of the phenomena to be observed; 2. The history of emigration; 3. The history of immigration; 4. Immigration and population; 5. The political effects of immigration; 6. The economic gain by immigration; 7. Competition with American labor; 8. Social effects of immigration; 9. Assisted emigration and immigration; 10. Protecting the emigrant: The passengers' acts; 11. Chinese immigration; 12. Restrictions on immigration; 13. The question of principle; Bibliography. Immigration and the foreign born population. {In American statistical association. Publications, vol. 3, j^p. 304- 320. Boston, 1893. 8°.) Statistics and sociology. Science of statistics. Part 1. ^^eiv YorJc: Macmillan and co.., 1895. xvi., 399 pp. 8^. "Migration," pp. 314-340. Smith, Sidney. The settler's new home: or, The emigrant's location, being a guide to emigrants in the selection of a settlement, and the preliminar}' details of the vo3'age. London: J. Kendrick,181fB. (^2), 106 pp. 16^. Smith, Thomas. The emigrant's guide to the United States of America; including the substance of the journal of Thomas Hulme, esq. 2d ed., enl. and improved of Hints to emigrants, &c. London [etc.]: Sherwood, JVeely, and Jones, 1818. (4), 52 pp. <5°. Snell, H. The foreigner in England; an examination of the problem of alien immigration. London: The Independent labour party, \j\. d.\ 15 pp. 12^. {Tracts for the times, no. 4-) BOOKS OX IMMIGRATION 39 Social progress; a year book and encyclopedia of economic, industrial, social and religious statistics. Josiah Strong, editor. Neio Yorlt: The Baker and Taylor co. , [1904.-1906]. 3 vols. 8^. Stamer, William J. A. The gentleman emigrant: his daily life, sports, and pastimes in Canada, Australia, and the United States. London : Tlnsley hrothers^ 187 4. '2 vols. 8'-". Steiner, Edward A. On the trail of the immigrant. JVeio York., Chicago, [etc.]: Fleming H. Revell company, [1906]. 37J^p2?. Plates. S\ Gives the experiences of one who has travelled in the steerage, with the results of his observations of immigrants in transit and as citizens, and has chapters on the following: The German in America; The Scandinavian immigrant; The Jew in his old world home; The new exodus; In the Ghettos of New York; The Slavs at home; The Slavic invasion; The Bohemian immigrant; Little Hungary; The Italian at home; The Italian in America; Where Greek meets Greek. Stevrart, Ethelbert. Influence of trade unions on immigrants. {In La Follette, Robert M. ed. The making of America, vol. 8, pp. 226-2.35. Chicago, 1906. 8°.) Stone, William Alexis. Evils of unrestricted immigration. Speech in the House of Representatives, January 27, 1897. Washington: [Government 'printing office]., 1897. 8 pp. 8^. Straten-Ponthoz, Gabriel Auguste van der, comte. Forschungen iiber die Lage der Auswanderer in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Nach dem franzosischen Originale bearbeitet von H. Fr. Osswald. Augsburg: K. Kollmann, 1846. viii., 196 pp. 12°. Onderzoek naar den Toestand der Landverhuizers in de Vereenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika. Utrecht: W. II. Van Ileijningen, 1847. {]i),122p>p. Folded maj). 8°. Recherches sur la situation des emigrants aux Etats-Unis de I'Amerique du Nord. BruxelU's: Meline, Cans et cornpagnie., 1846. vii, 158 pp. Folded map. 8'-'. Strong, Josiah. Our country; its possible future and its present crisis. With an introduction by C. H. Hell. Baker & Taylor co., X^w York, [1891]. .r, {10), [lo]-375 pp. 12°. "Perils — Immigration," pp. 44-p. 8^. (U. S. Treasury departmerit document no. 177 J^.) Immigration laws and regulations. Aug. 16, 1898. Washington: Government printing office, 1898. 20 pp. 6"^. {U. S. Treasury department document no. 2034.) Immigration laws and regulations. April t>, 1900. Washington: Government priiit in g office, 1900. 20 pp. 8^. Immigration laws and regulations. March, 1903. Washington: Government printing office, 1903. 32 pp. 8^ Inmiigration.laws and regulations. Augu.»p. 8^. ( U. S. Department of commerce and lalor docutneiH no. 9.) 42 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS United States. Bureau of immigration. Immigration laws and regu- lations. August, 1903. Washington: Government printing office., 1905. J/O pj). 8'^. {U. S. Department of coimnerce and labor document no. 9.) Immigration laws and regulations. August, 1903. Edition of December, 1905. Washington : Government printing office., 1905. 1^5 pp. 8^. Immigration laws and regulations. August, 1903. Edition of Februar}^ 1906. Washington: Government p7'inti7ig office, 190G. Jt7 pp. 8^. Immigration laws and regulations. February, 1906. Edition of October, 1906, Washington: Gover7iment printing office, 1906. IfS pp. 8^. Immigration regulations. March 13, 1903. 1 pp. 4^. {Treasury Department circular no. 32.) Naturalization laws and regulations. August, 1906. Washington: Government printing office, 1906. 21 pp. 8~^. Recommendations of the commissioner-ofeneral of im- migration to the secretar}' of commerce and labor, based upon the Annual report for the tiscal year ended efune 30, 1903. Washington: Government printing office, 1903. 6 j)p>- 8^. Congress. Senate. Committee on immigration. Restriction of immigration. Hearings before the Committee . . . [January 15, 1902] in relation to certain bills . . . [S. 662, S. 222 and S. 1891, to provide an educational test for im- migrants. ] Washington: Government p>rinting office, 1902. 28 2)p. 8^. Congress. House. Committee on. immigration and natural- ization. Hearings before the Committee on immigration and naturalization of the House of representatives, January 23, 1906, to March 6, 1906, inclusive, on the bills to estab- lish a ])ureau of naturalization, and to provide for a uniform rule for the naturalization of aliens throughout the United States, and on different bills referring to the subject of restricting immigration. Washington: Government printing office, 1906. 171j)P' 8^. Running title "Uniform rule for naturalization of aliens." Under this title has also been printed pp. 3-54 of these " Hearings." BOOKS OX IMMIGRATION 43 United States. Departmen t ofcf/mm erce an d labor. Certai n reports of immigrant inspector Marcus Braun. Letter from tlie Sec- retary of commerce and labor, transmitting-, in response to the inquiry- of the House, certain reports made hy immi- grant inspector Marcus Braun. \^Washinp' ^■'« ( U. S. Department of commerce and labor document no. 10.) Alien arrivals in the United States. Aliens (exclusive of aliens in transit) admitted into United States, by countries, during July and seven months ending July, 1904 and 1905. (/n United States. Department of commerce and labor. Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States, no. 1, series 1905-1906, July, 1905, pp. 495-496.) Similar statistics of immigration have been printed in the Monthly summary since July 189.3. See, also. United States. Treasury department. Bureau of statistics. Quarterly reports of the Chief of the Bureau of statistics. Alien arrivals in the United States. (//( United States. Department of commerce and lalnir. Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States, no. 4, series 1905-1906, Octol^T, 1905, pp. 153:{-1536.) Contains statistical tables of aliens admitted, by countries, 1904-1905; by months, from 1902 to 1905, and by fiscal years from 1S94 to 1905; and sex and age of aliens, admitted, 1S94 to l!t05. 44 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS United States. Department of labor. The Italians in Chicago. A .■>ocial and economic study. Prepared under the direction of Carroll D. Wrioht. Washington: Government printing office.^ 1897. JfOO pp. 8°. {[^. S. Department of labor. Ninth special report.) The slums of Baltimore, Chicaj^o, New York, and Philadelphia. Prepared by Carroll D. Wright. WasJtington: Government printing office., 189If. 620 pp. 8°. {U. S. Department of labor. Seventh special report.) Department cf state. Special consular reports. See Dingley, F. L. Industrial commission. Reports on immigration, includ- ing testimony, with review and digest, and special reports. Washington: Government iwinting office., 1901. cxxvi, 81fi pp. 8^. (Vol. XV of th^ Conifnission^s reports.) Contents. — I. Review of evidence and special reports; II. Topical digest of evidence. Part I. Hearings before the Industrial commission on the subject of immigration. Part II. General statistics of immigration and for- eign-born population, by E. Dana Durand. Part III. Immigra- tion and its economic effects, by John R. Commons. Part IV. Chinese and Japanese labor in the Mountain and Pacitic states, by Thomas F. Turner. Final report. Washington: Governmeit printing ofice., 1902. xi, 1259 pp. Maps. Plans. 8^. {Vol. xix of the Commi.ssioii's rep07'ts.) Immigration: I. Social and economic effects, pp. 957-969. II. Agri- cultural distribution of immigrants, pp. 969-977. III. Immigra- tion legislation, pp. 977-10;)0. President. Grover Cleveland. Immigration laws. Message from the President of the United States, returning to the House of Representatives, w^ithout his approval, House bill numbered 7864, entitled "An act to amend the immigration laws of the United States.-' March 3, 1897. 5 pp. 8°. {')Jf,th Congress, 2d session., Senate document no. 185.) Theodore Roosevelt. Annual message, 59th Congress, 2d session, December 4, 1906. {In Congressional record, vol. 41, current file, Dec. 4, 1906, pp. 2.3-37.) International morality, pp. 32-.33. Public health and marine-hospital service. Book of instruc- tions for the medical inspection of immigrants. Prepared by direction of the surgeon-general. Washington: Government printing office., 1903. 17 j>p. 8°. BOOKS ON IMMIGKATIOX 45 United States. Treasury department. Bureau of statistics. Iniini- gration and passenger movement at ports of the United States during the year ending June 30, 1893. Washington: Governraent printing office., ISOIf.. 64. pj). 8^. Sa?ne. 1894. Washington: Government printi^tg office., 1895. 77 ]>p. s°. Same. 1895. Washingto7i: Government ^^r/n^/7i^ office., 1896. 83 ]>j>. Folded 2)late. <9°. Immigration into the United States, showing number, nationality, sex, age, occupation, destination, etc., from 1820-1903. {In Monthly summary of commerce and .finance, n. a., vol. 10, June, 1903, pp. 4333-4444. ) Quarterl}^ reports of the Chief of the Bureau of statistics; showing the imports and exports of the United States, and other statistics relative to the trade and industry of the country. Washington: Government printing office., 1876-1893. 18 vols. 8^. Contain quarterly statements of statistics of immigration. Statistical abstract of the United States. Finance, coinage, mining, commerce, iumiigration, tonnage, navigation, the postal service, public lands, etc. Prepared . . . under the direction of the Secretary of the treasury. Washiiigton: Government printing office., 1879-1902. 25 vol x. in 21,'. 8-. See also Young, Edward. War department. Division of customs and insular afairs. Immigration regulations for the island of Cuba. Washington: Governmeiit printing office., 1899. 9 ])p. 8^. Immigration regulations for the Philippine islands. Washington: Government printing office., 1899. 9 pp. 8^. Immigration regulations for the island of Porto Kico. Washington: Gover7inientj)rinti7ig office, 1899. 9 pp. 8\ Venezuela. Congreso. Venezuela. Laws regulating immigration and public lands. ^Washington: Government jyrinting office., 189'). \ '>0 pp. 8^. {Bureau of the American republics., Washington, D. C. Special bulletin. June, 1895.) 46 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [Viereck, Louis.] Leitfaden fiir deutsche Ein wanderer nach den Vereinij^ten Staaten von Amerika. Neio York: [Die Geselhchaft, 190S\ IGO j}p. Illustra- tions. 8'-'. Villeneuve, Alphonse. Les Etats-Unis d'Ameriqiie et remigration; conference donnee a Rome par [!] par M. I'abbe A. Vil- leneuve, le 21 mars 1891, sous les auspices du Comite de Rome pour Femigration italienne, extrait du xx""*" siecle. Marseille: Impr. marseillalse^ 1891. vi, 53 pp. 8^. Walker, Francis A. Immigration and degradation. {In his Discussions in economics and statistics, vol. 2, pp. 417-426. New York, 1899. 8°. ) Methods of restricting immigration. {In his Discussions in economics and statistics, vol. 2, pp. 427-434. New York, 1899. 8°.) Restriction of immigration. {In his Discussions in economics and statistics, vol. 2, pp. 435-451. New York, 1899. 8°.) Waller, Zepheniah. Seven letters from an emigrant, to his friends in England; containing remarks on the manners, customs, laws, and religion of the United States of America, with a description of the city of New York, and observations on emigration. Diss [Fng.]: Printed hy E. E. Ahhott, 1831. 38 pp. 8°. Ward, Robert De C. The immigration problem; its present status and its relation to the American race of the future. Neio York: The Charity organization society, \1901t\. 16 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Reprinted from Charities, vol. 12, no. 6. Wame, Frank Julian. The Slav invasion and the mine workers; a study in immigration. Philadelphia and London., J. B. Lippincott company., 190Jf,. ^11 pp. Map. 12°. Webb, C. H. A manual for emigrants. New York: Printed hy William Oshorn, 181^9. 37 pp. 12°. Wells, George W. Facts for immigrants. Jacksonville., Llp. 8°. Spezieller Bericht iiber Einwanderung in die Yereinigten Staaten nebst Nachrichten fiir Einwanderer. Washington: DrucJc der Regierungs-Druckerei., 1872. (2), 158 pp. 8'-. Young, Sir Frederick. The emigration of state children. Being a state-aided scheme for the emigration and practical training of poor law children over whom the guardians have assumed parental rights, framed on the basis of joint action lietween the colonies and the motherland. {In Royal colonial institute. Proceedings, vol. 36, pp. 264-281. Discussion, pp. 281-286. London, 1905. 8°.) 20807—07 i IMMIGRATION: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1818. Emifrnition to the United States. .V//6'6-' reglder, vol. U {Aug. U 1S18): S80-382. 1820. Emigration to the United States. Mies' register, vol. 18 [Apr. 29, 1820): 157-158. 1835. Immigration. North American review, vol. Ifi {Apr. , 1835) : 1(57-^76. 1842. The immigrant. Joseph Sill. Godeys ladys hool; vol. 25 {1842): 180-188, 217-223. 1846. Foreign immigration to the United States. De Bow's review, vol. 21 {Jan., 18^6): 57Ii-577. 1847. Foreign immigration: its natural and extraordinary causes; its connection with the famine in Ireland, and scarcity in other countries. O. C. Gardiner. Ame7'ican review, vol. 6 {Nov., 18^7): Ji.55-Jt.66 ,' {Dec, 18J^7): 633-651; vol. 7 {Apr., 18^8): 419-4.31. 1848. Immigration into the United States. De Bow's review, vol. 5 {Mar., 181^8): 243-249. 1850. The immigration [of Germans]. Mercersburg review, vol. 2 {Nov., 1850): 620-634. 1853. Immigration, as affecting labour and prices. Hyde Clarke. Bankers' magazine {London)^ vol. 13 {Nov., 1853): 731-735. 1855. Sources from which great empires come. Immigration. De Boiv's review, vol. 18 {June, 1855): 698-705. 1855. The immigration since 1790; a statistical essay. Louis Schade. Ilunfs laerchants' magazine, vol. 33 {Oct., 1855): 509-513. 1867. European immigration. Jno. A. Wagener. De Bows review, n. s., vol. 3 {Ju7ie, 1867): 525-535; n. s., vol. 4 {July- Aug., 1867): 94-105. 1869. The philosophy' of immigration. Catholic world, col. 9 {June, 1869): 399-405. 1872. Immigration. Thomas White, jy. Canadian monthly, vol. 1 {JIar., 1872): 193-200. 50 immigration: articles in periodicals 51 1872. Immigration. Edward Jarvis. Atlantic inontfdy, vol. 29 {Apr., 1872): Jt5Jf.-^68. 1872. The immigrant in Canada. Thomas White, ^'z-. Canadian monthly, vol. 2 {July, 1872): 2-8. 1873. The administration and protection to immigrants. John Frederic Meyers. RepuUic, vol. 1 {Dec, 1873): 577-585. 1875. The immigration movement. Bankers' magazine {NeioYorJc), vol. 30 {Sept., 1875): 173-179. 1877. Juvenile pauper immigration. Canadian monthly, vol. 12 {Sejjt., 1877): 292-298. 1877. The immigrant's progress. William H. Rideing. Scrihner's monthly, vol. IJ^ {Sept., 1877): 577-588. 1879. The philosophy of immigration. William Brown. Canadian monthly, vol. 15 {June, 1879): 696-701. 1881. Irish emigration. J. H. Tuke. Nineteenth century, vol. 9 {Feh., 1881): 358-371. 1882. Russian Jews and Gentiles; from a Russian point of view. Mme. Z. Ragozin. Century magazine, vol. 23 {Apr., 1882): 905-920. 1882. Why they come. Edward Self. JVot'th American review, vol. 131f, {Apr., 1882): 3^7-367. 1882. With the emigrants. J. H. Tuke. Nineteenth century, vol. 12 {July, 1882): 131^-160. 1882. The political economy of immigration. ^ American, vol. U {Aug. 5, 1882): 262-263. 1883. A national need and its business supply. Clarence Gordon. Manhattan, vol. 2 {July, 1883): 60-60. 1883. The paupers and the immigration law. A. G. Sedgwick. Nation, vol. 37 {July 5, 1883): 6-7. 1883. The training for emigration among the middle and upper classes. Bankers' magazine {London), vol. 1^3 {Aug., 1883): 703-707. 1884. Evils incident to immigration. Edward Self. North American revirw, vol. 138 {Jan., 1884): 78-88. 1884. Defective naturalization laws. William Strong. North American review, vol. 138 {May.^ 188^): 415-1^28. l^ l^' \ i-, 52 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1884. Immigration into the United States. Armand Liegeard. Royal statistical society. Journal., vol. Jt.7 {Sept., J884): JfdG- 516. Translated from Journal de la Societe de statistique de Paris, June, 1884. 1884. State-directed emigration: its necessity. Zorc? Brabazon. Nineteenth century, vol. 16 {Nov.^ 1881,): 761,-787. 1885. State aid to emigrants. J. II. Tuke. Nineteenth century, vol. 17 {Feh., 1885): 280-296. 1887. Undesirable immigration. Fuhlic opinion, vol. 3 {Apr. 30, 1887): 1,9-52. Press comments. 1887. The tide of immigration. PuUic opinion, vol. 3 {May U, 1887): 97-99; {July 30, 1887): 336-338. Press comments. 887. Dangers of unrestricted immigration. Hjahiiar H. Boyesen. Forum, vol. 3 {July, 1887): 532-51,2. 1887. Immigration again. Worthington C. Ford. Nation, vol. 1,5 {Aug. 11, 1887): 108-109. 1887. Restricting immigration. E. L. Godkin. . Natiou, vol. ho {Dec. 29, 1887): 518-519. 1888. Occupations of immigrants. Fred. Perry Powers. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 2 {Jan.. 1888): 223-228. 388. Restriction of immigration. Edward W. Bemis. Andover review, vol. 9 {Mar., 1888): 251-261,. 1888. Immigration b}- passport. T. T. Munger. Century magazine, n. s., vol. 13 {3/ar., 1888): 791-799. 1888. The invasion of pauper foreigners. Arnold White. Nineteenth century, vol. 23 {Mar., 1888): 1,11,-1,22. 1888. Control of immigration. Do we need the immigrants? The question of principle. Richmond Mayo-Smith. Political science quarterly, vol. 3 {Mar., 1888): 1,6-77; {June 1888): 197-225; {Sept., 1888): 1,09-m' 1888. The distribution of our immigrants. Edward W. Bemis. Andover review, vol. 9 {June, 1888): 587-596. 1888. The invasion of pauper foreigners. Stephen N. Fox. Contemporary review, vol. 53 {^Tune, 1888): 855-867. IMMIGRATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 53 1888. Immigration. PuUic opinion, vol. 5 {July U, 1888): 313-3U; {July 21, 1888): 331-333; {Aug. 25, 1888): m-J^SJ^. Press comments. 1888. A menacing irruption. T. V. Powderly. North American review, vol. U7 {Aug., 1888): 165-17 J,.. 1888. The French decree against immigration. Spectator, vol. 61 {Oct. 6, 1888): 1350-1352. 1888. Naturalization laws and their enforcement. C. C. Bonney. Neiv Englander, n. s., vol. 13 {iVov., 1888): 305-327. 1889. Immigration and crime. William AI. F. Round. American social science association. . Journal, vol. 26 {1889): 66-78. 1889. New reasons for restricting immigration. Hjalmar H. Bo}'- esen. Our day, vol. 3 {Feb., 1889): 127-138. 1889. Government b}^ aliens. A. Cleveland Coxe. Forum, vol. 7\Aug., 1889): 597-608. 1889. Italian immigration into the United States. Eugene Schuyler. Political science quarterly, vol. If. {Sept., 1889): JiB0-Jf^5. 1889. The American field for emigration. Chamhers's journal, vol. 66 {Dec. 28, 1889): 820-823. 1889. Immigration and crime. William M. F. Round. Forum, vol. 8 {Dec, 1889): ]^8-^0. 1889. The tide of immigration. PuWc opinion, vol. 8 {Dec. 28, 1889): 28^-285. 1890. L'emigration europeenne. P^ugen von Philippovich. Revue d/ economic politique, vol. If. {1890): 3Ji.l-373. 1890. The immigrant's answer. John P. Altgeld. Forum, vol. 8 {Feb., 1890): 681^-696. 1890. Mr. Powderly on excessive immigration. American, vol. 20 {May 10, 1890): 76-78. 1890. Our foreign immigration — Its social aspects. John ('hot- wood, jr. Arena, vol. 2 {Aug., 1890): 268-277. 1890. The immigration of destitute foreigners. W. H. Wilkins. National review, vol. 16 {Sept., 1890): 113-121^. 54 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1890. The "foreign element" in New York city. V. The Italians. George J. Manson. Harper's weekly, vol. 3J^ {Oct. 18, 1890): 817-820. 1891. La politique des Etats-Unis relative a Teraig-ration. K. Mayo- Smith. Tr. de J. Chartrou. Revue d'economie politique., vol. 5 {1891): 29-38. 1891. The restriction of immigration. Henr}^ Cabot Lodge. North American review, vol. 152 {Jan., 1891): 27-36. 1891. Qualit}' of our latest immigration. J. B. Bishop. Nation, vol. 52 {Feh. 5, 1891): 108. 1891. Immigration. Solomon Schindler. Arena, vol. 3 {Mar., 1891): .'45-1^0. 1891. The French in the United States. P. F. de Gournay. Chant auquan, vol. 13 {Apr.. 1891): 1^8-53. 1891. The proper sieve for immigrants, E. L. Godkin. Nation, vol. 52 {Apr. 16, 1891): 312. 1891. The immigration problem. E. L. Godkin. Nation, vol. 52 {Ajyi^ 30, 1891): 35Jf-355. 1891. The language test for immigrants. A. A, Berle, E. C. Spencer. Nation, vol. 52 {Apr. 30, 1891): 360-361. 1891. The immigration problem. Nation, vol. 52 {May U, 1891): ^01. 1891. Lynch law and unrestricted immigration. Henry Cabot Lodge. North American review, vol. 152 {May, 1891): 602-612. Apropos of the lynching of Italians at New Orleans. I 1891. Immigration and the tariff. William McAdoo. Forum, vol. 11 {June, 1891): 398-Jfi5. 1891. Foreign pauper immigration. S. H. Jeyes. Fortnightly revieio, n. s., vol. 50 {July, 1891): 13-21/,. 1891. Are our immigrants to blame? Oswald Ottendorfer. Forum, vol. 11 {July, 1891): 5J^l-5Jf9. 1891. The persecution of the Jews. Isaac A. Hourwich. Forum, vol. 11 {Aug., 1891): 611-626. 1891. Immigration and degradation. Francis A. Walker. Forum, vol. 11 {Aiig., 1891): 63If-6U. immigration: articles i>' periodicals 55 1891. Immigration: a sjanposiuni. Tlie value of iminigration. Charles Parkhurst; The evil of immigration. \V. H; Wilder; Duty of the nation and the church toward inimi- gration. George L. Curtiss. Methodist revieio, vol. 73 {Sept. -Oct., 1891): 709-726. 1891. The new immigration. John Hawks Noble. Nation, vol. 53 {Sept. 17, 1891): 209-210. 1891. Immigration troubles of the United States. W. H. Wilkius. ^Nineteenth century, vol.30 {Oct., 1891): 583-595. 1892. The immigration problem. E. P. Clark. Nation, vol. 51^ {Jan. 7, 1892): 1^.-5. 1892. Methods of restricting immigration. William E. Chandler. Fonim, vol. 13 {Mar., 1892): 128-U2. 1892. Our national dumping-ground. A stud}^ of immigration. John B. Weber and Charles Stewart Smith. North American review, vol. 15 If {Apr., 1892): Jf.2Ji.-J(.38. 1892. The immigration problem. Samuel Epes Turner. Social economist, vol. 2 {Apr., 1892): 359-365. 1892. Incalculable room for immigrants. Edward Atkinson. Forum, vol. 13 {May, 1892): 360-370. 1892. The invasion of destitute aliens. Earl of Dunraven. Nineteenth century, vol. 31 {.June, 1892): 985-1000. 1892. The present state of the immigration question. John Hawks Noble. Political science quarterly, vol. 7 {June, 1892): 232-243. 1892. The immigration problem in America. Westminster review, vol. 138 {July, 1892): 65-70. 1892. Gli Italiani a New York ed a Chicago. Giuseppe Giacosa. Nuova antologia, vol. 12 Jf {Aug. 16, 1892): 618-6^0. 1892. Immigration. Francis A. Walker. Yale review, vol. 1 {Aug., 1892): 125-1^5. 1892. Studies in immigration. The Scandinavians in tlio NOitli west. Kendric C. Babcock. The mine laborers in Pean sylvania. Henr}'^ Rood. Forum, vol. U {Sept., 1892): 103-109, 110-122. 1892. Report of the Standing committee [of the Lend a hand club] on immigratioii and interstate migration. Le7id a hand, vol. 9 {Sept., 1892): 155-172. 56 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1892. Alien immigration. C. PI Howard Vincent. New revieio, vol. 7 {Nov., 1892): 606-618. 1892. Immigration. FuUic opinion, vol. H {Dee. 10, 1892): 221-222; {Dec. SI, 1892): 296-298. Press comments. 1893. Le probleme de I'immigration dans les Etats-Unis de I'Ameri- que. Pietro Sitta. Revue d'econori tie politique, vol. 7 {1893): 815-832. 1893. What immigrants contribute to industry. George F. Parker. Forum, vol. U {-Jan., 1893): 600-607. \ 1893. Alien degradation of American character. Sydney G. Fisher. Forum, vol. IJ^ {Jan., 1893): 608-615. 1893. The quarantine bill. Edward Everett Hale. Ltud a liand, vol. 10 {Jan., 1893): 1-6. 1893. The harm of immigration. E. L. Godkin. Nation, vol. 56 {Jan. 19, 1893): Jf2-Jt3. 1893. Shall immigration be suspended? William E. Chandler. North American revietc, vol. 156 {Jan., 1893): 1-8. 1893. Perils of unsifted immigration. Joseph Cook. Our day, vol. 11 {Jan., 1893): 1^2-^7. 1893. A solution of the immigration problem. William H. Jeflfrey. American journal of politics, vol. 2 {Feb., 1893): 132-13 Jf.. 1893. The other side of the immigration question. A. A. Halbrook. American journal of politics, vol. 2 {Feb., 1893): 156-158. 1893. A practical remed}' fo^ evils of immigration. Gustav H. Schwab. Formn, vol. U {Feb., 1893): 805-8 U. 1893. Why immigration should not be suspended. Henr}' C. Hansbrough. North American review, vol. 156 {Feb., 1893): 220-227. 1893. How to deal with our immigrants. Edward Everett Hale. Social economist, vol. Jf. {Feb., 1893): 75-83. 1893. Immigration and the foreign-born population. Richmond Mayo-Smith. American statistical association. Publications, vol. 3 {Mar.- June,1893): 301^-320. IMMIGRATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 57 1893. Chicago e la sua colonia italiana. Giuseppe Giacosa. Nuova antologia^ vol. 12 If. {Mar. 1, 189S): 15-33. 1893. Russian Jews as desirable immigrants. Ida M. Van Etten. Forum, vol. 15 {Apr.. 1893): 172-182. 1893. Italian immigrants and their enslavement. S. Merlino. Forum, vol. 15 {Apr., 1893): 183-190. 1893. Philosophy of immigration and annexation. George Gunton. Social economist, vol. i {Apr. , 1893) : 193-20 J^. 1893. Unrestricted immigration dangerous to American institutions. William R. Wood. American journal of politics^ vol. 2 {May, 1893): 512-52 J^.. 1893. European peasants as immigrants. N. S. Shaler. Atlantic motithly, vol. 71 {May, 1893): 64-6-^55. 1893. "Unrestricted immigration dangerous.'' William R. Wood. Public opinion, vol. 15 {May 27, 1893): 173-17 If. From the American journal of politics for May. » 1893. The immigration question in Congress. Richard H. Sylvester. American journal of politics, vol. 2 {June, 1893): 567-577. 1893. Immigration, Richard H. Sylvester. E. D. McCreary. FuUic opinion, vol. 15 {June 10, 1893): 221-222. From the American journal of politics for June. 1893. Immigration and the labor problem. Thomas Nixon Carver. American journal of politics, vol. 3 {July^ 1893): 78-81. 1893. The restriction of immigration. Ellen Battelle Dietrick. Social economist, vol. 5 {July, 1893): 21-31. 1893. Should we restrict immigration^ Arthur Cassot. American journal of politics, vol. 3 {Sept.. 1893): 2J^5-251. 1893. The census and immigration. Henry Cabot Lodge. Century magazine, vol. Jf.6 {Sept., 1893): 737-739. 1893. Histor}' of immigration. Charles S. Hoyt. Lend a hand, vol. 11 {Oct., 1893): 276-291. 3 893. Immigration and the sweating sj'stem. George Ethelbcit Walsh. Chautauquan, vol. 18 {JVov., 1893): 17^-179. 1893. The immigration problem. FuUic opinion, vol. 16 {Mv. 9, 1893): 122. From the New York Independent. 58 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1893. Immigration of aliens. Arnold White. Charities review, vol. 3 {Dec, 1893): 70-78. 1894. Has immigration dried up our literature? Sydney G. Fisher. Forum, vol. 16 {J(m., 1894): 560-567. 1894. Is it practicable to regulate immigration ? John Chetwood, jr. Ore Hand monthly, n. s., vol. 23 {Feb. 189^): 166-171. 1894. The immigration question. William H. Jeffrey. American journal of politics, vol . If. {Mar., 189Ii): 3W-3'25. 1894. How we restrict immigration. Joseph H. Senner. North American revieiv, vol. 158 {Apr., 1894): 4^4-4^^- 1894. The present aspect of the inmiigration problem. Robert De C. Ward. Charities review, vol. 3 {June, 189 If): 390-399. 1894. Immigration and the land question. C. J. Buell. Arena, vol. 10 {Nov., 1894): 807-814. 1894. The burden of indiscriminate immigration. Julia H. T wells. American journal of politics, vol. 5 {Dec, 1894): 608-616. 1895. Alien immigration. Geoffrey Drage. Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 57 {Jan., 1895): 37-4-6. 1895. Immigration and naturalization. H. Sidney Everett. Atlantic monthly , vol. 75 {Mar., 1895): 345-353. 1895. Alien immigration — a rejoinder. Arnold White. Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 57 {Mar., 1895): 501-507. 1895. Alien immigration. Geoffrey Drage. Royal statistical society. Journal, vol. 58 {Mar. , 1895) : 1-35. 1895. The workingman and immigration. John Watrous Knight. Charities review, vol. 4- {May., 1895): 363-375. 1895. Canadian immigrants. Arthur Paterson. National review, vol. 25 {May, 1895): 399-409. 1895. Strangers within our gates. Chamhers's journal, vol. 72 {June 1, 1895): 344.-347. 1895. Immigration. Edward F. McSweeney. American federal ionisi, vol. 2 {Dec, 1895): 172-175. 1895. Has immigration increased population? Sydne}'^ G. Fisher. Popular science monthly, vol. 4-8 {Dec, 1895): 244-255. 1896. Our attitude toward foreigners. B. W. Williams. American magazine of civics, vol. 8 {Jan., 1896): 64-68. IMMIGRATION : ARTICLES IX PERIODICALS 59 1896. The protection of Italian emigrants in America. Luigi Bodio. Chautauquan, vol. 23 {Apr. ^ 1896): }i2-lt.6. 1896. Immigration from Ital}'. J. H. Senner. North American revieic\ vol. 162 {May., 1896): 6Jt9-6o7. 1896. Tlie restriction of immigration. Henr}- Cabot Lodge. Our day, vol. 16 {May, 1896): 281-290. 1896. Restriction of immigration. Francis A. Walker. Atlantic monthly, vol. 77 {June, 1896): 822-829. 1896. Is the foreigner a menace to the nation^ W. G. Puddefoot. American magazine of civics, vol. 9 {July, 1896): 1-11. 1896. The restriction of immigration. Edward W. Bemis. Bihliotheca sacra, vol. 53 {July, 1896): 560-573. 1896. Handling the immigrant. Helen M. Sweenej'. Catholic world, vol. 63 {July, 1896): 1^97-508. 1896. Where do the immigrants go? Cyrus C. Adams. Chautauquan, %'ol. 23 {Aug., 1896): 551-555. 1896. Immigration evils. Rhoda Gale. Lippincotfs magazine, vol. 58 {Aug., 1896): 231-236. 1896. Italian immigration. Prescott F. Hall. North American review, vol. 163 {Aug., 1896): 252-25 Jf. 1896. Immigration and crime. Sydney G. Fisher. Popular science monthly, vol. 1^9 {Sept., 1896): 625-630. 1896. Economic aspects of immigration. John A. Roebling. American magazine of civics, vol. 9 {Oct., 1896): 235-2^^. 1896. Immigration and crime. Hastings H. Hart. American journal of sociology, vol. 2 {Nov., 1896): 369-377. 1896. Statistics of immigration. Gunton\ magazine, vol. 11 {Dec, 1896): Ii31-I{36. 1897. The I^odge immigration bill. PxdAic opinion, vol. 22 {Feh. 25, 1897): 231-232. 1897. The Padrone system. Gunton's magazine, vol. 12 {May, 1897): 343-34S. 1897. Should immigration be restricted ? Simon G. Croswell. North American remeiv, vol. 16 If. {May, 1897): 526-536. 1897. Immigration restriction as a necessity. Henry White. American federationist, vol. ^ {June, 1897): 67-69. 60 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1897. The immigration question. J. H. Senner. American ((cadeuty of political and nocial science. Annals^ vol. 10 {July, 1897): 1-19. 1897. The law affecting immigrants and tramps. Harry A. Millis. Charities revieiv, vol. 7 ( Sept. , 1897) : 587 -59 1^.. 1897. Immigration and the educational test. Prescott F. Hall. North American review, vol. 165 {Oct., 1897): 393-J^02. 1897. The immigrant problem. John M. Schick. Reformed church review, Jfth ser., vol. l{Oct., 1897): JfBJi.-J!iS5. 1897. Immigration, hard times, and the veto. John Chetwood, jr. Arena, vol. 18 {Dec, 1897): 788-801. 1897. The immigration of coloured races into British colonies. Arthur R. Butterworth. Society of comparative legislation. Journal, vol. 2 {Dec, 1897): 333-353. 1898. The Jewish workman. John A. Dyche. Contemporary review, vol. 73 {Jan., 1898): 35-50. 1898. Restricting immigration. Carl Schurz. Harper's weekly, vol. 1^2 {Jan. 8, 1898): 27. 1898. Educational tests for immigrants. J. H. Senner. Independent, vol. 50 {Jan. 20, 1898): 77. 1898. The foreign element in American civilization. Arthur Houghton Hyde. Popular science monthly, vol. 52 {Jan., 1898): 387-JiOO. 1898. New immigration bill. Public opinion, ml. 21^ {Jan. 27, 1898): 102. Outlook, vol. 58 {Feb. 26, 1898): 508. 1898. " A typical alien immigrant." Arnold White. Contemporary review, vol. 73 {Feb., 1898): 21^1-250. An answer to John A. Dyche in Contemporary review, Jan., 1898. 1898. Some Americans from oversea. Kirk Munroe. Ilaiper'^s new monthly magazine, vol. 96 {Feb. , 1898) : Ji.29- UO. 1898. The law relating to the relief and care of dependents. III. Immigrants and tramps. Harry A. Millis. American journal of sociology, vol. 3 {Mar.., 1898): 631-64^. 1898. An un-American test. S. J. Barrows. Independent, vol. 50 {Mar. 2Jf, 1898): 369-370. IMMIGRATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 61 1898. The Russian Jew in America. Abraham Cahan. Atlantic monthly^ vol. 82 {July, 1898): 128-139. Corrected with reference to changes since that time in Bemheimer, Charles S. The Russian Jew in the United States, pp. 32-40. Philadelphia, 1905. 1898. Immigration restriction defeated. Outlool\ vol. 60 {Dec. 21^, 1898): 990. 1899. A study in nativities. Byron C. Mathews. Forum, vol. 26 {Jan., 1899): 621-632. 1899. The Jewish immigrant. John A. Dyche. Contemporary review., vol. 75 {Mar. , 1899) : 379-399. 1899. The menace of immigration. Gu7iton's magazine, vol. 16 {Mar., 1899): 166-170. 1899. The New York immigration service. Alvan F. Saiil»orn. Independent, vol. 51 {Aug. 10, 1899): 211^6-2 llfD. 1899. L'emigration aux Etats-Unis. G. Francois. Journal des ecoiwmistes, 5. ser., t. Jfi {Dec. 15, 1899): 395-398. 1900. Immigration as it has been. Catholic world, vol. 71 {Apr., 1900): 110-lU. 1900. Present status of immigration restriction. Prescott F. Hall. Guntonh magazine, vol. 18 {Ajjr., 1900): 305-310. 1900. Our immigrants and ourselves. Kate Holladay Claghorn. Atlantic rnontJdy, vol. 86 {Oct., 1900): 535-5IfS. 1901. New problems of immigration. Prescott F. Hall. Forum, vol. 30 {Jan., 1901): 555-567. 1901. The changing character of immigration. Kato Holladay Clag- horn. World's worJc, vol. l{Feh., 1901): 381-387. 1901. Among the immigrants. Arthur Henry. jScrilmer^s magazine, vol. 29 {Mar., 1901): 301-311. 1901. La legge per laemigrazione nei suoi rapporti col scrvizio niili- tare e con la cittadinanza. Augusto Pierantoni. F Italia coloniale, anno 2, vol. 1 {May, 1901): 3Jf-65; {June, 1901): U-^^; (^^^no 2, vol. 2 {Aug., 1901): 1,0-58. 1901. L' Italia agli Stati Uniti ed in California. C. Dondero. F Italia coloniale, anno 2, vol. 1 {June, 1001): 9-22. 62 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1901. L' eraigrazione italiana per la California dovrebbe essereprin- cipalmente agricola. Paolo Dcvecchi. r Italia coloniale, anno 2, vol. 2 {July, 1901): 50-52. 1901. Embryo Americans. Elizabeth Robins. Harpers neio monthly magazine, vol. 103 {/Sept., 190J): 598-602. 1901. Gli Italian! negli Stati Uniti. L" Italia coloniale, anno 2, vol. 2 {Sept., 1901): 87-90. 1901. Restriction of immigration. George Gunton. Lecture huUetln,vol. 5, {Nov. 1, 1901): 79-99. 1901-1902. The fecundity of the native and foreign born popula- tion in Massachusetts. R. R. Kuczynski. Quarterly jotirnal of economics^ vol. 16 {Nov., 1901): 1-36; {Feh., 1902): 11^1-186. 1902. Problems of immigration. Edward F. McSweeney. American federationist, vol. 9 {Jan., 1902): 1-10. 1902. (tH Italiani nel Nord-America. (Un colloquio con Monsignor Scalabrini.) G. G. Belcredi. Z' Italia coloniale, anno 3, vol. 1 {Jan., 1902): 33-38. 1902. The problem of immigration. I. The argument for suspen- sion. John Chetwood. II. Chinese exclusion. Robert C. Br3'ant. Are7\a, vol. 27 {Mar., 1902): 25Jf-266. 1902. To what extent does unrestricted immigration counteract the influence of our educational and charitable work? A. A. Bradley. Charities, vol. 8 {Apr. 5, 1902): 325-330. 1902-1904. Le colonic italiane negli Stati Uniti. L. Paris! aiid others. Z' Italia coloniale, anno 3, vol. 2 {July, 1902): 53-60; {Ang., 1902): 184-195; {Sept., 1902): 286-304; {Nov., 1902): 500- 509; {Dec, 1902): 61,5-656; anno 4, vol. 1, {Feb., 1903): 191^- 198; {Mar., 1903): 302-309; anno 4, vol. 2 {July, 1903): 723-731; anno 5, vol. 1 {Jan.- Feh., 190.^): 48-58. 1902. Immigration's menace to the national health. T. V. Powderh\ North American revieio, vol. 175 {July, 1902) : 53-60. 1902. The real cause of the miners' strike. Frank Julian Warne. Outlool', vol. 71 {Aug. 30, 1902): 1053-1057. "The competition of the Slav, generally speaking, with the Anglo- Saxon." IMMIGRATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 63 1902. The late Rabbi Joseph, Hebrew patriarch of New York. Abraham Cahan. American monthly revieio of reviews^ vol. 26 {Sept., 1902): 311-3U. 1902. The Russian Jew in America. Maurice Fishberg. American raonthly review of reviews., vol. 26 (Sept.., 1902): 315-318. 1902. America's welcome to the immigrant. Ernest Hamlin Abbott. Outlook, vol. 72 {Oct. 4, 1902): 257 -26 1^. 1902. Americans in the raw. The high-title of immigi-ants; their strange possessions and their meager wealth; what becomes of them. Edward Lowry. ^Vorld's work, vol. J^ {Oct., 1902): 26U-2655. 1902. The Jews in Roumania. M. Gaster. North American reviev), vol. 175 {Nov., 1902): 664^-675. 1902. The Russian and Polish Jew in New York. Edward A. Steiner. Outlook, vol. 72 {Nov. 1, 1902): 528-539. 1902. In the paths of immigration. James B. Connoll}\ Scribner's magazirre, vol. 32 {Nov., 1902): 513-527. 1902. The weak spot in the American republic. J. Weston. Nineteenth century, vol. 52 {Dec, 1902): 905-912. Emigration from the United States to the Dominion of Canada. 1903. The historical and religious origins of our recent immigrants from eastern Europe. Reuben Parsons. American Catholic quarterly review, vol. 28 {Jan., 1903): 37-59. 1903. The alien immigrant. BlacktvoocTs Edinburgh magazine, vol. 173 {Jan., 1903): 132-Ul. 1903. The Italian immigrant in America. William E. Davenport. Outlook, vol. 73 {Jan. 3, 1903): 29-37. 1903. The German immigrant in America. Edward A. Steiner. Outlook, vol. 73 {Jan. 31, 1903): 1903. The American's distrust of the immigrant. A. .1. McLaughlin. Popular science monthly, vol. 62 {Jan., 1903): 230-236. 1903. The problem of Jewish immigration. Albert M. Fri(>d(Mil).M-g. Jewiah comment, vol. 16 {Feb. 6, 1903): 1-3. 64 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1903. Recent Jewish immioration to the United States. Roger Mitchell. Popular science numthly, vol. 62 {Feh.^ 190-i): SSIf^SJfJ. 1903. In the gateway of nations. Jacob A. Riis. Century magazine, vol. 65 {Mar.., 1903): 67jI^-68'2. Description of Ellis Island. 1903. What shall we be? 1. The coining race in America. Gustave Michaud. 2. Comments on the foregoing. Franklin H. Giddings. Century magazine., vol. 65 {Mar.., 1903): 683-692. 1903. Die Grenzen des amerikanischen Aufschwungs. Wilhelm von Polenz. Die Grenzhoten, vol. 62 {Mar. 12, 1903): 625-636; {Mar. 19, 1903): 709-719; {Mar. 26, 1903): 753-765. 1903. A people from the East. Norman Duncan. Harper'' s nev: inontldy magazine, vol. 106 {Mar., 1903): 553-562. 1903. Dangers of large foreign immigration. Joseph B. Bishop. International quarterly, vol. 7 {Mar., 1903): 238-21(0. 1903. The Slovak and tiie Pole in America. Edward A. Steiner. Outlook, vol. 73 {2/ar. 7, 1903): 555-564. 1903. L' emigrazione italiana e la California. Z' Italia coloniale, anno 4, vol. 1 {A^w.-May, 1903): Jf.20-Iflf0. 1903. Women immigrant inspectors. What they have done, the reason for their appointment and continuation. Philanthropist, vol. 18, no. 1 {Apr., 1903): 1-2; no. 2 {July, 1903): 1-2; no. 3 {Oct., 1903): 1. 1903. Les Etats-Unis ne sont pas un pa3-s anglo-saxon. Edmond de Nevers. Revue canadiennc 39. annee {Apr. 1, 1903): IiOJf.-42It.. 1903. Whence come our immigrants? W. Evans-Gordon. Wo7M's work, vol. 5 {Apr., 1903): 3276-3281. 1903. Some phases of immigrant travel. James B. Connolly. Outlook, vol. 7I( {May 23, 1903): 231-^36. 1903. The Slavic immigrant. Allan J. McLaughlin. Popular science nxmthly, vol. 63 {May, 1903): 25-32. 1903. Instituti di patronato delT emigrazione italiana negli Stati Uniti. Federigo Boutet. Z' Italia coloniale, anno Jf., vol. 1 {June, 1903): 57^-580. IMMIGRATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 65 1903. Forced labor in West Virginia. Gino C. Speranza. Outlook, vol. 71^ {June IS, 1903) : If.07-^10. 1903. Concentration or removal, which !• 1. M. Rubinow. American Hehrein, vol. 73 {July, 17, 34,, 1903): 271-272, 303- 304. 1903. This year's high tide of immigration. Samuel E. Moffett. American niontJily review of revlexm, vol. ?,s' {Jnhj, 1903): 50-58. 1903. Italy in Chicago. Kate Gertrude Prindiville. Catholic world, vol. 77 {July, 1903): 4S2-1,61. 1903. The Italian foreman as a social agent. . (liuo C. Speranza. Charities, vol. 11 {July ^, 1903): 26-28. 1903. Immigration for the fiscal year [1902-1903]. Independent, vol. 55 {Jxdy 30, 1903): 1771-1772. 1903. L' opera del Commissariato generale per I'emigrazione sue nuovo indirizzo. Ugo Carleton Sabetta. r Italia coloniale, anno 4, vol, 2 {July, 1903) : 694-699. 1903. Jewish massacres and the revolutionary movement in Russia. Abraham Cahan. North American review, vol. 177 {July, 1903): JfD-6'i. 1903. La politica dell' immigrazione e del la colonizzazione alT Ar- gentina. Vincenzo Grossi. Rivista marittima, anno 36 {July, 1903): 27-67. 1903. The grave problem of Jewish immigration. World's worl', vol. 6 {July. 1903): 3598-3603. 1903. Discussion on removal. Gersoni. American Hehrevi, vol. 73 {Aug. 7, 1903): 375-376. 1903. Dr. Rubinow's point of view. Boris Bogen. American Hebrew, vol. 73 {Aug. 21, 1903): 438-439. 1903. Blunders about immigration. Independent, vol. 55 {Aug. 27, 1903): 2061^.-2066. 1903. I lavoratori Italiani nel West Virginia. V Italia coloniale, anno I^, vol. 2 {Aug. -Sept., 1903): 858-861. 1903. Gli Italiani nell' Argentina. Le impression! di mm Siicfrdotc. Peppino Micheli. r Italia coloniale, aimo 1^, vol. 2 {Aug.- Sept. 1903): 862-865. 20807—07 5 66 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1903. Alia camera di commercio italiana di New-York, La relazione del presidente. Antonio Zucca. L' Italia coloniale^ anno Jf.^ vol. 2 {Aug. -Sept. ^1903): 866-870. 1903. The new flood tide of immigration. Outlook, vol. 7Jf {Aug., 1, 1903): 77 3-77 k. 1903. The making of Americans. Outlook, vol. 7 If. {Aug. 22, 1903): 969-971. 1903. The Hungarian immigrant. Edward A. Steiner. Outlook, vol. 7I^ {Aug. 29, 1903): lOJ^O-lOU- 1903. Immigration restriction in Australia. Everard Digby. Society of comparative legislation. Journal, vol. 5 {Aug., 1903): l!f3-153. 1903. Removal: the new patent medicine. I. M. Rubinow. American Hebrew, vol. 73 {Sept. 25, 1903): 606-608. 1903. Secret solicitation of emigration. Current literature, vol 35 {Sept., 1903): 3J{9-350. 1903. Congresso pro emigrazione temporanea. L' Italia coloniale, anno Ji., vol. 2 {Sept.- Oct. 1903): 977-1001. 1903. E r immigrazione italiana una minaccia^ Gino C. Speranza. V Italia coloniale, annoJi., vol. 2 {Sept. -Oct. 1903): 1010-1015. 1903. Why we are English in spite of immigration. Ladles' home journal, vol. 20 {Sept., 1903): llf.. 1903. The Russo-American Jew. Alexander Hume Ford. Pearson's magazine, vol 10 {Sept., 1903): 233-i 1903. Slav invasion of the anthracite region. Frank Julian Warne. FuUic ledger {Philadelphia) {Sept. 21-26, Oct. 6, 7, 5, 10, 12, 1903) page 8 of each date. 1903. L'emigration italienne. Humbert de Pianti. Le Correspondant, vol. 213 {Oct. 25, 1903): 236-251. 1903. Sociological questions. Franklin H. Giddings. Forum, vol. 35 {Oct. -Pec, 1903): 21^5-255. 1903. The great migration as seen at the port of New York. 1. Paul Soramerlatte. 2. Margaret Gold Batchelder. Home missionary, vol. 77 {Oct., 1903): 230-2 Jf.6. 1903. Where our immigrants settle. F. W. Hewes. World's work, vol. 6 {Oct., 1903): Jfi21-lfi2Ji.. IMMIGRATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 67 1903. British emigration : an appeal to England. David Mills. Empire review^ vol. 6 {Xov... 1903): Jf3J^-J^38. 1903. The bright side of Russian immigration. Allan J. McLaughlin. Popular science m,onthly^ vol. 6J^ (iVbv., 1903): 66-70. 1903-1904. Racial composition of the American people: immigra- tion during the nineteenth century. John R. Commons. Chautauquan, vol. 38 {Bee, 1903): 333-3Ifi; {Jan., 190Jf): Jt33-UJ3; {Feh., 190^): 533-51^3. 1903. Immigration. Winlield S. Alcott. New England magazine., vol. 29 {Dec. , 1903) : Jfi 1^.-1^.1 Jf.. 1903. Migration: an example and an opportunit3^ Evelyn Ansell. Westminster review., vol. 160 {Dec, 1903): 6J^0-6Ji6. 1904. Quelques indications relatives a la loi americaine du 3 mars 1903 sur I'immigration. A. Jusserand. Journal du droit international prive., vol. 31 {1904): 75-80. 1904. A million immigrants a year. I, Efforts to restrict undesir- able immigration. Henry Cabot Lodge. II. The need of closer inspection and greater restriction of immigrants. Frank P. Sargent. Century magazine, vol. 67 {Jan., 190 Ji): 466-Ji.73. 1904. Alien immigration. E. C. Carter. Economic review, vol. 11^ {Jan. 15, 1901^): 80-82. 1904. Imported Americans. I. The human swarm. Broughton Brandenburg. Frank Leslie! s popular monthly, vol. 57 {Jan., 1901/): 245-259. 1904. The immigration problem. Iron age, vol. 73 {Jan. 21, 1904): 33. 1904. II contributo degli Italiani alia prosperita materiale della citta di New York. Pietro Acritelli. E Italia coloniale, anno 5, vol. 1 {Jan.-Ech., 1004): 36-40. 1904. Colonic italiane d'America: Filadelfia. M. de Biasi. E Italia coloniale, anno 5, vol. 1 {Jan.- Feb., 1904): 4^-58. 1904. The immigration scourge. Guy Raymond Halifax. Overland monthly, n. s. vol. 4^ {Jan., 1904): 65-69. 1904. Immigration and the public health. Allan J. McLaughlin. Poptdar science monthly, vol. 64- {Jan., 1904): 232-'J3S. 68 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1904. The problem of iuimigration; removal of Jewish immigrants from New York. Charities, vol. 12 {Feb. 6, 190 J^): 119-120. 1904. The backwater of immigration. Arthur P. Kellogg. Charities, vol. 12 {Feh. 6, 1904.): 127-128. 1904. Immigration as a relief problem. Edward T. Devine. Charities, vol. 12 {Feh. 6, 1904): 129-133. 1904. Are we shouldering Europe's burden i F. PI. Ainsworth. Charities, vol. 12 {Feh. 6\ 1901,): 134^135. 1904. Immigration and dependence. Kate HoUadtiy Claghorn. Charities, vol. 12 {Feb. 6, 1904): 135-137. 1904. The immigration problem, Robert De C. Ward. Charities, vol. 12 {Feb. 6, 1904): 138-151. 1904. Immigration and household labor. Frances A. Kellor. Charities, vol. 12 {Feh. 6, 1904): 151-152. 1904. The need of a general plan for settling immigrants outside the great cities. Eliot Norton, Charities, vol. 12 {Feb. 6, 1904): 152-154- 1904. Racial composition of the American people. Industr}-. John R. Commons. Chaxitanqxian, vol. 38 {Feb., 1904): 533-643. 1904. Au pays de "La vie intense." Felix Klein. Le Correspondaiit, vol. 214 {Feb. 10, 1904): 512-533. "1. Sur la Lorraine et a New- York." 1904. Imported Americans. II. The overflow. Broughton Bran- denburg. Franh Leslies popular monthly, vol. 57 {Feb., 1904): 399-413. 1904. I benefici dell' emigrazione. F Italia coloniale, anno 5, vol. 1 {Feb.-Mar., 1904): 248-250. 1904. From Italy to Pittsburgh : where the Pennsylvania Italians come from. Maud Howe. Lippincotfs magazine, vol. 73 {Feb., 1904): 200-208. 1904. The problem of alien immigration. W. Evans-Gordon. Xational 7'eview, vol. 4^ {Feb. , 1904) : 907-915. 1904. Immigration from abroad into Massachusetts. Philip Ed- mund Sherman. Neia England magazine, n. s., vol. 29 {Feb., 1904): 671S81. immigration: articles in periodicals OV) 1904. A word on Italian immigration. William D. Foulke. Outlook^ vol. 76 {Feb. 20, 190 Jf): Jto9-Jt.Gl. 1904. The distribution of immigrants. Outlool', vol. 76 {Feb. 27, 190J^: 1^9. 1904. Italian immigration. W. E. Davenport. Outlook, vol. 76 {Feb. 27, 190 1^): 527. 1904. Das Bevolkerungsproblera in den Vereinigten Stiiaten von Amerika. Harry A. Fiedler. Freussische Jahrbucher, vol. 115 {Feh., 190Jf): 276-316. 1904. The emigrant Jews at home. Ezra S. Brudno. Worhrs^cork', vol. 7 {Feb., 190 1^): U71-U79. 1904. Race factors in labor unions. William Z. Ripley. Atlantic monthly, vol. 93 {Mar., 1901^: 299-308. 1904. Racial composition of the American people : social and indus- trial problems. John R. Commons. Chautaxiquan, vol. 39 {Mar., 190Jt): 13-22. 1904. Imported Americans. III. Through the city of thieves. Broughton Brandenburg. Frank Leslie's popular monthly, vol. 57 {Mar., 1904): 538-5^8. 1904. For immigration: natural advantages awaiting it in Louisiana. Manufacturers' record, vol. 1^5 {Mar. 3, 190 4): 131-132. 1904. Another view of alien immigration, Charles Rolleston. W&io liberal review, vol. 7 {Mar., 190 Jf): 223-238. 1904. A menace to America's oriental trade. Wong Kai Kah. North American revimv, vol. 178 {Mar., 1904): 4^4-4^4- 1904. Some aspects of the immigration problem. Roland P. Falkn(M-. Political science quarterly, vol. 19 {Mar., 1904): 32-40. 1904. The Russian Jew Americanized. Ezra S. Brudno. World: s tvorh, vol. 7 {Mar., 1904): 4/355-4567. 1904. The new American type. H. D. Sedgwick. Atlantic monthly, vol. 93 {Apr., 1904): 535-54^. 1904. What the United States owes the immigrant. Cyrus L. Sulz- berger. Charities, vol. 12 (Apr. 23, 1904): 4^0-424. 1904. Racial composition of the American pc'oph': city life, crime and poverty. John R. Conunons. Chautauquan, vol. 39 {Apr., 1904): 113-124. 70 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1904. 1 linciag-o-i net4li Stati Uniti e hi oinigrazione italiaiia. Augusto Piei'antoni. r Ft alia coloniale^ anno J, vol. 1 {Apr. -May .^ 190 If): Jt."33-^7 ^ anno -T, vol. 3 {July, 190 Jf): 37-52. 1904. Italians in cotton-growing. Manufacturers' record., vol. 4-o {Apr. 7, 1904): 2^9. 1904. Italians in the cotton fields: their superiority over negroes shown on an Arkansas plantation. Lee J. Lang'le}'. Manu/acfurcr.s' record, vol. .f> {Apr. 7, 1904): 250. 1904. To build up Louisiana [interview with A\'. W. Heard]. Lee J. Langley. Manufacturerii' record, vol. 4^ {Apr. 14, 1904): 276-277. 1904. Is the new immigration dangerous to the country i O. P. Austin. Nortli Anterican remeu\ vol. 178 {Ajjr., 1904): 558-570. 1904. Our Italian immigrants. Outlool', vol. 76 {Apr. 16, 1904): 911-912. 1904. Solving the immigration problem. Gino Carlo Speranza. Outlook, vol. 76 {A/rr. 16, 1904): 928-933. 1904. Our uninvited guests. Charles Rolleston. Westminster review, vol. 161 {Apr., 1904): k-01-406. 1904. National power to exclude aliens. Bradst reefs, vol. 32 {May 21, 1904): 322. 1904. Notes on the Italians in Boston. Robert A. Woods. Charities, vol. 12 {May 7, 1904): 4^1-452. 1904. How it feels to be a problem: A consideration of certain causes which prevent or retard assimilation. Gino C. Spe- ranza. Charities, vol. 12 {May 7, 1901^): 4.57-4/63. 1904. The exodus of a Latin people. William E. Davenport. Charities, vol. 12 {May 7, 1904): 4(^3-4.67. 1904. The philanthropist-padrone. Charles B. Phipard. Charities, vol. 12 {3Iay 7, 1904): ^70-472. 1904. The agricultural possibilities of Italian immigration. Gustavo Tosti. Charities, vol. 12 {May 7, 1904): ^72-476. 1904. The associated life of the Italians in New York city. Antonio Mangano. Charities, vol. 12 {May 7, 1904): 4.76-482. immigration: articles in periodicals 71 1904. The Italian and public health. Rocco Brindisi. ^ Charities, vol. 12 {May 7, 1904): 4S3-4S6'. 1904. Tuberculosis and the Italians in the United States. Antonio Stella. Charities, vol. 12 {May 7, 1904): .!f86-JtS9. 1904. Some aspects of Italian housing and social conditions in Phila- delphia. Emil}^ Wayland Dinwiddle. Charities, vol. 12 {May 7, 190 J,): J^90-If94. 1904. A transplanted birthright: the development of tiie second generation of the Italians in an American environment. Lilian Brandt. Charities, vol. 12 {May 7, 1904): ^9^-.p.9. 1904. The Italian under economic stress. Kate Holladay Claghorn. Charities, vol. 12 {May 7, 1904): 501-504. 1904. Racial composition of the American people: amalgamation and assimilation. John R. Commons. Chautauquaii, vol. 39 {May, 1904): 217-227. 1904. Bringing German immigrants to the South. C. E. Hayes. ''Dixie,'' vol. 20 {May, 1904): 20-21. 1904. Imported Americans. IV. The voyage, Broughton Bran- denburg. Leslie's monthly magazine, vol. 58 {May, 1904): 69-78. 1904. II proletariato intellettuale e il problema del V emigrazione. Enrico Cocchia. Nuova antologia, anno 39 {May 1, 1904): 89-99. 1904. Italian immigration. Robert De C. Ward. Outlook, vol. 77 {May 7, 1904): 95-96. 1904. [Constitutionality of the immigration law affirmed.] Albany law jommal, vol. 66 {Jane, 1904): 173-174- 1904. Immigration problems. J. C. Monaghan. Catholic iDorld, vol. 79 {June, 1904): 285-298. 1904. The Scandinavians in the Northwest. R. A. Jernberg. Home missionary, vol. 78 {June, 1904): 89-94- 1904. Imported Americans. V. Through Ellis l^hiiui. Brougliton Brandenburg. Leslie's monthly tnagazine, vol. 5S {Jinw, 1904): 162-171. 1904. Southern immigration and the cotton problem. Manufacturers' record, vol. 4^5 {Jane 2, 1904): ^-^''-.^i.')'. 72 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1904. Immigration and the cotton problem. Walter G. Cooper. Manufacturers' record., vol, Jflj {June 9, 190 Jf): Jf.65. ^ 1904. Immigration and the negro. Manufacturers'' record, vol. Ji6 {June 30, 1901^: 530. 1904. Italians as southern fanners. Striking characterization of their success and value to the community. Lee J. Langley. Manufactur'ers'' record, vol. JfO {June 30., 190%: 535. 1904. Immigrants and steamship wars. Nation, vol. 78 {June 16, 190Jf): 1^65-^66. 1904. The immigration problem: a new view. Clarence H. Matson, Outlool', vol. 77 {Jane '26, 190 J^): ^61-1^61^. 1904. Some results in distributing immigrants. Railway loorld, ml. 1^8 {June 11, 190 Jf): 659-660. 1904. Immigration on the Santa Fe. James W. Steele. Railviay world, vol. Jp8 {June 11, 190Jf) : 660-661. 1904. Problems of immigration. Frank P. Sargent. Atnerican academy of j)olithcal and social science. Annals, vol. 24. {July, 1904): 151-158. 1904. The diffusion of immigration. Eliot Norton. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. U {J'lh^ 1904)-' 159-165. 1904. Selection of immigration. Prescott F. Hall. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 24 {July, 190 J^): 167-184-. 1904. Immigration in its I'elation to pauperism. Kate Holladay Claghorn. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 24 {July, 190 i^): 185-205. 1904. Australasian methods of dealing with immigration. Frank Parsons. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 24. {July, 1904): 207-220. 1904. Proposals affecting immigration. John J. D. Trenor. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 24 {July, 1904): 221-236. 1904. What emigration may mean to Italy. American monthly review of revieivs, vol. 30 {July, 1904): 109-111. Review of article by Enrico Cocchia in Nuova Antologia. IMMIGRATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 73 1904. 1904. 1904. 1904. 1904. 1904. \1904. »^904. 1904. 1904. 1904. 1904. ^ 1904. 1904. 1904. Imported Americans. VI. The harvest. Broughton Bran- denburg. Leslie's monthly magazine^ vol. 58 {July., 1904): 312-321. Italians of New England. Amy Woods. New England niagazlne^ 71. s., vol. 30 {July., 1904): 626-632. Who shall regulate immigration? Outlook, vol 77 {July 23, 1901^): 681-683. The immigrant, past and present. Allan J. McLaughlin. Popular science monthly, vol. 60 {July, 1904) • 224.-227. L'arret de I'emigration allemande. Rene Gonnard. Questions diplomatiques et colonlales, vol. 18 {July 1, 1904): 26-35. La colonizzazione italiana negli Stati Uniti. 1/ Italia coloniale, anno 5, vol. 2 {Aug.- Sept., Oct. -Nov., 1904): 14.6-149, 260-266. Italians in the cotton belt. Lee J. Langley. Manufacturers^ record, vol. 4-6 {Aug. 4i 190 J/): .^^-^7. The restriction of immigration. Robert De C. Ward. North American review, vol. 179 {Aug., 1904): 226-237. Italian and other Latin immigrants. Allan J. McLaughlin. Popular science monthly, vol. 65 {Aug., 1904): 341-349. L'emigration italienne. Louis Jadot. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 18 {Aug. 16, 1904) •' 209-219. Alien immigration: the present position. Henry Seton Karr, D. J. Morgan, W. Evans-Gordon [Letter to the editor]. Saturday review, vol. 98 {Aug. 13, 1904): 202-203. Emigration from Italy. Bradstreefs, vol, 32 {Sept. 10, 1904): 591. "From 3d annual report of tlie Italian Commissioner-general of emigration to the Chamber of deputies." Immigration to foster cotton culture. D. A. Tompkins. J^lanufacturers' record, vol. 4G {Sept. 8, 1904): 173-174- Italian immigration. Manufacturers'' record, vol. 46 {Sept. 22, 1904): 221. Reviews letter of .John A. Wyeth in Montgomery advertiser. A mission of peace. Gino C. Speranza. Outlool; vol. 78 {Sept. 10, 1904): 128-131. On Italian immigration. 74 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1904. Hebrew, Mag3'ar and Levantine immigration. Allan J. McLaug-hlin. Popular science monthly, vol. 65 {Sept., 1904): ^l^-^-^^. 1904. International control of immigration. James Davenport Whelpley. World's work, vol. 8 {Sept., 1904): 5254-5^59. 1904. England's double problem of migration; an interview with Sir Howard Vincent. Charities, vol. 13 {Oct. 8, 1904): 59-60. 1904. Children of the steerage. Minnie J. Reynolds. Hotne missionary, vol. 78 {Oct.. 1904): 189-195. 1904. La colonizzazione italiana negli Stati Uniti. V Italia coloniale, anno 5, vol. 2 {Oct. -Nov., 1904): ^60-^66. 1904. The cotton supply and immigration. Manufacturers'' record, vol. 46 {Oct. 27, 1904): .349-350. 1904. Immigrant farming community. E. F. Peck. Ne^v England magazine, n. s., vol. 31 {Oct., 1901^): W7-210. 1904. Le colonic agricole italiane neli' America del Nord. Saverio Fava. Nxiova antologia, vol. 197 {Oct., 1904): 462-468. 1904. The Italian in the United States. John Foster Carr. World:'sworl-, vol. 8 {Oct., 1904): 5393-5404-. 1904. Immigration and wages. American economist, vol. 3Jf {Nov. 18, 1904): 24-1. 1904. Alien exclusion. Blackburn Esterline. American law revieiv, vol. 38 {Nov. -Dec, 1904): 836-842. 1904. British colonial immigration law. American syreti and shipping, vol. 9 {Nov. 12, 1904): 133. 1904. Foreigners in England. John Holt Schooling. Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 76 {Nov. 1, 1904): 880-894. Reviews Report of Royal commission on Alien immigration. "Action should be taken to restrict the free entry of foreigners here and to rid this country of the presence of some of the aliens now living here." 1904. Japanese emigrants. W. Crewdson. Nineteenth century and after, vol. 56 {Nov., 190^): 813-819. "The Japanese labourer will aild to the prosperity of countries bordering on the Pacific. " IMMIGRATION : ARTICLES IX PERIODICALS 75 1904. Alien colonies and the children's court. Ernest K. Coulter. North American reviein^ vol. 179 {Nov., 190 Jf): 731-71^0. 1904. The immigration bugbear. Ernest Crosby. Arena, vol. 3^ {Dec, 190If): 596-602. 1904. The Slav in America. Charitiex, vol. 13 {Dec. J, 1901,): 189-366. A complex immigration, pj). 190-192. A shepherd of immigrants. Emily G. Balch. pp. 193-194. The Bohemian women in New York. Jane E. Robbins. pp. 194- 196. The struggle in the family life. Mary E. McDowell, pp. 19H-1M7. Slavs, Magyars and some others in the new immigration. Kate Holladay Claghorn. pp. 199-205. TheBohemians in Chicago: asketeh. AliceG. Masaryk. pp. 206-21 1 . Bohemian farmers in Wisconsin. Nan Mashek. pj). 211-214. The Sclavs in anthracite coal communities. Peter Roberts, pp. 215- 222. Some industrial effects of Slav immigration. Frank Julian Warne. pp. 223-226. Slavs in the bituminous mines of Illinois. John R. Commons, jip. 227-229. The Lithuanians in America. A. Kaupas. pp. 231-235. Notes on the Poles in Baltimore. Laura B. Garrett. i)p. 235-239. The Slovaks in America. P. V. Rovnianek. i>p. 239-244. The Ruthenians in America. Ivan Ardan. pp. 246-252. The Doukhobors: their character and economic principles. Joseph Elkinton. pp. 252-256. Housing and social conditions in a Slavic neighborhood. Mary Bueli Sayles. pp. 257-261. The Magyar in New York. Louis H. Pink. pp. 262-263. 1904. Imported Americans. Evalyn C. Lovejoy. Current literature, vol. 37 {Dec, 190.'^): 533-538. Reviews Broughton Brandenburg's "Imported Americans." 1904. Capitali sottralli alF Italia dalT emigrazione per V e.stero. Alberto Beneduce. Gvrrnale degli economisti, vol. 39 {Dec, 190.i): 506-518. 1904. The rise of the tailors. Ray Stannard Baker. McClure's magazine, vol. ^^ {Dec, 190 J,): 136-139. 1904. A year's work for Southern immigration. Manufactnrera'' record, vol. Ifi {Dec 39, 1901,). • 577-579. 1904. Thy neighbor the immigrant. Henry Otis Dwight. Missionary review of the world, vol. 37 {Dec, 190Jf): 881-89^.. 1904. To-day's chance for the Western settU'r. Charles Moreau Harger. Outlook, vol. 78 {Dec 17, 1901^): 980-983. 76 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1904. Chinese and Japanese immigration. Allan J. McLaughlin. Popular Hclence monthly, vol. 66 {Dec, 190k): 117-121. 1904. The agricultural distribution of immigrants. Robert De C. Ward. Popular science monthly, vol. 66 {Dec. , 190 J^) : 166-175. 1904. Railway distribution of immigrants. Frank Julian Warne. BaUtvay world, vol. J^8 {Dec, 10, 190 1^): U03-U05. 1904. Immigration and the South's development. M. V. Richards. Railway world, vol. lt.8 {Dec 17, 190Ji): lJ^31-lJt32. 1904. Immigration to the South. Railway world, vol. 4S {Dec 24., 1904): 1^54 . 1904. Immigration and the southern states. G. A. Park. Railway toorld, vol. ^8 {Dec 2^, 190 4): U59-1460. 1904. South Carolina's immigration department. E. ,1. Watson. Railway world, vol. J^S {Dec 31, 190 4): 1491-lJt92. 1905. The Slavic races in Cleveland. Magdalena Kucera. Charities, vol. 13 {Jan. U, 1905): 377-378. 1905. Immigration: a field neglected by the scholar. Jane Addams. Commons, vol. 10 {Jan., 1905): 9-10. " Convocation address at the University of Chicago." 1905. Ps3'chology of nationalizing foreign mind; or the educational problem of Americanizing immigrants. James H. Hoose. Education, vol. 25 {Jan., 1905): 269-278. 1905. Labour and the aliens bill. C. Kinloch Cooke. Empire review, vol. 8 {Jan., 1905): 541-567. 1905. The Scandinavian factor in the American population. George T. Flom. Iowa journal of history and politics, vol. 3 {Jan., 1905): 57-91. 1905. Work for immigration to the South. Manufacturers' record, vol. 46 {Jan. 5, 1905): 602-604- 1905. Where immigrants are wanted. P. \a. Allen. Nation, vol. 80 {Jan. 5, 1905): 6-7; 1905. The character of our inunigration, past and present. Z. F. McSweeny. National geographic rnagazine, vol. 16 {Jan., 1905): 1-15. 1905. Our immigration during 1904. National geographic magazine, vol. 16 {Jan., 1905): 15-27. IMMIGRATION : ARTICLES IX PERIODICALS 77 1905. Naturalization of aliens. Oxdlooh, vol. 79 {Jan. 28, 1905): W8-W9. 1905. Keeping the new blood pure. Outlook, vol. 79 {Jan. 28, 1905): 219-221. 1905. Social and political effects of immigration. Allan J. M<'- Laughlin. Popular science monthly, vol. 66 {Jan., 1905): 21,3-255. 1905. The Italian cotton grower: the negro's problem. Alfred Holt Stone. South Atlantic quarterly, vol. 4- {Jan., 1905): If2-J,7. 1905. Evening schools for foreigners. Adele Marie Shaw. World's work, vol. 9 {Jan., 1905): 57 38-57 U. 1905. Paternalism and the immigrant. Broughton Brandenburo-. Charities, vol. 13 {Feb. 4, 1905): },32-},36. 1905. Immigration for 1904 reviewed. Kate Holladay Claghorn. Charities, vol. 13 {Feb. 4, 1905): I,52-J^6. 1905. Immigration, numbers and quality. Chautauquan, vol. I4.O {Feh., 1905): 507-508. 1905. Le developpement de la Republique Argentine et 1' immigra- tion. Pierre Leroj^-Beaulieu. FEconomiste frangais, 33^ annee, vol. 1 {Feh. 11, 1905): 185-187. 1905. Emigration : an international affair. James Davenport Whelpley. Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 77 {Feb., 1905): 317-326. Living age, vol. 2U {Mar. 25, 1905): 705-713. • Recommends an international conference on alien migration to bring about concert among nations to remedy present evils. 1905. An aboriginal argument against immigration. Manufacturers' recc/rd, vol. 1^7 {Feb. 16, 1905): 88. 1905. The economic side of alien immigration. W. Evans-Gordon. Nineteenth century and after, vol. 57 {Feb., 1905): 29^.-306. 1905. [Alien question in England.] North American review., vol. 180 {Feb., 1905): 291,-297. 1905. How immigrants are inspected. Allan J. McLaughlin. Popular science monthly, vol. 66 {Frb., 1905): .>57—>61. 1905. A railway immigration association. F. II. La Baume. Railway world, vol. 1,9 {Feb. 17, 1905): 135-136. 78 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1905. The republic and the oppressed of other lands. Aremi, vol. 33 {Mar., 1905): 326-327. 1905. The Italian immigrant on the land. Emily Fogg Meade. Charities, vol. 13 {Mar. //, 1905): 5J^1-5U- 1905. Recent inniiigration; a field neglected by the scholar. Jane Addams. Educational review, vol. 29 {Mar., 1905): 2Jt5-m3. 1905. Agitation" against Japanese immigration in California. Literary digest, vol. 30 {Mar. 25, 1905): Jf20-m- 1905. Japanese migration to the south. Mamifmturers' record, vol. J^7 {Mar. 9, 1905): 154-. 1905. [Immigrants at Ellis island.] Oaf look, vol. 79 {Mar. 25, 1905): 730-732. 1905. The spirit of the west: what the Monroe doctrine does not oppose. Guy Raymond Halifax. Overland monthly, n. s. vol. 45 {Mar., 1905): 220-221. 1905. P^ntering the United States. Albert Britt. Puhlic opinion, vol. 38 {Mar. 4, 1905): 327, 3J^, 34S. 1905. One aspect of Canadian immigration. Railway tcorld, vol. J^9 {Mar. 2 4, 1905): 242. 1905. How immigrants are inspected. Allan J. McLaughlin. Scientific American supplement, vol. 59 {Mar. 4-, 1905): 24^93- 24394. 1905. The foreigner in New England. Joel S. Ives. Connecticut magazine, vol. 9 {Apr., 1905): 244-^56. 1905. An object lesson for immigrants. Dart's review, vol. 13 {Apr. 1, 1905): 4- 1905. The emigration of state children. C. Kinloch Cooke. Empire revieuj, vol. 9 {Apr. -June, 1905): 208-228, 4S6-4j60. Views on the scheme: Sir Charles Elliott, pp. 457-458; Henry Luke Paget, pp. 458-459; Sir William Chance, pp. 459-460; David C. Lamb, p. 460. 1905. The alien. Edward John Prior. Macmillan''s magazine, vol. 91 {Apr., 1905): 4-40-444-' 1905. Our Italian immigration. Nation, ml. 80 {Apr. 20, 1905): 304,. 1905. Japanese as immigrants. Outlook, vol. 79 {Apr. 8, 1905): 862-863. IMMIGRATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 79 1905. The problem of immigration. Allan J. McLauglilin, Popular science monthh/y vol. 66 {Apr., 190o): 531-637. 1905. Exclude Japanese labor. Augusta 11. Pio. American federationist., vol. 12 (May, 1905): 271^-276. 1905. Significance of the Canadian migration. Annie Marion Mac- Lean. American journal of sociology, vol. 10 {May, 1905): 811^-823. 1905. The coming of the Jap. W. S. Harwood. Collier's, vol. 35 {May 20, 1905): 11^. 1905. Denison house and the Italians. Vida D. Scudder. Commons, vol. 10 {May, 1905): 287-290. 1905. The influence of trade unions on immigrants. Carroll 1). Wright. Commons, vol. 10 {May, 1905): 303-307. "Letter to President Roosevelt, in Department of labor, Bulletin." 1905. Emigration and colonisation: proposed new authority. C. Kinloch Cooke. Empire review, vol. 9 {May, 1905) : 305-313. 1905. Italian immigration to the south: significance of the tour of ambassador Mayor des Planches through that section. Albert Phenis. Manufacturers' record, vol. Jp" {May 4, 1905): 31^. 1905. Immigration to the southern states. Benjamin W. Hunt. Manufactarers' record, vol. Ji.7 {May 11, 1905): 371-372. 1905. Italy's attitude toward her emigrants. Gustavo Tosti. North American review, vol. 180 {May, 1905): 720-726. 1905. Emigranti ed emigrati ossia luia novella pagina di storia con- temporanea. Luigi Olivi. Hi vista inter nazionalt, vol. 38 {May-Jane, 1905): 3-20 , 181-196. 1905. The right of asylum. Speaker, n. s., vol. 12 {May 6, 1905): 135-136. On the Aliens Bill which is here regarded as "a product uf the same policy of mob-management which creates the anti-Semitism of the continent." 1905. Immigration and American industry. Charitiex, vol. U {Jmi,- 2J^. 1905): 862-863. 1905. Immigration problems. DmCs revieiv, vol. 13 {June 10, 1905): 6. \ 80 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1905. The case for the alien. M. J. Landa. Fortn'ujUhj revietr^ n. s., vol. 77 {June, 1905): 109J^-110o. "Jewish immigrants desired in England." 1905. The stranger within the gates. Broughton Brandenburg. Harper's weeUy, vol. Ji9 {June 17, Aug. 5, 1905): 868-870, llU-1116, 1133. 1905. Phases of immigration. Manufacturers' record, vol. 1^7 {June 15, 1905) : J^7. 1905. Is there an immigration peril ? The popular impression that the scum of Europe invades the United States vigorousl}- combated bj qualified experts. National civic federation review, vol. '2 {June, 1905): 1-7, 16. 1905. Control of eiuigration in Europe. James Davenport Whelple3\ jVm'th American review!, vol. 180 {June, 1905): 856-867. 1905. Italian to-da}-, American to-morrow. Jane E. Robbins. Outlook, vol. 80 {June 10, 1905): 382-38^. 1905. Immigration to the southern states. Walter L. Fleming. Political science quarterly, vol. 20 {June, 1905) : 376-297. 1905. Immigration and the Southern railroads. Railvmy world, vol. 1^9 {June 2, 1905): 1^31. 1905. L'emigration italienne. flacques Rambaud. Revue de Paris, vol. 12 {June 1, 1905): 601-622; {June 15, 1905): 871-891^. Contains numerous citations of monographs, special articles and reports. 1905. L'emigration hongroise. Joseph Mailath. Revue economique internationale, vol. 2 {June, 1905): JfB6—511. 1905. The culture which the Slav offers America. V. Svarc. Charities, vol. 11^ {July 1, 1905): 875-881. 1905. The Slav child: a national asset or a liability. Owen R. Lovejo}'. Charities, vol. llf {July 1, 1905): 882-881^. 1905. Underground immigration. Broughton Brandenburg. Charities, vol. llf. {July 1, 1905): 896-899. 1905. How shall we select our immigrants. Robert De C. Ward. Charities, vol. 1^ {July 8, 1905): 906-912. 1905. Emigration. John Martineau. Charity organisation review, vol. 18 {July, 1905): 22-39. IMMIGRATION : ARTICLES IX PERIODICALS 81 1905. Anti-alien legislation in England. Qhautauqiian, vol. U {July, 190'>): 390-S91. 1905. The inferno of the third class. Broughton Brandenburg. Collier's, vol. 35 {July 29, 1905): U-15, 28, 29, 30. 1905. The coming of the Norwegians to Iowa. George T. Floni. Iowa journal of history and politics, vol. 3 {July, 1905): 31^.7- 383. 1905. Southern immigration. Manufacturers' record., vol. 1^7 {July 6, 1905): 575-576. Review of Immigration to the Southern states by Walter L. Flem- ing. 1905. The immigration problem: a symposium. Henry C Potter, Robert De C. Ward, G. Gunby Jordan, John Willis Baer, William S. Waudb}" ai\d G mo C. Speranza. National civic federation review., vol. 2 {July- Aug., 1905): 9, 15-18. 1905. Making Americans of Russian Jews. Philip Davis. Oxtlool', vol. 80 {July 8, 1905): 631-637. 1905. Development of the immigration problem. Baihmy world, vol. >^9 {July 11^, 1905): 563-561^. 1905. L' emigrazione italiana nel Brasile. Giovanni Preziosi. Rivista inter nazlonale, vol. 38 {Jidy., 1905): 358-370. 1905. Italian immigration into the south. Emilv Fogg Meade. Sout/t Atlaiitic quarterly., vol. If. {July, 1905): 217-223. 1905. What of the Italian immigrant? Folger Barker. Arena, vol. 3J^{Aug., 1905): 171^-176. 1905. Immigration and labor. Chautauquan., vol, J^l {Aug., 1905): 1^37 -1^88. 1905. A state-aided and state-directed scheme of emigration and colonisation. C. Kinloch Cooke. Empire review^ vol. 10 {Aug. , 1905) : 1-10. 1905. A Canadian's criticism of the Dominion iinmigi-ation policy. E. C. Nelson. Empire review, vol. 10 {Aug. , 1905) : 4^7-60. 1905. Italian immigration to the south. C. F. Z. ("aracristi. Maiiufacturefri record, vol 1^8 {Aug. 3, 1905): 63-65. 1905. The Japanese invasion. J. M. Scanland. World to-day, vol. 9 {Aug.. 1905): 899-901. 20807—07 6 82 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1905. The newspapers of our aliens. T. W. Wilkinson. World's irorl' and play, vol. 6 {Aug., 1905): <27 1-^71^. 1905. Italian immigration into the United States 1901-4. G. E. Di Palma Castiglione. American journal of sociology, vol. 11 {Sept.^ 1905): 183-206. Examines ethnic and demographic composition of ItaUan immigra- tion, and physical, economic, social, and financial conditions it presents. The concentration of the Italians in the large cities is therein discussed, and declared to be as detrimental to themselves as to the United States. Colonizing societies, it is held, will solve the problem of concentration, and concentration done away with, the resulting evil necessarily ceases to exist. 1905. Is emigration ruining Italy? American monthly review of reviews, vol. 32 {Sept., 1905): 361-363. 1905. The problem of the immigrant an international one. Gino C. Speranza. Charities, vol. U {Sept. 2, 1905): 1063-1066. 1905. Immigration. Herbert Samuel. Economic journal, col. 15 {Sept., 1905): 317-339. 1905. Conference on immigration and quarantine. Manufacturers' record, vol. ^8 {Sept. 21, 1905): 239-24-0. 1905. Arguments for and against the restriction of immigration. Robert De C. Ward, Nathan Bijur. National civic federation review, vol. 2 {Sept.- Oct., 1905): 16, J^. 1905. The children of immigrants in the public schools. Hortense M. Orcutt. Outlook, vol. 81 {Sept. 9, 1905): 7^-78. 1905. The rising tide of immigration. Henry McMahon. Puhlic opinion, vol. 39 {Sept. 9, 1905): 325-330. 1905. Immigration and the public health. Allan J. McLaughlin. Puhlic opinion, vol. 39 {Sept. 23, 1905): 391-395. 1905. Evil effects of immigration. Lydia Kingsmill Commander. American federationist, vol. 12 {Oct., 1905): 7Jf9. 1905. Naturalization. Henry Stockbridge. American lawyer, vol. 13 {Oct., 1905): 419-1^22. 1905. Migration not emigration. Beckles Willson. Canadian magazine, vol. 25 { Oct. , 1905) : Jf97-JiB9. IMMIGRATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 83 1905. The Italian emigration department in 1904: the possibility of its co-operation with the immigration dopiirtmrnt of the United States. Gino C. Speranza. Charities^ vol. 15 {Oct. 21, 1905): lU^-llG. 1905. The earl}^ Swedish immigration to Iowa. George T. Floni. Iowa journal of history and jXjliticH., vol. J (Oct., 1905): 583- 615. 1905. Italian colonies in the United States: a new solution of the immigration problem. Frederick Boyd Stevenson. Public opinion, vol. 39 {Oct. 7, 1905): Jf53-45G. 1905. Immigration and the south. Robert De Courcy Ward. Atlantic inonthhj, vol. 96 {Noi\. 1905): 611-017. 1905. Work and play as factors in education. Jane Addams. Chantauquan, vol. 1^ {Nov., 190ft): 251-255. "Plea for personal contact with foreign population." 1905. The law of naturalization. Henry Stockbridge. Green lag, vol. 17 {Nov., 1905): 6U-651. 1905. Italian farmers for southern agriculture. Charles Scott. Manufacture r.^ record, vol. Jf8 {Nor. 9. 1905): 423-4£4.. 1905. Quarantine and immigration. Albert Thenis. Manufactxirers' record, vol. JfB {Nov. 16, 1905): Jf/iO. 1905. Immigration to the south. Herman Badenhoop. Manufacture rii' record, vol. IfS {Nov. 30, 1905): 514.-515. 1905. The lure of the better west. Aubrey Fullerton. Canadian magazine, vol. 26 {Dec, 1905): 126-132. 1905. The national conference on immigration. Arthui- P. Kellogg. Charities, vol. 15 {Dec 16, 1905): 372-376. 1905. The attitudeof labour towards emigration. C Kinloeh Cooke. Empire review, vol. 10 {Dec, 1905): J^12-li.26. "Policy of trade unions and Australian restrictiims.' 1905. All about immigration [editorial]. Jndepmdent, col. 59 {Dec. 11^, 1905): U13-UlJt. 1905. The National immigration conference. Oatlool, col. SI {D.<: 16. 1905): 90.\-905. 1905. Americans in tlie rough. [Editorial.] Outlool, vol. 81 {Dec. 23, 1905): 956-957. 84 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1905. Americans in the rough: character studies at Ellis island drawn from life. [Pictures.] Joseph Stella. Outlook, vol. 81 {Dec. 23, 1905) : 967-973. 1905. L' emigrazione italiaiia ug-li Stati Uniti d' America. Un Pie- montese. La Rassegna nazhmdl, rol. lJi-6 {Dec. i, 190o): 1^7 l-lfS7. 1905. Immigration and the international personalit}'. Scrf'hner's magazine, vol. 38 {Dec. 1905): 763. 1905. Americanizing the Japanese. W. 8. Harwood. World to-day, vol. 9 {Dec, 1905): 1286-1292. 1905. The Swedish-American and what he has achieved during half a century in a new land. World to-day, vol. 9 {Dec, 1905): 1293-1297. 1906. Slav emigration at its source. Emily Greene Balch. Charities and the Comaions, vol. 15 {Jan. 6 to Jfar. 3, 1906): 4.83-839; vol. 16 {Apr. 7 to Sept. 1, 1906): 71-5^9. 1906. Japanese immigration to the United States: Japanese as American citizens. Chautauquan, vol. 1^2 {Jan., 1906): 391, 392-394. 1906. Wh}' the Jews leave Russia. Adolphe Danziger. Metropolitan magazine, vol. 23 {Jan., 1906): 385-399. 1906. The Jew in America. Herbert N. Casson. Munsey'^s magazine, vol. 34 {Jan., 1906): 381-395. 1906. The national conference on immigration. National civic feden'ation revieiu, vol. 2 {Jan.-Feh., 1906): 1-6, 14.-19. 1906. The Hungarian emigration law. Louis de Levay. North American review, vol. 182 {Jan., 1906): 115-122. 1906. L'emigration italienne et les colonies sans drapeau. Rene Gonnard. Questions diploniatiques et coloniales, vol. 21 {Jan. 1, 1906): 36-45; {Jan. 16, 1906): 96-110. 1906. The Aliens act at work. Saturday revieu^, vol. 101 {Jan. 6, 1906): 7-8. 1906. Control emigration rather than inunigration. ,Tames Daven- port Wholpley. Independent, vol. 61 {Feb. 1, 1906): 261-264. IMMIGRATION ; ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 85 1906. Immigration in southern agriculture. J. P. Spanier. Manufacturers'' record^ vol. Jf9 {Feb. 15, 1906): 116-117. 1906. The sons of old Scotland in America. Herbert N. Casson. Mu7isei/s magazine, vol. 3J, {Feb., 1906): 599-611. 1906. Nel sud degli Stati Unit!. E. Ma3^or des Planches. I^uova antologki, lu s., vol. 121 {Feb. 16, 1906): 593-615; n. .«?., vol. 122 {Mar. 1, 1906): 3-30; n. s.,vol. 123 {June 16, 1906): 661-586; n. s., vol. 12^. {July 1, 1906): 10-\o. I. Da Washington a Charleston, S. C. II. Da Charleston, 8. C, a New Orleans, La. III. Texas. IV. Arkansas, Luisiana(!) Missouri. "The Nuova antologia begins the publication of a series of letters written bj' the Italian ambassador at Washington, describing his recent journey through the Southern States, with a view to encouraging Italian immigration to those fertile regions." 1906. The coming of the Italian. John Foster Carr. Outlool', vol. 82 {Feb. 2J^, 1906): 419-Jt31. 1906. Immigration abuses. Public opinion, vol. Jfi {Feb. 10, 1906): 179. 1906. Our godless immigrants. Public opinion, vol. Jfi {Feb. 2 J,., 1906): 2Jt5-2J^6. 1906. Sane methods of regulating immigration. Robert De C Ward. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 33 {Mar., 1906): 336-339. 1906. Are we benefiting from Hungarian immigration? American monthly review of reviews, vol. 33 {Mar., 1906): 35^.-356. 1906. The immigration problem and the south. Janu^s Horace Patten. Business magazine, vol. 15 {Mar. , 1906) : 115-122. 1906. One side of the immigration question. Charities and the Commons, vol. 15 {Mar. 31, 1906): 922- 923. "Nathan Bijar l)efore a congressional coniniittee." 1906. Immigration restriction: its fallacies. Cyrus L. Sulzberger. Charities and the Commons, vol. 15 {Ma/-. 31, 1906): 92 Jf- 929. 1906. State-aided emigration: a national piograinnic wanted. Sir Clement Kinloch Cooke. Empire review, vol. 11 {Mar., 1906): 97-102. 86 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1906. L 'emigration italienne. Paul Giiio. Journal des economistes, 6. se?:, f. 9 {Mar. 7-7, 1906): 321-336. 1906. The Germans in America. ^Jerl)ert N. Casson. Munsey's magazine., vol. .Up {Mar., 1906): 691^.-707. 1906. The significance of German emigration for Germany and for the United States. ATnerican monthly revieio of revieivs, vol. 33 {Apr., 1906): 4BO-4B1. 1906. P^migration viewed from the other side. American ^aontlihj review of reviews, vol. 33 {Apr., 1906): ^1-192. 1906. Studies of the immigration problem. Frederic Austin Ogg. Dial, vol. .iO {Apr. 16, 1906): 257-mO. 1906. The '"open door" for immigrants. .Tames Davenport Whelpley. Harper's weeliy, vol. 50 {Apr. 11^, 1906): 517-519. 1906. The Danish contingent in the population of early Iowa. George T. Flom. Iowa journal of history and politics, vol. Jf, {Ajrr., 1906): 220-3U- 1906. The growth of the Scandinavian factor in the population of Iowa. George T. Flom. Imva journal of history and politics, vol. J^ {Apr., 1906): 267-285. 1906. The Irish in America. Herbert N. Casson, 3funsey''s magazine, vol. 35 {Apr., 1906): 86-101^.. 1906. Record-smashing immigration. Public opinion, vol. Jfi {Apr. 28, 1906): 528-530. 1906. Features of new immigration law. Raihvay world, vol. 50 {xipr. 27, 1906): 355-356. 1906. Restriction of European immigration. O. W. Underwood. Science, vol. 23 {Apr. 20, 1906): 611. 1906. IJow immigration is stimulated. Frederic Austin Ogg. - World to-day, vol. 10 {Apr., 1906): Ipl8-If!21p. 1906. The Americanization of the immigrant. Grover G. Huebner. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 27 {May, 1906): 653-675. IMMIGRATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 87 1906. The value of an immigrant. Robert Baker. . * Arena, vol. 35 {May, 1906): oOI^-bOG. 1906. Purpose and use of tlie Baron de Hir.^ch fund. Eugene 8. Benjamin. Charities and the Cotnmons, roL 16 {May 26, 1906): 270-272. "National conference of Jewish charities." 1906. Opportunities in the South for tlie immigrant. I. L. Leucht. Charities and the Commons, vol. 16 {May 26,1906): 275-277. "National conference of Jewish charities." 1906. Die deutsche Auswanderung in die Stadte dor Vcrciiiigten Staaten von Amerika. Duncker. Deutsche Wirtschafts-Zeitung, vol. 11 {May 15, 1906): .'^36- 1,39; {June, 1906): 1,92-1,96. 1906. Foreigners for the South. Manufacturers' record, vol. J,9 {May 3, 1906): 1,27-1^28. 1906. The outloolv in the South's textile industry and its relation to immigration. Manufacturers' record, vol. 1,9 {May 21,, 1906): 515. 1906. The English in America. Herbert N. Casson. Munsey's magazine, vol. 35 {May, 1906): 209-219. 1906. Immigration and the South. T. Tildeii. Nation, vol. 82 {May 17, 1906): 398-399. 1906. The phantom peril of German emigration and South Ameri- can settlements. Baron Speck von Sternburg. North American revieui, vol. 182 {May, 1906) : 61,1-650. 1906. The control of immigration. OutlooTi, vol. 83 {May 5, 1906): 15-16. 1906. A new plan for immigrant inspection. Frederic Austin Ogg. Outlook, vol. 83 {May 5, 1906): 33-36. 1906. Railroad lands available for immigrants. Railway world, vol. 50 {May .',, 1906): 379-380. 1906. Labor and immigration: Georgia's problem. F. B. Gordon. Manufacturers' record, vol. 1,9 {June 7, 1906): 578-579. 1906. American labor in relation to industrial advancetncnt and immigration. Manufacturers' record, vol. 1,9 (June 21, 1906): 629-037; {June 28, 1906): 662-669. "A series of letters from American inannfacturerH." 88 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 1906. The French in America. Herbert N. Casson. Munsey's magazine^ vol. 35 {June., 1906): 360-373. 1906. Canadians in the United States. S. Morley Wickett. Political science quarterly^ vol. 21 {June., 1906): 190-205. 1906. Railroad interest in immigration. Eailroad vwi'ld, vol. 50 {June 29, 1906): ^39-5^0. 1906. An immigrant's story: a letter to Miss Jane Addams. Chautauquan, vol. JfS {July., 1906): Jfl3-Jf£0. 1906. The Lords and the aliens bill. John Ward. Independent review., vol. 10 {July., 1906): 1906. The laborer in Packingtown. Literary digest., vol. 33 {July IJ^.^ 1906): J^-S-JfJ^.. 1906. Attracting Southern settlers. Lawrence McRae. ManufacttLres' record .^ vol. Jf.9 {July 5, 1906): 69 Jf,. 1906. The Canadians in the United States. Herbert N. Casson. Munsey^s magazine., vol. 35 {July.^ 1906): Jf,73-JiB7. 1906. The modern problem of immigration. Winfield S. Alcott. New England riiagazine, vol. 31^ {Jidy, 1906): 553-562. 1906. L'emigration italienne. Aldo Contento. La Riforma sociale {July 15, 1906) Not in Library of Congresi^. 1906. Americans of the future: an optimistic estimate of the effect of immigration. Daniel T. Pierce. World to-day, vol. 11 {July, 1906): 735-738. 1906. Norwegian emigration and our interest in it. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 3Ji, {Aug., 1906): 22Jf-225. 1906. The future in America: a search after realities. H. G. Wells. LLarper's weekly, vol. 50 {Aug. 25, 1906): 1202-1205, 1215. "The immigrant." 1906. Steerage impositions. Kellogg Durland. Independent, vol. 61 {Aug. 30, 1906): J^99-50J,. 1906. The Scandinavians in America. Herbert N. Casson Munsey''s magazine, vol. 35 {Aug., 1906): 613-618. 1906. The Scandinavian- American: his status. Hrolf Wisby. North American review, vol. 183 {Aug., 1906): 213-'. 1906. The foreign-born American. Jane E. Robbins. Outlook, vol. 83 {Aug. 18, 1906): 891-893. IMMIGRATION : ARTICLES IX PERIODICALS 89 1906. Eflfects of immigration on homicide in American cities. May- nard Shipley. Popular science monthly^ vol. 69 {Aug., lOOG): 160-174. 1906. The distribution of immigrants in the United States. Walter F. Willcox. Quarterly journal of economics., vol. 20 {Aug., 1906): 52:i-o^6. 1906. What an immigrant inspector found in Europe. Frederic Austin Ogg. World to-day, vol. 11 (Aug., 1906): 80S-807. 1906. New York in the nineteenth century. John Austin Stevens. American historical magazine, vol. 1 (Sept., 1906): 1^07-416. "Changes in population, 1850-1875." 1906. Alien transmigrants. M. J. Landa. Hconoinic journal, vol. 16 {Sej)t., 1906): 353-364.. 1906. The Welsh in America. Herbert N. Casson. Munsey\s magazine, vol. 35 {Sept., 1906): 749-754,. 1906. Foreign immigration and the arid states. Charles Wood Eberlein. Pacific monthly, vol. 16 {Sept., 1906): 397-398. 1906. The Jews; a study of race environment. Maurice Fishberg. Pojndar science monthly, vol. 69 {Sept., 1906): 257-267; {Oct., 1906): 441-451. 1906. The effects of immigration on homicide. Morris Loeb. Popular science monthly, vol. 69 {Sept., 1906): 375-379. 1906. The men who are to vote. Ernest Poole. JEveryhody'' s magazine, vol. 15 {Oct., 1906): Ji,i5-44^- 1906. The Americanization of our foreign immigrants, John Lang- don Weber. Methodist review, vol. 55 {Oct., 1906): 669-677. 1906. The Italians in America. Herbert N. Casson. Munseys magazine, vol. 36 {Oct., 1906): Ihi-lUi. 1906. The tragedy of the rejected inmiigrant. Hroughton Branden- burg. Oatlool; vol. 84- {Oct. 13, 1906): 361-365. 1906. Control rather than restrict immigration. Railway world, vol. 50 {Oct. 26, 1906): 911-912. 1906. L' emigrazione italiana negli Stati Uniti d' America. ( i iovaimi Preziosi. Rivista Internazlonale, vol. 4^ {Oct., 1906): 199-214. 90 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1906. Du caractere noiiveau de I'immig^ration aux Etats-Hnis. Paul Meuriot, Societe de statistique de Paris. Journal^ vol. Ji,7 ( (M. , 1906) : 350-359. 1906. Die Italiener in den Vereinigten Staaten. Ernst Scliultze. ZeUschrift f'ilr SocialwisseTischaft., Jahrg. 9 {Oct. 16., 1906): 64^-662. 1906. The Dutch in America. Herbert N. Casson. Munsey'stnagazine, vol. 36 {Nov., 1906): 238-242. 1906. The rejected immigrant. Outlook, vol. 8k. {Nov. 10, 1906): 603-605. 1906. The immigration problem. Outlook, vol. 81^ {Nov. 10, 1906): 607-615. From an immigrant. William J. Kerr; Some official information. Robert Watchorn; Where the fault lies. James Rudolph Garfield; The immigration situation in Congress. Prescott F. Hall. 1906. The South and the immigrant. Outlool; vol. 8Ji. {Nov. 2If, 1906): 691. 1906. Is the California school statute unconstitutional ? J. F. Glover. Alhany law journal, vol. 68 {Dec, 1906): 371-372. 1906. Japanese exclusion. David Starr Jordan. Independent, vol. 61 {Dec. 13, 1906): U25-U26. 1906. The Spanish in America. Herbert N. Casson. Munsey's magazine, vol. 36 {Dec, 1906): 294.-297. 1906. Bright side of Packingtown. Mary Humphrey. National magazine, vol. 25 {Dec, 1906): 257-265; {Jan., 1907): 351-357. 1906. Pending immigration bills. Robert De C. Ward. North Afnerican review, vol. 183 {Dec 7, 1906): 1120-1133. 1906. Japanese pupils and American schools. C. W. Fulton. North American revieiv, vol. 183 {Dec 21, 1906): 1225-1228. 1906. The medico-economic aspect of the immigration problem. Thomas Darlington. North American revleia, vol. 183 {Dec. 21, 1906): 1262-1271. 1906. II pro])lema internazionale dell' emigrazione. Lorenzo Ratto. Eivhta dUtalia, anno 9, vol. 2 {Dec, 1906): 958-978. 1906. San Francisco and the Japanese. William H. Thomson. World to-day, vol. 11 {Dec, 1906): 1310-1313. IMMIGRATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 91 1907. DieAnalphabeten inden VereinigtenStatiteii. Ernst Schultzp. Zeitschrlff fill- die gesamte Staatswisseni^chaft^ 30. -lilirq. {1907): 28-5 S. 1907. Charles Haag: An immigrant sculptor of hi> kind. Crv^ial Eastman. Charities and the Connnons, vol. 17 {Jan. -5, 1907): (J 15-017. 1907. Impressions of American charity: innuigration. Emil Mucn- sterberg. Charities and the Conmtoyis., vol. 17 {Jan. 26., 1907): 7 1^0-7 Jf.', . 1907. The treaty power of the Government, Speech of David. I. Eoster, in the House of Representatives, Jan. !♦>, 1907. Congressional rtcord., 59th Congress., '2d ttesalon^ vol. J4.I, cur- rent file {Jan. 18, 1907): 1299-1305; {Jan. 22, 1907): 153^. An argument that the United States, by treaty stipulation, may relieve the subjects of a foreign power of the disabilitieH of alien- age respecting the public schools. 1907. The treaty -making power. Speech of Swagar Sherley, in the the House of Representatives, Jan. 22, 1907. Congressional record, 59th Congress, 2d session, vol. Jfl, curr< ut file {Jan. 21^, 1907): 1603-1000. Discusses, first, violations of treaty rights of aliens, and then the extent of the treaty-making power. Holds that " the reserved powers of the States are a limitation upon the treaty-making power." 1907. [Address on the treaty-making power, before the Jetl'erson School of law.] Shackleford Miller. Congressional record, 59th Co)igreKs, 2d session, vol. 1^1, cur- rent file {Jan. 2Jf, 1907): 1000-1010. Asks the question whether the President and Senate can constitu- tionally make a treaty with Japan that will confer the right on Japanese citizens of California to have themselves and their chil- dren educated at the public expense, and answers the question iti the negative. 1907. The treaty-making power of the Government and the Japanese question. Speech of Everis A, Hayes, in House of Rep- resentatives, Jan. 23, 1907. Congressional record, 59th Congress, 2d session, vol. 1^1, current file {Jan. 21^., 1907): 10 10-10 11^. 1907. Japan and the United States. Sydney Brooks. Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 81 {Jan.. 1907): 30-J^S. 1907. The segregation of Japanese students by school autliorilics of San Francisco. Charles Cheney Hyde. Green hag, vol. 19 {Jan., 1907): 38-p. 92 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1907. The width of a school bench: the reasons for California's defiant decree against the Japanese in her public schools. William Inglis. Harper' fi weeUy, vol. 51 {Jan. 19, 1907): 82-8J^. 1907. The Japanese question from a Californian's standpoint. Julius Kahn. Independent, vol. 62 {Jaoi. 3, 1907): 26-3S. 1907. California schools and the control of the Pacific. Literary digest, vol. 31^ {Jan. 26, 1907): 125. 1907. The great Jewish invasion. Burton J. Hendrick. McClure's magazine, vol. 28 {Jan., 1907): 307-321. 1907. Emigrants for Canada. Edward John Prior. Maonillan^ s magazine, vol. 2 {Jan. , 1907) : 185-192. 1907. The immigration campaign. Maniifactvrers' record, vol. 51 {Jan. 17, 1907): 1-2. 1907. Discussion on immigration in Boston: [an abstract of an address by Nathan Bijur]. Menorah, vol. ^2 {Jan., 1907): 33-37. 1907. Le phenomene de I'emigration. Gabriel Ambon, Le Monde economique, 17. annee {Jan. 26, 1907): 103-105. 1907. What Japanese exclusion would mean. Osborne Howes. North American review, vol. 181^ {Jan. ^, 1907): 29-3It,. 1907. L'emigrazione e le sue conseguenze in Italia. Pasquale Villari. Naova antologia, vol. 127 {Ja?i. 1, 1907): 33-56. 1907. The last stampede for cheap homes. Emerson Hough. Outing magazine, vol. 49 {Jan., 1907): 417-4'28; {Feb., 1907): 561-574. 1907. Americaines et Japonais. Henri Froidevaux. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 23 {Jan. 1, 1907): 21-25. 1907. L'emigration hongroise. Rene Gonnard. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 23 {Jan. 1, 1907): 26-33. 1907. Immigrants for Mississippi farms. How railroads advertise a state. J. F. Merry. Railway world, vol. 51 {Jan. J,, 1907): 11-12. IMMIGRATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICAL* 93 1907. Italian cotton -ffiower.s in Arkansas. Alfred Holt Stone. A77iericau monthly review of revievjs^ vol. 36 {F^^j., 1907): 209-213. 1907. The human side of immigration. John Graham Brooks. Century magazine, vol. 73 {Feh., 1907): G33-63S. 1907. An act to regulate the immigration of aliens into tlie I'nited States [Conference report]. Congressional record, 59th Congress, 2d .sessl,»,, vol. .'4, cur- rent file {Feh. 13, 1907): 2874-2879. Debated in the Senate, Feb. 16, 1907, by Senatora Bacon, Tillman, Lodge, Dillingham, Culberson, Patterson, Newlands, and others, Congressional record, vol. 41, current file, pp. .3161-.3177. Debatefl in the House, Feb. 18, 1907, by Messrs. Williams, Garrett, Under- wood, Hayes, and others. Congressional record, vol. 41, current file, pp. 3284-.3294. 1907. The treat3-making power and the States and the Japanese-San Franci scoschool controvers}'. Remarks of Edwin Y. Wei)!), in the House of Representatives, Feb. 16, 1907. Congressional reccyrd, 59th Congress, 2d session, vol. Jf,l, cur- rent file {Feh. 21, 1907): 351^5-3551. 1907. To regulate the immigration of aliens into the United States. Speech of Julius Kahn, in the House of Representatives, Feb. 18, 1907. Congressional record, 59th Congress, 2d session, vol. J^U cur- rent file {Feb. 21, 1907): 3557-3559. 1907. Immigration. Speech of F. M. Simmons, in the Senate, Feh. 16, 1907. Congressional record, 59th Congress, 2d session, vol. 4-1 •, <''<'" rent file {Feh. 23, 1907): 37 53-37 56. 1907. Immigration bill — exclusion of Japanese labor. Speech of Anthony Michalek, in the House of Representatives, Feb. 18, 1907. Congressional record, 59th Congress, 2d session, ml. 4/, cur- rent file {Feh. 23, 1907): 3761-3765. 1907. Immigration bill — exclusion of Japanese. Sp(M'(li of John L. B. Burnett, in the House of Representative-. Frb. IS, 1907. Congressional record, 59th Congress, 2d session, r,>l. .\l, rur- rent file {Feb. 25, 1907): 392^-3925. 94 "• LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1907. Immigration. Speech of George F. Burgess, in the House of Representatives, Feb. 18, 1907. Congressional record., o9th Congress, 2d session, vol. 1^.1, cur- rent file {Fel. 28, 1907): 4.245-J^2J^8. 1907. The Japanese in America. Onoto Watanna. Eclectic magazine, vol. II/S {Feh., 1907): 100-101. 1907. Hawaii's lesson to headstrong California: how the island ter- ritory has solved the problem of dealing with its four thou- sand Japanese public school children. William Inglis. Harper's weekly, vol. 51 {Feb. 16, 1907): 226-228. 1907. Rights of the Japanese in California schools. Harvard laiv review, vol. 20 (Feb., 1907): 337-339. 1907. Hawaii's example to California. Francis W. Damon. Independent, vol. 62 {Feb. llf, 1907): 363-368. 1907* Why we need the immigrant. William S. Rossiter. Ainerican inonthly revieiv of refvie^vs, vol. 35 {Mar., 1907): 319-328. 1907. People who come: the Amalfitani. Lilian Marchant Skinner. Charities and the Commons, vol. 17 (J/ar. 2, 1907): 975-979. 1907. Immigration. Speech of James M. Gudger, jr., in the House of Representatives, Feb. 18, 1907. Congressional record, 59th Coiigress, 2d session, vol. J-.1, cur- rent file {3Iar. 4, 1907): 1^725. 1907. The Italian in America. Frederick H. Wright. Missionary review, vol. 30 {Mar., 1907): 196-198. 1907. Die Statistik der osterreichisch-ungarischen und polnischen Auswanderung nach den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord- Amerika. Leopold Caro. Zeitschrift fur Volkswirtschaft, Sozialpolitikund Verwaltung, Bd. 16 {1907): 68-113. LIST OF CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS ON IMMIGRATION Note. — The heavy-face numerals at the end of the titles are the serial numbers used in the check list of documents, published by the Superintendent of documents. 1788. Report of the Secretaiy of the United States for the depart- ment of foreign affairs, respectinj^ the importation of con- victs from the island of New Providence to ^laryhind. Sept.J^J/788^ Secret journah of Congress^ vol. 4, />/>• JflfS-JfJfO. 1822. Report from the Committee on the judiciary upon the subject of admitting aliens to the right of citizenship who resided within theUnited States one year preceding the declaration of the late war with Great Britain. Mar. 13, 1822. 1 page. 8^. y 17th Congress., 1st session. Reports of committees ixo. 68. 70 1836. Resolution of the legislature of Massachusetts to obtain the passage of a law to prevent the introduction of paupers into theUnited States. May 2, 1836. 1 page. 8 . 3 Congress^ 1st session. Senate doc. no. 3^. 283 1836. Foreign paupers. Report of a committee and a resolution of the House of Representatives of the state of Massachusetts. Apr. 18, 1836. 3 pp. 8°. Conffress, 1st session. House doc. no. 219. 291 1836. Report from the Secretary of the treasury relative to the deportation of paupers from Great Britain, &c. Dec. 7, 1836. 25 pp. 8^. 2J(.th Congress., 2d session. Senate doc. no. 5. 297 1838. Memorial of 282 citizens of Sutton and 325 citizens of Mill- bury, in the state of Massachusetts, against foreign emi- gration. Jan. 5, 1838. 1 page. 8°. I//' 25th Congress, 2d session. Iloiise doc. no. 70. 322 1838. Message from the President, transmitting information in ivla- tion to the introduction of foreign paupers into the United States. May 15, 1838. 20 pp. 8. 25th Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 370. 330 96 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1838. Letter from the Secretar}^ of state, relative to emigrants from foreign countries who have arrived within the last ten years. Apr. 21, 1838. 2 pp. 8^. ^5th Congress^ 3d session. House doc. no. 3^6. 330 1838. Foreign paupers and naturalization laws. Report from the Select committee. Julv 2, 1838. 116 pp. 8^. 25th Oojig /'ess, 2d session. House report no. 104^0. 336 1844. Report from the Committee on the judiciar}-, to whom was referred sundry memorials asking- a modification of the naturalization laws of the United States. June 15, 1844. 1 page. 8°. ^ 28th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. 7io. 395. 436 1845. Report from the Committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred sundr}' memorials asking a modification of the naturalization laws of the United States. Jan. 27, 1845. 1 page. 8'^. 28ih Congress, 2d session . Seriate doc. no. 59. 450 1845. Additional report from the Committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred sundry memorials and resolutions rela- tive to the naturalization laws of the United States. Mar. 3, 1845. 222 pp. 8^. 28th Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 173. 458 1845. Naturalization. Report of the Committee on the judiciary, Jan. 31, 1845, 6 pp. 8°. 28th Co7igress, 2d session. House report no. 87. 468 1846. Report from the Committee on the judiciary, [on] '"a bill to amend the act entitled An act for the regulation of seamen on board the public and private vessels of the United States, passed March 3d, 1813." Feb. 3, 1846. 2 pp. 8°. (p 29th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 108. 473 1846. Surgeons on packet ships: resolution relative to the safety of emigrants on board of packet ships, &c. Apr. 6, 1846. 3 pp. 8°. 29th Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 182. 485 1846. Naturalization laws. Report from the Committee on the judiciary. Feb. 10, 1846. 5 pp. 8^. 29th Congress, 1st sessio7\. House report no. 231. 489 1847. Message from the President, in relation to the importation of foreign criminals and paupers. Feb. 20, 1847. 3 pp. 8°. 29th Congress, 2d session. Seimte doc. 7io. 161. 495 CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS ON IMMIGRATION • 97 1854. Message from the President, relating to tlie expediency of fur- ther measures for the safet}-, health, and comfort of immi- grants to the United States by sea. May -i, 1854. 34 pp. 8 - . •y 33d Congress^ 1st session. Senate ex. doc. no. 58. 698 1854. Health of immigrants from foreign countries: two comnmni- cations from Her Britannic majesty's minister. June !it>, 1854. 6 pp. 8'^. 33d Congress.^ 1st session. Home ex. doe. no. 110. 727 1854. Copies of two communications from Her Britannic majesty's minister to the Secretary of state, relative to the health, on shipboard, of immigrants from foreign coimtries to the United States. June 30, 1854. 5 pp. 8 . 33d Congress., 1st session. Sejiate ex. doe. no. 73. 702 1855. Resolutions of the General Assembly of the state of Khode Island and Providence plantations, against the introduction or importation of foreign paupers or criminals into the United States. Feb. 21, 1855. 2 pp. 8=. 33d Congress, 2d session. Senate misc. doc. no. 19. 772 1856. Foreign criminals and paupers. Report from the Committee on foreign affairs. Aug. 16, 1856. 152 pp. 8°. (/ 3Ji,th Congress., 1st session. House report )io. 3o9. 870 "On the evils of foreign immigration, with recommendatiun of pas- sage of bill for the revision of the laws regulating the naturalization of foreigners." 1857. Resolution of the legislature of the state of Maine, in relation to foreign paupers and criminals. Dec. 18, 1857. 1 page. 8^. Q 35th Congress., 1st session. Senate misc. doc. no. lli. 934 1858. Resblutions of the legislature of the state of Maine, relating to foreign paupers and criminals. Jan. 4, 1858. 1 page. 8°. 35th Congress., 1st session. House misc. doc. 7H). 16. 961 1858. Resolutions of the legislature of the state of Maine, relating to foreign paupers and criminals. Jan. 20, 1858. 1 page. 8°. 35th Congress., 1st session. Hou.^e mlse. doe. no. ,>0. 961 1858. Message of the President, on the subject of contracts made in Europe for inland passage tickets for intending emigrants to the United States. Jan. 28, 1858. 07 pp. 8^. 35th Congress., 1st session. Senate ex. doc. no. S6. 924 20807—07 7 98 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1862. Citizenship to certain Mexican citizens. Report from the Committee on the judiciary. July 11, 1862. 3 pp. 8°. / 37th Congress^ 2d sessioti. House report no. l^-"*- 1145 1864. Report from the Committee on agriculture, to whom was referred the petition of Berendt A. Froiseth, praying for the establishment of a bureau of immigration, and the enactment of suitable laws for the encouragement and protection of foreign immigrants arriving within the jurisdiction of the United States. Feb. 18, 1864. 8 pp. 8°. // 38th Congress^ 1st session. Senate report no. 15. 1178 1864. Report from the Special committee, to whom was committed so much of the President's message as referred to foreign emigration. Apr. 16, 1864. 8 pp. 8°. 38th Congress.) 1st session. House report no. 56. 1206 1865. Encouraging immigration: papers submitted by Mr. Sherman. Jan. 23, 1865. 7 pp. 8°. 38th Congress., 2d session. Senate misc. doc. no. 13. 1210 1866. Report: the Committee on commerce, to whom was referred House bill no. 481, entitled "'A bill to amend an act entitled 'An act to encourage immigration,' approved Jul>' 4, 1864, and an act entitled 'An act to regulate the carriage of pas- sengers in steamships and other vessels,' approved March 3, 1855, and for other purposes," submit the following letters from the State department as a report. Apr., 1866. 6 pp. 8°. [Y 39th Congress., 1st session. House report no. lt-8. 1272 1868. Encouragement of emigration. Report from the Committee on foreign afi'airs. July 3, 1868. 4 pp. 8^. 1^ IfOtli, Congress^ 2d session. House report no. 76. 1358 1868. Memorial of a Committee of the Union League club of the city of New York, praying the appointment of a special committee to investigate the naturalization and election frauds and irregularities perpetrated in the recent election in the city and state of New York. Dec. 14, 1868. 18 pp. 8^. Jfith Congress., 3d session. Senate misc. doc. no. ^. 1361 1870. Petition of the president and secretary of the citizens' associa- tion of New York, praying the passage of the bill to incor- porate the "International Society of the United States for the promotion and protection of immigration." May 11, 1870. 2 pp. 8°. \\ Jf.lst Congress., 2d session. Senate misc. doc. no. 13 J).. 1408 CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS ON IMMIGRATION 99 1871. German immigrants. Memorial of the German society of New York, relative to the proceedincr.s in Congress regard- ing immigration. Jan. 30, 1871. 1 page. 8°. Ji,lst Congress^ 3d session. House misc. doc. no. 55. 1462 1871. Memorial of the Irish emigrant society of New York. Feb. ♦;, 1871. 2 pp. 8^. ^Ist Congress., 3d session. House misc. doc. no. 69. 1463 1871. Memorial of the legislature of Minnesota, in favor of the establishment of a national bureau of immigration. Mai'. 7, 1871. 2 pp. 8°. 1^ Jf2d Congress^ 1st session. Senate misc. doc. no. 2. 1467 1871. Special report on immigration; accompanying information for immigrants by Edward Young. Mar. 15, 1871. 231 pp. 8°. Ji^d Congress.^ 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 1. 1470 1871. Joint resolution of the legislature of Pennsylvania, relative to protecting emigrants in this countrv. Mar. 20, 1871. 2 pp. 8°. Ji,2d Congress., 1st session. House mis. doc. no. 19. 1472 1872. Message from the President, recommending legislation in rela- tion to the transportation of immigrants to and within the United States. May 14, 1872. 9 pp. 8^. .ft.2d Co7igress., 2d session. Senate ex. doc. no. 73. 1479 1873. Letter from the Secretar}^ of the treasury relative to an act to transfer the duty of making an annual report of immigrants in the United States from the Department of state to the Treasury department. Jan. 30, 1873. 2 pp. 8"^. Ii,2d Congress., 3d session. House ex. dor. no. 156. 1567 1874. Letters from the Secretary of state and the Secretary of the treasury, recommending that the reports on immigration may be transferred from the Department of state to the Treasury department. Jan. 19, 1871. 5 pp. 8^ I''' JfSd Congress., 1st session. House mis. doc. no. 78. 1618 1874. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, <'onnnuni(:i(iiig, information in relation to the space allotted to eai-h steer- age-immigrant on board ship. Jan. 23, 1874. 2(»0pp. s. J^3d Congress, 1st session. Senate ex. doc. no. 23. 1580 1874. Landing of foreign convicts on our shores. A report from the Secretary of state, with accompanying papers. M:iy !'.», 1874. 75 pp. 8'-'. 43d Congress, 1st session. Home ex. doc. no. 253. 1619 100 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1874. A communicatiou from the chief of the bureau of statistics in rehition to the printing in the Swedish language his special report on immigration. eTune 19, 1871. 3 pp. S-". JfSd Congress^ 1st mssio7i. House ex. doc. no. 287. 1621 1876. Resolution of the legislature of New York, asking legislation to protect emigrants, and to prevent their becoming a charge upon the cities, towns, and counties of that state. Apr. 28, (1 1876. 1 page. 8°. Ji-Jfth Congress, 1st session. Senate mis. doc. no. 96. 1665 1878. Memorial of the Commissioners of emigration of the state of New York, urging the necessity of national legislation for the protection of immigrants arriving in this country, the care of the sick, &c. Mar. 4, 1878. 5 pp. 8"^. 1^ 4-ofk Congress, 2d session. House 7n is. doc. no. 22. 1815 1879. The regulation of immigration. Report from the Committee on foreign affairs. Dec. 9, 1879. 5 pp. S"-*. ^ft Jf,6th Congress, 2d session. House 7'eport no. 1. 1934 1880. Restoration to citizenship of certain persons. Report from the Committee on foreign affairs. Mar. 31, 1880. 1 page. 8°. li-Sth Congress, 2d session. House report no. 670. 1936 1883. Providing for a commission and joint commission on immi- gration. Report from the Committee on commerce. Feb. 12, 1883. 5 pp. 8°. ^ o ■k-'^tJi Congress, 2d session. House report no. 19It.8. 2159 1886. Letter from the Acting secretary of the treasury, submitting a draft of a bill to regulate immigration and recommending its passage. Mar. 26, 1886. 5 pp. 8^. ^th Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. lJf,l. 2399 1887. Emigration and immigration. Reports of the consular officer of the United States. Feb. 11, 1887. iv, 748 pp. 8^. 1, \ Ifdth Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no 157. 2483 1888. Testimony taken by the Select [Ford] committee of thq^ouse of Representatives to inquire into the alleged violaimn of the laws prohibitmg the importation of contract laborers, paupers, convicts, and other classes. 1888. 799 pp. 8^. % 50th Congress, 1st session. Housemisc. doc. no. 572^2^^- ^- 2579 Hearings held July 25, 1888, to Dec. 26, 1888. CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS ON IMMIGRATION lUl 1889. Reports of diplomatic and consular officers concernino- emi- gration from Europe to the United States, made in roponse to certain inquiries propounded to them throuj,di the De- partment of state by the Select committee of the House of Representatives to inquire into the immigration of paupers, convicts, contract laborers, and other classes. l8!Si*. 157 pp. 8°. 50th Congress^ 1st session. House mine. doc. no. 572., pt. 2. 2579 1889. To regulate immigration. Report from the Select committee on investigation of foreign immigration, etc. Jan. 19, 1889. 6 pp. 8°. 50th Congress.^ 2d session. House report no. 3792. 2673 Known as the "Ford Committee report." 1889. Regulation of immigration. Views of the minority. From the Select committee to inquire into the importation of contract laborers, convicts, paupers, etc. Jan. 30, 1889. 5 pp. 8°. 50th Congress.) 2d session. Housereportno. 3792.,pt.2. 2673 1889. To regulate immigration: views of F. B. Spinola. Jan. 81. 1889. 1 page. 8°. 50th Congress.) 2d session. Hnise report no. 3792., pt. 3. 2673 1889. Naturalization laws of the United States. Report from the Committee on the judiciary. Feb. 13, 1889. 12 pp. 8°. 50th Congress., 2d session. House report no. J^02J!t,. 2674 1889. Naturalization laws of the United States. Report from the Committee on the judiciary. Feb. 27, 1889. 4 pp. 8- . 50th Congress.) 2d session. House report no. Jf.H5. 2675 1890. A copy of the recent report of the Solicitor of the treiisury relative to the administration of immigration laws at the port of New York. Jan. 15, 1890. 9 pp. 8". y^ 51st Congress, 1st session. Senate ex. doc. no. 32. 2682 1890. Report from the Committee on immigration: receipts and expenditures in administering United States innnigration laws under contracts with the New York and other siutr boards. May 10, 1890. 120 pp. 8^. ^ 51st Congress., 1st session. Senate report no. 936. 2709 1890. Immigration investigation. Report from the Connnitt.M' on immigration. May 22, 1890. !> pp. 8^. 51st Congress., 1st session. Senate report n<>. 1095. 2709 102 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1890. Letter from the Actiiif^ secretar\' of the treasury, inclosing a letter from the collector of the port of New York, and cer- tain other papers, in reply to the resolution of the House of Representatives inquirino- into the action of the Cunard Steamship Company refusing to obey the order of the officers of the United States to give return-passage to cer- tain emigrants landed at New York by said compan}^ in violation of the contract-labor laws; and also looking to a thorough enforcement by the Department of the laws pro- hibiting the importation and migration of foreigners and aliens under contract or agreement to perform labor in the United States. June 19, 1890. T pp. 8 . 51st Congress^ 1st session. House ex. doc. no. IfiO. 2752 1891. Testimony taken by the Committee on immigration of the Senate, and the Select committee of the House of repre- sentatives, in relation to the purchase of American indus- tries by foreign capital. Mar. 2, 1891. 38 pp. 8 , 51st Congress.) 2d session. Senate misc. doc. no. 88. 2821 Committee appointed "to investigate tiie effect on immigration, and incidentally on American workingmen, which is likely to follow the jjurchaseof American industries by foreign capital." 1891. Immigration investigation. Report from the Committee on immigration and naturalization. Jan. 14, 1891. x, 1095 pp. 8°. 51st Congress, 2d session. House report no. 3^72. 2886 1891. Report from the Committee on immigration, concerning the workings of various immigration laws. Feb. 9, 1891. 5 pp. 8^. 51st Congress, 2d session. Senate repm't no. 2165. 2827 1891. Immigration investigation. Report from the Select committee on immigration and naturalization. Feb. 1-1, 1891. 8 pp. 8-. 51st Congress., 2d session. House report no. 3807. 2888 1891. Regulation of immigration and to amend the naturalization laws. Report from the Committee on the judiciary'. Feb. 14, 1891. 9 pp. 8°. 51st Congress., 2d session. House re})ort no. 3808. 2888 1891. Immigration and naturalization investigation. Report from the Select committee on immigration and naturalization. Feb. 18, 1891. 2 pp. 8^. 51st Congress., 2d session. House repaint no. 3857. 2888 CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS ON IMMIGRATION 103 1892. Laws of the American republics relating- to immigration and the sale of public lands. Bureau of the American repub- lics. Bulletin no. 53. July 21, 1892. (2), 199 pp. S . ^f 52d Congress^ 1st sessioti. Senate ex. doe. no. llfd, j^f. 4, 2902 1892. Report from the Committee on immigration. June 0, 1«92. 3 pp. Folded sheet. 8^. 52d Congress., 1st session. Senate report no. 787. 2914 1892. Enforcement of alien contract labor laws. A report of tiie Commissioners of immigration upon the causes which incite immigration to the United States. Feb. 25, 1892. 2 vols. 8°. 52d Congress., 1st session . House ex. doc. no. 235. jA. 1-2. 2957 1892. Amending the naturalization laws. Report from the Com- mittee on the judiciary. Mar. 14, 1892, -1 pp. 8. 52d Congress., 1st session. House rejmrt no. 697. 3044 1892. Enforcement of immigration and contract-labor laws. Report from the Select committee on immigration and naturaliza- tion. June 3, 1892. 3 pp. Folded sheet. 8-. 52d Congrtss^ 1st session. Hoiij>e report no. 1573. 3046 1892. Report on European immigration, from the Committee on printing. Aug. 5, 1892. 2 pp. 8'. 52d Congress., list session. House report no. 2133. 3051 1892. Immigration investigation. Report from the Committee on immigration and naturalization. July 28, 1892. xxxii, 798 pp. 8^. 52d Congress., 1st session. House report no. 2090. 3053 1893. A communication of the Secretary of state regarding the effect of the pending bill to restrict immigration upon the treatj^ relations with other countries. Jan. 7, 1893. 11 pp. 8=^. 52d Congress., 2d session. Senate ex. doc. no. 25. 3056 1893. Proceedings of the Cuba and Florida immigration investiga- tion. Report from the committee on immigration. Fob. 4, 1893. iii, 72 pp. 8-. 52d Congress., 2d session. Senate report n<>. 1203. 3072 1893. Report from the committee on immigration. Feb. 22, 1893. xvii, 203 pp. 8°. 52d Congress, 2d session. Senate report no. 1333. 3073 Contents: History of immigration investigation an|>. ix-xvii; Suspension of immigration for one year, pp. 1-71'; iJeii- eral subject of immigration, pp. 73-20:}; Naturalizations in New York city, pp. 205-2(54; Italian immigration by Alexander < )Ul- rmi, p]). 2()o-277. 104 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1892. SusponsicMi of immij^ration. Report from the Select comrait- toe on immigration and naturalization. Dec. 22, 1892. 1 page. 8^. 52d Congress^ 2d session: House report no. 2197. 3140 1893. Immigration and contract-labor laws. Report from the Select committee on immigration and naturalization. Jan. 7, 1893. 1 page. 8°. 52d Congress., 2d sessioji. House report no. 2206. 3140 1893. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting copies of the orders, regulations, and forms prepared and issued by the Treasury department in execution of the immigra- tion act of March 3, 1893, together with copies of all cor- respondence concerning the same between said Department and Government officials, steamship agents, and other per- / sons. April 7, 1893. 13 pp. 8"^. /{/' 53d Congress, Special session. Senate ex. doc. no. ^. 1893. Naturalization laws. Report from the Committee on the judi- ciary. October 24, 1893. 3 pp. 8". 53d Congress., 1st session. House report no. 139. 3157 1894. Letter from the Acting secretary of the treasury, with regard to violations of the statutes against the importation of con- tract laborers. May 26, 1894. 9 pp. 8°. 53d Congress, 2d session. Senate ex. doc. no. 102. 3163 1894. Memorandum of resolutions passed by the Southern immigra- tion congress, held at Augusta, Ga., May 29, 30, and 31, 1894. June 9, 1894. 1 page. 8°. 53d Congress, 2d session. Senate onisc. doc. no. 205. 3171 1894. Resolution submitted by Mr. George that the Committee on the judiciary be instructed to inquire into the provision of the naturalization laws as to expediency of amending the laws. July 17, 1894. 1 page. 8°. ^ 53d Congress, 2d session. Senate misc. doc. no. 229. 3171 1894. Letters from the Secretary of state and the Secretary of the treasury relative to an act providing for the inspection of inmiigrants by U. S. consuls, presented by Committee on immigration. August 2, 1894. 5 pp. 8^. 53d Congress, 2d session. Senate misc. doc. no. 253. 3171 CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS ON IMMIGRATION 105 1894. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury transmitting a com- munication from the Chief of the Bureau of statistirs. in relation to the importance of the question of determiniTig the movement, passenger and emigrant, from the United States to foreign countries, and enclosing a draft of a bill for that purpose. June 16, 1894. 3 pp. 8-. 5od Congress^ 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 239. 3226 1894. Restriction of immigration. Report from the Committee on the judiciary. Feb. 12, 1894. 2 pp. 8". " 53d Congress., 2d session. House report no. JflG. 3269 To accompany H. R. 5246, designed "to prevent the criminals and paupers of Europe from being admitted into this country as im- migrants." 1894. Immigration and alien contract labor laws. Report from the Committee on immigration and naturalization. June 7, 1894. 1 page. 8". 53d Congress., 2d session. House report no. lOlfi. 3271 1894. Remission of lines, penalties, etc. Report from the Commit- tee on interstate and foreign commerce. July 25, lb!»4. 2 pp. 8°. 53d Congress., 2d session. House report no. 1318. 3272 1894. Resolutions adopted b}^ the Farmers' national Congress of America, at its annual meeting at Parkersburg, W. Va., October 3-6, 1894. December 19, 1894. 3 pp. 8°. 53d Congress., 3d session. Senate misc. doc. no. 35. 3281 1895. Treasury department. Immigration and passenger movement at ports of the United States during the year ending ,Iune 30, 1894. Report of the Chief of the Bureau of statistics. Washington: Government printing o'fice^ 1895^ "i^^ PP- •^'• 53d Congress., 3d session. House ex. doc. no. 6^ pt. 2. 3317 1896. Report by Mr. Lodge, from the Committee on immigration. Feb. 18, 1896. 23 pp. 8^. ^\r 5^th Congress^ 1st session. Senate report no. 290. 3363 Also printed as Senate report no. 13, 55th Congress, 1st session, March 25, 1897. 1896. Memorial to the fifty-fourth Congress of the United Stat^^s by citizens of Polish nationality of Milwaukee, Wis., pro- testing against pending legislation restricting inunigra- tion so far as it affects Polandcrs. June 6, 1S{)»;. 3 pj). .^ . Congress., 1st session. Senate doc. no. 307. 3357 106 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1896. Report of the Commissioner of navigation to the Secretary of the treasury. 1895. Washington: Gover^iment printing office^ 1895. 2 pt^. 8'\ Congress^ 1st session. House doc. no. 28., pt. 1-2. 3400 " Immigration," pt. 2, pp. 234-245. 1896. Amending- the immigration hiws. Report from the commit- tee on immigration and naturalization. April 2, 1896. 2 pp. 8°. SJftli Congress.) 1st session. House report no. 1079. 3460 To accompany H. R. 7864, forbidding tiie admittance to the United States of illiterate males over 16 years of age, excepting in the case of parents of persons residing in or afterwards admitted to this country. 1896. Consular inspection of immigrants. Report from the Com- mittee on immigration and naturalization. April 2, 1806, 3 pp. 8°. 5Ii,th Congress^ 1st session. House report no. 1082. 3460 To accompany H. R. 58, known as the Stone bill, reporting certain amendments with the recommendation that the bill be passed. 1896. Better protection of American labor. Report from the Com- mittee on immigration and naturalization. Ma}" 1, 1896. 1 page. 8°. 5Ii,th Congress., 1st session. House report no. 1589. 3462 1896. Additional regulations concerning immigration. Report from the Committee on immigration and naturalization. Maj- 1, 1896. 1 page. 8^. / 5J^th Congress., 1st session. House report no. 1597. 3462 1896. Mission to Italian gov'ernment. Report of the Commissioner- general of immigration of the results of his mission to the Italian government, October, 1896. Dec. 8, 1896. 8 pp. 8^. Congress., 2d session. Senate doc. no. 9. 3467 1897. Immigration laws. Conference report agreed to in the House. (On the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amend- ments of the Sena,te to the bill (H. R. 7864), "An act to amend the immigration laws of the. United States.") Feb. 10, 1897. 2 pp. 8^. 5Ji.t}i Congress., 2d session. Senate doc. no. 118. 3470 1897. Message from the President, returning to the House of Rep- resentatives, without his approval. House bill numbered 7864, entitled "An act to amend the immigration laws of the United States." March 3, 1897. 5 pp. 8^. 5Jfth Congress^ 2d session. Senate doc. no. 185. 3471 COXGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS OX IMMIGKATIOX 107 1897. 1897. 1898. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1900. 1901. 1902. ^1 1902. Foreign immigration. Report from the Committee on immi- gration. March 25, 1897. 23 pp. 8. 55t/i Congress, 1st sexsloi}. Senate report no. J.J. 3569 Favors the illiteracy test for the exclusion of undesirable iininijrraiit."*. Foreign immigration. Report from the Committee on immi- gration. Dec. 17, 1897. 3 pp. 8-. 55f/i Congress, 3d session. House report no. 60. 3717 Restriction of immigration along the line of illiteracy. Immigrant station, Ellis island, New York. Report from the Committee on immigration. Mar. 15, 1898. 7 pp. ^ o5th Congress, 2d session. Senate report no. 679. 3622 Lease of a portion of Ellis island. Apr. 27, 1898. 1 pagf. s . 55th Congress, '2d session. Senate repo-rt no. 977. 3625 Extension of immigration and contract labor laws to the Hawaiian islands. Report from the Committee on Immi- gration. Feb. 13, 1899. 2 pp. 8=. 55th Congress, 3d session. Senate report no. 165It.. 3739 Jorge Cruz. A statement of the action of the Treasury department in the case of Jorge Cruz, a resident of Porto Rico, alleged to have been brought to New York under contract to labor in the United States. Apr. 11. 1900. 3 pp. 8-. 56th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 281. 3868 Immigration of Japanese. A statement of the Commissioner- general of immigration in relation to the immigration of Japanese. May 15, 1900. 21 pp. 8-. 56th Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 686. 4000 Amendment of immigration laws [relative to the insane, idiotic or epileptic]. Report from the Committee on immigration and naturalization. Feb. 8, 1901. 3 pp. S , 56th Congress, 2d session. House repm't no. 2751. 4214 Hearings before the Committee on immigration on the 1)111 to prevent the sale of intoxicating liquors in immigrant stations and other public buildings. May 29, 1902. Washington: Government printing office, 1902. 27 ]>j>. .^' . 57th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. S79. 4245 Naturalization treaty with Haiti. Message from the TresidiMit, transmitting a naturalization treaty between the I'nited States and the Republic of Haiti, signed at Washington on March 22, 1902. March 24, 1902. 3 pp. s . 57th Congress, 1st session. Senate. Confident ial . Execidire O. [Injunction of secrecy removed Fch. '), Ut()4.] 108 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1902. Foreign immigration. Report from the Committee on immi- gration. June 27, 1902. vii, (i), 199 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Senate report no. 2119. 4264 Report, pp. i-vii; Statements before the Committee on immigration on the bill (H. R. 12199) to regulate the immigration of aliens into the United States, June 4, 1902. pp. 1-171; Hearing ... on the bill (S. 3968) to prevent the sale of intoxicating liquors in immigrant stations and other public buildings, April 23, 1902, pp. 173-199. 1902. Reports of the Industrial commission on immigration, includ- ing testimony, with review and digest, and special reports. Vol. XV of the Commission's reports. WasJdngton: Government printing o'fftce., 1901. cxxvi, Slfi pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 18 J^. 4345 1902. Improvements at Ellis island station. A copy of a communi- cation from the Commissioner-general of immigration sub- mitting a request for authority to expend from the immi- grant fund a sum for improvements at Ellis island station. May 23, 1902. 5 pp. 8°. 57th Congress., 1st session. House doc. no. 625. 4377 1902. Immigration of aliens. Report from the Committee on immi- gration and naturalization. Mar. 18, 1902. 10 pp. 8°. 57th Congress^ 1st session. House report no. 982. 4402 1902. Regulation of immigration. Report of the Committee on immigration, United States Senate, on the bill (H. R. 12199) to regulate the immigration of aliens into the United States, with statements before the Committee in the first and sec- ond sessions of the Fifty-seventh Congress. Washington: Government printlrxg office, 1902. ix, Jt.8Jt. jyp. 57th Congress.) 2d session. Senate doc. no. 62. 4421 Penrose report. Contains the Hearings of January 16, April 23, June 4, 18, and December 8, 10, 1902. Reprint of "Senate report no. 2119, Fifty-seventh Congress, first session": pp. iii-ix. 1902. A copy of a communication from the Commissioner of immi- gration submitting an estimate of appropriation for improve- ments at immigrant station, Ellis island. Dec. 16, 1902. 5 pp. 8^. 57th Congress, 2d session. House doc. no. 172. 4496 CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS ON IMMIGRATION 109 1903. 1903. 1903. 1903. 3.? 1904. 1904. 1904. 1904. 1904. Improvements at })arge office and Ellis island, New York. A cop3' of a communication from the Counnissioner-g-eiuMal of immigration, sul)mittino- an estimate of appropriation for improvements at New York stations. Jan. 5, 1903. ti pp. 8°. 57th Congress^ 2d session. House doc. no. 220. 4496 Immigrant station at Honolulu, Hawaii. A cop}- of a com- munication from the Commissioner-general of innnigration submitting an estimate of appropriation for an irnmigrunt station at Honolulu, Hawaii. Jan. 5, 1903. 3 pp. s . 57th Congress^ 2d session. House doc. no. 22/^. 4496 An act to regulate the immigration of aliens into the rnitcd States. ApprovedMar. 3, 1S93. {In U. S. Statutes at large, 57th Congress, 1901-1903, vol. 32, j.t. 1, pp. 1213-1222. ) Application of naturalization laws to Porto Rico, licport from the Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico. De- cember 19, 1903. 2 pp. 8-. 58th Congress, 2d session. Senate report no. 16G. 4570 Immigrant station at San Francisco, Cal. Report from tlie Committee on commerce. Jan. 7, 1904. 1 page. 8^. 58th Congress., 2d session. Senate report no. 176. 4570 Information and display bureau at Ellis island. Report from the Committee on immigration. Apr. 8, 190-t. "1 pp. s . 58th Congress., 2d session. Senate report no. 1930. 4575 Regulating immigration of aliens into the United States. Re- port from the Committee on immigration. Apr. 13, 1904. 4 pp. 8^. 58th Congress, 2d session. Senate report no. 213^. 4575 Extending exemption of head tax to citizens of Newfoundland. Report from the Committee on immigration ami naturaliza- tion. Feb. 26, 1904. 2 pp. 8^. 58th Congress, 2d session . House report no. 1233. 4580 Ellis island immigrant station. New York. Letter from (lie Secretary of the treasury, transmitting a copy of a com munication from the Secretary of connncrce and labor, sul)- mitting an estimate of appropriation for improvement at Ellis island immigrant station. New York. Jan. 1.'., r.«<'4. 4 pp. 8°. 58th Congress, 2d session. House doc. no. 392. 4674 110 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1904. Kepairs of government property at Ellis island. Letter from the Acting secretary of the treasury, transmitting a copj^ of a communication from the Secretar}' of commerce and labor submitting an estimate of appropriation for repairs of government property at Ellis island. Mar. 3, 1904. 2 pp. 8^. 58th Congress^ 2d session. House doc. no. 580. 4676 1904. P^migration to the United States. 1904. xv, 210 pp. 8°. (Special consular reports, vol. xxx) 58th Congress., 2d session. House doc. no. 732. 4682 1905. Immigration of aliens. Report from the Committee on immi- gration. Feb. 20, 1905. 1 page. 8^. 58th Congress., 3d session. Senate report no. Jf.210. 4756 1905. Naturalization of aliens. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report and recommendations from the Secretary of state on the subject of the naturaliza- tion of aliens in the United States. Jan. 5, 1905. 31 pp. 8°. 58th Congress., 3d session. Senate doc. no. 63. 4764 1905. Commission to investigate, etc.. the naturalization laws of the United States. Report from the Committee on immigration and naturalization. Jan. 24, 1905. 1 page. 8^. 58th Congress., Sd session. House report no. 3950. 4762 1905. Immigration service at San Francisco, Cal. Letter from the Secretar}- of commerce and labor, transmitting a report of an investigation of the conditions of the immigrant service at San Francisco, Cal. Jan. 4, 1905. 3 pp. 8°. 58th Congress., 3d session. House doc. no. 166. 4830 1906. Granting naturalization to aliens. Memorial from the Civic federation of Chicago on the subject of granting naturali- zation to aliens. Jan. 4, 1906. 5 pp. 8'-'. ^ 59th Congress., 1st session. Senate doc. no. 133. 1906. Naturalization of residents of the Philippine Islands. Memo- randum ... to accompany Senate bill 5766. Apr. 19, 1906. 8 pp. 8-. 59th Congress^ 1st session. Senate doc. no. 336. 1906. Immigration of aliens into the United States. Report from the Committee on immigration. Mar. 29, 1906. 10 pp. 8^. 59th Congress^ lstsessio7i. Senate report no. 2186. CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS ON IMMIGRATION 111 1906. Bureau of immigration and naturalization. Keport from the Committee on immigration. June 23, 1906. 6 pp. 8^ 59th Congress^ 1st sessioji. Senate report no. 1^:^73. 1905. Report to the President of the Commission on naturalization appointed by executive order Mar. 1, 1905. Dec. 7. 1905. 115 pp. 8°. 59th Congress^ 1st session. Home doc. no. 40. Commissioners: Milton D. Purdy, chairman, Gaillard Hunt, Rich- ard K. Campbell. 1906. Certain reports of immigrant inspector Marcus Braun. Let- ter from the Secretary of commerce and labor, transmit- ting, in response to the inquiry of the House, certain reports made by immigrant inspector Marcus Braun. Jan. 17, 1906. 52 pp. 8^. 59th Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 381^. 1906. Bureau of immigration and naturalization. Report from the Committee on immigration and naturalization. Feb. 26, 1906. 9 pp. 8°. 59th Congress., 1st sessio7i. House report no. 1789. Report favoring the establishment of a burean of immigration and naturalization, and for uniform rule for naturalization of aliens throughout the United States. 1906. Immigration of aliens into the United States. Report from the Committee on immigration and naturalization. Apr. 9, 1906. 21 pp. 8°. 59th Congress.^ 1st session. House report no. 3021. 1906. Same. Views of the minority-. Apr. 27, 1906. 7 pp. 8"". 59th Congress.^ 1st session. House report no. 3021, pt. 2. 1906. To validate certain certificates of naturalization. Report from the Committee on immigration and naturalization. Apr. 27, 1906. 2 pp. 8^. 59th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 3632. 1906. Immigration of aliens into the United States. Report from the Committee on immigration and naturalization. Apr. 27, 1906. 22 pp. 8°. 59tJi, Congress, 1st session. Hou^r report no. 3635. 1906. Sa)r,e. Views of the minority. Apr. HO, 1906. 7 pj). s . 59th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 3635, pt. 2. 1906. Immigration of aliens into the United States. K(>i)(>rt from the Committee on innnigration and naturalization. May 21», 1906. 29 pp. 8^. 59th Congrei^s, 1st session. House report no. 4558. " Views of the minority," pp. 2.']-29. 112 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1906. Imm ignition of aliens into the United States. Report from the Committee on immigration and naturalization. eTune 11, 1906. 37 pp. 8°. 59tli Congress^ 1st session. House report no. Ji,912. "Views of the minority," pp. 32-37. 1906. Japanese in the citj' of San Francisco, Cul. The tinal report of Secretary Metcalf . . . December 18, 1906. 16 pp. Folded map. 8°. 59th 0'mg?'ess, 2d session. Senate doc. no. lJt.7. 1907. Immigration station, etc., at New Orleans, La. Report from the Committee on immigration. Jan. 29, 1907. 2 pp. 8^. ■59th Congress.) '2d session. Senate rejxyrt no. 5638. 1907. Regulating the immigration of aliens into United States. Conference report on the bill (S. 4403), entitled "A bill to amend an act entitled 'An act to regulate the immigration of aliens into the United States,' approved March third, nineteen hundred and three," also a comparative statement showing the present law and the bill as agreed to in con- ference. Feb. 13, 1907. 56 pp. 8°. 59th Congress., 2 d session. Senate doc. no. 318. 1907. Naturalization of aliens. Letter from the Acting secretary of the treasur}', transmitting with a copy of a communi- cation from the Secretary of commerce and labor, a revised estimate of appropriation to carry into eflfectthe law relating to the naturalization of aliens. Jan. 30, 1907. 5 pp. 8^. 59th Congress., 2d session. House doc. no. 62 If,. 1907. Introduction of foreign laborers by South Carolina. Letter from the Secretary of commerce and labor, transmitting in response to the inquiry of the House a statement as to 'the introduction of foreign laborers by the state of South Carolina, and an opinion of the Solicitor of the depart- ment. Feb. 19, 1907. 29 pp. 8°. 59th Congress., 2d session. House doc. no. 737. 1907. Immigration of aliens. Letter from the Acting secretary of the treasur}^ transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of commerce and labor submitting an estimate of appropriation for earring into effect the act to regulate the immigration of aliens. Feb. 21, 1907. 2 pp. 8°. 59th Congress., 2d session. House doc. no. 750. ANNUAL REPORTS ON IMMIGRATION BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE AND BY THE COMMISSIONER OF IMMIGRATION, RESPECTIVELY 1820. Letter from the Secretary of state, with a transcript of the list of passengers who arrived in the United States from the IstOctober, 1819, to the 30th September, 1820. Fel). 18, 1821. 288 pp. 8^. 16th Congress^ 2d session. Senate doc. no. 118. 45 1821. Report of the Secretary of state, pursuant to tlie act to regu- late passenger ships and vessels, of the luimbcr of persons arriving in the several ports of the United States, from Oct. 1, 1820, to Sep. 30, 1821. Apr. 22, 1822. (-t) pp. 2-27 folded leaves. 8°. 17th Congress., 1st session. House doc. no. 13 If. 69 1823. Report of the Secretary of state, made in compliance with the act of Congress of the 2d March, 1819, regulating passenger ships and vessels, of the persons arriving in the differejit ports of the United States, from the 1st October, 1822, to 30th September, 1823. May 7, 1824. 3 pp. 2-22 (folded leaves). 8^. 18th Congress., 1st session. House doc. no. 161. 103 1824-1825. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting an abstract of passengers arriving in the United States, for the fourth quarter of 1824, and the first, second, and third quarters of the year 1825. May 11, 1826. (4) pp. 2-21 (folded leaves). 8°. 19th Congress., 1st session. House doc. no. 17 o. 140 1825. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting the informa- tion required by the act of Congress of the second of March, 1819, entitled an act regulating passenger ships and vessels. Feb. 23, 1825, (4) pp. 2-23 folded leavers, s . 18th Congress., 2d session. House doc. no. 108. 118 1826. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting an abstract of passengers arriving in the U. States, from 1st Oct., 182."), to 30th Sept., 182<). Feb. 24, 1S27. 3 pp. 2-24 leaves partly folded. 8^. 19th Congress., 2d session . Houxe d<>c. no. l.'fi. 154 20807—07 8 11 -^ 114 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1827. Letter from the Secretary" of state, transmitting the annual statement of the number and description of passengers arriving in the United States, on shipboard, for the year ending on the 30th September, 1827. Ma}- IG, 1828. 3 pp, 2-22 leaves (partly folded). 8°. Will Congress^ 1st session. House doc. no. 286. 175 1828. Report from the Secretary of state, in compliance with "an act regulating passenger ships and vessels," for the year ending with the third quarter of 1828. Feb. 26, 1829. 2 pp. Folded leaves. 8^. 20th Congress^ 2d session. Senate doc. no. 98. 182 Same. Feb. 26, 1829. (2) pp. 2-22 folded leaves. 8°. 20th Congress.^ 2d session. House doc. no. IJf.!. 187 1829. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting the annual statement of the number and description of passengers arriving in the United States, on shipboard, during the year ending on the 30th of September, 1829. Maj' 28, 1830. 39 pp. 8^. 21st Congress.) 1st session. House doc. no. lllf.. 198 1830. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting an abstract of American seamen in the several districts of the United States, for the year 1830; also, a statement of passengers arriving in the United States during the year ending on the 30th Sept., 1830. Mar. 2, 1831. 37 pp. 8^. 21st Congress.) 2d session. House doc. 7io. 127. 209^ 1831. Letter from the Secretar}' of state, transmitting statements: 1st, showing the number of passengers arriving in the United States from 30th September, 1830, to 30th Septem- ber, 1831; 2d, an abstract of American seamen in the several districts of the United States, 1831. June 27, 1832. 42 pp. 8^. 22d Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 293. 221 1832. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting abstracts of passengers arriving in the ports of the United States in the year 1832; also, of American seamen in the ports of the United States during the same period. Feb. 28, 1833. 52 pp. 8'. 22d Congress^ 2d session. House doc. no. 119. 235 ANNUAL REPORTS ON IMMIGRATION 115 1833. Report from the Secretary of state, with .statement of pas- sengers in ships arriving in the United States in is^H. Apr. 3, 1834. 33 pp. 8^. 2Sd Congress^ Ut sesHion. Senate doc. no. 237. 240 Same. . Apr. 9, 1834. 31 pp. 8°. 23d Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 319. 257 1834. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting a list of the number and designation of passengers arriving in the United States during the year 1834. Mar. 3, 1835. 51 pp. 8°. 23d Congress., 2d session. House doc. no. ISJf. 275 1835. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting stjitemcnts showing the number and designation of the passengers wlio have arrived into the United States from foreign countries during the year 1835. Apr. 23, 1836. 29 pp. 8^ 2Jfth Congress., 1st session. House doe. no. 237. 291 1836. Report from the Secretary of state, witli statement of the number of passengers arriving in the United States during the year 1830. Feb. 16, 1837. 27 pp. 8^. 2Jfth Cotigress., 2d session. Senate doe. no. 178. 298 Same. Feb. 17, 1837. 27 pp. 8°. Congress., 2d session. House doc. no. 163. 304 1837. Report from the Secretary of state, Avith statements of the number and designation of the passengers who hav(> arrived in each collection district of the United States during tlie year 1837. June 12, 1838. 31 pp. 8-. 25th Comjress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. J^/S. 319 Same. June 12, 1838. 31 pp. 8°. 25th Congress^ 2d session. House doc. no. 4^7. 331 1838. Report from the Secretary of state, with statements of the number and designation of the passengers who have anivt-d in each collection district of the United States during the year 1838. Feb. 22, 1839. 29 pp. 8-. 25th Congress^ 3d session. Senate doc. no. 262. 340 Same. Feb. 22, 1839. 31 pp. 8 25th Congress, 3d session. House doc. rw. 210. 347 116 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1839. Report from the Secretary of state, with statements of the number and designation of the passengers who have arrived in each collection district of the United States during the year 1839. July 3, 1840. 25 pp. 8^. ^6th Congress^ 1st session. Senate doc. no. 594" 361 Same. July T, 1810. 25 pp. 8-. 26th Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. '264. 369 1840. Report from the Secretary of state, showing the number and designation of the passengers who have arrived in each col- lection district of the United States during the year 1810. Feb. 22, 1811. 27 pp. 8-. 26th Congress., 2d session. Senate doc. no. 206. 378 Same. Mar. 3, 1841. 27 pp. 8^. 26th Con gr^ess, 2d session. House doc. no. 116. 386 1841. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting a statement of passengers arrived in the United States during the 3^ear 1841. May 12, 1842. 35 pp. 8^. 27th Congiess., 2d session. House doc. no. 210. 404 1842. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting a statement of passengers arrived in the United States, from foreign countries, during the 3' ear 1842. Feb. 24, 1843. 33 pp. 8-". 27th Congress., 3d session. House doc. no. 177. 422 1843-1844. Letter from the Secretary' of state, transmitting state- ments of the number and designation of passengers arriving in the United States, in the three first quarters of the j'ear 1843, and between the first of October, 1843, and 30th September, 1844. Dec. 13, 1844. 50 pp. 8=^. 28th Congress., 2d session. House doc. no. 13. 463 1845. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting statements of the number of passengers who arrived in the United States during the year ending 30th September, 1845. June 26, 1846. 38 pp. 8''-'. 29tJi Co}tgress, 1st session. House doc. no. 216. 486 1846. Letter from the Secretar}' of state, transmitting statements of the number and designation of passengers arriving in the United States during the year ending 30th September last. Feb. 23, 1847. 38 pp. 8=. 29th Congr^ess, 2d session. House doc. no. 98. 500 ANNUAL REPORTS ON IMMIGRATION 117 1847. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting statements of the number and designation of passengers arriving in the United States during the year ending September 3(i. 1847. Mar. 3, 1848. 62 pp. 8°. 30th Congress, 1st session. House ex. doe. no. J^7. 518 1848. Letter from the Secretary of state, communicating tnc nuni ber and designation of passengers arriving in the I'nitcd States during the year ending September 30, 1848. Dec. 18, 1848. 70 pp. 8°. 30th Congress., M session. House ex. doc. no. 10. 538 1849. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting statements of the number and designation of passengers arriving in the United States during the year ending September 30, 1841*. Dec. 31, 1849. 64 pp. 8°. 31st Congress., 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 7. 572 1850. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting a statement showing the nunjber of emigi-ants to this country during the year 1850. Jan. 3, 1851. 46 pp. 8°. 31st Congress., 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 16. 598 1851. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting a statement of the number and designation of persons arriving in the United States from September 30, 1850, to Januar}' 1, 1852. May 3, 1852. 69 pp. 8°. 32d Congress., 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 100. 644 1852. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting tabular state- ments showing the number, &c., of passengers who arrived in the United States during the last year. Feb. 12, 1853. 18 pp. 8^. 32d Congress., 2 d session. House ex. doc. no. J^G. 679 1853. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting tlu' :iiiiiu:il statement of the num))er of passengers aiii\ing in the United States by sea from foreign countries. Mar. 17, 1854. 24 pp. 8^. 33d Congress., 1st session. House ex. dor. no. 7S. 723 1854. Letter from the Secretary of state, transniittiiig tlir annuiiJ report of passengers arriving in the I'liitcd States. Fob. 21, 1855. 40 pp. 8'-. 33d Congress., '2d session. House ex. dvc. no. 77. 788 118 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1855. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting- the annual report of passengers arriving in the United States. Fel). 21, 1856. 11 pp. 8°. 3]f.t}i Congress, 1st sessio?). House ex. doc. no. 20. 851 1856. Report of the Secretary of state, in obedience to law, of pas- sengers arriving in the United States during the year end- ing Dec. 31, 1856. Feb. 18, 1857. 37 pp. 8-. Congress., 3d session. Senate ex. doe. n<>. 5Jf. 881 Same. Feb. 18, 1857. 37 pp. 8^. Congress., 3d session. House ex. due. no. 78. 906 1857. Letter from the Secretarj" of state, transmitting the annual report of passengers arriving in the United States. Feb. 16, 1858. 36 pp. 8^. 35th Congress., 1st session. Senate ex. doc. no. 32. 924 Saine. Feb. 16, 1858. 36 pp. 8^. 35th Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 62. 955 1858. Report of the Secretary" of state, communicating in obedience to law, statements showing the number and designation of passengers arriving in the United States during the year 1858. Feb. 19, 1859. 10 pp. 8"^. ' 35th Congress, 2d session . Senate ex. doc. no. 3If,. 984 Same. Feb. 15, 1859. 10 pp. 8-. 35th Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 92. 1008 1859. Letter of the Secretary of state, communicating, in obedience to law, statements showing the number and designation of passengers arriving in the United States during the year 1859. Feb. 28, 1860. 38 pp. 8^. 36th Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 32. 1048 1860. Letter from the Secretary of state, communicating statements of the number and designation of passengers arriving in the United States during the year 1860. Mar. 2, 1861. 36 pp. 8°. 36th Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 81. 1101 1861. Letter from the Secretary of state, enclosing statement of the number of passengers arriving in the United States on shipboard during the year ending December 31 , 1861 May 12, 1862. 35 pp. 8°. 37th Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 111. 1137 1862. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting annual state- ment of the arrival of passengers for the year ending December 31, 1862. Feb. 14, 1863. 50 pp. 8^. 37th Congress, 3d session. House ex. doc. no. 67. 1163 ANNUAL REPORTS ON IMMIGRATION Hy 1863. Letter from the Secretur}- of state, transmittincr stutemont of the number, age, sex, &c.. of passengers arriving in the United States from foreign countries M'sea during the veai- ending December 31, 1803. Mar. 10, 1864. 5(> pp. >. 38th Congreas^ 1st sension. House ex. doc. no. oJ. 1189 1864. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting statement of the number, age, &c., of passengers arriving in the VuhM States b}' sea. Feb. 27, 1865. J:4 pp. s-. 3Sth Congress., 2d session. Ilonae ex. doc. )i«. 76*. 1229 1865. The report of the Commissioner of immigration, of the txix-n ditures, &c., since the establishment of the bureau. M:ir. 9, 1866. 88 pp. 8^. 39th Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 0)1. 1256 1866. A report of the Commissioner of immigration, of the foreign immigration and of the expenditures of the bureau for the first three quarters of the year 1866. Jan. 14, 1867. 81 pp. 8=. 39th Congress., 2d sessimi. House ex. doc. no. JO. 1289 1867. Report of the Commissioner of immigration, of the expendi- tures of the bureau for the year ending September 30, 1867. Dec. 5, 1867. 126 pp. 8-. 4.0th Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no. IS. 1330 1868-1869. Report, in compliance with the aqt of Congress of .March 3, 1855, regulating the carriage of passengers in steamships and other vessels. Apr. 4, 1870. 90 pp. 8^. 4-lst Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 235. 1425 1870. Letter from the Secretary of state transmitting a statement of the number, age, sex, and occupation of passengers arriving in the United States by sea, from foreign countries, during the year 1870. Feb. 3, 1871. 35 pp. 8^. Jf.lst Congress, 3d session. House ex. doc. no. 92. 1454 1869-1890. From 1869-1891 the statistics of inunigration are foumi in the Annual report of the Chief of the Bureau of statistics (Treasury department) on the commerce and navigation of the United States. 1891-1906. Annual report of the Commissioner-general of iinini gration. 1891/92-1906. Washington: Government printing ojfice, 1892-190(j. I't m/s. in 6. <9^. IMMIGRATION: ARTICLES IN UNITED STATES TREASURY DEPARTMENT DECISIONS 1898. Employees of exhibitors at the Tiansmississippi and Interna- tional exposition company of Omaha, Nebraska. Vol. 1, 1898 (18811), pp. 61-62. 1898. Maintenance and deportation of alien immigrants. Vol. 2, 1898 (19869), pp. 326-329. 1898. Requiring of steamship companies and masters of vessels bringing alien immigrants into the United States complete manifests. Vol. 2, 1898 (20143), page 651. 1899. Aliens landing at ports of the United States in transit to foreign territory. Vol. 1, 1899 (20470), pp. 15-16. 1899. Alien immigrants [children born in the United States of noYi- naturalized aliens]. Vol. 1, 1899 (20747), page 416. 1899. Employees of exhibitors at the Philadephia exposition associa- tion of Pennsylvania. Vol. 1, 1899 (20827), pp. 502-504. 1899. Horses and cattle of immigrants. Vol. 1, 1899 (21308), pp. 1206-1207. 1899. Examination of discharged alien seamen. Vol. 2, 1899 (21724), pp. 626-627. 1899. Admission into the United States of returning cattlemen. Vol. 2, 1899 (21752), pp. 665-666. 1899. Maintenance and deportation of alien immigrants. Vol. 2, 1899 (21864), pp. 858-861. 1900. Alien seamen. Vol. 3, 1900 (21980), pp. 122-123. 1900. Employees of exhibitors at the Pan-American exposition of Buffalo, N. Y. Vol. 3, 1900 (22292), pp. 544-545. 120 DECISIONS OF THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT 121 1900. Immigrants' teams, implements, etc. Vol. 3, 1900 (22422), pp. 682-686. 1900. Violation of immigration acts. Vol. 3, 1900 (22444), j^p. 712-713. 1900. Collection of head tax on Canadians going to Hawaii. Vol. 3, 1900 (22548), pp. 853-854. 1900. Admission into the United States of returning cattlemen. Vol. 3, 1900 (22597), pp. 907-908. 1901. Fines or penalties imposed under the immigration laws. Vol. 4, 1901 (22790), pp. 154-156. 1901. Invoices of household goods, tools of trade, etc. , of immigrants. Vol. 4, 1901 (22823), page 191. 1901. Bobbinet lace makers [importation of two skilled workmen under contract]. Vol. 4, 1901 (22909), pp. 312-314. 1901. Alien immigrants [children born in the United States of non- naturalized aliens]. Vol. 4, 1901 (22999), pp. 441-442. 1901. Admissibility of aliens afflicted with tuberculosis of the lungs. Vol. 4, 1901 (23016), page 456. 1901. Admissibility of aliens afflicted with tubercle of lung. Vol 4, 1901 (23085), p. 528. 1901. Alien seamen. Vol. 4, 1901 (23296), pp. 797-801. 1901. Inspection of aliens landed at the ports of the Dominion of Canada. Vol. 4, 1901 (23343), pp. 859-862. 1902. Per capita tax on aliens. Vol. 5, 1902 (24089), pp. 8.38-839. 1903. Immigration regulations. Vol. 6, Mar. 13, 1903 (24286), pp. 22.5-2.30. 1903. Immigration : departure of transit ])assengers out of the United States. Vol. 6, Apr. 14, 1903 (24351), j)p. 311-31.3. 1903. Head tax on aliens [from Torto Rico]. Vol. 6, Apr. 23, 1903 (24378), pp. 353-354. 122 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1903. Aliens [reasonable opportunity to be heard]. Vol. 6, Apr. 24, 1903 (24379), pp. 354-355. 1903. Head tax on aliens. Vol. 6, Apr. 29, 1903 (24391), pp. 372-374. 1903. Head tax on aliens. Vol. 6, May 7, 1903 (24419), page 407. DECISIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR 1904. No per capita tax on Filipinos from foreii^ii ports. Decision no. 15, March 21, 1904. 2 pp. 1904. Aliens — rejection of contract laborers. Decision no. 16, April 9, 1904. 2 pp. 1904. Aliens — expense of deportation. Decision no. 18, April 20, 1904. 2 pp. 1904. Exclusion of contract laborer. Decision no. 82, Nov. 29, 1904. 3 pp. 1905. Deposits of head tax on account of aliens in transit. Decision no. 106, Oct. 16, 1905. 2 pp. 1906. Transpacific steerage accommodations under Passenger act of 1882. Decision no. 110, October 4, 1906. 2 pp. 1906. Foreign laborers. Introduction of, b}' State of South (Jarolinu. Decision no. Ill, Dec, 15, 1906. 19 pp. 123 IMMIGRATION: ARTICLES IN UNITED STATES CONSULAR REPORTS 1880. Canadian emigration to the United States. S. D. Pace. June 30, 1880. Vol. 1, no. 1, October, 1880, pp. 41-42. 1880. Emigration from Hungary to the United States. Henry Sterne. May 19, 1880. Vol. 1, no. 1, October, 1880, pp. 98-99. « 1880. Italian emigration, B. O. Duncan. May, 15, 1880. Vol. 1, no. 1, October, 1880, pp. 127-129, 1880. Emigration from Norway. Gerhard Gade. April 19, 1880. Vol. 1, no. 1, October, 1880, pp. 192-193. 1881. The large emigration from Central and Southern Europe. Henry Dithmar. Feb. 26, 1881. Vol. 2, no. 6, April, 1881, pp. 556-557. 1881. Emigration from Wiirtemberg, Report on its cause, char- acter, and extent, and the laws by which it is governed. George T. Catlin. Mar. 8, 1881. Vol. 2, no. 6, April, 1881, pp. 557-570. 1881. Emigrants of the criminal and pauper class. A. E. Lee. Mar. 3, 1881. Vol. 2, no. 6, April, 1881, pp. 570-574. 1881. Emigration from Germany. H. J. Winser. Mar. 9, 1881. Vol. 2, no. 7, May, 1881, pp. 683-685. 1881. German emigration. James T. Du Bois. Mar. 30, 1881. Vol. 2, no. 7, May, 1881, pp. 701-702. 1881. Emigration of paupers and criminals from Wiirtemberg to the United States. George T. Catlin. Mar. 31, 1881. Vol 2, no. 8, June, 1881, pp. 895-898. 1881. German emigration to the United States. James M. Wilson. April, 1881. Vol. 3, no. 9, July, 1881, pp. 117-119. 124 IMMIGRATION : ARTICLES IN U. S. CONSULAR REPORTS 125 1881. Swiss emigration to the United States. Nicolas Fish. May 9, 1881. Vol. 3, no. 10, August, 1881, pp. 298-299. 1881. German emigration and colonization. Wolfgang Schoenle. Oct. 28, 1881. Vol. 4, no. 14, December, 1881, pp. 625-626. 1882. Emigration from Hamburg. John :\I. Bailey. Nov. 1, 1881. Vol. 5, no. 15, January, 1882, pp. 84-86. 1882. Soliciting immigration from Europe.— Improper action of emigration agents. James T. Du Bois. Nov. 24, 1881. Vol. 5, no. 15, January, 1882, pp. 12,3-125. 1882. The last German census and emigration to the United States. Theodore Canisius. Jan. 10, 1882. Vol. 5, no. 16, February, 1882, pp. 193-194. 1882. German emigration statistics, 1871 to 1881, inclusive. Ferdinand Vogeler. Mar. 13, 1882. Vol. 5, no. 18, April, 1«82, pp. .556-559. 1882. Emigration from Wiirtemburg to the United States. George L. Catlin. Feb. 9, 1882. Vol. 5, no. 18, April, 1882, pp. 59.3-596. 1882. Emigration from Hesse-Darmstadt. James Henry Smith. Apr. 30, 1882. Vol. 6, no. 21, July, 1882, pp. 461-464. 1882. Emigration from Switzerland to the United States. Frank H. Mason. July 24, 1882. Vol. 6, no. 22, August, 1882, pp. 540-542. 1883. Irish distress and emigration. Reports from various consuls, 1883. Vol. 9, no. 30, April, 1883, pp. 627-641. 1883. Mexico inviting immigration. O. H. Morgan. Apr. 25, 1883. Vol. 10, no. 32, August, 1883, pp. 332-348. 1883. Italian emigration. Frank G. Haughwont. Oct. 16, 1883. Vol. 11, no. 36, December, 1883, pp. 3»)4-366. 1884. Emigration from Europe. Henry B. Ryder. Oct. 16, 1883. Vol. 11, no. 38, February, 1884, pp. 672-675. 126 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1884. Emigration from Wiirtemburg, George L. Catlin. Apr. 11, 1884. Vol. 12, no. 41, May, 1884, pp. 410-413. 1884. Preventing emigration from Austria-Hungary. James Riley Weaver. June 7, 1884. Vol. 13, no. 42, June, 1884, page 16. 1884. Emigration via Hamburg. J. M. Bailey. July 16, 1884. Vol. 14, no. 45, Sept., 1884, pp. 63-65. 1885. Norwegian emigration to the United States. Gerhard Gade. Dec. 8, 1884. Vol. 15, no. 51, March, 1885, page 599. 1885. Emigration via Bremen. John M. Wilson. Jan. 16, 1885. Vol. 15, no. 51, March, 1885, pp. 600-601. 1885. Canadian immigration. Seargent P. Stearns. Mar. 24, 1885. Vol. 16, no. 53, June, 1885, pp. 108-109. 1885. Immigration into Brazil. C. C. Andrews. Mar. 11, 1885. Vol. 16, no. 54, July, 1885, pp. 408-409. 1887. Emigration from Europe. Keports from the Consuls of the United States. Washington: Government printing office^ 1887. 282 pp. Plates. 8°. Vol. 22, no. 76. April, 1887. Contents. — Immigration of skilled labor into the United States; Cost of living in German}'; Emigration from Austria-Hungary; Emi- gration from France; Emigration from Germany; Emigration from Italy; Emigration from the Netherlands; Emigration from Norway; Emigration from Russia; Emigration from Sweden; Emigration from Switzerland; Emigration from the United King- dom. 1887. Immigration into Southern Brazil. Rule Letcher. Mar. 31, 1887. Vol. 23, no. 81, July, 1887, pp. 72-75. 1887. Emigration from Greece to the United States. William H. Moffett. May 24, 1887. Vol. 23, no. 83, Sept., 1887, pp. 443-444. 1887. Emigration from Piraeus to the United States. A. C. McDowall. May 10, 1887. Vol. 23, no. 83, Sept., 1887, pp. 444-445. immigration: articles in u. s. reports 127 1888. Emigration from Austria. Henry W. Gilbert. Oct. 29, 1887. Vol. 25, no. 88, January, 1888, pp. 88-91. 1888. Loss to German industry through emigration. Jacob Mueller. Dec. 19, 1887. Vol. 25, no. 88, January, 1888, pp. 232-2.38. 1888. Emigration from and immigration into the Uniti>. 43-44. 1893, Immigration into Brazil. O. H. Dockery. Feb. 10, 189.>. Vol. 42, no. 153, June, 1893, pp. 2.39-240. 1893. Italian immigration. Baron Fava. Feb. 9, 1893. Vol. 42, no. 153, June, 1893, pp. 248-254. 1894. Emigration from Norway. Gerhard Gade. .Nov., 1893. Vol. 44, no. 161, February, 1894, pp. 305-306. 1894. Italian emigration to the United States. Henry G. Huntington. Nov. 27, 1893. Vol. 44, no. 161, February, 1894, pp. 308-309. 1894. Immigration into Venezuela. E. H. Piumacher. Nov. 7, 1893. Vol. 44, no. 161, February, 1894, pp. 332-335. 1894. Emigration from Christiania in 1898. Gerhard ( rade. Jan. 6, 1894. Vol. 44, no. 162, March, 1894, pp. 418-419. 1894. Emigration from Amsterdam to the United States. Edward Downes. Apr. 20, 1894. Vol. 45, no. 166, July, 1894, pp. 394-396. 1894. Italian emigration to the United States. Henry Greenough Huntington. Mar. 20, 1894. Vol. 45, no. 166, July, 1894, pp. 464-467. 1894, Emigration from Norway. Lauritz F. Bronn. June, 1894. Vol. 46, no. 168, September, 1894, page 137. 1894. Emigration of Japanese laborers. E. J. Smithers. Aug. 11, 1894. Vol. 46, no. 170, November, 1894, pj.. 441-442. 1895. A German view of American immigration. Loui.s Stern. Jan. 18, 1895. Vol. 48, no. 177, June, 1895, pi'. 26.5-266. 1895. Emigration from Wiirtembcrg. Alfred C. Johnson. Apr. 9, 1895. Vol. 48, no. 177, June, 1895, pp. ;;68-3»)9. 20807—07 9 180 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1895. Swiss emigration. Eugene Germain. June 6, 1895. Vol. 48, no. 178, July, 1895, page 528. 1895. German emigration. Louis Stern. July 15, 1895. Vol. 49, no. 182, November, 1895, pp. 296-297. 1896. Immigration contract with Venezuela. E. H. Plumacher. Apr. 4, 1896. Vol. 51, no. 188, May, 1896, pp. 114-116. 1897. Canadian emigration to Brazil. Julian Haugwitz. Jan. 13, 1897. Vol. 53, no. 199, April, 1897, pp. 484-487. 1897. German emigration statistics. James C. Monaghan. Apr. 8, 1897. Vol. 54, no. 201, June 1897, page 325. 1897. New channel for German emigration. Louis Stern. May 20, 1897. Vol. 54, no. 203, August, 1897, pp. 521-523. 1897. European emigration. James C. Monaghan. June 18, 1897. Vol. 54, no. 203, August, 1897, pp. 583-584. 1898. Immigration into the Argentine Republic. William I. Buchanan. Sept. 22, 1897. Vol. 56, no. 208, January, 1898, pp. 32-34 1898. Emigration of Japanese. John F. Gowey. Oct. 21, 1897. Vol. 56, no. 208, January, 1898, page 132. 1898. Venezuelan immigration contracts. W. W. Russell. Jan. 10, 1898. Vol. 56, no. 210, March, 1898, pp. 361-363. 1898. Japanese immigration into Brazil. Frank D. Hill. Aug. 1897. Vol. 56, no. 218, March, 1898, pp. 403-406. 1898. German emigration laws [literal translation]. Edward H. Ozmun. Mar. 25, 1898. Vol. 57, no. 213, June, 1898, pp. 2.30-234. 1898. Emigration from Ireland. Daniel Swiney. Mar. 14, 1898. Vol. 57, no. 213, June, 1898, page 235. 1898. Emigration from Switzerland. Ma}^ 12, 1898. Vol. 57, no. 214. July, 1898, page 462. immigration: articles in u. s. consul.\r reports 131 1898. Italian immigrants in Venezuela. Francis? B. Loomis. July 7, 1898. Vol. 58, no. 216, September, 1898, pp. 140-142. 1898. Emigration from Amsterdam during 1897. G. J. Corey. Aug. 11, 1898. Vol. 58, no. 218, November, 1898, i)p. 440-441. 1899. Emigration from German seaports in 1898. Louis Stern. Feb. 28, 1899. Vol. 60, no. 225, June, 1899, pp. 288-289. 1899. Colonization in Paraguay. John N. Ruffin. Mar. 7, 1899. Vol. 60, no. 226, July, 1899, pp. 563-564. 1899. Emigration to South America. Albert W. Swalm. Apr. 11, 1899. Vol. 61, no. 228, September, 1899, pp. 38-39. 1899. German emigration. Sept. 25, 1899. Vol. 61, no. 231, December, 1899, page 656. 1903. Immigration into Northwest Canada. L. Edwin Dudley. Dec. 15, 1902. Vol 71, no. 270, March, 1903, pp. 452-153. 1903. Permits for immigration into the Transvaal. J. E. Proffit. Mar. 30, 1903. Vol. 72, no. 274, July, 1903, pp. 435-436. 1903. Emigration from Finland to the United States. Victor Ek. July 20, 1903. Vol. 73, no. 277, October, 1903, page .374. 1903. Immigration and foreign trade in Honduras. Alfred K. Moe. Sept. 5, 1903. Vol. 73, no. 279, December, 1903, i>age H44. 1904. Immigration into (Janada. Henry S. Culver. Oct. 12, 1903. Vol. 74, no. 280, January, 1904, pp. 66-<)7. 1904. American immigration into the Canadian nortliwcst.C )<■(.. I!»j>. -^ . {Daily circular reports., no. 190f). .V. 190 If..) 1904. Norwegian emigration to the United States. Henry Bordewic-h. Oct. 10, 1903. Vol. 74, no. 280, January, 1904, page 221. 1904. Immigration into Manitoba from the United States. Vol. 74, no. 281, February, 1904, pp. 513-514. 1904. Immigration into the Transvaal and Orange River colonies. Vol. 74, no. 281, February, 1904, page 514. 1904. Immigrants into Canada. Vol. 75, no. 283, April, 1904, page 281. 1904. Reduction in emigrant rates. Robert S. S. Bergh. Feb. 22, 1904. Vol. 75, no. 284, May, 1904, page 522. 1904. Immigration into Canada from the United States. W. R. HoUoway. May 17, 1904. Vol. 75, no. 285, June, 1904, page 974. 1904. Emigration attaches. Vol. 75, no. 285, June, 1904, pp. 1076-1077. 1904. New steamer line between Stettin and New York. Richard Guenther. March 25, 1904. Vol. 75, no. 285, June, 1904, page 1086. 1904. Emigration from Ital} . Homer M. Byington. July 11, 1904. No. 288, September, 1904, pp. 9-11. 1904. German school for emigrants. No. 288, September, 1904, page 63. 1904. Emigration from England and Ireland. Joseph G. Stephens. Sept. 22, 1904. No. 289, October, 1904, page 176. 1904. Emigration from Hamburg and Bremen. Southard P. Warner. Sept. 15, 1904. No. 289, Octol)er, 1904, page 192. 1904. Immigi-ation into and emigration from Argentina. D. Mayer. Sept. 22, 1904. No. 290, November, 1904, page 60. IMMIGRATIOX: ARTICLES IX U. S. COXSUL.\E REPORTS 133 1904. Anomalies of ocean travel. James Boyle. Oct. 7, 1904. No. 290, November, 1904, pa^'e 94. 1904. P^mi^ration from Ireland in 11>U2 and 1!*03. Edward Harvey. Oct. 18, 1904. No. 290, November, 1904, page 186. 1904. Canadian trade. Henry S. Culver. Nov. 5, 1904. No. 291, December, 1904, pp. 46-47. "Influx of immigration," page 46. 1904. Trieste as a port of emigration. F. W. Hossfeld. Oct. 31, 1904. No. 291, December, 1904, pp. 116-117. 1904. Emigration and population, Sweden. Edward L. Adams. Oct. 27, 1904. No. 291, December, 1904, page 144. 1904. Immigration into Brazil. No. 291, December, 1904, page 161. 1904. Immigration into Cuba. Jacob Sleeper. Nov. 12, 1904. No. 291, December, 1904, i)age 30.5. 1904. Emigration and passenger movement through Havre. A. M. Thackara. Nov. 10, 1904. No. 291, December, 1904, page 312. 1904. Emigration to the United States. Washington: Government printing ojfice^ 1901^.. a-y, 210 pp. 8^. {Special co7isular reports^ ty^J. SO. 58th CongrtKs^ ^il session. House doc. no. 732.) Contents. — Department circular; Introductory iuimigration utatie- tics; Immigration into tlie United States, by couiitric.«. lS21-liHl3; Total foreign-born jjopulation of the l'nitc« Bureau of the American RepublicH. It". Burgess, Ge Legoyt, Alfred '. . . . 31 Lehmann, Emil 31 Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre 77 Lespinasse, Alphonse J 135 Letcher, Rule 1 2G Leucht, I. L 87 Levasseur, Emile 31,41 Levay , Louis de 84 Liegeard , Armand 52 Lindsay, R. C 31 Livingston, Edward 31 Lodge, Henry Cabot. 54, 57, 59. 67, 93, 105 Loeb, Morris 89 Longstaff, George Blundell 31 Lontos, E. S 135 Loomis, Francis B 131 Lord, Eliot 32 Louisiana. Bureau of immigration. 32 Lovejoy , Evalyn C 75 Lovejoy , Owen R 80 Lowry , Edward 63 Ludewig, Hermann E 32 Lyon, Ernest 136 McAdoo, William 54 McArthur, W. A 47 McCreary, E. D 57 McDowall, A. C 126 McDowell, Mary E 75 Mackenzie, Eneas. 32 McLanahan, Samuel 32 McLaughlin, Allan J 32, 63, 64, 67, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 82 MacLean, Annie Marion 79 McMahon, Henry 82 McRae, Lawrence 88 McSweeney , Edward F 58, 62 McSweeny, Z. F 76 Magliano, Roberto 29 Mahin, Frank W 136 Mailath, Joseph 80 Mangano, Antonio 70 Manson, George J 54 Marcus, Moses 32 Marsh, William 32 AUTHOR INDEX 141 Page Marshall, L. C 33 Martin, Lewis A 134 Martincaii, John 80 Maryland. Bureau of immigration. 33 Masaryk, Alice G 75 Mashek, Nan 75 Mason, Frank H 125 Massachusetts. Bureau of statist ies of labor 33 Mathews, BjTon C Gl Matson, Clarence H 72 Maupin, Chapman W 41 Maury, Sarah Mytton (Hughes) 33 Mayer, D 132 Mayor des Planches, E 85 Meade, Emily Fogg 78, 81 Melish, John 33 Merlino, S 57 Merry, J. F 92 Mesnaud de Saint-Paul, Jean 33 Metcalf , Victor Howard 112 Meuriot, Paul 90 Meyers, John Frederic 33, 51 Meyrick, A. S 33 Michalak, Anthony 93 Michaud, Gustave G4 Micheli, Peppino 65 Miller, Bernhard 34 Miller, Shackleford 91 Millis, Harry A 34, GO Mills, David 07 Mitchell, Roger 64 Moe, Alfred K 131, 135 Moffett, Samuel E 65 Moffett, William H 126 Mt)naghan, James C 71, 130 Mooney, Thomas 34 Morgan, D.J 73 Morgan, O. H 125 Mueller, Jacob 127 Muensterberg, Emil 91 Munger, T. T 52 Munroe, Kirk GO Nash, Paul 13G Nelson, E. C 81 Nevers, Edmond de 64 New, John C 129 Newlands, Francis G 93 New Jersey. Bureau of statistics of labor and industries 34 New York. State. Bureau of labor statistics 34 Commissioners of emigration . . 34 Page Noble, John Hawks 55 Norton, Eliot 08, 72 O "Bryan. William 35 Oetken, Friedrich 35 Ogg, Frederic Austin 8G. 87, 89 Oldrini, Alexander 35. 103 Olivi, Luigi 79 Orcutt, Hortense M 82 O.-^swald, Fr 39 Ottendorfer, Oswald 54 Ozmun, Edward H 130 Pace, S. D 124 Paget, Henry Luke 78 Parisi, L 02 Park, G. A 2S. 76 Parker, George F 56 Parkhurst, Charles 55 Parsons, Frank 72 . Parsons, Reuben 63 Paterson, Arthur 58 Patten, James Horace 85 Patterson, Thomas M 93 Patton, Mrs. Simon N 31 Pauer , Friedrich 35 Paulding, J. R 31 Peck, E. F 74 Pennsylvania. Department of in- ternal afj'nirs 35 Peterson, P. A 35 Phenis, Albert 79, 83 Philippovich, Eugen von 53 Phipard, Charles B 70 Pianti, Humbert de 06 Pickering, Joseph 35 Pierantoni, Augusto 61, 70 Pierce, Daniel T 88 Pink, Louis H 75 Pio, Augusta H 79 Piper, Horace L 35 Plumacher, E. H 129, 1.30 Polenz, Wilhelm von 64 Poole, Ernest 89 Potter, Henry C 81 Powderly, T. V 53, 62 Powers, Fred. Perry 52 Prentice, Archibald 35 Preston, W. T. R 130 Preziosi, Giovanni 8 1 , 89 Price, M. M 135 Prindiville, Kate Gertrude 05 Prior, Kdward J(.iiii 7S. 92 Prollit, J. E 131 Puddeiuot, W. G 59 142 AUTHOR INDEX TaKe Ragozin, Mme. Z 51 Raine, F 327 Rambaud, Jacques 80 Ratto, Lorenzo 90 Rauschenbusch, August 36 Ravenstein, E. G 36 Reaney, G. S 47 Reynolds, Minnie J 74 Richards, M.V 28,76 Richter, Dmitri] J 36 Rideing, William H 51 Riis, Jacob August 36, 64 Ripley, William Z 69 Robbing, Jane E 75, 80, 88 Roberts, Peter 36, 75 Roberts, William K 36 Robins, Elizabeth 62 Roebling, John A 59 Rolleston, Charles 69, 70 Rood, Henry 55 Roosevelt, George W 127 Roosevelt, Theodore 44 Rossiter, William S 94 Round, William M. F 53 Rovnianek, P. V 75 Rubinow, I. M 65, 66 Ruffin, JohnN 131 Russell, W. W 130 Ryder, Henry B 125 Sabetta, Ugo Carleton 65 Samuel, Herbert 82 Sanborn, Alvan F 61 Sanborn, F. B 36 Sanders, Thomas B 36 Sanderson, John P .-. . 37 Santa-Anna Nery, Frederico Jose de 37 Sargent, Frank P 37, 67, 72 Sartori, Francesco 37 Sayles, Mary Buell 75 Scanland, J. M 81 Schade, Louis 37, 50 Schick, John M 60 Schindler, Solomon 54 Schloss, D. F 22 Schoenle, Wolfgang 125 Schomerus, Friedrich 37 Schooling, John Holt 74 Schulteis, Herman J 37 Schultze, Ernst 90, 91 Schurz, Carl 60 Page Schuyler, Eugene 53 Schwab, Gustav H 56 Schwegel, H 37 Scott, Charles 83 Scudder, Vida D 79 Sedgwick, A. G 51 Sedgwick, H. D 69 Self, Edward 51 Senner, Joseph H 58, 59, 60 Shaler, N. S 57 Shaw, Adele Marie 77 Shaw, C. B 47 Sherard, Robert H 38 Sherley, Swagar 91 Sherman, Philip Edmund 68 Shipley, Maynard 89 Sill, Joseph 50 Simmons, F. M 93 Sitta, Pietro 56 Skinner, Lilian Marchant 94 Sleeper, Jacob 133 Smith, Charles Stewart 55 Smith, James Henry 125 Smith, Richmond Mayo- ... 38, 52, 54, 56 Smith, Sidney 38 Smith, Thomas 38 Smithers, E.J 129 Smyth, William P 128 Snell, H 38 Sommerlatte, Paul 66 Spanier, J. P 85 Speck von Sternburg, Baron 87 Spencer, E. C 54 Speranza, Gino Carlo 65, 66, 70, 73, 81, 82, 83 Spinola, F. B 101 Sprague, H.J 127 Stamer, William J. A 39 Starr, Ellen Gates 27 Stearns, Seargent P 126 Steele, James W 72 Steiner, Edward A 39, 63, 64, 66 Stella, Antonio 71 Stella, Joseph 84 Stephens, Joseph G 132, 135 Stern, Louis. '. 129, 130, 131 Sterne, Henry 124 Stevens, Alzina P 27 Stevens, John Austin 89 Stevenson, Frederick Boyd 83 Stewart, Ethelbert 39 AUTHOR INDEX 143 Page Stockbridge, Henry 82, 83 Stone, Alfred Holt 77, 93 Stone, William Alexis 39 Straten-Ponthoz, Gabriel Auguste van der , covite 39 Strong, Josiah 25, 39 Strong, William 51 Sturz, J. J 40 Sulzberger, Cyrus L 69, 85 Sumner, Helen L 13 Svarc, V 80 Swalm, Albert W 131 Swank, James M 40 Sweeney, Helen M 59 Swiney , Daniel 130 Sylvester, Richard H 57 Tayler, Robert Walker 40 Thackara, A. M 133 Thomason, D. R 40 Thomson, William H 90 Tiffany, O. H 40 Tilden, T 87 Tillman, Benjamin R 93 Tompkins. D. A 73 Tosti, Gustavo 70, 79 Trail, Charles B 128 Trenor. John J. D 32,72 Tuke, J. H 51,52 Turner, George 40 Turner, R. W 128 Turner, Samuel Epes 55 Turner, Thomas F 44 Turner. Thomas J 40 Twells, Julia H 58 Underwood, Oscar W 8(5, 93 United States. Bureau of foreign commerce 40, 41 Bureau of immigration 41^2 Congress. Senate. Committee on immigration 42 House. Committee on immi- gration and naturalization . 42 Department of commerce and labor 43 Department of labor 44 Industrial commission 44 President 44 Public health and marine- hospital service 44 Treasury department. Bureau of statistics 45 liar department 45 Vuge Valerio, Alessandro Mastro- 27 Van Etten, Ida M 57 Venezuela. Congrcso 45 Viereck, Louis 4G Villari, Pasquale 92 Villeneuve, Alphonse 46 Vincent, Sir Charles Edward How- ard 56, 74 Vogeler, Ferdinand 125 Wagener, Jno. A 50 Walker, Francis A ...... . 29, 46, 54, 55, 59 Waller. Zepheniah '46 Walsh, George Ethelbert 57 Ward, John 88 Ward, Robert De Courcy 29, 46, 58, 68, 71, 73, 76, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 90 Warne, Frank Julian. 28, 46, 62, 66, 75, 76 Warner, Southard P 132 Watanna, Onoto 94 Watchorn, Robert 90 Watson, E. J 28, 76 Waudby, William S 81 Weaver, James Riley 126 Webb, C. H 46 Webb, Edwin Y 93 Weber, John B 55 Weber, John Langdon 89 Wells, George W 46 Wells, Herbert George 47, 88 Werner, Johann 47 Weston, J 63 Weston, Richard 47 Weyl, Walter E 47 Whelpley, James Davenport 47, 74, 77, 80, 84, 86 White, Arnold 47, 48, 52, 58, 60 White, Henry 59 White, Thomas, jr 50, 51 W' ickett, S. Morley 88 Wilder, W. H 55 Wilkins, William Henry. ... 47, 48, 53, 55 Wilkinson, T. W 82 Willcox, Walter F 89 Williams, B. W 58 Williams, John S 93 Williams, Oscar F 128 Williams, Ramon O 127 Williams, William 48 Willson, Beckles 82 Wilson, James M 124 Wilson, John M 126 Winser, H. J 124 144 AUTHOR INDEX Page Wisby, Hrolf 88 Wood, CharlesM 128 Wood, William R 57 Woods, Amy 73 Woods, Robert Arcliey 48, 70 Wood worth, John M 48 Wright, Carroll D 44, 49, 79 Page Wright, Frederick H 94 Wrightington, S. C 49 Young, Edward 49,99 Young, Sir Frederick 49 Zeman, Josefa Humpal 27 Zeublin, Charles 27 Zucca, Antonio 66 SUBJECT INDEX Argentine Republic: Periodicals — Page 1905 77 Consular reports — 1889 127 1898 130 1904 132 French in — Consular report — 1888 127 Italians in — Periodicals — 1903 65 Consular report — 1888 127 Spanish in — Consular report — 1889 127 Arkansas, Italians in — Periodicals — 1904 70 1907 93 Australasia: Longstaff , George B 31 Periodicals — 1904 72 Consular report — 1904. 133 Australia: United States. Bureau of for- eign commerce 41 Periodicals — 1903 66 Austrian immigr.\tion: Schwegel, H 37 United States. Bureau of for- eign commerce 41 Whelpley, James D 47 Periodicals — 1907 94 Consular reports — 1884,1887 126 1888 127 1904 133 1905 134,135 20807—07 10 Baltimore, Poles in — Periodicals — page 1904 75 Slums of — United States. Depart- ment of labor 44 Belgian immigr.\tion: United States. Bureau of for- eign commerce 41 Whelpley, James D 47 Consular report — 1904 133 Bibliography: Great Britain. Board of trade.. 22 Grose. Howard B 25 Hall. Prescott F 25 Hunter, Robert 27 Immigrat ion restriction league 28, 29 Smith, Richmond Mayo- 38 Bohemian i.mmigr.\tion: Hull-house maps and papers. . 27 Steiner, Edward A 39 Periodicals — 1904 75 Consular report — 1890 128 Boston, Italians in — Periodicals — 1904 70 1905 79 Slums of — Buslu'c, Frederick .\ 17 Woods, Robert A 48 Periodicals — 1907 92 Brazil; Consular reports — 1885, 1887 126 1893 129 1901.1905 133 Canadians in — Consular report — 1897 130 145 146 SUBJECT INDEX Brazil; Greeks in — Page Consular report — 1904 135 Italians in — Periodicals — 1905 81 Japanese in — Consular report — 1898 130 British colonies: Kingdom, William, jr 30 Periodicals — 1897 60 California, Hopkins, C. T 26 Immigration association 28 Italians in — Periodicals — 1901 61,62 1903 64 Japanese in — United States. Industrial commission 44 Periodicals — 1904 74 1905 78 See also San Francisco Canada: Howell, Alfred 26 Longstaff , George B 31 United States. Bureau of for- eign commerce 41 Periodicals — 1872 51 1905 81 1907 92 Consular reports — 1903, 1904 131,132 1905 134,135 1906 136 Canadian immigration: Commons, John R 19 Periodicals — 1895 58 1905 78,79,81 1906 88 Consular reports — 1880 124 1885 126 1904 133 Central America: United States. Bureau of for- eign commerce 41 Central America: Italians in— page Italy. Ministero degli affari esteri 29 Chicago, Bohemians in — Hull-house maps and papers . . 27 Periodicals — 1904 75 Italians in — Hull-house maps and pa- pers 27 United States. Depart- ment of labor 44 Periodicals — 1892 55 1893 57 1903 65 Jews in — Hull-house maps and pa- pers 27 Slums of — United States. Depart- ment of labor 44 Citizenship: See Naturalization Cleveland, Slavs in — Periodicals — 1905 76 Colombia, Regulations: Consular report — 1906 136 Congressional documents 95-112 Contract labor: New Jersey. Bureau of statis- tics of labor 34 Congressional documents — 1888 100 1889 101 1890 102 1892 103 1893,1894 104 1894 105 1899, 1900 107 Decisions — 1901 121 1904,1906 231 Criminals and Defective Classes: Braun, Marcus 16 Buxton, Sydney C 17 Hart, Hastings H 26 Hoyt, Charles S 27 Lord, Eliot 32 Sanborn, F. B 36 Walker, Francis A 46 SUBJECT INDEX 147 Criminals and Defective Classes: Periodicals — 1887 52 1889 53 189a 53 1896 59 1904 69 1906 89 Congressional documents — 1847 96 1855,1856,1857,1858 97 1874 99 1888 100 1889 101 1894 105 1901 107 Consular report — 1881 124 Cuba: Consular reports — 1904 133 1906 136 Regulations for — United States. War de- partment 45 Danish immigration: WTielpley , James D 47 Periodicals — 1906 86 Decisions: United States. Bureau of im- migration 41 United States. Department of commerce and labor 123 United States. Treasury de- partment 120-122 Distribution: Claghorn, Kate H 18 Commons, John R 19 Immigration and the south- em states 28 Immigration restriction league 28 Lord, Eliot 32 United States. Industrial commission 44 Periodicals — 1888 52 1904 68,69,72,76 1905 80,82 1906 87, 89 1907 92 DOUKHOBORS: Periodicals — Page 1904 75 Dutch immigration: Aan welke pensonen 13 United States. Bureau of for- eign commerce 40, 41 Whelpley, James D 47 Periodicals — 1906 90 Consular reports — 1887 126 1890 128 1894 129 1898 131 1904 133 Ecuador: Consular report — 1906 1.36 Educational Higginson, Thomas W 26 Immigrationrestrictionleague. 28, 29 United Slates. Congress. Sen- ate 42 Periodicals — 1891 54 1897, 1898 60 1904 73 1907 91 Congressional document — 1897 107 Ellis Island immigrant station: United States. Department of commerce and labor 43 Periodicals — 1903 64 1904 71 1905 78,84 Congressional documents — 1898 107 1902 108 1903 109 1904 109,110 Emigrant ships: See Steerage passengers English immigration: Amphlett. William 13 Cobbett, William 18 Collins, S. II 18 Colton. Calvin IH General hints 22 Great liritian. Royal commis- sion 24 148 SUBJECT INDEX English immigration: Page Holditrh, Robert 26 Jones, Evan R 30 Kingdom, William, jr 30 Knight, John 30 O'Biyaii, William 35 Pickering, Joseph 35 Prentice, Archibald 35 Smith, Sidney 38 Smith, Thomas 38 United States. Bureau of for- eign commerce 41 Weston, Richard 47 Periodicals — 1903 67 1906 87 Consular reports — 1887 126 1888 127 1893 129 1904 132,133 1905 135 Finnish immigration: Richter, Dmitrij J 36 Consular report — 1903 131 France Mesnaud de Saint-Paul, Jean. 33 French immigration: Avery, Elizabeth H 14 Fernagus do Gelone 21 United States. Bureau of for- eign commerce 41 \Mielpley, James D 47 Periodicals — 1891 54 1906 88 Consular reports — 1887 126 1890,1891 128 1904 132,133 German immigration: Bogen, Frederick W 15 Brauns, Ernst Ludwig 16 Buchele, C 16 Canstatt, Oscar 17 Castro, Lorenzo 18 Deutsche Gesellschaft 19 Eggerling, H. W. E 20 Fleischmann, J. C. L 21 Frobel, Julius 21 Gall, Ludwig 21 Grund, Francis J 25 Hoppe, A 26 German Immigration: Page Ichenhaeuser, Ju&tus 27 Jorg, Eduard 29 Kuczynski, Robert 30 Lehmann, Emil 31 Ludewig, Hermann E 32 Marsh, William 32 Miller, Bernhard 34 Pauer, Friedrich 35 Rauschenbusch, August 36 Schemers, Friedrich 37 Schwegel, H 37 Steiner, Edward A 39 United States. Bureau of for- eign commerce 41 Viereck, Louis 46 Werner, Johann 47 Whelpley, James D 47 Periodicals — 1850 50 1903 63 1904 71,73 1906 L 86,87 Congressional document — 1871 99 Consular reports — 1881 124,125 1882 125 1884,1885.1887 126 1888,1889 127 1890 128 1895 129,130 1897 130 1899 131 1904 132,133 1905 134,135 Gre.\t Britain: Boutmy, Emile G 15 Bradshaw, Frederick, and C. Emanuel 15 Buxton, Sydney C ^ 17 Gordon, W. Evans .' 22 Great Britain. Board of trade. 22,23 Reports of Royal commissions. etc 24-25 Snell, H 38 WTielpley, James D 47 White, Arnold 47 Wilkins, William H 48 Periodicals — 1892 55 1904 74 1905 77 Congressional document — 1836 95 SUBJECT INDEX 149 Great Britain: Page Consular reports — 1888 ]27 1893 129 1905 135 1906 136 Greek Immioration: Steiner, Edward A 39 United States. Bureau of for- eign conimerce 41 Consular reports — 1887 126 1904 133 Hawaii, Japanese in — Periodicals — 1907 94 Head-money taxes: Hill, Hamilton A 26 Periodicals — 1903 63 Congressional document — 1904 109 Decisiojis — 1900 121 1902,1903 121,122 1904,1905 123 Health, public: Lord, Eliot 32 McLaughlin, Allan J 32 United States. Public health and marine-hospital service ... 44 Wood worth , John M 48 Periodicals — 1902 62 1904 67,71 1905 82 1906 90 Congressional document — 1854 97 Decisions — 1901 121 History: Boyesen, Hjalniar H 15 Bromwell, William J 16 Brorup, Rasmus P 16 Chandeze, Gustave 18 Chickering, Jesse 18 Commons, John R 19 Dingley, F. L 19 Duval, Jules 20 Everett, Edward 20 Great Britain. Board of trade . 22 Foreign office 23 Hall, Prescott F 25 History: page Hoy t. Charles S 27 Immigration 27 James, Edmund J 29 Jarvis, Edward 29 Legoy t , Alfred 31 Lovasseur, Emile 31 Long.staff, George H 31 Schade, Ix)uis 37 Schulteis, Herman J 37 Smith, Richmond Mayo- 38 United States. Industrial cominission 44 Young, Edward 49 Periodicals— 1893 57 Congressional documents — 1893. 103 1902 108 Honduras: Consular report— 1903 131 Hungarian immigration: Braun, Marcus 10 ( "helard , Raoul 18 Schwegel, H 37 Steiner, Edward A 39 United States. Bureau of for- eign commerce 41 Whelpley, James D 47 Periodicals — 1903 06 1905 80 1906 85 1907 92,94 Consular reports — 1880 124 1884 12(; 1887 126 1890 128 1904 133 1905 134 Illinois, Slavs in — Periodicals — 1904 75 Immigrant stations: Congressional documenti^' 1902 107, lOS 1903,1904 Ili!» 1905 110 1907 112 See also Ellls Ihla.vd Immigration, Annual reportBon. 113-119 150 SUBJECT INDEX Insane: See Criminals and defect- Page ive classes Inspection: United States. Public health and marine-hospital service . 44 Periodicals — 1904 67 1905 77,78 1906 87 Congressional documents — 1894 104 1896 106 Iowa, Danes in — Periodicals — 1906 86 Norwegians in — Periodicals — 1905 81 Scandinavians in — Periodicals — 1906 86 Swedes in — Periodicals — 1905 83 Irish immigration: Byrne, Stephen 17 Emmet, Thomas A 20 Great Britain. Parliament... 24 Hale, Edward E 25 Mooney , Thomas 34 Shamrock society of New York 37,38 Periodicals — 1847 50 1881 51 1906 86 Congressional document — 1871 99 Consular reports — 1883 125 1890 128 1898 130 1904 132,133 1905 135 Italian immigration: Apuzzo, Nicola 14 Bodio, Luigi 14, 15 Brandenburg, Broughton 15 Braun, Marcus 16 Canada. Department of labour. 17 Ellena, V 20 Florenzano, Giovanni 21 Hull-house maps and papers. . 27 Italian immigration: Immigration restriction Page league 28 Italy. Ministero degli affari esteri. 29 Lord, Eliot 32 Nuova legislazione 34 Oldrini, Alexander 35 Sartori, Francesco 37 Steiner, Edward A 39 United States. Bureau of for- eign commerce 41 Department of labor 44 Villeneuve, Alphonse 46 Wholpley , James D 47 White. Arnold 47 Periodicals — 1889 53 1890 54 1892 55 1893 57 1896 59 1901, 1902, 1902-4 61, 62 1903 63,64,65,66 1904 67-75 1905 77-84 1906 85. 86, 88, 89, 90 1907 92,93,^94 Congressional documents — 1893 103 1896 106 Consular reports — 1880 124 1883 125 1887 : 126 1889,1891 128 1893,1894 129 1904 132,133 1905 134 1906 136 Japanese immigration: Canada. Royal commission.. 17 Roberts. William K 36 United States. Industrial com- mission 44 President 44 Periodicals — 1904 74,76 1905 78,79,81,84 1906 84,90 1907 91,92.93,94 Congressional documents — 1900 107 1906 112 SUBJECT INDEX 151 Japanese immigration: Consular reports — 1894 1898 1904 Jewish immigration: Bernheimer, Charles S Hull-house maps and papers. . Liberal immigration league Steiner, Edward A Periodicals — 1882 1891 1893 1898,1899 1902 1903 63,64, 1904 68, 1905 1906 1907 y See also Russian immigration Labor, immigration and: Adams, Thomas S., and Helen L. Sumner Commons, John R Hull-house maps and papers . . Immigration and the southern states Lord, Eliot Massachusetts. Bureau of sta- tistics of labor Meyrick, A. S New Jersey. Bureau of statis- tics of labor New York. Bureau of labor statistics Pennsylvania. Department of internal affairs Roberts, Peter Smith, Richmond Mayo- Social progress United States. Bureau of for- eign commerce Industrial com,mission Warne, Frank J Weyl, Walter E Periodicals — 1853 1892 1893 1895 1902 1903 129 130 133 14 27 31 39 51 54 57 60,61 63 65,66 69,74 80,81 84,89 92 13 19 27 28 32 33 33 34 34 35 36 38 39 41 44 46 47 50 55 57 58 62 65,66 Labor, immigration and: Periodicals — Page 1904 68,69, 70, 74, 75 1905 76, 79,81,83 1906 . 87,88 1907 93 Congressional documents — 1891 102 1896 106 1907 112 Deciinons — 1906 123 Consular report — 1887 126 Laws, Foreign countries: Charid^ze, Gustavo 18 American Republics — Bureau of American Re- publics 16 Congressional document — 1892 103 Argentine Republic — Bodio, Luigi 14 Austria-Hungary — Whelpley, James D . . . 47 Periodicals — 1906 84 Belgium — Whelpley, James D . . . 47 British Colonies — Periodicals — 1904 74 Canada — Canada 17 Denmark — Whelpley. James D . . 47 Wilkins, William H... 48 France — Whelpley, James D . . . 47 Germany — Whelpley, James D . . . 47 Consular report — 1898 130 Great Britain — Whelpley, James D . . . 47 Periodicals — 1906 84 Italy— Whelpley, James D . . . 47 Wilkins, William II... 4H Periodicals^ 1901 61 Coruiiilar report — 1889 .. 127 152 SUBJECT INDEX Laws, Foreign countries: P&ge Netherlands — TNTielpley, James D 47 Panama — Consular report — 1906 136 Portugal — Whelpley, James D 47 Russia — Whelpley, James D 47 Scandinavia — Whelpley, James D 47 Spain — Whelpley, James D 47 Switzerland — Whelpley, James D 47 United States — Bodio, Luigi 14 Brandenburg, Broughton . 15 Great Britain. Royal com- mission 24 Hall, Prescott F 25 Millis, Harry A 34 United States. Bureau of immigration 41-42 President 44 Whelpley, James D 47 Wilkins,"william H 48 Periodicals — 1904 71 1906 86 Congressional documents — 1890 101 1891 102 1893 104 1896,1897 106 1903 109 1907 112 Venezuela — Venezuela 45 Legislation : Foreign countries — Commons, John R 19 Great Britain 24 Great Britain — Gordon, W. Evans 22 Great Britain. Home de- partment 23 Parliament 23 Royal commission 25 Periodicals — 1905 81 1906 88 Legislation: Page British colonies- Great Britain, 1903^ 24 Italy— Nuova legislazione 34 United States — Anderson, A. S 14 Commons, John R 19 Great Britain. Board of trade 22 Guenther, Richard 25 Hall, Prescott F 25 United States. Industrial commission 44 Congressional document — 1893 103 Periodicals — 1906 90 1907 93 Levantine immigration: Periodicals — , 1904 74 Lithuanians: Periodicals — ■ 1904 75 Louisiana: Louisiana. Bureau of immi- gration 32 Periodicals — 1904 69, 70 Magyar immigration: Periodicals — 1904 74, 75 Mexic.\n immigration: Consular reports— 1904 133 1905 134 1906 136 Mexico: United States. Bureau of for- eign commerce 41 Consular reports — 1883 125 1905 134 1906 136 Minnesota: Gates, W. A 22 Mississippi: Periodicals — 1907 92 Montreal, Italians in — Canada. Department of labor.. 17 SUBJECT INDEX 153 Naturalization, Canada: Page Howell, Alfred 26 Great Britain — Great Britain. Home de- partment 23 United States — United States. Bureau of foreign commerce 41 Congress. House 42 Periodicals — 1895 58 1905 76, 77, 82, 83 1906 86, 89 Congressional documents — 1822 95 1838,1844,1845,1846 96 1856 * 97 1862, 1868 98 1880 100 1891 102 1893, 1894 103, 104 1902 107 1905,1906 110,111 1907 112 Naturaliz.\tion laws: United States. Bureau oj im- migration 42 Periodicals — 1884 51 1888 53 Congressional documents — 1889, 1890 101 1892 103 1894 104 1903 109 1905 110 New England: Periodicals — 1905 78 New York City: Claghorn, Kate H 18 Commons, John R 19 Periodicals — 1899 61 1906 89 Bohemians in — Periodicals — 1904 75 Italians in — Brandenburg, Broughton . 15 Periodicals — 1890 54 1892 55 New York Ci-n: Page Italians in — Periodicals — Continued. 1903 66 1904 67, 70 Jews in — Steiner, Edward A 39 Periodicals — 1902 63 Magj'ars in — Periodicals— 1904 75 Paupers, etc., in — Hoyt, Charles S 27 Slums of — Jones, Thomas J 30 Riis, Jacob A 36 United States. Depart- ment of labor 44 New York State: Immigration 27 Immigration restriction league. 29 Kapp, Friedrich 30 Norwegian immigration: United States. Bureau of for- eign commerce 41 Periodicals — 1905 81 1906 88 Consular reports — 1880 124 1885,1887 126 1888 127 1890 128 1894 129 1904 132 Orange River colonies: Consular report — 1904 132 Padrone ky.stem: Commons, John R 19 Periodicals — 1897 59 1904 70 Paraguay: Consular report — 1899 131 Paupers: Braun, Marcus H'> Buxton, Sydney C 17 Hoyt, Charhs S 27 Hunter. Rolx-rf 27 Lord, Eliot 32 154 SUBJECT INDEX Paupers: Page Millis, Harry A 34 Shei-ard, Kobert H 38 White, Arnold 47 Periodicals — 1877,1883 51 1887,1888 52 1890 53 1891 54 1892 55 1897,1898 60 1904 69, 72 Congressional documents — 1836, 1838 95,96 1847 96 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858 97 1888 100 1889 101 1894 105 Consular report — 1881 124 Personal experiences: Brandenburg, Broughton 15 Braun, Marcus 16 Mooney, Thomas 34 O'Bryan, William 35 Pickering, Joseph 35 Sherard, Robert H 38 Steiner, Edward A 39 Walter, Zepheniah 46 Peru: Consular report — 1906 136 Philadelphia, Italians in: Periodicals — 1904 67, 71 Slums of — United States. Depart- ment of labor 44 Philippine Islands, Naturaliza- tion: Congressional document — 1906 110 Regulations for — United States. War de- partment 45 Polish immigration: Periodicals — 1902 63 1903 64 1904 75 1907 94 Congressional document — 1896 105 Porto Rico, Regulations for: United States. War depart- ment 45 Congressional document — 1903 109 Portuguese immigration: ^ United States. Bureau of for- ^ eign commerce 41 \Mielpley , James D 47 Protection: Meyers, John F 33 Smith, Richmond Mayo- 38 Periodicals — 1873 51 1896 59 Congressional documents — 1864,1870 98 1871 99 1876,1878 100 Regulation: Anderson, A. S 14 Great Britain. Board of trade . 22 Sanborn, F.B ." 36 Periodicals — 1894 58 1904 73 1906 85,89 1907 93 Congressional documents — 1876, 1878, 1879, 1886 100 1889 101 1891 102 1896 106 1902 108 1904 109 1907 112 Decisions — 1903 121 Restriction: Atchison, Rena M 14 Biddle, Cadwalader 14 Bodio, Luigi 14 Bradley, A. A 15 Chetwood, John, jr 18 DeFrance, C. A 19 Fairbanks, Charles Warren 21 Garrett, Philip C 21 George, Henry 22 Great Britain. Board of trade. 22 Hall, Prescott F 25, 26 Immigration restriction league 28-29 Schulteis, Herman J 37 Smith, Richmond Mayo- 38 Stone, WUliam Alexis 39 SUBJECT INDEX 155 Restriction: Page Strong, Josiah \ 39 Swank, James M 40 Turner, George 40 United States. Congress. Sen- ate 42 House 42 Walker, Francis A 46 Periodicals — 1887,1888 52 1889 53 1891 54,55 1892 55 1893 56,57 1894 58 1896,1897 59 1898 60-61 1900 61 1901, 1902 62 1904 67,72,73,74 1905 77,82 1906 85, 86, 89 Congressional documents — 1836,1838 95 1893 103 1894 105 1897 107 Australia — Periodicals — 1903 66 1905 83 British colonies — Great Britain 24 Foreign countries — Great Britain 24 Great Britain — Bradshaw, F., and C. Emanuel 15 Periodicals — 1904 74 Russian immigration: Bernheimer, Charles S 14 Richter, Dmitri] J 36 United States. Bureau of for- eign commerce 41 Whelpley, James D 47 Periodicals — 1882 51 1893 57 1898 61 1902 63 1903 67 1904. 69 1906 84 Russian immigration: Consular reports — 1887 Page 126 1904 1 33 See also Jewish TION Ruthenians: Periodicals — 1904 immigra- 75 S.\N Francisco, in — United States. President.. Periodicals — 1906 44 90 1907 91 Congressional documents— 1906 92, 93. 94 112 Scandinavian immigration: Andersen, R Peterson, P. A Steiner, Edward A 13 35 39 \Mielpley, James D. Periodicals — 1892 47 55 1904 71 1905 76 1906 ... 86,88 Co7isular report — 1904 . . . 133 Scotch immigration: Periodicals — 1906 85 Consular report — 1904 . 132,133 Slav immior.\tion: Ch^lard, Raoul Steiner, Edward A.. Warne, Frank J Periodicals — 1902 18 39 46 62 1903 . .. 64.66 1904 . . . 75 1905 ... 76.80 1906 Slovak immigr.\tion: Periodicals — 1903 1904 South, Imniit;:rati()n and the: Immigration and the southern states Immigration convention Louisiana. Bureau of immi- gration 84 64 28 28 32 156 SUBJECT INDEX South, Immigration and the: Missouri immigi'ation conven- tion 34 Periodicals — 1904 69-76 1905 77-81,83 1906 85,87,88,90 1907 92,93 Consular report — 1906 136 South Africa: Longstaff, George B 31 South Amejiica: Longstaff, George B 31 United States. Bureau of foreign commerce 41 Consular reports — 1891 128 1899 131 Spanish in — Consular report — 1889 127 South Carolina: Immigration and the southern states 28 Immigration convention 28 Congressional document — 1907 112 Decisions — 1906 123 Spanish immigration: United States. Bureau of foreign commerce 41 Whelpley, James D 47 Periodicals — 1906 90 Consular reports — 1890 128 1904 133 1905 135 Statistics : Durand, E. Dana 20 Great Britain. Board of trade 22 Hall, Prescott F 25 Immigration restriction league 28,29 New York. Bulletin of Department of labor 34 Schade, Louis 37 Social progress 39 Statistics: page United States. Department of commerce and labor 43 Industrial commission 44 Treasury department 45 Periodicals — 1885 50 1896 59 1905 76,77 Congressional documents — 1838 96 1894,1895 105 1820-1906 113-119 Consular reports — 1882 125 1890 128 1897 130 1904 133 1905 135 Steerage passengers: Barnard, Helen M 14 Brandenburg, Broughton 15 Colne, C 18 Craig, B. F 19 Piper, Horace L 35 Sanders, Thomas B 36 Steiner, Edward A 39 Turner, Thomas J 40 Wood worth, John M 48 Periodicals — 1904 74 1905 81 1906 88 Congressional documents — 1846 96 1854 97 1874 99 Decisions — 1906 123 Swedish immigration: United States. . B u reau of foreign commerce 41 Periodicals — 1905 83,84 Consular reports — 1887 126 1904 133 Swiss immigration: Dreifuss, J 20 United States. Bureau of foreign commerce 41 SUBJECT INDEX 157 Swiss immigration: Page Whclplcy, James D 47 Consular reports — 1881, 1882 125 1887 126 1895,1898 130 1904 133 TiJ.VDE UNIONS AND IMMIGRATION: Stewart, Ethelbert 39 Wilkins, William H 48 Wright, Carroll D 49 Periodicals — 1904... 69 1905 79,83 Transportation : Meyers, John F 33 Congressional document — 1872 99 See also Distribution Ti{ansvaal: Consular reports — 1903 131 1904 132 Venezuela: Page Consular reports — 1894 129 1896.1898 130 Italians in — Consular report — 1898 131 Welsh immigration: Periodicals — 1906 89 West Indies: United States. Bureau of foreign covimerce 41 West Virginia, Italians in — Periodicals — 1903 65 Wisconsin, Bohemians in — Periodicals — 1904 75 sa 93 ** 7 8< 98 *7 THE UNIVERSITY LIBKAwv^ UN.VEBS.TY OF CAUFOBN.A LIBRARY Los Angeles T.isb.oKi,OUEoo.he,a,,pedbe,ow. 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